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"]'u ~e '.cessn:riis, J!tnitas, in ilDubiis £ibertas, in ' ®mnibus (!inritos."

REV. EDWARD PURCELL, EDITOR.] ETER[\<IS·---$2.50, PER ANNUM---IN Anv,ANcE. -.-==~~=,=. ~~=='~=="'=--="-'.='-=="'-=-''=====~====~=- -_.=-' =====~~=;=~-==¥===-==' ==,=,-,-~=.=,,==. 7='-=-=W=-=" ~== .,---,-- -_ ,_-+_.W>=~ :;=---. -

VOL: ·:XVIII.- ,~-'NO_ ' 52. CINCINNATI, ,TI-IURSDA Y" DEOE]1:BER 27, ',' 1849. -VV-HOLE NO. 244. ::==,=::,=~;:::;:::::~.--~-~,~,,~~~-~~==~-~~~=~====~..-.~~~=~.~=. ======~~==7~==~':::==-=~~=' -'~~=~==~=~~'E~~='=~-=~==::'=-=::::':===~~'5.==-========~~~~~~=,=======~~_=~

E'~§;[l'n:;:§§ IDHEP • .flR'Fl'IIENT. ~f other,s; the eyes of t1J~ir understanding are always The Presiderit is nnfortunatein his relatives. in value entirely to the operation of fr~~ trade ';


d9nfunlir ~rl.rg,rnF.U ~~\)%lOnorattl

fixed on their great model Jesus Chl'ist, "ho' bore so A sing1~ Bonaparte of any prudence or sagacity. but it would, 'I th ink, be more correct to ~scribe patiently with the blindness, tho jealous)', the incre- WOll1d be invaluable to him at , this J'noment. it to the e~fect of f~m i ne, the increas'e of poo;­dnlity, and the other jmperfectior.s of'his disciplcs. He has dOlle his -best with thein; he gave · one rate, and, m a consld~rable degree, to. the ab-

an imporlant 111ission itt Madrid, which he Ivas solute panic ,,,hich' the Protectionists are work­too silly to be trus ted with for ten days. ,ing so ihdefatigably to spread tln:oughout the Ano ther rushes ,home from a command in Al- eountry about the ine;vitable l:,uin of agl'icuitU1;e; ,

, , ,


, C~\'1'Hoi!C BOOK d9EPWI'1'ORY, 255 ;\fAIN STREET, '''est ,.ide , 'Four ,d()or~_ nboye Gth.


J ANU AR Y. Tuesday-t . '

The numbel'less benefits which God bestows us, as well as those wbich he promises, should induce us flev~r t.o act'for our own glory, ~nt to p~rform all onr actions for the greater glory of God.

TnR IH 8- $2;50 if paid in advance , tbat isduring thelfir.st three " Teanesday-2 .. mon ths of ,the s·ub.scription ye :l~, otherwi,~e Three Dollars will b{l If priqe tempt-s us to exalt, Vle sh~uld humble OlJ'r-

char;;ed. .' t .... selv,es; if it urges us to thollghts of self-esteem,_ we A,ny .per~on Pf?cur ing a new subscriber, a.nd· send ing tis $4 in ~~-vance, '\'ill rec~iye..d\-o copi es 'for ol\6,. ,yenr. Any person procllrJllg should think on onr w eakness and impe'rfec tion; if it two new suh sc~'i1Jers , and IjJlJU itting us $5 in ,~dvancc, will r~ceive tClnpts u s to os teJltation, w e shou ld abstain f rom every

' three copies for one year. l , 1 ' I d Clergymen a.11fl , othe r~ , wbo ll'!llY, forward the nam,!s of four new t ,ling t Ult ¥loul cause us ,to h~ ,r ernarkec1, and prefer

suhscribers ('with the money in a.dYance, $10), shall receive 'the . rDeUll and hurn ple employment to those 'that nrp g r eal . pa.~}ergrl1t..isJ?rolle year. ' , ,~ and h9 11 orable . / ylnhs o t:.fi'l}~ or '11Wr(J ne.w '8'u,bscribc·rs rorwarding thy money in' au. v,:tllce, m,w each' rece ive the p<1peri for onc"'yenr for two dolled·s. '

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~==============~=~ at the discre-ti6n of the p·ublisher . 1 ~ All Dai)ers- , ~vill be forwarded until an explicit ~rc1er for Iliscontinn- TRA VELH¥G 'FAVH.JITIES.

ance is rc eeived ' ; and \\Ihether t8.ken up Ly the sub5criberor not from . '" - ,---the place, w~1Cretl1('Y arc deposit.e(l, he will be (Ield account.able for By, Ra1.z.road-A passe nger train leaves the d.e Jot J

tjle 1pny until be 'oJ'('lc rs a di scontin,u6.n~e. and p'3YS }lP all that is dne. CO,r11 01' of Front and IGl g-ol1r strec t~ , If pa.pers are sent. t~ post oflh:e, store, t::i:ve rn, ~r 'p~ace pfcleposit, for Springfield, Saudusky alld Raft'alo t

:11ul are. not taken ,by the person ':to \vhom the S' are !:ent, the post a,t 5 10 A.~I., and :3 o'c lock, P.M. maste r, S:fore 0li t,<ntem !i.eepe"r, stc" is responsible fe}]" the payment, By Canal Packet~-G. W. Pave r's "Dilily Packet, OI l U'Qtil' he returns the paper, or gives notice to th~ publishei that they .... 1'Vbltewatc:r CanaL, leaves at 3 o'ct.< ek:! ,are r~m::Lil1i .llg de=1d in th~' o¥i~e. . , ....., , , P.M. , ,:':- In t.:onscQuence of be ing ohti'gec1 to pay posta ge on dll papers sent By S tea1nboat-DuiI'y Morni'l1g Packets l eave for IVIr. ys. toth~ Briti shP.ro\'ince s !wec:ha rge $3 a ·yellI:f(inadvallce)"toOUr , OIl lL ' '11 t 11 ' I I M sub;cri"ers in Great Dri!"i", Ireland M Il the Colonies. " VI i e,.UJIl , onlSVI e,a ' b c 6C <, A._ , 'flte' Rev. Cl~rgy are. respec~fnIlY l'~tlU~steu to ~end in refi giolls Ditto D aily Pit!sburgh Packets leave every

I <Iud other, notices inlellded fo r publication as early as poss ihle in I day a t 10 o'clock. ' 'the w~!e k,. \lVe S!IOU\!\' recci' .... e ~u(.!b infori11ation 0[1 or beiore 'fues· Ditto D'-iann::t 1 caves for Frallk fort, Le~ing1 on~ ' day evening, to insuJ e inse r: tio n. ' ~, , ' "I Drennon a1}q HtllTods bu.rgh SpriltgsJ

A ll Letters, Communications, &e ., should he 'po$t~paid, 8.nd every Sunduy and Wednesdny "nl0rn-alldrelsed to' ing at 10 o'clock" '

JA[V1: BS iU' CORMiCK, Publisher.

geria to Paris, when his absence was far pre - ~ I f I IE I . , ' b I . , , on e 0 t lC ar of Blc.smgton's Estate •. fera Ie to JlS companv, acts as If he were TIle c, 1e f tlJe" t 't ' d " . . ' , ~a 'S 0 ,s" es a ,os were resume ' on crack-bramed ll~ the Assembly, and would be 'Fdd (tl 26tl It) -. , M' t . L'tt " ffi fighting a duel twice or thrice a week with news- 'rl aY

tt lde 1 u

f . 1

tn! <lS efl I 0

1111 s °t cef'

. , ' ., . " Je a 'en ance 0 o'en , emen rom a pars 0 , " papr!' edlbors, If the police would let hlln . Poor [1 t ' ,5 t d th ' fl' ' Louis NaDuleon! He does his best with .le, coun ry was .very gre~ " an eo ICE' :was

t b1 • t' I ' cruwded , long before the 'sales commenced" rou esome ma ,ena . , Aft' tl t f 1 '] db ' -' db ' I ' A L . t' . . t . 1 b t ji d er Jeorms 0 sa e HI ' een state ' y t lC , . " eg! Imls conspiracy Jas een a ,{~ master, it was announced that the around rents

ab~mt, and a few arrests have ,taken plac!,! 111 in the city of ' Dub1in would be offe~ed in the "

I co~~eq\le\1ce . , , ' . . eourse 'ofthe dav,- 'and also on- this' day (Satur-I he characLel' of tl1e conspIracy [J;ppears to day) 0 ,1 tl10t t'l ' T ' I 't Id b ' .

I . . . ' , "nu , " 1e \'I'one 0 s wou e re-bave been such as to throlV l'ldlCule on the 1e- , s"nled ""'ond" M' A d tl ' 'I ' . . . . t F . d '~ on i"H "y. r. n erson, 1eSOlCI-glLlmls cause. < orty-slx person's wel'e arreste' , t I' I f J or, laVIng t le carge 0' t 1e s,ales, st,ited that but 110t a single man of note among them. At he had received proposals or offers from .several the time of their arrest "they had jtl~t finislled f I I o t 1e tenants to t JC e~tate, to purchase their reading",,· M. Didier's narrative of his visit to d Frohsdorf. Among their property was found own gronn , ]'~nts .at tw:enty:Vv,,: ye;il~s'. 'pur-some commissions for officers, sealed with a c


tse, ff~ndt haTni:l1ed 111 their wmlen PdroPfobsalStIto

I b . ' b "h ' d ' d' b - t "t ep . ' Jese were approve 0 y ' 1'1" green sea eanng a oar s ea, sun ry us s " t,,· . t t .. 1 f tl t d > d d I ·tl tl e H ' 'V 1 mas vi, pUlsuan 0 an Oluer 0 JC cour ma e , ~n n.:e a s Wille ~ame 0.[ - ~nry ., ~n( in the cause, and 'the purchasers declared ac~ ' lIkeWIse some I franc pieces With tde same .tItle , cordino'l ' 'fhe ~ ·'0 1 t " "tl D bl" I

and the date 1850. l '. '" }., " v, 11, u.s, 0 s I'n. ;e . ~ III re~l- , I' F "c,' E h' · t I tals were then put .up for sale III such order ,as

rom ""astern < urope t ere 1S no very mue 1 . " ' ,·t ' d b ' t,j' . I - . .' d. '1'1 r I '1 ~ 1'"h b d was 1Eques e } 1e ,oent emen III at ten allce, news. le < rene 1 am l!;ng L a.m as~a ors the lowest price at ,vl\ich ' the' would be sold

' ilt Const:mtll1ople have received discretIOnary bel'n . p bll'cl}T a 'd '~ d J t ·· tl dl', : d" .. . ' .. . d' 1 , g u , nnOUllCC "n S llC ya lele ' ho,~er:s ~: to .r~t~::nlll~· t~r s~n ~lg alray t·t\;VO to. There was 'a very brisk COmlJf'tition, and in

E)el s llh~e \~;~Ilmy o'k le btl' a;~c ~s . 11le no' single,' iilstance did au adjournme'nt talw'

car y par' 0 .Ie we~ pu IC a en IOn was a place, each lOG bei~g knocked down in succes: good deal talren up With the rumors of a rup- sio ' ill . d At 'l ' d f tl ' d ' 1 ture 'hiltween Austria and Prussi:1, in conse- Ive


01, et:Oe

l m'ed 'tIl ,'t1teh,CCl

0 ,' Jet ay St sa elds I ' . . d b ,I 'e n' ' h " e aggl'eo'a e re11 s so

que;lce 0 a meJ:acmg protest l$s:le '1 t le amounted in O'tOSS to 888l. for ~hich i9 200l. AGEN'l'S FOR 'l'HE , THE lUAlU~E'l' . ., form er pD wer ,agalllst the appi'oachll1g diet of had b bt' db " 1 't t' t

C, _iTH, O.LlC TELE GRA'PH & -,~DVOCATE. Embracll1g the sale, repprtorl on the book, of the Merehiln ts' E ,- dt It t. t 1 , ', tl t 'A t' " een 0 ame ' , emg 'near y wen,y- WO, Exchange to the lal<;'t hour. ' . , l1Ur " - U1 ns on, lOwever Ja us l'Ia e' 1 tf t I 'L'l ' . . 1

__ ~~~G--,

'" Cincinnati, a-Alexander Pyne I B"Ui1no,'" .Afd,-J, MUrpl1Y&CO h;1d m~i~ely 'rem oll st r~ted in R.I~ ~micable spirit. bI ~,l~S . pu~'~ J~s: ?n"i leL r:I~:a: ",. :eEPJ'ln~~~ , , , .... - ~;d . Boyle 'D~nvi,lle, K,10 :C co., a,-Benedict PI ' O· 0' to th ~ 1 ' t ft . ', " tt ' 'rhlJ 't' ,r."s t;OE ::JS to when his Hojiness wiH re- I'·11c·1jeISdw D·1 ~1] An·Jl~lLi n I e F:llId~lnt-":s, Esq " tVI' " "', ',"_'"r' n'll1'-~ W111 " , e l.1ll1 el. am,Q'.U) ,,;,}rw g - .le , , " ] 'U' I ' exane er m a er sq 'e ('o{"mans-Jolln i\fcNamec " . , > im,rket l't:.mains ([ l li et-~lld the- only ,sale Iwurd 'of to" ,turn to Rome, s,eems still in abe.yance. ,His boo d" f E :'0 0" d' H . R d '. " .,. Chil ico!.bc.--D" ['.Me.cally I Jil "",iYcTlw,\ a.,a1ld v;c'initv- daywas 130 brls. from canal at 4:45 1,-;'. We quote . 1 . l i b II ,,1' 0 x Cl."e , "n lVlI. , Y e1. Da,yto!,-Pat.ri~k Kelly , , R6v, '1' . J . lloulger '!:40ial4:60 as the range for Iiew whea{2 prese.nce appears anxIOus y WIS lee y a par- ',. " ., ifll>niltoll-Re,·. D.M. Hallinai, Lower Sandusky, O.-Dr. P. ' ties in Ronie wbo hnve th'e sJilrhtest interest in Frightful Ine,endiarism'. r)iTilevill~James Fe~ny Beaugranrl !'1'pvisio" s"::'Srlles of 200,000 lbo. Han,s in pickle, at , ~ 0 ' h . 't· I 'h I I '

, 57.{4c, packages inciuded-IOO brls, head L, ard ut 5c, ,' 45 the promotion of order.' It ,app' ears now to be ,n t e "evenmg 0 t Ie ,16\ u ' t. t le hag'bo'ar'&' , .. T~Uin-WJl1. Jo~n5ton, J r. Gatcna,lll.-J;lmes Ryan ~ f 11'1 J IT cT I ' .IlIOI.)ttf.ll- :lIartlll S't,iflha B~ffi'lo-'Ylr. Pierce do. butcher:!' , at same; 33 do. gut at 5:15; and 200 tqs' ' generally fe lt that ,he could nut po~sibly have 0 lV, r. ames , "cune. y, a lyeaH Jy, industrious, ' J1ta.<silIon-PatrickCarey NelD Yor:,-D , & J . Sadlier, 58 ~team,rendered 'at5%,c. , I taken any other course than he has done 'in all anq respectable farmer, residing in Ross on the JJkron &- Cuyahoga Fl,Us,~John Golt! sticet. ' llogs-c·:'VVe have again to rep'ort a'q \liet market, with tl . 1 t d' }' I II I b I f <I K ' " C j d' d

I DIl';" ' ..: Gt,lveston- N. D: Labadie exce.ediiigly nght sales, but in prices, or tIle feeling ex- r Jemlsune ers an wgs W lIC 1: lave .ta, (~n pace. orc ers '0 LIe ' wg s o~n"y, was Iscoverj:: . l)mdiin- john O'Mealy ,Clcvclmu/-Thoma3 Matthews hibited their i$ no change. There are bnyers 'ut$2:85 , The character of the Papacy, Its lmmense on fire by Fat Connors, his I worhm,an, ,yho ,a.t

" z",",sviUe-l'hilip Haff)' , Seipio, .fen"j,igs CO " lild,- -Rev. ial2:95- and lots of extra heavy might probably be dis- I powe.]' "f resistance, the utter impossibility of once ,gave the ah~rm, IV heh the po.lic~ 0'£ lbe dis-" S,"wrsct-Jacob Co,ti~crr D, Molony' posed of at $3. NegotiatiO!'S were pe'neling fhis after.- I sltttling any' dispute reg'arding it })y the sword, trict find the neighboring people were 011 the

:Laii::.,<te;-~ichal'd J. Lilly St . l.ouis, J1fo, --M,', R. [·l,lJett, noonior severullots,Qut the o,llly s"l e,ofwhich we heard ! are, d a wninn' gTadll"llly on tl,'e m' ind' s of pel'sollS $))ot, and emfea vored to extill[tuish'the fia'mes" 'St, .10"111<'. Ck""e/t, Per-ry co.- Sand"sky ' City, O.--Mr. J . P. the p'articnlaro was 98 head avo wt. 240 Ibs. at $2,:90 I '" " 1'1 , . u • " ,

Neil Cro"en , 'l'imonds I Grocej'ies-S"les of 20 hhds. f[tir New ,Sugar at.. i \Vho once thought' to determine such amlirs whic.h each moment , gained strength ,and .in- -&Iw,;ilt.;'>er!'y co.-.I . McGuilei Fl,vettevillc; B,·own co.O-'1'hos .. 4%c., :md 11 ' do commOIl 'at 4Y.£c. ca~ h, and 92 brls. i after a very summary and ' off-hand nlatmer. 'cI'eased with fearful rapidity, from ,~ the wind. St P"trick's C,;'nl'Ch,.!aekson' 1"p .' .,2""'Vi\>,rll~.".i::.,~' n.'!... E "I, w' ,.'nter Molasses at ~4c . cash. ' , i

l Gardinal Lambl'usehiniJ.s name [Jebains ' to ' re - being' high and blowilii! ' unfavorably . ,At

Pe~,.y .'o,-;-.Duniel Clark. ""', - " .Cheese- Sales of 100,ana 500 boxes at Gc, time. t l~ '-1 1 1 u. I )j d I L,,,i.;-iJJ,Ue, Ku.-Webh, MeGill ClwpcifIill, 'Pel' ry co., a.-Rev , ' 0 i ~tpl)ear in the rumors which fiy abroad respect- , we ve 0 c oc (p.m., t 1e entIre l,a!i'Q'm,'u'" , wi} -

U Cor. D'ly 'I' Butter-A wle of 5 keg's good cjty prlcked at 10, I ' u~ and 'Co


, , - .- D1'ied Fruit- Asaleef 120 bnshelsAnnlcs at$1:4.Q· ing bis FIoliness' delibera,tions, and tqis 'statcs- Eng-houses, and a range of out-offices" ,vere .l!Iadtso;l', li~.-Patdek Carr , PittsfrurjJ lt -?Ja .;---Wm. 13 ~ Cono- ~ t' • J d I 1\1 . I f I

' Sb,lt- A sale of 200 sacks TLuks Island at 40c. cash. i Ilan Is c~aid, as m ibC)·ht be expected from a man, cif consume to ~1.S lel"~" 1.,ot a parllc e 0 ,t 1e ,,~ 7~ rrll limite, [a'.-J . D. Murphy' lo:!ue -Ch;",",o. Ill.-UI!., 'McDonnell Xe,,:ia, a.-Mr. Klei'l 'l'urpent-in,c- A sale_o_f_2_5_,b_,1_·ls_. Sp!l'ils ut 42c. casl>. '! such <:!nlnrged view?, by n,o means to recom- ,h qu~e!lOlcl furmture was saved." The dama8'e.

'Pwia. rll.-[.[u ghes & Spurek [rehlf,d, D"blin--J, ~'1cCormick, ! mend a reCLlrrence to thr> 'so-called Austrian, but IS estimated at about ,300t. T11ere w<;j'e SIX Plru I;",] La Suile, flt, - jOh~' 1G Chri,t Chu,rch place. , " 'estern 'Vuters. ltd ' d' " ' l'b l' 1 t 1 f I t t .. b t . t ~l"lo ne .' , The river :it this port has fall en eighteen inches dn I ? eSIl'e. an a Il1lplstratlO!1 as I el:a' .as IS COll- arge , s ac;~ 0 w lea, .. con 'amll1g ,!l 011, "~1~ Y .

~lorris C. H.' allntirll cp., f!l .- rio\\, the last 24 h?urs, and is stillrec,eding; 'I Slstent w!!]; the preservatIOn of pnnclple. barrels, seventeen stacks of, NIts, contallllU)'5'" Amhros!yG'lfonndr I' Not the 1eflst interestii)g faCt of the "w.eek is about 210 barrels, and' a rick 'of :bay, in ,vhi'cfL

~t , LO"i.:,'.:110,-John By",e, Jr, I ,=,=_m-=''''''_¢'','rmw=,.,":,,===;; .. ,,=oc,,=,~~= the discovery at Rome cif a beautiful statuI!, as' there were twenty ton's, completely burne_d to _wao>=_, •. ==".=,;""':', .. ==ri=.c=M=uLw,.,.,,,mu.. 1" at"> rt 'Dnion ;0 nhl.linrnn,. i beR,utiful as any that h\lverb~en sa~i ecl from the the ground! , :rhere can be no doubt butthab

, ' """"' t.(1 () () ! wreck of antiquity. It is :thought :0 be the ,the tire ,vas th e work of an incendia]'y .-~venagh 'l-B t f It 1 q ~ a bIt f . ~ work of LysippLls.-- Tablet. , Gt!al'diqn. ., .




'i'htu°gda y-27 •

God b ~,3tow3 more considerat ion .on the purity of intonti; n,. witii which a ll]' actions are perform cC!, thun on' the actions thenlselves .

Friday·-2S. HU:l1ble souls ar~ CUlt11 nnder contradiction '; they

'nab- culumny rNrth patience. If thei m'e despised or ueglec ted, or forgotten, they c0!lsidcr th at th~y are treat~c! as they deserve. If th~ y are overpowel'ed by dLlty, tilGY perfol')1l it 'with pleasury.

SntuFd~y.L29. ~1c that preaches in ordcr to be appl auded, praised

or-esteemcd, is guilty of nothing less than sacrilege; for is it not sacril ege , to lnake U Se of the woril of God', for the pL1'rpos0 of acq Lliring reputation PI' honor?

, ' Sunday-30. Whel; humble souls are ordered to do any thing,

they, ellll~avo~ to do it cheerfully, no mutter what may he its difliculties, e.nd rely entirely on the strength of obedience ; if they arc assaultei by temptation, they g'oillid themselves more in humi!i.ty; and thus, the very attacks of ,tire devil, make them triumph over pride, the last enemy whom they ha:ve to combat.

lUonday-31. Superiors who love to be contradict ed and despised,

do not me~t with great obstacles in the exerc ise of their Ut!lority ; til0Y look npo n themselves as the servants

THE EVENTS ' QP'(THE WEEK. ~- Cur!olls Circumstance.

:tIRELAND • . LOllis Napoleon is working' away, after hi ;; ;;u!JBcriptions for Ireland--Noblc Contribution for the

usual labor,ions fashion: All the world keeps hi.1I Poor. predicting a coup el' eiat. Will it be this lYeek? TO THE EDITOR OF THE TABLET. Will it be next? What does he mean by this? Catholic Oatbedral, Madras, What does he. mea;n .by that? The fact, per- Oct. 12, 1849. ' !~ap s ,. all the time bel!lg, -that the poor man is My deal' Sir-I have the pleasure toJ inclose quite as non-plus~ed as any of thuse who 'ruess the first of a set of bills of exchange for 15l. at hi s policy, as non-plussed, tha t is, h~w to las . 6d. at thirty days' sight, th e proceeds of a bring ab~ut a crisis. He is like a chess-player, , ~ollec tion hlt,ely mc,'lde at Bellm'y for the reliM winning almost.every move, provohing his op- I)f Irish distress, being consideration for CO~­ponent by his success , and yet provoking 11im- pany's rupees (1,653), one thousand six hun­self just as much, because somehow he cannot :lred and fifty-three, at I s . ldd. the rupee. I t g'ive tb e game the turn necessary to complete is the wish of the contributors that rhi.s mon"y his vic tory. He cont'inues to pay much at len- lie forwarded to you to 'be distributed in such tion to the class 'of DZwl'iel's, and, too'ether with ! h cali ties of Ireland, as YOU may think most de­M. Dllmas, 11<'1s devised a respectf{ble project ':: erving of relief. It wi]'! be satisfactory to them, for sec-qring relief to them w 11 en ,past labor. !,' r you find it convenient to make some acknow­Tbis,jn combinat.ion wilh tbose institutions, tbe : I,)dgment in the TABLET of the receipt and the cites auvl:'ieres or I'ast 11odging-houses , 011 which ; ~l lanner of disbu rsement.- I remain; my dem; he has so widely bestowed l1is influence, may ' ;; ir, yours very sincerely, do P.lllch for the perma.nent relief of that dan­gerous class . On the uther hand, the President continues hi5 steady system of centralising powel' in ·himself on almost every opportnnity that OCCllrs. The ch :;tnge of Ministry is foll owed up by the return of Lamorieiere from Naples, and of Gen, Beaumont from Viellna. Some attention has been exci,ecl by a rather Impera­torial omtion the Presid ent delivered the other da.y to a body of prcfets assembled at the Ely­


see . ,Pierre Bonaparte' s duels are, however, the

most chamc teristic events of the last few days.

Sale jjf Land in iUonaghan.· The JYortlwr.n StanelanZ has an ,lCCOlll1t of the

':ale of a far111 in that connty on Monday (the :' :2d nlt.), consisting of 34 acres, held 'Oil a I,ase of 900 years at l s. 3d. per a.cre. Forty

! ~ :ears ago the \'eI)..der purchased the farm for ! !:lOot, ; in Jannary, 1849, it was offered for sale,

Ivhen it was bought in for 800l., the, highest 1:ana fide bid being 670t.; but OD 'Monday the mrne farm was again put up, and finally sold f9r ')45l. 'l'bis is certainly a great depreci'ation.

i, The Y ortllern Standard attributes tbe falling orr

A sum of £500 ,sllbs'cribed, was set apart by the · Rev . M·I'. D'Arcy for mn,king ,improve­ments in the 11eighbcrrhoocl <?f the Church of _ St , Nicholas, Ga!\yay\ The Towll Commis­sioners were applie~ to for permission to carry " out these improvements. They granted per .. m i~~ion on tb~ ' conditi<?n that the ," Cross" Bones" should be erected at,.the chtn'ch g\lle, to commemorate a tragic event that occurred in, Galway ~enturies ago-the execution ' of his own, son b}l th e Mayor of Galway, (a. Lynch), for h,av,illg mur,dered ill jealousy a $pani&'h ' ge,ntlema'n, a gue~t o~ the Mayor. '

SubscrivtionB fDr Irelull<!. A·letterfrom Tralee '111entipns thai thl) C0un­

tess of Shrewsbury has lately gil'en £20 to: th y' Nuns of Presentation COllvent in that towp, ',. tOl\'ards the enlargement of their ,poor-schqols.


· lENGLAND. American Land Sales-Important to intendhll: Emigrants:

Ascent' of great excitement was witiJessed on Tuesdav eveniIig, last, in the Mechanics' In­st~tution, Manchester. An American co:mpany hael, for a considerablol pfl>rt of t.he year, been aUI'ertising in the newspapers of Liverp901, M:Rll,chester, and Leeds, the sale of seven ,mil- " lions of aCI'es of land in Virginia and rl'ennes;' , . , see,<at the low price of 4s. an acre; and the ao'ents in tho se towns had ~ent out .flam ing ,;' d'~scriptions of the 'soil ' and 9limate, and the great advantages that emigrants would ,enjoy :",'1 who should settle upon it, and had succeeded '

[For ' continuation se,epage 414.] . '

' .

" ,


J.., '\ r


f J __

, •



:: 'YVe regret exc!:!el\I11l-ly bem:; unab1e to a nnonnce a :I l lrge a ssortment of Plano l"orLes. for those deSiring I to se lect lor Chn~tmas aud New Year's presenLs;

110\\ ever, we have one elegant 6t Octave, ronnel corCl~r, oct~gon legs Plan o. of Nunn's & C lark make, Oil hand. and a hoer JOstrument cannot be fonnd III thl:s c it y

~ WE, TilE UNDER<IG~l:r), haIJ"!!"purd,.,sc<l the west-j E A G L E S HOE t.:::f~e· n hun FOUllli.l), turIHl'll) m:.cuplcd b\ \\m. C. Ih\\\:) ~ ~ Co., "oolel 5,') to thell fllc,ol, ,1IIl! the jlubllc, th.,tthe) ,II e I vV H 0 L E SA L E ~ } FIFTH ST. , NORTH h)\\s- nwnUrtl('tULJII~ <.mu. kc~p cOllst,tnti) 011 hand C.I~tlllgS <IS 101- AND No. 34 SIDl:, TIllRD DOOR

Queen Cit\' PICJnIIlI11, f0111 sizes, 1\0 S 1,2,3,4, Im}llOVul PIC- RET A I L. EAS'l' OF W \.J.NUT. mlll)}l, toUl SI:t.CS, No. 1,2,3.4 I .All tIght P,lllul~ I len, Se,cll rl,lte 'Vhere you voll find the lllost complete ussortInent ot Aho--One p):I.111 SQIHlre 6 Oetave, 'Nulln's & CJnrks

Two hi ghly ornamented 6 and 6!- Q~ t. Gnle & Co'S

:fl~~osgl~:~ 3~~n~~IS~0{rg:rr~1l5bl~~~strnmenL~~0 ue f~~lOa III the city; are offlecuiedly better tone .Ind hnlsh Lh.In any oUered elsewhere,

h~l~n~~\;lL b~~~t\l~~ 13~{ W~~~~;fs &llC{il~r\~~~ 'l~I ::~oasn~nO~I~ = r\::i'I~~ U s· one of the nnmbC:'f IS 11 full 7 Octave, double rounel corners , and ,lo{\blo monhhn.rs s~\Id to be the most elegClnt Plano ever shlppeu liom NewYorke

, PETERS&FIELLJ. , Melodeon. No 48 West Fourth street ...

N B - A few copIes of the beautl{u\ Annutl l. "The llouQuet of Melody,' remalfllllg on h;1.nd d20

H. B. CLEMONS, General and Real Estate Agent,


WIll nttpnl1 to bU) 1H1!, sellmg, l ea.sHI ~1 m \Cllong Rc,\l Est,lte, IClltlllg 1l0IlS~S, COJlCt tlll g' H.ellls, &c, &r.

Aj:!;cnt flll tile Clt\ InSUI.IIlc.;C Co. of CIIlCI II II~ltI, III SHICS plopmty (If a' l des( I lJJtlOIi Ug'IIIIlSt los::; 01 d.II11.1ge U) I' JI e. A lso, .lg.UII't tile pet lis of tile Sea m illlllla !\,L\ Ig.ltWIl. Also l .'gcllt JOI the KCIl~ tllcJ.;; y 111)(\ LOUI"VlnC ,\lntn.lll11~Ul.\H(C Co (]c 6


Sixth st., east of --Broadway, new' tlte' Canal.

THE best Y oughiogheuy and Pomeroy Coal always on hand. All ordels pIOmptly attended to.

CAT:HOLE.C nOOKS. JUST reee ,ved by II. W. DERBY & CO , a large assortment of

new Books, a.nd new Editions In enJless 1{unety of Bllllhngs, IIltended to SUlt all t.15te5.

A new and enlarged edItion, m a be~1ut\full~rno . volume of 787 pages, lJlustrated With Splendid Sleel J~ n grilvlllgs, 1l1ullIIIH.lted

TILle, &c. ST . VINCEt1T'S MANUAL, Contallllng a SeleetlOn of Prayers and DevotlOnnl Exercisep. O"I g'­m aUy prcp.Heci_ jor the use of the Sisters oj ChanLY III the DIllLc t! States. With the .1.PPlobatlOn of the Supenors. ReVIsed, eni tlfged , and adapted to general usc. JJpprQuatwn Qj the Jl1u.::;t Rev. J11 ch7.Jlslw]J of Balti71tOre, and the Rt.

I Rev Bt~/tops oj the umted Statct;.

h:~fa~~S~~~{~I~l~tJ~~OU~)~C~~~~~il~tTI;;~e~Sll~l~i{s~ tltJ~~t~o:r~~~~\~:: 1'!ure IU recommendlJ1g It to the faithful.

U llalUOlore, ApllJ 17, 1848. t SAMUEL, Abp. of'Baltlmore' ., I cheeilully concur In the foregomg approbation of tl'e 1\'1 Rev.

Arehblshop ot llallllllore •• t lVllCHAEL, lip. o j l')lltsburgh H Illttsburgll, Apn121, 1848"

GERMAN LIFE OF CHRIST -Reduced from $4 to $3. Two volumcs bound III one. 4to., a bout SOO pages, Illustrated. &c .

Des Crosze Leben und Leiden, Jesu Christi. The Life ,lilt! sufrenngs of our Lord and SavIOur Jesus ChrIst, (Ill Herman,) by Father Mnrtlll Cochern.

In a neat 32mo. volume , 480 pages, With fine Engravmgs, 'pm VATIIOLW CHRISTIAN'S C01l1PANlON

'1'0 Prayer, the Sacraments. and the Holy SaCrIfice 01 the 1\1'a5s. })nce irom 38 cenLs to $1 5U.

Just published, III rL neat 3!lmo. volume, large type, , THE CHAPEL COMPANION.

Contamille PIOUS DevoLlons at Mass, MOrllJng and EvenmgPra) ers, the Llt.unes, Vespers tor J::)unt!aY5, &e. Pncll bom 25 ccnts to $ 1.

GERMAN PRAYER nOOK, NEW & ENLARGED EDITION The most comprebensn'c and complete Germ an l)rayer Book pub­

lished 10 lhe U. S t ates. Just published, super royal, 32mo., 522 pages. Sh. 38, roan. pI. 50, rn. gt. 75, Jm. Turk. 1.00, 'l'urk sup.

ext. 1,50. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL GIFT DOOlL Recently published, 10 a. neat 32mo. vol., pnnted. bound and Illus· tratel\ m the/ most elegant style~; pnce from 50 cents to $2 01).

THE CATHOLIC BRIDE, Or. Moral Letters addressed. toJuha,Daughter of CountS ala rodell a MargaflLa, on the occaSIOn of her M.urHlge With Count Eduardo

Bg~f:!J~~~~~~l~JI~:~~e, i5~D~~~rl~o~rgtZ~~;o~~~lsl:'&g.y the Rev.

.Tu ~t publlshedi

In 5 vols , Royal8vo., cmbeJhshed With a PortrclIt ofthe Author. )f1ce III Embossed Cloth $10; Library sty le,marbled


k~~lt~~edB1:~I~Oe; tj{~;~~frl~,eti1~ngr~~e~~~~stl~os~po~rCll~~~J~~~; o~;l:~ has at gre,l.t eJo:pense caused the Wl'ltlfl~S olllls 11lustnons frede, cessor to be collected and Clrranged. ThiS has been done With great care and labor. and the entIre matter IS comprIsed III five large 8vo. volumes. l i'or sale by

II. W. DERBY & CO. 113 MAIN srREET d20


und Co,II SrO\cs I COIllIll~UIl lIUIlU\\W,llC, Sug.1l Kettles I \\\ Ig'OIl BOO::m."S & §JIOES BOJ:,~~t~c~I~~! ~1\(~~~:;!17)~,\ls ~~Vl~;~Ct~~ I~U~~:I~~~~t\~~~~~I~~CO' en COOklllrr III this city. 'Ve would call the attention of buyers Stme, c<1!h:u the ClI1CllJJlltl,~1l1 ot "Illch "c ale Jll<lklllg' t\\o slze~ I partl'Cll l.uly to ,II,d 1, I\e tll.sett, of jl,tte,", '" ',,",(l> lI",t \I,ll lJe !lOJ e ~OOll' l OUR CUSTOM MADE WORK! lll.lklllg foUl :;lzeS complete. All JlCI:::OIIS 1Il "Hilt ot tlJebest Cook- vhi 11' , f t d . <I [. tl t· lt d 1II~ ~ttl\ C JIll\\ ll~hll c the lHlhhl.:, !:Ihould (",\\\ ,\tul I.!X ,\\f\me tillS StO\(,\ ' C IS munu ac III e eXpl es~ y 01 1e re U1 ra e. U\JfOlC 4J)1I1 Cil.lSlIlg' elsc" lime. J he CIIH;Jllll.lti,lll hdS t\\ 0 ot Ihe Also- A vel y large aSSaI tInent of boys. youths, und I.ngest mens III t.ny Stove ]\.110\\11, of the Slllle sIze. Butl! 0\ ell::; c}uldlCllS' BOOT~ AND SHOES, wl1Lch " rill be sold at the opel.lte III tile lIJII"it IJCJi(:ct 1I1.I1IIICI I'.lSI I \ .\IIl1 111e<lts C<lI1 Ill;: LOWEST CASH l'RICES. C. M. WILLIAMS ct1nl~t:d <It tllt~ S<lIlJe tl'ne without the le.lst lIltt:lfl!ICIJ(:C, \,Judl IS .\ N ' ' gle.lt S.lVlIlg o11nl!l.ulu tmH:', ,lho.mtllln.llll.lblc ('Oll\Cl1Im Ce. AU . 0.34 "Vest FInn stree:, \' e sel l .Ind pnt IIp \\(1 \\UI I . lIlt to \\011\ "ell 01 Ilop,n . n22 Between IVl al11 and vValllu t , North SIde.

WI;: \\111 Jetel til the rc:st'lllOIlY of old CltlZl;lI S, \\t;1I 1\no\\n th.lt h:.l.\ e the LJI1CIIIII. ltl.Ul JII IISC.

.IIC lI11dclSlgllCd, )I,L\lIIg hurl 10 use for:::ome tmlC the nc\\I) p.ltellted dou'll]l! O\CI1 C()olulJ~ SIOH', lIIvdltcd lIy " . lI1.ltI1C\\8, of tlll:S cit, . c,llIcd the" CIIlCIIIHoItldll, " tccl t lhlt tll'Y mny ~(:!I\e illcil tcHo\\ CltlZClIS ,11ld th ·.! p llb lH:, uy bc,lll1lg tIns tCStH1HlIIY to \lLe lllCllt~ of rillS StoVl' . J 01 ee0110111J of tllel, dlled ,\],pllc,ltlon of the ileat, nnd C()lJVel11~Il{:C ,uul COIlifUl t III the culm.H) dep.ll tIllClit of tile household, \\e confidenti) St,ltc, so t,11 .IS DIU CXPCllCIlC:C goes, tins t)tO\(! has 110 (qutll.

dec 6

Slim. 11 G.,t)(.lm; J os.!ph 1\1. TllllllJle, • Jollll H. GCl,ud , Wm .MIII!;'I; .s. W, Log,u l.

Almon Blon1~s, Ed\\ III U ]nsl~lp j Tli wlllHS 13enedet; CllIls. S. Dell j

GILPIN & MATHEWS, 21U I'll IIJI sri ccr,

E.lst sldc, l.H.::t \\ (!en COUt t ~l1Hl C.lI1lll

S'JC:K"-llI l'iIARBLE WORKS, BROADWAY, cOiner of FIfth st., CIIlClnllal1, OhIO. The mb­

scnbCls having elected, and .10W III operation, one of the most extensive Establtsbments Ir the UnIOn fOI sawIng and poltsbing Mal ble, are prepared to furnish Munuments, FOllts, Gravestones, MUlal Tablets, Bap­tbmal Fonts, Mantelpieces, alld every th lllg 111 then' line at as low pnces as any Est,lblishment ill tbe coun­try. Cabinet makers and dealers III Marble sllpplled on [aVOJabl e terms.

The public are respectfully invited to examitlc thell stock before purchaslllg elsewhere .



~~ Watdnmal .. cl' and JewcJlel', ~,::2 340 MAIN STREET, Eastside, betwee ll 8th and

~tll, wtll dispose o[ all artIClcs III hIS lille at the lowest cash pnces. A tr ml IS soliCIted.

n29 Repairs neatly done.

H. J. D AKE, Boot and Shoe IU:anlllfacQ;Ul'el',

( .\ t til e Sign of the BIg' l{oot,) J No. 38 LOWER MARKET ST., South side, 2nd

door West of Sycamore', n29

BATEMAN & CO., FIOOl'illlg lJIacilinc & lLmrn.bel' Vani,

Corner oj Westen, Row 4-Lam'el st., Cmcmnati.

BATEMAN & Co. keep constantly OIl hand worked Yellow and vVlllte Pille Floorlllg, all descliptlOns

of Lumber, Shlllgles, Laths, &c., wluch they Will se ll at the lowest rates. Floortng Boards worked to order.

P. J. MOORE, PlumbeD', PUDnp & JHlydn'ant ~IakCl',

163 FIFTH STREET, Between Race and Elm, Cmcinnatl,

HAS on hand and will furmsh Lead Pipes, Water Closets, Baths, Pumps and Hydrants. All alders

for the country WIll be executed with 'neatness and dispatch, nov.22

NE'W C.4\.NDLE I1IANUFAC'l'OI'tY, adjoining R. CONKLING & SONS' Whlte Lead

Establishment, Broad Way, North of Comt street, Clllcinnalt. Orders for Pure Tallow Caudles promptly fllifillad at the lowest Cash plice. Call and examine.

n22 J . E. GIBBONS & CO

USE ilhnve·§ Can.dy, TIle most popular reme"}' of the present dilY for COllghs , Colds,

~ore Thront • .Broncilltl5i, &c. It IS plc,ls,lIlt to the t,lSte, and m,IY Le llse(l wILli entire IInpumty by elther (ilildren, or .Idults . ~old In ptH.:)\cts ot 5 10. and 20 cents eaeh Country 1\lelch,lnts wIlllcal­Ize ]UO IJer cent on ull pnfchnse" ot $5,00 OJ upwards.

l'nnclfJ<l1 Depot. No.1 College Hall ano to Le had at every Dlug SLore.


vVILD CI-IERRY . The great remedy for Consnmption of the Lungs, Af­

fections of the Liver, Asthma, Blonchllis, PaIns or Weakness of the Breast or Lungs, and all

affectIOns of the Pulmonary Organs. H m PO}' tan tea uti (j) Ill .

BewalC 01 a base CounterfeIt of vVistar's Balsam of Wild Cheny, signed by one W m. Speat, who, ill older to palm his Vile ImitatIOn upon ihe pnbllc, has ob­tallled ajac suntle of our bottle, and coplCd our label of directIOns verbatIm, subStltu tlll g his own name for that of Henry Wistar, M.D., whICh IS found on the genuine. Rem~mber, the outside label or wrapper of the gen­

uine Balsam IS a finely executed stee l plate engravlllg" beartng the slgnatUJe of Hemy W IslaI', M. D., and Sandford & Park-none other can be genuine.

WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. PhysICHlns often acknowledge that thIS remedy

stands at the head of all othels 1ll the cure of diseases of the most dangerolls conslimptl1Je character, and that ill those o[ a less alarming natme It IS seldom known to Jail, If Judiciously apphed.

We are Just in receIp t of the following voluntary tnbute to th e curative PO\\ er of W istal 's Balsam of Wild Cherry, from E. Hall. 1\1 D., of Mt. Clemens, MIChIgan, who is a physiCIan of high standlllg, and an extensive DI ugglst.

M'l'. CLEME~S, MICH., Oct. 29, 1849. To the affiictcd this may cerllfy that Mrs. B. Ro­

berts of tl11S Village, three or four weeks after confine­ment, was attacked with a violent cough, and gleat prostration, and seemed hasteuillg to the grave WIth fearful rapldity. I advise,l her to use 1-Vistar's Balsam oj Wild CherTy-she did so, and witb t hat valuable medicine alolle, ill the space of three or four weeks, was restored to health, and is now a hving proof of the value of" Wlstar's Balsam of Wild ,Cherry."

E. HALL, PhysiCian and Druggist.

Important to those affiicted WIth d,seasc of the LUNGS AND BREAST.

CROWN POlNT, Lal;e CO., Ia., Junc 15, 1849 Jar-IN D. PARK-Dear Sir :-As I have a deep com­

miseration for the afilicted, pCImlt me to givc you a brtef histolY of my afilletlOns, and the bell eMs denved from the use of" DL Wlstar'sBulsam ofvVlld Cheay."

In .T uly, 1844, I was attacked with fev er of a typh­oid chal neter, whICh left me III a velY debilitated state, when, III the followlllg Willter, I was taken with a sevele cold, whIch reduced me to such an extent as to give me the appearance of a confil med consumptive. Il"bored under n severe cough~expectorated a grea t deal, and was troubled w,th co ld fee t andmlght sweats. I.al so freq'uently raised blood from my lungs. J con­

y y 1000 CA§E§ OJF


A tlllUed in this state; gradually sinking uuderthe dIsease, "11 until J anuary 1847, when I was agam attacked WIth J '\V. 'VOO D, OCCULIS'l', h <lS opencd ~m Itrfhmm )on :1rd sheet, R

" between Plum LlIHl l:Jm, (3 dOO1S flpm P lu m, south Side), ~ Cincinnati. for the tleatmellt of Infl<llnm.IhoJi .md Chlonlc ihs· eases of the E) e , as flom IllS long expllic Ice and success 111 c.\ses "llleh lJ ~we baffled the best i\fedlcal


sklll In the eountly, ll e feels )ustlficl1 in saymg he can etfect <1. eme Hl all Cfl~!5 ,\lnch H),\y come 111H}CI' hiS calC. lle call I eter to the follmv'lIg' pClsons llS to IllS snccess, who Will nnSWCl .my COmDlllnlc.ltion ( If postpaid), flom those at n. d1St,UlC,C, who ITI<ly wish to l1Ial~e enq\llJ y.


fever. My fllends despaired of my li fe, and my phy­sician~ thought I could s lltvive but a "bort time. My extremities, especially my feet, wcre constantly co ld, and almos.t lost their feeling. Under these cllcum­stances, it may truly be said that I was a living skel ­eton . I finally determined to gl1Jt taking medicine· prescribed by physiCians, and try Dr. WistUl's Bal.sam of WIld Cheny-and from the first wcel, tbat I com­menced talung it, I can date a gradual recovery. I continued its usc six months, a t the cnd of whICh tnne I was cured, and have enjoyed good health ever SIllCC, and cheelfully recommend the Balsam to all those af­flicted with diseases of the Lungs-and would say to those commencing its use, not to be dIscouraged if two or three bottles do not effec t a cure. Btlt l persevere, as I have done, and I have no doubt but mno cases ont of ten will be blessed with renewed health as I have


I. Ingham: Chnhcothcj Noah Glegg' Cl1111lcothc; .John Boggs nem Cllcle\lllej John WOOdlOW, ChillIcothe, S,trl1l1eI0. Lutz,YeJlow nnd, Hoss co j Jolm LOIlt.!', Fnntlc1d co., 01110; James LOllg', Plckaway co. j "ltv • .B. ' 1'llson, M D, South S.l1ctn, Ross co.


I NCOttPOHATED F'eblUfllY 14tll, 1847. Office-New York, No. 40 Wun.t,cet. 5

Rates reduced 25 per cent. P.lymcnts QUIl.l teJiy, Serm-AmmuHy, OT Annual))'. A PCI SOil 25 YC.Il ::; old may secUl e a seven) ell! s tm m poliCY flam

tlllK Coml),[lny fOl $500, and annu,ll dl\'Hlenu, by phyil'g $1.05 CVCly t ln ce mOllthsl No lisks mel $;:;00 on nnv Olle lite.

Capitnl $150,000. l'ctllnlly sacu l'cd In :MOl tguges awl :;tocl~li , liS pel eel tlficntc of t1lC Comptl ol1er of New YOlk. , ,

Prl!mmms may bc pmd q Ual telly In ndvance, and 0, 6, and 9 months, on detened 'paymellt~, "ltll IIltm est.

It~'fEnl(j • .s.-Cf)mptloIlel of New YOIh, Gen. 'Yond, Joll11 F. 'M'ncl\.l~, Hcmy T. Mmg.ln, J)a\ 1(1 Dudley FJelll , Joseph llO'\.IC-New YOll~ (

,\etu.\ly-CJI,\RLE,? G. 1MLAY, 40 W.ll sheet. JOSIAH l;~WRENCE, _\I:011t,

No. 21 .Mum st., uet. Frollt and Columbi.I, ClIlClTIllut:.

FRANKLIN FIRE, MARINE; & LIFE INSURANCE CO;\lPANY OF I1HJISVILLE, 10SUl e& pi OpCl ty \ t nlJ desCl lptJUtI Hga,nst loss

or uamuge by fhe, and agalllst the l'cllls of tHe tied, (,I I1ll':'IHl n.n1guflon•

DInECTons: J.'l.mes Trabue, 'Ym GllY, \VIlltnm Fitzhugh, ' \'m . B Bc]]\n.lp, James S. tilgtOll, A. L Soh\ ell, ~a~nuel P. 'V c!sgel', SI\lllnel Gctt).

JA!!n;S TRADUr, Pl es,,]ell!. II ]) S CHAMBERS, Secleta.) JOSIA:Il LA\\' HENCE, Agent.

,,~9 No. 21 • .Main strct.


No. 27 W"-TER STR,EET, (DehDcen !tram and JValmtt, CI/l1.Ctn'1Ultl, Oluo)

!kuhng, Harness, Black and Fillr Bridle LedLher, Hog Skm o;: Sheep SkinS, Sole a.nd Upper Leather, KIp a.n.d Calf Skms, l\10[~ occo, Linlllgs, &c . nov 8

TEA WAREROOIUS. WE have constantly on hand a hea\' y

...... I,,'nn ', of the choicest Teas imported, in­all the varieties of Green UJd

, which we are selling wholesale retail at a v~ry small advance on th e

">======!<I importers prices.

feb 1 SMITH & NIXON,

North-east cor Seventh and Walnut St8.

MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. - Mrs. Forte, ~r~~rS re~;Ne;~~~ *e~~~~~;oig~,gb~t~~~~l °Ketll~bl!I~~3 Ricbmontl streets. West Side.

/tdsrCfWl.-Very Rev. EDWAItP PURCELL.

THIS dIsease IS "elY common, pmtlCularly among the labollIlg' cl<lssc:s of both sexes, and 15 flcqueutly attended wlth lUuch I.ltstL es,S, ,md often de:l.th. DI. Kates of 153 SycamOic sheet, uetweell 4th u.nt\ 5th, t..:mclUll.\t l, OhIO, 11 ,\s fOl a long tllne gl'\ en lus <lttClltwn

to tlie tleatmcnt of till::; disease, and hus cmed thonsands of nil

ages -He applies hiS own mstl ument, which IS worn \\ lth e.\sc and

comfOI t, :.1. , d dt the 5<U11C tllne '\1 11 keep the bm,e!s, 01 PlOti udlng

patt 'Hthlll tile Clilfice. How unpOltant 15 It, thCICfOlC, for those \\ 110 are 1 uptlll ed to be CUI \!d.

II eRN IA CURE D.-I llu, c used seve!"1 T, usses, but ,"th Ii.lle 1 chef, untIl 1.1st fall 1 noticed In the" Dollen Commm ol.\l" Dl 1{a.tcs''lJ llsses and Ius m,lllTler of treatment, and obt,tined one of

lus lOstI umcn ts l wllJch lias completely CUI cd me. I 111ve no t used

the tlUSS fOJ OJ" "eok,. J AMES SIMPSON, Compbell Co , Ky.

DI. K.lteo:--SJI . You may I eCCJlIcct of me purchasing a "Double

Tl us~" hom Y011 .lbollt Chllstmns, which) au applied, and aSStll ell

me I '\ould be. cUlcd ucft)\eslx months. Sl11ce I have, not been In

Clllc.nnlltJ.-I theJ cfO! C senu ) 011 these lmes b,r l'\fl. Bh:s\\ ell, m­

fonning-) on that tl'e tl uss hus done" cll, and that I belle\ e m)sel[

Clll ed. as the) c JS no plOtlUsion 01 pam any more' In fact, I eun dlspensc ... \ Ith the tl uss f()l' weeks \\ Itllo.tt any 5) mpton:s of the

dlsensc rctll'Illng' Yoms tnlly, OEO HAYDElf,

Hannltoll !=ounty, Olt1.ll

A CURE OF 1WP'JUllE. 11115 IS to certify that I Il1ne 1)ecn undel the he<ltmcnt of Dl

K.\t~ .... i01 fOU11Ymnthsj aml li&vc dmmg tIns tm1c, been y..; euling

onc of llls Instlt1l1l~nts fOI the elllC of Rupture, and ,un l),IPP) 111

been. Respectfully yours, J OSEPH JACKSON.

[D" Plice $1 per bottle-six bottles for $5. Sold by J. D. PARK,

(Successor to Sandford & Pm'l.), Fourth and Walnut streets, C1l1CltJ.lUtt, Ohio, General Agent for the South and 'vVest, to whom all olders lIluSt be addregsed llov:22


.. gre.a Improvement III their Melodeons, bo th as

[~l~~;~~e~ ~-UejgS~~~l~nl~s a~~J~n;;l ?~~~;~!'~I~~~ent~~ell;;~e pO[t~l~~ Bellows, by which It IS llld entlfely from VIew, and gives a much more powerfnl ilnd bnlhant tone th';m the ol[) nrra.ngement.

Murch & W llJte 0\\11 the fight west of thc Mount.l.Jns. and a re prepareci to fmnl sh the ImproverlM elodeon to a ll who 1I1.1Y favor them With their p Itronage, at cheaper rates Lhan any other l"ne t· Lor}' , and wurr.lllted to be s:upenor III evelf respec t Our Me lou­cons \'ary 111 pIlce from ,$15 to S150, according to style and filllsh.

No ]0 East Fif th stree t. nov 15 Opp J)cnlllson HOLI~e. CII1Clnnat l, 0.'

") lll::! to those suffell11g' ,,,th this e],se.ISc, I belte\" myself en- DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY - corner Wesr-ilel)' cmecl by DJ. Katcs' tle,ltmcnt. Ihs llus,;;cs mc mol de to fit ern Rowand Chestnutstrcets, Cincinnati -Palticu " ell, ,.1ll1 "eal ",th C'Ule. \\ \I CL"-RK larattentioll patd to Compounding PhYSICIans ' Prescl'ip

Crnelll11at" .J.mu,lI) 1,1849 tiolls,and dlspenslllgfam;lymedicllles by the PropJ'letol'

I hllll.elf. '

IWPl t;J(j,; ON BOllI SIDES. He hopes byconstantappiJcation to bnwless.to meri t . theconfidence of the pnbllC. Jan 25

'flus IS to cC' tlfy that T, John E Scillnedcs ncal t!le J)t e" err, ,\est t ______________________ _ ofVme stleet, CllICl111loth, 0, hlye bcell afflicted With Ruptme on uoth ~ldes l f01 many) cal s, and bongh t nut!) TI usses)\ lthouteffect­

mg ,I C'lI c, tlntll 1 c.tl1cd upon 1 '1. Kates nnd liad a TIllES made of IllS p.ttCtlt, \\ h' c: h I am happy to 5.1) has ent'llCh Clll ed me -1 rnn

dlspensc \\ Jlh tIIC TJ uss, but fOl fear sh ll wen.T It. JOHN E. SemIED. s.

CO' DR. KATES' MEDICAL OFFICE, No. 153 Sycnmore street,

rn st <leOl below FIfth, CIIlCInnatl, Oh IO, whelc his Tlllsses ::mtl a ploper tlc,ltmcnt fOl tIlC spcedy cllle of HuptUic may 'be found. . n2n


DEALER lN W ATCHES, JEWELRY , SILVER vVare, and Fancy Goods, 137 Main street, be­

tween ThIrd and Fourth, Cincinnati. All kmds of Watches and Jewelry repaired und waranted. n22


LATE of the firm of David & Brother, Phil., Manu­facturerand Importer of FANCY SOAPS, PER­

FUMERY, etc ., No.10 Fifth street, opposite the Den­is01, House, CinCinnati,.

A variety of Brushes and Funcy Articles kept always on hand. feb 1

G. 'l-V. COFFIN & COt., BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS, dealers 1ll

Lead , Zinc, Copper, block Tin and Tlll Plate, Co pel Rivets, Spelter Soldel, and al l kinds of

Brass Cocks, Columbw street, betwecn Bloo.dw?v und Ludlow, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Their Bells are executed upon Iru e Scien tific and HarmonIC principles, as followed in the first bell found­ries of Germany, France, HOlland, and England

feb 8


(Second 8t. , between PktIJm and JVes tern ROlli, C,ncumatl, 0.) Mal1uBlcturcr of, amI. Dealer In


LUi\tDER of nil kinds, LATH AND SHINGLES.

B~~~¥t~{del~er~~~!:~~nd~ °E !~:,~~~Ioo~~:~ ~~~r~~RI~~~UI~I~~5~;:I~~~c~l ~~ h~ilr:J~~~1~;1~~~;~ti~~~:~~~~~1I~: Will find 1t to theIr Interes t to gJve them ,L ('all VVhen It I;; mcon· velllcnt to VJSlt FulLon, orders to their addre!;s Will he attended tn

D::~~d~U;~!, ~~ued~~nreb~io~I~~. nIio{;n;{s' A1~lt;f:a l l's V"urehol1~ey tl

",rho wilJ any longer suffer with



This ill a new .md ee11.1111 l: emedy fm .111 d iseases of the LungSl

LI\'CI, P.tI1CIC.1S, Splcen, .lI1f1 othel O'gd,ns, lli.lt so oftcn

]c.ld to Ph thl lilS Putmon.llls, OJ,


T'lom the sllddcn (:h,m gcs of tempcTlttme and mOlstme In the cllm.lte oj tllo \\]Iole 1\olth AmellC,lll Ct)lltlllcnt 1"rJOUS,\,\:DS of Its 11ll\,I\)lt.mts all! annu.\1ly ,\tt,H:l .. t; l\ l\Jth Colds, Couglls, Inftall1ma~~

han of the Lungs, LIVt;I , and Splccn l attcndcd '\Ith hOJsell ~ss lind SOl elllS:S of l'lno.Lt. p.lJII m tlle Chcst, '\ Ith. dIfficult} .... ·ot UJ e.ltJlJllgj

01 somctlmcs spl ttmg of Blood, illld . sthm.l· <!TId If thcse PI cmon­ItOl y S) ll1pfoms .11 e not all cstctl m tUlIC, fat,ll UlCCl <ltJOllS enSUe <II'll dcath IS II,C'\ It.lbJc. I

'Ve are .111 alJ]\e 1J.tblu to dlscnsc-anu dC:ltlJ IS the cel t.nn lot of

all that 11\ c und h{l.\ e a UClI\g, and nlth(lUg:h the l.\ttl~l cmmot be l.l'\ Cl tcd, still the fOI mCI m.l), by the IW"'\ Cl of medICIl1(\ be 1 emoved

OI I cmlCl eu less pallliul t() th e nflhc ed. 'Thel e IS one £lISC.ISC, ho\\­

e"el, "hich seems fOJ ngc~ to Ii.t\ c tlcfled the pm\ C1 nf tlie ll eullng ,\1 t-the le.l1 ned J lcnlty II11'\'C In "11111 nttempted to ,111 cst ItS fdtal pi ogl ess, lJl' the IIppl ~c.lllOn Ofl cmelilcs \\ ItlllT1 tIiCUl C'Id l, (Il Idwwn III thell pJactH:c-but COllS1.l71lPtlOn lius ddied thcll Ill11tcd skill It liaS st,tll\cd tOlth \\lth 1l11PIlJlJty, g~thCJJIlg 1I1 Jtschecl]css elllLJI.tCe, a Illencl flOIll c\ely clle c, and .I 1l10mbel fiOll e\ell' f.HUil), and cLIstJng gloom and dUlI\llCSS {J'Cl thc pl.\ee of lb 'I~H,lholl ..

'J he pi oplIch 1 of tile ,(1.;ovo PI cpmdtlOn 11:\\ lIJg p<lJd stl'ct at tcn­h01l, dUlln:; hiS 1011~ HlIll \:xtensnt!J)1nctlcc to Hlc D1SC.1SCS ot the Lungs .1I1U LnTcJ, h,IS fin.Illy obt.ulled a COl I cet kno\\ ]edge uf the (: ,l11se, and sl'at of th.lt lIlSI(IIOUS c1CStlO) CI CO' s t:?lPTlo"', :mdl.3S

tllClcfllle componnded <l me<ilclJIC calculated to 8tJlI~e .It thc b,ISIS of the discase, \\ Hh the iulic5t confiuclIce tJlat rhe .lfflJ ( bed "" III lcullze all the bcnefits flom It::; lise th~lt he chums fOI tlus t1uly \\ onclel ful compound A. ,\ Itl! .~ seliSc 01 duty lie 0\\ cS to SUifl!l­

lIJg hum,llllty, li e cOllfidelltly lecom mCllcls the same to allllci sons n IlfJ 11tH e ,t Congll, Colrt, 01 all) of the aclrr OllltOl y S) IlI})tOIllS of CnnSUnllltl011, \\ III<:hl It not ,\11 e.st~t\, '\Ill speedily cntlm \.I e,\1.h.


1 Ills meulclllc IS plC.ISHllt to the ta~te. nild may ue t,ll~cn by any pelsoll undel uny C.I cum~tHnce, .IIHI Itlj good effects" Ill , In most cases, bce.x.pell"llced 111.\ f(w d.l)s It \\111 :suddenl) t ellc\ea h.nd dnd 11.1I1ltul c(lugh-l),llh.\te tllC s)m,toms ot mflmnm<ltlOn,

and at the S line timc eXCIte a flee alltl e,tsl' cxpcctOl.ltIOJl-tlU01\­

mg oft' t\1e foul sec) ello11S of lTIlIttCl and phlegm IlI.tt cbstll'ct tlle

<1Il cell.;:, tl lus gl\ IIlg fI ecdol11 .md e.lse to thc CIlCt;',ltlOll <md buo)­

ancy and I:xll11UIltIon to the ICSplI.ltwn, g lYlilg . qUie t I:mgllOl to , the Lnllg~, fa' OI.lblc ,ullIlJldlSpens.llJle to thc llC l'ngof dl'ep 5cated ulcCl uilOllS

rIlle I()DI~E SANAIIVI. also gives stleHgth ,m(] anImatIOn to the enfeeb]etl fl.tmc, I cstOJ Jllg' to the del !l1lgcd functlOl1 of tIle 5,\ stcm

sound health. " Who \\ III ,my longc\ suffeJ \\ Ith thSC~lSCU Lung3

01 Ln Cl 'w]lt:m SUell It suf~ 111H] eCI t.tlll IClllCLly 18 so l'c.uJlly ob-t.uned?

Tell TlJousDnd Cures Ihwe bl:cn pmtollllc(l wltlllll h\o )eaJs;

and. the] ecommclluutJOll of ths Mcd1clIIe 11) so mnny pel SOliS, I:) slliJiclCnt to com'ulcc Jll

ot lts cllI.ltlye 'h tIlCS.

CON§UlllllFTION @F THE LUlVG§. DR. KATES' 10 0lNE SANATIVE. the most eifectlI.l] lllrdlClJlO

fOl the ~el11ov.tl of th c pCllnOlutOlY f.:ymptoms 0f tliat fat.ll (llsc,uie. IJIllTIllton, 0, !II nell 2ith, 1849.

Dy. K.\tcs-Sn Hmmg bl:'cn niTllctCth\lth a }Ju)moll.ll) ]) iscllse fOl 11])W.1I fls of h' 0 ) edl5-tlllllllg tlus time \\ ,IS fl eqllcntly ntt,Ld~cd

'\ Ith 111)11101 IllfigC, 01 SIJltilllg' of Dlood, 1\ const.lnt Longll fil d SOle­

ness III Ill ) ell cst, palll the <':Ide .mullJlpel p nt of 111, 1J1~i1St, lllght s\\cnts,llnd nilleli \\clkness,ult.l dCUllity. 1 h,ne llati tJlt: .Idvlce

<1n£1 mclilcmcs of m.lll) pli) ~IC llll1 S, l.H!Sllies tlh.llIg }.)HlllCIOIlS ccugh

medlcHlls l a.ll '\Ith lmt little cffect; lllltli a fllcnd of mmc ICCllm­meml!;'{\ ~ om: IO(11) 0 S.mn.tI\ c ~\s:\ eCI t.un <.=m e. I at once sent to ) om cfIke fOl SIX bottles, and tool\: It 115 dllcctedT l expCIIC. CCU thegool1 effects uf thc lndme Imme<llutel)-could frellt !II e\6ly

nel \C .mil l1l1lscJe tIll ong-hont my bOlly. In ten (hlyS m) cou~h

dl",lPi'Jeal ed, !lll ~l J mu st 1101101 nul) g.IY my stJ l'ngtll beg-.m to lm­plOve .md 1..1)' the tlllll! 1 used the SI X bottles 1 tound 111) selt cntiIciy we]1. I HICI efOl e I ccomme'lcl D]. Kates' ]oume Sanutlve to all th ose suftel ng \\ Itl1 (hse,lscl1)llngs. .A L. 'J H01~NTON,

But1el Connty, U' 10

RTI?llOYAL.-Dl. li..ttes· 1\lclllcnl Office is lcmlwcd lmm ccli<ltdy

Opposite illS old office, III th e new blUldlllg", lnlllt by 11ll11sf:!lfl No .. lij3 Syeumole stlect, 1st clOOl below Flllll, ","V est Side. 1129


TO the Reverend Clet·­gymen of the differe l t Congregatiolls,-also the Professors and Amate tl [9

of MUSIC. The subscliber would

lespectftllly IIlform tlte public, that be has now comme,nced Orgun-btl il j­iug in its varions blanc 1-

es. HaVing devoted u p­wards of ten years 1'0 t: 10

husiness, and been engll­ged in New for the last two yea! s III some of tile prlllcipal establishments, where be has bad ,.an oppcr­tunity of worlung on the best and most approved prin­Ciples.

Ih feels confident in undertakiug and exeeuting allY orders III the [Ibove m entlOncd Ime of bllslIless, a' ld hopes, by strict att\mtioll to all ordCls entrustecl to his cme, to merit a share of public patronage.

N. B.- Olgans repaired aud tuned in the best mali­neI', and also kept III tl[ne by the year.

JOHN CLOSS, On Vine street, between Green street aIld the Corp o­

ration Line, near St. John's Church, Cincll1nali, OhIO dec 6


Nortlw;est cornC!' oj Fifth and Vwe sts. Clncmnatl.

Jl lST rccel\ lIIg a v"rv I,ltge and "ell selected stock :of Goorls, , new styles and goot! patte-rns <llId qualities, \\hlOh \\lIJ be sold at as low pnces .1S C,ln be much Isell '''' es t of the 1\'i onnt.lIl1s No more than a. f,l\r pnee '\\ III ~n er be asked, rind Cluldren sent iOT any article Will get It of as good it Quahty , and ,lt as ]ow a price, as tJlClT parenLs cou ld, 11 1' resent tl'emseh es

st!?;e~~n~~~~eSdS~~~l)nbP~~kl~nE~~sl~cl~~~~l;e~b]~S~lt'Inct'~~~~:~!~; fiaured do , scarlet. blue .anel \\ hlte :::;.ltillS and :FJorences; "001 n"'eclllenes, C3shrnele:. and PerslUn Clotllsj Muslll\ de La ncs, very neat ilnd cheap. Mennocs and AJpacc(Js, a \ anet)' oj colors 'and

prl\le;.iJ'B "ienr .-B1.H 1\ Cloths, from $2to $10; Cashmeles, blacl.,

g~li~~~;;a I~} !IT~ ~vo ,str}:~I~:b~~~1 ~~J t~ ~ :rt ~I!k nSSJ~!~~I\~} e~~~~ l~\~r Lamb':>:I.\\oo! Dr,l\versj Illo st splendid Neck Cl:l\2t", black, pla lll, and fallcy, Buck, Kill, und /J/paccll, Wool, Berlin Silk . ilnd i' <.Inc),

G~l:~ikcts, &c.-250 p,lJrs ; J)Jnnl\ets of /!Tee n, blue find drnh, 101 O\er<o,LtSj Hed ComforLs, S li eel Jn~ S, j J 1l1ow Case, Llllen ,md Ml1shn, L~ue and wlule, pml\. ilm\ \\!lItc, .lnd clear white COllnler·

PF~~: E\,cry Docly.-Rc c1 Ticks, Bcd Curt.lIll Pnnt"; splendid VCStIl1/!<:j ~Iwker SocKs, 401.',0 ycls heavy Flnnne1s, wh ite anti red; , all Q\lo\httes of red , ) ell ow, whlf\rbluc, pink, Gnnze and Sdk F I.III-

1~~~d'~~t~~1tul~l~[:.I; n'~l"ge~~~;;Ji5Ial~~~ ,e~i~~i;.hJ ~~~~~~ ~~deN ~~k ~~~ ~ G lIl g~lw.ms anu C.tlicoes, all klnlhij bro\\ n and bleached .Mushns .

A S l,lendid Assortment of SIIn" I. Laces, Edl;:lll /!S . and Inserlmgo;: of LJIlen and Need le work, Col­

IM~ anI} Cuffs new st}'lcsJ

Glove,.,; lJandk erc lllef.;;,81Ik under \\e<Jr.

~1!Y~'er~~~~~n~I~~~lI~~~I~~t ' ~~lL~~ln~ l~s~lHrIWall~r~fLbsOI;'snd Glmps~ Infant's nnd Children's " ' eor --Dres~ Good~, Jaconet~,

CambriCS, Waists . beautiful Hose, H;1.n(lkerclll ef~ , Glo\es; .J30Y't. Pnnts stuff; Boy's Coatlllgs; Glovcs, ;"Incl Hose FU~Dende ro;:.

Yarns -Black, "lllte, se:nlet. Sl nrl!:!t l"nd '\\lnte C!londec1, bhle nnd white , huffand whlte,llInk anu wh ile, blue ml:'l:cd, black J111.xed, sheep's grey. and stee l grey, made to illY order. nov 8


HAS Removed his Office to the Southwest corner of Third and Broadway ian 25



3l1iiZinllamouiZi &- §lmu£ling. it. A sterlin o' character, one who thinI,s for to corps, until it g rew to a sh out of intense de- A Plane Argument. Illmself, and ~peaks what he thin\(s, is always votion, and, the marcll abandoned, all gathered Not manv veal'S since, in a handsome mansion ' sure to have enemies. They are necessary to in a ma~s around th e veteran defender of Po- not a tho~ s;nd miles from Cincinnati, a yOUlJg him as fresh air " they keep him alil'e and ac- land.-St. L ouis Reveille. lady who has "high notions" of wh at co nsti-The reward of Industry. t t t bTt d t . Itt

-====================== PRINTER'S BOL-Mr. , Buckingham, in his ti "e. A celebrated character, who was sur- German Silver. II es respec a I I'y, expresse as OlliS Imen 0

f I C bl ' h d' rounded by enemies, used to remark: " They F f l b bl I her mother th at a young lady of their acquain-22d number 0 ,t Ie" roal,er," pu IS e III eW 0 our reae ers are pro a yaware lOW tance, of considerable wealch" should reqeive the Boston Courier, briefly notices tb e ,hands are sparks, which if you do not blow, will go many applications are made now-a-days of this I

f I I "L l' b e l' . . C Ie attentions of a young carpenter and joiner. I'n th e printin g· office in which he was first elll- out 0 t lemse ves. eC t liS e your lee mgs, useful compOSitIOn . 'vVe call it compo~ iti o n, al- . II '

~ 1 '1 d . I' d tl d I f ' H e is an upright and lote Igent young ployed i.n Boston, and sp8aks of the vounQ'est w 11 e en eavoUl'mg to Ive own ' Ie scan a 0 though the majority of the people imag'ine that I . . , I' d 1

J ~ I I b' tt ' If ' I ~ man. can see no obJ ectIOns, rep Ie tIe apprentice as follows : t lose w 10 are 1 er agamst you. yon SLOp it is a meta sui genel'is; but such is not the fact., mother . The third and youngest apprentice h as al- to dispute, you do but as th ey desire, and open I t is composed' of one part of nickel, one par t '1 don't care;' return ed tbe daughter.' 'I

ways floated on the tiood tide of prosperity- the way for more ahuse. Let th e poor fellows of spelte r of zinc, and three parts of copper; would not be seen in the street wi th him.' a tide which yet kn ows no retiring ebb." His talk--there will be a reactiou , if you perfo rm bu t all the substances have to be pure, and ex- 'Would you be ashamed to be ,seen with duty then was ' (like all youngest apprentices) yo ur, duty, and hundreds who were once alien- posed to a great heat before they mix among your father"in the street?' inquired th e mother.

_ to m:lke the fires, sweep the office, picl( up the ated from J Ou , will flo ck to you and acknow- Lhemselyes. The zinc metal, which is of a k 1 I 9

fi d·· led!!e their error. 1 "I ' . t t' tl t , 'I tl 'Why do J ou as t lat, mot IeI' .' types tha t were dropped on the 001', Istnbute ~ 1'0 ,hi e naoUl'e, IS no pu Il1 Ie po un ,I . l€ 'Because, I can well remember ' w,llen he Pie and tread th.e pelts.. Having.' l?flssed tl.lrol.lQ:h Past. Present. Futnre_ first two are well uni ted to£iether. The refrac- I d I 1" as the motller's I'e I •

~ ~ tOI'y n·,'tllre of the 111'cl,'''I, 'and tile dl'fficul ty of pus 1C a p an, W p y. this state of tl'lbulatlOn, ahd til1lshed hIS time , When I look upon th e tombs of the great,' , of service, he began business as a printer every emotion of envy dies in '1n e ; when I read obtailling metal free from arsenio, iron, and co- A LESSON TO S'l'UDENTS.- What you know, in Stace street, at the cornel' of Flag Alley-a the epic,aphs of the beautiful, eve ry ,inordinate balt, are th e ~ause th ~lt not unfrequently we knoll'ihoroughly. There are few instances ,' in localicy which is now dignified with th e name desire goes out, when I meet wi th the grief of see German Silver spoons of gold yellow color, modern times, of a rise equal to th at of Sir Ed- , of Exchano'e Avenue- where be and his part- parents upon a tomb-stone, my heart melts whi le Gf!rman.silver prepared from pure metals ward Sug'den. After one of th e W eymouth ner pllb\is l~d a weekly literary journal, entitled with compassion ; wh en I see the tomb" of th e will equal in whiteness sterling silver, Hnd will elections,~I was shut up in a carri age with him, Tite Emerald. He remol'ed to Charlestown, parents themselves, I consider tile vanity of not tamish. Tea and table spoons, knives !:p.d for twenty hours. I yen tm ed to ask him what where he published a well-known monthly re- grieving for those whom we must quickly fol- forks, fir i!man's and ship captain's speaking was the secret of his success . His answer :was lictious magazine, called The Panoplist. Re- low. When I see kings lying by chose who trumpets, pocket book c\;[SPS, tea-setts, lamps, 'I resolved when hegiuning tn read law to make t:~rning afcer some years (.0 Boston, he pursued deposed them, when'I consider rival wits placed and gun mountings, are now mostly made with everythin o. I acquired perfectly my own, and the business of 'printing aI\d publishing on a side by side, or' the holy men that divided the German silver. Upwards of 50,000 Ibs of this never to go to a second thing t ill I had entirely more extended scale" and to that business added world with their contests and disputes, I reflect composition is manu factured in this country an- accomplished the first. Many of my competi­the vt ry natural one of a bookseller. His in- with SOITOW and astonishm ent upon the little nually , for which the nid,el is importe d , from tors read as much in a day as I read in a weeK; dustr? was ' untiring; his friends wealtllY and com petitions, f\Lctrons and debates of mankin'cl, Germany and England. 'L'here are but t hree 'but at the end of twelve montHs, my knowlecge willin~' to aid, his publications popular with a ,Wh en I read the several debates of the tombs, localities of nicke.1 ore .in this country; an ore was as fresh ..; as on the day it , was acquired

, Iflro'e and zealous religious party, and his pro- of some that died yester'clay, and some s,ix ilUn- from Chatham ~n Connecticut, yie l~s about while theirs had glided away fl'ohl their recol­fits"sme and rapidly increasing. He could not dred years ago, I consider that great day, when three per cent, lllckel and lately a l1lckel ore lecti(m.' be otherwise th ~n rich; and he lletired from we shall all of us be contemporaries, and make has been discovered among th e copper ore qn A E ' D T'l- f · . ' 21 active bus iness manv years ag'o, to enJ'oy the t 1 Lake Superior.-Hitnt's J}IerclwntMi:lgazine. N XCELLENT ISH.- .,t,e 0 green cOIn

J ~ our appearanGe oget ler. ears, and grate them, to thiS a quart of sw~~t frui ts of his enterprise and perseverance , But Self-Trainin:; Dying Words. millr, a quarter of a pound of fresh butter, ,four the pubJic I:equired his servi'ces . H e repre- The late Sir F . Buxton had frreat faith in the The foll owing are the dying words. of the rggs, well beaten, pepper and salt, as much as sented Boston several times in the General ,y I celebrated Father Bourdaloue, so renowned for 'ffi' . II II 1 d b k 4 ' self-traini,ng power of men. h e t 1US expresses su Clent. stll' a we toget IeI', an a e COlll't, has been Mayor of the city , Lieutenant himself: his eloquence, bom , 1632; died, ] 704, at Pari~ . hours in a buttered dish. Some add to the in-Governor, and for the greater part of one year "I am very sure thnt a young man may be "I see very well that I cannot be cured g redients a quarter of a pound of sugar 'and eat ,

, acting Governor of the Comn;Jonwealth . He very much what he pl ease~. In my case it wit,hout:l miracle; but ,:'hat am. I, tha~ God the pudding wi th sauce. It is gOlld colq ,91' has twice. " isited Europe; and spent some years I I ft 1 I I I I d I, t I'ttl should condescend to work a mlracl e m my warm,' with meat sauce " epicures of the mQst . L d P' d n Fl' " s was so. e sc 100, W lere la earn 1 e f 9 '1'1 I I' 1 k' tl t I' hI ' 1\1 on on, al'lS, an nome. IS manSIOn I or nothin,!" at the ag'e of fourteen. ' I spent, a.II'lor . b le on y tl?Hl'l gd a~tl- IS, ,la liS f' 0 y exquisite taste ' prefer it hot; with tbe first ser-one of the most delightful situations in th e city, ~ ~ WI may I' 'lCCO/IiP IS 1e at Ie expense 0 my . and hei'e he lives in an enviable state of ease; the next year ,tt home, learning to llljnt and I'D 'f 'j 'd ' 'n' t I I · Id d t ,Vice"

shoot. Tben it was th}lt the prospect of going [I~' Ib 'dIe sOf 0: alllls. ]a I~ IS JOIlu IE s roty READING AND THINKIN G Those who have"

afflllf: nCe, and independence. What a contmst to ColleO'e 0 ened u on me t liB 0 yo sm, consent, Wltl a my lear ;' _ . .- , " is exhibited in the early anll the present condi- ' I '" P p . . d I d' ' tb at he should separate me from this world read of everytl1mg, a.re thought to understand

I t d ' made my resolutIOns, an acte up to - ." tl' t b t't ' ti c R d tiMI of this gent eman. An wnat a contrast ' ., ' .. " . 0" ,.' . wh ere I have been but too long a time, and every . II.ng 00, ' U . I IS n? a \~"ys so. . ea -between his condition and that of most of those, fbell1l d ~ gave up ~IlI des ultOl ) ~ eil'~.ll1" ' b ne~ e~ that he should ulllte me forever to himself.'" ing fUl'lllShes the mmd only With mater.lals of

'''110 ll,''''e been his cotempora~ies from boy- oo,e mto a nove, . gave up S 100 mg ., y rll1

t>' knowledlle " it is thinking' malres what we read " lI" tl fi I lId I I d tl 1 b t Saving Klllll'(JS and Rogue8 from Punishment. --, hood to g'reyheaded old age ! W ell ! his Ie ~e years was 1\1 re an la. Ie I e.r y ours. We are of the ruminating kind" anil it is wealth and honors have been honestly and of gOll1g when I pleased to a . capital shoo tll1g Macq,uly, the historian, justly reprim,ands not enouah to cram ourselves with '1. great load

. ~ ,r I I' I pl ace,' I never went but tW.lce. In short, I those wic\,ed English attorneys and counsellors, of collnct"I'ons ,.' Ilnless 've cllew tll em o"er again,', honorably' acqUired. lvlay le, too, Ive ong, I d i' d l' d I L , ,

d h I d " 1 . h considere. d every hour as preclO. us,. and I ,made w 10 agree to etln t llevcs,'mur erers, 10use- they IVI'II not gl've us stl'enllt,ll and noul'l·shment. unmoleste by t e "mot 1 an rnst W lIC cor- b I ' 1 & b c f .~ II every thlllg bend to my determll1ation noc ,to be Ul'llers, lIg IIHLymen, c., e,ore courts 0 ~ ,

rUjJt earthly treas ures, and at tbe close find a I I I d I I I C V LO G N Th ' ol'dI'llar' y behind any of my companions, and t lUS aw, an exert t lemse ves to t Ie utm ost, lor ALUE OF ABOR IN RE 0 .- e . the l~a!Jes of his eventfllilife approl'in"o'ly l'egis- 1 . I I I ' I' . I rib' tl I es t fi eld' Ol'e speedily pflssed from one species of character \Ire, to SlOW t lat t leIr c lents are ll1nocent, a - wages lor a orers m Ie 1arv , !ll. -ter'ed. , to another. I had been a boy t'ond of pleasure though fully aware th at they are gili lty. When O'on, is $ 6 per day to each ma~; and c:;yery

It is hardl y: necessary to say that the person and idleness , reading onl1 books of unprofitable a constable has caught a thief, is it not mon- kind of labor c'ommands nearly any price de-reD,erred to is Lieut. Gov. Armstr4illlQ:. I 1'1 1 f l ' 11"1 d f' d d d At t1 I t " I·t ]·ecel· ... ed f)'om ~ entertai'nment; became speec I y a yout I 0 ' strous t lat a counse 01', pnvi ege as a n en man e : Ie as repo v

Answering a Fool According to his Folly. steady habits of application and i,rrcsistible re- to justice, will, for a fee of ten clollars up to a there, 3000 wagons were on the road; about , The American Messenger for December has w luti on . I soon gained the ground I had los c, thousand of the stolen money, exert himself to 2000 beinO' destined for that territory, and the

the followino': Dming the month of November, and found those things which were difficul t and defeat justice, and send the villian back into the rem;~i ndeTo for California. The cholera Ilad ] 8'13, a d8l':;':yman and an atheist were in one almost impossible to my idleness, easy enough bosom of society , again to plunder h.onest men? 'been fatal out from Missouri to Blue River, of th e night trains between Albany a.nd Utica. to my industry; and much of my happiness ' I do not think it right,' says Macaulay, 'that about 400 miles--about 700 deaths; it had The nio'hr being cold, the passengers gathered and all my prosperity in life have resulted from a man with a wig on his head, and a oand abated, bowever; but th ere was mucb sickness as eloscly as possibl e around the stove. The the change I made at th at flge . It all rests round his neck, should do' for a guinea, what, of fevers among the emigrants, and some atheist was very loquacious, and was soon en- with yourself. If you seriously resolve to be without tliese appendages, he would think it deaths. gao'eel in controyersy with ,the l1~inister . In energetic and industrious, depend upon it you wicked and infam<;> ns to do for an empire.' PLEASANT 'vYpRDS.--A word spoken pleasantly' anDsI" e' ,. to' all 1'llq' lliry of th e, reverend "o'entle-, '11 f' I I ~ 1" 1 t" . , Etll ' l Allen was once sued I'n Vermo t C

" L WI , or Y.OUl' w 10 e I'le, lave reason 0 rejOICe ' a 1 , n , ,lor is a large spot of sunshine on a, ,sad heart. _ man asto .what wOlild be man's condition after that you were wise enough to form and act £60, on a note due to a person in Boston, alld ' ===~~=======:========; death, the atheis t repli ed-" Man is like a pig; upon that detern;ination. . being unable to pay it at the moment" he hired The i'al'kham Tr.agedy. when he dies, that is th e end of him." As th e No man ought to be convinced by any thing a lawyer to get the case put ofl'. His attorney THE VERDICT AGA1NST PROFESSOR W'EBS<fER. minister was about to, reply, a i'ed-faced Iri sh short of assiduous nnd long continued labors tried to do this, by denying the signature to be The. Jury of inquest upon t~e ~lleg~~ m~r­woman at the end of , tll',: ca, sprung 'up, the issuing in absolute failure, that he is not meant Allen's, th e witness to the note being in Massa · del' of Dr. P ~RKHAM', closed ItS lllvestlgatlOn natural red of hel' face g lowing more ,intensely to do much fdr the honor of God and the good chmetts. Allen was in court when this defence on th e 14th inst., and adjourned witLout date_ wi th passion, and the ligh t of the lamp falling of mankind." was offered; and he cried out, "'Ml;., I did not Coroner Pratt declined to tell the number Of ' directly upon it, and addressin'g th e clergyman l\ilIitary Glory. hire you to come here to lie; I signed that witnesses examined, bnt it is understood there in a voice peculiarly startling and humorous, 'There is something inexplicable ,in the reve - note, and mean to pay- it, but I want time.' H e were about sixty, The following is a true from its impas~i o!1ed ' tonc and richness of its rence paid by men to heJl10rs won in battle. got it. copy of

' brogue, exclai med-"Arrah, now, will ye not The world 's history appears, indeed, to be pre· Immorality at the Sandwich Isles. The V,el·di~t. let the baste alone ! Ha 3 he not said he's a served rather in the history of' battle-fields "Tbe Islands are fast becoming depopulated SuFFOLK, ss .~An inquisition t~ken at tile city pig? And th e more yo\[' 11 pull his tail', the chan in any olher way: It is "very true th a.t the by th e loathsome diseases incidl'nt to general of Boston, within the county of Suifqlk, the louder he' ll sqaale '!" The effect upon all was struggle of man with his fellow-man has been pros titution, and it is currently estimated that thirteenth clay of December, A. D. 1849, ' he­elect,ric; th e clergyman apologized for his for- incessant, and the contest for power or fame ten y~ars mare there will not be 10,000 left of fore Jabez Pratt, Esq. one of the Coroners 'of getfulness in ' attempti'ng to make any reply to makes up the dail y current of political eyents; the 400,000 nativ es \yho rOlJ,med free, innocent said county, upon the view of sundry parts', of , such an assertion, and Lhe atheist was mute th e but that will hard ly account for th e fact that, and happily over these I slands ·~t the time of the dead man: to wit---a thpral'J kidneys, p~l_ remainder of the journey. while a few men worship at the old shrines of th eir discovery. The churches are supported vis, two thighB, left leg and sundry bones, there

Temperance. , learning, and do homage to the di vinity dwell- principally by the women. 'r. 'i: lying dead-by the oaths of Osmyn Brewster, FACTS WOR1'flY OF NO'l'ICE.--It is a fact th at ing in them, by far the greatest, portion of th e " I have seen it stated in the Missionary Her- JolIn L . Andrews, P earl Martin, Thomas Res-

nine-tenths of tb e inmates of our poor hOllses race are better satisfied with viewing battle ald, that the purest virtues reigned in the p.!llace tieaux, Lewis Jones an,l Harum Merri.\l, good were bl'ought th~r~ directly or indirectly by the fields an d relics 'of bard blows, battered swords of the Hawaian monarch, .when, at the same and lawful men, who being charged _and sworn use of a rdent SpIrI ts . and shields, and the like evidences of man's time it was well known that the queen , of the to inquire for the Commonwealth, when, how,

It is a f,wt that three~fourths of all th e con- hatred to man. F ew who visi t Greece care to Islrlnds, ,the wife of the .great Kemehameha, and by what means the said dend man carne to victs, in our State p\'i~Ol:S were hard .drinkers search out the favori te r e,sor ts of th e old phil- was liyil~g in open adulLry with her own his deatli-upon their oaths do say--That they pre.vIons to th e comJ?-lls:;l?n of the Crimes for osophers; but a)1 rush to M,1]'athon , or Ther- nephew. 'rhree of th e princess 's his cqusins, all have been demonstrated to be parts of one winch they are now Impnsonecl., . mopyla:: . Even in countries made interesting were seduced by, th.e same man, while they were 'alld the same person; that tl!ese parts of the

It is a fa ct, that the g reates t sufferers from by modern events, few care to remain for any together at a missIOnary school, and each, bore human frame have been identified and proved , disease, and those whose maladies are the most lenn'lh of ,time in th e houses of DTeat or ' {J'ood bim children. to be the remains and parts of the dead 'body difficult t~ cure, are .tl~ o~e who are addicted to me~, or to tread the grou~d h aflo.wed b/ th e "This nephew has since died of th e loath- and limbs of DR. GEORGE P ARKHAM, late a , the use a t ardent SPll'1ts. ... .. footsteps of depar ted wortlues ; while the mass some disease which is depopulating the islands; citizen of said Boston, aged about sixty year~;

,It is a fact th ~t of a~1 who. commit SUICide III pOUl' steadily to Waterl oo, Culloden, Marston his two brothers are lingering on the verge of th at h e came to his death by violence at Said ~h[s country, nll1etY'nll1e hmdredths are the Moor, and a hundred sim ilar places, renowned the grave with a like affliction, and with them ·Boston, on the twenty· third day of November Immediate or the remote victims of ardent as soil fer tilized by th e blood of men. If far- and the present King will pass away the last; of last, or between the hour of one and the half spirits. . . ther illustration of the fact that men worship the kingly race of the great Kam ebameha. of th e elock in the afternoon of that day, (about

~ c is a fact. that in all famil lCs .where the mili tary glory were needed, it may be found in The mission~ries will then have the islands all to which time he entered alive and in goo,d health chIldren are dIl·ty, half naked, and Ill-fed, the the atte ntion paid to soldiers who have fou o'ht ,tbemselves, If they do not before then throw into the Massachusetts Medical College build­rooms til thy n.nd in, di s~rde\', the husb f~nds idle, bravely, compared wi th that paid to, men ,.~ho themselves into the arms of England. ' These ino' situate in North Grove Street in said Bos­discon lented and peeVIsh, and the wLves. slat- flre only Imown as giants in intellect; but the islands belong to the American coast, and to~:) and the hour of 4 of the clock in the after­terns. , ill- tempered and .quarrelsome, one, If ~lO t fact is too noto rious to lleed proof. 'should if they take allY other form', become noon of the thirtieth day of November last, both the paren ts are drInkers of ardent sptnts, An illustration is afforded by all anecdote of ours; but our cunning poli ticians will not offend when a portion of th e said remains' were fO,und

lL is a fact, th a~ those wh? least frequently Kosciusko in his retirement, not long before his th e Board until the British flag, waving over concealed in and under th e apartments of Dr. attend the worship of G?d III the sanctual}, death. H e th en resided in a cottage in a village Honolulu, will say it is (00 late." John W. Webster, of Cambridge, in the county illost of those who by their oaths, blasphemies of France. Dnrin"o' the invasion of France, a d f I C·· l' of Midlesex, (in said Colleg-e building,) in which

I h The a vance 0 t 1C Ity, III popu atlOn during ~ and horrid execrations, shoe {t e ears of mod- Polish reo·iment from the army passed throu o'h buildin O' the residue of said remains were after-est people, are spirit drinkers. the Yillag~. Some outrages were committed ty th~~a~~gg years, h as been as follows. 750 wards discovered: that he was killed in said

Good Advice. the soldier y, and Kosciusko, an old and feeble In] 8]0 2,540 Collene building by a blow or blows" wound or ENEMIEs .--Have you enemies? Go straight man, came out of his cottage and addressed In 1820 9,644, wounds, inflicted upon h im with some instru-

on and mind them not. If they block up your them. "When I was a Polish soldier," said ' In ] 830 23,86 1 ment or, weapon, .to the jury unknown, and by path, 'walk roulJd them, and do your duty re- he, "we did not do tl1Us." In ] 840 46,338 means not yet known to said jurors; and t~at gardless of their spite. A man Wl.10 has got "Who are you that speaks so boldly!;' asked In] 850 8],604 said bJow or blows, wound or 'wounds were Ill-

no el':emies is seldom good for anything--he is an officer very rudely. flicted upon hiIIl:' and said means were used by. illade of that kind of material which is so "1. am Kosciusko," was the quiet reply. J(J;jJ" A good education will enable ~s to hands of said Dr. John w: Webster, by whom easily worked, that everyone has his hand in 'rhe name ran fro~ rank to rank, from corps overcome many difficulties. , he was killed .

, 1

, .,

\ '


SWITZERLAND: , I to me susceptible of a full t;r explanation , and tl1U S place his w(!ak shoulders under tl1is Atlas

Every fresh aCt of the Fedei'al Cantpnal Gov- , that morc in accordance ' with the , CatllOlic who would be 'sure to, crush him. ' Tbe boldest

ernment of Switzelhnd, is a new improvement I teaching. I may cite; as ail instance , from writer should h esitate, even t.hough a c,o~sidera_ '1 . 'C • 1 I pag~ 4.1 3 ,of the translation by l\L .Gordon, ble reward were proll,lised to the successful one' . I:n t 1e art of p;; rsecutIOn ~or conscience sa {e,' sur- I '

" lId' f N where }'OU say, that tlte J?1'actice 01' the l'?1'imitive It has been in vain that Prussia offier,ed -,t'o' b' e' , passlllg III crue ty t Ie wor~t e ICtS 0, ero 01' I U REY. ' EnwAR,D , PC;RCELL, EDITOR. Dioclesran, Bv f\ late act of the Diet of B erne, /l!, es appcm's to have been, that the 1'em'ission of come generous to,,;ards the' writer wl;o should

=================-:=-:=-:::;:,- ' h S' f CI . 1 b Il d f grievous q(fences could only be once gmnted. It succeed in refut.ing· Modder's S1imu.,olism.' \ t e Ist~rs 0 Htrlty lUye een expe e 1'?1l1 I ' ~ v

TIIURSDAT', DEC£llI.B~R 2~, IS!l9. tEe Hospital , ~ t Porentruy, and the Boardmg is not requisite that I should cite, for so learned I repeat, Rev. Father, tba,t you wer!' ,Ca1bo- ' School of St. Urann<t, '1'he inmates of the Hos- I n writer as yourself, the numerous authorities', lie in heart before uniting yourself to t)le body

PROSPE!RlTY OF CINCINNATI. ,' pi'tal Itnd tn~ authol',ities at Ul'al1lia remomltl'a-, I furni shed both in Scripture 2,nd in Ecclesias1ical of the Church, and if, before the period at which

d . . . t l' b't I History, wllich , go to show, tha t a remiss ion you w'rote the work of which I have 'been speaf,{: te In yam agams t liS ar I ]'[try crue ,ty. ,

No citizen who ha~ resided f~r any length of • """ , , could be many till'ies granted, evel1, to use the il lg, thel'<' sometimes fell from your expressions tim~, in Cincinnati, ,can be found 'who docs not ' ,,'ords of th e, Saviour, a,s often, us Jseventy times, whIch can not be tolerated b§ the , nrecise RQ-take lively interest ,in her adyancement -in ON THE D-EVELOPlVIENT OF THE seven~thus pnwing that it 1vas not in vain that man orthodoxy, yet they, are now to"be excused'

wealth and popu'lation. Those, however, whose ' p-IRlST~AN; DOCT~INE. Cbrist ga1-e to , his Apqstles the power of )'e- so n?uch t11e mor~ readily, DS the consequenc6s

duty it is to ,legislatt< for hel' prof;perity, ougM to We aro indebted to a Rev, Friend for the following mitting at all times and all kinds of 'sins, no of your early education, bcc'ause, as soon as take into consideration, some of the eyils under translation from the "Ami de, la Reli9~ion," of a let,ter niatter how,'numer'ou~ OJ' gdevous ,they may be; c,nlightened b'y the' rays of the pure b'u Lin , yO~l which l;nany ,0L,her people are suffering. No ' from the Bishop of ,La Roch"lle to tlie Reverend Mr' l even thougll th ey should be as multiplieq as ' llobly,i'edeehred tbis fault hy a disco,ll'Se which

NEUAIA~l1, after readiag his book on the Devel'opmcnt tl ' f tl 1 b 1 Id l' ' law can be devised to strike at the 'rich wllich were , ;.pse 0 ' le young man '1',10 'eeame L 1e cou a mosu cause us to re'gard it as a happy of Christian Doctrine. ' The Bishop'S feelings of grati" , f

does not wound the pO,or, and ,hen:ce ,many of object of the , beloved disciple's zeal, and wbo" 'ault. , ', ' . ' tude and hope for the conversio,ll of 'th,e erring of his ' the faxes i!llpose~ ; h~ve operat.ed tq t)le ' disad- flock ; can be ' better appl!eciated by bearing in mind had profited so little ,by his baptism , but ,;dlO, ·They w'ho deplore the step you hare taken can-vantage ,of those, w 110 ~lre , industrious; ,thol1gh ,that silice the Reformation, the Huguenots have been on 11is sinc~rc repentance and aclmow ledgment not 'repl'oac,h )'ou' wi~h haVIng acted inconsider-co~paratively poor. MalaY ' persons have left numerous in his diocese. ' of his faults, desired that 'saint John himself , ately. , YQ\lI' rare talent.s, your .profound leaJl1'. ,

the ,city during tIle past')'e:li', and'much capibl , _, La Rbclwlle, 1849. should absoh-e' hilIl from the guilt incurred by ' ing ,are well known to them, I-,ut tIlCylmow t09 ' has b'een taken from its limits, ' and we have I, REV . F_:Tl.Il)R : '\ . his licentiousness" Ilis robbe'l'ies,. his murders" th:,t, though deeply versed in. tlle sciences, r~'lig­rei:\s0l,l to )mow, ,that , d1J,ring ,the ~nslling ye't]' , It,:s I~dced a ,Pleasure to me to ~(Idress &c.; el'en were they as scandalous as the crime ion has l;>een the, chief obj~~t 'of your studies and a gr~ater injury will be inflicted, on acco,unt of )'OU by ' tIllS , tlGle, whreh ~,t once procla~ms the ' ,)( the incestuous Corinthian, " 'ho was first ex- re~earcl1PS. ,,' , "

the unwise regulations, '( as we sincerely, believe 'progress you nave ma~e 111 the ,'ways of pcrfec- I:ommunicated, a nd l, aft~nv'~I\I~ admitted again T,he beauty of , your worK, ;,: \v en as the in~ ,

" tbem to be) 'by ,vhicb, untler'tl;e name of taxes; tion, ~nd is an indication of what you still have into th,e 'Church', by the aulhority of 'the gr~at terest it excites, increases as thel'e~der advl\ll:

the owners of property have been compelled to to do, for the welf,,!re of yourself as well as for A.postl,e ; , for, says St. John ,-· Clod is ,fait/iflll ces': ,and its' nobJe sty~e', s'uft'ers po diminUlion '

par't \vith the earnings a( their -hm:d l'abor. Oue th,e intetests of your brethren, . ' ) znd just, if we confess 'ozo" sins, to cleanse us eVt;n,to the close. You have giren Efe to thought i~em alone, tqe pavin'g of streets 'With bouldqr , I congratu,late you on yOUi' faIthful obedience, trom alliniquit?J, I shall not here quote Den, tl~at oth,el'~ had merely, conceived, you ' have

sto~e, has to o'uy kno\vledge, distressed p.1any ,t6 that divine gr<1ce, by which you were called, 'lis, of St. Martha, or the lea rned Schilfmach~;" glveil vl13'or , to . thos'e that ' had in others been

pe):sons~e,~ic~ec1i;lg1y. There is,probably no city aJ:d t~lat too ~vith\out C?I:sulting tll ~ intc:'esls of the latter of whom ks abridged l in ltis 4tlt let- powerless and inac,tive. T~l~ vie,,'s which J?u: ' in the world wllere so largb ~ proportion of the flesh ,and bl,oqd, I.fehcltat,~ the holy Church, I'cr; what has been estab li:;heu by a hnge 1111111- ,present to Y01:r , T~aders are ,as . astoni,;hil1g,as

workino' classes are the o\vners of their own my l11,o ther, on havlllg l1}ade such a conquest, bel' ~)f tl)e910gians at, greater Icngtl1. You are they nre beautIful, ,Dnd,as )~Pu g,radu,allyassu'llie 1

do~icil~sJ' and Qn tho,e pe~!lODS the prosp~ 1\tY 1 I rejoice with those: upright souls ' which your ' .l.l ready acquainted with what the learned Bel- ,a t;'ue Catholic, positiOli we l'ai ~e , ol1l' he a~'ts in "

of the city does to a great ~xtent 'depend. " For example ar;ll in;;tructlons, I am confildent, will !larmine ha,':\ , , said, 1I1 unison wiL'h so many thankfl~lnes, to God who has been pJ~aEed t~, ' ,this p'avi~g: heavy expenses 11ave been incurred; bring b;;tck jn large nurnbcrs, in fo the true fold . ' otliel's , ' in his Treatise un, the ~acramcl1t ?f bless IllS Cbilrch with a defcl1qer ,,0 'powel;fu]',:'

tlie l,aboring man or, the n1ech,anic" for bis lot of Whil.e you were yet Ii v-ing , ft~r , r(,l~oved fl:OIl1 , Penance , ;N eithcr do I .admire the expression ~nd we exclaim in admiration t!if( j?vgei: 0)' God twenty feet front, has had to devote a month or her-while you were ,almost battlmg agalllst Df bread and wine wllich you sometimes apply ~8 he1·e. ' tWQ monlbs warres, 'thoiJ.O'h fully conscious that her-this Daughter of Heaven 'l'a8 e1'er plp'- i 10 the Holy Eucharist, when )"OU, 'speak of the Our sepf!r-~t~d bJ'etl!J'eI1 i'wh~ rna; r~'ud'y'our ,

the e,xpenswi;lc;:Ted ,:o~ld. be liU.JebeUcl' th.an ~ning Y,ou w'irh .~ ~lOJy and .a :enCie}- ~oli,citud~ ;'1 ,'a~red sp~~ies, ~'b~ conte}(t S,l~.~(:ient:Y illdi- work, qln~ot tnk,e ex:ep~ions to )'QUI' 51}' Ie, .and money thrown mto tI,e nver. Already are she lov,ed you, lIttle by httle she rnsllluated ca,es that J C!U 90 ,I?" employ tll1s ln exact man , If then hC,arts ?e upngl)t as was yonl's aJ1d, tb~y iho~~ : pavero'ents , broken and disfigured, a~d hel'se~f into your he,art and ~nto yoUI' soul; she I ,ne r of spea;,!ng fo:' the ,~U1yose of assail~ng ,th,e, seek tl:,e tl;ut!1 m earn~st, ,they will say with yon, ,'{ their renewal at no distant period is obvious to called upon you to figltt, WIth her and under ,' i10gma of lransuostantlatlOn, and I nol1(;e thiS on 1 ~1y l!1g aSide your book,: "my eyes-halJe iJeen , ' 'itll. " The immigrant with rhoney, no longer as in her standards, t"~ battles of the Lord. ,When, I expression only because I do not wisll th~'t a .thy salvation.'" ';, " " '

~ormer tin:es, ~et;rn:in~s to. fii~d ~ 'l:ome f0f tIle ~n ~he silenc,E';. of YO~l~' study, y~u we~'e ,:O~Sl:lt- I ' -B i sho~) s,hol~ld be indifferent c~n~erni,ng tbe 11~e FOI' my own part, the r'steem in'~hi'ch I hold iutu,re perIOd of hiS lIfe' 1!1 ClllCl!lIlatl. Tbe id ea 1I1g the LJ1adltlOJ;lS I)f ,tIl the ages of Cllllsoal1lty "f such ,l teJ m. I do )1oL fOJ ge~ that you still you did not comlTlence with ~he ucquaintance i of, moving ' to , oLh~r ' citi~s is a promInent topic: from t118 very birth,of the Church; Wllel? , ·1 lldhered. Lo the Anglican Church when y~u ha~'e formed '~iJ.h your learned wl'i Lings, and1, ,

llmongst' mal)}, 11'110 l1a,ve lived h e.{e 101' yenl's;' .... , . '.' .... youchd not l ' iVl'ote t~llS wor]i' I,ll1d for tll~lt reason Il'ef:,am bless God who has opened your / eyes witli so ' the 'School tax from which : the Catholic does not sl.lffel' yourself to be seduced by that knowledge ! from several other obseryatlOns that I might r~uch .~ore bounty thm1 he did the e)'cs, of To­

receive a cent' of ~en~efit,.lle cannot b ~lp co;~sid~iohiclt pZ!(fetk up, yO~l were guided by tb,at ! I\ith propriety malie, III b:as, for nO.t.onl! has 118 promot~d th~ reby your ering an oppression, and th~l~e)lI'e otlier topics cha1'ity wIden vivifieth, and, ~s has b,een ~aid of ! Tliere is, bowever, an uprigh t, loyal spirit own sanctlijcatlo~ but ]il;e,,;ise , (b~.t ,of lIl[lI1Y ,

whi~h add to the disconte l~t, but'.'Which bein'o· a an ancient Falher, YOlt sought CII1'ist in uooles,. ! prevailing through0ut your work, indicati1'e of otller so\ds which, aided by Him, YO~1 will soh;e

,se~.tional feeJing; would be misunderstood OI'l~S-' .Y ou h:w8 found him--:-,for thi~ di~ine Saviour I, il m ,\n IV ho , sough t ,the truth with Bis ' whole , to, enlighten,. FaT t!tou shalt go Difore tlw face ' , reNesente<i' if alfuded to, ' Vie do not' pretend IS ~ot to be found w:thou: 1m Church; fro~1 1 : Ilcart, and you Ilnve proye~ by tl1e eoUTs,~ you oj tile Lord, to 'p1'epare his way. to give II.'RoUJ-to understand those sel'ionsquestions c(H1nected whICh he nev~r separated Ilimself, not' does 8,he : ~ubsequenLly took that ~he tr~lth could not but ledge of salvation to ' llis lieople" tp ,enliglden them ,'Ti'

1 with theprosperityof'ri,city, but we:lmqwenollgh eyer s.eparate' herself ~rom , h~in" who is the I i~lilll~fe st itself to ,J'ou. ~[ :l~e 9?nsicleratio~ of tlwt .sil-iiz dar/mess .,aiu!: -in the ~ s~admo ofdeat!t; , tob~~atisfied, thatadisposi~ionprdailSamongst, iso l'ereign trutl], as sl( e IS, tlte pzllm"a~ld gro~ncl : 1 tbe temporal , sacn?ces :vIJl~1r your entry mto to dZl'ect our feet in,to tlwu'aY ,ofpep,\e, " ", a la,rge class of industrious families to sc(}k else- 01' the truth. He has shqlvn you tll:t'S , glo1'loUS I,' l b(~ Holy RGman CatholIc Church would cost · I cannot close this 10110' letter'witll ' t ~ , . , ' , ' {' . ' , ' :;, ' ou expres' w ber:e ,for hoinGs, , ~or ,w hose ,comJol't the,y will spo:tse ,who is-qlways without 'w1'~nlele and withozr,l i rOll dId n,ot causc yon , to. "heSItate; ' but , your.: ,smg the $ali,sfacti'on I expel'i'enccd ' itt the liJ<ln , /"

not have ito pr\y an e~horbitant tax. 'Should sttmz, and he l:as eal'l1estly~ €~trcat~d ypn t? I loftY; ,ilO,ble, and qisinterestE!d mind raisccL,itsclf ner In whi'ch you havespq'lw!'l of the most hOly ' ,

, these' eV,ils con, t,inue, there will be a ,iall in p' rop- bee o"t:l1 e ,her dOCIle a,nd subl11l.sslYe c,hIld. YOU !I s,ho,ve, ev,cry th\ng earthly, and in all parts of and iml11,;cl~hte 'Viro'i~' Eal'neost'] ' ~ 'I ' t , " " '" J." " " , yaoo enrea' erty befol?e Ion", and,', man'y a house will pres,ent' have done so--you have !'eslgned ,yourself en- j'OUT 1york do we remark that sublimit'\' 'of her totake '}'oll' under her m:,' ' ]' "I' ' ,' ." t> , ' • . " , - . ' , " l,me [,,1 ploLectlOn that ominon~ fabl ~, the certain indication of ~ ' til~eJy ' to 'Christ and ,his Ch.urch, The earth I [(lInds, m the eagle'lrke vIews y(lU take, as well durIJ10' }'our 'whole life \v,hich I p' " b

, 'j I . , , ' , :;, " IRY may e as dec1ininQ' city-"Fo;' Sal; or Re~t." , rejoiceth thereat,- the angels-are filled \vith de- ) JS 111 the thoughts eXIJressed, W111ch are always lono' as it will be pr.'o' 0'11C '[I',,(,,', ' o'f \ ' ' J"l" , 'e r '

.... ~ ', b I • ~ .' , '0 \'~') OI sanc~ -'--~-' -- ' light--and Satan trembles, for he sees the coh- : nand alid supernatUJ'al" alike in their concep- tit" <,nd I prav th~t 3,'Oll" {!' ~' atl1 ' ; "'b' tl t f

~\ ' I ~: • J _ ' . , , I • J , . • ~ J (" . _, ~ , ~ t: 111 aye ) a, 0

, ,CO,NVERSIONS. " scqu:n~cs of tHis ' b;~ssed event,. , I tluns an,d ,m thea: de,Yelopm;nt. the jl!St: " ' , , " ' .' ' , rJ1iI~ 1 TABLET announce~' tl18follow.inO'o cori- Wben I cOll1menced~ the r~admg of t]le , A1,ready you were a I clnld of ~he Churcl1 You!' 1'crr 111)mble " "', . - -/ 0 learne.d, "vork in \vhich you, assi.Q.'u the 1l10tives !, H,h en }70U commenc.ed this 'vork, ~for \'Ol,1r a:ood and obcdien~t ser~lant" \

yersioJl8 in England ,:-The R,e\' .. H. Eittleslon, ~ J ~ minister ,of Margaret Stl'ee t Cbpel. 6)ne week which determincd- you to return to the center of i ' (:\I'c11, youi' pl;ofOlin'd religi?us sentiments, placed , ' CLKMONT" Bishop' of Rochelle. ' pl'eviouslyW . R. Gawthohl"Esq" witll his fam' .itnity, I aclmowleclge tl,atI feared two t1Ji~gs. X I i.'OLl among tllOse , in ' wllOse b'ehal£ the Royal -'--:----.;,...-------'---

ily. "It may b,e inte'resting to add," say~ 'the wri was ::pprf'hensive, first, that th o'depth of thought [' rophet a(ldressed ' this prayer to God: Ex- ff:;§J" Weare h;PlJY to .Dnci tlle FAlR, at tile

ter,"th'at Mr.Rnd Mrs, Finlason, t\~O of the COIl- dieplay\d thel'~itl would l',~ndc,'r?our work al- 'md t!ly mercy ,to tlwn that lcn.ow thee, land thy llfelodeon, for lhe b.eI~efit of the Free Schoo.lsof "erts, ~onfi;m~d tl; e o~ber day at th~ ol:ato]'y, and most ,unapprecrable ~o ordma!'y .!lltellects; and, : ' Istice to , tltem tl~at aTe rigId in keart; and it is St. Xavier, so well attended. We undel'St,lnd cousins of ,Mr. Gawtlrorn, llad arrived -at tl1e secondly, I feared that the1'e ,lmght be discov- '.hus t1J::\t light "isri,'cn to,the just; and fo'!} to ih~ , it, will close on th e 3d of J anuh!'v next 'on '

conCliision that it v.: as their 'duty to si.ibmrt,to el:ed in it ~t()O many. I'emn~~ts of , those fo~'mer ' igllt 'i?~ lwart, :, ' , whic1. day a grand Concert for the' above ' be-the Cllurch' al~lOst on the sar~le day that lle did; 'prejudices of 'educatIOn, wlilch would be likely In the attentil'e perusal of Tonr work it is llevolent 'objedt will talre '-lace. '

thouih peitbei"of the~ knew that the other was to produce in the minds of your r eade rs doubts impossible nOL to discover that the'divine grac'e ----~~-\lyen considering \he, subject." " as to the integrity of our faith. rather than , ~ " "S wit.h you, ndt elll ightening yon suddenly ffi.?r The present ' is ,the last number of the

, ---'-_-----'--'--_ - ,- '- strengthen their attaellJllent ,to it--for such is I> it did Saul ' on t11e, road ' to Dam~scus, but Eighteenth Volume of t l1C Ca'tllOlic Telc!J'J'(ipli . I " the delicate nature of faitl1, such i's tlle nicety :Ippe,aring to say to you: B ehold, I stand at, the Our paper ' ,will be i~sl]ed Jor the future on)

}i'INE,A,RT~--·:..v:ALUABLE DISCOVERY. Iyith' which we must exclude all error from 0Ui' ,l~j()r and knocle. Cheerfully did you open the SATURDAY, instead of Thursday; in each week. The GiriJncrle iii {lama,' of th e 10th of Nov., discussions of it. I must remark here, however, , 1001' of your h eatt 'and with j oy did ' }'oure- VVe can ,supply a few back numbers to s~leh of

sajs; tllat in the, excavations , lately ni nde at tl1at your work is s.:argely adapte'd to other ,: eive this g-racp, Gmce united itself to 'lrutb our s,ubscribers as wish to perfect their yolum i:s,

Transtaver,e, in that city" the,eele):)],[1[ e~ orig- than men 'of learning and refiecti9n; but it is J hich 'is eye r its faithful compani'on, and ne1'er .• O~~,L_n_ inal statue ofLysippus has been found, ,called by equally tJ:Uf; that it~ obscurity gradually disap- i'mld t.ruth have appeared to you more beauti- §;§- Such of our su bscribers (country r.nd

the Gre~ks ",.r1p?ssiomenos;" and ,bithe Latins ' pears as the reader progresses through its in- t III amI radiant than on that great day on which c:ity) as have not paid tll(:ir aCc'olmts, would be

"disl.ringens," or that df an l;thleta coming back te),esting pages, and h e is ,amply repaid for the i I. was ordained that its presence sJ\ould crown doing us great service at pr<;sent by remitting

from th,e.war. Speaking dfthis stqtne, the elder applicati0ll 'he ,has given to the principles laid '\:'e many labors you had endured in its search'. us some m,oney. Our expenses are very ' Pliny SllYs" in his Nat. Hi s': ,lib , ,34, 0., 17, ,19, down, by the ,beautiful 'consequences h'e de- ,i, lreally llad you sho wn that you wer~ not one heavy, and as we pay weeldy for ' everything in

that this masterpiece holds the fiTst rank in stat- du~cs from ther,o.: It is then that a person ,) f those predetermined to adhere to their own ,connection with the Telegl'(lph, our wants are

uary, that Mark Agrippa placed it on the 1'ron- 'peruses. with ,equal faci],ity ~nd plea,sure, a Ipinions, for you r~membered the words of the the more prcssiJJg~ and sllOuld be the sooner'

tol 'of ;~11e public baths;,wliere it could be seen by 1york as learned as ' it is beautiful, flnd.eyer,)' iq)ostle: Knowing t!tat lie that is such a one,' is attended- to, We hope Jl1is notice will not be tllC Romans~, and 'that the peopie of Home com- line of which is a new hO!J1age pai~ to truth . lUlJV~TtecZ (lncZ sinneth, bei11iJ condemned' by his un}1eeded.

, pelled :l'ib5'rius~ in the very h eight of bis power, , As to the second cause of my apprehensions, ,Iwn Judgment, --;---+--<>-0:<>-0--------'-

when he had taken it to/his o'wn 'chambel' in the I fem'cd wlwre there was no g1'ound' fol' feai', or It is no t surprising th at your wonder ful work ilclr Th e sa iling of the European Mail palace, substituting for it another beautiful sta,- at'least my fears were e'xaggerated. I have Las met witTl oppop.ents, for it could 'scareel): Steamers will continue we ekly from this conn­tue; to, 'replace it where 'it', had ~en i\Jstalled discovel'e~ in YOUl: language the e-;;press io~s be appreciated by those ~vho do not forgive you try tilJ. the 26th inst., ' [nel d len' semi,i11ontl{ly for th,,'.e 'ad'mi,f,ation" of tbe ,city by Ag.ri,PI)a. It f L " J f I' '11' bl 1ft tl CI 1 I I II I till the nrst,of April next. ' 'l'lle cl1angc of de-~ a man 0 <ilL I, 0 one w 10 IS unwl mg to us 1, 01' your re ]:lJ'l1 to 1e mrc I , s lOU (. lOW' parture from Englanel, '[1 0m wed;]y (0 s('mi-has received only S1igllt injury from either time at a late!' day, at what he -has once advanced , «vcr, be greatly surprised that anyone should montlily commenced wi th (he ~ai linO' of tl:c or violence, 'l'ller.e are some points, howeyer; which 311peal' be rash enough to attempt ' its refuta(.ion, and I Hibern'ia from Lirerpool Dec. 1st. b

• ,>

, .. --~

CAT ,R 0 LIe , TEliEGRAI' II A' N D A D V 0 CAT E'. 411 [ClJ)DIUIIICA,T),:D J


1 ?'§9-I.§ OO-i§41s.

are known to i\ll, a~ll in th~m we can clearly me of witnessing' the ordination of Mr. LEAN- tinguished either as a seholar or as a divine . trace, as we h[we _ hi ther to done, the finger of DER FREBER, O .~S .. ; on whom the Rio'h t I'l,e ~·. He h ad how ever the nood fDl-LUne to mar;'Y- a

Bishop eoadJ' utor conferred Ton sur~, Minor d I f' D G '" -

. PIUS VI-~Prus VII- Prus' IX. God directing the counci.!s of his 1101y' Church, aug lte]' 0 r. oodal!, Provost of Eaton, and

, Orders, and Subdeaconship. . On Sundav, the to be tu tor to the presellt jyf','I'qlll'S of C,'lm'den . and scattcrin o' her eilcmines like dust before the I , - 1 ,

'" . s~me pre ate gave comm}1l1ion 10 the married ']'0 the former connection he owes the livino' of (Concllidecl from l'ag.e 37S:) , wind , A bright day is coming, when [,he S,iintec1 men, ,and, after Mass, confirmed ane hund1'ed Sturminister,. a~ which hGArareIy reo s ides ~ to~

, ' descendant of S t. Peter will re-enter in triuDT,ph and jaur pe'rsons--all Germans. The I'l,etreat the latte r h e IS l11d ebted(fol~he st·, 'II 111 Rocll 'es-We left Pius VII. a pI:ison er in the bands 'of I I l' d' I . C<

that, holy , cit.y where lies tIle sacred treasures c osee on ues ny eVeI1l11g, after the va edle- tel' Cathed ral; and, by virtue of lh at stall, he .4 apoleon . In this n,liserabl e condition, he 1'e,' tory' 'uldrcss dell' d b ' tl R F II ' U 1 I" ~, of the .Church, and to \,hich all the faithful ' " . vere y Ie ,ev. a,ler N- got tIe Ivmg of Chatam, where be n'ever res-mail1l~'d ,' sliut u,p in an' old castle, and 'closely .. nR'I'HINER. It was followerl by the blessing of des, and throu'g-h tIle fathe r 'We, son hold s tIle ,

, look up with, eyes fill ed with hol_y love, rever" tl M" C I P . f I bl d ~ ,watc,heel for ne \lI'ly five years. ,EI'ery effor t le IS5IOn- ross, tIe rocesSlOn 0 t Ie esse , benefic~ of Good hurst with ,500l. a y~'lr. Thus was made 'by Bonaparte to destroy the Church. ence and obedience. Sacram ent withiI;! the church, ind the singing' c.orr~p~lOn begets 'corrup tio'n. Dr. Goodall .por-.

, of the "Te Dellm," in Germm'l, in ·which · the tlons IllS, d, '" 110°'11 tel' ".'1' til a ' II·,' I·n:L')·,· LOI'd Cam' (Iell' H. e persecuted, l,l€!: ministers , ex iled her faithful ,--=<, , -,"""M==&",,' __ ~,,,~~------==a. = ~,., 1 1 ... d " -' . "U~. -W 10 e cOI~g~'egatlOll JOIll € -filllllg the spacIOus rewaTds hls.. tutor wl,h a stall; the stall o'iyes

followcrs, . silpp.i:essed all '· l'ellgiolls house~, for" ®rdrftin!2itiraf JJ t rr tflmple WIth the praise of thp Almighty and the 'yicaJ'-canon anothel' living; and the fa1her, bade missions, and sileneecl the most celebrated n c wente. Merciful God, and testifvin o' thei r __ gratitude thus saturated with ])referment, 'in'culcates the

Prer.chel.s ; Amidst all . ihis per secution, the for the happy d~lyS ' during'" whicl} - they had son with the virus of ecclesiastic:11 pluralism

f heai'd the eternal trut.hs of salvation announeed . ' Roman Catholic ,religioI;! \vas not destl'oyecl' ]l)IOCE§E OlF LOUUllTILJLE. ' "Anotj>erori(1 another ;\{I\ sncceeu s,

. . - to then.! in so 'solid, powerful, and impressive a Till Olle cos t mag.ot fills the rolton cheese." ,

She came forth .out of tribulation mcii'e resplen- ST. MARY'S COLLEGE.-The friends' of a , manner by the' eloquent Minister of'God. Long " , ·ll I Denial by n Protestnnt .Clergyman of Christian Bu~jal (0

dent than ever, and, notwithstanding the sneers solid and ,sollnd ed u,cation cannot bUL be highly WI tIe good congregation of the Imm~lculate _' a Roman Ca tholic. '

f . fi d I d tl ' . 'f f I I I o· ot'fi d to I f tIl' d' f Conceptiod remembel,' these days of-:,bl ess,ing's. I' o 111 ,e s an' Ie warnlllgs 0<1 se 'prop Ie,s, "r" lIe lear 0 Ie g onous olllgs 0 OUI' " t IS our very painful duty this week to record she survi l'ed all her pel:~ecutors, and wltness~d, Catholic Imtitulions in Kentucky; they consi- ' JOHN. on~ of those, outrages upqn Clll'istian charact.er , 'the downf,tll of the gTeatest Hero of antient or del' .such an educ~titon tasl the gre~ttlest bbl e~singf' , ., ••• ~----:- ,.', whle!1 are alike revolting to an, inteJl.igent com-

. , ~. . conterreeJ. on SOCle y a arge, as . Ie aSls ° AUClflID:l!OClE§E OF B 'ALTIllIO.RE. n:lI!1lty and a· d isgrace to . that' systein of reJi-molern ~i.n.les. 'Iht? hl,s toJ'lnn adds ;-- ' , , oi'deI', virtue, and m0raljty, and , tlle strongest PRoFEssION . ......::Decembe·j- 12th, the Most Rev. glOn by. which they are sanctioned . . The cir-

"Ambition. made N apole~n 1 blind! n:pd led raml)art ~gain~t t.lle exte!lsion of ,vi?e, and tlle Archbishop admitted to the solemn vows of cumstal)ces of the cas(., as ni'\arly as we can him into the ,hdtrt M 'Russia, wher~ his replr- , perpetra~lOn of .crupe. l' 0:' the cnJoymen.t of relig ion, Sister Mary Angela, in th e Co~yent of' gather. them, are bJ-j'efly t)lese :--'l'he famili of tation and his, ' power ,~ere buried witll more" ~he above-mentIlJ11e.4 blessl~lg:S, we ha,ve ' evel)' Visitation, Frederick, ' Md, The Rev, Mr. John Gully, E~q(, of Ackw.orth'park, having than fOlll' hundred tholls<tnd ,Frenclmiel1. (A. reason to be thankful to D1Vll:e Provlde?c.e III Elder, of St. Mary's College, uncle of the yoUl1O' recently been ViSited lJya pmnful bereavement, D. I ~12 .) O·.n his retu'l'n tQ. France, h,e went ?kl.Kel:tnck, Foremost, amO)lgst. o.nr, r~hglOlis lady, 'assiste(l on the occasion. " applic!ltion was m~de to '.l\h;. Kenw'oi·t11}\ the , to see the Pope al FO,ntainehleau; for this au- I11 stltutlOns, St, ~Ial'y'8 ' Colle~'e I~ entltll~d to _ F.{THEIt MATHEw.-This illustrious apostle clergyman, to hfLYe the' deceased interred gust captive,; for four months, had been challged ~nore t.han an ordlliaJ} me.ed ot pnllse and ,BTat- , ' of tempea'ance arrived in onr city on ''fuesc\al' in the chu~chiYard of Ackworth, wh~re a forlper' ab'Qut from 'o,ne place ,to anqtber. . Ha;;ing 'be'- I t~d~. ~ a~, h.appy ll~ beIng able t~ s:ate that ~ :tl fernoon, :md was con'ductedby the Rev. 1\1;. bra:1ch of Mr .. . G~lly's family had,?"Ie,n ah:ead'y ,

, come mo1emte, .it . apppal's by hi" rev,erses; he thl~ , n\stl;~ltlOn 1S now 111 a most flo unslung con· Dolan , to his resitlencein B),oadway, Fell's burred. " Pen11lSSl0n wa, g)ven ' fot the 1I1tel~ proposed to the ' Pope an llcqommodation; but 4ltlon. .the .number ? f the stnd~nts, at tl:e J?oi'n t, ' :where h e' wi,ll remain duri'11 Cr his stay 'il') mentJ which the rev. genllenvm Imew he du'rst, . the .Pogel declared iliat he w0uld on ly, treat' prese,p.t tI~e, IS ane hundred and elev.e~, ; allm Baltjmore. Ma[Jv persons IHtv~ waited on ~'ot refuse), ,but tl)e deqeased young lady)?a\:-0vith )Jim fl.tRome, and ,·\;here in the midst of the enJ?yl~('nt- of good,:health , fine , Sp11'lts;·a.nd Father, Math ew, aild we have no d.oubt thht our ,mg lieen a l-l.oman Cath6l,ic, he would not aJ­the Sacred College. l _ "" m:d9:' tor }It'!J'a.ry ,pursUIts. If an able fae,ully,. citizens, will vie with , those' df other .places, in low the corpse to be .taken ~vith-i'l1 ' the precincts

,'rhis resollltio,n 'ast onished Napoleo'n; 'but a stnct. 'dIsclplll1e, an~ an excellent 'system of, l1ianifestirid 'thei r r eo'ard' for that 'distino'uished of the ehureh. It was ' not , likely ' that ' a 'hi 0'h~ ' 'surprise quickly g:ave place to ' anger, and ' t)lep educatio~ can insUI:e, sllccessand perm,an enr:y in4iv'idu~l~ Every oman, every Catholic, and minded 'ahd honora-ble \' man' like ,Mr: G~Jy tv f't1I:J; he bl'oke out<inLo ',threats , he olltraged , t,o a seml,nary of' useful Imowledg~, 10l:g wIll e~ery Irishman ' especially, hns. re'ason ,to, be woul.d submit to such an i1,1sult. What paren't, the PO!l tift~ f~]1t1 ', even forgot him-self so fa.r :as Elt. ~~rLs Col~()ge 15~, the hOf1st oLKel~t.\)cky" proud, of Father Mathew: We understan(l with a h eart bleeding under the loss of"an ami- · , to ) ift his han,d against jlls ,sacred person. SOQn a bl'lll i-'~nt , star m Manol1 :county, anc~ ,nn.,l.nval- that iii t.h,e. course "of his temperancG lab(m~ he able child, could 'endure to have 'the mark of after, he ,becan'le ' ashamed' of his 'cond'uct, ana , uabl e ~.llrsery of good,.!~?ea~ and usefulcltlzens. has administered the pledge' to seven mill,ions of degradation' stamp'ed upon the ]'emains of tbat re,tumed .to mMer. mea~ures ; ' he flntt ered, h e ST; JOSEPIl'S, COLLEGE=-Th:i~ , Institution, it persons, and, in this country, to abbut one hun- child, by being denied ' th e j'ight of Christian .-c::u'()ssed, 'he prol111secL , At length, partly by must be remembered is ' now in t,he hands of dred thousf1nd . ", . , burial? And yet this most undoubtedly would' c Ui1l:ing, pal:,ly by ,vio.lence; l:'e, induged h.is that illustrious bodyl' of n~;m, whom pl~blic ,' have been th e' case' lrad the parries peen without C?ptl.\,~ to sign 01:1 ,~rtlcl e WhICJ1,. on" cC,rt<lIn opinion has proclaimed the educators o'f youth, ' IVnS~EL;:~~1EO~~. , the' means of providing' another place of sepui'-condlhons, was to·' serve as the ' b'ls~s " OT , a new the Sons a+ .It.gna.tius ,a+ Loyola . 'fhe pa,st and ' ture. Happily ,this wa,s not Mr. Gully's POS}'; ,

- ' ~:; , - LONDON .-CONFIRMATION OF EIGH1' 11.11 :THE' I ., _ cOil?Ordat. . , . .'J . , . 'present condi tion 01' this di~ti9guishe~ : College" . . - " tlOn, anc a remedy in his cag;e was at' hand, ' ' ... As, S9011 as, th~ , Impo~tor g.ot. t111? , 1l1~O , IllS promises a lung career of inestimaple good on "ORATORy.-.-A"functIOn of .gr~~ t Interest was tl\ough the circumslances llJust 11av'e cost' the hanJ.", he, alte ~'e c1lt , publ.lshedlt .'1l~ , t' I~latJt.Jl1 ~ f ;ocid.y at large. It giyes me great pleasure .to, celebmted on 1. uesday mo,r!1ll)g, ,at tl;.eOratory, mourningfamily much adtl'itional som;n'v. AcI~, 1m pleclgecl ·fll!th, "ane! pre~.e l~te cl It .to I'ranee a.s inform ,the friends of this h 'ls titution, that St. ' :IY, the RIgh~ Rev. Pl'· Wiseman. ' E I,ve gentl!'-· ,worth-park being c6ntiguous to the church yaM, ap ab~ol!1 f.e "-co'iicordat; :heset it lip as the li11v Joseph' s Colle"'c bas every ti tle to that distin- ,11t.~~ an~ t,l.ll ee la~les, ~ll of them re~~nt ~un, a spot wa"s selected as near as possible t9 ,,~l1e of the Stath . . : .. gu i~lied patron7,ge it h as enjoyed ever since the ~elk' reqelv ed, ~I,le S.acI,lment of 1 Co,nfillnatlOn;, ,place where t!le other m:mb~rs of the family ·

'~bc li'ope ha'?ten,ecl tQ pl't) t e~t agamst thlS tirst day of its li terary ex istence . A bout ninety and . made :1:~1I fiI~t CommunIon.. ~mo.n6 had been buned, and tIllS hemg. by a ,Catholi(l pcrhdy; bat. Napoleon had ?b.tamed eqough to boarders, 08sirles si~ct!J ext!2rn s tud ents, frequen t, :hose wh~.\~el ~ con~1 mcd ,at the O~ atolY, ~ne clergpnan se~ apart as if place of s.epulture, the , clecCive those whovr'cre willll1g' to. be deceive~. nt th e present tillie , th,e venerable halls of old ,vil~ .. a b~ll1.stqI, ~( Lmcoln s Inn? a~ld another a ~'emm,ns of MISS. Gully were depOSIted thefe, on <1\, D. 181~) He ~ppl 'l\~de~ l:lm,s~l~ fo ~' lJls St. J 05eph. '~h@i excell~nt h~alth .0/ tIle' ,in- baJllstel of tl?e . lemple, fhursday mornmg' last, accordmg to the l'ltes ~nu~lph, yet he was on' tb.v):)] Il:l\ of I )11~1. ,' , mates, the upnght [lnd noble behanour ' of th,e Relief to Father Matthew. of that chnrch in whose fai th sh e: died. 'Th'e',

All Ell,roF~ leagu,ecl, ,ag:'l-1l1st,I;1ll1! all hiS alltes juvenile throng , ",the superio\' ,abilit.y- of 'thqse I " The St. ~~ugustine , Temperance, Beneficial conduct of Mr, Kenworthy needs no comment. • ,ab;tn:lone.d 111 :.(1 at onc ~;" H e WilS dr1ven from masters of educationr the renowned Jes l,lits , are Society, of 'Phi ladelphia, have presented Father Surely sueh a system will sonn lack. defend'ers, {tcTq~al1Y ,o fi'om Spa,iri ,- fro,m S.wit~erla-ll(l .';· h!s, ' ~;n earnest that , Si. Jose ph's Coliege will. long Matthew with the sqm of ®200--the voluntary and ,viII give , place to one whose principles' 'ftc el1em l ~S rollowed 'h~m, an~l ' el1tm:ed, on ,IllS occupy inthe pub1ic estimatioil t,htl high rank subscription 'of t1le ' ljlCmbers, ~lliph \Vas ack- mOTe equitable and just.. We have no (p:iarre l h:;el,s, :lI1to ~:he , I;n(EH'I?:,/pf ha~ce. ;,~I() mIg:ht .that past and present services so de,sen:edly nowl edged in a 'warm and eloquent t letter, in with EpiscDpalianism as such, but we ao objec~,~, std! IUlVe 1 ~1. 1~ (:oclV.n h)~,arms.; ~hey oHerecl}ll!n c:laini. from h hose who know how to ~ppreciate \\'hic~1 he .sflYs-" My :m?arl:hs~ments ~(:'re to a cl)urch heing called national, abd b'eing peace, he 1 e,'used It. , 1 hevlCtlillj o~ a SPlllt ,Ot ,the worth, of an :t9Colllphshed educatIOn,. , conlJ acted III the Tempel ar:.ce cau~e, espeCIally sllpported by natiCinal funds ; denying its citizens ~:l'or al~d ,blindness, h~ l o~t everythll:g, even t o II 'N,lZARETH ' ACAD~My-'--This -far renown "d b~r my e~orts ,t~ lighten th~ p~cl:l1lary burdens a ,right to its pl'ivileges.-Leeds Me7·cill·Y· .hIS )' Il1l'h tary tal ents. LIke a ') fero clous beast I t't t'IO lIas - um'ed a otalI"on I'll tl l't J!t~ { I at the several l empel'ance Socletles throuo'hout .. Bchavio~r ofI:Jro~eEltnnts at St. Georges. ,\ , ., I d. b I ' I ," I d c · " ns 1 11 n , ass . (, 0 l 1e 1 e rct Y I I ' d d' 1 . ' t' ffi~ " . 0 . . S.U!'l~Oll~ ( ¢ , . y , lUllters:)e . stn~gg<e', lor, some, world, from which it is 'not likely to desce'nd, l:e an , tu:mg; t leo recen .a [etmg'. perIOds of A 'correspondent, signing him~e lf , " A Oall1o- · t!fhe ,wlth .. more.fury than sagaCIty; " 1'1 tl 6 ' " t f cL · ,t· - ". " distress; flUd It , wIll prove, consolmg ' to Olir lic Resident of'Se. 'Geonrt's," : \Vrites to 'us as ,.

"I I I ' f 'G 'J ." II' dl ' Ie 1orou'usys emo e UC,hlOn so; snccess- , . ' 1' d . I ~ .il.t ,~st, tie llmd 0 .0" ,~truc (~ lIm an Ie f IJ ' " 1"1:1 db 0' t by 'Its able, 111al1o ~, , ' tl ' countrymen 10 t lat ear native and, to learn follows ': -; \', You are no doub't · aware that .,

'san[c down; · he_ belield ' himself. ' a capti ~.e in b~ }d' (,,) , I "t'.' U f ~71' C n" t' of I; a'u"lbetIIS'e' '~: Inol ~~. that you, in whose' veins flow the riche~ t and the English peophi aTe 'tlOhappily celel)rated , Flol1-t'li~;elb}eabu, ib.;t11e sained' phlce whl e ~'e he hadd a~~o'~;TIslh~~s ~tyl~,ntl:e sup(ri~r. poJ~s.h l~~~ilcr~ . Plureslt .bloObdt· of :I lr !;)ltancl 'Ih.a\j·e 'not rPl?udilated throughout Europe' for their total . ~isregard of -c ~a]lleu' . liS, ~ne [a?tor. ,~lY ,rat lei; Ie waLe rl;) ~ ' hav\: ever ' been the characie-ristic-' of the ' ' oun tIe c ~unJ, 'y WIt I l'?e. rIS I .generoslty lave every appearance of ,ev'erence 'or 'eyen commOI) W\'th, the tears of desp ~ur"the ,same' places where I d' . dl 'a' t ' d' 'n ' tl'll'S ' celeb'I,,\ted s3 ~ nGlblv contnbuted to . liqUIdate It," 1 decency while in the Catholic cl;ur,ches; abroad ' I . 1 'd "" d fl' t'l ,: f ,I ; . , . f a les e .le, ,v. 1 _ " ' , nul' ery -01, . , " " -" - . I " 'I '. '1 .'

. 18 : la . ~ c~use to '. ow l ?,e 0 . t l C :ICal 0 female education, sufficiently pl'oclaim. its ,well- COJlver.i~n., 01' at divme wors IIp 10 t fem; out tIe conguct J es~s ,Uht:ISL. B~l1lsh eq to ,a ~I ~ ~l1nt Isle, ,he founded claim to public patronao·e. The friends ' A few days ago, -the , R ev. H. Deltleston, of the ge.nel'ality ~ot tl,lose ,whp.l!anal.' llS with .~ ? ll th ~ed.'lIS pow'er ~? hellI' the 1~I1l\' erse shout, mid admirers of :Na~areth Ac~'cJemf wil,l; no : assistant-minister ' ot Margaret-street Church, visit at St,. Georg'e's is become absoILltely.intol~ 'at IllS tall, ,and, reJo ~ce , f~r. h<iVI~g ,a,~ length doltbt, feel .grerrt plea&Ur~ ill Ilearing tllat this \ was recd\'ed into the Church.by L1}C Rev. ,Fathej· erable . ' Nay, n1or'e,thb evil IS incr,t::lsing tQ the ('sc,apecl fr.om the .c n ~my 91 G,ud 'F;d man, (A. ' illustrious ins titli tioh is . in a most prosj)er-I ' Oakeley . J ll s t one . ' \yee1~ pre \'l.ouslJ',. I'Y ' R. ' great sca!ld~l of tl~ e Fn.ithful qnd tlle horror of' D. ,1:814.) " ',:" . I; , ' . c " ; , ou~ state . . Ie Possc.s'ses, at tb e present ' time, , G~w,thorn ,' E~ q,! .wlth , hlS famIly, ' (mtlI,?ate thvse t'ruly Impressed With the a\vfulness Qfthe

What ~r.v9lutlOn l;l1s I e~ e:- r P1 ~duced s.uch one hundred ahdtwelve- jr'outhful pu'pils',' belong- . fnends (f .M!'. Blttlestoll s , and m,embcrs of qle sanctuary of the liv,ing God and thee re~'erente wond ers?,. We beh(hd! ,.and scr:-I?~ly , be l: ~ve in,r, mostly, to the first fanlilies in the Union, I congregatIon ~of Margaret-s treet Chapel,) was due to Him who is ever present. in iti: sacred ,our eyes, t~1e colossu s, wl:lCh yesterl~lY L~r~:lfi~d ' N~ t' is ,N :l;zareth an ' obj~ct of inter es t., and the ' nlso r~ceiv'ed mto t11e Olntrch. , It m~'y pe in- tabernac1-e.s . . Many go t,hq:~ a~ :f tIle church " t!le earth, to-day ovel thlOwn a~d twmplcd I~ . (,.jory of 'Ciltholicit,y in Kentucky only, on' nc- terestmg,to add , t/Jat MI'. and Mrs. l<tnlason ; I we,re ,nothmg I?ore than ,the slllll.mg' g.allery at • tlIe dl~st ·by th~se 'yer:y pe~so~s w ho ' l:a~ 1i0 !ong ~ount df 'its pres'.: r,lt flattei'in'g. prospects ; m;\llY tw~ of .the, conver~s c~nfirmed the oth er day at. o~e of .,the , Inlll,or thea~res! '~?d 11} WlllCh they , cl'?hche:l ,~'lt 111s.f~eL , We see' Re,liglOn ltfce,cl .an accompli'shed wife, affection.ate mQtb er. and the. Orritory, and cOl\s~ns pf MI:, G,t\vthorn, had are fl t hb.ertY ',to m?ck af!d Jeer a~~ sneer .aT)d ,' ~p ~m( tnumphl\1g at the very mome\lt whe n many tl lli o'h1v ed ll1 cnted young laely in di fle rent arpved ~t the conclUSIOn that It was, their' duty l ~llgh as It bests,sults then' lancy l Our c()r~, lmpl (! ty e~pected , to sye .. hur brea,~he her lust. 'Sta tes of O~ll' glorious 'R epublic, look to this in- to submit to ~he Church ~lmos t on the same resp~neJ. ent further ' observes that 'one S~ll~ay , We see the head of .the Chu~'~ h' delivered from terestin o' Institu tio n with tl e fondll ~ss due to day that he llid; tllough n8Ith er of them knew 'eveJ1lng' he wa~ "comp,eIled, after :'3enedlCtlOD . fette,!'s,' a~.a ,restored, to thl~ A postolIc See by their A~na 'Mater, and recall in , t1leir mind . tl;e' th a t the other "was even ' considering the sub', was ov er,. ll ~,d, 111. de'ferel:cc to \h.e WIshes oJ one Il<tSlons se panttecl fro, m the Church. We see the fl ,»t"l c:t season' of th"i]' youth ,""peI1t \'n tIll' J·cct.- Ca'l'respandent. or two PIO-US lad It'S whose feclillfis were ,o,ut'-

. I f l' . dd t d b ee no, , , ':S S , d I . d . . I . ' . ' d capito 0 < ranee., conque.re , an,c ye , s,par.~ " Y h',l 'P" ','l)o',,\c' o,f' I' nnoc"-nt 'mirth, p"ace , ,ulld VI'I'- ' , ra",o'ed an t lell' ev, o.tIOna. ex~rCis es lllter.rupte , ' I ' I h \ I I 1 f p ,,, ~, A few day' s a!!o, Miss Catharine O'Donnell, .' -' I L 1O~:~ cOl: quer<,ll S w 10 . a t t Itl .( eso atlOn 0 tu,," - \Vhen I conside r the actual p rosperity of ~ to speak ' (0 a , per~on ,WIth \whom t I.ere were ' B,el,',m, ot Vlenn:1, and. of ,M03CO\Y, to reVell):;'e .. "r'T,' I"al'eth ' Academ v , the h ealth in, d content- riiece to DEnnis Pott er, E sq., solicitor, was re- three females (Iadl,es I, COl,lld n.ot call, them) for 1 1 If ' " db I t I 'o ~' '~ J ceivecl into the bosom 0f the Catholic Church d h I b d h ' ['ance, l erse ,pacI>18 . y Jer na ura en~mles, ment enjoved by its bri ght inm ates, m ay I not the outrageous . con ud of IV .IC 1 e an t ey We see restored t~ sOCiety 1:;.y men who, Ill. her be pel'~litLed to SI\\' that tl:is fhuris hin<-r Insti- by the Rev. Patrick Conry, R C. C" of Tuam. were guilty; but the fellow actually tlireatened cyes~ were b ~ rb~J'ian~ fmd savages,. a,nd g iven tution willlon o' shi;le fortll in the brilli,~nt g'al- Also, Mi ss Alicia') Grant,' only elallghter of to call me out for my interference! _ bilck to her lall'l~ 1 pnnces. by sO\'erclgns whose lax" of on]' n\l~l erou s mi d f,lr'rehowned sehlin- Cha.rles Grant, Esq. , 'Oloonamore, was receiv ed , C ,- "

tbro i~es: she had .ove;thro'I\I' nd

or slh a.l!elil'· . W e at:i~s of learnin o' in K entucky. by the same zealous clergyman.-- T uam Herald. &;ir The n'umber of letters sent to Califol:J1i(l see, 111 fi ne , her kings l'l)ca e to t len lentage , '" 00;----__ I amount 'to half as much as the total 'correspond-at the h10ment they despaired of ever I'I; P05 - SPIRITUAl, RETREAT~The Gcr:nan COl1~Te- ,PE<l)'.!I'ES'J'AN'JI'I§lVI IN ENGLAND. erlce to Europe . / " . sess ing it, and r eplaced' upon ' the thron.e of St: ga~ion of ]the II~lm ~1CUlate fConcept.lOn 1 ha~ Just Condltlon 'If tbe Anglican." - - -------. _ _ - - -

Louis by the very men \\ hose r ebelhoq had enjoyed t le hnppll1 ess 0, a spmtu a , retrTeat b IJ . b . . CALVIN.--The Ullpuplishcd letters of C,alvl'n d · b f I II 1 d b tl 11 1< tl W u It may seem a 0 saylllg, ut It IS a most \'~ycn. them .away tw~nty years e ,Ol:e, anc a preac,ic r ' I ~ Lev.. .,t'l er lLLl AM N- 1 I ar c soon to be i:ssnerl, and with the aid of tile t1w, '''I'ltlIOll' co-,tln ,~ France ',1 drop ot blood or 'l'LIERTHINER, O. F .. of CIncInnatI. I t h as lasted true one, t I a t' we Ja\'e no guarentee wh atever " , "- , h II I B' b t' 1'> h t b Cat hol ic Minister of Publi'C Instruction in Paris, II sin o- I,e tear. from Nov. !2 5th tIll December 'l th, and, a s far ' t at. a t Ie IS ops on ne Denc may no e

o I . G d f b'd tl t" M. De Falloux. , '. . . . .. as we m ay jud o'e, has bel!l1 prod ucti ve of th e ' leretics, or even worse. ' 0 or 1 ' lft Il ever Let Illstory teach thos e., fo obh .aqJ 111lsgul.ded most abundant t~·lli ts . It \vas manag:ed in 'such should be so ! but since 'the Archbishop decla- -----~--

d 1 h 1 ~. I I b d b 1 I ~YDNEY QM1'l'H said there were three tllinlYS nl~ l1, who, puffe up wit 1 t eir own no t lIng- a manner that the di ffe r ent classes of the faith - r ed t lat !G w as our:J y aw to consecrate t Ie ~ \,J "0 , . f 1 C t' . I l' ,yhich every ll1 anfancied .h e could do-farin' lL

ness, seek to make th at Church , which has from flll, viz.: m an ied people, cbildren, young women nommee 0 tIe rown, no (I Wlt Istanc ll1g any - b' t' b It I' t I' tl C' I II small property , drive a gioo', and write an iu"tide .

.the beo'innino' s uccessfully resisted all the shocks :ot nd young men received, sepa,ratl'ly, instruc- 0 .l ec 101~S roug 1 aga ns 11111! Ie J:urc 1 • . as o ' 0 ' . l. ;'ions ad'JP'ted to th e peculiar duties of their no practICal m eans of prevel).tmg- any mddimte

of earth 117 po wl:r' S \l oservlent to moral and so- v " , • b (. I . t' b' · . t d t 1 h' b • . J • . '. state-indepl'n,lent, h owever, ot ~b e general ' num er () leI e lCS. emg a~po~n e 0 leI' Ig -

tlal disorganizatIOn, le t It, teach th em to hum- r '0 rses dl,livered everv mornin o' and eve- ' est offices. Such IS the lIteral fa ct. Should ble thcmselve ~, nne! bow down in dutiful sub- :I;~~"U The same ord er W~lS obsen ':'ed in hear- we th en despai r of the OhUl·ch.? Not a~ 'all, mission to her holv, God-like nnd e \'c rlastin cr inc:t '" confessions, so that the m arried w0!llen e\'e.n werc the Sta~e to exercise ,the pOI~er

All ' t t . r f ' 'tl I '" 0 rEpated to 0 ' 0 to Communion on vVednes· WlllCh she possesses ; because, as we have said,

,auth ority . attemp ,S o'l III er eTe WI I le I' were p , , "' , h' ddt' tl . ' .. .. , . dn" til e unm arried on Friday, the m arriea m en t ere IS more so un oc nne among l~ mem-

teachmgs, or h~l' po~el, will ah\'l~S recoll Ol/Sund.ay, and th e young men on 'rueselay. bel'S of th e Church at large now:, t!?en perhaps upon h er disobedient chIldrep, and. bnng down' The entire numj:Jer of communicaI;lts 'was about there ever has be~n, as well as more energy and Qestructiotl upon tl~e ir heads. 'We need not ane t!tousand and fifty,. On !uesday, the 30th influence.-~71gl1sh Churchm~n. ~ . . repeat the; eyents of the last few years. They of November, the congregation had the pleas-' -Dr. Ir\'lng (says the Dmly lVews) IS und ls-

JC;ir Th e surest sign of h aving good luck foJ' the coming year i8 by paying the pJ:inter. We ' never kn-ew an instance of a man thriving in " business who did not pay for his paper. ~ \. bad subscriber ,is always remarked , to be a , ba~ father, a bad husband, and'a bad cj'tizell-an~ 'i0rse we do not wish . him,-:-Ex',

-"--~.~,-.... ----Look in thy heart and write. He that,writes

to himself, writps to an eternal public. .



_ ..L..--_'

412 CATHOLIC TELEGRjL Achrc.l.'thenlents payable lilt Advance.

BUSINESS DIRECTORY! ~ Cards sImilar to the follonln :; of ~lX lInes or less

Inserted rllr I$S a yeuS&..lllcJudulg the paper AdveJ tlscments In IJfol16rtIOn ~~========_=~ __ ' -FOUND, a small sum of money 1I1 the Westell!

pUlt of the CIty, wbICh the owner can have by ap plYlllg at thIs office, and paylllg for thIs advCl tlsement

FOUND 0 by a pOOl man III COURT ST, a pal! of GOLD SPECTACLES The owner desclIbll1g

same and ,lay lllg tOI thIs ad\ ertloement, call have them Oll applwatwn at thIs office



Respectfully lIlforms hl:i fnenils and the pubhc, that he has can stantLY on h lIltl a; choice :.electlO11 of

li'amlly GrocerIes and PrOytslOnli, whICh he IS selling lrt the lowest pnce tor cash d27

SME <\D'S CITIZEN~' n <\Nli. Mam street, bct\\ een 3rd and 4th

L~nds money, and lllows 6 per cent lI1terest on money depo:Slted, ( thereby ~ecurmg the purpose 6\ a Si\. VINliS 13ANh.. d27


S E Corner Walllut and Fom til Keeps constantly on hand a splendul an I r. I.:llonable a.ssortment

of Goods for ",enqemen swear-the fine:st 111 the City d20

\ :F & J McDONOGH, Dealers In ForeIgn and pomesttc LlqUOrs,


THOS S ~ LUPTON \\It[ C rUll0N


CORNER IFrFTII AN,O l PARK STREEfS, CINCINNATI ~onstantly on hand l pure artICle ofYougllO",} euy Coal

All Order:. promptly llttenued to (120




Ga1ette Bmldwg1' Maw st ,bet 3rd a'!;d 4th, Cmcmnatl Bllnk Book$ made to OJ ler an 1 paper rule 1 to :'lny patter I

Gentlemell s LILranes reliound Pamphlets done With neatness de~13] an ( dl:spatch

HU1L & SHEPPARD, DenIers In .. Renl J state, A10rtgagcs BUSiness Paper,

8tocks, Land "" arrants, &c, on CommissIon E very deSCriptIOn of Re t1 PlOperty bOU,)lt sold and exchalloed

1 )I' * Loans l~egotHLted on favorable tenns Office-28 WALNU'I Sl}REEf between 311 and 4th streets

, - ~-I----------

.JOliN n. DE'l'ERS,

I MANUFACTURER al)d dealel III Gentle­

fj ~ men's Boots and Shoes-exclusIvely, No II If' 3d st , opposIte the Post office feb 8 ,


I House and SIgn Pallntnag,

, an«l Gl'auulIg, On Plum, between E,tgTtth and Nwth, I CINCINNATI


east stde, my 17

HIbernIan SOCIety o£ CUlculllatI.

THf"S S,OCIETY has taken an Office stre~~nb~~~~!I% 11W lY~'tI~~ds &r~II~~~~,g~vh~1 !h~ 1~ ~ttl~I~~dE~:c~~~;~ .Board W III attend tli'llly from 2 to 0 0 cIocl P M to Ieee \ e tp pile Ltlons for c111ploy TIent &c, and l.ttend to such other buslnes:i a:i I)fopeily belones to the SOCiety

Per::.olls In the t.aty. or country 1I1 want of Clerks l\1echamcs or l~aborers are re 1Ue::.ted to(upply, if by letter to the subscrlbcl-1

pen~~\~~ard:\\,*~~t also request the fllends of the SOCIety to dl eet all uopiIcants to the Society s office at the hour "bo' e named marl5- t£ HUufl ~IcIlIRNEY Sec y


PLlANE , & EDGE TOOL MANUFACTURERS, ana Deale)s lit H trdware and Callely,N 0 21SMalll

street, East SIde, between FIfth and SIxth stleets, Cm-Cllll1~tJ, Olno I pn 25

EDWARD MoARDLE, Draper. Tailor, and Ladles ' Habit Mftker, \Vrdnut street, west SlCle between

F~II~;hatl~~}~l~;ll~t~l~dt~(l~bne~'il:lr~;~ch and west of England cloths caS:-.In1 ereS doc:okms vestlllgs &c WlllCh he wIiI ma l e to oruer on v alli moderate terms and In a style unsurpasseu He has al so a cholCe select on of Gents fnrnl "]lIn g a\ t cles Ge ltlemen In want of a supcrtor jlttmg barment wouM do well to give 111111 a call

Aug 2

Stove. Head Quarters - II. A BUSS & Co dealers 111 Stoves Hollow ware etc No 28 Fifth st

nOr~~~I~;~~~noc~~~~t~lyO~~Ohand the btPERIA.L A.IR TIGHT COOK ING BravE. the comblllatlOn of all the best Iln protem e ltS conce I trnted In thi S Stove PremIUm Air fl' .. ht Pnrlor, Ten Plate, Coal variOUS P Itterns. Franl ... hn, &c "l11Ch they "ell at the very lowe:sL r:.lces All per:sons are m\lted to call before purch lSlIlg eh e where , from feb ly

FO'l'eigll &; Domestic Dry Goods. AN entirely ne" a.nd well a~sorted ~tock compnsmg every trtlCle of Fore Ign and Domestic Manufitcture, IS now ready for IIlSpectJOll

At Lyon's new Store, "estern Row, between Kemble and Rwhmondslreets West Side Purchasers will

fin~r:~lctO~~J ~d~~~:'~al:;' L:c~~Uijo~~e~~~ il\~bons Warl ed l\1u~ JIIlS, lush Umens and Wool ~lJ(\wICO T'I t.,rreat v mety, and very cheap SheetuJ..g, and Table I m~1l oarllCular]y low [nov15

SILVER PLATED WARE.-Ha\ll1g the Agency fOI the sale of Gellnaql SIlvel Plated Wale

from one 01 th,e best factolles at the East, gIves us-an .dvantage ovel many who deal III the artICle A,mong the asSOl tmellt now on hand can be found double plated Tea, Table, SaIt and Mus'ard Spoons, Sllgm Shovels, Soup and Sauce LailIes, Forks, Bnttel Kmves, &c ,&c,

For sale low at the New Ql1censwaIe StOle o E E & II HUGGINS,

dec 13 214 Mal1l st

4.'HE:AP CATHOLIC BOORSi . THE SUBSCRIBE'll begs le lve to lll­

fOJ mIlls fnends alld the CatllOilcs of CIll ClllllatJ and VIC!llIty gQlIerally, that he

keeps constantly on hand, at IllS Bool,stole on Sycamore treet, opposIte St XavJel College, between 6th and 7th

sts , a Imge and well selected stoel, of Standard Catho­lIc Books All ,he new PublIcatIOns J~celved as SOOll as I,sued PIOUS Engravll1gs, Altar Cm ds, B,ass and Sll ver Crosses, Medals and Beads, BIbles, PIIlyer Books, Bool,s of De\ olIon, Moral Tales f01 the young;, III ev­elY vallet) of plam and elegant gIlt bllldmg, FJellch and Gelman PIa) CI Bool,s, Cheap PllbhcatlOns, and all new works of ment, all of whICh he WIll sell, whole­sale and retaIl, upon the most leasonable terms

Havlllg made arrangements wlth an extel1SI~e pub­IISlllllg bouse, In one of the eastern CItIeS he has ob­tallJed every faclhty for filhng all oldels on the short est n0tICe

rr:rOI dels from any part promptly attended to


DETERS & WEBSTER, MANUF ACTURERS and dealers l!l Boots aJ td Shoes, No 70 Lower Market st, Soutll SIde near Broadway feb S

At No 70 Lower Market can be found a general v l

rlety of Ladles' and Gentlemen's Boots and Shoes hoth of our own manufacture and eastern shoes, !)f te best quahty feb 8,



s>~C\\ANrll S B~lV: ~ REOEI~;;;OSITS, Jt





Allows IN fEREST ON ( URRENT DEIOSITS und sells Excl13n",e on ] .);o;t ::;outl and V\ e:it and Slerilllo DR.u18 ON ENGLlND and LRELi\ND JI1 sums as requlfeo

N P WLEHEARf, Cask er

DAVID BUGBEE Prepared by S HART, M D New York

Pnce one pac I age, $3 00 ~ four pnckaoe:. 10 00

" eIght pacl ages 20 00 t?' It I:> ca re tul1y packed up III boxes for transporta,hon and

ent to an~ part of the Ulllted States, fexas, MexICO and We:st J miles .....

fHOMAS & MILES 169 J"Tulll street. r.mclnnatl, 0 , genera l \.gents for the United Stutes to whom all commUlllcatlons must be ld'dressed post paid aUo16

DR A O'CONNELL, office, SycamOIe St between 6th and 7th streets, OpPOSIte St XaVIer College

'IDcmoatI July 9



D CALLAGHAN & CO, PloplIetols of the Buct • eye Lard OIl Factory, Front sreet, sou tb sIde, East

of Ludlow, would lllfolm theIr fllends and the publIc that tbey hm e for sale an m bcle of the best pure re fined Lard 011, whICh they wIll sell as cheap as Vhe cbeapest and on the most uccommodatlllg tel ms, and sohclt a lIberal share of pubhc patIonage R eferellce, TRY 1'1' J feb 1

A CARD - The undersIgned, ha,mg retired from the pr<lctIce of ills profe~lon In consequence of III

he a.lth h:1 >: opened a Drug and Apothecary S10re on the SOllth '" est corner of Bron.d\\ ay met Bevcntl st, where he will be pJea:ied to see hl:i fflends and the pubhe ~ellendlY'

It IS li s IIltentlOn to de,ote hlnlse lrprlncl!l<JIl} to the prep .. <Ilng anJ compounding of Pi Y.S clans and 8ur""eons Prl:' scnl tlOn" He promises to use whCltever sCience and nbillt} he may h lve "cGUired tb, the constant stuciy nd ornct (e of ills profeSSion for tl e h5 h\entv lenr" In prOCllfIllg' GENUINE AND UNAUU1 .. fERArED MEDICINES- lIltl tbe prompt and careful orepar ltlOll of tl e same for those", ho mal honor ilJm w tl thelT confidence I


TO THE LAlDIE§ , , ,

VVEBB M'GILL, & CO, - PrinteIs, Publisher;,;, .Bool\se lIels, and StatIOners, OFFICE OF 1 HE

CATHUL1C IBLEGRAPll AND ApVOCrlll 'lllrd " treet. Ll1UIS\ tHe K y Wholesale and Retall JJealersmCatholic l:::chooJ anti l\1J.~sl..!e llall E:ou:-. Hoo :s


\ No odvances will be made to Students lor clo1hlnl! 01 other ex pC! se:i unless 11 <1rel1ts or Gu lrdlans lepo It money \\ Ith the. A gent ottl e In :i tItutlou for tlu:s purpose W- Thl;'; rule" III suller 110 'ex ceptiO ti ~

2 1 he Instruct ons 01 Parent~ m yegmo to tl e Quantlty anu quality of cloth me &c to be furl1lsheJ the r eh Jdlen WIll be stnctly adhered

tos tIl~~hSt~~~ll~:~Se~~te~~e~l 'f~:lab;hl~~~~\ penon th: n it ses Ion lIld no deduction Will be made for a.bsence except III case of SICJ ness or thsmlssll

4 ] he utmost attentIOn wIll be prlld to the henlth and moral-} of the Students md nO lInmor 11 } outh "Ill be reta il ~d I I the hOllse

5 No extern or d ly schollr Will be admitt ed unless he lin e pa rents II the neIghborhood ,,110 'Will be re:ipOlb ble 101 hl:S goou con dlct

6 Stu lents from a distance" 11 be ex;pectell to have an agent III the VIClIl t} who \\ III be responsIble (or tl elf bdl::;

7 Letters e xcept tho :-.e to mel flom Parenh and Guardlilns arc sllJJJect to the In spectIOn of the Pres dent

8 At the close of e Jc h se:.SlOI bulletlll :s yo 111 be sent to Parents tInd Guan.llUll s exl bltJn e a correct "tatement III reg lro to tl 0 de pOltme'1t ami plOglcSS of the ir reSI oct ,e CJlIlcl ren and -VVards

th~ p~\~;hJ~~~l:g~~t:x~~~~ls~~lto(?~}~~tc~Jie\~~~ ~~1 ~ful;;,cI~~d nt~J l~~~~ or ler 1.:0 e:ise ntl a l to e\ ery \\ cll regulated lllstitut on lender tIll:> ;.

ful~ 1U~~~~~1S~~~ee nt IS expected to be pro\ HIed on IllS entronce Into H~II~d~~;~I;~~;~vOl ~~~~Il:u~~ of Clothes SIX Sh uts, S IX palr:> ot Eocl 5,

11 Bills " 111 be .. ent With the :ieml annual blll1et,ns The nmollnt IS to be pu. d ImmedIately In case of dela) mterest WIU be chalged

frWl~11 lette ls on the busmess of the In"tltntlon t6 be ell ected

p~a~t~~~b~rGCIsll~c8i' e~bN'~014f}~cl~~ISt~e~\:lZo~~, IOe K) ::treAgents/orthe College Anything left \\ 1th them Will be prun ptly yurwarded to the In:.t;Jl tlon


CITY INSURANCE Co OF CINCIN­by F~~-Jb~ur~~~JT~~et~~~ ~~T~l! gf~~~lst!~I: g;ful~I~JoN~~~g~~I~I~Bi



Between lVlam and Sycamore, ClIlCmnatl. OhIO Sept ~ 11




OpeDlDg of n new and exten9lve Catl~ohc Book Store, \

UIu/eT tile patronage of the Rt Rev Bu;hap Purcell, and tile Rev .. Cler .;ynUN/, oj Cwct!t1U~ti J


JAUES lVIcCOMIICK l espectflllly announces to the Ca­tholIC ClerKY,and Laity of the Westmn and Southern States, thrrt he Illtends opcumg an extensive


SIxth 8t bEt\"' een ~Vcnmore & B roadwuy, CIDcnmali ,0

THIS Institute, whlCh has been orgam2 ed 111 this C it} , and I1lcorporated b} tile State LegIslature, I:. under

the ~upenntendence at 1 bOc.: l ctv of Ladle:. who h \\ e been en", 1ged In Europe m the IlhtrnctlOn of youth 1 hey tru :.t ill ltellucatlOC Ind expenenc.:e will belound to ha\cqn lllne Ithcll1lorthe ailluousd ItleS \\)l\ch the) have L:!IsUlnetl (n ;l1l111:stJtullOn:. 01 tillS kwd, the llIoral advancementol the puplb should be cO Il ::; ldered equally Impo tant wIth the ueveiopml!-nt ot tben Illtellt::ctunl powe s the heart uu::;t be educated as wel~ as the mind and adornetl with thO:.e QU dlties winch will beantlf} the manner::; ant! leluler virtue mOle altrl tl\e U ld::um \hle Hllsshan be an e::.pecltll oblet:.t \\ltl1 tllePnnclp b of

C \.THOLIC BOOK STORE IN CINCIl\TNATI, thIG~l~I~~~~on of theA en de my, remote from the thronged and busl where an a.pproved CatholIc Vi o:rl~s published In the oe;:.::; P lCtOt the City, 1:S one oj the mo::;t beautltul and auv Illtageous

UnIted States and In EuropeJ ,vIll be constantly on ;1:l~tfl~:~~lel~~~~e bg~~I~I~d~~,crte(:~lM~l e~~t,~h~ft~~::;~~;~ lgfi! TI~II:d ~~r~l sale at constderably reduced p1 tees J llghtful re:sOrt dunng the hour::; of recre Itwu :Speel d attentlOl Will

Clergy men and Booksellms ll\;,lng In the Southern ~bUgl!J~]I;t t~nll~:hgl!;,~\~l~ wi\;~r~g:t~~~~n~~l~;tentl~~ /~~;fl Lv~l~ l~d or WesteIl( States WIll find It, ery much to then ad- ~~c~!;e!l::;etLt~l;;sl~~ii~tl~e~:~(~lC~O~~~O\~g!tthill~~tl:~~~~t~n~n~\!~~:ra~[ vantage to plllchase then books at thJS estabhshluent , I attentlOn J:;vel} proper lneenLn e to Jlbptre t l:.J.ucll.ble emulltlO ll

as, from the an~ngements WhICh have been made witn ~~~l~~~~~ll:l~gUtl~~i~~~ s~~~I~t ~~ ~:~~~~~;h~d i:/g~ll;e~~llgO~oPlv:~; J~ve~ Eastern Pubhs lers, J Ivl C confidently assures such and ls::;ullllty 11\ her :studle::; shall be re\\urded by the honorary jleco perso ns as may favor lum wIth theIr ordeJs, tha t he ratlOl\ ofamedal

, wJll und~rtah to dispose of all 'books Wholesale, aL gU~~d:~I:;:or~I;~~ttll~s.\~~I~~:~tl~Z~~ 'br~ri;~;~,::~~e~I;~ tl::lm:e~f't~~~ New York pr.tces danghtelS an I waHls

ThIS establishment wlll be hkewlse supplied With m~d~~(Yet~~I~~~l~S ~:~r~~~:,t~~~;l;~~e, gf13;~sL~~L:~\' ays uuder the un assoltnlent of ., Ihe CatholJe Rell ", lOl1 I::; the only 0 le profe::;sed by the La(iles of

p. R I 1\1 EST A T ION E R Y, ~:~n~~~~l~!U~fOtlleb~)~I~:isl~vl!~al:)f~fe~~ ~ltJ;A~rr~I~\e c;~I;~Ltl~6:e~~ ;~u~ as also ~lth a ValIety of lReliglOus PlInts, EngraVIngs, ~~:u~~a~t ~e\~)l~~I~,do~~~~IL\II~:r~~I~~I~~~~~l fl~rt~~r~I~:~lOl~{L~f~I:~~~~I, Beld~ • .t onts, Cr uctfixes, &e however, requll es that III the bo lnier::. ::.hou\d assl::.t at DlVIIlC Wor

EVERV DESCRIPTION OF ship 15 l1e rformed 111 the ~n:::.tl tu tlOn Ihe system of IIlStlUt t lon, N T G BIN D N G commenClllJ With the element::; 01 all 8n~h.::.h and 1< rench educ tlOll,

P R I r IN & 00 K B r I ~~~lle~:n~o\~;p~:~~~~I~;~ih ~:t~g,llA:L~b~~~lt1~~'k i~r~~j\I~~,O~/~~:loJ~ Execl£ted neatly, cheaply and cxpeiilif;o1dly and double entlY, I-il:::.tory, samed and prot me anCient and modem,

The strIctest attention paid to the execution of. all o!'ders Clnonology Ueoglaphy. the u:se 01 the tilobe::; L1ltl the projectIOn oj ~====T'="",,='7====',=1 ===========~, ~~l~n~'I::;fr::tronoll1}' Mythology, J3otany, ~atural J!lllio::;oph) and

1 he 1 rench being general1y spol en by the Ladles, the con se of FEillALlE ACADEJ1JIll OF ST. InstnwtlOn In that ton.ue ,hall be thorough anu entlfe, aflonllng III

D "LEN, t 1I1lihar conver::;atlOll, as well a::o 111 reclti).tJOn, dUfll1J which Sl ee l il '" .... ~ attentionsh 111 be de\ oted to PUIlty ot accent and Idiom, ample Juclli

SPRINGFIELD, KENTUCKY tH~S tor a per eet aC11Ul:::.ltlqn of that 1 UloU 1ge

ThIS InstitutIOn IS sItuated two and a half sh~~l~1~'l.1;:~v:~r1' a~;~b~~I~~~~r~:lt~~~;tJ;n~cJ~f1~~w~I~;Jln c{\€~~~: f ~ fild d t f 1 f tl IndllnInk,llldllllckLeld,P8IntmglnOne ntal style,lnwut€ InnU rom }- Ptl~lg e ,..,an one qua~ er 0 a mi e lOIn le ho lly colols, mll1li.1t:llle pall1tlllg iVltl:.IC ,oeal antl lilstrnm ntal, Bardstown aId ::)pllngfield TUl:11Pll{c It hus lately Harp, PI lIlO and li-Ullu -lIl a word, all the branche:s usually twght

b I " d b dd t I b ld d lin the best schools for Young L:J.dles sh til Le objects of attetlon and een en aloe Y a 1 IOlla U1 b,ngs , an 18 now study 111 the Institute Ihe :scholar::; wdlllOt he penmtted torecelve amply capacIOus for the comfOl table accommodatlon :tl1y news paper:s norto retain any books exceptw., tho::;e u ed 111

of one hllndled and fifty boarders The Batdsto·wn ~!~~e~~~~~~ ~e~rl~t!\~Do~~ ~~o~~~l~~~bl~ th!I~~~~de~;y~'\~i~h~I1i~::;~I~~ <lIld Splm;;field Stage will pass by St Magdalen Whcn-/ wlllcb asmall 'Uln ,,!II be p tid b~ each scholar on entellng ever thele ale passengers to or f10m the Aca :lemy w:h\~!e~~l~~~~~~ ~l~~~~~~~vC~~~}~~tel\l~tlp~~~~~~~l~J;ri\l~cAco!!e~~~nt:s, rlle ~.:Ite 1S1 beautliul , pleasant, and healthy The ymd Ihe Young Ltdle:s may receive VI:::.lt on IhUJ::;dlY mOinlllgs

and Iecleatloll gJ ound ale spaCIOUS all,d pleasant ~::lrf~r~e~ll~' a~~~;~~\rZ~dslf)~rtl;el~~l~~~:~l~~nt::;it~~l~1r~~crh~:!lrl~~ ~f The I nstItutIOll has obtaIned a ehal tel of llleorpola even month, they will be penl1ltted to, IS It thelfparents Phose

tJOn floin the Legislatul e of Kentucky, and 13 cond ucted ~v6~~~lece~a~:I~~I~~~~~d~l~i~;1 (I~~t~~;~~~i:~ltO~l~~'~\~~~;r °t~I\~lm6]~~~ri" on prIncIples sllndar to those of the most floUrIslUl1g month In all C Ises, the pupils must haxe leturned before dark AcademIeS of the West It IS unrler the plotectloll th~I~~~~~~t,~I/{JI'~~~:l~~lel~~~I~~tl;I~~li~i~edtObe worn on Sunday on\}, and ::;uperlntendenee of the Rev genHemen of St Rose, Each pu HI must betprov,lled WIth a 1\l1lfe

1 for1\., spoon, goblet four

who exalnlne thepuptls and encoUlge theIr pl0gless naplllls tour towels, SL'X changes1 two pair of sheets, two p lilow

R I, C h l b ca.::.es a mosqUIto b:lI, four pair of shoe::;, and the rli::;t of clot{lIng 111 The eliglOllof the nstttuhon b " t 0 i~, ut 110 proportion, asunbonnet,ab'1een 'C:l1, combs, comb andworl ( box,

So\tcltattOn til Influonce IS nsed to change the reltgIOus brushes, &c prll~CIples or dreed of the p~lpIls To preselve regu- lf~:~;~;~~l~~~U$~ge~~~~~~s~eets, WIll be furmshed by the InstitutIOn,

lauty wltho LI t WhICh no 111 tltlltIOn"" could fiOlUl,h, an st~l~: ~~(f~l~gos,:I~~I\:r~~I~etdag~uths~x t~r:~~s'al~IU~\I~Uni~~L ~~~ attend mOlllU g and evenIng player::;, and DIVl1le Sel- pillow::; two double blanket::; and aquJit. or counterpane VIC~ on Sundays No advance will be ma.de by the fnStItutlO)l for the clothing and

The Branches taught 111 the InstI tutIO ll, ale as ~~I~~:e~te5e~h~sl~Fr~~~~;uP:H~;sl~~~oui~~~0~01~n~~I~Ssld~llle~'~~ili~~~ ~:a~ie follows -01 thoD"raphy, (ReadUlg, W lltlllg, AuthrnellC, and \\111/11 all cases be stl1ctly adhered to No boarder, or day schol ~ngl13h Glat~m~r, Geogrupi:!y, WIth use of Globe, arrK~I~~h~l~:tll~e:~~~:c~~l!~!i:~tr~\~et~~:lsro~~:'~I~~i~lg~lmmen es on II, 'lory, Philosophy, Botany, Chemistry, RhetOrIC, 'll1d tile fir,t Monda) Ih September and ends ,bout the 15th ot J ,1" lt ~ OlllpO ItlO ll "l'Y1USIC on'" Plano and GUltm French which time a solemn dlStllbutJOIl of premIUms takes place, followed

, , 1 d 'I ]' by an exiliLltJOn of Sl eClinens of wntlOg, dra\\ JIlg, pluJll and fancy DqWlllg and Pa1l1tlllg 'In the most approve pans, a '0 neeu'e work &e 1 Plal1lSewll1g, Ma,l,lllg, CheneIlle work, and every vaT!­cll of EmbrOidery, Fallcy Needlework and Wax WOlk ,

l The Terms a.re as follows: lBoard and TtlItlOn In the common ur:lnche:o>, per seSSIOn

Extra Charges. J

MUSlC On PHtnO n.ull usc of Instruments per seSSlOn, ;\111slC on GUitar, 1 rench T ang-unge, 'D;:aw JOg and PaJl1tmg, RhetoJ IC, Ph}io::;phy, Chellllstry, Botany, $1, per seSS101l Astronomy nnd use ot Ulobes, ~\T~~W~,'( and ~"'aIlCY Needlework, \:

Books and stationery urUished, at,

$ 35,00

~ Tlw~e. who taf.,e le.ssons on the a~Htar arc 'I cauestcd tu fWI mslt h61T oililL 1/~strU1ncnts

AdditIOn. and General RegulatIOns. 1 Payment- to 'bc made Semi annually, In advance 2 No deductIOn will be made for absence, unless

occasIOned by Sickness 3 Pupils mllst be farlllshed by parents or gnardIans

wlth genteel clothll\g, wasll pall, towel8, so ""I' , combs, brushes, &c '£be pupIls wLlI be fUl ntshed with ' all necessa les, If parent, 01 gnatdwns depOSIt III the hands of the Mother Sapenor, a sum of money sufficlCnt for that plU pose

4 The AcademiC year)ls diVided Into two SeSSIOns, the year commencIng tl,e Just Monday III Sopt, and endlllg In the latter pOl t of J uly Tn~re WIll be an annual vacattOll [{om the last of July, to the fir,tMon­day 111 Sop tem ber r

5 L etters {" lItten 01 receIved by pnptls Will be s!lb­Jcct fv UlspectlOn, except conespolldence,wlth palents orl guardians ,

6 VlslLlUg and rec clvlllg VISIts IS plOllIbltcd, cxcept by the approbatIOn of pments or guardia/IS

7 Thntsdays ate days of l ecreaLlOn '" 8 No Ulllfor.m I, requlled except whIte bonnet,

Irlmmed With blue Flbbon, and a willte apron_ '** A:1I communtcattOJlS Id,!)CClt r.g the Academy,

addres,ed to the SlIpenoless of ST MAGDALEN"S ACA­DEMY, Hem SprIngfield, Washmgton co, Ky, Will be promptly attended to

A. Ii0 luu:k~u 'BELLS.

rraE ;:;qBSCRIBER keeps constantly; on hrrnd Bells of various Sizes, and IS prepared to ca&t to ttJder '1ny

weIght that may be reglllred, at the shortest llOtIce illS bels are warrtlllted III eveFY Ie8pect eq ual to any Ihat can be procured 111 the conntry Those desnous TlERIlIS FOR E6A~nEJR§. or purchaslllg ate lin ItQd to crrll and Judge for them- Entrance, s~!ves, or send a hn~ by mad, whICh WIll receIve pI ompt ~~;~f!I~:~~lr~I~~ld~~~ se:JJ6 n, nUen lIon, and all neee:;salY InfOlmatlon gIven 1')h~::;lcIllls1ees persc:sslon

, GEO b HANKS, Half Boarder, do mar I-Gm \, Columbm st , 3 doors east of Ludlow TlERll!§ FOR DAY §CIIOLAR§,

Da..} 9.cholart per quarter, Elcmentar) Glass $1

BALD HEADS ~~rll~~r~;h~r~~ f~~l!r~'neh ' 6 COVEPED WITII A 1\AfUIl IL GIWW IH OF HHll Il\ EXTRA ~IIIAJRGlE

the 'bel of Sm,ths Veget.")e II '" I ~nic ""0 Rest" Itl\e, 01 •

th~ money 1 eti\u TIed P \tclItcd Septcrnbc1 l7 1848 1\1~~~cn(~~;1:!]Pia~~(;-~;1];1':e ot Instrument Quartcrly $ 19 THh IS the 0111.11 rHcpallltlOn c' er <118CO\ e etl that H ilJ pi 0 111C8 Dr lwmg and Pall1tmg, 5

han on b 110 he lds tmt that thiS ,\ III thel e IS no dOllr t \\ Inc I D~o S~I;~I;rr ~ut~~~erl~rrent eXJ1ense~ sem i uunu,\Jb Ill ... alh ance !nvonc can be C)11\ IIlcEll of by c liling' on It:,; HIrCllt who" ill I t lei "Boarders are requlled to hnng "Ith them the onlillnry Table Fur o lh\l~c wlio June Il;td H tIl pi O(lIlccd b} It It IS tIl" best tl tl<i ~ III !Illture con::;lsftng o( t\\O KJ1iVCS and a ork two spoon:s a tuml ler l!efn TH C\ c.ntl1lg the hUll tI 11m b.lImg uff, find 1 t.!111Q~ 1\ '"' \.1 \\1(11 llff I SiX t lblc lapl\Jn" nTId SIX to\\ els ' I ,

~nllscill f fhey are abo to be III 0\ lCled " Ith Bed ilnd lleddmg, or PilJ $E per All \gents 11 e flllthOl ]zed to rcfund tilC mone, In case It (Ills ann If tUTIllslJed Uy the institutIOn 1\ IS 11 pl ]gllnt rp-phc Itlon md lJelll,l! ClItn el \ eg-eralJle tlJel C J he Parents or Uuarcllans o! the y01.lng ILal\les \\ho resHle t a

ttllbe 110 111~U 110 IS drecb tlolll It on tile 11l 0<.;t dellcatc hI. Ili " ~~tt/\~h~' \~~n L~Q~g~:~e\l tgel~~~~~g~eS3:~7rb~Nse~~h'~1~~~t 111 Cln In hr fill thel IIlt cn lTIutlOlI call on the Ag-l!llts Illd gLIt a J I t:: ~tl::;C on Illc schola "LIC '\ car consist:) 01 one se::;slon, alltl commences, 1115

IheliUl gll1tl~ .I Je:JJ", on the fir:-.t Monday III October Libl!lal lilscount~ Illade to tho'lC pnrchasll1g to sCll an 1m All letters to be nddressed ,_ preDaIfJ to the ~ Bc\\ ~Il! of Con ltcdelts' I ach \JutSI Ie ,\, mvel IS SIn-ned bISTER SUPERIOR OF TilE TJRSULINEn,

Ii E SUllll GOIU){)~ & CO, lhug l :')t">:> l'll,lIcttrnnlle, B'IOWlLCO I OlllO GCl1elal Ag( Jlt-.; for the t T1Itetl St!hCS .l"\'llg 9.

\V c~t 1 (hc:-; t\ml Ca Hlt' \~ 1I2~ C,llIlCl Westo,,, no" 1l1d ~th slo l\fAoGNtFICENT CHRIS'l'M,\S PRESENTS

DEPOT OF DRY GOOD§. VrM SULLIV AN, D zaler III ForeIgn and DomestIc il Dry Goods, Florence Braid and Straw Bonnets, ~rrllmelY' Tllmrrllngs, Ldces, and Fancy GOOd., 25? ~ street, West "Ide, five doors above 6th reb 8



I I!]>ORTERS and wholesale dealers 111 ForeIgn and I Domestic Dry Goods, No 96, south-east corner of ~ijn and ThIrd streets, Clllclllnah, Agent for Eagle

11011 Mills, Newport, Ky Cotton Yarns, Carpet Clam, ~andlewwk, Batlllg, &c , constantl), on hand ~h 1.

""Ve have received two lull 7 ccta\e PI<InOS dllch ,-are i Ir more beautilul both III ton e, beauty of flnl::;n

and wcrkmanslllp, and In style tlmn Iny e,er belore In the \\est 1 he~ are 01 the serpentme form, p umelled loc k boanl and corners, faney lnllS1C desk anl11egs, aml peaTl ke~ <.: WhlCh hen e a. great Hi vanta~e 0' cr l\ ory III their beauty and lmllJancy, and III thou not ch mgmg color

Abo-A 01 octa\e Rosewood" Ith douhle cnnted corners, a:0tluc ~~I~{~~m~roku~gl;i~~ :~r::ednl~~~~ul~I~~rd fancy legs, a, er) han some

A lso-Three elegant 6 octa,e Rosenoods, With squ:ue corners can ed gothiC tablet, plain and ca rveu mou!d ln f!s, filncy mU<.: lc desk~ and f inC} legs These are by faJ the most hea.uurul and desJrilhle 13 octa'\e PIanos III the City •• md are, It posslble, supenor to any we have hail

A 1:.0-Three splendHl toned 6 octnve lllstrnments, In plalllercasel than the above, all made by Stodnrd & Dunham l

Any of the above w('luld be <I useful nn{l beautiful New Y~IHS or Chnstmas present :Jnd purch Uje rs can ~e l eet anyone thes pleas! now, and ha.ve It resened till they WIsh It oellvered

SMlTH & NIXON, d20 Co.rner of Seventh and Walnut

II AND ADVOCATE. 413 ~=======================~=================



Ij/1I1E s)stem of educrrtIOll adopted III tIllS IlIStItu-tlOn, IS the same as that which has been for so

III any years attended WIth emllll'nt success III the illo"he1 house, wluch IS wcll known amongst the IlIOSt celebJated lU Europe, for the solId, extenSive , and lagant educatIOn of the clllldlen of the wealth y, as ~ ell as fOI the gl atllltolls llistructlOll of the pOOl [he o.rder of the Uisulines belllg for the Jast three

ntulle, recogl\lzeil as one of the best qualIfied f01 Ie fOlmdtIOIl and educatIOn of youth, It need not I st<ited here, that the treatment of the cluldlen 111 J IS lllstltutIon, as regards then conduct, fOlmatIO,n of

I ' latacter, comfort In swl,ness, dleL, necessar) lela-xa­lIon, &c, IS emlllently matelnal

With regatd to educatIOn, every pOSSIble effort IS Il lade to call for th the latent I easolllng powel s of the IILlUd EmulatIOn IS eXCited by the regulal qumteIly I <aIlllllatlOns, the re,ults of whICh ale calefully entered 1111 the recOids of the classes, a.'d thns the prog1ess of (he pupils accl1lately tested at the close of the schoLls­II e year, when p,emlllms ale awarded In the pubbc ex-I Ib,tIOns ~

BeSIdes these ltterary exlllbitIOns, there IS o)lepellod If the year partICularly set apillt for speCial scnptural xamlllalIOns, III WlllCh thc pnnclpal part" of the New

I estament, selectIOlls flum the Old, and d compendnll11 If genelallebgIOus IllformatI0n, mc pl',oposed to the I'1I0US attentIOIl, and best exertlOlls oj tl.e pupIls I'hus leltglOn, which IS the only solid ba'is of C1UIS­Lan educatIOn, of domestIc peace, and futlll e happmess, , filmly and solIaly establIshed III the youthful mlllo Jlnldr en of every IeltglOlls denomlllatIon me receIVed Illti chenshed III thiS mstitntIOn, but tho fullest 3ssm­I nce IS given to parents and gUardIans that thew nevel ITlll be any lllter felence WIth theu relIgIOUS JlrlllClples, hough, fOI redSOIlS cOI~nected wI'th ICgulal1ty, all de­

[OmlJlallOns Will be Je/luuetl to attend the religIOUS I erclscs 01 the Convent

TERMS FOR BO 1\RDERS To be paid half yeady III ad:vunce

Iloard and tmttOll, per seSSIOn, 111 all the departments of tbe English and F lench languages $130

nntIance, 10 I [alf-boaJd, pel annum, 60 I Vashlllg and Mendlllg, 20 lIed and Beddlllg, 8

tatlOllaJ), 6 I ocl,et-monc) , 6

, EX!TRA CHARGES I talI all, Spalllsh, German and LatIn IUllguages,

each per seSSIOn, $40 00 rllltIOn Oil the Plano-forte, Vocal musIC, and use

of lllSt! ument, per qUat tel, 12 00 DIUe, HaIp, and nse of IIlstrument, 20 00 DittO I GUltar, and dItto, ' 1200 Diawmg and Pam lIng, pel qnm tel, 6 00 T, ancy-wOJJ, of every descllpttOnl, platn sew mg &c,

tallgh t Without aIlY exlIa chmge ?ostage, medlCllle, and PhyslClUn's fees, III case of swk­

nes" chalged to pments 1\ qual ter commenced IS charged III fuJI fhlce month's notIce of the Illtellded r emoval of a

boarder flom the establIshment IS IC'luested

J TERMS FOR DAY PUPILS fUlttOn valles flOlll $'1 to $10 per qual ter, accordmgto

the age and stndles of the pupIl No extra I'h'lIge fOI French

EXeJc lses of the school recommencc on the 20th of "-ugust (

The boarders are requned to d,ess III the l'lllform, \ IZ III wlll!eI, for dally wear, mazalln blue menno, a tlaW bonnet trImmed With llbbon of the same colol as

Ihe dless, a black belt and aplOn It IS desllable thatJ Ihls dl ess oltould bo prOVIded III the EstabhsJunent, fOJ I he sake of ulllformity lJl color. The <ummer dress IS vhlte mus1m, WIth SIlk black apron and belt A lIst of

(he other mtlCles winch each yonng lady's wardrobe must eontam, WIll be handed to pmen!s, or those who place clllldren 1Il thc Establishment, that they may be I rovlded beforo then entrance Each Y9ung lady WIll I ling a stiver goblet, fori" table, and tea-spoon, all of I hem marked WIth her llutJals Those artICles Will he I eturned on her leavlllg the E"tabhshmellt

It IS Iequested that parents and g,naldJalls, not r.e5(h­I Jg III ClllclllnatI, appomt agents to whom the accounts I f the young ladICs placed as boardels III the EstablIsh­IIC1lt mrry be forwarded

Adllllttance for pments, and petsons on busmess, ev­ry day (Sundays and holIdays excepted), from 10 to 12

'I: M and 4 to 5 P]VI VISltOls, not on busmess, but Iltroduced by the Right Rev Bishop of the dIOCeSe) any

f the Rev clergy, 01 the frIends of the Establishment, fIll be recewed on Tuesdays, at the same hours " The LadleS of tll1s Establishment WIll gIVe lessons III

I liSt! umental and VocalM USIC to snch LadleS as WIsh to 'celve them FOI the Terms, lllrJulIe at the InstItu-

, 1 I ( feb 15

onDO FOR l§~@ just 1mbl]§llled. I Ordo dlvtlu offiCII recltandl, I1lISsre1jue celebrandm J !Xta lllbncas BreVlarll ac Mlssalis Rom~lll, Anno 1850 Pnce rcdulced to 25 cents

IN PRESS The new Office of. the' Coneeptton of the B V Mary, ,uthollsed Iiy the Most Rev AIChbishop Eccleston, lor t he use of bls dIOcess '

The above Office will compnse both thc one for the I)ctavc III the Month of DecemlicI, and that for tbe b::tturdays dunng .the yerrr It WIll be so arranged us 10 be adapted to t he fOlll parts of the BrevlUl y of the '8mo, ani! Elmo SlUS The JY[(1SS WIll a lso be punted o as to fit the qu al to and folio Missals 1

Elthel of the above can be mailed to any pm t of the '1111ted States at a vel y tnfllllg expense Orders re­Ipectfull) solICited

CA'FUOLIC AI.IllANAC Cor Ul;iO. The Catholtc Almana~ and LUlt) 's Duectory for

1850, IS now III pI ogress, and Will be published as ,peed ily as pos8Ibl e

Bookselle? 's and [tny other Adve? ttsements wIlk be lllserted 011 very moderat~ te~ms, If forwarded Immedl­ately-tbe Almanac flOm ItS WIde cllculatIOll, offenng the mo.t advantageous medIUm pOSSi ble fo! extendeu advel tIslllg J •


HATS AND C,\PS. THE sllbscnber wonld lIlfOlm hlsfuends

and the publIC, that he has on hand a gene-1:11 assoltment of Hats and Caps, at retaIl, wInch he IS disposed to sell ver)" low, and SOltCltS a call •

Jall 25 J AMES ERWIN, 208 MUlIl st

lb.. R. CLAYTON, Importer of P.. vVatches, and ""holesale Dea]erln J e\\elry -The "hole E] bllslne" of thIS honse IS conducted on the l;ash pnnc1pie, not n. smgle thlllg IS ever bought 011 time, and no gootls are e\ er sold on credit

ThiS ailvantageolls mode of bnym g and sell ng enables the pro pl letOl" to seU much cheaper than the Easlern Importers, who gene Ja]Jy have to trust thea cllstomers SIX months, and frequent!) Jose

aAe :r~aOtU~~:tlonof the Watch Makers a nd Jc\\elers III the West ern States ~urchase at-th iS establIshm ent, for they save not onlY In

~1:sfnc~~~g~~1:~I~~;t %S~nl ~\ t!~e b~~~l~t c~~~le~~s~~rldet~~e °llr~~I~~ he lng ta);cd 15 to 2{> per cent to ass ist In CO\ enng the expenses and 10s<.:es of a cre(lit busilless •

rhe old store on the sou~h east corner ofSlcamorc and Second

~~~c~s~:ebs~lll~~r~~l~eeU~~~~t~r~~~~:~~~:dt~ a new and commodlou~ R CJJAYTON would Wish to Inform hiS fnends thathewillcarn

I on bl1smess 11\oa part of the old lJOuse untIl lbe corneT dlVIS\On ot hiS new bUlldmg 1::> completed aug16


E. W Kll\UH,LL & Co .• 92 \\allot, New York: ' DUNKIN, KIMBilL & CO ,Luer)Jool,

Respectfully mfOlm th61l' fnends 'and th e pnbhc tlwt the} hin e commenced the General ShiPPing

and Commlssfon BU''1ncss, 10gether with d e General Pnsse-ll~er Busln~8s g-r lilting (ertIlH ates ot Pnsstl-ee from London,

~!~~\]~~~~ h~~O~ll~~ 'P~fJ~I~rJI~lg: o~~lill~~~l~~ir~~~~I~b~eo~~~~~ to \ Drafts and BIlls of Exchun,;c for £ 1 to any f1mouut on the

Royal Dan], oj .!irelund IIlrius br IIlches, and on Lncl]lool. Daysot s 1I11111:1 01 the Ne\\ Commetell1 l LlIle orLlverpool P~ckets

~so~tl~d rl~~~e ~1~p~l~ere1~jl g~l~llell~~~;~tt~la;~s~ntldn~re~~~l~~a~vde~a l by men of character and experience J

rhe Cub1n Iccommoo<ltions me all thatcan lie oeslred III POInt splen dor, comlortand convelllence rhey are furmsl ed With every

~~~l~~I~~~nl;~"S~~~~tl~ ~fdt~~e~et~ I 1l1d Punctuality 111 the dal S



SHIP GARRICK, SHIP ALBANIA, , -Are vessels of the largest class, ::md those deslro;us to bnng out their fllends cannot ..:elect nner or safel ships

Prrs<':f1ge can he secured at the lowestr ltes .. ~Ne v Udeans 1me of Packets s lIi weekJy For freight or •

Passage apjJ1Ylo E W KIMBALL & Co hme21-6m !J2 "nil Street, New York. ,



RElVrEDY FOR .THE All LIC lED' " ,-\\ e asl tile attentlOD of all who may be disposed to question Its efficacy, to examwe the ~ ch lracte{ of the annexed testimollllls, but not to be content there With but to mal e an expenment to test Its, Httles and prevIOUS to condemmng~ to gn e It a fnlr tnaI , and we \\ III h lznrd OUI reput atIOn upon the "llC( essfulls::;ue of the expelJment l'rohably tlJere never was aremedy that has heen so succes::;ful III desperate cases of VOll ~umpt on a:::. tillS Dally are many reJOlclllg m l\.nowtng that CON ~tV~~;TION can be cured I Dally are many elljoYlllg Its be~eficjal

~Read the followlll p,-Jt speaks for Itself Without comment- ., ~MiI:[!d:t~~ld~et.le~~el two CatholIc pnests IS a guarantee Read, 1 e

___ I

, CINCINNATI, Sept 25,1848 To my fellow cren.tures labormg unclel the disease ot <- ollsumptlOn

A sense at duty and he IrtieJt thanldnllless lIlduces me, on the present occaSlon, to gn e a publiC tnbute to that Great Meihcme,

D§~~:ga~~t~8e~f~~t~Yrn~r: I~~:!8~~a~tl~dn~\ Ith "cal\ness and p nn 111 my blen.st, and followed by consumptl011 Physlclans at-­tended me, my case pronounced I ncuraule I perSisted lJ1 havmg

i~~~~;~~ ~~~:t ~~:~Iobll;l~~I~~s~~~~ass~rt{l~:d ~~~~~i ~f~~h~~w\~~;! of no effect At lilst I heard of the abo\e Ill\aJuable remed}-sent for Dr 11 J BRODIE, who waited on me for t"O "eeks, and aumm lstered said medICine I was so low that my Inends, and even the , Doctor, despaIred of my life the serVICes of the Rev C DRISCOL \

~~er: b~~~h~~'k~nb~~~rn~~mG~gg W:INnGot a~~Jetl;~nrn;i;~~ee~i~{I~~r~i

, .5eschamp's Remedy," and the valuable servICes of my phY"ICIaIl I was restOled to health I used but three bottles Lerore my healtl: was Jegall1ed, and I am now able to attend to my work, and bJ can: on my part I wIn be a sound, hale and hearty man

ThIS you may make nse of :.J.S you rna} d1Jnl best-It IS the honest effnSlO1l ot a truly grateful man l-and as I am somewhat a stranGer althoug.JI well kno\\ n to the tJat lohc communlt~~ ~ et tins \\111 be at' tested by Its worthy lie ads JOHN CONlU\N, Court st ,

between Mam and Walnut, above Worthlllgton House

Sworn to and suuscnbed befene me tIllS 26th dayof Sept 'l!S48 H E SPENCER, .lI'Iayor

I have administered the rltes~the f:JhurC}l to the tftovp nampo gentleman thmlnng that he was to ilH! Wlthlll a few hours Dr Hro(lie was tenrlen ng hi S serVIces, and ueserves, I thllli , the com rl\l~i{~;J~~:ll:11 the gentleman glves 111111 for DesctcnURfSoCOL1}

I here11Y certIfy, that Re\ C DRISCOL IS 3. Pnest of the Roman Catholic Church and now exelClsmg the duties of the Mlnl§tfJ In tillS City, With the approbatIOn 01 the proper Ecc.lifsJastIC<1I authonh

__ E, r f)OLLINS, V G

BRONCHITIS' YES BRONCHITIS-can be cured as wen J


MF.ssns BRODIE & LE' I-.som;~~;~N~~Jt !;~fl~~~t ~Vl} ~~~ne ~~fN~1I~fp:NseEI1~dt':e~~~~~~~]'; :Al~c?ende '~I~h B!o'~~h?t(~~e;gr ~~~ time-affectlllg m} speech and incapacitating me to ~rform my du ~lg~bga~ 1 ~eO~Va~U;~~~i, ;~~~lc~fuw;rfeet:y cured flth thanks to

[Sl ned] ' D M J)RYDEN Mr Drydeu IS the Pilot of the "PlkeN:o 7," and has been mthe

LOUlS\lJ]e and Cmcmnatl trade 13 J ears S~:~eT~~~tc~~p~;tc~~~ k of tile Age !las heen .Ilccompbsll£d-CON

ce!11~t[I~~~f%~~~~~~~~~~~d~[~~~ ~~ld~H;lb~I'n~fr~~~~~~ar~lel(! s~h-:; most h IPp'Y discovery that Mechcal research e\er produced Our Agents say that those uSing the Remedy 11ave been speedJly and permanently cured Weel Iy areextlav:Jgant accounts from the VIC

~~~~~£o~~~:h~icN:'~~J3~~~b1~ our Ag~nts, of ItS e ood elfects recen PhYSlcta'tlS, Clerg1Ima;n, "ottl CatllOllcand Protestant dally testify

to their beIng eye witnesses of Its glvIfl~ ulliversa) satisfactIOn. An eminent Protessor 1Il one of the MedIC 11 Colleges says" Des

~ll.antp's Remcd1/1s beyond aU doubt, tlte most perfict Specijic,for. CO'll, C'll,mptlOll eve'" Hlvented "

8TA rISTICAL REP.ORT FROlll12 AGENTS-July 31st 184!1 In 474 )cases ot confhmed ConsumptIOn 44G \\ere cured "120 'I Asthma, all cured ~ "200 "" Broncllltls, all cured I 150 ." confirmeu colds and coughs, all cured

Attested by the different Agents, and ongmal docJ.lments can at any tune be seen (

For s~ -&ho)~~b:r~ ~~Jc~~~~:i ~~nerlJ} 'lS ·Wa~ranted~ RRODIE &. LEVI.

Eole PrOR1!etors by ALLEN & CO J & C REAKJRS WADE EGKSTINB, &c "'hole~ale Drngglsts elIl( mnatl OJlJ~ and by LAPPING & CO , LOlllSv"le Ky GEOR(,E QUIGLEy' Catho t'h~OokstoTe P1ttsburgh, Pa ANDERSON & GLENNY, Lebanon

Also by all respectable druggi sts In the Umted States

"lVaU & Pattel'son's Ne'uv TRUSS, Fortlw radical ~lrc of IIc1 Jua or R'Ilpt1tre Its advantal f S are found III the ready ada.ptJOn ot the block to any movement by which a more ulllform pressure a)nore secure TetentlOn and com) ratlve ease to the wearer'llre <T uned fhe splIngs are ot a new maff f] d of malllJiacture, and win not rust fhe truss entire I S dUJaiJ'e

~~~~~~~~~~l~t~J~~nsdl~~\n:~~~~J~!JOu~Yt~~~l aTI~~~A~~: re\~r~~I~;~~J ~ a few ...

) RECOMMENDATION By Prof GIbbons, ofPhlladeipllla (;ollege of MedlclUe

I flus Truss appears to us to be the very best modIficatIOn of tho t mstrumcnt It combines certam advnnt 19~5 found ID no othel "

RECOMMENDATION By Dr J H Q~,Brynn, ot the l>lttsburgh HOSPlt d h\~7att & Patt~n':; new fruss has nroyed unusualh successHl1

WIth It more than elghty'percent, of radical cures may be eflectev '

CURE OF .II DIFFICDDT HERNIA IN THREE MIJNTHS "Dr Pattelson -DC'::I.rSu-It IS about four months sillcel can( tI

on you With a very dIfficult rupture 1 told you I had tned eve]' fruss JD va Ill-SO I hud-and never obtained any rehef But I w t \\ IBm to make o ne more tnal, and am now rlehgllted to WrOnl } on o¥ tlle result The one yon applied not only ga\ e me Imm:o (lip.te rehef, for I \\ ore It \\ Ith an e tse but has e'1lttrcllLc1l'1 ed m~ It IS a month ~mce I hlld }t oft, and a.ll TemalnS right You are" liberty to mak e tIllS public It ~ on \\ Ish to do so

Ver) respectlully, , JAMES DAY Loulsnl1e, 1\) , Jui} }4, 184.9_" __

'.J1 VERY ODD HERNT.Jl CURED ' +, ThlS cellifie:::. that I was ruptured aLont fOity yenrs ago by lIn

1 ea\y tunLers ann contInued SO, Without relict, until about SI ~gJl\hs ago, whel; I obtnllled ~me ot VVatt & Patterson's New P:I. tent frusses, wluch I beheve has complet~i1"YU~LCMA.RTIN

Greenup Co, Kentuckh JulY 18, 1849 " ~ Sold 1)\ Dr A W I'ArTER80N, vValnut st reet, aho,

Tlllrcl, Cmcmnatl 1 fh ~ 1 emales wrlited on by a lac y at Dr omas's office, 1"

"Va:lnut st • near Seventh auglJ3


Omce,-Nortil West corner of MIlID and Court streets

Old. Established White Lead Factol'Y· "

R CONKLING, & Co, are still manufocturing • WHITE LEAD at old stand, COURT S'lRE"E1,

East of Broadway, where the, are ready at rrll lImes to fill orders III theIr lIne Remem ber the brand, R. CONKLING They also manufacture VUlegar and Putty I


ATTORNEY AND CO{;NSELLOR AT LAW, & SOLICI tor In Chancery -Office on TllIrd-Stree t, next door West of the

Tro. Company Bank lao 25

, .

, ,

\ .

( ,

" \


pag'e 170 ',<1,f th'e Arpenc,m Al m.ln~ for 1'850, a verV ,reliftble WOI k, Issu ed by Lltl\\. & B, own, of Boston, the .publishers of ' the revh~d ed:tJon oj ~he l.tws of the 'United States, we' R.nd tlnstable of hlle 11ational debt: "1845, ':H6,801,647; 1846, $24,256,495; 184.7, f~45 , 659,659; 1848,65,804,450" FJ'om thlsit wo~ldappea.1 that between 1846 and 1848 OUJ, natIOnal debt increased $4 1,,547,955. "

~ i \ -l: , Awful Dellth ', ,~ ,

, . l' A: m an TIilmed, JonathaQ Ogden, was sJ,lddenly ,

killed at about 8 o"eloel\ on Fl lday ~Ol nin!5last, -at the vIllage o(Fulto.n, in tl~IS co~\Oty. He was engaged in a plantng and morLlCtng IllIl.l, an d at the time of bls death, was t:ngagE:d . 1D otling the machinery. , The ~l:tnel" IS one in Whlllh t.he lmlvlls r evolve hOl l~ontally. ~lear It w'as a'n eight squ.are upTigl~t- cast Iron sbaft, 111 l'hpid r evolutIOn-at a distance from th e. pbneJ" a lIttle more than allo\Vll1g the passage of a man. OO'de'n liad on a l,u"'e loose WOI k­\ll~ frock, Whl~h, ·as ' he was qng,tged in oiling the machine, was' cftugM by the 'shaft , ll1stantly c01I(no it up to his body, and whirling hIm round WIth ~reaL velocity and Ll'einl'nd@Hs force, hIS arms ~nd legs at evel y HlVol)1tion Stl il,ing the . ,

,,~ { I ' .

ANQ'fHER JI1<'oI1>J)< R -.c\. fight ensued last night III .that seCllOll of {be cIty l,nowl1. as " Hell's Hellf Acrcl ," between t IVO men, which ellcleu iIi Qne of Lhem.stl'lkmg ' the othel 0\ er th'e hea~ wltll a bluc\geon, I,Iilmg 111m almost m­stanlly. The TnuldeTel escHped.-.iVo?1pwe!l.

STILL AN;TIlER . ...:rrhcrc is a ctn ren t rumor in circulatIOn, that H' m~n bOfLrding ~t the Cen­tral Hotel corner of 6!.h and Elm sLn:ets, forceu his wire to~ s\YftUOW poison on rl'hul"sday night, flom tfle. eHects of' which she bas I'ince dle.d . , .

. Jail Statistics.

The number of p~r~on,s commited ~0 the JaIl in tliis county, for th e year past. endmg. Octo-ber 31, was 1171-belDg-alllllcrease ot about OBI'l'UARY.

lIDO over the pi evlOus ye,a r. The expenses of Dr/o at th~' reS Ldcnce of IllS Father, neal Lebo,non, m ,lmt,1illln o th ese pi ison el'S for tho same penod 0 was $6,5.00 , '51 'fere sent to' State PII~on at MaDon county, Ky, on 'the ] 8th. NovemheL, ·l.'E~IENT

1 HAbIlLTON, "111 tho 18th yeur of hi~ age, ,uter n seveIe a,u expense of $3,060; 41 to C will-gang at an I f exnense ot $ 1,000 ,--in all, $ 10,56U .. Of the andpamful ~ICltness of two weel,s. Hebere ' lIs· su -

r 1000 d·l t cl t . WIth glcut, patlence and Chnsll.m resignatIOll. above 1171 pI isoners, WQI"~ . a. ulC ~ 0 c

the intempl'.rate use of .ardent SpultS .. -.iIOnpl.I-- -li6'IIUl.ascat in pace.