1 LaRouche’s European (German) security By Yves Messer (2015) From a far-left political sect to a far-right political cult via… Germany By the end of 1970s, LaRouche and his followers moved from far-left to far-right politics, from a typical political leftist sect called “Labor Committees” (LC) with his penname “Lyn Marcus” to a fascist political cult known as the “LaRouche Organisation” (LO). LaRouche wrote in 1976: "Labor Committee and allied Communist forces within the capitalist sector generally are working overnight, constantly, to bring into being a new Marxist International throughout the capitalist sector." 1 The next year he wrote: "I never had the conception of founding a "true Marxist" association. […] We have never been Marxists, except as regarding Marx as the highest preceding advancement of essential human knowledge. [...] More profoundly, as we change we do not change." 2 That same year in September a letter from the FBI acknowledges LaRouche has publicly "denounced the use of force and violence" for political purpose and the FBI's investigation on LaRouche was discontinued. It also turned out that the BfV (the German FBI) discontinued the surveillance of the LO in Germany (EAP) in 1977 too, when LaRouche announced his repositioning from left to right 3 . How and why did this dramatic U-turn take place? Things started changing in mid-1972 for “Marxist” LaRouche 4 at a personal level; that is when he had to split up with his Jewish common-law wife and long-time SWP 5 companion/comrade Carol Schnitzer: she had moved to England to marry an English LaRouche follower called Chris White. Ex larouchie member and widow Molly Hammett Kronberg 6 wrote: “Lyndon LaRouche (then still using the nom de guerre Lyn Marcus) was reacting to the fact that his long-time partner Carol had left him in the summer of 1972, a circumstance which had prompted him to withdraw from most human contact.” 7 1 "Italy Lectures: WHAT ONLY COMMUNISTS KNOW", by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., in The CAMPAIGNER, Vol.9, n°3, January 1976. 2 "The ABC of the "The ABC of Socialism"", by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., Internal Document of the ICLC, July 1, 1977. 3 Hermansson and Wenander 1987:117 ff, King 1989:167. 4 His penname was then “Lyn Marcus” a contraction for Lenin and Marx. 5 Socialist Workers Party (SWP), the main Trotskyist group in the U.S. and about as far left as you could be in those days. 6 Her husband Ken committed suicide in 2007 because of LaRouche relentless psychological bullying. 7 PAWNS OF HIS GRANDIOSITY: Psychological and Social Control in the Lyndon LaRouche Cult By Molly Hammett Kronberg, June 26, 2009.

LaRouche’s European (German) security

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LaRouche’s European (German) security By Yves Messer (2015)

From a far-left political sect to a far-right political cult via… Germany By the end of 1970s, LaRouche and his followers moved from far-left to far-right politics, from a typical political leftist sect called “Labor Committees” (LC) with his penname “Lyn Marcus” to a fascist political cult known as the “LaRouche Organisation” (LO). LaRouche wrote in 1976:

"Labor Committee and allied Communist forces within the capitalist sector generally are working overnight, constantly, to bring into being a new Marxist International throughout the capitalist sector." 1

The next year he wrote:

"I never had the conception of founding a "true Marxist" association. […] We have never been Marxists, except as regarding Marx as the highest preceding advancement of essential human knowledge. [...] More profoundly, as we change we do not change."2

That same year in September a letter from the FBI acknowledges LaRouche has publicly "denounced the use of force and violence" for political purpose and the FBI's investigation on LaRouche was discontinued. It also turned out that the BfV (the German FBI) discontinued the surveillance of the LO in Germany (EAP) in 1977 too, when LaRouche announced his repositioning from left to right3. How and why did this dramatic U-turn take place? Things started changing in mid-1972 for “Marxist” LaRouche4 at a personal level; that is when he had to split up with his Jewish common-law wife and long-time SWP5 companion/comrade Carol Schnitzer: she had moved to England to marry an English LaRouche follower called Chris White.

Ex larouchie member and widow Molly Hammett Kronberg6 wrote:

“Lyndon LaRouche (then still using the nom de guerre Lyn Marcus) was reacting to the fact that his long-time partner Carol had left him in the summer of 1972, a circumstance which had prompted him to withdraw from most human contact.”7

1 "Italy Lectures: WHAT ONLY COMMUNISTS KNOW", by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., in The CAMPAIGNER, Vol.9, n°3, January 1976. 2 "The ABC of the "The ABC of Socialism"", by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., Internal Document of the ICLC, July 1, 1977. 3 Hermansson and Wenander 1987:117 ff, King 1989:167. 4 His penname was then “Lyn Marcus” a contraction for Lenin and Marx. 5 Socialist Workers Party (SWP), the main Trotskyist group in the U.S. and about as far left as you could be in those days. 6 Her husband Ken committed suicide in 2007 because of LaRouche relentless psychological bullying. 7 “PAWNS OF HIS GRANDIOSITY: Psychological and Social Control in the Lyndon LaRouche Cult By Molly Hammett Kronberg, June 26, 2009.


This personal crisis led to the creation of the German branch of the LO and its subsequent “Germanization”8. Historically the German LaRouche organisation was set up in 1970 around a group of German medical students in Duesseldorf including Uwe Friesecke and Anno Hellenbroich. These medical students were then active in a group called “IKM”: Initiative Kritische Medizin and its core group decided to move together in order to intensify the political work. A house was found in the village of Muenchrath and eleven people moved in and got in touch with LaRouche in Philadelphia via, it seems, Greek Epanastasi members who were in charge of the LO, then called the NCLC “National Caucus of Labor Committees”.9 Indeed “By 1973 LaRouche's chief lieutenant, Epanastasi member "Costas ["Gus"] Axios," was running the daily affairs of the organization; "Nick Syvriotis," yet another Epanastasi cadre, ran the NCLC's Intelligence Sector; and another Epanastasi operative, Andy Typaldos, controlled the NCLC's Computron computer consulting firm. Konstantine George – would become the first "KGB brainwash victim" in the summer of 1973 – was another Epanastasi leader. “10 Nobody really knows what happened during the Muenchrath sessions but LaRouche discovered he had some ability to psychologically, not just ideologically, win people over when acting as a “father figure” on both intellectual/political and sexual grounds. He will in later years call himself an “expert” in this area11. When LaRouche came back to the US in 1973, he felt his experience was so successful that it became known the “Muenchrath process” and will be applied to transform his American organisation from a far-left political sect to a far-right political cult.

After LaRouche’s “German Experience”: Violence, "Ego-Stripping" And "Brainwashing"

Temple University students, victims of an assault by members of LaRouche's NCLC ("Operation Mop-Up") Photo credit: Daily World - Source: publiceye.org In April 1973, LaRouche announces the policy of “Operation Mop-Up,” wherein LC members are sent out with nunchaku (“numchuks”) and pugil sticks to invade Communist Party USA and SWP meetings. For two months, LC members assault their members, with broken bones and broken teeth on both sides but, miraculously, no fatalities. “Operation Mop-up” officially raged from May to September. Less organised fistfights and

other acts of violence continued into 1974.

8 Still today in the LO most of the “good” cultural/ideological references are German. The “bad” ones turn out to be mainly “British” or “Jewish.” 9 HOW IT ALL BEGAN: The Origins and History of the National Caucus of Labor Committees in New York and Philadelphia (1966-1971) By Hylozoic Hedgehog for LaRouche Planet 10 SMILING MAN FROM A DEAD PLANET: THE MYSTERY OF LYNDON LAROUCHE (CHAPTER 9 Enter the Greeks: Epanastasi, the NCLC, and “Pablo”) By Hylozoic Hedgehog for LaRouche Planet - September 2009. 11 His “theories” will be published later in the US in September/October 1973 with his 'Beyond Psychoanalysis' series.


In August, LaRouche had warned his American followers:

“During my recent trip to Europe, I took certain steps on the premise that our growing importance in the world would close borders to me very soon in the coming months. In consideration of this fact it was imperative that I create the germ of a selfsubsisting leadership in Europe. […] The European Executive, despite a certain new-born rawness to its qualities, is the best leadership yet or heretofore existing in the world socialist movement. […] "To the extent that my physical powers do not prevent me, I am now confident and capable of ending your [NCLC members'] political - and sexual - impotence; the two are interconnected aspects of the same problem.”12

These events helped to “toughen up” the LaRouche cadre psychologically but also to set up a “security” sector aimed at… protecting LaRouche’s life! LaRouche Security: The “Manchurian Candidate Scare”13 The “Manchurian Candidate Scare” imposed by LaRouche (still) has the same effect the “Red Scare” (McCarthyism) did in America during the 1950s: to create a wave of panic and paranoia throughout his organisation. To convince his adepts his life was really threatened; two bizarre cases were presented, some say concocted. The first one was that of Epanastasi and LC member Konstantin George: in Fall 1973, LaRouche claimed he was brainwashed (and kidnapped) by the East German secret services, the Stasi, and the KGB in order to kill him! Indeed during the anti Communist "Mop-Up" period, K. George had made repeated visits to East Berlin.

“George's alleged vanishing act was particularly bizarre since he was absent virtually the entire time the NCLC's Lyndon LaRouche was staying in West Germany. LaRouche came to West Germany initially some time in late June or early July to be present at the launching of the European Labor Committees. He also came to Europe to start testing out his "Beyond Psychoanalysis" theories in "group sessions" with the top European leaders of the organization. The month-long absence of George would have been hard to miss. George's wife Luba, herself a member of the NCLC, would presumably also have noticed her husband's strange visits to East Berlin.”14

The second case was more personal and targeted Chris White the new husband of LaRouche’s ex-girlfriend who left him the year before. In December 1973 LaRouche asked the married couple to return to the U.S. from England. Later in January 1974 LaRouche declared that Chris White has been brainwashed by British intelligence and the KGB to assassinate him. Chris was isolated and “deprogrammed” by LaRouche himself, who took this occasion to isolate (in some cases, lock up)

12 THE POLITICS OF MALE IMPOTENCE by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., (under pen name L. Marcus) - NCLC Internal Discussion- Aug. 16 1973. 13 THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE (1959), by Richard Condon, is a political thriller novel about the son of a prominent US political family who is brainwashed into being an unwitting assassin for a Communist conspiracy (“Red Scare”). 14 SMILING MAN FROM A DEAD PLANET: THE MYSTERY OF LYNDON LAROUCHE “Chapter 10 The Konstantine George ‘Brainwashing’: Prelude to the Chris White Affair” By Hylozoic Hedgehog for LaRouche Planet - September 2009


other members of his organisation. Members in New York were interviewed to ascertain whether they have been brainwashed. This was the “Muenchrath process” applied to the US: weekly ego-stripping and attack sessions throughout his organisation. Those who survived mentally were considered safe enough to be part of LaRouche’s security. The LaRouche “deprogramming” method was indispensable to transform what used to be a leftist sect into a rightist cult: brainwashing its members and followers was justified. It is a sort of “anti-brainwashing brainwashing”15 since LaRouche considers that all the people outside of his cult are… brainwashed (by the Media, the British, etc)16. In 2003, late Jeremiah Duggan, a potential new English (Jewish) recruit was believed by some LaRouche security to be such a “Manchurian Candidate”. He was found dead in suspicious circumstances not far from LaRouche European (German) headquarters in Wiesbaden, Germany.

15 “The "anti-brainwashing" brainwashing... or how to turn one's "sense of reality inside-out”…” at laroucheplanet.info 16 “BRAINWASHING: How The British Use The Media for Mass Psychological Warfare” by L. Wolfe, Printed in The American Almanac, May 5, 1997.


LaRouche’s Connection To American Intelligence Through German Nazis Networks? After his return from Germany in 1973, LaRouche completely transformed his organisation; from a political sect into a political cult. This u-turn has puzzled and bemused many, although not unprecedented in History17. In October 1977 LaRouche warned his followers that Rockefeller (aka the “CIA”), their arch-enemy “may come over to our side":

"It will shock some that we must now face the hypothetical possibility that Nelson A. Rockefeller may, to one degree or another, come over to our side."18

Before his ideological and tactical u-turn from far-left to far-right, LaRouche leftist sect’ enemy was the usual CIA (aka “Rockefeller”). After the u-turn; the enemy within the intelligence community became the Soviet KGB, East German Stasi, the Israeli Mossad or the British MI5 and MI6 and their “moles” planted within the CIA!. In 1974, LaRouche founded in the US his security magazine the “Executive Intelligence Review” (EIR). The same year, he established contacts with far-right and neo-Nazi Willis Carto's Liberty Lobby and elements of the Ku Klux Klan. From that time until the end of the 1970s, LaRouche will propagate (sometimes coded) anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, including Holocaust denial. By September 1974, the LO (the NCLC, then) joined “Unity Now”, a far-left/ far-right group:

“In the early 1970s, a small but highly influential clique of "Racial Revolutionaries" distinguished by their intense anti-Semitism, racial occultism, and Hitler-worship, began making direct overtures to the far left through an organization called Unity Now. Their overtures would lead to ultimate collaboration with the NCLC. Unity Now saw itself in revolt not just against the Left but also against the traditional anti-Communist right.” 12

“As early as September 1974, the NCLC was in contact with Ken Duggan, publisher of The Illuminator and head of a radical rightist organization in New York known as the Provisional National Government (PNG). . . . Vastly more useful to the NCLC was a series of contacts provided by Ken Duggan. Duggan introduced the NCLC's Scott Thompson to Willis Carto of the Liberty Lobby. . . . Similar entree was provided by Duggan into Carto's National Youth Alliance and C. B. Baker's Youth Action.”19

By the late 1970s, members were exchanging almost daily information with Roy Frankhouser, a government informant and infiltrator of both far right and far left groups who was involved with the Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party.

17 This was the case of Benito Mussolini who started as a Marxist//socialist Italian leader to end up as the creator and leader of Fascism which inspired German fascists (Nazis). 18 “Rooting Out The "Sweep" Operation: The Humanist Mode Of World Leadership” by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.; Internal Memo; Oct. 2, 1977. 19 SMILING MAN FROM A DEAD PLANET: THE MYSTERY OF LYNDON LAROUCHE (CHAPTER 14 Unity Now!) By Hylozoic Hedgehog for laroucheplanet.info, September 2009.


LaRouche on “bad” and “good” Nazis:

“The new line also surfaced in an important 19 August 1977 New Solidarity article entitled "What Actually Is Fascism?" LaRouche now claimed that the Nazis were "imposed on Germany" by London and New York circles but not by "German industrialists." Finally, in a 2 September 1977 New Solidarity article ("Walter Mondale: British Agent"), LaRouche publicly praised both the Liberty Lobby and Spotlight by name for having "identified the conspiracy long before the USLP." He also stated that "In effect, the affairs of the world are being run by a couple of miserable Queens," namely Queen Elizabeth and Queen Juliana of the Netherlands. They ruled the world in league with the Warburg family and Lazard Freres' (Jewish) boss Andre Meyer, who was said to be at "the center of the most evil things being done today."” 20

Historic Background of Nazis recruited by American Intelligence President Roosevelt died on 12 April 1945, and his Vice-President Harry Truman assumed the presidency. Succeeding to the Yalta Allies Conference of February 1945 which decided the post-war status of Germany, new U.S. president Harry Truman presided the “Potsdam Conference” held in occupied Germany, from July to August 1945. Participants were also the Soviet Union (Stalin) and the United Kingdom (Churchill). Truman became much more suspicious of communist moves than Roosevelt had been, and he became increasingly suspicious of Stalin. Truman and his advisers saw Soviet actions in Eastern Europe as aggressive expansionism which was incompatible with the agreements Stalin had committed to at Yalta. Eventually, Truman announced in March 1947 a new doctrine for the United States: the so-called “Truman Doctrine.” It was a very simple warning made to Stalin’s aggressive expansionism. In August 1949, the Soviet Union tested its first atomic bomb and became the world's second nuclear power. This marked the beginning of the Cold War period (arms race), followed soon by a “Space race” after the Soviet Sputnik was successfully launched in 1957. To combat the “Soviet threat,” the US will use “former” Nazis:

1. “Operation Paperclip” 2. The "Gehlen Organization"

1. “Operation Paperclip” U.S. President Truman did not formally order the execution of “Operation Paperclip” until August 1945 (after the “Potsdam Conference”). Conducted by the “Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency” (JIOA under the “Office of Strategic Services”, OSS, the ancestor of CIA); “Operation Paperclip” was a program in which over 1,500 German scientists, technicians, and engineers from Nazi Germany and other foreign countries were brought to the United States for employment in the aftermath of World War II. One purpose of “Operation Paperclip” was to deny German scientific expertise and knowledge to the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom21. The majority had been involved with the V-2 in the Nazi concentration camp Peenemünde, and 127 of them eventually entered the U.S. through “Operation Paperclip.” They were soon known as the “Von Braun Group.”

20 SMILING MAN FROM A DEAD PLANET: THE MYSTERY OF LYNDON LAROUCHE By Hylozoic Hedgehog for laroucheplanet.info, September 2009. 21 “The Secret War,” 1978, Brian Johnson, p184


Wernher von Braun was one of the leading figures in the development of rocket technology in Nazi Germany and, subsequently, in the United States. Under NASA, he served as the chief architect of the Saturn V launch vehicle, the superbooster that propelled the Apollo spacecraft which helped the first men land on the Moon in July 1969 as an American response to the Soviet Sputnik in 1957.

Among the “Von Braun Group” were some (Nazi) German “rocket scientists” that LaRouche supported publicly:

Arthur Rudolph, a rocket engineer who played a key role in the development of the V-2 rocket and a former high-level Nazi who was given sanctuary by the US government under “Operation Paperclip.” In 1961 he moved to NASA, working for former Nazi colleague von Braun. Dennis King wrote: “When he was accused by the Justice Department of working thousands of slave labourers to death at a V-2 factory in 1943-45, the LaRouchians and the old-timers launched a campaign to depict him as the innocent victim of a Communist plot. Yet his Nazi activities were extremely well documented.”22 Indeed in September 1982, Rudolph was placed on a watch list by the Office of Special Investigations (OSI) and LaRouche came to his defence23.

Krafft A. Ehricke worked at the Nazi concentration camp Peenemünde as a propulsion engineer from 1942 to 1945. He wrote a book with Wernher von Braun, “The Mars Project.” Dennis King wrote: “In a 1984 phone interview shortly before his death, he praised LaRouche's followers as "open, clean-cut, and positive," in contrast to Jane Fonda and the environmentalists with their "African grass hut technology." He said he had spent many an

22 “Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism Hardcover” (Chapter Ten: Old Nazis and New Dreams) – Mar 1989, by Dennis King. 23 “Arthur Rudolph, space pioneer” by Marsha Freeman (EIR January 19, 1996)


evening with his friends Lyndon and Helga LaRouche discussing Star Wars and the Soviet Union's plan to become the neo-Byzantine "Third Rome." Ehricke said he agreed with LaRouche's assessment of the Soviet menace because of his own observation of their murderous qualities during World War II.”24

Note: on this picture we can see next to Lyndon LaRouche; Uwe Parpart-Henke, Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Michael Liebig who were all recruited at the 1972 Muenschrath sessions.

2. The "Gehlen Organization" Established in June 1946 by U.S. occupation authorities, the "Gehlen Organization" (“Gehlen Org” or “Org”25) carries the name of Wehrmacht Major general Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler’s chief of military intelligence on the Eastern who was recruited by American intelligence. During the Cold War, the “Org” employed hundreds of ex-Nazis and was for many years the only eyes and ears of the CIA on the ground in the Soviet Bloc nations. The “Org” had close contacts with East European émigré organizations. 24 “Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism” (Chapter Ten: Old Nazis and New Dreams) – Mar 1989, by Dennis King. 25 Intriguingly the LaRouche movement, despite of its numerous names, was/is being called “the Organization” by all its members.


In April 1956, the “Gehlen Organization” was officially handed over to the government of the Federal Republic of Germany under Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. It formed the nucleus of the newly created Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND or Federal Intelligence Service), Germany’s CIA.

“By the summer of 1949, about 400 employees of the BND, most of them in senior positions, originated from the Nazis’ security apparatus. In an internal investigation in the early 1960s, approximately 200 BND staff were identified as former members of the Nazi security agencies, some of them involved in war crimes. An estimated 25 to 30 percent of BND staff had Nazi backgrounds even into the early 1970s.” 26

Reinhard Gehlen held the top leadership post (President of the BND), until being forced out in 1968: he retired from government service and, allegedly, also received a pension from the CIA. He died in 1979.

Based at Pullach, near Munich, the BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst) performs its operation in foreign countries only. The agency is similar to the American CIA in this regard because it cannot conduct domestic espionage.

As LaRouche critic Dennis King writes:

“Especially important is the Wiesbaden intelligence command center. Wiesbaden is the headquarters of the European Labor Party (ELP, and LaRouche has a villa nearby. Already in the early 1970s the ELP's German contingent began to cultivate military and intelligence officials. Defectors say that LaRouche aides met with the late Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler's Eastern Front military intelligence chief, who, after the war, founded the BND, West Germany's version of the CIA, and staffed it largely with former SS officers. Gehlen was already retired from the spy business when he met with the LaRouchians. He reportedly found them still too leftwing to be taken seriously. According to Charles Allen, a well-known writer on Nazi war criminals and German revanchism, the LaRouchians had more success with the BND after their swing to the right.”27

Why Wiesbaden? LaRouche’s European headquarters are located in Wiesbaden, the capital of the federal state of Hesse in southwest Germany. Today Wiesbaden is a small city of about 273,000 inhabitants, plus approximately 19,000 United States citizens (mostly associated with the United States Army). It is known for being one of the oldest spa towns in Europe, but this is not what LaRouche and his

26 “Nazi ‘Butcher of Lyon’ was a German intelligence agent” By Dietmar Henning 22 January 2011. 27 “Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism Hardcover” (PART FIVE: LaRouche's Private CIA) – March 1989, by Dennis King.


recruits had in mind when they settled their German (later European) headquarters there! So, why Wiesbaden? Wiesbaden is also the home for the “Federal Criminal Police Office” (Bundeskriminalamt, BKA) and for the Forensic Science Institute (Kriminaltechnisches Institut, KTI). Coincidence? When around 1975, LaRouche set up his European (German) offices with the core leaders he “successfully” brainwashed during the Muenschrath sessions of 1972, he picked up one young medical German student in particular: Anno Hellenbroich. Anno Hellenbroich became part of LaRouche security in Europe, a founding member (Executive Committee or EC) of his new “European Labor Party” (ELP). He also became responsible editor of the party's weekly newspaper, “”New Solidarity” (Neue Solidaritat) that will eventually be printed in Germany by their printer “Dinges & Frick,” set up by Larouchian members.

But why would a medical student such as Anno Hellenbroich be put in charge of LaRouche security in Europe? Most evidently because of his precious family connection that was revealed during Muenschrath sessions of 1972: his older brother Heribert was working (since 1966) at the German counter-intelligence agency "Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution" (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz, BfV), the West Germany's equivalent of the FBI. Parallely to his brother Heribert’s career in Intelligence, Anno Hellenbroich became co-founder and Director of the "Executive Intelligence Review News Agency GmbH" (EIRNA) on 12 July 1980, the German version of LaRouche’s own American “Executive Intelligence Review”, for which I contributed several articles and analyses when I was a member. EIRNA published

dossiers on security and geopolitics mostly in German language. By summer 1977, while spending most of his time in Wiesbaden, paranoid LaRouche believed he was the second name on a Baader-Meinhof (known as “The Red Army Faction”, RAF, in German: Rote Armee Fraktion) "hit list" otherwise including the late Jurgen Porito and Hanns-Martin Schleyer. Former CIA (OSS) officer and paramilitary Mitchell WerBell III was called in to provide the LaRouche security with armed self-defence training at WerBell's paramilitary camp in Powder Springs, Georgia. LaRouche’s focus in Europe was against terrorist organisations such as Baader-Meinhof, drugs traffic, but also campaigned aggressively against the “Social democracy” (Germany’s Willy Brandt, France’s Mitterrand, Sweden’s Olof Palme and Spain’s Felipe González) or the German “Green movement” (Gruenen).


Why Not Forbidden In Germany? The “Schiller institute” was founded at a conference in Wiesbaden, Germany, in 1984 by Helga Zepp-LaRouche28, the German-born wife of American Lyndon LaRouche who influenced him into a "Germanization" of his organisation. The idea was to reinforce the American-German alliance. On November 26, 1984, the institute released a "Declaration of the Inalienable Rights of Man," which it describes as "the basis of the Institute's work and efforts worldwide." It states in part: “We, therefore, Representatives of the Peoples of the World, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world, do ... solemnly publish and declare that […] That all human beings on this planet have inalienable rights, which guarantee them life, freedom, material conditions worthy of man, and the right to develop fully all potentialities of their intellect and their souls. “ These Rights are denied to LaRouche’s own followers! The LO appears, to this day, as Humanist/progressive but the reality is this is a “cover” hiding more sinister activities. Research points to the fact that ex leftist LaRouche turned to far-right as tactical (if not ideological) move to reach American intelligence, while keeping an apparent “progressive” stance. This has misled many, including Jeremiah Duggan or myself. In 1984 a Green Party Member of Parliament asked a question to the Federal Government about the LaRouche organisation in Germany and why it was not considered as “extremist group”? He received the following reply: there were no safety concerns. The BfV President at the time Heribert Hellenbroich is reported to have told Der Spiegel in 1984 why his own brother, Anno Hellenbroich’s Organisation was not listed in the BfV report: the reason given was that there was no “excessive Nationalism” (uebersteigerte Nationalismus) with respect to the LaRouche cult. One of the BfV’s missions is indeed to watch extremist groups such as the LaRouche organization. LaRouche critic Darrin Wood wrote:

“According to ex-members of the LaRouche organization, he (Heribert Hellenbroich, note) was an occasional friendly visitor to LaRouchian events. Heribert Hellenbroich had managed to remove the LaRouche organization from the BfV's watch list of extremist organizations in 1978 on grounds that it had abandoned its former leftist beliefs. The decision was reviewed in 1980 to see if the group should be re-listed because of rightwing extremism, but the original determination was upheld on grounds that the LaRouchians did not display "excessive nationalism." Just how absurd this game was is revealed in an article on the LaRouchians in Der Spiegel (March 5, 1984) in which H. Hellenbroich said he'd told his brother he'd cut off all ties with him if the group moved to the point of being anti-Semitic. H. Hellenbroich claimed to Der Spiegel that Anno had assured him "absolutely convincingly" that anti-Semitic language was used only by the United States branch, not by the German branch! Anno's assurance, if in fact it was ever made, sidestepped the fact that many of the people working out of the Wiesbaden office were actually U.S. LaRouchians (including high-level ones), that the German and U.S. publications shared the same propaganda materials to a large extent (with English articles being translated into German and vice-versa), and that LaRouche himself (presumably the one responsible for the anti-Semitic language used by the U.S. branch) spent much of his time in Germany directing operations there. In addition, Anno's assurance conflicted with an intensely anti-Semitic, Holocaust-demeaning 1979

28 Recruited by Lyndon at Muenschrath sessions in 1972. They married in 1977.


rant29 (read here with continuation here) by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, chairperson of the European Labor Party--which was the chief public entity of the LaRouche movement in Germany. Although Zepp-LaRouche's article was datelined New York, it was clearly aimed at the German public and was clearly an example of hate propaganda of the most extreme type. “30

It is understandable that Anno Hellenbroich or Helga Zepp-LaRouche are careful not to appear associated to anti-Semitism or Holocaust denial. The laws are different in Germany than in America where Lyndon is active. In German criminal law, Volksverhetzung ("incitement of the people") is a concept that bans the incitement of hatred against a segment of the population. It often applies in (although is not limited to) trials relating to Holocaust denial in Germany. This law could apply to LaRouche’s anti-Semitic propaganda in the US, which is why his German organisation always tried to keep some distances when they publish in German language. LaRouche’s neo Nazis “new friends” in America during the second part of the 1970s developed Holocaust denial theories which he supported. LaRouche openly denies the Jewish Holocaust:

"The impassioned sophistry which the Zionist demagogue offers to all foolish enough to be impressed with such hoaxes as the "holocaust" thesis: [...] in memory of the "six million. This is worse than sophistry. It is a lie. True, about a million and a half Jews did die as a result of the Nazi policy of labor-intensive "appropriate technology" for the employment of "inferior races," a small fraction of the tens of millions of others, especially Slavs, who were murdered in the same way that Jewish refugee Felix Rohatyn and others of his ilk propose to revive today. "31

This "1.5 million" figure came from a short book published in 1969 and called “The Myth of the Six Million” by David Hoggan, denying the Holocaust. It was published by the American neonazi Willis Carto, LaRouche friend after his return from Germany in 1973. David Hoggan's text is still accessible from the Institute for Historical Review (IHR)'s website. The IHR was created by Willis Carto, the same person who created the “Liberty Lobby” (and met with LaRouche in the mid 70s). The IHR are the holocaust denial lobby in the US. His German wife Helga Zepp-LaRouche “made the amazing assertion that "there is not the slightest difference between the morality of the Zionists and that of the worst Nazis". She went on to allege that there was an "extremely well-hidden" Zionist Lobby functioning in the Federal Republic of Germany of which the "general population" was unaware. But Zepp-LaRouche had a solution: "We must use the hypocritical Holocaust swindle to blow these foreign agent operations wide open."29 She wrote in 1979:

“Whereas nobody in the USA has the slightest illusions concerning the power which the Zionist lobby exerts especially upon the current administration, in Germany only very few political personalities in the know are aware of the influence of a more secretly operating undercover zionist lobby, yet not the German public in general. And therefore we must take the hypocritical bogus Holocaust-spoof as an occasion to get rid of these foreign agents."32

29 THE ZIONISTS’ HOLOCAUST TODAY, by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, New Solidarity, Jan 26 1979. 30 BRINGING BACK FRANCO'S TORTURERS By Darrin Wood, Oct. 18, 2011 31 "Zionism is not Judaism", in The Campaigner, Dec 1978. 32 Helga Zepp-LaRouche, "Der zionistische Holocaust heute" (The Zionist Holocaust today), ''Neue Solidarität'', January 25, 1979.


In 1986, she launched the “Patrioten für Deutschland” (Patriots for Germany) party with Brigadier General Paul-Albert Scherer, former chief of West German military counterintelligence, Karl-Adolf Zenker, former head of the West German Navy and a World War II veteran, or Brigadier General (Reserves) Freiherr von der Heydt, a Bavarian law professor and longtime ultranationalist who had been a Nazi war hero. LaRouche's New Benjamin Franklin Publishing House issued a translation of his “Modern Irregular Warfare” book. With such activities the LaRouche German organisation could possibly have been forbidden in Germany, but BfV‘s Heribert Hellenbroich assured in 1984 the German Federal Government there was no “excessive Nationalism” (uebersteigerte Nationalismus)!

The Hellenbroich Brothers In Intelligence/security Business

Heribert Hellenbroich (14 May 1937 - 10 July 2014)

The Hellenbroich brothers, Anno and Heribert had parallel careers in Intelligence/security Business. In 1980, Anno was made head of EIRNA, the German version of LaRouche’s own American “Executive Intelligence Review.” Heribert was working since 1966 at the BfV33, the West Germany's equivalent of the FBI. He underwent NATO training in Rome for the employees of Western security and intelligence services, and was appointed head of counter-espionage in 197534 to become BfV vice-president in 1981 and its President from 1983 to 1985. He was retired on the grounds of neglect of duties after it was revealed that one Hans-Joachim Tiedge was an East German Stasi spy working within the BfV: the “Tiedge affair.” Yet in August that year Heribert became President of the "Federal Intelligence Service" (Bundesnachrichtendienst - BND) in Pullach, the German CIA. Since 1986 he directed the Cologne office of Prognos AG, which was also connected to the Defence Industry.35 In 1998, Heribert retired as "private security consultant" for his private security company IHS (Sicherheitsdienstleisters Industrie- und Handelsschutz

33 The BfV is primarily a domestic intelligence-gathering service concerned with espionage, treason, and sedition. It has no powers of arrest and cannot use force, but it carries out surveillance and supplies the BKA and other police agencies with information on international crime, drug trafficking, terrorism, and other illegal activities. 34 In 1975, and as Chief of BfVs counterintelligence. Heribert should have exposed his brother Anno’s communist LaRouche activities. But he didn’t. 35 “Deckname: Schiller : die deutschen Patrioten des Lyndon LaRouche” By Helmut Lorscheid and Leo A Müller, 1986, p 172.


GmbH) later called WISAG Security Services and now WISAG Service Holding company (Wisag-Gruppe), which offers services ranging from security and surveillance to gardening, landscaping, parking management, catering, reception, a common U.S. practice, where not only cleaning workers, but janitors and guards belonging to the same service offer security/surveillance. Heribert Hellenbroich's WISAG is an important and successful Holding company having branches everywhere in Germany. In 2010, it employed 39,674 people and had over 11,000 clients and a turnover of 1,325 million euros (approximately £ one billion). There is no evidence that he carried on working with his brother’s EIRNA, although both brothers kept seeing each other. However it seems that Anno’s EIRNA (and LaRouche’s EIR) took side on his behalf against his communist rival: Stasi chief Markus Wolf36.

Markus Wolf ‘s Stasi v. Heribert Hellenbroich’s BfV LaRouche has been openly “at war against Stasi” since the alleged Stasi brainwashing of his American-Greek follower Konstantin George in 1973 who was to assassinate him, says LaRouche. The Stasi head was then Markus Wolf. Within the world of espionage, Markus Wolf was a legend. He was head of Stasi in 1953–1986 and for most of his career, Wolf was known as "the man without a face" due to his elusiveness. He was responsible for a string of unparalleled coups, including placing a spy in the office of the Chancellor Willy Brandt - which, when discovered, prompted his resignation. This was the “Guillaume affair” when around 1973, West German security organizations received information that one of Brandt's personal assistants, Günter Guillaume, was a spy for Marcus Wolf‘s Stasi. Guillaume was arrested in 1974, and many blamed Brandt for having a communist spy in his inner circle. Thus disgraced, Brandt resigned from his position as chancellor in May that year. As LaRouche critic Dennis King writes: “From its inception the European (LaRouche’s, note) Labor Party concentrated much of its energy on tracking, compiling dossiers on, and harassing politicians in Germany and Scandinavia who were critics of U.S. policy or advocates of Ostpolitik. They conducted a smear campaign against former Chancellor Willy Brandt, putting up posters depicting him in a Nazi storm trooper uniform with a swastika prominently displayed. (Brandt sued them and won.)”37 This is maybe an accident but Heribert was a member of the right-wing Christian Democratic Party (CDU), opposed to Willy Brandt’s SPD. 1985: The “Tiedge affair”

DER SPIEGEL 35/1985:

Hans-Joachim Tiedge had been recruited by Markus Wolf. This “Tiedge affair” forced Heribert to resign from his post at the BfV in 1985. Yet he showed some respect for Marcus:

'Wolf is well read, witty and charming,' recalled Heribert Hellenbroich, one of the Major General's counterparts in the West German intelligence agency. 'He was an absolute professional, serving his state totally. He developed sophisticated methods . . . One could only respect such an adversary.' 38

36 “Head of German anti-LaRouche network exposed as Stasi spy”, EIR March 4, 1994. 37 “Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism Hardcover” (PART FIVE: LaRouche's Private CIA) – March 1989, by Dennis King. 38 The Independent - 8 May 1993 - Profile: 'But who do you say I betrayed?': Markus Wolf, East German spymaster on trial.


1986: The “Olof Palme murder” Olof Palme was a Swedish Social Democratic politician who was murdered by an unapprehended assailant on a street in Stockholm on 28 February 1986. A Swedish extremist, Victor Gunnarsson was soon arrested for the murder but quickly released, after a dispute between the police and prosecuting attorneys. Gunnarsson had connections to various extremist groups, including the EAP the Swedish branch of the LO: pamphlets hostile to Palme from LaRouche were found in his home. Soon the Swedish media blamed the LO. It appears this was another Markus Wolf/ Stasi operation. Stasi Officer Herbert Brehmer (department X- disinformation) explained to a Swedish magazine in 1994 why and how Markus Wolf decided to blame LaRouche for the murder of Palme. One of the invoked reasons was that wanted to embarrass Germany because of the BfV's connection to "fascist LaRouche"!39 That is the Heribert/Anno connection. On this occasion Anno had come openly to the defence of his brother Heribert40.


Interpol/BKA President Paul Dickopf in 1971 and 1939

39 Stasi agents: 'We spread lie that LaRouche killed Palme' by Goran Haglund EIR September 11, 1992. 40 Disinfonnation from the Stasi's psywar kitchen: the KGB and HVA (Part 2), by Anno Hellenbroich, EIR October 23, 1992.


Former Nazi Paulinus Dickopf (1910 - 1973) was member of the German Federal Criminal Police Office (Bundeskriminalamt--BKA) between 1965 and 1971 where he was President. Under the Nazi government of Adolf Hitler, he was a member of the Sturmabteilung and the Schutzstaffel. He was also the President of Interpol in 1968. While his former Nazi connections were known, he maintained his post until 1972. The BKA functions as a German Interpol. It has its origins after the Second World War when many of its leading members were recruited straight from the ranks of the Nazi police and security apparatus. Today, the BKA, with approximately 5,200 agents, operates nationwide from its headquarters in Wiesbaden since 1951. Similar in some respects to the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation, the BKA is a clearinghouse for criminal intelligence records. It provides assistance to Länder in forensic matters, research, and criminal investigations. It is also the national point of contact for the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol). The BKA is involved in combating various terrorist gangs, which have plagued the country since the 1960s.

Although German authorities are in denial, then came the publication of a book by a former head of the criminal division of the BKA Dieter Schenk. Titled "The Brown Roots of the BKA 41," the book argues that the organization had been founded by active Nazis.” He is sharply critical of the agency, saying that for years it was dominated by “an authoritarian style of leadership."42 Another BKA employee (chief commissioner) Jörg Ziercke documents on his book that 33 of 48 top BKA officials at the agency’s inception had backgrounds as SS Nazi leaders43.

BKA And LaRouche: D&F Located in Wiesbaden, D&F (Dinges & Frick Druckerei) was the printing shop of the LO in Germany from the very onset, to produce the LOs literature. The first employees were all LaRouche (EAP/LC) members. Their founders Wolfgang Dinges and Helmut Frick were also LaRouche members. This situation did not change during the 1980s: all the people working at D&F were still LaRouche (EAP/LC) members. In the early 1980s however, D&F started to look for outside clients, since the LO alone couldn't keep D&F alive: their salaries were very low, if existent at all! These outside clients gave a lot of LaRouche members decent salaries so that they could be full-time LaRouche activists. The BKA was their client for at least 20 years (from 1988 to 2008). Known D&F’s printing work for BKA:

“Ausländerkriminalität in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland”- BKA (1988) “Organisierte Kriminalitat in einem Europa durchlassiger Grenzen.” - BKA (1990) “Aktuelle Methoden der Kriminaltechnik und Kriminalistik” – BKA - Arbeitstagung 1994. “Neue Freiheiten, neue Risiken, neue Chancen” – BKA - Arbeitstagung 1997. BKA Annual Report: 2006 BKA Annual Report: 2008

41 “Die braunen Wurzeln des BKA”, Publisher: Fischer (TB.), Frankfurt (2003) 42 The Role Ex-Nazis Played in Early West Germany by By Ralf Beste, Georg Bönisch, Thomas Darnstaedt, Jan Friedmann, Michael Fröhlingsdorf and Klaus Wiegrefe. 43 “German Police Begins Banishing Long Shadow of Nazi Past”; Deutsche Welle, 2012.


D&F was printing LaRouche literature at the same time: American Leviathan: Administrative Fascism under the Bush Regime (Wiesbaden: Dinges

& Frick, 1990). EIR Special Report: "A Classical KGB Disinformation Campaign: Who Killed Olof

Palme?" (Wiesbaden: Dinges & Frick, 1986). EIRNA-STUDIE: Hyperinflation und Weltfinanzkrise Die unaufschiebbare Reorganisation

des Weltfinanzsystems (Feb. 2001) "Die Verpasste Chance von 1989-90" by Helga Zepp-LaRouche (1999) Satz: Dinges &

Frick, Wiesbaden 11. September Die Lüge aus Staatsräson und ihre verhängnisvollen Konsequenzen ;

EIRNA-Studie Geschäftsführer und verantwortlicher. Authors: Elizabeth and Anno Hellenbroich, Mark Burdman, Michael Liebig, Roger Moore44.


1. CIA report (1952) on negotiations to establish the BND with the help of Nazis such as Reinhard Gehlen.

2. “Executive Intelligence Review News agency GmbH” registration. 3. “Ausländerkriminalität in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland”- BKA (1988) – printed by

D&F. 4. “Organisierte Kriminalitat in einem Europa durchlassiger Grenzen.” - BKA (1990) – printed

by D&F. 5. “Aktuelle Methoden der Kriminaltechnik und Kriminalistik” – BKA (1994) - Layout by

D&F. 6. “Neue Freiheiten, neue Risiken, neue Chancen” – BKA (1997) - Layout by D&F. 7. BKA annual report – 2007 - printed by D&F. 8. BKA annual report – 2008 - printed by D&F.

44 All these authors were part of the LaRouche security in Wiesbaden when Jeremiah Duggan was found dead.



Executive Intelligence Review News agency GmbH Commercial register Wiesbaden HRB 4882 Original incorporation :2 Jul 1980 Initial founding Director: Anno Hellenbroich, Editor, Wiesbaden; Michael Liebig, Editor, Berlin. Capital: 50.000 DM:











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Text: Bundeskriminalamt

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Updated to: 07/2007

C o n t e n t s

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Staffing and Budgeting 5

Basic and Advanced Police Training 6

Police Crime Statistics 6

International Co-operation 7

Analysis and Dissemination of Information 8

Identification Service 8

Electronic Search and Information Systems 10

History of the Bundeskriminalamt 11


T h e B u n d e s k r i m i n a l a m T F ACTS AND F IGURES

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C on t en t s

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StaffingandBudgeting 5

BasicandAdvancedPoliceTraining 6

PoliceCrimeStatistics 6

InternationalCo-operation 7

AnalysisandDisseminationofInformation 8

IdentificationService 8

ElectronicSearchandInformationSystems 10

HistoryoftheBundeskriminalamt 11