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^he L>wreivie Snieridkn AMD




Tin ilrrulallua of the I.iwifuci Anit rl- ._ r■ 11 la the la rg* at of on

Cowntjr, and more thai

W KATU or Advertising aonl upon application.


la th* UnjM ihaUr LB tb* oily, with Four Ti»* »i Mir «

»( HM IIIMIO.X, ta 14...Iai

V. ,i. »',<«' I HiS M.mtna, $M Wlmu not paid In advance, twM**.

UKO. 8. MJaltlULL A CO- Propr*.


STEAM PRINTING OFFICE. 1* Dm l.argot aad awuel thoroughly rurulahed lo Koslcru Ma*sacuu»eU* Having only modem I'rr.sC", *.n.| t. ilii oorialant addition* »f Use * -tyle* <•( Tj|.p. we are able *o luraJah UM be* uualit] OC work, emp*dltlOU*l]. *i tow Order* by sw.ll given prompt aUewaloa.











HUMUnl'i Vegetable awl Harb Tonic I* doing

wrsadera—aatoal*hrng everybody, even UM phv

feiriana. Order* are pouring In from all Motion*,

far and near; large orders coining from place*

wkm simply one trial bottle haa been used. In-

valid* are by thl* tonic restored to health. Hun-

dred* In Ute city or I.* wrracc are praising It, and

ao In thla caae, " a prophet I* not without honor

are in bia own country," will hardly apply. Hut

leat there be MM who will Inalil Uiat it in only

StanaanL and of hi* letting tip, we will -ay that

IM* Hlaanard In nothing except the manufacture;

that the receipt la an


One, handed down from long year* ago, anil of

which we here append a brief history, la

THE YEAR 1804,



GROCERY AND TEA HOUSE, avlaeed after cmupar M* are paying at i.thi-r

r limn illiv to one hundred


149 Essex Street. S II Alt Of our good* are warranted Kl Its r

iril Al.lTV, and at the Lowe.i Boston Price*.


Business Directory. Card* not •■reading Four I,lav* In Irnalh

Inserted IH thla mlaaii at ffl per ;nr.

AJ. LEKNKD, Manufacturer of ICE . I IttK A MS, ati did «it Ihfl

der* leR at I>. N. A V. U. Martin'*, Sallifaction guaranteed.



**J Ksucx Street, Lawrence. tlaa, Klber ml ChUiroiorui Administered.

I! ' I, V. E HieilAKlis, Auctioneer, 1*1 Kaaei M., Lawraa««, Nan.

Executor'* Sale of Real Estate. Ill (IVllllS.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts,. Ksaux a*. Will be aokl by license of the Probate Court Ibff

aaiil county, kt public auction, on the Iheind day uf July, 1071, at 3 o'clock In the alternoon, un tbu premises, HO much of tlie lio hie* tear I place of tlie late lluach ItaOVrly, situated on Broadway and Holly alrcct*, In Lawrence, In aaiil county, aa will I* suOtclent to raiae the Mat of fourteen limit UN Dre hundred and twenty dollar*. This property consist* of a large i-alory bouae with L; 111 room*, plaxxa, painted, papered and blinded; a green house illlcil with beautiful planU,gardenera cottage and aUble, all newly shingled and in line repair; together with mt.Wt fiaet of beautiful land iMawMb laid out; coacrete walk* lined with a beautiful hedge, and ■ haded by horae clieitnut, afounlain Aab and the lnnm:eul boneyauckle, tlie running Ivy climbing up Hie atalcly culunin, the hlaililng ruae peeping through the erergreena to bid the stranger welcome. Tlie ground* are cov- ered with a large and choice variety oT apple, pear, peaoh and cherry tree*. Interipened wlUi Bower* of rare production. The locatlea la rery beautiful, near the Arlington Mill*, about one half the dittance from hfethuen to Kaiex atroel. Home car* paa* ererr to minute* during the day. Tbl* whole property to be appreciated muat be aet-n, It I* only In a life Ume that nrat-cl*** prop- etr of thl* dUcriptlon 1* nut into the market, for •ale ioracertaln.y; it take* a life time to bring

(■•tale of thl-, to mirh perfection. Thoae in nt of a Brat-rla** e*tate, •luiuld'exauiina tlii-

property at once. Condition* at tale, PATRICK 8WKKNBV. ) Eitvulora *€ the ee- T1IOD. H. COS WAY. , Ute of Hugh lUaTerty Lawrenoe, Juno 17, 1*1. Jeltt«tw

An old Indian, thea living in the ao

part of Albany County, State of New Tort, who

bad MUKle hlmaelr quite celebrated a* a phyai.

nan, became unable to attend to all oalla made

clpon him for hi* *erricea among the alck. A

nuuB then living, found that one aecret of hi* auc-

OL'B* Lay in MDU

BITTERS Whlih he furntahdd to the public, the receipt for

which Oil* man purchaaed of him at great co*t,

aa waa then considered. The bitter* were inanu

faciureu and aold, and created no little aenaation

for many year*; bat it being a aparecly **UI«d

localliy, and It may be, the III* of the inhabitant*

having dlaappeared In conieipjenoe

the biUana, and the old gentleuian owning the re-

ceipt uaastng oft* the atage about the

YEAR 1822,

Tlie fame thereof aeeined lo din away. But lb m

ar* old people living In tlutl aeclina to-day, who

remeialier tha fame of



Marked Down To lea* than tbe actual coat of manufacture.

•OM* mi tha Prlee*i

500 Bu*ineis and Dress Coats, t uii-lf,ting nf Black and BlneTrlooU, Black, Blue

and Brown I'ingonal, etc., ate. • 10 Eaoh, Former Pric* S16 10 S20.

S00 Gonuins Scotch Coats, • 5 Each, Former Pric* S12 to S16.

500 All Wool Pantaloons* (Vary Hoary»

• 3 Each, Former Price S7 to S8.

500 All Wool Vssto 81 to §2 each. Former Prica S3.50 to t)6.

And many other thing* equally aa cheap, too

Call early if you wl.h U> aei-ure a great bargain, ■ tmr Ntock la marked at aurh prloea a* will ae-

cura an i turnedlai* lale.




AK. GMDDKM, DRUOOIRT.—Pure a nruga and Chemical*. Patent Meilk-inea,

BARNARD'S WORSTED STORK, for- in.'rU I'almer'a, la the plare to get your Wor

U-da and Worated Uooda, PaUema ami r'acny Uoud*. Yankee Notion*, Ac. ill Baae* 8L 1>3


Auctioneers, and iH-uler* iu Heal KaUte. Uflce *U laiex Htreet.


tin EBBKX HTKKk-r, Lawrence, If a* a.

C'' W. awXrTT.M. r>.,HOM<Kl*ATHIC y*PHY31CIANnn.lHUftOKON. Removeil to

Plnln and •eenret'ra Paper Hanging and Palming. No. HI Common atreet, lonuerly

-" rW, ~ " lupledby W. P. Smltli, Jr.

COLBURN BROS,—DAILY TAPKH8, Clirotno*. "Cngrarlng*, Periodical*, Mtationery,

rancy UIHMI*. Picture* Warned ■* No. mi E*MI street.

,t ibort notice.

_ ami dealer In Ba*h, Boom and Blind*, Win dow and Door Prame*. All kind* Ilnuae paawaV Opposite Boaton A Maine It. H. l'aaaenger Itepot.

1y dUppnmil ill the leading Patent ifedleia MM, Ac WBUOAUWAT.


8T., LAWBatlOaa, MAaUI. Over Dyer A Co'*.

DECKEB A WHITTIER, OROOER8. Crockery and Ula*a Ware. Blrictlr nur*

Cognoa, Hplce* anil elwlexiat Tea*. The best dairle* of Butter and Cheese. St Ameobury BtreeL

DW. • "VI

(Jenf* Cuatom Boot and Hbo* Uaker*, 103 ■**«■ atreet. All kind* or ready made Boot* and hhoe* coDklantly on hand and very cheap.

EH. KELLEY, APOTHECARY—Pre- • ecripuona carefully compounded. Pun

Kaney Article*, (

refully compounded. ., Patent Medicine*. T1

Poat OfDce Block.

SSS Bana-x ST., Liwaanra.

QJ Tbo bMt jilsc In tbe cltj-.


GLYCERINE SOAP. In latroduidng thl* Soap to tbe public, w* have

only to any, our Soap* are well known a* taking th* lead of all other Soap* ia the market.

la the manufacture or thla Brand of Soap, (tlie prooeaa for which, waa patealod July Us 187s.)

NO MURATE OF SODA IS USED, therefore all the Glycerine contained in tbe >'*t* and Oil* which enter Into It* compound* la re- tallied, making It valuabl* both a* a Solvent anil for Healing Chapped Hand*.

Put BB in Pressed Cakes. 100 in a Box. UIIOCKIIH HKI.I, IT.

X. BEACH & SON, mans LAWREltrK, MAaul. f

KO. 0. CROSS—Mechanical Draught*- — Pattern and Model Maker, at the Machine Shop, near Merriroack Iron



HM. WHITNEY 4 CO., ApothecaricH, • comer Ba*ei and Lawrence HL—Tmaaea,

Supporter*, Shoulder Brace*, Perfumery, etc. full aaaortmeut of all article* In our line.

Aa they called u. Tbia receipt waa wllle.1 by Ibo

owner to a daughter and ber children, aud the

original receipt, ilfttod a* abore. la iu existence

fr.iiu which la auule

Slaiiarl's Veietaele »i Berk Tonic. Wblehlaacur* for all |iha*e^ of Liver Complaint

Marvelous la IU


Upon peraoat who nave been long Buffering with

what they term, and what I- called by phyilclaaa


Now, need wo aay more In arder lo dl*charga

our duty to the public?


May now ha had, wholesale and retail, of II. M.

Whitney A Co., druggiiU, corner of Baaes ana

Lawiwaa* Street*. Al*0 for *al« by A. R. Gild

.rlen, U*MV II. Chlekariag and other druggist*,

«M by Dacker A WhRUer, John ltu**ell, l>ean

A UaaaUlne, Coala A Mewrve, and other grocer*

ia I^wraaaa; aad la Mataaaa by 8. H. Harrle,

Jr., aad CaaUa A Steven*. drugglaU, and by 11.

All orders for

DEHHOI.UTION OP CO-PARTNER *blp. Tbo Co-partner*IIIp heretofore eilet

lug between tlie under*Ignad, under tha Ina name or ICdward* A MaCkell, lir this day dlaaolr- ill by mutual content. All bill* aad daw an da due the late Ann arc to lie paid to John Kdwarda.aud ail demand* again*! *aid firm paid by him.


Wltne**, W. PISICGILB, Lawrence, June Hh 1874.

The buslnea* of the late arm will b carried on the old Bland a* heretofore.

JOHN KllWAIHts ymHtftm

with Bugbee A Mack, Jftt Baaex atraet. Law aprMlaha.

HP. BARNARD, UPHOLSTEREU ami a Cabinet Maker.-ktruafring, Laying

■eta, and Curtain Work. Mayhew'a Patent luwHcruoaaapplledatabortnotlite. MJarkaon*L

JOSEPH KI.OOD A CO., MERCHANT TA1LOUS. Chamlwr*, 1, i and .1 Haumler* Block, Bases StroeC Under the lmm*

rvl*bm of Jiia. KM* HI, (late Savage A PI

I M. HOKNK, riiyslrlan ittul Surgeon.

Offloa and Retidanca 271 EIIOI Street. awtTfll


atKUOVkll TO 3X1 B**ex Street. Lawrence.

BOOKSELLER and unt Book Manufactur

Paper Itanginn, Window Shade*, Newspaper aw. US B**ex St. Branch Store, li'i KHHCI Hi.


AlldliiabtodauMhwaandsallon, whether wound*, rupture, or dlaeane, arc entitled I ■Ions. Special attention lo getting penalo creased. Bounlle*, prlae money, travel pi all kind* of claim* agalnat UM United Hlalei

i ln-

ail Uii.l* of claim* agalnat the United Statea proa- eouteil. No charge unleaa auecessfUL Buchatu ■tamp. WILLIAM HIIHUS, No. 10 Stale Boaton. JuneSleodttrb


A vary desirable r**l*lenr« on Wlal.r Ml. The modern two atory house, owned by tbe U Mr*. Wnaaan, adjslaln* alra ntnaa ..I n.

H. Davla, Baq-i ia offered Oir I in mod late sale, to iloae the estate. Tha bouaa la thoroughly built,

containing eleven roeaa*; haa a good cellar,

plenty of abed room; well of excellent water,

r failing. The kK I* 46 by 1M feet, with a

number of Iruit tree*, vlaea aud shrubbery. Cen- trally located, within a few hundred feel of Bo*.

ton and Maine Depot, and convenient to 1'aciOc Mill*, offering aa admirable opportunity to M

a desirable place, which most alway* lucrcasc

LOUIS WEIL, Dealer In Beady-Marie Clothing, Uonta' Punithhing UooUa, Hate,

Cap*, Trunks, Valhuw, Umbrella*, Ac. Nu. ItS EWMBX STNKatT, Lawrence, kliaa. janttf

H. POOLE, M. D., liter 80 year* suceesiful practice In Obstetric* and

dlaeaae* of women and children, offer* her service* to tbe public* Office, 18 Madison St., Nc wbui-y port.

MKINM, BOOKSKLLKU AND STATION a KB, Paper Hanging* and Window Shade*.

Picture K raining and Book b I tilling done at BHIII " notice. No. i3.f Esavx STKKKT. aprloliyr

188 LIZZIB CARLKTON, £50 ESSEX _ StraeL Saunder* Block. May be found a va-

ried aad select atock of Fancy Uood*, to which I would rasiioctrully Invite atteutlon.



No. 110 Newbury Street.


I**rUc u'lar 'aittmUon


Mra. Woodatock aat in tlie middle of the room, with her feet on Ute rotiud nf tlie clinic, and her fingers in her car*).

1 like U> liear thunder well enuUKli; don't know hut what I du. I am nut afraid or that. Bnt I be acarl of the lightning," anld nhe, nUrtlng as the heavuna hlazed over with a sheet of rlauie in iiiHiiuit glory, with a enwh and roar that fouud UN way through her Tat angers, and through two wada of pink cotton, bursting on her ear, like the trump of doom.

rev on me!" shrieked Mm. Wood- cock, "that strurk. Now you may rely .on It, as sum an you're a living rrratmv. •hat ■tniek." r

Mr. Spofford'H old vorrvl horse, the on- ly IIvlug creature Iu HlghL, made no reply, but kept on nibbling away at tlie white clover on the green before the door. Ho only turned his back to the driving rain, that flew froui west to east, so fast and so heavy. It was more like a bank of fog than moving drops of water; and gave a passing shiver when the niiii-l'ull changed to hall, and rattled down in stoues as large as bird's eggs.

But Mrs. Woodcock was above the blind trust of the beast; so, pale and trembling, she pressed her hands tighter over her ears, aad looked at a spider's web in the darkest corner of the room as stead- fastly as tf she were sitting for her photo- graph.

The thunder growled Itself away, and the sou broke out like a sudden smile on a baby's face. Still the unconscious Mrs, Woodcock held on to her ears and gated at the spider's web until the outer door was flung open, and the chore-boy shuffled In. He was a hem pen-hat red, butter-milk eyed lad of fifteen, who was either half-witted or half-crazed—possibly both.

"Ho! Anut Prissy," he cried, "what arc you keeping Independence for, the day after fourth? It has all come off clear as new cider, and you are wasting yonr time sitting like a 'statue,' You better be mending my pantalooua."

As be spoke a sadden sunbeam darted through the western window, and flashed athwart the corner.

If there Isn't a cobweb right In my kitchen 1" quoth Mrs. Woodcock, delib- erately putting down her Angers and going for a wlug—a gray goose wing that hung by a atrip of red calico on a nail behind the door.

Oh! you come, Orson! Where did it strike," she continued, appearing to dis- cover the grinning boy.

1 'The hall struck everywhere, particular- ly on Dr. Seacrest's grape-vines. I haven't heard as the thunder struck at all, not even on some folk's ears," returned Orson, who was mainly composed of a pair of overgrown bore feet, bUe cotton frock and overalls, a set of brood white teeth, and a weather-beaten hat with wide slouch- ing brim.

"You don't mean to say the doctor's grape-vine* are hurt essentially, do you 1" queried Mrs. Woodcock, deaf to the Im- pertinence as she had been to the thunder.

'Don't know nothing about no es- sences, ■ replied Orson, who was fond of long words, but not clear as to their use. "But I can tell you one thing, though. You ooght just to see the doctor's new grape-vines he sets so much by. The tendons and young grapes are fairly chewed to bits. YeVm. I don't cipect flvc hundred dollars In gold would put It back to where It was an hour ago."

"How you talk 1" gasped Mm. Wood- cock, who liked It. She was a kind-heart- ed soul, bnt something to talk over, was worth as much aa her dinner.

"But ia it so?" she continued doubtfully. "Really and truly, Orson! Now speak the truth, Juat exactly as It is,"

Orson had as much Idea of the truth as he had of geology.

"Yen'tu," said he, getting bolder. "The doctor said to me, 'Orson Larcly,' said he, ■I wouldn't have thla riamogemunt done to my vtntotutgc, not If you had offered me a live hundred dollar bill right In my hand.' And then he looked as sober aa anything, aud walked atralght to the house. I sow Mrs. Scarrust through the open window, and she wan crying like fury. Yon ought to take a look at it yourself, Aunt Prissy, If you don't believe me," he continued, In an aggrieved tone.

Mm Woodcock did not believe him en- tirely, to lie sure { but yet there might be somcthlng worth seeing; so, alter a little reflection, -li> decided thst It would lie handy to have a dose ofsalut and nenua in the house, and she might as well slip up lo the doctor's and get It then as any time.

There was no need for the gross to dry, for Mm. Woodcock's chocolate and white calico, guiltless of a psuuler atsl Innocent of a trail, did not even brush the plalntaln leaves, or the fairy speed-well blossoms bordering the well-trodden fool-path that led from her door-step right Into the world) and tier heavy colf-skln shoes squeaked to scorn the Idea of "wetting through."

So she tied on her log-cabin sun-bonact that had a pert calico bow prospecting from the top, took her crooked handled umbrella, to act the double part of sup- porter and protector, and set out—not to seek her fortune, but to seek somebody-s misfortune.

The way to Dr. Soacrcst'e was across tbe green, away from the black cotton mills, down by the river t away from tlie street of stiff white cottages, where the mill operators lived; away from the com- monplace two story dwellings clustering around the church, the store, the block smith's shop, and the post office; to a bit of level slightly removed from "Tbe Hol- low," by a sloping hill. Here were scat- tered a group of houses, where the doctor,

" mill owner, the E*E?**%f25' ''!,,■


Manufacturer* of Wool Machinery, Hunt's Dou- ble Acting Turbine Water W heel. HAMMER FALLING STOCKS, Fulling Hills. Dolly Wa*hera, Shafting, Regulators,

Uhr*. «ya Tub*, Ac. K. N. HAItRIS, WW Broad way l^wrance, aiaa*. Director and Selling Agent,

,DENTAL _ OrriCB, *1T B**'es Street, (PalTield'* new

block), Lawrence. Ga», Chloroform or Ether given a* preferred, for the extraction of teeth.

rp J. X a and

HOUSE LOTS BY AUCTION. Oa the KINO PA KM next Saturday, June

x7. lo'Tt. at S o'clock 1* the afternoon. By perm I*. *»» fro*, air. Uawlag, will eeU the .mall cottage house, with about ie,in» mat of land. Alao the Etory biuae with about iff.tM feat oT land.

A. P. B. aVJNO. Lawrence, June W. UU.

L. P. B. B1C1IA KH8, Auctioneer. JuwaWOTIt ,


wboUult and retail, can be addreaMMl to H. . Whitney A Co., Lawronce, Mas*., or to J. H.

fttaniuud, who i* utauufaelnrer awl proprietor al

(.aw react-


i if tha toalo are Iras to all pernoaa who an at a

In need af having ttnwi>»udtaa improved, by call-



REAL ESTATE. BtareChanea flei

Will b* aotd at a bargain, -- aad 1SJ Lowall street, oootalaing ta rooms, real;

numbered 1ST

Tbe property 1* la good -*r». Tor fur

Robert*, llaverhill slroet, orfi.'A. JarweU,*»B*aWOa«i«at.


lag for HM per annum. The property U la repair, havmg been hunt but avavears. Wt thiTparticular* apply to Dr. M. Robert, llaverhill atreet, or ft. A. Jawett, ttu B***xi

NOTICE. Whcrca* my wife, Haaan R. r'awkr. haa

left my bed and Iward wiLhout canac, 1 forbid all uersona batboring or trusting bar on my account, for 1 ■hall nay ao bill* af Sei eontracUag altoi

CHAH. W. rovfLatat, Wast tsoafcrd.

June*. I mi

.. MURPHY, MANUFACTURER and lsealar In Boot* Shoe* ami Rubber*, of

every da.irable Style aad Quality, a* *•*•* St..


HOB. LEYLAND, Dry Goods, 881 K» aaa StraeL full Value, Pair Dealing, " Ni

rwaag." NO Trickery, Oa* Prloa. Wa meal what w* aay. ^_____

TARBOX A BRIOG8, ATTORNEYS sailors at Law, Sawwl

Lawrence, Mas*. J.K.TAaUtOX. C. B. Baioo*.

.um lariiierS I.HI il

WHITFORD A KICK, J1CWELLKR8, dealer* in Paper, Stationery, Paper Hang-

ing*, Window fihade* and Shade f liture*; Blank Book Manufacturer*. *■* Ussei St, Lawrence.

WM. STUART A CO., Ksaeg Dye Work*, V me Street Dyer* of riaroUood*,

Yami, Braid*, ami all kind* of '"' salable gottd* re-dyed and put

if Job Hvi-ing. in marketable oi

WANTED. Immediately two good Bomrt active young m«*^Ught aadJggg

ffsretvy&i»s B. C, care of the " Amerloaa,

Juue wt, int.

lamr*■**!, aowJae* A. Lawreace, Maas.




•MM Kaaax Straal, - - - Lawrence.

w. W. F. ElmbaB.

X WW. A J. B. OIT.K,

•AtTOwnrra and COUMSKUAIBUI AT LAW, m Baaex (treet.

AITHITI A BELL, Attorneys at LAW, YY Notary Pnbllc, and CommiMh'aari for

Maine and New Hainpahlre. No.5LAW«nSCS BTnnJrr, Lawranee. iaalglly

tfevsi so the Hollow people sold, "stuck up" and apart from their neighbor*.

But this aristocratic isolation was all the work of the Hollow, for, as Mrs. Woodcock often sold i

FolkB can choose their own place In the world. If they hove a mind to hold up their heads and be something and somebody they con be, or they con be no- body and nothing. Either one."

Accordingly she held up her head and made herself tomebodg, equally iu the kitchen of Mary Duffy, the Irish launri rean in Speck Lane, at the lowest dip or the Hollow, and In the parlor of tbo spacious mansion that crowned the brow of "Qual- ity Hill."

So now she went up the wide, flower- bordered walk leading to Dr. Seacrest's stately doorway, with the ossaronee of a welcome guest; and tapping confidently on the open door, otepped la with a little nod aud a courtesy, as much of respect to herself as ofdefcrrrnc* to Mrs. Heocreetand her daughter Miriam, sitting and looking tranquil oa though no •torn, hod paused over either vineyard or spirit.

"Dearmel In it you, Mrs. Woodcock? How yon startled me I Come in. We were speaking of you not half an hoar ago," cried Mrs. Beocreat, who wos a lively, cordial woman, as round and flush- ed as a poppy; and always sitting In tbe sunshine, uo matter what clouds there might lie in the sky.

Mrs. Woodcock came la. "Quite shower we have batl," said she, dropping upou a velvet sola with an sir of belag very much at home ou velvet. "Inottoed, aa I corse along, Mr. Hiirbert'a oats are beaten flat, am) I shouldn't wonder H o good deal of Injury was done by tho hall."

"Very likely," replied Mrs. Seacreat, serenely. "The holkstooes wers very large. But It has come off beautifully now, and the air seems so much purer for the storm."

Some people might have felt put aside at this, but not Mrs. Wtsxlcock. She perceived that something lay under thlo placid surface, and, never being troubled by excess of delicacy, proceeded at once to send outherblood-houiids.

"How woo It hero." sold she boldly. "Anything damaged about yourgroundsr

The dahlias ; someef them were broken off—didn't father «ayT" responded Mrs. Seacrest, appealing to her daughter. "And, 1 think, some elans WON broken in tbe hot-house. The doctor has just or- dered a different styht of sash, ao these

■e out of the way just In time." Everything was always fish that came

to Mra. Seuci-esl's net. Tlsn't that," said Mrs. Woodcock to

herself, "Kometh'.ng heavier Ihun hail- stones Is on her mind."

So she started another trail. "Heard from Earnest lately:" she asked.

"Not very long autee," replied Mrs. Seacrcat, carelessly, belt with the loiiitest shallow of a shade skipping across her auuiiy face for an Instant.

"That Is It," sold tis* vlallor, Inwardly, nodding approvingly t* herself. For it Is not everybody who would havo had the skill to touch upon lV^rw-ti onot so soon.

But before she hod decided on her next quest Ion, Mrs. Seacrcst npoke again.

We are expecting him home soon, Mrs. Woodcock, with hli wife."

"Ills wife!"crlod Mm. Woodcock. Even with berdisceruiug forethought

she was not prepared for this Hiuldeti an- nouncement. Earnest Neacresl being yet a Junior In the State University.

Miriam looked steadily upon her work, flushing with a look of painful annoyance, but her mother's tone was as Millie as ever.

Yes,'" sold she. -'Earnest Is young, Isn't he. But after nil, he Is as old u 1 was when I married. Oar children take us by surprise, coming to be men aud women much sooner than we expect."

"When do you look for him—then?" faltered Mrs. Woodcock, much bewild- ered for her usual aptneas of questioning.

Almost any time; I shall not in- sur- prised If they come to-day," answered Mrs. Seacrest, not able to conceal some nervous dread.

Not a dread that the man led pair might arrive before Mra. Woodcock should go away, with her lougcye*, deep ears, and broad tongue. Oh, not Mrs. Woodcock would have scorned herself with con- temptuous scorning If such unworthy jealousy hod crossed her self-asnured mind.

So she sot. ond sat, and sot. While Mrs. Seacrest sewed, and sewed, and sewed.

Miriam, evidently unable to bear the slow torture, soon found an errand to her chamber, and found uo reason for re- turning.

Wasn't your sou's marriage a little sudden to you?" OBked Mra. Woodcock, as soon as she had collected her Ideas.

'Somewhat. But It Is so much better for a young man to settle upon some one young Isdy rather than fall Into the habit of flirting," replied Mm. Seacrest, with a cheerful satisfaction, "And I hove always been In favor of earl; marriages. Where people wait till their habits ore crystalliz- ed. It 1B much harrier adapting them- selves—"

Mrs. Seacrest's sentence wos brought on untimely end by the stopping of a

carriage at the gate—the doctor's car- riage, too, with tbe doctor'hlmseir to drive.

So It seems she knew all the time they were coming this very day, though she made It so vague. Aud there I was, as mygood fortune woukl have It, right In the midst of the home-comlng,"sald Mrs. Woodcock, afterword, In relating the Story to Mademoiselle Werigcr.

Mademoiselle Wcdger was the milliner who lived only thf*e 00OM from Mrs. Woodcock, and sold "mon rileu" u> ap- pear like a French woman. She WON

equally fond of a cup of tea ond a rii-li of gossip, and made all Mrs* Woodcock's, bonnets for nothing.

So there I sot and sow it all," persist- ed Mrs. Woodcock- "And what do you think Mademoiselle, but Earnest come In with a lady on his arm older than his mother." 'My wife,' sold he, ond you might have knocked iae over with one or your feather poppies. There was never such o surprise In Throckiuorton before."

"Mon dleu!" cried Mademoiselle, with a little foreign scream. "Did you learn how It happeiicdT"

"No more than the dead," replied Mrs. Woodcock, solemnly. "Mrs. Seacrest tried to pass It oft" with tier Biuoolh-H- awoy manner, butshe couldn'tdccHveme. I could sec her bard at work to keep her feelings lu. Rut there she poured the tea ond[passed the cake to that .old thing HH

smiling as the moon. Nhc is such a great hand to cover up, and make as though everything Is just right that happen*, to her.'*

"Nu you .si.aid to lunch!" queried Male raolsclle, helping herself to o third cup- ol that beverage from Mrs. Woodcock'* round Murk pot as she spoke.

"Yes, they asked me, and I didn't wall lo lye urged, I thought It would be good chance to sec the bride, how she looked, and how she appeared."

"Well, bow was It?" asked tho milliner between her sips of tea.

"She appran.il well enough, far as llnil went, Ifsho hadn't seemed old enough to be his grandmother. Yon know Earnest Is master young looking for his years, and don't ouppose be Is a day over twenty."

"Mondlcnl Butdldnt you have any surmise how It happened to tekc place V' pursued Mademoiselle.

"Well, I suppose she must have becu worth property," returned Mrs. Wood- cock, who, like a wise general, never ac- knowledged a defeat. "But for all that, I don't commend it in him, ond I had as lief tell him so at his dinner table."

While thus the hidden affairs of the doc- tor's family were being discussed aud stirred up In the Hollow, as a hen stirs among dead leaves on the hill, they were being carefully covered over like the lost Dalies In the Woods. It wos never the Seacrest fashion lo parade the- family skeletons like Jewels. - So they ate, anil drank, and talked, aud laughed, aud tried to look at the elderly brldo without shud

est," said she, looking at him fondly through her blue glasses, while *!*■ potted ber gray curls and settled her cop. ("I knew you had J" ejaculated Miriam, liian.ll- My.i "He ho«1 o foolish notion It would be more heroic to take me after I hid loot iny property. But I had aright to it, and I wanted to keep it."

"We had a jolly time, though, dodging old Drymar. He Is about discovering now, Lilly, that ha lsu't so sharp as he thought he waa,"sold Earnest, bursting In- toa joyous laugh that nobody felt the heart to Join in.

Then ho took from his pocket the mar- rlsgc ccrtlflcate, dated that very day. It seemed he had telegraphed lo bis father to meet him and his wife at the station not five mi mile- after she had become his wife.

"We had to turn pretty sharp corners to keep out at Urraoor'a way," continued Earnest, still chuckling. "He thought he hail Lilly safely locked in ber room while he weut for a justice, thinking ho could frighten her Into a marriage with him, or at any rate keep her away from any other man tilt the day bail gone by. But Lilly was better at picking locks thau ha thought; and she came to me, poor thing, so outof breath and frightened.'"

Earnest's voice grew tender aad pitiful at the thought, And he took Lilly's hand In his with a caressing gesture,

"Ihave loved her ever since I hove been In college, and she know it, but we bod to keep It to ourselves on old Drymor'e ac- count. And I was dying to marry her; butl dldnt Hke.the Idea of marrying for money exactly. However, Uieru wasn't any help for It, then, mother, you see. Drymar was her legal guardlau until she married, or was of a certain ago. S<> chum ond I fixed nor up lu a bridal dress, aad here we are. *

Upon that, the Irrepressible young bridegroom got up and kissed his bride, then led her from the room Baying over his shoulder:

"We will be back directly." When they Were gone, a sorrowful sigh

bubbled out of the mother's soul. •Toor boy," she sold, "bis heort Is all

right and I cannot blame him." "I blame him for falling lu love with his

grandmother In the first place,"said Miriam severely. And her having money mokes It more horrible. It seems so sordid, even though we may know better."

Almost before she hod done speaking they heard Earnest's step ou the stairs, and his voice In such loving, happy tones, that it sent a fresh pain through the listen- era.

Then he appeared, with his bright, curl- ing head aud his sunny eyes, so like his mother's. But with him cami% instead of the wrinkled old bride, n fair-faced, blushing girl, with a shower of golden haii, ami all the beauty of youth and hap- piness on her sweet focu. A lllly truly, beautiful ond pure.

"We had to fix her up that way, chnm and I, for fear old Drymar would meet us," sold Earnest,with a burst of boyish delight at the astonished and relieved faces of the family, "aud It has been such fun lo watch Miriam this evening. Father and mother kept It tx>ltcr."

"Mon rilcu 1 Do you colt that little crea- ture old enough to be Earnest's grand- mother?" whispered Mademoiselle Wirigrr

Mrs. Woodcock, leaning over the pew railing on the next Sabbath, as the Sea- crsts wiia Into church.

"Mrs. Woodcock look off her irblsses. wiped tnein aim looked again.

'Mercy on inul Aud 1 sat ox near her! that day ns 1 am lo the minister now

BOW A body's eyes will decclvo them !' she cried.


Ill LOtrlBa I II 1MU.KU Mill I MIS.

Would thai 1 could

Helpless, clinging flnjrer*, downy, gotdeii luor. Whorolho annabiuu Mutter*, eaughl nrutn olluir-

Blmi eyes a*klng question,!, tqc Hint cannot

Roll) polly VluHiMrr-. dimple in your cheek, llioult little IIIINC um lu a world or woe, Thus I fain w',0.1 kct-p you, for 1 bivu yuu HO.

Blue eye* learning wnnilcr* ol tlie world aU._. Here von come Li tell llicm—What an cage

ennui!— v, L Illllc damsel, nil tlie neigh I,or* know; Tbu* I long to keep you, for I love you *o.

■-ni"■ i- 111rI- achoid-glri, ulUi your *trap of honk. And such grave importance in your piHUM

look*! w. . ..■lb fur apongc-ral

Reading lH*>k* nf romance lu your bed al night, Waking up U> study with tin- morning light; Anvlous a* to ribltou-, ikill to tie a bow, Pull of eonlritdlcUuii*— I would keep yuu ao.

Heart* am there fn

alilrn, aiuiag by my*Ule, „u]iHiid UM wi

winning, heart*

Ha* your own, shy midden, Just begun to wakei Is Uiut roaeof dnwnliiK glowing on viutr cheek Telling un in blushes what you will not apeak r Shy and tender maiden, I would fain JnrrS" Allr Uie golden future, Just to keep yoi

tlie ll*te»in|

I from

w Uiat siiu wni iiir in On- upper air;

Now tlie rone of dawning turn* lo Illy wh And tlie close-*but eyelid* veil the uy

sight; All the pa*t I summon aa I kin* her brow- Babe, ami child, and maiden, all are with me


Bat her age was not tho worst of it, She was homely. And her homeliness was not the worst. She was stlrfand un attractive In manner BB well as person. Aad It was hardly the consolation that perhaps It should have been, to perceive tbe unlimited fondaesB thottheboy bride- groom bad for his aged companion. For It Is really a comfort, though a small one to BCO our friends ehafo under degraria tlon. Accepting slavery with content- ment mokes captive twice o slave.

However, the less the family felt like saying sweet things, tho more they prcs- ed the sugared coke, the ice-cream, and strawberries upon their new member. But all this time them was something In the back-ground watting to be brought for- word, and It woo Um brldo who hud the courage first to toach it.

"Ernest," oh* began, with the domi- nant air of on elderly aunt, "on explana- tion 1B due your father and mother—and aioter" she added, glancing sharply at Miriam, who was fairly seasick with dis- gust, and sorrow, ami mortification.

"Yes, Lilly, tell them," answered Ern- est, looking at her as tltough she were sugar candy.

The Idea of culling that old, black, greasy thing, "Lilly I"

"The truth la, then," said Lilly, turning her withered nice away from Ernest us though Itcost her an effort, "by the will of my uncle from whom I hod my money, unless I married before a certain .late 1 lost It oil. And a kim-man, who was his helr-at-law, was very tuulous to Inherit It."

"The old enr wanted I.ily himself," inter- posed Ernest and he ttmught, If he got the property he wolllu 1)0 sure (<> ,.,-t her. At any rate, he was resolved to have that. This was why wu bod to be so secret." »

Miriam fairly gmancil; and even strong hearted Mra. Becrestdropped hernopklu- rlng oti thefloor, ond rune upfrnmstoop- lug for It with wet ey'lashcs. To think that Eriiest had sold Inn-elf for this wo- man's gold! ho Mrs Woodcock riowr in the hollow was right after oil,

But oa though slio sii-pecied th* nature of their thoughts, LllyweUton:

"I hodsome trouble in i»Tsuadlng Km

oh I

Info I K the OaafJlll. he will koep her *< In,!,,.,,,.!.,,!.


The beauty of croquet Is, that It neve becomes tiresome, though It Is ulwayi played out.

A Bowery merchant who hod declined to advertise In the Commerclnl "Ariver User," because "nobody would sec It,' came nrounil n few days after to offer *& .... ii.... m.-i M.iiiii-hi-ju. om ui uie pollci reports.

Tbe experiment of bringing the salt ronrnhes at Scltualcauri MorshiTchl, Mass, under cultivation, by building dykes, IH proving very successful, crops of herds grass and vegetables being already well advanced,

"What can I do for you Auntie?" said o Richmond shopkeeper to a venerable col- ored dome. "Auntie who? I Isn't yersla ter's mother," was the Indignant rejolndei ON "lie sailed out of the shop under a full press of canvas.

Worth knowing—Newly ordained dea- con : "I suppose you generally make long- er coats for men who hold extreme views?" Clerical tailor: "Well, sir, they do generally prefer a long coat; bnt with that coot, 1 assure you, you may hold aay

lews you like!" - "Where's thottwelflh Juror?" exclaim-

il on Idaho Judge on the Court's resuming business after a recess, scowling as he spoke at tho eleven Jurors In the Imx, one of whom rose and said: "l'lcasc, Judge,

Ike Simmons as Is gone. He bail lu go on private business, but he's left his vurdlck with mol"

Among the curiosities of the contingent fund oflhe Senate is an Item, dated lrHRi, on the occasion of the funeral of Senator Malhorn of Rhode Island. A voucher was Ihcn presented for seven gallons of the best Madeira, S.'i; four gallons or cognac brandy, 1*; twelve rnaMdf of almonds, 04.SO, ond ten puiinris of rolslus, AS. tin this account the committee would allow only for four gallons of wine and three quails Of In ami V. 9?L'. bill passed OUOther voucher for 14 |s>unds of i nil coke; amounting to |7.

The directors of a school district In I'reblo county, Ohio, recently discharged their teacher, in the midst of Ids term, for repeating to one of his pupils tlie follow- ing verso: i HIT tbe hill* a great WAY off, Tl»-wimalehiiek i|bii »illi the whoop lug cough:

■Uleatgiii '




Saturday. The Now York paper* comment variously

on 'I b.;'rinr.' Titton'a lutlcr OS the llccelur scandal. Tbu " tribune" think- that THion ha* made u uiUtake even it what he Buys nv true. Th; "rlnn" says b« should have told more or held hi* tongue altogether. The Brooklyn "Eagle" aavs Hut Tllton only rils- i ovcrcd from Mrs. Tllton that Ilcccber once made an Improper overtor* to her while railing upon ber at a pastor. Tbu New York "K veil- ing r.ii-t " decline* to print Tilton'n statcuiunta l>«cause tbrr afford only it partial view oi n "matter which i* la any aspect deplorable.'' The "Express*" thinks the matter la no i-onecru to any except the parties and friends hi whom Mr. Boacher II responsible fur his conduct.

Interview* with iatlaiotu friaad* of the He v. Henry Ward Ben her, show that the charge* nl lir. Tllton were met by Mr- Beecher with unruffled cowpoMirc, and that hi* Irkuid'* coahdance In bit ability, whenever he deem* it advisable, lo ntilily Ihc charge* against him. I* unshaken. Ilia course will be shaped by the advice uf uU friend*. Plymouth church will hot Investigate (he matter unlcua Bpceimc charge* are made.

Mr. Hale has not yet slgniUed to too Presi- dent his acceptance of the roalmuater-Uencral- ahlp. Mr. Crcawctl, In conversation, said bit object In resigning was to resit mo hi* law prac- tice, that ilii report* a* to a prospective, ap- muniment to the Ati*trlnn mission wcreground- ie*», and rumor* iS his going into banking bus- tueaa, equally ao.

It appear* that In spite of ibe auppused full- ure of Congress to pas* a law compelling edi- tor* to aptiearbefore Washington courts to caeca of libel, tlie: passage of such a law waa secured by shrewd management, liclng actually inadu a part of the bill denying to the dlstnei police tbe undue powers claimed by It in ttaL* very di- rection.

Tbe French Aiicmhly has passed the bill Svlng '£1,00X1,000 franc* to the sufferer* hy the

le war. A propaaitkun to extend Prenactu MacMahon's term of igflce to ten year* waa nude in the committee of thirty. The budget committee ha* declared In favor of reducing the payments to the Bank of France. •

caiurcr Spinner lui* Issued a circular lo carry Into effect the provision* of the new cur- rency law respecting the deposit* uf Uulferi snier' notes hy national banks fur the redemp- tion ol tlu ir circulating notes.

The June raeetlng at Beacon track ended yesterday aftenioon. The fast race, open to all horses, was won by American nirl; latst time by Oopperhottoin, Ht, flrny lHck won the other raca.

J. Watton Webb prints o long letter, in deni- al of tbo statement* madeln a speech before Conor*** by Judge E. Kockwooii Hoar upon the brig Caroline shah- and the t>raxilinu Uov- ernment.

A vi.iin;; lady rider of a horse in the hurdle roes at Barnnm's IIIpjKidrotne, wa* thrown Tnursday night, niut lutally Injured. The horse " II over a hurdle ami died in a lew moment*.

Ilowanl si.iiinii.il. the well-known chest plover and Shakespearian editor, died in Lon- don, yesterday, aged in.

Hie-c bull: lu Uarlford, Trinity College club, 15; Amhorst Dotlogc, 11. In this city, Boston, K; Chicago, 7.

Congressman (leorge r*. Hoar la said to havo determined to retire Irum public*.

Oold cloo.su yesterday at ill 1 to 111). Monday.

Mr. Uecriirrpreached Ids last sermon previous bisaiminor vacation, vesterdav. He look,

fur Ills text the fourth verse uf the »Wi chapter ol Isaiah: "Fear not; for thou shall inn Ho ashamed : neSJlcr hei limn Cunlbundeil: lorlhnu shalt nut Is? put to shame; lor thou shall forget the shame of thy yonlh, and shah not re member the reproach of ihy widowhood any more." Komi Ibe liegianlng to the clow ol'tbodlscourac the greatest atlenllon wa* paid. Ihc regular attendants were well pleased, and the crowd of the curious beard a good sermon, but loetted immewbat disappointed. There was no refer- ence made by the preacher to the lei ter of Theo- dora TIHon.

Tbe following new noal callcut bare la-en established In Massachusetts: Arlington Heights, Middlesex county, Jonas M Bailey: Cohassct Narrows, Barnstalilu county, Isaac Hmnll, Jr. t Dodgevlllc, Bristol enmity, A. niaiieinm . Ponkapoag, Norfolk comity, (1. M. Davenport; North Plymouth. Tlymnulh county, Jame* M. llarluw; Westminster, Worcester uounty, Ar-

ums Merrlam; West lirlmlk-ld, llnmpricu Mtmty, it. D. Holler; Wcstport Harbor. Hris-

Icoiiniy, J- M. Hoele. UuorgF V. A very, Ibe pedestrian, wbo recent.

ly made Uie llM-milc walk at Manchester inside oftwenty-two hours, took a benefit (n Concord. N. II., on Friday evening at Fnorntx Hall. Awry walked twenty mile* against tlmc,aro*m- pllshingtt lu threehuurs.twetilr nilrmus and five Hecisida. The quhkeat mile was made in nine minutes and ten seconds; two mile* were made nt this rate.

iu new law under which It Is claimed that -oiirts of the District of Columbia may

throw n drag-net over the newspaper* of Uie country 1* explained In tbu Wsihitigtnn dis- patcfauM. Judge Poland also sends o note U> ihu effect that it wa* not the InU-nllon uf Uie law, and. Indeed, that the ncw*|iapcr* wen- not thought ol when the law was reported and penned.

A Worcester special reports the sale by auction of Rtepben H. Foster's cow, recently seised for non-payment of taxes, on Katun I ay. Frederick Lane purchased the con for tlie laiua- lic Asylum, paying 0YH..W. About thirty |«r- sons wers prescnl si the sale, and Mrs. Foster mod* remark* giving her opiulun or Ihu acL

Donukue, tbe pcdcalruin, not only complet- ed Ibe task he undertook at Springfield, Mass., of walking 1,000 mile* la l.tMSl hours.but tic con- tinued hi* tramp for two hour* over time. The last mile wa* made In 2\ minute* o'i seconds.

Advice* from Ilu**1a slate that tbe Otaf ho*. a* a punishment to Ida nephew Nk-bolas, wbo •lole hi* mother'* diamonds, banished him fur life and deprived him ol the cme* of Ht. Uoorgc.

Base boll on Saturday—at Bo*ton.—Bottoi '"I, Chicago 0; at Philadelphia—Athletic 10, Philadelphia |i| St Brooklyn —Mutual 7, Harl- i ird 3.

The convicted New York pollen cnmnilsslon- er* hove formolly tomlereil their resignation* to the mayor. Tuosday.

Pmf. Raymond, one uf the most Intimate rrkwideof llceeher, and kupcrinlemlent of the Hy mouth rlchool* states Uiat i he whole of 1'iy- mouih Church have lost none ol their fallh In


In IUHI around Uueboc.

largo- as waa oarpnrty.lt appnrenlly- mode but a light .it .Hi upon tin- n.source* of that Istst nf nil hotels in the Dominion, Ihc Nt. Loin- House, with Us iiba-ant a|metiil:i';e the Itussell, ihu proprietor of whit h wc hit ipdte like clitlm- ing in cin.--.-n-!.I,', and whose Well-deserved hueecs* in,in .n, ■ that capacity ntnl entcrprlso may Iss family ipiallHcnUona ;'nr. ftultnn, tbe lunuager, I* also a Massachusetts man, anil by many courtesies made onr stnv ndditlonally enjoyable, while the luemtsrrs who were of ibo "high jolnl" excursion of 1871, lout an old friend In tho genial Jubli, In whose charge they wera at Ht, laawrencc Hall, three years ago. Quebec improve* upon aisiuaintauec, and 1* really one of the most guMntly attractive snoti American tourist* ran llnd upon tho continent, lnahuslncw view, It 1* unite like oar slater city of Salem,—-in the years past, nnd before Its latter awakening, possessing great wealth, and

water* in most •^Trgeou* ond swiftly changing colors, ami then wc pointed onr steamer's prow up the Baguenay. Un either hand, for a hun- dred miles, rose unbroken clUJs, her* clothed with u den** growth of tree*, there gleaming Uie and naked, a sheer precipice of rock, tow- ering alaivu the black waters. The wind blew fiercely, strong enough, In fact, lo twist off ihu door of tho pilot bouse, and barl It oveehuard, nod yet they told as it wo* only a gentle gale compared with what they sometime* had. Onr enthusiasm on this first evenlof waa Strung enough, however, lu fact) tbo wind, aad anile a company gathered on the forward deck, thickly enveloped in overcoats, waterproofs, blankets, In fact. In anything and everything that would protect from the cold wind. Sons* brave con-

1 venation wo beard, about passing the night,— 'at least nntll the moon set,—iu this esthetic war, tiul tbe bravest were obliged So succumb at lost

w.r«...-a ..y... -it Ms M,... is gua* on'Tllton be would i

bi* ship, aad really though we would rather let were lo open btsg<

Wa» "Ucklng elder ihi.'iitfh u straw. And at the June term of the county

court a Jury, lit a suit brought by the teach- er lo recover his snhiry, decided that the directors were legally Justified lu what ■bay hod done.

the matter drop with contempt, there la now a feeling, not of Indltercnoe, Init what I may call, Indued, of anxiety, that a settlement vbuuld be come to, whoever may suffer. It will certainly not he Mr. Beecher.

Dispatches were received lir Uie Kponlah On

tack by Rrpuhltcaa troops upon the Cur list trencbraeut at kturo, nuar K* tell a. When Uie National force* learned uf the death of ihoii commander, they relumed to their former post Una* without disorder, leaving no trophy in the bands of the enemy. The commnnd of Dm lie- publican army will now Is- taken by Hen. /.alia la, Minister ol War,

The tiralton Itailroud, comprising a norms, gauge Irack three miles iu length, from (Jrafton Centre to draftnn station on the Huston and Al- bany Itallroasl, Is nearly coanploted, and will be in operation im\i week or tbawuek after. It i* to tie operated by a dummy engine, manufac- tured try Jerome Whwelock of Worcester, on an Improved plan. The weight of tbu engmo and carl* abuul three tons, and the cost alstut Hi,- 000. *

Mr. (ieorire If, Avery, tha young American pedestrian who lately walked 100 uiltes in .'I hour* and 40 initiates, In bi attempt tbe foal ol walking from Bo*ton to Montreal, ahont ICO miles. Ill oigbt days, lie will start mi or about the 1st of He. pie i alar next. Ho 1* to atari from the Tivmoiit House hi Boston, and to slopat tho Ottawo llonso In Montreal.

Tbe Hnal dc|>o*li of 0-2,000 has u-, n po In the coming International hunt race fur jSltKMi and thcrliainplon-hl|i of America, lasiwceu W. K.harit, of filisbnrg, and (leo. itniwn of Hall- fas. The race is creating umoiial excitement Uiniughnnt the Slaie* ami Canada. The men art) to row five mile* at Springfield. July ».

Itaeretary llriatuw ha* decided that hereafter n Id<lle-raan will lai rerognl/cd In bids for furnishing labor for handling r b.iodl/e fn the euslucil lumsn ia In lamd. Contract* Will only INJ made with men wbo will themtelves superintend the hutlne**,

ThnSt.Loul* Democrat publishes a double, leaded editorial, taking strong ground lu favor af a genuine pcopto'viuoveuiciit to defeat what in ;,ll-tin.- MiiurbiHi IJcniocracy iii Mxsou the gubernatortal electlua nuxl (all.

Rev. Mr. Fulton of Bnsiklyn preachptl noon the law ol lorgitclle** 0* ajiplicii lolhe Beef' Tllton affair. Iioldlng Uiat ho who once ha forgivenun Injury and then again reopened grievance*, could not expect forgiveness 1

John F. Dow, a tlangor, Me., dry goods ■ Iclde, yesterday.

ntlvntitagcs, has seized the great) etimiueror, as did Boston from Salem, building

rich and Uniting commorelal luciropolls.

spirit of progrua* awakened |irom1*lng ilytogivo to the city * leading po.ii ion in

the future, but In It* o'crleajsng ambition, threatening sacrilegiously, as It seem* to us, to remove and destroy mony uf tbe relics of Its limner military power and p^aJnea* that Uie wildest scheme* of advancement might well afford to spare; already a large porUoti uf tbo olden walls, encircling the city a* a strong do- fence, bat been removed; every one nt the ancient gate*,—dual nt, narrow, tuaajtlve and cumbrous-, Jim e been torn down, and even the One St. John's gate, rebuilt but a few year* ago, the sole reminder ol Uie impregnable entrances to the ion bin military fortre**, f* threatened with early destruction, seemingly brrautr It Is a relic, tbe progressive band who are forecasting Ibo Uuebuc of the future, apparuutly deter- mined to make It speedily appear the rejuvena- ted city they have faith it will soon become.

The military glory of Quebec has departed ; the large garrison, sometimes of three full regiments, maintained under British control, ha* been reduced lu two liallerlra of light ar- tillery and alike number of companies of infan- try; one now misses In the street" the showy uoilbnu* formerly every where met, revealing at first sight the mllltari supremacy la the place, while society rat refuses to lie rotuforted over tbe hats of Uio brilliant coterie of officers whose presence gave tost to a m use men ta,—ae- tlvlty and tone to social life. But It remains a i|uiihn city, with odd customs curiously fitting Its picturcRuBu situation and surrounding*. Hunday afternoon, as wc stood upon tho wall ol tb* old French lurfiflt-atlons, without the

iimbl. and uuw crumbling mm nun. there amo up Ibe long Rtrcct, past St. l - goto, o

funeral procession, comprised mainly of boy* and mniig men, raurtlally In o sort of regalia, nt tbe Lead of which moved an elegant hearse, bnt empty, while following were twelve I.id-. wearing over Uio shoulder very wide flowing

'" uir hats conspicuously i ■ -.I with. Inc. as pall bearers; lour uf them, re-

lieved oceaKlunally by others, carrying tbu eol- tiu upon a small bier (npporlcil from ihclr sltonlder*; through Ibe dust, under o hut sun, up (he long, steep hill, the procesiion passed out or sight, the vacant beurm) still lending tho way; hi our Inquiry, the conductor Informed us thai (he deceased was a promlm-m member of the largo religion* society paying the fnneral

1 the conveyance ol the. Ixiriv in that Intended as u special mark of re-

spect to the dead. Many a chapter might bo Interestedly written concerning the thnraderla- tlea of this castellated iity, whoso frowning walls, sleep Nils, crooked streets, winding atnirwuys, and historic scene*, Invite atmiv, and reward repented visitation.

Tlie unotpeAeii ami cordial fi--1. - ex- tended by the Press AnsucUUoli of (JuolH'C, m wbicli Ills Worship. Mavor Murphy nnd others heartily joined, and the thoughtful moaner in which lllelr good will a-Minieil prurtiral nnd pleasant *baiu-. nruved union:.' the mosi i-njova- lilo events of tmr *tay iu the city. turMf hail wu arrived, unheralded, us wc thought, lictoru there were rumor* ihnt our plans lor Monday might hn inn ,-tereii with, ami shortly, the Mayor, with Hon. J. J. Foob-, clialrmau ufiue press cniiimittcc, nnd proprielnr of the Morning Chronicle, Mr. basils Thorn, ol'thr same paper,

il other*, wailed upon our pnny at tho hotel, tendering us an excursion upon ibo river and

the Fall* of Mouimorjml during the coming day, and until, ou our rVinrii I'fMii the Kugue- nay, we bade our UUCIKC Irlcud* a liiml gisal liyctliere seemed to lie no limit to tin-kind attention* wu mejOtrtsJ on every bund. Col. Ktrmige, comiiiandaul, sent a special nivilniiuu to visit the citadel, placing some of the Iw-si Informed sokbers at our disposal a* guide* to that immense formication, and sent hi* excel- lent hand to accoui|miiy Monday's excursion; rhalover movement the party made, by the nreful foresight of Mr. SuUon, the in.!, i car-

riage* were awnlling hi convey u», and In all rospeets, our party made to fe.-l cordially welcome. Throughout tho trip we were laviireil with charming woollier, and Moiuluy proved imlecd, a rare day In June; the Saguemiy nav- igation foiiipaiiy teinli ieil the pn-s* eommi'tcc lor our morning'* pleasuring, the pretty little -learner St. Oeorgo, and wc were accompanied by a number ol Julirnollsls, official* and other citUens, viltb their ladle*, adding largely to Uie enjoyment nf the occasion, while the liiought- fully arranged conation, awaiting the partv on returning from Uie warm and somewhat fatigu- ing walk lo the fulls, was not len-t among the nnmhcrh'ss grutcfnl lotirtcslcs oflhe trip.

The St. lAwrenccond Bagucnay steam nnvl MIIMII company, maintain during tbo sununer ■ ea-oii a dally line tK-twceii QtUMM ,M. Ha-Ho liny, having three steamers, the trip occupying Inity-eight hours, and living so arranged that the cntlro scenery Is viewed by daylight, going

returning, it waa our good fhrtuno to lie assigned hi the steamer Hagueuay, —-formerly well known as the "Daniel Webster,"—Copi. M. f .I'CIILU -. ami a neat, comfortable and every way Hlauncb croft It ia; the general ogont of Ihu line, Mr. 11. F. Bellow, wa* among the most active In making pleasant the stay of our party In Uueboc, and until we bade him lure well on tho dock *t Tolnt Lcvl, umlttcd nu attention or iiifciv-i Hint could odd to onrcomfort. Mr. St. mige, the pniMT. pliiei-,I himself almost abso- lutely at the disposal til the excursionist*, and the bluff and hearty captain, allowed u*. with- out a frown, to over-run tbe entire rrolt, s worm Into the pilot bouse, and ply him with a wilder- ness of Impilrlc* thai might well have putxkd one with oven greater familiarity with our own tongue) If any line ha* thro more aceoinmo- datmg or courteous officials, we bavuuot mot them. The Haguenny has stateroom* u|ion tbe saloon deck tor some hundred and ten,—two In each,—with n vury pluasaui, well-lighted la- dles rahlu with two slalerisuns. ami rtHimy Isertba for about lofty additional; the dining room bus accommodation* for one hundred. and the h*«l proved to Is- alike abundant an toothsome, so that there I* nothing to be fenrc In the hick of absolute comfort ai |«**cngers .1 * ihc mo day* ami nlghls oh i-i.inb

From Quebec up tbo Han/normy Itlvor.

Tuesday our slumber* were rudely ilisturbad by (he horrid rlaugor ami din ol the servant al our door, shoaUng " I lull pn-.t rive." Wc wcru lu start lor tbo famous Baguenay river, and mutt 1M astir lieilmc*. Tbe golden proaputt so, ai dissipated all wl*h to sleep. The goal or onr Juuruey was I* lore UN; the *uminit of our bopes wos now within easy reach. Soon wo were airenmlng forth from the hotel down the narrow, mrluuaa si reels of that iiualnt obi eltv ot (JUCIHC, At the wharf lay the steamer " Saii- ■icnay,"on which wo were lo spend two day*

*t waa with some lui I,

lost, and by ten o'clock Ibe n ... a diverted deck, although tho * resounded with music and merriment.

Onr steamer reached Ha-Ila Boy at two o'clock, and lor to fur the root of too night. (in awaking in the morning, we looked out on astern and rugged coast, with two little vil- lage* clinging eloic to the shore, each gathered around o red roofed church. The wind was still blowing bard, ond the atmosphere wa* toot of November, for we were In lot. Is* N. Sorao adventurous spirit* went ashore to ex- plore this strange, barren lond, but tbo most were content to gate upon It from tbe vessel. It was still long past ibe time for a* to start, and yet we did not move. A peasant woman, with her iiaggage, came riding In a rude cart, nnd gut aboard, but still the captain hesitated to cost off. We Igajnd Ot loat that the came uf ibis delay WBI with oar milkman, who bad lolled to furiii-li as with that much needed article. We waited long, bat either the cow or the milkman hod got astray, for we bod no milk that morning. From lla-lle Boy wo steamed twenty mile* up the river to CM.-ou- fliul, ibe bead of navigation. Here we were to stay no hour, so we pro|*arrd to go eanoro and vlilt the fulls. Wltb difficulty, tbe current In Ibe river Is so swift, could oar vessel ho moored to tbe wharf. One* there, wc started off through the village. It waa St. John's bar, and the church was well filled, while outside wa* gathered almost aa large a crowd looking at tbe steamer. Hardly slopping ot tbe church, we passed on through the village. Iloro, a* almost ererywbere In the Province of Uueliec, French is the universal language. What few signs were lo he seen, were in French, almost Without exception, lhete Aa&tVaHli, Of a rule, cannot speak English ot oil. The crowd of English speaking people sweep* by tUtm coo stonily, bat they catch no drifting word ur phrase, except o few which seem to hove be- come incorporated Into tbe language, to hove become embedded there, oa It were. I noticed, for i iistani e, In the mid st of the captain'* French ordera, tho words, "steady," ''slack," etc. But Iwyond what tbclr language furnishes them, the most ol them do not at*4 to go, I found one of the steamer's pilot* knew not a word Ol English. The waller* upou the table scoroclv 'tnuw enough to get our orders. Alt this hows a slowness of mind and a hack ot enter ■rise. But Uiev seem lo bo very neat, cheer. hi, thrifty and murteous. To our "bon Jour."

a courteous response wa* olway* given. Paan- Ing a crowd comlug from church, bat* wera lilted, especially by tbu young boys and by tbe priests, and I buarri a sweet woman's voice any- fng"lK>n Jour, monsieur."

Arrived at the falls or fosiul o sigtW worth the rapid and long wolk we bod taken. Over a Bleep descent the river tell, a mass of boiling loam, sen,ling li* spray far away lo the diatom Imnk where we stood. Ascending o high hill we hod -prcad nut a liennilful landscape, lie low loatucd Uie river, ami rolled along la gleam- lag cascades; away In tho distance toy the harbor with tho -learner ol the wharf, ber red British Hag streaming in tha Isrccir, ond be- twccii loy the llitle white lion*** of tbe village. The real ol the parly having already started back, and being <|Hila out of sight, we thought K bust to make a little extra speed. But thl* eoiibl only seem suspicion* In Canada, where it 1* donbitol If any OM ever hurries, and wc soon bail nil the dog* of the villas* bowling, while a nl,i clung, wltb vlcluas yeips, closa to out units. inaTi ■■* ■■ VOX uiaoaea nlbil." ami we reached Ihc steamer in saleiy.

And now we turned latch down the river, and watched Ihc grand, picturosipju sbons a* wo glided past. About halfway to Tadutuac we i-anic lu sight of Clir.I marvellous work uf nature around which all onr thhnghta of the Saguenav had clustered,—the ccleluatMl head- lands on each *idc of a lltlle twy, rolled Cape* Trinity and Eternity. Cape Trinity I* a moun- tain of solid ns'k, Uint rises naked and (sire, a sheer precipice, eighteen hundred fort In air. Tho cie follows this Immense wall-like sweep upward of the solid ruck, acarrod and seamed, but unrclicM'il by growing lichen or clamlsrr- ing vine, until on its cloud-capped lop It he- holds a fringe ol tree* that look like terns, at that vast height. It was o scene of majesty aud grandeur, and aa our steamer limited slow lv past this huge Iwstlon of nature, this ada mantlno wall, we Joined II singing, " IVoUe. dial mini whom nil bles*lugs How," and "Id., i. ol Ages." Most loiptcs-ivr and solemn seemed tin- words, lu iIn-presence 04 this eternal rock, standing there in such solemn grandeur abort' the deep, blink liver, that flows BO ceaselessly by IU laise. Wllh Uil* scene our visit I MM led. Wbotiulglil come could only lie 0 fat lit echo of what hod liccn. At Tariouaar wc slopped to visit tbu ancient church, which

«1 i ml i

* wc passed

our in-i meal, but our expectations wcro than met. Bo il was with glowing anticipation* i ii.it wu saw ladlug in tbe distance th* frown- ing wall* ond gleaming nails of limbec, "ibut pretty Illusion of the old world," where we had ■■rat two days ao pleasantly / Wc "ailed along lie south shoro of Ibo lalo of Orleans, mid I hen Mild the high hills that rise sucirsiively on

the north km I. of the Bt. lawreace, lietwcen the isle of Orleans and Murray Bay. highest ol all, lay away ou our tell, the point, with a cloud resting on no pens. Capo Tuuriueiit lifted tla wooriv crust near ihc

I F.INIUICIIICUI* wore a* ■ shining crown iip.ni II* brow, the lltlle village of ||it- same name. The hour* *|*sd on, swill dialled, amid such seenerv. Song, jest ami merry nmi ersa- Ihiu added a human Interest lo Hit- hruuly ol the*o lowering hills aud Ilii* sea-like river'. Thrice wu -topped iselorc touching tb* Hague, nay ; at SI, I'aid'* Bay, where a small schooner at anchor served a* a rloaiing what!; at Mur- ray Bay, one of ihu famous Canadian watering places, aud at Klvier* du lsmp. As our IsaU turned away from lids 1**1 place, nnd mrinteu her pmw lor the opposite shore that lay far away hi the misty distance, cuihusUnin and excitement were on tip toe. We were steering Bjr»lgtii for Ilia Sagueuay. Away at onr rit-ht lay fled Island. The distant Uwrculian hills that crown the northern shore of ih st. I -i« ranee, were covered with s gnti/y vapor which gleamed ou the water like a ribbon uf silver along Ihclr baae*, The rolling, lo**ing waves Isetwaon were cresled with snowy ra|is of loam. The olumls hung lioavy in Ibe south, but the sinking sun ■■!■■■ -I In a space uf elvai sky Itanucd IIT lh« itpdrawu drn|N-ry oftbe cloud". Il waa O Isioutllul scene, and when we caught sight nf tbu mysbTlou* river, with tin- sun i men flood of light along hitwccn ll* toffy lunik*, u,lmii.iiii.il knew no hounds. On Hie shore, nestling lauieoth the lolty bill*, lay Taihuisor, ond glasse* were sism brought Into re<|al*illoti to discover the old church which UOS liec.une so noted td latu years. A short slop nt Tiulou- BOC, when the selling sun gleatin I upon the

'topped to visit Uio nuciciit cuuren, waicn dates i>ei ond Hie Tllgrim Faihers. We hired Ihc owner of a vehicle and told him that wu wished to visit Ittnrinw VsVue, and were soon tiding over Ihc rough n*»d In that nnhpie, but not. very comfortable vehicle, called a "buck- Isnud."" Tlds old church is very small—hardly larger than a i i slued lied room, but though old, haviug scarcely any evidences alsiut It of such jinthnip i. Near It stands I^ird Dufferin's summer residence, "lo mabsm du Uovcrncur," a* our driver sold.

A beantliul sail up tho Kl. I.awrence liroaghl u* to t jneis'c ot -'i o'clock, where wo received our first letter* and paper* from home. At T o'clock WC -bo led "ir MJCI bUHike, where we took dinner, and after a long stay there reached NeW|mrt about !> o'eluek. Tho appetixlng aup- inr to which wc aat down ot tbe Memphrema- gog Houte, made u* glad to get bock once more to a Yankee table. Mr. Bowman boa this splendid great house In the best possible condi- tion, and the table greeting the excunlouiau on their arrival here, going and returning, wiib the tidy coverings, snowy bread ond fresh but- ler, abundance of sweet,' native ttrawoerrlcs, and In-cions ir, .on, with plem-itu! ond prorant service, were tho most attractive of the week, and the few glimpse* of tbe ueautio* of the lake caught daring the hasty toilette* of early de- parture, made tbe leave-taking of so delightful a spot reluctant and regretful. The Canadians generally have yet to learn, oiuongotbar ''Yan- kee tricks," how to get iipagoodtahl«,l*rore, a trip to their many Uauillul river* and uuolnt old i uie* will lie what It should lie,—Uio miast perfect pleasure trip thla side of tbe Rocky Mountains.

From Newport the partv started Friday morning en route tor Huston. At Concord we parted, wlUi heartfelt regrel, from tho many rlcnsiint friend* wc hail mot, and, taking the

■awrence car, reached homo ot half post b o'clock. The excursion waa made, over Uie uowly completed air linn route, by way of tbe Bosbin, Isiwell ami Nashua, the Concord, Iloa- toti. Concord At Montreal and Pasaumpslc rail- way* to Newpoii, thence via the new rmiilli- eastern Itailroud ol Canada, and o *pur of the (•rand 'Trunk to Mimtieal; tbo lino is one of pleasant scunery, nnd promlae* to become a popular route to Uio commercial city oftbe Do- minion. The excursion ot thl* year haa Imen a most decided NUCCCSM. The weather waa al- most perfect, the acciimtmshillons th, I* -I that could lie had, mid the object* of interest morn n erous than can ho crowded Into O week'a Irip from Boston elaewhcre. The lieoutlfal, grand, Imprukslvo view* of tsmi. lake and river, the charm of contrast In customs, drea* and language, tho reiimmhrance of crude and louglmblti aitcuipl* hi "talk French," and the niemorv of the prcst ncu ol Irlcuds who gave* xoat toevrry cnsiyineui. must ever make this excursion to MUUIPMI, <|IICISM' and the Hague- uay a red letter week III Um experience of ibe fbitouatc ones who wetu there. lUm.

Mm Rirn HI-LIM-.—The lollowing la tho iflleial aad llnal statement of the amounts col- lected for the Mill Kiver Belief Fund, giving Uie wards and Uie ward collecbirs, and Die amiHinl* collected by each:

Tkeoiidir.igiiislcomiullteeu)ipoinl«l to close subscriptusa toilieMIII IliverltellelKund.suh

mil Ike tollowiiiK report of the Treasurer i-aee lo Mill

..-, i.i lot ;.'.

i ■:■. v, tM LI

lit IS) IUT sa f, 71

117 ;*

■■M- - Hell - ••I Lav. HlVOf !.'■ ■lu-

ll l> Chandler II \\ l;.. ■ ii i. Khail* Ur AJ French .1 II Kaloa .1 A Treat r Ucl.aiialhan

II f, .. .1 i J ■ ■

Pod - Mill Iti.ha

. . .jBotmi Hul-. « Aclingt.... Mill*, Ju*._ I^.i.-ll Mill*. DM A>ei- laiwrcnrc W.-k-n Co, A II sthov Washington DO, A 1' Clarke UtnatsM Stils-rtplloo

iflhis auioiiiit ft.issiba- lien lurwartled; tlw mice i. snhjeet lo Uio order of II, K. Stark rather, Ka*|., fl.airmail of tlie lieiifral atelief laiaitO'C at Norlhamptoii.

■lolls K, TAHUOX, Chairman. JiMN It. Itinxiss, eauusa***-*. JAMI.S PATRO, Treosurar.

*•-<*• «a«*a








ir ihe week ending Wed., prepared for lh» AMTOtlC* linn* at AmWvrr, by 1*1"

July I,

i Bor *"■

H 5 *

Thursday, W.W its- s,W. - r. .01

Friday. JP.tO UT- x.W.. :>u.ly.

Saturday. W.M IK ja,W.|i*nb*. .0)

Sunday, "Ml TB" fw. Fair.

Monday, MJ7 7S" |8. K. Fear.

Tucadav, HJI :*• jw. iFalr.

Wi -dneaday, H H 73« JW. Vilr.

Avu-iK-, 1 Total rain fall. M

: \. u.

Wat 7

HUli l.uw«al " **,!«, " I, ' Avcraiie, " M.M. Hlght-at thermometer, MO (leg-, .lut l..iw.-.l •• 4M.lFf[., Averts* loin |* rat lire, Uti de«. T.iUl amount ut rain, M* inchc*. Nuiiilwr nl rain atonns, tfl. Number of thunder showers, 4. ManHMrafmWfti *-'. Iii.- |.i PI tUftig wlllll bM t ri WNL

No ilmy Its* been rloudluss; II ftlr, I. e., less Hi in l,:ill 1.1..ruled by i 1 1 , cloudy.


THE "GOISGS-ON" Au>rr. very noteworthy year in celestial society, and one who undertakes to keep tbe run of the flirtation* among the heavenly bodies and the astronomical "goings-on" of the doling six months of the year, will

no lock of employment. To say nothing uf onr comet, or rather Mr. Cog- gin's comet, which now lloorlsnetf in the northern sky, plainly visible without the aid of a glass, there are several other lit- tle traiiHactlOB" coming off overhead for which It would he well to keep awcathcr- ye open. Next Sunday morning at nine

o'clock, Mara and the Sun wlil he In con- junction. Both parties probably Intended to have the affair come off the day before, but, somehow, Helios, charioteer of the big solar wagon of the universe, the fiery god of silvery Mars and Mother Earth couldn't make their time-tables correspond so as to be Just In a straight line on the glorious Fourth. Patriotically considered this Is a misfortune, not especially so, ol course, to the people of the "grandest and freest country the sun ever shone upon," etc. etc., but, wu mean, a misfortune for Mars and the Sun that they couldn't get around and pass In review before us aday earlier, At three minutes past seven on th-* evening of the lL'th of August, Jupiter and Venus will approach within one de- gree of each other, and present a rare and beautiful spectacle In the Western sky, for, though In mythology, Jove and the Goddess of Love—Zens and Aphrodite— were ou the most affectionate of terms, they have been accustomed In the blue Ilr-

'uilli■- prinLing, I.eKe lalli ■■ !■•],. .. I'Mlilic asylum*. Contingent fund,


, .'.1.M7 00 i\*7 OU

H.UBJ Utt ':,< I i 31

1871-73. $5*1,757 ^1

tSl.fli.1) * r.a.m r. llf.Ot II

Total, l-JO'.w* :.a •l.iWSrMa'fi lu other words, the public exutancs of

Sotrth Carolina since the ft IT-raff aid

soonringa of Northern politics be ;lbinlug}tO power over the shoulders of

the colored voters, have Increased more

than live-fold; the public debt hae been Increased «i:.,o00,000; all the public instl-

tutlons are largely In debt, some of them threatening to close their doors If money

Is not speedily forthcoming, and In one

county the prisoners have actually been

released for want of tbe funds necessary

to their support. Such an administration or a State Government Is a national dis-



Examination of the High School.

Wednesday. Yesterday wu a lad day In sen ral depart-

ments at Washington. The reduction of force made necessary by the appropriation-bills ha* taken place, notices of dlsmltsals of about five hundred have been made oat, and many case* mament. possibly from some present pofnti of great hardship. Men and ' women with ramille* depending upon them,and young persons supporting parent* and brothers and slater*, and barely able to live, have been thrown out hy tbe acore. In the printing divi- sion nloue there were two hundred dismissed.

In advance, and this softens the matter consid- erably. Tbe work will Ira completed to-mor-

To tbe Insinuation of some of Mr. Beecber'a injudicious Irltads tbat tho apology, a part of which Mr. I LSri II published, was a forgery, and that no such letter exist*, Mr. Tllton replies, through a reporter; " Tfcat letter hi In Mr, Beeebtrl handwriting, and Ixiara hU autograph, which will pans current In any bank In New York. It was written and dictate.) by himself, ami came to me hy tbe band ol a friend, as un- solicited an yum* visit to me hi now."

The IUv. Leonard Bacon, to whom Tllton's letter waa addreaaed, mated to Rev. Dr. Bud- dlngUm, of Brooklyn, aonn after the publication, that if Plymouth Church did not reply within 2* hour* by a suit for libel on behalf or It* pasttur, it would have no case on which It could stand lie fore the Christian world. He also said that ii Til ton had not published the letter, hc(Hai should have done so.

Our i inin iirnrrit hax licen, and Is still, active in in ettiirtN i.i Hnve Dockerj', now imprisoned In Cuba, and special counsel hastraen despatch- cU to defenil him in his trial. Ills own conduct since his arrest ha* been extremely Indiscreet.

■t he ha* not to comptl- make it exceedingly ti be saved.

The reason of the assaults made upon Henri ilochefnrt when he landed at Uuccnstown, Ire- land, after leaving tbe United Htatea, are report- ed to have been hi* opposition to the priests anil MacHahon. He was lolkrwed from tbe pier to his hotel, and from the hotel to the railway sta- tion, from which the mub was eventually abut

It la not ai all certain that latea bis own case ■ doubtful whether hit


iiiiHK.—The Democrata of New Hamp- shire, whom our prohibition friends did

i the kindness to pnt In power with the

rtaln knowledge that Democratic rule

meant free-rum, are affording tbe most

thorough Illustration submitted to the ountry lu late years, of "cusseduesa" In

the use of power. What their oft-repeated

professions of regard for the right of lo ■nl government, when out of power,

amount to when put to tbe test of Oppor-

tunity, may be Judged from the extraor-

dinary assaults upon all the theories and prluciples of popular government, made

by the present Legislature of the State. The amendments to the cbartors of the

Itepublican cities or Manchester and

Portsmouth, which have received the sup-

port or a majority of the Democratic mem-

bers, propose nothing less than the re- UMn al of the moderators, selectmen,

clerks and all ofllcers having anything to

do with the check lists,althongh these offi-

cers were regularly elected and have not

served out the terms for which they were chosen. Is there anything In the doings

or the Republican party wherever In pow-

to afford ft parallel to the Infamy of

Incompatablllty or family disturbance, to

keep as much distance between them as

possible. An annular eclipse of the sun,

Ulble In Asia, In part of Africa and northern Kurope, but neither In Lawrence, Methuen or "the Andovers," Is booked

for the 10th of October. Venus will be-at

her highest on the 10th of November,

about midway between Guy Fawkes day and Thanksgiving, and, one month later,

on the 10th of December, will occur the

great centennial transit of the same planet

across the disk of the sun. It will be al placing all the check lists and all thesafe-

strlctly moral show, and Is approved of guards of the ballot box In a strongly lte-

by the governments of the United States, publican city In the bands of noted l>c-


A lnil named Nahotiy, fourteen year* of age, in nitempling to get on to the 7.Vi train fhr Port IHIKI, on Monday night, atlho Boston and Maine Itiillroail Siatiun, In Dover, slipped and fell on the track, the car wheels cutting off half of the riKlil li«it and otherwise injuring him, although not faulty.

Mi-- Josic Booth and a company of actor* calling Ihuinselvcs the " Boston Comedy t'om- paoy, wenl to Newport. R. I., on Monday night, to play the "French Hpv," AH of them got drank, la* play n.1,1.1 not go on, and the au- dience could noi get ihelr money back.

Henry If. Park befit ptiiilishcs hi* calculations wl'h regard lu the new comet, by which be livings It. about the Sttth of July, as near to the earth us \ ens*, and Ihinks that the eastern *d*n 01 Its Mil will envelope the earth on or about July :(■!,!.

Baa* ball-In Hartford, vesterdav, Hartford prnk*»lonah\ 7; Yale University, fl. In New York, Mutual*. H; Chicago, •!. In Branil'onl Oninrto, Red Stockings of lloaton, 98, Maple l.caf ("lull, champions of the Dominion. I!.

The ttrleitraph cable steamer, Faraday, not yet arrived at Ports mouth. Tbe Ambassa- dor drifted Into the outer harbor yesterday morning, in a dense fog, the (Jovernment »»■ having given way.

Tae correspondent of the Uwfam " Dally News" telegraphs from Rome that the Pope U growing weaker dally, anil several f.- ' - «>->i»o» imu noliNed ihetr uuve lliat effect.

Great llrltaln, France and other countries, which have appropriated large sums to make the affair a auccess. There need be no hesitation regarding the character of the entertainment. Seals can l>c Hecured tit any time on the Islands In the Indian Ocean or the South I'aclllc. Price of ad- mission the Mate to all parts of the honse —no reduction for children—nldcrinaulc dead heads on the usual terms. By elab- orate observation of this transit, the as* tronomers hope to settle the exact dis- tance of our world from the sun—a mat- ter of the utmost Importance in arranging time tables for the bnlloon-eiprcss to he established some day between tbe earth and tbe sun. On the mornings of the 14th and l.Mh of the same mouth, Decembci Mni's and Venus wilt come so close t each other as to seem one planet, twin lug as ardent as that tbe goddess described herself to Adonis, In Shakespeare's poem, u receiving from this fiery god of war. Thus It will he seen that, before the year Is out, there will be 9. good deal of a show In the heaveiiH above us.amlallatextremi ly low prices of admission, and, IT you don't like It, there Is nothing to prevent your going out without disturbing any boily. Our pleasure, too, will not be marred in witnessing It by had air in the hall, by some womnn's four story hat In front of us, by the outcries of a Iraby that should he left at home, or the snoring of the men who can't keep awake. It is the best entertainment that will exhibit In Lawrence this year.

' iv-v. inn NIII,

mocratlc partlzane? If there Is, the his

tory of politics has yet to record itr Tht

amendments not only remove the present

ward officers but name their successors, In

ery Instance Democrats of a pronounced

striae. Not only Is the choice of the peo- ple to be set aside, but officers are to be

placed In authority over them without

their consent being even asked. The ras- ■alllyof all past politics will be troubled

to surpass the Ingenuity in Infamy and high-handed outrage.whlcta the Democrats

of New Hampshire are exhibiting In the

first exercise of their new-found power.

The examinations of classes in the High fjcbool. which occurred at the Bchool-huildlng yesterday, attracted a number of friend* of tbe pupils ami other persons interested in cilii-

maLters. There were prenni of the School Oaanniittefl,Bev. Dr. Ueorge farkanl, Joseph L. I'arniilf*, K-'[ , 1 Jr. Timothy MI!!J-

van, and T.£. Clarke, Ksi). The teachers in tbe High School for the term now closing have been us follow*; Charles T. Laxell, prlneipal; Herbert S. Rite, Assistant and teacher of chotii istry and drawing; Mi-s Mary Newell, Miss K. O. Wetherbee, Miss Clara Lear, Miss A. 1 Hirtwell. Miss Carter, Assistants; Mr. Jam* F. Clarke, Instructor in penmanship; Mr. Ja R. Murray, instructor in music; Itr. O. Faul- haber. Instructor In German. During the morning, examination* were conducted in the different rooms In the various studs** of tbe school year, the character of the questions and tbe portioni of text hooks selected foniuestion- tng being mostly at tbe discretion ol tbe teach- ers, with occasional suggestions from the mem- ber* ol tin: Committee. They were in the main very creditable and iatlsrautory, the limiting criticism being principally that, in the main acbool room, the responses and translations were frequently given In too low tones uf voice. Mr. LaieiTs class In Physics or Nalnrnl Phil- osophy showed a noteworthy readiness and an Intelligent undemanding of the construction and uses of optical instruments, the theories uf light, heat and motion, and tbe mechanical principle* of natural science. A Virgil class, which ha* beea under the tutorship of Ml** Newell, gave evidence of excellent drill in the elementary rules of tbe Latin grammar, and an unusually thorough acquaintance with the story of the Trojan ware, tbe geography of classical localities, and the mythology, which by tbe intervention of tho gods In human af- fairs, la brought Into tbe .Knetd, and the pod - description of "sum plus X/OKNP and "t)ldu et dux." The members of tbe committee who conducted the examinations In tbe recitation room*, expressed themselves as well pleased with the evidences afforded of thoroughness or Instruction and efficiency of method. A fea- ture of the exhibit made by the pupils in the school room wa* the drawings In white crayon upon the blackboard, by Messrs. Thaxter, Blanchard, and other pupils, which were credi- table In execution and meriting praise as an indication of the success ol special training in a long-negUcted branch of study. The of Mr. Clarke In Imparting the ability to write

nd legible hand was quite clearly de- monstrated hy ttu: exhibition of specimen* of penmanship. Without attempting to enumer- ate all who may deserve mention, the follow- ing may he given a* noted in a casual inspec- tion ol the specimen*, for the neatness and beamy of their writing—a fact to 1>c appre- ciated In a newspaper office, above all other place*:

Nelli* **. Abbott, C. A. Uraaaoll, Mary 1,. GoM- suillh, KilaC. Carter, Aanlo W. ltnllo.li. Lanra f. Whitney, Kits M. llailey, Fannie 1'.True, Mary 1.. Stevens, rreilerlc. A. Cair, 1- ■!. Ilriilsniaii, Lucy H. Blanehard, Nellie K.lwar-I-, 11. V. Hutch insiHi, Henrietta V. Ilteker, Henry Mc<J<ia<lf,Nct]lc Stokes. KMiicr llriilKisan, V. W. llirtwetl, Marv

DjM.ru ur ■Mssjamai M.\K«TIAI. H.\Lt. I Cofllmulng to Increase, in splcudorand fragrance —Tbe intelligence, of the death uf Ex-Asaistaiit i until about eleven o'clock, when it was in tbe City Marshal Benjamin F. Hall, at Kingston, i height of it* glory. The size, when in full bloom R. I., was received in this dty hut Monday is about that of an ordinary table howl, Althongh Mr.' Hall lias been falling In heahh and strength for sevcnl tuonibs, ta« news of his death wag unexpected; and before he lilt the city for Rhode Island ha waa encouraged to ba- licve that be was improving. Ha left Lawrence a few day* since to kilo his wife at the residence of her relatives In Kingston, where, as above staled, hi* death occurred, yesterday. Ills din- case wa* an atjhctioii of the throat and lungs, the symptoms resembling those of consumption. Mr. Hall's record as an army ofneer, a citizen ami a member of the police force mi a ' creditable one. He went into the military vice first a* an enlisted mnu In one of the early New Hani]-hi re regiment*. Being honorably dl*char(reti Mr. Hall came borne, and subsequently ra-aatered the service as a Lieutenant in tbe l«th N. II., receiving shortly tbe commission uf Ciptaiu. He served with credit with his command in the Department o, the Gult',-ln tbe siege of Fort Hudson and the engagements which preceded it. After his dis. charge^ he made bis borne for a time at Salem, N. H., where be was a deputy sheriff, and, re- moving to this city, was appointed, in January 1H73. Second'Assistant City Marshal, a position he held until the beginning ol the* present year_ when the position was abolished for reasons of economy, and Mr. Hall l-ecame a member of tbe day police force, and was stationed at tbe depot. He was relieved, however. In a law week*, on account of ill-health, and, until recently, has beea on duty at Police Headquarter*. He was a laltbfut officer, plain and, at times, blunt In speech, but resolute and firm In tbe discbarge or duty. The police held a meeting at 2 o'clock on Monday, and voted lo wend a delegation lo attend the funeral, which occurred at Peace- dale, a village ol Kiogstoa, on Tne»day. The remains were burled in the village cemetery.

opening it reminds one of tbe pond lily petals are large and purely of bright \ ci ti i ■



■ —The days have be — A glorious day.

i ly 82*.

ofbrigfat yellow. Tbe Bower usually lasts in , _. ,. " bluo^«al]BMrtsh*aaaa,andajajn,r^ uffaAen Mill heapuneesiwo (lay*. P _T»> I.iwr*sVe u,

- —^- — » —» — MULlsVaVe and-tank* SaLMMJ* in* N"vw*aJN*.-w*ture Klai1 -Th* layingotid <

Or**. Com

li> nift an.l r(>v. . IL - i tbl way JscuiTipUjIcl as far m

ley street.' ■ _—The ..water fn *he'%lVrilninrk and Spi.kt rivers Is much higher thfti n.Hiial ,a tin- lime ol

A few wceM since a petition was sent from the year.

11 will spread a collation lor the Shot-

SALUMJH ma Sii\wsaBN*.—Weare low tbat an effirt isbeing made to

the Shawiblpc rivsr with Salmon. The Low cll»<>uri«ra*ys-.-

■havr straw hale, irosa the tkCo.


of .lark I itli light blue, lueanwab ns are be I UK I'LF.ASA.ST btmwberrv (eslival nt the Con^rf lid, ami Sim- ( flHthmisi Vostry, IVctiaaaday evening. > lie itonc this MOST of our uitfsca* who went ou the Munlri'a king will l.c trip have returned. "Hail a good time," is Un

the Sbawsblne river nitli tish, sneb as salmon •had, &c, which furmerlv inhabited the river. In answer to the petition, on the 2-1J inst., Mr. K. A.IIratkett, one uf the cum miss I oners, ac- companied by Captain C. A. Rauktt of Dllleri- ca, CapUiu Josiah A. Otgood of Needhatn, nrasrvttle.aiid Maj. Winn of Winchester, took about twelie thousand aabuon Irom tbe nurse- ry at Winchester, In can* tlted fur tbe purpose, and placed them in several trout brooks near tbe springs of these brooks, all of which empty into the Sbawsblne river. Twelve hundred of these salmoiyare said to be laud-locked salmon anq will not go oal te »m. The other*—about ten thousand—are Ibe migratory pike, and will go out perhaps in two years and will return to

aucb ways as they «an get up. More sab and perhaps shad will be plated In these brooks at some future time.

As tbe Shsrwshine emptlel Into tbe Merlmacli, river below the dam in ibis city, the only Osh- ways necessary will be over dams In tbe Shaw shine, and but little expense would be Incurrtd on this account.

after the Odd Fellov.» parade n man Cade Saturday.

The McKay Bj will pay a dividend of July.

■The work on the reservoir was IUI Monday for a few hours at mid-day.

Sewiag Machine J iotWl.K per shar Hi.' I.-Hi


ILKSSIU. M' r'AUi.aso AM> lln.i. secra* to be hlirritiK yoiiiijt inin, mill sic meeting with good iwwwt nl Uii ti.ciii L- SIHI Ui\ b II --.

Mil. W. 11, In in:i- i, aliened bin new boot .oid 'hoc ,|iin WV.li :.-, inning. Hi* clock i- an uxeeJIeat one. Mr. K. u. KIHKIII. who hax ai quired a leintlng reputation a* a Hue boot maker n ill attend to Hie cRblum dupuriuiruL 'CAI-T. ( i:«il" L> re u i ode Ulna the ronin over

.Mi-- ItiVTinnNiin'.- miiliiurv fioie into a Hne ball. wliiebwlll inert » much iicedcil want It I* re |MIIII-I| Hint theO'M KilloWs'i.itve Hocurcd it for ii lo<hivraotii. The "Mi■rtiueu ornet BsmfVill

THBTW of the *,

Advleel from Rpaln report that the CarlUt* niunlcrcd many or their prisoners taken in tbe recent engagements. Marshal Serrano will im- mediately assume command of the Republican

It Is reported that tVaslhablp, tho detective implicated In tbe District ofColumbia hurglary i.i a raving maniac In Newark, where bt resides.

The 'ii tin nl Court was prorogued at hall-past three o'clock this morning, after sitting all night. The S«nnte bad ailjourned until ten o'clock. Thursday.

Tbe prise light between Billy Edwards and Sam Colyer, lor »2,000 and the championship

■ i Mm rim, which was lo have taken place on August flth, within one hundred mile* of He- iroit, Michigan, baa been postponed. Tho men are to light August I2lh, wllbin 100 miles of Pittsburgh,

The immense new elevator of the [hdtlmore ami Ohio Railroad Couipanv at Locust Point Hallimore, with a capacity of storing a million and a hall lianheln ol grain, was o|icneiI for the receipt of Western grain on Tuesday.

i in- Mi|-.i,'nii- Coartof ManachttHI* has given a decision ihut a hoston man, who tried to pre- vent a Mlgbbor from building a hay window because it obsirueted his view, Dan dot malnUIn

A report was telegraphed from Halifax yea- lerdav tliut the cable steamer Faraday bad struck an Irelierg and was a U>ul wreck, fnvea- llgallon, however, failed lo flu<l fact lor the report.

The annual festival ol the New England i ■mill- is lo i.i- held at Lake Pleasant on the 2.M nl August. Over live hundred musicians have slgnlned Ibstr Intention ol being present.

rive millions of dollars have la-en spent UIHIII the Rest River bridge lo connect New York and Brooklyn. It Is estimated that eight mlllluns more will be required lo complete It.

Rase Ixilt—in New York, yesterday, Atlantis i, I'hilndelphlas S; In Philadelphia— Athletic* in. Chieagii7; in Hartford—Hart lord profes- >ional* 9, Yale I'nlverslty 8.

Twelve member* of the Liberal Republican ■ tales Committee of New York, decided at Al-

. VcMirday, to eail a Stale I -Id in that city, Sept. II.


A successful experiment of transfusing lamb's blood into ilia l,.in, in system was made recently in New York, with marked benefit to the patient,

Charles K Conant of New Hampshire has IHI II appointed n--.i.|i,in secretary ol the Irea- sury.hl eeed Mr.Sawycr.

The Eastern Railway reduced its expenses ((•charging thirty of tbe employes

- Hast Ho- Tho comptroller of the currency ha* called

'i the national banks for a report or their i..million <m Jnne'-li.

I be Modal Ctt.ni Mills in Woonsocket, It I.. Mem toiallr ikstrnyed hv il re yesterday. I.o«. m srly I^UNI.ISKI.

Kinpcriir William of (lermany has presented n Hie six*portrait ol biin.-ell to MiniMer llan- in.rt.

Ibe lion, Kiiguie Hale has withdrawn Ills ac ivpianeu of the p<i*Unaater-genersu*hlp,

The pabllr debt Htatement show's a reduction of B^IW.IHJH,

Another death from hydrophobia I* reported from New York.

Hold clusol yesterday at lit) 5-8. !■', ■ liiV-


ilon of the Ntute l.. "j in ■ ti eurtuu vvetinesUay, are that It has

consumed more time than any of its pre-

decessors, nnd that, an to tbe duty of em-

bodying In legislation the views of the

State with reference to the most Import- ant current homes, there has been a sub-

stantial failure. As to the matters In

which It has failed, Ebny are unfortunately

too plain. The Legislature has not shown Itsi-ir, lu Its dealing- with tbe really Im-

portant business, a representative body capable of maturing plans carefully and

carrying them mil thoroughly. It failed

at the outset to make a prompt and propc

response lo the popular views regarding u

r to Mr. Sumuer In the Senator

■hip. IL has wasted week after week of vidii

able time over awkward attempts to decide

what should bu done with the Hoosae

Tunnel, and, at the close of six months ol

irritation and agitation, tho problem Is

far from solution art ever. And, nbovc

all, It blundered blindly and obstinately

from Drst to last, In regard to the liciuor mention, HO that at the close of u session

which ought to have left the Republican

party of Massachusetts on a better fooling

ban ever, we can only hope that this in- ■rnal unsettled Issue, arising with great

r power than ever, may not carry the adversaries ofltepubllcatllsiu and restric-

tion upon rum-sclllng, a long way toward

obtaining control of the State govern-

ment. The needs of the State, the opin-

ions of the people, the opportunities 01

the hour, the dangers ol Indecision—all

have been miserably misunderstood. The op|K>Hltlon presents on these points no

belter rase than our sidti of the bouse

Every muii of them, from the ilrst of the

as done what he could to main

the prompt despatch or business illlHcult,

and make the record of the session as dis-

creditable ami unsatisfactory as possible,

for the sake of biding behind the pretence

uf majority responsibility, and point- ing-to the failures of the senslon, when

action time conies next fall. It may as

■II l«: acknowledged now, u to wnlt till en, that they have played this little mc ol' forcing legislation for which the

party in power will be held rosponsl

Ith far butter success than they would

tve been allowed to with good leadership

on the Republican Ride. "Never do what your enemy wants," Is BH good it maxim

lu politics as In war, and, this year, the

Republican majority at the State Honse could not hope by studied effort to have

siircecded iniicb better than it lias in grnt- lTying Hs opponents.

ilc railroad aei i.i. lit oi orretl nt Mil- 11., vostordi ymornlng deorge Dan-

iiur, aeenn ninie'l t>v his f T. I,, l.hcr-

M|„ Ol R.H to 111 till iiotl. train, ompielelv einoll-bliigthi d carriage, Hid killing Mr". Daniels , her brail s Is-ing m ■Ir. Daniels van hurt 1 idly alH.nl tb. .1 rifilil »k '. There i ery. The hlld la urn mscioui, i i in, ' n' In .nl, tlii< riuhl aim broken

I here la 1 it little hope o

THE GHKAT COMKT.—If Mr- Uenry M. Parkhurst, of New York, has made no mis-

take In his calculations, the comet now

risible In our northern sky la the most Important which has visited us In cen-

turies. Lost evening It was visible to the

nuked eye, flaunting a tall about five de-

grees or nearly three millions of miles In length. Mr. l'arkhurat estimates that the

tall Increases one tenth oach day. The

nucleus or the comet Is gradually moving now toward the south, while the tail is

increasing In length so as to bring Its extremity gradually northward. On the

Hth or July, the head of the comet will ! reached the horizon In the northwest

at about twilight, so that It will not easily hible after that date, and thu Uii will

then extend nearly to the pole star. Don*

s comet, the last great comet to visit

, was curved like a soldier's plume, but

this Is now and will remain nearly straight, Within three or four days after the lilth

of July," Mr. Parkhurst says, "the lull

will become so expanded In the neigh- borhood of the pole as to fill a lorgo part of Hi.' northern heavens." And, again, he

says, "Taking the best valne I can from

the records of previous comets, I should expect the earth on July 22d to be wholly

within the eastern edge of the comet's

tall." Here, Indeed, Is startling news

What WHl h*» the effect upon poor earth

and poor earthly mortals to bo brushed about by a comet's tall? Mr. Parkhurst

seems to know more about the comet than

any other scientist, ami It Is comforting that hlH opinion Is that there will be no physical effect further limn possible elec-

trical phenomena like our aurora. But, If Parkhurst Is wrong and the comet hits us?

Well, we can't live always, the best we an do, and If the comet cremates us all

at once, every mother's son and daughter

id us, or smothers us lu carbonic acid gas,

HO be It. There seems to be no wny but

to stand by and take the chances.

The exhibition of tbe High School will occur this afternoon at 2 o'clock v. y., in lb* hall ovet tbe school room. The following is the. pre gramme:

Music-Anthem. Com [iisi lion, '■ Celebrated Women,"

Catherine A. Iirassill CompoHitinn, " New England Character detei

mind by Local Influence,■■Mm;- 1.. Ilirnccli

MAuiNLKY'rt Btu SHOW. — our advertising column* to-day present the lilteral advertise- ment of Mailnley It Co'* Royal Circus, British Mnsenm, Mammo|a Menagerie, and school of educated Animals, which will spread their pavilions In Lawrence, ou Wednesday, July 8tb, remaining one day, and giving two per brmances. This establishment I* now exhibit Ing on the famed Coliseum grounds In boston and at Ihe conclusion ol their Boston en gage < ■neat, will Visit even- city and principal town In New England- We extract the following complimentary notice from yesterday's "Her- ald," which will give our reader* a more cor- rect Idea of Its merits .

Nsginlcy A Go's menagerie. The initiatory performance of this equestrian and xoological

■tablUhineiit was given yesterday at the Coli- seum gniundH. Tbe entertainuiruls wore visit- ed hy large audiences. The ring performances arennl little old stereotyped scenes witnessed in almost every circus tbat visits the city, but comprise ninny new and startling features. Tho collection of wild beasts contains many speci- mens never before exhibited In Boston, among which may he mentioned the largest elephant in the world; a huge old lady, said to have ex- isted a century and a half; a performing rhi- noceros and many astonishing and pleasing specimens ol the wild and jungle. A grand ■treet parade wilt be made on the day ol exhi- bition, beaded by a team of forty hones driven by one man, attached to the great OohJen Appy Ion lean, containing Prof. Adolph Nlcbols' Rovat Cornet Hand of tweniv-live musicians, with the entire resources of the menagerie,

and clreus retinue In full

FOK Ei.uorx.—The following passengers of this CUJ sailed for Kurope on the 27th ult., in Ibe Siberia, from Boston, having secured their pas- sage through Mr. P. Murphy, agent or Ihc Cunard Line of Steamers i Rev. A. Watson Mr*. Watson, Master Watson, Gco. Watson; Betsy Homer, Mary A. Homer, Esther Homer Ceo. Smith, Mary Murphy, Mrs. Smith, Sarah J. Hull. .'.\, and infaut, Margaret Mortarty, Ed- ward Jackson, Tbos. Kiley, Mary Sullivan, II. Ii. Johnson and wife, Samaal I. Johnson, Pat- Cair, Thomas Homer, Oeorge Robinson, Kale Doody, Isabella Hill, Frank McGulre. William Smith, John Smith, Mr. Nelson, wife and four children, Annie I-odge, Ellen Mullen.

l>tn>position, "Book*," *Turenue K. tiriiUi ipoaitlon, "The Dignity of l-abor,"

Anna A. Peabed; Music.

Original DacUinslioa, ■■Pnnlel O.OonnCll," William A. Kyai

CesapealHen, "Westminster Abpej


Bsaejc County.

Haverhill colored eitlzet the "gloriuu* fourth" by • Uiey denominate a "cntc- lows Hail. Tin- time Hie. alleraoou.

The "BnTleiln'* says:

ioi'iaf satMrtna wale MUV." at old (hid Fe Is lour o'uloei in the

for particulars, read the advertisement I another portion of to-day's paper.

Composition, "I Can't," Sellle L. oddanl.

Nellie f. AI.IK.H.

.t lie CoiHpjcrcil by iXVi'c li

Haste. Original IXNilainatloo, "Tli<-

t ...nl .'-ii I'm, ■ Compusltlun,'

Mit. TlLTOM'iJ charges against Rev.

Henry Ward Beecher, and the strange

epistle which purports to be from Mr. Ueccber's pen, constitute the most extra-

ordinary chapter of this unhappy scandal.

While every reader whose sense of Justice

1* not wholly carried away hy his appe-

tite for the sensational, will defer Judg-

ment until lie can lenrn whether the charg- es are authentic nnd the documents gen-

uine, their mere publication, whether

they are true or false, will bu universally

regarded ni sufficient reason why Mr. lleechcr should now break the long silence

Which he Im-. so persistently kept regard-

ing the 81-nndal that lies at his door. There are thousands and thousands of

people of every creed to whom the evi-

dence or truth In the allegations would come like a personal disaster, like a griev-

ous personal loss; ami, In Justice to such,

Mr. lleechcr should speak and speak

without reserve. His own admissions, an

Mr. TilUiu quotes them, aru certainly

very strong and startling. Mr. Beecher,

on the 80th day of June, 1871, lu a letter, to the editor or the Brooklyn "Eagle'

snltl: "The stories and rumors which Tor

some time have l>ceii circulated abont me arc grossly untrue; and I stump them In

general and particular as utterly raise."

The singular epistle put Into the case by Mr. Tilton cannot he reconciled with Mr.

lecchtr's explicit dental. Ills plain duty o himself arid to the public hi to set the

nnplcasant subject al rest by an uneuutve- al statement without avoidance of the

(icnrgn K. Miles, reporter of Hie New York ■ I nlaiue," a.iya that the ttory of Partim in * oililv iiugi/lmi BIKHII reporter* who litr- ni-hid iicciiiiiii-of 'i ■ Ii.u.,: I, ■ ■ i ■!:■ Indian murderer l.ui-ignanl, *J Morri.-town. N. J., I* i niirely untrue, and Miles clinches hi- state- >M, ni bv recounting tbe facts connected with Intuiting. The statement by I'arlou thai

t drunk is mos; emphatlrallv denied.

The t(

i,t th.

Un:illoi Mr. Hal I'o.l alcr papni i-lnifd

that tht idea of a health* yoi.ng

-suf age declining a ("i.til- foel* too much deprcsed

stliar lit, In tbe language

Mr. Fisher M. Clark and Mrs. 8. H. Trlpp chose Boston Common, Wednesday evening, a* the scene of their nuptials. Accordingly (he bri- dal party, headed by l»r. I>io Lewis, prmeeded to the Old Clio, miller whose spreoillng arm* Hie twii were united in the holy Nm.N by Bev. Win. It. Alger. The puny then returned t 1

TIIK DaiUAtuaui COMIUTUWI of allalrs brought about In South Carolina by a government of rascals Is pictured with more vividness by a special reporter sent out by tbe New York "Times' with In- structions to give the Tacts siM he found them, than In any recent publication of which we have knowledge. The letters appearing In ll Times" are u most wel- come contribution to 1111 lnti-ltlgi-nt under- standing of Ihe extent to which pillage may be carried In tho name of govern- ment. The Inability or the overburdened people of the Statu to meet the taxation necessary Rir paving interest un the full Htate debt and the current expenses of ihc Slate Government, was shown two years ago, when the iluuuclnl officers or Ibe State gave notice to the bondholders that the best thing they could do was to scale their obligations al.Ilfty per cent, or their face1 valao. This was generally and Justly regarded as an act of ba.ikrnpu-y ami n dishonorable repudiation. Why repudia- tion was made necessary and, who was responsible for It, will be Indicated with sufficient plainness by the following table, comparing the bailing Hems of slate ex- penditure Hi the llrsl year after Ibe war with those of list year

1 ,.s .11.1 mm >. M.IM^ has been appro printed by the recent Legislature For one .filler t or another, and tbe sum total ft special appropriations, over mul above the regular bills ror current Bute cjpeuses, Is more perhaps than has neon generally sup- posed. First in the list, stands hi ,000,000 for the new Stale Prison at Concord, fol lowed by •IHMUMMI for the reformatory prl ■on for female conVlets, and another4:100,- iMMi goes to pay for thn nrch work at the Hooaac tunnel, to help out the Shanlys The fourth Hem in magnitude Is fctfO.fXH) for the new Lunatic Asylum at Dunvers, and the fifth, $100,000, to help Williams- burgh recover from the Mill Klver dlRaster. other Important special appropriations or less than t)llH>,000 are a conditional appropriation of *)o0,i)00 for thu Museum of Comparlllve Zoology; fM.flOO for painting and repairing the State House; •vs.a'M for th« normal schools, nnd 61,- 200 for lining up new quarters for the Slate police on Ceinberton Square, In ad- dition to nil these, Is Ihc appropriation or $1,600,000 for completing the Troy & Ureeiiileld I tall road. The extraordin- ary expense* authorised by the Leglsla- lurrof IMTJ74, will aggregate about $3,.

■ in- 1 i'li .M. Iliibiusnn. Laura I'. Whitney.

HniiililelirlKi'i," Mary L. UoliUiilll.;

Com posit Ion, "Charautar." ML- 1 Carter. M lisle.

1 i>]ii|">-<iiiuii, "Hunger the great ln-.ini.-i of 11n manlly," HarahJ. Uirtwell.

t.'onipONillon, "dupernlitioiiH .SIKHS," Serena t', Lane.

Compos it Ion, "Money," Harriet P. Poors. Original Declamation, "The PoUtlsaJ Duties of

1 NI' .'•< i".i.ii," Homer K. atarleU. <■ .illii'l f - i I "I J - "I l'i| l"hl.l-

Original Declamation, wllh ValedlcmrT, "Kin ijucnt-e," Kraak I.. Pnrt.-r.

I*t1—"~fT~ The full list ol the graduating class of this

year Is as fo How* I

your Yiar$' Court*.— Mary Lydia ltntwell -un nl, Jane Itirtwell, l.enlle liana.

Thrre Yeart' Course.—Joseph Lewi* llotmey. Charlua Ambroae l)« Coun-j, Frank Willej Uir man, Homer Kment Uarriet, Frank beplie I'uru-i. JoHcpb Murrv llobinson, William Anilirose Ityani lieorKeAdiliHOiiM.nwell.KiUviir.lr'ranei-nSulli vnii.Jobn Hateau* Wallace, Kinnry TIIOIIISH WHsrtat Nellie Flake Abbott, Mary Klla Hallev, Annie West ItalKsih, ( atherine Aloysia HriiHnlll, Charhnie Klla Carter, Wary I.aura UoldstatUj. Fluretwe Kxlella (irlftln, Serena Caswell .I.ane, Marttarut Teresa MeCartliv, Anna Aug-iinta 1'eabinly, Ara- IK-Ilit.lnliiiM.il rliiniiiici, ll.inii'iraiill-. '..Noon l,Ur.l« snaldinjt, Nellie Lillian MiHldanl, " ' Ilarnard Whib<, I.aural'ease Whilucy.

Tho school year will close wlih the reception lo lie given this evening, by teachers pupils, lu the school hall. Tbe announcement of the promotions from the Grammar School to the High School cannot in- made at present.


The active organizations 01 Odd fellows or t'd* city are preparing for an extensive and Imno*Ing demonstration on Saturday nest, Ibe occasion of laying the corner stono of their new block on Kssox street. ftfr.C. It. Smith has been chosen Chief Marshal of the dav. The Grand Master, and board of ofllcers of tin Grand Lodge ofthc Hate will IK present. Tin oration will lie delivered by Past Grand Reprc ■entatlve Joseph P. Kidder, of Manchester, and tho two encampments from that city tie present. They will lie met at noon, at the railroad station, by Kearaarge Kncampment and escorted to the Evening School room in tht basement of the City Hall, and the Gram Lodge officers, arriving at one o'clock, will also be escorted lo tbe same place, when a collation will he >*rvcd. The lines will be formed quarter before two, anil move promptly at t o'clock. The Sherman Cadets will act as cort, and the formation of the line vrlll lie as follow* :—

Plaloon 01 Police. Manchester Comet Hand.

Sherman Cadets, Csi.t. Huclieaiiey. lawrence Ltsbje, No. 122.

Monadnock I.odge, No. H'I. United Brothers Lodge, No. 150.

Havcrhlll Cornet Hand. liiMi-iiiiV Kncampment, No. 98.

U i.naliincclt Kncampment, Manchester. Mt. Pleasant Kncampment, Manchester.

Carriages, Containing the Orator, Grand Ofllcers

and Mayor. Tbe route of procession will IK as follows. Kssex in Broadway, Broadway lo Bradford,

Bradford to Pranklln, Franklin lo Haverhill Halt as head of the lino reaches Haverhill street. Through Haverhill to Newbury, N I HI ry lo Summer, Summer 10 Jackson, Jack to Garden, Garden to Newhury, Ncwbury to Kssox, Kisei to place of laying Ithe cornei »tone, at corner of Essex and Lawrence streets.

Tho exercises attendant upon laying the cor- ner stone will bo conducted br Grand Master Ihivis, assisted by the hoard of Grand Ollleers, after which Past Grand Master Kiililer of Man- chester, will deliver an oration. Tho ceremo- nies completed, tho member* of Kuarsarge En- canuinient wilt escort tbo visiting encampments, with thu Grand - ■ 1 -■■ and guo*ts, to the City Hall, where a grand banquet will be tendered

A Rvsawai A.OCIDBMT.—On Kalurday nftcr- inHiii, a runaway accident occurred on Etaex ■treet nuar Die norlh depot, resulting in the ■ma*h-up of one or Spahllng's livery carriages, and tbe killing of a horse.tieluiiglsjg 10 Mr. Al uxunder Illekfnrd, who does the teaming for a numlier of our manufacturing corporations. Thu livery team w«* driven by Messrs fJald- well ami Burbank, and was crossing tho rail road track* on iirtssilway, when the horse look fright from ibo wblstllngof*locomotive. Tht horse immediately slarled upon the jump, ruu- riiiK IIOHII Broadway toward EKSOX street ltoili the young nenllemcn grabbed at tbe n-ius. and pulled with surh fore* as to break the bri- dle Wt. Tbl* left Ihc horse at lull liberty, and be ran at rapid rale, until, at the Intersection of llroadway and Kssex streets, be collided with Blckford's horse, with the result above sbUcd. The shaft of the livery team struck hint in the side, aud he fell dead almost |p>i*nily. livery boric wa* not seriously injured, anil very little damage was done to the carriage beyond tx-cakiug the shaft. The accident seems rharg- ahle lo an insecure till, and, lu part, tollie dan gumu* erosslug, the remedy for which by a in : 1. 1 over Ibe ii." 1 - exists as yel only in thu 1. ■ .ijiim. n.l.'i 1..11- or Ibe Railroad I'mum is.-ion of die slate.

Wgipoun Honjt—Lieut- Colonel Klwn Put- Ion, arrived in New York from Liverpool on tbe ,.!nii ult., and wa* welcomed home at North Aniluver on the 2-itb. About hair-past *lx o'clock the Shermtn Cadet*, Capt. L. N. DUchesney, accompanied by the Lawrence

1 band, and escorting Col. Melvln Beal, of the Sixth I^Klmonl, marched down Kssex street to Ininn street, where tbey emlairked on hove rars.and wercttken lo North Andover HUion, anil there awaited the arrival of tbe train. At quarter before eight o'clock the ex- peeled train arrived, and with It Col. Snlton, who was met hy Col. Beal, ami escorted to tbe company, which preientcd arn», and a wel- come speech wa* made by Capt. Daehesney. The company wheeled into platoon*, nnd Cols. ButtM and llual taking position by Ihc colors, they were escorted through (lie streets or the

illago to UietMitiiiu maniion. Merc Ihc com- pany were extended die hospitalities or the Col- iHiel's family, ami after spending an hour In viewing the premises, the company returned to ilii- city hy horse cars, and at once repaired to Parkman'* dining rooms, where a bountiful collation was served liy tbe bo* pilalUy ofCol. .ni-.. : line! reuuuk,, wore male by Col.

Uoal, President Dolu* of the Common Council, and Mr. William P. Khnbull, an honorary guest of tho Cadet*. It was about midnight when the company broke ranks and returned to Mi' -.i ii-Hiii--. The collation was a and did justice to Mr. Park man'* taste and judgment as a taterer.

as being Uie beat musical nrxaiilaaUon present . . the rue«ut ilvmoiiMtratUin there. They also char aetcrlto the Haverhill BOOlety St. .lean BaaUaU as Hie finest apiiearlng body in the i>rocei*ton."

A #1,000 liabcock engine hai been onleroil n ihla city, U* prlnel* be paid Tor Which is #l.«si, Tlie ilalicoek Cuni|iany ii preimreil lo stand the 'o^n rather than lliat Itiv Cuam|iiou Couipanv

■hoald iret an engine Into this section, thouah the rei>orl ot Hie Inresllgatinx i-mnmlttee veils lie hlodly In tavor of the Uhani|>Ton machine.'

BLSKW1JKKK, llie Lynn "Trauseript will appear this week il.iilieil hy the addition ot one eel mini to a page

1 width and two and onc-balf Inches In lens Hi. Mr. S. T. Canney of Ipswich fell several feel on

Wednesday, from a scaffold In the ham of Mr. (■'rank Pane, la Hamilton, Injuring him In the bead, back and bigs.

Mr. Daniel J. Poor*, la appoialod cashier of tbe First National hank of We.t Ameshurj iskv J. Lincoln Pearsons who has resignod it tier Bve years Mirvice. ilr. Pour* Is frnuithe Hrst Satloiial bank, l-jna.

On Sunday morning a Uuta daughter of llr.' Itiiliurt llinln>|i about tlireo years of age, raalding on Taylor avenue, Gloucester, was fatally burned rotu bor ekithes taking tire from a lighu'd match,

jdyiiur from bar injuri** ah* assj morning. ' i». Chandler, of Lowell, assiiroed the

Bi'ietoi or AM mi. KnuuKNT.—The people oiSiiuih l^iwrence were surprised to learn, on tho '2.5lh hut., that Mr. Oorham P. Hlgglns, was im-':-!..-. and large ntimliers turned and diligeotly searched for the missing man, finding Ins body about hair-past eight o'clock, in the Sbawshin river, near Hen Hock. Mr Iligglns was ons of the old retlileiitK, and hod always been actively engaged In tho political Interest* and welfare of this city. Twenty years ago he was a member of tho Common' Council from Ward Six, and In IftW and IH5G he served as Alderman from that ward. For many years be was one of thu ward officer*, and he has served more years as Assistant Assessor than any man in the city. He wa* an employee In the Doeton .\ Maine car shops, and**nu highly respected and beloved hy all his neighbors and acquaintance.

For nearly a year the deceased bad been unwell, and for some limu has had the advice oi a physician, but had not been conllned 10 bis bed, Recently bis wife staled to a pbysl- ciau, her leara of bis Insanity, but (ho physi- cian thought nothing serious to he (he matter, nnd as late as yesterday he rode oat with the deceased. On the 2oth ut about midnight, Mrs. Hlgglns gave her husband some medicine, and upon arining next morning, she missed him irom the house, and at once gave the alarm, resulting in finding the body as above stated. Deceased was sixty-one years old.

M1111 MAaitiKii.—A queer case was IMfore the PoltCB court on Monday, wherein James Mur- phy was charged with an assault upon one Hen- ry Mel'ollum. From the evidence ofthc plainUA* il appeared Hint he was waking out with "Mrs. r i:r, ." when Murphy ciuocaloug and demand- (.1 why he was walking out with his (Murphy's) wife, mid, at ibo same time, attempted to alrlkc tbe woman. McCnlluin went to the resene, and '.1 m I'l.', . .1'.!■ I,.in :i acicre thrashing. Young Murphy told the court that the woman was his wife, ami ihc woman stoutly nulnncd that she »as net his wire. »he judge asked Murpbr when ninl by whom he was married to tbe woman, and he prumptly replied hy Rev. Mr i'iitge, ut his house. The woman said It wa* false, ami ItlO judge Imposed a nne Spun Mm phy AM- tbe assault, #10 and coats, or. In Hen Ibareof, llsjyilayi In the bniiieorrorrection. Murphy's mother was present and confirmed her sen'* M.iii im ni thnt he was married by Mr Pidge to the Burns woman, nnd rushed out o I lie room lo procure "the papers." III tbemean. time the,othcr parties left the court, and Mur- phy was remantled to hi* cell, down stair*. In a short time Mrs. Murphy returned with a mar- riage certificate of ibe union nf Kllen Pagan and James Murphy, Dataller 2Mh, IH7», duly signed, by the clergyman alluded to. The court wu Just then busy, but said If the mnrrlago wa* proved, It would change the sentence of young Murphy. No doubt exists of the marriage, as Hie document uj in Mr. I'idgo's hand writing, siid over his own Mignaiure, ami, If so, tlw fact places the bums woman in an unpleasant posi- tion, to suy the least. Before marriage her name wao Kllen Pagan, bnl a few rear* ago she was married to Patrick Hums, ami, uniil tbe past year, had lived with htm. Hy hi r marriage wiih Jamea Morjihy in October last, she place* lia-sejf liable lo Ibe charge of bigamy, and, by her] statement before tho noart Muuday, she Is guilty uf perjury. We Presaqkl Jiur rase «ill receive the ntteiiMou of ihe ofllcers.

MniMoiiT Cxnsus. —A largn number of ladles ami gentlemen of 1 his*city were privileged la.il evening to witness ibe blooming of tbe Mower called the "Night blooming Cereus," a sight that hut very few, if any. of tbe targe numlier who were present hud ever been fortu- nate enough to witneh). The ulant Is Uie prop- erty of Mr. w. II. WrigLt, the dry goods mcr 1 IJIIIII, and that geiilleman very generously opened Ihe doors of Ills residence on Aiuesbury Kiici'l lo his many friend* ami aninaiuUurc*. The Hcres* Is oftbe Cactus species, which Is n native of tho tnipk-al reghm*, lun liow.r I* remarkolile, nut mily lor lh< |>eculiarliie* in blooming, but no- its ran beauty ami fragrance As Is usual with the, plum, ihe llower mentioned began to open at an early hour in the evenlur,

nock, who takes charge of extensive mills at li real Falls, X. IL

Woolen mill prapwty I* Improving. The flallb" bury 51111s stock sold in Boston, this work, at UB. a handsome advance. The mills are doing well In the last alx months and there la promise of a good Tall trad*; hence tho rise.

A lire In the Seabrook, V. H. wood* on Monday burned ljooonls or wood; anil on Wednesday [t broke out anew, and extended to the (landing trees. The IOSH IS eight or ten hundred dollars to Messrs. t;onrgc A. Weare of Mealirook, nnil Mr Uopy Mi.rnll of t*all*bufv.

"lie tliuuaand sea ahad were taken at one haul of a seine on Saturday near thu mouth of the Merriiiiae. Un Ihe aauic day u lo 1 nl h:i- ■ waa taken. Hlue tab have appeared a fortnight eiiilier llain usual and there is no more hope ol saalns phad vrtiile tlioy stay.

OapLJauiea Hpisius illotl in Lynn last wank at ■£• years of age. He wa* at one lime during Die war commander of Co. A. 17th Mans, regluieul, a Ni'fflmr] port eonipauy ralaoil by Capt- David f. llrowu asil Ibo late J.ieut. ThOi-. W. roster. Capt. BkualM was a brother to lb* colonel ol the regrment, Henry Solnlne. He wa* a brave good officer and thorough gentleman.

W.'-i \.'H linn-Im., aome growers of hent profit. M. YV. liarUett ha* Ml i-bkkeus, hatehoil wllhina few ilar* or wee*-. Mr. (>. ii, Ctuue has tnni-o than idu, and others have bu-ge llocks, but all Inese are notbhig to the flocks kapl by Mr, John Kimball in iMtirweuiwn, who reckons up s iliiuinaiid, many of Uwui of the bust and vsivm varlellea.

Last week Capt. tleorgo Spauldlug, of New bury port, wliile nshlng In a brook In Kant Kings ton, N. II., ilineovered lls> liixly of a woman, ap paronUy about twenty-live year* old, la the water, cnnslilcmiik ilirc.niii-i,eil, ami having a ring on Ihe ringer, with the Initials C. U. He 110- tlileil Ibe letaelinen, who had the body bnried wlinoutan Inquest.

Some thirty of the girls employed In tho spool- ing room of Hie McMimai k turpuralion had a woman'n rights strike on Haturdav. It appears Dial It has been tin. custom of Hie girls eni|iliijed iu tin- Uflpurtoieul, lo slopwork at I) o'clock ■Saturdays, bul on Saturday last they were In- firmed by tho miperlntenduiii that Uiey must con. Unlieat work until .1 o'.-lnck. This they did not like, ami aome thirty left the mill.

TheBleiTlmaok 'NTuurnal" aays the rnlorjillli.- liave mailu ruinoua work with Uie apple tree* In thu lutlglihorliiiiMl of Newhuryiiort. Coming be- fore the canker worm they hilt hut little for the latUr to teed U|ion and they are nuw rapidly ilevouriiig|tlie ebas. Is W«»l Now bury, onu day this week, we saw orehanl* or seoros ami hun- dreds of apple trees without a green loaf lo be peon on them. In no season, in our day, have there been *o many caterpillar* a* this real.

Kiddles ex County

LOW ELI.. William Whlluey, an overseer on Ihe Haitililou

corporation nlmul sixteen years, bul more re- fontly of llousatonle, dieil at that place, Halurdav of iulluinuialinii of [be bowels, aged SO years.

Tbe "Courier" says that acting on legal advice Patrick Lynch ho* Instructed his U-nmater not lo accept the double team on which his ate was seised iiy Slate Gonstabl* Harris on Natunlay, *ud which wa*.tendered by ibe oflJcer slonday forenoon. The team wa* driven hy officer Harris to Herri** stable, Warren street, Saturday night. Ho (Lynch) ha* sned constable Harris, as an iiiti- cerof UioHlaie, and Mr. Norris, Ihe stable keeper for ilanuigoii, Mr. Jiorris's slablu slock being at lochod 011 a writ lo tbe amount of e&Ouu.

Tho following Is the ofllcial programme fur U10 Observance of the fourth as arranged at a meet- ing of Uie oommliteu on Monday: Balute{and ringing ul bells ut siiinisc; Band iwnrerla al Iba NOrth ani| Sooth Common*, ami Muniunuut Square from s to ri l-> o'clock a. u.; Children's enwrtaiiimentat lluntlngttm Hall at « 1-1 o'clock A. s. by the following artist*: Mrs. II. K. II. c«r- Der, soprano, Mrs. Agues I.lie* Spring, oontrslto, Mr. James VVlifUiev, lenur, Mr. -I. P. Cobb, hari- lone ami humorist, I'l-ur. M. W;dl*ck, harmonics, Mrs. K I*. Cobli, Mr. IV. K. ral lor, K-eompanlsU'.

■on 111 of the beat. —The Lieutenant Governor has

acl of the Legislature relative to (li School in this city.

—There are one hundred and twe son* now conllned in the jail and l! IT. 1 in thi* city.

—A performer at the coming cirrus t» styhjrt "The Human Anaconda." Ills to be hoped he wi II not prove a hoa.

—The money order buslnea* at the 1-awrencc Po*t Ofllce, fooled up nearlv four thousand dol- lars for the inontb or June.

—Needham Hali will lie open during the day Hatiirday, and mem ben, of-I"oM W and their friendi will l>e welcomed.

The Haverbill Cornet Band will accompa- ny tbe Sixth Keglment to their annual encamp- 1, on Ibe 30th ol August.

Mr. Frank Itussell has just completed a large order for photograph* of Htuileu** at Phillips' Academy, Andover. ■ /

-The contractors, McsKr*. J. B. Hcucey A Co. have commenced laying out and straightening tbe old Bodwell Perry road.

—Tbe Atlantic Cottuti Mills havo n<lra*iccd the price of their low grades ol brown cottons one cent during the pa>i week.

■The whirligig dress man has curgo to n. He ha* located his wooden honies'on

the green In front of Porter's stable. —A fnll pag* wood cut illustration of tb* new

Odd Fellows' Temple in this city, will shortly appear in tbe .Yew Enutand Odd fellow. , f

-Fuwlo & MeConnell provide the banquet the gueat* of Kearaarge Kncampment, at

the City HaU, on tho afternoon ol July 4th. ■The thermometer scored 91" in the shade,

Sunday, and at 7-30 v, u. stood ut li)" Church attendance wa* comparatively light.

■ Tin- Duck Company's contribution to tbe Mill River Fund is ^76.75, which brings Ihc total subscription In this cliy up In #4,015..*1.;

—Colonel Morse will be at Ihe Kssex Horlse o-niglil, Tor the purpose of selling pools on the races to-morrow, at the Lawrence Riding Park.

—During tbe three months of April, May and June, there were six. hundred and eixn- *lx lodger* cared for at the Station home In thi* city.

—A uew concrete walk has been laid un the south side of Vftlley -tii'i-t, between Lawivmv and Amesbnrv street, aud mprovenient.

—Tbe last number of the "Missionary Herald" credits the 1.11.11 Church of tin ■ rltv wRIi a ci*. tribution or g*&0tt anl "W. I,." or this db' wiib a subscription of 875.

—On Saturday, ihc " Glorious Fourth," tut Uoglou and Maine Railroad will run a late train from Boston, leuitigthe latter platwatbair-pHlt ten o'clock iu the evening,

—Tbe work of raving edgc-sinnes on the Haverhill street side uf the Common i* nearly completed, and gives a decided improvement Jo the finest avenue in tho city.

—Captain Langiuaiil has nearly completed a liandsuuie cottage fur ibe liarriman brothers, at Hampton IWacb. The cottage is twostprl:* high, 20 by 30 reet. with l> 12 by 1» luel. V I

Walker will preach at Ihe ParkCi Street Methodist churcb/at South l.n.i n-mv next Sunday, at half vast ten o'clock w. thi forenoon, and at three in (he afternoon. \ \

—Tbe exteoslQn of Waler street to th* kit of land on which ibe pumping itatlun of Ihe vratei works i* to lie erected, was completed but week,

present* a Un* avenue firry fret In

a*resie<l, nnd paid, bi lino and ■ o»* Oils morning, SW, as the price of " Uunncing" 1

—Several ol our Uwrcncc trie lids ol Woioai SulUaKC propose attending, 011 tbe Iliiol'Jaly tft*nna*M meeting of friend* of the cause, lo ■<■ bi ii at Itannony drove. 80. t'ramingl.aui Mrs. Mary A. l.lveruiore will deliver an oru- ; HBaSKS. ill at; AMI (JOUM lion. Pot-in.', by Julia Ward Howe aud Henry I the -K'M hango alnrkel," have U. Ulackwcll. Brief addresses, by Wm. l.lovd ' Oarrlson, Lucy Stone, James Freeman Clarke, Charles YV. Slack, Samuel It. Noves and

their ban<t I-OMU in uila building, ol the ha via: Ihe CMSpunlera aw mak- ill pii.bi,hVl*utcTn Currier's Block.

ail i in. ti, and ih

trot at fair tirouiuls ai twi barrel Jumping al three o'clunk; imdriiiglngorbellu at sundown; Mouth Comsnon at eight o'clock.


CRIMINAL. StTl'RiiAT.—Eluslness In Judge Stevens' mill

grows light a* the llnaauial nu«mie*s rollowmg fuj .lav lakes It departure. John Harrington, runk, HUCOIHI offunoe, waa llu«d fta and cost*,

and In default will watch the Comet fur Uie next thirty daya frian thn alone Institution on the hill. '!??... *w,jskjsrB*sa[*ria» aa jusauU entoa Mr. ibtys.'to rceiignlie lueanwhlle in tUUuVurutJc*.

MosiiAT.—Thirteen renrult* pre*ent«d theui selves lor enlistment In Ihe Hie veils brigade Ilii* iiMraing, ami woe* present aiul arootmte<| Kir nl roll-call. The lolhiwing were Die drunk., Thorn a* Ward, one rant, Mary Lynch Si, Patrick Myers one cent, Michael rtulhvan, »3 and Michael l'uw- rrs, SI, all with eo*t* and the nlu-ruatiTc nl tklrty day* If not i«shl. Kate Tootney aUH, In ilulged ill a I1UI1! drunk for a renl'aml cost*, and Will hoard at the County House for thirty day* if not paid, lawieaee Carey, tbe man who **F*ult

rd oihter Kan in Uie (racs* nl the oorner or Con*, moil aud rrankliu stroots, a week ago, was Urn «ami eosU or thirty days for a.saulton Ke.ine dy NMnsa. The ease against him ftir assaulting

I Urn wu furtlier ciiitinu.il for 01m wauk. Joan Kiley for uialii - mis |ii,.f \„ lo-vakiog glaa* was given e.land cost* or Uflit* dus, sTaUbe-w IHITIO fur tloWtton Si the Unar i>rdlnance br betliing Ui tlm .spicket In new of spis-iatnrs, was need $1. The.Ill-Ik"' 1 iitiioilcicUhe pnlliating tlr cunistaucalhaltlie 1 ily furnlnhes no public baUi- hig Iniuses, and hnptoied no costs. James Kern* for dlsuirlianoc was fi.i.-il SS aailcn*b<; John Lane ami Luuhil Ito.ic.h. mutual assault S.1 and urn hull the rurti eaoii ur each thirty dav*. Xd- uanl fennel, idle and dlsonlcrly $ til and en. U i,r fiinlnvH, nn.l Iks iMiir aentenoe for aiaault on apMlaloiaearSjlTestsrMllehoL

WSOKSSI»A«.r»>aiUal Ulirphy.wto (.referralto take tlie crooked path* of lire, iuxurad ut Wing a miberand inilnstrlnu* rltlieii, was sentenced lo pay a linn of se and cost*, or go to tho house of correction for tinny days. William Mullen only e-ta out or one sernpu to gel into another y«j.

r-lay ho was in tho court fur *n aoault, an.l b* lolling a seed story be got inTwilh paving one dollar;*bul to-day U didn't fare *o well, for w Itqoiil any Uik the J udge flned hia *.". aud east* wl|u lh>! jirivllege of going up fur thirty days. Hois a water works man. Wary Lamb 1» not as genii" a- aw nam* would indicate, and lieino up onaoliargcofiilleand ills-nlerly, she was s*ut (o tbe lion I 1 "in ctj.111 fm ninety ttayi fnr lliat amount ol tiui

y*. 11 Iii're M£ she will be iu

dmtiiiia*. Kdwsid .fones, for illegal keeping, paid a minors l<i awl qu*ts.*r)il s.»med toenloy il. Then "Massa" Solonmu W!)»on, * rolorwl geu- lleaian.wlth Jennie Jackson,ft white air), cJiaried with lewd and la-civlons Ulk and l«-n.vi..r. wme Ktimmarllv dealt with. Bnluraon wa* nn«i |*i and DO***! with au »IUirn*Uve at ninety days la the boUnn,'of curieeiloii, and hio partner In s|n, Jennie Jackson,- was sent up for six Months, without any altemjolvo.

THUHSIU V.-Jsinos V. ValM Is a V.-aperUlHe ciiileii of Haverhill, bnl raUar unlorUinate IJr becamu intoali-nU-il la-t night, and when iiiu.xil laiedha-t rinflln hH piocket. Hnmlnal Due anil oeets. JamwH M' '■ -. '"r »l.■« ling clothing was

u tlw House id I orrectioc for two yearn, on charge*.. Mary Casey, lor .Ualing cloth its ordered 10 appear again for trial*

—An exira train will leave Lowell for (hi* city, to-morrow evening, leaving imiucillately iiiiei tbo grand di nil* f-of fire work*.

other -I he annual June parly ul Mr. A Mr.-.. Chg*.

' ii..-.'. in Brook street, tin Tuesday evening, was a pleasant affair, ami attended by quite a iiiiincrous company, most of whom were present one year ago ou Ihe occasion of theft" wedding aimiversar\. Light refreshments and out of door dancing were the orders ul ihe evetilng,and the happy oouphi stacsoduil lulmtrably In i iflt 1 t.iiiiinu- their guAts.

—An attempt was made lu rub the house of Mr. Al-iJJji ItleiisnftniC S/Tl l'Vt IIAetliill >t., w'ediateflay. jHw.M. fawnsjenedly a notsr, ami -in at uiSn sressefl in dark diiihcs, with slouch hat, in ihe act of opening her bureau. She eallul ly her soil, why reached-the. Iiesd of the shiirsjuit H fcl ^fi..ai-sV!brrgl.riih.Jt„l init nl Hie door, llolise breakers are gelling numerous In other cities ; 1 d towns.

The young ladies of M. r«trli;k's,Caihollc ciiiircb, isuliu.'kitiilii.hle. 1- -t.snteddieirpi.s- tor, Fattier Mitfpliy, oh Rant, ay evening, with an elegaui black walnui |aricr-*ei,. marble table, study chair and bat tree. Father Mur- phy recently purchased tbo bonne nwncd by the lal« K. It. CuiIer.Htiil, in his absence, the young ladles took possession oftbe bonse.and equipped it with the articles mentioned. Tbev were all manufactured by J. riilsbury, Jr., aud the tost

as something upwards ul ->_'oo. —As y<ii no at Uoa has been takon n-l.iiin- to

It main "ewer ofllie city, which was reporte ' In a dangerous condition by ihe city uiginvei Thl| ofllcnit I* conatiimty watching rihl 1'iob with one hand on the valve that closes Ihe large Ward Five newer, which (lows into the main sewer, horing the last ln-avy shower,'which caused a llowugc into tbe cellars of buildings at the upper end of Essex street, ibe engineer kept the valve oftbe Ward Five tester ball cluswLor

much larger amount 01 duuingc would Jifjve been done. '

.1 ciiiin;.'i-' le the pbs'tal service In this city take ellectonthe 4th of July; Mr. John McKay, one of the oldest letter carrier?, some time since reslgced, ihen having m vfew hu.-l- nesa matters In the south, arid James C. Curnui, who has nerved n number of months as substi. i'.iii-, has been appointed bv the Pout-Master General to fill llie vacancy ; Frank \V. Merriaiii and J. Kdwin FurK-r havo been appointed s*jh- • litutc- carriers. Mr. Meluiy- has been a most active ofticial, aod his retirement will be regret - led by ihe resident*of hi* district.

—There. CAine very near l.eing nsorlou* lire on Tuesday night, at Mr. Kedan's Umi ou Lowell ttrccl. Home careless person had gone loth* upper floor and thrown down hay into the crib, and, afterwards lighting hb pipe, had dropped the match down fnlo the crib. The hay was Instantly Ignlied, and thu llame* shu! Up Into the second story. Ihe scene win, ob- served from iheoulkide, aud olllcer Floyd being near, rau Into the horn, and with pails uf water suicoeded in extinguishing the flamcx. It Is seldom tbat a Arc li put out when starting lu a barn where there IB hay.

—Tbe meeting of the Masonic fraternity, on Monday evening, for the purpose of arranging tor ibe formation of a Kcltef .Society, was well attended. The name-Lawrence Masonic Mutual Relief Association" was adopted, together with a constitution. The meeting adjourned tor two weeks, and will ttrch adopt a code ofhy^aws It Is designed to give the family or heirs of a deceased brother as many dollars as there are members of the organization. Tbe association

III Include Lawrence, Metliueaaii.l Ihc Audov. rs, and the numlier ot members eligible win tie

about seven hundred. I J t ■ Ahont Wic 'yAr ago a' man' named John

proprietor* of ew wngwti of at in ili.-i-i.i-h.

rlainly a good advei aii 3nn. Ihe

BiSuipatald*- ul **d prosperous

. _J Uiat .kiiltui mai h* trrSth, l»:iiile1 Cullin* Qt his right llr. Unwell, il iiiiitti-i- not which, lor it speak* for

Wr wish all who are Interested in Ihe Utof *ui HU>;.-Ur. lieo/Mijaj, ov*r**t*r/ in .11 mil!, ttai- Ibe iei Ipienl, >alarday, of a g.-1-1 ring in namcntcil wltti ata*OUUi aui- It was presented by the operatives under ge, wlni Nit-iii In appreciate his good i|iial 111II ith.i-iiii>.eiii, gcni'i-ullv. The ring wa* fdnt-Mr. l-'ellow-'jewehj «to re, in Cor-

hi-' llliH'k, and is one ol'thu UncHi pieces of work- i-blp ehate

. K. A I,

1 short 1111 ii- since -liiiwn run-id tin- ili'iou tnunu of lldamodel store. tin' :H1.4leL i.ini iiailn./ isiiiiui tfeie has dealt « ith I. iiktil), helre pwinel to kniw- acting an • .to'eiiBSTiiiliiiv autl 111* Inuail averyiliUiga pat

"Siiuiai.lnit alaa, ItiWhanjl mat i/sflrt. -No more noting tne "ice ami no sat IF faction andj Hint life's lltlul fever Is

"i\. ul tn I'liiin j-lmul." Tliere is a wiet

Wig, * Pi's e*le'n.ftii^ BVX ftreflell" d with Bl

The cuslotners of this hnn get r money's worth, ami are never troubled with hnlcMiinc giueeries, OH nothing bul Uie best IK are sold by Ihe Sawyers; and, moreover, ire Inclined lo the opinion Unit fret|uiinf con-

*rT*aaon with Un--'iiinr iviiuld a'one tick pM«

'ELwBfcuYWXuX cenTtv seen several <>f Thomas' old Almanacks," the .'uill.-i lieiirmg tlw dale «r 1773. the latest 11JI0. Tbev areiiokHl and worn, and bear thai piiidiiir yellow tinge 80 e omni on to old hooks, Ihut. representing In dim simile the forms of many weary travelers upon the shores of time. Tbe calendar* are follol "new." u»efiil and enter- taining mailer, a* l ineiiiorunilaao psj linpelleil till* |M'ri \4 out of the river," ami no sat IF Ate lion and Joy In

dinar, now tbat lire's lltlul fever la over, wler dnen»

fascinat- . b strange

nun graumiue euw. We turn to January, 17S0, and the merry ulcigliing partv whirls pasta* 11* In a race for the boundless realms uf eUrrdly. lo speak in a more uiiiiteiol'lai Wvvky^e Kill glean Miuie nl' the words uf u irdoia> oi etw sSvar- al puges, coniiui-ncing with August, 1773. "Many die bv drinking too much cold w*U-r as aoon as if

liev liad drank Arsenlck." "The winter we do read ami fear, because the cold is no severe," IVhihkliig rol.iwn-aik.fi" U ii nog n ns Healed for Ici-emU-i. old L*tfb.*Jonll liardly accept the ullowiiig as ver? rlcni!lU-T 'Peilaps enow or inn noi I in from these days." it seems Ihe ladies rore guy garment a in Ihoau days, and were lomr- thai given lo Ibierj- as now, it we can believe he chronicler when" he My*, "The ladle* dresa

iot exceedllialgaycty with adorned." This in recoril-

ly, 17**. *lu January, ITsil, the fanner In told to "cut timber, If you winh it to last long. In be bihl ipiatler of ihe moon hi Ibis month." We re told by many rcliinnrr* ol the prcseat day, to tread Uie good old wavs our lalliera troil,"aiid It

follows, ot rorrrse, thnt we tbould sec thai our timber is cut iu the right season. In dune, 17SU,

again in h noi lie bod ngain.t the too free use I water in Ihe following terse language: ry careful anil not drink UKI niucli cold

width. —Mis* HatUe .

among the members of the senior class oflp- ieb Female Seminary who nrctlveddiploma*

~ E»day anar-

—A permanent commission has been issued to Second Lieutenant llurutlo It. ltaunett, Ua*- i.■!■■:■ 1), 2d llattallon Light Artillery, May til, 18'+, vice Orlffln railed to appear before tbe Board.

—The City Engineer Is pushing the sewer

Bradford street sewer wa* commenced, and"-* now half donej

—The system of registering vulualile. letters continues steadily to increase in popular tstetfj a* It ought; four hundred and ninety-six letters were registered at the Pott Oillcu in this city, during the past quarter.

—Many of the member* of the class of lS7*i Ijiwreuee llijjh School, delfrtng a elan* organ- ization, there will lie a meeting of all who enter ed In Jr'ebruary or August, IHfiH, nexi Kridav evening at the High Mcbool.

—Postmaster Merrill received on Monday the othclal notice or hi* re-appoint mem .—hav- ing been continued on the same day with nomi- nation, June 17th ; his bond wa* completed and returned to Washington by tbe evening mail. J

—Work on the Second Baptist Church ia pro- gressing most satisfactorily. Tbe foundation has been laid, the frame erected, and is n very nearly covered in, and a few weeks will tbe exterior completed aud the basement fur use.

—Changes In residence by those drawing

Il now will tea it reafey*

hooks from thu public library, cause ro*>rusieia In the registration, unless notice lie given to that librarian, and the latter, la a notice elsewhere, calls attention to tbe importance of eompllatiM with the rules.

—Are we to have no baud concerts on *h*j Common ? The Common Council desire it, iii tbe Aldermen killed the resolution when It before tbeir hoard. This is a small favor fuse our people.

—Mr. Alexander Grant, who Is running tie news-stand, confectionery and stationery coun- ter iu the Post OlHce entrance', la meeting with very good twees*. He supplies all the dally papers, and the illustrated and story papers. (Jive him a call.

—Mr. Thorns* Simpson, Mrs. Samuel Lowe and Miss Loui-u Lowe, of this city, and Mr, and Mrs. John Morrison, of Andover, srert among the cshln passengers In the run nil steamship Siberia, which sailed froai Huston for Liverpool on the 2 Tin ult.

—The Bradford street sewer was complete Wednesday ; size 11x17 inclies.eggshape, Itt feel

1 oug. The lewcr between Common and Vallew streets, from Amesbury to Hampshire streets" wa* begun Wednesday morning.

—During the warm season the Tost onic building Is to be piped throughout for steam beating, Mr. Schaake having .contracted with Messrs. T. H. Clogslun & Uo., Boston, for fur- nishing tbe block with their steam apparatus, i, be In readinea* for nest Winter.

—Humply Dompty FOK, with hi* fine coul- pany, announce* an entertainment in the City Hall on Tuesday evening, July 7fb. This troupe have met with great success in Bos tun during tlie past month. Tlieyare rrom Oeo. L. POJJV Broadway Theatre in new York.

—A roan named McCarthy, al the water works, on Saturday, waa caught between the wheel* of two cart* and very serlcaisly mnhefj One of hi* hips sad three rib* were broken/ and there I* yet no certainty that be will rccoi er from the effects of Ihe accident.

—Tbe Manchester cornel and Havaraill Go net bands will provide music for the Odd Fu. lows celebration on Saturday, and the Lawrence Brass and Lawrence Comet hand* will provide music for the city, un tbe same day, by giving concert* on the Common, morning stideveny

—Lev! Carter, of this city, bid SID.UQ7 for construction of a sewer in Merrimack and I'

colt streets, Lowell, aud |r.l7,J7i) for a sewer in uuftblk street, in the same city. Tlie lowest* bid on the Hrst named wes flUttE and UII the lalter VBjm+~m slight difference in contractor*' estimate*.

—During the month of Jutie ihc letter-carrier* In thi* city delivered ,V,866 letters received bv man, 3JH6 drop letter*, .'i.lMl postal card* anil 41,Oal newspapers; during the same pcriod.they collected from the street buses, U*,17l) letter* 3,M5 postal card* and 5,."il2 papers, making a total of IW1..1D1 piece* of matter delivered urid collected,

—Sweeney'* new block and the adiliii tlie old Mock, have beea tho ujiiiekes* place of building ever accomplished In this city. Tb* store* are plastered and the wood Mulsh Is now bang put in. Tho stores will lie ready tor oc- cupancy In about one week. The structure was begun less than twu monihi ago.

—Some llitle ino,ulry has arisen regarding ibo whereabout* of a trackman who left ijiwreiiee three or four weeks ago, after placing hi* hack In cbeifsof a driver, and has not Fsxa heard or for some day*. Hi* wife, wbo ha* been writing to him here, know* nothing of bin and the driver of ihe hack has beard nothing.'

rboma* W. llotitney will speak si the Temperance Retorni llonkj lo be held at Har- geu'* pond on the fourth of July. The eipense Oftbe round trip, Including admi.ston to tho grove, will be fifty-five cent*. A beat race Will lake place at 1 K M , and a large nutuW of swing*, boats, erwiaet sets, Ac. have been tutu readiness, r

—Colonel Heal, hv the new militia law ia a| lowed "headr-nartors," tbo rent not to exceed **W' iPwHat81' *tth "JP -WI »n« MafftaV ceri, will esTabltah Ihelr <|ii*rter* in one of the Ipacloud suiu of rooms in bauratera' new block and regimental hook*, document* and property will bo removed a* soon as the apnrtmenis era properly titled up. . . . i

Khler Marhai Xf. Lull, the '•wiokedeet ," disbursed Sunday night to about, 400

person* In the City Hall In language as ferveht a* the weather. He Introduced liniuei' hi* respect* mere partieuMrly tb ibe (If . than to the drunPard-mak'er, and had a word to say •> the people who cbafacterUe him As 'Old Lut/.,"and a "bummer."

—Mr. John P, Cogg*weJ|, |hc *cloran,e\prcss man of this city, has not enjoyed the lie*| ef health during the p**t few months, and his pbv- ■-ii'is.i ha* advlaid him to retlro tnnii bushie ■ dniingwanu weather, nnd seek the aoa slue Mr. O. has has taken up his aliode ut lllddeford P.sg, Maine, and will probalny rtmulu absent from Ibe city until Ortolier nexl,

. m Pil- kiagumvu> h> <ff>' vicinity vl Fall illei r, and atfeirdlhRly took a ride to thai city or spindles. The man wa* at work In on* of the mills, snd was surprised on looking up from his wurk lo meet the stnlllug I'axo of - Hach.'' lit look ♦be buck track, and wus noon comfortably rc-osiab. iuhed IB inn' old qaiincm, ami be+levci 'thnt '' the way of Iransgreseors Is hard." , .

—Tht Ward^PIVe JcW/er, through' bitlord, Meilioiil ami Margin srnrts, utami whirh so trnrny heanngs and great amount or discussion has i>i'i II made, wo* completed last week, and the swamp lands art all drrdncM of water; hut heir prearut <■ i„m„,

F hflfls* wbh^'hfl^e'lJeTn" iiigto tho IbulaaiilsliiaT ilnilne.l. The lillh and utlal uf the neigUHirhood had coileeterl tkete, snd' 1r the whrlbf filling ihc swamp land, to grade with earth, 1* not at once commenced, we may look (or a pestilence in that vicinity. It will prove an expensive work, but should ho done, and that ipitckly.

—Mr. Timothy Kane, who recently resigned the leadership of Ihe Lawrence Cornet Band, has been tendered * Similar position by the memlicrs of the Amern an Band, oi'ilu* eiic, which: ha.J ■ 1*111 for koute ;ii4e, M tV'U>and rooms'lfl Uhtircli RloCk, under the instructions ofMr, Itufti* WiUkiiiii, lcnasr hmw Huvei-blll Band. Otic of the reason* of Mr. Kane's resig- nation was his Inability to devote a* much time as was demanded uf bim to the Cornet Bi Ifbecaii, consistently with otbci

inlrttf AlllU.li-.KlKMl.UH llliaueiill iLlleStii.ll irt Bivei. money is tire mot of HI evil, there Is a great pron- peet ul lieitci inner." The temperance slaadanl is kept Intact hv Uie announeeiueut that "Winu iuiMiliowaeiliuomiatiilhan tlirsoa." TO* aobhy young man Is rpoken or as an useless appendage, and i-SIIVPII Ihe follow hie to ruminate on : "A beau Is evuryUiiug of a wuinnn but Ihe mi, and nothing' of a Woiuan beside It." A. I>. ITS,, our iiulliiii hiiil ariBOu lOBUi-ha clear peieepllod of ihe subueUe* orethereal phihmopbv a* t iMaMs to prick the bubble or vain pretence, a* witness Un: lein.-iiiii- mi-l.iuKht upon Ibe law protesaioii. br rather Upon lawvers: "The profe(*ion of a lawyer ha* olUu made a kaave of aba wbaai nature meant for a fool." Tho following year,

w, our ahnnnae nmker in speaking or the lad hit IOS rather ei|uivoeal language ; we ijuote, "Man the serpent ot deceit and woman it Uie daugh- rof Kve." Tbe deduction to lw drawn from the

lust Hi-iilciice irt left, we presume, like Lord Tim-

ITS are attain dealt hard blow*, and thla Is aerv- l upon the in an followH : "Whoever runs hi a

knavish lawyer lor succor, as the sheep to the bushes in a storm, must expect lu leave part of bis coal behind him. An lionot lawyer, ami

ill such there are, [note Ibe anthoi'. admission | valulblo member Of Ike eomtaunlly." Ilera la etlihig extracted trom tbe number for 17B0,

eh may in a decree e.iTmole the member* ot

ar^mrc^ipU-'tome''pre*AtTrt-*i anil^/cAinl Court, we will say>«(»."

Hiwr. MhvWrr AT MB VM* *WahEiB*r (IIOBIII. —The iiiiiiitni return of till* day I* t, aaason ol Biiirltoal refreshing to the V n I ver sal 1st denoinltm tion. l.a:-i Sunday the esewcln-a ware ■aasaalry- Interesting in tins place, tlfleen children receiving the ordinance of baptism. The floral decoration * exeecile.l uuythiug wu have aoon for several years. The rostrum around the pulpit was liter- ally IIBU boil ul Sower*, anil arlistioaity liwtooawil in Trout and nioiind taw pulpit was evergreen gru.-eiiill.v entwined wllh lilies, white T>eonlc», ruses of almost every simile and color, and other choice varieties of flower*. There aeemed lo be alnionlan Inter ml liable numlier of vases flanking the rostrum and hvihej w>nlipv*iji<|ilin(r -

robaU* Is- mlUec*!*; ibe Mberal, uflet wkidi «s bees mallchlm. Tiie'treV hand In' meeting

—The Orantl Army Itisl, of this diy, met Wednesday, anil vMed to adjourn their meet- ings in er tbe warm season, and will not assem- ble again until tho last Wednesday m August

in*. Ig, This liiuee .>jiicbido.|, Uie ohd.lfea raoriv ,e rite of kiuVliMiiJW hlih wa- a vfrf iln,f'»«(' ■reiiiony.' Mt»v tiTefvAt piayer*jf the paste

he blictly addresro.l the large congregation . Ibe Importance of properly observing "

Will uontjutic ihelr etforts for its success through tin- MuiuiiiT. The Iklr will bo held duriug'ihc Ihlrtl week of-OctolsBT, anil It is proposed lo

.make It an Hllair that will excel tbe effort or i four years ago. Circular* from the committee

will soon be Issued to the various churches oi tho citF.upon -which tbe ooiaradM dpnena kugu* ly (or the MeceU oftbe nmlertakhrg. ' '■

—The wo»k ut lay ing the water-pipe an Broad way Is now wring on satisfactorily. The strike of last week was of but lillla iuviiBYeslfnec lu the roirtrfietor.., who nudilv routid men Willing tosupple ihc phu-e* MiUie uriknr*. V lie strike was made without any notice to Ihe employer, whose lirst iiiiiinntii.il of ibe fart was on hi* **-- rival from Lowell on Thursday forenoon, Imt only Icili' ail.i/eii men were then in the trenches. TIM Commissioner* speak in the high cat terms

iof the contractors, who would employ no men but residents of Lawrence, although they could have any number from out of town who were willing,to Work st less pay. Tbe contractors •re of opinion Hint Lawrence laborers are about us hard s act to deal with a* can lie found.

—Tbcplcnie at TlagRetfB Porid on Saturday, will iloubllos* lie a plessnnt and highly success- ful ulTuir. The i em penmen lodges ul Mctluien and Lowell, have voted i* attend in a body. and while tbe lodges of Ud- ci» did not vtsic to j !lufln; u,, uuie ,. -rtend the picnic, wc are informed by inlhieu 4 foihid lliein not," nnd opt of i

nl incmhurs thai naariy all the <»np<i Tern- w^hes tbev ileristed. When lie ol.iri- are i|e«ifiHliig tolutteotl.. ShiSd St tliare- llglouM societies are also Interested. In the mat. ter; the Presbyterian society have already dis- posetloi'one hundred tickets, and we learn tbat :bere will lie qmtc a delegation present irom :lu- S.-.-.unl Baptist Society. The rxco ' isis will leave on the regular Lowell train which starts from the north depot at liiilf-past eight o'clock In tho morning, returning about half- past live o'clock In the evening.

—A horse and skeleton wagon stolen

sii[ii.inting Hit- loiht-

ar ranged from Uie

ppoi ranged In ihe loim of basket*, which uiaU-rlally

added to the eSVcl or the ileeoralion. Hut we wuiii-l not loiget m iiiciuioii tlie large floral cro** srtspeutleil frniu the waff al the rear of lue pulpit which was on* ot Urn uiohi notiooahlu fcaUireu of thu large display, composed as it was of tbe

"Wee, modest, crlto*on-tipped flower,"* eon-iarunus Swexig whleh Wo aotlcee] the unpre teutioua mountain laurel. To Ibe ladle* o| the Mieletetlie creillt of the decoratloh shoold IHI liven.' itreuulrod »kill aud weary labor to tier- f.-et ihe iletniU nl -neb A inngiiineent dls|ilay, but tln-re were willing hraru BIH! lian-l* engageil m IbiH labor of love, and the result could bul bu m ilium-. Tlie "eivlee- eoniiiienied With an up proprialiiscleeti.nl In Ihe church ipjartette led hv Mr-Kdg*r Smith, Miss Helen K. Slmniomls, or ganiut, aflerwhieli the KMd l'»alin was read, the sel I iiltciiuaiiigvailh tliepa-lfr in tie Espouses ami f.-llowiiw wliijh selociosV triln the Berip. turi-i. were read, and a prayer offered by the pas- tor. A hymn was then sung and at its conelu- aion Nellie Jenkins caine Inrward lo tbe front if ibe [.ulpii ami neiteil ineieellent taste a piece eulltled the "Chilli's Mi-rliin." The nest exercVc wan hy a class iu charge ol Mrs. fd ill and Kiaery, n h.i recited a floral picie M'lectcil from the "Myr- tle" It was llncly lemlereil. ospaulally tks* (art Uikeu by Sirs. Emery. MissKloia Gnt4er»un re- oiled wilh excellent expression the story of Ihe "lhildicn who wore brouglit lo .lei-us for bis hies*,

included. I '

i Irl- veiex

. , Awsisianl Marshal Sull|. and officers Qoorge W. Llbby and R. Stitli

•F». Tlie 1MWIH1 Mil.-i I. kuo-n lu i„. ,-,.,■ tkiton, a iiuloilutis churacler, who b*s |iut ju»t cojthpleted a term of a year's imprisonment for a similar oiieiicr. Katon was alwnt tbe elly

ilruuk, t'rlday afternoon, and ln.ui. .1 the stolen \e*tti to a bar-keeper named Hvan, wbo, think lug il was a poor gig which wouldn't carry two, rigged a board oujl on thlcha comradeaamod Barry look passage, and tho two went to tlie Temperance picnic st Policy pond: The A«- fdiKiiu Marshal recognized the stolen property by the descriptions received of It, and ihc two Sdlceftteri mentioned took posecs"»Ion

be (Stale Police, in whose hand* tbo case wa* Brit placed, were hunting the thief on Saturday and Siuiii.iy, and thus tnr without succees.

Francis P. Wyse, a prUoncr at the House i CofteCrlon In ml-dty, has mnnaged to es- . from that Inslitutloii, Jiist in reason to

celebrate the glorious fourth, and Is wanted by the ihcriff. WyW is e Nova PcoUan, and by

"wjt"-^101' * UHhermnn, and bus been In ibe II. ' i bo U about forty-seven years of ago,

and nine Inches high, light brown hair, moustache, and both arms and hack

marked w/t»h,Lliulls Ink. A reward of thirty (oDars Is offered fur bis arrtaU Hi- m.t tn-

itotit thai-.prisoner* esenpc In-iu Ihi*carefully gun nl, .1 Institution, but just at lite present lime facilities for escaping are unusually good. EJ- tcntlvc additions and alteration*!*** being made- t{> do-jail, aadtbodoancctioTi of a BV* wing lo nn- north side of the main halhfiirg, with the tearing out and pulling town neccmry, aim the pmnnets Isrtler than nsual 0]inoriiiinn. , to vLudo tho vigilciicc of iho (ifllccu. ,

f —On HMnrdsy, the cfiildrcn ami sociefy of

tot C tap,' eeleh thu i pceiipatl I Nav, V. fast

tht First Unitarian Clitifch of.. one or Iho most pleasurable


by, enjoyed les held lor '■■ stfcathkr nunv a

S*s*a«," 'Cfcvit, dark/ ww'VbiirterVftir"no day te er-™'

i f.. . .-..„! --^.. ■ M I I .1 L.. II 11 I | Ul|.

_ be plcnBorc seeker* uptheMer- rlniach slHwrt three miles V> a place called "In'

aTbnnu} qn«m,"ioqf ol ike most rhaimkta; i on HM river, N Here they partook of a re-

I prepared by the ladles and gentlemen-or io party, after which the usual sports that at-

"i'«"i«°'- nil. II Wcmo mil «„„„Bli f„r d.nrt.s, .»J, l„

Mnu of un amt^ntsm imili. tJKZSr. '*l were agrpr.l In vollna tilt; pj.nlc 111, most noMIhl ever lull. • tiicM Jli KCK til

EI5ff ' onangciiients. I'uittr, Kuki'.liver kjlloT. Wlu »rlM„,| » |,|„,.' n,,,,',,;!,!,,!

;.",!aw,!"ia'!*niT.'iz'j'S' alblnir lair Hie iilioai. ..r uu ...

large i t properly nlirervlna Ihe day.

■■ of the excellent a'

day became lu-i-iriiicee. Kroni the tiui.' that *e*a* tootr Hule ebildren l'i his m in- inn] Idc-sed them to tha prcs-

■luiil ehali((e foinu • I lo tbe place they

--..-OTT&iifc, in Ids ]aiini> by In uiKing these llitle ones

IO him for a blesslnKi bul ho said unto them, me unto me and

. -. ilcJ'riciici) to hi* iv 1.1 it-.- ihev F|>. ir-ii-,1. When he had passed on fill >m the M rii IM of eai lb lu a men pure they forgol • 'iln U.-aehingson this point, but as the

tho church "

Ml': i In! Il ritu or biipilsiii uii tliis iKi-nriion hut all, and I IiOtte.l theiii lo remcinber this day and It* assoel- fBoiif, IbiuuKhoiit all their I've* wherever lln-lr

S might bo cast in luturo years, lie thanked Hum fur limit willinanuss Ui make aaerlfloe* that

v mih'lit be able to I" their part toward* inak- ttila day a, pripfltakk one for all, rWhe wa*

...J aware that their time was taken up In other iltreeliuiis and that the dLilies of life pressed a* ' "~vily upon them HH upon older person*. Some

Uiey n im.- thi well i, •Itrecli. heavily Up

liumbtu way what our Heavenly Father Is doins;

h*n-fi crealcil a wnrlil"devoid oi Ix-auty, "wiliioiii a flow**- at all," but isnilis wlctom be had ehoaen to ilo i.thi'rwise. In elnsbiji he spoke of Ibpsr who within Uie p*Kt year had passed on from fills ,...ciel.> Jin.lMni.liiy M honl to tho higher life. We ftirget lliein not on ihin j,,} „„„ measlon, and may wo .ill In- llll.'.l II.U noli iljr liie1-ihnu--liere Imt jU,,-,,,,,,,,^^,^.,, „^*.|i,*„

The services closed wllh a hymn ami the bene- niolloii. In the evening the flowers and the dec orations appeared If possible to belter advantage lliiiu lo the uinrning. The «* em lac* upeaeri With a voluutary by Ihe rholr. The next ou the pru- gramme was Ihe piece from Ihe Snndsy Be final ll.li'ii' enUili.l -Comuif lo dfsus, orUn- Latt- ilieii-- Mihi-iiin," prefacedwith a ie.,.on-iv - Vice by Siipcrinteuibfiil anil actuwl. all His ehll ihisn (akl'iK part iu th* piece aciuiiltod them. s*lri)a w\-ll. The rcinalmk'r of the evening Was iMvotcd I" millings nnd recUalioB*, etiv Tim emrt or every One was pralseworlhy, the mort noticeable, li*iv*i er, wa* bs rendiag . or Bin* Uardon and the reeihitlous by cjlaral.. Hod well

d Jyrttaie tlnrdnn. The service* elrSnM wllh

Ing by the cbu

lag Ing of araml old "tor DM lion'' ign-gatliin. The beautiful sing

s appreciated I

hUHMAit lliHoo* CitUoas.-J WBh tbo Clvsc uf Ihc school term thi* week, Mr. Barrell wbo loai autumn succeeded Hr. Browner a* master of fho Oliver Grammar School, retire* from «iat position, and the school committee have unaolmonily elected to the vacancy, Mr. Berk n. Warren, now haling charge or the tfmj|im 'hool at niouceslcr, and pleasantly known to many of our reader* as the former nrthcipal.uf the JUgh^chool la Molhuen-wl-ui, .

he c«lsmlis|ed|iiu)cu|lsii«>4iiUtiorIs/d leal I tainly bad uno of the best school* or its ii*e in

Mr. Warren ha* also given unlvcr-

._ la re- leased with reluctance by our Uluuccslor weigh-

-Yesterday afternoon, in the U<!ltN.l I

avi|raw.A":.TOi, class, Joe ilipley took first money, Tontine JWJa second, and Alice third., Ia the running race, Ilrst money was won iiy Crow* Meat, second by Neil Hanlon, and third by Tom

SST-a Had itlTATH Y A ti


I (luring bin absence, e Scotland mum have

■ward fj. rUytiioud, By, Michigan,fur bta Mar, accompanied by

r. Raymond

I * The &i\dovei< fttoettijet FRIDAY MORNING, JULY 3, 1874.

The will of the 1M« Charles Cutnmings lias been net aside by the Probate Court.

Kur. Btuart riu-lp». of llils town, b>a re- ceived from Yale College, the degree of Ph. I).

Arthur I". Taylor, of tbik town, «u suiting the graduates at Dartmouth College, last weak.

The anniversary oxer-cine* of the riant week have bMn largely attended and unusually in- tercut ing.

Mrs. Elizabeth P. Mean* lias presented to the writer a heautimi ornamented brouit ink- stand, for which aba will please imp thauke.

Itev. Solomon Peck, I). I), died at Rochester N. Y., June 16th, at tbe age of 7-1. He mar- ried a daughter of the late Samuel Karrar, Ksq., of thla town.

,' Jauiii wTt Uie, the Champion checker player, will give an exhibition at tbe room over tbe store of John J. Brown, on Monday evening »«l ttaai 7 to 10 o'clock.'

Mr. Frank D. Keller, of Andover, will be urdalnrd <•> poetor or tbe South Cliureh, Mar- ble bead, on Tueaday afternoon or na-U'week I'r M.u«lnf, of tba OU soatb, Boston, i* c x perleil to'preach the sermon.

Tbe American Missionary for July aeknowl edges among ita recelpti for the Freedmen, lb) following:—Andover, Chapel Chureb, jtlol. Ret". Joeepb' femerson, 8100. lawreneo, tiouth Church and SnbbaB*-, grbocl, -Til.lt>

John Byera and wnarVeturned from an eight months tour In Kuiupa, on the :2Hli uli •re glad to learn that lb* health of Mr. By, has liven greaafy i-tt, and hiit visit to uts f'l-i-Ti exceedingly

We are Indebted HI treasurer of Oeceoul Oo annual report of the fail the roport of the ('eunty is eon of Samuel lUrniuad, Ksrj.,ot this lowi and the fact that he has held hi* office for a long series of yean, Indies!., that he Is a

or the old block" biMswoOntant.

The l*«t hUsahxiary Hera*! acknowledges »i Wot-jr ita raawljitit—Ap*m.r, rc|| ««i congregation, to aiastltiiti- Jueaanit, Mr*. M. E. fork, Mr*. C.

P. Taylor, Ufa* C.K. Jackaort, Ret. E. 1) ■•Am, R*v. u. A. HlRkc and Rev. F. D. Jel- aer, H- M:,#IJ»7,7oi Rllot'cbnrch and aovletr UwfetlCf; •Mr.OV; W. £, Lawrence, «74.

Tb* Andover AMoelatlon of Congregational nitatsitrS ha* licensed the following members of the middle class In the lermnarj, to preach f*j!l!^:"i-I)' Adaaia, R.c. Bedford, W. S. JSugbcy, A- H. M( J. H. callus, J. \\ Cohvell. %. ft. Katoa, c. E. Gordon, C. W O-drdm J.L. mil, j. A. Kaley, P. j. Harsh K, Parker; W. A. Rniid. C. II. J. Ropes. T F WjUtfll J.U WnUimaon.

Moody lUissell has eocnnieRced Improve- ment*, on the estate next to tbe town bouse, wWohJinrecetrtry pot-chased orUr.'Woodman. It Is tilsdaiLen to raise the main building about {6a*.'%*• *ad Htt » I"** addition on the Twrll side, and* wooden exionston In tbe rear. It will t« admirably itted np for two stores and two tenements. Mr. Rniaell || jast the

man tottaake theneceMarjaJieratljni.and the low price, paid for the property wfll enable blm to make a good thing by tbe operation.

hWMNrtvrlv*- Ret. w. K. a Wrfent, late of Philadelphia, preached at the Free Church. Rer.i. K, Herrtok, of Boston, occn- pled the pahst of the seminary chapel,- and In the afternoon preached the baccalaureate ser- mon before tbe graduating class of lha semina- ry. Ilia subject waa the late Ror. »r. Kh-k, and his text was from 1 Cor. 4 .15; "For though, ye have tbe thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers.' The sermon was very Interesting, and listened to with the closest attention by a Urge audience.

Mr. W. O. T. Crumvine, of the graduating class In the Seminary, kaa accepted a ran to settle aa paator of the church In Waterrllle.Me. Hr*. V,. A. Rentier of tbe same class baa been elected Profeaeor of Mathematics m Dcury Col- lege, Ho. Mr. E. O. Htoiiu of Uie same claw Is engaged to preach at. Some ml lie, N. H., for on year. Mr. 8. E. Fa in—i, of tbe Seminary, has boon licensed to preach by the Wirtnebago Con* venUon in Brandon, Wlaconatn. Rev. Theo. L Day, of Holroke, hat recelted a call to settle as iiastor oT the chorch in West Boxford.

Tbe united anniversaries of the Porter Rhe- torical Society and the Hodety of Inquiry, of the seminary, were held at the South Church, on Tueeday evening :-Organ voluntary. Mr. R. M. Downa; music, "Onide me, 0 tbou Great Jehovah," Miss Men-lain, Mil* Montague, Mr. Waters,'Mr. Rentier; Oration, "Congregations, Patt end Present," C. Ji. Brainerd; oration, "St. Paal, the Second," H. P. Nichols ; mnslc, "Oaralry 8png,~ Lockbart Society; oration, '• The Present Spiritual Forces Adequate to the Conversion or tbe World,*" F. D. Kelaer; music. "Soldier'a Adieu," Locahart Society; oration, " Coleridge as a root," 8. 8. Mathews; muaic,"JleanB, Lov«r ol my Honl,*1 Miss Mcrrl- am, Hiaa Montague. Mr. Waters, Mr. Benner.

Tbe full and graphic description of tbe late trip ol the Mass. Press Association, by "Bart," In the Au-micAM or last week, and In the pres- ent issue, wilt be read with very great Interest. Tbe distances are added:—

&£i*Ja» -* ■ Q $.""'•■ Ui)ebee|0Ia-IU and Chieoati-ul, 2Stl

d the greater :cn prepared

CblcoattSTback to Quebec, Quebec to Boston via Newport, V t., 460

Whale distaaea travelled, \m

The anneal examination of the Grummar school was bakl am Friday, and occupied tbe entire .lay- A large number of spectators was in attendance la tba afternoon, and the exercis- es were intonating and latlsfaotory. Mr. Mur- ray, teacher ol music In tba school, added a Ideasiagmfc^aettoth^ccalton oy willing mu- sic ufMtn the Macklward, which eras subtciiu'cnt- ly sang by the pupils. Hlu Whltcbouse, the excellent prlnckjial of the school, and Misses Pasbo and Cpoko, her assistants, received valu- able presents from tbe scholars, as testimo- nials of their eatecm. A large clan trill enter the PuBcharl adboal next term.

The graduating exercise* or the Senior class In the FUrtcpard Free Hchaot which occurred on Tuesday afternoon were followed by a recep- tion In tbe evening which waa largely attended. Instrumental music waa furnished by Butter- worth's Band of Lawrence, and vocal muilcby membcra of the school, under tbe charge of tfaalr musical Instructor. Mr. JameB 11. Murray-too nmcjt cannot bo aaM m favor of the quiet but tamest efforts of this gentleman to give a thorough training to tbe scholars In the ele- ments of music, and tbo alnglng dating the even- ing waa highly creditable both to the s-bolars ami their teacher. Tbe beautiful Hall was rilled with a joyous throng la which the yonng people seemed to predominate, and tbe festivi- ties were continued to a late hoar. The fol- lowing membera of the school were perfect In deportment and were not absent, tardy or dis- missed during tbe term; Mary A.Burnbam, Hat. tie K. Carter, Katie Donovan, Geo. D. Millet, Liana) A. Peeao, Wm. George Poor, Hannah M. Rollings, Ira Abbott, Matfie Barry, Fannie N. shannon, Arthur W. While, Carrie Allen, Ada A. Durban, Joseph II. Clark, Annie 8. Da- vis, Addle L. Katon, Hennetta, Holt, 8«nh A. Jefferson, Martha A. Aiv.ee, Datld Klnlay, Ut- tio L. Head, Lucy W. Thayer. Cbarlea I. White, Annie K. Willey, He... P.Mlllett.

The far-seeing and noble genamslly which provided tbe Punchard Free School aa one of tbe abiding institutions or learning for which our town so justly stands celebrated, is, we are glad to see, well appreciated by our Clliaene. Were there no other evidouce, the Urge and appreciative gathering which filled the spacious hall of thu school at tbe etosing exercises of the year on Tuesday afternoon, Is ample testimony, 1 ho ball waa tastefully adorned with hsiooni and flowers. Conspicuously In front waa sus- pended tbe nun*), "Alia Peteni," just above which a golden arrow, speeding heavenward, conveyed the'Itseon td'ttlntBIgh"In life's great work. An oral examination ot the clanes In history, botany, English literature and French, occupied a ponton of the time, ami was fol- lowed by tho composUU>|i| of tbo graduating class, in tbe order indlcatad i—" Waaaan among the Greeks end Romans," Lillie Remington Hammond - "The mlcroecope vs. the teles rope, Charles Samuel Howard) "Thoreau," UaUle Adelaide ('leuinnti "Tbe^SWllan vespers,' Kuima Augusta Morse; " Cornelia," Alice Downing Donald i "National melodies," Willie Francis Hlchnrdaon- "Modem chTtalry,-* Mary Alice llHrtiharaj 'ipossllillltles,"—with the Val- edictory, fondle Townu Uamnoad. The part- ing hymn, words end mnslc by James R. Mur ray, teacher In the school, was sung with tine effect. Rev, Charles Smith, president or the trustees, addressed the graduate* In appropri- ate remarks, urging upon them consideration*

j of the importance of life's usefulness for which the by the culture ol tbe full joyed in the school. Tbey were then severally presented with diplomas, end the interesting occasion closed with prayer And the baaed! tlon by Rev. James Thomson. Tho graduutcs were cordially congratulated by their ntimer OUR friends for the gratifying evidence exhibit ed of the thorough training received and the prolicicncy made.

One of the largest and pleanantcst private .:.uI..-,-.,...-. of the season assembled at the old homMcud ot William Jenkins, Bat"., on T day evening, It being the i>evenly-nintb n vcraary of his birthday. It wax a spontaneous outpouring ol hli ucighlmr* and friends, took this opportunity to testily their reaped for a life-long resident among them, who hni

it lively Interest and home a prominent part In all matters of publh Tbere were about two hundred persons present, and cordial sociability and mutual congratula- tions occupied tbe pacing hours. Tbe bran band volunteered their service* on the occe

ind discoursed fbelr choicest uirs tu tbt delight of all tislenet*. Ample tables were bountifully spread witln. an elegant collation which included the luxuries ot tbe aeoson as well au more 'substantial viands, and was adorned with bcautitul flowers. After a prayer was offered, a splendid liouquet, tastefully arranged liy the ladies, which contained seven- ty-nine flowers, was presented to Mr. Jenkins by ime of tbe company, accompanied by re- marks suited to the occasion. The recipient accepted the gift in appropriate expressions of appreciation and gratitude. A deed or tbe old farm to Mr. Jenkins' grandfather, 120 years ago, was read, which contained some queer pbroaeology, hut It language could make a conveyance unquestionable, there can he no doul>t of the perfect validity of the title. I'pon one of tho tables we noticed a liberal sized loaf of frosted cake having a card upon it. Iiearlug the following inscription:

17DJ. William Jenkins.

I8T4. Tbe whole company were plentifully served

with the rcpait, and the supply was more than equal to the demand. At a late hour the com- pany reluctantly dispersed, nml will long cher- ish pleasant recollections of one of the most enjoyable occasions of life's experiences. Not- withstanding our Iriend Is fust approaching his fbnr score years, he still retains In a remarka- ble degree, bis wonted vigor, both mentally and physically, and Ibis " sunny side" expres. slon or good wilt for him on the part of many ot bis numerous friends, will no doubt greatly cheer and illuminate his future pathway in life.

The Order of Exercises at the Klxty-tdxlh Annlvcrsary of tbe Theological Seminary, J-ily 2, 1874, was as follows: I

Israel's God, a Person, Charles It. Seymour. The relations of Satan to human Sin as dis- closed In the Hew Testament, Edward P. Wheeler. The Adaptation of Truth to the Cotistltntion of the Mind, Klisba P. Falcs, Jr. Doctrinal Theology tho safeguard of the Preach- er, Henry L. Kendall. Why is tbo Virgin Mary worshipped r Charles L. Hall. Tho Stoic Rule of Lite, Edward A. Benner. The Preach- ing of Christ in Japan, Joseph Nee-Slma. Tbe Province of Imagination in Persuaalon, Joseph B. Seabury. Church Work, and its Inllucnce on tho Ministry of the Future, James B. Oregg. Closing Hymn, sung by the-elass. ' The Grad- uating Class was as lollovn :—

Sidney E. Bailey, Saxton's River, Vt.; Kd- ward A. Benner, Lowell; John T. Crumrinc, Lindiy'e Mills, Pa.; Kllsha P. Fales, Jr., Wrenthnm; Cbas. Nelson Flanders, Haverbill, N. H.[ James Bortlett Gregg, Andover; Charles L. Hall, New Yotk City; Geo. Milton Howe, Oxford; Frank D. Keisey, Columbus, O.; Henry I- Kendall. Harrington, K. I.; 8. Sbcrbeme Mathews, Boston; Joseph II. Sea- bury, New Bedford; Kdward B. Sellers, Do*- ton; Charles It. Seymour, Koolstu-vn, O, John K. Smith. Obcrlin, O.; Kdwln C. Stickcl Dccalur, III.; Edward (i. Stone, Warren, Ct.; Charles L. Tomliieu. West limokneld; Kdward P. Wheeler, Belolt, WM,i I-evoroU 8. Wood- worth, W. Williamsfleld, O. Joseph Nec-Rlmn, Ycddo, Japan, (Special course).

The address Iwfure tho" Porter Rhetorical So- ciety was delivered at hair past 3 o'clock, Wed- nesday afternoon, by Dr. A. P. Peahody, of Harvard College, who presented to an atten- tive audience a clear and vigorous statement of the sources of evidence common to cbiistlanity and science. He insisted on (he distinction be- tweeu scientific hypothesis and scientific knowledge, and showed that tbe latter, which alone can claim our attention as a possible an- tagonist or Christianity, !■ founded npoti the same kinds or evidence, from tcstlm'ony, experi-

1 intuition, which are the pillars ot our Christian faith. Standing side by side, upon

same firm foundations, Christianity should feor science, nor science despise Christiani-


Sunday, Juno 2.1th, was tbe twenty-third inlvcrsary of the Sabbath school at Prye

Village. Tbo ball was very beautifully decora- ted with laurel and a prolusion of roeea and flowers gathered from many homes in tbe Ul- lage. Facing the entrnnce to tho hall WHS the motto, "1 am the true vine," In gilt letters, «n a black grouad, bordered with delicate vines. The subject for the evening was tbe "Garden of the Lord," a concert oxcrclsc consisting of reci- tations aud passages of scrlpturo in beantlfnl harmony with the decorations of the hall, and the affluence of foliage and flowers at this sea- son of tbe year. Alter the concert by tbe chil- dren, tho teachers from tho seminary were called upon for a few parting words, before leaving for vacation. Mr. Parker wai flret called, who, after a Tew words to tho school, turned to Messrs. Bugbey, Eaton and Bedford, and began to address tbom in bcbair ot the school. In tbe meantime John Bell had played the maglclan'a part, and caused a stand laden with books to appear on tho platform. Theae Mr. Parker proceeded to present lor tbe icboot, to Messrs. Uugbey, Eaton and Bedford. To Mr. Bugbey, Gibbon's "Rome" and Longfel-

"Dlvino Tragedy;"to Mr. Eaton, Dante's poems in three beautiful volumes; to Mr. Bed- ford, Shakespeare's complete works in twelve finely bound volumes. In rjturn Mr. Parker was presented with eight volumes or Carlylc's works, and Mr. Dyer with Dante's poems. The officers and teachers In the school, for tho year, have been as follows: Superintendent, Mr. Bedford; assistant superintendent, Mr. Don- ald , secretary, Mr. Bell; treasurer, Mr. Geo. Barnard; organist, Mr. Bugbey ; chorister, Mr. Eaton , treasurers, Mrs. Torr, Miss A. R. Hns- aey, Miss Jennie Smith, Miss Nellie Morrison, Mill Katie Poor, Miss Jennie (Jrcaves, Messrs. Barnard, Hughey, Parker, Dyer, Bedford. Of the young men from tbo seminary, Messrs, Parker, Bugbey and Bedford !,avo been two years with tba school. Messrs. Dyer and Eaton each one year. Now comes vacation till the opening of the next seminary year, and with It

the breaking up uf many pleasant asso- ciations. Universal regret is experienced at the loss of Messrs. Parker and Bugbey. Both bavo gained tho love and good will of tbe peo- ple, aa It baa been the lot of but few to do. To Mr. Eaton we all feel that we cannot express too much gratitude; he has taught even tho dullest of us to sing, and he has proved to as all that there are songs of the soul. Wu can- not forget him or the culture he has added to our lives. Mr. Dyer, it la hoped, will return next rear. The other three young men close their connection with the school. But two years of Intimate labor with such kind ami generous people as arc those of Fi cannot ha thoughtlessly laid aside creaaily for- gotten. Tbe ready and skllllul hands, the bill- ing hearts ot teachers and scholars, tbe kind- ness and hospitality ol fathers and mothera, are thoughts that will be carried away by nil who now leave Prya Village; and huw (ar they will Ire carried, how widely scattered: And thus one after another, are tbo pictures of memory drawn.

The Abbott Academy lias celebrated its forty sixth anniversary dnrlng the present weak. Tim examination of the under classes, which took place on Monday and Tuesday, showed that tho thorough drill for which this seminary is noted, is still maintained. Bnt tbe chief Interest cen- tres, as usual on those occasions, upon the senior class. The present class hoj paid special alien tlon to tho study of arts, and tbe examination of the class on Tuesday morning exhibited a cgree ol familiarity with the subject rarely

aeon, we believe, In any of our academies. A discussion by members ot the class on tba quee- tion, "Is Christianity favorable to the ine arts,' an Wednesday, showed still further and thor- ough acquaintance of tbo disputants with thla subject. The examinations of tbo senior class in Horace and tho senior class in French were hlgbly satisfactory. The hall was lilted to its uttpost. After the discussion, reading of com- positions and music at the Academy, the school and audience adjourned to the Sooth Church to hear the closing address by Professor I.. Clarke Beely, President of the now Smith College soon sp be erected in Northampton. Professor Secly argued admirably and eloquently lor the hlghcr

culture or women, presenting some of the sub

. . ■

Mantle]practical advantages flowing from It After dinner the retiring class planted a class vine with appropriate ceremonies in the Acad- emy grounds. All the exercises passed most pleasantly, aud leavu ibo Impression that the Insiitullou was never more useful or more. cfB- clently conducted than at the present time. Its grounds are truly beautiful. Within tbe past year the hall has been refitted, and is now one of the finest in town; addition! have been made during the year to the cabinet* of Natural His tory, consisting of a collection of stuffed birds from Africa, India and Australia; these wore presented by tho Rev. 11. J. Bruce, of India; a seal from Labrador, by the Rev. Thomas Rob- In son ; several other contributions have lieen lately made to the institution, among them a portfolio of Raphael t works recently published by Osgood & Co., presented by the graduating class; funds for a spectroscope,by MissDwighl, a pupil of the school; a patent of nobility Im- pressed with the seal and autograph of Maxi- milian II., dated 161B, and valuable for Us anti- quity, by Col. Ripley. Diplomas were presented as follow!;

t.'i-ii-iii.'tui'i Class, Ftetf evnrfat.—Charlotte C Adams, Itolhstou; Helen llaillcU, I'evria, 111. Mary C. Cressy, Brunswick. Me.; Lli-abetli IV, iiHldard.C'lareiaont, N. H.; Uaima A. Uordun,

ter, Kli/a C. ttriuit, .-inriuiilleld ii, Middle-on; Mary Klla Xoyrs, J.ojidaff,

N. H.; Alke U. PagsL Con way; Clara J. Putter. Mennoii Middle-on, Mary Klla Soyes, Lotidaff,

, „leeu. Pagft Qaawari Clara J. Patter, BaneMJ BUxabetFaL It wd.lt rook Held; I'tiebe M. nvkea, SufllL-ld, Ct.; Katie I.. Til den. Krone, X. 11.; Emma S. Wilder, tntwaluine, Natal, South Africa; Ixubclla Wihou, Stoiif-hlon.

Stnlvr rtuas V« Lo/sa.-Eltsabnth P. Abbott, hllen R. Cbaiuberiin, Barn B. Urinrs, Anna A. Hodges, Olive N. TwitehelL

well, Anna It. CurtJn. Harriet t.. Cutler, Nnrah It. Uiirrlv, Mary f. Bedugton, Annie E. Read, llara V .S|>aiiMiiur, Olive N. Twltobcll.



It will 1H' K'"nt new - IIml [In- in,HlcriiO<]ii<r

i look out for the tax bills. ■inidcti.I Ihelr labors, and he rate for the present war. a our lax paying eitUcns eotaae of toot year Is about

the figure lor l-;t. f. iM' EXCLUSION.-The varinua bands undi

the tutorship of Mr. W. H. Ripley, of \VakcHel< united in a grand excursion down the harbor u Thursday the id. Our Cornet band With some of tholr numerous friends, was among tbe number, participating. The iMinds, eight in number, con- solidated in llayiuarkct Moan and m are Ins I to ■'ie boat and emi'mrktxl for Downer.Lnmling,where

concert try the united luiud-, h.-Wtlons by each, anting, Dahlng. bathing, Ac. tilled up the duv.

How nre wished mr hair wasn't so snsjy, so Unit !, ua in ill i

o wished our bai. ... weeimldhe young and belong to thu band, aad j.luy ibi.-inu-ic. and attract nil the pretty girts


ipletedthe following p gnu ii me lor the eelelirati.ni of the ninety-eighth mill I'Vt-.irv of Amurii'ii u linlinwinti.n,-,. 'Hi' f bells at sunrise,

eh ci^lilli Itmxinu

n procession will Is- formeil in l.iL-i-rtv S.|uer«, h tbe following: Chief Marmal imd Aids, ItalkVd Vals UorniK band, boani ofeiiginoers, lire depait- ineiit, townollle.-ivninl otln-i invited guests, cav- alcade of citizens. Antiques and Horribles mo ed, Ciilitbumpiaiis on foot, cltiscns goucrally. process Ion will march through the principal streets and return to l.il.criv Si|inue, where It Will be viewed and dismissed-

At eight oVmrk—Rand concert ami other ox„. rises, as follows: Music, prayer, music, reading of the lk-c-lni-atlno ol ltnb-]K-ndciiee, music, volun-

tals, and even the lie lien in.-miking of eaU'ringtlui tub races; in fact, evervthing betokens an old lii-liioni d time, nml such as I' " ble of originating.

Bahard Vale, July 3d. IfTi.


Saturday attlieb place, aud resulteil hi tsvm

oatly RnglU lasers. Cm

CTANDINQ OBA88 AT AUCTION. OWIIlbe sold at public auction, on Monday. July Mli, l-:t. atSo'cIoek r. M., all the Crast Unding on almut 50 Acres, known aa the " Dnn- el itca-Farm," Iwloaglng lo Moses T. Htevons, K-.|., ami sltuatad near tba residence- of Col.

■— Hutton, la No. Andorer. Bald Urass Is *>- WU1 be sold In lots, to suit pur llUonsatMlA

J. r. AI.I.EK, Auctioneer. Morth Andover, July 1, 1974. Ht

A UCTION HA1.KS BY QKo" POSTEIL i V On Monday, July 0th, at I o'Qloc.k, p, M„ on the pi-emises, all the grass standing on tho (n »r the late Charles Cumininga. On Wedi ■lulyath, ats o'clock iMi., nil Uw grass ... MI in of Kltoueier Jenkins, and silnaled near hist ri'iddencr-. At 4t o'clnek p. H., same [lay, BIHIII- I acres nf Fiiglish ara-s on land of the late Jos

di Holt, situated near the rosldeneo, and t; aores Moadow grass in Kails woods will be sold at

Andover, July 8,187L ft

F'OR'SALE. One Dt-acli wagon. Built b> A. l.athropa A Co. Knuuire of W. II.

Hin-ti, West Anduver. JulylUti


CHMB SALE CHEAP. I One second hand Whoeler A WiliSon, famlly

Sewiiighlaihinu, higoodrunnirgonlcT. Address " " HOT I to Amlnver, JuoelU, 1H7I.

WANTED. '>'• years of age

Apply t<> V'. A E. Rallcy A Co.. ],<

A YOUNG MAN ABOUT years or age to learn thn apothecary

■ - - it..,i, .- *»'.r i ..—,,f

dmisslon tu the Punchard l-'roe School, Will lake lace In the school room, on Monday, July Hth, 4-Klnnlng precisely at nine o'clock A.M. Camil- la ten are examined in the whole of Colbuns' Mental Arithmetic, and in Eaton's Arithinctc, as far as Involution; they must he able to an- swer the most Important questions In Modern Ucograpby, and must haveasuillcieut knowledge In English (irammar to parse common sentences In prose; they must bo able to read correctly flaently, to spell all words ol common ••< reje, and to write n, fhlr hand. Applicants must furnish. ecr'iilcMtcsiViim parents or guardians that they have reached the ago of at least twelve years, and from some MOCIKU- that they hare the requisite knowledge lor ndinlsslon to U" so hoot.

WM. O. COl.DMMITH. Principal, ilover, Junelltli, lHTt.

The subscriber has a supply of COAL of differ! (brent sires and quality, which he will furnish

unera at a reasonable, price ami short notion. Orders may be left at JOHN 11. ciiANui.KK'S I'erieilhal Store or at my residence.

JOHN CHANDLER. Andover, Sept. 6)871.- J

BOOTS AND SHOES. Tbe subscriber has o|iened a boot and shoe

store SI his shop on Main street, where he intends to keen for sale a full assortment of liui host ar- ticle* In bis line of business. Repairing done at short notice. A share of the public patronage Is --■lectiully solicited.

idover, May W, IHI*. KBEN B. TYLER. uayllTur *

WF. 8HEPARD, M. D. • Hawseea-aathlst.

Itesldonee and Oiilee at Mr. Nathan Kiln's Main .j-eet orders mar Ise left at the olBco or the Kim House. Andover, June Ii, JH;I. I

COPIC VIEWS of piibllu buildings in Ando -, and a good assortmsnlof other views. Also

Stereoscopes,Chrouins, Pictures, Frames, lirork. ate, Cartidns, r'lxtures, < •nls, etc. ii*. v siuuiih, i iiiun'i, • •

Aixlover, Jane it), 1BT1.


OerraUM tiftht American.

MiviiiHii.i., MASH.,July 1,1X71. ie eighteenth anniversary of the Haver lull I Hch.ml (Hcurrcil yesti-rday, tho exercises ng place in the < llv Hull, which was nlhd to

. .Mowing unit hundreds were uiiablu to Main adtalssliMl.

An in ten-ding programme; cinliracing deelaius- tlons, naaays, ami vocal and InslruinenUI nni.i.% sl exercises, was suceessflilly carried through, after which Rev. Dr. llosworth. In the abseiiee of bis Honor tho Mayor, ismwirred diplomas on the following graduau-s, twenty in number: llatlle I. Hrlckcll, EllaO. Cliesley, /.ella.I. Currier.Hat- lie K. Kleu her. M. Ida Spragi - ' Hlancho I. Llbbey, Carrie 1

'lie. Annie It. Kellci, __._ II. Moore, HaUle K.

Potter, Margaretie Kerry, S. Agnus Perry, Clara C. Ilatnes.fi. lttlallnk-bs. Praiiertta K. Hoii.ton, Mary YV. Johnson, Ueo. W. Hlaisdcll, George K- Kuierson, Marcus I.. Kmerson, Oeorgu E. Per- ' Ins, .lames IL Kftrka-

Twnoftltc young men will enter college; Gee, W. Ulalsdell going to Harvard and Ueorgu K. Emerson to Hartmoutli.

Tho school for Hie year has tmen under the man agomentorlforace K. Itartletl. Princlnal; wltli A. L. Bartlett, Harriet O. Nelson. Mary K. Itart- letl, and Carrie Moore, Assistants. Tho musical department of Ibis, as of all the rest of the city schools, has been under the 'direction of Mr. Mr. W. Keves, and instruction in Freur.h, (iurmou and eli" nlion under Prof Paulbabcr.

The prexenre of most of the members of the School 1'ommlttee, and many prominent citisenn to listen Li the anniversary exerrlses Indicated a lively public. Interest In thesrhool. Among those on the platform wore ex-Mayors WhitlUr and Taylor, Hon. lleorsn Con-wall, Eev. Calvin Terry and the teachers or the (Trammer Schools.

'' evening tho Alumni Associnli.ni roeeired i-niis at the City Hall, which was tl I a re.union »f many old friends In the

- -of asocial,cksuty hour. The nwttviuo* ol IIH. evening were conclude)! with a social donee, Williams' quadrille bond annptylng tho music, The Hall was handsomely >l«cor«tnl with evergreen aud Qowers,


Hi . . hurt vacation. He will apaarl ....

lime In Canada and Northern New York. Mean- time, Rev. Mr. I'nwker, of the Congregational i inn ili will supply his pulpit.

HH. A. .1. 8M.VRII, living on the old "C lend en hi plio-e" has Jnstculllte heavirsi clusrerwa ever aaw. It Is o'stlmateil to average 3 tons IHI sere. Alter IHIIIIK cut the "swaths'* lay In big heaps at least n f>*H thick, and II required a goixl deal of work to curt It ennugh to liaul In.

HOT W-cATiiKH Isupon us, and It see ins in Intense, coming so suddenly. The tempcral for the last few days has reached n aaailmun !i7" in the shade In this village. The highest eroge, however, Is Ms. Crass is In prime order for the srvthe and tlie sounding blades must very soon sweep down tho precious burden.

W -|. ||. HTOTT, while driving Mr. Pondergost1

horse, thn other day, cunie virry near visiting tli Ink-ripr of C. M, Vittum's stere. Tbe horse, he- ciuidng uunianaguable. ran directly towards the Open i|otir-;wayr and mshing wKli mad rone, thrust his head nml neck in-ide, liut his f«-t i-iileliiiig on U|e staps i-bH-Li'd lilai suddenly and he rolled over on his side, when Mr. H. lea|*,| out and secured blm. It was a narrow escape from BIT I mis Injuries,

Exceiaioa I.IUK.E m tiood Tereplars held its first anniversary on Wednesday evening, June 'Jllb. A gnodlv ooaUMWy WM present, including mem hers of the order from Melhuen, North 8a leas and sfwatistaan, as well as many ladles and Eon-JetD.cn not ronneeled with it. The ossenihlv

Biiig called to oriler by A. 11. Merrill, p. W. C. r., the oiHining ude of the ritual was sung, and then the Rev. Mr. Uowker offered prayer, after which the reverend gentleman mode an eh>iueul address. Mr. O. I. Poster played on the organ some excellent music, while the bappy throng* promenadou arouud the hall. Mr. Adams, of Aycrs Village, vo|unlceri<l to make a speech and sbij a song. The song, "Don't marry a man if he drinks," was capital, and "brought down the house" in rounds ot enthusiastic, applause, which were only silenced by Ills niugiug again. The lin-rary budget contemplated was omitted, on ac- count of the absence of certain members. The tables for refreshment were well patronIzod, and the ice creams, cake, and slrawtierries mutthe rei quirementa of the guo-l*. A "well" of ice water; supplied with mugs and pitcher, furnished drink free to all. The crowning glow of tho evening was the coatee t for the prise, a pair of silver gob- hi-, nehlj eiigi-m.-il sn.l h i \mh gold. \ oliiig l>i. Ki.-~.-eil Mou-lv until II o'.-.i.M-k. when tin- r- sorves wuro brought up and the light began good spirit. It was evident that no Lodge eon win, and so tho names of two ladles, the one M H in. Burns of Splcket Lodge, the other, Mrs. M. Vittum of Kxeclslor Lodge, were toted Ii Atone u, arler before 1'J, when the voting of asa- the vote was counted, and Mrs. Hums declared the winner. The count was as follows Ptdelia Loilge l.Mrs. Bell Vittum I, Mrs. C. O. Kelly i, pah Lcslge 13, Kxcelslor Lodge ML Mrs. C. M. \illum 3*i, Mrs. Wm. purns 810. Tbe entire proceeds of the evening were in the vicinity of one hundred dollars, over half of which wilf be left after deducting expenses.

Civil Engineers, etc., situation wanted. Ex- perienced Laud Surveyor, Draughtsman, &e. Address "Matbeoon," Toil Office, Lawrence, Mass, lit*

Tbe attention of our readers is called to the udvertiseinont of tho " Old Boston Ilrewery," lo another column.

Japanese Stripes at llrron Truell & Co's, for 20 cents per yard, to cloic. Also a beautiful lot of Fans very cheap.

* IUB Wouiis Invigorates the Liver. J30-Jly


I. O. op O. K.-The following omeers" ideal of t u>i> . mm Lodge, were installed on ""' evening: N. U..W. II. II.ley; V. Q., y ■i.-i.-i in. .fohn Monroe, Jr.; Treat

The valuation of Real estate e7I.Vt!0. Personal, »J>.i:n.

' Number of polls, 030. last

frest, V*LI"ATION.

III'tin- town, _ making a total $l.uvl,t.~. . Tim AnsessorV result shows an Iuurease assestment of $3110,01*). Tbe rate of taxation Is • IS per tlmuhnn.t dollars.

8-INH ur TlarMUna--Tho oRb-era of Plural Division, Son, ot Temperance, were Installed on Thursday evening, and their names ure as ml '-•e-- V,", P it. U. Poster; W. A., K. H. hanlels;

. J.W.Musury; A. IL M.,8. J. Taylor; P. S., Plorei.ee.Tames; Tios-iirer, Hntiie Noyes; Cliap- lain, J. P. Jackson; Con., C. S.Jtiwelt; A. Cou.. Hannahnmbaert I. B., James scrlbnor: I). S., J. A. Banks.

Lottor from Mliino!*of».

>mlnice of th* American, BuowN'e CiiuNrr, MIVMHIU,

In the heart ef tlie dark and bloody ground where, twelve years ago the Bioui laili- mo. made thai lust and must des|iuratii effort to roll liaek lite wave of advancing civilUalioti, it has boon my good fortune to spend a month of Hie noon the border (if the good -wonlu will al- low the term).

Tire horrors of that massacre which sent the pioneers of a wide region berealmnta flying from Uielr fancied security to the border town of Now Urn and the guns of Port Ridgely, only twelve years ago, may not he fresh in tho minds uf east- ern people, but, a sojourn among these old set- tlers, many of whom fled liefore tho treacherous and relentless foe, will serve to renew recollec- tions of that latest general outbreak of savage life. Tlie execution at Uankato of thirty-six St- age leaders In tin. 1.1 Is outbreak, shortly after the Inauguration of President Lincoln, Is well re- membered. Alt the efforts that philanthropic sen. timenlalism could bring to bear on the Baft heart of the good President were used sole.tsen the mini ber of tbe victims; lint nearly two score of war- riors were at last led to execution. A wild wall

launched from the drop and hung uuivering In mid-air 1 Thus was the wrath oftbo plundered borderers In some measure appeased. Unards were placed over the deed warriors on tlie night of the execution, and the rigor of military dlsl- K'ine Intervened between tlie inanimate dead and

e living conquerors; yet at next day's dawning but three defunct braves could be aceouuted for, aud those but Inferior specimens or tlie race. It is w hls]iere.l,Uiat there was a gathering of medics students ami of learned men interested In aborig- inal anatomy at Mnnkato nbnui that time, each of whom lord sundry greenbacks and demijohns of whiskey; that sluee that Lmiu the medical offices of thu northwest are well supplied with speci- mens of the framework of the noble rod man; that the guards were afterward" flush of greenback*- of the whiskey—ask thu guards.

This nlack and revolting cloud or war had Ita silver lining, for, among the almost universal treachery or the savages, tbe noble John other- day and a few other friendly Sioux remained faithful to the whites, loading scores of'lhem througb perils Innumerable to safety In the gov- ernment forts. Tho Ueruiau town of New tllm waa the point of attack where tho Indian forces were at fast brought lo hay. not, however, until two-thirds of the town had hem destroyed by X, nod forces sent to the assistance of the tvo-

. Kvidencr* of their iwrtl may still be seen In its neighborhood, and In tin- tall grass uf the sloughs hereal*nits lay wounded amlstarvlng for iloye until thoy might sal.ly run turn forth. This town which has a very pretty location ujmn ter- —■°a of the Minnesota river has a population

tat exolusiveiy Uennan and Scanillnsvlsn. -hhrch service* arc held In Knglish and Kllg-

llnh text iKioks are useil only fur a portion, ami that a small portion ,,i tin- ncholars iu pnhlie

liools. Port Itldgely, seventeen miles west on the Mlu- iat>La river was the tioiat „r attack towards

which tire savages directed their fury In the great outbreak, but the bravery of the garrison and IIMJ strenglh or tho wall withstood all attempts Ie capture. Here, before the rebellion, UMI. Pern- IHI ion ws" in eaninund, and it Is said pursued such n course as u< eiuuuiinge Die outbreak, tieu. Sherman, also, [aet W. T.) had com maud at one lime. It Is quite an extensive and formidablo work, now useless In th* llmltlesa wheat Uelds which surround It and tantalising lolho view of those who gone wistfully upon Its hlstorin walls from the other shin of tlie brfdgeleas, boniluss and not furdable river which rolls before it. This

tew country, ami only a triweekly train runs ward over this branch of the riorthwolcrn

Hallway from Hew rim. The next station ».-t ■ -- llsthu entarprlsing and enphonleus vlllago


K.s.scx , HH.

To ttiellonorablr. Board ortouniyCominl-sionoii for tho County of Essex:

Respectfully repr,-,UntsUie midorHraeil tlial tho Piddle convenience require- the widening and straghtcnhigof Pr-.sr*ci sln« in the town ol Metbuen betweemlic houseoi Washington Merrill and Uie house or ller.ikiah I hadwiik. uwSl»UZ\\?i,u!.rUM0"*r* "*"P«tfiiUy request thaU-i.u wllf forthwith view the premises and tak(THUi'h action In r».P.i ■„ „i,iJi.™.ZT.'"! '.


uart of the quaint old lintcli hamlet How which changed not la decades, for

hen. in tho short space of a rear and a lialf a population of several hundred have foiigrognteil' nil branches or trade and every profession will be found ably represented, ami sectarian lines are strictly drawn hi churches suatalued by sarsro! deii.Mainatious. Two large warehouses receive,

" lai BUMS lor a score of ndlcs -Important elevator Is in pro-

cess Of noaatrqetkon. Sleepy Ejv ciflsens are wide awake, from the erudite postmaster, elo- quent elder, skillful physicians and Irrepressible attorney through all tlie

of ... _ Jgiaau, ) ork fiat*,

Hooalers, Slickers, Hermans, Scandinavians, Prciicbrnen, Usir-brteds and Kanucks live loving- ly together. All Interest* centre in tho all-impor- bmt crop of wheat—the exclusive product ol tha ragion. If It fails, the work of tlie year Is for natigbt, and another twelve months mast pass liefore thoy chance it again. Proliably in no see- tlun of tbo country Is the vonturo of the farmer so entirely In one dlrectlou. In Iowa crops aller- nate and intarosts are varied, an in Kansas, hut In the border region of Minnesota wheat U the aim cast exclusive product.

Never till I visited tills region did 1 realise tbe power for evil Of tbe individually insignificant


Though, to most Of us, these are but amusing specimon* of animated nature, to those farmers who have suffered from raids of millions or these rapacious and relentless peats their very names are mentioned with fear and trembling. This Is uojoke. Tho pioneer who has brought Ids all to this fertile region In a "prairie K-uoonrr," bor- rowed money at 40 per cant, lo buy seed/gooa rmth ihratdaanmer 10 And a (loud or devouring demons consuming his wheat flehU, and it Is by good sue* that tho coat tall* or the husbandman

J **^ aknia of tbe honMwIfe am left lataoa. IT KM over on-nee to tl

lag no sUvarnaimg _ si of a man, It seems that such might

brood with toe borderer Who comfs forth froiii his life of privation In the house of bars to gars 'in the devastation wrought try these pests. Tlut l»r.lrr lire U ebutie, and, soniahow, the pioneer lives through his hardships or betakes him to still newer and fresher Units and dares tho en- counter of new privations.

The most nplaad wheat Aetd which stretches across the Stale in tills latitude from lh* atiuis- sippi loUKdoorlsBileef Colsro.1,1, is of varying fertility aodattroc*k>«s.Thelta«orseiU«n-s'sah4ssi and rreah broke, oralrie moves faXl^r-Ira? Uierweelwaroaaah year, while In every nount) lie hundreds and {thousand* of unbroken acres held by railroad grants or by eastern capitalists and BlenUe Bl MM prices so long as govern natal lands can t™ claimed or preempted furlher west. The maaof means to make readv nuiciuo-c neurl not«lo (he l»nler; the unbroken acres am all st.oiitf.lin amongMu- i».s«s.hi.ui gram, nndnnm nUiamage of location are well v,ortli Uie highest price asked.

It Is a country of groat pots I ol lilies—a fertile ami, healthy clfmatc and good water, with near access to the llmlier regions of Lh« north are Ita advantages; the rigors or a long and severe win. U-r nr« dreaded by many, and detract somewhat from tbe pleasure of residence liero. To listen to the discussion or tho relative merits and demerits of towns and section* by the groups who gather to smoke and hold converse Is amusing. Time Would nil to tell of the enterprise or ltankato, the decline of Uarden City, the deadueas of Hi. Peter, the pros-iecl* at Marshall and the richness .r the soil about Loe-qni.parle, all of which are luly discussed between polTsoi tobacco smoke, wilh appropriate Intervala of alienee to give woight> Id mature lliongbu deliberately -


LoosU Muutlou.

—The pleasant Minnesota letter in another column, will repay anyone's perusal, and we hope Ibe vacation of Hie genial writer, will afford tiuio for many and frequent ronlrihu- Uoas.

-tU*. Ruin Tllton, of Derry, N. H,, will preach In tbe Trinity M. K. Church, next Sun- day morning, after which he will administer tlie -in i mn.-ot of tbe Uird's supper, Service lo commence at ball-past ten o'clock, Iu * Lieu all arc cordially Invited.

-■Tlie steamer KSSCX docs a thriving business on tho Merrimack, on Hundays, plying between this city and Lowell. Pour trips are mode dur Ing the day, and Ibe little craft is wel loaded on each trip. Tbo freight business, however, Is qu Ita light.

—If you are going to P.urope don't fail to ob- tain your tickets on the Uunard Lino, Ibe safest and best line crossing the Atlantic. The splen- did mall Steamship Part bin sails from Huston, Saturday, July Hth. Por passage, al reduced rates, apply only at tbo Cunard OfUco, 23U Es- sex street, to P. Murphy.

—The new band, which has been practicing In Church Block during the winter sod spring, will make their first appearance at half nastK o'clock on the morning ol July fth, and escort Brother II. Mauley Hatch's picnic (rota the north side of the Comiuua to Prospect drove "by a surveyed new route."

Tun WOMAN'S C-,tn held a p lessant festive at Necilham Hall on Tueaday evening. Hiss Julia Woodlmry presided. Addresses were made by Mrs. Dr. Kenny, Ker. Mr. llayward, of .Melhuen, lb. Ordway, Dr. Slowe, Judge Ble vena, Dr- French, W. L. Thompson, Esq., Mrs Uowker, Dr. Austin and others. A nusjnj writ- ten by Miss Helen Soinrrby was rend by Mrs McAllister.

tiMERY.—in this city, June Si, a daughter tu Mr and Mrs. I.oremo P. Umery.


SCOTT-C4RRiqtJB.-In San Francfeco. June i- '" Hev. T. K. Koblc, Henry A. ttoott, Ksq;

—'—-e, both lonneiiy oi >—■'

PlhHKIl -PINHKIt—In Springfleld, Long Island, June 11, Is/ Key. c. E. Kisber, Hev. Samuel V. S. Ilslier of ML Yemen, N. York., and Miss KataA. PliherofS.

COLRT—KORIXSON.-In this city, June 30tb, by Hev, John II. U. Pi.bre, Mr. Moses P. Colby of Londoitderry, N. H.. and Mu,» Sarah l„ Rah- Inson of Itrentwood, S. U.

TKWKSBLHY-lUltHINUTON.- [„ Andover, June 37th, by Rev. Mr. Crcene, Mr. John II. Shaw Tewksbury aud Miss Ida P. Harrington ofAm'over.

STKVKN9-Tl*TTLB.-ln Uwrenee. June xMH. byllev.ueo. W.fiile. Mr. Isaac -:

MissScbrlua Tuttle. ACHORN-ROIHNBOK.-lnlawTence-IuneSSth.

IIV l-Au Jin.. U/ ,>i,- W_ UT.. A^Z VT?

tlCLIJ-BAILKY.- Kev. ';. ... VY. i.ii,-. air. Miss Matilda li. Hailev.

inne ,.'7lli, by ■ Uould and

raWIWu, aaqpMOU-ia South Berwick, Me., June Kd.by Rev. (ioo. W. Ulle. Mr. James Henry Perkins and Miss Mary Charlotte Uood- wln.

liAUK-SMITIL-in Hanover, Mass., June 28tb, by Uev. Cyrus W. Allen, Mr. Sydney T. t.age of Pelham, N. 11., to Miss Lima A. Smith of Salem, R. II.

nROWS-BAirTI.KTT.~In Sewburyporf, June illth, at St. Anna's Chapel, by lley. U. D. John- son, Rector, Mr. John A. Brown of Ho.(on, and Miss Agues, daughter ot Mr. Kdniund Bnrtlett ofSewburyport.

ltlJTI.Kn-SPKAIt,- In Pelham, N. IL, June 21. by Hev. Augiistu* Berry, Sir. tleorge S. Duller and Miss Alible K. Spear, lioth of Pelham.

UltOCKrBAIMiKlt.-ln Haverhlll. June Shi. by Bev.L.A. Drew, Mr. .1. Ilortlalt Brm-k and Miss Helen M. Ilodgor, Is-th of this city.

SMAItT-IinWARli.-lnPealiody, June list, by !**,,•P■T■.,.■,**"J,'■ Mr •■■"'« S. Smart or Na lem and Miss Carrie I>. Howard, daughter of Kbeneter llowiud, Esq., ot Ponboily.

l'ETZOLD-8ANOKE.-ln this oily, JfJH ML by Rev. Dr. Packard, Mr, Henry PtiUold lo Miss t.usta Sanger, botl, ..j i.:..„ ,,.„,-....


BUAllPOIU)-ln Wllminglm,, Dsjl, March 18th, Mo.es Bradford, Ksq., aged wi yrs., a native of Dradford, Mow. His faUicr, Hev. KWn'r llrad- foul was tho Congregational minister ot the town, and a lineal descendant of <iov. Bradford.

8vTAN.-in thla elty, Juno KM, of consumption, Harrison W. Swan, 44 yrs.

rK^Yr~Ja "»™rm> -'on* »lh, Kdward, child or Patrick and Mary Peeney, aged flvo

SlIAPLKiniL-ln Haverhtll, June 30th, Mr. Howard Sbaplelgh, ag.-d a; yri, 10 mos. Hsiue and Now Hampshire papers please copy.

Corns-jo West Newbury, June SMh, Mr. Cbas. P. t. ollln, aged U3 years.

STONK.-In tUg city. June w, Sargent P. W Stone, aged IS yrs, S mos, an dys.

RICr-AKIlSOS.-in Heading, June *7lh. Silas Kit lianlson, formerly of Andover, aged 41 yrs,

"iSSCSrl" S,n,"-h '•»*™"'e.Juno»i,at his residence No. It Andover HL, Corham P. Hlg- gins, aged ill yrs, 1 mo, 38 dys. His remains were taken to Andover for Inter-


■ -..■". mi, ■ ■ ■ - . i ■ ■- I ■ i ■ vien ko such ae.iion iii regard le ', inymirjiidirmenf, sliall ie

r'lta Vkl.lS NAIINHI Melhuen, June 30, IM:I.

Court ot County Commissioners Am-il Ti-rm A

U: \%i:u,,k> by "U0"""^-" »> luTuutvwE;! On the peiiiion aforeeai.L ordered, tliat said

petitioners give notice to all ,,„,.„,,. ami corpora {MM lDtoru.bHl ih.-reui. that said conmils.linur.

1 ,B!S2LStf■*,, -»2"»* *fWarfilngtou Merrill. f„ I Methuen, ....Monday, theihird day of August

neat, at nine o'clock, A. M,-by niildishing an attested cop, of said ,Krtlti»n, in.J of tin. order '"''•"^w^e™'American" «,d "Andover Ad vertlN'r',3 weeks suecnulvt-ty.the last publication b. lie foinKMin .Uys at least bcrore the said third day of August, and also by serving theTowuClerk or Mrthnen with an attested copy or said Petition and this order thirty day. at leaal, and hy posting up an atteiUHl copy thereor in two public places i* said towns, fourW-n days at least before thu said third day of August, at which lima and place said commissioners will proceed to view the premises. *-",'. »k1.,!L('h "r:lor lu ce'«Uon to the Prayer of said Petition, as by law they may he authorised to

A. A. ABSOTT, CLBHK. A true eopj of Petition and Order thereon.

Attest, A. A. AllBOTT, CI.KKg. A true co|.y of PeUUon and Order ofCourt

•* / \LD BOSTON BREICKBT," \ ' i:.i»i.tt.i.tal mat*.

ISAAC COOK & CO., Brewers and Malsters,


nrewcsl under McCOKMICK-S PATKST, In Hruls., Ilbls., Ilalfs and Kegs; also In Quart and Pint llotUos. Particular attention is given to lam. ilyor.lers, for whom wo manufacture a superior article. Orders by mall nromptly attended to. Ths attention of invalids Is esisBelatly ealle.l to tbo following rertlttcate from ihn Moss Bute As- tf-w: , « ._ W Hiato Street, Jlosltm. Messrs. Isaac Cook A Co.

UenUemen-1 have analysett and Investigated samp es of Ale W ort, for yon and have seen the practical working of Me^oru-ick's purifying j.ro.

The small nronnrtlon of decomposing matter the germs of ocierfleallon and mould) which es-

1st In w-ort as It comes from the mall and hops, and Which is not visible, are removed by this process. If tlie wort Is passed through thin ap- paratus when hot, all the valuable constituents B?sSrl5E '"cle.T M.loii.m i.u.l are not removed by the llltcr, while the ioipuritie., which are ana. gulatedby lK.lll.ig, am completely seimrausl and removed. Respectfully,

S. DANA Il.tVKS, Stato Assayer Chemist for Massachnsi Its.

Junes, 11m lib

Q.RA88 AT AUCTION. /Will ta sold at iiublle auction on irwlnesday, July atli.at 4 o'cloek r.M.,on the praaihee the grass standing on about U arrt*.belonging to Misstliia l>. Swan, on Perry street. Saidgraia is g.md lu quant.ly,!llr.l»aallly. and can bSm.we.l with . machine. Will he sold In lots to suit purchasers. Terms Cash. J. C. t;ARLKTON, Adelioncer.

Lawrence, .liny-i, 1KM. KH

lf()Tinii la hereby given, that Uie suTlsrrils-r has een .luly sppo .1 e*e.-uirlx of thu will of

SALLT rtTKHChll lateof'*——■— ■-*»--'


a-j-jt rvKttWH i', iu the county of stssa'c wl.lo< H»S »■ .iiiwrairi-, in uu> ronnty I

decease.1 tcsiate, and baaUkm aumucrscli that " 'MuwtUvdirvOla: All IHI

upon the c*tatc of soitf de ,"-»■■■ "■» u-m-ia-m use ww uirvxa: All par-

l.awren.-e, Junall, HI74. '.uaelOTSt*

QUNARD U«._ 1 llnf. ttJS!'»f<- w'u- |,0J«nui Iron

tienlars, or cabin or ateou-age tieketa. at greatly reduced rate*, eni-ly at the Cunard OfuYe, tlu BaMI street, to P. Murphy, the OSk- afMt for Lawrence and vicinity.



50,000 BOLLS.

sp-K.iisra-1874 Our stock WAS never to com-

plete before, OoimiBtiiiB of Stamp- ed Golds, EmboHcKKi and Plain Bronzea, Klne Grounds and Bm- bor-eed Damaak Papers, Batinu, White and Brown Blanks, Mould- ing Decorations, Borders of all Varieties, Shadea and Shade Fix- tures. Don't forffnt the place. Our PRICKS ABB LOW AND OUR OOOD8 NBW.

Whitford&Rice, SOf) EKXOI Blroot.


is warranted a sure cure lor

RHEUMATISM. IWICI KAL».14 ajtllTJoLnu, Puts. l«Jol«ts, aa>TllMglsj| Upralits, f'rsnpi, Bites, H'luga, Palat Isa tli* race, SM* ar Back, <-nta, Brulsea, ■tralsia, Hums, aaulda, etc.

It has never fines-1 to cure RHEUMATISM or NBUBALOIA, wUoro a thorough trial baa bew given. The fullowing ore a few of the lestimo. niaU whieii we are constantly receiving rrom those wno have uaod It:

This 1. to certify UtaVl naT^^^r tlie last four years, been afflicted with lofla.nuut- t'.ry rlii-uiiialisen, whleh has confli.c.l uie to mv roetn from nine to fifteen weeks. This st.Hnr 1 vrasattacked in the same way; my (olnU w're iiearlrall enlarged and swollen, and 1 waVauf tori u« sever, paie. vrttl. great fever. AfrKdln- diicsal IM to mnke a trial of the ^ifirauuUit ment, he having been cured hlm.elf. andTtoow. lag of many othara who bad beau cured by Ha use. fsanfforMr. nalUbury. tbe diaeovei-Jr or • -*£& toT W ~wnkh1L.UKr«Ud[

u-etl nearly .lx Urge botlto. in .".nd ,m V wall and hearty. 1 jearneetly recommend it every person aBllcted with rheum atlas for I

ffisaarjus.--—** '*••"" J. M SMITH, No. 14 Sargent street.

[Aesnewaml hnvabeeu IhrUa- laaPineara. in the employ of the Lawrence UuaT!o.] wm^

0. r. UWttrw. MJfflWrAPTH ttISM" DBA, Si, :-l am .ulTerin, from tbat .wlul JI.- .«■. rl..m,..U.i„. u,.| h.,"TO,„ jZr™;;^

xszr'""" *?*»nff- *s* l«l[ Mr ***; 6„ w«l. .f lu.. " SMS .ml no r.-n.-r. ami .IW nm .pplfl ,Uoo f ^J

™:IS- J"""'- •,M'siik"u -> H °" «•" ■ ■v...u.ll*l0 y««..*r..,J.C. W. I..wninov, A |n . M.

Mi naiotar or renwllSr Thl. "tola ui« tut 11,.,. o.|».l..o«| iu bnwK. r,.r jSfJS matory Hli.uinati.iu, ami know what I ... u. be

iiso It at all. It Is now almost well, arid 1 can use it about as well a* over. Very Truly Toura, ™

that iiav.. Iseen ahlieted with RlH.un-ali.iii for a number of yeara, and have tried a great many Doctors, and remedies without ubtalnlng much relief, f cau any with truth thai I have .ecclvcd more Lciicflllri.ni usinj yuurCalifornia ualllllll Ic I.inlmcut than frtun any thing 1 have ever tried. Far sir month. BSNBAVv'raX M S^f^Sf^^^SMm t5W not " about an well at

No. 53 tiarden streeL

The California Liniment which we ™ much nbont, I. evidently an efflelent remedy. especially when usesl for Rheumatism, Neuralgia, etc., etc. Many of our well known cftlions have use-lit, and have lee. greatly beneltted by IL

icfore offered to the afflicted, and willl certainly bear elo« InvoatlgoUon. It was discovered by Mr. tJeo. VT hatlabury, rbila a oaptlee among the Indians In the far west. Mr. Salisbury Ma* and will show any amount of bourn testimonial* from many of our moat respected cltiscns wl.u

■ dincultles. l.ave

Kclley, Di-ugglitTPoVrOnic^Biock,1

Prepared and aoUl Wboleoalr and Retail by

Q. W. Salisbury, No. 78 Newbury St,

imTmSLt ft *• ,r' KI"-L,*Y' DwiuieL Post ontee Block, Lawrnuce, Mass.


Having leased the entire building. Vos. ]» and l« Usoea street, aad «tt«l It up especially for our use, we have removed onr stock of


ItANGES And Kitchen Furnishinp; Goods,

»'r*m our old Stand

No. 150 Etiex Street. A tin onr stock of


1 itim OUB

Branch Store Wo. atS Essex Street, <Fulr«.ld's Itio.-h )

CON30LlbATfcti ' * r New Blore-pfos. lart and levy F.,irl >(,.

where wo are prajiared to i.Ocr

At the Lowest Market Prices, The largest, most varlod an.l beat seleoiej tloek efgood-intlUsoMy. «-seelaI aUeatlen giv(r« ,J E* «"-*'"* wl Furnaces u heretofore, for which we have a separate department. Tin sheet Iron and copper work of all kluds dona at tlinrt notice.

D. N. & C. M. Martin, 195 and 197 Essex Street.




BYBONTRtJELL & .Co. have on exhibition a large and elegant aasort- meut of

Llama Jackets and Shawl,

BL'K HERKANrs In Singla and Double Width.


PLAIN Bl^ACK OBBNADWBS from 12 1-2 eta. to 37 1-2 ctt.

White Shetland

^SHAWLS, ilM^a.a..rak,«l.u.l..M SS-S.

>a.a... awto, M-*0.


Jaconet Muslins, VICTORIA. rA1*!*!,^

irwrf PI AID MUSUH BtmimE s, MEW.

P. K'8 in all qualities.

PARASOLS AMD SUNSHADES from II Inch lo it inch all qualities.



Vat- rani, go to by ,ou Trueel« Crf*..

Port Monnaies a large assortment from 10cents In tl.


NUOK TIBS, RnOHINOS and all amall Wares, go to



BRUSSELS. Ttirte Plys. Ex-Surers,

MEDIUMS, OIL CLOTHS Sheet and Yard. SI ram Malting, etc..

—oo mi-


249 & 255 Essex SI..

V. 8. The best line nf ttuu.mer Draa* tl.tpdi Hvrun Truell A LVo,

q^HE UNDKRSIGNEI) HAVING X Associated themselves together In the Knur rat aaw* Kurnlahlsia; I Mdrrlahlug

■ssslaiaia, nder the Arm name o| A. W. Uoodrirb A Qsh ouht re»)HWtl.ilty inform the elti/.ons of Ijtw

renceand vlolnlly, tbat they liave con>UnUr on

Itlr liner rStST' °' ^^^ ^'M ta

Coffins, Caakett, Shrouds and Coolers, furnished al the lowest pricea. All onlers prompt \j attended to by day or night. Hnlc.r..,.i.i in A-naibMry Slrt.l, Rtildtart 'HA Ulm St., uadltOnkatreet.

«. C. PAUSUNn.

WR wmiLD BaWtTKtTTTDLLT A»' NOUNCU |» the public ths. their patronage

has an steadily increased as P. iradtf II neear. sary for us lo tahe thu rjucniiim *( Hunging Pa per undvr our imiiiedlatecnntrsl- We are pre. pared Pi superhttewd and «ee»a any work Isj tlial line, the meat elai.nrsle ,!■-<■...ailni,B

down. Work promptly cseeiiU-1 and HaUslkc. lion guaranteed. V/IIITIMItl' * HICK,

aprlirstr -jaiKssex Street.




'_"?' -"L*—— B4n**- ■*•■••■» ■y-j-ATougs, OLOCKBT




'Wtf aaa Ka.KX «THK,;T.


Merriam's Golden Drops! resHuiHiui-r Couidaiut, and the worst form

of I'A I.-.>. No Humbug, round at thx nrtn cipal f'rng and liroccry Htorcs lu I.awr<>nce.

Jilinlll'l tin-

, llartiy. inUin-nW hi the ctata at Is urn of Andover, In raid county, yeoman.

'•ntti-TiM.- H hercaa a ccrlsin lii-tninicnt puruorllaK to he

Uie last will aad leatainrat of sail dsnnaanil ka. bteu afraMBM hi said l.'ourt, rnr Probate, by Cbarl»lte A. nNmt who prays tloii htt,ra u: tainenlary may be ismed to her the ereeutrlx

wuyc iilden

Irst TnasdL, .. , lo sbcw cause,

If any you have ogalnsl tho same. Ami the said petiliimrr Is IHT.I.V directed to give

public notice tberxor, l.y putillt-aing Uils clutiou once a week, far three sucrcsslyc weeks, in the iicn»l>ui"-. called Ihn Laurence American and Andover Atlrartiaer, printed at l.awaenrr, the last put. I..all. .a an be two days at kauri, I «fun- said court

Witmvr, lieorge r. fhnatc. KM|idn>, Judge ol ■aid Court thu 17th day of June In the year one thousand eight hundred and serunly four. A. C. (.uiHiM.I.,

Inetllflw Hegi.ler.

t. Dow'«,"trockery store. ir doien. At John


Armstrong's Special IlargaJna in

Black Alpacas ail Brilliaitiues. t Sun Brand of Brlllli tlon: we InvlUeioinina

Our quality 57 eta., la a

I'.-i-f...-1 <i..ininQ--....ity and0<»1<».

Our stnek of dress gomls Is complete lu every di-iiarttin.nl, eonsiallng of alt the novelties of the season. In


We also nifer a line line of

Malta and Yak Laces, PL AW AUD RIBED.

Out Olaaa Baada to Bead Lacea.

"WOOLLB2ST9 Far Hauwe- saaJ aware Wear.

In great variety and at verr loW fricee.




G. D. Armstrong,



BOLTON Will clone onl their euttra stock of i ■>■■ ■.. Uoodo,

at such low pricea that will ensure a speedy sale,

As w- take oc.-ouni of stook Auguat IM., we will

reduce our Immense ntnck as iiin.li aa i-oeaiblr,

or firing aeeue of the biggest bargains,.ever

offered lu I.awroa.e. Ladlesu111 do vfWIltaoall

and examine and see tor themselves; they will save money by doing so.


Friday July 3d, aud win coat inne till the end of July.

BEST PRINTS 0 CentH •old In Boston stores nl 10 reals.

Best Ginghams 91-2 c.

One Mote Bale Cotton 5 Cents. ftm mi,-.'; /

KM Gloves in all Sizes, At 50C.l'Worlli$l.25.

ON| tir.Miiiifi, IMMIM

While Tucked Skirts, at[92, worth 1.25.


wHrra Tt7of-nnj*-iBT9,^ y 0 ,i i.ia t\

Colored Skirts,

fftiannflHfl A Job in Laee Shawls, at 50,751 $1.

Oaot' niM.au. '


worth S2. MVli UlIUDRai)

mOLEH SHAWLS at I7.J5 north 11.75. ri IT. iruui.ucn

White Barege Shawls

at $1, worth $2. A bargain In

EMBROIDERED POLONAISE, al ai.SO, auld .. .r, » It... ter aa.


,HlM*t1Ra.£.p8l{IB8ry;^ All M., I,,,1 Daws..

Hosiery, Oorseta, Glovea and

Domestic Goods, - efuja^ art*'in mme edirs w» loslete. W"S

* i-ti in- in-.- to esaiiiine our itnek and see urn some of these Itargalux.



I.AWIUINCR, . . . MASS. Irl «ii|isrlnn 1'ianraU.

289 ESSEX STREET maylfli


Thn undersigned having fornwd a 4J«-I in-. -IU,, t<nd"r the style and Briu of

Stevens Bros for the Maaulaature and aale of

BOOTS aa„ SHOES, would reepeetrully annorni. c to the lv..idc of LM rence, Andnvcr and surroimdhiir dm n-. that they will nouUnna to M>II

Boots and Shoes. at their iwn stores

No. 128 Essex Strett. Lawrence) AMI

Mais, asar Klua:«iraat, 4..,,,,.

and for the HI)

TH IRTY I> A YH Will sell


Ifavlng two slntta and a

LARGE TRADE ." <ia-«r.|nici.l lu.lia.wi.l. lu'HIT aaln.iw

Com. ., rl,..,! ut.iii helmlbsruaini.

>M,.| aaavMaa, Ik... a. Mi......

■vim, - . mi





ar.aaaAM-rir.Mbir. iU.1,1.

WANTED.—KIIHII; KO.al liii.lln-aaUrn, "llll ,ll.<l.. ,!....>, I

'J'll I N (111 I -I K I ii H





HAMMOCKS By the Hale or al ttetnil.


BATHING SUITS, att.on, a)n.oo ....I •iti.tsO.

t-'.-i ladles, (ienlletiicn and rlilldren,'

" OAK1

32 to 38 tfOPTH STREET.

Whpnyou visit BoartOn, luncitkHHlliwt-li





Perfect PittiaE Erer Offered lo tbe Pttlilic •utlsruetlaw -'MaruMtrrit.

Patterns Cut and Warranted.


aHftfaat .■,,,, ,m* «.. mtuMVnmmt


Tho diatpluy of Fans at Wntur- nan's, 220 WanhinRton street, 3 doorn north of Bummer ati-r-et, in- oludea Fann of ftvevry color, quality and price.


LOWEST PRICES >■ ihcrlly. Ass Isisirsii MsM-fe I* eatSMsae

■ at

WATERMAN A CO.'*. 9i«<) Wi i^muirtoii SI vot

Three dnurs north of MIIHUICI- streeL i.in. .'<.'.ml.


SUMMER GOODS. A. W.STEABNS& CO., are opening ft-om the Sew Vot k Market, (bouah

SopVaX-Ksr1-"" """B™ •«*• LADIES' SUITS and POLONAISE.

The fl-ieal and beat assortment uf



Hew Styles. Fancy Silks. We arc al*o opening a full stock ol

Black Silk, and Black Harnanli, which wm prove to be tie

BEST BARGAIN vaalrA»a|i,*e*,IOn' m-^X«**»l*«I aa-uendW

Sou Uatrellai and Ckilireii' Shales. AIAO—

Ladies' Shawls ami (.armeni.i In alt the latest Novelties.

New and very handsomu

NECK TIES, and Heck Wear for Ladies.

HOSIERY for l.:i.|ic., UenU' and Children, ofthe best

Forelffn and American Makes. Choke Itbaelea of I edles

Sprin£ aii Snuer Kid Gloves. Ladies and Bents Pocket Hank's, etc.

Domestic Cottons, BROWN & BLEACHED All ..la. al m ..w ,,ri...... whlM gooe* row aillr. ami ( hllitrrua' wrar.

Hamburg Trimming;., Lacas,

Button., Spool Thraada,

HII.K8 otc. etc. •Ua. Hrpartinrni; rino Tallorla, for anaBii,., .Uli i!„■ i.i.-i

Assortment or Good Styles of WUOI.ENB, all gvados, tn l* lYrnnd Ih Oils rltr

tli- \ i u v . Ill tl-.

Carpets for Every One. Large Stock. Great Variety

Choice Styles, at Popular Low Prices.

Dress Making as Usual.




IhiUldu t'ouagc llouae, n(anr.«HHs, large, vevy rrHfiny and loiii.iileiu, mid In iierfuet roiidlliuu. dlablo, siore nml trnem<-nt huildliig, alM.ut Bi n»ls from the aajsaj. atte.1 up fur poat oHee aad

■. br wlileli it la uow o.-,uple.l. i\ arree of under a high fttnte of rulUratlou. A line

property In the village of flaavlllr, H. H.; tu-o Hc-limil iK.naen ,ti- Hint 1 and 1 mile, cliureh on one corner or tlie pTeuHBji; 1* miles Oom llaverliill, Mass., Unifies front Kxeter, K. ft, and ft mil,-. Horn hast h.ing.lon Depot. H|.l,-m.ltl ,-tuu.r. E a physician or inr a nun hank- j plenty ol work

^SSM^Sr'" **«"•-* UlnaT rt■■)>i:n i. A CT.OS811N.





INK-BTBga or

ar-A-^ci^ooics "» i in- Bnlr or |nl UcUll.



BATHIN(J SUITS, 9*MO, |B.OO ant* klo.tin,

For I -i.i I. , f.rttluraun mid i ti.l.ii.,-.,



oall at." Oak HaU." Ilii..l'^.-"1II,W.|,


A Fin* Lot and Ground IH',,,.1 i>« An.l..vrr .(ml Hrar Unlnn, Houlh


Lot IOO by 150 Feet. j W,.( !-■ ..I.I I..I« r.i

19 IU OENTB, CASH in order to etowi the Kstrife.

Thu Is a rare op|M>rtunltv h* Investors, as land iu lids ■utt-t i- e l-l.-re.l vrell worth Irl cle.

< all un

L. P. E. RICHARDS, Essex StrenL


§AK1*KTH CHKAP. -movel. In handlhir over mir stor.k *.■ Uml iiac,iiiniil»ll.iii"..r KiiihsclK, Tairtslii'i, two UirMiplr,higmlr», Kidderminster,! ill (loiba,

•Utaw ISaqietii, Mattings, Hug., MsW, t'rueili • Idlha, *•'., romprising many old Hilen wlafcli

c latvoplaeiNl nl three .pinners value locluse

NHW F.NIil.AMl s»» Han.ivM- .imi. nearly Mouse. Iliihlim.

ItFKT CO., rnnnvi-il'lo osti,aHle Ihe 'A mrrienn

inl.i.ijif in i


1'. Murphy, i',.- ;;,.' HI of thn Oanard f.lnr- m* Mail Hltamoliii.*, Im- rcinovM tils rn»i- from IV. ..*«• B«eKatr.ct,i.f.ld.r..r U. HllliUmii's Jew- Irr store, up Dfje DtKhl of r ,n ■■. Mr. M. . the lid rtB.-.il ol Hi. ..I.mc <■<.).iil:ii l.lucol hU-iiiii

ships lor l.nvtrrnc.-, Mctliiieu and Andov.-r. A gri-iil ..-(In. linn ai I. mi -nil, lHH-n made in the price H tMaasage on in.: Cunarders. mj Ivtif

UKIILA.N'H i runs: r-iia

Cholera. Dysentery & Diarrhaa. nem rail togri Hi Out- HtHris.

1>wiutryearVrA|trT*Mirehiisri,fly eaUldlsbeJ tlH'IHratlvni|Ualilieaiif tbM pr«puratfnn.

llr«.f.(i.i„|i(.llf. ii astrua IknUra Ii.a.nt,.»i. II ...... H,r..i.l.llp.H|.r,, ltil»,.N|>iii.illi<|llil,ia. lllsliiUI*ai> Itysraterr. It ri.rr. Tholrr* Mer*.... 1, SHU all Movt, I rawtplalnU. It mm rran.rhr. II , si. . I>> .prp, I.. It ,-,,,,,

<liu< laajkujk

Kvery fmullv sluiuhl have It, Hahl l.v alldrtw- B*. I'M,.!,!.',! hy W. 11. i HAt.HI-.tll.AIIS, ■im, MIIM, Cliarltu CUrkr, Agm-t fur law

■aafjlfg IV m

* T CJtlVATB 8ALh%

I'l.ii-itit'H tii'ii t(Muueuau.


.ln,.t oiip-ialtcihrirruilnii* of tlm horsn rail patt L rlib. leaving for 1,-wnwe rverj IIlie*n ininuU-s. K«ksre.,iv»-a.re,.r-plendldlao.l,gru.WU.f.aee.|

1 under a high stair ol cultlvatlou, on whleh i-tiol,-.- enph-, pear and clMny ir.-es, .rope

- <• fruit*; a ««.- HiMi- and Drat Is the hmnr

" leau Its

uhuS ilwvlhng Ionian. I'M* rshttn Is the lu, aieadofMi-.. AlMitikii-rfiall.rviv.trnMyniid E tllullv olloatr.1, jio.1 u ah-p frnra B.Aad*., ; uitalteul.aili-asdfiiciliHiu., .WiUag mr Uwn- iDl UlAieii iwuiiiw-. Itwaa lha hiirm- of the lain K'tMhallUktuMMi, Kafp An aere of exrellenl UiW .a nau ^.^lnHr.•, l.hxh scenery, rrtlrnd from (da.- ;tn.J dtidt. rvrnlhktg jihoui •urgvetiva ol

• i witii all Us .-..inrirrts. Iloaac and stabh- hulH in tin- nn»l tl-.n.ugh Mmnoer, ami In MrnVt cenillUvn. In abort, one of the lest -litiathuu lu MOUMIOII. Hnleudld ochrad odvsnlogre; Ifcur

In t re has and n thriving Ixislnres eouiuitlaity ........ lr.aa. 4. hfeaaa. II..I-.


■awrence, aiasa.

ICON STONK CHINA, JOHN BD wards' Nin t^oagnss I'alli-maof i rockery In II 111),', M Mir. ( . I..IW ■ - l..u,i[. -i











Flub youth—ilic telegraph boys.

Tbe ball kept wiling—tue croquet ball.

Tbe police In Beading, III., keep a Hit of tbe ladles who flirt In public.

What trade is that wboee work* are trampled under root? A shoemaker's.

Strange aa it mar noaiu, ladlo* as well aa dog* need muiliu' daring tbe hot weather.

A disgusted Milwaukee fisherman offers a chromo tocTi-ry n»h wblcli win uke tbe hair.

A Dutch judge, on conviction of a culprit for -iTlng four wives, decided:—"He hare pnn- hment plenty ; I lift rult one."

Vife. to bnaliand :— "Let us, to avoid being considered aa listeners, paai in front of ihat couple—and we ihall bear better."

To a rrlcnd who bad married a lady wbo wai on tbe point of taking tbe veil, Jerrold aald, "Ah, ibe evidently thought you belter than

Lady Visitor.—"My dear, do yon know if y.mr mamma Is engaged ?"

l.lttle Oirl of the Period.—"E» gaged f Blew yon, why, abe'a married'."

Tbe oldinperntltkoui notion that crocodile* weep hat been exploded by tbe scientists; but It i* pretty generally acknowledged that aallon have repeatedly teen wbalet' blubber.

A Slight Miiapprehentlon.—MUu Swan (i her canary)—"Oh, you darling! Come and kit* me, then?" Young Lavender (wbo bat nut observed the cage)—"Oh, Joy ! Can I be- lieve my ears r" [Mem.—He beliereil them when they were Acred.

"What would our wives tay If they knew where we arc i" tald the captain of a schooner, when they were healing about Inadoepfog, fearful of going atborc. 'Humph! I tbouldn't

mind that," growled tbe mate, "If we only knew where we are oumlvci."

Uartbal Sou It once, thowlng the picture* he stole in Spain, stopped before one, and remarked, "I value thai picture very much; It taved the live* or two estimable persons." An aid-de- camp whispered in the listener'* ear,"he threat- ened to have them lioth shot immediately un- less tbiy gave it np."

Ina country town In Illinois a Few evening! ■■ i n i r. at a panorama of the Bible, a little eight- year-older sal wrapped in admiration at tbe scene until the picture of Jacob and Itebecea at the well appeared, when he looked up and said: "I'a, do you tee Ihat picture? I'll Juat bcl firs dollars they're Qrangers."

"To memory Dear."—Enthusiastic Cricketer —"Ah, last season was a good one! I'd both eyes blacked lit uno match and two ringers smashed In the return match the isme week. Hut give in.' IWO over again. I got the lull on my lorehend at 'short leg,' and was senseless fur three-quarter* of an hour." [And ever tine,-, i

A gentleman saw hi* tittle daughter dipping her doll's dress into a tin cup, and inquired, "What arc yon doing, my daughter?" "I'm coloring my doll's dress red." "With what?" "With bear," "What put that foolish notion into your head, ciiilk? You can't color rod with beer." "Yes I can, pa, because nit said It was beer that made your nose so red.' That man had business that required him down town immediately.

A verdant at a Troy hotel loft bis young wife In hi* rujm Sunday evening, and went down to ask the clerk what time tbey lighted up. "Well," said the accommodating clerk, with a smile, "we usually light up at nine o'clock, bat to accommodate you I'll light up immediately." Ho then tent a boll boy to the room of tbe ver- dant to light the gas. The young man from the country was profuse in his thanks,and won Idn'l go hack to his wife until the clerk accepted a cigar.

Dr. AWnietliy rarely met his match, but on one occasion lie fulrly owned that he had. He was sent for by an Innkeeper who had bad a quarrel with his wire, who had scored his face with her nails so that the pour man was bleed- ing, and much dlsllgurcd. Abernctby consid- ered this an opportunity not to bo lost for ad' uonlsblng the offender, and said, "Madam, arc you not ashamed of yourseir to Ireal your husband thus—the buiband, who Is the head of all, your bead, madam, In fact?" "Well, doc- tor," llerccly returned the virago, "and may I not scratch my own bead?" Upon this her friendly adviser, after giving directions for tbe benefit 01 the patient, turned on bis heel, and owned himself beat en for once.

lotilini: the

gspe*ii«,l Kotideji. DK. SClJENCtVS PTJLMONIC BTBUP,

■aaWaaslTwa^Bt*utslaXtoadrak«PUI*; These tnedbuncn have undoubtedly performed

more cures of consumption than any other reine fry known to the American public. They are compounded of *OK(-tnblii larfsillfjm and <OII- tain nothing ivhluh can bo injurious to ihu buiii.ni conHllluLMli. , ,, „

Other remedies mlvcrliecd as euros lor ton. ■ unil'lJiiu. probably contain opium, whien is 11 Komcwfiut daagatwu drag n all eaaea. ami n taken treclv by consumptive pallcnU, rrealinlury; fur its tendency Is to i norbi'i mailer in the system, which, „ ___ nu-i u..ilui 'lire Impossible. oWhatMk's Kiihminir byi up ts warranted no! U)

unUtn ■ narilole of opium i Ills ssaapoaen 01 iH.srerfulUil harmlmn. herbs, whlnh ail on the lung«,livsr, ■tomat-.h ami blood, and thus am Ml

1 iiiuiMitoc.-rctlnn*. ami expel nil the diseased attcr I rum the body. Tltexi ure the only mean* r which Consumption nan be cured, and n«

tthernia's PiilroonlcMyrup, Sea Weed Tonic, and •Uudrs.se I'llls are tha only medicines which ou- erale in this way, it Is obvious ihey are the only renuine cure for Pulmonary Consumption. Each bottle of this invaluable medicine Is accompanied by full direction*.

Dr.N-Ueiii'k is provisionally at his principal o«ce,eorner Sixth and Arch slreets.i'hila.lelphin.

rary Monday, and at the qulncy House, Boston. i ibe following Wednesdays, June 10th and SUM,

July 8th and SSd, and August Slh and Wtb. June8]llyxb*n

The Crucial T. -■ ; II lilue. 11 ■■ .■•!'■ i ■■ "'■'■ C'

forth In lb- fawn-at the out*. lion. Apply tin- criteiloi searching lo TAB HAST'


i ihu claim* I'ui i he ■HUM qucs -imple yei -•



How ha-il worn' Wlmi I in. tieen iu history- How dors It i-tand tn-dav ■• TAim.isT'a SKl.TZf.U APKaulUiT i» n household name Ihrotigtwul Uw t.'nIM Suites. Ills iidininlntcrrd as a sperlllc,

cress In dymiepMii. -irk liiM.ini'ln-, lllly, livei riimjdaliit, lilliou,. n-nut-

tcnU, boa el i-uiuiiluir.i-, lc»uceially oo«rtl pillion, •hcumstlsm, gent, gravel, nausea, tbe (wnplainu- lieculiarto the uitHerrml sc\, anil nil types of In-

for sale by all druggist*.

Grocery,Stare For Sale. Eradicated from the System \Kershaw & Fyj'e. 281 Broadway,


Dr. Williams'


Jaundice Bitters.


Ai'ijusr FLUWKI will not.cure. Come to the Drug 8tore of K. II. Keltay, sole aawat for Lawroaee and ia<iulra abont It. If yon tm*er froni contlve nets, Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, ln.llnei.tios, Liver Complaint or derangement oT Iha system; try It. Two or three doses will relieve you,

AOUB CoKguxuua is the only remedy la the 1 niir.l States that contain* no Quinine. Amcnic,

otlier poisons Injurious to the system, lluit will re Fever and Ague, (Intermittent or Blltnue

l-evere, etc., and the Chill* not retnrnduring lite an. tt pennanctly i-ures Fever and Ague

long * tan. I m g.

x\_ In South America, a* missionary, dlscovei a tare ami simple remedy for the Core of Ner- vous Weeduiesi, Early Decay, Disease of the t'r Inary and Seminal OrKans, and the whole train 01 disorder* brought on by baneful aud vicious hab- its. Oreat number* have been cured by thii ble remedy. Prompted by a dcslrs to lieneUt Ihe amiclcl and unfortunate, I Will semi the receipt for preparlnK and unlnglhls mcllelne, In a envelope,) to any; one Who need* It, FKEK t)F CHAHOK.

Address, JOSEPH T. WMAN,

SUtlon l>, Bible House, marl3H|yAnysn New York City

ARE YOU TROUBLED AVVlth l>y.|>.|*sl., l...llgr.llo». Cia*- ■UpadDH, Bin*«snsss, Il.a.l.rh. -ii.l Lass *f Apwetltst Thar* Is ■ M' »■*


WiNfiWooOS, « rHIS.d I. WT tfc» ■»••« ph, .Icl.n- a* tonl.lt.lotr ..Ihl-K NKrttsJlXM '"'**•- lei.i. KrelTevea whfnulUll'hlli. Mlo.,.1 Porlasr and UTSS- ■■Tltrarator, b*lMK a ulaasaMt Hur«.llr« Metdrri by old anil ,«»... It enra* Jaundlo, t «ver natd iaiir, Pain In tba Bwaies.Bhewniatlam, UW*.., K.m»l# OlsWMM.IItjrrwauiBlaor. tier*, Kldnsr CwawpUIait, skc. Sac. JWllly

111 lilt USE OF

HIDDLETOS gPRINU WATER. History, repntation and certiorate* of cures sent tree, on application. Address

MIDDasETOHaPRIItaa CO., Mld.lUt.>» Holland <"., Vt

aa •'-•■- ■ -TT' m an ii i VSH, la M

KJSSitfJSSStB aSJatciad sad litlkih CoanaaMoaa a| tMa-anm, sHMdad a«a on fcUov-

- ■uUoai la dw Back aad >U| c< OH Jaar. Kn».


MM lad aaaaam. datSluadfadi Ham ... ..... -.11 k„...n .nflt-Bl. V.- Hkbd

aimtibu. WM. k. CLASH!, l^nnuj, huiUaKi,*. I.

^p:N l'ElfCENT. NET.

The Iowa Loan and Truat Company, Dei Moinei, Iowa,

Invent* money for Knstern lender* nt ten |.er rent InU-rext, net, payable semiaunually at tlio Cbem lenl National Itnnk.New York. All Uian* atvurml on Inipnived real estate, ami thu nilleeliou In lull guaranteed by Ihe Company. Uuder* *ultj<s-l tn noeaprnM. Full »i.-.liai I -i Title. CirtilMMi Moh-s Murtrsire, Mc.,(ma.lo .Ilrei-t lo lender,) forward eiloneiimpletlun. New York and New HnKluml

--' full Infonnatlon nenl on ap-11-" n. SAMl'Kl. MKUIUI.I,(l*leUiivi,mor ollowa), M'L; .IAS. II. IlLAHTwn.I., Vi', IH'* Muliien,

Spring Medicine


Yet offered to the Public.

Prlco'33 Cents Per Bottle.


cjpaa BIG SHOW i. ROW •xhibtllng in Boston

II will nut oeenr until

Wednesday, July 8th, .when the s;ruiiil parmle UUst*l -iiaee.

1 Bar's KweampnsaMl * i P*rformances In Lawrence on

\VKr>NKSI>AY, JULY 8ili,

Maginley & Co's. Museum, GircuB, Menagerie

AND TRAINED ANIMALS. The largest Ki|iie*trl;iu and /.o<dii«ic«l e*tabll*h


The New Florence, , , PRIf'K. »»0 below) nnv oilier flrsSclan* VAMi:, »:l<> above \ tk-wliiK Maelilm-.

Saved, »50 by Buying the Florence. Kvrry Mm-hlne VYnrrunlcd. Bix-elal term* to

clubs aud dealer*. >nM tor circulni-H to the

Florence S. It. Co., Florence, Mass,. or 771 Washlwtjton Ht., It i.

C-108TIVENK8H IS AGOHAVATEDBY ^The use of strong ourgaUves. Tlie only ra.

liiiu.it treatment I* some gentle laxative and lonir like DK. BAJKUpM'S nmOftUM l.ozKNiiKiot. These never weaken, but gradually re.lore na- lure- They removetiiipresslon.lHsslnci. Head ache, and every form ef ndlgestlon; MM, the only proper remedy for ['lies, either bleed IIIK or oUierwisa. Trial box, W cts. Large box, Ml cu., m.idnl nee fur Iho laal |.rlce,

DR. KAumaoM'alt-KiJiaii IIALHAM, a splendid cure fi>r coughs, iMjarse lies sand til — -ritl and Lung Complaints. »or sola by K. s.

(ItlHl)N A Co., Proprietors. No. 1 Tremont temple, Boston, and all druggists. )unfclH«t

» tn'taWrU renwlred. p*A.a-j.u,iamMmii|W cU. -• Lady Canvasser*. Sole Agent fur Sew Engt

f'OIt MOTH PATCHES, and Tan, ask your Druggist for 1'crrv's Molli

FRECKLES ml Tan, ask your Druggist for 1'crry's Mc"'

n,,., Freckle Lotion, which I* hnnnles* and every ca*e Infallible. Or f..r Ids liii|.rovcd Coinij- .lone and Pimple aVanedy. the grent iktn MesU- ,-lne (or Pirn idee, BaMI Head* or rlest. w.wms. Or consult!!. C. PKllllY, the noted Skin DiH-lnr,

Bond Street New York. nUeodftmtb


Bsaex Count V.

A petition In involuntary l>ankru|ilcy has l>ccn ii I.-. I In the >.!..■ or .lohn al. Hocho U liils city.

Pliincas K. Dnvl* *old Ibe Itoyt estate on Main htriTt i.i niliK lluttcrs for a^iuo and taxes fur 1074.

Ids city, the Pei

lilp. .1. K. JcnnoKK, (■>.■., of thii

couiml**loii an .(indict; ol the Peace fur all the ounlieii In in. .-■! .i.-. linear Frnnk Mi-Laughlin ai-tldcnUlly shot

hiiusclr in 1>U left hand, on Weilnesday alU-rnoon lik-i. Forlunately no l>o»e was broke, and he will, (irobably, not be miieh Ineonvenlenceit by II.

Hr. Henry CumnilngK, prlncUisl of the Hchool Hlrtt't school, wo* presented by hi* |iii|ill» on Thurs.lay evening, with ml elegant silver butler dish nml knife.

Hr. Ueorge W. kidney, in Ihe employ of tiale A lloyt, n .i ■'. -IKI.'II street, shoe maiiufucturers, was agneaWy wrfrUed on Wednesday after

■ntwortli, shoe iiitU-T and brother easplejN Tin' married man who left hit wife ami a

in Ihls eily a few week* since, and ran away HUiitiiiisriiistwoiniiii.il IUKI I liuracler ha* been In'arilor alCdlunilills, Ullio. A visiting ln.M'iireil IIOIII the odd Fellows' Lodge here be lore he absconded ha* bwii ubtalneoT from him ..ii.l returned here. He went to a boarding house in 1 i.luuilni.., ie|iicnen(ing the woman aa Ins wile, nil IN.-lie IHM |o.., CCIIIIKS in llaverhlll led U> 111* being Uu ncil out.

An Ayer's Village correspondent of the "Ban. ner** says: "There ha* been but little liuslnen* done hero since thu removal of the Hat Factory trorn Uii* H ..-.■, and the failure of air. 8lmon French, Jr., in the shoe manufacturing. A large iisilol the liel|i employed In ihe bat nutory have loll Die place. A numlier Of lanilliu* have left Ihe el i. i . aud i'iin-1 . will soon go: leneiiiciila Will lx> plenty. We hear that sir. I'llmau Maine* hat Imd mi i to lense his ahou laciory for a terui "I in. years, nt Ihu rale of one hundred dollars a year, liut relureil, and the factory uiuit still lay Idle.

lUstMrlUatas Salem celeb mil's the Fourth with a aalllng re-

i: a rowing rcgiilLi and running match. Mr. Caleb Aycr ol Uulem ha* reslgneil his poal.

Ilou a* eonitiic.ior on the Eastern riHid to enter to a HI i- iiitdi- parsuli*.

There i* lo lie a regalia, by ihe small ill Imat men of Alarblcheud on ilie alternoon of July Ith, starling ut liallpoul one o'clock.

An elderly nmlden who recently moved from Aiiiciibury Ferry to New Boston, earriisl lOurleen . iiLs a* part of lici household furniture.

air. ..Liiin I Ayer* of Hamilton lical* tint crowd on ii hen ■■(in .. Fivs lien* were found In hi- Imi all siuiug In one ni-st and there were nitisty-ciglu eggs In 11 uiI ne*L

The pilblll a en Ise* n graduntioii ..1 Will I

'1 1 J o LA. M. Applli mils sloll HilllMI IB 1 >C| Umber 1.



BARMEMT SUSPENDER reUcrea l*'k, lui* and abdominnl

■rgans of a mMtmUmgt fcnrden -"the Hklrlsover

C. S. KIN8BV, il, UlSummer nlreel,



simiiii.i has ( omc and brings with II that class ' ciiiidiniit. wh.cli n ire :i mild, gentle ; r- nt for their relief-one subtle and sore, and roiupt in IU in noii. Such a remedy IH

BAILEY'S SALINE APERIENT, which i* Miiwrlor in delicate flavor to any KF- FKRVK8CINU draught, and a* a SPAKKLINli saline aiMirientluw no ei|iial. It* action Is pain. let*, it* ta*te delirious and it* ciiralive jtrnper- tle* unexcelled. Sold . tervwl.eie for rirTI ets.

bottle. Smltli. DtMillilloA Smith, Boston, Mass. Wholesale Agents


OHGENATED BITTERS. Stomach it one of the moat delicate organs of

the human system; and tbe indigestible food crowded Into It by the requirement* of modem society, keep It in

A STATE OF hlch Is followed by a resort to Ionics ond altera-

Ivetfor relief, it unfortunately ;hai'i>*n«, how ever that many of Ihe medicines esed for this purpose contain alcohol, which, poured Into r diseased tlomnch produce* Irritation, creates Ii llam mall on,.and doe* more inlury tban good.


ml aro purely, medicinal preparation, which, 111 caaesof Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Indigestion, and other like disorders, at once restores the atomnch to It*

Natural Condition Of Health. The Oxygenated IllUers have been Hie mo*

popular remedy lor Hie above complnlnl* Tor Hit last Thirty years, ami ■■nil maintain lliclr uiirlvul led popularity.

Prlro «1 per bottle. BOLD KYF.UYWUF.UE.

JOHN F. HF.NHY, ct'UUAN A CO., Proprtetori No. ■ and 0 i nil.re Place, New York,

j une lirx lit

AQENTH WANTED TN KVEKY TOWN I sell Toilet Castile Soap at gS-Mi for Ut

cakes: Colognes, Kitracts lor Hiindken hiefs, Hair Oils, al il.3S lor I.' bottle*.

I.. I.IN/., 1-1 Ueiuiii-lnieSt., Ilo.-tuii.

sa|)SVCHOMANCY,OR SOULCHARM X ISO." How either sex may fascinate am

gain the lave and iinVction of any pcrton they r.htosc, Instantly. This simple mciiUl aeijuire ment all can pOKfcsf, free, by mail, for 2,1 cents; together with n Marriage Hui.l.-, Kgyptlan Oracle Dreams, Hint* to Ladies. A oncer book. 100,000 sold. Address!'. WILLIAM A CO. Publisher*, Philadelphia.


FOR An Easy Fortune! *

Fifth and Last Gift Concert


B° OSTON AND MAINE RAtLftOAD, Summer Arrangement.

On and after Monday, Juno I, Train* will leave the Depot* n Lawrence, a* follows:—

For Boston (from North Depot), at a.tA,1.M, i. M.; slid 1'i.la. 3.41) and 6.:«l r. M.,(8lidiUr) H *■«■

PorBoiton (from smith Depot), al 6.37, LSI, >.4A, A. M.iand 13.lrt,IJ.:rf,(ei|>ress)L!K>,S.a3,7.|C (El.) 7.15 r. H.

For Portland (from South Depot), at ".67, (ex.), a. M.; I.os, &U r>. H.

For Georgetown and Nnwburyport {from South Depot), at >.i.'i A. M. ; l.uo, 4.3U, i;. v, v. u.

For llaverhlll (from Month Deiml), at rt.-il tun A.M.) and l.on, t.M, «, o.M i: M. ; and from North Du|iot at 7.67 r. H.

Kaeler, l>over, tsTBKl falls and wav slal (South I >.-|-.t. «.«, *. M., I.IO. Ut, *M v. si.

Trains leave lloston fnr Lawrence at l.'Mi, H.I.'I, I0.1S A. M.i 11 M., ;i.:"i, :l.lu, 6, U, 8.4ft an' Sunday :> r. U.

JA M K.l T. FtlltltKK, Hup*, Lawrence .tune I, 1N7I. 1 t



Mi(ti'i New Portable Range,

Alareeatork bought liefore toe a be Hold LOW by


«... :i">» Rasas ttt.».l. lawn

Ihirly Itx'l wide Is lo be out up u poiut in a shorl liiiie by die owners of the barge queen of the Msrrimack or\M<vburyport, and lor lite occommodnlniii ••( patties who gci down the river in her. II will bu conveniently arranged for

The moullily anil emu I annual meeting of Ihe K* sc\ I ounty II opathle sliillcal .-...clely wai held .in Wednesdav. .1 Kill, al the house o in. Nathan It. Morse ill Halem. The Jollowln, oiUccri were elect*,I President, K. P. Cuiuutlng, SI. D., Newburyi'ori; Vice I'residcnl. I.ewii Whlling, M. Ii., Danvers. The next incellng will occur »n Ihe third Wednesday of,Inly, und wll eiiibra.e :i -tcuuili.ml eicurslou up the alerllmaek Irom Neivbiir>|Mirt to llaverhlll.

MultiioHox Oounty.


Tin1 special . nu unit HH1 appointeil by ihe lily

iloTcriiineniliaic dc.lde.lt.> rurnlsh ii llalicoc- Flre r:\linguisher for the •> -■ of the iity.

The Putnam Ounnls, I apt. Albert Tinder, have iiilcdt.i acce|it Lhc Invitation to para.le, oil the liiiirlh, in coiicurrcm-e with other organisations

HiaU- cop* seined tlio loaded loam of Patrick Lynch Huiket .trcil, la.t Halurday, and I.M ked ihe liivsrup. A deiiiaiid for the return of the tclllll ini-l II | It 1.1:111k l.|.I ■ ,1.

Mr. Newton Hrown, or lii.wi.li, owned a dog: Himldng hit Mr. lloger JeweU of K**ex. Mr. Jewell lay* the. ii4i> In-f.ni. the authorities, and Mr. Hrown, aecording to Uu- -v.lc l.asutte," ut lined *i!«l, Ulld .-osts of court.

I uu* ...id Cemetery Is lo lie enlarged. The pro ini.-t.ira have Itoiiglit a lot of Und on the south ua*l sub) of ihe |.i es.nl lot, of Mr. A. P. NlchoU, ■it a cost of lour thousand dollars. Tin. is the loin Hi limn the cemetery hsa lieen enlarged since 1"!.'., nt whleh lime the l.inwood CsiaicWry COJ.

idiiigof the Fourth of .Inly t'ominiltee ■l..|.| l.il.-l lo 'barrel Jump-

between Ihe Tlu- harrcls, twenty live in number,

piaccii in a row and ■ J■ ■ ■ ■■ rour "' not of irssae lisrrels, the per. I'eat In the shortest! I me being declared the wiener. About tlilrty person- have idt.-adi i nlcic.l.

Tlio "Courier" n*l about one hundred men who have la-en employed Ihe lual rills four ." in .lilt lug lugs Jr Woodstock. N. II, to thii lor Soreros* ami landers, arrived in too Thursday and Ihu day prev a. The log* are delivered '" lb" linn unoat reaily for driving. Tlio ^ainc numlier ol day* wu rinpilri'il from W..il-tock lo Lowell UIU tear a* lam. but the drive started SIMIUI IWO weeks Inter, in i|ili'li<-c of Ihe liaekuaril season. Tbe I

ner^ of business linn- desirous of rcplcni lung ih.-u hl.i.i.l.it,,! UHnlrolie, Ihe rlti-r drivers hnv situ plentt of m t at Ibis lime, as iheir entire rea-on's nm-s is paid Ibnn in aluvtvlT nn their



The stiullr* euilnoi-esl In Uie plan of tlio Hchool. and ilcslene.l nir those oupll- whit have aenulrol a giHsl knowledge of Ihe Kleiiienlary Kngllsh Itram.lH-s, arc BO0K.KBfj,,,NO(




■ [II I.H1-.

Fri.ltiv night, ihirly dollart was apnrop IH- .1 n inoi. -I into Ihiw pi i- ■■-, for "ir:,(

iiig," i new ]■'!■],.. bi bike (.'■" ■■ i-i i

ui|>etlug jump hi ami ■i uiii.g - '

.lays edy

ut..o III ■ )


wiK.i.-M.ii*. n.-.iBuisiis*.

20 Tremont at, Musmim Buildinff,


General Agents. Also fur sale bv

Clu. Clarke, fl.!M. Wbitncy i Co,

G. E. Cliickiiriiip., A. R. (Iliililcn.


Excelsior Aperient ! !

rrcparcil In HartatMMftlMft, will, tnn.i . rpi... . 1 nrninlllr, |U|IIV,U,tlllR thi> villiml.l.- i.ri.l.rrtlt.B of tlie ccU'l.rnU'.l


as ascertained by a careful analysis. This ele- gant preparation In its neat and commodious* form, will be round Invaluable In eajes for which It Is rci-oiunieiiilc.1, and not only as a mere laxa live, .removing Headache, Nausea, rtilllnusues* and Conttlpatlnn, but also In small i|iiaiilitli' the addition of a llHIe" Lemon nr other flav nyrup or water, will make a beautiful, siiarkliia and refreshing beverage. Tbe beauty and use fulness olFBOTHINUHAal'SEXCELUlOItAl' Klti KM', lies In the fact that it holds these salts, their character being ascertained by analysis, on a dry and convenient form,and when dissolved In the tumbler In water, according to directions, It partakes of the nature, ami I* al- uu-ci precisely the same in edect, even showing presence of the Carbonic Acid, lia* Promote? during cffcvesccnce .llial would be 'derived if you were on Ihe European ContlrcnL dipping these health giving water* from tlio celebrated

Seiillitz Springs of Bohemia-. Price 50 Cents Ter Bottle.

SMITH. DOOLITTLE & SMITH, 26 Tremont Street. Boston,

V, N B H A It A O K N T S

Also lor sale by

G. E. Chickerhig. H. M. Whifney & Co., Chas. Clarke, A. R. Gtidttcn.

lias been !l involuted

lit.|>r,t..r or Milk for I ■ CHyaf f^ivv-

Ihe tt iiil.r-i.

Four III.HII. I and Merltorlon* Kliaivs, for one Price or AdmUaion.

Consisting nf the It..) al i'llliu, m Ii 1.1. Mn

The Mammoth Menagerie, and nderful School of K<liicaU-d Animals. r wilh Ihe Ki|uestrl.in Spectacular ,li


and all person* HUlng Hilt within the illy arc icrcby rci|itc*teil l» conforni to all the rettlll uents of tlie law and City Onliuiiiieea relating

the 'nine. Ml persons will ol'i-ervc that Ibe law reipiii ii dealers in milt, at nhuh'sale or ivtul, from

wagons, relbtrs, stores, shops or market plai-ei ilhln Ihellmlls of the City nf La* retire are re nested in

It" -Rlatt r III sir (1 ■ HITS nllh I lie I n.pri lor All persoiis nuareoinuy violntion ofsuld law


Tbe c

n Non of '70. ,-cning with or

i.lnr.llii: e inn I.-p. t Hum

July 31st 1874. List of GiltB.

line lirand Cash (lilt, One lirnnd Cash Ulu,

ine lirand Cash «■ -»II. hie Urand Cash l-ill, Ine (iriind Cash '. n,

B Cash tiills, •'.'O,I«NI each, 10 Cash Olrts, H,U00earh. 1.1 Cosh i;nl-, lo,nni each,

ion, T.'i.omi

i-ii iiirts, ,,!■" Ii h, ■a, uuk oirts. 4..ISW each, :u> i .i-I. I.H' ■. ;I,ISOI each

list Cash (lifts, ],<*>i encli HIO Cash (ilfts, Mm melt NW Cash (iifls, lou ra.l.

[",11"' 1 .1 ll 1 .III . .si each

Lirand Total '.fi.iSSJ liln ., all lush, 'i,MW,W Price of Tickets.

Whole Tickets, • <l<> O Ilstlvaa, »H U Tenth*, or each Coupon, It U II IVhoIr Tickets fnr ROII O as 1-1 II. k. Is fur, I .Itllll.II

For Tickets or information,

tno.'p., nRAMT.KTTK. Agrnt anrl Mnna|[rr,

Public l.llonit UIIII.IIIIK. Louisville, hi.,. Thoa. II. Hay* *. Co., l-sl.tn Asjenl

OIIO lt>oa,ltv-l , \. tv fin -U.

Ml >l.].l'. MAKIK F.LISR, The bcaiilil'iil K.|lii'slriennc.


The wo'

CARROLL lerlul

F A M 1

The Twin Diseases ! !




For Invsntioni. Trad* Marks, or Detigni, T« Ntnte Nt., opposite Kllby **!., noston, after an cxttaisive pr.iei lee nf upwards of tlilrty yearn, continue* lo secure Pabjils in the Culled Stales; also in Urent llritnln, Frui.ee, and ullH-r foreign cmiiilries. Caveats, rliiei-illeiillons, Assign- ments, and all paiicrs for Patents, useculcd on reasonable tennr,ve.lh dinpnli-li. Iti-seorehes made !0 fluU-riiiiitw tlie v ilidlu und utility of 1'HII-IIH ol Invoitious, and 1-gal and oll»-r udvice rendered in all maUi-rs touchiug ihe aasno. Co|4es ol lbs cltilma of any Patent ninilsheil bv rcmluliig one dollar. ARilgitiiieiilH recorded in Washington.

**-Nu Agency In the United HUlU's |HIS«'SSCS superior faellilie-i for uhlaiiiing 1'iitellt* ur ttoccr- taining Hie paU-ulAhility of iiiveiiliiiil*.

All 'esslty Ufa journey to Washington to pro- cure a Patent, and the usual great delay there, arc here saved inventor*.

TESTIMONIAL*. ■■ I regard Mr. Kildy as one of tie mn„l rnpnblc

and successful practitioner* with whom 1 have li.i.i ..111- ..il ".(.-■■ 'Ml e.

CMAItl.KM MAKOV, Cnmmla'rnf PaU'nls.' " I have no liesilalion in HHMIII lug Inventor* that

Kiev cannot employ a r.nui naorr ainprltui ami Inulwrtky, and moi-e rapnhlo orputting their an. plleiilions iii a lunn l»> neciiro lor tli aa early ami favorable cuuM,(eralion at the Patent lilt.*.

KliMCND BUIIKK, LuUiC.iui'i ... I'.-.n .,(■.' "Mr. H_ II. Kuliv hna made forme over Til I IITY

applii-allons for PuteuU, lutvlag Imen sun essful in almost every case. Much u Isbikalilu pnsd •r great tnb-nt and ability on Ids part, lends uie to rceoiiusH'iHl SI.L Inventors to apply to biia to pro- cure llielr patent', ns tlu-y nav IH- sure of having

nost faithful niu-iiti.inli.--l.ined on Uioircases.

IMI" i.Kirm wuiriM

COMMERCIAL LAW, I TO K Mil rri sill.K l-irKS.iinili.nl,

i-misSMsiiii-*, an-.,) n'l of which are especially necessary tor and

adapted to Commercial purposei. Pupil* desiring other stadia* than above

I the Co I them In u-. the rmnunn

nasaed ntav aeteet any Kanii-.ii sn iOK* and pur lion Wilb or aeperato froi ■IIMIIi

Pupils receive.) at any time if tbera are varan. cles. Prospectus and Circular nf tlie sehooli poal free. Thu selsmd I* now lorslul at :UW Wuh iBfton Street,- location previous to the lire m May |H1-.,1. II.uu-, :i t-i .'. Closed Halurday*.

Vaeallon during July aud August. Applies. thin for admission, Rent. 1st., mar be made In Cnraon till .Inly 1st: from July Isllo August 17.

y letter only, building eloM-il. Auvust 1J liil Sept 1st, Ihu principal will 1st Innttcndanec daily from II liil i-

K 1I1111IAR1I. Principal. i. i.i ■:.,..i..' in

O" ItCUTT'S UKLIADI.K loirnivi; ilou.

These r.nl* have, for upward* of tlilrty year*, been eiteuslveU used to protect ihe valuable mid exposed building* ol thn t'nito.1 HtoMa at varioua naval ami armory tLilious, Including powder, Magaslnes ami shell house*; for Uie puldle bull.). Ingsand ehuiehe-ui ll...u,n and oil.ct . Iiier and towns; tlie licit mansion houses in Nun Kiiglaod, at also all clasnes nf building*. They am le conspicuous, and leas liable to get out of or.I Uisn any others In luc.

They are tha ami j- Rod* whleh have Hever Fnllsd.

•■-These Ko.ls have never been forced up tneeoiiiiiiunily by -oli.it..rs.

- f the cnunlry, l.y mail

Dui Sinn- und .lock Ore In May, i~: I, we ._. entire HUH k of New tiood* < and Latest HI} les of

the best .piallty

PAIIT.OH. CIUWIBH, niIVf.Ni* iiii.in,

AND lllllltlll

FURNITURE, Draperies and Interior Decorations.

tTPmiCIAI that iiinomn-nii.^.

IIAI.F.Y. MOUSE ^ CO. No. 411 Washing fan St reel


\f 118. C. N. HUMAN,


PIANO ANJ) OLW1AN. •oo Ksaea Mteeet, r.ax .. it. r.

Mr*. Iloninn |H an cviierlcneed teacher. Batll- facllun guaraiileed. Also, agent for the Pre-.'oil llrgnii. Tbisllrgaii I n.tiiy i. II biesl .-.-tub lislinienl ol Ilie kind In lln- (lulled Slates. The e*|H>riet nf :Si j .-;u - in the biminess i-uaiiii's the tuiiiiiiMi litn-r.. loplm-r lulhe nuii-l.i-1 ( »|i|.li In, gaasof airrb Viirii It. iiiiiiliil i.i' n.in- and llnUi a* Will eluillei.ge >p.„U ,.r elcgaiiee ■ if style, volume, :iinl p I "I tone. Snl.l uu ill. lallineut*. Old III-III.in.nl.. I.iki i, iiicicluuul*. setMHtr

Is Ihe fountain head of almost every dis-

ease arrllatliig Ihe human family, and

DYSPEPSIA, Ita ninfonill.nl and Ttvln llrolliri. with all the trrrwrsaanI tortures srcsia- panyluff a Broken D*)WM Mtomarh. Holh these duo rislnit naatarilrs can be c. by thn wee a-f


SPECIFIC ! Tlio Great Remedy for Cofltivo- neas. Sick Head-Aoho and Piles.

. Herb* and llnrka, .. native fonnrtH, IL does not

tiartli'lfl of physic, or anylbing Uial run o harm even to an infant. It Is nut n

cure all," 1ml lor the disease for which ills re. 'oiiiuiemled, llwrcJ* nothing like It in M.itlchic.

FOH lllSI'lil'M.t

the Ii Al :\HH r.. iis'itnt.

An Act to amend "An Act in rclnlloi, In the sale and InspeeUonof inilk"

l'.:- It enacted, Ac, an follows: UrX'r. 1 Wh.«verfl».lUnre\rhaiigi's, nr has In

bis posiMs ion, with In ton I [..sell, or eKi-haugc, or oflers lor sale or cvelinngo .I.I id milk, or milk to which water m nnv lo reign Hiibslance baa been added, knowing tlie mime to be adull.-r nlcd or (o Contain water or any foreign aiibslnn.-e Rhali t»r II." Ural mTunc.c, be punished by a line o one DUUdrod dollars and for any siiliscpicut vio lalinn, n line of not ICJ* than oiichnndrcl dollars, nor exceeding llirec hundrod dollars, and im- prUoiinu id in tlio house nf correction not le* llin.ii thirty or more than ninety days. •

SBcrr. J. The ]<cnailios prvjehled inthaprereed- ng section, and thoau provided in the net lo which this Is in addition, may be recovered nn complaint before any court of competent Juris. diction and one half ol tin- amount of line 1m |tose.l shall go ;to.Ihe. coniplainniit or Informer, and the remainder,to the treasurer of the city or lown where offi'iice was committed.

Sr.'i. .1. It shall ba the duty of every Inspector of milk tu'in-ditiilccniiiplnint on the information ornny person who may Inv before linn sallsfae. lory evidence on which to sustain Uie same, and be shall be entitled to receive one hall'tlic amount ninny penally recovered therefor, and shall pay over Uie sanii! lo tbeuerton who lias (list given the luioruiation on which the complaint was made.

{Approved May 27.180S.r

nuy SI U



ITobrunry Htb, MM.

Noti.-c is hereby given in accordance with the

pntvlsions of the following Statute bi all ]tcr*ons

itliin UM Innlta of the t.'lty of Lawrence, using

Weights and Measures for the purpose of buying

and nclllug, to bring the .-.um- to the Hiibsi'rilicr

at hi* place ol business,


hal they iu.,y liu adjusted and sealud acenrdii

K, SI Ms,

Sealer of Wciglil* and Measure*.

An Act In rwlatloa to Senllns Welghte

and Meaeuree.

He it enacte-i, Ac, rit Jbthm i ,

SaWT. 1. All ptMOM using scales, weights, measure* or milk . JIIIH. for the purpose of selling any goods, ware*, mere hand Ise or other euiniu.t- dltles, shall liave tlu-in adjusted, sealud and re- corded by the sealer of weight* and measures in the city or town in which Ihey reside or have their usual iilae.o of butdnc**, and shall lliereallcr lie re* (ion* Ih In for the correctness and exactness of the same, provided, however, that they shall have the right to have such scales, weights, and measure* and milk-can* tested and adjusted lit the nlflec of Iho sealer of weight*

liencvor thuy dusire to do so.

SKCT. 1. The sealer of weights in each city and town shall go on.-e a year, and ulU-ucr if ni!ce**ary, to even- hay and coal scale, lormant or oilier 'platform liala.icc, within said city or town thai cannot l»- ensile or conveniently reuioved, and test the accuracy of and adjust and

■.. 1 the .u .-■.

jlL^'ans, fur ilm purrione of buyliig selling any inmdily, may have the salmi

tested and sealed liy the sealer of weight* and measures In the city or lown where lliey reside or have their usual place ol luininess, ut III* olllcu tvlieiiever tliey may desire to have it done.

SKCT. I. Whenever a cumphilni is made lo a sealer of weight.-, and measures under oath, ' nnv person, Ihat he ho* reasonable, cause lo IteVfl thai any si-ale, weight or nu-asui.- used In the sale of any cniiuuoditv within the city and town, IP incurred, tin- raid sealer shall go to the place white such Male, weight or measure Is and lest and mark the Maine :c-cording to ilm result of lest applied thereto, anil If Ih.- same be Incorrect and cannot bo adjusted, tlio said sealer shall attach a'liotlcu thereto, eerlilyliig Ltic fact, and fnrbiildlng the u.-tr there.n until the same lie* Iwen mailc to eonforiu to Lho aulhorlio.) ntaudurd. Any piirson using any aentu*, weight* or meas- ures after a sealer of weight* and measures has deiiiniidi'd pemilssloii to h'--t 11..- same, and has la-en refused such per.ni-.-ion, nhall lie liable to tin- snuie penalties as if he lia.l knowingly used a Ihl*.- scale, weight or measure*.

SHOT, ft. Allsoalca, weights and measure ■ Ihat emin.it lie made lo eonloriu lo the slaadard sli IH. hlduiij.e.1 "condi-iiiii.Nl " or "(.'. II." by sealer ol weights and measures; and no lM'n shall llierimller use the same lor weighing measuring any cuiiuitodiiy sold or encliniijri'd, umler the in-aaltles provldcl In Hie casi- uf Ihe ure of false weigiitn and measures.

BUTT. I. Kvcrvsenleroftvi-lgbtsan.l shall receive such eiiiiip.-imalinii lor Ills scrvh ...

nay Imllveil by theeitr or lown wllhiu which ' ■ iml mi fee* shall lie eliargcd l<

ie may pcrlorin.

- city and lown shall wllhiu tl laiuuiry ai'd duly In

it AHKBAI IN Ullil its.

FRIMCHBADI .(ALMA, the lliimaa Anaemia.

MA8TRB Wll,I.IK, Tbe Astoni-hing Bay Bare- bank Itlilcr.

TUB i.iti vr I.I MI \ ii :

Tin. WON DEKKl I. A NT( >NI(), And a regiment nf Artists,.who s la ml al tin

head of uie profession as Ihe Monarch* ol Ih, Arena, TI ioat8tii|iesuron*,

FREE STREET TOURNAMENT Bver represented by American eaidtal.


a l.y lorly Ii , drivi i l.y 0


"EMPRESS." The largest of her ipftoies ever caplured. Sland leg twelve feet six inches lilgb. Age cm ypvrt

it ml weighing the enormous amouiiL of

0 TONS ISO' POUNDS, Will Lead the tirnud Cavalcade.


Kver subdued tn perform in the Ampbilhralrc and ridden by a native. The won lurful Talking Morse, "Sleplicn A. Douglas." The great in- forming Mules, " Itriek I'omrroy " and " Ucii Hulter." The Smallest Kleplumt lu the world, only two your* of age. Tbe mint gorgeous strt^-t tlispltty ever conceived. Wlinleni-miesofelcgaiilly dressed ladies nml gentlemen. The streets rrowib edwith


Filled with

i.iv I.M. v* ii.ii in: is i s.

Every cage la adorned with silk ami goldei

CORNET BAND 01H tluiiough Muaieiuns, - - Door* nncn at 1 and 7 1'. M., giving all an ouprrrtunlty to visit the 1'avlllon devoted lo the Museum, U en tiger If, and the Mechanical liepartiucnt, belon Ibe Hip- pod mine begin*.

Admission to nil R0 Cents, Children under II years of age, -JA cents.

Will Exhibit nt invi iimil, Tin itsi» iv, July nib.

CLAUD in.iiAvi-.s,

iieneral Advertising Agent, and Director of all Publication*.



Tie Most Complete Snwinn Macliine iv Tin: uom.t*.

Salt-Setting Need!,;

Seff-Threading Stultie.

and Self-Adjusting Tension. \

I Agent* i In I... ihur Machine to he the BEST hut before purchasing call and examine for your- selves, ami then decide. 1 nlsu liave the New l.n-

Wilcox A Gibbs, Weed Secor,

Howe, Singer,

Aud all Otlier First - Class Macbiacs. AM, RUI.U ON


"Pay Your Money & Take Yonr Alter one month's trial, If not sntisfnelory, Bl

hnnged for any nlher In Die marki'l, free Of PI


Ity the Week or Month.

All Kinds or Machines Repaired

And War ran led to give salUhiclixn, or no Pay. .


Nei Sprinji ani Summer Patterns, Of the latest ami most desirable styles.


...jii'in LAn-ni'imr,:, MANM.

pus'BRAL ANII nmsisniso


Sal,, Room No. 8 Appleton Street,

I113RIIIKNOK1.ITKBM.INTMI. nn.) DiUMMI, exwntnl nl





.■c your eye,! KiMtore y.mr .l^lit l.y ur.ln,


. «■ all uuier Idasses in the iiiurket. Flrst,the «e leni.es Uiveut ir.uii stone found ut the ImUam ol Lhc se,i in Itt-nxll, and are el.-nr,-r iban any inaiiufuetured I.Issues. Sceoiul, lieing I.,und in the sea, thev retain their natural euldii.-io-, and are always i-oolKiIhe nerves ofthceie, ..ml never tire the sight, hut give ease and eoirn'ort lo the vlsi.m. Third, Ihey are nliuosLas Imrd as diamond, there. fore TOO eanu.il scratch lliem, and they olnavs remain clear. A ipeelewii of ttie stone thesi- lenses on- cul I'rnui, can he seen ut my oltl.-c.

Hon.it be dceelved bv nedlers and others trv Inirtoaellyuui-iiiiiiiionuhtH-i^, rein encnting them t»d... rebates,

1 WaiTjnii Evoi-y Pnii'l 1111 IIIIMI S 4JIVKX.


Spectacles & Eye Glasses from 50c up. KJII-I-taelrs * Kj-r IJIaasca Ilepalred.

Old Glaeaes put into Now Frames. S]iri-t;iele-l>lassci. Filled.

neraona wishing U> lie visiu-d at Hair resi i-eieniiigs, pleiise drop ;i |io-Uil eard lo my

"iiisI'IiiiY" PRAOTK !AI,( >1>TIC!I AN,

Office, 43 Cross SI.,Lawrence.



3000 YIDS.






and Colored Kid Gloves

For 50 cts. Per Pair, Worth SI.

SIMPSON, OSWALD & CO. 213 Essex Street.

LAWREHCR, ■>*■■.

It.-iiil the folli.wlng testimonial■: Itciij. Kingsl.ury, jr., ex-lluyor of the njt] ol

nf you, H|H.i-im- fni

a griiai puJille want. Mum ..I my in-rminal lrl.-n.l-. nndai i|Ui.iiitimees,as well m. ni>-self have bean greatly lieneUlU-d by ils use."

Lewis II. Smith, V. 8. DepL Colle.-tor, Portlanil, says : "I most tieartllv rt-enmniend your vnluahie 'Hoo.-lllii' loallucrsmia sulTerlng iiiHiilhalli'rrlhli1

disease, <ly sjieimia."

.lohn a. llcald/ei.Marshal oily of Portland,

Henry T. Cbampner, Importi-r, *i West Si iislon, write- : "l>r. I.orinj, having been H SII

fOrer fur year- IV Iv„i» |.-oi, I wan led aeide. -"to try y.mr ■rl|ie.ille' and I ran truly say tin

H lieiu-nili-il me i i- tl.au nnylhiiig I leu Inkeii-lls -

iv illi gi-ci amity.

Loring's Specific


We warrant a Cure in every case

Or Refund The Money I



96 Tromont Stritut, BoBton.

(1 K N 14 It A r, Ad V, NTH,

Also ror sale l.y


G. I Chickuring, H. M. Wkiltuy ,t Cu mayiwiyliii


ll-lmi, rili-e ■, Inill

H.ll|.e ,il I' Vi'Si'

e IIUblHI 1'U'C yr, n. Thii iv

\AppnmA Afnpii, WTO,


Sewing Machine,

Made by tbe Htu tha Largest Sales,

Ivesilie Best MatlalWrt Ion, Hade of the Best Material,

Is Hit> H-II si to I,earn to Qasralti

',' -M\ Ulli.l

out of o hnvt i other.

ii nl any other In II. I


There were -rid la 1*71 over l.Vi.ffiMl more B. IOWK MACII1SKS, than any other, as the Ma- -hines have \ vorld wide ie)iutnll.iii, and arc win lo ovary cUiliscleoimU-y In the wnrld, and on.■ re, -riii -| Hit lii.rli- : l-i i in m ills w herevrr el lihiU'd, reoelvlliiruo Ifs" tlinn live U1S iu|ierloritT, still! late illier linn liiin--.

na Kxhlhilion,

a nl nisi lirnnd1 Sew York warcro - are nl IM> llristdwny. Pn.-tiirles al RrJdgc|iort, Cunii.. IVru, Indiana ami (ilssgow, Sc.ollsii.L and sro turning mites machines ncnlsy.


Lawrence, Antiover and Methuert.

OFFICE 199 ESSEX STREET, Lawrence. Mass.

r.(l/| SEW TINTS ""I SA1.KI

Will, |Hlta noil |,lll. r. mill.!., cnn«l.|lQ|t »l B£LL, WALL AND A TENTS,

PRICES FROM $9 Til $12,

James Martin and Son, .I..I.1..I-. ,.f u.iii iui.1 , ..-'"I'M «L„k .n.l ll.l.r^

111 <U,U,M.,',I.I Nlr«.t, ■*,».














Nn«. II anrl N Cmtom Mouse M(reeif


N13W ENGLAND AGVTS. JiinellIH4msiiLti>


A Cheaper Fuel tlu Wood or Coal THE LAWRENCE GAS COM*Y.

a pftpanrl m reocive orilere for Coke nt Un

1*3 on of 14 bbli.dellvered S6.00 7 " " «.00

ice Par Barrel at the Workt, .40 Jnlsrs i v<-.l at tliair ofllcc.

No. 253 Essex Street. l."j>l«U GB«B«EI1. CAJIOT, au.i.t.

ORKENE, M. D. No. 8| Tiiii|ilu l'|. lloston

Ofllcrj hours li.iiii 1| to 9. Wo liovc mailc Uio study aa.l nrac 10 ei medUiiic n n. work. For

lite last twouty-llro years we hare vra.'ili>'*l i" Itiwtnii ami ifin-ii »i«i--

IHl .111. Nil,,11 1.1 II.. trUStllU'llt Ol' I in ,.|,L. In.

Tlie Induoomeiiis we arcahln to offer to Inrall.lH um luii((ei|i«ion.-n, sii|iorlor i-finii'itii's niul tlielr iMlsiiLitloiito thu iflaaaMd ooajttooa or the hn-

lllll :■! "I nurnie.llral l'iiiii|ilili'l,ilcncriliiiiK IIIHUUHCI. anil

Hieiriirfiiierlr.Mlnifiii, will I" ..-nl iVoo lo all in. valtils hy ■il.li'.-nHii.jt II. tiHKF.NK. M. H.,MTcm his Plaea, I •■ ■ : i itineScmlt1fs||alr


BRAMAN SHAW &. CO. MsiiuHi.-lurors ami I•.■■,(. , in

PARLOR FURNITURE, t-s, Knsynnil ItiX'.Mnif (lii.irs.Oiur. Ii n-niUiro marlo to or.fer.

I'H-l ml I 111 HI'

Laycock's English Hair Seating. •aUtnKMJhWI

i.ll.my ami W AII r.irllnrul Hlrccls, Iloi Miniui, K*»T OaHBlllMHi


:llol I,."

.\r ORE THAN A HALF MILLION liulban in Two Tears.

Broadway Savings Bank. BRECHIN BLOCK


UercivMl its nrst ikiinsit May IS, IHJl. STATKMKNT NIAY 1K)U».1«74.

LIAIIII.ITIKH. itKHUiiuiae. Deonslt-, $51S,'.rjn W Hwtfagai, »IO»,*TO«1 SmlllUS, 4,'."W^ Noli-n, Si.rl.lOOO

BankHlorliP, lil.tuHi^i Cnshonliniul, £!,U7UrJ

t-^fHl, IBJHT *5!W,t,n;.,i7 Iiank open erory day in tlie week from DAM

(o 1 ■'. II., pvn-iit Sutunlay, nml on Tliurnilay un.l .Si.turtlny eveuintcs froin , to u, for receiving tle- tr»«lts nnlv. i)i-|"i-ii.« |.|iu-i.i on Interest Irom Uie llrst ittiy orinr-li month. Iiirlilouils ol Jho u.t i-:n niiij:- niLiilf tivli-.' eni-li year.

JOHN rALf.ON, PresUlenL JOIIS I.. BKKWSTKK, Treasurer. flji-l-itf


NOW IS THE TIME! Al the Spring oi)t;n«, the ImpurltU'H which

have been ImprLsonutl In the Blood over

WhiU-r are thrown to the aurfneu, d'ttflg-

Dringtho :<kin With PhUptM, BollH, etc.,

ami oMtalag dborder In the ws\y of

Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and Diseases of the LIVER and KIDNEY'S.

GlidclGU's Coiiceutratefl Syrnp of SABSPARILLA,


Iodide of Potassium,

I.F.HT ni,»n>i> pmni'iKK In cxlsleiii-.'. ItftcU an n<|nioi Alton*

live, driving; All tool matter* Into their proper excretory channel!, -,in ii.-ii.<-nii!.-,

dlgeHtlon, nml ImpnrtlDg (ilooa to the Cheek, si.I'm.-.s to Ike Skill, llnnnpsH to

tlio Step, ami cheerful urn a to tbe Ml Od. For Bolll It Is an Infulllhlo Cure, ami to

Rlietlinntisin It afford* great relief. l>.i<€. On*. l>..llui- |...r ll-.ttl...

SIX BOTTLES FOR FIVE DOLLARS f Prepared nml for sulu liy

A. R. GHdden, Druggist, Cor. Essex fc Penfberton ts»., Lawrence.

$1000 WORTH


Fftmily Sowinp; Mftchinos on Earth

'I'ln- IHIKIIHatml woi lil-ron.iwnvil


To Im Kiv.in nwajr nt the



131 Kseea Hlraal.

I Is. ins il Orstrlnss trnilo n»Di Un- yoo.1 iieoplo .

All. I

is neon the resilient or a large, Br~* '"

ipe. town-, ilurlnu tlio last IllVi-n y.-im

—- 1 hereby ID nt rarors ui

tmnage. A'H a iiirllier oxpressloD

I.iiwrenoi', Mi-tliiii'ii, Amlovor, anil mllolniua towns, ilurlng the lant nrici-n yi-jirs, In aoknowr c.lgomrntnr His ssinr-, I lirri'liy .xten.l my iln- iM.re grntiliuli- for all past fitvori. uml i-vtctilingly lilierol niitronage. AH - " thanks, I shall


Qive a ticket to eachcuAlonior,




«ivr a««y 100 Tleksle «N

late, and HOO am a OTA ■*<

Ami in ttiaf proportion on thn illlTbrent stylos. The iirlsus will bo awnr.lo.1 to lira luoky number as soon us the tlcki-ts um givun nway.

MY STOCK OF BOOTS & SHOES Is too well known tn require any explanation at

mini- in ri-KurilliMinnlitv. I shall, as herctorure. l.i i l' It v, , Ii .1.-. !,-.!





,r' CO.,

Mn lui';:ui






WAUKllOUSKN; nrir.AitKi.riiiA,


ninv lOKK,

M:W OIII.I: v\s, I.a.,

.in.isrt, i.„.

N. E. Agents. BROWN & HAYES, lui, i«n ..lui mn n,-,„n\ str-eot.



1ST nn in iv nXAAOV,

Dwi'lllng House, ni-nrly new, siiuateil on go strt'ut Lot oontnlns HHWi fwi; IIHUMCU

by *(', iwo stories, (wilh tiasemont umler part of tlio Mine) eiiulaining USTIKHUI., nil uiiinlieil, paint- eil ami blln.lcil, (In Uie premlsos n cistern ut soil walor,uml a nover -ting well. Loeatlon rcntr;il,

it very i l.-ii ai.l ■: Prlec low, terms easy. lino, House ami Lot sltnaU1.! on High street. t containing «Mfl RhH. Roue has in rooms, two

stories, painted aa.l bllmlcil. This property is sltualeil In a vi-rv ilenimulu locality, anil cau be bought at a bargain.

Also, several central nml desirable House Lots. A HUM Hltuato.1 in HAI.EM, B. II., about one

*" Salem Depot con tabling 8b acres lend, vl.led Into tillage, pasturing ami wood

on tlio blue. II by l-, Itam 3D Ii

ion, tillage, [in...i I'I111ix and w land, um .ui .In nt least. Fruit—apples, jrrap

il cur/nnts/ A iiriinu working Uranlta Lcdct — House two stories, ti by ti; LJJ

by S8. Apply to



T. Ragtri' Ltw OHIce,

Mew Town House, Hethuen, Unss.



COMPAITIBS Incorporated. Assets.

Franldln, of Philn., Pn., un $3,200,719 Penniiylvaula, ot I'lima., laift 1,300,600 Qerman, Ain.-riiiin, N. Y, Mi 1,048,388 WBstcheBter, New York, ittiT 641,493 Falrtleld County Conn., UW 307 267 First National, Win c en lor, IrSJU 103, "~ aiouoeat«r, UlouccsU-r, 1S70 iea,

KnVliHh Oompimi**. Royal, HM6, gold, tia.OOO.OOO

American Rrnneh, * I 808 676 Queen, MM, gold, lO.ooo.ooo

Amerioan Bninoh, 017,327 in. -i-i li-l. IStM, gnhl, 8,000,000

Ai.ii-ri, :ni llraneh, 904,497 Jt:l Run street, ... tswrsae* aprttfl; p. o. Box an.

.i.m;. KtiWARUa. .MM. H MACHKLU


Tin; urHlaralfnMl would rt- tn Hi. olUaens ..r Lawmnae lui O|i0iie.t a

Real Estate and Intelligence Office,

At .VJI i:..rl Slt-rrl.

Aii nftl'-o which our city lins long weeded. Those wanting li.-lo oi nnv ii;.li,.inilii. ,„ ,,., ,,,,:Lii..i. ,,i those wiinling loyme.il, Will llnd It tn their .nli .mi. ii, lo .-.-ill on, or mldivss


(tai Kssea isii.. i. whore all pntr.ms will lie urninplly wnllo.l uj.-m ami Ju.tly doaltwIUi, aud hone buying or stlllog lt.nl EMUIH or Personal I'io|,eiiv, or luivlng UnelnenU to let, or rent to .-..Heft, plenso giro m<* your oiilers. anil I will give my iium.'illnt.- atti'iition, and will only charge lor etooimoH ai-tunlly Incurred or serrlees rcn- deriHl. iliirtliy

*rf- For tu\l rtn.l deL-illcl IIHU of iiroiiorty, lone niiiiH. i'iii|,|ojineut wmiU'il, tie., V AHmUGalf.

i'1'i-ri) , u ctho llA

City of Lawrence Water Loan, 81 x percent. Cou|ion non.ls ef the (,'ity atLt

rence, duly authorized by act of the Legislature, City Ordinance and resolutions or the City C< oil, will |M issned tlctolier 1st, fur a limited iimounl(\iii|ion* attached for semi-annual Inter- est, payable in lloston or Lawrence, at the opUoa or holders, ror price ami full particulars ..all on or in I.I rum K. W. COLCOUD,

City Treasurer. Per order * f Finance Committee. swmtf


3- . ^ JP, Tasleleas, Ilurable, Kf- Hcient nml Cheap. The flest

t, Pump for the lonst mooey. At- tention in cHpi^laliy invllod to ItlftlH.lsj's Patent Improved Ilm. k.tnmlMew Drop Check Valve, which can bewfthilruwu without remitting the Pump,or dir-luriling tho Joints. AJso.Uia Cnpnor Clininiior, which never cracks or sootos, and will out- last any other. For sale by dealers uml thu trade generally liupilretor Itlutcbley'i Pump,

and If not for sale In your town, send direct to CHAS. G. It LATCH LEY, Manufacturer,

inlTluliiiuwny fiUi Commerce ML, Phil., Pa,

Hcnm-rl, Soii|i, Ssm-r, individual Ilnltor, ore.l Iliitter, Cake, Iterry, loe Cream anil cup, lu Porculsln, Htonc Chins ami cream color. Cov- ered Dishes, oval and round, In Porcelain anil Sfarne China. Turn-nun, Soup and Saute, Sauea lloats. Platters, or oval dishes, In ForccJaln, stone China and cream color. Pllohers, In porea. Isin, stono ChiiKi, cn-sui color, Itockingliam and vcllow ware. HeellepOtl tiniipio*, In Porcelain, r-iont! China, KIM: king ham, ami yellow ware, nt .Inns Oi IHiw A Cu'a., Hill Essex Street.

roi:nnt». SOI:K TllltOAT.INFLO- KNZA, WHOOP- 1 !* I) C O U O II, I'sni-e, iii'-ii mi i.., ASTIUA, sal every .it.. li.m of iii.. -nn:i..r. man

., ,-.1Hv a. hr ami jD*r- ifhr mrcff r^

UM Dsuof In:. Hi.



CONSUMPTION OAN HE < 1'ItKD fcy * llmrlv rrsis-t In this stannard tfmerlr. m is j... vM |.y Luiulrcliut t, .Ilm,,!,UU 11 lias m.noL I'liKr/rnniiif Isslimnl'-/, Aufi*"on Ilm sntipn, hrll'll W.ailWI.K U MDNn. Pni.i-siEruss.lW euKAUsa. M| LyJmSmmwemi

ecu eow |1 wd lit n


QUAKER BITTERS Triese celebrated It it tern are com- Jtosed ofclwice HootK, Herbs, and

iarkSf among which are Gen- tian, Sarsaparttla, Wild Cherry, Dawlellon, Juniper, and other berrieft, and are HO prepared a* to retain all their medicinal qual- ities. They Invariably cure or greatly relieve the following com- }>iHints i i >ynoptiu, Jaundice,

jlver Complaint, IJOHH of AmH'- tlte, Hcailaclie, Itilious Attacks. Itt'init(rut and Iutormlttent Fi- vers, Anue. Cold CblllH, Blieuma- lism. Sum HUT Complaints, PUes, Kidney LMfteascn, Feninlo DifH- Clllticri, Liissitiulf, Low Spirits, General lability, and, in fact* everything caused by an impure state of tlie Rlood or deranged condition of Stomach, Liver, or KUlneys. The aged find in the Quaker Hitters a gentle, soothing stimulant, so dejtiruble in their declining yeurs. No one can re- main long unwell (unless afflicted with an incurable disease! after taking afew bottles of the Quaker Hitter; Prepared by Dr. H. S. Flint & Co.

■ At their Great Medina) Depot, PROVIDENCE, R.I.


Attached to these patented Speetarles are two urn-mi lb-ally constructed bnlranfai Batteries*-un. seen when worn—delivering through the nerves ol

letarltr. he ealrre

AltSHI.CTKLV vitalizing and giving healthy action lo the ealrre liesutlful svxteni of those liar'- * and CKKTAINLY CIT1UNU

Partial Ptr.lyili or tke Optle Hcrvt, rVeah or lll.ra>r.l Vl.lon,

Ff■auralajta earth* Head or Fars. Mer»■«■ ■ TisnMfcsi fas Us*

■fwaelaa af ttis Vast, If •laea la tha H r«rl.

1.1 » lergyof

iv ton is] ilng degree.

Vigor and Health. 1111ui111.,, in a

Life end hr the means of ibe soft flowing stream of Eh trie ity, giving BrlghtNees to tha Eva,

<luiik wens to tha Ear, Eatargrjr to th* Urals..

Th.-v are set with lenses of the finest Manufac- ture, to suit all sights, and with glasses for tlione not needing spectacle* to rend with, but desiring the trenelltH to In- derlv.-.l from won ring ibe list, terles; and to he had In this .in only of

HUMPIffiKY MOOAR, Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician


No. 336 Essex Stroet, Lawrence

y. B. eted .s";


RISE Tin. i.i11 v reliable Gift Distribution in the ceuatrj


T .i rr.l.iil. • |n

L. ID. snsrini's insti, Reaular Moatthlv.

GIFT ENTERPRISE To be drawn Monday, A Hr- 10th, 1ST*.


Tt-a Friaaa wioo SfONEENBACKft Oua F»...n>- r-nl.ar, Hnri aVatehssl Horse- with Ml.tr-MOi..t*,l H.rs...

worth |i,noo,.,hi 1 Home A Buggy with Hllver-Mounteil Harness,

worth »600 One Un.- M I Kosewood Ptnnn, worth UW,

I-ni'liiinilj Hewing MaohineH, worth glisi enr-h. TIMXJold and Hllvei L.-v.r Hunting WaH-hen (in

nil), worth from |ifl to tuto eaehl Uold Chains, MbMM ure, Jeweien-, etr„ n»p. No. of Qiftt, 6,000. Ticksls limited to SO.OOU

Clrculnrs containing a full list or prlaea,'» d* crlotlon of tho aianiier nf di-awln«, and other in .. .antwrnr drawing, and oilier ii

formation In rofereaee la (he UlatrllsaUoa, will I, 'lerlna th.-ni. AU letter" uiu« ■•■ ii. lUTK.lsi M

I lo any oi lie addressed ti

MAIN (IrTICK, 101 W. Fifth StreeU

m r., noi nn,

UlNCISNATl, l fiijU'Swriiy



And all Urngguu la Amlorar.

Cures Conghs and all Throat Irritations IT



Resldaaiee, e KAKT KLM UW., Xsawraawe.

Leakv Roots made Tight at short notice, llvurll Agent for mine's aiate Ro,yfl111( P,tnt * T '


EGGS FOR HATCHING from all the heat br««.s of Poultry.

Whlia Lsgksrai a argsjiai.TT.

E. WOODS, No. 4 Broadway, 8onth Lawrence,

J)^ u. WILSOS 4 ca,

COPPERSMITHS & PLUMBERS, Corners' Building, 103 Central 5/*..

LOffliLI., MASS.

Manufacture Bilk ami Dreaa Cyuaskm, Ceawher ' r}.re"I lt"Hs for Fapet MiudUnery, Color and Sfg hetlles. Soda Fountains and AiH'Bratus.Mlll

\*s-"rf °tS ''•sr-rlptlons, and general Oaw Work. Copper-Work for bruwer* awl HiriAlem. EUmpM f°r HwellingH, Hhope, *r;. IW Mill- Tnnnerii's, Ac., au^ „,, M ^ mMl Kk sonsble terms.

uaviu «. wiumir. alfffSm* wm g. WIMOH








Muthucu in- ■ charge. DonHadrtaks thi-piim-,


149 Essex Street. N.tl. AH «r oar Ruml* nro warranted FIRST

QUALITY, MHUIUM Lowest lloaloa Prices.

. the Klu




Ho* caibrnced in tl>i' plan of tin- School, anil designed fur those L'U]>ili

Ktind Lorn-. I>■ iL



1'li-n.M-i- IKI; CKAf T1LAI, AIKUCATIOS IN nusiinu.)



■!'• Vsaetahi* anil Herb Tonic i- ilnliif

wonder*—astonishing uverylsaly. man Oie phy-

sician*, Order* are pouring In from all section*,

far aad Bear; large order* cowing from places

When .imply one trial bottle haa been used. In-

valid* are by tfala tonic, reitorail to health. Ilun-

tlreus ID Die city of Lawrence are tn-alalng II, anil

*o la Uii* ease, " a prophet l« not without honor

avelnhiaownrountry," will hardly apply. Itm

leat there he MIDII who will InsUl that It I* only

Starourd. ami of hla getting up, wo will aay that

ll U tUannanl in nnthlnftexcept tin- manufacture;

that t)w receipt la an


Ose, liandad ilown from loug yearn ago. ami of

which w« liera ai>peml a brief history. In

THE YEAR 1804, Aa ulil Indian, then Uring In the sojith-western

part of Albany Count;, Slate of New Tor*, who

bad made himself quite celebrated aa a phyai-

tian, heeaina unable to attend to all call* made

elpoa bhu for his sendee* among the nick. A

man then living, found thul oue secret of hii sac

cos* lay in ionic

BITTERS Which Iw furnishdd to tho public, the receipt foi

which Lhl* man purchased of him at great coat,

aa wu thuii considered. The bitters wore imuiu

■aciureil and sold, and created no little senaatlou

for iiisay year*! but it helm a sparsely aettleil

locality, and It nay bo, tho Ilia <>t the inhabitant*!

having disappeared Inconsequence ol the ui

lha bittera, ami the old gentleman owning in

ceipl pan a i »K off the stage about the

YEAR 1822,

The tome thereof seemed to die nwny. But th >rc

aru old people living in Uial section to-d.iy, who

remember the fame or

THE TONIC A* nosy called IL Thla receipt waa willed by the

owner to a daughter and her child ran, auil the

original reeelnt, deled aa SIKIVC, la in txlateaea

Stmarl'i Yentable aua Herb Tonic,

Which ia a euro for all phase* or Liver Oomplalal

llsrviloua in 1 La


Upon pern on* who have been long marring will

what they term, and what la railed by phyalrlsn


Now, need wo aay more In ardor w discharge

our dnty to the public'





Business Directory. Cards not i n •n ill..;: Knur l.tuea In ItMRUI

Inarrtiil Intlila . 'iliumi nt M peryrnr.




GROCERY AND TEA HOUSE, Every fnmlly will be convinced afioro

irs every your. *1 in- 'l Lit I t" send iii'i'iill I't

ntoilu i illlv i Inn.iln barrel saved uu KI.MI

r ii cnln login' of gom

idols lllltl

A.w- ftM K-se Uduriilnt

iVe 1> oil I

TUF AMFRIPANJ The day of our national indcpcndaitee proved

mi Mfflirtflii oM for cercmonlM attendant

upon la,v iii j> i in: torner»tomi of their new block,

by the Odd Fcllowi of thii oily. The day prc-

viouatlw BwrpNWI hfcl eroctiHlft Kiiimiantlal Manur^tinvr of ICE, WMKiaT ft»WB uasvillgiB. vm>tri (ori!ic o||lecM m ^ (JrariJ umi

liv'v. A t'!1M!'lJi:irtLii'L*i',',|1!':.' iV-'^-x "L I Saturday. | and others, mid ibo mn»=ona lind placed cvery-

in ifuiiruiiterd. miriTnlyr | Jubn Ki-vna, ■ iHltiircr, wbltu employed, on | tMag in ruadinais tor tbo reception uf the eor-

m»wi *vn li"";!-^—~— W«lnt-d*j niierinam in lioi-liiiBoul aall from J „„ rt At noon the ineml*ra of Eenraarge HOW LAM), ]>. 1). B., . I n VMKCI nt Wnnu-r ,S I ret inun » sull works, nt ' ,. ,,...., L . ,,

OKNTAI. BUBtiBON, | HlttlnBtim'a Wlmrf, rharlosi..*.i, L.I.UIIO boat-1 L.icninpiuont MWUH at turn-hull, and fart* Mi. ,-t. _ I.:nvi-t i-. tin.., Kihi'i- rniil tdanil. wbiio in ibnt eonillilon, ilntnk Imiuiul- InR In line, Iteftded by the ll.tverlilll Cornel

n Adnuulah-rt-d. naUil.v of lee water, wliii-h rendered dim tnaeu- _ u..,| uu,| » u|Btimii of police, nUhTanod W :he

auimKN, imi-MiKT.-put. | S*; .,S'S, "S V^X'rt^^ • «•« ■•>"»"• — am ™c,„ou». ll-, !'.

BAf!!ON & UOPKIN8, Attorney! nnd Counsellort at Law, Autl Comtniuioaera fur

H.-v. liacc

r,: » SL l>:i


Aii.-lii.nocv-, :it"l I', .ili-i > in K.;il KrUitc. OIU< ■:■;:: Kaaos Street,




COMMERCIAL LAW, (IKi.ATiifn To mtOOTtAlaU l'*rnu,OUrTaUOn,

I'Mii-.Hi-lin--, KTC)

■a!l of which are especially neccBaary lor nnd Inpted In Commercial purpoaea. I'uplla ilt< a I ring other atudies thau above

_ameil may aoleet any or all id Ilia ColHOg KwOUM BTUiHita and poraue them In ootMHM- tlon with or aoperato from the CKMUKUIIAL

BTIIII1WI. I'uplla reoeivml at any time if there are racaii-

clea. rrnniieetuM HIHI Circuliir of (he aclniol, Ct free. Tiie aouool la now loi-atod at :»M Wm>li.

ton Street,—lncntiiin provimn to the lire ot May Il»n73. Hour*, P to i. Clotted Hiitiinliiy*.

Vacation during July and Augnat. A|>plli'H- i>n for admlaaiim, Sent. 1*1., may he made In

peraou till Jnly IHI; fi-inu -'ulv l*t to Aiign-t 17. by lutter only, building I-IOHCII. Aiitrn*! 17 till Kept. Int. the iniin-ii'Ml it ill !"■ In [ittoinlnnoB daily from H till t.

11. K. ItmOARn, Principal.



Marked Down To lean than the artnnl cont of niiiniifai'tine.

•Si.ni.- of tKe l*rieeai

500 Business and Dress Coats, Conalatlng nl' 111;.. L nnd Itlue Tricot*, Mni'k, TIliio

and Untwn l>i;ignnal, etc., etc.

•10 Each, Former Price t16 to S20.

500 Genuine Scotch Coats,

- S5 Each, Former Price S12 to S16.

500 All Wool Pantaloons, Wool (yeryHonvyi

•9 Each, Former Price »7to %8.

500 All Wool Vests $1 to $2 each,

Former Price S3.30 to $6.

Call early If you wi^ti to aooure a graei liargatn, aa our stork in marked nt aueli price* u* « ill 10- cure an Immediate cnle.



in.u I .:. ."! :" .In:


A vrry ilriirahlr rrililini. nil Winter SI

The modern two atory hmiae, owned by the

lute Mrs. Weaton, adjoining the gateta ol snm'l.

M. M;IH -, >■■■■[ . i. "it -M--I lor Inunitdiiilc Male, to

eloM the onLite. The hooH la tlioroiigldy built,

containing elcren roentj haa n good cellar,

plenty gf ahed room; well ofrxeellcnl water,

neror failing. The lot la « by IW feel, with n

number of trail Ireoa, yine* and abrubbery. Cen.

ally located, within a few hiimlrcd Het'ofBoe-

.n and Malno Depot, and oonvonlcnt to Faoino

Mill*, offering an admirable opiinitur.lty to ad

iloairable plaue, whloh moat alwaya lucre

l'!>ln niul llrnirmlir Paper Hanging 1 I'uhitiiiK. So. S41 Cinuuioii nlloel, lornieilv

.icd by W. P. Siuitli, Jr. mnytm ly

COLBUKN BRO'8,—DAILY Chromoa, Kniniivinn-, !'cili»licnl* HUitionery,

Fiinoy ttorala. rictiiren Krannil nt i-bort notice,

. , *-1ofm

m !S2- »*«*••**. iberlon bl. i Nest WednMdnv the InternniiimiU Iwwt r»ea>

— for $5000 in gold, beiwatn Wiltium si-iuini ot Vittsburp, 1'eiiii., and (ieurite Druwnuf tlalilitx, N. S , Is to bo rowed over Hie aatno eourte the Wnrd Hnillitrs and Pari* Crow roncd over lt» lHW.atSpringneid, Mw. Oaring to dMwlda apread rcDutatlon of :->:n men, the reault |i eager) r looked lor.

Thert|irlng(leld nrinnry closed,Tuetday ntgtil, for n week, dnrlng wbicli time inventory will he taken and preparation* tniulc for the work ol Hie coming Tea", There are now about !>V> men in Springfield In Government employ, and dur- ing the pnat year 'J.S.lXKt Govern incut uiuakrla and earbinea bare l>ecn innnnrnetnrcd n the ar- mory.

In iiccordiuicc. with reaolutlons paiwed at nieel- .i,. ' i'i •■:■.■ l.:il..-i li.i. State Coininltlcc on Juuc Kith and June 17th, a I ,:ibnr Kelonn State Conycntion la called to meet In Frnmlngliain grove Augu*il2,ut 11 A. M„ to take such ac- tion us ihall ncem to the convention lacnt Cal- culated to the -iirc'iM- ol lulxir iioii'iiri-'-.

Two young men, uumed Mclvm Martin, or Canaan. Vt., and Harder, of Cherry Held Me., engaged in driving In^a on the Conn eel lent riv- er, were drowned at Aleotl'*. Fall*, West l*lain- on, N. II., on the murtilng of the 3d init.

Mr. Dan Maco, tin- greatest of driver*, ban' At'RRS, ueepted Mr. W. Lorell'l tballcnge

American Girl again*.! any tiorsc In tin to

Uanafacturer ot

r\. II. KJtioai

AroTUKCAitv. l'rt'scrlp- (•nsed at nil noon. nl*«, itlieiiieannd Toilet A rib


i :IM lillli ill-|,|'ii .-■; Ii.ii. I'.n.-i.l M.

■ ■ Ki..■■!■■,•.

II. KIDDKR. DENTAl BUB- So. ■•ii Krieeit Street. Lawnmea,

Kibii given, aa pre

DR. J.

(WON, Ctiliiwlonu. or

MH\ during A ngt


tx ST.. LA Over Oycr^CoV,

DKCKBE 4 WHITTIEB, Croikeo* >">.! (ilnca Wave

1 ■olTiVi, Spire* iin,l i-lu.ice-t Tena. i lie net if UnUor end Chew. &'• Anwaliury Sire



OROCERS. sirl.nv pun


W. LOK1), Soli! Apt-lit for the . "VICTOll" SRVTWa MACHfNK,

in Uurglu siiI-I-I.

shnllle, New Tension, oulbaoUliig Neetllo.

T7< 9. YATES, M. D., PHYSICIAN ami I J* Burgeon.

ice, ;lt>7 KHUOI Street, corner ol Lawrence. Inn-,-, Hi,] Concord Street.

I? II. KELLEY. APOTHECARY.—Pre- 1 J* an iptlons rjircfiillv cnnnmiiMdcd. 1'ure liriigaiindCbcmi.-iil-., l':it.'ni Mdn-iiiea, Toilet and Fnncv Arttelee, ete. Pnat Onto* wok

rorlr;iit« and l^udaeiun :;:■! K-iSKx ST., LAWILXKCK.

( \ ET YOUR SIEVING MACHINES RE- YX I'AiitiiiititJ.c. niiAi

No. ! The bent pl.-teo in tha city.

(^ BO. o. CROSS—Mtrimniini Drsagbts- \Jt man. Pattern and Hiilo] linker, ill the

k Machine Shop, near Morrimnrk Iron ,-;'.,',!i'.'i'o

HM. WHITNEY t CO., ApothocartM, • iMirnnr KH.PX n,i,l Lnwrpmi- St.— Tru.Hi's,




May now ha bad, wholesale and retail, of 11

Whitney * Co., druggiaU, corner of Kaaex and

Lawrence HtreeU. Alao for aale by A. H. Ulid

den, Uao. II. Chlckorlng and other dmggiala;

alao by Deekee ft WhlUier, John Kuaaell, (lean

ft Ilueltiiie, Coffin ft Uc.erve, awl other grooora

m Lawrence; and in llethuea by 8. II. Ilarrla,

Jr., and CaeUe ft Sterena, dntgglabi, and by II.

O. Wabatar. All ordere for


•rknleaala and retail, can he addreaaod b» It.

. Whitney ft Co., Ijiwrenoe, Uaa*.. or bi J. II.

MUiinard, who la toanunMituror and pro|.rlobw at



or MM took) are free to all peraona who are at a

In need of haying Uieii^healtlm Improved, by call-

J. H. STANNARI) at nla ottce over



Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Worker

And dealer In all kinda of

Stovea, Furnaces, and Ranges.

Repairing neatly done.


And ■leuli'i In nil kinds or

Lead, Iron and Brass Pipe,


Fittings for Steam, Water and Qas

Met, 41* Kaaei Street, Lanrnarr.

Onlora anlioiUwl ne»l U attendod to.



Magee'i New Portable Range.

Alargealnck bought liefore the advance, and to

beaolilLOWbT ^Ur'l-


Urn. a«e KHM Utraat. Uwriain.


. Mncc name* D. Wnllnco'i

Hi Bugbea ft Hack, tn laaox ntrcct, l.nn

ilaae. a|trH*<lin.

. BARNARD, IPIIOI.STERER and Cabinet Milker. — Kcpniring, I,living Cur- rl I iiiUiin Work. M:ivh.■«',. I'iilcnl Win -eoiisHpiilleilulohoitnotice. ItJucknon at.

FLOOD & CO., MERCHANT Its. Chamber,., 1,1 nml 8 Snundcrn Kvt&x Streut. Coder tho immcdlnt .l.loe. FUMJI>, (l.iteHavHge A Flood

T M. HORNK, l'lij-sk'lnn anil Surgeon.

Office ,ind Residence 271 E»ex Street.

. I)., 1'iIVnlClAN AND -I i;i,i'.u\.

HKH1IVKI) TO :m KIBOX Street, Lawrrnre. _

BOOKSELLER and lint Book Miiniil'itcluror.— ilow Shade*, Ncwfpaper*, .null Stunt, ItS )■..-. . v ■'•[ ■

IOUIS WKIL, Donler In Rcndy-Mndc J Clothing, Uunla' Km iiii.hing (ii.oita, ILibt,

■■ Umbrcll..*, Ac, No. l.-vl KBHKX STUKKT, La

Real Eitatt and Intelligence Office,

At SSI Kaaaa Ntreet.

An oili.-c which onr city haa long needed. TtHtM wanting help of any nationality or ow«|iali«n,oi thoae wanting eniploymont, will lind it b> tticir adrantagu to call on, or addreaa

HAMI'KL H(>mr,K,

■tl Kaaei ntreet, where nil patron* u 111 b promptly walte.1 upon and |n-tly dealt with, and ho*e buying or wiling Real K-Ute or Pen.—' Property, or having tenement* tit let, or rei eolloi't, pinnae give tun your order*, and 1 give my ImmedlaU- nlb-ntion, ami will on y charge ftir eipenaea actnully iiirurred or aervloea derr.1. «t«I*

**- For full and detailed IntM of property, nienta, employment wanted, eb-., aeethe lUlt.lr Ankiiitis.



Sale* Room No. 8 Appleton Street,


MNPtlT and faithfully executed al

M dbwuea or women s to tho public. Otlice

\I HINN, Bui

I'ioiine rnuningnn notice. No bin Ksj

MISS LIZZIE Street, Smmdi

Hod and .I, ■ : KPH

would raapeotrtdlj

\. M. T00LE, M. D., alter ^0 aticcc-ffiil pniclice in ObaU-lrii-H nml women and e.hlidren,oinira tier aenIce* ic. Olllco, is MinliMHi SU, Newburj port.

ARLETON, 1*50 ESSEX * Block. Mm be loiimtttra- of Knncy Uorale, t" wlilch I

B. KKNNEV, M. D., 1*111 i nud Surgeon. Office iKI Kaaex 111 Newbury Strti-L I'liiliciihu

>ODNEY HUNT MACHINE CO. \ Orannr, Ulna*. iiiioliictiiii-11 nl l\ o,.| Mm liinery, Hunt'* io Acting TurhuM Wntei Wheel.

HAMMER FALLING STOCKS, Fulling Mill*. l»dly Wn-lici-, Mi.tlthiK, Iteglilnlnri

Jlga, l>yo Tub*. Ac K. S. ILtllltlS, 'JfiB llr.*, wuy Lnwrcuce, Itnaa. Hirei toraioi mlling Agent,

L- O.BANCROFT, D, M. t), DENTAL On Dr'FICK, 417 K, bha-k). Lnwn'me. i

n Street, (Fltlrllol

ion of n i id.

P J. MUlil'HY, MANUFACTURER 1 • and innlcr in Hoot. Shoo* nnd Itnbbora, of ivery ilo-inil.lc Stylo and (JimliLy. *BJ Kaaoa St., jrwrewM.


A L r I. V U B K R . Common atrcct, npr7|Hly.__

THOS. LEVLAND, Dry (li.o.ls, :isi E« 1 eex BtrceL Full Value, Fair Dealing, "Ni 11m

r ARBOX A BRIOOR, ATTORNEYS ami Counaellora at I .aw, Handera New Hlnok, in* in nud 17, Lawrence, alaaa. K. T-t until. C. K. BfUHOI.

H1TFORD A RICE, JEWELLERS, -' - '" »""-' ■J'"ii..iirrv. Taper llniig-

lo Fixturea; Hlank W donlera In Paper. SLaliomrv. Pnper Bj

inga, Window Slindca ami -liml" Fiitilroa " Hook Manufacturer*. !■.:. Baaex SL, Lnwi

\17M. HTI'ART A CO., BmMX Vm VV Wt •

put In eoinuiia^ioii pending tlie VIrglnluaexcite- nienl, will, with tlie exception of the Dictator helald upnt PenMooU.

Mr. Hccdicr'a pulpit during the next Inm . tmtb* will lie filled bv Dr. (iregory of Ohio, Dr. lUibinaon, of New Haven, and Dr. ({uint.tif New lk'dl'ord, Mufci.

lion. Sitmuel Hooper follows Mcaar* D.iwcs, tl. P. Hoar and B. U. Honr in declining* r*> election In emigre**. Mr. Hooper will have Kneel fourteen venra.

Hon. Ueorgu ll. llrnwneof Rboilu lalanil, tle- ■lincd the olllce of Clilel'-Jiisluvsliiit or tha Su-

preme Court, to which he wax elected by the Uenentl Axscmhly.

Tho prohibitory li<pior law of Rliode Ilftnd went Into erfeei, July 1, and :i "genernl gloom" la *ukl to perviide the protiibieiit botola nt New- port.

Bllhop Wlielnn, or Wheeling. W. Vn., Ilefl dungeroiiHly 111 at St. Ague* Hiwpltnl in llulii-

mc and may die nt any moment,

tlco. Ti Wentworth ot Dover. N. tl., n lawyer ofaome notoriety, died Friday night ol conxump- tloll.


Supreme Jndielnl Court of Maine haa J Hint n town cannot exempt front taxa- iimniilaciuriiig catnhluhmcnt withht HN

nltliough it may have voted to do W. The Slate law, which 1* lUppOMl) to give such authority,1* declared uneunhiitutltmnl, on tho ground that towna and rltica tuive no right to ralic money by taxation to give away, or lonn money tn or In any wuy palrnnixu .private en- terprise*., nnd that exemption from taxation IN

■Imply giving away the public money. The Legislature may pa* H gen urn I law ol lhl* kind, uppllntble In nil i-,w.-. but not law* nnrtial m their application/

The Mntr of Ocueral Slierman includd »ix Ulcer*, namely, General Whipple, nnd Colon-

els Bacon, Autletircld, Tourtelotte, McCoy nnd Poe. It In not certain ibnt Hie two hud named will aceompany the Oeneral to St. LooJi. The Tope pro|>erty in tbut city li.is inn eiignged in- iln- hendiimirtcrs. It I* the Intention or the I'rcaidcnt to return to Wnnhington every two or three week*, to transact auch bualnc** aa miiy reqntre hi* prcaence.

In Providence, on Satunliy night, Mr. Ab- bott Hddv was *erlou*lv Injured In an encount- er with n robber, In the naiae of the Hon. Wll- ,iiii ('haae, and Mrs. Chasu died from alarm

on hearing the disturbance. On the same day. Mr. Anton S. Mar-hull, a prominent cllir.cn of Cnucord, N. IL, was nccidentitlly shot near Hint illy, and ulli rtvnrd died from his wound. Seven persons were drowned la Lake Erie by the cnpslr.hig of a s:ill boat.

The extennlvc piano manufactory of Keeler & Shaw, in Hudson, thla State, WHS destroyed bv lire on Saturday. On the umo day a very destructive cinillaiiratiiiii occurred In Allegheny City. Penn. J. W. Ki'iinlngton'sboot and iboc manuftictorv In Worcester was (tnmnged hv iii-e in the uxh'iit of «Ul.lkkJ. A I re at f'ontiae. Hi., caused a Ion ol SJ.W.tNhl, nud damaged Hie court house unil county records.

The recent Khrinkiigo of olllce,'' lui* brought to Washington from abroad quite a number of 1- s-i.ii- \-- !io are aeek'ng to obtain tor their frleuda exception from the recent order* of re- moval. It Is tinid, upon good nutburlty, that there are now over H,000 ailulu at the Capital, locking employment and rinding none.

speculation I* rife aa to whom tho I'rcaldent will nominate to the vacant mlsulon at St, IV- i= r-'-o:.-. aitcndunt upon the appolnlmcnt of Marshall Jewell as Postmaster Hcnenil. The name* of cx-Senntor* Cattclt of New Jowcy, and Nye arc mentioned.

Hi-'- i-i'l In Harllord, Hartford profes- sional IS. Harvard College 1; in Chl.-agn, Chi- cago*. 17, I!—tons 111; In Philadelphia, Athlet- ic* Li, Fhiladelphla* ft; In New York, Atlan- tic* 8, Mutual* 42\ In Baltimore, Bulliiuorea 7, Yale College B.

By :'lrccllnnol the l*i-c*lilent, ilrigadler Gen- eral 0. O. Howard I* naslgned to i be command of the department of 'Columbia, and will pro- ceed io in-iiil (ti.u-ii-i-, Fortlund, Oregon, with

little delay ua pracllealile. *

A teachers' excursion!*) Ike National Tenet* era' Conycntion nt Detroit, la talked of, the price ol a ticket for the round trip having been placed at «tAH. It i- rapeeted that a very pret- ty party will Iw formed.

llev. W. J. Tucker of the Franklin Strre (Manchester, N. II.1 Church, declines n nal trotn n large MX-fcty in New York.

lineralaureate sennon* Here preached yes- tordy at Atnbcrst and Bowdolu college* nnd the Cnlvcrnty ot* Vermont.


A terrible taraawle ltilaml ttaitmmro and vicii - Hi -■ ■■■"!!: ■ Uf III,- llli Mr I M i.-ii r .■ dttxen live* were lost. Tho crops were beaten down by the tornniln. Specials My tut thirty seven houses were unroofed on I'eniiaylvnnia avenue. In Washington, on the lib; sixteen were unroofed on Nth street,four on k streut and over rlfty In other peril of tho city. The etoltcu i no nt nt one time waa almo*t a naiilc.and it wa* reared that the whole city would l<c awept awav. The velocity or Iho wind lor llftcen nimutci was sixty intlcs an hour. Tlie loss Is estimated u( over --l.iHHi.otsi. The path of the t»rnnd< wu* .I'M MI i twelve mile* wide.

The anniversary of American Independence waa celebrated nt St. Petersburg wit!, n ilinn al tho Culled States Legation, Minister Jew prodding. In Lisbon u fete waa given by t American Minister, whose nlllcial rualdenc'o M liaudsoniely decorated. At I'arla there wa* . liberal dlsiibiy nf Apncrlcan Hags at thu Lcgntlm and elsewhere, but no tnrmal eelcbratioii bsil place.

Hoii.-n Templenian, tho Webster wife inur dcrer, was yeiturday muruing arraigned in Worcester liefore Judge llovens, at a special session ot the Supreme Judicial Court, lit pleaded guilty to tho charge of murder in the 11 rstdegree. The court then adjourned Hie case m iln- lui term and appointed Oct. ,'itb for com mencctnciit ol the trial.

At tho celebration of the PooTtn at Bait Orange, N. J-, tbe oration was delivered by Mi;.. Dlnko, and It la said to have been the first Fourth of July oration ever made by a woman. It waa devoted to * tribute to the women of the revolution and tbelr herotr effort* in ahaping Hie success and subscipient career of thla conn.

uers of Wi'iialauecit and Washington Knramp-

lUeltU, of Manclicattr, who WITO nrrrrm^aTilcd

by the Maiu-heater Cornet Bind. The visiting

encampment* wore escorted to Hie City Hall,

nud quartered tn the Evening School Koom,

when- aculliiliun was served. Interfile ofllccn

of the Grand Lodge were received In a similar

ruuuner, nml cecartod to a repast in the City


Shortly Insioru two o'clock the viirlou* nrgsn-

Uniious whk-li were to cotnpontke pr.weMinn,

Iwgaii to take their place* n» previously dcslg-

uated, and u little pui.t two o'clock the process-

invcd In the following order: —

Captain Curnor's rlnlonn ot Police. Miinehester Cornet Baud.

Chief Marshal, 1\ 11. Smith. Aids,

W. E-T Biggs, Frank Dow, <». W. Smith, C. H. Cumins.

- Rhenium Cadets, dipt. Dm IK-BIICV, KI men. Lawrence I.odge.J. H. Sialllird, Marsha I,-'id men. Monadnock I Atigc.J.O. ltniilnson, " 75 mm. Coiled Brother* l,odge,C, !■;. Jones, " 100 men.

llaverhill t'omet Hand. Kcnrsnrge Knciiinpment.K. Wardinau,Marshnl,

Wouahiucett ahd Washington P.neampmcnts, M a lie 11 ester.

W. II. Merrill, Murahul, 100 men.

The procession, with its tullibiry escort, bril-

lianl music, elegant regalloi nnd banners, pre-

sented n line appearniiiv. The route of pro-

cession wua reiiPotialiK short, yet litking in

most of bar prlnelpal street* aa follow*:—

I'.ssex- to Rroadtvai-, 11 road way to Bradford, Bradford to Franklin, Franklin b> llaverhill. Halt ns head ol the line reaches llaverhill street. Through Haverliill to Newbury, New-

ry io Summer, Summer to Jackson, Jack-on Oartlen, flnnlcn to Newbury, Newbury to

l-.-scv. Kaaex In ph of hiving tlie mrner alone, nl rortnr ot Kstex and 'Lawrence street*.

The loiitiduiion Aonr of the structure had

icon laid, nud upon It the grenler portion of tho

procession Un»k puellhM, the Marshal and Aids

Urand Lotlgc olllc.-rs, ami Orator of the day,

mceiidlng the raised platform which bad beat

reeled lor the paUWoBe, The following Grand

I^Hlge nllicers woe present:—

nrand Master, V. C. Havla. Hcputy (iraiid Master. J, L. Chirk. Orand Warden, li. Wellington, nrand Secretary, C. I). Cole. <>ranil Ireasiirer, Chus. Hnvcn. Orand Marshal, J. C. Perkins. Ornud Conductor, John Sagcr,

After the offering of prayer by Grand War-

den Clark, the ceremonies of laying Iho corner

atone by the grand oOJecra waa eoiulutted ac-

cording to the written work of the ortb-r, fol-

lowed by an able oration by Paat Urand Mas-

ter Kidikr, and llio exercise* eloaed with a

benediction by Grand Warden Currk. Xne

covered by the comer stone contained tna

following pulillcatlniia :—Proceed Inga of the

Grand Lodge of foe l/.fl.rorlS73; of tho Grand

i -i..-. .-i the Bta« for ISTt: of the Grand Kn-

campmcul of the State for leVS) Hy-Lawaof

the variou* 1. p. G. 1'. ussociatluna uf tbe city,

and tuple* of the hud edition* nf ail the Law-

reucu weekly newspapers.

The oration of Pat>t Orand Muster Kidiier, of

New Hampshire, wui a line effort, display ing

clo0,ticnco ntld thought. He said:

Thi* day is everywhere snored to tho trne ■lend* of civil ami n IIKIIUIS IIIHIIV. II lh U,t,

ntiietvelghtli unniverniiv ofihosi- lliiillbig polil.. rid evenu, wliieh M ctirred in the ataid old city of Itrotherly Love, ami which created a profound sensation throim-lioni tho i-ivih/cil world. Tlu-y lonn nn em In tin- history of human freedom anil civil government in-nr distliicLivn and uomlurlul, thannny nimilar i-cvohitloii rvci prudueeil. Men

-hard Itusbwurth, .lolui Cheat h.-iut, and, last but Liy no uieaiia loa.t, that noble and generous heart niloycrof his fellows, Thumas Win ley. Of the .i-i n.iDicI bmtlier 1 am n moat Jealous, pcr-isnm

nnd conaciciitiou* mlmiivr. 1'en.oiiallv I knew IIIIN well, nml shall ever delight to speak In hla pralao. A more generous or noble bean urn i i.ul -ale.I in ]nnir«bn-«.t; nor will ihoie arise from the noMe or ignoble walk* oflllV, In long yonra to come, a truer phibinUiropbist or a groaaor l*no- tnct.u-ol ihe middling classes of society, liu thla day nnd In the rerv lalriat of these eereniimle* let

hoiirta go out in lovu to tlu- father ami founder

idly weak e memory

rested towanH our inatiUiUon. t.ln.ll iiauae to iiay uvglorlotta trihnte to the memory V ntlierJJ il.ley Jlml want of time utterly forbl.fa.

W ashlneton Lmlge, anil olliers Dial We luted during the earliest history ottli

lliiiu iH'iieOeinl, nml Ui

nvfvlal ill id-.

e tbe pi i

I 1 >■! L,ll-M|1|ri , t

■wr fwraonan at . —salt. Tbeoonv

eonaitantnn" nietloiethertoiiiitulgolnai - incut rntlu-r than mutual —-wpanHina met together

1 wit, and aong, aad ■cntiuaenl • ..ding features of their assemblies.1

Jn Itrjs, three yenra after the flrat LoktM was orgniiizod, a reform waa iiiU-otluooil iutolhe tinier, the social glass was banlslie.1 from tho men I inga, ami a higher tone or work and moral* Intrndm wl. I'oluiuliin J-o,lgc, of HaUliuore, iuauguraUil tlie h-iii|fraii<*e reform, ami la lie Her ml to hate pro. pertilthowny lor the numherktaa tomperancu organiaatlon* that have since Hprcad far and whin thiougb Hie world. Soon after tliis, the Calaes iH-cnme nioiv thoiougli and i-iMclenliii Ihrir work- Uio l.usim--- waa conducted with more order aad ilccoriiin ; greater attention waa paid to Ute auk, ami weekly l>ene«ls were more gcneraily diaaeno- ed niiioug ili,,.c who were unable to follow llicir usual avocation*. Tbe world tm.k note of Sieae cxrellenli-bango*. and the order more iron orally commendeil itsoll to the aUcaliou uflikusewbo liad lennied t« hold the whole Inslituliou In con- tempL tlrowUi, a Iwaltby and vlajuroua growth, was the result or those clunges, and lu ISiT the tirniid LtMlgeof Uw HniUnl State* wa* organU«l. Alibis lime, however, tln-rc were but six Uraiul and «-t.-on subordinate Lodges, with n mcuilsrr- ..liipoi ir.s tlian :.,maj. The aauual revenne wa* iilsnut •-;:>,0O0.l«l, liciiied principally I ruin initia- tion..

Hut now note MM wonderful chaagea that have taken place in fnrtr tlvo year*.

The following ua-'imta are suhaUntially rarrirt, - B from . ■■ iii. ,., i source*.

ft, nao PAOIIO

MM 4&0M

taken as tliey are from aeml-onciuTr

PreaeM nmnber of Lodges Inilinliima ■lining Hi, yoarwlthUioae

rclnslAtcd and ndmltu-d by card Present ineuiberahlp NumlH'r of brother* relieved Number ol wbhiwcd families Hentba Amount ofj-ellef i iio 1) i-i-vdniie C-iiinaicd funds I.- ■■<■'■■ I im i, I-, nf Lodges present

l:-iiiu.-ii, ,| Increase of mcmlier* Iraud total nl coil, nearly

Thla exhibit of our order lit impress umt yet to

. ... our out*mil in uutU-rinl (>i oaperttv. Tlu-se are tho figures, BrMneladnnd lii-toiicnl. whlcbare j.iead U-ioiu the wiwkl and mar la- read nfan nen. The) -1„ ;,L to the eve aiid to tin- nneW tioiiliug. and lend lliotightnil men to nuke more areliil and critical CL ami nation mio the claims at ho onlcr for support mid public approbation, limy ilei.ioii.trnte, lieyonit dmttn, that more than half a million oi utfit, cuiniioseii lor tlie muat iwrt

toiler* In tlie middling cinaaes oI society, as plaonl 11 -,.,.., i it..-,,,. ,|.. ■ Hi tho ability and tlUpe-

oing their aharu In addMlon to clievi! tho distret* oithe loss forbmato masnltera t [lie comiHoii familr. Bnt, beyond this, thciv la inch, coustiiuiliia; tlu, *«« itiarrew ot Urn iaatitu. Ion, that those who are not of u* can neither ere or npiiroehite. What I now n-fer to can neither e idaeed nn paper or enacted In forma and cere. ionics. It I- too sncretl ami too b>>ly for vandal yes. It I* the calm ami »olM. mrdafkction lliat OIIIPS to the Mini tlinniRh the apirll and prartk-e ribeiiuiv piiaciiile* ot ■■Kilcml-hlp, Love aad

Truth." Here, indeed, Is that sublime aatisfaclkiu Hint rich reward willuk

"Voltilng cm ttilj give*, or can destroy The aotil's calm simsliiuc nnd the lieu rift it Joy."

State ate I*

lii-neer Lodge tn tlHi

The (Ttllowliig are tlie names of Lodge* to Law itce, with dale of charter and membership. Cnitnl H,,,(ii,'i,.' - -

Shi. 1847; preaent Motiaduock Lo-lgc. Mo. Hi, eliarWred Angn*t

-'l-l, l*;7, iii-eoi-iilmeiulH'i-ship, U0. Lawrence Lodge, No. I,VI, c hullo red August31sl,

ith roll,, ernrd.by a divine right, ai uppruaaion*, must be ar.|Ul*ed In without a

t ruled and gay.

■if-l-oi- tsl lii- m .(ill*!-,! in uit I ;i ol' eoiiij.l.-iiiit. No mallei how Is-nt v tho

lint lien- luip-iM-d or uniin-i, the dcinaiol* uidiie li) those el oil i it I n Itii ivg.il mithiu itv, tht-v wore In 'he exercise ol tin u legitimate luiiclhina, and to all them In ipiestion, or In resist Hie exorcise of ,n arbitrary will, was relH'llinn against thnsodi. .-Inely appointed to inle otn Hicm. Hence, the enrly artier* of tlie A ■ i■ -mi' oiKiiiciiLiiaiUikiiig,

n nomc niensuro, ot this common aentfmenl, nml ..hl'l'iahlnga pnU-iual love lor Use home ol Hlelr father*, and the land ot their liirlli; and auxiuua to riilUvMeUie arta of iwaee rather than Incur* the ha/.anb. and auOMaga inodlent toaruptnre with the mother country, siil.mitUil wiUi nioxtyr- like fortitude tocvacliona nnd oppression* until .•ubmlaaiun ceased to be a virtue. At length. "In Hie course of I mi events," i in lug to u, full ro- aliaaiion of Uioii'Jmirs,usurpations imd lynmtilc* received nl Iho hand* ol the iiiag of threat Ilrit- i.In, the people, tlin.ui.-li ilo-ir irpn-Meiitatitfea In

.■ongrea* naaouiiilisl, promulgated that immortal document, known as tin- Hcclaialiou nf Ameri- can Independence, lu inn, ami emplialiiv yet simple langiuiire, it announced "those trulba to bo ill e, nii-iii, ili.ii nil iiii-ii arc e.roaleil etoinl; Hint

they arc endowed by Uioir. Creator with certain InanVnaUe rights; that aiming these, are hie, liberty and the (iiirsiill of happincs*. That, to

-cure these rights, govrniim-nu ai nong mm, il.Tivlng their Jnat pom Hiseiilullbcxnvcriiodi itmt WIMHM-I I government Woollies .|i-li in-Live of Ulnae mis. It la tlie rlglit of Uio is-ople to nllo

oTt-nime oriran,

II hhiil aociii most likely to effect their safety and bnppl nes-. Tlittn follow* nn arraigmaent i»T him tieorgolheTliiiil uiilm nlv "even seiiarilb'coinils, declaring hi* in - to I,,- n,., ".wtalilishmenl of nn nlisoliilo tyranny; over tiu-a* swies." I <>very state ol Iheso np|irosslmis, l»ey potltlom for redress in Hie most hummV lenns, but the repeated petition., ivciv ansucieil m|y !iy repent- ed Injury. "A prince, wbo«u clkarm ' ' iiinikeil by ervry a.-t which may dcHm unlit bi lie Ihr- i ui.1 of it ire- IwophL'' Apfo-iils to tholrIlrlll*hhrcllu.-ii.nii.l ivlrnfng, ns well

of justice ami niignaniiiiili lot, "''''JIM milK Iaiiihtiiunsl.1 high In million!, wa. upon I, tlee and eonsaittuhilly. In lhl

In-mily. Iho nol.J, J^IH-I - ..« 11,, ihrlaniuon great rchirtn , Inn with a •nl.lmt** of heruism ii,»t "rtinmanil* mlinintt , rre»tnliHe,l inihoslia-

,v;:t;VV:.^-;-ii-v,!,a;idf|E*K««i biethren, ami Irsl them io |,nl,| the nllio* of the Knglish l.oveinmeiiL a* tlioy lold UM resi of man

nil, "enciiiic* In war, in pence frieida." In couciuillng tho iiinnin-*ti> that ha* aehlovcil n

HTI'AHT Works, Vino Mini

Yarn.-. Braids, nml all k snhiblc good* iv-ilyed an

IIAItHW.VItK and CCTLEItY, ■Itf Essex Street.

W. A. Kimball, W.T. Klmball.

i-ilersiinmip ile prlcca-

ILIJAM HURHELL I llnniil.u tin-ci* ol

IHJllK, NKWS, ASH MANN, Canal Mtreet, lower oi




\ l-AI'Mi.S,

J. fi. QILE, NKia and CtitisaitLMina AT LAW,

-II!I K-se* slnt'l. nrtm ptinaio.

, Attorneys! nl Lnw,

cnts, tho signer* m tl,,, |>, l.italioi nuke UM

e loMowliig remaiknt.lo I nigiiage w lilcli Is iliclllaion of Hie Hlio|e niiillei ; "wetberefi

the roprosoiitatlvo* ol tlie Ciiilcd S*iU.-a ol Am 'i-4i, ia general Congresa a*-rinlile.l appealing [■•

he Supreme Judge of iln world nkitfcw ni-lilnde f onr iiileiilli.n-, d<., in tlie name, w,4 |,y Uie au- liority ol Hie good |teople ol tlvisr oolouic-. i.leitnilj publish.""-'

place* UM in the very front rank ol the public eJm riliosofthodn;. amUlioulil till all our (mart* win gratitude ami lore. Itm tlda 1* only a rcprrscal

MMSMQ .^..VHttnat


n all time li i<

— ph- ml haa uxpci'iuiuwd many ctiarjra IS, like thr a—sllj tOUOIltm»UlOll derives! IU name, it aint stand* li

■ I, llniat, will live aad prospr

re tlie name ol Lodget in Law f charter and member* hi p.

'• Lottie, So. iti, chartered Ita nteniWi ship, SM.

urge, Hfai IU, charuii-e.l Augni

iiher llffi, law; niuiuberalills Ihti.

I'rom a small beginning In your cm i u-.l.-i be* grown rapidly in i ■!>, power and useful- i.e-s. Toilay the memlMrahlp I* not far from Hcvcn hundred, embracing many wen of unlamiahrd moinl i-haractor, liigli koclal poaitivai and eoaiald- erable wealth. To meet Uie growing wauU of Ull* nmncmua tnemlierahlp. anil in place the order on a still tlrmei huia la your luhlat, and to aeonre a tonic that can hi LriiUi be called your own, you invc leitaLcii Iln- ereilinu of alt tidd rVlbiw^' llullding. l\)*ao**eil of means amply aufflcmnt to

i it nil -*»."- —

iwi'imbiry ineaaure, I* eennmnT In construction iiiida iiintod brotiierlHMMl. It ta i-ooflil.-nilv be- lieved that llicac eleiiiuiils ol SUOCIMH will not Im wanting, and that Hie great cutortirlau you have commenced under aiich favorable clreumatancos, will movti sleoilily lorwanl In a aapfiv oonelualan.- Thc spirit of the order, if out uf thu age, dctnantta this of yon. Wherever the order flourisliea best ihroiighotii tlie country, UH> I.otlge* are owning their Loilgo-roouw. H ith u*. aa a li-aaenuty, real - -t:it,' la a bond of union aud a source or airentctb.

The speaker then alluded to Ute Ontjedlllcea

owned nnd occupied by the brother boo. I in Calf

I'm-nia, to the fine new temple In lioaton and the

move menu elsewhere Tor building instead ol rent-

ing. There were about one hundred Lodgea ia

Massachusetts, and alHiut'^oOOnieuiberis owning

Ci-lf i- property nmounllag to hundred* of

thousands of dollars, lu conclusion, bereforretl

to the liii-li.ii mnnuiiH'nl rectintly inaugurntcsl at

r..nt -ook Island. But, alter all, Uuil munumenl

toil In honor of a dead of Idood. The

la-autiful e.lill. c here would bo built, however, to

the honor and In Uie name of r'riendahJp. I.oveand

Truth, dcillejiteil to Iln remembrance ol ibe wklow

id orphan, ami Hie icliel nl tint .iek anifaorroW'


Wo comnl and In, thu widow's heart, f luce nioro has learned to sing,

Ami sudden jov* within her breast. Like living water* spring.

Wo come! and aoe, the orphan liroml In silent blia* rejoice-

Kind iu our care a another'*- lieart, A father'* gonllo >olce.

-onicl tin-sin, ken waiularer, ild mi a wasliug bed, nugel forms aroninl him bow,

id native with silent iroad.

is-laro, Hint those CniUsi i oioiiies an-, at jght oiigln lube, Krte and liiile|rt'iiib-iit stales; that tin yarnabaolvod IV..m Hit Hllcaiam-e li.tls.' HriUsb erowi4 aasl Hint nil pnllllcnl connci lion In-im-cn tbeiu and Hn- SUito ol limn Itrilnlii. Is, and ouglil hi ho, totally dis solved, ami Uuiljiis-r'rec ami l»ili')M-*ahii| slnls>, Ihcv lime 11,11 p.." ii- iii lei-i mo, taincluilupeaoi', .on tract alllaiu-c*, nslabli-h coniniaree, and to i|n ull other luila ami thing-ulilcli Indeiii'nili-nl Slates mat of right do. Ami lor It;,. »Mui«,]iof Udadoelnralton. with a lint, i-.-lis.ia-,, .,,,((„. p,„. U-oiioii ui llii Ine Providence, HO nmtuallv pledge

i otlie .1 lolllll

Mr. William Cnaac, of Provideneo on Hundny

lornlnglaat, bad un encounter with a burglar ho had entered II'M house, and in the melee HI knocked stnsclrs*. Mr*. Chase on behold

Ing In i husband covered wl.h IIIISKI, showed great distieaa and died lu about twenty minutea.

The i .iMmlnii-s of the Ith uf July celebration In Now York nnd Brooklyn are summed up as MteaWf I One riot, six hruiithillravs,thirty-rive fires, Forty child-en aerlouily woiimleil, at leant three persons killed outright ami n child burned to death.

Mr. Beecher preached bi* fare well sermon, frevlou* to his cummer vacation, iu Plymouth

linn It. Mm,lay, io t crowded rnngregnlkin. No reference waa made to the scandal.

The New Hampshire Pre** Association suit- ed on It* slimmer excursion to Luke Clininplniii, I. nko tic.orge, Saratoga. II ml son Hlvcruiiil New York city, yesterday,

I* to leave to lay this cuhlc li Nutvi; Hand on the J7Hi li

A lot Id bv '.'i on Court •■ yesterday for §03,120,

cat Ctslci

The speaker llicn recounted tltoevouta of llic revolutionary war, (he tici-jalni with which ita

conclusion wn* hailed and Ute reasona ftir com

uicmoniUng the analrernary of Um aatlon'a blrtli

Turning front Iho conslderatlnn nf natfonul mat

Unto UlU business more imiiiotl(au*ly lit hnml

litianldthe coruor-sluno .,[ the stalely aallncii t<

lat hiireaftor crei tod. dedn nhil, and deyirunl to

liu- grenl priiiciplos uf frii n.lsliip, love and truth

bad now been laid. The pure water, Ute aweet

seen toil flnwors .m.l the ripe Wheat seven,lh

synihollRitiHho seiitliiiouti tvtiich the order pro-

pjMod. Ill* heart'* desire wu thai mi these

loimdallon* then-should n«» '"■ H-HI.-.I without

iiceUhint or MMeeesaary delay, n b-mple Hi

sbotihl prove an ornament ui the city nn)| ,„, h,

or to nn- fraternity, nod thai eventually H^re

mlglit liurebe found aipiiet Mill pim-i ful hnihc,

both r.u- Uie brethren ami uui dnughUirB of He

bekab who uiny|nUior nu> Hwm. ivi ,,

brellircn of Unt nyilei cnuM l"jk nmumfnll) nn

!'..,., r -,.,,,. j bUenlialu-iil under the white

bannerol t),1,| Kellowship, t lieu the i„i,lrt. w.

eo full Of promise? In continuing, Mr. Kbldi

Ami tearfolly, wlien all la o'er. Wo gather round Iho *nd,

And leave mn hrollie.-. ilust to dual— His spirit'* with ourli'Ml.

At the conclusion of ibe orailon the lodgea

repaired In the ball, and Kcaraargc laicamp

ment eacorled the rUbiiig en cam pea en I a and

Ha I l*Ataw oHIenr* to laantlMr Hall, *aha««

a sumptuous ami elegant lavnquel wnaaerred by

the popular caterer*, Mcim, Fowle h MrCon-

nell, of the Kaaex Houac. During the repast

line iiinale wa* dlacnurRcd by the Haverliill

Oormt Hand, and ahortly tieforu six ti'clock the

Isitors were escorted to thu northern depot,

i here tlu-y look the cent for bom,-. The Ran

Chester Cornet Band, and the police eaaort were

royally eutoruliiml at Parkntan'a dining room.

and the Sherman Cadelawere leuden<ua *ui

tiiou* fcitat al L'rowell'* ilinliu- room*.

No acridont, no nnph-asaiit fnrtdent, ocenrred

during Iho demon at r.u inn to mar Us pleasant-

ness, nnd the fall of ruin wa* fortunately de-

layed uiilll the exercise* had IHM» completed.

I I.■..■li Of PollCO tXlIiui Hull.

The following In the nulelal action taken by

the polles] depitrtiiiont ol* Lawrence, In regard

to Hie death of tbelr late associate, Benjamin

V. Hall, who died at iv.nvd.ile, It. I., on the

JSlli ol June:


l.i»m.Mi,Mm, -lune-j'i, i-:i. Tho ni.iiiin-rs of the Lawrence police force,

having boon msUil.-.l bv iitv Mnrahal 1'resooU of UiedeaHiol iteiijainlu K. Hall, one uf their late conirades, met at Puller Station Hit* attorn nnd orgaoiao.1 for Ihe pun>oae of ilraltbig lutionaalul making nrranarawenta to attend .... mineral at I'l-soednlr, It. I. The fullowiug mil i-crs were chosen n- deUgatn* to roiinweiil the police nt Iho lunirnl t itv Hnrshal, L. I'ros.olt, CnpL A. K. Currier, ofleera Jaa. A. g«lnn, C. I'.

■-. ore, ami John Mhccliau.

SuleteipionHy thu bcol adopted tha tuliow-


Odd Kcll. ulg li-

'hip, lik -I.,,. ■•-. n

live voais ago, on Hi,. |i; Haiti -i', live inon oi inonua, wiUioutaoilal i H I.egrli.imeil by iln!


liifosiveVS-m - etty of

rth nnd scanty groat r-kpoeln- '"'b and anvil, "rgnaiiig th

'i "-^•'mlH

Friday wag exhlbitJam tiny at the llifilt

School. Thh ly nltiileaU were (rnuluttUal.

lliii-o Iu tin- full lour years' conmo, nil ot

Lliiiu voting l.-ulic.-' ami lirciiiy noTeil m

Un- Uiree yearn cotinc, alxtecn of w Inon

were yoiuty Indies. Thu nairn* were

yivelt ill our ciiliiiiina LtiL week, lu Iln-

gnulitaUiii; CIIL-S., the younp; fruiitleini-n KM

jirtigiMiuuic. the young ftuiitlem

llvo repfc-i-nlrCivrr. ami lull

THE HIGH BCHOOL.. en,-,-. Thu view, Iiowcvcr, was nut g

dexpfllrlnK mn- and the fote of tin- C'rctllt

Mi-'mii-i- Uonixruaaiiieii, of Twv-rxl and the ■ MI in,-.1 Jubnaj in -,...-u Vurk ami the

Soirtli, wort: bojwnil linllcutltiiin that nfte

nil, the [Kiwer and vlrttti; ot puhllt; aonll-

iieuitt were auprcnto. The tanay wnn ODD

ttflliu In-si w.u ke.l .mi nl'Un- prt>grniiiiut>.

Tlie beat I'lTorUt In thu uxttmltltm were

the ortfflual ilecliinialloiis of Mnrlett and Porter, with which It eliMtnrl, the former

Spun llii'--l'olit|i-iil Dm les i,Mb.-Srli..lav"

niul Ihe IntU'f llp.ilt ■ l'.lo,|ileln i-'' with the

ralctlklory ntltlroanon. MnrletL'H effort

, , was nn answer to tlnwe who nlbr to the compare,! wlUt UielrcianamaUao/ the oAli- UM*,, 0, i^iUce nn rsotiUrmptlble. Next

era**, wore hi lite pr.-HKirt4c*n at<desreii>i J u. aho pulpit, he innlntnlnod, it d.-innti.K

ulufitccnjiut In Uio nMljriiirjont of pnrts>ror | the holiest or liven. Political life waa In

Knuluauofi exvrcboi, mnncullnu MIMUI ,""f"v,>J becauw It bad bi-i-ii left to Ui« , . , ! nclf-HCckliijr.to nicii wtio licl.ltlie positions boyluwd motlo ratber a norry fl^itrc. , or llllll(11. wj„|(PUl „,, (,|ff](„r tl,nt helonga

While fourteen young ladle* were In Iho i lu honor, in tbe mosa of unautttetl quea-

n bad but j tlous of. firnve public Itupurt aud the mul-

four luul t,l,1(,c 0l utu' t,u'n In oHIee, wan the Mbol- . ,. . „ I nr"KO|irMirttinllv fur liitellrcHiiil leadership:

peakluit I'art.i. "Ilow did It happeur {the.H.-holar alon.- MBld purlfv tl.r IHIIIUUI

Were Lbe clrla no mneU wrlfrhlernml iho oftiio prunuiit. Tho dot-lnmatloii divided

imj's stupiil.'" Tiie Stipe rl attention t aiild,

Mi, no. inn. we lake tlopitrtment Into ne-

t.iiiiit ami Uie Klrla in-bave Itotlor." Ami

no It wn.i that Un- while ilresHua were lu

number wo largely lu tIn- u-eeinl:inl, but

tbe atlCM'su of the quartette of yiiunt; yeii-

tlcnicu who were not out of favor for niln-

chief- in akieif, | rank -play Lug or other

Ici-uiit-'Utn. wan ao uoteworthy aa Ui aug<

Kent the Inquiry whether the exblbltluu

might Ml hswe gaiund iu hrlghtiieas] bj

giving the nun i-\i-jiipl.ui youth nnome-

wbiii wider hearing. Tbe exhibition,

however, was it highly crwlltnblu tine.

School "eoiupoaltloii-writing'' ia fretting

literary labor nt. bent; acbool glrla aud

achool buys rarely kuueUe down kindly

to pen nml ink, ami Uie exhlnltloa-day

work of a school In the leant viUonble and

e.-.seiiiiai of all that the acbooU tlo Cur u».

Tho exhilillion of Friday wan DO display

of mastery In Ute art of writing; (he aub-

Ji-t'ts aa a rule were too alMtraae and re-

mote from tbe every day Uiuuglile of the

iNHayUl* nml tleulakmera, ami bore the liu-

pruna of lo-lun peit'ctud by oldir persona |

but lu Uie goot) reattlug nnd tha music, iu

most of the esujaya nud the oratorical ri'-

forU of Ute young gentlemen, the os.fr-

elaea rertet-ud high boiuir upon nil con-

cerned, those who hove the direction of

school affair*, no ICHS than thoae wlio par-


Tho rlrat of tlu? "cotnpOriiUoiia" wnn

read bj Mi-s Brnnaill, ln-r sub|ect being

"■( 'elehrnted Women," Kniuinrntitiu Asjwt-


4u HI», Madame tie Bllol, Florence Kigm

ingaleaiid, laatly. the lau- Mary Brjffia>.lrWE!&&&B!1!!.

with Purler's the honor of uutklug the

most field Itniiresalon of nnylliltig In thr exlillilllon, nml, In earnestjteM, vigor nml

gmce of gcatnre, wna eqtml u> the In-at

spe.-iiuiii:, of grmluatitin day nntl com-

iiii-iiei'im-iii oratory. The vuledieturlnn

chose fur bis tbemr the iiillucuce of ora-

tory, referring Ural to the dlatlnetloo It

conferred In t-tannle days, to the power ll

had wielded lu Uie caitae of liberty and In

aecurliig to our people tbu reaulta of war

and 1 he Id.-.-.-.iii-- of Hclf-gnveruiuetit. Tbe

ntanilurd nf public speaking had tiniloubt-

•'illv fallen from that of tbe ancient*, tbe

decline being attributable not to any fall-

ing off or wenknesa of power In orntory

but to the foot Unit tho requite ml in a..

tlouwas esteemed too high a price to pay

for U. The fluid ofthe orator's luflmmcc,

too, hud been liurt'owed by the lueruafod

power and dlHcrlinluittion of the prut.*). In '■mn In--;, oi, Mr. Porter addressed the gen-

tlemen oftjif formnltlee nud the principal

and tein-lii-Tsi of tbe ilehool, expressing

gracefully Uie lie know led guieuta of the

graduating class for the kind Interest

which had been ahown In their lu-half.

To hla rloas-miitcH the valedictorian -aid,

that while few, perhaps, would be entirely

satisfied with tbe rosulta of the school".

years now closing, ull must be made, eon-

nrioiiH liy a chfllige oftnstes in literature

nml siiiiiy. of sonic- men lit I mlvant-emcnt.

They luul cllmbe*! from alow ralley npto

ti point on a lofty inouulillip They inusl

reull/.e how lutlnito was the Held of knowl-

edge lying before them. The time hud

come when the tissueititlnnK of the school

inusl be broken. Next to honesty and In- telligence, the great tldug In tin- tillllcnl-

ties which now Inbl before them was

nbovc nil else the hnblt of close applica-

tion. Tho e,,in-in-.il.II oT the valedictory

was Uie slgual for very hearty and well-

vilk-, whom hbi- ullmlod to an tlie eo-labor-1 r|ses

er aud co-equal lu science of UITMIICI and

Ifumboldt, the young lady gracefully paid

tribute to th* •wrvleea remlcrrfi by Men.

She read With clearness nf ciiunchtl.in

and c\ccUt'Ui oxpreaalou. Mies Mary

lllrtweira thcmti wmtsuillcieutly imlicutoil

hy Its lcugfliy lit Ic—"New Knglaint

(lharaeter lietcnnlnnl hy r,oc.ai liniu- ■sMuaak" The aall—I trail* or winch tiie

New fiigliuidi-r everywhere bear tho lut-

f i .-■■--. -In- coitsltlered as due to religions

cilucatlun. to iln1 ungrateful soli, ami in

part to extent of aearoaat rfTMlerlng the

New Kiigliindei-s wwceptlblti-to foreign Iu-

llueuees. Ilia VL-raatillly was lurgvly due

to thehnnlclretiiuatauces which surroiiiul-

erl him. iVwiotl 111 cation of the New Kug-

laml trnlta waa In progress bat they would '

alwaya be needed a« clonioiita of elvlllaa- | The three IPMtal leller enrrh-r* of lids city

lion. Oil account of illness, Mine Arabet- j wlsiioui|iou<dfor tbu m. -i-i-n,.i walk

In.T. Hummer was excused from rendliig, i,ig watch at thu v»j ltnli on Krhlay nlnht taai,

he theme of Miss virtrTln's essay WM viero fiivurod with a pIcaMiiit oHnlnj and Uio

Hooka," In Which, Intginnlnit With the nrcaonce of nlftrgi'niiiiilR'r of specLiloia. Three

tswUof eiicyclopa-dloa resrtirdlng papyraa hajasjaasotnoi abirtcd-K. Il, f.dbi, Jajaea K

rat-box, nt ihe close of tho exer- cxofflclnconlriiianof the School-

Uonimlttee and by Invitation ofthe Super-

iutemleiit, spoke brieily upon the inssona

of Jabor oa a couilillou-of ull Noassj, (ie-

flltis may start nimbly; plodding talent

will puss It. Groat deeds do not dolhein-

aolvoa: great lives tlo not live themsolvca,

UlihlUll ililellccl, III all Slicees-f'lll lives, i-

it great bcatU of uuduuvor tvlileU ww do not see. Tlie mission ofthe public school

was not ao mncli knowledge ns the knowl-

edge how to get knowledge, nnd to Inrlt-

cute, tbe vnstness of the lieltl In wbicli lui-

man imltir>*onght never to bo sutlsHed.

The benedlcllon by ltev. Dr. l'neknrd

t'losetl the exercises.


llio Almighty liaaJ te prime ol lite, Henjn

,i mi-noble defeudci-, nnd our city a ieapoc4eil

/;,«..;i-ash thai tint pallet fbrao al I.awrenen .,-.-nh feel Ihe loan tin I) IIHVO HMl bt I lentil .i.im.-.-r ilall.

JVii-'iv-l, thM „ (|..|^L.atioii. cnnsl.tiiiX nf tho : nt il.ii--.ltal aad foili iiieials-ia nf Uie Torcc, In mli -iniionu. aUuinl Uie timvral.

;.■, .„trnl, that n r..p> .a tlie 1 Kolnir n-soin-

r.nnd thai aaop) I"-w»l to }>., i n.ni, , i

iii Whitman i- uHlfcrlng Jitat now

what Kmersim calls "the uwkwnnl

-M nt of parody."

it tbe antiquity of, iKiok-makiug, ahe re-

ferred to the present popularity of books,

nnapprcclatcd tn their flay, ninl fn tin-

obllrton which awaits the larger propor-

tion oi en 11 a in popular iii oral un-. "The

Dignity of l.alu.r" afforded Miaa Anna A.

PcalxMly n sub(cct fl>r a few iiiiiU- well ex-

preesed thoughts npon the Increnaed re-

aped tor physical toll, tho favorable con-

dition of thu lalsoriiig classes in America,

ami the results accomplished by labor

saving machinery. The original ifc'clnmallon hy William A.

Hy nn, tbe Brat of tho young gentlemen ap-

pearing lu the piograiiiiuc, witH a bright

Irish boy's views of tl'Cuiinull, uud a view

from thenUra-Irlsh,boiue-rulc, nnlt-ltoil-

thc (Jiu'-'ii siniiil-polnt. It was a

bay's speech, bat a speech with the Inten-

sity of exprosalon, the impassioned utter-

iLiu-e,.ilie vehemence ami lit-oil I : rush

which nre charactorlatlcH of the recog-

nized linnlels of Irish cltiipieiii e. Kllgllllld

was arraigned for "crimes against Un-

|ii':isimtfv," for banting down the holy

prli-silioi'sl, for «'hlgotry ami prpjutllce,*

for "oowanlly tyranny," and finally Iu tbe

famine days for refusing to aave her sla-

ter Island from starving, ltyau. with bel- ter fnrtnne than some of his class-males,

bail been assigned a subject which ap-

pealed to his sympathies, and the applause

which greeted him at Urn close wan evi-

dence ofthe appreclatlvcncsH with which

the andlencc waa ready to receive any

gleam of Individuality nml originality in

I be prooiiimiiie. Miss Nellie 1.. Kluihtanl

in un account of ''Westminster Abbey,"

gave the usual r-uldc book facts us to

tiati'S, events, historical associations, etc.

"1 <*n't,M wan tlie title ehrmen by Mlsa

Abliolt, to enforoo tbu lesson that then la

no success wll lioitt difficulties. The Illus-

trations were the somewhat trite ones of

Ihe gold niliis* which frlvo* no outward In- dleatioasnf Its treasures, of the miner

who gathers grain by grain, and of Mr.

Morse ami bis invention of the telegraph.

Miss Abbott's elocution lu Uio rcntlliig

wa* noteworthy tor lls clearness oT Otter-

sni-e nnd excellent, dtsrrlmlniitlnn In em-

phasis. KSMOIII Inlly the same lesson was

urtietl by Mis- i.esiie Dana, the essayist

Who followed, her theme being that for-

tune can only be rtimpiermi by indtiraiice

aa waa lllustrntiMl by the history of iji-m1

wanderings. Uio nuiTmingH of the revolu-

tionary fathers, ami of tin- aohllors of tin-

recent war In Southern prisons. Joseph

M ItobfiiNtin gave an original ilcelniniillon

on •'Tliti Applications or Htenm," worthy

of note for a clear pruseiiUllon of the the-

ory ot beat ns n mechanical force and for

the ease of man ner wll h which It wns given.

Miss Laura l\ Whltnry enlghtniied tin

assemblage upon Uie siainlsnl compost-

llou topic of "Home," ami alias Mary I,.

Goldsmith discoursed entertainingly upon

Uie bumble origin of grout men, In-l.ig,

however, a trifle out of the way tn pro-

nunciation of Uelne's name, which she

called Uine, ami a llllle wrong in hbdorlc

accuracy In putting Mr. tleorge Washing-

ton, of "Father of Ida country'' memory,

In the category of fleii. limb r-. "pOOl

Ihtys," The luro of Uie little batehnt. ua-

fortunately for the Juvenile poverty the-

ory, waa heir to the largest estate In

Northorn Virginia.

MlasKllaC. Carter commented upon

the Importance of character lu this world,

suggesting that a rich innii of boil charac-

ter muat eierelse less Influence than a pure

man of good character, and that what wn

tin Is of leas concern tliun wiist. we nre.

Sunnier» life wn» Uie most conspicuous

Illustration of this, ami his death occas-

ioned a vacancy which couhl not easily be

lllled. Mis* ftarah .1. IllrtwHI. In one of

the beat-ciBftwaetl ami nuwt thimghtfiil of

tin- essays of tbu anerms>ti, 'nuitod of

"Hunger aa the Great Inslliut of Iliiuiuit-

Uy." "Voofl," she aatd, "wn* the com-

men necessity, and hanger the ennsr of

labor. It was the strongest lest, loo, of

charity l no nppual no t.nn h. -. the na-

tions as the cry of the famishing, uiul no

motive to artlnii la fccener." "8npcrstl-

t It lira Signs," Mlaai laine'a essay, bad to do

mainly with an euutnemllou of popular

superstltltuis rcgardlii4[ wjlfhcrafi nml

magtc, natural plienomenn, etc. Mi««

IVmr referred In nn essay on "Money," to

the danger that our public heroes

becoming those who by "smartness'

obUlned suilileii weultli, nml to the cor- I D"",' J

riipltim of political life by moneyed Imtii- I rrkmiti

Crondri>,anil Adolpli torlsd*. They toot Iho

mark for Uie M-H.I oil, nisi aero rlvfli Ibr wonl at

luellj leu niiauk'it paatK 0,'oloek, The entiill

lona of Iho iiuilch Imvo it I rein I) Isi-n Jitniouiiced.

TheiliKlaiuc around the City thill iiicin-urrd in

Uie hbapo uf an olliiilli'iil-sliafo iiuiiae.tlve fi^-t lu

Hidllinl tliinariuiie.l |—lul, ami a- large aa tlie

nl the Hall Would admll, WM a-cortiiliioit by

Uty l-.OKineei <Joolid|te lo Is' :>• I Til-intal i. .-i. n -

■i -■in,,, twenty-sit elreiiila of tuo Ilall lo com-

deU> .■■.■■-I fool or a mile. YOLIIDIC uu the flrat turn

■h'ltt-i .1 hlniMlr from II Ihcra, nud vrua well Ui

il.e u.re ;,- tin- ..Hi.-i- two dro|i|ird into line nloiift

UM inaldfl or urn track, ii.li.nl rvlilcnllv dci-ldisl

gnls a trad if |i-ia*iblc, and "cut out the watk

ing" lor tho oUiora. Tho Ibnt mile win niadel.j.

VnrhoU hi in.Sti, uftli (.'roinbloaecitiiil In 10.41 ami

Colby, Who waa I:--III-I alii considered first choice,

il showed Iho bent style nl movement or llio

iln. ,-. inui.-i.i,: up the rear In I" ■; The \

i.i'.i.i i Uihold, uml in Uio nuMuiilo|ioalUo>i*

i linehlilifted mid llio lime ol'Hie llllle wsn

lenathc-neil to eleven niiniitoa. tin the third mile

Vorhols BWaTMUai) Ha lead on the olhorahy a|iurt

Ing ftnely ami on Uw lonrOi milt waa hair a lurn

tho hall to the front uf CroiuUle, aud bad none

ly two full turua Uio lead of 1,'ulliy, who aeotuetl

ho WOKIIIK a "wnlthm" mab h. In t%M. Thla

made Vas/WaV* Ibno for the flrxl IIv flea 5.1.10;

nblCa, M.*l; (^lb>** ftft.11. Tbonncc ipikk.

cneilaliaitiiiisl un UH-alxUi mlht. Vorlnilt ap-

liurtiitly had a winidng leml il he had taken a

i hoeiiuld keep, but of this lhi-ru.werciloiibU.

Colby waa wnlkbiK In a alyle llio meat mutfc-tiie

■ i a (.,..].■ .-I..:I.ii. Ill* utildr wnahinit. Ida atcp

Irylii MM 'lalck, and Ida m-nn- inovwl but very lli-

iiu lorwanl or hm L Lruiuliio walked with inoru

I ii.>'L Ilia feel It'll heavior, nnd his ■■

and ai ni ■ were cnnaluuUy la mullon, bid be was

Itoma on Ihe sHth mile ol a aWtHglag poe and

■taanssl "s« IrealK'.l ol tlie llirec. Ilf let tint fir

lie lead on II*. H< veil III Hide. inaL.n,' ills 11.14

mla. I llu'ellhll S.ljt, Idle Colbf

liu " VorboU Wllh. lie In I". Hi il aa lie

nut hall a turn i-ill l,t tin

nalv aawMMaA iliHtrosa.mtil thee. Il-e Hiimi-i. II. Wl iilnusil all'eh lone he e l-otliv'- atendv ,, ,11 ,,,.- il vorsaalo aolior, nisi lo w


Un- leml, t alaylna ■ iron showed Itn , i.'i, ■ nl nil to pick I,on ftu

I with treiieroiia ap lUllll lllf Illlll,

il icaim

. nil, ll wu* bell.- ilrrnath awl *|HHSI in n-aorvt- to win. lie in out in tlu) iiiulh llllle, ovai lisnlisl \ m Iml/. mid imatril lini. ami cloacd In «ell on t:r I.le. The)- en Icred on UioMr teiillt tulle H Ith I'roiuliie ihbiy *ec Dinla III advance nl (ailbv, and Colliv Hjrlm'i'it ■ecimila III lend nf Vurh'il/. (nib)'a Knit lu the U nth HIDO was n olipiiinit one—US' laalflit nuidr

I .■ II- lie luade Hi, iv. , .,i-. tit -nils in l'i.:ifl, r.iretiiB I rtmiblo tn Ro In 111.11 nhilu \ oi foil/- (lie "lliilelniiiin," aa Ihe erowd nniclo call him- wa- aimnlcrhiK nlnnir lu Ihe

■ luwUillool' I J.IK llol Itie nuill kliowail that ha «-«. iTiolcvolenllierid-l of Ihe lliree. The Utrrl- .|e |HVW nf Uial lanlh mils did I lie lin-h I?

. . laid lUiu nf Uut lie In-aan it l.lelina lit! of llie rneo. I.l.-ainl l.uliol?, ami il.r I hit ,'liman xhook out a roi'f or two, nml |'ii.bed on llio l.-iel. Ile ma.li> lib. twi-inh mile in 11.1."., a rain of twioli ai\ ■.-.,mis .in i un .-, nioiiuii Ihe I .-i-i Mn- ntnrc

If a turn In ndvn'ic

rnpplnit Imck. umt ju-l la-iore eon lull*, haulcil off awl wns cvlibmtly on

-K'tii I. biblt Mlprna of dlattvaa, arnnip cst'luiiit lion h

...;..jiuu iniu in - - Mill.

■Ik" - '■! db . h'ils, and or in |en. h-li.i.niK

'I V. II,

ifrlooiith mile iu rli'Vt-o tailiulri. _. hie idacklly cinlenvorliiir to shake off the I lit hi ffripsraiup IaaUme.1 on hlui, sol uniuall In Ihlr i.-en nilniii.'-. vornoht had a dear lend ol two mlnllltia Bail loin amtoiula wlteii ihe I le.-iii li iiille la'Kun, and on Ihe ciahlecnlh turn, Inonhir wisely spared hhn*il( and Ihe a|n-clntnra Ihe lor turn uf aUt'iupUnS ■» emilitiMO n nuitfiat now grown hii|icli-ta. Thin llni-in d the nice an far ai a match wa* conterneil. Isit Vmlsdr kept hi- piii-e well, uinkiiia UM mli mile In lUBL and, nmld the cheer* ni the erowd and with flu- Inspir- ation is] .|iin-k uia-ie 11 mn Iho lian.l, In enleioil on Ida laat mile. To win llio time hi t- ajininM three hour'.lH' had rlwhtci'ii uiiniiii-. mi.i a hall h, lUitke il ill, lind hUh-hl have Uken It Icl-uicly; bill lu-apurteil lo the iloi-h, ut.l uunle n line end nl UanwHlk. coniplclms iho lllWeMli mile In 11.45, and witiliiiiH Ihe uiahli and UH' *.al aWtH'|»-la.l|oa al .1 niliniii - and la ii-1- |in- I ■ I, w-i, O'rloSk, likaUuir hir tlu-nice IH.'1UK i boura,-VI lalnntiw, and I.'IM'I-ond-. Kalr wnlklna was ndmilled in MnaMsM it wn* neoeaaarr onlv three or loiti linn - i■■ KIVC iinj unruius rcKanlnuf Inusl- hna trail. ■TheHmc I., of iiinr.e, not what would have U. n iinidn mi an oul->lnwr track, and M.lli for live mile-, or I"-- titan three hoiira lor llllcoli lOtlea, when It l» lou-ideeatl thalht usa milked "«a hnrd. ain.Hith Ibair, and an I n ■ In In not

m>rrntv feel in dlinneUir, ia ' ■ [sevei lovll •a.a.1.-1 by the ni-.linn, t prnfea.

Tin' winner wna as freak as a dai-y when ho ilni-hed. Vorhob'- niece"* affnnls Ihe ln-linik' nun a hi i a- aitam .- Mini 'lh.- lh 1,1 wins in Iho lonn run." There la, of r-c, llio naiml talk ui innii tiiiiK hian "Ka.li

., ui.I


Tin: Kvm-iNii C.u.i. iittiM CaKAua for

the ;>00,000 I'l-ciicli Canaitlan emigrants

who bare come to the United siatoe with-

in I In* la-t tiventy-tlve yean will hardly

have the effect to summon many of the

pro.n^nls back acrosa tbu line. At the

recent convention In Montreal, It waa

a-rn-i'tt that the Dominion Oorvrnment

ousht to take bohl of tbe matter aad en -

courage tlie wandering sons of Canada to

coiuu bock to the fold. Tho plan recom-

mended was this: Free grants of Land,

nilciiiiees for the purchase of seed, free

transportation from the United States,

building of roads by (oventmcat aid, and

special provision for the religions needs

of the i-\ peeled re-colonlata. In this way,

the Montreal Convention waa of tbe opin-

ion that tho flow of emigration to the

Sinles .,-ulil im checked and the tide

turned backward. Wo very much doubt

If the -proposed legislation would have

any mat. rial en*eet. The t-'ivneti C-jnadi.

mis, who are In tbe United 8t*Ua, left

tho Dominion liccause they can earn more

money here, in proportion to the cost of

living, tlian they can hope to obtain In

Canada. Aa a general rale, they are do-

ing well here, and after duo consideration

of the relative advantages offered on both

a of the line, they will be alow to tarn

their steps northward. For years, the

Canadian government haa made every

effort to induce immigration from Europe.

It baa offered tbe Irishman, the Kngltsh-

inan nud tbe Intending Immigrants of all

nationalities, essentially the'same induce-

ments which the Montreal Convention pro-

pMM to hold out to tho French Canadi-

ans In the United Htalca. And with what

result? How litili' of the stream of Im-

migration, Whlrb haa ]>oiired across tbe

Atlantic, haa found lu way Into Canada,

everybody knows. Our Republic, without

offering: any artificial Inducements or offer-

ing rewards, haa nttracted population.ami

kept It when obtained. If Canada cannot

do the same wlthont offering bounties, It

Is Idle in Invoke special legislation. The

obstacles to the coming of Immigrants to

Canada cannot he overcome by rewards;

the trouble Is In tbe condition of aoclety

nud the character of tbe (JoveruSnstit.

VKIIV r.\Tii»mc nVxxrOTRi arc given of

the hardship caused hy reduction going

on lu the force of clerks In tho Treasury

Department. We arc specially Informed

that twelve of the women clerks fainted

on being discharged, while various well

a n I ln-iii ieat ed Ins tatnes of" suffering are

recorded. These will excite sympathy, but

they will noi nnd should not affect tbe public

of approval tho law cutting down expendi-

tures. The Oovernment la not a charita-

ble Institution; Ita departments are not

llrmarles; Us purpose la not to make

work for people wh» like to be In Its em-

ploy. On the whole, Die really neconaary

work requires more people to perform It

than there Is any reason for, and It la

never done as ehenpty as It might be be-

cause Die |-,.Iii i.-al Instead of the business

i.h-a of economy usually prevails, and that

Itli-it always is lo economise by turning

out Ibe pour devils who are without inflii-

oiii-e ami spare the incapable* who have

powerful frtcmW dt court. Uut any econ-

omy that can Im secured Is welcome, ami

the hardship caused by the reduction Is

I'.ir less than niiiir.- daily among the dis-

charged employes of our mllla and mer-

cantile establishment*. I'uil.- Samuel

accompanies his parting hand shake with

the bounty of two months* salary to each

one of the ills harged clerks • a little ex-

perience of the ways of the outside busi-

ness world will convince the benoflclartes

that the employer* are fow who aay

"(lootI Mye"wllh nuch generous grace.

TIIK I'ltoi'osKit HKI nitiKii v Tntavrr.—

io government of the National Asancla-

iImi of Wind Manufacturers have passed

resolutions protesting against the pro

posed reciprocity treaty as especially det-

rimental to th*ir Interests and thoae nf

D farmers depending on them. They

11 eve that the high rates of Internal tax-

ation in the United Slates, and tbe cheap-

uesa of labor tn Canada, as proven by Uw

extent of the Immigration to the United

Slates, give that country a great advan-

tage In Ibe manufacture of woolen goods,

■specially lu the articles of nll-wtml

iwct'd, woolen and cotton satinets and

fclt-roYcalug for hollers. It Is the old

■inesttou of free trade, bnt It may be re-

marked here that every principle of self-

lulerest reinilrcs dial the woolen manu-

factories of tbe country, wlilch almost

without un-cpUon buvn felt keenly tbe

depress I no; influences of the past year

ahou'.tl ii"' be exposed to any har.arda hy

uDieihilii devices of treaty-making—a

fnel whieli lt*elf suggests tbe need of cau-

tion. ^^_„__

"»NK 0» TIIK HKHT acts of tho Congress

which bus recently adjourned, aeema t*>

tiavtilwen no elected In Die various sum-

maries of the matters to be placed to Itn

credit. We refer to Ihe now code of the

laws of ihe United si.iii-s which baa been

revised ami finally u.lopled, and which IN

now lu iie: printed at the government

printing olllce. Kvert ill l/en of thla IIIUH-

ii', will shortly be aide to possess the

whole biHtyofoiir statute law, showing

the rights, liabilities uml duties of the

peojde, for a sum which will probably not

uirccd five dollars. The value of such a

(ink- lu diminishing the glorious turner-

ialTity,prc\ulc!tt recanting national law,

ami In educating American cltlaona and

Iboae intending to become such Into a

wider knowledge of our political Itislltu-

I inn-, cltll hardly be over estimated.

WMKTIIMI .Itsrt.Y or mil, It la evident

n-oiii the tone of the religious as well aa

tlie ■o-i-iiin press, during the week past,

thai tin- current of public opinion is run-

nlIIK strongly against Mr.. Beecher—not,

however, so much agaluat him aa agalnat

his singular silence. Hla friend*, who

have hitherto dented that there was a

grain oflriiih in the "Ileeeher scindal,"

am damaging liim by evincing a dlapoal>

Don lo admit Dint he has been guilty of

some small offence or other against Mr.

Tlltoii 1ml which, they claim, Is nf small

coiiHt'ineme In comparison with Ibe crime

charged iioainst him The course of Mr.

lieci her's friends has not, we think,

slrentflhcneil the liellef which we arc .all

trying lo maintain In his Innocence.

■-i.il canls at tbe Kprlug-

tpiarter have been unprec-

di'iittillv large, g'he presses have bantl

uu twenty-four hours n day si me April ),

uui about 13,000,0(10 cards have Itccnsent


Held met






P '




ir tho week ending Wcti!.'..I.IT-. July prepared Tor Ute AVKKICAN, from obMTI bum at Andover, liy l'uof. I.A Hut MIMtlM.

M = 1 Thursday, •I.IK: ■

mX.f, 1*41

■."!..-•; w: Monday, JI.T: .i

TwwMtar, tut Tl'

Wednesday, M u




Ctond* .in. shower*.

w x. >:. ll'vy Bate

U' 18. Fair.

II' S. w Fair.

ll.vrosielcr corrected for teuipei


ft by law r*qalretl M UIU niiralicr; Ibe Illustrated

I'.It l i- !• regular Supplement [IP til"' American,

nil.I With Ihe paper dOS* not rvrocd four ounces,

tin' weight allowed l.y law :a a single rate of post-


Wodnoiulay. A Washington, dispatch stales thai the Trcas-

nry ROW IIU • total <>l Si.irOfl.Otr", comprising tfl /AiOfltHi, which luu already l>cen surrendered by nations) I.mil,- under tin- new law, nnd mime ■4t4.iHHi.iMm t'i ..in broken hank*. There have Iwcn, a* ret, demand* lor only *t,ouo,ooo r»r IK.n Writ, lenvlug some yt.OOO.lsa) yet to In- drawn before iho -in|.in- in Kastcrn Iwnks will l>« disturbed

A train of car* on tin- Shore Line I lull rood, Si I rig from New London to New Haven, on

onday, was thrown from the track near Stony Creek, causing the tleath of Superintendent Wilco* and the injury of lo.i persons, more or leKH seriously. The accident was due to the carelessness in a switchman.

A serious riot occurred In Fredcrieton, N.U., on Monday night, growing out ol n disrate be- tween the crowd and the. men connected with I..'in- circus. A llcreo light occurred between Hie parties, causing great etenement end alarm, t>ut pence was unally restored by the authori- ties.

Serious Indian outrages are reported from Kan***. A nuuttwr of persons having licen killed and the supplies at the Government iigenflea are scrlowdy endangered. Tbo Gov- ernment have been Called u|H)n lor mun troop*.

YesU'nlav wan a ban and Interesting dav In tb« New Hampshire. U'uislnture. 'I he llijtioi license liill ami the Mil to consolidate the lioa- tun and Lowell and the [owe]] and Nailiua Italfroad* were illMNUMMl with much earnest- ness.

King Roger*, rook ol the I'mvlncetown ■■> I ii. i St. Marv, v. .!■. killed liy blows dealt him by Oapt (icorge H. 1'eaeli. on the passage from (Hint center lo i'mvineetown. Oa|itntn Peai'h lian been held ' Jury-

The ilriim Irfnlgc ofOraii^enien In New York have dei-lded not lo uavade on the l'Jlh im imt will hear a nermon lr« the HOT. I>r. Tyng "■ Sunday HID 18th, and Htt a pienlr the next day,

The ateam*liip Malio brongbl 7W Mormon ImmlRrantH to New York, on Momlay, on their way lo I'taii, ai-t-om|ianieil by eight mUition- arlen. They are incully from Seandlnavia.

n. J. It. jennliifa, a payaictu of Nuhvlllo, Tenn., itnumltted miltlile ut NurriigunHetl pie: reatcr-'ay: hianieee, daiifthterof (Jov. Wlw of Virginia, wan with him on the pier. The IW.MoII and Maine director! ponied through Portland yemerdav, on their wav to innpeet the Lewlahm anil Auhuni hraneh rail mini and the I'euoiiieot liay and liiver road.

Win. HtiekleN. an ex-CimiVdenile gvnrral. ■ ih .I by iiliiMitliig hlmneir at Paaaale, N. J.. on Monday. I'ectiniary embnnatment ii Ktip- IHMi'd to have been the euu«e.

The emvleted New York poliee torn m ISM Ion - era. Charliik and Hardner, have ri'idgued, and now appointmenta havo been made by the

The '■"iiiiiii-.-i..ii1-r- ol Itamaey rounty, Minn, on Monday, appropriated MV,,snii |,.r thu rellet of Hie naffererx by the gramuoppcr plague.

I'arkliiirm, the New York antrunonier, atyi thai, from the. laU-M olmenatloiii of the tin net, the earth will barely BMWM a collialoa.

The (Ireal Fatli Manuraeluring Contpnny in buihllng a new dam at Milton Three Pondt, Hit old one bttaff con»Idmd uiiHule.

Iti.h.i,. WheeUn, of Wheeling, di.d at Haiti inure vext.TiliiV. Hi- rriimin- IMII U,- l.nn.J in Wheeling.

A HKOttaor lo Mnmhall Jewell. Mlnloiii ui Si. PotenlHirg, will be nominated next week.

Alexuinh-r II. Btepbciu decline* a ro-etectlon to Oowgicn.

ttoU elawd yeoterdoy at 100],

Thursday. At the htte June term of the <'lreult Court,

held at Hampton, Virginia, Judge Ueorgc T. llurriMondeeidedthat Hie net of A-neinbli j.n-- ed at tho ■eamofl of 1866-6, providing that all colored pu'toiiK e.ihaliiling nnjirthcr at the lime of the pax*agc of the net, although not lawfully martini, xhonld be huntiantl and wile, wan iiuil and void. Thu eaxe wax a pnmeeutloii of two eulore.t men fur bigamy under that statute. The prlaonern were dHehurged. The xcope antl la-ar- ing of thin im|>ortant deelnlon In to unmarrv Ihounnndn of coin red pernonn whom Hie aet attempted to make hoibuwd and wife.

CapUln Henry Randall, Tor manr year* iden- UM with the Meamihlp nttenete of New York, died yeiterday, aged 72 yearn. He wan for nev- eral year* comman Jer of the nteamlxwl Kmplre on 1 .like Ktie, and afterwanl wan identllied with Kail River, .Stonlngiou ami I»ng Inland Hound ■Woflien. In 1800 hu wan apptilnted to the command of the nteamer Yankee lllade. In Mills Independent California Line. He nlno haillieen captain of tho nteamnhlp Northerner, one of the tlret ntenin vcnneln *ea| trom New York lo tbe land of gold.

The War Deportment BOJ icnl Invlmtlons to a large nnmiifr of Congre^nmcn to nominate OMOH iiir Went Point to nil nsundei expected Irom Ihe July examination*. Among them are the following; vu ill Crocker, |0tb MaaaacbU' KtU nintrlet; II. I.. Dawen, llth Monnuehu- aetta; K. K. Hoar, 7th Man«achuseitn; Kugene Hale. .'Ah Maine, Lake 1'. Poland, 2d Vermont; Win. It. Small, Ut New Hampshire.

The London Wonting Siattdqrd, reviewing the PHHHMKHI reelprwity treaty '<etwcen the United suten and Canada, nay* : " [I adopted the Ca- nadian frontier will be virtuallv obliterated and tbe absorption of the llriiUh North American l'1-..i in.,-- by tbe lulled M.OI - lieeomcn onlr t .pieition of time."

John P, ILirkcr, eanhier of the Pint Nationa Hank ol New lledford, wan removed from the

■ ■ I.I ; ■ i. :|, of the ■ , on Ttie*day bv a ntate- iii.m i.i' Irregularilien matle to the Board ol mnrtON hy lUnk K^auilner Needham.

TlKMiran IVjdd, n vagrant, died from the em of loul air In Jtd'erntm Market l'rlnon. NewY City, where he wo* rommilteil tant week. 1 ..m in Hie (OCOnd death within a week In Ihe -nine H ■:. ■ from the Mimo ennne.

The New York NIM nnvn that J. <! proprietor of the New York It,,,,!.!, ajid (Jeorge l.urllliiM will shoot III a pigeon matili on I/mg Kl .ml, u>d*y. for s I.IM-I a tide.

bowdoln College ban derided I military drill optional wllh the Mud


lien. ILoliert Cowdtfl, alter an illi ly three yearn, died at hin renide concord street, Brnton, mon alter veotcrday morning, (fen. Cowdhi the town of Jamaica, Vt , Sept. |K. imVi, and wan thrremrr hi hln lllltli y,nr. He came to huHton in I.SJ7, and lmme<llatelv engnueil i lumber hudneM with Brewer A Wllhtt. <ulwt'i(iientlv went iulo bunnienn for himnel .,,i,i,i,u.it therein till Ihe war. In IBB1 bi ..immlnnloiird iiilouel of the 1st MH—in In ttegimrnl, and Hie next feat waneommlni. brigadlergenerul. At Hie clone ofhin tervl returned u> Itonion and returned htn bueini a lunilier .lenler.

ProAeaut s. j. Young ban lieen elected i nrer »l liowdoiu College i '■ •■ Hon. Jowpli Tit- ntiuti, renlg t. The lollowing honorary degreen have lieen cmferred 1,1,. !>., Henry W. I,oii| fellow Of Cambridge, llellninv Storer ofl'ineii nati, I). 1>., J. T. 0. Nlcholn of Sue.., Ikiijami Tappan orNorrldgewock and Jneol, J. Ablmlt of Yarmouth; A.M.II.IH.I llnrker of Kxotor, K. c. ii. lUii.ni of India and t'barlei A. lien lamtflj. The sm r enrallon haj been length tuen to II week*.

Thu ■ I... i..ii..i.i. i ■ of the Vennonl and Oanaita Kallruad held a npeelal meeting tit liellownr'alls, Vt., yrnlerday, and voted lo sell the road lo Hit 'Vuual Vrruiunt lUilroad Company fur *i,00O,. U00, payable in (Hindi having thirty yearn b. run. wllh Interest at the rate ol Mxper cent, per annual. The itoekkoWera of tbe Central V iioul all

ilircclora. A verv enlbuniantie eitifenn' nieellngwai held

at Kagle Hall, Milford. N. II., on W.-dn. evening, lo nee what action Hie people would iiikc inward erecting a rutton null on the alto ol lite one burned in l«72. It w«n Ihe roiiclunlon thai Miiford luid uuuno.il l.teilitien lor a cotton mill, and a eo dltee, with p. T. Hawyer aa • Imirman, wan apn<iinle.l to pre-ctit this luhject to capllalhHa and othera.

In the Prenilt Annembly yenUrilav, the tuo- ii.iii of regret for the suspension oft. liili.n WaJ ilelcaied, and a motion In favor ol seplenuale power* fuf President MacMahon alao niiilered .lefeal, but a llnal motion with which the go eminent wan l.lenlllled wnn passed. The mini irv afurwardn lendered their rentgnationn,which wire p>reuipioiily rejected by President Mac- Ma hoit,

The various nevernmenl bnreaas in Wash- ington are generally adopting a machine which print* all letters Instead ol writing them, and nili.h eun print, It is eluimed. faster than a tier- -on mn write. A clerk In Ihe Post ntllce I>e- partmenl ha* written *i words per minuie with

llU.UN Wutlh IN I 111'. 1't'IIUC Si mun..--

— KverywcU Informed men haa .wen or

rc&ilof iiumurousj itiatauces lu which the

health of distinguished authors or other

Individuals who had performed a great

deal of intellectual work, was Injured or

their life In all probability materially

shortened, lint there are many Intelligent

people to whom tbe idea doea not seem to

occur that what ut so often Injurious, or

even atal,to full grown men, cut possibly

l>c any harm to a child. We are iucllncd

to believe that last week, while the com-

roltteea and the sub-c-ommlttees wore <ttie«- tloolng and croHS'<|iiestloiilng to ascertain

of how much brain work our public school

pupils were capable, a person who had

taken the trouble to trace out as closely aa

poanlbte the direct Influence of mental la-

bor upon the general tone of the physical

system of the rhlldreit, would have arrived

at somewhat starthug results. A great

deal could be said—and most of 11 with

perfect justice—In regard to the injurious

ffects of Imperfect ventilation, close con-

Ineiiiettt, and Insufficient exercise. All

these nre, undoubtedly, Important matters

Hut the direct effect or close study upon

bodily health is a point which demands

fully as much consideration as either of

them, and, we think, lm- received less.

Indeed, W0 are certain that in two or three

schools during the examinations of last

week, the physical appearance of many

or the student*, who acquitted tbcmaclvea

most creditably, suggested the inquiry

whether the influence of brain work upon

physical health had been taken into ac-

count nt till. The question for example,

how mueb hard study a Iwy or girl be- tween the ages of ten and sixteen yean la

do, resolves itseir In the mlmls of

many persons into tho simple Inquiry how

Ii the pupil can be coaxed or driven

Into doing. Persons who are horrified,

and frequently with perfectly good reason,

ut the overtasking of children In our fac-

tories or other places where they arc em-

ployed in manual labor^do not realize that

the stune principle may be applied to a

public school. Whatever may IMJ true of

other countries, the health of probably

ten or twenty times as many children Is

Impaired by overwork In schools a* by

overwork In factories. It Is no answer

lo say that the rensoiidoubtless in because

there are ten or twelve times a* many

school children as there arc factory children

for, If the number ol school children is sr

much greater, that alone Is a sultlclen

reason for an Increased degree or Interest

lit the subject.

The performance hy a school boy of a de.

gree of mental labor, under the stimulus

of a "marking system" dele mil til ng

rank and standing, which his nervous

system Is iin.iliic to sustain, Is no slight

matter, either In itseir or In Its effect up-

on his prospect or health when he grows

to lie a man. The greatest defect of the

whole public sdumt system, as It stands

In Lawrence antl elsewhere, Is that of

taking it for granted that bemuse one pa

l'il of ti certain age can l>ear a Certain

amount of bruin work, therefore, another

ami every other child of the same age can

undergo the same amount. There an

Tew things In regard to which Individuals

Whether adults or children, differ so much

In their ability to endure Intellectual

labor. This fact Is, almost everywhere,

except In regard to school-children, recog-

nized and acted upon. In respect to

schools, somehow or other, It seems to

be frequently almost left out of tbe ac-

count. Pupils of weak, nervous systems

oT delicate organization, of feeble bodily

IM in ii arc made to conform to all tne re-

quirements made of the strongest and

stoutest; the system Is Inexorable

rests upon the false presumption of equal

endurance and etmal capacities for brain, work. The conscpjcuccn of this, wc be-

lleve, are disastrous. They may not ap-

pear Immediately t in most lustances, per-

haps, they do not. Hut a half dozen re-

cent graduates to whom we could polot,

who like Banquo'i ghost are well nigh

"the despair of surgery," might suggest

Hint the injurious effects or overwork are

ii.il so long in showing themselves. All

we maintain is that this topic of over-

work In tbe schools, of bodily soundness

before all else, ami of the health or the

hool-chlhlrcn U they tippcared lu their

annual dress paraduoriust week,deserves

a greater proportion of, attention. In all

Hint WHS said to the scholars and regard-

ing them, lust week, we know of no refer-

ence to it.

builders maintain, Is not embodied in the

proposed reciprocity treaty with Canada

and the opinion of our shlp-bullders ought

to determine us against It.

l>. ..line, itlv walked I,IKM> miles [Held, ban now imi.li- a u rxhihilfon at Hie Wo

• ter Hiding Park.

TIIKIH: iiutjHt'i'uS Nn» HAMI'SIUUH.—

There Is an old adage regarding tho destina-

tion at which a beggar on horseback la like-

ly to arrive. The Dcttwcratlc party of Mew

Hampshire Is Illustrating it with a ven-

geance. Having removed by address sole-

ly on political grounds nearly all tha coun-

ty officers In the State, Including even the

Probate Judges, they have advanced this

week another atop In their "spoils" doc-

trine, by abolishing the Sopreme and Ju-

dicial Courts and establishing them In

another form, solely for the purpose of

getting rid or the judges and putting In

their place courts composed of a majority

of Democrats. There was no suggestion

that the Judges had not discharged their

duties with fidelity and ability, and the

shamelessly and openly avowed reason

for thus tampering with tbe highest court

of tbe State was to provide places for

Democratic partisans. Outside of South

Carolina, where the Governor Is an Indict-

ed thief and pillage Is the recognized p rl n -

clple or official action, there has not been

in tbe current politics of the country,

meaner and dirtier performance than this

of Mew Hampshire Democracy. The

spectacle of the Legislature of a State en-

gaged in removing county and city officers,

who were chosen by rote of the people,

solely because the people did not choose

tbey should be Democrats, was enough to

awaken Indignation that the public Inter-

ests and the principles of local self gov-

ernment should thus be sacrificed to the

wolfish hunger of a ravenous party. But

the ejectment of hundreds or minor offi-

cials from positions In which they were

plsced by popular vote—the appointment

lu their stead of men In whose selection

the people have no voice, was not enough.

There was one depth of grovelling, parti-

san meanness yet to be sounded. For

the Democratic party of New Hampshire

to discover this fact,was to render It cer-

tain that It would make the trial. What

cared they that, In the foundation stones

of sll good government, stands written

that It Is all essential to the purity of the

Judiciary and public respect for law, that

the Judges be lifted above partisan meth-

ods and partisan cries? The Democratic

party of New Hampshire has been too

hopelessly blind and stupid an organiza-

tion to heed even the plain principle* of

public policy which self-interest should

lead them to consider. They have extend-

ed the "spoils" doctrine to procure the

overthrow of the Supreme Court of the

State, snd thrust their party-cries Into a

department of government, which Is ruined

In Influence the moment It becomes sub-

ject to party mutations and party lines.

There was never before In New England

so scandalous an exercise of legislative

power. The compensation Is that the

headsman Is walking behind, and that the

wrath stored against the day of .wrath

will not bo long coming. It la no wondur

that the New York "Tribune" and the

quidnuncs of the "Independent press,"

who for two years have urged a trial of

tbe democratic experiment, are crylngout

Hold 1 New Hampshire and Connecticut

are enough of such rule!"

SPKAKKR lii.Ai.vt.'s protest against all

treaty-in iik I it-: with Canada which may af-

reet unfavorably the new era of American

shipbuilding, hits a significance beyond

thut usually possessed by utterances re-

gtinllng our relations with the Dominion

In 1H01| the amount of tonnage entering

ports of the United States from foreign

countries, was a little over o,IMMI,00U of

tons, against ahout '.',,'.00,001) ton*

foreign tonnage so entered. For the year

ending .lime 80, 1878, American touting.

entering from foreign ports had sunk to a

little over3,000,000 tons while the foreign

tonnage had risen to over 8,000,000.

other words, American vessel* trading

between the United Stales and foreign

ports at the beginning of tbe war, had

more than double the carrying power or

all their foreign competitors, while sine

the war foreign vessels have more than

doubled the carrying power of their Amer-

ican rivals. Fifty three per cent, of our

mercantile marine disappeared between

180) ami 1800. What made this period

of retrogression still more disastrous was

the Tact that, when we found ourselves at

Ihe close of the war in a position to give

Home attention to our declining coinin

■nd our Idle snip-yards, our rivals were

in nearly full possession of the business

and far, far ahem! of us. From IHilt;, until

recently, our shipplngintcrcst* haveprac

Lb ally stood still. That Is, we have with

considerable difficulty maintained our ton-

nage within a few thousand tons of tbe

point at which tbe close of the war lefllt.

During the name period, Britain lias been

addlngan average or loo,!**1)ton* a year

to her steam vessels HIUI 11 larger numikcr

to her sal ling tonnage. Hut slowly though

surely, the balance of advantage in favor

of the British or Canadian ship-builder

has been shifting. Prices have been ex

patiiling in Ihe Dominion and on the other

side simultaneously with tbelreontractlon

here, and tin- advantage in all respects. If

there Is no ruinous chauge of policy, bids

fair to be more and more In our favor as

time goes by. This revival of ship build-

ing Is surely a result whose attalmneut Is

worth struggling for, and It becomes our

government by all possible meant

strengthen the hands of tbe men who arc

oudeavorlag to replace American freight

and passenger trnllle lu American vessels.

The Kngllsh and Canadians have on their

side tin- advantages of hunt money, stcsdy

exchanges and low taxes. If, howevei

the task lie of considerable magnltudi

the prize is no trilllut; one. Mr. John Koach

[in Delaware river shlp-bullder, esti-

mate* that In 1*7:1 there waa paid to Tor

elgn steamship* alone. Tor the transport-

ation of American freight and pas*engvrs

•1.11.790.000, rather morn than one third

of tbe total revenue or the United States

Oorernment during the same period. It

will take years lo enable us to reassert our

equality with tbe foremost maritime na-

tion In Ihe world, but it only needs pa

tieine mill perseverance on the part 0

I mil v (duals, and the pursuit of a prudent

mid conservative policy on the part or

ih>- government. Such a policy, the ship

..I Urillitml 1-'.

A most Elegantly Illustrated Magazine,


With (hi* ISMMWe present to the SVHaUtltXUI

caders, a new feature, for tone mouth* in cim-

temptation, which we believe to he unequnlleit in

attractiveness, hjr any npeelally or New England


Eachaubtorlberreceives lierewith, a liau.ls.imc,

liiteou pnjee maffa/iiic of choke reniliuif, superb.

ly printed on luned paper, ami profusely UlUf,

toiled with line picture*, apucUlly ensjmved fur It,

making in luelf scuiuplutc periodical, for beauty

I cii .-II. in'' aot -m |j;c-ce.i by any Jmirnal hi

the land, and which i» heieafler t<i be regularly

Imued each month, a» a literary ■npplssneat, to

•very advanre pay lag labaeriber to the weekly


It ie,|nir,-> but a glance at the page* or our new

monthly, lo iiubilantlate in diameter, in lllu.tra-

lion, work man ah ip and content*, :. .1 1: 1 , 1 , . .

publication, *ueh ai could lie i.blulued lu acparatc

form for no lea* tier year, than the full inh

U..11 price to the AMERICAN. Thu fiueeeedlng

number* will lie In all reipecl-i fully ispud li.thia,

afxl preserved, an of esstTH tliay will be in every

family, forming a lniiiil-'.mi,- tiilumo uf nearly

two hundred page*, and with hair that number of

Hupcrlor engraving*.

The Isrge amount of excellent iui*celUneouii

reading thu* presented,—a ilngle one uf tlie«c

•upplementi fonlnhdiiK more, than probably nny

Joumal iirinied in the county afford* its readers

for an entire month,—will enable in, witlunit

trenching a* sometime* heretofore, upon Ibis de-

partment, to rontlnue our full report* of local

event*, all tha incident" of the county nud vicin-

ity or apecial interest in our render*, and for

which the AVBUICAX bai *o long maintained lt«

nllruiu that ibytotklS I have never preached from motive* ut pcri»>ual ambition." further on hu Kayo, "I Imvo untliing to aay of my r.trugK'e*. They have been many ami deep, but 1 havu not

one too many have not hud one that I could lu\o done with..111." Tin- U'otiiniitiy of Hie puw-

•orrow to develop and purify was most apt- ly illuitnUed.and an he hituaolf nxproaimd it, "the .torin that trouble- al the wimc lime propel*; aft, UnsH.coinu u-hnl tuuy, life or death, my hold I.M-I I* Hf..,,/, .1, ■./,." Ai tin

the plailorm, ai thu on illeeattjuk.,:

SHOOK HAM'S Will! 110 11; I-AMOI:

tace waa ra«*ant. "Tliank <,.,-! your trust in ia not mlinlaccd" I warns*)atsjsu hi* eye*, and

iiinphiHwMecomib-iance. VrV *ur maybe ■aid of the*nnt of Uu roriAyt*. sassansi Is dean 1 lo I'lyiooulli than ever OCJMPS- The idin-.si !...;. i.-l, treeliM.-n <>i face and elasMaVof manner

1 Houiotlusw really remarkable, . outraging diungely wttta ihe tired out, utterly CIIIIMIHUM

appearance of hi* ad Ternary. V I'll 1 -. «. K.


State Eataollrtl a>t North

CV11.KOK UKIIH 1 t WHKK.—The grand

regatta of the Association or American

Colleges will be rowed at Saratoga, 011

Thursday neit, the Kith lost, of the col-

leges represented In the race at Springfield

last year, three, Amherst, Massachusetts

Agricultural faud Bowdoln, will not be

represented this year. Tbe colleges rep-

resented this year which took no part last

year, are Brown and Princeton, making

ten crews to Join In the struggle,vis; Brown, Columbia, Cora*!!, Darlmoath,

Harvard, Princeton, Trinity, Wesleyan,

Williams and Yale. Besides the grand

regatta, tho display or physical culture

extends to other sports. On Monday ami

Tuesday the ball matches between Harvard

and Yale will be played 1 on Wednesday,

there will be a race for single sculls, and

also a contest of freshman crews 1 01

Thursday the university race; and ouFrl

day, ilvo foot races, to Include a one-mile

running match, a three-mile running match

a 1,000 yards running match, a seven-mile

walking match, and a hurdle race of 1'Jd

\unls over ten hurdles, three feet six In

dies high. Only collegian* are allowed to

contest. P Is safe to say that tbe college

boys,who for a fortnight have occupied so

Isrge a share of newspaper space and pub-

lic attention with their graduation ai

else*, will even more largely engross the

public Interest In the week to come.

the Jockeying aud chicanery with which

sporting matters,in the professional vie

and under professional management, have

become associated, college regatta week

Is welcome as affording a series tof con-

tests wherein no honors are to be obtained

without )tist title and where the ability to

win Is not to be bought off for money.

The publicsUunoTiueh a supplement,—n month

ly vliitorwho** coming will ho eagerly anlicl-

by every memlierofthe family, rmesaerflf

Involve* a very Urge expense, but we hope to

re It* equivalent In greater proiupUies* in

payment of lubaertptionK, and a large InoreOM

1 our lists.

ADVAMCS PATMBX1 OSI.V, Will ..■,-.in- thin

Supplement; Ihe »ub*crlplinn price 01 tin ASKHI

CAS I* lean than any other paper furnishing a like

ntof matter in thu ssetlon of Massachu-

setts, nearly every paper of Its cla*H having a rale

.W cents to fl.Ou higher than our own, and while

we send this number of Uie supplement to every

•sbMiiber, we shall rontlnue nnly f> such a*

promptly make their payment* in advance.

We hope every one now In arrears, will he a<>

well pleaaed with the handsome illustration* and

pits) litUe aU'rles, U to -end st once their sub-

scription* now due, and in advance, mid continue

retnlarly hereafter to receive the supplement.

NEWS IIKAI.I.HS who have tho AMKIUCAK for

•ale, will supply till* number of the supplement

with each paper, without extra prire, hut here-

wlllniralahlhe paper with or without the

Supplement, as the purchaser may prefer; at lb*

old rates If the Illustrated monthly 1* not desired,

I charting Hve cems extra,—leu* than one third

■ real value,—when the Nupplemunlis taken.

Kiw SuBSCUtHkua paying in advance, will re.

celvelbe Illustrated Monthly, and it sent in at

can commence with this number of the pie.


NoKXTBA rosrioK is due nu nceount of this

.Supplement to our regular subscribers.

fe *haU be glad lo hear from our rend ITS how

now feature la received.

KIIII'SH M11.K* Is a meek and lowly Qua

ker. sent out by our government on tbe

peaceful errand of remonstrating with our

reel snd variegated brother of

plains, on the evils of flre-watcr and cattle

stealing. Ills story, as told Wednesday

In a telegram from Indian Territory to

Wnshingti.il, Is a sad one. Those sweet

children or nature, Cheycnues, Caman-

elics and Klo'was, who at first recognized

the philanthropic style or Friend Miles,

have Huddeuly become deaf to the persua-

sions or tract* and stories; and their en-

lightened moral sense, Krlend Miles

grieves to tell us, has Impelled them to lift

the hair of William Watklns, George Foud

Thomas Calloway, Patrick Henesseyand

a ruth victim whose name Is unknown, all

of them white men on their way with pro-

visions for the agencies. In the sweet-

neas antl exuberance or their playfu. na-

ture, the red brethren for whom tbe pro-

visions were Intended, tied Mr. Henessey

to his wagon, after scalping blin, and then

■et Are to the wagon. "I havu no doubt,

says Frlcud Miles, "that thu Indians will

dean everything until repulsed." And then

be adds with most delightful and Hit-Qua

kcrish unction, "Ut tbe hostile element

be struck aud with *uch power as shall

make the work niilck and cnVnive." Ah,

Krlend Mites, thou art indeed a missions,

ry after our own heart: thy counsel to

them that be In autborltp Is goodly and

wholesome. Yea, verllv.lettho red brother

be smitten, hip and thigh. Greatly do wt

fear us that the unfeeling gibe of the < till

ill.-n or thu world may be pcoven truthful

that there be "no good Indiana eicept

dead ones."

I'm: FACT that among the large number

of wounded In the Shore Line Railroad

accident ,ou Wednesday,tin: Injuries of only

one person were fatal, relieves a little the

darkness of Ihe catastrophe aa first re-

ported, though It does not diminish the

palnfulucss uf 11* suggestions. This Is

rather increased by the evidence, now

clear, that the life or the superintend-

ent or the road was sacrificed to the neg-

lect or proper care on tbe part uf tbe sta

tl on agent and that, from the same cause

upwards of a hundred persons received

Injuries, more or less serious. The agent

appears to have been guilty of grtfSS and

and criminal heedlessness and of trifling

with the lives of a train-full of passengers

solely through Inattention to what he waa

doing. He changed the switch before the

whole of the train had passed over It. 1*1

us see what the railroad company will do

s* t It.


NKW YOKK, JliLV Tib, 1st*.

'iiirfij.uiii/i.i.v 0/ the .IMCI-ICIOI.


»• i.h. ni 111111-.11*] Interest. The large lecture isjin wa* full (not crowded) a* many of the

church ami congregation have left lor Ihe country. Tin* audience was mainly made up of Die paalur'n triend.-i, although here and there were Tlallile men

bo have fought Mr. Needier bitterly and fMfSUV- tenily ever since the early dsy* of anti-shivery, ami who on tlilsmbjeet of moral and spiritual eleantlnea* are ready to believe tbe worst ol the man wllh whom they are not able to agree poIIU cally. There seemed to lie, however, great unan- imity of opinion In regard to the reverend gentle-

manner* snd appearance. Slsty-one? Who could believe II, aa he aal then- last evening wait- lag for the iKHimf aervlee? Troubled? There Is not an added line to hi* face, not a Mingle look of pain apparent. There waa not the least hint nf nervouinei* In speech, expression or geitlculi

Nothing to bo seen or communicated bid the uUnoat aerenlly. Tin- last tMhlay nlghi before a throe monUi* leparation nf pa.lor and people i

I ways a solemn time for lioth, and thi* year i ■ciii.'.i harder lo hear than ever.

TUB TENSION OF LOVS wa* strained toll* utmont, and at certain timed luring the ever-to-be-rcmemliereil "inlk" tin agony of Uila parting seemed unendurable, "air Beeeher la lo me like a hundred falhcr* rolleil Into one," said a lady at my left, anil this forcible

preaalon sucmed to Indicate a* accurately 1 word* cun, Uie affc-ctlonal stalu* of id* peopii

At Mr. needier'* request ilro. White opened Uie meeting wllh prayer. This gentleman reprcneutx

Important vertebra In iln- npiunl column Ihtl church. Ilia |ietltlon was fervent and w ohoaen. Thu tremulant In til* volee as he anl 1...ii'. choked blessing* on the paolor brought tears to many eyes. Itrolher .tu*ep!i Hnwan lowed, who represents anmher invaluable I of the Plymouth back bone. Thi* genllenu nubsr of Joseph Howard, -Ir., ol the New York 'Star," a young man who has been prominently

before the public for msnv year*. The Howard*1

intimacy with Ihe llerchern Im- extended from the commencement of Die llrooklyn iiaatoralc, tWanly-Mvanyears ago. When Sir. Howard prayed fur continued

sos tiros "111* nsToB naxovan," the sentftnonl found an answering chord In every heart, and a thrill ol emnlion swept over the large eongregaUon, a* plain and mum- inkuM.-11 ■ the west wind among thu tree*. Among those pre* enl conspicuous in lira .-.. .-ull.-.i Tlltnn-IIccchcr scandal, wa* Urn. Micarman, sir. BeeamaWV Judi- cial adviser. Ifr. Hliearmsn 1* IH>I»W medium height, and tike most good lawyer* is sharp-eyed snd restless In manner. The . n.-t of nofnMsaaswe Is slightly Jewish, made more than commonly striking friday evening by an imm-ual palenr. He was unmistakably nervous through the whole service, hut seemed to th row it all off when hln professional genius was afterward called Into re<|uisluon by a "Herald" reporter. Here lie wan st home; apparently bristling with polnls—naying sgoorl .lea! and revealing nothing. Mr. Sh man Insist*, so It Is *nhl, upnn the moat BUSS silence on the part of hla client. Ilia plsn Ii

■ II 1 1 to lie verified l.y theory of management

facia—this lasl so-called 1111 siiKuuoi.i of TH.Toa'a

hating fallen chiefly Upon lite maniilai-tuier. Whatever there was Mr. Tilloti admits nu apology entirely covured, and yet alter binding him 1 n lo silence fur nil time, in a moment of rraetioiinne*s he ignore hi* written promise, made In the Is.. «f (Sit«, he- himself admits, and lugs out Ihe dh ■listing corpse for another ptut mortrm. That this autopsy IMS injured the dimmed, sicl IM

Hied Mr. it.e. her i. admitted by all tbe mot ers. It is currently and, I believe, truthfully ported 1 Imt this last action or Tlllon's lias caused an open ruplure between himself ami his frieni of long standing rrancis l>. tloultnu.B man who IMS stood faithfully by hi* tide through Min-liinc and slorra, the stonu* preponderating. Ills 1. by Uw niabirity of those most IsMvesled Hint 1 It* although, perlMp*, uol an advocate tb*

DotrraisBs or uss. wootnn u, has helped this woman mom than Stephen 1'earl Andrews and all her disciple* put together. II will probably be surprised, some yesra haw III. I discern how thoroughly lie IMP extended to he Ihe right hand of feUuwship. History make many mistakes, but it* faculty for correct group- ing cannot ne gainsaid. air. Ileecher msoced his talk by saying that he ahould like Ui have a confidential com creation with his family as his people; hut he might a* well go Into broad- way and scream out what he wanted lo nay, or ascend to tbe house top. It might all »ouml very well, but would probably not look ouiU1 as saner when read from tin- morning p:i|»-r-. In place of IMS be would review hi* minMry. This he did In lull commencing at Uiu lime of leaving college, ami proceeding lo dale. Ills voice gnm

husky ami HIS St a* r-lll.l, ol' TKUBs,

hut he kepi on sweetly and steadily, and * hen he had Ss I she. I there seemed In I w but one feeling, aid that the mo-t |ici I'I-I-I lailh In. and *yni|Milliy' for Ihu man.lbc but three- year* of whose lifr have been so full of sorrow. "I went into law Btlal* try," be aakl, "for three reasons, T1M ill -I tiling UMt presented itself was Ihe spiritual helph'Hn- ncaanf man, nettllm spiritual hclptulnca*of Uotl

ami my nest reason fur preaching was I.e. no-e 1 could saw help IU I began with love fur Uml

.ovc for mi l.llow man This wa* my Stock

Down the railroad a hundred rod* or to be- low North Andover depot, what ia known as the "Ferry" road crosses the tracks, snd lead- ing pail a half a tkueu or 10 eld bouse*, conies down lo tbe Merrimaek. There Is no ferry now, but tbe old ferry-landing nearly grown over with grass, with a double row ol thick- leafed trees back of It and an interval of sixty or seventy yards of (doping grass-groand,smooth and symmetrical a* a terrace, between the trees and the water's edge. Is s* picturesque s spot as tbe river affords. This Is Fisherman Hardy'* shad-seining ground. He lives in tbe honse that Is oldest snd nearest the river, and has the biggest elm-tree; has a little shanty for storing his nets and "kit" down by the banks, snd be- low, moored to a long log running out into the

are tbe hatching-boxes, fifteen or twenty of them in double row, those that contain the *imwn end young shad being for the most part under water and the empty boxes turned hot-

Upwards. The boxes aro as simple ai a coal-sifter, four wooden tides of luch-board, and a strip of fine mesh slevc-clotb tacked over the bottom. It Is betler to have the slcve-cloth of liraas-wlru than of iron or steel, on account of rusting, but a 1 that I* needed I* something

idi will bold tbe egg sacks during the hatch- Ing process, and allow the water lo pass through freely. Let us begin where the fisherman docs- taking the old cook-book advice regarding lUh- dmners—"first catch your flsh." Mr. Hardy and tbe three men who as*i*t him, began, as they say, "catching for the state," on ihe llth or June, just after the season for shad-fish log

law expired. They run out their seine only in the evening, usually from 8 toOo'clock,

il take one, two, or more hauls, Just ui fur- tune favors. It Is rarely they catch any other lish than thud, though occasionally a gamy bass makes a turmoil In the net as It draws in on him, and, one night thi* season, Fisherman Hardy's eyes were feasted as the seine came to shore, with tltfi spectacle of an eighteen pound salmon,—a wanderer in strange waters, and the only capture or the kind this year. The shad are lieglnnlng now to mn thin, and hy the 20th 01 this month it will probably be of no use to undertake seining- them any longer for fish breeding purposes. A haul now yields from live to twenty, the proportion of males lo fe- males being usually about even. Sixteen came to shore in tbe first haul on Monday evening, and of these, three—one female snd two males— were of OH for spawning purpose*. Earlier in the season, of course, nearly every shad yield- ed either milt or rues, bnt, now, many of them are returning from the spawning grounds, snd are u-,1.-.-. for hatching purposes. A sin- gte female shad yields from 40,000 to 4ti,000 eggs, which the milt from a male -lm.1 Is saffl. cicnt lo Impregnate. Taking tbe flsh from the net, tbe roes and milt are expelled trom them Into an ordinary tin basin hair tilled with water. All thut is re. 1 itired I* s gentle pressure of the hands, and the mitt and rocs as they are bined in tin-kiMn. mmtitiite the lieglnnlng of all there is of shad-hatching. The contents or the basin are placed In one or more of the batch, ing boxes, the nuralier of spawn to a box being usually ahout 200,000, and seventy hour*' tlim with tbe water In tbe river at a temperature of GO" Fahrenheit doe* the hnslncss. In four days they are ready to push out Into the stream for themselves, snd, if they are not turned by die fishermen, will make their own way through Ihe meshes of Ihe brass-sieve, head up stream. "Why do they hesd up, Mr. Hardy r" we asked. "It's natur," bo says,"I don't know why, hut they all do start right agin the current as soon's they feel II."

Tbe Lawrence and 1-uwell dams, Mr. Hardy considers insuperahlo obstacle* a* they stand,to the ascent ol shad. They go up the side streams.and In the Shawsblnc have been caught a* far up u Smith & Dove's mill at Fryc Litre1.ut he has no faith that a shod hu ever sue- cce.lc.l in making Its way through the labyrinth that adorns the south end of the F.ssox Compa- ny's dam, and by courtesy Is known as a "Hsb- •rsy." "They'll go-up there," Mr. Hardy say*, "when they get so'* they can climb ladders and walk up your front stairs." He think* that cssionally an eel, a sucker, or a horn-pout wriggles up the thirty-foot grado to tho level above, hut shad, be says, are loo big fish. The only way lo got them over, is, to Irish Idiom, to take them round. Thai is what Mr. Hardy has been doing—sending tbe young- sters hy the hundred thousands, in pails, Irom the Mcrriinack at North Andover up stream to tbe Mcrrlmack again above Ihe dam at (...well. The number thus sent has lieen thus far the prc-anr season,* little upwards of 1,200,000. It Is estimated that 2,o00,000 have been'placed In the liver ut the hatching !...-.■■-. in North Andover, and 500,000 have l*?cn furnished on requisition* made by the state Fish uommlssionors to stock other streams in tho state. The young shad placed In Ihe Merrlmaek this year, after as cendingos far as tbey can well go, begin thcli return, and Hie lost of them do not go down uti til after September. Mr. Hardy caught sev ersl In October last, by order of the Pish Commissioners. They were then from two to three inches in length. "There's no trouble," Hardy says, "shout their coming down In Ihe last of Ihe summer and the first of tho fall, If we can only get upoverthe dams In the spring. There're laiund to come down to salt-water, dead or alive." Fisherman Hardy Is skeptical whether the skod, as the fancy sportsmen and the sporting paper*, are telling him, is s eandi- date for the llj. "Hants*," he says, "it's so, hut I never seen 'am, anil I've cut open thousands of shad, and I never yet sec one that hail any fond in him. I don't know what they live on, that's one of the mysteries. Hut, IT they eat tiles, why don't we ever And 'cm when 'em open, r" It will lie safe, be thinks, to allow tbe ily-ii-iici nii'ii [ui shod to indulge their sport Ihe wnolo year routvl; there Is no danger that the river will be l«rren.

The exhibition •» Mr. Har.lv'* (tables'. in highly Interesting and Instructive. No fish, except Ihe abwifc, enters our waters which cm IMJ ><I easily Increased a* the shad, and no other food can lie ginwn at so btlie expense. The ef- forts of the Stile have already resulted in a de- cided Increase In the number of shad resorting to the river ami Us tributaries. It proper ilsh- wsys were (instructed In the Mcrrlmack, ui they have lieen In the Connecticut, there I* nc reason why the river should not tic alive with tin-in in the spring as they crowd up lo spawn The population of the Mcrrlmack has been In- creased within the i.i-i two years by ihe addi- tion In Massachusetts of over 6,000,000 shad, and within the last fortnight, the FishCommia sioners have placed in the tributaries of the ShawshtM In Bi Merle and Bedford, 12,000 young salmon and 10,000 pike. These will all return annually to their spawn ing- beds and to Ihe slresmi In which tbey have been placed, provided that Atbway* are built which they mo get up. Ii is nn longer a question that fish can lw raised as easily and s good deal more cheaply than corn or potatoes. The complete success of the enterprise only depends now up- on opening the river to them. The Fish Com- missioners compelled the Cnmpsny owning the Holyoke dam to provide a practicable fish-way. Is il impossible to clear the way in the Merrl- msck ?

Hen CONCKKT*.—The l.;i»rcncc brass and comet lianilt were consolidated, under the dir- ection of Mr. P, W. HsfOod, snd gsve a line concert at an early hour on the morning of July Ith, The rolloaing prosnuntne was |iresentcd :

RVsurrs or inr. FOUITII.—The. several pic- nics were liberally attended, and from each pleasant reports aro heard. The ruin which kindly delayed It* appearance till a late hour in tbo afternoon, did not at all interfere with the Temperance picnic at llaggctt's Fund, and proved but sligbty troublesome to tbo plcnicor* at tho South Side, l'rospcct Hill, and Andover Pond.

The gathering receiving ibe largest attend' sni-e was that held by tho St. Patrick's society, of South Lawrence, held at tbe grove near tbe river. Nearly three thousand people ware present, and the day was spent lu various amusements. A boat rare wss one feature, n four oared tsjat, commanded by I'. J. Collins, lieatlng a six oared boat commanded by Thom- as siniiiii.il,mi. The prise of •*'. fur the loot

race was won by Mr. MeCormick.of (trovelund. The jumping match lor prine of #3, was won by McOtynn.of this city. Tho drake was killed by Mr. II- Merrigan. The Ancient Order of Hibernians attended In regalia, and Major J. H. Brown delivered nn address.

The Children*' Picnic at Prospect Park was fairly attended, about two hundred children snd older people being present, accompanied by the new hand, which has taken the name ol "American Brass Band." itrother II. Mnnlcy

presided, and In the absence of promised tpaak- ers on "I^alajr," "Temperance," and "Woman's Klgbt to Vote," Mr. Hatch consolidated the topics and delivered nn oration. Tbe children sang their choruses, and speaking- and recita- tion were listened to from Miss Kva Morrlll, Miss Addto F. Cook, Mls3 Lena McQregur, and Master Edwin Dunning.

Tbo gathering at Hoggets pond was prinei pally of people connected with Temperance societies, and in every way was successful Ahout four hundred were In attendance from this city, and two hundred from tho vicinity of Lowell. In the forenoon all who desired had the privilege ol dancing. At noon Mr. Dout ney, the temperance lectnrer, arrived, and gave

Tlef address. In the afternoon a wherry ; was contested by Mr. Albert Tilton ol

Lowell, and Mr. tleorgc Berry of this city, the latter gaining the victory by about six lengths,

inc.-of one mile. The amusements inci- dent to similar gatherings were Indulged in, and the management or Messrs, Pnyson and Bancroft proved QUlte acceptable.

The "Granger*" held a happy plnilc on the Fourth, nt Cor lief* Grove, near Policy Pond. A Bah fry was Indulged In, and a very enjoya- ble gathering, was had.

A pleasant basket picnic was held by the Free Baptist Sociely and Sabbath School, at the grove attached to the North Andover Pond.

National salutes were tired by a detachment Of Battery D, under command of Lieut. Fryc, and tbe bells were rung morning, noon and night.

There was a large attendance at the Hiding Park. Frank Palmer won the 139 race, Itipley the tUS race and ficlalr the running race.

Tho police record*show less drunkenness a disturtiance on the Fourth of July Ibis ye ■ban for many years previously. Iteasou fair celebration of the day.

1 KUirapanirleil Ilsmier. 2 March, Herman IVncc Kcli-al :l Htiil 1:, nbia. * 4 Andante mid Will./. It March, Inm.in l.iis*.

Is Vsaass IMorile,

The evening concert "as postponed o

of the rain.

'1 he b are ladntr

■The 1


■kk walls uf tbe Odd Fellow*'

AHUSST OF A BIHOI.AU.—On Wednesd: evening • Mr. M. P.. Tyler and a com pan j discovered s horse and top-huggy hitched in the woods at Mlddlctou, near the dry goods am'

cry store of Tyler, which was situated Ir tbo outskirts of the town. Surmising that something might tie wrong, the two at once re. paired lo the store and discovered that the win dow had been broken in, and that two mn were Inside helping themselves. The burglars were very politely reqnested to go away, am tbey came out of ihe store, and some wordi passing, ono of them raised a revolver and tired s shot at Tyler, which missed Its mark, and nn attempt was made to tire again, hut from some reason the pistol wonlJ not work, and the burg tars hastened to their team and lied. Tbe storekeeper and his friend secured a team and followed them to this city. Here they met officers Small and Floyd, and Inquired If they bad seen such a team, describing It. The of- ficer* replied that tbey had nnt, and the pur- suers v,-ry foolishly declined to state further particulars, continuing their search Uiwards Methuen. Shortly after tbe officer* saw the team described drive Into Spauldlng's stable, and might esilly have arrested both occupants, but tbey did nut know that anything was wrung Tbe pursuers afterward met Capt. Currier the night walcb and made the same inquiries whereupon he replied that the team passed him not twenty minutes before. It w*s nearly day ight and tbe parties went to the station house and told their storv. Assistant Marshal Bnllt- van went to Spaulding.s stable snd found ou one of tbo parties hiring tbo team, but tho other was unknown. Tbe man was one Albert De- huki, who had for several weeks worked fur Stowcll in his carriage shop as 2 painter, a* he would probably visit that place during

the day to secure the balance of pay due bi officer Shehan wa* placed on duty near hy, and UINJIII noon, seeing Delaski enter the harness shop, he arrested him and took him to the sta- tion. Delaski is probably the man who

tbe pistol, as Ii was tubse<iucntly learned that he had a pistol wllh one cartridgu discharged and had taken it to Frost's, the gunsmith's, the day he was arrested, to have It repaired. Tbe smith said it had lieen injured from being snapped at hall-cock, aud this is doubtless reason the second shot at Tyler was missed.

In court on the 3d Insl. he was arraigned the simple charge or larceny, and was bound over fiir trial to next Friday morning, and In default of one thousand dollar* ball was eom- commlttcd to jail.

A PuKsasTATtos.—There wa* a pleasant gathering of the friends of tho ltcv. George J. Prescott st the rooms ol Mr.Wm. Jmiuith Wed nesday eve., Mr. Prescutt having resigned the position or Assistant-Hector, at Grace church, to take charge temporarily of tbe Church of the (food Shepherd in Boston. In the course of the evening Mr. Prescott was Introduced to Mr. James Payne, who said ;—

" I am requested hy your friends in Lawrence to present yuu these tokens nl regard and esteem, a watch and small stun of money. The watch was selected that you might carry on your person a never falling remlndor of those who havo known and appreciated you so highly. It is not likely we shall ever forget you. Kind deeds and kind words, costing so little and worth so much, sink deeply Into the human heart and are never effaced. The recollection of these qualities In you during your Uai short residence with us, will ne cherished as long as vfe uri- |icniiitti'd to enjoy Ihe blessing of mem orjr. I congrstulnio you on having made st. many sincere friends, snd regret that all who esteem II a favor to lie so considered, cannot lie here tonight In wish yon God speed In the field of labor In which you are now called.'"

Tbe surprise to Mr. Prescott was very cvl from the manner In which the remarks wer ct'tved, and it was somewhat difficult for him to collect Ids Ideas to make a suitable reply. Tin- was done, however, very happily, and with 1 depth of feeling such as words cannot convey.

Tbo company tnen partook, ..fan elegant re past ol fruits, etc., after which the party broke up vltli tbe conscious feeling of having done a good deed. The watch, s gold, open face, sup. pli*d hy Mr. Ime, and from the Wsllhain manufactory, is very elegant in style and finish, aud was greatly admired hy all who saw It. On

Iho Inner case the following words are engraved, "llev. (leo. J. Prescott, from bis Iriunds In I.aw- rence, Mass." The amount ofmoney presented was Sil.s.ii.

ATTSWITW) Siiciim.—About half-past ten o'clock Wednesday tbe attention of officer Quinn was called to a man in the nllcy near Summerstraet, who had cut his throat. He was Immediately taken lo the station bouse, sm II..im . tho city physician, was called. It ascertained that the trachea had been qnite seriously cut, and some of tho smaller vessels bad been severed, which caused prulitse bleed- ing. The physician gave the sufferer proper care, sowing up tho gosh in the throat, making him as comfortable M possible, and on Thurs- day he was able to appear before the court,when he was charged with drunkenness. It was learned that tbo msn's name Is Thomas Mc Uuade, and he has been abent the city for three weeks, coming from Ixiwell. With good habits and a right mind he would be a line looking fellow, lie has lost one of his legs, and wears in its stead a wooden one. He has been addicted to drink, though for the put week, 111*said, he has not drank any liquors, snd bis freak uf last night wss the result ol delirium tremens. He wss staying in an attic at No. 112 Common st.. and, alter cutting his throat with a largo one hladcd Jack-knife, he rushed out of tbe house to the spot where officer Uuinn found him Evi- dently tbe hum meant business, but was thwarted In bis design by tho dullness of the

■liiin-.v knife, end then, liecomlng frightened, ran out of tho bouse. McQusde's motLer was

i.urt yesterday, and sanctioned the action ol Ibe judge in continuing tbo charge of drunk ■

ss for two weeks, and, In tho meuutlme.lhe wounded man will have comfortable .piarters ami good medical attendance at the house of correction.

uie steamer rushed over the si Saturday on account of a false alarm

of lire.

—Mr. Charles Alsgrcroinblo wbl return lu Kit rope, by the liimsu Line of Steamers, on the ijth bwt.

—There wcio three thousand people al Iho Biding Park on Saturday alUinoon. This trotting park is gainluj,* an enviable reputa- tion.

—Only a single case of drunkenness before the police court Tuesday, thut of James Berry, who paid a tine of 01, and went SWSV . happy.

—Tho Irish Benevolent Society will have a grand excursion down Boston Harbor, to Glou- cester, on the 21st tnst. Fare |br round trip only tfl.

— Ilr. A. W. Howlund will close his dental office during the month uf August, antl mil July, as was unintentionally announced In his adver- tisement.

-'•Texas Jack" i J. D. Omahoudru) was at Ihe races ou.Saturday, lie I* staving lor the Hummer at Blllcrlen, where his- wife, Mile Mur- luchl, owns a line farm.

—The Executive Committee ol' the Temper, ance Reform Club offer a reward of ten dollars for the apprehension of thu party who stdtc 11. Man ley Hatch's hand bills.

—A sample uniform of the pattern adopted by tho Second Battalion of Light Artillery, Is being made in Boston, and will be at the Club House for inspection ibis afternoon.

-Mr. S. W. Wilder, the paper manufacturer, has been conllncd to his residence from a severe attack of erysipelas. He is getting better, and yesterday walked out tor a short time.

■—The contractors art making good progress in laying the water supply pipes, and will prnb-

havc their work completed some time be- fore Ihe date specified In their contract.

The American Bag was thrown to the tiree/.e, fruni the stuff on Sweeney's'new block, on Friday. The foundation* for the large itroc-

were tiegnn only two months ago.

This Is iho weather and these are the even- ings thul make il lively for Mr. Holmes, who owns a large number of boalson the Merrimark

His bouts are out every pleasant even- ing.

—Dyer's hultoon which was sent up Wednes- day evening, landed on the Andover side of the Mcrrlmack river, a few miles below this city. Another balloon was success fully lent aloft Thursday.

Patents have lieen issued to Asa Mcsscr.Jr, of Lawrence, lor photographic surince; to Hen- jamin F. Wynian, of Lawrence, for window bracket and shelf; and lo 11, Ii. Darks, of No. Andover, for a loom.

—The members nf the Central Church and Society held a picnic up the river on Tuesday Tbe party chartered the little steamer Essex and, alter a delightful sail up the river, passed the day merrily In the grove.

—The comet can now tie quite plainly wllh the naked eye. Last night It was visible in the northern heavens, a little 10 Ihe left, and a few degrees l*low the north star, the Iraln, " tail," directed towards the north star.

—Mr. John McOairy, formerly an employ of Tin: AMIIIUCIN, and lately engaged on the Seutimt, has assumed the editorial managem. ol'ihc Lawrence Weekly JownttL The /own of lasl week was an unusually readable nu

been drain I off, but the filth, off 1 and ieiu.se remain, mi ihe hoard d health ate decided to have tin whole low lands rilled in, and give ihe alMitto a the privilege of lilli a il; illtuy

do not, Ihe 1 iiv will do ihe work and charge Ihe c use to Do



othc ho

.out lill-

11 II..


lays, ami returned IKU



—Miss Lutsk McGregor, residing with Mar eus Dodge, In closing a window Wednesday,

caught bar ringers between the sashes, canting Intense puin, which threw her into spasm Ing the whole night- Dr. Home attended to tbe case.

—Th) adjourned mooting or the Masonic Hen- cflt Association, for the purpose of completing organization, will tie held next Monday Ing, ai the Masonic room*. A rode nf by-laws has been prepared, and will lie submitted st that time.

—Arrangements arc now being made for a Orand Union Sahbaih School and Citizen's E: cundon from Lawrence, North Andover and Methuen to Old Orchard beach, to occur Ibis Summer. Sec rlrculars for foil particulars in few days,

—There will be a strawberry and lee crcai festival at tho rooms of tbo Temperance He form

Club next faturdayevenlng.lhe llth inst. The club wishes It to be understood that they wilt not give up entirety their lalwrs through the warm season.

—The reopened nows-stand st the post office entrance proves very convenient for the bast ness public; and Mr. Grant has ndded, also, an assortment of the nicer varieties of con lection ary, which he will always have fresh, with sea sonable Irults.

—Mr. H. J. Couch, the builder, met with 1 painful accident Wednesday .seriously spraining hi* ankle. The harness upon hi* horse disarranged, and descending irom the nt the animal ran and overturned Mr. Couch. Hut litllc damage was dontvlo the earriagi

—Sergeant Thomas Weir, ofthc Boston police force, brought to this city, Tuesday, s young man named Patrick O'Connor, aJfei Seotchy Koony, who is wanted foran assault upon J. ( Colson, of this city. O'Connor is also charged with tbo robbery of money from Mr. William Parks.

—Hoses are estimated in value at ten cent* each, butsometJmcs cost more. In court, Tues day morning, It appeared that u man named Thomas Sweeney took a roue from the garden of Mr. A. A. Lamprey, and the

value ol that rose lo |TSJ». Moral: Cheaper to buy than to steal.

— Headquarters ol the Sixth Regiment, in Saunders' Block, aro now Iving fitted an In elegant stylo. The rooms are to lie frescoed, tho wood niii-ii painted In parti color*, am elegant paper and decorations will lie laid by K

A. Fl«kc, The headi|tiarters wiil la: transferred lu .iii.mi 11 fortnight.

—Ocorge M. 1..i.-l.in I. sun „r Dr. Oar- land of thi* city, who has already attained high distinction as a medical student, sails for Oennuny on Thursday, from New York, where he will remain Tor two years, perfecting him seir In his profession. He will loOBte .u Vienna during the coming winter.

—On Saturday the gate st the rallnsAil cross- ing of Broadway was tiroken by a passing en- gine, together with an Iron lamp-post and lettei '■..:-.. This is the third latter box smashed or Mr. Stephen Colby's route. No other Uixet have lieen broken. A sleeping gatekeeper wa, at fault, and was promptly discharged.

—The uniform of the Sixth Regiment wil consist of a dark blue frock coat, collar and cuib ol light blue, heavily trimmed with gold lace; panl* of dark blue, with light blue stripes, hav- ing gold l.i.-i- ii| tho edges; shoulder knot of gold lace and light blue cord, and regululiun cup, trimmed with gold lace, surmounted with a white I'l'iiM'i.iii This Is the uniform, a* finally adopted by tho officers, on the '2nd inst,

—In a review of the Halifax murder trial, by the Boston "Herald," detectives Philbrick Pinknam, and officer Prult nre highly compli- mented for their efficiency, in establishing a Ii ot evidence for the prosecution of tho prisoner. The same paper any* : "Messrs. Pbllhrirk and Pinkbani worked day snd night for weeks, as did also constable Pratt, and they have the con- sciousness that their efforts were rewarded by a triumph of justice. "

—The Installation ol elective officers of tjuln- Oaro Lodge of the Knights of Pythias, occurred an Monday at their l,odgo-room. Tbo Installa- tion exercises were conducted by Deputy Grand Chancellor Jessie D. (Jottld, and Ihe officers in- stalled were Albert F. Col burn, chancellor!

Wm. K, Rlggs, vice-chancellor; and (leorge W. Smith, prelate. After tbe exercise* bad been concluded, the nicmlwr* of the Lodge repaired ' the Ksscx House, where a line collation was spread by Messrs. Fowlo and McConnell.

Last Friday evening tho class of 71, Law- e High School, met In the High Sebool

room, and alter deciding that all wDo entered the class in 1H8H should be entitled to member- ship lu the association, orgunUed by Iho choice of the following officers :—S. M. Fslrfleld. Prcs-

:; Warren C. Allyn, Vice President! Car- rie A. Whitlier, Ree. .Secretary snd Treasurer; Ahhie [inland, Cor. Secretary. These officers, with the addition of Mr. Varney, were appulnt-

> draw up a constitution and by-laws fur the association.

Tho l«>ard <>f health mean business In re- K;H.I ti> the Ward Five swamp nuisance, and are determined to hnve it abated. Those who

so anxious i« have a sewer constructed have learned whnt others knew, that n sewer would not abate Iho nuisance. The water has

-II any more, c money to s Smith was

lib the

-The ibis city nn- progressing engine bouse has been buill, been put in, in auiicipaiiou the work shop ut some flit ut is ii] running order, snd the Ished. The foundations h and if the weather holds gin by the Islof September. T Blsuul BOby.Wlecl, three ; that will aceomiiiinlulc 'JA 111 upper one is lor a workshop whole si/o ot tbe building, I'l feet blab, light and convenient, and will be one of the isssl in the Stale.

—The entries f„r the ncxi rscesai Mystic II d Beacon parks, were closed Tuesday, and leveral horses well-known in this city were .mong ihe entries. At Mystic, in the 120 Ions, Honest Hilly aud Fanny appear, Palmer

not being entered. The bay marc Grace, "and UoSber'S Belle Dean, uie in ibe 2.33 class, mid E'cluir, Crows Meat, Ofnger, und Paris Mntn- otlit, arc in the runnlug race. At Beacon Park

nlng horse Eclair has been cut Wed to trot In the :t.UU minuu das*. Clones! Billy, Fanny, and Baby Boy arc entered for the 2,'J" lass, Grace and Arthur in thu 2.3S class, and

Crows Mint, F.'clair and Paris Hutuolls in the running race.

AI mofl S. Smith Is a youeit in Mice trusted, but they wo. td

A gentleman wished to scno sc Manchester a short tline ago, and going up with a team, he was entrusted funds—about #"o lu bank notes, and as much more lu endorsed paper. The young man ws* III faithful to his trust, and used Ihe funds for tie own benefit, tin Wednesday he, with ayonn nnipanlon whom he had enticed away Ir Manchester, was arrested in this city, and an officer from Manchester came down this morn- log and took lK.th parties home, one tor trial and the other to his friends, They will, iloubt-

evctbat "the way of transgressors is hard," when they arrive home with irons on their wrists.

—More interest than was expected was (rca- d by the pedestrian match at the city Hall on

Friday last. Many declare that they bad raih- 'Itness a contest of this kind, than attend

horse races, and nre anxloui that another trial should be made by Ibree of Ibe letter carriers. There is qnlle a diversity of opinion as to who is the liest man,—Vorholr, Colby or Richard- ion. The eonlcst of Friday night was not eon- ildered fair for Colby, HS he walked his route during the day, while the other contestants rode. Richardson did not enter the contest, and very

believe him to lie the best walklst on the carrier force- Vorhola's friends are numerous, especially since his success of Friday night,

il are ready to hack him for n contest with the other carriers. All of the parties named

unite eotilldcnt thai they can show their Mendl better wnlkingthan wns done s: tbe first contest, and as the number of people who

Interested II quite large, it is DOpod that ar- rangements will lie made Tor a contest. Doubt- less it would prove remunerative to the contes- tants, as a large audience would gather, espec- ially if tbe trial was made without delay.

—In Ihe poUce court on Wednesday, Patrick O'Connor made In* appearance. He is iho fel- low who was brought Irom Huston Tticsduy by Sergeant Weir of the police of that city. O'Con- nor Is a bright, smart young fellow, and, If hit abilities wore turned In the right direction, he would find liettcr quarters than the house ot correction, where he has already served more terms. In court he pleaded not guilty to* a charge or being Idle and disorderly, ami de- fended himself with considerable ability for n youngster, showing that he had been an attcn live observer at court trials, while in the dock and an august pupil ot the legal fraternity. Twc witnesses: appeared, one to prove sn assault and tbo other to prove malicious iulscfale*Vhrnaklug glass. The boy successfully fought these two witnesses on difficult testimony, and, perhaps, would have got clear iroftlcer Shehan lino nol taken the stand. He knew all about O'Connor, said he canst up here from lloston every tittle while, got drunk, and got other boys drunk ; loafed about the streets, insulted and assaulted people, and was in mischief generally when out of jail. Patrick ln-gan a llfely cross-examina- tion of flic officer, when the judge cut the dia- logic short with, "O'Connor, four months in ihe house or correction." The youth remarked that "this was no kind of a conn to get justice In," and officer Danlbrth walked him down stairs.

—What is tbe dead level of horse trotting, is just what no Icllow can llnd out, lor different people have different ideas. Now most owner* are anxious to hare their horses trot their very best, and some are not satisfied with even that. But Johnny I'arrcll Is just t'other way, aud linds great trouble lu getting hi* boras to trot slow

enough. He trots for fun, and don't want the purses, but, tielng an immense favorite with Haverblll people, they Insist upon ids taking away some of their money. Tilton has been driving "John Virgin," but, not being sblo to hold liini down, the owner proposes to put two menpn ihe sulky. On Tuesday there wa*a very funny race at Havcrhill. Danger and Virgin contested the three minute race, and Virgin forced Danger under ihe wire, half 11 nose In ad- vance, in 9 ::i7*4- end, only for tho most strenu- ous effort of Virgin's driver, Danger might have been dlutanccd. The judves, however, gave Virgin the heat and record, when, behold, Vir- gin's driver was found to lie half a pound short ol weight. A dead heat was the result, but the crowd unit the Judge* Insisted upon a new driv- er; he got into the sulky and started off, when, by the merest accident, Virgin threw one of his (....ii- and could not trot. It Is whispered that Mr, Farrell pro|H>scs to Cope with Palmer one of these day*, make him lake a bent In about 2:28, and then win the race himself In less time.

It be

SKttVll'SH of the lYi.t. uu! sanlaooual nil! bi hi Id m the Town Hull, \„rll, An-

Oii.itny July LUli nt lursi A.M. ami the iiiil be coiiliiiui-.l on Miu.l.-n s ihiiniKh

I Ati^-u.-l.nt ..-iiu. Inn. itudplacu. The |(ev. . lirai.wili be the elerg)man in charge.

. ■■1:1:1 -CM.1 M, during bis salience ". lolby, "

- iiiij ■Id.

illy. ;

the fit hiuiMdt as a Ho.

nr.ly yeoman of Nnrtl ed all of U11- Uh in hi

ie. I..HI „,lei hi.

ill V he live 10 enjoy K icc.-tr*l ro.il.


ItiSKIM, nf Washington, li. I, witb hi- liimily i.:c-.:c.l Uu; 11110.I of btat w«a»k with .dd uml deiir 11 tends here, flu in the same xciihtl no.I iv nim In uric.I moil thai he was when in the M-inimiiHWiiiilv years ssAaisn now Ural fume ha- pli.cc.1 him IHI.OIK the most dli.liiigubbe.1 dl,

" "i in- hare made In j almost' a Im

sllll 1

il 1.. 1111 tin ice t.. lli.it 1,.ration, lien. W. Itus , K-.|., b.i- Just built an exlt-tisite licnnei) ; main building i* octiig.mal in dcMgn nnd is illrn. live «.|.Im.111 l.. his i.lher line farm build. -.. T.H. Ward well, Kn|., barf made greal im i-Ciiuaib. shiMit his Umii. His bams and stable* ion >.- iMtiiplete :. ■ mi; la lofrn. rus!WAl..-Col. Kben Sutton, on his return 11 Kurnpe was warnili vvelei -d hy hid IIOM riends here, on Hie -l-.lll lillo. Another, ill tiiif- ol his reception has truly said, "The Col-

....1 Is very popular among our citizens, and Justly MI, lor nu other 1111111, perhaps, hu done more lor public iuipi-uvwrnrnts ser* Uiaii he* His tu.-i.icMSi.iX'cu.iiudlrrwhhnsvcliolMti^e*} him into the cold ithiiA-iiliere of rnr*Ttrnfnesaa*rtb..se

lot lieen *o eminently Invoi

t^iMM.*.-XoiUi At..1.01-1 never looked ■ cbaiiiimu thai w, when tbe Held*, "atnnd -ed in living green," nud the air is weighted the perfume of u thousand Bower*, '''tic

I comes l.eiii-ing lo mv v, mdow while I write. that swceUT mi*luoreol new mown liaj. Alum ■ ■i ■■ 1 iinr week are hajsiak***, and I see the liuriiiidic.i blade of the »cj the blaze in Ihe rmntighl, nnd hear on even baud the merry, met ry music uf the mowing machine. Soon the barm, will bn bun-ling wth sji-w liny, and tbe farmers will indeed Have reaped a rich harvest.

A Nurim. ('UKionm. -Aeorrrspoiidciitoflhe ■lo-lon ■■Traveller' uriliiiK Ii lliis place „*)s ll any nl your 11 a.In- an- u.niijt I., tbe moloilaiils, this -uinliier ..(er Ibe ]|..,lnii * fti.ia- *.. K, andw d like lo see the br er uf list "*! Man of Ibe Mountain, hi them nuliee a tree which stands about a mile or ■ mile aud n halt above North Amlovir. As urn-mis on Hie left this ol the cur looking loi ivnril he sees a hill rlhlug from the Ictlloward* the Hark. ntKk on it in an open fluid sUiiid- lid* tree. si. siattffl a* to give a- nloal complete and coniienl 1 eiusentati.ui ut nil old man climbing Ihe hill with the help ol a staff. St Nim SKHVii'KS.~The driving chilling rain ol

last Sunday kept at home many who otherwise would itouhilci-H, have repalnil lo their uaual Sh+ctfsnf worisblp- There was at the (.'ougregs

isjiaJclSireii. however, a fair altcinlance. where the 1 .tutor, lie*. Hunts t luuile r'lngg, entertained and instructed his luaieis with an eveellenl din course, taking bis te\I from ItSV, 1: 10. Tim sing oigwtis unusually attractive, and Miss Uorris snngnsolowilli Mii^ulmh 1 liainiiugclJect There weic no service* nl the fiiitiirian chinch on ae count uf the 1

Tin: r'ni urn—Saturday will be rcmemliereil by our citizens as a pleasant aanlvrr*arv of the Nut ion a I natal .lav. We were spared the oppren she heat thai Inn often destroys Ihe pleasure* or the day, and Ihe threatened mm held off until MI late IIN to interfere only vvilh Ihe pvrnlecluiir ills plav lu Ihe evening. The bell* were mine al sun rise, 110011, nud sinisel, and us Usual ou Ibis anni- versary simie nf the small Is.vs came forth at Ibe ghostly hour ol :t A. X.,exuberant withpaurimisni


eient hoi'-,-pisii.h could pos-ll.lv di-chn with other sundry — ' hub, 1111 ii..: the air

ml will,

Tin: UNIVKUNM.IHTCHI HCH.—At the Church uf the 1 i.i.. 1 Shepherd on Sunday, thu pastor preached his Urst annual sermon, giving 11 siaicment of the work of the parish during Ihe oast year. The year has been n very prosper- ous one In every way. Ucslde Ibe regular work, much new and extra work has been done. The entertainment of tho Ntatc Convention, the payment of the church debt, and the organ- isation pf tbo new Sunday Hcoonl at Mouth Lawrence were especially mentioned.

Tliis church expends It* charity fund Itself bv means of n committee, besides what has lieen given for missionary work, the ennrcn has raised during the year fur chanlablu pur- poses, smo.tw. No case of need has been un- relieved, and no money has .been needlessly

There are connected with tltc paridj 2.111 urn Dies,comprising about lOOOporsons. Although sickness lots prevailed during the year, yet there have been only seven deaths; only one of those who ban tiled was n member of tbe church.

Ail.in...it- have lieen made to the church nearly every month; in all .ii persons have lieen received, several of them being lending business men In our diy. Many of (ho now members are from the Sunday school, seven ol them being from the Berean class of young men. The interest in tbe church Is increasing, and another large addition of members will be mane the tlrst Sunday of Angust. Although it has been hard times, yet the parish has raised without diniciilly all necessary funds. For all purposes there has lieeit contributed about >l I. SOO, Everything indicates that the pastor's second year will be overt more prolille of good results. Certainly there is nu resson why this church should not prosper.

IBV UMHiHns.—At a meeting of offl cers of the Second Battalion ot Artillery, Major Merrill commanding, held on Tuesday after noon, the following uniform was adopted :—

Entitled .Urn.—Coat of dark blue cloth, regn- al ion artillery pattern, with addition of extra Muriel facings upon tbe back of skirts; scarlet ends .uii.roitbr.sJI w iih black braid, herring hone loop j three rows of buttons on tbe breast, with loops oT scarlet braid extending from center row of buiions ilx Inches lo outside ruwi of button* - shoulder knots or scarlet, with dark hlne center licarlng upon the pad the company letter. Pant* of dark blue cloth, with scarlet welt In outside seams. Helmet of Prussian pattern, scarlet plume, brass trimmings and scarlet aigeletle.

UJM d*rv,». Uegulstlon roat of dark blue with shoulder streps to Indicate rank. Pants of light blue. Full I'ruaslan helmet, wiiii •oVrtl plume, guld mountings and irlmmlngs.

Firld nnd Siajf.—Uniform similar to Line orncers, except rue plume on helmet to be Scar- let snd white, snd shoulder knots will !«• worn in rnacc of the epaulettes now used.

Yufl.coHintMi.mW staff.—Uniform similar to that ol other enlisted men, except In some of the trimmings, and the plume will be partially ,,, while. Shoulder knot* will he used in place ,,i ,\,i «-.'* know the wings now worn. friend*.

-xnlodiUK villainous . and llrlng Inlo spine all that Ihoac r - -'-tolsnoulit iioasililv discharge, ami

Ir) ami diver* device* of iltwl/c Ith slecpdisturbliif noise..

,LS or NOHTH A-nxiVBU.—TM* ws* a tuwu luvurahlc In every w*v for the Indians to live in, and It is nnt drange Hint the (list settler- round here many "rod men" on Ihtlrarrlval. The Merrlntnek ami the iiiniieroii»-n earns running in- to it, continued 1111 ilium.lance ol fish, tlm light bind near the water was suitable for Hie cullivn tion of corn und licnim, their staff of life, and the great forests afloi.ie.i ibem generous game, A- early n* Itttl, Ito/er, with 11 small company, had H settlement 114'ar Cis Uiebewiik brutS). LIUIe do we know, tb^.lanjer* nit snejsf r*fc»coUntcrc,l duringtfeiSSjStvlf tenrk; the annuls, distress,-. and hardship* to which tbey were exposed, and which they end tired. There wn* realty no war wllh the Indians lor more Mian thirty years after Ibe town was settled, but the erirlv seltlera were obliged lo attend to military duly ami be cpilpftnl. The 111 t ■ clllcr- "in1 cvidelllh liit-ll ol [-iiliii|.|c. treating the savages with kiudnes* sad JsnUsee, therebv wlnnliiK their onil.leiice. An euultahlc consideration was said for whatever was obtained fromUieui. lu fl."., liuwever, the tide-"' changed. The Setting] that year rendered gnrrisi rt'fuxeanddelense; during the time of the win there was a garrison house w every ncigliUu bead in town, erne first violence occurred on the ITlh of April, H.Ti,, imt one hundred yosr* lieftir* Uie American Itevolutlun. The account says: Mr. Kpliraim Stevens discovered the enemy nlamt a 1.1 iic 1111 - :-;>ii- ..1 ii-.. 1 is dr.- ten v, 1.ni c-.HI,-,1 m nn hi* horse and nlsrnicd the inhabitants. The Indians pursued and pasted along Uie main road, without iloiii;; mn mi-chlef, till tliev emne to Ihe South part of the town, where they kilh-it Joseph Abbot, und look pi l-mu-r Timothy AIIIMH, *IHI» ol licorgc Abbot, Hen. Joseph wns 21 years of age, and tradition says he killed one, or more, of the Indians lieforc he wn- slain. Timothy was but III, uml, niter being kcptrvveral umutw', waa lirouxhl back by a seumw wk« ws* fri^lf to his fam.lv. Uitbbnrd states tbe bnv "waa greatly pined with hunger.'' Tbe town suffered still more In I law. lu August of Ibis year, John 1'eter* and Andrew I'eters were killed l.y thu Indians, ami in !«■: John Holt and Win. I'eters Were slain. Hot tbe mosl severe and nppaliug i-boek whfr.li North An ■ |..vrr suffered was .,,1 Ihe .Mb of March, HI!*, the llev. Dr. Syinracs, the rlllh minister ofthe town. *uv* of the affair in a Thanksgiving sermon "Itctweiui thirty and forlv Indiana surprint! the town, killed live 1*1 sons, burnt two ImuaaM ami two barns with the entile lu them, set another dwelling bouse and Uie merlins house cm Ore; but the tires were happily eMinguislmd butoro luev had none much dninnjre." Mr, Hvnnnes gees onto .-ay '■Thc.i took lAil'ini-l Iiu.llev Ititidstreel and fuinilv nud cnrrieil then, about IIitv roil* from bis bouse, when InST halt,Hl and dlsmlsaed their prts- ouers williout offering them the leant injury; a »inKiil:ir iiisinnce of mercy lu a people win.'bad tilways shown themselves trl lie cruel, ami lo have no mercy. Tne ti lolilion Is, that She .SVatei linn, 1.ion, an Indian who lived ut b'ewhiirsiami i* .up pnse.1 to have bad n p.-uti. 11I111 reKardror t.'olnliel llruibtreel, nmleilooL 1 11.In.-I the Indians lo his house ii| llie.c cou.tiliuns, Uotl tliev hi hi neither kill nor captivate any ul his family." Thin house in which ladnuel ltrad.lret-t Hies* Usnrl i» still Ptnn.liug, and now occupied by Mr. Charle» llaik.y. I n tN-se year, the hihahltmit* were obliged lo use (treat caution, illock hoiOH'a tM*r the .Meriiaiac w ere erected to -eenrethe llelds and the laborer*. In ITid loin block I1011.es were buill at lhecx|.ciisc nf the town, lor is Ss., by tlirlslo idler o-g I mid John llaikcr. I'bere was al-oa I.loci, hou-r l.uilli.i skin l,m, tlcH,, I Jr tbe rca son that mm h ;o.d rye »t.|J.i* in these ll.l.l-.aii'lthe,, was no dwelling hniise near. In ITJfi this block house was suld for *)*. to John .liihu.un. It in. ii.iiiiiii.il lor men lo carry their llieaini-. unit ibeni lo llnir Work; they aim 1 ar ned Kims when ihcv a..cmbled on Sunday,, lo, worship. Tims tin- early M-tlbr* anffeml si-verelv- froin nliirmsaii.l cuurlnnl apprelicntlon* ul'dau- gir. In ItiW gi-nnl' Of Inmi w ere made lo John l-.iruluiui and Kpbrnim SU-vcnr. lo ejasaklrrsaUnH ..I Li-.,..-- -u-l.-i.io .1 Iiv ihe Indian,.. U will I I. ss-rved that most of the nn * I have menlloiied in Ibese .uml are 111 * that still I the ti.WU. II is liar.l lo icdue that our broad Murrlmae, "K the ,„mr Imlian -',«.«. r*huVd hlaemnie: hnl, thnn It war, nnd. In iinuglilaTiuu, I can ,re hi* feathery .-inft, and hearlbe dip of bis buhl 0:11 111 Ibese rn watcis.


Si i.|,i:s- IIKATII.-tieorgC W. Sniilwn, K.., .

AOOIUBMT.—Mr. t'. tl. tUtmker, ami family, while driving on the 4th. a pale of buries In the vicinity iifl'ears.m-Mm-, hvih-ld, met witb an accidciu by Ihe breaking of llie transom 1H.II nt the curiiiu.-e, the occupant, of which were' nit ini'r less hruisod, but none uuiossly.

t itiuis vl..-nnteer Nelson arrcsUsI John limn an oil the Illi bn iii:ikniKaii agKiaved assaull on Mr. .t. A. Ilslcy. Hcai-..,uie.ledT uas Have. fur lakby nnd using a team withi " " pernilHsioa. Ui-itlarsm'-t by iis>

fare tu C.inifl TUB r'.u si-n-.TIilsrear the authorllles allowed

1 1 use of ibewurks, eon-e.|iientlv the ruck"ofthc "siiapperi," waa unlver

1 "'■* so .■.vb-nsive a> In lurmer years. Ttie

the Mil.-1. familiar " sal, but nut ■ ■•>.«t-n-ive „■. riiilroiidiiiiillerv Ibcl snlules id I. regular tSaUw- viils, nnd the Is II, were iimr. The menilN-r- ol the teuii-crance dii i-i.ui ami their friend* picnic,,| 111 Lowe's » <i.hl-, ;tt It.ntord, uml rrturned at n- early hour in the evenlus will' '

v hum in Ihe evening. A reiH.it ul tint uii-uie he ttoffy&t Sfcll^XtT

itlili.t. lt*t|iH.-A large a. ., tjtu.rs witnessed tbe second 1 lay's rsee at Haver hill, mi the sin inst. The rauv* were uf much ill rcesi.and uurlr cimleste,|. The flr-t race lor ,'.-i,ii,-itan's driving horse,. In wagon*, bnsM la . i. a- ,v„i, \n Wo.Hinur.V b. p. T-an Collin*. „rst

li.n^V OSp *,-A '"' ^,'lW'i,' '*POn,' ln -"•" In the*: as Mass L'. E. Mosher1* b. g. Joe Hln

ley WwBiiillnei. I,,,,, 11U, Tljjnlill 171 i.raci -ccoiid all through, li. II. Hicks1 br. a.

rlhur, thirst, W. I,ynnlle|,|'a Arabian Alh-e l.vnnBeld' T.nie.J::i;i, i;;i:i,j; n,

■--lBsslf.rJ -- r, IHi-iin Jim In the 1 : tl MRM M. Cs"rroirs'b. g. n

. ','"'",'r.'" 'K'loib'b rtiraiHirwe .if *d«r>, one. ml niile heats, besl [nree in five, Mr. Shay's I,. «-.

llmleriek was iienlen bv HWUCI'M II. g. atorrissy, Time. tUlHtonTaUa aium**,,

winning the ffr.t muticy In the race-Tuesday, died yesterday. He was taken II] w ith cnogesiiuu of Uie brain sunn alter K v t „ BU)I TuemUy. IIU owner had lab-ly refused SIJ.Usj for linn.

uaiv.-ln lluiileslh or oir. William klnrse, our ■ 11. I..-, nn e-timableciti/i-li and ,,,„■ uf iU eat- li -ettlci*. .Mr.alorsewasfmrnlnKewiiurviH.it m 1 n«and B1UISMS«I ettrostar/ young waa ,im* nt tin -ol.ber. *i isi. and had sine received a pin

Ih- removed frort Mewhurypurl to cd in I , *tt,|

e militia, lie came


-"--e of the illy In lu earliest days, and ISM and 'in held Ihe. portion nr t ity "• iifllce with much rMciciicy.

as been itwgsgVMl In hu*lnv*» Hi* Lut slekue* was of but v, nnd he riled oh Friday

1 Ii.M t

welfare a during years Clerk, iiiln,;. _. SinueUiat time hi- nt different time*. three weeks durstfon, •turning. Ill* funeral aieausjilec* nftirecian i.iMtge on Muiulay after noon. The services were held al the lahi rwJqwnrs "I lb,- 11.. .■;!-.■, I. and Ibe i ciiialli- Jjuken dile. I (.,

d Ihe funeral nceurreil on Nun M ileeeaswl h*d ftV the pas

nn invalid, suffertng ftuni palsy and lieloved by B Urge circle of

'i : ITAI ;: YAH

FK1DAV MOltNINU, .11 LV In, IhTi.

ESTATE OF ISAAC M. HARDY. Notirsi Is tierc1iy given that the sutjitcii

n ilnlv n|>|ii>itit«<l executrix ol the « 1HAA" "

Tlic Andover mind will hereafter gi' i Kim Square on Honda? eroding!.

Mr. Henry U. Tjrer gave u brilliant tHJulay of "I"111

.reworks M l*l« lenitleuce on Monday evening.

"'""' IM'XAUii. lUitijy. iilC III AllllilVVI-, 111 till! COUIllV of fcM-CX, yuonm Icccu-cil, to- Lite, ami linn taken U|">n hcrDi-Hlli.- ru-l by BjiiliK bonilH, *« llifl law directs. A iir-un-i 11,1 vina demands upon the c-tnte <> aiil deceased :ue required l<i exliiliit Ihi' i-nnii ml all iHTJiuni. Indel.ted to Kill.I csUits utu IMIII

""CIIAI , Mr. F. h- Mn>Utt, lute uf I ho scminaiy, * i

fur tin' present iupply the imliiit of tlic cltim in Scuboro, Utt.

The rale, uf luxation In this IUAIIUIC prowl venr is #12 M on $l,0Ut). THcre Is « sain In ll 'valuation of 913,028.

Tlie I'liurtlics in North Woliurn mnl Uurliuj tun have extended a joint ctJ! to Mr. Cliarli Arulenon ol tlila town to become tbeir puto

Juuu-s Wjllle, the chuspbrn checker player, Rtro an exUlbitktn in Ibli town on Monday evening. A Jarfe nuinlier or our best player* were readily ilaagbtered, as Itaey expected lo lie.

Mr. Ckarlei S. SiuUti uf Ibis town, who graduated at Anberet College this week, re- ceived the second of the Hardy prize-, S dl. lor ■be hei-t improvement in extomporaneuui iputklng.

A veneruMe citizen residing in llie south part of the town, a dny or two since. *-enl tit tin- treasurer uf tin' AmUivcr Bn)ss Hand a Wtfi (rreenbaci. In appreciation of the valuable aervlcea ttiry render the community.

Hon. Tuonuw II. llusscll, of Boston, baa bean fleeted u trustee of the Anilover Theolog- ieal ItuHJliitlon In plate or Hon. I,In in Child i and Joseph **. Hope*, Baq, of iiimton , has also bwn elected a tnutee lo nil the vacant? occn> sloncd by tbc death ol Cblef Justice L'hapman.

We are not allowed to Rive the name of Hie Keiitleiiian who left two boxes of main mot b •.trawtiert its at onr residence on Friday l«*t lie- cause he ilid "not want any tiling said uhoiit It." Several of I he berries art unity nictiMired l| ins. earb in circumference, and nil of them were very delicious.

The stir: .id- amount of several sales of standing grass the present season varies hut lit- tle from 1.1-.! year for tbc lame territory. In the early part of the season it wax thought Hie crop of hay would lie large in this vicinity, but the quantity out taw NrfHoca not Indicate very uiiieh iaereniie over last year.

The "Olorfoas Fourth" pasted oil' in the •miet- eat manner hi this town. Bella were rung til sunrise and sunset, and India trackers nnd other small lire works were let ott, which eon- tttituted |hc only demonstrations uf the day. Many persons Mmgltt pleasure elsewhere. Kuu.e at MucKi-tS I'ond and others at Silver Lake.

The rapid accumulation or interest on money is quite clearly demonstrated l>y a case which has juit couic to our notice. A gentleman for- merly of Ibis town, and ROW a resident of Low- ell, had in the Andovor Savings Bank, Nov. II 1HS3, |he snm uf fSti:I.'.I.'. The present month tie drew for it *8W1.(W, making a gam of #.il().- 74 in eleven years and oight months.

Mr. 0.8. Smith, or Andovor, delivered lha class-day poem at the Amh erst College com- mencement on Tlrursday. Its title was," Around tbedunn-fire," it being made up of rcmlnis- cencaa of college life, supposud to he told at a eaaar* gathering nl alumni In years hence. Mr. Kmhh received frora the coltcgconc ot the Mi .■)>■■ ar.l mineralogies! prizes awarded to Seniors fur tin test collection of minerals.

A sviitlrin m sent his son to visit an uncle in Naw Hampshire a few days since, They were latest the depot hut hythe greatest exertion the Boy anil bit baggage were placed on board the cars. On reaching the destined place a postal card was immediately returned to the father saying that his son had arrived all sjfe. On the wav from the depot to the uncle's residence, the carriage was upset and one of tlio boys arms was broken.

The ctliiens of Tewksliury bad a general pic- nic on the 4th of July in Harmony (irovc, tbc Andover band furnishing the mn»lc. There was a very large attendance, and a gain time was enjoyed. Dancing, Copenhagen and other fes- tivities were indulged in, and there was a good time generally. Abont nine o'clock In the oveniog, in the midst or the darkness and rain htorni, a carriage started to convey the hand home, and had proceeded hut a short distance when tbc vehicle collided with a post, throwing down one of lha horaee and mixing np things badly. A council of war was held and the mu- sicians relumed to the hall nnd remained during the night, not reaching home until Sunday morning. On Mohday evening the Tewkshury people llnlshed up the atTalr with a grand dls- play of tlreworks.


Hits. 1'iii i in M« r. iif i-i>'ii:, wife of Hea. Jiti'iib Unwound, ,11(11 hen- on the 4tli inst, In the ntfa year of bar ago. Kite hail lived in the town of Andover thirty year*, and was long nu active m-nilier nf the We-I I'arlsh t'hureli. A large at- umdaiwe of friends at the rtineral allesteil the liigb osllaialion In which she was held in the commun- ity, and toe deep bias Hint U felt at her depar- ture.

Cai.KIIBATlOMIK Tilt Kill ItTIt—The "IdorloUH Kourtli" waa usbereil In by the ringing ol in-u-, ililiiK of salutes nndaircncrallusiladoot crackesn, hiwni, go. At ait o'eloek the parade ol Hie Anti- ques and the Horribles look plaou. The proces- sion formed In I.llierty K<piaro a* follows: t hiet Marnhal,.!. 8. Stark, and aids, nil mounted

c the Chicken lilll Light Artillery,drawn

LOTTK A.TROMAS, Rscrnlrix.

Jill, l«L jtylOH.lw


S.-tice i* herd, y given thai the sul.«.i iln-r ha* ben duly appointed rxemUir of tlie pill "i

MAKY WKIIIIKH, : tide r,f North Amlovcr, in the county or K'sci, willow,dercai-cd, no.I l,n« mkcii iipun hiiiir-.ll thai

j trust by ((Ivlng bonds, as tli* law direrU. AH persons having driii.iii.ls upi<n the mutt* of said itc.-eiiseil, arc ri'ipiiict M eihihil tin- -:mi' ; -uni nil persons iiuli'litcd to tald i-sUlU', are called upon to iiiiike piijiniiil to Jnruli VV. Mnrss.

Andover, July 8th, 1«T(. ■1ACUB W. MtUME, K\eeol..i.



Tlio VicUmBBealdont of Mo:-Ui An- dovor — Arrest of the Supposed


A l>oy luudod David Colciiinii, while >t muling lit tbohldoof IIuiiMiu.'.oriMinlll, W'utcr ntrvct, Delivers.port, uboui oifrlit o'clock Munilnv momliiK, saw u body In

wilier mulcr U alu-il adjoiulng Iho mill. iilnnii wn> fiivt'ii, mid Stale Countable

Han ilium of Baiom, who was piusiug, as caJlutl. Coroner lliiod waa aunt for,

nnd on hin arrival tin- Imdy wan taken out ml rviiiovtd iu u >ta1111; iivar by, where L waw Idi'iitllkd its Frank K. Voiin^' of

North Andovor. When Lho limly

A'" On MomlHV July nth. at :l i.Vioek

ireiuisp', all the Kiass standing on lugh Wilson situated oiipoalU the Jharles W. liavwurd.

Andovor, July 10, i-:t.


M. Crahti Street, Andovor, i

H*Of i I'- ■!■' i ■■ Andover, JulW i

(em-nil umtertakoi 1'iiie Knevli Aliboii

V"!u: SALE. A new milch

ONE MARKET Hauiuel C'onvers, of Lowell,

is li.-en run a little over a rear. I Light Beach ngou built by A. l.iilhrope ft Co., ill veins ;o. Also 1 l.i|[ht Itugifr harness made bv J. owell. Kiuiuir W. II. Hum, Wust Andover.


c° A I,

The subscrll,er has a supplv of COAL of differ ttvnt sizes Slid ipmlity, Which lie will 1'unilsh iisUiiiiers at areasonalilc price ami short no lice.

Orders may be left at JOHN II. LIIANIILKIfS I'l-ric1'-,*!,store or at my residence.


BOOTS AND SHOES. The •Qbanrlber ha* opeaed a boot and shoe

store al his shop on slain sirtiet, where he Inbods to keen for sale a full asr-oituient ol Hie bet nr-

III his line of buniaess. Itepiiiriug done nt nolice. A shinr of I In public pulmimKc i-- ■lliillv solid ted. lover. May H, IsTt. BBKH ». TVLKK.


YV t- SHEl'ARI), M. D. \y • nomcrapatklst. Reaklanaeaa Otlkeat Mr. Nathan Kill

'i ■ . : Onlers he Kim-Bouse Andover, June l>, IS

ABBOTT HAS STEKEOS- . _EWH of public building* la An.ln

id a gooil nisortioent of other vievra. Also tereoBOopos.Chi'oiiioi., I'ii-tmi-H, Krames, llrack- ts, t'urlalns, Fixtures, Cards, etc. Andover, June 111, loTt. Hlf

Hew Inir Machine, in good ri


'I'm. ItKfMiTBofthepost oftlrn are incrensliig. Huring the six months ending .Inly I, one him- dreil and ninety letters were registered at the ol. lice. An increase of the Pnelimutcr's salary Is anticipated.

IT IS NOT now necessary lo read tlio "Hind" in order to lie ncpiainled with Homer, as he is n neighbor or ours, and has aniuintl, lo add to the

■'■ emenUofibe past, iftii tea re|iutntion for the tinware, and popular cook.

■ r 1.1 lUev


thuen can boast of two ot the licst drugstores Iu the Mate; and When we <iomo to speak or the courteous proprietor! wo will say wt pl<t» ultra.

.IIINII DAVIK, Kso, wearo pleased lo learn. Is recovering from hi- protracted lllueos. Ho bus ln'on greatly inl»scd In his accustomed plaoo at the hank, and all will bo glad luiee him able to .1- ■nun' In- i.ld cluliea. Mr. Emerson, tlio cash- ier, has applied himself prnUy closely on account "'Mr. Davit' sickness and must need a little

'reatlou and relief.

rnK"Koi'BTii" pasaod off wilboiil any neci- Dts as far as wo can team, and young America »nie.l peaceable and well-dlsiio.cl alter having

- bilged in the usual "CnUtliniiipian" ovation. The day waa spent In various ways, by MOM in enjoying a drive In the suburbs, and by others In vlsitmg Lawrence to witness the procession, and attain quite a number went in HtiggeU's I'oud to tlio temperance plonlc.

"A WAH OK TUB RAVE*" is declared by the 8e- leelmeii, and Coin.tat,le IIIK- IS dulv authorised to kill ail unlicensed dogs. With the owners of such canines the I natter does not rest hero, as there is

TS mat uc, *i.> nun cons is on 'I'n thn.-e Intlile miller tlie law wi

null Mr. Do*luimcdir ' sodoing mnl paying tho required ta may possibly benvohled.

TitKt'iTi/.KNBof I.awrcnrearetu becongratu- laled In securing Mr. 1'ark S. Warren as principal Of tlie Oliver School there. If n was loitnerl vpi in- ■ ipal of lho High School here, and resignrd rTlake charge ofa mdiool In (iloucester, which be leaves for the purpose indicated above, While here be gave unlhulh-d satisfaction and It was with ex tieine reluclsiire that the Kchmd Coniinittee ac cepted his resignation. They were fortunate however, in semiring the servicei or such a wor Ihy aueeessor ss Mr. Fuller has RIIDWII Idiuself m be.

Hu. sim ll \H:ii»ii.K bascotnlMoncodUioeree lion ol a flue resideut-o upM Cluirlea street, and Judging from the loundniion and cellar walls, It is to be constructed willi a view to ilurabillly us well ns beauty. Mi. I>. M. Copp is the builder, which la a aullluieul guaraalee that the work will lie well ilooe. Wo hear it intimated that we arc lolmvua bakery at no dixLint dav, wbieb we hope will turn out to bo a laol, as one Is very much

iled hero. The luxury ol brown bread


ml It i •Iglll i

- W.:: I lie .■11 .side, lilll head ami

f.illiul in tho he

gat It- by Ha-

n<i>tnn(', To I'llit'i

high private Hears. The ordnanne consislosl of anfteenlaeli an a, cliristosw<l "Swamp Angel,"

ml waa Use admiral!on and terror of beholders. Next -ki-uii hills

inanbareaine the Hoytvillc Howlers, t.ica iakaflieiirlioiii). This company excited i: mlrUi amonr "- i among tlio tlgtit-se

e wan awardesl a

reds* a ragpicker with* team In kef j,log edaa n itb tho chai

He *en <

HulterwOTtb,W; went made Tor the second race, and the billowing lioro naT lha prises: Owen Sbevlln, 1st: foldie llayuasrd. ad; Morris Jove*, M. The swimming vai« waa wsw bv Uoorge Rhodes, .lamee Day S>l,

fh'e ruaning race SXOjM ainoh interest, I'ali ick Scott came In flrsl. M. Winti lr.,seconil, .lames iriiomiell third.

In Hie aaek rn.e James Howell took [he (list and Ainbrosa Howell the in'iHul prise.

- MoKnnie won the flrst )umpin; ping prli ,,S. )'. S.n

■ Urge narats.r to her beautiful grove, her characteristic genermdly, supplied i

1 cream, lea and enffee, to which ample Justice -- ' 'heir MM*~*

. tthur gai passed lho day pleasniitly. Tlio evening liefore the r'ourth, snn.e of the lamlly found a lire balloon w bleb had been sent up from Dyer llrnthers n' \ half a hoar before. This was brougli

la-sin could then be Indulged in through the heat- ed tunu without thu Inounvcnleuce ot "baking day" at home.

IBD for being Intoxicated, A man giving the nainH ol Kdwaid Italian and representing him- self as (i resident of Wimlham, N. II., was found by Constable Doo Tuesday evening near tho wool- - mill in a belpleas stale,of Intoxication. His

nu was standing near, into which he was placed and driven to tlie lockup. Tho folluwlng morn- ing justlco kogcrs fluod him a-Visi, and the oul- pril not having the read v cash, loft his wagon nnd harness as security with Capl. Corliss, who paid iiiertne. Tin' » null.finite was hut seen leading his horse In tlie direction of "home sweet hnine,'; tie no doubt pondering all the while over tlio

■ I.II-M be had received at Uelliueu.

Tl.M:«l MS, IMI'KUVSIIKNTM KTt'.~AIUHIUXb ■HI i in I'Muii i ■ kept busy, and are eonliiioally oustruuting more houses, yet there Is a grenl

scarcity of umemeiits, Mr. Cyrus Wilson, we un- derstand,having the only desirable bonse to rent in lho whole tillage. Capt Corliss' now hall is being rapidly pushed htiward lo completion by Mr. Jesse A. Towns, who lias Uio roputaLion of making even' blow count. Tho most striking outside adornment u(Uila ball is 11* showv cupola constructed alter the eooglo rate order' of arch- Itceture,which we underrtaml will bo surmounted vllh a costly vane, not however, of Hie kind pokon of by tlio \nml when lie says; "How v«ln ire all things hero below," hot one or a more

Vraetleallurn, ami like straws always truthful. 'lie cornet band will probably return ui Ita former

head.purlers In Uiis building when the hall is < pleteil. The Captain is manifesting much e prise in building up and advancing this pine which he ahiiulii receive the thanks ol all.

name of Henry rMVommi oi limn on Sulniihiv nlicrnn with a companion named Kelly they took probably the 4.J."> train from Hie Kavtcrn kallroad atalloii lor Rsletn. Al any rule, ni abont » irtiartcr of »ix, ihey proenred liijiionil llu^li Ciiroy's saloon on Market N«|unre, Ralem. At Blxo'rlock, a teamster for Merritt & CO.'H exprcsM, named Hen- derson, saw attfl spoka witli thorn on Uie corner of Bascxaiul vVaahlngton alreeta. Both Young and Kelley were qnlte Intoxi- cated ui the limei Freeman, however, ap- peared nearly sober. They loafed round fur n while, mnl nl soyen o'clock they en- tered M.l,aii»liliirs xnlnoii on Market si|tiuri', hut whin- there did notdtiokauT- thlng. Ollleerl'rall, wlmlmd IwJDWAtch- liic then for some tltna, then lold Kelly In-had better lake Voung homo, or lie would arrest the whole party. They then went out on HIP square, wlielv Frei'tuaii became very Impudent, apparently ml- ■ ir. ■ -in : angry words to his companions. At half past nine o'clock Iln-y passed over Northfleld bridge, bound homeward, and aiter that hour Vonog wal no longer seen alive.

tin learning tula the olHcera arrested Kelly early In the afternoon. His utorv in connection with the allair partly tallies with and partly ootttrndlcla thai lold by Freeman. lie joined tlic part? In Boston ami roinoiiiheres drinking at Carey's ami startliifr toward Kssex street. After that ho says ho remembers nothing until Sunday morning abont .daybreak, when he i'outid liliiiaelflii ft Held near the Han- son mill, and from I here staggered home, reaching; his bed about four o'clock.

latter In the afternoon the Dancers Of- neera arrested Henry Freeman, the col- ored companion of the murdered mail. He works for a Mr. Noyce of MhUlMon, .uni v. .i mowing lit tlio Held when'tlic officers arrested htm. The Irons were placed on Ills wrists, lie asking at the time what he was attested for. The of- ficers replied Uttt they supposed lie knew, unil tltuL Voting was dead. He expressed sorrow at the announcement and seemed very nervous. Freeman admits thn: he bought the revolver In Snlcin. He says he l. i"! Young nt Hanson's mills, going himself from there to bin home in North Heading near the North Andover line where he arrived on Suuduy. He snya George Thompson, who works hi a Middlc- lon factory, discharged the ruvolvcr near Salem stuilon. From that time Freeman says he saw nothing of the revolver. He says Voting had thirty cents and he lent hint three dollars, He bought the pistol for self-protection on account of nu at- tempted burglary ncur where he lived. Freeman is a lilg, burly fellow, tlilily- four years old. In his Jacket when arrest- ed was a (he dollar bill andnseythc-snnth wrench. He had a silver wntch mid two knives, one of which was a lilaek-haliilleil one, with a long blade, on which were some blood or runt spots, which he had tried to rub offwlili gravel. There were blood spots on his boots.

Voung, the murdered man, has always borne the reputation of a peaceful man, never having lieeii-known tostrlke any one when sober or Intoxicated. He was th'.rty- flve years old, and has been living at the huuse of blx brolhcr-lu-law, Warren Mini In North Heading, for some time past do.

ii.1; odd work on the farm. He was t lather .good looking mini, about live feet feveii, ami weighed about one hundred and slifly pounds.

Late In the afleiuoon Chief lloyuton nnd Detectives l'h I Lb rick and I'lnkhnm nr- rlved nnd begun a strict investigntlon.

The tacts developed lit the ease seem to point to one theory only, that Vouiifr was murdered by Ills companions' while on tho way from Snleni. Perhups Freeumu struck the blow ss Kelley when he left Salem wan very drunk and freeman was partly sober. The tide when the body was placed under the ihed must have been low, as the body could not have been arranged at any high tide. .Dead low tide was at ten o'clock on that Might and eonseipieiUly the body was placed there before eleven o'clock. Three- jnartcre of an hour urter lliey left Salem L'ourt-honse would bring the party to a lonely place on the road quite removed from nnv house. The post mortem devel- oped the hut that he was dead when placed In the water, and so his murderer carried him to where he waa found. The

itot was placed HO as to create the im- pression that It was a case of suicide.

Ke'.ley and freeman have been commit- ted In default of bull to nwalt trial at Sa-

iu the fall.


Esaex County- ilAVBHItll.'.

Tlie UsverMII Base Mall Club I'lilun Uul> of Vim- -i-ni v Mills, ort

The near bell Ims been hung Iu the belfry of tlie new south Church. It is very fine toned. A Block is soon to be placwl upini It

The K'seV "Itaiiner" lias just completed iu thirty-ninth volume. The drsl iiuulber waalssue<l 'nly llli, 1*11, ye.irs lwlore l,.mivncr was In ci- -tenee, Lung may Uie "llanner wave."

Tin' '• Banner" prints n report thnt a person nine,| fiioriiLun who was cnasgwt in cuttlnft u]i 'iilher here, has Mv|>)>ci| eut i,n his ereiiilors in he tune of f ju,iuu ami Rune In Kiirojic.

The •■lin/.ctte" savs K. J. M. Hale, of this city, - ;in ic>|,Irani for' tuie nf llie commissioners nf In- lliiuniic tunnel. Then' arc to be five, anil Mr. . II. < rtileton U ui-ftinif Mr. Hals nn OMOf the

Mr. Tlutddtius I' ;'.- i,. nl U':ii'..i' .'i .ii..' .I :uue in thiseliv lioin ||unf,it about nlxteen years

Siio, ami lias been eilenslvelv ei>j{as"l in the nmniilacturenl ilimi nails ami tacks. Hi was a very Inidily Mill Ml Wd cilllen.

Win. WhiUler, licltcr known iiB"iSuruii|li BUI," ni WnlneMlnv |t.-,i frem the ralliug ul the

luiiii'i- iiiii> the Merrhnaek where the tester is curcely I.", leet ,leep; the ilisianee Jumped before trlking the water was .11 leet :i Inches.

Tlie tity Mni>lial's reiHiil for the quarter en.I nw -tune :fl«Ii, shows Uwre was iw lo.larr. al Uw bitliiu huii.-e, P'.-, persons arreiU-d aud brought

Is-H.iethe Court, uf wlmni IU were foreigners, out clghty.slx were .uu- n.l for drUMkesUMaa. 1't imliei.if (.';,II..IH of lii|»"r felted and for- cile.l was 1"J.

The programme of Uie "cske walk" held by the ■olorcd rc.i.lent- al t hid fellow' Hull was n eiMloae. A large an.l tiMUtlinl cake wan placed n Mil- middle ol the Hull, ami each contestant walked in the mo-t grHcefiil manner iiroiiiid It lor hive minutes, n lien jiiilge„ dei iilcil n* lo tlic crf.irmers. The cake mi. won bt Miss Millie

fvililinrii The ll:' Scl I Alumni AaaoefaUloa at tbeir

animal ting nl Uie High Sehoulbuilding, rVe.1- is' ■1:n nlUmuon elite ted thu follnwiug oflleers lor the year cloning: I'retlilcut, .1. K. Jcnncsa,

" li.leni, II. K. ti.iiNlrich; Seeretarv II. 1.. Iiaiilell; Hoard of Control,

i, Alice Kilts, stnrv ft. llartlett aud Mittie Allen.

A lliiveihill cones pom I en I of 11K- Newburviiort Herald" snjs llaierhill has niven herself Up

l»idy ami sold, f> Die shoe huslness; and like the


uni B sjoa lllil ei

We lili-iness WKiloal do oui' l«'-t the IriillN-r l»£el)ier Ui Lue shape ol shoes,and ex

i ■..iiiii.li l;ii".i. "rhera are over three, hull I hoii-es b> let, while a year ago '' ft gel a tenement for Invi —

iligl" M


Mrs' Abruhuin Lincoln ha.s lauded at Cherbourg from New VorK and gone to

1 "iris. It Is said that the prettiest girl in Uar-

risbtirg is a newspaper carrier. She car- es them In her bustle Gen. lteauregard has been appointed

chief engineer of the Argentine Republic with a salary of «I'IP,HO'P in gold.

The London "Church Herald" hays lltut John Bunyau was "n sectarian of some latnn] ability aud no small literary power

and popularity." It is saitl that not a word of comment

(iithc marriage of Mr. Hartoris witli a laughter of the president of the United Stales has appeared In any English paper.

Headed waist belts arc new and "Im- mensely fashionable." They are about un eighth of a jard wide—tho length, of course depending on the size of the waist. They are made on a foundation of gimp, and Jet beadsere used. In the sun or gas- light they gfRter and sparkle admirably, and thus It Is that the feminine heart i- hii.de to rejoice.

.Stokes ha-- comparatively an easy time at Sing King. His tine social relations! stand him In good stead now that he la n felon. He wears the prison garb; is locked ip iu his cell at night, aud of course does

not go outside of the prison walls. Be- sides this he Is scarcely more conlined Ihsn an ordinary elerk In a New York mercantile homo, ills hair, cut short when he entered the prison, Is drifting away from the penitentiary style, and his beanl Is allowed to grow. lie was for a while In the hospital, where lie hnd Ids t|uartc?s night and day. He is now in Hie buckle department. Hu Is clerk and proves himself a capital bookkeeper.

For the finest watch work, so to lleald & Fulgcr. jewellers, No. 2i'A Kascx street. Itoth are old employees ol the Waltham Watch t'om- pany— thoroughly practical Jewellers, and In the repairing of nice watches and valuable jew- elry are not excelled. They have n very fine dock ot icoods on hand.

itiilnu; 1' ', :iii) change Must be for



Wednesday of lienrl disease. "Ftlty-Urri'ti IndlvWiials, ranging In their om thirteen to eighty yuan, united wit ,>uih rluirrh iii Ipswich on Sunday hist, i-eu-lon M:I.OIIC ofunii-nal Interest lo tin

gregntion. Four New_....,

Salnnlnv, by the bursting o. ... i.i-tols, nnd one named .bdin t Vow ley delilH-rate- ls Hi eil intiie faci- ofa girl iiaiued ilarrliigtou, iMilur burning her. ,

l.eouurd 11- llitrrtiiitlnii, Bsga a well-known BMIM lasr.iliunt, ha* Ms unaiiimnuslv elected president of the A*iutie National Bank uf Salem, lollll tllelabi vacnnrv cauxr.l by lluidualhul the late Joseph S. Cabot, Hs>

The severest nortlieaster evar known al this M'mxiii prevailed at Wewluirypnrt from Saturday to Sunday oveiiing. Hevoral boats wore awani|>uil nod trees and awnings damaged. A number of parties down tlie river were unable tu return.

The Newburviiort BUiU say* that Mr. Albert Adams, on whose land near thai city lead ha* been found, has made *u arrangement by which hu disposes of the product ol tlie mine to parties who Intern! working It Immediately, at f« per

The piuiilcofllieHabljath schools of the socie- ties connected with Kssex North t'onlerenee was IH'1.1 Wednesdnv at .laekinan's Pines, on sterrl- iium river, almut three miles from Hiewburrport, tlliwarda.eflwenly eharehes were represented, coming from Hsvci hill.Wcl Newbury.Ainesbury, Itowle.v.Salem, and uniting with those of New- bury port.

Thecontlnneil ea*e of John Drew of Berwick, Me., .Inn gnl with evading fare on the ttastern road, was called al alnleui Tuesday morulni-. This ;■■ ii i-.' \i lii'ii' i ■ mi In. l. 'i TlinvnlouorderMl lha arrest of Mi. Drew, who had .a mileage ticket on ih« road, ami Hie .oinliietor ordered him to pay. Judge Water- decided that lho road had no CJIM' ami dlM'hnrgeil Drew.

A lani* and earnest gutlierbut of Lynn's /.ens was held in the police courtroom Tuesday night, lo rroteel a«sjnst tho ooor aeeomaMxla. lion- afforded liy Uie KasU'm Itailroad, between lloslim and I.yim. Itolaml li, I'sher was easM en chairman, and made a few remarks concerning the ueecsslty for MIIIIU new sU-ain conimunlea-, lion with Itosbm. John It. Alley said he was ready to lie uue of si<c tn build a new road as soon as l.yhn would do her share.

l'lidln V. lteasom of Marblahcad, a latrbcr, fprty.livn veers old, was found Sunday morning tn au uncompleted well ua Marblehead Neck. He had lieen over on tlie Neck to stiend Ihe day, and staiied to walk home at alsiul'j o'olock In Uie eve- ning. The darkness of tlic night preventing him from seeing wherein* was going, Ills supposed that he strayed from thu road and fell down the -...■ll.null.in.;■ ■o.n Injuries as Uiknockhlm In-

nsilde into the waler, where he sulTocaled, na _ere were a number of deep wounds about his

A Newburyport barge took a jiarly uf LDH out to seaonlheKourtli. Holng down the river she got Bfriound, straining her lillshe Iuake>l. Onlora were given to pump her out, and n green hand ran a li.-e Ihrsiigh bor itoek, at the flrat available opening, and the puamittf IMBmelBeJ, Inaibort time she sucked, and lho steamer got under way alt right. By nnd by Uie passengers grew clamor' on* tor u-aiar, iwl Uie tank refuse.! toresoond- miil It was found that Uie pump hose had been run ml,, ||„. milk v, lii.'li brut IM-I'II |iiini|" .1 dry, « tide Uie water from the leak still remained. Slid many expletive* site was put back nnd Uie tank re filled.

Tin' tlloiiccitor school committee met on Hon. dav afternoon, Mayor rears in Uie chair. Sixty eight teachers were elected, and all hut four assigned pnslUons, HuperlDUindeat Allan! wan re-i'heh'd, ns was also Miss Carrie 11. Sawyer, teacher of drawing. Miss Cm llss lias resigned her p.ihltion in Uie high si'hool, ami Mr. \\ arren, Miss -m.evntol sliss Alien: retire from Uie Collins liraoi'iaarand Miss ioanglrom the iJlmi 1'rimary -I'hools. A slight eliaiige w:i- made in the grading- oileiichers'snlnries. and Miss Voitug's salary ns as-idaiitln llie high school waH ipemtsed »l(«i,

■ ■. M. i I", ii' ■ ■' ■ principal uf Uie Leonard (o-auimnr, th'-

Middleeex County.


XjiisrinivdiEisrT ll warranted a sure cure MM

RHEUMATISM. Ml I It il,i.IA Stl A* Joints, Pnlii Iu Joints, orl.lmbs, spralin, « >iini|,.. Bllea.sitlnajs. Falu In llm Face, Side or Back, Cttls, Brulm, Nlralna, Btirn*, .Scald*, etc.

11 has never failed to cure IlllKCMATlSM or VKUKAl.UlA.w-hcren Uioiough irinl has been

The following area few of the testimo- nials which we lire constantly reciting iron,

irn-e wbo have used It: _. I.AWIIKM■¥., May n, IB74. Ihi-ii. I.M. n.iy ihnl I have i-verv soring, for

the bo-t lour.vein.., in < u uilli. I .1 uiih bdlamuia- li.i> liieumiiliMo, which ha- lenllnrd me In mv

in nine to lliteeu wcekc. This mtag 1 ... ke.l in llie ,.i,in,' wn> ; ui.v ioliit-were

nearly all i-nlargi .1 and nwullen, and I was suf feniiK severe pain, with great lever. A irjcnd In-

need me to make a trial of the I'liliiornla I.ini- lent, hehuimit Ui II cured hiiunelf, and know-

iug of many others » ho hud been .-ureil hy its use. I sent for Mi. Kalis borT. the disogverer of tlie Liniment, m limit me whi.-i, he kindly did.

ipplie.l the l.lnimeot, n itb (lie nio.l lavora- ■*nils. The iwaln was soon relieved, and in lay-, having used four IMIIIII--, I was able hi it ol doors at work hi my -.-urilen. I hare

u^e.1 nearly -\\ large boiih - in all. aaM am now well ami heaiiv. I eariiwiiv re oi a mend It to every person afilicted w till i iii-iiinalisni, for l ,|„ IWlh-Vo that It Is lh« best ivme.1) ,. (he World for

tK iixt.Y place In buy tickets mr the f'linard Mail steamers, is at the ofltet «l the roiupany, ■-'3tl Ksaex street. The splendid iron slcamship Bainrla, sails from Iloston for Queenstnwn and Uvorpool, on Haturdnv, July iith. For eabln or steernge passage ap|dy to I'. Murphy, 3SS Essex street.

I'iKKON. I', IIMIHI i'n i ■. I', i family

physic; Bhcrldait'sCavalry t'tinditlnn I'owdcts lor burses.

TOLKT.—A flrst elass ofiice, ailjuitdng Ike office or J. 0. KatiiKirn, i ■ i. Inquire uf Byron li mil A Co.


UOLT.—In Andover, July «lh, a daughter to M mnl Urn. Ilrouksr. Holt.

WIIITMAN.-In Anilover, .lime Uth. a son t "" ■. and airs. William Whitman.

DAI.KV—In tills city, July ad, a son to Mr. nnd Mrs. Jauies K. Dairy.

LUCY.—July ntli, a dnii«liic, to Mr. ami Mrs. 11,'uni ■ Lucy.


llKYWOHTH-€JKKKSLEAI'.-,?ulvfllli,b)1 OM. Packard, Mr. ArUiur It. Hej-worlh ami MUs Ktta I., Ureenleaf, Imtli of Lawreuee.

l'HHdllUCK-DAVlS.-ln this city, July 7lh. by HOT. L. ». Barrows, Mr. Akin ii. I'lilfbrick ..f Wwitworth, N. II., ami Mi.-« .Mary II. Davis of Lawrence.

HClIMIDT-FKKtiKltK K - In this eltv. June 30tb, by Kev. William K. I'ark, Mr. Krederick Hehnildt and Miss Alvinc Krederlek, both ol Lawrence.

I.lTTLKiriBLD-Sl'dli'KORI).- In llaverldll, July x.l, by Kev, A. .1. I'n.lclford, Mr. t:hnr s A. I.ilUelleld and Mis. Mary I,. Mpofford. all uf liar oiiii 11.

UI'N\'I8l>N-SARtiK\T,-bi Georgetown, July Ut, by U*e. D. D. Marsh, Mr. Wni. W. tiunm- sou, of WestAiiiosbiiry, am! Mlsa Ida K. Mar- gent, of M.n.'ilnU.

MAM-TRACY.-ln Hnverl.ill, July Ith. bv ltev. A. 1'. Tracy, assisted by llev. A. A. Wflllmu*, Mr. Sheoard H. Ham of HavcrliUL and Miss Klla H. Traey, daughter of the oBlelallng clergy

JOHNSON—MKAI.LY.-ln Xewmnrket, N. II., June 1Mb, by llev. II. W. C. Durgln, Mr. I'er ley Johnson of llradlord, Mans., and MUs fan me Neatly nf Nowmarket.

WlI.TON-aiBLEY.-lii ibis eltv. July Sd, by llev. Chan. I'. Huniiliia, ns.iskM'by Be v. M. V.. Morris, air. Ocorge. Wilton and Miss l.illaC. Slhley, both of Lawrence.

UOIIINSUN Mn.i.'liiN, In this Hty, July 1th, by Kev. Chas. II. Dunning. Mr. Joshua llobin ton ami Ulss Kva Mct'loou, both of Lawrence.

1WYKK-WILLIAMS -In naverhlll. Us. M bv llev. Mr. Terry, Mr. William Hawver and Miss Abby II., daughter »r ll>« laU' Jonathan Williams, jtong, all of llavorliill.

11 BanaaisM-ct,

S„l,.l. La UKNeii, April 1--, is;


u/reriiig from Ihat awful dis- ease, rliRuiaatlsui, and have *ecti yimr advertU'- meul.1 wlshyoii toeaO nt No 10, Valley street, and let me see n man who can cure tlutl i,,i>t id alldtaenser. Yours *e.,

, . , J.C. Witaua. I have seen the man. I hat e used Oui CaJil...

Itheumntle l.iiinneol, and ll OH.ierfhl was itn reel for good; lour week- of bnenso suffer

,1 uu relief, nnd alter three appli, a'ion^ | i uutU|MMi my IW I mid Went id wutaltendniM lo business. The.eV uolbing like 11 lo relieve .,

aln. YotirhJte-.J.I'. W. f, Apr.i'.

malic I.ll ,-ul raps tl

wreme, MnvMh, 1S7I. ■tour Calil.triut Hheu- clluei\. It |n far ahead

it."-Hi i but I In. inuloiy Ulinniiiili

.... This i„ loud talk, m'lieuced Iu, In.neilu i..r Ihr Inllaui

mid know w I ml I savin he

Uuil 1 nave lieen


relief. I cm

IjAWKKKfK, Mat-<>.■<, INT* SlLlsniUlV, lle.'ir Sir - Tin-, ■- lo.-eililv 'Vlialllnled witli llbiooialo-m loi a

■ars, nnd linve tried a great main remedies wklunn oliniiiin-- I, saywllhtnilh lb ,lr inched

-.-. leiielltli. I*IIUI your California ttbrinnat •-" cm it Iim UMM,. I i,.,,,. ,.,,., .1. lor „l\ months |.iv.|..us i.. ( ,.,1(, ilmeiit.wy wrist was so bad tlial I e..Ul,l not ' Hut all. II i. now lihiii.-l Hell, -md I can n-e Imul as well in ever. Vcrv Trulv Yours,

MoiKaii. MF KIIII i . N'o. Mli ■ lie, I.

The Cnlifomla Liniment which we hear so much about, is evi.lenUy an efflrleiit reine.lv. especially when usnl for Klieumatlsm. Neuralgia, etc., etc. Many of ..,,r well known liti/.ens have used It, and have I-TII greatly |u.iieltlte,| bv It. UdifferM In Mil re-peel,, limn aiiv of Ibe so-called rhcuinntle llnhneni-, renicilie*, li.lionn, etc., ever before oOorcdti. llie aiUlrtinl. :,hd wllll cerbilnlv hear close InveMigiiUoii. It was tllseovend bv Mr-i.e... W. Sahdmry, v bile a eapUve animi,: Hie in,ii,,ii-iiniie far wosL Mr. Salisbury ran, and will allow nnv amount of home U'-tluioiiiii!- from many of our mom ri'f<|H-cte.t eltliens who have long suffered from rheumatic .limcultles. VteiiicrrluUy ciiuuiiciid it to Ills public. K. II. Kelley, Druggist, l'ost OOiee Bloi-k.

rreiiaml ami sold Wholesale ami Itetail by

2. W. Snli.biiry, No. 78 Newbury St.

ilingl. Al the close of tin* parade the exercises a

Used took place In Liberty Square, as lolloi Music by the cornet hand. o|nrning remarks ...» I'resldcrK, Wro. Msnlsmi; prhver by the llev . K. II. Ix-seinan; mailing of the Deiiarallou of IndeiMUideaef. by W. II. II. Womllin; singing Ihe ■ Mil Hundred by the audience, led by the band.

UEPOIIT of the eondllton of "The Amtover National Bank," at Andover, In the

■i.,I.-,,i d;t■■....„ I i I"., at I In close of hlisluess June«Kh,|N7l.

sjsjsjofjwnns. Loans ami discounts, *f™r!*J ** I'. S. I.imls lo secure nlnillslion, #Sl.issi OH U.K. I.Mii.lh .m II.'OMI. '.■'.'»«' IS) Hue from redeeming and rosene

aganto, 4.1,1-11 i-' Heal eiUto furniture and fixtures, ft.DUO 00 I'hneks, cash Items, tat UO !|ills of other National Hanks, S.UIl 0(1 'raetionaleurreucy, {liielmllug nickels) .11 IW iiHH-le, (Ineliiiling gold 'fun. in \ nnU'sJ, i,al« 7B

|,egnlBei|i|er notos, lft.WO (Ml

*'ll I, I"- 74 I.UIIII.ITIKS,

i apiuil aloe. |,si.| In, •i.Ki.oou <» Hurplus fund. IH.17H 07 Other undivided prollts, *.>•■> <M National llauk ein ulslioii ontslanding, 17.1,o7» W liiiibinlsuuiiaid. 1.IW «i liidivldunlde|HislU,


Ii ASK. ll A i.i„—Two base ball clubs hue formed styling themselves, respeelively, me "Match Factory" and the "Yillugn" clubs. A etiu Cle of friendly games have been nlayeil ln-tween

IO two clubs, in both of which the Ylltaye club .-.nu.' off victorious.

's■ i:-Mi-■ m-.< i PlOtllOcThe Teni|ieraneesocle- Ues uf Ncwhuryport, Amesliury, tieorgeUiwn, Itoxford anilTn|iiiUlil, n illi lb. ir Iriends, appro- priaUdy relebraio.1 the fourth hy holding a grand —-'■ n picnic, in the In niiulol KI.IVC near llie llim-

nil Maine raltroail station, In BoTfrmt, be- longing to the estate. Music was furnished hy llie Itoxlord Brass Band i.nder the leadership or

nolomon Lowe. Al.mii a thousand |H-ople I preaenl, and the day passed very pleasantly


I in i ,.■,..in ...iinr.ii t in mi) hns > it i.i -in et IN order to build a vestry

nealh It. New windows are to lie put in, and the interior frescoed, ami a new gallery built.

Tim STURM of Sunday was quite severe In lelnily. The henry rain beat down Uie grass

growing crops and will entail eoniideralilc and trouble to the belated hay-maker-.

DaUtXM JOHN HAM, had a slight stroke of paralysis on Thursday of last woe*. His right side is aliened nnd llie nnn Wholly iisralysei. He Is able to be nliout, anil it is hoped will fully recover l||s us|is| health.

TUB aTBAwuannr FtcarivAi. of the OonjJ* gational smdety |iaaa«.l off itoisanUy. A gooilly ossemblage, excellenl music, nice ralicshiiienu, and a liberal patronage, charac.lcri**i the affair The society will realise about *» dollars there.

(!7,JW «

t .i.,, io', 71 I, Hoses Knster, I ashbr of "TU.' Andover Na-

ll.nial Hank," do solemnly swear thai Ihe above statoiiielll i« true, lo 'He l-'-l of m> kuowl.ilge nnd iM'llel, Mi i^L" HiVl'KU, t ashler. HlBte oCHnssaehusells, eouiity OfKsMX. Sworn

of m IMTI""''"1 rMLayV-JMaJt A 1 irt'li.re uie, mi" «i -I

HAKcCri HOfroX, Justice of lha IV


NATHAMKI. MWlhT, I llirecl KDWAltD TAYL01I. >


„ _i hereby given that the subscriber bns IH-CII duly ains:iU«*.1 ndminbti.it.>, ..i Un ,'.i:,r. ..)

(lltFAII l-OVKJOV, late of Andover, In the county of Ksse*. slwto' woman deceased, and has taken uixin himself thai trust by giving bonds, as Ihe law directs. All Krr.oiishavliigileiiiBii.l~ ii| the e-latc of said

ceased are re.iulml to exhloll llie sarne; and all |.vi Mini-in,l.'lii..1 to said estate are called upon uinke paynr— "


g lady who writes a good hand and is

'tin Fin axil.—The citUcns or Salem, N. IL, uniting wlUi those of Palham. Windliam, and Uethuen, spent the Fourth at Policy 1'onil. Hun- dreila were present and a rare good lime axperl- •ncMl. line aexhlent occurred to a young man ol North Hakim, who broke a teg b» swinging. The

H iiassedijuletir In fie village, and nothing ansfclred toTnar the genera) spirit of the day. oi-tCKirr itn i II i|»i i HI i in begins lo look llko imelhlug more than mere fancy. Saleiniles re

gard Ihe esUbllshment (if the road with favor, and the recent pas-age ot an art of Incorporation and granting of a charter, elates ami giaiilles OH riles along the entire line proposed. The road will probably connect Rochester with Methura, and following tlie Hiile.kel valley, will benefit im- laeasuraldy North Ksleni aaal this village, which has lawn hltharU) deprlvol (H e.inveaicnt rallroail facilities.


MAHK TWAIN'SIldUsK.—MoiHiirel). Con- way write* from London nf one nf Murk Twain'- latent etotiea na Ibltowes—

"The talk of literary London Jum now Is Muk TwAln'a account in Ids new lecture ,f the "bueklnc" horse which he |iur-

chast'd in Nevada. It is Imnoeltnlu to out it mi paper, ns half of toe eflhet produe. ' by the MUII.V dopoiltlg upon Ids manner telling It. It would appear that baft purObUlUg this slced he Ittid no Idea wl ''backing ineiiiii, but wiw loo proud to ask for information. Thin, however, he obtained Uiroufb the dlnelnluM of esparl* •nee. He mounted the bora*. Thin aui- Bial then gathered Its four feel In u bunch beneath him, and by ti sudden upward Illnp; sent him (Twain) Into Urn air—just ISO yards. When the audience smilen at this, Mark looks troubled at their Incredulity, but proceeds. Kroin thla ascent he re- turns, iilisht- In IhOHddle, and tlie home Hives nnnther illn«—Twain fjoine; Ion yurds In ihe air. He then tells hlH smillnp; audience'that he Judged It waa that dis- tance by the look or the—steeples: but confesses he did not 00 Into deUlils. Tliis asrentht'lntf repealed, he remembers While In the air, huarluu some one on eartli say, "He nilichl have known that wtts a buck- Ins home:** upon Which the fact Hashed upon him. While hu waa abaent the hist tiiuu aotiie one cut the liorwe Wlilch Start- ed forwnrtl: and when he came down It was upon the urouuil. He could not say he reuTcttcd It. Thore was no reason for thu horse's re main Inn on his account, Filends (fathered around biui after Ids de- scent as they always do when one wants to be |lct alone, and asked If he wanted this or wanted Hint- What he really did want was to sit down. He did so: 1' placed one hand on bis head and anotlu on his stomach, and, indeed, thinks if he had hud sixteen hands, ho could have found suitable places forlliclr application, Hut as fur the borae, be tuuraren his afldl- ence that tills and other nifties such, as walking about units hind feet with Us thumbs under Ita arms like a lord Mayor, were all natural talent. Tho liorso hnd hcim brought Up lothew'ld West, and had

bad any advantages to develop his (tilts. As I have said, »he way In which this story la told Is Inimitable."

Rev. "Ir. llnrrwwa, iiastnr of Uie Kirk street ■ Inn, li, starts next week mi a western trip, to IHJ gone soveraI weeks.

Patrick Douohuc, agod 40, Inborer m II, u Moi--, v liven sinblc, in Irving to get on a iraintl the Market sirrft '■!.if-n>g nf the lUisUmand Low- ell Itallronil, fell mid lost belli his legs.

At * meeting of the l<owell Trotting Associa- tion Mumlay evening it was voted in have a fall meeting at Ihe Fair Urumul on [lie jxth, iuth, ami :;i'ili in-1- , innI 1" "il'ci i.iii.-i'- Ultlie [amount of over »1«N1.

Work Is nearly completed on the. Itelvl.lere s*.- tlon of the Lowest and Amhiver railroait mix t to llwl>neunl river, ami is fur the presentsiis|iend ed. The "ailing" lias boencompleted to Uio abut merit on lho river track.

Mr. OeorgeK. I.nwton, jirlncipal nf Ihfilrceii gnimmar school, Ims slgniflwl his purpose not In be n eamliilate for re-electimi for Ibe, ensuing school yenr, ami it is understood designs devuliug himself Ui the klinl "rofesslon. He has been con neeteil will) the tireeu school ns its }irlnul|ial sli


811 ATTl'CK.-ln Anilover, July «h, Natluinii-11. Shaltuek, agi'i! *.*years.

DASCOMM. In Anilover, July i, 1'nrllienhi I wife of l>ea. Jacob Dascoinb, aged uu years.

SHAPl.KUai.- In Uaverhlll, June Jolt., M Howanl Hbapleigh, age.l .17 years, III mo nth .

1>A Vl».-lu Haverhill. July 4.1, Mrs. N. Arnold la, wlfu of Mr. t'h.irlcs II. Unvis, nge.l :ll vearr .1 inonUis.lUdays.

ARMINUTOX.-lo this eltv, July ihi, M Newbur sire**, Mrs. M. II. AriulngUm, IW years, months.

,M' illSK. - in this rlty, July Btt, 7:1 New bury »tre. Win. Morae. 7(i years.

ItlilllNS.IN. In thlselly, July 1st, ITQ .1.11 kno street, John Hoblnaon, h7 yoar*.

I>(-"i-1:1-.(t*■■. In tills eltv, July 1st, 1111 t'omuio stns't, i.i/.'i.' II. |u, i,, pi years.

mlay nn altempt was made by glrllnyenrs o|il, serving a sentence i.usi', in hum thai Instill " unttress in a rw

lieda.and tliey illscovcrcd. TIM' affair lias lieen kept Iron) Uie public, by llin nuthorlUei.

i ililcer ltmhanan lies nl his resilience in itelvl. dere, si-rioualy ill ficin the effects ofa blow rerej. ved on the back of the herul during the riot, on Sun.lay night. Concussion of Urn hraiu isfeanii ami his physician has riven onlers to allow none I,nl ii■liitn'o I" vifil him. (Ililcer Hayes »>, oh ige.1 to itMiltsui himself to his reslilmxe, on Men. ilnv arti'inoon. his Injuries iirnviug much morn M't-i'iu- ihnit waa e*|>ecU*il. It I* lean.Nl tlial ' iiijun.l Inlernalli, having 1HM-II kicked Iu lho .!,„! .i,,iii:i,li IMI.IIIICIIIJ. Nu further aircxts Imvc >•! lieen made lor lmrllcipatinn In the riot Hmne of the roughs, It is he lie veil, were shot

Manufacturing Interests have not yet fully rged lioin llieeluuil which caused iihurtUme ami arediicllnn nf wages of >.|.,.,.-,tin-. h, i sen MIII. Home large sales of goods have been recent' lyma.lebyone or two id oar corporations, but with llllli* or no margin for iimnl, anil there is no iiiii.n-iliiii.' |ii.o-pnclof a roluratotlM okl Stan,I ard of wagtM. no some oor|ioraUons a re-lucllnn of help Is being made as llli as poasible to corrc- 'siHimliugly reiluee en-rf-nsi-s, and at Ibe same time continue tlie same amount of production. Them Is a conslderalilc surplus of male helti in the. mnr Lei, bsstassl > avai> utia in lenulc labor; in lael siiiiioaonsa-atinns a*ay naddlftVully In keeping their works runniiigilo full capaiily through Ihe suniiucr s. .js-'ti from this rause.

—The Messrs. Martin,wrli known stove diall- ers, have removed from their former stand i o Not, IU and 107 Kstex street, just above liar- ton's warehouse, and now have the largest and most complete establishment anywhere east of boston. They occupy thu entire building, from hasrment to roof, and havo a stock ol kllcben furnishing goods equal to their spacious cstab li-tiini ni. The first Moor Is devoted to kitchen furnishing Roods, crockery and glas> ware, tin ware, cutlery, silver-plated ware, etr.i second story to display of sample stovesg third glory to workshop | lour|h alory for atonuje. They retain their old warohouso,

l^STAHIdHUKl) IN 18,

THE ADYAUCE SHIRT l*or nu . of At, ipiallty or Mtteria,

esccllcnco of workmanship Is not Hirp.i—e

any shirt In the market.


I.-■>«■•'>'•, iaT !:.«■> Ntrrrl

A T r « o Pit Ouarai:

i. IIM: mi I IT. will KTM

'. Mass icl-'TUl


Having leiised the entilT building. NOB. luil I!i7 Ksaex street, nnd iitie.1 it Up rapeeblll




BYRON TRUELL & Co. eon exhlhiLion a targe and elcgaut nr-orl it of

Llama Jackata and Shawls

BL'lv ILEI{NAM'S In Single and Double Width.




from 12 1-2 eh to 37 1-2 cts.

White Shetland

SHAWLS, A In. orMmomrr Nfcawl. tik.-ln... ., .!...»

KirHtr |,rl.. S«.nO.


Jaconet Muslins, YIOTOIIIA I.AWNH,



P. K's in all qualities.

poii Tlt» «IXT so IJAVS


BOLTON OlOtt out Uicir cntiie stork uf lire** Uoods,

alsnrhlow prices that will ensure n speed* --a'.c. '-•bikcii.'comitof sto.'k Augnsl 1st., we will i'u our inmiarDsa tlock as much its no**ibit',

hj itlvian Mm of Hie biicaest totrgtilns, ever offeiwl in Luwreiice. Ladles »ill da well to rail aud examine ami see for ihnainillijl. they will

>.iiHI. V bviloluxso,


Friday July 3d,

Best Ginghams 9 1-2 c.

One Mo> e Bale Cotton 5 Cents.

Kill Gloves in all Sizes, Al BO C, Will-Ill 91.28.

AND SUNSHADES mn li inch in .'I huh all qualklM.



Kor r'nnn, g« to Itv ;on Trnell A TnV

Port Monnaies a large assortment



and all small Warae, sro to



Slicel ami Yard. Stnim Mailing, etc . —a„ TO-


249 & 255 Bssex St.

'" 'Vi-r.ln^m.K'Jvr'- ""

No. 150 Essex Street. Also tntr stuck of



Branch Store

«a*M*at>1 mrrrl,<l--alrflrl.la« Block)

r Na


r Store No-, in.-, mil 1117 F.< ( M. Mil. e prepared In offer

At the Lowest Market Prices., e largos!, ninst vnrie.l ami ln*st selecU'.j stock leads in |hls elij. SpeeUI niteniion grtra to ivea, lliimi's uuil Furniees ns lie re to In re, Ibr ileh We h:ive 11 se|Kirnle ilejinrUiienl. Tin *rl Iron nii.l DO|I|I«- work of nil I ■■..' .| ,a nt notice.

D. N. & C. M. Martin, 195 and 197 Essex Slreei


HY I'KDIfll'K « CLOS80N. i* MnTVIUil, *■• II.

I rouble c,,i! ,- ,. House, nine room,., hirne, ver < v 11111I convenient, mut in perfect c lilnn

lore and Uneiuent hliil.lhiu-, :il".llt si ■I III.i Mime, tllli'.l up fur IM.SI oflli'e nn Which It IK now .-cii|.ieil. I'.nires •

b-r it liljrh KLIU- ol itiliivaii A Hue In'llui Village or Hanvllh-, N. II

Hint's tllsUnt \ mnl \ mile, church I lie iirciiiip.es ; li uiil.'K fi-om Hie

miles from Kvctir. N. II.. an.l. IKiiif-Um Heimt. Wplrn.ti'

-l.ll.l. -...1, 1

m'.l ' ;: „,,l„- -.'ll.ll. y

l,nT_-. ; iilenli -

I'KIHtlCK ft UI.'

'..,,, int,'

,, _ tohrt* a Andover,'liilr ". IK*'-

The Knjrlleli unlveralllea are Krowlne liberal. In IB41 Oxford utterly refu»ed to confer Its honorary d«gree of Doctor of < 'Ivil I-aw on Mr. >fverctt, then tue Amer- ican MlnleUr In England, becaiwc that gentlenian waa understood lo lie a Unita- rian. The University of Cambridge con- ferred the degree, though nut without op- position on the part of tlie ecclealBKllcal authorities, a circumstance which occas- ioned much remark at the time. 1-nst year Oxford conferred on JameflHiiHMell Lowell the dafTM of Doctor of Civil I,aw, and thin year Caml>rlttf(e makctt hot h l.owcii and Robert C. Wlnlhrop Dootora of Law.

K1.0WKKIM) IKI.KH.— A writer on lb U'l.'i --ov-i "Walla iif ■■■ i.1111■ i-.ii'ii'i

along Hie roniKule, and over theni tliini- lier tlic morning glory, tjio prickly ncur, iitnl llie nlglit-bliiomlng ctjfcua. Great beds of gemfllnnw, which mock our hot- hmisea Iu their PIUIUHIOII, grow wild, Hedges of oleander line Ihe roads or bor- der culilvati*d patches uf land, protecting them from tlio high winds which nt limes sweep over Hie Islands. Thirteen varie- ties of It lire round here, ami wlicrcvei you go it |H one mass of pluk and white blossoms. The laiitann also grow* wild along all the hedge,*. The panlofl flower peeps out from its covert of green tenres, creeping up Ihe branches of lull trees. The profusion of flowers is wonderful, and ouo caii always haven ttoUQ.net for the gathering. About Christmas the roses, mamilllcent In size ami of great vn- rlciy, are In nil their glory'

—The Garden Street M. It. Church in this city will hold no afternoon preaching service during Ibe months of July nud August. "

* —Sheriff II. O. Herrick, nf this city, is In nt. lendaneo this weeh on Ihe etimiticnceiiiont exer- cises of UdVUoln College, his alma mater.

Btainn km Tn.TO!*.—The (lolden Age has the following editorial relative to i In

■-■In r Tilt..n affair: rijiin'iiili church has adopted a policy

of silence. It baa seen the cunning tissue of init,representation and insinuation wo- ven for the Iniury of one man and the pro- teellon of another, swept, away at a single blow, leaving the artilloe exposed to the naked eye, ancl yet in the fcoe of a univer- sal deumnil for explanation It holds Its pence. It saw the characterof one whose good name it was bound to delend from every aspersion brought under grave and terrible stiaplclon.and while millions In an agony of sympathy for him entreat It to open its lips and speak one assuring word It persistently holds ita tongue. The fact speaks In trumpet tones. The American people asked for one word iu behalf of a iiutii they revered and loved more than any other. One single syllable of assurance from lips that have moved millions and have a witchery of persuasiveness pos- sessed hy no other on earth, would have aatlsllcd them. There was » splendid oc- cnslon and there stood the man to (III It with a voice which would have gone like England's drum-beat round the world; they listened In deathly stillness, and were

nic.l to a silence thnt was almost andl *. The lad admits of otic construction ly, nnd whoever thinks draws the Inov

Itnble conclusion. There Is a silence nion oppressive and ominous than that death: lho Amerlemi penph what that silence means.

1 it,,., 1TC-SMT.KS AND 8UMMl.lt

_ Hoarders. The V v I' I JVnlc «.,,,„„ atHelem, N. II., are now rea.1) for tease to p. ulii parties. The* at* the, Is-st et^lppeil ami

t conveniently reaelieil pic.nle irouii.l™ iu vieinilv Of UN) city. Ikiwliv alleye, m ce s. IIHOIII hall, swlags. < r<s|aet groiiads, etc. few suinraar boarrlers are sum..I m the

.ill na; house an the Kromul, tin. <■ mluiitt'- •rnlk fioui Ilia atallon where all regular (rain Stop. W. II.NMlTirft KON>.


NOTIOaL MV WIKR, AlVaUXA W Crockett, having left my Issl and I wan I u ill,

out Just cause, I In-rrtiT K've nuUna that I ,.|,.ii henceforth |>ay no ,leln> of her contraetina,

A. U.CBIN:KVTI-. July 7,1ST4. JOiitif

treat hie.



wiirri'onn & RICE,

iHMIf S«K RKHKT .ril.IT.


Merriam's Golden Drops

lures Hutnmei I liiNcntery. 1 :|. ,l I', II.- un.l I

i'.mi!,flint, aiHi the v OIIUIIII.UK. -Vouinl at nicer) Stores in I .nun



A Fine Lot and Ground

BEST PRINTS Cent**, Ion* til hi truth.

While Tucked Skirls, al 92.

worth 1.55. - isi" HINiiitiii |.II/I:>


in,, DOXRN

Colored Skirts, at 50

and 75 Cents.

A Job in Lace Shawls, at 50, UI $l

LACE SHAWLS at 50 Cts.,

worth $2.

WOOLEN SH»WLS.or$1.H5 mrlh 11.75. un ranHo

White Barege Shawls

at $1, worth $2. A I. ii gain in




All Hsrltttl Dsjwa.

HoHiery. Oorants, Glovan iui<l

Domestic Gooda,


Choice and Desirable; .1* !-*•• Tkaat Uats UalfTkclr Val«..

A W. STEARNS & CO., h ■■■■ M...;,.: n .cii-f.. .


CHIN SHAWLS. nl„niil.,'.uU Bf l,„-ir

Spring and

Summer O-OODS Of Hvory Description,


TSR rACKAiib:.

in order U> cliwe the iiatne.

IVchmciiiNtolieiii'.|iirullli.ie or our IM-H| make

Black Silks, nt c\ li i-iii. li |..„ iiri.-Cf.

»!■.., a lull t.. u, nl of

Black Hernani's Opening .it Very (irtiiii atovgninn.


Neck Wear and Ties I'.IK I.AOIKH.

Havo h.,en Marked Very 01„.;ip

Ladies' Unfter Garments.



failure Trimmings ot all Kinds.

We lime made very I.ow PraM* tin nil of our


Fur Men and lt.,y ..

Al... HlllRlT-

Extr.i Bargains on all of our WOOLEN AND PAINTED CARPETS.

KlIMWK asil Itl.l At III 11

coTToasrs, and LINEN TOWELS,

Table Covering, etc, etc.





I.AWKI.N. ■!•:. . I.I 0H ^aVIoi.




WK WIll'Ml ItKSVECTKULLV AN- MlUMK to the imlilic tlmt their |<ulr<maf:i'

liiiu'o hU'inlllr lliereaneil K* to reliiler It lieee Miry tor ni> to lake the <,notion ol IliiiiKiiij: Pa |ier miller our iiiininliiitc control. We are |ir, |IH1T.| lo uti'MTliitcii'l iin.l Cicutr au> Work In Hint line, I mm Ihe mo.l elnlHirale ileeoralloa- ilown. Work iiroiii|illy iveclileit anil atJalar il.io irimriiiileeil. WIHTFoItli A Ult.'K.

•urloVlf 9011 Kasrt sircet.






I'lllll'l, l'..T R


lib iilnm- I ,v.II. ■! :LI


Conimerelal Traeelen who apUtitt < i:iiril, CabiloKUe, Tmile 1.1-t, Samiiln or other '-iM'.-niii II, il .1 Uu. .■ uho Ti.tt n>.-p. customer* ■nil solicit trail.- hy pure Hanoi ma-te ill reel from Htoi-k, mnl who travel in any wi'tlon, by tail or tmltt, i.elliiiKnuv i'ln«- of IOMHIH, nrc re.,ne^Ur.1 i- -ciiiillielrllii-liienn mnl I'rivalu Aililroo,, aa he low, fUttinir el-inn. of KOIHIH they it'll, ami h.v

■|"iii liliiyi-il; ulnoUioi-c who are at iirea.nl iler no enKBKCineiil. Thin mutter In ut great |mrUm-e imliviiliialK to Milc-mcn nt lliin elds*, men holicilliiu: Lra<|e In llli- m.-iuner. It 1*

tlii*riilon*i>S|ierlnlly ilesirisl Unit Hi la noliie m ai<*el the eye of all Liuumercial Traveli>r* a Hulesmen In Ililn erninlry, un.l thnt Ihev will ...

'" "Irelr atleiilioii. TIMMC who" cimi|ily ,,,|i,, r MIII in* CetrntiaNTiiLLV

mil) uilvUiHl or ol.|c:t in riew. ■e**, (liy letter only*. I'<i fiPMUTKiV, II. I*, ltowelt.it !..,,. Ill*„rk lt„w,.,

Mew York .it)-. inly fill m


X, (W. To Ihe llimnrehlnWnirrtnrt'nwnlrf'nmMlMlawuM

fur tin- (Joiinly nl K»»u\ : lle-|»ctftill) n-|.ri -I'lil^llie iin.|eri.|irneil that llli*

|.nl.Il<- eonfiiulence rei|iilii,H the ivi.leniiiu iirnl Ktrniiilih-nhiif or I'nMim-l Hreet in UIUIOMIIOI Metliucii lieln-cen (In- li..n-..,,i Wii-MiiKlon Utrrill mnl tlic IIOIIM'OI llc/lkuih (hfi.lwlck.

\\ herefnre your iielitloners n «1HHU"IF1IV Mi|iie-l Uuil),>u will liirihwilh view llin ] .reininc, ami hiLc Kiiilmel in reumd to whleninK *olil riuul :,-., ni nun 11J. IK ■" ■ nt. "lo" "i-'iii iid.i-aMc.

rilANKI.IN HAr.M)Klt»AMll M.'lliii.'ii,.hnii- :o, IMT4.

Lot 100 by 150 Feet. Will lie >mli| Ilium* or iwolnlnnt

lii l-*i CENTS, CA8H in order to CIOM Hie Rstale.

L. P. E. RICHARDS, Essex Street.

Over «-|*rh'a Drsjaj Nlare. innr-icust


ft.i.iiiiti Anut ci


III tlai isititluii .i ,i'l. milerH, Hint -iil-l .itioners (jive notice to nil |>rrwin» un.l eor)>ora- ic. iiitrrectr-l llu-icin, lh.il naU . .uiimnwioriiTi.

I in" I iH tl" I - W;.-liiiifcl,.i, II i. II,

.1 M. Hi ni' II M.ni,|iij,ilictliii,l.iay ul AufUat it. at nine o'elmk, A. M. n i,,,l,)i ■ 1 at

.Irnuy of aahl ]>eilll<wi, ami of this orrWi " rar Art.

/ \I)I) STRKL FORKS FOR t'in.HIM; " "for sale liy tlm Kindle one or rloaim. At John

. Dnw'e.niIroekcry Htore.

AUCTION. The ailloume.1 iale or tlie Hunt HalTerly proi rtl on liroartwaf, will UkiiilaeeiieatThurml.ti nly l^tiatl o'clock li Hi. sttr^nioon, at whir

time ami place the properi; wilt lie »ol.| wilti.n — i".i k'-i the lav, nor the hour, |i

II.—hy iiiiiill'hlnx an . UUon. ami ofthlsor'-

i Hie ■•l.n.wrcncc Aracrlrna" ami "Axlover ,ertiiier".l Woekn j.ueeei.«ively,lhe lnj.| |iulill< iilwm ... I„i |iinrl"cn ilnv. al lea*t liefore the i-nii| tliinl lay ol AiiKam, nn.lBlMu hy am vtiifllieTiiwn Clerk ,f MilliiiniiwlUiallBtteiil.nl eojiy .rf -ai,| Pclill. in,) tin- nnli-r, thirty .lay. at mart, ami ' ilium oil.-I. .1 rojiy thereof In two •niil towns, r.nirtwn ilnys at leant thinl rtavnr Ani.'11-i. nl whli-li tune mnl \,[ull< ... romiiilimiiineri, ivlll |>rocccil to view thu |ireini-e- ..- I ML.' ,i ii -i ii i iii relation lo the I'rnvcr •>

-mill rellllnii, ns hy luw they may Uu auUmrir.e.l I.

A. A. AlllUITT, (,'LKRK. A tn npy «l I'.'liliini un.l Order Uierenn.

AIMM, A. A. AllllOTT, ollQIK. A trite cn|iy ■•! I'etitioii ami tinier ol i loin

t, am) liy uoslinaj Diuililli'iilacviiu a liefore lite salrt



.1., i ..|.|-. 11.- the Uiuiiiiiisof tlie horntinillriia.l, curs k'uvliiK for Lawrence, every illWen miimUw, Wchuveoiieacie ol -|.l.n.|i.l !.iiiil,>ri-iul*il,feiiee,l nn.I miller- a Mich 'UU' ol cultivation, „n which mc • I " niii'li', |n :ir mi.I ilieny treea. uraiH' vine- ami iwwtll rrulu; a Una atalile and flr„l clii-> .Iw-lliaa' hoim.. Thin ci-tal* i- Hie Inmie sU.H'lol Mrs. Ahull kiailinll, centrally ami 1-eiui tifnlly hitiiaU.il, Jn.t a *Urp from llroa.lwnv : U- excclh-nl rallroail lailliilen, nUrUnH for I JIM rrm-f every nfU-cli ininni,--. It a as tlie Ihr Into Kiinliall lileaaoii, Kta-. An a-'cr nf exrellenl land In omi M|iiam, IIIKII aoeiiery, nlii-nl from nolMi mnl iln-t, evci-MliiiiK iilniiit xiiirKfnlJv- of home with all iu- - nuiloiia. House mnl htnliie hnill ill tlic IHIMI Uuinniirli manner, nml tn iierfei I conilitloii. Jn p-liort, nne ol ihe |H-i -Itiisilons In Mellmeli. «|il.-mll.| wlmol u.lvnntnKCn; four ■ I In--, mnl i, llirivinu Im-o".-- rommunily Ti'i in- III- v.iiinl lirin- IOH. A.i.lrens

Hllii|ii; I : I 'I'll :. * I i ... r Ijiwrencc, Mann.

j » nn; HANfJlNCS.

50,000 ROLLS

sn^iisrca-1874 Our stock was nev«r BO com-

plete before. Conetstinfr of Stamp- ed Golds, Embossed and Plain

Bronzes, Fine On-mids and Em-

bossed Damask Papers, Satins,

White and Brown Blanks, Mould- in-? Decorations, Borders of all

Varieties, Shades and Shade Fix- tures. Don't forget tho plane. Our




r'or l.itilien, ilmtlei


Deaf , on hand al lha lime 1'ATItlCKSWKRNKY, I R iliomi.coNWAv, i it

Lawrence, July u, is;i. rpABLE CUTLKUY

. 1 rtrooy, Bone, Hard Kul kDDW ""O'llea, IHntnjr, Mmlium h""w ami 1'latert i-.irfn |o mat. li 1 Crockery and uia«a Ware I

'.iiUir-KiflhaKaliil, lugtl KnlTorty.

in K IN' I

N HOSKWOlill, er, ivory and Mm.-.i l"l l'*-.l Hit<-», Nt,, I ALIOHNC-IMUt'.-.

Lirr, lira Esses street



R";,'"v Al.

32 to 38 NORTH STREET.

Win ni you visit Bonton, linwtanHlllweli



Black Alpacas anil Brilliaiiliuix ihrr lllslntt nun Tlininl of nrininntlnes K real ^lo>fiiclion : M C hit itccxiuiilmilhin ol Ho

Oiir^tmlilyr.TctK.,!. n

V.-f.ol < lent in t)imlily run1« '• »I«J

tin- r-.. I. ..| .|H i-...„|. in WWBplato Ui I-VI cnnrliiiciil, ,,.ii-i,iiox ol nil Uni novellie-

IJIt.tV, MIXKll, AM. I'l.AI v <:oi>i)N.

Went fTcrn Hue line of

Malta and Yak Laces, PLAIN AND RIBED.

Cut Gloss Beads to Bead Lacos.

WOOLLE1TS I oi Ml I lei*' «nl tin) N IVcar.

L O ^W . G-. D. Armstrong,

289 ESSEXSTREET limy Hit


HIIIml ami I HI MI.IIIB« I ii.l. ■ la klou Muslnaaa,

n<l<>r tlm Urm MM* -I A. W. Ilomlrlcli A Iii, oiihl n»|Hi-Hiill> inf-iim tlw ciilicn* nl l^iw

ami Uluruc :■"'•! ton -nl of eii-rUhniK nn-llol In


HAMMOCKS IIVllisll.i]eort:ilU[.|Mi1.

BATHING! SLITS, , nn.no ami .tii.im.


ft Huru- Mini Sb-.im f* M Basel dry Blare, n, only aamtt m th^alion- friTitilHi' I.li

Ni|. ■ For l.awrence, Hi'thnen ami . Ki-eal MMliiclion aa h recently lie.-ii i urine ot vaniiafie M Ihe Ciinnnlem.

Ill- iiaenl of the Cnliinl |l-. l"»H M-niOTCl hi* ..111. i n.-t, I-I '■' . I hi llunl'"

i. atatM oi j ,,, ■-

■all at "Oak Hull." Iniii'l'i. *IH|'I


Stevens Bros.


Boots and Shoes,

No. 123 Essex Street, Lawrence

iliiiu nrar.i:ini Sfrttl, V...I......

Til I It T ^' I) A 'i' s

II Kll A ,; ll I. KS N Ol-' COST.


Come early and secure the beat bnrjaiiis. Itanlrl Nlr*r*ii. Ihn , e. Sltriein.

111 AMIillM.AIN'S c

t I Sill and tl oak Urssl

A. W.<«MilUtt( II

H) HoMrSir mil I lin SI

Cholera. Dysentery & Diarrhtra. Il..»l fall In K'l It 1 »nl> »0 rrnla.

t»-rh nee lin- fully - .Ul.li.ln-.' >.,hlii nf Ihi. jiiei.,-.

II . ... . ~ i n.ioo I..II.. ll rim thaler*- 1 i.i. nl OM.. II tarn lliimil. In, ..i.t, ,> . ,.-i|,«irtilit ( I...1. ,-. !,...■.. •ll.....ly n»NM*r*i li ■ •■•.. « t...i, n M*I !>■«. is rnrr> all Hiisirl i i > ■ x l»l ". II rwrra ■ I "■ I>- . It rstrra lly-prncla. I..,.,.. I il IK ml Ion.





I t'fi.

li.ii :i

■1 t.

ro alrt;


Hhi' no -out. v-1 : 1:1.; painl

llJUUOd UD CVIT) leal.il. ,

All null,I cue-.- \ |ioor lallen ereal tin-.

£»■ no rml 'flierr .he aland,

S.< i>iif>i<ihi>tnit ooiir luii, Simrc kejii wide; lire.. ai.uk,

W'tMUOU MCMOd lu lent lu-.

Carriage croaked, ilor.f. da.hf.1.

Tlifri'win. wil.lroiuit.K-, People eried, Terrlllf.1

At th.- mad liilrii-inn.

'Mia the rmw.l. .Shrieking lorn.

In n voice »r Uirr.tr, A lllotllfr wil.i. A llUk'rhll.1

Lot by MNM ttrangi i i ro

Ah- twaa there! ll* head Imri-

ilidtln.... wlurlliiir !■■>,,-. lU llll' >!i i i I, 'S.i.l I, II,.- |. . I

"i Hi,- maddened borar*.

Thninthnll h.:n,l, Ko uae •tlrred,

fleam would I..-tin- iv inn.

'Tun. Ihe painted -.1 i I

u.il.-ker ihen Tl.illl (III' IM II

Could nil i.i hnlniK .Lin,'. MM- ri-lii-,1 hi-rhli-, •ilcl Uwtalriflr,

To urea little atrangcr. An.l 1 Inonjrhl A-1 caught

A KIIIKK-I- nflii-r link' f.-utt 'Midllif alitln- •lill i.-m:

"*' IflHHl 111 lIll'HI- |ic -|

I*. V. Ki-ei


If thin.- enemy wrong il , buy rhlldrra n Ji<i whittle.


HI,.,, flK Mil pill left hint*—Hive il up?

Who J- ilu' lasiral man!—The lurniliire dcal- IT. be keen* ohalra anil lounjtca aimui nil I lit lime,

What ll tlial width evory one ran divide,tiul

DOOM ran lee where It ban Iwen divided!— Water.

wh ■ the mo»t uiisnelalile. tlmi;.'. in

wortdI—ttlle-stuuea. You never *ee two of them together.

A Tout.—Woman: the liut nnd heat of the ■eric*. If we may have her for a toast, vre won't afk lur ntiy bnt-ber.

A lorauconlat, with commendable innkncti, advertises, "I ihall omltnoe to keep on hand imported rlgnn of my own manufacture.

One for the Crow.—Natarallali claim fur the crow Hint it Is one of the bravest ->i I .iron, |„-. ranee it never -.hows the white feather.

W> cannot fad room for the aooRbcnt-ui, hcitlnnltiK, "Kill up with Wine your Ihijwlnji bowel*." The ipcllinj'Isnoicornel.-i.< ■f,a,i,/l.

A gentleman on preaentlnft .1 laeg iiiilar to hi* adored one anfd, ntreftllly, "Ho not let any one else rumple li." "No. dear." ibe replied; "I'll taken off."

A peddler rolling on an ok] lady in tllspoae o( mail' pawl-, Inipilreil of her il nbe eouhl tell him of any road on which no peddler bad irav. clcd. "Yea," replied she,"I knowof oiuvand Ibnfii the road to heaven."

Canine Ragaelty.—A gentlemen ban a dog that will not permit him to enter t ho houae ii bla wlftj |« out of temper, The animal roreaeea n

"time" between hi* master nn.l lelstrcas, and oato/eon*idcmtlon for the latter, prevent* his entrance.

A school-hoy'* toothache generally liegini n: eight A.M., nachea lu b'gheel altitude nt n quarter to nine. wbeH the pain is Intense to nn extraordinary degree; begin* loautuidu at nlrn; and alter that ulaappeara with a celeilty that muit lie very comfortable lothe sufferer. If at nlaht that boy hasn't (jot four quarts of Mut- ants spread out to dry »P »tairn. It is became there I* no place up ilalfl to d„ n.

I'oetry is apolled tonetlmei by the addition of a Rinirlc word. A young 'ndy,ar!er listening to her iovcr'* rhapsodic description nf the sut. Iing«un, exclaimed:—

"Ob, AiphotiMo! Atphotiso! what ;> MMII you have for nit; yon wete meant l..r a prcot painter!"

Her Tather, unexpectedly close behind, added, "and glailcr!".

A tail Westerner, Mandlngiix feet three Inch e* in bl* Mocking*, wan auddenly attacked with aymptom* of a ievor. Hating n violent pain lu hi* beat), bit wife, to aiTor.l him relief, wait about to apply draught* to bl* feel, when he asked, •

"What nre yon putting them on my feel for ■" "Why," *ahi ibe, "to ny mid draw ibe pain

out of yunr head."

"The douce!" laid he. "I would rather It would ii.iv where ll Is than lie drawn the whole lungth of me."

M. Theodore de Hanvllle i, credited with a very happy retort by the Vhariwi, it ap- pear! that he win being bored the other even- ing at a pariy by mi Individual who asked him all aort« of foolish queatlona.

"Can you lull me, Sir," *ald this penon, -bow verses are made, for 1 confess I luuo new been able to underaiaud r"

"Really V

"lleallr. Von lake lines of unequal length, j you put rhyme at the end, and talent in*iik uf them."

Four ituitera <if thclateThoiua* Duulium or New York, HYIUK at Martini's Vineyard, yt;t «U'0;000 each from bla estate.

The Springfield Republican thinks nut ler never i-otil.l ntntul such a red rat; can- dldaU-na Qeo. K. Hoar ftW (lov.rnor.

John Browne ttoi,' story, "Bab ami Ili.s FrlttBde,''nl#bt appropriately be repro- duced now under the title or Kab-ld, and bl* foes How Is that Tor lly-tlropbo- bltt?

CbteagO papenitate that their lake tun- nel differs are continually striking aul- phur springe. And y»-t the reckless Im- piety t>r the Chlcagonua coutlnuea una- baledly.

Jerry llaruier, of Springfield, O., swal- h i wet I a sponge. Five doctors, armed with the destructive engines of their trtttle, hcscigctl him for Tour hours, until be dually yielded, am) threw up the •ponge.

The Ilos-tiui ■Ileralil'says dfEx-Oover- nor jewoll's appDlutment ns routmaster- Ocucral: Tho President tlnally found a man for Poattnaster-Geoeral In St. Peters- burg. Me i-oiilil nut very Well luive gone further, but he might have fared worse.

Mr. Nathaniel Savory, who lately tiled "Governor" of recle bland, In the htedfic, was a native of Georgetown, luihhcouii- ly, Mm uf Mr. Benjamin Savory of that place, ami brother of Mr. Benjamin Savory of Salem and Hubert Savory, oftlarerbUL (ion. Hanks proposes to become ft lecturer

by profession, His great success hist year was very gratifying, as it is seldom thai statesmen succeed on;C)ie platform, lie is preparing new lectures on "Amerl- tan Volunteer Sohllors," "Illue Stock- ings." "What a Han owes to the Town lie lives In," and on"The Princes of Diplo- macy1'— favour, Gortschakoff, Caatollar MjnlTbicrs.

Dartmouth College bestowed a graceful compliment on otic ol the distinguished sous of New Hampshire, in conferring nn honorary degree on Vice-president Wil- son, lu enrolling hlmamongberadopted sons, says the Boston TVaaarr/pl, ami re- incmbcnng that he bad honored bis native stale without the advantages of academic culture, the college might uotlnn|'tlv sav of him, as the French Academy aald (if Maltese, "We were not wanting to his mine, but he wns wanting to ours."

'I The late Stephen Whitney, tin- New I York millionaire, was very shrewd and

pit- economical. When honrillm.' at the Belli- usl House at Lake Hahopac, be used to delight in giving his grandchildren practi- cal lessons In the ftlmirs or lire. He took one t>l the boys who had bought an expen- sive llslilug rod out mi the thick where u number of coutll ry bids with hickory poles were pulling the,fish out very lively. The boy. however, fulled ill ctttclilng even n bullhead, and the obi man gave him a les- son from the circumstance, showing that those who achieve success in life am not always those blessed with the most ad-

i* / kLD BOSTON BKKWKKY," w K,t-bn.ii<-<i iaao.

ISAAC COOK & CO.. Ilrewor* and Mabtlcrs,

l.lll'ol' 99 (K.VTIHI. Kl., BOSTON.

STOCK AI.K, n«rwcd under MeUIHHIt'K'S I'ATKNT, lit IIIHIH., llbU., Hull- and Ktjcr, iilno in t|uarl mid Pint ItuUle*. I**i ii. nUt NLleiili.ni i- KIVI-II UI film- ilviinhTP, |Or wb.'in »i- man u far lure a sii|ierlur ariiele. Unlera by ui*il iirtnupUr atlemled to. Tin- diu-nli .I niv.ili.l- i- e-iKS-ially eallnl t.. the following cciliU'.ile fr.mi lh<> M*sn Stale As payer: ''' uu,- Street, il.. t-.:. MM*r». li-aai- Cook A Co.

I have analyzed ami intei-ti^utft n die

.. _. aeterilealinn and BHialil) wlueh ea- i*l m wurt a* it COIIIHH iruui Ibu mnll ami li"i». ami MI.II Ii I* not n i'-li, are removeil by ih, ■ liroe.eM. If Ihf wort ll PSMSd tkrouab this ■!'- imrani- wls-n hot, all Uw valuable manUtuenu are hcU up ID clear xduliun and am nut riuiuved hy lb* tllter. whila (ha impitritic*. wlileb are <-oa gulaleil hy boiling, are eoupklely >«parate.t and i.-in..N ..I. Iii--|.f. thill \,

8. DANA HAVER, State A«*ayer Uheiuul lur Mai.achiiHeUj.

Junes: [ I m i>li

ION \fORE THAN A HALF MILL1 llL Dollara li> Tvru Vrari.

Broadway Savings Bank. BREOHIN BLOCK


IteecJTetl Its Srit ilri»i»n Hay 11, ISW. S'i'ATKMKN'l' .NIAV "ttMli, 1H",4.

niiiil.liil.a. i:I tui no.s. " Morlsase*, SUMMTOU

Notes, *i.saot* r.:ilits M>.< i.-. MI^OSH

*-■■■>, ia> M Rank spsu evtry day ... .

Ui I e. M., eiretil HBtunlar, ami »n 'I'ln.r ,l..v and sj.liir.Iny rvi-n!nit« from ■ to V, fur recelTUk dr- Kiiiits nnlv. III-JJOFIIH t'laerd on InU-rt-ht irom

.- il.-t day uf earb immlh. IMvlib'tid^ «t the ni-l carniiiK* mad.i twin' each year.

JOHN FAI.I.ON, Pre-idint. JOHN I.. HltKWsTKIt.Treasurer. HJelitf


thing. W«li ' j''"««i*t Sf'm.ili .nt in lh« luck ind

I.,I,:,. Flj.l:,,^ . 1 I'-,- I: .1.. H.uik. t ll .,i . n I),. In,, p,UiJ C>4ipHii«ice, ■ Ijmllwla nllht Nrttcn. nr. lIUN-r'-t I UlHIUV hj, Is.-n l,|-..,e ,|„ , .,„ |„ I fur BOX thin Imin ytmj u.l hii IbMaeMMHttfMriMftwAj Sail

KlS*W«.t CLA'KKLJ'III!;"!"; IWrtdSitt^LlI

Family 3««7ino;Maohinee on Earth rPEM PERCENT. NET.


hcuiualii m |Ks?ijlUrtiithe flauimation. I


witnu.iTtiv imnitl «'ATi:it. History, repuiiilmti inid .■■ itui. .-it,-- «t ,-nre- --,< tree, nn application. AM;.

MIIDDIiKTOKNl'KIIVtJlH l .... Ml.I.II. fin It in l,ii,l Co., Vt

■ «». naigai . I i i.nc. IHHMH sf Uic I'l iM!e r.laml, SL.fl, la ik« BUd- •*— Qaanl, tin k T'LVE iinui, md

-■...iMiiirl-^htiiSriaalS ■ —I imlh-tu i ,..ul.«i.mm «"■■■: 1 -in, it, l,


gpciiiiil Xotitic^. I \R. ROOKRS'

VEGETABLE WORM SYRUP. A l.rnre man may mffer pain wluii inlli.Uil

U|ion liiniM-lr, henieally; but lie

Cannot See His Child Suffer. Thi

that tber malaily, Ineblenl to ehlhlhoml pauled wtlli more indeserllinble ii the little RuOerora than that i-l.-li.-dti.


d when tin-1 nrentiiiTly t naprehi ui- the niliin in he nil! in. dehir a mi neut In •enuring tin Mt prompt a d eflliient ei lies In insure tin pubdi.ri ..I II .' Intruders. This rt int-ily may l«.

Tin- --I'll-Wall-.] world renowned

I'lit >|tR NC K M AC 11 IN I'.S

To tit< Kui-ii nwar at Die


Or P. t\. HOKINNOE*.

S*l Eaiai Btraat.

11-UII.,: ,.,-, ii :ii.- I,-, i|,i,-.ii ..r ii large, *ueee*a- lul and ilrsli-las* trails i i the good |ieopie ot l.awri-iii-ii, Mi-lbiieii, AndnTer, and adjuininir towns, during the last lltti-eii year*. In ai'ktiowi. eilgeuient nf tlui aame, I liervby nteiiil tuj sin- re rr RTalitude fur all |i»st lavors and ajteeotUufty lilsrrul iiatnmagti. As a further eiprenaioti ol tliankn, 1 kball


tin ,- a ti.k.-t t., eae.heuftlomer,




1 shall K< vr ■ w»> 400 Tlakata on » » MK. Mat-hlHr, -it.l SOO •■ a $T» Ma, IIIB..

And In that proportion nn the different styles. The prize* will boawarded to the lucky ntiuilier a* *ooa as die tlekrts are given awny.


la to ,in.-ii

-II known to rmpiir* any e«|>lanalion of mine lu reirarit In ipialilv. I sliall, as heretofore, keep a well seleeteil


I'lc-; I II.ri Rooaas' WOIIM si ui i i ■ the reliableprsparai ItooRRa' Wbaa Siui'rlan palatable itreaaral Itooaaa'WORM Sraieia liked bychlklren. KfOKM'WnXHfllRl'rpoalUvelyile>itroyawoi Km.Mis' Woitu Si lire leaves no had etTrels.

UnoRKB1 \V Oil by pb>.lei;i

I'P 1 iliul.ly

Worm Uedh-lne in the w I'ri.-e li eent-. Kor mla hy all ill uggi^t,.

JOHN y. IIKNItV ClltRAN A Co., I'rnprleti.r * ami Ii College Ptaec, New Vork.

July 101 In

WHAT EVER? FOURTH PERSON NKKDS. Is some i-iiint nt. agreealilc

ami prompt leuie.h* ii.r lUl.ilunl Costlveiieiia. "I would lull !-i- till l!i...-i' Mini are Iroulilen with Hvsjiepsla, CiMllvi-nrsH. I'll.-.,, IIIIIIIIIMIIUS*, Hrail- m-hc, or any I'urui ..f iii.liKi-.iii.n, u, n,c lm. HAH- mstis'a 1'itiiisi ii.itc I.o/(to,Kits." -Klisha Huu- liugl..ii, M. I'-.ei Lieutenant (iiiTenor of Massa.

' - i-tt*. Tiny are peasant lo the taste, and i ie.|itui' in. n-a-e of .lose lo |.i-rfrit a irtire.

Trlallm*,*] ct*. I.nrga bo*, ouci*., malleil rre* i thin price.

I>K. IIAJtlUSON'8ICELAND H.M.SAJI, .pleu.lii|iurelort:.ni«li-, Huaraeneas, ami all in.tit tin.I l.itiiK ,-mupliilnts. »'i.r „r,|,. i.y K. S. AKiimns A to, Prm„iel..rs, N... | Tremont ■iii|,l.-, Il.i-l.in, tin,I l.y all ilniKgl-ts.


I \l(. SCIIKNCK'S I'L'LMONICSYRUP, 1 's. „ u ,., ,. | „,,;, ,„,,,i ,| ,k, ,.nu

, probably contain opium Which I. n II-, and ii It must .in

FIRMT-trr.AM LINK OF limn.*.




i|7|«ti UU1 K Btr



For Invtnliom. Tnd* Mark*, Or Otlignt, T« atala St., oppn.lt* Hlll.y HI., Ilo.lon, alVr an BXtenatre praf-tleenf upwanls of thlrly {ears, rontinuf* to Ms-uro I'ati-iits In tin- I'niUsl

laU«; alao in Great llriuin, kVan.s-, ami ollitr roretxil eiiuntrie*. Caveata, SIMS-iftVutiiins, Assipi- in,-nt:., n.n.1 all pa|HTs fur raleiils, oxts-uted on reaaonablu tennn, with ilispautli. Ki'sean'tifs made to dirtcrniina the valiilily ami utility uf FaleliU Ot Invention*, ami U-prnl anil other advice rendered in all n)atUTS ti.nrliinjr the name. Copies of the claim* of any Patent rniiii-hi-.t liv rfiuiiltiiK mir dollar. A**i|iimonU rccordnl in Washinrjrtim.

S«rNa AKincy In the Uuitol Stale* posses*e* ■uperlor lacllitle* far obtainlntt I'alcnU m- am-t-r- lalnlna tlie pateiitaliillly uf Inveiitltr

-' rm-ytoWasL w. isual H11 nt iii-i.i v there, ai

K8TIMOMAI.8. Eddy a

pnu-titi bad olHi-lal Intercourae.

CHAUl.ES UAWIN, Couimls'r of Patents. " 1 hare no hesitation In assuring inn-ntors Urn

they i-anuol employ a aiaa ai.-rr eomprttiit an, truittnirihy, ami mure lapable ■•(putllnK their ai plii-atlons In a form to ns-ure fur lliein aa eat I .-ml i. ii.. i .il. 1.- i-iin-iili rtttiiui si tin- I'nU'iil tlJHi-o. '

KDMIINII IIUItKK, LateCmu'ror I'alenta. "Mr. K.H.BUD1 hasaiailorormeoverTINKTy

>t|-|ilii-au<uiH fur l'atents, bavlnx la-en laesesaful in almost crcry eaae. Hn.h uitnilstakahlc proof of trreal talent ami ability on his part, I.--1 —

■ml au, invt-ntor* to apply to liim Ir patent*, as iliev nay lw aure of haying faitlifUl aU4-ntiun beatowcil onUielr eaaes

■ry reasonable


The Iowa Loan and Trust Ci De* Moinei, Iowa,

IKM-IIK-I .Minli.-t,-



„„.,. The New Florence. PRICK, trait balowj »uv uili.-r ilrs -rlaaa VAIil'K, «ao nt.o.. ) geH inn Uaehlne.

Saved, S50 by Buying the Florence.

■very HacMae irnrranieil. t-tieelal lm-*na i rlulid mid ib-iilels. Send lor elirulai> to Hie

Florence S. M. Co., Florence, Mass, or TTS lVii'lilok-too Mt., Ito* In it.



peedlna all the Alrtaovi

rr«t. Sumplcs by ent iu.ltiefineiils tii C. B. KINSKV, UtBuiunier Street,


w Bngl



i fiENTS WANTED IN KVKHYTOWN /il M-II Toilet iii-nl, soap at_*f..V! frr 111

»*|>8YCH0MANCY '1 ISO." Hnwefttici



■H'niiiir.-t.M, I-.-, H,.--| l.,,n ura. 1,- to Ladl.-s, A iineer I k. |MMN<U IT. HII. 1,1AM A Lu. p,ti,ii-i,,.r-,

tltimlniki. I'lll-.iii.jtK-. ■mil- in Hii- way, III* uii .■rlillini-illivful I'liliii.iu



Tbr.-t * In r

I III of Mil-

in -I'll.

il IIII.I ■oilijeet. Tin- llisl Is Lhnt nil whii-h hti- y.-L iippi .ind in ie«ur.l to it |, futieeivuldy '\|ilieiilile In uurh n iii:iiiut-r as tn pn-M-rvi- Mi. Iteei-her'a fhrhtinti Intej-rily; the

I. that lie should In- allowed all res- uahle ileslr

i' us i Hi i-ih- I! |ir<tseiitliiK Hiir nay ihluk ill t the ■■■lit of muli

laetillal thai Mr in-e, ninl ilel'.-inl I It V uf bis MiiITi ixeet-.linijlv |o

innii-nititlile in «an luive, tin- rljrlit In A RE VOU TROUBLED

. 1 mil, ltrauoi.aU, i,,. 11 u („». si I,.at Inn. Ill || ,«., Hradarha aurl i .... .>■ t ,.;,, in,. ; There la A anfr and ■ nre rrina.it>, >ll>Si:M I) I III F.'S l:\TIIA4 T »t \ i t.i ;T I i n. v

wmwoods. i . , nn. ,i

A flH-JirY I'll CKII l\ INK > HIMIIK I.H.IM MI ui -Tin ,-,,i uf Hie Mttn.-hi-st.-i N || \|||

Last -prin-'ti'/i-tilon-. Meriln ty Dim...

ill. il.-.l letle |i


•>- the lira! pli>.l.lao. aa ■il.li.;-. 11.| u.l >., ■),, ■ „, ....

. i ill . I.. I,.11. III..,,,) Liver Invltioralur, lirlntr a KBtlvr nrtilril liy old and irr. J.undlrr, frvrr a.,H

, itln i...u.l laui. ■ lllaor-


I IE yot'll OWN I'llVHICIAN.

ai Me


Journal, net liny, forth t CUtclllllS, the Ij.-pu'll tInventor, IriaH-ml ..l'h. iu^the lltH-rnl imlille spii-it.-d citizen h.-im.i i,,-,-,, ,, seuteii In lie, wns really a t'tuse ilsie.l |.iirs|in..iii,iiis nlKKanl, and loi-k In ajlhls luveatmenta.

This Dt'in.u i-tii is n.iiv ti liaiiui'r mi slioiil tin- laOKltdainiv. Kv. ry tin) ilmU him here liHiltltlR uller I In- iulereata i>r liiuis.-ir nml IVi.'iuls, I,ui he ilim't stay here iilttliia; i.clliVi-.l.m.-hey,, ]„,„,... Inn every »lKht he K.iea In I lie County Klirill, tile rii.-dnui uf which has for some reason l.e.-n Krunt- .■dhi.ii. nets his s:ipjn-r. tints hiuis.-ii'..wav In n littl.-l><-.1, takes an early lireakfiist, nil at the ...nnly's ex,.e , and then return* bright and early to Hie I'tipli..].

..r.-Mrttvaiieiiee Is surely worlliy ..l"s;i.-'e. lal im-iitlon, ami we cheerAilly .In <iur ahutt- towards irlviiijj It till the tiiihiriely It deseivcM. AH a Committee of one ..It It.-trem-hiuelit ami Uofnriii. We iud-je this cllU|i tn In- WltlliMH aile<|u:tl.

An i-ld.-rly person orTarrytown, iitiui.ii Navuns, walked In his .1,,-,,, ||,,- uih.-r llflfht, .110 leel on a atrip nf WIHMI S in.ll.-.s will.-, the ridge ora grapearlmr, luil then- his iirilliaiit nelili-v.-ui'iil t h.-.-.l. In- Ml .,» at I he rml Inl.. I lie ei«le>rii, rtiiere lie was I i'l ll|' In III* neck In Wilier, mid i|illle lllduippj

1 n.it .tlie. I.'.iin.. |,,|l„. ll. n^

U y llSer from i-.wliVf s....r sttnnach, In.lliceathin, ilcrangi ntm Hie system; b wlli relieve y

<-.iy in tlie .1,1.111,, ■ ,ii,.,i, Ai-

.. ll, syateni, that wll| Itti-m .,r OiHoua ri'tmndiiriuK tin-

I\ESSOM'TION OK CO-PARTNER- /ship, The Ci>-|>artuer*blt

iiiK I., in....ii uf Kdwar.1* ASlarliell. Is ll

I lie to-in lhl*i|av.lishulv-

imitunl .uiiHt-iil. Alt liills mid diuuaiids due tin- ].,ii- in in are Ui i* paid to John I'M wards,-in. I all d anils nttainsi nal.t tlnu paid hy lilm.

JOHN l-.HWAiil.-. , .MMh.-MAI HHI. |

Witness, W. MMii.ll.K, l.awrenre, June .Mil ItCt

The ImiliiPs* of the laU> Arm will Ii ctinicl on Ihr old stand aa heretofore.

JOHN iMV \IHi-. )UB«St1lM


I Coiners' Building, 163 Central St..

i o.v in . MAB*.

Maiiiifn.iiire Milk nml In™ Cy Under*, Cnue her an. 1 llnisl Hull- for J*.i(..-r Mn.'hiimry, Colur and DM- Ki-ttles. Siwla Knuutaiiis and An|iariitus,Mill W'.i.k ui nil .|.'-.i-i iliti'iii-, 1111,1 Mi-Ill.:.It ,..,l..'l Work. Cui.iM-r.Work tur lln-w.-i. and llislill.-r^. I'll MIIINO for Hwelllngs, Him,.., 4e. l'a|n'r Mill-. Tiiiineiies, Ac., fltted ui. un ttm most r.-u su.i.U* tern...

lui in II. w ti.anK. aimim* JOHN 0. WILSON

WANTED. Immediately two good smart aellre imini men, iiabt and healthy

S ' Amerlran," l.nwi

nl in tin- eity, KIHKI pav KuaranU-ed. witf- -'-

til, IHT1.


ilaUuae orRri

L*OU MOTH PATCHES, KIIECKI.E8 r nnd Tun, aak » - UniwfM U.t IVrry'n Umh

BOSTON AND MAINE RAILROAD, siiinim-r A i-s i'ni. in. ut.

,.*;:,,;:;:;';r,iK h IX-|>ol)Iatc..M,:..io, p..u tMf, M..(Sn,ldaj)a*.u.

-tun drum .South Demit), al ri.jT, 7..*!, i., .in,i IJ.la;i3..ul(aiprssal 1JHI.SJS, ;.III

itliindllVom .tniith Iiepot), at Ji.n:, (I-I.J, ft, H..U i*. a. lira-flown and Newlmryporl (from .loiilh t *.Jfl *. U.; I,u6, 4.3U, |[.,Vi I'. H. iii-rlnll (iron south Deuol), at H.-JS and ; and li*i, i.tki, H>i.Mi p. M. i and Iron |,"t lit ..'.7 I-. 14. Dover, I.IVI.I I-nil. ami way »tatinim,

■P-.I.JS.W. «. ii . 1.14, I..1U, I1.M e. a. eavr lhi*t»nlor l.awreiien al l.Ht), sis, M.; l: M., :i.;in, ;(. HI, ft, ll, tl.ift ni.d I'. N.

IAMBS T. rillUIUL Supt,

ill Ihi'i-e ely,Ingrain., h . . . raw i I.,., i , Maltina*. Kug*, HaU, t'riimh l.itlis. A.., .,,i.i|iiiflin uiHiiy old ilvlr* •rbleh .' lui. |,i,i.,-.i al three i|uatlei« value loeluse •-ll. nut. M-:w RNUI.ANII ( Altl'KT Wl„ rrninrs.lt,.

HII Hanover slre.l, nearly f.|>,,n.iti- Hie Alueriiau ll.iusr, nnslun. Jnlyli'iHiniiKi.






mr 1«»d f«r Circular. iUU|*tl*


Tho display of PariH nt Witter- iriftn's, 320 Washington Btrnet, 3 doors north of Summer atreet, in- cludes Fans of every color, quality and price.


LOWEST PRICES In, h, .,.,-. An Inntli, HMl ,o rhw.r


■i-J.i WiiHhinjrton sir,.,.| ,lt,.T,,\

TbrM .|.M.r. n.,r,h ... Hum , Mm-I. ItlMWflUlb

/ IU8PAB0RK8, Prlcn, rto, ai. <l.l* V ;i,.-.,,I a, 11. HIS..,..v,,,,.;,, ,j.7i,,, a

„ JOHN r. IH.W 1 ,!„•» I |,r.,. Ir.H t III, Wire „...,,, IW R„F> HUWI.


T AST I'll

An Easy Fortune! Fifth and Last Gift Cpncrrl

PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KY July 31st 1874. ' I.isl of ttillr*.

124*1 I'l-li I NKI I ;i-b I

ID,UU Cash i

rantl Total 9UJ Price of Tickets.

mm (MI 1 .not.,on


Eradicated from the System

Dr. Williams'


Jaundice Bitters. ir ; - iin:in M

Spring Medicine


Tot olforctl to tho Public.

Price 33 Coins Per Bottlo,


\VI,..l,.--il.. OriiuitiMtM,

26 Tremont Rt\, Mmenm Buildinfr,

iiiivrm MAIM.,

General Agents.

Cta. Claric, H.'M, Whitney ii Co

G. E. Ctekcriiis, A. F


Exgelsior Aperient ! !

r,v].iir,., in itrtat.UOnlMMC will, m„.t ti,.,.. nriitulnr, r.<,.raM.n|..fi H,c- rnliinl.lo |.r.i|i..rtii,. of ,1 Iil.i :,,,■,,

I'OIII'.MI A!\SI'ltlM.'S,

ns aapfrtalaed hy n imrelul analjala. Thin ehv itmit |>repnratlon in lu nut mul SUUMMIHOIU

form, «ill ho f.itoi.l invnhuiiiii- in ra*c* tor which It U iT.-i.iiimrnih'il, nml not only aa a racra laxa- livi.', I'1'IIKIVIIIC lleatlni'lit', Niiisen, BlUiottHMM nnii Couktiiiatton, hut aba. in Miinii qaantHuw hy thfii.l.|ili..iiol n Uttle Lemon or tUl.fr Ihiv.imi ■yruii nr iviiler, will make a beautiful, n|inrlli-i, nn.l rvirethtng bctaraav. Tim beantj ami am ftdno.aoirROTIIIMUIIAM'aeX'JRI.SIOII M KLII-.M, lie* In tin- Rn-ttlmtit hohla HiuaaaalU llnir elmi-ni-irr belns ni-t'ertiiincil hy t liouii.'iil analj-ulK, nn n <liy anil rwirenh-nl lonn.nn.l nhen .linnnln-.l In the tumbler In water, HOMnUngto .liiv.tt.ni.-, Ii ii.mii.r orthrnatnrv, nml l« al. luwtfiriN-lpeljrttiaaarae inedfct, eroa kba-rluK jiii-M-nti- nl'iim CarlMHile Aclil, Mas I'roinoh'r •liitinjr i-JT.-veHrftiee .lljnt fjoulll he ilcl ive.l il' i mi «<ri Un- > - ■■■ t .milt-nil, iiin|iitiir theaa ttonllhKkinji water* iv.no tin-^-t-l.-liniU-.l

i \1U:UTTS UBLIABLB 'I'.iiriiM. itiin.

Thi-Mj ii.iln have, tor ii|iw,ini» of thirty .-i-ti t\!inv!v,!v iiri-.l t., ..i-iue.-i ilicnijj;, \|,.',-i .I I-II,I,In.i. ..t tin- tniuKl suie" at i

I armory *utiiiiif, ii'ii-hi-Ifna |'..«.l.-r i*j|iuiiiH)i> ami Mull liinisf., i,., -u„. ,,(1j,|J,. bioi.r iK^sinlfliui.-lif-iM It..*!*,., .,n.! othei ,-IH,., nint iwni; tli.-l.i-Miii,iiiM..ri hi.ilprHM \t.„ KiiBhoul, . ah-u all rla-.-.- ,.t l.uit,],,,,.,, Thev an- IIIM

taiV^y o"hl-r."iV«M..1Ubl*; "J*tl ""* "' ,,;'lcr

Thi-j art the only Huila whlcli hut Vr.. i r>IUd.

**-Tinvo II...N bun ncvir been lum.il umni H-iLiiimnnity l.y M.liuitorn. Oi-<h'rr.f omaiiy imrlot the fonntl v. l.v mail t>r

tUllk-tt, Nil. ttt (J-,|-I,lll!l.lt.i.l„i,. ' •

, pKOl'LKh



AMERICAN, # uui-iriAU,, ill. 1). ; _.

^..trr^:.;:."",Tie Most CompleteScwiinr Machiue ix i in. WOHLU.

1 > OHKKNK, M. D,

Olli. ile tlie Mudy

u.i.-ilt, un- a i,ii werfc. For Hi'- I..-1 twi-mi 111,- yrarc We liavp

■ IINN-. l>i*-

ii.i.-1 .-i I,, iaralhla

■al Faanihlriti JaanrlMaa lu-ea-, - ami their prt>|irr trealmnit, will lie vent fre* m all In- valid* l.y aililreanhiK It. tiUEKMC, M. I>.,.H Teui ).h- I'lai-e, IloHion. iiiiii-.,c,.i| >- in-1,

n I.ANK lldOKS


i:\i-.itv iiKScnip-rioN


'til E**ex Street-

Springs .(if Bohemia.

Prlco KO Cents Per Bolllc.

SMITH, DOOLITTLE & SMITH. 26 Tremont Street, Boston, l:\l-.UAl. A o P, N T H

G. E. Chkkering. H. U. Whitney & Co..

Chm. Clarke. A. R. Olidtlm.

The Twin Diseases ! !

Constipation >r d tula lii-nil ..I .i I,..,..i crrrj-ilU. II- nfflli HIIK Mil- lui in nit fa mil), a oil



^iiJt.iimjjAr BUUS IN ANY LAMPWIIHOur DAMGEfl Of EXPIODINQ0BTAKIN0 FIRE ,,'iiuFAcru«''«PKSlY,,llsi,i'ttTHEUS£llf

HIGH1YV0UTII.EANC DANGEROUS OILS •jsurtTYuNKHBraviHsaa! " woirarortoTBuiKro ouwjrts*1


•'00.000 f/tM'l-lES. WHilTr,oACCI[]£fir DiRlCUY an .UJj.K* HASEVEROCCURED FROM BURNING


II. rnHtmnllnnl m,,. T.vhi Broth.r, 1,1, *||tfc« irrror, ■MiLlnrliti.-, ,i,an.

p«n}',nK. Ilrnkri, I.u,*.. N..,ui>r.i. Both • aiHmilni »»l...lc,r>„ ,., crci,

by ,.,. ,,,, of

i. (i it i N a -s

SPECIFIC ! Tho Groat Romncly for Costivo- n„3H, Sick Hoad-Ache and Piles.

ri.it l,VN..,:r.MIA

.■l... nr...l.l I..,.,- ,,„


Sewing Machine,

Hade by the Howe Machine Company. Ilavrlhr I.iigtitNuiti,

*i I. i-. ( L. Baat Nall.fa, 11...,, IKTaile of the Hnl Hfuterlal,

la llirrailnltn I,ram in ilpc i ■!• .

i.,-"-. li-ii.i,- to get nut of tinier; evenIKHIJ- that ever u*eil one will have no other; will .lo Mtler wtnk ami will out»'f.irtirn ninny otlierniaihine.

There were nol.l In IJCTI over l.W.OOJ more K. HiiWKMACIIISKa, than any other, a* Ihe Ma- •jhliiea havn a wnrltl Wi.le re|inUliun, anil are -i-iil Un-vory fiTiliio-li-minlrv in the worhl, ami havi- ri-i-f ivml the hij(he>t lirenilum* wherever ex- hihituil, rerflvliiKiii. !,•*» tlmn live lt>tiin<inlnl» or BUiwrioritv, at the late Vienna Kxhililtion, over oiluir Mini-liiim*.

Now York wan-room* are at (lim llroa.lwnv. haiturii-Hut ]triil|rrt>nrt. CJoim., IVru, Imliank, aml.i;i.i»K,iw, Seotlaml: ami are UirnliiK outfiw maehinen |«ir ilay.

W. Hager & Co., AUK llll ROI.K AllKNTK 11)1

Lawrence, Andover and Methuen.



A Cheaper FHCI than Wood or Coal THE LAWRENCE GAS COM'T.

f prapand to reeelve tinier* for Unke at thu WinK lirifi'r., vi*;

Par Chaldron of 14 bbla.delivered S6.00 ,; M 7 " " »3.00

Barrel $,5 Price Per Barrel al the Worki,

Ordara naelfad at their oulee.

No. 253 Essex Street. Wl*AU«ir UEOBUED.C1BOT, A««ll



IVtf-nnrtv SUIIe. Ljy^^^SSSJi. and Self-Adjusting Tension. oiOHT is THE OBEATERT OKM op

■^ NATIKB. , All Agent* i-ltiini ibeir Maehlae la lie the liKMT hat befoi-j purahaaing .all ami e.amlne torynur- DC h, on A 711 I A AJ DC Dpi r r. Mlvaa, an.l then deride. I aU.i lure the New lm. " c "L onRLillnN tJt DDLto.

Wilcox & Gibbs, Weed Secor Howe, Singer,

Anil all Other First - Class Machines. |;H:

,\l,l, HOI,11 t>N ft'tST


'Pay Yonr Money & Tale Yeer Choice/'1-"


3000 -YI5S.



-."I'M IJjA^'AllI,

GREAT D^^klNb.


and Colored Kid Gloves

For 50 cts. Per Pair, Worth SI.

SIMPSON, OSWALD & CO. ?/.? Essex Street.

1 *» It,:\< , . MANN.

Wai-i-iuil l:\-fi.\- 7 H urinti:.\t ,:s t;,Vi:.\.


l.y Hi.- IV,...| ..,- llontli.

All Klnilstif Machines Repall-od



Spectacles & Eye Glasses from 50c tip. ■peetaelee* EjfdkMM lti-|»liail.

Old Glasses put into Now Pramos.



T,A1VHI',.T<'*;, MUrlN.

pr.ATKS; DlDlog, Dreakflut, Toa, 1 henxfi-t, Kini|., San,-.-, lii.iivl.l.ial llutler, i-nv- *rnil I nlli-r. Cake, llerrjr. leo t'n-ain anil cnii, in I ui-.-f Inm, Wuaa riiinn nn.l i-reatn eolnr. L'tir- TI-II Ulahna, uf al ami nminl, in riin-elaln ami

■itiim-1 liiim. Tin u-f ii., s.ni|. m„i Mnure, fiauec H.111I1. flnltfi>, or iivnl ill.heii, in l'nreelaln, "dine China amirri-uin inlur. I'IU-IHT*, In iioree- laln.utimeCliiiia, .TIHIII i ..lur, It.H-kiiiRliriiii amt yellow ware. Si-iill.ijie.l naiiiilfr., In I'.iri-fUln "tune Chinn, Itni-kinuhaiii, ,m,l nil,.it H«I.. HI '■>IIN C. iKiw A Cl>'»., lfiU K«Kt;»'.SlrefL


New Sprini aoi Summer Patterns, I 0ffice'43 f^2££*m°' Ort.,e,„..,t,ln,l,„n,t,l..lra,..eptJ,,". J«"" 0UW™ B0N * C0"








mm OHI,I:AHM( i,»., AI't.'t'UTA, 4.a,

N. E. Agents, BROWN £ HAYES. iai, imi imti ].>.; n,.,md sti-.-ot.



in Mxntmnm VH,LAUK.

A Uwelliiij; ITntise, nearly Mir, ntuuted _„ t.eii (te ,tn-.-t l.„j i-i.HLiii,, ;MmrM; houae £1

y M, two utorlfi., (u ill, la-.-m.-m .i.„fer ,MTt ,(f the aaiiitO i-i.iil,-iih„iK in i'»-in.-, all Jlninhfil, iialnt- flaml l.liii.lf.l. tin 11,,. I.,,.,,,!.,., n,-iMteni of .oil

ater.amlnnfvf, ih.i w,'ll. l.,,,-S(-fntn. ml very itoafmU- Price loir, term* em*y. ' AJao, UpUM ami l,ot ailuiiteit nn Hi»h rtreeL

Iiirteni.toiiihiK »• 11 1,-,-L IIOIIM- ha* la rtiuiii* iwe ih.i-if.. uMiiite.) nml hllntted. Till* i.mtwtv 1. -itnai.-l In a vi-rv .i—i—■-■- i—«.- ■- houft/ht at a linrKnhi

Alao, mat*] oaatoal ami ittettaMe Houae Lob

lF,?"M»:?X.}" S.:\!.^?I« S; 11.. ahout nne


QUAKER BITTERS 7'tiene celebrated Bittern are com- posetl of choice Soots, Herbs, and liarkn, among which are Gen- tian, SarsaiMtrilla, Wild Cherry, Dandelion, Juniper, and other berries, and are so prepared as to retain all their medicinal gual-


I .i.l.n in. of Milk for the City of I,«w.

an.l all puraoaa H-IIIIIK Milk within the .-itr are hereby MqlMUeil to ei..,r..rm to nil Uit reqnln

ii-iiu nr Hie inn- ami city Onllnaaeea retuthui to








CAPEN, SFRAGUE & CO, Noi.Hand * CnXnm Mnn.r HI re el,


Illllf MillImalll 111





Laycock'i Engllih Hair Seating,

nnui|huiyan,|i;-t* T| I-,.,IL,I..I -in-it-. it,,.

'.II.,.ll. . .-i i ,-|tf „r |>, 1 ■•" i"»r i ii .. I-..U-.

■fl|.u.ill. . ik..n.-.|i< tri.lv »... .-|..|4lr "ll.l.ll.llr. il."

eamlatoek ha*inK lieen daatrared l.y lit. in May 1-71 «f are n,.w |.r.-]ianil with an mitre Block of New (iuo.t« or thu W qualn>

riltl.tHt. CHAMBER, I'lM.tl. HUOH.

AND llltllAHl

FURNITUEB, Draperies and Interior Decorations,


HALEY, MOUSE & CO. No. 411 Washington Street



NOW IS THE TIME! As the Spring opena, tho [npurttlea which

havis hcun Imprlaonod In tbo Blotxl over

WinUir aro thrown to the torhco, daflg-

tiring tho akin with Pimploa, Bolls, etc., and ctmalng dlaortlor in the way of

Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and

Diseases of Ihe LIVER and KIDNEY S.

Gliddcii's Concentrated Syrup of 8AB8PARILLA,

All persona will obaenrs that the law miulrea that dealer. In L,II|. ^»k- ..r ratal, Iron, ■-..'v-"i-, .-. ILU ., ■ I..,,,, iheptor Bisrket I.I.ICCM

within ihr limiu or ihf Cttr or Lavreuce are re! quealeit to ltrKl.(r r Ihr Ir N.Mea with Ihe r, l,.r

All parssu aware of any vii.latinn .ir^aiil law and onlinani-e. Ire Invited t» report Iheaantetu the ln-|i,-i-|.i,-, f

At :tiH rnninioa Wreeta An Aft tt. amend "An At-l In relation tt. [ht-

sale and lutUOettou of milk " lie ll enaclml, A,-., M Mfanra: SitcT. I Whoever Mfe ureaebanger, or ha. in

hii-|.,-.-,..-11,11.-.vilh intent tiiftfll, or exehauge or offera for aale or ex,-hBn.-e adulterine.I nlilk. nr milk to whleh water W ■». roWlKn lUbaU-cr liaa heen added, knowing ihe ,„... („ bo .duller ■tod nr to enntaln water or any (brelgn H til.-La nee

all for the rtrnt offence, lie puntahed liy n line o iohumlrwliiotlarHan.ir.,1- nay ■uloonjuont vin

latlon. a flneof ,„it lean than one hundred .lollar^, nor cie^tlinR three hundred dollara, ami lm. i>i-i-i.rim. in in the bousa or coneeUon ne>t lea than thirty or more thus ninety days.

BOr. i. The |M;.iaiUe» provided in th. i.ref fi-.i. ug nwtlon, and ctiuae |.rn»i.|e.| ... tilt, net to wJili-hthlB |.in addition y |„.. rc-nv-eretl nn -•-ildalnllifiori. Bayoourt ..r intent juris.

Ion nnd one luiir or me amount offliie In- posed -hail go to ihe complainant nr Informer,

t Ihe remainder to tha trea-i.ra, of U..- city or town where offence ira« coroniitteil.

SKCT. .1. II *|.all |,« [he ,!„,,. ofe ',cry in,Ilw[|,r

Of milk lo laattlata rompblul on Uic information orany tieraoa who uiay lav hefore him salblhe- tory evidenee „n whin, to .nstaln thu name, ami he Bhall he entitled to rooalvs one balTtha amount ol any penally reeovered therefor, mid shall nay over the same to Ibeperaou who has Brstglveu the Information on whi.-h the complaint wa«

ities. Tfieu invariably cure or greatly rcliere the following com- JdalntM: DyNpepain, Jaundice.

Jvcr Complaint, LOMS of Appe- tite, Headache, ISIUOUK Attacks, ItemUtent anil Intermltteut Fe- vcrs, Airiic. Colil Clillla, Rlietuna- tistn, Silininer Complaints, Plies, Kiilncy Diseases, Female Dilll- t-iiKfes, Litssitude, Low Spirits, General Ucbiltty. and, in fact, everything caused by an impure state of the Blood or deranged condition of Stomach, Liver, or Kidneys, The aged find in the Quaker Bitters a gentle, soothing stimulant, so desirable in their declining years. Xo one can re- main lottg unwell (unless afflicted with an incurable disease) after taking a few bottles of the Quaker Bitters. Prepared by Dr. H. N. Flint k Co.

At their Great Medic*! D.pot, PROVIDENCE, R.I.



[Approved May ■•:. ]tu\n.

Loring's Specific

|H II..I ,.


inil n-.noviiiK tho original aaane ordlaraae, tho St.,inn, Ii i-f*,iiii,>, a,, orismiil nmntinn*.

We war rani a Cure in every case

Or Refund The Money !



00 Trmiiont Street, Boston.

« I I N I-: u \ i, A tl V. N T s

Alao tor-ale hy


G F Chkksring, H V. Whitney & Co miy in

Iodide of Potassium, -IS THK—

IIKHT IU.OOD PUUll'IKU Inoilatence. It acta an a quiet Alter*,

tlvo, driving all foul matters into their

proper exrrotorj chauneta, strongtfaening illl4e»tluii, ami ItnjiiirtliiK hlnnra to the

Cheek, aoltaoaa to the Skin, flrmaus tn

lh» Step, ami tihourAilnew le tbo Mind. V»t Holla It la tin I ni'.illii.i,. Cure, nml to

itlii'iiiiiiiiiam it aflnrda great teller. !'.■;<■..(>„„ I iwiin,.,,,.,. it„ui„.


Prepared ami tor aalo liy

A. R. Glidden. Druggist, Cor. Etta. |i Pembarton tu,, Lawrsncs


InspeloraorMilk. QITVOI1 I.AWHENCE.


„ „ , , February Wtb, u». Nolle. |. IHWA), given in B1.,1(r,|lui,.(>wittl m

lirovlHion. of U„, ro.hm i„K atatate to at. p^^, * .thin the hmita of the t.'ity of Uwi-mo^ ,„lnK

w elvtiu and Haaauret for the purpose or buvhw tad aellinn, to hrliut the inn.e to the SUbewlber u in- place ol bwHuss,

No. 69 B8SEX STREET hat they lm.y u, adjusted nn.l sealed aeooi

Dniutee. Thi* uron neainUe Iwtilnv, and

•evt-rnl t-eiilr

.n.l,- I Mil.'in ll,-|.,it, i- ,, )c W f.ri-f,. I,,,,,! ■l,";'M,li'l»"l;-il ' nll,-,K(- iuinliVhwumlwou. and, 4IHI i-fii-,|- „i !,.„„(. jTruil-aiiide-, irrai.se Nid.iiriiiiil.. A |,n,,„- n-.n-LiMKl.-ranli. I.edV, >n the uliire. Il.-use tivo ^imi,.,, 43 0y *■; 4, XI iy \*. Itnrti :m hy .W. Apply tn



a tTaVs. M. Rogers' Liw Ofllee,

uajfift Near Town DOOM, Methuen, Mann.


FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS, iti.i-iii>) M Tim roturvura

tnoc Franklin, of PbUa- !■«.. Ponnaylvanla, of IVmm Qerman, Antorjusn, N, V WctiteheHter, "

immteil. Aaaeta. IMfl #3,200,710 IMS 1,360,600 JOT 1.648,238

-.v.a, IttiT 041,403 , (.onn., IK7W 307,267 orevBUT, IHiw 103,997


ted |0 lhe*e |,;ii.-nu-.l 8)>e«toelei are two neientttli-nlly i-i.n.tni, i,.,t i.nlvmiif UntterU-a—1111- naa when woriVHMIveriaf thrtiugh Uie nervea ol

Soft ami <'ontlnnoui Btraoau at Elaatlelt) . vitaliiinir and (riving healthy aetion to the entire, lfimtiHil xv-li-m ,,f tlifp^c iinrtM AIISOl.HTKI.V and CKKTAJNIA CQHDM

PorlUI I'aral>.1, ,.r Ihr <>,,(|r |Vrr„, tVrak or IMira.nl Vtalon,

Ian 1 B<" *r tho n wd »r r*««, Nl 1 » .MI. Tnlt.-hfi |U tho

Mini-Id of the Far., IVolira ID Ihe Haad.

I.oaa ufKml.l llirrc. ami a bust of Nervous Dtaeaess. nrtMnf froin i.ri-s-l.in oftlni nerviiim i-nerjry of the ayHtem.o trihnl.njt, in a BMUd ai-tnuiahluK degree.

Life and Vigor and Health. hy tlie mean* of the aoft flowing lb 1 am of Rfc Irii-ity, iriviiiK Brlffhl ncii to th*. !■;>-r,

o.ni. ki.. -■ to th* Bar, 1 :ui 1 «> to Ike Itralu.

They are net with leases or the least uianubf tnre, lo Milt all r.iKlil«, ami v. iUi jriaiwea for thoae not needing ■.)„, |;i,-1,., u. mil with, hut tleiirinK !n*'.'l< "^ '•' '"' il''MVf,l IV0111 wearing Ute Hal UTlea; nnd to IH- l.n.l In thin city only of

HUMPHREY MOOAR, Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician


No. 235 Eesex Street, Lawrence Dealer In W

•wl»Bia Alt0. AB*lt 6f '"""V* Mbrrf Per firtr,t SpectacU* and A'ar llluutt, NU HtttTin (*r FTorW. -_,,,,

Qloucester, Ulom-. BnflUnh (

BoiKi' 1 .. . 18t0* ••"» *ia,ooo,ooo A IIM 11, JIII ISniiii- 1, J at-.t{ F,n^ Queen, . \m, gold, 10 boo OOO

A ■ :u, iii 1 ,.k, oirq-w Imperial, lm, gold, S.OOO.'OOO

amerlran Hranrh, 004 407 nan £•■«« .inn, ... w-1T_i' |irt4Sly f.O. Uox SB. JOItU KUWAIUNt. JAMti, MACHSLL.

Sealer of Wei, . Hljirt,

An Act in relation to Sealing; Weighte and Ueaeureid

ll* it tmaotsd, Ae., asjWtowai Hn-r. I. All iwauns UKlng nfui^, weluliu,

nii-n^iiifj. ,.r milk .-nn-, r,.r tin ,,„, ,„,.,. ,„ „,7,|„, lf,rt,,,Vl'r"'l,lll'l,ll,,ll'l|,''"1"»'r''i ' ihtleii, Hhall havi- IJKMII a.ljn-u-.l, .,.n|«d and ri

SH*?.*'. "'." «•»'!"■ Of«lgntS and in.'iZf a i the e,lly or town in whirl, they their iinital nlnen of buafooae, Slid »lial


aorroetneH nnd exaetness that llii.y Hhall ", wejebts, and

atljimted ti

whenevorlJtay'lMrre'to do^o^'"' s.s;i,.T.h„".,f:i=: ;jji'^»«i ■»-.. joaii aeoaona year,

have the right to hare' men-urea a.,,1 Miilk-,-,,,,, t,.„„.,(

rer thov , ...ir . " ■ iiamirfi.

Iron in the Blood

nr 11.1a 1 » wi-uk, alrkl,

M.fl.rliif. r, .1.,,,.,. j

•l.lyh.illnlnluiilTf.|t»lrUU. CWW-Ifc, mm yi.o gut Ilia ri|[Lt artlcla. «„

t'mt "I'.niiUn hi-ni|i-' N likmn In tho >LLH r.,i,n.hl,-l.fr,-. S,ii.lJ'..r..ii-. KKTll W.I'OWl.K

IB, Prnprietiav, Uvilun, Uou. t'ut uk> ty .liiitVi.Hii.-1-lniiiili.

;t 111


This line la equipped with I'ov Sli-Hiuf ri., Iiaring HU|ierloi .■In--.-,. ..r nuHM-iigerH, ani i.tihlli- ihe i'liHAi i-.KI, SAKK«T mi,| HUT i-tiiitel ,„ Kiiglanil, Ireland nn.l Snotlaiiil. for further I'ar. Unilarri, or . nhln or aU'erage lii-keU, al greatly i'.lii.f.| raU'-, iii.i.lv nt Ihr Ctinai.l llflire, 1.1U {aacv >tt'i-.l, lo I*. Murphy, tlie ci '



Jlorvnaut or ,.11,,-, ,.',„,,„,\\\,, . ,,^'VbhlV wbl eity or H.wm thai,-;,m„.l l„ ,,,,„, „ ,™" k

removeil...,,! ratal tin- it,-,-,,,,,,-, ,,, a.i.l ,!,"„" '^ aeal the name. ' ' """

SUCT. 3. All peraona nelng any leales, wrwhtu meaaur«< nr milk .-..,„. 1,,,- u„. |,,,,-,., "„ o™huy iTJ or aelling »,,,- ,- ,,„,i[V| IM.;y „• .,""'> « teatot and aealf.l l,y th.- M-ah-r .,1 weUhn. ■I,,I n.fa-.ir,.. in th.' ,-,ti or (own .h.-i, Z',,,' or haveuiu r u.iml ,,ht.-. „ „s M f,\/,,m,* whenever tl„-> may .le-iro to have It done.

Hu.7' r' EHf*"*. ' ,,,""P'«l«>t IS mailo to a *ler of vroiglita an.l meaaurea under oath l,v \lJTw"' '""' ''," "',K "■«"'»»'■'" enuae 1., 11 I've that any arale, weight or i,,,,,..,, ,, jn

he ...hi ,,i »„y „., Ki[ ,,,„ ,., toil ,,, I- l,l,-„l|-,.,-t, [|„. p)1„| „,„,,,,. h, ,| J plare Where aueh M-III.', welKhl or „„,,.,"' , . j U'-l and ,,,»,kU.e.a...l-a.-f„r.|„,g toil,",',. „ ' h- a,,|.l.,..l ll,,-,,.. ,„|f,M„.r. ,„. '. .; -''"' ' "nii.it. I»' a-yii-U-d, the MII,I ..,,,, j atUih a notiee Ihen-i,,, ,,.,1,,,,„., .,„. , , , rorl.id.llna the .1-,, Uwm.r uiiiii ll.o ," ■ ''■

■■- to the niillii.t,/,,, ... [asraon ti.mg any aealea. weighln or men

demanded"urr?.U^. *WU "."" ""•"""^ "«a

1.11 ■. ,- .! 1,., weight or .-i-tii- ■ J

8w,T. ft. All aealea, welghh, and inenatirea llmi eannot be wade to eoiiiorm i„ n«. atandard at »ll bo eumiiml "condemned" or ''C. J." v !?' ■ealer ../weight- nn.l mea-nrea; amiI no \Zr ,,?, ahall tlHircafter u*e the „aiiic i„r W1.|,.h , ' meaaurlng any .-.,,,,n„i,|ity M.I.I „r erfh«,„. 1 '" "'" l»'iialliea |,i,,v,.|,.,l ,n tho V^. „ ^ho line of ralae weight* and inen-ureti. °

■hall reiH-Iro an. h fomiieii-mi,,,, lor hia aervlee.

he ra'onolnu'd1 an 1*,' ffi ^'T! M","n W,^» lie la ni,|><> nli-d, and m, I,T» .hull l,„ ,-harged lor any oiflf ml duty he may ].erform.

BKCT. 7. Every <:Ity an.l town nhatl within tho Ilrat leu daya or .January ant July i„ ,.a(.|, ¥f ailverUae the -nreral nef-lions of 1F1I- n.-t Inn ','h/

1"11 ! " '" "'i1"0 «"'jr-na|Hir printed la I e^ty or tevrn. or hy no. Ing tlieui 111. in one lore 1 ■ >■ 1 ■ J1 ■- 1 ■ I.-1 ■ .- ■ therein.

HnCT. «. Thla act ■ ■Uge. \. I,, ,„;.,:.l M,

REAL ESTATE. uM*.B""c,"m*" r°* ■J1 !»*eataa«»,

.^i ...T""1' ,"'* tarfaln. hh^k iinmhcred lf- aml lm Lowell itrtH't, containing .111 room., rent lug for #7511 |M>r aniiutii. Tin- liroiii'rty ii In rrno.1 rflilr. I.av..,^ ._ 1 1 1 .,....** H Ii™ ■

Oity of Lawrence Water Loan. fiia per cent. CMpan Bon.la of tin City of Lai inoe, duly authorised by act or the Lagtoaitun

t'lty Urdlnanee ami re»oluliuaa m the (jlty Conn. ell. Will he 1 , II.-,! Octoher lit, for a limited amount Coupon, nltat-he.1 for aemlannual Inter- est, payable in Doaioa lir Luwrouoe, at the oj.tlon of holders. For p-foa and full partlouJars call on ora.ldreaB E. W. COJXOIU),

Clly Trenail rer. Par onler sf naanee Committee. •acfltr

^ BfiATCHLKY'B 3 £ IniprovetirOciTMltKlt W<i<i|» * S !.'V*"'' T"."^""1'. I'u.ahlu, Kf- a a lli-lcnt nnd Cheap. Tlw jteat

H, 1 uiiiptoriheli-a.t iiiono>, At- ®lenHon 1. u.periiilty invited lo

llia.-l.l,-y'- I'.it.-M I -in-f.l Ilrn.-k.t nml N',w [),,,,,, h,.,-. Vt.lve, whi.-h ,-»„ l,,.,,-,!),,!,-!.!.,1 without relinking the 1'i.nip, or

P; W ■" '''-•Ihi-.J-.inl-. Al-o.thr Copnei Chain 111..,-, whirh never .■ni.-kHoi-a.-,--!,.-, nnd will „„,. laat any other. r\n- Kn|v |,y dealer, an.l th,-t,;,.|,■>.,.,„., ;ll|, Ill.Hlilf lor lllrKrhl.-v" i',„„,;

mlein your town, „,.,„f ,||,.,.,.| u, III.ATCIII.KV,Hanumeli!riT,

it ■ I'hll.. I*n.

GIFT ENTERPRISE The only reliable Old Dt-trlbutfon In Ibe country


To bo .lihLr.l.u.ei, in

L. X). SIIiTE'S teilh Itrgnlai Monl lily.

GIFT ENTERPRISE To be drawn Mondav, Atic. lOlh, I87i.



havniK la-fii 1,mil hul Mv.-V.-,-II-H. Vor/ur. . irtlrulnra ii|,),ly to Ilr. M. Uoherta, tM

llaverhill alreet, or M. A. Jewell, -Mi K-.flKtr,^i Iv ■Rent for I Uier |.nrli.-niara ni.iii'y'to"Vn"

■ "A. A..lev Juui-tip'

rE3STSIOiT All dl.ahled aoldien and .ailnra, whalher from

W u,„|K rupture, nr ,11,.,,.,-, are enilU.itl U.pen- alona. H;:e,ilal auenlion to iiuttlnif iwn.ionH in. a«Kn':. .'"i"'"*"' l"-i/" "' }■• '""'" ""anil eeuted. No rhinw.- 1111 ,'•- nn-.-i-aaftil V.,,1,,un ■tump, WILLIAM linun^ lio! 7o Stale M ™| "•'-1""- Junc2!,«i.|1lti-b


With polM and Dim .ompleu, SOJUllUU of BELL, WALL AND A TENTS,

PRICES FROM $9 TO $12. James Martin and Son.

Johhora of teal and awntnjr atock and Uturea US t'omii.rii lal Ntreet, Boiton.


J^ R. D . T . PORTER, r> K N T I 8 T .


arm Haeea utre.i, t*l*m***u

Nllroua Oxide (las. and Kil.er nr Chloofom aeminslered. nm.eelosed .luring AUKIIMI

and Mailrhrd MUnulad ll.,„„,

north ai.ltOO t-arh I 1 Horac A Iliiftfty wlih Hilver-Mounted liarne...

worth S600 One nne-lonod IMIMMI I'laao, worth a.VMi

THO Uol. and HHvei Lever lluutin.Wetrh-a (in ,. ,. ^all), wt.rlh fi-.nii l-jlltii *at«u-aebl ii.»M<;haln.. Sllver-wnre, .Tewilerv. "te ota No.efH.fU, 6.000. TichutalinnVsdtaAoo

"^e.^WioV^a^jiaj^. I iiviiliii-rmiiiiiniiiKafntl hat of priie«, a de

M-ii|.ii..n .,1 Hi.- innuu. , or drawing, ami oilier In 1 ' '■■ " h-i.-ii.-i- lo Mir u,.|,ri »n, will he »oiuwanyoneo.-,l..|in« th.-m. All lettem niu.t he a.l.hf.ae.1 to I„ &, MINE, Mar Hal

HAIKprriCK, CINUVNA" n __ 1I11W. riahStreeL myJlSwA."



And all Druggtata in Andover.

Cm*. L'nuithii ami all Throat IrrHutiena in


SLATE AND METAL ROOFER. Itral.lrnrr, e HAST HI,Sf BT., l..B,„r,.


EGOS FOB HATCHING from all the beat tarwde of Poultry.

via ll.. Whltu I.earhorM* % SfaoiALTV,

K. woons. No. 4 Broadway, Sotitb Lnwrcnce.

]yjK8. C. N. UOMAlf, -TIACHKB or—

PIANO AND ORGAN. aoe Ki«t ■trait. I..«vra«ia.

Mr*. Iloman IN an cxotrflenoeil teaober. lelia. 'i"■| f.'iiiii-iinli!f.|, Al-o, nitonllorllir I're.eoll

Couiimnv i. the oidt-.t e*Uh- in tho I'niu.l Hlatea. The

■ '\|a-i- ;■ oC :|.i v,..lt„ i„ ,|i, hu.ii,, „ .nj.l.ifa ll„. manufarlurerh to |,l:..-o in ih<- market (Jahleet Or- „;l',".1 ""'■|'1 ">.')"..hl. ..rioneaiMiiniabM ", I. h.ill.-ii.L-,- i ,...„, |-„r flfioiuen of atylf. voJuiiif, nn.l purity ol ji„„'.


The Lkwren.ce Stneriiiin.

KVDovtS Rf>VJ$*Crig*4f{, roBUSHBJ)

r.VkiltY i ltintv MOU9IUH*.



TUi circulation of the l.nivrnKF Amrrl- rail In the largest of any paprr lu Hi* < i.ii.ii) , mill more thau Four Tuatl that of auy other Weakly Papi ' P-b- Hiked lu tula city.

■*r RATM ..i Advertising MDI upeaappUeatkm.


KHILHN Mnn«:nl'8tl ri.

MC&M 0.^5S.«^

The Ilkiiyl^etitfui. FUSUS^tD


la the LarfeatDauy la Ota city, with Four That UM circulation of My other.

■((lalWCIlIPTIOIV, IM Advuaea• _^

Una Year, $6.00 | Bli lloiilhs, $3.0 When not paiil in advance, »*\uu. £

GBV.n.MKIliULL AC<>., Prop'ra. a?


STEAM PRINTING OFFIOSg la the 1 .nrxi -t and mot.t thorn uglily rurnlah h Kaslora Maaaacbuaeu*. Having only m rn Pro* lot, anil Trllh rmnntan* nlilitrrnnf tint r Ml atylea of Type, we are able to furnish tl jfi quality of work, expeulUoualy, at low p., a. Orders by Bail ai van prompt a tteauoa.

ABO. ». MrRBII-L * CKOCK1R, Poet Oaloe Block.









Stannard'* Vegetable ami Hfrti Tool", h) doiu

wonder*—astonishing everybody, even the I'll

iktlaae. Orders aro pouring '■>rrocs all nctloii

far ami near; large order* mining front pise

w here simply OM trial bottle ha* been iiaetl i

valid* are by Ihia tonie restored lo health. Hu

ilreda in tin-city ofLawrenceare i dug it,ai



GROCERY AND TEA HOUSE, idlvwillhe convinced hftfrnompar IMwlid ihoiwi ihi-y are |MJ ing al nilu-r

Kvery lainile

.l..llar- iK.ll'lll 1 [.. HI'

year. *i herlMim

I IN I., - nn.l l-« lieu ver.-.i in ..iw re", c, .iino..

leihui-n Itw of charge. Hon*l mistake Ui


149 Essex Street. id* are warranted FIRST iv (.-.>■ >;1- ;i

il tin- Low



titunted . nwciiing House, aeartj lienigc street. I,nl contains l.v III. two siories, (nidi bn-iincut uiulci ll'it- sninei r.miaiiinur, lii rooms, nil llnishr.

Uiilci.an.l vi'r ling ivi II. I...r:i!inii an.I very desirnbH I'rire low, (. nn* el

AbOi Rouse ami Lot attested on i:ia- Lotc.JnbilniiigMliiil'ect. HHUM-has ISIIH> Btiiri.'-, |i,'ilu(i'il nn I lilimlfil. itiluiili'<l in n very -li'-iinUr I' .■ M i m a bargain.

Al-n, •••vi'i,:il I'l'iiUnl nmt ■ I■.• Hir11111■ ■ Hooae Lota. A t'AH.H xlluntt"! In SAI.KM.N.II., nlmut oni

mile (ruiw SiU.'in ln-i'*''- r.uiUiiniiiitM.'V II.TI'B bn.l, ■iiiuiily ilivhlitl inti.iilliiKi', I'ii.iiivliiK--' ' lamt, ti«> i-.ir.lH nt btaaL rVuit-ii|.|.lt ami i-urrmiui. A lirinn' vvnikins lirauli on Hie "lace. Holm- two wtorli'.-, K li) l.y id; Barn Mby 58. Apply to

lilv, ninl

.1 ...tl •llllTll,

ll, two rty la


in^'m^ctoryJTHKAMERICAN _,,h ' Tho Kaiser Fredorich. .llll.i; I'o.l. l.ll.

Iltlila mi ;.i (.1 |.- j. i

I J. LfillNBD. Hauufocturer of IOK] ;'\ ■ (UK A MS ui nil UHI.M nt nltort notice.

A.w- IIOWLANl), D. 1>- S., DENTAL 8VKUEON, .

Sinvt, l.invr.'iirr. (ia>, Ktlitr II Ailu.iiiii-U-iv.1.

\.'i; OMDDKN,

Tolkrt Arili'l

Bffi n.l<s Ya

DHUGGI8T.—Pni I'llls, 1'HHH.l M.Hll.-ll'f

ni..| l1.



Virginiallcalwu Aclork< In the great loreori'tnkal lloddlng. Sbuatoodlu Uu icu (lepiirlniciil, mi.I ilihplujeil mitl IIICUH-

uroil mi hor liul.' body ached ofery nl^lit. Pink « ploddlna Bourtabed in n brick and

I pnUe-glam block, krptaaooro or two of . salt:*iii.'opt(> uti.l runiRTrt, ami dr.i|iM( all

mid Hie iwohbniablti world. TUelr BprlU anil j Fall "opculugi'Mlalorbad Mjitaro mUH of

iVinTiiliu' hcartx (aiMl pnraca), and in any xi'ution their countera *r«re throngea. VlrglnlAthooght bemelf(brtunatej at drat to betaken Into link & Ploddlng'a cstab* lislinii'iit. Hut v.v nrt iinerjalcfui hedufM ntiuiu«uruw uieaatnga. She came to tin! city n lont' cri'iiturc, with lirdblng to advauea her rxcent & letter to the Hector or St. IMIII'H. The Hector of St. Paul's kindl} recommended her to Mr. Plodding) who wanted a young woman behind hi" Ince counter .lust then, and Mr. Plodding look her.

There ahe stood day after day, aome- lliiifN great elrotca darkening around her eyea, spreading fabrics, hunting unheard- of patterns and fJ"i»K through violent gymnastics tor hurried cuHtouicrx, who, perhaps, piled the conntet with tangles lip lo their chins, and went nway leaving the shop-girl nothing hut trouble. She was not quite a pretty child; NIIK had A great deal of dark brown hair, and swift dark eyes, and a baby hand; when she came to work In the morning she was Hushed and fresh, as sleep and youth will

C/p!^w.udOeei«;i..r-p.rH.W-.w« >»ake the heaviest laden of us all; but, an.l l'aiii[m«. N". :i4i ( ,m ,i;:<-t, i.-nm-ily ' us her tiny sands slipped, BO slipped her oi-upled l>y W. P. Smith, .lr. iiiaybHly ] bloom, till night drove her,



STOKE, for- n| V..U1- w.ir


il Batate. trnice

ad siliYlCYOUs, /-tOOLIDGE .1 BALDWIN, \J CIVIL KX'ilVEKItSnii.lsri

tU EssllX STIOtlCT,

CA W. SCOTT, M. l)..liOM(i:PATllir /•PHY81UIAN an.) HUrtiK»)V. Itemoveil to

il.'W iiffl.-e. -Jii.'. V.wx hln-et. Iluusn, 2:. 11 in ill"" id ■tract, Lawrence, Mime, irbti'iir



[. Ita|(rri' Law UMrr,

Near Town llouae, Mett Mm

■0 In iin . nn


laal there l>^ ■ ■ l.i i rti :i I ■ I. BIlll

it la-sUnnard ttinl lli^ris'flii

" a pro|>bcl In nnt wlttinut honor

country," will li.ir.lly -»i■ i■ *.-- ■ Hui

[imp who will hulat that It la only

nf lila Retunji "i>, w.i will aay that

II nothiiift except Has auHmDuturei



Due, liau.lu.l down from loaf year- aft", and of

«-hit-It we licre B|I|H-II.I a brief bUtory. In

THE YEAR 1804, An 1.1.1 liulian. then Uffng la Hie IOUUI- wen Urn

part of Allmnv L'ouuly, yute Of New Tore, who

had niaUo itliunrir n« uan, liecame unable I

cioon him for hi* aervli-e* i

man llien living, found thai o

The iin.ier-iKiii'il wmiM re*)"-'Hulls atinoimi to llui Dttlsetli of Ijiwnuio mill vlt-inity that I ha» mini ml a

Real Estate and Intelligence Office ,

At EI31 Baaci Ntreet.


>1 K-

-DAILY PAPKHS, i, KiiartiviiigF*. I'eilodiinln,SUtloncry,

' at short imLJn-.

(\. II. LOW, ArOTllKUAKY. P VJ tioiir i-avi'iiilh ili^j.iiii-.'ii nt all hoi all Hi. I.M.lii,- I'aii'iil M,M;. in.-, ,is..| 1'.. ctea, Ac. mi 1IK.IAI.WAV. ai

DH. J. 11. KIDDKH, DENTAL BUR- UBON, No. '*;i Baaea Street, Lawwmee,

Mas-, tin-, Clilnrol'orm. or Ether given, as pre Icrn-il. I'loseil .limng AiMtUit.

Annttlre whieli our eilr wantliia help or anv mil UIIIM- waiitlnK I'liiployu u.lvanUiKi' to .'ull on, or i

RAMUKI, IKHil.l',.

091 K..H Ntreet, WIUTO nil pstroaa " proinptlv wnlte.l u|>ini nii.l jo-lly .1,-nlt nil lm-i1 InayliiK or *flliii){ Real Ksbile or IV

Propertyi««r liarliif; U oolwet, ii1— Kivemyh tor eiiH'llni'i m Ini.llv ihi iini'.l nr si- dercl. dliiiny

.1 iletallt-il list* "t properly, tenc-


tin KSSKX ST., i. i v. i: I,M i . MASS. Over l>ycr ACo'a.


> attend to all ralla inuilu

V -i-i-J I-L of hii I

BITTERS Which he I'urnisW1 M *• pulille, the receipt lor

Which this me' I'urrhaiod or hhn at great eOSL

.M till" HHUfalered. The i.ii «

ml «ol.l, ami created mi little oonaatiou

r ,^tay yeani hot It batal a Hparnely iettlc.1

!,. alliy, and It may lie, the ill* ol Ike In hub Rants

liavhiK dlaappearod In roowipieiieo nl tho line ol

the bittern, and the old geatlSBUM 0Wnitt| the re.

eelpl pasniiiK "H Hie sbitro about Hie

YEAR 1822,

v I'Diae thereof •• J lo ill.-away, liul Ih I

an- old |..-..)ii.- IIVIOK in that a

iiiiicinbi'r the i.inn- »r

THE TONIC Aatbay naUaw IL Thi. reeolut wan wilh-.l by the

owner l.i a ibuifMor and her .hihlrun, aud the

ftrtihwl reoolpt, ikttwl a- above, le in ralaMBoe

(rota whieh Is made

SlannarJ's Vegetable aud Herb Tonic,


Upon persona who have been IOIIR MIITCHHK willi

wtMt U.»t- Iwav aaul what la i-alleil bv uhralciam



BRAMAN SHAW & CO. Man ii far tu re rs and DealeiR in


Laycock'i English Hair Seating. SALKaaooua:

htdbary ami ill) ft 71 Portland streets, Itoston ITDOB.


j in rn i' or—

PIANO AND OlIflAN. JO" Kaaea Btreet, I,,.iv i i n. ■ . Human i- an exiiericaeei) tiiuher. H\\\\f-

fnrlion giiaianU'Cil, Al.-u, i.-rnt lor the 1'rei-i'otl Organ. Tliin Ornaii Coinpaiiv i- the oldent tflali- llnhinentor the kind In the I'liltcd Slates. The • xperlenev of ;t»i rean in the hwahhua anablea the maiiulactiuur- lo \-\.\<y in Uir niaiUut Cabinet Or- gansnf slti'll Vitrii.lv, iju;dit\ ul (one and llui-li an will i hjilleiijc '■"iii|-iiii-i>ii for I'li'Kunre of rttvle, volume, ami purttv nl tone. Sulil on [iiBlallnmiiU. Old m .ii um.'ui ■ taken fn exulmtiKe. aKSmil


Kem.iTiil. In Imnilliiid over our stuck we limit ,rgea«c.iimulnilnn-of lliu«-. K TajM'-liies, inn inTlhrOOldr.lnnraiiih.Kiil.U.i.onrler.OiH |.,ths.

Carpets, Matlm*-, HHK*. Mats, Crumb

NKW ENULANIi CAItl'KT CO.. removed t Hit Ilauoviir i-ti-eil, nearly «o|>u»iU' llm Amei ieit llniisf, llostou. JulyleodlMlM,



The Kin.lie* eiiiliiiiciil in Hie plan i.t'llm Kr.lm. aii,lit.-l a good

o huve I"" n.iwh-<Ue nl* the Kleincntary Eii^'liuli




IITH at-MCUI. HKfKltKNCK 1 H.l II rr.)

I.Iii .i

I'ssary tor ami


MttSTaoK iiuaiNMB t.Kitta wuiriMi.)


I llil M.ll ill I--, Kl of which are especially m

adapted to Couimerelal purpo*e>.. I'upils dualriag other studies than abov

named may select any or all nl the COMUIIS Kaoi.iail STVOIKS and pursue tliem in euune.v liuii with or se|iernUi trom the ( I'uin.rui Sruoiaa. .PjSfflrflJSaiy.tLat.aar lime If ibpra are jac-an-

i.u.l free. The «i-ho»l •■ now l,..ale.l at*W Wash- nfton 8troet,-ln<-sli"n previous lo the Sru ol May 101813. Hours, II to *■ Closed Saturdays.

Vacation d-rlBI -luly and Annat. Ai.plhn- uonfor admi.sioii, »e.iL Int., nmv lie made In utrsnntill Jnly I.t; I'.om .Inly 1st to Auitual I., by letter only, buildiuit el-.s.-l. Au*iwt 1, nil Kept. Uk the principal will be In atwndam c ilml)

Now, net

our duty b

j in arder lo lUac.harge-



DKOKEK i WHITTIEK, GllOCEIUJ. Crockery and (.'land Wore. BtrbttlTpun

Coffees, spice- and clmicest Ten.-. The lie-l dalrle or ]tuiu:r and Cbeoae. M Ataeabary Htnn't-

W. LORD, Sole Agent for the "VICTOIl" SKW1NU MAC11INK.

Hi Margin Street. New Shuttle, Sew Tension, Self-setting Needle.

1/ DE RINZY & BROTHER, Ladles'anil IljalJi-nfr. Cii-lom limit Jtlul Shoe Milker*. 1IM

Kasex street. All kinds of ready made Hunts and Sins.- constantly on linnd and very cheap.


tii Beat

EH. KELLEY, APOTHECARY.—Pre- • Beriptioas larclullv compouxdoil. l'ure

(Jruas and Cli..iiiriil.l':ili'nlMi.ilii-iiH'B, Toilet and ranoy Articius, eto, PoatOtfea mock.

|> H A^N K It U S BE I, L, 1 I'HOTOGRAIMIKK. rorlniits ami Lanil-caj.es.

Has Basnx ST., LAWUKMK.

GEO. O. CROSS—Mechanical Draughls- itlan, IVittem and Model Mitker, at Ule

Merrutiat-k Machine Shop, near Herri mack Iron

I IOOP SKIRT MANUFACTORY, at A. -I a. A M. Alkin-on's. lormcrlv at Mrs. J. A. KnoxV. Millinery ;,,,,! im„y K,»,.u. suimpinn a speeitdty.Madaiiiu toy's ooraeia, SIOEBWX slieot

HM. WHITNEY & CO.V Apothecaries, • corner K-HCX ami Lawrence. St.—iTrueaea,

Supporters, Shoulder Unices, Perfumery, ete. A full aaaortravnt nl nil articles in our line.

HOLT & CO., ICE DEALERS. Office With Bugbwi A Mack, *a Kssex street, Law

HP. KARNARD, UPHOLSTERER and a Cabinet Maker. -Kciiniriiig, l.uviiiK Car.

pels, and CuiLiin ll'mi. Mavhcw's I'a'tunl Win- dow Screens apjilieil ai i-hoii notice. UJaokaoD -t.

JOSEPH FLOOD &. CO., ME1UIIANT TAILORS. Chambers, I,-J ami :t Kaunder*

New llloek, K-sc\ stieeL Liulcr Uic 1 teilinU- MII.ci-vir.ion nl .Jos. FUioi., (late Savage .* H I.)

I M. HORNE, Physician and Burgtton.

Office and Residence 2 71 Essex Street.


JC1- ADAMS. M. D., • rilYSiCIAN A Nil SlIltljRllN

KautOVKtl Ti

I .S'I'KATTDN, BOOKSELLER ami \J, Slat ion.-,-, Account Ituok Maun lac lure r.- I'npcr II'UIHIIII,'-, Winiluw Shades, Newspapers, ate USHaaeiSL Uraiu-li Wore, US Haaex ».

T OUrS WEIL, Dealer In Ready-Ma«k \J ClolhiiiK, CeaLi' l-'uininhiiiK Coon*, Hats, Caps, Trunk-, Vali-es, Cnibrcllas KaSKX Srill:i,r, Lawrence, Mass.

M^saJ, to the pubUu

POOLS, M. IL, after L'O ful pnolicc In Ob-lelri.-s an-1

B. KENNKY, M. 1)., PHYSIClAr i and Siiravon. Oftlce SWt K—ex St. Hollo in N.-wbnry Street, rartleiilar atU'iillm

May now ha hail, wholesale and retail, of II. U. Whitney ft Co., druggirt), corner or E.aex and

Lawrence Slrceta. Also for lalo by A. R. UlbJ-

den, (loo. II. Chlckerlug ami other dnifglaU;

alao by l>ae.ker A Whlttler, John Euaacll, Ueao

A ihi/.cliiiic, Oefb ft Meaorve, and olbor iroeera

in lAwraaoe; and In Melhnen by 8. IL Ilarrli,

Jr., and Castle * SUtvena, drufglala, and by IL

O, Walwfair. All order* for


whobnaU and reUil, can l-a a.ldreaao.1 to IL

. Whltaey ft Co., Lawrence, Ma,... or to J- H.

Hbwiiiard, wlio la manuntoturer aa.l proprietor at




For Invintiom, Trade Markl, or Dsliajnt, 7K Btato St., o|i|io«lt. Kllby St., Boalon, tftcr an extenaive pracUeo Of upward* of thirty rears, miiliuues m se. uic I'.ilcnis in Uie Lulled SUtei; also In Ureat Britain, frame and other rorelaw winntrles. Caveats, Siss-lllcnlions, Assign- ments ami all paper, for Patent*, executed on reasonable terms, with .lispatcb. Ib'searehe- ma.lc LTueUannina the validity and utility of 1'atent- ul Inventions, and legal ami ...her advleemj.tared In all BM toucliinBtbeaame. Copiea nf the claluia or any Patent ,u,... b- .1 by lemlttlng one dollar. A..igiiinent-ic,l.MUl| in V, ashlngton.

JH-No AgSney in Hie United SUiuiapoaaeaaM auoerlor lacilltlfi ror oliminlng Patent-or aaoar-

VflBS LIZZIE CARLETON, 160 ESSEX 111. Mreet, Saundara lUODk. May liulnundnTa- rlod

M No.


MiiKiil'iieturei* "I « '".| Mm blneiy, liinil Me Acting Tuibinu Water Wlicel. HAMMER PALLING STOCKS, Fulling Mills, l>olly Washers, Shafting, Regulator a,

Uiaa.ilya Tubs. Ac K. N. IIA Kill.", »»" Uroad way lanvrence, Mass. Olreclor and htlliug Agent,

to her homeless ^boarding-place. To be sure, abe saw the world. It Bowed con .-lantly past lier, loved lo hurry anil vex her. Slid shook Us leisure, llri plenteous happiness and full purse, forever in her face.

Virginia bad no companions nmong her fellow-clerks. They consisted of fluffy young women and correeUy-gotten-up men. Qlrla who buns variegated hair ruiinil their skulls, and who told you n thing was "viir poorly," Of "thawinliig," or "ileluighlfiill;" who, is sliort, aped all the dawdling of uppcr-teudoni. Men of that cut-anil dry appearance which a lift; behind u counter gives a family man. be sure above all stood Miss. Hlum, the cashier, whoso moiilh shut like mi oyster shell, and snapped so when it was forced to unclose, that you wouldn't pry at It often, lint she was not of the lower earth earthly. The girls disliked Virginia: Uiey considered her nil upstart; her reserv- ed ways were "airs ;" and, altogether, she wasn't "their style;" they snubbed her. The CUt-and-dry men were so occupied between the rushes of business and men- tal attempts to stretch their salaries around the year, that they forgot this fatherless daughter In their midst.

Mr. Plodding was a leathery old fellow, who worked his human machines hard, and looked well to their operations. The tlesh and blood, and soul part of them, lie hml nothing to do with.

Different was Mr. Pink—that elegant being! Ik- was a gentleman merchant, whose father bad sat Llm up In business, and who did the fast-horse driving of the <i.t»bii.<.h>iieiii, ii-iiUiig it to old lloddlng to do i ii.' fust-bargain driving. Mr. I 'ink seldom entered the store, but he delight- ed in sending a flutter before him when he did cuter. He scattered complliucutH, ami silly, patronizing speeclica, right and left When Mr. Pink saw Virginia, he llxi.l his eyes ou her, and promised to amuse himself with that little girl. Hut he never got on wLk her at ail. Respect- ful toward hltn. she yet held herself eo much above him that all bis boustcd shots struck below her feet. The serene shop- girl

lii'.i'U\t:n rXlltTATIOM

with that fascinating being. Site was so lonely. Her bounling-placc

WAS a chill resort, where '■hoarders" were boxed in s'Ptill rooms, fed sparingly and solemnly, and told the price ol every article of food while It was between their teeth, by that severe widow, Mrs. Stump, who surveyed her victims from the head of Ihe long table. Here, again, people were negative to Virginia.

Not many recreations were there for licr. She seldom saw a play or heard music; a city's wealth or resources rolled round her, ami she stood, like Tantalus unable to command them. Sometimes she slip- ped into tint free seals at St. Paul's, and watched the pomp of religion. If Ihe Hector ever saw her after service, he gave her a patronlalng nod. There was nothing for her, she told herself again anil again, but to stand In that store, pay her curu- Itigs to the boarding bouse keeper, and k.-ep the Iraile-mlllgoing till shedled.

< iDcii tliio nubclpcd chlhlgrew desperate and, when she came home or nights, she threw herself Upon the floor, nml beat her ilicd, bursting head against the wall. It was foolishness, lo lie sure, but llu- fool- ishness or a human being In mental agony was what drew out Hie tenderes com- passion from One who once sojourned on ihe earth.

"Ill hml some one!" cried Virginia, 'list somebody I"

"A 1I!!KM>."

It did not strike her lo say lover. ivera aho might bavo found among the

youths who rrediientcd Mrs. stump's, ml looked upon Virginia with some favor.

Hut In none of these could she Ilml her friir.tl. Many young girls have passed through such experience in a big, lonely ity, and have taken the' husks which hence threw them, or, worst of all, have

Why isn't HomeJbumlling dropped Into iny lap? I shall ftirgrt till the prvtty ways my own brotheralamle had beforehedicd, and 1 shall justfnjrnimif, like Miss Ilium ' lh, 1 wish a batrf'd he lost, and I'd Ilml

It I" Mldsummcr-nlgbt, you know, is n night

HI which every spoken wish is granted. It being inklsumjaer-night, therefore at the next comer Virginia did lliul a lost baby.

It was a ipiaiiit, pretty child, dressed 1 clothing of a foreign cm. One shoe on, and the other HbDn shoe was clutched In fat hands. Frightened, but brave, was this baby; crying and quivering, but look- ing straight ahead, and mopping its face with Its petticoats.

"What is. ltW.da.arr asked Vlwlnla. *i—r"ag *«» 1»0 iKrle Load.

"Paper* said tin- oioi.t. bursting Into n olster?" j * "She's so frightened! Are you lost?" "Papal" "Come with me,"begged the girl, win-

ning on the cOnvulsed face, nml gelling power over her waif. "You'll come with

ic. won't your" She led It along. What Is your name?" "Wooesc!" "Louise, Is it? All, she's so Hrcdl

Come up on my shoulder, pet; I'll carry

Site got Louisa iitio tier arms, ami r/UTTKD I IKK A TniET.

She knew that lo report her find at once Ui the police would he to have the child taken from her, ami placed in the station* house. Bhe would wait and send a mes- sage. Bo shadow past Mrs. stump, who admitted her to adnrkhall, and darted up stairs.

Virginia opened the shutters, threw her hat frontier, and sat down luarocklug chair, snagMIng tin- child, it.had largo eyes, curly Monde hair, and un unmistak- able tSermau face. She held Virginia's neck with emitliletire. and Watched till Virginia's motions with discerning eyes.

"LouiiiuJ" tried the girl, and here she stopped to sipcc/.e and kiss the child's brenth half avay. "Oh, it's been so long since Jamie wmt out of Ids sister's arms. Oh, you bonnbdarling! Do you under- stand me wheiil talk'/"

Louise shookherhcad, and then nodded it. She was hArnlng two languages, and often grew corfuscd between them.

"Do you uderstand this?" Virginia framedlhe pliinp face with her hands, and kissed ii. ami". "Oh, 1 love you! 1 do love yon so, baby'."

"Ulst du iiaimnu?" Inquired Louise, lifting an Interrogating linger, ami placing It on Vlrg'nia'si-iiin.

The girl Utthed out merrily. Her dismal little noin echoed. That room was astonished.to the sound of sobbing It was nccnsiomd, but against laughter It set Us ghasllyfacc, and lifted Its ghost- ly voice.

"No, I'm not niinina," replied Virginia, but I'll tell yo. who I am. Put your

urmsup so. Not say,


Louise made a effort to do as request- ed, but these wei two big words. She clucked at them. ,roke down, and stuck her tongue out ln^mfuslon.

Virginia IfOignd again, and cuddled the little thing OBiar neck. "Hut where Is mamma?'' she owed; "who is mamma? she'll miss you, won she?"

■IIIUMUVI:- uttep*' A*"""*' witn an effort,—"gone!"

"Is she dead ?"''»• and tenderly. "Yah," repIlcdUulne, greatly relieved

at being comprcVndcd,—-gone dead." "Laws sake!' bawled Mrs. Slump,

who made tOWejj an excuse for marching upon a citadel there she heard such un- wonted souii* or revelry. "Whose youug one Is bat" What on earth arc you doing wltlR "

"She was Ifft on the street," exclaimed Virginia; "I bund her."

"LoHt a-pOpOSe, I expect. You'd bet- ter send her omul to the slat ion, anil have her owners boked up, if she's got any. / ain't goln/to feed no vagrants!"'

"Don't toiible yourself, 1110(11011:''' llrcd up this swiet-U'mpered young woman in- stantly. 'I know very well that feeding peoplu la not your forte; and, be assured, I shall tiko all proper steps for finding her 'ownoff.'"

Mrs.Stuinp opened her month like 11 howttter, and was going to plump S tell- ing t.rdl, when Ihe door-bell startled he back Into her "respectable boanling-hous keerer" demeanor. Bhe went down and answered the call. Virginias, thread of lalkiv'-th Louise was broken; aim listened apprehensively lo the voice belOW-

"Lost, madam?" exclaimed a man' voice, deep and full of foreign gultcrals; "a little child I WTle I been gone. Was gjrte two weeks. The nurse, she curcl -*he lets mine kind out or her eye- iiEin tell me she voson thlsslhreel I"


life ami student fbot-t IT, his dark days, his 1 to belter bad fortune, chestraa and teaching lor a suitable ji


. Louise's mottl- ing to America playing In or-

while- searching forme

■ I'ootlltici for obtaining P.. ..... f [,lV(.ntion*.

y In Washington t. ufning the patentability Of

.. 'I'II'.- usaelfneT4eh>) there.'are


or iic lonlu aro frea to all i--. ■ who aro at a

in need of bating Ui«lr*henHh« Improved, by call

lag on

J. 11. STANNABD at hi* oaloe over


TESTIMONIALS. -I regard Mr. BASj a* one or tho

ami aapaeHMU praebUonera willi had Official i.Ueivuiiiy

C CBAMOBOFT, D. M. IL, DENTAL Oa OFFlChl, 417 Ks^ex Street, (Kali flel.l s new block), Lawrence, (ins. Chloroform or Klher

1 a* prererrcd, fbf the extraellon ol U'i't

I,,I ,.,1.1.., hoai

wilh her, and surrounded her with hearty friemlsliip. There is no man on earth so appreciative of woman as a well- bred German.

Virginia knew her friend had come. Light love may come, and II may go: men aud woman join hands every day, but few

10 them the perfectly responsive Trlcm!.

From making formal calls, witli his col- r sel precisely, 1 Ise and the violin In HM, he went on lo miming in with

SriUllCN ANH l'ltKriY M.KAKrifKS r..e Vin-iiiiu, lb' "'i.uhl Uke Louise mid her to rid*, (hat they inigbTK-e some re- freshing spot outside Hie dusty city, (lr he tacked her under Ids arm, and took her

here he placed her so that or lYom his chair; and then

lie played, toward her lor bis triumphs. Perhaps on Sundays he called L

iili lil

Where h , Jo the h.uvh 1 rathe

> all 1

drehlppcd. Virginia sal In ■ and crowded tears back, ft quaint and sweet, and llkesqnv

y ola life she 11 lived on Mother planet, il touched her with such a disc of nt tit'Hinu-xn, The high pulpit ml lender-voiced minister, tin- Lutheran mn, the strong, licariy chanting, the ,-avc of adoration which passed over the

place .ii 1 ii. mention of (loll or Jcsn,— n. little children, bowing ever before

that nqme, as grass bows when Me breathes on It,—the deep, sweet voice or

man beside her repeating those words his mother taught him under bells across he seas,—these tilings all round home in ,cr heart. Thus Fredorich Kaiser made her more

ml more bis Mend. "Kaiser!" she once laughed softly to

erself, "That's Emperor t Frcderleli, Emperor! He is just splendid, and It tuils Llm, So, under her breath, she look .0 reversing his name, ami calllnghlin

kAISKIl I'llKDKllUil. Said the Kaiser Fr.-deiieh to Virginia

me dav, in Hie beginning ofthc Autumn, "I am going away!" lie told her all his plans. '*Achl thy Acogrows long, lint it is on nbuslnessjourney. Km-: A chair —a Professorship—do they call him so?— it may be mine. I will go and sec. Per- hapa i shall come back with good tidings."

" lula carried her lift without him a week," she missed the Kaiser so-, nml

rled once on hcrnnns so'cmptv ofLoill —for ho took tho child with b

On Saturday night she came home from the store, glad to feel lo-uiorrow's rest meeting her. It was her birthday, but no one had celebrated It. she hml given It little thought herself




Saturday. Some of Ihe < lanadhms who have just return-

ed to Kpringlleld frolii Montreal, thouitbi they bad H Htiarp trick played on them by the Cen- tral Vermont Railroad. Tim company having iidvi-rtliseil tickets good until June B, inanv of tliem waited until then to start, liul, at While River Jenetknt, hairau boar after midnight of the 83th, '!"' con du 1-tor of Ihe train i-nine ulong mid nn-.I in coll. ri farea iroiii the junction lo to Montreal- The Canadian* refualng to pay, !'.,* tSEh i11*i.-'iL*"n ""•'? *ere about'JMu, we're loft boNad. Unding, 'fiowevor, ,u,t u.ey could do no better, wi Ii many thnstta of .uita for damagw* 'bey pnhl.

StatlntlcH of Hie l\wt fJAhu departuicnt for the pant year show an increase of II1 per nut. over the previous year in llio huuio ul atampa, isistnl cards and envelope*. The Issue ol stamps amounted to if 1 .TOJ.iKKL Ry ihe almlition ol the franking privilege tho department has lieen saved over a million dollars annually.

It appears that, at the Rev. Mr. Beccher1* re- .('II ■(, mi in'.. .'■ii-rmimi Into the charges made by Mr. Tllton against hln gtsid name waa luati- inteil at a very early dav alter the publication ol Ihe Tllton letter, and has liven conducted In secret ever at nets. I he result i« expected to tie reached soon.

The Rev. Newman Hall, n| the new chapel In lAindon, delivered a eulogv un Lincoln at tho (Hying of Uio comer atone of the Lincoln Tower. The tower, which in erected by thcJolnt*ub- NC rip lb m a of Englishmen and Americana, waa ilccoralcd with lUg* and the arma ol botb nations.

A new Invention in Telegraphy, the prop- erty of Ihe Werttern Union Telegraph Cutn- j.iiny. hy which four nieariagei can bo sent nt the MUM time 011 one wire, wai aucceaamlly tried In New York on Thursday, In the presence; of President OrtOO, electrician Preaeott and ol hern.

The bloody shirt discovered In the Nathan niiiii'-Mii haa been identified ai that worn hy Nathan when murdered. It waa at Arat anp- poscd that It might Ix-limg to ono ofhia aona, against whom Some anaplclon waa entertained at Ihe llmo ofthc murder.

A Government engineer will lie ordered to Easier, N. 1L, the present aca*on, to make Ihe necessary survey*, soundings, etc. of Sipiamartu river, after whieJi atich apuroprlationi will be asked Iron Congress aa the needed iuiprove- uumts shall reaanea

The Indian outbreak in KanKaa prove* lo bo ..I a serious chnractcr. The reporta of lighting, ul inurdcrs and other outrage* arc numerou*, and Ihero is a panic among lliearttleni, who arc. ileelng In great numtiera nerus* tliu border.

i A London special nayi that a man wbu at- tempted to lly 1111 u new (tying machine ironi _ balloon nt a high altitude to ihe earth, Cell to the earth and wn* horribly mtinglcd, the machine proving a failure.

Dsss nail: At Hartford, yesterday-, Hartford ,,„ LI, Mutual I; at Lvnn, Atlantic 'JO, Live Oak Mrs. Sump met her will, n package she. , ^ |fc ^ m

nld bad been left for .Miss. Real ciuly lu |)av J

tho afternoon, snd which bore unmlsUka-; „y Mli. ,!ip,i,itl(,(,rn ph*suMyVhi«t Aitap- iving In pried Into.

Within locked doors, Virginia cut Hie Ol'd, and found that I lie Kaiser Messed

his little friend on Iter blrtliday, ami beg- ged her acceptance of this volume—bis favorite Schiller. It was* n idee birthday ! thought Virginia. Bhe did not feel loo tired lo dress for dinner, nnd lo put a late rose lu her hair.

,1 list as the gas WAS lighted, Mrs. Slump's door-bell was nearly rootcd^out^ o'^'oc

and eager to sec Miss. Real. ,e moment Miss. Real dawned upon Islon, ho flew out of his chair and ran

lo take her bands. "II Is mine: tarn now In good posll on!

I will teach my art ami German aOtllers to nit Institution I Ach, yon are glad!'' He slopped and studied her face. "Hut I urn no! until you tell me

Ihe capsizing of a pleas iv, N. J., yesterday,

Philadelphia were drowned. The I'uial adjournment ofthc New I lampshli •■

Legislature wo* reached yesterkay. Qold doted yesterday at 110.


Vol mi.

So good- SO true! and thou

Thou wast my link mc all?"

■-Would nuothorb thee?" continued the

eh care ill take 1 shall have Louh friend—enns'l In

a heller hiislmml 1 Ivaiscr, blanching

alb '<Hi, no

"How Imprint In head. "I

lhal is!" cried Ilic Kiii-.f leliolhal kiss .111 her lore- in art, I am thy own |" ivlll bring my youngling!"

ml Ii

of Hi

..In dtli

1 the der mn other.

Virginia sat ihr< ugh hours that evening (ah! she remembered them all her life), holding Louise upon her bosom, listening to the vl.dlll, Which Uttered its masl, r- pieces, ami watching wilh Imleacriliable satlsfuciliin that most satisfactory man In Urn whole world - her KaUii Frederick. — Hood* UmtMhoid Mtiffaxta*.


I-* J. MURPHY, MANCFACTUHKR X • ami Dealer in lb".!, shoes uinl It libbers, of

every desirable Style and quality. 800 Ls.oa Bt, La* rcneo.


f a A C T 1 V J L

TIIOS. LEYLANO, Dry Goods, 381 Es ■ox fltreok Full Value, Fair Healing, "N»

niowliiK," No Trickery, One Price. Wo mean

times pushed up her NICCVCH, nml looked at (he plllk, soflnrtiialhuy baU Who waa SO young to be all forsaken and lost in the big world! 81m wondered, blllcrly, whyShS had boon created at nil! The gift or life comes to US wrong side out. We pull it this way and that; tint we shall find the design, the beauty, and the glory, of It, If we're patient. Some are to Hud the meaning of life In love, sniru! in heroic deeds reserved to Ibejii, which will echo down tho centuries.

Never mind, Dearle-dewn-ln the-mnd! Just nail away. You're sure to come out dry and high, If you keep a good heart and stiff Up.

One night, ns Virginia leaned against tho window, looking at the heavy sky, she heard a violin. The sound was faint; but, as she listened, It grew Ull It filled her sense of hearing. It talked to her like nn angel. Her heart swelled. She leaned towards the darkness from which It spoke,"Stralnml after It. li - sweetuCSS lls pathofl, Its compass cannot be describ- ed. She took no thought of the hand Up- on U. Shu

CHARLES MASON, Commla'r of 1'atenW.' I have no hesitation In assuring inventor* that

ther cannot employ a aian m-ri comprtttit and irwifmirfar. ami uimc . nijablc ul' nutting their all-

KI>1U'M> lfCHKK, l.nWCWr or Patent*/ "Mr R, II- Emit ha* made for mc over THIRTY

am.lleaU.'mi tor Pab-nts, having boon HI ire ess! u afavstemmrr •*» S|"!' r*»W^EM! of ^?UbVntay,,.l ability t-'- i«rt. l«<to e«t|.

— -■ AU, Inventora lo "Pbly t" him MtM Mteitt-. a* Uiey »ay Is- aur* of havlag

and at very reasonable okargej^ TAQ()ART.„

Boiton.Jan.l.int. U*Kb

rpABBOX * BRIGOS, ATTOENETS L anil Counsellor* at Law, Hanmlcr* New llloek,

Kooma W and 17, Lawrence, Ma*». „„,„„. j. K.TAHHOX. C. r.. Human.

WHITF0R1) &. BICE, JEWELLERS, dealer* in Paper, Slali-.m rr, Paper Hong-

lnga, Window Sha I.:, and shade HUures; Illunk Book Manufacturer*. *» E**eJ Bt, Lawrciiee.


I, Hi ... 1 ■.;


511 Estei HtrceL

rTHEBE8TBELLING Sl'llSCRUTION Work lo tha Fltia.

The CosTaiBinroa, a H page llellgimis ami Fainilv pauer, nnlj *1JW a year. The a... miuDU onred. One agent

«r. "Taaoa a' at Satmilay,

lion'*!"" All'riai.... on* take It. A apki.dbl/Hitllt.^avrge

"riella llsulf."

took » anbserii.llon. and took t: subserll.t

Inatlons take II. .. . , oiHiiilssion*. ror terms, etc., n.blie KAItLK.llo.loii. JnlylScodHlwi'ii


\ 1' Vl'KUS,

Wf. k J. S. OILE, •ArrouNKra and CotrsM;i.iA>ss AT LAW,

i.[u KSKCK »troet.

w Hl'l'K & HKLL, Attorneys at Law, Pubic', mul ( oninilssii.neiii far 1 know

I.OVKH THAT VIOLIN. Through hours she listened, leaning over the window alll, bat the breath of Heaven in her heart. She thought about It all next evenlug. Night by night it talked to her, becoming a part of her existence. Hit neglected her, she was rustless and fretted. When It did Its beat, aho paid It a distant trmuto by clapping lier hands and whispering In ecstasy. "Oh, you darling old addle I I wish it was a person!' she after added; "I wish It could be a friend to mc. The man at the bow Is an orchestra-man, of course; like those fat fellows who go into beer-saloons. Hut I love his Addle so!"

Suddenly the music stopped. She lis- tened night after night, but all thu hours were silent.

"Justlike everything 1 take to loving! cried Virginia passionately. "Why couldn't that woman's supply of codfish have been cutoff Instead? I can live with- out codfish, but what su-di I do without my inuslc-soul?"

■I think I shall diet" walled Virginia in a woman's intense undertone, as she

1 ragged through the dusk one evening-

fluttered Louise, prlckii 'Oh, papa!"

Virginia carried her to Ihe head of Ihe italrs. She saw below an alert man,

bronzed, but bbm-eyed and falr-halrcd like bis child, dressed in traveller's gray. and holding it vlolin-cnse under Ids arm. This he dropped as Louise readied her arms, and screamed for htm; he dashed iip-stulrs, met them midway, and took the child out of Virginia's arms.

"I thought lhad lost thee! gloss ihec! Alt, this Frauleln has been kind to Hue. Hast thanked herfj,

"Yah, Ich-lchhabeSll gckus/t!" blun- dered the baby eagerly.

"Thai was well!" As he grew calmer his English came more smoothly. "Frau- leln. believed me, I am cratiful."

"It was nothing," replied Virginia, with tilling eyes; -'1 hate lo have you take her away; there are no children here. I was so glad to find her."

Shall you not, Louise, and see the young lady who saved you from danger on the Street? Wu lodge just three square— round the comer." lie felt eagerly In hi pockets, and Anally produced a card-case from which he took a card to present ti Virginia. She read thereon, in Oeriniii ::haractcr*,

"r'HBIU'.UICIt KAIBKII." The rest she could not translate, but scent- ed from It something "bout & Professor and Munich.

"My name Is Virginia Kcol," she (old him timidly, feeling a lit tic afraid of the Professor and Muuicli.

Fredcrleh Kaiser lifted hi* hat with Ihe arm not occupied by his little girl, ami bowed with respect. "You have done service to me, Miss Real. Can I do no little pleasure to you?"

"I wonder," murmured Virginia, "Is il you. whom I have heard playing oil tho violin so much? Oh, H la so beautiful 1 I HO much loved Ui hear til"

Frederlch Kaiser now hastened to get down-stairs, to set his baby on her bet, aud to take up his violin-case.

Hem In- 1st Cremona I I haf played htm all my lire. You love It, hah? Ooodl You Bhall hear liltn oft. Shalt 1 have the privilege to come and play him for yon al your leisure?" He looked up enthusiasti- cally to Virginia, who nestled on the steps, her llpa parted like a child's.

0B, I'LL HK so GLAD !"

she breathed. ("Such doings!" muttered Mrs. Slump,

who, having stepped out or tho hall, bad luft the door ajar. ''That man's* widow- er, and I'll bet alic knowed It, I can see clear through It now—this plckln' up babies on the strxt*, and fondlin' 'cm!

1 will come V'rried llerr Kaiser, pick- Ing up daughter nml violin, snd bowing himself out ofthi Itreet door. "And the youngling shall romo. Good day, Fruu- letu."

According to 111 word In- r;i Ami having come one . be came agsin, eviihtn - ly enjoying the olnr and sanctity of Mrs Stump's snuffy mrlor.

While Vlrglniili'l'l Louise, he played all his favorite own'■ watching her ap- preclatlvc face viiti kindling eye. Bonn

as occasioned, yester- emciit that Rev. Hen d demanded an inves-

No tilth-surprise ' IV, by llu- annoiiu

rv Ward Hcecher, h Uglttlull ol'lhc charges mnile :i by Theodore Tllton, ami that the linn had been itulutly In progree oral days.

The request was promptly mad June "7, the dav of the publication ol Mr. Tllton's letter, and a special commit WAS appointed to condnct the Inquiry. It has been in progress since the Bill ol July, and Will probably be concluded lu 11 Tew days. The Inmilry has been conducted In private. Mr. Tllton WBU summoned as a witness. Mr. Beccher has not yet tcsil- tled, and, It issald the authority of Mr. Shearman, Will not appear.

The letter addressed by Mr. Reeehvr to Ihecxecutlvcci nitlec of bis church ask- ing an l''vesngatl|mjindmmcsting n

llKuiiKi.YM, June *.'", 1874. Qmlmen .—In tho present state of pub-

lic feeling I owe It to my friends aud to the Church and to Ihe society over which 1


r to initlo: tlgatloi

by the


g my conduct, a» eon lie publication made b

Mr. Tllton.' 1 have thought, lhal both II ml ihe society should lie rcpr il I lakethe liberty of asking ti

following gentlemen to serve in (his li Iry, ami to do lhal which truth and jtu

...■i- muy require, 1 beg that each of the gentlemen named will consider this as If it had been separately and personally sent to him,—namely, from the church, Henry W. Sage, Augustus Stdrrs, Henry M. Cleveland; from the Society, Horace It. I'lniUn, John Wlnslow, B. V. White. I de- sire yon, when you have satisfied your- selves by an Impartial ami thorough exam- ination of ail sources of evidence, to com- mon lea to to the examination committee or to Use church such action as may tin n seem to you right nml wise.


Mr. Tllton's publication, It will be re- membered was mnile Thursday, June if6, Mr. lb eehcr, coming lo town Friday, con- ducted his usual prayer meeting, am! Sat

rdav, tin .skin- He

Ibc letter, church to Investigate the mat-

iiilnlLlee Inus entered upon Its 1 will prosecute It to (he carHcsl omplctiou. They expect lo tlu-

Ish their labors lids week, although they may be delayed by the difficult*/ of gel ting witnesses; not because or the unwilling- ness Inn ihe nhseucc of so many of them from town.

shall die If somebody don't limes, between il-ninslc-bnrsts, he

A Nevada pa regular trial in yesterday, lh woods with a 1 It Is perfectly t burgle any 1 John made sdr

The Provide why New lliini about tini' pn Island. Is giivi Little llhody I population of grater il, ,1 he

il say: "There was im Im case of John Flanders luul an Interview, In the ,. friends, however, and , rtalil (hat John will not ," The inference Is thai I allure on a new Hue.

know population 1:111 Rhode

Mnj. Uluford Wilson, Solicitor of ihe Treat- -y Department tit Wasldnjtlon, wa* lu Doalou,

Bamroay, engaged at the Revere llouae, ink- ing testimony in regard to (lie alleged compliel- in trtu'rihrHfurto" aartsroiiifety. rrom me Ev- idence taken there and eUewhere, Maj. Wilson ha* become convinced that Ool. Whllcley and die members or m- rbrea had no connectkin with the robbery whatever, and baa 10 tele- graphed Ui Attorney-Oencral William*.

Mortimer Moynahan, prominently connected with Hie Fenian movement, ami of lale earning liia livelihood by writing for weekly papers. wa* found iu Mew York, Saturday, In his room, In a tenement houic in Cherry itiect, dying from the efferta of a done of Paris green. In the name room wa* the already decompogod body Of his wife, Mary, who had died from the effecta ol a dt«io of Part* green. Poverty drovo the people to commit auleldi;.

Advice* from Arkansa* report an attempt on the part oMIronkato defeat ihe constitutional convention bv aero ring an injunction from Ihe ■upreuM court, wbocnlB) that their authorily stitl re ins, again*! Ihe tneeiing ol the conven- tion, on 'lie ground that Ihe legislature which called II was Illegal. Rumor* of military movement! on tho part or Itrook* are in circu- lation.

The Huston unit the Athletic II.IIK- Rail club*, will leave Philadelphia next Thursday, per steamer Ohio of the American llnr, Tor Rog- luiiil. A farewell game wit! In played 111 Phil- ndelplihi the dav Inline, should Ihe weather tic favorable, and i< it should not, on the morning ol lb.- Uiih.

(li.v. T.*J It. Caldwell, of North Carolina. died of cholera morbuaon Saturday evening, at mil .IMI.I N. ('. He waseleeMat Oovcmor of North Carolina in Augn»t 1S7'J, hy ItMMj major-

f, 111* term would not have expired until nuary, 1S77. The eapuin-seneral Of Culm ha* decreed an

, „iraordinury tux of 4 per east, on the value of various kind* of properly, to be devoted lo the liquidation of the dent or Ihe treaanry.

The cable steamer Ami.n**vlor lia* arri nl I'liitsinoutli, and » U probable lhal the long delayed work or laving the shore end will la- Kin nt once.

n.li i-il slab-menu show an alarming lu crease In the number of ease* of dlplilbcriii In New York city during tin- past year.

Raw ball: at Chicago. Chicago 17; Haiti- more, I J. A' Philadelphia, Athletic, S; Phila- delphia, 7. Tuesday.

In southern and wokmi Kentucky wot enough rain ha* LiHen at anv one time in Ihe la>t three month* lo lay thu ilnst. The crop* are almost entirely destroyed, and, even with iibinidance or rain henceforth, cannot lie anvod. There I* ncoreely any crop of tobacco. Bora and outs aro very •mall, but the wheat crop fa tho but tor many years. Much dcMiiutinn la already reported, mil Hie Oovcrnor of Kun- tuiVy has lieen pellllotied to convene 11 = ■ !.■;■ lulaturc fur the pur|si*e of dcvUing incan-i or relief. Rain* have fallen ill eastern and cen- tral Kentucky during the last two days, but HOT int. lo afford much relief, In the monutaln dlstrlit* actual cases ol sinrvatlon are reported. C1.111setn1.g11c, I., i., loiioweo m* lamer ihm uie hay field, but, after wandering IIIHIUI KOIIIC time tieramc tired and lay down in the bill graaa. IHH father, driving llu- mower, came up a lew minute* lalerund, lieing unable to check the horses in time, ran over the sleeping boy, Hie cutler M-vcrhig tho law's head rrom ihe tanly.

Tom Bowling will la- unable lo atari for the Saratoga cup un July 80th and llu- anticipated great race lor thai event between Sprtnglsik, Katie Peats, Wanderer, Preaknc** and hluuolf will not lake place. If the Injury prove* of a ■erlous ehnraclcr Tom Howling will lw aent to ih.- Mi.'I in Kentucky, ami his brilliant lurf areer lie brought to nn unexpected etOSS- Tbs Presideui declare* hi* intention to exe-

'iitc the civil sen Ice laws, so lar aa lie haa |MIW- ■r. Candidates will hereafter be ot.ligcd to ;i-il Washington al their own expense, for ex- iiulnniion, a* Ihe chief examiuer will uol be able In make regul vice division*, ibei pay expense*.

The memhere of ihe cotnuiliieoot lnvc*tiga- tion In the Herein r scandal refu*e to give any Infonnatton a* to the pmgre*» of Inveillgntion, or what wltnsSHt have been examined, or when It I* likely to In- concluded. They only aay that ii I* tube thorouuh and no favor thovtn to any one.

On fialur.lav, at the Worcester and Naahus Railroad lUikm in Nashua, N. II, James P. Ilallleaey fell tstween two coal car* that he was coupling on a making up train, and re- ceived injuries from which he died ycalcrday. Ill* age wa* 'JI year*. He WOJ unmarried.

During the severe itinmler shower of Satur- day erenlng IUU liomo or I<evi llamaon In i'rnmbull waa Hlnick by lightning, and Mr, Harrison, aged 27 year*, hi* wire and daughter, aged two yeara, were all killed. They were silting on a feather bed at thu time.

.iol,riMii.li.ll the Irish patriot or HHK, sail* for Ireland, to-day wilh the Intention to enter the MUsk Parliament n* a Home Ruler, one of the most prominent ineiiibcri of that party being about to retire lo scenic Mil. lull's elec-

"TAKINO Tlir WHOM; STUrrt1.**—It Is

liilb ull to Imagine s keener feeling of

distress than that which must he excited

by the poisoning of s friend through care-

loasiicss or blundering 1 snd our people In

i-rcuce have read with no little surprise

thai wiihiii s fortnight three cases of la-

mentable blundering hsve occurred in the

city, la two of which deadly poisons were

mistaken for medicine, while In the other

s can of diluted sold was left by careless

workmen employed upon a building,with-

Jn reach of s party of children who drank

It for "lemonade." We read with satis-

faction 11 few weeks ago that a Mnssuchu-

actttijury had very substantially recognised >» ---iwuiHlblltly of a blundering drug lerk for coinimuiuH Unebter, by s ,'iiliei of S|,'..IHMI against his employer;

but the occurrences here in the lost few

lays suggest the Inquiry* what new

measures can be taken to afford the public

security against suicide and manslaughter

by Its own blunders? If the druggist**

sample of distinctly marking all poison-

ous substances were widely followed up,

we might hope that such errors ss swal-

lowing caustic ammonia fur cough incdi-

iuc or muriatic acid for lemonade would

be less frequent; but there are other pre-

cautions which the public Is responsible

for.and the majority of casoa or accidental

poisoning, It must be remembered, arise

from causes quite apart from the blunder-

ing of druggists or physicians, namely,

from simple hoedlesauess of Individuals.

There Is gross carelessness In hundreds

of households In piling In promiscuously

into a medicine closet oron lo a medicine

shelf, all tho remainder Iwttlos of tho fam-

ily physician's visits, snd the drugs and

decoctions which tho ills and ailments of

man or beast have in s course of years

brought into demand. Is It strange that

blunders occur? Or Is there any wonder

if there are poisons snd drugs dangerous

to life In these old collections, that the

blunders often prove fstsl? Proficiency

lu the drug store la no security agalnsi

lamentable mistakes at our homes, aud it

Is to very little purpose that the drug clerk

labels his poisons with the emphasis of

big type and exclamation points,ir we are

in leave tliem about In reach of children.

>ur security against poiionlng ourselves

or our near snd dear relatives will never

be on s really satisfactory looting,until we

ourselves Insist upon maintaining In the

bonseho'.d the safeguards against death

from potaouing 'that we cxurclac- there

wilh loaded tin- nnn* to guard against

death from shooting. Meanwhile, worse

things have been resolved upou by our

housewives than a decision they might

!llBKt\ Jp Ull VK. t>" "' vdicjiM!. rJus-t JI ^hivi,

and powders Into ike sewer, or as Cbes-

terllold expressed it, send them down as

an "offering to Cloaclna."

icre being no appropriation* t

Hl-OCKAPINU T1IK BTBKKTS.—NO OHC desires to Interfere with legitimate busi-

ness or to stop building or commercial

transactions in our thoroughfares; but

these things are curried on with such en-

tire disregard of the rights of the public

that we arc boil mi, for the hundredth time,

to coll the attention or the police nuthori-

to ihe matter. There ought always

(0 be a !n..>i'.liii". pul up around a building

which Is being constructed or pulled down,

and u safe sidewalk provided for foot

passengers outside il. We know, too. of

no necessity which requires that n man

who bus 1 n MI 1 = = -1- louse In the construction

of a block, should Tor n fortnight previous

spread it up and down the public

thoroughfares for it square nml a hilf t>i

the right and left of him. It seems worth

while considering whether Essex street

and our principal thoroughfares are not

being made something too much of n lum-

ber yard, anil—to step from the street to

the sidewalk—It will be well lo inquire

at the name, lime what the annoyances arc

which now attend a walk past our stores;

ive menu Ihe chance which the moder-

ately tall man takes every day of being

Involved In n hoop skirl or bolna

wiped across the (BOS by assllflsb. The

aro 11 down awnings we can mention

which are not raised slsive the sidewalks

tho distance required by the city ordi-

nances, and the Instances are even more

numerous where dealers are seeking to

remind the public Of what they have for

side, by kuockingln th" public's plug-hat,

and smearing the public over the cheek

or under the eye, When shall wu be able

Ui make it understood that the streets

nml sidewalks belong to Ihe public, and

that no uiorlnl man has a right to annex

them or obstruct them or sny part of them for privnte purposes? They arc not

Ist.Tenaawsa* nwn'a'wagn* which ho does not know what to do with, nor ns a lum- ber yard for builders who can equnlly well

hire the UM of private lands Tor the pur- pose without Inconveniencing the public

The sidewalks are no storage-place for

old boxes, snd no show room for furni-

ture and baby carriages, nor has any deal-

er a title to string out and display Ids

stuck over the sidewalks to the Inconve-

nience of the public. What we want to

call iillb-lal at ten I Ion to,is simply," Who do

the Stream and sidewalks belong to?" nnd

llils being ascertained, the next question

is, "Why don't yon, gentlemen or the

Police, keep your employers, the public

secure in what IH-IOIIRX lo ihemT"

electric spsrk taken lu s current of cos

gas; flrom which fact Hugglus Is disposed

to consider, with apparent good reason,

that comets consult at lesst partially of

csrbou. The comet discovered by Henry at

Marseilles on August :•-■>, was (he bright-

est of 1873, and about September 1 was

distinctly visible to the nsked eye iu the caily morning. The fourth and nflli comets

were Brosen's and Faye's, both smell pe-

riodic*! comets, having periods of about

five aud a half years each. Finally, the

sixth comet, tho brilliant wanderer now

holding high festival lu the heavens, was

discovered by Coggla—«ot Cnggln—al

Marseilles, ou the »th of November last.

How little Is really kuown of the laws thai

govern coincturv bodies "msy be Inferred

from the (bet that the flrnt annbancemeni

rcgardlnK it. waa that "It Is small and faint, son gt m w promise of being con-

spicuous.'1 The wet that five out of these

six comets haVollratbccii seen at Mar- seilles, speaks volumes #0* im.- ,i;.:ii ■,. of the astrouomers In the two obse,-. ii,,

es of Hint city,

Tin: MI:IM-I Sun: l.vuisi.\ 11 111. ill

recent New England experience dis-

solved at Concord, N. II., Friday morn-,

lug, after a session of thirty-eight days.

It has been noteworthy for nothing ex-

cept a highhandedness In making suffrage

a farce by deposing, all over thu Stnte.the

local officers chosen by popular vote. In

order to replace them with partisan ap-

pointees of a Democratic legislature.

Removals of Judges oT probateand police

courts, of registers of deeds and of

sheriffs, of district attorneys, flsh com-

missioners—in abort, of men In every po-

sition to which ofllce-hungry Democrat*

have been for years hopelessly aspiring

because their fellow-dlllKens knew them

too well to elect tbem, have been made

by the hundred. No body of legislators

of equal numbers ever succeeded In so

short a time as the Democratic majority

in the recent Legislature of New Hamp-

shire, In so cfluctunjly giving the lie to,

and exposing the hollownesHof all Its pre-

tences of reform. By Its sweeping disre-

gard of all the results ol local elect Ions It

has provcu so clearly that the dullest may

discern, what an utter and shameless eon

lhleii.ee game I- the whine of the Demo-

crat thill be "believes In local self govern

mem." The consolidation of railroads

sanctioned by the Legislature, has demon-

ilrated Hie lucaulnglcsaiicBB of the Demo

cratlc outcry against monopoly nml the

Increase of the power of corporations.

From beginning lo end thu session was

singularly harmonious In Its disregard of

public Interests and party professions, ami

the zeal of Its devotion to nothing except Prohibitionists who aided and tiwittOrt the

Imposture and scandal by .their votes last

fkll, are welcome to any vindication of

their folly which they can find In review

lug the work of the men liny elevated lo

power. ^^_^__


Saturday lost, the tth of July, the city of Manchester, New Hampshire, receive*.! its ttrsi supply of water from Ijtke Banaabe. Sic . Between four aud live hundred fani-

had service pipes In readiness and, in less than un hour from the tluio of atari tag the pumps, the force-main which is over a mile and a third In leugth. and tweniy Inches lu diameter, was Idled and an ample water supply in readiness f.n consumers. Lake Massaliesie, the source of tin: Manchester supply, covers about 3,000 acres, three to four limes the area of our North Audovur poud. The Lake fur nlahus not only the water supply, but the water power to pump 11—an Item of econ- omy which cities like Lawrence ami Low- ell, with their big annual expenditure for coal to feed the boiler fires ul lliclr new c- tlve water works, are likely to appreciate. Two turbine wheels of three feet diameter and two pairs of upright pumps are together capable of delivering in twenty- four hours g,7Ot,4O0 gallons, or over six- ty gallous H day fbr each Inhabitant In a population or M,OHV-m0re people, we suppose, than , Manchester with all the good reasons for it* high-raaehutg aaplra- UonS, expects to lay claim to for some time The cost of the entire works, the Manchester -'Mirror" states, "will not much exceed miW.OMO, which sum conshl erlng that Ibc works have a capacity ns now arranged Tor supplying so nearly loth IHK) persons Is not an extravagant one." Massachusetts has a prohibitory law and ,1 Mate police, both designed for UweB- eoursgemenl of water. ""•"'Ti'«t Hie , .» in Lawrence, at least tin

sx:*.i-« •"*'" nor when obtained, Is Uobiu-

oiiri 1 waul

I comfort mu pretty soo! Oh, ber about his curly days, his Heidelberg ' the cost.

Ink hit' 1

Alvall P. Stearns. >mi of N. H Slearna of lutlam). Vb, aek-rk hi the bug Stars of 8yl- ..der Aluiy. No. f.i, Tin it street, lloaaon, tli drowned al Vergenne*. VI., by the capaia ng nl a laint, on Holurdiiy evening.

Washington dispatches sny that the Went ii very little currency under Ihe new Is tint Ih-li.-v. ,| Unit Ihe circulation

Ihe Rasters hank* will bu distributed l*r.iie Congress meet*.

A Berkshire manufacturer give* it at hi* opinion lhal Ih.rc are woolen g.s.ds enough in the rounirv alrui.lv mnile to aupplv the market for a year, if all mill* ahoohtrosH production for Hint lime.

TIIK COMETH.— The last year has been an uncommonly good one for cornels, al least In respect to nnmb.-rs. From the 2d <.i, Jnly last to the present lime,we count sis ( none of them very brilliant, except the visitor now darning in our northern sky, hut several of tliem of considerable luler-

TempePa comet was discerned nt Milan, on Jnly 8, W7>, and proved to be me of the numerous group or six-year

comets which we probably owe In some

way lo the planet Jupiter, though whether

they consist of matter which has been

ejected from Jupiter In some way, ss Mr.

Proctor thinks, or have been merely cap-

tured by that planet snd brought Into or-

derly orbits by bis attraction, is, as yet,

uncertain. Boreliy's comet discovered at

Marseilles August 20, remained visible for

a month, though never bright enough to

be semi by the nuked eye. It was sulilc-

it-nlly bright to permit observation with

Hie spectroscope, and Its spectrum was

round to be the same a* that of most other

comet*, cotisls ing of throe bright bands

In the yellow, green ami blue The Spec-

trum produced by 11 comet always corres-

ponds very nearly lo the Spectrum of an


BiMaoss.—It Is a very bitter thing for

some of Collector Simmons' unrcasona

bin enemies that anything should happen

lu the course of his adinlnlstrallon tojua-

llfy th<- wisdom of his ap|mlntminit. We

grieve, thererore, lo say that Mr. Sim- mons Is really spending considerable less

money than his predecessor, and that If

hi. keeps on, lie bids fair to make good his

opinion that forty thousand dollars a year

could by proper economy be saved in thu

collection or custom duties at the port of Boston. When the changes were In pro-

gress a month ago, the newspaper press

or Boston, with the exception of the

"Herald" and "Traveller," BOOoVtl At ihe

Collector's a«sertbtn that bo proposed to

economise. "Turning out ontl-lluil. r

men at one door, and Idling lu Hnilcrlic*

ot the other," was tho cry, Simmons IN

nolblug lu us, one wsy or thu other, but

the fact that he Is attending very squarely

to lil* business and saving money, seem"

of llid-resl enough lo people who pay

taxes to entitle It to mention. Thcainf 1

paid to clerks In the Custom House in

May was rglA^awf, and the amount In Jniic

#13,«27, ami, sltogether, taklug In the

weighers and measurers and lalxirers,

there was a total reduction of ISOKt.Sl).

Now, If we were a dleln-the-lasl-dllch

anil-Simmons newspspcr, It might grieve

us to print these figures, but we think

W« Should do It, and then we should do

Just ss the Boston "Advertiser" nml

Sprlngtlcld "Republican" do With any-

thing which Is likely to redound to Hie

credit ofone Of Butler's rrlends, i. r. say It

"wont last," it is lust fbr"political afltert"

-"hold on aud you'll see the money fly

by and by," "backsliding is drcM.nl easy

I,', tlil- Butler crowd, "etc. etc

Mr-. Abby King has been A. King for a divorce for several years, nml has just got It.






ynni.ir MOHNISO. JILT 17, i87i


ling Wc.lnca.Ur. '1 ly *.

»r r.

prepared for. the AMUOCAV, froru ol

UOM al Andover, by 1'noi'. La It


ri i-'ll -: s s H

Thursday. » W. lair.


Bslunlsy, i».IB

7;l' .H.K. .CJou.lj.

-j. ur (Cloudy * » '- Wl Kmn r M






!>- K. Rain.

.,, L il'loudy * u w i9- | Fair, i- M


Tuesttay, 19.71 TI w. L'hwr.


Atcrngf, S 7» & W.Falr.

TJ Total rain full.

-.1 for temperature.




Wsdnenday. Chicago bus liut Miother great Are. it broke

nut at half past three o'clock yesterday nftor- r ip.artcr of the liiv, not lur from e tin- fire of October, 1871, orlfclii-

Mtd, ami was nut brought under Control until two o'clock ttilx morning. Tlie burned territory rovers alum! /i7 gents. Tin; liuiUHnfc* destroy- ed were mostly dwellings ami slon-anl'thr |mur, nlthnugh some tine structures, Including the Klnl llaplist Church 1 Afkcii* theatre, have hern l.rune.l. The money loss is tJumttlit to be not more than sy.i.UOO.tKXl. There was some loss ol llli', nntl n great DUflT [*■! - in ■ have been in.[iii1 homeless Hint destitute.

The event of yesterday at Saratoga wa* the lint gsme ofthe \m-v boll match between Har- vard and Yale. The Utter won their lint vic- tory over tin ii- nlil opponent!, the aeon living l to 6. The Yule nice blabgnrenconcert in thi evening, and will n-pent It thlx evening. Tin second game oflbe 'mil mutch occurs to-dnv President Grant and party arrived at Baralogi yesterday.

Mary Tar lor,colored, was disturbing the I.litlc Kill.m Chun h ul New Haven on Sun.hiv ln|f, when a church olllce r named Diiulcl. weighs IDO pounds, took her In IIIK ivrm attempted to curry her out, bat at the steps tic fell to the sldcwaik, and, striking Hie woman In toe abdomen with bit, knee. lt"ll,"YJ'"'J1,1

thai will probably rtm~ arrested.

The cohle steamer Ambassador has arrived and tbeealilc win iii.nie.hiitcly bo laid from the iliH'p »ea i" mc shore ut live. The Faraday ant An.nassador will then Hall to Halifax to Uy tin cable irom Torh.iv to Newfoundland,and tbenci proceed to Kngland for the deep aea cable and Uy that Itninedlately thereafter.

The (lovcrnor and Council inut ,ve»tcnUy iiTiil appointed thu billowing named gentle men Trustees or thu lloosnc Tunnel Itailrond ; Hon. A. II. bullock, Worcester; Hon. Samuel c. Cotih, lloiton; A. W. Beard, Uoatonj Hon. I'. A. ChadlMitirne, William-town; Hon. S. M Crosby, Northampton.

The latent reports In regard to the hivrsiiga- tlou into the itee.her Mandal stute that Mi - 'I'llton nripearcd U-lore the committee before her hatband wae aware of the exlatenceo! utich a mnmtttw, nml thut Mr. 11ml Mrs. Tllton hnvi lived tinnrt ever sln.e the pulilleutlon of the llrat Tilton letter.

Thu Myitlc I'.uli Summer meeting oginncd yesterday. Kftle won Hie three minute pane, (,-iilntng ;i record ofj.tr.nn.l the 'J :ts parfewai won hv Arthur; U'st time 'IXiK, Oracu gettln;! a record ot 2 37 i

The ptamu of unao bull played by the Chicago and Baltimore I'lnbs In Chii'a«o, on Moitduy resulted In n ecafe ol II lur the Clii.u^ns and H fur the Baltimore*.

At the lannrblnK of a toliooner on Ijona {•land on Monday, four men were Inatantly killed and a IHHHBM Injured by thelalltngof beavr timber.

Oabknabi Wleronaln, was risited, ytate with a tire, entaiilm: u loan eetlmatetl at >l not,

Ihtvld T publbdwr.ol rortlaml, Klftbt, UtwIW veiirs.

Aunes Sirieklitiiil, Hi died in KiiRlundim M.<n Thurmluy

The following I-. the fci (cennd Ohleaim An lially covers I.men

a well known i i ]>riiit.-i

I..NK I street

OUt, Kon Mlftl.UOO

• \\u i Tb

ia • ■ >'!■'.

sinte Kireei Wuliash in. e, »l,7i)0, i', »l.'iti,iKni, ■favlor atrvvt, gVal,O0U;

l'olk alreet. SIll.lMMI; HnrrKon »tr«t, BttOJWO; Coniiress utreet, f74,0001 Van Huren itret S-'iil,i>iM), Canal >trect, U'tween U'abaxh avini and State street, 91W/J00, Total, 94,035^)00.

At the annual meeting of the flrcut Fullw MaiiufaeturingCoiiipuuv, hel.l intlre.it Full veslerday, the Hon. Samiiil llotiper, Samuel It I'avson, F. M. W W. Kraelanit. TJ II,. ,

fclward mlllee.

ti.o. Wm. Iiu ed >l

I'erkuo appointed

The dupatchea Irom Chicai show that the aoeoante of the > In Unit city were reasonably e> oftln. pmperty destroyed IM IK,1

In i ii.llii;,-

lint..; M.i.i I H


Iheiisuui formalities atten.llm; th. and tranatvr ot a monument from a to the representatives of the people.

strawberries hi the Bofton market bring 201< IHI cents « box, raspberries IHI and OS, blucber rl.'s l.\ arid '.'7 and thiinbleberiies i",. New ai> j.lei are 7-1 cents nml «| per peck, clierne* 12c

cantelopes i1. and 30V, eueli. marrow atp limes ftljWpcr hundred.

The events of the day n were tho IVeslimuii rin.i> t I'liiuvlon erew ; the WlllOX of Yale; nm game In the

-h .;


a pou

toga yiMcrdav ■as won by the I ruee. v »y I and dcclllvo

■-day, Y lor Yale. The

tleorge S. Hangs, Siipirlnitudent way IV.-i.il Serviic, lias -one from ' to Chicago to assist in removing thi Ultcaltoni iileldent to the Chicago In

Rx-Oovcmor Balloek haalnforme Talbot that he noaKlvely declines t< poalllon tendered him on the Ho. Conitiilsalou.

Base ball: In I'lilla.lelplija yeatci ieall, llostonst; inClih.igo Chlea adul|>hlas;i; in New Yurk.Mutaali

InSllETwicI MAtutiEi>?—Tu he mar*

rtod nnil not know It, la a state uf affalrrt

nut to lie expected otlUide of thu rvnlms

or rotnence. Instance*, Indoed, are not

wnntiOK, even in our proaaic "Kr, where

maldeni have ben wooed in the brusqne

meilluviil (sahton nml manner, W el aratla,

whether they wutllil or uo. lint in such canes llnBtiaJljr buiipens thut tho bride,

however uninviting, la at least unfettered

by other matrimonial tics, au<I when the

holy fiithcr hiw.performed the ceremony,

la not often that the groom le In doubt

to the identity of the woman he mar-

it, or that the woman, whoae name

uppearM in the certlfleate denies that

she It the lawfully wedded wife of the

man who claim* her as auch. Coolly to

march up to a mlnliter, go through tho

marriage teri'tiiony, and then have the

inistt-r and the public In a stale of doubt

us to the person you married, is certainly

a novelty, even In the roDgh and ready

style of matrimony. Vet this Is the unu-

sual Tent accomplished by Mr. James Mur-

phy or this City, If we an- to accept the

extraordinary tale recited by all the par-

lies concerned. Mrs. Ellen Burns Is a

Vermont girl, married ten years ago to

Mr. Ittirns. from whom, it in I for what are

duttbUeaa ■Otltclent reasons, she baa sepa-

rated, without, however, obtaining a di-

vorce. Young Murphy, who must be, l(

the Cacti here recited are OH we believe,

a youth of considerable cunning, made up

hut mind early last, fall to marry Mrs.

Hums. Undeterred by the trilling little

circumstance that tdie already bad one

husband living In thin city, ami without

wasting time in sighing nml ogling, this

prompt wooer went to the City Clerk,

secured n license to marry Mistreijs Ellen

Burns (KM Pagan) and went to the min-

ister's. But with whom? There's the rub

Murphy says the woman who promised •••

love, honor and olwv >.i • "'« Vl'rltft- W(1 „„„ mined In the license, nml the

marriage certitlcate he now holds authen-

ticated by the clergyman's signature.

Mrs. Burns denies that she is the woman :

the clergyman cannot identify her and

expresses doubts whether he ever saw her

before, and a lady, who was a witness of

the ceremony, Is confident that Mrs. Burns

Is not the woman whose marriage to

Murphy she was witness of. The marriage.

If urpliy claims and the certificate of the

alleged fact shows, took place In October

last, Mil for some reason it was not until

a few weeks ago that the bridegroom put

in an appearance to claim rights under the

marriage. Ills conjugal courtesies Mrs.

Duma declined to recognlie, whereupon the connubial Murphy sought vengeuncc

in pounding a gentlcmnn who was escort-

ing tilt) object of his affection. I'poti thlt

Murphy was arrested, and being taken

before the 1'olice Court was sent to Jnll

Mrs. Hums who appeared against him de-

nied on the witness stand the evidence ol

the marriage certificate that she was the

prisoner's wife, and since maintains that

it Is n scheme or blackmail, or a desire of

Itcr husband to revenge himself upon her

for refusing to live with him.

The informal ion regarding Murphy seems

Ui be Unit lie is a sprightly young gentle-

man who Is accustomed to vary the amuse-

ment of matrimony with the mitre solid

delight of gelling drunk. One thing,

nevertheless, nppenrs to lie certain, and

that Is, tliiti Murphy was actually married

to somebody ILS slated, that no woman

lias appeared to claim hint ashcrhnaband,

and whether we accept the explanation

thai so-pe woman was coerced Into falsely

personating Kllen Hums, or thai Ellen

Burns was really married and is guilty ol

bigamy, the affair seems utterly inexplic-

able. In either case, there In cnongli

to Indicate how til together Imperfect,

ami detrimental to public morality ai

our l.gnl regulations regarding marriage

It Is mainly lor the purpose ul emphasizing

while to notice this Incident at length.

The law takes no paint to compel person s

authorized to perform the marriage cere-

mony, to satisfy themselves of the Iden-

tity or competency of thu contracting par-

ties. The safeguards exercised In the

I'urltail Commonwealth, against Improper

marriages, by publishing the banns from

the ehur.li-piilpli have fallen into disfavor

among l'roi.siant denominations, but

arc, not altogether unwisely, maintained

in practise by the Itomlsli Church. Even

the laws requiring a report of all marriages

to l>e made within a certain specified time,

have been In this, and, we presume, In

other cities, systematically evaded or

neglected. Tills ought not to be, and,

moroover.ttddltlonal regulations should be

devised to prevent thu possibility of Im-

proper alliances, as for example, big-

amous ones, or marriages .if minors with-

consent of their parents, and under

Influence or apprehension or decep-

Tliat auch cases frequently occur,

■who read the papers can foil to know.

hot long since that a man over sixty

N kidnapped a aclioil-glrl ol' fourteen

ir wo are to accept ihc story (old by

both ofthem, found a clergyman In lids

Ity with so little sense us to marry them.

t and painful Tact that the record of j

■oiniiiiltals shows that the most iDCorrl-

glbhl offenders uro women. lino of the ■ unhappy creatures, ixs shown by the record

of the present week, has been sent to the

House of Correction not less than seventy

times. Not a fow of the women offenders,

we may safely believe, would tievcr have

gone before tho Police Court a second


Report or Chiof Kntrlueer and Witter Coai:als»!ioiior;>.

TUB water trorka commissioners presented their fourth quarterly report to the city council on Tuesday. The document is or inch general interest to our eiiUens, containing the record ot" progress irom the commencement ul Hie


Tbeae bill' are appro1

urn tlou i tig .-iiu- ul the u:

bad the only'system we have of | etc., that wo present entire the Kvglneei

lealltig With thiui been as wide and hu- port, and a synopsis of the Uommluh mauc as it seems. A House or Correction report of expenditure*, and other matters.

disposed to think, Is far from tie- , RWORTOV TIIKI JIIEI KM.IMII.U.

ing ihc best place of confinement for tin- ^^Z li^XZ'^ " fortunstes whose ,sulo offense la drunkun-

unconnccted with other crimes.

Borne discrimination should be made in

favor of those whose characters In other

respects is good. It Is better for nil in-

terests to reclaim a drunkard than to pun-

ish or degrade him. He should be made

to foel that while he is punished for an

Offense against the law, he Is at the same

time treated for the cure of a disease.

The House of Correction Is no suitable

agent of reformation. The place or con-

finement for drunkards should be relieved

as far as possible from the corrupting In-

fluences of vicious companions and base

associations. From such a place the drunk-

ard might come at the end of the time If

not with the resolution and capacity to re-

form, at least unhindered in any effort

toward reform by the Indelible disgrace

or having been made to consort with the

very refuse of crime and vlllluny.

lMibinlt the following rep done uiiiler my dire, lion frou pi liniment, Augunt Ut. 1873,10 me |,ii-viu i.mi-,u period <>l eleven month*.

IniiiieiliMtt'ly niter a--iiuna.' the .lulii's of my position, I organised Hi'* nsi naaarj < ngtneering parties and cmi-cil e |,1< U l.,i,.,|i[rapineal sur- vey* to bu mm le ul I to. In i-ll'- loll nlnl "l a portion • if the Ames lur in mi tlie u.irtli kmL ol the Mi-irl mac river, M>U havliiir wuuU-d the former fornaiU- toradlftrlhutiuK ri^.ivoir, and having Uerhlccl !•> loeati- the pini,(iiii'/ -i ill»u -iibalalltiallv as re.

by Mr. I., r Itiee, tnglneer for the Joint .-pe.iul eoiiuuiltee mi wntrr ol the city eoun-

Ale for a r.iiiU-tor ibeae locainnn.

atwatreettu the

amount of gLtlU.tMii..); ■ payable monUO) ■ ji h aioutli patt,

Important ItcuiK: Stint—an1, IBTB—Traveling expenses orcommta-

iunera, |asi.i; same .u Chief Kn(rliicer, *l'fJ.:«; oraalartea, g'i,:H(.!ir; pnrehase nf team, (j:,u,

for LwiU, t'.f.i fur safe, »'»«i; hooka, atut onaiy an.tdrnwintt iiinnii.M-,;!'-', inlnur bllU, making total of e'-,J-ti.-J ■■

ikt<Afr~Salaries c.i Knginoer Corp-. #:I;CP. -;. i„r i ilili-, i|.,-,i- ;n, i racks foe .Irauina bind-, ♦-iPl.lt; lumltuii, *'--'-.:J; Stationary and draw, init malcrlnls, *-l; prluliiiK and ndn'i'lisiiij.', • tiKUT; Chief KiiKini'.rs traveling flxpun-es. *'fi.«; sUkcs, etc., *:•■: other hill.s, makltiR lnUil

in-iilLlng Knglnee liuildbiK at tin- i

takliiKtouil, ai.lT- niuiiiiHsiouera an

wtallsHnjlon re« rr hills ii.iik.nj.-

l-'f :IU-IIS

ii>K lUtion. 'ina: Hie pro

lhi.iimi;!i i'v latmii I lurinif the pn>M immiith evamiliaL

Ilntlu I ll'i. lull, ami UIMI 1,1 the mali-riul f.ilind t ' inaierial found •

aaite"rur a reservoir,clay ufe: lent ipnibty U'lntt lound then- ami a i-i.leialdf poiln I llM'iiiaterial to IH- exeavnteil l«'ill|* III Us natural eoniljlii'ii ol' Hit- .juabt, for I'Uiiilhiuf' ul-<i th,' natural lui-alimi wa- ei nl'.'iitlv l.itorahlu

lay, Alhh nm lo. I'l.U- .', At Ian tl<

The Atlauti cable U fwllv repaired on Tiles now iii perfeci working

Kate si,„ldard, Hie Cliarles (1,„>,| eh, was aaylnnito-das

Mrs. Ciiane llor Wale Saratoga ye- erday m

arulmW •«* •ounded. H SIHH, siru.k il

at lliMliari'

would-be ',


•si In Lake WII



lull'.. Jo, Storrs,

n.lay v<

ml Iriuik It. |l.i


oinei tcrests


iccted with public affairs which

. nearly homo to the money in-

every person in Lawrence, Is

ift-ilelialed one of water works. All

r topics In municipal affairs—Mr.

plirey lies mum''- iiageincnt. the bad botch In the assessments, the Inade-

■werage, ami ttic like—nre

couiparallvcly unimportant to the average

■1U/.CH by the side of the great i|uestlon

whether for the next ten t)r twenty ycara

his property Is to lie loaded down with

e taxes. The Water Works

sloncrs, who have been some-

what elosc-moulhed hitherto, are at last

entitled to credit for giving a very full,

frank and satisfactory account or their

stewardship to date; nml the sober and

sensible portion or the people, who have

been not a little confused by reckless mis-

statements, wttl now, we trust,.have no

difficulty in understanding the actual facts

of the case. All or tiie contracts for

Water Works construction have now li

made, with tlie exception or that for

lmlldlng.to be used as a pumping "tul

and that for the filtering gallery from

which the water is to be drawn. The sum total of these contracts already

awarded Is in round figures, 0735,000, of

which •101,000 hiw been already expended, while far the quarter beginning on the 1st

of .Inlv, Hie estimate Is a-*.*K),0OO. One

A RaTTLiao STOSM,—The the KSSOII struck the city H fe1

/clock i: u., yi-.ttrdiy. propbeclod It in thu wcaifaer-i ing, but the lury and suddenn

A'-1 rembtr—Sa la r j I' II.■IN-! I II. | | , V|, voir, *.ii.TJ.H; oUier

ItrftiHhrr- Salarli Sinter eorpa, *J,a eiintraet, g» lail.sn Of *7,t»kMi.

Jonuirry.lnTL-Salaiii.. of Knulneer corps gsOi.lHj tor im-tniim-hi--, 6.TI.",, other item- amniniliii|{biall to •ftt.Oa.

rnHminn (mM|;, „ „t ooasohlng Knglneer nn,i f.niOli.'i-r eoi'|,s, Jl.iil.:.".-, sloi.io.kn, «U„ ».V.'J; other ,!.:„. mmkhiKtotal or Si.Tuj.oi.

ifarrh—Salariesol C'lnmisaloners ami Kugi- liter corpa,|l,.Vi7!iii, fieiKhl, •"><; leanilne.t'.l.Tu; mll-iTliaiiiK, g:Hi.ll.ti other item, iiiakllix total ol T],-|''.'-i.

Aprit—Mlarlei o( Engineer corps, *<'ts..ti; ear rlnxe, gl7.'i; iHianllnu ami use of Jiorsen, etc., ♦'-•Pl.'.ll; Htatlonai i ami ill a« ii^ ni;ilei i.il.-, #■.■ M ■,

'— *U».l:i; t.u work mi " . rim.::.; otbei

a.lvertisinK ami |irlnltiiK,

u Ii.ivinj; ituni'dfil the , trael lor [hi- no >Ioi II. Itmev a Co., of Burton, and I'alri nan, nf Chelsea, the same WIIIHIK I No

I llually lus-

■, the

Iteni an.hlo'^'.nn ponded the work, Jaiiiui

it InvIng been tleehleu . >u<t lioni the Anns III in la HaVi'ihili

part ol the rn.iil lor tin- I<>H . mtiin pipe, mlsaioiiers roi the eounly of Ksse:i lahl whleneil the name in Suveuibci, W:f, anil the mail

is at tills date beinH emisli iieled liy the illy government.

HurlnK the Winter of 1STI, spceltlealions were prepared for I'liriil-iiiiik' lirieLs ami ntone,detailed drawing* prepaid! lor Hie cmi-lt intiiin n| llji-

all itml.-itlui-ut Kate ehaml.er -I llieie-ii mil lor the working of the sloue lor the theaynleniol lunili anil illstributlnn plees ami a plan mail" of the Mime; seeliinial

plans oftlie eulire city have iil-n lu-eii Hiaile, on -liieh will he shown the exact location or all ipes, hydrant*, r-lop valve.- ami spii-inl castings I every kind; Hcetiuns ot tlie Vlifferent ni/.es of

to \n> used

red lor lrans| ml ..

II Hi.

.luring tlie Winter, examinntl IIIIIIIKS wer lile ol the Slerriillae river.witb iew ofaseertaltiim,' the l,ei-t iiiethinl ol convey

" ill " li lu.'Keim liplp

Blent He\ihle joiul, ni'i-os* Hie Merrlmne

■ ■K wnU'r to tlie .-mill ■-'si "

it- lied, all sl\ I. beil feet BltOVO the Wnrtl'

Our plans ble us lo ileUirmine the amount of laud rei|iiire,l lur tlie re»ei-viiir, pumping -lalinn anil tiire.* main pipe route, ami ilecls were taken lor thirteen ami one ipinrtcr acres for the reservoir, lour and se' '

Kiue.r corps, . ... •'inn; heallnK'Ulln-. #1-'"'; ni"iiiiK houses, »li'<; a>lverlialng,Bj>i.'.p; work mi reservoir, Stl.'Jsu.'.U; work on MPnie eoatrnetf, |'J,.'nT.7u; huutiin;stone gl.'T.aO; work mi \> pine -tatiiiii,*:l,inr.i:IT; inter ust on purelia.-.' i u-v Im ISndivell Hill. SJ.'sl; foi alone, »I75; Im' Iwn liuu-US glrtl; other item, ntaldng total of il6.U6.itT.

June—Salaries of etunuiishinner* nnd rnglneel orps, gl.Tlai.sl; travelling expenses. t,( name.

||;Wi.:ll; elnrk hue, »7s; salary of pipe Inspector lor two month-, i^', as.-i-laut ditto, gpi; nispee. lor of maeonry, gsl; nsUern maker, ts; wc-

■n reservoir, #-..iiil.i!«i; (reidlit on sPme, *7iu. ,ork on pmnpi'i).- slailmi, gl,:i:rMii; laying water lipe, gl.UiS.*'; cxiHaise of »au-r gnP-s, %■>,'..— ■ lallerns, glm.-i.'; eastlngM, f l.'ili.'.'.i; hauling pi|>< 11,17.10; lor Ini.il.i't. *i-n.ll; ri^bt lo use I.owi ivilrnnt, gl.iNsi, legal seivlee-, gj-i'i; other ile

nlaking n total ul' IJU.iU'i.aa .lfM.W/oii.mn-1'ald on account of water p i.l Ireighl Sti'„U-.i:i. paid on engine contra

•IJH.sisi; paid lor laml nml damag.tf lu.sisi.

A N,' Syi

i.J-:\V I-:I.' A ■■: )■:.

toin of Dralnag-o Proponod

In behalf of the Committee nnRewenand Drains, 6 re|ioft ban la-en submitted to City Council by Mayor Tarhox, recommending

Ktcnslve plan of sewerage for this city. Tin document .llseusses a question ol vital import ance to the welfare and sanitary condition oi our city, snd In view of the present condition of tlie main sewer, and tlie approaching cnniph tion of the Waterworks, tlie recommendation timely mid judicious, nnd should receive the in mediate action ol the City Government. T carry out the plan kiiggctlcd by the Mayi would involve an fxinmdgurc of frW.fWO; t disapprove or delay action might Involve greai erexnenw.ond possibly nuch disaster. W submit [be report In full :—

The I'lH: oinpany's sever, IM It l< I .. .is one ol llr earliest Works of a

..,1 oail.lUlk.il in l.:.»Ti'in'i', l gli il , public use, It is (Oil pliiale property, pulilie ea-emeiil li it Iiu- heeii iie.piire.l

nr .li-dicnlion. hun the point where II- l.ntalllial coiistiuelimi legitn., near llroa.lway

ulllion dolla Is, the tei

nt at V

i- sup

hlch the cost or the Water

Works is estimated, ami, in Die noble

inny of croakers, It will not lie dlfflcult

Lo ilnd these llgttrcs doubled. Hut the

Commissioner* make the (act plain and

[imminent that, unless they are deceived

In their estimates us lo the cost of the

contracts now being carried forwar.l, the

Woler Works, when put in operation on

Iho 1st day of October, 1M7.1, might not to

represent an expenditure or more than

$| ,onn,no.i. Tlie slalcmcnt or lite reasons

which determined tho selection of the

present locution ut Ihc reservoir, in pre-

forenre it. a higher level nearer the river,

will be received probably with what

gilt belli a* to it n n m II opli

Ion. a consldi •aide number of citizens, Who In other respects are level-In itdcd

ami close eule lators, reserving their un-

disputed right to maintain that the choice

wsscxpenslvi and badly considered. The

sinners are In ail arduous

eolation to tin n, they may reflect at leas) that they arc not objects of Indifference to the public, and that their doings will be watched tin re attentively and Intelll- gently than 1 iit all usual wllh men In olllce. A good imiiy things have occurred lo waken the public mind to a strong

terest In the Water Works roil*truetf

and the people are watching Ihecoursi

the manager* very much more narrti'

and judging them very much more ri

cully than Is tho case with other olllc

of the city not half us competent I'm- Il duties.

, Inr tin' pumping flalimi and one and anil Mcthncii streets, tlie *• llirec.tcntlis acres Inr the I'm'.'.' main pl]ie route; uiarcmu-e billowing the 4 ream heil plan ' ihe-e .ei.-ial paiei'N hair I nimnle ami \ uali'iL-mir-e, Inl.T-cclInt Melh|iei llleil In the Itegi-lry of l> I- l-r tlie Noilhel n • I..., \, f..imm.ii, Valley, llaiupshirt' •■' IrietolllieComitv of Ks-ex, ami lUe n..in„l ! Lawnii.e and Canal Pi*eis, and p

•s of the land have been marked by stmic n ; Ibe .anal a ,-liortdUtanc

rreg. am i.'Ut


The location of then Ihrmigli lire larin uf M

niovalof his i ■ net me, also tlie grading ot .uiein bin new Jmatimi. Work on the ili-liibiiling areii '.ilili, |s;t, but was clement weather; the col

id 'the iron pip

-ity; the line i

I..I ll.r

Il' street.

on,' material and ol i|UestlonaUe c.n- |..r a peinuncil work. It i.- entered by ting eewera; the llelhueii sireel, the el, (lie Ham|diiM'-tie.'!,lheAini'-biov

I the sewers h the alleyways l>clwec ami Ksset ■feeta and between Kate aeii streets. *hat Ihe se


- by the

li'ea«"' rains, lor wtii.h the .itv i-p,.J,d in damages. Tin- ihe Et. - in ihc K'-ex street 'el '-> '' •» li thal.inarter

SiMMIS* .1- "'I'.lenl'- at all

apeajswentprovUlonrareloi Uip|lig U-- sewage illschai'ge .it rf-.iw rainfall, in order to i RSJna, I- utterly ami absurdly

,- K-i'X street sewur is ■Jtx.1':

e .Ininage for wll * Ihe

■nu-lbe let, I Uhi.il

I lav

An iilag h> #Ji,.7i



by llr i eel: L- lo llr

i Broadway

u.i ii-1inn i in.^ i: ill whi.-li MCL ammtli't thu


Havemll street _ .,..; i pie Ka-t by .laekson rirer

ami I" lb" S.nilh 1,1 anal ami Water sir. el Within this eiieuit aier minor newer* ire to 1 '■'lilt before Ihe sys'm W emnplct.-, ami the-

11 mal.riallv enfK. [he vnlaino ol scwaae and ' -" .Millet throngli the prlnei-

thu newer Is, . . .'m-ung neeils,

ii'e-t .;/>■ tu attempt to charge upon '■utle, „r the future. Kegar.i for

"".Wvhieh i.. n—e.t ami in- l-'iit iresighti.r inevitable nanl-

■*' " to mule new nml ampin ' day. Tin-so eon-iilcr-

. .. jtiioul oilier reason, yet if the DM Is emphaalietl by the ell as to l,. reasonable snfetv of the oarntatnt, in tbia spprsaonalnn

'lie Knglaeer gives timely

vitlmt ,\



a- Hue lo Genii

i tar

.-ItIi the

i for Urn 'hit

l I'llie,

.- 1 ClIK Alii FtiiK.-T! e fault 1 Chicago - I'alc In Is 71 laid

igo pulilii mid the condl-

■ollllal itloi bill

Tb. ,b- iu ' ;ch tin iw permits the Important

linking a marriage to be

many or those upon whom

Is productive of a great itiuo

domestic misery, tire re

mi will readily convince

luty of sol


get recorded ai i

the thirty

Klghty lo

1*1 Ibe Daymen

rly days in I

tion. Some i

dghty live per ceil

drunkenness, un<

rmed ill Ihe pollc

inceti us Unit the |M<

s.ellher iiiueli loose

a.l.ipiale, am), indeed, t!

ffords, wbiber

unlshiiig drunk

tho system, has Ity Is, In most

■eor Wholly In.

Impiiry seems

he facts which

of the nuhluct


■sstblllty of ■lr.ije.1 Into

^■•■»x. the Im

Ibirly days' folToeli,,,, ,fl4

s habit. The I

renders li> the


dlsi crliin

'cats i

llu' depression ol trade.

as t

holly of the latter. A

in of a vice, which.

rrcc'loii,ls, all. rail,

elf and his family, I

nnd oiiteasU of the

eie is ali.i

l lur peua

li II were i


The de; I lull.,I

hiclly biii'll'ul

chk-se.l with

Ihmt dociip-



a.lir.ct leniency top

designed tocbi'i k. A mail win

i 111 the slatb.n lions i-c, oi


id publlshcil iii the u,'W.-|i,ipers n>

' drunkard, has |,«l whalevei

d-li,' might Inn chad in nil) Iiu

spread and fearful In extent, will exist

long us there are maintained in the

heart of the city tlionscnada of Inflammable

structures. It was Ihe dry pine shnnlles

rookeries between tlie lake ami I k.y,

liof Van Huren street, which did the

mss for the city on that ten tide Oc-

tober uigtii three years ago, mnl, nearly

the same spot, with the wind In marly

ii same fatal direction, occurred the out-

break or yesterday afternoon. The new

burnt district lies just ut the aoutheantem

edge of the obi one—lirty acres of It, over-

lapping; the old district In only two or

three places and Including, not the best

business territory, lint a wide belt of

lino buildings situated ju the middle

ground between the best business quarter

and Uie IInest residenceipiarlcrof ihcclly.

The reasons why they should lie destroyed

arc loo plain lo need suuiuiarl/.ing. Ulven

a city linllt, except a square mile, or tin-

der boxes placed wherever it happens ;

itdd to this a gale or wind and a lire de-

partment demoralized by politics, and

thai is needed is to supply the initiatory

outbreak of flame lo make a great coutlu-

graliou certain. In the district burned

over by the great 11 re, Chicago resisted

• ■ •'•■'.■iho.tore-biiihioflnniln-r.biitUic less II 'v.-r In Jeopardy from the pn s-

euce in her limits of miles upon miles of

ice lying under the founidioiis ol valuahli lii-Os I.- not In he ri'ganli'iUnih ,- | | ncv allowed to .\i.l any Imig.- II,an |„ uee.llul [.

nidc the nppriipnale M'euriy. 'ersnade.1 ..f the crrcclncs, ,,f tlih view, tin nee ad. i-e il |icedi butdinjt of aaahsli i main mrlliT, "I ilimension- I, nutt nil drall. m its eapaeiiy. This sewer demld emnie. h the K-seX .licet -r\\ er id the lulei seellon of ■ex and Krankliii i-lr, els, ami llu.ee run do HiUiii In the alley htlweeli K.-ei :.n.l llelhi ■et-.lheme by the alley ami aer.es llamp. I,

I Aiiie-buiv ..beet, to I-awrenm -treet, I nnl SIIIML. to the

i .lillet mliT the. ml. 1'he length eiily-

leet .lianieirr. The di:.< milinncil. 'llu.

a ol' the Maiup-huc

i rea.lja.l Hi

„;"t;r;.!;;:;. r-lilp in Hi

OKI. lei

rhlch can

sbanlli ml V MMICI hlewalks


ml fault which gives Clilcago

tire record or any <lly 1 i Ainer-

. wlib hi In- general des lllclivc-

l.eal.le, is that she nl IWS die

nil-rial.,n which to (>■ il. She

hundreds of thousainls of dl.l-

irts to c.x.irclselhe "lie il" that

relentlessly, but all tin

ciinl-liox' structures In

llax In the lire or mist in

will iiolbewuntlngnliice in

II. There



lit of self respect,

is Incalculably «r,

illbe Hev. Mr. Mnody discovered In

old one- a retributive jtidgiusnt on

city on account of lls sins, nnd, especi-

ally, the majority vole il recently gave

against Sunday ami the Liquor Lawn.

IrChicago were to be destroyed by an

earthquake or submerged in a grand con-

vulsion of the elements which human fore-

sight could not provide against, It might

be well to ['all her calamities a special

judgment or Hen veil; coming as they

In a way which makes the only won-

Why they have not come before mid

why they do not come oftcner, Ihe wisest

rpretstl ifsuchlessons seems to be

thai they n\'- timely reminders, worked

nut [brought the elements, lo clenii out

the rookeries, build oMirlck, eschew* wood-

en rnoiv, ami maintain an t Hit-lent lire.


Amounting to H,*W

a-In.old haveheenoriginally llli the sewer Hue llnuugh ehi-laldatasiiilleciitil " Inairc O. n„, |,p ..„„•„,„,,..

■ 41M

Km '.'.i';,::.': a.l.hli..

- |«;tili..tici 'I Ihe

lie II. II In lii}|o -;i hie :, >ei.n-H] m,. Ihe.-e i, (.ik H llli Die mean, mm aiadabl the sew er di'pai I iiienl. If these thing-, ate to he d.nie special up propriati. i-t !»> made fur tlie purpose.

il may be peinnenl in tin- pla. .■ I,i eoinmen.l n ivmlhyol puhlie hitere.l and in^nirvta relu<mi lo -liaighlen ihe spi.k.-l lover f l>»j-y sire.: p. Ka-t Ibiverhill -tree!, by .livening the -ireau loan il- he.I inh,a neu elianml urn parallel, and al right angle nearly mlh Ihc .[reel -Vftem of

' ' itself,

A V.i ereest ntorm of ■ minutes before dill, " 1'iubabilitie- " ' in .. i«irt thi:, morn- Ictti isaol its appear- Invculii

u of Hla.t.liu

;..it, i

M:. si-ub!. ■ry u

f tin: .

—Mr. Joseph Ma.l- ' .x. Lord, looni-bsr-

ilrcel, ha- secured enlum and valuable n Mngll-limiin, an.I, in- most luceesirui


I with a loretuatc. of wlia

us tho ■pcetsior envelo|Hjil in n e tbatacnt It hit,

the k-ss aurprlslng. It rolled | after selling in hi' st like a curtain, black, swill I machine cvci km. ippearance mnl began iHisiueaa [ harness, caate in i w Iluurbbca of hurricane na a ' intention of intro w.is to eotne. The eny as far I loont-bsrnoM by in could seo any thing ot It wa* j so well that UiL-re art now in uperatlu ouU uf dust, driven by a wind . L'hitcd Mtnies eighty machine* made in

:very crotrk ami crcvleo, ami ' patent, costing from SI.00O to s>i,7txi cadi, of Arlingt.

t'ollon Mdis stock has J.

Uicrniomcter at 3..'l

ii the to)

r. M.

by tho

blinded the eyoi^hi oTtbopaueni in the streets. Uu the heeli of Ute dust, came -he storm, and for fifteen or twenty minute-, a storm it was. Literally (peaking, it poured; them W.H too much of it for the gutters, and the eaves -po'i Is to dispose oi, anil il came from the roofs over ll.e side*, ofthe bull.lings bi Klreams and in slavl*. The sewers could do not Id ng with It when ii got down to the street-:, an.I -o it rrn-w .1.. p. I

Which torty have been built by Mr. Sladdii: here ami the others imported. Seven yean ago, when Mr. Sbutdin came to Lawrence, al thu loom harness in ua« in IMI[ nillll was iiuidi by hand, and Ihe eX|Mnse of maiiul'ucluriug ii was iintiii times what It now Is by Mr. S|ad din'.- machines. Whoever has seen u loom harness knows Hint there Is an "eye" middled each slr.iud, through which llu

—Atlani from sit t

—Till' hottest; Wednesday, 92".

—The brick wt ■caving loom- n-y of the l*rtii;ie Mills was .lisarrunged IHC7, With the storm ycMrodny.

!u weaving of! —The Issd nnd shoe dealers lime decided to .,,,. .....r led eli'sc Ihelr places of business mi Munlay and

,!! loi ,"M, !L! I wv'dne.^,iy'eVenlngf. —The laylngof water pipes on Broadway is

nearly completed,the pipes eit ntluig Irom the m mills totbe canal.


-Never within generation has the Merrimuck such height in July as now.

—Miss Belle Drowning, oi ll from New York Tor Kurope ;sa Britannia, m the. White st»r line.

— A met ling to ptrleet Iheorgaui/.al proisiseti Masonic Mutual Relief A'

iidey night next. -1U . P..:

and deeper,

walks. Iii M»ii

over Ihe ci

1 lin.illv .

i-^ing-. on P. the

line til lo keep up

he coiiiiin.ii ill oi the elem ills and, lor a few

uomeiits, th >v rallied furlon le 'in tlic»iml»w.

lanes, lolling aim.

njrtliefew horses

.-t us large

in Ihe sir

us marbles, sting-

ets till thev were

rrantleand Irivlng everylhl ig animate, horse,

done in tu.-

able, thougl

No less thai

liy the fur)


in i|

full r


or ti


est or cover. The damage

d vicinity must be consider-

-ports eannnt be given as yet.

shad.- trees were twisted off

c storm upon Essex street

Jackson street, one across the

treet-cnr tra ck in font of P irlir's block, and

il.. p.,--, - in weaving llu- .

the fifth near the Horse Hallway stnilon. (in the common, a young maple about eight

inches in diameter, wai broken off about three feet Irom the ground, and several brunches were twisted from tlie elms and other trees, tin llaverhlll street, one half ur a large elm tree in Iron I of Dr. Stowe's residence was bro- ken down, ami a limb broken from the large willow in front of Conductor Nason's house. A large willow tree near the old Broadway bridge toll-house was overthrown by Hie storm, and on Canal street quite a number of trees prostrated. Trees In other parts of tlie city wen-

has been done to the wops In the suburbs. Later details Indicate Ihat ihc dumagc

has lu-eii even more extensive than was at tlrst sunposed. On the south side, at A. M. Wade's (hie French-roofed house, on An,lover street,

the chimneys were knocked over, ami roping torn off. No person was Injured. The Metho- dist CfattrCh was also considerably damaged, windows being broken and shingles turn from Ihe roof.

The telegraph wires have been prostrated in all directions from tlie illy, nml ut the csWe of the storm, all the wires connecting Lawrence and llostuii were down.

During the rain ami wind storm some of the windows ol the Central Pncllh mill were blown

ami li A ho ed Jol HlcCo miek, residing at No. 1-1 Snlel severe eutsonboih anus; on the right arm the radial or main artery was severed. |)rs. Young and Hlowe wm- railed, nnd cutting lo the artery, ligated it.

The tin rooting was torn from the Railroad bridge over the Merrimaek.

A barn on the souihstde owned by Mr. R, It. Ilayden, the coal-dealer, was lifted by ihe force of the gale from its fonndallnns, mnl badly twisted nut nf position.

A carrlage-lioii-c on tin- souihMdc belonging to Mr. Ocorge Bancroft, In the employ nf Yiilpey & Co. is reported to have I seen wrecked and two carriages valued st 84.W were ruined. An unoccupied honsc In Amlovcr near Yalpcy's butchering establishment was lifted from its

A Rhode Maud man invented a machine which would make 17 ■■eye-"In a minute. The invention which Mr. Slnddin brought here from Kngland would make MI of Hiein, and now a machine which lie has been quietly working al for several months and for which he lias secured a patent In this country nml in Kngland, wilt make three of these ■■eyes ' a second, or ISO a minute, while the work Is better than In Mr. sbnldm's tlrst Invention, and the cost of the machine Is nearly a half leas than the old one. In ulher words, Hie new Invention costs only about half the money and does double the work. Mr. Sladdln is running il steadily making harnesses for the manufactories. Mr. Charles Abercrombie, who sails for Kngland on the'J.ilh hist., IN to arrange lor tin- introduction of the improved machine In thai country, nml the ingenious patentee, who has already reaped a comfortable reward bv bis Invention, seems to liavo secured by the im- provements be lias made, the power tu control the business of harness weaving for the manu- factories in Ureal Hrltaln and tha United States.

AnnnIONS TO TIIK P.vetnc Mn.i.s.—Not-

withstanding the vast area nt land covered by buildings ofthe Pncille Mills, and the unequal* ed facllhls^ it,,« corporation enjoys lor pnsluc- Ing their famous fabrics, they arc almost con- stantly mining new structure*. Two building* of brick nre now being constructed, below, or enst ofthe central mill, extending to the lino or tlie Washington Mills. When these are com- pleted their land will nil permanently he occu- pied, save a Single mill site near to anil fronting the canal, and even this lot is now covered with n large building used for the storage ot cotton. The building next lo the central mill will be KI7 feet In length ami t'si feet wide, two stories high. The lower lloor will be used for wool washing, and the second Moor for two trindrcd looms for worsted weaving, making the total n her ot looms run bv this corporation I,t72. Tho other building next to the Washington Mills will also be two siorics high, ami Pit) feet long bv ,17 leet wide. It will be used for dying snd al ogling. The mason work is under Ilia direction of B. !■'. Chadlniiiru and the wood work is dune bv Morris Knowtei.

SuAiii-!—It is not a little curious what ncute- ness follows habitual newspaper reading; In the last issue of the WI.KKI.V AuidiicvN, we ended ihc announcement of our new illustrated Sup- plement wllh Hi is suggestion :

"We thall be glad to hear from our readers bow Ihe WK feature lias been received." Whereupon a critical subscriber,whnse domicile Is, we believe, in Medford, rises to explain i ilie following aggravating!}- coal response:

-fuel Co

,-r attained

ity. sailed

Delation I _< I in Si

ichcd at aled

Sabbath, will prea. ride ovti

Next h upo l.lkL \

bh.;l! 1 he i

afternoon Ihe I'tstor ca«ure and probi of n

-coj;ic." Scats free ami all a e Invil 'd.

—Puri g till mn i iMirdav there was a

gei. era 1 .mm. it bor

:■, south side station, es. The hack horses

driven 1,

driven )-'






i furl

Is over the railroad raking the pole of tin. i r harm. The horses ju the railroad track.

and bad hi 1 tlie b:nk. Another bail, team rai , i it v.. - secured before any damage * at chi ■tr t.

—Inth (JUV, ih ('mill Wednesday morning. Judge M dt i.lhe following cases- Jeremiah SullU ili-ol dient child,sent to the Industry Seta e continue two wet ks , 1 bourns Kennedy,truant,

U/./.Ie Hoi Toouey, three of tlie lour girls lakei

oniuion will re they were engaged i (ul actions, were discharged, as II and the charge specified did not agi

'he head-quarters ol the Sixth llegl

' Ity ai! '

It. M."

ndatl.i ed i i.leiable dis

tanu Two larg.-

were blown il

! It. It.



rms, ifte

s near the K vent I Mill, ii'ka.llllg the horse tail

road, ns was also a large elm In front u Mr. Ocorge Miller's house on the snulh-idc On the Huston and Maim city nnd Andover, trees i track In two or three places.

Farmers who came In from the country hist night report that the storm came up so sud- den ly that they had very little time to get hi their hay, la-foro the gale struck them. The

hay which was not harvested before yesterday morning, except upon very lew firms, re- ceived a drenching.

Tho storm was particularly severe in Law- rence and Lowell. Very little damage was done in llaverhlll nnd in the direction of Man- chester, thero was litilo or no trouble- from ll. The fury uf the storm in Ijiwell was even great- er than here. The spire of tho First Congrega- tional Church was blown otf, a portion of it falling un the roof of Ihe vestry and smashing into the shoe store of M. C. Hun toon, damaging his stuck romlderubly. The cupola of the Lowell railroad roundhouse nud nlsiiit ten feet ofthe chimney uf Davis* Melendy's mannfao lory were blown away, da lluril street, the roof of the First Universal 1st Church was raised several inches, one nf the chimneys blown down, nnd the walls cracked in several places. Several ornamented turrets were blown from ■ lie the .Second I'niversallst Church. The efest of! M

the ro.,fofStoti's woolen mill, about L',1) feet in length, was blown about 200 f.et across Law- rence street, damaging the roofs nf the Ameri- can Unit Company's works.

..'k he | fie wo,. has added

l.ows, the popular watch maker and ateit in Corliss'building, Itioadway, urehase.l an.I removed into Iii* ,iore ml.l X IVien/ic's largct sales, ll is of

il lsi|U)tean addition to hi. ' it do. , Hie

in- r.'.i-el tiniii-aii.I In thirteen hundred i..li..t . Ti... receipt* of the office, se women

limn-,1 ta l in-i k. I.ave been greatly augmented .lining Hi. pn-ljcar. Ml. s. |„ congratulated by ho-l- 1.1 lilend- mi Ins eimtllilie.l provperitv, ami [heir rim eie HI-In-, Ihal Imlane mav ever" mniie along hi* way, and bestow It* choieeat iaim-

A TOWN TltKAHrnwi AMI t'oi.i.Kiroa has been apiiohited The increase or the postmas- Lei'.- ei.laiv, in-ee.-i-ltati'd »■ r.ting In Ilie po^l olllce departmeiU icguli.tiini-. bit resiioi«i|..i. j.r the oIlh'CKol Tie,-n,ei ami I "lleeii.r. which he has lieT.lnn' ionic lime, ami the selectmen lip- pniiiteil Mr. Franklin >aioi.|.'i-- to Mil the unex- pi red term. Mr. Saumlers we have mi. I, in lit will attend t.. Hie duties m' these olllce* fait hfully ami iiell. 'Ihe ralaiy le-s lli.in Doee lmii.lreild.il- lai - per year, seem* ,-inall when or eon-iiler the re-iioasihility assumed in tlui reeeljit and dis- bursement id' so large a sum ot money as the town annually rises.

KltANK.lNO.vl.t.s, Hie. street connulnsimier for the village i< ruinnving large stones from the bighwny « hi.-b liuve protruded ill

luring t' *■ above the sur-

ii'jni' c'thev ; liH'nled,

istaiit J. W. f.

Aii'il.KMAL PoisoMvo—The third case of actlilenlat poUpQlng in Lawrence within a fort- night, occurred on Saturday- A litfle school boy seven yean old, named Alexander Love, and living at 32 Meadow street, went to tlie Newbnry street school house nil Saturday in.rn ing, and, with two other IMOS, was attracted to a basin ul muriatic mid, which workmen had been ming lo remove mortar from nld bricks; thinking it a drinkable Ilipild, and, perhnps, lemonade, two of the boys lasted oflt, and im- mediately left it; the Love Isiy was bolder nnd swallowed quite a quantity before realizing his mistake, lit* mouth and throat were terribly burned, and he was ut unce conveyed lo Ids

Meadow street, where Dr. Home nt-

iiKiill- iiiel hi- able a . _ Wingagooddeal of thev never weiu in belter enmlition lliiiu at pre- enl. Messrs. George Carleton ami tiecirge O. Marsh,L'mnuilssimiers lor Hie uastern nml wesluni sections ol Hie town, ate nJj-n greatly improving the roads hi their respective <li*trlcia. Mus. PAIITIVOTOX (II. 1*. Slilllaberlt'ompkU-d his

► i\ lie tli year Sun.lav; Land in writingloa Irieud here »an! Hint lie laciili.aied the Im I, merely a* an He.n ol news, a- theie bad been mi public notice taken of Hie event. Ami in this connection We wimid .11111-11101 he will re-enter the leeiuro field the coining season, His new hook, "Lines in Pleasant Places,- had unite a large sale in till* town. It is brmilull id highly entcilninlug read- ing, ami iu Hie words ol it" author. "The gram nml the gay are harm.inimi-Iv blended, the latter not spiced an highly as looncn-1 the serious and Ihe 1'miniT not im-uil-d tn Ihe subdued Iilooti of (lie must hilarious."

lev Pox 11.-Wednesday we had the pleas. iiriiing Ihi- l.e.iiililnl -heel id ivater. Mr. [he gentlemanly propricU.r of Ihe public

and grtiiinil.-, has made many iuipi.ociiients ■ the i ear for the accnmiiindati.in of picnic -, -.. th.i now it i, one nf the most nitnic

pleriMi ■ knot has enlarged the lodging ml lias built a howling sit-

ed li Iii the admire of "ten

fell.)! ndp


Foil I-:, noi-n.-

isl.lei i danger.

-The following is a list of pas- sengers, tsaiked at the (.'iniaid ulliee, 23U l-'.sses street, for Hie steamship-Par tb la, sailing irom Boston, Saturday, June llth;—

Mule M. ILunl.'JiH. Asplnwall, Anna Mad- dux, Michael Foley, Mrs. UoUrt S. Hayes, Harvey T. HayeJ, <:alli f^runin, Mary Buckley. John (1. Johnson, Thomas Keller, Lizzie M' Flaveil, Mary A. Klavell, Margaret Ann Mad- dux, Philip Dolon, June H'Ncil, J. W. Thomas, Henry Kaye, Mary (irilllu, Isaac Matner, Mar- ion Johnson, Martble Ityan,

The I'arlliiiihad lOOstecntgo, and IfiH In cabin Ihe largest number ever carried un a i.'uuanl steamer from Huston.


r'liliuv. A Foililli i.r.luly nshiiullease came

tm i ,■ m

','llie uf tin „l il

t string all lo them. i* kept near Ihe bouse

dies mnl mineral water nro ig lacilitii-M art- excellent; ire kept lor the m>c ot tlie

il lielng laige Miil honls. They

moreover km

i two .1 affability and good w the ropes lo a charm. Iferric*

are n.iw loioi.i In abundance, opccbdly the tle- l:< ii.ii- la-pheny. r'ndi sl-n a mil la ilie w ab'rs or the pond, ami a f ..111,-ieni nu er can alwuys bo laken Im-a ley. We hear it rumored that one of our Town r'atber>, tngelher with hi* fnnily, will :s|K-mlii po.ihm .,l the bealcd term at this popular place. The mi'iuber- ol' Hie t'uivrrsalist Sunday sclm..| intend lo vi-ll tlie i I neu Heck. To the reader who Im* never vLiU-.l P,.Jj( y wi Wi.iild sav, gu ri;;lil a.vae hv nil inejoi-

- II Wliltlie

I'.di. v i

ta Lake: o lighter nve than thine ,liall tuke


Mtrrin y.s is

' J


. -Kioiii the "KM*! •Sum "J "■' "-.m, V'ssi,lb;. TOITI

ear, #:l..'d.V A Lyceum wa bei> Psi; number ol volumes iisidenl, Chas. o. KiuihM.ll

mge wiih il — buttery I), id this city. Captain George O.

Durrell, will hold a special meeting on Friday evening, to be measured for the new uniforms.

— Mr. James llmity, Ihe well known slater, lias been awarded ihe contract for slating the large and elegant school house al llamp*tend, N. IL

-Mr. Bollon, of the linn uf Taylor ami Hol- ton. and Miss Utsla Flnvell.'of this cftv, sailed fur Kurtijie Saturday, in the I'artbla, ofthe Ciin-

., is making extensive adtliliini- ts to hi* residence nu ltavciliill avefunuoi tlie line*! houses hi

-I.. Beach, Ji

Hie City.

-Il-i tfter jcrs on ihe Boston .' '.heir fare to iimdiic

iaige.1 tifleen cents ii ailroad, who pi

tors In Hie cars, will IMJ addition lo the regular far.-.

—Isa.k out' The comet, which Is dash. towards this earth at ilie rat,) of I.SIHI milci liihiut , lias a diameter nf 2U,00t) miles, ami sixteen limes as large as Hie earth.

— Wednesday was Ihe Warmest day We In experienced this season. At North Andm the thermometer indicated iu Hie shade ]n and at ihe Partite mills yard iu this city B8°,

—Ks-mayorS. II. W. Davis, O, I'. Wigs, John liingham, and James Tetlow of Chel> will start this week for their annual fishing n in New Brunswick. I.iajk out for big fish stories!

—Mr. John Jones, inspector of iron work i. the water works, was in the eltv lust week for lew nays vacation. He Is located within n tc miles of Philadelphia, and his lalsirs will deiai him then' until Winter.

—(hi). W. Baton, who was arrested in this city by Uilleer l.ibbey last Saturday, was d. Ilvercd lotliu llaverhlll authorities, and Mo day morning was hui.mi over to the Superl Court in the sum of 9l,0U0.

—John Boylon A Co., exclusively military tailors, uf New- York, have received the to make Ihe uniform euat and pants for llcgimcnl. Bent A Hush, of Boston, furnish the laps, plumes and shnulder ktiuts.

—Captain John F. Weir, formerly of tiny elty.untl sun-in-law ul Mr.flenrge D. Calsil.tele- Jraplied fro in Chicago at 1 o'clock .v. M, Wedncs-

*y ib.it the conIhigrnlion was under con* tnli and ids place of business was in no dan- ger.

—And yet another case of horse stealing Alfred Lang'a team, while hitched in front ol the Second Baptist church yesterday, win taken away. Buy horse, black mane ami tail, breast-plate harness ami bench wagon With tof cut olf.

—The numerous fiiends of Mr. Kola-rt II. Tewkshnry, Iho late city treasurer, will lie glad to know that he has returned fniiii his some- what extended trip In the west. If his api>cur- ancc i ■ .ii, Indication of his health, he must be quite hale and hearty.

—Hum will du anything, except good. On Friday a gentleman of brilliant attainments, high soelsl position nml wealthy connections, was found on the Common In a stale of utter Intoxication, taken to Hie station bon> lodged for the nijfht.

—Mr. Adolph P. Yofholta, one of the corps of letter curriers In this city has Ken grnnted a vacation, nnd on SaiHiday will start from New York, to visit his home iu (Jermany; a farewell levee wns given him by Hie oilier carriers and numerous friends at liallsvllie, Tuesday even- ing.

—The only cases In ojn-ii court Wednesday were Mary Campbell for drunkenness, who hi been in Ihe duck a dozen or more times, ai._ told the judge she never was there before and thus secured her release, nnd Timothy Carren, who was tined S> and custs for disturbing Hie

—The war on profane dogs liegan Tuesday and Olricir Richard Sullivan nnd John Sheliai had the honor of first showing to dog owner the penalty of not contributing hi ihe sup|xirt ofthe public library. The olllccr* ill "patched four canines. Further returns arc anxiously looked fur.

—The city eullectur of taxes ndvcrtlscs the sale of a large amount of real estate by auction, on Wednesday, thu 6th day of August, at ten A. u., at his olllce. The taxes on most ufthu property have not been paid fur two years, am the amount ot tax varies from G3 cents tu up wards ol ipsMi.

—Mr- Caleb Sanndcrs and Charles Ivbrieirs

Algeria, from New York, and go for business and not pleasure. They are counsel engaged In Ihe settlement of the estate ofthe late Patrick U'Dunnell about which there is a complicated claim In Ireland.

—The second annual excursion from Law reuce to Old Orchard Beach, under the manage ment of Mr. S. M. Davis, occurs on Wednesdav next, the Md inst. Tickets for the round trip will be only tfl.SU, children half price. The ex- cursionist* will be accompanied bv the Haver- bill Cornet band.

—The Hoard of Health will meet on next Tuesday night, and llitlr action in regard to the nuisance uf the low and tindralncd lands Iu Ward .5, will then Iw decisive. The property owners will doubtless he notified to fill up ihelr lands, nr that they must pay for havlug ihc work done by the city.

—Mr. James Lambert, lender of the runce Curnct Band, has been engaged for the summer season, with his cornet, at Yeaton't Ocean House, Hampton Beach. After thu aea son closes, Mr. Lambert will return to this city and open rooms fur the purpose of giving in- struction on the

—On Saturday alsiut 11 o'clock, Smith and Wheeler's grocery team took frlgbt near the horsn railroad station, the horse running down Essex street. Near Ordway block one of the forward wheels came off, and, the horse turning into Hampshire street, capsized the load, hurst Ing in three barrels of Hour.

—Don't evade paying your horse car fare, for you may get handed up by one ol Hie com pany's spotters. On Saturday a man mimed Henry Ollpatrlek was brought into cour had to pay 99.90, which Is n good deal iiuni the five cents charged when riding.

niter in the case was a young mail named

charged with breaking in at Middieioii, was laid

—A party of gentlemen leased Irom this State, Mild fun I, nnd propose tu stock salmon, bass, while perch

-p. .lie


o'-'herlu-iirlugl >, „,„, „'„. .h.ei-,1 under b I-lo Hie ammm

111 theiediicliminf Hie i ml ■!.

seelii.n Hint Is i ii except wild gn-at l In lure [be city in il* In the mailer, special ■might fr Die Leg

Klinoi I,

.'oll.y, Kree

i.m.tcr In Hu iilhlM-mlis

adewith ifghoH

aiioiimniiexpniKc-jonhls i.hlecl. ir ll jii.lgn.enl, ore Well made, and will |„, papular approbation. To accomplish HUH iu n "».'kl> peopled imn,nu, » ill, e II - ,,| sod and surface such as e\lst with u«, I* bniHissi- "■'Without ci|,.„,vci aii.il ihm.nigh drainage, by nilliclnl devices. It a-ks im argument lo P|inw llial with Hie iinro.tm linn nf a general water .-up. ply-now assure,) ns mi early event -this need will in.I l,e in,,., nig, nil. lilt, ami vour Com mill,-.'arc Mill-lied ill* prudent to nnl hi pale its claim.- by reasonable preparation, and Hie bmir im action is the present.

NAVAL CADBTHHIP.—Congressman Ifosr, this distrtet, desires us tu give nollec that examination tor ihc selection of u candidate to

be nominated ns a cadCI iii the Naval Academy ■t Annapolis, from the S.vciuh Congressional District, will he held at tko ('ity Halt iu Ixiw- cll, on Saturday, August Ut, IS, I, nt HI o'clock v. H. Applbmits win. n-e in sound health, and between fourteen nnd dgbtcen years of ngc may present themselves at thai lime and place inr examination. Here i-m unusual opporlu- nily for some ol nur h'lghl and ambitious

I lll.iaii, called tin- "llcllmeu l.ilai.ry," .limit Imi l.-linne-. A U-inpeiance society 'I'l ■'! » illi n m.-nili.a-hip ul ;.<*<- tin-

. were, pro-iih-m, .1. W. Carl,-, J.;.,. , icy, llr. .•flcpheu Huso. A.-crd.ng to Ilie ■ii.il Hie pn-tmltee jnhled a leveni ' criniiciil ot i.HI annually- Thu »Uln

-The contract fur furuisblng Hie uniform of the Second H.HI..li..M of Light Artillery, was awarded un Friday, to Messrs. Mcrrlit, Clark ft Co., of Northampton ; Bent & Bush, of Bos- ton i in II iii the helmets, which are to weigh about twenty |ier cent less than thuse of iM Ilnd Battalion ; the uniforms are to be complct ed Aug. loth.

—Uncle Sam issuing into the express busi ness heavily; Ihr reduction ol Iho rate uf pos- tage on packages weighing less than (our |.-.nn.K will give the jsist olllce almost a mo- nopoly uf lite carrying or small parcels, nml we shall be surprised If the result is other than burdening the liagswfth this mailer totbe de- lay nf legitimate malls.

—The additions to the Hous« of Correction will give 63 more rtlls than now exist instead of So, as reported by an exchange. The work is progressing favorably, and the rust.of ilie additions will probably be not far from ~ 11:'.

I he accepted estimates, with sonic rxtru work .amounted to alsmt «10.p>,000 and the high- est reaching us high as 9119,000,

—Reference was made a week nr two since to

the Mnitfuertofi of two "sewers ln"Lowe!l'."'The hiRhest bids upon work which was awarded for

'""2, were in Hie vicinity of fOO.OOu, and 10,000 on work which was awarded lor

W«,r(!0. Mr. Carter's bids were al i the ave- rage between Ibe highest and lowest.


The H

ilX'il'" ilolhcaliu-himM

ir fare, paid S! ISDAT.—Mary ,\ ■" ""'ll lime; tin

:•■! over to .Imlge llu, ,. ere hrmighl hi bletnjghl ing very drunk, nnd tin. uipuve, not inm:b tH-tti r nt up lor thirty rlays, and -'■ Tiumllnii'seil

■trick, for evad! 111,1 |h,. e hi.net- • dot

-■harles (iennmi! vagi ii'i|,(."tliirl" 'ih.'i I!" * i!,1,,,'!.1' l"su.'.U'l|1i,.|Vi1,h„,lMm„.ill, h.omne ,,,'., .Itli..|ml,l,c. (land ,,,-«,. William Mntlen i, mltliiK women mi Hie ( , f,,,,,. „,„„,„. ', ' , piod enough for him I "lom" '

Tunainr.-The judge was dill to view the

.",,; m.niiY ,'.'".■", "" " '''■'trndi-aielnll, » no is. ursiu wuii in iin,;..i,.|iiahl.. uiinetiti. lor ' wa-i-uii. iob..;l ~L | , h;,,c, I gldy -lec.ne, by hi. a,,,,, ,„|,., n,„] ,.„„,[, .r""j ^

neicr 1.. I.ayc been Udnre Ihe e,„„| u-lore. M»j, 111 own ma,Ir n plan. -Intem. nl <d Uie fa<-|4 lo ll c.iuit, and the eou.l cave the man mo-t excelleiil a. vice, and ...atuoieil ll,,-, rl,,.,,,;,» „!!,,,,.,.;,'' ol the man to reform. Ile walked mil of ll, ,.,„ much affected, and wa- acenlnwlpen tear fr,,..,

to reform bis app. in. , and ihal Ihc lew kind IVOMU ortlin Judge were worth more lira,. „ ,|o/.'i e nntnienU In tlie I i. ,,| em vcelinn -\|,r,.. Bn-nnnu disclosed the lael Ihat she g,u „„l ni'lul >c-lei'.bu n. iiig.tlie.il .Utiii I,,,,,, ',. coiiraged, g.,I drunk and got her llrsl stall lor liei old .|iiurlei-s, muli i mil i-.nl, in curt .he sii-n.-L a friendly rock, Ihe judge helped her l„ throw over haliasl, li,u r -ad- anew and heading her for port, gave her twculy.fnar bniii. i„ ,IM,V,

' ' ii in ■'"'■■■ :i-i.i:i!i-i,,i,,.,;,„,; ,,;■ -lire lo go lo pi.-eea, „ml wlfi !«. lllW(.,'| a- Mary lb i ni.an, a line h.,u .•ailed woman, will, two small child- tor, was allowed » K. payment of i,„l r..iullivan. cruelly loan aahnnl

a d..g limn mallemiis natuiT, wnH i inl in ■ .tjidt ,,l Auaim hisui-n nil- ll II li M |,,.d. -.Inlm K. Pre,.

IliUsotN. - .l..h. niah I .alley, drtmk, ,ii,.. ged; Ha lend Ml llu an, i I nell. I,, an anluial.

iiilllatuig ntdiiK. f ■> and end-. \,|,,lp|, \,.,.„ iclier, lewd and la- Iv s, lour months I e

'I'l""' .■ that ol the shaw. fall o[ thirty feet,

' ply

lliriving village kw lioni the iiuiitv ol ' liful and lively,. iy .sped


ni.-iiiiig a pleulifid luring purposea, p." the a- Melliueii Kail,.. A-ide ■alls, they a lion I u beail-

eh) to thu t;i< of the lie-

"A cotton factory was established here about twenlv-ltuee year.- i ,e, and M, ,ied down in ists It wa- re ii ., , ,,lt,-r; Hie .business has neelieMended, and nt Ibis .lay Hie nni-iie id nV *ha « predoinbuiiiiig part of the busi.

The. hialiirian also speaks nf n prospMllve Cni- versn 1st' iue,-ling hmi-e,"il,at pmbably !«■ ci.iupleUi hylhelh>t,,i ,l,t,ie. Il ,,4-IIM tin. town was tlivlde.1 Into nine .clmnl dlKMels. Whole nunilswot pupils IKIWICU the ages ol four and s.xOHinal... be tnvfor Kl|",:kKI. Amt.l. i",';:''1 !'.>' ''""In'oilinn l,„ Mlppm-t ,,f nehool e, i iluw," ''V'""-""' *■<.•■"•'■ Tho amount capnaleMu.lnje.i ,„ ,i,e diit'eivnl tra.les ai i man » ul.ieture. was <.loi,issi. The eottm no, ml X "' '■n.i.l.iycd ;,.,!,,,„i., , a n, ra. rlaa ■ a.-i.lo;hat m.oml.einre, . Ml i|„ pnner I' ilVT .1

ir;':r;:::,:.';■ ,.r::;'r..-'v'-'':■. ^UK i iinuv toile lad... Taeie were t'weh'e k ,K] « est n.lhi g.H.d ami grocery „l„ri:a. t>nU (!.,».

■inn a ... toil* n- i),a. -; i„g,., ,„r l.owdl and iTs verldll leave I ■, i„ve,„ „uhe Knlla VillaVo

fe,,;: , '"1 »» <;v-cy Monday, We,|.,e Idav ami l-r day." lint tho-e n. e.l tfnvs will, ii,,"(i

rcca! r.'1,ur,> ,'i -""'"^M recall, an the ofd -l,,ge coach m, ]„„«„ ^l|.'|'

•ast ll.e V, [nue H,, , n will , in, freight, "ani lias runted it, t.,,.., ,„„| .,tll diMnaiithid it U l"it ""ders. , -prcailmg i,,-,, ami i, u«-dcm^haneo as a shige up.,,, „ hi. 1, p,,,,,!!,- extrnvaKOn.»s are enacted in tlie .hape m imaginary eouestrian- «,' , Our honored lilend. John l.ow, (■;,., .»,..

"■" in be. pi inic, and umbrlii-. a, ham-and Ben- lleiii.o.ly nealin.nl m gm-.t- 1,1K boils.-proapefed

.K::::,'•;.'..'::rK\;::",::,;i::i,.!,':;:'.'ri; ■apiUlllo over#i,UNi,n.

hanics ami ot.erallvea 1. u iiboul the fai.,e mllo. In Inokl ,. „ver tlie fown

' np' .iiijiitinii for the ".<"" nWh seems rnth- 1.1,.' ■•>! torty years ami. id .olaia «;,I«KI. ,,n,| in .p,.ken „i we Ilnd only

*«l^h' rdwIn.ottoh^ceUw." Mo"",c,1B

Jver*J,u«i,ii. ... 'ii,,. ,,.,,'„. '"■'■',l '"■■l'".a .iiiln|.,iail,,, ' ,-lncr.™,ed hi »i t Hie -aine ratio. In ■--■ ■ t-lerk'- hock we Ond llu .resent year In e\i-ccd f.\ I'huge in lca-l with J

looking k to the date l

—A team driven by a son of Mr. Oeorse L. Davis, of North Andover, was stolen on Ksscx street, Wednesday evenlna. Tho thieves tlppetl over near Ibe corner of Kasex and Newbnry •tracts, smashing a valuable huggy to atoms. One ofthe thieves was, it is reported, consider- ably Injured, but no other chie to them has been obtained. The horse fuund his wsv to Nnrtti Andover.

, ~iYr WlS wtn,»m'. """'ral director of the llaverhill Comet Band, hu been oceui.ied during the past winter and spring In teaching the new hand In this city, known as the Ameri- can Hrass. Last Saturday evening the mem- bers of the organization nresunted their instruc- tor with un elegant gold-headed ebony cane UN n testimonial of their appreciation of his interest in their Welfare.

-At a regular meeting of the Reform Club the following officers were elected for Ihe ensu- ing term: President, James AKrey; vice-presi- dents, W. I.eemaii, J. ]». Oraham, Wm C Barrle; recording secretary,Hubert J. Hancock ■ treasurer am) financial secretary, Thomas Me-' (Iregor; chaplain, J.H. Morgan ; janitor, Frank Hancock; the executive and ways and means committees were rc-cleelcd.

■Judge Htcvens united a couple fn the i ..,.. i . holy matrimony on Weslnesdny. Their aea were Thomas Oatmey, thirty-two years

old, and Lltlle Ifonnar, seventeen years old These parties were guilty of an Indiscretion and the jntlge ndvised Hicm to bar,- their necks to the yoko of holy matrimony. Tho marshal Eroeuied the certificate, and the court tied the

imi; but LUilu declined the honor of from Ihc judge.

—Tho dog tax collected In In.2 and paid over to the public library last year was about #1,4.50 So poorly, however, was the collection mode in 1873, that Ibe library will realize tbls yenr not much more than $«.», a railing oil of nearly •*o0. The public is the only sufferer by the negligence. If the taxes were rigidly collected the revenue for tho purchase ol books Tor the public use would not tie less Hmn flJOOpsr annum. *^

It may he of interest for the clllieni of Uwreneo to know, that whatever may tie the

are the following l: for their plsculorin B. W, Davis, li. I

—The first tium ■cl.lv I Will ll

ttgood, K, pilth.Ci' ' ■oil, Ise

itlemeu fro

■ of a I-'rt .''"' i-llc.t adtai

Krldav, the ,'i I 'Le lirapreau Usnsdlcn" (The Canadian Stand- ard), twenty four column! in sins, and under the editorship i.i Dr. A. Mlnault ofthrS citv. It is estimated thai there are In Lawrence ahoul 1,01X1 French-Canadian residents—a number sufllcieni to nll'md n paying constituency lorilic new paper. The subscription price will la- »-.' a year. Mr. L. A. Olngrass has charge ol Ilie business management.and is prepared to receive subscriptions or con tract lor advertisement*,

—We learn that Superintendent Purbcr,of tho Boston & Maine Katlroad.has mndeuuolhii arrangement In regard to baggage, which i*. that none shall be checked within live mill lib- ofeartlms. Since the 1*1 of Jnnnnry the pas- senger lias hud to show u lick, t to Hie bi'.ggagc master In order to have bli baggage cheeked. Under the later arrangement li HIM be well for passengers to calculate lo get to the ears m least ten minutes before the cars are advertised to leave. Of course the hnckmcu understand this matter, umt will look to the Interests of their patrons bv making sultlcienllv carlv calls.

—The wood-work upon the Broadway hrhl'C acioss the Merrimuck calls for frc.iiicnl re- newal!, un account, in part, ofthe large ami t ol travel but, in part also, from the position ol Ihe bridge just la-low Ihe dam. where the bridee timbers are kept wet almost constantly by die ■pray of Ibe falling waters. Messrs. Severance It Omnjt, who are renlanklng ihe bridge floor, bare discovered iu the course of ihelr wors. that probably 1110- less than three of tlie bridge Chords need replacing nt once. Quite a large section of rotten timber taken from one oi Ihe chords was brought tu the Mayor it dav or two since.

—Mr. Henry H. Hall,of this eliy, agent of Ihe Essex Company, has la-en presented bv l.i- hruther, Dr. Hull, of Nice, Trance, will, a'ven, elegant gold watch nnd massive chain. The watch was man u fact tired specially at Genera, Switzerland, is henvilv encased aii.l beautlftillv engraved wlih the monogram "11.11.11." Tic watch is a deml-rhronnmeler, wit'll Hie fun M movement obtainable. It is probnblv one ol the most expensive watches in thecouiilrv. Un- chain !.'■■. "M|.m. in r It is of a cable pattern very heavy, the hliort links which occur idler nntely wllh the Cold ones, being of platinum. The present Is a highly valuable one.

—However wonderful inav seem the rapid computations of the Missouri genius, nf whom we published nn ankle recently, we can sai'.l. say that we haven gentleman in this citv who is his e.pinl in (ij.'ures, and we think his superior. for be ran meander through fractions in n man. ncrlhutis truly astonishing. With lighinim- ropnlity he can add or subtract fractions wHImtn reducing them to n common denominator, an: .-an rendllv add four columns of ilgurcs atone, and will add three columns nf 1 guns, and, 1,1 Ihe tsme time, give n recitation I'mm any ol the standard |>octs. A gentleman nskeil Idtn "how Tar the comet would travel in a week If itlrnvel Cd 200,000,000 miles In a second ■" The answer was correctly given In less time than 11 minute, We refer to Mr. Daniel Donovan.

—Adolph Mctzenmaeher Is a (Jernisn who lived in Jlsllsvillc a tu«- «-«.!,„ »„.,, „,„(, ,u„. earulng His wife ami several children, tie took a woman, who has a husband in Ocrmanv and departed fur Spilngricld. Previous to leaving tbls city he used indecent language against n lair daughter nf Hallsville, and officer Rich wag on, armed wiih a warrant, went in search ol ihe runaways, lie happened to light upon them i 11 the evening, t-ul found them under ilreimi- stanecs which ktuautted their urrest by Die 1oi»l inithorities. They were liruii-bt here and Thursday the man vaH K,,n, „., f,,,. |-()ll(. ,mi),t|,, for nsing indecent ]an.ml,.e lm,| ,il(J (,|H,.ers , 1 Springtield were notillM tliut the wniicm w,. here m en-.lo,ly, awaiting their orders '['he man may aim l«- wanted kthai city when re- leased from our Louse of coi\,e,j,m/

—United States Inspector Ja. t, i,iv^ „, this city, on duty wihi Huston nnVj;, Julia', Steamers, detected a smugglingIciso.,.'. ,.„. ...', in»t.,whicli is likely to result nnp!ca.-autv ,",r,,". party concerned,one Harrington by mim, ^^ the steamer was approaching Boston, ,'|„, man Jumped otf before the boat was seeunt and n friend handed liiiu a bundle con tain ins n uuanlity uf line cloth. TLe inspector was 011 the wharf alsmt ns soon us Hie smuggler, sci/cl Ihc gomls, and arrested the man, who t

appear before the Cnitcit Stuti-s C t, ami an swer to charges of fraudulently gtul kno« ingle bringing goods to Ilie United Stalls innlia.y 1'.. law, and unlading goods without pel mil. '"| l„- penally In one case is n Muc not exceeding -oi. and not mure Hian two years Imprison men 1 Mnl In the Othfr a line net exceeding SUM).

-Mr. Ben

ion. 1 in the

H.ivaee. the W cnlinrly p.ilni

gentleman has .flaking a

II km 1 lalfm

r Icy lake took a dose from anuibci 'NUI .. close by his luediriuc, and which c..'iiti,ine.t a ehillies-eleanlng preparation, the chief ingn- dient uf which was caustic ammonia. Hi conrsn a terrible burning of ihe nmuih -,o<.l throat occurred, as thll preparation is a* In 11 n molten lead. Dr. Ilorne w.is ilnmedistely .- , moiled, and did what he could for the. SO (Trier. Ho IN confident none of the liquid reached Ihr stomach, mnl Hie applications applied to Hie month mnl throat rendered tin- sufferer as com fnrtahlc as possible, altbuiigh he has lieen in great pain. No serious result! from the mistake arc anticipated

. —And now Mary Ann Hulfie has returned hi- Illuminate wllh her presence our streets, court. and House, of Correction. It will be remeu. bersd that uiir last record ol Miny Ann's rllal statistics, made the number of her appenruu.. attiic station IIOIIHC. sixiy-nlne. Since her re- turn to the city she has IH-CII In that InsHiiiiion twice, but these times "don't euuut," for Ihe offlesfS tiavo lot ber out in the ist.ndng, know Ing Hint tlio jn.l.'e would ik> HO, 11 she was hruiight Iwfbre him, and by these means ibe farce of a trial has been suveil. tin Frida)

y Ann was laken iu low by olllccr (Jiiiim, hut hu was t.si sluw for her lime, ami she dashed 11 way in advance, wa

1 il,,- Nltj.,1 pie-. L-II room, cut. red a

oil..-. nit. ul

gh to

ilyship, closed ti ntilcer arrived 1110111 live minutes lifter Ihe iui- oner had cotafortitbly homed denote

■We believe It would be a good idea f..r the committee on streets, from the city government to drive nls.ni the citv some cloudy evening lo.' the purpose uf observing how the streets an- lighted. Ihcrc an-hundreds of places on nrnm Iiienl thoroughfares while MghiH are needed Perhaps 110 street, e\ecpt l!-sc\ Mrctt Is tin ire' travelled than llroa.lway; nn tin* iiveuuc he tween tin- railroad iri^sine near the I'm in Mills and Breehin III,,, k, ,Z flin hanllv Ve - , drive, when the evening i.. , loudy. Tho „,,p,, Irrldgo over the Meriiineki. nboiil ibe 1110 1 dangerous place to puss in Hie ci[v | \f .. .1, grace ton thriving voung city bke Lawniice Ihat Us principal bridge caimoi be lighted will,' anything heller Hian an old oil lump k » l|1 the fact (I,, H,e entire length of Hie structure there are but th.ee oinanip-,,ment each end .nnl one tu the m hid hi, and three small white k-i

A»i-y,,iT,",,;w ' Ki'-cmiichim And we will further say that It is n v panto light thirdly by Hie sluiumie. old fashioned pamphlet hint- (,r , , IsnotligLted, uo mailer how cloudy 0 It may be,. H weather prediction- ,>,■ 1 served, we believe old I'rob should I, tilled lur the farmers' Mmiuiuc

0 light.

i.iB. V W"* "tU,a 1,,"r' " wblcl1 u,r Major hints in qis message .m sewerage, for th.- 'tralgbtcniugi.r .be Spbket Hive' (Vol. Da'■

Street ton point below Ja, kson street bridge, can he seen by an examination of a eltv man Tlwfalekat.mn,ls,he.,,1|y,lir.u,UA?iS fora largo area ufthiekly settled territory wesl of Broadway, |i„t to make practicable the 11-e or it for that purpose and drain the low lands

!ln!,fh"'!S . V" lw,,wecn "'■ nroailwsj bridge and the bridge nt Jackson street Is Impossible t Is maintained, ui.h-sw the level of ll.e water

Jim°.i Jl 'k,Mi",V',,"rc'1 "■*' lllc ri'"1""'1 '"' ""' uam at tho old Durant paper mill This will r.Jur. 11,0 ,„,■! „f ,i.\™, .to,,, ,,|"J.'

I»8 »largo >Kn wbtel, |» „„„ „lor„ „r ,,„ .«aniuy. ,],tre i, nu |.n,|>«Mil,iTi or Hi,., kiiul More I,. ci» Oav.m,™,,!. ,„„ n,,,',,,1,, Si an outline of a plan U. wilU.,, ,,„ Wrt,.,)r h,h

made rtf.rrnct, anrl, »bkb, It !, Kailbla, may tempi an In.e.tm.ni from a Im prullv claar-liaaM aprrnlato,., »1„, ||.„re , ,,,„, tlinro la a luin,l«„n„. ,„nrBin l„, pr.illt In llu, en-

lb. u nmcr mono,., Ih. M ll.ptl.i Chnrrh wllT l.gn, lb. ell, " , Vu „ .Z ,LK ™ ,","


Tlio &i\tlovcf Advertiser FKiDAV MOHNINO, .11 I.Y 17, ls7i.

Parker draw* cool nnd sparkling «tnla and MMS Hit; cboicest syrups.

Tlit lli-v. S. V. lieard full front a cherry tree a lew day* since and Injured bis slioulilu.

(ji'ur.i.L' Tycr has gone to California,via Ii.nu, hlupiiing ut tlic latter place fur a short lime,

Tin lUv. \V. A. DppL-worS'jiitii Uuclmsford, i> e\jicclcd t.j preach in the l)inii*t Church next Knlrtiatli at IQ^vVliH'k A.M. *

TbcdCHltaof Mr. Samuel AuJcrnuti Ins oc- curred since the paragraph cbewlieru in ihii luimnn, rcsjn ,'tini;hint, wu written.

Hiss Dli/nU-lh A. Uarm-lt lots arrived borne 11.1111 Omulm, where she Ims lieen employed n* ateacber liilucpuMlescbooli for the pail """»

t Value llrulbers uav< ed i

in n critical niii

■rv M. Jelfcrsoi

Mr. (!. V. V. Dm


Hi.' Horn ihy,

of Ph. D. ' the I'nh

tlie State of New York.

The lli-v. (". RuihiiiK of the Church lliiikling S.iiiety, preiiclied last Sunday ut tint South clmrcli, Tin! Itcv. II. F. Coolcy of Kocbdalr, i.nicmteil at Uhilst rlinrcli In exchange with the

All keepers or dugs should (tel tuoni licensed iillliniit delay. The selectmen lime already iuntied their warrant fur killing unlicensed duns ami lining their keepers. The line is *M j, and the costs are added.

During tlio severe rain storm of Thursday noon several trees were Mown down and other dnmn^e done liy the wind. The venerable old elm in the square lout another limb and the tree ban heroine MI rotten thai It l* thought held by Millie to cut it down.

Merrill IVtlinpill, R«|., Cashier of the Kx- clutngc National Bank, Boaton, and his family, are boarding with Mr. M. C. Andrew*. Mr. tVitlngill's tattier was one of the prominent men of the" town lor several years when the son was "a tittle fellow."

The Re». John 1'. Taylor, a son of I'rofeasor Taylor of this town, lias received and neeepU-d n unanimous call to become pastor of the United Congregational church in Newport,H. I. The installation will occur on August -itli. Salary, S3/(00, and there Is a inoveinent nil foot to se- i-ure bint n parsonage.

George II, Johnson of tbe Seminary is preaeli- Ingat Kcndnakeag, Me. Mr. Frank 1) Kelsey ol the last class in the Seminary wax ordained in the Third Church in Marldehead on the 7th itist. He will supply the pulpit In which lie Mas ordained a few mouths and then expects to devote hi nsell to missionary work in Japan. Mr. Charles Anderson of this town accepts nil rail to North Woborn and Burlington.

The violent thunder itorru of Thursday noon

did Mack more damage than rnu at lirst sup- posed. A uulldini 00x20 feet belonging to John II.Flint*;! iitjlri'irtho'-Carm^l" was removed from Its foundations a distance of four or live feet; large timlier trees on land belonging to David Baker were torn up by tlie roots; a culm ney on the house of Charles Barnes in North Andover WHS thrown down, fruit was blown off

the trees and large quantities ol buy in the Heidi were injured. The storm came up quite sud- denly and was very severe lor half an hour.

The lirst of the Ml lei of weekly out-door con- certs It* the baud was given In Kim Square on Monday evening. It was entirely successful,

JKHII as regards the niu-ie furnished and ttie large company in attendance. Several of the ipicces elicited enthusiastic applause. A music -tand is much needed lor the accommodation

•jftbe hand, and, while the people have been quite liberal in their contributions to them tiiiherto, supplying this desideratum seems very desirable. We learn that a gentleman was so much interested on the occasion that he offered noeneroa* sum to commence a enbeerlptlon tor the pnrpoM mimed.

Mr. S Mrs. John J. Smart, of Australia, are in town on a visit to his lather anil other friends. lie bus been In Australia twenty.one years, the latter part of the time engaged with two other gentlemen in wool growing, which Is the princi- pal business of the country, with, perhaps, Hie exception or mining. They have kept from thirty to forty thousand sheep and tire hundred cattle. Cattle and sheep teed out the year round• The land is let by the Crown to pastoral tenants for a term of ten years, If It is not wanted Tor building purposes. One 'man residing there owns a million of sheep. Mr. SniRrt has been travelling in Europe fifteen months, and leaves San Francisco for Australia August 13th.

The uii'l pond ut Auhotl Village seems to ex- perience some strnngc convulsions,or nt any rate, those who attempt Uiat rides upon its pcr- tnibiiieil waters ure Ill-starred. A few weeks

■ago we pave an account of a disaster to some Hiarklcrs. Since that time two store clerks got m ducking to the evident aratlBcatfon of those who had previously lieen in for It. One even- ing last week » young gentleman and lady re- paired thither lira boat ride. In attempting to embark, the wharf gave way, and precipi- tated llieiii into the wilier to a sutllelenl diplb to require their luimeill.ilc return home for dry clothing. This tickled the haeklers again, as Iiv the old adage, "misery loves company." It is strongly hinted by some person! that the tmilder of several of the boats on the river •tructeii them In such a niannar ns to s profession!!) business.


niVl-;1 AJ.'IV i.'.i.U Amlovci, Julys, 1-;



ITOB BALK. . 1 ciilf. A.I.lies.-,


C °A L The •ulwcrluer h

fen-nt " .•r linn a supply of ctiAI. ot ..itter d quality, ufucii he will furnish

»imiH-rrt in n reasonable price and sln.il notice, dcrs may lie l.-ll at ,IUHN II. CMAMM.Kit's rledt-.al Miiire or ut mv ri-iddeiirc.

■ INN LTI VMif.Klt. Ind.-i . 84))*.

IXXIl'S AND SHOES > The subscriber ha* oi«,


170ft SALE CIIEAL". ONE MAItKKT wagon bull! by Samuel fjonvviw, of Lowell,

«hl lli^.-v

' Julytflltir


At'MMUisT.—im Sunday the ti Dreplaec, before n roaring lire, ns e tliuugti miow were lil.m h,g against instead -it ruin, and anv one wliu w d'Htrs Without 111! flVI'I'r'OBl [H'lilcd Wclni-.lay it was torri.l hot, and Hi

; llm streiU shot

i* seen running

in.): .it 11. fltUIIICTKIt, icii.fnit MI Hi,-.H. p. c. A.*aystiut an- growing excited over a false

.'pboiiia dice nre iicKli'i'liiiK ><> no

.■ lain I dlsca-e ol* xlanders Hiuong his ^ciillciiiaa snjs tlial this disease cuilenljust now, ninl that a large I'tiiic brought dailv to Ids notice. T <an-i'|.ir alarm about the glan- l . i..nr i.iinvi lent, "than nlmnl


il daughter*, UtTt at triii tlii'iniglilhelV TIM many friends

.i.Likinua >

veil clcmiui

,1.1.1 lh...n/. »v levelled I.

■ In-Ill .. . theob Of 11,111

1 -.■III 11 '■"■'ii'iih

11 ( IIS Ol

CM till. > hall .

II.. I MkiUKa ■ l:il "III the largest out in the w

CocHicfiKWirn I.Ann.—Our Id lieeu called by seveial names, hn. mine genernllv known as tlielircuir .■.liner of words «:ive II tlie en).! i„u- n;bllll. ,„ "Lake l.inlon," and sime then 1 have heard il .ailed Silver Lake. 1 would be glad to christen it liv tlie name whi.li |>r»|iei l> l«-luiig- |o il_ibe In- dlan name of our old Unvn "4..Hhii hewlcl." "Wliafs in a name:"' I hear a.-ke.|. I woiil.l nn- swer there is much that is upprmniatc In the name of Lake Cuehielicwiek. Tin* beaulil'id sheet of water covers I IT neres. mid the cliai drive around tin; Lake lainiot b Voueatih tiiauva jiielure in this r Its as any that men cross ineans to sec.

A I'oTTAiiE FAIIM— Nestled i|uiellv away, i ball a mile IVom tlie Onlrc I'.n-i uiiiee, ..i, old Lark i inn I to Andover is the lllll,- larm o It. Wales. Ks.i. Ill- bouse L, siirrounde.Wtv



side : s the lOl ..nl.dn-iin.1

ml lurii " -Wlibiwen ,7 nnd.wudi

extensive strnwberrv beds in tins auction of cmintry, ami be. Iiu- deilved a l.oge revenue I'r Lbcm this season. Cherrte*, loo, he has in abun- dance, and peach tree.- and |uai lives without number, all ol Hliii-hprnmise a f.-ini'1'oiisJintLage. The walks are trim ami the lawns i lo-c-cuL and throuitli the IVaiucHorV of the liiiiijdm I calmliS a glimpse or your oily, it is iml I a garden farm well worth visiting, nod i rlmn^n will itnd In llio ]iro|irlttor a geiilli'iuiin ol the old school.



Notice Is hereby given that the subserlb Ininidiily ikiiiniiiii'i <: ii'iiiini inn..! i i U" (-ial.">!

OKI-All I.UVK.IOY, tale of Andover. in the . ounlv ..f Es-e:

ii briu -'Il lli.il ,..^"'W.1 i the i din

. :;nshaviii|;ileiiiaiidH n|«m the eslnli- -.'.ii. iii.'iV "■■I"1""1 l" exhibit Hie same; am ke ].:i>nient tii1" |,1"'t estate ure called upo

"■■OsTKif. Adin-r, Andover, July lib, IS7I


Notice I* herebv riven that Hie siibscribcr has hei'iiiliily ai.]ioinii.l ex.. nt.-i ..| tlm ivill of

I.VHlA I1. l»AI.TiiN',|rtll. of N.inb Andover, in (he county ol Kru-x, u idow deeea-eil, tsstale,and iia~ taken IOIOII IdiuselJ that trust by ui\ iug bonds, a- the law illm-.la, All penous bating ihiuauds a|x<u Hie tesbibi of mil.I deeea-ed are ie.[Uiie.| to cvhibit the same; and nil persons Indebted to asid Astute arc IMIII.I IIIK.II to make payment to William ii. Ilronks.

11. , -i ulv Il.lsll. Win. IL llliOOKs, Kiel. jnlyirat


The subscriber offers fur sale his real estate ■ ..i, ■ tin; iv. IIIIIK Mouse Itarus and !l a.re« ..I exieiicui land under good cultivation, with about 73 young tipple trees In bearing eomlilioi.. Tlic hou-e contains II rooms, well painted ami grained throughout. The csLnlo Is sltnaH-d on llluti street, within one mile or 1'osl tlfllce, schools, churches, Public. Library, llepot, etc. Will sell Horse, Wagons, farm Imi'lunioutH ami l..it II .[, ir.-il. Trim ■ ..I oaviiicnl lib. lid. ( nil onoraiblress t.'IIAS. A. ih'KVRSM, at SUivoim liio-. 11.1..( ;i n ■[ Mi.iv Mure, Multl si reef Ainl.nii.

,'arlv ns ar.theltcv

. lixty four years tielnre any estalillsbc.l on the south side. Ours was tlie'jltli church orgaui/.i'.l in Ma-r-a. tm-iii-, and the Her. Dr. Symnies(lhe hlih mini-tcr ol'lhe oarlsli) re- marks that "Mr. Woodbrldgc was the first, strict. Iv speaking, that was i.i.laincd a minister of the C'impel In this coiinlv.nud tin- ■<■■■-.n-1 in New ];u;:

nid." Ttiecliureh.usorganii'.ed alien Mr.Wood- ' ridge bccjiine the pastor, comprised nine male

embers, whose names were as follow-: John ntfou.l, I tuber I llarnard, Julin Krye, Mrholas

..oil, ltiehiir.l llarkci, .lorc|.h 1'inker, Salhsn Parker. Klelisnl lllake and K.bin.ml l-'aulkner. .lulu, llarnard Was the ib>l ebilil l,a|.li>.ei| in town. I cannot fully uncertain in what i ear ttie tint meeting house was built, but it stood near the old burying ground, a ml ne.nh n|.|.i.-i[e. tlie Kittled)

liipl, and was the mm of 4 minconlurmlng minis- ter. At an early age he was rent to OMord lor hi* education, but, being re.pi bed to take tlie 011 tli ofeonrornilty, lie 1.-11 tin- cuili-.'i ,ami,In li'.ll,. iiinu to .New KiiKland with hi- urn le Itv. Thomas U.,r, ker, who was alterwards tilled at Newbin v. Here .Ml*. Wood bridge eonti d Ilis studies, pre. paring tor the niinii-tn, till, l>y the Midden death ■if his father be was called hack to Kngfciud. Ills slav in Lnxlan.l was sh.ol, lor In,...on 11 ■turned t<i lliiseoiiutiv.iiiid In Id airied a daughter or tlie lion. Thomas Uudley, and a sister ol the wl" of liovcnior llnulstreet. Mr. Womllnldge Wi among the very 1h>l nellleis of Lbe town, wboi he served as 11 lea. bee before his ordination f. the minisli v. It wa.~ he.Ion, Ilia! iHin^Ut Ihe hold iif'Cutshaniaclie, the -lugamore, b.r J,fi Bnd a coal, in liiUI, the same year llic ton n was incorporalcd us Andover, Ills inbdsfrv here was short, lor in two venrs he resigned hi- .hinge and relumed I" Keg la 1111, ami strange lo say was sellled in All .lover, Knglaud.nnd ailcrwnrds al Itinlnrd. Tlv restoration of I'luilie* II. oecusioned Ilis n lun to New England in lisk). Sunn alter hi-reiurn tu was settled as enllengitc with bis 1 ncle Itcv Thouins 1'arkni alNewlmry. During the last « his ministry here, mailers were not as liarmoni mis . 1- could have been de-lred, and Mr. Wood bridge dually reolgued. He was, however, higld; ■'steeiniil In the eoniiuiiuily, mid ill the Winter " llftt, during the sickness of tlie p.i-lor, Itcv. Mr Klehardson, again supplied Ihe |<id|dt. He Wn distiiiKulsbcd bw his piety, and during Ids ton life, prolonged Uiroiiicli cijthly two years he mad the uniform impirsslon upnu all who k.icw lilm as a wise, faithful, loving, earncr-t ininist-r e Christ, " in doetrine iineori upt, ie language plain and plain in manner; affectionate Iu luoli 1111. ten 1 lei in address, n* well becomes a messenger of grace to nullly men." Mr. Woodbrldgc had remarkably calm and siiluui"ivc nature. A imn ■eager once brought him word tbiit he had lost gn-at amnunl or pr«|M-rty ; hi- reply wn*, "win H niertvy ft is, Hint mis I- ih" ib-t Lime thai I lm\ met with sneb a disaster." He died In Man I IDA, at the age of S-J;hls wife died in .lul> b.i years previous, and hot ilru >.-nr* n;bi Ihe mnrilage. They had Jlwelie . tuldrrn. Tw of the son* liecBini! uiilii-ier-, and he bv. In si'e four grail.l-on- prepai MIL. IOI tin- noni-tr; The hceou.rnilnlsUi „f North Aiidmcr «ns IU- PranelS Dane, and he was settled BlKMgana ri. alter Mr. WiHalbrliUa was dUmisfed. Mr. Dan.

-h thin/ alter al lu » llu are 1 ca.l

First, those n

iai'1'11 weather. from other place- to

iveplenlyof tii e haying. The

|i, foe a* a geliei Ids house oect lo tUinl vacant

llution that the ISH

-mall scale. Allbnugh 1-.111- who board by the aie I'eM. The besl lni-1 on ■ uh. n: and lirough the city oa their iiiilidii.s. In the case of ere is no reduction In the

tbeie mi- twocLissesof rent bouses just at thai .■ hoarding at hotels and ..I thcm-elvcs in during

- rinled I rather

■ peop-

A till liv- '.'. ii...... 1 ,:-.

nc of our city papers had a heart rending e.l ial Ihe nt her day on the subject ol ".Simm

... written not without tears, doulitnol.tcailiillviea.l lit many hrnthcrs

.rcavouieiil -w id.nvii, who-e wives had not altogella.Tilepnite.1 Ho., life, Im; had ' gone to the watering place*." We know some ol these 1111- ' itunates. There is a vacant and relies* look

their eyes n't easily to la- mistaken, and w ..._ve heard tbelr confessions 1.1' dir-coniloii, link gesilnu, luneliness and der pair. We know of only

lihihi-.ipher in lbe wliolu nielanclmly eompa- ... -though his content is due, wu are prone to tH-liuve, to the rait that Uie wife did not carry all Hn- fainlL a«a\ « lib her. The idngie child tell ar In nne I. Hi :e tie thru hind- I he iii.iii |.. the w 011. ol hope and action. For the child lliea.lvcntur ons voyage lo the ..ulv market i- undertaken; I'm him the dinner 1* made ready in season, ami all the household wuvs are regularly order^l; ' him the places ol Innocent Bum.em.-at ar. ipicnte.l. Life -lill ban a purpose and a mea fllessed Is the Summer Widower wlt'i it s elilid lelt


The only two tbeatre-..pen lii this city are llio Cniim Square and Nlbh.V. Wallark's, — ■'-'- '- unually run by Its treasurer, Mr. Ttnisii,,,, n,,„r, during'tliu summer, is closed and denerlcd, ami Ow Union espjaro has thaDBld ta iuetr. A very

l T— - ...,...ll, 1

llio hoards ol thi.. llicalrc at pn-cnt hut will he withdrawn, and then this plsca or Siau>uimmt will bo closed also. sir. rainier, Ihe aianauer of the Union biiuari', Is not responsible ft>r *'l'i_-rll.' having 1 ub-lut the theatre to the present iroui>e so Ilis skirts are cleared. Itotierlsnu's plsy of "Caste" was to have been the summer atlraetinn at this theatre, but Mr. Wallack's claim to that play Wits MI very strong thut il could not be hroiicbl out there. As lbe theatre had been leased il had lo IH'used, .0 the leasue in sheer desperu lion seized upon the Urst thing that tuned up, Which \vus Mr. Campbell's -1'eril," which lias been running with more or less success Tor the past few weeks, ktlss Clara Morris has been so. cured by Miiunirer I'aluicr lor the I'nion Biinnre Tlicati'i-, and .New York playgoers are conuratu- latlng llieniselviv. upon the icturn of their favor- ite. Miss Morris will appear In "The Sphinx," nhich plav It !.- snll.ipul.il will have a run oi even grealcr length than had "Led Astray." This is where Ihealre- make their mom v, by one play baring a IOIIK run, wlilch save- the enorniuiis B\- pensc or new scenery and new costumes.

In eon versa lion with the agent (of a well known and popular place of atnn-imcnt, the other day, wu lib I why it wu that men utler lui-h is put upon the board-. In the summer season. "The reason Is very pimple," smd be, "ami is that noth- ing 1l-e.11 ill draw; ills hard enough to attract people with real merit In the winter months, but in summer ml will have trash or nothing. No manager can nhord to ran hi-own theatre in the • ummcr with a tlrst-chi either lo close 11 :l 1 accoml or thlrd-rato irnui


■y, ,,>.,..I. „.:■ 0/ ».■ American. UVA1IA, M.IIKANKA, June".;!. I>;i.

lull AKKKICIM Somewhere iu the vast North 1 there must he, in the future, an iui|iorunl , the great centre of trade in a region :b ui'which has not had tlie fir-1 touch of Im-

provement ami none nt which lias yielded a titheofwbnt it may when tested by 101 Intelligent population backed up by capital.

II., on its bold bluffs, ill lb. head nl igalion, with it- great W.tn-li-ii . ol

Cinii.t-.ui Moum s, infantum and dysentery cured by Johnson's Anodyne Liniment, used internally.

To 1.in.—A lirst class office, adjoining the office of J. C. ttanborn, Esq. Inquire of Ilvron rrueli & Co.



■'lea-,'-it 1

11 ion A Nil IN RKAXKg UMiSliKa

rd- at W ..11 k' , a thing n til h sur. I the K llhinkiiiM p..

nother reasoi id (In lh |.a

vevtl-.-.- in- At Hi lo be

nlv 1 •lie tolas the inn .... .Ids

•I'll' .■ Tim uhel mtral Turk

arm night is a place mil to be re- >t ori'hestra In tin imtry, and -1 in 111.- M orld, plniiiiK the best ml, present unit future, and all for ■ iiigli to illl the place every night. relnii eleinelil abiuil the gardens — 1 itboiit the trouble and rxpense of can. The Ilowery basils Atlnntlc 1- i.ither of the free and p*ay "

IwclUngs almost palatial Innteanahi ilhuut doubt, that prc-enlly Hue

lively (treat capital city. r'roin its bluffs you took Ju-t oi-nis IU live and beautiful rival, the

...ii-. si. Paul is in no respect behind the

of It, nit,: lo public improvement- and cuter. ses, while iii location, railway ciimectimi- 1 prestige, make growth and future prosperity I impoilaiice -imply manliest de-1 illy. 'I'll, i-rid admixture of New England Mock in the ke up of these two northern cities lias not »ed disadvantageous;UM large Scandinavian IIM'III is also reliable and thriving. he iuiportunce of tlie wholesale trade ol ihce

rthwosteni centres Is now great, and, in tin' not Unit future, must become immense, unless the rr born IM i.rni-thai "aenlth city by the uii- Ic.lsciis" rhull heeoiue a buceessful rival; of scoiiiiiigeney ihere is no immediate prospect. vast deal of labor ami expense is needed to el obstructions, bridge the ravines mid eon- net line streets in this northern metropolis . all n Is being accomplished, and the very rough-

ness or tlie site adds greatly to the pieturesipiu beauty ot the line residence ([rounds Which line the bluffs.

Summit ami Dayton avenues are nobly laid out ml Hive promise nf becoming among the noes!

residence streets to be found iu any city in the land, overlooking, as many of the mansions will, the lordly sweep of the l-'alher of Waters ami the surrounding country.

ding lands Imvenol Ihe luxuriant fer- tility of many western tracts, though by no means barren, nature not Intending, evidently, to give Kt I'aul <u7 the advantages which a city could pos. slhty boa ■! of, let 11 universal exodus should take place from lessmrorod settlement, with that saintly city Tor the objective points.

.is I* the timber city of the north; the rush of the mils Of St, Anthony is partially drown- ed by the hum or the thousand HWi which turn out tlie lumber supply fur a vast portion of Ihe great west; the healthrul smell of pine is in Ihe air, anil hardy lumbermen in northern pineries supply 11* many wills. The most valuable water, power of the northwest Is here well improved, and the hum or cotton ami woolen machinery re miiMs the New Knglander of home. The cheap. MM id lumber and tmlldiiifr pialerlal, coupled with the far Itemed enterprise of It* iuliabibiuts, arc probably the explanation of the general re special,illly and Ire.pient elegance or the dwel lings throughout the city, putting lo blush the 0I1I residual* or towns which have n ri-uiury 01 growth,

r'ur beauty Minneapolis is conceited 10 lurpaai all western rivals, and il* Importance as a lurnbei centre am! manufacturing point, with the nantnesi of it* regular street*, elegance of it, residence, and general wholesoiueness of IL< site and sur rounding! give It characteristics of pill mill 1 1 and assurance of continued growth.

The gradual approach or these two conttgnoui and, in some seine, rival cities, until they Join in one municipality—n sort or municipal Slamnse twin, with Ihe future new Mlate-housc i,,,- [he necllng ligature, is one or Urn prophecies of the time and place; as each most extend IU borders hut about four miles 10 realise this dream, it is h] no mean* impiobablo with the example or Chicago and 8L I.niils 11* incentives to growth

Mt. Anthony'* Palis in well worth observing for their natural grandeur, while the pretty "Minnehahn" Fall, some live miles out, lias a poelic charm associated with Its musical name hat will neither'overpower whntonlsh ihe !»■■ holder.

■(eat estate spcciilnbirs Jiave found n paradise hereJn years past, ns the advance in prices has been fabulous, but it seems now lo W " high tide," and the prudent hesitate, falling to see the pro. spective proilt.

If you Journey from these live northern elites, ria the SL l'aul and Sioux City Railway, you will OTOea the newer portion of. the State and pass through a Hue or towns or which St. Peter, Man- kalo, .St. .lames ami the much advertised Worth. inglon, arc, perhaps, the most important. Along these southern counties the grasshoppers Imvi iiindo their terrible advance wllhln the psst lew weeks, leaving little to the hardy pioneer but the original acres shorn of all that can give him proilt or a bare living. Crossing Into lowa the town of I,o Mars Is a large and nourishing settlement, and SI mix City, at the bead of uavignth Missouri for heavy draught steamers, uu import, ant railway centre and distributing point for Ihe surrounding region a, Is reached, a lively little city of some ft,000 souls and "great exiiectiitions'Tor the future. Then down along the eastern lmiik of Ihe Missouri to Council llluITs, the rule Is a some- what dreary one until the streets of Ihe latter city awaken your interest; there Is little to attract the strangor here, Die effects ol panic, or over. growth arrested, and of successful rivalry are severely felt, and, quite likely the stranger presses on lo the transfer grounds, over the great iron bridge, and iiusrters in OniBlm on the soil of Ne- braska. This live western city tins nil the elc- ments of progress ami Indications of growth,* Hue location upon high bluu*s, an enterprising people, and a ferule and wide rrarti of back coun- try tributary thereto, ar.d though the Impressible Oeorge Francis Train no longer makes it his home Uu- city will nodoubl bear Ihe tors and eventually recover IVom the set-hack produced by his de parlure. Omaha will yet rank among ihe Import

cities of the great west and now boasts of Its Hue hotels, beautiful church cdiHees ami Imposing school buildings. The site, when improved by Judicious uutlay for ornamentation will be boldly Plclures'iiio.

Tho ride over the Koek Island Itoilway, Irian Council tllona to Dcs Mollies, the capital of Iowa, lakes you through the II nest country linaglnahlc-

iliicr mfgst have Imen created hut never mn In 1 lie expressive language ofan admiring travclli.,

sweep of illimitable reaches 0/ rolling green, broken by streams mid lines or timber, made

uresijuc by many herds or rattle and new tern homes, going up lu rude aud simple

slyle n, die green ilenee, Is the buidscai>e seen ■DOn cuhcr band, so Is dutiful and evidently so fertile, that we wonder men will seek homes far beyond with these virgin acres, or million acres in thulr pathway. l*robahlr no State In the Union has so good an average of lino lands Iowa; from centre lo circumference It Is, w hardly an exception, a vast prairie farm, dolled here anil lliere with cities ami towns of imp anrc, not the least auioug which is tho fair ami central capital rlty ol lies Molnes, nf which we will give particulars at sonic futui

l-KKItV.-ln I! ; au.lMrs.l.co. MfltltAV.-lu

. \' ATT Kit- Mr. and Ji!

,- city, duly 1.1th, a W. Terry. his city, duly llth, a 1 hi lighter to

daughter to


I'lS. In Andover, ■ght, Mr. William IN Mary K. Fortisi

IT'TUN -MAlillilN, -In And. Itcv. »;. V. Wri«hl, .Mr. Tin Wilmington, and Mi-s Sarah lard v'ale.

July lib, olbspie ,.| WilmillK

ver, July IMh. by lOlhvll. I |.t.iB0l ». Ilagoon nfflas.


WITUINUTON.—In Ibis city, July Lllh, Mrs, Kli/abeth II. Wilhinglon, aged .,1 vrs, 111 mos, 13 dya. er remains were taken to Portland for interment.

Wll.l)KK.-lii this city, July 10, IharlesWond- word, son nl !*■ W. and Itosc K. Wilder, aged two years, seven monlli* and scviaili-eu II.IVK Kimernl, ^undav ttie IJth Insl., al one I'.M.: \<> lJI'rospeclstreel;

IHNTIIKSS.-In liroveland, July T, Franklc' llarllett, son ol A. .1. and Martha llimlrcsK, aged lour year- aud seveu months.

PttiK'Tiilt.-Iu Kingston, N. II., .July «, Mrs- Judith Proctor, aged ft years and 11 months.

UKORGE.—In licorgelown.-luly I, Mrs. Hannah P, lieorge, aged *u years and five months.

KAKI..-I11 Lowell, .lone ><:ih, of Ivphoid pnpu- moiiia, Sallie S. Karl, id yrs, daiighlcr or the I.He -lohn Karl of Lowell,

ANI>KRS()N.-ln Andover Iv l.'.lli. Mr. Samii '■I Anderson, aged :>7 yrs. II inns, '.'I dys.

■unernl at his lalo reside nee, on Saturday at I r. 11. MASnx.-InChirleslown.Jiilv 12. Mrs. Kuiilec

I, aged l» yrs. [-mains were token to Andover i„r Inter

JUVNKK.-lii this rlty, July 7, consumption, Jennie McNsc.'JIyi-H.

(.ANY.-In ibis city, July ••.heart disease,

Our quality 57 its., Is S


si.H'k of dress goods Is complete In

UsaATi JllXKli, AMU l'i.»i\ 1.001m.

We also offers One line or

Malta and Yak Laces, PLAIN AND RIBBED

Cut G-laae Beada to Boad Laces.

WOOLLEITS For Hftee) «n,l Bo, , WMur.

la great variety and ot very low prices.

001 arocK is

ANIMiL'H fillers lltK

L O ^W . G. D. Armstrong,

289 ESSEX STREET meylHtl

Mrs. Harriet DaU PTKVESs.-In tblecUy.Juli I

ohnvena, 4.'. yrs. TIIUMPSOV. In this rilv.Julv

Michail A.TI ipson, I»ym. ARNALD8—In Ihlsrlly, July

Klskcy Aniiinls, 4:1 vrs. " W.lTHIHIAM.- In Ibis 1 itv. Jul

plainl, Carrie J. Vi ...1. ■,., , , JI yr,



vmsu S.HEIUC4 l.ul"a:, MI. SO, i.n. u. T.

irsrrcas 11 has pleased A luhjfaty II.MI In his erring wlsilom lo remove from our number death I'. W. I'. T. sarecnt I W. monr.

Thrrrfore !«• il /,V*</c. d, Thai In tho ilealh Unit her atone »'■' 11 gni/e the loss ol a lailblul memlHT of our 1 Inter, and worker in the cause of tempmanec, who, w bile hi. health iieniilllisl was always at his post in our l.«k-.- 1 < ,, nu.l H 00 bv his untiring real and brotherly deportment the rslec fall uli,. labored M .lh bini.

Ilwiltnl, Tlial iu view of lids «a,| event the re gnlia and charter ol Ibis lodge lie draped in mournine for the space of tbirtr ilnys.

ffmofnv/, That a eopr of these resolutions be sent to the relatives of ihe deoeaaad, and to lh

Sentinel publication, C. B. OOWRI M. A.lllitoi 8. I.. KlCKU

I liable ami I.a

O0ST0N ft IlINlill.VM SUiimhoat Co.


Naiitnskot Beach, Hingham, Hull ft Mclvillo Garden, Downer Landing.

A. M., f'.i:,, 3.30

nil 111.30 A. H., I

and 10JO A. 11., .1.30 nud 5 i*. n.

mi \ is r.n: 1:11s 1 <>\. Leave Hingham atTJW and 10,10 A.M., IJtO

and 11.111 r. M. Leave Downer Lamliiii,' nt 7,:l'i and 10,30 A

IS.1S, 1.40,4, S.iontidii.fir. M. Leave Hull alT.MI and IO.S6 A. M. I..M1, a.II and

11.30 I'. M. l.cuve Sniitasket I tench al s and 10.1.', A. II., 1-' «.,

5 and 0.10 p. JI. ;. Fare 25 Cents each way.

■DPTDAVB. lloslcu I'm Santn-ket Iteacb -,a lu.an A. M.,

_ andXf.M. Leave Nantaikcl lleacb tor Huston at PJ »., :t,.'t»

and 'I P. M. Leave Dosiou for Uull and Downer Landing nt

IU.4S A. >!., JI". and'i.t-'i P. M. * L-ave Downer Lamlin;: for It,.-ton at II ISA. M„ amis p. M.

(.'arc on Sundays gl.notlie round trip, incluillng udiiiisiion lo Meiv ,11.- Unrden.

8TARKKH WIIITON, AgenL JulylSvodliUwi'b




Having leased Ihe entire building, N/oe, In*, and H'7 Steel ilrect. and ilttcil it up ee|ie«taJly for our use, we have removed our Klook of


RANGES Anfi Kitchen FinrJtttai Goods,

Kioiu our old gland

No. 150 Essex Street. Also our stock of



Branch Store hTa>.«.*Sa*e*>l nirefl, (F.lrflrlds niock)




BYRON TRUELL & Co. have on cvhibilloii a large and elegant assort-

Llama Jackets and Shawls

BL'K HERN A NFS In Single and Double Width.




from 12 1-2 cts. to 37 1-2 cts.

White Shetland

SHAWLS, lo, ofH Ml .... .v I . I., float, at $ . .rut

r'.rmrr wrlre .*.lt,l.


Jaconet Muslins, VICTORIA I.AWNS,


N F W.

P. K's in all qualities.



and 10? I'.

nlin |>re|inre,l to offer

At the Lowest Market Prices, The largest, Most varied and I■..--■* si leeksl ,.i..ei of goo,|s In this elty. hjie.ial attention R|VPII ti Store*, Itnuires and Knmsees as IksraaoAtre, fo

lilcli i «In o.i a

lent. Til mis done at

D. N. & O. M. Martin, 195 and 197 Essex Street.


iiil vl t>tl

0BTOLBT. ACOTTAQB ihall \ illnge nitli nn acre mid a

The lioiine Is uearlv new, eon- and Im-a good dry cellar. Con- ..i Imtlier )iiirtleiiliirs Imjulru of

Amlorer, duly 17, I8H. ^',-

INSTATE OF ISAAC M. IIABDY. VJ Notice i, lieredv given Hint llio snhseill h.n lieen duly iipiniinli-.l evecuti i v ot the will

ISAAC U. IIAKIIY, lute of Andover, in Ihe coiinlv of Kssex, ycom dccciise.l, le InU',nnd Ims Likiii upon herscirtlmt Iriirt liy giving hon,|s, us the law direels. *" (icrsons hnving dciiiiiinls u|ion Hie estnle ,-:ii.l decenseil urn rciinlred lo e\hlliit the sSmej and all |icrsiois liidclilc.l to sold esUiUi are onlleil noon 10 make wry it t<>

C'HAItl.liTTK A.TIIUMAS, Bxerntrli.

Andover, July7th, IBJI. jlyUrtSw


Notice la hereto y given that the subscriber hai Iwen duly appointed executor ol UKI will of

MAHY WEHllKII, Intool \oilh Andover, in the comity of Kssex, widow, deceased, and ho.- liiken upon himself that Irio-l liv giving bomls, as llio law iHreeta. All persons huviiiR ileinnii.l- H|M«I llss estate of said deceased, are required to exhibit lbe same; and nil |ier^nioi indented lo Mii.l cLitc, are called upon to ninke p.u no'id tu .In. oh \V. Slor-s.

Andover; July nth, 1*71. .lAfiill W. moiMK, Ktecutor.


... olnralion In Itiis counlrv. Mi- -.dm \ paid one IMII' IH wheat, nu.l hull in Indian nt tlm curreni price. Mr. I lane via- p.i-lor

Cluireh 1'urlv-i-i^rTil ie:n>, l.ui in I' -.'.'I, r. ■. ilioin.rl H'1VT '''* "■"lenient Itcv. Thoni.i- llallllir.l IIO ■!ll„inr,n. uill. III,., \1 lieil Ml llarnsrd was sella^"' "'!„.",■ ,. ".,/.i . . passed, that live lioiiniV. . ,,, ■,,„ .,.' shall lie Paul In rilver, duriii" ,., ' l-~lc !■«?. In thf ministry." In llio year of i... .,.. .„ ,„,, Irenay, iana,orwhleblUi town had n- H!„ ,.,,, Ills said, "Hint liiilmiitloiis Unit Mr. Iniue wAl iiiiiiliciited, scrvnl In seme mea-nrc lo t-lsofh the ' Iiision, us It ass not deemed i rcilihle, Hint a

nil of his knovo pietv mid ni.ii-hliie.r.e,iii|.| he in league Will: ::. ■devil." l)l'li,e,e ,1,, I . oMl.lel, qrnn runaiTniaLe ntlon hi a no h-iier Mr lijulc was throe Llmrs nisi■ ioi. Ho dleli .,..„.

DT, U years m sge, Hie same aue an his prole «sor Sir. IVmMlliridge. I'nrin« hi-tongmuiistry echiireh was greally stren|tnoneil, Ills uilii.

[stry was a useful one mid he mi. universally le- soeeU'il. lu mv next letter I will speak of Itcv. Tliiimii* [liirnard Die ei.lleimuc and Micei.fKiir.il "" Dune.uud the third nilnbtei of North An-

Isacrrtiiln HI dent of


llAHK 1IA1.1.. II the I.Mh Insl il nine from'I PBtSJOHAU-

lleec.her are i

, a young an. i, nu.l lei her ■ hhonldersi

Vim iLi'i'lVid

;:;iv;;^'i" the I.ea.'h i, New York)


y (totsolo-r, packed li


Ijoeul Mention.



Martha's Vineyard, Via Wood's Hole.

Only Si-vi'ii Mili'tiHU'iuii l-'nrriit<;c-■

No Soa SicknoBB.

Express Trains Running Along' side the Steamers,

And no Change of Cars.

Excursion Ticket*.

ItAi, i. lios

AI;K( ( KKI>TMi:ul I,H.

IM lid Kocclnod

., .. no, Il ... I ■■ A. M, 4 Kl. r. M. For Naiiluckcl II.IIUKK. A. H. II;,ill, Miuilnvs c\i epU'd. Ticket.-, U.r -ale nt i|lli, r.,11 I;.. ' I -i..i.- HoueOtBoston; audutnhii:

pot. Ask foi i-is WmnsVa ""'■

WF. 8I1KPXRD, M. • Minn.. ,i|inl hl-l.

t Mr.Nathan Kiln.'* Main nt tho odicn or at , Juno It, I-.I If.

JOSEPH ABBOTT HAS NTKKBOK COl-lt: VIKH'Sof puldie. liuil.lings In Ando

ver, and n good n-Miiiincnt of oilier views. Also Stereoscopes,('tironoi-i, 1'iciiires, r'ruvies, llrnck.

I.'nrluins, Hxtores, Cards, etc. .el-. Cnrluins, F Andover, Jut


11..ll.li.., X. |.| l;vi v I July ULii, inTi. i

I'rcsent Hill honr.1. Beading ol records dis- pensed with.

roMWeni. flf I? II. Smith for change or grnde on F'raiiklln street; nfencl to ;rotnniltteu on streets, (ir L'has.smllh. .(..I, lorluingonainoor F'actnry slrcut to Chalmcr hirurii grunted, ill J. R. Wow!, to sell Ihpiors lor medicinal purposes; granted, OfT. O'llciley, to entiT sewer; granted. Of 1*. KutwiaUe, loenUir sower; grnnled. UfU, W. Horn, .i ol.lo siraghU'ii and widen Lowell street; referred loeoniuilttreon streets.

Onlen.—To pay Cnpl. IHicbtsney * Ion lor dam. sge lo Armory of Co. K ; to make inldilloii. nml repairs on Lowell street i hiireJi properly snilu- bio for occupation by llatlery 1>; to provide and furnish hesih|iinrters lor DStlalloo hMdi|Uarlera oMilh K..giiiicnliiii.| J.l Ailill.i v Bslltllo..

UqntrU.~Vu\iH-a\i*v to liuhUn g and In atirlg armories when used for drill; on ■cvcial |>*tition- for sewnrs; for sewer in |ilaoe of old rirer sewer; reports all neeopied, and nil onlurs |in-sed.

\ .li T.I .1 one week, COMMON I .n ■■. II . t

duly tilth, 1*74, i 1'residenl in the chair, absent Couiieiluieii

Kclloy, Walts, Clifford and Scott. I'apert from nnaer liutril.— All papers

curred In p ice pi report or water eoi i—hi which was referred lo committee on watorvvi

New lluiiaifi. — M was voted not to have II port of water coiitniissioiteni prlutiil. An , wns passed authorising couslriicllou of I around the ward live park.

Adjourned for one week.

.. hoth pleiurc- will he him iu Hie HI> ovC ill" Hie Semite i Jnllery At KieCaplHi. I'llcnc pi. liiic^ 1.1 Mr. Moian'~ lire nuioiiK Hie few real works ol nil that have been piuchased by oill goveinno-iil. "The CIUIHIII ol the Coloriulo" wascxliihited ut loiupil's gjillerv in this city ii the Hiiring where It was seen and admired hy crowds Of vlMtors. Mr. Morim Is perhnps more wl.l.lv known us n designer than as n iiuinlcr. Me draws, piolml.h lh" he.I lan.l-cnpos Hint am now engraved on w I lu Hits country, either for periodicals in- hooks. Hut his rumens n palnU-r IseoiihUmllv exleii.liug, and in certain oiiulliics hi- liien.U ■' laim Hint lie : l.ni.l. iiurlvalle.i nuiong our nrliste.

It ni5Ai:Ui:iMlll.l-: tlOUIiAT.

The Foiirlhoi July is Hie most disagroeahlo day ol the whole tlirec hundred and <o\lv five In New \ ork. No one -mys here who can pussl- ' gutswny. We hnrc been lold hy hotel keep

tlial iid n il ever din--, any one come lo the city to spend the Fourth, nnd that on the othrr hand nearly all their hoarders go nwiiy lor thai day. The uti-eel", alter the pain.ling was over were nlmiirt deserted. .-Hennil,.Nils leaving III city were londnd down to IIM. water's edge, an Ihe curs crowded out to Ihclr platforms. Ill curious to notice tho speculative spirit that Lake hold of so many buys and men on tho fourth of ilidv, llurillva corner hnl holds s stand either |.,r the Mile id e..|,oe,| iee wider In In-1 lei I "Claret 1'iinch" lu seduclivc enpilnls, nr soda water or ii-uereani. or tiiglili ,-,.|, .red candv, and lire works of every eoiireUnhle sljh-. There appear lo bo as mnny lioolhs a- buyers, nnd Ihe way the pen- nies rattled Into II ipoveii-ln ,1 money drawers -in on I ly cigar boxes—is a caution lusll thai i- Ihrlltv. One of the iiui.-i ciilerprlslng of tho Kourili of Julv exiHidiciits was the hiding by the idi-muliunl cabin Wys and daek hoods id camp stiioln and chaii -, wlileli were not forth-co minor until tin- weary tmreler chareed to say i


thelciiturc nl the day and night and gnu. r and duur-nUps were hi lew II with tin: iutoilcaled ol both i-exas. Krorr beer garden in the city was illle.l to it. ulmoi-t capacity, and the rtnets pr.-cnlei| n most deserted appenrunce. Hut lor Hie rnapping and snarling of small arms one might ens ih imagine lh.it it wn, Hunday. The display ol lire winks iu the evening n as not one of

il:iy n:i-ldi :,hl...i.Kh it

city si that time. Altogclhi about as miserable n- oue could

i-,|iilK'cool nod would hnva 1M< h...I ii noi been the Fourth. >

thut In s |ew nod pnl.lie laws will do away with the mil. ol the Indiscriminate, uso of gun-powder cs r'ouUh. lo the InllnlU.'saving nl life, limb and proi*riy. H1L<

—llreon apples are In the market. —TriniUry ('ommundery of Knights Tcniplu

of Manchester, N. II., aecompantcd by tho eoi net hand, will visit rorlsmouth, litwol Shoab Hnverhlll and Lawrence, on the'J'llh of Angus( Mount ll.in-i. Coiiiuiari.li-ry of Cunrord am Ilugti Do I'syen's (Jommandery ol Kcene will visit the lulus of st I - at tho same llinu.

—Assistant Marshal Sullivan had a tussle In a narber-ahon on Dutbm .-IU-,I, i.......-n. on Tuesday last, with a man said lo tic named Charles Cole, formerly ol this city, aud sus- pected of burglary. UrUeer l.ibU'.v was also present. Cole, alter a struggle, eloared hlmsel

—Scbuol tcachars nnd others concerned In educational matters may lie Interested In the reduction of rates of fare ID lie made Tor the meeting of the National Education Association at Detroit, on the-lth, otti and bth of August ncxl. The Vermont It. 11. sells round trip tick- ets from H-" ton to Detroit, via Hoaton anil i,.-.-.. :i and - ..in.. ■ roads bi Ogdenshiirg, aud Ihunce hy stosm iiro|wller through i ii,. Ontario, Wei land Canal nml l.ake Krio to De- troit fur ff2H. At Welland, excursionists can visit Nlagaru l'alls and havo tit or six hours there. 1 ickoii to return through the rapids of il... St. i<:iwreiiec to Montreal and lliencc lo Uoston via si Al bans are sold tor > . addition- al. Hound trip tickets are sold from New York over the Krio Hallway for >"!l n;.

—The ease of Morisrty against Sullirnn fir cruelty to an animal, came before the court on Thursday. It will be remembered Ibat Sullivan annoyed the dog of Mnriariy and was severely l.ittcii; two monthi later Sullivan shot tho dog. The defence wsi that Sullivan was justliicil In ■hooting said dog, ss he had been bitten by him the animal was dangerous. The prosecutor submitted that he was bitten liccanse he had plagued lbe dog, and shot him two months later to spite the owner lor turning him out of his home two weeks previous to the shooting. The dog was not killed, hut mutilated by four bul- lets. The court ruled that Sullivan had no ba- ■Ineis to call the dog from fats owner's prem-

to wound the dog without killing him. Sullivan was fined K''and costs, from which he appealed, and was bound over in the sum of t:wn», with snretlei.

Further InvettlgatiosaAake tie losses by the Hood in the town of CWnWr, iTf!. fully f#0- 000 In roads and bridges. The devastation is far more serious than wsi expected. One bridge will colt «U,000 to rebuild, another 97,000, another $2,000; besides fully two miles of road to he nearly all rebuilt, at u probable cost of 90,000.

It I* now staled that llio ravage* of the Min- nesota grasshopper plague extended over only about one tenth of the area of the State, involv- ing shout one thirteenth ol the population, and will cause a loss ol only about one twelfth of tho usual crop. •

steamship Nevada, which nt rived at QuccnKtown on Sunday from New York, was in

l„h, collision with an iceberg during a fog and sus- tained some damage. A portion of the iceberg became detached and it II on her forecastle.

Mr. Samuel WtllUton, tho veteran Kaslhamp- ton manufacturer, who ban been In *Ming boalth for some time, Is reported to be In n very critical condition.

CUM Mi i Kan.


I'ltuii en: loi'iiT. and nil oilier per

>*tate of snoiucf II. ISfli.l couilh.deeeu--

lircltng: no...i purporting lo or

llichv-t a ill and le-Li I ol Knid deceased has IHCII presented „ HH|,| Court, lor I'rohale, lit Itoslsun II. Ilnrrlx, who pravs that IclU-rs Ustii- mcnlary tuny la; i-snol to her the eteentm

' 'dthnlslie may lie excmpl from p-ellcs on hor ollli ial lsmd, the gl.viMi.* rVxrl

are turel i IVol.a x.ui ure hereby ciled lo np}H>nr n ourl, lu Inr held nl Kidcm, In sni< iHsei, on itho rirst Tuesday of August, m I nine o'cliMk In-ior u, lo K|,OH ran,. UV you have, against tlm siime. And said iielllloncr Is hircby dire led

give public notice thereol. In piiMi-hJUK Ihls c lion iini-c n week, lor Ihni- -iicecsr.ive week-,in the

.1 tho l.a«rcnco Anierlenn nini scr.prliitol nl l.nn renee, the In.i

.ublleiiUoulo lie I'A.-.I..-. ■, nt loast, he lore sahl j.nl.h. II

\\ .1 go r. i , Ks.,1.1

DKLL, Regl

C ' JurrlTtOt A


The Couiniiltee on Public I'ro|icrly Invite po-als for furnishing to the ciiy.'ira tons ol nn™ coal, mid 195 ton* of egg ooaJ. To be •pialily white nsh coal, well screened, nn,\ ,,„[ ,„ ready Tor use, as tlie committee dlrcots. Bids t, bo ilcllvereil In scalol envelopes to the City Oar! or the chairman of the i-ommlllee, by noon a Tuesday July tilst Inst. For the Committee,

JOHN KTAItlliiJE, Chairman jiilyini;* II


iioetinii ol those interested » veiling, July ti'UKil, « Mai street, at efW'- ' "■"Id "'clock, pri.oi|.l. le Temple, c- ■ i

The Cou-liliilion a.. . _ ready I'or signature nli.-i olBrers for the As-ocialina will tin held,

I'er order, r*. O. KKNHALI,, Iulyliil.vi|t Kesry pr« tcm.

. inch nil i|iinlillrs.


FANS 1 PANS !! FANS !! !

Far Ksns, go to Brim Truell ft I'n'i.

Port Monnaiesa large assortment rrom tu cents toil.



and all email Wares, iro to


BRUSSELS. Three Plys. Cx-SuperU


Sheet and Yard. Strom Malting. elr\ —OO TO -


249 & 255 Essex St.

l>Al-KIt HANIlINns.

50,000 ROLLS.

SPBING 1874 Our stock was never so com-

plete before. Consisting of Stamp-

ed Golde, EmboBsed nnd Plain Bronzos, Fine Grounds and Em-

bossed Damask Papers, Satins,

White and Brown Blanks, Mould-

ing Decorations, Borders of all

Varieties, Shades and Shade Fix-

tures. Don't forget the place. Our PRICES ARE LOW AND OUR


Whitford&Rice, StQfi TCHHOX atroots



To the Honorable Hoard of County Cniuiiils^lii for the County of Kssex :

Hejiiectfully rrnrcsenlB the lonli-r-ltfncl Hint the imlillc couveniuoee niiuires theuidcoiug -IniiKliU'iilngirf Trosia-rt street in the tow Slelhurn tsclwccu llu IIOII-C ol Wu-liiuKlon Merrill an.I Ihe In ui".- ot lle'.ikiah I hadwlek.

Wlicrelori' your ix-l i - IV-IHH Uidly niiue.l that you will rorlhwllh view the |ireiulscs, —

In regard to widening h-uid


"\"iir. :MI, m; I.

n. i-; li. is;

llu the |.--t,i,..r, aforesaid, niilerrsl, that said lietitionrrs give nulicr lo nil lemons and corpora. turns Interested therein, Hist uid comm I ss loners u 111 meet nt ihe house or Washington Merrill, in xnlil MCUIIICII, on H lav, Hn-third itsy or Auuii-l ncM, Hlnlnr o'chK-k, A. M.- I.y HMuibing nn oUitiUxl eojiy of said |Mllii,.n, and nl till* order in the "l«nwnnce Amcruan" and "Audorcr Ad vprtlser"3 weekw successivclv.llsi. last |ioldtcnlioii to he i ..,--. ,, days al least Worn the said third

..... ..y i... in u|> an alUinUil.-..,.) there.I oi mo iiuiilh- iilaci<* sniil town-, lourH-co dais m Ica-tliof, ' l1.Lv.l.l-....l'l..n...l .1 u.l.. ■ -' Uilnl day of Aogie Iildi time

■eed to view the'io I-IIIIU-., and take "mil order In rclullou to the I'rnyer or said I'ctltlon, as hy law llu-y may lw nulhorl/is] i,

A. A. AIIIIDTT, C1.KHK. A true cony ol Petltlaji tlrWnkrk'btVm**.. A true oofiy nl ivtiuon and OnlernfVoar

Attest ALANHOX BB11H1B, HKIII v ButtJtfpr.

rrilK UNDKH8I0NBD HAVING A Associated tlicmselves together iu HK'

■"■Moral and FunilshlNK I »dfrt«kli.| llisstltsaa,

under the rinn nam A. w. (loodrioh ft Co Houlil rcs|iecimlly Inform llu- r.lll/uus ol l.nw

1,11 ' . "nil lhe> luivc cou-tantty on ll'ie'ir iiiie'oj i'"T "'"''"' ,'v,'rJ,"l,n* ".islftil lu

Coffins, Caskets, Shroud* and Coolers. fin nli-hed nt the lowest prices. All orders or L li attended lu hy day or nixlu. Salesroom »k AnsealMUry sir.n, it, -i.i.,,,, inn Kim mt„ nml 1'JOak HrMt,

A. W. liiiniHllcil, N, C. I'AltsiiN.s.



Notice Is hereby given, ih.it Ihe siiliwrii^,. ,,.lp iHH'nduly ■iiftuii'.oil is.lt - trstL-ir of thn estate of Kalee II. iloif. hue ..i Jl.ihu..., in ihocounlv ol" Kasex, wnlow dei-.-a-.--l. and lias taken ii|...ii himself tlint tnirt, hv uivrn^ l»nnis,as tlm law di reels. All utTMi- n tniviiu .leiuan.U U|>ua the es- lataiiif said ileccn-i-l nr nlred tocxhlhlt the same; and all person- li.l. I.U-d lo ^ald DstiiK are CIIIIINI upon to imike in nnnl lolohn U I in rlor. .IDIISM < CltlMKIL Adm

Melhnon, duly 11, 1014. JulyiTlat

RUBBEBEINGS F')H MASONS'PINT •mart and two umui IV, nerving J.r- si

mis., l&mh*''T '" **•**• TI'KCKRAMVAI-KAIIS. I'ATEMT mil IwheelCraiik. leoCniin Krcc/crs, 1 nta. svifio S.its. *i.«J. At John c How's crockVry aid tllaas Wire store, liJ RssCI street, '

_ _' AN- lie that Ulelrpatronag.-

hns so steadily imrea-id as to render It neee* sary lor us to lake the question or Hanging Ta per under ONr iniine.listc control. Wears pre- pared to superintend and execute any work In that line, from Ihe most rlahorsle deooratlons down. Wmk promptly executed and saUsfor. t gnavaatnod. WIIITTUBIl ft KICK,

aprlOftf Wtaaai BtrceL

'I'O PIC-NICRKS AND 8UMMKR I lloitrdcn. The r.ilh) I'oud I'irnlrlironnds

nt Milem, N. If., areimu- rrailv for lease lo pl«- ui, parties. They are the i,.- i . .,.,.| I.U.I nin-i convoiilcntti >. ,. I., .1 picnic grounds In ihe viemity nl il,. . uv. Ilowtina sliej*. nloc i..:il', dance hall, swings, croi|uet grounds, etc.

A lea slimmer lumrders are wanted st the i...i,1.1.HI.- house on the ground, three minutes « ilk from Use -Uln.n uh-rc all r.*ular trains stop. W. H. SMITH*, SUSS.

jui) urn Icodtr

RHEUMATISM. M I Itll IU Ml lrrj.il.it.. Pain Id Joint, or ■,loi1,I, Hprslai, Cramps, IIM, ., MtlxiRi I'shiln the l-Vi-r, Nl-lc ar Hack, Cnti Hi ulsrs. Mi alxts, IIm ns, W. alils, etc.

II ha* never fallct to cure KHKUM AT1HM i KlUHAl.UIA, where a Ihurough trial has DM given. Tlic Tollowlng area rew of Die InHlm ninla which we are constantly receiving Irom those who have used It:

( -. ■-■■ i-: ■■ i . May 27. Is Thi* Is to certify that I have every spring, lor

tho last four years, lieen silticted with lnflai lory rheums limn, wldeh Has e mi lined mo l. room 11 -mi nine lo 0ll«en weeks. This siirmg I wnsallsckcd In the saute way; my loinu w>-ti- nea rlr all enlarged and swollen, and I was sul rerlug severe pain, wllll great fever. A friend In dueod me lu make a trial or Ihe California Ida! uicnl, lie havinu lain cured hinmell', ami know

>r uiunv others who hnd Iwcii cored hy II ..... I sent for Mr. tmllshurv, tho discoverer n

the Liniment, to visit mo which he klmlly did, and applied Hie l.iuimrnt, wllll the must Invurn hie results. Ttw pain was auon relieved, and li: lour days, having used four hollies, I was aide h bo nut ot doors at work In my (tar.len. 1 hurt uscil nearly six large tmttlcs In all, ami am HUM well and heartr. I cmiie-iii riH-onunend il ti every iNTson sllicinl a Ith riicumalisui, for I di Ixdhve that It Is the best remedy In the world Ioi that dreadful disease.

.1. II. SMITH, Ko. II Mirjrcnt -trc. I, Lauren, c, Mass.

[Auiiiowaml huvc been for the last 14 years In the employ of tlie Lawrenc« <ias Cti.J

LaWUKNCK, April it, IS71 (;. jr. Sulitlmru, Kso.

Ill:AH KIR :-l am suffering from that awful ills ea«c, rhcuiunliHii, no,I haie ,rcn i oiu »,|vei ti-c inenl, I wish you to .all nl No 10, Valley sln-el, and kl me see a man who can cure that worst ol alldiseu.es. Vours ft,-.,

J.C. W ,U,I.Ml.II. I hare seen the man, 1 have us.il the California

Itheuuiatie Liniment, ami Woii.lerfol was Its ef- fect for Km"I; Tour weeks or Intense suffering and no relief, and alter thrii- applii a'.lnr nut ii|H,n my hit and went al-.ni mien,In buidni'ss. There's mailing like it

dpaln. fours Ac,.I. c



BOLTON Will CIOBC out their cntii c ItOCI of Dreas Uoods,

uch low prices that Will ensure a tpeo.ly sale.

As wi take account or stock August IsL, we will

luce our Immense stork as much as possible,

by giving some of lbe biggchl bargains, ever

offered In Lawreaee. Ladies will do well lo call

and examine and see for tln-in.selve-; they will

save money by doing so.


Friday July 3d, and will continue till the end of July.

BEST PRINTS O Cent*, sold In Itoston stores nt 10 cent*.

Beat Ginghams 9 1-2 c.

One Mare Bale Cation 5 Cents. ,I,TV 1MIZKX

Kiil Gloves in all Sizes, Al 50C, Worlh |l.aa.

• INK III M>KK|I lu./l s

White Tucked Skirts, al 92.

■worth 1.25.


HI II -1 \

Colored Skirts, at 60

and 75 Cents.

A Job in Lace Sbawls, al 50, li & $l Off* in ximrn

LACE SHAWLS at 50 Cts.,

worth $2. rm in \i>i:i I,


worth $1.75. FIVK nusuiai)

White Barege Shawls

at $1, worth $2. A bargain In

EMBROIDERED POLONAISE, it $ I.KO, sold everywhere for *,<!.



All Marker! Itnwu.

Hosiery, Corsota, Gloves and

DomeBtin Goodfi,

ut neat, and In some eases less to close. We Wish lns|KH-tlon |o n mi our stork and secure some or these bargains.



L.WVHKNOK, - - . MASS, lrl OH linilmi I .no, wl..

lldlllK to I

Ui -, A|ir.

Lawrence, May Bth, |l>l9, il. JT. SnJUirury K«i -Your Calll'irnU llh.u

nmiii l.lnliii.iii n,|,K tho climas. In, i„,-;,h.„,| nl anyUiIng I have ever lru*l, and I have trlnl tBOOT* nuinlier or remedies. This is loud tall

ill I bin. ii|»'i IN I HH iH'iiellts for Ihelnnan innlory 1:1,,-in, ■ ,,,, ami kunw what I nav >■■ 1

Ksse .1. II.IIIWI lltuiv • treel lUnldonej

[ your

I.IWKKHI (, Mai".' . - . M'- MI»IIHKI, ittiar Mlri-Thls IH loi-erlUy

Hint I luivr Ui'ii UMIK-ICI with KlnomiNiifio lor i uumlH'r ol yeura, and have tried u great lunii' Urn tor-, and nnu-dii-s williu bUfnlng luuel roller. I nan say will, truth llutl I hay.- nwelvii. uKirebeuentlioui U-IMK yom iMIilorala Ithcumst- i<- Llnluielil than from any thins; I huvc triad, for rlx iiuiiitlis |,r<-vl.ni- t,i in-lny Llnimi'iil, my wrlhl was so hn.l that .1 .<;ouJ llatsiutas well si ever. VeryTriily"\ ours"

„ .. , , UittUml. MKHHII.I. •... '.; ,. o.i. i, fi. , i

The California Liniment Ml.d-h we hear much SIKIIIL U eildintly an eitliieul luuinl esiierlally whin n-.-il li.i Itlii'iininllrui, Nruralg eVc.uin. Many ■■! our well known cltlr.eus tin lined it, and I. ■ -. ■ Imn . ■. n . heuctllUil hy II. It differs in all tc|,ei U I'riuu any -■• " "- ■ rheumatic liniments, reiuitllrs, hit , lM-roreoffertHl lolhi'antli-l:il, uilii wllll i-orlainly iH-ar close InvesUgaUun. Il wan disi-ovi-n-d hi- Mr. (ion. W. aalisbury, v Idle a eu|iti*ii niumiir Iks) Indians In lbe rsr west. Mr. Nalisbury can and will sho* any amount or tssmi testimonials minimally ol our most ri--|HS'.Kn| IIIUKIIIH H II lllll,- loliK ,I|I1..|,.|| ir -II.-IIIIIIIII,- ,tilli. i,In,. Wcihi-eriully connnend il hi the jmuli.-. K II Krlli.y, Uruggisi, Post < nil.,- Dlooa.

rn-pnred and suld Wholesale and Itelail hy

Q. W. Salisbury, No. 73 Newbury St. Also sold hy K. II. KKI.l.KY, llruggi.t,

" / \UD BOSTON BRBWXHT," \ / 1 .l-lill.h, ,| IMIO.

I8AA0' COOK & CO., lircwersnml M.il-n-i ,

i'i:i'(»T an < i;\Titti, MI., itovrov.

Hi. .. i .1 UI IIIHIM., lllik., _ fun noiih-... r_ _ liy orders, lor whni

STOCK Al. er MeCnilMltJK'M I'ATKNT, Hull" nn.I Kigs; also in Quart

i in .UT*, i,ir wniin uilii le. Orders hy mnil i,roiii|illy alh n.|<-.| |o The niu-ntlou id UIIMI|.|>- H- i-iHcinlly called !■• the lollowingieitill, air Iron tlie Mass Mule A. suyer: *) Mtiile .Sin-, t, Huston. **--«* Isaac Cook A Co.

i,II ,, i have analysed and luvcsOjratcd ■n in | lies of Ale Wurt, fur you, an.I havo stfu tile -rnrliral working of McCormnk',. |uiiiryiug ii

The smalt ill in-o|.i,iiion of diToni|io-lng nintler s of*sM-U.irll.-atl.in nml mould) wldeh r*

site Irom il.. mult lo.-h Is mil vlsiblo, a s. If tbewortls i*ss

jjantas alH-u Iml, all toe yalualde are lu-14 u|i In eh-ar s.duliuti and ar. hy the llller, while the lm|iiirllii■-, 1 gulsU'd hy bullion, are c.uiii.lclcly ,


"tale Al 8. I)ANA HAVKB,

..I i i i.i-i.ii-i i.n Massar Jimi'.'Tllmnlj

WANTK1J. one Ainsi

IX A SHAM, FAMILY . in girl to do geiienil lion*,-

work. One that uiuler-Unds cooking, gnu. wages will be psid the likiii one. Auuly al No Tor Illl May street. JulyUll


Choice and Desirable; *I*s*eThunm OasUalfTksIr Talas.

A. W.STEABNB& OO.t Uare Marked Down Their


THIN SHAWLS, .ml in It. I »ll „f ikair

Spring and

Summer a-oons Of Every Description,



In order to close Ike nil

We have Just O|*MMMI a full Una or onr best naaka

Black Silks, at nlrewMly low UTIOM.

Alsa, a i'Mli AaaawtaniaM a«T

Black Hernani's Opening at V.^r Gnu B.r„l„,

Neck W^fer and Ties I'OH I«\DIKB,

Have been Marked Very Otuamp.

—A Lao,—

Laiiies' Unfler Garments,



Hamburg Trimmints it HI tliili.

Ws Hare made rnry Low Priors oa all of oar

WOOLEN CLOTHS r«r Mast aud Basra,

Also olll «lre

Extra Bargains on all of our


BRowir »d ni.sut n>:n


Table Covoringr, etc., etc.



'PII I N (MIA T8 !




iMPomu i.K


CO M P IJ \\ T K

BATHING SUITS, • a.OU, woo nml tio.ui)


Whcnynu visit Boston Kiaellksmlllwrii

Cootmerrlal TrnreliTS «l.o snltr t'jsril, CnUiloftuc, Triidel.l-t, Knmide or oilier

■|... nii.-ii, ,.| .. il..- •■ I-. I ■ vlall II.. .i riiatnuiiTi- ninl -idl'-lt Inide liy |iiir<-hiiKCs made rllrei-t irnui SUH-K, and who trni rI In nny Hi'i-liiin, I.y i " tiojit, sellliiitnny ilnss »| jit»u\*, nn- ni|iic-— . "■ml llu-ir llu- MM.n.l l-nttilu A <—. "» '"• tow. slnlirur HUM. ot U.HMI- ••■■J •>»• *»'* l'\ HI,..,,...,, ,,■ i...t « Im ure ill i.n.i'.ii .._...- „r. .ni:sjfi-iiii.|,! TIOH miller Is in vrimi li»|>orlaii. r lu.livldiii.lli lo -ili'M.nri oritils Hi.h,, • ir men Miliritlnu trmlc In this iiinnnor. It Is lhcn-r.irres|H-.-iiilh ■!.- li. I IILII thia imll.-e mnv ■iccl the eye nr nil t nonm-iv-lnl Trnvolcrs sn.l Halc-inen in thii eininti), nu.l Unit lli.-v Mill si »n,-<- Kive it llu-ir iilU-iilir.n. Tho-e lilm' i.ly with nlHive n-(|ii.--l mil In- f O.NMIO.MMI i.V IriHl.d nnd dnlv ndvl-.-.i l.j,-, I in slow. I,lenscii.l,|re^,(l,yl.-ll,.r.inlj), Oi .il-KIUTllls,

caroliMi. IMt-.iii-ll Ail-.., || i^rk Hour, New Vorkclly,



—IURI mil Fun—

Cholera, Dysentery & Diarrhwa. Itiuii fall I* Ret It i niii, no rents.

Twcnir yaars' experience hits fully estiitiiisiieii tin- t'oiiiUvc i|iialitlcs ol Uils |.rc|.i.inli

II ri.i..< II.II,,. toll, . II i I.M '"'■si It rwres I In i i*j s< nl. . y ll,„o.Nl,„r.,|l,lholrr.. Itntres It land r Itysrulrrs-. II rurti t'hnlrra IHnrliMS. II cures all Bowel I |.l-.l,ii.. li . m. • Headache. It cures llysiu iiela. 11 cures I dlKssUan.

Krery family should li.-,u- It. Raid hy all dmir- Ssts. Pn-lmr.-l l.v W. M. ill A M HKItl.AIN,

ran, HAM, Charles llsiAi-, Aajnt tor I.-.I.


Merriam's Qolden Drops!

litres Huiamer Onn|.|*lnt, sn.l the aor^l form 01 irr-imlery. Nolliinil.ua- Komi.l nt the |.rin -djisl liriiK nn.I i.ro. n> Hion-> m Law n-lire.


I t.i.. ('ol in it.- Itoaaa, nine roims. larnc, rery r<HHiiy and .oiiii-iii.-iil. nn.l in |H-trr.t .<ii.diii.in. Rtal.le, store ami tm-imnl lnill.llnfr, HIHIUI six rod" Ir llu- -ii , rilled ii|i I..| |"..l orihi-sisl store, hy uhi.l. II i* now IH-.-II,.|.-,|. |iUi-nwnf land under n hiul> -t:.l<- ,,| , oliiiali..n. A lino )ini|KTty in llio * illnwi- ..I HHIHIII,, V II - |Ho

■ ' IK.O-.> ilii-Uinl I nod I mile, .-him I. on on.' ol the |tri-iuiw; 11 mil..,, li Ilutvrhdl,

-«.»., H i - lioni V.wter, S. If,, I,,..!., „„I.... Irani 1,-M l ■ imi iMfMt '-|.I, mini i Im,,,-,. r.i a |,liy-i. i;.n or lor n uiechanh-; (denly »l w.» and «oi-l i«iy. The |.rai*ny i. Urst i-lasn, so will 1..- mid for mil) -i-"n

fltal I'KIHtlcK A ULOaWMI,









mronrnu or

l>y ine Bale or |at Ustait


BATHING SUITS, • ti.no, »r*.nt. aud aiu.ou,

hor Indies, i..- - n ami Chlldraa,


roll tit "Oak Hall." I inielt.-iUiwra

Cl'Ki'lAi AmiuNrF.MKHTI ine IIIII1I.I.IKII.II iisi-inK nimMMl a Co-Fart

lo-r-hlji nn,l-r Uie style and Ann ..I

Stevens Bros. for tlic Mnnuiaolure and sale ol

HOOTS m SHOES, Mould rcsiii'<-lfully amiouuce to las People of l.nwrcnci', An,hirer nnd siinoundluH tuwas, tlist Ih.-y will .-..oiu,in- to sell

Boots and Shoes, at 11II 11 two storas

Ho. 123 Essex Street, Lawrence

Main iinr,i;iis Mrsel, Arsstovar,

aajd fur the IIMI

•HIHTV DAYS Will sell


Hating two stares sad a

LAUGE TRADE, it.enu ufrersiMx-lal In dm ,oi.nl. lo our aairoas

Come early and sac ure th* best barf Una, li-,.l. 1 Si.,,!.., INS-. A. «!•*■■•■


VyHKKK SIIAI.I. i (in>

And How Shell I Oat There? Ttiew- .|iie«Uons are answered la tna " Htaasr

Kv.iirsionisU" which nonlalas orsr NMdu«srswt trina, in ranged as regard* lime aad ainaaae. to

,.-, i the H .mi- nf all. K.u a i-ufy, aead asMrass nd tin ii- • i- ni I .i in |. in

T. EDWARD BOND, Ticket Afeil, «(t irasblNBt«N Htreel, ■••!-■, ■•■■.

ml, I II-...I- .'lo.lt.




I '


Ttie Bud Uttlo Boys ofl-it. Joaenli.

ndlliebcuii\ "i ihvurniikvrhovi^ii -tl.Jowi.ti. Thcvblu-l, like Hi.-1 ■,.-.• at u..' i .... - ..( While. rUrkiis.k.'.i bmlie-ul thi.-Col Tho ■tMBiiflmu ymiiiK l»'i" of Bt foaenh Win. biilhe where Hi. clear water How. of Tim beautiful river St. Joseph. 111 ha frank, wt.t I'll not try to glus-i- of An f vll tfcai "b'ailllv >rri.w* ,1 Thia wlckr-dcst i.iic ,.l Mio "li'.w- • '! Trua eajntly BM town ol Bt .l..-cph. Tlir»o •whinners, they "»>'■ 'ire l1"' '"«■'» v(

The mural* ami NMD and rouoM 01 Tlie rua portable town ul M. .luai-ph. Ttwy i!i<>iil<i wa-h thnimi'lH-r. air w.th the A »>.Uiu«,'*wi- "ill -upi-os-eof A,|.ll>ll|.. "N..I »■ III y "I"' kii..ws .,1," lb-pi > II I-il-MniVH til'St. JusfJ.tl. Alul atiiugliM.-aviiteli tun- ol ili.'.u ilicu- IINKill.lhh«K an.l -li-ip-nil hl-cluthc-

liiM.'ib'i.l th.'"all-" an.I 1:.■"■■!:' ■ I ItlXll UU-Ifl tilt ft.'- JUKI I III' llOnC I't Tin- gi*H| ...Ik* who vl.it St. J,.M'|.li. Tirana HimiiH'Inn young toil, of Bt -Joseph



A week flni minion —Saturday. A Rreitl object In life-a giant. AACILM light- Barret* in Hew.

A Nwt onion—Tu owe men money. A fut.l re inert— l*tca»i' pom the lee. Paternal acre*—The old man'i coma. Tbe workinf-nan'i Ifcvortte tliah—L'avcndlafa Look nut for the eotnet. Thereby hangs r

(ail. A l.iudi li worth a hundred ennui* In an*,

market. The first in in who went Int. the whale Int.!

not—Jonah. A iwil preeminence.-What U there IvaUl

sg<....'wliW-A had liushatid. WLAt ii that which bicreaaci tin- more yoi

take rrimi It ?—Why a hole, urnmrae. ' Why u a UIR 11 gaol malbematicla n ?—lt<

maw he m good on the "Miuarc root." "I come to tieeV' M the ml ob-erred to 111

• 1 1 ftff. ".Vxl. t spring to embrace you, trap replied tot

If there is one time more than another when a woman abonld bo entirely alone it is when a line Toll of elolhes coraci down In the mini.

A house maid the other evening »ltppc.l from air ball OH which ahc was temporarily 'funding, an.l fell licnd-lbrenio-t Into a barrel of flour. ■■Her bnlr Itet-anie white in n tingle night."

A Cincinnati reporter says thai th ere i* some- tlilm: erninl In a. pair of runaway honci, but we believe that a g.w.1 deal depends on whether a man in on a lenee or trying to Climb over the end board Of UH wagon.

A New Bedford paper tcl.s a story about v ulioji- keener, who Bitviaed a lady rualomcr to buy two mohair *wirrliri Instead of one, an the article waa bctomlag icttree. He sal.I that the Mail whom be hired to hunt moea had only caught two within n rortniilit.

A Reason Wby!—Su*an—"Oh, Kohin, Rob- in, how Ian yon Iw HO cruel an to go an.l steal away the poor little blnl'l nest I"

ItoMn—"Lawk's, tnlsa, 1 dunno*! I tblnki It mun he 'foa 1 10 land o' new-laid egg*."

If a man li petting shaved in a barber'* ibop and a fly aright* on his nose, arid he give! hi: head a twitch to remove the fly, during which the barber reuovei a allee of the man's ear, who is to blame—the man, or the barber, or the tt», or the ear. or the razor r

Reeclpti for Hie pro«ervatlon of furs alound in all the papers, loll the old plan promnlgated by I'uneli |oog ago Is the heat. This I- to pull out all the hair- with twecxen an.l varnish the "Mu. la the -.1.11 ■ remove Ibe varnish and ranfflfr/iitlvltan the hairs In their old places, "IMtyoa.faald Pnnay, t'otlmr ilnj-,


Eanox County. 11 ivaitmi.L.

A -.11..1 .Mr. llaniH Kief on A-hlaml -li..1. IIII.I I... |,-K In,.k.n 1.11 the itl. |url.,l.i- t'alh.iy irom 11. lurry n.v.

The xn-al .<>al woir. built the present M-a-..ii 1""-M H. Saigei.t A H..1.1.'!., u:i-.|:i1,,.,-h,-,||i,,.,1 the Hhiekn nn Tneaday alu-rniHin.

IIIM t.'amlhie If onre, onn of the it when in our

m.i.'i l-'irxl Niitiiu.nl, I; llaveil inaek Natii.uiil,...

WillieJH. Damn, a .on ot hut ahont Ihirti'i-n yearn la.t wei-k in the tiiiinili ., nr.i.leiiUil dl-ibnrk'e «.f ni'li- h hanillbiK.

llUhSehool Alinui

Sfark Twain wiiU-N Ui U10 New York "llural.r'lliii lie lift* Icawwl Ihe i-uitli-l for n ii rm of jruaraantl propotca to or- ^iinl/.n in connection with Bnranui, Alt exiTiraloit vla'tlie Comet Hue. Thora will bo l.oiio.OOO aiato rouins on lioanl. Ilj s(iy« "Tlw «oinet will luavi- New i«rk at Hi. 1' M. ortUio aith ltidl., ami llicrc- fore it will Imdchlrublo Uial pttssougem Iw

11 tjoaiil by eight a', the l»U-»t, to uvoltl mfu-lon In Rotlina uiuhr way. U la

not known whether ptumpurtM will \m ucccminry or not, but It is Joemfil bert that pansengern provide them, ntid >o "iinnl n^niii-it all cuiiUiijifiiiiis. No iltigM

he iilloM-id on board. Thia rule boa 1 made in ilulbrciica t.. the Minting • urfiwllnjl n-Kunlluj! Iboau lalliMli,

will be atrlctly atlborud to. Th« BUIU- ty of the posaenffcra will In nil wtiya be Jealonaly looked to. A tmbBtantlal Iron

Hill" will be put nil itrouml the louiel, auu no one will Iw allowed to go to the edgceuid look overonlcas accom|«nleilbjr either my partner or myeelf.

"Ilo-itilltv \s nut apprehended from any pb gnat planet, but we have lUouglit It bout to err on the Rale hide, nod therefore have provided it proper number of mortnrn, Kk-HOgUiis and hoarding plkea. History abowa that .-mall, iMoUted eommajiUes,

inline to bo boatllo to titraogoea. and so ie same may bit tin.' COSC With 111'' lullllb- anlsiir-lai's ..film lentil or twentieth ingnitude. We Bhidl In uocaac wantonly Iteod tho tHiuple of any aUr, 1ml thntl mil all alike with urbanity ami kiotlnemt, .v. r t'onductlng ouiwelvea toward uii Hteroldaflera fiahlon which we would

jot venture to aasunte toward Jupiter or Saturn. I repeat that we -.bull nut wanton- ly oil'.ml any atat; bat at Hit! aamo time freaball promptly reaent any Injury' that may be done UH, or any liwoleiice odTered by paTllea or governmeiita residing In any star In the Urmameut. Altliuugh averse In Hie Bhcddlng of blo.ul, we shall Mill hold this eourso rigidly nml IV-arli-sly, not milv towaril alnglu slars, but toward constellations, WoaliaUbope t» l.-ave a good linpresalon of America ".ehiiiil UM in every nation we visit, Venus to Uninus. Ami nl all event*, If we ean- not Inspire love we shall, Bt least, compel respect for our country wherever we go. We shall lake with ns, free of charge, u (treat force of missionaries, uitd sited the true light upon all the eelcstl.il orbs Which, physically aglow, an- yet morally In darkness, Sunday acboola will be es- tablished wherever practicable. Cobipul- aory education will also bo Introduced.

"The comet will visit Mara tlr-t and then proceed to Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. Parili- connected with the gov- ernments of the District of Columbia and with the former city govertunont <jf New York, whomaydealretolnxpccttherl will be allowed tlm» and every Ittel . Every star of prominent magnitude will be visited, and time allowed fore) to points oflntereat inland.

'•The dog star has boen strickenrjrom the prograinino. Much lime will be apeiit In Hie Great Bear and, Indeed, every constel- lation or Importance. So, also, with the Bun ami Moon and the Milky Way. dthoi wise the Oulf Stream or the skies. Clotldng suitable for wear In the ahould be provided, i Hir progratmne becnsn arratigetl that we abali Beldom go uioie lhait liHi,(ino,oOO of miles ut a time rritlioilt slopping ut sonic star. This will necess.irilv make the stoppage* frequent and preserve the Interest of the tourist.

"This romet la uew.ln thorough repair, ami is now on her first voyage. She Is confessedly the fastest on the line, she makes I'n.onii.onu miles a day, With her present facilities; but, with a picked American crew and good weather, we arc eonlbleiil we can gat 10,000,000 out oilier. Still we shall never push her to a danger- oit.s speed, and we shall rigidly prohib- it racing with other comets. Passenger* desiring to diverge at unv point or return will be transferred to other comets. We make close connections nt Til! principal points with all reliable lines. Safely can t>e depended Upon. It is not lo be denied that the heavens nro Infested with old ramshackle comets that have not been In- spected or overhauled In 10,000 years, mid wtilchought long ago to have been d< tioved or turned Into hall bargcK, but withllie-e wo have no connection what- ever. Steerage passengers not allowed abaft the Rialu hatch.

In conclusion, Mark says:—"We shall lly our comet for all H is worth. For fu Iher particulars or for freight or pasaagi apple on board or to my partner, but not to me, since I do not take charge of tin comet until sh.- Is under weigh. It Is nee essarv at a time tike this, that my mini should not be burdened with small bus! ness detail.-."

M lltK Tw .UN.

$ p c c i .1 i \ 0 I i c 0 s.

I \U. ItOCiEilS'


Cannot See His Child Suffer. There !■ no 50 wtbidy, inofalenlla ehlkllnsw

lhal i« aeeeniiianied «illi mure Indaaerfbabh i. bcilnena lolbe little suffurera than thai


limlien.M J ut Onlay a mi aunt in (•curing Hie aril trii. lent eme.ll.->. . Inmire the

apulilon of Ibe Intruders Tin- i-i*i etll niavbc

fouiol in


i- a i.slatnble prepan ■l. liked by .'hiWii'ii. p.Mltively,l.-.lr..yswi


RofJMa1 Wiiisii Si 1 Haunu'WuHMHra III...lilis' VlIRl 8lMil' leave- no bad effect...

Il.ionia' Wi.«M.*.vuiel- hlulity iei'i,ium(ii.| eii by phyatelaa*. and la uaniiMtlenably the hex Wiirm Meil1efn« in the world.

I'rl.'c fi roots. For >ale by all dnuwUt'. .IOIIS V. HKSItYCt'UllAS A Co., Proprlelar

' and uCollego Place, New York.

.•till IIIMHIIILU. PIU ll.lllltl ,- |,e

lv kii'iwn !•• lh. Ammt.aa iiiibll,'. Tlu'j .".i..| ii.l,-l .'f venelal.le b.Kre.li.-i.l-. ami

inn, iiniliinttulii.-liiMii lu-l.ibtriou-tii the hi L'.in.-lituli..u.

■ ■<« ndveitbe.l .t- .11-

.I-,,,... "'r.',u,'dru Vl'.-UU.lViv.' It« U'lulem

(lamination. Fur sale by ull dTUggleU.

\yoNi>rcitFi'L rritES ut TUE uaaov

MIDDf.FTOTV s.i-|-iM. WATKII. Hi-liny, reinilalnui ami . .itill.-al f , HUT. n'i nee, >.n apalkation. Address

>IIIH.I.I;TI»\ *.i'iti\*.s CO,, Mhltllrioii HutUud Co., VI.

>inniDeBa2aii- Th» cnlif *«"ini Pmierti to, Ilrlffin

, rs«.it fi.1 t,ii ,.,.r.I t.trj/ ,IH Df

, ilaXii P? Sn'st' k Vf - IT.rvl , .1 ,!„ Kl.lnfV. .„,! 1M*. 1—

I UITM. In S.pkLu.c.U stll, „,l tf,,!,. I ■»•. kru.n.n.f Uriaa, Miamrf r lit I'l .1.,!,, I;H,I 1, M nr 111 lh. Slid.

del, (rfl.rl. Uil.k Pull 1WI-»U, lul Mi..w,mJ Mill, liL.,hi,t«. tndtu*

L FnlKt.lf.1 .srt l-Htirt i .■iiin.iioM ' bt UMtauin.inixlia.dklhtfdlav _llirtymul.nl: Lit! i.rf.i"JI, Low ,4 I Mc_»y. I M I*, ull. ot llKlllurw. Wok I K.fYrt. WmctufniH. nin7yl ud " 1),itling Stuutlom In th* lUck »-J

I ■ ,:,. ri.i.l.mu .1 <l.t IK«lf. Hmp-

I 'ililtii 1- .■! ,hr S)'IU,», tie. UUHI'i NkUIKT l,M l»l lrtt.it* *• I-uMk f.ii IB-I thin T>ntr ynr, ; (ml hi* b—l ttw ■mi rfMH-t tnm» IMM>

U[ (ii,l Mghllul dlwu* •.,! unlluitlf .If Mh Sundrchi oiuu* (, ..,<-,l,1lVlf 1-..1 -r!l lu. ..„ ,„„..„,, Ho, U|„l_ _. diuftlm- WM.t.CLAkKL.I'.n^-irf.l'iu.kkBM.ita,


CAM bt

Eradicated from the System

Dr. Williams'


Jaundice Bitters, IT ISTHKIIRST

lOt I'l ■nntnin a imrtirle olnpiuiu: It in eouipi.se.I 01 .imerl'ul but harmless hi'rliji, whii.h ait mi the

Juajtii,liver, ntimiai-li -in.I I.I,.<>,1, and thu- er.rrect ull nnirbi,l-i.e.'ri'ti..iis, iind e\ji.-l all Hie di-en«eil matter frniii the l.rwlv. Their are llu- only mean,. I,v wln.'li t:..iiMini|>ti.Jti .an 1»' riirr.l, IIIKI :,- Hehenek't l'libniMlieJSvruji, Sea "■- M;ill,b:lk.' r.ll-nl.'lli.'i.li!'. HI.' enile la Oil* way, It i- oliviuii- l Ki-iiiiiui'<-iiiel'.irl'i,! . i . I ■ b,>ll|,,il tin.- iuv.iliu .1 ui.-li, III t>) riilMii.-eliolis.

III-. N-lli-liek Is l,|-..|-.'.,i.ill,.ll. ..ll.,,,,,i-.n'i sutlia.ul Areh-ti evun M..si.I.e., an.l at the IJII.I • ' ■ I..I1..** IOK We, -


-■th a JimeSlH si;';1,:.1,!

lyv. Yoru OWN PHYSICIAN. IJ There is no ease of Dranepala that Green'i AeotiaT ruiwu will not cure. Come to the lira;; Store ol K. It. Kelley, Rnkl ai/eiit for Lawrence and Inquire about 11. If Jfon suffer from ooatlre ncufi, si.k lli-n.lai'he, Soar Stonineh, IndlRcatinn, Liver Ci)ui|dulnt at deraageniMt of iboaj-ateni: 117 iL Two or Ihree (JoOM will relieve you,

AUUB CoMjt.'Klioit IK the only leiuedy in the Tailed Stiite* that ooMalna no Quinine. Araenle, or other noUoae bajutloua to the ijatem, that will curc'.rever and Ague, ;lnteruiitteiit or Fever*, etc, nml the Chilli not return during the iwaeon. llpermaneUjr cure- Fevor ami Ague o

rag rtumhD*.

'1-r.N 1'EKCENT. NET. he Iowa l


l.'.-,."m'!." |,ayable M'.I.».HIIUL.IIIJ- at llie Ch, ill Nn! iillliuik.Ni'iv \i.rk. All l-.niiH -ecu |....>i.| real. -l.it. , and the eolleellou .ill

, ^'.'.tU'I-.-.'rt... ;!,..!... ■ iim'l l<! I," M .Irr.'i'il'rwanl e.imi...ni1.h'l...n. New V.ukun.l New Ki.^h.1,1

! i.'lere.K-eh mid full inf.,i iiisilimi -rut i|>|>lie:i 11..U. SAVI I I. Ml 1:101 1 . I ,le l.m.-1 urn ..I Inwni,

i I're.-'l.; J.iil. It. IllVUrwi.l.l., S.-r', He- M .■-, ! lew a.


The New Florence. ritll'K, fi» btlowi anv other lbs--ela-fl IALIK, «44> iiium- 1 Betting llai-hine.

Saved, S50 by Buying the Florence. Kverv Maehine Wnrrantnl. Pperlnl tcrma to

.-lui.H ami dealer*. Send tor elreidara to the Florence S. M. Co., Florence* Mass,.

or 77N WMoblttfTtOM Nt., Ho. I oil.

Spring Medicine



Yet oflored to the Public.

Price 33 Cents Per Bottle,


win.i.-*od« i>.'.i«ui-tN.

2G Tremont Bt, Museum Building,

BOflTO V MAN*).!

General Agents. AIM. for hale by

Chas. Clarke, H.'H. Whitney m Co.,

fi. E. Clnckcni, A. R. Glitltlnn.


Excelsior Aperient ! I

|*1000 W0B™ —or TUB BEIT—

P'umtly SowintfMachinee on Earth

Tbu eelL-bratuil woi lil-ienowncd

I'l,<)ItKN*< • K MAIJ1IIN1',S

To be glvoa awa* at ihe


or p. 11 iioiti*.so,\.

JJI II.M Mtr*«l.

Having neen the reeij.lent or a large, auooata- lul an,I BTatulaaa trade from the gmHl jiec.|.le ol Lawrence, Hethuen, Audover, ami aujoiuimt IOWIIH, during the ln»l lllleeii yearn, la aekuowl- i-dgetnent of Ihe same, I hereby extend my fin- cere gialitude for all fast lav.irn nn.l eveeilingly lilieral iiatronage. A» a further ev|.i- 1,1 thank-, 1 In,.1


Uivc a ticket to each customer,







The Most Complete Sewina: MacMn IV Till-: m>BX.D

Self-Selling Needle,

Self-Threading Shuttle.

ami Self-Adjusting Tension.

All Agents ilaiui their Mn, hiiie to be the BK8T bui before parchaahujeallaiHlex Ino (toryour. Hclvep, ami then decide. I al-o'uive the Sew lin-

Wilcox &. Gibbs, Weed Secor, Howe, Singer,

M all Oilier First ■

..Hirer U.J. lie

riu-: LADIES'

GARMENT SUSPENDER ( .ruam of a illmrraslna: burden

i,j.en.lmi.' nil the Mklria over i>,<ui,i. ,-. K.


Is loo well known b. reuiilre any explanation of mine in ri'K-ii'.l t.i ijualitv- 1 shall, a.t herein ft .re, kivi.awi-riacli-ete.l

Kin-iT-»i.\Ms I.I.TII: OF I;OOI>N.





!i K.BC* Si.. LnrnHi IIMH.




Insurance Agency.


3000 "Y"IDS. i



an I'KNTS i'i;u YAIIP.


— At.SIl—


and Colored Kid Gloves

For 50 cts. Per Pair, Worth SI.


in. [Mnmleil. Aaacl*. j i*wn art,'.»oo,vin

W'HAT EVERY FOI'HTII l'ERSON; •u*vr.M.;vw~iu« r.--lr«d. Sami-lej b V> NKKDS. U Boine eon veil lent, agreeable FU.A»s-».",*M.iil. -'".1-- '."-sit inibieeii.enUi ti

L.Q.S.. .. ngreenl'le

I- ibil.itiinl CoaUTeneaa. ;illthn-c who ore troubteii with IV.'lie-.s, I'il.-H, IlilenisiK--, lle.'lil-

Iill. HAKItl-OV-J ICKLANI) H.M.3AM, itendUl euro for Couehu, ITonrsene**, ami al oat an,I I.IIIIK complaint.'. V-i HIIII- by K. M HIMMIN At'.-, rr..|.rietor», N... 1 Trtirnm

Teui|>le, iliirliui. mi.) liv nil .IrliggMtf. juiriuniai

VCAKO. A clerfryman, whih- rvaldlng In South AinriTii, as no--l,,nary, ili-cove red

aaafc nml slmiila reeoew] f..r the cure ofNer roue Weukne**, K.ul. IMrajr, IH-coae »f the L'r-

disordcr* brought on by baneful and vlcii.ii* bnh- ItH. lireal niontH'r- have been cured by till, no] Me remeity. I*rnintiteil by a .lex Ira to luneilt the iiiill.-U'd au.l unfortunate, I will MC.I tlw racdi.t fut iireparlng anil U-ing this meilieine, in a -ealed envelo|,e. In any; one who nevila It, ritBB Of CHAKUK.

Addre-i!., JOSEPH T. INUAK,

Station P, llibbilloiirie, ii.arl.irij.lnj-11 New V.uk t ily.

1 \O.NT! l)t».\'T!


..I the •ent t It.i.'k-, Kiida Herri mark, eunvajreil 1. Nmgi-ni. The weather « erly brceie, uild the enl i-iisi.iti, retur

The lllllSll I!

J. V-l iBih-v. J. V.Biailev wa-cii.i'-eii'l and ttmiioo t'nl.lwell. I lei k and To a.ui

Irs to III! |l>-|il ill ttahflU.UIl T«*.'r, 1-1*.


1 I.MI.MI ui <\i\ -.leveii.or llraur.il

|Hirteil lallifl, 1, H

Mi~. .tuna tn.-kiu.i.n i

» llL[,e' h, 1.1!„ 'l'-'M 'ie'.-'s .. nl vr, 1».'. ,o rVn'- u ^II'N-H' ai.biyati.lH l.i>,.lul, iMh,ui.| 1 uii, II-TI.

^rfr.lauif-W. Il.iili-y ..f vebni.l, Ma.-., ha-

I'eX'l .VAl.'Vid-,!,lr.ir'M.D",?;VlK,,ua

\nmiN IYOMIM.- All the way nonth- want Or. Ht-liwelnfurth hail IlKteiictl with a«er ears to the tsilk of the nallves or a ice of little people tlwellhig far south of

the ffroat NlanMilarn lniitl, \\]u> HUIIIOIII crew to more than three feet lu liel-ht. It was mlli'ineil of them that, artncil with Htrtmg lan.es, they tvoiibl creep under- neath llu-heliy or an elephant, ami ilex- tcroitsiv kill the lieiist, manaslnx their OHM movements so adroitly that they could not l>e reached by tin; creature'*) trunk. Their services In this way were aum-rUil to contribute very largely to the resoiii.es.oftlie Ivory traders. Lij;eiids of I'yiiinlcs had mliiffleil them-, lies nl- reailv with the earlii'Kl sun I vini; literal lire id lb' Orceks, nml the poet of tin- Iliad mention*] them as a rare that bail ItitiR I n known. Not only thu classic pucta mention the»« little hitman curloslllca, hut -ober historians ami RuoRraphu run peak of their existence nn an mulls"putciI fact. Nlltldlltf, forluslauee, eollld he more del' iiiite than the- statement ol' [Urodntua about llie Nasam.inians after they had er.is.,e.| the Libyan IICMCI-IM: "They at lentEth saw some plaiits eruwlllg on

to (jather the I'niit that grew on the trees and while they were gatheringII some <]

eilt! ml t ■ He

id lh

I IIKll ihes^len. II U.K. ami raid Ihe l> h.'.i liiL.n i.

i...i whaif nf < -4rt-»t. saiam, wax I

vof Arisi precise when he.says.ii|ainly:"T tly to the hikes above Egypt, from which Hows llie Nib-; there dwell the I'ygllllCa. ami ilils I* no fable, but thi'lmre truth.' It Is certain that lliiv.- or four ccnltirlc.- bei'ore tliu 1'tirlHtlaii era thu lir.eks wen aware of thei xist< nee of a p. oplv Inhabit. in» thu 'llstrits about Ihe s w* or tin Nile who weiv re mark able l'..r tin ir >t(int- .-.I growth, ami tin■.'. fore one 1- not sur prised ill llie .M-llrineiit of Or. S.liwi in

these .luarfs w.-r"e held III bondage iiem to llie royal resldenee of King Mun/.a For several day a he was iim.ikTes-.mi In his attempt* in see lhe.se men lu mill lure; the 1'yginies, having tin Idea til the strangers would certainly eat tlictn they could catch thorn, kepi out of alght.

■Hut "lie morning there was a great shout lug In the ramp, sin.I S.'hw.'iiirurllilianiei thai .Mi.bauiim-.l, UiecMcf or the trailiut

r Hie I'yg king,

you l.iolltal.ly (,, en.i L.y ynur lel-ure lime

lOniaribd ii| ie,.i|.t..| lliiv --,in>. AH.Ii">^- Ineto.inj i-tamp or .lircctcl ciivel,,|,e, M. S. M.vlt uiorr, Newbi.,y,.i.i-t,.M.1... jnlyl I i'l Im-n.tny




BAILEY'S SALINE APERIENT, ■aline a|.ci lent bsi» ii.. e.|iisil. It* net Ion i, less, it- Lisle .leli.iiui- soul Us curative proper lie- unexcelled, s-.bfi vervwheie tor Kim ci>. a liotlle. fiinali. Ii..i.b1tle.\ smith, Ili^lmi, Ma---

GENTS WANTED IN EVKKY TOWN it fun for III MandUerelilcIs,

AS/.,-'ST'Iuiuu-hlrcsi., Hoilon.


\ GENTS WANTED IN BVK1H :\l n'11 Toilet t'si-lih' Soap at #!.■ nkcn; lain




I-OH An Easy Fortune!

Fifth and Last Gift Concert

PUBLIC LIBRARY OF KY July 31 si 1874. List of Gilts.

ARE YOU TROUBLED \ IVtlli l>v-|..c intiu. -n,,.i, (on-I

-llllillll.il, IIH1...I-II, --. II ,., Ill Hlllt I.iis, ,.i A ,,.i. 111. : 'I !■ n -nl. aml ■lire toiirib-, MOSIS I.A1I !■;■•> EAT HA I T ttr VKUI:TATHI.V.

WBMSM r II li ml nil ■> « n..llili.« Injurious t.i thr •>■»- (em. II..IU.--.V (I.. lll,,,,o l'nrlnrr anil l.lvrr lnni;„ii<l,,r. I.. i,,^ ■ |i I ..■...., i, I ), i, ■ !... I l . . iireili-il hi ulil mid I I.I.II :-.. II l-lirr. Jniiinllrr, Kurr anil Asur, Pnlu In the ■liiuri, Ithrumul I.in, Mill ill-, Krmnlr IMira.ru, Arrvoni 1>l-,.i- dora. iiiiinryCnnaplnlnli*%«•■ ,v.. i.oi'iy


On and alter Uonday, June I, Train, will leave the Depuli a I.awiea.-e, a. lollowa :-

For Ibi-ton (from North DenAJbRi&sa.l i.i.'i.;■■ o. M.;aml U.li,a.40aoiJ6J0p. M.,ssud.|a., n i.y.

Price of Tickets. M I...I. 1 i. 1 . , . Ilalvrn, Tii.tl.-.u. 'ou'hl'i an, II Whole Til !■■ i ■ tin-

■'. ' 1-1 'Hi klls Tor,

* no ou •■. oo ft ...

ftllO (Ml 1,111111,1111

Ttlti. I:, nil 1111,1'TTl', .»«'i'l"'.l •fl.iiinitie,

Thoa. ii- ll.i) s d. in., i ;*.!.-. nun IlKiHiln-ny, NtW VII

. \ Kt.lt. k.

ror r.. ■ M.\ a. v- I u.i'

K..i I'.. it Ism. I , It.,ui Su-.itli In |iiit), ut'i.o;, (e\.), . «.; I.u., .1..V1 v. M. >'ur Uouriratown ami Ncwbuminrt (from South ii|Mli,al*XJ6 A.M.; I.irt, l.:i..,r,..V.r. M.

For Hiiv.-rbillrrr.iia South llei.utl, at H. r-.r ItsoerliillTrnia South lle|,„tl,al i.u; A. a.; and l.'i.., i.:io. ll.aJUl-. ¥.: Neilh li,|„.t s.t 7..'i7 I-. 11.


er. tin ud '

JAMK8 T. KUItltKIl, Supt.

\\'IIKI(i: SHALL I 00?

And How Shall I Get There?

Midilli'ni'x County

ilium Ha* tel ,.l th.-.Ui.ii

■tWol,.',.!, I.H-ahti I-

. all

l'..i.|c.(i,.l, ':B

. ■. \|, !,,■■

W hue, win. " '' '''''."." l ■ a,, i in in.in.

■,,1.1 ltM> IWl it. AMMIII

Llll' «i n«.l I i-trei-i.Mheie.ait hiafe. an Hi-cur.

wa« conveying ntm. in . mis ruslaiancu mi the part of the litth man, atralght to the camp. Scbwoliifurll hiiriieil forward to meet the Htrangu vi.-i tor, and there was the little creature perehe.1 upon Mohammed's right nhouhliT, nervously lingglug his head, ami easlin -lames of alarm m .very dtrcetlon. I wan seated In a chair, and his fears pacl- Hull by in. alls of various presents anil some good IhlngHiti en. Dr. Si liweiulurth drcn bis portrait, and l.y in. aiis of an In- terpreter Mieeei did In gaining h valu- BIIIC Inforinulloii respccllng his tribe mid lln-irrotmiry. The name of his nation

Akkj, an I he asserted Unit they in- habit large tlialrlcta lyiiiy Koulheast of he Moubiiitoo e.iuntrv. A portion of hem are subject to the' M.niliiittuo kfiig, ,vln>, di'slnms of etihant'liig llu: Splendor ■riils court by the addition ofaiiy availa-

ble natural curiosities, hud compelled sev- „ „ . nil families of the Pygmies to settle In ' the vicinity. The firstot*thc Akkn villa-

, be said, was r.iur daya' [otiriicy mun the residence ofMuu/a. OH the farther side or Urn river Nalobc, one of the great trlbu- taries or the Welle; Unit (he nation W.1- divided into nine m-parato kingdoms, nml the liih.il.Hauls very brave ami warlike. •Ihe I'vgmy grew less timid when he round ttuit the white strangers fed him in- Htcnd .ii devourlnij hltu, and was finally prevailed upon to perform an Akha war- dance, In which he showed unu-vellou.* nglHiy.bla leaps and nttiladus being lie- eompanled by such grot CM pie varieties ol expression that the spe.-tat.us bchl I hell Hides r.ir biiighlng. - I'rom A'■ Niitur idlsliu the IlcarL of Africa," by llii.iv S. C'nSAXT, In lltrjvr'* M<-jnzi»t.

!f .V.^'iu'^'f'',', ^!lii7v.,lV'!Ht,o,.l..vv,;i!,.i"r.il,'^i:'M:; t.;

lift Wii.hlii

ie 01 llu II lite-1 ii

. While



Broadway Savings Bank. ■ — ,0cr

VlHlSK/IHSflKX STI1 # KT .4 X If li HO A l>WA Y I ■ 1! ■■ ■ .•■ ' ■ • >l "• I--

Iti'i-eiieil it-lb-t .|e,.o-iI Mny 11, IsTi. I'ATKMI-jNT MAY notli, 1H',4.


Mrs. Ames, hi one ol It r Washiu-l. letters, deals thus IVM-I ntly wllh U venerable Huston member; "While-liair.

Mr. Hooper, of Huston. slowly walk

down tin- aisle, with a pail fill suggest!.

ul tie: gout. What his h itveuly Path

may ln-e In store ror hlu

main.liin-, 1 know not; bit

in the m.p.


.tilllN t.. IIKKU's.l'KK, Tr.



"N. IV.--i.t,i.t.


Sowing Macbino,

Made «y l!ic Howe Machine Company, Havrthr l.ni «r.l M.ili .,

Ulvcitllr Itrnl .VHtl.f-elloil,

I. Ihrra.lr.lto l.raiu tO«p»r»U,

and i.la-K.in, *, ,,Ll,in,l suid are turning mitaai iiei.hiiu-s |ie, ,lay.

W. Hager & Co., Alii: 1 Mi: BOI.K AOKKTS roll

Lawrcnco, Andovcrand Mothuen.

OFFICE 199 ESSEX STREET, Lawrence. Mass.


uoo.l tilings, Inrhiilliig an her of good dinners of a very gouty ] think, now, you must wall for I.a

ST i-: A M K IN<« I IN KS



»„- Mrml Tor rircnlnr. .liufHv


UNDERTAKER. a. \v. \\'ATKitir< H


tily of I Sales Room No. OAppleton Street, : mini- nr.si i n; M I , II >■ I■ I: I .M «>NTNI.

,i-,b'i 'i'i..ini,lW nml i.iitlifullv • v..lib,I at


EGGS POK HATCHING iVnm nil toe beat brri-.la oi Poultry.

1'OWIH Pin- «ol» iii lliwii* seaH.iu. iVhllc 1,1'KIKIIIII a lO'KUIAl.TV.

K. WHOIW. No. I Broadway, Soitlh Law nine,

rei-ari'd In strict neeordanee with niu-l anpn rinular, rapraaaattlnK ibe valuable properties nf ie eclebraUtl


M n-.-irtaineil by a eareful analysis. Tall eb ;anl prepunitlon in it- neat anil eonimoiUou- ..i in, u ill lie i,oiii.I Invaluable In eaxex for which I i-l-rcoiiiim-ndeit, nml not only as n mere laia ivo, .removing Headache, Nnu-ea, Builouaneat mil ConatlpaUoa, bat alao Inamall quanllUeaby

the addition o( a little Lemon or oilier llavon-.l ■rru|i or water, will make a beaatlfnl, epnrkll-in and rei'rmililng bcveraRe. The IsfMiity an.l use- fulness nl FIlOTHIXUIIAM'SEXCKLSIOIt A P- BHIKNT, lies In the ui.'t that il boMl Ihwa -alt-, their ehsiraeter ludmr awerlaine.1 by eliemlenl analyst, on a dry ami convenient form.nml when ■tumulveil la the tumbler in water, ananrillnf la direetiiiiis, it partakea of the-nature, ami in al- ni.ipt preelaely the aaiao IneQect, even ibowlng presence of ttio ('nrlsmli! Acid, lias l'roliii.U-r duiiiifr etreveHcenee ,tbnt would Is' derived If >ou wen-on the Kuroiienn Continent, dipping Ibeaa lic.'illli living walei'H from the celel.ralc.l

Seiilltz Sprints or Bohemia.

Price 50 Cenls Cer Bollle.

SMITH, O00LITTLE & SMITH. 26 Tremont Street, Boston,

11 V. N I'. K A I. A (1 K N T S

Al^n lor .nil- I.,-

0. E. Chickcring. H. M. Whitney £ Co..

Chin. Clarke, A. R. Cliitden.

The Twin Diseases ! !

Constipation la III r foil uii. 1 ii In-»,l of a 1 moat nn) ill*.

Man afflict lug 111* human (aiullj , ami

DYSPEPSIA, lla I'linrniiiltanl anil Twin llrnllirr i.'l I li all I In- I. i ii.. . a ml lut-l iiii'i an inn panylitK a Itrnkrii lion.. Mloinarh. lint li III"! ill.tri'.alna malailtaa rmi he cm .-.l l.) the u»i or

L O It I N O ' 8


Thti Groat Remedy for Costive- nosH, Sick Head-Ache and Piles.

entirely „f limit.. Herb, nnd Harks,

i. lirle.il |iliv-ie, in- iiiiylhiiiK that can liannev.il to nn infant. It in not a

uili.rth.- disi-a-o- fur which il U re , there i.milhlnK like It In Me.li. inc.

I on IIVNl'KI'HilA

by it a

BonJ. Kiintnl.iiry, "jr.. e*-Ma»or of Ihe city of uilliind, nijri ■ "The valuii or ynur M|ierinc lor

LonatlnMlon awl l)yi.|M-|uila, cann.il IK.- over i .- limahd. It meet, a (tri-at imbllc want. Many or my iH-r.ounl Irieiitln ami «i-<|UuliiLiiu'.c«,aa wen ru mynelf have beuii frently htnt-uited by It. u<e."

I.ewi. II. Smith, IT. 8. I»c|.L I'olliTtor, Portlaml, -ay.: "1 IHOKI hcnrlilv ncoinaicu.t your valuable 'rtiicciuV In all |-i- i■- nutTerlnK from IhnlUrHblu .ll.ea.e, .i ■. ■ i . (■ M: .'' -. . . ■, ■.l.-n;.i City Of r.Mll.ir,

.ay.: "1 canuitl aay l.M. iiiucli n (irai.e of you ev','.-ll.iifS|,w.-iU,'; il. effect l« truly won.leriiil Every Uyn|Miptic ■inmMtry it."

Henry T. Clmuinney, linuorler, HI WI-KI ftb Ui.nl.iii, writes: "lir. l-oriiii, havbiK been a .uf lei-.-r lOr i .-ar.- li Iv|,.-|t.ia. I wa. led ael.lcn- Uillv l.i try your '.S|»siiie' an.l I can truly .ay that It baa lieiicntle.l me m..re inaa anythlag 1 have evel taken—its effei't I. almost ...-..■ .■ ..I II lUU ulhi. been use.I with peal .uccen. in my family '

Loring's Specific


We warrant aCure in every case

Or Refund The Money I



00 Tremont Stront, Boston.

II K N 14 It A I. All 14 N T N

Al-.-rnr MLlr l.y


tt. f Chkkerhs.H. M. Whilney&Ca niMily

ITI'll >JJ1 |-',MH^T Sill'.'


The display of Fans at Water- man's, 220 Washington street, 3 doors north of Summer street, in- cludes Fans of every color, quality and price.


LOWEST PRICES lu thr city. An linmanar alnrk lu thnnir

WATERMAN & CO.'S, *-i*JO Washington Stiver.

II08T0M. Three door, north of Bnmmer street.


AI.I, SlH,l> <»N


"Pay Yonr Money & Take Your Ctaoice." After nne nioiith's trial, if WW .ati-factory

chaiiced fur any oilier in II*1 insii-ket, Irw of ex-

MAI'lll.M'.S TO I.I.'I' lly llu- YlVi-k or M.»,„i.

All KlnrtsoTMnchinos Repaired

,.,■,.» I'ay.


New Sprint anJ Simer Patterns,

Franklin, of I'lula., fo., ■«>» toduv.ui, Peilllnylvulilu, nl Peimn., IWil 1,3(10,600 German, .MU. ii. ;m, \. V. <-:■: 1.04H,UUB Wertti-tie:-t.-r, N.'« li.il, -■■ n.ll -iu.< Fnlrilolcl Uountv, Conn.. I«7» 307,257 Flral National, Wusee-ii-r, INKI lllM.ni'7 Olouci-HtiT, liluitceaU'r, IsTi. l:,:'.;)i*n Urrmitn, Krle, Pa., I>",7 44r>r>17

Kiitflimh Ci.iin.iiuii-H.

Royal, l»4ft, mill, $12,000.00(1 Ameilcan Itriinih, i,M"i: ., , ■

Queen, lsss, (ruht, lO.fioo.i >i'. > American Branch, 017,327

Im:-orlal, l(*«, gubl, a.OOO.nm. Aiui-rieaii Branca, 004,-lt •">

• S3 I'mn .in . i. - I.nHrrini.

aprM*ty p. o. Box as.

213 Essex Street,




,Min i.4ivm:nrl:. ,, is-.

REAL KSTATE. Ilmr I'limiir for an 1 m , •■ ...i ut.

IVill bo sold alii hHi'Kain. bb.ek niiinla'rcil li llli,l |si.l,,.well hli-cel, e.tiilsiillillB lill IlifC for $750 |H-r nnninii. Th.- (iro[ienv I. lu it n'|.nir, liavinx been built Out the venr.. For tbi-r i.aill.*iilar* aulilv tu Dr. M. Itnl.erls, llaverhlll slrecl, or S.'.\, .!,■» ell, *Hl KI-M'X sti-



IPPft;BSKAI.EtttnsiGUT8AKDHKASUIie Kehruary Jsili, 1874,

Notice i- hereby alven in aec.uilanee with th ■ttnrtalooj of ttie Mlowlng Statute to all ueraona within the lm.it- of the City of Lawrence, aalog Vobjtila and Heaaurnt for the uuruose of Uuyinx iinl .eiibiK. to bring the .time to the lubscrilnr

at hlu idnce nl bushiest.,

No. 60 ESSEX STREET, bat they m^y he ailju.te.l am) .ealed aeeor.ling

to law. .N. BUM,

Sealer of Weight* ami Measures.

An Act In rotation to Seallnff Wolg-hta and Measures.

tU it ntncttd, ie., a* follow* i ~ :CT. I, All i-'i ,.II- usin« male., welgnta,

.urou or milk can., lor Ihe |uu J.OHO of veiling gooil*, ware., aiei-.-hanili.e or older eouillio-

i'B, .bull linve llieui a.ljiihteil, .ealed ami ro- ibsl by the .ruler .it weight, m„l niea.liri'M in

the city or town In which they reside or hnv

' •'" : •■ I'' '.. linn en., mill luce .111111 Imvu the riant to have tuch .cale.. weight., and meuturea and milk-uun. tented nml a.llu.ted at

SKCT. 3. The Healer of weight, ami [ueimure. i each city ami town uluill go once a year, ami

olWner If uci-en-Hry, to every hnv and coal ecale. lormnnt ur other pluilorin balance, within .aid Itynrlown tbatcsu t be e;i,ily or convimiently

reuiovml, and U'.i ihe ,-n , U,JH v Ol and adjust ami -■;al the oaiue.

SECT. 3. All IHT-OIIB uHtng any nealoa, Height*, nasiircii or milk. :III>, I.,I the |,or|in.u ol buying , ._« (.urpio.e m bnving

ir Helling nay i- Iitv, uciy havu the name ;c.U.il and «cHlei| by llie .ealer of welghtH and aeiiMiros in the city or Iowa where they ro.ble ur luivc Uieir li-u.il |,|a,e ui btn-ini,.., at uUulllee wliunevet they may ileidru to have it iluuu.

Stcrr. 4. Whenever n comnlulnt IH made to a ealer ol' welglit. and mea.ure. under oath, by lay por.nn, that ho ha* rcu.ouuhlu eau.e In be- lieve that any neale, weight or mea.ure uaeit In the uale or any eouum»lily within the city ami town, la Inoorrecl, the i-aiil .eater .ball go to the |>lace where nueb *cale, weight or men*lire I. and U.I anil mark (be none a.-eni-liiiK t» llie lenob ,'l lesst ii|i|.]ie.l thereto, nml ii the -nine be llluorrect

il cannot lie mljuntnt, the laid .enter .hall mil a no tie ti th.-nto, ecililvuijr the fact, ami

forbidding the um-tlu-n-.u unlit Hie sanieha. latin made to eon form to the autlioruwt nUmlanl. Any |.er*oii u.ing noy leabjt, welghtH or meii.- urea alUir a neater of wuiKhU ami mea.ure. hati lemanded |ierniii-«iiin in ii-.t the i-ame, ami ban >een refilled .in ti |.cniii,r.i..n, hh.,11 |„- Jjabl,, (,,

the .aine iienallle. a. it he hail knowingly used a fabie wale, weight or measure*.

HBOT. 5, All aealea, woighi* and atnaanrca thai ■"•' he made to eonlonn n. the .un.ilar.l .hall

e.l "coiiilemaed" or "('. II ' 1.. llu welgbb. nu,I mea.ure.; nn.l no pc

luill thcicarter u-e the n ■■-■"- -hull the 1 carter une the HIIIIII 1',,, »ei^liin« or ,„. . .* ... . , . inea*iirlng any . ,.111111.,,l,u M.I.I ,,. evH,:Muc.-,l Winter iiagn»i,vvti to llie Niirface, .1 sll; I'T Ihn |Hii,',lii,-n |,rmi.|eil in the eu.e ol Ihe .X, ^ use oflal-e weight, nml inennure.. iirlm-^HleTIptr'vvilli Plmplefl, Boil.*;, etc

SKOT. 0. Kverv aealer nf welitbt. and inea.iirea J^ ,,,,,, . shall receive .uel |,eii>nti,.i, i,,r In- .,■,■vW^T**^'I,, r:1,,sillK ''loonier III the Way of a* may be n*e,l by tin-ell 1 ,., i,,v. 11 11 il Inn 11 In, li he I. Hiii.uinh.il, ami no fees .bull be charged lor any orfhial duly be may itorform.

111.1 u-u .my. or January aril July In each year, ailvcrliac the several section., of thl. act, by nub- linhlng them in mum- ncwaim|ier prbjti'il in .uch oily or town, or by pouting them uii'ln one or more uulilir, |.i..„.,-.. therein.

HKiTT. A Thia act Mial] hike rlTVct 01.1,11 It. PM- aat*. Mjijiriimi Mfjrn, lam im' ,1 :■,]..:■>

^t-rvov r ■■ ™ omoii.NHi'MrroH orwii.K, i

.. , , L April HI, 1174, NoHoe 1* hereby given that thu nmler.lgue.l

h.i 1 la-en appointed Htprrlor ml Milk far the City of I.aw-

adull pernou- nelllng Milk within the eily art hereby rouue.ite.Uii conform to all llie rcpilre

ila of the law and City Ordinance* relating to the aamo.

All iiernona will obxervc that the law rc.|Uire. nut .1, ,.l, 1 ■ In nillk, at whok-.aluor rctal, from waguna, cellan, atnre., 'hop. or markel plaeua wiUiin the IhnlU of the Oltf of l.awn-ne.e are r.-f .| ite.te.1 to Heglatar their Hamaa withtha Inaparlnr

All ueraona aware of any violation ofaaM law ami onllnanne, are Invited to report the HOIIIC In III,' J 1 a --1 >i - ■ I ■ ■■)-.

At 208 C.UU.U..U Street. An Aet In ameml "An Art .In reunion to tlie

ale anil InaperUon of milk " lie it enn.-ieil, Ac, u lull.,«■■ :

H»>*T. 1 Wliitever Hi-ll. nrcii-lian^es, in h.n in hit pnaesnlnn,With Intent to »ell, or cn-liaiige, or nffera for lain ur exeliango adulh.ratcd milk, ur milk to which water 01 any foreign aubatanco fau been nil.loil, knowing tho antna to lie a.lnller iled or to contain water or any foreign aubntanco hall for tho llr*t offence, lie punched by a 11 mi .0 me li im, 11 e.l dollarri and for any aubaci|iient rfo Ian, in. a llneof not leg. than one hundred ilollam, nor osnoeiling tlnja^unurcd dullnri, anil I111- pristinm. nt1ttUI.*4P^>e of correction net le. than thirty or more Hum ninety daya. ■

SKCT. 1. The pcnaltlea provided In lte> preened ng BC.-llon, nn.l tlmao provi.leil In the aet to which thia lain aildltlon, mny lie recovered on complaint tjiforc any court of compeleut JUIIK-

dielion and one half of the amouat of line I in poneil aliall go to iho complaluanl or inroruicr, and the remainder to Iho treasurer or the city or town where offence wan eoinmiltcii.

MU. i. It "ball bathe duty of every Inn pec lor of milk tn'tn.tituto complain! on the Inftvnnatlnn orany pernon who may lay before lum Halbfae- lory evhlcnee on which to au.laln tho same, ami he i-bii II be ciilitle.1 to receive one half llie amount of any penalty recovered therefor, and -hall pay over the aamo to (lie person who haa lint given tliUaJnf.irmatloii on which the complaint

l Hay ST, l* WM.C. MVItlCK.













Convers' Building, 163 Central St., I.UWliLL, yi \ss.

Manufaetiire Silk and DH*I t'vlimtora, (oueber siu.1 llre-t Rolls lor I'liper Mm bmery, Color nn.l live Kettle., S1..I11 Keiiiii.iiiis :m.l A»|.iiralu.,Mi1l Work ol nil ile-erlptions. and general Copper Work. Copper-Work lor llnwer. nml Dii-tilierH fl.t MliINO Tor l>wcllinK... siio|m, Ac. 1'B(M-I Mill-. Tanneries, Ac. lltte.l lip on the mint nil .enable term..



—Ill 8TI1.LRUS OF—




WAKKIIOt SI'S- rini.AiiKi.Ptti.*,


tVi:tV Oltl.KA-VN, l.a.,

Al I.I'MTA, Urn.

N. E. Agents. BROWN A HAYES. I-.M. I'.':i ini.l !'>.-. III'OM.I Si.■.■.■!.



t >!•' KYI-'.UY lUlSf'Ull'I'li >N.


aprinitf '.rt Kane* street.


Marked Down To |»1 than the actual eo.t of manufacliire.

Some of the Prleeai

500 Business and Dress Coats, Con-luting «r niaek and KlueTi li-ot., lllaek, Blue

and Itrowu Oingoual, etc., etc • 10 Each, Former Price 916 to «20.

500 Genuine Scotch Coats, • 3 Each, Former Price S12 to 916.

500 All Wool Pantaloons, (Von-Heavy,

• 5 Each, Former Price 97 to SO.

500 All Wool Vests $1 to $2 each, Former Price S3.50 to $6,

Attached to these psit.iite.l speetnclcn are urn ficicnltllcjilli ' "ie nn--ti-.l t.nleiinie Itiilterie- nn m*ii when worn—ili li in inn ihiuuKh ihe nerves ui Ihe bead a Sort ami t'liul iuiiiins Mi ■ .1111 of I'laalli lly. vltnlir.lng ami giving henlUiv action to llu- enlne la-antiful sysbin of ibose par la Allsoi.l "11.1.t UIIIU'KICTAINLV ft'ltlMi

Partial Paralyala of the Opt Ir Nrrvr, Weak or IMaeaaeil Vlalon,

iVi-111,. lul" of the Hi 1, ,1 or Pace. tVcrvona Twitches lu the

Ilfuarlra of thr Fare, a ii.ilit' ■

I.oaa ofMrulal l'n«ii;i

lires-ii ll.eii.'.i....- enei K^ uf the "j-teui.c tribulhiK, In a most asluiiisbuig degii'e.

Life and Vigor and Health. by; Hie mean., uf U10 uutl llowlug alream of Kt. trieily, giving Brlightiieaa to the 1 :> . .

(liii,i.ii.-.ii to the Bar, I... , 1,, lo thr Rialu.

They am art wllh lenaeaof the Sneat mannihr. litre, Ui null ull HI^III-, uit.l \\ itti iilu-si-s- fur i- liol Tieediug upei laele- lu nn.l « llll, but ile-irnm

lories and to be had in Ibis eily only ol

HUMPHREY MOOAR, Wntolimskar, Jeweller and Optician


No. 238 Essex Street, Lawrenre




CAPEN, SFRAQUE & CO, Efoa. 11 au.l H in. ion, Monae Slrecl,


NEWENGLAND AOTS. JauelltHtii ,ny


NOW 18 THE TIME! AH the Spring opens, the [inpurltlea wliich

have been ImprlNOlHHl In the llbiod over

Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and

Diseases of the LIVER and KIDNEYS.


Iodide of Potassium- MKST ni.oiiD pui;ii II:H In BXlatenee. Itacta ox a. (iniet Altem- Ure, driving all foul mattnra into their proper excretory channel*., etrongtheiiinji aigeatloo, mid Imparting bloom to tho Cheek, BoOneaa to the Skin, flrmneH to the Step, ami clieerfuliie.su to the Mliul.

For Bollri it la an Inrallllilo Cars, and to

Ull uii unit IH in It alfonls great relief.

Pein.iOnel)..Uaipec Itotllo.


Prepared ami for sale i>y

A. R. Glidden, Druggist, Cor. Ettex It Pembarton 1st., Lawrence.


A Cheaper Fael than Wooit or Coal THE LAWRENCE OA8 COM'Y,

1 or.lera for Cuke nt llio Arc prepared following prlcer Via;

Par Chaldron of 14 bbls,delivered $6.00 " 1*2 " 7 " " 13.00

Barrel #.5 Price Per Barrel at the Works, .40

Ordera received at their ufHoe,

No. 253 Essox Street. fei, win if «ii;oin,i;i'.niior, Ak-*»t-



it. , 0 K.1KT li. n vr., Lawrcaci.

y\ R . D . T . l'OHTEIl,


SS8 i;-in Ktrect, - - - I.awreaca.

1*1111 liiime.liate -ale.



j BLATCIII.EY'S •£ 5 lmurove.tCU(.'t;MllKlt WOOD - I- I'flll', T,.>tel,-ss, Umaiilc, l-;t. J h tleb-nt and Cheap. Tho llcsi m f 1'uiup for the leant money, A l-

leiitiini is especially Invited to niabhlcy's I'.iii'nl Improved Itiiiek.tiiuil New Drop Cheek Valve, wbii'h can ben itli.lis.in I u ill."itl rcmii.int; llie I'ump.u ,li-liiibii.XllieJ..int-. Also.thi Copper Clii.inli.-i-, which neie erackri or ai'iiles, mid will out bint any other. For aalu by

' the tra.le gcnerally maUhlev'i Fump,

leilb'ixailtl Ibe lllltle

1 direct l. (i. III.ATCItl.KV, lliu.ulii, lorcr,

e nl., I'hil., Pa



James Martin and Son, Jobl.eraiif lent ami awning atoah an.l llvlurei

lie 1 .iriii.i Nir. • i, Huston. lulylteo.l1l4tPb

I > V PBDRICK ft CLOS80N, v very ilealrahle realdence ui> WlNler si

The rnodern two tXarf bouae, owned by tlw InteSlrH. Weaton, adjoining the .--t: Sam*).

M. I i.u , ■,>■;■■.j , i-> ,,He. i-.| (tor Immediate uale, to

I-IIIM the e>lale. The IIOUHO IH thoroughly built,

ronUlnhig eleven roenm; haa a xn.nl cellar,

plenty of abed room; well of eicellunt water,

never failing. Tho lot is r. by 110 feet, with a

number of Irult Ireen, vine* and Hhrubbory. Cen-

trally located, within a few hundred feel of Bo*.

ton and Maine Depot, and convenient to Pacific

Hill*, offering nn admirable opportunity to *«

a Heilrable place, which moat always Increaac In value.

Apply at once to PJtpgtCg iCLOHSON.


COtTOItP, POR8 TIIltOAT.INri.il- KXZA, W1I0OP- im cotroii.

i il.H-an.itdry unaciiixhi

l.-rll..tl.iu,thu»rvuiovLiitf t!.oe:,u.viof tliiKuoijiUinl.

C0XSIMPT10N CAN UK CUBED l,v < timely n-».wt In UiU ilanilsnl remedy, u.1 li I,I. nil |,y ntin,b t.Ui.f I. -.ti iil.il. it Im. nsvli.-d. 'ni-.tfr.i.ii»^l*..eii«l"/. //.i«-"..a II... wmptar, rililll W. t'OWI.K .1. MIN-I, I'K.o.un.iolia.UiaV lur^UaBa, boat br dualur* gisuiraU/.

ecu eow l« cod lvr i-n


QUAKER BITTERS These celebrated llittcm arc com- Jwsedofclioiec Roots, Herbs, ami

tarks, airUHHf which are Oeu- tian,Sarsaparitla, Wild Cherry, Dandelion, Juniper, and other berries, and are so prepared as In retain all their medicinal t/nal- itles. The.)/ inrariabl// cure or areatln retiere the f'otloirinfl com- {daints : I »\ »)>.-[i-i;i, Jiuimlitr,

jiver Ooinplaiiit, LUSH of Appe- tite, Houilti<h<% UilliHiM AttnckH, Ivfiiiittont anil liil.'iiiiil t.'iil Ft- vortt, Apiit*,Cnltl < hills. ICIictuii;i- Iism, Slimmer ('oiliplnln t s. Piles, Klilucy Diseases, Female Dilli- eulticH, Lit-ssitutle, Low Spirits, General l>chillty, and, in fact, erernthina caused by an impure state of the lilood or deranged condition of Stomach, JLteer, or Kidneys. The aged find to the Quaker Bitters a gentle, soothitig stimulant, so desirable in their declining gears. No one ran re- main long unwell (unless afflieteil with an incurable disease) after taking a fete bottles of the Quaker Hitters.

Prepared by Dr. II. S. Flint & Co. At their Great Xedical Depot,



PRISE The only reliable til It l)Ui ilution in the cuniili y

$50,000.00 IN VAI.UAgj^, ,„ FT ' -r- xJ." "SIITB'S -^ in*.Hi Regular Monthly.

GIFT ENTERPRISE Tobedi-nwn Monday, Aup. 10Lb, 1*74.


m^\aea«m« fiGREENBACKS! Ten Prliotlllll /GREENBACKS

worth si..100 .art. : 1 llnree ft tluggy ulib SllverJlouiitcil Ilium.--.

worth S600 One llne-tuiieil Roaewood Piano, worth •}.*.:.".

Klvc r'amily Sew lux Machines, umili etiai each. TIMIUohl ami Silver Lever KnnlioK Watches- (in

all), worth from **) to *:KHI each I (."lil Chulni. Kilv.-i.» HIT, .lnwelery, eu-., uti'. No. of Cifli, 6.00O. Titketi limited to SO.000

AtiKNTfi WASTKIito -ell TiekeU, lu whom liberal i ■. win be paid. 8lngloTlck«tn»l; Six Tickets *5; Twelve

Tickets #10; Twonty-Fivo %MO. Clrr.ulara cnnlnlning a full list or prIron, n i|,>

Bcription of the uuuiiiei nf .li-nwing, ami other in fui'iaillbin In riTcivm-c I., llu- l'i-li ilnitiiili, will be sent toany one onlei iug them. All leiiirs niu-t !..■ ... Mi. ■ ,-| tO I.. I). SI \1 . It,,, SO,

MAIN omCK, CINCINNA'I'I, O. 11)1 W. r'illli Street. mylll.'iwruy




And all hrugglnl* m Amlover.

Cure* Cougha and all Throat Irrlut tiimn- M



Magee's New Portable Range.

A large (lock bouglit tnfore the advance, and to be aolil l.ow by ■ -.Ijy^l-


Ho. nail Kaaei etreet, I.atrrenre.

Oity of Lawrence Water Loan. :-, > pei cent. Coupon tlnnd* of the City nl Law

re nee, duly authorized by ael of the Legislature, City Orrihutneo and reinlutbniii of thu City Conn oil, will be banted October M, for a Hmlteil amount Cnupnaa attached for eeuil-anuual inter cut, payable in Himtun or Lawrence, at the nptton of t,i .1.1 el ■ For price nnd ndl partleutnra call on or ad.lruas K. W. COI.COItl),

Ciiy lYeaanrer. Per order »f Finnnee Co in mi lice. eiSffllf

Tlie ^awfeipie aunerTi&n, unt

«>roov*;*( SDvtJU'i'igj;^,

KVfcltY iiuixv MUU.Minjt.,


1, A W K B N (.' B , M ASS.

111. . II . ,.1.1 I.,I. ..f II.r LkWrclK! .Iil.nl- rnll la I lit- l.innl ill ■»> |in|ii r In Hi. i ouuly, mJ mure lit an I'm.. Tluin Ihnl <>r any other Weekly I'aper pub- ll-li.d !>■ I l.i. ■ II > .

»»T It in i UTI it uponapplicali


¥he $)k[]y Sn^Mfcui. CVERY EVCNINQ,

(Sunday excepted,)

la the l-ai-gasl Daily l» U» oty, with IW Tim • lh« ulrcnloUso Of any other.

■( atSCBIFTIOR, IN AS.anc. I

One t'ear, #...-> | H. v Month*, %t.il Wnen not paid in advance, 18.00.

UKO. S. MKKKI 1.1. * CO., Prop'rs.


STEAM PRINTING OFFICE, III tllC Largest Mill mils! thoroughly furnished 1ft Katlern Mas-Biiiusr'.ic. Having only jnndrrn 'resaes, anil with r.onaloniad.UUooa at the mm lyles "i Type, wo are ablo to furnish the bet

quality of work, oxpedlUously, at low price*. Order* by Bail given prompt attention.

Ulu. 8. HKEULL * CHUCKatlt, post daw Block.









'. Vegetable ami MM i. Tunic i« doing

winder*-astoul.liing fvorylin.lT, even the phV-

stolons. Orders are i • In from all Meltons,

fiir nii.l n.-ar; largo HI.I.'i -, .-.HILIII ■ limn 111;u->- ■ where simply I'm- Iriul bottle bSs been used. In-

valids uro by tbli tonla restored to health. Hun.

dred* In the city of Lawrence are I>Initinn ft, and

ao hi this case, "a prophet la not wlUn.nl honor

n vein hit own country." wilt hardly apply. Hut

lest there he BOOM Who will Inaltl Hint It is only

sunward, ami of hit ifttlnfl tip, we will aa* that

it i- Stnniiard In nothing except the miiiiiil'nelure;

■hat Ihe receipt in an


One, handed il.nin friini long v™. »(.i, mill of

which we here append a brief hist Dry, In

THE YEAR 1804, An ul.l Indian, then living In the aoulh western

part nJ All.i IIT County, Mate of Nrw Yen,who

had mti.le l.iuucll quite cohhrnlcd ax a plijsl-

uan, lieenme uiinl.li' to nil.-ml to all mil. made

• -■ I Inn. for lii» services mining tho BH*k. A

mnii then living, AM ml lliul DM secret of bit ttie.

eoaa lay in some

BITTERS Which he furuiahdd to tho pnhlle, Ihn receipt for

which this BUM purr listed of him at Kreal eo.t,

a* Wat then cimtldercd. Tim hitlers were iiiauu

fit, lured niul anld, mid created no little sensation

tor ni.iny year*; hut it IHIIIII a aparsely sell led

loi-alily, ami It may Or, Uie Hal ol the Inhabitants

having 11 -i i■ i■- - =

the hitler.., Mil the nhl gentleman n

i i'ipl passing "ii tlm *Uge almul ttiii





Business Directory. I'Mi'd. Not r it ml I II K I'our I.Inn In lr Mgl h

lilac ltd III Ilila rot mini at git par year.

\.l. LRRNEI), Manufacturer of ICE • I'ltKAMS, nt .-ill tuni-K nt short notice. Or-

der* lett nt 1>. N. A C. M. Martin-.-, IBS Kinrt XL Siili-nieti.in Kiiiii-:tnU-e.l. martTllyr

Ithlhi I.IH.'.T, they can iiive .I,.II.,.. ever, year. | I 'i i.ni to trad wf ami prle

IV llllV 111!

,1,-llV, 9.1 i Hethlien free Of CtllargO. ll.in'tii.UuiLe I lie |.l:ie


149 Essex Street. x. it. All of oar ift i.MJTV.nu.liilIhe



I' UM KleuieiiUry Rnftlb-h

MH in- ;.|-i in . rilKi-AKM eatiidleneHilimenlliilhe

and .in ijt....I tor iti.i N (C.....1 LmiMle.Ue iiraueheH, ore



m K »■)



(II Mke.iT


PAKTNKUFillll'a, Kit.'.,) —a 1 of which aru rapeelatly BOBOHtry lor and adapted tu Coinuioreliil piu-|iiiiiea.

I'lipila deniriiiK oilier ntudie* than atiove nauie.1 itinv Heteet any or all ftl the CUIHIIN ENUI.IMM HtuniKit and puratic. Hi em In e.mnre- linn with or acperutn Irmn the CKMUKItCIAi. ■rrviMMt

Pupils receive.I nt :inv time it' there are vaeiin- ok**. I'riMiHielua anil Cireiilnr <•( the iclmul, iM>*t free. The aehool 1H uinv IncnUxl nt :»W Waali- iDKtoii Sleeet.-I'ii Mlinn pn'vii'UB lo Ihe drool May inir.,.;. 1 luum, II In 1. CIOMII Hnlurduy*.

Vti.atlnii durliiK July and AUJCIII-I. Appllen. lion fiir ailminnl.nl, Sent. 1*1 iv In) made In portion till .Inly l-t; fniui .'ulv lnlto AUKUHI 17, dy letU-r only, hulldlnic el.m.'.l. Anirutl 17 till Sept. I-t, tho principal will lie Inattemlnnce dally




Insurance Agency.

mcH|ueiiri' ul the tmo ol

YEAR 1822,

i r.uue llieri'iu' •oeiue.l lo die awny. But Hi it

Old people living in tliat flection lo-d.iy, wti

iemln'1' the laMO Of

THE TONIC Ao they called it. Thia receipt ««1 wille.1 bj the

owutr W a daiuhler and her children, aud tho

original r.ieei|H. dnlcd H abott, In in OZlafctMfl

■YON whieh in niailK

Staiinard's Vegetable anil Herb Tonic.


KKI'KKaKST TDK nu.i.'iv

COMPANIES Incorporated- A a iota.

Prantlln, of rhiia.. I'n., iro #a,'>oo,7if) PennnylvHnla. of i'enna., ItMfl 1,360,690 Qermait, American, N. V. JUT* 1.04H, Weatclioator, New Vork, 1«17 (1-11,-n-.-.

M07.aS7 103, ~ li,:'

HOWLANI), I). D. DENTAL .-ii:i.ki.N,

\ -tn.-i, Ijiwrei in _\ ■ I ■-(«-«-!■. 1.

aa, H'.Hii-;- and

A H. GLIDDKN, DRUGGIST.—P-W /\m llriiica and ClH-inlealH, Patent Uislkinoa,

t Artlek'rt, I'eriuniery, HIHOIIR'H, Hruahiin,

II. C. Itacon.

a the place to get your Wor ini liomla, 1'atternii and Vaeny

Oda, Viinkea Notion*. Ac. ill Y.-,-\ si. i> i

1 liealom In Koal K»Ule. tidier

2-W KHHKX STKKBT. 000. Maat.


'Plain mud llimiillir 1'aprr llnn(h.k ml Fainting. No. 341 Common ntrrt't, fnnurrly ■ii]iled Uy W. P, HotiUi, .lr. inayiflly

CtOLBUBN BRO'8,—DA1CY PAPERS, yciiromoB, KngravingH, I'l'rirallcala, stationery,

Kiincy ti.HMl*. Pletrnvn Krnin.il at abort noUeo. " Ml BattX StreoL

tlYBUS WILLIAMS, Hanufbcturer ol J and dealer in »a*li, lloort anil llllnilt, Win

and Door r'raniea. All kind* llouae KinUh. .■ii-- Itn -I'm A Mnine H. It. PaaHenp'r I>epol.

C1. u. J tlona


DR. J. II. K1DDER, DENTAL SUK- UKIIS, So. >71 KSMIX stm't, lAwroace,

liven, aa pre


;li'.i KIWI ST., I.IWIWUI, alaaa. Orer Dyer Jt Cu't.

DECKER ft WHITTIEK, GBOCE Crockery and (ibaa Ware. Mrhilv , ...

Uoffoea, Hpleeii ami chnieeat Tea*. The liesl.Inirinn of ltultor and CIHHMC. :#i Amuiihiiry Street.

D W. LORD, Solo AgUllt M VI II

Queen, A in, Tien

UM, gold, I1D.0O0.QQQ Hraneh, 1,808,675

UN, gold, linn

Imperial, Aiiini, mi 11 ranch,

ttt:l I'.wri ttrtct, a KurSCTly P.O. Ho:

I, E S T A T E II"'


0,000.000 904,407



IK flmin:\ VII.I,A<1K.

Dwelling llnuae. noarly new, nituat.il on Ue.irge ctreeL Iriil contaiua ;WMW hvl; houae it by 40, two utoriea, (\i ith l.:i>. nienl Under part nl the aMinel eouUinnig III romiiH, nil lliilahcd, paint-

il and hllndiil. On the preiulsea a clHlrrn of *oll waler.and a never ling well. I.oeatl.m c.enlnil,

d rery dcalrahh r. le. low, lerma BMJT. Also, Ilntiae anil I.'ot nltiiaW on lllg'i ntreet

l.ot containing HOWI I'ITC llouao ha" IS room*, two Rtorien, palnloil and hlimle.1. Thin jirnuerly 1H altuabal In a very .lealnil.le Im'iility, ajnl ejin he 1 HInght at a liargaiu.

Also, aevcral central ami ilexiruliie Iliuiao l.nt-. A FARM ultuatoil in SALEM, N. II., alwut one

_iile IVom Salem Di-|i.it,cniilninlng MS WTIW land, aiiilalily divided int.. tillnce, |,;i-.lniingatid WIMM! land. H»i '"i'l« at leaaU Kriiil-iipplna, giaiieH and eurranta. A prime working IJraiillr I.rila;e

*— atin1cH,4'il.yW; I- 3H



n. M. naajara1 Law (Utter,

Near Town HOIIHO, Mtthiion. alaia.

Upon pi 1 ■ "in. who have been long H

what il.ey tonn, and what la calliil I




■1 ni oppnaile the terniiniiN of the horae railroad, carH leaving lor l.awrenrc every lltleen minuter. WehariiiuieaiTeiil Hpleii'li.l laud, gmilrd, felli-o.1 and under a high atati' or i-ulllvntlon, on which aro rhoire applis |iear and ehorry treoa, grape vlnea and mutll rruiu; a linn ntalile ami drat ehiM. .Irt'elliiiM I..111-,'. "Ilii- .--I .re 1 , in,, h.iini. Hteil.1 of Mrn. AK11I. K.mliall, .eutnilly and beau tlt'ulty ulltiatoil, Ju-l a step 1W1111 llrnadway; It* excelWt railroad la.-illlie-. ^:irtin« for Ijiwn'nee every nfleen minnlea. It \\n* the home nf Ihe Ute Klmliall Ulranon, Emp An acre nf cxeeltmil laud in 0110 wu.uare, high aeenerv, retired IVom uolae and duil: eveivthlng II1H.HI auggoalive ol home with all it* eomrurtw. Iloiiwo and atnble built In the in.ii-t Ih.n nuyh iniiiiner, ami In I'erfeel condition. Ill short, one ol" the licet -itlllllluli ' Melhiiru. Splendid HCIIIHII adviintageii; cjiurr.liOH and a thriving huslueaH eommiii T.-ruiri e:iHV, nn.l price low. Aildreaw

llliapIT PKDKICK ft CLOSHON, l.awromu', Ma.




■ in -i.li-i to diacharge

Inly lothe puhlie?

THIS TONIC May now in had, whole Male and retail, of II. M.

Whitney ft Co., druKgiot*, corner or Eitev ami

Lawrence Stroetn. AUo for nalo by A. R. i.lnl

dun, (loo. II. ChlrkerinK nnd other dmmlwta.

alao by Daeker ft Whitller, John Kuatell, Dean

A llaaolllne, Cnflln A Ueaerre, ami other griMier*

in Lawrence; and in Mellmen by 8. II. Harrl*,

Jr., and c.i'H.- ft rHevent, .liuKwi-l", anil by II.

O. Wohater. All ordort Tor



E» DE RINZY ft BROTHER, Ladle*'and it Uent'a Cuntom Knot and Shoe Hakert, IW

K ■ -. -. - 11 .-.1.. All kinda ol' ready made llootn and Shoo* euiiitfaiiitly on hand ami very elieapi


Vnlie, 307 Kaaex Street, corner ol Lawroaoe. Keaidi-ace, IW Coneonl SlrecL

Puat 1 Mli.-e 11 In, k.


Portrait* and l.aiidwcaiK lIK't. K.-KK.\ ST., LAWKBHCK.


C3 10.0. CHOSS—Methanlcal Draughtti- __I man, PaUerri and Model Maker, at ~

r Merrlmack Iron

I.iniii'ilv at Mr*. J. . tnoxV. Millinery ami li,m\ g,-Hl«. Stamping |H'i:ially.Mailaino r'oy'a curwcU. SIOEaaea street.

HM. WHITNEY ft CO., ApotliocariM, • corner Ewaei and Lawrence HL—Truaaea,

Ith ItuKl.ee A Mack, SO) Eawoa atroat. Law rence, Maaa. aprHIUm.

HE. IIARNAUD, UPHOLSTERER ami t Cabinet Maker.—Hepairbur, Luyiiig Car-

lieta, and Curtuln Work. Mayhew'a PaU-nt Win- dow Heroenriap|ill«»l at Hhorlniiliee. llJaekaon at.

JOSEPH FLOOD ft CO., MERC1 ■nn.iiic. Chatnbera, I,I and a Hauiii

New lllmk, E-*ex StrooL tlwler the Inn liaUi aupervi*ionorj<ia. KUHIII, (bUe8ava|eA KIIHHI.)

T M. IIORNB, Physician and Surgeon.

Office and Reiidenco 271 CiMi Straet.

THF.AMERICAN lilted iiilotlie btgll ptftOH flff rtfllvlty And

. ami one who stixul (iff

Tho Story of ihe Essex Junto.

L. STRATTON, BOOKSELLER and stationer, Account Book Manufacturer.—

Paper Hanging*, Window Shn.li-*, Newi etc. lil l'..-1-i til. lliuii.li Htore, I ip. "'

J0UI8 WKIL, Dialer In Ready-Made J 1 l.itlmiK, Cent-' KuraiHblng ilooalt, Hale,

Cap*, Trunk*, Valines, Umbrella*, Ac, No. 1K.1 KHHRX STKKKT, Lawrence, Mate. ^ Janlltf

XheBoaton "CommercUiI BolUHn'* has been piaci'd in poMCBolon ofibo following •joootBtof ttw on-nii'iiiiiimii l'.satx Junto, what II was and who «-OIII|K»W d It. The iii-eiiiiiii ia mainly preparr-il from upamphlet bound III iHMirds', prlnu-d In New liuryporl in lliii smie In 1817, and pybllsliiii by William B. Allen ft Co., tiwiiof lUatplaoo. It la entitled ' Exlrtuls froin the juiinial ofMaralial Smilt. adilrtaMed to * Iricodi Uow Otouiuni uml ly WhumTntUtiatol l» n„c a tfnUJert <•/ Ku'iiiiry" nnd lo II.U title la appended the qaoUtloa "Tltese me not the forROrlea i>r jealousy."*

The volume hits n worn and Imllert'd look, and the several nawies upon tin fly- leaves denote that it bus paxsed ihronith aacrtatof hands. The piper l» l>r the nooreat di'seriptlon, nnd Ihe whole ROt-Op of the, work Indicate llial tbeartoilioiik- niakluR was In it« Infancy In Anwrtc* In Ihuac days.

But It is not with Hie outward look of the Iwok, nor with the niiiU'\iaN or which It ll composed, that WO h»<0 10 do. 1» the course of his travels in America, mid no- tably In New England, tlitvninrrdialflatted many places of Interest, and made the a.-,|ii;iiiit:uie.- of many people of note. He was surprlaed and delighted to llud thai HO much had been donu In a. eounlry so new, and although he doea not full to crltlcho Inaome matters, he is more lhan generous III Ida pralwe where pruine Is due.

waa during his stay in Essex County, and more especially In Kalein, that the Marshal, who aawma to have been everywhere enterlaluetl with the greatest civility and distinction by the heat people, made innulrles concerning the famous

Essex Junto," of which he had heard he- fore he left Europe, ami concerning which he scums to have entertained views altogether erroneous. Eluding this to lie the cane, and anxious that others, especi- ally his friends abroad with whom he was In correspondence, should he set right In the matter, he was al pains to asreilnin not only the objects and purposes of the "Junto," hut some lending po'"1* In'the llres and public -services of those who composed It. These he carefully noted down 111 his journal, which seems to have been In the fonri of letters, either to his family or some Intimate mend, and from which the following extracts ure taken i

"Yon requested me lo give you the his- tory and character of that political corps 'Hie Essex Junto,'whose name has been In the National Assembly, and from the milliner they were spoken or, we supposed they were our deadly enemies, ami the unwavering friends to oar great rival. I expected In this celebrated county of Es- sex, to have found a class or order of men ornamented by stars and'garters, or some other Imperial insignia, which would have proudly lold the world Hint they were members of 'this Junto.' men, whose haughty demeanor would leave no doubts on the minds of travellers, thai IhefiilidiT- meulal principle of Ibeir order was 11 emu promise of per|velual hatred to Re- publics, and eternal friendship to klugi 1 rcnll.v th mulil lo Hud men who wolil openly and boldly declare that their emu try would never be prosperous, or hold n rank among the nations of the earth, un- til they hail presented some nsjilrlug statesman or ambitious soldier with n crown and sceptre, and Instituted nu order of nobility. You will deem it Wonderful when I declare to you on my honor, that after the most scrupulous enquiry n-eoiig politlcans, men-bant*, farmers, arll/.ans and lawyers In the palace, ami In tbe cot- tage, In their private circles, and public places. In town, village nnd country, that no auch order did exist. Tbe whole story of this famous order is entirely false. These people arc the most quiet aud gentle I ever saw. There lire more, men In Essex who sup at home like hoiicsl cltlzeus, say their prayers like Christians, and goto bill and sleep undisturbed by the dreams of power, or the n-sllessness aud agonies of ambition, than in any other place in the ctvilUcd world. But you will ask how came this shallow. If no substance ever existed? How came tills name, If no order was ever formed? I will answer I From the beet Information I could obtain, and every source was open to me, that the origin of the name 'Essex Junto'was this:—During the revolution there Bred in thin County of Essux, many eullghled and firm statesmen, who wen- let vent and sincere in their attachments to. tbe cause of liberty, patriots without ■■ lai 11 'ir iv|ini:n-li; hut who feared that Un- people of thls'couijlry after ,tbe "tniffgli for Independence wan-over, would be re miss and backwanlln foruilng good eon stltutlons ami making wholesome laws for the trunc|ullltyand prospctjty or the country. These sound politicians fre- quently saw each other, and cxpressei their fears and anxieties, and of coursi were constantly suggesting among them selves some hlo!* aud plans to proven anticipated evil.

Among Ihe numb conspicuous was.


lie wti.1-1 ilterally educated, and after lea lug the university lu 1740. setlled as men limit lit Ncwburyport, his Mrthplaci Assisted by his father's opulence, and early couiiucU'd with ■ lndy of coiiside able fortune, he was soon known for the variety, extent, and success of his bust* lies*. At tb<- eiimmencemeiit of Hie revo- lution be was foremost aiiiongthe sons of liberty, aud staked his fortune, his pros. peels, his fame, and life on Ibe event of ihe contest. At this time all who were able fitted out privateers; ami Tracy's were among the most HUiressful. While fortune seemed dajly pouring her showers nl' gold upon his head, he un* actively en- gaged In dlfTnsIiig It for the good of the ciiininunlty. He made large advances. In Elothlllg nnd munitions of war, for the ar- mies then just organizing, uncertain If the Congress, collected and held together by political necessity, would ever be aide lo pay htm a farthing. At this crisis his houses were thronged by men of letters, Officers, naval and military, merchants, foreigners, and stnlesnieu. Every one was found around him who could bring pen, tongue, sword, wealth or lutluence

iuiscol'llhertv and Independence. Undo of his ciiinmi-rclal rela-

tions, his piitrlol icsaci lllees lu ihe cause fhls country, the inunlili-i-nceand hospi-

tality of his establishments, his patronage deserving Individuals, threw nrouud

him a Mcdicciin sph-mlnr which attracted ■ ga/.c and reached the hearts of citii-.cn 1st ranger. Such n man, and tho nee- dly for such an one, Will never, probably,

aguln occur In tills) country. Hut the sun whose beams were so gorgeous, and waked into life and notion such a busy cre- ation, was soon to siiil'er nu eclipse, and

forever shorn ofits original brightness. ,c British, who were mortified and ted at losing so much valuable property American cruisers, made such eSbru

toward* the close or the war, that most of the American armed vessels nnd merchant- men were swepl from the ocean. The days or adversity began now to thicken, in his calender, as rapidly as the days of prosperlly nllce did; and misfortune fol- lowed mlsrnrimic, until 1781 found him iu-

>d beyoud like hope of redemption, and he retired ui n country scat, avoided

rid, niitl In a flaw years fell a victim or sensibility. The man who did so much good, nnd at such n period, freely and heartily, meritsol'his country | splendid monument and an ample page In lier annals. Ills younger brother, John Tracy, Esq., lately deceased, his partner in business ami coadjutor hi very patriotic labor In bis prosperity, was a man of edu- cation, excellent dlspnsltl and gentle- manly mnnnt'rs.


IWI native or Newhiiryihirt, and lived until he was elgblv-foiii'years old; with u gift of line natural Inleuls. n cousjdcrahle ■hare of Improvement, a genteel person,

i. M. POOLE, M. I>., after lit) * lieoe» a ful practice in Obwlotrloi and

llseaae* of women :unl < l.iMicn, uiTera horaervlcea 1* Madlaou St., Ni'winii-) pin i. the puhlie.



C.llll'li'i i dei bland nnd concilia torv lnntiin public III'.', ces, for a I

Mill, Hli.r ict for

I! ■ -i I I.I l: . lunging* ami Window Minnie*.

rieliiro Krumiiig and b.iokliln.ling done at ■hint j:ts ESSK.V STSKKT. apriuiiyr

DOINT'T! Don"! Iietltate a moment, hut tern .,- nin acliire and wale ol'which in pmdlahly to eniploy your iiuplu ami itlreeliun* |'ur mnunfa.

. irwarded upnu ri<eelpli,f ilily eenl ilicliiwlllg wLlinp nr .lire, led ,'iuelope, M. .1. M in,, i i. Nearlui, yporl. Mi Hnv

M hull'- ll'1

. Whilaey AIM

Staimard, who I*

nl retail, can h

]0q Lawrence,

;>.|.|| e- I to II.

ill.-, in in .1- II-

■l.l|.e, M. Irlltttlmi


EGGS FOR HATCHING from all the boat breeds of Poultry.

l-'nwli. for title in tli.'ii- mnitim. Whltt Leghorni a IPKCIALTT.


No. 4 Broadway, South Lawrence.


A very detlrablo retldenee on Winter 81, The modem two atory liouwr, owned by the

late -Mr*. Wc-tmi, adjoining ihe ottuto nl Natn'l.

M. ii.ii i.., K-. [., IH niie: ri! for I in ni oil i ate aale, lo

close the en tale. The houwo la Uuu-oughly built,

containing eleven roamw; lias a good celtar,

plenty of ahed nMiin; well of excellent water,

fslllnf. Tbe lot Isil hy M feet, wltli n

Dumber of Irult Iroea, vlnet and whruhbery. Cen.

trolly located, within a few hundred feet of »..-- I Maine Deiiot, and convenient to Pacilk

Mill*, offerlngan admirable opportunity n> »eei.r. a den I rali le plaue, which mint always incrcnw(

■i i ... i m -■, ami proprietor at

TRIAL BOTTLES HI Hi.- I mi.- Hie l.e all pei-'.nm who are at s

In ne,.| of IIUVIIIK ih, ii ;in-.iini' tuiproved, hy call-




'wl ould re*pectl'uI(y Inviteatuailli

.-I*, lo which 1

pal.l U


l.i. Imei ■■ Of WOO ling Turbine Wal

HAMMER FALLINO STOCKS, Fulllog i, Hotly Wa-hcrK, ShaiUnf, Kegulab.ra, flye Tub*. Ac. K. N. HAIlftlS. WO broad

way l,n« n nee, Hati. Dlrcrtoraml .Selling Agent,

, DENTAL 5« OFKICK, 417 K*«ei Street, (FalrDehl't new

k), Lawrence, tin*, Chlornfomi or Ether a an preferreit, for the ei u iieii.ni of tooth.

rpTjT^UKIMIY, MANUFACTURER JL • ami Dealer in lhsitu sins-* and Knblwrt, of

every deeirablu Style and quality. SOU Kttex St., Lawrence.


THOR. 1,KYI.AND, Dry Goods, SSI Es ■ex street Kull Value, fair Healing, " S.

U.Hiiua hi and 17, Lawrence, Matt. J. K.TAHUOX. (J. K. lisiooa.

1MP0RTANTTO COMMERCIAL ■rit»\ i,1.1,nt.

Commercial Travebira who aoliclt ordert by Caril, Catalogue, Traile-l.l-t, Sample or other Kpochuen, alto thunc who vl*lt their cuttoinem and aoliclt trade hy punhanet made direct frnui ttm-k, and who travel In any twllon, hy rail or boat, telling any ctatt or gisslt, are mpicated hi aenil Uieir ituainett and frlvatu Aildru*t, aa lie- low, tutting clatt of good* they tell, anil by whom employed; nltollioae who aru at pretent under no engagement Thlt matter It of great importance individually to talemnen of thlt elhi or men tollritlnr trail" In thlt manner. U therefore etpeclally iletlreil that

with above roquett will be CosrtnsNTtAi.i.v trealol aud duly tdvlneil of olileet In view. Pirate adilrr**, (by letter only), i'n OI-KK ITIOS,

rare Uoo. r. Uowell A lio., 411'ark Howe, New York city.


WHITFOHD k RICE, JEWELLERS, dealers In Taper, Stationery, l'a|>er Hang

tngt, Window Shade* ami Shade futures; ltlaak HiMik Mnnufaeturert. *« Kttci St., l^wrenr*.

WM. STUART A CO., w..ii-,\ -n.i-i. Iiyi

" "kln.lt of Mlyoil anil put In marketali

Essex Dye f l*ioc*lJootl«,

.loh nyebig. Ua-


117 KaMI Street Klmliall, W.F. Klmbsll.

,1.1AM RUSSELL A SON, Uanufaelurort nf

BOOK, NEWS, AND MANILLA I'AI'l Canal Street, lower end.


vv F. A J. S. GILE, tArroKKKTB and CoiisaxLtxiaa AT LAW,

SIU Kttei atr.s-t. I A 11 t Cllll.ll'.

WHITE A BELL, Attorneys at Law, Nntery Puhih, and I,omuiltttoners for

" Iii 1S70, they moved the people ol this commonwealth, a* this department or canton Is called, to form a constitution, which is the same they now live under. This cousill nil,ui Is guarded by the most

rupulous caution against every partial- ity for royalty. An abjuration, renuncia- tion and denial of every kindred feeling, affection nr allegiance to Great Hrlluln, or any Principalities, Potentates, or Tow- ers must be repeated In the form of no oath, hy every one who holds an oftloc un- der It. This does wit look like a longing after royalty; no It Is the very jealousy ofrepnhllcanl*m." At nlnterperlod, when the people throughout this wide extended country, embracing many Slates or de- partments, all governing themselves, lint feeling the necessity of some general head to obtain national power, dignity and glory these enlightened men were prepared lo sketch and defend a form of government adapted to the wanta and tastes of the American people. They had companal at home their own views and brought, them to harmonize. Those who hail only crude notions of i restraint* by constitutions and laws, liolsterouMly attacked everything mature and wholesome that was offerer to the public. These demagogue* seven- ty felt tho Influence of HUch talents nml character as was then laboring for thou* good, and thought to destroy the Influence by making them suspected.—The associa- tion of a lew to preserve ihclr liberties, was represented as the combination of mauy to destroy them: and some one lu sn evil honr baptised these patstot*—'The EaaexJnnto." This was a powcrftd watch- word In tbe mouths of those who WIHIICII

for no law or order; for It alarmed the timid, the Jealous, and tbe Ignorunt, nml the name was made to represent all that was liatefnl In aristocracy and monarchy These friends of their country struggled on until a constitution and law* were made and In operation, In defiance of ob- loquy ami opposition. No man at this day unluflueuced by party madness, but vener- ates the few revolutionary statesmen now living, and honors the memory of the dead; and In the pride of hi* heart boost* or Hum a* bis countrymen, and acknowl- edges they were beacon lights In the night of anarchy, ami llrm pillars In the temple of freedom, when the storm had gone by. This oppcohrlous epithet continues, be- cause, many onllnary men have come into power and Influence and are willing to take the aspersions heaped OH better men, who have gone before them, thinking thereby to show their glory; and proceed most gravely to Imitate them wiUtotit un- derstanding their motives or characters. These men are furious, because, tho pa- triots of 177(1 wefo xealous; obstinate, where they were llrm, and pertinacious, where they were flxod. When the occn- alon which calls forth the energies of great men Is passed, they retire, for those t hev have served are frequently forgetful! f not ungrateful; andInoffenslvumediocrity supported by wealth and counectloiis, Is

1 many Important olll ig series of yearn, with honor

to himself and advantage to his country. He understood better then most other men the Signs of the limes, anil knew precise- ly when to inh knee and when lo retreat, what the people would bear nnd whon they would become native, Heusedsuch gentlo and delicate persuasions lo over- come his opponents, and lo cheer bin friends, thnt the populace gave him the appellation of 'Winr foiij/wr.*

"In troublesome (lines he was associat- ed with those great luminaries, i'arson* and Cabot, mid what they projected his address and perseverance carried into enVct. In every 'storm >.f sfafe* he was seen on the blllowslu a political life boat, pouring oil on Ihe waves to calm their rage, and dexterously managing to gain 'Ihr point prapotHl'

"Literary men of nil nations are most- ly on flic side of liberty. The clergy or New England were mmmg file tlrsl to spurn nt the lyrunny of the mother conn- try. Prom their piety, learning, ami «r- fi-ctlomtte attention lo their Hocks, their Influence was unbounded. When the country culled for soldiers forlhelrarmles these good men moulded the pulpit ami preached the ranks full.

"The bards who cursed Edward and his race might have been more poetical hut not more nulmated and sincere llnm these VirtaotM pastors In breathing tin- wrath of heaven on George and his Pro- mler, I/onl North.

"Many men or the llrst Intelligence and Integrity, amongthedivlnes of that day, labored to temper this zeal and to keep the tiamu from wasting by expiring from disappointment. Among Ihe number whose ami tees nawmm (•• fctwwWj**, and whose enthusiasm was regulated by prudence was the

BnV, TflOMU OAirv

of Nuwliuryporl, nu accomplished sobola a sound 1 licnloglaii. a man of asiisccptlbl, heart, or refined nml social reelings, a gentleman of cosy nml digulllc I manners,

mingled familiarly wilh the world, but who on all proper occasions knew and felt Ihe spirit of ihe maxim.'.W.if/itirf-

,ii atSttM t'jH'xtolntitm.' Supremely al- lied (0 his profession, and alive lo alt duties, he rejoiced with tho fortunate

and wept with ihe hi the bed of tho dying he

plained the hoprs of i be gospel, mid taught ibeli- souls lo feel that I

if God tn./ii.'m-Kn,/ iiwt'ft'iwluiii. Mbuflcal 'iiicsilous of doubt

dllllciilty, hu was conjultod by Ills hi- lor in addition to i he was accurately

acquainted wllb flu-lilslory and govern- ment of the ill n IT Ins In New Eimhiud subject of lomuioii law drawn from <

il usages since the ilr*t settlement of Hiiscountry

"He cherished Ihe remembrance of Ibe hanly virtues, and gleaned every histori- an! fact of tbe miyhttj i/. Wor his country, with the warmth of the patriot, nml Ihe pcrservornnce of an antiquary. Bnl he ha* rested from his labors and found it more competent eulogist lu his enlightened suc- cessor than can he expected from the passing traveller, who only ventures in ■Imp his humble spring of cassia on the grave of genius and virtue, ns he lingers among the lombs of departed worth.


was a unlive of Boston, hut early In life settled its a merchant, spent his niosl eill- rloiit days, reared his children In New- hnryport; Hid was before, during, nml nftcr the revolution, nu Essex man. Ills understanding hud reached Its inaturlly, and his rcpiltullim was well established In 1775, when Unit bright and glorious galaxy oT Essex patrlols spanned the po- litical hemisphere, shedding lustre on ittcb other, and lighted i lie way to lode-

penile me. and the blessings of a free gov riinient. '•In these times ot cennuhisL his pre-

isloii and arrangement in public and a private affairs, served ns an example In many proceedings which otherwise would have been loose and Irregular, from Ignor- ance of the value of form nnd method. Several or the lomluou* imitiirai tracts which at that lime came anonymously lo Hie world, were satisfactorily traced to his pen, and were acknowledged hy nil to be full of praotlcal good sense nnd re- publican principles, I'roin the constant exercise or thatpolltcuesn which 1* "arm- ed of courtesy, philanthropy, and dcHcn of taste, he was uniformly considered tho '.ii-Mhr KtfoaMioruid In tbe refined

:tely In which lie moved) and inde inccrcly atfeclhiitate and elegant

manners attract the notice ami command the respect ami admiration of every grade of men lu tlm community.

'•Several years before his death Mr. Jackson mured to liusitm swum] of- llcesof rcsponslhliliv and honor In Ihi commonwealth."


was another of Hies.- Dim and well prlu clpk-d patriots, who, srllbout ambltlou oi

exiiectatlon of personal nggrandlzmcnt pressed fiirward In the struggle fiir Inde- pendence, and volunteered his service*, nnd risked his tire and property, to bring munitions of war from tin-French West Indln Islands, when tbe colonies were al- most destitute or these article*; with this dinil nit mission he sailed, and performed Hie voyage with despatch and success Active and Influential, be was always at hi* post; whether wanted a* one of the committee of safety, or corps.if protec- tion. Ills commercial business was ex- tensive, ami from change of times fre- lucntly embarrassed, ami perplexing; but ids course was uniform, open, anil upright full of justice, gentleness and geneiosity. He had seen much of the world, and uu- dorstood the motive* nnd feelings, which govern the great mass of mankind; hut no disappointment, mortlllcatlon or vll laluy, he experienced, ever gave his tem- per the slightest Huge of mlsanthropv; hut only increased hi* exertions to make men more honest, Intelligent, ami relig- ions. His example In society was beyond all price, for be added the liberal feelings and delicate manners of the accomplished gentleman, to the purity or the most ex- act moralist, and the tender conscience or Ihe Christian disciple. Ills virtues seem- ed to create an nimoaphcrc of holiness .round him, for at his appmach ribaldry hrank abashed, and and blasphemy was liiiuh; entered by Ids smile poverty for-

got his wants, and In his presence despair fell a pulsation of hope. l'rovldeiice lo kindness continued this philanthropist and Christian until near eighty years old a* a reproof to all selfishness, and an example of every virtue under heaven.

-From hi* cradle. Ho wat a scholar, ami a ripe ami good one; Kxccedhig wine, fair tpnliou and pertuailing."

MON. SAMI-Kl. I'll 1 I 1 I i .

roe a native of Andovcr, In tbl* County, and had just left Ids college walls as the revolution commenced; hut at that time or lift he exhibited such maturity of mind ami so ninth decision of character, that

people of that large and important ag- ricultural town solicited him to take n lead in public affairs which he did with such wisdom and prudence ns to fully jus- tify Ihclr confidence. He was olio of those rare men who an solwr lu child-

I nnd grave hi youth; and In posse*- of Mire natural talents, rapidly Im-

fCil them by method and economy of time. Scarcely bud the |H'aeu been won

ml Independence secured, when l'hllllps lib his father and uncle, penetrated with

a decji sense of Ihe Iniportnuce of a gen- eral intrusion of knowledge and virtue, to make liberty a blessing, appropriated n ,'onshlerable portion of their property to ihe encouragement of learning, morals, and piety, and established that excelleut

Inury in Andovcr, which liears their name. To hring-tlds Institution to pro-

ne the great ends the patrons had lu i-w, was the prime I a r his life. Mr.

Phillips was hi public life, Ironi the earl I- ■st stags of manhood; and filled tliu of- Ices of representative, seimtor, judge,

and trustee ami patrou of almost urery valuuble institution In New England; but notwithstanding all these public employ-

its he enjoyed much of private life, lu which he exercised nil the social ami do-

ne virtues, lu every pursuit ho was distinguished lor promptness, punctuality ami prucl)cal good sense, and hi* short life, hy order, exactness and method, was filled With Incredible at trill Ions in bust,

i. As an omlor be was In tho llrst grade of eminence; his s|»ccchcs were lear, concise, logical, direct, mid nervous,

but bo made no effort to umuse the fancy, and never aurlflced anything U» mere rhetoric.

Ills compositions were written lu u style of elegant severity, modelled on Dial of Sallust, full of accuracy, strength, kind precision. He possessed a constitution naturally good, but exhausted aud woni out hy unrenilttod toils .-.ud lals.rs for tbe good Of maiikiud; he explreu at the pre- mature age or llfly-oue, lu the olllce of l.icui. Governor of Massachusetts; loved, mourned, and honored hy the wise, good, ami patriotic."



I foe 7'Ac WWW* UrnpUi.- |

* Riilbir. ii. li twanged h

And then, behind the |

tlrrt. bed out

sing". Ill ll:.|i

innl *ing^. and ting*. 1 all her M.uinlul w lug.

I know not what the Hong may Is-, ttm of the in,:,-, i ii i., I know : ,- .-nine ii ..in far armaa tlie tea, Where only Iwhny hrocio* blow —

The *unay laud ol Italy, That never chills with Winter'a *now- Many and many year*ago.

Aero** Hie apace ll reache* BJM1 Through all Uio hu.h o| fading light,

i .....i.ji.■.. 11u ttroich or awowy hw. Ami Uiwarda Uie lieaveut, *Ur Isslighl,

ll swell-. It swell*, the mclodi An ..I I li ..,,:. .1 ll-.K

What matter hand rontrol* Uie ItrlSIBf Mure, hit old Ungert cannot play

1 '" ■ in..1. lil, n-J.i.lv ih.n HIIL'..

The alarlled lull* of nirinory ; I- vice la mil I lie mice lliat'-nn; .; lie is away, away, away. In r.tomlleti, tunny Italy.

mark now uie n-n.ler i.ntlio* ring* - lie hlnnd* Is'iiealh the *ky he love*!

Hack to hi* laud, on memory'* wing* AI homo hi Ida own rtlnm groyea, Treading again the paUia IK- love* I

Ak'aln he





Tuo fattett mile ever trotted wai made by Ooldtmltb Maid al Bast Maelnaw. Michigan, on Thursday, her lime Isdng 2-lu. The race wat tor a special uum- of Sj.iNKJ, divided as followt; flfiOll to the flot, gl ..rial to tin- tceond and 91,000 to the hurte that liesl the fattett liuio on i.-e.nd. Guldtmlth Maid won three ttrslglit heal* In 2.19.1. -■"•i «"'' - "i, the only contest- ant ls-ing Jiiiljii' Kullertun. r*nllerton't time wsa -.'.'.'ol, LU, MS). Tho truck was in ■plen- dld condition. It It one mile and three feet In length. Klgbt thousand people were pretent,

Msey Rnbinaon, flteat agent ol the Panama Railroad Company, has been nircMcd In New York on n charge of appropriating the company '* funds to a large amount. A discrepancy of nearly SlOU.taM wai found In bit u,.- mui-. nml il it alto charged that lie hat appropriated lo hlniaelftlio premium on gold reivlved by him over tllver, paying off his men In Ihe latter coin ; Slttl that lu- line.I lin II l.il- Micillen ,.in|i.il ■. r. than Ibst charged againtt tbe com puny. Rob- Inaun aaya that the discrepancy it Hie fault of hit bookkeeper.

The UnlvortUy race at Saratoga yesterday again laile.: to take place, owing to Uie same CSIISO that prevented It on tho previous day—a high wind ind a rough lake. An attempt WON made lu rendezvous lu the latter part ol the afternoon, but before this wat ucrompllahcd It was too dark fur the race, which was according- ly p-ostconed mini 10 A. H. to-day. Hie foot races are postponed until this afternoon ami the regatta bolt unlit Monday evening.

Doaa Tweed, who baa complained of his quar- tern In the Peahenliary. will lo-day be removed ton more comtaisllous and couitortahlu cell. Tweed still performs the duties of orderly In the hospital, administering the medicine and assist- ing the doctors In rases that require aironlcrly's attendance. He reeds on prison fare, except that ho is oei-atlonalty tierniilted to purr li ate belter fit st, always sithin the prison regula- tions.

Tbe papers are lielng drawn up for legal sena- ratlon between Mr. and Mrs. Tilum. The resi- dence in Livingston street Is to lie given b> aim Tllton. and ihe children will also he placed in her custody. The separation will I* by mutual consent, tho details nl a divorce su|t, with all lit annoyances, will then-lore lie avoided.

Horses Ullls, Esq., furmertv clerk of tho In- dian Head House, Nashua, N. 11., allemptrd lo commit suicide by hanging at the residence of bis brother lu Hudson, yesterday. He has long Seen considered insane, and hail lately returned from Ibe asylum at Concord.

The Stale Fish Commissioner nut .tl.OlHI shad Into Ihe main Westlleld river on I'm-sdnv, and wilt put another .W.oMl Into the tenth hraneh of that stream. These, with the .ai.lsSi salmon dropped In a few weeks ago.wlll well Mock these rivers Kith small fry.

Bennlng W. Santsim, a prominent ein/eu and wealUiv mercbant ot Concord. N. IL, died very suddenly yesterday while ruling In his carriage mi the way to Ihcrlleld. Mr. Sanlswn was (11 years »r age, and uim-h respected lu Hie com- munity.

The llrand Lodge I. ". 0. Y. of Massacbu. setts will hold Its annual session at 11.1,1 Fellows Hall, Ilostnn, on the fitli ol August The Grand EncAmpuientwili hold iu annual session ihe day



Igaln In- lirealhr* Uie |H-rfumtsl air, Aguln Ix-holdi ihe ul.l iiiuu tky;

I mill, hi* eunirnde* gn-ellilm there; Joy elmkcs hi* song, b*ar* dim lit* eye

"IHi, basil to bright, to pji-e, MI fair, Tin verdure.! lull-, en, |,„HH ' ll Italy, my Italy!

"Long years have now Uieir ,, .n, ■ Sk-e how their lenglliene.1 *hn,|..w* Me

Noll.,.light ..hall ever,nil Iicncc, No ,,e,:in Btici.-I, i»|\t thee nml me;

Thy KM lie Is-wilder* every tense; I've wandered »li »<• loag ftina tliw, sly hessteoaa, blue tkled Italy I

"ll Joy 1 Joy | Ja.jrl to feel thv I or till I i.oii my hrow and in iDybrainl

Ami were my song a anng ofdealh load wouhl I wake the tad refialn I

II were such Sanaa at la-l to IHI I l,i-,.,-,l in thy loving arms again, ml feel Ihy ki.set tmotlwr me! My love, my love, my Italy t"

II, ■;■ 11„- -.,1.1 .. ...Allot the . i li..,-. ....

S>. more the song id Jov and peace. So mom Urn toug of Italy.

"I; eye-iMs-roul U|sm tile gloom, lliil„nlv ,lark m-a* do lane; know the Itearl I* In IU tomb That ■-,":: the song Sf Italy.

llKMIV W*.nD llKWHr-ll'* WllltK.- A vrlter In n tlilcago paper nays ol llunry Vnrd Heeclier: "It Is almost to lie re-

jretted that Mr. Hcecher Is so popular, so much loved) nnd so much sought after. If io could bo more of a renlnne. if he could ive morn slowly, there call hanlly hu a uestloii thai his work would last longer. 'lien; ure so many calls on hint now that a-Is compelled to write and *jH-ak nearly

at Hi ■ rate the writer scribble* when tbe printers an- calling for more 'copy.' A speech, an article, an editorial, a sermon are thrown off with such rapidity that there Is no Htm- to trim the rough edge. And this mini doc* un amazing deal of work, lie edits a largo weekly, contrib- uting Its principal editorials, writes for tlm Ififfer regularly, Is generally al work on some book, Is constantly speaking In public, nml preaches two sermons a week, which are the only ones heard lit these part* worthy of regular publication. Sev- eral divines have enjoyed the honor or published scrimm*, but only Henry Ward llt-eclier has managed to keep up the sup ply or matter worthy of the type-setter's attention A large publishing lionao live* almost entirely on his bruins."

William W. t'oburn, principal of the high *choolln Manchester, N. II., has been offered a salary of ftitooo to take charge of Hie high school at Springfield, Mass.

William Heyward, the vocalist, who was well-known throughout the country, died quite suddenly at Sydney, Cape llrcton, last week. He was n native of Manches- ter, N. IL, aud bis relatives reside there.

During the pan vear there were Post tllllee Deuartmoni lllS.SI.'i.aOtl tUmpcd envrlopet. through posUnastert, UIIIK an In- crease of al-.ai IKst.Uuu over till- pre.eillng year.

Mi n nil iv.

Nathan Isaacson SOS heefl arrested in Chlca- i, charged with thing the building that eaused

ibe in.- IHI July Mil,. Testimony was taki which j--. r- to show Hint ihe prisoner offered a peddler iiaiued WiM-fsoii SUM) totet Ihe house on fire . that tbe peddler had oncu made an uti- succesaful attempt in do so, aud thcHhoattrd he would have better success next lime. The hearing of ihu case bss been adjourned.

e body of hatv Mary Curran, the Mule girl who disappeared in Boston, March IHih l.i.-i, was found IHI Saturday in the cellar ofefll llr.iiulKity, the shop formerly tK-cuplcd hf

Pomeroy, and sp|iearaiiecs make it al- most certain that Jette I'omeroy, the alleged murderer ol the liitle Milieu Imy, was tbe child's murderer. Mrs. I'omcniy and her oili- er ami, Charles It., have Isten arrested.

On Saturday a collision ot express train* oc- curred on the Erie rallrtad, near Canascraga, N. X-. by which a baggnge-insster wat killed and several passengers injured, i Hi Ihe Helrolt Lansing and lake Michigan railroad, on Hie tame day, a train woa thrown from Ihe track hy tlm railing ot a burning tree. Six men were killed outright, and others fatally Injured.

Hate ball i At Chicago, on Natnnlay, Chiea- gn rt. Philadelphia, 3 In I ; al llnmklyn, MIL msl r*. Atlantic, 10 to 7; at HoStM, Miiliisl It, Active of South Weyniouiu, 111 to 7; Star is. 1 ■■:<■,■ I-j.ii 'i ti. ■■; !!■-. ■ r». i 'I.- !■■ , ■! Ul IH; at llockland, King Philip rt. Tremont, :il> Ui ll; at Uiwell, Lowell 10, Ciui, «; al Lynn, Live oaks vs. CUpper, mtoo.

At North Reading, mi Friday, while Mr. John 1 .ui tin wat sUcinptlng to gel upon a load of hay which was In motion, his foot slipped, throwing him under the wagnn, the Wheel! of which passed over bis bead, killing him Instant- ly. Ho wsa an unmarried man, and luinh re

Il la estimated that some WKsl people look passage on Saturday, from Now York, Tor l-.n rope. A large numUr of returning emigrants are Included, on account ot the low rates of Tare, which have timpped to Si:t and 814 lu the steerage. First class cabin Tare is ids., lower.

Tbe Uottou A Maine House, at Old Orchard Reach, was bin n, d last evening. The nelgldsir- Ing hoti-ls and other building* were seriously an* dangerrsl. The house and nirnlturc were val- n. d at -II.IHUI, Insurance ttOJiN), The lire is thoiiglit iii have is-eii Incendiary.

A contest Iwiween Lewlsum Knglne Compa- ny of laiwlskm, Me., and Llslam Engine Com- pany or Lisbon, iKCciirreil al Llslam, Saturday afternoon, for #100 on each side. The l<ewl*-

won, throwing a ImrlxonUil strenui 107 feet.

Advices from Kpnhi annomu-e that do have lieen issued deelsiing the couulry ill s slate id wige, MS pies trot lug the property of lbs Carlists, ami cresting s special reserve sf ISny noil men. Cuenes bat iiirrenilered to the Car


KKW YORK, Jii.v tuUi, tsTi.

<Vi'r. <jK.t,f,-ii,-, fftht Anurirnu.

ll I* rattier dlinoiirnging to the reformers lhat their Mayor tlmuld IH. .ueli a signal failure. Item the liour thai In- wat sworn into ofllrc Mayor llavemeyerhasibme nottilng hut give oSA-nee to all panic*. The men who ]>ul him In power are thoroughly disappointed and crestfallen, while hlsriiemies are o|snly irluinpliaul. Mr. Hsve- uieycr'a pr.is|MS-t* wen- nsillv very In IIIiJInt nl Ihe linn- when lie H a* Clinlrmau of Uie I'miniiiuee of TU, but now lie has cut hi* thronl, polilicidly s|s>aklug, and I* a dead man. There i* mure

IIITTKU rn.llMl AOATSaT nil. IIAVUMKVKK than tlien- was against I inker Hall, lor there was mi much eM'C'leil ol Lite l.iruier U hile af Uie lat- ter no one c\|.ccic.l auilhiug. ll I* Ur. Havc- meycr's utter ditn gani Mr any opinion hut Ills nw-H Uial IISH IHS'II hi* ruin; Is- ha* n grout deal ol Uenlian iil.stln.icv in Id* eniil|«"*ltion and does Juttatne pleat rt h-t lha cmistspjeneet Iw whill Ui.-\ may. Mi* n upiHiinUiicnl of ('hnrlicL ami (isntner, atu-r ther ks>< been eonTfcKsl of rasJ I'easance in ufllee mu tlie la*t straw on Ihe hark of tlm enduring camel. The puhlie opinion or Oliver Llvtrllrkls anything hut Haltering; UH-IV Is luirdly a dissenting voice, and where Ihoro It tu much simike iln-re la tore lo lw some Ure. lu Bivntolllu Mr. Chaillckf* anntln-r man. Now,

r. llsvemever has been on terms of tile rliweat InUinacy wlUi Mr. tkaiiiek f.ir over twrnly-Sre years. He aim In him the head of a rnntl deliglil- Ihl home, the adnre.1 father of a charming laiutlr. and he it disarimsl. Tlmse who know Mr. liitir lick outside of ]H,lilies are devohsl to him, for in his on a bouH-lliem It no more agreeable man, kind, generous nnd luispllnlde. Mr. llaveinever It one of Uuwe Who, knowing Mis so well under honie luflm-oeos, lias implleit faith and lliink* that Is-It a much iiijincd ami iiii-iiiiderstiMsl gentle-

It la vary well lor Mr. Ilavmaeyor to oil inlreklr. Chnrllek lu private, hut wls-n il comes to nu attempt 1<> make Us- puhlie than- hit admi- ration orlo MUI him ii|smu people who have every reason to hale linn, Uie mayor carries 111* friendship too far. No one think* Dial Mr. Ilavc- -leyer is dlalsuiesl; It is hi* dellauce of public


-, Sir Thoflia* ■!• Venn, Her

!r-,""'J»-"iuuslnlslbii isith IfadaV aK* ■rid. a


ful home, «yiaj-ehuril,Sat Qohl Spring, OH tm lliHlton, where sh.|„ wiwklnti with might am* main pn-parator) I.. Pf*da;-iiW nevtseaton ah IIKI nisiraa n her repertnifri "- ■ , . Uw IH-1 ellnrt* of the llshal. ''r*r!S Cong the oiiera* to tsr prodmisl. Is -Me- rrB^,^ , menlloncl. an- •'fihpinn," and anew ve*K™;,, r'l a I >iai nlo, ami many of the old favorite*. ^


nr Uie eonilni u-ason. It hit* long

rhnras la eooj|>oteil id Uie i two inni.li I■■ I II In, answer cult, nnd Uiey have In-en

■art few weeks, and will

American .. she di-"lred, I II I voice- i (si certain ailvertl-rme

lor USII workiag hard -■'•-, study un

111 the Pall. conUaiielo study unthMhe Must orgnnlsnllisi ol

: nupt-ht ' nod fretli, ami c

The volret nrs all young .II of .ml ii .■ talent dctlroin h>

l.ce.niic |H-rfcciisl iu Ihe art ■•■ music. ""

U>r nt to worship Ui.it make* hi* rule so thorough- ll olinnvi.uij. There is no i" ' ' tea that llovemor Itlx will

servcil the i-liar

'ii.-..- Is no don tit in political ■—" remove our Mnyo

, toeing that lie hot already .I:MIII-I him. lion. Ilenrv if.

lay. make rooin for a ts-UiT, toeing lual In- hatafrvud

. " irgee-_ ritehhiuga, preildenl of the Mci.arUmiitol' Parks,

III prohalily lie Urn Itepulilicaii nomtms- lor Mini", but nalett Un-re It tome eompnmilse msdii wlUi Tammany hit rim-tlon Is duuhlful. That warlike taclieni eoutroli two hundred and Ally thoiiaaud volet and It it almost unisistllde to overthrow him. Mr. SUiihiiu 1* I're* Wen I of the Arcadian 4iuh and I'lillhannonleSts-lely. ami tlaiult iu llie front rank* of puhlie aplritni im-n. The DrparlmriU m I'ark., since Mr. SL-hblnt has Iseen Its I* re* Men I, hu* IMS-U kept eleiirnl' politic*, although there 1* a tlrong eSort eonlinuallv Is-ing iiinde to drag It Into the |mlltienl arena. Hiieiik- Ing of Parks, what n wnmlerliil inns Mr. Preil. Law Ohiittead I* in Ida .pilot wily. To him we

and Its carrying oul; he built Prospect I'ark in thookhn, Fairmont I'ark at I'hilsdelpliin, I Moid Park In Italtlmore, ami many other*, and now lie hasgiUiediiWUt.iWaslihigl.nl In u.lorn lllrCnpl-

'■ Callfornhi tl gh

Brk would Is- nolhtng nntuns deslgneil by Ma in ■■(■.!. Mottaien when llinv Hud tlu-nitelrc*

in such demand carry tlieui-elves ni a wav Unit howa at once li„w uiiich llicy sppmiiile llsir

own Importance, hut Mr. illiu*lcd 1* aa tinniest - id unassuming a* llimuih he weien.rt so clever

man. lie Is a gn-at favorite In the Oepartmmt ' Park* n here hi. ta*le and judgment are ludii- 'iitlhle.

TDK * ATI UK urn -i . The deiuolitiouot tlie Nulhau Houte for busl-

lie»t pui|Mise* iiiul Ih, iliiilini; ,.| Ihe bloody tldrt hn> relived Urn rloiy of Ihe msriler in all lit hor- ror ami made It again llniople nl conversation. People *comcd In think lliat greaI secrets would !.,■ brought lo light by Us. shin, and are disnf polnu-d thai il ha- inn led to iiolhiiig. Ills said Uisl Us- rea-m that this IIOUMI IHI* SUHHI len- aiilleas time 11 order I* IHCIIIIM- Uie family ntkiil a higher rent Hum any oo( ■■■ii-.li.i pay; Uiat ini.-,- he true, hut it is eipially nn true that no one would live in lint it siistl. Al any rale the house i- Inang torn dnwii ami in,oilier building will soon I*- eiii-l.il no it* site. Al pres- ent all UH- h.'.iii- lorn away, which afford* tlio cm knit, and they are many, a good look into its Interior. One It sun'riscl at the eyeiHillngptaiu- iiisim tlie wall dn-orallim*. To Its turn Un- ci'llluirs In Un- parlor arc lii-scocd nml Ilk' wall* Iirctllty pnhileil, bul tin-re I* none of that rlihnets hatuue would es poet In to hands.,uie n houto.

The Init-nsiin* are very plainly pa pens], tho hall risim* partlciilsity. Hi* lui|M>*tUde to pats the place at any hour of the day without toeing

OIIOI'l-S Of IKOII.K I nuklMi KAliKlll.l from ae rot a ihe ,lni-t, as though they expected uy ciHi-tsiit wnU-hhig to Uud some elim to the bloody deed. One would hardly choose, a houae wlH're a inuriler had lieen cmnmUhsl for hi* 'mine, yet Uie llurdell Is-nso nu ll I street I* or. . ii|iled, and ul I even nlher house eelehrnli-d In tbe annala of erlme. Tlie horror of the Nathan murder still lives in Ihe public breast; llicrr was •ometlilnginsullarlv tragic In this case, and we douhl WlH-tliei UH- house would have been IHCII- plml had it stood a hundred years.

A *l. via'II I mi A I>I\M:II.

That iiarortuiisU- wnich whote butltM-ss eon- Hurt him to the .-In in mid slimmer, when all his family have tied, i.uced to Urn I hi* sustenance In restaurant* -Un»-s seeks to Wgulle the bili- umuf hit CAlth nee by during eviwi'iinrlilc His own .Ini. Is, of course, sure. IMmoiden Is tun-. lir.il, am tun- >■■ Is- gni*l, aud likely to Is: nip as slve. 11'he wishes to see how rentoualdc at lo prloe rettniirsnt living may lie made, Is- ,hs-» md, |ierlui|is, try Ihe cheap place mi KniirUi Avenue, ullhough the sign iHiard assures him of "The ts-st dinner lu New 1 oik lor twenty-live eeula." It may Is-, however lhat he uie*.the dingy, dusty, old llols'inlan Italhiu eating Imn.e on llnsnue slreel, wlnni- In- » III gel * e India do/en courtet liieludlng ennVe, for lllly ciiitt; not Inn I conking either, nml no stint. The t.uip tun-en wilt he Imiughl to him for him to help himself, as liberal- ly aa he plearo*; and he may have a yard of Prooch bread If he will, and on certain days plen- ty i,f Unite crisp, long jmlfeing itick* of Urn bread ol Italy, ii. in noon tlm heru of foreign gen- ii a moo

. WHO SIT IS Til Kill SIIIUT-SLKKVUI nnd dialler In iiiiknnwii i n . If so, nml If stilt in love wlUi Urn Italian, hu will probably wamler upslairt Into the Knurth Avenue Italian restaurant—llH! haunt or upper-Hast llohemia- wliere. for ulglily-ni eceiit* he will git n gist) din mi nilh light wine. He will, If lie r hi site*, cat mhlc dilute dinner* also, nt many IniU-la, though ihere ii t will Is- gmalcr. ltut our brave rover will And that, niter all, the ehoapSSS, most talialhelory, cleaiieai, uinsl elegnul milliner ot dining It Ui lake a friend Int., partnership, go lo a llrst class ntlamant, and order/or one. A mill) em-ilhiililinuer, served in a perfectly linexe.p lionsble manner, run In- obtained In this way for -will we Is- tielievnl nin-ii we say lor from Ally rent* lo mo- ilollar n piecer No matter how eco- nomical tie may Is* let him by all means avoid Uie lunch nmiil", ol which I..,, eoii-ianl paUjinuge will drive him hi dyspepsia tud .h-p o, "iii aro any numts-r id chiauaisl Iniiung liUlo I. ■nan eaUng I sea where he will lin.I the n

.. .. g.Htl dinner substantial meal piirlii'iilnr sbniil g.si.1 dlglttlbh-

An erroneous Impression has gained ground that the Kxpotilinn lluihling lu rtileago, was destroyed or injured by the tire. The building ll InUirt, and the Septemlsrexhibition will lie held in It as previously intended.

Important ic-iiiuonv Is alleged In have lieen given bi-c.re the last mi-etlng of the nimmltlee investigating the lleccher scandal, Involving tUtementt of a very damaging rhnriirlcr in re- lation to Mr. Bcecbcr.

s.mui. I Witlislnn, the welt-known Katihani|i- ion manufacturer, fimnder of ihe Willltlon ricmlnary, and the gcncnius paimn of Amhcrsi College, died at one o'clisk on Satnrday.

The Mystic Park summer meeting closed on Saturday. H. brock's Honest Hilly Inking ihe ■i:n purse, Isiuling lh»t and 1'lora.lielle; ls-st Unic2:.'H.

Kurt her re|sirts of hhsnly tight* with the In- dians am received from Texas, Indian Terri- tory and Nebraska.

(Jnhl Closed on Saturday nt lltl{.


Sir. Host, father iff llioalslnctcd child, receiv- ed another letter from the sbduiior* last Saturday, threatening the child wllh everything dangerous unless their demands are couipllnd with. It Is the most crml and Inhuman mm- inimir.uii.il yet received. There nil bum no cessation in ihe corret|s>ndcnee as reported.

Mr. llsmallel P. Hmllb, who erected for the Isle Pmf. Morse Ihe llrst line iff telegraph poles in this country, between Washington and Haiti- more in 1H44, died al his residence In New- Mold, Me., a ftw days since, al an advanced age. He was for many rears well known lu (sdlllcal circles, Is-Ing active and prominent.

Colonel, Ihe Hon. Henry llely-Hutrhtnson, ■sic or the last survivors of Hie Peninsular wtr and Waterloo, died nt his seat, Westnn Hall, Northamptonshire, Kngland.on the U Intl., aged K-i. For his gallant service hu had won the Peninsular and Walerhsi medals.

One result of ihe tnmble between the College Iswt crews on Saturday will Is* a revision of Ihe rules governing the raiv for next year. It i, pioposul Ui more clearly ihStSe a foul, sad to pmblbit one t-.at from eteering to as to keep ii11..iher Issal In Ihe wash.

Mr. Hcecher spent rlunday at hi* farm In Poeksklll, where all bit family are, with tho excc|*U*iior his wire. Mrs. Ilecrhtr remained at bet tissue and received several family friends Mrs. Tllton continues st Hie house ol her friends In links street.

Mrs. C Thaver, daughter ofllr. Tubbt.nf Manchester N. ll., died ol convulsions Mumlny evening at Rye lieach, where tho WHS -pending her voi-ailim.

Tho lubjecl of narrowing the gunge of ihe Krle and Atlanlic and Oreal Wcatern luilroads Will ahorlly IH- del I- led.

Kx-Coagrcasroan Herriek or Maine, still lies a critical rendition at his residence In Alired

Ihi ehnnrn for yousg singerr. and Mitt hel. plan pn.uil.et m beniSA law puisne sa well

> tlrgrers, for we will Ihen-by l-e ii-Urved m.m the slglit of Ihe same nhl chore* lhat hat met our gate for the l,i-l twenty years, everv Uinl- ine eiirinin hat risen iiimn an Kngllsh npero ooia- psny. Ml** Kellogg it In fait n-vMngall Un liiin-tio* Ui Is- nsiil by Iwr t'ouipany, and Mr. He.. I* In ... w V.ukhu-llv engago.1 wlUi ehoru* and onhestin. Tlio Kngllth 5pm* ■eas.nn will <i|H<n in Chicago al-.ni the .'.ih .t i I.-IOIKT. and the lr ,-IHIII ma reach \en Vort, ts-forr Ihe latter pail nl .laniniv n lu-n It Will "lug lit tho Acadeuo


TllF. POSITION IN tfagwHIIUaaql Her

Kverybody, hereabouts, seems to lie pre-

pared for a turn of almost any sort in

political affairs. There I* a traditional

feeling th.it many pct'toiis tire apt to be

dlscoiirnged when Uiey conic in roiilael

Wllbdouhls and fears, lu acenrdanro with

which It Is aecounlcd heresy In a Repub-

lican nrwspnpor to mention, thai In any

particular contest, the lienuK-rat* an-

likely to llgvn an unusually good rhauee

of success. We an-always disposed, for

our own part, to favor the truth In poll

tics ns lu other things; aud if tho Kcpuh

licaiis lu the state can he made in under

-.land clearly that Uiey never lu their lives were In a* much a* likelihood of

being beaten as they jiromlse to be next

fall, their defeat Is much less likely lo In-

brought about The Instinct of the peo-

ple lead* n good tuiiiiy of lliein this year,

lolaki'sUick lu Hie lleinocrnllc try that -

tbe Republican pert* Is responsible fur

the panic, for every man who !» nut of

uiploymciit nml, lu short, fur nil the nn-

fortunate tlilng* Hint happen. The res-

aonlug Oft good many voters Is very sim-

ple. .Some of !hem tire out or work:

iither*. from seir-lnlercsl nnd. In not n

few Instances, front an honest desire to

ISM the evils or Intemperance, bellow

a stringent license law in Psion of pro-

hlbltloti nml Htale Constables. The dis

coutenled^H-ojde say -"We are hot well

off under the Republicans; we limy rare

better ondertne ImmoerntS) ami ai any rate, we cannot hire worse." All these

may be popular deliisbms, but they exist,

and Uiey are iHiWerful rorcc* lu politics—

no powerful that we are very ghid tin- Preside u Ma I Klectlou does not hap|H-n to

be held till nextycar. No one who gin-s

nbout hi* town or dly, and Iienrs Ihe dH-

fcrcnl opinions of different clnsses, can

doubt the weakness of old petty lie* to

hold large numbers of men next fall.

The tlipior-dcnlcr Influence, Interested In

the overthrow or prohibition, will be

bountiful and o|ien-haiided—ready wflh

y and whiskey. The Republican

party and Mr. Talbol are imprisoning

Mrs.O'Plulierty and Hans Prcl/.d, Tor thirty

ilxtydays, for selling a glass of ale or

Scbent-k beer, while Mr. (ieorge Voung's

liiiuors nn- returned to lilui, and lbs big.

hronil offender* nearly all go unwhlp|tcil

orjusllce. This I* Ihe kind of talk one

III-I inilv hears, and ll will have tin

•ll'ecl I In- de« xl fall. The

lumiH-on, and llliloan lie la nl si* o'clock, lei him get u limn Ml liisui, l.n s man cuiiiuil Is- le III* minis, that Is, tl«nil hnyili mod and plenty ol It

IIIKHATll' OOSSIC. It I* very hard to tin.I out what Mnv SLik

. going U. do. Kurly In ttie spring '"■ puldh I* plan* lor lite spring of 1*71 ft, and nuiiouiiced I* mi. nli f cutting dear ol priuu stosse a t| ling Ids in ) iiud eoeigs-s li|sm n gu ivmMr. Thecrlllcsa* u g.-iu-itd thing appliiii

. d his pluck in tl*-ir M|Mant, hul .lm..k llsir Mans in private and prcdiel.il a failnn-. II la Ihepriiwi ,/..., i.., licit Ihe | -ll In 11 -. ,1 '■-.'. I |- I nn "i «niitr, || niusl have a Kellogg,a KllsSSSi a l.ue«s ■irsl-nlll. Whst (loss II cam lor onhe-lra Ot chm-usV Max Sttak.iseh lost money mi Ida primti ./..HHO hisl >ear nnd hc.h-s hot led like icpeal- Ing the ists-rlianiL ll Is said that Is- I- negiaiHt lug wlUisplsiinlln-nltinaer mi Um irtlter side of UH- wnU-r, InH il Is extremely ilnubtlul. lor he it tint lu Ihe city, and sol* Vrvcr hi* cnlldenUal man. To Is- sure M n/m and In,- In i-lls-r Mauric am abroad, hul it Max were hailing for big ll ho would cost the net himself. Aa It it lie is n-i Ingiiuiclly Is-twiin Ihe Kvcrett II e ami li larin mi slalen l-lnnd. Me lit* n tery pretty I tie place donu lla-re away lr Ihe noise i dusl of Ihe city, iid)olulng Max Man-lick-* prop erly. The tw.i Maxet lire Ihn bett Irleiid* lu the world nut ol Ihe opera ton* To ton 11.cm sirrnra mnmn run siunn UPAS AI-I-I.K runs iitnlcahly diacii.singlhe crop*, you would never think lhat they wen- the iw i you had heard only a few short week, ago to llercely denouncing oueanothei. II was rinimml snuie lime ago Unit Mr. Slriik...eli n;i- n.g.ilialing w ill, MM.lie I... .Icune-s, »/>•■« Ml.aiil, and Ihsl I*. was going lo in insluce her Isae a. Ihe "great American yoim.i ,/,„ " |,ula* M'.ldle Allsiai is a Kn-mh I tans- diautlmt dmlgu wouhl have lss-n s.s-n Uirough. TIM-II a serious olislncle, however, lu Um way of iM-ri'Jiinlngisainatriiii'iiiiat cngngeineiilat I'vurv lanoTrralre. TIM- Irnlh It Mr. Slrakowh ina.h- hi. announcement Us. soon, the |«i.plc look iip.m hit plan a* a imre make shin to save e\|«en*e, and now Uial llnv have gotUn lhat idea it mil Is- haul to disabuse thW minds.


Mitt( lara l*iui-i- Kelhigg I* mtiking exUnsive larepnrntiuu* lur a brilliant season ol Kngiish Op- era Mr. C. I». lies*, msnnser of I ho troupe has sucwdiil in siiu.ing tin- tervhwt of William laslh-, U-linr, and S. C. (ampls-ll, liaiitnne, Ihe «rell knows -opersllr twin." Who tisvn nut tiing in this eounlry since Kiev * eill uS Wllh Ihe In- r.palb«Btroii|H-. Ih.lh ol Uv-te gcnlh-men have Its-u tinging abroad, iu England sod lu Kgypt, wllh ItalUring suecett, and lls-lr return lo this coiiulry .nn.1.1 lull i ■' ,-.i'b a i-ordinl wel come for they lire great favorites here. Messrs.

Inn and Mi.i-, U»- v<<ung Knglishnuu who MI well received lost year, ami Mrs. /..Ida

lasses who hi Uie course of a yeur

ii.milk do most or the growling nboul

"Ihe way things are running," but omit

to vole, will have need In DOOM out. The

other classes always vote, and, If we an-

nul very careful, they will make n long

stride Inwards obtaining power. It nuiy

aa well he uilderstoisl nl this curly date

that one ofthe things not to he done will

In-to put up all sort* of candidate-, for

otllce and im-t in the party organs

nnd newspaper* lo pull them through.

The best we can do, Massachusetts Is cer-

tain u(suffer a severe loss of influence In

the country a* a rc*ult of Ihe election

next Tall of m-w ami unknown men to

seals now held hy met of utilloiml repuln-

llon who decline rurllicrpiililic service, ll

Will he Uie wisest course Ul clunisc good

men all around, —Hu-bent lu ability the

parCy can command. The newspapers can

not carry through any other kind, ami we

are coiisiilcraldy mistaken, ir they try It.

Tut'. RICIIATTI.—Luckily tor good hu-

mor at Karntoga and elsewhere, then-

were no while caps upon Saratoga Lake

.ni Saturday. Twenty UMJuaood people,

more or less, nfler s|>oudlng two hot anm- incralleruiHins In looking for something

which did not happen, wen- surprised on

Satnrday by witnessing"-otnciiiiiigiinppcii

which Uiey did not look for. Tin- resull

Justifies Hie old llcrhy ndnge that ll Is the

Meld which wins In the long run. For Ihe

first lime since Hu- college regalia* wen-

held, the championship departs rroiil New

Lnglnml and falls to the |..t of New Vorl.

f'oliiinhla's triumph Is clearly one or skill

lor only three or Hie cuntcsllug enws

were lighter In weight, mid, wllh Hn- ex

cepllon or Williams and Princeton, the

crew wa* ihe youngest lu ihn si niggle.

The lough and In nrly oarsmen-the gl-

lillts-have new evidence nll'orileil the

Ihe futility of "main sircngth" and sli.l-

wnrl suture, without the perfect) I"

training nml discipline Ill* grntlfylni:

thai Ihe public will not be obliged to lit up

ou 11s Impatience over Sunday,nnd, .In oil- vlatefnliircillsaiiiHilntmetitssiidi as those

of the past two days, the college Imys

before |hey come home had 1M-SI put a

veto on any more racing nt Saratoga Lake.

The Merrlmack affords far Is-tter water

re-engaged; Ibe.e with Ui* i/'.Nn'i w ill make tin- BOStMSy

....veever had la Kngllsh Oism Segnll.ili.Hi* an- |*.uiliug wilh


■ : have Kellogg a* a j sksWM Hie slii.ngesl Wi '■""' i.i tins coiiulry.

so thai what «■■ )■>-■■ in llulliin i l|«-ra wc will gain In Kngllsh. Mist heilogK will bring out Ambrose Thomas't "Migiiou" nn the llrst time In Kngllth. Tlu-llbmlto nl Ud- charming and |m|iu1ur o|s-ra has bSSU cun-lull, tiaiislalitl and

I'liKi'Aio.o in atisa KKi.usiii HSaSSir, vie. -, ■ in. a* lhat It will lose none ol il* aUrac livenea. hi IU rai.h-h dress. Iliirlna Ihn tcaton Halt.' p.. tin .i.i-'i- ..fiaoiUie-luhsmair nil is-or c.l. mil, all Ihe reeiinliie as pel lurmed alllitrMaJestj-.TIicniie, bond where It drew llttinease crowds, wilh sUilla selling at Hie guin nssnaeli. "Th.- Tsil-uinn" Is luumbil on ScotlV novel..1 Uial ii..uie, tud Ihe dc-e.fe )" <—»■• arc l.-liih PUntsgenet, Kh-hanl Ooest ih- Ids*, Sir

TunlUnra.—\lthough the greet rain

fall oftba last Ibrtnlfbt may hnve caused some dainngi-, the suhslatillal iH-netli-

wlll mr outweigh any such losses. The

late Oobl spring wan succeeded by a dry season, whl.ll, In lll.-lillter purl .if June

and Hie early 'lays of July, parched Hie

ground and nrfested legetntlon. In ihe

milt growing regions of Central ami

Southern New Jersey and the counties of

New York nearest the elly, the gardeners

until ten dnje ago wore In despair. The rnln-ralloriasl week revived ihclr Spirit*

as well 'is ihe growth of numerons thing* upon which our New Kugland ui.tikeis

depend for their early supplies. LastTlmn-

iliiy'ssionn caught Uu- mrmersttereabonls

In the midst nf their haying, hul the grass

crop Is b n heavy nml abundant to lie Hindi

dleclcd iu IU yield by nnv mishap* lw l-

di ul lo theSii at-on.

1 '



LAWRENCE, MASS, nni)AT Moiwraa_JULT_M;__


►'..r tlia wo«k coding W«0BO*«Ur. •'»'>' rrei«rcl I»r U.o A»C«IOA«, frma O1.-.T>

u™. .1 Udmr, »y ■■"«"• '■» «"' tiuipm.

JllirLl; 1 «I I «!£ IJ *



M.M p

W. Ki.ii *■ tialo I'.

>w- Fair.

W.TU|73J |W. jr"tr*

71 S. W. Ki>tr.

S.W. Cloudy.

|6i> |tt.W. yair. ,■ M

...v. ,W, Fair.

StMW |"l' ' Tulul ruin fall. irm-U'il for temperature-


Wednesday. A boy some 1- '

William Mlniiuouds, I yeas-*"* •<»'• 5253 ,J living tn Swansea cnt» reside In Warren,

11 o'clock MP«I ft,c ,, ,na wnat „ rc- about 2; feet J^,,. wftl|O0t ,nJurr> |ie bad

"'"Su'imc-slck, and was beard to nil "Math- Xf' III ft load vul.v |us* before lie leaned. Hot a scratch could h.) found on him,and ten min- ute* alter he was In ft ■numl sleep again.

Theodore Tilton's statement before Hie com mittcc to lufMilgau tht *EJSJ£K'B! Ilev. Henry Ward Heceber, In published In full this morning. Ii relates circumstantially the history iif the mlsundcrittndln|l iwlwecn Mr. Beeeher ami uimi.ii, narrating a series or MU of tin' inn*, immoral character on Mr. needier K part ami substantiating this Name with let tern and oilier documents written by the parties re- ferred W In the statement- In statement is urorn to bj Mr. Triton.

Orasslmppers have nude their appearance In iuvrlti<U in the province of Manitoba, and de- stroyed the entire crops in New Palestine and t'le'whiie mod MUlWWIlM from their westers limits. At last MGOIinU they were drilling tn tlit? direction of Lake MnnltulM. Iticy are fifteen mile, from I'emhliia, and arc entering llio province from all directions.

The latest rnmor in connection with Hit) Rus- sian Mission Is that It Is to ho given to (Jen. Henry C. Wayne of Smith Carolina. H« ll an Intimate friend of ['resident Grant. Ho was once appointed and continued Consul to a Jap- anese tmrl, but doilined. llo wa» Adjutant Goncnil of hht Stato during the nbtUlon.

Secretary BrUtow telcgraplied Solicitor Wil- son, now In New York, to take possession ol all the books, record* and BtfcCM of tlie office of the ieiret dotOCtlva OWUIon loNoW^ork, mid bring them to the-Treasury liepnrtiiient, thus atulfsblng the ofllec tlierr.

Oovernor Davis of UlulMlppI, representing lliat iliuStato millHals in nut-lit. demoralized condition that lie e.ii [preserve jieaee, lias mke.l military aid from the general govern men t. and two companies of regulars have been or- dered to Viekfttwrg.

An extennlvt! cave occurred In Enterprise eolllerr In Wllkesliarre, I'a., on Saturday la*t, entailing a tenon* tow lo the operator*. An engineer was severely Injured by nn explosion of ga», but no person was Injured by llio caving.

The l-'ourlh Ctingre*«lonal Distrl.t K -publl- can Convention nt Connhalta, Loulsdana, nomi- nated Oco. 1.. Smith tor Congr us, mul passed Tesolulioiii tnttoralng .'resident Grant third term.

John H. PcatlM, Bfjq., tat« of PUUtow, N. II., a grailunte of D.irtm mth C.tllege, ha* hoi elected Superintendent of I'ulillc liistrtu-tlon Ciuclniiatl, Ohio, at u salary of 83,000,

The Colorado potato ln-etle has made Its ftp- pearanee on LoiDj Island, In first ravages be- ing to extensive that the -Top In many sections is entirely ruined.

Advice- from Citlw -tat.- that the death «n- lence of Dockmy has been committed to ten years' itnprisonuienr.

The Philadelphia* hont iheChieagos on Hon- dnv-iito'.>.

Gold closed yesterday at 110!. Thuradiiy.

Chicago has hatl another tire, with a loss of jCJ.jli,lHk>. The 1.nil.lings burned were l-'l and 123 Stute street. The slink of Giles Ilrotlurs A CJ„ jewelers, Is valued at »iH),0«0; insured for nearly half. Sixty thousand dollars worth of their stoc k was in the vaults. E. 1'. llii Ha- ter, turnIttiro iiiauutatturi-r ami nurpcls, loss nhoul *t7i,IMX); Insured. Ulehards, Shaw A Win»low lo*e, through, damaged stock, ■boat #111,000; fullv Insiireil. Finn's, on the other side of the strict, suffered by the breakage of glass to the uiununt of about 810.000. Total loss probably will IH- jfi.'Kl.iKW; insurant", as fur as ascertained, JJ'O.OOO.

There Ii printed this morning a statement by the Hev. Henry Ward llecehcr lo the public, called out by the statement of Mr. Tllton. Mr. Beccher declines to enter at present M Ills own ■lel'ence, hut devotes hid statement to a delcnce ol the honor tit Mrs. Tllton, thouith in Its i i«e be takes rJCOUnn to sllgnuiti/e Mr. Tllton s derogatory statements as unnualllledlv false. The famous npologj U honorably explained.

Hon. A. W. Beard lias declined serving on the H.Misut- Tunnel Commission. Hon. Sam- nl M.I 1 l'r

■ouii.-il y iiihiiillon <>f the following gi vacancies In the Hoard-. #1

I' (Ircenllclil, Chtirlrs h'rati ,tifo. C. Illelinnlaoti

ceptetl. ciiiiilniied the no llemeii lo till the It. Waabhurn of ti AOanm, Jr.. of <Jnhi Boston.

'I he grand Jure ol Hie District of Columbia, adjourned vcslcrdav. No presentment was made In tlie'casi- of'llo-s Sliephenl against the editor of the New York Sun for libel. In this Instance, at all events, one grand lury has held, by Its nou-aeiiou. that the law does u .t apply lo Hie preai,

tentte; i II II i Mo< the WIN

the manly bearing ofthe Bates C..I1, walt.rsnt the ealahllabment. Hint, lug, he lefi #d.l.i w.th Mr. Ullllkcn i .-•I among ibeni, or about fJjJT apU

Uev, Nathaniel Fellows, preal'lll Hie Worcester district of tlie Ne- Methodist Conference, was jeater prliielpal

Rtn llr. Co eiiiy 1


plng Is ft rcflnemcHt of villainy nol uncom-

mon hi England and on the oontlnoot, but

from which we have been ulmont exoiopt.

The case which lias been oecupvbljj Uie attention of iho l'hlladelplila police, U

perhttpfl uul'iuc In tho criminal records or

the country. It has become the mutter of

geiit.-ral comment ami eager Intercut In ull

our American cities, and there Is a wide-

spread feeling that the success "of the

wretches who spirited away the liana child

In extorting a large ransom a.t a condition

ofrotarnlni him anfely, will he a conapl uons notice to every wretch lit the country

that nil he has to do to come luto a fortune

U to abduct the child of the richest mac

he can learn of and then extort a good

round sum of money as the price of resto-

ration. What the public Is Interested It:

understanding from the ItOH case Is

Vhother we must accept It as Iruo that my or us are liable to have our children

tolen from the public streets,In open day,

by creatures ready and aide todolt for the

prospect of money. Let us understand a

little more clearly the case In question.

Tho elrcuinstances are briefly as follows;

On the 1st or July, two little boys, Char-

lie and Wa.ter lloss, sons of a Hillndel-

phla iiii-rtliuiit, four and six years of age,

re playing ill front of their Tuther's

country residence at Gcrmantown, when

two men drove up In a carryall and Invited

them to ride. The sainciiieii had Ingrail

ated themselves with the little RosBCS or

previous occasions by small presents or

candy ami scrip, ami the children therefore

unhesitatingly accented t,l° Invitation. Five or six hours later, Walter, the oldest

of the boys, was round In a crowd in front

or a Cigar store, ten miles from where he

had been dropped by his stranger acquaint*

ance«j. Charles, lite younger, Is still miss-

ing. Though the matter was Immediately

put In the hands or Ihe police tuitl rewards

offered for the recovery or the child, the

sharpest ami most energetic detectives

railed to And track or trace. Mr. Hosa

was nearly crazy with grief, and his wire's

health hail become seriously affected,

when an anonymous letter was received

saying the boy was safe ami well, ami

Id lie relumed for $J0,0OO, the rather

to signify his acceptance of the terms by

publishing In the personal column of the

Philadelphia "Ledger" tho following a.l-

rtlsemcnt; "BOSS. Wo he ready to

negotiate.'* The l'ost office, the malls,

and the ■'Ledger*' office were watched to

no effect by the detectives. Evasive replies

to tho demands of the kidnappers were

published. They continued to demand the

enormous ransom at Bret suggested. This

sum Mr. Ross was really unable to raise.

Ills firm, which had fallen In the panic,

was struggling to Its feet only by the suf-

ferance or creditors. Tho wretches he

hail to deal With knew their business;

they knew It only too well. Having elms-

en the most potent Instrument of exaction

which the Ingenuity of crime could dis-

cover, they wrote the agonized father,

"Wo know you have no* much inouey.but

we arc aware that you have rich friends or

whom you can borrow." The Philadel-

phia detectives, being Impressed with the

fact that something was expected or them,

■e nrtested a man named Woostor on

picloti, but they have made known

nothing which argues his complicity In

the present offense except his previous

iiidiclisin ami evil reputation as a

blackmailer. There really seems very lit

tie probability or the detection of the kid

■uppers. They have kept -shady"' or late,

since public excitement became too warm

and have scut no more anonymous letters

The Tathcr lit said lo he prepared now to

pay the sum demanded—and anybody who

calls this an net of weakness had better

try to Imagine what he would do himself

ir his own child were In the hands of un-

known BCOnndrels, while the pleadings of

his own heart for bringing his darling

back wen- enforced by llio cries of a fran-

tic mother It Is a crime which attacks

the heart-strikes nl things dearer titan

money. While no one can it intend! hut

Mr. Itoss should sacrifice his affection for

his son, for the public good, It can not be

denied that his compliance with tho de-

mands of the kidnapper* will lw a calamity.

Imitators will rise up all over the land.

Tho plan tif villainy Is so simple, so easy

„f accomplishment ami so grand In its

pecuniary results, thstltwlll commend

Itself at once to all who live by plundering

society. This It is which makes the

Philadelphia rase a terribly grave one,

Involving pnbllc Interests of vast moment,

and, unlit the utmost efforts on the part

of the ablest officers of the law have railed,

ll Is to be hoped that this blood-money

will not be paid.

of the real danger to public health In

Lawrence to call for an unusual display

both of public ami private energy.

Tun COLLEGIANS' I"«OD.—The result of

c college regatta Is only less satisfactory

than the gcueral management which con-

trolled the affair and the hard feeling and

mutual recrimination which have grown

out or It. To indicate the faults or the

management the single fact that the time was not taken officially Is sufficient, and, irmorc. were needed, tho decision con-

trary to all llio known evidence naming

the fourth crew would supply It. Colum-

bia, by gallant work, cume In first at the

ftnlsh and sustained tho precedent of

keeping the honors away from the great

universities, begun by the Aggies

and continued by Amherst. But aside

from this, all is doubt, contention, and

ittter reeling, and It has been so, with but

ne exception, In every contest since the

formation of the college row lug-associa-

tion, tho contestants In each Instance,

too, being Vale and Harvard. Only In 1873, was there no occasion for dispute, Inasmuch as Yale came lu the last or six crews and Harvard pressed the winners

closely. Hut lastycar again, though Yale

claimed the race and obtained the flags

because she crossed the line first, liar-

varil claimed them because the line was

drawn diagonally across tho river so that

Yules course wus shorter than her own

This year, according to one story, Yale, In

despalrof winning, fouls Harvard and loses

her forty second*; the other version Is

that It waa Harvard which purposely oc-

casioned the breaking of Tale's rodder and

an oar. Ilothcrcws,however,arc not slow

take advantage of the occasion which

the foul affords to say that otherwise Ihe

race would have been their own. The

fact seems to be abundantly established

by discouraging experience that tht

lego boys, who manage the regattas, have not the administrative ability or expert

ince required. It Is no disparagement

to their other qualities to say that, In

steatl of having the college regattas man

aged every year by a new and inexperienc-

ed set of undergraduates, the chauce or

fouds, discords and collisions would be

vastly diminished IT the niTanguments of

the regattas were left with oltl graduates

of known and proven capacity for the bus-

Theodore Tlltou read Ids long-expectetl

statement In regard to the DGecber scan-

dai before the investigating committee of

Plymouth Church on Monday night. It

was given to the newspapers, Tuesday,

and covers about three columns In flue

type. Mr. Tllton alleges that Mr. lkecher

on Iho 10th of October, 1868, committed

an net of criminal intercourse with Mrs.

Tllton, at his (lleecher's) resilience, re-

peated the following Saturday at Tilton's

ealdenceand followed by similar nets at

arlous times from 1808 to 1870. Tllton

once saw Beccher give Mrs. Tllton in tho

library what be regarded as an Improper

caress, ami called his wife's attention to

It subsequently. On another occasion re-

turning to his house intho forenoon, he

found his bed-chamber locked and Mrs.

Tllton and Beccher within, the latter ap-

pearing much confused nt the discovery. Mrs. Tllton, however, made nn explana- tion or this, TUton says, which he accept- ed as satisfactory. Oil tho iltl of Jill

greatly exercised lot her children shook) | be harmed by views which she deemed ( false anil dangeruu*. I was suddenly and rudely urouscd to the reality of the Im- pending danger b) Hie ilHcfosuro of do-1 mestlc distress, of -it laicss, perhaps unto death, of the likelihood <>r separauon and

scattering of a family, every ineuihet



The Univanity rn Lake nn .Saturday,

ts rowed »t Saratoga the Columbia crew


iM'lli VI11K 11 tin- I'a-Uol

|..m.l and


Of which I had tendci ly loved. The effect | wen the winneri. Harvard came third. mo of ihe discovery of the state of Tbe emwi OMSK In H lollowa: ColambUlet,


■lined at the Yesterday miiriiin^, J.ilm llargrave, an I

llsli Imy, about ten years old, while j-'et ■hsvlnsa at Cross A ToluV saw mill mi Nashua river in Nashua, N. It, Ibuugnlte •'Hutch' bold of the wheel shaft ami wta thr Into the water and drowned.

The State Home In Roeton bsi Just beet Minted. In i ' ■ ' the > ■>■■• •"■'» raid rnr loin*; this work by the day, f70W. "


Ikon's story of the lleccher scandal has

been placed before the country by M

Maverick, a Brooklyn newspaper ma

who assisted In copying It. Without the

consent of tho Investigating committee, |

and contrary to Mc. Tilton's wishes, It Is

given to the public unqnalldcd by any evl-

lento for the defence, or by tho results

which may have been developed by the

■ross-examlnallon of tho prosecution.

ruder these circumstances It Is Impossi-

ble to express an opinion ol" Ihe case with-

out prejudging It. The Indictment against

Mr. lleccher la unquestionably a terrible

one, ami as to the central facts of Its ac-

tuation* It cannot be met, to the public

satisfaction, by a merely general denial.

The evidence against Mr. Jtcecher is brief-

ly this: 1 Mrs. Tilton's admissions; -',

Tilton's assertions; :i. His own ex-

pressions of deep contrition and agonizing

suspense contained in tho letters to afoul-

ton. In a legal sense, Mrs. Tilton's con-

tradictory statements render her practi-

cally worthless us a witness on either side

and tin! point on which the public is In

want of more light Is lit reference to the

motive of the desperate and despairing

language, verging almost upon a purpose

to commit seirdestrucMou, which Mr.

lleccher saw lit to express. Under what

Influence, under what stress of circum-

stances, lit what agony or self-reproach

did he write those letters to Moultou?

L'ntll the ease Is closed, It Is loo soon to assume that they can be explained In no

other way than that Indicated by Tlltou.

Unquestionably, Mr. lleccher must for-

nlsh the fullest and most conclusive dis-

proof or Ihe grave charges to which his

own utterances give so strong a color or

credibility. But until he has furnished this

or railed through Inability to furnish It, he

Is entitled to the hcnellt of all the pre-

sumptions of Innocence which are afford-

ed by every fact or Ids lift, and, mean-

while to a suspension of public Jndg-

1870, Mrs. Tllton coulisse,! lo her husband that there hatl been criminal Intimacy be- tween Mr. lleccher ami herself. The fol- lowing I)i-cuinher, at a meeting held at

Frank D. Moulum's bouse, be Motillnn. lleccher, and Tlltou, to tl

■oublc which iho latter was 11 Henry ('. Boweil, Mr. Beccher was tlrst made acquainted with the fao> thai Mrs Tllton had made a confession. He imme- .llately asked permission to commit with her. He departed from Mr. Moultoii's house Immediately, and returning In about hall' an hour, expressed his remorse nud

Later on the snine evening. Mr. Tllton on going home was informed by his

Ifo that Beccher hail dictated and had copied a paper suitable for htm U lu meeting any charge which might he made against blm before a couucil of miii biters. In this paper. Mrs. Tllton said "I deshu to say explicitly that Mr. Beech- has never offered any Improper solicita- tion, but has always treated me in a man- ner becoming a Christian ami a gentle- man." Moultou called upon Mr. lleecher next day and told hlin that a reconcilia- tion with Tllton seemed suddenly made impossible by lleecher's nefarious act In procuring the above false statement from Mrs. Tllton. Mr. lleccher therefore promptly returned the paper to Mr, Tllton through Mr. Moultou. with an expression of sorrow for having procured "t In the manner he did. Mrs. Tlltou in a subse- quent letter to her husband, explained that she intended her statement to be used by lleecher against all other accusers except her husband.

The farther evidences or Beecher's guilt relate mainly to Ills own admissions, On Jan 1, 1871, be expressed contrition lo Mr. MouUonforhls criminality. Sub- sequently, he sent him the faiuotiM letter of apology already published, wherein he says •'I ask through you Theodore Tilton's

I forgiveness, and 1 humble myself before J him as I do before God. I ask nothing ex-

pt that be will remember all the breasts that will ache," ami adding the following, which has not before appeared In print;

I will die before any one but myself shall e Inculpated. All my thoughts arc inn- ing out towartl my friends and toward the

poor child lying there and praying with her folded hands. She Is guiltless, sinned against ami bearing the transgressions or another, ami her forgiveness I have. 1 humbly pray to Hod to put Into the heart of her husband to forgive me, I have trust- ed this to Moultou in confidence.

II. W. lleecher."

The only part of this letter which Tllton claims us In lleecher's hand-writing Is Lbe last sentence ami the signature. Again, Tllton quotes lleccher as writ- ing Mrs. Tllton: "It was Moultoii's hand

filch tied Up the storm that was ready to hurst upon our heads." From Hcho- harle, N. Y. June 29. 1871. Mrs. Tllton wrote her husband that In reading Cath- erine nlGaiint, her eyes had been so opened that she saw clearly the enormity of her sin. Klvu days later, she wrote him "May lOU never need the discipline or be- ing misled by a good woman as I was by a good man,'' adding that her ill-health was not on account of her sin and Its dis- covery but because of the great wrong she felt that she hail committed against her husband.

With the apparent Intention of showing that the criminality he charged upon Mr.

her occasioned

Mr. Tilton's feeding-- and the condition of his family surpassed hi sorrow nud excite- ment auythlug that I had ever before ex- perienced In my life.

That my presence, Influence and council had bronchi to a beloved family sorrow and alienation gave lu my then stale of mind U poignancy to my suffering which I hope no olher man may ever feel. Even to be snapeoUd of having offered, under the privileges of a peculiarly sacred rela- tion, au indecorum to a wife and mother, could not butdecply wound any onesensl tlve to llio honor of womanhood. There Wen peculiar reasons for alarm in this case on other grounds, Inasmuch as I wai then subject to certain malignant rumors, and a flagrant outbreak In this family would bring Upon t hem an added injury de- rived from these shameless falsehoods. Believing nt the time that my presence and counsels hatl tended,however, uncon- sciously, In produce a social catastrophe represented an Imminent, I gave expres- sion to my feelings lu an Interview with a mutual friend, mil in cold aud cautious self-defending words, but eagerly taking blame upon myself, and pouring out my heart to my friend It] the sf rouges t lan- guage, overburdened With the exaggera- tions of impassioned sorrow. Had 1 been the evil man Mr. Tllton now represents I hould have been calmer and more prudent

It was my horror of the evil Imputed that tilled ine with morbid Intensity at the very shadow of It. Not only was my friend Affected grievously, but he assured me that such expressions. If conveyed to Mr. TUton, would soothe wounded feeling, al- lay anger and heal the whole trouble. He took down sentences and fragnicnts.of what 1 had been saying, to use them us a medi- ator. A fullatatementor the circumstan- ces under which this memorandum was

iade I shall give to the Investigating com- mittee. That these apologies went more lliau ample to meet the facts or the case Is evident. In that they were accepted, that our Intercourse resumed its friendliness, that Mr. TUton subsequently ratified It in writing ami that heha.s continued for lour years, and until within two weeks, to live With his wife, censurable If the original charges had been what Is now alleged That he would have condoned the offence nol onlv with the mother of his children, but with him whom he believed It) hsve wronged lhein~lhe absurdity as well as the fulsltv of this storv Is apparent when

considered that Mr. Tllton now allo- dial he carried this guilty secret of

Ids wife's Infidelity for six months laid up In his own breast, ami that then lie divul- ged It tome only that there might he a re-

mclllatlon with me. Mr. Tllton has since, in every rorm of

language ami to a multitude of witnesses, In written statements and In printed doc umeuts, declared his faith In his wife's purity. After the reconciliation of Mr. Tllton with mo, every consideration ol proprietv and honor demanded that the family trouble should be kept In that se- clusion which domestic affairs have aright to claim, as a sanctuary, and tn Unit se- clusion It was determined that it should

, .roll The i 1 Uu, will o

ij an 2d, Harvard 3d, Dartmouth 1th, Oaf- ith, William* fitti, Princeton 7th, Trinity YahMvai last, ha vim: broken an oar at the


TUH WiNXiseCuitw.

New York has achieved a victory In her own wau-r*. Five of tho six men in the winning Crow belong to New York City, anil none ol them have been accnalomed to iiiucli lalior with their hands. They have Mtrprlaed their must lanRiiino friends, none of whom placed them higher than third in the race. They have In under many disadvantages. They arrived on Saratoga Lake on the 13th of Jnns,cona|darably In advance of Other crawl, but a more thorough familiarity with the conna was the only point lu llieir favor. Unpleasant weather delayed 1 lie I n ia (heir practice for the first few days and

a* ruined In transit from New York. The new shell, Imill by Tb«mai

red on the 33d of June, and in skill of construction and beauty was probably tbe finest boat on the Lake. It U built of Span! h cedar, Is 21 Inches wide and weighs a little over 14-3 pounds. A peculiarity ol Us cunstructlon wn> that tliu width of the Uiw and stern was ai great us amidships, the bowsed stem oars hav- ing as much room for pulllnjz a» the man in the waist. The icats were of the idldlng pattern, working tin Datibltt metal and steel. The out- ritfirers were made of steel instead of I lbe laiat all .through oai made stiff Ity steel braces. The names of the winning crew are foliowi :—

t-er. -M

lain baturd A. A. I.-

i) late.

Incompetent nw uftbccxtMUiditi dollars of iho Is


Islands, -I». Frank IlobfiiMin,

warded his resignation m Second Artillery Daualm

A note from .1. (,'. Dow, Jr

city, . vear «•■ had reeeivcl. front' I-to be r 1st, .i July l-(. ls;.t, si.Tiijj.t. Tun vear In Urn time We lime ruetlv.-d .mi. ♦l.t-W'i'l. or ituMltian lust rear. Tlimis"ii tho nmlribu- 'nun Ihe•liiireb, , wen: I.LIO-I Oils) .-.o limn „H t, y - (l]f "L ,, . , s|H,1(, „

Itihtbv about -ll-i«i. vr ll,,.,. ■,■.■.,] h<»„|.M.:it. . ,.,,.,„.„,,' ,„ ..7.,.,, t.,.,,i,|) nn.i Ml' " NOBier-Have bet-ii mu. b lew, .11, n,K |,.„>ibly 1,1 "" hanntl.in f,ood bu.iin an.t >| tliBbardneaaortlKitiroei. Ijstyi'in lluvaue'iiute.l b 1 S-M7.17. while Oils }tmr we hnve received only (IW.fi, ur * tVl.tC, It':--; which itiiiniiiit, if "■■ ■">" I,,,.I I'iri-e 11,,ul.I lie in, in.',I ..f tin - il|

At the

>uit. The n'ket mid " I have

ban]; uid tin-

ml, I be 111, need nf till* appeal. ■ I the iin.vrnt i|uai ti r.July 1-1,1

be 1 V line itlallctti

.Ml 1 I'd I 1 lit




Mi, t for the the painter*' bill, will

■urk > -*» ne tt

lu 1Mb* 1.17, bin SI'J.l.il

Harry ll- Pa ihai fmliett, Mi II., died at Old Orenai (ha cmtcta of a suit « ntely alter dinner,

Pfsnda Krenge, am Home lu Montreal, wa charged with rape on rlwlti immigrant.

Mr. James T. Field* I- Dartmouth la Scptemi t iv elotpienl Advocate ■

Mayor Mofccly of I'll "' il'¥,'IMX! " " '

, I. in the tiflleeol Hie 'oni|iaiiy in liover, N. Heath last nlglit, frtirii r bath taken iiniuedi-

liau tif tlie Immigrants m nrresleil, last night, Mary LOIIIBJ Alton, a

"Ratal Choatc

.d Ihe Itoi

Til tie v-

The Nnv sayi ib.ii ii, himself fully ling Hint


u,l 1 ti ■ il.


in Special cxpreeaci

'' V"1:1:': lecied this

.he |ieo,il

belle ins taken

tqulry ami

mdltlon ■> the


Tn ixTnint'Toun.—

to the Inquiries made

number of people, who

welcoming an coutrllnn

suggestions may be of

less than to ourselves


lu general a

by the Inert

11 the AMi:iu

on, the following

icrvlce to them, no

Never write on

km him Tilt* pt letter from lleecher's brother, Hev. Thom- as K.,of Klmlra, N. Y.. who nays, "Wood- bull only carries out Henry's philosophy, against which I recorded my protest wenty years ago." it appears that 'Mi- nn was determined over a yenraga to Indicate himself by publishing bis story f the scandal, lb-was then greatly ag-

grieved at tbe strictures of the press upon tbe time he signed the trt-partltt

agreement with lleecher and Dowcn, and imposed to put Ids story In print. Hcar- iig of ll.ls. lleccher wrote Moultou, Jane , is7;t, that Tilton's temperament was uch Hint lie [lleccher) fell he hud no »e-

■urity for the future ami that he was "Ha- il.- to In- obliged at any moment to stulil- V all the devices by which we sin ed our- lelvee." Mr. lleccher concludes - '

private : been published H in harmony wii statements I now make. My piibiisni-o correspondence on this subject comprises but two elements, namely, the expression of my grief and that of my desire to shield' the honor of a pure and Innocent woman. I do not propose to analyze nud contest at this time the extraordinary pa- per of Mr. TUton, but there arc iwo alle- gations which 1 cannot permit to pass without special notice. They refer to the only two Incidents which Mr. Tllton pre- tends to have witnessed personally, the one au alleged scene in my bonne while looklug over engravings, and the other a Chamber scene In his own house. His Htalemciits concerning these arc absolute- ly falsi'. Nothing of the kind ever oc- curred, nor any .semblance of any such thing. They are now brought to my no- tice for the Hist time. To every State- ment which connects me dishonorably With Mrs. KlUubctb K. Tilton, or which in any wise would impugn the honor of this beloved Christian woman, 1 give llu most explicit, comprehensive nud solcmi denial. HKMIV WAIIU BKKCIIKH.

Brooklyn. N. V., -Inly US, 1*74.

CoNKKSsniN III POUKBOY, TIIK BtlY MttiKOKHBH.—Chief of Police Savage, 01 Boston, bail mi interview Monday with Jesse K, l'omcroy, tho boy now arrest for tbe alleged murder or tl Mlllcn boy, ami who has been su of murdering Katie Cumin, the (jii both- was round on Saturday last u ash-heap In Hie cellar of a store formerly kepi by the l'oincrny f. glningofthc interview Hie boy was asked If be knew why the chief came. Pomoroy said, "I suppose about the obi matterr" "No, I came to tell you that the body of Katie Curran has been found where she was murdered ami burled In the cellar of your mother's house, ami your mother and brother are under arrest. Ho you know anything about It? Can't you give any sort of a guess where the body was found?" "No, I can't," Yesterday morn-

Name. Bow—Philip Tunpi

2— JasperT.OoodwlB 'H A—Oanpar()rlawold IS

i i: I. tt. Hapallo '21 5-Hoot. 0. Cornell 21

Stroke—B. P. liven 20 Tncy rowed bare-backed, their Imdien having

been burned as brown aj berries by exposure. They have dltJarded pastry and tuhacco, but indulged Ireely in meat, fruits, vegetables and moderately in ulc. The crew at the beginning ol their training adopted thecsscntia! principles of what is known as the Kugllsh stroke, In which they were asaiduously coached by George Kivea, a graduate of Cambridge, England. In training they pnUed Sa to 35 strokes a minute. The Knglleh stroke an practised by them may be described as follows: Tho recover Is made slowly, though nut so slowly as In tho Yale stroke. Beginning tlrst by dropping the oars In the water, there Is no pull until the blade is en- tirely covered. Tho oar, instead ol being drop- ped in straight, is dropped in Ht ah angle. In. stead of a slow, Meadv drag through ihe water, tbe feature of Columbia*! rowing was a quisk wrench, the hands getting out quickly from the body In tho recover, and the legs being slower in their movement than in the Yale stroke. The winners have taken a daily pull during their practise, of from ten to twelve miles, and went into the rare thoroughly disciplined. They were out-ilied by Harvard, Wesleyan, Dart" mouth, Cornell, and Trinity, and only Yale, Williams and Princeton were lighter. Timpton, the bow, lias been In college only a year and lormerly belonged to Harlem boat-club. Jjg- perT. Good win, No. 2,1s a Massnebiitelta Iwy,

the only one in the crew not from New \urv ■ .ill.' N"- t. is a ion of Judge Ilaiiallo, o.

the New Ytirk Court or Appenls. He Is splen- illdty developed. The big man of the crew was Corncll.No. ft,wno is a ilx-Iooter and weighs 171. Hues, the stroke, is of medium die but a very graceful oarsman. The winner's colorsare blue

an I white.

bills 11> lie I'unl iuiniiiiiilug to filmu( filll.i'i; toui«il wliieh Ituiru WHH in tho treasury Sliw.lai, leaving n defleiuuev ofSU.UU.

(Hipptiiiing non , that Lbe needs or tho next three mouths (which u ill carry us up lo thu minimi con- i:,- i:i ."I - to be u last year we ought to nave tit li-ii»t I'iiXi.iM to carry on oar work.

During tho i>asl ,|ii:uter welmvi- lieen emil|ifiled ,dl«iui"s uiu.i-ii.ted several verv wurlhv ni-i-li- ints Tor aid to llio uib.ton. We ■auI"Ko," nily. There are, even now, some woilliv fuiuilies

..hum it would tie a mercy to help to'bear their heavy ImnlfiiH, but our trcnsuiy Is empty.

The wiitur works of the city have HCIII to in rures ofiiien from ntln-r plni-e-, some of whom

likve their di-stitiilc lnunliei. witli Lbcui, whoenlue bulling to llnd einployiueiit Upon Hie work', hill, OiiliiiX, tlwy ban. fillen bm-k ..n clmritv. We have liml a fli-cnin of application* froiil the-e TOT food ami nut a lew for lodgings, many of whom nierev wnuiil not penall »■< to turn away,

We have oftiai wi«li«d that the pour laws would penult tlie'lveraeers uf the 1'iwr to help worthy hut tempomrlly dcstlluU, person* and llieir fninl- lios who hate no k'gel settleiiienl among us, with- out sending them lo tlie fiuto Alum-liouse, which nuee r<s 1 Lutes the Mpaniiiuii of tin- iiiembei's of the ruuiily rrtiui each other, llut, if this cannot be, shall not the City Mission, liy aiMeilgifti from tbe charitable, lie enabled to do it? Viv believe so; and, therefore, with coundcticc, ask of lliiieharit- ahlu people of our riiv who have so long and so well sustaineil the noble work or the mission, u s|Htdal conlriliuioiii ft Uii- time to its treasure.

Money Tor this object may be handed to me. or sent to my residence, f.i Newbury street, and will bu duly nekiiowteilged.

Hoping for nn early in well asnlibei-nirespini tn tlil-cull, miole by the advice of the MIMI Boanl, I am yours fur tlie poor,

t II.-. V. DlIMSISQ, City Sli-..i.inn,i

lulysSd, 1*71.

—With lastKablvath tbe tlrst IlapU I Sundny ..N,,iml ,, liMl, Hllll |1H„- ,,„. ,,„i^- ,,ltv half the Sch.wil.of this city, closed for six week*, tali- ,,,.„ ir „„,[ ,1,,,,'t pet drunk naain. ' TUelVllow ingarceess until the tlrst Sunday in Sep'cmber . lRRVeajuyous laugh as theth-rl; puiacd blm the

—Another cariro nf pipe for the water works j change for bin live dollar note. was received Tuesday, amounting to UK) Ions. ! _-[-|1L. u|.xri„ 0f fj.ru from box lo, about hull The water pipe ll last going under the ground. pjat 1,i|lLt oVloek Saturday evening, was caused

—The question of who will construct the large i,v Hre ili Ihe line v.-idence of Mr. John Penni- sewcrs which nro to cost over ball a liundi thousand dollars, is of vital Interest to our tax- paying citizens.

—Many of our t ity clergymen are nirungi.ip Tor llieir annual vacation, anil most ol them will probably dedda upon the month, of August for Ibelr short resl.

—The next meeting of tin Lawrence Killing Park Association will occur on Tuesday, Wed- nesday and Thursday. August I, S anil (i. The -irses aggregate Sl.odO.

—A blind man was before tho police court Wednesday, charged with nil nssmill on his

«i sentenced to thirty days, and teemed glad he got off so easily.

—The police arc taking their vacations, errs William (Jammed. William Sullivan, John llau are now ahsent for ten davs; Ol Mitehcl is doing duty for officer Oaniuiell.

Arlington, in llrnadw.iy, ivui'uiiiiiii i.ith hi- family "ire out riding, and had locked tip their lion-e, leaving a kcrostne lamp burning on it wooden sink, In a hock chamber. Near Ihe lamp WHS stunt! clothing in a luiskc'. Mr. A. \V. (ioodiicli was driving by and discovcrtid amokc and Dailies Issuing from the room, and alighting from his team he had the alarm struck, ami then Rained entrance hi the house, through the ctables, und going to (lie chamber sueciemil in exlln^uishing the tlain.-s, which had already dei-tvoycd the sinl; and badly burned ihe plastering and bast- boards.

—All islio were present at the third dny's meeiiiiH at the Lawrence rbluig park, Jn!y Ith, will reiuetnher (Imt there was consiilcnible feel- ing manifested by several horsemen ugnlnst mi,- nl Ihe dcci-ioii- nl tin- J'ulgcs, the chalriimn of whom waa.Mr, Pcrley. One of thegtmk-

who slioweil eollsideralile nngcr v " " —.\eertlll.-at.-ofdlsehr-ire from the I'nitcl I (Jeorge Avers, of Court Street, Boston. A

States Armv, ot llernard Uourke, was found the close of the rate Mr. 1 ertey asked Mr. Aver on the sidewalk lu this - '-. a few day the losir run recover It on application

.MIT on AN Oiiiccii. —Police officer Dennis Murphy wai the vletip of a double as- sault on Saturday evening, from two notorious roughs, one ot whom, John McCarthy, alia* Mimkey, had hut recently been released from a three years confinement in State prison. Mur- phy was attending to his duties, when he was accosted by the partially Intoxicated McCarthy) who expressed a desire to have a little fracas with tho officer. Ho waa Informed that no trouble was desired, and advised i„ go quietly home. McCarthy Insisted upon lighting, and sei/.ing Murphy by tho coat collar tore the gar- ment badly, and made an assault. Ot course Murphy then arrested him, nud while he had him down and was pulling the irons on, Mc- Carthy's chum, Daniel Culinane, offal Big Dan, atuu Bull, Jumped on Murphy, bruised his face, and badly hit him on the hack of the head. Although a Urge crowd were standing alMiut, they WtM all too cowardly to render assistance to the doubly attacked ofllecr, but at this point • iill'vr Sjn-.il' n-ii made a hole through Ihe crowd,

id with a single effort sent Dig Dan reeling to one side, and while holding hun down secured

with irons. In Ihe meantime Murphy had ironed bis man, and tho two ' walked over the river lo the station house.

t this morning McCarthy WHS sent lo the house of correction for six months, anil Cut- inane wus held for niil at the superior court, In Ihe sum of flUOO, with securities, in dctault of wuich he was committed to Jail.

Mti.irAU city government

down tin the stint ie tin il his throal, stablx and howch, ami no let-ling in null itig III- I'tilll

Licut.-Col. I'rt nils K. Pori has just resigned Ins -IMll.l-l mint. M. V. M.. one vear*. lie lo... held a quarter nl a HI Iiir, , has iii) ol licutcnmit-col Ihe Rebellion lie tain id the He' erly I'ollipH Uegln.cnt. lie Military I'oimui 1 I87l. The l.mk publlshc * of til

tit it Rr.WKRAIIR AMI Til

llKAi.iu.--lt I* the opinion, wi

every liitclllicetit person who

the trouble to make personal

closo Investigation, Unit tho <

iur sewers inure than justlnei

Hate expenditure proposed by Hie Mayor

ami City Knglneer. Mr. Tarbox'i* Imps

tlullty ami ability lo form it Judgment In

ouch a matter arc not open to question

The views which lie expressed t» the nty

Government .-mine time since have

strongly confirmed by recent event*.

There la no need lo exaggerate tlie extent

of Mu- iiul.Hiincc fin- purposes of sensation;

tho actual condition of attaint Is eafflclent-

ly Impressive. last summer and fall,

genuine concern was manifested In the

western part nf the city nt tbe unitaual

prevalence t>r vurlons types or blood-pol-

aonlng disease. Ward Ii attained a fatul

prc-cniloetice rbrunheatlhfulnesN in res-

pect to it class or disease* which arc eve-

rywhere recognized as Incidental to mala-

ria. The low marsh lands, the badly con-

structed drains, the exhalations that arise

under n scorchlugsun from stagnant pools

helped the fatal luxuriance of cholera hi-

fsiitumsnd dlptherla, mid a long scries of

malignant complaints. It is very plain

that the means of checking such maladies

must adapt themselves lo the cunacs

which foster Hum, and tlrst unit foremost

nmona Musi', must bo accounted the el-

t entire absence rrmii the city t.r any-

thing like it sewerage system. Scwi rs

there are,inn in the great majority tif cos

■■a we lu-llevf, they urc either or Improper

gredoi liia.lt-i|iiatc capacity ur bad coil-

strnctlon. Instead of cleansing ami purl-

fylDg iho city and Inducing a better stute

nf health, the main sewer of the city Is In

a condition tn be a most fertile source ol

disease. Built of dry stone, through the

crevices of which the liquid part of the

si-wage leaks sway to saturate the ground

with poisonous moisture, ii is in places

half llllcd with solid deposits or the most

offensive kind. The sewer walls In a

both aides of Hie paper. Write In as plain

a hand as your early education will permit.

Don't crowd your lines together. Nig-

gardliness in paper is til Ihe cost of much

hard reeling lu a newspaper nlllee. If

your urtlcle covers more than one sheet,

be sure and number the pages In their or-

der. In the name of ull the saints, never

roll your manuscript, Tor several men uml

women, who have made a practice of doing

this, have perished miserably. Fold tho

sheets, or what is better, use envelopes as

large as the sheet Itself To avoid the

discontent of seeing your confidential

commnulcatlon to the publisher staring

nt yon lu print, It will be as well lo write

It by Itself. Ami, finally, lasllv, and to

conclude, please don't try to slide in an

Indirect advertisement for somebody's ox-

yokes, axe-helves, or horse-shoes under

cover or "local news," The only way to

successful "localising" Is close observa-

tion and conciseness In staling the re-

sults of It. There Is no way Into print,

except by personal ability to write some-

thing worth printing. Newspapers never

take anything or anybody on trust. Tiny

Moultou by saying "1 ha j upon me and It brli

that I am spending my lust caching niv last Bcrmon." A letter from Ivor Johnson to Mr. Tllton, also ap-

pears in the statement. In which Johnson admitting the foulness or the wrongs Tll- tou hns siirTeri'tl, Implores him to forgive

chcr. woof the most remarkable letters In ■imvspniidciiee were Wr.ttrn, the state■ t says, by Mr. Beecher "In order to hown to Mr. Tilton." It tloes not np- r to whom they were written. In the

ilrst lleecher says that lie lias "MU floret I tin- torments of the damned" In bis efforts to keep bock Ids friends from making a ruinous defence nf him, and prevent peo- ple finest lolling him. In the second letter he Mivs, "ir my destruction would place him MM'in nil right. Ilial shall not stand In tlm way. I mn willing to slop down mid out. Nnoue can olfcr inorc tliun thai." And again be says, -I look upon death as sweeter than any friend I have In Uic world." Tilton's statement concludes with the publication <>r several letters from Mrs. Tllton as ovlilcncc of the alt'cc- tionutc lecllng she entertained for her hus- band up to tin- time of her corruption by Uceclier. Tllton also alleges that offers to M'uil liliunml Ids family lo Europe have repeatedly I n made him by Beccher through Moultou.

Tin: concluding portion of the statement nonary of tli

as it i mid lie deidrubli

want , clhill:

up." Where there Is space for anything,

[t |s usually a problem what one of a do/.-

nnreadable things shall- bo placed in il

Think ton sometimes of the bard swearing

there is way up stairs, where your well-

known chlrography which was expected

mi Wednesday, does not make Its appear-

nucu until Thursday or Friday. Bo mind-

Ail of these few suggestions, and then, If

you have faith that your manifest destiny

smells of Ink, or you have anything to

coiiitniinlcuie of unquestionable public in-

terest, si-mi It along.

In, - h.i dhsplni

,i- in- y the sinking t r the gr

lakag of the s ewer lias

ml b wry. TI c oflV iistlv

Tut; tin \ss -I'Kii l'l-wiri;- The w

thing iiboiil the grasshopper piagu

Iowa uml Minnesota Is that there Is

reasonably encouraging prospect that It

will end with the present year. It was

from the millions or eggs left lu Iho Irnc

or the desolation of last year, that II

clouds or grasshoppers have been com 111

this year. Ten eggs may have been di

posiled this time for one in 1873. The

afflicted settlers might be able to drag

through tlie coming Tall ami winter, mid

have enough life left to begin agricultural

operations next spring, If they had

assurance that the altllclli

-vuli-l , III,-

had gi' itlgatln

Tho lb.tin ready .

however, that an u-r evidence before tlie imlltee acquitting Beech- il to him [Tllton] the hope

I would forgive lu-r perjury. statement lo be lunde by Mr. and Mrs. Tllton will probably lie

i Thursday.

■ting I lug Mr. Savage called at the Jail again saw Jesse alone, opening the conversation with the remark, "Jesse, now yon have bad two days to think over tho matter-, now

hould tell alt you know." "Mr. Sav- age, 1 killed her, but I don't want to tell how ." "You must tell mo bow." Pome- roy then sold he bod a plan of tho bouse at South Boston, and where the child was murdered. This was brought from the boy's cell und taken possession or by the chief, who exhibited It to the .jury. H wits nearly drawn ami most truthfully made, showing each turn or the collar, and bore the various deslgnatory explana- tions In Jesse's handwriting. The con- fession then made to tho chief la In sub- stance the following the boy's own lan- guage : —

I opened my mother's store lu the mor- ning at half-past seven, nud the girl came in for papers. I told her there was a store down cellar. (This last word wus afterwards changed to "stairs," because as l'oincrny said, "If I hail said down cel- lar she would nol have gone,") She went down to nbnul the middle of the cellar and stood facing Broadway. I followed her ami pnl my left arm about lu-r neck, my handover hormouth, and with my knife cut licr throat, holding my knife in my right hand. 1 tti'-n dragged her to behind the watercloset, laying her head further- most up the place, ami pnl stunt' stones and some ashes on the body. 1 look the ashes from a box In the.cellar. I never knew the girl before. I sent n boy to Iloyt i Lawrence's store, near by, niltl bought the knin- for iwcntv-nvo cents. The knife was taken from me when I was arrested. When I was in the cellar I heart! my brolior at tho outer door, which I had locked. Alter he came fo I .ran up the stairs and found h


i Unqualified Denial by tho Accused,

On Wt ymoutl

;■ and ti -clic idem

ut i Iif

evcral of the .leueoi With Mr. Shc.in

irul Tracy, met ul i), ami, after a eon

Irew up lit ' Mr. Bet



ed for tw yeni

inly in New Vurit par s miluw* Troy nn. years Rt.hl loan 1' I.

our hoi SIS, ml, we icliivi- that I s real i

danger ■is tl .'public liealtll as lo -licnuii

ter. II.-s III Ihe p.d -iOU.HIS guscs Whirl

make tl ilr vi ay from hese s .wly r inning

half-rli ketl essp.li Is into ur Inn ses an.

homes. W have in desire to exa ggcrau

or draw a fa ul fill p clure. We simply desire ,> ur ge Ihe c mill ii ii t»r ih sewi r

Age nf lie t ity as fi ruisuln r, In a strictly

san i lai* |KI il of vl tw, got 1 gr. und fol

gene ru a I a III. Without giving way ti

sense It ss Co icies uln ul limb -lies Ike hy

drnpho liU i r Ashitlt cliok-n , whit idoini

threat* i us there Is I'llOllgl in tin gray 11

..[ Inhabit;

1 not 1 e repeated n

■s.-nt p nspecl Is that

ami in ist fertile ll

lesolll HWt lose liiol

- I"'<'"-'' cot'the plug!


t propose at this time lo prepare a detailed examination of tbe remarkable statement of Mr. Theodore Tllti nude before the committee of Investigation. and which appeared In the Brooklyn \r- guaofJulyai, IS74. 1 recognise the many reasons which make it of transcendent importance to myself, the church and the cause of public morality that I shall gi- a lull answer to tbe charges against me, but having requested the comml Investigation to search this mattci botti It is to thorn thai j must loos lor vinilicatli.il. Hut I cannot delay for tin hour to defend Urn reputation or Mrs. Kllxabilth It. Tllton, upon whose name, in connection with mine, her husband has attempted to pour shame. One less de- serving BUCb disgrace I never knew. From childhood she has been under my

I since reaching womanhood she has had my sincere admiration ami sffec-

I cherish for her it pure reeling. Miciius n gentleman might honorably of- fer to a Christian woman, ami which she might receive and reciprocate without inor- si scruple. 1 reject with Ind!

the < li.ii Mitchell's lit. lie The two girls thai worked In

store for mother usually got there nhoti nine o'clock. Mother came later. Broth cr Charles and I took turns lu opening the store till iboiit April. My mother and brother never knew anything about this altitlr. I forgot to tell you that I washed mv hand and knife that, were bloody at the vale I

Mr. Savage tln-i i tell tht

told the boy thai he ury all of Ids story. tin, but desired to have

anted Jesse IISHC it kept from tin- newspapers. This .Mr. Savage said he was not abb- to control.

lu regard to ll.c confession ..1' I'nincroy the chief was not aware at the Unio ol his interview with Jesse that the doctor**; ex- amination had revealed the usual mutila- tions made by l'omcroy lu the various ca- ses of fiendish cruelly attributed to hlin. so UO i|ilcsliolls were ilskcd of the buy ill regsrd to any acts of mutilation on the body of Katie I'urran. l'omcroy will be

crvlewed to-day concerning this part ol the affair, and hl« story will probably be told at the Inquest on Wednesday.

Till'. iMKU.IIiKNT CoMl'iisiliiH Is f-ist

robbing the Would-beassassill qf Bismarck

nf nil tin' lame ami glory which could

havu in ■ n tlie only reward for which hi

hoped. Already be has liguml as, llnll-

iiian. Pullman,Kallman, Itullimin, Wall-

mini and /.iilbuan. and there arc nthel

telegraph operators to bear from, win.

tun probably spell or misspell the nami

ivlty ' ilifi'ereiilly.

m,n; bleb ivtlc I- ll|M 111

nyown. My regard Tor Mrs. Tilton was perfectly well known to my family. When serious dl flic III tied sprang up in her household, 11 was to my wil'ethat she re- sorted for counsel, ami both of us acting from sympathy, uml. as It NUlmequeiilly appeared, without full knowledge, gave unadvised counsel which (ended to harm. I have no doubt that Mr. Tilton found that Ids Wife's eolilldence and reliance upon my Judgment had greatly iucreased while his Influence had diminished in consequence of a marked change In bis re- ligious ami social view s which was taking place during those years. Her mind was

A I'im.'KI.KM' . Middlesex Count] ing upon the pees county llnauecs, ' IKMIofeollUly moi In the lobby ab, Hull the present • fnllmvlllg pl'i'teili vltins olllce-holdc we are In fltror precedent—that t Ing the guilty pa the parly, it Is lb was established-

The New Vorl Brlstow dldn'i V bill ii, prepare '

is.—The metsben of iho , 11 ■■ | .,..-,■. I to lie ii-.i,-"l i.i I ilc

and do the fair Ihlng by the several military rganUatloni ol the city. The (rrcstcst want ll

decent aeetimnitid.ilbin* fur Battery I), and an order bai paused both hrauchcu autliori/ing the committee on public property to mako inch alterations and additions lu the church property nn boweil street, recently purchased by the city, U will make nt least temporary accunimodotioti fur the battery. A ncrloiiH question arose In tbe Aldermanie board as to the whilom nf this ac- tion. Mr. (Thadlauirn thought it would not be wise to expend money in fitting up the old woollen church, and midges led that the building be disposed of. and that the school hoUN at the corner of Aroesbury and Lowell struct* be n moved tu the church lot tin Lowell street, and new building lie erected on the school house lot fur the battery. This we deeuitbxjyjseirt cu

able I or "Tnobattery to much larger than tho

ehurih lot. The oldermen wtreenually divided mi twu projects, hut finally punned an order "■ above stated, with the understanding that Ifai committee should examine Into the condition o ■natters and expense, and the mayor further suggested that Adjutant-General Cunningham ■bould be interviewed previous tunny decisive action, to learn IT he wuuld simetiou the placing of the battery In a wooden building and one of this description. Armori'saro accepted or con- demned by the Ailjiitunt-Oeneral, and he U

jcaloui ol the can and safe storage of the State property. It would seem that, tt> carry . ut tho suggestion of Alderman Cbadbourn, would be evidently wise, Infinitely better for the battery, and, in Ihe end, room economical for the city.

An order has also been passed for the pay- ment of bills for the lighting- and heating of ar- mories, when used for the legitimate military exercises of the troops; the order does not in- clude lighting and heating expenses involved In carrying on receptions, dances ur social gather- ings. This action is Just; II the State pays for the nntal of armories, there is no reason why

ity should oblige the member*of the militia .y such necessary expenses while pei feeling

themselves in military duties. years ago the members of the .Sherman

cadets lieaiitMed and made attractive thulr military bom: tiy decoration of its walls and

lliug. The building in which they are located is city property, and, by n leaking roof, the freseoed celling of tho armory was ruined. The company asked the city lur reimbursement, nnd

ter has been passed satborislns, the pay- ment of soon to Captain Dachesncy, command- er uf the Cadets, on this account.

The new uilliti.i law of the Si.U^: provides for hciidipnirteis of battalions, brigades and divls- luiis. cities » hen such licudipiiirters are loiiili'd

must provide ihe same, ami tho State reimburs- es the cities for ihe payment uf rent, in not exceeding $300 per annum. The city til, In compliance therewith, has passed an order to provide and furnish lieadipiartcr* for tli Sixth Kegiment and the Second llattaliun of Light Artillery; Col. Heal and Major Merrill respectively, commanding. The headquarters nftbl Sixth Regiment have been located in Smolder's block, ami those of the Second Ilat- tall.ui ol Artillery arcTyct to be located.

IsiiiicriiiAt, scuiiiii.— This Institution Las got fairly nt work,and our people may congrat- ulate themselves that the meru punishment and discipline of youthful culprits, is no longer to

mtlnned, without regard to their moral, Intellectual and physical inprovjtuent. The

hool has been established under the direction ' a committee ol our best citizens, men with

brains and hearts, nnd who have n lively iulcr- est lor tho young who are growing np In our

1st, and these gentlemen will eontiuuu to re control of the Institution, although Its Im-

mediate -ijjn i u .MM will lie conducted hy a Su- perintendent ; and wo believe ihe directors have i,i ,'ii peculiarly fortunate In securing a gontle- man of experience, possessed nf n clear head, kind heart, and a strong hand. The directors have established a code of by-tawi or regula- tions for the government of the sell uol, and as they concern the public wo publish the same:

llovs shall bo allowed to receive visiU Irom their friends from two to five o'clock on the first Saturday afteriusins of each month, and oftener

DR.ITII OP Dit. BavrVAtmc.— llr. Kdmund Seylfarth died in this city, Tuesday morning I.i-i, at the age of furiy-seven years. disease was congestion of the bowels. Ho was a thoroughly educated physician, a graduate ot l.eipsic and the medical schools of Vienna, was at one time a medical officer la the Russian

and, during the late Rebellion In the L'nlted States, a surgoon ot Volunlcrs at Ports- mouth drove Hospital, R. I. Ha was Asslst-

■Surg.of the till Battery, Mass.Militia,and on the-establishment of ihe '21 BttUllon of Artil- lery, became Surgeon with tho rank of Major,

position Ue resigned about two months ulnee. Dr. Seylfarth was a remarkably well Informer", man In hit profession, and bis associates in practice in tho city, In a serins of resolutions adopted on Tuesday evening, bear testimony to their appreciation of his professional skill and conduct, lie was a member of Needuam l'ost fj. A. U. and of OrecJan Lodge F. A. M., both of which with Battery D, and a large delegation of resident physioUna attended his funeral nt the Central Congregational Chunk yesterday afternoon. Rev. Wm. E. Park officiating, as- sisted by City Missionary Dunning. Tho re- inulus were burled in HuHovuc cemetery.

BRUTAL AHHACLT.—One of the worst restores with which the police have to deal is tho want of evidence'sufllL-ient lo convict prisoners, who

have been guilty of assaults or other crimes, complained of by relatives or friends, who fail to appear to testify when trial Is had. These cases are generally assaults, sometimes uf the

most l -Mii.il and deadly kind. hut a wife, child friend, cither from fear of future trouble, or

Iinving got over the desire to punish the as- sailant, will not give evidence when railed upon. Such a case was in court on Monday, but the want of evidence did not keep the brute from punishment. His name Is Michael Camp- bell, and In his liiry against his wife, ho Kited a haichef, and dealt a dendly blow at her head, hut which the woman received on her arm raised to ward off the blow. An ugly gash, three ur four inches long, was shown the mar- ital when she caino to make the complaint, and he marshal was enabled to tell the story,

which the court doomed sufficient to warrant a Hcntcncc of 8*20 and costs, or ninety days im-

nieut In the house of correction.


to bu of a chronic character; It is not forgotten liat during iho administration of Mayor Melvin -■ 11a■ - "i Ur- Broadway abuttors insisted upon lacing their own edge stones for new sidewalks ,

Mayor Melvin, backed hy tbo street eoiuiuis- :r's force, intrepidly tore them up and had

them re-set in accordance with Ids own ideas of grade Tho sidewalks were accordingly con- structed, and now comes Mayor TarbOX with the new system o( engineering, reduces the grade ol Broadway so much that Mayor Mulvin's edge stones aro lull high nlaivo the street line. Who Is to pay tbe costs of reconstructing the sidewalks > If any man supposes it will be the abuttors, let blm hope he may live till an Essex county Jury renders such a decision.

legislature. llu rials have only bee

M established by pre Ifthat h the cam

f establishing a nei onvlctinK and punlsl ■M. l-'or lbe good » K i- such precedent

i Kentucky on plw ■clary asurt largi

"four ■r" -ays idea

POBTAOB TO FIIANOK.—The Tost OITku partmeiit has announced the ratification new postal treaty with France, hy which mall facilities will be greatly improved. The new arrangement goes into effect on tbe 1st of August, and provides fur direct mails, the post- age on letters to be nine ceiita for half an ounce; newspapers three cents each, If not exceeding four ounces in weight. Iiouks, pamphlets, photo- graphs, etc., and samples ol merchandise, if of no commercial value, und not dutiahle,4wo cents for a single ounce, four cents for two ounces ami six cents for four ounces, prepayment oflctters Is optional, hut when not prepaid live cents extra will be collected. Letters may be registered at a Ice often cents.

RBLUF ASSOCIATION.—The organisation of tbe Masonic Mutual Relief Association was completed on Ihe20th inst., by tho election ore Iward of officers, as follows ;—Dr. John Stowe, Lawrence, president; James 11- Simpson, l.aw- rencc. vice-president; A. B. Mack, Lawrence, secretary; P. O, Tillsbury, Lawrence, treatur-

Dlroctors: N. P. H. Melvin, Lawrence"; II, H. Jenkins, Andover; A. A. Currier, Lawrence ; George W Sawyor, Mothucn ; Caleb founders,


tender of sickness, by consent of the Hupcrln

Visits made to the members of the school shall always tie in the presence or tbe Superli tendent or Home officer; and only such persons shall be allowed to visit Iho school or hold any Intercourse with the iHiysasthe Superintendent shall think proper, or as have permits from some one of the director*.

Lvery packet, parcel or article of any kind micudcd b>r uiiv boy shall tlrst be delivered to the Supcritii. u<l"i' »r oftleer In charge, and by him examined before il Is delivered.

No visitors shall be admitted on Sunday ex- cept in case of sickness or to attend some relig- ious service.

Strangers shall be allowed lo visit ihe school Wednesday nl nub week, between the hours of two nnd live in the afternoon, und they -linll ,»■ admitted only on such days, except by tbo written permit nt one ofthe dlre<"

I The boys shall be allowed to write tellers to !-»••-«■- — n1(i|r friends as often as the Superintendent shall Wilson says lu: is well ,iiink proper, but all letters sent or received liver Hie Senate again. ' shall be Inspected by hlin


>AUI> nf AI.IIKIIUKS.—Tuesday evening pel 111IAar1mllrdnaya11dA.il. Holt, torilanuig. i referred t.< proper committees; petition i

Tims. Wilkinson for street lishl on Headway, r ferred. The report of tbo City If arahnl, and lbe bond uf Timothy Kane, as deputy colluctor, ' arccpted. Orders were passed to nonelruct

■I-M ,,ii i i llroadway andKssex street the latter U> connoet with KSHCX CO'H sewer und. the canal, and a resolution wo» passed lo bo e rolled, to burrow SUi.flOO to pay tho expen, thereof. An nrilor was passed lo pay Mallhe Doyle e.'..■..i.i additional fur land damage.

COMMON CoDSCtb.— At tbe meeting of the rnunell on Thursday evening, with Coun-ihnen Itlehardson, Chandler, Walts, Camion and Beott absent, nil paper* from the board of Aldermen were concurred In, nscopl Uie order to pay Matthew DOfle an additional land damage nf ».:..'."", which waa laid on the bible one week to BWSit report of a ■ -,i i, ■■ of three from this board. The order fur band concerts was returned (O the Aldermen, with tbo amount of approprla. lion reduced from t ;■■" I" ? :>"'. Tbo clerk id tho council was Instructed lo ir.jnest a report from committee on iuirclias.1 of tiale's Hill, and also a report from [Superintendent of Cemetery. The council then adjourned MM week.

office. —The contractors for lnyln- waU-r-plpc. ine

doing their work tpilckly -a Kssex street. 'ibev began Saturday, ami Monday evening the pipe was laid and covered to Auiesbury street.

—Tho picnic nt Hacuet's Prnid, Satunlsy, nnilcr the auspices of the St. Vincent de rant Society, wm, » success, bavins, a largo atiend- ance, and a merry lime, without trouble or accident.

—The Hibernians will save a picnic at Val- pey's grove, K,>utti-slde, on Wednesday, Angn-t ISth. A running match by women and alrls for the prbw of a ■■: ■ j i -i set will be one of the features.

-It Is stated that a young hotel clerk has ipped out of the city, after tapping the land

lord's till during his absence, and getting tho illdencc of a tailor to the extent of a fine suit

of clothes. -The Canard Steamer Datavla, which arrived Boston at 1 o'clock r.H. on Saturday, ten

days Irom Quccnstown, had 33 cabin ami WI steerage passengers, of whom thirty were lor Lawrence.

Mtuqultoel are not very troublesome this season. Tho two seasons past they were plen- teous enough, but previous- to that time they were not classed umjng tho summer visitors of Lawrence.

—The J. C. lloadley Portable Engine Com- pany, have erected a telegraph lino between their machine shops near the foot ot the canal and their olhce in Post Oltlcc block, a conveni- ence made necessary by their rapidly Increas- ing business.

—The towers of ihe Second Baptist church arc to I* raised twelve feel higher than was origin- ally Intended. At present tho tops ofthe towers hardly reach to the lop of tho main part uf the now building.

—Mr. K. P. Itlehardson, well known In con- nection with the McKay Sewing Machine Co., has just received another patent, ibis time upon a shoe-sole nailing machine; his application was tiled June I, 1874.

—Mr. Richard Hlnclicllnc, recently editor of the Lawrence "Journal" and well known In this icctlon as a prominent lalior reformer and ten hour man, sails for Europe in a few doys by the Iniuan Line uf steamships.

—The Hev. Father (lllmore has decided to Elacc a chime of bells upon the beautiful ediilue

nown as St. Marv's Church, and it is stated that Messrs. Hooper & Blake will have the ct tract to furnish and place then,

—The "Statesman," of Concord. N. H., in speaking or the excellence of ihe St. Nlcboh hotel In New York, isyi one ol its proprietors, (Mr. C. H. Klng.l is almost a New Hampshire boy, being a former resident of Lawrence, and is just Ihe right man In the right place.

—tslrfce the police got their warrants tokMI unlicensed dogs, u few days ago. one hundr, and nine delinquents have walked np to i city clerk's oftlce and designate I their prel'i ence to contribute towards tho support of the public library, rather than have their animals killed.

—It Is probable that the line *jflteeri ofthe Sixth Kegiment will change their decision Ic wesr light blue pants and adopt dark blue, tin same as will he worn by enlisted men. It WHS tbe original Intention to have tho enlisted men wear light blue, but enough desirable cloth could not be obtained.

—An excursion to Salisbury licacli Is announced for Saturday, August Hth. Parties wilt go to llavorbill, by rail, and then take the j.iuutv little steamer LJiieeu oflhoMerrlunieaud sail down the river to Iho beach. Tbo party will be accompanied by the Haverhlll Brass hand. fare for the round trip, only 91.2*.

—TeatOO, at Hampton Beach, is fast filling up his house. Then are now stopping there the families of John t'alltin, Charles Clark, Ueorgu Uussell, and Messrs. J. I'fed Clark and Conductors Nason and Aiuazeeii, of llio Boston and Maine road. The Lawrence cottages aro nearly all occupied by their owners.

—Hundreds or people vldt the Hie ofthe great reservoir for the water works on Sundays. The road up the hill between the two cemeteries, nn bad as It Is, Is becoming quite a favorite avc- .... for pleasant driving. When, this road is widened, graded and lbe connection made with tbe broad street running from the reservoir to the pumping station, and connecting with the water works, then the avenue will become the most popular in the city. In driving over it n tine view will lie had of the reservoir, pumping ■nation, tho river and tbo ulty.

—Wu have no knowledge concerning "proft-s- ..lonal grades," but It the ungainly angles and the np-and-down-blll slopes of the granite edge stones on the Haverhlll side of the Common, near the Lawreneo street church, are in accord- ance with any system of nice englnceiing, the sooner Ibev arc changed lo conform to some line of taste and symmetry the bolter for the appear- ance of that portion of oar public park; as now placed the stone Is only an ugly deformity, Its sharp angles and grades required by no lino of street or common, and the comments it elicits from our people are far from consoling or com pllmcntary.

—Across the water still liieygo. William Duncan Wood, agent of the Inman Line ami Anchor Line of steamships, lias arranged for the passage to Kuropo of a nmnlier ot Lawrence people. Tho following is the list lor last week rer Anchor Line—William Huberts, Martha Roberts, L'jwls Robert*. Joseph Hardy, Daniel Hoy. William Sullivan, Kllcn Grant, John Uutld, Mrs. Mary McCubbcn, Misses Isabella and Mary McCubbcn. Per Inman Line—John Thornton, John Bunyon, Isabella Lennigbi, Richard Hlnchcliire.Ulrhs.rd l)ewhlrst,Richnrt1, John and Kliialiuth Lining. Per City of Chester, Mth Inst., Mr. Charles Ahcrrroinhle.

—The funeral of Thomas M. Cargill, former-, ly 1st Lieut. In the ll.I Massachusetts liittory, Capt. Martin,was conducted, Wednesday, under the direction of Nocdhani l'ost, (J. A. It. The remains were buried In the Grand Army lot at tin- Cemetery. Mr. Cargill was not a member ofthe organisation, but once held membership In tho Arciy and Navy Union, Hie first or the veteran organizations established after iho war. He was an excellent officer In service, having won his way upfroni the ranks and received two or three wounds. He commanded Mar- tin's liattory in several liupjrUnt engagamenls.

The annual excursion to Old Orchard lleacb, bv the Boston and Maine Railroad, oc- curred Wednesday, and as last year, was attended by an Immense crowd of people. rrolHibly over fifteen hundred people embarked on the train which left tins city at hall past seven in the morning. The train numbered eigh- teen cars, all crowded, even to the l'l.ui ■'-■ One car was retained for the North Andover people, and Wcdn ■ lay morning two hundred tickets had licen disposed id In that town. No lietter day could have been selected Tor tho excursloiilats. Sapt. Furber and dipt, Caufy accompanied the party.

horse flesh, was well illustrat- ed Sunday morning, between Uallardvale and Antlover, resulting in steam getting tbe beat, am! horse BSSB getting distanced; but steam hatl the pole, and in coming to a railroad bridge horse llesh bad lo cut in, and f;ot keeled over Into the road helow. The horse struck the railroad at the Ballardvalo crossing, and kepi ahead of the Herald train for Kinie distance. The engineer stopped the train liemrc reaching the bridge, the horse leaping the lies, until It had nearly crossed, when by a misstep, tho ani- mal plunged to tbo roadway, a descent of fifteen feet, and lay quivering in agony as the Sunday lititilth passed on to llieir anxious patrons.

—At a meeting of the members or Iiattcry T). held at ihetr armory Tuesday eve., the comman- der Capt. Oco. O. Durrell.waa pleasantly re- membered and most agreeably surprised. After tho business of the meeting had been transact- ed Lieut. Prye stepped forward, and with a neat little speech on behalf ol ihe memlieri ol the company, presented ihe commander Or the com- pany with a regulation sword, and service and dress scabbard. Tbe recipient expressed bit surprise and gratitude to the eompioiy for their remembrance of him. On the tires* scahlwrd were engraved tho words "Capt. Ocorgu 0. Dun, ll, presented by members of Battery I).'

—The Gloucester excursion, held Tuesday, under the auspices or the First Benevolent Society, was attended by over six bandred people'. The excursionists-were met at the

If he would curry him to the depot In his i riagc, and the latter refused the courtesy, say- ing Ibat he would not allow such a muti to ride

with him. At a recent meeting at Mystic Tark Avers look occasion t.i revenge himself on the judge of the race, and struck h lm on the head. Aver^ was arrested, and in court was lined gojjj, which he paid with alacrity, saying as he did so. that he was willing to pay for the re-

■cnge he had taken on Terley. —Sunday last was a day of considerable Inter-

test to the members and ci.ngrcgntlon of Hie Me- thodist chureh.South-sl.le. lu the morning at nine o'clock four were bapiiicd by immersion on the Common, und at lbe regular Service In Ihe church one was baptized by sprinkling. At lbe closo of tho morning service the pastor admitted to membership twelve from probation while three united by letter. The service was inter- esting aud Impressive throughout. There lia- bsim a warm religious interest In this church (.hire January last, since which about 11 Ity have ta'en converted at its altar, some of whom have united themselves with other branches tif the church. Koine fifteen stilt remain on probation waiting for admission to full mcmiiersliip. 'this church will be kept open during the entire ■Summer, with service bolh morning and aitcr- in,mn. with the usual prayer-meeting lu the evening. -

—In a very quiet manner Uie member* ol Ihe Lawrence Lixht Infantry, Capt. Timothy Deacey, arc perfecting themselves as a military organisation. The company has ihroitn out worthless men, anil the ranks now present a

nit of good sized, hue-looking fellows; the iks are full, ami thirty applications for inciii r-hlpareon tile. To perfect Hie ore imza- >u in drill, a fommendanlc wateni lias lieen

adopted, and one which, aside Irom its im li- sts Interest, will serve lo place II in the limn rank of companies notetl for excellence in mil- itary manoeuvres. The system comprises ri|iwd drills for a rirtic, and three squads, under Mini iiiand of Sergeant Dohin, Connors nnd Joyce, respectively, are ihe contestants. The squads are well matched, each commanding seieeant selecting his assisting non-commissioned ■ Ulcers and privates, one at a time, in succession. The decisive drill will take place at nn cmb day, and the judges chosen arc Col. Deal, Mayor Pecker and Adjutant Whitney,hy whom two other judges will tie selected. The several squads are now actively at work in preparing themselves fur the contest.

—Oeorge Webster Is a young man who needs a little free advertising. One week ago Web- ster and his wife commenced hoarding nt ihe Kssex House, informing the proprietors thai lie was going to work for W. O. Howe, the furni- ture man. Inquiry was naturally made of Mr. Howe if the man was he represented himself. It appears that Howe engaged him lo SO In work for g'2 per dai , but during the week lie did not ito to work. The landlord eonclnded that a man on a salary ol $12 per week could not alford to pay SKI per week for tmurdhig himself and wife, and have much rpcndbiR money lell, so he concluded to keep an eye on his movements, and suggest au Instalment nt lucre at the end of the tlrst week. On Thurs- day the week expired, and man and wife con- cluded to take an aftcrmsin trip to Haverhlll, succeeded In reaching the South Side dcyot, when Mr. Fowls met them and invited ibeni to return to the Essex House, and there was no other course to pursue. Webster siii.I In- had no money, and tlie landlord detained bis meagre baggage for payment, allowing the pah to depart. That Webster Is a fraud Is evident. fur I'lilllirlck know* him, having, In c uupanv wlth I'inkham, had previous occasion to visit

im on account of n similar transaction to that performed at the Kssex House.

ilng discussion of the water works report, occurred In the Common Council cham- ber at tbe last session of that disUngiilsheil hotly. In the Hoard of Alderman the report was accepted, and au order passed for printing .i00 copies. Mr. Noonan, nl the council said, that a committee on wau-r works had been ap- pointed, anil not having had tlie liuimr to a- soluble as yet, he thought l( a good l.l.-.t to r - Icr the report to tiicin ; this motion was amend ed to allow the same committee to gel the re- port primed, If they thought best, Councilman Murphy, who runs tlie printing, didn't see

why lbs printing should be taken from ihe proper.commlttec, and feeling badly about It the amendment was withdrawn, and the repor. referred as desired by Mr. Noonan. Th.n Mr. Murphy moved that the printing committee procure jl)d copies. Mr. Devlin thought it nul consistent to have (lie report piiiitc.l before it was necepled, and staled that it had already been printed In a newspaper, even before it got to the council. Mr. Noomiu couldn't see much use lu printing the report ur.y way, as it hud al- ready lieen published in the AHKHICAN, HI full. and copies could lie had for live cents; while it would bo quite nil expense to print five huu- :iretl cVples. If the water commissioners want- ed the report printed?let them have it done

' es, and pay for It from the water work- money. The Council voted not to have ihe ie port printed.


IPAV.— As mlglil have been HOY day, criminal bin.iiicr-» v mi Hafiirihiy night mid MUM rere kept Imsj nil the lime, s

■ per: llpp.-ll ■ the

fiilenilili-adi-ilion to the of correction. Qfoourat ascendant, though ,o*ci led, while tlie balance among people who lui, tempo, nl rescue nt pi I disorderly, etc. The cm mil are,1, .:..|i-l,lenn« tlie Im-lll,

i unlearn, at-

iintknhly good

llostnn and Maine railroad stallun. In Boston, bv a band of music and escorted to the lioat. The trip down the harbor was delightful, and tho hours spent In OloncesU-r wore enjoyable. A large delegation visited the Atlantic iloase, kept by our former townsmen, Mr. K. IL Hatchings, and were hospitably cutcrtalied. The excursionists returned at a seasonable hour In the evening, and all express themselves satisfied with their day's pleasure.

—We came In sight, at the corner oltheCoin. mon, Wednesday, of a gang ofBtreetCommls- siuner Desmond's employees standing with shovels and picks around n partially tilled cart; the entire eight were leaning on their imple ments, and, as we passed, we heard the narra- tion of a bit ol a story, and whllo we wero cross- ing the entire Common and out of sight of tbe cart, not a single shovel or earth was thrown In by any one or Ihe city-paid loarers; and this I* a specimen or what may be soon Vitii th'.- eoinplniiuiiii, dully in the streets, under the supervision oftho 1 costs.

i, eiiiiMiierni llruntt.—liiine.-. l.iiiiuiaugli, SI ll .

thirty days; Jamea liens, wiiu was drunk, and imiibi 111 lie ll disturbs lice w bile te-pei llllilc people were n turning from el.uivb, got *.1 mul i tisl-,: Mai till Moraii.*l ami costs; Ibinlel I.liuiliill, #1 ami cOi.Lt; James Alib.ni, 41 without •."!-. .lames Carey, ditto; Tluiolhv llniiipnn, lbe drunken charcoal man who gate Col. Heal so much trouble, #8 and I:II,W, and the costs werr much more llian tbe line.

Afititlt*. — Kilwurd li.m.l uml Tlioinns Ilorher ly, mutual lusnuli, DnWil liiu.l *l ami ru-i.-. KI>,I Motherly discharged; James Muijhy uml Mar garct Murphy, hi- mother, nnmult on McCull ■ tlie former seiilcni-e.1 t» Imir inoiitlis, Irom " h Hi he appealed mid WIIH lichl in the mini nf J.ISI, lb ■ hitler discharged; John Met uriiu, n-i-miii »,i tiilleor Mnrpliy, nl.\ mouths; Daniel Culiwane, assault on uffla.r Mm phy, and aiu-nqit m rescue prisoner, uuaml over intho suiaofJUW; sli.-liuel CniiiplH.il, assault ul « if.- « illi it I alehc:, r'.'ti nnd i-only, or ninety ilny-i John Hum., ni-nitill on Margaret Hawkins, el and cost.

hileand DUerthrl). i,i/.- Lynoli, eassennlir- uml, anil Lli;e will probably be sent to l| swh-.li; John llieiuiiili, (:; nnd en-t-.

7.(1 rernn— Ann Clark, who Ins gained consid- erable notoriety as a thief, was com hied of stealing a dicos wuisl, and tlneil t"i uml to-Is, or thirty days.

J iiynW/.-l'alriok Mct'artliy was nrroBtrd for being a vagabond, nml lbe tn iileiiee H as suit) 'l.-nt to warrant his being sent lo the hnnse if eorreel ion fur I ' lunnllis.

\ii,:-,n ,,. Aii.eii iniiii.i, the Bllddlelon burglar, whose ciihC Wa- continued li-n dnvs nifo, was biunul over for trial in tin. sum of *|issi, Tlmnias Mi lmn.tr, lbe miin who rut bin throat white In a partial stain of delirium treinciis, was Continued leu days lunger.

TliKSIiAV.—Anothei lively morning and a round iluieii of sinners suitiinaril> ilispoie.l i.i. \ number ol the prisunurs wen- ol tin; weaker se\, and a harder luoknw set i mild not easily be foiiinl. i ir course that one word " ruin " wan ul the Imi Linn nl' nil the trouble -eleven ol the Im he <-u. miners were charni-d iviib ili niikeniicss, and the twelfth was guilly of making a rTistiirbani c.

HIMIII: — .liilui Mounahiin, John Cmupbell. Michael Wholly, James lluriis and Maignit I Murphy, were eaeli Huc.l one dollar and ci.r-ir; Uie latter person WHS HI yesterday, in eompanv wtlh her son, who wus held in jail tor future ti ia1. Hi id^ct Moiniin'" Im- baud was seat up yesterdav for beliigdnmk, and Hrltlget in her luiM-lfiict.it go! drunk, and todiiy she gin'-up lo keen her liusbaml eompanyror thirty days. Margnrel Brainlou wn„ sent uiifortlibinlnys, uml ihe JIHIKC lliuimlii thr sheriff would lake her Into his tanilly to do li.iu-c work WIH'II liertiiuii was out- I'erbups he will, but we doubt it. Catherine lllley, nn old won en from Metliueii, lined spvimlv-lwn, una allowed no hour to get lo her home. Kate lieu hurry, . o.-l- or thirty davs.

ItMiirbmir,:— .lolm Minor In a young chap who conies IVoia Nashua to Unit relations ul llu- eitv, and the raliillvcs waat him cleared toil. I 01 being11runk and making a disturbance hewn- scut nil thirty davs. Mary Lamb made a disiorl, ance, biilas ll wan in order to get her drunken husband troui M.-Nullv's rum shop, the Jiulne ruled that she had a right to raise a row, and ae eortlingly ilimiliarged tliu Lamb.

WKONESOAV.—1'iinr tlrunks, two assault.-, ami an attempt tn rescue prisoner from poUeciiian. i-omprlscl tin- liiiHitii--slo ,lav. .Mielniel h.-i lem

drunk, was seiiteiieed M U line of #;l and eo-ls; John Lamb, simple drunk, *lnml costs; Ami Miionim.', ll M-..-IU. vear oil drunk, U .1- all"" el to depart an le-ted, out ol'reqiccl lor her Hire.' seort. and tun yours of cxl-tence; Tiniotbj Sin cliffc, a Mctliucn drunk, win given an luoir i.i quit the town; Johu AMII, the blind mini, In- an nssault upon llii wile, was sent up for thirl v da..-; Bartholomew Cuirv, a--:inlt, * t and luilf e,i,-i-, or thirty davs; Tie,m;i- fii/gerald, ns-iioll on Olllcer whllo In perlorionive of his dlltv, bound over lo the gnilid |in y, and i.eiit to j iii in ,1,'i.iull Of •BOO half

TuoaaiiA v.—William Blmpaon, a drunkard, wss Siven one hour lo leave town. Joseph rrw,

runk, didn't far well, as it cost him ab.-m fl.HOto nave a term of tlilrty days at the II. of I ■ The lli-lscoll'it oaiun nn a-a uiat-hed pnic, John und Mary each getliaKilusi'd in a fine of ff an.I eoftsjuil Hie line in tin- lainale ea-e ivil- rii-peinl cdlo allow Mary to nluu Ihe pleil«c. Kdwuid Hplane, lor an old assault, which he had

was let ml with II and

~d . , ■ , JlOSKl'll ABBOTT HAS STKUKOi

.M»c A-iKJover Advertiser: ^.;;^I;^;Vi^:::,^:;i1;V;^,:^:.^/VAi


, nml

e LrAi> ju»( in Ho- hriilthopn


„ I

The llev. John 1'. Allicn ol'l'uwiel, Vt. tun LU-v. A.M. Colton or FjuilininptoD, h»«

I.L'VU vUlUng friends In town. v

Mr. und Mrs. A. 1". Ware have, gone lo the White M<»iintain*iwra lew wreck*, and un llwir return "'ill make Marlilclicad their residence.

Mr. s. Sticrberna Mettliewi ui ilic lust clau m the Betninary, bus received a rail lo soule us pastor nl the Congregational church in Wllrnlug


itharwlia well <|iiali*aul lM[ll.ltl.!llO*C..l1')i-U'i' renco. Apply tolwiv N Amlof*T,Jul)'*, 1-7I.


. u.Cnbtn Street, Amlover,


Tbe r baa received from Oeorgo II. Cut ■ egg, nifusiiting seven and-a-h circumference, and weighing- i

I, gouural imdertn'tcr, I'urk ilJunco Enoch Abboti1-, tor- I in or street*.

20,1874. HU

A ut'W nrlkli cow wflli

r inure' vliout LtMiIi- Morris '

'Ptic buruavM hO*- ' actor Jonathan MocriJl •d wa* well know here l Ulu, lir, iiifl ■ i/i i .--■ ii'iuvii her ili'imrtuii' j twh UKIMI.LV.I ;,I..I ;

!!■'. Ml!,'iivin",i!M.'( them- ; [waking i<i the mrp«-o

.it. Ii. The. :i-»tcl bore

CiTi MiBStUL'i OKTUUT, ror tbe quarter em* Y'O CALOMEL! Nl ig .rum- Stub, 1-71, a* subedited to UM CUV Coun- ; i" * NO Pol

SANGUINARIUM, - UM folio* i'

i.'iiiinon ft»nk»,S; drunks, -id* keeping. i7; tliiut or ijivqny,",;; "'"




ran n bcn'i Inches In ounce;.

Tbe Rev. George 11. Orllfltiol"Milford.Cuiin., preached at tbe South church lust Sunder, ind tbe Rev. W. A. Depew of Cbelmsford. ul Hie

Baptist church.

John J. Brown und George II Parker have )>een upi rored bj- tbe Selectmen f»r the United Bute* license to sell \lyutr* Tor medklnal, me-

riisnlrol and chemical purposes.

The Kev. John W. Haley, for several rears past u resident ol till* town, has received and accepted u unanimous call to become pastor of

tbo Congregational church, tyngaborongb.

Ur, Thomas Ilowtll IIAI been dolnjt a joli for

Colonel Olbton In North Andnvcr, and I* to ImlUl n Imrn .'10x21 with 11 feet post* lor W. 0. Manna, Esq., near spring Orovc Cemetery.

We have received the " Rapid Writer and Tachygrapber." for July. U l> devoted to gP^ liingiisgc, shorthand writing und kindred topic*, gavt and proposes In spoiling to omit the silent


Mr. J. B. Urega'. oi tbe la*t ttlsie In the Sem- inary, Is culled to tbo Winter Avenue Church, in Iturlltird, Conn.; and Mr. J. Lewis Merrill, of the Special course, will supply the church at

South llojatstoa lor tbe present.

Charles S. Parker bat purchased of Joaepb W. Foster about half an acre or land on the south side of Turk street. H measures 11 j feet on the street. Mr. Parker will immediately build upon It a two itory pniut shop, 75sl0


Joseph nritlln ol BrtUUWkk, Me., Herman (irillln of New York City, and Henry (irittln of Worcester, natives or this town, with their wive*, children and relative*, held n family gathering at the Kim House latt week, tome of the company remaining fur a tow days.

Postmaster Marlnnd lias Introduced several needed Improvements In tbe Foit-ofnec, by pul- ing in an entire new set of uoxetnumbcrinR 400; adding M ol Johnsun'* putent lock boxei lo the eighteen previously inserted, placing at the right band corner uinourv-order window and provid-

ing shutters for the open boxes.

The Mineral obiequie* ol the latu Ansel Tucker were ohserved at the Fulmouth House, Portland, on Thursday aHernoon, n«v. Mr. Pen olllilatitig. A very large number of the patt and present offlccra and employees of Ibe BoMM and Maine Hailroad with other friends ol' tho deceased were In attendance.

As Johnson's express team was Roing down Ksscx street on Tu ;tdnjr morning the breeching of the harness gave way and the borso ran by the Depot, bringing op at the residence of Dr. Ilownrth. Two or three boji jumped from the wagon when the harness broke, and escaped In- jury. The damage done was slight.

Messrs. Abbott A Jenkins are progressing rapidly with building* for li. F. Smith, E. H. VuljH-y. G. W. W. Dove and Peter D. Smith, und are building the depot nl Dover, N. II., and have contacted to cruet a dwelling house at Hanover, N. H., for Mr*. A. A. Pike. The same Ana nr<» making Improvement! on the house oi

Miss Wallace Inthlitown.

John F. Lufkltl, of North Heading, was acci- dentally killed on the turnpike, opposite the

house ol Uewklah Jones, in Ifata town, day evening. He was driving a team of three horses with a load of bay, and after walking side of the team for some distance attempted to get on to the wagon when his foot slipped, he wa* thrown down and tbe wheel* passed over his hotly, killed him instantly.

George Wilson of Melbuen, who 1* famous for removing wooden buildings, hat just rabed tbe large brick structaju next north ol the Town Hall four feet. Mr. WiU.m is much praised for the entirely successful manner In which he has performed the difficult task, not even a brick above the hearings having hjen stalled from Its place. This Is a Tent never Iwfore attempted In town. A very largo quantity of timber and one hundred and twenty-seven jack-screws were used. The building was raised aljout a foutocr day.

Mr*, li. ¥. Wright of this town, who has l«cn spending eight or ten day* at Pnftii Way, Lake Brie, the centre of the grape growing regli northern Ohio, sends home the following frank testimony given to her by one who has stocked In u wine cellar. Tbe Item will be ol Interest tliose who propose to supplant stronger liquors Ivy encouraging the use of pure native wine*

They commenced making pure wine*, which have nliout eight per cent of alcohol in them, But with pure wine they could not compete with the wine merchants, so thev adulterate and mix up now. They have not got to putting In the most poisonous drugs yet, hut they will have to in order to compete with wine dealers. The llrst vearof their making wine tho Cincinnati mer- chants Itoigbt up their pumice as tbuy shovelled It out, and took it home to make wine. She further said that tho only dilferetieo between the wine and the whUky Is the uuantlty necessary to make a person drunk.

HUM til.li- wiiicChiirr TIM recant rain* turn

nfulti the hay crop in the <

O A L, .

The BBbaorlbcr baa u supply at UM L of dliier ferent aiiea and quality, whi,:h he r. ill l\inii..h I'li-t.'iii'T- nt a ivii laldc pi iie :m.l i-l.ult notiie. union- mar I* l«ft at JOHN II. CHANItl.Kie* l'i n> .ti-..l>t'>n'in nl tuv n-l.li-iiep.

.HfflS CUANUI.KR. I Amlorer, Sept. ii IK*.- *

atatlnn bare aiiuui ,-i

,...|.|.i his

I^t)li SALE CHEAP. 1 ivngun built by Samuel C»itv< has h.-cn run a litllii over a vein-. waiiim liiiilt liv A. l.nlhmiM- A i

ONE MAI;KI;T [' .m.T,, „l l.i.wel'.

I.ighl Beaeh .


nuiOXtSTa.—Ur. Frank Hardy on mid 175 Uekeu- tor llic excnrslun

W«dit0i<day..wlivn hi I'n ■i-pr.

l'ti:I I, "OM :.„p|,l:

II at the lleaeli thai I MKM'IIHAL Beuvire.—Next Sunday mornliig at

the Congregation!)! rlun ill, ilic pa-ior, lti-v. lliilui C. Flagg, wlllpreivli a .li-i-oun,.' auKKertml by llieilcatli uf M\*« Millli>' K. IMVL, whu passed lo spirit life at Florence, Italy, May loin.

TIIK l.iuu.wtv,-Tn« North dinlnver "Advor- ii«er"lu Us la-l issue wiyi-, "Sow that Col. Hut- tun hat, returned I'rom alirua.l, we hliatl |irol>ably hear BUiuitliiiiK more about On- |ml>ll.' Islirary, In; Inin^ i-1iuirui:iii ul tin' i ■iiiuiiilU-c- In w!iiin tin: en- tiro r-uputvision nl' inniiliiniiuUn.1 Ilhrarv was con-

ed by tbe town."

iis OLD But.—Bar. UttAuC. Vlagg, at the Congregational I'lmrrli, mi jimnhiy, iiistrui.-Ieil hU 'icirers, takinj; for Mi» tlieiin' tin' venerable "Farii- laili Kim," Hliiili I'll a mart IT t» Hie leeclit gale. lit text was In I'sahna IX: S,"The votoaOf the ,oril uracketh tliu cedars; yea, the Lord break. th Ihe.edar- «{ l.cl.anoii." Tli.. smmui was full >t frc»li lliotigtit and apt il!o-ir«t!oii.

ClIAMtlOM MOWEM.—We |JO**CM soineuiftW ■rs surli aa(tow town*ean boast oi;tliuydo not lumlier a bakii's ilii/.'ii al the iiin.-t. Among Ibis clerl rninpniij' I counl I >rorae A. Ton in'-, IM-II.,

lonuthiin II. Fisb and Simeon Foster. Any one >r ilH'm nan level from two and u ball to tbioi-

with a good "Dunn" scythe, nnd

CxmTSitr,—The KUIU last Thursday :s llii* liume ul the dead appeal a'tlioutili a er uf broken IIIIIIHIIM and dead uood bad de- led upon II. The «hole vnrd is liteially i-nv- withdebri-. andlliough'a week ha, pas-e.l

Ityel remains In this fearful condition, except wficronfcw lovmit bands have cleared tbe rubbish

,iin their own enclosure*. I hear IIic iiiicilou U Ibe superintendent all this

ere* n day, eepituplhn

■■rll.ir upon tbe lot upland In-purchased of the In-iri. 'I Ho lam Nathan <;*i vicr's <wtal>', inul Mr. .h .~c A. l'.i\u> ml) aoon coiaiueuee lor biui tin; t.-c, In.n ul a i I'linoodlous cottage house.

I'M:-.i- \i Mi. GooraoW.Sawyer,Uaaterof jAhn Mo. .1. LodgnnrP. A A. H., was recently appoint, d one ol die director™ nl llui Masouic Itu- 111 A--, i .Lou, which include* Hi.; llaaotdo or- iratilralioii- of Andi-ver. I.awreiiee find Metliuen. N.i li'II i ■ |.. lone mill have IMV'II inadi'.

OntT.-Mr-. KfaabrtfeColby, with of llr.W.W. Colby, iliedlu.-r.bn mnrpiog at ll» o'd.Hb. tiliu lia-llnl-n 111 r>i ai'l'e I i.i' previous lo her dealli. and thi'f.id cei.i mi i.-.l unexpected. Aiumnr rcliilivos mid Iiuuds Inr uxnmplaiy life und sweetnua* of disposition will lie affect innately re- membered. The Um. i al took place Thursday at 3 o'clock P. it

IIBNB1 C. HAI.I.IIWU.I., the llrst principal of the blub school in tlii,. vill.ice, and now of Cbieo- ice, lias been elected principal of the Gloucester iUl'sellout. All. Ilallowell ivas ■uccee.le.l hero by Mr. Wurrcu, mid if the former uecepu tho position now tendered linn, lie will become in turn tliu nueccKMir ul Mr. Warren, whu goes trom Irlonooatar lo Lawrence.

A NEW IUHRUT II being ei^U'd on tho Hte r'firthe Woodburv bloeli, which project will bo

haded wilb ilelialit In- one people. We learn that Messrs. li.'iil A Co., of Lawrence are (o tie the

tori", ami smli heiim the i-Ase, It Is 1'nlr to ,1 everMliinn will he "dnne hrowii," ami Catch. Mi. John Spear, so well nnd fa-

il urn here Is with tbo foregoing arm.

• iiiiKNT—airs. S. a, llu-kob while atendintj tbe scat of a chair nutating plants nt tbe iiw, Tuesday niin^, suddenly lipped " In sli-ppiug lo ..ear its i-d«i'. and was |.i

" , eniiMntt II dislocation of tho lac bone, bin- laMcomfort- peeWd, but -the hurt is eon. JII- mie. Her many friends


IN1 -ell-i. iKTWUtBTINU .inning iiiiiki, of Mr. Peter Metlovern' .... on, ami of the manufacture of Davis A Furber, hlch was pill Into operation at C.,1. Khcii Sul-

. m's lower mill m tni« place, latt week, is proba- bly the moat efficient and siiecc.-i-lul innebme lor Ibe purpose yot devisml. It has la-en perlecled as Iho result of a very considerable expeaditure ol tune and inniiev, and is now MI snli-lncli.iy in ILH operations thai orders for it large number of Ibe new apinnern have already been received. TlieinorlU of the new pattern are that 11 spins eiiuully welleitliee wool unnii that It has lav greater strength lliau any loom previously con- strue led, that il will perform oiicilub more work, that it has a third lu-s gearing and a simpler mil- lion, and, wllbal, that the cost of iiiimiifaciure is less. A sceond npbiner of the new pattern Is I.e. ing put up lieslilu Iho llrst, and tbe manufacturers hid lair lo he kept busier than ever with increas- ing orders.

TUB tl.iix.— Lust Thursday's mist destroyed more trees than ever fell in one storuiliefi.ro In this town. The tree most n rued is tin' Finn. ham Klin, for it was not only Ibe pride hut the in- iinnimt of Ibe old town, ami to lln limiieslead which it ■liaded.itH loss is a real grief. The town, too, extends Its »yuipalhy lo Mr. John I'lummer Foster, in the hiss ol the four area t tins which NUHHI like stalwart sentinels before ins house. To the homo they were beyond value and without price. Almost every door-yard in town is a inouncr since tins leiupert tossed day. The hand- some residence ot Cluu les 1'. Il.irmrs", Ksip, on Ihu Andover road was robbed of its elilmiiee, and several houses lath.- I'arlsh were moved from Iheir foundations. Whole Hi tils u[ imy were car- ried into the air, ami landed the *—

ripii.iii'.l i- liipand- ■

"i.'le:e.i vill re.'

I in.i iplalnl

celpoi ■ luii ijlhia Ion,

i district, wu

'. Dr. John .ersinlp.-Hi

..i, ..I II.. late li ■■inber ..f C.-nfrress i ■oriously attacked by

called upon the armgthegranntls .-seiiircrfor Shcr- il eilv, who wcra ITUIISS, K

liage threaleiied „lllt „„, „,.,.,

iou^Hecimen 11 msune. 10; Ureaw.*!; li-.Utog <-.> Ordi

any laborer to do n;tuce»,T; idle and .USOI-<UTI>.5I; Itnpfcis, .; JU-

,va* gathered, tint im-bancc*, 21; uattu-dy, I; nillBlBiil llil ilihfl.

Vwil'i l.eii'l'l'.n'id '■■■-""hi :!"i adulhtry, ."•, n«ainte on nftieers.J; tsi-ni.cdfrnroLwaoai.ter.1; vagrant,*; Irnant, 2,

hlfflllimiiril exposing peraon, I; hwd

'and lacivious, 8; mniunl aaMHill*. 10; l< i i£lag |

and entering, I; evading railroad tare, 1; kcn-ping The Kciiuivnrd Indian II.-, i, ftij »i. I

dlaonlcrly house, l'; stcnliug ride, I; cruelty to

animals, lira** driving, 3; bortOtlpnUng,!; total 70 Oroen Street, BoBton, uuml>ei of arreaw, «l. The namboruf lodgcra received ul Iho station house during the ipmrter ; Ami for was oca, making the total number or persona at | leaded H; 1,130. The rocelpte from Use police . ^ i-niil, officer* ami wltnoH-'a feca wn ■ $lMt U. k


Tho Groat Indian Remedy,


; alldiusg'slsc

r ipst

if Andnver.

s indeed an d.Seda;. lortli

pla _... .InliuSe

voolen i..-.li, that aoiuelilue d ad ineii alislrnotcd from her h her farfier'a house on Ilroudwi .iiging to her. Huo reeolleei

c tith itiii havintr been in the lo-im dm in;; ;.wer in the alteri....ui. iHlli-.cr Hoc re-

. 1 her to send for the cldldren, she did so, and hi u thoil liuic, In-, by detective strategy

illy to the initialed, rc.-torcd the lost the rightful owner.

.. _.. I. iiy, proprietor oflhe Melhnenaiid Ilos- ton Kxprvas,lo(t a horse4aiiinl.iv from a nuddun attack ol eongc.-ti'.ii id the lungs, which termin- ated fatallv In a few hours, lie wns fniniUrly known aniiiiiK mir luirso falieiersan '• llhlSimon," and by this iuunelv mlinnuet was known even bevond the limits oi his own immediate sphere of action, nnd ulllmugli somewlinl uloiig In .years was cousidcivd a faiiblul mid valuable animal. As he will be known no more In Ihu gre.it thoroughfares of bipods and i|uadrupeils we will dedieale the foregoing lo bin memory.

si MM v Butvicea, VACATIOKB. AC—Tho Bear. lir, L'hlekering will preueh at the UnlvorHnlist Uiureh next Sinulav morning. There will he but one service 1 morning J ut the Methodist 1,'hun-li until the llrst of ne|itembcr. He v. Mr. ■ludkhis, the pnsior, has Laken u cuitage al the Kpl-iiiK "*- II . lamp wnmiul » here lie im.'ii. renialn live or sl\ weeks. His pulpit will be piled most of I lie time until ids return by changing with oilier clergymen, many Mixgcst. The regular services win be continued at the Congregational Church as the pastor Kev. l-yinae II. 111.ike n.lend- not tu take a regular vaenlioii. Kev. Mr. Hiiyward, pastor of iho FnlversulUt Society, will Like a vaiallun ol lour weeks, col nieiieiug next Mondnv. The Itev. Lynn Chase's pulpit is being supplied by differc clergymen ul Ihe Ha|-tist deiinniiunliuu dining

. taxation, *1;I2.I on il.n Valuation for l>T:l: l'ersoiinl pro|>eitv, Imduding bank stock in i.elore, $;,s:i,v.-, real i-slate, ei.ll't,- UU; rule of taxation, f lo.co ,.u *l,(H«i; iucreaae In vnltlalh.u, nui,:,**. Suinlier nf polls in 1HW, t«l; In lt*:i, IU20, Town appropilatioiiH for l«l: Knads and bri.l'--i- and i'|.eiun;; road. tl.oOU Ml Fiii! department, «» <"<

plelely drenciied, I hereby lessening - value materially,

Anmng the graduates at the State Normal Sel 1 at Salem la*t week Wa- one * "luiir ladv, gradunU-d nt the head of Ihe class, who has run a

•wing marhiiiu and earned inonev to pay her n- enses iluritiK the two year*.

The largest taxes in Neuburvpnrl for ITI arc ie following six wldrh make *4l.0Sl: Occult

mills, f.yiii ;lt;lrileltmill-,*l,>s; 1'oalnsly mills, ft.." .".o, -Ma-,■an ■[ mill , .:l.osi. Mi . M,i:d. W.

laic, *:l,uoU; John furrier. Jr.. t^.'JsO.

Itev. lir. K. A. Lawrence and hi* wife lelt Mai ..-head, Salurilav, for New Vork, whence they

sail on llieSlHh inst. lor Kuro|w, itlM-ingtlieDiV. intention to attend the International Fence Con- gress, ut tieneva. Switzerland, lie ton templates rcturuJug in [j,.. latter part or October m-at.

The carriage mnuufaeturing liuslueM must be evlraordinnrv dull among our neighbors down the river; a Newliiirvpiol adi ■erti-einent stall-- thataru-r Julv iutli " ihe ;n-i.-L ..1 e.uiches will bo ■ uir il.dlnrs each!" We shall anticipate u re pleiiliHliliig of Hie Block by some or our stable VPC]HTS.

As the 10 o'clock irnln from Host in writ- coming Into tho Salem depot, on Saturday, Mr. I'atrlck Finn, employed on Merrill's larm', at Danvers. while attempting to cross the track, was knocked di.n-n, the engine pa-M .1 over his right arm, sever- ing It from his bo.lv. f station, lie was

Mr. Bewail Frelch was arrested because he would nut pay an Kislern Itadronl eondueior fifteen cents extra fare, on aeeoiint of his having no ticket. The ease was called before Justice Cale, al Newbiirypui t, mi the Itth inst. The cor- poration, after - in raiigemeiit, ameed bi w ith- ilran llie e.i-e il licli !i Wuol'l ].nv hall Hie ei.,1-, not to exroeil as, which he consented lo do.

I.asl Thursday, at Mlihlloton, a carriage was smashed and a hoi si's leg 1.token, so that he hud tolm killed. The owner claim, damages from Ihe town, for siuteiinj; two hub'heaps of cobble stones to remain cLx-e a-almd Ibe wall, on which, a- he avevs, bis Inn-.- I.i.ike hi ■ leg. A boy, about sixteen years old. bad charge m ihe u-nni, nceom- panied by Ids motlier nnd sister, on n trip from Lowell loltuekpurt.

Middlesex County.


The Assessors of Lowell llxuic it that Ibis year there are ll.utt polls, against 10,tH»In ld7J.

Mrs. llent of this city who has been studying iiiusle in Italy for three yewrs, sailed for hoiuu July Pith.

John lloiliwell, formerly of DIM city, died sud- denly al Tynfshornuah, Friday night, aged M, He had been haying all day-

Two young men cmidovcd nt liranltevllle, who gave their names as Iladley, hlnsl two horsi n Lowell Ktable, Sumlay, and taking in two g ilrnve so furiou-ly that one horse, Worlh #:IA".| ilead, ami the other I* in a bad condition.

Arthur Keefe, severity-eight years ofuge, m resident of Lowell lorly years, was round deml in ind by Ids wile at his residence on Puimner slree in Uuiiilay ui.'vmiu:. Dr. D Ihm wnn cnllnl am i«signe.l heart disease a- Hie eau-e ofdeatli. Dc

■ ■ il.eioi Si.IMtri.-kV 'I' pi-rane

:AIH orCosuktrTOHTt'CKEU.—Ansel Tuck- er, Ihe oldetl conductor in the lerrlce of the Boston & Maine Hailroad Company, died at Portland, Me., on Tuesday at ten minutes past threeo'clock A.M. He was widely knowuand rc-

■d all along the line of the road. The fun- eral -services took plate ut Ihe Faltnoutlt

otel. Pottlund, nt half-patt -me o'clock, P.M , ; Thursday.

l.Mox Bfuincut ur TH« OonojiiiOATioKAt Cm iiciiiis.—The Ijiwrcnco slrcct, JOIiol and Central chnrcbet will hold united adrrlcca dur- ing the ocxt six wteks. The eurclMI have bccif arranged us follows ■.

l)n July 20th and August 2d, ut Ilic l.liot church ; service* nl Kl-i A. M. and nl 7 V. M.

On Augn»t Kb nnd lGtb.al ihe Central church; services nt lfl.J A. M. nnd at 7 I\ M.

On August £tJ and 30th, nt the Lawrence street church; services at I1 A A. M.undai:! P. M.

Union prcp.irutiiry lecture at the Central church on the evening of Friday, Scptcml^r Hh,

at eight o'clock. Union Sacrnnicritnl Service ul Ibe Lawrence

street church on the morning of Surulny, Sep- tember Gth.

AnnalB of North Andovor. Ituv. Tin IMS'- lUuNAiti), the third minister of

North Andover was, perhaps, tho ahlosi prouche r wllhwlrleh thinebui'eli has ever been favored. In IIIH lifetime he was considered ■among the eminent ministers of New England. Ho was born at tla.l- ley, in UlSii, ami was graduated at Harvard Col* lege In tho class of liiT'J. On the l:ith of January, PIKJ.be was uniiiiiiiiniislv invited lo become the colleague or Itev. Francis Dane, ami Ihe salary offered was £3lln ytm.one .punierol it in money, the use of the jmrsonaKC, and alibis firewood. ■ Itev. Mr. Dane, tbo tentor pastor, retired trom service flfteuii yuaraalter Hr.Ilarnard waaaottleil, at which time tho salary ot Mr. Barnard was In- creased toXHUa year. Twenty five years ulier hls setileiueut Ibe partunage vvas burned. He was liinueillaK'lv 1'iovided with a house which was fm titled against lmllnn attacks, anil In a tew M-uia the town made a grant to Mr. Barnard l<> enable him to procure a house lorhimseh, wbeie- upon he purchased the I«iv. liiud-lreet mansion, and nl this day the hoinoslead of the lUib'y I'IIMH-

lliii iiaril.his si i by Kev. Dr. Bym

f the

1 successful. During ids pastorale J irarounlUal with the ehnrch- *"»■"■ *i

aruanl wa* the minister n new ohui pci'sun* were milled with the ehnrch, Is.iruard wa* the minister n new ehurcl The subject of building was first agitated in I

l debt,


Interest on tow |ii~eount on taxes, hrhools and supplies, Colloclinii Uixes, Ki-uiUing and iiiatiilaining si Sewer near woolen mill, Frank Ingalls, Special reiialrs on ro.id near



ii; l'.i.si.—'j bat tbe Cuuard i* the best Hue

ofstenmships crossing the Allauilc, is acknowl-

edged by all who arc familiar with flic rape-

in'c.uiiUHidatioiu- It oiler* to all classis of

passengers. It is the only Hue landing and

cinliarking pusscngers in TJoi-toii. The office

of the. Cunard Company is nt 2:i!) Kssex Hrect,

where cabin or steerage tickets can be obtained

at the lowest prices. The "S.iniarln" sails Sat-

urday, August 1st.


The Lowell Trolling Asso imimi, a nowly-or. gimitod conni|>auy of ■nme of Ihe best citl/.eiiH haveadverlisetl purses lo Ihe amount of ovei |S,«W to be trotk'd for nt llielr park on the '.'Nib, ilith nml :wtlt of the pri^ent mouth. Theentrle, close bu Tuesday wu, al Hi. oiliee ol alr.J.W. Bennett, in Lowell.

11 io contract for enii*lrucllng the Lowell and Andover l(uilr»»d helj;lii -bp..i lias been award- CslUiJ. W. llen-ictl ami Frederick Frye. liv* decision oflhe Cltv Omnell, one end of tbo pas- senger station will have lo 1M) built underuroiinil some three feet, making nn inconvenient nml awkward way or Inking the curs.

William Cnmegriss, In the employ of Morgan Iloiler Works, while assisllmt in the" repairs era steam boiler'nt tho work* of the Lowell Wadding and l'aner Company Sunday mornintr, was severe ly senlded while dfneonnertlmr some pipe. Ills burns nre not deep, bul extend over so iiiuclinf his body Hint they may prove serious.

A litlle hoy named .Iidin Austin Metitmn, slv years of age, and son ol Bernard Mclianii, re-lil- ing al No. t Wblnple street was urowned In the Wameclt Power r..inpanv.caual, near Taylor and ll.irki'r's chemical works, Saturday nilcrnoon. The llllle fellow not coming home to his supper at live o'clock In the afternoon us usual, his par- ents feared he miichl I"' in Ibeeannl, espeeintlv as infonnallon renehe.l lliem that he was slim In the vlcinitvdurhijc the nllernoon. It was drawn off nt night and the lnniy was iveovered at about two ..■cluck Sunday.

WE Wot'LB call the attention of our renders to Ihe advertisement or Horace Waters ii Son, headed. "Waters' Concerto Parlor Organs," and for a description of thorn wo can't do hel- ler than to copy the following;

"The Waters Concerto Parlor Organs.—Wi arc glad to chronicle nny new thing, or nny improvement upon an old one, that tend* to popnlarir.e music by rendering its stntly either easier or more attractive. Lately our attention has lie en called to n new patented stop added to the Waters Ueed Organ, called the Concerto Slip, It is so voiced as to have ft tone like u full, rich alto voice; It is cspeeiallv'bttinnu'in it* tone. It is powerful us well us sweet, and when we heard It, we weje In dbnbt whether we liked it Iwst in Molo, or with 1-ull Organ. We regard this as n valuable addition to tin Ueed Organ.—/(<»■,■/ .V*a> Yorktr."

1'AIIKOVK Pr no ATI VR Pills.—Best family physic; .Sheridan* Cavalry Condition Pow dim, lor horses.

ALL our summer dress goods marked way lown— all 2-t conrgoods now lit cents.

, HYIION T/HI'HI '■ * t',>

\ lai

Si.ei ial re llmhivay Counl j

>palra n Pr

!,"■■» {,

Total, f 2'.i,.v'0 fc. The loss in personal property U ftcirounted for

i the sale of f|n,issi ot niaebinerv h.'longlng to (he estate of K. 1'. Morse, and the transferring of mi mi-v 1» other places incidental In business Iran- sin-lion*. Tbo Increase In real e.diite,i»M,T*J) over that of IsT-l is actual, and come* lium the erection ol new buildings, etc. The lxlative valuation of property of Inland I-Tlis ehiuiged in hi. t a very lew irwlunOM.

:ATII nt" REV. IJL'IXCT HKIISKV.—Mr. Her- ind been suiTering from dropsy around the t for more than o year precMlinx his death, n; began to fail more perceptibly during the and wilder, and for three wombs past has . u mil .Ie to tyvo the house of his son S. (j.


i duly nppointed a ninnhiintm of Ihe estate of Olll'AH LOVFJOV,

late of Andover, in tho county of Kssex, slnglo- w in deceased, I has taken upon lilnlMClf tnal trust by giving bOBUI, ns the law directs. AM persons having demands upon Hie estate uf HUi deceased are n-iniied to exhibit ihe saino; and all

i „■ i ■ -i i 11 !■ I.M.I I to said estate uro called upon ' unikopiiyi—'


. __ TVM«*lf ir«w- ... has taken upon bbaaolfthat trust by glvina Immla, as the law.firects. All (sursons having ib-mands upon the tesuiW of mild deceased are required lo exhibit Ihe same; and all persum. indebted to ,-,-id esuitc arurjilled upon lo make jiayuient lo Wllllum li- Hrooks. .

Iloslon, Julv II.INTL Wm li. IlllOOKS, t. juiy inn


The subsrrilier offurs for enlo his real estate , sistiiigoiliwelliugHou-o llarn- and t) aero. of excellent land unilor good cultivation, with about 7a young applo Iroes In bearing condition. T'ue house contain* II rooms, well painted and grained llirmighout. Tho estate 1* idtuatril ou 11 lull street, within one mile of Post U«ee, schools, churehfs, Public Library, Depot, etc. Will sell Horse, Wagons, l.r.n llnplctmnU and hay ir daubed. Terms «I payment llbaral. Cull Imiir address C11AS. A. nTKVKNS, Vt Slevens ]1, Hunt nil! Slum Slore, Main street Amlover.



,„. Tho louse Is near! ms and has a good dry cellar. Con-

Fin-further particulars inquire ol ;U. Andover, July 17, 1SJI- ISt

STATE OF ISAAC M. HARDY Ire Is hereby given that Ibe subscriber

duly a|i

but tho parish disagreed a* to where it should I located. The subject involve.I the calling ol se oral town ineetliiK-, and as Ibey effected nothin a petition was flnally sent lo the C en oral Cop for a eommltlee to delerniine the place. Th committee reported Uial the town Wfl* able to support two ministers, ami so In May, 17UK, by an act of the General t.'ouil, the town was divided into two parishes, and Ihu lame year the "Old South" church at Andover was built, nnd the Kev, riioiiias Ilarnai d ol this parish v ns nil iled to be ;unie tlielr Ursl pastor, but he declined the calf, iroferinit to remain hero. In October the follow- ngyear (1710)11 wa* voted to build a new chuiili,

nml ihe contract was given to Mr. Hanmel Snuw of Wuburn. The new house wa* fifty Kit long, 4.1 feel wide, nml Jt leel lictwcou jouils. It wan not finished so that It could be used licforo I>e- cemher, I JII. It stood on Ihe site or the present Cnltarian ehuich, and was used till 17.Vf, when a new church look if. ula.-e. At this lime, ;17ll seven families from tlaverliMI had sent- In Ihe new meeting bouse, nnd contributed lo Ihe sup- |K>rt of Ihe minister.

"- n.lrtinrd was three times married. He died nilddenlr, October ISth, IIIH, in the sixty-

_ dyearot his ago nnd thirly n'ventb of his ministry, much Umunted. Tho parish appointed October ilHIl as a day of pr.ij er mi iieeount oT the suddon death oi Mr. liaruard. and on November M granted lil 10* toiinyUr. HarnardV funeral charge*. Itev. Samuel I'billip.-.tbe ininUter oflhe South Parish, who was intimately acquainted wilb Mr. liaruard during Ihe la-l eight year* of bis ministry, ssia of him in a eennon: "1 shall very

1'rinnleiice that inv lot waa I'M ■n with that holy man ol liod, I. es.pie-.i I'll- kn. nn-- Of me also, ami where 1 h ' '-

nil thnse oi his hearer*. In each parish, ' now living, fur mo to revive the remeinb tlii- their lorniUT paslur, of bluswd nienio in order hereunto to go o '

'"V. minister*. Notonlv u

n, and an Israelite, indeeil, hi Win guile, bul, moreover, had Ihe I ini.d, and wa* a sound and eu

delivered evi'clleDt serinom., a


inlirmity Ui which he was eniug at To'ehu-k.

His nalivo id been a good aip wa- IKnchiim.uli. i.t .'«a- n in the \

i the

K; ic.?executrix ol the will of

ISAAC M. llAltHV latP of Andover, in the county of KHSCX, yumuaij d.i-eused, lo tale, and has taken upon herselfthnl trust by giving bonds, a* the law directs. Al

..7...1...7 1—.-1. ...,..,, the estate of

lh, i

I'd s baviiiK .leuiiind, said deceased are required lo exhibit the same and all persons Indebted lo said estate in,nn I,, make l>a\ niellt to

' CIlAitLOTTK A.THOMAS, Executrix

Andover, July 7lh. l"7t. )lyl01l;tw

l'eter llersey.so well ableknowji in U.nml llie adjninhia: tow

by ihe older people, ami, tool cover, wa* reme... beredby hiscontcnijHirics us u diumiiiur In ihe HevoluUonary war. The identical drum used by him in thiswnr l- in possession of relation* in Ihe town of Ids ns tit it>. The subject or our sketch is iho last onn or a latuily of eight, lie early

.llcsled lalenlmid enti-rprise, nnd was In his nger days one oi the iirn^i active mcinlHtr* In

founding the llaptist Society In llinghsui. ilium i i In building tho

»Un ur ll l 11 :i 1*111 in FOR COLDS.

S a it <r u i n a 1* i ii ' > i FOR COUGHS.

S i\ ii ut n i ii a r i u in FOR ASTHMA. .

Sangu i n ii i' i ii in FOR BRONCHITIS.

H a n f? n i n a r i it m FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY.

Suiipui n a v i n m FOR BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES.

San f U l n a i' l ii in.

To THE 1M III.11.

Dvlng! and yot behold I live;" HASUtUX. A'OL'M saved mo. Call at my residence and 1 will bo happy to stale the facts us they were one year ago. I had ban cpore.l and taking a se- vi-rn eold, It settled on my hint's. 1 ton! for my family doctor; be treated mu for four weeks;l new w«rso and chauged doctors—still grew worse, Ihi-n 1 changed suain. After consiillatlon I waa given up lo die and till an untlin.'lv graTe, wiur.ii was hard as 1 thoughi, and to loavo my liappv family. Oh: what should I do. No man or woman will, a Christian hesil eonld U>ll how I fell. 1 then sent for Or. Liverpool, nml ho enmn ami told mo he could euro me. 1 did not wont lo doubt him. llutn blessing be on the BAXUVIN- Allll Jl.Hsibat wa» the first medicine he gave inc. Alter alwut ouo week he gave me simtethimi else. Mr ihi* time I becniim easier, my cougu was easier, ami I rested better, the njaht cweut* ■ ■ --. -1 *" i ■ i ■-■' I and I was abln to take a little nour- ishment. I was reduced from '.'»u pounds to n mem skeietnn. Hot thanks tn Or. J. Liverpool nn.l'lhuHAKOiUNAKll'll I yet live and weigh ii:> pouniN and um at inv lni*ine-« every day, and have not had a sick day since. While talking with Or. Liverpool last Friday he tnld rue of his munition to place this same medicine U fore llie public, so Ihey could gel il nt every drug store. Mow proud I felt to kaow that now every poor consumptive out-1 i.ai li ilii- mdi-p visible lued- l.-ine called f AMil IhAUICM. If you ha.ro a Cnl.lor(;ounh,AiSUuut. Hi.mchiUs or Cojisump tiou, try IhesrAVul'IN'.MiM'M. Pr. Liverpool savs be will wan am every lioiile sidd lo give sat- lslaetinn, and I assure you hois n L-caileiuaii ns w.-ll a. a idivsiei.-ui, i.ii.l will do all 1 ins.

imaln your uio-t_ ohejlh'ul pleading, JAS. / i. DAY, 7t) Brictitnu street.

dniighlerln Mr- ITK.-In tins cltv,.InljM id Mrs. II. W. FooU'.

UKLL.-I11 Andover, Julv l.itli, a son lo Mr. - 1. Charles 11, Uoll.

iiisU, nson tn aslee.

tH'IlllKr.T,. — In this ellv, *!.| in-t., a daughti and Mrs. Joseph 'llurrell.

M AHOHBit.— In Ihls city, mi tbe t;uh in 1 , 11 to Mr. and Mrs. 1'. Miirgbcr.

1I1SKKN— lu this eity nth in^L, n son to " 'ui... k Oinueii.

of theinlin^ Church edifice. For n long Unit be wus Superin- teudent of llie Mmda-. Mlinol, and Was the lli'sl president ol ihe IV a- bin;: Ion Inn Society In low-

Itsorgaiii/.aii'.u, wliudi p.i.-iumi he held d . . Me was also clerk of Ihe church lorn long

[MM. His lieenee to preneh ilali's hack twenty lour years, und during ibis time he has t'-mpor oil,- ritpploil pulpit* inviiibmstownslnMo. ami la-l. lie ounie 10 Methoea sinuu eight ywirs

nml for 11 lime preached for the llaptist His dumUe will brine sorrow and

heart*. HrlerfuneraT services,con- ilueted by Itev. I.yninn II. lllufco where held at his residence, IVeiloesdsv ln.'inlng at 11)1 Tho

after removed lo ibe railroad htnlion from whence they were sent by rnll to llliighanj, where the funeral look placo ut 8 l\ V.

Ti.niKi:AM'i:Lt:cri itn—Itev. WAV. Bay ward i..hi-t.ri„i i, leo.oeranee address at Town Hall

I'be iiif-rliiiK was upened willimi

Hociely here.

hoiiKOOf liod; nalursJh 1 .11 ing for the flock, and was therefore gentle as a lalhei, yet maintaining government and discipline 1.1 ihe church, very eOinpassloiiHle to lb..-cm dl-tress, ami, like St. llaraalias of old, was truly a sou ol OOttMlatlon; also very obbuiiig toward* nil men, and always studied the tniug. v. Iilch make for peace, was singularly prudent in hi* whole con- duct, also grave and instructive and vet cbeerlul iu conversation,and t nised not *ay how kind and lender as a husband and a parent, imr bow faith- ful ns a friend, and, which waa very much his orniiiueiit, he was truly of a in. ek and <piic{ spirit, and was clothed with humility." rtur.h a eulogy was indeed due to a life so valuable, n character so worthy, a heart so wm 111 and true, a friend so faithful, and a Chrl.llan so consistent a* was Mr. Itiirnard. As a puncher lie wa* remark- able, llitlls opinions ho was a Calvlulst oflhe old school. NlroiiK'v allached In his views of Christianity, he everted bini-eh In ihe defence nf them both in his pica. Inn;.' ami Willing. lie preached longer than is usual ai the present day

would 1 lie lore hoc,included family in the parish loifcrecclvcd a >■ ulleartoneo a yeur, uTHl in his pai his wile olb'ii neeompnulcd him, the

cv-clh nt piece, liv a choir composed of our lending Voealii-I-, a UK w bom we isn.nu Messrs. Kditnr Jluillh. 11. O.) Web.tcr, Lyinnn Ongn and Mr*. Vincent. Jacob Kiueraon, Ksi|. pi,- 1,le,| ;Ui,I prefaced Hi" iiilv.i.inrlinii "I II": speaker of the evening v, itb a short address In which he advocated meetings for the linrpose nf las.iiiu e i-cl toK'lbcr In help idniiji ihr temper aneeeau.o. Itev. I.vuiati II. lllaLe, iiastor ol Ihe Congregation nl soiiclv imoked the lHvine hlcss- Ing in a feeling manner, alter which cumu Ihe ad- dress. The speaker compared In tempera nee wilb slaverv a- il existed pnor to Ihe rebellion, and said that it was B greater evil if possible than slavery, in that it was inn: u insidious ami harder Lo combat. There wu* a tiilso notion prevalent iu every eoinmuullv, that Ihe law of prohibition wn* wrong U-csu'-e it m.iid«ed the lilwrtles ol the people. He believed Hint it iiilerforod with 110 legitiiniite rights lo Mi|>pres* crime. As to tho KOIIITO or wealth to the country arising from the triifllo. In intoxicating liquors, ho reculle ' the slave power put 111 Unit ph Mben it- late was sealed Uirou;. ur1.ilrumen 1 of theswnrd. This same wur for Ihe abolition ol shiverv and the perpetuity ol the Cnioii he fell was ur.iloiiged and inado vastly more ex|u'iislve IhrouHh thi sgenry of ulooholic liquor*. It was time in meet llie temperance issue ..pinrelv in tile face. The late war wa* over and Its object consummated in n few brief venm, be f-: 1 LI-.' (lie 1 neiuv I'IIIKIII in ..pen Held, bul U11 11 HI l.o llie a hilalion of Ihe demon ruin, Hit deiilertof which are mure unclean iu many In stances Hum llie It per spoken of ill the Scriptures is n lljiht in theilark, n slm-mlng of the ahattb which masks Ironeherons and soul-destroying weapon*, lie believed iu hringlnjr are*- *— able nppliam,' In bear upon it- sap|.rcs.-i waslbaiikful for tbe priiviug bands, anil wished Unit Ihey nilglil I..- eonlinued, a- he believed I'leV had iiet'nnidisbed much KOOII. The speaker elosed \Ulll elowing W.irtls in prabool Oov. Talbot. He hoped ituitloi his honest and liiilliTu

illllvom ITi 1 01 liial visi

icallhu > iu.ili.m and 1111 ele, :l)i-. Chickerlng wlm f Iho liuupe ranee can so

Ibis subject at one or the elinrcln


Notice is hereby given thai Iho suhscrlhcr ha.

been .,„., apoi.U,. H£^* *« "* *

late of North An.lui er, in the county nf E;"P*;

widow, .leeea-.il, und ha- Liken upon himself that irusl by giving la.mls, ns Ui< law d re. ts A person* luivinx .1. maml* upon the csbilo of *ai leceasiil, arc reoiiir.-d t" exhibit Ihe same; and

all person* Indebl.-d to - a,. tale, are culled upon to make payment to Jacob YV. U

Andover, July «lh. '"T1

F. 8UBPABD, M. 1). II.Mill. «|>*lllUt .

Uesl.leuee and Ofllee ul Mr. Nathan K.lhs'i slreet. nrders miiy lie left at the . Hie Kim House



.1. II. L*NLABTKB, Btq. lUly is improving la " love about Ibe house

nl is already able U tile.

TliK CiHUSKi built on the outside of Ihe orllin- do\ Church lill. with n sudden trash on Snlurduy la*U No maUirlal Injury resulted, aside Horn llie ilestrucUon of tho pile.

Ilhv. A. 1". M u K addressed llie audience nt Ihu Mi'thiitlisl Chin, b lasl Miiuday loreu 1 mi behalf of Iho N. II. Orphans' Inmie. His ren.ark; wereallontlvtly lutened lo bv all, sml nt the close Mi dollars were eonlributol to tlii* praise worthy cliarlty.

THK "Pot.Mi l'AUTV "at KMelsior Lodge was small, hul very pleasant Very few visitors were present. Thocolbdion «as eveelh-iit, and Hie ice cream fumisbed l» a meinlier pronouneed Up-top. The Lodge have lately linn hnscd Irimiulugs and emblems lor llielr Itegalla.

J'l lMinii.i. IliiT, is llie weather In the hay fields al mid-day; If the mercury indicates uo* in the dhnde (whieh has liecu ibe aversne) it must reach 1-Jfi" under Hie vertical blase ot th* solar rays, in

,1 hon. I..11. It ind.

'illspeukupoii . next Numbly


day of till* month, when II ha wi*ks, »tood .1 feet, h{ ini lies match 11 or bent It?


■ Temper

Ettsex County. nxrtfuuum

nice Iteronn club i

Amlover, Juno It, 1 ■.':. 11.

BOOTS AND SHOES. The Buliserlluir has ii]iene.l a boot and shoe

sloreathisslinpt.il Main street, where ho intends to keen for sale a lull assortment of tho liest »r. tides lu his line of hu.l.rss. Ilepniring doue at shori notice. A share uf Ihe public patronage Is

" -ollnlcd.

Hewing Marhim

The tirand Armv uieinbers are rousi.lerlug Ihe siil.Jnet of holding 11 ^ohlier.' lair.

Aimngements are making lor another three days race* at tin' above nlai n August n, 1 ri. The sum orafSUO I- OffBrttl In premiums.

Itev. IL M. Simmons, r.iimerlyofWIaeot has aerepUil pastor of Ur' Sepb'iuber

Tli.-llave.bill Hi-. Hall Club played the tnls of Vi'Wbui 'Vii-'rl, ai I In.' latter place on ,[„,.. :n„. - .1 Ial the end of live innings.

r ul Ihe Unitarian Muelely, assumliig c

PiS" under the vertical many of uurslillcl tlelds. Will, heal and light, and 11 behooves fanner* lo make hay when llie sun shines.

H111.1. IKIBINWW — Mr. .Tolm Anslfn hn*n!suined manufacturing ami the Messrs. Wheeler arc busy though not rimtiiiiK to full eapa< lly. Itnss mid Foster, a new firm, have leuse.l the hulhliuit for- merly occupied by A. N. Iln.s ns a grm-ery shire, and running two leaius. Mr. Thornton N. Muss has iHiughl Hie shop and land lm uieily owned hy L. W. Chase, and Intends using it as u , hue ebop.

or*. Tim pre*un[ bar is to lai devotetl to oilier. ''l"11*1 * "'To*ieii. nml web..pe. I'tllei puipo-es. M. ,m» [„le 1.1 11 A 11.,,,, l,i]| ,,,,'i.Jl.i lh, -.nil.''. "Hi'iad" warn our villago hoy* ol Ihu trap* that are only ,„,.» Tin- dialiumo war on the promises of Kit- loo glad to esU'b them, bomelimes llie bail is a ,mi,i,i i.nce, lliadninl, v, a- "I'.-n.-il a u-.1111 by Hie

--■ - ur or a handful of i«'a- ' Mek'ttineii la-l evening, at 7 o'clock. The author I

Tho Vcirrnn« of the Hwi. Klghth Reglmont, hi ,(.,, L dm ol„ne 1 1r.!dnndnnynrupwa|-d«, will visttlhisc.lv Auifiist I. They will come up the river tn the s'tenmer and 1* entertained nt Iho

Raffia House, Kale Hiilllvnn was arrested here mi Sunday,

while all en, pun*; to set lire to bor dwelling by .rating the selb.r v, ill. kcio-. lie and aiij.l) big

._" ™.,._ .,.. :ulslll.llllol HlUlll

I From l/is I.iurrll VVIII-.T.)

Ills nn longer any Hecret Unit Jndgfl Unnr pern 111 ptortly declines to enter tho ili'lit

:uin u ;i candidate for Congrt'M.i lu 11n- district ii.' ni:i iii.i v, in' 1. ■ a candi- date two years ago, nml utterly n-fiiaea to repeat t lie complin lice with the wlahea of frletidt) which he wna then persiimli'il to

dibit. This fact Is the more to etud. hecAUsc so many of llie ■11 nf thudelegation are taking similar

ground that HussachusettH protnli lose much orher prestige ID the lies gross. Judge Hoar's repnttitlou, wlllili was natlohal when lie was elected to t Kress, gave him nt onee a PDrolrtODCl tliut body wblcll less dlstlnsuislieil um! li'i-sal.le moll ctuiii'.l hope to a'lain 111

yearn of leainlntlvo expeilinee. Ami so wn cannot hope to make hi- place good from any mnterltil available In tlje ills.trkt.

That the efmdlilacy Is very generally einiceilod to Lowell there can be no (jucs- tlon. Lawrence, which would iiiittirally luj our chief rlvul, we believe stands ready to go for any man whom Lowell will pre- sent, provided the choice be lu unyilcgrec a proper one. She lias several gentlemen within her own limits, who would hnve BO objection |o a term at Wunliingtou, and who would make good congressmen, but she yields the place to her older sis- ter lu tlio district, ou em ii leil to the llrst choice. 80 at leant wu undcrstuud her feeling to be.

Of other available men there Hre several outside of bolh cities, who would be glad of the chance, and oim of whom may succeed, provided Lowell exhibits her custotnury folly of frittering away strength on several candidates. Coloutl Daniel Nccdliam of Groton would be glad to go to Congress, and be lias many fi-leuds In tbe district. litit Qroum has recently had several yearn or the oflloe, ami so the Colonel must wall until her turn cornea Toond again. Col." rnrroU D. Wright of Iteadlng la mentioned in this connection. Ue IIHH served two years In the Htatc Semite, an1 Is now I'lilcf of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Colonel Is young and ambitious, ami Il not unlikely to some ilav sit InCongress. Governor Talbot wonld be the likeliest andidate for success outside of Lowell

and Lawrence, but we understand he Is as peremptory In his refusal to run as Judge Hoar la.

Comlngbuck to Low. II we only repeal hat is n matter of common conversation hen we sfty that Dr. J. C. Ayer, though

personally In Kurupo Is politically "In the hands of bis friends," who have full author- ity lo recall him ir they deem It best fur him lo cuter the Held. Tho fact of bis previous want of success, though backed by a solid delegation from Lowell, Is some- what discouraging i as Is also the further faot that wllh several other candidates actively In the lleld, he could hardly ex- pect to fare so well at home again; and f here Is no apparent reason why he should fiire better abroad. Hon. John A. Good- win Is known to have been actively bul quietly canvassing the district for some time. He has a wide ncqmiintaucc, und In some quarter* Is popular, and on those fiictn bases his hopes of success. He would be pretty sure to carry two wards In Lowell, except In certain coottagencies. Hon. Joshua N. Marshal naturally comes up us a candidate, having been in the field four years ago, and wllh some wiirm ii i.'ini" to whose numbers he bus uddeil .luce. In many respects ho has fewer points to he rubbed raw by his enemies than any other cautlldatanametl in Lowell and If he should exolto less enthnsinsn wonld also excite less opposition. WN

always understood that the lion. l)untcl«H. Itlchnrdson did nut care to try the canvass again. Ilia brother, George V., lately state senator, would be the men■ likely to be In the Held, If either, ami of course both would not. We IUVTC not, however, heard of any active eteps by the friends of cither. Hon. A. 1'. Honney would make as able a re prose ulatlvu as Lowell could send, but we are not aware that he is "In politics"—which Is so much the worse for politics, we regret tn say.

This Is the survey of the field In the dis- trict ns wo understand It at present. There is time enough for a good deal of wire pulling and slale-inaklng between now and convention time; and ample time we again remind our readers, for Lowell to see the prize carried off by mom united rivals, if she Is not wise in time. Tim caution to elect men of ability and diame- ter to Congress has been sounded freiiucn- llyoriatc. Ills timely, and should be



lid Miss Mary Agnes Harding, both i 1.11

CltOWBLL—PKLtKISd. — la Middleton. :>th list., hv Itev. I.lu-leii it. fian, air. Uuienru I), (rowiil of Maiich,-lei, to Ml"-. Miiry K. J. Per- kins of Satan).

CIIASU Ht'XTlXUTON.-liillniinver.X. "•• Tib lust., Prof. Charles r. iba-.. of Olivet, Mich, to Miss Fanny r. Itnnilntil.ui. daughter ol New- ton ('. Ituntlngton, K„.i. of 11.

LnTl.KFIKI.il- 1)K\T-In Ihl* eily July iwih,

Caroline A. 1 i.ni

I,iHIP—IKVVKTT.-In llnverhlll, July lllli, by Kev. A. A. William* John <;. Lord nml Mary *-• Jewell.

WilolHII'KV-WILLIAMS.-ln Pnnv.rs, Jim" '•nth, hv Itev. Mr. Hodge, Mr. Ilcnjaniln L, Woodbhry ami Mi-* It nth N. Williams.

soiTinviCK-lmnwx.-in Banjrt*" Palls, v 11. July I'illi, by llev. Mr. Tlcimiiaii, Mr. I'M- ward A. Soulbui. k oi -uleni and Mis* l.oianla t>. Uroivn of I'ruhoily, Mas'.

CUFF-WII.LKV.- In llaverhill.July liilh, h> Bov. E. A.Itrew.Mr. Aaron U. Clufl and Mrs. .Sarah J. Wllley. both of Ihul eily.

DKVliXV-SllKltlltAX.-ln llsverhlll, Julv 1MB llev. H. A. l>ruw, _

s Mary Hherldau.

This |* lo certify Unit Dr..I. Liverpool treated inv wife for Hrouehiiis alU'r ,|.euding over *."rtjO iu vain, and he cured her In t.vo III..II(1I> time. Also treated me for Catarrh, which he cured In one uii.uHi. In eiicb of these case* Pr. Liverpool nueillheHANl'I'lNAIlll M. Your, re*pallidly, F. li. KiNKAPK, eor. Merriuine.k and Trover*

Kverj bollle ii waimnted. Sold by all driiK- niftj: I'lice^L'i" IHir bollle; and if lie fail* K> get It go to n live ilr.-i .lass dniKwist that will.

Pr. J. Liverpool 4 Co., ITonrietors, and Geii'l Agent-, Jiltjreen -irect, ttoslon, linns.


I08T between Lowell ts Lawrence on JSOUHI side of river, nliout opposite Fine Is

land, nnSuuilay, last, July Y\ 'Ii, n black sette slut. wliUo : i".i on breasl and toes, slightly marked wlihwdilie, a double chain collar en wild no name, answers to name orllero. Any nn ilmliug tho same will IK' lil>ei-allv rewarded b .inner. .Hills MKl.l.tN.V... ■_'A-h . m-.-i. ..,.|.. -ilc Ailinflon Mills, Uiwrence, Masn.



HHEUMA.TISM »1:1'RAI.<;IA stiirj .ii.i-.iv.i.. ii.joim.,

Iilmil) Nprallii,l'rniiiiis, nil.-. St Idgs, Pnluhi in. I...-.'. Hide or Book, Cnla. ltrill.es. NlralllB, It III ns. Sen Id-, ele.

11 has never failed to cure KIIKHUATI8M clr

NKUItALUIA.wlK-ren thorough trial hns been

i. The following nre a few of llie testimo-

nials which wa nre conntnntly rreelvlng irom

lose wlm have luediti

i I.tWRKM'K, May 47, IBTt. Tills is to certify that I have every spring, for

tlie hist four yean-, It-cn ailld-lrsl with inllainiua- torv rhciimuti-ni, wbleh liii-r, DIIIHI aie to my rou'mfri.iiiuia.'ii. lUieeii wioks. 'I'M* spring 1 wimtltMrkod In Hie mine inn; mr tolntswere •early all enlarged und swollen, and I was suf feliug* severe |i.iin, v. ill, xn-ai lever. A friend In- duced me lo make a trial oflhe California Lint- awnt, hu having hern cured hlniself, and know- ing uf maiiv others who hud been cured by Its

C. 1 •Put fm -Mr. Miilifhurv, Ibe diwuverernf LiaiiueiiT, f. M-it me wlu.-h In. kimtlv did,

and applle.l Hie Liniment, with Hie most lavoiii- hlore-ulU. The pain wan soon relieved, and iu lour days, baviiiK used fmir Isiiiles, I was able


WINtJATE.-ln this cltv, July hlh, Mrs- Mill y K-, wife nr Charles t\ tngnlc, mid only daiighlor u" Mr. nml Mrs. Joseph Carroll, aged "is years, monlhs. Maine papers plcaae copy.

PIKItCK.-ln South lhxton, July Jlsl, Ibdle A. wife ol Charles K. Pierce, and dauidilor of David S. and Snrah K. Itobert-, lornieily uf, Andover.

NKLSON.-In NewUnrvporl, July lflb, Mm li.'i'-> Hunt Nelson, aged Th year*.

Ll'FKIV.-In Amlover, Julv 17th, John F. I.nl- kin of Sorlh Heading, iige.l :« yeain.

Sl'KAlt—In Ihittuii, July ll>, Louuie, only child of Alonio nml Annie S. Spear, aged ayrir " months. Thu remains were Inferred al

MOIILASP. In Valiant. Julv mill. Frances 8.i phla, wifu of Win. W. Moi-Un.l, M. I)., an. ilniighlerol IhclnlclIun.-L ILI.yinanof North

TOWNT-'—In Mbhlleton, July lith, after a long and |ialnlul IIIIISHS, Ur. Joseph Towne.Tl jeurs, 4 ue in I li -.

PlliH'PFIT.-ln New llrunswl.-k, N. J.. July 13, Mr*-A. H. rrou.HU, widow of'Be* " I'roudllt, formerly of Newbuj-vport.

Percale Cambrics,

Yard Wide and Extra Fine,

l=i CJemlH Per Yaed

regular prlee of these goods lias been H eU.


Clio Ice Ulylrs, nml fcry •Teslralilr l.i.od.

for IVripprri nuil l'olnn*Ur>.


LLAMA CLOTHS, All Reduced In Price to Close


JAPANESE STRIPES lo .lo.e, JO eta.

LACE POINTS mi.l SAOQUEH, All It.do.c.l.



We ii O'er i>i»'ci.il bargain-, lu all our thin goods.


Wa have opened the Largest and

Best Lighted Carpet Hall in the

City, and have a Complete As-

sortment of






Curtains, elc.

I I' oul) one 1 It-Ill >u.l oil mi, l'l„..r.

(irml bnrffaln

• «■ |" i ■■ lo rle

>■ ynrris.

ofl'erril In Ktiuiiniii, of


249 & 255 Essex SI.

nl .l.i work in my ami! - bottle* In all, n

_ ..'armiHily iiillieled wilb i-heuinntli

well iin4 heart v. evcrv pen-mi nllli beiir'ie ihut ills the be thittilrcndUildlK'ase.

"" -Ml Ml, '>.. II V|ii;,'„[ -lie. |, Lawi-rnee, Mnss.

■ 1 am ii.iv id li l.

for I do 'iiiedy iu Hie world for

(Am n i Uncoil

wand luivo hoeii for Ihe last II years, .itiv of the Lawrence Use Ce.]

lOe, Aj.ril u. uri, j LAW U. W. SaHtl-MM, Ktt.

llL.VH Slit :-I i.ni -urferliiK (nun that awful ills ea-e, rlieuiuutl-lii, und have Hi-en y.mr litlvertlse iiienl, 1 Wish you lo cull ui Nn in, Valley slreat, and let me see a man who can cure ibal wortit of alldlaeaaot. Yours ftc,

J.C. WAhl.kiiin, I have seen the man, I have u-cd the ('nliroru

Itheunialb' Lliihiinnt, nnd wonderful wa* IU e. fe.-l fur uooct; four week- of intense suffering and no relief, nnd alter thri-c appllt a'lonH I was put HI ion nivt'eit -in.! «enl ntanil niu-mlinic to mv bimlneits. ThereV n.itbliui like it lo relievo sore- niHS ami | mi. ) ,.],;,. ,v, ., .1. 0. V!,

Lawrence, Apr. "3.

Lawrence, May Bth, IMTI. II. ir. S<,H*lntrff Em/:—Your C'nhfornin Illicit.

uialle Llnliiieiit caps the ellmnx. Ills faralica.i ol' uuyllilutf I have ever tried, nnd 1 have tried ii

llviiuinlu'i- or remedies. This l» loud mlk, I )livecx|ii.'rii'iit'i'i| iln IH-IU'III- lur Ibe itilhuii

uiiiiory Ithcumiitbni, ami know what 1 nay lo In

■1. II M:I . ■, itttowis. llookstoro, ILi Ksai'X slreet. Itciddoime, '.'


il "Heel.

. -ruiv l ir. .foli

dauithU-r of the late Asa 1. J' Andover, aged 41 years.

LABRABRE.—In Peabodr, July 3d, .Mi

on formerly

Sarah '-'ilo-



30 ZD-A.-5TS.



BOLTON Area-hint- away some ol llie WUGEsT ItAlt- GAINS ever .ifirnd to a Lawrence jiubllr.

e t'ase nf (mulii If ITrt.lt., ) ■■ 4 wh

for 13 l-», worth SB el*.

Three Cases of Fruit of Cotton, Yard Wide, for 12 1-2, worth 17 e.

(Every lady should eKnmine Ihe cottons.)

French Muslin Polonaise) for 81.50, worth 85.00.

Onn Gose of Black Alpacas at 25, worth 371*2.

60 Pieces Japanese Stripes at 12 1-2, worth 2» eta.

One Hundred Linen Suits at • 2.50, worth •5.00.

$2.50, worth $0 and $6.

Prints, 6 Cents. OINQHAMS, (Bates), 8 1-2.

OOTTOITS at 5 c.

Opera Kids at 50 c. worth $1.50.

rin-r mi/1 s

Highest Lisle Thread Qloves

at 12 1-2 per pair, worth 50 c.

2 8 9 KSSEX 8TR13KT.

Armstrong's !■-!" 1'i.ii nariraius In

Black Alpacas anil Brilliautw.

QM Bnll WM once seeing tlio slphts at UoriHyWruoli Falr.wbltlt lie waa latlractod Iiy the Kiiiinil of a very loud violin In a lent. He enltreil ami Mid t" Uie iiluyer;

"My KIKWI frlmul, ilo you play hy note?" "The ileucc a note, air." "1>0 you play hy cur, thenr "Nlvcrait '.'iir.yer lionor." "How ilo you piny, UiCUf" "U« w*L»i slrt'iiKiIi, bejsbwir


WONDERFUL DISCOVERY Of the 19lh Century.

n n. H. i>. H o w K*H


CONSUMPTION Ami nil hi-eii-i - of Lin- Thr.eil, fhi'rt nml UliK*, (1'hc only Mediclno of tlio klml ill tM WOTHl).

A SnMMe for Cod Liver Oil. l'eniiBiieiillv onn- Asthma, llriintliitis, fTTi.

of Voice, Mi.irlucH" oi 11 cull , I'stni-rli, I'rniiii t..iimli-,L'i.lils..'l.-..liiii|i'v. Uny* liko maj;le. " l.««l |MI- e.

Dr. S. D. Howe's Arabian Tonic Blood Partner

Hah ilifferH from nil "tlur |irc|iaratlriiis hi il uueilinto action HI the

I.IVKit, I.II.M V-. ANU in .i..l>.

iMataWa illil. II ri*

re, ri. h IIIIHH). II . nil kln<-

tbabowelL. i iiit-." r'li.-i.... i- lcnne Iho llith cenlury tn ilml its e.|Ual,

Every Bottle Worth its Weight In Cold, Prlee fl l*er M.,

Dr. S. 1). IIOWK'S

ARABIAN So» LIVER PILLS. They i-leuiiM'tlie t.iw i '-'I^touissh UionuiKhlv jmove Constliinth.il, mt'i no culoiml n..'i

nny other in|iirlnui iiii. i.--iu-nt, noil nri tjnh-t.1v u|ion thu OIKMIIS, wiili "Oi iiroitiiiilnx imln ,.i , wcuknen*. l'rli-e ia conn orr box.

CONSUMPTIVES BhOttlrl use nil three or lh* i'l'»vc mnilfflNsj

Sulillu LaH-rence by

A. fl. Glfdden, Druggist, General Agent. Or. 8. 0. Howe, Sola Proprietor.


WniK niHii rcAVBS BV rnK SKI i or sliiale one. Ai -l-lm t '• How's CmcLorv,

Ulansantlrfvi»rtiB((Jsr-t'ire, 101 BaWMMi'

I.AwnKMK, Mnv'.'i<, 1""4 Mu. HAi-isnuuv. Dcm Hir'-'l'hls Is locertify

tint 1 tuivelu-i'iinllliott'il Vfllli Ithi'innnlhui for nunilier «f yrnrs, ami lisve Irieil ii fi*nt manv Iioclors, ami ri'ini'.lii'x u itl t oliinlnhijt uiui'h i.ni'-. I can snv vrilh trulli llisl I huvc retaltJn more licnerll Irom U'inK yourCiilirornln Itlu-uinal-

l.iaiuient tluin from uuv llilnit 1 hnve ieil. Fur nix inMltbs Jirevl to imiiiK your Initiit'iil, Illy wri-t wu" MI hn.I (hut I rmilil nut w it nl nil. It Is now almost Weil, ami I can ii iihout uri well m ever. Very Ti nlv Yours,

Miiftsli. UKItlUi.I. No. .VI tinr-len htreel

Tho (Jatiflunla Liniment Which wn hear i null ntioiit. Is eviili'iitlv no . 111. i.'til irmixl1.,

oi.|ie. inllv when usnl for Uliriiniiili-m, NMiralftla, etc., eti'. Mnuy of our well known ellisons have OM-.1 II, mil lui'iv iH'i'ii jrr.Mllv lionrrllteil liv it. It iini.'i .■ In all re-tHi-in from unv of the so-eulleil rlu'iinislio lininirnl', i.-in, .In , liii.no.. tic, I-VI>I

iH.f.ui- offi-roil lo Iho sllll.-l ol, nml will! certainly hour I-]OM' Investigation. Il wu* iliscovercil bv Mr. Uro. W. Kiili-bury, v liile a en|itive nmoa^ tho Iioliiiti-in Iho far west. Mr. Suliehury ran, unit will show .'my niiiouiit of home trpliinonliil- lyinii inrin> ol mir iu.i-1 re.-.|MI-to,I elt<*<-ns who have lona HIIJTI'I t-.l lioiii lino ni.il to iliflliultiri-. Weoliet'itullniiiiiniiri.t il in the iiuhlic. K. II. Kvlley.llruaKlKl, I'OBI tmho llh«k.

I'ri'iiiiii.l nml Bold Mranlaaajann.l Belall Iiy

Q. W. Salisbury, No. 73 Newbury St. Also M.I,I hrK, II.IiKI.I.KV, Itrnggiat. font

um.'.' lii...k, i.miri' -. M«H,I.

Our t[iialily H c

Ijn.tr, IIIMII. AMI 1M.\1\ t.tl.llIN

W> also offer n line line nf

Malta and Yak Laces, PLAIN AND RIBBED

Cut Olaas Beads to Bead Lacep,

WOOLLENS F«r M l-:n»- sad H»j . Wear.

In urcwl variety nnd al verv low prleea,


L A. -R O- E ,

LOW. G. D. Armstrong,

289 ESSEX STREET may 1«U

OOSTON AlUNfJUAM B team boat Co.,


Nantaaket Beaoh, Hingham, Hull, It Melville Garden, Downer Landing. From Rows'* Whnrf, Junrihin of rlroii.t atrw

Steamer* Guv. Andraw, i „ R»„i '.lei -O.i.l

, Rote Sl.mdnl. : ssceptSuntlsyi,

K.M., U.1S, IJW li

c° MMU.SWKAl/l'H OK MASHAt'lHSK-l-I'M «ex, SH.

I'llllllll I HO HI. nexi of lilo, iin-l nil other per.

i.-i.■■!.-.i In the i- HI.' of Hatnuel II. luleofBleiliiiiii, in MUIII ciiunte,ileepas-

lilO-tlufTl -. a i-erlnin itih-lruini'iit |.m pin thin I ' ill iii-l te-l/iiiiciil nf >.ui,I itot't-niTil (in..I ,i HII.I l ,,url, lor I'nihat.'

D. Il.ir.-i-, who |nm- Hull lei ten. It

.-iil.v i ill-.I to ii|i|.i'iir ut u IV

li.' Kiln! 'I'liewhiy oi AiiKiisti i,k l..r,..v n.i.111, lo .-how .in .ii-iiio-l thi'..lino.

\ rulover .iii.li'.-li.


equipped with 1'owprfol

'i.i'iVii'.'th.'i'I EIIKIHIUI, Iril li.-iihirs, or < i.'.iii.'.-il rate

0 lli.Hr*vi 11 i 1 IIKSI r.iul.' ur fiiilhii !•

IIIH- llnnn.'i Pi ■ 11 - *-*, At .It ue, WUKssc* si

PREfUmVINQ J.UIS, tern. i|llSits ll-MMnTilosrii,'. n l . Idm'rt (J roe aery Wan


..I Mlll^lMlll u.i.l Hull (I.** I', M. or howner Landing nt It nnd IIU01. M, IJ.l.'i -' .". -i.;-i;-i..: .■> ..I i- M.

Ur NnnUmket llenth Hi II .to nn.| |n.:Ul *. v., ISO, US and f> i'. M.


,enve llinichaiu ut MO ami 10.IS A. M-,

..in., nt T.Xi n ,-I.I ., i , e. M,

mid 1(1,3,1 A, v I.BD, 4

Choice aid Desirable, At Lea* Th.* Otis II*If Their Val*».




THIN SHAWLS, ■n.1 intact all or tlttir

Spring and

Summer Gr o o D s Of Evory D»BcripUon,


THK PACKAOa, In order to close lbs nans

We li:iM- ni-.t n]ieiu'il a full line of our tsaat auks

, —or—

Black Silks, at e xlreatel j low price*.

Al.o, •> Kull J

TAYLOR -aars—


LrVWKBNOB, • . . MAHS. Iel OB ion-Ion I imn all,


And How Shall I Qet There? Tluise i|ii.' ii.in nre answered in the " Hummer

Kni'iirHltin^l," wiileh coiitnliis over HHsldllTerent

Mpe, nrmn|ti'.i M retarits Hmn nn.l rxpense, to

meet llie wnnU of nil. e'or n aepj, send address

nnd tlu-n-cent stnni|i to

T. EDWARD BOND, Ticket Apt, KH tVaahlMirton Niri't-i, Bostoii, Mas*.


Black Hernani's iipi'iiliiK at Very Great Barajalna.


Neck Wear and Ties FOB r.ADn-18,

Have been Harked Very Cheap -ALao,—

Ladies' UDtler Garments, IP.A.R.A.eoijS,


Hainlmrf Trimmines ot ill liili.

We Hnve made Tery Low Prioe* ou all of our

WOOLEN CLOTHS For Hen ai.4 Mmy:

Also will tin

Extra Bargains on all of our



Table Covering, etc., etc.

A.W. STEARNS & 00.


NOUNL'K to the iiuhtlc that Ihelriintronafe

ha* »n steadily Increased a* to render il neees-

sary for u* to take tin- ooestion of Hanging l'u

per under our imuietllate control. We are |>re-

liai-ii.l to superintend and exocuU'any work In

that line, from the most elnhnrnto decorations

down. Work prompt!}' executed nnd sullsfac.

ll»n irunrauloetl. WIIIThtlKIl A KICK,

aprlHtf WAKssex Slrict.


ii.lei-icni-ii tinvina for

Stevens Bros. for the Mnnulncluro and sale or

BOOTS AS,, SHOES, would resjiectfliiljr announei. to the I'eoplo r.f I.awrrnee, An.lover ail.I i>jirr<iiindlli| towns, Hint they will eontiuui) lo noil

Boots and Shoes,

No. 123 Essex Street, Lawrence

Malll *M«<|Blm Mi-rl, Asilm

nml for the ilex I

TH I R T V I) A iv ill sell


.enic Nsutaski'l Iliii.'li nt s nn.l lilt;, A. ■ :l,:|n. !t nml il.Hi I'. M.

Fare 25 Centi each way. MCNISAYN.

,M*e ttoakm flw Ninitn.ktl I ten. li nl |U ■J..Mininlr. H. M.

e Nilntii.-ket lli-ii. h I,n Itii-li.u nl IJ

for Hull anil Do iidur. M. ive llo.lti i.W A. w., -n:, nml li.l.M'. HI' Ilowne, l.,IM.tluKl'ol nd .1 r, M. ■couhiiiid.'iyH ei.iHMh.

LARGE TRADE, in offer H|iii-lul ImlucenienlH to our pntrnni

Come early and secure the belt barfaina. linnif! Mles-rars, fhrnr. A, Nleven*.




Martha's Vineyard, Via Wood's Hole.

Only SHVHH MIIOH Steam Ferrififfe-

No Bert Si^kneHP. Express Trains Running Along'

aide the Steamers,' And no Change of Cars.

FjxeurHion TU'Uotn. ion lo link IHuns and rotum, ••tft loNniitueki-tnli.lrel.ini, fl.Ti

IIAUOAjUKOIIROKBDTIIItol'Ult, .enve lloiton, old Colony Depot, nor. Boum I Itiii'i'lnnd SIIII'IH, inrii.ik llliiil- nml Kata- ,,.hilli, (Sunday's oviepU'.l) s.tsi, ll.MKi. A-,

<■ l.awa and lit .'li'

■ of ItaaaashuMHU

enn now tie olitaini

I lerk'snlTlcc.

Hience, July :.',

. imss^il fij the I.rnls- » daiisi ihe hesfcion of ml on afipltoatton nl llie

i. It, BOWE, City I Icrk.

for Vsntiickct dully, (Hun.laj's tixem -,. ,. .| ...1 .. ",l -iltiu.nr, ;it 1,1. I- ' t'l.l''1' for side Nt MaVcor r'ull Itin ■ I -i .1- lion -e, It..-Ion, and ut Old t i 't.

Ask fur Tlekfl. via »Vu«d* ■ .1. 11. KKMinilt'K, HuplO. i

lanen, IHI. iulyllt

,1 II.:;


1JKHOVAL. Having leu ei| ihe entire uulldlna;. No*, iw and

11*7 Eases slreet, nn.l filled 11 |*|< especlallr for ise, we have rotnorml our «t.>■■ k or


RANGES Aid Kitchen Mlf Goods,

From our old Stand

No. ISO Essex Street. Alsoonr*Ux-kor



Branch Store \o. IX* ■seal Street. (1 .Irrwid'* Hl.rk)


nt our New Store No*. 1M anil l«T K*s*i St.,

wliere we are preparoO to eawr

At the Lowest Market Priest, Tlie largeit, mosl varied and host selected slock

•oil* In Ihls flit*. Hpoelal allentloa (Iraa to Klorew, KmiKes and Furnaoes a* herelafore, for Which we have a separate department. Tin sheet Iron ami copper work or all kind* done at short notice.

D. N. & G. M. Martin, 105 and 197 Esset Strut.


l-'INK .II''\V1'.I,I{Y.


■prinu ,"-- RNN,:\ .TIIIIT.


Merriam's Golden Drops


50,000 BOLLS. Sn^HSTO- 1874

Our etook waa never so com- plete before. Consistinir of Stamp- ed Golds, Emboaaed and Plain Bronzes, Fine Grounds and Bm- bossed Damaak Papers, Satins, White and Brown Blanks, Mould- ing ■ Decorationa, Borders of all Varieties, Shadea and Shade Fix- tures. Don't forget the place. Our PRICES ABB LOW AND OUR GOODS NEW.

Whitford&Rice, ii(\f> KHHOX Ntfeot.

HT PKnillCK t CT.OHRON. 1.1 1SANVII.I.K, If. H.

Ii.ni1.le i ..iiit'e Ilnuae, nine rooms, lane, »ery roomy and itoiiieul. and In i"-rfit:l roiitittioa. MUilile, more and tenement lonl.lin*, ahoul si* r««U from Uss Ntine, ilurtl up ror jHist o«n* a*»1 ■tore, hy which It U now orruulod. *| acres or liiud moler n liiah 'Isle >•! 'iiltlratlon. A lee pr«|H-rly in the vlllaae of llanrllle, N.U.jtWo Hi-limd ieuBH ili'i-mi I un.I ^ mill', church oaona eornerof tbe prcuii>-e>; 12 mile, frtue HiTsrblll, Mu.s,Hmlh>* tVom Kaeter, N, It, amHmiles Horn Ka*t hiiiH-i.ni Hen..t. t<plendl.l rhanra fur B i-livi-ieiMii or lor a uiet-lisnie , plenty ot work aw KO.-I imy. Tho proiieilv in Brsl class, and - 'II- [ for only a\*wl,

llfhiT rEUKK'K a ctxnttov.


2ttt Essex Slreet, l.nwieiiec.

t uii.i-l sntl FiirnlaklMa; ItNStertaktWS:

iiudorlhe iinn name ol A. W. ii Iriih 4 ( ... in.nl.1 n>|ie. ifulli Inform llie clLlsen* of LAW

renti'ami vh-hilty, that they liare constantly on hands UiKe n-.oriment of everything net*]fill In then line.-I Im-inreit.

Cofflni, Catketi, Shrouds and Coolers, furuisliL-d Hlllili lowort prlcos. All ur. tern promo t l> ..]'. ii.|. I lo by .l.iy or uiKlil. Hals-rooin Ml

A.or.bur, Street, He*ld*»ra IS* Rim St.,

aoit IS Oak Street.

A. W. ' ■ >■■ II H, B. C. rABAONA. janoivftf

'VIMS IS TOCKHTIKY THATTFOK- . 1 hid all person* In trust uny body oa uy

in . until w iili.mi nn order from me. HAKTH'M.MKW H. IMIVAI.O,

Juliw|i*lt '•forth Amioter,



r I



Question for Florist".—I - not n I Ich m.u: ■ la

r i n a Calaa Aeior I

Sorer scare off a My with A HU'I when i feather will d« as well.

A metier-of-fact old gentleman thinks II muni lie a Terr iraall haee-hall that can I» cangbl on

• «7- "Ai he* a life! a* alum In a hairdresser's

window," la a reporter'* l.-'rijti -i of a lorcly bride.

A •BjSpkiotu wife, on ixing «-;■■■ I where her husband «u, replied that Jibe wai very much affrald he DM Mining.

The police are after the boy* who put tbti sign on a young" ladles' semin.iry - "Domestic 8e*tnaj Machine* Inalde."

Don Ptatt lari shrewdly: "lltimor If to a newspaper what a tall li to a kid;—rery fthnnl,

but very neceaiary toiU ucenaion."

An unsophisticated perton once declined a pklt of maccaronl soap with the remark ibut they couldn't palm off any Idled pipe-stems on blm."

A tailor, In attempting to ki»a a pretty girl, got a violent box on bli ear. -There!" he ex- claimed; "Juat like my luck—always wrecked oa tbe coral reef*."

If you want to And out a man'* real dlapoal- tton, take him when he 1* wet and hungry, he is amiable then, dry blm and nil him and you hare an angel.

A tittle boy waa asked about the elury id Jo- seph, and if ho knew what wrong bit brethren did in disposing- or him, wben he replied,"! snppuea lh«y aold him too cheap."

A witty moralist says that "many it man thlnki It'* virtue that keep* blm from taming it rascal, when It's only a lull stomach. One

■boutdho careful, and not mistake jKilutiit* for pdnrlpifa."

"Dear mo, how lluldly he talks!'said Mr*. fartington, recently, at a temperance mooting. "1 am always rejoiced wben bo mount* the niwtril, for Id* oloqaettca warms every i... I 11 '■ ■ In my body."

An interesting little lioy, timid when left alone In a dark room, was overheard recently by hi* mother to aay In hi* toaollnoM, "Oh, 1-onl. don't let any one hurt mc, and 1*11 go to church next Sunday .andgire you aouic money."

A Frenchman having heard the word areas made KM of to signify perHuaslon—as "Prau

that gentleman to tako something to eat"—took occasion one evenlag at a party to use a term which lie thought synonymous, and begged a irlend to afmiBi B young lady to sing.

Mr. J.T. Fields mys, in one of his lectures, that the extravagant, Indolent man, who, hav- ing overapent his Income, is sumptuously liv- ing on the principal, Is like Heine'* monkey, who wa* found one day hilariously seated liv the Are and cooking his own tail In n copper kettle lor dinner.

The Duke of Wellington, when 1'remier, wM the terror of the idlers in Downing Street. On one occasion when Treasury clerks told blm

that aouiorvouired mode of making up the nc- couuU wa* Impracticable, they were met liy Hie curl reply, "Never mind ; If you can't do ir. I'll aend you half a doxen pay-sergeants thai mil a hint that they did not fall to take.

A critic thu* alludes to the merits uf ., rising young artist: "He possesses s.iiue merit M an artist, hut it I- hard to say whether it lies In landscape or marine paldtlng; you can never Mil hi* cow* (mm hi* ships, except wben they have their tails exalted, wben the absrnee ol •para betrays their Character. F.vcn then liny ma; be mistaken for aehoonen scudding under tare pole*."

Onceupon a time when the subject of licens- ing candidato* lor the ministry waa IkflOffl n Aootch Assembly, a gixal old man uddrc'Kil the chair a* fallow*: "Mr. Moderator, there are three thing* n ruon need* in order to maki agudo. MMftsBftlt minister, viz., gnde healtli, religion, and glide common-sense; and It ho can hao but one of these, lot it be common - aen»e; for U«l can gie bin health, and God can gie him grace, but nftnbodjr can gle bim common-sense.''


*' I needn't have *lood and HatOMil AI the top of the nt.ilr* all day

ll only I'd heard them saying A word of bl» going away.

■• And nobody ever told ma Wlwil be wenl; lull I mis* him no'

Mi.I the himw I- all -trunge. and amply, And thai U the way I know.

" While I'd hear liim mumble ' Ihirliu;/' With his mouth agaiind my lialr,

Mb, now, when Ihc i|iilet dark ei.ince, I think he must wunt me there.

'• When IM lamp. In the street are lighted And their Hare on the wall -hinc.- dim,

L u..r.,|,'|. II ever I.,- Lean n.-tio« Fw >»r as mine nebo* (or *» '

" And then I've MI much U> -how linn, ninlllhall think awl d«;

For somehow it do-thled Hie ■.wei-taer.-. II only be shared II too.

•• I've waited KO long to tell blm That I've heanl three bluebird.. ' Inir,

AIM! that down In the sunny bonier A dal-y is blu*«omliUE-

" llarkl There's a llOp on Hie pavement Like his; but—II j«i"M b>>,

I'll hide In the folds ol' llieeurtiilii Where nobody see-, and cry."

Aii! |liitiul little weeper, Mil-ill," M'llf Ulicl- r'• llllllllt,

l»ii art! hut one of the watchers Whose dailings will never aaatel



-ally; b

i when ii.il ■ pot iin.i-. n, bar

Cannot See His Child Suffer. There la no other milady. Incident to childhood

tlini Ullll


Kaaex County.

Stephen ./. W. Talior, Keeond Auditor nl tin H. Trvaitury, with In- tninilv, 1. Honi'tutf m Bagte IHHSM ior » raw days.'

The new river stenmrr Krcr.lt, huill at V ... hurt-port, made her trial trip to Uuverhil! on Wednowtay with „ cargo uriiomo ogmthic doctor-.

Ta» elty expenses fbr the six raontha en.lit July I. war* OlsT.-rt'i of which a-j»i,at*i vm* I •rhisuls, il«,lK,y lor new hri.lac, ami »U'Si> l the IligliHehool bnlliling. '

Measr*. Smith A Adams, of Ayer's Vllugo, a about slartins up tlirlr shoe lii.-u.ry this wee thl* Will give work t iir « ho li.-iee Iwrn out employ mini Tor .IMIH- lime. it,-i>ort has it tli Mr. Amos lUsrllltir will boon Mo hack Into I ■bou business.

ftUM parties In Idoueestcr bavi $ll.uS each for keeping unlicensed di

CapUIn William r. Wiley of fei whltejcgborn nen.wbose -

> w UtaTtli

J&£ ??^"n* C: JJ"W|''" I'Od Miss Fllen II. White of the Ip.wlch ivnwle ^minnry. -nilcd >,n

■' farth r In F.i

Ala meeting of the executive em ill 1 PBhotly lamlly, |*„l ,,1-,-k. 1L HI,, .\.-.\.\. tbr Hiinual rcuui. i u,.. i,,,,,, ,,( R ,,j,. '■ ■'■l'»'1 "' "'•' I"!'' Wi.rr.-.i IV:li>(,.|, ■gi J»'r I'Ab. The gathering will b

Ti>e i»«i baiklera oi HalislHirr l'o iiuoiiiliv. turr-1 ami „ol.| thin -,■»*,„, «l».n Ihlcc nll.,1 i|,.||,.„. .lul, ,., „.....il, , -«n la the w.ok-1 ., i.m m,. ,,„; ' oianyof Use builders are lm-ily ruipl...

The Klrlland House, l.fn, i. to IMn the ixildh' mi tins llr-tnl Sci.tcml,.-, ,,.M Jotm l„ Mteven*ou * to., „| |i„.t,„' h-.se.*, and llwy have s.s-ur.-l n„ i„;„; It. S. IU>Wb'R, llw IIIMIIHK,.r ,.| n„. K,,,.,. HIIUM-, at Downer's l.amliug.

B .l.vcl..,. „., have n illy

.. -ally ,li.c.„, ,,.., ,„ ,,,,',,,, , have taken pbii-i-nt II li„i,rc In \„IUI •« i i..,.| by lo-orgi- II. Ma. 1- hi. wile, hot more I

A NOVKI4BT*B I.HVK uvy..— A Lotnlon correapoiidentortfaoCblcaffo 7Vfflfa,Rpcak- liio ul (iei)rm' Kliot, «ayn : " A (pH«l while BOO »he beewno ftct]aalntcd with George Henry Lewes, nutliorof llto 'History or I'liikwopliy,' 'Idle ofOoethc,' nnd vftliotu oilier worb. Tlioiifih ho is not lliu kind of man itrtiHi IciMy comsttlored, with whom n romantic woman would bo likely to full In love, he impressed her very favorably, and the Impreaalon wns reciprocal. He is n fluent, plctureaquo, brilliant talker, a leep-eyed aceptlc, n rlpO nebular, n genu- nc egotist. Thoy were so much attractetl ,i ,iin- another that Utey spent much time ngcther, each Dndlng l» the oilier what to or she particularly liked. Theirs was ml a wild, fantastic passion, hut a real In- tellectual appreciation of and regard for sterling character He wan anxious to

L'd her, and she wan i|ilite Willing to ni- pt hint. < tin.* serious obstacle to matrl- ony, however, waa that ho had a wife,

that Is, he hmlher legallv, without having orwautlng her otherwise. The tr.nilde

i. Mrs. Kcwcs, who had proved not at all a harmonious partner, was not onu-iii to live in a stall- of armed neutral-

ity with her Hoge; hut took occasion to run away with another man. Lewes, who is A philosopher, made no effort to

It her hack, and never would have done i, hud she not returned voluntarily, and

with sncli contrition and so apparent dls* that be generously forgave her, and

fell mor" allcetldii for her Ihuu bo had -done before. Therefore ho took her E; in the language or the law he par- ti her offence. For a little while they I peacefully, almost happily i but she. being the sort of person to relish

humdrum domesticity, once more eloped itlierinan, and had the kindness, occasion, U) be pc nil line nt In bei . Having pardoned her offence,

her husband ronhl not, according to Kna llsb law (I helleve It Is the same In the liilled Slates i procure a divorce; and consequently could not many again during tils wife's continuance on this planet. •■Such was the condition when la-wcs met Miss Bran*, lie told her frankly how matters stood, nnd asked her to be his in everything save by the technicality of a ridiculous law. She was sensible, broad, philosophic like himself, and found within her own soul no objection to such spiritual union, Nevertheless, they re- solved lo he neither rash nor Imprudent. They summoned a councilor their wisest friend-, laid the subject before them, and ageed to abide faithfully by their decision. After due reflection, the decision was that they should obey their own instincts, and not penult an empty technicality to ohstrueuheir happiness. You know how superlatively conventional this country Is touching the relation of the sexes. They don't care so much over here what a man or woman docs, provided they conceal any Imprudence or which they may ho guilty from the public eye. 'Ho free nnd l'ast,''i:upland says, 'Ifyouhe so inclined; but do not penult yourself to he found out. Above all, never brave public opin- ion! It is easier and wiser to sin In se- cret than to he Innocent and appear indis- creet.' "The two philosophers were fully aware of the airn.nl thoy offered to ltritlsii conventionality and custom; yettbey did not hesitate to foliow where tlielr Inclina- tion, sympathy, and solier Judgment led. They accepted out* another, ami nature sanctlunetl the acceptance, A number of their acquaintances, as they had antici- pated, fell away from them; lint every one ol1 their Irlemls remained steadfast— rully approved of their Oct. Miss EvaUf was known and Invariably known as Mrs Lewes, and enjoyed the esteem of all who visited her. llavlngsllgbt regard Corral* cellaneous or fashionable society, her In- dependent marriage made small dillereuei hi her life. Recently the fugitive Mrs. Lewes had the involuntary benevolence to slip from this whirling hall into tnllnltc spttce, where. It Is to he hoped, she wil discover hnslmnih who will he glad to have her elope as often as she Is In the* mood. Then the other long-deferred legal ceremony look place out of respect to the prejudices of society and the majesty of lhe law."

Chedatsa to the little .ulVcrers than that

PRODUCED BY WORMS. H lieu the i-aremrully com pre hem Is tile lltua. he will not delay a moment in setmriag list t |tr |>t ac.l i-IUciciit remedies to iiir-uie the IIUIOB or the intruders. This remedy mav 1*


l-lcLi,.- bear in mind that ItoORSN' Won* Si HI■!■ is the reliable preparation Rooamt1 WOKM Brew i„ n palatable preparation ROOWU1 WolW Svnii- is liked by children. BaoaauV tTOBM BTBUr positively destroy* worm* RootSS' WOKJI Svnur leaves no bad effect*.

Boons' Wont Smiir Is Mfbbjr in n™t is! by physlrlans, and Is nno.iiestions.b1y the lie* Worm Hedklne In the world.

Price -i\ cents. For sole by all drujERlsts. .JOHN V. IIKNRV OVttftAN A Co., I'roprietors

s ami BVoltage Pbtee, New Vork. July 10H Im


A lluu.rhold Without TimiM'S 'H.io.u IKHIKUT within roach, lack* an important iti'iraard oriiealllt and lire. A few dose* ol thl* jonlard remedy for iiidiitcaUon, consli|*atlon

ami Inlioiisness,relieve every ili*lrc**ins symptom and prevent dangerous consequences, for sale by the entire drug trade.

$1000 W0"T" —0» TIIK ItKST—

Family Sowing Machines on liarth



Now For Sale_Very Cbeap. TKX I Kill* caSDIT, INTKItUT USLI 6 rut QUMT,

Send for " The Pioneer," A handsome Illustrated paper, containing Home stead Law. A New Number jusi published.

Mailed Iree to all part* of the world. Address U. F. DATIS,

by Uen. N. I>. Bank*, llishup Ullbert Haven Win. II. Cornwall, L. L. l>., with eulogle* or Carl •vhur/, tii-ii. W. Curtl* ami others. KTCIII-IVC territory. No eompelitlon. Address J. II. Earl, Publisher, Boston.

ile, and M*arir*ke l'lll*. nve undoubtedly perlbroMd ..I i ■ ii than any nther reme- inerican puhlle. Tliey are table Inicnillenls, ami BOB. an lie Injurious lo the biinian inn u.nluiiir

oiistltutlou. uilicr ICIIICI'L- ruliei-lised a> cure- ('■

someivliat itSBgoruu* drujr in all cases, taken IVi-clv be cii-iuiiplivi- patients, it tniii-t do

-atiiiluryi for It* tendency Is to ennnne tbe i in,! mailer in the ■yatOBt, which, of oouraft,

iiiii..t iiinki- cure Impossible. Sclieiick's PtUntOBle Byrnp I* wnrrnnleil mil to

milalii a particle ut opium: It is enin|Hised «i loweil'ul lint hai'inlc-- hi rbs, ivliioh act on the IIIIK*. liver, sbnnach ami liloo.l, niul thus correct

all uiorbid-secrclloii-, nnd c\|.el all tl«- diseased Batter from the body- These are the only nii'toi* bv which Consumption can la* cured, and n* Hchenek's I'ulnionic^Mjriip, Hen Weed Tonic, and Mandrake Pills arc llic only medicine* which op.

In this wav, ii i.oliii.iiM they are ihe only c lor rnlinoiiary tloii-iimplli'ii.

by lull ilirccllons. I>r. Schi-mk is proresslonally at hi* principal Uce,r.-rner!*isiti :onl Arch -lied..,Philadelphia,

every .Monday, ami at the IJniney Mouse, Itostotl, on the lollnwiiiK Wcliu-hn -. .lime UHIi and ilth. July sili ami :«d, ami Au-tu'-t .'ah ami Hull.


FOII MOTH TATCIIKR, KRECKI.KS ami Tan, n»k your Iiruiridst lor Perry's Moll

and Freckle Lotion, which Is harmless and ii everv ease bil'allible. Or lor his Improved Com



The Iowa Loan and Trust Company. Dos Molnot, Iowa,

Invent* money lor Kastern lenders at ten per cenL Milevest, net, payable mm aunu.ill.y HI llic < '

al National hank.New York. All loan* see n Improved real estate, and the collection In full

guaranteed by the Company. I^niler* subjnt to nnexi>cn»e. Full ab.traet of Tlth-,Coupon Note* MorUrage, eU-.,(maile direct to lender,) forward cil on compklion. New Vork and New Kugland references ami lull Information sent on applica- tion. S*m KI.MfcUUlU Aisle (..nvrrnurol lows), freVl. , .In. ]J. lit KIITWKI I.. Bee', lie. Monies,



The Most Complete SGwine MacbiBe IN Till. tVOltl.ll

Self-Sitting Needle, Self-Threading Shuille,

and Self-Adjusting Tension.

AH AgenU claim their Hacblne to be the IIKST but before purchasing rail and examine for your- selves, and then decide. I also have the New Im- proved

Wilcox A Gibbs. Weed Secor, Howe, Singer,

And all Other First - Class Machines. AXL Kt)I,l> ON




Tbe. ed« ].E i

IM. Is ami piompt teimilv for Habitual Cost "I wiiiildadvlsuiilltlKisi- who arc troublen wllh [lvspepsla, t.'ohiivciu-^-, Piles. Kilii-nsnuss, llead- ncbe, or any form <» imlinc^iion, to use DK. HAIL IIISOS'M I'KiitsrAi.iicl.iixKKiiKKa."—Kllshalluu- llnirlon, M. I>.,e\Meuh-nnnt liovenor of Ma*«a- eliuscits. Thcv are plvnsnnt to the taste, and never reipilre Increase in don- In perfect a cure. Trial box, Wi els. Large iiox, UO els ailed free lnr this price.

UK. HARRISON'S ICKI,ANI>"1IAI.HAM, a splendidcure for Couyli-, Hoarseness, and all Throat ami l.niii; coiiii.laliils. For sale by K. H. HAKIIIHIIN A to, 1'ronrielnrs, No. I Trvmnnt Temple, llo.-lon, unl bv all drujiKist*.


ll ilnl I i! >rgan* of a dlstreeaUsK teurdru

t-— '■"■ "I'-lH-ii'lii'K all tbe Nklrls over (1 Q iln .hsslilrr.. Its Billnii sr

_. 9JfPwSaaWlsia] rc*j»lls-eal. Samples by r»fci»I.l*,imUl,i](W ,.,, (Jreat luduremenU lo Lady Canvassers. C. H. KINSKY, Solo Agent fur New Kns;lat*d, '■•■ Summer Street,


Horse Powers, Grain Threshing

Wood Sawing Machines,


I'artieswbo wish to purchase machines that have to lie superior lo all others, will do well lo send for circular and descriptive prloe list, which will be forwarded upon application, free.

■tonic .level whkfc lew.) Vi Miinler rtwei

Tbe Asaeab I'.II. i-..n was '- H'K iua-b- ki laiardinkT sehi-ol w


■Viibfer" ► wn on Horn ■it I willi l

HUB In Newl,llr>i-.rt, a !**> HUM- r„l»le, Mali-.t>ui - I i'. IIill" ... .tr„„Ker limn hi* m-autilul .|...i many M I» n .-■.1(,,y. V„r t|M, ■.,,.„,.„, |„

lu lia-lurc. •>Ull>elllhbirt.1atl>calMMl:

litoyur Isaan Haul), I,, ||„ „■;,;„. „r Patrick tal (ahan, met «itb n ven i.aniriil a.cl.leit WI, le er.tssinj|a Vat lllle.l v, Ilh |,„w i,,.,,,,,. „"„, .,,„,,. C.ve way mi win. I. he W;1. «.,||,iiie iiieciinLillnir

i'l'. wail is .7"Its- 1 1 ■ ■ < ■■ * "pes-dy n A sail III.IH IIIIIK accl.leiit (f-eiirred ol

ll.11,.-,!:,> alb-iniM,,,. A parly ol FCI.UCI phiyesl IU the Klue works nt I'ca K »,, "oci.or 1,, Itttker-H i.laml in [he . Mary Kllaa. In lbs ali.-r , -,-veial paily went on slmre Hiul sUnU.1 lo *n< islaml. WtK*n nearly liter ie „i in I" I Haillel IUIML ,|, „.,H r,.,Jr,\ „ ,|j ami alasu.1 imumlialeiv hank. ,\„ he «

ndlei Htle - 11,11

< 1 • I IN-,- Ii 1 A sail accidamliK'ciirrei wlUas In the death 1 unjr lady b ■ "

.lul Hi.

;;::::* KlHkj.Oll..,, II** I.IK I <

ulty. Mis with ■ I'll. ..

ladies, and wlien pm I oinpaii) 's ,|UHI rv a l.la~t wa I*iK'* -lone lliniuKli Hie t>i| Uisa CiirlUa Was struck in.,, ■Unlly kilh-.!. HIT brother e lirui.es. ami 11 Iber ...cupar »" hurt. Sid I OIII-H H, it.ei.viii.iHvc ILH. i orliss. ale 1.f\ assart ollcueol the cl Ihc la»t icar bus been lii-l a-. ■ c,ic, IMKM aebool,

Uiddluaex Uountv.

■n Hall Lowe I.I,

i to lie tcin.i.ici. ,| al a eosl of mml asldilionnl seals Will b

The new lialhini[ house for mail "" Americnii 1

i. It I* ii. Ii ll .lllllllH-f

American lh.ll CoiiipHiVy will Is. couiplehd - It I* tola- forty by idly feet, '

Mr Albert I,. Haas, who ha-been nhoson l'i rlpaloftlMilirren SehiHil, In a native of Low, and will tirinjr lo bis |>ositinn valuable esueriei ** a teacher. He is airradiiab'ofihe lliuli scls and of llarvanl i ,.llc«e. His but uosTliunw a* profuaiuw of miliiial reiemes al the SJmtlin k ■i-hiHil, rairbaulL Minne*ota.

Tbe "^Jourler,, Mr*; Patrick Donahue, who Saialsml a walk, ol bsrj m||,.n M1 |i.rj hour- in SpriiiKheld last moiiUi, workiil until leenllv on be I^wrttme (Jill-purntinu. lie I ell hen- to K" In t'hh-o-H'e and on a mule spinners' -hike there weal toSprlnvflehl. He is lo try S walk nf l.WD miles In I,-""'Ii.,. !,. In New Vork soon.

ItcibhiiKlon nnd Malinnv, two of llic i injileadci - of the tecelilMindsy iliKhl riol, lu which several ■adk-enien were danni-roii-lv injured, have IM-CII licl.l in f.M-P.'n, I, lnr trlnl Nt Hie IM U et ml tsarasnr IIH Superior toiirU The olTI.er* have all i-s*U>eered and are on duly, Ihoual t wa* con. Sned lo bis bouse more th*n 4 week.

A Bsan named Klibih IVaUon ille.1 verv sud- ih-nly, while ealiiiK *t 11. 11. 1 ... h .■■■■■.;.• .... i- alaiu-lw.hT, N. II.. on Kriday. lie wax .iltm-(iil IheUhle Wilh a mend when lie threw up bis arm. .iidileiily, appeared to lie ebokliiK ami iiirw black in lb* 1,1..'- l'i. t). A. Urosbv, who wa* rallnl, eiolearored lo afford relief, but without * vail, ami ii Is thousriit thai a pie<-e of ti ii.e hsla-ed in the wiudpl|H*. l'i..' ilcccKied 11.1 ■ si forlv yen- ol aa"e, Bud 1 ■ ■ -i- L. ■ t on HuileliesU'r strecl. He was a native or Na-.hu*. and wa- ashU-Linl loail- uiaater 011 the Loinoid Itailiiwi.

VCAUD. A rlorgyman, while r. -idin:: in MM.ih Aliwriea, as missionary, discovered

\ safe and simple remeily for tlio Cure Of Ner runs Weakness, K.arly Decay, DlsoaM of the l'r- nary and Seminal 1 M -:..., , jn-i the whole train 01 llsorilers brought on by banellil and vicious hab- it*, tireut numla-rs have been cured by this m., l.le remeily. l'rompte<| by a desire lo lunetlt the Hllielcd and iinfoitiinah', 1 will send thu receipt Tor preparing and uslujr this medicine, In n seakil i'nve|o[.e,; lo any.'one who needs it, KltKK CIF ClIAItUK.


Station 1>, llible House, i:m lyAiiysn New York t'ity.

ARE YOU TROUBLED . \ tVHh uv-|.t|..li.. lo.Uw ■Hon. Con- stipation, llilloti.il. i«, I1i,.ili(lir sad

' *j» " OF VK4JF.TAT

WIHBWOODS. 1 . MUM tw *-y tKe i>e«« I>II>.I.1-M COIIIHIIIIIIK nntlilna; liUnrloMslo Ifee 1 Inn. It rtdlevrswhenallelsefall*. Hlood I'nrlflcr and Liver lnvlviiritur, bci>|( a |ilra*aut purgative needed by old anil young. It cures Jaundice, F< Agur, I'.ilii In tha lion, s. Rheumal lam,

1] Indian Wars of New Kii|ttaml." A work or thriliins; inU-rest. It. II. Kitssell, Publisher, i.'. Corn bill, ltoston.


Capital S"H>,«><H>.

TOPEKA KANSAS. Has unsurpassed laeiliiles for loaning money al 'U and I.'tier cent Interest on SrKt mortK*Ke Sc urlty tliret- tlmea value of loan. >'n-i ■ I.-L ■

Kansas and Nebraska Becurities for sale lhat will pay the Investor I j Ui IS per eenl. interest. Send for circular. Addrei*

11. IIATWOOD, Soerelary.

Pay Yonr Money & Take Your Choice." After one month's trial, If not satisfactory, tx\

ehan-ieil for any other In the market, In-e of ex-

Id UIIIM'.S TO l.l'.T

lly the Weekorklonlh.

All Kimlst.r M;irliiiifs Rep»ired

And Warranted lo give aSllaflHtloSs, or no Pay.


Met Spring: anil Snmmer Fata, in the lateht ami roost desirable styles.


m-Mlft I.UVIIIMI:, MtsN.

ii.t>i{i;N«;i;- MACHINKH

To hv K'vcn away at the


or P. 11. luiiti.vsoiv,

I'll ESSSI Mil■**!.

iluss hade I'roin UH- giuH) people ol Lawrence, stcthucii. An.lover, and ailloinlDU towns', during llic i:i ■■ iliic-n years. In at-knowb eilgeroeot of tin- same, I hereby extend wy sin- cere gratitude fur all pant favors and exceedingly lilieral patronage. Ad a further expression ol thanks,! shall

OH AND AFTER DECEMBER 18, Give a ticket to each eiutomer,




giveaway 41 lue, and IIOO

And In that proportion on the different stvle*. "■•■" prises will be awarded lo Ihe lucky number

ma as the tickets are given away.


h. loo well known to require, any explanation or mine in regard to ,(nalitv. I -hull, as herchii'ore, kceii a Wiil -.elected

FMlNT-t'I.AHtt LINK OF l.in.ns,




|?KEK SAMPLE BOTTLE OF 1 Aa.iii.un'. niilsnU ataJ—sw nt alt drugglsU. I'leasant, and an unfading 1 cilv for AHtlnuu.Cougha, Colds, LuiigCoiniilai -V. l^rge iHittle* 25 eU. Dr. K. W. KINSM

roprietor, Augusla, Maine. *:,,i*ju fur a case it lllnotcurel T'rytL Sold by all drum-isU,

■eaavs, iitivosi Islsoi lalnt, *e.,*e. .

WATERS' CONCERT ORGANS ABE the Host Beautiful in Style and Perfect

n Tone Kver Maile. The t'tlNCKRTt) STUP Is the best ever placed In any Urgan. It Is produced by an extra set or reeds peculiarly voiced, the KKKKCT "of which is MUST CHAIIMINU ami sofl.-BTIKHINti, while the IMITATION or the III MAN VOICE is StPKltlJ. Terms Liberal.

WATERS' Philharmonic Vesper and Orchestral Organs

in rKigi'K PltENCH CASKS are amon. best made, and combine Pl'RITY or VOICkTwIUi great volume of tone. Suitable for PAULOIt, CHI'llCH or Ml Mi HALL..

WATER'S New Scale PIANOS have great power and a fine singing lone, *> itb all modern Improvements, and are the 1IKST PIANOS MA»K. These organs and Pianos are warranted Tor SIX Year*. PRICKS KXTKKMK- LY LOW for cash, or part cash and balance In

1 cbcit, NehooU, Lodges, Ac Catalogues Mailed.

IIOItACR WATKHS A HON. 1*1 Broadway. New York, P.O. Box :i.vi;.




Kidneys, Bladder,



Much a* Painful nn.l Dr«g(lni Hnu«- ■a In the Bark and Loins, Iilrtl, ult

Sinsyprssssd or Ineontlnet liluailun, w Itli a whitish or brlchdnst Badltnsnl In I he I'rlnr, in op.) , Irritation or I n&anaa- 1 loo of tha Bladder, Calculus, Uraval ■tone IM the Bladder, I.o.s of Nairn fnrea, Orsjanle Wsskatu and tiesiaral Dsbllltj , for in-i>i o-iri ruf.ii. of either in, Hpamsatorrheea, l,im orrbo ■. U\rt

Female Weaknaaa, etc,

NEPHRETICUM, Is -1111 ■ 11 v a vegetable compound, prrparcd from tbe prescription of Im. A. I>. BULLOCK, or Providence, K, I., a physician of large experi- ence, and one who has obtained a high repots lion In the treatment of thl* class or Diseases. It was used for vears In his practice before being Rut before the public, la it* present form, and

mini to lie an unrnillns; remedy. M«uhrMleuui is something more and better than all the prepa- ration* or Huchu extant. It* effects are perm* uenl. la all eases it strikes at the bottom line or the disease, Instead ol alleviating temixirarilv the urgent symptom*. A single trial will satisfy the most sceptical of Its virtues, and by addres- Minii as below, or calling nt your drugfltt's, a pamphlet will be given von containing eerlifl. eates of well-knowu people of either sex, and of Uie Medical Profession who have used il In their practice. Can we aay more? Pur sale by all druggists, l'i ic il per liottlu; six bottlus Mr *'■ W. ". HOPKIM1I *. Co., Frourlstors,

Labsratsr] , I'nn Ideiice, It. I,

SMITH. D00LITTLE & SMITH, 26 Tremont Street, Boston,

i i V. N K It A I. A < i 13 NTS.



niarllflti IIWEaw-i SI.. Laurence. Mat^.

1\ H. WILSON d CO.,

COPPERSMITHS & PLUMBERS, Convers' Bui/ding, 163 Central St.,


Hanufaciiire silk and l> Cylinder*, toucher and Brest Itolln lnr Paper iVLi.liiiicry, Color mnl live Kettles, Soda Potiinaiiis mnl AoparnliiK.Mill Work ol'all descriptions, and g.-iu-rnl Copper Work. Copper-Wort lor Brewers and hisliMcrs Pl.runiMJ lor I'welling-. Simps, Ac. l'a|-cr Mills. Tun IK-lies, Ac., uuc! up mi tbe uiosi n:i. sonnble U-rnis.

UAVIII ii. WILSON. aiidi:!i.i* JUIIN c. WILHON


3000 ITIDS.



■ir, CKNTK l'Kll YAI.'I.



and Colored Kid Gloves

For 50 cts. Per Pair, Worth SI.

SIMPSON, OSWALD & CO. 213 Essex Street.

i.Aivur.ctci:, niAKN.

| last any other. Pur sale In ..l ■ ■ r- .Ir.ilei, ;,nil llic Irn.lc .,., i,.-, .111 ■

***—"* lu.piireioe lllab-hh-yCi Pump and if not lor sale In your town, send dinsi ii

CIIA.S. t;. lll.ATCIII.KY.Maniiliietum*, liUmcwny .'a»i Commerce .-1., Phil., Pa

On and nflfr Monday, June I, Trains will leave tbe Depots n Lawrence, as follows:—

For ltoston (from North Depot), at (1,3.1,7.10, 9.M s. U.;nmt 13.15. LtOaltdftJO P. U.,(Sndilny) SA.H.

for Boston (rroni Koutli I>e|tot), al S.37, 7.XI, J.I."., a. St.; and H.ia, u.V.,1 ex press) i.SU,nJ«,:.|o (Kx.) 7.11IMI.

Porllnml (from So

RorsiNii IT v Si.nw Finn ml«raU-il from VlrnlinnC'ltj afoul. Through motives p was done, ami ooots llltvllljrll mi tlio way, bis mlveiii was mail eneit-u-.l In canvas, ut texture ti sin-ii-rili protliKlous. An liuinblc In-, who l.iinie.l his Irn-le in San eo, mnl who. iliirlntt hours oridl.

,lle,l the tlrt-ary hu

ii. — lie im- am I arrived 'iinlary this

iy hi llic

cilli 111:11

i.l imp roving lil^ n(t liluiM-ir 1 lib' elllli-

1, n white laiiilkri'dilel k mnl pnntal nufl lurui-ii part «r llic extremUlew

.iy -.tripe of re.l 'ore. Klory lind .Ie, lirled, -,'11.1,1


Ueorretown and Nrwburyiiort (n-om South iM c. "

Hnverbill (from s.n.tb Depot), i ' id l.trt, t.:«l, «,«..» i-.it.; andfrom

--v r. M. Itover, lirent tails and wav sUilhim

A. *■; i ■., ■ .. p. M.

r.»r ( Depot),

Kor 1 9.07 A. _ . North Depot at 7-V

Kl r, I hirer, lirent rail- and way I-I II Ui Depot,) S.JB, A. H., I.m, 1.10, SJU e.

Trains leave Ibu-toii for l,awrent<e at 7.10, «.l."i, 10.1A A. M.; IS M-i ».:<0, .l.to. ;., i,, t..i:, an" Sunday -i e. M.

.IAMKS T. PUKIIKK,.Hup'L l.hwrence June I, 1*74. 1 t



For Invenboas, Trade Marks, or Designs, 7(1 Mate Nt., o|i|ioslle Kllby Nt., II.I-II.U,

alter an e» tensive prmlicc or upwards of thirty yearn, e.iutinucs lo .ccuro PateiiU 111 Hie IlniUal Slule-.; also in tireut llritniil, Prallee, and oilier loiciK oiiilriut. Caveats, S pit-1 tie all on*, Asnl|rn- iiu-nt-, ami nil pa|-crs for Pati-lilo, ex.i-uu-d on I.'.I uible Ii mi ..nub ili-eal. ii. IdM'an lien ntailu to determine Die vali.lily an.I nlilily or PaU'liU Inv.-iilion-, mnl bacnl NII.1 other advice render in all mull. ri. I Iiin^ lb. -iiiue. Copies ol t i hum-, oi any p„u-iil liiimsh.-.i by r.-miUiiiK o diillnr. As>ii;iiuii-iit.- ic. ui-b-.l in VVashlnnl..ii.

SS-N" AiTciny in Ihe I'nile.l XU,t,-s |-in»ess Hii|M-ri.ir l:o ilili.s l.ir iiliLiiiiinjt I'aleiiU or sw'.i Liinitik' tbe imlciiUibililv of inventions.

All n...-~-.it>.,fa u.ui'iiey lo Wa-hiiiKhui t.. pr .'iir.- a I'libiil, ami tin.- ii-md KICII delay lliere, a

TRflTIHI) .1.1 Mr. Eddvaa ■> es-ful prac'titiom wall >

i.t capable

MAItl.KH MASKS, Ciiminl-'rol Patent*.' aie no he-itnlioii in assiirlna Inventors that iiiiiniL ciii|ilov a man win ...,.,;.. i. ,ii ami ■rib/I If recnpalile.il pullliiK their ail-

n nsl-ti 11 loll, until. ll ll«ht, IIU.I

IIn li.i'ii' antlclpalioi iriiiiiiiil lo

t'l'ir.i'i"! mil Virulnia

im ii ni ami 11 same resnli lied tin- lian one ninre, ii striker was likldlng whe marked In "Wcll.lfytr ami he did I hlin

■ll.nvil.liik i ro-io, urn I It lb

id bin cl

, win- i lull;

s Ihe 111- I time, wllh tin-

'■Now, "eontln- ■ail.-.l eili/.e.i. "jlidt (rlniino make It ii lifter;" hut the i-nry. ami reftisttlto do his jiuii Hie solkllor softly re.


H.1 Ian. 1,1874.

"UN filllSli.NS


benlnwu-luntlwlr oases

".ful'lN TAIillAltT." lylab

SON & CH».,

H'I i a - 11 ■i -i way: masliyou,' Unit made






>i.\\ roiiH,

NV.W »ltl.EAN«, L«.,

At'tJI'NTA, «4a.

N. E. Agents, BROWN & HAYES. I ill, I'J.I Oll.l l'J.1 HI-OIMI Stv..,-t.

the reel|il,-nl liiu.h.llhe U'eslern Wi -ton I T° I'll'-NllKHM AND 8UHMKR was atop t.rhlin. They were separal.-.l. < "'j^rilc,-. TI... P,,|i,T Pond I'l.uie (ironnds

hut tin* oen.huian iVmn Virginia has i...l „',:""S".. / Th.-'r',',".: ibe^^l/^ped'al.d ' ii1 I- any L'"''»' i-xtuit Mnee «•«.*! .- ,,.,„ilv I.„I...I ,.,, .,.. p „i, ,„

It. — Kuil'ku (('.I..) ''«<../. the vi.-m.i- iiibe.iH. Il.m li«K nflera, ales-

( [be

ular iraiii- -b.Uon Where all regular t W. II. SMITH A si)

July 101 JeoslU

Hreiikl'iist, Tea, ibvi.lual Holler, env-

,1. in Porc.h'iln ami ui. .iii.l Sauce. Sniui- h.hc-. In Poie.lain,

Mie ills. not o.i t

herd |> / vim STFI;I. KOKKS poit roosiNQ

\\ /...i salel.jlhe.liw rdo.e.l. AI Join.

CONSTANT KMPLOYMKHT AT HOUR C apilal rei|uireil, Particulars and valuable sni

pie Sen! ii.-.-. Addres*, with Ae return i-tamp. " UOS8, Williamsburib, S.V.

/10KE! COKE:

A Cheaper Fuel than Wood or Co THE LAWRENCE OA8 OOM'Y.

Are prepared tn receive orders fur Coke at tha following prices, vis;

Per Chaldron of 14 bblt,delivered 96,00 " 1-2 " 7 " " 13.00 " Barrel ,4 Price Per Barrel at tha Worki, .4'

Onlerj reeelvnl at the ..iti.-c of

I...W....,,... (las. <'.,.,„»,.iiy.

No. 263 Essex Street, ami the Coke paid for at the otaM al time of a ■lii ui). the smue.

reiitatmr uE«HuK».rAaoT, it.*i,

>nt. Will lie sold at a bargain, lil'iek uumliere.1 In7

ami l«i Lowell street, eontalninK M rooms, rent- lug fur S'.'si |n-r anti The pro|ierty Is in good i-l..in , having lain built but live vears. Por fur. ther parlieular* apply lo l»r. M. It.ili.-rl-. at Haverhill Klre.t, or H. A. .Irwrtt, £10 Ksst-s .Ireel.



Iteuioval. In handling over our slaek we Si large Ni-.-iiiiiulatioii" of III.IPT.-1H, TaiM-hlries, Iv anil thn>« l.ly.lnKi■am... Kiddi-i luinsler.Oil Clotb Straw Carpels, Halting*, Itugs, Slats, Cruii

nii-.ilr.iiig i.IHni old style* with i . MI i value toe In

OPPICKnKAI.EBWKIlillTSANnMKASimKs Pebrnary'.'-ith, 1ST*.

Notice is hereby given In areonlanec with the provisions of the following Mamie to all )icrHOiiit Within Hu* limit* uf tbe City ur l.nwrenee, using Weight* and Measure* for llui pnr|Htse of buying and selling, hi brinff tlio same to the subseriber at hi* place ol business.

No. BO ESSEX STREET, hat nice may be ailjiisteil and senled aeeonlin

to law. N. si Ms,

Sealer or Weight- and Measure*.

An Act In relation to Sealing WelR-hta and Measures,

e it r,i.icr.-.J, Ac., at foliinei• ■■■ui. 1. All -u*r*ons using ■ .-..!,■-,

..leasures or milk cans, tor the purmiso of M-'lling any HUU.1,1, «h., utvrciuiiniisti or iWtier comn,., .titles, shall have them a.l iisUil, seahsl and re eonleil by tbe sealer or weights and measure* ii the eity or town In which they realde or Iwv their usual place of business, and shall thei-callc be responsible for thu eorrt-i -'JIIBS ami exaeuies. id the same, provided, however, that they shall have Uie right to have such scales, weights, ami measure* and milk-cans tested and adjusted nt the office or the sealer ol weights and measure* whenever they deeire to do su.

, 8ECl" s\. TUe *e*k"" of wplalit* and measure* In each elty and town shall go one* a year, oftener If necessary, to every hay ami coal BL _ dormant or other pisiform balance, within said city or town that cannot lie easily or eon venicnlly reinoveil, and test the accuracy of nud adjust — * seal the same.

SaCT. S. All persons using- any scales, weia , measure* or milk-cans, ror the purpose of buying or selling any commodity, may have Uie same tested and sealed by the sealer or weight* am' measures in the city or town where Utey residi or have their usual place ol business, at bin oatci whenever they may desire to have it done.

siti. 4. Wbonever a complaint la made hi I sealer or weights and measures under oath, hi any person, mat he ha* reasonable cause to be lieve that any scale, weight or measure u-icd the sale or any commodity within the city am. town, is incorrect, tbe said sealer shall go to the place where such scale, weight or nica-mre is an." lest ami mark Use same according to Die result o. test applied thereto, and ir the name lie Incorrect and cannot be silJu.u-,1, the said sealer shall attach a notice tliereto, certlfving the fact, an forbidding tlio use thereor until Ihe same has liei maile to . .inform to tbe authorised standan Anv person ualmr any scale*, welghu or mca uro* alterasealer ol weighta a nea-ures bi_ ilemamleil i-ermlsslon to lest tlie *ame. and has Iweu refliseil such permls-lon, sliall IK- liable to

—- penalties as ir he had knowingly used a


NOW IS THE TIM El As i he Spring opens, the imparities wnlcl have lici-n IiniiriSDuei) in the Illood uv<-i

Winter are tlirnwn to the surface, .1 nil";.

lirliiKlhe skill with Flmplos, Bolts, ete.,

anil c:iu-.iii:; disorder In '.he way nf

Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and

Diseases of the LIVER and KIDNEYS.

Gtidilfiii's Concentrated Syrop or SARSPARILLA,


Iodide of Potassium, — is raff—

iiK.sr ni.o<n> puitii'iKit In existence. 11 acts as aiiliiet Altern-

llvo, drlrlng all foul matters Into their j'niper excretory clinnnclf-, stronffthenln^

dlgesUon, and Imparting bloom to the Ohi-ck, softness to the Skin, BrmnoM to

tbe Step, ami cheer fulness to the Mlml.

For Bolls It is an Infallible Cure, and to

KheinmitiHin it ulTonls great relief. VieeOne l>..llnr per 11..111...

SIX BOTTLES FOR FIVE DOLLARS! Prepared ami fur sale by

A. R. Glidden, Druggist, Cor. Esisi Ii Pemberton tit., Lawrence.

HI-. I III till

i,l.AM I Altl'KT III., reiDore.il .irly ..|.|..l -II: 1.1L i - \ Ml, | ,,■;


I'. Murphy, Ihe agent or the < Hail Hlcauti.|ii|i*, ha* removiil bis oAtee from t4A l" -il-.i Kssex itireet, next door til lluntoon's Jew elry store, up one rligbt of stairs. Mr. H. I* IIH .inly agent ol the almve l'o|inlar Line of Sleam shi|>s for Lawrence, Melliueu and Andorer. A )ign*al reduction as h recently l«^-n made In the rue oi uassagu on tbeC'unardors. myllfltf

rPI[KBKSTSKU,lNQ SUUSC11IITIUN I Work IN the Flrl,l.| The CosTHintroii, a l'i |iago lfa.-llsious an

I .iniiK |i.i(..-i, only *.'.!■' a year. Tlie ilnc.-.i |m miuui* OfHrad, DM agent says: "Sells Itself Another, "Tases alslghl." AHHIIHT, " «■■, ,n.,l the outi't Saturday, worked 1 hours lhat day, am took ii Kuliai-rinli.nl.-; H orked 74 hours Momlat mid UHik IT suliscrliilions." All classes and d. dilation* take it. C'oiiiu.i-- -. r'orti-r KAItl.K. ItosUui.







•S- Mrw.1 far rirenlar. i±tt|1 IT



ana i:.»« siren, ... UwnKM.

>il.le lias, nun.


i> i.-inn or-

PIANO AND OKOAN. Sir* Kssei Street, I.awrrsrc.

hctaw .-ii.'ii .mi.-.-.I, Alsi Organ. Thin Organ t'omiiaiiy is IBsj oldest Untali- h>hiiient.>l Uu-kind In Uie Ilnite.1 SUtes. The

id 311 years in Uie huslno* rimlm-. t)<>< * - '-re In Uie '

t Ume. f. aineicl

/tllHl'ADOKKH, Prices, 7fic, |I. *.1.*>5. \ tUML (1.7ft, |-i, »i.u, ti.!*, $i.is, »3.;s, 14.1b, ■I....1, all colors, .b-coratcil. SinlbKins, At, M, i!,, i>.7ft,*l.al.IOIINi:. l»oW Al'o-HCheaii I'rurk i y and Ula.s Ware Hiore, \<-:> Esaei stivi-t.

agent tor tbe Pre. ■' olitote,

(Hates. The naUai the

in.iinil.ii liner- la place In Uie market Cabinet Or- gansor snchiarielv.iiuality or tone and Snlsh as will challenge cauoailson for elegance of style,

me, and purity of lone. Sold on iastallmrntr. uslrumeiits taken in exchange. tettnTU

I measures that • standard shall ■C. !».'• by thi

- weighing

lalse wale, weight or 8HCT.S. All scale*, weights

eannot be made to uuuforui hi tin bo atamiied "rumluuineil** or " r-.-ul.-r of weights and ineasures: KIIHII ill. nun. ■!■ use tlie same i, measuring any eommoility sold or exehi under Ute |«ualUi.>* provldesl in the ease uttiw use ni raise weight* and measures.

SKirr.O. Ktery_ sealer of weight, and measures ill-all receive such roo)|iensallon lor hi* serriees as inay tie Hied by UH*city or town within which he la aii-K-iiik.il, and no r«-s nhall I* .liarg.nl any ofj.-ial duly lie may ,.. , i,.,,,,

8acr. 7. Kvery c.lly and biwn shall wlUdn .... Or«t ten days of January and .lul* lu each year, aii.ertUe tlie several ne.-U.ius of this act, by ' lisblng them in some uewsi.a|i.r prlnb-il in eliy nr town, or by |.OK ting them up I i more public place* Iherehi.

fiK^r. M. This act sliall take effect ui-on lu im*. aagv. |,lji;imcnl Afisfff, 1*7U. :imVAIa|r.HJ

ptITVOF LAWItKNCK. oavfoa iKafacTom nr atiuti)

April HI, IK74. j lhat the umlerslgi

the CMj nr I,nw-

Nolice Is hereby give ba* bans appoiukil Inspeetar or Milk fi


and all per*ons selling Milk within tbe eity are hereby ic-i u. ■,.•,., I lo con form to all the rniuii

»r the taw and City Ordinal * relating

|M-r*on*will observe that the law rei|iilr that dealers In milk, at whnlcHnie or n-Ul, fro wagon*, cellar*, stores, shops or market places rilhin Use limits of ihe City or l.awrcne.e are r. lies lei 1 tn

HrKl.trr their Itamss with tha ln*|ieetoi Ail persons aware of any vialaUon nl said law id onllnanee, are Invited lo reiuirl the same to

Ihc t ii s|lector, At 9S8 <«i»i.i«n Mtraat.

An Aet to amend "An Act In relntion In the sale ami Inspection of milk."

lie II enacted, Ac as follows : 8SCT. 1 Whoever sell* or ouchangee, or ha* In

his pose**lan,wiUi intent tn sell, or eaehange, or en fur sale or exchange adulleraled milk, milk to which water oi anv foreign substance

has been added, knowing the same to lie adulter iled or to contain water or any foreign substance hall for tbe flrst offence, be punished by a flno a •M hundred dollars and for any subsequent vio niioii, a ise.,1 not less than one hundred dollars, mr eicessling three hundred dollars, and Ini- ii i ■■UIIMI ni in II,,. house of correction not less

than thirty or more than ninety days. Sitcr. J. Ttopenaitls* provided in th-iireceed

nr section, and those provided In tbe act tu wMeh thl* Is In addition, may be recovered on -oBpUlntbefore an) court uf competent Juri*- ilictioii ass) one half of the amount of One im posed shall go to llic complainant or informer, and the remainder to the treasurer or the city or iiwn where offence was committed. BWTT. 3. It shall i..i Ihe duty ofevery ins|H-ekhr

) milkktfnstllntccomplaintnn the Information nrany person who may lay Isidore him Natltfac. t»ry evidence on wlii.h to suatain UMI same, and e shall be entitled to receive one halfUie amount f any penalty recovered therefor, and shall pay ver Uie same to Ihc pi'rson who baa flrst given

the uu,,,„,■,(,,,,, on wln.li tho compltUnt was ade. i Approved May *7, If




Hr,liU.,,,a KA«T ll* sT^Uwnass,

Irfakv Koor* made Tight at short notice. 1 lymyll I wages will He paid the right Ageot for Glint's Slide Kuoflng faiiit. 7 or llliilay ——

Vaf.C. MVItlCK. In.pcu.riol Milk.








" BattiaEMraBaf







CAFEN, SFRAGUE & CO, mns. • and H fililom Hniur Nlrrrl,


NEW KNGTiANI) AOTS. i line It ia tun 111.ni'



Sals* Room No. S Appleton Street,

UKMIDKNC'KIIITItKMoN'rSi. All or.lo prompllr and faltbrully executed St

rvnonahle lees. BHMrttttaU

Iron in the Blood


•'Superior In f'ali-tnril or Carbonate nf Nagui .1*, « Hlimit it.. I. IiaugiTons As- aoelallons."

sAotsetl and pratoribeil by the leading uliysi- II Ihrnngli'iul the I ntrv, a* being the great- antineiil yet presented la the neilleal'uutiUe,

It inimeilinU-ly and eertalnly relhvea


Sourness or Aridity of the

Stomach, Headache,

Dyspepsia Indigestion.

Rheum a I ism and Gout.

Laxative for Children It Is -ni■>■ i i"i- to any olher prepainilon, re.julring no |»-i -mi i.'H In liidn.-e I In-ill to lake II, and il Is also |iet-iilhirly adiiptt'd fur feinales during preg

It Is a|i»riillve iircveiillvo against the fond of In t'iini-i souring mi the :i I>. In ease* nf

Nmumi i- Cotniilalnt* and niarrhn-a,

so r inn in on w ilh young ehihln-u, Use

MILK OF MAGNESIA will he found inra.liable. Tryltonee ami joi ii..ul,I II,,i bO without it.

SMITH. DOOUTTLE & SMITH, 26 Tremont Street, Boston,

ii K N K U A I. A (1 R N T S



Magee'i Now Portable Raneje.

A large stock Iiougbl before the a.l viuice. and to be sold LOW by ■tflnU


Ma. UHU Essex ■treet. Lswrsars.



This dellglitrid and ban is most i. il"iil>!.-.ll\ Uu prescrUng the .Skin and II

It Will remote T*

lies* i'iil> i pri'iiaratlii lieat In Uie wnrld l<

<nulilying the tlninple] rreeklet, and all dh

nl..rations from the tala, lesving It iH-autlfully rhlk-, ■mi. I 10 U)|

III,..).'l'iKir. n,, u,,,

ksssasfK Ir.nu.- 4'<HIS>U1III.-S I Hn.|... In l.ll'i,.Hu I mora, 11) >|- I'.lm Ac. * 'll« ni muni« hat ,i

lieni rhungid by tlio us* of this n-uirdy from weak, slrklr, SUlfrHng11.nliir.n, bl

U.y Msj slid W Pan in I ami i li.-ii.il.' I.I i-i*.■ ll » in-il,

(iinfli.ri -lloiun. yi.u jrittli,. rtirlil artlik-. fro that "IVnitliu Sirup" Is blown In Die s>M. l'.-unphluti h.i: SriLltH-nne. SKTII W.tllWI.K A iioSS, PnijiH. LM-S, lkwlon, klass. >ur sakl iy tlrugglau K<-JK-nJI*.

octe eow |t ami lyr m

slroag. I li.,.ill.l.

hi«llhy, and hiii


"I HI: Oil roa-

Cholera. Dysentery & D'wrh&a. lio.it full i.i «-. I ll I Only no eeuls.

larsiCrsinpfsllc. K enees Cnalera ilium. It rnres I lironlr li),,B|,,.. IleurssNparadlrt'hialera. II. urn ltls.nl> lt>icaUrj . It rnres Cnalera Martins. It ■• all Bawcl fasnplalnta. It enres

aneha. II enras lkjrspapela. It enrea I algr.ll.lll,

Kvery lamllv shnubl liarelL Anlil hynlldnig. ,1.1-. I'M-IMM-.I by W. II. I H AMUKHl AIN, mn, Haas. Charles Clarke, Agent fu

ue.cn. lyi

WANTED. IN A RMALti FAMILY, one A rlian girl lo i|,( gem-rsl honae.

Due lhat undi'ii-iaiulr r.inking: g I - AppTy al N...



And most delightful billet preparation fur heauil fyinglhe eninplcalon and preserving the skin la I-HII-II'.' "lttooiu of Yiiulht" i,.-1111111.■ prepan-d only by ficurge W. Laird. Ii Is perfectly -iiupl. and pure, and warranted (rSS from any inalrrlnl detrimental to health. It i* far su|ierlnr to the old In nil in mil lieautlflers, sueh a* pniv.leri-.i-lialk, miiu fun, cb-„ r.ir Iiuparting yinilh and iK-auly to tbe *kln. Tbe "Itlouni of Veiilli" Is pratereuN toany ulber inreparallona I.II,-H-,I for the Minn purpose.

Beware of Cannterfslta.

Sec that the United Ktales Revenue SLinip Ii printed un the front lulwl and the name ol li. \\ I.alnl Is stani|icl lu the glens mi Ihe IsaOk of aael Isattap- no oUier 1* genuine.

•aid by all strnaKilata and K«nr> tJood Itcalrrs.

SMITH. DOOUTTLE & SMITH. 26 Tremont Street, Boston

< i 15 N K It A I, Ad V. NTS.



Eradicated from tha System tviiii. II„I, im of

Dr. Williams' Vegetable

Jaundice Bitters. IT I- I Ml III ■■ I'

Spring Medicine AMD


Yet offered to the Public.

Prlco 33 Conta Per Bottle.


Whtllassltlsl IrrilKKiMH.

26 Tremont at., Museum Building,


General Agents. Also for sale by

Chas. Clarke, H. M. Whitney & Co., G. E, Caickerine, A. R. Glidden.


lU.ATCllLEY'S £ £ liuiirovfiU'l iTMI1K11 Wiillli ™ c I'IMI', Taatelea*. Durable, Kl 2 2 lleient nud t'heap. The IU-K| * -* r

0 i'tniip far the least i t.-iiliiin i- .--in-einlU invited n Hh.U-hhV.- I'ateni liupiovei llrnekelHliil Ni-w lir.ip l'ln-i-1 Valve, whieh ran lie ii ittidrnu i

M A ii i-: r-.-s 1 K W



James Martin and Son, Jnhliers of tent and awning sloek and Oxlurcs

111 t'niiinirrelal Silnel, Roston. JulyJIondilUeh


The display of Fane at Water- man's, 220 Washinffton street, 3 doors north of Summer Btreet, in- cludes Fans ofevery color, quality and price.


LOWEST PRICES In the ell) . Alt Immense stork la thoosi

WATERMAN & CO.'S, 9SH1 Washington Sti-oet

IHIHTIIN. * Tlir liMir. mirth of Hum,nor ,l,wt.



Sewing Machine,

Male by Uie Howe Machine Company slave tha Largest Sales,

Wires the Best Satisfaction, Made of tha Best Material,

la tha easiest ta I.earn to Operate


work and will

chines Iiaro a wnrl.f wide reputation, nnd are sent to erery uisilise-i e.ounlry In the world, and haverecelroil the blglicnt iiremiuins wherevere lllhlle.l, Ivr.-iii.iKin '

oilier in.i. Now Vork ware room*

ra.-liirlen at Itridj ; <IMi Rroailu-ay. , Pern, Indiana. il liiiiiinj- unlHNi

II. .11 Iin.i.. -i■■■■ i. ' .", I.-.-«■■«■. St'otiamM and ;

in.iriiini- ■ |i,■ i day.

W. Hager & Co., mi J HI. -H i AOHrra nia

Lawrence, Andover and Methuen.

OFFICE 199 ESSEX STREET, Lawrence, Mass.





*W K..pi StrwL


of Kuniee II. tiolf, late or Methuen In the e.ounty uf Kssex. Widow ileeeastnl, ami lin* taken upon himself dial IniKt, be xlviiiK luiii<U,a* the law ill- ■vet*. Alluersuns havinx deiuanil* u)Min Iho es- tate of *ai.| decnsHiilarerriiuired lo exhibit Ihe ; and all persons Indebted lo said e*tate

iilli-d upon to uiake pr JOUS

Methuen, July 11,1*71.

N' has u|iened a

Htal Ettate and Intelligence Office,

At SSI Eaaez Street.

An OBBfla whleh onr elly has lmi« neeiled. Those wanting help of any uatiunalily nr .H-eupalloii.iir lho*e wanting ewph.yine.it, will end It to Uielr "ilruiibiKe tu eall on, ur a.ldresa


SSI Kaaez Street, where all patron* will be ON lly waited ilium and JIIKIIV dealt wllh, ami twee ImyluK or aeflina Heal r>tat« <ir Personal I ruperty, nr havinit lenenienta lo let, or rent lo eaUeet, please alve me your onb-ra, and 1 will

■ntlun, and wilt only charge irred or service* ren

illSflj *S - for full and detailed Ii*!* nf property, Inn

menl n ploy im-i,t wanlsd, et.-., ni-e the IUIL: ANBBICAH.

, i.lease giv ylminedlaui

'tall at ym

Sea my lmine.Uate attent r et|ien*es ai-tuiilly im



QUAKER BITTERS These celebrated Hitters are eom- posetl of choice Hoots, Herbs, uu it Barks, among which are Qen- tlan, SarsaparllUt, Wild Cherry. Dandelion, Juniper, and other berries, and are so prepa red as tit retain all their medicinal qual- ities. They invariably cure or greatl M relieve the following com- {it it hit* : nvsiii'jisi::, .laiiml i.i-.

Aver Compliunt, L#OHS of ApiM'- t ill'. llriullKllI', llilioiis Attiicks, Ki'mit l.'iil nnd Intermittent Fo- verpj,Ap;uc, Coltl Chills ltlicniuu- tism, SuimiHT Complniiits, l*il»*s, Kidney ]>lsen.He«, Pcmnle Itiiii- I'ullirs, Lassitude,- Low Spirits, General Debility, mirf, in fact, everything caused by an impure state of the Hlood or deranged condition of Stomach, Liver, or Kidneys. Tlte aged find in the Quaker Hitters a gentle, soothing stimulant, so desirable in their declining gears. No one can rc- main long unwell (u nlcss afflicted with an incurable disease) ajtcr taking a few bottles of the Quaker Bitters. Prepared by Dr. H. S. Flint & Co.

At their Great Medical Depot, PROVIDENCE, R.I.

FOB s.ii,i: LII;KV»III;I:I:.


Attached to these |>Hb>nl Bi-ieiiLill.i.llv inli.-trucUll t,__. *een when woni—delivering ll the head a Snft and Contlnnous Stream of


UKll ilu-i

PaHlal Paral) sis of the ll|.( I, Srr.r, Weak o. lllsrased Vlelon,

NtnralKla of the lliml or Far*. RerroMs Twltehes In Ihc

IWu.i Ii ■ of the Fare, !*'iil«. • In the ll. ,.il.

l III.KI of Vei

Loss or » it. i Rnei Kinjrrmi

■rw> ofthc .. tribilling, in a luuxt ai.toiiihliiiiK di-Kiee,

Life and Vigor and Health. bv the mean* uf the unit liowins: "tM-nni of Kl, Irk-iiy, giving Krlfrhlaeeastsj tin Rye,

Uulrkurss to the Bar, 1 in i ui In I hi It in In.

They are set wllh lenses of the "next inniiliftti' lure, tu suit nil nlghla, and w illi |I1H>M>* for lli.i-e nut lui'.liiig xpt-elaele* I.> nail n ilh, bill ilc.-ii [ii|- Ihe iH'iielllr. to be derived from wwil'liitf I lie |!:ii terieH; and to be bud in tlilr. eily only of

HUMIM1IIEY MOOAH, Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician


No. 235 Eseex Street, Lawrenrn liciil.-i In Watctuv, CliM-k*. Jewelry, k'aiiey

tr. /?. firied Sprcltickia Win-Id.

t Olasn*, ihr BKSTtn li


ITERPRISE The only reliable i.m Distribution In the country

$50,000.00 IN VALUABLE OII'IS !

Tu Im dlMribntod In

3D. SIIfcTIE'S IIINI t. It, snlsr II..1.1 1,1, .

OI FT ENTERPRISE To be drawn Monday, A up. lUth, 1CTI.


a Prises | ^lODFrunarirai lin rrhmllN L QREENBACKSI Ten Prlaea • MM. -(GREENBACKS Ona Famllr rarrlaKes ami »l..i,l,..i llorsrs wllh Nil,. r-Mllunl. .1 llarneiH

i'. .Mil, 11,BOO .«• li I I UorM*Saggy Klih .HIlTer-MounlP.l III **.

worth 9600 Due fli'ii-toncd Itu^eu-.HHl Piano, worth uao.

Km- Kiiiiiilv s,',i in,: M:i.-l .H, winlli Biisi each. »n» tiol.l an.I .-ilv.-vl.iviT MiiiiliiiL.- Will, lie- lin

all), worth from »Jfl lo #:ii*j ,.,,,-h | (■old t.'lininr., Silv.-i n;itc, Invilei v. clc.. oil- No. of Oifl*. 6,000. Tickets limited ta SO OOO

AtiKNTU WANTKDto sell Ticket*, lo whom lilK-rnl premiums will lie paid. Sln«*lo,ncketM1;SixTicket**5; Twelve

TlcketatlO; Twenty-PiJe $yo. Circulars conUlning a full lint of Hteaa, a .Ie

srrlptlon Of the miunn-r m .Irawing, nnd other in formation In reference in ihe lii-n ilnition, will he Henltoauyoneunleiing them. All letters luu-l baaddraeaad to t. h. SINK. Box HH,

MAIN OrWCE, CINCINNATI, (>. 101 VV. rifUi Street. myltlflwmy

City of Lawrence Water Loan. Sis nor cent Coupon Runds ofthn City of Law

rence, duly authorised by act of the Legislature, City Ordinance and resolutions of Ihe City Cuiui- ell, will be Issued October let, for a lu i amount Coupons attaeluxl for seinlauiiual inter- est, payable In Boston or Lawrence, at in. npti.m or holders. For price and full parlieular* call on or address E. W. COI.COBK,

City Treasurer. Per order *f finance Cummittee. sdnvu


Broadway Savings Bank. BBE0HIN BLOCK

CORNKIt KSSKX STHKKT A.Vlt BMOADWA V Lswrtsts, - afsuia.

Bmead its toil Aepoell May IS, IcM. A'l'KMKN'J' MAY :illH, ]K-;4


I Barplna,

■ -ii ■, «--■;■..'.■..'.-1 »,-JI'- ■•:

Uorfapigea, fiuii,t. Notes, -ii.,KM i ItaiikSlockr, Ul,.>.a Cash on hniiil, 11,141


Hank .ip.-n every day ii a I f. ■., eacepl Halur.lsv, nnd on Tliursdny ami atiirday evening* from 7 t.i li, for receiving di- oait* only. llepotiiiH pirn e.i ml inl.inl II.IIII ae flrst day of each month. Dividend* of Ihc ct earnings made Iwlce each yenr.

JOHN KALI.ON. 1'rCKl.lent. JOHN L. BUKWSTKK, Treasurer. HJ.-lilf




And all Druggists in Andover.

re* Coughs and all Thraal Irrltalloas jt

IV Daily SmeiTSn, rUBLlIIUD

VERY EVENING, (•aaday accepted,)

li UM LwfMtnmlfrtaitaoHy.wlthFowTlnn Uio circulation of any Mk*r.

sniMiurnii.v, In Advancei

«nit Year, |fi.(K> ! ftl« Mouths, (S.0 Vi iii li (.<■: ['.ml In lid van. e, |,s.(M.

GKO. ft M Ki:i;i l.l. A CO., Prop'r*.


S/-.f/W PRINTING OFFICE. Is Hie Largest and most thoroughly furuJshe.iLi* Kastero MitUdtiiiittti., Having only modern Pre*se->, and a liht-i'm<lant addition* of the neweil stylel i.i Type, wu are able lit lurnbh the be* Lp!*lll) 111 Work, eYpcdittOtlsty, „[ )ow price*. (Man by mall given piflm^ ■ itenticn.

UEU B. MKItlMLI.ACKin I.tli, Poat OIBrc Mock.









Ktannard'. Vegetable ami Herb Tonic is doing

v. iimlui ■ astonishing everylmdy, eves tin* pbv-

slclau*. i inleri am pouring in from all sections,

far anil Ntti large order* coining from places

« lli-l-i1 simply cine lri.il buttle llri I horn Used. Ill -

valid* aru by ttil* tonic restored to health. Hun-

.Ire.I* In tho Dlty of Lawrence are praising it, ami

to lii tlii* rase, " a prophet is not without lionor

a vein his own country," will hnrilly apply. Hut

I cut there be MOM who will insist that It is only

Klaimard. anil of hi* getting Op, wo will nay Unit

it Is UUtiinn.nl In nothing except Hi is manufacture^

thai HI.' receipt is an


Oil.', Iiaa.led iloivn from Jon? year* ago, and or

which we barfl append a brief history. In

THE YEAR 1804, An iil.l li.i inn, iln'ii living in the southwestern

put o( AlhinrCnuniy. stale of New Tort, who

Inil made I iintolf quite celebrated an a \\ jsl-

urn, became unable lo attend to all call* made •t|IM dim for his imbH among tho sick. A

man then living, found llial one secret of hi* MM.

BITTERS Which lie t'n in MlnUI In thu public, the receipt for

which this man purclinsed Of him at great cost,

a» wa* then considered. Tlio hitler* wore manu

ntcturud ami sold, and .rented nn little sensation

for many years; but It being a sparsely teUled

lotalliy, kill] It may to, the ilia of the Inhabitants

hut ii... ■[! ■: !';■'■ ired In OMMqUMt ol the u*o of

thu bittern, ami the old gentleman owning thu re-

ceipt pasting off thu stngo about the

YEAR 1822,

e thereof seemed to <lii' away- lint th m

people living In that section to-d.iy. who

or tlm I.ini.'.if




GROCERY AND TEA HOUSE, Every family will be convinced after com par

lag our price* witli tUoso Ihey are leaving at other pieces, they can save from ilflv to one hundred dollar* every year. (I per barrel raved on Flour. Ilon'l fall to send or mil for a catalogue of goods

Qood* delivered In I.awrenre, Andnvor and Uclhiien tree of charge. Don't mistake the place,


149 Essex Street. N. It. All of our moil* are warranted FIRST

QUA I.1TV, and at Iho ].owe*t Huston Prices.



A Cheaper Fuel than Wood or Coal THE LAWRENCE GAS COM'Y.

o prepared to receive ordura tor Coke at the wliigpricen, rlaj

Por Chaldron of 14 bbli.deli vered «6.00 " 1-2 " 7 " *' 13.00

Barrel .49 Price Por Barrel al thVWorka, .40

Onion received at the onlce of

Mtwrenue < in* < Sgunimny,

No. 253 Eeeex Street, ml the Coke paid for at the DBM at time of or-

dering tin- >auie. fObWVtf 41EOBUEIK CABOT, Agent.


M3 Ks-i'< .street, Lawrence. Uao. Ether and Chloroionii Adminlatered.



Insurance Agency. I'i:ciii-1'. i- TKK icn.billll.ii

003^EF-A.3STIES Incorporaled. Amieti.

Franklin, of I'hila.,ra., li-j'i 13,200,710 1MS3 1,330,000 PaBHB7lv>aula. of i'enna.,

Gorman, American, N. Y. Westcheoter, New York,


64L493 307,257 103,807 lf>^.!.»M 445517

«li«li < '■•

Iti.yKl. PUS, gold, 912,000,000 American Branch, l,808,67fi

Qmimi, 18U, fold, 10,000,000 American Branch, 917,327

imperial, ims, gold, 8,000,000 American Branch, 004,407

MS Kuan .Irrrt, - T.Kwrame aprldlly P. O. Box SS.



The itudiea enibraoed In the plan of the Schi and denlgaed for thoie uupll* who have aeijui. ... a good koowledge of the Klemeutary Etuli*h braueliea, are








I'Aiil'Mtnsnifa, rrc.,)

—ail of which are eapeclally oeceaiary tor and adapted to Commercial purpoiea.

l'upll* desiring other atudiaa than above named may aelect any or all of the COMUOM

KNOI.IMU STUDIKS and immuii Uiem In connec- tion with or leperatu from tho CBMHKHCIAL

BTUUIKI. Fupiis receive.) at any time if there arc varan-

clea. 1'ronuectua and Circular of the school, post free. The school linow located at :Wtt Wash- ington Street,—location previous to the lire ol May I0187S, Hours, B to 1- Clooed Saturdaji.

Vacation during July and Angiii-t. Appllca tion for HdnildHlon, Sent 1st., may be made In person till Jnly 1st: from >'uly 1st to August 17, by letter only, building close.). Auauit 17 till «ept. Ut, the principal will be in attendance daily from 9 till 1.

U. E. HI KB Alt D, Principal.


AsHiey culled IL This

owimr t> a ditu^hler a

original receipt, dated a* above, li

Iroiii which is made

'.-clptwai wllle.1 by the

1 her child ren, auil the


Staiinarfs Vegetable and Herb Tonic,

o fornllpha*oiOfl.iv.

MarvilouH In ita


Upon pirsonv who have been long Buffering with

what they term, and What '.■■■ called by phyrlckana


-.■In to discharge

.Inly lo the public?

BusineBs Directory.! ^ IE AMERICAN I'srJi notsVKMedlMg Four I.lnr * In IniRlli

Insertrrt In (his .ioltyn n at 99 per rear.

Counsellors ot Law, and Commlaaloners for N. H. S07 EHBBX STHKKT, Lawrence.

II. F. Hopkint. ....-i--"'*'ri" II. C. Bncen.

BARNARD'S WORSTED STORE, for- l.ieilv Palmer's, Is the place to get your Wor

te.ls and Worsted Uoods, Patterns am) Vacny Uoods, Yankee Notions, Ac. ill K.- ex .St. 1}3

i Heal KaUte. OlBce

I CIVIL KN'tilNKKUSnii.lSlltVKYOltS, tl6 EliMKX SrilKKT,

nee, Alass.

Ct W .I'M

CLIFFORD BROS., Plata atiil liHorml.

ml I'ninting. No. Ml Com) cupiedby W. I'. smith, Jr.

(lOLBUHN BRO'S ^Cliroinns, Engravings, . «

Fancy UIUHI*. Pictures Framed

Paper Ilangltig on atreet, lormerly



Cv .1 III-MLIT in ."lasil, i'.»ip|-rt mill 1.111 111 M, »» II,

.. „il Door Fruin.is. All kinds House Finish. opposite Boston A Maine it. it. Passenger Depot.

LOW, APOTIIKUARY. Prcserlp- DS carefully dlsupuseil at all hours, also,

all the lending Patent Medicine* ami Toilet Arll- JWAT. augtfflljr

p. H. V tlon* i

ci.i'N, No. i7l Essex Street, Lawrence, Mass. (las, Chloroform, or Kther given, as pre tor ml. Closed dur.ng Augu*L


.t;;i KHHHX ST., LAWHKNca, MAia. .Over Dyer A Co's.


... Strlctlvpure Coffees, Spices and choicest Teas. Thu bent dairies of Butter and Cheese. *> Aluesbury StreeL

'. LORD, Solu Anent for the VICTOR" SKW1NO MACHINE,

tv Margin Street. New Shuttle, New Tension, Self-setting Needle.

DECKER & WH1TTIER, Crockery and tibus Ware.

I). EDE RINZY & BROTHER, LatllL-M'aut)

a Gent's Custom Boot and Shoe Makers, 1U1 Essex streeL All kinds of ready made Bool* and Shoes constantly on hand and very cheap, a

E. 8. YATES, M. D., PHYSICIAN and urgeon.

Office, 307 Ensex Street, corner ol Lawrence. Residence, IK! Concord Street.

EH. KELLEY, APOTHECARY.—Pre- • scrlutions carefully compounded. I'uiu

Drugs and Chemicals, I'Hlenl Medicine*, Toilet and Faocv Articles, etc Post Offlco Block. FK A N K H » S ft & i I, .




Tbe best place lu the city.

. formerly at Mrs. J. A Knot's. Millinery and fancy good*. Stamping pcc.lnlty.Mndatne Foy's corsets. 310 Essex stree'

with Bugbee A Mack, 3U3 Essex sires t, Law renoe. Mass. aprttVBm.



For Inventions. Trada Mark*, or Designs,

T« StaU St., opposite Hlll.y Ht„ II(..(on

after an extenalre practice of upwardaof thirti i, continuus to secure Patents In the Unite.!

si also In Great Britain, France, and other foreign countries. Caveats, SiwcIdeations, Assign. ments, and all paper* for Patents, executed on reanonablu terms, with dispatch. Researches maile to determine thu vnlidity and utility of Patents of Inventions, and legal and other ait vice rendered In all matters te-uHilng the seine. Copies of the claim* or any Patent furnished tew rumiUlt),- dollar. Assignments recorded in WaabJugtor

AHTNo Agency In tlie Unite.) Slates possesses upcrior racllltle* for obtaining Patents or aacor- alning the iMlenUhility of Inventi.ms.

All necosslty of a luurney to Washington to pro- sure a Patent, and the usual great delay there, are

here saved inventors.


" I regard Mr. Eddy as one of the roost ca|>ab]e and successful practitioners with whom 1 have had official Intercourse.

CHARLES MASON, Comtnla'r of Patents.'

" I have no hesitation In assuring inventor* that they cannot employ a aian more amptttnt and cJnutcawHAv, and more capable of milling Uieir an plications in a form to secure fortliein aa early ami fhvorahle consideration at the Patent (I luce.

EDMUND HlltkK, Late Com'r of Pateote.'

"Mr. H. H. Emir has made for roe over Till IITY autilicatlons I»I Patents, having been successftil In almost every case. Such unmistakalilepro.il of great talent and ability on his part, lead* me l« recommend ALL inventors lo apply to him to pro- cure their patent*, as they nay be *uro of having the most faithful attention bestowed on their cases, anil at very reasonable charges. _

' JOHN TAUGART." Botton, Jan. 1.1JH. l**«h

HF. BARNARD, UPHOLSTERER and • Cabinet Miiker.—Reiialrlng, Laying Car-

■ Mayhew's Patent Win-

I M. IIORNE, Phvsiclan and Surgoon.

Xficoand Retidenco271 Ejttei Stree).

THIS TONIC May now in hud, whniesule and retail, of II M.

Whitney A GO, druggist*, corner of Kssex and

l.nwrence Streets. Also for sale by A. R. Ulld-

itom, Go*. II. Chirkerlng and ntlier dnigglsts^

also by Decker A Whittier, John Russell, Dean

A HaaelUne, Coffin A Heserve, and other grocera

in Lawrence^ and in Methuen by 8. II. Harris,

Jr., and Castle A Steven*, druggists, and by IL

(I. Welister. All order* for


/\LD BOSTON BREWERY," \ / Katabllahed lftsO.

ISAAC COOK & CO., Brewer* and U sisters,


STOCK AI.K, llrewe.) under McCORMlCK'S PATENT, In IIIiiU., Bbls., Half* and Kegs; also In Ijiiarl and

-*—itonr .ii" 11'

vkoUMBl* ai

. Whitany A «

fitannard, who

Law rente.

1 rulail, can lie addressed to II

o., Lawrence, Masa, or to J. II

t manufacturer and proprietor at

egaj i I-iin it..Hies. Particular attention Is glvi ilv inilcrs, fur whom we man u lac In re n


BKBOVBD TO 3.13 Essex Street, Lawrence.

LSTRATTON, BOOKSELLER a Stationer, Account Book Manufacturer.—

Paper Hangings, Window Shades, Newspapers, — 3*3 Essex SL Branch Store, liS KsauxBt




The following llal of Uaatarn Kentucky mur- ders, is us fur .i-1.-iicin. i for tlil* weak up to last night:—in MonIf imcrr county, idht Run- day, Mr*, Stivetis met u woman (.feimv virtue, named Eveline HiiMnird In the fields and at- lacked her with a linclict, iplitling her skull and killing her instaiiih-. Mrs. Sic vein aus- pected Kvclinc lluhiuid al ton great intimacy wlib her buvbaud. In llrcaitutt couiiiy, Jerry Little attacked twit brothers named Jeit, killing one and severely wuutiJingtbeutlter. Morgan " nty, last Wednesday, JohtlftMl OKI/ snot

(tilled Wesley UtdinnUon, ami severely wounded a nmn nnme<l Oeorge with a stray bullet. Two men, named Louston and Ik-lch, mt.r.-kcd J. Clark, while the Utter H ,i.- chop- ping wood at Wortblngton. Clark killed Louston with bin axo am) then took a piitol away from Celcli and licat bis brain* out. Clark was arrested and acquitted on the ground HI ■■.-!!-.I.■:- in ■■

Prof. Donaldson, the nreonaut, made an at- tention In his new balloon, "llarnum," at tin- Ui|!|iii'lf.iiin' in New York, yesterday, for the purpose of testing easterly winds. He was ac- companied by newspaper represent! I Ires from the Bun, World, Tribune. Herald and Time*. The departuru of the aeronautic excurilun Irom the Hippodrome was witnessed by thous- ands. Tho party took provision!, and will re- main up taking observations for 18 hour*.

Threat* are made l>v Bcecher's friend* thai II he I* exonerated by the committee, an action for slander nnd perjury will lw brought acalnn Tilt.in. On the other hand, Tilton7* friends say that whatever inav bo the verdict of the committee, Tllton will take his grievances be- fore a court of law, where the defendant will

Jt lie permitted to choose his own jury. New* i* received of the wrecking of the Pa-

cific mall atcamcr. City of Guatemala, from New torfcto Aspluwiill, by striking on a rock off Watiing's Island. Two hoat-ioad* contain- ing Hie crew started for land, one ol" which ar- rived In salely, and (he other has not since been heard from, though it is believed that no lives were lost.

The action of the Like Shore & Michigan Southern Uulnci.l directors In passing a sec- ond time a rcgnlar dividend continues to excite nlientlon on Wall street. Vutuler-

report i. qnotod, in which, after accounting for the p.is>agc ofihc llr*t dividend lie Intimities there Will In no o.'Cislon to do It again.

The IXth Ward Market In New York, which ist 1*70,000, and which has proved B failuns now hi bu used as u dog pound. Gold closed yesterday at 11)!)..


The agents of foreign Insurance companies i Saturday received instructions by cable, di-

recting the course lo pursue in Chicago. The Scottish Commercial bus decided to withdraw, and its agent is Instructed to take no more risks. The London Assurrance, North British- Ooinmcrciul Union, (Jiieens, IjineaadT and Im- perial, all English companies, have instructed their agents to raise the rate fifty per. cent. Thu Liverpool, London and Globe have not

nt any orders to their agent*.

Wm. W. Proctor, of Brooklyn' N, Y., no* commenced an uotlon In the Supreme Ouurl of King* county, to reeovor#y),(MK) from .Samuel W. Lapslry, a New York broker, on tbo gruund thai tho defendant Induced his wife, while at- tending hi* olllce on business, to partake of wine in a private room adjoining the ofltrc, and while under iis inliucnce seduced her. Ijipi- ley denies every allegation in the complaint.

About two o'clock yesterday morning a party wuiCU uau oeeti (minting m <ci tH,*XXl?i nUce.ln nunimlnDsrllia. in the town of Woliurtl, went away and (ben returned fur more liquor. Heing refused ndmittance, they broke Into the house. Bovulrd fired his gun at the Intruders, killing John MeCaurt* ahno*t Instantly. Ilo- valrd then iled and has not been arrested.

There was a match race on Saturday Iwlwecn Park)*' Abdullah and Vermont Alidallah at Nurragan*ett park ; Park!*' Abdullah won best tune '.' :'.<'<\ The August meeting nt Saratoga opened on Siiturdnv. 1 lie winners were Attllu, Springbok and Uiitlpu. Thu Re icon park

eeling closed on Saturday. The 2:20 race ts won by Flora Belle. A sudden torrent of water from the moun-

tain* swept away the town of Eureka, Califor- nia, on Fridiy last, and was the cause of the dealh of over twenty persons. The Pacific railroad track was also conai-lorahly damaged by the Hoods caused by the same rain storm to whicD the rl .... I In thu'mountains was due.

Base ball on Saturday i Chicago vs. Atlantic, at Chicago, 17 to 4; Mutual vs. Hartford, al Brooklyn, 7 to 3; Urafton vs. Livu Oak, at Lynn, 12 to 1; Excelsior vs. Active, at South Weymoulb, 15 to 8; Chelsea vs. Trenton l of Catubrldgc.on Jarvia Field, 13 to 4.

The ca*c of the Rev. John S. Glendcnny,



iwTr*.—Congrcsa,*! ita recent aeaskm vot- ed thai a collodion of toe native woodH of ill- United Statca bu nicado, to he placed In tho Agricultural Donartment at Washing- ton. Tlie stcjf was not taken too aoou, for if tbo waste of wood cooUnnea at Its prcs- ent rate taere may, a frw years hence, lie i|ieii(iii-u-. of many klndi wanting. Our short dlglitcdncss In reapoct to forest prc- aorvatlon la already 111 titrated In i he in- convenient Bcorclty of th* most valuable Kin 1H or timber, cw|iLflaIly ohlp timber, ant) the consequent liifk priest. It la time that our best timber lands should be prized not only In regard to present but future vuluo. In a Hpccch In Congress, two years

Mr. Ilaldeman said it was computed Ui;it 20,000,000 of our population arcdwcl-

ln wooden houses, their barns and out-building* of wood, the fouclng of

d. Then I'O.OOO cords a day arc con- ed by locomblives, and the iiO.OOO s of our railroads demanded In COP.

atriitrtion 2,500 wooden tloa to tho mile, onto of the mills In the Sagluaw, Michl- an, lumber region, have capacity to turn

out daily 1 ,',0,000 to 200,01)0 feet of lumber and, HO far away as the Pad Ac coast, the business of clearing off the forests at Pu-

it Sound alone, and exportlug lumber now iimnuntK »o over 91,.100,000 annually. Ohlcii»o, hist year, sold nearly 1,000,000, 000 (bet of lumber, over 2,000,000,000. talnglet, and 100,000,000 bundles of laths, and the enormous consumption of wood In ChicagoCftd, in ft less degree. In Boston In repairing the ravages or lire may well be Imagined. Other tremendous devour- Mof wood are the mines and the char- oal pits. Iu the Tomstock mine, Nevada,

there has boon consumed annually, of Inmbcr and timber about 14,000,000 feet. As matters stand, the consumption in- creases every day with the Increase of population, railroads, imihiifiicturcs and enterprises of every sort. Enormous quantities, too, of trees luonr woods are rendered valueless for limber by neglect. How to preserve and Increase the timber supply is Hit Important subject, but, In our country, beset with dlilleultltui. There Is no lack of valuable suggestions, but our government does not command the cen- tralized machinery which European

ntrlcs employ to uiaara tho prescrva- t or their forests. It la demonstrated

that thu pfeiotiag or ten or flftcen acres of forest on every ItiO acres or our western prairie land has a most Important effect on the cllinitu, increasing and equalizing the molslurc and adding greatly to tho fertility of the soli. Several western rail- way companies have of late taken practi- cal steps to encourage trcc-plunling, and

iP dtJ't.'ifVoiigress to'o'hBS wisely extended special privileges to homestead settlers who plant n certain proportion of their land with trees. These agencies will work slowly, but much may yet bo saved 6y care and economy, while the cft'ort Is made to do something for the future.

In Ready-Made Furnishing Goods, Hats,

, Umbrellas, Ao., No. 1S3 , Mass. i HI 'i i

year* successful practice in Obstetrics and diseases of women nmli hiMi in, niTcrs her services to the public. OfSce, IS Madison St., Newburyport.

STATION- KB, Paper Hangings and Window Shades,

i lore Kraming ninl Itookhiiiding done at_short llco. No 13H KSSKX STBBXT.

MRINN, ilni.h-.i-i.i.Kit Al • KB, Patier Hangings and W

■ Itoiikliiiidlngdon.)


iU'c| and select stork of ¥ . Hlroel

1** ■ ■!■! ■ iCiiiii Invite

Icrs lilH'k. Hay be found a va- ■ ---ry uooils, lo wliiuJi I

M.. B. KENNEY, M. D-, PHYSICIAN and Burgeon. Office '«! Kssex St. House

No. 110 Sc.vi.iny Street. Particular attention paid to Cancer*.


Manufacturers ot Wool Machinery, Hunt'* Hou- hie Acting Turbine Water Wheel. HAMMER FALLING STOCKS, Fulling Mills, Holly Washers, Shafting, Regulators,

Uigs, bye Tubs, Ac. E. N. HARRIS, **) Broad way Liitt rein e, Mas*. Hircliu B41.I Selling Agent,

ap lliii following eertiucale from the Muss Stale AH »Ayer: W Mtale Street, Boston. Messrs. Isaac Cook A Co.

Gentlemen—I have analysed and In vest I gated samples of Ale Wort, for you. and have seen tho practical working of MoCoAulck's purifying pro-

It cootuos Irom the malt and hops. hlr.ii I* not visible, are removed by this

process. If the wort Is passed through this ap- paratus when hot, all the valuable coaslltucnts are heW up in clear solution and are not removed by the Oiler, while the impurities, which are eoa- gulated by boiling, are completely separated and tmmi ESagfo^ IIAVM,

State Attayer Chemist for Massachusetts. JunellTtlmlib

TRIAL BOTTfJ^S oithulini^. are free lo all persona who are at *

in nettd of having lholr?iealths Improved, by call.




Ilf HET0VKH Vii.l.AtiK.

A Dwelling House, nearly new, situated on George strvei Lot contains SBOU feet: house 13 by 40, two sUirie*, (with lM|ement under part of the samel containing HI rooms, all Onlshed, paint' ed and blinded. On thu premises a cistern of soft water, and a never ling well. Location central, and very desirabla rrfee tow, terms easy.

AIM, House ami Lot situated on High street. Lot containing twon feet. House has IH rooms, two stories, painted and blinded. This pronerty Is situated in a very desirable locality, and can be bought at a barga 111.

Also, several central and desirable House Lot*. A r AHM situated in SALEM. N II., about one

mile from Salem Depot containing S8 acres land, suitably divided Into tillage, pasturing and wood land, 400 cords at least. Fruit—apples, grape* and currant*. A prime working Uraulte Lrrigr 011 the place. Hou* by IS; Barn » by U.

1). M. I)., DENTAL x Street, (ralrflel.l's new

M-.k), Lawrence. Gas, Chloroform or Kther [Wen us preferred, fur the extraction of teeth.

^ML7RPHY, MANUFACTURER • and Dealer in Boot* Shoes and Rubbers, of


ATTORNEYS _ and Counsellors at Law, Maunders New Block,

Rooms Hi and 17, Lawrence, Mass. J. K. Ts 11n.1t. C. B. BBiaoa.

WHITFORD k RICE, JEWELLERS, dealer* in Paper, stationery, Paper Hang-

ing*. Window Shades and Shade Klxturc* | Blank Hook Manufacturer*. 9fid Kssel SL, Lawrence.

H. STUART 4 CO., Kwei Dye Work*, Vine street. DyersofPieoeGood*,

Yarn*, Braids, and all kinds Of Job Dyeing. Un- salable goiMln re 1 lyii| and put In marketable order.

charged with seducing Mis* Julia Pomeroy of Jersey City, I* to be thoroughly Investigated at once, ai Miss Pomeroy has given lurth ton child which she says i; the offering of herself and the reverend gentleman.

Five parties from Upton were tried iwforo Judge Dowey at Milfor.I, last Monday, charged with having Untied In a pumi In a town stocked with bass under the law* ot the State, and were each fined kyiO and cost*, from which they ap- pealed.

The Ilev. Myrou It, Leisure KM arrested In Richmond, Va., Friday, on suspicion of having stolen and killed a young child- A bottle of potion was found In his valise, and papers showing hi* name and calling to bo assumed.

Six European steamers sailed from New York, Saturday, all loaded with passengers, some 4O00 in all. Among the departures were tho lit. Rev. Arcbhlsbop McClosky of New York, and Bishop Bacon of Portland.

A terrible landslip Is reported to have oc- curred at Alana, In the province of Navarre, Spain, deitroylng the vlllngc with most of Its inhabitant*. Two hundred corpses havp been recovered.

strongly suspected that thu so-mi led kidnapping case In Philadelphia is only a tie-

'ce on the part of the father to procure funds r his personal use. OcncrsU Sherman and Sheridan coincide In

_.i opinion In favor of the adopt Ion W un offen- sive I'oiiev towards the Indians in the Indian Territory.

A greet open a!r demonstration against the money-granl 10 Prince Leopold wit* uindc in Clerkcnwell, England, yesterday.

Tuesday. A suit has Just been dinposcd of by the In*

. jemc Court of Iowa, which has lieon More ono Court and another since ISfil. In that year the Iowa Land Company ot Cedar Rapid* were assessed lor taxation on lands in CamdI coun- ty, which had iii'i'ii granted In Ihem hy tho General Government a* railroad lands. The company refused to pay tho tax, amounting to 89000, and ha* stuck lo Its determination dur- ing the past thirteen years. Tlie result is the Judgment against thecompany for principal, In- terest and penalties make* ihe sum now to lie paid 835,000, to *ay nothing ol the expenses of litigation,

The famous stallion Gilbreth Kims, owned by Aiioi li Wentworth, died at Beacon Park on Saturday. Mr. Wentworth paid #17,000 ft him, and valued him at some thousand* ovi that figure. Tho horse wa* entered for the great stallion race at Beacon Park next Sep- tember, and was there taking bu breathing*, when he was taken sick In the morning and died In the evening, a* wa* supposed from a ■evere (train and cold.

('vrn-i l'limier, who wa* convicted In tin United Slates circuit court for the Boston dis niii, at the October term, 1858, of murder 01 the high seas, ha* been pardoned by the Presl dent. Ho wa* sentenced lo be hanged, but llii* sentence wa* hy warrant dated July &, 1B&U, com ma ted to Imprisonment for life. He ha* now been pardoned, having been Imprisoned fifteen years.

The Philadelphia police have in custody two men and two women, alleged English criminal* through whom it Is believed that a eh" '

Apply to



WMI. M. Mogsrs' LAW 0«<:S,

1 spfo Rear Town House, Melbutn, Mass.

W 11,1.1AM RUSSELL 4 SON, Manufacturer* of

NEWB, AND MANILLA PAPBB8, Canal Street, lower end.


MB Essex street. NOTARY PUBLIC.

WHITE k BELL, Attorneys at Law, Noterv Public, and Commissioners for

Maine and New Hampshire. NO.DLAWVBMUB STEKBT, Lawrence. lanldly

obtained relative to the ahdnctlon of Charllo Ro*a. Une of the men I* raid to answer the description of one 01 the ab^net irs, jdihou^h he I* not rccognlied by the brother of Charllo who was with him In a carriage.

At a meoling of the committee of Ihe Halifax Nova Seolla Rowing Club, on Saturday night, it wa* decided that George llmwn challenge Sadlor, Ihe English champion sculler, to a five- mile race with one turn, at any place except tho Thames river.

Tbo bridge over the Meriinac on tho Nashi and Rochester Railroad is fast approaching completion,*nd the road will lie opened to busi- ness on the 1st of September; but twenty■' miles ot rail* remain 10 be laid.

Mr. Chas. 1>. B. Wilbur, a merchant ol the \V bitten ton Mills, Taunton, fell down Rlalra or Saturday night and broko bis Keek, causing in M" in dealh.

Oeorge Knox, of Berwick, Mo., eighteen year* of age, was drowned, Sunday, w bathing in Salmon Fall* river.

The High,Sehool building at Indianapolis was bnmt last night. Tho loss Is estimated nt about 815,000.

TIIK CONKKSHIONS of the Pomeroy boy

have simplified two murder enscs lnwhlcjt

there was not n pnrtlcle or doubt, but

which might have been exceedingly dltll-

cult, with the kind of police forco Bos-

ton has lu service, to establish lu court.

It was n kindness to the police that the

boy saw lit to own op, for everything goes

to show that neither they nor the public

would have received any enlightenment

from their efforts to track the murderer

and fix hlsguIH. These murders or the

Milieu boy and the Curran girl, however,

are none the less chargeable to the long

list of undetected capital crimes which

tho Hub Holds In the acconut wllh its po-

lice. It Is a sulllclent commentary on the

i-i'ii'-ii-ni-v of the Police Department that

out of seven recent murders, the only.two

which they affect to know anything about

are the two In which Pomeroy,In apparent

compassion for Chief Savage's ballled and

benighted guardians, was gracious enough

to tell the story hlmscK. Thu terrltjle and

aimless crimes the wretched child now

acknowledges are or a piece wllh the oth-

er atrocities he has committed. While

there is no question that they are the re-

sult or a morbid and uncontrollable*mania

■ash an authority upon mental disease as

Dr. Hammond or New York does not tics-

|Ute to say that thu boy should bo dealt

with as a criminal, not as a lunatic. The

lern precedents which hnve disguised

Ihlevlng as the unintentional appropria- tion of alien funds, which are elevating

parricide to a high rank among the car-

dinal works of mercy and reducing murdei

outbreak of emotional seusihUlLy,

are becoming rather bewildering to nn old

fashioned scusc of right and wrung, mid

the former-lime notions of what was due

the protection of socloty. "Morbid

Impulse" Is n neat device fbr the estab-

lishment of a new line of murderers' de-

fence, just a degree below that of "emo-

tional Insanity." It Is a delloate express-

ion, and Is llkuly to do no violence to the

reelings or uny persecuted person who Is

so unlucky as to be caught with tho blood

of one or two of his Tellow crcaturea upon

Ids hands. There are hard-hearted people

who hnve coarsely suggested that it was

singular there was so much method tit

young Ponteroy's "morbid Impulse."

Some or them have shown vcrj clearly

that It was singular that the "impulse'

never seized him when other persons were

present, but this, we aru inclined to be-

lieve, Is a malevolent and Jaundiced view

oT the case, and, on the whole. It aceius

worthy attention whether thu lioy tuts

been guilty or more than a pardonaldu

indiscretion In casually and unconsciously

cutting the throntsora couple of youthful

fellow-beings, and. Indeed, whether he

ought not to be taken out or prison mid

adopted In some gentleman's family as a

playmate Tor his children.

'Jane Green" Visits Methuen.

A pi..Hii-.ni correspondent of that bright journal, the Boston Commonwealth, con- tributes tho following letter to the lost Issue:—

' MKTMCRK, July 20, 1874.

nn-: nn ir\! , mriiKit.

The field and trees 'diad been washed, just washed In a showetP' the day I came up to Methuen; and how different the ef- fect npon tin-in. and myself, who was all draggled, bedaubed with the mud or Bos- t.HI, SUM In a condition to need another shower, while they were looking at th. best, the brightest, the greenest. It Is a beautiful Journey thither on the Boston and Maine railroad, widch tn aomo of It* aspects la similar to the other roads out of Boston especially In Its marshes; but tbeso are broken by picturesque ridges and hillocks of intermingled greenness and gray rocks and ledges. Smiling villages embowered In green foliages, and blue, winding streams and sheets of water, nre characteristics of all the suburbs '.<! Bos-

I had never before this day beheld the frowning granite walls of the Mas sachusetts State Pr!sou, and despite my fancy for stones and all sorts or stone structures thu sight or this afforded no pleasurable emotions. A prison cau never be viewed with satlsractlon. Freedom is better than stone applied to such a puu pose. The next structure pointed out was the McLean Asylnm fur the Insane, a pri- son also, though of a different quality. Again, the ruins or the Ursullnc convent were presented to view, a prison that was, certainly. Strange that such prisons

■Iioitlil ever have beeu erected in this tountry; perhaps no more strange, how-

ever, than the necessity for the others. If necessity It really be. Alas I tho hope for the openlug of these prison doors may long be delayed I Tufts Collcgu buildings, rising 011 a distant height, wero moro

;recab1y and hopefully suggestive. The Taslonally antiquated dwellings near

the track awoke visions of research In dusty attics lor relics oftbo past; creamy white azalias In wild profusion beautified aud enlivened the prollHc swamps; nor were other wild flowers wanting along the way; while the beautiful while water-lilies floated their cups on the bosom of the streams and ponds. The route runs through Ballardvalc, the seat of a once promising Hie maiiursclory, which proved a financial fhllure because the enmpany fkiled to turn out good flies, so we were Informed. Km wo cross the pretty Shawsheeue river, which has flowed all the way from the Interior or the State to meet the track, and now rims curveting and coquetting by Its side nearly all Ihe way to Lawrencu, but finally turns away toward tho east to Join the Slcrrlmnc just below the city.


The Morrhnac,running easterly, Is cross- ed at Lawrence, and two miles beyond brings you to thu l.wmtiI'ul village or Me- thuen, whose sloping hillsides uud dells with dwellings embowered, are divided by UteSplcket river. This pretty stream cornea winding down from New Hampshire and s, this place leaps over an Irregular fall of about thirty feet, after which U runs Its tortuous course, uow at the feet of high banks, now through smiling meadows now almost ci>tmoileiLi(v.thc1lceea^.o"^(r.. arch ovcrhcud, now widening luto beau- 'tii'nl, quiet lakelets, whose bosoms reflect linages of earlh and heaven, until at last

waters |oiu the broad Merrlmac uot tar nbovo the mouth ol Its sister Shawsheeue

the other side. Tho river Is said to derive its name from tho Indian word Snake, iu consequence or its crooked course. 'I'll.'re un- three or'four brtdses

the river, If not more. In the village, and the streets aro as tortuous as the river Itself, rendering It difficult, as you walk, to keep tho points or the compass five minutes at n time. Oncday we climb- ed a height (at the west, It seemed to me), overlooking the most ofthc village. From tills point the stone tower of a church rising above the heavy green foliage had a beautiful effect. A nearer view revealed

granite structure, whose serrated porches, Norman tower and Ivied walls, combined to form a picture of unusual bcanty. Another day we clambered up a height overlooking a lakelet ofthc river just below the vlllngc, on which were *;c\ ■ ernl little row-boats, one which contained two ladles only. So here, as on the sea- coast, ladles learn to mnuago a bum.


! passed an aftcri

iiuinii. and nan-ow iliuu-.wac.-. im.1., .im,i I...I >, ■

THE CONXEOTKTT LKOiw-ATtmE, adds to the evidence afforded hy the legislature of Now Hampshire, of tho hollowncss or Democratic professions of reform. Be- ginning Wllh the election ofWm. W. Ea- ton, the most hopeless Bourbon In the state, as United Slates Senator, the re- cord of the session is that of devotion to petty partisan advantage. The registry laws have been changed In the Interest of fraudulent voting, cities gerrymandered to place them nbjo otlj under Democratic control, and tho principle of "local self government," repudiated 'if amending tho charters of cities llko New Haven, against tho wishes or the people.

I'-Altl.V IllSTOltV.

I hsva not been able to learn the origin of the name Methueu, thosu long resident here not knowing. It wns originally a part ofllavcrhlll, from which It was scp< urnt.il In 1730. The early Inhabitants must have been aristocratic as well as Pu Titanic, fbr It Is recorded that two young women of the working or poorer classes were lined for wearing silk dresses, an ex travsgance for such people not In accord mice wllh the Ideas of their more wealthy neighbors.


The tails suggested a dam, aud more than sixty years ago the flrst manufactory was built at this village. Thero are now several, for the manuract'ire or cotton, woolen, aud Jute goods, all owned by one iniui, Mr. Nivlns, except the one woolen mill, owned by other parties. Tho prop- erty, consisting of two mills and the "prlv liege" of the fall, was purchased by the present owner Just previous to the war; since which time he has erected two addl tlounl mills for the manufacture of Jut*, and bouifh: other lands contiguous along the hanks of the river. He Is also of an extensive- farm, or farms, under a high state of cultivation and in a beantl fid location near the village. "And so he would be Loid Nevlns irtic lived In Eng- land,"! exclaimed, after listening to the narrative of his lauded estates and his constant addition of acre to acre. But to me the most notable thing he has done lathe erection of ahlgh fence impenetra- ble to the eye or the traveller, « sort or wall, all around his mill property, pletely shutting the beautiful fall from view; so there Is noplace In the village, outNlde the wall, from whence It enn l>e seen, and no access to tie had except by stealth or especial permission. Tho own-

r or the mill has two sons, said to be very worthy young men. It is poaslble that when they come Into full possession or the property they may lessen tho height Of thc'feiice and admit Ihe full to

guzo. But I have no persona) grievance.


My Mend and I happened to find "the gates wide open," and, being of the class that never attacks and never Is attacked,

alked directly In, climbed over the outlying rocks to the very foot ofthc fall, or rather falls, plucked wild (lowers, one of which proved to be the deadly-night shade, and then bathed our hands lu the waters. Then, seated beneath the shady trees, while listening to the music, thcln- termlnahlc roar, we watched the rushing, amber waters, the leaping gems of spray glittering lu the sunshine, the boiling, roaming gulf, and the dark, rich coloring of the sluggish waters adown thn stream. Verily, It was a seclndcd place of singular beauty aud fascination, and we left It re- gretfully, as though going fromaaympho II v concert before the close, or from a picture gallery before examining all the pictures. Wo passed out unquestioned, and wandered down on the bank of the

where It WHS hidden beueath the trees; but this hank of the stream umbered by the worthless Jute and other cfnse; on the olher side the grounds or he villagers, tho play grounds of thechll

dren, extended to thu water's edge. In addition to thu mill business, there are boot, shoe, and hit manufactories In the village. The town contains about four thousand Inhabitants, and has appropri- ated the dog-tax for the purchase ore pub- lic lllirary, which Is Increased from this Nonrce to the amount of about fifty dollars annually.

lu the woods, or, rather, beneath a mammoth pine tree near the woods, which Is a wood In I'actr, Lying here lu the shade and looking upward, the lower branches look like huge limbs, legs and nrms, grasping each other, and through the arches or the upper branches tho wind makes softest music. Surely, Bramahto, Plsaua, and those architects, must have studied simi- lar models. To US the place Is a church as we talk, and think, and write, and finally listen to tho reading of Tennyson's Par- tner. Mr. 1 .ill hlmseir could scarco have read it more according to Scripture than I heard it rend beneath the shadow of that pine tree. Nor could priest have produced a better, or more suggestive sermon than has the poet from the dj tho apologli queer old Yorkahlro


We went to Lawrence on the horse-e; one day, crossing the Hplcket three tint. lu tin- course of a mile. This place was a part of the origlual Methuen, but how different In every respect! The land Is low and level, the streets cross each olher in straight lines, nnd the common, with green grass, shade trees, nnd rcgnlar walks, Is in Hie centre of the city. How proper aud methodical everything looks! We rode directly through the city to the bridge that crosses the Merrlmac. The river was muddy that day from the recent rains, the rays of the sun were pouring hot when not obstructed hjr threatening thunder clouds, bill tho spreading willows on the shores of the river afforded grateful shade for playing children. The canal that moves the mill* extends the whole leugUi of the city from east to west, a

rile or more, 1 Judge. Hul I need not speak of what Is so well kuown, nor did I wish tojinger there. Returning home at evening the tlmiider-cluuds had coudensed

cr the western horizon Into one bank, broad, dark, deuse, and golden edged, like n mountain range. Vroiii the edge or the ii'fl/.nii, beneath and behind the cloud- bank, rose an aurora of rcmrrkablc uspecl exteudlng uud broadening toward the so- niih. This we wutched from the ntlic windows of a friend's dwelling on a height lu the northern part pf the-Vlllage, while all around toward New Hampshire was spivtil out the most beautiful panorama of hills, dark woods, green fields and bluu gletuiilug Waters.

But I most close, though the whole tco> ry Is not yet told. J.I.NK UHKKN.


Mrs. Elizabeth K. Tllton, wife of Mr.

The l.l.iic Tilinii, publishes a statement

In reply to that of her husband In which

the whole of his statements regarding

her criminality with Beecher are emphati-

cally denied. Shedoclarcs that her hus-

liand'Mcourst! has been prompted by envy

aud Jealousy of Mrs. Beecher, and ihnl Til-

ton's hatred for him has beeu long-cou-

ttuiu'd." The duter/ulnatiou to ruin Mr.

Beecher," site says, "has been the oue

aim of his life." OfW relations with

wllh Mr. Beecher, she sayB i '-I owu to

my acquaintance and friendship wllh Mr.

jiftt'frffli.T*. rt i n%Jtttar toi'uft-y .iiwttav lire and growth toward the divine uature

which enable me to walk daily in a lively

hope of the life beyond." She says that the

fcsalon Mr. Tllton refers to as having n made by her was obtained from her

by Importunity and representations of her husband that It was necessary for him to use it In his pending difficulties with Mr. Bowen. She was then sick nigh unto ileath, having suffered a miscarriage only four days before, and she signed what- ever her husband requested, without knowing Its Import. She says the har- mony of her home was broken years be- fore Mr. Beecher entered It by Tilton's lusldlousand diabolical free love teach- ings, orthe crime charged against her she says : ,-lII summing up the whole mat- ter I afilrm myself, before Ood, to be lu- nocent, thut ucver have I been gullty'ilPi adultery with Henry Ward Beecher In thought or deed, nor has ho ever offered to mo au Indecorous or Improper propoa-

Mm- Tllton snys that she knew nothing of the publication of Tilton's accusations until he showed her a few weeks ago the

Ooldcti Age,' containing them iu print, She then saw, she says, that he had put Into execution the almost dally threat of his life to crush ont Beecher. She was Indignant at this, and gave Tllton notice that she should henceforth <spcak and act for herself lu reference to the scandal, and therefore went before a committee of Plymouth Church and made her statement. On going home, she found her husband reading In bed. She told him where she had been, and what she had done, where- upon he arose, dressed himself and hade her good bye forever. The midnight Pal- lowing she was awakened by her husband «Um1 log by her bed. Iu u tender tone or voice, he said In; wished to sce_ her. She arose, followed him Into his room. He apologized ror his treatment or her the i.r.-iii ic t'..i.-. and the next day, she says, he wrote out a statement to be pre- sented to the Investigating i imlllee when they should call upon hint, which completely vindicated her honor and Unit of Mr. Beecher and WM a true history or the whole affair. But Ihe next morning, he called upon Mrs. Tilton's friends, Mr. nnd Mrs. Ovlngton.nuil repotted nirainall tho shameless slanders agaiust Beecher. This convinced her notwithstanding her husband's professions of devotion to her, he was unchanged BII.'I that he only desired to use her In the warfare against Beecher. Her duty then appeared plain. She left him. He followed her to Mrs. Ovltiglon'a to breakfast, saying she was unduly ex- cited, but leaving her determined as be- fore. She concludes her statement by saying "that he is an unreliable and an- safe guide, whose Idea of truth-loviiiK is self-loving, Ills my misfortune lu this late sad hour to discover.'


Stu VOBK, Jl'LYiilll, IS7L

('nil <l]-"l«lflf. Ol ll„ Alilrri, .1,1.

Crosby street Is, as everybody knows, tin- ltuli- nn ouarter or the ellv. Not tlie <i|iera singing but theYajc-plckins: and harp-playing Italian. It Is In the cellars along this F|teel that tho wicked pad- rones keep tinise J..«.I- little l»iys and girls, with their brown skin, and big eves, tint owe sues so constantly trudging IIIHIUI with hurps and violins. It would pay an artisttogo down Crosby atreet lor niodclt. Wo saw one woman thuie the oilier day Who looked as though she had just stopiu'.) out of an opera, churns or an Italian landscape.

stood leaning again*! the door post uf one ot most dilapidated house- in Uw street, nuletly

knitting ;i stocking. Her eye* were big and brown

Howard street and wa* lost fusion of llrondwav,

H you will take a Third or Fourth avenue ear 1 Park How nnd ride up the ltowerv you will

tln.l Just above tirand street an unpretentious building bearing the name of

". Mi'li i. CUAI'KI."

Its iln.cr. Your coiTcsgiondcul has olteli _'il the plai-o when riding up town, ami wns the other day tempted in enter and liupili-c or the In charge a* lo iu work nn.l success.

. through a lltile portico Into a long and narrow hall and seeing no one about, hut hearing voices, Hiilkcl ilnun ibc hsll ami Int.. u >ort of anteroom. From this plane we could tee list a prayer meeting was iu pnaxreas in the neM iioin. Supposing Ibat the missionary was en-

gage.! In tfiero, wo took a seal near the door to wait until tlie service should be over, and also to observe the curious assemblage. There were About sixty mi'ii and half-grown boys In tlie room and as far us outward appearance* go they were - -iretty rough set. A number were wlUio'uteoats .. vests, and tlio-c who wore collars wen'the ex- ception. I'licnnilieil liea.1* and heard* of n few days' growth, did not tend to soften thu weather beaten and lu sumo Instance* iiim-bloated fnees of the men. .There were a lew whoso dres* and general appearance were iimru inviting, bul a* a rule, Kiev were Just such looking men as oue see* lodging al station houses or hanging round the ~"lc.c of the Overseer ol llie Poor. They a|i|ieared

1*0 mterestod In tho services, and joined lu tlie


that was really nulte touching. Proiiably Ibe moot of Ihom had unl heard those tainlllar tunes

■ iuce early childhood, aud were a little uncertain if their notes; others, perhaps, never heard them tall and were only UKM! to such song* as they

End her complexion the riches! olive, while i ill I.i.it color shone Irom her check... < in h.

curling lilack hair she wore one of those whlL cap* iMTiillar to Italian peasants, made of a sin flu piece of muslin, liar ' - half-wav down her bark.

funeral with a shining black hearse and two car lingo* lor the mourners. Such grandeur wan enough In turn even the head of the i-t ;: and prus|ici<iusburhcr on the corner. All Ute street - as out to *ee thnihow, audit wasalmott Impos.

bto to pass the house of mourning. And such huikiug creatures a* Iht* unusual event brought forth from dark eellar* and Milling gam U Wick- ed loukiug men With


ly young mothers wilh their babies on llieirbnrks; sklmiv, liurel.mte.1 crones and Jab- tiering children \i ho ,-iigorlv leli lln-ii |<la\ in the fatten tn *ee Ihis uiiwnntod night—all crowded nut Into th* streets or hung from frool windows. The mourners themselves sennod tn catch the

helping liimil in placing it safely In llie euv ■ >|eeofthe' -

-piToe tin little procession until It turned

Inch lidlowed the earn* of

the noise and eou-

liiiinUiol chiKjineii lloni tlie South and West, are too pour ui no oir on a regular vacation, MI they come lo New 1 oik and preach the lu'sl of thei 1-senn.ins, get a change ol air, nnd go homo all the better lor Ibe trip. Almost every summer there is a great hue nnd err raised bv writer* fur llie press innl other,, about the closing of the ehurehra. Tube surolhorc aro alow . Ituntis" closed, hut it is either.lor repairs to ehu/eh.ui' -—in, or becaumliieli congregation* hsV0 fifd

esthcr, ThOM who enniihl g-

uvd heard in c. i in coucert saloons or worse phi *nv rate neariv all Jiiined In and snngto tun best

"-"nlllty, the voice of Lh<- i.iic-*louai-y cavry- fullr-"

ol th«ir Ablll IngUto air full nn.l true, while they came In a lime, an though ihcv were Just waking fa r-o IT memories. After a short p ray or, ih_ vices were concluded and the men passed out on their way down the dining-room In the basement-. When they bad nil gone, we introduced ourselves '' Ihe misalunnrv, Itev. Mr. I' ■■ ' . W'IO told u*

any Interesting anmiiiiu* coun.stcl wiUi bis ministrations, where Canuel Chattel now stands two years ago was one ol the worst gambling houses In Uio city of New Viirk, and II Is a! prCc entsurmuuikil on all side* by Just such places,

Christian A asocial Ion), have gone right Into n hop bed of «ln. There I. nn belter place than tlie

■ry fbr *urh a Mission, lor the lowest .'Issues .ii ami niunen am continually passing Iis

fiiil. IblB I* llie on!, In Now York. Thoru

dot ens of Homes and Lodging lluiises for women, bu! until this Chapel wa* opened In 1NTJ, the men were loll out in the cold. Tim men who come under the protection or Carmel Chapel, compose a largo part or the floating imputation of this part ol the city, laborers uui ot work, coun- trymen who come to town to seek their fortune, lint generally lose II, boalnirn, and lu faclall those Wlm nave been dragged down in the IxiUom of the Udder by drink or misiortune. tbie man was |«olnU'il out Lnvnitr eiin.-| lent H Im wus ;il tlmealnwvor of some position In a western _...n. Helhoughl lo U-lU-i hlm.elr in New York. Hiigot his money together and camutmhc great

J TO "(Efc TDK Cl.KI IUK1"

1 down, go! In wilh a parly or dls-

p In the g m bul nu.ler

.ddrt And drawer*; an old |iair of pantaloon* bad IH'III llinuru out with III™ and lay <m Uio pave- ment at his side. Un hid bMN lying in this e\-

•ed condition all night and when found said he I not the s Ighlest Men where lie had hoes la-

ri to, or who the men wore wlm had fleeced him. The la.I iu. rcuioinliori-! was going into a saloon vltli a party to gel a drink, lie is sure now that us Inpior was drugg.il and thai bo wa* robbed, iv hi* new round "friend*." We aro Informou lint ll.eie ill.' |.iole -1..I1.1! .|in;-, els III New York, wen who will follow a cniuilrtltcd looking fellow Mrs whole day until they can gel liliu inlo sm lorn kept by one of their pals, when- iliev drug id fleece him and then kick him out into Ihe

.b-ocl. Mr. llimh said Hist he Innl a servant girl living with bis family at one lime, who wns an r\ eslic.it creature, but that she Would drink. Slie lived wllh him lor some week- and kept perfe. Ily sober, bit! ono unlm-ky day, having a little mom muneyllran usual she said *lie would M onion the llowrrv to make a mw purchases. That wa* tlie last ho heard of her until several days laid

iB**rxt, when ho received a letter da led Iroiii the -'oiiih*, begging Mm to conic and rescue her from Hail dlstiisl abode. He Immediately wont down

I in n dark and gloomy r.ell found Ills mUsbig

Iran mat* WITHOUT MOM on Rooaiaos IT Ihe

Her story wa* pltilul

.TON'S VmtACtTY.—In the B'OWIU'J

ell, of lids week. Dr. II. II. Block- well, from anncqun lute nee of some years wllh all the parties, thitsfranklyexpresses " mseir, upon the Tllton Beecher nffrtl:

During the past three years u wicked at- tempt has been persistently made by the advocates of I'ree-love lo destroy .the rejitt tatlon of an esiliunble lady and an eint- uentlady and Christian minister. Detrao tlon, like death, loved n shilling mark, and those who advocuto llceuse seek to prove that all men and women arc licen- tious. Meanwhile the WOMAN'S JOURKAL has remained silent; not because we have eared to apeak, but because we did not thoose to locrrusc the circulation or n

scandal, promulgated by a woman oT In- famous character, In the Interest or Im- morally. The gross and Indecent arraign- ment now publicly made by Mr. Tllton, thanges the situation and makes It proper

Tor us to speak. We do so, without wait- ing for the replies of Mrs. Tllton and Mr. Beecher. Having known them both per-

_mally for many years, we will frankly say that ifthey should admit the truth or Mr. Tilton's statement, we should find It difficult to believe, but that until they do 10 we find it Impossible. Knowing Mr. Tllton, also, we should require collateral evidence at every step before accepting any or his statements. The man and wo- man who are accused have behind them the consistent record of private ami public worth; the man who accused them has no such record. What have these three peo- ple been doing during the past seven years? Mrs. Tllton lias been a patient, loving, devoted wife and mother, endur- ing nameless wrongs in silence. Mr. Beecher has been active In good works, devoting his leisure hours to writing a lift: Of Christ Mr. THloifl'as been advo- cating "free divorce," and writing the biography of Victoria Woodhnll. The coutrast Is a sharp one, but It tells the v, ijc.ic story.

„ .. id.1 tiling S roniilretneiit* or dec-my. .. enough ; she hint gone nut primed wllh good res- olutions, hut look a fatal drop and falling among

' eves, wa* rolilie.l of hnlli money and clothing, I then no ne.I out iuUi Ihe street* where -lie

is picked up as a vagrant and cast into the Tomb-. In almost every instance ll Is drink that

■rings a man within tho reach of ibl* society. :*nncl Cha|x-I, not <uily provide* for tlM snlrilu- 1 waul* ni men, bul takes rare or their lu>dlly

wants a* well. Pu fortunate* arc here lodged and fed until Ihcy enn communicate w lib their friends; If In waul nlwoi k.lhorc is an Kniplovinent lluienu lu the building w hi. h keen* the truck of those want ing help,-and supplies iliom Irom ihelr applicant.. Last week, forexami.lo, Ihcy lini.nl placns lor up- wards of ono hundred and seventv two men. The men at the Mi—Inn are changing all the lime, and over one thousand are provided for every month, tlecasbinallv, UM race ore "professional Inial" is i-cen iiiii'tng tin- number, bul i-ncli un- readily rerogmie.i In the officers In charge. Taon. IsaComfoM ilil> tnim tie.l library and read. Ing room conducted wilh llie csUhli-l ml, whore

- Ink ami pa|ier are KirnisliMd lo those who ,„., Icllnrsio writ". A grenl many have their lellcr* addressed lu care of the Cluqwl, and We

Ire surprised at Ihe appcirauoo.il some of those ngon Mr. llooly'a. dusk. There wore one or

volieariug foreign post mark* and addressed In isl iMieiiliar writing generally recognised a* an Ugllshlady's hand. A* we satin Hi" SU|HTIIC

..'ti.lciit'* private oftlca there wore a iuiiiil»r ol anxious Inquiries for letter", nn.l we could not help remarking tho

i.ioiiTiNo ue or TIIK racH

of those who received the coveted letter am] lb. gloomy ilopoiiillng look of those, who did iml. We wen- pmtii iibnly struck with the face ol Iwy al«iul eighteen or twenty years old—It open ami honosL an' rough CI.IIIKI* he Wi

I ..r I . .- -...ll. tin How did n..1 buy s< 1

,. „. lowf" we Inquired. "All ibat I know," said thn superintendent, "Is Hint he name from Die • try snd can gel no work. He seem* (<■ lieagoisl boy and docs nut drink or keep bad company." A volume .mild lie fllled wilh luci dents that are coming dully Iwfore the ofllcor* ol Carmcl*:ha|iel.

In the iStb of April there was a social reunion Id there, of men who liml 1 11 sav.il tluougb

_l agency, and a lew Invited gursls. Not Iho least Interesting par! of the cnloii.iloiiicnl was the reading of letters from men who had .nice la'en dependents of the hislitui and who through it- help had hen given a new start In life, bul who wore too far away to !-■ prc*enl at thu rv-uiiiun. Wo were shown n nuniiier ol Un- Inters, many of which wero remarkably well written, "hie was from a young man 111 the the South, who bud IM-.II

rescued mini ruin by the Mission, and Is now about fib* admitted lo Iho bar of Loorgia. An- other wss from ono who Innl become a preacher, and smith. 1 from a man who bad linen sent from the mission to work in a w.-ilcii factory, and w li.i

e and milhftihiP** worked himself

.1 -i.iii' ol a l.nu- e.d. |le tell- join- ed to go upon ll.i- V, nllbnugh Hie

Wbmas it 1* uow out MaaWyUaota maatobe deterred i»< and he enters u|ion I '


pulpiu are well supplied nnd iheuioslof llieiir

open. The I hit lor never gue» away In summer ■'— It Is for a lew ilays and nothing slim I ol 11

ig trip would I lave I I II..- in thechi

CU; at iinv rub' llicrear* al.._.,. old allUint 1* h-il of Ih.-ir cimgregalion*.

mile** it is I'nr n lew ilays ami 11.'thing .1 'lUOVllI 1.;lii HI. ,4,11,-.

_ lurches nro closed, If at II; at anv rate there are ulwn. s onoiigb o|wn lo


i> l.mr-nii 11 ,nd 1* ornu


Speaking of mlni-leis, we saw such 11 l.cntn iful presemailon cii|i ami salvortbe olher day til Tn fan}'*. It was deigned by a clergyman In this .ii. and I* fur a birthday


hose a,une ne cannot mention as It Is to be ti irprise. The cup, or goblet, I-of silver, lined illigold. On llie 1 nn ot Hie cup is engraved in

_aUuuc lollei>, "The Cap ot lllc*se.lnes*," on one ■ bleu- Ihe. ICIM Milan'-nn .and on Um oilier llie eon I of arm* of Ms college, urape vine* and stalks of wheat, euihlcimiilc of the bread and wine are engraved on Ihe Imul and n delientelv ni-oiighlliiv.nii i-iiililciii.it pui'ilv clings sinmnl the boil *..f the clip. The salve ' scriptmn similar in Ihnl of the cup

icnte.1 with a border of Ivy leave*, is a very benulind present


(JoveiiinienHU'lcctiie Ntltleshlji, who live- ver in Newark, Is crni-hlorcd by Ihe cltl/.ensof

that place as a inilcb iibn-.-.l man. Thev lliitik that Uw Washington Safe Itoblieiy t'unspbncy.ol Which lu- Is accused, Is a "put up Job" ol hi* esc- nile*,utiil that he will be vindicated soonfr or Inter, h.uiie.il llie good people.it Newark, while they do mil misses tile . ontbltng spirit of Ml. Keith-ship's friend*, think that In. know too Well Bpoii willed side hi* bread wa* buttered to have committed UH. crime ni H hi. h he Is ace used. kit. NutUeship, who is ipjilen stunt man, has lieon looked upon as one win h.i- IHI.nuc ml upon nn easy consclciire nnd good living. Ills rubicund face, however, i* losing some ol Its rolundlly, and lie wear* the look of n aian Imrac down with trouble. There i- nn .leu. ing that he lias milch to worry him. lor besides tlie accusation* n| robbery against him, ho ha* lost two rtublnn with

'Mil ihiiln; the pingrc-s uf Ills trial. If this enough to mske a man look miserable, what

is t The "Times" rumor that the detective is In- ing hi* mind is entirely wiUioul fouiulnlluu.


only nl ell kmi

the city lit!dark.lin- ing the last row >i'»r*; The uiosl striklngnt thei a are the large nmgie l.nilcrn nrraiigemenuea the lops uf house*-rcn-nllng In irrjin.t propur»nn». ... I.L. ■■» v...... „r uii„. >n,1 now Jones' Paieril


eVei . of Milo.an.l now .limes' Patent

thodaytlmu are lamiliar wllh those w^nlk .. ■rtlsemenU—tlie ghive man, the cum doclormsn

...idrorsol man. O.-caslonslly you ee* a elieflii- illnner man. dr.sse.1 tip iwrhaps liken Jnsmh

S|HI sorts or tilings are advertised In Ihb. way

uciuhcr over seeing liter . Used hy perlpsb-lic- i-itm bri.ivl- l» l.iro lilts sum

cook 111 hiii'n nt 11 Misph Ion* s' "' ins* are advertised lu

labor over seeing literary w ■ 'for- ....

any day in in irim-lpal Ihoroiightniei- » >ih nn iiuunuaeemetilou liisbol-k an-llircii.tma book with a silly title. which is suiillolie cipis.1 iu II- way lo > ""'"■ Tom'. Cabin, and lo tlie perm-nl of which mule*. tnan* arc supposed t» 1«' allured l.v the dl*|> ny mi Uie suld sign of n highly c.iloml Preach lillm Ciih, retiresentlng a v.mng Isdv In a low necked

ss. There Is at lensl ono enterprising poldi.1i

r In Now York. TIIK KXOI.I I Of TIIK Llfl.-SUAM s-.

We wonder bow many penple reposing Is Ihe peace and m-.-«rity oi lr .-„,miry borne, me awsra orthe lad thai *l ibis lime or Urn year III- iiiu IliluPigotadressmado in Now iork 1 Ml course there arc peiMiiis Wlm !"•'• "■'• :lU

dresses altltnl season, but nil the genuine, A N... Unndl*les have g u|»m llmir nim.ml pllgl m- agolo Kuroiie In n-nrch ol n.-w style* lor Iho coming season. A- usual. Pail* I* tin-Mo.«a ..I tills fashionable pilgrimage. I luring Uio re. out niplca-snti.oss in Iriinec, Worth, Uie greal tl«;ad - .,1 11,., ■.■. . ,1 1,1' I L I.M..I . . . nl llie wm Id's fasbi.

noil from Loiidmi, th.11, French styles. Hul V Worth I-at I ie.

inlgi il.-d !•' Li'ii'h obtain."! tlw "l:ib-t Is Itself again ami



•<nrt>)H>wU tK-t •>/ Ihr Amrrifun.

WKSTKIIT.v, II. L, .Inly 11.

n;hitvw 1.>ffus«ti«-ri.;*,*->-•.j«r;:..«st »«■«»«';»»;

rlh- voua lotler. nd-II.M. II," sr

Inleiit. and 1 livir tt

to |he- Wl M. II." are .

- r thai a. a. 1

uud writes |i . ■. . and dlsho* u keep* track ol tta- Tillim-Be.-i ligbllutly flresh skrUhy article Un- country, liesldes lminling [ngdlshss win-* ii.-ce-i-uy reui

■-il> ■ok, 1

lows: "llringmy Sluikspe


I itmmlue her like n menu blue rtsiiliel slill, .|U.'ling lirosaicc.iinpnlil.nl". II } oul lor ipi.ilali.m-.

A* no westerly, iho l (inuiltc soldier dunk alU large but the soldier ha-

In'moved lo a wider mill Ceimteri■ Ifytw

the We-lelll 'ce1 ■ ""' III pay y..iiUiiin.kc,,ni:

IHM'IIIV while llie soldier lion, llsit I lately nuc great saltsfaetion. Tbesi.

i| Urn pedulal t*o hand

|a iht Idea of the status.

IH-I.I I'IMIII In I look

m House and tile in. Tltey arc tiolii advantage; he will lien-Un- Aiill'hiin lie not o.vestignl'.l itasr "Amerhsiii.'' II r.ion I i.atiilir- ore. A laige pinly bun a M-II.I..1I...I

ll.tse I .1 hinonel, he will remind I.

the Inavervmid loyally of the "boys In bine,' when all who were witnesses ..I tl.r great con Hie I .„■ I.irg.rtt-u. Tin vl. inlly-r WesU-rtytoWalch Hill iirmg- the Ki.1bHlM.1s l.ttb. t-.wA into eemdd; ciuhlc notice. Ihe Dlvon House, a »:kSMN*t IHJCI

is paitly fllh-d w lib LII. -1-. w h.. .lit ih- Ihelr lone between l»»0ng. balliiiig. diivlng 111..I cnlmg.. Therleamtr Ibllc rims


Uiklng passenger* Horn Ihe 1 Hinge l» Ihe l« n- ll 111 ' '1 hour oueSB bailie and relinii to dinner

v,,iinl.lrhei,ilhcali tliii.ugh .i-Uili J \lter all, nn mil nn.l out sen -Lie lib-

|,| Hiii me the he-l ll I sllcmplcl l<i luive any tiling lo.lo wllh llie -on iu my summer M-ur.li lor iloa-ure. There sic I -silv 1 ..«.. *nd the

riinsetr, snd the twillglil. ami umonllgbl, tiud nit UioollH-i light-Lai iiumcr lo ini-iillon. To Is- sure they hive sll S*W lllumlnsHo.i- Inland hut by Ihe sea Ihr J- are va-tlv more IMN-UC 1 he I'aw '■•k river, which UMIIIH IIH- Westerly l».|.uL,.

to thu sen, Isa piell) lllllc affair, lined

WITH ntunowa awn nnoj K«. With ll line sprinkling »i il.ine*. The ll ip. b.ov. ,.„.,, ,. h 111, 1111.1 the bullion- un- "' IK-IH li, at tint well-known Wm. -li Hill I'm"!. H does mil rcillirc a very ..Id inhabitant lo Icii.cni- U'l when W'alrh Hill uil- very |n-ignlll-aiil 11- a wab'ling Hhicc Now it has eight hotel*, the WabV. Bill kept l.v Hull and Wallace, withro.mif.il- l-'.uuesli-; the Lnrkhi Him-c, H. V laVklna».l(n..».th.-i,, 1 lor *»K Ihe Al- l.iiltc House, C. W. .loin,.,,,, ..I the »n.,..*..n

.iressed Ihe sincere regn-t* of Uie writers at Uieir forced absence, and wore tiled with gratitude lo llwomeers and 111" in.lilullnn Hist had raved them from live- or wickedness aud crime. Mr. liooly Is ciinslniilly In receipt of lotu-rs fron Ibrrs Bad Wives, nil sons have been rclinuc.l to them Uir.mgh bis inslruiiieiiUllly, Carmel Chap el Is not at all sectarian, but Is 01.cn alike to Jews andttenliles, Prole-lanls snd Homan lalludh-s. We were told that inllt ■ bmitb of the ennver- •lons mads wore of Unman Catholics. Lven wo n have been -lived b) till- inl.*loll. ill gli It Is Intend.ii oicln-lvctv for men. When Iho oha|H)l ifa* flrst opened, one stormv nighl,


strolled into the Imlldlng out of tho rain. A prayer meeting wa* being carrle-l on, *n.l *he seate.lh..r-clf In a corner, lisle lie. 1 attentively bi the service*, and after Ihcy were over passinl out with the crowd. Not long ago this same woman, scarcely rrcognl/nblc in her lmpi..vi.l condition, called at the chapel, ami Inquired lor Mr. llooly. Cnfortunablv lie wasawsy at tlie lime, but she told Uio g.-iil(cmnn In charge that she bad lieen snvoil Irom a hit- »l -lisuir and misery l.y slew words of hi* on that night. Hhe said Ihnl she had been brought np lu n rii*|ie.'Uble New Lngland

.hnnw, and ba.1 la-on l.tl aslray, aasI going Irom bad In worse, ibmllv ihlll.-.l down t.. the slirets

I of Now York. Now, however, "

Hoi—, . Nash l Uie Plhiipb

Uie SKA in* 1 iwari BIILII ptsmweioa

o'di-g i-. 11..-1.-1 -"< ■ t'■ *"«»" r»«v;■";' <'''"' tclillnn, unless ll is' hilhai.ls Mini IIOHIIIU..

llie lone..I, ci|..itloll ,-l llirlil.;... Ill broad pi!t«/as Miugc-mi.lh** pn.m. iiad;-, th.-Iniichnlwin-iiolb" hv Un- nnlin. h-.i;, 1 ofthc In taker-. I do not »w Lnwreii.-c 11 Mitt, cl In I he h*t nl gi'f-1". IhAUgtl then- me 1 frinn ll.ocl.in and other eastern eltlps. As 1 1 a fi-e-li hrce/c ihi-il- tlir»nn'li Ibe 1 bn tlitl -H my window, nrbiglng wall* ol wdd io*e giam-r. ami sundry ».sn| sc.-nl* very.

UFKaaniau TO A cm S.-KIUIU.HH.

Fen*, and MOSS slid huoklrlsrrry bnslie- within a Sinn.'- IhinW. nnd a w boh'grove 11 yard* off. I-peak not ..f butlerllj . and I iinr.il vegetable* nut of .me'- "W 11 giml' r M-nrnl arousing iniehil-lian Ic Una- In Ihe In .* 1-..111 lownln.iiiiil i-i-ndcrs. 1 .-IH-S, M. V

t talk ■ rVlu( The i: scv I,, IMI.I linii.lre.Uli ,'oiiiiler.ni) •■! th. e-labh-bini 11 imleis-mlenlgovernii occurs MoUiber Mb.

* friJM PER YEA If

. h.ii.el, . :,,■ ii.i . a new woman; she bad dry from her evil ways iw Uiat IIIRIII, and n-lunu-.

- '- ftsj e ■■

SIAM.I.Y lllllc IM>.

Henry M. Stanley, Jr.. or Stanley AfrleAa's*,'a- lie Is sometime- called, sailed on Kuiunlny h.r KIOO)KI, whence hs will s.n.n-it sail for Airlca, Mr. ManlcY is sent out by tho London "1'iiily Telegrapli, nnd Iho New Vork "llertild, and will tike 11 j tin- M. nl nl' discovery win te IU. Livlug ■tonh-iloil. Hi- L - |.l.ii-< ,1 nt the head of an C\- pi-.litj<ni lo fight the ilave trader In his native wilds and to pin a slop if possible to this liarba- IMII. tis.ru.' in luminn being*, and also to solve the remaining problettuefVlBtral Afrtcsn atiommliv. Mr. blandly lias Just been o*er.-.i i

-- iiion mi the editorials.. willed he hasdocliiH-il.

cor,e-p.indent Hint lw fed* culled t( e\|n-.|niMii by a seuse uf duly, ehnnco- arc l.-n tonne against hi* returning ullvr. Wheu he came home from hi- Livingstone ram. paign he was re-liirtsl almost to a skeletae. Ma weivlit doing only one liiindred and ten pounds,

oue hundred and seventy. Mr. ' >rnsl Uy obstaclos

Held of discoverv oneriry and enUiuslasm.

There lire fewer cburcbes rlose.1 this summer thill) usual nnd fcuer pas tort, gonu nbina.l. The ocean is not *.. whim with

THE M 1 1. 1 I."ill-. OF ..I f.,...i',c 1M1-... ■

■ek. At W al. h Hill

I in Massachusetts w




for Lie week ending Wednesday, July I

prepared for Wo jWWIIWi from obserri

tlun* at Andovcr, by **««»■■ U Bo* '



I '



fi i

ri s£,a i». f*i

Thursday, «!/> IS. Mr.

Friday, i:i.:i II' W. :K»ir.

Saturday, nn 71' S. W. Fair.

Sunday, W.70 ■■'

a, | Fair.

, Moadav.


»ea '■'

s. Fair,

39.03 *• *"" Wednesday, sou :•> 9. Ilaln.

Average, :«..■; 71 Total rnin fall. 00,

corrected fur temperature.


mi' Lull'n


A O. Underwood, the defaulting cashier of

the Nilforl, Mass., National Hank, ha* ilw»r« mood very high in the community, and wa* ml one time a Bank Commissioner under the old State Law. lie l» about seventy year* or age, and has been In Hie bunk many yearn. He make• no defence, except that hi* salary wax ■mail. The charge* again*! him were present- ed by Col. Needham, thu National Hank Kx- amlner, In writing to ibo Board ol Director* Monday. The "Irregularity" Is the nppropna- tlon by Mr. t'nderwood of commissions anil recs that properly liclongcd to the bunk, the ex- tent or which, after* long serial of yearn, I* only In ttie n«ighborho.»d of i3,*H», which waa paid Into the bank belore It wax examined by Mr. Tfeedbam. At the meeting of tlie directors Monday Col. Needbam read the charge*. In the preaence ol Underwood, to the liowrd, whereppon the director* voted to dismiss him.

(Irrat demand bai sprung up within a few day* for ■' Orlfflth Daunt" and Tllton ■ " Tem- pe«l Towed," particularly since ho baa declar- ed the rharaeter or Mary Vane drawn after hi* wife. Thepnl.ll." seem to think that lilinns novel la founded on his own lire and ID lull or Iree-love rniMllnn. though it really is the quiet- est and purest of romance*, liavlittr no connec- tion with blscxperlcnccs.

The United States Senator Vomeroy briticry ease waa called In the District Court at Topcka, Kama*, on Monday, and the defence moved to nuash the Indictment on the ground that It ■ barges I'omcroy with bribery ol an olllecr of the Slate of Kansas, whereas a State Senator 1* not a Rtate officer. The motion was argued and the argument will he resumed to-day.

Oeorge Ford, aged lfi yearn, ion of Tboma*

Ford of Concord, S. II., wan eddy or the Mcrrimack, named I Tuesday afternoon, between three o'clock. He waa In a boat with s doaen other lioys.sonio or whom rocked inn iNMt In play so that It waa overturned. The body waa recovered In about half an hour after

the accident.

There are more persons in Washington with- out employment than wax over before known Jtncc the close of the war. (lovernment office* and workshops have largely reduced their force*. The District work* employ only about one-tenth a* many pent ma ax they did one year ago, and many private establishment* have cut down the number of employes.

Theodore Tillon waa arrested on a criminal action for llliel vcxlerday, at the suit of one William Oaynor, formerly ol llosinn, now of the Brooklyn Argns stair, the complaint licing founded on' Mr. Tllton'* publication relating to Hie IH-e-rbcr acamlal. Bo wax released on hi* own recognizance, and 1* to appear in court this morning.

John Mitchell baa arrived at Cork. He U III, tiut will go to Dublin on Wednesday. The Fcnlau Amneity Association are organ- izing a torchlight demonstration ami it h,tti<| let in hla honor. Mr. Martin, member of I'arlia- ment fur Meatb, will resign hix seat In favor ot


I). I). Newhair* blllianl saloon. In Concord, N. II., was entered Monday night by burglars, who alole money, cigar* ami billiard ball*, amounting in value to ahont 9111. The nloon or Frank Owen waa also entered and goods taken to the value of about (£10.

The comet wo* observed In Japan, nnd was looked upon by the natives a* a favorable omen In connection with the war In Formosa, where the tribe* have come t > terms with Japan and accepted the flag of that country.

An atlorobt was made last night to throw iha train on the Albany road due in Boston at hull- past eleven, olf the trark at fainter, but was frustrated by the engineer's carefulness.

Dispatches from Ktssenccn announce that the health of 1)1* mark Ix improving, but the wound la yet unhealed and the I'nnce cannot write.

amount of lost property ix published.

A di*patch report* the destruction of proper- ly by the flood* In Moravia as immense. At leaat 200 bouses were swept away.

Oaaktll Brother*, cotton men hunts of Liver- pool, have failed. Liabilities, >i■■■■.". ..

Two ca.se* of Ailattu cholera are reported in New York.

Oold closed yesterday at IOO|.


Oetieral Sherman ha* returned to Washing- ton after aaomewhat extended inspection for ■ it own information ami curiosity, ol the bat- lie-Held* o! Virginia. It wnt not nx xntisfae ry ai he expected, and be say* he round great difficulty In obtaining trustworthy information It waa the Ant time he had gone un the Iteldi and be waa curlom to know Iha force* am. movement* or the armies. The guides hewai able to o'ltuiti, he thinks, were not trustworthy aa i M . ft any or them, were proa ut a', the en gagement*. He Kay* he would (Ike to e.o ovci the ground with one who wax present at the battles and could point out the IDteresting !• calitles.

Iliev are trting to build the largest hotel i the world In San Francisco. It Is to be knoM aa the Palace Hotel, and will contain TIKI room Tbere wilt he JUtl hath nn.mx and :ir» l>av wir dows. Accommodation* will be lurubfhed f I'JOO guests. The hotel ix to he minpteted In August, 1M71, and will cost altogether JJ*J,rW,-

INM1. in U.i- Hi t -1,'««'. .-. ■ lie tin-eo.i of the lot. fl/J/MMWu of the building, nnd »'*»*, 0UII of the furniture.

Col. John K. H.iwan of New York, who eon Incltnl with the Hitrkiport and [tungor Hull road Company for the construct ion or thei roail, ha* sued the company for -■ -'"'i dam ages, on his contract ol but year, an I attached the company's Mill that were piled at Back*, port. The case wilt IK- tried next September in tnc United Hutea Circuit Court, in Portland.

Major Wilson, solicitor of the Treasury, lias finished the report ot hlx Investigation into the operations of the secret service division of the Ireaaury department, lie Mini- the service to have apntng up and grown into IL* present Im- portance without any legal warrant tor Hi ex- istence, and that It has been greatly perverted from It* legitimate uses.

A meeting of the Chaw heirs will lake place In Falrflchl, Me, on the Mth of August, to take measures for securing a windfall In the shape of a valuable estate In I ■: ■ .'. . together with IDO.IXH), which an agent of the heirs, who baa recently returned from Rngland, report* haa fallen to them.

Theodore Tillon appeared in court, yesterday morning, to answer the charges of libel against the Kev. Henry Ward needier, but atlbere- • iue*t of his counsel the hearing of the case wax postponed until Monday next, at ten o'clock.

The Cleveland ntrM began on Tuesday. Lu- ll won the 2 M parae ol »"..ix*i. record, 2 »4; Monarch, jr., Ih«'2 .11 purse ol «YJ,HK), record, 2:W|, and Jainex Howcllx, lr , the 2.30 purse or»l,.Wii, record, 2.in).

By the carelewnoM of a smoker on Monday evening Murray's Hotel at the Fork- on the Upper Kcnnebee, with flic adjoining build- Inga and their contents, was humid Los*, fft.uot); no insurance.

An unprecedented rain storm commenced ut Burlington, Vt., on Sundav, ami up to mid nlgbt Tuesday four Inches bad fallen and It waa still raining, 1 he telegraph wire* are prostrated.

The Tribune -ay* th.it there will lw n genrt at reeling of satlafactlon that the Rcecher-1 II- Ion rate I* lo come before a tribunal urine-l with poweix to ascertain the truth.

Oold closed yesterday at HiliiJ.


A Lcaveuwortli, Kansas, dispatch says thai Col. Antbonv, brother ol Susan II. Anthimv, states that hix ititer Informed him n year ag.i Ibat when IDC was a guest in Tillon'* house.,i violent doliiesli. scene'

KMSP4 TUB 1'osr UKI1LE. — l'oat

OluCfa anil poslnl clerks utidoubtctlly have

their hhortcomiiif,'* nntl their errors, but to

these fltoult! In fairness be added those of

thu public, anil, Ihotigh the public Is apt

Insist lliat It Is the post ofllce wbUlt

makes all thu mistakes, s little examina-

tion will demonstrate that the blunders of

the public In regard to mall matter are

Ithei row nor trifling. It seems very

strange to many a man who perhaps post-

Important letter wltb nil own hands,

that he does not reoolvo an answer In due

rse of mall, antl he thereupon begins

to condemn the Tost Office Department

Possibly, he may have reason t but much

more probably, the fault Is his or his cor-

respondent's. It I* a very easy thing to

lake a prepaid letter to Its address, and as

easy a lliiny to get back aalmltai answer

but setting wide all (laeatlona of neglect,

of delay, or accident, nnil the like In the

Pout Office, there arc a great many chances

lit a hundred that the complainant against

the l'osl Office did not properly prepay oi

address his letter, and the aamc chances

of like deficiency exist us to the 'answer.

People In general have no conception-ol"

mon default In these respects;

but Hie system and the plan of keeping

minute records lately Introduced Into the

New York Feat Office have brought out

facts that ought to open the eyes of

the public somewhat as to the responsibil-

ity fur what Is usually referred to when-

ever a letter la tost, an "the delay and Ir-

regularity of the moils."

For example, the number or letters re-

turned In New York City to their business

address for a defect of some kind In ad-

dress was, iu round numbers, 33,COO.

This great number went safely back to

their writers; but hod it not been for

their addresses printed on the envelope,

there would have been at the rate or more

than 117.000 letters In n year, the writers

or which would have been condemning

either their correspondent" or the Poet-

Office for what was In reality their own

neglect. Within the same sis months,

the number of letters which could not i>c forwarded on account or defect In address and could not be returned for lack of

ledge <>r the writers, was 13,110. Its these, there were 18,300 letters,

•red at hotels and left there UncialDl-

The same ratio of crrori on the part

of the public, It Is fair to assume, holds

good in the smaller l'ost Office

ounlry. This mere point of defective

address, H will be seen, nee its for t

aat and almost Incredible number of pre-

itmable cases orinlstake or neglect on th«

part of the Post Office—a number which In

the aggregate, evvu in aclty no larger than

represents much Inconvenience, dis-

appointment and even loss. In all these

easea, the officers and clerks of the l'ost

Office Department, with nil the energy

id good will possible, are entirely now;

■less, except In the Instances where the

writer's address I-printed en the envelope.

It Is remarkable, perhaps, that the varl-

lousdefects which make the posting ora

letter Imperfect are by no means confined

to the correspondence of the illiterate, or

those who write only occasionally a let*

tor. No small proportion of the Imper-

fectly despatched correspondence which

does not reach Its destination, Is plainly

that between methodical business meu;

so liable ore even such men, or tlielr em-

ployees, to default by way or mistake or

neglect. When we consider these facts the

wonder Is, not that we bear of so many

letters miscarrying, but so few ; for when

to the accidents and mistakes which are

inevitable In the management of any de-

partment, we add those of the public on

HvV.*',"\V,\ <tiMfib l,V'v^.yjr,\-;Ark,Atlll.C,,..IWW-

what startling.

the Chance of sudden wealth presented ' THE CBAUTIE3 0F THB PBNOBSCOT

by the drawing. It is a startling proof of! c.ur,.l(/10H,/,„C(.(^fAe A'„ ,.,,„„.

the credulity of people that 45,000, tickets j PlXOBSOOT BAY, July ^,1871.

representing 82,230,000 were purchased; "Down east" Is nn indefinite term ap'

fur thu last drawing.

T.,i CITY 1'AHTUHS.— The vacation aeaaon lor

most of ttu ck-ruynien btfihM with the Uatof

July or the lint of gtgast, and Ihecburchei

either clo.a unUI the Ut ot September or tho

, ongrcgatlon* of the name denomination, as )f this euormous j pllcable to a wide reachoi shore and conn- \ wi[][ [bc thn- c^efi^kmaj churches or the

sum of money, one half only was returned | ^StffSvSWViSS^ I««' ^ '" hulJ,"g = "^ ™ ^

to the more fortunate ticket holders In ;pl((,fl t(j t|l0 coast aml illU.ri0r or Maine.

prizes, antl nearly ull Mie remainder was I -pi,e nvot „f the picturesque finds no lack

clear profit. If Louisville cannot get a

Public Library, except by the continuance

of these lotteries, It should go without

one. It Is hardly possible that the respect

able citizens of that city should regard

WKKKI.Y PAY-DAYBU—Thaw i stlon fur a change In our in

monthly to weekly pay days, and, if It

were practical, there are many reasons

why a change In the system might be a

wise experiment. Employers, or course,

have the right to make such conditions

with tlielr employees as they choose to

make, and they will, perhaps must, lo the

sharp competition or business, make only

such Conditions as are for their own In-

terest- With numbers of meu in the

mills, however, It Is certain that -pay-

day" mentis dissipation or even debauche-

ry. The effects or It anon ft numerous

class or hard working people are histori-

cally recorded in the weuVknowi police

station pbrtM, "MM Monday." And

thus employers feel the bad effects ol

the monthly pay-day. Their mall

ployeeseome to their work again too often

laded, shattered, with aching beads and

disturbed digestion, rather the worse than

the better for Iha Sunday iutennisslon of

toll following pay-day, which should have

bettered lltem as men and workmen. Now,

we are not prepared to say that workmen

would not err In this wsyjust as frequently,

prehaps, even more so, If pay-days were

weekly or fortnightly Instead of monthly.

Employers might And that Instead of being

actually the gainers by the change, they

were only making extra work for their

paymasters and cashiers, nnd at the same

time, doing the operative an nnkwdness

by multiplying the opportunities and oc-

casions for dissipation and Improvidence

to which a little loose money In pocket

is liable to tempt him. We are sure that

mployers, on merely selfish grounds

ire ready to set favorably on any sug-

gestion which bids fair to make their em

ployeea worth more to them, because oi

their steadiness of habits. The question

Is, however, whether shifting a difficulty

of the bcuutlfii) and the grand In the

l'inu Tree State, and among the fine trios

which the tourist man take with delight

and profit, that which leads 1dm up Pen-

ohscot Bay and river, next t*» the more

popular visit to Mt. Desert, gives a picas-

uccession ur panoramic views and

Hug and pleasant surprises as the

bold and vast landscapes of this eastern

I Hudson unroll their green reaches to ad-

»"«- | miring eyes. The succession of lairtl-

froin : scapes in which the placid waters,


doited with farm houses, with the bold

background or lofty hills and knobs of pe

culinr outline, at whose base-.he charming

cities anil towns lie in serene beauty,

while fleets of vessels rale at anchor in

the coves, or cleave the sparkling wave

or the bay, are no less l>cautlfol In outline

than wide iu their sweep nnd bold In com-

bination. When the artist's pencil ami Hie pen or the

reodv writers shall have made these scenes

raml'llnr as are the Hudson Highlands or

the Oniway Intervales, more will each

year look Upon the grand outlines of this

eastern bay. ami tl10 urontletir of the hills and landscapes that shadow and

border this eastern river. A ■mall but


on Thursday evening last took the steamer

Cambridge, at Foster's, wharf, where a

much more numerous and equally Jolly

iinpaiiyjiom Hie Hub, crowded Its decks

id comfortable saloons. No safer boats

plough the inland waters tbuu these oT

Banford'a Inside Line, antl, on lids partic-

ular occasion, nature anil circumstances

inspired to make glad the happy crowd.

Fort l'olut. Stockton, Maine, was the

destination of the larger number. This

bold Jutting point marks Hie locality

where the bay may be said to end aud the

river to begin, and commands a wide

view ol the bay, the river, and a bold cir-

cling line of hills, with the pretty villages

Of Stockton and Frankfort, the highlands

of Cast lite and the peaks of Ml. Desert

as features In the view. For years, dur-

ing ami

eiion the

Bar. Mc**r*. Colt, Park a^WMttnger. have a

vacation or four weeks each, and the Itev. Mr.

Park Is now away with bia wife on a trip to the

province!. The onion service wa* held on Sun-

day lait, and will be held next Sunday, at the

Ell t Church.

The Be*. Father Gilmore, pastor of St. Mary'*

church, will leave the city to-day or to-morrow

for a vacation or two week* or more.

He goes to Philadelphia and aouthward, Ills

duties will be peribruicd during hi* absence by

tho Itcv. Father Oalberry, president of the Villa

Nova College, Delaware county, Pa.

Father Bernard Bray, connected for *ome

time with St. Mary's church, aud well-known

in the community by Li- able public addreiiei

on hi-torn-.il topics, ha* been transferred from

his afHlalant pastorship here, to a similar posi-

tion at Hart's Falls, N. V. He i* replaced by

Father D. D. Regan, anewly ordained priest.

Service* will be held without Interruption al

the Find Baptist church, the pulpit being *up-

plied. In the absence of Mr. l'ldge, during Aug.

Mr. 1'idge goci to the White Mountain* for thu

flmt two week* of hi* vacation, will preach at

the Congregational church, Boston Highlands,

the second Bunday In August, and then In com-

pany with Mr- Herbert ltiec, teacher of drawing

in the II Igh School, will make a canoe Journey

around Lake Wlnnepisiieogee, and from tho

lake in the canoe down the Merrimac to Law-

rence and possibly to the mouth ol the river.

Hev. Mr. Oils, panlur of tbe second Bap-

tist church, will preach but la«t sermon previou*

to a four weeks vacation on next Sunday. He

will paia the vacation mainly at South Berwick,

Me. among his former parishioner*. Hi* pulpit

111 he supplied during hi* ab»cnce, It Is expec-

ted by Hev. Messrs. House, I„ L. Wood. Col-

by and Whittler, who will each preach one


Dr. I.. D. Barrows, pastor of ll.ivertiiil

street M. E. Church, la away at present in New

Hampshire. Hi* pulpit was supplied on Sunday

by Her. Mr. Hieliarson. Mr. Barrow* will be

here next Sunday, and then resume his vaca-

tion until Bept. 1st

VALUATION AM> PULLS,—The Assessor* are gulling their aork near to CsMButfltOe, although it

Will be the, hut of Aii.-.n i before laxei will be

fully adJuMtcd. Tlio polls nnd valuation have been

oxiinatcd, and the rate or Uxation llxcd ut

Sit;.-*) per thousand dollar*. Tho total valuation

for 1-71, Including stock ol banks held by real-

ms is $il,l7J,.M7, a gain or 11, iu'.,! v, over last

ar. The total number ol poll* |.,i- !-,-t |* 7,7.17

a galo ol 1M> over but year. The poll* and vtilu.

atlon are apportioned by wards, aa follows :—


»'* new tdock is M b* * healed by

litnuev, and

liton Beach


Poll*. KstasNee —1. 1.413 11. i> >;,'--'

i. i,:ue MMtlM 3. 1.25.1 3,Klii,l:HI 1. 1,771 5,1'll.l2i

t,»l 3,tV!,125 (J, UStl 2,11.11, I'd


7.757 ♦il.l7J.M7 !:■■-..i. HI bank Mo khohlers.


Port Pownal, the ruins of which crown the point, waa an Important military posl commanding the outletorthe river,which for a time was the only thoroughfare ol the French connecting the States with their Canadian possessions. It Is an earthwork of rectangular form, the em- bankments, surrounding mote and site of the block house within being well pre; red. It was erected In 17o2 and became the trading post of the region to which ye gentle savages resorted to trade the

abundant In the region. Here from the months to the weeksora year, ihey congregated In large numbers and . !.*»_• , i,.,...:!„._.,.■!.i ,.r i'..i-mum- sears the for trade from

Thi encountering It fifty two times Instead of I for many years the fnr trade from this

. .,_,._/ ,_ ,.„,,,._ ,i,i„„u point was one of much importance

COST or U.ti.s's HILL.—Tbe Aldermen have

vuted to purehaae Oale's Hill, at the following

prices to ownen, if It cannot be bid for a less

amount i

Property oftien.Juhn Uatfl, l.»,0UU leet oflaml, with house and «tahk>. ».12.50u

BulMlng-a and land of [.rain Hartlelt, s.0.10 Unimproved land ••! Edwin I.vfonl, 3.M0 Land and hou*e or F. T. Lane, 7.UU0

* IH.1MI

Thi* amount docs not Include the entire area

the city desire i ■ purchase, which covers the

eatate or Mr*. Kmily Pierce, and a portion of

the land ot John J. Doland and Joseph P. Bat-

tle*. Thi* property the committee have been

unable to obtain a figure upon. The committee

believe that when tbe bill has been lowered to

grade, the land can be placed In the market ai

larger price* tban It can now be purchased Tor

FKOHATI: COIHT*.—After tbe first day of

October next, the term* or tbe Probate Court

for the county of Essex, will he held at Salem

on the first Monday* ol every month and the

third Monday of every month except August;

at Lawrence, on the tecund Monday* of Jan-

uary, March, May, June, July, Scptcmtwr and

November; at Haverhlll on, the second Mondny

or April aud October; at Newburyport on the

fourth Mondays of January, March, May.Junc,

July, Scptemlter and November; and at Glou-

cester on the fourth Mondays of April and

October In each year, Instead of at the times

and places now provided by law.


Tho next meeting of the Lawrence Hiding

Park Association occur* on Tuesday, Wednei-

duy and Thursday next, and promises to be a

good one. The entries nave closed, and com-

prise twenty-one horse*, moat of them well-

known to frequenter* or trotting exhibition*.

The aggregate of the pur*c» I* 81 .-500,and entries

have been made a* follow* :—

Tt'ESllAY. Purse or#£Ki mr 1UU etSSS] •lOOto flr»t, »70 to

second, #•" 'u third.

Miss Srs.iN B. ANTHONY'S story OS to

what Mr. TUton confessed to her, [a plain

antl straightforward enough in everything

except |n the way It comes to us. In the

llrst place, Susan's story comes al accoud

hand, through Mrs. Elisabeth Cadj Stan-

loii, mid then the story attributed to Mrs.

Stan ton is published by the Brooklyn "Ar-

gus," theTilton organ,the editor of Which

Mr. Augustus Maverick, will he remem-

bered as holding by no means commenda-

ble notions or the duties of a Journalist,

or the sacredneaa of personal confluences.

Hut, lr It be proved that Mrs. Tllton ut-

tered the confession which the statement

or the "Argns" puts In the month or Mrs.

Slantou, the story has a most important

bearing on the case. There have 'jeen

rumors from the flrstlhat Mrs. Stan ton.

Miss Anthony nntl one or two more prom-

inent friends or woman sutfrage were In

the secret, and had kept it carelessly. It

is enough now to say that it Is hard to be-

lieve that Maverick's unprincipled seal for

Tllton has reached the point of Invent*

Itlg circumstantial statements for Mrs.

Slantou and Mrs. Anthony, and the same

charitable patience, which all along has

refused to be hurried Iu the formation of

n judgment adverse to Mr. ltcccb.fr, will

await the response of Miss Anthony to

clear Up this part or the ease. There is no

i|in-siloii that the developments or

week have given an unfavorable aspec

Mr. Ileeiher's case. How earnestly and

anxiously Hie public would welcome from

Mr. Iteecber n plain explanation of Hi

circumstantial allegations ngnlust him,

not even his own heart can realize. What

Mr. lleecber now needs for bis vindication

• dozen, Is the best way to better things.

TnalrrTSBUBOFLOOD,—Western Penn-

sylvania contributes another to the long

series or catastrophes which have already

marked the year 1874 aa peculiarly a year

or disaster by floods. A heavy rainstorm

at J'ittsburg and vicinity has resulted lu a

large destruction of property, tn s ios* of

life which Is estimated as high as two

hundred, and ail the ruin that a flood car-

rieswithlt. To the Mill Hirer catastrophe,

the overflow Of the Mississippi, the fresh-

eta upon the Susi|iiehanna and the recent

breaking loose of the dams on Westfleld

Itlvcr, nil still fresh In the public mind,

is added the recital of a harrowing tale of

death ami human woe lu the gorges or the

hllls*aloiiK the Monongnhela and Allegha-

ny. The gorges afford an easy delivery

for any ordinary Hood; but with the vol-

ume or water which seems by the account

to have literally burst from the heavens,

as ir It had broken from a great storage

reservoir, there was no safety. Unlike the

disasters In our own state, the flood ac

enrred not because man's work was badly

planned, but because the storm In the

amount or rain fall was acverc beyond all

country were not favorable. There Is some

consolation, therefore, In the reflection

that (he calamity like that of Mill lllver.

Is not the result of human Tolly and that

existence,In this Instance at leaM, has not

been sacrificed to the cheap way of do-

ing things at the expense oT honesty.

Has, TlLTOM'a STATKMKNT will not ma-

terially affect public opluton regarding

the .lteeehcr case, or change the (mite

well-settled estimate of her character.

As nearly as we can make It out, she is a

weak woman, full of rhapsodies, mawk-

ishly sentimental In expression, and in n

'[tiurrel between two men whom she loved

—one her husband nnd the other her min-

ister— has vibrated back and forth like a

pendulum, as Impulse and feeling have

swnyed. In a court of justice, her evi-

dence would go tor little or nothing. Af-

ter making due allowance for all the try-

ing circumstances In which she has been

placed between her husband and her pas-

tor. It remains pretty clearly obvious that

with ordinary decision of character on her

part, the whole vile, ilisu.ustlng business

might have been avoided. She lias be-

fogged Un- ease from beginning In end,

unthinkingly aa she says, making admis-

sion* which Involved so graven matter its

her own Infidelity to her marriage vo

and doing this merely to pleaae .her h

baud mid further Ills objects. Her denials

are no more solemn than her confessions

and the-number of the two Is about equal

It is evident that Ifwo are ever to arrlvt

at a clear nnd Intelligent understanding

of this miserable business, U will not hi

by reason of any help we may ncch

from Mrs. Tillon.

■eiuoil his id denial of hi:

gllllt,With llcli-eiiinst inlial dlsproofwhlch shall lie full, forcible tiid reasonable. The statements of Tllton ami the VYooilhull woman, clear nnd un upported, are or no ncconnt. We have u > confidence lu the manliness or truthful ess or Tllton. But It Is his charges, not Mr. Tillon, which

are to be met, ami-lb si- he has urn,IICH

tionably slrengthetici In the past week by the evidence of other vUncsai-N entitled to credit and b> wrltte documents of ad- milted authenticity,


on Friday last was a pleasant affair to the "our hundred guests who enjoyed tbe fes- Ivltleaof the occasion, "Esquire Itawson

of Itaugor represented the proprietors, and the Honorable aud Venerable Hannibal Humllu of Senatorial amIV ice "residential fame responded Tor the company lu a ihott and pleasing address; I). Buck Esq or llucksport gave an Intcrestlug account of the historical Incidents pertaining to the locality " aud Hon. Win. II. Mills or Itaugor made further response. Iu the

lilng the disciples of Terpsichore dauc- etl till the small hours to the music of the Beirast band, which accompanied the par- ty; the stalwart Vice President and the nimble Esi|Ulre Kawson being conspicuous among the male portion Of the company, while the

r.Ai'TY AXD 01UCK Of THU i.UtlV.s

so universal lhal no Individual luen- need be made, excepting the remark

that the two Miss It's were not wall flow- ers hut rather producers of Jealous conten- tion among the admiring beaux.

In the spacious parlors of the hotel ser- vices were held on Sunday—address by J. J. Holbrook of Boston, und music by Barttabee'S, troupe consisting of his tow- ering aud all important seir, Hie fair and talented Misses Nickels and Clark ami the favorite I'ersis Bell, who gave us-of their best fand_ wliere are better,} appropriate sacred concert by Burnabce's troupe and readings by C. C. Uule antl C. II llraincrd orlloston were ofrare excellence,white the singing ofttie fair anil accomplished Miss Putnam of I,acoiila, N. II., delighted the guests, i m M Lu tin' "Sorrows or Mr. Hrown" were pathetically told, antl the "Cork Leg" exhibited by the liiimltnbh Harnabce, who, with his troupe, accom- panied the party on their return boat trip and were not chary of their talents. But of the Hotel we would say that.


and that clcatilluess, which approaches near to Godliness, was observed In all tin lepartments. I). W. ltaulet, well known

to White Mountain visitors Is proprietor, antl I. A. Hardy, born ami bred a hotel man, is the eoicient clerk The house is

prominent landmark Tor miles away. bother approached by land or sea. Is

new neat and attractive in plan and fur nlahlngt and a glorious ptace to tarry for a time, where the Inhjultons mosquito ami tbe Insatiable green lly are unknown, and fn^'s do not obscure, where there Is shade hard by, and pure water, and tine drivel to suit all tastes and constitutions. It Is good in be there. "Co East" young map

take tbe ladles with you. UKHKR.

I her i folio r Mi- in The two women bolted the door, placing bedstead against It, to keep Tllton on the out side. Tilii.ii ae i hla wife of adultery with Hcccher, and she replied erllfa I be accusation that he procured an alsirtion lor a young lady , of Rrooklvji, whom he had snhietd,' eallniK Ili" lady bv name. That ni«ht Mi>* Anthony and ; Mr*. Tllton slept together, and the latter, in seeming mental distress1, ini|uulol the secret or Sillily intrigues with lleuelur. Miss Anthony asked her how she came to vn Id to fleei hers advancer, and if he used force, lo which Mrs. Tillon replied that un force was used. Kin ;

yielded without knowing why .-he did

A Plttahurg dispati another disaster Hi The ravine at llutcln by tin- recent great II •■>!

iwo mile* with the ■aughter-biiiises, and gr and a large numiier i ih.'iv'.l, more than 1 ■■'

V H AMI Tut-in MONKV.—"Positively

Hie last" drawing in aid ..r the Public U-

hiary of Kentucky look place upon

Wednesday last, lour t-lmilar drawings

have been made hemro, and this is the

tnih. It is a peculiarity of these draw-

ings Hint each one is announced as the

lust and, in a fcw w. eks.it will be tiro* for

the announcement of another and Anal

scheme. The Public Library of Kentucky

has already parted a good many fools

IV..in their n i y, but, while the advan*

Lagi-a to somebody concerned in the lottery

are manifest, thu library does not seem

to have derived much benefit from the, ill

gotten gains. Then- Is Indeed a line build-

ing In I Isvllle which is supposed to be

paid for from the proflts of these lotteries,

but the library Is declared by careful ob-

servers to ben collection of a few Ibou-

-l.lt,- I...,I It I* fl

'I'M" A lie he 1 OtlitV -

SI-I, la ntcnta of I

ted up * o dcntr

Nttlltl .linn: of trash. The

The ,„!v

which hu< eome out..

an awfulVcneh, slmoal ovcreomfng ing parties. The debris can hardly away thi* week, and If the weather hot the breaking OIII oi a |n-*tllenei as the ilutehers run district Ins in tii

a denae population.

Mary Tymnn, the victim of Hie i assault* In Oxford street. Huston, better very fail, and, in spite .,f tl seem* determined 10 li»ca while Ion Icrday KIIC wan walking shorn the ii the hospital talking unite rheerfulle.

s, nii-.r Waibhurn has been elm man or the M ■ ■ ■. Tunnel Cmm The new hoard «ill riall the tunnel n day.

Ins of tl, ■se 1, tterle.- nay have beei .neatly ex .en le , but it mist bi'iulu iltei at there i V

'■> little t . show fn the V. It It. .» •verhoi estly thatg gan-

■ gimbll II ■II erprlso tmtv have (jUVI

has now




llv iu hoped Unit Hie

heard Hie last of It pub-

The sche les hi vi been place] b fore i public i >v. Ilra.nl

t ll

tu w lost all

is not a

irlug way.


Kg. t as

neriil Og lit and sun ■ of Hie nost iimlheiil < Hi el s of I... hsvlllejoln din e i-flVirt l< fli

fo (1 tin? people Ihrnns.

c bctiellt Ml' their bout


A KINDLY SIMMKII.—There has been

very little for the growlers to complain ol

so far the present summer—nn cholera,

no small-pox, no epidemic of any sort, no

■uccession of hot days long enough to be entitled "the heated term," no scarcity water, no lack of pasturage. The hay crop is more bountiful than for years fore, the promise for the fruit crop good notwlthatandlnn the caterpillar pest early lu the season, and lastly, the streams hnv< been rollers,, far than the oldest Inhabitant remembers of in any previous summer—a fact to be appreciated by thousand: mill-owners In thu country, and especially by the great corporation;! along the Mer- rlraack. The water In take Wlnnlplseo- gee,the great reservoir for the Manches- ter, Lowell ami Lawrence Mills, Is eight- een Inches higher than usual at this season ami there has been no need to draw upon It on account of low water below, llarr- ln| the local allllcllim of the grasshopper plague iu Minnesota and Iowa, Hie H

mer has dealt with us in Hie kindliest w ay.

A MIII'KKKI.Y QCKKN.—England, how

ever she may reverence Victoria, is madi

tn feel as a lax paying nation, the Incon-

venience of having a queen who Is a good

deal or u mother. Whenever ouu of the

children comes of age, gets married,

becomes distinguished In other respects,

the House i»r Commons Is appealed to by

Her Majesty to appropriate for the young

scion of the (iuelphs, a euiUelent ama

In coin of the realm to support print-

princess In royal style until death.

Queen has Just scut a message asking

such an appropriation In behalf of Prince

Leopold, whose twenty-llrst blrlhday was

iu April last.

SRTTI.KD I—The District at Is peace \ It Ii

"unhesitating declared" that he Is the man;

and his name II is Miinson,— to be more

precise Norman I". Minisoii,—and he llvci

lu Shirley. —the home of the good, tin

beautiful and Hie true. What a sweet

sense of relief collies u> Hie poor, distract

it! republican^ nf Urn seventh emigres

Hlolial district !

Win. Hedlinsei S. W. lleuiis " C. Bpmtldiag " U.t'arroll E. Hone .las. mi-tin 'i l'ur,c »j.'.nf»r)i..n.t.*

1st, inioftl.au i S. W. n.-niM ei.U>, I>. Blgley (i. J.n nrec-ter A. It. Carsun

Lsay Jim. lilk. s. *•:■ it|..■!--.)-- Mi. a. 111in. i. It. ii. Essex. \V. Ii. Orient.

' G. Vet never Iwau-n. MS. SllOto a.i, *r. tu ltd.

B. a. sandy. H. M. (irace. S. H. ll'HUiilh ilai.l. llr.U. J. S. Yiiuns.

Dav.—Purse, S-jM. Kor homes that ne,cr beat, 4-80. *ll« to I a, (70

to id. #:W W3d. 8, W. Uvtali tnirt. Dlk. 9. Knipcrnr. K. SI.T-e " W. G. tlrlent. II. w,..slniff " Uli.W.IJroralelt Win. Sudllna " II. U. LsiyJi

Purw, S«S. For hor*es that have never beaten, ij;. 1100 to

l-i. SiMi to id, Sin to :u, «iA to 1th. A. Ii. farsun entra, Hlk. M. Lady Wileox. C. Kpaiildlnjt " th. U. Ci.nicl. R, M. Woodmsa " Ch. M. tTamltn Maid .1. W.Wo.iilwiird " II. 8. J. Lambert.

Thirl nay.-l'urse,**K). Kor horse* Hi nl have never bealen, ill). |10utO

1st, #7111,. J.I, *Ki to :(,|. M. Carroll entre, It. (1. Exses. if. woodruff " Ch. M. Oanrfie it. K. Mor-e " Ch. IS. Folly. \. Taompson " U.S. tier Win. Wallace.

Purse, *>W. KiirhorsiMlhathav ver IteaWn, 4-20. SITS tn

l-i, * I Jo lo id, f -1' to .id, # I', tu lib. A. l>. Canon entra, h- <i- J- 8. Young. K. Morse " ltd. II -i Hilly. M. Carroll " B- U- 'ten Starr. I'.iu. lliitlev M Ch. M. Fanny. .lua. DaatiB " "r. ti. Frank l'ahnor.

CONDITIOSS. Tho Ra-cs will lie IH-KI s in.1 toliarnes*. an

ffoverucd l.y Itide* or Uie National Associate

ftoAmi ON ALiiKBHKS.—At the Tuesday even-

ing ---.-urn the full lloard wa* present. Petition*

were granteil to Thonia* Ullson, to erect an aw-

ning at 1ST Elm street, and to A. H. tilldden, tieo.

C. L'hlckerlng and A. U. Wixgin & Co. to keep

intoxicating )1<|IIOTS for mtsllelnal pur]H>Ha«. A

.port favoring the purchase or a new Hook and

Ladder Truck was aecepleit, aud an order passed

Tor its purchase. A report favorable to the Uulld-

ng of a stable l-ir the Morton atreel Engine.house

iraa accented, and fellowed with an order fir lu

count ruction. The report recommending the pui-

haae ol Uale's Hill, with building* thereon, was

aken from the table, passed, and order passed

for the said purchase. Paucra doin tho other

board were concurred in. The board adjourned

one week.


KAOU.—Only ffiO from Liverpool, Uacenstown,

Olaigow.Londonderry,or Belfast on the Cunard

Line of Mall Sleam»blps. The Cunard Is tho

only line landing passengers direct In ItoMuti.

The Saragosaa, one or the new steamship* of

this favorite line, will sail from Boston direct to

Qucenstown and Liverpool on Saturday, August

Hib. For cabin or steerage passage, apply only

at tho Cunard office, 239 Essex street, to P.



Baaex County.


'■Can't they train Chinamen to oat grass. ■Pliers?" Is the conundrum propeatnded

by Interested parties In the West. An Iowa woman, who put vitriol

her scalp to remove dandruff, soys it the dandruflest experiment she ever tried.

A hoy down on the Cape couldn't think of Ills lather'* nlveu name until lie rumen bered that his mother usually called, hii

"l*. Jackass."

There is now nn weekly mall betwee

ffrecnfleid and Lcvdin, Mnss. The ca

rlersaw the vanity of riches, and refaae

to aiiui.ss wealth at the rale nf 8L's j.i

year any longer.

A rat, which at a certain hour every

erenlng walks from one .-.tore to another

In New Orleans Slofty wire, isallt

in:: lunch attention, and hundreds, til",hlly

awast bis appearance.

'Do bats ever lly lu the tlaytlti

nuked a teaciior or bin class In natural

history. "Yesplr,MaaHlthoboyconllil

ly. "What kind of bate?" exclaimed the

astonished teacher. "Brickbats !" yelled

tho triumphant boys.

A Bcntlemaii of poetic temperament

nnd vivid Imagination describes the mos-

quitoes in a certain section of Minnesota,

u "thicker than the aurronndlng foliage,

With wines like Apnllyon's, a Inak like an

Artesian auger uttd a voice like tit e tmuud

or many waters."

A New Haven paper haviii^ntiileil tluit

the Connecticut river shod are fulling nir

In quantity aud quality, Plsli Commissioner

Hudson flatly cuntratllcts the statement,

and says: The HNII have been unusually

large, those taken at Say brook averaging

al least four pounds In weight, and In

ninny Instances t lie average, was live pounds each.

Baby wagons lu Philadelphia are now

called for at people's liouses, carried out

tn the Park, ami brought back by night,

by an obliging express company, All

that Is necessary for perfect enjoyment

Is to own a baby, aud to carry It out to

the Park, where like other fash I until. Ic

people, It will swell grandly In Ita own


Describing the culinary arrangements

of the Grand Union Jlotolit Saratoga, a

correspondent of the New York Conn

clal Advertiser says that all the grinding

of coffee, turning of Ice-cream frec/crs,

roast!ng-spits, and a doaen other things,

are none by little steam -engines that you

could carry tiff in one baud. During the

ri-guttu week the hotel fed 6,000 people a

tiny, and on one day thirty head or cattle

were consumed.

John Burns, of the Cunard steamship

line. icstlMeil recently before a naval com-

mission lu Rngland, that tho company

employ about six thousand men; that

they snipped and discharged during the

previous year forty-two thousand sailors,

ami that tlielr fleet at this time consists of

forty nine steamers, aggregating ninety

thousand tonnage, antl having engines

with fifteen hundred horse-power. This

marine fleet devoted to trade,far outstrips

the German navy, r,>r that aonntfy'a fleet,

according to the latest report, consists of

forty-one steamers, aggregating thirty-

seven thousand ions nnd eight thousand

horse power, the Dumber of men required

toman itbelngthrco thousand live bun

ilrcd. The Cunard tonnage, Ii will be

seen, is almost two nnd one-hull times

that of the i o mi.in navy. '

PAHJ.UNHI..— inc. sad case of the fatal pots

oning of Mi-s l-.minii C. Horn, In July 1*71,

will be well remembered. Her accomplli


n7,!l'lS It. Scoit. At that time considerable feeling

was niHiiii'ested against Scott, who, itappcared,

had been paying attention to tbe young lady

for about two years, and had not gained the

rriendshipof ber parent*, they being opposed

to their union. The pair decided to end tlielr

troubles by suicide, and Scott pnrchaslng two

ounce* or arsenic, both swallowed a dose and

repaired to Prospect Hill to await resnlts, and

In each other's arms die a romantic death. Re

malnlng all nlght.thc girl gradually sank away

while Scott threw off the effects or the poison

nnd recovered. They were found In tbe morn-

ing, the ghi'S rather notified, and both parties

were taken to Horn's residence, where the girl

died in a short time. Alt that was kn

al-out Hie affair was tbe story or Scott, except-

ing the dying assertion or Emma, who said her

lover was not to blame" for ber death. Marshal

Butchelder arrested Scott, on tbe theory that

he waa an accomplice In procuring her death,

At the trial liefurc the Superior Court it ap-

peared the arrest wa* warranted, the court

iindlng Kent! guilty, lioiii tho Tact that he pro-

cured the poison, and assisted In administering

the same. The prisoner was sentenced to i

term of six years imprisonment. But half thii

sentence ha* been served, and on account or

good behavior since hi* Incarecration, Scott

ha* received a full pmlon from the Uovcrnor

and Council. The prisoner was a >|u|et and

Inoffensive man, but his weakness and silly

Ideas of romance and lore, led to the destruc-

tion of a bniiiiii'u l young woman, who was lie

loved and ccs|iectud by he! Irienusand acqualnl

a nets.

" WoonnisiKii."—Mr. Relnhnld Roscnbcrger

and wife were formerly in business at Nc

Portland street, on the sooth side, and tm

recently at the corner of Union and farnhi

streets, where Mr*, ltoienherger tended a little

store, while the bead of tho family circulated

:ii>. mi the city and country as a peddler or dress

and miscellaneous goods. Several large dcalera

In dry good* and other merchandise, on

side of the river, have counted tbe Kosenbergera

among their customers fur a year or two, and

by meeting their obligations hitherto, the ped-

dler nnd his wlic had established a reputation

for square dealing which they were able to use

lo obtain a very considerable amount of good*

unon credit. They seem to have made use of

their credit tu a* full an extent as possible, and

having obtained in stock all the good* they

could hope for, they quietly boxed them a few

days since and shipped then, as extra baggage

at the south side station, preferring that method

probably localise It left no tell-tale record on

the freight agents' or express company's books.

The Itosenlicrger f.imily then folded their tent*

like the Arab* and went hence, apparently with

m. Intention of returning If tiny can help It.

Mr*, lloscnljcrgcr had represented to some of her creditors th.it she would pay their el aa ■■"■■II a* she concluded the sale or real estate she owned on the south side, but it appear*that she had no real estate lo sell. There are a half dn/en or more dealers who bemoan her depai Hire In amounta ranging from (*■» to 9*200.

WATCH Wuaxs SauaiBs,—In the report of

the expenses incurred l.y tbo construction of

the water works, published a few days ago, thi

payment* made to the regular salaried oJlecrs

engaged In the commissioner*' and engineering

departments were given In irregular i0*1*1 m

and the yearly salary ot each officer could

easily lie calculated. As many people wish to

know what the amount ol tbe salary list Is,

bow It is divided, we have procured the ii

million from an oflklal Mares and publish the

William Harbour, Comsabwhmer

Patrtoa llurpby IIorris KnoMlcs

,i. i: KlrkwdM, eonsnlUng engine

W. r. MeCniinell, chief BBfineor

.1. II. Stewart, draughtsman

U. II. LittU-netd, aaalatant ciigfnM

IteorgoT. Keith

ChatnV* f. Foster, traii'dmiii

II. P. Priest, leveller

I-:. It. Ilaiiillinn ■•

K.J. llriggs, 'oilman

-— Moore,

V. Humphrey, " ■

r. Ii. iCitell,-)-, drnuglil-iii-in

■ I. V. JOBS*, ptpCj in-per t.il

A.M. Hunker, "

.lames A. saapard, receiving clerk

Total ol anbury Hat


«J,ISKI on

S'i0,lsW II

fine attraction now at Niagara nervous and sensitive souls. There la body of a man In the whirlpool, which be distinctly seen from the hank. All rts tu got the body have proved unsuc- <ful, as It is hurled around.

HAVEHK1LL. i-.e.President Wilson wa* In I.yun on II

aa tin- guest nf John It. Alley.

Mr. O. Q, Hlnklunn haa now completed ar menu fur an eieiirsion to Centre Harbor o day next. The low rule of faro #l.Ti pt within Hie resell of all, and we predict a HU

[ol and pleasant excursion.

The temporary covering to the new Masonic Tmiiple.on Merrimach street, was removed Salur day, presenting the building externally perfected. It takes high rank for architectural beauty with llw other nubile building* in the cite. The dedi- cation nf the hall is expected lo occur In October

The members or St. (Iregory's Catholic Church surprised their priest, Kev. Father Wm. J. l>aly, on .Saturday evening by the presentation ol the sum of four hundred anil thirty-two dollars, Tor the purchase of a borae and buggy. The presen t.itiou was made in behalf of the douora by Mat- thew Ilaulon.

The valuation for lsTI I* ♦lO/sll.-WO, ar nearly $17.1,000 above last year. The total lax Is il!fci, U3U.G0, being II7..VI |i. i (l.ooo lit,: whole numiier

of m Thi" nlimV».r" ,','r"i'il'■'■"""''"■'■"■ '"'"-- Steass of ni since laat year. !k«; cows. Oil: shaep, 13: 11,110.

A sub-committee of the Itepublican city eoi mittec of Hale in, denlrlng to eradirate as far possibla thu rottenness of the existing cain-i system, have ■ubmllu.il a report, which is under- stood to have been Inspired by f>r. Luring, Among the changes proponeil are the following That delegates shall lie eliosen upon the priueipk recogulied in our regular elections. Check-lists are to boused; the pole is lo bo kept open during certain hours, to be arranged, as fur aa possible, to suit the public convenience; a plurality is to elect; and the chairman, clerk and supervisors to be duly appointed are to Judge or the right uf any IU.OI to cast a be Hot as a republic-" " vole has been challenged.

Itonds.duo Aug. I, at tho Merchants National Bank or lloston.

The shoe business lu Newburyport has take start, and was never brisker than now. The mand for hands exceeds tbe siipidy. Itusinesi Ml I Tor 11 In also reported aa excel lent.

Augustus Rutherford of Ipswich, while mowing on Monday last, went in front of the knit a When the horse* started, and the knire eulonc ol'his feet so badly that It will have to lu amputated.

The Newbury farmer* Intend building a dyY across thu Parker lliver to stop the tide from the salt marshes, thus enabling Ibem to be converted Into English grass, and quadrupling the value of _■' I.I "' acres.

Among Uio passengers per City of Chaster, for Liverpool, are Mr. Kufu« II. Ilrownand son of tho Arm of Urown A Caller ..r I'euliody. Mr. Itrowi

It is said that Mrs. Tllton (of the needier *oi •lal) Is a daughter of Mr. Joseph Richards, a I live of Salem, who wa* for many years a ter singer at the old North t.biueb, tln-n standing the comer of North and Lynde streets.

The Appledore House, at the 1 do of.Shoaln, crowded to overflowing. The Oceanic House Star Island, Is rapidly lining up with boarde At Appledore there are folly ooo guest*. Among then, is .1. Ii. Whittler, aUo ouito r young psoplo from this city.

The salutatory oration al the Newburyport High School exhibition, Thursday, was by a great- grandson or the second Adams-President of the I'mled States, whose name he bears. Hi formaneu was loudly cheered ami at the was greeted with presentation* of bo<|iiets

Schooner Comet, Felch, lYoiu Newburyport when about *ix mile* from Eastern Point, on Frl day. picked up a whala which measured seventy live feet In length and forty feet around the body, The whale was sold to parties In Uluucealer, who Immediately went lo work preparing It lo dry out for tho oil

Among the great Intellectual lights that W_ . Newbury has sent out Into the world have been Kev. Irr. DavldTappan, the Divinity professor of Harvard; C. C. Felton thu tireek professor, and

President of the same university ; Itev.

—Cioing on,—:iu new Pi-iile city expenditures.

—Conductor Nasoii is at 11 and report* his uca'Ui «> quit- i

Mr. Kcbaakc ii mukiug th - uniform* fiir nc.v momiicr.s of tho Artillery battalion


■Tbe amount nf lurnk Mock iictd by residents this year is 9.1*2,510 or *a,h»o more than last year.

The water In tho river is falling Ilirsh board! are being placed upon the K Company's dam.

-The Official orders have been received in ttiis city for the encatiipmcui of the second brigade, August 2oth.

Battery 0, at the fall muster, will, at here- tofore, furnish their own tnc*', Andrew Itilcy su|ierintenillng the cooking.

■The laat quarter's receipts from the police court, ol lice r* and witnesses'lees,brought to tbe city tbe snug sum olSl.'.lB.Hlt.

—Letters from Messrs. J. 1). Drew and C. It. Mason, announce them lo t»u In good health and fine spirits They will soon return.

—The Temperance Reform Club desire that Si) the nltlccrs of Hie. club Sleeted fur Ihe pres- ent year, should attend Ihe next meeting.

—The bankrupt stock of il. Htaunrhlleld, auc- tion and commission merchant, will IMI placed under the hammer on the llth of August, by Captain W. 0. Howe.

—Only two case* iu court on Thursday, John Doyle, lor drunkenness, fined dl and costs, nnd Bernard (loldrlck, for larceny, sent to the house of correction lor six months.

—A five per cent, semi-annual dividend or the Ijiwrence Oas Light Company, amounting to 820.000 on the capital stock of #'PU,000, will be payable un tbe 1st of August.

—If the city f.ither- can't give an appropria- tion fur free hand concerts In Ihe people, sup- posing they make an appropriation for Tree bath- ing uouac* for the people. No nnusciisu aliout that.

—Harvey, tbo fruit man, has engaged the entrance passage between Croat and lleal.l's store formerly used by the Sriitiitel offlae, and will ran a branch fruit stan-l during, the

—The Home Club, at a spec! il meeting held Mondae, appointed afoair*. Pardon Armliig- ton, B. A. Fisko and Win. It. Jieptith a special committee, to arrange for the extension of the club i" • os.

—A clear and profuse spring ol water was struck, while excavating lor the pumping Mai- Ion of the water works, which requires the use of an engine to throw out the water. It 11 )W* over OU.tWKI gallons per hour.

—Mr. Yoaton had nearly two hundred guests at tbe Ocean House, Hampton bench, on Nun- day last. A l.ir.: ■ portion of them are located there for the *eason ; very few of the Summer houses are so well patronized.

The cutting down of the grade of Broad-

way between Essex ami Lowell street* will re- quire the lowering.of not less than lifteen build- ings, and tbe number may lie as high as nine- teen. Who is to pay the bill ?

The Aldermanlc resolution to borrow *■'-," 11 for sewer con-traction, wa* unani- mously passed by the common council at theit M--Mi.il on Thuntduy evening. The Mayor In- tend! to iicitiii op 'rations at onco.

A new truck, with all the uudern improve- ts, Is to IK pnrchased by the engineers, foi

the use or L'uiou Hook and Ladder company *" old truek Is out of repair, and Inadequate

le reqalmniau of the lire department. ■The extensive roofing business of Mr. Oeo.

W. Horn makes it necessary to have more com- modious premises, and a building I* to be erected for his use on the site of the old one. Mr. H. J. Couch Is the contractor for Its construction.

: commltteea of the Urand Army arc rranging tbe work of the fair to be held INK Autumn. The co-operation of all

the city churches Is to lie solicited, as In the ease or tbe great fair ol this organization five year* ago.

Gen. Coggswell and Mr. Jewetf, respective- ly mayors ol Salem and Lowell, on Friday paid a visit to Mayor TarbOX, who enter- tained bis distinguished guests through the day, and invited them to an Inspection or the water works.

■One hundred nnd eighty-nine drunkards were in Ihe police court dock during the three months past. The total number or arrests was 4>l, and lo iiii- add the 089 lodgers, and it shows the Dtuloass at tht! station ii ..i ■ ■ to have

been quite good. ,

William It. Barker, the boy champio* cnecker-player, will shortly visit Lawrence. He will play exhibition game* at the ball of the Irish Benevolent Society, corner of Ksaex and Jackson street*, on the afternoons and evenings of August Gfh, 7th and 8th

—Tha barque K.B.Phillips, which sailed from New Bedford on Tuesday for a three years cruise In the northern and southern Atlantic, i* owned by John Medina of this city, by whom ■he wai recently purchased at New London and fitted oat for the long voyage.'

—Until tbe tit-: Sunday In September the regular afternoon service at tbe South Congre- gational Church will be omitted, and the Run- day School will be held at the close or the

wi"T"!"'"„' «4II ii.Vt"rr/r pSiVaix o'clock.'

—The committee on fire department have in speeted the stable connected with Essex En- gine bonne, and declared It not suitable to the requirements of an engine house stable, and tbe Board or Aldermen have passed an order autliotlxlng Ihe construction of a new building.

—Messrs. Caleb Raundersand Chas.E.Briggs, " !egal gentlemen who have gone to Ireland

throat thrco weeka ago continue I twice, each !i appeared, and was nil should hctbankrul 1'.; I medical care, gftho con It he would have died.

—The folloAln,' Is a rence Lodge, I. D. O. ]■'.

ttj'i exp

depart. He

t of officer*, of Law. ■stalled bv I). D. O,

S. llulchltisoii fjrtt.ct.rm ending Dec. Hist. 1874: N. O., S. Au.titi Slowell; V, fi., Harrison II, Uickev; Sect., Mi.tutv C. Han- croft; Treas., Wm. Mitchell; Warden, A!e\

ander II. itnise; Don., John Dolley; O. tl., ("has. S. Cousins; I. O., 8. A. Fiilici ; L.S.N O., John A. Hall; it. S. V. G., Cbas. Dyer;

I the It- s- V. <].. Suin'i Miller; It. 8. 8., Oeo. L "arrlij L.S. *L, H. F. Hall.

nl from lt.iv, r*.:!l lu II. t.c.i ii in

Braai li.iu I, w'dl be delightful. 'Ihe i ing at the beach is excellent, and ten

cted for ihe ronvenleniai of batli suits with you. Parties ahdilng W p

Uials. Cars will II-HVC [he northern i "cliK-k A. M. Tickets fur the round I


K-». l.nuv CiiaaK will! ret ti,,:i Kii.bii. lie bus been \ . Ii, im.l oil,, v loan- in Mi.in- eaehiugneat aunday.

trn iioui bis vs. isiili.K tVieiid* In lie will resume

KiiliATi-M.-lu n pni-UKrapli in

;Vr;!;,1.e»"e.V'Jv,>e'ioc.'ini.- ,-,,:irlorot tbe .Milhoili.t sor

laH neck'* issue

v. in -peaking of

, in Ameabury

aflerwanls rre-iilent ot tbe same university; Iti Dr. Wood* nf the An.lover seminary, and hi* *< i'resldent Wood* of ltowdoin college.

In the I'mbate Court, at Newburyport, Tue day, air. Orlando K, fatten of Ameshnry wasap Ktinted guanlian fur hi* granddaughter. Addle

ontgomerv Itorton, of Newburyport; Mary Fowter, administratrix nf tho estate of Charles It. KowlernfSallsburTiand appi enlerislDti Nelson Kim ball's « real, tla.OOO; personal, aa,000.

lu April next occur* the 100th anniversary nf tin- bailie ot Lexington, where Danvors blond was Ireuly shed, the following having been killed on that day; Samuel Cook, aged 33; IJcnj. DaUnd, io; Ceorge Hoathwick, 13; Jotham Webb, « Henry Jaeobs, SI; Ebencier tinblihwalt, tl; Per ley Putnam, il. In IS3.1 a ninnuuienl of liniiver. granite wa* erected by the clliicns to their me inory, and It Is probable some notice Will lie taken or the

The AshurytiroTe camp grounds at HamilUin begin lo resume tlielr annual summer attractive- ness. The cool cottages are rapidly being filled with dusty travelers from the city, and the fortu- nate owners of the linUile-llko residence* are to be congratulated upon their pleasant retreat. Tbere arc user two hundred cottaaes upon Ihe ground, and about one hundred families have alreai" availed themselves of the pure air ami theexh arating influences or the ipoL llv camp nieetti „ time thire will lie two or three hundred families here nicely located. Tbe meetings are ti MM nre on the i■■Mi of AugusL

The alerrimac "Journal" say*: Salem, only a year ago, claimed to be the port or Ksaex comity, ha* almost ceased to be a place for entry- Ing and clearing vessels from and for foreign ports; and And herself away behind Newbury- port in tho amount of custom* collected. The Last India business M to New York in the laat generation, that being Ihe best dlstrlbutlni for Ihe whole country; but African am. ._. American cnmuierco look Its place. Gradually tbev IIIIVP IN-I'U going, and Capt. John Bertram, who was the last to do It, ha* removed his bu,' DCBS to lloston. A few Salem vessel* run Cayenne, but they bring bark no cargoes. TL, ■ hipping al Salem wharvo* la all coast wise and largely coal carrying.

Middlesex Oountv- LOWBLLi

Blomlay eAornOOB, aliout i o'clock,an unknnwr woman, aged apparently aliout forty years,

: .no.* ii from a brblge on Pord street Into Ihe "new canal,"and belore assistance could resell her was drowned. She. had been seen a few mill- me- previously talking wllh s bdl, elderly, i|*rk eomplexioned mun, and wifplng hllterfy. He np|M'ari'd tnbeiis niiieh sslimlshi'il and horrified by Ilia affair as any who witnessed it, but nn be- ing Interrogated in regard to the matter he made evasive answers, lie shortly after hurried away, saying he would go to the eily marshal's office and notify him of the occiiranee. Ho failed, however, to appear at Ibo marshal'* ofllee, andhasnotsluee

Mis-, landore Trait of MaSHachtiNettH. hueneceeded In f\raiiiiii<r admittance to the Ituyal Art Academy of Berlin | hut being "only a woman." her name d not appear on the roll of simiini-. and for tbe name reason, no money will be nc

pled Trn in her, which who Nuya Is tin lly advantage alte erer gained by wear-

ing akin*.

busily a

on husiue** connected with a Lawrence estate, had a quick passage. A telegram was received from them Monday, announcing their arrival at Qaaenilowa, having been less than ni on the passage.

—Meticmnachcr, the Herman who left bis iv.te i.ml seven children, after having celebrated bis silver wedding and receiving s,-j I.I worth or present.-, running away with the girl Paulina Milllit, alia* Minnie Heller, wa* mean enough lo steal most of tbo presents, and leave his large family with dnly 91-60 lor future support,

—The new chime of bells which it la proposed to place In the tower or 8t. Mary's, will cost complete aitoitl ,-sli.in i. The will of the lato Hugh Hiirerty provides for »3,000 of ihe amount, and subscript! >n* were received, Sunday, at a meeting held In the old church tne afternoon, for a considerable additional amount.

—Preaching servL-es will be suspended ut the Free Baptist Church during ihe month of August, and the Sunday School service wilt be boldcn at the regular hour for morning i at half past 10 o'clock. The pastor, Kev. A. I,'. Hough ton .started upon his vacation on Tuesday, and will spend the month among thu Islands and backwoods or Maine.

—The award to supply coal for the city been given to Chae. A. Ilrown, whose hid the lowest. The bids ranged very close, there being only a dilference ol 8"i.'2-"> between the lowest and highest bidders, while two bids oulv varied 81.2.5. This is pretty close work, ' bidding for an amount of coal thut will between 81,000 and S.i.OOO.

—P. Murphy, agent I'm Ihe Cunard Line, booked tbe following named passenger* per Batavia Iruru H.iston, on Saturday laat:—Mary Cunningham, Patrick McC.irthy, John Nichol- son, Jane O'Nell. Joseph Dixon, David Oliver, W. C. Whltham, Mary Hail, Margaret Ih-g- nan, Mary Morehouse, David I). Morehousc, Martin Lear, Duncan McFarlane.

—Our democratic city government doc* not constitute an altogether happy lumlly; tbe common council haa passed an order demand- ing a report from tbe Superintendent or tbe Cemetery, and gets coolly snubbed by that ulH clal fur Intermeddling with what la none o It* busiueas. And now the conumdrum what tbe council propose to do aliout It ?

—Young gentlemen who are ambitious of i West Point education and a military career, are reminded that tbe examination of candidates Tor the Weat Point cadetshlp, from this district,will take place at Lowell on .Saturday next. , Mayor Tarhox of tbia city,wa* requested by Judge Hoar to sern- aa one of the Examining Committee, but waa obliged to decline un account of uiher di tie*.

—At ln-t an order has pawed the Board ol Aldermen for tbe purchase of Oale'* Hill, with the buildings thereon. That pile of dirt ha* been wanted by the city for several years, a owner* have been deterred from building Improving their property, not knowing what the city would do. lit' course the value of the land has increased since tho city first proposed to purchase.

—The Church of at he flood Shepherd (Unlvcr- ■atist) is neverclosed during ihe Summer. The pastor Is given a generous vacation, but the

work or tho church iu every department Is eon* tlnued with aa great Interest* and a* good ri results during the Summer mouths as at an other aeaaou of the year. The pastor has a! ready taken hi-' vacation, and will occupy his pulpit next Sonday.

—At a regular meeting of flood-Will Lodge. No. .52, I. O. tl. T., held on Monday evening, Ihe following persons were elected offi- cers fur the ensuing i|uarter:—W. C. T., Clar- ence Wataun; W. V. T.| Kmma liarnes; W. 8., Frank Hulcblns; W. F. 8., Thomas McGregor; W. T., Julia Woodhury ; W. C., J C. Bowker; W. M., William Houston ; W.l.H. Eva fJrover; W. O. G., Joseph Aualln

—The following persons sailed on Sato rdar last tioin New York, per steamer Macedi i.i tho Anchor Line, for which Duncan Wood 1* agent In this cltv :—James Mcbce, Mary Mc- bee, William Whytock, Ann Whytock, Barbara Whytock, William Whytock,Charles B. Cross- ley. Per Ionian Line, Steamer City of Cheater, John Berry, John Wood, James Jackson, Da- vid Leawrlgbl, Henry Palmer, John Burgess.

—A bet of 810 between Clark Spauldlng and another gentleman, on Monday, resulted in a pretty Ull specimen or lifting. The bet wa* on Spauldlng'* ability to produce a man who could shoulder a particular piece of water pipe. His opponent wagered that there was no man in Lawrence who could do it, Spaulding produced bis man, who promptly shouldered the tube and won the wager. The weight oi it was 1 -.'t lbs Who can latat Spaulding's man ?

—Mr. Jessie tt.Gould.having accepted IIalter Ing proposal* to take up his r aside nee in Toledo, will resign his position a* clerk In the Police Court, August 1st, but will not leave the city until September 1st. The vacant clerkship will lie occupied by A. It. flanhorn, Kaip, under an appointment from Judge Stevens, holding until January, belore which time the people, wilt have an opportunity to cleit a clerk to nil the uncx- plred 1.1 m of Mr. Oould, which will be two years from January 1st.

—The criminal business at the police court on Wednesday waa eonllncd to requiring Patrick D. Higgln* to nay cost* fur getting drunk, and John Doylo 8' ""il costs for making a disturb- ance, Cliaa. McCJuade, llie man who cut hi*

—The Kntcrininment Bureau bus- prepared a brilliant course of twelve entertainment* for i e\t season, far eclipsing the excellent course of iant season, It will begin October 2d, and be divided Into lectures-, readings, English ami comic opera, concerts, nod tbe drama. The following tailent, Ihe best in tbe coiutrv lets already been engaged; Lectures by fluiigb. Parsons, Phillips, Tllton; come its by Ihe Camilla L'rsu Troupa ami Qcrmaoia Band; Heading* by Churchill, llnrhank nnd Miss

Potter j lirunia by Boston Theatre company.

—About Ufiy member* of the Matonle Fra- ternity have already Joined the Masonic Miitii.u llellcf Assoeiatltii, organised a week ago by Ihe Masons ol L.iwence, Methui-n and the Andovers. The Initi . ; ill fee ranges from 8"J to SI according to agi, nnd upon tbe d-.-Mili of n uiemiier, other* lu th society nre each assessed 81-10. the amount elng paid to any person whom tbe insured has designated. The by-law* of the society will lay ready for dbdrt- bmion next week. Member* of the Fraternity may Join the Association bv application lo Mr. A. E. Mack, Secretary, 283 Baaex street.

—The Newburyport "Herald'' says:—The Prcohj tcriiin Soeleiy trotn Lawrence, one thou- sand strong, arc to make an excursion to Salis- bury Ijeaeb {mint lu the I urge Queen of the Merriitntc on Saturday, August Siti. Lust yeai this Society made « similar excursion, on* fea- ture ul which was tiiit wiililu HI teen minutes from the time Ihe barge arrived al the Poiiii.not one of ihe party could be seen, they having Kindled along the beach ii* for as SalUhury beach village and remained away until about half mi hour of the time that the barge Marled home. The suit sea air had a charm tor them.

—The police have done the fair thing witl: owners ol unlicensed dogs, allowing operative! until pay day to gel their brute*, licensed, not- withstanding the fact that every dog killed brings to the pocket of the i.ltieer who does II the fee of one dollar, and for every prosecution and emivii-tion the otIVer get* t ve dollars addition- al. 'I bus f.ir nlmut seventy-five dogs have been killed, of which number nllla-rsShchnn and Sullivan have slain some thirty. As sufficient time has been given to dcliuijueuts, who were already three months bctilml tune, to pay a tax on their dogs, no further restraint will be ex- pected of the officer*.

—A hoy who made the utlenijii to swim across the river above the dam on Sunday last, had a narrow escape. He started from Ihe nurthslde a long distanee above the boat bouses, and held bis own against tho current until be was nearly In the middle or the stream. Then he IM gan to drill down the river, and. to the people on the bank and bridge who were watching him, it seemed inevitable that ho inusl be curried over the lulls. Unite a crowd collected on Ihe south aide near the end of ihe dam, encouraging him to hold out, and, finally, by desperate exertion,

'cecded in grasping a rait which wa* moored to the south tide. Within fifteen or twen-

fcet or tbe dam. It was a hair-breadth

—Then is qalta a margin between the price which General John Gale proposes to sell his

property to ihe city, and which the Board or Alderman believe to be a moderate price, and the valuation of said property as given by the Assessors. The price asked for tbe property, which Includes 130,000 feet or Improved land, - house, liable and ice house, Is > fi.-Vm, « Ii the valuation given of the same property hy the Assessor* Is only *JO,000. it Is asserted"that the Improvements of land alone could not be made for less than 910,000, and Ihe buildings every way llrst class. Perhaps Mr. Gale's price 'l reasonable, hut why should the Assessor*

.tine It at less than one-fifth il* real worth ■ —The Assessors' return or polls shows a gain

of one hundred anil eighty in the city, over l.i-t vein -' return*. Ward tour leids the other wards, having 1.772 pulls, and ward six has Ihe least number, 6H:). The ward*. In Banner of votes, from the largest to the smallest, stand s* follows:—Ward 4, 1, 2, .5,3,0. In valuation ward lour also leads, bating nearly six mil- lions of dollars; ward six the smallest, has something over two millions of dollars. The wards in valuation sund as follows : ward 4, 2, 1, :i, 5, fi. The dlirerencc In valuation or wards five and *ix i* but little over three hundred thousand dollars, and .between wards one two atmut the same amount.

—The Common Council decide to Investigate Ihe land damages claimed hy Matthew Doele, before concurring in the action of the Hoard ol

based on damages occasioned hy catling through his land for Ihe extension of Water street. At tbe time flfm was awarded it was supposed the street extension was to be a grade and lhat the sum was sufficient, when taking Into consideration the accesiihle b-mse lots the claimant would pain by ihe extension, ~ the street ha* not, been cut through at grade, it having been lowered some six or eight feet lower than the grade of the land. ThcAldcrmcn have examined Ihe laud, and allowed additional damage, as slaive, but the council propose to examine it themselves before passing a concur- rent note, Ur some it Is claimed that Doyle's land has been benefited.

—It la evident that some of the shade trees at the lower end of Essex street are from mine cause, dying out. There arc many penons who believe lhat their death is due to the mnsiic sidewalk which covers the ground above tieir roots like a blanket, shutting out moisture, au.t In hot weather, burning the life out of the roots This ha* certainly liecn tbo effect or the con crcte or masilc walks upon the lloston Com- mon. The experiment with this style or side- walk has liecn a gratifying one so far as the walk I* concerned, but, before we go further, may it not tie welt to Impure whether we are not incurring Ihe danger of smothering the life out ol our shade trees: The roots of a lice spread as widely beneath the ground as its brunches. Plaster over Ihe surface above the roots with an impervious covering, and it seems rea- sonable to suppose lhat there must be cifeet on the life of the tree.

—Wc believe no city In Ihe 1'nlon, aa den' ely settled with inil.imm.ihle building*, can boast a better record from Hrcs, or even fire alarm* as our own. Such a state or affair* is most agreeable, but it seems as ir one or more per-

iiiicntiniiH." I lie would not son lor the e

led l.y Ihe

mi.l Ix-.

il eoiinlerpnrls mid it-l.liii.-li.in ap- i.oil WHS not jiloiilled in Ihe b.hh, e In the spirit. The et-oivning mi-

ol a.lio ■ it in

m-il.il with tinned hv r uutmgUir temp In the direction of isnlily of hand or hniin.ncrvcor

■jdav. mii-lit pn ■ ele.oyei- in-luis: ,

the ro-k on »blel failure. If the trull

should re .onie strange inscrli.t -. Here i memory of the guilty miciile, there the nn oi one who bad BiieeuinlH-d to the burning lever caused by reekles-iu-s nnd over indulgence, and yonder we should read the consumptive's doom, brought about be needless exposure. The sermon was a scholarly production and was lisle I In with marked intention.

TlIK UslVBBSAUBT I'li'MC-The mclulnrsnl' this snrli'ty held their Uiil.lliil picnic ill Pulley Pond, Thursday, and Itwasa very enjoy able oc- casion to nil pie-cut. Til,■move win once unev- tennie readi of pme I'on^t, but the lein.l nl pro- gress has solilewhiit thinned the stalely old pme., until those that remain seem to be lonely in then grandeur, and »wriv lie-'- liuiiiehiM to Ihe winds as If mourn In t' nil th" « Idle over Ihe depiirflire •>( Ihelr fallen companions. It i- well for the eaie worn to steal awiiv oi-rasimially troni their ener- vating pursuits, and taken sip Ironi the cup


"Hereapeiiki the voice ol ti.i.-l, let man be dumb. Nor with hii vain a-pirings bilher come."

IfsonieofUM people who Ireipjant Kewnmfi hnratogo, Long Itmneli, mi,| oilier | laeen 1<H. |I|I.

melons to iin-nlliin, emili] I' n on,e vi-it M>IIII-HI

the places hi our muuedlati! vlelniiy, they never would wish to roam Unless It were to ours lie tbe evanescent follies of fashion. Hut we are wan dering Ironi our purpoeo. All WO meant to do was l.. nive a |..nn_'i i|ili ulioiil the picnic, ivhlrli we will now endeavor to do. Alio.it one hundred H-.-einhl.-d on tbcKioiind-.niul w hut with tinulim.', nviiiltiiig, HdliiiK.'it li'ii-| ins. and social eonveise the day »n- imi.-l enjoy,ildy spent. not foigel to mention, how. " " i-elre-hon-iil' and the ex.-ell thevwere dispensed by Mrs. Jenkl burn an.l others. The pnrly arrived

-i ,.i...... .i ti... Ihe oflernoon. well plea- . late in

,i with the duy mid its _ el manilested was Unit

uraffnbte station agent .1. Sunnier Knierv, K-i|.. insdebnrred fimn partieipatIng in the pteii-.ms .f the occasion on neeounl of thu prepare of

Slid TKMl'KKAMK MKI.TIMI was hi 1.1 nl tigi'i-giitioiiiH tlnii-i h Suridiiy evening, temperance address was delivered by the

Itev. Dr. Chlekering. Amoim the ministers upon " -rostrum we iinlice.l, In-idi-.- the ^peuker an.t

,tor, Itev. Lylinm I', llhike, Key. Mr. II.. vker. lhpConirregalioi.nl Soeii Iv, Snleni, N ll.sn.l

v. Mr. Hay ward of the I'niven-alisl Swlvty, Metliiien. As the lar/e eongrciraliun wei.- la-li.g -inl.il. Mrs. I.i/cic tililter.oii tin- oij: no I pirn ed with nne efTeel th ;lor la in r aimer's Mass," ami other selections. The services were openiil bv n hymn from the choir, winch was rendered in line taste, alter which Itev. Mr. Hay wind rend tt selection from the iltlli chapter ot tialidtun*, and Ihe Itev. Mr. Itoukci Invoke.I the Divine blessing, which was followed by the address of Itev. lu . Chiekeriug- lie spoke substantially the same as In the morning on the Importance ol earinit lor the physical structure, but Ills illustration* were necessarily more pointed, a- they touched main I j

the city nre not satisfied, and wish to get up s little lire, ss an attempt at Incendiarism wa* discovered on Monday, iff the heart or ihu husinc** centre, iho destruction or tbe block in which Mr. Parkman has a restaurant having been threatened. In passing down the back stairs tn the morning Mr. ltussell, tho ph grspber, discovered the remains ot a pile of kindling wood which bad been placed against the back screen di>or or Tarkmaii's Saloon and set on lire. Tbe door was of wire screen, and from this and other fortunate causes Ihe fire did not spread. Notice was given to the police station. As Mr. Parkman knows of no one who would wish lo do him sn Injurv, it Is the opinion that the fire was set with only motives of deviltry. If there are incendiaries about it will be well for owners and occupants or property to keep a strict watch over their premise*.

—Why H It that our city authorllie* persUt In allowing Ihe playing or band-organs, brawling ot Itinerant street corner peddlers and exhibi- tions of monstrosities and deformities in the public places of the city ? In the llrst class of beggars wc aro besieged by the drawling nn>] discordant noDe* intended for music. This It bad enough, but the peddler nuisance Is wont, for we are not only subjected to their loud mouthed und nonsensical braying, sometime* interluded wiih courso sung or tone* trom a wbcezy fiddle, but the public who patronise D

oftener humbugged ill.in bcnefltte;, andmi. chunia who do a legitimate business, paying their license and heavy nioru rent*, are unfairly ■rested by the authorities. But ihe greatest evil we are obliged to submit lo is the exhibi- tion of human beings who have had the mislor- tnnc to enter the world In a ilefonned state, and who are paraded at the street corner or In unoc- cupied stores, as objects or pliy or curiosity The people do not wish to see such sight*; Ii doe* no good nnd is capable or doing much harm, and It I* the duty or Ihe eily author (tie* to prole. [ the people, On Wednesday Ibc most in- iueiite.1 portion uf tbia city was the scene or such an exhibition, and those present about ecpially divided their pity for a little child and Indignation against a brutal exhibitor. The little fell.,iv did not appear lo he more than six or seven years old, and wa* compelled lo sit upon a dry goods Is.x most or tho day and c> hiblt bis deformed limbs. The uncouib fello.. in charge ot tho boy pretended to sell hla (ihe cripple'*) photographs for the child's benefit, but It will doubtless be (Itile benefit be will re- ceive. Wo hope the Msyor, the City Clerk, Ihe License Committee, or somebody will Hop the whole huafnes*.

—There I* a general commotion among prop- erty owners about the city, at the revolution going on In changing tho grade* or streets, and tin- trouble now haunt* Ihe resident* id Water street, along the river i '.ink above the dam. It '..i- been decided to make a dike orwater street which is to be raised two and a hall Icet above the highest point the overflow from the river ever attains. This will make It all right for the dwellers on the north side ortlic street, so far as the water il concerned, hut they will ha vo to raise their house* several feet, or go duwn cellar hi gain access, unless they are willing to step Into the nn i.- window* from Hie street. But the trouble arisca from Ihe resident* on the sonth side ol the street, bet ween It and the river,whose buildings will not only IM far lailuw the strcsi, but left at the merer of the water when at an unusual height. These people want a dike on the river bank, Instead or using tbe street Tor the purpose, and claim lhat a dike there can be built much cheaper than to ralae tb e street grade. If the street is to form the dike, all tbe land south of it will have to be gradtd up to tbe street, building* raised and a great expense In- volved. Water street ha* already been graded

blgb Wilier mark, hut the pipe for the water work* must he Isid through Ibis avenue, and the Kssex Company ohjeci to any excavation lulow its present grade, hence Ihe necessity nf ruining tbe grade still higher by two and a hair feet. A prominent and well posted citizen. who bu considerable interest at stake In the matter, gives as his opinion that It will cost at least .jrl.i.laHl to grade Water street tu iho pro- posed level, while it would cost much less to built a substantial dike on or near Ihu river bank,

, ihe nn.

a great obstacle to religious progress lu thi* ounlry. It hardened hearts toiyaid* Hod and nan, an.l the inehr in te w.i- often led to blaspheme he name of Und and lo curse a dying Nllicr and nock a sisler's mortal agonies. We wen- not#

iblige.l logo beyond congress or a single church m.l congregation for sad, terrible illhisiralions. nit i-onfined Wholly to one sex. The speaker hoped the time had eome (in alluding lo ihe dis- sipation nt Washington), when passengers on street cars would not lie asked within n lew years, to hold a N'atlonnl l.l-gislator upon Ihe platform. We could survive delleienej- in rlntcs maiiship, but vice would brinn the country lo luln. Menshoiil.ln.il lie allowed to remain iu office who eould not lie sober In it. Let your watebwHid be no more dr-nikco iiit-n In oiilee. There were naii-olies, anodguce which Ihe great Creator of nature's secrets permits in turn lo ap- pear as n lie viators of human sniveling; opium, ether, .i.lor.i] were all used as intoxicants, lienlus bears nn charmed Lie aitamal Intoxication as many a ouee bright but tarnl-ln-il name nl. e lllol lll.l-..;!.! Illiulil le.n h n- I.i I llle Ii lint . and example of the mnral and respectable W strictly rlKlit in Ihls matter, irlvlng no conn ten- nnce in those u Ile-s nnd ilmirfcinun beverages, whom-- -"■' tlie lr

' The

. nee has its beginning, Mil the trnffie. would soon he made as illegal nnd n

litres* wa* a very able one, and wa* delivered. nr.d we rcjiri-l that spa. e

leriuit of our giving a fuller report of il.


s.vi.Ku Coaxvr Davi* discoursed sweet musto from their stand on the Common on Wcilnetilav evening last,

Ci.NoiiiKit.iui.v Connanv—Tour Grotnttwfin correspondent calls to notice a remarkable grn» lit ol Held corn, and asks who can heat It. The. writer has Held I yellow) coin planb'.l May auib,

!cii il kernels rapidly forming. Ilc-

:: iy ■ IL, v.i i, ii ■ :■ i:, i tu. I marketable size Ihe Hilt, ol f

lasselle.l nut .. . has poUitoes philile.l Ma' her* or marketable size the Pith ol this month, ami at this time they tlmw potatoes which will compare favorably witli average fall sort*.

A FEW DAI a sineo a little fellow in the hay Held saw an adder killed, and mi reaching llie house asked aplayuiatu to gtie-s what he leu I ,. m,| receiving no answer, raid. "I've »ei na big adder!" "What," say- the other, "Ji V ml.lei I hie we see Ibc eurion- idea- or i luMhoo.l iMhlly miv lug the material with the Ideal, and Jumping nt conclusions guided by the Illusion* of round. We have in mind another little story (tine). A

■ reading \be llible in itlle niece (be n.eimiiiK ml sinners." "Why.

ry," she exclaimed, "Ihe publier— -

ninistcr of tins

of the term Uncle Hem tbe llrpubli

publicans and siui she exclaimed, "tin

M and the sinnetl

TUB advice to ■Am "

i I;. Ifrmn-

latl evict's

'in the main" but ceiliiin"«iiViiis'oi new^onporiiil folks Mora alisurd to as. II we have a eoiiimiiiii- eaiion I'lolll any source, mi can read It from i-ne source as well ss llie other. 11 .k tenet + millilng Ironi its legibility ii written ii|ioii pn|ar of uv. ■ rage quiilily. hutweiuu-i our Cl.rblliiu ■■■- ■- Icil they tiuiii In Uieir Vtrnthovcr our crowded mniiuseripts, and lowei the simulant ur piety it. Ihe oiiliiiHiilv pure pieeint. of llie, priming offlee. [*| There Is ome in a while an item ilin 1 inil nib > wjlliin Ihe ™ i alions ..I regular r.irresj lints, for w lil.li no one elaln.a authorship, tie have Men Moll items i nil i led to im when llm Ilr.l knowledge of Ihelr existence confronted us In type. .Such a ease oceinn.l iu last week's issue. vi.iiou,

I • ir our troubled correspondent ro uhl spend a single day In a daily newspaoer nJIcc he would learn Ihe small vali In. owuoi i i.-. to what are newspaper mlk-' "whims." It Is ouito true that an Item can U-read "as well irmn one side of thesfceetSs tl Ihcr." but lo I..- .,1,1,-,,] to read il from both sides is quite another affair, if each communication, no mailer how -

could W'ltiven tonsmxle eomposilor lo 11 type entile, II would iu.,ire, inn,. „ ii.-ili.-i . both sides of the paper were written on: hut this I* very seldom Ihe ease, espcslnlly lu tbe office or iid.ul, pupei. To hasten Hu- work of the ,lav> '...I. nn. b-lseul into a number ol "ink.-," and il.stnhuteil lo as many compositors. Now let onr correspondent cut a four-page Idler into n dozen or more m* s-, ci uiiiple aud scatter them, ami then if he Amis their consecutive perusal lu that inane easy or amusing he may continue In flatter him-rli that it is only a "whim" thai In. duce* any newsiiaper in the country to Insist upon il.. "one side nt the paper" idea j-Kn.

long. 'Ul 111


ight inches, and waa then silking o

ItriU.tNn.-Mr. K. A. NsSOn, who had In- dwelling bouse destroyed by lire some tlmu since !'■'- ■ i-ete.i ii Mil, Unti.il tno-.-lory house mi Ihe old *lle.

BAH BaXI—«'ii.- --.- h--- baseball club, i r i.i-oigeiown, ami Un- I'nkoowti of South liruvc. land, played a mulch Kami-on Saturday last, re- sulting iu a score of :ei bv the ['nkiiown* t»:il bv Iho Nameless. I'mpiie, llakci Hull, of i;eoruv- biwu; time,.' I.',, seorers, .1. II. IViggin. ait.lt'. I., ll'.l. ...inn-lei.

I. t). O. F.—The following named Fast tiranda have lH-en ele.le,| Itepiesenunives lo Iho l.rnud Lodge, which meets at (hid Fellows' Hall, llos ton, Thursday, August iltb. 1'. H. Ftekerlng, W. II. Harrlim.il. I". K. M-mli 1. I'. Stb-kney. .1 ti. Scales, J. K. Ilailev, II. I.. Perkins, V.. H. Daniels, i*. il. Carlalou and M. ii. Cnsute.

BLoranaWT.-H appears that one James fi. Col burn has lieen n. ,„" with widow John Nile*, and Tuesday. Hie il-t In-t., they hrusheil the dust of thN burn from Ihelr reel, and depart ed for part* unknown, rbe bikimc the 7..'Si * "

" I. lie I Iraln, nnd he following at 111.*), lie leaves spPi-tahlc fniilile, eouniriting * children, wtio feel keenly I .1 ilin


fiATl-litiAV.-Onlv four drunks Ibis mornlni. Michael Kronen. John Mellrido and Tlinma* liar- rihnn.eaeh lined #1 and costs. Ilrldget IhiiHlv, the worst one, whom lilxle says 1ms been drunk every day for ten year-, nnd oflleer SulUvaat re.

■— • l» have been. Irnnk more than one thou. nes, was let off.

>AJ.- Kight touftii looking cu-tomeir, .. ■ Ibeiiinien, were in 1|„. dock thi rn

Itlg. Tho judge was good-natured and Ihe nffrn. ITS, consequently, got off easy. 1IH.H**.- ftnlnrt Anii-lrong, fl and cost-;

Tliiniiaa Welch, nominal line and emits: It ride. I Mullen, an old women ,,i'iui ,,r Tu years of ajre. SI Without cost; Fuller ninal llne'nn.l roslT.

-.MauH nml BmUtrg. Jatftas Imily. charged ith assaulting a policeman was given tin and ists, or (Ul dav-s: Tlmoihi- !>..«•.■

.lame* M.L.

iliii'il 1| nu< half the;


... The former was half ihu costs, the latter *.*> an.l


John hliannabn.i, complained ofliy hl* wlft, was eharWe.l with iH'ing idle ami disor- derly, but that same wife which caused ihe arrest and who bad been often ernelli aa.aulte.1 hy him, Kol him off by representations to tilt! court Id- was sentenced to thirty days, but the mittimus was stayed. An eld,-iI. hi.lv | IS".*]for a pair of kid gloves, stole In.in somp-on A Oswald'* dry good* store. If ahe had lain shrewd she eould (cue piiiebunl Die same gloves for |1.M, tieo. Kvans, drunk, paid the cost* of llie prosecution,

Vlic A qtlover Atlvertipei1

Kltin.VV MORNING, JULY 31, 1874.

The out iloor band concert* arc littmeting in- rrcascil Interest. Next Monday evening they urcJctit tin entirely new [irogrammc

Jamca It. Murray hut huili it nice [>iai/a and porch to hi* boo*" '"> Main MW (iriJ w,u I"11

in new windows. Hewn Col; ft Hardy .lu the

Tbu Congregiirtimul Society st Ttmksliurj Ccntro, bad a very nleasctit plenw In Haggettt IMn.I (trove on I hurmliiy. There were between three mill four hundred persons present.

Mr. C. II. Seymour of the last class in Hie Seminary, preacbed at the We* Church hut Sunday, and Rev. Mr. Clark of Wertern Vir- ginia at the South Church In the nftenwon.

One of our clttien* will have a crop of * Imn- drrd and lll'iy liushel* ol peacbes thli Thl- i* i|uile remarkiilile as the ]• this vlcindy lowlwen -.failure f.

The writer

ii ■

1 in

■evcrul year*,

-d to Samuel II.Boutwell,

|., rcpreMtitati.ve in the last Legislature iroin Ibis district, for the fifth annual report of lhe Bureau of Statistic* of Labor. It in u docu- ment of 381 pagti and contains :i targe amount

of valuable Information,

The funeral icrricci of the venerable Mrs, Sarah A. Holt, widow of the late David Holt were held at the South Church on luenday afternoon. The large attendance on the oeca- hlon Indicated the very general respect enter- tained fur ibi* aged lady In the community where the hag no long raided.

Wo have received from Rev. J. P. Laue a neatly executed pamphlet containing the mln ulei of the laid mceliiitf of General Conference of Rhode Island, with * tabular view of church memberi since 1846, Mr. Lane is the Secretary of the Conference, and always gel,. m> his re- port* In the very best ityle, and bll swindles are prepared with great ease.

Several of our enterprising cltlieni are mov- Ing In the matter of a 1'ublle Park to lie bound' ed by Pum-hard avenue, Park street, and land of Joseph Richardson and the town. The terri- tory embracing about sixteen acres of land and seems admirably adapted to the purpose. paper has been started Tor the ebjktet, and liberal sum* have been sul>scri'»ed by several Individuals, hut for Its accomplishment a gene- ral interest must lie awakened, and take tangi-

ble shape in generous subscriptions.

Rev. Janice Thomson for five year* past rector of Christ's Church in this town has terminated his labors with nil people on account of 111 health. The venerable Btv. Dr. E.lson of Lowell, now In hi* eighty first year, officiated

loi| Sabbath, exhibiting all the leal and ear- nestness of his curlier days. The health of Mr. Thomson had been filling Tor a considerable time until he became too feeble to perlorm his mlalsteral duties. He labored with indefatig- able industry and pious duvotton for the good of his parish, extending kindly sympathise to the poor, condoled with the sick and adminis- tered consolation to the "oereaved. Wo under- stand he has already been Invited to a new Held ol Islior, but It Is hoped he may for a time, ut least, enjoy needed rest and recuperate hi*

enfeebled energy.

The laws ami resolves of the lait Legislature have been received by the selectmen, and can l>c obtained of Thomas Smith at the town liousc. The real estate of Tristum I), liailcy In the West Parish has been sold at auction as follows: :\i acres orient! with buil.lliij-.* to John J.

Sweeny ami Prancln Cosally, tor ft/us 2.1 acres lo Kdwnr.l II. Honlvreil, fur 1,300 Standing Krai's lo sundry person, fur SOU

il with white binpfums relieved by green. Hi'v. Itr. KhtKB fii'i" '"'l !nn» thcru wools, "Ho ail), ami know tliat I am God," IVslm IS: lu. li ?a»a)u-Ianii sffi-i-lninate tni.i.n- frura Ihe friend .m.i jailor ot the dcces.ed. He ,]■<■>■- °( tlu- rirhnrss and warmth <>l her nature, the vitality c,

Uliirr.ni "

Cliritlinii I'allh and" religious aspiration*. She had ever made li.-r»elf undid and hi-lovi-d l,y inini.-terlni; t.i others, fln>l to Ihn.-e whom Uod had placed ncare.t, and ii"M l" tbe. poor uml sh-k "-■ IIICMIIUIC; hrr iiaiin' would 1"' cu-r a-MHliiU-il

li words nii'l iti-i-ils ol kiiulm-** Unit have ito It precious. The oar-lor then spoke Of her r for the Savioui, li'T love for the dunch anil

Sunday School, lie ullii.lcd lo her early religion* experience, snd when at (hi- last ho spoke so ten- ■■■■'-- und toinliin^lj "i hrr In-t hour-, there were

■w dry eye-in the hou*e- bhe iltcd a* she liiul lived, belle, IIIK ami lull of trun and love lo the end. she submitted lu-i-el! i aludy ami meek ly lo the wire and pevii"'t Will, which "weakened tier Klreiuth In tile way ur.il shorlsneil her day.-." Il'si Winds ol fate«ell to lliose al liuiue fliuived 10 all H here her I it . .111 liJ v thought* wire con-

'UlraU.il. It was a eulojiy due Ui u eliaruc. 1 wortliy, a hearl no warm and true, a friend

... I i.ililul, no.I ;i lite ■ ■ . M-,,i|,l.iM Jin.I < iMi-n.iii At the clone of Rav. Mr. KlagK'a address, Itev. It. V. Hamilton of Itu.ton, her former pastor who was prvL-nt, added a lew word* of JoinP.lence

1 ouiloll. Would that I could glfea Ultin^ ilemnly inlere-llng. I

allude 10 the innsle which was In keep- lux with Uu? other cxcrcUes, and which was in Hit? following order: nrjinn J>it-lsi.l,-, .l.nhti 1 , Autlteu), "Heavenly rent," after prayer, response, "Asleep hi Jems," I'level's llvnin, "lly Uod, ui> father," an.l lit (lit: cloie Hie M-IC. lion, "Sleep thy

llmle Uendclrsoliii's I'lim-ral March. Miss Munis, whose voice l» always ex-

was never more sympathetic Ulan on j-ion. stie mnx with a Icnilerness tlint

was truly tuurhintr, and the voice ol Mrs. I'ulsl- lerwas hearil «■in,.ilnio-t. iL,o:iHciHleniess. Itnth Mr. W. [.. VVanl.-ii ami Mr. A. II. Ilcs.l s.oor with

11 feeling of genuine sympathy in the aervleu of the day.

Iliin ..,-,-:

AnnaU of North Andover. The lU?v. TbomiiH Barnard, the third minister

of ibis parish, «» I iiici.tioii.-d in my last letter, •lied Oct. I3lh. 1TM, and on Hec. IWIi ot Ibe sanit? year, tbu parish united in callioK his son. the Hu\. John Bamartl to be hi. .ueoessor. llev. John llamarii, tb« fourth minhu-r ol North Aii.lovcr, was born In tills town, February i.t 1, lotio, eight Tears after his father's tetOammit here. At fir. teen vears of a«e ho cuterr'l Harvard College, arailnatinglnlheclassol 17«U HurlnK the last Few years of his lallier's mini-try Here. Mr. Uur- nard was a teacher In tlio sehoidi-, ami lor a brief iieliod uuxht Hie Sortli l.r.ioiinni school of llos- tou. When Mr. Barnard entered Upon his pan- loralofllco he wastweiitv-nine year-of age. Ills ordination oe-iurrftlApnlClim, when the lev. Thomas Syl » of Boxfonl p:' achetl the ordlna- lioiihurmoil. The Itcc Mr. tapeii ol Topillel.l nave die olmrno lo tin! pastor, and Uuv. ilr. Slevensof t-liailfft-m-n navel llm right hand <>f fellowship. Itev. Mr. Phillips of ihe "Old South." Andover, a-l-le.l In prayer, as did nl« Bar. Mr. Ilogers. The salary given Mr. Barnard was ill*) n year, and the use of the par-minge lands. The-t? lands were early appropriated lor [houiiimil ..I Hie mi-ii-.tr> . the 1 l"v lla-l tlie Income or them, as Hie salary received 1 > the uari»h was small. Tlio oeulemeitt Of a n,mister

_vas ronsldereil tor lite, an rtn Mr. Barnard was paid lt.*n-rfl tl,.„,vT

i these early dare ml Hie salary v

greaJ jalhcr, was considered a stipe

,;,'„■ ..rh.,[■,,-. ||;.. reliKioiinoioi1i.,nsweret'aivin- Utieaml were tiuite a- stllfand uneoniprnmt-lng as those of the senior Barnard. Mr. Barnard lived In much intimacy and friendship will; Hev. Samuel Phillips. Hit? Ursl minister of Andover. and they inntii ill v contributed to the good order and harmony ol the town. Many pleasant anec- dote* ol tuce two men were repented Tor years. OiiriiiK ilieh mlnifliy a monthly lecture was preflche.1 allernaUdy In each parish and wa* con- tinued until Mr. Barnard's drain. During the early years of his ministry heie, Mr. Barnard Krepared nuuiv young men lor college. The in-

rest wMr.h he look lu young people procured their love and eonBdence. He was a man of sound understanding, tM wa* full of generous Impulse* which won him hosts ol Ilia dearest fi lends, hi* nature wa* lender and gentle, almost won.nulv. Itev. Htamurl Phillips, tin

OUR DEMOCRATIC ^HAPPY FAMILY I!' A Lively Droeze at city noil,

1 vriiAi>mn\.iiiv KKi-oBT.

Have We a" Judas" Among Us? quite generally known, the DaowCrecv i»t Uutid the prize they secured In our

last city election, altogether a pleasant thing -ol; the disgraceful appointment* mid

eouHViueiit shameful mismnuagciutni of public affairs, have long i!nce thoroughly disgusted the bettCI portion of their own party, while the lafccrlnga and Jealoaalei growing out of the

division of the offlcra, has culminated In a Wt- quarrel mi I open war between 'he factions.

From the outset there has been considerable feeling between ibe wing who control ibe coin-

council, and uuother faction, ol which John L. Hntcbtnaon , •Supciintendcut of

the Cemetery, I* chief; Mr. II. I* one of the old-faahionud. double-dyed, never-«lvc-up sort ofDeniocratai he was nn aiplrant for the street

tnisslonershlp, tint not being in favor with Young America, who are just now mining the party machine, lie failed of an elcrllon, and the Incompetent noodle who muddle* the affilrs of that department was chosen. The Alder- men, however, re-elected Mr. llntthlnson P11- perlnteadanl of Cemetery, and tlio breach tttna made has been daily growing witter. I.nst week ihe common council naiaed an order, re-iulring Mr. Hnlchimon to make tome report to that body; the ordinance ruako* it hi* duly to re- port only to the Aldermen, and Mr. Hntehinson made bi* opinion of the council plainly evident in Ihe following report, which, we are eontideul, has no parallel In Ihe crucial literature of mil city.

President Dotan declined presenting the doc- ument on the ground that It was grossly insult- ing to Ihe Council, but its reading waa tilled for and followed by a TtjgOTOM denunciation ot the author; one member averred that a man who would write such a report "would be guilty of robbing tlio diaii," and tliero general declaration of war lo (he knife. The report was referred 10 n committee to devise mean*, lo remove the looscdongucd and free opfninneil ofttccr from his place, and the conun- drum now la, will the aldermen stand by their appointed and let ll.c Council swallow the'in- ■nll.

Ls.wiiK.NCKt July an, ISTI. To (he tsVaaawm CMnaoil"/ the 0U$ "f Lament

1 have been Iustruelcii by the Clerk of the Com- Council to report to your honorable b-npj

uiiiv.iicd iiiiu.i. Bometimes it l»rather ntauces arose whicb mmlo him feel that V( loo highly colored. Wo bear the Uu ami croek ol her cxuluialtunu of both .scene's were nil- x~ rlu 1 'i leal Broworks al times; bui oftener still hi* ■ true.

irdaare a gracful ajanneut for hi« tlongtn. I Tllton ni-xt tiwllfied lo tbcletter writUu I e thought may not IN always ordinal but n is by iits wife to Beceherllt reforenoe to re-

always wboleaonm and Rood. Writing M.l.jc


In the

: of books for boys he snv> 1 by whal he rentls. The food ol

houM be clean and sweet with slm triilh. truth of facl.lrutli of principle, feeling." There is often n subtle be* language and n rare choice ol words -ay on Ladyhood he says: •• The lhren.1- where- IUi Is woven the ex<|Ulalta veil <>f ladybood—a

rell prottviive.wbich is a tran.ipiueiil bcoiititler— •lvei IIP wronpiit ol cl-.-n t material. .,■ Onenen preceding from their 1 llnir strength from their purity." 1 of Ihe bonk 1- taken up with the

In-ha- woikcil. Home of tlu-.-e seem I old friend*, ami many are hardly worth inch em- balming; Others again are Ibe fruit of personal

perieuec ami observation, often utrlklogiy appropriate pbrasi



UN. i-l-a fliuckfroi thet iiilutn s like

Tbu book Will r he lover* ofc,-av

t EvAKa," a aortal from the peu of Ker 1 taker, that attracted no little attention

its publication In the Atlantic Monthly

rattle l'n-s*. II. O. Iloujrhton * Co., Comlnidge. The author, who was pastor of a

ijleriaii clinrch in Austin, Texas, duriiig the ind which by his personal influeaoe he kept ervingly on the side of the Union, won no

tuile lame by the story In Uarper*a Weekly ewtv ll.il "li»i,le; n chronicle of Sewwiou," a vlgo- orous, powerful narrative in which hard blows were ^iveii MUM of 111.' I ades in the relielllon. "HoseHmoa''la al-->a --miliern story, ami af- fords inn.lditioul,. t i.nrrative proper, many side gUrouau* in*:.;.-m il la the great I'mdllet. As n novel It la ol grcnter merit llian anyorUie au- worsearlier production.-,though thereIsa rug gOiUUMOf portrayal thai utmost exeeeils ihe de- mnn.ls of the story. Tlio |>rlnnl|»1 character ls oortalnly a Irosb prvsentatlon In a Imgeov. soil or n llerenle-, with strength of chnrat-ler equnl ui Dial of muscle, tint wholly unlettered and uiilauBbt. Mccling a vi-ioii..f y.mltilul love llnoas to whom his hear! heroines Mi.Mcnly given,

o[ hi- own weakness I11 igiu iloachicv t.in


I Orst minis- ter of Andover, (South I'arlslOm a sermon preach, ed In 17:l'J says. "As for the present worthy pas- tor of Ih? lloek of Christ In the North l'arl-h. at though be tie not 1

lay do s. pass through It without contempt; yet 1 cannot forbear saying that lie I* 10 well known and ap- proved that he stands in no need at nil of a word of recommendation from any man whatever. Mr. 1'liHliii* add*, "If I may be allowed to speak the truth. 1 shall go on to aay, that I »elf not much less happy In this hi.. ._. minister* beroredod and to hi* people, not only in his father'* place, but also makes good, so far I suppose a* any man can, bis father'* ground, li -r

Total,- tl.BUS Millard I'ike Riq., of thjl town planted a Held

or corn on the 87th ol Hay, and on Ibe 87th of July ii stood five feet high, and If Ihe lei were straightened up would measure six 1 This beat* the Georgetown case referred to In last week* AMKUICSM, and If any one can beat tills let him make it known.

There was a very social and pleasant hop at ! the Mansion House, on Tuesday evening the \24th instant, at which all the Summer residents

were present. The danrlng toot place In the spacious dining room ot the house, and the

.arewai furnished Iqr Boothnian'i celebrated quadrille band of Lawrence. Owing to some luisumlerstam'ingtbo Gymnasium of the Acad- emy was not to lie had as was first expected, owing to the Indisposition of the worthy Dencon who thought It would lie defeating the object* of the pious founders of the institution. Every- thing went off very very pleasantly under Ihe management of Mr. Jumes A. Nichols of Bos- ton. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Frandi Curtis, Mr. and Mrs. RoUnton, Mr. nnd Mrs. Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Trait, Mr. and Mr*. Ueorge Culter, Mr. and Mrs. Flint an.l daughter, alt of Boston; Mrs. Anderson and daughter, ot New York; Mr.and Mrs. James Adams, of Brooklyn; and Mr. and Mrs. Ocorgo Taylor, of Andover. Mr. Flint is secretary of the Board of Agriculture at tin tttato Bouse, and danced for tbe first time In twenty years. The H|aaai Snow of Bi Mis* Minnie Harris of Boston Highlands, the Misses Anderson of New York, and Mrs. Fred CurtiiofCharlestown were handsomely attired, and there were many other elegant costumes which lime and space make it imposhihle to mention. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter, the worthy host and hostess, v-ere very hospitable. The supper was furnished by Nlrhol* and Hut- chins of Lowell.

usLTesteemVnysei'f hapiiy In iiini for we hare ,n for now more than twenty years past, labor ing in this town (though not properly ns col. leagues, yet) as good neif hbors and cordial breth- ren' which, lei others think a* meanly or as thev please, yet we look upon if a* an article es- sential to the comfort and happiness of our live*; and I would rai'mrmake men thin of th » tiling because I would from hence take occasion both thankfully to acknowledge the iinilte* of lleav in that harmony and brotherly lovo whicb have hitherto subshclcd between 11*. an.l to bewail It, that there is too much reason to think that there 'snot so good understanding between ministers f some towns a« might be wished for. ft III the

Uod of love nnd peace ne pleased to grant that this hnppy union, which I* so much our strength and liennty. may lie preserved and established to our comfort and the people's edification. And may all such who are the people's lu* true turn, ami especially who are pastor* fn the «an o town, frequently visit each other, and be perfectly Join. ed together In the same mind, and in the same Judgment, a» It becomes U such, who not only- serve the same master, bat even slvle themselves the bridegroom's friend* and ambossndors for Christ" Bev- John Barnard-*ministry embraced

quarters of a century, during which lime the peo- ple enjoyed a season of peace beyond what b common. During Mr. Barnard's pastorate, BW people Joined the church, and there were 1300 baptisms. Abbott say*: "In 17i7, the year ot the groat csrthuuake, 71, a larger number than usual, .i.alargcr

Idcil to the church, and «7 In the year fo|. In 17*1, Id united with the church.

great earlhipiake,


receipt" nnd expense*'of the City Cemetery the year ls7:i. I will nice the receipts and ex- ises by presenting the record kept by Mr.

_r,ms* Joyce, niv oiucmiing clerk. I think it would be well for you Hi swear Sir. Joyce by the Catholic lorm ol the oath if you want to get at. all Ihe facts In the case. V r 1 tried to awenrhim about tlx months since with the \ nnkeo form of the oath, and to my surprise, Tom would not

.obit. Mr.-l.ivcc will give you in Ids re- inkalllhcb minion minimi or mo In

Article 1, as n't forth by the Impeachment com-

' Article No. 2, requites the Superintendent of the Cemetery lo report to the Common Council the number ot lol* sold as per order passed Common Council, Mny II, l*7t. 1 do not know what that order wa*. Hut II i* very immaterial to inc. I cannot give you tin- dcircd niioiinatinn reiiulrod of me by your hunorable board. 1 shall therelore refer you lo the t iiv Kughicei for the dealre.1 in- formalion. But lr it should take tlio city engineer and his assistant as long a time lo aurvey the ground, which is to be nurieycd. and report your honorable board Ihe number or lots tilisol as it ha* taken him and hi. hs.lstnnts W put. thoiilatioflheccmelry the nuiulier ol lots which 1 laid out last scn-on, your honorable board would not get the rconire.l inloi inatlon of inc until after youi term of office ejpliee; piovcdc, that the political mortality of your hoard 01 council should bo larger than that or tbe ye I87i, which 1 Uilnk Utent was two that surviv (he contest, and of those one. was a Judas, and Ibe other could say " yes." But II Ihe people pari good Judgment there will not be a member or tin Common Council present lu hear Ibe report or the City Engineer. To tbe adopledchi/eu:. of the common council.yoe being n majority til the common council, I ap|ieal for mercy; but gentlemen, cn-nicr, before you pass Judgment on Ibe (irart .|Ucstlon, which ha* Uecn agitating the people, of tins city alnco Mnr 14, 1874, that you avu in the solemn graveyard, and, gentlemen of the Common Council, you are alMiuttopas* your good Judgment In a NjuUer wbich no roniiuoii cuiiiicil lia» ever piwseil on, or ever has been called to pass upon, alneu the foundation of our great republic. .....

Pause lor one moment; you are trying Ihe high- est official having charge, of die city ol the illus- trious dead, l'crhnii* snmn ot your Illustrious iHHliesmay belaid low in Hie grave, an.l some distinguished member ol ihis council max be called to report to the Soi.eiinleii.lent ot the ce. tWryUie particulars i-c.iuii-Hl bylaw.

Ccnllemtu ol the Common Council, till* la matter ol record, and I now appeal to your good judgment, and If I am round gullly on article Ni I in ihe name of Uod und humanity, do not roi vict on the second article ,d Ihe 1111 pt aclinic 1 Conimlttcc. Hespeetlully yours,

J. I.. HliTiHlsaiiv, Supl. ol llellevue Cemetery.

N. B. 11 the Common Council have anymore business wilh ihe Siii*rlnUndeul of IbeCt-me- teiy please call at the office during office hour*. Ofltce hour* published In the Lawrence "Sen. lluel."

ihis single idea ho aoeompl wins Ihe oilier of his ambition, portrayal of struggles won the inlcrcsl of hosts of readers in the "At- lantic, will be mre of a new and enlarged circle of admirers in its more permaneut form. Whil- ford & Bice have it-

••ForUURR«iO*Ta,*m1 How to UeaciiThem, Is the lille of a really lUaptUOU* guide boOJ QOtn piled by Col. John ft. Ilaelieldfr, author of the nlnn and palntiim of the Ccllyshnrg bntUelleld- Itisn handsome little volume, containing noin

cheap wood cut) or bore and there a hotel pOClaBv lo Isa pufTed, but a lulu Ire 1 or IOJ re ele- gant illustrnllon*. stime or them genuine little gem-, of attractive scenery nud popular resorti in

of Hie country. Il affords glimpses of tlio wonderful ruggedness of Ibo mountain nnd ooal region of Pennsylvania, Ihe picturesque bounty of ihe likes of New fork, the rooky outlines of Kew Knglanilsen const uml is lands, the grandeur of Hie White Mountains, am other popular resort*, Introducing many fresh ■eases. rWl largely rreuuentert, but temptingly at- tractive. The letter press i* wall presented, breezy and reud:ible-n little mixed in it* arrange. menu now and, llien, about the only fault wt can discover to peek Bt—and is altogether the handsomest gnhlo book for tbe pleasure seeker the season ha* afforded, being abundantly worth the price, »l-.*>, for Its elegntit II lustra lions of natural scenery, and It cannot lail of proving Im- mensely popular. Uuo. A. foxoroft, Jr., general agent, 41 Franklin street, Doelon; fur sale by Wliltfurd A Itlee.

1713, four vears previous to Mr. Itarnard's death, a new church was built, which made the third since this church was organised, lloccnpled the same silo as the old church. It wa* "raised" In June, 17.13. In Octolier i,MM were collected lo pay for It Jan. 1st, ITfll. the pew* were sold for £11111), 1.1*, thl; Hie highest pew £lli K<|, the lowestJU, IS*, til. The price of Isoor for a man In those day* wa* little more than a shilling a day. Mr. Rarnard riled June 1 itt,. 17.", i,7 years ol age. nm the parish voted iJOloward defraying the funeral charge*. Mr. Barnard left two son* both, of whom bMnn**d*llinjnlshcd in the ministry; llev. Thomas llarnanl wa* settled over ibe nrst church Halem, and lli-v. Kdward llarnnrd was settled al llaverhill. The IInh minl-ter of North Anrti wa* llev. William 6ymines, lb I>„ or whom 1 write next week. __^__


*Tho investigating coiniiittteo in the .tcct'lier hCiimluli'dSL*, coiudiiiliii},' Hint in fUraeKstoftH P»ftt»i oooowoed, Tiliou'n croMn-t'Xiiinliiiitloii •bOOU b*glfCn to tbn public ne Will U lil^ HtiiU'iiicnt, tilmeil il ut thu dlapoonJoflhfl ncWM|injH'rH,uii Mon- day. Tin' most Important potuonl of il tiro al follows i

Q,_iiuveymi not fnqm'iiily auertea the parity of your wire?

A.—No. I liavcnlivnys linilu Htrnn^i*, technical QB0 or words. I have always mod word! thatowiTeyodthatlinprc»lop. 1 have tnken pains to say that "lie was a devoted Christian woman; Uml necessari- ly carried tlio Other, li wits like tlio doc- ument lllllt I carried to l»r. Btorrn. 1 do not think lie ciiiiuht tho Idea of that rtate- ment, as he took It I do not think that ho corered tho whole. I bare siiid that Kll/.alit'tli waaatender, delicate, kindly ('hrlstliiii Woman, I think she is.

Q._Rave not yon itated that .-lu?

What struck htm In that Imsi- nous as so damnable in Mr. llecvher was that hi? aftiT coining and eunfettatng In himself ami Moultou his criminal reln- tiims with Mrs. Tllton, then golu^ round the corner to see her, nboald bavoeotTH back in linlf uu hour expreaalng Ids abso- lute heart brokenneaa, whereas he had in his pocket tills retraction from her. It waa ilaminibli' and refarlons, Whcu ht; saw llrerhcrat Mr. Motilloti's house be (TH-.

ui) locked the door and narrated Elisa- beth's confession. It was a long one

ud It would have* been Indelicate to touch it with any mure elaboration than

■ had lure. He did not wish to In- qms- iiuil about It. ii waaa long story, (j The scandal would have died out

long ago, would it not? It has only been kept alive by your writings? A. (have acted like a fool.

Cj. You have quoted the letters of your wife In prove what your homo was in l«U8 and through 1808? A. I quoted them to

IOW what it was previous to herMirrcn- •r to him. Q. You have staled that there were acts

of criminality—first at Mr. Beeebera ami secondly at yourown house. Doyou pre- tend' to have a personal knowledge or those acts? A. Only the knowledge of Mrs. Tlltoifs confession, that Is all. I was absent at the time.

The rest of tbe testimony relates to tin attempt, which failed, lo get Mr. Beecbcr to preside at the AVuodhiill meeting at Slchuvuy Hull, nnd lo Tilton'a OTTO asso- ciation with various women, the names of all being omitted except those known us reformers and women of public reputation, the purpose of the committee being to show that the peace ofTllton's home was destroyed by his own ncls.


Tin- following card (Iron Theodore Tll- ton In publl.-hcd, In reference to omissions from ihe report of his cross examination;

I respectively callrmbllc Htteiillou I< the fact that, though thol'iymoulh cbureli iitnmlttce have this morning published

. ight or ten columns or tlie'invlevant and desiiltoryconvcrflalioti between Mr. iieech- ei's corjucll and myself In the commUtce- room, yet this voluminous report atraiigc- lv omits tho moHL Important part of iny testimony, namely, that the criminality which my sworn statement charged upon the Itev."Henry Ward Heecher and his re llglous victim was eonfcsseil lo me not onlv by herself hut by Mr. Heecher. Fur- thermore, that It was confessed by her and him lo Mr. Moultou as tha friend and counsellor of both; and still further that Mr. Moulton's office, as mediator for four years between Mr. Heecher uml mc, was based on the one sole fact of this pre-exis- ting criminality between Mr. Heecher nnd Mis. Tllton. This statement I made to the committee with my utmost, plainness of speech. I furthermore stated ID tbe committee that Mr. Hcceher's apology to me, instead of growing out ofclrcumtsan- ces With Which Mrs. wuodhull was con- nected, was communicated to mo by Mr. Beeeher nearly six months before 1 ever met, knew or saw Mrs. Woodhull. The omission of these facts from the commit- tee's report forces mc to lay them before the public as a necessary part of my case.

TiiKoiiom: TII.TON. No, 174 Livingston street, Hrooklyn."

Monday, July L'7, 1874. -» —* » A teacher, wishing to Improve the oc-

casion, said to the boys, nl llic conclusion ofa strawberry festival, "Have you en- joyed these berries to-dayt" "Yes, sir," "Yes, sir," came up from all sides, wllli unmistakable heartiness. "Well, child ren, If you had seen these berried grow- ing in my garden, nnd had slipped In through the gate, without my leave, and picked them from the vims, would they have lasted as good as now?" "No, sir," was the prompt reply. "Why not?" "Be cause," said a wide-awake buy, "then w slioultin'i had sugar and cream with 'em.

SANGUINARIDM, The Great Indian Remedy,


iltiniiti ti.il ludlan Hi

79 Green Streot,

for sale by nil drugfists sv

rb riii i.<■:>•,


Sanijui n a vin in FOR COLDS.

Snuguinavl it m FOR C0UQHS.

S a n K ii i it ;t i' i ii in FOR ASTHMA.

Siiiigu i it :i r i ii in FOR BRONQHITIS.1

Hangui it ;t ri ii in FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY.

Banguiu ar i u m FOR BLOOD and SKIN DISEASES.

I si: MT

S a ii p: ti i ii a i* i u m.


" I »v -'li-!.I I 11 'llil III 111)' tlio nwtss

A'-ll'.l ;...-.| II ill to nappy tn MI ago. l baa I'l i' c.ubl, il acltl

Dually doctor; b new wtirso anil (-hsiigcil

• 8ANU1MN' Bill

I nn.l (.am: n *e- [n. I ^ctil fur my I'll- ("III- urrl- ; I pclnri— atlll irrvw After CDUHulUitinn

wbli'nwn* hartl S* I thought, ami to leave lisuiiy family. Oh! what JkoUKl 1 do, No i

rromnn with n t'liri-llan tn-itt rotibl tell bow 1 felt. 1 ihcn sent for Dr. Liverpool. H-iil tobl HID he coultl cure mc. 1 illil not want U ilnubt him. Ituln bl(>s*itiK lie on the 8ANUII1V A HI I'M, sn that was ttn> Ilml nisillclno li© asvc inc. Allrrubtiiit out- » i'ck hi' jjavr uu? Boini'lliinn el*C lly this lltilo I twiinmu on*ler, myn wu* easier, nfi.l I rc-Uil belter, Its- uiglil i,* had ittoppod and I » * ■ nble In takn u hi lb- i iKhincnl. I wait reduced trtun -W IHIIIIIII* ._ . ini'i-i' *kclclO!i. Hut lliitiik- to Ilr. J. Lit crj I uml tlicSANtil IKAItll-M 1 yet live nnd weiab 'iiApHiiiuUiinilnin at my bu-tlncn* every day, and have nut bad u slclt day slnoe, While Ulslnti with Dr. Liverpool Innt r'rlilay he told me of bH inlsntion to jiltti'e thl* hstnit medicine U'fore the nubile, M> they could irel ltut every druic ulure. Huir jirouil I felt In know thai now every |i«or i'.iii. mLiiiiife ci'iil'l retn-li till- iii'li-|i/ii-ilili- iii.-.l nine called S AN.lt'lN A KHM. If \ live ; CoblorCoiiKh, AKllmci. Ilr.ni, hilin or Con-nine. Uon, try ihiiMANilUINAUH'H. l>r. Llverj«K'

Xn he will warrant every bottle hold to give »al ellon, and 1 nsnun1 you be i* n Kcuth'intin a

well n* a iihynielnu, and will tin nil be snys. I iiuw ieii,:iiu inur mii.-t ubnllent 111■':1111IiK.

fiicnd, JA». A. 0. DAY, 7S Brighton street,

Thlslslo eettiry Hint Dr. J. Mrerpoo] Ireatsd my Wire for Br 'tiitii- ntler nirn.linit over #5u0 in viiln, nml he cured her in two n Hut UHIP. Also IriMtml mo for Catarrh, whieh he cured In one

lb. In each of id.--.- ,-.i -r- Dr. Llveriio<i) IheSAMil'INAItlfSI. Your* rc-|>- .ifullv,

. KINKADK, car. Mcrrhuick and Tmvcr*

Every bottle U warrnnto.1. Sold bjr all driiK- gl»t». I'rlce * 1 ..'MI per botlle; oml If bo fall* to gel It go to n live lir»t-cliiai> ilruggi*l thai will.

"' .J. Llveniool a Co., 1* ro| trie lore, and tlen'l Hit, TH Green streot, ltoston, Mass.




IoWrial and Art Eihiloa, under the mniingeiucnt ofthn


Percale Cambrics,

Yard Wide and Exlra Fine,


'holer Stjle*, uuit V«r> drilrablf 1...01U

furlVrniiprr* mil l'alttn>Ura.


LLAMA CLOTHS, All Reduced In Price to Clots


JAPANESE STRIPES (,, , I.... . SOrts.

I.AOE POINTS nnd RAOQUaWt All lt..lu..<l.



Wc aff.tr IpSSlsl bSffSiW In nil our thin KOOill


We have opened the Largest and

Best Lighted Carpet Hall in the

City, and have a Complete As'

sortment of





Curiums, etc.




BOLTON 1 it,,' BIOOBT nil awieaoa luibiir.

■r iil'i'iiniii.i, i', 1.1111 ., j „ 1,1 \

(.,1 li |-J, .,,,,1)1 -j.i rla.

Three Cases of Fruit of Cotton, Yard Wide, for 12 1-2, worth 17 c.

(■very la.iy should eaaotliM las eisxaas.)

French Muslin Polonaise for 01.50, worth S5.00.

Ono Caaa of Black Alnacas

at 25, worth 37 1-2.

60 Pieces Japanese Stripes

atr-H-2, worth 25 eti.

Ono Hundred Linon Suits at

12.50, worth »5.0O.

Tbe reiniiliiilcr ol our ^)>IIIIK n

'f e " in,, rnari 1 mil .ill "Hi ■ In

.ri-nl b«rx> BI ..flVr.-.l III lln.it, 1,1 <

Bevp ts ... IMS. I.tniiilii rrani lo

Mrs ,1

Some Individuals would like t<» induce Veston and other walklata to walk or rut ■;aliist a bu/.z saw.

Cosmos CiHNCIl--Thn only absentee! wrrp Onunc.ilmen Kclbj, Si-oil HII<1 Mlioonlnnii. The

iiuri'ha*e of dale'* Mill ws* rtcmii- the rnmuiiltic, nil m-rnniil nl iiilorm-

alitlas in prtf.-:-titir,K (1.: ..am: VII "tber |.n|:: r* - upiier bo;ml wire aclcit uoon In con.

, Tlio iirtler to pay Mniibew l>«ylc •MOOadditional land damsges wss taken Iriim tbe ublttsnil poi

hiili « „.. IxtrSordinary report (sse lo tlio '"Mi in- -ii council, 1 mmmlli'C for action. An unim -iniiiin«ilie Cily Marshal IIH-SP awniiig-anil flanp. sinl wlu-n I niili ,-ily oril ina ne c, In have llic proT'cr hclfliL AilJourni?d for 11:

pure! -No.

St she

As ivaa Lusanra IKTEHEBTS m MAI.MI.


\irrftpaiulrnce of tht rfSafHMa. Hit. KliiTOB: Wo hnvc Jusl rcturneil finin a

rip to Ibe dilate nl Maine, nl which wo slmubi be togivoyunn mlimU? actuunt. Hume ile-

ion nf the burring fishery, in whf ... nucli 1111 1 - ' *

■i-u i.,! ,1-is-, ci'iii .Mil navigate a ship nun nil llmcuiiHUif III* null ilanss foa-s of ihe flay Ot time lie know* bow lo proviila for Iho pleasure .mil I'liiiifiirt nfliin Btinel*.

During the Irip we InciilcnUlly fell in with oni of your ft'llnw tiiivii-iiii'ii, .liilin II. Jenkin*. KMJ. whom we Mun.l to be cxtcnslvuly iingsKcil in tin lumber b(i*ine«n, ani by whose vurlesy wegulr;oii

1 of I

On Wedfteadar, ,n !'"■ I' 1 Uook ron 1 -», (about one hunt

i-iivi'i'ii Anilovcr s aeoaon ticket between Andover ami llnston ami some of the owner* nildrcns csnln. The Under will bo *uit*bly rewarded bv leaving it wllli iho AndorerPostMssleror nl Kelley's Drugstore, Lawrence. —.

Andover, July IMHh, ISM. gflt

F08EPH ABBOTT HAS STEREOS- COPIC VIEWS of public building* In Ando

>r, and s KOOII si«ortmenl of oilier view*. Also *res*s»ope*,Clin.11)11.4, Piilure-, r'rsmcs, Brack a, CnrUln*. Fixtures, Csrtl*. elc. Andover, June 10 ltTTI- *•*


James M. Cralitroc, general umlcrti'tpr, I Strci't, Andover, rcubleiire Kiinch Abbntl's, nor ol Klin nnd Smunirr street*,

Andover, Juno W, lB7i^ W_

IT'OK SALE. A nuw mllcli cow with 1 calf. Address,

T.O, WAKOWEU.. North Andover, Ms** julyluSlDn-

luipHyoii are slresily appriHCil ol tlio fact tb.it mnni'timcduring tin- li-t .wur Mr. Jenkin* mid Mo«e«T. Slovcm-, KHI|., nl North Andover, uur- uliimcd a *aw-inlll and an exteuslve I act nf

« M.ni-t lu II"- MHIIIII 1 l.'iK |.(iit nl VV u-hing- '.H'uleil la "

0°' a supply of llty, which

Inn Cuunly. Tho mill I* liwuled in tho town id Tre*c.ott,altheli.Mll..| iiiivigiiiii.nimtlieWliitlnjr riviT, whii'h i-uiptii'4 into Lnb.Tnnkllay,u branch nl tho l'HB*ania<|UiMldy.

Conllguoll* In thl- tide null, Mr. .lonkiilB has erected n steam mill, uml In the nld "I these two he U now uiumiliictii'lng limn illb-on to twenty tliiiUHimd Inllis dally; ssid lothiualrnidyemploy- ed be 1* nbniit tn mid uittchincry lor sawing uhlngles, lor whii-h he ha* largo i|uantllie* of liui- bar piirtiiulurly mlaiiled.

The land, cemprblng a trait of sb.iul four thou- sand acre* covered with a thick growth ur spruce, umlnr. hemlock, beech, birch, haibmntimk, elc.,

not town of 1 i . ■ -1. ... .'biting, and it* bram-h the

l.itllu Fall* rlvirrr, « birb Hn 111 tin- cai-tern bound- ary lino. (Thl* immense fore*!, llm* fur, ha* e-ciiiH?d the ravage of that element FIKK, which has been so dentrmtivn in much of HIE limber In Maine). Tho logsarc rail and hauled lo the river* 111 umi.-r uml .Inn 11 ilmvn to the mills In spring, the labor ol' which gives employment bi about seventy men, who camp ami spond tho winter in tho wood*. *

Mr. Jenkins, lM'siile*fuiWl«hlng the.hlplmdiler* of l.uliec, UobiiiBlnii, i-.-mlir.ikf, elf. with large iiiiiinllllei. of liimlM-r lor lliolr use, Is constanlly shipplng t« N'ew Vurk, I lor tun mid ebewliere, for whlcli his fui-llilies surpass any other that wo 1 b- .'iiv.-reil, In the tail Hint tin: Inuilitir Is rolled dii'i'itly oiilnrilii'mill In Ho' 1lisla11c.fi of about sixty feet, then dropped about ten rott to the wlinrr In-low, whore vessel* nh0*0 capacity I* tvn hundred and Iwctilv-ll e llmu-iind fi*t or I miliri iiiay lie and load with peril


tin: MirCriiiK.ttiiii-'.il llciinvi'viiii? ou tlir I Icon y' river, and sum surprised ul lliu utannor of pro- dining nmldispiiMiitf "t himbrr; but at none wan tnu work carried im-wlth greater SAM than al the mill* of Jenkin* 4 Stevens.

YVV m-li fur Hi.' t«o gentli'iuen Hint suceci* the IUIIIIMT Iradii wliiiii their will-known energy and ssgarlty In business ttcspenk.

llAVKkiilU. C. Il



Perierilisl Sbm or at my

Andover, Sept. 11874. JOHN CHAltDLEE.

l?Ok SALE CHEAP. I wagon built by Siiiiiucl i..niiri',i>i wiRna is* b.en run a little nvor a year. [ Light Bosch ragon biillt-bT A. I.aihrope A Co,, sis year* E. AIHO 1 Light Buioty harne** made by J.

well. Kiuiuiro of W. 11. Bvurtt, West Audovor. Julysiuimf


1'ASHAiiESFROMTIIK Lift M" GMJtUtS KHIQUT, Etses A Ijturlat, Boston, UtM, Whitford A HIco, Liu-. H-ii' ■■- Charles Knlgut I* a well-known name lnEngli-h

literature. Who has not read the deliglitful ■■ Half Hniirs/'lhat collection of literary gc.us.a mlDlsturelibrnry; his ■'Pictorial Shak»sp«SW,M

and" Popular History of England," BUd immy book* edited and published by hist, and well known on both side* of the water! Ill* life was a long and trultful one; lo the very insl it was an aclivo life. II wo* slim governed by high princb pic*. HUalin wa*nolsclH*h lint generoun. At the vory ouUet of hi* career he formed a desire, ss he tolls 11s, "tomake knowledge a common possession Instead ot an exclusive privilege." This generous Impulse wa* tho lamp, growing ever brighter W the end, that guided him often in deep darkness and gloom. His unc.eaiing effort* failed lo bring him wealth, but they brought a -greater blessing, the con*elou*lies* or hsvlng materially aided Ui dispel Iho Ignoisnco of the common people, snd to Impart b> ihcm something of an education. When Charles Knight begun bis career s cheap, snd, at iho * sine time, Whole-

llterstura for the people was unknown. Tu- ts the ehlof slat ol the publishing world.

Charles Knight more than any other, deserves the credit of this reform.

itildeorthe lnlero»t whhii Knight's own life of earnest nnd generous effort posses*cs.tlieie passages are exceedingly valuable as a vivid pic- ture of England during tho last half eonliiry. Knight came upon the scene when society

IIII.K ELASTIC Beivrs, leather belts and black Ilk f.tns, open in-day nl

Vlt IlYU'iV THtri.I. it: I'n.



■■' i|g hereby given thst II :,, ,.uly 8ppollll.1l .-*<■ 11M1..I Mill Will Of

1.Y1HA l*.liAI.TiiN, luient North Andover, in the county of K»»ex, widow dnrosse.!, le»Ule,sml has taken neon liiins.il Unit li o-t by giving Imnd*. a* the law direct*. All person* having demand* upon the Estate of said deeniad are rei|ulred Ui exhibit Uie same: and all persons lndebb-d to ule estate sre called upon lo make paymont

"HtViSrS* W, O. BKOOKS, ixor. Julyl7l3l


consisting of llwclllng lloiifP Hunt* andUarmi ofexeelknt land under goud cultivation, will shout 76 young apple tree* la bearing condition. The house contain* 11 mum*, well painted snd rralned throughout. Tho o«tab? Is situated on ilitfh street, within ono mile of Post OHce, schools, churches, Public Library, Ilepot, ete. Will sell Horse, Wagons, farm implement* snd hay ir desired. -Terms of paymont liberal. Call on or nddres* ClIAS. A. STKVBN8, at Steven* Hi ■<■• Hunt "id Shoo Store, Main street Andovor.


I?OK 8 ALE OR TO LET. A COTTAGE ' houso In Aubolt Village with an acre 1

iiuarbr of land. The home U nearly now, .-.«•. tain* sla room* snd has a good dry cellar. Con- ditions easy. For further particular* impure of UKO. FOSTER. Andover, July 17,1874. Wt

|'KUH'ISAI_—Col. The ron Johnson has liecn lmssing t Sbort lime at Yealnn's Oeaas House, lliiiupbm BSMb, N. II. Ilr. PronclH I'. Hole and family are making a short sojourn al Portland, Me, Hun. lieorge t.. Havl* mid manly, returned from an exteuileil trip thrmi|h thu While Hill*. l.ii-l wee*.

il\. . l-i rlii-i town, 1 venture to say, there never wan a more iiluiinlntit. rno of buy than this your, snd tlio larger |i«rt of wluil '

Itesi.lcnce and Office at Mr. Nathan Kill*'* Main ■ i 1 i-i-t. oi.ier* may be left si the onlee or al the Elm House. andover, June li, ISTi. If.

In* been gathered in go'"! order. Parties from voor city have this week offered »'» per ten for liny in the neld, nnd old English hay our farmers in;.'' selling st *-> per l»n.

ItBV. II. P. NAMttnTOM of Boston preached a very secoplahlu sermon lo his termer parlshlon- ,1. ui He- 1 Liij.'n-giiii il 1 liiui'b, aunday afb?r- minn. llev. Knfiis Clmiito r'lngg, tho pastor ol thl* church, take* the month <H August for bin vaeatl when bin puli.il will be sup|llodby ller, Franklin Tuxbury, of Brandon, \L

lliimititi. THiin.TF..-Tha Ciingregatioual rhurch wa* iT.iwb'l Siimlay morning, 11 having IM-CII announced the MIIHIIIV pievluu* that the pastor, Itev. Itulu- «'. Flsgs, would preaeh a ser- mon suggested by tho death ut Mis* HaUie K. Uavis, whleh 011 uired nl Florence Italy, May Illlh. Many fmni neigl tmi: churches were present bi testily, if p.iP-ible, llu-ir sympathy with tholioreaved family. On I'm Conimimlon table was a beautiful li.m<|i»-l -i the ili<>lee*l and rarest white flowers, and 011 11 small stand which stood nl Ihe right of the Minister WSJ another bouipiel ,,1 ,-.|M:II puriiy. Tho oncsn was elcgunlly les-


store at his shop on Msinilreei, where be iulondi bi keep for *sle a full assortment of the best r~ tlrle* in his Imc of buslae**, ltepalrlng done short notice. A share of the publle patronage Is vi'-iiri i iiilh solicited.

Andover, May *S, 1HT4. KBKN B. TYLER. msjiOTtf

I?0al BALE CHEAP. One seeond hand Wheeler 4 Wilson, family

Sewing Maehino, In gooilrunningonler. Address P. O. Box 110 Ando*or, June 10 1ST*.

MlssJuileniirnett and MISH Mabel Weiss two Boston girls, rowed n very Interest- ing match sgalnst time at the Isle of Shoala a few <laya ago. The course was from Star Island to Applcriore, distance over a mile, to be done within fifteen mln- utCH. They accomplished the feat In 11 minutes and won the WBRer. The bet was with a gcutlomsn for two gentleman'!* soft hats against one chip Btraw lmly's hut trimmed with flowers.

the ferment produced by the French Revolution. He lived at Windsor when Ucorgo IV. kepi court thee In such slmple.uiipretendlngslyls. Ui gives 11* a glimpse of tlio semantical old king, ex- tinguishing the wax candle* to save ex|ien«e, or riding in shnule«»iale through the street* of Windsor, or talking familiarly with the crowd of courtiers upon the terrace. Tho curlou* custe of that dsy and tho socisl and Intelleotusl con tlonoflhopooplosreslio vlvodly portrayed.

From laSSO gllsWtini of Kngllsh lifo in Ihe li part of thl* century, we turn to look st mnny f Irsit* Of men whose names arc household wor These pen picture* of an eye witness are far more Intereding than nny dry utegra cal rccunl can po**lbly bo. Knlghl moved for nearly llfty year*

Iho best minds of the Kngllsh literary world, snd ninny men, of whom wo would tain know all that can ito known, appear before u* as ho brings up tho scenes ofhl. pn.l life. Most Interesting are the transient glimpse* wo hero obtain of such men as llrougham, Uncnulay, Dc yulneey snd

others. M.u.y curious illustrations appear in these

psgosof tho great stlmnro In material Improve, utonts Which the last hall century has witnessed. very pleasant l* It bi listen w tho narrative of first Impression* which IttOM grOBI Inventions madi to be carried Imrk to tin? lime when they Were unheard of novelties, nnd when their first nounoemeot was received with wonder mingled with Incredulity. Through the eye* of our story teller We look on Lomlos in Iho day* when Heavy coaches rumbled InW Iho city from distant towns

hen tho streets were lighted with dim nil Inm'i* which to hi* childish eye* seemed a blase of Splendor. We see lliu clumsy working or the old lelegrnph before the days of electricity, nnd Ibe DT*I attempt* st embellishing books wilh wood-

outs- it is surely Instructive te look over tin* rotio-

spector s half century. Wo shall team much that will highten our appreciation of presi-nl blessings and present comfort*. This life, also, which Is Interwoven with Ihe history of these years. Is an example of u*«rul living neh as can- not fall bi strengthen us. 111* a prnol thai every win-re a gencron* and nobh? ambition will Snd 11 wsy lo bo helpful to tho world.

BRIEF EMATN AH4I BSEVITIIS. OSS. n. Calvtrts, ltoston: Las * Stiepnrd. For sale by Whilfonl

A Wee. ' These essays sre the prodiut of a reined oni

cultivated mind, (ioorge II. Cnlvert has limn hoen a oontrlbutor te periodical liwralure In this country. We hnvo Itere the frtill or hi* ripest year*. Thought* whieh havt- been slowly ripen- ing through long years he has pluekod nud lircsenteil to us in one dish, lie has culled lib e.say*"brler,"aiiil surely whateverraulllheyrany hsve proiixlly N mil one. lie never beat* his gold Otil bm llilu by miieli hammering. The stylo Is for tho moel par) pure nnd refined, ihe

n.—llave yoiinot ulateil 1 pure :x> an iin^cl? A.—No. Mr. HallWay says I salil thai

he asked me In Mrs. Dnulahaw's prusmioe hother or not I bad not said ihat my

with waa a* pares* gold. "No," I mild, Mr. lliilliiiny, because tlio coiiversaUoo which you allude was Lhts 1 lanltl, 'tin

idaakMr. Boecber himself and In- will y tbat she Is as [Hire as gulil;' It Is an ex- •esalon which he used. 1 have sonsht > give Elisabeth ft gootl character, tvo always wautud ui do KO. I ihl to is better than most »i" tis-i.eiter tlian am. I do not believe. In point of actual inritl goodness, barrlnffWimoilrawhabks,

that Uiero Is In this company so white t soul as Kllzabeth Tllton's.

Q —Did yon not Hi ate that, In ■UUBtanco, lo one or more of tha gentlemen with whom you were lum-hingr

A.—In substance, yes, and I stale li now ; but I didn't use the phrase Unit she had never violated her ohaatlty,

Q.—Did you not aay thatahe waa pare! A.—No. Q.—Did you not use expressions which

von intended to he understood ns mean- ing the purity oftbo Woman!

A.—I did. exactly. Tllton said that Heecher hud communi-

cated to him through Moullon, rcqooats that be would receive money hut he would not touch a penny of Beecber'o money, if he Btilfered from hiiii(fer or thirst. lie said that he took Hcceher's apology and Have liliu his word that he would nut have him exposed, lie (Tllton) thought Beach* er's offense against him was one which could be apologised Rw and forgiven. He also said; "It would be a lie forme to sity that I had a warn friendship for Mr. Beeohet and that I fbit as kindly to him as ir the offense hud not been committed. If 1 had been a mail morally great, I would have blotted It out ami trodden It under foot. I was competent to forglvo In a large degree. I forgave him In my bust moods, but at other times I did not. I am not a very largo man."

The following was Tllton's testimony regarding the two "scenes" which ho bus men tinned In Ills stiiti-ineiit.

Mr. Beeeher and Mrs. Tllton were sit- Ling on the floor with the pictures; don't remember whether I was sluing with them or not, it wos so long Biio. The Im- proper caress I saw with my own eyes. Beeeher did not look at me llrst.heilld not know I noticed it. She may have been sitting on a stool, he on the floor..

Q. Were you where he could see yon? A. He was looking at the pictures, y, If be had looked up, would lie have seen

"es, g. What part of her person did he touch? A. Ilerankles und nwer limbs, y. Not above the knee? l. No. Q. Was It done slyly? A. Very lyly, with bis right or left arm under her

dress. My Impression Is it was by the uc- idental brushing up of her dress that I

SUVT bis band on her ankle H. Von were in doubt Whether Ihe

ture waa Intentional or accidental'r It wan merely a suspicion. The commit- tee then proceed to examine Tllton about the bedroom scene, lie did not know llic year; It was a good while ago,before the niikh) scene and while they were living In Livingston street. He remembered the room; it was Ibe left-band room In the second story; 1 knocked at the door, and KlUubclh came. 1 waa surprised the dour was locked. She was surprised at llmlliitf mc Mr. Heecher was silting In tin plush roc king-chair wilh his vest unbut- toned. Hi* face colored like a ' — I saw him.

14. The explanation was satisfactory tovou ou tbat occasion? A. Kiillrely so. I should have thought nothing of it hudl not wondered at the door being locked. The bed-room connected with the hitting room by sliding doors, both rooms opened into the ball.

(). May they not have gone Into the sitting-room rrom the hall, and thence ln- lii the hed-rotnn? A. 1 will give llteiu the beneflt of tbe .loubl.

q. Ifhat was the explanation given which IK satisfactory? A. Annoyance 'if the children, My wife said ourn uml the neighbors' children were making 11 noise. She wanted n ipilet talk with Mr. Beeeher uml so she locked herself in.

Q. That satisfied ymi? A. Vis, It was entirely reasonable.

Q. Were the slbllng-dni.rs open? A. They were shut.

Q. Wns the hull door opened Immedi- ately? A. Yce.

In reply to further ijiicslb said ho never regarded tin as evidences of wrong. A blotted it from his rcnienil: had since mentioned it 'ici

\SN I Mi*. .In!


* oily, July Jbili,a lo *!•

1 Hie tSUl llUl-i MiliOVKUV.-lu tlii* daiiBbt.'1'liiMr. nnd Mr*. John Ueunvam.

SH:iU>I.S.-liil!:iv.'ililll..inli".M.Iii dniiKhtec in Mr. und Mr- .1. Ili.wnr.l Siihol*.

KIKtB.-lnUilse|ty, JnlylMha son to Mr. nod MIK. Thews* KdKclr.

IIAVIHON.-ln thl- i-itv, ,luly»ith,n nmtii Mr. uml Mr*. Itev. C. A. Iluydcii.

MF.KK.-In this riiv, July SSth, n daughter !-■ Mr, und Mrs, Janes Meek.

imniNHON'.-ln thl* cily, .luiy i'.HIi, a sun lo Mr. nnd Mr*. Williiiiu Hubiiison. UNNKI.I.V.-ln thi* cite, Jnlv null, s daughter ts Mr. und Mr*. Ihivid i unnelly.

Fanauiland Quincy Halls,

In Mi.' Gltv of Boston,

On Wednesday, Sept. 16,

Continued for Three Weeks.

Nsveltn-s In Invention, Workauwiblp, and Art from overy part Of uur country «tt> snllelted.

uidd. Silver, HII.1 Bronse Mwtaleasd l>l|ilonas*, will in- awardM lor ertlolM merllmg esiiecisl notice.

'o ere free, snd

JOSEPH L. BATES, Secretary. julyaiviriiiih

i-TAl'E NOllMAI, SCHOOL, HALKM, n WASH trill si r IN.

Candidate* tot sdml«*ion to tlio Sormnl gohool al Siiliiii, » ill In- .'\ituiini'il an Tue-dsv, »e|il. lid, stU s. HI. A new ndviin.-i'd i-l:i«* will liu loniied st Hit* (i|isninir ul the full 11'nn. I'd'iinlniy sld is flTBii to nrcdy iui|ill*. for rlrculsr* nnd Inrlher iiliiruislion, sddrcs*

i>. i: M M.-III;. r, i..,i. tnirnas*

$2.60. worth $0 and 88.

Prints, 6 Cents QINaHAMS, (Bates), © 1-2.

COTTOlsTS at 5 c.

Opera Kids at 50 c. worth $1.50.

Highest Lislo Thread Olotfes

at 12 1*2 per pair, worth SO c.

llo«lrry uml Nninl ponding I.IHI I'I Irti


Choice anil Desirable; Al LIH Th*» Osi llnir Their Volts*. .

A. W. 8TEAKNS& CO., li.ni Marked Dotrn Their


THIN SHAWLS, uml in I... i nil of their

Spring and

Summer GOODS

. Of Every Description,



in order to clone the some.

V.',' Inn ii:- I iT,-n,-.l :i lull li.K' of our best tusks


Black Silks, BI eitroroely low prices.

Also, « Fall A**<»t-n<?nt ol

Black Hernani's Opening nt Vitry C.rcM BarojnlnB.


Neck Wear and TieB ron I,AI»IK8,

Havo been Marked Very Cheap

Ladies' Under Gamuts,



TriBiminis ot all Kinds.


A I'A lil>. niiih'r-if'in'ii wbthet bi* Krnt.'1'ul nikiniwIi'ilKiiieiil*

Nii-dlmiii 1'iwt la, t). A. |(_, <>( Lswrenee, ... I lo l'n|il. Willinio Mi'iniw, i hniruiiin .<! Hie Iteltrf " Itti'i-. nn tlii'ir kind ulllcii* lliul Ri'ii- criii-* rrienil'lil|> In Ml* brntbrr, Ihe Isle Tbnliilln M.r.ir.:iii. l,iiiiti'ii?iiit:i,lMs** llntbiry.

WM. A. CAKUIl,!.. JvJjtTtfll


249 & 255 Essex SI.


HavinK leii>ed the entire buiMliiK. HtM. Ut nnil lii; K**es ftrcet, on.I tlttcit it tip e*|ieclnliy lor i>ur tt*e, wo have removed our *bn?k i»r


RANG! Aid Kitchen Fnroisiim

From tiiirul.l Ito**

No. ISO Essex Street. AIMI our ,l<M'k or



Branch Store



[.AWItENOK, . ■ - MASH. Ir, on tutrl.N Fr.ur.l*.


VPe Rave aatie very Lav Man on »n ef our


Also will Rive

Extra Bargain* on all of our


■nowif uml ni.i'.Ai iu;i>

coo?*roisrs, and LINEN TOWELS.

Table Covering, etc., etc.


I0S. 309 & 311 ESSEI STREET

olnls, ri,Nlt..*-a, ick, Cnls,

1U.AKK—l'BShl.K'niN'.— In North Andover .lillyiitli, bv llev. Hiinti C Hnj-jt. Mr. W. II. llliikc Hint Mi'.- bin I-.. I'.-llill.t'lll, I".Ill nl Inn

Kim ice KcibliiMin, both of till* "lly Wlin'IM.K-<ilt.\StiKII.-ln ticornctown, .Inly

Will, by Kev. K. T, l.ylunl, Mr. I.cimiird .1. \viii|i)il« nnd HUs Alien A. Qranfer. Iftrtli ol l.swrencc.

CI.A11K-WI1,I.KY.-In Hnverlilll, nl the rei-i- demo of the In liic by Kev. K. A. Drew, Mr. A. Milton Clark snd Mr*. Ssruh J. Will.-v.

IIAHTI.KTT-IlKLAM).—In Ss* biirvimit, .Inly .■v. Ilr. 1'i.ki'. Mr. .1. I'liilip lliullill Msry Kllun Dclnno, of MswlMirypert


RHEUMATISM Ml It A 1.1.1 i Hlin-Jnliil*, Pttln nrl.lmlt*, H|*r«lns, <niin|>*, llil I'ulii In Ihe Kara, hi.I, Hrnlscs, Mr»lm, Hums, s. ■. Id*. ct«.

Ithss never fsilril to inre IIIIKI'MATISM or NKUKAl.ttlA, When a theroogk trial hu* been Hiven. The riillitvliij- tires few of Ihe leilimo.

mi* with h we ere constantly rerciving iroei me Who hnvc u*ed It:

Lawaaaoa, HajtTiUT4, This Is toccithv thin I hitvi' every siirliiff, for

Hie In.I four yesr-, In slllictrd wilh Inflnt tiit-j rtii'iioislifiii, « liiih IIII-I i'onllhi-,1 nn- l

nl*. Till* *|il my 1'ilnt.


. Jnlj ■ M, Elianbclli P.

ir.Hi.U, SK-II s.1 yesr-

UOLK.-In Audi llnle, nireiUS Jt

UROWN-ln Nrwlinrviioil, July '11*1, M Isndo I!rown. sfud ni yt-nr*.

WOOD*.—In Nitwtiurniorl, July A., wife of Mr. A. ]>. Wi- ' ninnllia.

L'ARI.ETOK.—In West llnxfnrd, July »ltll, ft*r»li R, datislib'r of luul II. snd Mm tint« nrleton,

* ngeil in yenr*. FVARLK.—In West Boxlbnl, July Htb, Pelei

Pesrle.ogcd BSjrMrs. A very reiwihrespeefd citizen.

BUKATHKIIICK.-Iii Tytu-^lMirmij-lt. Inly «Wht Karsh K .iliiiinlitci' of Ur. sml Mr*. Wlllimn Hreallicilck, lined 1 year*. The ruimtin* were taken to Amlivcr for intcniicnL

l)OLK.-ln Andover, July ild, Wliinw BUtabett I'. Diilr, aged ui year*.

HOLT.—In Anib.vnr, July 1'lth, Widow Sarah A. lli.li. n^i-<l STyeni*.

LK38LY--la Andover, (July SOUi, Jumos A " B*ty, «(tcil » iiioiilb*.

Stevens Bros. for tbe Mantil.ioture nnd salo of

ROOTS A**. SHOES, WOllld II- |.i rlllllll Uwrenne, Andorvr Hi.-;, will i-.ii.iiiin.' |.

Boots and Shoes,

No. 123 Essex Street Lawrence

M>ln ■ni'.riiii si,.


WONDERFUL DISCOVERY Of the 191h i:ontury.

> Ii . S. D. H 6 W E - S


.ml nil plsea*-» nT the Tamat. Chest awl l.nnfs. I'lii? iinly Mcdli-iiie of Ibe kind in Iho wurbl).

A SuMtite for Cofl Lto Oil.

ami for Iho nr

V IT I UT Y will sell

It K fi A It I) L K vS S


. iJ.i Beeei surrt. <• nirriri,i-. itio.rk)

CONSOLIDATED r New MMM' No*. 1U9 und 11*7 F.s* I Nl.

where wo nrc iircjuireil b> offer

At the Lowest Market Prices, The larircst, meet varied and l>e*l selected BtiM'k iil'Koinl* In till* city. BpeeUI llttenllim piivi KUiveu, Uu..:,-. nn<l PuneeM n* h. ,.-I.I.H,'. for wbirit wu bm,' A eepantte departaaoU. i *he*t Ii<ni and eopper work of all kinds done short ntilico.

D. N. & C. M. Martin, 195 nnd 191 Essax Street.


from nine to Illteen v. «>iiii:ii t-i-'i In the sains ¥ . .

I> all enlar**i?il and KWOIU'H, MI

id i m snf



Nantaaket Beach, Hingham, Hull, li Melville Garden, Downor Landing,

of llrns.l etrent


.van r. — or I1..11 I. ,n-;iiii' al ■i.;to. S..K) an.U.301'. M. nr Maataskat Peaea eti

O I-. M .

, floss Itsnclisb snd

A. H., 1:.!.'.. 3.M snd

(V... Aii.ii.---. ns* aomsr. ISBVB Dsil]

IlliiK»sm snl Hull ul "

md 10.30 A. M , 11.1--,

i ami -I0..W t. M-, S.M,

RIIATN r«S BOITeJI. lllllffbSlil 1117.30 ami lail *"-. ).*'..l..'i"

nn Im ■ nt 1M snd 10.30 A. M.,

rliijr severe i>.iiii. witii tfii-iit I.'CIT. A iiii-nd in- iced me m mskc s trlsf or tin- ( :,ln i I.lnl- ent, he bavins li'i'ii cureil lilin*i-lf, snd know-

biKi'l "isiiy others who bad been rarad by It* u»o. l*tin{forMr. tisllslmry, tlie dl>coverer of the l.inlinent, to vl»il wlib-li be kindly did, sud Riddled the l.iiilim'iit, v. iili llic nio-l lavors- 1,1c i-.'-iilti. Th.' |iiiin «*■ hi».n relicriHl, ami in four day*, bavins iimil fmir imlll***, I w«* sble b' I,,-,.ui of doors al work In my aarden. I bsvs usml nearly sis Isrice bntlh'* in nil, sml am now well an*5 hsnrtr. I rantwU; rvmimmcml it tn rvi-ry iierwin sniirtid « itli i liionintlxm, for I do IM'III'VC that it i* Uu' be.t remedy In tin? world for ili.iJ .in ...Il'.l -I i - ■■ '

J. M. KMM it, No, II HarRent nlnn I,

1-i.lft, 140, (, ft.a l.i.ivi' Hull A17.M

i -MveKaatuM Beaeh at I sml 10.16 A. V., II v, 3,.w, 5 nn.l 11.1" ■'■ *■

Fare 25 Cents each way. HimnATfl.

Leave Bosb.n for NsnU*kel Ilwlt St W.M A. «.,

iJnTe'Nsiil^kct lltnc.li for llo*lon St IS M.,8.30

["v-^Un-taa for Hull sml lUwner Usn.llnf st

I.,!",* Abowner'll..Ti'«K for lloslon St 11.49 A....

K ""'.m sumlay* tl.OOlho roundtrl|>, Includins ■MliuiwHlim lu Melville (innloii.


Ha. T Howe's Wb«rr. Jui via-HMKii wih


[Am now sml have U'en for the l.i- I 11 In ibecniiilnv ol" the l.iiwrencc lin* Co.J


tl. ir. Satitbury, K>< liKAHam:—inm *

nn.!-, rhciiinaliMii, at ineiil.1 wl*hyou Ui und b't mo *eo u nisi

Mtrmmum, April 12, ifferiiijr froni tlint aw

ail si' Nn bi.'1 V'i'ili's who i'lii! cltni llial w

ltM._ ul ill*. i-rll*i'. •Met orst ol

LARGE TRADE, effta rial 1 ilu« ....1 patron*

Comeearly and securethciictt bargsini, llnulrl Nli-vrlin, 1 ha -. A. *t«V«ns,



To the

clln<* Aslbiii ■tnrs* »f Hi i'ii .1.-.. ma f.<u

. li I.in , la) n, i ai..nh. Crou ay* Ilka iiis|tl<'-

Dr. S. D. Howe's Arabian Tonic Blooi Pnriflcr

.hit h .liffi'i'- from kllolliCr |>reparation* In lit .1 lisle aetlnn u|inli llm

MVEH, KftMKVM AflD m I...I>,

It I* luiri'ly vcxetslili', i'li'iiii-e<,llie»)fit->in of all .iipurilii'*, ImllilMl unlit I'liniri' uti, and mat

Scrofulous IIIMKI

i-iumvTi: nniiT. Mat of Kin, und nil other tier

bili>iei.U?il in the CriUln nf ■..„.-„ 1 II. Hani-, lnliMii Mi-l n, in .ai.1 < oiuitv, -»>

ml; ' llieillnsl Whereas, a certain Inr-Liu ut |>iirj>Miiin*c !■> I..-

the ln*l will nml ter-ii nt m mid ilnc4?a*<il ha* lui-n )iri'*i'iil'-d o *nld Court, lor I'nibsU?, by Hoxiima II. Ilarrl-, who |irsy-< Hint lelUrs U-nts. meulary may Im i-Mif.l to Iter tbe esccutrln llii'rt-iu iiatncd, snd thai she may In1 i'\em|it from lIciiiK surely or Hllrelio* on her omVlal bond, Ihe ti-latiir having rei|iienti?d thai no blind be reirulr-

Votl are hereliy ilU-I lo npiienr at n I'roliale I ■unit, to IH' lu il ill Sidi'iii, in *al<i inly ol K-IS0X, on the ►in! Tili'mlay of An«u-l, lieM. ui Bins •>'! louk bofure BOOB, to BIHIW ™W, Il UIII voiihavi^Btfalnntthuxamc,

An.l *aid latilioner i* lo-reby dlni'ti'd hi (five luibiir imtii, ili.-vr.il, liy |uil>linhiut[ till*fits- ti.,11 mice s wii'k, f..r ttirn' nuun-**ivi> wtt'k*,in tin ii,'H>|ia|H'r ralli'd tho I .;i*#m ,- Ami'i'lian nml Andnvi'r Advi'rti*er,|irinli-d at l.awn'iiri', llic lunl iiiililli'iilionlii be IWu day*, ul leant, i.. I..H- *al<l

■Dii-iinallnn nml remlalf ..-i.il Ib-liilily," "l,..,t.V l|Vlit,'m*lillltinn,'il "rha

ui-Mr. Till-in clrcutHBtance

i explanation mine; but lie niisu tlri'mii-

pllic, liill blood. It nl nil kind", i vi- Hu-liLHi'l-. Kor "lie t.ililv"iiiiil'-|lnikcn-li Isns-e Ihe loth century .■■ .„ - ■ -,.,...■ Every Bottlo Worth itt Weight In Qoltl.

fries *■ I'cr llatlls.

Dr. S. D. HOWE'S

ARABIAN SS» LIVER PILLS, They oleanHtbs Lifer sn i Btoiuok Uwrrmghly

reimivo I'lin-titmlinii. lain nn cnbmtcl ii.n any nllicr Injiirioui m..., I"nl. and ni-t ,|ii|. klv iH"iTi llm urvs**, M- it I-IIHIIH lug |.nin ... w,akniSK, RHeai.nonls |W b»\.

CONSUMPTIVES Hliiuild BM all three of the BUOfS im>di*Huei>.

Hold in [."tiiiioby

A. R. Qtidden. Druggist. General Agent. Dr. S.O, Howe, Sole Proprietor.


2 8 9 ESSEX STttKKT.

Armstrong's n(.i'.-iul llurfcsfn* In

Black Alpacas and Brllliantines.

Our ■ j..i:11.i . 17 cl


..mi, MIXKII, as» Pi.Ain aunnm.

Weslsiii.ffcrsniie line of

Malta and Yak Laces PLAIN AND RIBBED,

Cut Qlass Beads to Bead Laces.

"WOOLLENS I'.., ill...' i>d II.i> ■ IVrir.


juiy mat


iriti? K. Clioate, F,M|iili*, .>u.lj-<t nf '-"ith .lay i.r .Itllv, in Ibe

*-lindr.'dai.d*.'viliH Inur. OOODBLL- Ib-slrler

•<X> l.i ' i" 111 llllH.il A. c. t.in



snrioftf aaa KMNKX KTIIRKT.


This ilns t* i-|iiin'iii with I'owerful I on M-aiucr*, llBVlliUMifi'rii.r a, rnniixlBlioiiF fnrr

i-la*SM nr |isa-entrii, and offer* In till' Irs veil iiiili ■ the I;HKAI I-I, turner ami IlKSTioule l-amlaml, IrsUnd and - oHiimt. Ki,r lUilhrr v ll.-nlar*. or cabin nr *U'i'nnri- ll.-ket-, at icreallv ii'dini'il rstr*, ii|>idv al Ihe ( iinar.l 11(11.-r, till K-i.e\ street, lit I'. Miirnhy, the only m-enl foci Lunrclireand vliinllv.


all ilisCBsni". Vour* 1ti\, J.C. WAHI.KIIIII.

1 IIBTP seen the man, 1 hsve uwd tht* California Itlii'iimatie l-luiiiiniit, ami womleiTuI wa* It* el- I," l fur W"'"l, lnni wnek* of in ton *n -ulli-i IIIK ami no relief, sml aflt-r tin ■ >■ aii)illi Stioti* 1 tut u|K>n uiv lift ami wcni aliinit aiti-iidlnir li

UHIIK-S*. Tlu'ii V lunliinn liki-il torelli've i tie.* ami |.aln. Vour* Ac., J. (J. W.

Ijiwiftiee, A|>r. W.

Lawrrti'-e, May nth, IH7I. ','. II". Siilinfmrg Ki'i — Vour Utilil-irtib. Ilticil-

instlc, I.luiuii'til eii|i* tbe i-limiis. It I* lar nln-ail nl ;ini Ihinii I liiivr i'Vi-1 tiii .1, an.l I have Irnd a KIHHIIV nmnbi-r nf remcilii-*. This I- loml Ulk, but I hi'i' exi.erii-in i-d lt» l«-tn-«lt- du the Inflam- matory llheiiuiatiini, and know whal I *av to In- true. Vour* ele,..

J, ll-'iil ItltllWN. Hook'Uire, 11.1 K**ex *lrect Huhldcm e, ;.',

I,'n inn alreuL

l.s-.i l.i ■-.' I , M-r. .--. 1*71 Hit. HAMSnilHV, llear Kir;-Tfll* i* to certlf)'

that I nave l*?cii allli'lc.l with It be urns I lam for s number of year*, nnd linvn trliil a srsal uiany lliH?t"rs, and i.'iiin,iii« witliotil nbtalninjr iniieh relief. 1 can *sy wilh truth thai I have i.-.-.-in-.l more 1-i'iiclltIr'iui u-mx yoiirCalilnrnla Itbi'umst- le. l.lnlmeul Uian flom any UiiiiK I have eviir IrliMi. For six month* |)ii-nini- In u-liiff vour l.itiltiient, my wrist WM KO bad that I cmild tiol ii*i' It at all. It i* now nluin„i will, and I ran UM) It nbout a* well in ever. Vory Truly J'ours,

MIKES ii. Minmii.. No. M Uanlen stroet

The i;alironils l.iniin.-nl which wt bear M ilii'h nlxiuL I* eildenlh su rfliilrnt remedy, KIK'I Lilly win-it ni-i'.l lor iltii-iiiualirm, Ni-iiialwla, Us., etc. Many of our well known r.lllsan* huve ■ed it, snd lm.>- i-in rrrratly I" n, iln, ,i l,y ,i t illrfrr* In sll ros|isi-l* from any of the so-cslh-d

rhi-unistii: liiiiiii.iit", i'-iiii-ilii'-, lotions, tic., ever iH-furv oAVnil to tin- ailliil nl, nml willl rrrtainly hoar close InvesllKslion. It ws* discovered bv Mr. (leu. W. Huli*bury, r lilln a ca|iUvn smons tbe IM-II-.I. In IM far wrwl. ilr. Hsli*liury ami will i-how any iiinnuiit nf home lollina from manv of our most ri»*|«'<'WU cltiicii* who hsve long *urfend from iIn slic. dim.uUii-*, Wt-'luirrlUll) lOlnlivnnd II to the fulfill-. K. II. Kelh-y, I n ussi-t, I'ust "«■ •> Him k.

1 sml snld WholcMdc and lUUil by



Martha's Vineyard, Via Wood's Hull.

Only Soven Miloa Steam FerriaffO-- No Sea Sioknese.

Express Trains Running Along- side the Steamers,

And no Change of Cars.

L -A. I?/C3-B , j i:I■ i..* AHR

LO"W. G. D. Armstrong,

289 ESSEX STREET ni.yl.ll

Kxoursion Tiolcota. ii„Mi..n i» ".nil""" •":"'',""'". J,™ im » N.nl.,.krt ...1 man,, •'"'


"tarsVa!'a.".la..ly. MtflggC* "X

Ask for TIH-sIs ¥m H .....I- «•!•■ .1. U. KKNIHtll'K, HunlO-U. II- It-

June tl. IB*. liilylltJmMi


And How Shall I Qnt There? Thesei.ito-llon* nn- an*wcrcd In 'he"HUP

Kxiur.lonlht," which eealalal over law different trio.-nrmnf-.-dn. reKard* lime uml «l-«jg> mm ibe wmM »r aM. K..r a eeay. ~* •**— and throe cent sWni)i K>

T. EDWARD BOND, Ticket UMt, „:, W..hl-.«lo- a»'-sl, B.at*.-, H*ss.


Q. W. Salisbury, ild by H. II, KELLBY .ik. l-awri'ini-. Ms.-


No. 73 Newbury St. >t, l'o*t


'l-IIK UNI) 1 Aasmi


I'surrsl aiift !■ nn.l.hit**- I inl.mkKs

under the 'inn nnmo ol A. W. IJo.idrirh A Co. would nhtiei:ii>illy Inform the e It lien* of l.sw renccund vicinity, llial tin-) li*v> roiirtanlly on tianda l.ii|(i-a--oriuii'nl ol every llnnK mill fill in Uwir line of hii*lnes*. Coffini, C.Tsket*, Shroud* and Coolers, i HI in I., -i at Uu' lowest nrlce*. All onb-rs o mini il- ly stteiidiii Ui by day or iiij-in. jsulcsroom »H tUm > > Slrset, Ilr.I.I. n, ■ ISA llm at., MtlUerAMMH,

A. W. UOOIHUCII, H. (J. I'AIWOSS. lunoiultl


sprilrlir jnfl Bssai Strwtt, Lawrence.

WJoI hse*o*teaililT li

E W01TLn.BK8P8CTFUr.LY*AH- tin' imlilii that llu-ir |islronBgS n-a>ed as lo niider il nores- the i|iier.tion of M.-,...-n.;? 1'a

iiupillnte control. Wt-are |.re. iisre.l to stii-iiii.lrn.1 and esc. ult- any work in UMt line, from lbs mo*,t elaborate dec orst ion* down. Work | nm.i.lly executed an.l satlslhc Uon gimrutilceil. WHITFORD A ItILK,

-.pruntr WIMW «ree



50,000 BOLLS.

SI=I?,IlNrC3-1874 Our stock waa never »o com-

plete before. Coneiating of Stamp-

ed Golds, Embossed and Plain

Bronzes. Fine Grounds and Bm- boasod Damask Papers, Satins.

Whlto and Browh Blanks, Mould- ing Decorations, Borders [ot all

Varioties, Shades and Shade Fix- tures. Don't forget the place. Our



Whitford & Rice, 3flfS KHHCX Btroot.

rTBA TKAY8 ftPom 10 '» M liuhes, vnr- 1 li.u* listtern*. 'h.s|.. !At John V. How's

Crockery Wsru Store, ins EMM »trt«L










., ,. ~~ ;*; ' , , ! A correspondent orthc Chicago I*oa and ^micutMtcnoBghlniwccktolMtyuu.j^^ wrlJjll(, fr<Jul WarttafUm, «J»'

year, and you can't adtcrti«j on thai plan allfetr. j *,mong the many eurtoua people cosgK-

Tlglit lacing I* Mill to be coming Into fashion ; gated here tlurlU({ the pant session was » again for the convenience or short-armed lovers.! member of the i-elcti rated I'attl family <>r

HiUHlclniis. It MM Maestro Aiiloiiiu Jtari-

bright little cfailil .

1WI die, ■ 1 ■ J lln-y .c

> iTujuireJ,

V •milky

<en roln- latlicrf"


"lie handled 111* (run carelessly, and put on hi* angel plumage,^' U tlic latest 0U.1u.ry no- tice.

That was "Ma. when way ?'"

What is that which you cannot utes although It U "as light ■■ Your breath.

There I* nothing more calcalai a boy's moral character than |o book fiiUncilun rubbish in the «»*r.

A Detroit lather keeps hit Imy in nights by varnishing a cbalr ami fitting him down. It's a novel plan, but awful lough on th.- trowsers.

"I'm not much for shmrop apakin,' declared a candidate at Dnbuqttf, "but for n«nesty and capacity .andlntegril;,I bait- Hi.- ihi il—strI tlu."

The Newburyport "flerald" knows a bachel- or who lay* he always looks to the hymcnlal department ol that paper fur tin: new! ol the weak.

A Tennessee mau wrote in- ulllon a {taper collar, and It passed through ihe frolmtc Court ai well a* any other will, though a little unhandy about filing.

A Dan Francisco reporter l.iu-ln-.i at some ramarks of Victoria Woodhull.iml wai prompt- ly discharged by bis employers for "conduct unbecoming a journalist."

"I'm not In moaning," said n young lady frankly to a <]uerUt, "hut M Ibe widow* are getting all tho offcrii nowaday* me poor girl* have to resort to artifice."

A New York paper gravely ohtervef that tho ■alchlt of a former, which it notices, "i« singu- larly strange, Inasmuch as lie bas not been In the habit of doing snrh things."

"I resort to wine to stimulate, my wits," said a young spendthrift to an old -one. "Ah'" re plied the veteran, "Hint is the way I began: but now 1 have to resort lo my wiln to get my

When occasion requires, one of the Milwau- kee policemen can move with astonishing ra- pidity. Night before last he ran an hour In

three minutes, under the ballet thai a burglar was after him.

Hume one was remarking to Lord Pa I men ton it,ii' we needed no standing army, beeaaie, If we. were invaded, the people would rise as one man. lie made answer, "Yes. and they would be knocked down as one man."

"For twenty long years," says a New Jersey paper, "the wolf stood at this poor widow's door." To keep a wolf standing that long is nothing less than cruelty to animals, and the attention or Ik-rgh Is called to the circumstance.

An officer in the Wublofton Navy j nouncos Hint he has an old and reliable whlcb bo Is desirous to exchange for a more modern *ort of barometer that will not get so excited at uvcry little shower that comes up.

11. Be wwi a half brother of Adelina ami Carlotta, ami their oldest llrlng relative.

■ry poor. The past twonty-scY- en years havo bean •pent In composing and teaching music In America, hut with- out aueeeafi and he was now about to re-

wenry and lorrowtng over his fail- ure, to die In his sunny Italy. A l;t.-t op- portunity to learn the Interesting history if a very remarkable family was prtscut- d, and your correspondent look advan-

tage ofit. The maestro was found In a small room on tho second floor of u mod-

t brick dwelling In New York avenue. Everything about the place denoted scanty and almost abject poverty. The floor, as the visitors entered the apartiiH-.it. was In a startling state of confusion. Music

attered everywhere. It lay In end- lea* variety ou the ragged carpet, and ITM piled up in unshapely heaps in the corners. A trunk ami a valise half tilled with dilapidated wardrobe stood near the door. Bending over the former, packing the little lie possessed, was the maestro.

In his Bhlrtaleevca. Me turned at the aound of approaching humanity ami greeted his visitor. Hi- was tall and slen- der, a little stooped, or well defined Latin features, and old enough to have Ills Jet hair and Napoleonic heard sprinkled with

«■"■)• -Will. I am about to leave tlds beautl

fill country or yours," lie said, after seats were taken and cigars were lighted. I am going home to my sunny Italy ; I run going home to die. Sad Isnt It? Never. taelcHH true. It Is twenty-eight years now since I lauded on these shores, a hap- py, hopelnl boy. I go hack sick at heart and poor In purse. And yet 1 have worked hard enough. I tell you, my friend, pro- gressive as America Is, sin; has much to learn yd, especially on the subject or unt-

ie, iiut no matter about that, 1 suspect yon have come hereto hear of my mi-for-

es. I am rlghtr", You want our family history, eh?" he

snltl after n pause and a response. "Well, It I- not altogether « pleasant one. In- deed there are many things in It which have never yet been published because they are not pleasant. As the circus peo- ple say, we were1 born In the hand-wugon,' that is, our parents wen- show people. My father, Francesco llarill, wus a cole I,rated composer of Koine. Among lil> works were the oratorio of '.Judah Maces- boo* mid a number of very fine masses. lie married one of his pupils. She after- ward became the favorite prima liannn of Italy. .She also travelled u season In this country and was popular here. As wo mu- sical men Insist on saying, she created a furore. Well, of this marriage came four children, all musicians, I think It Is right to say, of note. I was the eldest. My fa- ther ami mother were encaged by a slroll- Ing opera troupe when I llrst saw li«ht. my father singing basso and my mother tb

special Jf o t i 6 c >< I VR. ROGERS'

VEGETABLE WORM SYRUP. Abrare mau May cuAVr |>aln when inUefol

upon films* !l. her. i. ill; ; h it hi

Cannot See His Child Suffer.


%B V A Il.iu., hWlfl


iMerriam's Golden Drops!

L'uras BuSUuer CttWptalllk sad the wuril form T Uysentirr. v., Humbug, found si tin- priu- il>al Ilrug and lirocrrj stores In l.nwreurc.



other li-.aliidv, In. Hi i.t to ehildbn'H ^."jJ|u.'.'n-Tsi"' ,, u..dHli..llS.ie.-r,!Vh.-.i .i,-.-. !i -Li - v.:- thai i- awuiipaninl « uli more. luueaeTltiabk ; ;il;,i ,.r.r,(.nl j^ngerouH eunewiuence . V« wreli-hedtn-- i.>il«-littU- tinV.Ti-rs than that : '<■} the entire drtuj trade.


and wlwn the |-ai\uirulij remprehen I tl sltua- lion Ito will not delay a nuuiriK in aecurini! the nUMt prompt aril efflcient i. ■u...lii-« ;>> in.-uie the expulnlon ul tli" Inliuder*. Thii rtmedi mav Ii*



i Nw For(Sale Vti7Cteaii.M.ivT Send for ''The Pioneer,"

Rooaa ■WonaS in ii- t Uabh i irpantfon UOOEK WORM 8 iti i-i- 'i pa) i1 ' 1- i ■■, srai oa ROQUUV Wimu a I:I i i- ; '. lb . Wl lo a. Rauan •WlillM- in i-].I..,1.1.!. ■'. strays wonus ItncEn ■ Woun 6 Kcrleaves n« had i-ffe.-t..

Boot e-l 1.-. |.

is' W..mi sun r i- hufhly mou.men.l- trnl Ii. uiwii'-'iiunaMy Use 1- -

WormH(slleinr-Ii Use world. Price ncentH. For sala by all drtiMEiah.

JOHN Y. IIKSI:\ CUllRAN .V Co., Proprletora lOColIeui Place, New York. hdyiatln

I)"; SCIIENrK'S 1*1 l.MUNIC SYRUP, 1 tVrril T ,»!.,.M.l >l triib. I-IIU

The-. r"';;!;',!!';', have lin ti.TihUslly |..-rl..rni.-.

niniilinii 1.1.1:1 ituv iitlii-r 1 ■ .ly Lh,

1?.,.,1,I,V\', .MI[,II- ingmlkwU, and ...n

enruililulion. IHIli-1 reini-lie-

hiiini.;. II, |.r.l..il ......l.........;.,.,...' 1. ■ 1

■llliirt.olt.l |iapcr. ranlaialajt ll-i A New Niitid-.- Il..-t [iul.ll-In.I.

-i- lo nil parti <■> the. uoild. Addrt

\\ ANTED Af.KNT.; ECU t » 1 ■,-,. I. . Ksssnsser,

lirlH-n. N. P. Ilankr, fli.-hi.|. i.dhe.t I Win. II. ( .ini«;ili, I.. I,. I)., uiih eiil»n Hs-hurs, to... \V. i ntii. mui uihi-rs. teiriti.i y. \n ri.mi.i liti.Hi. A,hlre-s . I'ul.li-I.'.r, l'...-|...i.


The Iowa Loan and Trust Company, Des Moines, Iowa,

ttive-t- mime) for liil- in Irii.leri. .iti

Double C»tt.-n.-e ll-nifc, nine rooms, Iai*Kc, very roomy and c.mv.ni. ni, ami in perfect condition. Stable, store anil tenement building-, at>mit six rods Iroin IIH- mtni1, tltu-d uji for |>oat ofA. e and l.'re, by whlili it l- noworeuiiicsJ, t\ acres of

of rultlvation. A flno ii'l under a hl»th -bite .

•UJJ,, s ninri iriim r.\.n-r, .-i. 11.. BIIII a nine* Hum Kast Kina-i-.n l'i-i".t. .splendid chance for :i physician or IT it meetianh-; plenty ol work and (rood pay. Hie propeity U Hi-l class, anil tt-ilMiemuftor'■.nlt'*l'*fc





ltt-moral. In hsmllinp over our sUsk we And lam accuniulnti«n- "f Itiu-selc, Tape-tries, two mid IhriT i.ly.injirjiiiif.kiddi'rmiiielrr.nil ( huhs,

-I'djutraw L'arpeU, M.iUinKc Hujts, U.M., Crumb nil Cli'tlu., Ae.., e.iiii|'ti>-inx many old styles which

1 to we have pluccd lit three i|uarters value to close

"I i NKff KHGLAND LAltPKT CO.. remored to in.I 1 Nff Hanover rln-rt, n.-aily :>|ijiosjte the Amerl.-an ea- Houi-e. BoatOB. julyleodltlttl.

taken freely by 1


Horse Powers, ;j:".V':ii,."!.:,,|-,,-.'i"' 'Vl ,',. llh- , '' "'■ Grain Threshmg

WHAT EVEiiv EoLKTii w.usU! Wood Sawing jVIachines )} .ViniV"',- '•iv"1

,T it'";1!;;"".":' rrahW < »aoa«a^i^Ui ^ »lw.ml.li'd\net ti.f..!-'. «l!i",;r, lno.bit-a»d"h' A. W. GRAY, & SONS, l)i .|.i-|.-i:t, (-....io.-ii.~-, I'd. -, lt:l.. u.nc-, If.-:i.|. H1UDI.ETUWN, VT.

■ehf, uranr l»i 1 uMi-. -i: t-.n-.; tin. II tl: I'orii.- ivlm wi-.h i„ I.IHV|I:IM- iiuo-lilm-i. tlmt

lmutl.li, M'.'|>..-\ l.i. iit.moil'i.'n'.- "<■! 'j'l.i--'' ehusrtb. Tlu-y are |.l.-il-ant to the l.i-tc, mi

Truilli-.v, Hi i-u. Large IK>\,

now seems n wonder that I lived-at all. I was cared for altogether liy n nurse. once each morolnjr I was taken to see niy uiolher. Hut hiich Is the life all children

An aliasing printer's blunder appeared in contemporary some days ago. In iuaccouDt \ "And your brothers and sisters?" of the Parliamentary proceedings K stated Hint i "' •»*>' lw" hrothera and one slater hy "tbe Cbalnnan was ordered to repeal prayers.- | !">" ftulU'.r' I1:iril'- ll1"!1Lr,<' "1*^™ O'"' "

?u„ moled free ISTAXTED. AGENTS FOR OUR NEW If li.i'ilt, "ll.'iimiili D11-I1.11 jind liiili.iii tVari.

urftnn donna. It was a hard life forniJtn-* PIMIAKIUaO!«*»I( KLAS1) DAI.SAM, of New Kivlaltar' A wnrk ol 'thrilling Interest faiit. Miiny mi-haps hefell me; icl,,", ii"T-|,i-ii.iM . u..-: .- 1 -..«*. . 11 ,. M,,---, I.II.I all »■ It. Ku^i-ll. l*ulill-li.-i..-.-.( omhill, Horton.

p 8 j singers, and not Indifferent player* on IUII-

An enterprising supcrlDlcndtnl tifone nf the \*inl Instrument*. 1 began study with my HnntUr schools MI St. Alhans. Vt., was «.- Tather when 1 wits six year- old, ami re

gagedons Sunday Inraleeautini the varying the usual rural by beginning at tneend uf the catechism. After uklng what were Die pren-.|ii|slies 01 the holy communion and con- tinuation, and receiving utlslaetory replies, he asked, "and now, boys, tell me what must pre- cede baptism :•' Whereupon a lively urchin "honied mil," A baby, sir."

IIAHUION At.,, !-r-,.r„|.r., \... I Tieicnt' X'ATIOSAL I.OAK AND THl'ST T«nph*,Bo.l iswIhyaHnranii-U. ; .> COMPANY,

Julyiwiin Capital tioo.oon.

i CAIiD. Alie7,rv„„.,,w1,II,.n-Mdl"n;-|| '^ ^ '^ .KfA** ^AS.

;\mb..utl.A.,.eri.-n,u-ml,. :.!>..I., -er.il ! {'"Vd i^^.lr ,-eul. Inl.IreM *? &l^*-,!l™*-*t

I simple remedy for I bo Cure of Vcr j rim. Weaklier*, Kaily He. ny. HiM-a.c ..f the li- j Kan-V and N.-l.ia-.fcn s

nary ami Seminal (iiKan-, ami the w hide train •■! ; 'Ii'-iV.i'l'iV "''.'.I.h'" ■ li.-nr.k-rr bruusht on by baneful ami vi.-ious hnb- I 11, 1 it., limit number* have been cured l.y ibis no! - - blcrcinedy. .Prompte.1 by a dc*!re to Umcllt the j ^IIEK SAMPLE 1

.IIL.-II^.- Si- Kii-U-hi.-h lethal will


Essei County.

Rdwin Una-I.j fellfroi M"..l,,ht,i'.Ti

en We le-ibn.M II.,,.,,,.11, ;,.!,., „ , ,„,.!»;. :lloife.,-a|„..t injury, hut Mr. Il-wle, M,I*

severely injured. The "Publi.lM-r" sayi OSecr Hmpmn was

bitten by a ,|,.ir tVedn.-r.lay nltei ■ « tide l.-n.l. liiK tho animal away to oli.mt him. The wound was iinijierly drrsM-d, but II hud Hi.- 1 tie. t In i.-n.b-r Mr. M. .- \. luiicl) n.-rtnn-.

^"Bamer/'aayina eff-rt is maklua for a railroad from N.-wburt i-.rt I., Nii-bua, \. It.. Iluniiltn llni.ihill, 1-riii^lriK Uii- rili ,ine or two .lay. iirnn-rnile-oo.au.l tile «re.-.l U'ert, and all it- freiirhl a week e,-i,lj,., in n, .te.liiuiti.in, ul ItiirdirN. eo.t .,( Ml.- |.,,.„-„ll I ii tv...,1,1 make Haver hill a Krai I .enter ol travel.

■im-seri-iii;.u. nn.le Iheir npiM-n l.l.-li.a.l linrlK.r in «rent <|HrHitilii-r, balilv by lb.- |,h,.. fl, |,, „I,|,|I are ,, In the buy.

There are now four .. K-inrr in. w i-.iir »i-111 inner- anl -i\ -lin.-. In tlK-sSarenateabi.nl nlin-tv four hnn.lre.l l..ri- in I'r.N-P*. ot i-,,i,Mi 11.-l1.1n niel i-uul,,,. teil for ou the Hemnaeb.

illll.-h-.l nti.l liiif.ii innate, 1 Vtilli-ei

iw pn-parinsT and u-iiiK tbi* iin-di.-

tiM-l-.|..-, t.i any;one who need

IIAltUK, Aillre,-.

JlisKPII T. I Mil 'N,

del I

i Ii, ],;*!.!)


Th.i mil mienible be,,,;

l Mifferinin I'y*|.e|

of llo- I iinre.

i-eiveil my diploma of professor when I was thirteen. I traa given the last at the congregation of Hie. Cecilia, In Koine, my nut Ice place, nml was the youngest iiicin- li.-roniiat body. My own alstcr, Clotll- de, Was also horn in Koine. She received her llrst education in Milan, ami I after- wards taught her instrumental munlc. She tnaile her dcfcwl in Astl, Italy, when nineteen years old, nml next j-em- I IIK>K

her to Algiers as a priiin iftmiM, It was a young pair, fur 1 was only twenty-two, luil we made a brave tl^lit and won. Then we came to New York, ami I'lotilde mar- ried Alfred Thorn, of that city, lie was lost at sea a few years later nml she mar- ried Klgnor Seolii, hut died shortlv nfter in till- West Indies, NTcola mid Ettore, my two own brothers, were both educated early In life, nml have made line musi- cians. Nicola is now in New York, ami Ettore in Philadelphia.

'•And now I come to the sad part of my life," said Klgnor Antonio, wiping a tear from his eye, and pntllog the smiike from hlarlgar more rapidly, "l told you my lather and mother were members of an opera troupe. Well, in that troupe was a tenor, ills name was i'atli. Now you k*ow alt. it was the old story of the ten- or ami soprano. My father .jult the troupe nml took to drink. It dually broke hint clear downand lie died, butuouatoosaoti - My mother, released, at once married Klgnor i'attl, but also none too soon. Mv step-slaters Amalla and Catlotla were horn, and I'attl was their father. My par- orilAnl n. by tk* best Hhyalelsiua as i-uts mored to Spain, and there Carlos and ''■»'"■■»»■»>«: aoiiiinK tnjurioiMin tiir «v — Ailclina wee born. Adellt.aN native citv j irA

n.iI!.:Vl*iV,T.Vt£l£l*J£'\ ",U"">

Is Madrid, not New Vork, as many snp- ! pi,...n) |M.ri',.u»r"«d.rrir}oid 1.^,1 pose. VOH know the history of my hall- i »«••"«■ l« assesrs Jauudler, Fn.r mid sisters, ch;' Amalia was a well-known ! f.*"r' ''■!" '",".:, "'"" •■ "h'»''""V ).ri«« do,,,,., In this country, ami married ': aT3TaaaiaW Strakoach. Carlos was a noted violinist '


IUM.VS Mdi V.t- >l I'Kttli. T.im- l.ibi-i

WATERS' Philharmonic Vesper and Orchestral Organs MUt'K H:KM II ( \-K- are mm

.'J^-i!^'Ks-taVaV-T."...,"ll«VaV«li.r:.'-|,.;m^-w".,.^'''-""i WATER'S New Scale PIANOS

.'in, eoal.-.l l..nKui

nolllll, e ink' lip -f the fiioi I

...I.- sgenl f.n J.ii inpb- ittle 'li>

liUKKV,S..l,. M;o.„i:„-i.,ier, K Iburv, N.J. . l.-i-., ( hun hen, * I-, |-HIRV>, Re Ml, jul).il" .".I lataluffiics M.iil.-.l.

imi: M'K WATKljM ,1 SOX, A RE YOU TROUBLED '"' » - s-" »»* '■" " - «".

. 1 mih in Dp, p.in, in,ii,, .ii.,„. r..n- ' ■ llwatt.ni. Itllloit.i.r.., Ilrad.ehr and / 'I'NSl'.\NT KM l'I.( IV M HN'I* ATMflMl I.«>■■ .-, > |.|.. lin : ih. i. |, a ,„,,. „■„! \ ' Mab-.-r K.-iuale. » Li n « e.-k « .in :inli-l N • iirrrriiiMlj.llOSISIIAMIl'SIIVriltir . iii.il:il I..in n 1.1. I'.uli. iil.o- nu.l viilmibh- Fain Ul \ I l.l.-l- II Hi \. ,.|,'relil live. A'l.lr.—, Wllh'V Limn rliin.i.

( . K'l.--. WilliatTi-biii'Kh. N.V.

WlN|l'v7bODS. i per day at lioine. Terms frei

of New Orleans ami New 1'ork, ami died IT011 MOTH PATCIIKH, FRECKLES notion- a«o, Carlolla ami Adelina have ' '•"■■ 1':."1' ,l.-k ,""r 1""-'-l"t i"r l','lr>'" M'.lh ii fume « 1.1,1. Iw u...rl,l_u.l.lu ■n*1 ' :" w" 'j1 If- ahe-1 ,- li i- ml - - tie I n


world- told you of l'utli-he nas tin, of our family. Maurice Stru-

koftcu was thvnecond. It was mam rears U^D—perhaps In 1st.'.. My mother was slnfflUKlu the ntraugooldcltyof Valeoela, in Spain. Amalla was a JOUIIK tjlrl. My molher lind lieen called ti Valencia at a

I'M notice. The former ;<rif««( ./.,„ 'ei had made what we Italian-, call „.o yrahmlf ftnuk. It was a new opera, ami Mine. I'atil was called for the second ren- dition. Von know how it is there? Every opera baa three chances, ir it falls the llrr.t nljilit. it may succeed the second or third. If it falls every one id the three nl^liis. then It Roea on the shell. 'Sou- namhula' failed the llr-t nli-lii. Vou WOUhlll't helieve li, would yon? Hut It did. Well, ns I was aajlna, my ...Other hud been railed -ii.hleiily Tor the second ulylit.

Amalla and myself wen allowed to nium ai I the iiualnt old city as much as we liked, line day, while We were thus strolling .mi ih.. crooked atreeta or Valen- cia, who should arrive, like Mephisto or the very old devil himself, hut a tattered young miudclan in want of aid. lie claimed lo linn- taleuta. hul no nunortu- nllles. ' '

"A henelll concert waaproposed. and he jumped nt it. Moih.-r pitied htm. tie wanted Amalia to sln«. Molher granted l.is re(|U.-Hi. ll.-ri-o..iriu-i would mil per- mit mother to volunteer, and Amalia wus ■.ut.-tituiid. The tattered youn« macs-

ice Htrakoxch, nml so he faiiilly. lie ha- followed


-rtliwi-l frniii Soiilb ln-|..il', „[ :.

!h*«n"'i "Ti'ai 'i- ' A3sOWIELySAF[P!:nFEC7lV0DORLE3S. ......i|.r...j mue.iil A.WAVSiiMiron-j.ii LUMI,IATIMBnumiTirs



i^HM.i1 :.,.r;:;,,*^;'!V: y-.ir'i11 -~r-?t,',:i.n - ^NuFACTUf.tOEXPa£ssLYTeiii^f;THEiJs^ HIGHLYV01ATJLEAftD DANGEROUS OILS

Exeter, It..vcr, ftoutli l>.<i>..i, s, Truinr. leave It.

S., .I.ln, | |o, ft, ,;, .;.,

JAMBrf T. H llliKlt. I

I' tJii-i-MMHf


ili.it heneflt ultcht in Valencia I d rail ol my luinllv."

"And why?" "Why fall? I will tc'l yon.

I j niter Mil! i-oiii-ert, I'attl, mi i|, ■. Ill.eehlhlri-ii sailed for America. V

ml l

I r

!|TSSAFET^:cnEVERY?:: 11 A-O re PCFECT EJR:;.IS amis*'








lie liked no,,,-ol lu,

no other director this ciiuntry. Ki- > I'hllatlelplua iccn eolltllllled iiinilliei

and were making d.l i VOW IS Till-; TIMK I


l,i.- Iiirt, lier.il v • ll,l.lie,i

Ul are |i| day |.arlv. Mr nr. SKO. The) forty Itt f w It run, 1 ehildrei


Mul.iii-.-ei Countv

U>H Kl.l-

Tl .t. Well Weekly Ti he Meekly edili -1 IN. Me Ml. -.-

lies "ill ha

Itr e.1 li

Mallian Alien .., th (lieunvf rand i« nl lunacy.

- city. Ini- 1

w'.'iJi. ii'"i

i Menlilstn Maiiriei . a Itruther; yuii have heard of him.

lux. Well, Max wax the heat din-ctor in he world. I ivas dlaplBced hud Mux ame )n. He knew aa mucli ahmil illreet- | I

Ittjfj U-diiiti o|.era as I do of (ireiiehlnir, mid I at ain't mueh. The eoiujiaiiy j

ke uji, iithJ the I'.itii fumlly waa out in I with dsujiiihrella. Well.that was '

one inatanee. Maurice Htrnknaeh has |„. X' o T J r | lured the Uarlll nml I'atli families at every ' ^ turn. He could do it Hie more readily af- tei- marrylns onralater Vmnllaandlieeom- h'K fus. 1 i-nii.t l.e-in to tell vim ,ui he IIIUMI > "

-I si,|,|„,..e i,MI hear from your abler*


CHIN(i frnii, „u ihe best breccia u( I'.mliry.

IVHIU Laajkorna a BI-KCIALTT. i;. woi »i >s,

N... I llroa.hvay. Ho nth I.aivrene




CAPEIi SFRAGUE & CO., I Ifas.Ss.Nd stCiiatasn Munsc At reel,



xron In the Blood

'.i irdo ihe; ihtlnii itrandly. ufeitur

l them, I met Carlotta ■,,,r'' here. I think more i.ri, th* '■"*■ AH Kit "ot h,„

that 1


iloue nun h e her what ■ helped my

Tiny a 11 prowl ,

I -lie ll.-l

II ofol'Ail

well ill,|,

Roal Estate and Intelligence Oflico ,

at .VJI i:.IM Mrr.l.

v\MI II. Id

Carlotta nsslstml hin liromlsi- or Itelnu ai name. He h now, n years old, at Ihe head servatnry and rapidly rl

"Is t.urloim married "Vei. sin- has man

Who htui (u-eoiii|i.iiiic.l ||

"llo-riloyi.ii like Cu

ol,, wen unnuich. Ih-

rrui: iM>'rs,:;.i.i,\ii si iiscmi'Tltii ■ Work In Ilia ll.lil,' The 1 us mi 111 rou, n I i i-...-.- Itelliil-nt- am


Sewing Machine,

Made tty the Howe Machine Company. Have the Largest Sales,

Ul.ri the Heat Nallsfai t loss,

Hade ot the Beat Material,

Is llir onlrii lo I.rmu to Operate.

Leaallahle to gvl nut of order: cvcrylmdv that ev.ir ii-ct nin-vrill hiii-o 11.1 other; will do heller work and will oulwcartwo uf any uihei in;i« lime.

There were soM la 1RI over I - .'-■' more E. HOWL MAI 1MVKS, than any oilier, as the Ma- chine* have a world wide reputation, and are sent 10 every eivlliie.1 country In the world, ami have receivel ihe liiaruenl innnlums wherever ex- hiliiu-d, rt-.-eiviiiKUo lena limn live U'rtiiiioniaU uf superiority, at the late Vienna Kxhihitim.. over -illii'i iiiaefiines.

NPW York warrrooniH arc al uim Broadway. Pactoriesnt llrid|rc|<iirl, Conn, l'cru, IniHnna, and tihtKiioir, Srotlaiuli ami are tiirnliiK IIIUSBJ

W. Hager & Co., AUK IIIBsun.K AOBprra rum

Lawrence, Andover and Methuen.

OFFICE 199 ESSEX STREET. Lawrence. Mass.

\\'ANTF.|). IN A SMALL FAMILY. M one Americas, jrirl to do general hoMse-

Wiirk. Hue Ihul uiiil.-r.-liiii.1s . uokinii; HIHHI sriutes trill lie LJII.I Ibe ria;lii orse. Ai-nly ai So. Tni-11-.iMi.yMi-.et. jJlyUll


NOW IS THE TIME! As the Spring open*, the Impurities which

hare been Imprisoned In the lllood orei

Winter are thrown to tlu- surface, d sllrj-

arlng the skin with Pimples. Boils, etc.

and causing disorder In the way nf

Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and Diseases of the LIVER and KIDNEY'S.

GliuuCu's Couceutrated Synm of SARSPARILLA,

Iodide of Potassium,


In cxtMtence. It acts as a quiet Altera-

tive, driving all foul matters Into the)

proper excretory channels, strengthening

digestion, and imparting bloom to the

Cheek, Boftneat. to the Skin, tirmiiess to

the Step, and cheerfulness to the Mind

Fur Bolls it is an Infallible Cure, and to

Rheumatism it affords great relief.

P.-io*> One Dollar por Uoitle*


Prepared and for tale by

A. R. Glidden, Druggist, Cor. E»m fc Pomberton Hi., Lawrence.

Family Sewinjr Machineo on Earth

The celebrated world-renowned


To be KI vi-n away at Ibe



•SI l:a..i IS treat.

Having oeeo the rtH.-ii»iaiit or a Urjte, success tui and rlr.i elans trade from the aood peuide ol Lawreoce. Mettiuen, AndOTer, and adjoinlnir tt>WD>, during the U*l Otteen rears. In acknowl. i-.l«.-m.i,i,if the same, I hereby extend raj sin. cere rralitude for all past favors and exceedingly liberal patronage. As a furusor ex|>reaslOD ol


oive a tkset to each customer,




■ abali Kii-« a«nsjr aoo Titr.it, „■ . 9U>» Stai hlnr. and 300 •■ a f TV Mirhln.,

rSffAfif* i;r0J>or,i™ ,*? lb" different styles. The prises will i« awarded to the ucliy number as aooa as llie tlckela are trlren away. UU"XT


Is too well known In require any explanation of rniin-hi regard lo quality. I ahalC aa heretofore, keep a well selected

rinsT-cr.ABs UMI; or UOODI,

-ASI> IKLlr-



**•**« 31J1 Raae. S t r *■».


- fii u>: CL'BE FOR —

Cholera. Dysentery & Diarrhma. ■ •out f.n to-a-rt it ! Oalv-BOeaata.

Twenty years'experience has fully eatab)Lhet> the curative qualities of this preparation.

It rurrd'ranip (ollr. It cur,. Caalara tasa. It carea estreats l»>

MOKE THAN A HALF MILLION 1|» Oullnra In T»o Teara. ! I >

Broadway Savings Bank. BREUIIIN J1LOCK



La»r Heeelveil Ibt nr-

■ii'A ri-:Mi:s"i

■ Hparstdld Itolrra. ltrur**it\»JJy l>>•ratrry. II iuit. Chalsra tlorbut. It

rl C'osapIalMta. It run. Dyapepefut. It cans iira.tB be. lie

I dlgcatloa.

Kvery tamlly should hare It Bald by all drur- airta. Prepared by W. 1>. CHAMli"Kltl.AlS, Lynn. Uass. Charles Clarke. Agent for Law- ""»«■ octSllyr





ajirlWlf »fift v:,„,.» HlreeL

I)" TJOlsT'T! , I. MII.K, U.»t«l

() HO STEEL r'oitKS I'nit "

KMHN SOt;t-:/.KIIS IN I'.dit'KI.AIN.


The Most Complete Sewinn Machine I.v Till-: WORLD

Sell-Selling- Needle,

Self- Threading Shullte,

and Self-Adjusting- Tension.

All Aitentr claim Iheir MaebllM to U Ihe IlKST it ln-riiri- pure )«>-INK .nil ;ind examine for your- U< -, :n.il then iteii.le. I aUHJ lure Ihe Sew (lie

Wilcox A. Gibbs. WeecM Secor, Howe, Singer,

And all Other First - Class Machines. AI.I. HOLD « >£


:tPcjy Yonr Money & Take Yonr Cboice." All" -nc monlh'rtrial, if nut i-atirfiicf ir)

, ii.n.1.-..I for,my,IUIIT In Ihe market, free a


M \< MINKS TO LRT lit ii.,- Week or llontli.

All KintlsorMachinos Fiepairod

And Wirrantcil to Rtrc saUataeUoa, or no I'aj.


New Spring and Sinner Patterns. Ol the laloal and moat ileilrallks Itjlta.


mJiflli l,AWHi:,\( t, MAM,



Kebruarjtath, i>-;i.

Notice Is hereby given In accordance with the

lirovlnUms of the following Statute to all neraoai

within the limit* of the City of Lawrence, using

Weight* and Measures for the purpose of buying

and selling, lo bring Uie isms to the subscriber at his )ii;n .- ol business.

No. 59 E88EX STREET,

hat Ui.!j may be adjusted and sealed according

to law.


Sealer of Weight* and Measures.

An Act In eolation to Sealing; Weights

and Mean urea. lit it tnacltil, Ac, a*/ollomi-

Si.i-r. t, All persons using scales, weights, nicamires or milk cans, fur the purpose of •ellitiit any goods, ware*, merchandise or other commo- dities, shall have them adjusted, sealed and re- i-orded by ihe lealer of weights and measures ID

the city or town in which they reside or bare Iheir usual place ol buslnos, and ..hall therealler be responsible fur the correctness and exaetness ol the same, iirovideil, however, that they shall have the right to have sn.-h scales, weight*, and mearures and milk-cans tested and o.ljustcl at the nffiee or the sealer of weights au,l measures ■rhliBrar they desire to do so.

SECT.* The sealer of weights ami measures In each city and l.iwn shall go once a year, and

■n.-n.-i If necessary, r" —

or milkc^iiH, r.ir ihe purpose ot buying or se ling any commodity, may have the same tested and sealed by the sealer «r weight* and measures In the city or town where they reside or have their usual place ot business, at his ofllee whenever they may desire to have it done.

SICCT. I. Whenever a complaint Is made to a sealer of weight* and measures under oalh, by any person, that he has reasonable cause to be- lieve that any Mala, weight or measure used in tlic tale or any commodity wiihin the cily and town, is incorrect, the said sealer shall go to the place where such srale, weight or measure Is and leal ami mark the same aeeordlng lo the result of lesl applied thereto, and if the same be Incurred ami cannot be adjusted, Ihe said sealer shall attaeh a notice thereto, certifying the lad, and forbidding the use thereof mini the .nine ha* been made to conform to Iho authorised standard Any r-erson using any scales, weight* or ■lass lire* after a sealer of weight* and mea-iires has demanded |>cruits*it>n lo lesl Ihe same, and has Iteen refused such permission, shall bej liable to tin- same penalties as If he had knowingly used a false scale, weight or measures.

SBCT. 5. All scales, weights and measures Ibat eannot la- made to i-oidorrii to the standard thai! Is., ■tamped " condemned " or "C. I»." br the sealer of weight* and measures, and no person shall thereafter use the same lor weighing or measuring any eoimoodity sold or exehangeil under the penalties provided i„ the case of the use of false weights and measures.

SK<T. I). Kvery sealer of weight* and measures shall receive sui-h nun pen sa thin lor his service, as way be Hied by the . ,(v or town within which he is ai,|„,i„|e,i, and no fee* shall be charged tor any uraeial duly he may |>erforni.

-ACT. 7. Kvery city and town shnll within the Orst U-n days of January ard July In each year, advertise the several sections, of (his act, by pub- lishing ih, in in some ncwsiiaut-r printed lit -urh city or town, or by posting them up in one or more publh- psaWNM therein.

SK-rr. «. Thl* act shall Uke cffe<-l upon It* pas- sage, l-lwroerd i/ngU, ICO. 3mV«Iapx«


ornoa IMMPKCTOK OP MM K, * .. .. April 16, IB74. Notice Is hereby given lliat tlte undersigned

has la-en appointed Iu.|.r,tor of Milk far Ibe Cttyi Uw.

nd all (rOraottl selling Milk within lite dly are HWbj reiiuested to cnnforia to all life r.-.jiilrr

menu of the law and City Ordiaance* relating to

All ]H-rsons will observe that tlte law reuulre* Ml dealer, in milk, at wholesale or ratal, from ag.uis, i-ellars. stores, shopi or market placet

wiihin thelimilauf tbeCltrof l^wrenca are ref

Ilealater Iheir ITatn.. a) in, u,. laapeatar All persons aware of any violation of said law

and ordinance, are invlte.1 Ui report the san

At a«8 Caatataa llnri. An A.-ti., amend "Aa Act in relatloa to Ibsf

sole and Inspection of milk." He It enacted, Ac., as follow*: Hr.'T. 1 Whoever sells or exchanges, or ha* li

hi* posession,with intent to sell, or exchange, or offers for sale or exchange adulterated milk, or milk to which water 01 anv foreign substance has been added, knowing the same to be a.tulter uled »r to contain water or any foreign substance shall for the flrsl offence, be punished by a flne o one hundred dollars and for any subsequent vio lalion, a line of not let* than one hundred dollars, nor exceeding three hundred dollars, and Im- prisonment In the house of corrceUon not lett than thirty or more than ninety daya.

rjKL-T.X. The penalties provided mill* prcr-eed ng section, and those provided In ihe act to which this it in addition, m*y be recovered oa complaint lie fore any court of competent Juris- diction and one half of the amount of One iiu- posod shall go to ihe cumplalnant or Informer,

nd the remainder to the treasurer of tho city or iwn where offence was committed. ri.n. :i. It shall ba the duty of every luspector

of milk to'lnstilute complaint on the Information ofany person who may lar before him satisfac- tory evidence on which lo sustain the same, and ic shall be entitled to receive one halfthe amount f any penalty recovered therefor, and shall pay


Kidneys, Bladder,



Su.li aa Palatal sad Itragglug Utaia, tlon. la th. Back and I.olus. IHfll. all Suppressed or I uronliiirl I 'rlaallaa with a whlllaa or brlcadaat Sediment la (hr I rlne, Dropay, Irritation or lnrl.iii.- tlaa *f Ih* Bladder, Call iiln., lirm-l »> ■taa* la th* Bladder, I af Natural forrr, Oraanle Wtshncis and Uaaaral Debility, for Improper tii'tnn Of either aex, Rpsruslorrhas, f.. in oi i In. ■, «l«l, Female TTaakaeaa, etc,

NEPHRETICUM, i* strictly a vegetable compound, prepared from the prescrlplloa of tilt. A. I>. Itt'LI.OCK, nl Providence, It. I., a physician of large expert ence, and one who has obtained n high repiila tlon In Ihe treatment of this class of lii-en-.-s. It was used for years In hit practice before beini put before tlic public In it* present form, am. bund to be an unfailing remedy. Nepttratlcnia is something iinird and bctler than all Ihe prep* ration* of llui-hu eitanL It* effect* are per ma nent. ID all cases II strikes at the bolbmi line of the disease, Instead of alleviating temporarily the urgent symptoms. A single trial will tatlsl'v the most sceptical or its virtues, and by addres- sing at below, Of calling at your druggist's, a pamphlet will be given rou containing certlil. cates of well-known pauple of either sex, and of the Medical I'ruressinn who have used It In Iheir Sractlce. Caa we say more? fr'or sale by all

rugglttt. I'ri.-e 11 |ier bottle; six bottles for $.V

W. U. HOI'KIVH A Co., Proprietor*,

I.tlini-sliry, I'riivlilrii.r, It. I

SMITH. DOOLITTLE & SMITH. 26 Tremont Street, Boston,

< ; 1-. N I'. It A I. A I! K N T H

MILK —or—

"■■p.rl.r to .'«lr In.il or C.rbonat. of IUfu.l., wUb.nl ...... Il..,.r... »•■ ■oolotlona."

iiiil.rn .1 anil prc'rili.,1 by tlte IMKIIB, pbJlS I'l.ii- thrnnfhuut th. country, „, brlnf III,' frct- MMlbMUyftprMMtod lOtfMaMrllenl i„,l,llr. It iiiiini.l.'iU'iy anil o.rtulnly relHve.

Heartburn. Sourness or

Acidity of the ■ Stomach.

Headache. Dyspepsia

Indigestion, Rheumatism

and Gout.

1 ,:i \;,l ivo

—I. A—

foe Children Il I* -ni'i-i mi lo any other prcpttrntion, ni.uiring

no perr.un-.ton to Induce t lie in lo lake it, nml it Is

also peculiarly ndapled for females during l-reg

It Is a positive preventive ngnluhlthc food of i

fniii i souring on the stomach. In rare* of

Hammer < inn plaint* and Dlarrhn-a,

II with young children, the


SMITH, DOOLITTLE & SMITH. 26 Tremont Street, Boston,

O E N E H A r, A il K N T S



Tbis delightful and harmless toilet preparation

la most undoubtedly the best In Ihe wnrld f.

preser^ng ili<- >lm and Beautifying the Complex

Ion. II Will remore Tan, Freckles, and all ill

colorations from Ihe skin, leaving it beautifully

white, soQ, i.i ■■,i ii aud t liar.

A ii timi,i;s*

And most delighlfut toilet preparation for beauti

lying the complexion and preserving the akin if

Laird's "Rloom of Toutht" IJenuine pre|>are.l

only by Ueorge W. Laird. It it perfectly simple

and pure, anil warranted free from any material

detrimental to health. It Is far superior to tlte

old fashioned beautiders, such as powders,chalk,

irii-i-n fun, etc,, for imparting youth and beauty

to the skin. The "llloom of Yenth" is preferable

to any other preparations offered for the same


Beware of Counterfeit*.

Hoe that the United Slate* Revenue Slamp i

printed on the front label and Ihe name ol ti. W

Laird is stamped in the glass on the baek or eacl

bottle—no other la genuine.

•aid by all itrugglsd and 1'sncy t.oo.t

SMITH. DOOLITTLE & SMITH, 26 Tremont Street, Boston,

rt E N E It A I. A < i K N V H



Eradicated from the System


Dr. Williams' Vegetable

Jaundice Bitters. IT 1. TUK UK.T

Spring Medicine


Y.t olf.r.d to th* Public.

Price 33 Cents Per Bottle.

SMITH. DOOLITTLE I SMITH Whol-eaala Dpnosinba,

26 Tremont at.. Museum Building,

B0*T01« MAIM.,

General Agents. Also for sale by

Mas. Clarke, H. M. Whitney i Co., Q. E, CMcterine, A. R. Glidden.

-tnlY"A;,,,i.,*7»-.4j 3000 YIDS.

IrH^.:,.;.'liii.Blk and Colored :•';- fuHfM GROS GRAIN UNO PLAIN


aa CKNTS I'l.i; YAH I>



and Colored Kid Gloves

For 50 cts. Per Pair, Worth SI.

SIMPSON, OSWALD & CO. 213 Essex Sheet,

UwiiKsn;, HAM.








AllilMTA, U*.

N. E. Agents. BRCH'N & HAYES. 1D1, l»IJ* Mid W-"' IU..I..I Sit-.-.-i.


ADVA.NCr. ('IH)K srovr.

Magea'. New Portable Rings.

A larfc stork bought liafore the aiUanoe, anil to be sold LOW bv iljy:n-


No. >•• Ctiri atraat, I.awrs

Wltli |H)1I>S ami t'lns . .>ni|il.-(.-, ronnlstinf of


James Martin and Son, Jobbers or lent nml awalng slock ami fixtures

114 Camatcrcilel fn-i-ti, Boataa. JU17?:OOI1TT upb


¥■ Mur|ihy, the *Ki-nt of the Cunnnl Line of Mall Straiuabiiir, bar re veil bi> "IBi-e from ii.. to Mil Kasex street, next door to Huntonn's Jew. elrr store, up onu rtiarht of *uirs. Mr. M. is the only agent of the aimvi- t'.iiiular l.lni- of Steam. ships forLawrem-e, Uellinen ami Amlovr. A —jstrodueti.m anil recently Ix-en made In tb*

ol MHWftIM theCunarder*. III\IJ''I(

- BLATCIILEY'S '£ 5 Ii.iiir<nre.lCUClMIIKIt WOOD - .- i'i'\n> n-,.-,..i..«- T.,.^*i.i» i.-f

IllatrhteyV I'ntenl li Brocket and New llro|i Check Valve, which ear bewfihilrawn without reiDOTtna Ihe I'mtiii, or dlsliirblnaUiej.ili.tr, Also.lhe C'o|iiM.>r Clianilier, wbi.-b never rraeks or scale-, and Will Olt- last any other, far sale by dealer* and th* Iruik- jrenerally lno.ulre.or Idabhlev's I'lim,.,

mil if not for sale In tour town, nend direct to CHAM. ti. m.AT(;HI.EV, Manufacturer,

utntttOWay Wl Conimerec nt., I'hll.. Pa.


A Terr dealrabU realdenee aa M'lui.r St. 'I'IM- modern two dory house, owneil by the

late Mr*. Weston, a<u>lniiig the estate ol Sam'l.

M. H:ivi-, K-.| , i. mi, ,-.[ for immcillate sale, to

close the estate. The house 1* thorouKhly built,

containing eleven rosms; haa a gooil cellar,

plenty of abed room; well or excellent water,

never failing. The lot Istf l.y im l.-i, with a

number ofirult trees, vines and shrubbery. Cen-

trally located, within a few liumlrod feet of Bof. ton and Maine Depot, And convenient to Taciuc Mills, offering an admirable opportur.lty to secure a denlrable place, whlcb most always Increase

Apply at onee to PKDIUCK A CLOSSON.


rY*) PIC-NICERS AND SUMMER X Hoarders. The Policy Poad I'icnic tiround*

at Salem, S. II., are now retuly for lease to pic- nic parties. They are the kaa| equipped and most conveiiicuile reai-lu-d pic-nli; grounds in the vicinity of the '-itv- Howling aHi-ys, nice boats, dance hall, xwlngs, cro<|uet grouads, ele.

A few summer bnarders are wanted m the b.,aiding houoe on the ground, Ihree ininrfaan walk from the utation where all regular traitm stop. w. II. .SMITH A SONS.







m.rt,Wti n. gftf, St.. Lnwrenre. i|u,.





BITTERS "hese celebrated Jiittern are com-

noftetlof choice Hoot*, Herbs, ami llarks, among which ttre tieii- tlan, Sai-HUimrilla, If'tltl Cherry, Dandelion, Juniper, and other berries, and are no prejtared «s f*» retain all their medicinal qual- iticx. Theft invariably cure or gveatlfl relieve the folloiflnacoui- (dnints ; l>v>jn-|isia, .IJIIIIHIU.-. Jver (iiiiiptiuiii. Loss of* A|i|n-

tlte, Hontliu-lio, liilions Attacks Iteniittent nml Iiitcnuitteiit Fi1- vcrs, A Kill', (dlil (hills, |{ IK-II IH:I- llsiti, Slllllliior Conitiliiiiits, 1'ilc-, Kidney DNeikscN, Femnle IMIII- cultie.4, Ltvuilttitle, Low Si>lrl(», ticnernl Debility, nml. in fact, everything canned by an impure state, of the Jtlood or deranged condition of Stomach, Liver, or Kidneys. The aged find in the Quaker Hitters a gentle, soothing stimulant, so desirable in their declining years. No one can re- main long unwell (unless afflicted nilli an incurable disease) after taking a few bottles of the Quaker Hitters.

Prepared by Dr. H. S. Flint & Co. At their Great Medical Depot,

PROVIDENCE, R.I. FOR s.ii.i-; i.Mia wiiiii


Attached to these i>nl.-iltcd -H|>eul«eles are two rtclentillcallyeniir.il in nil imlvuuii- HaUerier—1111 »ii-ii H Inn unrii- il.-li wring llirougti UH- nei vir id the head a

Soft and Coallssnoui Slrr.m nf Klaallt l<> .

vitaliting and giving ln-nllliv action to tlte entire beautiful nystcm of tluw purl* AltMH.l'TKI.V and CERTAIM.Y CUVtKQ

PartUl l'araly.l. ot the Optic Nerve,

ITcak ar. Dlaeaeed Vision,

Ffearalfxla of lh. Head or Fass.

Iftrvaas Ttvlti-hn la tisa

Mu.riit oftha Face,

NDIHI In the Head.

I.ii»» of Mental Garr(y,

and a ho?t of Nervous DuaMta. arising from presHiou ..I id.- lUTV.uir I-IH-I try oi the H) KU-HI.C

Irlbuting, In a must rirtonirlnng degree.

Life and Vigor and Health. by the means of the soil flowing atreain of Kb trleity, giving Brtfjhtnea* to the Eye,

Uulck lie*, to the Kar, Energy to the Itrala.

Tliey are set with li-n-i- of Uie finest I-i. turc, to cuitull Kighlr. nml Hith glHrre* fur tlinre not nettling upe. Ut.-lcn lo rend with, l.ul derlrlng the iH-iieltls to be derived irmii wearing tin' Itul- UrsM; and to ba had in thin city only of

IIUMI'IIKEY MOOAR, Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician


No. 235 Essex Street, Lawrence

y. B. Alto Agent for Jjuarui ,f Afoms* m fKtrtl Sptctaclu and Kyt Wants, the JtHSTin tkt World. t|vlU-

.IMIflT •HI- ■and far Circular.



opporltc ihe termlnu>i of Hie horse ralli leaving fur Lawrence every flfleen minute*!

Vi, In. v.- .iiicii-ri' nl r|il.n,li,l liind. gi-iide.l, fen.-. " e of cultivation, on wbl< ir and cherry tree*, arai

stable anif fiat the home

._., and beau tirully situated, lust a step from llroudway; Its ear.ellent railroadfacililies, sUrtlngforl^iwrencc every flfteen minute.. It was Uie home of the late kliutu.il i;iea*ou, ICsi|. An acre of excellent land In one square, high scenery, retired from aoise and dust; everything altout suggestive nf home with all Its comforts. Home and stable built In the most thorough manner, and in perfect condition. In short, one of Ihe best •Itualions in atelhuep. Hplendld school advantages; four churches and a thriving business community Terms easy, and price low. Address

ItiaplT I'EliRlCK A CLOSSON,. Lawrence, Mass.


—TiacHKi or -

PIANO AND OHGAN. SO* Ea*aa llr**t, I.awrene*.

j, llotnan Is an experienced teacher. Matin, faction guaranteed, Also, agenl for the Preacott "-gan. TblsOrgan Company Is tlie oldest estab-

lunent of the kind In the United States. The perlence of M years In the business enables the

otanulacturers to place In th* market Cabinet Or ganiof such variety, uimlity of tone and flulsh ss will challenge comparison for elegance of style, volume, and purity of bine. Sold on Installment.-. Old Instrument* taken In axchanga. seSStf if

RUDBERRINGS FOB MASONS' PINT, tjuart ami two quart rreiervlng Jare. At

John C. How's t'rockeiy and Glass Ware store, InWKssux itreet.

The only reliable tilfl DlstrlbuUon.ln the country

$50,000.00 IN VALUABLE OIFTS !

To be i .nf. • In

L. ID. SIITE'S ■•Nth Reajnlar Naat li I «■.

GIFT ENTERPRISE To be drawn Monday, A up 10th, W*.


it I'tiir. imiio - ( n B-, r M a * /> v o i Ft.* i*rt*r. 91.00 ^GREENBACKS! Ten fri.r. ti.io StQREENBACKS Ona Family Unlnim and Murinil lloraca with hlIv«r-HOnnttd llarae**

worUi 91,1100 each I I llorac A Buggy with Silver-Mounted ll: ■...,

worth S600 One flnet-incd llo-cwond I'inno, worth tAMi.

rive Kamlly Hewing Mnchine", woith tlisi i-ni-h. TBOUobl ami .Silver Lever lliiniing WalclicH (in

all), worth from Ma btjUMMOkl l.old chalnn, Silver ware, Jewelery, etc., otr Nu.ufSdu. 6.000. TickttSlnniUd to SO OOO

AtJENTSWASTKDto sell Ticket*, to whora liberal premium* will lie paid.

81n,jleTlclf.etaUl;Bix'r1cketsiiS; Twelve * Ticket*) »10; Twenty-Five »U0.

Uireulnrs containing a full lint of mixes, a de scriptlon of the niminer of drawing, nml other In formation In reference to the llirtrllmtlon, will l.c

City or Lawrence Water Loan. Six per cent Coupon Bonds ofthe City of Law

rence, duly authorlied by act of the Legislature, City Ordinance and resolutions or the City Coun- cil, will be issued October 1st, for a limited amount Coupon* attache,! for semi-annual inter- est, payable In Boston or Lawrence, at u,e «|,ii„n -

of hidden, for price and mil particulars call on

or addreaa B. w. COLCORD,

City Treaaiirer. I'er order *r Finance Committee. a»nitf



MS Eaias Ntreet, - - - Lswrsacs.

Nitrous Oxide Gas, and Ether or Chloofonn admlnstered. Office closed during August


R*»T*■■■•• "•* ■■ saveatment. Will l«,„l,1 at a bargain, lilm-k numlteretl IHI

.ml isu Lowell ttreet, cnntnlnlng 30 rooms, rent- iiig for »75o1*r annum. The prttparty is in goo.1 repair, having been built but lire vcars. Kor fur- ther particulars apply Ut Hr. M. KolH-rts, iVi Harerhill *treot, or H. A. Jewell, ill* Kssex nlreel




Saint Room No. S Applaton Strati,

RKSIDENCElOTRKMONTHt. In prompt!* and faithfully excetited at