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I must explain that I had been giving excellent predictions throughVimshottari dasha and vargas which late Shehadri mentioned in his booksbut which I popularised on a large scale.

But I had to use Chara dasha and many other dashas of Jaimini out ofsheer necessity and demand. The reasons are:

1. During my service career I was posted in Shillong (1962­63) when Imet many Bengalis who had lost their birth horoscopes when they werefleeing from what then was East Pakistan.

2. Then I had two postings in Calcutta (1967 to 1969 and again from 1975to 1978 when again I met many Bengalis who had lost their birthhoroscopes when they were fleeing from what then was East Pakistan.

3. From 1978 till my retirement in 1990, I met many Punjabis andHaryanvis and Delhites who were either refugees who had lost theirhoroscopes while fleeing from West Pakistan at the time of the partition ofIndia in 1947 or had Arya Samaj background and never got theirhoroscopes prepared. When they felt the need to have astrologicalreadings, some of them came to me and I found out that if I fixed theirlagnas properly on the basis of the scanty information they provided,without fixing the degrees of the lagna, I could give them helpfulpredictions on the basis of Chara dasha and seven, and only sevenkarakas.

I also found that being a government officer with ten to five office hours,I was always short of time and I needed accurate Vimshottari dasha aftercorrecting the birth time which is wrong in ninety percent times. I solvedmy problem by heavily relying on Chara dasha and Karakas and doublechecked it with Vimshottari dasha without using vargas in most cases andgave good predictions though some went wrong awfully also.

In those cases where I had accurate horoscopes, I used both dashas andeven some conditional dashas on which I did lot of research but have leftit to my colleagues in the Astrology Faculty of the Bharatiya VidyaBhawan. In these cases I invariably used divisional charts most of which,(leaving some) I have revealed in my books. Let me talk about ECMD.

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Keeping this background in the mind follow my discussion of thehoroscopes under ECMCD or Education, Career, Marriage, Children andDeath.

Follow my line of reasoning by preparing charts in which all birthhorososcopes are:1) Marked with karakas.2) Mark the Karakamsha (KL) alongwith the Atmakaraka also in the lagna.3) Mark the putrakaraka (PK)4) Mark the darakaraka and also the darakaraka navamsha in the birthhoroscope. (DKN) and note the dual use I make of it for marriage andalso death.5) Mark the upapada in the birth horoscope.

Computing the Chara dasha periodsIn calculating the periods I neither add one extra year for exalted planetnor deduct one extra for debilitated period for the following reasons:1) Since there are only twelve rashis, so the maximum dasha period canbe of twelve years only. If Mercury is at two degrees in Kanya,by addingone year to full twelve year period it will become thirteen.2) If Jupiter is at two degrees in Makara, for the Dhanu period the periodwill be zero which appears absurd to me as no rashi can have zero period.Additionally, Dhanu periods are known for rise and fall, sudden events andeven tragedies. If in a horoscope there is a zero year for it, someimportant events cannot be seen at all is my experience.3) In timing events in horoscopes which have exalted and debilitatedplanets as in the case of Queen Elizabeth II and Chandrasekhar, theformer prime minister of India, I will show how following my method,timing of events becomes accurate.

I and my students have followed this method and have given manysuccessful predictions with timing becoming accurate. The illustrativehoroscopes being used here are of those famous persons who life eventsare historically documented and the horoscopes used have correct lagnasthough the degrees of the lagna may be debatable. But in using Charadasha that is not a handicap.

NOTE: I use the Karakamsha lagna in the birth horoscope for many goodreasons which are sound. I will explain it. If all karakas are used innavamsha it is called Swamsha. It is the tradition followed in many partsof northern India and gives excellent results. See a sutra for example:

Shukrendo Shukradrishe rasavadi p 49, meaning that if Venus is inKarakamsha lagna and is aspected by Moon, he will become a dealer inmedicines etc. (Suresh Ch, Mishra Jaimini Sutram of Ranjan Publications,1989 edition in Hindi)

Anyone in the world with Moon and Venus in the same degrees asAtmakaraka and Amatyakaraka in the birth horoscope will also have themin navamsha and they all will become dealers in medicines. If you judge itfrom Karakamsha in lagna it may give a different meaning and lot offlexibility is available for interpretation. It is why traditionally, northIndian astrologers put Karakamsha in the birth horoscope and judge theresults.


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If you blend the results from Karakamsha in lagna and Karakamsha inSwamsha (meaning all karakas put in navamsha as south Indianastrologers do) you get better results.

Special PointFinally, no writer on Jaimini has talked of Darakaraka as both giver ofspouse and also death. Death should ofcourse be predicted after findingout the span of life which is a tough task and should be approachedthrough many techniques combined in a harmonious scheme andtechnique.

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MY SEVEN STEP APPROACHOriginally written for Journal of Astrology. This article and related

material has been syndicated to other websites.

Lost in wilderness, shrouded in the ambiguity of aphorism and interpreted in arbitraryfashion by astrologers with genuine to fraudulent claims, Jaimini astrology will continue tobaffle astrologers for many more decades.

What then should be the approach of an astrologer in genuine search of working andworkable Jaimini methods tormented me, as it must have many astrologers. I thereforeevolved a seven step approach.

First stepEach astrologer wanting to make Jaimini astrology his predictive tool mustfirst read whatever books are available, most of them in translations.

My Findings: KarakasThe first problem was to decide when to use seven karakas and wheneight. It was not a ticklish problem at all as if all planets are calculatedupto seconds, there never was a clash between two planets contesting forthe position of a karaka. Try it and see if I am right. I solved this problemeasily.

Meaning of Karakas: My Original ResearchI studied whatever was available on Jaimini and collected a huge libraryand found that no one, even the most respected Krishna Mishra orNeelakantha even hinted at how these Karakas were to be used. It waslike someone telling me that he lived in Bombay but never gave hisaddress. It shocked me totally and sometimes I felt that either it washidden or these great and famous commentators never understood theiruses. Then, B.Suryanarain Rao, B.V.Raman, P.S.Sastry or IrangantiRancharya who wrote articles in the Astrological Magazine never evenpointed out or produced any research to show how these karakas were tobe used. I took a bold decision to do it myself, a task which had neverbeen done before by anyone.

Rule of harmonyThen as in law, so in astrology follow the principle of harmony in theinterpretation of karakas. I reasoned out myself and came with aworkable method which has turned to be a very effective tool forprediction. I have shown it through various examples for twenty six yearsnow in 2010 and will show many more in this article.

AtmakarakaIn Parashara you have the first house and its lord for self so that shouldbe the Atmakaraka a planet with the highest degrees.

In Parashara you have the third house and its lord for siblings etc so thatshould be the Bhatrikaraka. So that should be a planet with the thirdhighest degrees.

In Parashara you have the fourth house and its lord for mother andhome etc so that should be the Matrikaraka. So that should be a planetwith the fourth highest degrees.

In Parashara you have the fifth house for education, children, mantraetc. So the fifth karaka must be Putrakaraka. So that should be a planetwith the fifth highest degrees.

In Parashara you have the sixth house and its lord for enemies, diseasesetc and so it should be the Gnathikaraka.So that should be a planet withthe sixth highest degrees.

In Parashara you have the seventh house and its lord for spouse etc andso it should be the Darakaka. So that should be a planet with the lowest


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What about Amatyakaraka then ? What about the second karaka then ?

It is Amatyakaraka which means a courtier or an important man in thecourt of a king in the days of monarchy. So in our days it should mean animportant man and by extension your own importance. Is it a hint aboutcareer I wondered and proceeded with this assumption with my researchand got amazing results as I will show.

What about a karaka for father? The problem is easily solved if you useBhatrikaraka and Sun for father and Bhatrikaraka and Mars for siblings ashas been as shown in some books on Jaimini. Here we must rememberthat sthirakarakas must always be considered in Jaimini astrology.

AbbreviationsThe abbreviations I used then were AK, AmK, BK, MK.PK.GK. and DK. Ithen combined sthirakakas like Sun for father, Moon for mother etc.

PadasFor padas I decided not to use any exception and got excellent resultswhich I will show partially in this article or a later article.

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MY SEVEN STEP APPROACHOriginally written for Journal of Astrology. This article and related

material has been syndicated to other websites.

Second stepWhatever the translators say must never be accepted blindly. Rememberthat most of the translators are Sanskrit scholars but not distinguishedastrologers or successful predictors. We are grateful to them for makingavailable many manuscripts but we must become cautious when it comesto their what I call “ shloka mauling and sutra chopping” boast.

My FindingManoj Pathak a teacher of astrology in the Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan, NewDelhi, decided to do a research on Parashara’s Chakra dasha and foundthat out of eight different translations of available Parashara texts, noastrologer knew how to compute it. The translation they gave never gaveany accurate results. He has solved the problem amazingly now. He andhis students have been giving brilliant readings based on Chakra dasha.Soon they are going to come out with an amazing book.

Through experience you will know when and how to ignore thesetranslators or even commentators (though there is none really who can becalled a commentator of these books) and then getting enmeshed in aconfusion, seek a way out of it with lot of struggle if you persist with yourresearch.

Third stepTest whatever has been understood on the well known events of your ownlife on your chart and on those of your family members or friends whoselife events are known to you with correct events and correct dates.

My FindingThe results I got were amazing and brilliant and it is the experience of mystudents also.

Fourth stepNow try it on the well known horoscopes of famous people and test thevalidity of your understanding on the horoscopes of yours and of yourrelation and friends which you have done earlier.

My FindingIt is what I am going to show in this article.

Fifth stepDo not bring in fanciful theories which are not mentioned in anytranslation of Jaimini like the CHAR KARAKA SUBSTITUTION which is afanciful, if also fraudulent, theory being circulated now.

My FindingReject totally what is not given either in Jaimini sutras or in the Jaiminiportion in Parashara text otherwise you will walk into a cave where youwill suffer astrological suffocation.

Sixth stepWherever your testing necessitates it, modify with reasons the translationof Jaimini texts remembering that most of these translators were and areonly Sanskrit scholars and not sucessful predictors because of which theymay have misinterpreted or even wrongly translated some shlokas andsutras.


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My FindingIt is a risk you take but not rashly or with fraudulent claim that you havelearnt it from some secret tradition which can be dubious and fraudulent. Claiming to be belonging to a secret tradition is marketing.

You must prove it and replicate it over a period of many years as I havedone before publishing my research. Your aim must be to contributesomething for understanding the changed and changing times throughastrology and reject or modify whatever has agricultural and pastoralconnotation when these books of astrology were written.

Seventh stepWithout losing respect for Krishna Mishra or Neelakantha, the famouscommentators on Jaimini sutras, keep in mind that their ownunderstanding or interpretation may be incomplete or even wrong.

My FindingI will refer to it later and not in this article.

After laying the seven step approach let me explain how I proceeded ininterpreting Jaimini astrology within my own limitations. I took a bolddecision to do it myself, a task which had never been done before byanyone.

Special PointFinally, no writer on Jaimini has talked of Darakaraka as both giver ofspouse and also death. Death should ofcourse be predicted after findingout the span of life which is a tough task and should be approachedthrough many techniques combined in a harmonious scheme andtechnique.

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Jaimini Astrology ­ 7 Step Method IIOriginally written for Journal of Astrology. This article and related

material has been syndicated to other websites.

Just as you begin to grow mature you will learn that you have to avoiddiscussing astrology with an astro­neophyte as much as the dogmaticpandit who argues that his interpretation of a shloka from a Jyotisha bookor even a sutra alone is correct. Challenge him, if you are in a mood toargue with him, to show the correctness of his interpretation on tenhoroscopes and he will run away but become your enemy for the rest ofyour life. On such occasions remember God and Oliver Goldsmith both.“Every absurdity has a champion to defend it.” – OliverGoldsmith.Remember Oliver Goldsmith again“If you were to make littlefishes talk, they would talk like whales.”

Simhastha BrihaspatiDo not accept any interpretation given blindly as for example in MuhurthaSamhitas, Simhastha Brihaspati or Jupiter’s transit in Simha is forbiddenfor marriages in some muhurta books. Late Sri S.K.Kelkar did some workon it, being a suave non­traditionalist, found that marriages done in thisperiod were just like any other marriages and that the promise in thebirth horoscope alone showed correct results. I got done a larger researchby asking seven women astrologers, who had collected one hundred andsixty seven horoscopes, to produce a largeresearch, the biggest on thesubject till date and they were amused to find that there was no terror inSimhastha Brihaspati marriages. Some of the marriages which were threedecades old were very happy ones.

The need to do this research arose because this is the only muhurtha Ihave seen which is not universal but relates only to the territory betweenGodavari and Ganga. One astrologer argued with me and said thatall gods(remember that it is said that Hindus have 33 crore gods) go away tosouth India and do not remain in the north at all. I, in turn asked him ifthe railway minister of India spent sleepless nights during this periodwhen Jupiter was in Simha.

The panchanga (almanac) makes ignore these researches and continue tofrighten people with the fictitious results of marriages performed whenJupiter is in Simha which occurs every twelve years.

When these untested dogmas become source of fright, astrology ceases tobe the super science it is and, becomes a superstition. It is so withshlokas and sutras also. Do not accept them blindly as we do not knowwhat are genuine and what are interpolated.

Make your own bold research hoping that someday some wise astrologerswill see the utility of this for the modern age. Tradition should berespected not as a dogma but with malleable intelligence. The aim shouldbe to bring in liberal elitism without violence to scientific and acceptableinterpretation of rich astrological tradition of ours given by wise punditslike Madhura Krishnamurthy Sastri and men of his caliber.

Working sincerely and most scientifically only one can see theextraordinary beauty of astrology of Hindus. Let me give on instancewhich shows timing without embarrassing the Indian Police Serviceofficer, in service, whose wife’s horoscope is being discussed.

A police officer Ajay Kashyap (IPS) posted in Delhi was selected for aprestigious job in UNO in 2010 as I had predicted, but he was not beingrelieved by the authorities in Delhi including the Lt. Governor because ofthe Commonwealth Games in October 2010. His wife, an astrology studentin the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, asked me and I told her that according toher horoscope, she would be out of India by 17 August 2010, CWG or noCWG. I had to devote some time to calculate it which is a tedious task.

She wrote to me an email which I reproduce here editing out her id.


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From: @mail.com > From: archna [email protected] ? To: [email protected] Subject: Accurate prediction of Shri K N Rao Date: Thu, 12 Aug 2010 22:17:41 IST

Pranam There was considerable uncertainty about my husband's movement fromIndia on account of his posting abroad. This dilemma was posed to Shri KN Rao our guru, a few weeks ago. On the basis of his analysis of my patrialone, he predicted that we would move from India to the United Stateson the 17th of August 2010. This was at a time when clearance from theGovernment seemed difficult, if not remote, in view of the forthcomingCommonwealth Games to be held in New Delhi in October 2010, and thecritical position held by my husband. However suddenly the denials ofsenior ministry officials were overruled and Government approvals camethrough. Amazingly, our date of journey is exactly as predicted by Shri KN Rao Sir. This is a remarkable prediction made by Shri K.N.Rao, basedsolely on the study of the spouse's i.e. my, patri (chart).

With warmest regards Archna

Sagittarius 12.12.1965,Scorpio

DOB: December 1965, 08: 13 am, Mirzapur, UP, India

Later when students asked me, I explained that it is through the Charadasha which I had taught to them and which jyotisha softwares calculatewrongly. Let me give instances from the horoscope of Indira Gandhi howchara dasha shows some events in her life to the nearest date. In thecase of Mrs. Archana, see the chart and the DK in Mithuna and it isMithuna dasha running which is favourable for her husband. When sheasked the question it was the antardasha of Kanya from where the DK isin the tenth house of elevation about which I had given prediction to herhusband earlier last year (2009)

Now the pratyantara dasha running was of Karka from where DK is in thetwelfth, Mithuna. This pratyantara dasha was ending on 17 August 20101.It was easy to predict that by 17 August 2010 her husband would be out ofIndia. She acknowledge it through email and told me that the objectionsof the police commissioner Delhi, Mr. Dadhwal and, of the Lt.Governor,were overruled by the Home Ministry which she had not expected andwhen the orders came, she booked tickets for New York for 17 August.

This is the beauty of Jaimini and the Chara Dasha I have researched on,not caring for obscurantist pandits who, knowing English, reel off theirsuperstitions in the internet forums and also in astrological journals. Leftto themselves, they cannot prove the validity of their own interpretationon one hundred horoscopes at least.

Some of them will come out with fanciful theories by saying thatShastyamsha, (D 60) is used to see past birth and some other vargas likeD 40 from what you inherit from your mother and D 45 for what youinherit from your father with the fullest confidence that MaharshiParashara will not come down to the earth and complain about beingmaimed. These are fanciful theories which can never find any supportfrom available texts of Parashara and cannot be proven on hundreds ofhoroscopes.

(Those who use Jhora will observe that the Cancer PD ends on 18th Augwhereas the event happened on 17th Aug matching with the ending ofCancer PD as calculated by K N Rao. )

I have lot of feedback from people to whom I have given consultationwhich I cannot disclose and betray confidences. It is better to say thatyou have an astrological observation and request other astrologers to testit on horoscopes in their possession to help astrology progress with theastrologer remaining in the background.

An intelligent and open minded lover of astrology reads books with an

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open mind, tries the techniques given and then forms his opinion. Here issomeone who calls my method controversial but still has somethingcomplimentary to say because he is intelligent, not stupid; open mindednot a dogma filled dullard.

I am editing out his id.

From: Acyutananda Dasa <a@com> To: <[email protected]> Subject: Love your books! Please give me a mantra Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2006 06:51:41 IST

Dear Sri Sri KN Rao Srila Gurudeva, I recently went to the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in Delhi where you teach.At the bookstore I purchased nearly all of your books! (Everyone that wasavailable to say the least). I love your landmark work on Chara Dasha,and though it is quite a controversial work based on other treatises whichI have read on the subject, I do appreciate the scientific aspect you throwinto your work. That’s what makes it credible, reliable, and authentic.Meaning therefore, that your books are the only ones which are useful andgenuine on the market.


I tell students not to accept blindly what is given in the translations ofBrihat Parashara etc. not to be overwhelmed by the pandit who rattles offlot of gibberish in Sanskrit but knows no astrology of practical use to us inthe day to day life. There are two types of astrologers who are the mainmenace, first the greedy money earning one who can adopt any trick tocheat you and the other who poses to be a scholar and misleads you withhis obstinate insistence on wrong interpretation, wrong approach,primitive approach and abysmal record of predictive astrology.

A well placed woman student who had topped in our jyotisha examinationand is now in quite a high post wrote to me the following which I amreproducing again editing out her id.

From: ambica gulati @.com> To: [email protected] Subject: thank you Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2005 12:51:04 IST

Dear Sir I thought I should thank you for grooming me to handle the position I dotoday. Your research pattern is so well thought out that it can beat eventhe best of institutes. I interviewed the director of ManagementDevelopment Institute, Dr Pritam Singh (He got a padma shri in 2003) andI discovered that you have been grooming me in the same way to reachthat mental and physical level. Today, I feel I am more equipped tohandle life as I read and write better and am more discriminating in myassociations. So I guess, all's well that ends well.

AmbicaAmbica Gulati


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