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Man who struck priest tells why - City of Newport Beach

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'ACTUALLY. l'M UNHAPPY' Newport 's Rocky ;\pkt

By PHIL SNEJDE&MAN Of .... 0.-, """ .....

Rocky Aokl oucht to be a happy man. A hlS)l school and college wrestlln1 champ in

Japan, be competed ln the 1960 Olympics. He's eooe from buaboy to board chairman of

Bepihana of Tokyo, running 50 restaurants in the U.S. and 25 in Japan .

He socializes with Muhammed All and Flip Wilson.

He's a world-class backgammon player and has produced Broadway plays and a film.

An avid power boat racer, he won the Bushmilla Grand Prix at Newport Beach in 1978.

HE'S WRITTEN FIVE business books In Japan. including one that made the best seller lists .

The last time anyone counted. he was worth $40 million .

" Actually, I 'm a very unhappy person." Aoki . 42, said Wednesday during a meeting with re­porters in a Costa Mesa restaurant. " I'm a very insecure person "

Aoki claims political or economic crises may be on the horizon . and even his good fortunes could take a tum for the worse

But when he begins talltin1 about the com· petiUve drive tb,al bas characterized his business career ·as well as his sporting exploits. any evidence of depression vanlahes.

,"I think winning makes happiness." said the

" Winning makes happiness. hazardous competition helps overcome fears."

diminutive bUt1inessman , a Japanese citizen .

"WHEN I RACE IN AN offshore power boat," he says, "l forget about my business problems for two hours.

"I have 50 restaurants here. and I have SO headaches."

Some would say he also has a death wish. In 1979, he was aboard a l,300·horsepower rac·

ing boat that was ripped tlpart by waves off San Francisco. Aoki almost died from his injuries.

Doctors removed his spleen and gall biadder and performed bypass heart surgery . He has un· dergone additional operations to repair nerve damage in his leg and wrist

Aoki's doctors have ordered him to give up <See ROCKY, Page A2)

' AFRAJD OF HEIGHTS' But in balloon race

0.11., .. ,._,_

FIERCE COMPETITOR ·Winning ts Happiness ·

Man who struck priest tells why Defendant in Seal Beach case testifies on own behalf By DAVIDKUTZMANN 01 ti.. Oelty 1'1141' S\aff

Ignoring the advice of his lawyer. murder defe ndant Ronald Spring testified in his own defense. describing how a buarre 8-year search for a woman he once knew "cas ually " led to his assault on an elderly Seal Beach Catholic priest : But Spring, 33. a square-jawed

Vietnam veteran who served in t.Jie Air Force, said Thursday he never meant to harm or kill Father Felix Doherty when he punched him at the rear door or ~he rectory of St . Anne's Catholic Church in February, 1980.

The defendant , a dvised against taking the witness !itand &y C hief Deput y Public (>efender Ronald Butler. saad he st ruck the 64·year·old cleric in th e head when he believed Father Doherty had rebuffed him

" I THOUGHT he was putting D'le off as far as th'e information l wished ." Sprang told jurors in Orange County Supe rior Court

Judge James K . Turner's courtroom.

Father Doherty. who was treated by Sea l Beach paramedics for a small bead wound after the assault, col-


Father Doherty when the cleric told him to go around lo the front door.

Believing he was being re· buffed . Spring said he ··stepped closer" to the priest. who was

" I went to push him ( the Rev. Doherty) out of the way. In the rush of the moment I struck him."

lapsed and died several weeks later from brain iojuriu as­sociated with the blow.

Spring, a Long Beach resident who worked at several odd )oba, said he wanted to discuat mar­rying the woman he wu seeking when he drove his chopper-style motorcycle to St. Anne's on Feb. 9 . 1980.

THE DEFENDANT, who said Father Doherty had given him food and laundry money on pre­vious occasions. testified that he attempted to talk with the priest at the back door of the rectory.

However . because he was wearing his motorcycle helmet . Spr ing said he misunderstood

st,anclinl in the doorway boldinc thf screen door open.•

" I went to push him oul of the way," the witness said. Thia re-1ulted ln the elderly cleric ltftfng bis rlght hand and knocklne Spr· ing's hand away.

.. In the rush of the moment." Spring s8id. "I struck him."

ASKED BY Buller if he bad any intent to harm or kill the priest. the accused murderer said he hadn't. " It shocked me. what I had done." he said. " I knew whal I 'd done was bad

" Spring said he had been look ·

ing for a woman named Twyla Suggs si n ce 1972, when he

Judge flays editorial Brands article on rapists' sentencing 'i rresponsible '

Presiding Orange Count y Superior Court Judge Robert E Rickles. in an unusual and un precedented defense of another JUdge , lashed out at editoria l criticism of the sentencing of three Vietnamese rapists sent to prison for 100 years or longer.

Reacting to comments in ~ Orange County newspaper editorial that said the sentences " verged on viciousness." Judge Rickles said Thursday fellow Superior Court Judge Francisco Briseno was to be com mended for his handling of the case.

" I feel <the editorial 1 was ir· responsibly done because It was done without any investigation whatsoever." Rickles said

RE ALSO labeled the editorial as being " intemperate" and " in­accurate."

The newspaper. the Orange County Register, had questioned the length of prison terms banded down by Briseno last week for three of foor teen-age refugees . convicted or multiple

kidnap. rape. robbery and sex· ual misconduct co unts stem· ming from six rape incidents last year

Sentenced to l18-year state prison-terms were brothers Bo Quoc Pham. 18. and Dung Quoc

" The editorial was also in­t em pe rate and inac ­curate."

Pham. 18. A third defendant, Minh Quang Nguyen, a lso 18. was given a 100-year term.

' A FOURTH DEFENDANT in the case, 17 -yea r -o ld Tung Thumh Le . is undergoing diagnostic studies at the CaUfomia Youth Authority .

Formal sentencing for Le, a minor. will take place in about three montba.

Because slate law requires that two-thirds of a sentence be served before a prisoner becomes eligible for considera­tion for parole. the sentences

• mean that the eldest three will remain in prison the rest of their lives

Rickles said Briseno couJd have piled on even more years because of the numerous counts on which the defendants were found guilty.

THE PHAM BROTHERS and Nguyen were convicted by a jury on more than SO felony counts. Le was found guilty on 40 charges.

The presiding judge said man­datory sentencing laws passed by the state Legislature would have required prison terms of more than 250 years ror the Phams and 246 years for Nguyen.

Le, he said, could be sent to state prison for 186 years when he returned to court in three months.

RICKLES CLAIMED pros­ecutors could in fact appeal the jud1e's sentences because they

<See VIETS, .P .. e AZ>

thought he spotted her in a Chicago bus station in the com· pany or two priests. •

He said he had originally met the woman in Long Beach in 1965 just before entering the service

Believing she may have become a nun , Spring said he visited and called numeroaa COO· venu over an eight-year period.

"I was concerned with her happiness and well-being," he testifled.

OF OBSCENITY ladeJt telephone conversatlons he made to Cbicago church offtclals only days before Father Doherty was usault.ed, Spring said be was intoxicated , angry and lone­ly when he placed the cans.

Jn those taped conversations. Spring told church officials " to clean oul" convents in Chkago a nd send Miss Suggs back to him.

Otherwise. he had said. he would "stomp" a church official if nothing was done.

Jn an earlier. unrecorded call <~e PRIEST, Page AZ)

o.flyl"l• I Uft .....

DEFENDS SENTENCES vudge Robert -Rickle1

Where does human life· actuaBY WASHINGTON CAP> - There

is llO actentific evidence to prove wtfen human life actually beainl. a Senate subcommittee taldna testimony on propoaed abortion legislation was told to­day.

••1 have no quarrel with a.nJone'1 ideaa on this matter, so lo• aa they are held out not u 1clinUflc t~. but •• person.I .,.ef1 bu4d m perlOUI Judi· mtall," Dr. lAqn E. ftOHnberi . prof euot W h9Bla8 •eaeUCI at th Vile Unldl"llty School bt 11t·-dtclne, told th• Sen•t• l&tittcluy Committee'' 1ubcom­mltt oe 119 pe ol po1fera.

"Sdence, per ••· doesn't deal

with the complex quality called ' humanness' any more than tt doe• wtth such equally complex concepts as love, faith or trust."

.,...., ............... R.onoJd Spring testifies " I knew what I'd done wa1 bad," but said he MVer meant to harm or kill Catholic priest who died after being !truck in Seal Beach a year ago.


Shakeup promised after nuke mishap

TOKYO CAP > The president of the Japan Atomic Power Co went before a parliamentary committee today with has head bowed to apologize for his com · pany's failure to report a nuclear accident labeled the worst in Japan ·s history

Shunichi Suzuki promised lhe legislators there would be a personnel shakeup in his com­pany. and an "utmost effort" to find the cause of the radiation leak that came lo light last week. more than a month after it occurred.

HE ALSO SA ID safety measures at the plant would be reviewed and tightened .

Govemment officials are still lnvestiaating the March 8 Inci­dent at the Tsuruga nuclear power plant. 192 miles west of Tokyo, in which 56 workers were exposed to radiation while clean­tn·g up a spill of radioactive water.

begin? favor of anU-abc>rtion forces led malnly ln the Senate b1 Jesse Helma, R-N.C., who 1ponaored the bill.

" SEN. MAX BAUCV8, D-Mont., the 11nlor minority i!nember on the 1ubc0mmtu.t, did not au.nd Th\&r1Clay:1 hear·


The mishap was revealed dur· ing an injury to determine the ca use of hagh radioactive read· ings in seaweed in a nearby bay.

The mi s hap and the com· pany 's failure to report it have stirred public furor in nuclear­sensitive Japan , and fears of contaminated marine life have disrupted the Tsuruga a rea fis· hing industry , despite as ­s urances by officials that there is no danger.

SUZUKI, APPEARING before the Commerce and Industry Committee of the lower house ol the Diet, or Parliament, testified that about 16 tons of radioactive water overflowed because of " technical and human error." before a valve was closed.

ORANlil COAST 1111111 Night and momin1 low

cloudinea with hazy after­noon sunshine oo Satur· day . IAWS tonight 52 alon" coast, 58 inlan~ .



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Mortgq~ ' Method would 'wreak hav.ac', g,rou~ 'Says


~J WASIUNGTON CAP) - Anew bad to open lituf~~ff9 for. o erextend tbemaelvea when cype of morta¥e. wb.lcb con- ftnancllllf l&l'•JPedl_aVUi:. bl,\l!n&IMV''· umer ll'O'IPI lay could IDM• loag lllOClatlou cw tlM ne ~raJ Rom.e Lo•n a.nt

forectoeure likely for unwary t11ht bome-loan money Board, by a S.O vote ftunclay. ome bu,yen~also.; lendersto have dried up almost completebt. authorized federally chartered :alse bol 10 • monlbly pay- But CON1umer 1roupa HY the savlnp and loan aasoclatlons to

enta - or ~roue t.Mlr total new type of mortcaae could .offeropel)-eaded, adjustable-loan bt-uottenauveryat~1. "wr .. ktota•havoc .. In the boul· mort1a1ea . Under su~ an Govemmeci.t ortMals Hy they 101 market and cause people to •lrffment, a lender could ralae

.ncl~'s deficit 5.6 billion

W'ASIDNGTON (AP> - The government's deficit the rat six mont}).s of fiscal 1981 is $65.6 billion, more than $10 Ullon above the Reagan administration's projected deficit or the entire fiscal year ending next Sept. 30.

Since federal spending and tax collecting are not spread ... evenly over the year , the deficit does not necessarily mean

the predicted shortfall of $.54.9 billidn will be surpassed, Treasury Department officials said Thursday.

Treasury 's monthly statement said the government spent $54.2 biWon in March while taking in $44.6 billion. That brought spending for the first six months of the fiscal year to $327.8 billion compared with receipts of $2162.2 billion.

"Rattlers' ioolf are :ivorries 'society' ' · SANTA CLARA CAP ) - A 'daredevil who plans to j ump into f! tiny wading pool teeming with rattlesnakes has landed smack in the middle or a dispute with the Humane Society .

The stunt. to be performed Saturday by "Captain America" lo promote a Santa Clara carpet company, bas drawn the venom of the Humane Society of Santa Clar a Valley.

" First, there 'a a lot of stress to the prairie snakes being put into water obviously cooler than their native dese rt ." said Humane Society Director War­r en Broderick . " Jt ' ll be ao awful shock to their system. '

"SECONDLY," BltODEaICK sa id , " they are not a quati c anima ls. They 'll probably be thinking they a re drowning ."

Gary Ferry, a representative fo r the carpet company, said he doesn 't think the s tunt is cruel to the snakes.

" This will be a lot easier on the snakes, than, say, a rodeo is on horses and cows." he said.

The Humane Society dis · agrees. and promises it will try to get a court injunction to stop the show, and if it can't do that, it will picket the event.

Ca ptain America - otherwise known as physical fitness ad­vocate Alan J ones, of Daly City. was unavailable for comment.

THIS WILL NOT be the first time he has attempted the atmt. Recently, in Seattle, he dove into a pool of rattlesnakes and flesh­eating piranha fish . He cut hUI ha nd as he entered the pool , and the fish went into a frenzy.

It took 80 stitches to put Cap· tain Ameri ca bac k toietber again .

Broderick said the dive is not only bad for the snakes, but it 's a lso bad for children who may watch it

" We don 't think it's at all pro­per for children to wltne11 tbb and then posslbly go out and try It," said Broderick. "It's also dangerous. There's always the possibility that some snakes could escape."

' .,..,......., SEEKING KIN - Two residents of Cuidad Delgado check the corpse of a ~ctim of El Salvador 's c1vu war in tne city's cemetery. Bodiet are routinely dropped off at the cemetery where local residents come to check for miss· ing relatives.

a home buyer's monthly pay. ments, ralae the total of the loan or lenathen the llfe of the loan in tandem with lncreuea io market interest rates.

The lender also could lower mortgage payments .

Market rates, such as the in­terest on shorter securities , have been highly erratic recently.

Ellen Broadm1m, attorney lor Consumers Union, said of the bank board's acl;ion, "They're turning owning a home into a game or chance" m which many buyers would face foreclosure if interest rates rose quickly .

However, board members said financially troubled lenders must be given greater fl exibility in de· signing loans if mortgages are to remain available

Many S&Ls lost money the past yea r or so because they h~d to pay inte rest rates as high as 15 per­cent to attract deposits. while be-ing repaid for older home loans at ratesof6percentor lower .

" We' simply cannot continue to have savers s ubsidizing bor­rowers ." said board member An· drew Di Prete.

He called the relaxation of the loan agreement rules " long over­due."

The house -construction in · dustry also has been hurt by high mortgage rates. now aver aging close lo 15.5 percent.

In theory, S&Ls might offer the new mortgages at lower rates s ince they could raise payments later if market interest rates sur­ged .

" I think this regulation will make money available fo r hous­ing, " said John Dalton , a board member.who was chairman until recently.

Consumers will be protected because of competition for loan business. he said, contending that ''if an association doesn ' t offer a loan instrument in the best in­terest of the borrower. 1 think. very simply, his compet'ition will.''

The new regulation, which ta kes effect next Thursday. will not affect existing mortgages And board members said they do not ex pect the new type of mortgage to completely replace traditional fixed -rate , fixed-term home loans.

Richard Pratt, the new board chairman, predicted there would be "a good deal of activity" in the new type of mortgage . but would not be specific. Th~ new ruJe directly covers on­

ly federally chartered savings and loans - about ha lf the na ­tion 's 4,400 S&Ls - but Industry representatives said many slate­chartered associations also will be included through s ta te lie-in agreements. S&Ls make a ma· jority of the home loans in the United States.

The relatively few federally chartered mutua l savings bankl also are included.

The new regulatipn provides that a aavblp Institution and • home .buyer would aaree to tie future mortgqe-rate increases or declines to one or more than a dozen approved indexes , such as the discount rate for Treuury bills or the. ave ra1e private mortgage rate as computed by the bank board.

If the chosen rate rose 2 percen­tage points during a designated six-month period, for example, the bome loan rate could be raised by the same ap'lount.

Decreases in rates would affect loans the same way as increases, with no limits on bow far the chosen index could push pay­ments up or down except aa agreed upon by the lender and borrower at the time the loan is closed.

Viet veterans . day planned

The U .S . Congreai has declared Sunday a national day of recolJlf Uon for veterans of the Vietnam confllct.

Tbe Orange County Board of Superviaora baa declared Satur· day . u Vietnam Appreciation Day. especially booorlDI tbe 300 count1 realdents wbo died in Ute conruc:t. The same day baa been dealpated by the Costa Mesa City Council.

Realdentl are ursed to fiy their nap on both days ln honor of those whe served tn the war.

From Page A1

PRIESt! • • •

., ........

• • were not touab enouah under provltlom of the law.

What dlJturbed him moat, the pre1ldin1 Judae Hid Thursday, w111-be newspaper'• description of the aenteociD1 u " verst.n1 on vlcioutne1a."

" Judie BrtMno made a beJrt· 1earch1n1 deellloa, ' ' .be 1aJd. for which he wu now beln1 criticized WljuaUftably.

Ken Grubbs. the Re1l1ter'1 ~ltorlal paae editor. said after Rl lea ' preu conference l.n Santa An• that die Jud1e'1 reac• tloa' to the editorial was "intern· perate" ltaelf.

G&UBBS SAID be had no plabs to retract the editorial, en­titled "Cruel and Unusual Pun6-bment," and 1tuck by lta lnUmaUon that the sentences could provide incentive for rapists to klU their victims.

" We don•t want to aee that syndrome develop," Grubb aald.

Deputy District Attorney cart Armbrust, who prosecuted the four rapists, said he believed the editorial " was outraeeoua,..com­pletely outrageous."

CARY AND BRIDE - Cary Grant is shown with his bride, publicist Barbara Harris, 30, in a photo taken at a salon opening in Los Angeles last June. It's the fifth marriage for the 77-year-old former actor.

Armbrust , who had urged Briseno to sentence the defen­dants to the maximum - more than 300 years each - sald (he Judge had showed "considerable leniency."

JUST AFTEll lhe senteMings, however, the prosecutor had sa id any prison term between 100 and 500 years was academic s ince it meant the convicted ra pists would stay in prison the remainder or their lives. 27 5 farm workers

held after raid O th e r co mm e nts in the

editorial a lso drew comment from Rickles. especially those which noted that the s ix victi ms, aged 14 to 21, had "each re· covered from the ordeal. "

U.S. Border Patrol officers took into custody about 275 fa rm workers suspected or being in this country illegally Thursday during a raid on two Irvine strawberry fie lds

taken into custody were loaded onto fo ur buses and taken to the Mexican border

The judge said nearly all the victims were s uffering from de· bi litating psychological prob· lems resu lt in g from t hei r

A Border Patrol spokesman said about 35 officers were in­volved in the raid which lasted from 10 a.m. unt1l ll a .m at the fields near the junction or the Sa n Diego a nd San t a An a freeways.

The spokesman said the raid was the firs~ in Orange County an about a year. He said immi­gr ation ofhc1als recently lifted a ban on " farm checks ."


Hussein wounded

The spokes m an sa id about half the people working m the field ned when the offi cers drove up Reportedly those who were

Keportedly reprt•sentatives of the state and U S. tl~pa rtments :Jf agriculture were prei,~nt dur­ing the raid . T he deported workers can collect the wages due them by applying to the Me xican consul, the spokesman sa id .

DAMASCUS, Syria CAP ) -Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was wounded in an assassination attempt last month , an anti · Iraqi newspaper claimed today There was no immediate com­ment from Iraqi offi cials .

From Page Al . ROCKY AOKI DEFIES FEAR • • • boat racing, so the restaurateur has turned his sights skyward.

He will be com petin1 in the 1981 Gordor nett Balloon Race. which lifts off Saturday at Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley

But even th is type of competition is not without its dangers.

IN A HOUSTON .BALLOON race last week, Aoki "s craft landed atop parked cars, and the sportsman broke two ribs.

" Ir you want to win any race, you have lo take chances." Aoki said.

He claims hazardous compet it ion also has helped him conquer some fears.

" The reason 1 went into power boating was because 1 bated water," Aoki said. " I couldn 't even swim at the time .

" And I 'm sti ll afraid of heights. That 's why I 'm fl ying hot air balloons "

Still . Aoki likes to cut the odds by spending lavishly on safety equiptflent and support crews .

Competing in the Gordon Bennett race this weekend will cost him $50.POO, he says , including the $34,000 he spent for the Halloon it.self.

IN THE GONDOLA WITH Aoki will be veteran aeronaut Ben Abruzzo, who was part or a trio that made history in 1978 with the first trans ­Atlantic balloon flight.

Aoki also teamed with Abruzzo and two other pilots last month lo an attempt to make the first balloon flight across the Pacific.

Weight miscalculations and liftoff problems forced a, PQSlponement, but Aoki hopes lo try the Hazardous tlip again in November

History-making balloon flights were probably beyond the imagination of young Hiroaki Aoki. the son of show business parents growing up in post· war Japan.

Aoki said some of his competiti ve drive comes from fighting his three brothers for food off the ta · ble. He team ed wrestling , karate artd runn ing in order to stand up to street gan~s.

After competing in the 1960 Olympics , he moved to New York City lo study hote l and restaurant management . He sold ice cream from a truck and took menia l jobs in restaurants where he could get by with little English .

IN 1914, HE OPENED his firs t Benih ana restaurant in New York with savings and a $20,000 loan .

Today, his restaurants do millions of dollars in business.

Aoki admits his da redevil activities generate va luable publicity for his restaurants.

But beyond this, the businessman says the cha llenge or sporting contests and the thrill of win­ning continue lo lure him.

" I have no fear of dying ," he says . "I've been living a very scary life for many years now. It was probably more dangerous selling ice cream in Harlem

" If I worried about dying, I'd probably worry about Living, too."


"Radiant Point" Limited quantity . 5,000 yds.-8 colors


including pcx:iding & installation


' ' ..

............ Veteran actor Richard Harm applie1 makeup for reheor~ai of "Camelot.'' The Lerner and Loewe production is scheduled to open at the Pantages Theatre in Los Angeles tonight .

Tattoo leave& 1Jl's 'Fan1my'

Herve VUJecbabe, the 3-foot-11 act.or wlio plays Tattoo on " Fantasy ls land," said be will not return to work on the ABC series until the work­ing conditions are changed to protect his health and safety.

Columbia Pi c tures Television resumed filming the popular series for next season on Wednesday. The show. like many others. began production ea rl y because of the threat of a directors' strike this sum­mer.

He has been replaced by Wendy Schaal, who had been the goddaughter of Roarke, pla yed by Ricardo Mon­talban.

Tbe son of the late Dake EU.la.._ Jays a song wlll be born next week when friends and rana 1ather to celebrate what would have been Ell­ington's 82nd birthday.

The m"5iC is the tune of " Duke 's Melody ," an in · slrumentaJ Ellington wrote in 1972.

The words are those or Cherry Robins, wife of a clothing manufacturer, who was invited by a recording session organizer lo hear the Ellington Band record the lune

The record wasn 't releas~ but Mrs. Robins didn 't forget it, and six months ago wrote words for ll.

Sy Oliver 's band and voca list Buddy Smith will perform it for the first time Tu es da y. at midnight.

Actor IU~h•rd Bunoe nu undergone 1pinal surgery to correct a painful back condi· lion and was list~d ln satisfactory condJtion., a St. John 's Hospital spokeswoman said ln Santa Monica .

Burton, 55, who had been suffering from what was diagnosed as •·severe de· generative changes of the cervical spine" had to leave the touring company of the musical "Camelot" in late March.

Dr. Henry V. Dodge Jr., a Los Angeles neurosurgeon and Ors. Mason lhll and Emory Hopp, both or­thopedists, performed the ''cervical laminectomy." a removal of th.e posterior arch of a neck vertebra , said Burton 's physician , Dr . Robert Hatcltenon.


.. ~ .......... Entertainer Paul Simon. left . and his date Carrie Fisher chat with her father Eddie Fisher at New York's Savoy music hall following a performance by Count Basie. \

Six die in storms Fair weather d~ over most of country

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Pete McCloek•Y. a f our·tenn San Pranel1co •J'•• con -1re11mao who 1aloed note u a Vietnam war ~rltlc, told llttenen ln Newport Beach be'• the onty Republican who can ''retire Jerry Brown." ,

''And if notbln1 eJse," be qulpllff, " that aeem1 Ulte a worthwhile reason to hU\ for 1-enator."

McClolkey, who lives in Palo Alto, is an announc~ candldate for tbe U.S. Senate aeat held by his Republican colleague, S. l . Hayakawa. Gov . Brown, baa stroniJy hinted he'll also seek that seat in 1882.

The congressman brought his campaip tour to Pacific Mutual in Newport Center Thursday , speaking to more than 200 employees.

Hia observations on aasues were quick and blunt :

- On Hayakawa: "He was . voted by his colleagues u the least effective senator. Sam would lose to Brown."

- On handguns : "We seem to have thJs wild-west concept that

we have to own ha.bdrum. Sod•· ty would be better off if um in· 1trument lolt its ma1lc."

- On abortion : "My position ll that aonmme.nt shouldn't ln· trude l.nto tbla matter. Women are capable of maklot that choice. .

- On retu1ees : "We're payln1 the pri~ of tbe Vietnam war. I believe these people will be a driving and a positive force ln our society.

"There ts a saturation point, sure, but there's no way we can tum our backs aft.er what we dJd in Vietnam for eight years."

- On Reagan 's eeonomlc plan : ''I support it 100 percent. If we don't .start cutting we'll have double digit inflation and · the penalty of that will be greater for citizens than any possible program cut.a."

McCloskey, who will be ln Ora~ge County until next week speaking and attending seiveral functions, agreed that the 1982 Senate race is likely to be a con· gested one with Rep . Barry

_,.11, ~I ... SUH BLUNT ANSWERS Pete McClolkey

Gates opens re-election drive By O.C. HUSTINGS Of ... ,,...,.,..., ....

Orange County Sheriff· ·coroner Brad Gates already is campaigning for re-election in 1982

And he already has at least one opponent.

Gates, ~urrently in his second term as sheriff-coroner, raised more than $48,000 toward his re· election effort with a Santa Ana Country Club party earlier this month.

His early opponent is George P . Wright. a Santa Ana CoUege instructor who ran for the office in 1978.

Wright . who announced his candidacy in March, said he ts making the early move because. " I · m trying to get the sup port or the pubUc without the traditional Madison Avenue packaging that many Orange County politicians use, and that takes time."

• • • REP, ROBERT Badham, R·

Newport Beach, bu been named a delegate to the North Atlantic Aaaembly by House Minority Leader Robert Michel.

The Assembly is composed of e lected repre11entaU.ves or the government.a of the 15 nations that make up the North Atlantic Treaty Or1anizalion <NATO>.

The As se mbl y meet s periodically to discuss matters o f mutual concern Its next meeting is scheduled for May in Venice. Italy

••• BADHAM, ALONG with

fellow GOP con&ressmen

William Dannemeyer. R Fullerton. and Dan Lungren . R· Long Beach , a re sponsoring a May 4 conference on business oppottun1ties and foreign trade a t the Anaheim Convention Center

ll 's being planned 1n conjunc · lion with chambers or com merce in the 39th , 40th and 34lh Congressional Districts a nd the

San Onofre session set

The Atomic Safely and L1cen s ing Board has ·scheduled a pre hearing conference for Wednes ­day in San Diego on the licensing by the Nuclear Regulatory Com­mission of Units 2 and J at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

The conference Will begin at 9 a .m . at the US. Tax Court. 4·S · 19 Fede ral Building, 880 Fron t St. The conference is open ~o the public

Discussed wiJI be the seismic safety of the pl.ant.a· location and emergency planning , including evacuation tn the event of a leak of radiation .

U nits 2 and 3 are 1.100 megawatt generators located a bout three miles south of San Clemente Both a re currently under construction, with com· pletion scheduled by the end or next year.


Departments of Commerce and Oerense

Reservation s are bein g handled by Mrs Darlene Knoop i n D an n e m e y e r ' s o CC 1 c~ . telephohe 992·0141


members Lar r y Agran and Mar y Ann Gaido have been named to the 1981 finance coin · millec for the OemoC'rat1<.' Party 1n Orange County

* • •

COUNTY Sl' PERVISOR Har riett Wied e r of Huntington Beach has named three re11i · dents of the 2nd Supe r visoriftl DistriC't to the county 's C1tizeos Advisory Committee for Update of the Master Plan for Riding and Hiking Trails

Mrs . WiedC'r said she tapped Connie Mandie . Phyllis Traylor and Bob Mattox for the commit tee .. because of their long r~· ognized interest [n en hancing and preserving the county 's trail system."

All three are from Huntington Beach.

* • •

LYNN TUR~E , secretary ·bf the Orange Co ty Republican Central Com mittee, has ap· pointed Lynn Dowty of Newpart Beach as her alternate.

Mrs . Dowty 1s coordin atot.f the Bergeson Boosters. a fin · ci a I support group for semb l y w oma n Mari n Bergeson, R-Newport Beach.

$3. 3 million heist J

record bank job? TUCSON <AP> - Four

tnaaked eunmen who knew t.belr victims by nickname. over­powered a janitor and bank inanaaer and drove ore with $3.3 million, apparently the largest cash haul from a bank heist in · the oaUon 's history.

ror the manager to arrive when a white van painted to look like a telephone company truclt pulled up alongside him.

According to a copyright story in the Tucson Citizen, VJrgil said two masked men jumped into his truck , one on each side, and grabbed him. He said he kicked one In the chest before they each put a handgun to his temples.

WASIUNOTON (AP> - For tb• ltnt tisnt •lq~ the Korean War, the Defeue Department \a cop1lderin1· the development of o home·tront state mlllll• to U · 1ume emeTCency dutlea lf the National Guard b mobJUied.

" We've &ot to make 1om1 kind of provision for stale troops when the National Guard Js called up tn a war," said a senior official. ·

"The governors can't be left without forces to deal with civU disturbances and natutal dis­aste,..," said this official, who asked to remain anonymous.

One of the main Pentagon con· cerns , it was indicated, la to as· sure wartime protection of U.S. production plants against the threat of terrorist sabotage.

lll 1Dd ~ call oa them to p eo~ w'ttb ertsa ln tbeJr atatet. But ooee the Guard li mobilized by the fecleral govemrnent, 1ov. •rnora lose control of those un­lta . • In the ablence of a peacetlme draft, the National Guard virtually· ii certain to be mobllfU:d early in any future war <:rills. Pen~aon aptclalists said cen­

tralized ptaniitng for a postlba. millUa to replace the Natloaal Guard at bolDe "has fallen lhto disrepair" slnee the Korean Wu nearly 30 ~ars a10.

' IN A 81111-'AaY for Congreu

o( the atudy's purpose, the Pen· taaon P'rt lt WI w•Y::

''Became the threat to the in­ternal security of the naiJon will escalate durinc inoblllratlon, a non -deployable , stay·behind 't\ome defense' force wil\ be needed to usume th~ National Guard's peacetime mi11ioo of 'protectlna life and property and preaervin1 peace, order and public safety wltbln the United States.'

•'This effort wlU assess the potenUal terrorist threat to the industrial b,ase, and evaluate the current status of 'g(>vemment

anl.lnduatry program• to defend "11lnst that threat.

F0Uowtn1 the 1tudy, th• Pen· taaon told Con1re11, ''policies and re1ponalbUftJe1 will be de­vtloped and l11ued.''

OFFIC~ conducdn1 the study aald Uw) federal 1ovem­ment has ample l~&al a\ltbority to take t.be lead tn thJ1, but they made clear tbey intend to coordinate with 1ovemon, who traditlonall,y are 1ensitlve about their pero,atives and wary of any ~rceived federal effort to encroach on their 'pOwen.

" We 'll deal with tbe 1ovemon and inform · them of the op­portunltles that will ~ opened up to them," a Pentagon oUicial said . •

•' Th ese guys did their homework . These guys are proi ," said police spokesman Mike Walsh after the robbery lhla week of a First National Bank of Arizona branch by the gunmen - two m Halloween masks and two with stocking hoods.

Chuck Hemann, First Na­tional spokesman in Phoenix, said that an audit . re­vea led that $3.3 million was taken by the robbers Bank of· Cicials at first had declined com­ment on the amount taken , although sources close to the in­vestigation had estimated $2.S million was involved .

" The next thing I know these two guys snatched me out of my truck still pointing the guns at m y head and threw me into their. van," he said . He said he was tied and gagged.

lie said one gunman kept call­ing him "Charlie," and they re ­ferred to the bank mH.nager, John H. "Bud" Grainger Jr .. as " old bald-headed Bud." He said the robbers threatened to kill Ulem and their wives unless Virg\I and Grainer cooperated.

In peacetime, governors •·own" their Nationa l Guard un·

Tbe alm of their atudy t.ht~ said, LI to •void reJ)ftltion 91 , problema 1Wh~Ch ,arose in org~. bing, equipping and manning militia units in World Wan I and II and the Korean War. No such "stay-behind" force was

· Bypass surgery may be worth the nwney


Authorities said janitor Charles Virgil. 30, was sitting in his pickup truck in the bank parking lot before 7 a m wait ing


Virgil said the men stuffed the money into a long black laundry bag , three knit fisherman-type bag~. a travel bag and several bank sacks in less than 20 minutes They loaded the van and then fled.

48-year Reichstag fire case ended

BERLIN CAP> The West Berlin Supreme Court has closed the book on the 48-year-old case of a Dutch communist convicted and executed for starting the Reichstag fire in 1933. The fire shocked Germany and helped propel Adolf Hitler to a bsolute power

that decision on the record The JUSllces ruled there could

be no further litigation 1n the matter

J M van der Lubbe 's case "was based on asse rtions that are meaningless on the question of the arson" itself. the court ruled

uw ......... COURT SPECTATOR - The first-known baby to be born in the United States of a contract s urrogate mother sits next to stuffed rabbit during court proceedings in which child was made adoptive son of his father 's wife. The name of the child has not been released because of sensation sur· rounding birth six months ago. The court ruling was made this week in Louisville . Ky

The court threw out the Dec 15. 1980, decision of a lower West Berlin court. which had over· turned the original Nazi convic­tion of Marinus van der Lubbe.

Van der Lubbe was beheaded in 1934 after a show trial. The Nazis used the fire as a pretext to round up communists . and to crush free trade unions and the rema1mng leftist oppos1t1on

U.S. inflation drops Van der Lubbe 's brother. J M

van der Lubbe of Amsterdam. had tried since 1955 to have lhe verdict erased and appeared to have won a victory with las t year's decision .

But prosecutors. in an ap­parent effort to avoid a f\nal verdict that could leave the gov­ernment liable for reparations payments, moved to keep the case open.

A lower court had ruled in 1968 that Van der Lubbe was wrongly sentenced to death. but upheld the Nazi court's verdict of guilt for starting the blaze in the parliament bu1ld1ng . Wednes­day's verdict appeared to leave

WASHINGTON cAP l The nation 's cost of living increased at an annual rate of 7 S percent 1n March , bringing inflation belo"' double -d1g1t levels due mainly to moderating energy prices. the Labor Department n•ported .

The department ·s Bureau of Labor Statistics reported a 0.6 percent seasonally adJUSted rise 1n the cost of living for the month. substant ially below the 1 percent increase registered in February and the lowest one­month increase since July U~BO's 0 1 percent.

The bureau said the slowdown m energy prices resulted in the sm allest increases in transportation and housing costs in seven months The Consumer

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' Price Index stiowed that energy prices continued to rise in March but not by nearly the margin of the previous two months

Fuel oil prices rose 2 7 percent in March . following increases of 7 S percent in January and 8.S percent in February , depart · ment officials said Charges for natural gas and e lectricity rose O 8 percent. compared wilh in­creases of 1 percent and 1.4 per­cent earlier in the year.

REAGAN administration of· fic1a ls and some private economists had been predicting that ene rg y prices would moderate as spr in g a rri ved. Prices had shot up in January and February because of the lift·

ing of controls on domestic crude oil prices and the high cost of foreign oil But the March figures were lower than many economists expected .

Department officials said the Consumer Price Index rose to 265 1 in March , which means that goods and services costing $10 m March 1967 cost $26 .Sl last month.

Th<' figures released this week also showed that the index increased by 11.2 percent from the first quarter of last year to the end of this yea r 's first quarter '

THIS MEANS some 36 million Socia l Security rec1p1ents will get an 11.2 percent cost-of-living increase in July .

N-M's new menu in The Zodiac: That's

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hors d "oeuvres: all you can eal. 6.95 .

Before you go browsing, slop in for lunch! The Zodiac. Middle Level. Newport Beach.

WASHINGTON CAP > Con· troversial heart bypass surgery. the expensive operation that de­tours blood around blocked vessels, appears to be worth the money , according to a new study.

But some heart experts and health economists said this week that the operation still may be overused. consuming more than its share of shrinkin g health dollars

$pecialists from around the country, including physicians. lawyers and economists, dis­cussed coronary artery bypass surgery thjs week .

THE CONFERENCE, con­vened by the National Center for Hea lth Care technology. Is a followup to one held last fall at which experts concluded the operation has proven medical benefits .

After the latest conference. participants will develop a state· ment on the economic . social and ethical implications of the s urger y, whi ch involves transplanting blood vessels from other parts of the body to the heart.

·'Coronary artery bypass graft surgery, al least as it applied to patients with symptomatic cor­onary heart disease , appears to be a reasonably cost-effective use or health care resources," said Dr. Milton Weinstein of the Harvard University School of Public Health. ...

!if /lNr 'NE decade>. bJP• lions b.ave become the type .. 0 ~rgery ptttormed

most frequently in this country. according to Dr . Sey mour Perry, director of the National Center for Health Care Technology.

Greased pig quick EAST BR UNSWICK, N.J .

(AP> A young pig , coated with grease, led police Sgt. Gerald Marino and two employees of a local shopping mall on a slippery IS-minute c ha se through squeali ng shoppers who gathered to watch the roundup.

Dr Elliot Rapaport of the University of California at San Francisco said the cost of the diagnosis , surgery and Collowup varies around the country .

" As a national average today. it is reasonable to project that the entire work -up and manage· ment of the average surgical case 1s in the neighborhood of $15,000 to $20,000, Rapaport told the meeting , and "insorance pays around 80 percent of the bill . ..

Hinckley undergoes mental tests

WASHINGTON (A P > - John W Hinckley Jr .. accused of al· tempting to assassinate Presi­dent Reagan . has undergone four hours of medical testing at a university hospital near the prison where he is being held. a Justice Department spokesman said .

Department spokesman John Russell said that Hinckley was moved this week from the fede ra I correction institution at Butner, N .C . . to the Duke University hospital in nearby Durham.

The tests . which included a brain scan. were requested by lawy e rs defending Hinckley against a charge of attemptmg to assassinate Reagan on March 30. Russell said

He said he did not know the re· suits of the tests, and Hinckley 's attorneys were not available for comment.

Russell said the testing was done at the university ~cause the Butner institution does not have ~pment for a brain sca n , a'test which can be used to detect a tumor and other dis­orders.

After the tests. Hinckley was returned to Butner, where be 1s being held for up to 90 days of psychiatric testing . Russe ll said that for security reasons no announcement was made of the tests beforehand.


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50-}lear sentence given in .. boriibirig

SAN FRANCISCO - (AP> A former Iranian police chief con· vict.ed of bombln1 an Iranian . student meeuna at 84trkeley hu been sentenced to the maxl!JfOm so years In a. feder•I prison. O~eb. 18, a jury convicted

Naser Almanelh, 29, of Santa Clara on two counts each or making and possessing bombs, one count of damaeine a build· ing and a sixth count of attempt­ing to damage a building . It ac· quitted him of a charge of threatening the hfe of former President Carter

TH E CONVICTIONS stemmed from the Aug . 20 bombing of Berkeley High School and Almaneih 's plans to bomb an Iranian meeting a t San Jose State University.

U.S. District Judge Spencer Willtllms. in imposing a sen­tence Thursday of 10 more years than the gove rnment had sought, said he wanted · his sen ­tence to " speak loud and clear."

" We have no room in our society for terrorists. whether home grown or imported." he said . " If for one moment we ac­cept . tolerate. excuse. condone or justify acts of violence. s uch

as those for which tbls defendant has been· found guilty, ·our free society as •e know wUl cease to exist. "

One of 300 persons who fied from. the Berkeley Hleh School buildln& was injured when two bomM placed in the foyer ex­ploded. A plan to bomb an Ira­nian gathering at San Jose State Ul\iversity on Oct. 3 was nipped with AJmaneih 's arrest on Oct. 2.

Assistant U.S. Attorney Greg Wa ' rd claimed during Almaneib's trial that the former police chief under the late shah of Iran wanted to he lp overthrow the regime of the Ayatollah Rubollah Khomeini and return to Iran as a police official.

THE DEFENSE attacked the c redibility of the government's main witness, Amir Ehdaee, 39. a former member of Savak, the sh a h 's sec ret police. Ehdaee tes tified Almaneih made the born bs, did au the planning 'and planted them.

Almaneih testified that he was a l a San Francisco night c lub watching belly dancers the night of the Berkeley bombing .

., ......... Sen. S.l . Ha~wa. R.Calif., f le/t ) .tU with ambcu1ador nominee John A. Gavmat hearing.

Gavin testifies WASHINGTON <AP ) - Actor

J ohn Gavin, nominated to be U.S . ambassador to Mexico. dis· puled a suggestion that the country is endangered by Soviet ·Cuban Marxis m .

·'The Marxist ideology is in· deed espoused by a certain sec­tor," Gavin said. " But I believe on balance we need not fear for the security of the Mexican Republic ...

The disagreement developed at Gavin 's confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign Rela-

lions Committee . Gavin said he gained ex ­

perience in Latin Ame n can af fairs as a special adviser to the Organization o f Am e ri c an States · secretary general from 1961 to 1965.

Gavin said he believes Presi­dent Reagan nominated him because he agrees with the pres­ident that " it 's time we c leared up the misconceptions and mis· und erstandings th at ex ist between lhe United States and Mexico."

LOS ANGELES <AP> - AC· ness Underwood , a colorful newspaperwoman whose career as city editor or the Los Anceles Her•ld ExamJl)er spanned 17 years , has filed a SUO million defamation suit over a book that said she helped the late eangster Mickey Cohen steal $1 million .

Defendants include The New York Times Book Co., which published " The Las t Mano.so," a book by Ovid Demaris about former mobster Jimmy Fratian· no. Also named were CBS' " 6C Minutes. " which reported on mate rial in the book, and Los Angeles r adio station KMPC. which ran an inte rview with Demaris.

THE SUIT filed here claims the book and s ubsequent inte rviews falsely stated that Ms. Underwood a ided Cohen by printing a fabricated s tory in the Los Angeles He rald · Express (th e forerunner of the Herald Examiner> in 1948 stating that a ship loaded with arms for Israel had s unk. The s tory . the book c lai med , was a coverup to allow Cohen to pocke t $1 mill.ion in donations he had raised to pay for t he arms .

Ms . Underwood, 78, said no s uch a rticle was published and th a t s he didn 't even know Cohen in 1948

J~wa with the milUon talJed at the benefits and then told her the boat sank. A few unknown peo. ple died, some were 1aved. and she prtnta it on hls say.Id. I says, 'Mickey. congratulationa. You 've Just pulled o(( the big· aest , cleanest acore ltve ever seen made.' "

CARYL WARNER, Ms. Un· derwood's lawyer, said the only story about a ship full of arms that could be located in the old He rald-Express or any other newspaper library was one stat· lng that a ship laden with amu and destined for Begin 's Irgun Zvai Leumi unde rground was blown up on a TeJ Aviv beach by the Israeli a rmy. Begin 's group had been opposed by the fledg· ling Israeli government because it resorted to terronst tact ics.

Airport seen boon to valley

PALMDALE <A P 1 - An estimated Sl billion in direct economic benefits and a 100 per­

~ /' II I nc

, .




I Woman 's strip-search caUed routine Accordin g lo the book and

tran::.cnpts of 1nterv1e " s . Fra t1anno didn 't trust Cohen to keep hi s hands off the $1 m11l1on . \.\ h1 ch he purportedly collected at th e urgi n g o f M e n i.1ch1m Begin . al the time head of an un de r grounq movement and pres enlly Is rael's prime m in1ste r

cen t population in c rease could 1 •J be c reated for t he Antelope Valley 1f th e lo n g.pla nned :-J Palmdale Inte rn ational Airport t 1s built. a new report indicates

The report , released at a Los Angeles Board of Airport Com· m1ss1oners m eet ing h e r e. -esti m ated that c·onstruct ion of

FREMONT <AP 1 Fremont police say the strip·search or a woman who fai led to pay a ticket for not li cens ing her dog was a routin e procedu re de· signed to kee p contraba nd out of the city jail.

She has launched a letter writing campaign to the Fre· mont City Council . the mayor. the governor of California. the American Civil Liberties Union a nd Pre s ident R ea gan -because . " I thought people should be aware that this was going on."

ea rly on Dec . 5. "here she "as fingerprinled , photographed and ke pt in a holrung area without a restroom

the airport "ould generate : , 31 .600 to 36.300 additional jobs for the area 30 miles north or

The book quotes Frat1anno as say ing , "See . hes got this broad at The He rald . Agg ie Un derwood S he 's a bag editor there. and this broad would walk on hot coa ls for Mickey Pnnt any he gives he r . The way I see 1t , Mickey ca lled her and made up a story about buyi ng guns and amm unition for the

doy, nto"n Lo!. Angeles . The hoard ha::. a ('qu1red 17.700 ·r

acn•s adJacent to this Ante lope ;i

Va lley c·1ty at a cost of over $100

But Marlene Penny, the 29. year·old mother of four who un­derwent the sea rch in December 1980 . called it " unbe arabl y frus trating."

Mrs . Penny said her encounter wi th police began last fall when she was issued a citatio" requir·


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Mrs. Penny said that a woman poli ce office r told he r she was to be searched " Whe n she f1r~ I said. 'Take your c lothes off.· I laughed ."

T he ACLU. which is handling the protest. said litiga tion harl not been fil ed.

m 1 llwn for construction of the uirµo r1 If work on the ai rport is begun by 1985. lht• report stated. it would ha ve a n annual µassl·ni::er volume of I million by !990.

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New airpqrt access plan seems promising ~ a considerable amount

of wranallna, it finally appears that an acceptable plan to reg· ulate entry of commercial jet air carriers at John Wayne AJrport is neartn1 completion.

A plan now emerging from the offices of county airport of· flcials and supervisors has several positive aspects.

First, it would protect the legitimate interests of A.ir(;a1 and Republic Airlines, the two car· riers which have provided service the longest in Orange County. Second, the plan would recognize that Frontier Airlines , which was permitted to begin service at the airport last year, has made a sincere effort to re­duce noise impacts. Frontier, like AirCal and Republic, has plans to purchase the DC-9 Super 80, which experts say will be sub­stantially quieter than the DC-9-308 and Boeing 737s now operated at the airport.

The plan would not protect the interest of Western Airlines. Nor s hould it . Western's performance in Orange County can only be viewed as lackluster.

Like Frontier, Western re-

ceJved a 1,>lece of the Oran1e County action last year. But lt has yet to make a subetanUal commitment to noise reducUons. It bu no plans to purchase the Super80s.

The proposal would favor Pacific Southwest Airlines, the only carrier in the nation that bas taken delivery of the Super 80s. As airport insiders see it, flights that Western now possesses would he turned over to PSA ii the plan is adopted.

The plan, as now envisioned, would cause little disruption in airport service (two Western flights to Salt Lake City would be eliminated}. In fact, service would probably improve, because PSA would start service on the heavily traveled routes to San Jose and Sacramento.

At this point, the plan looks good, far better than two earlier proposals that either would have caused substantial service dis­ruptions or could have been too complex to effectively imple­ment. The proposal merits a favorable decision from supervisors.

Public service costly Time was when our cititen­

la wmakers were supposed to be just ordinary folk , employed or in business for themselves, neither richer nor poorer than the average taxpayer, nor boasting rich and influential friends and supporters.

Figures on campaign expen­ditures in California's 1980 primary and general elections compiled by the Fair Political Practices Commission show all too well that money is becoming the name of the political game.

Even when Jesse Unruh called money "the mother's milk of polit ics" he could hardly have foreseen the heights to which political expenditures would rise.

The $35.8 million spent by candidates for the Legislature in the 1980 elections was an overall increase of 71 percent over the costs of the 1978 elec­tions - that's in just two years!

In the Assembly the increase was even more startling - 84 percent over 1978. Senate races showed a more modest 24 percent increase.

In their battle for the speakership of the Assembly . both Leo McCarthy and Howard Berman bad the distinction of be· ing the first two Assembly mem­bers to spend more than $1 million apiece. Each spent more money in 1980 than did all of the candidates for the Assembly in 1958.

The $35 . 8 million total represents an average of almost $360,000 in campaign costs for each legislative seat - and this is just for a single legislative dis· trict, not a statewide office.

FPPC Chairman Tom Houston describes the 1980 cam­paign as "something akin to an arms race" and predicts cam· paign costs near the $100 million mark by 1982 if this trend con· tinues.

Small wonder newly elected legislators begin their fund· raising efforts for the next cam­paign almost as soon as they have been sworn in . This is no game for the simple citizen who dreams of being a "public ser­vant" - not if he wants to win and hold an office.

When minutes count Concern recently arose over

emergency medical treatment procedures at Disneyland, the Orange County amusement park that each year attracts more than 10 million visitors from throughout the world.

With that many people visit­ing the park, there are bound to be incidents involving illness or injury, in some cases, death .

In the past six weeks, two Disneyland visitors have died. One man was stabbed and a woman suffered an apparent heart attack.

Both incidents raised ques­tions . Paramedics were not sum­moned and the victims were transported to a hospital in Ois­n e y land ' s own emergency medical transport vehicles. The vehicles are not equipped with red lights and sirens.

These facts are not meant to

imply Disneyland did not provide treatment. On the contrary, reg­istered nurses provided on-the­spot treatment to both victims and accompanied them in the ambulance-like vans to the hospital.

While def ending the treat· ment it provided and the overall quality of its emergency medical procedures, Disneyland has hired a firm to maintain a ready-to-roll ambulance - one equipped with red lights and sirens - at the park durin~ operating hours.

This approach makes sense. Disneyland, during peak periods, can be a very difficult place to travel from because of traffic congestion. Llghts and sirens can speed transport and perhaps gain the seconds and minutes that can prove so critical in emergency situations.

Opinions exprused In the space above ar~ thOse of the Dally Piiot. Other views ex· pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is lnvlt· ed . Address The Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 1S60, CO$ta Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 6-42-4321.

L M. Boyd/Man'• work Women do at leut ball the 1\llo

drivln1, m,.ybe more .. Insurance com· panles ,_,they're better risb, too. So bow do you account for the fact that there are '° relatlvely few wolllen •ho drin for pay? Never mind, I know why. Tbe unjust tradlt.lcn wu lbat anytime a Jo6 aeu tedu1tfted from cuual to prof es1lonal, lt teJldl to become man•1 work. Cooklnt, tot" ln­ltance. Or meat cutttna. E~en. to

some degree, piano playing.

Quick, name the only aartcultural product that irowa lt. seed on the out-1lde of lts fruit . Come on, tbe 1trawberry, the strawberry.

Men are cnaef; man is kind. Men are creedy; man ls 1eneroua. Men are mortal; man ls lmmortaJ. Tbf late AdJat E . Stevemon said that.


Guatemala next on aid list?i WASHINGTON - The conflagration in

El Salvador is spreading acrOAs the border into Gµatemala , and the Reagan administration is already drafting plans to provide the Guatemalan generals with military equipment.

The administration is expected to JUStify this increased involvement in the turmoil in Central America on grounds that the Guatemalan guernllas are get ling support from Cuba by way of Nicaragua. But there is another. more com pelling reason that will not be menliohed: Guatemala has oil Though still barely t apped . its oil deposits could make Guatemala a rich country in a few years .

Former President Jimmy Carter cut off military aid to both Guatemala and El Salvador to show U.S disapproval of their military dictatorships. But last January, he resumed military assistance to the embattled Salvadoran junta . which had replaced the old dictatorship 18 months earlier

PRESIDENT REAGAN increased the arms shipments and dispatched milltary advisers to El Salvador in the belief that the Soviets are fanning the names of re­bellion there . Secret intellJgence reports . including intercepted messages. link the Kremlin to the Cuban -Nicaraguan activity.

Now I have learned that Reagan win soon resume military a id to Guatemala which. unlike El Salvador. is still ruled b y the same repressive mihtary rf'gime

lntellililence reports exist wruch will

buttress Reagan's decision to make Guatemala yet another arena of East· West confrontation. My associate Bob Sherman has seen a confidential Defense Jnlelligence Agency analysls. which re ~ ports :

··A tape recording recently captured in a skirmish with Guatemalan guerrillas

Q -Jl-Cl-1-ID-IR-10-1 -~ has provided convincing evidence of Cuban and Nicaraguan complicity in or · ganizing, directing and supportinlil the Guatemalan Revolutionary ~ovement 'Socialist' countries may have already been contacted to supply arms and supplies . which are to pass through Cuba and Nicaragua before being forwarded to Guatemala."

IF THIS HAS a familiar ring, it should Captdred documents established the hnk between Salvadoran guerrillas and Sov· iet ·bloc nations. which justified the Reagan administration·s ant i · communist alarums and excursions in El Sa lvador.

The DIA appraisal claims that guerrilla strength in Guatemala is

''minimal. and " only s mall-scale in · surgent actjvityis '-!Uicipated tn the near term " M y sou r ces say th e ad m1rus trat1on hopes that renewed U.S

military aid will help the Guatemalan. generals eradi cate the leftist rebels. before they have a chance to grow into a. real threat . 1

The stakes m Guatemala are high. A! confidential State Department cable las1! month spelled out the 011 prospects this way : ··The optimistic view long held by most oilmen t is > that Guatemala does in

fact possess s ignificant reserves on the order of the Alaskan north slope.··

Although Gautemala expects to pro duce only about 15.000 barrels of 011 a day; this year . the cable notes that a petroleum'. consultant has advised the government it: cou ld be producing a million barrels a : day within seven or eight years " 1f ap : pro priate dnlllng in centiv es ar e: adopted ·· ;

WHAT WORRIES the admin1strat1on is that the UR1ted States may be losing out! 1n the international competition to de-1 velop Guatemala 's huge petroleum re·I sources Several yea rs ago. Guatemala! asked for U.S. help in exploiting its oil re l se n •e s. but got n o \\h e r e The. Guatemalans turned elsewhere The! State Department cable notes that .. U .S i companies have been edged out by <the lj F rench 1n promis ing exploration areas " I

Rut the Guatema lans have once again!! asked for L' .S. help, and our embassy m Guatemala City has urged a ravorable r esponse, noting that experts behc\-e1 Guatemala ·· could supply 10 percent of· U S import needs within six to eight yea rs

Computers replace smoke-filled rooms Earl WateN l.t on vacation. Thu column u

written by ha cuaodate Dan Blockbum. It is a rare politi~l issue that can rise

above all others in th e hearts of legislators . Reapportionment is one such issue.

This is the process which occurs every 10 years following the census and which draws new lines for California 's 45 congressional districts and 120 legislative distl'icts . The re · apportionment procedure is a classic struggle between the " haves" and the "have-nots" at times requiring the state Supreme Court to referee. It is an at. tempt to provide residents representation by an individual who most closely represents the will of the majority of the district.

With so many diverse interests at work In the formal reapportionment process it is sma ll wonder that the si mple drawing of lines on a map would become the subject of bitter polilical wrangling.

COMPUTERS NOW aid in.the work of reapportionment and much of the raw political power that once was vested in the hands of a few street-wise

politicians is now dispersed among many. That fact however does little to alleviate the exercisin g of unfair advantages by those who can figure out how to do it.

The matte r of equitable political r e presentation is germain lo the principals upon wbich this nation was founded . It i s imperative that

flll WITIRS politicians elected to office represent as c lose ly as poss ible the nee<,ls and viewpoints of their districts That makes it vital for those with an interest in such ethereal topics to enter into the process and aid in the drawing of lines . It is interesting to watch the

• representatives of certain minority factions influence on this decade's re· apportionment. Never before ha ve the black and Hispanics been so well or­ganh:ed and so potentially able to participcate in the division of the state.

Armed with sophisticated computer t ec hnology and talented politicat scientists , ethnic groups are moving t~ protest existing distri cts and seeking td c reate new ones wh e re minority candidates can be more easily elected . i

Recently Assembly Speaker Willie Brown. a San Francisco Dem(}('rat. told a Southern Ca lifornia crowd that he wa~ inte rested in helping create ~ new His• panic dominated Assembly district in Los Angeles. He ran into a buzz saw of opposition from the Senate in the form of the Pres ident Pro Tempore Davict Roberti. a Los Angeles Democrat whq made 11 c lea r the Senate wouJd make it~ own decisions . •

THE LEGITIMATE f ea r s oC minoritie s is the pra c ti ce of gerrymandering. whereby the party iri power carves out the dis tricts to iJ.i advantage at the expense of the o p~rty . •

the days are gone when power bar would simply sit down in smoke-fill room s to divide the spoils of ttdistrl ing, but the potential for abuse s tiU ists under the guise of compl technological methodologies .

In soine disputes losing .is really winning How can you win when you lose? This

is a hard riddle, but it was propounded and answered well over 2,000 years a10 by Epicurus In llttle over • dozen words :

'·In a philosophical dispute. be &•ins

~ m1n11n11 ~


moat. wbo ls deteatod, aillce he le1rn1 most."

U you bave taken a wron, poa1Uon on a queation, and someofte bests y0u ln

· the arpmertt, you ate not a lour but a lnoer - for ~ •re betwr otl tbu Jou

were before; you have fatiMid more tban your opponent bu. You heve Jearned eometblnt you did not know: be baa not.

nant end triumphant. \ This ~nd of winning is really losin1 .

if the facta are not on our side. Thia is a debating victory, an oratorical contest, not a mutueJ determination to seek for the truth together - which is what all honest and productive arguments must be.

Most dlsputation.s are fruitless at best because the contestants want to in· struct. not to learn ; to persuade, not to iJ:lvesU,ate ; to feel jusUfie4, not cor­rected or reproached or convicted of et· ror. And the more heated the con· lroversy, the r.iore both entagon1'ms loH •ilbt of reality, of reason, and ol i"e common objective to di1cover where the aood resides.

construed as a slap in the face. It wounded vanity and not a ~al for t thttl feeds the names of most such troversies.

DIFFERENCES of opinion are portuniUes for learnin&. new footho for chanie and growth, vaJuable erclsea for minds grown slugaish characters grown smug. But not on4! a thou.sand uses them for such creatl purposes; not 1, not you - and I wo about old )!:picurus himsell.

! ,

Lamps' finish worn

DEAR PAT DUNN : I hav e two silver-plated table lamps that were given to us years ago. 'Rae protective finish has worn off and ln places the silver coating is down to the base metaJ. I waa given a SUO estimate to have the lamps replated several years ago, and I know it would be more now. Do you or your readers have any suuestiona on ~ow to make these lamps attractive again? l hope there's some metallic spray treatment or somethlng!

M .B .. Irvine


Normandy Metal Reflnlabera, located at Cannery Village In Newport Beach, 11 oae of the few remaining antjque 1llver replatlng firms ln CaWomla. Its spoke.woman w~rns agalut ulllg any me\al reltorer H It may damage the remaining sUver coadng. She suggests you bring &be lamps in to have them evaluated by th• shop's owner, Scott Sarkisian. You can make arrangements by phoning 675-3132.

Food compl.ainl DEAR PAT DUNN . What government

agency handles complaints about canned or packaged foods?

G W . Newport Beach Report the proble m to the manager of

the store where you bought the product and then contact the manufacture r . If you become Ill after u llng any canned food , notify the county Health Department Im ­mediately. If you do not become Ill but have a complaint about canned food <other thao meat or poultry). or packaged foods, contact the Food and Drug Administration In Los Angeles.

When making a complaint to the FDA. give a description of the Impurities found In

. the Item , the manufacturer 's name and ad­,, dress, the manufacturer's code numbe r " stamped on the it t'm indicating packaging

plant location and the s ize orthe item. If the FDA determines your complaint

merits Investiga tion , a sa mple will be collect · ed for analysis, and you can expect to be notified of the results.

H your canned meat or poultry has an impurity or irregularil) that originated from the manufacturer or s laughterhouse and has been inspected through a federal plant lthis usually will be indicated on the- can>, contact the U.S. Department of Agfkulture. 620 Central Ave., Buildin g 2 F -Room Ill , Alam eda, Calif. 94501.

· Banned children's irear sold? D E Ait READERS: The Consumer

Product Safety Commission ls wanJn1 coo· sumers who are purcbasln' children's sleepwear to look for the fiber content labels and avoid purchasing any garments made from acetate, trlacetate or blends.

These garment s wert' manufactured before 1978 when such fabrics were almost always treated with the flame retardant TRIS to reduce flammability. TRIS·treated children's s leepwe ar has been a baoned ha&ardous product s ince 1977 , as the chemical is bellev.-d to ca use cancer.

CPSC also recomm ends that consumers not buy children's sleepwear without a label, especially at bargain prices.

The commission would like to hear from consumers who can confirm or estahllsh strong evidence that TRIS-treated s l.-e pwear is being sold from specific outlets. The toll· free number is (800> 638-8326.

• ·Gor o problem" Then wnle to Pot

'-"I Dunn Pat will cul red tape. getting ' "' .l. the an.rniers and oclum you need to

solve inequities an government and business Mall your queshoNr to Pot Dunn . Al Your Senna. Orange Coo.st

Dally Pilot . P 0 Box 156<J. Cosio Mesa . CA 92626 As many ~tters as posinble will be onawered. but phoned mqu1nes or letters not including the reader's full name . address and buimesr hours' phone 11umber cannot be cmisuUred This column appears daily ex­cept Sundays ..

' '8v One Frame .a ta., ~alar Prlee, Get;~a .Secoad FnUDe That eon. the S.me or Le.. for une Centi

·Here's how our frames can work for you.

F inished art work of your own.

'7our number from • the lOK race,

• ove notes L he once sent to you,

A needlepoint that you have sewn.

The ribbon when you won first place.

The day you finally said "J do"

Choose a frame , and we've got plenty, The second one will cost a penny. Just be sure the second frame ls priced below or costs the same.

The mirror that you etched by hand.

A picture of your kitty catty.

'7our hair when it • was long and wavy.

A poster of a far off land,

A baseball cap from Cincinnati.

Unde Davy in the Navy.

So make your good cents work for you. Buy a frame and take home two. The second's just a penny more At any Aaron Brothers store!

(Items shown in frames are fictitious creations and exist only in the artist's imagination.) Custom framing and labor not included.

Aaron Brothers Art Marts l2B ANAHEIM 222 N. Beach 8tvd. • COSTA MESA 1714 Newport Blvd. • ORANGE 1812 E. Katello Ave. \Zlm

LAGUNA BEACH 190 S. Coast Highway • SANTA ANA 1126 E. 17th. St. NoM.1100 Pho .... ordn•

ttef'n\ Umtt.U •o \tock

El TORO 24350 Swartz Or. • HUNTINGTON BEACH 7470 Edinger Ave. ""_,

-----'i'Ht: MALE MAN--------. an unusual discount store


3 Piece ............. : $9900

2 Piece ..... . ........ $7 900

Jackel Only ..... , .... $ 5 900

LEATHER BEL TS value to S15 .

LIS SPORT SHIRTS Spire. Kennlnglun

VELOURS value toS:W .

, SIS KNIT SHIRTS Spire1 Rogue to S20 .... , . .




.... . 89.99

CORDUROY TOPS regular S30 . . . ,, .... .. . 814.99


........ sl.99

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CATAUNA SWIMWEAR regular to Sl5 . . . . . . ..... .


50% TIES

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NAVY PEA COATS S19.99 H. 0 . Lee regular S37 50

SIS SPORT SHIRTS $9.99 Arrow-Brigade to $18

STUISBIE JEANS $16.88 value to 124 . . . . . . . ..

KNJTSIDRTS . Van Huesen. Robert Bruce $9.99 FLANNEL SHIBTS Van Heusen, CampUJ to S20 ..... .......... $9.99

:'£~~~::.~~ ............... S12. 9!J

R-------IHOW BIZ -Liza Mlnoelll performe d to

f standing ova ­tlona thia week despite havine a

2 miscarr iage l Dec . 31. The

popular singer underwent routine tests in an Atlanta, Ga., hospital then did a show.

WASHINGTON 1(AP> - All '-'· YHttpdve arm ot ec.,,.. 1t ree-om mencUu that tbe~ Peatqm take 1tepa to .. there ii no repltl&o of an incident lalt May ln whlcb tn1Utary tran.port planel were uaed to fly 411 memben of the Air Natloaal Guard to an unofftclal bowHn1 tournament in Nashville. Tenn.

In a letter, the Gea,ral Accountlnt Office urted Detenae Secretary Caspar W. Welnber1er to have the chief of the National Guard Bureau:

- " lnvesUgate the clrcumatance1 surroundine the lli1hts In question.


Bureau DOUcy - "!Mk reimbursement, where

appropriate, from lhoae puND••n who were OD UDIUthorized flllhtl to and from tbe NHhvllle bowlln1 toumame.-t.

- "Arrao1e for periodic lnternal audlll of the UH of aircraft to transport pasaen1era to and from sporting events. Auditors ahould ar­range to visit the sites of widely at· tended sporting events ."


or retired air 1uard1men but not aancllooed by t.be Penta1on.

The COit of the ruihta to the IOV· ernment wu ut. at ttot,2'0.

Two round trips were made to Nashville from Cbicaio; Charlotte, N .C. ; Wilmington, Del. ; Milwaukee; Suffolk County, N. Y., and Willow Grove, Pa . One round trip apiece from Minneapolla, Minn .; Hayward, Calif.; Van Nuys, Calif.; Cheyenne, Wyo.; Great Falla , Mont., and St. Joseph, Mo., were made, the GAO aald .

quealloned the need for and relaUve value of the tralnln1 provided," tbe GAO aald.

In hia letter to Welnber1er, GAO official D.L. Scantlebury included copies of memoranda last fall between then-Aulatant Defense Secretary Robert 8 . Pirie Jr., and Lt. Gen. La Vern E. Weber, chief of the National Guard Bureau.

Pirie said the bowUn1 nilhta ap· peared to be "a flagrant violation" of resulaliona and asked for a report on whatwouldbedone. ·

" - " Issue formal reprimands to It those who authorized the fli&hta con·

trary to Defense and NaUonal Guard

GAO lnveatleaton determined 11 Air National Guard planes and one Air Force Reserve plane were used for 18 round·trip flighll carrylnt 431 paasen1ers lo the bowlln1 tourna· ment, an event open only to active

Tralnlng waa cited as justification for 11 or the 18 ru1bt.s .

" Based on additional information obtained on some or those fiights , we

In his reaponse, Weber said he shared Pirie's concern over proper use or aircralt and that the aituation was under review.


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99MPORARY SOFA .·· . · . ·.. CHAIR PADS .. ... . .... . ... . ... 1.00

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~J5:.\~G~~ :~M:R .......... 21997 ~oa:·ZU'~~sw .. . ........... . .... 2°0 .. 1_5 __ -1,-.-8-8_B_a-.. -,.ry-~--ra-tec1-----9-9-7--1 ~R-P~L9iows ...... . ............... 3 88

200 - 13.99 50 Ft. 997 65 12 99 SMOKE ALARM · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 35 - 18 99 GARDEN ROSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MEN'S WESTERN SIDRTS ........... 9 97 500 - 1.69 109 BED WT ......................... 1188 10 - 49.99 3997 72 - 11.97 897 PROPANE TANK ............ . ........ 72 - Spedal 200 UTILE BARBEQUE ............ . MEN'S DENIM JEANS................. 40 - 49.99 3/8" 3488 ASSORTED PANELS .. . ... . . . ....... . 25 34 99 16 inch ·

4 97 Wra~ler and Tnu Style Weetern Boob VSR DRILL · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 100 - 69~ 30 TRICYCLE : ........................ 2 25% off the regalar price. 4 - 69.99 Wet/Dry 4888 • DISCONTINUED TILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c

AU other~~- and -m aets .,__ ______________ __.SHOP VAC OUTFIT · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · F 8 99

r ... ~ PJJ 9 179 99 10 D 200 t. - • t. 400/ 15% orldM"r~larprice. MAJOR ,APPUANCES TOOLCHEST ... r~~~~ ........... .12488 ~~~~=!!~~·50%~rit~· ~ ·· lar h.

8 - Special 3 88 1--=:=~::o::"'!':'=~::-;"""~~~~'7!---------------, 4 - 349.99 1.5 cu. rt.

29988 FOLDING DOOR ................ ···· · TELEVISION, S

MICROWAVE OVEN .............. 5 - 99.99 4988 VACUUMS SPORTING GOODS 3 - 519.99 33987

nRESCREENS ....... . .. .. . . : . ... . ----------------t 30" GAS RANGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 24.95 lnaulate-d 128 8 1 _ 7 Cycle 88 ATTIC DOORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000 - Special 1 50

AUTOMATIC WASHER ........... 299 Sq. 159.99 13997 3 B1tNK9~A)s;~~PTAPES ..... . 1 - 339,99 4 Cycle 87 EVAPORATIVE COOLER ········ I - 39. nc or1. 9988 GAS DRYER ..................... 269 Beg. 359.99 27997 BLACK a WHITE T.V . ...... . ..... .

5 - 649.99 21 cu. rt. I 49988 EVAPORATIVE COOLER ........ ~oJ:9:.:. ~~ ·l·n·c·~ ~~: ......... 24988 REFRIGERATOR ················· 1 - 379.99 7 Cycle 29997 1 - 449.99 19 Inch Port. 33988 l - 599.99 16 cu. rt.

42987 EVAPORATIVE COOi.ER . · · · · · · COWR T.V . . . .. . ....... . ....... .

REFRIGERATOR .... ············· 1 - 699.99 25 Inch 459

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A ghost from the past is this 1937 chain gang in Bibb County. Ga .. abolished 40 years ago along with the lash and the rock quarry

Georgia's hell-hole horrors slowly corrected ATLANTA <AP) The lash Is

gone . The chain gang was abolished 40 years ago. The rock quarry pri son, wh~re ang_ry prisoners turned s ledge ham­mers on their own le&s a quarter-century ago. turns out vocational training instead of c rushed rock.

The most obvious horrors have vanished in the decades since Georgia's hell hole prisons burst into newspaper headlines and flamed across movie screens to focus a burning . na · t1onal outrage upon the state .

Rut today . Georgia prisons still are far from models and ring with echoes of past neg lect.

ONLY THE S TRI CT in · s1stence of a fedrral court has moved the state to begm un · dcrtakmg a scnes of reforms that stand to ~ the most far­re ac hing ever for a prison system on ce co ns idered the most notorious 1n the land .

Among the reforms : No more huge prisons hous­

ing 2,000 inm ates such as the sla t e's largest and m os t dangerous. Re1dsv11le Future prisons will be limited to 500 or 600

New prisons wi ll be bu.ill in urban end suburblln areas. They had been placed in backwater hamlets where lhe labor pool was composed chie fly or rural whites who were hired to guard a prison population or mostly urban blacks.

The state 1s remodeling the specter that is Reidsville. rip· ping o ut dormitory walls , sa ndblasting the interior and building rows of sirl gle cells watched over by central guard stations

GEO RGIA . DESPITE it s piecemeal attempts at reform in the past, holds more prisoners per 100,000 population than any state m the country. in prisons which are underfunded . un · dcrstaffed and. in some cases. ovl'rcrowded

Racial t urbulrnce lingers . physical violence 1s common; medical treatment 1s uneven: r e habilit ation 1s limited and guard morale problems boiled up into a work stoppage at Reidsville last yea r

All the problems o f th e system. and many of the steps at reform . come to bear al Reidsville. a fortress that rises

suddenly from the sun-baked plains of southeast Georgia.

" Reidsville's always been the focal point of the system. It's always been the major facility. It 's always been the major problem. It was always too big. We had the worst of the worst in· mates It was greatly over­crowded and greatly neglected."

SO SAYS DAVID C. Evans. a onetime state budget analyst who became Commissioner of Offender Rehabilitation on the same November day an 1976 that a bloody race riot at Reidsville left three inmates dead and 15 m;u red. He was the third com­missioner in six yea rs

The system he inherited was beset by racial tension behind the bars and by overcrowding •

The roots lay in the early 1970s. when sta te com puters were still signalling a downward trend in prison population. So the administration of then-Gov. Jimmy Ca rter brought a halt to prison construction.

The computer signal was faul ­ty The prison population shot upward in Georgia and most other states, and the state Board of Pardons and Paroles was

forced to release hundreds of prisoners early so that room could be made for new arrivals.

At one point. prison guards were jamming 80 to 85 prisoners into dormitories built for half that number with only four toile ts and four shower heads. a former prison official recalls.

A SYSTEM THAT held 8,216 prisoners in ,July 1972 ballooned to 12,000 by 1980 , earn ing Georgia the distinction of in­carcerating more prisoners than any other state 256 7 per 100.000 population.

State officials rushed a special appropriations bill through the General Assembly to add six prisons and renovate four others at an eventual cost of about $100 million.

They turned to probation as a means of cuttmg the prison population and hired additioncil probation officers . The num ber or people on probation increased from 19,000 in 1972 to 38,000.

The pe.rcenlage of offenders given probationary sentences . and thus kept out of p r ison altogether, rose from 43 percent in 1975 to 56 percent in 1979

Another blow came from

a federal court suit that attract­ed lltUe notice among the dozens routinely filed by inmates .

It became known as the "Guthrie" suit - named for a convicted murderer serving time in Reids vi lle - and evo lved into a complex civil r ights case that brought full de­se~ regation to the prison at Reidsville.

White and black inmates had been confined at Reidsville for yea rs but separately At the sta rt of the 1970s. blacks out­numbered whites by 6-0 percent. and a growing sense or black militancy - e:itpressed in pic­tures of the Soledad brothe rs and Angela Davis on cell walls

pervaded the prison

There were periodic outbreaks of violence when the suit led to full desegregation an 1974 , cul minating in the 1976 riot when Evans became commissione r and in a s ubsequent riot in 1978. which also claimed the li fe of a guard

The court responded with an order lo segregate the pnson for a cooling-off period , and then or­dered it integrated again .

In the process l ' S Dis ­tract Judge Anthony A Alaupo of Brun swic k i ss ued or­ders banning racial d15tnmma ­tion. requiring guards to JUSlsfy any use of force . compelling drastic improvements 1n li ving cond1t1ons for prisoners. and or ­der 1 n g the s tat e to spend millions of dollars converting Reidsville from dormitory -type housing to s ingle cells .

With no remaining options. the state began responding and the taming of Reidsville. 1f not an accomphshed fact. at least 1s un · der way

When $46 m1lhon in construe· lion work is completed. the state plans to move lo a new manage­mentsystcm for the facility

The setond step complies "'ilh lhe policy outlined hy Go\' George Busbee.

" There <ire lo be no more 2.000 man snsl1tut1ons "'here men are treated as part of an overwhelming mass of unkno"''ll and dangerous individuals." Busbee says. "All new prisons are to have capac:1t1es of no more than 500 lo 600 offenders. which should insure that offen­ders do not get pushed off the s ide"


' AVAST 111ERE. LVBBE&: In aU the years yow: falt.bful correspondent hu hun1 aroun4 tile oeem Iron~ rve developed two special interests tn boatl. One ~ lf I'm oo lt and the other 1111 I'm lootln1 at lt.

U I'm on it, I am very interested ln the fact that it doesn't leak.

If I'm lookins at fu) it, I want it to be pre- · ~- ·~ .

My persona I b' yacht meets both of · MURPHllll .ireA't'. these demands. She's Ill n '~ ~~ I l a pretty thing sitting _______ .... _...__

there, leaning up against the garage wall. Most important, it doesn't leak when I'm in it because I hardly am. Upon rare occasions when we plan a sailing trip, I can almost always talk one of the youngsters into doing the row· ing. Uthe youngster does tbe rowing, then there isn't room to get me in the boat. ·

Therefore, no worries about leaking.

AS FOR PEOPLE who llke to get into the boats, this coming Saturday marks the weekend that really is . It's the annual Newport Harbor to Ensenada yacht race. Six zillion yachts will be out there, all trying to get across the starting line at the same time.

They should make a marvelous vista for. sailboat lovers lining our shoreline from Newport to San Clemente. Unless, that is, all the yachtsmen decide to sail straight out to sea in order lo capture favora­ble breezes. Or the fog rolls in. Or they call off the race for lack of interest .

This has pever happened. ;rhe esteemed boating editor of this sterling

ThegoodahipEgabrag anchored.off CcutnoPoint.Catalinallland

journal, Al Lockabey, gets pretty excited about this race every year . I 've never really understood why. lt always ends the same way.

ONE BOAT WINS. All the rest lose. Anyway, I try hard to please Al Lockabey by

studying up on boats so I can tell the difference between ketch-rigged yawls, yawl ·rigged ketches, twin catamarans and double-ended bellybusters.

Why only today , I was scanning through the Ava lon newspaper . the Catalina Is lander , and the picture of this unique-looking vessel dominated one page. The caption beneath the photo explained that this particular King of the Sea was the "Egabrag," a frequent visitor to Catalina Island. When photo­graphed, the Egabrag was anchored off Casino Point.

I studied her low-slung ste rn, her silhouette im­age, her bow·heavy cabin structure. I wondered how our esteemed boating editor would c lassify such a unique vessel?

BUT THEN l READ ON. l learned from the cap­tion that the vessel 's name ''Egabrag" is Garbage, spe lled backward.

Egabrag is a garbage scow. " It is returning to American waters after spend­

ing several weeks in the Republic of Panama," the caption writer explained.

Republic of Panama? What's going on here?

ONCE UPON A TIME around here, we already had more garbage than we knew what to do with. Now we're importing it?

Well anyway, no sense studying this yacht in any detail. I really don't think Egabrag will be compet­ing in the Ensenada race.

Her fumes might cause that first cancellation.

CRITIC - Loui84 Kennedy, · wife of former hoa.teg'e Morehead C. Kennedy, told some news executives tbia week that many of their methods for covering major events like the Iran hostaee story were " time wasting and exhausting." She said, for instance, that many hostage families received phone calls with the same questions from people work­ing for the same organiza­tion . She spoke in Wa~hington, D.C.

11 classes · offered in CPR

Coastline Community College will offer 11 nine-hour classes in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation <CP R > at various locations dur· ing May.

The class is designed to train individuals in the techniques of CP R and obstructed airwa y maneuver to sustain life until m edical help arrives.

Upon completion of the class, participants a re certified in ac­cordance with the standards or the American Heart Association and the American Red Cross.

Ad vance registration is ad · vised as enrollment is limit ed.

The following is a listing of d ate , time , and location of the classes :

M•Y ' · • • ....i 11 from S JO to I JO p.m . • I Be ll Pl.,.. c:.omp.ny, ~ 1rvlM Aft , *-' 8 e..:f\ .

- ~Y•- 1 lrom n . JOIO' p"' M " .......... St• I• HO$C>IUI, 2501 H•l't)or 8 1Vd • Cost. -

t,Uy • tnwn I • m . to s p "'· et Or- eo.t Y M CA, 2300 Vnher\lty Of ., ... wpor\ e .. cl\.

t,Uy 12 end 1' from 4: 30 tot p.m . et McDon­nell °""91• A•troneulk •, Bulldlnt IJ.1 , SJ01 Bolw A.,.., Huntln9(on Beec:ll

- May 14 - tS tro.n I • m to 12. JO p.m. et F e lrv 1..,.. 5wt• Ho1C>lwl, 2501 H•rtior BIVll •• C.O.w M41M

- Mey 1' from I e.m . to S p.m et ,,,... VerOt Lu rnl1>9 CMlt.,.. 2'tO Mew Ver Cle Drive ~'I. Cotl•MH&

M•v 19, 2', - J llfle 2 from 1 to 10 p,m •I Gr .. nt>roo« ....,._,,.,. Auoc..,t lOft ci.--. 111n s.nw Joenen• St., F-•• ln V• ll•Y·

- M•'r 1D - 21 from_, to 4. JO p.m . •I I' e tr vlew Si.Le H05C>l1411, 1501 H•r110r BIVd., C.0.141 ~ ..

M•Y 1D, 27 , etld J.,,.. l from I lo 10 p.m . • t Ho•o HOlPH• I. JOI N•wPorl Blvo., '"-" 8••<"

- M•Y JO from I • .m lo S p.m . • I Or- CoMt YM CA, ?JOO Vnlftr\lty Or • COl141 ~ ...

AOOilo-1 1nlorm.tlon m.., lie OC>4411MCI l>y c • ll tn9 Bev BoyO •I Coutl ln• Communoly Coll999, 9'3-1044

Savings urged SACRAMENTO <AP J - The

Senate tax committee has ap­proved an $80 million biU that it hopes will encourage people to open or expand savings accounts . The bill would let taxpayers take a deduction of $200 for an in­dividual or $400 for a married cou­ple fo r Interes t earned on savings accounts

·$23,000 just to get by : Labor Dept. says family of 4 needs $34,409 to live ' higher'

WASHING'{'ON <AP >- lt costs · the average American fam\ly · of four more than $23,000 a year : juat to maintain a moderate ·· standard of living, the Bureau of

Labor Statistics says. Tbe Labor Department said

~ that 4 family compris ing a ( husband, non-working wife and > two children needa $23.134 ror an l " intermediate" standard of liv­~ ing, ba.sedoo last fall 's prices. f That was up 12.8 percent : from an estimated $20,517 ~ needed the year before .

. THE DEPARTMENT alao ; calculated that an American • family of four would need $34,409 i a year to maintain a " higher" ! standard of Uvtne. up 13.S per· ; cent from $30,317 a year a10. i Tbe family would need $14,044 to • nialntaln a ••Jower" living stan­j dard , up 11.6 per~ent from : Sl2,S8S a year aeo. · : The bureau surveyed 25 m~r : cl U ea . It s b o w • 'd tti a t E Anchoraie. Hollolulu, Boeton1 : New York and t.be District or

Columbia are the co1Ute1t plaC!'ea (or a f amUy or fO\b' to maintain a modera.t.e 1taDdai'd o( llvl.Df.

Tb• atudy at the '' In · termediate" lev.l 1boWed \t cOlt

, the hY'POtbetlcal famu; ol tour fU,ti2 · 'lo- eaAaUin that modente IWIDI ln Aac:boteili. Sucb • ,__~ needed '29,tll•• )'Hr In Honolulu, •21 ,02t bt Bolton. •.1• in New Yort, aod

$25,203 in Washington , the na· tton 's capital.

THE HO\JSEHOLD budget dolla r went further , the study showed , in Dallas , $20 .766 ; Atlanta . $21 , 131 ; Houston , $21 ,572 and St. Louis, $22,248.

Annual family budeets needed for a "higher'' standard are Jed by HonoluJu, at $44,396, followed by Anchora1e , $42 ,125; New York, "2,7~; Boston, $41,306.

and District or Columbia, $37 ,398. Dallas r equires the s mallest budget , $30 , 771 , followed 'by Atlanta, $31 ,229 ; Houston, $31,519 and Cincinnati, $32,353. A... For a " Jower'' standard of Uv-1µ1, a family needa the most money in Anchorage , $20,987 ; Honolulu, SJS,480 ; San Fran­cisco-Oakland, $15,735; Seattle· Everett, Wash., $15,384, and Washington, D.C., $15,392.

Li/ e expeCtancy , drogS 3Y2 months

NEW YORK (AP) -American life eJtpectancy has fallen for the flnt t.lm• alru!e 1181, an inaurance compJny re· port~. It Hid an Americur born in t• can antlclpate Uvln1 73.8 YHrt, or about 3~ months less lban one bom in im.

and 74.7 for her 10-year old sla­ter)

Tbe fl•urea , compiled by Metropolitan Llfe lnlurance Co., cannot be rtad .. teptaenUna • trend, said Fredert~ Seltzer, head ot the company'• tt.8U.tica bureau.


SRI NETS Once In A Lifetime O~portunityr Some Items Below CostJ . SJ99" FIOM .


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3 9 4 I b South Bristol, Santa Ana • Phone 7 5 I • I I 2 I Accross tr.. SOMlll Coast Plaza • M..- conter of S.ltflower & lri1tol


Pearl Jewelry Caravan Save 40%

Save 40o/o on entire stock of lustrous pearl jewelry. Select from earrings, fine cultured pearl necklaces and rings. Sales prices efffctive Aprn 25th to M'y 10th.

Sp~ial 5. ~9 .

OIAR ANN LANDE1\S.: How 1J\ the workl do I de-1 With lhla? It ta ktpin1 me. I r6-tl your ~lumn every day looltln1 for a 1ollJ6oG t bou1ht your Ency~lopedla. t have aone to counselors. I have t1llce4 wtlh cleraymen. (Our teen-a1er refuses to 10. > I have found no belp for ollr family or our daughter, who ls the prob~m. .

• have evldence that 1be ts uslng drugs. She says everythln& is just flne with her life. She ls perfecUy satisfied wjth \hings as they are and says that 1 must be null to be runnlnl all over" lookin1 for " help."

For&ive me it 1 sound incoherent, but a dear friend of mine it tn the depths of despair - and J can see myself in her plac4!. Her teen-age son shot himself yesterday and died. Of coune. he was involved with drugs . Last year our neighbor's daughter did the ume t"1n1.

There must be som ething 1 can do. There

I ~ew research reenter opens

UC Irvine has opened a health research cente r m ;the Centerpointe commercial comple_x m Irvine . . Ca ll ed the Southe rn Occupatton a l He a lth !Center, the facility was established to train health iprofessionals , conduct occupational hea lth re sea r ch , provide patient services and store a re

; pos ito r y of information about ha zardous t •. che,rni cals. ! The state-supported institution is to serve as a 'community resource fo r dO<!lors. corporate medica l

• ·directors. workers· com pensation admm1st rators and lawmakers interested in occupational medicine.

•said a UCI spokeswoman . . The one-story facility at l9722 MacArthur Bl vd houses a refer ral c hn ic, faculty and s taff offi ces.

;analytical chemistry laboratones and research ' faci lities in industrial hygiene, occ upat1on<1l health • engrneenng and \.\-orkphysiology

As part of its outreach program, the cente r prn vides serv ices suC'h as consultation lo occupational hea lth phys1c1ans and nurses. consulta tion in occupa lional health engmt•enng. examin ation of workers \\ ith potential ocrupallona 1 disease. C'valuat1on of the work envi ronment 3nd a resource center for books .

bas to be a way to Jet pe•ce in lbls family. Believe me, every day is torture.

My h"'8band an" 1 are good Christian peo­ple. I don't know what we have done to ca~e our child to turn out like this. Where wlll lt all end? Rlght now I can identUy with the Biblical character wno cried , " My God ... my God ... wby t)ave you forsaken me'>" - A MOTHEH IN PENNSYLVANIA

Dear Mother: · First, let me &ell you, God has not forsaken you. Tbe probJem you are bav· Ing with your teen.ager la Dot .a punbbment

: 1 Journals and nt>w-;letters perta ining to otcupat1onal Center to tram professionals : • health

! ~;Fish group needs aides ... : .. ·:


The Fish Organ1zal1on 1s in net·d of ma le or ·: fema le volunlC'crs 1,4l deliver mobile mt>als lo shut '. :: ins or to drive the elderly to doctor appointments

Mileage will be rei mbursed Ca ll 642 6060 for in formation

l wHO NEEDS YOU? The Voluntary Action Center can provide con•

taclll for volunteers needed in the following areas~ Children in day care centers need e,xtra hands

l<1 hi:' Ip .rnd <"'l'.trd Ill\ t' from \OluntC'ers Suriilus ><irn c·an be luml•d into laprobes b)

\'OluntC'(•rs working at home Ca ll to donate Clenc·;,tl help 1!> needed in several agencies in

Orangl' Count~ :\lan·h or Dimes needs Spt>akers to te ll groups

Jnd organt:t1:1t1ons about their work . Travl:'ll' rs Aid in Westminster needs anyone

w1 1l lng to give a Cew hours a wee k to be lp transients "'1th food and lodgmg

Interes~d volunteers should call the Volun ­tar\• AC'llon Cente r a t 898-0043 for more lnforma· twn ahuut an~ of thl· above opportunities

Officers slate chili cook off Anyone who fC1 ncies him or herself a chili chl'f

may apply to compete i11 the Huntington Beach Pohce Officers Association Ch1h Cookoff June 13 and 14 an Huntington Beach

Sanctioned by the lntemataonal Ch1h Society. the cookoff winners will proceed to the Ca li forni a St ate Champ1onsh1ps later in the summer

Entry fee 1i. $25 \.\ h1ch allows a h\ e person

OCC offers Paris and credits, too

Students of French can improve their lang uage skills and enjoy a vacation with a fit' ld st udy course orferf'd by Orange Coast College this s ummer

A no-frills month m Pans "'111 include three classes Cl week with free t ime lo sightsee to learn cultural and histon c3l facts about France

Susannah Antink will teach the courSl'. which costs Sl .625 for roundtrip airfa re. pnvate accom modat1ons and two meals a day

Regist ration deadline 1s Ma) JO and interested s tudents can call the OOP OCC Field Studies Of fice a t 556-5693

Italian film slated Vittorio de S1ca's classic glimpse of Ita lian

cultu re, " Marri age, ltahan Style," screens May 8 al 7 : 30 p m in Room 313 of the Saddleback College Main Campus Science/ Math building.

The rilm , s pon so r ed b y th e co llege 's Humanities and Languages Division . 1s m Italian with Englis~ subt itles, according to Sadd leback Ita li an language instructor lrt>ne Jones

le<1m to (•nter J\ dd1t1 onal badges ma y be purchast•d for SS. <1llo"'ing entry lo the cookoff This Sunlla~ mt>mbers of the Huntington Beach Polin• Dt•partment will compete to see who will represt'nt ttw llAPD in the .June cookoff

Fur more in formation call Ron Mitre at 962 9597 or 968-9690

They'll give 'posswn his own momunem

WAl 'SAl', ~·1 ... t AP J You could call it the annual Choclav. hatl'hee Broadsm1le Possum Aue tum cmd Cookoff Out selling . cooking and eating 1m:-.'>om-. of tht• broadsmilt• hreed is not the only purpOl'>l' of the t:\"Cnt

M ~tly , peopll' ~ath er at the lntern a t1onal Possum F:xpositwn and Auction in this Florida PanhC1ntlll• town each summer simply to celebrate the s1>t•c1cs while <''<Changing recipes

This ~ t'ar. th<') also hope to erect a possum monuml•nt

"' Wt• atkno"' ll•dge a debt of grat itude to the possum.' Dallon Carter. chai rm an of Wausau 's Funda~ Possum Festival .. Their presence helped assure thl• survival of some of our early settlers and pro\ 1ded a nou n shmg food s upply for the area's hard pr<'Ssed Jobless during lh e Great Deprl's~ion of the 1930s . ..

A Ire adv , Sl.200 has bee n collectf"d tor a monument· The F undav fest kicked in Sl.000 from last yea r 's possum auction . and Carter's group l'Xpects this summt•r's auction to fatten the fund

Monl'y from the possum festivals norm ally go into the community developmentfund.

,j, p,,,,. \1>111 1 'im1 t' IC)() { ----------------......


~ ...... ..._.. ...... 1912 HAHOl ILVD.

COSTA MISA- 14 .. 1116

Johnston &. Murphy

AFTE,A HOURS ore eoreUy aofted of eof1 rjqv• t.other, wlt+.f\I~~ ~ The t0ft podded nole provides wollr.9 comfort ii' Bone. Novy and Ton.

N - ~ .. ll· lt • .m .. 11.11

........ _ ...........

rroaa God. llo1'8ver, I ca• &ell )'Oii dlat uver la &lie U nan I've ~ rlU..f till• colu.•• 111,,e I recelnct so maay ltUen rroe u1ut1Jaed pare.ta who are Hlf•rt.1 die 11me a,.aJet you deacntte. The oeUoa th& you bave "doae tometblai" to cieltl'Ve Wt pala la DOllM'llte.

Thete IS help ror. you, alld I 1haU delcr1be It lb de&all ln my column teWuled for Moaday, April %7, In fact, I llave devoted tbe entire col· uma co tbe problell\ amd a liollldoa. Tbe re11on I caaa°' na It today 11 bffaue diere would aot be room for dial letter aad &lab 0¥. too.

Haag la Ulen and doa't cle1palr. Bluebltdl will •Jill a1at.. Truet me.

DEAR AN,. LANDERS: In a recent column you advised a reader, " If your husband is con ­tinually late, leave without him - even if it me an15 aomeooe will have to take a bus or a taxi. So wti_at? "

That response irritated me so that I had to

write to you and complain. I am not upset tb1t people do keep OM another waltln& <and lt always seems to be the aame on~ who la11> , but your ignorance about rural Arrt~rica le ahock· Ing .

I Uve in a remote comtr of Maine. No one around here has seen &JlYlhiftl reaemblln1 a bwi or a taxi since the stagecoach dilappeared. I do like much of what ygu write. but this reference was a specific example or how half the people ln the world have no idea how the other half Uve. It 1oes beyond the mode of transportation. It In­volves the lifestyle of the rich, the middle-class and the poor . I hope you will accept this criticism in the spirit intended We all need lo eliminate the narrowness or our lives. - A BRIDGTON OBSERVER

Dear Brldg: I am guilty 11 charged. How rlght you are! Thank you for hauling me up short. I needed Ulal.

Cancer: Smell the flowers SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1981


ARIES <Mar. 21 Apr. 19> ·Cards are on table -face up. You learn where you stand and what to do about it. Focus on ca ree r . a mbitions, rela tions with "authority fi gu re " Assignment is c larifie d Aqua n us. Scorpio. Leo natives play key roles

TAURUS <Apr 20 Ma y 201 Emphasize com­munication you ' ll bridge distance. socia l and language barriers . Relationship gets on a more " practical" level Imprint s tyle Telephone ca ll cou ld set your heart aflutter! Gemini . Vi rgo, Sagil ta rius natives figure prominent I)

GEMINI (May 21 -June 201: Make concession to family member Ht:at•h out for understand1n~ . com pa nionsh1p llighltght diplomacv Accent on credit cards. mtl'rest rates and money d1scuss1ons You 'll get tuxur) item wh1rh beautifies surroundin ~s

CAN(' f:R 1June 21 July 221: Go s tow enough lo ··smell the flowers .. Define terms , meanings steer clear of sch<.·mes. nefarious "chara cters .. Focus on public1l~ . partnerships. legal maneuvers and marital ~lalu.'> Pisces and another Cancer pla~ ke~ roh.'s

· LEO <Jul)23 J\ug 22 1. Conlaclsmadev1awork . hobby . !>JX!c1al 1nten•sls will now pay dividends You ffil•et challt•nge and t·ml:'rge v1t'tonous Mont'). pro moti on ;ind Jen l' dominate personal sct'nano Capncom. l'ann•r persons figure prominently

VIRGO 1 Aug 23 Sept 221 Important task , pro tl't t i!> completed Arit's aids ta use Emphasis on emottonal responses. affection , debts that are re p:.11d . rom•rnte In matters of spetulat1on . s ti ck \.\ ith num~r9 Popularity increases

LIBRA 1Sepl 23 Oct 221 Nt>"' startstr l'ngthens

position . Take chance on your own abilities. talents Creative reso4)'ces s urge forward Prope rty. securi ty. Ca mily relationships command spotlight Leo. Aquarius natives C1gure prominently

SCORPIO <Oct 23 -Nov 211 Ideas chck and co mbine with intu1t 1on Relallvl' in t ransit com · munica les in vestm('nt oppo rtunit y Ca ncer.

HOROSCOPE Ca pritom. Aquanu!> nall\es figure prominently Ml•mber of oppos1t<.' sex l'Xpresses fee lings an "' touching · manner

SAGITl'ARJUS 1 Nov . 22-Dt•c• 21 I : Focus on in l'Ome. valuabl<>s. s pt•c·ial ee1lls tommun i<•a tions You rec'l'l\'e "unusu:.i l" 1nv1tC1t1on Perso11at hon zons <•xpC1nd You locall' \.\-h:.il had bN•n lost or stolen (;<'m an11s In\ ol ved (iood monc•y ne"'s '

CAPRICORN I Dl•t 22-Jan. 191 : Pas t mistakes and manv dl•bts \\ 1 ll be t•rast•d Folio\.\ through

on mit1al 1mpn•ss10ns Trust yourself' Timing . inner fee lings <ff<.' on targl•t Populant) ancrea sl'S. people J re eager to hear ~o~r views

AQUARll'S tJ an . 20-Feb 18 1 Anal yzt' informa tum receivl'd from confidential sources Somt•one 1s tr) ing to tt•ll ~ ou something Knov. 1t. respond ac c·ordingl) Gl•mmi . Virgo. Sag1ttanus nat1\es figure prominently !\1embc•r of opposite· st•x arlH·ulates feelings lk rcceptiv1 ·

PIS(' t-:S 1Feb. HI !\1ar 20 l Surpnsepc.trtyor g1 ft domtnale!> agenda Famtl~ m<•mlwrs an· 1nvol\ed and harmon) repl,H"<''> ren·nt d1ssenswn Taurus. l.1 bra natl\ 1•s f1~urc· prominently Ac·cl·nt on des1rt's . hopt'S. w1sh<•s and i.:ood nc·v. s c·om·t•rning ca reC"r

Winter brings colds, flu QUESTION: I have always wondered why I get

more colds in the winter Can you help m e?

ANSWER: It 1s true that colds and flu are far more frequent in the wjnter months The word "'in· fluen za" comes from the Italian " influenza di freda ." meaning " influenceoflhe cold . ··

Manlund has long been aware that cold air brings with 1t s ickness The reason 1s that the germs <v1ruses1 that cause these ai lments are most active m wi nterish temperatures

When 1t is warm tor very cold l the germs are m act1 \ a l(•d

In Arcti c a reas . where people are '"frozen m" Cor the winter. the cold and flu viruses are paralyzed .

In the SJ?ring , when the ice thaws, the germs again become acti ve and the infections begin

Another factor"' h1 ch contnbutes to the problem 1s that many homes are overheated T he high heat dries the mucous membranes of the respiratory

tract and mC1kes them less resistant to 1nvas1on by germs

Keeping the the rmostat at 681s not only good for

DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE energy conservation but will keep you and your fa mi Iv healthier · While on the s ubject of colds . I would llke to s tate

that I hi ghly recommend the annua l rtu shol. With all the bad publicity the ~"'inc fh-' progra m received. many people becam<' afraid of routine flu 1mmuniza tion . The vC1ccines usl'd :.ire an no way related to the swine flu vaC'cine . and a re perfectly safe

Dr .luhn D Rose o pract1tumer in Seu.'JX)rt Beach u.•elcomes 1murqU€stwns !Wail request~ In Ask the Doctor f> () BoI 1560 Custa f\frso 92626

Post Office goof causes probkm Due to an error by the post office in Santa

Ana , many ticket reservations for the prevue gala of the Festival of Leaming and Performing have been returned to senders

Chairm an Mrs Edward Schumacher has asked that anyone wishing to attend the part~.

* MOWOPIH• Everything handmade or handcrahed

l•wttMI t wfhdpllows

COMSl~DESIGH 11>'1 w..ict1n Of s..... t02 ~ -


WOMEN'S HEALTH CARE Complete women 's heaJth care provided by experienced board certified obstetricians and gynecologtsts.

scheduled fo r Monday l'VPning at the South Coast Rl'pertory ThC'atre in Costa Ml•sa rema1l resl' r va · tions

More information JS "'ell a!. resen·at1ons can be obtained bv t•alling Mrs SchumaC"he r at 557 5661 or Mrs ·John Brenner at 543-0543

nancy's animal house Keep your dog healthy

'J.' . with Science Diet pet food ;If: \ at our everyday low,

~~ · ~ '• ,,, low prices! •t \ . \ ~~' ,. : .~1,· *NOW JUST IN*

J. '1 I ' I' . .( ·~ •

· , 1• • • • • ~ Old English Sheepdog

: ... ' Cairn Terrier Yorkshire Terrier Lhasa Apso Cocker Spaniel

• ' American Eskimo ' .' l ,, . I • ' ':! ..


All have had shots




I I l ·1


•. t: t .. ' ..

l =· ,. ~ , i



"P J putted everything out of all thole hancl:»ags on your bed."

hy 1/'i, HWMf'etd you oet the new paw ttoot?"

MARMADUKf; by Brad A'!derson DENNIS THE M£NACf; Hank Ketchum

'~ L 11·'lt


~ ·l


HI'S 001j JN HIS *'11P5t'ULN:HIN9 A Ft~ A'm'CK UFON .4 ~­fUOVS J:N!MV ~~

~ ONf?



()•-·....,· --

~ GOROO by Gus Arriola

''If he starts to huff and puff, open the door and let him Int"

" Look at him go! I bet he could make a JILLION DOLLARS doin' that on tetebision!''

SOY·· i,ALK ABoor


49 Alter 50 Plant lo\IN 53 e.llpoint 54 Dubs sa Somt ••1m-

p1es 8 1 Melody 82Qc>M 63 Rutllan

coop .. Small. Sutt11 as ·Jane -MNOvel t?E~




UHtTEO Future S~ Tl'lufld~·a Puutt SoMd

QC) 'fO\) MfAM 1'1°, \..OIJ\$£? u.lEl.L ' ~ow ~0()\)'f LOMC.lt? tt> '*"1 UAL.\:f l&>ANf 'fo WILL '(OU 14A-.'E: A LJJN.l"

&o 001" 11.>r f14 •£ 1~ SRUK ~fll 1

fOa8nTEaeaW.a•Oall NO SUPPER, l\?.l.£? SUPPER GOOOOD l

by Kevin Fagan

by George Lemont

eu1" 1-r's A COMPANY' we'Re GONNA ee Po1N '

euSINE! SS W t 'f'H !

'. I, CUNNlflfl

DAVID BARllY OF Manufacturers Hanover Trust feels the prime rate may Call by summer. probably to 15 percent from its current 17.5 per­cent. Despite recent increases , Barry 's expecta· tion is widely shared.

So is the other view. Says William Sullivan Jr. or The Bank of New York. ".Dnmatic progress t-0wa rd lower interest rates seems improbable , and continued challenges on the upside seem likely ."

Such mixed markets and mixed feeli}tgs seldom persist very long, tr only because economic dec isions aren't indefinitely postponable. Sooner or later borrowers make decisions, and rates rise or fall .

Like some of their counterparts who dea1 with corp-0rations, many home mortgaae lenders feel a decision won 't wait beyond this summer , and some a re convinced that rates will fall .

OTHER RESEARCHERS, s uch as Sindlinger & Co., a Media , Pa ., data firm, think such notions a re a~urd. Sindlinger has gone so far as to refer to " dny sucker will s till thinks interest rates are to come down."

So indistinct a re tbe t rends, however. that ana lysts reviewing the sa me material can see tbe economy moving in different directions .

At the investment firm of Goldman Sachs , for example, they see the economy "shifting to a s lower growth path." with a " downshift" in hous· ing . foreign trade and p-0ssibly federal budgetary stimulus.

The indistinct patte rns , and the equally in-dis tinct fo recasts , reflect rather than foretell. Answers, when they come, will be based not so much on professional forecasts as on individual pe r ceptions or how so und or da ngerous the economy is. and how strong are the needs of bor· rowers.

I Panel probes :food buys i


WASHINGTON (AP > - A Houae subcommat­tee on sm all b\lSiness is looking into allegations th at the Agriculture Department is following cum­bersome and sometimes wasteful procedures in buying food commodities for donation to school lun ch programs .

Rep. Andy I reland , 0 -Fla ., chairman of the pa nel, said he will begin hearings next week on the role of sm all businesses in the department's com· modity procurement process.

"Small businesses have complained t.o the sub­com mittee that there is a lack of competition for and growing concentration in the bid a wards made by the USDA for meat , p-0ultry. fruit and vegetable buys made ," Ire land said.

"THEY ALSO HAVE. told me that the same problem exists in the processing of USDA com­modities. As a result, I have scheduled several hearings to explore this issue." Ireland said two days of hearings will be held on Apri t- 28-29. Wit· nesses will include school board members, s chool food service directors and several s mall-business ope rators .

A subcommittee staff member said al leas t one .....more day has tentatively been added for sometime next month to gi ve Agriculture Depart­ment offici als. including Secret ary J ohn R. Block, a n opportunity to testify.

Currently. the department spends about $1 billion ' a year on a wide variety of food com­m odities which it then donates. to schools , nursing

. homes and other institutional programs.

A BACKGROUND PAPER accompanyina Ireland's announcement included a list of allega. lions that the subcommittee's staff gleaned f.rom

I ; interviews with Small-butlness people, food service o((icials and others. The allegations charge that the Agriculture Department:

- Buys frozen gr.ound pork and frosen ground beef in M-pound blocks when the commercial trade

1 ' sells the same product in tubes weighing 10-15 pounds. The physical requ1rementa of handling 1ucb blocks are a problem.

- Buys whole turkey1, several 20-pound turkeys to a case. Most school diatricta can't uae whole turkeys because they are labo~inteQllVe, so they must be processed.

- ShiPI railins to 1cbool diatricll in 1.kunce t)oxe1. "Can you lmaaine \he labor cost of open.ill& several hundred such boxes to use t.be rallta. in baking? Once agaln, school d.lstricts would sWl use raisins but not the way the USDA aup}>llea them." ,

- Occulon.itY supplies cheddar cbeeae in

r ·~·pound blocu '' which rrequeatl1 make tbeir way to vocaUonal educaUon scbooll •here they aft 1ubdJvic1ecf ualna band saws."

TRi1 aEPOltT SA.ID, "Anodrier pr0blem lt bow to open, '* and dllpoee of the t.bousandl ot No. 10 cant In wblcb U&OA l\q>pUe1 commodltl11. It l1 not lD'tcommon for t. '.~bool rood-MrVlee clJnc-

• tor to have to open lumdredl of No. 10 cut to 1ene °'1e11\eal."


. Working out busines~' bugs

Actually, the sophisticated-looking " spider'' at left isn't a spider at ap. Lyn­da Manning checks an assembly for an advanced e lec tronics s ys t e m at Ra ytheon Co. 's Special Microwa ve Operation in Northborough, Mass. The unit 's ''feet" contain components to con­trol the ' flow or microwave energy in

1radar systems.




You might mistake the figure above for the latest in punk rock tickling the keys of a way-out musical instrument. Actually, it's a South American fire ant being used to dramatize the small size of a device called the 64-K Random Access Me mory, built by Western Electric in Al­lentown , P a .


Jiik, Construction Co., Se Francisco, •Wrdeci a *85 million contract to li'luor

......... A Co111tructloa Inc. tor addl· W.•l· PrOduced water treatmeut tacillUes in th• olhproduction fields at Prud.boe Bay, ~IHkl. The aame Fluor subsidiary received a $4 mllllqn CQntract from Getty Refining " Marketlnt' Co., Tulsa, Okla., to modemite and expand it.a Bakersfield reflbery .

Fluor al.so announced that Empreaa de Cobre Cerro Colorado, S.A., has entered into ne1otiations with Fluor Mlnlnl 6 Metala lac. to develop the Cerro Colorado copper ore body in Cbiriqui Province, Panama.

• • • Newport PharmaceatlcalJ lntenatJonal

Int. of Newport Beach annoooced lta post­effective amendment to its re1istration state­ment pertaining to its 8 percent convertible preferred stock, convertible warrants and Class 8 warrants riled with t.fie Securities & Exchange Commission Jan . 21 was declared effective April 16.

• • * Directors or Beckman Instrument.I Inc.

declared a dividend of 9 cents a share pays ble May 2S to shareholders of record May 4. The company. which manufacturers analytical instrumentation, elector.products and consumable chemical products for medical , industrial, environmentaJ and scien­tific applications , has 20,403,000 com mon shares outstanding .

* * * Telecommunications division of Westera Digital Corp. of Newport Beach has an · nounced a new bus·oriented asynchronous re­ceiver / transmitte r (BOARTl - the WD1983. The 28-pin plastic or ceramic LSI device 1s expected to improve timing r'equirements and software performance.

• • * Mlcrodata Corp. of Irvine has settled its

litigation against Pick and Associates Inc and others . Mi crodata is a worldwide manufacturer and marketer of business com · puter systems. key-to-disc entry data entry equipment and com puter penpherals

* * * Comprehensive Care Corp. of Newport Beach has purchased Alcenas Hospital , the largest freestanding alcoholism hospital in the Pacific Northwes t . The 82-bed fac1ht.t is located in Kirkland . Wash .. northeast of Seal· tie

* .. * Artelonic Corp., U S affiliate of Shell Canada Limited , has opened a South e rn Ca liforni a sales offi ce at 4121 Westerly Place . Newport Beach , lo ma rket its family of offi ce information systems

.. * * Nuclear Medical Sy~lems Inc . ha s

reached an agree ment in pnnciple to acq uire the assets and business of West Orange County Laboratories Inc. based in Anaheim, for a purchase price of $1 .4 milbon The purchase will be payable in a combination of cash a nd Nuclear Medical com mon s tock

West Or:rnge Count y Laboratories operates diagnostic cli nic a l laboratories se r vici n g- various Southern Callro rn ia hospitals pri manly withm Orange County Revenues currently approximate SI 8 mulion an nu ally

* * • EECO Inc. of Santa Ana reported net m

come for the first quarter ended March 31 of $335.000. or 13 cents a share, on sa les of $9.2 million . This compares with net income of $827 ,000, or 34 cents. on sales of $11 1 million for the corresponding quarter last year Net income from the prior year included 3 cents a share from discontinued operations

* • • Beckman Instruments in Fullerton sales

for the third quarter rose 10 percent to $155.4 million from $141.1 million a year earlie r . Net earnings rose 8 percent during the same period to $8.2 million from nearly $4 million On 4 percent more common shares. per-share ea rnings increased lo 43 cents in the third quarter from 41 cents

Beckman also announced it has reached an understanding in principle with lrcon Inc on Beckman 's acquisition of the Skokie, lll., m a nufactu rer of indust rial temperature measure ment and control instrumentation for an undisclosed num ber of Beckman com· mon shares

• * * ""8percorp. of Tustin 's nme·month sales

incr.eased 30 percent from $7.6 milHon to $9 9 million for the period ended March 31 Profits during that per iod rose 'l7 percent from $715,500 to $908,000 with earnings per share up from 59 cents to 67 cents .

Marc Bernstem displays hunewproduct, 'Toot ,' tM late1t chic fad.

Benefit hike due WASHINGTON CAP I - The na­

tion's 36 million Soc ial Security benef1c1aries will get an 11 2 percent ~ost ·of-livmg increase in July that will boost the ave&;age retired worker 's monthly check from $337 to S374. a $37 increase .

first quarter of 1980 to the first quarter of 1981.

The 4.1 million aged, blind or dis­abled persons drawing Supplem~ntal Security Income SSI welfare benefits also will get an 11.2 percent increase in July

The annual automatic across-the · board increase was triggered by toda y's rel ea se of the Consume r Price Index for March rt reflects the 11 2 percent 1nflat1on ra te from the

The benefit increase - the 12th for Social Security beneficiaries in the past 13 yea rs - will cos t the beleaguered trust fund $15.4 billion more in the year ahead.

Drilling firlll' s earnings skyrocket

Smith lntemat1onal Inc of Newport Beach re­ported record revenues and net income for the firs t quarter ended March 31

Revenu<'S increased 66 percent from the first qua rter or 1980 to $261 9 million Net income rose 72 percent to $'l7 .5 million. Ea rnings per share in· creased 56 pe rcent to $1 20

In October 1980. Smith International acquired the Mc Evoy compames . The acquisition was ac­countt•d for as a purchase The application of purchose accountin g had an adverse effect of 13 <:ents per s h;ue on the first quarter of 1981, due pnmanly lo amort1lalion of the inventory step up.

AS OF MARCH 31 the amortization of the in ventor) step up "' as s ubstantially complete

Commenting on these record results at the company'!-> annu al meeting. Jerry W. Neely , ch a irman , presiden t and chief executive officer . said the dramatic increase in oil and gas drilling , part1cularl~ an the domestic market. had sustained strong demand for Smith 's dnlling products and se rvices .

Domestic sa les for tbe first quarter iocreased 77 percent from the first quarter of 1980 to $169.S m11l1on . accounting for 6S percent of total re­venues Foreign and ex port sales rose 49 percent to $92.4 million.

Neely also said Smith 's net margin on sales had improved s igmficantly, reflecting an on-goine shift in its product mix toward more profif&ble, premium products ; better utilization or facilities and assets and tht spreading of fixed coell over • larger revenue base

Si idac, Smith Internalional ' s measure of domestic dnlling activity , showed an 18 percent in­cr ease in the number of wells drilled durine the first quarte r of 1981 from the like period in 1980 lo 17,100 we lls a nd a 17 percent increase in footage drilled to 78 5 million feet

ALSO AT THE annual meeting. Sm 1th Intem a · l1onal's board of directors declared a quarterly C'ash d1v1dend of 20 cents per common share payable May 29 to shareholders of record May 15.

The add1t1onal 4 cents share is a 2.S percent in· c rease from the previous quarterly di vidend of 16 cents a shan•

1 n announcing the board action, Neely said : ..This increase is consistent with our dividend pohcyof reasonable inc reases on a regular basis."



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Rer• Coln• & Stampe GOLD & SILVER

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BEaNSTEIN DECLINES to dis­close Toot's contenll, except to aay lt'• a compound of tngredienta now fouod lo over-the-counter diet ptU..

" Our aales have been tremendous. fie wm do S2C> million this year," be e.othu.tea.

The 37-year-old Bernstein became a millionaire two yean ago with a natural stimulant taken in pill form called "Zoom," also sold in health foo4 stores.

Zoom. We dJdn't set anywb r. wtth Zoom, and we haven't taken 1 poli­tton on thb one."

In an apparent att.mpt t<> avoMI te1al compUcatlons , the Toot i pack.ace warns buyen not to ln&ett . , the powder.

" I'm sellinc lt aa an tnce~:· ­Bematetn says wttb a stral&ht face. ! ''I do not recommend that anybody J tn1es.t the product ... I al•IU'I in·· tended to bring an tncenae into tho · market. That it's belne used in other ways ii a commentary on our , times."

The term " Toot," by the way, l1 , slang meaning to inhale or " snort" ! cocaine. And moat Toot buyen ap·~ 1

parenUy are snorting it in the same . manner users take coke. ·

BERNSTEIN CONCEDES he 's snorted Toot " to see what it was about ," but he d ec lines to say whether he's ever tried cocaine. " It did have a slight numbing effect ; It suppressed hunger, and I was buzz. ing , '' he says of his product.

Bernstein, who calls himself .. a

Hi• second product. natural tran­quJllier pills called, " Relaxu, " has registered more moderate sales .

"I found out that people like to go up ; tbey don't like to go down." says Bernstein.

Toot, he says, has surpassed the Zoom phenomenon in public response.

·-.merchandising entrepreneur," takes credit for funneling back into the economy millions of dollars that might otherwise go into the illegal dope market.

" WE HAVE HAD thank-gou callB and letters from people all over the country who said they were spe,dlng hundreds of dollars a day on co­ca ln e ," he says . " Now , they 've switched to Toot, which costs them $10 a package."

·'Eighteen percent of the economy in this country is underground," he says. " Something should be done to bring this money back into the economy.''

He stresses that Toot is safe and so far has shown no ill effects on users.

" lf in any way I thought it was harmful or detrimental to the public. I would pull this product orf the market." he says.

The U. S . Food and Drug Ad · ministration 1s t a king a hands·off position on Toot, at least for now . " We're aware of it," says Elaine Roentgen . a consumer affairs officer for the FDA. " It's being sold by the same man who made/a fortune wi~

Meanwhile . Bernstein is con · templating new business vistas . He 's now at work on a new children's toothpaste

Conott •·•> Cenfld IJ.01 Eq Inc 21.1' Eacll lS 71 M•91I J1 .°' Al!un lld • 21 F lcMI It.IS Gvl Sec ' · " Hllnco 1.n HI Yid 10» LI M"" 1 S4 Pur lUI 11.1' Salem l:ID


N•me A Ltt' un Atnle•wr

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Nat 5e<ut1Uta. Vlsla ITAi 19.02 USAA Gt 12.42 NL

&: 1af = 1i:4' ll! R:.~t: l~~ 11it~ ~~~':: ;1: ~t I~ t . 12 Olvld s .!t S.tl Rtv- t .'4 NL Unll flllut 10.47 NL 1.ao ,... Grwlh I.JD t .M Safeco Secw; United F-: tUJ NL ~= ,_.. UI

C.n Gr

Another rare metal roller couter - thlt oae lo aoldandallvercolD•1lnv~''-aadel'Way.

The lure: Asaln, lt'• areed. G1tn1 ln cow bave fWl u percent to $0 percent a year. '#ltb 1maU " downside rbk," you are told. P'or1tt tbat 1old buUlon prices plunged ln 1880; lenore lb ti.lr-ral•ln• history of the slide ln allver prices. •

Gold and 1UYer coin• are difterent1 tM " Coln b\lg1" say: artistic, like palntinp: ana in Um•~ amount.a, like land. And tbe numi.matk pusb lJ 1h ft· iag into high gear.

-AGIA.NT food firm (General Mills > owns a big W ~t Coast coin "ga llery ." A

IY -(-lll_Pl_IT_ll-r: ..

major conglomerate <Warner Communicational re· cently bought Franklin, an important mlnt. A New York Stock broker (Bache> bat just acquired Jackson Precious Metals, an Ohio smelter.

- THE $.10 MILLION auction of Johns Hopkins University '!> Garrett Collection was completed a short while ago. Yale has sold a single , fabled 178'1 Brasher doubloon for $MO.OOO. The institutions are seeking ways to help sol we their financial problems

- t'OREIGN NATIONS ~RE issuing increasing amounts oC " bullion-type" coins : South Africa ' s kruge rrand, Canada's Maple Leal, Mexico's SO-peso, Austria"s 100.corona. Even China is into "coins.' '

~ AT LEAST TWO rare-coin mutual funds have been creakd. Some banks now sponsor numismatic Keogh and IRA plans . Coin dealers a re hiring - or calling themselves " investment counselors . ~·

- ONE VETERAN DEALER estimates 40 per· cent of h15 business today 1s with would ·be investot-s , against 5 percent in 1970.

With all Lhis goi ng on . how can you lose? Ouch ! ··coms have becom e a multibillion dollar busi­

ness. and regrettably. t he industry has attracted its s hare of shady operators." says David L . Ganz, legis lative counsel to the American Numismatic As· sociat1on

" I N THE PAST DECADE, coin robbenes are up 200-300 percent ." echoes Glenn Smedley, another AN A official . Police are pleading for local-s tate laws to regulate coin dealers

Other problems include : coin a ltering. misgrad. ing. m1s1dentifieation. coi n damage <i mproper handl ing , c leaning, mounting . storage). high purchase-sale markups, expens ive insurance , outright counterfeit· mg And all this on top of plain bad timinfi!

And despite the puffery , coin values can drop -drastically A roll of so-called "walking Liberty " half.dollar.. recently sank almost 60 percent in two yea rs, from $5,000 to $2.100. Buying and selling can cost 10 percent to 20 percent each way Yes , you can lose on coins . . easily .

STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES ,,:eT~u:~:'~ ~ .... Dow J-• •YG• STOCKI ao Ind °-' Hlth ~ c- ChQ '

1001 . .S. 1022..13 IOOl.ft 1010.17 + J.U fl ~.t:J 441.JO 411.U 4«1.D- J .J7 IOUt 107.'9 105.11 IOU1 OA1


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llon t. I Lew »-» c.,.U a poljnd. llM 4)1,lt (HllS •pound. o.11 .... ed 1

Tlfl $4 .l .... Ntelall Wwlt. com,Ml"t• Ill : A_._,, 1• CHIU • poUnd, N Y : M•rcwy ... 20 00 r-r Ila ... Pl•tl- ...... OOtroyo~ . N.Y.

SILVER T,_...., H•nctv • Har....,,. " 1 220 r-r lroy ounce I

GOLD QUOTATIONS TllunMy ! 1.-: m1uftl1111111•1111 ~.50, off SIO.JO.I L••'"' •ll•rnoon ll•lng MN SO, oft

$12.50. ~arh: ftt.,_ 11,,l111»U.U , Ofl IO.J.S. • ~·-: ' """' ~.oo, ott u .oo. I ~tffldl: Ille •"- fhl1119, M17 00 . ....

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·Rallls iii poSition to wheel and deal Tuesday is the NFL draft. It's a time when the strong get stronger1,lhe

mediocre get better and the worst become tolera· ble.

For years the Rams have kept themselves con­tenders by being shrewd draftsmen. Last year was no exception, e ithe r , as eight new faces were on the roster at the beginning of the 1980 campaign.

As a matter or fact the Rams had so many changes ( 19> in '81 they were openly criticized for breaklog up a Super Bowl paf'\iclpant from the yea r before.

Still, the Rams managed to finish in second place 10 th' NFC West, compiling an 11 -S record and a playoff berth in the process

The Rams . again, have a lot or cho1ces Tues· day - 15. in fact . m the first 12 rounds The dif­ference this time seems to be lack of space, however. as only 3·5 players fi gure to crack the squad . . if that ma ny .

Just who the Rams are going to take with their

first pick - the No. 9 choice thanks to an earlier trade with Washington - Is anybody's gueH.

Naturallr,. who's available and what needs to be rilled wtll take top pnonty when G(!neral Manager Don Klosterman , Coach Ray Mal&vasi and Director or Player Personnel John Math put t hei r heads together some time around 7 a.m . Tuesday when New Orleans is expected to make George Rogers of South Carolina their No. 1 pick and an instant millionaire In the proces_s . ,

or course, the rumors ctrculattng a re stagger· ing And, yes, the Rams a re involved in a few.

The most noted whispers deal with another trade that would put the Rams in a position to draft eithe r second. third or fourth The teams in those s lots a re the New York Giants . the New York Jets and Seattle , respecti vely

Of the three, Seattle would seem like the best bet They need bodies and the Rams have a sur­plus or picks.

Just so you don 't reel cheated - and in case

·~-........ The Dodgers' Davey Lopes slides safely into second base ahead of throw to the Padre•' Mike Phil.lips

some or these do come true - here are a few of the rumors Cloating about and you can decide for yourself which ones have validity and which ones don't !

the No 2, 3 or 4 s lots so they can pick UCLA1 halfback Freeman McNeil. You see the Rams arl under the silly notion their top need ls a runnin' back .

The Rams will trade Bob Brudzinski and their No. 9 pick to the Giants for tl)eir No 2 •

Their other need because of their situation

- the Rams will trade their first , a third and a fifth round pick for the Jets' No. 3;

with Brudzinski and Jack Reynolds - would be for a linebacker.

If McNeil is plucked before the Rama can get him then the club agrees with the latter assess1 ment and will presumable opt for either Pitts•1 burgh's Hugh Green or North Carolina's Lawrenc~ Tay lor

see above for Seattle ; San Francisco is going lo trade quarterback

Steve De8erg and Its No. 8 pick to St Louis for the Cardinals' No. 5 choice,

the Rams will trade Brudzmski to Buffalo for a No. 2 pick and future cons1derat1ons,

Miami and Minnesota are both putting together deals for New Orleans' No 1;

After that it's up for grabs. The Rams would hke to get a running back. a linebacker. a tight end and some help on the defensive line .

the Rams aredumpmgTerry Nelson, Pat Haden 1s going to stay with the Rams

whether Vince Ferragamo signs a contract with the team or not

Those four picks would be just about what the club needs. too.

* * • As of today, here is Tuesday's drafting order

Reportedly. the Rams are trying to jockey into <See SF.VANO, Page C2>

LA's coDleback kid Sutcliffe re tu ms to form in Dodger win

LOS ANGELES CAP l Not too many third year major leaguers will ever be considered for comeback or th e year honors. but Los Angeles right· hander Rick Sutcliffe might this season

Sutcliffe. 24 , was the National League's Rookie or the Year m 1979, compiling a 17 JO record and a 3 46 earned run average The sophomore 1m x struck in spades last year as Sutc liffe was just 3·9 with a 5 56 ERA .

SO FAR THIS spring the 6-6. 200·pounder has re\'ertt•d to his 1979 form In his third start Thursday night. Sutcliffe stifled San Diego on five hits over eight innings as the Dodgers · topped the P adres 3· 1.

Sutcliffe . 2-0, has pitched 21 1 a 1nn1ngs this season , ullowing on ly 16 hits and four runs while wa lking fi ve and s triking out nine .

Against the Padres. he came within three outs or his first complete ga me, which would ha vc equaled his output in that department last yea r Steve Howe came on m relier after Oz. zie Smith walked on four pitches to lead off the San 01ego ninth and retired the side to pick up his second save It was the third wa lk given up by Sutcliffe . who struck out four.

'' Everybody would like lo go nine a nd I ' ll l'(O nine before long " said Sutcliffe afte r his

team 's 11th wm m 13 games this season " It's JUSl a matte r of getting the breaking ball O\'er

" THERE'S NO REASON for me to go out there and wa lk the leadorr hitter in the ninth. I v. asn 't really tired . tl was just a matter or not getting the ball over the plate ."

In addition to getting the vie · tory , Sutcliffe put the Dodgers aheud to stav with a two·out s ingle to center 1n th(' second in­ning off losing pitcher Rick W 1se The sohd shot drove in Pedro Guerrero v.ho bunted for a ba se hit and s tole s l' c·ond

" ) lake a lot or pnde m my htl· ling ." said Sutc liffe . " He ch a l~nged me with a fastball and I 'm a pretty good fastball hitter "

Thl' Dodgers made tl 2·0 m the s ixth when Dusty Baker blooped a s ingle to right. stole second. went to third on catcher Terry Kennedy 's throwing e rror and scored on a si n gle by Steve Garvey . Los Angeles got its fina l run in the seventh inning on a single by Mike Scioscia . a sacrifice . and a two out single by Ken Landreaux

THE PADRES GOT their run on Jerry Turner's pinch homer with two outs in the top of the e ighth . only their third home run 1n 1-1 games this season San Diego's other four hits were ... 1ngle..,

" Rick pitched an outstanding gam e," said Los Angeles Man ager Tom Lasorda "The pitching's been outstanding. jusL s up(' r We 're winning and we've got three or four guys who aren' t s~1ngmg the bat ) e l But that ~111 come ..

The Dodgers are hitting only 246, but Sutcliffe 's performance

lowl'red the s taff's ERA to a ml•as ly I 47.

" ll 's tough lo win with only one run and five hits ." said San Diego Manager Frank Howard, v. host- team brought a 2 06 bat­ting ave rage into the game. " But I can 't be cr1tica l , the' response that my players have give n has been super

" Nobody tries harder than the players and nobody is more dis· appointed than the players. Sooner or later. they ' re going to have to start hitting better or we ' ll have to make some changes We ' re letting some ve r y fine pitched ga m es get awa y from us . "

The Dodgers will bid for theit 12th wm or the young seaso tonight when Bob Welch Cl--0 faces San Diego's John Cu · (0 2 l The teams squa r e of agam Saturday night and Sun day with San Francisco the moving in to Dodger Stadium fo a three . game set Monda through Wednesday

Soviet water poloists' goals don't get lost • in the translation

1980 Olympic champs are so tough, even the other communist teams shy away from the solemn bear By ROGE R CARLSON Of Ole o.11'1' l'tle4 S&aft

Zatsev, the delegation leader of the Soviet party.

LONG BEACH The Soviets . blue·clad. grim Speaking through interpreter Viatcheslav

Skokc. the ma!Sive former water polo player con· tinued as the Soviet a thletes began warm-ups in the Long Beach pool Wednesday evening:

on grim. Physical. methodical and lo themselves, .the

1980 Olyrtlpics water polo champions . Even the other com munist teams - Hungary ,

Yu1os la-ti,, Bulgaria . Cuba - tend to shy away rrom the solemn bear.

Despite their demeanor they possess similar goals in the D Fina Cup tournament, which begins Sa\urday here al Long Beach State, an eigbl­natton water 1>0lo invitational hosted by the United States entry 'fhiCh includes the top five finishers at Moscow.

"This is the first major competition and it's under your roof. It's the first year of preparation for the Olympic Games and our main task is to test our newcomers, to test the new rules and to test this new place."

The new rules consist or an expansion of play­ing time from five to seven-minute quarters , something most feel will benefit a team with physical tendencies, in addition lo depth.

The Russians meet Australia in Saturday's op ener at 11 a.m., th~n tackle the United States na· tional team Sunday eveniog (8:30) in a match of major interest.

Will it benefit the Russians? "That's very dif· ficu lt to say," said the 6-5 authority. flanked by his inte rpreter and a nother man (presumably a security sort ).

" We haven 't had the experience lo see and it could be a difficult problem. It 's difficult to say, maybe we can (say l laleT. Maybe it will be just as

·' After t h e Olympics we h ave m any new comers without good experience," says Uri

Rams threatened ·use of LA name may bring fee

SACRAMENTO CAP l - The Loa Angeles Rams would have to get permission from the city of Los Angeles, and perhaps pay • fee. to use the city's name now that the football team h as moved to Orange County. wider a bill approved Thunday by lbe l(ate Assembly.

The vote was 41·26, the bare majority ln the 80-member '9wer house. However, an oppo­nent from Oran9e County asked permission to take a second vote aomeUme in the future before tbe blll can advance to the state Senate.

The bill. AB502 by Al· mblymJD, Mlke Roos, D·Los

An1eles, would prohibit a pro. • fe11lon1l 1porta team from uains •e name of a city or county it it loe1n't play home 1amea there.

\nm could aet city or coun­ptnnwion and the city or

tOWGt.f ..could ae•otia a te. tor lfte:• al ttJ Dlft'le.

Rfooe said Los Anaieles loll tz

million a year in sales tax. leases a nd employee wa1es whe n the National Football League team moved to Anaheim from the Los Angeles Coliseum last year.

Assemblyman R ic h ard Robinson, D-Santa Ana , object· ed that the biU showed the Loll Aneeles CoUJeum waa a " poor loser" and said it would set a " horrible precedent. "


He noted that the Los Angeles Tlme1 pubUsbes editions in Oraqe Count1 and San t>l$ and sun ealll ltaelt Ute LG8 · An1ele1 Timet . He aald the Detroit. Llona play in Pontiac, Mich ., and the New York GlantJ play lo New Jeney.

'"l t-eally don't care what the LA Ram.a call themaelv... lt'a up to~"'*"· 1 'fish tM)' would Identify U..mHlvet more cloMly with Ol'anp Coulil>', but I Jm not fotft to fo them;'" Robinson sa1d. 1

RAC!I SUNDAY - Brian Redman, a 44· year·old .Enaliabman, hu come very close to death several times in his career but aay1 life would be hollow without rac· Ina. He will cC>mpete at lllve tde In UI• Tim••· ' Toyota Enduro Sunday.


useful to the United States team. The U S 1s very good , it has very good physical fitness ."

This is the f1rsl time the Russians have seen the American poloisls s tnce the I Fina Cup, when the U.S. finished second to qualify for the Moscow Olympics .

SJnce then , or course. a lot has transpired . in · cludln1 the Ame rican boycott or the Moscow Olympics because of the Russian invasion of Afghanistan.

" f'UJul ," was the delegation leader's reaction to America's boycott. ''They (the U S l a re a strong team and w~ have waited to play the U.S. And they (~ U.S. team> wanted to play , very much . We know they wanted to come."

Australia team manager Les Kay, whose tea m, along with the Spaniards, was a lso here to tune up for ,SatQl'day's opener, put the American boycott in a better perspective.

" We were more concerned about our own posi­tion , frying 'to do the best we could at the Olym.

pies." said the Australian ·'The only thmg it really served was that

made 1t a little easier for the other teams . T Americans were in AuslraLia earlier .in the ye and we thought they had medal possib1Ulles ."

That initial Fina Cup in l!n9 found the Sovie finishing fourth , a maJOr surprise, but the Sovi leader never really addressed the reaction or que1• lion regarding a disappointment to the finiah .

" That was an important tournament. but knew there was a more important toum a me ahead <the Olympics l "

Every team is 10 a rebuilding process, inclu Ing the Soviets. but they a re very protective of an information relative to strength or wea~ness their squad.

What has become evident is that 33·year·ol two-time gold medalist Aleksande Kabanov will one of their major ttirus ls .

The Soviet star became available for a sho <See WATER POLO, PageC4 )

Surf soWid for Sounders? Step one in team progress plan is beat Seattle

!f1i1~1J!fDEN When the CaUfon,tla Swf an­

nounced that Tom l.llledal bad been hired u direc:tor of team operations earU,er Ulla week the NASL club also established a " team pl"Ogrtla crite1b!•

The plan , according to Lilled.AJ, be9in.a thla 1euon with a balldlnl year. The co-.1: 111ake tbe North Amerlcall Soccer Le11ue playoffs .

B)' year four, lbeJoal ls to win the Soccer Bowl an j.he national cbamplonsbip.

Tbere'a no qlltstion the SUrf 19 loolrtn1 ahead Jual a ~it\~ ~ don't .thlnk they' ll be llOOIUDl beyond .ton11bt''1 ba"I• '1'ltb the Suttle Soullders (8) at AllUelm St 4lwn. ne Surf brlniJ I 1·3 NCOfd In tb6 1ame1 and the tKm't p.-rm .. • wUI " ctol 1cruUnfled by LIUedal, whoH Job l1 to simply produce a wtn-

( '

Seattle's offensive attack . Bond, a versatile performe

can play ellber central defen or right fullback .

" We're toing to have .to a tack. 'Ibat's the only way )'• can beat a team like Seattle, says Surf Coach Peter Wall. key, Wall aay1, la to 1but Hudson and not allow him "dictate the same."

The hi1h·sCC)rln1 SOunden rive al a po0r Ume for the S Losers of three or th•lr " tour, lnclud.inl a 3·2 lief eat dlvlltonal toe Loe Ana•les 1 w"~' "the Surf la slowly ove


Concepcion. Drliseen lead R~s QllCWutl'• Dm1iii !Clim••~- drove ln

ltl r .. ru1111 aod ~ ott.111• •rovlMd the

.. 'Holtz on marquee -1111! •

iane·wtnnlnl:lllt . Ma~IM lOUI innlnl 1'lunUY ...-.. .. ~ raJ. Jy the Redl to a M~ over tht 1t.rutclbal ftMatm Astral. Iet1 Grtn.y opened the 10th with a 1in1l• off re­lie v er Dave Smltla, took second on a fteldlnc error and scored on Drfe11en '1 1in1le . . . CluU CbambU. doubled home two runs In the fifth tnnlna, breakina a 3.3 tie Concepcion

•.: it won't happen soon and helpln& Atlanta to a 7·3 victory over Sao FranclJco. The dee!lslve flfth·tnnina rally besan with two out whtn Claudell Waolqtoa ttn1led arld Wen' tb third on Bob Hon er'• llngle . . . The gaml between the Pittabur&h Pirates and New York Meta was postponed 6ecauae or inclement weatffer and no makeup date was an­nounced . .. In the Amerioan Leaaue, the Cbica10 White Sox awept a double-header from Baltimore, winnlna 18·5 ln the opener and 5.3 in the ni&btcap. In the fint game, Chet Lemoa drove ln four runs and Bill AJmoa and Gre1 P ryor collected three each to power a 26-hit at­tack. Harold Balnea delivered a two-run single in the fifth inning or the nightcap . . . The Toronto at New York Yankee game was postponed because or rain . . . Gene Teaace slammed a seventh-inning home run to power the St. Louis Ca rdinals to a 9-8 exhibition vic­tor y over the University or Missouri .


From AP dbpatchea I • LJTrLE ROCK, Ark . - Lou Holli's name ' won 't be on the Las Vegas marquee this sum·

mer. Even though playing Vegas for a week is

1 one thing the Uruversity of Arkansas football 1 coach wants to do, he bas turned down an offer

to do two shows a nlght. "There are a lot or different reuons I de­

cided not to do it," he said. " My calendar is re· ally filled . The offer came at the wrong time of the wrong year."

Holtz has a national reputation for one· liners, is In big demand as a banquet speaker and was a hit on the Tonieht Show a few years ago.

The offer for the Las Vegas show came about because an agent was in the audience

' when Holtz said playing Vegas was one or about 100 things he wanted to do.

" He had a firm bld and even sent a con· tract," Holtz said. " l thought it would just be something that would be run to do. I don't even know what I would do."

Baseball today On this date in baseball in 1962:

Holtz said that 15 years ago, when he was an assistant coach at South Caro~ina . he made up a long list of what he would like to do that most people don 't do

" When I made these up, it just seemed Like fantasies but they beca me goa ls, .. be said.

St rikeout k.ing Sandy Koulax of the Los Angeles Dodgers fanned 18 Chicago Cubs en route to a 10·'2 victory .

On this date in 1945: Senator A.B. " Happy" Chandler was

na med Commissioner of Baseball , s uc· ceed ing the late Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis.

He broke the goa ls into categories such as 1

education, sports. entertainment, spiritual and financial

T oday's Birthday : New York Mets pitcher Pat Zachry is 29.

For Holtz, m any of those dreams have come true.

" When you reflect upon it. goals are what cause you to get up in the morning and do things

' you don't want to do," he said " If you' re bored J with your hfe. you JUSt haven 't set enough t ~oa ls

Dunaway has New Orleans lead 'SkJp Dwlaway, a decided longshot who got

into the tournament as the third alternate , put together an eight-under -par 64 and took a two· st roke lead Tbursday after the hrst round or the New Orleans Open golf tournament. Veteran DeWltt Weaver, a c lub pro for the last 10 years, was second at 66 Laguna Niguel 's Mark O'Meara was tied with Pat Lindsey for third at 67 . A plan that would split the PG A tour in· to two separate circuits will be presented to golf's touring players by Commissioner Deane Beman the Associated Press says . The plan would split the tour into two equal segments to be called, possibly, the American and National tours . Beman says he doesn't expect the plan to take effect until 1984 or 1985. " It 's super." says Lee Trevlno. " ll 's the sa lvation of the tour." says Jack Nicklaus .

Quote of the day

Donna Horton White, after sinking a 25· foot putt in an LPGA tournament while seven months pregnant : " That putt was so good I could feel the baby applauding ."

Superdome next for Pirates?

PITTSB URGH Dan Galbreath , president of the Pittsburgh Pirates, said he will meet here Sunday with a New Orleans group th at " desperately' ' wants a baseball clu b in the Superdome

Fitzpatrick. Mass running well Interviewed Thursday at his ramily 's Darby

Dan farm near Le xington , Ky., Galbreath said he has no current plans to move the Pirates.

RIVERSIDE John Fitzpatrick of San

But the ftttsburgh club 1s suing the city of Pittsburgh over maintenance costs and other lease matters at Three Rivers Stadium.

Diego ancf Jochen Mass or West Germ any paced opening -da y p ra c t ice run s Thursday at Ri verside International Racewa y for Sunday's Los Angeles Times Toyota s ix-hour IMSA En· duro.

Tho r n ton signs to play at UCI

UC Irvine basketball coach Bill Mulligan filled his last two lcholarships Thursday by sign· lng Bob Thornton , a 6·8 forward from Saddleback College and John Capener. a 6-6 forward who last played for the University of $an Diego.

'Thornton averaged 6. 1 points ptr game for the Mission Con· 11rence champion Gauchos

" I think he 's got great poten· tial ," s aid Mulligan . " I think bf II be a helluva rebounder." J ,Caoener averaied 20 points ~r game at Torrey Pines Hieh bl Del Ma r and then played one 1fason at USD before leaving on '11 two-year mission .

From Page C1

SURF SOUND? Wall opted to use Edison High gr aduate Steve Hellmich in the nets. The Surf coach may have to wait until today to decide whethe r it will be Mayer, Hellmich or Mike Mahoney.

One American who will be healthy for tonight 's game is de· fender Joe Clarke who has sulfl · ciently healed after a knee injury s idelined him for the early part or the season .

• JU"P MOTii : Ali.r I- 991'nff. IN 5'lrl tin

11111 lhrM .,els, two o1 u..n 1<or..i ..., ~ Aw ell#M. -orner ic..t lletf• MS Ille,.._, w . .. .. .,. .. - llat \Ot.Q ..... ·-­II comff '° ICll>l'l"ll QOAI~ He d ied Sl-n't -from II y.,.. out - ins I l"9 Aztecs H.,. •­pie . In _,,., lrol'll offlu mow. Gerl' •••H• hfl been eleveled from eet1lilet1I

ijlaseball standings l


W L Pct. GB ~dgen 11 2 846 -A'.tlanla 7 5 .583 31"2 Cincinnati 6 6 .500 4112

San Diego 5 9 .357 61'2 $;ln Francisco S 9 357 61"2 Houston 3 10 .231 8 · 1 East Dlvlalon

ontreal 8 2 .800 -. Louis 7 2 . 778 ,_, hiladelphia 7 5 .583 2 ew York 4 4 500 3 ttsburgh 4 4 .500 3

bicago 1 10 .091 7YJ



W L Pct . GB Oak land 14 1 .933 Chi cago 7 3 .700 4''l Angels 6 7 .462 7 Texas 5 6 .455 7 Seattle 4 9 .308 9 Kansas City 2 7 .222 9 Minnesota 2 9 .182 10

East Division Cleve land 6 3 .667 New York 7 4 .636 Boston 6 4 .600 YJ Detroit 7 S .583 YJ Milwaukee S 4 .~ 1 Baltimore 3 6 .333 3 Toronto 3 9 250 4\.'J

ni.911111'• IC­CN<etD lW,~W

TwMto et .... Ycwt. • ·· " '"' Oflly ..,.,_ K"9dll ... T.-y'I._..

A ..... CT~• •II el Ml-Mte ( ..._I'll l · tl

Cltlc.tll IT'*" Ml et Oelrolt l"'try .. I Te.-• ci..~wtl Ml •I Clewtand ((Mr'­

, .. , , II T.,.,... (..,._.1 .. 1elNewYn1.HMl•ll.

n K•- City 104lle 1.01 et Mllw_,11 .. tll<*ll

1·11, " Oelll.ll,,. CNOnllUI et IHttM CAl!Mlt WI , 11 Oflly ..,_. W:llMUIM

• • • oener•I m•MQef IO 99Mr e1 mene~r. 8111 DewMft ret.IM Ille litle, prnldent of the Surf

o.feno.< ,,_ Pelll.._.., e<Qulr9d late I.st

MHon, "'" ....-- •ucceulul .,_ '-"' IOllowl nQ • 1•11 - •1111 ,,,. Indoor MHOn, •ftd ,, no• reneblllte llno Mldllelder V"•' Herae..-. - nit wll•, ar-.i we•c- their ""' Ch ild, . CMUQhlff Dof"n SAh;rCMy

U.S. need s a win · GOTEBORG, Sweden <APl -

The United States ice hockey tea m . with revamped lines and a growing zest for the open E\U"O­pean s tyle. faces a showdown with Finland for the top spot in the 8 pool of U1e world cbam· pionships.

T he Americans need to win against Finland Saturday to win the pool and fin ish in fifth place.

-Kuhn says owners are right . DALJ..AS - Bueball ~ ....

Kuhn UYf be wUI not lean ca tbe club "'911fl t.o relax their po1llloa in tbelr coatract ..,. wltb the playen Juat for the we of avoldla1 • threatened 1trike.

"Tbl• UJM the ownen ,are clearly rt•bt," Kuhn 1ald cturtn1 an interview broadcut Tbun· day nlpt on radlo atatlon KRLD·AM .

Kuhn said be expects the fiery rhetoric between the ownen and the playen' HIOda· lion to continue ri1ht up until the May 29 strike deadline aet by the players .

Tbe playen voted to walk out after club ownen unilaterally Imposed a plan to com· oenaat~ teama that lose ce~aln players throu1h basel>all '1 free a1ent reentry draft.

The playen • 1roup, btaded.~y Marvin Mlller, contend that the ownen • plan W\U rMtrict the r~ agent market by dl1coura1in1 clubl from ae· gressively pursuing free a1ent.1.

·'I have publicly been oo record for a long time aa bellevtn1 that there ahould be com· pensatioo of aome kind," Kuhn said ln the ln· terview taped Wednesday.

' 'When a San Die10 loses a Dave Winfield, for example, they ought to get a guy back that they can play.'•

Winfield played out hit option with tbe Padres tut year11and aiened a multi-million dollar contract with the New York Yankees. The Padres received nothing.

·'The clubl bareained tor the right to com· pensation last year and they should have It." the commissioner continued. " Anybody who looks for me to put the heat on the cluba to water down the provision that's now In effect in order to get a settlement ls looking to the wrong guy . I 'm not going to do that. "

Anderson ahead in decathlon UCLA's Mark Anderson, one of America 's

top hopes for a decathlon gold medal in the Ot1mpics three years ftom now , ahot out to a 176-polnt leld .alter five event.a in the Mt. San Antonio Relays decathlon Thursday . . . Young Blc:ky Rudd of Chesapeake, Va . , s mashed the MartJ:nsvUle Speedway Grand Na· tiontJ qualifylna record and won the pole posi· tion for the Virainia 500 stock car race Sunday . . . The highest court of'intemational auto rac· ing declared the controversial Lolua 88 Grand Prix car ille1at ... Ma rk Sellen, son or forbler jockey Jolla Sellen, suffered a possible broken back and broken shoulder in a spill dur· ing the third race at K ee neland . . . Professional baseball will join Sunday in national recognition or Vietnam veterans . . . Bobby MJlJer scored two goals as the U.S. hockey team trimmed Holland. 7-3, and came a s te p closer to winning the B pool in the World Hockey championships .. . The San Diego Chargers say they've signed USC wide teceiver Billy Mulllm . . . Shlrley MuldoWDey set lhe pace in the first round of qualifying for Sun· day's National Hot Rod ssocialion Southern Nationals with a S.94 second run at 240.64 miles per hour . . . Pittsbureh Steeler wide receiver Theo BeU was sentenced to a one-year probation for his conviction on si mple assault charges.

Television, radio TV: Basketball - NBA playoffs (Kansas City

at Houston >. 11 :30p.m .. Channel2. Tapt>d. RADIO: Baseball San Diego at Dodgen,

7:30 p.m., KABC (790 >



('°f 10 on!J>: , 1. New Orleans: 2. New Y°" et.-; 1. 1'41• ••

York JIUi • · Seattle; 5. St. Louiil J • · 0Ne9 )ay; 7. Tampa Bay; I . SU Froelleo; t. aam: 10. Ctn· cbmali.

• • • I 'm not a acout, and a lot of variables are ln'

volved, but here are the mo.t likely flnt 10 picka Tuetdaf (not ln any particular order> :

Halfback George Roeen. South Carolina; Halfback Freeman McNell, UCLA ; Defe11•ive back Ronnie Lou, USC; Defentlve back Kenny Easley, UCLA; Linebacker Lewrace Ta~lor, North Carolina; Linebacker Hqh Green , Pitta· burgh ; Llnebac.ker £ . J , J\lnlor, Alarnama: Tackle Keith Van Home, tJSC; Fullback Randy McMtllan , Pittsburgh ; Wide receiver David Verser, Kansas.

• • • I wondered how long It wu 1oing to take

Nelson Skalbania to 1et disgusted wltb Fer· ragamo's games and impose a deadline of his own.

If Ferragamo hasn 't decided by Monday , then the Montreal Alouette• don 't want any part of him either.

Good for Nelson !

Fake marathoner caught in Boston

BOSTON (AP> Despite the precautions against another Rosie Ruiz incident in this year's Boston Marathon . a male runner j umped into the end or the race course before the official winner crossed the rini9h line, a Marathon official says .

The man , said Scott Mc Fetridge on Thursday , ·•was ushered out by security personnel so fast his head was 1pinnin1."

The intruder never was identified . but bis pres· ence was evidence that there was n.o fool -proof way to prevent such intrusions. said McFetr'idge, supervisor or offi cia ls for the rue and ad · ministrative assistant to Marathon Director Will Cloney.

Winner of the race was Japa•ese Toshihiko Seko.

Bast brothers top cycle field tonight

Mike Baat heads the field for toni&ht's weekly speedway motorcycle races at the Oran1e County Fairgrounds In Costa Mesa .

Bast, a seven-time U.S. champion, lus won two of the three scratch main events tht. year and appears headed for a nother oulllan4iftg season with the s idelining or Alan Christian with an in · jury.

Joining Bast on the program will be brother Steve, Mike Cur06o, David DeTemple . Da ve Sims and Lance King.

A match race between Steve Bast and Curoso will be featured tonight a long with the full card or 24 heat races in both handicap and scratch com · petition.

Mike Bast returned to speedway racing this year after a year 's absence on a voluntarily re· tired basis He appears faste r off the blocks and is riding with more confidence than in any previous season.

Gates open at 6 :30 with Lhe first race at 8.

Tue Reason is The Locati\ ·and much much more!

VISTA VILLAS PHASE II OPENING A number of rare sites are now available featuring extraordinary views and lakeside locations. Add to chis Ironwood's 36 holes of superior golf. .. 14 courts for day or night tennis. . 30 immac· ulate swimming pools ... acres of colorful gardens and mani· cured lawns ... above it all on a high plateau. Thar's why Arnold Palmer chose Ironwood as his place to relax in the sun

FAVORABLE FINANCING Ask our sales representative to outline the detai\s of a special program applicable to a choice of gracious new homes available for occupancy now and featuring l2:Y..% interest rates (14% Annual Percent9ge Rate). 6 new decorared models are ready for vour review. \


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IRONWO stl> h COUNTRY CLUB HOMES JN PALM Dl!SERT '49·200 Moripoe& Drlw. P.lrn Oettrt. CaJlfornta 92260 · Tel1714) H6·0SS1


• Southwqrd, EmeOJ, Andrews aid Fountain :Valley triumph

Thlrty-el1ht schools, lncludin1 10 rrom tho Oranae Coa1~ area and Jodlvlduala t.9pped b na· tlohal leader Davld A1bford of West Covina Jn the low hurdles (36.5 for 300 meters), converee on Tw;tin Hleh Saturday for the Tustin Relays , which beein at 9 :30 a .m. with the llnt field event , followed by running at 10.

In c I uded tn the fi e ld are . Corona del Mar, Costa Mesa, Edison , Esta nc ia . Fo untain Valley, Hunting ton Be ach , M ar i na, O cea n Vi e w , Westminster and Woodbridce.

De fend ing cha mpion Serra brings its blue·chlp sprinters and is the favorite , a lthough Foun· lain Valley Oed by sprinter Steve Southward l. West Covina and Santa Ana Valley a re also con· s1dered contenden for the title.

Among the pole vaulters an­ticipated are the Cl F Southern Se~t1on's No I (Vi ll a Park 's Pau l Peters . at 14·7> and No. 2 (Marina's Pat f,ustig , al 14-51"2 l.

The relays featu re so me of the top teams in the Southe rn Sec· t ion. ::>ul'h as S('r ra (42.6), Ocean V11•w 11:.i I l. Millikan (43 3) , San­t a Ana Vallev (43 . 6 ) a nd Lynwood c l:J.7l ·

Foun\aln Valley'• Barona kept tb•Jr Suns.et Leaaue track and field record WI· blemished with a 92 ... victory our idlaon Thursday afternoon while/ lfuotin1ton Beach was stoppln1 Newport Harbpr, 85·42.

In other meets iovolvJn1 area teams, Unjvenity stopped Estancia, 99·37; Costa Mesa topped Irvine, 74-62; Ocean View w•s beate n by Loara , 75 -57 ; and Capistrano Valley won ove r Lac un a Beach, 88-47.

Here's bow it went :

Foun~aln Valley 92, Edleon 44 Steve Southward captured the 100 and'

220 yard dash events for the Barons In 10.1 and 22.8 while Rod Emery was a winner in the 440 with a good time or 50.4 and Todd Andrews captured the hurdle races In lS.4 and 40.2.

Andrews also placed second in the high jump while Emery was a wiMer In the long jump for the Barons who lead the Sunset League with a 4-0 record.

Emile Harry placed second in the 220 a nd the triple jump for the Barons .

Htn. Beach 85, Newport Harbor 42 Kevin J efferies continued his assault on

the weight events for Newport Ha rbor but it wasn't enough to offset the depth of the Oiler s.

J efferies ,won.the shot put by more than seven feet with a heave of 53·7. then ca me bac k with a victory in the discus with a

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I Ile to11nw1no Ptr\On " do in g HAMI STATIMIMT HAME STATIMIHT l>u""'"" "' Tfl• to1tow1ng s-non 11 clolnQ bull· Tii e tottowl1>9 1Mr-.1 e r • ootn11

I C MU . . . bu11n .. 1 • : •f<f<lloAllO N CO N T"OL. RESIDE N TI AL MORTGAG E f'U l l,ERTO N COllPO ltA TI

( O M r'A N 'f 11• 0 L Logen Street, SERVICE, 10101 Sieler ... ..-... , ~loi, PLAZA, 1S10 llrool<lloOow Dr tw, Suite Co••• M•·u CAl 1fnrnl• ,,.,. FounlelnVettey.Colllornlo t21Ga. 200, Seftl• ANI. Ce lllornje tvOS

Roth.l•d lloitino•lo 1140-1.. 1..- JOHN I E RNARO CUSAC~. till Tiie 8Mr•O Chl lclr ... , Tr..11, t/O Sl•ef>t (O\le Mna.C •lt lorn1•'"" PrHIPenle Orlw, Huflllnglofl hecll. Donota GfOI,,..., Tru. .. , lloeera a.

Cofllornlo t2'4I Well•. 161 Souell Flgwroe Sire ... LM r ~I\ bv\ln•h " "'''"'"led l>y ... Tiii• buliM H "Conctuc led by .. In Ange lH, C.lllornl• • • ,

loo1vodual divlelue t. HerlJen w l(elmlle<ll, 10~ S,.., r11<,,.rdOoihnQ\ltY JOhn8 C\L\00 11e g o Orll• • · H t•OO•I 8 •• <11 .

1 "'' • l•lrmenl WO\ hl•P wllfl lflt Thi\ \tolement • H fli ed w ith the CMll0<nlo '2MO Counh (lfdt OI 0 •"'10"Counlyon"p"I County Clerk of Orengo County on Ho"'*' A. ZoNer. lSIO IA Se rre . I . 1 ~11 "Orll ) . "11 L.o9un1 Hiit~, Cotllornle tJUJ

'1S- ~""" Th• 1(- ""'-'· • Coll lornl• PvOll\twd Or•rtQI' C.O. .. D•oly P110t PubltUwd Or- CoH I 0.lly P iiot, Pertner\hlp, ON 8'- N>ll - Dr ive.

Al'"' 10 II 1• M.oy 1 1'f 1 tUO 11 "P"I 10 11. H _,I 1'11 17~ s.tita A,,., Colffcwnle t l70S

PUBU C NOTICE Gt or91 w. C.l!Nmt , J IJ22 Mon

-- terey St,.... Soul.II ~. C:Otllcwnlo PUBLIC NOTICE nm

T"h Du~IMU " Conclu<l• d by • HOTICI! TO CONTllACTOIU ---- eenere t pertnenftlp

CU LING P'Oll • to s l' ICTITIOUS au1u .. u ~ "'· Celtlloml • <llO<. Oo\tro<I COAST COM Tl>lt , ........,. WM llted with I ..

lw\UHll'l'LOLLE.C.EO•ST Rlt;T HAMeSTATaMaNT Co.inly Clerk of Dt aft99 Coolftty on U•o O•M!h"" 1 OO o clock pm of Ille The foll...i.t "°"°" 11 clotftg INSl- Ae>rll 2, 1 ...

Whd.1y u lM.ty 1'111 M U H l'lft111 Pl•<• 04 8•d ll~•IPI Olllce .. ... Sl<AH-4.IHE. 11SS ANMlm. c Pwltllsllld Or- Coe•• O.lly Piiot

Pur t na .onqAQtnl MoroM'l "-rrlnCoe\I Mno. C:Otlfpmta niu. April ti, 17, 2•, ,..., I , 1• 1 17Jt.tl Communoty (oll tQt 01\lrltl, tllO Or..-y ~tltlp su" .. "· llSS Ad•ml Avr ( O\IO MeU ANllle lm. C. .. Mew. C:OlllOf'nlo "262'

ProJM I l.,..,ltlluhon NI,,,_ Nt• Tllll ~ h concN<;9d Illy on I"· Or1n9t (o.nt COll•Ot C,ym Donce OlvldU• I PUBLIC NOTICE ' loor Bod"~ c;......,., It. si.-

Placr Pltn• ••• Of'I ltt• Ofll<• of Thi\ ~ WO\ llM wllll ir. .. ,.,J Dtreclor o! PhY\lttl Fa<o llllH Pltn Ceunty Clerk of Or .... County Oft MOTICllOI' PUltLIC IALll ll onq, '""'' comm..n1ty Colt- DI\ Apr II IJ, 1• 1. Oii ~.., 1. •• •. 0 1 10 oo om., at 3170 1r1c1, 1J10"c1am•A.,. .CostoMeH,(" 1'1""9 " lr wey Av e nue . C o~ t • Meu . t.!Ut PublllMd Of .... CNlll Oe H., P llO(. C.lllOf'nlo t»», Copltlr- HOiion.ti

NOTt(EISHEREBVGIVENlhollfle A#H. 1', 2A. May 1,a.,1• 1 111H1 8 ••111, lhe M<wrtd " ' ' ' loWICler Ille ebO••-tl•"""' SChoot Dt•lrklofOrenge ucuflly a grHme nl . .. cuted by Coun ty , Coll torn o• . a cttne Dy ono FH l'll0,,.111• Furn1lurt Menut ec turlno """"9" It ' Go .. rnlng 8oora , PUBUC NOTICE Compeny, • Ill sell 11 ouollc ouctton to ~ • r • t n • r I• r r • r • r r •cl Io • • Ille tllghffl l>IOde< •cw t t lh, H r obl• at ' "O l!>TRICT" . • lltrectlve yp to, l>Ulnol - tl'le time of u le, without w•rrenty of .. ter lllan Ille aboV• ·>lated lllM, Mt lW l'ICTITIOUI aU.lMlllS tlUe, ll!AeU or IMr<honl~llly In OC· b id• for Ille &ward or o controc t tor Ille NAMl ITATllMllMT cercla nca • 1111 Section t so.I ol Utt •bO••P•Ojt<I • The IOllowlnt ,., ..... It clo"'41 IN.Ill· Un ifor m Commercl e f Code o f

81cN tt~ll 11e, rec;et••d In l lW ploce neu at · C6111ornla tr. r.relnlll lw Clfferllled ldtntlllH1<1bOve, •ncl\lllll lM - M d EXPERT EX POR TS. UIH <Ollt ler ol. !MIO cOtlt l t r e t to lie re· a nd 011t>ttcly relH! otoucl • I , ._ Obov.. Alceter 0r1 ... 0."9 Point, Co ll,.nlo moved rrom Ille oremltH Delore Moy 11a1P<1t1 ..... andptoc• n u t I , " "

Tt1ert w111 1>etnoclel>O'llraqulredlor F ~ANCES OEHLSEH DE ~A Tiie c Oll•tera t con\llU of oll op-to<ll wt or bid oocum..,u to oueren••• TO llR E , JaSf Atcuor Drlw. o. ... pll..,us. - • tut. tooo. moctl ln• '"' return In good condition wftllln 10 Polnl, Cotllomlo t»2t. IOOll , .._IH, meter le la, hunllure. 'boy••H•rtllel>kl-nl119dol• Tiii• .,.,.,,. .. It conclu<tecl •Y ., In· 1t1ture eciutoment, ~·.,... t l\Oltel\

E acih l>l.J m11\I to nform • nd De dlvlduol DA TED Aorll 11, Itel rowoulwtoth<lcontrectc!O<uments FrencH D. De LO Tvr• Ee.on - O.tev•e

E • <llbkl\/>atllleeccomoon .. d•y t.. Thi• stM...-1 ... llled • • , .. the A IAWCMPOf"tllon .-cu•llyr•'•rrecllolnlllecontroctclocv COUft lY Cle rk of 0r..., c-nty on By ,.,.,. M Mlrmen, 'Jn•ntt oncl l'Y tile '"' of or .... d WI>- Morch 14. ' "' AllorneYt tor contrectora ,.,._ Cel>l\lr- NetlOnel aenk

T ... Dlr.TRICT (Htf'YH , ,,. , ..,,. to Pllloll.,... 0r.,.. C.0.Jt Dolly Pltet., Pu11Jl thld Or ..... CM•t Delly PllOt, tejec: tenyorellllichOf'to wel ,..onr lr · A.-1110,11. 24.Mey l, 1"' 11-... 4 P"ll1•. t• • 1"2MI r99ula•lllM cw INormetlU.. In ony llldl . I ortnt.,.blddi,.._ -- ·------------1 Tiie DtSTRICT llol llblOlnedf"""'tt. PUBUC NOTICE tDl reclor ol Ille Depertment of '"· . CIVSltlol ltlla(lof>I Ille gener el pre• ell· ---------------tng reteof perdlom..._ 1,.0.leUlllty n •lllitll 11111 ...,..k l1to lleoertonnellfor

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UJO Ad..,. Aw ., C.to -... CA ft.'t6. CoPIH l'l'llty lie GbtMMO Oii r~. A

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ton or 173-0, I bo.rt of hi• beet effort tor tbe Halon.

Newport's ~rek Turner wu a triple winner in the 880 (2:01 .8), mile (4:37.2> and two-mile (10:02.t ).

Runtinlton Beach's Richard Brim, a junior, won the 100, 220 and lon1 jump for the victorious Oilers. •

Lo.,a 75, Ocean View 57 Ocean View's Les Tate was a double

winner in the mile (4:30.3) and two-mile


(9: 62.0) but the Seabawks weren 't able to m a tch the depth of the Saxons. Tate ia re­portedly in the bes t shape of the season right now.

nln1 race with exception of the low hurdles. Coat• Meaa 74, Irvine 12

, Costa Mesa continued undefeated with a 4-0 Sea View Lea1ue mark while Irvine dropped It.a tint decialon or the aeuon and 11now3-1.

Bob Grego won the low hurdles ln 31.9 and waa second in the pole vault while VIC?· tor Herrera was a winner ln the 880.

Eagles laOOed Cara Francy and Vi cki Simpson of

Est ancia were named lo the fi rst team girts All·CIF 3-A basketball team today with teammate Bronwyn Hand picking up third team honors.

Not every aalltn1 yacbi in Southern California will t h e aded for Ensenad• th week e nd U the Souther" Califomla YacbUne AHoclation calendar can be believed.

Molt of the acUOll for stay-at· home will be of the one·deslp variety for 1maJl boats.

On the local scene, Newport Harbor will host a one-deaien re· g att a S a turda y after the Ensenada fleet has departed.

In the Loa Ange les-Lone Beach area Little Ships Fleet o Long Beach wilt be conducting an Ensenada Stay-at-Home re· gatta for Performance Handicap Racing Fleet yachts.

Another good 440 performance by Rick Moser (Sl.6) and a fast relay lap (50.0> gave the Seahawks another shot in the , a rm.

Francy and Simpson are both seniors on the Eagle team that went to the ClF semifinals before losing to Alta Lom a. 61-58.

F rancy averaged 18.3 points a game while Simpson hit 12.3 per outing. Hand , a lso a senior, averaged 11.0. Estancia had a 23 ·4 record .

Two clubs will conduct regal· tas In the Santa Monica Bay a r ea . South Coast Corinthian! Yacht Club will send a fleet of PHRF yachts to the Catalina, Is thmus Saturday in the second! race or the Bay Series . and will conduct a one -design regatta, Saturday and Sund ay . Santa' Mon ica Yacht Club will hold an' int raclub regatta. ,

Unlvemty 99, Eatancla 37 Rich l{jmball returned to action for the

fi rst time this seaaon and captured the 330 low hurdles in the good t ime or 40.8 for the T rojans.

Brad Meyer was a double winner for Uni versity in the mile and two-mile dis t ance races .

The Trojans improved their Sea View League record to 2·2 and won every run ·

E l Toro High , runner .up in the Sea View League to Estanci a, placed Robin Holmes , a 5·9 j unior with a 22.S·scoring average , on the fi rst team a nd senior Angela Rock on the third squaA....Rock , at 5·9. averaged 15. l per outing.

Gahr Hi g h , the 3-A cha mpi on had jun iors Toni E ld ridge and Michelle McCoy named as co-most valuable players.

Most of the compet iti ve actionj for one-designs will be at San Diego Yac ht Clu b whe re the' Ca l·20s, PCs, Solings and Sta rs wall race for their va rious neett cham pionshi ps .





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fo• 18~


REAR 599 #6293 PR.

BATTERIES 36 Month I 2 Volt B•ttertes (for most Comp"cr "nd St"nd<11d CMS)

22r 36 (• 6 AMP Z6SCC) 24 36 (S3 AMP 281CC) 24f 36 (53 AMP 281CC) 72-36 (53 AMP 28 1CC)

Par Volksw"gen 42 36 (4 5 AMP 268CC)

For most large cars 27·36 (70 AMP 370CC) 27F-36 (70 AMP 370CC) 398! 48 Monet. 12 Volt

MAlntenu<e free a.ttettes

22fMr . 48 (Z81CC AMP)

24fMr 48 (37SCC AMP)

74fMf·48 (l7SCC AMP)

308!. 36~ 368!.'

Dick St«Aetz

Sports on TV ~ngels televised twice Saturday's TV, radio

TELEVISION 9 a.m. (5) - TENNIS - Eliot Teltscher vs.

Peter Fleming in the WCT Challenge Cup, taped in MOhtreal.

Orange Coaat Collete wu able to maintain lta two-same lead in the South Cout Conference chase wlth a victory over Santa Ana Thunday to hlghU&ht community colleae baseball action.

· tn ot..ber play. Golden West fell a run short to Santa Monica, whUe Saddleback needed a tl\ree· run homer in the bottom of the ei1hth to defeat Chaffey.

Here's what happened: Orange Coatt 3, Senta An• 2

'l'be Pirates improved their record to 10-3 in the conference with a hard·!ou•ht win at Santa· Ana .

OCC broke out to a 1 ·0 lead in the fourth inning as Reggie Montgomery doubled to c,nter. took third on an out and came home on Ed Farrell's sacrifice fly .

The Pirates added to their mar1ln the next in­ning as catcher Dan Dix lilted the ball over the fence in left.

Tbe Dons closed the gap to 2·1 with a run or their own in the fifth , but the Pirates added the in· surance tally in the eighth as Farrell's single to center brought home Larry Lee, who had opened t¥ frame with a hit

Kelly Slmon, who pJcked up the victory , went ~ lnnin&• before 1tvin1 way to Mike Hocan, who ran into a little trouble ID the ninth •s the Dom scored a nm and.had the tytn1 run at flrat with two outs.

But Hogan was able to retire the next batter on a popup to preserve the victoty .

S.ntll Monica 3, Golden Weat 2 The Rustlers couldn't hold a 2·0 lead as the

Corsairs scored three limes in the bottom of the


fifth and then held on to win. The Rustlers jumped out ot a 1-0 lead in the

first as Steve Springer scored from second base on a single by freshman Chris Schultz.

GWC got another run in the third as Keith Hall singled, was sacrificed to second, went to third on an error and scored on Springer's single.

That appeared to be all pitcher Mark Stone

... -

would need, too, until be fell lnto trouble in the flftb .

Worklns on a no:.bltter aitd with one out already in the books, Sfone wu touched for three slnt1es and a double for three nma.

Pitcher Re11i• Wyatt made It 1tand up and the Conain moved into nnt place durtn1 the second round of Southern Cal Conference action with a 3·1 ~cord.

Golden West dropped to 2-2.

Saddleback I, Chaffey I · The Gauchos rebounded from deficit• of 4-0

and 8-3 to pull out the win. With the score lied at six 1oin1 into the bottom

ot the eighth, Russ Lee wu hit by the pitch and Pete Harrell followed with a single to 1et the stage for Ben Amaya.

Amaya promptly sent the first pitch over the left field wall and the Gauchos had a three-run cushion.

Brad Kinney. who came on in relief in the first inning, went the rest or the way to pick up the win.

Amaya finished the day going 3-for-5 with three runs scored and four RBI.

lOa .m. (4 ) - BASEBALLWARMUP. 10:15 a .m. (4 J BASEBALL - The Cincinnati

Reds vs. the Astros in Houston.

MV High hosts top

• This Weeks Special

DESERT HORIZONS 11 a .m. (51 - ANGELS BASEBALL - The Angels meet the Twins in Bloomington, Minn.

1 p.m. (4> GOLF Second round play in the Legends of Golf tournament.

2 p.m . (7) TENNIS The semifinals or the AJan King Tennis Classic. taped in Las Vegas .

3 :30 p.m. (21 SPORTS SATURDAY - Mat-thew Saad Muha mmad (29-3-2> defends his WBC light heavyweight title against Murray Sutherland (31·2 l in a scheduled 15 round bout taped in A:tlan­tic Caty, NJ Also : The Oxford-Cambridge boat race, taped on the Ri ver Thames in London . (7> -PRO BOWLING - The finals of the Fires~one Toumamentof <.:hampions. taped at Akron , Ohio.

swtmmers De fending champion

and host Mission Viejo High is hos tin g th e eighth Miss ion Vi e jo swimming invitational Saturday at Marguerite Swim Center in Mission Viejo and as has been the c us tom , enters as the team to beat for the team champions hip.

Among the entries are s uc h swim powers as Mt . Ca rmel (Sa o Di ego >. Mira Costa, Mont c lair , Newport Harbor , Newbury Park , Capist r ano Valley, Buena Fountain Valley

1978 CADILLAC SEVILLE Leather covered sealing area, AM IFM stereo with tape pla yer & Cadill ac wire wheel covers

C798UDS> $9895


Drive through the aa 1n inlu th i& preUiRious residenlial and re..:rea1ional en vi ro nmenl in beautiful

Indian Wells ... and see the luxurv h o mea. the clecant 3 - lev~ dubhuusc , S 1ennis couru, 28 1wimmin& pools and 1herapy spas, and

o ne o f the mosl challencing profcuional co if courK'I anywh ere (Ga y Brewer golf directo r ) . o n 2 74

lake-doned a c res where it 's summertime 1he year· ro und. 12 .. financing (12 .7 .. A PR) Ii a vailahle

l all o r wri1e 1oday fo r a broc hure or an appoin1men1 w see 11

Homes from $236,000 to $376,000

Walker & lee l:xdu,ivc ~In Asent

44976 S1. Helena Court , Indian Well•. C'aliforn1a 9226<.' (7 14) 568-0207

S p.m. (7> - WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS -Thomas Hea rn s (30 -0 > defends hi s WBA welter eight crown against Randy Shields (38· 6·1> in a scheduled 15-round bout, taped in Phoen ix . Also : A preview or the Kentucky Derby, spotlight­ing the key horses and personalities in the 107th " run for the roses ." And the Dlue Grass Stakes, taped April 23at Lexington , Ky. (28) - SOCC.:t;K. and Corona del Mar . lfQ'llliillll • ••• y .. , • · ~ , ~ •• '· n .., • ..,t,•~•· .... , ••• ""' ,, .•• , .... • .. • '• r If • · • •"•' .. , •t<i• • 1

RADIO Newport Ha rbor en· ters with breaststroke Baseball Angels at Minnesota , 11 : 15 a .m . .

KMPC (710 ); San Diego at Dodgers. 7 p.m .. KABC (790 ).

and individual medley ~-------------------· ........ ~---'----"'---------------------­ex p ert J oh n Mo H it,

Auto Racin~ Tames Toyota Grand Prix His· toric Car ruccs. 2 pm . KLAC (570 l.

Sunday's TV, radio TELEVISION

10 am. !21 NBA PLAYOFFS The Boston Celtics meet the 76crs 1n Ph1laedelph1a . (501 -SPORTS AMERICA.

11 a.m (51 ANGELS BASEBALL - The Angels meet the Twins in the first game or a double-header an Bloom ington. Mann . (50 > - SOC· CER MADE IN GERMANY.

11 : 30 am (4 1 SPORTSWORLD - Dale Earnhardt and Davi d Pearson are among the dri\'ers entered an the Charlotte 300. taped Also : The L'S . Japan and Romania are a mong the countries part1c1pating in the men 's com petition or the lntemat1onal G., mnasttcs Classic

Noon I 11 > THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL . . 12 30 pm 12> • NBA PLAYOFFS Kansas

City al Houston ( 7 l WOMEN 'S TENNIS - The finals of the MurJant WTA championships , taped at Amerha Island Plantation. Fla

I p m. (4 I GOLF Final round play in the Legends or Golf tournament from Aust in, Texas.

2 :30 p.m . 17> AMERICAN SPORTSMAN -A<?tor Martin Sheen aids in the relocation of three t rained Afri can e lephants to their homeland. Also : Elh el Kl'nn e d v a nd her son Mi c ha e l join youngsters from the New York City Police Athletic League on a white-water rafting adventure on Maine's Kennebec River. (22) - SOCCER.

3 :30 p.m. (7 > WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS -The national championship sprint car race, taped at Rossburg, Ohio Also : The Duke Kahanamoku surfing classic. taped orr the north shore of Oahu. Haw aii

RADIO Baseball An gels at Minnesot a (double ·

header >. ll : t5 am .. KM PC (710>; San Diego at Dodgers. 1 p.m .. KABC <790>

Auto Racing Times-Toyota Grand Prix of endurance from R1vers1de lntemationa l Raceway. 9 a .m ., KLAC (570 1. <The Dally Pilot Is not responsible for late


From Page C1

WATER POW • • • Interview following the two-hour tuneup when the R,utsians became more relllvPd during t~e initial ibterview and reversed an earlier " nyet ' to a re­quest to speak with one or their athletes.

But the Russian athlete added little to any in· sight into the Soviet's program or its attitude .

" Yes. the Long Beach State facility is satisfac · tbry," said the Moscow natl ve.

while Mi ss io n Viej o banks on Doug Barker. freestyler John Larson . sophomore backstroker Powell Hamilton a nd distanic e s tar Ch ri s Weis t.

The Diablos have won this invitation in each of the seven previous years and the girls' team is also favored , with fr ees t y ler Ma r ybe th Linzmeler and 14-year· old freshman Tiffany Cohen paving the way

Prelims gel und e r way at 9 a .m with the fin a Is set for 2

Ivy alumni set to race

Eleven boats , sailed by a lumni or seven Ivy League colleges and uni· ve rs ities . will be sailing a race-within-a -race in th e Newport t o Ensenada race.

The l vy -Ensenada race has become a tradi · lion in which none of the competitiors could ca re less how they do in the ove r all Ensenada r ace statistics so long as he or she beats another Ivy League school

l vy League entries in this yea r 's race include Army , two from Brown. Columbia, two from Co rn ell, Dart · mouth/ Penn , two from Harvard a nd two from Princeton . All ex· cepl three will be sailing under the Perform ance Handicap Racing Fleet mea s ure m en t rul e . Yachts range from the Catalina -30. Talaria (a Brown entry) to the 75· foot sc hoon e r . Shearwater Calso from Brown >.

But that was really the only question be would F b J) answer with any conviction. Another, such as who oot a appeared to be his team 's major competition in tournament , drew the following from the in- • terpreter : sign ups

·'This Is an important tournament - first because it la the place of the 1984 Olympics. Signups for Newport SecOJldlY. all or the strongest teams in water polo Be a ch J uni 0 r A 11 . are here. This ia the highest level of competition ." American football will

Asked 1' he felt any special pre11ure to be held May 9, May 30 ~rtorm well while in American waten, the Soviet and June 6 at Newport star, who has been with the national pro1ram Harbor and Corona del alnce he was 16, simply reiterated the previous Mar blitl schools from · statement - that competitlon was tops Jn thll 10·12 for boye ln five tournament and every 1ame wowd be tough. dlvtliom. ranging ·from

The Soviet leade~ made no promises wt\en ~ aa• 8·U. s•ld he would see wha\ be could do about an Ua· Youb11ter1 are re­tf)'Vlew with one of ht• players and aa it tp~ qulnd to uve a $15 re· out, Kabanov became available only when the par· llltraUop fee and paren· ty was lD the proce11 of leavin1. , ui approval, in penon

When the Soviets made their tint entry aDd a preferably. ~uesl for an Jntervtew wu ma~ the ftnt Cl'*· Pracllct! beiln• Aui. ~n came from the Ruulana : 10

" What newspaper are )'OU from?" · The Oran1e Coaat Daily Pilot apl)arently clld

! 1trtke any nerves and u tht lnltlal lntentew ded, they departed for tbett coaeblnl duties UD· fied - to the extent tbM U. t.bird man pretent· me With a wat.r polo pa from U.. '80 GalQet. Ntit •me tbe workout, 101Dt arwu from the

Ill maMl'ft'. tom• lhrtrtidn&·llke i4!0rtel "*" a 1Ulmma1e u nrurw lroin UM American,

alijiA and Spaoi•b team IOoUd on, tbt ex· to U. ehOwen and ftDal'1 Uil:'lut·mlftute in·

tew ,,Sth the team caPtatn.

• t •


Ownef's of b,<>ta's luxurtOUs Cresslda row have even more to feel good abou1 The Allstate Insurance Company announced

that the Cresslda has earned a reductloo 1n coM1SIOl'l and comprehensNe pmmums ranging from 10 IO 25 peicenl • Allstate cited favorable past loss experience as one key

reason for the rate reductioo Another is Cresslda's teeent design changes. which aie expected to make the car less vulnerat>le to

damagl) in an accident .•. less costly IO repair If damage does occur

Mot9 lcM9 on~ SlalW The newest member of theT<¥>ta llne- ttle total economy Starlel­

wllt be saving ifs owners insurance money too. Due IO Startec's ION suggested manufacturer's tetail pnoe, Allstate has placed It

in their lowest-rate colliSIOrl and ~ve iruiorance C8legoty for 1981 C81S.

Saving moMYI Lower-cost insurance tS just one of the 188SOl"IS Oflhing

a Toyota Is such a good feeling. ~TOyoea dealer can

point out a IOt mofe. Stop in 10 see him soon!


I 1

I ' i I


NAllGMAL LIAOUI Dedlert •• " .... 1

IM Df..,.. l.Ol NIN'-&I •r•.. ., .... •kllNI, ff J I f I 1. .... D 4 0 I t lfftltll, • I t t t ' ""'*'° cf I I I t L....,.11. Cf 4 t 1 I ~.111 4 0 IO 8allff," 4 t I 0 ~. rf J 0 O O 0.,ny, Ill 4 0 I I ...._, . J 0 0 0 c...,. J 0 0 0 ~< J010 Guer,..,, ,, 4110 "1ttti.., ab 2 0 1 t klftci..< t I t 0 Wltil, p 2 t t I •11u.11, u 1 0 0 0 T-. jlfl 1111 ~ ........ 1011 LlttlefMlll. pt 0 0 t "-· p 0 t t 0

Tet.la 17 I S I Totell Jt J ' J

"-"' ...... s.n oi.eo ooo aoo 011-1 Los A .... lft 010 001 lb - J

PllrtlljK ,..K_ ..... on CMChet'' .... 1.n.rence In Ille WI.

l - kloeitl._ K..-cly. OP - $ell Ot ... t. Lei .,....... J . L08 - Sen 01 ... J, I.Ga AfteelH • • HA - T11<M r 111. sa - Lopet, Guerrero. Plllllls-, Le--·· .. ..., . S -Aw• .. 11.

INOl..­WIM IL,0-JI Llll19fleld

" 1 1

H A IA 88 IO • , 2 J t 0 0 0 0 0

LftA ..... 5cllellffe (W, 1..01 I S I I J 4

Ht::cl~lt!~tCIWCll0~-:. •• ~ .... 0., ... 0 0

PllC- lo- belle< In IN., .. T - 2: • A - 35011

~ ..... 1. 0.....1 AUente 001 120 010-7 10 O S.11 Frencl~ 110 100 ~ t 2

Mottt.t...:o. '- (7) - .._.<I, Orll '"'· er.tnlno t1l ....... ,_ It> - Mey w­-••tutco. 1 I l -Grlltln, 1-1 A-4.710

tt-l, AO•M4 Clnclnne tl 100 000 QJO 1- s • o HCMi'1CWI 000 OllO O«) 0-.. t I

S.eve<, Hll<M Ill , a.Ir !ti, Prke Ctl. MHll.•11 110) e nd o · a.rry , Nolen 1111, Rwlll•. s.mbllo Ill. LeCorte (II. 0 Smilll ltl end AJl\Oy W PYl<.e 1..0 l - Smllll, 0-2 s--... (II Hit HOUllOll, ~ I ll A - U,UJ

Amertcen leegue r11KTOAMa

.... 5'1• ... OrWM s 8ellltnon 012 010 100- S t I Clll<e90 111 717 00• - 11 2llo I

McGr- 0 . liler11,..I 10 Ford (4), T Mer11MI (t i, St-rd Ill end Gr el\em OotM>n - Fltk , Hill C•I W- Ootton, l · I . l - M <Gre11or. 0' HR' 8elllmor•. S1no1 ot011 2 UI Chit-. 8erN11.,.d 121

HCIONOOAM• _ ...... s. 0r1e1M1

Bolllmo~ 201 000 000-l t I Chke.,o lOO OJI 00•- S 7 t

Stone, Straen 111 .,_. Dempwy. ler rio., Hickey 11) , Furner (7) !Ind Enlen W B•rrlD>, 1.0. l SIOIW, ' I HR Bell lmor• . Slf19ltlon !<I A ..... 13'1

Angel everegea unrMo

LYNI CAlr.,. ,.,,,_ P'onl Orie II H­Oownlfto on ar ......... y BDfllq ... , l•YIO(


MW lten&o S.nche1 ZOhn Fort< II Jollo r""" Wlt1 Tr avert Hosle< o · A"'"ltlo

Tote h

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- .... '111 n. .. I TCMIMO

1,. " •• so W-L au J • • 1-0 0 00 1 2 J 4 0-0 Ill • • J 2 0-1 1.00

JH'> - 4 10 1 I J..SS n\o> u • 11 J.o l " 1''> 1• O 10 O.J 4 .. 10'> 14 J t 0. r S.21

I\'> • ) J 0 I 1 ot • ' > • 1 1 I I I 10 1 4 I I 0..0 lt.00

11• Ill J7 SO H l1J

Top 10 , ....... .,., .... , iudAICAN LIAGUI.

G A8 • " ~\. l •nlford llc>\ton 10 ,. • 17 •12 Hurdle . Ken\etClly S IS 2 1 ... ) BwrrO"IJM, Seettle • 21 J 10 4lS S11191rton, S.lllmoro • lt 4 II dl Komp, Ootroil ,, .. • 17 . ., 8trN11erd, CNc- • JI ' IS 4» Verrier, CJewlanct • ,. ' " Jt3 Even t , llc>\lon 10 - 10 I• .. Zl•k. S.• t11o fl "

.. -Fl•" · c~eoo ' ll ,, ., "-·-Armet, Oek lond. t. Fl•k, Cll•UQO, • .

Sm• llt y , IWnne>OCe, • , t Tied W1lll J ._..,._.,,. Ar"'u· Oei<l•nd. ••. Fl•ll, Chlceqo, IJ,

Ly•, A_.., It; ~lley, Mlnnosot•. 10, OUver, T• • at. 10

l'ttltllMt ll Oecis-.1 Mey. - v-. J..o, K-.oh. Oekl-.

l..o , McCAllty, 0.1-. J..o, NDfTh, 0.k._, J.41 , Welts , Cle .. 1- 2-0. Ilene~ • ._.,., I_.; Hoyt, CN<eeo. J.O, Klnvtn"" Oekl-1.0


Collln1,0..C1-1 "-·""'11-4""4• ........ -.. FlyNl, -Yorll o.w-.--· Moret.s, CNc.eo WHllll!llOll, AUente Hom-., St. LAWI• Madlock, PllbburOll kott, St L.ouls

0 A8 • H ~\. u .. u21m 12 " 1 n "31 10 .i ' " m •JO JU CO 10 • • IS .JfS tltl7 ... lilt 114 .M t 3' 1 IS .JM 1 11 J 10 J70 •• s 14 ..

...... CofthtNnc:e IOUTMlalt OtVlll ... ... NOtl'"lalt .. VlllCMI

·: : • • t"

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°'"" 10 1 I "'~ •• 2 0.1'-¥ $1' •

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s.ddl ....... ' · °"'""". CJttvs 1, ltl,,.l'Vde 4 Pt'-•• S.. OleetCC J kn..,_... ..... ~ .... 0

~y'•9-S-lemck•tP•-1-11 DMoo cc .. Sollt"-"tern Sen a.-dlM et Cltrw tt 1 ... n1c1a .e O\att.v

SOU\Mm Cel Cont.,enc. .. Cl*D llOUllO

• L Seftt.tMonke RloH-Goldeft w.st EHi LO\ A.llgo'H LA Herllot' Loa A .... l•CC LASout-Cypreu

~··ac..-.. s ... t• -ce J, Gol.-.. w .. 1 2 CypreM • • E•tt L<>s A.llgole\ 1 LAH•,_ l:t, LA ~17 Alo H-IS, L.o1A"9'1K CC S

""-'*'"' OeoMt E•at L.ol ""9tlet et Golden Wftl Seftte Manic• et L.oa...,,..... C:C Cypreu et LA Her11or R lo HotlOO •I LA Soutl1wesl

,. 1 ) I 2 2 J J 2 t 2 2



U JM .. ...._ W•N -!Ael


I I J 2

Fir•I rece - Royel Yon 1-1. soo. J IO, 1 IO, c;.co;e•1 Boy (Crene I. 1 40. S.00, v11ci. ·• lAd IPwr-i11nel, l .to. '2 oaec:ta (l·Sl peld '37 00

S.Cono -• - H lu.u .. y tGrulld y l , ) 10, 2.IO, 2.20. Tlllfi' Storm 10.DMn). 1.IO, 2 JD, Storm _ _,., ( RotcMord l, J 00

Tl\lrd rec. - Ro<11onl Group tCr09Nn), • 00, • .i. J .60; Royel Sl>ltN1r ( PereQ1MI. I 10, S 20, h- Byrd (0..-rleroio), 10 tO ,U euct.t.(7-41 peld U9.10.

Fourtll ••u - Lonie 1rn1>1t11 IGowl.,.\el , I 40. S.IO, l.IO; Oute'1QM Lori CSNrron). • .i. l .0, O.....ter IC.ton). J 00

F1llll r eu wooaen 5-1 CO•bornl . I• oo •• tO. s IO, F•lr Trvt~ ( R•tcMordl, 2• .0, 9 00, Miss Hunler (LeClelrl. • 10 U UI< t.t ( .. SI peld $U5 40

SI.th tlt<t - Oii-' Guy CC-lend) , S tO J .40 . l 00; Geme Folly IG•undy). J.00. 2.tO . Fabl•n IPwr-in\) , J 40

Seventll reu - Hey Guy I Denni\), U .tO. l .?O. l . 10 , C Mon Hlllbolly (Aubin), J loO 2 10, Lu..-r 0-. rrT-.r 1w11 11em• l , J JD. i; tU( II II 51 pe10 $27 40

11 Pio S1• 11 1 1-a...-11 pe10 lll .124 10 w11t two ,..,1nn1"Q lte.keo h•• horw~) U Pick Sh contolellon 1»1d 117• 00 wll~ U wlnnlll\ llckell ( flw ll<w ... J

Eltflll• rece - N1tl,.. Sten1ne (Grundy) 4.IO, J .00, 2.10; Fl- Storm ICllllJ, J IO 2.IO, OenteJ1y (0.-....), J.40.

Nlntll rece - F_., - ILllftll\lllJ , t .00, 5.00, UO; Ancty' a U.... (Qowl- ), S.JO. UO; Dur- C1..Dn99I, J.41. U ouct.t CUI pel4 .. IAO.

Tenth rec• - un.x IK-«J, It .... I 40 • 00 , RoQht Mete (An-n). 17 IO, I .JO. Gr.,, 1"111"D CTrM>bleyJ , 11Ml U oaMt.t CM) i>el1UltUO.

Atte....,.. - s.-,

High achool treck ,,_... Y•lloy ti. 1.i ... 4ol

100-1 Southwtnl IFl , 10 1. 2. Sodloo I F l, 10.2. l R1cllerdl (Fl, 10.•

120 I Soutl\w ... d (Fl, 2'2.t, 2. Herry ( Fl. U9, l. ~(F),2U

•40- 1. ErNrt IFI. S0.4, 1 Jeck'°" CEL 51 0, 3 0..IOy (Fl, SU.

HO- I ErlC'IOn I Fl. 2 00 l , 2 Romero IEI. 1 :00.J, J . War 1>ur1on IEI, 2 02 2

Hi le I Bun.r IE I, 4 22 0, 7 Str.tllow ll'l,4 lOl , J ~r (F). • .40

2 m1t• - I. 8'1tler IEI , 9 •9 t , 2 Erltk"'" IFl , f ~· 2, >. Slntfolow (Fl, IO:ot 4.

IJOHH - 1 Anorews Cfl. n • • , Beylor (El , IS S, J S-- (Fl, "°limo

JlOlH - 1 ANlrews (Fl • .i 2. 2 Fetl CFl 40 S, l 0..Cey (Fl, 40 1

440 ··••Y I F-1• 111 Volley, 44.I Mii • rel1y- I Fownl•ln llelley, J H .1 HJ - 1 Gook (Fl, .-0, 2 Andrrat CF).

5-10 . J Mellte 1 CEJ , ,.. U - 1 E..,...y IF). It 11 , l WOO!ey IFI

It 10. J Fr_,_, lEl. lf.10 TJ - 1 Fr.....,. IEI. 41· 2, 1 Herry (Fl

- · J WftlllngtOll CEI , JH P\/ - 1. fi>nyth IE), IW. 1 Fron~ tEJ,

u .. . l . ,..~(Fl, IJ-4. , SP- I ~r (El, ..... J J- IFI ,

~ 41· 1. l . Teyllw (F), -0-1 .... . OT- I Ewl"I I FJ. ,.._., 1 Zoruclle IEI,

121 ' "'· 1. JOMl>f\ 1F1. uo-s

M1111tl ..... 11Ncll II, ... ..,..., M..- tt 100-1 &rim IHI, 10.J ; 2. 8ell (HI, tO I ; J

Mltte<melor IHI , 11 0 110- 1. ll<'lm (H). U J , 2 loll IHI , 24.S; l .

P•rrlstl (HI , lt.O 440- 1. Hewmerll CHI , Sl 5; 2 . . ...... (HI.

S•U; l . 4- (NI, SU. .i>--1 T11<ne< (NJ, 2 01 .9. 2. T'*"­

CHI , 2.IM.I, l . Gr•l\em (H). l · IO.• . Mlle- 1. Tu,.,... (N), 4 .37 .t ; J . C.llowey

CN), 4: J7.t ; J. Oul_.1 IHI, 4.3'.7 . 2 .... 111- 1. T"""'r ( NI, 10·02.t ; 2 Oulnoner

(HI, IO :Ol,O; l. Hem-1 l H), no time . 120HH- 1. Gercl• IHI, lt.S; 2. Toy IHI,

l•.I; J . 11.,,Dorwl .. r (HI. 17.1 .. JlOLH- 1.llenC>one&eer (H), 41 .0 ; 2 Toy

CHI, 41.l ; J. Potdtnon (NI, 41.7 •. 440 reley- 1. HunllnQlon 8eech, 44.• . Mii• recey - 1. HunllngtOll 8eec11, J : l7. I HJ - I 8ell (HI, W ; 2. Perrlsll CNI , W ; l.

Glem (NI, W . lJ - 1. fl<'lm (H), ~. J , Mllte,.,...ler (HI ,

»S; >. Uedo INI. 17-10. T J - 1. S.ttertleld IHI , 41.J, 2 Wtrd 00,

<ICMYI, l . Toy IHI, Jt\10°" PV - 1 OI- IN), 12• ; 2. 8e1Mn CN),

tJ•; l . U..Clne 1111. 11-0. SP- I . Jeft«los (NI, U.1, t Moore (HI,

*-2; J . .._.,,(HI, U... ' OT-I. Jeffef ... Ill, 17M; 1 K-lck

1Hl, 1Jt..o; J. .......... (H), 127·1.

~ 1&, Ge.- View JI


Orange Cout OA.ILY PILOT/Friday, Aptil 24, 1981

28 29

p I 24 ..... hw, 111~ ,.,. *' """" 7 35


25 • .... at Twms, 1115 P~es at llilltf1. 1 -<tJ


·••<fwifts.11:15 POeslt ..... 1.~

• .... It A's. 7:30 ~" ........ 7:35

•atA's, 7:~ Qilts at ....... 7.35

•ttA's, 73' Gins at ....... 7.35

M - 1. Emwy CUI. t :OU; I . CllQYltt ~ CUI, 1 07.t ; J . 0-. (U), l :OI ...

Mlle - 1. MeY't< tUI, 4:11.7; 2. McC. ..... (I.), • :• .t ; I . Kufltl 011, 4!4J.6.

2 .... 11e - 1 ,_.,.., CU), 10:0I.&; t . 1._,, IU) , IOtW; J.-Car1flyCal, IO:•..I.

120+4H - 1 . .._, IEI. ,.,7; t . $1..,dt (U), 16.1 , J Smltll IEI, 11.J..

SJOLH - f, KlmHll (U) , 40.1, 2 . .... eru !al, 40.t , » ~ IUI. 42.2.

440 reley - 1. u,,,,,.,.,.,, o.! Mlle ..... y - I Unl-.lty, J . 41.S-HJ - 1. M<l..Mlllllln (U), s-tO; J . 8"c<Ole

IUI, S .. , 1 SimilJI IE>. M Pl/ I . Srnlttl 1&1. 11-4, 2 Wellr,IM IUI.

lt-0, l . Net_, IUI. t~. U - I. a..- !Ill. 1..,. J . ~ !UI,

1•1.J ...... ,11,..a. T J - I Gen (U), ~, 2. hrne• (El.

JMO, l SC- lUI. V-4 ' SP I MorrltM (UI, 4M.,._; t M<Alpine

IEI, •~. l HUI IUI, tS.1~. OT - 1 Hiii ( U), IJ7 I, t . llttaler IEJ ,

Ul ·t . 3 Wenlleff CE), UJ.7

C.Ml-14, 1""""'" 100 - I . 8rOCkl!IQtOll UJ , 10.4, 2. Herrl'

Ill, 10.S. >. Hted (CMI . 10.1 UO - I H.Wrlt (I), U I ; 2 8roclllnalaft

Ill, U.,I, J . a.1 .. r ICMl, 2>.3. '40 ~ I Glil,,.r (CM), SI S. J . Allen (CMI.

u .o. 1· c-t"'"· SJ.I. MO - 1. ~rtr• ICM), I , Sl.4; 2. Allen

ICMI , t :'9.t, J, kroen Cll, 1 Ot.2. Mlle t . Howerd ICMI, 4: JD.t ; 11 Olb,_

Ill.• Jl.O. J LeCrouo ICMI. 4:.i.4. l ·mll• I . LeCroue ICMI. 9 . 41.•, J

Olbloull. Ill, t . 43.t ; t . S.tterwhlt• (II. t : .. .I 110HH - I. Jone• "'· I••; l . 8 ryco Ill,

17.J, :I. Gr- CCMI, 17 • . »OLH - I Gt'- ICMI . 39.9 , 2 Allen

ICMI. 42 0, l J- Ill, 4J I 440 ,..l•y - I Irvine, 44.1. Mlle reley I . Coste Mew, l . 32 2 Pl/ - I VUvrrvm Ill. 12 ... 2 Gr090

IC~M . 12.0, l ElllOWll (CMI , 12.0 OT I He~lle ICM) , l,.J, 2 INIM Ill

llJ • . J Sly.-nkl CCM J, 1u.• SP I Slyper"'I !CMI. 4-S, l G ill Ill .

d ' · l Me- (CM), 4J.IO T J I 8rt<O Ill, 40 7...,, 2 H11rk1nl Ill ,

40 t , l H........,. ICMl. l7_...., lJ I Hemeclll CCM) . 1' II, 2 Bryce Ill.

1' • . l L•rlL1n Ill 19 .. .\1. HJ I Mllloll lCMl , •.O. 2 Nl•Oll (CMI

S• . > H-ICMI.~

t.eplstr- Veltey-. ~ ... o 41 100 1 8ryent !Cl, 10 4, 2. Cone CCI, I I 4,

) CllONlult (CJ , 11 4 J:I0- 1 Foa CCI. n .•. 2 er, .... , ICl . 2h.

l TflOrton ILl , ltt 440- I A-.1111 ILi, SJ.O, 2 Moffeu IU.

U 4, J KH>QJIOfl ICI, Sl.5 MO I -.1111 (LI. 1 O~ J. 1 Guyer Ill,

1 O~ l , J H_.d (LI. 2 07 t M iit I H.aoQerO ILi, I 01 0, ? Guy ..

Ill. 5 01 O, l H°"lt.on !Cl , S JtO 1 mllo I H- rd IL.I, 10 "3 o , no te<ONI

or third l?OHH I . Thonon (LI. 14.9, 2. Golrw>

IC1 , 11 .t , no111lrd . llOlH I Thor\Oll IL.I, 39.9 , 2. Klr>QSI°"

CCI , 41 2, J . Geirw• (Cl . « 0 •40 roiey I Cec>lllr-Voll•Y . 44.9 Mil• r•llY I Cepl\lr- Velloy, l U 0 HJ I Tllo<'°" Ill, t I~ . 1 WHlerfielO

CCI, I I . no lllirO lJ I M<Elllerwy CCI, .... . 1 H.oney !Cl.

II t • >, J Gelrwt CC) . 11 11 r J ' · Devin CCI , ll.J. 2 K1119U011 (Cl.

H 1, l 9-- ICl. lS-0 PV 1 McEl"-v ICI, 101, J. e...... CCI,

10-0, no llllrd SP I IM !l !Cl SI-ti , 1 S.-y ICJ,

St-1 •1. ] WMCer110IO ICI . .......... OT I -.erfleld CCI . lt2 S. 2 s._.,

CCI 14J t, J Her...- !CJ 14>-t

High achoo I tree II araun

IOOye rd, - IMW•IMutrJ , t .4w, • • . llrown IMwir >, • .S., t 7, T- ISe<rtJ. •I, Grllfin IM1lllk1t11). • 7w '911, All.., I B<llclwlft Pen. J, • l w , 10 0

100 -"" - Gr•,..,,, IC.entonnl• ll . 10 Sn . Todd IS.nel , 10 lln. Oel•m4• cPo.-1, 10 Un . Utler tCrnp 11, 10 • All e n IElaen-),tO.I

200 rnetan Gt'•llem (C.entenn1e 11. JI.I , Atllford CWHI OWINll, JI SOW, 21 Jc, Allen (El•enllow•• I 21 Stwn, J I.Un , 8re.,. M•U.11 (MYW), JUc; T ... (S.rre l, Jl.7c; ouien: 10c-.. 1- 1, J1.ew, u . u .

•00 ..,.It,• Gr•ll•m IC•ntenn1•1J • 7 S W•rt t c.ant•nn1•1J. 41 1k. , Brown (Muir• , •• I, Jon .. IC.l>rtllol, ta 1n. Town .. no ILB Poly I. 4145 .. melOr> Co• (LB Wll.onl. I II • •

1'\onroe llA B•PllSll , 1 SJ u . King IH ewlnOf',,.I. I SJ•. !HllrinQ (Le H•br•i. I S• 1. Tnom.i•CS.n1eB.,IMlro1, 1 54 Jc

1,SOO moc .. , ... l .. r ltEdllOnJ, J : SLO; 1 Devi\ !Compton) l S4.9. Co• (LB Wllson l, l 51 8 . Al-1n\on IM1r• CMl•I . • 00 • • Gunn fW1lnu11 . • 01 0

Mllr G•ll ..... r(CoreNMIMer l, 4 U .7; r11om•• IS.nt• S.rbor• I. • 16 • . voien (El MoCMn•J, 4 :IO S, Co• ILB W1l'IOnl , • ?I•. Slrol.,., (I'~ Vellef ), 4 U .Jn 011-.n KOii• IC..- • c Merl, 4 U .0..; T..,..r ( Newper1H.,...l,4 U .....

l ,000 mec ... , -Y'ff IU1'1vonltY), t . 4L2; C.rilllll\\ ISoutl\ Torr•nc• >. a 4 In, ,.I....., IM•ler 0.IJ, t 41.S.; A,,_. IL i PolyJ, I •9 t . W11C>11 (CMlyOll, Seueu•I, l . Sl .. 1, Olt..r> ••tM.et«OoO, t :St. ...

1 mll• Thome• !Sent• l«ber•J, t 21>.s; G•llet-IC..-..C-1,t: u.t; &~ 1r ... 11te111 Vetleyl, t : a .t . _.,.cl tt>ene H1lh l. ' ,. '· Reynol<R IC.merlllol, ' "t; Otl'IOn .. t-.CAMterOell,• :U.ta.

I 10 mote< .. H - l ev• l lleu lrl, U 7, AU>tord IWOI Cov1ne l, Ill, Helo ~lleJ, U.l, Hort IS.rvltel, 14 I , K'erllo OilUulon 11,.)ol . 01n.r• ~-1r--..vet1eyl, ••.J..

)JO meter lH A5hford IW••I Covin• ), l• Sc, KnowlH CBlelr l. 36 tc. Crhm•n CRlvenlde Poly J, ll Oc , Hele CK•loll•l. l7 1. K•rllo(.WulOn\111101 , n • 7c.

400 me,., reley - Muir. O .t< , Cotnpton, •2 Oc , Lii Poly, O .IS, C.enl•nnl•I. 42.~. s ..... • 1 4<

1,.00 meter reley - W l•nnl•I, 3 lt.00, Mulr, .J : lttlc, LaPoey.J 17 2tc ; Te"'910CI· ty . J 1'. S, PeMdent , J 19 .. <n ; 011\ers · l'e11ntel11 V•lley, J : M.6kll.

HJ ""'"°" ( lelVM 8oecll), t-11 ; &or.. ntr llnQl•-1, • · II , Cairo ( Plvs X >. P-11 c EdQewoodl , Wlc ller ( Mllllll•nl , • · 10. Olher\ Hert IS.rvllel , t ...

LJ r eve !Muir I, 2M.,, , Alll.ln1 CWelnuO, Jl-• i.-.. Motlt90fMry l&enr>l119I, 23-4; Br­IS.rr•l. l).2V. , Cllu•hev (Newbllry P el"kl, ,, 10'"

T J T•vt IMulrJ , •1 11"- , Powell (Edgow-1. 41 I.,,, lrQOI(' CS.rre l, 41 r, Hell I ,.elm Spr\flO'I , .._7 , Jeuo (S.nte Anel, ........ s .....

Pl/ Peten (\/Ille Pen.), t•I. '-""t CMerlMI, •144\'t; Mullin• (Covinel, l•J. Aeed (LO\ Amlgou , 14 2 , TomllnHn ( Mllllken). l•I

SP Ill (Ho9o'"I. tH, Freiler (Mte._ 11a11oy l, U · > • .Nft«lea I~ ... ,.,,, M-1 ; KYlelllulN Pel"kl,~. N .. 1111"'°"), 57-•

OT -~ C.....,.., N•-1, 11•11; OobOltlt Ch1Tti1191K, IU ... <rnll, ltl•t ; Wttlertle4cl (ClllilMr- Valley), llMI; CU CN ... 1"1, ltt.11; llre1~ CMW'- Vttleyl, l t 7•11 , OllM" ' tteMlrlO l"•11tl .. tN IH<ll},I.... 4

Hott . *'-IN .i.e., 11~ w......,.; c­convertef~fN.

(CeftleMi.11, ll tw, 12.•t , WIMlon IJwelnl, 12.0.

2GO meiera - McOrra C~el, MAc; J.n..-10.eyJ, U.Jcn ; "•wrMr1 CW .. f.,.. rMKel,a4.7W, U .S. -~-KtlloftlWelflVtl, St n. CW1M

CCulverCJty) , P ,tc : Hell (l8PolyJ, S7 kn IOO meters - Elllen (Sent• lorberel,

, . tU<; OW.. CU.-. 9Mclll. 1: 11 .. ; ....... , (Uttl•ertllO, I : IJ. S; Ollle": i ........ CCM10,l: 11.Jc.

1.SOO metera - c- IAl•,...,,Y I • • ts.a, ,._w IU9WW11tYI, •:a ... ; Buue (Arroyo Gre . .-1, • • 911, OU." !left ,_ Del l, • : st ....

M lle - Heli.11 IS...-», 4 ff I , Me­I Bwone l , • St.•. "l•1t1er I U• lwo"UYI , S: ... U .

l .000 -ten C- (Al-y), t . Sl.t , 81rrlM (U1'1....Wly), tt.• .•; McCloll­IS.n Merc .. 1, to J• s

2·mll• - Meton ce.-1. 10 .. s. ~1 CS.creel ...,..,,, 10 ~. HUiett cs.,...1. tO . n 3 , Otlloo: 8errce1 IU11t .. nttr ), " : tJ.71 . 1• - U4 - Mlllt IU•lwralty), 14.J ;

Cn.nc!ler IEIW-el, U SI , HenSOfl CB-..), u .•w. ua

lOOmeter lH - KollOll IW•lnul l, 44 7<, Loe ISoulh Torrencol . .. 4<. w111i.m, IS."llU'I. ... sc

400 mol« recey Muir, .. lO. G enoVie. 41.2c , L8POIY. ta.Scn

1.•00 meler recey - Nort~ Torrence , J . S4 71, Welr>ut,l 57.7; G""ealoe. l St >t.

HJ - Walk•r !Hoovorl , S·l "1; Mtlh IU1'1Yenltyl,H ;Cooll(Wll ..... J,) • .

lJ - Prye <L B Poly). ••·Sii>. Ke llon IWelnut). 1 .. 2~. Sno.. lMulrl. 11· 2

SP - K••••••lll• IFullortonl , 50-l\lo, Coste nzo IS•u11u,I , •• 0 1..,, Bredtllew CS.UQU•l. • 2-1 .....

OT - Norton ( M1ulon Viteo I. 1•• J K• • l •w•ll•• 1F~11er1on1 . ••• J , M111i IU11lversltyl. 1-.11, Ot!Mn Ly .. Ketltt Clnlne J, 1»-1.

Neto ; •-IM •i9ell. •-- wllOlllllf, c ­<O•ver1"tl- .

NBA pleyotf• COHf'llAENCt l'INAU , ............. ,

EH\trft Cefllor eftC e T..W11ot•toem.

BO•lonet Phll-IPlll• (Mri .. heO, I I I ~ey'10.mo

BO•lon •I Phlll<IOI0111e w-.y'•Ge<ft•

PlldeCWIPf>t• et Bo•ton f'r~y. Mey I

Bo"on •I Pr111-1ph1•. 11 neouery s..,..,, Me,>

P1>11eo..tpNe •I llostOfl, II necouefy

........ c...ter-• T ... tM' tO.me

Kan,••C1ty•tHDY>lon l f>eriHllOO, I II _,.,Ge<ft.

I( •n .. , C1ly et Houtlon Wll ...... ey'10-e

Ho11'1on .. K•- City f'rl4ey, MO I

K•nte• C1ly ., Houtlon II nee ..... , . -y. MeyJ

H°"tton II K•~• City II ne<.u.ry

High school women Clf' .. A

rcrs.1T-c11e,.1 Mfllor !Rlftrt•cle Poly . .. J • .Ir l,

CMri Gr- IS.ml ll• lley. '"4 Sr), - rle Connolly IC..lwr C1ly. •-O, Sr l , Terri Per rooll C8 u..-. • O Sr J, Cllerlolte J­ICompton, t I, Sr I, Ctr>Oy 8<1111~- ISM 111\e r<o•. s 10 Sr I , Tr•cy Longo (Sen G•brl• I . .-0 Sr ), l(erOfl Stnollor IAl ...... 1, S·IO, St I. Fo ye Pe1911 (LOnQ 8ee<ll ""4y. s-t. Sr J, CAltlly Owen I Bueno , S-4, Sr I . M1cl>Ollt Seney (S.,. Glb•le l, S • . Sr I. Sere l~wli I R1wn•ct. Poly . 5 t Sr l

S.C.MTum OebOor BleO (Simi Velley. ~. Jr l. l(e n

Jondle ISi JO>oph, Le-ewooO S·• . Sr .). Cyn1t1l o Cookt lComolOll. S II, Sr J, Olrll Wy~lnewMJ (-t.eln Velley, S-1, j,, J; Meir Gell•Qller IRl vor>1do Poly. 5 11 . Sr ). R•mor>• EQQOnOOrlor IOo' Pueblo• . ._O, Sr I . Deirdre Dvnc•n (1no1ew00d, S· ll , Jr I , Sll•n- Meyen IE<ll,..., S .... Sr.I: Mery Mon•r l"° (SC Jo .. ph , 5 J , Sr l, Re"" Over ton (~v•n1de Po1y . S.t, Jr I , Volerle O•lln IArcecll•, St. Jr I

TIMrd THm lorri W1tfle" llonci S.ecn Poly, t-l, Sr I ,

Vaneu •• Potter (A1vfr~O·t North, ~t1 Jr) , All1\o,, Hat .. hne CS.n G.c>r1tl , )-1' , Jr) , Mery P e rur IP111• X t.0, Sr I. "4ery i'­~· , ,,._ Del, ~IO, Sr) , Jiii ._,_ I Alll•mllr•, ._,, Sr l , C.t~y ken ,,._ Alveraldo, 1· 7, Sri , Me rle11110 8•1-(l'ownleln V1llef, I I , Sr l ; Cl\erluo Bremond llnQlewooo S o . Jr I. Jeo1e Cr .. ch ICAOf'lllOI S 7 Jr J

MO•I Volu.tbl• Pl•Y., Cheryl Miiier I Rlvtr•oeMPolyJ

Brttlah Herd Cou11 ,.,~ ........ , "1<-•....,s1.,....

Belon Ter«ry 001 Rey Moore , w . .-1 ; Tom•• Smid d ef Cllrhlopl\e Aot•r ­lletulln, • · 2. • ·2. Tlll•rrv Tu••- def Jeremy Bet ..... 2 • .-0, OomlnlQW &eclel dol RDl»r1 Rolnlr>Qer, \ 2, 7· S, Bu,ter -tum d•f. 0..0f'lol Urpl, M , . I .

Alen King Cleaalc le1LHV ... sl ~ ...... , ... ...

lven L-1 def. Terry-· 7·S, :H, W ; Roscoe T.,,,,.r def Aevl Aeml,..1, 7•, M, Brien Teether Clltl Mel ""'<ell, ._,, W, Jollll A.,.111\ Clltf. Tom Gulllk-, M , t ..J


• L or OA ... "" Cosrnot • • .,,1,,... J I 10 l 10 »

J I t 4 t 24 MontrHI TofOftlO

I I J J J a 0 • • •

M*Ttfa•M OIVISIQtt P'ortl .. ....,...• l 1 • ) Atl•"1• 2 t t 1 Tempelley 2 2 1 t Jec-..-vlll• t • s 10

CUffaAL OIVISI~ Twl.. J I 1 0 . 11.. 2 2 J Clll<•llD I J MIM .. Ole I I 2

WtESTlltM DIVISION Sen 01990 J 2 I • S.i\ JOM 2 1 S S lo• AnoeleS 2 1 • Swt lllt

NOATHWEST DIVISION lloncouver l 1 3 S.•111• J • s Por11e'10 1 1 S Edmonton o

JO 10 It

• 14

• t4 2 12 t • 2 •

• JO s 17

• •• 3 •

2• 23

" C•IQe ry 0 3 I S I I

Sia POlntl •re ew•rded tor• reQuletlOn or overtime vie tor1 Four potnts for • snootOVt 'llCfor., OM bonu~ paint for every QOilt \cored •llf\ • m•,.•nwm of lhrM per 9ame Ho bOnYI Po~nt 1$ •*•'CMd fO< overtime or tnOOIOUI Ql)ell

TIMl.W.y'1 G•mtt No 11•mo1 t<lleOuled

TOftltllt'1G•,.... ~ .. rt v> S..me •I A..-1m Sl•d1um J•<UOflVllle •IT •mp• Bo

Surf 1tat11tlc1 IT"'-1111 ~I U )

"l•yer o ...... I L•urit Aoran.tm\ 1 K•• Sl•lltft ' Stove Mo-• • 0 llld•I FerNnclel ) 0 Meri. L1 no..y l 0 Cllerll•C-e 0 V••mir Ftrn.anoes 0 Jon_,.n Stn.trm.enn 0 Mannt Ntw.\ 0 Cr e 111 Alltft 0 GrehemO.I•• 4 0 Pe111 Cel\111 ' 0 Stove S.erQO.,,I • 0 Tony Cruoo ) 0 John Cr•..,, 1 0 Alen M•Y•" 1 0

Totol1 J Oppone1111 lot•I• •


• • 0 4 0 1

1 1 1 I I 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

S II ' 21

.... ,., Ale 11 M•yet M1-eM-.y Sieve Hellmi<ll

Tetell Opponents totolt

G•mea I I,~ ... 2121100

I I 0 I 00 IJOJ.00 .,.., ,so


Koy Q--··· ·-Mtb, P-IOUl l Poonts Gcwllktepe" 11.tY \ - WVt'\ Q-90AI~. M

"'utouh • ..,.--9Qroali •e••nsl •"•' ~

Community college awlmmlng TOPSTA'l'l lilAA«S

(Til ........ ~IUJ 400 medley reley - 1. Fullerton, > Jt t , 2

Ol eltlO Vellty, J . 17 2; l . Wnt Velley, J • . 7. • Modulo, J : 41 s . S Corrllot. J 41 o . Ottotn: t . ~c-. J : t6.I , It. ~ CHll, J :4'. t ; 11 . ~Wtst, J: 0.6.

1.000 Ir .. - I Cuter IWHI ll•ll•y J, • 36 • ; 2 Woll .. , ( Oi!IOIO Vallty).. HJ. l B• H ty 10111on • l, 9 H . • ; • Jell• • CFulltrlon). 10 02 9. S Ryttecl ' IMode•tol. IO;Ol 7, c>a.n: 1. AllllN• l0el•t1 Wnt). 11: 07 .• ; • . ·-..... 15•-kl, 11: ft.J; 10. Lln411ollft IS.ddlee1clll , lt : U .t ; 12. .. lchlt I~ Wttt>. 11. 16.4; 14. Wet.-· IM'I•< (Gel-WMC), 10: 21.l .

200 !roe I Brown I 0101>10 Vetloy ), I •••• 1 Well iver ( Ou10IO V• llol. I 4l.l , J J•ltn IFullorlon), I o 1 . • ltnl• O l 1'\odnlol I 0 4 , S. l'ujlmure CS.,. · .. lelletk l, I U . S. OllM" . IJ . tte .. hen 10.1 .... W ... l, 1.47.l.

SO r.-.. - t MlOdloton 101.t>IO VelleyJ 21 2, 1 W.H•ver IOIM>IO V•lloy J. 21 t . l "eltn- IOr ..... GN•ll , 21 .t ; • Brown t01 •blo VelleyJ, 21 • . S Jelltt I Fullerton I. ?• • 0111«'1 tJ_ Jnt.tr (Golden Wttll , U . L

100 indo 1 Welll'I•' f01 eblo V•ll•Y L I SI 1 , 2 J e ff ff I Full•rton). I 5t .O, l lto n•~ •lo CFulltrlOnJ 1 00 ) . • I.Ow• fModutoJ . 2 01 I S. l'wjlmu• IS•,. tloMcll l, 2 11.l.

100 IJy I W•ll1ver IOl ilblo Ve lley J I ~ 0 , 2 Ozun CP•lomerl . I S6 4 J Cert.r (WHI ll•lley), I S6 7, • Twbote IOl-1/elley l. I St.7, S SllOrl ( WHI llell •YJ I S1 4 Olll9n: u . l'ujlmw• l~M<ll, 1 OJ.J.

100 b•- 1 Tl\orefl Cl>let>lo Volley l I '4 9, 1 WelllvH ( 0.el>IO Ve lley l. 2 01 2, l Johnton (Moclesto J, 2 . 01 .S, 4. Po111-.. (Fullerton), J 02 l , 5. ter ... t1 (OrM .. CM•ll. 1:M.t. Otlien: t . Pleti:ett IOeNetl Woat) , J •M.J.

100 frM - I Middleton (Oiel>lo ll•lley ). 4t.S, 2. Brown (Oh11>10 V•lloyl , H .l; l . J•f· ftt IFullortonl, 47.t ; • V•nl•nlngllem 1w .. 1ll•lleyl, 47.t . S. 111•1 Welllvor IDl­Vtll •YI. 47 t . htte....,t lOr ..... CM'41, 47 t . OllWn: 7. OeMlll (0.-Met C..•11. 41 .t .

500 ' '" - I. Br.,..,n IDl•blo ll•ll•YI. 4 40 I ; 2. Ry1tlld ( Bodet'\ol. • . O .t . 3 Wtlllw r l0ie1>10 v onoy >, 4: 44.1; • . J effee I Fullorlonl, • . o .J, s. IJ11)llft•r• IS.•· ...... ell,, • : 47.J. OIMrl: ' · , .. , ·-...... Cle••• .... Cll l. 4: 41.t ; lt14ll••t1 (Gel .. " Wettl, 4: 41.t.

:tOO brNSI - I . Devis IFullor1DnJ, 1 10.1, 1 Moon• (l...A V•ll•Yl. I-IS. I; l . Fem. 11<°"911 lo.t&el, l : U.4; • . v...ci.eve CWMI Vtlloyl, t . U.e, l. Sewell l ,._merk .,, Al,,.rl , 2 It I CMl!lra\ • · V•I-• C..-...clll, J : U .. t ; ti . ........ (...._111. l : tt.6; IL ,.Mis 10r-..c:.1t1,t:» .t .

•00 lrw retey - t west Ve ll• Y. J 11 .• . 2 F11ller1on, J . ll.t, J . Dl•lllo ll• lley, l u . 1. • · Dr....- CMtC. J :14.2; s . Mod9sto, J It • ~ra: 110.W.Welt,J: Jl .t.

Toumement of Champion•

' t

, .. ..,, ..... CN!le, l.rnle~I

) A )

Ee rl Mlllofty C.rmen S.1vlno SteveC-Tom.....,

N•w Orleena Open

Mllp ou ....... 0.WittWHv•r lil•rk O ' Mller• PetLlllOWy Oeve EICIWIOOl"Q4lr G•I 1'\0•Geft Lon Hinkle Bobby Col• M1k• OonelO BOC>Oy Weclk1n' Ch•rlleG1-Lo11 Grenem F uuy zoeci.r Bruce Lietzke Scotl Hoell Ed Flori Bruce OouQI•" St.tnAllQell Roger Cervin TomWetMlfl IC.ellll Ferov­Oon Pooley Tom p.,,,,,. Berry Jee<~•• D•v•O lvnct)trom Tl"' Cren.m Andy S.en Rogor Melll>tt Aon Strock L•nny W.ok1n' G'tQ Po_...n Bred Br1en1 uruce OouQI•\\ Ji m Bor'ber Freno Con110r Jorry Heerd 1.011 Nielsen Roo Curl Allon MlllOr l•rr y Z109l•r Jon l,..nvn Bud All in Bobby CJempopll GeorQe C.-1no Ml-• R•IO Che r lh COPOy Jim Oen1 Tom Jonn Jay H••\ Hu0itrt G'"" Fr.cl Ci>upM> Biii Loewer H ic k F oldo MA'k Lye 0 A Wo1br1nq G40'9f' 8urt"t\ 8en Ctf'""1\41W Jimmy Powell 81.tnky .... ,,.,,.

O• nny E°"'er°' Ktrmll brio Tom Je•NWlt• MIOSmllll • Tommyl+ltoof'e Tom Storey S.mmy R•""" Torn JM•un• lruce f. •••t.Nr J im Simon• BOO s ........ Jim Coltier1 G e ry Koch Pole Brown J im Boo•M Gooro• Cecll• Oev1d l!:ctworCl'I T •rr y M.uney D• n Ou111ley Deve Berr Perry Ar11'1u• lH Elder Mike Poe• J oell RtnMr D•ve Hill lllctor At>Q61edo Cl\I Chi Rodr-z Gibby Gllber1 BobOy H ICllol• Tim Norri' AW E•-• Jolln MeUll Ron CD' l\ten Bob Eo•-S<oll W10 1n\ Ptt•r Oo\terhu1 J•1mr C,,on1a 1t1: G• 'Y HallbPfO luu B•UG"


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High school N_.t Her1oer 1'1, Men"• *

1• 1 Huml ... .., S.eclllt CCI IU-l

Newport H•-· W•-•• llOr. SS , 5-. U Rec- tO Cllo1n1•,., st; Lo!Oer , '3, C•olhu• ..

M• ron• D• l•H• O . !>c11no1oer. '1. Bodell ll Al<hud> 6S , Webbe r. St • Oenlel' ti

~ . ' " "

Women's aonbell HIGH SCHOOL

Cy,...N 4, OU•n View I Ocun \/low 000 000 O~ s Cypreu 000 202 . __. 2 o

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lite Beker • nd M •llOllO, AHlllno, Ore nge r CO lftd Ro• . W - B•kor l­Aul\lfto 28 -AnQlo Me llotto lEJ Jl ­l•ll•r. De«IC>y JOfVl'IOn C El


ThvNd•y'a tninaedlona UllULL ~~

80STO.. AID SOIC - SloMG 80b Stenloy, Pll<lier, toe Jou, • .,.., t "11recl.

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Sylvester Stallone goes undercover in 'Nighthawks' . . . D3


Celebration time at Chipping-Under-Oakwood By MICHAEL DOUGAN Of Ille o.llJ ~ ... Staff

IL is a celebration of spring. an escape from the gloomy death or winter. a rejoicing that the world returns to bloom and promises mighty harvests.

And. hkc ever} spring . the local feudal lords have proclaimed a truce in the area or Chipping­Under-Oakwood . some 40 miles <or 90 leagues > from London . so that the Renaissance Pleasure Faire will not be marred by bloodshed.

But we don't need a charter ticket to get there Just a httle gas and a lot of 1maginal1on will place Ora nge County residents nght an the heart of this Elizabethan fe~t1val. trans ported an time and space to contt•mpornr) Agoura

The Pleasure Fairt• 1s a fa1thrul recreation of the gatherings that "ould occur annually some 450 years ago. a tcord1ng to founder Phyllis Pat · l(' r s on .

Part1c1pants all 3.000 of them are required to dress an autht•nt1C· costuml' . tr('ate a character complete with naml' and background and speak in th e dialed or lht• pt•asa nls and courtiers of the period. s he sa id

In many respects. the fair(' is not unlike

carnivals today. But visitors quickly note a signifi· cant d1rterence It ·s rather quiet. There a re no loudspeakers blaring disco. no sputtering gasoline engines. no screams from thrill rides , no flashing lights . It all seems 10 ..• civilized.

Of course. civ ili zation is the ve r y thing Elizabeth brought to En1land durin1 her tS-year reign . It was then the Renaissance blossomed there , and trade with other lands increased. prompting Caires such as this (they were , as much as anything. designed to promote commerce at the c ross roads >.

The faire , which opens tomorrow and runs weekends (including Memonal Day> through May 31. includes t>OOtns and games 1toss a nng arouna th e unicorn's horn . slay the dragon . climb the rope ladd er. dunk the monk 1. food like turkey legs and bangers and English ale

Entertainment vanes from the pompous to the peasant class Minstrels will stroll the fi e ld . sing· ing and µlu yi ng harps . pipes. shawms and sackbuts . Puppeteers . magicians. Jugglers. dan · cers anct acrobats will perform throughout the grou nds

Eac·h day as rl'plcte with processions . begin-

n iog with the St Aubrey's Guild parade . then the Call ·o the Faire march and the Peasant 's Plant · ing Parade Most magn1f1cent as Qu ee n Elizabeth's Progress. when the monarch enters the fairgrounds borne an a sedan chai r . surrounded by ladies and cou rtiers and greeted by trumpets and shouts of " God save the Queen "

New this year as the Elizabethan Grand Tournament of Horses . with equestnans compel· ing for cash and handcrafted prizes

Other compet1t1ons include costumes. the­Celtic Race of Strength. Celtic dancing . " Em broider a Handkerchief for the Queen ... Mothering Day cakes. madrigals. sea monster creations . nautical knot tying . fine works of art ( cepresenting Sir Francis Drake 's "Golden Hand 1. and consorts lopen to groups of five or less playing recorders . viols . t'rummhorns or sackbuts with music dating before 1603 1 For information on the contests. call 1213> 999-3021.

The Rena1 ss ancl' Fair<' grew ou t of a. children 's theal t•r group taught by Ms. Patterson In Laural Ca nyon during th{• summer of 1963

The former history, Eng li sh and drama teacher said she " found a picture of a traveling players· ca rt at a market place I wanted to go to

1t fthe m<Jrkc•ll <Jnd I 1·oulcln 't thank of any way to go to one unlt•ss I µut 1l on mvself ..

She set o ut to put o n a market day performancc h~ lhl' ch1ldrcn. but decided . with her ex husband Hon to uctd food , dnnk and a few t' rafts atcms

In short time soml' 500 people had become m · \'olved The first faire dre\.\ 3.000. about the sa me number a!> no\.\ part1c1pate an costume

Toda~ under h<•r non profit outfit ca lled the Lanng Jhstor) Ccnlre. Ms Patterson "(Orks with a full -tame s taff of 35 lo 1>roducc the Renaissance Pleasurt• fair<.• an A~oura an 1dc•nt1cal event near the Mann Count\ lo\.\n of Novato and an annual Dickens Chnstm:1s Fain· an San FranctSC'O

The Soulh<•rn Cahfornw f;im• "'111 run for sax "eek ends from 10 ;i m to 7 p m Tickets are $8 95 for adults. S3 75 for chtld ren undt•r 12 or $18 75 for a season l1 tket On Mt•monal Oay. chi ldren under 12 "'Ill bt• adm1ttc•d frl't' when at'compan1ed by a paying ac1ult 1 Vnr group sales . ca ll 1213 1 851 -9750. 1

To reHh ChippinJ! l 'nd<·r Oakwood , take the Ventura Frc•ewav Wl':>I to the Chesebro Road exit Follow the s igns to fatrt' parkan~

.Just kel'p an c·~ l' pc•t>lt•d for high"' aymen

I The Renaissance Faire has become her stage


'I I

Bv JOEL C. DON Ortlle Oa llJ P'ilal Stall

Although she as pired t o become an actress . Jutt- th Kory couldn't get a part an "her high school pl;iys

So when the first Renaissance Pleasure Faart• was held an 1963. she Jumped :it a role as an Elizabethan pe:is :int se lling oranges .

Every year since. nary a fair performance has s he missed

In her long sta n ding e nga gement. Ms . Kory has played characters of a ll sorts an · eluding a pregnant lass who would chase after male patrons - especial l y ones with gi r lfriends or wives - cooing " Dos t thou remember me? " Some years a hefty.sized "older brother" would help nab a fair· goer or two.

During the past seven fair seasons. Ms. Kory has donned a more stately role as the Lord Mayor 's wife . heralding lht! dai­ly ceremonies proclaiming the fair opened

When not performln1 at the Agoura festival , she takes her 16th century role to a carbon· copy fair held In Ma.rin County. She also perforflh at the Dicke,.. Christmas Fair he ld in the heart or San Franclaco.

As a staff e ntert al n e r ­e.cf u c at or to r the 'L I v In g Hl1t0Ty Centre (L HC >, the fton · pront orianfiation tha t sponsors the three talrs, Ms. Kory also vl1tt1 schools and community 1rot.apr1lvlng people a taste of the l•ctnda, folklore and Ufestyles of bY1Qne days.

A• a it-year vet.eran Ma. Kory alao bu the tuk - 1lon1 wttn about 15 other tralnen - of ffteenini and teachlq the • to 1,200 perf ormen ho wlll celebnl.e U.e 1plrlt of Queen Ellaabeth 1·1 En1land.

That often apeant br••klnc ln

n<'"' C'nmers an to thl' I r o ldl' English roles In a regal and c;omet1mes ba"dv Britain and at the faar ·s dust) ranch s ill' north of Los Angeles . there's littl e room for sh~ness

·'This 1 the fair> 1s not for people "'ho want to be ob servers.' said the 46 )ear old Ms Kory. who is s ta ying with :i frt('nd in Costa Mesa " If you want to observe. you go to lhe fair ( :is patrons! But it's so contagious that you want to participate."

For six consecutive weekends begi nning April 25. fantasy role playing consumes the casl of hawkers . roustabout s. entertainers. ladies of fine breeding. noblemen and the queen 's retinue . Even the merchants selli ng handcrafted 1 le ms perform w 1th lj.n Elizabethan flair. "

Performers are required to re sea rch their characters in de· tail. Daylong workshops are held for three co nsecutive weekends at the fair si t e followed by a two-day dress re· hearsal weekend . In all. a performer s pends at least 64 hours preparing for his part.

During t h e works h ops , trainers whittle down the 1,800 applicants approximately In h a lf . Some are professional actors. others have never ut· tered a word on stage.

" We really are unique because we haare people from all walks of life," Ms. Kory said. "The men and women do other lhlngs dur­ln1 the week. This 11 an op­portunity for the m to take a role and le am htstory ."

Altbc>uch the LHC can provide aome costume matertalJ, m01t performer• .allake their own. some paformtfl, ahe aaid, will 1~nd u muct) u Sl.000 on their ratr wardrobe.

•' People 1et a great deal of


plt•:i.,un• "hl•n th<.·~ put on l'OS· tumcs and pretend to be so· meom• l'lsc>. sh<' said " You can he a p<•asant or a noble or a mad· dll· (• las~ ml•rchant

' IL s hi<t' "hat "c dad when we wert' kuls playing cops and rohhl•r-; . no" wl' get to play Ehzabeth<ins .' s he said

Throu~hout the 1ntl'rv1ew. Ms. Ko rv woulcl break into an Engi1sh accent. her eyes would sparkle and you'd s wear she'd J usl popped out of scene from a Shak('spcare play

She said performers go so far as to lrarn geography. history and the rank and class system of the tim(' Many know their fantasy role parents and family lineage

.. People need to play more and education can be fun ... she said. of the cast's extensive pre· parallon " I'd lake to see people gro" and discover themselves and s hare themselves with oth ers ...

She noted during the week, school children will be shuttled \Jp to the Agoura site for the LHC's " Workshops In the Woods ... Children are treated to performances and Ellzabelhan culture by staff members .

When she 's not ·acting as the Lord Mayor's wife, you'll find Ms . Kory directing a pa1eant each day to hlghJlght the varioua handlcrafl guilds . A panel of esteemed gentlemen will Judie various c rafts.

And she's also putt1n1 on a Lady Godiva a h o w . where audlence members will appear on stage. Ms. Kory wlll be ll&hl· ly attired u the main character aqd all will team bow to lower their taxes.

Never at IOu for creatinj new fair char~c n , &h. Kory con· eluded, " consider m1self a proflcle fool amonc other thln11."


• Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprll 24, 1981

" BEHtNO "rH• MASQU~" •n orlfl•• Pf•Y bV UCI or-.at• -1Udent Jim Harrison, wut be performed '" th1t \JnlversJty's StudlO ~he•tre In

i.m the Fine Arts Vlltege at a p.m. Thursdav· 11iSaturday, Aprlt 30, May 1·2. TM play concemt ~, '-' ~ c.omlng of Christ In the-. century

c1>1 nd prcibeems He t.c" tr.y11i9 to betwe Hts uo·tct• as S.1tlor wiU) His ptrtlk.a exlllenc• as a ,., .,,.nan In a technotoolul 1DCaety. Fot lnform6-

~ Sl1 RINO C:ONCBRT by the Orange Coast Col ltQe ChOr•le and C~ber Singers, CCMt· ducted by Richard Raub, wilt spotlight Han.. " del's " Ohclt Oomlnus" Saturday at 8 p.m. In the OCC Auditorium. General admiulon, $5.

'HE PACll'IC SYMPHONY RCM a "1recild by Keith Clark, wm fohHdht

w1.tlon ?all ~17. "{ ,., • SOkNst Ceclt• l,.ltad In her Wfft ea.st debUt

Siaftdjy, A~I a at 7: 30 p.m. If\ Fullertan's Plummer: Aeldltorfum. MJ11 LlcM, "r I• ttw first wlrww of Ute prestlgJous Ltventr tt Gold Medal In 10 ~eat"s. She,_,111 play Mdz.a 's 11th ll11•11THE PAISLfY COMVUT18LE" continues

•1' for five weekehds .ti the Huntington Beech '' Playhouse In the SHcllff VIiiage center on :·'Main Street at Vorkte>Wn Avenue In Huhtlngton

·n·• eeach. Curtain times et 8 p.m. Fridays and ···!• Saturdays. Tickets at 8'1-.4465.

.. ' BABES IN ARMS" nens nightly except Mon­days at varying curtain times ti.rough May 10 at Sebastl•n' s West Dinner Pl•yhouse, 140

·· 1.Avenida Pfco, SM Cternente <•92-9950) .

~'ASHES," a downbeat dr.am• ab<Mrt a couple's · desperate attempt to ~ve a child.! contlnuts

through Aprlt 26 at South Coast Repertory' s Second Stage, 65.S Towh Center Or., Costa Mesa (967-..030) . Performances nightlV except Mondays at 8: 30 <weekend matlnes a1 3),

" GIRL CRAZY," an old-time musltal comedy, continues at the San Clemente Theater. 202 Ave. Cabrlllo, San Clemente, until May 2.

· · Thursdays through Saturdays at 8: 30 p.m. I (492..()465).


towards purchase of any pancakes, wattles, or

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Plano C.oncerto. Thi$ s the symphony' flnal cqncert of the subsc riptlon season.

"INT.RLUDES FOR ORCHESTRA/' a ~ by Karl Kohn, wt II be conduc~ by the COfnl po1tr fn • Chapm•n College SysnphO#ty OrcMstra co,lcert Tuesday, April 28 at 8 p.rft . IJ"I the O\•pman College Auditorium, 333 N. •••sseU, Orange.• Kohn Is composer' '" res--fdltnceat Pomona Colt~. . ·• t .

f I

THE 08'ANGE COUNT YOUTH Symphony Orchestra wlll present a c0ncert at-' p.m. Sun­day, Apr II 26, In th• Chapman Coll4t,9e Auditorium, Orange. For lnformatJon, (:Mt 997-677-' or 997-6871. •

THE IRVINE SYMPHONY wi1~91'1orm at 2 p.m. Sunday, ~ii 26, at t~ Tun:lt Rf>ck Com· munlty Center In Irvine. Ad~1oft.ti-,ree.

f , •

THE CHAPMAN COLL.li~I Chamber Orchestra and Chapman CO&te91 Sfngers wlll be heard In concert April 2", • p.m. In Bertea


IN ORANGE COUNTY . .. Go to the

~~ Aprll 24-25 Aprtl 28 Aftemoon

• JAMES HARMON BAND April 26-27-28

• GEORGE BUTTS April ~30 - May 1-2



Dance at 9ai Stpte, Fullerton

;HL_~33 N. <;tassell St. , Orange . The f'or.mance 11 fciie. For Information, call ..a7• .. -METROtlOLITAN OPERA AUDITION win-

ners from Orange County will Slfl9 f•vorlte arias and selections from " The King and 1 11

" Carou.se'" and " The Man of La Mancha" ~t the Laguna Moutton Playhouse, Laguna Be•ch at 8 p.m. Saturday. Tickets are $10 each or $16 a pair. For Information call 449-1S33 or 640-7317.

A BARTOK FESTIVAL by UCl 's school of f ine arts Is set for 8: 15 p.m ., Wednesday and Thurs­day, April 29 and 30. The concerts will feature chamber music by Hungarian composer Bella Ba(~Ok performed by UCI facuttv members, student~ and guest ar,tlsts. :tickets are $Sor $8 'for bolh performances. Cal1~17.

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Tu•IClap: ........ , PNMnta ap.det "'°" Caelnt of the be9t "POOf"l"tl 1tM9 In ctte bu ... ,.eH, teetuftnta .. JUI.II DEES''°" nftM onr,. Two ehowe nfiety, •11 P·"'· ~ Jetn Jule a her orHy group of frlendt. C9'er, lerbra •• ,...... Deir ,arton, ..., De•. .._. .. , Wlntere. C.... ....... for an eWft1ftt Of hM a hollo. ' 1Wlln•H one of th• QraatHt IM· ,,. ....... of ALL TI•tt

. A ..... NO DANCe COttCllltT et C.I St.rte, F.ullerton, wltt be hlthllg'1.t•.d _by a performance of modern dMc:e c:~apher Murray Louis' " Bach Sul•.''.-T_ ... ~fffttvat runs Thursday, Apt-II 30, througlt Sun.UY May 3 In the Little TNtlter on campe.a. Cur'U~ tlrM ls 8 p.m. except 5 p .m. SUnday. For tickets or In· formation, calt t1i:w1 .

-GALLERIES---........_-ART HISTORIAN Ronald Steel Wiil examine "T~ lmqtHSICMtlltl Tr•tuan.. li'I • IKtu,.. Thursdey, April 30 at I •. m.. t the ~na &each Museum of Ar\, 307 c:mH Or. Cati ~94-6531 . •

THE JUBILEE SINGERS, With' a repel1o1re of spiritual$, Q05J»81~ c19h•pso, worksongs and musical theater num~•t )Niii appear et a p.m. at Saddleback Colleo., Miiiion Viejo, ln.. the Fine Arts Theeter. Tfckets sa. 1 NELSON RIDDLE end his~ OKMlitra wilt perform at 8 p.m., Suncsav, AprU 16, In the Orange Coast College Auditorium. 'fkkets $12. Ca II 556-5527. .

A GREEK SONGl'EST. featuring fl~• fr aternltles and sororities slRQ1"9 tunes from " Fiddler on the Roof," " Gruse," " Music Man," "My Fair Lady" and " Oliver," goes on the boards at UCl's CraWtord Hatt SUnday, April 26 at 7:30 p.m. Program will raise funds for Big Brothers-BlgSistersofOrangeCounty.

JIMMY BUFFETT and the eorar Reefer Band will play at 8 p.m. Thursday, April 30, in the Anaheim Convention CentJr. Alt seats are re· served at $9.SO and $11.sb. For reservations, call 520-9111.

Real Cantonese Foll

eat here er take home


UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRYINE Committee tor Arts presents

DENO GIANOPOULOS, PIANIST from UC Berkeley Saturday. May 2. 8 pm. Concert Hall Selections by Schubert. Beethoven. Brahms. $5 General $4 Other Students UCI Fae/Staff Sr Ctt UCI Alumni $3 UCI Stu· dents

CALIFORNIA CHAMBER CHORALE A com­munity chorale ensemble Saturday May 9 8 pm Concert Hall Selections from the Hena1ssance baroque c lassical. and modern eras $5 General , $4 Other Students, UCI Fae/Staff. Sr Cit . UCI Alumni . $3 UCI Stu­dents For further 1nto rma11on c all 833-6378 Tickets avai lable at the ASUCI Box.Mon ·Fri 9 30am to 4pm 833-5549


, 1.l&PPPAUEa ..... ...., .......... SylveateJL StttUone and Billy Det Williama

atrut th.rough "Nighthawks" with ·the aame ultra­hlp, street-mean shuffle that Richard Pryor and Gene WUder got lauahl with in " StJr Crazy," and •hough the result ls Just as comical It's also unin­tentional. They' re playtne undercover New York City cops after an unemployed terroriJt belleved to be beading for their cltf, where an Interpol direc­tor tells .them he'U be seeking " press coverage."

MOVIE REVIEW Armed with nothihg more than a photograph ol this " Wolf gar" taken before hla l>lutlc surgery , -Stallone and Wllliam1 descend into the New York night to find him.

Although this is a preposterously silly idea for a story , it does get worse. A feeble string of " clues" leads Stallone and Williams · on a tour of city discos, where, illuminated in the pulsing strobes, they see a sinister set of eyes. Wolfgar! The unemployed , publicity-seeking terrorist shoots a few disco dancers and gets away.

'· . BE' ANGLBS f()r that love by playtn1 bls own features acina.t the graln of"'- part! Jn " Rocky"

•we were auppa.~ to recognize that beyond R~ky Balboa'• smafbed face and rotten language was a hero with a heart of 1old. In " Niahthawka" we're supposed to recognize that beneath the beard. at asset aild hopelessly f raudtllenl unde~over 1arb he wears, Deek DeSilva ls a cop with principles. The problem ls that Stallone doesn't know when to qult t.he schtlck and let us like him unbeaten, un-1amished. Ue does both the opening and. closing icenes ol "Ni&h\hawks" ln drag and all th.e ones lo between ln the most conspicuously foolish attire lmaginab•e - he's the JnOSt attention-1ettlDI Un· derco~er cop I've ever seen - (even ln the mov­iea) . It's~ embarrassing performance.

The 01akers of "Nig'hl.hawk·" may be 1hort on movie-making talent but they're long on calculation and the calculation here ls called t. v. Fr-om the openinf quick-cut fram~ and jumpy, aimlessly dramatac music. we can feel the men­tality of television closing in around us . " Night·


hawks" ls nothlna more than a two-hour televltioo show in both concept and execution but It's sc'ary because television didn't just influence iti it l'eve birth to it. You can sense the commercia breaks, you can see the stoc.k television characten. 'YOU feel Ute relentless, thouahtless act.ton that lt t9ke1 to fill up a cops and robbers t.v. episode. Even more insultin&ly you can see the word " residuals" ringing in the producer's eyes as Stallone and Wiiliams start wearing baseball caps with the acronym for their unit ("A.T.A.C." > emblazoned across the tops. Do the toy stores have them yet? Has the television st\ow been cast yet? Are there any Sylvester Stallone " Nighthawks" dolls in the stores yet ? " Nighthawks" isn't just a movie, it 's a mass culture product of the most lame and regret· table kind.

Of course, even the mass marketers can 't sell a complete s ham, so " Nighthawks" may a p· propriately sink from its Qwn weight. When it does. directing credit goes to Bruce Malm1,1th . writing credit goes to David Shaber and Paul Sylbert and credit for staying away from a dis · as ter goes to anyone with the good sense to do it

EVEN IN A movie lacking all authenticity, Stallone and Williams s tand out as lacking more authenticity than anyone else. Stallone ls an actor who projects so little that he demands close-ups -if he's not race to face with the camera lens, we may miss a big moment. But the closer we look at him the duller he gets ; his expressions are uni· form , Wlrevealing, deeply uninspired . Stallone is an egotistical actor. but his selfishness goes far

OCC exhibits Parker photographs

Sylvester Stallone in ·Nighthawks'

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Works by Boston photographer Olivia Parker will be on exhibit May 5 through June 12 in the Orange Coast College Photo Gallerv .

The Photo Gallery, located in OCC's Fine Arts Building , is open Monday through Friday from 8

Make your weekends "special " with a magnificent champagne brunch overlooking Newport Bay. Smorgasbord buffet. on ly

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a.m . to S p.m . and 6·9 p.m . Admiuion is free. Parker's OCC exhibit focuses on her recent

work. Most of the photographs were made durina the past five years, and many of the works ap· pea red in David Godine's 1978 photo anthology . titled "Signs of Life ."

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BY NOD ft'ANL£Y .,._,...., ......... It aee~ to mt no rites of sprtn1 are more

ftrmly entrenched 1n our lives today than award procrall'll. And their variety and abundance, wben lt comes to the rettaurant lndustry, ls reachil\I the point of outahlnJng the theater and motion plc· turea.

Thb week we can areet the news - perhaps a bit chauvJnlatlcally - that California leads the country with tbe most (60) 1981 Mobil Travel Gulde Four-Star Award wlMers.

In a commendable 1howtn1 bound to 'boost local pride, Oranae County nal>bed a total of rtve awards. So honored were the Marriott Hotel , Newport Beach ; Five Crowns. Corona del Mar ; Cbanteclalr, Irvine; Newporter Inn . Newport Beach and Chez Cary , Oraflie.

Statewide, 32 restaurants, 20 hotels , six motels and two resort.a received the Four·Star Award, giving them the dlsUnctlon of ··outstanding -worth a speclaJ trip."

These plac~s were selected from more than 21,000 inspected and rated in 4,000 cities and towns ln the United States and Canada. There was a total of 485 winners nlltionwide.

The Four-Star Award ls one of the most covet­ed in the food and lodging industry . Ratings are determined by trained field representatives who personaJly inspect all establishments , by local and regional consultants , letters from the public and




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by a MobU Gulde commlttee that revlewa all flnd· tn1•.

All l'lltlhts are baa.,d Ob a atringent checklist ot·1ome 100 item• undel' the 1eneral cateiqrtet of cleanliness, maintenance, quality of fuml1h1011. fac.llltles and 1taff .ervlce.

A Four-Sur hotel or motel, for example, must have larger than averaie 1uest room1, fuml\ure of high quality and all eaaenUal aervicea. Extenalve recreational ractutles are required at resort.a , a factor accounting tor two Callfomla winner• - the Lodge at Pebble Beach and Marriott 's Rancho Laa Palmu, Palm Spri.nas.

Restaurants are reviewed for such detailJ as dis tance between tables, table sett.Ina and com­pleteness of wine cellar, In addition to food quality and it~ preparation. Also, the 1taff must be courteous and well-trained.

Anyone for a "special trip" to the Newport Marriott, Five Crowns, Chanteclair. Newporter Inn or Chez Cary?


friend - after too lon1 an ablence from lbe local entertainment scene - is the popular pastime these Sunday and Monday nights al Bob Burns restaurant in Nt:wport 's Fashion Island,

That's because the featured entertainer is Mark Davidson, a musician of almost legendary proportions whose lime of packing the area 's lounges a~l but dales back to the debut of the

IL 2 for I SPECIAL 1w11t1 tt111.., Order 2 lndlen Curry Dinners end pey only

tor hlghe11 priced dinner

5930 Wnt Coast HlcJhw M•wport leach• 646-4202., 646-t 3


... the Nfatf~ CC»ntintl(t R I Oi.'f\/" I 11111\ MA fWll VX N ., I JAA .. , ,..,.,..,.........,.. ..............

I, Now / edwards LIDO CINEMA


s1. ,.,r111 H.M. Wynant llaa Roblnaon

Patti Colombo Ar1 Kou1tlk

Book Sy Wllllam F. Brown

Mualo & L.yrlc1 By · Criar11e Smalla

horselest c1rri11•. Well . . . Pord'a Id.tel maybe .

Still e1rryin, oa u t.bouab be wu bo"' to th, keyboard, Man - backed by Al Meb1fl17 on •tt· inc bua - •* oa ••hlbtttn1 ~ atyle and sraet that Jeavet him wltb few performlng peen In tbeae p~.

tbt ran1e coven • few new 10Di1, a lot of old son,i, and J-number of Muk'a OWf'I tunes. It'• hard .to lnl11tne mualc more Ideal for Ustenina and dln· ln& . . . no dancing except, perhaps, in the shadows of the mind .

Mark's enjoyment of '(bat he'• doln& •how• ln every word and 1e1ture, too. He uya, ln fact , be baan 't had ' 'so much fun playlni •Ince the early day a of the Sea Shanty and the Chef's Inn.·· <Which does , indeed, prove that he aoea back as far 81 aorue of the rest of us.>

. Sassilt Al can't be faulted for bis contribuUons to the proceedln&s either. And be appears two other nights with Vina Harmer, wbo ls the reaular Tuesday through Saturday attraction at Bob Bums: •

lrtventive aa well 81 polished musicians, Mark and Al together get some surprialn1 momenta 10· in& when amadng thin&s happen. In this case hearing is believln& Sundays from 5:30 to 10 p.m .. Mondays from 7:30 p.m . until mldni&bt.

Open daily for lunch, brunch and dinner. Bob Burns is localed at 37 Fashion Island, Newport Beach. Teleehone: 644-2030 .•

__ ,. ....,.,Miit.

CAVIUUN (PQl ua · 1..-• •M • • " • 11 • ,..,.

-1AHM1Nkl·li:aa-.. , .,....,.. .. 11 l'acWlty

··~­J tJl»l...O

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, 'TIL t•,. ... -.. .......... -..... THE HANO IA) ., ............. ,.,.

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$ C _, CK-•••-c:oecO#~ .. 8'-o BREAKER MORAN T ( PO) 4CM·1S14 --••·•" .. , ....... , ........... ...

......,., .... "' C AVEMAN IPO)

&Af ..... . . . .. . ... . .. . , .. _,_._



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A giant of courage who faced an t:mpire

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SEVBN YEAa ACRE ...... ca•

ce&u•b&•._.,. tl1ll preu releau. th1t accompanle<I tbla dllk

took snat PA1U to teli U1 tbat YES, R0tanne c .. aa ii &rylbl to forae • m&.11lcal cueer ln 19" 1ba4Pw ot her. lepndU')'. father. Johnny, and artist·writer· P.N,lducer hasbeftd Rodney Crowell.

YES. the JI.. year-old •ln•er, who was railed In Ventura when her parents divorced, hat the lil1tant name NCOOlUon.,

YES, she perfi>tmed with ber hall·•iater a• a ~ackup-act to her father's atap shows. And YES, doors opened q_uickly to recordin1 sesalons that led to her tlnt Colt;ambia album. "IU&ht or W"°"'·"

By the time you get to the fecond to the Jut paragraph of the. release, you're suppotedly convinced that Rosanne Cash doesn't han1 on

aoybod1's coattails. After all, the preH agent tells us "Seven Year Ache" 11 Ro11Me'1 "serioua eon· tentlon tor her own deflJ)ed place in the music world."

So why did tMy aend alona a black·and·whlte 1lossy that, mlnus the boldface na me caption.

RECORD REVIEW would pus for a L~da Ronstadt look·alfke con­test?

Listen to the album for the answer. There's no doubt that Roeanne Casb is 1ood.

She knows her qountry mqslc. The cuts from her LP are upbeat, refined. and. at times, re markably brilliant.

Yet remove the labeh1 from both sides of the

BEYOND THE REEF A •lory of pae ...


disk and you'd reaUy be hardpresaed not to •HP. " A new Ronstadt album.''

It may Just be a little premature to uy Rosanne has defined her own place when ahe comes packaaed with a Jumble ol excuaea for her name and a phot& that tells us that YES. you too can have the look of the gal who brou1ht us ·•Blue Bayou. ··

Sending us another pbot.o and firinl her press agent won't do the job. There are no excuses left wl\,en you put the )>latter on the turntable.

An album that sounds like a clone is just a nov · elty . H Rosanne wants everybody to forget her paternal lies. she's going to bave to find another way to grab hold of her new niche in country music

- JoelC. Don

John Boorm•n • EXCALIBUR" llA~D D~ fHt llOvtl "TIKOYO Al'tD HIS SHARK" "CLtMtl'tT RJCtttR

raoouao" RArrAtLLA DI'. LAURll'tTJIS Dlllr.clOll l'RAl'tf{ C. CLAM

N1~I T '1'TY' Ht~n M1m'n · N1Cholu C l• y • C """w lung/ii• P• ul G•ollrey ... Nicol W1lllilmson h«ull•• Prnduun. Edg.ir f C.r~ ... ~rt A E1vn>1•1n · Dtr«ted ... Prockic:td., John Bo<>nTun

Scrttnpl• y., Rt"I'" P•lknb.-tl( ... J.>hn Elaomi• n

Back when women were women, and men were animals •••


~Rtf?'!l!!l!B 0-1 Adilplt<l lrom MAiory, I,; Mori• DArthur •. f{,..,po PAll<'nt:...rl( -~~:91:.!:C::::-


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By TOM TITUS ............ llllfl

Tbe name Geor1e Genbwin prol;ably nnt bJinlJ to mind tbe Immortal .. Rh•Plod)' ln Blue•• or tile adnUllat.ln1 stralnl of "An American in p.,11. ·• Here, lndied, was a ciant In American JJ\Ul&c.

tt•a dc>uMful that Genhwin is quite 10 revered fol' hlJ eoetrlbutions to the muai.eal comedy "Girl Cra»)'!' tven thouah the score includes auch stln·

INTERftlSSION dards u "I Got Rhythm" and "Embraceable You," thiJ blt,of fiuff waa to Gershwin what "The Blob" waa to the career of Steve McQueen.

&EAaDNG BACK a half century. the San Clemente Community Theater is revivine tbla featb~i&bt musical, trimming ita excess fat to flt it into a comfortable two-hour time alot. It's a t:Vt aimpllstic u a result, but it's entertaining oontheleu.

Director Bil Gekas hu done some· Interesting sureery on the script, localizing the Old West dude ranch tp San Clemente and inaertin.1 a " gay caballero" number that would have made Gershwin wince. He's alao managed to hoke up some of the more melodramatic moments, though not quite enough In retrospect.

Gekas and choreographer Darlene Carpenter have managed to get most of the 18-member cast on stag~ for/some rather stilted production num­bers , which are limited by the matchbox dimensions of the Cabrillo Playhouse stage. What the players lack In ensemble talent, they com­pensate tor Lo comic enthusiasm.

AS IS OFTEN the case in musicals of this vin· tage, the most memorable performers are the second bananas - Ingrid Starrs as a showgirl with

" Ot•L CllAZY" A m11$IUI trr. 0.0...,.. - Ire Genllwk), Guy Bolton end J«ll Mcc:-.n, dlr9Ctecl"" au a.us. euoclele dlre<1W ..... Oii-. ~e Jo 4M Wiiii- . <........,...,.,OM-~. IOUndend llgfll lly OWh Gol\ulft, pr-- by lht SM O.,,_. ~ty T-ter ~ llV°"I" s.twa..,. e t I p.m ., Sunde.,. et J p.I'/\. .,.,.... #Ny Jet llW c.Dnlle P l•Y-. 112 ,,,.,. Cabrillo, S... Clemente. "---Ions '92-.

TM• CAST Denny . . • • • . • .. .. • • . • . . . . • . ••• Jim v 111 ... t1 Molly . . . . .. .. •• • ....... .. • .. ............... C.rol.,.. ~tt•

~~~ .. ·::::::::: ...... :::::::::::::::: ·:::::::.: ·: ·::::. ·=~= Lenk . . . . . . "' • .. .. .. • .. • . .. • . ....... ... ................. . Okk Hkllll,. Snalte Eyes .............................................. Olfto Pal&UI = ... : ·::. ::.::: :··: .: . . ... :: . ·:::::::::::::. ::::: J"a:i!c.!:'.;: t.C:-1.- :: ::· .:~ .. :::: .. : .. : ... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.-:::= r=~ ·::: ... :::::::::::: ·: ·::::::::. ·:.: ·::. ·: . : ·:: . ·::::::::. ~~~ .. ~: Cact11s.. ..... .. .. .. .. . ... • • .... • ....................... OonOdeH Sllm . • • • .. • • . . • .. •• .. • • .. • .. ....... , ................. Gery V91MCO lndlen Gl•ll .. , . . , ........ . .... . , ... , ......... Tray - SI.Ky A_,

The UnlvenatY of c.olfomla Irvine .,,.....n

FREEMAN DYSON w ... sc1ay. Afr12tt11

4:30 p.m. Mr. Dyson will autograph his book Dis._. ..... u.n .... in the University BoQkStore

8:00 p.m. Lecture: "Science for Science's Sake: Public Support of Astronomy."

Science Lecture Hall Lecture ticket• available at ASUCI Box Office: S1 UCI 1tudent1: t2 faculty. staff. UCI Alumni Allociatlon memben. and other ltudenta; S3 general admlulon. Coaponaored by the Department of Phy1lc1 and Student Affaf,.. L.ecturet.




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eyes for the hero ind Sal Gall.lane> as 1 cab drlv~ who sUcu around to become 1 reluctant sherltf. Miss Starn' sense ol showlnanahlp and Galliano's comic tlmln1t are both flnt rate.

Jloi Vlllantl lJ pby1leally perfect for the role of tbe playboy sent w"t to ''roufh It'' and aet hla mind off the opposite sex, but hi.I enthusiasm could uae some fanntnc. Carolyn Hoekstra, 1 button-cute actress with a pouty, expressive tace, doet well u the cowatrl who lassos him and addl aome fine vocal work.

Al Villanti 's ri\lal, Kevin Loni is too clean cut and 1980's·colffured to ~ believable. Dick Nicklin, on the other hand, is hl&bly effective as the seedy. mangy villain, with some comic assistance from bis young sidekick, Dino Palazzi. a bit of a show stealer.

· THE BALANCE of. tbe cut, ~sorted cow· po~es and dude rancherettes, funetlona well under' some dimensional handkf P'. with ?d-_ura Barker and her cohort.a, Marti Srnetta and Cynde Wootan, impressive in their " Andrews Slaters" assipment as vlsitine manhunters. Youn& Tracy and Stacy Ramos aet the scenes prettily and associate direc· tor Lee Cblldress peps thinp up in a brief and un­billed cameo.

For tbia production. and presumably tb(>se to follow, the theater has altered ita cmain time to 8 o'clock from 8:30 Thursday through Sat-orday. nlgbta, with Sunday rnalinees icheduled at 3 p.m. "Girl Crazy" runs through May 3, with a weekend extension possible, at the Cabrillo Playnouse, 202 Avenida Cabrillo, San Clemente.

• THE SADDLEBACK Company Theater is pre­

paring for its 1981 summer season at Saddleback College, and has announced auditions on May 3 tor supporting roles in its two productions, "The Sound of Music" and "On Golden Pond."

Roles available In the June-July production of " Sound of Music" include three nwu, the butler, the housekeeper, the countess, one boy in his late teens. two boys 11 and 14 and five girls age.s 5, 7, 9, 13and16.

Speaking parts are open for the family comedy "On Golden Pond" for a young man 13 to 15', two men in their late 30s to mid·40s and a woman in the same age range.

BROADWAY ~ND TV actress Susan Watson will star as Maria in "Sound of Music" while Wiley Harker and Iris Korn have been signed for the leads in " On Golden Pond."

Juvenile auditions for both shows will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the main theater of the Mission Viejo campus. Adult tryouts are scheduled from 2 to 6 p.m.. with additional information available at 831-4747 or 831·4650.

1=·•11.;;.ot'1tlJlowul azY tttl All ....... Clell .... n... ,._,......, . ......,

* MIDNIGHT MOVIES * 110 COl!elllf ••D _.._

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''AMY'' "' -Cl&D---~




I "mA CRAZY" "USED CARI" "" -(.$ __ .._ .... •H"'~' c ..... - ...... ·-""'' .....

. '

The momter - re·

LEVIEWS Ugtous and ethnic ln· tolerance - la not dead but we are ill dan1er of forgetting about it, ac-

tdln& totMpe1ta on a spedaJ eflition of "Voter'• i~Une" to air tonight at 9 p.m. on KOCE, Channel

Host Jim Cooper Is joined by two camp sur­n1 a rabbi from the wiesenthal Center ln Loa

ieles and a Christian minister from Newport -ch to discuss the need for keeping IQemol'les of

Holocaust alive and evidence that anti· qiltiam remains a part of our culture. 1 T~t evidence makes a disturbing Hat : aatlkas and hate 'T'essages swabbed on the eiJenthal Center; vandalism In a Jewish

metary In Commerce; an anon fire at the mple Beth David In Temple City: destruction at

Temple Beth Sharon in L.A ; vandali1m and ft directed against a Jewish resident of Mission

ejo on Rosh Hoshan~ : three seoarate incidents vandalism at a Westminster temple - all within past year. ,

1: (Cooper does not see this as an upswelling in ti~Semitism , however. " l really think the vast ajority of people are incensed and offended by

Uiat.crap," he said in an interview. > ~:. Still, all of his guests insist that what hap· ;ined in Germany could re-occur unless it is · r• 'lembered. . . "Sixty percent of the population are too young

bave a first-hand understanding of what Nazism

ft. ant to the world ," says Rabbi Abraham Cooper the Wiesenthal Center.

••. ' 'YoWlg people today are simply obhvious to,

ti. e insensitive to, history , .. adds The Rev Robert

ftepard Jr., pastor of the Christ Church by the Sea ~ited Methodist Church in Newport Beach and a

Member of the National Conference of Ch ristians

i' nd J e\\(5 " It is extremely important that we

ersonalize history with the help of the Christian ommunity.·•

1 The camp survivors . Magaa t3ass of Los ~ngeles and Mel Mermelstein of Huntington \feach. have personalized history by going into the classrooms. displaying the numbers tattooed on ~ei.r arms and relating their own ternfying ex pJ\rtences . . • Mn. Bass, who was interned in Buchenwald as a youth. tells or seeing a crying baby sliced 1n half ~· a German guard and vowing to kill the first German child she saw. But when that opportunity came, she says, she did not murder the youngster . who was starving ; she simply shared her bread

Mermelstein explains why he has revisited Auschwitz, where he was impnsoned . 10 times and brought back as many grisly souvemers. He dis­

i plays a post uted to support the electrified fence 1 around the camp. J Mermelstein would like to see funds available to send American s tudents to Auschwitz to learn

J first-hand what happened. Rabbi Cooper claims the lessons to be learned

1from the Holocaust are broad in scope " What happened during the Holocaust was not

t:' ust a matter or Jews ancl Germans ... he explains ['Not all Germans were Nazis , not all Nazis were (Germans.··

A giant of a man against a general seeking glory ... a spectacular adventure of archenemies in battle.


Nazi camp survivor Mel Mermelstein

The program is particularly relevant to its au­dience in Orange County , with one of the country's fastest-growing Jewish populations .

There were 3,000 Jewish families in the county eight years ago. Today there are 14,000 families consisting of 50,000 people . according to the local Jewish Federation Council.

But the message here is not only of concern to Jews. As host Cooper notes. millions of Christians died in those ca mps too.

.. Jews have often been the first victi ms or persecution," says Rabbi Cooper .. They 've never been the last ..

House tours set Tours featuring "historic homes and studios"

and "charm houses" are scheduled during May by the Laguna Beach Museum of Art.

" Laguna 's Historic Houses and Artist Studios" will be explored by author·histonan Kathy Les in a lecture and bus tour at the Laguna Beach Museum or Art. 307 Cliff Dr.

Scheduled in conj unction with t!i~ "Laguna Legacy" exhibit , the lecture will be held on Thurs· day. May 7 at 8 p.m Cost is $2.50 for members and $3.50 for non · members .

Bus tours will depart at 10 and 11 :30 am. and I p.m on Saturday. May 9 with limited space at S5 per person Tickets and information for both events are available by calling LBMA education director Suzanne Paulson at 494-6531.

Ms . Les , survey cooi-dinator for the Laguna Beach Historic Survey aimed at resear~hing pre-l!MO buildings within the city, will discuss ear· ly art colony architecture as it parallels activity of early artists.

A second bus tour , sponsored by Village Laguna. wi\l highlight "Laguna Beach Charm Houses" on Sunday. May 3 from noon until 4 p.m . Tickets , at $7.50, are available through Village Laguna , P.O. Box 1309, Laguna Beach, 92651.


DAILY 8100 PM SAT~ 1:00 • 4:30 • 8:00 PM


Orange Coaat DAILY PfLOT/Frfday. Aprll 24, 1981 • . -· ..... ··~

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~ '°. !tie COUfl.. try'• top """ ICflool ~ tr, • tour ol tlle ~

• eoollle ,._.. Ill Howton; Mf'I ~ wlttl • on mo'lln9 at • ~ CMt: capt. c-ot an ~


KHJ 88: 00 - ''Romanoff and Juliet." Movie with Peter Ustinov and Sandra Dee about the ctau7hter of an American ambuaador wbo aUt In love with the son of a Russian ambuaador.

KOCE 8 9:00 - ·•voter's Pipeline ... Newport Minister Robert Shepard and Rabbi Abram Cooper, an Auschwitz s\lfl. vivor, discuss the Holocaust.

eOA.oNIWI .-m..tea I =llWCaACIW.

**** ''TIMt~OI Pf ...... 8ao¥lk" ( 1t7') .. .,. Un .,_,, Heel 1Mt1Y.

• DAta"""" ~ JUdoM ... end ~ Heye9, S~a and Varnell. Murphy ~- and fkr! LOM!an G.-t T ... naMllfla

··~MC NIW9 tl:OO. Wl'tNM TO THI

80TTOM MTHI MA " The LobetatMan"

~· (1t12) etwllto­llf* L.M, ,.._. kNll .. , ...

ltlO ~ •• "'1Con91" (ftl1) MlcflMI G°"9fl. Margo JofV\e 1:111 NIWI .. -00 .,.,. • * " CerlbbeM"" ( 1962) Joftn P....,_. Ar-. OMI,


l -INIRillMft­~

"°" Ind ionoewttr. Jolin Em'*Y ~. glallt ...._~.

KCET 810 : 00 - ''Greene and Greene:" Turn-of-the-century designers whQ changed Southern California 's ap­pearance.


.......... 1.-00 (I) -­......,..._

' • "°°9(81 12:30 8 MIONICIHT INCW.

' .. , •• NOii ..,.....WOMAN

COl!eol lootl*I e- .,. being llx9CI by aonMIOOa who llM Ci9w 1· aped an lrnC>lant ~ him to temporarily control I ha

mocor mo-•••• of atll­....._

A retlrad ~ °'""'*' trial to take en.roe 9' an ln-t~

Hott•. The 8ae 0.. GUMl1· Jeiry Laa LNI. Gladya Knight end tlle Pipe. com•dl 1n Frank Walker. Johnny Nut\, Jim WM"*1)'. Sll ... ar Davia (R)





Trapper , coached lly Hawti•. en..,.. the 1n1ar-

cernc> bOlllng ·-· to .,,_,t the 11anater of • ~tllu!NMW

AIDING HIGH - -John Denver escorts soprano Beverly Sills into the outdoor life in " John Denver - Music and the Moun­tains" tonight at 9on Channel 7.

• GOOOT.-A d lsp1r1glng remark about Geotge WUhington

- MlcttNI to be - ­pended trom act1oo1 ID THEHeW ~ An Hploratlon Into t"8 dll ­larancee bet- medi­cine prllCllCeO In Laoe and 1 1"8 United States. • Lao­tian parent leern1 •bout 1"8 lmporten<;e o f alter ­l!Chool Ii.Id lllP• lor ha< dllUQhler lI!) ElECTNC co.,ePAHV (RJ Cil CUNEWI (II A8CNEWS

8:30 0 J01<£R'I WILD • WELCOME IACt<, l(OTT£A Gabe ~II that Irle s-lllOO• tlltge • • .. 1.1n 10 prol .. I lhe lood tn the cetat- '-• 9EHHVHIU Benny p<-lf Ille Franc:tl entry or tile Europeen SongConl•I &'1 KCET NEW88EA T lI!) STUDIO IEE

Pina St Louis kid• operate ,,,.., own ·-••u r1nt. 1 South CerOllna tamlly run• • vir>eyatd (RI Cl) NEWS


<Ill IARHEY MIU.EA ~ualng lo enforce an avic:tlon OtOet landa S..­"9Y In Ille clepar1mental dogl'lou ... and the men of the 12111 are leoad wOh malling a futl-.cale uaaull on tile rvn-down hotel (Pall 21

e:&a IJ EDITONAL 7:00 tJ C88 HEWS

0 N8CNEW8 U HAPPY DA VS AGAIN B1cllerono over bills th1ea1en1 Al's and Foni,.·s plans 10 1eopen ArnOld's 0 ABCNEWS 0 BUU.SEYE m M 0 A.8'H The oppres1lve Ko<ean ..... , gets 10 evaryon<t especi•lly K11n9a< 41) STAEETS OF SAN FRAN08CO A public d411ender atmosl lo- lier Illa bec:IUN stl8 be!- lier Cli«ll II not a murd.-ar 6i) OVEAEA8Y Gueata J1m Backus end htS wtla Hanny (R) lI!) MACHEJL / LEHREll REPORT

TIC TAC DOUOH !ti) MERV ORtff'lN G.-ts. °'"°" Wettea. Std c- r

II KNX T 1CB S) L0.., A. nQt>I.- ... Q KNBC 1NBC1 Lo.., Anqp 1,..., 8 l<T L A ilnO I Lo'> A nQ" ll "'> II MBC rv 1ABL1 Lo, A11·1•·••'" f "F MB 1CB<;1 S.1n D•t'CJP () l<f\J f'v' 1 ln<l t l u<, A 11 It' ,..

'~ "cs T I AHC1 S dn o.. l ID I< TT\I 1 lnll l U" Anq1•lo• 41) 11.C.,OP TV t lnc1 1 L oc, An J•"""" ff) 1<( ET T\. PBS! Uh Anqo• , • ., ~ 11.0Cl rv PAS1 H .111 • 1• • ~., , '

7:30 tJ 2 ON ntt TOWN Ho•t• Stave Edw1rd1, Melody Rooere A touctllng •tort Of hOw norm• kid• entart81n the Nndlcapj)ed. a China bronze • •NbU D 'AMILYfl'IUO D IHANANA GuMt Ben E King 0 T&.ETONe G FACE. THE MUSIC GI AUINTHE.FAMILY A rnidnlghl argument al the Jartat'llOnl aplllt OY9r tnlo Iha Bunke< hOuNhold fll MACHEIL I LEHRER AEPOft"T mi 8USIHE.U EXCHANGE

M oving PrOduct The problems ol Illa rllllway. 1n1pp1no • nd 11uck1no tnduatrlea are axamin«I w11h amphUia on prodUC1 tr ansportat Ion (I) BAIO>U San 0..00 Pad<• •• Loa Angelae Dodger•

8:00 tJ THE INCMDl8U HUl.K lntanM r9dla11on lrom 1 ma1eor11a cau- Oavtd Ban,_ 10 be trapped In the torm o f Ille Hutt. (P1111 l)CR) D MAAP£A \IA.U..EY PTA Rumor. •111'1 llylng wnen Stella 11 overhM>rd telltlng about ··teHlng a rabbll lest (Al D MOVIE • ·~ ··Two-Lena 81ac1t1op" (19711 James hylor. War ­ran OatN Young oh• l­lenge• Old 10 • croaa­country car race 0 9 llEH80H Benson and the oove!no• lake over Iha con11ol1 01 Iha ~ lhey are lravelt Ing In when their pllOt cot laPMe (R) 0 MOVIE • • * ·~ Romanort And

• Loe ANllll •MB IN llllYllW I

~I: ca.t. Aobel'tL • WAU. mmT WUJ< ''AMI.Mii ~ AMOlng 8e1ween Tiie Line• .. ~ • ......,, J Golub, pert .... o.loltle Heelllna & s.i..

uo D 8lOCQM A llOlehot CM drtvw ( Terry Br~I ._up wflh a mechenic: 10 tra\'91 the IMldi -toed rlldng Circuit of rural Arnerlc:e. 8 0 rMAWGGIAL tfOW Diane ...,na her lather"• iww girlfriend i. • woman ahe w.it to high ld\Ool with (RI m CAAOl. llUMETT AHOFNENDI Gueet Alen King. 8a CID WAIHIHGTON WHK IH AEV1EW

HO tJ THE OUl<U Of HAZZAAD B<Hll Hogg'• good !Win blot'*. wno wu deciated 19gally clMd by Hogo yMta ewller. shoWll UC) to cletm hi• sh•r• of an lnlle<ilanc. (RI 0 m£ GANGSTER CHftONICl.D Luciano. Leeker a nd Sl•g•I"• op• r•llon 11 thrNlened by rrval 08"0-alefS. • go~I com­m111 lon • nd l•ud1no llm<>tlgll themMIYM 8 9 JOHN DEHVIER: MUllC AHO THE 'MOUNTAIHS 8ev9tly Sllll. ltzNllt Perl­man and J- GaJw•y )Oln John o.n- W\ • musi­

cal~ taped •I~. COIOredo • r.teW GAlmN G.-t• °''°" Wettea. Sid c- . Yakov Noy. Bev«· IMO-. • •U. V GRAHAM CMJIAOI • WALL fTAEET WES< · Annuet Reporl• Reading Between The llnae "' Guaat Steven J GOiub. part'* Oelo<lla HukW\I &

Sell• mi VOTER'S PIPfUHE Hoel Jim (;()Ope( ax.,,,.,_ tile recent rlM ln eel• of anu-~ttsm 1n 11119 IOOk at HOlocaull Month w1ttt

gufft Rabll l Abr•m Cooper

..... aACRAMINTO W&K•MWE.W Holt Murr il)' Fromson

10:00 8 (I) THE OUKU ~ HAZZAN> Luke and Bo lalta Uncle .iesM"I adYiOa and try IO heic> out 10m8 ,_ neigh• bot•. unaw8'a of the prob, lem1 they are watlllng into (R)

DO• NEWS 0 (11 ABCHEWS CLOeEUP ""The Apoc;alyPN Gama An Update' " M8'th•ll Fra­dy 1.1pd•IH an Hiiia< doc­umeotery on the MX m11-1lle ayalam and rlPOf'tl on the growing uncertalrillH of the armt race It r•Pf•· Mnll SI THE IHOEPelDEHl EYE "Gr- And Gr_,e A prolll• of two Southern C.Ulornla d-.gnera whoM get\IVI changed the land­scape of turn-of- tt>e-e.n­tury Souti-n C111t0tni• lI!) 8U. MOVEAS' JOUAHA1.

JOMPh Campbell Myth• To live By· Campbell COY•

ar1 soma of ,,,. se>ec11tc myth• Illa!. lhfOUQh tna aoea. llava provtded many ~ ot tile worlO with "*' mythOIOQIC81 tound• 1ion1 tPart 2)

10:30 GI HEWS

• IHOEPINOINT NETWONC N1W1 • nw.emoNI A ci<oflia ol Jim Woode. Joan Lyan1 and Richard C..rOll •• all dleaOleO peo­Pla oorrantty ltY!nQ In the community and holding IOb•

11:008DDCIJ9 NEWS 8 ITARTAEk Captlln KIMI talla pray 10 •n all9n woman'• lov• tMr• wlllcn anllava him to her wlH 0 HEWI. VW£D GAME GI M 0 A'S 0 H Chartat becomes the moat unpooular m•n In camp when ha rac.IYM 1 winter­ized polar IUll lrom hll paran11. • 11EHH't' HIU Benny •• Fred Scullle pre­Mnt• ht• veu1on or lhe Orenga BIOseom St>Ktal tJll DICK CAVETT Guest l ewis Thomas (Part 2 of 21 ~ SHEAK PREVIEWS

The Liie Ano Death Of Black Fiim•" Roger Eberl Ind G- Stike! !Illa a IOOk at why Illa t11a o f lllml by tor •nd •bout btac1< A"*ic.ti• haa ended

11:ao tJ Cl) NaA 8A8KET8AU. IC• n u • Clly •• Ho .. ston l \Apeo.1..,1 II TONIGHT' Guest hOll Bob N9Wt>1rt Guest ~arles Grodin


1:00• VOVAOETOTHE 80TTOM ~THI lfA ""The Menllsh '" 0 NVCHC ~THE ~8EVOHO HOlll Damian S1mp110n and Slacy Hunt d~ wllchcrall w tl h gua111 Babel!• 1no D • nn11 Moore ti) INOEPEHOENT HETWOAIC N£Wa

t : to G VIOEOW£8T: IAa<STAOf PASI 0 AOAM-12

1:301'1 NEWS ti) MOVIE *'"' 00 Terr11~ ·· (1lle41 Rod Lauran. Slave Dr•• ..

1:40 G MOVIE • • *'"' " Kale1do"ope' ( 19661 W•rren Beallv ~unnah YOt~

2:00 G EDITOfUAL II COMEOV 8HOf> 8 MOVIE • * • Frenc hmari s C1eak 0 I 19441 Joan Fon •••M Arluro Oe Coroova

CD MOVIE • • ·web Ot \110ience ( 1969) Stell Hataey M ar o•rat LM

2:06 tJ MOVIE • • The Love - Ins ( 1967) James MacArthur Susan Olive<

2:30 0 NEWS

3:00tl) MOVIE * * Ntghl 0 1 Thf! Blood


t:tl ....... THAT TEACH uo KI09WONJ)

I THAT"aCAT 9 IT"IYOUlll ......





1-00 tJ (}' TOM AHO JEAAY 0 THE FUHTSTOHEB 0 THE AiFu:MAN 0 @) PLASTICMAN I 8A8V PLAS O UFO g) MOVIE * * * Picnic I 1956) W 1I l•am HOiden Kim Novak Q) SPEIAL PEOP\.£ fll) REBOP (R)

by Armstrong & Batiuk LOOK, ~e ... i"OM K~ rT'S A


The Dail~· Pilot supports and encourages your. participation in Orange County's 11th Annual ~ ~super\\·alk of Lo\·e"


JOIN SUPERWALK SUND A y I APRIL 26 \\' AL K A :\1 ERIC A S l ' PER S l . :\DAY fundraiser for th e battle agai nst birth defect~ is the :\larch of Dim es· largest s ingle fundrais ing event .

C0~1E \\'ALK WITH cs I

Join in the fight against birth defects by participating in the 32 kilometer ' 20-mile ' Super\\.alk . the second annua l Team\\7alk . th e fiv e a nd t e n kilometer runs 0r the S500 d onation one-m ile Executi \·e \\' a lk .

R a y 1\1 a I a \" as i . Sup e r \\1 a I k Chairm a n . wi ll walk with the

Ho nor a r ~­Executive

Harbor l\'1unicipal Cou rt in Walk from ~ e \\ p 0 rt B e ach t 0 th e Chant <.>c l air restaurant in lr\·inc f0r brun ch . th en tnu r the 32 km r 0ute t0 cheer 0n th0sp \\ ~1 l l-. ing in the 10ng run . " All of this happens Sunday morning . Ap;·il 26 a t the Orange County Harbor l\iluni cipal Court f ac iliti es. 4601 Jamboree Roa d .

a. m . with

R egistration is from 7 a. m . to 10 Runne rs pay a 53 entry fee or S8 T -s hirt. a nd dis tance \\·a lke r s \\·ill ea rn pledge mone~·. For more inform a tion. cal l ( 714 ) 979-2270 .


A public service sponaonshlp of the OaUy Pilot I


l I l

I ...


Make your own wishing well Here 's a decorative and practical garden

center that's full of rustic charm. The "old oaken bucket" may be planted with nowers and attrac­tive pots can lme the ledges

The well also serves as a novel centerpiece ror outdoor entertaining Use the bucket to hold ice . the ledge for horh d 'oeuvres. beverages and so forth

The 'bn cks ' for this easy project a re cut from standard lumbt>r sizes c available at all lumber and home centers 1 The.re' s no messy. tricky brick · la ying necessary Redwood or red cedar are rec · om mended as both require little maintenance.

The ru1t -s11.e pattern lists the necessary materials along with step by step instructions and

photographs This 1s trul} a conversation piece and someUung that will last a lifetime

To obtain the WISHING WELL Patern #371. send S3.00 !includes 1st class postage & handling L Or you can order our C23 PACKET <9 different lawn and garden pro1ects including the wtshing well 1 for only S6 50 Send check or money order to Steve Elingson. c/o: Orange Coast Daily Piiot Pattern Dept. P.O. Box 2383 \Ian Nuys, Ca lifornia 91409

GOOD IDEAS' 112-page PATTERNS FOR B£TTER LIV ING pictures 600 woodworking & handicraft projects $1 75 I includes postage >.

Trees give beauty to lawn What lawn wouldn't look better with the added

dimension of a shade tree or two or perhaps a rtowenng Cherry or Peach" Trees add height and beauty to tne landscape and placed singly or in grQups in a healthy , green lawn. their ornamental qualities are obvious

To achieve the best performance from both lawn and tree. two steps should be followed. These are simple procedures. best understood if you con­sider your lawn and tree as competitors for the same nutri ents Nitrogen. Potassium and Phosphorus hght . air. and water Each must re­ceive its fair share or one or both will suffer

THE FIRST ST E P 1s to provide a grass free planting site for your tree . Remove a two to three foot diameter circle of turf from the trunk area . This will prevent turf roots from competing with your newly planted tree . Turf roots cao grow q uite deep into soils . stealing water and nutrients from y~r tree roots .

This turf frt•e area also acts as a buffer zone against any possible lawn mower-tree trunk con· rrontal1ons A lawn mower can lake a fai r sized chunk out of the bark and severely weaken a young tree The turf free area also means the end of hand lnmming around the trunk

THE SECOND STEP 1s lo provide deep water to the tree Build a "atcnng basm out to the edge of the grass free circle and apply water slowly so 1t has a chance to sink deep into the soil. Mulching the watering basin will d1scoura~e weed growth and conserve water

By watering your tree deeply. its roots will grow down instead of up lo the soil surface. Surface roots of improperly watered trees can eventually damage the appearance of your lawn ca using large. bare spots

By foflowing these two simple steps , your landscape can boast or the ever popular combina­tion of lush lawns and healthy trees.

Anything /or green l~wn ~ICKLNSON , N . D .

tAi P > - Some people will do anything for a lush . green lawn. and

rancher Ly le Wyc koff drives 52 miles every day to keep his front ya rd the envy o f

Dickinson. The brown , s ickly

lawns in Dickinson at­test to the drought soµthwest North Dakota

,,. ....... CL--•~ ....... ,.. -- ··~ ...,..._ TUISDAY , ....

Elvis gets ·~wn rOse By EARL A.RONSON .. , .......... .

The name of the Idolized late entertainer Elvia Presley ls being memorialized by a lovely rose.

Oneida Nern of Fort Wayne, Ind., told me about the Elvis Presley rose after reading my col­umn about. the three All-America Rose Selections for 1981 - the Bins Crosby, Marina and White Lightnin'. She reported that a small rose with a big name "Elvis" has been hybridized by W.W. " Whit" Wells, a member of the American Rose Society, and would be marketed in Presley's home town of Memphis. Tenn . by the PaUo and Garden Shop.

··Elvis is a pert little rose with a perfect bud that opens into a red bloom with a touch of while at the very base of the petals," wrote Miss Nern.

She reported the Memphis Foundation h~s had a statue of Elvis made for a park and expressed hope that the Elvis rose would be planted there She said Presley club fans knew about the rose but the general public didn't

A LAWN MOWER using a safe r. flexible . monofilament line, instead of a steel blade. will be available next spring .

The producer. the Toro Company, says it cuts open grass areas, trim s weeds and cuts around stationary objects . The electric Lawn Mower·


Trimmer cuts a 20·inch swath . ''The cutting mechanism consists of the coun­

ter-rotating discs powered by separate heavy-duty electric motors . Two monofllament lines are at­tached to each disc. The lines are advanced and trimmed to proper length as they wear down . Lines are easily replaced by the operator at low cost when necessary." a spokesman said

The flexible lines extend three-fourths of an inch beyond the mower wheels. functiomng as a trimmer as we11 as a mower . reducing the need for additional cosmetic trimming after mowing.

The 35-pound machine is said to be quieter than a gasoline engine. and adJustments allo"' a grass cutting range of 11 2 to 3 me hes in grass height. A folding handle facilitates storage

TORO'S LIGHT-WEIGHT portable Hose & Re~I. introduced last year, has a newly-designed cassette to accommodate both nght-handed and left-handed users . It wi ll be offered with 25, 50 and 75 feet of hose

Any quenes abou! gardening problems must be ac companied by a stamped . self addressed envelope.

Far Earl Aronson 's .. Associated Press Guide to House Plants ." send $1 to /louse Plants . AP News/ealures . 50 Rockefeller Plaza . New York . NY /()()20

Flower shOw is readied T he San Clemente Garden Club Standard

Flower Show 1s set for Saturday and Sunday from I to 5 p .m in the Sa n Clemente Communil) Clubhouse at Del Mar and Seville.

The public 1s invited not only to attend the show but lo enter a favonte arrangement. potted plant . hanging basket or cut specimen in the show com petition.

Professional arrangements. award -winning plants and horticultural exhibits will be presented during the two-day show . and some of them will be offered for sale .

A special category for youth entries has been arranged . and ribbons will be given for best en· tries in several youth catcgon es. The show is free For more information call 498·2698.

T HE MONTHLY meeling of the Harbor View Hills Garden Club Is set for Wednesday, featuring a guided tour of the planting facilities and gardens of Disneyland

Mrs. Edward Romeo is chairman of the event, assisted by Mrs . V1rg1l Robinson t'or more informa­tion call 644-5552.

R ARE PLANTS su~h as Rt>l·htenena Ca rdinalts of South Amt.•nca and the pnm1t1ve Cu1cab v.ill be offered for sho" and sa le at Laguna Beach High S<:hool parking lot Suncla) from 10 am to3 pm

The sa k 1s sponson•cl ll\ the Fnl·nds of the Hortense Miller Gardt•ns and pro<·tt.'ds "'111 sup port those gardens

Also offered for sa le "'II bt· a \'Jnt.•I\ of <:aet1 . succulents. flowering fu<:hs1ds and ann.uals Tht· show 1s frl'<' and thl' public· 1i. \H·kome to uttend

Plastic liners cut water loss

To reduce water loss from wood or clay con­tainer plants when the weather warms . remove the plant and line the container with thin plastic This v. ill cut down on mo1slun• losses through the s ides of the container Do not . however. seal off the drainage hole m the bottom of the container

May 1s not too late to start another planting of gladiolus Late glads are more susceptible to thnps

A than early ones. so dust the corms with an insecticide d1scuss1on on orchid cactus and other before planting a nd spray onceort w1ce a fl er the tops

epi phytic plants will be led by Sherman Ga rdens are six or seven inches above the ground experts Saturday at 9 30 a m in Sherman Gardens 1r.=====;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.. __ ...;;;;-;;;;;-_..:,__;-;;;;_ ____ _ of Corona del Mar The program is free and open lo the public THE PLANT PUSHER

LOW. LOW PRICES FOR: A workshop on " Indoor Plant Ca re ~'. 1 will be offered at Sherman Gardens 1n Corona del Mar Wednesday from 9: 30 a.m. to 12:30 p .m. 1

The basics of plant identification, choosing planting materials for various household condi· 1 lions. watering and transplanting wi ll be covered by a Sherman Gardens horticulturist.


Registration in advance is required. and the 1

fee is $1 2 For more information call 673-2261'

524 West 19th Stre.t, Costo ~ta. Ca. 92627 (7141 548-0797

• • • • • • • •

Daily Pilot classifieds work for you. Call 642-5678 for quick cash sales.

!Nursery Special]



Well-known favorite climbing rose bush.

Blooming almost continuously with clusters of fragrant pink, baby roses. All-time favorite.

Martha Washington


6 FOR 9.97 14" POT 1.79]

h~s suffered for more • than a year. The city IG---' ' b kJ• has passed an ordinance : uruener 8 c ec •st forbidding any water­! ing , in an attempt to

!. Set lawn mower blades at 3-4' ' to sttetcb conserve fast-dwindling he time between waterings by an extra 3-4 water supplies. ays. This helps reduce evaporative Josaes. Wyckoff, who ranches

a stretch of prairie 26

Property Wng Sold

NURSERY liquidation SOie

Summer blooming pelargonlums. Very colorful variegated flowers. Great In containers and mass planting.

• The abillty or your carden son to absorb m l l e • n o r t h o r 'a ter can be increased with organic soil Dicklnaon, is importing mendments and chemlcal aoil penetrianta. the water h~ needs.

/ . Evel'y day, Wyckoff

• Divide En1Uah primroaet every three hops into a red pickup un or ao aa soon as they flnlah their spring equipped wlth a 50· loom. • gallon water tank . He

drives to hl• Be.llJel" • Have you checked out one of the newest ranch, llUa up, drives

wer introduction• to the- 1arctenin1 public ln back and douaea hl • t<:ent yean? It'• the New GWr>ea impatient lawn, Ith multi-colored follaae and larae, britht " I want tM 1reenest owen. lawn, , In Dicklnaon," he

• OrfanJc matter introduced to nower beds erore, plantlns wlll lmprove aeration and olature,, re&entloll and the lertWzer will slve

oun1 plaata a bealtl\y bocm.

expla ned .

1 I .

TOfllClf'l'W: lllx

. .... J1'f.- llC....... a- »•.., .,_ ,....... u- .,._ ·-· ,.._ .. -..... ... ·-·- ·- ·­,._ ,,_ .,_ .,_ ·- . ......._ ,..._ ai..M • '-• ,.,_ ·- ......

1t A .. ..._,.,. 1H00 ,,..,._ U,NtiMCMt TJP~ ,, ''"'* .UM-" n•• ....... .._ ,.~

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tw --~ I•_._,.~_,........ OAMUZA A•'"(~&I OP.......... ... 1'99 -- .......... ' ·.f~CML&.~U-M -:.~ ,_, ._.:. ':::: ~ ::.:.,-=..:: LL\T==="~I, 09~~=~--:CI:.. =~=::-~ ~ OIAOOtl' MVILOP .... T ~ ...... ~ ~ =TNY 1,.._•0A•lf 9001CIN '"'"""' ICnQ. ... ,, di·• , .......... ..::~'!"-.__._ " nn. ~ L¥. ...... 't c~:~o (IDINl'n"ac:"°" Cll)Mo .......... a.a. W4ND•I~ :" AllA 00 .. 0THV ......... . ~... --._.._ .. .......... T,,._....,...,,......_ N4

,... ....._ __ lfftOiJu"' ............ , . .... oaa't llA MINPA l.Ut4A .... .., ••• ..,. C•llfatftl• ,., .. ,.u ... '" .. t>.- .. ,,....,_... ............ ,. ,.,v,,_ ..... °' ...... s.- ... flt .. ...._qr ... ilf ............. DO•OTNV M. WAHOlllY, AllA ,.._ ·-· C:.... , C-. ....... 1 Martt111 lllver (lrcle, PH•t.ift .. .._..._inJt,lfl._.t-..... ..._CA-..... • ,..., Ull --= CWMM ~ - OOllOTMY ~·· WAMOllWY, AICA ...... v .... ,,CA..,,. , ..... Ol'klat"-*lfl ................. _ - • • • ••• • , •• : ...... McPan.M, ,, ......... OOtltOTHY OOOICIH WAHOalv ,.......... , .. _._ .. c.-.c_..,._. .... ~ ........ Or .... C:-. . ....... c 0•14411• . ·~ .......... -.....~. ....... 11IK ~ - , ........ ,.,.... ''· ...... c.llfwlllf ·~.., C:•ll ..... --···· .. T.._ fWt "-' el IN.,.......,_ ffftlet le,_..., ti,.. 1r1M "'9 - c:.-1r OWll fll Or .... C:-.; M ._...,_Clwlffllll llay...,..&..tllWiff,•~- ._,...,.,...._..9Mdl,CA-..& ~lft•ft<e ,,..., .. t.U Ill tlle Cltt def"~ wltf .... It lllFI ..... ~ . .. ._II I,...... =-~·........... Wll.L. Ku. AT PUk.IC AUCTION ,.!""::......,._ft~--., e «<• (te..-1 Offka M n Ptlr OfM, C:... \lie 11i...-w _... ....,,, ~ .. I'._. TM .---=.:...-.. ........ TO .. IOHIJT llOO.• f'Otlt CAIM a ........ (. Gta*W '"" MeM. ce11t~"-*._... c-rt• ~Or91tt...e Dellf ~ I - ... ft,_ •Mil - .... , .... M time ...... 111 ._... ....... c.~· •

....... ....... tr •tt.r "'9 ~ti,,..,, "'1, et ..,Mtl,O,.M.*Yf,1'11 ...... ~1 ~'11 If ~- c-it; .. IMllteY tt h UM"4I ..... M .. ........._ CO;Qtns Ille eHtct el · M. .._, .. ....,. ~ •• ..,,, "'9ftll ffWll -*MCe •Ille°'..... t ' 1t flltt .,..,_ .. CJt;eu:..111,.... Ml<A.,._ .,,,._,...., sa ~ ~..,. c....-rcM1._,111.,.c11y.,....._ 11 ~ .. ....,1.,,.. 0r-. C11Mt o.11, "'•· 9N<ll, c..t"-1• ,_ cn.J tu.ma. P'UllUC NOTICE .;:i~ ~ ~r o.ii~= ~· ,c.i,..,. "111 ,., "'!'-..-!!'tt· =.1.1~ • °" .... c-tv • Atlrll M, '911 1-.1 C:-tr el °""9, Mete " Cellforllle, • .... ¥ ' • • _ .. UllWWG 11//W ,.. ._ .-. ,., ....

_ .11 u.. ,._. "'~,.. ~-..,. neue_,..111111 11MeJ ..uo..•'1l'Vlll"t11e"~ ~11.,.. ar.,... c:.... ~ .._., PUBLIC NOTICE ~':"~>.':::C:::':4~·= ":.ttATtiW..., PUBUC NOTICE :~~-~" _. CllilMY Md auta •~11tt. 11,i..M1r1111191 tffMt

:re:':=,~":,::.~~-=...-::~..,__..,....,.. '"1:':.·::~/~tr,'.at=.:'1'.r~ PUBUC NOTIC& NOTIC&OP ,.,kJCMLUt• Cllllomia. twti<....,..y -.itr-.4 •• IHA•UNO TI41 SON .t.WWUY, NOTICE Off OE~TH Off cttr., c.ta Mt11. _.,.,or .... ,

HOTIC.15Hl,.W•YOIV•Hllleta ,.1.__.1 ..,wn: ""~. c..--.CA....._ VIRGINIA L.. R08£ATS •i.te Of '9111W111e. ••,...,,...,.. -~~1""'"!'!.,.o'..,'"!."!!!°'~Clt; 11&t1• ,_.., ,......_, lAt" et a ... c11...,_lt1r11110!'l!~r1J•,, .. ,,. ... ~.,~~.·; AND OP PETITION TO ,....,. '"..._".,...a°' Ml.. Plcttnoua•ustMU. . --- I ti - ., -ta _ .. _. ai.<11 ~I ti C.-etl ,,.i,, WI UW Cl ~~ ...- <ttl~ ...._ r-* ef Or....- NAMI ITAT•MaNT Mey 4, Itel, 111 W C-11 CllMillw'• t; et N~wpett .. acll, C.u"t\o et Ma.AIM tltlWr, ~Volley, CA ADMINISTl!R ESTATE -rc.tllfwftl&. Tlw ,....,..,. ...,_ '' .._ tauJol

Of City ""'· T1 "~' °'''"· C•t.t o • ...,. . .... "' CM,,.,.., .. ....... ~. --- "..-.C.IM ... CW• NO. A 10l4SS. Tiie ,.,. ..... - .. .., - ,. ...... M•u. •• •:M •·I"'·· ••••'"" "' •• ._...lfl.._a . ..... 41 _,,._, To •I I he I r $ • """.....,_., "MY . ., .. , .. , wasc:o1Au1.»11.._..,.,...., 111ere11ter ea ~act1cto1e, •" '"' •lid a., w-1..,._ ,....,... .. - _, l I I ~._,.......,,. MllW...,,.. a..it.t,,_,c.i,.....,.mo1. , .. ::':o':lo''""'s•o: u1as •f " .. • i MldCauMy. .......,.ow..,1111 btneflc arts, (:red tors t• .. : ,.., W.•t w11- " · ee.aa ll1CHA11to J . o ·e1u1H, "'"

..... I •••••• 0, . . p., < I I ". . JflWIMY, fM.. Ind contingent C(edltors of M .... Callfonlle. ' Attlal'llW .. lllW<:•. GM~ .. -~,c::,~n:-11 .. ct: ,.... ... 01-.. t.OSl .... MJ; mer• u"'-"'' TMt :..:-i-~~-ICll .... Virginia L . Roberts and , ........ , .... '"'" .. cJIKl•lm• Tiii• IMl!w. It~--" .. I" I -.... --~ ... _.. C«ldluen."' - a-11 .. : 411 DelMle•-. ... eor- C-ty c.1er11 et~-~, P• rsons who mar, be ..., t1a0111tr .... .,.., ""°"-' .. •1w1..., . ... ,._ - ..,,. del Mar CllllfOnlla. _.,.... \lie street ...._ -" .,_, ~ • ._.. J. 0'8rlell _., .. ....,. - wt1111n u. Cltv., re,.,,.; .. ..._ ,.,. "" 1ewtw1 _., "'-'" u. '"' otherwise lnteresled n the dHl11Nt1ian. 11 .,.,, .,_ ,,.,.."· I Tll•• ......_.. - fl,.. •"11 ,,. c:a.taMHL• 1 • ..... UflllMS&.9'9t•Uftflr1Nt1Mo1 P.,..1.,..°'""' CM• o.ii~ ,....., wllland/ orestate: 1otct ....... , .. ,.,..., - •IUJitU' c_,, 0er1i o1 ~ ... c.witr.,. HO,!_I~!_! """™ "OIV HU:-' H I• , ., 11•rt CHll Olld O•l•"ce '"-'114, "- t, e, ''· '"' IM.Mt A petition has been filed COV.MU'lt., •• , ...... . .,... •• Of'""" """" •. ,., ., ............ -p1aco, M1pe,_ " " e vldeftced '' 11ete H c11re11 ' ' .._., --... 1111oo1 , , ......,.. Utle, ,._..ion, er PltMl1 l•rus.d tM'f ..... ., -" .. Mard °' Mor1909utor Trut1 De9d., tlle ~-· by Dr. Frank E . Roberts eMumbr-.. , lncludl"l f-. cllOf'_.• ,.....,,.,_ o..,.. cee11 Oeltr Pltot. tlWCltyOUKllenU.•for~ ,, • ...... ten.-.:Mtel-' 111c1 PVBUC NOTICE In the Superior Court of efld u-of~T...-Mdef111e ~1110,11, 14, MOyt, 1'11 ,..._., m•tler~ to be ._.ltad •"" * 0 an""' County requesting tr111t1 crMl«l bY Wld Deed et Tn..1, t• ----------••L••N P. PftlNN•Y.Cl'Ya.nt lld1 ... ollers .... ·,II wrltJne Olld r -- pay .... - •nine pt'lnc:lpel ..,,,. ...

Put>ll•,.,, Or ..... CAI Delly PllOt, wlll llo rec.el-•ll.lle•fw-ld.-tlu PtC1'mousausu1au that Or. Frank E . Roberts , ... note ........ °' MIO O...ol TrvU PUBLIC NOTICE A~ll 24

• • 1•

1 im .. , ., •"Y ,,,,. atter.,.. 11n1 pu1111c.e11on ,.... n•T••••T be appointed as personal 10 wu. u..M• w1111 •-• ui.r- - -------- -lier- .,... ..,.... date°' sa1e. o.c.cs. TIM ~._.... ~ 1' do"'9 WSI· r e p r e s e n t a t I v e t o fl'Olft Howme- •• . ••at 14 perc ... t ••CTmous •UMNHI 1111

' 11"" .. '"'"-'"· "" .. ~~~Ovl!llV SUMMl!A SCHOOL, administer the estate of ... r ... """' .. ......,,.,... '" .... ... NAMllTAT•M••r ~ 9wllw, c:-.aw 11111• <Oita end..,,. edv•- of ,. 111- Tiie 1o11-1,.. '"'*'' ere dolfl{I

............. .-..~•• 4tt "•,......St., Mewpott eoa<11. CA Virginia L . ROberts (un· '''"'· 1M>a1._, .. : HOTICl INVITINO llDS THOMASM.GEISlll t~lirw ~"-II,., 411 Hlnll"'", der the Independent T'lle llenellclor; Ulldifr sold Oeod ol DELYHH EHTEttPttl:r.ES, Jt•

eMI......... . 4000Ma<Artllllr8htd. • _.. ... Adml Isl tlon of Estates Tr1<tt llerelol- Ue<ul•d •f\d de · JOM111, C.O.loMeso,C.At2'3' NOTICE IS Hl!AE8V GIVIH 11\el Newport BN<tu, Ca. t2MO H--18Mcll, CA'MI. n ra llwered to Ille lllldltrtloMd O •rlt\efl Ke,.nelll l .. Colle r, 4H N. ... , .. .,,._..., Wiii .. f9Ce1Yod ..., PllOlltfled 0r.,. Coellt Dally Piiot. Tiiis ~ ,, c--..CIM by '" Ill· Act) . The petition is set for Decler•tloft tll dtf.:Ult end~ lor Newport e1wc1 .• "'---' ... "' CA tlle City ol O.lo - ... 10 wit : Tiie Cl· ~II 24, " · May 1, , .. , 1'3W1 ., .. ,_';.;,.,, sn.-co11111e hearing In Dept. No. 3 at Ml•, end I _,...., HOik• of Oeleull f2'6a

ty c-11. P.O. 8o• ll00, eo.1o MeM, Thi• llt.lltlnwnt •• tlled with the 700 Civic Center Drive, •net EtKtlcin to Seo. Tiie llllde•''lll'ed O•r•ld Alldrew e.drotl, l•ftt C•llforlll• ..-. °"or belfore \ho l>ollr I f S <•1<Md Mid Notice ot Default •r>d Atllel, trvlna, CA n114 of 11:00 e.m. °" ,,,, .. r , ,,,..., u, 1" 1. PUBLIC NOTICE County cie"'.,•" ti,"''· West, In the C ty o an ta Etec11on '°Sell 111 oe recorded 111 111e O-ld I!_,,. eai ... rt, n4 J-. 1t 111e11 .. tho retpe111tlt>lllty of t11e Old· Plillll.,.. Or01191 c...- o.u~'= Ana, California on May 13, co""'" .,,.,. 11w •••• pr-rty " c .. 1• M.._, CA m:a. der •• d911 ver Ill• Old to Ille City A~ll 2A ,,,., t • IS "" 1 ..... i 1981 at 9 : 30 A.M . lo<•led. Tiii• IM>•I ..... I• C Of\d~ted by • c i.rk '• Office.,., - pr- •-<eel NOTIU OP •UUl T......... • • • • IF YOU OBJECT t the Oelecl. """'" 12. ,., Qenoral ~. time. 810Utlll • "'*'<IY ..,....., •M CIKa.'111•ttlU.C.C.> o, lllALTYTIT\.a COMPANY, LTD. Kerwwtll L. GOiier read • ....., •• tl . 00 O.M., or .. - PUBUC NOTICE granting of the petit on, ., a .Y. IUllllaei Tiii• • ......_. ... lllod wlttu ""' tMrHtta• •• prectkel>le °" l'rlcley, TO w .. oM 1T "'"'" cOHC£RH : you should either appear P11tall"'*f <><OftOI C0-\1 Oolly Piiot cou"ty Cterk of 0r .. oe Cou"1r on AUy u. "'' '" .,,. c:-.cu CNmN•~ Hotiu ''........, 01- 10 u. CredltOr• at the hearl"" and state A.IN'lf 2• · MaY•. 11• 1• 1 ,.,..., ,_.,, .. 14• "" Cltr Hell, n Felr Orl"'9, C.lO Mne, ol CUSTOM f OWINO, INC., a PICTITIOUl8USIN•U ~ t"I" t "I P'Ue1tll California._,., fOf' flle IWnlANltt M Celllor"to CO'P9tel lOll, Tr8"sleror, NAM• ITAT•MaNT )'OUr 0 9C OnS Or I e p.,011"'9d Or ..... CO.JI O.lly Piiot, ueo111 AHD MATIEAtAL TO AeATE • ._. _1,..... ~· ,, u11 ...._ r11e1o1_,,,. __ l•"°'"001n1· written jections with the PUBLIC NOTICE A~ll 11. i.. Mer 1. 1, 1w1 ~~t_N~EJ,~5 w~~Hi~£~:Ec~,~~ ~~::.· c .. 1o0r Me .. ~~~~..!~· ~~ • o u A" o, H 0 •Ho court before the hearing . -- - --~1


......,ty.. - · _. ........ .._ .... . ttEctt•'"Tl<>HAl. s"'ttv1c11s, ,... w. Your annaarance may be OF COSTA MESA AdOll ...... Mtt el 11\el e Ill* ,,....,., It ot19U' t.o tie - • ,._ -------------------------11 '119 ~Hice•'-,,..,• GOlalMll <tt mec1e to w1NSTOM c. ANDERSON, 0< • .,..,......,...._.,ao.c11.u.~. In person or by your at · Ille Offlu of llw Purc,._11'1 A .. nt et T f - Wei Odd it T ......... Wailac. ......,.,._ 71M W t 11 "•" 0.-1 .... eo.1o Mu•. ea111orn1a •an•-:':.:.... .._;:'".. • ~- 0<...,,1-.. . .....,.,, ao.c11. CA ftMO. orney ·

G '11-JJMll- ....... ~-- •• .,..,_... Tftlltllnl- •• <-lecltt•M lft. IF y 0 u ARE A t • •d• •- lie ret........i to tlle et1e11- tr o1 or.,., SC... Call~ ' ay Consen UonoftNOlyClerk, wlllllnMldllme Tllo..._,.,'° .. tr-'enod ,, dl-.-J. CREDITOR or a con t · olmll. 111 • Mo'-d ......... ldentllled IO<aled et 1117 •oer ••o··, Cotta Tllll ~..=-'."!. llled wllll IN ingent Creditor Of ,the de· ~:,:.::,:!.'!:o;!!.",,,!~1:'• ttem ~:-· Cf:""~ M orange, St•I• or c0..,.1, c•••k o1 0 , .,.09 c-1, °"' ceased, you must file your • d d Ea<11 1>1c1 .,.." s.,.<lfy eac11 • "" s.f:'~1.,..,",_'"oenera1 AP'11n,1t11 claim with the court or


·age p on ere •nry Item a\ Mllortrl lft Ille tPe<ltk .. u All 1.-.otd ..,...owe-IJ, Ila· PUOllaNd Orenge Coelt 0.11:'=. present It t~ the personal :::.·,,~r.,:.nd ~ =~:,;: ~';.= !:~!~~rue',~ "';'ow~': Apr ll l•. ,,,., u . u. 1•1 tt1M1 representative :iSPp<>lnted 1n tr.. 01c1, - fa11ure 11> ... f0r111 a"' •Nc . ...., loUted .. 1111 .. ..., " O"'. -- • by the c ourt w1th1n four

LONDON <AJ» - A government-appointed committee has recommended lowering the age of consent for homosexuals from 21 to 18, saying 18· year·olds are mature enough to take responsibility for their sexual preferences .

But the Policy Advisory .Committee said the age of consent for women to engage in sexual in­itercourse should remain at 16 "to protect young ;girls who are not mature enough to cope with sex­:ual relationships and all their consequences . _ . " Premature sexual experience may expose such girls to physical , emotional and social 'harm.' ' the committee said in its report.

11em 1n fM apeclflcetton• .,..,, .. Cost•,,,..._ c:-.4y o1 °'-· sc... ot PUBLIC NOTICE months from the date of

:~~·= ::::! ~ ... r:~: ~~~;"'0:~-11•r .. li<Ole<I to ~TI-;; IMIMNHI ~~~~,~~~'se~til~t~~ ~~ •M ... rtleslnte,..1oec11111ho~-1. ~~iuorniaUr11to1 ... c-rcie1c- NAMSITATSM•NT the Probate Code of

y• ,.. ....-- .... <tl4n•'°' Tll fOll lne _,... II lielne ...... 11111ebldl•o.,•corpon•1on . ... t.t11e T111aou1ktr.,1torw111 .. conwrn· ..... ~ • . - .-·-· California. The t ime tor Mmn Of.,,. otrlc:en - "" •lell •

11 meted°"• efMr tlW IJVI °"" o1 Mer SANORA 1.voNs - AAT1Sf, JtJYll flllag clai m s w ill not ex­•er .. ...-ton-."°'1119<"'110f'ott•1c''°" ""· •lld ctelm• mo " 11f•d • 1 Atweueo Pio<•, N•wpon ••uh, p lre prior to four months and •lleu...t ,,_. ,,,_ .... ., WELLS FAAOO 8AHK, N.A .. Ete,_ Galllo•"'•'*'· f m1n1 119n II Ill• bid '' Oy • C>epartlMf't, Re: Eterow Ho . .o-m2, S."4reeorow l't'Ofl• JUl'>AtwereclO from the date o the hear· IM" """'"' or • folM ve11twe, lt.t• W.O H•-' Cent.ef Ori,.., Sula 12:IO. Piece ..__. .. Kl\: CA t'M6t. Inn notic ed above. Ille " ...... - .cactr ..... ot •II eener•I H r1 .. II c:-t f Or • ---- • .. ... ,,,,." .,..i jol"I "'9llt1<rert II Ille ewpo K • Y 0 .,.., Tlllt Di.-1,... lac~tod by - '" · Y 0 U MAY EXAM I NE ,..... Sl•I• of Callforftla tllMO. · dlwld.,.l • t bidder h • sol• proprleton11111 or All <lol"" ~ 11e _.,_et""' S-oc L,..,.• the fil e kept by the cour . • ,,.,,,., -lly 111e1 dlDel 11us1 ..... ..,. •dd••n °" ""' 11111 .,., ., Mer ""'· r 111, a.......i •• meci w1111 ttw If you are Interested in the -.r • ncuuo..s ....,.., tho old "'-11

tie ""1e" 111e bulk 1r.,.,., •''° '"""°" c-1, c1er11 ot 0r .. oe County .., estate you may f ile a re· In lho reel notne ol h •'-' •II" • Ille trefttt.r of llqwr tic-, I" Wfllell ' dHltaMllon '°'-'"II - •llO " OeA <•M, a11c1eim.nw .. uoa.-o1.,,..prtor AP<ll n . ••1· "....,.quest with the court to re· Cllle ll<tlllova lleMe) "', provided, to Ille dete _, wtlkh 11'9 llQuw lluftw p'*lf"'9cl Or-. CO.IC o.i lf Piiot Cei ve Special notice Of the


"°'""•r. no llct"*- - - 1 .. It trot1ll'W,.. "" tM ~ of ' i t f t t t u- u"'"" hr• I•• ,.,, ,_1 reelttr .. Al<-41<......, ~ A.-112• . .._., 1, •. u. 1•1 , .. 1 .. 1 nven CKy o es a e a sse s ________ -_-_-:_-_-" 1foflw1111111e0r...,..c-i1yttec..,..r. Solaros.....:tolMtrM...,.., . 11 - and or the petitions, ac-

in <•M o1 c.orpcw.U..., 1i.c1udlo .,,. """- - - -- ..., PUBLIC NOTICE c o u n t s and r e po r t s Honor told ~ Coast Guard Lt (j.g. I ! Gary L Bagaas. son of . Arthur W and Lois E : Bagaas o f 6922 C<trla , Circle . H untington : Beach. has received the , Commendal1on Medal

He was ci ted f or parti ci pati on in the

: rescue of lhe 5 19 su r : vivors from the Dulch : cruise ship Prinsendam : which caught fire and . sa nk i n the Gulf of , Alaska in October 1980


PUBLIC NOTICE " •"'•• of t11o ...... , ..... Secreterv. oy Tr~ for u. ""-.,. ... Lott _ described In Section 1200.5 ------ TreH.,._r____ pell lf-.-frwn .. .00.0. .... : •

Tiie Cl..., C-11 ef .... Cl..., ot eo.i. Cuti .... T-..... fllC. l~A ~. PICTITIOUI IMlllNHS of the Cal 1forn1a Probate ~ICTITIOUI •UllNllQ ~ITATU"INT

Tiie fol._lnt __, It ""''"9 DllM


Eerl,.em StrMI, 0•""99. C• lltornl• ., ... PA UL Oe I• Torr• , JJS H

Eerlllem Slrffl. 0<•"99 C.1110•111• .,.., Tiiis buUneu I~ c.ondu<totd Oy.,. '""

dl.,lduel , ... Dot,. ,.,,. Tllll >I01-I -~ 1119CI • Ill\ IN

C°""'fY Cle•- of Or.,._ County °"

NleM ,...,_ - ''-"to ro1e<1 - Y C•te MHo.Callforftl•taa. "AManATUHNT Code . .... e11olft. DMeO AP1IJ1.1• 1 Tllof_._.,,.__,h_ne..,..· Robert P . Fry Jr. At-

DATED ..... llJo, tt•• Wl_C......._,,....... IWUH t L , 8, th PUOll-OranootCooUO.llyPllot , L.AOO IHVESTM£HT ()()MPANV. torney. •w, 00 ,

A1><112•.1•1 ,.._ .. , Pw11.- 0r.,. c-.. 0.111 Pttot. 44 C•"'°" 1••9"411 Dr•"• · He•110rt Mitchell, Str•nge & Smith, Apr1m . 1w1 193IH1 ~:r~~- ., c..ron iu- 3200 Bristol , Sult• 650,

------- or1wa, "-1 .. ocJ1, CAt-.o Costa Mesa, CA 92626 . PUBLIC NOTICE .T111, ~" <-te0 by.,. ,,.. 641 ·0217.

c1n OP: l'04.INTAIN VAlLIY duwi-.a1. Published Orange Coast "''-'"°"Ntt. tUPa1t10.cou1tTOPTH• T1111 :=:~ 111ee1 • 1111 1119 Daily P ilot. April 17, 18,

HOTtC•INVITf .... IOS ITATIOPCAUPCMINIA Cou"IY Clerll of o,.,,119 C..."IY Oii 24, 1981 1848·81 l'ICTITIOUl•USIH•U l'Olt TH• CIONITltUCTION OP INANO POlt TMa A-pr ll 20, ltll . ------- NAMa STATIMIHT

SLATat• Ava .. ua l'llOM IUC&.10 COUNTY OPOttANOI l'IMalt Tiie foltowtne ,...._, ere 001"0



Publl"'9d Or- C°"\I Oally Polot, Ap• II. 24 AMf I t . 1911 11- 1


STttll•T TO THI SANTA ANA IOHHrE, a11.1sev, • •LLV •111Sev. '"""_°'.,,.. c.o..1 o.11, Piiot, PUBLIC NOTICE .,..,,.,.M• N72J21 ,.,,... 1t1va11 PATRICIA •111sav. Aprll t4, Mey 1,1. u. "'' t t.U.et T SH1ATS PLVS, 2001 ue- ""'' NOTICE OF DEATH OF

A:,~~:~~ 2~= ~.:~Delly,:~; ""°': .. c:,:~· ..u Pl:.•"tlff9 ~ PUBLIC Non-ICE PICTITIOUI •ullN•U "':1!~~r ~1.'·,~r;:.r. "9rl•. E I L E EN c . s TR 0 c K

Aprllt, 1•1

NOTICE IS HEAE• v OIVEH 11\et 1111101H1A ANAYA •k• VIRGINIA v• NAMalTATIMINT lrwtne. CAmts. AND OF PETITION TO ' "" City c-11 Of,,,. Cltyol "-"l" AEEL, DetenOent. ---- Tll• 1011ow1ne ,.,.o.,, ••• c1o1n9 K•1t11 J. ~l<k. uo Eaa• CO<'t••. •oMt NISTE R ESTATE V•l .. y, Colllornl• ""'" re<el ... MaHd ....... ,.. PICTITIOUS auSIN•IS l>u1IMN es: Scof lMl•I•, AZ IS2Sol "' pr.,_ellutltlltllel>OUrM2:00p.m, on APPLICATION POii OllDaR NAMllTAT•MaNT PHOEHIX IUttOEIU. •02 Tiii• l><lalnen It conclu<led by• NO. A-108381 . Monoey, M9y 4. t•1. lor tho t Ollatr..c· 01 It ICTINO PAYMallT OUT OP Tiie ld_I,,. .,.,_. It 611'"8 butl· Wulmlnller A,..n .. , WHtml"ater, llmlled -1,.rslllp T O a I I h e i r S , "°" of Slate<' Avo11 ... f,..,,. luclkl TH• tlttlAL UTAT• •OUCATIOft, MHH: C•llfornl• rc ... 1 F a_,, d " Strffl IO IN Softta Ma . , ... r, I" • · ••SIAltQ4ANO"•COY••Y PUNO THI! SOURCE. •• So. H•reor, SM· c ........ 11 ... p P:r-lokl•. "" r .. 1 .... ,_, .... 1119CI •1111 ,,,. benef iciaries. ere 1\ors cordlll\o • '"' t11e plant ofld -clllce· 11«11• ,..,, et ............ •• ta AM. CAt2~. lllllefleld on .... H..,tl"9tOll a.oc11, coun1, Clark or Orange G"""''' on and contingent credi tors o f 11ona.P•-11-1111e,.._...,..., . .. ,.......,.ea., JerrvA . ._, 1 .. , ,.,,. .. 0r • c..1, Co11ton110._. Apr 111.1w1 Eileen C. Strock and der MalOCI C_, - ~I lie OC< .... • Plelntlff ,,.,_ ........ •P•Ocetlort Santa AN. CA '2707. Pete P:r-.klt, * ' Llltlofleld I'll... h be !MllloCI Or - M Ille forunt ol l>lclder '1 for erdor dlrect.'"9 peyment for llw Tiiis ...,,_. ll conduc .. d by.,. '"· Or Ive. Huflll,._ lloecll, Callforllfa PuOll- OrM91 C.ooll Dell, Piiot, p e r' S 0 ~ S IN 0 ma .Y SIGMAN :tl' r\'ICl'l> v.111 be he ld al Bait

. , HELENA c SIGMA N agl' Berge~on-Smith &: Tuthill

70 resident of F..I Toro. Ca Wesl rlJH Cha~I Mort_uar) · , Passed awa\' in Newpo rt Graveside services v.1.Jl

· l Bearh Ca on Apnl 22. 1981 held on Mond.ay. Apnl 27 She v. as born 1n Idaho Falls. l981 ut Rose Hills Cemet~ry . Idaho on March IO. l91l S h e Idaho Falls .. ldahQ Serv1c IS sun I\ ed b\ 3 duughlers unde r the d1r~ct1on of Ball • · . . BergPrOn ·S m1lh & Tuth1I

\ \'Onne Harns of S.1nlu Anu w l hff Cha""I Mortuarv Ca . Can ta W1ll1ams or es c •" · Costa :\1esa . Cu and Lor o f Costa Mesa 646·9371 ra1ne Ta\ lor oC El Toro Ca . EBERHARDT a I s o s· u r \ 1 \ e d b ~ 9 M A R G l ' E R I T E grandchtldrt>n I I jlreut SPRAGL'E EBERHARDT. grandchildren and 1 sister pussed av._ay on April 21. Valt>na M illard or Idaho 1981 She 1s survived by a falls Idah o Prl\ illl' daughter Shirley Kaueztz of

Nev.port B ear h . Ca . . ----------..... · grandchildren Palncia Eyer

.. curny r-4roo oy Section 1111.01., •••• Ell* Aec_, ,,_ - ... dtwlduot. ~ ""'" 10, 11, 14, ,,,,,., 1, 1w1 111 ..... 1 otherwise interested 1n the '"" 5"<111<.etklnL "'' "'-" ,,.

11 1 .... '"°'· Jerry A. w- Tiii• llull,,.u 11 c-uct..s oy • wi 11 and/ or estate :

Oe merkeCI " P,.OPOSA l OH 110..--t,tm, e t~ Tllla ....._was llled •1111 Ille Qellffel~. A tT h bee f"led PltOJECT NO. 44S2," .id lie mellod .,. .. ..,..,... lly INs ,_, '" levor ~ Co.,nty Clerll ot Oronge Ceunty °" c-antlne P. FrwMakls pe I 100 as Zn I Mdellv-ao•io11e111t11e11MOS~ p1elflt11t•....,......,.._V1tto1N1A ,..,..1u 2, 1., T1111 ......,_, ••med w1tt1 .,,. PUBLIC NOTICE by Arthur Van andt tMC1tyC1erti•therotrl<••111Nc11r ANAYA eu v1 11101H1A ANAYA ~....,.. c ... 111., c1er1t o1 Or- ~Y °" ___ Strock i n th e Supe rior Hell, 101001t•r A-. et or...,_ ttEl!L lor flJ,.1SAO CO"'PMH..,.., April u .1•1 C t f O C t t11eriour-. e1..clk111im.e11 •• d•m•••• 109.111er w1111 1111eru1 P11t1n.-0r..,..eoe.i0e1tyPttot. ,., .. ,.. 1'1CT1nous•u11Nau our o range Aouhn Y WlllM llWlktr--. ........... .... ltue•Hft •t tM ..... rete fl'Olft HOV· Apr11J4. Meyl, l , IS,1WI 1"7-41 P111'1l.-OrM91CoollOollyPllot, NMdlTAT•MINT requesting that rt ur c1ee1eroo 11y IN a" C1ert1. ~· .,,. .. , 1, 1m .intll ,...._Said luoe- Apr 11. u .. -y 1. 1, t•1 110 .. 1 Th• 1011ow1ne persona • r• ooint Van Zandt Strock be ap-ono ,,,. llUll4k - 11tw1t• to• "'9-' met1t 11 - fWll 1><1a1ne&1 ea t d e s on a I a1111e cM<1arat1111 • sa1c1 prapeuft, 21 ™ ,....,_ 1, - on•~ PUBLIC NOTICE WE~ ,..., ~1., A-. po 1 n e as P . r

All .,... to r-.cei...o. •Ul"lllMd • ..- ot Ktlofl wftkll .,_ .. _A.,..., PUBLIC NOTICE cost• Meta. c.111ori\le n.v. r e p r e s e n t a t 1 v e t o de<lu .... will .. ~"' IN City s. "7SMd0c--..J, 1'75. f'ICTITIOUllUllNIU HliHltY PllCHl!tt, .. 0.llelele adminis ter the estate of Cieri< to IN C'"' ~r-UW Q · 11 T..._,.,..._ ".,_on Ille lllAMalTATIMSlfT PICTITIOUS9UllNlll Drlwe.o ... cie..orovo,ConlorM~ Eileen C S trock Ne wport t1An.,.,,.,.forcheclllfl9_,..,,.. treuc1. ~tlM-dKelto1 Tiie 1011..t1>9 ,.......,, er• 601110 ..,..ITAT•Ma•T ori.!T. :1~.0J!.~;.~!>!.!-.• .. r• t Beach , °CA (u nder the to tlW Cl..., ~II at Ill r...,,., _. defenclantwN,. llCieftlldHreal.-. l>us!Ml&H. TllelOl'-""tP•noonlsdol11Ql>u.llneu ..... • ..... jourMd ....U119011MI' tt, t•t . , ... _._ Wiid/or llf'OlleY and wtulle OCEAN CHAttTEttS. J Cer.-rtote , Tll la t>utlnetl It <onductecl tly • I n d e p e n d e n t

Prtorto--lt11-11, u.- .,.,.........,._..,WllktlM1dt1<- Pl -a.ec11 CAnwo f 0tMralpertNnlllp Admin1stratloo of E states trktof•-•ll-*""l•KtDntlltllwHrtqvlre<ll. ielddefeMaftlllele ez•.--.-· ' · 1.c.c.. 271 uiecu.,., C.te-. .....,,yW. PllcMr ) T t "tl . tf ootaln o Nl""911<.enM lrom Ille City llcellMfll#NIW.....,.._2. Mer .. Hottefl A.tMrna, 104 LINMI , ... , C•lltornlo. n.27 Tlllt st.ai-t ... 1119CI wllll Ille Act • he pe I on IS se or of P:~Volleyl"ec.corOeMewlt:ll fl TN.,._,. .. U. ocluel - H _ _.llNdl, CAftWO. lll lllOAT IOH COHTltOLLEtt C°""'Y Clerlo ot OrWltte Coullly Oii hearing In Dept. No. 3 at '"" ,,_aln ve11ey Ml#lk tpo1 c-, 01rec1 tou 11111er•d by Pl•I"'"' H:~~'i,!~~~·~. Llll4• hi•, ~1~1!;11~~~ec. LA .... eo.1o - . Apr11 1. 1w1. 700 Civic Center Drive ve1wne '· Tiiie s. cno.t•,.. ''°' afMll t11rouo11

.,. trllMI, mlln-t..u.., Thi•..,.._. 1s c.onouc-.d •v •" 111- •oe.n "" 0 11ot11. vt Luec u,., PUMU West, Santa Ana, CA 92701 s.oe. Clee•ll or con .... .ion of uutt fYflds lt'r di Id PuOllMed Orange «:beat Oallr Piiot, '" e<CCW'\Mftea w11111,,. ,.. .. 1stooe.t .., ..... .,,. 1as1J,.1s.oo. w ... ,Me,.,. H. AO.UN co;~~.~1~:,::;7 .... ., _ Ap•1110, 11. 24, ,,_.Y 1, ' " ' , .. , .. , on May 6, 1981 at 9 : 30 A.M .

l 1

rtaClllOfHUS 18.l POADW A Y

MORTUAIY 110 Bro•dway Costa Mesa


of Ot•nver. Colorado. Mirhael \\' Ryan and Fred R .. Ryan or Cosl11 Mesa. Ca and 4 grea t -grandchildren Pri v ate Memorial Service will bC' held on Friday. April 24 , 1981. Pacific Vie"'

Se<t1-tno101m,1nc:w11vo, eft11e SIP1el11tllil1no\111e..,..o1defoll. Thi' lltaternent wes ,,1.., w11111,. tnolwl_.. IF YOU OBJECT to t .. e L.aeor CAlde ...... SUit•"' Callton!I•, d ... I or IN,..._.., ,......_ .. ".,. M Cle lo ot Or "~·-1 ii

111ec1trCOu11c1tof111eo1ye1"-'loln auclltpOllM. countr ' .,... ........, '°" tto0erttt .Cll1•ll granting of the petition, V•ll•Y - .,., ......... Ion •K•rlalflecl .. A• of tho .. l. of tlllt ...itcotlOll, ·~II 22, '"'· Tiii• ,..._, ... llled wilt! Ille PUBLIC NOTICE you Sh''"ld either ap .... ar I


W'ISTCUff CHAf'll 427 E 171h St

Cos1a Mesa 646-9371


627 Main St ttlnt~ach

-• I •- _, "- I I .. _ __,......, • " · - d Pt"1tl Cou11ty Clerk ol 0r.,.. Cou"tY °" ""' "" ,,.. .,.. • ., .. 11,,. ,_ Y re .. "'.., ....... P1• 11111 • ...... r~ ..... ..-- _., P1<bllllled OrlNIQe c.ooac Delly Piiot , .. Arn•. ''"· at the hearing and state eecf't <rett of \rpe ot -kn1e11 or Hlhlectl4n Of lllelr IUCIOmetll. I 2 Me I t IS "" ' 1 .... 1 ...., C-• rMClle"I< ....... t.o ••e<ute .... c-1 71 PlelMIHt ...... .,....., ......-... A~ I •• y • • . Pullllllled Or ..... «:beat 0.11:1=. HOllTH O••••• JU DICtAL your o bjec tion s or file 1rec1 •llkll w11111e -ordeo fo ffle auc· and M•dt Vie to11ow1111 -"'-• - p•,.uc NOTICE "41rll " · 11, u . Mey'· "'1 m ... t. 11tn111u written objections with the <•HM .......... Pr.,,oui,,. ..... 111 '"""'''"'0•-Ntn~•• ~0 1111...,........,a_ court before the hearing. cle»lllcet .... , MOt ll'f'llded lw 01 re·•l ....... V).....,.,,.OIMOrllef'tlftlt.... .. ......... ~ ...

OBERTO '°""'°" _., "°' .. , ... ,,_tho,..._ ...... "',....., ,.,_, Pl'Oll«tY ., ••CT1T1ou1 euetHN PUBLIC NOTICE PL.AtNTll'P: c & w AC'TIOM 11•H· Your appearance may be M A R y MAL AN o ru•"'.....,, dltfermlNtloM '°' t11t e111er .. ..u11 ... te-.te1c1orot11111ff NAMAllTAHMIHT TAL.S, 1HC. In p e rson or by your at·

Or~ '-"'Y ~ .... ~,..,..., lftlOlllfedkoftllfllWl\llllmellt. Tiie tellowl119 '"''°"' ... aol119 oaP:liHOAHT : llllTA OlllAP•• ; torney 0 R E RT 0 . r ~ I den l 0 r tll• u ""•d Slat" o.,.,,,,.,,., ., Il l AA ...., ..... ,.,._,. ••• .....,_ • • ., l'fCTITIOUI •u...... oou lllW'Ololgll X.lt, I F . y 0 u A R E A Corona del Mar. Ca Passt'd UOor, - ""ftll ·-' allell INY .. rKOrOtcl"' .... Off- .. IN c.untl P'OTOPttOOI', 24JS INIM 11 .... "C", ....... STAT•M&MT '"''"'' .... &'f'oy on April 21. 1981. She , .. , t11a" *"" ••tae11111e11 l'e .. rel RICM*r•htot11ettho1ot._,,.,_ C:O.t•Mell.CA"ltl7. Ttte tellowtft9 ,.,._or• ootne t\IMMOlll CR E OITOR or a cont · ls sUr\'h·ed by son a nd Mlr>fmumw... 11•1 Jo,.~arwll 1e,J.SJ1 ... 1ne11 ... IMltlMUea: CAtllNUMaatlt.....,. ingent c reditor of the de·

daughler· in · law Carl and m:: ..... .,.wi;i,:;::;~,::'7.~ 19

... ~;':=~\!'l;.;;.:~:. "c;~.=~=·,.ss ,,..,... _.15s .. ~~~":Y~Tl!':!~s::, ';!:~: •OT~~-;:-,_-:.= c,e1aalsmed, Y

1outh mthuestcfolluerytouo'r

Janel Obertoof Oranae. Ca . . '"'"'.._."'IN c11y ... •• ~ Jlfl, n , , ....... , P ... ...._ Aft."C", c.MAllMM, CA..U. Calllw!Mtftlolf I,.._.._...,....._,_ w 1 arandson John Oberto ol ac~f:: .. .,. .,,. """'''""'• 91 «•> l"fal•tm• 11e .. , CalltH • Tiit• ..,_ I• ,.,.._t.- 91 • J-.,,i c. ...... a.u eiw tear, ..... • 9"' ............... present It to the personal Corona del Mar. Co .• 1tand· ::"ca:=.:::::::::!"lt<t =:e-U:C::.'::-~1:0:::-.: ..-r.i=~-,.. c .. =~=:f,':zs 11: ":':"".,-...., .. .,...,,....,ku•a11 representative appointed dauahters Mrs . Carla 1e10.~1"'t'-l.Ktl ... ,.,,.,,._,...,'"Y,.....,. ,,., • ...__._n .... 1111 c:ar- ... Mtr, Cll,-...:- er • ...,._.,.,.1111,_, ,..,.._.. by the court wlthlll tour Schwer or 1'wltln. Ca .. Mn. ll'llllt .. ~"' ----- ...,., 11\Mf .. Mldc:: ell .. c-·· aen.., ~--- c-.ty Tlllt.....,_llClftduCWltyallmlt- •• 11r~1, .. lllal y~r wrltle months from the date ol Laura Falcon and L lu :E:;:7.=:..n....,.. eff ~~ oM1w =-- •11 tt.•t11. •w """":c...._ ~"J:.':'::.":..9:':':i first luuanc:e of letters as bolh or Or101e. Ca . ,.,.,...-. .. ....,.., ,,. .... ~elc..tHwNa: N>i..,_o-.....,ca..to.11111'1 .....,. .. .._ ,, .,...,,.......,_.."'-provided In Section 700 of and 31reat-gran<1<fauibten1 u•11M....._.a111recu.Mf1teef C-' M •-'-ca"• Atlrllt4,Mart,1, u . n11 t11M1 T11i.......,...,... •11• •""a. ........... - .... .....,... tne Probate Code of She hat bffn a refldeot of cit,r.::,:.~1~·....-.,_,ftc ~'::C:::-'9~'::"'"' c-•• C>etk .. 0r.,... c:-cy °" :.....,. •• ...., ...... Cellfornla. The time for corona del Mar. Ca •lnce .._ .. ..,......,...._.,.. .-..._"' 1161 • aotllllM. - PUBLIC NOTICE - 111..,""· .,..., 11 ::_-=.. .. "1t1or"-•• flllno (!alma wltl not ex-lt3'1 SM waa a member der ,....-. tMt r11a Pl•11• ... ,.... ., ,...., ve11te:1e -e11 .., ,.. "'*I.._ o..-. c.... Olilv Hit. "" ..._.. ............... _..,.. plr• prior to four months th•


Yrienda of the Oaai• o =:..,~:~,.:.._.~ ~-=~-= P:;..."M:=."..'T" ,..,,. 11,1.,~1.a.1"' 11s.e1 =~ :.,~.:::;.:-.,•::; t1rom tM

1 d1te of the Mar·

Newport Beach . Ca . • ., ... ,......,. ... ee.1 ~--- ......... '"• ,..._._ ..,_.,.•Hit lletMI.~ ... ,....., ... , ...... ngnotcedabove. S.rvlces wUl be held on Prl .. ,..... Mii -.~ - u •r-* tMrCJ1 .... ._..,'"· ....,_. P11BLIC NOTICE t . TO THI Olll'tHCWfT: A dvt1 YOU MAY EXAMINE day. Aptll2A. diet at2:00PM =~""'""t_.._..,..wltt M er::::.e:~:'J: 1,t~..:ar'~,i;._r=.-:=:i· ~;"=';u.--:.::. ..... ::: tn

1ft fll• kepttby tt'!.clouttt_:

at th• Pacific VJew Chapel. •~ ... ""°'"""' nm. f'tcTmOUtMllMIM INt ~,.......,.....,. • •.- you lrt In •re~ wv n. ,,. Entombmtnt Pacl'lc Vl.- ~OMl .. tMCltUf ., f'lalllllfff ._. ... ...,..., .... Cr•• tltffl!lllL• , .... llm,_ ................. '" llW ... --.. -"'Ill ... •st1t1, you mav tu• • ,.. Memorial Par~ 1

P•clfi • .,...,...... ....... ,,.,...,,_.._.••rt"•""~"' flttcll " .. 11• · Tiie ,., ... , ... ..,...,.lit•~ t11ew1111t111t-'•"'1111¥1~ quest wlth the court tor•· View Mortuary .: NewPor o ... r=r~~'"· c.i•'9nil• ::" .... ~=::::-~~·-= 11'::•~11., .~ii""· 1.1•.,, ~~ao u1utanNG w ~~ ::-'.J:!~ •· c

1 elvt ~Oflll ~~c.t Of the

Beech dJrectort ,,..1.,.. Or..., Coett Dllll~ NM., ,.._.,..,.,,"ie""' . c.tH•rlll• ·~ .. """""''' .,,.,.~..., MIOCtATU. •1'11 ~ ..... ., .. ......,.,_. _ _... nve"'""' Y ts"'"' • au.ts · ..,.,,..,,.,. ,......, Wtt\lf'Otl& "'"""",,,..,-.. ••...._ "'°"· °""'9J, c.tMltMll P111• Oat Mar, ~-- .. , • ..,.,. ~..- • ..,.......,......,....,and of the .,_.lUOf\S •c· 11----------..;:..-----------------.j •cewt,.,... ............... ..... cat,..,.....,, .. ,...., ............ -~•11"'- 0 t d , .. t

.......... C11111Wt11t111r...,• T11••• ...... 11<MMtM.,• •11 ... ......_.,....., 1,,..,< .. , _..11 _,...... • .,,.1. 11,, .. c un sen repo. s •~-~--~--~~--~~~~~~~~----~,._...,...._ ...... , ..... .._. ..,.... .. ...,......,.. •iM .. : ClllfilrrMI ~·""4. "'°' ....._...,..._,.,,,._., dHcrlbed In SKtlOf\ 1*

...... ~ ... ..._..,~.. cn.,....11 ,. ... 0.1 Mer, L.•_..,.. Nla1tet, r,...., ............ •~Of the C.Uf0ml1 Pn:MNtt =·~,::-,...::.lllllM~ l :,a.:, ~"::.. It_.. ... -., • ~1'I01 on.wa,._ C~...._w & w--•~• ..... "" ... ,,...... TI.ti ......... - ....... (9"1W..... - • ......... _ _.. .... -~~

.. ..., •"•""· ~-. ..,I,._... 1~\u..._, .. 111 ._.,

•p,••..,..,. _. --. ....... ~ 'r:.:' a Tlllil....:. w == • .... ~ ;tewer ':l:r.'• &lea

:a. a, 1 lh':!!!P.- ,.....,_ 11 •••t. c..tr aen •Or----.• -.--.. Ai19111LCA ,

........ ....,:"' _..,...._ ....... .._ - ..... ·. "' ........ 0r.,.c..u

Mortua ry directors

- · - ... - --.. ~ ---- - - .. Lew, 9y;

a...:..=..;.;.;....;.._--...._ ...... _..;.....__.....,. ........... ~ ,~ ..... -..0.-.,...... .._.a....., ......,~c:i..~......, ~Cll9to.e .. ,..., 11v~Aorf11t~ ·11.24 :'llilliitlilioaoi ... .._.-.,-..-....__, AM1••t.a.11to• ~ -.- ~- ..... 1'.14.-t;ftet t:-..' ....... • ·"·9'...,UNI .-., 1tl1 ~i



,., ...... ....,.~ "' AU teal H&ate ad · ~' Ytt'thtd in tbll

TIRMS, TIRMS Only LS% down for tbll ouutandlnf nearl)' ' new condo. 2 Br + den, faml-1 y room, view ten ­nil / pool. A sreat buy at s210,ooo.

M'Wlj)lpel' ii JUbjec\ to tbe Federal Fair Houa· lnl Act ol 119 which malle1 lt WepJ to ad­v.US. " allY preference, llmttaUoo, or dlt · erlmlnaUoo baaed on SEA CO VE ~~ ....... race, color , r ell1lon. PROPERTIES

"' MX, ot utJona1 oHtJ,n, or an Intention to make __ 7_14_-_6_3_1_·6_9_9_0~­


. "



aoy 1ucb preference. limitation. o r dis - GIANT crimlnaUon. · '

HOME! Thia newspaper will not A must see! Covered en- 7oo-<>3H knowlnfly accept any try to lhls magnificent 5 YOU CAlllo..I SEE advert sln1 for real Bdrm3balbhome. Huge " estate which I.a in viola· family room, brick BLUE Uon of the law. fireplace, formal 4ini.n1. -------•I Buillin . breakfast bar. PACIFIC

Beautiful pool and From this Cameo separate spa. Gas BBQ

EIJlOIS: A.ctwerthen and fire pit. Many, many Hi Ch I and a beauty llMMIW dltdl .._.. 9ch extras. Only $189,900. Priced to sell, $339,000.

On ly 103 down wllh . delly ..S nport .,,_ Call for more details. owners assiatance. One ron I tt =••If· Tiie 546


level 3 Bdrm plus huge DAILY Pl.OT•-. yard.Callnow.673-l550

:::•~o!:""N~tttt"!~------------i'~~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• GeMral 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 45.LOTOWC ht 3 Bdr, 2 Bdr duplex, spa. 3 blk1 from water Call Tim Rbooe631-12166

R&'M~ H t :Al.TllHS

OCEAHNONT 2 Bdrma, 2 ba. unf\lrn New 18SOyrly.

IAYRONT 3 Bdrm. l ba, unfurn . Mml cond. $850 yrly.

CHANNEL NOHT 3 Bdrm. 2 ba, unfum. S750yrly

associated BAOKEAS - PEAL TORS l Ol'. W S otb .o ()'t \t> b l


Assume 163.000 loan al 10~• %, owner wtll carry 2nd and 3l'd No qualify ing ! Sharp 3 bdrm home Family room and 2 fireplace s Only Sl32 , SOO Call now 979-5370


3 s!~~~':.~ re· BACHELOR modeled beauty ' PAD! Complete with covered Somerset townhome . patio plus fantastic ~ot Fantastic ~iving area tub. Pricedtosellqu1ck with free standing aOtSPI !".:.0005~T/SU 1 5

1 rireplace. 6 stained gl~ss "" ,,_ M • windows . Plantation 21 12 I~ shutters. 2 Bdrm, mir·

Coala Meaa rored master suite. 21f2 Call~2313 baths . A must see .

•ise.900. 546-2313



OWMB SAYS Sa.L Not an add-on or con veraion. A real 5 Bdrm family home m ooe or Costa Mesa 's nicest a reas Handymans de light. Call now and save • .


PROPERTIES 714-631 -6990


Fixer! All 2 Bdrms. walk lo all shopping Fantastic investment Only 1225,000 Call for more det.aila 548-2313



Reduced 1 25 . 000 . Desperate owner says bring all offers No quallfylng. Low down. ' Bdrm slnlle 11.ory home, totally upgrad~. Call for more details.


DWUX 3 bdrm, 2 bath each unit . Fireplace. built-ins. Ex· cellent rental area. Near beach & bay $285,000 642-2253 eves.

associated BR O KERS RfALT OR S 202'1 W S :il b oo 6' ' lbot


DOWN! Owner will carry 190.000 AITD or no down. owner will help you buy. " You must qualily for loan" 3 Bdrm . 1"'2 bath . up· grad~ Double garage, call for more details S46-2313


MEWl'OUHGHTS Deluxe townhouse duplex. 3 bdrm + rami­ly , 2 i,, bath each unit. Frplcs, all built-ins, decks & patios. Park-1 i It e landscaping SELLER WILL HELP FINANCE! $295,000!

YOUR IEST VALUE 1"4 CAMEO SHORES Lowest price<j fee ~11m pie opportunity. Great assumable 1st TO En joy afternoon sun and views from wood deck 3 beauti fu l private beaches OoJy $5.49,000 Call today, 673-SS.SO



NEWrol'T CUST 4 Bdrm 2.,._ Ba, F .R . pool, tennis •spa All Roy [email protected]~

Whelan Real Estate

2 UNITS $94,900

Super investment ! Two 2 Bdrm units. one with fireplace' Current tn · come- $740 mo Financ ing ! One year home pro tectlon plan 1ncld Hurry. Uus won 't last ' 646·7171




Purchase with S"'., down on fantasti c term s Brand new . cpt ' d , draped ON THE WATER. Guarded gale entry, views, 2 car gar. Pool and tennis. 2 & 3 BDRMS AVAIL IM MED. FromS~.ooo

Ca 11 7 HI 556-\leoo 1--------@ lalboa lay Prop. ....... • 675-7060• MEW Oil.EANS ---------•! NEW LlSilNG, 2 Bdrm SEA COVE

PROPERTIES 114-631-6990


--------1 2 bath, 1 story condo


near 17th St. shopping. Extra large yard uper condit ion . Ca ll Liz Beazley for appointment to1ee.


The bllblY decorated condo! 2 Bdrm. adulta

' o nly . Clubbouae and 1wlmmto1 pool. 2 CAR

l ·· GARAGE. Super aharp.

7 Onl7 tll7,IOO. CaU for

,,, more detalll, 14f.2J13

S65oo total cub needed to close esc~. Least ex pen1lve condo in Newport Beach . Privacy , adult.I only. Call for more details. 546-2313



10 1 J(•

' . ,, THE ~EAJ ... E STJ\.TERS

" ..... ...., ...... s I Br for OffL Y tm,000. "' 0..« "'1 IDCIUvatecl. .. S•belt oo down. or


·--COLE OF HEWPORT 1141.TOIS 251 S E. Cocnt Hwy., c.r-., W.-



• OFHttEO IY DCHM.0 ,,.,,. * Beautiful Colonial home.

• 2600 sq.ft. on 15,000 lot. * Buccola & Bdrm 3 bath. * Walk in c losets, sundeck * 2 fplc 's, great works hop.

* Owner financing to $133,000 at 12'h

MESA NORTH Pride of ownership 3 Bdrm, 2 full baths , form a I dining room , low maintenance yard so you can spend extra time in the spa . Large assumable loan at 81rl''lc interest. Open House Sunday 1·4, 994 Cheyenne.

MESA Va.DE Decorators delight. Prestigious home and neighborhood. Beautiful tree-lined street. Overs ized lot. with very lush land s ea ping for tranquil s etting. Owner w1 II help with financing. 4 Bdrm , 2 bath . game room, priced at $174.900.

WOODSIDE VILLAGE 2 Bdrm~. 2 baths. lower unit. One of eight in complex that has front and rear yard As sumable low interest rate loans. Priced to sell at $86,900.



OCEAMFROMT Duplex. 3 Bdrm 2 Ba up­per, w1tb aundeck plus 2 Bdrm 2 Ba lower with separate raised palio deck &oth units are com plelely furnished with a decorator 's touch 4 + car garage and fan ­tastic fi nanci.ng Take over $426,000 loan ln­c lud1n1 12~~- for 30 years. AslungS649,000

JACOBS REALTY 675-6670 - ------

CUL ..IJE-SAC 4 Bdrm, air conditioned home. Neal and tidy. Br ing a paint brush and save ' $95,000.



ASSUMASUS One of Irvine's moat beautiful Deerfield homes . Lavl1hly de · corated tbru-out. 4 Br 2Yaba. CrmJ dining rm + study . Sec . system Comm . pool and tenms Attractive financing $232,500.

C......,21/Swf c .. 5't-4100 FOR DETAILS

~21. Lose somethin g valua · ble., Place an ad an our Lost and Found C'O I umns That's where peo pie look when they ' \ e round an item of value

SEE AND BELIEVE The very finest buy in the Harbor area . New 1650 sq. ft . condos. 5 minutes to beaches. One half block to major s hopping centers . Cement drives , air conditioning. microwave oven . tras h compactor . large walk-in closets. Garage with opener .

Pool and 2 jacuzzis.


380W.Wila. ColfaMeaa.CA 714/ 631-5055 FrOM SI 36,000


OffwlRcJ ..... lea1e/ optioft ..,._ • this Hewporttt Model wit\ 4 Md, fo ... rt11 . di•·'"'- ho.. wltll f111hrlor ....... ytkJlm&MOn.


Mon '°°"' ..... ...., ........... 2 IM4 + ..... ,.... ........ n.c. ... ..,n.a.w..11...-...1.-.

•.wpon-..11 901 Dover Drive Harbor v!eW Cent.er

042-8236 644-6200

WHAT MORE COULD YOU Aste FOR7 Beautiful Oak floors, over 30 trees, a pool and spa, 2 fireplaces. 4 bedrooms, 2 112 baths, family room, move -in condition, good financing. What more could you ask for? Price ? Only $375,000.

U~l()U~ ti()M~~ REALTORS. 675-6000

2443 EHt Coot Hlahw•v. Coron• del MH


MOTICE ;;top '' Take time lo relax how Daily Pilot Class· and shop at home lt·s 1fied ads display their s imple with Daily Pilot messages with leg1b1luy Classified Ads And 1f and impact ? Our ads. you have somethuig to we are proud lo say, re ~ ell , c all a friendl y ally get results Phone Classified Ad·V1ser at 642-5678 642-5678

LIVE ON LIDO ISLE! Speclal properties fM a.tyone who wants Hie unique lifestyle of Co4lntry Chab ll•hUJ ift a water orlHted cOIMMlftlty. All tt.• best recnaffonai actMffe1 a.oUable: ~cyclRg. to~ t .. 11, boatlnCJ. cl•IMMIN a;ctl•ltl••· rt1ta•ro•h Clftd shopph•CJ! Loh of frieftc:ly ,... wtlo c_.. about their cCMNn1111lty lftdle tt.11 a •acGtion home ••ert day.

tlJNEYMOON COTTAGE= $299,000 2 ...... 2 berth. pcrffo ... .,.. ••• ,.,

EXEC. CORNER- VIEW $675,000 2-story, l bdnn, fom ""'INICh "'°"·

CONTEM·PORARY 2 Story $475,000

SpoclCM11 4 Id"" wtltl MW dee.or.


MOCJftlflcent Sir + total lulury.

can for details Oft ... above And . . . We HCl\fe Others.



llt¥tHE n1tRACE Back on market. A newly decorated 3 BR. or 2 a nd Den home in move in condition . Lovely view of oc~an & harbor from very private deck & spa. $305,000.

Ol'EH SUt-IDA Y I :00 to 5:00




Spe~tacular Deane Hdlnes "Versailles •• located on large8t lot of all Deane Homes. Beautiful golf course view! Pro·fessiona ll y landscaped yard with mature trees in a private park-like setting including a lovely lge pool & huge spa +an attractive gazebo. Gated front courtyard entry w/ fountain. Marble floor in foyer with glitteri ng chandelier . 4 Bedrrm, den. formal D.R. & 4 12 baths. Priced right at $825,000. Call for appointment. WISLEY M. TAYLOR CO.. UAL TOIS

2111 S•Joocp.NlllNd "EWl'ORT C1"11R. M.I. 644-491 0

LIDO ISLE Featured on Homes Tour this lovely traditional 3 bdrm, 3 bath home. newly decorated . Priced to sell quickly al $475,000.

Newly remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath plus lge recreation room & 2 patios. Beam ceilings . $420,000.

PENINSULA POINT IEACHFRONT Panoramic view at wedge, from prime large lot . 4 bdrm. 3 bath custom home. 3700 ~q . ft featuring marine room . entry, living room , dining room. built -ms. e tc. $1 .38.5.000.

IAYFRONT We ha ve se veral fine homes with pier & s lip , starting at Sl .500,000.

BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 34 1 Bay\1tf. · Dr •n· NB 675 6161







SUPER SPYGLASS Two Stories Of Excellence. Sunken Living Room With Fireplace & Beam Va u I t c d Celling . Large Family Room . Full Length Hearth. Wet Bar. Plus A lf uge Bonus Room. Sellers Will Ass is t In Financing. Pool S 1zl' Lot . Shown By Appointment As king $565 ,500. A " Joy Of Newport ·· Listing.

LIDO ISLE Easy Fina nc: ing Near Community Be a c hes. C lubhouse & Tennis. Large Quiet Corn er Lot With Traditional Three Bedrooms . Plus Great Guest Quarters With Bath & Bar, Or Hilliard Size Recreation Room . Bl'autifully Landscaped Lanai & P a tio Expandable Lot. $4 25 . ()()()

WOODBRIDGE, IRVINE Bes t Financing Available . Large Assumable 30· Year Loan Al $11.75% & Owner Will Carry Second Trust Deed . Des irable Three Bedroom. Single-Le vel With Large Enclosed Patio . Great Starter Unit Or Inve s tment Enjoy All The Amenities Of Woodbridge. Owner Motivated. $108 .900 .

BLUFFS • . Bluffs ' Best Buy. Great Starter ; Unit , Investment , Or: Last Home. : Sharp Two Bedroom End Unit ! Overlooking Lovely Greenbelt. , Near Community Pool, Park & , Shopping Center . $145.000. 1

'® ·-­......... ..

'==' S(C\\.'1~-4i.~s· = 1 ----- Nlo4 ~ Q.AY l. '°'6M I ......... ,....,. .......

,_ .......... ....,. i...

.... tO '°"" ~ ..... -·

..... _...._..___. - -...

/\. ~,.,II I

/ \__i_t·~ .

R&'M~ I< ~ \I I I I I<"

'-==-=.......,-==-_......~ EXECUTIVE HOME fOI' MIS4 '9IDI tbe eatunlllt. Quiet Cul-

;· ~ MOl1M de-He, wooded lot In ·,; ~ ~a· BRAND NEW LISTING Fountain VaU,ta finat Jaamlne Creek deconltor 4br , atrium model , famll)' communtty. 4Br

•--'• ... llillli'•"•'----•I home, plan 1 on sreen· !c,115m1000.,:_ Ap.,_~ . .... Dun9101- 2"i!Ba, farm din, tr1 klt, belt imm.c. $305"""' De....,,._, - fam tm. Walla ol 1tu1

"""' aocn .. NUT YllWI Lush wOoded aeWDc w / teeluded yard, patio and ar•· Two Jevela include 4BRS, forma dJnlng rm, family rm, 1ame rm, bar, office/library and G:fmet ldtehen. 1.ioveJy, quiet 1treet. ,000. Helen Wood. 6"-6200 (Fll) ·

Hlnf OH M•••IT Freshly painted exterior 3 Bra 2 baths Cambridge pJan in Greentree - choice of jpterlor color and carpet w / quick purchase -Private yard w /fruit bearing trees -$139,000 includes land excellent financing available to quafified buyer. $139,000 Sandie Fix 644-6200 (Fl2)

·~---)l 901 Dover Drtw K&rt>or vi.w Cent.er Ma-8238 844-8200

FAM.QUS POOL & SPA HOMI Highly_ upgraded 4 Br 2~ Ba Northwood home. Used brick galore in driveway, entry & surrounding pool & spa. Separate family room, dining room and kitchen nook. Hi'b assumable loan PLUS owner will assist in financing. $241,990. Carol Kokol. 731·1214.

_. brlnl the outdoon In. Of.

c"J:~ ~-::'. M0-81G 3 + lllJS ~~u!t~~ ~ Associates, Rea1ton 1 Thia private estate bu llVIMETlllACI llUST SELL tbJa darl· TA LAURETTA CIR. ml!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I[!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


been profeuionally es- F1X9 lnl bollle m Horth Colta Ast ~1806 = a • panded. The charm of 4 Br, bonu.a room 6 ll•a. On)ytlll,000. --''--------1 HI ... .ASHMAal :· warm woods, beautlfu.1 1parklin1 pool. Superior • R8D CARPET· H ... ktl• .._.. I 040 4Br home wisp., xlnt. ' French doon lead to an location. Won't last. ••••••••••••••••••••••• cond. St•.ooo. 552.-..0.

extra lar1e Hvln1 room, Prln. only. Grea Aatle 754-1202 J Sn l.AteMAU

., c~~~. ~~!°~a! 79-1221 OSPElNd I HWOUS~ duntll ~:,!i/:.~··~~: •STAITEI H•£ kitchen. Larae pool in .0 e e.. • Y 1 ed. ttOllC &1i1U1Da~le tn.1 Flestble flnancln1 on separate eocloeed area. 2 · 30 · lpm, Sat / Sun A1kln1 Stst,900 Faat l tJlil 2 Bdrm Greentree Electrtc1.._olfert.otal 10-lpm . 4br, l~ba , •crow. Bkr1183-13'T7 filler. Owner will help

a privacy. Newly olfered. hardwood noon, new with cost. Call for de-• A mu1t to aee. Only •--

1-. -... CH- ..,.- -- ----i paint , cpt, drapu , FOUIPLEX u.u.

'795,ooo. - ~ plumbiJll •w.ooo. m AU ·-··- ·- 2 Br 2 8 · Xlnt 1hape, privacy 6 Senate St. Cll 541-1731 or .......... " • a, e 1:.r.,_r_fi ' Exceptioo&J commluion park Ina. Owner will 831-1171 good renta, no vacancy

split lor liaUnl oriented finance . $90,000 dwn . •- - ------ factor . Price '115,000. 1 realtor u1oclatu . Good rate or retura MESADB.MAI Loanll .. 111D•ble.

Beautlfu.lolflce in choice Broker Cbrll 957-1568 Be'autitul ranch style ... McCellmd

> I .. l TY ,. • 1 )0()0


WATBFIOMT Woodbrldee pr i me Lakefront lo cation . Views forever. 3 Br, 2s,.\ ba, pvt 1pa, nex. financ­lna. Spectacular ! Of· fered , at ~.too. Call 552-1100 and ask for Lynn Noah.

ToW11&C...try RHllon SSZ..1100

Univ . Prk Vllla1e II Beaut 3 8d., bonua nii. Jullla rd , 1rnblt toe .' Good finandn1 & terms. $159,000. Agt . Mary. ::.:~on. Hne 2 open- 2 unill

00 II lot, 3 bdr 2 4br, aa, 2000 aq. rt ., 631-1266

ba , 2 bdrm 1 ba , 4 nicely dee . , xlnt neitbborbood, nu

1ara1e1. Broker . drapea/carpet, hou1e R&'M* . 759-1616 In , ur 857·2060

,_f7_ 5-0563 __ • ____ ---i will sell illelf. $137,500 -MKrtll CMTaYB4CMJSH Terms . Prin . Only .

"llllUU DWLIX 545-7091. --------

IJ'S LOADED! 9 mOll old 4br, + 2br UD· OpenSat/Stm 12-5; 48drm,3ba,formaldln- It. 015,000. 709-709~ JJIJ.,..._

fl ~ \I I "I<"


Beat priced 3 8clrm . 2 ' ba , fami~ rm . Open DEERFIELD

TOWNHOME house Sa Sun 1·5· 5372 3 Bdrm 2 Ba or 2+ den, Sierra Roja. C/2 I Mlwport c.tr a1l1ty, end unit w/ lota of

, 4• 51157 privacy , Ira backyrd.

•------~----• Thia house bu many ex·

T&a• .a.CE traa 6 la very clean. Lrg

....................... 1'Ml9tMll

Weatbered cedar •bat•. &bi\ w. CU.tom dealpecl I bdrm, fam rm, 2 batbl. Exten.llve uae of wood 1la11 • ceramic tile. Beam celJ. ln1. frDlc,$111,000.

lliuicn Realty ('IU)-.ont.



R&'M~1• 11' I I

•LIDOfl&.I• Lcwe17 J8r, • bome. Beautlfully nmodelecl

•IO .... GOO w)tb t flHpcibl . ()&Jen ~! Sall. Sun. 1•.1tt

Via .eUa. <>wn.tl Alent: ~

14QIAY a Bdrm, 2 bMll home plua Ideal mother-In-law quartera . Compl. wl b•th. SD>,000. toyMce.6 ....

141-7129 LA•UMAISTATI ll8piflcml. Bdrm COD· temporary bomi'wlth breatbtakin1 coastline view. Tucked away on private road, offerlna complete aeclu1ion . f714t 494·1177 Sparkl(n1 1ourmet

HIWPOIT CllST 110 de1 ocean view . Prime location . Pool, tennil, 1pa. Open house Sat/Sun 1·5 at 15 Swift Court.

kitchen, aun drenched L1 ... ....... I 052 breakfast room, 4 decu ••••••••••••••••••••••• and much more. Truly a Spac 3Br 2~ ba 1500 ft La1una paradi1e . condo. View, al e, frpl , SG5,000. cio.e to abopl. 9V•% In.

C/21 Hewporic.tr ·~5357

don osen r • 11 •r'

LAGUNA BEACH 4'7-48411

h 10 , 090 . Own / All 131-7046"

..... HOA .. HOSmAL

l Bdrm, completely fumllhed ooodo. Walk to

Ll ... KS POI~ beach. Security , pool. " "• Priced below market at

OPEN SAT/SUN u.e s112,ooo. Open hoUle Sat On 14 Fairway, Plan C, 4 & Sunday 1·5 at 200 br1 3~ ba, 2 fam. rm1. McNeil, Unit 106. braf1t rm, 3 car ear. C/2 1 t..1.- rt,. __ MW Drll'U UU ,500 . Auume ,..wpor ~

" KNiii • ·~ ·~5357 Oc l .. _ ol ru~.. 1 .... 000. ~3 lnt. loan. --------

HD.I"""' ·...,way. !!!~~ E. Nine Drive UDO ISl£ i.; blk to beach. A home __ with that charm that ii --------• hard to find. 2 Bclrm1, Hew,......_.. t OH IY OWHB dlnin1 area, frplc , patio, •••••••••••••••••••••• Luxurious 6 bdrm, 5 ba, I d d p · 'tudy , family rm . .~ yar · riva cy . HEIGHTS COHDO Separate l•undry & -·*· Q I ' I On DOHHA MOMOOI u et Npt H1t1/ Chf· aerv ce room. 2 lo<s.

fhaven condo w/ pool fl Swimmin1 pool. View of • ..._. 494-1011 aaraae. Great a11uma· the bay. Laree auuma-


.. llADYTOM> Plana •nd permits is· sued for addition of 2nd unit. to thia beautiful north end Laguna cot· tage. Seller will carry all ftnancing. $225,000

ble financlnl . No quali· ble loan fl owner .-ilJ fy l n1 . Gre1 Astle carry so me paper 758-1221. ~.000. Call675-7027

R&'M~ Ill- \l.TlllCS


601 UDO Southern California 's premier high rise con­dominium. Spectacular view of Newport Bay Total 24 hr security . Highly upgraded with all amenities. You 've

' ing rm , family rm, 3 Orc hid . 151 · 9135 3Br, 2Ba llesa Verde "' fireplaces, 3 car gar. ,_Own __ l_B_K_R.__ area. Solid linanctna. by

View of oce.n and walk- 1------~!'ll~own~~e~r.!S~m~,500~'.:.:· 551-~:!:11~7~4

,......., 211ty CallfomJa Clualc. 2000 lq. ft, 4br, Zba, 20 x 24' famUy rm w/ wet bar, nifrt1eratcr 6 pool ta­ble . Try 10~ down ! $144,500.

llOIUUll a11umables & no quali· Out1tandin1 Cardiff fying . $132,500. Opn Hse THIEi FOR THE model in University sat / sun 1 o. 5 . 1 PllCE OP OMI

Owner will ca rr y $195,000 on thia 1pacio111 multi-level architect '1 home in Npt Hgt.a. 2600 sq ft deaianecl for family living. $380,000. Joyce W altze. 631-121118.


lot to see it to believe it! 100.000 with S250,000 or

assumable financing at 12. 75% int. Principals only

ing distance to beach. ·~ullABLE LOAN Pan Temace. 2 8clrm 2 s .. _ Ba + loft bide-away. nowuo:irry. SS$.1B32 House , apartm~nt ,

With k5,000 down, lhia ~ beauty can be yours to- 3 br home or lleu day. Call now. SJ6.9311 Verde. Sua,tOO. Bob Al-

--------• 1tudlo located in Woocll Great locatl•li. pool , JUSTUSTED Cove area . Walk to 1reenbelta, flnllbed OPEN SAT 1·5 beach . Xlnt creative SEAWIND PORTOFJNO.

H ~ ·\I 1• •H"

' ALLSTATE !.::.:,~~t. t«-llll or · TAMAIACI( YIUAMCOM>O

3br, 1 ~ba, enclosed 1ara1e. Try S25K down. owe •104,too. Hi1h comp. SlOS,900.

~~·fo~ ~~ to see. Unlvenlty Parlt 3 br, 3 t~rma available. $279,500 remodeled, tuebly up-ba. Prime loc. lmmac. graded , 4Br, 48a, super

- 3 br + den, E. Side REAl. TORS llDUCIDI twnbae, bu ramblln1 ~

--;. I ... ( H

LOWDOWH Versaillea 1 bdrm/ studio

• penthouu condo with ' 1,.r1e HIUD18ble loans. • $109 ,900. Call today : 97~5370.


Owner will carry part ol creek . A11um . loan . flnancin1 on this out· SU6,900. Bob Allen, act, 1tandln1 cuatom duple~ . 964-Ul8lorlll2-7505. '141 block to the beacb. 4 •-------­bdrm front unit ; 3 bdrm rur. Private patios. On­ly k95.000.

EASTSIDE 3 br , l ba, lge lot. S933 / mo . U500 dn . sm,ooo. Trade? Owner, 631-5476.

Special Conalderatlon Given

To Prtndp&es.

I \

' ; .. t r Y

I)( I 1 /000

Taltltadllwg• 0.,_L..t

2 1tory, 4 bdrm, dlnln1 rm , added den w/ wet bar, 1tep1 to park , comm. pool 6 tennis. M­aum a b[e loan. Owner


'7J.SJS4 MISA VBD1 will a11ist in financin1 . I I<

I r 'f _...__ ______ , 4br, 2+ batba, xlnt loca- -------- Ut0,000. Fee . A1t , 1024 tion w/ manyext.ru. Lae y ow 64()..554!0.

••••••••••••••••••••••• p r o f e ' I Ion a 11 Y B NER·3Br, l~Ba, •---------• -- c:o. ........


IAYCUST Attractive three bedroom home . Cathedral ceillnp in llv· Ina and dinin1 room . Oak plank floortn1. Cozy fire-place. Huie covered patio. Pool alze yard . 0....- moUv•ted. llake elfer. See Gayle Amato « A1lu Mt.or. tal0,000. '31·7JOO H.1.



'( t ,"\I I I '' 1'-,

1-------• landscaped b•ckyard $107 ,800. 961·2644 or * •ESTAJESI. MISA YIRDI w/ auto 1prlnklera fl _95_7_·217_ 7 _____ _ 4ftlX room for a vea 1arden. PIOI .a. 9W. S .a.LI Sln1le 1tory attached

HOUie lncludel 2 ''C ,.., ,. ,.. home in fabuloul Wood-Eslatln1 low intereat oak bar, built·ln Popular Hunt. VII 3 8d brlda- E1itates. Huee I linancln1 . Pride of ahelvea, trench doon, 1116 Ba bome w/ new backyard, all the Wood­ownerahifi. Lar1e 3 priv patio w/ apa off belie carpet. Abo add- brid1e amenitlea and u­Bdrm + amlly room maater au.Ile. Built·ln oo aoo aq ft room• total- aume a bilb loan. Owner I ownen unit and three 2 dbl oven, micro 6 ice ly remodeled kitchen wlll conalder belp on Bdrm 2 bath unit.a. All maker. lluat aee to an. w/ blt · ln microwave aecondary financln1 . Include bulltina , r S l l I t••"'OOO preciate. Open Hou.ae oven . pee a a arm ... ...,, . flreplaca and encloled Sal/Sun 1·5 3182 Country 1y1tem, newly painted 1ara1ea. EKcellmt con- c I u b Dr . S2 35 , o o o uterior 6new bot water Tbe larJeat model in dltlon. For more in- •--t.. $•""'..,.. ,_C W b I d Owner/ Ast. ....... ...__. v... in o o r I e formation, call 540-11.51 TD w/25"- dwn at ~ Eautes-2300 aq ft of lux-

' ! . I HERITAGE OWtm amortised over IO yn. urioua llvinl space and LIA..,.AUA Callll!B-MIO. your own pool and 1pa.

Clean Ellltlide I Bdrm Ii ~- PricedtoaellatSllM,900. --------• with cov'd paUo, BBQ • p • Almoat St00,000 in ••· OWC STRSHT and a 1ara1es. Don't ·-- 1 aumableftnandnl.

N01E wait, .. u __ ( ~1]""°"•11dge


A11ume lat TD w/ 2 llESA VERDE 4 Br. a IY OWMH Ruhu S20,000 dwn for t.bll darl· Ba. with pool, beautiful· 4 br, 2 ba. Allwn.ble.

551 3000 int E.1lde 2 Bel condo ly landacaped • ea11 Approx . tu,ooo •t · w/ lr1 brick frplc. Cosy care yard. o.aer will lO'f/I"'. F'rpje, new paint ff2t •rr111u Pllwy, l rwln~ 1tep-down llvln1 rm, coaalder V.A. Sl.29,900. • crpt. f1Zl,ti00. 982-8136. ntc~patio. JoyceWalt.Je D. Bourke Realtor . PIOIATISALI 631121111 546-9950. Cbarmin1 ~lQw

5 Bdnn at lleaa Ve'1W 3Br, 2Bat137,d'OO. Country Club. OWC. ._LeOanl '350,000. by owner . OPENSAT/SUN2·5. 545-5001 Teel Hubert R1tr 7Sz.<Tm

--------1-------~ v .... ,.,_.._.5 Hwlk1tw

WOODBRIDGE Muat 1el1 brand new Petera '2 Plan. 4Br, JBa, cloaetolake.

Open Sat/Sun 12·5 13. "w arminaprln1

•242.500 Alt. 645-9850 dy1. 675-9857 eves. 4ft.11·$3••


... ,.,...... "..... 1042 Summertime fun ttarta ••••••••••••••••••••••• ________ 1 bere for 1our f•mll1 ea Ida• w ......... wttb private pool• ape. BeauUful 968 E:aec 4 llovertptmto*tlov- bdrm .. ~=-=· _

•••••• llNTAl.HOMI ...... LOW NY.cJAnvE .... "'' SUCCllS llAl.n


sa.a,. I ldrm eoedo lD 11 .. Verdlt. Prtetcl to MllDOWlt ..... Call A••• llcCulaa4

•11~1Bdrml - · -·-Ba bome. At ODl)' bar, bit-ID bbq • tm,soo k'• ....,. been man1 otW am.mu.. euler to tMq than opw mcl. a bUll yard that We recommeDd quick bacb to a beautiful aetioa pull. Jwt 2 yn old t

· Brolter,-.aia

. ...... ......,. ______ _

cood_ owe 2nd. us Se· 4'7-5494 · b •· quoia Tree. Vilu Realty ii--------· view • Y owner . .. 79,000 (213)939-33216. _64().. __ 164_ 3 -----

Sell idle items 642-5678

. ....

WANTAcnON? Classifed Ads 642-5678

Have somethuig to sell ~ Classified' ads do it well

To Mot her With Love ... . l.c>vf has a way of r~luming to iU aourc. On tti111 •JM'<"IUf <la• thf love you have given Is returned wilh a 5JK'<'l•I ml'"Ut'

o( wnmlli T•ke a look Se~ how much you Art' lfnt•d

*Cote Realty & Investment 640-5777

BL'\J FFS BARGAIN 3 bdrm twnhme. Walk to everytbtng: pool. tennis. schools . park, shopping Agt. 675-5930. 640-8146



IMW. ott.wlHI...... H1••tlw Srtut ............... owtV.fw111t•1d Ht11"Uiufw1l1tnt ,.._.., ._. S. H1•" ,., 5* ,. ••••••••••• .. •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••• ••••••••••••••••• •••••• ••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••""' ........................ .. ....... , ....... , ........ , .............. ~ ..... " *, •• · 111c ,... rtt aooo ... .,,..... ...... "'' .... , ... ,.. .._.. 124 .... ,.... ..... J2•• Mew,ert ..- •2•• '

.Mew~._. to6t Mew~a..c1t 10' .... ,.,...... '"'Afters• 1300 ••• ~tt::r.;J ................................................................................................... 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••• ••••••••••••••••• -••••••••••~••••••••,. ' ...... .,_ ... _.u HOll&POllR......, .... 1 B'"" ....... " br '"'I . • ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 0. Y•W•A .._ _ _.. ""'£ s Br 2 ... , tree lined at ln .-..n. DQJ. • • .. ., •

1 TllMSTmMS · 11.AS'TSIDllJ a Aptaffdablenow. 4 Bdrm. "50. Fenced w91 tcllff, nlce tor patJo. Yrt, 1-1. Ref 41 Condo S4000 cub to tbe "--- I bdnD •lam l\Z•lot, ............ Byweekormooth. yard 6 1araie. Kida • q>J/1ml tam. S775. Incl dep. $700. 6SZ·IS4S "

I u11pn1 ht la 2nd CUSTOM HO..-~ auumable f£nanelnt ffl: :t::;:-1 price Ateat.f7M170 pm welcome. '84-zse8 1rdnr. Nopeta,648-291 _lf5._ t_Jl'7 _ ____ _ ! -D. s , a~.' · aba. at Completely custom home, clean and c .11., D: Boulbllealtor • · B1a Can)'Gll Condo abr, or'7S.21Tl.Ast..nofee.

VenaUJea · 111-»77 immaculate 2 private brick patios, 541-.-0. Whelan decorator rum view ...... _ .......... frplc lam 2 br, den. 2 ba. Walk to Euluaive ~~t · 1· · 3 B 3 B • ' ...... w.......... • beach Tennil • &>901 Beacbreatal.,..,..- ....... _ HAllOR VIEW spacious iv10g rm, r, a, .._..,, ''tr IJIO pool

1, tennis , lae rm , l mt to bdcb. No priv. sl501'e. M0-5.21Z; if 17~aTSA.

HOMES gourmet kitchen and all the goodies . ............ _ ......... fleal £State hlOO mo . .._ peta. $700mo. t62-1375 noana. l ·T23-0llOI S-..._ Portonno mdl w/4Br 2~ Plush-carpets. walking distance to the SPECIAL LAND SALi! " .. " ..... $ t Id JSTY EXEC HOME Cepl*- lln Ba ln ·- main house Beach & Water. Doo't tniss this one Off~ lob, Mono ··-- .... ·~····················· • ~ b 2 ba HARBOR RIDGE· 3Br. ··········-·········~ booua .:;' w/ loft Is fu.ti for $265,000. Ba1 area. S5tto E ·Z Near~~un- ..... Pl ' h 3207 i car l~ '1 r, · 3Ba. •kMiy, view decU. 2Br 2Ba ram rm fenced,

, Ba adJoln tbe garage. tenn1. beaul. views ol tta, 2 car Id. er park. •"•••••••••• .. • .. ••••• ~"fa l ·• ::- brm,; J • c • pool, le n n 11 • back yrd enckJMct 2 car PtJrfeclarr111&ementfor J QUAii,. PLACE tbe Pacific: ()nan, TSLINVSTllT 842-llOS Steps to beach. cute Ad c, c e;11· c 1 U ,000/ mo . 875· 4071 , far . Vehicle 1tora1e~ in·law1, kid.a, olflce or PROPERTIES r.tero Bay • Cl.)'Ucoa. lbdnn. uW paid. Yeu· OK~.:SO. :t i!!t

0: Ui-9089 47 SI mo lit , l u t •

studio. Lra yrd accented 675-7231 for appt to see. 4 PLD-Stt2.IOO IJ. 210 '4th St. fSSO. dep no.u700wner llG CANYOH aecurity deposit req. by an lnvft~ spa. Allk· .\it. All 2Br. MS aq ft. each. 173-7154 all 3pm. Avail · · 758-2565 ; 32106 Via de ln1 ...... ..,,,.. •u.oooo 752 1920 a-~- ._.._ u •·t Ellchalve, full security, Oli .._,.._. ~. U· • ...... ,,..11,11.., 1400 ...,.,a~- mce., - 1 -ay... . lBr 00 Ocean Ave. kOO beautiful 3 Br. 3 Ba . va 1umable loan. Owner .. •••••••• .. •••• .. ••••• book· upa in ea. unit, C ..._. ......._ 1222 mo . Ocean view , Pri l _ _. t b •· S-------

1- 2-1

- 0-wlll consider 2nd. Call eom m unity - pool. -1r111--- NC>-3900 va e yan.i, we ar • .... ._ Tom Bat'OD558-t400. MIWPOltT Westminster Good 11• • ••••••• .. ••• .. •••••••• · fireplace, many other ............... ••••••••

R&'M* IH '.f T flH!->

' Oreat 4 Bdrm on comer lot with room for RV. boat , etc . $279,000 , owner financed . 645-1103

VILLA IALIOA Outstanding View ! Corner top foor unit. Lease option. $5,000 op­tion mone,Y. $850 mo. Xlnt terms. Agt. 760-8617

t Office bulldlnc . aumable tons term 4 Br+ maid'• quarters. 2br, lba, pr, or bch & amenities lncludlna Beaut. 3br,2ba,frplc,all

~i~·Bn'f"6;u:r;~ flnancln1. Prine only. ~i!!~\O:•~o~PY~~:.~~ bus atop uoo l mo ~::t'A=n!1~11~1°~ new decor. Drive by. 675-6181 .\ll. 5»-0lZS S 2ooo f rno . Koop . 980-S610610DelawareSt. 6'2·5757 eves" wknds. :t:1!~t~.~=·

IASTSIDI C.M. 831-lM. All· HwtW- ,_644_·888_ 9_· ___ _ , Ce .. h!'J Loh/ 14 prime unlta all 2 Bdr. 2bdr ba H....._. 3242 H A R 8 0 R R I D G E 2 Blkl from So. Cat Plaza,

Cryph 1500 lot abe iiiiiib Prln on· m , .1 , frplc, beam ••••••••••••••••••••••• . CONDO 8 or 12 mo. Jae. $600 mo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• · cellln1 patio 1e50 SlSO d Xlnt cond. 551~ Cremation companion ly. P'or •PIJl call John de A~ail M. 1 A 't Lux Con ° on Lagoon 3 br, 3 ba. $1,SOO mo. niche , Paclfic View Coa.ast. 68l·121111 on~. 1~ao.a.y · PP 2

18arr. !~bam! f~!c:~~ Steve , 640-9345 or s-ttiL.,... 3116

M i l P .. •s20 · __, · ,,,,.,.,...-..~. 752·1920 ••••••••••••••••••••••• emor a ara , • · ........ ~ 840-6309. OCEANFRONTHOME 673-"49Z eves aft. 7pm. 2 new coodol m lol Live S'YM.ASS In... 3244 BLUFFS Pina condo 4 O'loob pvt beach 2 br

2 Cemetery ploU Pacific In ooe, reat « Ml1 the 4Br3balnSpy~Hlll ••••••••••••••••••••••• br, 2YJ ba No pet.a. S82s 2~ ba , den, din. rm. l&~ Vlew M-.iorial Park. otber. Seller will finance witb mouutain view. Pvt Woodb ·d N. B .... mo. 760-1573 deck $1200/ mo. 499-2253, 2Z2· l990aftSPM. I at 1133 for 3 years. crtyrd, 2 frplcs ri ie •~4 r..ua 499.5021 ~

- --------I 641·19111, 831~1. ast. $1650/ mo. ,· ~pemor. family home . ,_ ________ ---------This 5000 Sq. Ft ; Home sits on Linda Co-1rcW -.,/ m VILLA BALBOA 2bdrm Co.do i I lmi t

Ocean :J.ronl

Is le. A private guarded Community in Property 1600 8 U. L.A SH0,000 nr USC. CS1'M IAYRlONT Waterfront Homes. Inc l\.'I ba . ocean vtew. avail Uafw .... d 3 425 LIDOISlE the heart of Newport Beach. Boat ••••••••••••••••••••••• GrS17,000, try2S3 dnor Avail furn. 11 desired. Realtors 63l·l400 onshorttermSSSO/ mo. •••••••••••••••••••••••

Low down, low pay slips for (3 ) 55'·70' Yachts. For Sale or submit. Bkr540-0llOI Slip for 2 lge boat.a. 3 WOODBRIDGE 3 Br. n . LIDO ISLE 2 bdrm 2 ba Bachelor CONDO vacant, ments . Clean 4 Bdrm Trade. MISSIONVIJO 1---------1 Bdrm, 4ba, 3frplca,2 Ba . Condo. 15151mo . LUXURY CONDO SSOO / mo . Newport family borne. ready to TAXSH&Ta kitebena,paUoanddeclt Wrk , 714 ) 833 . 6029 $850/ mo Beach978-0423 move Into today Great We are developers so submit land or SHOPPING CNTR. 4UMITS on Bay . Security Ra m a . H om e LIDO ISLE 2 bdrm, t o/. c reatl•e terms Ca ll . 10 STORES 1y1tem. S3200/ mo. <213, 4...,.....,,. ba hom e 12000/ mo 2bdrm , 2 car car, covered

patio. I/• mile to beach. Access to pool • court.I. $57S H.B. (213)~796. (714 )675-49Cll.

673-3002, aaent other Rea l Estate to owner Jim . mana1e· SAMC&.Bten"E ___ ............., _______ , yrly Thompson. menl avaUable. 3 yrs Upstairs units with WafvtflowtH-. Woodbridge coodoS650

BA YSHORES large 2 BR old . kS0,000 down. Full Ocean v•-1 ••- 000 homeinlllnt cond. Only price 11,400,000. Prine. aoaiinSil.n: lltn.IK 631-1400 3br . t ~ba . redwood WaterfrontHomes. lnc. S26S ,OOO Prin e . o nl y only . Agt. 644-11613 C7l•>4t3-0202 ._1040 _________ , deck pool, spa, tennis . .._R.e.al•to•r•s---63-l·.1400-please. 645-4419; 642-1517 17141121-1210 12131591-1363 : ,._ _______ IOldCdu ZBR d f

1 lake MacArthur Group ,.. Newport Crest 3bdrm,

-rr;;;;u llOOt 35"3710 Co•do•W- Tow .. ,_ .. . • en, Pc. 97S·1188 2"2ba , ocean view, over· HAllOIVIEWnOME .- ..._....,. 1700 FIX &S vE patio, 1ar. $500-$750. --------1Bluffa, 3 br, 21,', ba, very 1 .. . " Moolego" 4br, 2ba . Fee ••••••••••••••••••••••• A., I May/lune Only. 552·0748 Woodbridge4.br, 3ba, air pvt end unit , upgraded , ooas tennis courts, Land , loan as11um . !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ o••-... ..a a 6 4 unita priced to Avail June 15. $895/ mo. leaseSl000. 759-0415 frpl c, close lo beach . 675-2139 1: ~·-. move now! Sellen want Spac. 3 br, 2 ba home w. 552·1269 18SO/ mo. 842-1272.

HARBOR VIEW · 3 Br Carmel, usumable In, solar poof/ spa, corner lot, R. V. pad. 127S,OOO. Owner fin. M0-032S

or,Oln"UMITY Unique chance to buy a 1S 3 interest 1n a General Partnership & " OWN " a sharp 2br, 2~ba . townhouse 1n .. Eastblulf" $108.SOO terms Open Sat/Sun Owner/ Broker 640-S298

I br Versa1Uea penthse imported tile throughout $122.000. TSL Properties 00·1603

Townhouse coodo on bluff in Newport Beach with easy walk to ocean & beach. Ownership of 3 bdrm. 2~ ba unit Incl lge pool, Jacuui. saunas & lighted teMis courts . h89 .000 with SS0,000 down . Ask for Susan 640 · 3796 or Bru ce 760·606-0 days ; 851·2205 eves & wlmds.

*SI 0,000 DOWM• Beaut . 3 br, 3 ba. lrg fam rm. Lrg bckyrd Open house Sun. 2300 Heather Lo. 631·0517.

IECllATIYE Quite inexpen11ve Located in tbe establi•bed N.8 Bluffs community. A charmlnc 3 bdrm, 1 sty home w/ oew apples in a large kitchen . We hav e a purchase plan ror you which may include a

. budget for cus1omizing your new.home. For Hie by owner (wit\ co-op) . For delalb or appt to view. call 758-1800. Open hou se Sat. 1· 4pm . 1961 San Bnlno.

N e w p o r t B e a c b f l + j So of ff H erbor View Ho.ff Venallle1 2br, Zba , quick escrow. rp c ac, · wy, 3 Bdrm, 2 ea. family Watch the surf from t.hia

Uo frpk pool J - • . 1 , ~s.;,,,.8,?WOlt, 67~2.869, Woodbridge, SBr, 3Ba. beaut. 1 Br condo. $800

•a_...,.OF'IHfWrDl"#ff qw1



. 0By

110wnem r • C..MeM JU4 :1:r~~:':-!~~:~ _A-'g'-e_n_t ._&u-_ 9980 ______ 77_2·_305_ 3_. ------D

MACNAB~ REAll'Y &~ra,;,r • Ocean 'v1:!·. ~ v,.,.,,..,., Prescott Model. Fm rm ~:ide~e~~~,~~ mo. 1st , laat + sec .

I • • r · ••••••.•:•Br•-2::••ba•·.~·~··1 peU. 11095. Alt541·S032. '21J)Gl-'IM 714/Ml-0763 • ~ erk ~~~~~~~~~ii--------- Lux , 38r condo, 1,'1'1ba,

%787 BriJltol St. patio, frplc, bltn ldtcb, 1750 Woodbridge Village, IAYSIDI COVE patio. elect 2car 1ar. ... *'19 Pr If I tr JOOO C dbl 1ar w/ opnr $710. 13 Wood'""'ve. ' "". 2Br C 0 M D 0 I t e. close to So Cout Plaza Ut401STIUCTED VIEW Of ME~OIT ••••••••••••••••••••••• Costa Mesa. A ... - ~ w •.. .. $59S 1 ,,.n.. RooSay971-5370 bse, adjacent to lake, feb•I••• •lew of • par.. . ae . HAllOll! Charismatic charmer on fee APPlaVALUY AC, backyd, drpa, tit _549-_ ozs_ s _____ _ land w/spa, alarm system, custoni Near new 4-Plu , z l4YISTOltSCHOICI Nice clean 2 Br. 1 Ba. bltna, spa, pool. tennis ...... md ...... Ex-built , recently redecorated, new bdrm, 2 bath eaeb unit 11 Unlta, eo.ta lies• encbd 1ara1e. k5o, lit, crt.a, , 213) &37-8339 cetleat weterfro•t MEWrotrTCOMDO expanded deck. Irvine Terrace finest ;!'t:o~bi~ e;':r~ zooedforatCcncb. !>:!n~e~~%1:5'4 ---------1 c .. p1nwtt11poolmd s....., llr- wcwlr location . Hele n Wood $895 ,000. SlSS,000. BUI Grundy, 38drm , 2Ba House ,,..., ... ....._Lo•efr, 9 • t e - Ma a 1 644-6200. <FI3> Rltr, 1'1U111. :!.~.~':'.fte!ft: 3bdrm, 2ba, frplc, range, =~~";ed/~',a/:tic::.n~ r'- 2 ...._ ..d ..... ...._ A.-.

_________ 1

546-tlSO. car. yrd, aniU/ 1. lat+ UOO / mo . n o pet s! D ..... ,.. md lcp ble loua-O•fy IALIOA rEMIHSULA! 2BR beach home OCIAM YllW aec. Se75. MZ-0113$. 930-s787 or833-t9'19 b•lcoay/ deck. S•c. SI 5,000 ctw.. Yln)We onl y steps from beach. Spacious DW'l..IX °'#::*,~J;t' 2550 •Zbr,Z~ba. Twnha. 1700. --------1 1y1t••· leh. nq. O ' Ir I e • A 9 t family rm w /skylight, fplc and new Drutlc reducUon 00 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Frplc, pool. apa, garage. IENTALS S2000 per .o. Y....ty 673- I 123 ca rpets . $342,000. Joyce Edlund brand new Balboa OfflCllLDG. ,_MJ._ 3232 __ . ----- ~~~.12"1,~a :~ tu. loat 1llp for W_ D_B_G--c-on_d_o_._L_e_a_s _e 642·8235 ( Fl4 ) duples.. lit owners~ 17 ,000 1/ f 1 + ac of Nr nu twnbae3 BR3 Ba 3br 2 ba . $675 l01M>af, •pfM litre. 1695/ mo 2 Br. 2 Ba. Call

~r~e,.c~:~ ~!!rt~8: ground . JI.lit oil hwy s Pvtyard,2carelecgar. 3br. 2....,ba S850 Wut.tftowtHOMH after6pm. Ml-218t, agt. RED TILE ROOF Spacious 4 Brs home on beach. Large 3 bdrm, 3 Oceanside. Szso,ooo will * ...... / 1 "' -- 3br.2ba. Furn h250 .......... -.

I t I · · H handle. 1~1723 Bkr _,, mo. lit, aat, ~. corner o w mountam view. uge bathpluaZ~. 2 bath . 759-l<IM,all7s&-l234 631-1400 bonus rm, wet bar. brick patio for Owner wOl 11al1t lo le tlf .. cr-~

Family Condo. 1 mi. frm bcb. w. Bluff, CM 2Br. 11,',Ba, all amen. dys,

•--------1 962-4454 ; eve. 64S-e06S •Llt40AISLI•

entertai · g & I · t d w - 3 8d 2 Ba Laurel Point 'I. nm ow mam eoance yar . financln1. S425,000. t.lxSdlecl.G. townhome . s1sol mo . c.c-J?.L~ ... Quick possession possible. $299,500 4IUnill. 3br, 2 ba. 4 yn Avail. S i l. Diana . fi~~ 1;ur Joyce Edlund ~2-8235 (FlS) youn~ . 11,.200,000uaum. 6ll-l.266. Ait ~c.r;

S9'WJ)Ol't BMcb M 3 tnl. 1~1723 Bkr. 901 Dover Drtve HarborVle'WCent.er --------- Secluded 2Br, lBa patio ~·8600

042.8236 644.6200 ~~~~~~~~~!New Mobile Home 3Br. home, pool, adlls . no 1: 2Ba, rrplc , redwood l"tll , $525 mo 24S3

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 91rwp11J Drlf'U deck. cedar •bake .•id· Oran1e Ave, aee Mgr 't573CAMNSDl:IRVl"E , AM I OIO It.II IK,,lll,ll Ing, or lake & 1ltling Apt 8 .

UMlqUE 15~ down and auwne kl,900. Terms or trade 1----------1 Rental Irvine. 2 bdrm no P I t4 T H 0 U S E ••••••••••••••••••••••• loans . Three adjoining 499--3816 3 bt. 2\.'I ba. condo. 2 car pets avail May 1st. S6sO

COMDO SUBMIT: 3 bedroom con· TRIPLEXES In CdM on __,. aar .• deck, patio, pool, Owner 640-4639 with boat docl . pool. do in McArthur V1Ua1e. OffantldeolPOI. lt..tals 1700. 54MOl3

Beautiful luarded com· New Woodbridge cottage sec u ritcy .!;,_~1~ .. dbeg munlty . Gor1eou1 l d PW5

1 d

1 H0

.:::::·;.·· .. ·•;.••d••••••• 4bdrm, 2ba, home, 2 br, 2 ba , a l e, ocean, a........ • ay parklike grounds. Loll wo up exes an -· r .. S650 frplc , 00 pets, lge encl. view . Fee land. S4so,OOO. of recreational faclllUea . triplex ln a row oo 11th " ••••••••••••••••••••••• \ 548-7!79 yd, $700. 7~1841 Smith-Meyer, Bia'. St, Balboa Penlnaula . .._..,......_. 11'9•----'------i ---------• 640-5357 541-71 I J Close to South Cout Only l lol from sand and ....................... Newport Hta. duplex, 2+ I.Arm• leodt

Fott aBCT Woodbridge condo, 2 BR, S + Maid's+ Den+ SBa cl~e to pool, lge brick + Lota More! 2sty. 4500 patio, $600 mo. 833-9186 sq . fl . docb for (3l 60' aft6pm . -boats . private guard Irvine Oran1e Trtt Adlt, gated .commty the most 1 bdrm/ loft 1 ba k7S: prest1g 1ous island 1n 964 6520 ' Newport Beach Call __ · __ . ------Darlene (714)828-1280 or Brand new Turtlerock (213)598-1.3153. Our office Irvine 2br. 21,;ba, LS2S o~s 9-S Monday ihru 11 q f t . po o I / t e n · Fnd a Y. nls / $8()0/ mo 844-51959

Plua. All olfen beard. urf. Abeohltel rt DO bd h d _. S J u 9 ,500 . TARBELL , 1 · Y P me U ISLE cba.nnln1 3 rm1, aar, uge yar . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ----------1

• - BKR. "~l.,_ properties. bdrm, z bath. playroom. IS50/ mo. 840-7114. Oceanfront rentals S6oo C-'-...._ I 071 ___ _.. __ u_,., __ --1 Just remodeled. 11650 •· Adi l

._.... 2 B 1 ba ll c .. ' ld mo. • up. ta on Y · •••• •• ••••••••••••••••• DUrt.IX wMll Dodi mo to mo. Bill Grundy, r • • ama '" 499.3816 3Mn..Fr ....... IHI lttale for 30' boat. 17Ul6l. welcome. '550.

873-3614 TWO 3 Bdrm homes . ---~------1 Beautiful 2 Br. Condo ----------1 Monthly $900. Good for Rome in Bil Canyon, 2br, l~ba, dbl 1ar, lge family or couples ahar· 1011 COW'M view, pool " yard, cblldren/ peta OK. I .............. ng. fully furn. Lease or moo· ....... ......., LOCJ941 Y11acJt I.I



.. • · H.L•tFINEST

SpaoJ.h EltateLlvtn11 Beautlf\11 park·llke 1ur· rfundln11 . Terraced

• , , pool. Sw\lcen 1u bbq, ~ 1par~Un1 fountalna . •------ ---• 2Br.1Ba,SU:Slmo.

LOST : Gold Bar Bracelet, tn1rav•d . an ARD! Sentlmeqtal value, N.8,, C.M. arN. 1'2""°7 Nuey, '73--3 evn. \

, S p a e i o u 1 too m s . Spacious I Br Duplex c 11 k d " Separatt dlnlns uea. $426. Pool fr laWldry tac. • w Y•

W • I It • I n c l o 1 e t 1 • 5411-11558 759-4l'13 l\omellkt kitchen & 2 II, 2 IA. W /GAR. cablneta. Walk \o Hunt· 3 Br. 2 Ba Valencia . Cathedral ce1I. lplc , lntton Cent.er townhou1e. 2 children dabwshrJ_!alcooy Pool

1 Bedroom.furn, k40 OK. No pets. S525. Sierra & apa ~ mo. Adult.s 2 Bedroom.furn , S510 M1mt. Co. 6411324. only, no pets. 2650Harla

Adults, no pets. - - 549-2447 UUUUea Free ' IHSTAMT IH! HEW_ L_Y_D-ECOI.

LA QUINTA H"'RMOSA 2 Br. 1 Ba. Apt., carpets. r.. drapes , laundry room. l Br. aas pd, encl gar



Found : on 4/15, nr Slater Ar Beach, white puppy, AUit , Shep . type te0-2494

Pound : Vic . 23rd / Newport, reddish brn med. 11 dol. Fem, nurs Inc. SU·SCMa 1·5

16211 P•rbJde L.n, l blk Adul•· only. nope•· On· d l waaher. pool Adults W of ~ach, 3 bl ks S of '"" ""

1 Edinger. Jy S3S5 mo. 642·5073. Rmmate to ahr lrt 3 Br 8700 aq ft office + 847·5"4l TSL MGMT 642-1603 D r L..& --

3126 Oceanfront for Winter VERY NICE room . house, CM. sm. Resp. warebol.lff, Irvine In·

LARGIUWAID Lost lo Huntingt on Center . l&e bei&e plastic tackle box. Dark brown handle Cootenta valua­ble dental supplies. No questions asked. 892-6603

- -- mto 0 - Rentala. Furnished 4r $_,./ mo Priva•• ba' .. •· f F Pl du1t-'-1 Call •~·1"H We ta id 2 B 1 i.; b •••••••••••••••••••• •• • """' · .... ui • pre er em. eoty or ,.. . _. .,... or L•• • .._. 3741 s e r .. a, lor 2 b bal OW . unlum. Broker875-4il2. entranu. Nr . D . P . privacy . 760 · 0991 , lnquirelfaroeiCo. 16753 ••••••••••••••••••••••• cpts , drpa , bu1ltlns . I r. cony. . Harbor ~°"3W •7• -K·lly Noyes "1 """'" B .. rs w ! . deck , gar, Yr lse. S475 c ean. com laundry & NO FEE! Apt. 4i Condo · ......,. · " ..-- "' • . ......... • · t>!~:b ::C':!ityprivjt~ 760·0489&7~00>9 wshr . gar. nr ocean rentals Villa Rental.a. Hotek,.._.. 4100 •••• Coop Invited. Br. !~lly furn .• l:~ry 661-0252 675-4912 Broker ••••••••••••••••••••••• t.r•..t 4ll0 MES .&.

•. MobU. Home. 642· 1802 IHSTAMT IH Bachelor apt. all utils pd, OCE "'MFRO~ Balboa, Inn oceanfront. ••••••••••••••••••••••• A ·~OMS E·aide, 2br lba, pool, "" "' Low wlnteT rat.ea. Daily Drywall On.lab, 30ft Jona lllJDUSTRIAL • laundr y rm. am child 3 bl ks from P C H · Furn 3 Bdrm. 2 Ba. 2 or weekly. Kitchenette. front & rear doors. dbl " ' BEAUT. 2 br, oceanview, OK . TSL Mgmt. 642-1603 S300/ mo. 831 1873 car garage with office, S90 Ir up. 675-8740. drive aceeuM6-41.52 PARK

hi-fashion decor, huge, ~SliBllU Lge 2br . l'.ltba. balcony, washer & dryer lncld. GaraaeonPenlnaula aorgeoua Ir, Sl,000 mo ~ frpk . s4751mo A v a 1 I . N o w ¥early, Hotel Apt. Room,

, Avl.5-lto7·U . 499·2227 661.8437 Wkly/ Mnt.hly kltchenettelrbat.h. Utlla btwn.12lhlrl3lhSt. • APARTMENTS ----- -- TSL MGMT. 642-1603 paid. $280 mo. + aeeurt. 875·7876or5'7·4200. : s220 Furn 11m cozy bach Beautiful lands~aped 2 Br. 1 Ba. nu paint & - - ty deposit . 2306 W . Offlcel..... 4

nr bcb. Utll pd. No pets garden apts. Patios or carpet. Avail now s395. E . Bluffs Condo. 481'. Oceanfront, Newport •••••••••••••••••••~~~

7t I W.17 .. St. Coat• Mita. Callf.


Madaerel Rah Mt.). SINCE 1981

lat4'2nd TOI, ~K-SlM + Owner / Non Owner

SFRaA:Condos Commercial & lnduatrlal

PETER DOBBS 640-60111 873-9043

Want Investor for Npt bayfront home. Give well secured lat or 2nd T.D. Agt, 876-6161.

FOUND Male Cocker Spaniel Gold Color Vic Gretchen Lane. 4/ 3/81 775-0109

FOUND Surfboard , near Warner/ FAwardJ, H.8 last weekend 847·5516 eves.

• 1 Reap emplyd adlt deck11 P~I & s pa. Cov- Call Darlyne 661.1162 or 38a. sundk. pool, S87 Beach . 873-054. nJLLSERVICESUITE . 1980 sq. ft. Unit .avail. • 494·4200. eredparkmg. Adults. no 494.3672 mo 645 · 34H , (2 13) ORANGE CO AST May lat . Ca rp el!! ,

pets 541 4460 SEA WI FINANCIAL CENTER drapes wet bar. •336-34•

WGllf 21-220/o YWd7 On your T .D.'a Notes SSRaiaers-lnves\oraSS

LOST : Pet Weasel Ferret <looks like a Nielson ) is tame Reward ! Call 842-7777.


• NewportlHcJI 3769 2BR , l Ba 1470 H...tiftgtoRleoch 3840 C-li 1 , 2845 MeH Verde Dr. E. aq. ft . •Leasing office Call DeMiaon Assoc 673-7314 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 BR , 2 Ba $48().$485 ••••••••••••••••••••••• r Haven. 1804 Clay, 2 MOTEL c ·- hrs Mon lhru Fri 8-4

Luxury 0 c ea n front 398 W W1lsoo, 631·5583 BR 1 Ba, fplc. no pets. 16• osta Mesa. ••"5 per Sat 10·2. Weekly 2or3Br Comp SSOOmo. 67S.0349 w mo. + aecurttydeposlt. ---------• Purchase of 2ND TD 's

• eek~rentals now lncludea all uUJ .• use or s....___ 4550 furn in c ld linen s I BR S40S ·1 __ .. • ..... ...,... arranged For details &40.47&4 161 E 18th, 642.0856 Beaut 3 br. 2 ba, Crplc. 1 avai · * ....... up. llbrary l co~!erence & ••••••••••••••••••••••• call

- -- blk beach $675 Adults.1

:~':!°:. TV. •Phones in telephone aniwerln~ . Approx 6000sq ft m 960· 1957 Broker Fantastically fum15hed 3 BR. 2 Ba Sssq • ' & 1 BA P• " 0 Aot\ no pets Savage Wilde & 2274 N rt Bl d C M Secretarial area avail Fountain Valley nr San ---\ownhoUH, with ~an 2 BR , 2 Ba ssoo • 0·\~• •\"t'' & 680 Co 675-6606 ewpo v · · at Sl75 per mo James E . Dieeo Fwy. Sl.320/ mo. s 100.ooo ~ at 20'7, re-view. Tennb oourt, pool 151 E 21st, 548-2~ • P' ! ~. " ,. ~ - - --- - 64&-

7445 Dung er A tto rn e Y Call John 556·9360 or tum Call broker. Mark S92Sl mo. 760-9117 • ·•. ~: 11,:,~\'~, ~' WESTCLJFF 2 Br. l"'2 ba LIVE IN NEW PORT 957· 1414· 5'8-7533 Conley , 963-8377

Bachelor S360 • 5rtw 1 G• tn townhouse Adults only, BEACH FOR SlOO PER 1617 Weatcllff. N 8 Want 1--"'aliW~ 2250 Vanguard Way no pets IMO mo 1728 WEEK 64s.0440 financial inat 1~. f. _... _,_ 4600 S20,000 2nd TD. 20"1" mt S40--96l!6 or 548-2408 Bedford Lane 548-7533 . """• ••••••••••••••••••••••• All due 13/mo Secured

Lost : Cat , Himalayan Seal Point, Sat in Top or World area, Lag Bch REWARDU4·2536 aft 4

Found . Stray dog NptHgts 546-3238

Lost M 7 mos Kitty. or wht. wht chest. ID tag 646· 1571

- ---- On b - 5........,....,. 4200 lat. noor. A&ent 54i.so32 American family of 4 20 units 673 · 6720 . EASTSIDE. clean 2 BR. ve Y 509 Femleaf. 4 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ICOLLCIHTH from Brussels looking 544·0333 <Pnvate lender enrl gar. S425 mo + Bd . 2' ) Ba. nu bldg, 4 car Furn. 2bdrm Mesa condo. ..._,_... for house In Laguna , preferred.) Le'i~e I FOUND Fem Dalmat1on

very th i n v 1C' W ardt Ell.ls 962·3688

security 251 16th Place. 2 & 3 Bedro o m s gar SllSO/ mo Avail. avail. 6/ 27 thru 8122 "'°YT ..,., CdM or Newport nr bch Apt s . no pets Call S4oo.s450 KJds OK, no 5 1 1. Ask for Darrell s5251mo. Call Answer Eleaant executive suites to rent or trade for 3.4 9793848 pet s please Wat e r Pash 631-1266 Ad#4(6,24hn, 64Z-4300. In prestige location . weeks In August .

_ _ _ __ Wtt.h complete support Airmail·Hasltin, Avenue REQUIRED

FOUND 2 Doberman Pincher. about I yr old. H B. area 846-4938

FOUND . Ladies Silver YEAR· AOUND FUN Social Ac l •• •f•P\ D •ec t ' ' • F •PP <,1Jri<1ay Brun( h • 880 \ • P,1r l •P\ • Ptu~ mu1 n morP

Sharp 2 BR18ain4-plex, Trash Paid Carport ewport Beach House. services Ham ol r 17 'A ' 1180 679 CenterSt No 7 $400 964-2S66 or 973·297 • Agt · Summer Weekly Rental 714/851--0681 Brussels Belguim . ••••••••••••••••••••••• 963.6,,., 1 no fee 32.2.374. 1223 AMowtc......m 510 R~MRC watch . vie Goldenwest &

Edinger, H.B Identify 848-7756 .>.} 39th St. ""blk from und, HEWroaT CEHTH

com pl. rum. off street Full Service Suites R t:Al.TllRS

2 Bdrm . 2 ba . rpts. drps. d i w. end ~ar . 8e11 c: h & 5 Points area S431J mo 842-8032


GREAT RECREATION Tpnn ·~ • r re1-> L ,..,_,,tr 1pro & rirr hut • ' Hf',)llt1 Cluh' • '),JU"·• ,

Hyor 1mu\~.Jq" • 5w·m m rg • [Jr ' ng l'l.1• q1·

BEAUTIFUL APART fttENTS > "Q·•· ' • & I BeJr " • i ,.

• t.O'-i•1 i.."'

• "" .jp s :} I f.

f ,, ~t ... tJ

... . • ........ 4~

p• ""' '

Oakwood Garden Apartments

Newport Beach/ So I' l(J 'bl" C:,t .. • , j ....

2 Br I Ba rrpl c , dshwashr, crpts, drps. gar $46() C M 821 1890

I Br with loft , re!, stove . La;ge 3 BR 21., ba , with poo l 2 83 A\ oc ad o garag e Kids & pet s Hayloft Apts C M 1440 wel come I mile t o 821 1890 ocean SVOO mo 964 2937

I Br with ref, stove. gar S325 240 A\ oc ad o Ha ) lo ft Apt s C M 821 1890

2br. J ~,ba . 610 Joanne St t M no chlldren . sm a ll dog cons ide r ed $4 25 642 7344

• 2b r condo, nr S (' Plaza, S A SSOO. no pets . S49 3232

Large l Br w garagl' ~ blk s fr o m b earh S380 m o lst mo+ S200 dep req Call S36 7S42

Century 21 SU RF

Ava il now 2 Br 2 Ra up s ta i r !> . frp lc. d i. hwr . b al c on y & ~arage Wat e r t ras h pa id I c h i ld . no pets S4 75 964 2566 or 973 2971 Agt

- no fee 71 4 1 642-5113

Newport Beach/ No 880 rv •P

$400 2br F ... s1de. Adults. no pets En Gar 548-9441 . 5514177

SF:AS PRAY 2Br. 2ba . frplc Ht>i.· & sec ur11 y Nr beach S64:>. 891 6396

---------· 2 br twnhse . 11-, ba , agt

rt' t.1'

171 4 1 64S· 110•

Oceanfront 2br, lba , gar, frplc . wkly until June l $300 751 6147 . (213 )331·5417

Peninsula, !!leJ>ll Lo sand

carport, no pets. S400 -mo 5597222 (9-Sonly l New pluiih 2245ft sq fl 3

- level 2bd & loft 21 . ba , 2 3 br dplx , Nwpt Hgts, mble frpl. hie Roman S500/ mo, 1st & la s t tub, wet bar, w dryer + dep 557-9186 JOft prt gar. m1 to bc:h


parking, taking reserva. $ $ I blk lo ocean/ bay. year tionsS40-8113:2evesonJy CUTCOSTS ly , S750 mo1ncl ulil . blt· Allyouneedforone in s. 3 Bd , Avail Si l. VocaffoR._.. 4250 monthly fee ! 835 2844 • • • • • • • • • ••• •• •• • • • • • • • ~5470

-- •NWPT OCEANFRONT l Br Vers ailles pen · & Lido Isle bayfront , •DELUllOfACIS• thouse . SS2s/ mo, lease W / sm l boats . Wkly 1 room . from $235/ mo. o r lease opt.ion 968-5133 873-SURF No lease required 2112 l\M ----------1 DuPont Dr Adj

---R..tahtoSIMre 4300 Alrporter Hotel 3br. 21-, b<t , ideal for 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 833-3223. ~12

s1nl(les, 2 frpl cs . atrium Moving? Avoid depc»il.5 w watt'r!all. dbl gar, 283 & cut living expenses' Kn o x S t S8 50 m o Professionally since 675 1458 for appt 1971

CdM Deluxe Swt.es, AC. ampl pka. util pd 2855 E . Cat Hwy. 87s..6900


Desperate Christian Cou· ------pie w/ 2 small children i---------· Yfill clean, paint howie or <ilAHD OPEMIHG apt . for some rent. THE COOKERY 556·0998 RESTAURANT ------·---• 500 W Coast Hwy

4650 •••••••••••••••••••••••

<Across Crom Balboa Bay Club) Open 6AM 3PM . BreaJtfast·Lunch Open 7 days. S Acrea. 10 mi from Palm

Springs. store your boat. •--------• trlr of what have you for Loaf & FCM9d - 5300 S50 mo. Also self cont'd camprs welcome to ••••••••••••••••••••••• vacation. View of tram Call Answer Ad 11360. 642-4300. 24 hours

2bdrm 11 ~bll . adults. no pt>l!>. S395

548 2682

HOUSBUTES 832-4134 Costa Mesa 3 rm swte, _, I

AIC Plenty of parklnf. ._....,., l.Tfff * Shcnd UY"'g• Ra..u


Cal~ Ocean View. spac, lux· ur1 o u s 2 BR 2 Ba V e r s a1llf s All amenities S750 S57·1997

Co I •~ 11 545 1q . ft . $400 per mo. · unse ors ..., persona Y Realonomics 875-8700 • • • •• • • • •••••••••• •• • • •

select your compatible --------- ........ rmmte to 11 ult your FULL SERVICE SUITE . Opportwlity 5005 642-5671 hfestyle. Shared· Living. O R A N G E C O A g T ••••••• ••••••••••••••• .1---------•I 833DoverDrSulte31 NB FINANCIAL CENTER EUROP~"'~ DELI

Steps to bch 2 BR t Ba. _ 631·1801 2845 Mesa Verde Dr. E . '°""" LOST · Lg Orange cat. f I ,.,, 1 • 6• Cos' ta M-a. 5 .. are Greatest H.B. location. altered male, WAS P c. dbl gar. patio ..,30 Rmmte wanted to shr lte ,. .... n Health forces sale. John · bl 11

mo yrly 968-a...,., condo nr S.C. Pla'"a . 350 sq fl office with wearing ue co ar °""" • . Cox Agt. 631·121Ei6 " Gu 1 " REW A RD • OC~"' ... FR~- Sauna , pool. jacuzzi. another Re~ltoror c6mp ~ ""' * Private bat.h. Available other small bualneaa. A B A r e q u i re 1 3 546·8437 _

Fr pie . panelled. patio. I May 1st. s250 + ex · $250 per mo. +security, managen. ~75.000/yr Lost 4ts : Fred Dobie pup. I br . S575/ mo. 642·0045 penses. Call ss7.JS.27 or lncludea utJla. It phone potential. Co. car upon Reward . For mfo or re eves 759.0060 a n awe r In I · 0th er qualifyin1. 543-0902 tum ss7.4236.

-, services avail. 957·0701 .


Mumn Jewel Groan - Blouse

WELFARE Younaster . " Mom . I spent all my allowance How can r eam some money'" Mom " As far as I 'm concerned you' re unemployed " Son ' How about s ome

WELFARE then '" -- - ---

r~oRals 5)50 •••••••••••••••••••••••

FIRST LADY Escort. Models

PartyD.c:ft'S. •972-1345•

MC & VISA Accepted


953·0778 MC/VISA

•FOXY LADY• OUTCALLONLY 2 br furn Lge patio 2 BR twnhot.J.M!. Livmg

S4001mo or StSO wkly to rm D 1n1 n g area . June 20. Summer wkly, kitchen . fpl c, gas &

F: Blurts Condo. 4Br, IF 1 · , ...,. d II 3Br,2 Ba . dm rm& ll\rm. 3Ba !lundk pool IS.SO emae, mtd20a\osha:re .. say. ~.-.Trvst Mort9~. Trvst frplc . dishwasher, nit·e m o .. 6 4 S 3 4 7 4 3~rm , 2ba. 760-9573 Vic- Prime Newnnrt Center D•ed1 5035 Dud1 5035

VISA MC • 972-1131.

yrd S595 mo $300 !le <.' I (213 )54.l 4460 lona. - ...., • ••••••••• ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 96J.8842 art 5 30 • -------1 Of!lce apace w /a~c-

HOUSE 1, blk lo bch 2br. NEAR AIRPORT t.cular ocn view foraub-

S400-S450 873-4243 wate r , attached garage. •OCliHFtlOMT po~I . Jacuzzi . laundry

Get away today, watch Cac on property Adults. the waves & whales 1 Dix no pets Avail 1mmed. 2-4br, compl furn Xlnt S500 + S275 security toe. 673-SUR f' . 673 7677 631 4984

~ewh Q\11et I Br I Ba New Uat. Mlhed c rpts & drps Goo d

••••••••••••••••••••••• eas ts1de Loe Mature Chwral 3102 Adults only S325. 147 E •••••••••••••••••••••• • 18th St 114, C M

A"MTS FOR REHT H.B., N.8 , Costa Mes a Unfurn 2 br. 1 ba ls..t &

Lux ne" 2br . 2'iba t "nhmt'. pool Jae ten ms. sec gate on la.l'oon 962 1398 evel>

lbr Townhou.o;e, built 1m. fr pie. pool spa tennis I m1 to bch N11 peh $475 847-8758. 848-9916

WALK TO BEACH Bachelor. gas & wate r paid . s tove refrig, 5325 mo 536 2456 or 536 7979

Somethlftg for Everyone las t mo rent.+ S200sec . Bach. to 4 Br Unfum depo11il S3SO mo. 787 W Apta. Certain locations Wilson , apt B Agt . offer : Pool , spa . 552·5510. DELUXE21R21A fireplace. laun. room , Near beach . new . beamed c e I 11 n J s. The fastest draw in the wrfplc . & patio, enc l 1ara1ea. alt built·ms. West. · .a Dally Pllot gar . D I W . laundr y Garden & Townhouse Classified Ad:._~2·56~- facil. , ideal for room desl1n. mates Adult s $465 TSL MGMT. 642-1603 H...tMC)toel hoclt 3140 960-4614 ..... , .. ,. • ... 3107 ....................... -

••••••••••••••••••••••• I •aso UtU pd. lBR Duplex. 417 E . Bay Ave. Balboa No peta. 547-IUS

** 1 BR, yrly. utll, tar. on tbe bay . View . Upatalrt . lmmac '71-itu . ... Open Sat l ·S, au U,ewaw

1 BR. yrb', S• . 81.k to _,.ach. wl .. r.,•. llap. a4lt or cpl MS-SWl

Kennebunkport? lsn·t that the horse that won

The Triple Crown in '727 ~fD~

lba, fn ced yrd. frplc 2 Prof. F shr 2br, 2ba lux lease. 107hq ft. 760-9'2CM car gar $800/mo yrly twnhse. C.M. area 642 8216, 846-3567 675•363&; 5.57-5'84

YEIS .... LLES Female to ahr 3Br furn . _, S175 + util . Non·smoker.

Lovely 2 br, 2 ba, former 642.3738

Office Space In counul· ing & ~ycho therapy eroup New medical complex. Clse \o Hoag Hospital SZOO / mo ( 213) 284 ·32163 m o d e I . ,de oo rat o r --------­

tou ches. c lubhouse & Male 33 wanu fem rm. amenities, 1599 Sandy, mte full priv. S275/ mo. Newport Buch location. 642 6149 __ incluUl.544>-.l.200ext34 MacArthur at Jam ·

Ba c h . un11 on water SPACIOUS !urn home boree, l2Se aq ft, Sl.2S t'I. S300 / mo Own / Agt with refined MATURE per mo. Utlla " maln-833·2650or873~9 _ adult, non·smoker. Lov· 1_te_n_a_n_ce_ lnc_ l_._85_1_·1_7_11 __

Sharp l Bdrm apt m Npt ; ely area · Dana Pt. Suite off Pacillc CoHt Heights. I adult no peta l 493·3115. Hwy, nr Chart House. 132.Smo 642 7745 NB. 340 sq.ft . S4oo per

· 13br Nwpt Bch hae, S200 mo. Call John 549-2117 1 br , yrly. gar. prka . mo, lat" last, ~ ulll , 1----------1 steps to beach. S4001mo. nonsmoker, avail. May Dix Nwpt Bel\ Airport Of. 673-39Sll ~-6899 1. 645-9634 flee , 1500 IQ ft . Sl. per aq

. - - ft. 146-4419

MIWPOIT llACH Convtolent Peninsula ~atfoo acrou frotD Cl· t1 Hall. EaecutJve 1tyle offk•• wffuJJ services •uU. from 11.5 sq.n . and up. No le11e re· quired. Cal.I ~8002 for lnfo.rmaUoa. ............. 44IO

ofow % Rate 2nd Trust Deeds

Low cost equity loans avail. $20,000 to $150.000. 18 yr . loan. Assumable.

Owner occupied.

BANKERS NAT'L MORTGAGE CO . . (714 ) 731·5844

An established O.C Mortgaie Bankmg Company



IOam· lOpm Fully Lic 'd . 492· 7296 or 49'l·ll034 l8U S Camino Real , San Clem


Be pampered by 16 Beaut Girls Open 10AM · 4AM 7 days . Phone 645-3433

1HE GirHriends . •ESCORTS•

Ho..../ Offla/Hotel • 759-1216-• . * 529-lllJ.

Wfra. NowHirill& MC VISA


ServiQI all of O.C.

WHT temale, blue eyed, utrtmtly attraetlv., s hapely. 5'5", afttc · Uonate, sincere, 52 . Dfflre wtaJUi.Y man to 1poll mt l Wrlte : CS UOO, COILI Mesa, 12G'r•

I J>.tve a technique t.l\•l coul d b t~P 1ou r• · member dreams. Send •a to DreMm. P .O. Box. IOU Olend&l4t, Ca. 11201

SHE e oaT s 11 · NOD&LINO ..... "

~~.~~ ..... ?!~

Q-.1llfled cHdlctate1 •u•t po••••• ual1Uulfnumerlul abUlty Ud mu9* ~able lo fudic* tl'f enht wH.la alnlmal

SAUIHf.f II &kt 1 ..., ft,alt, al· traeUv• mw bed ts MU. • tore ..,, laid•• •P· pliuuo.I for fUll Ii Jll •U. pndioaf la mark· lnt/receMq potltlon exp belphal aiult be en· Uautlaetlc • ••II·


I. ACc:Me&.aa .. .......... llac. ba.a

t pOlitJoe ._ fOt an &e· ttc cit.It with 1 yr a ... periac., Dul* lnclUCS.

Hper¥lika. AbUltJ to ly. Straton ... 179711--------­comaualat. efhdiv• Armatrog Ave. . Jrv . ~;t'ft:c~ ~.~ !:OE. A Kmavb lod., RespouUIA¥U• 1Dclude1-Co_. ------1

,AIR ·~· a~ ...... APGRe•• ratlei and ian tnc M8MCAL POllcl.. and endorse· hll • Dltrme troot olc. llC.nOMIST

"'~ecta duttu. Xlnt mnta. Buay Cf.P. io F.V. Pel Jnternat'l. mtt1. flrm "---rda..•- --·· need• Rec e p · '9neftla ii WOltiftl COD· Con.tad:

de. wtt.b • li'Owlnl COin· Dl!BBIE l'OWLER pa;l,tA~~: 714-111-1414

11· 11o0~Ave In1De IMA

(71')5*GIS1 JnauraQCll Compeny or . a1M1AALOMCI ~~~J:

. Law office needs 400Ceotn1Tower measea1er to do 1eoeral Oraqe, Ca. office dutlea abo, mutt Equl OpportQIUty -bav• a pod car! Salary 2mpioyer 11/F + mileap. Call Candy ,.. _______ _


...,. • ..... ••-u.a. Uoalat/Typtat for froo\ llEI>lCAL hl1 or put. --------- dealt. Handle pboaea. tl me, front off l ce . PB SOM PllDA y sreet vlllton. 4Swpm re­TramcrtblQc aWJr. pre- Over the counter sale•. q'd . Accuracy • ,must. f d . &e.MOO. Boatatore. G1·2810 Non-1mk.n. only. Call :

Mn. Coplan, 559·8901. MEDICAL •Plctweff fr1 IMS Equipment, 280S

TIAMSCRllEI Picture frarae abop Barranca Rd., Jrvlne. SM.IS . Secretarial need• per1on ex · _E_O_E _______ Jmmed. partt.lmeopen· SALES SEC'Y

Work at bome, top pay . perienced in all ph.ues s """PERSON f Inc for Reader Ad With a younfi d""'•mac Requires minimum 5yn of picture framln1 . R.E . AL.,,.., or ,,~ a c ut e boiplta l ex . 5.Sf.U22 Hles, excban&e., lnvest- representative for wide computer bl Ung sales perience in all pbues or 1--'·--·------ menta . Hlgb comm. New sales posit.ion. Gd. com· organization. Must have medical dictation. Mon.· p,.--..._.T__,..,. • P / T oE(.k Newport pany beoe:ftta. Apply in xlnt. verbal skills , ..._. - - -- -- p lfl R 3683 person : Pennysaver, clerical or eecretarlal

Secretary bec.Secnhry

luuraace ru. 1-$. ,_._. Cbrlstlan . Early, __ a_c_ c_ ._._645-___ ._ 1660 Placentia Ave . , experience. CaJJ Linda

MEDICAL childhood educ. counes IESllYATIOHIST C.M. Mon-Fri., l·SPM Devorkln at Safeguard--------

ToPrHld1NI Fin . Svce1 f irm, Fashion Island, needs top·not C!h exec. secty . for very busy, challeng· ing pos. ! Strong exper. & typ/ sh skills a must . No n -smltrs . please . Xlnt. dental / medical benfta. Call: 71•..64().0123

•SH•ID•MPT. ~ma. •du.-.c..-.. ,.,...,..

SHO& 8ALSS · cblld1/t .... F·PIT. •A· p 'd .,....., brl,, lottn· th•• · benefit• . Cblldun•a 8oot•ry 144·3'14 lb. 11Jlt9r

SHOPl'IMM8 Learn en,....vinl ff other macblne1 . Company benefiu • sooct Potential for rt11\\ penon. SlZl RedHlll, C.M .

Sm l oU company has P /T (2 dys> openiJll for eood typlna 1kills. 1ood w\lh numbera, aome exp. re­q . d . 64()..8500


College rrade. Oppty in Nt!wport Beach area for hard working en · thwuasUc ind.iv. Send re aume to· P.O. Box 430. Marlton . New Jersey , 08053 a1M1AAL OPACI

Appliance aervice com­. pany. HHvy phonet,

' light typtoc, bookkeep. WANTED! RECEPTtoNIST or exper req 'd , P /Ume. u ood Health Care Systems w.9181 Neat, attrac ve, g SALES LADY · 1i-------- STR ... IGH..euER Busy Ne.- Center of· 1--------- personality. Phone ex· f luai hild · (714)957-1121. "" • U"'I

--· or exc ve c ren s -------- SECRET•RY for aluminum for""'-11 Ina experience. Ask for J>enob. 142--0240.

flee . responaible, en- ftlllSS PaSOH perience. Interviews bo Uq e So Cit Plaza Se A .... Immediate career OP,; thuslastic, typing. P IT· Fully qua)l(led offset. 12 · 4pm, Tuesday - L;M~GAsIN.~ . cretary We have an immed Experience requir ed

GIMIAAL OFACE Looking for a very in· tereaUn1 part time job In pleauot office? Cl erical. for mature penson. 1.ocation P .C.H., Npt . Bcb . Exper . a muat. Accurate typing, no s horlhanll . 20 hr. week includes Sat 6 Sun. Call : M&-7431

portuoity la available F IT 8'0-D!3 Min 3 years experience. Friday . full & part·Ume. LEGAL SEC'Y opening for a full time Able to read blueprinu for EXPERIENCE D --·---·---- Davidaon 701 , Ryobi Salary commensurate Sales Jmmed opening in our secretary In our cor- & meuurio1 lnatru · Life , Pfoperty and MIDICALASSIST. with T51. Darkroom a with experience. Harle- Now hiring Assistant growing Irvine omce. porate headquarters to menu ls\ & 2.nd ahltU Cuualty Aeeot in the Front/ Backolflce. CdM plus. Forint.e.rview,caU quinDlnnerPlayhouae, ManagerTrainees. Min. Civil prac ti ce wit h assist the Office Apply Aluminum Force New port and Co1ta area. '7J.8200 855·1137. 3503 S. Harbor Blvd. SA. 6mo. exper. Call for In· Smilnimum 2·5 yea,{'5 ;xp Manager with various SCoa.n' taS02AnEa .. AS14to9~40~t~. Meaa area. Dual Ucenae ---------1---------- 979·SS11 . terview : 642-l.23l. a ary open ca ran duties typing (60 + wpm ,, preferred but not Medical, full time front Prod uction, full lime I--------- ---------1_833_·36_ 22___ accurately), supply or· _E.O._E _____ _ n~ceuary. J.A:ada P~ office position. Mission person foe Prod. Dept. IESTAUUHT SALES PERS 0 N . SECIETA.aY dering & mventory. fll· TEACHER's Aide want vtde~. Jroup msurance Viejo . Execulive & Packing & handling Sandwich Maker hf.s mature. P/ time & some Le . 1 . ffi ed ing, etc. Excell salary & ed Exp 5 mornings. provad. · Excellent ~P. medical. secretarial ex· hosiery. Crystal Crea· I 7AM · 3PM Mon_.· Fra. wknds 673-2634 ff~·~ a\tlVe 0 icet ne 60s benefits with future

9 12. a fternoons 4

. 6 portuo1ty for aggresa1ve per. including insurance lions Appa.rel63l·S414 646-8883, caU anytime e icaen secre alry 1

growth potential Must Susan. ,,_u..8820 individual. billing . 495-lOMI I SALES P/ T wpm a cc u r a e Y • be non.smoker & have .....,.

General ...... ..,c .. hllOW .....

S.c..ttw~ 1 yr. exp. Ciraveyard

Wefftw/W......._ 1 year dinner house exp. 405 nl\es, 5PM· l 1PM

For appointment cont.act :

lOHALD AJJ.Stnt 2 I l-701-2300



PRODMGRTRAJNEE Restaurant Mornings necessary for plea s ant t e leph one ca r For immed . in M•11tsnecse Great op ..... ·y for a ta"'e Meye.rhof 's, primary v o I ce S 114 0 I mo . t 1 11 C ~ 5"9~ ·.-, ,. ...L. fabric at.ott Call Gen · Resu mes · PO Bo11 3lS1, erv ew ca . aryn

6 mornings a week . c harce indiv w/ mech suppli.,.. al good food to 646-4040. Whalen at 714·~~9 7AM-9AM. Excell. driv· skills . Work well w/ peo- the Irvine corporate ------=--- Newport Bea ch . CA C ing rec. req 'd . Apply · pie Salary open . communityneedspeople SA&RSP/ T 92663. MCS, IN • Penny1aver . 1660 ~11882 for sandwich making , Weneed3sbarp people SECllETilY Z960S DalmlerAve P lacentia Ave .. C.M. sample food prep. Mon· with fashion background Santa Ana, Ca 927~

MODBJMG, Comm ' Is , films . ex · tras .. SCAS needs new faces , all aees. 957·0282.

N to work in our men's & immediate opening/full · Equal Opp Emplyr PIODUCTIOH Fri , 8 ·3pm . 0 e x · t ime SouthLagunaarea .._ _______ _ St t women 's dept. Salary + ,.. TUIMH penence nee ar s 1 r pro pert• owners as -. I c JI s commiss ion , ca I or ,

Rubber hose products. man mum. a us1e s o c 1 a t 1 o n ~--------must pass co. physical SS7·6232 appt. THELOOtC S horlh a nd/ speedwrit · SECIETAIY includ ing back X ray . _R_ES_ T_A_U_RANT ___ F-/T-. p-/T-I &U-&'500 1ng . good typing r e · If you' re a competent


Taking applications quired Must be outgo~ secretary & a good or· btwn 8 It lOAM only. aandwicPhl mand& cocunt,er SALES r&SOHMR ing, personable & eajoy ganazer . we neded you St ra t ol lex . 17671 help . au e a e . a busy office dealing If k for contemporary retail yo u can la e a Arms trong Ave .. Irv . Gary's Deli, 7S2·S40l s to r e Only career · with members & pubhc. perso n al inte rest 1n

Aff\rmative Action Mora Pleau call for appt. Equal Opportunity ~IGHT ... UDITOR 645 -1358, Mon - Fri , Ems*>Yer " "" 9:30-SPM 1--------•I 642-lO:l> EOE. A Kendavis Ind ., RETIJLCl&J( minded, mature women Exc e llent benefi t s . chenldeadUnes &deta1J.

GUAUS Full & part time. ALI areu. Unllorma fum 'd. Ages 21 or over, retired welcome. No esper. nee. Apply : Universal P'roteeUon Service, 12218 w. 5th St.. Santa ,4na. Interview hn : • 12 6 t_., Mon· Frl.

Rana Gliders mfr needa gn1 laborers.



Head groundalteeper needed by Huntlnrton Beach City School Dist.

•· 12 mo. Polition. Exper. pref'd. ll,233 to Sl .533 depending on exper. Ap. ply : 735 14th St., H.B. 536-ISSl

Health Food store salespera.on, part or fu ll time. Acceptinc applica· tioo1. ~9537, S48-6968.

·--MOMEM•uas P/ T Over 21. M·F, 3-4 hrs day. Sandwich shop at beach, H.B. 538-7272.

.-H 0 M E W 0 R K ER S · Editorial work In your home for am publisher. Steady wort- 10-30 hrs ·per wk. Prefer BA. Call ·l-1 for appt. 132--0BSS

HOST/MOSTISS Full 6 part time availa·

' ble. App?k in penon . 3-SPM. J ftoaer, 400

So. Coast wy, Laguna • Beach.

HOUSICUAMllS Exp, own tram 540-0857

••• HOUSECLEANERS ToSS/br,car. ~123

Houeteeper/Companioa Live In or out.


Jewelry at.clAinSo. Coast MOTHER'SHELPER Co. n--... apply. Must be ex· S900/ mo Niguel Shores oriented business ad · Pl d b · h --------- Coat.a Mesa· Stationers, """" Co · •----· t aza nee 1 rll t SPECIALraSOH P IT Hone Dept. Clerk to per ' d . Salary .plus mmuruty"""""'la ion vert1s1ng . we have a person for office duties. We are looking for a workforPETCOArumal W~ll~iO:!~h A5~·.; 1 ~ · ~~ comm. Pleue apply in 1,.t7iiiiliii4iiii)4iiii9iii3·iii0l.22iiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•I pos1t1onyoucangrowin· ~tclM special persoa to help Supply Su-rmarkets. person l~l2onJy . person or call : Apropo, 1• to with one or O.C 's

with our 2~ yr old ban ..- 844-2652 or •29 Fuhion *•SECRET AJUES * * I ea d 1 n g advert 1 s i o g JIWUY SALIS dicappedlGll. . Apply 3033 Britto&, C.M · llH le land. Npt. Bcb. EOE Sh80/ RE/ FunSlB,000 a1enc ies Interested?

Exp pref but will train. Vaned fainlilyduties ln· 1_5"-_ 2'22 __ ._____ ASSISTANT S4<L/Super/2yrS12.600 .._9'7•9-•1•000------Apply ln penonJ_ Kirk clllde help with our older p / T l M E he l p f 0 r DIRECI'OR SALE5 Accountant} Oes$19.200 ,... Jewele~J 2300 Harbor chlldren also but with women's 1peclalty shop. OFNuRSFS REPRESENTATIVE Exec/shl001e<>rp$18.000 Blvd ,C.• . e~phasuon~totalcom· Fashionlaland. No expr. Day hrs . flexible Party plan program. E11pd Comultant Ours

IUTCHIHHB.t m1tment to bi1 welfare. nee. 75~'95llOtoapm. schedule. Ask for MC'S. work own hrs It earn lop Lb Reinders Agy, Inc PREP,COOK 6 CHEF Trainlna helpful, but not,_________ Wong Grand Avenue money . wlll tr a an . 4020 Birch Est '64 EOE

Experienced. Tbe Quiet necessary u we train OUALITY COMltOI. Conv. Hoap., 1730 Grand Everything s upplied. Newport/ 833-8190/ Free W n.oM and expand the ri&ht II a r In e hardw are Ave., Lo°' Beach. (213) Merchandile. &M-5Ul8

oman, ..,.. , &t0-7440. person . Full time manufacture r need s 59'7·8817 --------- --------

LEGALSECRETARY emplo~ with com· Q.C. Inspector-shipper. __ .. ••· ••••• I .1·1y P1•1ot N t Ct 'ood t ing paoy and com· Light driving. Saa ling Salling Instructor n.-.ed

P r, YP mena\lrat.e aalary. Must ~1 in Npt Bch. 25-Z7' crwa · skills , flexible hrs , be dependable . Ca ll knowledge he pful. Call ing sai lboats. Wknds • salary commensurate. Mrs. Canfield 3 to 6 pm. for appt. 546-1101. Santa now, full lime summer. •• General aSSl•anrnont e 5'.S-1$55 Moo thru Friday _AD_ •_. _______ 6'65·7100 " 6'"'""

Le I a I sect y . Ex . _67_S_·-a1_29_____ IECEIVIMG CLltUC ,_______ • Secretary to • perlenced, Xlnt s kills. HEWSPAPBS Fu l 1 \Im e Reta 11 • • salarynea .• onlhewater Deliver LA Time• to c lothing s t ore . Ex · SALES e fl8CUtiYe Office • e In Newport Beach h I B lb perlence preferred . L d •-.-.a..•--~ I ed' I

om es n a o a Hours 8 :30-S ·JO Mon.· ea I~~ • mm 1ate open ng for versatile ind1v1dual e <7t 4>67S-9680 · Peninsula. 3:30am-6am. Fri. Call 6'4-S070, ask for SS0,000 to $60,000 yearly. Must be capable of handling fast paced.

LEl.!...ALSCTRY ~114m13o. +. 548-3441 or Katie . lfyoucansell • vaned. and interesting duties for newspaper. ...,"" .....- Home & commercial • executive & personnel adm11USlrator Call •

Experienced · for smaU IECEPT10HIST/ security systems • 642-4321 . Ext. 277 for appt • N.B law ftrm. Word pro- Nuninc SECllTAIY Topcommlss1on$'s ceasing expr. desirable. HURSES AIDES Paid to professional ag· • Editor's Secreta • CaJl&M-4471 1:30-3:30pm & part.time fc~~:::a:feaf:~f~.:~!i greuive. salesperson. • fJ •

3: 30·7 : 30pm. Country Training leads for LEGAL SEC'Y Cl ub Con val. Hosp . d":J!:.n~~~~;~rsy.!{~edg. quallfled persons !. Call • A challenging opportunity is being offered by8

South Coast Pla.za area S49-3061. " for an apP'l. Mr. Zim· • the Dally Pilot for someone with thee law firm. Experience Salary + benefits. Call : merman intelU,ence. wit and skills required t.o be preferred , but not Nursing 714·494· ll.S7 C714l54t.a'6t e settetary to the editor It 's an interesting 8 necessary. Good typing HUISIMG llH llCEPT10NIST lldlo htc.. • poelllon requiring the tools of the trade - 80 8 skills. Litigation law . 7-3 :30f.m. Pvt 41 bed A • wpm dictation. 70 wpm typing, dictaphone -6'1·0217. Conva . H01p. Immac. Telephones, light typ· ~~~~~~~~~• and the abtllty lo ahlft mental geara on short e ---------1 with Jd staffing. Santa lng. Call Robin 752-6211 • not.Ice. The benefits are generous, the pay 8

LEGAL SECRETARY Ana Hu. S.A. MS-3081 . IECWTIOMIST SALES • reuonable. Applications being aceepted only . Lagun• Hilla rec ent through appointment by cal.li.DI( 642·4321 Calif Probate ex per Office Assist. Part/ Full Receptioruat. COMtiaCIAL • ext m . 8 ~euary. Xlnt tyJ>inl • Need enercet.lc FIT help Typin&. light bookkeep. Tired of sellina bouaes 7 • , •

S/H skills req. Call Mrs. for errands, uroxl mau ~!1t~ H= ~ 1~~~ :!::~1:e=~ =:~~ e Accounts P~ e W l n s l ow for a ppt . duties le odd jobs. Car 851-1651. skill• to manace broker flJllllf'fi 837-1060 req . E .O.E. Call Ad iit· i--------- commercial ru1 estate. • Book .. eerw • ---------1 ter H41, 24hn. &U-4300. lllC.nOMIST e ft ~. •

LIGALSCTIY PART-TIME Neat. attractive, .good ~i~.~~:ufl:~. $~;!~ A full-time position is ava1Jable for accurate O C Ai..- area Ex- pe-"'nality. Phone ex· _,,. lit ,__ • person with at least two years experience in • p;'d In i;;; ,· ,.._..ii nPh. Need six key people to pe'r'"'ie nce Interviews benc11la ; e u ... urance ; • processing accounts payable for computer . bate. Lite ~eepf~i. fill positions. WUI train. 1 2 . 4 pm : Tues d a Y. health Insurance & den· • input. cash reporting and disbursement . Sa la ry commeniurate Call 919-93118. Friday, fulJ .Ume. Salary ta1 plan. Contact Ken, schedu.ling and forecasting . Wi~repare w/ expr. 71•1&»9124 _..·TIME commemu.rate with ex- fl75-6700. • ~~ dpeposlts. Must. possess cood oalffice e

.- 1· perience. Harlequin Din·

1 s........ ermanent pos1t100 with g s ary.

Llc'd CM rffc• 2·3 days/ week in desi&n ner Pla.yhoule, 3S03 S. Sales ac delllfery driven and company paid beneflL'I Call : 642·4321, Needed ror poeiUoa u showroom. Some typing. Harbor Blvd • S . A. needed . Immed open- Ext. 277 for sppt. • make· UP artist at the eo.ta Mesa. 831-1050 919-SSU ings for inotlvated ~ •

SECRETARY Customer Service exp Order processing. type 50+ wpm , qu o tes . phones . Ir vin e mfg S40·8894 . aslt for K .H

SECURITY OfflCH 0 C C Campus. tem porary . part·time . on ca ll, swing/ graveyard S6 5S·S7 06/ hr Contact Coast Co mmunit y

I Colleges. 1370 Adam s Ave. Costa Mesa. 92626: 556-5947

E 0 E .. M1F

SECURfTY GUARDS Openings for qualir1ed individuals Good start ing pay Refundable un· 1form deposits 978-7243 & 638·8191

SECUlrTY GUARD Mon thru Friday, 12 to 8 AM Benefits 499-1175, 499·1177

Sec 'y N.I'. NOF OFC

Needs J lnt typist , top skills non-smkr salary ope~0-2912 _ _

Sec'y/ ltecept. for engineering co. Typ­in g, xln t sala r y & benefits 957~96 _____ ,

Sales Self Green World is look· 1n1 for aggressive , motivated ind1 vlduels for interior plant sales . Ba s e f ee and co m · mission paid. XJnt op­portunity to make cood mQney, have fun and be o n your own Ca II 898·0300.


Specasl classes for ban d1capped adults. 2 yrs. college exper. req'd . Ex cell vaca tion 4£ in · s uran ce benefit s Wkdys 8 .30 to 4PM United Cerebral Palsy Assoc . Santa Ana S46·S760

T eadwr'a Aide Preschool. exp 'd . Full ume 642-0Ul

TECHMICIAM Wanted for service &r lo st.allalton ol photo pro cesso r . Some mechanical & electrical exp required . (714 ) 898-0290 - -----

Telephone Sales WORKATHOMI

Ca ll Garde n Gro ve 530·S220

TELEPHOHE soucrras

H1nng now for summer Work 3-9 Mon-Fri. No exp nee No aelllng Call 966·01SI aft lpm.

Telephone "40 .. ftlaSOH

P I T phone fer son needed lo cal & set app 'ts for busy Solar Energy Co. S4 SO/hr + bonus. Ask for Al :


54S·6793, 7S4·~

Tet. .... SalH Exciting vacation club, promoting for resort condos , needs 3 to 6 bright , responsible, am bilious peo ple Gd phone voice nee. Guar against comm. Wkly. paycheck 3 pi t shifts avl Call . 9-5, Moo-Fra . S4J.. 79S7 or SU8137

TOOU'USHRS California baaed drillmg contractor seeks grow ing foreman for Hunt· mgton Beach rigs. Xlnt salary & benefits. Send resume : PO BOX 2508 Bakersfield CA 93303 or call (80S)327·S736 -----


Nwpl Bcb travel agency Mi nimum 2yn exp . w/ travel a1ency. Saber acts ONLY. Oontact Gaylene 6'$. 7771

~:rrc.~~chfo~·1r:: ,_P_A_R-T--T-IM- E- ,eo- er-al- of-.1 ..:..:..::ll:...:IC:::.:IPT:....· - /TYPt--S-,- rle. Can ea.Uy earn over · - Classified Outside Sales •

HoH•~H,er Aide, , _te_rv_ le_w_<_213_ )Z7_"57 __ s_-t Oce, varieddutiel In law Newport Beach law of· lO/hr. Call Craig aft.er . Salesperson to handle Real Ea tate e ---------1 Have somethin1 to sell?

.. otc. MO.-oo Roanna l pm : 951·28'2. .Development accounts and automotive . ••hre for elderly Liceoaed Real E1tate •---------1 flee . Pay commen.urate accounts . Must have at least 2 yeara ·:WJ.W••.. 1aleapel"IOll to 11t new PAIT·TM 1-• -lth_ a_b_ill_ty_._ ..... _ 6400 __ . __ 1SALES Full time , . eitperlence. Salar,Y plus comrn.iuion. Must e

_' _.. .... 141-3611 cocadomlnha.ina. 1131.a&l Kl.lit be people orknted lllC~OMtST re1ponalble female to .have car, mUea1e paid. Excellent company • .. ~ • amblUom, over 18. Hair Hlon work Tues- w 0 r k 1 n wo m ~ 0 ·a beneftta. For ~polntmenl for Interview, call HSEKPR·live in. 5 day1. Ucbt factcry work. flex Call IUcbard 875-51115. Sat. Irvlne ~Ul be a c h.,, ea r s h 0 p . • 642-54S1&, ext. 2 · • • 011. 1peakinf, DOD· bra, FT/ MF. 980-6755 • • 1mo1ter. 2 t o dlera . -.our ._. ,,__ aac.rtOMIST •------- n... Time Evec.n~ Anaheim Hilb. Rell. I" .mn •- Oranfe eo. aiJ'port area Salea • f'"• l 111 • req. t74·5UO Liquor Clerk, mature, C1w11•1T0111tt law irm Neb r~r- ~llATHOUltS e 'Ca •11•1Y_... e

evea. Full or part·Ume. C.-riln Lite typinf pref' ., .Adult• wi'tb, ouUtand ln.& attractive . , IMSUIAMCI Abo &toe* Clerk, part· Adulta wttb outatand1n1 pbooea fl root ore . tAM-JPM • pe.nonaUUu who enjoy working wtth 10.15.

CLmKISIC'Y tllne. c..an Tom f7t.'7"4 atlracUve penonalitlel 1 :»5:30, ll·F. Aak for or 1U1' old youths. Start at SUOboUr. 2J>m thru ~P:roperty7Cuualty . 1_d_•JW..__. _______ 1 to1pepdl.5hnperweek Patty or Lauren, 4MtrM e~'::!\ 3~~=: ea:t 3.a. Ask for Lori • • Penout U.. ••'£[ UlaUOl' ~ tall• pen. couu•Uac youth a1ea Ul-1005 e e

,,::=1~:::.0. · ~i:u.co;ta 11 .... t1.;.~~z::~i~~ s:S'--,-IC-9'!10MI---,-,--• ~ .. t~~n~:!: e Metor laatl , e l:»S:.:r!. ·..;. a~ immed =~• ex11u • adapt 1our work• N-ort Beai • J'rl. Nl:U. ext. 143. .for rilltt penoo ln our u:.:t;~ a i.~ ~f,:; • Tht Dally PU~b~ a mot.or route • 'vallablt • AatfotlM\. btll 1'~p& eni.~ ofc. ID a TlN arwtation e1n tbe Par'lc Newport ; a1a Canyon atea o1 e c...e "6-807 •a.let ottlft MU ,...., .~ Jkacb. Approximately lU ""n • ,

,... home • ba ..., time .ad •hou.W llk• rrom ooe to -. and 1a b1f

-". ___ • ._!!. ............. _.. lo cto. "°"r.: a:• to a:ao PM •~· e .-- tOI' JCNr ••mu.r. -- , ~ J'rt. and l :IO to 7:11(> AM Sat. 1ni.

ODlla-...ca . or~~. W•• •sun. £arntnu appro•lmateJy PI0.00 & q a I 1 0 pp or t . P•J aourl)' watt• .moatbly. P'o:r ~•It C!ODt.ad lt;lft lll:ll\aDC1.

ZlnplOy1r comm..._, e • eo.-i betW•• tbe houll·lO:OO and 12:00 e t.oe ANOa.18 TDID • All dally. • uu la•now•r An. • ~C.... 1 C.11. 9 .... ~ • 3IO w. Str.t

.CO.ta Meta, CA • ~~~~~~~L:..~....!!~~__;::.!I iii.I QpportMftlty Employer ,

••••••• •

Want Ads Call 642·5678 Classified ade do lL well.

WJadow Wash e r perienced , P IT , trans. 646-9780


Sat. 9·4. BotUes, t.ool1, collectables, b1hld Items , poll " plants. 11'2 Victoria Pl, C.M.

'Tl HOlida CB171 tl00. Rd ra~ 19ata.ln 1'10" 115lb S1JO,bel1D1tll5190o ..


76VWCAMPll ---------• Dynamite WHtlalla

pop.top. 4 speed. Only '9,000 mU.. (441WXA) tOIO


YOUSWA•Be 18711 Beach BJvd.



RENT : 21' lux . fl)tr home. Sips &, aelf·cont. U75 / wll . + 8' ml. N0-85&5.

72' DISCOVERER 25' , flb.rllH, 1treamllne. beaut. Sipe. 5. Just ~· IUrbilhed. Lut chance. movin1. l3l).l41.2 .

lte9 ()pen Road cab-roof air, 1lp1 6, PB, PS, auto. 13495. 142·2087

A.to SH'Yke, ,_.. .

Por tool rental hrm Ne.t appearance. iood handwriting, benehts Will train. Apply 19 Newport BJvd. C.M. or Z2eOO Lambert - 1203 Tori>.

3 PC. Drexel Bdrm set, bdbrd. nite atd, bureau SSOO. ~1-63119 alt SPM

Wrought Iron table 6 6

4 Family ! Antique Furn, lae amounts of misc , haehld Items, Sat only 9·2 18021 Gillman Irv. ~-8800

Non -profit ore needs your boat, plane, car,

••••••••••••••••••••••• 13' 1980 Capri Cyclone 176 KZ400

& Acceueriet t400 •••••••••••••••••••••••

for ..

DatsunZ motor

+ other' pcrh 76~5.l7

Gara1e Sale: Sofa, chn, Prof soccer 6 foosball beds , load• of misc eame. 5150. Ami Fm eome antiques 2300 Port Aberdeen Pl N.8 . Sat. stereo 6 beaut. cabinet. Apri125th IM SlOO. 494' 7997

Marine Electrician Sailboat racing rigged, new cond . 11200 cost S 1600 new 67S.2480

Xtras. nutlres/ batt Aals,kSOfirm

S4Mlt2 tOlO 14' AMF SUMASH

S400 646-4647 '78 Honda Hawk . xlnt

SO bp elec. start Suzuki 16' Hobie Cat. Good cond . 0 .B en1. Sl.500 Boat & T ·1 bo $2000 trailer free w/ sale of raa er. cat ~ · or

cond .. sooo ml, best or fer . 675-3972

WANTEDTOBUY Ori ver side door for

'67 VW sedan S46--l879

Ri1ht front fender for '67 VW S2.5


eng DaveM2-4Ml bat orr . Sheila, call · 7 8 6 s 0 YAMAHA 8 wheels and llres 559-9133. Ben 552·9794 SPECIAL low mileage All 14"saze --------Mmlcat

~UGE SALtu,Furn. 1 tatr : ills IOIJ --------- Cairn Terrier 11 mos old. Cstm So. American bar &


male-lookin1 for fun stool. value Sl,000. Mwit family Sl006'2·263S sell $600. 548-7871

MAR IN E GAR AGE •--A- SI-' SlOOO OBO 67S.18S2 after 768-5837 SALE ~. ,_, 6 -------

ANTIQUE MALL Male AKC lriah Setter, Chrome & glau & con·

amps, toya, c . es, ap-1••••••••••••••••••••••• pliancea, Ila'«> & much CONN Director trombone more ! Sat/Sun 9-4, 41 with case . Excellent Dogwood, Irv. (Un iv. condition, SlOO. 67S.8052

Se a g u 11 outboards Docks 9070 - A..to1forSG6e S bot t "'.6· ••••••••••••••••••••••• HONDA C'TllO Trail. xlnt ••••••••••••••••••••••• avons . a . e c ..... · d Daily UM. f'ri IG-9 loves kids Sso 14 mo tempoury, S rooms of R di dsSal/Sun con 2,000 m1 . 9Smpg, IMPORTANT

e an BOAT SLIPS FOR RENT k7SIOBO 833-1.a.5. NOTICE TO CIOMCI Tuesday old 642·0862 Xlnt (um. Bdrm. l.J v. & Park > .ss2-.a54 after6PM. 11751 Westminster Ave din Sell by p1ec: e

Garden Grove 5.5-4-6103 1Golden Ret puppies, 7 Washer/ dryer 857·4487 h d I NPT BCH. 25'-35' . READERS AND

Su- 5 .... .., 15 p.2cyl,Yanmar et1e .78 H d cvouvo 1 .-- AA.& FLUTE . Silver Selmer wl reverse geer 11,650 642-4644 on a A.N\I 0 ma ADVERTISERS

Hand ca r ved Chinese chest, S49S.

53&-9'39 eves

wks, shots. wonned. ch line , AKC 833-1418 Wood frame glass top

chow table, 2 for S100 Free puppy Chow / Victorian iron hall tree. S hepherd 12 wks , SlS0. 631·:1Yl9.

Camper shell . ace Metro ll586S. Gdlorstu· Completely overhauled $1600ortrade4sm pu The price of Items skates. 1url boards, col- dent. SlSO. 963-3039 Yanmar Mulel w/21'. .W JO' Dock Power Boat or w' camper . 546--0659 advertised by vehicle or TV, clothes. Sat & Sun Tabernacle Mast . No - - - dealers m the vehicle 9·3. 2338 Colgate Dr .. Offic• f•..._• Ir new generator wt s tarter overnighters Sl60/ mo. '48 Whiner motor c:ycle c:lass1fied advertising CM Eqlll,....t 1015 wiring . $900 811 is 7S2·2S84, &M-4767 Brand nu cond Only IO columns does not an

h s e b r o k e n . c: u t e --------American Oak.glass door Michelle 557·9'55 MUST SB.L bookcase , Princess -.--- 5 paec:e Medit. bdrm dresser , s heet music AK C English Spranger suite, I 1 k e new . cabinet, submit offer s S paniel , liver & wht s acri f ice. Best oHer.

------- _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 64S 1028; 642·3287 mis Must see to believe elude any applic:able HUGE ~ARAGE SALE s m i t h . c 0 r 0 n a loot~. ioww- 9040 Boat Slip .WANTED 24' S5,000. (702)82.5-9173 taxes, license, transfer 215 Ceca~ Place. Costa typewriter , Model 300. • •••••••••••••••••••••• with parking for local re· ,79 yam aha XS400F' lOK fees. financ:e charges. ~sa. Fn, Sat, Sun 9-4 Good condition. St SO. 1971 Sl<lr JACK s ident. 642·3'05 aft 5PM mis. Backrest, nu tares fees for air pollution con·

Call Dalebout Bay & , • W trol devic:e cert1ric:ations Furn . & brlc· a · bra.c . Beach . Ask for Janel 24 w / traller Xlnt . ANTED : ~hore moor- Bst0ff644-4461 or dealer documentary 18480 Santa Leonora Cir Smith 631.7300 financing. Call Gary or mg or manna space for ,73 HONDA Trail

90 1400 preparation charges un ·

67S-8172 anytime female 731-4710 Dys . 642·4773 ; Eves · ------ --- --Sohd Oak Partners Desk, fToff to You 1045 642.:...965!· cle, F V. Sal. only, 9-5. • · Don 631-1400. 10xl7' catamaran eves less othel'Wlse specified

-------- Wooden desks, StOO , . . - --- 497-3914 or S.0.4190, ext orig mi . Ss75 by the advertiser 60x43 Beautiful l:Of\d ••••••••••••••••••••••• C h r 1st 1 an woman SS Must sell·need room ssoo M Mmi Schnauzer : also rum, accept g1fls Firm . 847 1323 M Sha Tzu AJI shots To or will pay small pay ·

Gara1el yard Sale, Sat. 6 secretar y chairs sso 77 Tri HuJI, lJOhp Volvo, JO ~72 Sun . 9·2. Antiques, col· TRS 80 basic 11 with P~ 17t.4, ', all brand new Int, -- - - - -- - Aftff.,_1/

--- - good home 642·5l02 ments June 7Sl·0496 Antique square grand

lectablea, rum .. rugs, gram, s7so&manyother incl trailer S4300 . MotorHa.MS,S•I MotorHon.s,SCllff / Claulci 9520 depression glass , re· items . 851. 1711. 840-3410 R...t/ Storoge '9160 R...t/ Storage f I 60 •••••••••••••••••••••••

piano. Circa 1880 S 1500 Anllque Hall. 270 E 17th ~ta Mesa 548-3111

Antique roll top des k & c br, apprai sed S 1550, mutt sell S8SO 548 7871

Pvt Sale Fine Jewelry lkt Opal. Lucien Pi card Gold watch Original palnlln1s. Olis , wtr clrs etchlngs Plc:asso. Dah, Paul Blaine Henri e. Clyde Zukh. Miguel Domingu ez , Linda Ro1era & others Pr oriental lg bronze Urns Bronze. porcelem. bas que fi&urines Old Lon don Pub clock on Mghny ped estal BUI Chin a Cabinet wl blt in ladies desk . French Marbl e coffee tbl Pr sil k cbineae rugs Pr brass lamps+ more 639-7 128

ABBA ANTIQUES WboleaaleWarehouae


Com~Park 331)3Harbor Blvd

C.M. 7SMI070/Ma-9366 (Next to405 Freeway )

Purebred 11,.<ayr Cocker 7't sofa , burnt orang; Spaniel wl papers Very good condition S7S/ best lovable 646-21631 , °!Otse offer 847·5843 aft S.JO

cords, china & pottery, . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• · 4 6 F' or d Wood i fl .

toys & much more 418 2 desks-1 wl typewnter 261 LymBan ~~s~~e DO YOU HAVE Oai..JE restored. St3,500. ALSO

Dabha, CdM return. 3 olfice cbn. 1 as:is~Y67~2968 s " '29 Model A Town Sedan. COLLIE r -- -- -- -- aec' y cbr, 1 b.Jgbback wor Of THESE? 4 dr. restored Ideal for w papers, ree Pr Henredon Scene II GA R A G E SA LE d S lo good home. 2 yr male curio ~ab•n-•, new, cn.t F d . swivel chr all in 1ood Boat partner wanted 24' st u en l IO . 5 o O , m"'"" .,., uro1ture iahes , d iJJ•-.. .._off 67S6161 96.J 4721 con • w "'""'e ~t er Sea Ray Sundancer 1978 · _ _ 12000 ea Sell pr for clothes, toolt, all kinds be --'d •- · lted must ...,. •pie up Im mac , Npt Bch boat .,__La....-.. 1050 $2500 673-6286 of &oodaea 820 Center b A ·129 c .. "1708 "'"'~ Y pn _. slip Sl30/ mo + Sl900 ••••••••••• •••••• •• • ••• Elegant Meti bdrm set. ~t 'C M Sat/Sun S-S - r.+t 1017 Call ~7 9327 * * I BUY * * sohd oak. king hdbrd, YARD SALE Sat 412.5 !•••••••••••••••••••••••

Eld Mako 23. '77, nu trans, Good used Furmture & trpl dresser & pr n1te 2320 en Ave, Costa


3 SNAKES; 2 Pythons & 1 in Applianc:es OR 1 wall sell stands 673-62.86 Men,. Water skals, Avon Boa . All nice Also . uph , blmlru, pa t. Full

II bl I fis h . VHF 24Clsp OMC, or SELLforYou Sol~d oak t>edr set wl k co ecta es. c othing, large snake cage. S32S. IB S!0,0006'7S-4483 MASTERS AUCTIOM • n gs• z e water bed TV" more _548_-_, _96_7 _____ _ 646 ... 616, lll-'625 18oo10BO 642 7423 Sat 10..4 H~ Wood Sofa . lvoung Amazon redhd

-- -- lamp1 , antq bra as parrot complete with I& I IUY RlllMnuRE Twin bed wath mattre11 faucets . desk etc . 28 cage USO . 646· 1869

Les %7·8133 and box s prangs Gd Roclt ROH Way (Univ. 142.3850

13' FlbergJua boat, trlr adjustable for 16' boat. Johnson o / b 35h . p . S700/ 0 BO 548-~

. . . -- cond Best ofr. 640-6479 Pk l Sat. . ----------1 B11 red S shape chair. -- -- Suller-created Cockatoo '78 21' Whalecralt Nova, 3'xa ·. xlnt cond , 1150. 8' Maple Capt's chair S2.5. Garaie aale Antique w ca 8 e tame· XL, fuJJy equip w/ trlr, wane sofa, ,1150. plush Yellow bamboo · like bed dept.hnnder rattan seOO/ OBO m l39ll ' V8 Volvo en1, 2MH .P. 960 6487 dinette tbl & 4 chrs. like c he'at many boat 6 · lllce new SU,000 642-2928

- --- nu hoo. Sean 1irls wht baehld. misc 3248 Min· P'-os Ir e>rg.a 1090 day1, evesm.0443 Must sell butc:her blk tbl , dresser w/ mlrror SSO. neaota CM ·(corner of ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 cllrs . S225, 2 dressers. Matching desk w/ chrSSO Ca ) WURLITZER

1 tt '56 18' Century, excell.

nite stand & mirror S22S or bst orrer. 642•3223 , sp ne e con d . S 15 00 I 0 B 0 . & more. 975 02~3 art. -- MOVING ! Garaie Sale : model «10, two 44-note 642-0671. By Appt. 6PM Dining room table . 6 items from tor.$400. 285 keyboards , 13 pedal ---------i

-- chairs, 3 leaves & buHet. 8 r 0 ad way c . M . notes, auto tone control, Ta6ie O•erP.,..ata Dmm1 Tbl uruque Maple S2SO Ph ~5002 Sat/ Sun 8-6 earphonejack. aolld ma- Nodown can beuaed6 slus mcl · pie wl matchinr bench. ' 80 23 ' IMP C uddy pads J 11 n ens S 4 00 (9 ..... Stile 1051 J.wetry 1070 S400 caab or ks() de· Cabin . Only a<>hrs on 646 2652 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Uver,ed . 547. lMS en1lne. Mercruiser 260

---1 GIANTGA..R.AGESALE Beautiful diam on d out drive Fully fitted Bassett din rm table Sat. Apr2UrSun Apr218 horseahoe brooch, 14K 5'6" A.B. Chaff Loui1 out. PP 548-73:s.5 w leaf. 3 s ide chairs. 1 lo . 3 Sm a.pp l ., whiteiold. &f.2..4087 XV. Ampico .reproduc- Bau/ re creation boat , arm c:ha1r, xlnt cond, kitchenware, pictures , ing & grand piano. com· • S200 64&-73S8 de co r itema, lampa . Mhcel••- 1010 pletely restored" reblt. many xtru. bell offer.

clothln1. ETC .. ETC., ••••••••••••••••••••••• Plano originally bit ln 838-7l07 6' SOFA

•We w1 II pay $500 advance •Stability - 8 yrs. in the business •Net up to $250 per week

Our company presently has 2.6M In advance,European "Fly-dm1e ·

contracts and w lll peak at 4. 7M

y...,.Round 1..-... IHot Just Summerl L ... loeb­

We're The Experts

We encourage you to compare us ww1 others - Come in and check over our


We Heed More 1979-81

M1n1·Motorhomes & BubDl•Top Van Conversions

Please Call or Write for Info On Leaseback of Your ()Mi RV or

1963 T Bard , wht ext . blk wht ant . AC. like new $280() 543-~

· 52 P o t C a br o 1 let . c: ha ss1s !115039, 90<( restored Only serious buyers need to r ail 714 774.6757

·73 EXCALJ BUR Show car, S19.SOO firm Sl 0,000 cash . assume lease, $200/ mo. 673-7360

190t Olds Replica, $1500 or best offer. '62 Olds F'&s convt. & '62 Starfire F8S, both for S500 . 631 3929

'48 Whizzermotor cycle Brand nu cond. Only 10 m Is Must see to believe ss.ooo 1702182.5-9173

' 48 Studebaker Land Cru1str Xlnt cond Sell or trade 493-4761

95l0 • •••••••••••••••••••••• Dune buggy & trail~r . clean . new eng .

- Like new, green pattern, Aotlq ue Estate Sale . SlOO 645 298S Sat/Sun 1.500 Irvine Ave, - - ---

ETC. Most thinp nearly Cookware. 2IO pc 1t.lnles1 1921. Like new·eood ln· 18' Bay Crw.ser wi red & new . Nr O.C. Fair· steel waterleu . new , vestment. Collectors w ht ca n 0 p e t

0 p

ground• 557·99'78 won In contest, re1. k45. item Asking s20,ooo. Character Boat Parade • RV Rentoll, Inc. .. , .. 15092 Harvard Ave

Irvine. Ca. 92714 (71 4)559-~


4 Wheel Drfns 9550 Npt Bch ---.,,. .. " 1010 •••••••••••••••••••••••

HARBOR AREA APPLIANCE SERVICE We buy used appliances ··We sell rec:ond. 1uar.

appliances. · 549-3077

tlUY AflPUAMCIS I.fl 967-8133

P'rltldare w / bottom fre.ur. 68"x32" Olive Green S75. 54().3811 , art 8 561-1139.

G· E dbl oven ranae. 1 oYen 1elf. cJeanln1 . harves t 1old. suo. 851·5114 or f7S-03t t

GIANT RUMMAGE aacriflce 979-93&8 Hammond Organ & winner' Slip avail. SALE&SWAPMEET IEDWOOOZX6's. Plano Cente r CdM . S2800 I OBO 673 · 7873 ,

Selling enllre house full or furniture for living rm , bdrm & dinin~ rm . Ever ything near new, must sell lmmed orrers· c an help w/ deliver y

Sal. 9·2. Food. aames, Xlnt decking. 8-20' long. 644-8930 673·7677

Gisler 6: California . mill. 55t/ft. 646-988S loah, M..._ loah, M...... lcHlh, M-- at1, M ......

C. M. anytime. ..!-!r.'~ ...•.. !~.~~ .. ~~••••••!!.~~ .. ~~~••••••!!.~! .. ~!!'~ ...... !~.~! 549·9010

boolt fair , bake sale. New load jwit in from ----------1 b -----1 Two Family Garage Sale. Swap family tennis club

Early American maple 1979 Cad. Seville, furn , membership In Irvine bdrm set , dbl bed , clothln1. children'• toys. for 1 orSSOo. 833-3415 bookcaae hdbrd, mjrror movln1, lO/ y'! of ac· Rua 10' X 12· Brown & dre11er , desk & cumulation. Fri. 9-3pm, border, aquara/clrcles matching swivel chair. Sat t -3pm. 1121 Port ln bri1ht autumn colors 548-"92. Stanhope. N.B. · Suo . ...,_21152

8 PC BDRM SET Gara1e Sale. Jt'1 a Bil· Lo ....... . Helium Bouquets de· livered . Perfect for every occulon. 673-4419

Twin bed• wl hdbrd1 , lie. 5()t to 1. 325 Either dre11er. lamp tbl. desk, St, CM. (2 bib So. of cabinet. white fonnica 20th, jUll E. ol Santa tops , nocado l gold Ana St). SatoolyM. bues,2 matcbln11wivet Authentic plnball chn. 1ood cood. '300. M 0 V l N G S A L E • machlu, late 80'1, 1ood M uat sell by '128. cblldrena dotbela. Lob coad . S250.~*5 640-702IN.B. ol fllltc. M Sat• Sun.--------

152 ..... uen Street , GENUlNERUBJF.S Sell with EASE! eo.ta ..... 11 .. del OolyhOpeutonel

Cla11lfled Ads 642·5671 Mar bom9. ..,_

The leader for 1981. • •

••••••••••••••••••••••• lt71SUIAIU

4X411AT This 4 wheel drive baa low mites, is a strong runner & is priced for a quick sale ! (365TDX).

MAKIOFFH Olfer &ood Um.t 4/Z7 /81


(OPEN SUNDAYS) 1714112f·ll01

'74 4wd SCOt.rr bu l«t of mile•. muat sell $2500 firm. Xlnt int. 875-52117

'71 Jeep pickup truck, air, p1, pb, dlx cab, 12"0. PP, 1'1..-W

'7 4 Chevy •X4 w / ever1 th t n1 , Sloclll&Dd Camper shell, catm lnt, duel 1u ta.Db, body/ en1 •Int cond •• $4000491-5154

1981 T010ll . TERCEL SEDAM

n c I udes 4 speed Equ1pm.ent. I bucket seats . trans m 1 s s ~ 0 ~Y side moldings & pinstripes. ~dings . (238747).



1981 TOYOTA COROLLA SRS Equ.!~nfl!~~~.;~~~~ '. bucket seats. P 11 moldings. pinstripes & wheel we



1981 VOLVO . DL

2 Door Sedan . Automatic • transmission, power steering, power brakes, p1nstr1 pes, wheel well moldings and morel (195177).


4 Door Sedan . Automatic transm isslon and fully factory equipped! (618254).


2 Door Sedan. 4 speed transmission. e>ower steering, power brakes, wheel well moldings. pinstripes and morel (197825).

To£ TOYOTA Equipment PICKUP transmission includes 4 speed Pa.nel, cnro~eo~e toucn tailgate mirrors and ~mper, Del Bar •, $Ped (012888).lly factory

d9¥d TOYOTA E! iPment N PICKUP transmission '"gludes 4 speed chrome rear .b el Bar mirrors tailgate Panel umper, one touch equipped. (0261 ~~f fully factory



5 Door Station Wagon. Automatic t(ansmission , power steering. power t5,:akes . pinstripes, wheel well ~ldlngs & morel (338338).

l I

00 / 080. !town Co. •HM.

'1- Ford 150, 17K ml. .. Ice body, hyd. 1ate.

250 / 0BO . Dav i•· wnCo. Ml-1114.

Ford 16' Oatbed, 1~ cood cood., S311do.

41561 Find what you want in Daily Pilot Classifieds .

.... Used l.lltos. UHd ...........................................





1978 CADILLAC smw (798U0S)





~· ... °"""P_c-ttw 2825 Hartlor Blvd.

COSTA MESA · 97f.2100



"""'I.HI .. , 11 1\"

•i:--1 \ \1 ~"'

546- 1200

'71 AUDI IOIO lid mllut•1 1Uver ..,.We, tull lu 6 pwr pach1•, urf. . -~ee••1 aoto, am/Im

. ,,. ..... CHI, •1000 141-1804

r' .v• wbldl

PIM '1• AuclJ r•. xlt eon. ForYourCarl •m/hn tt.rfO. llUlttee·

JOHMSOM & SOM t1.•. Klm•1'a D1..nu•r ....... 'TJ DATSUN ~ t+t. map, a/ c, stereo, mt ~~~!!~~~~

U.C• Uercwy IMW . t712 2126 Harbor Blvd. ••••• •• •••••••••••••••• 'hltMs.t.

coad. 5UG41, 1-... .. _ ... eves 'Tl me. :m. ama. llmt

1-~-~~~----4 llel.I Jfr~Q.OfU.MCN '71 Dal.IUD l!mO, CHI ml. dy1 ,~~-Costa lleaa · S.0-5UO w.,.,

OVER ........ For Your Good

VW, Poncbe or Audi . .. ...

· -. - . ( ~ ~ ... VW -PORSCHE-AUDI "5E. CoutHiway at Bayside Drive

Newpqrt Beach 673-0900

Premium pricea paid for any I.med ear (forelp or domelltlc > in 1ood oondlUoe. .

SeeU1Flnt l

TOP Dollar for old can running or not.


For'IbeS.t Buy Or Leae Deal

ID Oraqe County ... Come S.. Ua Today!.


OMLYnt c ..... ,...,, ........ u

%1402 ........ ,".

-~· IJI· CIOled Sunda1 '

alnt eood, muat tell. ' 7t 3000 Sunt0-of , bOOo. S.Jl74 am/rm . $11.aoo/ Wlll

'7lllOWGN,am/fmcM1 trade.sGSl.Na-71111 1

root rack, uld.nf U700 ._ --'edo, wbl w/ aaddle ' 411-152'1 •• - • ,_....__.,._ ____ -f lat, a1nt Hed. SUOO.

·11 Da~ 1100 P u • 14&-'1!093 d11 , H4-1n1 nma, tJSll "~ evet 1

49'7·2133 '71 2808! I .I , new ea1. '79 320i Topaz, wen eared .... t1JI pain~ batt. •tires. Mint for please call. ~16 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~d. 873-6311J

2140UhriruerttePkwy. rorappt&c>1ee. ... .... T 1•4•-D11 ...... Viejo "... A ~' llBZ '71 aoc bht/blu,

Aveeyftwy. uil '7IB11\1rm, a1atcona.t lW7t, xlntcond, 10 ml, alnt c ond s2.ooo mi (ofU P'reewa1> 1pd anthracite 1ray- priced for lmmed. sale. .. ,_,1 ......_ ,... .,.....,. •

IJl·Z040 4tMt4t belle. 34,000 mi, Sll,ooo. 494~77&,'2!2'3 • 11·""" uuu . ....... _...

CJoeedSundaya PP, 842-3433. • J '11 x19 ... coad am/ fib '11. ~I>. 4 dt9edan, sun-

'71 BllW DK. Full eqft. tape .:..,.. tainl. 0

10 mpt • ~~:~.:i c!ctST'~ Nu tires • clukh . .,..u SHOO. Call AnewerAi <213>..._.m dy1 c'n4) malftl. rcrcl. Mint cond. .,_, .. ~. sst•• eves/ wlmd1. Bat of r . Wk n d I eve '7I ·- R 1: .. .a.. h•t

9 1 u • llOAOWAY 714/ 511-4015 ~ any ...... c ""ry MUSTSELL!! SANTA .... reel, Jtla( cood. AM/ FM '80 MBz 3000

8 •&3171 C.,n f715 stereo, llU radials, 31K Llc. 1AHGe17 15\-7700 .a · · ••••••-••••••••••••• .. • ml,12800. ~

TH( UlTIMAlfllfllV*OllllACHIHl 1, 1,CAPIJ ... fJJJ tif61 f744 •USED IMW1• Thia coupe baa aa ••••••••••••n••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••

·1as.30lA <542'1> automatic traoa.. pwr. visrr YOUI 1 t7t M$1 '79120i (75IO) 1teerin1. air cond . . " IOADS18 '11120lAS/R ('109) oustotn iaterior, 4 eyl. OIAHelCOAST Newlop, AM/ FM stereo


'IOS111Asunrf. (0013> en1ine & ruru great ! H ~D _.. tape, excellent condi-'IU20iA (0115) (31511Y0). Vf"llll A uon, one owner car 6

C-..ciS••11• ONLY $3595 MIAD~AITllS tow mites <40679G >. HIGH IUYH !Amlos. '11p a iec1

Top dollan for Sports ••••• • •••••••••••••• ••• Ca~• · Bu~. Campers, /.ff••- t705 914 • • Audi s •••••••••••••••••••••••

MIRA.CU MADA TO •yru MOW S1411 '71 SJ&A 21.SO Harbor Blvd. A • • • Offer Jood t.b.ru 4/ 271111

Ask for U/C MGR Alloy wheels. alereo COSTAMESA UNIVERSITY TlttttOMS cauelle, power win - 645-5700 SALES6SERV1CE V01 ~ ... #'!..-.. dowa , 13,800 or111nal - ------- ~""--11:11""


• 18711 Beach Blvd • miles , exceptionally .73 GoodCond 73K~i OLDSMOllLI 3940CherryAve. n 1 c e ! PRICED T 0 S?.000/0BO ' HONDA LONG BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH




SELL!! (9VPY) 54S-969'7eves 4iMCTIUCIS <OPEN SUNDAYS> CrnlerMoton 21150HarborBlvd 17141121-1301 lat & Broadway D.._ 9720 COSTA MESA

11 ~


Santa Ana 835-3171 ••••••••••••••••••••••• a.~t O -

S'' ~ Dynamite British racing IEACH IMPORTS 761MW 1t HOMO green " B" roadster. lts

8411 Dove Street 2002 4 apeed. Very clean OVER lNVOICE Dynamlle CVCC 1 epeed '..!.!.RH ea k y c I ea n . NEWPORT BEACH local car. (121RKJ.) SAU hatchback. Clean, low (NU"J )

75J..0900 .$569' ON ALLZ!Olfr310. miles. (134WRN> Sll'5 '71 R-- JIM MAltlMO IN STOCK!! ! S3HS JIM MAI.IMO ~• YOU:SWA.-. Plua dealer added a c- YOLKSWAGEH

Yll.OCICOUPI 11711 Beac:b Blvd. ceaaortea. Can subject JIM MAI.IMO 11711 Beach Blvd. Red with bladt IDterior. to Pfk>r sale. Sale ends VOLISWA.a.

14 •• -...

Grun di& 1tereo, air 14Z.2000 4/ rT/ 11 at cloM of busi- 18711 Beach Blvd _ .. _,, eond .• GoU1 wbeela ... lm· 1--,..- ...... --.-.---· MU. Ad mwt be pre- 14Z·UOO o-1 t746 maculate! (l7CllS). M Li aented at time of 1-------- ;.~;~••••••••••••••••••

OMLY •.a795 ,_.Ofy_. =... ' 7t Prel~. am / fa\ '7• 0.-1 Manu, berfun· .. IMW .._ h11 Or wi ~0ATSUt4'. radio,, Sep, mooo root. ..-.0, ~ ... -·~ ri " ..-~, dy, vin,tw,,$2,009.

-·--- Le.e c...... - !>Ke~ Xlat rood sa-42$7 955-1S98 ~=-:~ McL--IMW!! NEWPORTBEACH 76HOMDA-- t741 640 6444 hy Orlw IJJ.UOO CVCC HATCHIACIC ~~! .............. .

'71 SPRINT VELOCE, fUuy equtp'd, a.Int. road. Best ofr. over .... 000. 5S7-021111

ly Ow,._,._. 71 DATIUM ZIOZ Hondamatic radio •NA LEAS• 17141522-1333 Dynamtte41peed coupe. healer C I ea n ! Dl~.I

GolAI beauty. Very clean. (124RRT) """-I (l!f{JDD> SZ6ts 711MW

Dynamite 2IClll2 2 door 1 Have somfthioa to aell? AutomaUe, air, ltereo.


I ti I PEUGEOT TUllOs ~=====~~ Classified ads do it well . ·Low mils. It'a 1queaky

- clean. (41JNKQ)

~ u .. d IA.Mto•. u .. d ••••••••••• !~-~~~ .. ~ ........ ~ ... ~~~ ........... ~ ... ~~~........... JIM~~L ~~~~;................. .....••..••. ~~

YOLISW ACHH 18Tll Beach Blvd. ll'7ll 1*dl Blvd. 141-1000

.__ __ l _a.._ 1_000 ___ 1910 ( door A ccotd . llACH IWORTS

848 Dove Street NEW POttT BEACH . ,

.. '

YOLUWAMH 18711 Beaeb Blvd .


lt711MW zoozcoUPI

Automatic t.ram., air cond ., All-FM •lereo ca11ette and LOW llliMe! (...CA).


21.SO Harbor Blvd. COSTA•ESA


7tlMW Dynamite 2 door automatic. Air, stereo. Slk . Very c l e an . (471SYH)

$74tl JIMMAllMO

YOLUWA,HH 11111 Buch Blvd.



G~. lllnt cood . tabc>. 551-95.·aft 4 pm.

lJftbacll model with • '79 Accord LX. 2dr. Air, speed trans .• air cond .. auto, Am/ Fm case, ps, All / Fii radio, rear pb. Rec IA'· 17,000 ml. shadow ft only n ,ooo 16,aoo 87~00 miles ! <209VZZ) . ,_..;.._._· _____ _

M':1~s.:z::. .~.r.!' ............ !?.~~ 21.50Harbor Blvd. '67 la"'ar 3.11 llK US all

COSTA MESA ori1. very well main· 641r 1700 tained Must Sacrifice

r 846-IS70

'11 E·type2+2Vl2. 11 .•orit mi.



74~ DllSIL

504 sunroof •edan. 4 speed fr .tereo. Papers o n fre s h en1ine . (059LP'F)


YOLISWAea. 18711 Beach Blvd.

142·2000 t7SO



/( f>O H/111 ~<10 IHVO ( l)'> lll Ml ~A (>•ll fl,11(l

- --


R CARVER ROLLS-ROYCE IMfJ•m"'ff HewHr1 lkacll \.__ _ __, ..,.....


C.onnier·Delillo CHEVROLET



'80 Camara 197!1.l s72g511 s1110" '80 Corvette 1t11• / S}43801D S981'1

'79 Chevette • • 169 s355011 s42511 '80 Camara .... s7035u Sl48511

'80 Monza . ., .. S5465ll SJ6611

'80 Camara " '36 S850Qll s975u

'79 Impala .. 1 •• s530011 S8Ql 11

'79 Nova 19703 '493018 '73111

'79 Malibu t9tfl6 s52gooo '88100 '77 Malibu 10119e s3535u SJ3600


'79 Bonneville 10611 ssg1500 '1316° 0 '80 Trans/ Am ·- '8650° 0 s1025u '78 Olds Cutlass ·~ .. m ssgo511 SI 10611

'79 Fireb1rd ••1M S619511 '90511 . '79 Pontiac • Otl7 s612s•0 Sfi2611

77 Cutlass 1992• s4sgooa Sfi05DO '79 Cadillac 1 9114 S1QQ6Qll SI461 00

79 Buick • 088:1 s7035oo S836ll 77 Cutlass ·-$ s39g500 s53511 '79 Buick "'" s7050°0 sg25oe


'79 Chev Luv 4x4 0 73J '655000

'78 Chev 4x4 P .U. - s500500 '79 Chev Pick-up •9143 '749090

'79 Chev Pick-up "'91 '548511 '79 Ford 'h Ton Pick-Up ... SS300° 0

'74 Chev 'h Ton Pick-up S282011 .


'77 280Z .... TolJ> '6820'' '77 Celica .. , s47501 • '78 Trium~ TR-7 *'1 sss9011

s95po s53ooo s97ou sg5011 s72511 s321•1

s22111 Sl)} 11


SM.I r11c1

$617511 s13399•• '312511

'555011 '469911 s752511

s449911 s4199u

. s4399u s3199u

s4499eo SJ62511

S4699" '529011 s5599•o s3975u sg59911 S6199°' s3450~ 1



s547511 S6525" '462511

S557511 s249911


s439911 S467511

10 VW VAHAGON ' L ' Model automatic with stereo. Save! (~2737)


VOLISWACHN 1871J Beach Blvd.



Largest Volvo Dealer in Oranae County!


-------1 10 120 Garden Grove 81 77 VW SCIROCCO Garden Grove 530-9190 Dynamit e Pearl metallic 4 speed Xtra ~-----clean , s hows lovi ng 75 VOLVO care (079681) I Dynamite 242 4 sPffd

$4695 I A i r c o n d 1 l 1 o n e d JIM MARINO Original s harp ca r .

VOL.OW AGBI <003023> 18711 Beach Blvd. U9'S


'60- '65 VW left & right 18711 Beach Blvd door, '73 left door. S5o 142-2000 each. Western style whl i-------­rims for Super Beetle 1980 Volvo DL, lOK mi, $20ea . ~~ AM/ FM stereo, AC, xlnt

'79 VW Westphalia Xlnt cond, lo m1, sips S, steteo , am/fm tape deck , Ice box : sink , elec. hook·up & more. S9800. Ca ll 8111 o r Clai r e , 831 ·5350.

11 VWDllSEL 'LS ' Model S speed. Fae· tory air , s un roof , ca11etle, auxiliary t.aok. Only sooo miles . FulJ warranty. Slate grey. Dynamite ! (1BOR969)


VOLKSWAGBI 18711 Beach Blvd.


Super Beetle, ' 72, new reblt eoa., good ml., sun­rf, $1800. 673-1210

74YWDASHa Deluae 4 door wagon. 4 speed w i th air . Dynamite! (6441.IO)


VOLICSW A'iEN 18711 Beach Blvd.

142-2000 '79 VW Westlalla Cmpm­ble. Stove, refr, am/Im cas1, sleeps 5, 2lmpa, lo mis. SS$00/0BO n1hta 1'1~.

•ea VW. reblt 1600, dual earbe, cuatom in • out. Saerifice$3000. a.tuo

1'70 VW Camper Van, new ••.• szaoo.


cond. $9,000. 646-7596


Llftback JDOdel with an '71 EL 001lADO BIAll­autom atlc trao1., air RITZ · Leather lnterior, cond. Ult wheel Is rallye tilt, cruile. Uc. 47800F wheel.. (93'1TJC) . - k750 • Jolmloo "Soa

OMLY SJ 195 LiDcotn Mercury • eo.ta MIUCU MAIDA lleu 540-5aO

2150Harbor BJvd.

*Brand New 81 Chevy Impala Four-door!

No 720716309 Wtlh auto Only . trans overelnve pwr

8 •

steering & brakes. rae110, radial whites. 11lt wheel. $809 air cond . etc

N o . 1a391s o31 with Only • 4 - spd trans , pwr .$

6798 1teenng & brakes. radial • whites. tinted glass. V6 • engine. etc

......_ _________________ ~ •Brand New '81 Chevy

Caprice Classic Four-door! No. 1769/6231 with air Q ly cond . auto trans.. n AM/FM, sport mirrors. '879 wire wheel cove,.., speed control. ove<-drrve and more

•Br111d New '81 C•vy Malbu 4-Dr. Statiln W111n!

• :








511~ 5126~ (Stl< 24'51){356740) !Stk. 27161(174'8971

fl• ...... IM & - - • • 1tOO - !or to I i• - ,_ & - - l t2'M - '°'to ~c---....-- pl ....... -·- - ~,....-t11 151 00p1W-·- ... - Ollet't9d ...,_I ....... - 1712' " - ,.__ a.....o --- - 1122" Of ,.,,. 112"1o.

HEW 1911


SDtbB![ (Stk. 0432)(206'71)

II• oh.e 1&1 & I- - 112'•- lor IO "'°"'"° c .. n - - 111221 13 pl"' l&JI ~ .. nM a -._ Oolloned pey,.,.nl ptlc. - 8'36e 31 - ti~

MEW 19 I




514!42™ (Stk. T0073) (505090)

"" p•uo ._ & -- t t4.241_.,lor10 "'"""'" CUI> - - lf7f7.23 ...... ta. --. ~ :.~ .... Oelwred ,..._1 - - --.m

MEW 1911


(Stk 0520)(167761 \ (Stk. 0481)(113314') 11• o11.e...., a - - ,,.,oo""""""" eo 11• pi...• 1 - - 11u.11 _ ..,.,

=-~::-_;; ::-.:i.=:. ':; =~ ~.:;:.;:.::~-=':":-=~ MEW 1981


5155~ ($11< 033-4) (110377)

"" pl .. l&JI • ~- - l t6$ .. - "" '° "°""" C0611 P<OC. - 162" 4A pi .. .._. - a -- ()ollw..O ....,._.., - - 110 °'"" t7 - •• ,,.,.

MEW 1911


5165~ (Stk TP211 J (35565)

, , .. pl ..... 1-- 11M•-1oreo -.tno CW!.,,_ - .... M pl.- IH - I dOC ... DelwTed ......... ,.,.... - 110.11• 00. _ , , .,,,.

MEW 1982


518~HTH (Stk 0542) (105805)

fl• plo.- ..... ·- - 11• .. - "" '° -- c.... ..- - m 111• _ .._. -·­.... .,...,,,..~ pllc. - 112_ 1Ml3. ""111.lll!o>

NEW 1911


5158~ (Slk T04'94) (24'876)

~~~~ ·~.::=:-..: ... ~P9r'W"·- -~21131."'4112"11.

MEW 1910


5165!!111M (Stk. 2321 }(111774')

11• pl.,. IP & - - l t16 • - lor IO .....,. c;..,, P'IOe - •m St 114.,. 1u, - & -. .. o.1 .. ..o_.ipnco - 110 ... IO """'._°"



5274~ (Stk. 0115) (116067)

'1M pl\<I tu & ....._ _,, 12707 - ... 10 ,__ ~pr1ee - 110.ns•o1 ... --a - ... o.tlrred IMIJ.-.t,.,.... - 111..11•• ..,,. .


....................•.. ...................... ...................... ...................... ... ._ ................ . ~~ . ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ C:_.. "17ct..NW tf20C1"'"* " ...... ff ttsist•1 tfll ...................... ...................... .................•..... ...................... ...................... . ..................... .

C ... Hll ''NC.WO "11lapela8t .1'P· AC, IHOWIOOMC:OMD. 'llPAIRltONTwtdll.• ••• ortt. ~.It blue, •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• Air, atdcllDatie, powtr P81P8; Xliltcioed. -.0. '11T·TOP ...U., • eJt, pwr • ...,. hdtoP, •qt, fOOd cood, ,. C841 DMM&. atvr oa 1tetriQ. rr,•1 aUltl, Call....,,,.. Power bnk•, powu tac. a.to; tra.., ·uc. t..a.-.n tlvr. Ill Hlrll, xJnt (.VE() . wtadow• ,.,......,.... BIO. · - -J---eoad, tOg ml, tHOO. ..,. ~:~La~. wltb ult/ttleeeopla1 • '-~ ~ · M•t111."' I door, •lnl tTl-mt Ba,.,..tmpol'.ta Imo na.me ,,. · tlttrl:/ "'"'· air. Costa ...... - eo.4 •• blllt otter. Pvt

'11 ILACXCAD IJl.JJI I . t9JI er::ow •:f:t:a;:z llM• Ha ,pt1

.Ml--;IM-tm Loaded.uil taoo -v• • I• --'r--·u- •utom•Uc &raDI •••••••••• ..... • .. ••••• •Mu.tans, daaaic. JO:I

• ... I .. ,..., -~ ... ...,, ....................... • 77 •-01M ... uto pb II ....._ ;abtt ~ IDllll1 atru, "1t LE BARON WAGON wb.lte wtth Bur&UIM!y lo· ~ -.. • a • pe, • am m

'TJ St Ult X1nl CC>Od t~ .... ....-r Town It eouot,.y rib tmor. rr,aoo llUNa. Im· J tt black/ black taa tc a• ' , r u o • • l n t, 1y lov dtd

/ nd J root rack IMtl 6 maculate tbno1at I Mdan. Lollded ud cm1J 1'00 080.toa.I

m11 asuO:. •::e.ooa~ 'Tl CAMAl\O XIDt. CC>Od. wtnd~a. IC"al'Nt.111 · ::':a.:a.io~~ Ad t!;OO:.~sito;: =- OWl••fall ttll Mi-0518 lluat .... S.. ~ · Jobmoa II 5oa ' . <•RSK> ' ••••.-••••••••••••••u••

...... Unc:oln ... tcury · Colla H33 14"1 '12 DELTA ROYAL rwu 1'77 IDV, blu., clean. l'T7 C with T lleHNO-faO .... ••••••............ JIMM+ee? excellentllOOO. ' 1barp . •o50. PP . lllntalQTtowbe .top. '7I CORDOBA wtt.lt IUD· "7SC0\10AJlXll-71eatur· ,.. ..,.._,.. ~-5402af\er6pm . T51·4f42 dya , S5t·587' con Ma. .. r . roof AM/ JJ& 1tereo lnt 'P•r. wtndon, fae- YOLllSW.._. '71 Toronado, loaded. evea bH~tlluJJv -ulp-d'. to.ry air eond., 1tereo. 11711 Jltach Blvd. d

'M Cad. Sec14n DeVille, Qey...... H20 Lie . ZOHN ':' t4tii • ~!fm.:,2~~ ~ 14Z..2000 :t~•t c:•:-:0 ~ 1 ~a~vd~ 119, pb, alr. elec window1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jobaton 6 Saa Lloeoln I ll•rcury . eo.ta Mesa '71 TOWN SEDAN fuUy tl.500/080. tu-5845 & 1eat, am/fm radio. re- 511 US FllSTl Mercury · Calta Mesa S40-MIO loaded, lncl. power wln· cent valve Job" like new We have a aood .election S40-5UO ,.,. COUG dow1 " ae1t1 . Lllll· '90 Curt•• Bram Sed. tiNI. Loob pod rwu o l N E W- • USED ff JO W AR XR·1 wttb uriou. ! Uc. muKH . S7500 or take over leue

1ooc1. s1ooo. 54MI08. cbevroletat ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~d!~u~;~ S5Sll50 . Johmon • Son ::~~~.::,~d, vs. 1'73SdV, xlntcood. $1500. 7,~0LM $7950 · Jobmon ill Son ~:~=ury . Coeta • ......._ 9917

COHHEll C HEVRO LET L l It e new I eat her . MAB IY Liocoln lilerCUI')' · ea.ta _________ , ... _

Michelina. 8'2-6361 D )' D. ID l t. c: 0 up . . Mesa 54C).5a() W..trick ,, .. , ~······················ Loaded I All the toya. _ _. , •••••••••••••• ••••••••• 80 PINTO with economy

."'\.,. j far l llli or H1.

•• r-.l\\11'-I

SU-1200 ffl7 -======= Sharp. ClAJHf17) ,.....,. "40 '70 Maverick, 2 dr 3 ipd, ~. cyl • pwr 1le~rlnP, ,

SMtl •• ••••••••••••••••••••• aood ruonl.n& cond saoo Ford Fader)' Driven .

., .. l.t.4 U_,C..JI

'71Ch., .. c .... zza,.y ..

Stereo, mat whee11 , power windows " door loch. 33,cpl mllet.



w.tWt •IM uaaauA '75 Torioo 4Dr, auto, P IS, 957-6057 ' radio Lie. 169ZEP -CLEAN '73 MONTE ,. --- P / B , A/ C nu tlrH k797 · Johnson & Son CARLO. Sliver w / YOUCSWA•.. clean, PP Slets : Mffcwy "'° Lincoln Mercury . Costa burtundy interior. Air 11111 Beach Blvd. 551·2889. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Meu 540-5630 cond., AM/Fii cu.ette. 142-2000 '80 LTD WA,,..rv.i . " Ford ORANGE COUNTY'S '79 Squire Stat Wg~. aut; power br.U., 1teertn1. vv., F9415T Sl.500 7t8-SU'7 •n MARK V with full Factory Driven", roof LINCOLN-MERCURY 14K ml , xlnt cond S3950. ---------• power incl. Ult, c..W.e, rack, air cmd., 1tereo, DEALERSHIP S48-1486or640-2415 '79 Cbevette. lo mi, a l e, air. Lie. OTZZX!: · S5779 · Lie. 854ZGZ · '6997 · rowffoc 9961 auto, tilt, very clean. Johuon Ir Son · Uncoln JMohDlon & Soo ~coin ~-- li'Jf.dcl•« ••••••••••••••••••••••• 966-1285 Mercury · Costa Meu ercury · Costa Meu ~ T~ ~ • '78 Boanevlll.e 4dr Sedan .

'78 Chevette, 4 dr, 4 apd, S40-5630 54().563() LINCOLN·MERCtJRY gd cond . Must sell a l e, AM / FM, 17 ,000 '79 MARK V beautiful 73 LTD Waaon, 460 en1. l&· l8 AutoCent.erDr Sacrifice d)'11 : 1164·6468 ; mi's. $3900. 963-6583. metallic: with carriage AM / FM stereo, PS, PB, SD Fwy.1,.k Foreet exit eve1 : 964·5355. ---------1 roof fully lo.lded full •Ir. Sm. 5'7-4749 .~1:,..'j:o '65 Tempest. runs good , '70 Caprice, ~· J>9, pb, po~er arouf .


Lic ., new tires, $67S Must am/fm radio, UOO or S87WWG · USO · Eager buyers read lbe '79MARQU1S4doorw1th aell. Krll,751·5100 beltoffer. llM-4809 Johnaon It Son Uncoln Clau1fled ads every factory air AM / FM

'nNOVA Mercury · Costa Me1a day .If you have stereo. Llc . . 627YBO '74Ventura, 6 cyl, auto. BESTOFFER S40-S630 something for sale_. re- SS650 . Johnson " Son new brakM, good mpg ,

~5602 ach ~heJ' rut and a.nex· Lincoln Mercury . Coat a xlnt buy. Suoo 839 0175 _ 642·56'78 pensive y,call&U-5678. Mesa5'0-~ evu , 898-018S_dys

Ailto1, Mew 9100 Aado1, Mew 9100 Aado1, He• 9100 •76 Montego MX auto '78 FIREBIRD Esprit •••••• • • • ••••••••••••••, •••••• •••• ••••••••••••• ••••••• • • • • • ••••••••••• ••••••• •• • • •••••••••••• radio, a / c., new batterY x.lnt cond loaded w JC .


57995 , .. llll*IOJ






$1300 ~4935 traa. pp 549-9444 da)S. SS2·7013 eves

' 78 MON ARCH with --AM / FM stereo , pwr n.-dtrtMrd 9970 windows , factory air ~· ••••••••••••••••••• •• cood . Lie. 008UNQ . '11 T Bird , lo m1lea1?t'. 13"7 . Johnson & Son loaded . new top & t•rl's Lincoln Mercury . Costa 557·8888 Mesa 540-5630 '73 T bard. loadt'd,

'80 ZEPHYR with only 11 ,000 miles , 4 cyl. .

Xlnt shape Si750 pp 963·6!r7S

bucket seats, s tereo. '82 T . Bird. Xlnt l'Ond . Lie. 801ZEE · $4797 · Low mileage S6000, call Johnson & Son Lincoln 492.01s2 Mercur y · Cost Mesa 540-5630 v... 9974

Mllshmtc) 9952 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '78 Mu•t•ng II Ghia, dk blue, a l e, pe, wire whls, $4400. 759-1~

'79 Muatani. 4 cyl, 4 spd, a le, lo mi, loaded . k995 771 ·1094

Make your s hopp1na easier by using the Dally Pilot Cluslfied Ads

••••••••••••••••••••••• 1976 CHEYROLET

VEGA COUPE Automatic trans . pwr steering, air cond & ON LY 57 ,000 m iles! C479PRCI


2150 Harbor Bl vrl COSTA M ESA

645-5700 ---Alltol, U1ed

•••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••

REASOll . ~


RISALESI A ll c..t.......,lo--


Automatic. power steering. power brakes. air. electric windows & seats. vinyl top. tilt. cruise (771 SZE)

53995 1977 BUICK

LUAlll 2 door. automatic transmission. power steering.r... power brakes. air, cruise, tilt (508RSlJ) ·


Automatic. r.ower ateerlng, . power brakes, air. tit • vinyl toe>. (182NCA)


Or•noe Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, Aprll 24, 1981





Long wheel base 8 pass Max i- Wagon . A u to . trans . air cond .. con­vertabed. pwr steering & brakes, high back swivel chairs . AM-FM stereo w,C.B . tilt wheel , conv. pkg., sport pkg & much more! (204643). list price - $13.606.


GIMINAl«O 546-193

NEED CASH??? w.,., .................... .... ~- '"c.. hTt. - .... ,__ ....,. w • .... .., ..... ,... ........... ....,.,.

SERVICE HOURS: Moftdliy fhru Friday 7:30 CUL to 5:30 fl&

Safwdmy 1:00 ....... to 5:00 ,......




HORIZOHTC3 4 cyl . 4 speed trans . pwr steenng & brakes. custom interior. 2 tone paint, radio, cus tom wheels & more ! (157159)



Automatic trans air cond , pwr. steenng & brakH, pwr windows & spt1t seat. AM·FM

1J;;~o~)"'$oi 79 5m~h ..,,., 1975 CHRYSLER CORDOBA COOPE

Automatic trans , air cond., pwr. steering & brakes. cruise control. pwr Windows & seat. AM·FM stereo. vinyl top, -.ylre wheel covers

,~;;~~,more1S2 J 95 1979 CHYRSLER

CORDOBA COUPE Automatic transmission. air cond power steering, power brakes. vinyl top. radio. wsw tires & morel (538WWC)


4 cyl . 5 speed trans . power brakes. air cond . AM·FM radio, vinyl top, wsw !Ires & morel (880XZNl


1979 CHRYSLER CORDOBA Loaded with options Inc auto. tlW'IS . air oond.. pwr. ateering-brakes-sptrt seal & wlndowaf tllt. cruise. AM-FM casNtie. wira wheel covers, wsw tires & morel (964YDZl



4 cyl. engine. 4 speed transm1ss1on. power brakes. custom 1ntenor, radio, wsw ttres and more! (396801).


6 cyl engine. automat ic trans power steering radio & more l (270l YJ)


Automatic transmission. air cond1lloning power steering & brakes. AM·FM 8 track. lilt, cruise. luggage rack, wsw tires & morel

{913UY0) $ 395 1979 CHRYSLER

CORDOBA COUPE Automat ic trans a11 cond pwr steering & brakes. radio split seal vinyl top. wsw 11res & more ' (532WWC)


6 cyl . automatic trans., air oond., pwr. steering & brakes, vinyl top, cuatom

~.·~~u1·s4495· & m°"'


V8, automatic tr11nsmlas1on, power steering & brakes, bucket aeats. mags & morel

(1P97893) 54895

11111111 IAllY l'IPll

.. • • •• • t

f AIDA\' APRIL l4 1Sint ~ A r.., , t . ' , • ) ) ~ ( t N I ~>

' .

Fe~r ·can't keep' Aoki frQrn iltinger

' ACTUALLY. I'M UNHAPPY' Millionaire Rocky Aoki

Adventurer swapping boat for balloon By PHIL SNEIDERMAN OttMo.itf"91Mlltt

Rocky Aoki oueht to be a happy man. A high school a nd college wrestling champ in

Jap-an, he competed in the 1960 Olympics. He's gone from busboy to board chairman of

Benihana of Tokyo, running SO restaurants in the U.S. and 25 in Japan .

He socializes with Muhammed Ali and Flip Wilson.

He's a world-class backgammon player and has produced Broadway plays and a film.

An avid powe r boat racer . he won the Bushmills Grand Prix at Newport Beach in 1976.

HE'S WRITTEN FIVE business books in J apan. including one that made the best selle r hs ts .

The last time <1nyone counted, he was worth $40 million.

" Actually, I'm a very unhappy person," Aoki, 42, said Wednesday during a meeting with re­porte rs in a Costa Mesa restaurant. " I'm a very 1nsecUtt person."

Aoki claims political or economic cnses may be on the horizon . and even his good fortunes could takl- a tum for the worse

But when he beg.ins talking about the com­peUUve drive that has characterized his bus iness career as well as his sporting exploits , any evidence of depression vanishes.

" I think winning makes happiness ." said the

" Winning makes happiness. hazardous competition helps overcome fears."

diminutive bw;inessman, a Japanese citizen.

"WHEN I RACE I~ AN offshore power boat ," he says, " I forge t about m y business problems for two hours.

" ( have 50 restaurants here. and I have 50 headaches."

Some would say he also has a death wish. In 1979, he was aboard a l ,300·horsepower rac­

ing boat that was ripped apart by wa ves off San Francisco. Aoki almost d ied from his inJuries.

Doctors re moved his spleen and gall bladde r and performed bypass heart surgery . He has un ­dergone additional operations to repair nerve damage in his leg and wnst

Aoki's doctors have ordered him to give up <See ROCKY. Page A2>

'AFRAID Of' HEIGHTS' But m balloon race

O.lly " ... ,_

FIERCE COMPETITOR ·wrnnmg 1s Happiness'

Man who struck priest tells w .. y Defendant in Seal Beach case testifies on own behalf By DAVID K UTZMANN

Of t,,. o.llJ ~ltec SI.tit

Ignor ing the advice of h is lawye r , murder defendant Ron ald Spring test1f1ed JO his own defense. describing how a bizarre 8 -yea r st•arch fo r a woman he once knf'w "casually" led to his assault on an elderly Seal Beach Catholic priest

But Spring, 33, a square-jawed Vietnam veteran who s~rved in the Air Force . said Thursday he never meant · to harm or kill Father Felix Doherty when he punched him at the rear door of the rectory of St Anne ' s Ca tholic Church in February , 1980.

The d efenda n t , advised against taking the witness stand by C hi e f D epu t y Publi c Defender Ronald Butler, said ht s truck the 64-ycar o ld clen c in the head wh e n he believed Father Oohert) had rebuffed him

" I THOl'GllT hE· "as pulling me off as far <1s thl' mformat1on I wished .'" Sprmg told 1ururs m Ora ng<' County Superior Court

Judge Jam es K Turner 's courtroom

F a ther Dohert y . who was treated by Seal B eac h pa r amedics for a s mall head wo und after the assa ult, coJ-

Father Doherty when the clent told him lo go around to tht• front door

Believing he w<1s being re buffed, Spnng satd he "stepped closer '' to the priest, who was

.. I went to push him rthe Rev. Doherty) out of the way. In the rush of the moment I struck him."

lapsed and . died several weeks la t er from brain injuries as· sociated w1th the blow.

Spring, a Long Beach resident who worked at several odd job&, sa id he wanted to discuas mar· rying the woman he was seekin8 when he drove his chopper-style motorcycle to St. Anne's on Feb. 9 . 1980

THE DEFENDANT, who said rather Doherty had given him food and laundry money on pre· v1ous ()('Cas1ons, testified that he attempted to talk with the priest ;.it the back door of t he rectory

However , be('ause h e was wearing his motorcyde helmet . Spring said he misunderstood

standin1 in the doorway holding the screen door open .

··1 went to push him out or the way." the witness said. This re­sulted in the elderly cleric llftina his righ\ hand and knock.in& Spr­ing's band away .

" Jn the rush of the moment." Spring sald. " I struck him."

ASKED BY Buller H he had any intent to harm or kill the pr iest. the accused murderer said he hadn 't. " It s hocked me. what I had done ," he said. " I knew what I 'd done was bad ..

Spring said he had been look­ing for a woman na med Twyla Suggs s ince 1972 , when h e

Judge flays editorial Brands article on rapists ' sentencing ' irresponsible '

Presiding Orange County Superior Court Judge Robert E Rickles. in an unusual and un ­precedented defense of another Judge, lashed out at ed1tonal (' rili c1sm of the sentencing of three Vietnamese rapis ts sent to prison for 100 years or longer

Reacting to comments m an Orange County n('wspape r editonal that said the sentences " verged on viciousness." Judge Ri ck les said Thursd ay fellow Superior Court Judge Fran('isco Briseno was to be commended for his handlin g of the case

" I feel <the editoria l \ was ir responsibly done beca use 1t was done without any mvestigalion whatsoever." Rickles said

HE ALSO labeled the editorial as being " intempe rate " and " in· accurate ."

The newspapH. the Orange County Register~ h ad questioned the le n gth of prison terms .. anded down by Briseno last week for three of four teen-age refugees convicted of multiple

kidnap, rape. robbery and sex ual misconduct counts stem ming from s ix r ape incidents last year

Sentenced to 118-yea r s ta te prison-terms were brothers Bo Quoc Pham, 18. and Dung Quoc

" The editorial was also in­temperate and inac ­curate.··

Pham. 18. A third defendant. Minh Quang Nguyen , a lso 18, was given a 100-year term.

A f'OURTH DEFENDANT in the case. 17 -yea r -o ld Tung Thumh Le, i s undergoing diagnostic studies at the Ca lifornia Youth Authority.

F ormal sentencing for Le. a minor. wUI take place in about three months.

Because s tate law requires that two-thirds of a sentence be se r ved before a prisoner becomes eligible fo r considera ­tion for parole . the sentences


~ mean that the eldest three will rem am in prison the resl of their Ii ves .

Ri ckles said Briseno could have piled on even more years because of the nume rous counts on which the defendants were fou nd guilty

THE PH~M BROTHERS and Ng uyen were con victed by a jury on more th a n so felony counts. Le was round gui lty on 4-0 charges.

The presiding judge said man· datory sentencing laws passed by th~ s tate Legislature would have required prison terms or more than 250 yea rs for the Phams a nd 246 yea r s for Nguyen.

Le , he saJd, could be sent to state prison for 186 years when he returned to court in three months .

RICKLES CLAIMED pros ­ecutors could in fact appeal the judge 's sentences because they

<See VIETS. Paie .\2)

though t he spotted her in a Ch icago bus station 1n the com· pany of two pnests

He said he had ong1na lly met l he woman m Long Beach in 1965 JUBt before entering the service

Belte v1ng she may have become a nun , Spnng said he visited and called numerous con­venta over an ei&bt-year period.

" I was concerned with her happiness and well-being," be testified.

OF OBS CEN ITY laden te lephone conversations he made to Chicago church officials only days before Father Doherty was assaulted, Spring said he was intoxicated, angry and lone­ly when he placed the calls.

ln those taped conversations, Spring told church offi c ials " to clean out" convents an Chicago and send Miss Suggs back to him .

Otherwise. he had said , he woul d "stomp" a chur('h offi cial 1f nothing was done .

fn an earlier unrecorded call <Sf'e PRIEST, Page A2 > -------


DEFENDS SENTENCES Judge Robert Rickles

OellY ...... ~­Ronald Spnng testifies " I knew what J 'd done ttXU bad," t:mt 1aid he ner>er meant to harm or lall Catholic µnest who dted after be~ng struck m~eal Beach a year ago.

Russ grain embargo lifted by Reagan

WASHI NGTON <A P > Press · dent Reagan said loday he 1s hft· in g the gr ain embargo agu mst the Soviet Union

ln a s tate me nt read to re porters at the Whit(' House. the president said he was lifting the embargo "afte r weighing a ll op tions carefully and conferring fully with my advisers ."

R ea d by deputy press sec r etary La rry Speakes . the s tatemen t al so referred to Reagan's opposition as a pres· 1den lial cand idate to the em· bargo and said the decision to lift the ban was delayed out of concern the Soviets m ight " mis­t a k e nl y think it indicated weakening of our position ."

THE EMBARGO was imposed by fonner President Carter in response to the Soviet military move into Afghanistan .

The Reagan statement began, ' ' I am tod ay lifting the U.S. Jjmitation on a ddit io n al ag ricultural sales to the Soviet Un ion "

The s tatement said the ad · min1strntwn consulted with U.S. a ll ies befon• lifting the embargo.

Durmg lhe pres idential cam­paign . Reagan argued that the e mbargo forced farme rs " to bear an unfair burden" for a polic y he a lso contended did lit· tie harm to the Soviet Union

AFTER REAGAN took office , Secretary of State Alexander M. Hau~ Jr. led those who argued agains t lifting the e mbargo while Soviet troops were poised for possible interventi on in Poland

During the first three months of the Reagan administration, both the president an d Haig ha ve been &harply c ritical or the Soviets.

ORANGI COAST lllTHlll Night and morning low

cloudiness with hazy after· noon sunshine on Satur­day . Lows tonight S2 a Iona coast, S8 inland .

Gro"!lps fear · mortgage foreclosures INSIDI TODAY T~ IWnaiuance P~re

F'aire. mmmt celebrattori oJ E lU:obdhan E1t01and, OJ>eftl thu weeknd tn AQWra. For a comi*t• pNtMt.D and o WASHINGTON CAP > - A new

type or mortgage, which con· sumer groups say could make farectosure Ultely for unwary home buyers. will allow lenders to ralse borrowers' monthly pay­monta - or increase their total cabt - uoflen as every 30daya.

Government officials aay they b~d to open l1>an pracUcea for. f .. ancially .t,nppea tav\nal aM Joan auoclatlOfl,S or f lse alreacty tllht hOme·lffll SMne wOUl4 bavedrteCSup lmostcompl~.

Jiul couume,r iroue- ._, tbe n4w type of rnortaaae could· ''wreu..ittnee ... mu.e .. lnt market and cauH people to

ove r extend tbemaelvea when have been highly erratic recently. buying a home. Elle Broadman, attomey for

The Federal Home Loan Bank Con1umera Union, said of the Board, by a 3-0 vote Tbunday, bank board'• act.ion, " They're authorised federally chartered tumine ovmina a bome into a savlnp and loan usociatlons to g•me ofcbance'' ln which many offer open-ended, adjusfable·Joan buyen ~d face toreclo.u.re U mort1a1e1. Under 1ucb an lAteres(~roeequlckty. agreerneat, a tencr.r ~UJd raise ffowever, boardmemben 1a1d a home ~er'• moftthty pay. flnasidalb' troubled lellden mUlt ~e•t.. ralie U.. t.ot.l 9f t~ lieu b6 alffln (Nater ftHiblllt.y in de-or lenl\ben tbt lile of the loan in 1tantn1 Joana lf mort1a1es a_re tO tende~ ~•th lncrtt.tH lb rell!aiD~~ble. market bariit r1ta. M'an1 IOll money the p-.t

Tb• Mlider alto could lo~ 1••ronobeca111etbt1laadto.,_, mo=~~•ntl. .~,~-Interest ratea .. '. blfh aa u ~ ii • audl u tile tii· cent to1mtaet tlepottti, whlJllli be·

ter .. t on 1borter 11curitle1, in1repaldtorolderbomelo1n11t

ratesof8petcentor lower. " We simply cannot continue to

have savers subsldhina bor­rowen," said bbard member An­drew DiPrete.

He called the relaxaUOn ot the loan agreement rules " lon1 over­due."

The house·constructlon int du1U)' allobu '*Ii burt bybtp mort1a1e ntea, now averafina cloaetoJS.Spercent.

In theory. Sl&LI rpl•bt off tr the n'w inortsa1es .t fowtr rata alnc• \bey could ralH payments later lf manat WUMt rat. IW'· 1ed.

" I think this reculallon will make mooey avaUable for hous­ing, " aald John Dalton, a board member who wa.s chairman wttU recently.

Conaumen will be prQtected because of compeUtlon for loan bu.stnen, be ea\d, contendln1 that ''i/ an auoclaUon doeen 't ofter 1 ,loan lnltnunept In th~ belt In· terat o( ~ borrower. I &NP, very 1lrnply. bl• com~tJtio11 wm.•·

The new re1ulatlon , which lakea etr~t next Thuna.ay, will not afrect C!>d1Una mortcai•.i

' look at IM life o/ a 'faire' maiden, He WHke11der, Page DI.


An e Collnty J at,l iOiDaM f 1elrt1 a second trial on mui'der ebarlea.haa .died trom beact,;~ n.eq 11\JW't• h~ tulle red ..S Dt ll &etfeved to M an auack by another priaoner in a oourthoU1e holding cell.

Michael Charles Bottoma, 22. of Lont Beach, who was found unconscious Monday by OranJte County Sheriff's Departmentdep­u U u, died at UC Irvine Medical Center Thursday night.

I Bottoms, acc1&1ed bt fat.Uy

atabbtng bis wife near Dl•· ne)'lUMt lut year, had beeo oo Uft•tqppe>rt ayatem.1 at. UCL

SHERIFF'S LT. Wyatt Hart said wbat is now a homicide Jn. veaUgaU~ is nearing coinple· tlon .

About 15 other prisoners were with Bottoms ln the basement holding cell of the Oran1e Coun­ty Courthouse in Santa Ana

wbm ibe uaau,lt took place. " Everybody la the ceD la a

lutpe~t." Hart Hid. I

Deputlea found Bottom• sprawled on the cement noor of the c.U when be did not re.pond to hi• name belna caUed at prise>Mn were beinl taken ou& fo~lowtn1 a lunch break Monday.

THE MV8DER defendant had been scheduled to go before Orange County Superior court

J'ud1e .Kenneth E . Lae for pre· trial motiom that day.

BoltOJDI WU to face I l«md trial oa murder chart• after • Superior Court jury laat January deadlocked ln dellberationt re· sullit?I ln a mJ1trial.

The Lonie Beach man had been accuud of fatally stabbln• bia wife . Virginia , 19, durin1 ·an argument at a liquor store near Di•neyland laal JW\e.

Hollinden to quit posts . .,. .........

..... ~ATLANTA/ GRIEF - Doris Bell (left) weeps on the shoulder of an unidentified friend at the funeral of her 15-year -old son, Joseph, in Atlanta today. Joseph is the

... 1 .24th victim in Atlanta's series of missing and murdered

., children (story, Page A4) .

Shakeup promised ~fter nuke mishap

Fountain Valley City Coun· ci lman Al Hollinden made it known today that he won't seek te-e lection for the city council or reappointment to either of the two transportation committees on which he serves.

Hollinden, a member of the ci· ty council since uno. has served on the Orange County Transit Distril.'t s ince 1973 and the coun­ty Transportation Commission since 1977.

Program manager and in· structor at UC Irvine's Institute

of Transportation s tudies. Hollinden is considered one of th e county 's experts o n transportation Issues .

Hollinden is known for sug· gesting many of the policies eve ntuall y adopted by the transit district and, on a lesser sca le , the transportation com ­mission.

A ledger dated April 20 was made publi c today m which Hollinden informed Bob Haskell, executive director of the Orange County, League of cities. that he

won 't seek reappointment when his combined terms on the transit district and transports· lion commission expires on June 30.

The league selects two representative• to each commit· tee . Since Hollinden's te rm on the city council expir'es next year, he would have to resign the transporta tion posts at that time if he were reappointed.

Hollindeo said he'll remam ac· tive in transportatipn issues and a nticipates an "accelerated re­search role " a t the University.

' TOKYO IAP > The president ' i11' the Japan Atomic Power Co went before a parliamentary ('t\tn m1tlee today with his head howed lo apologize fo r his com ­pany"; failu r e lo r e po rt a 1 uclear accident labeled the ~vrsl in Japan's history

personnel shakeup in his com­pany. and an " utmost effort" to find the cause of lhe radiation le a k that ca me to light last week . more than a month after it occurred

Life beginning mulled PLANS TO RESIGN AlHoUmden

HE ALS..O_SAID- sa fet y measures at the plant would be reviewed and tightened .

Panel told no evidence proves when life starts .' s'hun1chi Suzuki promised the leg is lators the r e would be a

Denlal floss eruls «XJman's ~tadio nwuth'

,AU BURN <AP 1 The woman 14tl)ose d e nti s t accide ntall y t;peated a crys tal radio in her rnouth says she " regained her ~ "01ty" b) rorcmg dental floss tl(;t ween two d1Herenl met als

The \\Oman tele phoned Al npck, news director and chief

. ~perator of radw station KAHi . that her d e nti s t confi rmed Thursday that tKe tempora ry ~e talhc C'ap next to a go ld c·ro wn "" as indel'd the rea son her 1 et· th and 1a" hctd vi brated with roc k dnd roll music fo r two da ys

She• told Buck s h e's a ~randmother and hates rock and roll mus1r . which 1s about the on ly kind that KA Hi plays , Crom ho m lo s undown .

A dav earlie r when her dentist wa s out of town . the woman n.;ked Huck to turn down has 5,000-watt transmitte r or play c;oft music Ruc•k declined .

•• ,.'6he said the dentis t offered Thursday to replace the metal in

· ~hl· temporary crown , but she <frdmed. sayi ng the dental n oss '> llould hold until he r regular ap· point ment Monday to get the nl'W gold crown

Government offi cials are still investigating the March 8 inci d en t at the Tsuruga nuclear power plant. 192 miles west of Tokyo, in which S6 workers were exposed to radiation while clean­ing up a spill of radioactive water

The mishap was revea led dur· ing an injury to determine tbe cause of high radioactive read· mgs 1n seaweed in a nearby bay.

The mishap a nd the com· pan y's failure to report 1t have sti rred public furor in nuclear · sens itive Japan , a nd fears of contamina ted marine life have dis rupted the Tsuruga area fis · hin g indus try , despite aa · surances by officials that there as no danger

SUZUK.I, APPEARING before the Commerce and lnduatry Committee of the lower houte of the Diet, or ParUament, testified that about 16 tons of radioactive water ove rflowed because of " technical and human error ." before a valve was c losed

OC Jewish unjt moves offices

J e wi sh Fami. ly Service of Orange County has moved to an oHice in the Jewish Federation of Or ange County buildings com plex . 12181 Buaro Street. Suite G , Garden Grove:

For information about services and fees. call537 4980

WASHINGTON (AP> - There is no scientific evidence to prove wh e n human life ac tuall y begins. a Senate subcommittee taking tes timony on proposed abortion legislation was told to day

" l h ave n o quarrel with a nyone's ideas on t his matter. so long as they a re he ld out not as scientific truths, but as personal beliefs based on personal judg· ments." Dr Leon E . Rosenberg, professor of human genetics at the Yale Univers ity School of Med i c in e . told the Senate Judic iary Committee's su bcom mittee on the se p a ration or powers

" Science. per se. doesn 't deal with the complex quality called ' hum anness' any more than it does with such equally complex concepts as love, faith or trust "

ANOTHER WITNESS, Dr Alfred M. BongiOV81JD i . pro­fessor of pediatrics and ob­stetrics at the University of Penn sy l va n ia , told th e panel . however : " I have lea rned since m y earlies t medical education that human life begins a t the t im e of conception."

Bongiovanni added . · · 1· submit that hum an life is present throughout this entire sequence. from conception to adulthood, and that any interruption at any point throughout this time con­stitutes a termin ation of human life "

The two test1f1ed during the second day o r h earings o n legislation to redefine life as

. p A1 be~lnning at conception. The _om age I ,.

t~OCKY AOKI DEFIES FEAR . . . ~~t racing. so the restaurateur has turned his Weight miscalculations and liftoff problems ~ihts skyward forced a postpone ment, but Aoki hopes to try the

,_;. · He will be com peting in lhe 1981 Gordon Ben· haza rdous trip again In November. .-~tt Balloon Race . which lifts off Saturday at Mlle History-making balloon flights were probably ;~uare Park m Fountain Valley beyond the imagination of yo\Dlg Hiroaki Aoki , the

"" ' But even this t y pe of competition is not son of show business pare nts growtng up In post· twithout its dangers war J apan. :~.· Aoki said some or his competitive drive comes .. f- lit' IN J\ HOUSTON BALLOON race last week, from fighting his three brothers for rood orr the ta· ""• ok1 's craft landed atop parked cars , and the ble . He learned wrestling, karate and running in •!·$1Sortsman broke t"' o ribs order to s tand up to s treet 1tanp.

: " If you want lo win any race. you have to take After competing in the 1960 Olympics, he ~trances ." Aoki said ·moved to New York City to study hotel and

f'. He claims haza rdous competition a lso has restaurant management. He sold ice cream from a lped him conquer some fears. truck and took menial jobs in restaurants where he

" The reason I went into power boating was could get by with little English. cause I hated water." Aoki said. " l couldn't en swi m at the time

• ' 'And J' m still a fraid or heights . That's why flying hot a ir balloons "

IN 1M4, HE OPENED bis fi~t Benihana restaurant in New York with savings and a $20,000 loan .

St ill, Aoki Likes to cut t he odds by s pending ishly on safel y equipment and support c rews Competing in the Gordon Bennett race this

• tekend will cost him $50.000. he says. including .$34 .000 he spent for the balloon itself.

iN THE GONDOLA WITH Aoki will be \ete ran aeronaut Ben Abruzzo, who was part of a \rlo that made history in 1978 with the rlrst trans· Atlantic balloon flight.

Aoki also teamed with Abruzzo and two other pilots las t month ln an attempt to make the first balloon night across the Pacific.




TodllY. his restaurants do millions of dollars in business.

Aoki admits his daredevil activltiea generate va luable publicity for his restaurants. ,

But beyond thiJ , the bu.sineasman says the cha llenge of sport.int contests and the thrill of win· ning continue to lure him.

" I have no fear of dying,' ' he says. " I 've been living a very scary Ufe for many years now. It was probably more dangerous selling ice cream ln Harlem.

" I! l worried about dying, I'd probably worry about livlng, too."

From Page A1

PRIEST ••• 1.

Daily Piiat Thomu P. Matey l'l.MlfW

:ao WHI ..,. SC., c.-ta .-..... CA. Mell...,_: ... IM, C.u MeM, CA. _.

to church official Peltir Foote Jr., Spring threatened " blood and death" if bla demands were not met, a ccordJna to previous RobltrtN WM<S .........

, , M. Thomu KMYll t ... • ~Mu,phlne

li CNriee H, Loot ........ ~, ..... aemerd Sdlulman ~

car1 Cclrateneen .-......oi..... Kenneth N . .Goddard Jr. ~.......,


testimony by Foote. · " I'm certain my lhreata were

of an Jdle nature." Sprlna aaJd Thunda,y.

Fer ry gr.oun«led SEA'l'TLE (AP) - Crewa &lied

barse1 and cran11 lo rock (ree a commuter terry that ran airowd fn PusetSound, rorclnctb• evaca· UOD rif tlO papencera.

legislation would give an unborn fetus the sam e cons titutional r ights as those already born.

Sen. John P East, R -N.C. began the hearing by asking that the public.' " reserve judgment on the nature. quality a nd ex ­te nsiveness of these hearings

until the final end "

C R ITICS OF THE heanngs have charged that they were s tacked with witnesses who op· pose abortion

East said he believes that by the lime extensive hearings on the leg1slallon a re completed. the public will conclude that " we did do it fairly . openly, ex· tensively and exhaustively. ·•

The prospecti vely long and brutal battle over the i>roJJOtlal to give fetuses con s titutl«Jnal

rights opened Thursday . and six members of a women 's libera· lion group we re a rrested on charges they disrupted the hear· in gs .

Among the eight witnesses scheduled to testify today, only Dr. Rosenberg was considered a supporte r of legalized abortion.

There were complaints that East had tilted the heanng in favor of anti-abortion forl.'es led mainly in the Senate by J esse Helms. R·N C .. who sponsored the bill.

SEN . MAX BA UCUS, D Mo nt. , the senior m i n o rit y member on the subcommittee . did not attend Thursda y's hear· ing but pr otested that Democrats were d e ni ed the right to call their own witnesses

From Page Al

VI~T RAPISTS • • • we re not tough enough under provisions of the law

What disturbed him most . the presiding judge said Thursday. was the newspaper's description of th e sentencing as "ve rging on viciousness."

" Judge Briseno made a heart­sea rching decision ," he said. for whi c h h e was n ow being c riticized unjustifiably .

Ken Gr ubbs . the Registe r 's editorial page editor , said after Ri c kles' press confe re nce in Santa Ana that the judge's reac­tion to the editorial was "intem­perate" it.sell

GRUBBS SAID he had no p lans to retract the editorial. en· titl e d .. Cruel a nd Unusual Punishment.'' and stuck by its intimation that the sentences could prov ide i n cen tive for rapists to kill their victims .

" We don 't want to see that syndrome develop," Grubb said.

Deputy District Attorney Carl Armbrust. who prosecuted the

four rapists . said he believed the editorial " was outrageous , com· pletely outra geous."

Armbrus t . who had urged Br iseno to sentence the defen · dants to the maximum - more than 300 years each - said the JUdge had showed "considerable leniency."

JUST i\FTER the sentencings. however. the prosecutor had said any prison term between JOO and 500 years was academic si nce it meant the convicted rapists would st ay in prison the remainder or their lives .

Other co mments in the editoria l also drew com ment from Rickles, especially those which noted that the s ix victims. aged 14 to 21. had " each re· covered from the ordeal. "

The judge said nearly all the victi ms were s uffering from de· bilitaling psychologica l prob· lems resulting from thei r rapes .


Snake s tunt draws venom of society

SANTA CLARA <AP I - A daredevil who plans to j ump into a tiny wading pool teeming w1th rattlesnakes has landed smack in the middle of a dispute w\lh the Humane Society

The stunt . to be performed Saturday by "Captain America " to promote a Santa Clara carpet company, has drawn the venom of the Humant! Society of Santa Clara Valley

" First, there 's a lot of s tress to the prai rie snakes being put into water obvious ly coole r than th ei r nati ve desert ," sa id Hum ane Soc iety Director War ren Broderick . " It ' ll be an awful shock to their system

"SECONDLY," BRODERICK said . " they are not aqua t ic animals . They ' ll probabl y be thinking they a re drowning "

Gary Ferry . a representative for the carpet company , said he doesn 't think the s tunt is c rue! lo the snakes

" This will be a lot easier on the snakes, than . say. a rodeo is on horses and cows." he said.

The Hum a n e Society d is agrees. and promises it will try to get a court injunction to stop the show, and if it can 't do that, it will picket the event .

Captain America - otherwise known as physica l fitness ad­vocate Alan Jones , of Daly City. was unavailable for comment.

THIS WILL NOT be the first time he has a ttempted the s tunt. Recently. in Seattle . he dove into a pool of rattlesnakes and nesh· eating piranha fis h . He cut his hand as he entered the pool, and the fi sh went into a frenz y.


"Radiant Point" limited quantity 5,000 yds.-8 colors



including padding & 1nstollotion


.._..,.,..._._.. ____ ~----~~~~~--..-~--~~~~ ....... ~'~~----.~~~----·-~---~...-.;~--------~- ..__........,.~~--~....,.----..-,..-------~.-,.-

..,._.......... Veteran actor Richard Harm appliea makeup for rehear1al of "Camelot." The Lerner and Loewe produetion ia scheduled to open at tM Pantages Theatre in Los Angel.es tonight .

Tattoo I.eaves 7J"1 'Fama.y~

Herve VUJecbalae, the 3-foot-11 actor who ptaya 'fattoo on "Fantasy Island, " said be will not return to wQrk on the ABC series until the work­ing conditions are cban1ed lo protect his hea lth and safety.

Columbia Pictures Television resumed filming the popular series for next season on Wednesday . The s how , like man y others , b egan production ea rly because of the threat of a directors ' strike this sum­me r .

He has been replaced by Wendy SchHI, who had been the goddaughter of Roarke. played by Ricardo Mon ­talban.

The son of the Jate Due Ellington s,.ys a sona wm be bom next week wbeh friend.I and fana gather to celebrate what would have been Ell· lngton's 82nd birthday.

The music ls the lune of " Duke's Melody, " an in ­s trumenta l Ellington wrote in 1972.

The words are those of Cherry Robiaa, wife of a clothing manufacturer, who was invited by a recording session ~anizer lo hear the Ellington and record the tune.

The record wasn't released bul Mrs. Robins didn 't forget It , and six months ago wrote " words for it.

Sy Oliver 's band and voca list Buddy Smith wall perform it for the first time Tuesda y al m idnight

Actor RJeb.ard 8aJ1oa bas undergone spinal suraery to correct a painful back condi­tion and was liste d in satisfactory condition, a St. John's H os pital spokeswoman said in Santa Monica.

Burton, 55, who had been suffering fro m what was diagnosed as "severe de · ge nerative cha nges of the cervical spine" had lo leave the touring company of the musical "Camelot" in late March.

Dr. Henry V. Dodge Jr., a Los Angeles neuros urgeon and Ors . Mason Hall and Emory Hopp, both or · thopedists , performed the "cervical lam ineclomy," a rem oval of the posterior arch of a neck ve rte bra, said Burton 's physician , Dr Robert Hutcbenon.

............. Entertainer Paul Simon. Left . and his date Carrie Fisher chat with her father Eddie Fisher at New York's Savoy music hall following a performance by Count Basie.

U.S. coasts get ·rain Light snow falls over parts of Great Lakes

<:oast,a1, ioomher NllJl\t - mornlftO •- t k>lldl""s

Hert ouMNne SMlinMY etlar,_,, Coutel - S2, lnlend M. Colillel

111011 mid~. ln1eno mkl-70.. Weter .,. Ehe wllere, llollt vanebl• winos

n1011t ano morning lloun. Souttlwnt to west winds to to ti ,,,... In .tlltr· noon. Wnterly •wetl t to 2 l••t Inner we .. ,. lnc..-slno to 4 to • fftt ta lrenM outer wet.,• Mostly cl-y

U.S. swnmary SllOWers - - tltunde"torm1

covert<I 1"e P•llk Hon-t eno Ille A II antic eo..- H rly t...S.y

Tll.,e e llo ...,.. - widely tcet· terM t-..Storrn. .,,,., Ml\llllenl

r ... , L.1911 - 1e11 - ""' of , the west«n GAet l..Mlon. '

Rein "I' .. ~ lo •lit- from Hew EnOtend ln1o o.t-•re - wlll reecll ecrou the - Greet L.Un and lrom Mktw..., tlll'OUQll muc.11 of Kenl 11<1ly.

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Pet. llcCIOlkey, a four-term Sa• rranclaeo area con-1rw1mu wbo fained note u a Vtetaam war crltle , told U.teaen tn Newport Beacb be'• the only Republican wbo can " retln Jerry Browft."

" Aod if nothlnl else," be quipped, " that teems like a worthwhile reuon to run for 1enator."

McCloekey, who Uvea in Palo Alto, la an announced candidate for the U.S. Senate seat held by bla Republican collea1ue, S.I. Hayakawa. Gov . Brown has atroncly hinted he'll alao seek that seat la 1982.

The congressman broupt hil campaign tour to Pacific Mutual ln NeWpe>rt Center Thursday, speaking to more than 200 employeejS.

His observations on lsaues were quick and blunt :

- On Hayakawa : " He was voled by hil colleagues u the least errective senator. Sam would lose to Brown."

- On handguns : " We seem to have this wild-west concept that

we have to own bandll&DI- SOcl.6-ty would be bett.r off lf th1I m· 1trum..U loll ttl maitc."

- On abortloa: ' 'M)' oomtloo ts ~at pyemment •bowdD't ln· trude into tbll matter1 Womee are capable or maldna that choice.

-On ref"'eea : "We're paytn1

$! price of the Vietnam war. I ilieve theM people wtu be a vln1 and a po1iUve force in

our 1otlety. ''There ls a saturation point.

sure, but there's no way we can tum our bacu after what we did lo Vietnam for eight y,ears. ''

- On Reagan ' s economic plan: " I support it 100 percent. If we don't start cutting we'll have double ditit inflation and the penalty of that will be greater for citizens than any possible program cuts."

McCloskey , who will be in Orange County until next week speaking and attending several functions, agreed that the 1982 Senate race is likely to be a con: gesled one with Rep . Barry

Dall'( ~lleCMelf-


Goldwater Jr. and several other prominent politicians likely to compete.

Gates opens re-election drive By O.C. HUSTINGS Of die o.Mr ~lee SUH

Orange Co unt y Sheri ff · 'coroner Brad Gates a lready is campaigning for re-elect ion in 1982.

·And he already has at least one opponent.

Gates. currently in his second term as sheriff. coroner , raised more than $48,000 towa rd his re· election effort with a Santa Ana Country Club pa rty earlier this month.

His early opponent is George P . Wright , a Santa Ana College instructor who ran ror the office in 1978.

Wri ght , who announced his candidacy in March , said he is making the early move because . " I 'm t rying to get the support of the public without the traditional Madison Avenue packaging that many Orange County politicians use. and that takes time ."

* * * REP. ROBERT Badham, R·

Newport Beacb, has been named a delegate to the North Atlantic Assembly by House Minority Leader Robert Michel.

The Assembly is composed of elected representatives of the governments of the 15 naliorui that make up the North Atlantic Treaty Organf~ation <NATO ).

Th e As semb l y m ee t s periodically to discuss matters of mutual concern. Its next m eeting is scheduled for May in Venice, Italy .

* * * BADHAM , ALONG with

fellow GOP con g re!ls men

Wi ll ia m Dannem eye r . R · Fullerton, and Dan Lungren, R­Long Beach, are sponsoring a May 4 conference on business opportunllies and foreign trade al th e Anah e im Conven tion Center

It's being planned in conJ unC·

San Onofre licensing session set

The Atomic Safety a nd Licen si ng Board has scheduled a pre· hearing conference for Wednes­day jn San Diego on the licensing by the Nuclear Regulatory Com m ission of Units 2 and 3 at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station.

The conference will begin at 9 a .m . at the U.S. Tax Court . 4 ·S · 19 Federal Building . 880 Front St. The conference is open lo the public

DiscUBsed will be the seismic safety or the plants' location and e.mergeqcy planning, Including evacuation in the event of a leak of radiation.

Units 2 a nd 3 are 1 , 100· megawatt gener ator s located about three miles south of San Cle mente . Both are currently under construction. with com· pletion scheduled by the end of next year.

•• tion with chambe rs of c~-merce in the 39t.h . 40lh and 34th Congressional Distncts and the Departments of Commerce and Defense

R ese r va ti o n s are being handled by Mrs Darlene Knoop in Da nn emeyer 's office . telephone 992·0141


members Larry Agran and Mary Ann Gaido have been named to the 1981 finance com mittee for the Democratic Pari.y an Orange County

* * • C'OliNTV Sli PERVISOR Har

ra e tt Wied e r of Hunt1ngto11 Beach has named three re&1 · dents of the 2nd Superv1soria l District to the count)' 's Citizens Advisory Committee for Update of the Master Pl an for Riding a nd llikang Trails

Mrs Wieder s aid she tap~d Connie Mandi e, Ph yllis Traylor and Bob Mattox for the comrrut tee " because of their long ~· ognized interest in enh ancina and preserving the county's tr ail system ··

A 11 three are from H unltngton Beach.

* * * L VNN TURNER, secretary of

the Orange County Republican Central Commm1ttee. has ~P· pointed Lynn Dowty of Newpqrt Beach as her a lternate

Mrs Dowty is coordmalor of the Bergeson Boosters. a fanan cia I s upport g roup for As · semblywoman Marian Bergeson. R Newport Beach


Yo~r private world of plea$ure

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Life at Park Newport is a com .. bination of privacy when you w'nt' it. social goings-on when you 're in the mood. and exhlt­arating recreation when yo4 feel rusty. ,,

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BARNSTABLE, M1u11. <AP> - A Roman Catholic priest hu been fined *1 aftor being held ln contempt of court for refu1tn1 to

• reveal details of a convenatlon he had with a man accused of . •t•lin1 a 2-year-old boy to Cleath.

The Rev . Wiiiiam Costello termed the fine "a small price to pay to aafe1uard the secrecy of the confessional and the con· nctentialit,y of priestly advice, •• the Rev . Peter Conley, a ,1pokesman for the Boston Wocese, said Wednesday.

Suspect sough/, in bank heut

TUCSON <APJ Aulhonties were seeking a fugitive once described as "an underworld hit man" for questioning in the dar·

• Ing bank heist or a record $3.3 million in cash, a newspaper re· ported.

The Arizona Daily Star said in . toda y's editions that sources close to the investigation said llobert Krebs , also known as John L. Kelly , was being sought ln the holdup al a branch of the First National Bank of Anzona

'Mother keeps custody of aoru

LIBERTY, Texas (AP) - A Jury has decided to let former Texas House speaker Price Daniel Jr. 's two youna sooa re­main with their mother, Vickie Daniel. who is charced with murder in the shooting death of her husband.

Mrs. Daniel and her slater-In· law, Jean Daniel Murph , who brought the child custody 1ult, s at silently In the courtroom Thursday as state District Judie Sam S. Emison Jr. read the verdict.

Apology told in 'huggings'

CHICAGO <AP ) Cit y Schools Superintendent Ruth B. Love has apologized for a hoax about electronic bugs in her of fice and car. but Mayor Jane Byrne says she 1s not wholly satisfied .

The mayor called the episode "rather disgusting " and said that despite the apology tht.'re are " at least 15 unanswered questions" about the matter

Protestants warn IRA of backlash

BELFAST <AP ) Protestant extremists, angered by Roman Catholic riot ing spurred by the death fast of a ja il ed Irish R e pobli can Army member . thratened today to r etaliate against the I RA and its sup porters .

The threat of Protestant backlash raised fears of new sectarian violence 1n thi s British-run province . where Roman Catholic militants have promised lo unleash a campaign of terror if hun~er striker Bobbv Sands. 27, dies He was reported near death on the 55th day of his fast at Maze Pri son . outside Belfast.

Sihanouk to!~ PEKING (AP > Former

Cambodian head or stale Prince Norodom Sihanouk announced today he will join with his old enemies the Khmer Rouge to fight the Vi etnamese in his homeland. but will be "only a simple member" of the effort. not a leader.

SporaJic firing told in Lebanon

BEIRUT (AP > - Sporadic fir mg today between Syrian troops and Christian militiamen threalened.-a shaky cease-fire in Beirut and lhe eastern city of Zahle. as Christian gunners bat· tied Palestinian guerrillas over night in southern Lebanon.

Despite the intermittent truce violations. authorities said the cease fire was holding in the capital and in the Christian city JO miles to the east .. but they said Bt>irut's airport and harbor remained closed because of sporadic shelling

Biggs free ·man RIO DE JANEIRO (AP1

Ronald Biggs , the British Great Train Robber, walked out of tbe Rio airport today a free man , with a guarantee fro m the Brazilian government that he can continue to reside in this South American country .

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SPACE CENTER. Houston <AP> - Altron1ut& Job.n Youns and Bob Crippen are pualq their "UHd" apac-nblp Cohun· bl1 to a new crew, unofllciallY endln1 • three·Y••r uaoct.Uoo with the craft tbat often tried their patience before earnJog their clowtn• respect.

" J hope you take care of ·it," Youns 1ai6 Tbunday as be and Crippen transferred C<)lumbia '• "key" at a newa conference ln Houston.

THE NEW commander couldn't resist klddln1 YoUJli, the »year-old veteran o! five space trips.

''Would you buy a used spaceship from this man?" asked Joe Enale.

" It's been driven only by an old auy from Florida, who didn't 10 more than 20,000 miles an

'Psycopath' ruled out by Atlanta

ATLANTA (AP> - The al­leged ''psycopath" identified by civil rights leader Roy Innis as a figure in the child murders case " has been located , interviewed and ls not considered a suspect a t this time." Public Safety Com missioner Lee Brown said today .

" We do not question Mr. Innis ' or his witness' sincerity , but as has been the case in a number of instances. what was believed to be valid information did not tum out to be that way after in· vest1gation, " Brown said.

HE SA ID that to his knowledge . the Congress of Racial Equality, a civi l rights group of which Innis is staff director . no longer has its purported sus pect under su~ ve1 1lance. He said "that was the case yeste rday and I assume that is the case today ."

Brown also said Innis had been advised of the legal conse­quences he would race if CORE investigators chose to make a citizens' arrest in the case .

Innis said Wednesday that if no arrest were made by l p.m. o n Saturday , hi s supporters would "m ake the co llar " themselves. However. Innis said this morning that he had withdrawn his surveillaag teams from the suspect for 72 hours " to allow police to conduct their own investigation."

INNIS announced at a news conference in Atlanta Wednesday that CORE had " broken" the case by finding a " psychopath '' resp.ons1ble for at least six of the killings. Innis said CO RE had the person under s urveillance.

Slaton said the publi c state­ments by Innis would probably hurt the police probe "a great deal"1ftrue

S laton sa id he reared that CORE surveillance would tip off the person being watched .

At the news conference, Innis produced an envelope he said con­tained a picture of a suspect and spoke or a witness who a llegedly had information about the SUS· peel .

bour, and it h11 only I00,000 mUHon it."

Youn& and Crippen Ht the tone for tbi canf erence. biterlac­inl a tert.. of Jokes and cme· Hoers with tbeJr report• of Columbl1 '1 • 'pbenomen•l '' performance. on Us melden ntgbt earlier thla month.

They bad a ri&bt to be n1-Xed and relieved. For all thoee yean they had watched and waited, aweaUna out on~s ace 1h~e problem after er - uttle technical t.hin1• at f nt, tben 1he en1lpea, tben the thtrJ11aJ tiles.

The laur;>cb date, od1tnally eet

for March lt'll, ilippftd - and •lined - and 1.llppeL~'. -

11'-lnally, lwo Y••tt late , Columbla roa* ibl<> orbit on April 12. After 54~ virtually fl1wlet1 boun, Youn• and Crip­pen broupl tt ba~k 19 a picture· perfect Jan dip• 016 •n arid nmw"f Jn Calltornta'1 Mojave Desert.

The world'• first r~flyable apaceshlp WQ back on Earth, to be refurbl•hed artd tak•n up a1ain.

HfT WOllKED llke a dream all the way.•' Crippen said

Thun:,:r. ''John and J Just Ht back enjoyed It."

Yount, tbe normally tacit um commander, couldn ' t contain

· the tupe1l.athe1 . As be described UM performance of each of lbe 1yatem1, he 1pilJed out ' 'suP9rb • . . fotuUc . . . terrific . . . remarkable,"

Since t.betr return to Earth, the astrona~ bave been closet· ed with the exJ>erts. dlscuulng the flllht ln detail. They will be called on for more information, and there wiU be a trip to the White House and other public appearances.

COUNTER PROTEST - Pro and a nti ­abortion groups protested outside con­gressional hearings Thursday on plans for legislation to redefine life as beginning at

. .. _.......,. conception Six protesters inside the hear­ing on Capitol Hill were a rrested when they stood on chairs and shouted. "Stop these hearings." Sessions resumed today.

Work of the devil? TV program viewers see topless

COCOA, Fla. CA P l - It's not e very day that you tum on your TV to see evange list Oral Roberts and are grP.eted, in· stead, with a bunch or topless women cavorting across the screen.

There was no way to determine how many of the cable cha nnel's potential 125,000 viewers tuned in to the Christian Broadcast Network Wednesday night, said Florida Cable TV regional manager Orlando Brillante.

81.n' HE SAID HE received only one irate phone call. "There was one call reported to me about a woman be·

ing very emphatic about it," said Brillante. He said the station has a viewing potentiar or 125,000


THE MOVIE WENT on for 111~ minutes, before return ­ing to robed gospel s ingers, one Merritt Island viewer, who asked not lo be identified , told the TODAY newspaper or Cocoa.

Florida Cable TV officials said a glitch in a re mote an­tenna station in Brevard County was responsible for the mixup . The National Christian Network shares transmission facilities with Escapade, a New York pay-TV channe l. which was feeding the topless movie.

''We 've taken steps to be sure it never happens again," said Brillante .

Cabinet meet attended by president

WASHINGTON CAP > Presi dent Reagan , giving himself " his own go-ahead," returned to the White House office wing to· day to preside at a Cabinet meeting

He entered the Oval Office shortly before 6 :45 a m. PST for the first time since he was shot.

Deputy White House press secretary Larry Speakes, an­nouncing the president ·s plans . also said Reagan would fly by helicopter to Camp David Satur­day afternoon and is planning to s tay al the presidential retreat in Maryland unti l Monday after­noon

" He expressed a wish to get out among the dogwoods and fresh air on the mountainside," the spokesman said .

Speakes said Reagan expected to spend about 30 minutes at the Cabinet meeting. No agenda was announced, but it was expected to focus on whether to lift the e m ba rgo on the sa le or U.S. grain to the Soviet Union


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Western Mrilines asks workers' aid


I F:lnanclally allln1 Weatern Airlines Jnc. , wblcb reported a first-quarter Iota of $1.7 million, has askeCI its employees and

, mana1era t.o accept a one-year wage freeze be1lnnlng May 1 in · order t.o save the company $20 million. Ho~ever, the largest of the

five major unions, which together represent 90 percent of Westem's work force , rejected Thursday's proposal.

Western , which los t $29.6 million last year, has been hit hard by airline industry de· regulation. Similar airlines with lower labor costs and more fuel­efficient aircraft have been al­lowed, through deregulation, to compete with Western on many of its routes.

Actor venl.s anger HOLLYWOOD (AP> The

on ly major actor to appear before a congressionul punel in­vestigating drug abuse castigat ­ed the committee for spending money on such an inqu iry and said he WflS "incensed" at " in­nuendoes that impl y this in ­dustry is d~·oriented . "

Money s nt on the hearings could be ' etter expended

School aids diea WILMINGTON <AP> - A

23-year-old school monitor was fatally stabbed near Bannin1 High School when be tried t.o break up a fight between two groups or youths, police uld.

Detectives said none of the juveniles involved in the fi&ht were students at Banning Hip School.

HolJup try /alal POMONA CAP> - A man who

reportedly attempted to rob a Go Lo gas station was fatally shot and h is 14-year-old ac­c om p Ii c e was arrested , authorities said. A police officer was wounded irl the incident.

Ronald Deer, 30, was shot to death after police pursued him and a companion on foot.

No money was taken.

Judge corwict,ed SAN RA FAEL (AP) - Mono

Cou nty's only Superior Court judge, con victed by a Marin County jury of obstructing police officers. has vowed to fight the conviction that led to a S500 fine .

.,.w ......... MUSEUM READY - The Sonoma of the North Pacific Coast Railroad , looking as it did in late 1800s, was center of at· traction at the California State Railroad Museum in Sacramento Thursday during a tour. The museum, featur­ing 21 restored locomotives and cars, will open May 2.

LOS ANGELES CAP> - Vice President George Bush, st.and­inc in for Presldeat Ronald Reagan at a h iCh·pdced Republican Party fund-raiser, said the president, whose health la mending, bas the right pre· scrlption for the nation's economic recovery .

"It's a radical concept," Bush said Thursday night or Reagan's controversial economic package. " But I urge you all to stand behind this program. He needs your help, and we can second-guess it later."

"AT LEAST WE have a presi ­dent who will do what he said be ' d do," said Bush , who d ecried the special interest groups he claims are " nickel and diming the program to de­ath ."

He drew loud applause and a standing ovation from the crowd of some 1.200 Republicans who paid $1.000 a plate to attend the dinner.

The gathering included many Reagan persona l friends . mem· bers of his " kitchen cabinet" and celebrities who interrupted severa l limes with appl ause as Bus h made his pitch for the Reagan plan lo cut s pending . taxes and regulations .

the hlatory or the s tate's party,

8 featured a pre-dinner cocktaJI part>: •t Murdock's M·room Bel-Air mansion tor those whb bad paid Sl0,000 for a 10-seat dinner table. ~.a

A -THESE BIG donors Included o~

executives of Rockwell Jntema- . too tional Oorp., Atlantic Richfield, . ~ , .., Union Oil, Litton Industries Inc., i '• the firm of Carter, Hawley , Hale •l:\'J and others. . ,,..,

There was heavy security at IT the Century Plaza Hotel, where n-i• .. guests at the fund-raiser dined .q r on duck pate, veal coosomme •IJ l and beef tenderloin . :-.b:

Yawns greet 'Gate' film

• reopening



, I

ff 0 L L Y W 0 0 D ( A P l •, • " Heaven 's Gate" reopened in a "•' s h o rte ned version and was "' •' g r ee te d with restrained ap- ••• plause, a few walkouts and a ' 'l' parade of pickets . 1111•

The troubled $36-million film .i f third most expensive after •.b';

"Cleopatra" and "Star Trek" - .,,,1 closed the Los Angeles lntema- 1 .~ lional Film Exposition on Thurs- • 1

day night . 1

bolstering the narcotic s -igenc1es. the b o r d e r patrol." Greg Morri s told th e panel Thursday as it wound up two days of controversial

Tavern brawl won by Dog

Bush denounced those who ac cuse Reagan of being against the poor and minorities , saying the Reagan plan would benefit those groups

THE Al' DI ENCE. included Rcagan·s daughter . Maureen, and her f1ance , Dennis Ravell . as well as such celebrities as F r ank Sinatra . Cary Gr ant and Charlton Heston

The pickets . from the !,

American Hum ane Association, complained about the film 's . -­b rut a Ii t} to animals in U i cock fight s and scenes of falling ~ :

hearings . MOu11

Morris had told reporters out side th e hearing r oo m he thought a McCarthy like ·•witch hunt " might be under way .

SAN DIEGO <AP > A 49-pound pit bull terner was being held by a nim a l co ntrol authorities after Jumping into a barroom brawl to defend his owner from an attacker and bit ing both.

" I hope he <the dog I won't come out of this looking like the bad guy," said .Mike Dillon . 30, of San Diego, owner of the 5·


Office·=~!...-::~!.~.,,.,.,... •.

yea r-old terner, named Dog. " It wasn't Dog·s fault. He just got excited when he saw what was happerung and j umped in .

·'They Cp1t bulls > have gotten a lot of bad publicity because of Illegal dog fighting in Mexico." Dillon said

Dillon said the bar's owner asked him to help break up a fiS!hl inside, but a man followed

DI lion outside whc re Dog "'a~ tied up and the fi ghting re s umed. with Dog JOmmg 1n

Dillon was hospitalized after the fight while his attacker was treated for bites and releast'd

Dog faces a hearing next week to determine whether he should be re leased to his owner

Dillon says Dog .. was JUSt try ing to be a good guy "

The cha1 rm an of the l'Hnt . in

dustna!Jst David Murdock . re ported the gala had provided the s tate Republican Party with $1 I m ii hon earmarked for a bat tie to gain control of the Californi a Legislature .

The fund · raiser. the b1~gcst in

horses . ' i or the film' s notables . only ;

director \\nler Mi chael Cimino .. appeared at the reopening He was una\.a1labl e a ft er the sc reening

Al C1mino's request. United Arti s ts withdrew " Heaven 's Gate ." and he tnmmed it from three hours and 40 minutes to t\\O hours and 12 minutes

., ·r: • I l I

. . .., Q I /o

to 70o;0 OFF -. I "~r I "

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New· aiqJ9rt ap.cess plan seerm protn~ing.

After a considerable amoWJt of wrangl1n1. it finally appean that an acceptable plan to re1· ulate entry of commercial jet air carriers at John Wayne Airport ls nearing completion.

A plan now emergin1 from the offices of county airport of. flciala and supervisors has several positive aspects.

First, it would protect the legitimate interests of AirCal and Republic Airlines, the two car· rte rs which have provided service the longest in Orange County. second, the plan would recognize that Frontier Airlines, wbich was permitted to begin service at the airport last year, has made a sincere effort to re· duce noise impacts. Frontier. like AirCaL and Republic, has plans to purchase the DC·9 Super 80, which experts say will be sub· stantially quieter than the DC·9·30s and Boeing 737s now operated at the airport.

The plan would not protect the interest of Western Airlines. Nor s hould it. Western 's performance in Orange County can only be viewed as lackluster.

Like Frontier, Western re ·

celved a piece of the Oran1e · Collllty action Jut year. But it

has yet to make a aubetantlal ' commitment to nolle reductions. It bu no plans to purchase the Super809.

The proposal would favor Paclflc Southwest Airlines, the only carrier tn the nation that has taken delivery of the Super 80s. As airport inaiders see it, flights that Western now posse11ea would be turned over to PSA 1f the plan is adopted.

The plan, as now envisioned, would cause little disruption in airport service (two We1tern flights to Salt Lake City would be eliminated) . I n fact, service would probably improve, because PSA would start service on the heavily traveled routes to San Jose and Sacramento.

At this point, the plan looks good, far better than two earlier proposals that either would have caused substantial service dis· ruptions or could have been too complex to effecti vely imple· ment. The proposal merits a fa v orable decision from sui>ervisors.

Public service costly Time was when our citizen·

lawmakers were supposed to be just ordinary folk, employed or in business for themselves. neither ri c her nor poorer than the ave rage taxpayer, nor boasting rich and influential friends and supporters.

Figures on campaign expen· ditures in California 's 1980 primary and general elections compiled by the Fair Political Practices Commission show all too well that money is becoming the name of the political game.

Even when Jesse Unruh called money " the mother's milk of politics" he could hardly have foreseen the height~ to which political expenditures would rise.

The $35.8 million spent by candidates for the Legislature in the 1980 electio n s was an overall increase of 71 percent over the costs of the 1978 elec· tions - that's in just two years!

In the Assembly the increase was even more start.ling - 84 percent over 1978. Senate races showed a more modest 24 percent increase.

In their battle for the speakership of the Assembly, both Leo McCarthy and Howard Berman had the distinction of be­ing the first two Assembly mem· bers to spend more than $1 million apiece. Each spent more money in 1980 than did all of the candidates for the Assembly in 1958.

The $35 .8 million total represents an average of almost $360,000 in campaign costs for each legislative seat - and this is just1or a single legislative dis­trict , not a statewide office.

FPPC C hairman Tom Houston describes the 1980 cam· paign as ··something akin to an arms race" and predicts cam· paien costs near the $100 million mark by 1982 if this trend con· tinues.

Small wonder newly elected le~islators begin their fund · raasing efforts for the next cam· paign almost as soon as they have been sworn in. This is no game for the simple citizen who dreams of being a " public ser · vant" - not if he wants to win and hold an office.

When minutes count Concern recently arose over

emergency medical treatment procedures at Disneyland, the Orange County amusement park that each year attracts more than 10 million visitors from throughout the world.

With that many people visit· ing the park. there are bound to be incidents involving illness or injury, in some cases, death.

In the past six weeks, two Disneyland visitors have died. One man was stabbed and a woman suffered an apparent heart. attack.

Both incidents raised ques· tions . Paramedics were not sum· moned and the victims were transported to a hospital in Dis· n eyland ' s own emergency medical transport vehicles. The vehicles are not equipped with red lights and sirens.

These facts are not meant to •

imply Disneyland did not provide treatment. On the contrary, reg­istered nurses provided on-the· spot treatment to both victims and accompanied them in the ambulance -like vans to the hospital.

While def ending the treat· ment it provided and the overall quality of its emergency medical procedures, Disneyland has hired a firm to maintain a ready-to.roll ambulance - one equipped with red lights and sirens - at the park durin~ operating hours .

This approach makes sense. Disneyland, during peak periods, can be a very difficult place to travel from because of traffic congestion. Lights and sirens can speed transport and perhaps gain the seconds and minutes that can prove so critical tn emergency situations.

Opinions expr.ued In the space abOve are th<>se of the O.lly Piiot. Other views ex· pressed on this page are those of their authors and anlsts. Reader comment Is lnvlt· ed . Address The Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642-4321.

L M. Boyd/Man'• 1rork Women do at least half the auto

drivln•. maybe more .. Insurance com· pante.s say they' re better rlakl, too. So bow do yoo account for tbe fact that there are to relaUvely few women wbo drtve tor pay7 Never rnlDd, l know wby. 'Jbe unjuat trldlUoll wu that anytime a J® 1et1 redalitfttd from c .. ual to piotes1klft1l, lt tendl to become 01an'1 work. Cooklal, for In· stance. Or meat cu~. Ev.n, to



aome desree, piano playtne.

Quick, name the only ap1cultural product that 1rowa lta aeed on the out· side of ltl fruit . Come on, the 1trawben)t, the strawberry.

Meo an cruel · man la kind. Men are 11'Md1; man i.. 1enuoua. Mtn art mortal: man ll immortal. 1be late Adlai E. 5tevent0n said that. \


Guatemala next on aid list? W ASHJNGTON - The conflagration In

El Salvador is spreading across the border into Guatemala , and the Reagan . administration is already drafting plans to provide the Guatemalan generals with mi 11 tary eq ulpment.

The administration Is expected to jus tify this increased involvement in the turmoil in Central America on grounds that the Guatemalan guernuas are get · ting support from Cuba by way of Nicaragua . But there 1s ano~her . more co mpelUng r eason that wt.11 not be mentioned : Guatemala has oil. Though still barely tapped, its oil deposits could make Guatemala a rich country in a few years.

Former President Jimmy Carter cul off military aid to both Guatemala and El Salvador to show U.S. disapproval of their military dictatorships. But last January, he resumed military assistance to the embattled Salvadoran junta. which had replaced the old dictatorship 18 months earlier .

PRESIDENT REAGAN increased the arms shipments and dispatched military advisers to El Salvador in the belief that the Soviets are faMlng the names of re­bellion there. Secret mtelhgence reports. including intercepted messages, link the Kremlin to the Cuba n-Nicaraguan acUvlly.

Now I have learned that Reagan will soon reaume military aid to Guatemala which. unlike El Salvador. iutillruled by the same repressive military regime

lntelli~ence reports exist which will

buttress Reagan 's decision to make Guatemala yet another arena of East· West confrontation My associate Bob Sherman has seen a confidential Defense Intelligence Agency analysis , which re· ports :

•· A tape recording recently captured ID a skirmish with Guatemalan guernllas

G. -J1-c1-11-1-111_1_1 -~ has provided convincing evidence of Cuban and Nicaraguan comph c1ty ID or · ganiiing. directing and sup~rtinl( the Guatemalan Revolutionary Movement 'Socialist · countnes may have already been contacted to s upply arms and supplies . which are to pass through Cuba and Nicaragua before being forwarded to Guatemala ."

I F Tm s HAS a fa miliar ring. 1t should Captured documents esta blished the hnk between Salvadoran guerrillas and Sov 1et·bloc nations. which just ified the R e agan administration 's anti communist al arums and excursions in El Sa lvador.

The OJA appraisal c laims that gue rrilla strentth in Guatemala is m inimal , and •· onl y s mall -scale in ­surgent activity la anticipated in the near term .. M y so urces say th e adm inistration hopes that renewed U S

militar:,• aid will help the Guatemalan genera ls eradicate the leftist rebelt before they have a chance to grow into CJ rea l threat

The stakes m Guatem ala are h1R}l . A con fidential State Department cable last month spelled out the oil prospects this way : .. The optimistic view long held by most oilmen <is> that Guatemala does in fa ct possess s ignifi cant reser't'es on the order of the Alaskan north s lope ··

Although Gautemala expects to pro­duce only about 15.000 ba rrels of 011 a day this year . the cable notes that a petroleum consultant has advised the government it could be producing a million barrels a day within seven or eight years " 1f ap­p ro p ri ate drilling in ce nt1 ves a re adopted ··

WHAT WORRIES the adm1n1strat1on is that the United States m ay be losing out in the international com pet1t1on to de· velop Guatemala 's huge petroleum re­sou rces Severa l years ago, Guatemala asked for U S help in explo1tmg its oil re· se rv~ . but go t nowh e re The Guatemalans turned e lse"here The State Department cable notes that .. U S. companies have been edged out by <the> French in promisi ng ex ploration areas . ..

But.the Guatemalans ha ve onC'e again. ask ed for U S help, and our e mbassy in Guatemalct City has urged a favorable response. noting that experts believe Guatemala · 'C'ould supply 10 percent of t: S import needs "ithlD s ix lo eight yea rs "

Computers replace smoke-filled rooms Earl Waters u on vacatwn. ThU column '"'

writtm by hil a.atociate Dan Blackbum. It is a rare political issue that can rise

above a ll others in the hea rts of legislators . Reapportionment is one such issue.

Thia is the process which occurs every 10 years following the census and which draws new lines for California ·a 45 congressional districts and 120 legislative districts . The r e· apportionment procedure is a classic s truggle between the " haves" and the " have-nots " at times requiring the state Supreme Court to referee. It is an at· tempt to pro vide residents representation by an individual who most closely represents the will or the majority of the district.

With so many diverse interests at w.ork in the formal reapportionment process it is small wonder that the simple drawing of lines on a map would become the subject of bitter political wrangling.

COMPUTERS NOW aid in the work of reapportionment and much of the raw political power that once was vested in the hands of a few st r eet -wise

politicians is now dispersed a mong many. Thal fact however does little to alleviate the exe r cising o f unfair advantages by those who can figure out how to do it.

The m atter of equitable politi cal rep r esentation is ge rm ain t o the principals upon wh.ich this nation was fo unded . It i s imperative thal

IUl WATIRS politicians elected to office represent as closely as poss ible the needs and vie wpoints of their distri c ts . T hat makes it vital for those with an interest in such ethereal topics to ente r Into the process and aid in the drawing of lines · It is interesting to watch the representatives of certain minority fa ctions influence on this decade's re· apportionment. Neve r before have the black and Hispanics been so well or · ganized a nd so potentially able to participate In the division of the state .

Arm ed with sophisticated computet t ec hno logy a nd talented poli t ical scientists . ethnic groups are moving to protest existing dis tricts and seeking to crea t e n e w ones where m inori ty ca nd idates can be more easily elected.

Recently Assembly Speaker Willie Brown. a San Francisco Democrat. told a Southern California crowd that he was interested in helping create a new His· pani c dominated Assembly district in Los Angeles. He ran into a buzz saw of opposition from the Senate in the form of the President Pro Tempore Da vid Roberti. a Los Angeles Democrat who made 1l clear the Senate would make ita own decisions

THE LEG I TIMATE f ea r s of • min o riti es is th e practice o f gerrymandering . whereby the party in power carves out the districts to its advantage a t the ex pense of the other party .

The days are gone when power barons would simply s it down 1n s moke-ntled rooms to divide the spoils of redis trict· ing, but the potential for abuse still ex-1 s ts under the guise of complex teehnologlca l methodologies .

In s~1ne dispu~es losing is really winning How can you win when you lose? Thia

is a hard riddle, but lt was propounded and answered well over 2,000 years a10 by Epicurus in little over a dozen words :

" In a phllosophlcal dis~ute: ~

~'~ ~ IYlllY IAHll

nant and triumphant. This ltind of winning is really losing,

if the facts are not on our side. Thia Is a debatine victory, an oratorical contest, not a mutual determination to seek for \he truth together - which la what all honest and productive areuments must be .

Moat diaputatlom are fruitless at beat because the contestants want to ln1 atruct, not to team; to persuade, not tq investigate ; to feel .)usttfled, not cor· rected or reproached. or convtcted ot er· ror. And the tnore heated the con· troveny, the r.iore both ant.1onltm1 lose stabt ot ruUty, of rHeoa, and ol the common objective to dl1cover

'•here the aood reatdet.


construed as a s lap in the face . It l$ wounded vanity and not a zeal for truth 1: that feeds the names of moat such cod­troversles.

DIFFERENCES of opinion are e>e­portunlties for learnine. new footholds for chance and 1rowth, valuable e&• erctses for mtnda erown sluieJsh add charact6rs grown smug. But not one Ip a thousand uses them for auch creative purpoeea; not I , not you - and I wonder about old Epicurus himself.

r l

lb PATalCll KENNEDY o1 ................

Nancy Hernandes was pleased with her new Huntington Beach home dwin1 the ~re-sale lnsptt· Uon laat year, but when she later took a Shower ih the upstain t1athroom she says soapy water leaked through and drenched her downstairs kit~ben table.

And when she flushed the toilet, things got worse, she said.

''THE TOILET overflows onto the floor and leaks Into the downstairs hall ," complained Mrs . Herna ndez . She said a plumber told her there's cement in the pipes.

•' When we take a shower

Swim program reduced

Tht! HWltington Beach recrea· lion department has eliminated public swimming at the Marina High School pool this s ummer and has increased fees for city. sponsored swimming and sports program

Because the financiall y troubled Huntington Bea ch Union High School District has increased the summer rent for its pools from $200 to $700 week ly . city offi cials decided lo lease only the Edison High School pool this yea r

POOLS WILL BE a vai lable to the public thi s s ummer at Edison , Golden West College and the city's gym downtown. accordJng to city officials.

Recreation fee increases in· elude :

- Recreationa l s wimmin g from 50 cents to Sl

Swimming lessons up $2. They will range between $14 and $16

- Youth baseball. football and basketball from $10 pe r person to $13, $14 and $18 respectively

- League adult softball and basketball teams from $225 to $240 a season

Three man basketball from $35 to $45 a season

Registratio n for c it y sortball tournaments from $75 to $100

THE CITY COUNCIL. ap ­proved the fee increases Mon ­day to ~eep pace with operating costs to insure that recreational programs remain self supporting For information on the city's recreational activities call 536·5486.

City officials say more than 30,000 swimmers use the city aquatic program annually, and more than 2 ,400 youths play city· s ponsored baseball. basketball and football

Softball 1s the most popular adult activity with more than 470 teams last year There were 96 adult basketball teams in the city leagues last year , offi cials say

HB library board expands

The Huntington Beac h ,city Council has expanded the City Library Board from five mem­bers to seven members and is accepting applications for the additional positions.

The volunteer advisory board gives the City Council sugges­tions on library policy, Including r ecommendations on cultural programs sponsored by the library.

Selection of the two additional members tentatively is scheduled for next month, when the ol'dinance takes effect.

Appointees cannot b e employed by the city or bold public office in the city.

the water leak.I tbrou1h tbe ll&bt rlxture onto tbe table downstairs. It's ridiculous. We paid S16$,000 for this house and nothine woru."

Fortun.ately , she says , the house has two bathroom•.

Mrs. Hernandez Hid •"e soon found that other bollleowners lo the new 43-house Olive Part tract bad complaints too , although not as serious as her plumbing problems.

Five of the homeowners ap­pealed to City Council for help earlier this month, claiming the builder was hard lo get in COO· tact with and wouldn't return calls or letters .

The homeowners complained of rainwate r seeping into the

carpets or their sunken dens, UJ. designed kitchens , cracking floor tiles, and missing baseboard moldini.

CITY BUILDING inspector George Bendlin checked out the homes last week and said he contacted the builder Robert Stellrecht Jr. to reach a solution.

Bendlln S!lYS af the problem11 aren't fixed to the satisfaction or the homeowners, the matter will be turned over to the state con­tractors board.

Stellrecht, contacted by telephone. said be wasn 't aware of the complaints until BendJin ca lled him. He said if the com­plaining homeowners are ''nit­picking" and if they aren't



Here 's how to get to Mil.e Square Park , scene of the 15th anniversary running of the Gordon Bennett Balloon Race

Balloon race set Mile Square girds for record crowd

Huge, brightly colored globes filled with hot air or helium will carry manned gondolas into the s kies above Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley thls weekend during the second Otanae Coun· ty running of the Gordon Ben­nett Balloon Race.

The event is billed as the '15th anniversary edition of the ~­test . inaugurated in 1908 by publisher James Gordon Ben­nett.

The race was canceled by the outbreak of war in 1939 and re mained dormant until Califonua ba lloonist and scientist Thomas Heinsheimer resurrected the

HB to lease medical van to Valley

Huntington Beach won 't get a windfall profit f rom its agree­ment to lease Fountain Valley a used paramedic van for $1 an­nually

But the lease allows FoWltain Valley , Sea l Bea c h and Westminster to have a readily avai lable backup emergency vehicle 1f t h eir primar y paramedic vans break down.

Ray Picard . Huntington Beach Fire Chief, recommended the lease to strengthen the backup system of the "joint powers" agreement. which calls for the fou r West Orange County cities lo assist each other in case of emergency.

Huntington Beach, the largest of the four . has two primary paramedic vans and one backup vehicle, while the other three cities h ave one primary paramedic van each.

The used van. which will serve as the backup, is worth about $14 ,000, Picard said. mostly because of expensive medical equipment aboard.

Huntington Bea c h has purchased a new fully equipped paramedic van for $39,000 with federal Housing and Community Development funds . according to city offtclals.

event three years ago in Long Beach.

THE RACE was moved to Mile Square. a more spacious launch location. last year and drew !;ome 25,000 visitors to the one-day event

This year , a second race has been added to the schedule of events, with activities scheduled both Saturday and Sunday .

Balloon race activities will take place in the triangular shaped flight field in the center o f the park The balloons themselves. however, will be visible in the open park space outside the fenced flight area and 1 n the s u r r o u'n ding neighborhoods .

Entry to the Gordon Bennett grounds Wlll be at the north end of the park , on Edinger A venue between Brookhurst and Euclid s treets.

The park 1s near the Warner A venue ex it or the San Diego Freeway or can be reached by leaving th e Garden Grove Freeway at Brookhursl and t raveling south .

THE DAILY admission pnce is $5 for adults. $2.50 for chUdren age 5 to 12. and free for toddlers Tickets ca n be purchased th r ough Ticketr on or at the gates

Race organizers are planning an early bird bonus. Beginning at 7 a m . , free tethered balloon rides will be offered at the race grounds. Free rides will con ­tinue as long as winds permit.

The Go rdon Bennett race itself, a distance competition , will feature Uftoffs between noon and 6 p. m. The contest will in­c lude 12 entries from the United States and other nations , includ­ing France, Poland, Switzerland and Japan.

On SWlday, the first Fountain Valley Classic balloon race Is planned. rn this event, 18 piloUI will try to land as close aa possi· ble to designated targets within 100 miles of the pa~k.

Activities on t.M balloon rac~ grounds will in.elude bands, military unit performances , souvenir booths, vintage aircraft and classic automobiles dl•· plays, and food concessioas.


Mayor leayes. h.ospithl

satlafied wit.b repaln be'U buy bac~ their homes at the same price they paid.

"I don't know how tbeae houses pusecl city lnspectloa," said Clan:ace Pruden. a retired plumber who ownJ a $130,000 single-story home In the tract, louted off Slater A venue and Gothard Street.

PRUDEN SAJD rainwater en­ters his sunken den through the walls .

Hts wi'!e Shirley pointed to the stove located at a right angle in­ches away from the kitchen sink aod complained that she almost burned her arm when she tried to boil water and wash· dishes at the same time.

Will interest rates continue to rise or fall? . . BS



''These complaints really aren't unusual ," said buUdi.og inspector Bendtin. "The contrac­tor has built a lot of homes in the city and says he 'll make the necessary repairs. But it seems there are a few personality clashea here and I'm in the mid· die trying to smooth the waters."

STELLRECHT said he " tries to please everybody," but " the re are a couple old gals over · there that every time you tum around, they want you lo fix something."

He said lhe rain leaking into sun ken dens " most or the lime


• gnpe~

can be attributed to the way the ho meowners ha ve done theiz; landscaping." He denies that the kitchens are poorly designed. 1

He also said that one or htS: workers sent to repai r Mrs .· Hernandez's home lert when she insulted him with angry com-· plaints.

"We do n 't hide from anybody, " Stellrecht said . "If they've got complaints caused by our fault y work m ansh1 p, we 'll fix them.

·· But some peoplt' are un reasonable. I've told a couple or them that if they don 't like their homes. v.t>'ll bu) them back "

Pendleton airpo~? SCAG study provides new boost f O! regional terminal proposal By FREDERICK SCHOEMEID.. Of ll• De6ly ,. ... SU!lf

New impetus for development of a regional airport on the Camp Pendleton Marine Corps base in northern San Diego County is being given in a report prepared by the Southern California Association of Gov emments.

Planners for the association , tiave concluded that an airport at the base could be an accepta ble alternative to an earlier SCAG proposal that major. long. haul facility be constructed on an offshore island near the Los Angeles and Long Beach harbors

UNDER THE Camp Pendleton proposal , the regional airport - similar in size lo Los Angeles Internationa l - would be constructed near Oceanside at the south end of the base.

Planners estimate the Camp Pendleton airport would cost about ~ million . well below the $2.S billion estimated for the offshore facility

Locating the airport at Camp Pendleton , which is bisected by the heavily traveled San Diego Freeway, would benefit resi ­dents in both Orange and San Diego coWllies. SCAG planners say. . And they point out that loca­tion of an airport at the base would reduce some of the de mand on John Wayne Airport in Orange CoWlty and Lindbergh Field in San Diego County.

HENRY WEDAA , a Yorba Linda city cou n c ilm an who cbairs the SCAG aviation com mittee. said it will still be some Ume before a final recommen ­dation is made on whether to pursue a regional airport at Camp Pendleton or off the Long Beach coast.

'Universe' topic for workshop

Four experts on the stars and planets will take part Saturday in an all-day workshop entitled, .. A Saturday Astronomy Hap­pening : Project Universe and Beyond."

The event , sponsored b y Coastline Community College, KOCE·TV and tbe Orange Coun· ty A1tronomers. will be held from 9 a .m . to 4 p.m . in lhe BrasiUa Rooms at the Sheraton­Newport Hotel, 4.54S MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach.

The ·fee is $15, which includes lunch.

Participants will include Dr. George Abell , a UCLA es · tronomy professor and teat· book author ; Dr. Ed Krupp, director of the Griffith Observato17 ln Los An1eles; Dr. Ben Mayer, a Loi Anaelea buai· nessman and amateur astronomer; and Bill Netll, pro. ducer of tbe "Project Univene" series seen on KOCE-TV.

Reailtration will be accepted al the door.

Antarctic~ topic in slide-lecture

A 1...,-.part allde •d ~ure Mria racunn1 A.Dta..NUea and E...., bland wUI belin at '1 tontl)lt Ila l'IM Arts 222, at Golden Well Coll•I• ln Huntlnaton Be•~b.

llon lnfonnatlon about the frM tel1el .&a ••a.ti.able from &.be communttJ aervlua office, .....

He said further investigation of the Camp Pendleton proposal is needed, terming existing data " very preliminary."

A m ajor. 1r not the major stumbling block to location of an airport at the base could be re s1stance from the Marine Corps

The corps traditionally has re Jected any suggestion thcit part of th e base be used ror an airport

YET UNKNOWN 1s how the

Camp Pendleton proposal \'Ill afrect the work of a S~.'para t c· rl' gional airport site s elel'tion s tudy authonted by the Orange County Board of Supervisor!>

The 11 member comm1llt·t· 1:. m ade of a six prominent hus1 ness leadC'rs and appointN•s of the five board members

SCAG 1s a regional gO\ern ment organ1tation ~ h1l'h 1s made up of South<•rn Ca lifornia 's l'itws and l'ount1es

HB police nab· 2 in armed robbery Huntington Beach pohce ar

res ted two suspects early today in connection with the robbery or a Westminster restaurant late Thursday by masked gunmen.

In HWltington Beach Jail on suspicion of armed r obbery were Alfredo Abraham Reyes. 26. of Garden Grove, and Keith Klein , 24, of Santa Ana .

Westminster police Lt David Wiggs said two men, one wear ing a monster mask , the other a ski mask . entered the Taco Bell res taurant. 7192 Westminster Ave. , at 11 :45 p.m . The men brandished a shotgun and a handgun and ordered employees into a rear freezer. Wiggs said.

He said the men then took $107 from the cash register and ned

Shortly after midnight. Hunt­ington Beach police responded to a report of an attempted store robbery and stopped a car con laining Reyes and Klein near Magnolia Street and Edinger A venue, Wiggs said.

The pair reportedly matched a description given by victims in the Taco Bell holdup and were jailed on the robbery charge

Police said today they were

av. ailing a warrant to search the suspect:.· car rur "'capc>ns 0r loot

YMCA. camp signllps set f or Saturday

Registration for s ummer camp sessions planned b} the West Orange County YMCA v.111 be conducted Saturdu v at llunt · 1n gton Center, 7777. Edinge r A\'<! . beg1nnin~ at 9· 30 a m

SC'ssions will 1ndude dav camp for ages 5 to 11 res1dc•nl Camp 0<.1kes for agl'!> R to 12. a one week sports camµ for ages 8 lo 13 . a one v.N•k R1~ Rear T(.'cn Camp for ages 12 to 15. IO one. week caravans for ages 12 to lR. three mini -lra\el c;im p!-> for ages 8 to 12. and \ <ir1ous mini excursions

Ca mp schedules ca n be p1ckrd up at lht• YMCA at 7262 Garf1<·ld Ave from 8 :30 a .m lo ti pm Monda} through Fnda~ or 9 a m to 2 p m Saturd;n s

.. ..

.. I• : . : Ill I .

l .




AVAST THERE, LUBBER: Jn all the yean your ratthful correspondent has hung aro~d the ocean front, I've developed two special lnteresta in boata. One is if I'm on it and the other la if I'm lookin1 at it.

If I'm on it, I am very interested in the f->t t!Jat it doesn't leak.

If l'tn looking at ·~ lt, I want it to be pre-tty. • ..

My personal . · ~ yacht meets both of · - ~ these dem~ds. She's TOM MURPHllf ,~ / a pretty thing sitting -----------­there, leaning up against the garage wall Most important, it doesn't leak when I'm in it because I hardly am. Upon rare occasions when we plan a sailing trip, I can almost always talk one of the youngsters into doing the row­ing. If the youngster does the rowing. then there I.an 't room to get me in the boat.

Therefore, no worries about leaking.

AS FOR PEOPLE who like to get into the boats, this coming Saturday marks the weekend that really is . It's the annual Newport Harbor to Ensenada yacht race . Six zillion yachts will be out there, all trying to get across the starting line at th& same time.

They should make a marvelous vista for sailboat lovers lining our shoreline from Newport to San Clemente. Unless, that is, all the yachtsmen decide to sail straight out to sea in order to capture favora­ble breezes. Or the fog rolls in. Or they call off the race for lack of interest.

This has never happened. The esteemed boating editor ot this sterling

The goocl!h1p E gabrag anchored off Casino Point . Cat alma I 1land

journal, Al Lockabey, gets pretty excited about this race every year r·ve never really understood why. It always ends the same way.

ONE BOAT WINS. All the rest lose. Anyway, I try hard to please Al Lockabey by

studying up on boats so I can tell the difference between ketch-rigged yawls, yawl-rigged ketches, twin catamarans and double-ended bellybusters.

Why only today. I was scanning through the Avalon newspaper , the Catalina Islander. and the · picture of this unique-looking vessel dominated one page. The caption beneath the photo explained that this pa rticular King of tbe Sea was the " Egabrag," a frequent visitor to Catalina Island. When photo­graphed, the Egabrag was anchored off Casino Point.

I studied her low-slung stem . her silhouette im­age, her bow-heavy cabin structure. I wondered how our esteemed boating editor would classify s uch a unique vessel?

BUT THEN I READ ON. I learned from the cap· lion that the vessel's name " Egabrag" is Garbage, spelled backward .

Egabrag is a garbage scow. " It is returning to American waters after spend­

ing several weeks in the Republic of Panama," the caption write r explained.

Republic of Panama? What 's going on here?

ONCE UPON A TIME around here, we already had more garbage than we knew what to do with. Now we' re importing it?

Well anyway, no sense studying this yacht in any detail I really don't think Egabrag will be compet­ing in the Ensenada race.

Her fumes might cause that first cancellation .

CRITIC - Louisa Kennedy, wife of former hostage Morehead C. Kell{ledy , told some news executives this $eek that many of their meth<>M for covering rnaJor events like the Iran hostage story were " time wastina and exhausting." She said, for instance, that many hostage families received phone calls with the same questions from people work­ing for the same organiza· tion . She sptke in Washington, D.C.

11 classes offered •

in CPR Coastline Community College

will offer 11 nine-hour classes in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation <CP R> at various locations dur· ing May .

The class is designed to train indi viduals in the techniques of CPR and obstructed airway maneuver to sustain life until medical help arrives .

Upon completion of the class, participants are certified in ac­cordance with the s tandards of the American Heart Association and the American Red Cross.

Advance registration is ad· vised as enrollment is limited.

The following is a listing ol dale, time. and location of the classes :

loMr • . • , - II ll'Wl"I S. • to I : • ""'· Ill 11 .. 1 Pl-~y. ,._ Irvine A ... , ..._, llHC:h

Mar• - 1 '""" n : •to• ' ·"'· • l'eltvlllw Stale HO'PllAI, 2!01 ...,_ 11...S .. C.IA ,..._ Mey t from I e.m. to S t."'i'?1°' .... ONll

YM CA, 2DIUftlwnlty Or. l9KA - /oMy ., - It ,,_, • . Ji .. ~-"'· Ill l*0...

... 11 Oougi• "'1tOMUtl<t, IWlldffte 1).1, SJt1 llolw A,.. , HllflllllGtOft llHC".

- May u - u '""". a.m. to 12:• p.tft. .. Fairview SIAte .._llAI, Ul1 Ha,_ lhd., a.Ill ,,.. ..

Ma, 1' '"""I • ·"'· lo S p. lft . •I ,..... V..... Lurn•no c.en..,.. 2"0 Me.a 'II•'* Orm ~t. CM1a-M

- Mey It, 2', .... J- 2 Iron\ 1 to lO ...,,._ Ill Gr .. nt>rooll 1-r• A~lalloft ""*"-, 11222 SanlA Joel*\• St., F-i.ln Valley.

Falr v~"v: S~t~~1~1~':c=.:::~~vl:C..:1 -M May », 21. - J ..,.. l lrcwn 1 IO IO -.m . .. Hoeg Hotplla l, JOI Newport llvd., Newporl , .. "'

- May • ffOf'I\ I e.m. to, p m. •I Or.,.. C.O.. YMCA, 2lllO Unlw rllly Or , C.IA llMM Addll~1 lnlom••llon m•y • -- II\'

t •ll ln g a .. Boyd •I coull lM Comlftllnlly Coll - . tU-2044.

Savings urged SACRAMENTO <A P > - The

Senate tax committee has ap· proved an $80 million bill that it hopes will encourage people to open or expand savings accounts. The bill would let taxpayers take a deduction of $200 for an in­di vldual or $400 for a married cou­ple for interest ea rned on savings accounts

~23,000 just to get by i

!Labor Dept . says family of 4 needs $34,409 to live 'higher' I

: WASHINGTON <AP> - lt costs $25.203 in Washington, the oa-:the average American family tion·s capital.

a nd District o f Co lumbia . $37 ,398. Dallas r equires the smallest budget , 00 ,771 , followed by Atlanta . $31 .229 ; Houston, $31,519 and Cincinnati, $32,353.

tof four more than $23,000 a year l just to maintain a moderate :standard of living, the Bureau of 1 Labor Statistics says. t The Labor Department said f that a family comprising a

1 husband, non-workln1 wile and two children needs $23,134 for an I " intermediate" standard of llv·

• ln1 , basedonlastfall'sprices. ! That was up 12.8 percent i from ail estimated $20,S17 , needed the year before. • I

THE DEPARTMENT also calculated that an American family of fQ\lr would .need $34,409 a year to maintain a " hither" standard of Uvlna. up 13.S per­cent from $30,317 a year aao. The famUy would need $14,044 to maintain a " lower" llvln1 ttan· dard , up 11.6 percent from •12,585 • year •10.

Tbe u 1urveyed 25 maJor cltle It ahowed Uiat Ancho e, HonoJulu, Boston1 New and th• Dlltrict ot

THE HOUSEHOLD budget dollar went further , the study s howed . in Dallas . $20,766 ; Atlanta , $21,131; Houston . $21 ,572 and St. Louia, $22,248.

Annual family budgeu needed for a " higher" standard are led by Honolulu, at $«,396, followed by Anchorage , $42,12S; New York, $42,73e ; Boston. $41 ,306,

For a " lower" standard of liv­ing. a family needs the most money in Anchorage, $20,987 ; Hono lulu, $18,480 ; San Fran­cisco-Oakland. Sl5, 735 ; Seattle­Eve rell, Wash . , SlS,384. and Washington, D.C., $1S,392.

Life expectancy , drops 31/2 months

NEW YORK CAP) -American life expedancy baa fallen for the flnt Ume tlnce 1988, an lDI~ c:ompuf re­ported. lt tald aa A1a.rtcan bom lD 1980 can a.ntlctpate livbll 78.8 11ara, or ab(>ut I~ mOlltAI leu tbaa one born ln lt'1t.

and 74. 7 for her lO·year old 111-ter.

The figur!~i compiled by Metropolitan ure lnJurance Co., cannot be ~ad u repreaentlnt • trend, uld Frederic 6eltser, bead of the compu7'1 1taliltle1 bureau..

Once In A Lifetime Opportunity I Some Items Below Cost!




GRANDS 4011r Choose From

Kawai, Kimball, Hammond, Wurlitzer, Currier. Thomas-Vox.






3941 b South Bristol, Santa Ana • Phone 7 51-1 I 21 Accross from S.... c:o..t ,._. • N~ corwer of St111flower Ir lri1tol

Pearl Jewelry Caravan Save 40%

Save 40o/o on entire stock of lustrous pearl jewelry. Select from earrings, fine cultured pearl necklaces and rings . Sales prices effective April 25th to May 10th.

a Sf ·-

Columbia are th• co1tll11t placea for a famlly of lour to maintain a moderate 1talldard orUvtq. llleµ,,pc,Utaa'11'l1UN1forlt'79 ~~----~----....,.---------------------------------------------------~ differ flom federal teMtl Of that

Tbe 1tudy at the "in•

l termedlate" level 1bowed ll cost the hnotbetlcaJ f amlly of four Ut,812 to nulntaln that moderate livlnl ln Anchora1e. Such a faotily needed '28,• a year in Honolulu, '21,021 ID :SO.ton, QS,741 hl Naw York. and

year bleaUle the eoaa.-, re­Hlc:utat.d tbem Ga .. bMll ol the U. c:enlUI, M HAd ftW'I• day. 'lbe CenlUI ftlQl'tl tnd&eat­td 'bat eathnated populat1oa 1rowtb for the 11an .Wween lt70 and lHO •u aearb, I mllllon ioo low. ..,...., .... ..., .... _....__...,. ________ _....,._...,..-..._ __ ..;. ___ ...,...._.-._~



' I.


8 T M tg

15 ~


1'' .. 10' ·

J6'4 + JO' ... 12 . 1'1. ~ 10''o 27 11>-J\11.

... ' •

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'. ''• ' • ... '. I


"' "' .. .... . . . ,, "' .. VI .._ '. '· ,,,,

Another rare metal roller eouter - OtLI oa to aotd andallvercoln " laveatine"- !a\8Mlerwa1.

The luro~ AcaJn, Lt'• 1reed. G Jn eotna have run 15 perctnt. to $0 percmlf. )'elf, with 1m.U " dowldld riak," you are tol . F0T1el tbal sold bullion pricea plunged ln 1980: tinore the balr·raS.lna history of the slide Ln silver prices.

Gold. ud sllver eoJ,.. are dlf[eMnt. the "coin bugs" say: artistic, UJCe painUngs: and In Umlted amounts. like land . And the numlsmatlc pUJh LI 1hlft· ang Into high ae?lr.

- A GIANT fo od firm <Ge neral Mills> owns a big West Coast coi n " galle r y.' A

I -Y-lVl-1 -,.-IT-II-~ __________________________ .......... , major conglomerate (Wa rner Commum C'allons > re· cently bought Franklin. an im portant mint. A New Yark StoC'k broker < BaC'he> has j ust acquired Jackson Precious Metals, an Ohio s melte r .

- THE $30 MILLION auction of J ohns Hopkins Un iversity 's Garrett Collection was completed a s hort while ago Yale has sold a single , fabled 1781 Brasher doubloon for $600.000 The institutions are seeking \""l)'S lo help sol .-e their financial problems.

- FORE IGN NNt~NS ARE issuing increasing amounts of "bullion~ype .. coins : South Afri ca's krugerrand , Canada's Maple Leaf. Mexico's SO·peso, Aus tria 's JOO-corona . Even China ls into "coins ."

- AT l.EAST TWO rarl' coin mutua l funds have bt>cn c·n•all·d Somt• banks now sponsor numismatic Kt·ogh •md I RA plans Coin dealers are hinn~ - or calhn~emselH·s ·in vestment counselors

- ONl~ VETERAN DEALER estimates 40 per­cent of h1<i business today is with would be investors. agains t !> percent an 1970

With all this going on , how can you lose? Ouch ! " Coins ha\ e becomt· :.i mult1b1llion dolla r busi­

ness. and rt>gretlably, the industry has attracted its shan• or shadv operators. " says Da vid L Ganz. leg1slatl\l' n>unst!I to the Amencan Num1smat1c As­suc1at1<1n

··1N TllE PAST DECADE. coin robbenes are up 200 300 percent... echot's Glenn Smedley , a nothe r ANA official Police are pleading for local-state laws to reguliill' com dealers

Otht·r problems inc lude coin alte nng. m1sgrad-1ng. mis1dl•nt1hcet1on , coin damage 11mproper handl­ing . cleaning , mounting, s torage1. high purchase-sale markup~ exrwns1ve insurance . outright counterfe1t-1n~ And all this on toµ of plain bad timing

•\nd de>i..p1te thl· puffery . C'oin va lues can drop -dras tl(·a lly A roll of so c·alll'd .. walk ing Li be rty" ha lf doll<trS rel'entl} san k almost 60 perce nt in two }ears from S.5.000 to S2 100 Buying and selling can cost 10 1wrct'nl l<i 20 pertt.•nt each way Yes, you can lost.· on coins easll~

.. C()an allenng ran bt- illustrated with a 1916 Mt.•rc·ul'\ t ype dime ," sa~s ANA 's Smedley " In ·un · c1 rcu l ~1tt•d ' condition . 11 s worth $30·$40 But add a tim ·o· <Ot>nver Mml J and its ' va lue' is S2,500."

· With 14 official and confusing quahl) g rades. a coin con can rate a piece JUSl one j?rade higher. or lower. triple or <'ripple its price . depending on whether he 's buying or selling


for ThurMlav. ~ 73 STOCKS


01»"1 HIOI\ Low C- C"O

Aclvenuo 0.C ll...O Unc:henoea ToY I luues New h lOflt Ntw lows



, 40v•nted • 0.<hrt•d

.Jn<h•no<"O rot al IU u••

"'""'"OM 'i•¥w tows


Tod•y l20 JOI 711 IJ1

51 10

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c..-as-cenh • ~. u.5. destln.-llons.

LeN »-ll c.nu a ~ Z llOCC U'4 cents e _,,,., •ti~ TI• M ltll Metals W•• <- lie 1110. Al -._., 76 Gafl0 •POW!d. N Y l'l.ttl-"44' 00 t roy OJ., N Y



l 1


• t WAOt•YO





tJ ...-.~ -'S#'I O.,.,.., I




NEW '": ... S ~, 510,400 •E• ···~ ... (17275) SJ J,510 •OW ··icrM = ~.,,., s11,t46 NEW 'IO 900 .:= (,.,.., 512, 957 llRRYI · llESE WM'I LAST L•ll


',,,,,,,,,=;·. I SALES • SER\'ICE


~Alfa Romeo•Peugeot•Saab ~ J848 DOVE STREET


,...,,._,, Motlce: All real estate ad ­vert I 1 ed In this newapeper it aubject to the Federal Fair Houa­lnl Act al 1lea which mates lt WesaJ to ad­vert.iae " any pttference, llmHatlon, or dis ­crlmlnaUon bHed on race, color, religion , tell, or national origin, or an lntention to make any aucb preference , limitation , or dis · crimlnation."

This newspaper will not knowin11Y accept any advertising for real estate which Is in viola· lion of UH! law

••••••••••••••••••••••• .,,,,, O.....wtl~ a Bdrm Cliff Haveo

beauty. Owner a alder aU N&IOIUlb~ • fen. 2SPAS,cme • one outdoor . 2 fireplaeet, u.aed brtck enlertaiDera PoOI area. Cabana, ftra C'in1. view


BEACH Chrmiol 4 Bdrm. Coi¥ UvlD1 tOOf8 feature1 ; wood b""'*'a ftreplace. Owner wW belP rmaiice. Ool1 Szot,900. Hurry, call17~


Saddleback Mountains, ,_ ______ _

Faablon Ialand, li1bta. Newly remodeled, new kitchen. Call today for appointment.


PROPERTIES 71 4-63 1-6990

TEIMS. TBMS Only LS% down for thla oulltandin& nearly new condo. 2 Br + den, fami-1 y room, view len ­nia/ pool. A great buy at S210,ooo.


A must see! Covered en ___ 7C>0·'>3 33

try to this maenifi~nl ~ YOU CA .... SEE Bdrm 3 bath home. Huge ,.. family room , brick BLUE lireplace, ronnal dimng

--------1 Buihin breakfast bar p ACIFIC Beautiful pool and From thi s Cameo separate spa Gas BBQ

EllOllS: Ad¥etihen and firepil . Many , many H 1 g h I ands beauty Pnced to sell, $339,000

llMMlld ce.dl ttwW Och extras . Only $189,900 Only 10% down w1lh dely .... rwport _,.. Call for more details owners assistance. One ron I••• •llhty. TM 546

·2313 level 3 Bdrm plus huge

DAILY PILOT aH-11 yard. Call now, 673-8550

~~~.: .::.::::! 11-------1 f l4tifM ••••••••••••••••••••••• Gwral 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 451 LOT owe 1st 3 Bdr. 2 Bdrduplex , spa , 3 bills from water Call Tim Rbooe631·1.266


OCEAMFttOMT 2 Bdrms. 2 ba. unfum New . S8SOyrly

IAYRlOMT 3 Bdrm . l• ba. unfum M mt cond. S850 yrly

CHAMHB. FltOMT 3 Bdrm, 2 ba, unfum S750yrly.

associated BROKERS - REAL TORS lOH W 8alboo &ll ) bbl


Assume $63,000 loan at lO~•"<. owner will carry 2nd and 3rd . No qualify 1ng' Sharp 3 bdrm home Family room and 2 firepluces Only Sl32 , 500 C all now 979 5370

ALLSTATE ---- ---~~~~~~~! REALTORS


3 Bdrm Costa Mesa re model ed beauty ' Complete with covered patio plus fantastic hot tub Priced to sell quick It Sll0.000. OPEN SAT/ SUM 1-5

2.l lZI .... COCILa Mesa

Call M6-2313


COSTA MESA 5 11 - S125,500

OWMEI SAYS SEU. Not an add--0n or con · version A real 5 Bdrm family home in one of Cos ta Mes.a 's nicest areas. Handyman.s de· bght Callnowand save•


PROPERTIES 71 4 -63 ' -6990


Fixer ! All 2 Bdrms . walk to all shopping. F1ntashc investm ent Only $225,000. Gall for more details. 546-2313



Redu ced S25 .000 Desperate owner says bring all offers . No qualifying. Low down. 4 Bdrm single story home, totally upgraded. Call ror more details.


PROPERTIES 714-631-6990

EASTSIDE COSTA MESA The hiahly decorated coodo! 2 Bdrm. adulll only . Clubhouse and awlmm ina pool. 2 CAR GARAGE. Super sharp. Only SU'J.100. Call for more detaiJs, 646-2313


H ..... Vllw..._


PAD! Somerset townhome Fantastic living area with free standing

1 fireplace . 6 stamed glass windows . Plantation shutters 2 Bdrm, mir rored master suite, 2"'2 baths A mus t see SL59,900. 546-2313


DIWLEX 3 bdrm . 2 bath uch uml Fireplace, bwlt· lt\S. Ex cellent rental area Near beach & bay S285.000 642·2253 eves

associated OROl<ERS -·REAL TORS l OH W Balboo 6 71 ) 061


DOWN! Owner will carry S90.000 AITD or no down, owner will help you buy .. You must qualify for loan" 3 Bdrm . 1 t,; bath. up · graded Double garage, ca 11 for more details 546-23lJ


HEWPORTHGHTS Deluxe townhouse duplex. 3 bdrm + fam1 ly, 2"2 bath each unit Frplcs, all built ins, decks & patios Park like la nd scap1ne SELLER WILL HELP YINANCE' $295,000 1

lolboa loy Prop.


Lowest pnced fee s1m pie opportunity Great assumable 1st TD En JOY afternoon :.un and views from wood deck 3 beautiful private beaches. Only S549,000 Call today. 673-85:'>0



NEWPORT CIEST 4 Bdrm 21 .... Ba, F.R .. pool. tenrus & spa Agl. Roy 540-3666 or 646-0686

Whelan Real Estate

2 UNITS $94,900

Super investment' Two 2 Bdrm units. one with fireplace! Current in come S740 mo Ftnanc mg • One year home pro tecllon plan 1ncld Hurry . ttui. won 't last• 646 7171




Purchase with 5 1'1r down on fantastic terms Brand n e w , cpt ' d, draped ON THE WATER. Guarded gale entry, views , 2 car gar. Pool and tenrus 2 & 3 BORM S AVAlL lM MED FromS299,ooo

Ca U 714/ SS&-9600

IHlton • '75-7060• HEW Oti.IAHS

1--------•I NEW LlSTlNG. 2 Bdrm

WESTCLIFF s 129,500

S6SOo total cub needed to close escrow. Least ex pensive co ndo in Newport Beach . Privacy, adults only . Call for more details. 546-2313


2 bath , 1 story condo near 17th St. shopping. Extra large yard super condition . Call Liz Beuley Cor appointment to see.



GREAT lNV&STMENT 3 BR 1 Ba, S72,IOO. At· sumable financlnl fl i-----•--1111 seller • / a lso carry .,. ..... ,,..,, paper. Call for terms.

Call to Ne lbill super 5 752-6'99 bdrm . ... In ffu"bor

a Br ror ~Y '2D,OOO. OWoer very mot1v1Wd. Submit o• dow11 or trade.

View Hom• . )°a mily n7n.-.-i rm, J car ,.,...., extra Plan LJl DS4Nly Ina• lot, con.enlent •· ~ location. Reduced to $111,7IO.

l114t '7M4o6 fllJI 4.1 .. .IUI MARaOll


COLI! OF HEWPOIT REAl.TOIS 2 51 5 l. Coast Hwy., Corono ~ Mer

675-551 I

[email protected] 546-23 I l EASTSIDE SHERWOOO EST A TE OFHRED IY DONALD PFAff * Beautiful Colonial home.

• 2600 sq.ft. on 15,000 lot. • Buccola 5 Bdrm 3 bath. * Walk in closets, s wideck • 2 fplc 's, great workshop.

* Owner financing lo $133,000 at 12ct

MESA NORTH Pride of ownership 3 Bdrm. 2 full baths. formal dining room, low maintenance yard so you can spend extra time in the spa Large assumable loan at 812"{ interest Open House S unday 1·4, 994 Cheyenne.

MESA VBU>E Decorators delight. Prestigious home and neighborhood Beautiful tree-lined street. Oversized lot. wtth very lush landscaping for tranquil setting. Owner w1 II help wt th financing . 4 Bdrm . 2 bath. ~ame room. priced at 5174.900.

WO ODSIDE VILLAGE l Bdrms. 2 baths. lower wtlt. One of t.·1ght 1n complex that has front and rear vard Assumable low interest rate loans Priced to sell at $86.900.



OCEANFRONT Duplex. 3 Bdrm 2 Ba up­per. with sund~k plus 2 Bdrm 2 Ba lower with separate raised patio deck Both units are completely furnis hed with a decorator's touch 4+ car garage and fan · tash c financing . Take over $426,000 loan in· elud in g 12~•'1 for 30 years. Asking $649,000



4 s£!~ ~rE:~~1oned I


ASSUMAILES One ot Irvine's most beautiful Deerf1eld homes Lavishly de · corated thru-out. 4 Br 2"2ba, frml dining rm + study Sec system Comm pool and tennis Attractive financing $232,500.

C"'-J21/Swf CalSSt-6100 FORDETAJLS

home Neat and t.tdy Br - - --mg a pamt brush and Lose something valua save' $95,000 ble'' Place an ad in our

Los t and Found col ~, .... RED CARPET umns That ·s whert' pen I.I 754-1202 pie look when they\l'

Cound an item of value

SEE AND BELIEVE The ve r y finest buy in the Harbor area New 1650 sq. ft . condos . 5 minutes to beaches. One half block to major shopping centers . Cement drive s. air co nditioning, microwave oven , trash comp a ct or. I a rge walk -in closets Garage wjth opener .

Pool and 2 jacuzzis.


380W. Wiboft Costa Mesa, CA 7 14/63 1-5055 From SI 36,000


Offft"tnt flexlbe. .. aM/ optioR ""'- °" fftlt Mewporter Model wltll 4 bed, fa111.rM. dl•.rm. home with l•terlor gardeft, sllrtJthh & MOre.


Mon """" ..... :.-:-:. .............. 2 Md + deft It patio ... 1\C. IMt .., ••all W.Mlt leaH/ ....

............ ......... ..- .... . .

Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT,f'tlday, April 24. 1981


COAOHA DIL MAI Electric driveway gate opens to mountain & ocean views. Approx one third a cre, 3 BRS, l~ baths plus family rm or den . Computer controlled security system plus many superb amenities. 3 car garage w /opener, beautifullr landscaped. Great terms! Owner will carry AITD. C~ll for details . $519,000. Includes land. Bea Arnold 644-6200.

lfewi>Or' -.Ch 001 Dover Drive Harbor View Cent.er

642-8236 644·6200

WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK FOR? BeautHul Oak floors. over 30 trees, a pool and spa. 2 fireplaces. 4 bedrooms. 2 1 :.! bath s, family room, mo ve-in condition . good financing. What more could you ask for? Price " Only $375,000.

REALTORS. 675-6000 2443 Lui Coul Hlghw•11. Corona del Mar


MOTIC E how Daily P ilot Class 1fied ads display their messages with leg1b11tty and impact? Our ads . we are proud to say, re ally get results Phone 642·5678.

:>top '' Take time to relax and shop at home It ':. simple with Dally Pilot Classified Ads And 1f you have somethl1lg lo ~ell. call a fnendl) Classified Ad V1i.t•r JI 642·5678

LIVE ON LIDO ISLE! Sp•eial propertiH for •yone who wants Hte Uf'lique lifestyle of Country C lub tl•ln9 in a wa ter o rient e d community. All the bfft rec:reatiOflol acH•iHtt au ilable: bicyding. iocJcJlncJ, teMis, bootlftCJ, d ubhouse actMtles, nsta uranta ond 1hopph19! Loh of friettcly peopa. who ~ .._,. their cOVWNlftlty make this o •acaffon home e• ft'Y day.

HONEYMOON COTT AGE: $299,000 2 ldnll. 2 bath, paHo CRI CJ"Hltet 'f

EXEC. CORNER- VIEW $675,000 2-story, 3 bdrm, fam nn. mudl "'°"·

~ONTEMPORARY 2 Sto ry $475,000

Spacious 4 Bdrm with M W decor.


Magnif icent Si r + total luxwy.

Call for details 0tt the cmov• And ..• We Han ()then..


2436 W Coast Hwy Newpon Beach


631- 1400

Back on market. A newly decorat~d 3 BR. or 2 and Den home in move in condition. Lovely view or ocean & harbor from very private deck & spa. $305,000.

OPEN SUHDA Y I :00 to 5:00




Spectacular Deane Homes ''Versailles .. located on largest lot of l all Deane Homes. Beautifu l golf course view ! Prof~ssionally landscaped yard with matu~. trees in . a private park-like setting including a ' lovely lge pool & huge spa +an attractive gazebo. Gated front ! courtyard e ntry w/fountain . Marble ' floor in foyer with glittering ! chandelier . 4 Bedrm.s, den. formal • D.R. & 4 1~ baths . Priced right at: $825,000. Call for appointment. : WESLEY M. TAYLOR CO.. IEAL TOIS '

21 t I San Joocp. .... Road NEWPORT CENTER, M.I. 644-49 t 0

LIDO ISLE Featured on Homes Tour this lovely traditional 3 bdrm 3 bath home , newly decora..ted Priced to sell quickly at $475,000.

Newly remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath plus lge recreation room & 2 patios. Beam · ceilings. $420 ,000

PENINSULA POINT IEACHFROMT Panoramic view at wedge, from prime large lot. 4 bdrm. 3 bath custom home 3700 sq ft. featuring marine room , enl ry , Ii v1ng room . dining room . built -ms. etc $1.385.000

BAYFRONT We have several fine homes with pier & s lip, s tarting at $1.500,000.

Bill GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Bays1dr Ortvt- N B 675 - 6161







cae:: SEDBBI ELllRS ca.


SUPER SPYGLASS Two Stories Of Excellence. Sunken Living Room With Fireplace & Beam Vau lt ed Cei ltng . Large Family Room . Full Length Hearth , Wet Bar. Plu~ A Huge Bonus Room. Sellers Will Assist In Financing. Po ol Size Lot . Shown By Appointment. Asking $565.500 A " Joy Of Newport .. List mg.

LIDO ISLE Easy Financing Near Community Beaches. Clubhouse & Tennis . Large Quiet Co rner Lot With ' Traditional Three Bedrooms, Plus . Great Guest Quarters With Bath & • Bar, Or Billiard Size Recreahon Room Beautifully Landscaped Lanai & Patio. Expandable Lot. $425.000 .

WOODBRIDGE, IRY1NE Best Financing Avai lable. Large Assumable 30· Year Loan Al $11.757< & Owner Will Carry Second Trust Deed. Desirable Three Bedroom. Single-Level With Large Enclosed Patio . Great Starter Unit Or In vestment. Enjoy All The Amenities Of Woodbridge. Owner , Motivated. $108.900.

' ILUFFS I .Bluffs' Best Buy . Great Starter! Unit. Investment, Or Last Home.• Sharp Two Bedroom End Unitl Overlooking Lovely Greenbelt. Near Community Pool, Park & Shopping Center. $145,000. l

'(!) ·-­··-•11i•-to•

~PML Y S ILIOO Dew. pa alee IBr 1tarter DU .. .., CD ...... flome. Call aieat for r-..,. "' term1ta.JOO. lt7-tmor Below tbs HWJ, compl. ,v ... -..uJ remodeled. owe 2nd UD· •-------1 der h00,000. Call Tim ---------• Rbo«Ma1·1*

I \j'I '• IH 11 I' I

f;tf'q I '


• Bdrm 2 Ba, ... b&r.1-------' l7001qft. ~C•1Jttoo fa•t•Y.., 1114 t 8dnn I Ba 1700 ft ••••••••••• .. •• .. •••••• uawD• ~ ao. 'd'.,.: STAIMID •LASS $UO,ooo CHATIAU

Seautiooal I Br, 2~ Ba I Bdrm 2 Ba. "T" plan, condo, aew c~t, 1100141lOWC. •w.too ceramlcW.and ot

ltaiDed alaM. •w.ooo Anne llcCaaland


R&'Mt« fl ~ \I f 1 • H"

:;;_;:.;:;...;;;:::z::;;..;;;;...;==:.__.~ EXECUTIVE HOllE for MIS.A YmD1 tbe natw-a&t. Quiet CuJ.

MOlr'IM de-aac, wooded lot la tM8• BRAND N1.'W LISTING Fountain Vally'a flnest

...., - tbr, atrium model, family community. 4Br 1•1111 J~mlne ~1 decorator •w.500. Alt Beth Dun· 2~Ba, form d!n, Ira kit, •-------11 .... me, p.... on green· combe957.-o7 ; ID-1101 fam rm. Walla ol cJau

belt lmmac. '305,SOO brtn1 the ou&doon in. Of. ,,.M01A1~! ADILC'!al~ • 1

1 NO-G4S 3 + Mlll_I$ fend at s.zw.soo. Open

~ v.- - IV _.. • DUIRll Frt-Sun J.2...4. l8U5 SAN· Thia private estate baa I INI 1 IUUUl'CE MUST SELL Ul1I darl· TA LAURETIA CIR. been proleuiooally ex- : F1Xa inl bome la Nonb Costa Alt •llOil paneled. 1be charm ot 4 Br bonus room ai Mesa. Only $111,000. --------­warm wooda, beautlful apan'Una pool Superior Ill RED,.. ...... PET Hwlla;• '-di I 040 French doors ~ad to an location . W~n'l laal. ~ •••••••••••••••••••••••

MIW 0\4 MAlllT Freshly painted exterior 3 Brs 2 baths Cambridge plan in Greentree - choice of interior color and carpet w / quick purchase -Private yard w / fruit bearing trees -$139,000 includes land excellent linancing available to qualUied buyer. Sl39,000 Sandie Fix &U-6200 CF12>

•.,wpon~ 901 Dover Drive H&ttx>r View Cent.er

642-823e &M-8200

IPICTACU' AL ___ .,,_...;;.__ __ ---4 .. rift'• • catal.., --...

01~ Nt.J CH be 10Uft la tJUa ua..-.111u. aw.r. ...... W.U locat·

LoweR priced 1 bdrm+ td la a tood family loft condo. v., ab neltbboJ'bood • com· ead unit. ••· c Va· pletel1 ~ Ill· cut a.od bu lod box. alde • out. Good ftouc. C/11 Mcw ... tC*. tn1. hll.100. ..... Jl7 76N767 A. &o~~'!..

!Ml .. MI.... 1041 tloee to pool 6 fl'vator. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Senaatlonal llO decree -.1 .u .. .- vlewa • 1or1eou1

'" ~-- CatallDa Slalaeta. 2 atory W •• t bered cedar wttb fireplace Is deek. abakee, tbat ia. Custom sm ooo dell-- a bdrm, tam • . ....,.. WIST ... :'e !,1>~ Extenatlua Iv: Situated dlrec:tly oa loll

coune, lhil 2 bdrm up. ceramic We. Beam cell- per unit haa lovely ln1. frt>le. Slt5,000. vie.a. Owner may help

liliuJoa Really tb fin <TW~. wiandlll. A lood 1 ____ ...__,,,----I buy at $1.M,IOO.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CUSTOM ~ LA•UMAISTATI

FAIULOUS POOL & SPA HOMI Highly upgraded -4 Br 2~ Ba Northwood borne. Used brick galore in driveway, entry & surrounding pool & spa. Separate family room, dining room and kitchen nook. Hi~h assumable loan PLUS owner will assist in financing . $241,990. Carol KokoJ . 731·1214.


Associates, Realtors

llapillcent4 Bdrm COD· temporUf bome wlth breatbtUUll coastline view. Tudled away on prlvate road, offering complete aeclualon . 17141 494-1177 Spark lint g ourmet kitchen, sun drenched' 11911•..... 1052 breakfast room. 4 decu ••••••••••••••••••••••• and much more. Truly a Spac 3Br 21,; ba 1~ rt La I u n a p..a,u di 1 e . condo. View, al e, frpl , 1695.ooo. close t.o shop!. 911•% In.

1110 , 000 . Own / Agt 831·7°'8 don osen

r ... i11or'-



On #4 Fairway, Plan C. 4 br, 3~ ba, 2 fam. rma, brkfat rm, 3 car gar

Hlewt A.SSUMAll I 4Br home w/apa, xlnt. cood. 1188,000. 552.eMO.

NW BEACH 1391 .5 00 . A11 u me WA TaROMT 1164,000, ~~% ml loan

Woodb r id1e prime Oceanaide ol highway. 31931 E Nine Drive Lakefronl location ,,... blk to beach. A home 493-5289 Vlewa forever. 3 Br. 2~ with that charm that is -----

I .

RVM* ,. ' ' ' ', \11"-

•LIDOISU• Lovel1 IBr, IBa bome. Beautifully remodeled 2Yn a10. kM.000 with lllnt financln1. Open House• Sal. Sun. 1-5. 111 Via Vella. ~er/ Aaent : fJ73.0D7

IAQIAY I Bdrm, 2 bath bome plua ldeal moeher-ln-Jaw quarters . Co mpl. w/ batb. szao,ooo. lloyMce-6,Dr.


MIW,a.TCUST 180 de1 ocean vie w. Prime location. Pool , teMia, apa. Open bouae Sat/Sun 1-5 at 15 Swift Court. C/ 2 I Mtwpori c.tr

640.5357 --~

HOA5HOSPITAL l Bdrm , completely fumlabed c:oodo. Walk t.o beach . Security , pool. Priced below market at S112,ooo. Open house Sat le S und ay 1·5 at 200 McNeil, Unit 106. C/ 2 I Newport Cw


UDO ISLE ex~a lar1e Uvm1 room, Prin. only. Greg AaUe 754-1202 2 STY &.AteMAllC c~~~. ~ ~-i: 1• 1221 OPEN HOUSE until ~:~if2~aiD~·:~~: •STAITEI HOME kitchen. Larie pool la 8 0 l d 1 Week d a '1 1 ed. $t03K auumable ln. I Flexible financin1 on

ba, pvt spa, nex. financ· bard lo flnd . 2 Bdrms. Newport leoclt I 069 in1 . Spectacular' Of. dining area. frplc , patio, ... •••••••••••••••••••• fered at 1~4.900 Call fncd yard . Privacy HEIGHTS CONDO

IYOWMB Luxunous 6 bdrm, ~ ba, atudy , family rm Sepa r ate laundry & service room On 2 lot.s. Swimming pool. View of lhe bay. Large assuma­ble loan " owner wi ll ct r ry some paper '895,000. Call 67S-7CJZT

separate enclosed area. 2 :so.9 pm , Sat / Sun Asklnl $1St,IOO Faal l th.la 2 Bdrm Greentree Electrlc1atesof'fertotal 10·8pm . 4br, t'iA!ba , eacrow. Btr8G-1377 flJ:er . Owner will help 552-1800 and ask for

12:90~ ........ MOMD- Quiel Npt Hgta / Chf p;vacy. Newly offered. hardwood noora . new wilh coct. Call for de· A muat to aee. Only a•.aCH-- _ paint. cpl, drapea , FOUIPLIX talla.

Lynn Noah. "nA - Chaven ccndo w/ pool & Towa& Co.try l..tton 4'4-1011 garage. Great usuma-

l'195,000. - ~ plumbinl SU.5,000. 1583 All unit.a are 2 Br. 2 Ba, Xlnt shape, privacy ai Seoate St. CM 541-1731 or Sood renll, 9'> vacancy

ExcepUonalcommilalon parking . Owner will 831·"71 factor. Prih SW,OOO. aplit for lilllnl oriented finance . Sto,000 dwn . •---------rea ltor a11oclatea . Good rate of return. MESA DB. MAR Loan II .. umable. Beautiful office in choice Broker Chria 957-1..588 Beautiful ranch style ._. Mcc.a...I ::.:~on . Have 2 open- 2 unlta 00 la lot, 3 bdr-2 4br, 2ba, 2000 aq. ft ., 611·1266

759•1, 1, ba , 2 bdrm 1 ba , 4 nicely dee .. xlnt nel1bborhood , nu

1ara1e1 . Broker . drapea/ carpet, houae RVM~ · 875--0563. will aeU it.ell. Sl.37,500 10 '1 I •I!"

Terms . Prin . Only . -cAIEflll CMTIY IMGIJSH IMftlX

545-7091. ---------

IT'S LOADED! 9 moc old 4br. + 2br u.n- Open Sat/Sun 12-5; 4 Bdrm, 3 ba, formal din· 1l SH5,000. 709· 709t,; l2 tJ 0-... Ing rm , fa mily rm, 3 Orchid . 851 -9135 3Br , 2Ba Meaa Verde

n rep la cea, 3 car gar l:Own;;;;' BiiKmiiiRii. -~~!l-;°;(ja~re~•~-~So~Ud~f10~an~c~ln~1~.~b~y Vtew of ocean and walk- 1• owner. Sut,500. 55&-TI74 ing d lllance t.o beach. .. C>C>Ull .. n• .,. LOAN With kS,ooo down, lbw ~ ~ beauty can be yours to- 3 br home or Meaa day. Call now s.36-9311 Verde . 1111.IOO. Bob Al·

len , aat. H4·1811 or

ALLSTATE 1112·1S06.

_ 3 br + den , E . Side REAL TORS llDUCB! twnbae, bu ramblin1

LOWDOWN VeraaiUes I bdrml1tud10 pentbouae condo with lar1e aaaumable loans 1109,900. Call today 979-5370.


Ownerwillcarrypa.rtol ~reek . A11um . loan . financln1 00 th.la out- 1118,900. Bob Allen. •it. 1landln1 Cllltom dup~JL 964· Ullll or 9112. 7505. t,; block t.o the beach. 41---------bdrm front unit : 3 bdrm E •stslDE rear. Private paUoa. On· "' I .......

000 3 br . 1 ba , lie lot.

y.ug, · S933 / mo. '9500 dn . MAUIY STAUfflll Sl.25,000. Trade? Owner, SIA UOM llALTY 831-5478.

1~~~67~J.~l~J1~4~~ MIS.A YaDI 1= 4br, 2+ batba, xlnt loca·


2aty CaWomla Clualc. 2000 aq. ft, tbr, Zba. 2IO x 24' family rm w/ wfA. bar, refri1erator ai pool ta.· ble . Try lO'Je down ! $144,500.

TAMA.IACI vt&.&.A .. coeeo

Sbr , l~ba, encloaed aaraae. Try S25K down. owe Sto. ,100. H11b comp. $1(18,IOO.

lion w/ many extra•. Lae BY OWNER·IBr, l~Ba. ••••••••••••••••••••••• profe11lonally • 1---------i landscaped backyard el07,IOO. Hl·2844 or



3 contiguoua Iota. zoned C2 in San Clemente. Office building plans available. $298,800

MISAYllDI w / auto aprlnklera fr _95_7_·_217_ 7 _____ _ room for • vee 1arden. House incli..Sel 2 frplca, oak bar, buUt·ln book ahelves, freneb doon, prlv patio w/ apa off maater aulle. Built-lo dbl oven, micro • lee maker. llmt .ee to ap­preciate. Open House Sat/Sun 1-5 31.12 Country Club Dr . '235 ,000 Owner/ Ast.,.

4-ILD Exl1lin1 low interest flnancln1 . Pride of ownerahlp. Lar1e 3 Bdrm + family room ownen unit and three 2 Bdrm 2 blth wllta. All Include builtins , fl.replaces and encloMd 1ara1n. Excellent COO· dlUon . For more in­formation, call :WO.Wl

0\¥"9 LIAV..illA

Clean Eut.lide S Bdrm 1-----------1 witb cov'd paUo, BBQ OW C STRGHT and a 1ara1ea. Don't

NOTE wait, call atent 5i&8-42CM


A11ume lat TD w/ 2 llESA VERDE 4 Dr. 2 S210,000 dwo for this darl· Ba . with pool, beautiful· ln1 E.slde 2 Bd condo ly landacaped • eaay w/ lr1 brick frplc . Coiy care ya.rd. Owner" wUl atep-down Uvln1 rm , con1ider V.A. Sl21,900. nlcepaUo. JO)'ceWa.tbe D . Bourke Realtor . 131·1* 546-9950.

PIOIATISALI Popular Hunt. Via 3 Bd l~ Ba home w/ new bell• carpet. Alto add· OD 900 aq fl room • tot.al· ly remod~ed kitchen w / blt -la mlcrowa•e ove o . 81>9clal a larm 1y1tem, IW'lfl)' painted nterior ai new bat water lank. $120,lllO. CIWC lit TD w/ Z5'Je chm at ~ amortlJed over ao yrs. Call lb 55-IMOO.

IYOWMlll • br, 2 ba. Auumable. Approx . '75,000 at 107/l'Je. P'rDk. new paint • crpt. SUZ,500. 182.-ae.

PIOIATI SAU Cbarmlncbunlalow

5 Bdrm at lle1a Verde J8r , 2Ba$1J7~. Country Club. OWC. IBLeilanl SU0,000. by owner . OPENSAT/SUN2~. 545-5001 Ted Hubert Rltr 7U.f1m _________ ,_;:...=...:..:..:;:.. _____ _

leofton 552· 1100 ,_________ ble financin1 No quali·

I f yt n&. Gre1 As tle

Un iv Prk Vi ll a1e 11 758-122'1. Beaut 3 Bd, bonus rm , Jull iard. 1rnb11 1oc • ---60-1-u·o·o--

- Good financing & terms TUll1\8tOClt 1159,000. Agl Mary Southe rn California's

...... Dr 857-2040 8)1-8440 premier tugh rise con Best priced 3 Bdrm, 2 ba , faml~ rm . Open DEERFIELD TOWNHOME bouae Sa Sun 1·5· 5372 3 Bdrm 2 Ba or 2+ den, SierTa Roja. agl sty. end unit w / Iola of C/ 21 Mtwpotf C• privacy. lrg backyrd .

1 ____ 6_4o.5 __ l_5_7 ___

1 This house hu many\rx

TRB• ,.CE traa & ii very clean: Dre

IEADYTOCiO Plana and permits is· sued for addition of 2nd unit. to this beautiful north end Laguna col · tage. Seller will carry all financing $225,000

R E D U C ED T O dom\nlum. Spectacular

S view of Newport Bay

B.l Total 24 hr securil y 0 w n er w i 11 car r Y Highly upgraded with $195,000 on this spacious all amenities . You 've multi-level architect's f ol lo see it t.o belleve it• home in Npt Hgt.a 2600 700.000 with S250,000 of IQ ft designed for family auumable financing at living. 1380,000. Joyce 12 75"'r mt Principals Weitze. 831-12186. only

~ a11umables & no quali· Ouhtandln1 Card iff fyina 1132.~. Opn Hae THIEi~ THE model in Unlveraily Sat / Sun 10 5 1 rllCEOFOHE RVMtte Park Terrace. 2 Bdrm 2 s Ba + Iott hide-away. nowberry. s.59-1832 H ouae, apartment .

studio located in Wooda Great location, pool. JUSTUSTID Cove area . Wal k to 1reenbelt1, flnlab ed OPEN SAT l 5 beach . Xlnt c reative SEAWIND PORTOFINO·

Ill- \I fllll'-

1ar•fc•· A must t.o see. University Park 3 br. 3 terms available. 1279.500 remodeled, hllbly up· ba Prime loc lmmac 1raded, 48r, 48a , auper . - .

0-~ '··>'· Ii l;I ·d I y . ,'. 1 /000

T....__.._, •• Oa,_&...d

2 at.ory , 4 bdrm, dlnlnl rm , added den w/ wet bar . 1lep1 to park , comm. poo1 ai t.ennls. As­a um able loan. Owner will assi.t ln financin1. Ul0 ,000 . Fee . A1t , 840-5560.


cond owe 2nd. 118 Se· 497.5494 view. by owner k 79,000 quoia Tree V15ta Realty•-------- 640- t643 (213)939-3326 ----

Sell idle items 642-5678 WANT ACTION'

Clasaifed Ad!! 642-5678 Have something to sell ' Classified ad!! do 1t well

To Mot her With Love .... IAlvr hU •way of rrtumong to 1u aour<'r On lhlA \fW1'1UI d.1•

th.- lovr you h1vr ttivrn ·~ rrturnfd with• ~l>('('l~I m"''~ll•' or warmth Tekr a loo« ~e ho,. mu<'h you •rt> fn\1-<l

Sln1te atory attached home in fabuloul Wood· brtd1e Eatat.es. Huie • backyard. all lbe Wood· I bridge a.menilles and aa· --~-_,.~ . .., aume a hlP loaJl. Owner I will conalder help on secondary flnancin1 . $165.000.

The lar1est model in W oo dbr idge Eatatea-2300 aq tl of lux ­urious livinl apace and your own pooJ and apa. Priced to ael1 at SlN.900. Almoat 1100,000 ln H · 1umable ftnancinc.

\\bod bridge Reahu

551·3000 '92111.runn Pkwy, lrvbit•

WOODBRIDGE Muat aeU brand new P91tera t2 Plan . 4Br, JBa, cloeetolak'e.

Open Sat/Sun U-5 #3 .... w anninlprin1

$242$0All. 145.9150 dya . 875-1857 evea.

*Cote Realty & Investment 640-5777

BLUFFS BARGAIN 3 bdrm twnbme Walk t.o everything pool, tennis. schools, park, shopping. Agt 675·se:.l, 640-8146

IAYCUST Attractive three bedroom home . Cathedral «tllnp ln liv· ing and dlnin1 room . Oak plank f1oorln1 . Cosy flre·pla~. Huae covered patio. Pool 11.ze yard . Owner motivated. Make offer. See Gayle Amato or Allan Minor. '310,000. H 1·7JOO M.I.


COSTA lll:SA BLUFFS V A/IBMS "=f::' 1042

Summerthne f11n atarta ••••••••••••••••••••••• ____ .....__ ___ ~ here for 1our family • •l•H Wttt ...... ..

~, t •• 1007 ., .................... . • CUSTOMHOMI .... , I ...

StePI to k1 and beach. nu. beau&llul ..... bom•

teatuns: JBdrma, famt. r'OOOJ. end llbrvJ. 2~

atlla , ceramic UI• \lllnoat. • nnplact•, 0 a k cable et '..L~ •111.-.u. l&aiMcl ..... wtnclow, ~ cloon,

•••••• llMTALHOMI . ...... LOW NZOATIVE


wttb private pool • apa. llove rtllit in to UU. lov· BeauUlul MS Exec. 4 ely refurtabed a Bdrm 2 bdrm home. EleSaat wel Ba bome. At only bar, blt·ln bbq luicle • •uuoo tt'• never been maa1 otW amenltlea euier to buy tban now. lnd. a bup 1a.nt tbat We recommad qllick bacb to • beaatUul action. park. lust a rra old!

Broker, mt11Z ....... . ..... ....................... INYIST .. LOCAnOM

Sharp z Bdnn C!DDCSo In II•• Vtnte. Prtcecl &o aell now at-.-. CaU ADDI lltCUllDd 111·~ 1---------RVM~

' I

• paUot aoilanW.• l•Hlt and beHUful ,.,. off .......... Of· find M tim,•. hr' H .,....~to Mt, call lit-Ull ....;...,_;._....;....._......;...~__;,~

.... MOl1M ............. ,.. llM loe.._ Lilw ID· ._. lit TD. Pftct 1'9-cltlHd to•M1.-.

HFRIT~GE 11 I f' I ft 1f1•

~11/lwf :.~ .• ,.. ....

Nune/tom~ Heb part Um• employment la pri~ laome or boep. Qualuted caadldatea s-..a-u......a •- T LC -1 m 11 t t P o t • e a a r-"- - w • · ... aDalyUcal/1u18'trlcal

1 ; tbe •ldefb'. 145-lGS AlUty ud mmt be able Http W..eM 7100 to funetaoa eft~tlvely ••• .. ••••••• .. •••••••••with mtntmal

ACC. e&.91 tupervbloa. AbW')' to -- J 11 .. »-Jn comm•• .n.ctlve: auc o...., ·- c. baa ly, both vat.lly and lD apoe1tionopenforanac- wrltto1~b a mu1t . dC clerk wtUl l yr ex- Rear.Dal •-cl··..a-

1 _________

1 perieace . .Dudee lnelUCS. ... .,... AIR anal)'91', audtUna rat •I and luuln1 MBMCAI. ..i. reporta • aeoeral poUclea and endorse- P'Wl fr p/Ume froot olc. llCB'TIOMIST acct1 duUH . Xlnt mentl. Bt.aaJ G.P . in F .V. Pe1 lnternat'I. m.ktc. firm beoeftta • worttna coo· board 6 Im. m-e111 o e e d a R e t e P · di. with a srowtq com- CGotact: tionlst/ Typtat ror front peny. Apply la penon . DEBBIE FOWLER MEDICAL r\&11 or part- -------- desk. Handle phones,

TheJally &pr Inc 114-IU.1414 tlme , front office . PHSOM ... AY greet vwton . .Swpm re· l70'2GWetteAve Traucrtblo&aper, pre- Over the counter sales. q'd. Accuracy a must.

'1n-ine IMA rd. "5-NOO. Boat store. &'U-2810 Noo-srnkrs. only Call : C71•>~ lnl1&ranceCompanyof Mrs. CopJan. SS9·6901.

NortbAme:rica MEDICAL •PlctweFf * g IMS Equipment. 2805 &IM-..a.OfflCI 500Jo9Uthlbin 98 .._MSCRllER Picture rrame allop Barranca Rd., Irvine.

Law ofllce ••ed • tOtCeotralTower 1 ~ oe e d a pera on ex · EOE mesaen1er to do 1eneral <>ranee. c.. 1 ?.!!~1~ ~:... topum P5~ny · perienced in au phases _R_E_ S_A_L_ES_ P_E_RSO __ N_f_o_r offtce duties a.bo, must Equal()pportunity ._.. .. ·- ........_ 1 o r picture framing . · · havea1oodcarlSalary Employerll / F acute hospital ex · 558·1"2. sales,excbanges,invest· + mlleaie. can candy •-------- petience in all phases ol - -------- ment.s. High comm. New 851-0633. medical dictation. Mon.. Presct.oolTeocller & P / T olt . Newport ---------1·------•-•I Fri. &-5. 768-3500. Christ I an . Ear I Y Pacific R.E . 645-3683. C'ilMlltALOFACI lnauranee MEDICAL childhood educ. courses RESERVATIOHIST

Appliance service com· WANTED!" RECEPTIONIST or exper req 'd. P/ tlme. ood P.any. Heavy phones, 642-9181 Neat, attractive, g ~lbt typbaa, bookkeep- Buay Newport Center of· - -------- personality. Phone ex-lal experience. A.sit for Immediate career op- flee . responsible , en· PRESS PERSON peri e nce. Interviews Dennis, 6'2~. portunit y la available thuaiastic, typtna. P IT- Fully quallrled ortsel. 12 · 4 pm , Tuesday ·

for EXPERIENCED F IT. 641>-2023. Min a yean experience. Friday, full & part-lime. C'iENRALOfflCE Li f e, Propertv and - M- ED- IC- ... -.... - oR

5-1-S-T-.- i Davijison 701 , Rypbl Salary commensurate

Looking for a very in· 1 ,_ - with T51, Darkroom a with experience. Harle· teresUng part time job Caaualty Agent la the Front/ Back office. CdM plus. For lnterview, call quin Dinner Playhouse, lo pleasant office? Newport and Coata aru. 873-8200 855·1137. 3503S. Harbor8lvd,SA. Clerical , for mature Mesa area. DuaJ license ---------1---- 979·5.Sll .

iJ Orange Coliat DAIL y PtLOT~rfday. April 2•. 1981

SALES Secret.aria! lrnmed pert ume open· SALES SEC'Y In& for Reader Ad With a y<1'.mg dynamic representative for in1lde computer billing sales sale. position. Gd. com· organization. Must have pany beoefitl. Apply in xlot verbal skills . person : Pennyaa ver . clerical or secretarial 1860 Placentia Ave .. experience. CaJI Linda C.M. Mon·Fri .. l-5PM Oevorkin at Safeguard•-------•

SALES LADY Health Care Systems ~----·-• -_.-. -. for exclusive c.-hildren's <7I4>95V· U2l. bpuUque. So. Cst Plaza Sec.-retary LE MACASIN, 549-~ LEGAL $EC'Y

Sales lmmed opening in our Now h iring Assiitant growing Irvine offic.'e. Manager Tramees. Min C iv al prac.-tic.-e with

I mm1mum 2·5 years exp. 6mo. exper Call for n· Salary open call fran terv1ew . 642· 1231 833·3622


Sa.U loft esp, 01·1M2

•SHIHl ... o.T. OrderRUer

t day wll, Co. bea m.1eeo

SHOE SAL.ES · chJlda/ teen11, F·P/T, ex· p'd penon, hrly, lncen­t l v e 1. benef6'1 . Children ' • Bootery 64-4~ Mr. llUwr

SHOPTIAINH Learn enanvina & othtir machines . Company beoerlta 41 lood poteotiaJ for rl&hl peraon. 3121 Red Hall , C.M

Sml 011 company has P IT (2 dys l opening for ,1ood typing skills. 1oocl 'with numbers, some exp. re· q'd 64().8500 ------


College g:rada Oppty. in Newport Beach area for hard work1n1 en ­thusiastic indiv Send re· sume to. P.O Box 430. Marlton. New Jersey , 1*>53

STRAIGHTENER for atuminum forgings. Experience required . Able to read blueprints & measuring instru ­ments 1st & 2nd shifts. Apply Alummum Forge Co.. 502 E Allon St ., Santa Ana 549 -4075 EOE person. LocaUoo P .C H., preferred but not Medical, full time front Production . full time 1--------­

Npt. Bch. Exper . 1 o~ceasary . Leads pro· office position. M~slon person for Prod. Dept. RESTAURANT s ALE s p ER SON . muat. Accurate typing, v1ded, CJ'OUP Insurance Viejo . Executive & P1c.-kln1 & handling Saodwkh Maker hfs mature P/ tame & some no shorthand. 20 hr provld~. Ex~llent ~P- medical, secretarial ex- hosiery Crystal Crea· 7AM-3PM Mon .- Fr1 wknds 673-2634

SECRETARY Legislative office needs erfic1ent secretary 60 wpm a c.-rura t el) . pleasant telephone vo i ce S114 0 mo Resumes PO Box 3151, Newport Beach , CA 92663.

T~ACHER's Aide want ed Exp 5 mornings . 9 12, afternoons 4·6 Susan. 64().8820

week includes Sat & Sun portwuty ror aggres51ve per. including insurance tion• Apparel 631-5414 I 646-8883,-call anytime Call : 7431 individual. billing. 495-1060 I

General TIM ltAoo hy Clllb ............ SK.ttv~

1 yr. exp. Craveyard

For appointment CCllltact :



MESS&IGER 6 mornings a week. 7AM -9AM. Ex~U. driv· ing rtt. req 'd . Apply . Pennysaver . 1660 Placentia Ave .. C M

PROD MGR TRAJNEE Restaurant Great oppty for a take Meyerbof's, primary charge indlv w/ mech supplier ol good r~ to skills Won well w i pe<>- the Irvine corpor'ate pie Salary open communityneedspeople 540-8882 for sandwich making.


Watter/Waitrnt CiRUTWESTEllN Comm' ls, films . ex Rubber llose products, S ---.5 tr as .. . SCAS needs new t h t 1 year dumer house exp An"9' , mus pass co. P ys1ca

simple food prep. Moo· Fri . 8-3pm No ex ­perience nee . Starts minimum. Ca ll Susie 5.57·6232

405 nites. SPM·llPM ' races. all ages. 957·0282 Including back X-ray . ArrirmativeAction Taking appli ca tions

Please call for appt EqualOpportunity MOTR btwn II & lOAM only. 645 -7358 , Mon - Fri. Empioyer MIGHTAUDITOR St ratofl ex. 17671 9:30-5PM 1~~~~~~~~~1 6'2·3030 Armstr.ong Ave., Irv .

1: --------- EOE. A Kendavis Ind ,

GUARDS Full & part time All areaa. Uniforms rum'd. Ages 21 or over. retired welcome. No exper nee Apply : Universal Protec:Uoo Service, 1226 W Sth St , Santa Ana Interview hrs 9 12 & 1 4, Mon -Fn

Hang Gliders mfr needs gnl laborers



Head 1roundskeeper needed by Huntington Beach City School Dist 12 mo. poelt100 Exper. preC'd. $1,233 lo Sl,533 depending on exper Ap­ply : 735 14th St .. H.B. $36-8851

Health Food store salesperaon, part or full time. Accepting applica­tions. ~9537. ~6968.

HOMEMAKBS P/ T Over 21 M-F. 3-4 hrs day. Sandwich shop at beach , H.B. SJ&.7272

HOME WOR KER S Editorial work 10 your home for sm publisher Study work· lG-30 hrs per wk . Prefer BA Call ~1 for appt. 832-0965

HOST / HOSTESS Full & part lime availa· ble . Apply lo person 3-5P M. Jolly Roger, 400 So. Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach.

HOUSECUAHERS Exp, own trans 540-0857

HOUSECLEANERS To $5/ hr, car. ~51.23

Jewelry store in So. Coast MOTHER'S HELPER Co. Plaza needs bright SPECIAL~OH P IT Hone Dept. Clerk lc; penon for olrice duties. We .are looking for a work for PETCO Animal 540-90&6 special person lo help Supply Supermarkets

JIWUY SA.LES ~th our 2~ yr old hif'n· Apply 3033 Bristol c M dicapped son. · · ·

Exp pref but will train. Varied famlily duUea m _s.s_-_24_22_· -----Apply in penon, Kirt elude help wttb our older p / T 1 M E h e I p ( o r Jewelers. 2300 Harbor childre~ also but with women '• specialty shop Blvd, C.M e D_lphasis on a total com Fashion Island No expr

llTCH&f HB.P m1t~eot lo lus welfare nee 759-995110 lo 6 pm PREP.COOK ic CHEF Tramm& helpful, but not

necessary u we tram Experienced. The Quiet and expand the r11ht Woman, CdM.~7440. person . Full lime LECALSECRETARY employment with c.-om Npt Ctr, cood typing pany benefita and com alt ills, flexible hrs , mensurate salary. Must salary commensurate. be dependable . Call 545· lSSS Mrs. Canfield 3 lo 6 pm,

Legal Secty , Ex · perienced, Xlnt skills. salary neg .. on the water in Newport Beach (7 14)675-11690 .

Mon thru Jtraday 675-8729

OUALITY CONTROL Marin e hardware manufa cturer needs QC Inspector shipper. Light driving. Sailing knowledge helpful. CalJ for appt. 546-1101 Santa Ana

RESTAURANT FIT, P IT sandwic.'h man & counter he lp . Plaza de Cafe . Gary's Deli . 752-5401

RETAJLCLHIC Costa Mesa Stationers. 270 E . 17th St.. C.M Fulltime . Apply an person 10.12 only .


Day hrs , flexible sc.-hedule. Ask for Mrs Wong Grand Avenue Conv . Hosp .. 1730 Grand Ave , Long Beach. (213) 597·8817

Sailing Instructor needed in Npt Sch. 2S-2'7' cruis· ing sai lboats . Wknda now , fulJ time summer 645-7100

SALES P/ T Mornmgs neceaary for fabri c.- store. Call Gerl 646-4040. - - ----

SALESP/ T We need 3 sharp people with fashioo background lo work in our men's & women's dept. Salary + commission . call for appt

SECURITY OFFICER 0 C C Ca mpus . tem porary . part tame . on ealJ. s wing/ graveyard S6 55.$7 06/ hr Conta l· t Coas t Co mmunit y

I Colleges. 1370 Adams A\ e, Costa Mei.a. 92626 556 5947

1::0 E . MF

SECURITY GUARDS Openings for qualified individuals Good sta rt mg pa) Refundable un 1form deposits 978 7243 &638 8191

SECURITY GUARD Mon thru Fnday, 12 to 8 AM Benefits 499 1175. 499· 1177

Sec'y H.l . PROFOFC

Need!> xlnt typist , top !ik1lls non smkr salary opert 640 2912

Sec'y/ R.cept. for engmeenng co Typ 1ng. xlnt s alar) & benefit~ 957 6596

Sales Self Green World 1s look Ing for aggressive . motivated indi viduals for interior plant sales Ba se fee and co m · mis11ion paid. Xlnl IJP· portunily to make f(ood money. have fun and be on your own . C all 898-0300


Special classes for han du:apped adults. 2 yrs college eltper req 'd Ex· cell vacation & 10 surante benefits Wkdys 8 30 to 4PM United Cerebral Palsy Assoc . Santa Ana . 546 5760

Teacher'•.,. Preschool . exp'd . Full time 642·0411


Wanted for service & In· stallation of photo pro· cesso r Some mechanical & ele<"trical exp required (71 4 ) 898 0290

Telephone Sales WORK AT HOME

Ca ll Garden Grove 530 5220


Haring now for summer Work 3-9 Mon· Fri No exp nee No selling Call 966·0151 aft lpm -----

Telephone "4 OHE rBlSOM

P 1 T phone person needed to call & set app 'ts for busy Solar Energy Co. S4.SO/hr + bonus Ask for Al :


545·6793. 754.0535

TelephoMSClllH ~xc1ting vacation club. promoting for resor t condos, needs 3 to 6 bright, raponslble. am b1t1ous peopie Gd phone voice ne<' . Guar aga in st comm. Wkly paycheck 3 pi t shifts avl Call 9-5. Mon-Fri . 543 7957 or S43-8137

TOOL.PUSHERS California based drilling contractor seeks grow­mg foreman for Hunt· mgton Beach nas. Xlnt ulary & benefits. Send resume PO BOX 2508 Bakersfield CA 93303 or call (8051327-5736


Nwpt Bch travel agency Minimurn 2yrs exp . w/ travel agency. Saber agts ONLY . Contact Gaylene 646-7777

Want Ad~ - -- Have something to sell?

rail 642 5678 Classified ads do It well.

aohool end on Saturday g 'ettlng new customer• for the area•• leading newspaper. Big S Plus Pf:lzes .. trips end bonueee..

C411•Ce..c. 642-4111, atll 1·

Equal Opportunity Em~

1~~~!~!11~&-I~~~~;~~!··~·· ............... =~' ~ ~ .............. , .......... 1111!

~f!!!!!JD!!l!!J~tj ti (a> HCllil&>t 1 •n !! ·········-··....... 141iriitl-:"(1)1'tll •

l~~~~!!:!!.!!Lt oll.~~-!fr.u. ~~~~a. ~ ... ill.,..._ Ex~ l.rlr alto fo r h

~....,_,:.;...,:,.;...~....1 Uoaa,~ta.u eampor. Gl·STn 1 (_,., rt •'

...... 'Ta Honda CB1'11 .... R4 :llMMA*O raco~1tio•· 1•

,......WliMIYedlh YOUllWAMM •uo. 115• 7114 ' ' UNlftlTS 'TO. Tw 1.ttll a-cJ'iBlvd. Moter)t-., S./ ~ ••· rwc. N.a· t4J.JOOO .... ,,.... t "'

carpMa, ~ toya, ft. From Nortb S.aut.tfuJ Cob' ~1 t Y" al~ oiya. MX •ie.soo· ...... ••••••••••••••••• overytl)la• ... Used tl2.fOU mlu. - llabltno LD. Carollu. lat oner. lat ;raty. rre. OU .... , 11 ncun :.,, hd. CAM PER SHELL· Fib WI CAM SILL btkk, plttvo wtndow•, Q>• Coif lrdu. l : lOH>·4pm, Mrve. s~m. 141. f*171f. f/8~.0-. Cbryt.' Dodae S&e~lde truck YOUI l.V. carpet.I, aU applianHt, ~·alt cd a:~~ AprlU16& 1* Stockllnd SbeU for SUPER C(U)l~· .... *11!1 C, .U,, Hy ff• b>O . .,..,_alUPll. 5158-1* lAvelort, IDUlt be IOIM SSl..U.O GIANT OAllAGE SALE. HUil truck perfect 'i4/ SAi,&. ~ at. ~· 76 'IW CAW'a by Snnday 4/21111. ' ,_..,,~1 1nlac.25t eood. '400511MJ7 ..... tllf.J~t)'. !;p: • 1"'!'17;35 D)'namlto Wt1thlla •ENT : 22' lua . mtr l'JS.1725. Col'dlr' co.ch Mt. QleeO to $Jel. IM lN. 211'1'2 Wt dft 'IYJI MS Ill. lilt! · pop-\op. 4 1peed. Only home. Sipe 6, Mlf·cont.

ptU. J'oriptervtew call UOll•l"'ln dttle froat biclt-aW A love M•t. BaM~JQ,Eutblulf l~J ICW Generator W. JJtllSLCll >. • ....,..., -, 105 49 •• mU.. (WWXA> U'f5 / wk . + I• ml. -.im . door• w / de•otator Utaut.0.5*025t atf:'.f»ltlO T ICODliD En1lao on .... c.r t TV - I •h .... ,.............. ssm M0-1515.

. '" - tallerS2000 • 0 • -ct · ~nfiAC21' M' 80A1'S JIMMAllMO --------nrtST hardwareSlOO. m.5211 Wa~, ktq u, aolld Larae Oil Palnth111 . SS1"181 Co n•ole . Wa'C1-ut llJ!mo. ~ptepald ·-- 72' DISCOVERER 25',

& ¢1'e w/alopt.QI, upboJ. retrtc Freodl Scooee Cabinet. t 912· , r!'OIO S•-J •--'-""'' - YQ~..,.A6Bf liberclaa. 1treamUoe. Personal Une1 Dept .1C••-1r1r•• "4fs.tl21S.54.MIT6 Ptak '0epniu.1oa 11.,.·. HvydutyGaffer•SaWer C •ila- 'allp la-m;>iZM.~ 181UBeach8lvd beaut. Sipe. 5. Ju.st r• IM'llran"" A&Y. Apply in 111'1•1 ' 103 Cott- ... , wab.rl ... -u 2 1pd roof top Evap. B Radio and Ao ... .,..... • _.... 142-2000 fW'biahed. Lut chece,

~ r~ .nn1 wvuu ""' lot1 of 1t uff . 519 COO ••~. -.rwu ~~ ~- ~ ~ . • • movin1 8»1412 ~raon : 333 N. Newport················ ····· ..... •-" .. ___.. ···-r - ..-. \UI • I ·- ..... . ·- ""~11-• r .-..... ~-- l> •o .,N.8 . Movie camera w/ proJec· bdrm tel, lint eend, Ma tu rite CdM · Fri .w.'1~ \ •• ......... _ . ......... II CABOVER CAMPER

TYPIST tor, Sm. Allo, 15MM St000/080. Call Aftlwer U:. Set M • · CAR PHONE, dbt cood . .... A Mll'tlt t..M.r 14 '*. 1tlt coo race $475 or best offer. 1969 Open Road cab-roo( ,., days pet week. Vaca· ;:::n:c:,~ !:too.;p,AJ::. Ad t415, M2-G>O, 24 bra. · • • · !o3:°

1 ;~only fl95 1, • ,,.. ready . r .. t 2 ~alla , HB-seo2 air, 1lps a. PB, PS, auto,

tJon relief. Apply at · 559-0260 evs/wknd Antique Oak Dlninc Tbl Sat. f..4. Bottles, toola, P · ..... :£................ rnao1 x~P/Pf75-ll6a. 6 pack camper shell Sl41>5. 8"2·206'1 1MO Placentia. Costa w/6 cbra, $500. AoUque ~ollectable~. ~a bid Brun1wick l " •late •••NI fOf CffEOYLEJ:Offibott 31 ' $200, TroHen. Ulllty 9110 lleaa Dot• 1040 J>ump n-80 $750 (1) t.emv•

1• ... ~Pl CpManta. bumper pool tbJe ••••• ••••••••-••• ••••• .... c-•- ... Ah .... 000 631·3829 •••••••••••••••••••••••

••••••••••••••••••••••• V'•• ' 1142 "..,.... · · I I th h.lrd l xlnt 18' Whl "" .....,._ a•-. ..-.. C I Wladow Washer Ex · KEESHOND Pu AKC UhrsofaS50087J..442A ' w ea er n tewater caaoe. PP. (7U)l7S.8CM7 Motorfuct.... 9140 o emao •eraa traHer porie oced, P / T . own Champ sire. M'f:: Pet.; 8' Print Green " White Anaual Multl-famlly - cond 17~7. Like •e~~ Oace b3 LiltJtlme Oppty ............... ~....... :!~ S::O~c:ir~~~eci lran1. 648-lml0 a how . Pvt pty . DavenportSlSS c~a. colfee lbl, <la- FOG MACHINE Sl25, M' di~ellloop w moor· • •MOPED•

YARDMAN 213/697-l.3t5atl6pm. S4M86S bee, mucbmlac. Sat.8-4. worka areat . Tom Non-prom or1 . needs lnlinNwptBay.ioaded. ·so Puch Sport MKll. AlltoS.,-.lce, rcrh ·

DOG TRAINING IN D7 Platte, C.M. M0-7223 Mon. thru Fri., your boat, plane, ear, Shoe~ •alllna aa~ on xlnt cond, $600/best or- & A~UPOriet 9400 J'or tool rental firm . Neal appearance. good handwriting, benefits. Wlll train. Apply : 19 Newport Blvd. CM. o 22900 Lambert- 1203 Et Toto.

YOUR HOME 3 PC . Dreul Bdrm. set, LARGE GA.RAGE SALE no Tuesday. etc. Libttal tax deduc- daYita, oomplete, + on· fer . 548-8117 (1'nal ••••••••••••••••••••••• Obedience ~~~1~'!tt5~1~eau 10796 El Puo St_, F .V. Power mower• edaer ~~~-~anta1u . shore mooring w. 13'6" Mofof"cwdn/ ForlClle

ProblemSolvinc llotorcycleparta,kn1ck- , 200, wuber • dryer Boston Whaler, pre· S !:t.n · flSO Datsun z AAA HOME DOG Wrought h'oD table It 6 lmacb, clothes. Sat & $125 each. HS-SIM& lotlh. M .... c1 •c•/ !;~!!!,!oc. Total '40,000 . .... ~.................. mot

TRAlNtNG. a.'2155 chalrt, lonoa.I din.in& rm Sun. 9-5. S....,lu fOZO .,.,._ Or table, 8 c brs. ca ll 4P'amlly l AntiqueFum. Maytaggu~rSUS. 8' •••••••••••••••··~·•••• 13· 1980 Capri Cyclone •761(%400 + .,..._.pcwts

SAMOYED PUPPIES. evs/ wkods. 49&-0772 I I la Herculon Sofa SlOO. Ac- MarineElectrtcLan Sallboat racma rigged, 761-5137 Merell••... AKC 4 wuold. AvaJJ at ll t!!b~m=· ~at moa~y cordian $45. 2 Twin beds, Desi1n/ Uwtalllrepair new cond. 11200 cost Xtras , n~/batt ---•••• .. ••••••••••••••••• wks, Pvt pty. Holly , HardwefodChinaCabinet ,.2 18021 Giiiman Irv. $3Sea . 2AnUqueclocks Qual.worit. 549-2S20eve. Sl600new6'7S.2480 Asis, firm. WANTEDTOBUY ......... 1005 760-6006lvenua. Xlnl cood $75. Vinyl ssi..8800 $100 &c $~or will trade 541-1192 Dnver s1dedoorfor ••••••••••••••••••••••• . couch S20. ~5402 aft for lg cbaio saw. 548-0063 loah, M.- 14' AMF SUHRSH '67 VW sedan 546-1879

W .._.TED Donie duo 1eek home. 6pm. Garaa· Sale ·. Sofa, ch- . E•lipn 11 f 903 S 0 - - -- --An TO IUY brothers, •ae 2. Shellie· "' '"' Prof soccer & foosball ••••• • •••••••••-•••••• 40 '4 ... 4647 '78 Honda Hawk . xlnt Right front fernier for '61 I buy o Id I u n s. Basinji , seldom bark, White Freocb Prov 5 pc, beds, loads ol misc. game $150. Am / Fm 50 hp elec. start SUlwtJ • cond .. 5000 mi , best or VW $25 . dJamoods. ivory, jade" watchdogs, ut yt fOOd. bdrm Ml.. Slagle bed. :::d::~:f'.' :t; ~~~ stereo & beaut. cabiod. 0 8. ene. Sl.500.,. Boilat & ~~~;:t~n! ~~3972__ __ S46-l879 collectibles. Call (714) Linda. 64().4.580, 536-6188. '225. M3'tm Apnl 2Slh 9-4. $100. •N-7997 tr•ller free w1 nle of tat t ofr ., fteUa, tail : 7 8 6 6 0 y A M AH A 972-4926 & ull for Dane. Cairn Terrier 11 mos o~d . Cstm So American bar Ir w.lcal ent. D&.ve 64'2~. 559-9133. Beta~,_ SPECIAL low mileage 8 wh.:f.~4~res

male· lookina for fun stool, ulueSl.,000. Mtist HUCE SALE- Furn .I IMlt s•s 1013 MAftlN E-G.ARAGE ._ .......... c.a- i 1100008067S-1852after 768-S837 WESTMINSTER family . SlOO&U-!1635 sell $600. 5'8-787l limps, toys, dotbes, &J>- ,••••••••••••••••••••••• ML[ ._., ~ 6 _ _ -;r __

ABBEY pllance1. sbereo & much CONN Direct.or trombone Seagull outboa~s. Dodi• 9070 - - - - Allto1 for>cme ANTlQUE MALL Male AKC Irish Setter. Cbrome & glass 4r co&· more; ~aVSwi 9-4. 41 with c11e. Excellent avons . Satlot, etc. S46 •••••••••-•••••••••••• H~f.A2~1~.r~;plng~ ••••• ; •M••P•O•R••T•ANT•••••••••

D~~!s~!~9 ~~:i= ~- 14 mo. ~:r:~i:::.~·.:i:.':J!. ~ ~!k~~~v. (Univ . ~1:!~1~~~- $100. 675-8062 Redlands Sat/ Sm BOAT SLJI~ F6.R RENT $8'75/080. 833-1485. NOTICE TO 1l751 WestminsterAve -- din . Sell by t>lue . s•-s ... •• 1Shp.2cyl,YeroaarlfNd NPTBCH. 25'-!35 '. .71 Honda rvfUV'o lo mi READERSAND

Garden Grove SM-6103 Golden Ret. puppies , 7 Washer/dryer~7-4487 VT- ~ FLUTE . Silver. Selmer wlrev~se ctier ~i.sso. ~ '-~ ADVERTISERS wks, sbou. wormed. ch. Camper s h ell, Ice Metro #5865. Gd for atu· Completely overhavled $1600 or trade 4 sm Pu The price or 1tem1

Hand carved Chinese cbest. klllS

hne, AKC. 1133-1418 Wood frame ilass top skates, surf boards. col· dent. Sl.50. 963-3Q38 Yanmar deisel w/!f( w 30' Dock f>ower Boat or wl camper. 54&-~9 advertised by vehicle chow table, 2 for $100. orTV,clothes Sat&Sun new generatorwlst.arte~ Tabernacle Mast. No dealers m the vehicle

5•9'J9eves Free puppy Chow / Shepherd 12 wks . hsebroken . cute

Victorian iron hall tree. 9-3. 2338 Colgat e Dr .. Offlc•F•llifw•& wiring . Uoo as ls . ovdn igh(en $160/ mo '48 Whiner motor cycle d ass1f1ed ad vert is ing Sl.50. 631·~ CM. Ecpli,..., 1015

645_1028 M2·328'7 752-2584, 644-4767 Brand nu cood. Only 10 columns does not 1n .

____ ••••••••••••••••••••••• • mis. Must tee to believe e lude any applicable HUGE GARAGE SALE m i t h . C 0 r b n a ao.ts rowtr 9040 Bo~t SUp WANTED 2'' $5,000. < 702)825-9173 taxes. license, trarurer American Oak-glass door Michelle 557-9455 MUST Sa&.

boollc•ae . Princess s piece Medit. bdrm dresser. sheet mus ic AKC English Sprmger suite . Ii k e new . cabinet . submit offers Spaniel. liver & wht sac rifice. Best offer.

21.5 CecU Place. Costa typewriter. Model 300. •••••;•••••••••-••••• .. with parttingfor local re· •79 Yamaha XS400F lOK fees . finance charges, 118'a. Fri, Sat. Sun 9-4 Good condition Sao. 1971 SICIPJACt(. sJdent. ~:M05 aft SPM mla. Bacli::rest. nu tires fees for air pollution con·

Furn . & bric-a -brac . Call Dalebout Bay & 24 ' w l traller . Xlnt WANTED : Shore moor- BstOH644-6461 troldevice certificauons Beach Mk for Janet ( or dealer documentary

1.8480 Saota Leonora Cir· Smith. s.:s1.7300 inanclnc. Call Gary or lnl or marina apace for preparation char"~ un -875-8172 anytime female . 731 4710 Dys 642-4773 ; E ves :

Solid Oak Partners Desk, FTff to YOll 1045 642·9656_. ____ _ i F V Sa onl "5 Don 631 1.00 1-11· ta '73 HONDA Trail 90 WOO ""'" c e , . . t. Y. ~ . · · v,. ca maran eves. less otherwise specified Wooden des ka. U 00 . •

77 T . Hull ........ Vol 497-3914 or 54()...4190, ext prig mi SS7S by the advertiser 60x43 Beautiful cond •••••••••••••••••••••••Chris tian woman SS

Must sell·need room $500 M M mi Schnauur · al5o Cum. accept ci/U Garace/ yard SaJe, Sat. & secretary chairs $5-0 n • .....,.p vo, Ill 54().6472 - -Sun. 9·2 Antiques. col· TRS 80 basic n with pro'. 17\'i', all brand saew int. - - - - ~s/ lectable~. rum .. russ. aram . s7so•maoyother Incl trailer . hJOO. WotorHo..n. Sale/ Motor Homes, Sale / ClGnka 9520 depression glass , re· ltems. 8Sl·l7ll. IW()..3410. l ... / SIClfOtt fl60 R...t / Storage f 160 •••••••••••••••••••••••

Firm. 847-1323 M Shi Tzu All shots To or will pay small pay----- good home 642-5102 _ menls 'une 751·0498

Antique square grand piano, Circa 1880 $1500 Antique Hall. '270 E . 17th Coeta Mesa 548-3111

Purebred 1 ""1yr Cocker 7ft sofa . burnt orange. cords. china & pottery, . •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' 4 6 F o rd Wo od e S I I v 21 Lyman Lapatrake 1 •

pame w papen ~ry good coodiUoo S75/belt ~a • much more. 418 2 deah·l w/ typewriter Claa1lc Bay Boa&. Needs DO YOU H .._VE ~E ~est.ored . $13.SOO Al.SO lovable&46-2163l ; Oemse olfer847-SM3aft5 :30 Dablla.CdM return, 3 office chn, 1 work $S00~21S8 " """ 29ModelATownSedan,

I -- -- sec 'y cbr, 1 bJchback · · OF THESE?. 4 dr. res tored Ideal for Antique roll top desk & COLlood. I E how pape

2 rs, raJree Pr Henredon Scene ll G A R A G E S A L E · 1wivel cbr all in aood Boat partner wanted 24· s t u dent $I O. 5 0 0

ch r . appraised $1550. tog me. yrm e. curio cabinet.s. new, t'OSl Furniture dishes , cond, willt.Uebestoffer SeaRaySundancertm. 6756161 muatsellSSS0. ~7871 963·• 721 ____ $2000 ea . Sell pr for clothes. t.ocXs, all kinds muatbeaold&pickedup lmmac., Npt Bcb f)oat

- - ir...-u....-- IOSO $2500 673-fl286 of cood1es. 820 Center by Apnl 28 5'0-1708 1 s / S Pvt Sale : Fine jewelry n.n..--.r ----- -- -- St c M Sat/Sun9-5 -- · • 1p 130 mo + ltoO. 19ct Opal, Lucien Picard ••••••••••••••••••••••• Elegant Metz bdrm set, .. · · · r.n IOl7 Call 557.9327 Gold watch Original * * I BUY * * solid oak. king bdbrd, YARD SALE Sat 41p . !••••••••••••••••••••••• Mak 23 .77 paintings, otls. wtr clrs Good us-.. Furniture & trpl dresser & pt nite Z3l20 Elden Av~.· Costa 13 SNAKES; 2 P)1hooa & 1 ho bl ' ,_, ' .::t,,tran.sF u' ... h P 0 I "" d .,..,.,. ,,..,..., M W-•-- _._ A B up · m..... • u .,.c rngs 1casso. a 1, Appliances-OR I will sell stan s v•............, eH. &LCJ aans. von oa . All nice. Also . fath . VHF 240bp OMC. Paul 8la1ne Henrie . or SELL for You • So . k bed -~ collecta bles, clothing, large snake cage. S325. 18 SIO.OOOS1~ Clydt; Zulch. M 1gu,1 MASTERS AUCTIOH hd ~a r set w · TV & more. _ ~4967 Dominguez Linda ingsize waterbed I -- -------•13· F ' be et boat t l Roeers a, others Pr 646-1616, 133-9625 $8001080. 642-7423 Sat 10-.. Hrd. Wood Sofa. Young Amaion redhd adj~ta~le-:!r 16• ~~ oriental lg broqze Urns 1 IUY RJltMfl'UU T--: bed .lb- - lamps. antq brass parrot complete with lg Johnson o/ b 35h.p . Bronze parcelein bis win W1 • mauress faucets . desk etc . 28 cage $350 . 646 1869 17001080" .. 0 .,...,.,

f • Old. Lo Les 9S7-8133 and box springs Gd Rock Rose Way <Univ 00.3850 ---

doque p1gbunneslock. M h n cond. Be11t ofr 64().6479 Pit> Sat ----- -

n u c on g ny Big red ·s· shape cbair. - -- -- Su.ller ·crested Cockatoo '78 21' Wha~ 'Nova, pedestal Btfl China 3'x6'. lllnt cond. $150 8' Maple Capt's chair $25 Garage sate · Antique w cage tame ' XL. fully equip "'ti-Jr, Cabinet w/blt-in ladies wine sofa, Sl.50, plush Yellow bamboo like bed dept.hfi~r rattan $600/ 0BO mt396 · ".'8 Volvo eng. 2S5H P . desk . F rench Marble 960-6487 dinette tbl & 4 chrs. like che.at many boat & --- · hke new $12,000 '42·!928 coffee tbl. Pr s ilk nu 1100 Sears girls wht hsebld. misc 3248 Min- rta.o1&0nJ-t 1090 days, eves731-0443 cblnese rugs. Pr brass MU$t sell butcher blll: tbl. dresser wt mirror $$50. nesot1 CM (comer of ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·se 18. Century, excel! lamps+ more. 639·7128. !i~hr~~!~ !i~~:;;s Matchmgdeskw/ chr 50 Ca l WURLITZER spinette cond Sl SOO / OBO

& more. 9'1S.0253 art or bit offer 642-3223 __ MOVING! Garage Sale . model 4410. t~ 44·note ll42-067i. By Appt. .

ABBA ANTIQUES Wholesale Warehouse


Commerce Park 3303 Harbor Blvd

C.M 751 -2070/848-9366 (Next to405 Freeway)

Antique Estate Sale . Sat/Sun 1500 Irvine Ave. Npl Bch .

6PM Dining room table . 6 items from 1~.s..oo. 285 keyboards , 13 pedal - -- chairs, 3 leaves & buffet. B r 0 a d w a y c . M . notes, au~ tone control, Tall• O•er r..-.at1 Dining Tbl umque Maple $2SO. Ph. S46-5002 Sat/ Sun 8-6 earphone Jae~ . solid ma- No down can be us4!d 6 s1zea. tncl -- -------- pie w/ matching bench. ' 80 23 ' IMP C udd y pad s I I 1 n ens $ 4 O O. 5~ S. IOSI hw•lry 1070 $400 cash or k5-0 de· Ca bin · Only 30hrs on ~-2652 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• livered ~7-lMS engine . Mercrul5er 260

----1 GJANTGARAGESALE Beautiful diamond out drive. Fully fitted Bas sett din rm table Sat. Apr2S&SunApr2e houeahoe brooch 14K 5'6 " A.B. Chase Louis out. PP S48-73SS w/ lear. 3 s ide chairs. 1 1 o . 3 s m a pp I . . white gold. 642-4067 XV. Ampico reproduc- Bus / recreation boat . arm chair. xlnt cond . kitchenware, pictures, mg & grand piano, com-$200. 646-7358 decor items, lam pa , Mhcel• I018 IOIO pletely restored at reblt. many xtras. best otrer.

- ----- clotblna . ETC .. ETC .• ••• •••••••••••••••••••• Piano originaUy bit in _838_·_7_l0'7 ______ -1

6' SOFA ETC. Most t.bing.s nearly Cookware. 2IO pc stainless 1921. Like new-good in- UI ' Bay Cruiser • I red " Like new, green pattern, new . Hr O.C. Fair· steel , waterless. new. ves tment. Collectora w h 1 ca n 0 p e t 0 p . S100 64!°>-2985 1roundl 95'7·111J78 woe iii~. reg. $445. item A11kln1 120,000. Character Boat Paude

Gl .. ...-R'Ra .... ,GE iacrlftce. 979-Qlll Hammond Organ & winner! Slip n ·1i'IJ . Selhng entire ~e run nJH Vin~ Pt c t Cd M

•We Wiii pay $500 advance •Stability - 8 yrs. in the business •Net up to $250 per week

Our compaf\y presently has 2.6M tn advance Eurooean 'Flv-drive

cootrects and will peak at 4 7M

v .... lo.ct 1..-..u IMot Jnt 5-wrl IAaM locb­

W•',.. The bpcfofs

We encourage you to compate us Wl tn others - Come in and check over our


We Heed More 1979-81

Mlnr·Mo torhomes & Bubble-Top Van Conversions

Plaate Call or Write for Info On Le .. back of Your Own RV or . -AV ~ntol1, Inc. iilf I 15092 Harvard Ave.

Irvine. Ca . 92714 (71 4) 559-4446

of furniture rar living SALElt.SWAPMEET llDWOODZX6'.. ano en er · S21100 / 0BO 67!-7171 ; rm . bdrm a. dinlhl rm. Sat. •2. , Food, ,~. Xllll deeldni. 8-20' lpng. 6«-8930 1_67_3-_7_47_7_.....__,__~--1 .. ------!------------' "' h. · bOok lalr, Nft 1.at. ~ load just in (n>m '' ..:..~ • t; .i. ............... .... 9Cft 1010 .......................

HARBOR AREA APPLIANCE SERVICE We buy used appliances .. tweaell~. guar.

s:..veryl mg near MW, Glaler Ir taurorila, ahU. ss•f(\ . 6'46· 9885 aoe~ ~ ....__ 411uat sell immed. Offen· C.M. ab1(1n'te. ...,....,.._ ~I .. , • 9030 E........... 9030 can help w/ delivery _ ...;.... _______ •••••••••••••••••••-•• ••••••• ............... •••••-l•llr•••M••••••• ••••••.,.-•••••••••••••

appliances. 549-3077 S49·90lO Two Family Garage Sale. Swap family lauli8 club ••••••••lli••••••••llll•••••••••llll••••••••

Early American maple 1979 Cad. Seville, rum. membership In Irvine I IUY APPUAMCIS La 967-8133

rrl1idare w/ bottom fneier. 99"x32" . Olive Green S75. 50-3811 ; art 6

bdrm set . db l bed . clothln1. children's toys. ror ?orSS00. 833-841.5 bookcase hdtml, mirror movla1, lO/ yn of •C· Rue 10· X 12· Brown & dress er . desk & cumulaUoo. Fri, f.3pm, bc>rder square!/ circles matching swivel chair Sat 9-3pm. 1121 Port lo Drlehl autumn colors 548.9992. Stanhope. N. B. tuo. 8"-3SS2

I 556-1139. 8 PC BDRM SET Garace SaJe. tt'• • Bii· G·E dbl oven range, 1 Twin bed• w/ hdbrds, fie. 5or to ?. m F.etber

I I dre111er . lamp tbl, dealt , St, CM . (2 bib So. ol

Lo .... ,,. Helium Bouquet• de· livered . Perfect for every occasion. f7S..U19 oven u f· c eanin1 . cabinet, white formlca 20lb. Just E. ol Santa

b•rveat cold. Suo. tops , avocado/ 1old AnaSt) . S.tooJyt--4. 851·Sll4or975-0311 bHes, 2 matcbin11wivel .., A u &be n li c pl n ball

Portabledlllhwuher. chn. good cond, $300. M 0 VJ NG o ALE. machine, late eo•a. tood XlatCobd. Mu at sell by -4 / 26 . cofblld~~ ~is~ coad. S2ll0."5--Ml.9'1D 6'0·7028 N.8 , m .. e. . . o•.uwnv• R''BIES

---------1---------- 1 15% lla1ollan Street, .,nuuu.. .., C.ta ..... -- del Oblyb>perctone l ... ,.~ ....-

The leader f ot 1981. • •

Affordably· lnexpensi1e-~~~

1963 T · Btrd . wht ext , blk wht int, AC. lake new S2800 548-2080

·52 P o r Cabr o ll e t . chassi s 1115039. 90% restored Only serious buyers need to call 714 1774·6'757

'73 EXCALIBUR Show car. $19,500 firm Sl0 .000 cash , a ssume lease . s2ootmo 673·7360

1901 Olds Replica. $1500 or best offer '62 Olds F8S convt & '62 Starfire F8 S, both for Ssoo 631-3929 .

'48 Whizzermot.or cycle Brand nu cond. Only 10 mis Must see t.o believe. ss.ooo (702)~9173

' 48 Studebaker Land Cruiser Xlnt cond Sell orlrade 493-4761

Rec,..affoftd V.t.iclft 9530

••••••••••••••••••••••• Dune bucgy & trailer. clean. neweng.


4 Wltffl Drh" 9SSO • ••••••••••••••••••••••


This 4 wheel drive ha1 low miles, is a strong runner & la priced for a quick sale! <JSSrDX>.

MAIEOffH Offer good thnl 4/Zl 181

TlttttOHS VOLUWAe94 3940 Cherry Ave. LONG BEACH


'1' •wd SCOlTl' hH lot.I of miles, must sell $2500 firm . Xlnt lnt. 87S.S2J67

'73 J eep pickup truck, air. p1, pb, dlx cab, S2950. PP. Ml-8984


I I' I

8)' PKl!:DEIUCK SCHOSMEllL Of .. DM!r .........

New impetu.a for development of a regional airport on the Camp Pendleton Marine Corps base In northern San Diego County it being ctven in a report prepared by the Southern Califomla Association of Gov­ernments.

Planners for the a11oclaUon have concluded that an airport at the hue could be an accepta­ble alternative to an earlier SCAG proposal that major, long­haul racillty be coostructed on an offshore island near the Los

A!' 1eles and Lons Beach harbors.

UNDER THE Camp Pendleton proposal, the re&lonal airport - similar lb ii.le to Los An•eles Intematlonal - would be constnacte4 near Oceanside at the south end of the base.

Planners estimate the Camp Pendleton airport would cost about $820 million . well below the $2.5 billion estimated for the offshore facility .

Localing the airport at Clmp Pendleton, which is bisected by the heavily traveled San Diego

Fteeway, would benefit resi­dents in both Orance and San Dleco counties. SCAG planners say. • And they point out that loca­tion of an airport at the hue wobld reduce some of the de­mand on John Wayne Airport ln Orange County and Lindbergh Field in San Diego County.

HENRY WEDAA, a Yorba Linda city co\mcllman who chairs the SCAG aviation com­mittee, said it will still be some time before a final recommen- · dation is made on whether to

.,...,~ ............. ~-Proteders boycotting Coon bft1' C:01'TJI ftQ'M in Santa Ana, ob;edfng to the diltrlbMting compan11'a inool~ in covnt11-~ r«JICling day. Proceeda of eomt go to Sitton HOJM.

Recycle protest light Despite flap , Teamsters donate $500 to facility

About ·75 people ca me out al lunchtime T hursday at the Santa Ana Civic Center to protest an Orange Couoty·s ponso red re­cyc ling day involving the Coors Distributing Co

Others . however. didn 't seem to mind that Coors was helping in a recycling drive to raise funds for cons truction of a new fa ci lity for the Albert Sitton Home

OFFICIALS SAID they raised about $ 138 by re cyc ling 354 pounds of aluminum.

Not to be outdone or to look like villa ins the Tea msters Union donated $500 to the new fac ility, ca lled Orangewood . on behalf of all organized labor.

Later an the day ca me another su rpri se Santa Ana busi ­nessman Ron Adams. who owns an insulation company . pledged JS,000 to the Sitton Home Adams appa rently was upset about the protests. offi c ia ls said

Health fair to feature free tests

Free medical teata. Informa­tion booths and optional blood teals for $7, will be available at South Coast Medical Center Sun­day durtn1 Health Falr txpo '81 .

The free health screenlq will be held from 10 a .m . to 4 p.m. in the South Laguna hpspital 's parklnl structure.

Coo rs has been a boycott target of labor and other special inte rest groups s ince about 1978 At issue have been some of the company's labo r pra cti ces. which opponents claim are un fair or undigni fi ed .

THE PROTEST of the recycl· ang day. however . brought some s h a rp response from county leaders who a rgued that Coors ' participation was not politically motivated.

Supervisor Bruce Nestandc is-

sued a written response Thurs· da y a fte rnoon to Mary Yunt . sec r eta r y . treasurer o f the Orange County Labor Council.

'' I full y understa nd and respect any group s nght to reg­ister protest s." h e sai d . Howeve r, it is obvious that you had no des ire to resolve the is ­sue but rather chose to use this event to publicize your conflict with the Coors Brewing Co. The self.serving exploitation of this charitable event for your selfish purposes was wrong "

Pat Brown raps Reagan's record By GLENN SCOTT

Of , ... Delly ,.. ... SUff

Former Gov Edmund G. " Pat" Brown pamted his less­tha n · rosy pi c ture of Ron a ld Reagan's first 100 days as presi­dent on Thursday for Cal State Fullerton students.

8 ut Bro wn ' !I attack on Reagan's policies was prefaced ca refully to avoid hard feelings after the recent assassination at· t e mpt . Brown said he met Reagan at a luncheon In Washington , D.C., just two days before the shooting and found Reagan gracious .

RE AlSO cate,orbed Reagan as one of tht! three best preaktm­ll al communi cators in bis llfellme, the o thers beln1 Franklin Delano Roosevelt and John Kennedy.

BROWN'S CRITICISMS cov· e re d virtually a ll of Reagan 's n ew policies . fro m foreign policies to defense spending to presidentia l appointments.

Secretary of Stale Alexander Haig drew special notice for what Brown desc ribed as his hawki s h aUitudes toward military intervention.

" He failed in Vietnam and now he apparently would like to repea t h is mistakes in El Salvador," Brown told the stu· dents. " I don't know about you, but General Haig rrt1htens me."

MANY OF THE spectators 1a ve Brown a standing ovation after his speech.

Brown met reporten aft.er ~ s~ecb wtt.h a shake of h1a head. " It wu touch, wun't it?" he said. " But I don't think anybody elte bu been aaytn1 it."

punue a re1lonal airpo" at C•)DP Pendleton or off the lAnl BeacbeoMt.

He said ~r invettla.Uon of the, Camp Pendleton propoeal la needed', terml"I exlltln1 data ·'very preliminary.'~

A major, if not the major stumblinl block to location of an airport at lJle base could be re· s~tance from the Marine Corpe.

The corpe traditionally bas re­jected any suHeation that part of the base be used ror an airport.

Yet unknown is how the


Will interest rates continue to rise or fall? . .. 85

Camp Pendleton proposal will affect the work of a separate re­&lonal airport tile aelectlon study authorized by the Oranae County Board of Supervisors.

The 11-member committee is made of a aix prominent buai­ne11 leaden and appointees of the five board members.

SCAG ls a regional govem­m en t organization which ia made up of Southern Califomla's cities and counties.

Among those on the commit· tee are influential friends of members of President Reagan's

administration - association• that could prove helpful should officials decide to pursue con· atructlon or an airport at Ca Pendleton against any obje lions the Marine Corps mi& raise .

The first meeting of the bl ribbon panel has not yet held.

Study of sites for a region · ai rport to ease the burden ~ Los Angeles International an other smaller airports h as bed" under study by SCAG for three yea rs .

South Laguna annex study difficult task· By STEVE MITCHELL Of ... Dlilly " ........

There will have to be a lot or public meetings, reviews, pro· test hearings, and perhaps even a n e lec ti on before Laguna Beach 's southern border ever extends to Aliso Creek .

That's the contention of Local Agency Formation Commission offi cials who say the process of annexation is a lengthy. com­plex matter .

The Issue was raised this week when a group of South Laguna residents told Laguna Beach council membe rs they would like their unincorporated area brought into Laguna

SPECIFICALLY, THE group wants Treasure Is land Trailer Park , Blue Lagoon. Lagunita and Hobo Ca nyon above the Alpha Beta shopping center -all of South LaRuna to Aliso

Sy~arnore changes sought

Laguna Beach will ask Orange County offi cia ls to amend an agreement in which the city re· ceived $1 million from the coun­ty for land in Sycamore Halls

The 1978 agreement called for a $1 million advan(f from the coulUy for future nght-of.way for the proposed San J oaquin T ransportation Corridor and a regional park within the 522-acre city parcel

The city purchased Sycamore Hills three years ago and still owes about $7 million .

In order to pay orr a major portion of the mortgage , the city has worked out an agreement with Baywood Development Co of Newport Beach for sale of 62 ac res near Leisure World for $5.4 million .

And while negotiations are continuing on that land sale. the city bas been notified of a small hitch in ita agreement with the county.

A condition for the advance of $1 million stipulates that there will be no residential develop­ment in Sycamore Hills .

County Environmental Management Acency ofricials reminded the city of this fact after receiving a letter from Laguna Beech City Manager Ken Frank stating the Baywood development would not interfere with either a proposed regional park or the transportation cor­ridor.

Baywood proposes to build nearly 300 towt\houses on the 62-acre parcel off El Toro Road.

But Frank said neaotiatina a revised a1reement with the county should pose no problem, mainly because it was Lacuna Beach that requested the ban on reatdenUai development ln the first place in order to preserve the rreenbelt.

Creek brought into the city. City officials are putting

together a '"quickie" report to d ete r min e the se rvices that would have to be provided to the new area . as well as the rev· enues the city could expect to receive as a result of annexa · lion

That prelim10ary report is due bac k before the City Council May 5. The council will review the city's findings, and may ad· vise LAFCO members of its in · lent to annex a portion of South Laguna

The Local Agency Formation Commission will be looking at Laguna's sphere or influence on May 13 Th e r ev ie w is done routinely every three ye1lrs or say no decision on the South Laguna annexallon request can be made by mid·May

IT 'S JUST NOT that easy , says Ken Scattergood, a LAFCQ.

spokesman who said the earliest an annexation could l ake place would be three months

He said at least 5 percent or the registered voters in the umn corporated area mus t sign peli · lions . to be included along with a formal application to LA fCO

Ro ge r D e rr yberr} . a spokesman for the South Laguna group. says 200 signatures have been collected so f . a d he says that's well a e the LA F­CO r equ1n· m en . estimating fewer than 1.000 regi s tered voters !Jve in the area

The group must a lso include a map and legal descnpt1on of the territory . as well as a wntten Justification for th e rt'ques t , Scatte rgood said

IF l.AFCO approves the re­quest . public hearings must be. sche dul ed before the Laguna Beach City Council

Antlwny 'departs Hoag Hospital

Irvine Mayor Art Anthony has c h ec ked out o f the Mental Hea lth Unit of Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach 15 days after he allegedly beat his wire , Elaine . and inflicted a superficial gunshot wound on her ~ad.

Anthony , who c hecked out Thurs day , re m ai n s under a court order to visit her only at her invitation, but friends of the Anthonys says the two ha ve rec o n ci le d a nd Mrs Anthon y doesn't intend to testify against her husband.

Anthony was admitted to the Mental Health Unit on April 13 a fte r being released on his own r ecogn izance fro m Orange County Jail. where he was being he ld on charges of assault with a deadly weapon and use of a handgun in the commission of a crime

The 50--year -old ma yo r of Irvine is to be arraigned on those charges May 1 in Ha rbor" Municipal Court. He was un · available for comment today.

ORANGE COUNTY Dis tri ct Attorney Cecil Hicks. whose of·

fi ce intends to prosec ute An · thony with or without Mrs An· t hony's cooperation , has recom­mend ed that Ir vine Ci ty Manager Wilham Woo llett Jr. not re lease a report that ex· plains what police were doing in the 35 hours it took to arrest An· thony .

The delay in the arrest led to questions in the com m unity about Irvine Police Chief Leo Peart's handling of the incident.

Woo llelt ha s commend ed Pea r t 's actions and 1s following Hi cks ' recommendat ion not to release the report th a t provides a ch ronology of those actions

On Apnl 11. 24 hours a fter be in g admitte d to th e Men tal He a Ith Unit , Anthony was a t · rested on suspicion of assault with a deadl y weapo n a nd placed in t he Jail wa rd of UC Irvine Medical Cente r

Anthony was transfe rred to Orange County J ai l on April 13 and later the sa me day Judge Robert Polis ordered him re leased on his own recognizance.

Woman files suit over catsup bottle

A woman who claims she found bita of glass in a bottle of catsup she bought in an Anaheim supermarket bu filed a $15,000 suit a1ainsl the market and the H.J. Heins Co.

Delora Duffy said in her suit flied 1bunday in Orange County

·superior Court that she noticed the pieces of elus after she bad consumed some of the HeJnz

catsup. No direct injuries result· lng from the glass were m~­tioned in her suit.

She i s seek in I bi Us for medical e xaminations an~ for punitive damages. J,:

Ms. Duffy said she bought the catsllp al a Ralphs market QJl E a s t L i n c o 1 n A v e n u e iJt Anaheim last April 20 and d.i.t­covered the glus on April 28. •

Health teata include heaJth his­tory. bei&bl a.nci wei&bt, blood pressure, a nemia , vlaio• and heaJtb awareness.

For '7, particlpanta can take a b 1 o o d Vu t tor d '8 bet es , cboluterol, tri&lyceridea , ld.dney ctlaeue, U\ler ailment, cout, a.. ud a dozea other all­meau. The b'°°4 te1t oop:nally eoata about $100.

The praise stopped theie.. Brown said Reacan '1 tax­

cuttlng proposals J.Ocluded In the Kemp-Roth Bill wouJcl lfave dis· astroua effecu. He lam~ the theory that the country's economy will rebound bJ civlna "ma11lve .. tax cut1 to 'tbt

m d:JJlpfiln docks at Dana point . -:

For more lnfonnaUon. call tile bolpltal at 499-1311.

BIOOdniobile iet

wealthy. ~ The plan, be aatd, "lt almply

'an outraaeoua blatant a•v•• .. , t01the rtdl."

Decl')1DJ tho current awtuct. that •ovenmerrt lt .omtthlnc to &et .. oft )'OW' back," Brown Hid other IPllMl1u cut.I wm even· tuau1:. ~crtppft th• country'• tapabllltlei Cb 9'vaoee.

Mammal rests 4 hours, but returns to ocean 'IY •l'Cftl with t* antmal n. a dolpbl.G bl'uM from th• Nit of t••cbool.


AV AST THERE, LUBBER: In all the yeais )'OU? f althful correspondent hu bung around the ocean front, I've developed two special interests in boats. One la if 1 'm on it and the other ta If l ' rn lOOking at it.

If I'm on it, I am very lnterested in tbe fact that it doesn't leak.

IC I'm looking at ~ it, I want it to be pre· ~· •r M y p e r s o n a l I"'-'\ yacht meets both of· ~I-. these demands. She 's TOM MURPHllf ~ / a pretty thing sitting _________ ..... .-._

there , leaning up against the garage wall. Most important, it doesn't leak when I'm in it because J hardly am. Upon rare occasions when we plan a sailing trip, I can almost always talk one of the youngsters into doing the row· ing. If the youn~ster does the rowing , then there isn't room to get me m the boat.

Therefore, no worries about leaking.

AS FOR PEOPLE who Uke to get into the boats, t.,his coming Saturday marks the weekend that really is. It's the annual Newport Harbor to Ensenada yacht race. Six zillion yachts will be out there, all trying to get across the s tarting line at the same time.

They should make a marvelous vista for sailboat lovers lining our shoreline from Newport to San Clemente. Unless, that is, all the yachtsmen decide to sail straight out to sea in order to capture favora· ble breezes. Or the fog rolls in . Or tbey call off the race for lack of interest.

This has never happened. The esteemed boating editor of this sterling

The good ship Egabrag anchored OJ/ Co.nno Poinl , Catalina I &land

journal, Al Lockabey, gets pretty excited about this race every year. I've never really understood why. lt a lways ends the same way.

ONE BOAT WINS. All the rest lose. Anyway, I try hard to please Al Lockabey by

studying up on boats so I can tell the difference between ketch -rigged yawls. yawl-rigged ketches , twin catamarans and double-ended bellybusters.

CRITIC - Louisa Kennedy, wife of former hostage Morehead C. Kennedy, told some news executives this week that many of their m ethods for covering major events like the Iran hostage story were " time wasting a nd exhausting." She said, for instance, that many hostage families r eceived phone calls with the same questions from people work· ing for the same organiza· tion . She spo ke in Washington, O.C.

11 classes offered •

in CPR Coastline Comm unity College

will offer 11 nine-hour classes in Ca rdiopulmonary Resuscitation (CP R> at various locations dur­ing May.

The class is designed to train individuals in the techniques of CP R and obstructed airway maneuver to sustain life until medical help arrives.

Upon completion of the class, pa rticipanls are certiried in ac· co rdance with the standards of the American Heart Association and the American ~ed Cross.

Advance registration is ad· vised as enrollment is limited.

The following is a listing of date, time, and location of the classes:

Once In A Lifetime Opportunttyl Some Items Below Costt


ORGANS Choose From Kawai, Kimball, Hammond, Wurlitzer, Currier, Thomas·Vox.


GRANDS 40111y









3 941 b South Bristol, Santa Ana • Phone 7 51 ·I 12 I Accrou ..._ SOlllllll Coast Plcaa • Mew conter of S.":flower & lristol

Why only today . I was scanning through the Avalon newspaper, the Catalina Islander , and the picture of this unique-looking vessel dominated one page. The caption beneath the photo explained that this particular King of the Sea was the "Egabrag," a frequent visitor to Catalina Island. When photo­graphed. the Egabrag was anchored off Casino Point.

1111., • . • . - 11 "'°"' s.• .. a:•,...,._• t-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;::;;;;:;;:;;;:;;:::=::=========================:; attl Pl-~y. awl> lrwlM ........ ..._, I t'

I studied her low-s lung s tem, her s ilhouette im· age , he r bow-heavy cabin structure . I wondered how our esteemed boating editor would classify such a unique vessel ''

BUT THEN I READ ON. I learned from the cap· tion that the vessel's name " Egabrag" is Garbage, spelled backward .

Egabrag is a ga rbage scow. " It is returning to American waters after spend­

ing several weeks in the Republic of Panama," the caption writer explained.

Republic of Panama? What's going on here?

ONCE UPON A TIME around here. we already had more garbage than we knew what to do with. Now we 're importing it?

Well anyway. no sense studying this yacht in any detail I really don 't think Egabrag will be compel · ing in the Ensenada race.

Her fumes might cause that first cancellation.

IHK"· M•y•-7lrom1J JO to~'·"'· •,...,....

Sllll• tt~I, 2'01.._,__ ~. C.-le ...... Ma, • from a•·"'· lo S ,._,,._ at 0r._ 0...

VMCA, llDOUniwoHy Or . ........ rt 9MCll. Mo 12 - "trom • » '° t P."" .i -~

nell ~IM ..._.ks. kllcllftt 1>1. SJ01 801 ........ . t1Ul\tlf'41*\ ......

,,. .... - 1$ "°"'. ··"'· le 12:• - • F•tr~ltw State HOOC>flel, 1'01 ... .._ 81 ...... , C.le Mew

May " '""" a •·"" I• s p.m. a t ,,_,.. v.dt LHr"l"9 (Aftte< . 1"° - V•'* Or"'9 EMI, CCXI• Mew.

M•y " · 1', - J..,. 2 '""" 7 '° to p.m . .i GrHnbroo& •-rt AMO(lelioft C--. ,.,,, ~~1e20Joe.:"t,5:;~",~•!'.i· ..,,,., Fairview Stele Ho.W>llel, tlOI ... rtlor llwd., c:.:!\ 111\eW I

May 10, 11, - J UM > friln\ 1 lo 10 p.m . •I Hug Hospll•I , JOI Newport 8 1.,;t., *wsi-n a .. c,.

May JO lrom a• m. to S p.m. et Orentit o..t v M CA. tJOO uni .. rsay Or ., Colla Mesa.

•e1c11uone1 lntormetlon "'4IY lie Gll(al- 11y <• ll1n g Bev .trbyd et C••stllne Community CollitOe , 9Ul044

Savings u9ged SACRAMENTO CAP > - The

Senate tax committee bas ap­proved an $8() million biJI that it hopes will encourage people to open or expand savings accounts. The bill would let taxpayers take a deduction of $200 for an in· d1vidualorS400for a marriedcou· pie for interest earned on savings accounts

j$23,000 .just to get by I

;Labor Dept . says family of 4 needs $34,409 to live 'higher' • : t ~. WASHINGTON <AP l It costs : the average American family f of four more than $23,000 a year · just to maintai n a moderate ! standard of living, the Bureau of ~ Labor Statistics says . l The LabOr Department seid that a family comprisine a husband, non·working wife and two children needs $23,134 for an " intermediate" standard of liv· inl, based on last fall's prices.

That was up 12.8 percent frq.m an estimated $20,517 oeeded the year before.

THE DEPARTMENT also calculated that an American lam Uy ot four would }leed '34,«>9 a year to mainUln a "hlcher" 1i.ndard of living, up 13.5 per· cent from $301317 a year aao. ... 'be family wowd need $14,°'4 to maintain a " lowu" llvlnl stan· dard, up U .t percent from '12,585 a year aao.

The bureau surveyed 25 major cities . It ahowe d th at Anchoraae, Honolulu, Boston, New York and lhe Di•trict of Columbia are the coatUeat placee for a family of four to maintain a moderate standard olUvl.ni.

Tbe study It the "lD· tennediate" level 1b0Wed tt COil lbe hriothetlcal taD1'1Y Of four 12e.eta ·- to maintain t~at ~,_. BitDI iB A.Dea.or....

~.-..• a fliDIJi DMdld -~·· a rear c.1'9 llOllohaJu, "7 ,0Jt In ...._, ... T• In lf•¥1 Yort, and > •

$25 ,203 in Washington. the na· lion 's capital.

THE HOUSEHOLD budget dollar went further , the study s howed, in Dallas, $20,766; AtlaJJta , • Zl , 131 : H ou1ton , $21,572 and St. Louis, $22,248.

Annual family budgets needed for a ''higher' ' standard are led by Honolulu, at $44,396, followed by Anchorage , $4 2,125; New York , $(2,736; Boston. $41,306.

and District of Columbia , $37 ,398. Dallas requires the smallest budget , $30,771 , followed by Atlanta, $31,229; Houston. $31.519 and Cindnnati. $32,353.

For a " lower" standatd of liv­ing , a family needs the moet money in Anchorage, $20,98'7; Honolulu, $18,480; San Fran· clsco·Oakland, $15.735 ; Seattle· Everett, Wash . , $15,38-C, and Wa~hiflllOn, D.C .. $15,392.

Life expectancy ~ drops 3112 months

A lirl COUld look forward to Tl .5 ye.an ot Ult, comMnd wtt.b 71.I for ~ born t.b• 7eir before

and 11f.1 tqr her JO.year old •ii· ter. ' · ,

Pearl Jewelry Caravan Save 40%

Save 40o/o on entire stock of lustrous

' ' pearl jewelry. Select from earrings, fine cultured pearl


necklaces and rings. Sales prices effective April 25th to May 10th.


• •


·---------------- - ----- --- ------

Dlllll l:lllT




83 84 87

mill interest rates continue to rise or fall? ... B5



·Bal Isle bridge repair stirs tempers 87 STEVE MARBLE Of .. Oeltr ..........

Tempera nued and an1ry wordJI were exchan1ed Thun· day when workers repairlna the 81\boa l1land bridse closed orr the l wo-lane struclun lo traffic for 20 minutes.

Shopowners along Marine Avenue on the island reported that irate . h o rn · honkina

motorlata waitin1 lo cl'Oh the bridge began yellinc 1t the workers at one point.

Police were called when a number of driven began settin1 out of their cars •nd ap · proachi111 bridce workers . Merchants said they feared fiat fights might break out.

'' I called the police because a bunch of driven _were really

harasalog this one fla1 womao," said shop employee Donna Held. " It was a total meas ."

A number or merchanu sug· seated that bridge workers were asking for trouble by cloeing down the bridge and holding up moloriats. The bridge project, which has slowed traffic on the island for months , is a sore point

witb Balboa Island merchants and resident.. "It wu really poor planninl

on \he worken' part," 1u11ested one island bulineaaman. "It sot crasy. People were yelllns . driv· ins all over the place - I was just ,,.,aitinS for a fight ."

The closure. a city official said , was called so a cement truck ~ould maneuver.

The contractor on the bridge job, Peter Kiewit and Sons. could not be reached for com· ment on the closure.

Lloyd Dalton , a Newport Beach city engineer, said the ci· t y was not forewarned of the closure.

" We kind of wish the y wouldn't do things like that.'' Dalton su""ested. " It 's a very

dHficull proJect but you can't just close down the bridge."

He said he was informecl that bridge workers did as mu~h yell· ing as the motorists did ~~

Police. who said the see~ had calm ed when they arrived . re · ported they did their best to cool tempers a nd get motpri s ts ac ross the bndge - qu1cktJ

SCAG ey~s airport New report favors ~endleton location By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL

Of Ute OMlr ...... St.fl New impetus for deveJopment

of a regional airport on the Camp Pendleton Ma rine Corps base in northe rn San Diego County is being given in a report prepared by the So uthern Ca lifornia Association of Gov e mments

Planners for the assoc1at1on have concluded that an airport at the base could be an accepta­ble alternati ve to an earlier SCAG proposal that a maJor. longhauJ facility be constructed on an offshore island near the Los Angeles and Long Beach harbors

Under the Ca mp Pend leton proposal, the regional ai rport - similar in size to Los Angeles International - would be constructed near Oceanside at the south end of the base

Planners estimate the Camp Pendleton airport would cost about $820 million . well below the $2.5 billion es timated for the offshore £acility.

Locating the airport at Camp Pendleton. which ts bisected by the heavily trave led San Diego Free way, would benefit rest dents in both Oranj?e and San Diego counties. SCAG planners say. . And they point out that loca lion of an airport at the base would reduce some of the de mand on John Wayne Airport in Or ange County and Lindbergh Field in San Diego County.

H e nr y We daa . a Yo rba Linda c it y co un ci lman who chai rs the SCAG avia t ion com· rnttl<>e. said 1t will s till be some time before a final recommen­dation 1s madt' on whether to pursue a r t-gtonal ai rport ill Camp Pendleton or off thl· Long Beach coast

He said further in\ est1gatwn of the Camp Pendleton proposal ts needed , terming ex1st1ng data '"ve ry prcltminary ·

A maJor . 1f not thr maJor stumbling block to lot' atwn uf an airport at the base cou ld be re­s1s tan('(' from tht' Manne Corps

The corps l rad1t10nally has re Jetted an)' suggestion that part of I ht• base be used for ;i n airport

Detty ............ .., LM ,...,._

Prote$ters boycotting Coors beer carry signa in Santa Ana, objecting to the dtstributing company'& involvement in county·sponaored f'eCJIClino da11. Proceeda oJ eoent go to Sitton Home.

Cl\lplanner Roberts to quit post Anthony departs

Hoqg Hospiial Recycle pr,o~est light. , .


Despite flap, Teamsters donate $500 to facility About 75 people came out at

luncht ime Thursday at the Santa An a Civic Cente r to protest an Orange Gounty s ponsor .!d re­cycling day involving the Coors Dis tributing Co

Others . however . didn ' t seem to mmd that Coors was helping in a recyc ling dri ve t<1 raise funds for construction of a new fa c ility fo r th e Albe rt Sitton Hom e .

Offi cials ~ai d they raised about $138 by re cyc ling 354 pounds of a luminum

Not lo be outdone or to look like villains the Tea msters

Un ion donated $500 to the new faci lity. called Orangewood. on behalf of all organized labor.

Later in the day cam e another su rpri se . Sa nta Ana bus i · nessman Ron Adams. who owns an insulation company. pled~ed $5.000 to the Sitton Home. Adams apparently was upset about the protests. officials said

Coors has been a boycott target of labor and othe r special inte rest groups since about 1978. At issue have been some of the co mpany's labo r practi ces. which opponents claim are un­fair or undignified .

The protest of the reo:c l

in~ dav. however. brouj?hl some s harp response fro m county leaders

Supervisor Bruce Nestande Is· sued a wntten response Thurs· da y afternoon to Mary Yunt. sec r e t a r y . treasurer o f the Orange County Labor Council.

·' I full y under s tand a nd respect any group's nght to reg­is t e r prot ests," h e sai d . However. it is obvious that you had no desire to resolve the is­sue but rather chose to use this event to publicize your conflict with the Coors Brewing Co. The self serving exploitation of th.is charitable event for your selfish purposes was wrong "

27 5 farm workers held Suspected illegal aliens taken in Irvine fields

U S Border Patrol offt cers look about 275 farm workers. suspected or beini in this coun try illegally. into custody during a raid on two Irvine strawberry fi e lds.

A Border Patrol spokesman said about 35 officers were in­volved in the raid which lasted from 10 a .m . until ll a .m . Thurs­da y at the fields near the junc-

tion of the San Diego and Santa Ana freeways

One of the fields r aided Thurs­day belongs to the Irvine Com­pany . Compan y s pokesma n J e rry Collins said that about 45 workers were arrested.

" We didn't lose enough people to really slow down the picking and we're working with a full crew now," Collins said. He said

Celebrate UCI has plenty of activity

There will be plenty lo do this weekend at the UC Irvine cam· pus . whkh is located in Irvine near the intersection of Campus and Univenlty drives.

The events include:

Career Fair~ set in Mesa

Tbt dowotown Coata Meu Kl.rula Oib 11 co-1poosor of UN •Hill,

the Irvine Company requi res workers to show a green card, known as an '"am ica" among farm workers. before they are hired.

He added that some ca rds are found to be forgeries. " We really have no way of de termining whether a card is legitimate or not." Collins said.

The Border Patrol spokesman said about halr the people work· ing in the fields Oed when the of­ficers drove op. Reportedly those who were taken into custody were loaded into four buses and taken lo the Mexican border after processin1.

The spokesman said the raid was the fint ln Oran1e County in about a year. He said imml· graUon olfidab recently lifted a ban on " farm checks."

Reportedly repreaentatives of the state and U.S. departmentl of aartcult.ure were pruent dW' lna the raid . The deported worlt•ra can collect the wain due them by applying to the Mexican consul, the apokesman aald.

.. Familie& 101J8ht to hos teachen

Tb• 41ner1c1n Host Found1tioG fl looktnc tor Oranse Cou.nty famlUes tntereaUd ln bOIUna 1 teec~!f..£.r#D Europe duriq S'¥b­or A.._..(~ loi'tlther a 1·10daf vii­lt, OT 110-:14 d&J ltaJ.'

AppUeaU.. m\llt be ••bliiltted W1\h\o tbe next f•w wffb and m 11 be obtained by pboiilAI ~·S7ll.

Costa Mesa 's director of plan · ning and development services has restened to accept a more lucrative position in the pnvate sector .

Charlie Roberta , 42, of Yorba Linda tendered hla realanaUon Thursday. effective May 15, but said today he' ll slay with the ci­ty through May Z2 at the request of City Manager Fred Sorsabal.

Sorsaba l said assistant plan· nmg director Douglas Clark . 36, of Huntington Beach will as · sum e Roberts ' vacated post.

Roberts s aid he has accepted a position with Willdan As· sociates of Anaheim He' ll be vice president of tha t firm 's Envista planning division

Willdan Associates is one or three firms u~der contract by the city to d~~ building plan check operations ~hen the build· ing department . one....of Roberts' departments. 1s fa~g work overloads.

Roberts joined the c1 m July 1975 as planning .dir tor and became the head of both the planning and building depart · ments when they were merged in April 1979.

Several building department emplovees res igne d in the months following. including act­ing building director Bill Kumer who is now with the City of Garden Grove.

Roberts said today he is leav­ing his $343,000· a -year post because of " an opportunity for some personal advancement and one that I can't pass up."

He added, " It wc&s a very dif· ficult decision to make, though, I 'II teU you. I have realJy en­joyed my employment with the city. my association with the cl· ty employees , the Planning Com mission and the City Coun­cil."

County slates parish youth oountry fair

The Catholic Diocese of Ounge will bold ill 1nnual Youth Festival and Country Jo'alr Saturday at M11on Re&lonal Park ln Jl'Ylne.

The daylona event wUl bestn 1t 10 a .m . and end at g p.m . Featured will be same boothl, r-.laya, coo.teat.I. llve elltertaln· ment and food bOOtbl.

V artom pa.rilh youth mlllltll'J 1rousw lD the county will apomor the act.lvlti•. A.- outdoor mu• will be celebrated by prt•tl m>m th.rouchout tM COWltY at' p.m.

A f• of $1 wUl be charaed (or parklna wide lbt park. All famlU• and youoa mlnl1try 1rou119 are lllvttecl to take put In tb• ulebratton, Naton Retlooal ~_,. cu be reac:bed bf takllll U1 Sae Dle10 ,.,..._., to t.be Cul..er Ort.- ex· lt and tun.lftl r1#

Irvine Mayor Art Anthony has c hec ked o ut of lhe Mental Health Unit of Hoag Memorial Hospital in Newport Beach ts days after he allegedly beat h.is wire . Elaine . and in(licted a s upe rficial gunshot wound on her head.

Anthony , who checked out Thu rs day . remains under a court order to visit her only at her invitation. but fri ends or the Anthonys says the two have rec o n ci led a nd Mrs . Anthony doesn't intend to testi fy against he r husband .

Anthony was admitted to the Mental Health Unit on April 13 after being released on his own recognizance fro m O ran J(e County Jail. where he was being he ld on cha rges of assault with a deadly weapon and use of a handgun in the com mission of a crime .

The 50-yea r -o ld m ayor of Irvine is to be arra igned on those charges May t in Harbor Municipal Court He was un avai lable fo r comment today

Orange County Distri ct Attorney Cecil Hicks . whose of

ft ce intends to prosecute An thony ~th or without M rs An thony's coope'ratioh . has recom m e nded t hat Ir vine City Manager William Woollett Jr not release a report that ex plains what police were doing in the 35 hours 1t took to arrest An thony

The delay in the arrest led to questions 1n the community about Irvine Police Chief l..<:'O Pea rt ·s handling of the incident

Wooll e tt has co m mended Peart 's actions and 1s foJ\owing Hicks' recommendation not to re lease the report that provides a chronology of those actions

On April \I . 24 hours after be 1ng admitted to the Me ntal Hea lth Unit. Anthony was ar· rested on .suspicion of assau lt with a deadly weapon a nd plared m the Jatl ward of UC' I rvtnc Medica l Center

Anthony was transfe r red tu Orange County Jail on Apnl 13 and later the same day Judge Robe rt Polls ordered him re leased on his own recognizance

CdM bank buildi,ig to dim nighl lighls

Bank offi cials have agreed to turn down the lights at their Corona del Mar headquarters after neighbors complained that light was shining into their homes at night.

The agreement was reached Thunday evening after city of· Cicials threatened to revoke use permits for the Banx of Newport at 2101 East Coast Hiehway.

Residents along an eastern edte of Irvine Terrace told city officials they'd been after t.be bank for month.a to tum off or dlm light..

One resident claimed the bank was so brtaht at night t.t11t It looted like "a car lot.••

City officiall aaJd tbe bank hid cllmmed li&htl ••veral times · but that homeowner• weren't utlafied.

ln reacblDI the aareement Tbunday, Newport Beach ~8:_k ftinl commlnionera u'ed offlclaJI to tum off llcbtl. tn tbelr parkinl lot. to awttch off the bank'• alp and to cllm n&cbt U•bt.1 iD tbe bUlJcll.nC'• leeOad and tJdtd floors.

AdditkmaUY, the buk WW bit req ultecl to do land1capln1 aroliDd 1 w.U that !•Pal'atel

homeowners from the bank prop­e rt y The landscaping is ex ­pected to help block out the hom eowners' view of the bank .

Burglar uses hacksaw in Balboa theft

A burglar armed with a hacksaw crawled through' an air vent lnto a Balboa Peninsula amusement arcAde Thursday_. sawing the locks orr a s~fe and rtfllna 43 electronk gamef.

The thief, owners b f the Balboa ArCade told officers, get\ $2,500 in cub from the safe ano an uncalcula'ted amount ot coln11e from the ~achines. ·

lnyesti1at.ln1 offtcen 18)' tho bur1lar entered the amusement center at 908 Edsew1ter Av•. by un1crewtn1 an 1lr vent plate abo•e a doOr and crawlln1 into the bulldiiai~ ·

Once lftll!dit~Ucc dalM, the lntrudlr c~ over the cell• ter'1 "80illiln~' eac:IWM add • pried open an GMft door. The buralar. pou~ 111, ••wild Off 1n•ral padlc>Ckl 1ee"1'hil the 1af• and tbell loCated lte~ to tbe coin box•• of the ;ame mac:hl.Del. .,

11 AVAST THER E, LUBBER : lli all the years your f altbful correspondent bas hung around the ocean front, I've develoJ>Fd two special interests in boata.

1 One ls if I'm on it ¥d the other is if I'm looking at it. If I'm on lt, I am very inte.rested in the fact that

it doesn't leak. . If I'm looking al ·~ it, I want it to be pre-

. tty. • fk M y p e r s o n a l ,, /:'ti\

''yach t meets both of· ~r these demands . She's TOM MURPHINf ,~~' / a pretty thing sitting -------- ---

- t h ere, leaning up against the garage wall. Most important, it doesn't leak when I'm in it because J hardly am. Upon rare occasions when we plan a sailing trip, I can almost always talk one of the youngsters into doing the row­ing. If the youngster does the rowing, then there isn't

· ·• room to get me in the boat. Therefore , no worries about leaking.

AS FOR PEOPLE who like to get into the boats , this coming Saturday marks !he weekend that really is. It's the annual Newport Harbor to Ensenada

· yacht race. Six zi llion yachts will be out t Plere, all trying to get across the starting line at the same time.

They should make a marvelous vista for sailboat lovers lining our shoreline from Newport to San Clemente. Unless, that is, all the yachtsmen decide to sail straight out to sea in order to capture favora ­ble breezes . Or the fog rolls in . Or they call off the race for lack of interest.

This has never happened. The esteem ed boating editor of this sterling

.The good ship Egabrag anchored off COS1no Point . CataltM f slond

journal, Al Lock a bey. gets pretty excited about this race every year. I' ve never really understood why. rt always ends the same way.


ONE BOAT WINS. All the rest lose. Anyway, I try ha rd to please Al Lockabey by

studying up on boats so I can tell the di!ference between ketch -rigged yawls, yawl-rigged ketches, twin catama ra ns and double~nded bellybusters.

Why only toda y. 1 was scanning through the Ava lon newspaper , the Catalina Is lander. and the picture of this unique-looking vessel dominated one page. The caption beneath the photo explained that this particular King of the Sea was the "Egabrag, 11 a frequent visitor to Catalina Island. When photo­graphed, the Egabrag was anchored off Casino Point.

I studied her low-s lung stern, her silhouette im­age. her bow heavy cabin structure. I wondered how our esteemed boat mg editor would classify such a unique vessel.,

Bl!f THF.N I READ ON. l learned from the cap­tion that the vessel's name .. Egabrag" is Garbage, spelled backward .

Egebrag is a garbage scow. " It is returning to American waters after spend·

ing severa l weeks in the Republic of Panama, 11 the caption writer explained.

Republ!c of Panama? What's going on here?

ONCE UPON A TIME around here , we already had more garbage than we knew what to do with. Now we're importing it?

We ll anyway. no sense studying this yacht in any detail I really don't think Egabrag will be compet­ing in the Ensenada race

Her fumes might cause that first cancellation.

CRITIC - Louisa Kennedy, wife ~f former hos t age Mo~ad C. Kennedy, told some news executives this week that many of their methods for covering major events like the l ran hostage story were " time wasting and exhausting." She said, for instance, that many hos tage families received phone calls with the same questions from people work­ing for the same organiza­tion . She spoke in Washington , D.C.

11 classes offered in CPR

Coastline Com munity College wall offer 11 nine·hour classes in Ca rdiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR l at van ous locations dur­ing May

The class is designed to train ind1v1duals in the techniques of CPR and obstructed airway maneuver to sustain life until medical help arrives .

Upon completion or the class, participants are certifi ed in ac· cord ancc with the s tandards of the American Heart Association and the American Red Cross.

Advance regis tration is ad­vised as enrollment is limited.

The following is a listing of date . time , and location of the classes :

M•, • • • • - 11,,..... 5 . • to •:• -- .. Bui Pl-°"""""''· - lrvlM Aft., ..._, 8e6(1\

Mey• encl 1from12 JO lo• p. m . • ,,......,.... Sl•t• HOte>ltel , JJOI He,_ l1¥d., C.ta ~ "'•••'"'"'I e .m to 5 p.m et Or .... 0... YMCA, 2JOOIJlll,,...lllY 0., He ..... rt llNC"'

Me' 17 .,.., It ll'Olft • . • lo."·"'· .. -~ nell °""91• ,ui.r-uu. a..tldlfte l>·I , SID1 Bois• Aft , H...tl"91°" .. ecll

Me' 14 - u from •• "'· to n:• ,. ...... f e lr• le• Stele .._ii.1, UOl HertlOt aML, c.ta Mew

M•' ,. lrom I • "'· 10 5 p m . el MeM v...­l urnl f>9 c-i... 1"° Mllw Verde O.IW Ee&\, CO\te "'4'w..

M•, ... a , - J .... l from 1 to 10 p.m .. GrHnt>r- -M" A160<Mllloft 0~ 11271 !>ante Joe_,e SI ., F-leln Valley.

Me' 2D - ti lrom ,_, to 4. 311 p.m . 8'' Fetr•lew !l\ale HO>c>ltel, UOI Kart.or 81-.G , C..IA AMM

M•r 10. 11. - J..,,. J """' 1 lo 10 p. m. et Ho•o HO•pOl• I, )01 Htwpo•I 81•0 . ... _n Beech

M•1 JO l•om I• m lo 5 p. m . e l Or-CO.. Y M CA , 7l001Jnhe rol1, O. .. Colle IMM.

Addlll-1 lnform~lon may be obtained by ,.111no Be• 8o'd et Coull lne Commun11, Coll~. ~»14

Savings urged SACRAMENTO CA P > - The

Senate tax committee has ap· proved an S80 million bill that it hopes will encourage people to open or expand savings accounts . The bill would let taxpayers take a deduction of $200 for an in­d1 v idual or~ooror a married cou­ple for interest earned on savings accounts

:$23,000 just to get by : Labor Dept. says family of 4 needs $34,409 to live 'higher' , WASHINGTON (AP J It costs : 'the average American family : of four rnore than $23,000 a year : just to maintain a moderate : standard of living , the Bureau of ! Labor Statistics says. ! The Labor Department said ; that a famil y comprising a ! husband. non-working wife and ' two children needs $23.134 for an j "intermediate" standard of Uv­J Ing , basedon lastfall'sprices. ; That was up 12 .8 perce nt l from an estimated $20 ,517 i needed the year b4:Core.

I T H E DE PA RT M ENT also i calculated that an American ~ family of four would need $34,409 f a year to maint ain a " higher" , l\Ultdard of living, up 13.S per-

J ~,from $30,317 a • year aeo. 1•!tfamlly would need $14,044 t.o miU1laln a ''lower" Uvlng stan-

1 ""'1 up 11.6 percent from Jf~ a year ago.

Tbe bureau surveyed ZS major cities . I t showed that

l Anchorage, Honolulu, Boston, J New York and the District of ( CoEbia are the coallieat 4 pla for a family of four t.o J ma a moderate standard

ol Uvln1. ! T h e 1tud y at t b e "ln· i termedlate" tevel showed ll cotl • the bY'POtlMtlcal family o( four

l! U~'IU : to maintai n t h at

"11\ .. •n t. Uvinl ln Anchoraae. ~a family needed $28,488 a 1e.1r lo Honolulu, t2'7.02t in Bottoo, Re,7'9 ln New York. and

$25 ,203 in Washington. the na· lion 's capital

T H E HOUSEHOLD budget dollar went further, the study showed , in Dallas, $20 ,766 ; Atlanta, $21 , 131; Houston . $21,572 and St. Louis, $22.248.

Annual family budgets needed for a " higher" s tandard are led by Honolulu, at $44.396. followed by Anchor age. S42 ,125 ; New York. $42.736; Boston, $41,306.

a nd District o f Columbia, $37 ,398 . Dallas requires t he smallest budget , $30 ,771 , followed by Atlanta , $31 ,229 ; Houston, $31 ,519 and Cincinnati, $32.353.

For a " lower " standard of liv­ing , a family needs the most money in Anchorage, $20,987; Honolulu, $18 ,480; San F ran­cisco-Oakland, $15,735; Seattle· Everett, Wash .. $15.384. a nd Washington , D.C .• $15,392.

Life expectancy drops 3 112 months

NEW YORK <A P) -American life expectancy has fallen for the flnt Ume stnce 1968, an insurance company re· ported . It said an Amerlcan bom in 1980 can anllclpate livlq 73.8 years, or about 3~ months lest than one born in 1979.

But \he Uf e expectancy wu a full three yean 1reater than tn lt'10.

For a new·bom boy, Ute ex· p.c~ wu 10.1 yean. com· pared to 70.2 lD 11'1 aQd $7.1 la 1970.

A airl cOuld look fonrard w 77 .$ yean of life, comp~ trit.b 1'7.t for one born t.be year Won .

and 14.7 for her 10-year old sis­ter .


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Save 40C}'o on entire stock of lustrous pearl jewelry. Select from earrings, fine cultured pearl necklaces and rings. Sales prices effective April 25th to May 10th.

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One day only, Saturd•i, Aprll 25th 11 am-4 pm Includes



Another rare metal rolle~ coaster - this one in eoldandsllvercoin "inveatbll' - is underway.

Tbe lure : Again , it 's greed. Gains in coins have run 15 percent to SO percent a year. with small " downside riisk ," you a re U>ld. Forget that gold bullion prices plunged in 1980; ignore the hair-raising history of the s lide in silver prices. .

Gold and sitver com.t are different, the "com bugs" say : a rtistic, like painli!"gs; ~nd in .limi~d amounts. like land . And the numis matic push ttl shirt~ ing into hig h gear

- A GJANT food f irm <General Mills J owns a big West Coast co in

S -Y-LVl-A -PO-RT-IR-~ " gallery . " A . . m ajor conglomerate <Wa rner Communications I re· centh bought Fra nklin. a n important mint A New York. Stock broke r ' 811che1 has jus t acqui red Jackson Precious Metals, an Ohio s melte r

- THE $30 MILLION a uction of Johns Hopkins Uni vers1tv's Garrett Collection °"as completed a short whiie ago . Yale has sold a s ingle. fabled 1787 Brasher doubloon for $600.000. The institutions a re seeking \\ays to help solwe thei r financial problems

- - FOREIGN NATIONS ARE issuing increasing amoun l~ of " bullion-ty pe" coins : South Africa's krugcrrand . Canada 's Maple Leaf. Mexico's SO· peso. Austria's 100-corona . Even China is into "coins ."

- AT LEAST TWO rare-coin mutual funds have been ereated Some banks now sponsor numismatic Keogh and I RA plans Coin dealers a re hiring - or calling themselv es - " tn\'Cstment counselors "

- ONE VETERAN DEALER estimates 40 per· cent of his bus iness today is with wou ld-be investors , against 5 J)erct:nt in 1970

With all this going on . how can you lose? Ouch ! "Com~ have become a multtbillion dollar busi­

ness . and regrettably. the industry has attracted its s ha re or shady operators." says David L Ganz, legislative counsel lo the Amencan Numismatic As­sociat101)

" IN T HE PAST DECAD.E, coio robberies are up 200·300 percent." echoes Glenn Smedley, another AN A off1 c1al Po lJC:t> a re pleading fo r loca l-state laws to regulate coin de alers ·

Other problems include : coin altering, misgrad­mg. misidentification , com damage <improper handl· ing, cleaning, mounting , storage i. high purchase-sale markups, expens ive insurance, outright counterfeit,,. ing . And all this on top of plain bad timing.


t, S0, 100 1 132,900

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.r._rOll t~.200 11 ''> il, Intl llnkt'01 11k,OOO 3"' + ' lo HouOllTr td,100 lllo l !lo N•w !>roe 1U,600 1 "- • 1 o .... , "" 121.AOO 10"' • •• W•"9 8 121 ,lCIO 00' • 1 "-Syntn CO<p 10l.SOO 4'3~ • 1 ~ Oorch\tGu 13,.IOO 16~ t. GulfCa n o 77,000 21111. '.\ Tech<t Ta~ 74 ~ ... • '-'

METALS C..... lS~tenUe poo...i, U.~. -11 ,...

tlorH LH• »-JI c..-ts a_..,, lhtc 4.l\lo Gents•~. 4tllwred Tl• .... 1117 lilel.all W•ll <°'"410t1 .. ID Al•m'- 1• unu a pound, H Y l'l•tl-~.00 1"'T 01 ., H. Y.


GOLD QUOTATIONS ~: INmlne n111no "'us . ... u.u. Le .... ; ··--,,.,,,. ...... . ..... ~ l'ul• : e1w,..., 11x1no UIA.16, Ufl MIA f'rNk9-t: ll•1t-o...-..c11 . .. a.o1 . Z11r!Ctl: i.te . , .. ,_ fl•lnt "'2.00, ..

ll .00 ; SMS.OOa«ed. H••d' a H•,.,..••· enly da lly qwte

...,, jO . ... " 00. • .,.._.... only ...... , ~ ........ ..

16.00 . • ........,..: Ot\ly ""' ..- .-r1c.e,

IJ1'.21, uP .....



NEW 'IO· tolEMS ••• '8011.E NEW '80 900 :=


(22988) s 1 0 ,400 (17275) SJ J 1510 (217~) s 11, 946

.NE• '80 980 := ,,...,, 512,957 HIRRYI 111ESE WM'T LAST LMll

f11tl1ori z••d