37 MEASURING ENTI{EPRENEURIAL ORIENTATION'TO - DETERMIN E TI.IE ENigCfON ED-U CATION : A N ATIONAL CU RRICULUM INTERV ENTION $t Ingrid Ie Rctux, Nlarius Preloritsund Soll'ie Millarcl 1, Introductiou andBuckground IntlrecurrenteconomicclimaleinSoutlrAfricanranystudontsfind themsolves watrrout workutt' ift"it secondar'/ schoot education (gmde l2) andoflen wirh-*'i",r"iio" of working for thernselves but only ainring to find "n,proy*e,;ii.l tn" rot-rr'"t ,eitot. It is believed that en- hanoing e ntrepreneu,,i' ip' ii'io"gh tlrede v€lopilr entof entrepreneurial orienlation maynotoniy"J;;;t"tii; problenr' butrnay also benefit th<r S outh Afri ca' ."on*'v ;;;;;;' brn"b'a (I 99 8'. p' 2 ) u1g,t:1-th * tlre lasti' g solurio* "fi,i;,";.y* ",u ii.r in self-ernploy,r't"nt throu gh .. entreprei',eurisation" of thesociety' Accordiug to tne Global En'trepreneurship- Monit: !9?|.vlJ fFoxcrofft, Wood, rew, Herrington andsegal'2007' p'4) en increastng ;J;so: ..i", *rtlli,i iourr., i.rr"u about thei*Doftance of entrepre- neurslrip in ""onontit'a*u"top*unt'^Accordirrg lo Van Aardt' Vatr Aardt and Bezuidenhi;itd;i:;'ti' Soutl' Africa' likenraDv otlier de' ffi pi;4;;*:',*il*,1;'lim:tl;J"f#T"'l,th:''J:',':ll' Hl,illll:T1""ilil;; a;r, *irr, onririir. *oi'i* out orevery hundred adulrs berngilil;;;e"' 1noJcroft etal'' 2002' p'4)' 1'he kev factor iu changing the status qu-o' ot"o'di'rg to tlle GDNI report' is education (Foxcrofi et al',2002' p'))' 'A :'new" ,',otional-o'iJc;;;;:;;d education curriculum (2005) has been implemented f;;t ooi-.au"uriorr with oneof its aints being to Pictola lrnprcxy'stnall Busirtss n' J' 2001 6T/28 JVI] I]_sf 9-l,l0NoDl'9NI 'drc Y tqraB9lfB0 '9I239L188 'E ITI EAAZ/88/9I

Measuring entrepreneurial orientation to determine the effect of education

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$t Ingrid Ie Rctux, Nlarius Prelorits und Soll'ie Millarcl

1, Introductiou and Buckground

IntlrecurrenteconomicclimaleinSoutlrAfricanranystudontsfindthemsolves watrrout work utt' ift"it secondar'/ schoot education (gmde

l2) and oflen wirh-*'i",r"iio" of working for thernselves but only

ainring to find "n,proy*e,;ii.l

tn" rot-rr'"t ,eitot. It is believed that en-

hanoing e ntrepreneu,,i' ip' ii'io"gh tlre de v€lopilr ent of entrepreneurial

orienlation may not oniy"J;;;t"tii; problenr' but rnay also benefit th<r

S outh Afri ca' ."on*'v ;;;;;;' brn"b'a ( I 99 8'. p' 2 ) u1g,t:1-th *

tlre lasti' g solurio* "fi,i;,";.y* ",u

ii.r i n self-ernploy,r't"nt throu gh

.. entreprei',eurisation" of the society'

Accordiug to tne Global En'trepreneurship- Monit: !9?|.vlJfFoxcrofft, Wood, rew, Herrington andsegal'2007' p'4) en increastng

;J;so: ..i", *rtlli,i iourr., i.rr"u about the i*Doftance of entrepre-

neurslrip in ""onontit'a*u"top*unt'^Accordirrg

lo Van Aardt' Vatr

Aardt and Bezuidenhi;itd;i:;'ti' Soutl' Africa' like nraDv otlier de'

ffi pi;4;;*:',*il*,1;'lim:tl;J"f#T"'l,th:''J:',':ll'J:Hl,illll:T1""ilil;; a;r, *irr, onririir. *oi'i* out oreveryhundred adulrs berngilil;;;e"' 1noJcroft et al'' 2002' p'4)' 1'he

kev factor iu changing the status qu-o' ot"o'di'rg to tlle GDNI report' is

education (Foxcrofi et al', 2002' p'))''A :'new" ,',otional-o'iJc;;;;:;;d education curriculum (2005) has

been implemented f;;t ooi-.au"uriorr with one of its aints being to

Pictola lrnprcxy'stnall Busirtss n' J' 2001

6 T / 2 8 J V I ] I ]_sf 9- l , l0NoDl '9NI 'drc Y

tqraB9lfB0' 9 I 239L188 'E IT I EAAZ/88 /9 I

3 8

develop a SoLrth Africa that is internationally corn-petiti:::]-:31t"*

tlot" * engage in enfeprenourial activity in orderto prepere learners

for the world of *o* is o th"n," ru'ning througlr the content of tlrc

Econornic and Manage*o.ti i.i.n.e ( gVf S) leaririug area". increasing

in deptlr and breadtlr-f; d;" ) rc Crade 9 (DoE' 1997' p'6)'

pretorius and Le noux (io0+; inu"srigut"d. the contribution of tire Eco-

nomic and Managet"tliitil 'tte (arfts) leanring area of Curriculrrm

2005 in South Africa iro* trr. perspecrive of its contribution to the en-

halrcemeut of -,,tr"pron"uriat orieriration' Thev concluded that oppor-

tunities do exist fo, l*.n.,t to clevetoP the dimensions for EO as pro'

posed by Lurnpki' anO'^iieit lfOlO;.'i Accorcting !o Pretorius and Le

il;; (r004)t ia*, ""

p'i;; ;;" ".fo

patient arid the intentio' of the

new curriculum to ,r""ri-oi, Eo ;" s.utl'r Africa should be applauded'"' -

ff o*"u*r, typical * *r'"pt"neu rial .training programs.'^tf e clver-

ug" oi"onrrlrt i, ttr" "usy part-Pretnrius (2001) arsues that if the educa-

tion process does not uti". tlr. behaviour oflthe-learner, no learning

takes place' Content *J 'utt'"'''to to changed behaviour are therefore

not suffic;ent' There r* '"ue'ut other elements such as the facilitator'

iir" ioo.ning environment and rnury rnore to consider' Then' ere too

,".tty tit'"itxtemal f*l;; ilry'nt jn South Af ioa to conclude that

the EMS enhances ",,"'p'"iluurial orientatiolr (Pretorius & Le Roux'

2004). This paper .";;;i;t;piiitut nnaings ;bout the outcontes of

the EMS intervsntion imPact'Clihabra(1998r p.'i;';;ues tl'at all lurners pessin-g

liti:i:*l" "d-urutioi, ,yrt"* havl nvo

"are*t options' namoly wage-employment or

rrrf-r*pi.rJtent' The ma;otity oi l"'''tt's' however' preltr wage-em'

;;;;;il ;.d onlv a few learners venture into a self-employrnent or

entrcpreneur rar career. V ""-nutai"t

at' (2 000 ; o t)j::Ili:.:^''i:n ""

ricans in goneral ut" noi "Ju""t"a

fbr beconring ent"pren"urs' but for

errtering the labour ,,tu'ttt as ernployees tfiertiy being consunrers of

existingjobs inr,.ua oi""^[tt oi"t* jobs' tn order to stirnulate selt'-

-employrnenq on api'ofriate ctiruate ftrthe developing of entrepre-

neurial orientatron ftt[';;;t;d which may result in a paradigm

shift ftonr job seeker to job creator' -al ori-

Educatiorr is see ri as i nrajor tool for developing entrepreneun'

ent8tion through t t;;;lt;";ti"ulum' 'l'o understarrd *le EO leanttng

mode, conrparisons ffi;;ffi;;;;kt of different authors are madeto

determinc *neur", tiliiri"g,t," ai*ensions o1'Eo encompasses all as-

pects of tlreir work-

,srz}sLrss p]-: r r sszz /88 /er6r /s,8 h H l:,, V CI I1S:3-t^10N03: '9NrdrC v

b i l ( 8 9 / r B 0


2. Literature

2. L Narure tf' entrepreneurial oriet$atiort

Much rcsearch rias already becrr done o^ defini'g entr epreneurialorieri'

tation in an or-garrisationoi J''rt*t' flie tenn ""r'ept"t'teu'iai


(EO) has been used ttl refpr to the srrarcg'y'nrakins process artd styles of

fi nns that engose,n uno"ii.*il; ;ti" lf* 1! ""Pkil ^'i ?:':i.l.Y,


6.;iilffi;hip in irr" corPorati "onry)tl is described as a durrenstotr

of strategic posture ttilt;;;;;a irnn's risk taking prop?r':itvllli*n'y

;il;?J;pedti"eta+;:J".',t':i[,"":[ilTAAiliJ?i:ffi f fJfrequart and extensive p. roduct innovatlon'. 11;main ofentrepr*n",,"t'iip is no longer rcstricted in a conceptual sense to the

independenr n"* uun# i;;;;=;;;!covin and slevin' l99l: Dess'

Lumpkin and Covitl iq-95)' Ct".*'and.Siovin (1991) describe entrsPre-

nourial organisations * "'g*i*tions

wittr ar cNrePreneurial posture' t'e-

il; firm; in which partioular bchavioural pafiems recur'

\'ab, I - Elements of EO as tlescribec! \t Le l?ttux (2003) based on Lumpkirr' & Dass


-,E9-!tlil:tltsll1. - -$-t'it ids!- -

Autonorry ^;;;";;;tq"lill"9,l'.i*:gTdcnLsin5tcnindc<ll>coplewithatrtc spirit who urc sclt orrecrr;o uirhcirluisuir t'r a nsw idca und

r** li'*'uUiiity to crrry thcir itlea rlrrou'gh to @nrplctioo'

R i s k L a l c i n g R i s k i s n o t s e c n u r u . e g r l r h , | . c b u t . l t | l o p p o r t u n i r y ' c u r e h r l | y . c a l c r r | u t c dttiltili;'i;;'v'*i'Jila uirot" <nrhskine on it (van A0r0t ct rr''

Zo00: 8)' Liles ( I 974) "'

q"otto iilttina pta'"on (1000 I a06)

idcnrifij<l lour cr'iticul risk arcrs ftit-a Uy tttt ""uellrcncut' nunely

fit\anciul risk' csrEer rlsE 'unt"v''itii-toiiti iisl' und crnotiourt risk'

F;s-uelivcness Webslcr's 9'e Ncv Cotlcgiatc Dir:tiotrery (1991:937) dcfincs

"l"l,ii,t.""rr" us u"tins.i n.tuioii*lo-n.oi r"iut" p'ofJ;1j,: fl"'di

["'ltH1l;lrlfiJffi l"i"-'Jlic"1:'i':"'ffi 3';::1'iilffi Hib ilitrti"tii'g itnos *d crcating a dcnrand'

lnrrovsl,ivcttsss lnnovslion csn bo scetl as-th-c'rcndenoy io ElltEgc irt nnrl support

nerr idcusandcrr :at ivcproccsscsthclmi ly . rc iu| t in lew,Prooucu'

ffil*#il"'""';*;:li';ffi;';'trcriidi'rgcnu"g':sk'arrcltdvCurnl>ctitivc uggressivc' ctn'paitiu" "a;T.',t11:f,:l::*r:l'',f;Trll;;";11fiiflilt":ll-;;"^""'-

* F,f;:i."',.1'l"lll/,,..*f!o',,i[liion'*c"to,,tt',v



Entrepreneurial orientation involves processes including auton-

51 /V8 9Vd I IS:9- I , ' IOND3: '9NI 'd IC V

,917"891 t B 0v 9 r z 8 9 L r 8 g t E : r T 9 8 8 7 ' / E 8 / 9 r


omv. fisk takirrg, pro-ectiveness' iunovativeness and colnpetiiive ag-

_,"i;trJi,; l;;Z ;i*T;rrr. ii_:r'.'*e five dinrensions of Eo as seerr

f;"il;ffi;;tD;;; (lb;' p' r jt) "rari$r the Qoncept' and altrrorrslr

eacrr dimenrion *uy i.'"i.r,l.a as'salieni ro entreprcneurship, thel'

may also vary indepettdently in a giverr, context' However' all five di-

mensions are central i" "iraJ*"ncl"ing

the entreprerreurialprocess and

lil;";;; ;;;; il difrerenr conr bi nati ons' dependifl g on the enrepre-

neurial oPPortuntlY'

2 -2. Enlrepr ene ur s hi p und e dac ati o n

There is currently a great deat of activiry in what might be broadly

termed the fisld of enterprise anf entreDrencurship education in

schools and colteges af."lJi,ig ro flre D_epartmont of Education's se'

nior phase poticy oo"um"nt (dog, tggz), suscessful national econo-

mies of the future *ili't.,uuu as rlreir key competitive advantage the

.tlfil titfruir people. According_to this docume*t' long-tenn Prosper-

ity will depend o,., tr..'q-,iJi;;?ilt;*"rkforoe- Sourh Africa is seek-

ine, like oflter counl,il"' tJ enhauco its ct:nrpetitive 'advantage by

br-inging general uni t*ti'"' education and training up to the level of

the demand, uf ."o,ro,ii" ,ia ro"iur proj.ecrions. I n South AliiCa' out-

conres-baseo eou"atil,., t:ogEl L., be"n-introduced in schools through

C urri culu'r Z0 0 5 (Zil; i ln ".lu

r i. brid ge the_inequal ityllnt _e_llsts


a result of the separate iou"lop'n"nt policies of the past' E :11]i"


Iri;;fu;",rt Science-education is now ilnpternerrted from an early age

up to grade 9. EMS I o* "i

tf''t eight leamins arcas in tlre curriculum

deaf ingwith or*pt*"-""'f''lp*iUtitiiftit learniirg area(DoE'199'7'p'2\'

Comparisons in the field of entreprentlurshif :9"uti:1t,iiecompli-csie-d-;;ause of difreiences in objectives and in the tneaning ot ternrs

used ro describe pr;;;;ffi;, iFi".rior, 200 t, p. 95). Manv of the

p ro gramnes fbr -enteipri se or entrepreneurship e-ducation througho ut

the world take pracJliitftin o'' as an adjurrct to the education sysem'

This eives rise to u *ttl' otti'su"s 'uc-h as the acceptance by teachers

;ii;ffi;;ih"riil;;tr,is ro"" of education and the degree to

which the program;;; ;; linked- to' and fonn perrt of' the main-

ti""" t"tt.ol'curriculurn (Gibb' 1993' p' l2)'

Afier all is said and done' entrepreueurship educatigl yal']ust be

the solution ,o soutti etii"ut un.rptoyment problem, ltigh crime rate

a:rd low economic';;;ti; i""t'alne to N"i arrd Badenhorst-Weiss

(2002, p'14), the "tiatttng"

is to create a clintate of entrcpreneurial

6 r / 9 q A g lJ V - r ts:9- t,l!N03f ' 9N I ' d I0 Y

h 9 l ( B 9 t r B 0t 9 I Z 8 9 t T 8 0 r E : T I 9 g 8 Z / 8 8 / 9 r

4 l

learrr i rrginSout lrAfr icaandat leanstoimplerrrent i t 'Thismaybees.tablished once OBE is1*pl"n,rnted succissfully and pupils start to

thirrk tike entrePreneurs'

2. j. Entreprenvurial orierlatirtn and education

An entrepreleurial orientatiott is the tenden"y io t"t u,u[:o^t::-utlt'

ro innovate and take -iik;, i;- aigr".riue tow'ards comPetidon 11d to

;il;"ttr; i" ,.erng-tpp"n"inr* !f:ioon' and D^ess' lee6' p.

igzi. rlt. ultimare t<e/facior in improving learnvr performancc.' ac-

ccrrding to the GEM ttiol tlt"*iroft et al-'-lOOz)' is education' Educe-

tiou is aI environmenial faitor that reaches the youth of a country for

msnv vears "na snoutiT;;;;; ot "

roor for deveiopine Po {*Ygll-tl:ffi;:,ii;'i^-';;;;;ium. rn an arenlpt.to normalise the situatiofl rn

i"rir.,lfi.u, "u*iculum 2005 was implemenred in 1997.

2. 4. En tr e pr enew ial Or ie r$al io n le ar ni ng m od e

Business education can be seen as ttre "leamin-q organisatitl--.f:

tlre potcrrtial ",ltr"p'"neur'

lf one looks at tlre srnall busines's learntng

ffiJ;;;;iliti ciou (1e93' P-.le)' one seesthatteachingfor Eo

i'cludes alt activities ;i iltt; modei' bui encornpasses evell r'o1e- The

srnollbusine.sprouidesanenvironntentofurrcertainty'withkeycs-sences roinforoing conrmilrnenl to cope' a task structure which de-

mands enterpr.ising ;h;;i;;; and whlre t'u r"o.nine rnode (way of

learning) is oue of l.^t*;;&;"ip' ::l.l,*g problerns and grasping

ouoortunities. Table i shois itrat tf''J small-t-irm owner-rniulager's itt-

;xi"Hiliii; ;;-;;",prir*s ["h ̂ " i our will therefore be stim ut ated

and learning acquirod by enterprising means'

The i'rportan* ;&;iliti' itt tit proooss can never be overest-

rnated. Hijort a'd lo-hanrrison'(r997) argue that entreprcneurship is

about creativity "na

aciion' notjust about idea generation' not even 6

redqction to inventioil U"i i, iini,f i"s the en;ttn;nt of new-paferns of

'thinking and uen"uio;;l;ililit;" (rssij ;"d Driver (2001' p' 2)

, suqsest that tcaching"Jre"iiJity tlto"ldresuli in a change in behaviour'

rf one colnpares DJ;;'-t-;;;;s ior fosteririg "re"tiue-u:lllt:: *ft'

tlre Eo dime nsions, ong sees that teaching'lir creativiry compares fa-

""tlirv *ilt teact'ln! for EO' as sesn in Table 2'

The entrepreneu;i:i ffid;t"a" trttJd therefore focus on the

fivc dirncusions of g5 ruf,i"iii"?.tf*r basicalIy include alIthe sugges-

F 9 I Z B 9 L T 8 8 ' 9 : T I E Z A Z / C 8 / 9 76 r / 9 q IrsfS-l^ l0No33'9Nrdlc Y



tions made by authors such as Driver, with his creative steps, Fayolle

iidgsj, ;irh'tris kno*iJle sri,s.arid Gibb wirlr his small-brtsiness

leanring mode. To encourage teaohers-to promote EO' the ornphasis

l;ilHt.';l;;d ;'li;;"Er"pi"e of rlre.dinrensions as suggested bv

il;;kh Jnd Dess <1il;tp. t3^,T)"Allof these are viralto maintaining

an enterprising"tussr** Jnui'ontn"ntandfocus on learning by doing'

discovery and active participation'

2'5 ' Goals 'ftlr teaching entrepreneurship anrl entrepreneuriat oriental:it.lrt

- comnxon grililnd

'fhe terms etlteprelletlrship ald entetprise entbrace a wide range 0f

mean ings , inc lud ingsmaf luus iness 'Accord ine toCibb(1993 'p -12)they are sometimes tr"d ;il;lti"gutly and sorirecinres not' In discus-

sio n s duri n g pro g,ot,,,o ui'io-U o""t op i'enterpri s in g ]"1^19..L::il.:"


the uK, teaclrers of ;;i;;.,y, secondary and rettiury irrstitutions felt

that tlre follow i n g, oi""ptt *u re inrpo rtanc o pportun i ty' t:"kit]g;- .tt]-:

tiative taliing, matiuf thinls happen indeperrdentl y' prob lem-so lvul g

arrd taking the risk tJao 'o] coniuritnreut to r'vork and tasks as well as

the abiliry to cope with uncertainty and ambiguity' l{.9n:-:?']tPotttthese key behaviours, sfitl' ^"a ̂ *i!"q auoted bv Gibb (1993) with

the diurensions of EO as suggested by Lunrpltil't ^d Dttt (1996' p

;;;; ;;; i'"ds d"finit" simiia;'ities between thern (see Table 2)''"

d;"*;"t *d tf''" ft-"aoto ro practise. being enterprising in a sup-

portive clinrate ,,.uioti,ig real life would.help leamers to become ac'

i#;";;il;iutt,e. r'an passive fecrp|ent; of knowledge. If enter-

prise cen be ""qr'ri'"d-tf"*.gl

u"p"riencing real-life situations' surcly

on e call o n han c e "n*r*ir"-,r-a"*

J ii tttro u gn1 d u c at i on urd tra in i n g'

3. Problem Statement

Tlreproblemtobeaddressedisrvlrgtherinteryentionthrouglredu.cation, and specific"fiy

"*ftlng for Eo,throu'lh tlle EMS loaming area

of ourriculum (2001i i6;dii;i' ;"'ld chan-ge the Eo of learners'

prerorius and Le noui. t)obal have alreadv esiaulished thatthe dirrren-

sio's of EO are *ufii"tu-*iin itr* BftAsiearning area.of Curriculurn

2005, rtrey "uura noiirr;;;;;,;;;iirt' a."tat-ionship between Eo

behaviour before una-unt' exPosure to the EMS leanring area of Cur-

riculunl 2005' To ao 'o *ould require an ompirical study' atrd therefore

this research was executed'

5 I / 1 8 J V - I IS]S_I , . IONOf, : '9NI 'd IC V

igtrB9ttB0, 9 r z 8 9 L r 8 7 r 9 : r I 9 8 A Z / 8 8 / 9 r

4 J

'tab, 2 - Contparisort ol'Oibh's enlerPritiin&' skills' hehnviwr (orcl (lt:ltucles' rftt: snull

Ituriness learnittg ,u'4' n'i'D'i"''' C"ufiu' Stups u'itlt rle EO clinentiorrs oJ'Lum'

ytkirt anrl Dess ( owrt contpilailon)

.a i ; f i l r '5 ( t196), , , - Ajbh's ( t913) Dr iv* .s (2001)

Enlcrpr$.nE,rKu,s. Snrull lJusincts Crearivu StepsEehaviour and litarrilnp n ode

. 4!t,i4,l!':lsorv.glqnroble11s.urrr Makirrg it up

l;*: lll"lffil:l",oont\icr crcaLivclt iii-, to O*"top nr*

LuntPkin und l)ass s

( I 996) EO l)it,renstotlt

I nnt'rvativ cttsss

It ilk laking



Conrpcti (ive aggresslon

-l'uliirrg risky ucdon in Malling nristakcs:ilnccrlrrirleIviron' borrowlngDrcilts: coPinA withuDcarutiluy 8nd eruo'ying unccroinrY

Auing indcPcndcntlY Doingon owll init i l t l lve

'l 'uke sorrsible rishslallow lherlt to makonristakcs

Frcc choicesl

Opponuniry seokin;r oplonturicv gru- - 'i,1tt

i1]i:i:i:Y,:' "*curnnritnrenl t0 ma- splngl CostQ;ler fc- plorc tJrc tllvrrotl'

;i#lliil;; ilii:1, ;t'#i--"" nrc't: itrcrudethcirr.tctivelY PcruclvlnSgoals; 6arrading ot'hcrs

Flexibi,(itY to ItsP<rrtdto uhullcogcs

l>ccr irttgraslioll: prcs- Work irt groupsi tcsr

;;" idcasi act unconvE(r'

4. HYPotheses

The tbllowing hypolheses were po$ulated to govern tho resoarch

Process:l{ol: The instrunrent does uot neasure the five elements of EO ef'

fectively (FJal = it does)' . ,lf Hol could be ,uJ"Jtr:a, then Flo2 could be investigated'

Ho2: The educatiJir-iiuir""ri;"r ,f-rough the EMS learnirrg area of

Curriculum 2005 does uot enhalc€ Entrepreneuriat Orientation (Ha2 =

it does).'' "ii'o.r"pt l{o2 one should first investigare Ho3-7'

Hoi':l:The educaiitt i**-t'ion rlrriueh tire EMS learning area

of Curriculrtm 2005 Oo"' not enhance. ittnovitiveness' risk taliing' au-

tonomy) pro activen Ji-una to'" pttitive aggrossiveness as ind iv idual

concepts(l{a3-7 do)'

6 r / 3 q O V d I ls t9- l^ loNoDf '9NI 'd IC


tE lrB9l tB0r E I Z S g l - T S 8 t E : r I 9 8 8 ( , / e 8 / 9 1


4.1 . Obiectiv(ts a:nd ccJrtti''ibtilion of llte reseatch

Theprirnaryobjcctiveoftheresearclr istodeterni inelvhotherEocan be enhanced througli tr.," pr"ts learrring area of cr-rrriculum,2005

and it learners trrat arlTxposJ;ott't" iMS int*.uention differ in Eo

contpared to a control group' The re$earclr also atlempts to creete a

;;ffi;;;,iJ i"r e"O-oi a societat level ("uon firtn")and to pro-

vicle feeclbacli to the pori"y ,ir"t"rs and curriculunr develoPgrs. The

outcome may place thirn ina bener posilion to include relev&nt rurd up'

dated information in ;;;;F; change lenrners' at1irudes frorn job

seeking to job craatiru *l-ffirtf a,r iicreosecl enhepreneurship ori-

entation amorlgst Youths'

5. MethodologY

5.1. SamPling and Instrunenl

WiItingness to participate (convenience sarnplinq) t1:.-k:L:" ttt"

decisiou for being i";iilil;; rj..r t^*pf r" as the DoEls uot in fbvour of

rosearch i n the sclroo Ir itr e t"n oorc tu i lt i n g to p*t'.-tl lif , lfi ::-""n"*

rvho werc a' fuvourufiy Ji;p;,."-jr"*uiOr Enuipr"neurial training and

it was assumed that iia'ry differences existed it would show within

these schools rather tn* t"L-ofs where entrepreneuttil.t:':i?"t*

ooncePt. One tlrousani fou' hundred quostiorinaires- were Ogi*Tl

andal00%rrrpon*.-,.u'ewasobtainedasrespondontsweregiventtmeto complote whilo attending school'

A quesrionnui* *iir, iE srrurtur.d quesriorrs (items) to cover the

dime'sions or ""u[i"t#;i-;;i'n1u^t'ion

was' usod- A standard

five-point Likert t"ti;;;;;; *as u'ed in *hich five is good ard one is

poor to measure betGen four and six items. p"T t:n^ttt":11,l.ques-

t ionnaires,on""r"". i*d,wereeditedandcheckedforcompletonessald accuracy. nt.. qu"Jionnaires with rrissing and incomp)ete dara

had been discarded, iilil;ffi questionnaires were obtaincd'

5.2. Factor Analysls and Analysis o'/'I/ariancrt

The factor anatysis was applied' firstly' to reduce the number of

variabtesarrd,secondly,todetectstnrcturcintherelationslripbetrveenvariables; that is, t";il;ify-v-ariaut's lcoopel arld Schindler"l998)'

This rcduction in nt"U"s of variables makei the slreervolune of vari-

6 T / 6 8 h g lf , V O Irsf 9-l^l0Nof,: '9NI 'dlo


l 9 l ( B 9 l t B 0v 9 r z 8 3 L r 8 8 t 9 : T I 9 8 8 2 / e g / 9 r

/ (

ables e'asier to manage? with minimat loss ofthc infonrration contained

in the original variablJs' l-ii"'el'o'"' factor arralyils i; anyti-e-a T i'd::ircduction or strudure detection rnetliod. SecondlY tlre t'actOr alralysls

chalte.ges ttre validiry "oiil;;;;;l*"oi* it"n't, rL nteasu'e what it irr-

€nds to lneasuro at tho onsel' Tllt ton"'pts that wele measured as vari-

abres, included innovativeness, risk taking, pro-activencss! aulonoffly

and conrpetitive aggres;il;";' The factolanalvsis indicated two fuo-

tors as dependant uu.,uil'i as significant conriLutors to the variance'

In this study fbur i"d;;il#variables nanrely grade (intervenrion

or not), gender,,""go# gt*P, Ttd,:?l?"I' wei" considered' *li:l

makes the fbur-way oii"uiti-*"v ANovA the ideal tool to detentttne

theinterrelatednessu"w""nthediffererrtvariablesusod,Analysisofvariance was applied a *, J#rrdent variables indicated by the factor

"iu'f-Vri, ""a-Ur!tf"r. "ppii"iiolnnouurion and risk taliing as faotors'

6. Findings

6.1. Litrtrature

ln the initial study, descriptive data were reported to slrow tlre per-

cenrage coverage "f gO Jim"itsions.'fhe upoa.int coverage forthe dif:

ferentEo di,r,rosionri*1", uu, ir less than s0% fbr the individual elc-

ments. Frorir the t,afitit ii*os pot=iUle to accept that the elsments ale

covered in the EMslili";;; of Crrrriculum 2005 atbeit at rela-

tively low levels (Prtl;;i;E Le Roux' 2004)' Frour this analvsis it is

therefore possible ,a ,rr-*. at "r

ait ttr. ai*.nsions of Eo aro covered

ii ,t t Brta'S learning area of Curriculum 2005 '

6'2' Demographics rovided in a tabular I'ormat'

The results of the empirical study are p

The demogrupf,i, inri"il"it't ttg;uing'grade (i'tewe'tio^ or not)'

gondvro langunge (""il;;;ntoi) "na lcirool is reported inTable 3'

6 - 3. Fuc rot' artalYs is'

With f'actor alalysis, all variabtes ars evaluatsd simultaneously'

Twenry-three o"t "iil'" ;o:1i i! ii;"yul es loaded successfullv' The

factor analysis tlrer.ioio ilrdicates that the other (additional above 23)

variables do not t""ttiU.* tignificanrly to the exploration ofthe varia-

6 r / 8 r 9 V d rrs=9-t^loNo3:'9NI.dr( v

t E l ( B g t t B 0, 9 T Z 8 9 L t ] s ' E : T I E S A Z / 8 8 / 9 7


tion. cronbactr Alpha for ali vsriables is 0.61.I2. The rotated flrctor

foalitri tleasured nrany variables but olly wo fbotors were identified

based on the Eigen values (see Table 4)'

T;b3Grudeeentt;r longtng:anr)sc}oolsdixtr ib;. , : , , , :r :

FttFQ!1FN!'l'l:l l-!:RCEN'lAc"E (Y"l


Cradc I 0 (lntcrvctrtiott)

Crado 12. tConroii'f otdl




Total'I,.ANCUACE (Cultufl:)

A liil(aans

Engli ih

Aft ican



scl-looLI. Midrurd High School

f,, Lurruig ScuondarY Scltool

i" l'lilivicw l'[i5h Sohool

4. Sutlr€rlurd High School

5. Uilnig Hocrskool

6. EldoraiSnc l'loenFiltl'f otrtl

) b /


l ? 1 7




1 1 5


5 I l



1 " (


1 6 5

? t 0

l 6 l




53,4 t





2S, l I





f r ,45

I 3 .56


ti ,23

I 6.02

rm%..i :--:: . .-.

l"ub- 4 - Factor slrengths identified o'y the F'actor Analysit'

Faclor I .......!ltlg'-?2,4,G{06




Eigcn virluc;

Squured MukiPIs corrclarion

Crouhach AlPha

Cronb'rch AlPha ufrci l-o!4roLl

".6876J0. I0u03



' E : I I 9 8 8 2 / 8 8 / 9 76 I / I T J V C I IS:9-K, IONOD: '9NI 'dIC Y

'q tZB9I LBO091289L188

A 1

Investigation of tlre items for each l"actor identifies inrlovativeness

and risk taking o. "onrt'u"s

but the instrument was unsble to suPporl

the .rlrer d ime'sions iii;;-it;i"nned i n t6e o uesrio'naire, I nvesri ga-

rion of the variable, ti, "orri ir.to, indicate<i that Factor I relales t0

iflnovariveness and F;"I. t to risk takirrg. :fhe cronbach alpha fbr in-

novatiorr nreasured o.gCol a"a for risktari'g0-620i- Researchers ac-

;;;,4;t;;;ctr alpno values auove 0'6 as significant'

6i.4. Anulysis of Variance

Despite the main focus beirrg tlre.difference between those roceiv-

inethe intervcrttion ot'-tt thl;;'dysisof variancewas applied to iden-

ti6 ditferences in the ffi";ili ;;irUles t*t*"en ciemographic fac-

ilit, #;.t;;;; iiit"*tntion or ttot)' gender' lansgluy (cullure)and

school with the diff"r.iicebetwee' g.aqir the focus of the hypothests'

Differences *.r" ,ou"gii ""ry

f"i rfie facrgls identified by the f-actor

arralysi s nam-e iy. innov ativ eness and risk taKl nc'.lhe results ,no,""rl"'^-='i-gnificant F-value" (P < 0,0002) for the

^rJ:i; ;;il; R;; t.0,027 iidicatcs a srralr Dorcenrase veriation ex-

plained- There is "

'i!ltint*r difference-onlv u"m'Jen schools for

i,rnovutiveners. f.UIe'i.Lffi;[it rilnin"ant diffbrences (P < 0'01)

for innovativeness i"i*t'" sch-ools 2 and 4" schools 2 and-5 and

schools 3 and 4' SigJi''t""itfiff"on"" (P < 0'05) for innovativelress

were found befween il;;i; i and 2; sclrools I ani 3 a'rd schools 3 and

t (fiJ[:;,11i*.f]ate a significant F-value (p < 0,000 r ) ror rhe'rodel

but the R2=0,0g0 i"ai.riE . small percenia,te variation explained'

There is a poor nt uul in a significanl model,-with significant differ-

ences for gmde, g",r;; ;; ;;fiool but nurr for ianguage (soe 1^able 6)-

Significant differences exist betweeu males and iontales regarding

, i J;i.#;;d';;;r;;;;ii.k av"rse trran females, Fuft he r, s i gnifi '

ca*t differon."r r*,."ii",*.."'gira. r0 (intervention) a'd grade 12

Iearners (control) regarding l$.ok1ng: b'ode 12 was significantly

more risk averse thaii gradi l0' Again no differances were observed

betw sen Iafl guage $ffi;:i;; i ;fi ;;' h i slr lv si gn ifi cant d i ffere nce s

(P< 0.0 l) for risk tat<ing *as lbund bctrve"n"="hoo'it I and 2; schools I

and 3; schoots z ttii5ittt";; ;J 6; schoots 3 and 4 ard scnools 5

and 6. Signifi"a,rt ai#i'.'n;it o''sjfor risk taking were found be'

t'wgen schools 3 and 5'

6 T / Z I 3 V d I IS39_I^1ONO3: '9NI 'dI f l Y

iE te B9l tB0r E r z E 9 l _ T 8 0 1 9 : r I E 8 8 Z / e 8 / 9 r

4 8

,l.ab,5 - Analytis t{'variancelitr Foctor I - lnnovcrliveness anrl F'uctor 2 - ItisktuLing


Sourcc Dl:

Model l0

El'or 120'l

Colrccpdl 'oral l2l1






Sum ol 'Squatss


390,345 | l5 |



l y p c l l l S S





Mcart Squuru


0,123 f;692

N'lean SquxIi,




F Vuluc ['r>F

3.]9 0,0002 l ls






r 'Valuu


0 , l 0

2 . 4 t



0.333 7

u. / )J )


0.0007 Hst.30701246


Concotgd'lbtitl l?16





Sunr ol'Squoncs

34,501 71 0s

l4 7,26261 99


1 ypc llt SS



1,66043 | 99

Mean Squll'E

t , 450 r710


Mr:an Squaro


3.37550 126


.?.1_1"99?-9ll "

F Valuo IIPP

I t ,e8 0.0001 Hs

F Vuluc Pr>F

17.32 <o,o00l l-ls

1,7? 0.0006 l ls

t.9? 0.1242

. ... 1, L{ .-. ..- -.-... <-0",-0"9.-0"1" ll}











Tab. 6 - Dffirencet' bulween gratks and gender for risk taking


t 1

_...Ora&: -. --llyI'/!- Stan/.qrt!8ryu1 Ho: LsMEttNt = rs]"tE!I! fl:_!Jl<0,00{Jl I{S

t-lO: LSMEAN | = LSMEAN2 l'r > I t I

0.0006 Hs

1,52013014 0.03422682

?,66934936 0.03347616

Ocnd,rr LSMbAN Standsrd Ertor

Male Z64866009 u03495005

Fcmsle 2. i4161941 0 01-264795

6 I / E I n H lJ V C ] I IS:9-K' IONODf '3NI 'd IO


b i l ( B 9 l i B 0P 9 I Z 8 9 L T 8 8 ' E : T I 9 8 g Z 1 E 8 / 9 I


7. Discussion of Findiltgs

Thefactt l rat t ln lytwofactorswereident i f iedttrrought lrefaotor

"nuivrir'i,Ji"utrs rt',ut tire !uestiollnai11 ylcd contained constructs test-

ing nrainly for in,*uatiu"#" untt risk taking despite being *::gll.to


also test for the other ai.*"no of EO^ Thus' sevvral olthe questions sot

to test tbr the ott e. "tom"ni'

of EO aiA not contributs to more inl"orna-

tion than tJ.rat obtaine;'i;; tlr; two factor.s that loacled suocessfully'

Aithough tnere 'uas iro dift'erence between the grades (intervention

and control), the signifi"onr difforences bctlween schools for

innovativeness raise ;;;;;G;;ttions or futterest' What could contrib'

ute to learners navin-g aifdt*t levels of innovativeness between

schools? Possible un'iu" ntay be.lnlny and shoulcl be researched

proporly by future ret;;;h"iip"culatioir'.however' $uggests that it

could have,o oo *,.ni-"il '-oritJrrofifrr sub-cultures in the individual

schools to beirig in*uutlu' (tlrus allowing for tnore risk taking as

rvell)-Of interest arc dle clifl'erences observed for risk tnking bctwecn

grades, genders and schools' The questiol is rvhether the diflerence bc-

tween grades .^n o*-"n-,;'Uut"i to'tfre effect of the EMS intervention'

Grade 12 pupils *-rJ".lor* ,irr averse than grade I 0 pupils possibly

indicating to the expJsJ;;'tlt; pVtS.r.ti"uium. The significaut dif-

ference , however, IrJ;;"i;aLs (less risk averse) and males (nrore

risk averse) casts sorne JouUt un ascribing the impact to rlre'EMS as

only roason for tlre differences behveen the intervention and control

;iirr";;. ij;; Iirir.*."tbi uotrr irrnovariveness e*d risk taking be-

tween schools *.,. quJioiiutly in'"""igated bv interviervs u'itlr rele-

vanr teac'ers to estiiiir'flpot"itiuf caufes fbr'these differences- No

nreaningful dlffbrenffig ?;;;r'werc obssrved to guide further re-


8. Conclusions

The flrst hypodresis ttrattlre instrument does not measure all five el-

emenrs of EO effeot*if' """i0 iior f" re;""t.a based on tlre outcorlo of

the thcr.,or arralysis. i;;ft;.f-"* rendersilie instrument unable to rnea-

sure the constructs it *tt intunaed to' The value of ths questionnaire as

an instrument is thus, unfbrtunetely' questionable as its validity ivas

challenged by the ou,to,o" of the tactor aualysis. originally, the ques-

5 I / F I J V O r l s :9 -HONlc f '9NI 'd Iq Y

b 9 l ( B 9 1 l B 0V 9 I Z 8 9 L I B 8 P E i I I 9 8 A Z / C g / 9 I


tionnaire was designed to measure all the elements of EO but the re-

;;"lu ;;"tthat orily two facrors were *easu'ed by it. 'fhe second 'y-

;;ti;Jri;, therefore, ittat the education interventio' tlrrough the EMS

i;;,,rg';;;;i croi.ulu* 2005 does nor enhance enrrepreneurial

orientation c.urd arso iioc u" re_iected because o'ly w. of the frve I'ac-

i.", ""r".fy

i''ovativen"tt anO risk taki'e' could be significantly

testcd based on the outroi," ol'rhe factor uniiytlt The third hypothe-

;;lh"t'th;Jr"ntio'.r-i,ir't*ention through the EMS learning area of

Curriculum 2005 does not "nhantt

the E6 dimensjorr innovativeness'

"*iJrf r" fiot be rejotea. No evidence cor.rtd be t'trund of a significart

differenoe between tt r- lntt*"ntion and control group-regarding

i'novativen.rr, r*""ir-1o, Jiff r.',"rs betwgen schools. Tlre differ-


"'rf,* fr"i"rt io oolr;ia"i .uttl.. ttttt the f M S intervention tested in this



. Alcun

_5"!Lpl_._sr_pryr --... t -I l.o+l

1y t/t,r)

z 4 J


0.01 12 s 11.7665


7,' :.




3,?68 0.0r78 S

3.7(x1 0,0399 S 0,9162

1.556 0. t710 0.u001 IJS

3,s10 0.2334 0,0018 HS

3-600 0,5(160 0.0844 q-!99! .--.9,1131 --i,iq8---

Hisk takins _. llf /t/1.-Mean


<.0001 HS

0.0011 Fts 0.3290


0,0692 0,3450

" 9'-41qi .. ". 9-'9911 ' '

0.0196 s

0.8099 0' l?68

p-,ql?q! q,?!s"t." q,p-q92 H"S-





S - Signilisiurl Br 5Yo and [(S = Sigrrilicqnt at | %'

5 T / 9 T 9 V d r rs f9 - t^ l0N!3 : '9NI 'd ro Y

h! rrB9t LB0v9 tz89Lr88 r g : T r 9 8 s z / 8 8 / 9 r

5 l

, . | l r isissupportcdtheR2of0'02?thatirrdicatesthevarysrnallpel.cent.

ase variation exptuin"i' iht iourtrt hypothesis' that the education - in-

;;;;;il;;I,;o.Giitr.l* Hr/ls leanirrg area ofcurriculum 2005 does not

enhance the EO alnr"n.ion risk tailng' is rejected' Evidence--of a sig-

nificant difference uut*"un the sarnf,ie ani control grouP- regarding

risk tat<ing was estobii;ft"l ana tt eiefore the alternitive hyPotlresis

that there is i'deed u aiff""nt" is accepted' Again this variation ex'

plained atnounted to nz oio'tlgO indir;atls a '*illp"tcentage''[his re-

sult raises ,o*. qo",.io-n-, to'be discussed' The fifth-to seveltJlllotli'

gses for autonomy' pto-attiuen"ss and cornpctitive aggrgsslvoness

ili;;t;; rei".i"a, ut the instrument tumed out unable to measure

these constructs.

9. Distussions and Recommendations

AltlroughtheEMStearnhigareaofCurriculurn2005errgagesinen.treoreneurial activities us a thJme that runs throush the wlrole lcarning

#|t"i r',r-";;; i;|,| |i.'u' "iit'on"in

g and dev e 16 ping Eo tlrrou gh an

educatiorral intervention needs rnoreihan the emphasis of only an el1-

trepreneurial trr"*e. in" iuiticutu* 2005 consists of eight Iearntng

areas, and onty upp.o*i,""t"iy fOy. ofrcachine. tirne is allocated to the

EMS learning area, *r'icft renders it lnrpossiSlo to oover flle content

sup,gested irr ttre curriculurn in brvadth and depth ' ,Creating,an entrepre-

;;iil"ll;i"g .ri*ut. rvith the fbcus on teachins ro enlrance entre-

proneurial orientutiol'?tialn*g" the Souttr Afiicau sooiety in the di-

rection of becorntng'"'ott "n""piuneurial' This could alleviate unem-

;j;fi; ;;t ;"d; ut''oi'ii" grorvth through self-ernplovment'

This, however, is easigr said than done'

Althouglr ttt" ,'*uit' oi tt'i' study were inconclusive for some elc-

ments of EO * ,fr"*,r:U] Ur" uot"oio" of the factor a'alysis' it slrould

serve as a basis fot *orJr"tearch into- this field' Developing an enEe-

p,reneurial learni'g ;;r ;tth "

-Sourft nfiita,t co'rtpnt to replace the

intrsDreueurial tearffi^.i. a"*ribed by Gibb (1993) could hefp the

policy nrakers to develop.curriculum c<ntent thai addresses the prob-

le'rs specific to South Afiican sociery. For the policy makers it could

bc stated tfratentrepriieffi'tp sr'outa p'ef"t"Ufv St includecl as part of

;;;;G 2oo5 but as a separate entitY'

Ln sumrnary' tit" o*"lJing ai''' for enrrepreneurship eduoation is to

6 1 1 9 I J V O I IS :3_NDNOSf ' 9N I ' d IC


'E tZB9I tBO, 9 t z 8 9 L r 8 8 t 9 : r I 9 8 q Z / 8 8 / 3 I

develop EO, and to bring into play behaviour' skills and atticudes that

wille'hance u sruO"ntliino*ieai" oflthe possibilities of rvorking f<rr

himself or hersetf. gfv4i "Ju*tioi-

focusing on entreproneurialtw-tivi-

ties witl not bc eff""tive u'les, t"uch.o eriplrasise the dirnetrsions of

EO while teaohing ana Aeating with the "onttnt

and activities of the

ffiS ;;;il ".;;of crrritut'inr 2005- Success in Eo eduoation could

then have a snowball"ii""i iltttuse students would want to work for

thenselves, rvould .rrit u iiuing on their own initiative' no lo'ger rely'

ing on the governmant una b"ig business-to give thcrn ernPlolment'

iitL*i"ae"iUle teachers are needed to bridge ilt" qlg betrveen.ure con'

il;; p"f;anJ the actual rransference of the skills a'd attitudes to

the learner- Teachers should also collsborate witlt various institutions

,"i^arg;i-ations irr the busin€ss sector when assigning projects to

leanters, To teach and develop an entrgPreneurial orieutatiou needs

itig'niy *"titated' competent and cornmitted teachers'

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5 t / 8 r 9Vd I ls fg- I^ IONOD: 'gNI 'dIC V

'EtTB9ILBOV 9 I Z 8 9 L I B 8 F 9 : T I 9 8 Z Z / 8 8 / 9 I


Absf rlct

Thispaperrcponseurpiricallythc.irrrpactti l ..at]educationu|intet.vcntiotronenlfc-nrencurial oricntation (E0) tu 'J*cnnirre'whcthera dilterence could be dctected bcl'-

wcc,r bctore and ulier ̂ppf ia^i".. fl"ir*lrou*ursrip educurion in South Ai"rican suho'

ols is.tlre lbcus ol. rhis ,".ooir*ii pupat Ekucution is r,:gr'dcd ls a kcy indcpcndcnt vtt-

riablc tO improve loamer pcrforinoncc hecausc it targcis thc lcsnrer and sel'vcs 0'r a de-

vclopnrcnt tool lbr Eo. A;';;;;ilt t'at t" "*b-lish

Er' i.strumerrl to nleasute BO

learlin!. ro ttrc undcrsurrd.,"!1;:;ifi;il;il# ii*r*.i*Ji" the Eo lcurning rrodc to el''

ifi[i;"i;;;in. r-o aT"ttnsions to thc lctmer tlrrough-the-):Ms ]:"tlnt.'"*l.-irstly, the article chullengcs it,u in.*ournun* useLl,tor dcrefrnining ECt urrd its coostructs

bused on the signilrcanc. .f th; ilt6,tcul results. Validity ancl iorrr'ibutio. ro explai-

ni'e'.,fie variution l, tocu*..t o,r. scc'ttdly it reports the icsults of urr etnpiricel slud,'

th'aiwas done to acul',t,ini itthi UO of f otttno"i thar wcre expos:d to -t-h:,rjr-t^eiv^Ejtion

chanecd complted x0 I control gl'oup.that wcr:. not^:xpg-scd io thc surtic- in[ew^cntion'

The iesulrs.reporled that the intcive'tion sig^ificontlv ull'ecrcd somc construqts of EO

(inn'varivcncs, una rirt rot"i,r;lr;ili;;ffd"grccs trutrlid not cnhatrcc the olhLT con'

st*",t tt.t^, muhe up EO rhrouglr t}lc specific inte|cntton'


Questo ailicolo ripprtrr i risultari ru'lutivi di un'indagine empirica cffl1u.11]lcr W'

pu(arri sc cd in qualc ̂ir;;;;;;nil ai nutura aiduuico cducativlt 'ossot)o inciderc

sull'orientumen,o 'n''p'unai"''i"i" Jti ii"ttti-' tsso' in sostarurl fooalizza il rapPorto

csisrents fia istruzionc "o

i*p""alt"r]ariti c si proporle di chiarire se lu primu possa

porhre ad un miglioramcnin'l"iiu *ton<la- Lo-studio cmpirico' ttfttt"'1:"-t: un carn-

oionc .i studcnti SuO,,fri.oni.li^iir"ioro ar. l-istruziolrcintluenzs duc fra lc piir rilc-

vun.ti componanti dcll'irii'r:uniit"r]JiC ""r. ,a dire innovativiti e propcnsionc

all'assunz.iot.tcdir'isclri.tlranonescrcilanc:;sunsignil.icalivoeffcttosullcaltt.tlcOmPo-il^rl ;; ;one*1r. p;univ iri ed *ggrcssiv iti. cont peti ti va.

v E t z 8 9 L r 8 8 1 9 : T r 9 8 8 2 / 8 8 / 9 r5 r / 6 1 g v d I IS:3- I , IDNDDf 'gNI 'd IC Y

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