2013/2014 Membership Directory The Richmond Chamber of Commerce is recognized as the leading business organization in Richmond, committed to the development and enhancement of the economic well being of our community.

Membership Directory - James Marshall Design

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Membership Directory

The Richmond Chamber of Commerce is recognized as the leading business organization in Richmond, committed to the development and enhancement of the economic well being of our community.

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SHERRY CHENInvestment Advisor

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the richmond chamber of commerce 2013-14 business directory

4 Message from the Chair & Executive Director

5 Working for You

6 Message from Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie

7 Richmond by the Numbers

8 2013/14 Executive Officers & Board of Directors

9 Past Governors

10 Committees

11 The Voice of Business

13 Our Event Sponsors/Chamber Partners

14 Business Excellence Awards

15 Great Marketing Opportunities

16 RichmondChamber.ca

17 Business Resource Centre

19 Richmond Caring Companies

21 Membership Benefits

25 Membership By Category

52 Index by Company

Suite 202, North Tower 5811 Cooney RoadRichmond, BC V6X 3M1T | 604.278.2822F | [email protected]

StaffExecutive Director Craig Jones [email protected]

Manager, Administration & Events Carol Young [email protected]

Manager, Communications & Policy Matt Pitcairn [email protected]

Membership Advisor Terry Mok [email protected]

Membership Services Coordinator Shaena Furlong [email protected]

Business Resource Centre Assistant Sophie Li [email protected]

Accountant Lorna Sandiko [email protected]

Designed by James Marshall Red Lion Design [email protected]

Richmond Chamber of Commerce Affiliations

Alliance of Manufacturers & Exports CanadaBC Chamber of CommerceBetter Business BureauCanadian Chamber of CommerceCity of RichmondLower Mainland Chambers Transportation PanelVancouver Board of Trade


We, at the Richmond Chamber of Commerce (RCC) are proud to present the 2013/14 Membership Directory. This year’s publication includes completely updated content, as well as a comprehensive section of benefits available to our members.

A central tenet of RCC is the encouragement of members to support their fellow members by shopping locally. We implore you to refer often to this directory in your search for goods and services. Once again, you are able to access the directory in its

traditional printed form, as well as virtual electronic format.

The Richmond Chamber of Commerce endeavours to provide our members with the benefits and business building tools they need today, whilst laying the groundwork for a successful and prosperous future.

In the coming year, we hope to further our relationships with existing affinity partners and build new relationships, which help bring meaningful value to our member businesses. The recent development of a member driven coupon page on our website has proven to be a great success, with many members promoting their services or taking advantage of those offered.

Additionally, our networking events and seminars continue to be a cornerstone of business building in Richmond. Our monthly networking events offer powerful venues to grow your contact base. Our regular

seminars and speaker events give local business leaders the opportunity to expand their knowledge and stay informed of recent developments. Networking is the most common reason given when members are asked why they joined the chamber - we are proud to offer a wide array of means to fulfill this goal and build community prosperity.

Our advocacy efforts, on behalf of our members, build on our past successes and pave the way for a healthy tomorrow. This year, we continue to develop air access policies, and work to improve transportation along the Fraser River and George Massey Corridor.

This is an exciting time to be living in Richmond and we need to work together to ensure that the choices we make today will benefit Richmond tomorrow. On behalf of the Executive Director, the Board of Directors and the staff of the chamber, we would

like to sincerely thank you for your support and wish you every success in the coming years.

Craig R Jones Executive Director

Brian Williams Chair

mission statement• Promoting and enhancing the economic growth and quality of life in Richmond

• Advocating for the business community in governmental affairs

• Building value and purpose for our members through education,

networking and the fostering of business relationships

• Serving members with relevant and affordable benefits and business services

message from the chair and executive director

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no obligation consultation.

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Debbie Murphy & Miles Timmiswww.MurphyTimmis.com

Brian WilliamsChair

Craig R JonesExecutive Director


The Richmond Chamber of Commerce has been serving the Richmond business community since 1925. We are a member based, non-profit organization; part of a national network with the British Columbia and Canadian Chambers of Commerce. In B.C. we collectively represent the interests and concerns of over 125 chamber organizations, made up of 36,000 businesses, and across Canada we connect to a network of over 420 chambers, representing nearly 200,000 businesses of all sizes, in all sectors, in all regions. The voice of the chamber movement provides the business community with a united voice, addressing important local and global issues affecting commerce.

A strong membership ensures that we can continue to work on behalf of our members to help them prosper by creating results for their

business, and thus building a thriving local economy and community.

This year’s 2013/14 Membership Directory is designed to make it as easy as possible for our members to connect with one another. To facilitate this our Membership Directory lists members under two classifications: Membership by Category and Index by Company and includes complete addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses and website listings to ensure that you find the information you need quickly, no matter where you look.

New to this year’s directory is a comprehensive chamber benefits section. We encourage all our members, and future members, to explore the benefits of membership and discover the vast savings opportunities the Richmond Chamber of Commerce membership can provide to your


The 2013/14 Membership Directory is made possible with the support from Richmond Chamber of Commerce members who display advertisements throughout its pages. For information on how to market to other members of the Richmond Chamber of Commerce, call our office at 604.278.2822 or email [email protected].

working for you

More than your everyday shopping.

5300 No.3 Road in Richmond Lansdowne Canada Line Station Customer Service: 604 270 1344 www.lansdowne-centre.com

Unique stores, great people.

120+ shops, restaurants & services including Best Buy, Future Shop, Home Outfitters, HomeSense, JYSK, TARGET (Fall 2013), Toys R Us & Winners.

In B.C. we collectively represent the interests and

concerns of over 125 chamber organizations, made up

of 36,000 businesses, and across Canada we connect

to a network of over 420 chambers, representing

nearly 200,000 businesses of all sizes, in all sectors, in all


Past Chair Lisa Wong, Immediate Past Chair Barry Grabowski, Current Chair Brian Williams and Incoming Chair Gerard Edwards at the 2013 AGM .


I am pleased to extend appreciation to the Richmond Chamber of Commerce and offer a warm welcome to its members on behalf of the City of Richmond.

Richmond is currently anchored in a period of growth that will see

our population increase from its current 200,000 to 280,000 by the year 2041. This evolution is part of a larger, long-term growth strategy for the region – it comes with a range of challenges as well as opportunities to set the bar high to ensure that healthy and sustained economic, social and environmental goals are established and achieved. The Richmond Chamber of Commerce, and you as members, play a significant role in this transformation.

Looking at Richmond’s steady economic growth, we currently see over 14,000 businesses operating in Richmond. With our key business sectors being aviation, aerospace, technology, education, recreation, tourism and transportation, Richmond is home to many innovative, forward-looking businesses that address sustainability concerns

such as waste reduction, alternative energy, food security and increasing social needs. Richmond has one of the highest job to worker ratio in the Metro Vancouver region. As of July 31 the year-to-date construction value of building permits issue or underway in Richmond is $563 million.

Last year, we updated our Official Community Plan, which sets the groundwork for future growth in Richmond through to 2041. We paid special attention to ensure that land use and social development reflect the needs of our residents and business community. We commit to working closely with other levels of government to develop infrastructure and services as needed. From the perspective of our Sister Cities and Friendship Cities, we continue to develop our important existing and

new business opportunities for Richmond.

Working together to encourage new economic development, we can productively achieve ongoing prosperity as we strive to make Richmond an even better place to work, live, visit and do business.

I extend the city’s appreciation to all the contributors and users of the 2013/2014 Directory

Malcolm D. Brodie Mayor

message from Mayor Malcolm D. Brodie

Access is everything.

Economic Development OfficeTel: 604-247-4934Email: [email protected] www.richmond.ca/access

Grow, relocate or establish your business in Richmond The City of Richmond Economic Development Office can assist you with:

• Sourcing economic, property or other information• Identifying a Richmond location for your business• Liaising with City departments and government bodies• Introductions to service providers and industry associations

For prompt and confidential service to support your business location decision, contact:

Richmond Economic DevelopmentTel: 604-247-4923Email: [email protected] @RichmondEDO /RichmondEconomicDevelopment


richmond by the numbersOver the past decade the City of Richmond has emerged as an economic force, leading cities across Canada in terms of growth and economic expansion. Supported by a highly educated and affluent population, Richmond is a major economic hub on the Pacific Rim, where business of the 21st century is conducted.

Richmond businesses can access global markets through a deep



Westminster HighwayWestminster Highway

Blundell Road

Granville Ave

Bridgeport RoadMiller Road

Steveston Highway

No. 3



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No. 2



No. 1



No. 4



No. 5



No. 6




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Surrey/ Fraser Valley

Burnaby/ New Westminster

sea port, Canada’s second largest international airport and efficient rail and highway systems. Richmond is also home to the Canada Line, a rapid transit system that connects with Vancouver’s downtown core in 20 minutes and offers a draw for a talented workforce to establish in one of the world’s most livable cities, providing a pool of talent easily accessible to Richmond’s over 14,000 businesses.

The Canada Line connects

YVR, central Richmond

and downtown Vancouver in less than

25 minutes

Over 100 parks that total 1,400 acres of

parkland and green space

People in Richmond are living an average of 84.9 years, almost

four years longer than the national Canadian

average of 81.2

Current population approx. 200,000. Expected population growth is 71,341 in the next 25 years. 57% of Richmond’s population are immigrants,

the highest percentage among Canadian municipalities

200 farms and nearly 50% of BC’s Cranberries,

12% of cranberry production in North


Richmond Public Library has the highest circulation per-capita

in Canada

80 kms of trails along the waterfront

4,600 hotel rooms available in

the city

more than 800 restaurants

(400+ Asian restaurants)

As a retail centre, Richmond has the highest

per-capita consumer spending in Canada

Richmond hosts Canada’s largest small

craft harbour in historic Steveston Village

Annually 30% less rain than


Canada’s 2nd busiest

airport, YVR welcomed

17.6 million people in 2012

and handled 228,000

tonnes of cargo

More than $2.6 billion in construction projects have

been launched in the city in past five years

8 2013/14 membership directory • richmondchamber.ca

2013/14 executive officers and board of directors

executives at largeex-officio

board of directors

executive officers


Brian WilliamsAshton Service GroupPhone: 604.275.0455

[email protected]


Gerard EdwardsIncisive Marketing Inc.Phone: 604.277.6292

[email protected]


Rob AkimowRichmond News

Phone: 604.249.3340 [email protected]


Barry GrabowskiCohen Buchan Edwards LLP

Phone: 604.231.3494 [email protected]

Brain ColeBCGI Benefits Inc.

Phone: 604.617.7222 [email protected]

Fan ChunRichmobd International

Technology Corp. Dr. BatteryPhone: 604.273.8248

[email protected]

Howard HarowitzHoward Harowitz

Consulting Ltd.Phone: 604.764.7610

[email protected]

Lena HutzcalCaleia Consulting

Phone: 778.839.3956 caleiaconsulting@


Nancy JungPhone: 604.307.5866

Mary KemmisThe Richmond ReviewPhone: 604.247.3702

publisher@ richmondreview.com

Christine LimScotiabank

Phone: 604.668.2882 christine.lim@


Scott McCloyWorkSafe BC

Phone: 604.276.5157 scott.mccloy@


Tom PhippsVancouver Airport Authority

Phone: 604.276.6785 [email protected]

Jim WallRiver Rock Casino Resort

Phone: 604.247.8970 [email protected]

Bill McNultyCity of Richmond Councillor

Phone: 604.276.4134 [email protected]

Christine CampbellEarleeray Holdings Inc.Phone: 604.513.0378 [email protected]

Lisa WongBeavis Wong & Associates

Phone: 604.233.1964 [email protected]


past governors2012 - 2013 Barry Grabowski2011 - 2012 Lisa Wong2010 - 2011 Tony Kwan2009 - 2010 Ray Segat2008 - 2009 Leslie Matheson2006 - 2008 Barbara Tinson2005 - 2006 Josh O’Connor2005 - 2006 Cynthia Chen2004 - 2005 Ed Gavsie2003 - 2004 Gary Cohen2002 - 2003 Ronn Martin2001 - 2002 Keith Tsukishima2000 - 2001 Gary Cohen1999 - 2000 Mike Boehm1998 - 1999 Ron Docherty1997 - 1998 David Kanester1996 - 1997 Brian Wilson1995 - 1996 Wally Philips1994 - 1995 Ken Lam1993 - 1994 Don Matthew1992 - 1993 Georgiana Evans1991 - 1992 Susan Ives1990 - 1991 Terry McPhail1989 - 1990 David Price1987 - 1989 David Reid1986 - 1987 Fraser Atkinson1985 - 1986 Frances Clark1984 - 1985 Jack Houston1983 - 1984 Doug Graham1982 - 1983 Audrey Jenkins1981 - 1982 Ray Godfrey1979 - 1981 Bill O’Donnell1978 - 1979 Earl Rochon1977 - 1978 Doreen Lloyd

1976 - 1977 Bernie Miller1975 - 1976 Peter Bradshaw1974 - 1975 John Star1973 - 1974 Gerry Culver1972 - 1973 Doug Harrison1971 - 1972 Doug Haig1970 - 1971 Jack Fraser1969 - 1970 Jack Hutchins1967 - 1969 Frank Tofin1966 - 1967 George May1965 - 1966 Mike Lever1964 - 1965 Ed Benzel1963 - 1964 L. Van der Gracht1962 - 1963 G.G. Bruce1961 - 1962 George Denham

1960 - 1961 A.G. Woodland1959 - 1960 A.W. Webb1958 - 1959 W.J. Keys1957 - 1958 A.E. Pearson1956 - 1957 A.B. Rose1955 - 1956 Cecil H. Sharpe1954 - 1955 H.E. Harmon1953 - 1954 W.R. Weedon1951 - 1953 Mathew McNair1950 - 1951 Ken Fraser1949 - 1950 Dan Sprague1948 - 1949 R.G. Ransford1947 - 1948 Bruce Elliot1946 - 1947 Irv Udy1925 - 1946 Under Archival Review

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Lisa Wong2013-14 Board ofGovernors Chair

“It is my pleasure to serve as the Chair of the Board of Governors for this coming

year, and truly an honor, to be in the company of such fine

individuals who have collectedly made a significant impact in our community for the better part of

the last century.”

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FILENAME: Linda Reid_chamber gm CorrectionsTYPESETTER


Honourable Linda Reid, mla

130 - 8040 Garden City Road,Richmond, B.C. V6Y 2N9Phone: 604-775-0891Fax: 604-775-0999e-mail: [email protected]

Honourable Linda Reid, mla

130 - 8040 Garden City Road,Richmond, B.C. V6Y 2N9Phone: 604-775-0891Fax: 604-775-0999e-mail: [email protected]

Facebook: www.facebook.com/lindaReidmlaTwitter: www.twitter.com/mlaREID

The Richmond Chamber of Commerce is a Not-for-Profit organization and as such our board is a working board. Our Direc-tors are active on various committees and we always welcome the participation of our members on a committee(s) of their choosing. Committees are a great oppor-tunity to expand your ideas and become active within the Chamber of Commerce.

poliCy adViSory CommitteeHealthy and vibrant businesses are part of the fabric of any great community. In regular meetings with municipal leaders and staff, MLAs and MPs, the chamber strives to provide a strong and constructive influence on public policy on a variety of issues that support our members and a healthy business environment.

“The Richmond chamber is becoming an increasingly respected and influential voice in the policy arena, with all levels of government.”

- Howard Harowitz, Chair of the Policy Advisory Committee

tranSportation adViSory CommitteeCommittee members discuss transportation related issues that are relevant to Richmond businesses and the community at large. Members share information on items related to their particular business, as well as studying information from the media and government.

“Good transportation is a necessity for a community to be vibrant. Richmond has it all; roads, transit, air, rail and port!”

– Former MLA Doug Symons, Chair of the Transportation Advisory Committee

international BuSineSS CommitteeMandated to expand and facilitate international business opportunities for the Richmond business community. In this last year alone, RCC hosted visiting delegations from Bosnia Herzegovina, China, Hong Kong , Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Morocco, Thailand, Philippines, India, Poland, Trinidad & Tobago, United Kingdom, USA, & Vietnam.

“We continue to build on the Friendship agreement established by the Richmond Chamber of Commerce and the Xiamen General Chamber of Commerce and the importance of the Asia Pacific region.”

- Craig Jones, RCC Executive Director

Greater China exChanGe SuB-CommitteeThe GCE committee aims to stimulate interaction between mandarin speaking business people new to the Richmond business community and chamber members. All functions are conducted in both english and mandarin to engage new immigrants and educate them about the great value the Richmond Chamber of Commerce can bring to one’s business.

“Our networking events have been instrumental in promoting cross cultural integration and enhancing business collaboration in the community.”

- Christine Lim, Chair of the GCE Committee

memBerShip CommitteeThe mandate of this committee is to promote membership engagement activities and develop retention programs. The membership committee helps to promote chamber activities, benefits and programs to new & existing members.

“The membership committee continues to look for new ways to engage members and businesses in Richmond and to provide value added services to our chamber members.”

- Lena Hutzcal, Chair of the Membership Committee

amBaSSador’S CluB SuB-CommitteeThe Ambassadors Club specifically helps new members navigate through their first year of membership and liaise between members and chamber staff to help new members connect with other members.

“Our goal is to ensure that new and existing members are getting the most out of their membership.”

- Nancy Jung, Chair of the Ambassador’s Club

CommuniCationS CommitteeStaying in touch with our 1000+ members is one of our top priorities, and we’re always working hard to improve how we communicate with them. The communications committee is continuously exploring how best to reach members via email, e-newsletters, the web & the ever evolving social media landscape.

“Having ones message effectively communicated in the current online world is becoming more and more challenging, and all business and organizations must strive to continuously hone their message.”

– Matt Pitcairn, RCC Manager of Communications and Policy



Teresa Wat, MLAStronger Economy

300-8120 Granville AvenueRichmond, BC V6Y 1P3Tel.: 604-775-0754Fax: 604-775-0898Email: [email protected]

The Richmond Chamber delegation at the 2013 B.C. Chamber of Commerce Annual General Meeting policy session in Nanaimo.


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the voice of business BritiSh ColumBia and Canadian ChamBerS of CommerCeDid you know that as a member of the Richmond Chamber of Commerce, you are also a member of the British Columbia Chamber of Commerce, and therefore the Canadian Chamber of Commerce? The B.C. Chamber is the largest, most broadly-based business organization in the province and the only organization with a unique, grass-roots policy development process which allows for advocacy at all levels of government. The Canadian Chamber is unique because it is the only voluntary, non-political association that has an organized grass-roots affiliate in every single electoral riding in the country. Representation by these organizations provides our members with a strong, collective voice at both the provincial and federal government levels.

The voice of the chamber movement provides the business community with a united voice, addressing important local, regional, and global issues affecting commerce. A strong membership ensures that we can continue to work on behalf of our members to help build a robust economy and strong community.

poliCy and adVoCaCyOne of the primary roles of the Richmond Chamber of Commerce is to be the voice of business in shaping public policy and legislation at all levels of government. The specialized, in-depth knowledge and skills of our membership empower RCC to influence the policy making process. If your business has an issue that needs to be addressed and will benefit everyone in your industry, RCC advocacy is a proven and effective way to get your message across. All RCC members are welcome and encouraged to get involved in advocacy.

The chamber’s Policy Advisory Committee, supported by the Board of Directors and staff, was particularly successful in the policy area this past year passing various polices at the provincial and federal level:

• Fraser River Navigation Management- As a driving factor in Canada’s national economy, and the backbone of the province, RCC advocates that the Fraser River must be maintained to ensure economic prosperity for generations to come.

• Fraser River Flood Management- RCC asserts it is critical that the provincial and federal government begin working with local governments and First Nations to develop a proactive, long-term flood management strategy to maintain the very powerful and harnessed Fraser River and ensure public safety.

• Intermunicipal Mobile Business License- RCC believes that the benefits of Intermunicipal mobile business licenses to local governments, business, and residents have been successfully demonstrated by the successful pilot projects and continues to advocate the urgency of further expanding this initiative across the region and entire province.

• Increased Air Access- As home to the Vancouver International Airport, RCC firmly believes that the federal government must adopt more liberalized air access policies to create a fair opportunity for those willing to provide air access to Canadian cities.

An underpinning to our success has been a concerted and ongoing effort to grow and strengthen our relationships with elected officials at all levels of government. To that end, we continue to:

• MeetwithRichmond’sMayorandvariousCouncilmembersoverthecourse of the year

• ConvenequarterlymeetingswiththethreeRichmondMLAs

• Convenesemi-annualmeetingswithtwoRichmondMPs

By ensuring an open and mutually respectful dialogue with our government representatives, we are able to bring forth the priorities and concerns of our members in a constructive and impactful way.

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phone: 604.683.0700 fax: 604.683.0416www.bcchamber.org

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phone: 613.238.4000 fax: 613.238.7643www.chamber.ca


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At this year’s prestigious BMW Sales Excellence Award Ceremony, situated at the BMW Museum in Munich,

Germany, “The Most Sustainable BMW Dealership in the World” title was given to Auto West BMW. This

highly esteemed award recognizes dealerships worldwide who are paving the way for a greener future.

Auto West BMW is a family-run business that dates back to the late 60’s as the original importers of BMWs

into Western Canada. After opening their new state-of-the-art dealership in 2007, Richmond-based Auto

West BMW is now considered one of the top dealers in the world, while leading as the most sustainable one.

It was also recently featured as one of Canada’s Top Green 30 Companies for 2013 in the Maclean’s


Joachim Neumann, President of Auto West BMW and the Auto West Group, is devoted to promoting

environmental awareness and sustainability through his dealership network. “This sustainability award plays

a crucial role in promoting the principles of environmental responsibility to an industry that’s considered to

be very wasteful,” says Neumann. He adds, “Auto West Group is committed to developing a greener

environment for Canada – one project at a time.”


For more information, please contact:

*Some conditions and restrictions may apply. Contact Auto West BMW for more info. Dealer 8113.

To learn more, visit www.green.autowestgroup.ca, which includes more in-depth videos on each sustainability feature.


our event sponsors

chamber partners

• Aberdeen Centre/Fairchild Developments Ltd.

• Acklands Grainger Inc.• ADESA Vancouver• Adisa Benefit Solutions• ALS Society of BC• Ashton Service Group• Aspac Development Ltd. • Best Western Abercorn Inn• Brockmann’s Chocolates Inc.• Business Development Bank of

Canada• Carrera Projects Ltd.• CBRE• Cohen Buchan Edwards LLP• Cowell Auto Group• Cowry Cabinets• CPG Systems Inc.• Debbie Murphy with

Macdonald Realty• Deeley Harley-Davidson

Canada• Delta Vancouver Airport Hotel• E-Comm 9-1-1 • Ernst & Young

• Executive Airport Plaza Hotel & Conference Centre

• Flamingo Gifts & Recognition Focus Audio Visual Services

• G & F Financial Group• Garden City Cabs of Richmond• Hayden Diamond Bit Industries

Ltd.• Helijet International Inc.• Howard Carter Lease Ltd.• HSBC• Immediate Images• Integritas Security Group Inc.• Kahn Zach Ehrlich Lithwick LLP• KNV Chartered Accountants• KPMG/MSLP• Krownhead Contracting Ltd.• Kwantlen Polytechnic

University• Lansdowne Centre• Living Productions for Visual

Presentations• Maple Freight Partnership• Maple Leaf Storage• Mayfair Lakes Golf

& Country Club• McDonalds Restaurants

Canada – No. 3 Road• McDonalds Restaurants

Canada/Earleeray Holdings Inc.• MNP LLP• Park’N Fly• Port Metro Vancouver• PriceSmart Foods• Pryke Lambert Leathley Russell

LLP• Red Lion Design• Reflex Sports Nutrition Canada• Reid Hurst Nagy Inc.• Richmond Caring Place• Richmond Centre• Richmond News• Richmond Sockeyes Jr. Hockey

Club• River Rock Casino Resort • Rod’s Building Supply• Rogers Wireless• Rusty’s Auto Towing Ltd.• SafeHarbour Informatics• SAVOX Communications Ltd.

• Scotiabank• Sereca Fire Consulting Ltd.• ShearWater Marine Group• Sheraton Vancouver Airport

Hotel• Signarama - Richmond• Soo Singapore Jerky Ltd.• Stuart Olson Dominion

Construction Ltd.• Suki’s Richmond• Summer Night Market• TD Canada Trust – Small • Regus• Business Banking• TD Commercial Banking• The Bacchus Group Inc.• The Richmond Review• Times Telecom Inc.• Trail Appliances Ltd.• Ultimate Skateboard

Distribution• Univar Canada Ltd.• Vancouver Airport Authority• WhiteWater West Industries Ltd.• WorkSafe BC

The Richmond Chamber of Commerce is proud to recognize and sincerely thank the following companies for their outstanding support:

The Richmond Chamber of Commerce would also like to thank our generous members for their sponsorship throughout the year. We do apologize if we have inadvertently missed thanking you for your outstanding support of our many events.

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corporate partner


business excellence awards

r i c h m o n d c h a m b e r o f c o m m e r c e

business 2O13excellence awards

the 2012 business excellence awards recipients:

Outstanding Workplace- fresh Start foods

Young Entrepreneur- drive Basketball, pasha Bains & Chad Clifford

Outstanding Customer Service- Seafair Gourmet meats ltd.

Association of the Year- richmond Centre for disability

New Business of the Year- 6pack Beach

Business Leadership- libra national inc. – ‘the rice people

Innovation of the Year- WhiteWater West industries ltd.

Business 1 – 25 Employees- diplomat Bakery

Business 26 – 75 Employees- ace architectural millwork ltd.

Business 76 + Employees- organika health products inc.

Hall of Fame – Steveston Barbers

event sponsors

November 21, 2013River Rock Show Theatre


great marketing opportunitiesThe Richmond Chamber of Commerce offers a large business audience for our membership. This enables members to connect with people central to Richmond’s business community and the region’s consumers through a variety of exclusive advertising opportunities. Please contact us at 604-278-2822 or email [email protected] for assistance in deciding what the best options are for your business.

WeBSite adVertiSinG Stretch your advertising budget and take advantage of over 8,000 monthly hits on our website. You can purchase a Side Banner on ALL pages for $75+tax per month. (300 x 250 at 72DPI resolution in either JPEG or animated GIF format) Ads must be submitted by the 20th day of the previous

month to be inserted on the 1st of the following month.

Community eVentS Calendar Richmond is a vibrant city with exciting community events occurring nearly every day of the week. To assist in the promotion of events, we provide our members and community partners with the opportunity to post their events in our Community Events Calendar.

riChmond ChamBer neWS: BiWeeKly e-neWSletter Richmond Chamber News is a biweekly e-newsletter providing members with relevant information on the chamber and important community news. Published every 2nd Wednesday, the e-newsletter reaches over 2,000 subscribers. For $100+tax you receive:

• Afull-colourad(4.86”x6.25”at 72DPI camera ready in JPEG, file size under 100 KB)

• OR85wordsofcontentplusone small graphic or logo (in EPS or JPEG)

neWS releaSeS At RichmondChamber.ca we provide our membership with the opportunity to submit company new releases to be displayed on our homepage and in our News and Events section of our website.

memBer to memBer diSCountS and CouponS Members can offer discounts to the public and/or chamber members by advertising promotions in our Coupons and Discounts page on our website. There is no cost and it may be discontinued at any time.

BuSineSS report adVertiSinG Contact Lesley Smith at the Richmond Review at 604-247-3705 for discounted member rates to advertise in our monthly Business Report.

riChmond ChamBer direCtory This annual membership directory is an excellent reference guide to contact potential clients, search out suppliers of products and services, and increase your business contacts. Every member is listed in this business directory and we offer advertising opportunities for an affordable fee. We also offer a virtual directory on our website. Please contact us at 604-278-2822 for additional information and rates for next year’s edition.


Gabriel Lai, Sr. Account Manager 604-666-1954 | [email protected]

Vivian Xia, Account Manager 604-666-7854 | [email protected]

BDC iS prouD to Support the riChMonD BuSineSS CoMMunity


In this past year, the Richmond Chamber of Commerce has embarked on an exciting new way to serve our members better – a complete update and rebranding of our website.

memBer toolSWe understand that the success of your business means becoming more efficient, productive and connected, and we strive to bring you all of that with our website.

The new RichmondChamber.ca allows our members to pay their bills online, update their profile information, submit their answers for surveys, and other pertinent events, as well as connect with their fellow chamber members.

Our Events page allows you to view upcoming events and register imme-diately for the ones you would like to attend; with a few clicks, your name goes on our registration list. You can even pay in advance online, skipping registration lines on event day.

RichmondChamber.ca helps you do what you need to do, quickly!

ViSiBilityThe new RichmondChamber.ca is your key to the Richmond business com-munity. There, the world is connected to our members who are displayed in the interactive directory. We encourage members and the public, who are looking for responsible, community-minded businesses, to use the online directory and find those amazing members with a few strokes on the keyboard. Our members receive an average of over 1000 views of their profiles every month!

Promoting your business online has never been easier. Every chamber member is now able to post coupons and discounts as an included benefit of their membership. These online coupons can be printed, emailed, or shared on social media. The chamber also includes a booklet of active online coupons in all new member chamber packages.

Community Event postings are another excellent tool our members have to advertise their upcoming events online. Community Events are featured on the home page and often used in the Around the Chamber section of our e-newsletter.

updateSIf you ever wonder what the important updates are for business in Rich-mond and British Columbia, look no further than our News page. Here, we

post pertinent stories from around the province regarding the chamber movement, changes to legislation, important member milestones, inter-views featuring the chamber and much more.

This is your chamber and this is your news!

For up-to-the-minute updates on local goings-on, take a look at the Twitter feed on our homepage. Our staff regularly scans the headlines and posts relevant information for you and our entire community.

referenCeSRichmondChamber.ca provides a service to you and the community. Our Business Resource Centre section is a hub of information for the aspiring business owner, importer/exporter or local entrepreneur.

If you are shipping commercial goods to China (or many other countries), you will be asked to provide a Certificate of Origin with your shipment. The chamber makes it easy; we provide downloadable templates, instructions sheets and requirements to get your shipments all over the world, securely.

If you are an aspiring entrepreneur making those tentative first steps into commerce but aren’t sure where to start, our website will be your first stop. RichmondChamber.ca provides all of the basic information a new business needs to get up and running.

The Richmond Chamber of Commerce website provides a number of different services for both members and non-members.








Knowledge of business, sufficient capital, foresight, experience, and a unique idea at the right time, are just some of the char-acteristics of a successful business person. Although there isn’t any way that you can guarantee success, you can greatly improve your odds by becoming well-prepared for the task.

The Richmond Chamber of Commerce is a valuable resource for the Richmond community and our membership. Our Business Resource Centre provides a myriad of information and helps budding entrepreneurs, as well as seasoned business veterans.

StartinG a BuSineSSEntrepreneurship is easy for almost no one and a guiding hand is greatly appreciated. At our office, walk in customers are given a crash course in starting and registering their business in British Columbia.

The main feature of our service is guiding these entrepreneurs through the name approval process.

In the past year, the Business Resource Centre processed 334 Name Approval Requests. That number represents an average of 1.3 aspiring business owners whom the chamber helps daily.

In addition to aiding in name requests, the Business Resource Centre provides our members and the community with a vast supply of information. When you take a look around our front office, you’ll see the walls covered in pamphlets and information cards. These aren’t just for decoration. Our front office staff knows how to direct entrepreneurs to financing opportunities, mentorship programs (through the Canada Youth Business Foundation among others) and the resources they need to ensure their success.

memBer referralS: thinK loCalIn the past year, the RCC has begun managing our member referrals with Front Desk, a web based program, which helps us refer clients to your business and helps you keep track of your incoming clients.

Weblink, our new database management tool allows our member to view the exact number of views their online directory listing receives in a given period of time. The average number of views each of our members received in the month of August alone was well over 1000.

Member promotional materials are also kept in the front office for the use of walk in customers and members alike.

CertifiCateS of oriGinA Certificate of Origin is a document required by many countries to be sent with any import. RCC helps our local exporters and freight forwarders by processing these certificates of origin in a timely manner, for an affordable rate.

During the past year, our Business Resource Centre has processed over 2800 document sets, for shipments headed all over the world. We have seen a steady trend upward in the past three years, indicating that the export sector of Richmond’s economy is experiencing healthy growth.

business resource centre

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Congratulations to � e Richmond Review on 80 Yea�

The program was a great experience for our team. The sessions were very valuable as they provided structure and clarity to our charitable works.

- Scott russell, Sutton realty Group - Seafair realty

Participants of the 2012 – 2013 Caring Companies Campus, hosted by the Richmond Funeral Home.

Volunteers at the 2nd Annual Richmond Day of Caring at the Richmond Sharing Farm on Saturday June 8th, 2013.

heartS and mindSSince it was launched in the fall of 2011, the Richmond Caring Companies program has been capturing the hearts and minds of business leaders throughout the community.

The hearts, well, that part’s been easy. Richmond’s electric with entrepreneurial energy, and businesses are eager to channel that energy into projects that will have a positive impact on the community.

Sometimes, though, they don’t know where to begin. They have so many ideas, so much enthusiasm, but they’re lacking focus and structure and a clear goal. Giving back is harder than it looks.

It’s at this point that we introduce businesses to the Caring Companies program, presented by the Richmond Chamber of Commerce in partnership with Volunteer Richmond Information Services and Ashton Service Group. Through a series of workshops and one-on-one consultations, the

program teaches businesses how to maximize the impact of their charitable efforts. It shows them how proper planning and clear policies can lead to a more effective community engagement strategy, and how such a strategy can make the act of giving back more rewarding and meaningful for employees.

That the Caring Companies program has enjoyed such a positive reception clearly shows that Richmond businesses have their hearts in the right place, that community matters to them. But the heart and the mind aren’t always on the same page. Giving back may feel good, but does it make sense from a business perspective? The Caring Companies program goes to great lengths to provide an answer, and it’s a resounding“yes.”

Profitability, productivity, customer loyalty, employee morale: businesses use any number of metrics to measure success. It has been

shown time and time again that each of these metrics increases when a business becomes more involved in the community. The Caring Companies program illustrates these benefits with anecdotes, case studies, and statistics, which, taken together, form an undeniably strong and rational argument for giving back. It’s an argument that’s won the minds of business leaders in Richmond, and indeed, around the world.

Because this is, in the end, a global movement. The socially engaged business is quickly becoming the new normal. It’s not a fad or a trend – it’s the future. And we believe that Richmond businesses should – and will – be at the vanguard. We just have to keep winning more hearts and minds.

To learn how to participate in the Caring Companies program, call Volunteer Richmond at 604-279-7020 or visit www.volunteerrichmond.ca.


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membership benefits

Group inSuranCe

Chambers of Commerce Group Insurance Plan Administered by Adisa Benefit Solutions 604-535-4200 | www.adisabenefits.comFrom Victoria to St. John’s, over 25,000 small to medium-sized businesses use the Chambers Plan to protect their employees with comprehensive group benefits including dental and health insurance – making it Canada’s #1 employee benefits plan for small business. Thousands of small business owners join the Chambers Plan each year because it’s the simple, stable, smart choice for their business: combining accessibility, flexible options and pooled benefits that add stability to their employee benefits.

Shawsabey | shawsabey.com | 604-689-2441Liability Insurance for Not-For-Profit Organizations Directors and Officers. No program aggregate, Insurer pays on behalf of the Insured, Employment Practices Liability and Worldwide coverage.


Payworls www.payworks.ca | 877-228-2862Basic Run Fee of $14.50 and a $1.25 Per Payment Run Fee, with the same fees for year end. Integration with the Group Insurance Plan, and easy payroll entry via phone, fax or online.

Versapay www.versapay.com | (866) 999-VPAY (8729)VersaPay offers preferred rates for chamber members: 1.659% on Visa® and MasterCard®, 10 cents per Transaction Fee (waived for $100 or more) and 5 cents per transaction for Interac Direct Debit.

dininG & reCreation

Golf BC Group | www.golfbc.comGolfBC Group is the finest collection of golf courses created for true golf connosuiers. Richmond Chamber of Commerce members and up to 3 guests now save 15% (Mon-Thurs) or 10% (Fri-Sun & Holidays)off green fees booked 1-5 days in advance at seven GolfBC Courses. To book, please visit www.golfbc.com/book_tee_time to book. Call the chamber at 604-278-2822 to obtain your access code

Quilchena Golf & Country Club www.qgolfclub.ca | 604-277-1101Enjoy dining and social event privileges with the style and personal touch that only a private club offers with Quilchena’s exclusive Dining Membership. Present your Richmond Chamber of Commerce membership number and enjoy the introductory annual price of $120! Contact Kim 604-277-1101 ext 226 or [email protected]

M&M Meat Shops – Francis location mmmeatshops.com | 604-204-0707Chamber members that make a minimum $50 purchase in a single transaction will receive 15% of the value of their purchase back in gift cards for use on their next visit. Can not be used with any other promotion.


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Membership in the Richmond Chamber of Commerce opens doors to a world of new business opportunities. Members enjoy a variety of benefits, including fuel discounts, preferred pricing on merchant processing, and a comprehensive company employee benefits program provided by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce Group Insurance Plan.

The following companies have agreed to offer specific benefits as an added value to Richmond Chamber of Commerce members. Through these offers, members can take advantage of special discounts on many of the needs that are central to the operation of your business. It is another way chamber membership can lower costs while maximizing the quality of your business.

For more information, please call the benefit provider directly. The following benefits are valid until October 31st, 2014 and rates are subject to change. If you have any questions regarding these benefits, email [email protected] or call 604-278-2822. Please visit our members benefits page at richmondchamber.ca and richmondchamber.ca/coupons regularly for online updates.


membership benefitsautomotiVe

Esso Canada www.imperialoil.ca | 604-278-2822

The Richmond Chamber of Commerce and Imperial Oil are pleased to offer the Esso Direct Driver Billing Program to all members, including a preferred 3.5 cent per litre discount off fuel purchased.

Petro-Canada www.petro-canada.ca | 604-278-2822

2.0 cents per litre off all grades of gasoline & diesel. 5% discount on all parts and labour at Centigard Car Care Centres. 5% discount on vehicle propane. Individually numbered credit card for each vehicle.

Shell | www.shell.ca | 604-278-2822

Discount of 3.0 cents/litre off the posted pump price for your gasoline & diesel retail purchases with the Shell Commercial Card. Possibility for Airmiles Reward Miles.


Accent Inns accentinns.com | 604-273-3311

Chamber members receive exclusive hotel discounts worldwide with local hospitality and reduced room rates for Accent Inns (in specified cities around BC) and the Century Plaza Hotel & Spa (Vancouver).

Indus Travels Inc. www.industravels.ca | 604-279-8794

Indus presents specifically planned trips to India to initiate contact for business opportunities. 9 day trips include accommodations, tour guides, sightseeing excursions and networking time.

Park’N Fly www.parknfly.ca | 604 270-9476 ext. 230

15% discount on parking and a one-two day pass every year of your valid membership.

Richmond Chamber of Commerce Hotel Discount Program

Below-market hotel discounts around the world, provided exclusively to Richmond Chamber of Commerce members. Savings may exceed 50% and average 10-20% below best available rates. Contact 604-278-2822 to access information.


Constant Contact| www.constantcontact.com

The discount program includes 20% for 6 months, or 25% for 12 months to members of Chambers of Commerce who utilize this program. Constant Contact uses custom templates for emails, events and surveys.

Signarama | www.signarama-richmondbc.ca

5% off for Chamber Members – Chamber Membership needs to be mentioned at time of quoting so we can apply the discount.

Sr. Manager, Commercial BankingPh: 604.970.0960


“The chamber has helped us generate referrals and increase our business. Membership provides a great source of connections, and access to advice and expertise from like-minded business owners. Being surrounded by positive, motivated and uplifting people is important and this is why we will continue to be active participants within the Richmond Chamber of Commerce. “

- Jennifer Chua, Vivid Green architecture inc.


membership benefits

Immediate Images www.immediateimages.com | (250) 590-8699

Member Offer: 6 second time slot – running 285 times per day (15 times per hour, 5am‐ midnight) for 4 weeks on the screen of your choice. Regular cost: $1100 ($39.29 per day) Chamber Member cost: $21.43 per day! $600 +HST for the entire 4 weeks! Casey Jones – 604‐475‐4195, [email protected].

www.shaw.ca | 604-278-2822

Richmond Chamber of Commerce members can save 10%-30% on Shaw Business services, including phone, internet and full IP Voice solutions. Whether you’re an existing Shaw customer, or a brand new one, you can sign up for significant discounts on both contracted and month-to-month options.

Times Telecom www.timestelecom.ca | 604-297-8787Get 3 year long distance for FREE when activating a phone. Get 228 free long distance minutes every month from your mobile phone. Call to China, Hong Kong, U.S., Canada and 24 other countries

Rogers Wireless www.rogers.ca | 604-278-2822

Unlimited local, North American long distance calling & texts to Canada, US, & Europe, 5Gigs LTE Data for $70/month. Up to $400 in bill credits upon activation! Call for other customized corporate rate plans and get world class business support. Dedicated business rep, access to Business Support – less than 5min wait time, email service, and business portal!

BuSineSS SerViCeS

CPG Systems | www.cpgsystems.ca

50% off monthly computer maintenance packages for 1 year including fully managed anti‐virus, plus additional discounts on technical support services. Our Total Guard Protection package will keep your computers running like the day you bought them.

Staples | www.staples.ca | 1-877-360-8500

Discounts pricing for Chamber members. Staples offers online purchasing, next day business delivery and volume pricing.

Commerce Energy | 604-278-2822 www.commerceenergygroup.com

Commerce Energy focuses on helping customers manage their energy costs and is offering 5% business discount for members of the BC Chamber.

FedEx | www.fedex.com | 604-278-2822

Discounts on selected FedEx services: FedEx First Overnight®, FedEx Priority Overnight®, FedEx 2Day®, FedEx Ground®, FedEx International PriorityTM, FedEx® International Economy, FedEx International GroundTM, FedEx® International Priority Freight, FedEx® International Economy Freight. 20% discount for Chamber members on any order. Taxes and delivery charges are not applicable.

Maple Leaf Storage mapleleafstorage.com | 604 375-2771

Pay one month and get the second month free at our Richmond location. The offer applies to all unit sizes. Call us for help finding a mover or other real estate specialist.


“Am-Pri Construction is a proud member of the Richmond Cham-ber of Commerce. The chamber facilitates enduring business relationships among members as well as strengthens the Richmond business community at large by playing a positive advocacy role. The chamber is the heart of Richmond’s thriving business community.”

- amit Sandhu, Ceo, ampri Group


membership benefits

Safe Harbour Informatics safe-harbour.ca | 604-295-5355

Safe Harbour provides high quality remote and onsite technical support to handle all aspect of your business computer needs. Whatever the computer problem, we can do it all. Help is one call away. Richmond Chamber members receive a 20% discount on our consulting and technical support services.

Adecco | www.adecco.ca | 604-278-2822

$500.00 discount to all fellow members toward their next permanent placement order with Adecco.

NCIX | www.ncix.ca | 604-278-2822

NCIX Premium Partnership offered to chamber members with a $150 discount. Premium Partnership means access to exclusive savings, priority support, free shipping and extended warranties on NCIX’s existing great service and selection. Visit ncix.ca/premier partner for more information.

Dr. Battery www.drbattery.com | 604-273-8248

As a proud member of Richmond Chamber of Commerce, we are offering 25% off to chamber members. Please acquire a valid promo code through RCC and start saving by shopping at Dr. Battery today.


Focus Audio Visual Services Ltd. www.focus-av.com | 604-872-4434

25% discount off all equipment rentals, subject to availability at time of booking.

Wagner’s European Fabricare wagnersfabricare.com | 604-200-5514Wagner’s European Fabricare offers a 20% discount to all chamber members on orders over $50.

Ashton Service Group ashtonservicegroup.com | 604-283-2383

15 % off commercial service calls to Richmond Chamber of Commerce members. This offer not valid with any other discount program or quoted work offered. Plumbing, Heating, Gas, Air Conditioning and so much more! Service 24/7. Please contact Anna Antonio at 604‐283‐2423 to schedule an appointment.

Business Interiors by Staples | 604-278-2822

Chamber Members entitled to 48% Off the CWC Symphony Series Commercial Grade Office Furniture: local Burnaby based stocking program & factory for unique / custom-tailored requirements with dozens of workstation configurations available. 6 colour choices (including two-tone colour options) at no additional charge.

SOS Emergency Response Technologies www.sostech.ca | 604-277-5855

Chamber members enjoy a 10% discount on all products & services.

Tel: 604 952 0807 Fax: 604 952 0890

[email protected]

“Print advertising producesa higher return on investment than any other media”

Part of the community in which we build.

We support people where we live. We are responsible to our community since we live here too.

Richmond Olympic Oval

In Our Community


“As a chamber Ambassador, it’s part of my duty to mentor new members and attend network-ing breakfasts, as well as other events like 9 & Dine golf and the Business Excellence Awards. I’ve had great success with the many contacts I’ve made through the chamber and take pride in helping new members make the most of their investment.”

- richard nash, Cfp, investors Group










3D Imagery

epic 3D tech CorporationChris Shu 2110 - 13560 Maycrest Way Richmond BC V6V 2J7P: (604) 285-6978F: (604) [email protected]


accent innsChristopher Browne 10551 St. Edwards Drive Richmond BC V6X 3L8P: (604) 273-3311F: (604) [email protected]

best Western abercorn inn 9260 Bridgeport Road Richmond BC V6X 1S1P: (604) 270-7576F: (604) [email protected]

Coast Vancouver airport hotelJulee Hanson 1041 S.W. Marine Drive Vancouver BC V6P 6L6P: (604) 263-1555F: (604) [email protected]

Comfort inn Vancouver airport hotelClaude Lawrence 3031 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2B6P: (604) 207-2385F: (604) [email protected]

Delta Vancouver airportBarry Johnson 3500 Cessna Drive Richmond BC V7B 1C7P: (604) 276-1979F: (604) 276-1975barry.johnson@deltahotels.comwww.deltavancouverairport.com

Executive Airport Plaza Hotel & Conference CentreSam Chen 7311 Westminster Highway Richmond BC V6X 1A3P: (604) 278-5555F: (604) 278-0255salesmgr2.rmd@executive-hotels.netwww.executivehotels.net/airport

Four points by sheraton Vancouver airportGary Rudin 8368 Alexandra Road Richmond BC V6X 4A6P: (604) 214-0888F: (604) 214-0887contactus@fourpointsvan-couverairport.comwww.fourpointsvancouverai-rport.com

hampton inn by hilton Vancouver airportGeorgeta Donici 8811 Bridgeport Road Richmond BC V6X 1R9P: (604) 232-5505F: (604) [email protected]

holiday inn express hotel & suitesScott Leckie 10688 No 6 Road Richmond BC V6W 1E7P: (604) 241-1830F: (604) [email protected]

holiday inn express Vancouver airportStephen Crann 9351 Bridgeport Road Richmond BC V6X 1S3P: (604) 273-8080F: (604) 214-8488gmgr@hiexyvr.comwww.holidayinnexpressvan-couverairport.com

holiday inn Vancouver airport - richmondAndrew Maas 10720 Cambie Road Richmond BC V6X 1K8P: (604) 821-1818F: (604) [email protected]

La Quinta inn Vancouver airportAspha Dada 8640 Alexandra Road Richmond BC V6X 1C4P: (604) 276-2711F: (604) [email protected]

Quality hotel - airport southNick Nijjar 7228 Westminster Hwy. Richmond BC V6X 1A1P: (604) 244-3051F: (604) [email protected]

radisson hotel Vancouver airportKathryn Warren 8181 Cambie Road Richmond BC V6X 3X9P: (604) 276-8181F: (604) [email protected]/vancou-ver.ca

sandman hotel Vancouver airportAllison Donne 3233 St. Edwards Drive Richmond BC V6X 3K4P: (604) 303-8888F: (604) [email protected]

sandman signature hotel & resort Vancouver airportBill Seeley 10251 St Edwards Dr Richmond BC V6X 2M9P: (604) 278-9611F: (604) [email protected]

Sheraton Vancouver Airport HotelSteve Veinot 7551 Westminster Highway Richmond BC V6X 1A3P: (604) 273-7878F: (604) 278-0188steve.veinot@sheratonvan-couverairport.comwww.sheraton.com/vancou-verairport

the Fairmont Vancouver airportCraig Reaume Vancouver International Airport 3111 Grant McConachie WayRichmond BC V7B 0A6P: (604) 248-3201F: (604) [email protected]

the Westin Wall Centre Vancouver airportGord Arnould 3099 Corvette Way Richmond BC V6X 4K3P: (604) 303-6565F: (604) [email protected]/wallcentre

travelodge hotel Vancouver airportFeroz Khan 3071 St. Edwards Drive Richmond BC V6X 3K4P: (604) 278-5155F: (604) 278-5125sales@travelodgevancou-verairport.comwww.travelodgevancou-verairport.com

Vancouver airport Marriott hotelShawn Caswell 7571 Westminster Highway Richmond BC V6X 1A3P: (604) 232-2903F: (604) 232-2817shawn.caswell@vancouver-marriott.comwww.marriotthotels.com/yvrsa


andrew Lee Certified general accountantsAndrew Lee 6259 Azure Road Richmond BC V7C 2N8P: (604) 762-6628F: (604) [email protected]

C. Couzelis & Company inc.Chris Couzelis 6060 - 8171 Ackroyd Road Richmond BC V6X 3K1P: (604) 270-3214F: (604) [email protected]

Cheyna Conder Ltd.Cheyna Conder 12151 Hayashi Court Richmond BC V7E 5W2P: (604) 277-4260F: (604) [email protected]

Cori Ng, Certified General Accountants, Tax Accounting AdvisoryCori Ng #203 - 1114 W Broadway Vancouver BC V6H 1G5P: (778) 892-0208F: (604) 248-8688www.pnccga.com

Diana Mau Chartered accountantDiana Mau 205 - 8833 Odlin Crescent Richmond BC V6X 3Z7P: (604) 279-9270F: (604) [email protected]

Dickson, stojak, brown Chartered accountantsAndrew Au-Young 4080 - 8171 Ackroyd Road Richmond BC V6X 3K1P: (604) 273-1277F: (604) [email protected]

hCC Chartered accountant & Co. inc.Steven Chow #202-1226 Hamilton Street Vancouver BC V6B 2S8P: (604) 992-3233F: (604) [email protected]

KpMg MsLpMike Boehm Suite 2400 - 4720 Kingsway Burnaby BC V5H 4N2P: (604) 527-3600F: (604) [email protected]

Leversage & Co.Gordon Leversage 240 - 11180 Bridgeport Road Richmond BC V6X 1T2P: (604) 273-6684F: (604) 273-1827leversage&[email protected]

Mark & tsang, Chartered accountantsCharlotte Tsang 720 - 999 W Broadway Vancouver BC V5Z 1K5P: (778) [email protected]

Maureen Lazzari, CMaMaureen Lazzari 6660 Shawnigan Place Richmond BC V7E 4W9P: (604) 241-2891F: (604) [email protected]

Michael Liu & Co. CgaMichael Liu 204 - 6151 Westminster Hwy Richmond BC V7C 4V4P: (604) 279-8807F: (604) [email protected]

MNp LLpDoug Wootton 201 - 8360 Bridgeport Road Richmond BC V6X 3C7P: (604) 278-6468F: (604) [email protected]

reid hurst Nagy inc.John Nagy 105-13900 Maycrest Way Richmond BC V6V 3E2P: (604) 273-9338F: (604) [email protected]

thomas Chiang & associates, CgaThomas Chiang 305 South Tower, 5811 Cooney Road Richmond BC V6X 3M1P: (604) 270-1321F: (604) [email protected]

W.Xie, CaShirley Xie 600 - 1285 W Broadway Vancouver BC V6H 3X8P: (604) [email protected]

accountIng & BookkeepIng

Navigator Consulting groupIryna Gabalis 800 - 736 Granville St Vancouver BC V6Z 1G3P: (604) 569-3054F: (604) 568-4650info@navigatorconsulting-group.cawww.navigatorconsulting-group.ca

membership by categoryThe last two sections of the 2013/14 Richmond Chamber of Commerce Directory list membership by category, and index by company name. The membership by category section identifies members by the sector/industries in which they specialize. Listings include company name, address and contact information. The index by company name lists members by company names in alphabetical order, and includes their primary delegate and phone number.

Throughout these sections, you will see members whose names are highlighted in blue. This identifies supporters of the Richmond Chamber business directory who purchased advertisements, as well as members who participated in the 2013 Summer Referral contest.

We hope that this membership directory will prove useful in helping you connect with other fellow chamber members, and help keep the local economy flourishing in the business community of Richmond. These pages display some of the finest businesses Richmond has to offer. We hope that you will refer to this directory often in the coming year.









accountIng software

Chips Consulting incSheldon Nider 9757 Ashwood Drive Richmond BC V6Y 2Z4P: (604) [email protected]


Chinese Medicine and accupuncture CentreM. T. Chau 740 & 760, 4400 Hazelbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 3R8P: (604) 270-1818F: (604) [email protected]

aDvertIsIng - DIrect maIl

Flying butler DirectLarry Moss 111 - 10451 Shellbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2W3P: (604) [email protected]

aDvertIsIng & corporate communIcatIons

goodwill advertising Ltd.George Desrochers 12440 Bridgeport Road Richmond BC V6V 1J5P: (604) 278-1128F: (604) [email protected]

privilege Digital Media CorporationSheila Atienza 43195 RPO Richmond Centre Richmond BC V6Y 3Y3P: (604) [email protected]

aDvertIsIng & promotIons

A.A. Advertising Ltd.Nadyne Montgomery 140 - 11760 Voyageur Way Richmond BC V6X 3G9P: (604) 273-5335F: (604) [email protected]

hofast enterprises (Canada) Ltd.Jose Ip 250-8600 Cambie Road Richmond BC V6X 4J9P: (604) 279-8230F: (604) [email protected]

innovative Linkage technology (Canada) Ltd.Kenny Lu 305 - South Tower 5811 Cooney RoadRichmond BC V6X 3M1P: (604) [email protected]

selectart promotional productsBrian Wilson #24 - 15188 62A Ave. Surrey BC V3S 1W7P: (604) 590-8370F: (604) [email protected]


aeroinfo systems, a boeing CompanyRobert Cantwell 200 - 13575 Commerce Pky Richmond BC V6V 2L1P: (604) 232-4200F: (604) [email protected]

heli-one CanadaPatricia Wienke 4300 80th Street Delta BC V4K 3N3P: (604) 952-7700F: (604) [email protected]


air CanadaJude Welch 6001 Grant McConachie Way Richmond BC V7B 1K3P: (604) 270-5750F: (604) [email protected]

air North, yukon’s airlineDebra Ryan 150 Condor Road Whitehorse YT Y1A 6E6P: (800) 661-0407F: (867) [email protected]

ChC global operations (2008) inc.Duduzile (Dudu) Kheswa 4740 Agar Drive Richmond BC V7B 1A3P: (604) 247-7087F: (604) [email protected]

harbour air Ltd.4760 Inglis Drive Richmond BC V7B 1W4P: (604) 278-3478F: (604) [email protected]

helijet international inc.Jay Minter 5911 Airport Road South Richmond BC V7B 1B5P: (604) 273-4688F: (604) [email protected]

pacific Coastal airlinesJim Anderson 4440 Cowley Crescent Unit 209 Richmond BC V7B 1B8P: (604) 214-2361F: (604) [email protected]

aIrport servIces

Jet pet resort inc.Camila Dahl 5980 Miller Road Unit 100 Richmond BC V7B 1K6P: (604) [email protected]

park’N FlyAbdul Walli 6380 Miller Road Richmond BC V7B 1B3P: (604) 270-9476F: (604) [email protected]

Vancouver airport authorityTom PhippsP.O. Box 23750, A.P.O Richmond BC V7B 1Y7P: (604) 276-6785F: (604) [email protected]

alcohol DIstrIButIon & export

Matlawa EnterprisesGent Ng c/o 401 - 7071 Blundell Road Richmond BC V6Y 1J5P: (604) [email protected]

alumInum faBrIcators

hi - Line aluminum Welding Ltd.Leslie Gordon 11831 Machrina Way Richmond BC V7A 4V3P: (604) 274-0222F: (604) [email protected]


oshawa international enterprises inc. (sakura range hood)James Cheng #120 - 7771 Alderbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2A4P: (604) 271-2288F: (604) [email protected]

priority appliance service Ltd.Kasia Smolko 220 - 4611 No.6 Road Richmond BC V6V 2L3P: (604) 736-9897F: (604) [email protected]

trail appliances Ltd.Jason Broderick 5400 Minoru Blvd. Richmond BC V7E 5A8P: (604) 278-6133F: (604) [email protected]


Campbell & pound 1939 appraisals Ltd.Daniel Jones 1111 - 11871 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 5H5P: (604) 270-8885F: (604) [email protected]

aquatIc wholesale supplIes

proline aquatics inc.Shane Lasota #1115 - 6900 Graybar Road Richmond BC V5W 0A5P: (877) 682-3474F: (604) 279-1474


David eaton architect inc.David Eaton 1690 West 2nd Avenue Vancouver BC V6J 1H3P: (604) 608-0161F: (604) [email protected]

Vivid green architecture incRosa Salcido 10631 Skagit Drive Richmond BC V7E 1Z9P: (778) 389-4904rsalcido@vividgreenarchitec-ture.comwww.vividgreenarchitecture.com


alpha gift LtdKen Choi #2420 Yaohan Centre 3700 No. #3 RoadRichmond BC V6X 3X2P: (604) 231-0881F: (604) [email protected]

Chinese paintings (Canada) Ltd.Lee Kee-Cheung #2455 - 3700 No. 3 Road Yaohan CentreRichmond BC V6X 3X2P: (604) 276-1818F: (604) 276-1828










assocIatIons & socIetIes

aLs society of bCWendy Toyer Unit 1233 - 13351 Commerce Parkway Richmond BC V6V 2X7P: (604) 278-2257F: (604) [email protected]

bC schizophrenia societyJane Duval #201 - 6011 Westminster Highway Richmond BC V7C 4V4P: (604) 270-7841F: (604) [email protected]

better business bureauLynda Pasacreta Suite 404, 788 Beatty Street Vancouver BC V6B 2M1P: (604) 375-6234F: (604) [email protected]

british Columbia aviation CouncilVanessa Griffiths 4380 Agar Drive Richmond BC V7B 1A3P: (604) 278-9330F: (604) [email protected]

british Columbia Lions society for Children with DisabilitiesStephen Miller 3981 Oak Street Vancouver BC V6H 4H5P: (604) 873-1865F: (604) [email protected]

building officials’ association of bCRichard Bushey 205 - 3740 Chatham Street Richmond BC V7E 2Z3P: (604) 270-9516F: (604) [email protected]

Canada alliance of Chinese associationsLloyd Chen 4360 Vanguard Road Richmond BC V6X 2P4P: (604) 781-7832F: (604) [email protected]

Canadian blood servicesNancy Bryan 4750 Oak Street Vancouver BC V6H 2N9P: (604) 707-3491F: (604) [email protected]

Canadian Chamber of CommerceKimberly Gale P.O. Box 38057 Calgary TX P: (403) 271-0595F: (403) [email protected]

Canadian Liver FoundationElena Murgoci #109 - 828 West 8th Avenue Vancouver BC V5Z 1E2P: (604) 707-6433F: (604) [email protected]

Canadian Mental health association - richmond branchBarbara Fee 7351 Elmbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 1B8P: (604) 276-8834F: (604) [email protected]

Canadian youth business Foundation Paulina Cameron 13545 64th Avenue Suite #203 Surrey BC V3W 1Y2P: (604) 598-2923F: (604) [email protected]

CHIMO Community ServicesLisa Westermark 120 - 7000 Minoru Blvd. Richmond BC V6Y 3Z5P: (604) 279-7077F: (604) [email protected]

College of Dental technicians of british ColumbiaRonald Revell R.D.T.N208 - 5811 Cooney Road Richmond BC V6X 3M1P: (604) 278-8324F: (604) [email protected]

Community Living british ColumbiaMichele Frewin 230 - 5611 Cooney Rd. Richmond BC V6X 3J6P: (604) 660-2100F: (604) [email protected]

Csa internationalLindsay Clark 13799 Commerce Parkway Richmond BC V6V 2N9P: (604) 244-6621F: (604) 244-6600layton.newman@csa-international.orgwww.csa-international.org

Developmental Disabilities associationDeanne Ziebart #100-3851 Shell Road Richmond BC V6X 2W2P: (604) 273-9778F: (604) [email protected]

DiVersecity Community resources societyLesley Woodman 1107-7330 137th Street Surrey BC V3W 1A3P: (604) 597-0205F: (604) [email protected]

Family services of greater VancouverLisa Whittaker 250 - 7000 Minoru Blvd. Richmond BC V6Y 3Z5P: (604) 279-7100F: (604) [email protected]

Filipino Friends in richmond (FFir)Lita Nuguid 112 - 8511 Ackroyd Rd Richmond BC V6X 3E7P: (604) [email protected]

glen eden schoolBarbara Jackson 8665 Barnard Street Vancouver BC V6P 5G6P: (604) 267-0394F: (604) [email protected]

heart & stroke FoundationB. Joan Mann 260 - 7000 Minoru Boulevard Richmond BC V6Y 3Z5P: (604) 279-7130F: (604) [email protected]

MosaicJoan Andersen 1522 Commercial Drive Vancouver BC V5L 3Y2P: (604) 254-0244F: (604) [email protected]

pLea Community services society of bCAnn Alexander 3894 Commercial Street Vancouver BC V5N 4G2P: (604) 871-0450F: (604) [email protected]

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Richmond Centre for DisabilityTel: 604-232-2404Email: [email protected]: www.rcdrichmond.org

Training for Businesses









progressive intercultural Community services societyNolan Gendron #200 - 8161 Main Street Vancouver BC V5X 3L2P: (604) 324-7733F: (604) [email protected]

richmond arts CoalitionSuzanne Haines 6500 Gilbert Road Richmond BC V7C 3V4P: (604) [email protected]

richmond Caring place societySandy McIntosh 140 - 7000 Minoru Blvd. Richmond BC V6Y 3Z5P: (604) 279-7000F: (604) [email protected]

Richmond Centre For DisabilityElla Huang 100 - 5671 No 3 Rd Richmond BC V6X 2C7P: (604) 232-2404F: (604) [email protected]

richmond Chinese Community societyHenry Beh 208 - 8171 Park Road Richmond BC V6Y 1S9P: (604) 270-7222F: (604) [email protected]

richmond City baseball associationTrevor Rennie Box 26513, Blundell PO Richmond BC V7C 5M9P: (604) 307-7504president@richmondcity-baseball.cawww.richmondcitybaseball.ca

richmond City Centre Community associationJose Gonzalez 140 - 8279 Saba Road Richmond BC V6Y 4B6P: (604) 231-8401F: (604) [email protected]/parksrec/centres/city/cityctr.htm

richmond Community benefit CentreAlan Lau 120 - 8151 Anderson Rd. Richmond BC V6Y 2V9P: (604) 447-3044F: (778) 297-9966www.rfbp.ca

richmond Community FoundationSylvia Gwozd 200 - 6791 Elmbridge Way Richmond BC V7C 4N1P: (604) 270-4483F: (604) [email protected]

richmond Community orchestra and Chorus associationPaul Dufour 130-10691 Shellbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2W8P: (604) 276-2747F: (604) [email protected]

richmond Family place societyKim Winchell 8660 Ash Street Richmond BC V6Y 2S3P: (604) 278-4336F: (604) [email protected]

richmond Food bank societyMargaret Hewlett Suite 100 - 5800 Cedarbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2A7P: (604) [email protected]

richmond Marine rescue societyRobert Hayman Box 107 #9 - 8671 No.1 Rd Richmond BC V7C 1V2P: (604) [email protected]

richmond Minor hockey associationCameron Prior P.O. Box 94488 Richmond BC V6Y 2V6P: (604) 328-2847F: (604) [email protected]

richmond Multicultural Concerns society (rMCs)Amy Manaligod 210 - 7000 Minoru Blvd Richmond BC V6Y 3Z5P: (604) 279-7160F: (604) [email protected]

richmond outside WorkersIan Norton 5599 Lynas Lane Richmond BC V7C 5B2P: (604) 273-5044F: (604) [email protected]

richmond society for Community LivingJanice Barr 170 - 7000 Minoru Blvd. Richmond BC V6Y 3Z5P: (604) 279-7040F: (604) [email protected]

richmond therapeutic equestrian societyFrances Clark 13671 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V7A 1X7P: (604) 241-7837F: (604) [email protected]

richmond Women’s resource CentreFlorence Yau 110 - 7000 Minoru Boulevard Richmond BC V6Y 3Z5P: (604) 279-7060F: (604) [email protected]

richmond youth service agencyMarshall Thompson 100 - 7900 Alderbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2A5P: (604) 271-7600F: (604) [email protected]

rick hansen FoundationArt Reitmayer FCA, MBA300 - 3820 Cessna Drive Richmond BC V7B 0A2P: (604) 295-8149F: (604) [email protected]

rosewood ManorDeborah Goegan 6260 Blundell Road Richmond BC V7C 5C4P: (604) [email protected]

s.U.C.C.e.s.s. (United Chinese Community enrichment services society)Sienna Wong 28 West Pender Street Vancouver BC V6B 1R6P: (604) 408-7272F: (604) [email protected]

society of richmond Children’s CentresNicky Byres 110 - 6100 Bowling Green Rd.Richmond BC V6Y 4G2P: (604) 214-3490F: (604) [email protected]

sos Children’s Village bC thriftBarbara High 3800 Moncton Street Richmond BC V7E 3A7P: (604) [email protected]

steveston Community societyBeth Ovenden 4111 Moncton Street Richmond BC V7E 3A8P: (604) 718-8080F: (604) [email protected]

strait of georgia Marine reserve societyKevin Melanson 8000 No 3 Rd, PO Box 26043 Richmond BC V6Y 2E0P: (604) [email protected]

the richmond hospital / healthcare auxiliaryClare Dhillon 7000 Westminster Hwy Richmond BC V6X 1A2P: (604) 244-5267F: (604) [email protected]

touchstone Family associationMichael McCoy 120-6411 Buswell Road Richmond BC V6Y 2G5P: (604) 279-5599F: (604) [email protected]

turning point recovery societyBrenda Plant 10411 Odlin Road Richmond BC V6X 1E3P: (604) 303-6844F: (604) 303-7646admin@turningpointrecov-ery.comwww.turningpointrecovery.com

Volunteer richmond information servicesElizabeth Specht 190 - 7000 Minoru Boulevard Richmond BC V6Y 3Z5P: (604) 279-7020F: (604) [email protected]


China international auction Co. Ltd.Richmond Ren 15 - 10451 Shellbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2W8P: (778) [email protected]

Western Canada remarketing inc.Cody Darby 10611 River Dr. Richmond BC V6X 1Z2P: (604) 273-8421F: (604) [email protected]

auDIo & vIDeo

Focus audio Visual servicesAlan Bailey 125 West 5th Avenue Vancouver BC V5Y 1H9P: (604) 872-4434F: (604) [email protected]

oxygenergy electronicsJames Wang 133 - 11121 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 5G7P: (778) 895-6892F: (604) [email protected]

rbe Video inc.Jill McRae 2121 - 11871 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 5H5P: (604) 277-6533F: (604) [email protected]

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JY YES 100%FILE NAME: EXECUTION: CLIENT: PUBLICATION: AD SIZE: LIVE AREA: BLEED: SCALE:2196932_AD_CoC_7.75x3.25 Wheels – Chamber of Commerce RAM TBD 7.75" x 4.25" N/A N/A 1:1PROJECT: NOTE: CONTACT: WAX PROOF #12196932 2013 Campaign N/A RICHELLE PETERS studio manager �D403 781 3379 F 403 262 9399 �[email protected]

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automoBIle repaIr & servIce

ahM automotiveChristopher Chan 108 - 11031 Bridgeport Rd Richmond BC V6X 3A2P: (604) [email protected]

bismark Collision FacilityWalter Siu 5003 Minoru Boulevard Richmond BC V6X 2B1P: (604) 821-1302F: (604) [email protected]

Kal tireMel Sidhu 6551 No.3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2B7P: (604) 207-1203F: (604) [email protected]

Modern auto tech Ltd.Jack Mohr #105 - 13931 Sparwood Place Richmond BC V6V 1X2P: (604) 244-8355F: (604) 244-8322 Automobile Repair & Service

paul’s radiator (1985) Ltd.(ank enterprises inc.)Ashok Khosla 105 - 11031 Bridgeport Rd Richmond BC V6X 3A2P: (604) 270-3135F: (604) [email protected]

richmond auto bodyRandy Lowe 2691 No. 5 Road Richmond BC V6X 2S8P: (604) 278-9158F: (604) [email protected]

south seas autobody Co. Ltd.John Maharaj 5731 Minoru Blvd., Unit 150 Richmond BC V6X 2B1P: (604) 278-5121F: (604) [email protected]

automoBIle washIng & polIshIng

bashir’s auto CosmeticsBashir Hirjee 5751 Minoru Blvd. Richmond BC V6X 2B1P: (604) 270-9131F: (604) [email protected]


aDesa VancouverJohn MacDonald 7111 No. 8 Road Richmond BC V6W 1L9P: (604) 232-4403F: (604) [email protected]

advantage Collision LtdEric Lee #5 - 12880 Bathgate Way Richmond BC V6V 1Z4P: (604) 270-1371F: (604) [email protected]

asC Collision repairCathy Chen 5730 Cedarbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2A7P: (604) [email protected]

Auto West BMWTeresa Li 10780 Cambie Road Richmond BC V6X 1K8P: (604) 303-8034F: (604) [email protected]

Auto West BMW - Ludia LiLudia Li 10780 Cambie Road Richmond BC V6X 1K8P: (604) 273-2217F: (604) [email protected]

Cowell Motors Ltd.Gary Cowell 13611 Smallwood Place Richmond BC V6V 1W8P: (604) 273-3922F: (604) [email protected]

Craftsman Collision Ltd.Ami Maharaj 140-7931 Alderbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2A4P: (604) 278-1790F: (604) 278-3624richmond@craftsmancolli-sion.comwww.craftsmancollision.com

Double D auto serviceDave Hesch 12349 King George Blvd. Surrey BC V3V 3K2P: (604) 580-1828F: (604) [email protected]

Dueck richmondGreg Keith 12100 Featherstone Way Richmond BC V6W 1K9P: (604) 273-1311F: (604) [email protected]

Fraser Wharves Ltd.Jerry Duncan 13800 Steveston Highway Richmond BC V6W 1A8P: (604) 277-1141F: (604) 275-0029www.fraserwharves.com

honda Canada inc.-Western ZoneBlake Clarke 13240 Worster Court Richmond BC V6V 2B8P: (604) 278-7121F: (604) [email protected]

Kirmac Collision servicesGeoff Stewart 150-11020 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 4V5P: (604) 275-7262F: (604) [email protected]

Mercedes-benz richmondPhilip Chan 5691 Parkwood Way Richmond BC V6V 2M6P: (604) 278-7662F: (604) [email protected]

Mercedes-benz sprinterDonal Gibson 1502 Boundry Rd Burnaby BC V5K 4V4P: (604) [email protected]

Newtype richmond MitsubishiTodd Ho 9200 Bridgeport Rd. Richmond BC V6X 1S1P: (604) 231-9200F: (604) [email protected]

openroad hyundaiLarry Cho 5571 Parkwood Way Richmond BC V6V 2M7P: (604) 606-9033F: (604) [email protected]

openroad toyotaBarry Chyzowski 13251 Smallwood Place Richmond BC V6V 1W8P: (604) 273-3766F: (604) [email protected]

pan pacific Nissan richmondRicky Pang 13220 Smallwood Place Richmond BC V6V 1W8P: (604) 760-8661F: (604) 273-3834ricky.pang@panpacificnis-san.comwww.panpacificnissanrich-mond.com

Richmond AutomallGail Terry 250 - 13460 Smallwood Place Richmond BC V6V 1W8P: (604) 273-3243F: (604) [email protected]

richmond LexusMark Worbeck 5631 Parkwood Way Richmond BC V6V 2M6P: (604) 273-5533F: (604) [email protected]

richport Ford Lincoln Ltd.Bernice Goldson 13580 Smallwood Place Richmond BC V6V 2C1P: (604) 214-5534F: (604) 273-4824bgoldson@richportfordlin-coln.comwww.richportfordlincoln.com

shell CanadaValerie Yu Suite #701 186-8120 No.2 RoadRichmond BC V7C 5J8P: (604) 233-0872F: (604) 233-0875www.shell.com

sky auto serviceSimon Chu #110 - 5791 Minoru Blvd. Richmond BC V6X 2Y4P: (604) 233-1828F: (604) [email protected]

sr auto groupTony Yuen 2060 – 2633 Simpson Road 1757 West 3rd Avenue(Shop)Richmond BC V6X 0B9P: (604) 279-5563F: (604) [email protected]

sunny Coast auto service Ltd.Sunny Cheng #140 - 5671 Minoru Blvd. Richmond BC V6X 2B1P: (604) 276-8933

awarDs/promotIonal proDucts

Flamingo gifts & recognitionJames Mok Unit 140 - 2288 No. 5 Road Richmond BC V6X 2T1P: (604) [email protected]

richmond recognition Ltd.Roger Manhao Suite 128 - 7080 River Road Richmond BC V6X 1X5P: (604) 273-3220F: (604) 273-7701roger@richmondrecogni-tion.comwww.richmondrecognition.com

BaBy proDucts

Mothers Choice productsSandra Hass 2133 - 11871 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 5H5P: (604) 275-9221F: (604) 275-9223hass@motherschoiceprod-ucts.comwww.motherschoiceprod-ucts.com

storkcraft babyDavid Nelson CA7433 Nelson Road Richmond BC V6W 1G3P: (604) 274-5121F: (604) [email protected]


buns Master bakery & Delicatessen(sigcee holdings Ltd.)Wendy Tsai 604 - 5960 No. 6 Road Richmond BC V6V 1Z1P: (604) 278-8231F: (604) [email protected]

Diplomat bakery & pastry Ltd.Gerald Stenson Unit 110 - 6111 London Road Richmond BC V7E 3S3P: (604) 241-9134F: (604) [email protected]


go east trading inc.Shenwei Wang 8681 Seascape Drive West Vancouver BC V7W 3J7P: (604) [email protected]

BIo-DegraDaBle proDucts/package

green Century enterprises incMaggie Chen 100 - 9200 Van Horne Way Richmond BC V6W 1X3P: (604) 214-7719F: (604) [email protected]

Book store

international seed press inc.Ellen Leung 130 - 11100 Bridgeport Rd. Richmond BC V6X 1T2P: (604) 233-6655F: (604) 233-6656 Book Store

sino United publishing (Canada) Ltd.Jianye Huang 2960 - 4151 Hazelbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 4J7P: (604) 821-9875F: (604) [email protected]

BookkeepIng servIce

open-book bookkeeping CompanyJames Ngo 402 - 8200 Jones Road Richmond BC V6Y 3Z2P: (604) [email protected]

Box manufacturer

ideon packaging Ltd.Rick VanPoele 11251 Dyke Road Richmond BC V7A 0A1P: (604) 524-0524F: (604) [email protected]

BuIlDer anD Developer

am-pri Construction Ltd.Amit Sandhu 9751 No.6 Road Richmond BC V6W 1E5P: (604) [email protected]

Dirks Landscape Design build Ltd.Paul Dirks 3651 Bargeu Drive Richmond BC V6X 2R7P: (604) 270-9698F: (604) [email protected]

Dragon Nest Development Ltd.Patrick Hung 1245 - 11980 Hammersmith Way Richmond BC V7A 0A4P: (604) 720-9889F: (604) [email protected]

Minglian holdings Ltd.Frank Gu Suite 3008-2560 Shell Rd Richmond BC V6X 0B8P: (604) 276-0400F: (604) [email protected]









MLK properties Ltd.Lloyd Kinney 10491 Springwood Crescent Richmond BC V7E 1X5P: (604) [email protected]

rCg groupGordon Walker 5831 Cedarbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2A8P: (604) [email protected]

smart Centres Management inc.Michael Gilman 201 -11120 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 5H7P: (604) 448-9112F: (604) [email protected]

Western ConstructionThomas Leung 250 - 8833 Odlin Crescent Richmond BC V6X 3Z7P: (604) 214-8833F: (604) [email protected]

Whs building serviceWalter Suppin Apt 206, 1424 Walnut St Vancouver BC V6J 3R3P: (604) [email protected]

BusIness consultants

amar balagganAmar Balaggan 10266 McLeod Court Richmond BC V6X 3L1P: (604) 275-2622F: (604) [email protected]

Caped Management Consulting inc.Helen Quan #251 - 8680 Cambie Road Richmond BC V6X 4K1P: (778) [email protected]

BusIness network

eli international investment ClubAlan Eli #150 - 5751 Cedarbridge Way Richmond BC V6X Z8AP: (778) [email protected]

entrepreneurial success Network (esN)Debbie Rootman 237 - 991 Hornby Street Vancouver BC V6Z 1V3P: (604) [email protected]

referral Ninjas inc.Kevin HuP: (604) [email protected]


2 honest Carpenter Ltd.Gary McAuley 3940 Blundell Rd. Richmond BC V7C 1G4P: (604) 803 - [email protected]

carpet cleaners

green Dragon servicesAndres Mendez 319 - 11673 7th Avenue Richmond BC V7E 4X3P: (778) [email protected]


Great Canadian Gaming CorporationRoland Monteiro 8811 River Road Richmond BC V6X 3P8P: (604) 247-0901F: (604) [email protected]

caterIng servIces

bread garden CateringPaul Coleman 4753 - 54th Street Ladner BC V4K 4M5P: (604) 639-9229F: (604) [email protected]

Fresh slice pizzaTariq Waheed 8211 Ackroyd Road Richmond BC V6X 3K8P: (778) 297-5920F: (778) [email protected]

healthy Chef, theStanley Coelho #20-12871 Bathgate Way Richmond BC V6V 1Y5P: (604) 273-2433F: (604) [email protected]

peake of CateringJames Thornley 4501 Main Street Vancouver BC V5V 3R4P: (604) 872-8431F: (604) [email protected]

pita pitNavreet Dhillon #485 - 9100 Blundell Rd. Richmond BC V6Y 3X9P: (604) 244-7482F: (604) [email protected]

red Dot CafeRose Shi #105 - 3851 Jacombs Road Richmond BC V6X 3M1P: (604) [email protected]

cctv systems (closeD cIrcuIt tv)

Jlinks technology Corp.Aileen Chien 328 - 13988 Cambie Road Richmond BC V6V 2K4P: (604) 207-1662F: (604) [email protected]

Leodoctor Computer services inc.Anthony Mak 2013 - 8700 McKim Way Richmond BC V6Y 4A5P: (778) [email protected]

cement wholesale & manufacturers

Lafarge Canada inc.Lashanna Williams 7591 No. 9 Road Richmond BC V6W 0A6P: (604) 270-9155F: (604) [email protected]

Lehigh Materials, a division of Lehigh hanson Materials LimitedJoerg Nixdorf 8955 Shaugnessy Street Vancouver BC V6P 3Y7P: (604) [email protected]


Morning glory Family Day Care CentreKaren Walden 8340 Alanmore Pl Richmond BC V7C 2C1P: (604) 277-0788F: (604) [email protected]

chInese traDItIonal meDIcIne

beijing tong ren tang Canada Co. Ltd.Susan Wong #128 - 4940 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 3A5P: (604) 304-0233F: (604) [email protected]

bonco acupuncture & Wellness CentreJoe Silva 2170 - 4151 Hazelbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 4J7P: (604) 272-5108F: (604) [email protected]

ying tai tCM supplying Ltd.Lorie Shao #9 - 8207 Swenson Way Delta BC V4G 1J5P: (604) 957-0222F: (604) [email protected]


hC property services Ltd.Hui Chu 7191 Ash Street Richmond BC V6Y 2R9P: (604) 725-0856F: (604) [email protected]

cleanIng servIces

purtech Cleaning services inc.Steve Scheifele PO Box 96015 3080 - 11666 Steveston Hwy.Richmond BC V7A 5J4P: (604) [email protected]


bonavox trading Co.(0752293 b.C. Ltd.)Jack Siong 15 - 5700 Dover Cres. Richmond BC V7C 5R7P: (604) 303-0274F: (604) [email protected]

Diosa Phoenix Apparel Inc.Rachel Lei #2080 - 4151 Hazelbridge Richmond BC V6X 4J7P: (604) 303-1888F: (604) [email protected]

global Collective Design inc.Glenn Taylor 130 - 11300 #5 Road Richmond BC V7A 5J7P: (604) 277-9963F: (604) [email protected]

New Century Fashion inc.Tracy Chan 845 West Broadway Vancouver BC V5Z 1J9P: (604) 709-8131F: (604) [email protected]


best practices ConsultingShelley Leonhardt #16 - 8171 Steveston Hwy Richmond BC V7A 1M4P: (604) [email protected]

Focalpoint business CoachingIrwin Liu 15 - 22788 Westminster Hwy Richmond BC V6V 0B1P: (778) 865-1882iliu@focalpointcoaching.comwww.irwinliu.focalpoint-coaching.com

Vision 42 Enterprises Inc (Focal Point Business Coaching)Shelley Lecerf 1958 West 35th Avenue Vancouver BC V6M 1H7P: (604) 564-3107F: (604) 800-1652slecerf@focalpointcoach-ing.comwww.focalpointcoaching.com

coffee servIces

brewsense gourmet CoffeeCyrus Ma 1605 - 5811 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 4L7P: (778) [email protected]

red Carpet CoffeeKatie Anderson 56 Fawcett Road Coquitlam BC V3K 6V2P: (604) 527-4040F: (604) [email protected]


pepper Wireless solutions inc. (head office)Ryan Suen #208-8571 Alexandra Road Richmond BC V6X 1C3P: (604) 276-9288F: (778) [email protected]

pepper Wireless solutions inc. (toronto)Ryan Suen 127- 4438 Sheppard Ave. E Scarborough On M1S 5V9P: (604) 276-9288F: (778) [email protected]

president telecom Corp.Vivienne Lee 2370 - 8888 Odlin Court Crescent Richmond BC V6X 3Z8P: (604) 270-1177F: (604) [email protected]

rogers Communications inc.Rand Nguyen 1600 - 4710 Kingsway Burnaby BC V5H 4W4P: (604) [email protected]

togo telecom (Canada) inc.Evelyn Chan 140 - 4651 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2C4P: (604) 247-1313F: (604) [email protected]

communIcatIons - rentals

Cita Communication rentalsDebra Danny #303-5360 Airport Road South Richmond BC V7B 1B4P: (604) 671-4655F: (604) [email protected]

computer graphIcs, DesIgn & anImatIon

immediate images inc.Casey Jones 16028 Delsey Place South Surrey BC V3S 0J1P: (604) 475-4195F: (604) [email protected]

computer maIntenance & repaIr servIces

Cpg systems inc.Jeremy Colwell 301 - 2818 Main Street Vancouver BC V5T 0C1P: (604) [email protected]

D. Fairholm & Co. inc.Don Fairholm #270-11331 Coppersmith Way Richmond BC V7A 5J9P: (604) 214-7706F: (604) [email protected]

Kingtech solution inc.King Ho 917-9171 Ferndale Road Richmond BC V6Y 0A5P: (604) [email protected]

Safe Harbour InformaticsDan Stratton 3945 West 51st Ave Vancouver BC V6N 3V9P: (604) 295-5355F: (866) [email protected]

computer networkIng

amuleta Computer security inc.Dale Jackaman 330 - 1985 W. Broadway Vancouver BC V6J 4Y3P: (604) 230-8114F: (604) [email protected]










innovation Networks inc.Andreas Karakas 230 - 3771 Jacombs Road Richmond BC V6V 2L9P: (604) 275-5100F: (604) 275-7978andreas@innovationnet-works.comwww.innovationnetworks.com

redbridge solutions inc.Stanford Jack 220B - 22131 Fraserwood Way Richmond BC V6W 1J5P: (778) 732-0262F: (604) [email protected]

computer securIty systems

hypersecu information systems inc.Mary Xing 824-6081 No 3 Rd Richmond BC V6Y 2B2P: (877) 255-7788F: (604) [email protected]

computer systems DesIgns & consultants

Cascadia systems groupRobert Milliken 45673 - 2397 King George Highway Surrey BC V4A 9N3P: (604) 270-1730F: (604) 541-6509easydoesit@cascadiasystem-sgroup.comwww.cascadiasystemsgroup.com

Next hop solutions inc.Tim Hall Suite 305 South Tower 5811 Cooney RoadRichmond BC V6X 3M1P: (604) 484-5141F: (604) [email protected]

pick-see solutions incLiz Doell 11121 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 5G7P: (604) 271-3455F: (604) [email protected]


a-power Computer Ltd.Elizabeth Chan 1038 - 2560 Shell Road Richmond BC V6X 0B8P: (604) 273-5667F: (604) [email protected]

ae electronicsGlen Lum B11 - 970 Burrard Street Vancouver BC V6Z 2R4P: (604) 279-8867F: (604) [email protected]

aLC Micro (b.C.) inc.Stanley Chan Unit 2 & 3 - 3691 Viking Way Richmond BC V6V 2J6P: (604) 231-8098F: (604) [email protected]

allway technologies inc.David Wu 5-3671 Viking Way Richmond BC V6V 2J5P: (604) 232-3981F: (604) [email protected]

Compu 2000Karson Wong 1910 - 4151 Hazelbridge Way, Aberdeen Centre Richmond BC V6X 4J7P: (604) [email protected]

eCL industries Ltd.Edward Lee 7979 Granville Street Vancouver BC V6P 4Z3P: (604) 266-1124F: (604) [email protected]

ink or toner?Kelvin Chan 624 - 5300 No.3 Road Lansdowne CentreRichmond BC V6X 2X9P: (604) 232-9282F: (604) [email protected]

L.C.F advanced technology LtdDaniel Lo Unit#8 - 3071 No. 5 Road Richmond BC V6X 2T4P: (604) 303-9628F: (604) [email protected]

Netlink Computer Inc. (NCIX)Steve Wu #105-4620 Viking Way Richmond BC V6V 2L5P: (604) 288-8080F: (604) [email protected]

pC Computers Ltd.Rosaline Chew 9648 Thomas Dr. Richmond BC V7E 5X8P: (604) 276-8806F: (604) [email protected]

sgM systems sourceSteve Musgrove 43 - 5380 Smith Drive Richmond BC V6V 2K8P: (604) 318-9769F: (604) [email protected]

sonex Computer inc.Johnson Ng #1035 - 8766 McKim Way Richmond BC V6X 4G4P: (604) 717-6111F: (604) [email protected]


green-stone ethical Concrete Ltd.Bert Almeida 13171 Mitchell Road Richmond BC V6V 1M7P: (604) 322-0400F: (604) 325-3124b.almeida@green-stone-concrete.comwww.green-stone-concrete.com

ocean Concrete, a division of Lehigh Materials Ltd.Larry Baloun 8955 Shaughnessy Street Vancouver BC V6P 3Y7P: (604) [email protected]

progressive Concrete Ltd.Beau Sumel 4420 Westminster Hwy Richmond BC V7C 1B5P: (604) 830-2256beausumel@progressivecon-crete.cawww.progressiveconcrete.ca

rempel bros. Concrete Ltd.Larry Baloun 8955 Shaughnessy Street Vancouver BC V6P 3Y7P: (604) [email protected]


ansan industries Ltd.Raoul Malak 2600 Viking Way Richmond BC V6V 1N2P: (604) 270-1541F: (604) 270-1545

Flatiron Constructors Canada LimitedLaurie James Kelsey Suite 400- 13955 Bridgeport Road Richmond BC V6V 1J6P: (604) 244-7343F: (604) [email protected]

Future building Materials Ltd.Steven Liu #7 - 11720 Voyageur Way Richmond BC V6X 3G9P: (778) [email protected]

hua Da group investmentJohnny Lu 807 - 8068 Westminster Hwy Richmond BC V6X 0C6P: (604) 773-5766F: (604) [email protected]

Krownhead ContractingMiles Timmis10771 Bamberton Drive Richmond BC V7A 1K6P: (604) 306-3255www.krownheadcontract-ing.com

Li hui enterprises Ltd.Pigeon Hui Xian Zhou 4831 Cabot Drive Richmond BC V7C 4J5P: (604) 218-0889

Lock-block Ltd.Stuart McFarlane 13171 Mitchell Road Richmond BC V6V 1M7P: (604) 325-9161F: (604) [email protected]

octiscapes Landscaping LtdCameron Turtle 2756 Woodland Drive Vancouver BC V5N 3P8P: (604) 708-5790F: (604) [email protected]

sandhill Development Ltd.Amarjit Sandhu Unit 228, 11020 No 5 Road Richmond BC V7A 4E7P: (604) 271-6296F: (604) [email protected]

small army Contracting inc.Matt Small 8583 - 109B St. North Delta BC V4C 4H4P: (604) [email protected]

tien sher group of CompaniesCharan Sethi 185-4631 Shell Road Richmond BC V6X 3M4P: (604) 207-4663F: (604) [email protected]

Western tank and Lining Ltd.Kim Biehl 12180 Vickers Way Richmond BC V6V 1H9P: (604) 241-9487F: (604) [email protected]


beacon hill Consultants (1988) Ltd.Peter Stokes PO Box 18119 1269-56th StreetDelta BC V4L 2M4P: (778) 388-6811F: (604) [email protected]

Caleia ConsultingLena Hutzcal PO Box 36547, #11-8571 No. 1 Road Richmond BC V7C 1V0P: (778) [email protected]

Canada east stanley Consultant LtD.Helen Qian #3 - 6431 Cooney Road Richmond BC V6Y 2J5P: (604) 306-6836F: (604) [email protected]

CDC synectics inc.Connie Siu 186-8120 No. 2 Road, Suite 342 Richmond BC V7C 5J8P: (604) [email protected]

Coleman Management services inc.Ron Coleman 7451 Bassett Place Richmond BC V7C 4A8P: (604) 241-0666F: (604) [email protected]

Fisina scientific inc.Fred Otchere 102 - 10092 148 Street Surrey BC V3R 4G7P: (604) 582-4283F: (604) [email protected]

innovacon systems incAndy Khoo 8611 Myron Court Richmond BC V6Y 3K2P: (604) [email protected]

roCg ConsultingW. Lyle Dickson 4080 - 8171 Ackroyd Richmond BC V6X 3K1P: (604) 247-1077F: (604) [email protected]/americas

s.W.Z. Consulting Corp.Jason Wang #24 - 7533 Heather Street Richmond BC V6Y 2P8P: (778) [email protected]

shipping Made simpleCheryle Campbell #4 - 22771 Norton Court Richmond BC V6V 2W7P: (604) [email protected]

sourcing For you Consulting Ltd.Marcia Vineberg 186 - 619, 8120 No. 2 Rd Richmond BC V7C 5J8P: (360) 961-9698F: (778) [email protected]

southwest Consulting & travel professionalsLiza Muyco #200 - 6700 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2C3P: (604) 447-8717F: (604) [email protected]

Zeit (Canada) international Development Ltd.Irene Liu N206 - 5811 Cooney Road Richmond BC V6X 3M1P: (604) 370-0877F: (604) [email protected]

consultIng & meDIcal DevIces

yaari projects Ltd.Carlos Vonderwalde 7271 Frobisher Dr. Richmond BC V7C 4P8P: (604) 288-2464F: (604) [email protected]

consumer electronIcs

richmond international technology Corp. Dr. batteryGala Chan Unit 135 - 13900 Maycrest Way Richmond BC V6V 3E2P: (604) 273-8248F: (604) [email protected]


black truck projects inc.Ian Jackson 20 - 10751 Mortfield Road Richmond BC V7A 2W1P: (604) [email protected]









Continental roofingLee Eward 16020 River Road Richmond BC V6V 1L6P: (604) 270-8577F: (604) 270-1638lee.eward@continentalroof-ing.comwww.continentalroofing.com

DDr enterprises LtdMathias Reinprecht 9540 Pinewell Cres. Richmond BC V7A 2C8P: (604) [email protected]

endo home and building supplies CentreKyle She 130 - 11938 Bridgeport Rd Richmond BC V6X 1T2P: (604) 232-0210F: (604) [email protected]

progressive Construction Ltd.Heather Thomson 5591 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2C7P: (604) 273-6655, ext. 224F: (604) [email protected]

r. & i. repairs & renovations Ltd.Reto Grellmann 4366 Gander Place Richmond BC V7E 5R1P: (604) [email protected]

Stuart Olson Dominion Construction Ltd.Willie Joubert Suite 300-13777 Commerce Parkway Richmond BC V6V 2X3P: (604) 273-7765F: (604) [email protected]/

contractors - electrIcal

granby enterprises incBrad Goodwin 11091 Hammersmith Gate Richmond BC V7A 5E6P: (604) 214-3100F: (604) [email protected]

pro-Con electrical testing Ltd.(aloha Venture holdings)Darlene Lawson 181 - 1999 Savage Road Richmond BC V6V 0A5P: (604) 303-9770F: (604) [email protected]

conventIon & traDe show Decorators

Levy show service inc.Arliss Levy 12340 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 4Z1P: (604) 277-1726F: (604) [email protected]

cosmetIcs & perfumes wholsale / manufacturers

bodywell Natural skin Care inc.Richard Crambie Unit#7 - 13680 Bridgeport Road Richmond BC V6V 1J3P: (604) 279-0050F: (604) [email protected]


sweet LuLu’s Costume CompanyAlli Nunn #18 - 5900 Muir Drive Richmond BC V6V 2Y8P: (778) 397-3777sweet_lulus_costume_co@hotmail.comwww.luluscostumesvancou-ver.ca


richmond addiction services societyRichard Dubras 200 - 7900 Alderbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2A5P: (604) 270-9220F: (604) [email protected]

counter top stone faBrIcator

alpha stone Co. Ltd.David Lee 11591 Bridgeport Road Richmond BC V6X 1T5P: (604) 278-8267F: (604) [email protected]

Caprice Countertops inc.Gregory Prommaz #130 - 11880 Hammersmith Way Richmond BC V7A 5C8P: (604) 340-6363F: (604) [email protected]


Federal express Canada Ltd.Cathy Kolmansberger 6011 Westminster Hwy. #100 Richmond BC V7C 4V4P: (604) 279-7801F: (604) [email protected]

Nova express (Novex)Ken Johnston #105 - 14271 Knox Way Richmond BC V6V 2Z4P: (604) 278-8044F: (604) [email protected]

customs Brokers

affiliated Customs brokerGraham Smith 205 - 4831 Miller Road Richmond BC V7B 1K7P: (604) 276-8321F: (604) [email protected]

bgL brokerage Ltd.Mike Barriere 203 - 15252 32nd Ave. Surrey BC V3S 0R7P: (604) 541-2311F: (604) [email protected]

summit international trade services inc.Sharmaine Shultz #2060 - 5200 Miller Road Richmond BC V7B 1L1P: (604) 278-3551F: (604) [email protected]

Ups supply Chain solutionMichael Heath Second Floor-7451 Nelson Road Richmond BC V6W 1G3P: (604) 270-9449F: (604) [email protected]

Dance schools & accessorIes

the richmond academy of DanceHeather Joosten-Fair 7860 River Road Richmond BC V6X 1X7P: (604) 278-7816dance@richmondacad-emyofdance.comwww.richmondacademyof-dance.com

Day care centre

gentle steps Child Care 9080 Francis Rd Richmond BC V6Y 1B1P: (604) [email protected]

s.p.i.C.e. of Life Child Care Centre Ltd.Amin Bhatia 10851 Shell Road Richmond BC V7A 3W6P: (604) 272-4040F: (604) [email protected]


Dr. hau yi Fang inc.Herbert Fang 704 - 1055 W. Broadway Richmond BC V6H 1E2P: (604) 718-5588F: (604) [email protected]

Dr. heather Krahn inc.Heather Krahn 660 - 6091 Gilbert Road Richmond BC V7C 5L9P: (604) [email protected]

Dr. henson po inc.Henson Po Ste. 171 - 6180 Blundell Rd. Richmond BC V7C 4W7P: (604) 277-3155F: (604) 277-3185

DIsaBIlIty management

aroga technologies Ltd.Steve Barclay 107-3823 Henning Drive. Burnab BC V5C 6P3P: (604) 431-7997F: (604) [email protected]

DIscount stores

Wonderbucks stores Ltd.Bernie Moschenross 1803 Commercial Drive Vancouver BC V5N 4A6P: (604) 253-0515F: (604) [email protected]


archmetal industries Corp.Henry Chen #140 - 6251 Graybar Rd Richmond BC V6X 3M1P: (604) [email protected]

Deeley harley-Davidson CanadaMalcolm Hunter 13500 Verdun Place Richmond BC V6V 1V2P: (604) 273-5421F: (604) [email protected]

haywood & associates inc.George Haywood #29 - 6100 Woodwards Road Richmond BC V7E 6G8P: (604) 241-4664F: (604) [email protected]

ingram Micro CanadaJeff Kennett 7451 Nelson Rd. Richmond BC V6w 1L7P: (604) 276-8357F: (604) 276-8359www.ingrammicro.com

international Cosmeticare inc.Darryl Segal 3 - 12240 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 4X9P: (604) 277-2284F: (604) [email protected]

Leeza DistributionDavid Reay 14 - 13331 Vulcan Way Richmond BC V6V 1K4P: (604) 247-1412F: (604) [email protected]

Univar Canada Ltd.Harman Dhillon 9800 Vanhorne Way Richmond BC V6X 1W5P: (604) 231-5242F: (604) [email protected]

Dry cleanIng

Wagner’s european FabricareFrank Wagner #34 - 7621 Vantage Way Delta BC V4G 1A6P: (604) 952-6677F: (604) [email protected]

Dust & exhaust systems mfrs., & DesIgn

anderson industrial Ltd.Larry Bowe 88 - 27111 “O” Ave Aldergrove BC V4W 2T2P: (604) 856-9200F: (604) [email protected]


711eshop.comBrian Ramwood #410 - 3711 Jacombs Road Richmond BC V6X 3M1P: (604) 370-5711F: (604) [email protected]

e-learnIng technology

hypercube technologies Corp.Bill Bilic 230-13775 Commerce Pkwy. Richmond BC V6V 2V4P: (604) 241-9011F: (604) [email protected]


b.C.i.t. - aerospace CampusLenalda Sutherland 3800 Cessna Drive Richmond BC V7B 0A1P: (604) 419-3700F: (604) [email protected]

Canaan College Ltd.Lauren Chu 4740 Imperial Street Burnaby BC V5J 1C2P: (604) 451-9739F: (604) [email protected]

CDi CollegeKarin Fischer 4351 No. 3 Rd. Unit 180 Richmond BC V6K 3A7P: (604) 279-0003F: (604) [email protected]

Crayon box Learning Center inc.Ginny Lam 160 - 10811 No.4 Road Richmond BC V7A 2Z5P: (604) 275-2332F: (604) [email protected]

Kwantlen polytechnic UniversityJeff Norris Office of the President 12666 72nd AveSurrey BC V3W 2M8P: (604) 599-2127F: (604) [email protected]

Kwantlen polytechnic University - richmondJeff Norris 8771 Lansdowne Rd Richmond BC V6X 3V8P: (604) 599-2127F: (604) [email protected]

Literacy richmondMargaret Dixon 7571 Gabriola Crescent Richmond BC V7C 1W1P: (604) [email protected]

richmond Continuing education (school District No. 38)Michael Khoo 7811 Granville Avenue Richmond BC V6Y 3E3P: (604) 668-6123F: (604) [email protected]

school District No. 38 (richmond) 7811 Granville Avenue Richmond BC V6Y 3E3P: (604) 668-6000F: (604) [email protected]










trinity Western UniversityWayne Duzita 7600 Glover Road Langley BC V2Y 1Y1P: (604) 513-2121F: (604) 513-2061www.twu.ca

Universal Learning institute Ltd.Linda Gavsie Suite 210 - 6760 No 3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2C2P: (604) 273-2880F: (604) [email protected]

eDucatIonal consultants

LesL instructionDianne Jackson 10040 No. 4 Road Richmond BC V7A 2Z4P: (604) 244-8610dianne/[email protected]

piCi - prosperous international Consultants inc.Tommy Yao 6190 - 4000 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 0J8P: (604) 957-5877F: (604) [email protected]

electrIcal servIces

Nightingale electrical Ltd.Doug Nightingale #143 - 11121 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 5G7P: (604) 275-0500F: (604) [email protected]

electronIc DevIces

a & L electronics (tsai enterprises inc.)Albert Tsai 368 - 2906 West Broadway Vancouver BC V6K 2G8P: (604) 279-0728F: (604) [email protected]

electronIc, equIpment & supplIes - wholesale

sierra Wireless inc.Patricia Curle 13811 Wireless Way Richmond BC V6V 3A4P: (604) 231-1100F: (604) [email protected]


NJ embroideryNancy Hills 6680 Comstock Road Richmond BC V7C 2X6P: (604) [email protected]

status embroidery & sportswearLes Hodgkins 2115 - 21000 Westminster Hwy. Richmond BC V6V 2S9P: (604) 270-1423F: (604) [email protected]

employment servIces

adecco employment servicesStephanie Lyle 150-5890 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 3P7P: (604) 273-8761F: (604) [email protected]

easy access to employmentAdrienne Jolly 268 - 3631 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2B9P: (604) 285-6938adrienne@easyacesstoem-ployment.cawww.easyaccesstoemploy-ment.ca

express employment professionalsNiven Lee 8891 - 120th Street Delta BC V4C 6R6P: (604) 668-5899F: (604) [email protected]

geotemps internationalCharlene Donald Suite 1052, 409 Granville Street Vancouver BC V6C 1T2P: (604) 558-3800F: (604) 558-3880www.geotempsintl.com

Joboptions bC, richmond youth service agency P: (604) [email protected]

WCg international Ltd. (JobWave)Jacquie Muns Richmond JobWave Center #305-6411 Buswell StreetRichmond BC V6Y 2G5P: (604) 538-1170F: (604) [email protected]


Meg Consulting Ltd.John Sully 201 - 6751 Westminster Hwy Richmond BC V7C 4V4P: (604) 244-9400F: (604) [email protected]

sereca Fire Consulting Ltd.Geoff Chamberlain Unit 520 - 5600 Parkwood Way Richmond BC V6V2M2P: (604) 295-4000F: (604) [email protected]

sun Consulting engineers Ltd.Ravee Ramakrishnan 6880 Camsell Crescent Richmond BC V7C 2M8P: (604) 284-5140F: (604) 284-5104ravee@sunconsultingengi-neers.comwww.sunconsultingengi-neers.com

Wings engineering Ltd.Jim Tinson 8731 Allison Street Richmond BC V6Y 2H9P: (604) 274-5648F: (604) [email protected]

engIneerIng/project management

aMeCJohn Kageorge Suite 400 -111 Dunsmuir Street Vancouver BC V6B 5W3P: (604) 664-4315F: (604) [email protected]

Core Concept Consulting Ltd.Hermes Lam 220-2639 Viking Way Richmond BC V6V 3B7P: (604) 249-5040F: (604) 249-5041hmlam@coreconceptcon-sulting.comwww.coreconceptconsult-ing.com


gateway theatreRobin White 6500 Gilbert Road Richmond BC V7C 3V4P: (604) 270-6500F: (604) [email protected]


Capture energyBarb Silverthorn 305-5811 Cooney Rd. Richmond BC V6X 3M1P: (604) 249-2142F: (604) [email protected]

Corex environmental Ltd.Dipak Ghosh 1338 - 20800 Westminster Highway Richmond BC V6V 2W3P: (604) 277-5755F: (604) [email protected]

Dillon Consulting LimitedNathan Gregory Suite 510, 3820 Cessna Drive Richmond BC V7B 0A2P: (604) 278-7847F: (604) [email protected]

pgL environmental Ltd.Cory Cavazzi 1200 - 1185 West Georgia Street Vancouver BC V6E 4E6P: (604) 682-3707F: (604) [email protected]

esthetIc proDucts

amethyst skin Care Centre inc.Fanny Lau 3407 West Broadway Vancouver BC V6R 2B4P: (604) [email protected]

Mg trading Co. Ltd.James Wong #1270 - 4151 Hazelbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 4J7P: (604) [email protected]

sunflower CosmeticsCaroline Har #411 Lansdowne Centre 5300 No. 3 RoadRichmond BC V6X 2X9P: (604) 276-2028F: (604) [email protected]

Venus beauty supplies Ltd.Candy Cheng 180-11120 Bridgeport Road Richmond BC V6X 1T2P: (604) 214-0834F: (604) [email protected]

event plannIng

artDreams CreativeNaomi Topuzoglu #113 - 408 East Kent South Vancouver BC V5X 2X7P: (604) [email protected]

bright ideas event Coordinators Ltd.Sharon Bonner P.O. Box 34006, Station D Vancouver BC V6J 4M1P: (604) 303-7707F: (604) [email protected]

imagine that eventsLaura Takasaki 6251 Yeats Crescent Richmond BC V7E 4E1P: (604) 329-0754F: (604) [email protected]

Key events and Weddings inc.Lucy Chan-Ng #173 - 2633 Viking Way Richmond BC V6V 3B7P: (604) 830-1882F: (604) 523-0408lucy@keyeventsandwed-dings.comwww.keyeventsandwed-dings.com

scene ideasSusan Low 2200 Shell Rd. Richmond BC V6X 2P1P: (604) 696-1393F: (604) [email protected]

VtiX solutions CorporationColeen Alexander 8531 Fairway Rd. Richmond BC V7C 1Y5P: (604) 241-7292F: (604) [email protected]

famIly entertaInment centres

tbC indoor racingGreg Dane 2100 Viceroy Place Richmond BC V6V 1Y9P: (604) 232-9196F: (604) [email protected]


CanWest Farms Ltd.Humraj Kallu 13051 Blundell Road Richmond BC V6W 1B6P: (604) 244-0488F: (604) [email protected]

edwards turkey Farm Ltd.Brian Edwards 9020 No.6 Road Richmond BC V6W 1E4P: (604) 277-5477F: (604) [email protected]


Colton’sAdam Edge #1500 - 6081 No 3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2B2P: (604) 282-6055F: (604) 713-8612www.coltons.ca

Jones New yorkChris Van Zeist #110 - 7771 Alderbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2Z4P: (905) [email protected]


assetplus Financial services inc.Alfred Poon 118 - 3751 Shell Road Richmond BC V6X 2W2P: (604) 273-0232F: (604) [email protected]

bank of China (Canada) richmond branchWalter Ke Unit 105, 8060 Westminster Highway Richmond BC V6X 1A6P: (604) 273-1108F: (604) [email protected]

bank of Montreal - richmond Main officeKen Lee 6088 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2B3P: (604) 668-1198F: (604) 668-1358www.bmo.com

bMo bank of Montreal / president plaza branchMatt Kuo 100 - 3880 No.3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2C1P: (604) 668-1382F: (604) [email protected]

Business Development Bank of CanadaBarbara Tinson #2100 - 505 Burrard St. Vancouver BC V7X 1M6P: (604) 666-7857F: (604) [email protected]

Canadian Manu immigration & Financial services inc.Paul Oei #880 - 5900 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 3P7P: (604) 800-2288F: (778) 297-6848

Canadian Western BankMichael Yeung 4991 No.3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2C3P: (604) 238-2818F: [email protected]

CibC business bankingJoe Atkinson 6011 No. 3 Road 2nd FloorRichmond BC V6Y 2B2P: (604) 665-6106F: (604) [email protected]

Coast Capital Savings - BlundellSue-Ellen Wong 7960 No. 2 Road Richmond BC V7C 3L9P: (604) 517-7000www.coastcapitalsavings.com









Coast Capital Savings - BroadmoorDeborah Freedman Suite 124 - 10111 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V7A 1W6P: (604) 517-7000deborah.freedman@coast-capitalsavings.comwww.coastcapitalsavings.com

Coast Capital Savings - CambieBill Brooke 11911 Cambie Road Richmond BC V6X 1L6P: (604) 517-7000bill.brooke@coastcapitalsav-ings.comwww.coastcapitalsavings.com

Coast Capital Savings - Head OfficeDarren Haines 15117 - 101 Avenue Surrey BC V3R 8P7P: (604) 517-7000darren.haines@coastcapital-savings.comwww.coastcapitalsavings.com

Coast Capital Savings - IronwoodDan Sharma 1070 - 11660 Steveston Hwy. Richmond BC V7A 1N6P: (604) 517-7000www.coastcapitalsavings.com

Coast Capital Savings - Richmond CentreRichard Chen 6253 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2B5P: (604) 517-7000www.coastcapitalsavings.com

Coast Capital Savings - StevestonShelley Cassap 3960 Chatham Street Richmond BC V7E 2Z5P: (604) 517-7000www.coastcapitalsavings.com

Coast Capital Savings - Terra Nova 100-3679 Westminster Highway Richmond BC V7C 5V2P: (604) 517-7000www.coastcapitalsavings.com

ernst & young Pacific Centre 700 West Georgia StVancouver BC V7Y 1C7P: (604) [email protected]

Freedom 55 Financial / Quadrus investment servicesSimon Bui 600 - 1508 West Broadway Vancouver BC V6J 1W8P: (604) 619-0099F: (604) [email protected]

g & F Financial groupJesse Nakatsuru 8900 No 1 Rd Richmond BC V7C 4C1P: (604) [email protected]

golden Lines Financial services inc.Ivan Wang 1900-4720 Kingsway Burnaby BC V5H 4N2P: (604) [email protected]

gulf and Fraser Credit UnionJuliana Yung 7971 Westminster Highway Richmond BC V6X 1A4P: (604) 278-0220F: (604) [email protected]

hsbC bank CanadaAdrian Chan 6168 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2B3P: (604) 659-5768F: (604) [email protected]

hsbC bank Canada - business bankingRodney Chan 200 - 885 West Gerogia Street Vancouver BC V6C3G1P: (604) 641-2513F: (604) [email protected]

industrial and Commercial bank of China (Canada)Ping Keung Chan 6740 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2C2P: (604) 278-9668F: (604) [email protected]

investors group Financial services inc.Richard Nash 100 - 5811 Cooney Road Richmond BC V6X 3M1P: (604) 270-7700F: (604) [email protected]

JK real estate & Financial services inc.James Kuok #220 - 3771 Jacombs Rd. Richmond BC V6V 2L9P: (604) [email protected]

Liquid Capital bC Corp 111 - 10451 Shellbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2W8P: (604) 270-6499F: (604) [email protected]

Magen (Financial) ConsultingSergei Mochtchenkov 3180 - 8788 McKim Way Richmond BC V6K 3T2P: (604) 718-6699F: (604) [email protected]

Moneris solutionsNicholas Lo #225 - 4259 Canada Way Burnaby BC V5G 4I1P: (604) 362-0069F: (604) [email protected]

National bank of CanadaYolanda Chu #200--555 Burrard Street Vancouver BC V7X 1M7P: (604) 661-5543F: (604) [email protected]

rCg Forex service Corp.Phillip Moy 800-5951 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2E3P: (604) 821-1977F: (604) [email protected]

Royal Bank of CanadaDave Pohl 6400 No. 3 Road, 2nd Floor Richmond BC V6Y 2C2P: (604) 665-8686F: (604) [email protected]

scotiabankChristine Lim 6300 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2B3P: (604) 668-2880F: (604) [email protected]

scotiabank - ironwood plazaYock Loke 3020-11666 Steveston Highway Richmond BC V7A 5J3P: (604) 717-7755F: (604) [email protected]

scotiabank - No. 5 & bridgeportJoseph Chow 104 - 11911 Bridgeport Rd. Richmond BC V6X 1T5P: (604) 668-2840F: (604) [email protected]

scotiabank - No.3 road and alderbridgeLisa Chan 112 - 4940 No.3 Road Richmond BC V6X 3A5P: (604) 668-2830F: (604) [email protected]

SecuTrans Bankcard ServicePeter Ngan P.O. Box 88148 Lansdowne Richmond BC V6X 3T6P: (604) 800-8123F: (877) [email protected]

shenglin FinancialTom Chen 1020 - 4720 Kingsway Burnaby BC V5H 4N2P: (604) 433-1588F: (604) [email protected]

sun Life FinancialChristopher Chan 120 - 3600 Lysander Lane Richmond BC V7B 1C3P: (604) 279-2388F: (604) [email protected]/christopher.chan

TD Canada Trust, Business BankingShahida Hassanali Richmond Centre 5991 No. 3 RoadRichmond BC V6X 3Y6P: (604) 654-3180F: (604) [email protected]

TD Canada Trust, Continental PlazaEmily Cheng 2100-3779 Sexsmith Road Richmond BC V6X 3Z9P: (604) 654-8877F: (604) 654-8870www.tdbank.ca

TD Canada Trust, LansdowneSabrina Donohoe 626 - 5300 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2X9P: (604) 273-0821F: (604) [email protected]

TD Canada Trust, SeafairTricia Whitwham 3960 Francis Road Richmond BC V7C 1J7P: (604) 277-6080F: (604) [email protected]

TD Richmond Commercial Banking CentreTodd Laycraft 5991 No. 3 Road, 2nd Floor Richmond BC V6X 3Y6P: (604) 654-8939F: (604) [email protected]

Vancity Credit UnionBabs Mann 100-5900 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 3P7P: (604) 877-7260F: (604) [email protected]

Vancouver abC New immigrant information services inc. 301-4940 No.3 Road Richmond BC V6X 3A5P: (604) 233-2228F: (604) [email protected]

Ventura Financial strategies 5135 Hollywood Drive Vancouver BC V7E 4V3P: (604) 818-8669F: (604) [email protected]

fIre hall

City of richmond, Fire-rescue DepartmentKirby Graeme No. 1 Firehall - 6960 Gilbert Road Richmond BC V7C 3V4P: (604) 303-2726F: (604) [email protected]

fIre preventIon

ace Fire prevention Ltd.Andy Sangha #128 - 11180 Coppersmith Pl. Richmond BC V7A 5G8P: (604) 275-0075F: (604) [email protected]

Vancouver Fire and radius securityConnie Yip 22131 Fraserwood Way Richmond BC V6W1J5P: (604) 232-3488F: (604) [email protected]

fIrst aID equIpment anD supplIes

sos emergency response technologiesStacey Friedman #207 - 5920 No. 6 Rd. Richmond BC V6V 1Z1P: (604) 277-5855F: (604) 277-5859www.sostech.ca

fIrst aID servIces

st. John ambulance - richmond branchMyette Acha #120 - 6851 Elmbridge Way Richmond BC V7C 4N1P: (604) 207-2032F: (604) [email protected]/bc

fIsh anD seafooD

breakers Fish Company Ltd.Dan Treend 2165-21000 Westminster Highway Richmond BC V6V 2S9P: (604) 244-7291F: (604) [email protected]

ocean brandsAidan Hughes 100 - 3600 Lysander Lane Richmond BC V7B 1C3P: (604) 242-0030F: (604) 242-0029oceanbrands.com

fIshIng gear & equIpment

Cantrawl Nets Ltd.Robert McIlwaine 140-6660 Graybar Road 1Richmond BC V6W 1H9P: (604) 270-6387F: (604) [email protected]

fItness / sport equIpment

Flaman FitnessRyan Van Eijnsbergen 120 - 7771 Westminster Hwy Richmond BC V6X 1A4P: (604) 276-2400F: (604) [email protected]

fItness centres

Cartwheels incorporatedKatherine Campbell #145 - 12417 No. 2 Road Richmond BC V7E 6H7P: (604) 275-0020F: (604) 275-0210katherine@cartwheelsincor-porated.comwww.cartwheelsincorpo-rated.com


a2 Mouldings & FloorsPing Kuen Wong #101 - 11511 Bridgeport Road Richmond BC V6X 1P4P: (604) 244-8687F: (604) [email protected]










elegant Flooring inc.Judy Cheng #1-12371 Bridgeport Road Richmond BC V6V 1J4P: (604) 276-9233F: (604) [email protected]

goldentrim enterprisesJohn Wong 103 - 11400 Bridgeport Road Richmond BC V6X 1T2P: (604) 231-7680F: (604) [email protected]

ocean Floors Ltd.Ken Wallis 205 - 13500 Maycrest Way Richmond BC V6V 2N8P: (604) 278-2424F: (604) [email protected]


Fannie’s Florist Ltd.Roger Sheung 105-8460 Alexandra Road Richmond BC V6X 3L4P: (604) 277-3927F: (604) [email protected]

Forget-Me-Not Floral DesignJosephine Louie 1190 - 8260 Westminster Highway Richmond BC V6X 3Y2P: (604) 821-1338F: (604) [email protected]/forgetmenot-floral

fooD proDucts

amron’s gourmet Meats Ltd.Gurjeet Chahal 170 - 8180 No.2 Road Richmond BC V7C 5K1P: (604) [email protected]

brockmann’s Chocolate inc.Norbert Brockmann 7863 Progress Way Delta BC V4G 1A3P: (604) 946-4111F: (604) [email protected]

Chocolaterie Bernard CallebautRustam Teja 188-8120 No. 2 Road Richmond BC V7C 5J8P: (604) 275-1244F: (604) [email protected]

Corinthian Distributors Ltd.Vincent Uy 1482 Cliveden Avenue An-nacis IslandDelta BC V3M 6L9P: (604) 528-6008F: (604) [email protected]

Fresh Choice Foods Distribution & servicesGeorge Choy 2 - 4751 Shell Road Richmond BC V6X 3H4P: (604) 270-6882F: (604) [email protected]

gibo health Food Ltd.Kitty Tsin #190 - 4551 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2C3P: (604) 278-8736F: (604) 278-8716 Food Products

global gourmet Foods inc.Richard Breakell 11611 Bridgeport Road Richmond BC V6X 1T5P: (604) 278-8688F: (604) [email protected]

golden summitMarianne Cheng Unit 100 - 8211 Westminster Hwy. Richmond BC V6X 1A7P: (604) 270-8213F: (604) [email protected]

iCM enterprisesChi Kit Mak #160-4800 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 3A6P: (604) 270-1997F: (604) [email protected]

JCroti FactoryJohn Cheng #3 - 12191 Bridgeport Road Richmond BC V6V 1J4P: (778) 863-8603

Kanata holdings D.b.a. orcaJohn Willcott 200 - 11251 River Road Richmond BC V6X 1Z6P: (604) 273-6005F: (604) 273-6306

Kwong Fung FoodSimon Wong 2051 No.6 Road Richmond BC V6V 1P3P: (604) 278-3373F: (604) [email protected]

M & M Meat shops - Francis rdJason Davidson 120 - 7020 Francis Road Richmond BC v6Y 1A2P: (604) 204-0707F: (604) [email protected]

Mava Foods Ltd.Marcus Von Albrecht 2220 Vauxhall Place Richmond BC V6V 1Z9P: (604) 273-5455F: (604) [email protected]

Misty Mountain Industries Ltd.David Lee Kwen 230 - 13900 Maycrest Way Richmond BC V6V 3E2P: (604) 273-8299F: (604) [email protected]

Ng Fung enterprises Ltd.Patrick Kwok Unit 1136-3779 Sexsmith Road Richmond BC V6X 3Z9P: (604) 207-1692F: (604) 273-2806

ocean spray of Canada, Ltd.Rick Ball 5400 Number 6 Road Richmond BC V6V 1T1P: (604) 273-3210F: (604) [email protected]

Qoola plus Fresh gourmet bistroWarrick Chu Unit #2000-6060 Minoru Blvd. Richmond BC V6Y 3E3P: (604) 273-0889F: (604) [email protected]

Que pasa Mexican Foods, LtdRichard Harker 12031 #5 Rd. Richmond BC V7A 4E9P: (604) 241-8175F: (604) [email protected]

seafair gourmet Meats (1993) Ltd.Melinda Newman #12 - 8671 No. 1 Road Richmond BC V7C 1V2P: (604) 274-4740F: (604) 274-7430 Food Products

soo singapore Jerky Ltd.Philip Wong 13191 Princess St. Richmond BC V7E 3S1P: (604) 272-5758F: (604) [email protected]

Zaburo holding Ltd.Zhi-Ping Ma 8-6340 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2B3P: (604) 278-2649F: (604) 278-2649

foreIgn exchange servIces

VbCe (Vancouver bullion & Currency exchange)Mark Dauphinee 120 - 800 West Pender Vancouver BC V6C 2V6P: (604) 685-1016F: (604) [email protected]

freIght forwarDers

aCe all Cargo express inc.Gilbert Chang 200 - 2251 No. 5 Road Richmond BC V6X 2S8P: (604) 606-0633F: (604) [email protected]

active international Freight Ltd.Samuel Wong #147 - 10551 Shellbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2W9P: (604) 276-0166F: (604) [email protected]

advantex express inc.John Galley Unit 119 - 5000 Miller Rd. Richmond BC V7B 1K6P: (604) 231-0513F: (604) [email protected]

air goal international Forwarders Ltd.Glenn Fung 103 - 5000 Miller Road Richmond BC V7B 1K6P: (604) 278-3913F: (604) [email protected]

aJM international Development CorpAnnie Yang 146-10451 Shellbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2W8P: (604) 278-2908F: (604) 278-2909www.ajmnet.com

alpha-Mar Navigation inc.Catherine Sedlacek 2205 5200 Miller Road Richmond BC V7B 1L1P: (604) 270-2576F: (604) [email protected]

alphatrans international express inc.Cherill Stansfield 6631 Elmbridge Way, Unit 140 Richmond BC V7C 4N1P: (604) 273-9363F: (604) [email protected]

aquamar shipping inc.Eugene Fenton #100 - 5400 Airport Road South Richmond BC V7B 1B4P: (604) 270-9958F: (604) [email protected]

beacon international Despatch Ltd.Connie Ng 2020 - 5000 Miller Road Richmond BC V7B 1K6P: (604) 278-3410F: (604) [email protected]

bellville rodair internationalJeffrey Haley 21300 Gordon Way, Unit #228 Richmond BC V6W 1M2P: (604) 244-5940F: (604) [email protected]

CaC enterprises group inc.Hong Yang 619 - 4538 Kingsway Burnaby BC V5H 4T9P: (604) 430-8835F: (604) [email protected]

Canada bright Way Logistics Ltd.Leo Liu #293 - 13986 Cambie Rd Richmond BC V6V 2K3P: (604) 207-9922F: (604) [email protected]

Canada sea air Logistics inc.Lloyd Chen #210 - 8860 Bechwith Road Richmond BC V6X 1V5P: (604) 998-4980F: (604) [email protected]

Cargo Dynamics Logistics inc.Ritchie So Suite 233-2633 Viking Way Richmond BC V6V 3B6P: (604) 273-1882F: (604) [email protected]

Cargo spectrum Forwarding inc.Martin Howard 321 - 5400 Airport Road South Richmond BC V7B 1B4P: (604) 273-5575F: (604) [email protected]

Cole Freight inc.Dan Foran 116-5000 Miller Road Richmond BC V7B 1X9P: (604) 273-5161F: (604) [email protected]

CtC Logistics (Canada) inc.Danni Wu #130 - 14351 Burrows Road Richmond BC V6V 1K9P: (604) 207-6928F: (604) [email protected]









DhL global Forwarding (Canada) inc.Don Duff 230-13091 vanier place Richmond BC V6V 2J1P: (604) 207-8100F: (604) [email protected]

DsV air & sea inc.Mads Aaboe 148-5980 Miller Road Richmond BC V7B 1K2P: (604) 273-5595F: (604) [email protected]/ca

eculine Canada inc.Mike Teixeira 260- 10691 Shellbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2W8P: (604) 244-3190F: (604) [email protected]

emo trans (West Cda.) LimitedScott Tipert 13700 Mayfield Place - Unit 1115 2nd Flr Richmond BC V6V 2E4P: (604) 207-1021F: (604) [email protected]

expeditors Canada inc.Andrew Harris #200, 21320 Gordon Way Richmond BC V6W 1J8P: (604) 244-8543F: (604) [email protected]

Flying Fresh air FreightBrendan Harnett #113/114 - 5200 Miller Road Richmond BC V7B 1K5P: (604) 233-1377F: (604) [email protected]

geodis Wilson Canada Ltd.Peter Ruggiero 10551 Shellbridge Way, Suite 135 Richmond BC V6X 2W9P: (604) 629-1850F: (604) [email protected]

hellmann Worldwide Logistics inc.Derek Brown 2240-5200 Miller Road Richmond BC V7B 1L1P: (604) 821-0700F: (604) [email protected]

international Fastline Forwarding inc.Clarence Yu 106-5200 Miller Road Richmond BC V7B 1K7P: (604) 278-0191F: (604) [email protected]

Kintetsu World express (Canada) inc.Masaya Iohara Unit 100, 787 Cliveden Place Delta BC V3M 6C7P: (604) 395-7080F: (604) [email protected]

Kuehne + Nagel Ltd (perishables Div)Martin Regan Unit 129 - 5000 Miller Road Richmond BC V7B 1K6P: (604) 244-0855F: (604) [email protected]

Locher evers internationalChris Locher 456 Humber Place New Westminster BC V3M 6A5P: (604) 523-5100F: (604) [email protected]

Mannix Freight servicesDoug Wootton Seafair P.O. Box 36504 Richmond BC V7C 5M4P: (604) 275-8094F: (604) [email protected]

Maple Freight PartnershipBonnie Chiu Suite 225-13480 Crestwood Place Richmond BC V6V 2K1P: (604) 279-2525F: (604) [email protected]

MiD Forwarding inc.Bruno Mansueto 1143 - 4871 Miller Rd Richmond BC V7B 1K8P: (604) 303-7384F: (604) [email protected]

pacific sino Logistics Ltd.Alan Zhao Unit 217/218 - 4451 No 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2C3P: (604) 757-0099F: (604) [email protected]

panalpina inc.Maria Leung 2190 - 5000 Miller Road Richmond BC V7B 1K9P: (604) 659-2600F: (604) [email protected]

pentagon Freight services Canada Ltd.Mark Offley Suite 95 - 10451 Shellbridge Richmond BC V6X 2W9P: (604) 303-7791F: (604) [email protected]

rejoice Logistics (Canada) inc.Helen Zhang 300-6411 Buswell Street Richmond BC V6Y 2G5P: (604) 204-2668F: (604) [email protected]

rutherford global LogisticsMichael McKay No. 125-6086 Russ Baker Way Richmond BC V7B 1B4P: (604) 273-8611F: (604) [email protected]

schenker of CanadaGino Falcone 5000 Miller Road - Unit 122 Richmond BC V7B 1K6P: (604) 273-2241F: (604) [email protected]

sDV Logistics inc.Alberto Mondani 2100 - 5200 Miller Road Richmond BC V7B 1L1P: (604) 207-2421F: (604) [email protected]

United Maple Logistics inc.Diana Chen 6210-06081 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2B2P: (604) 270-8510F: (604) [email protected]

yusen Logistics (Canada) inc.Vince Bando 5200 Miller Road, Unit 121 Richmond BC V7B 1Y2P: (604) 278-3944F: (604) [email protected]

funeral homes

Forest Lawn / ocean View Funeral homes and CemeteriesBrian Boyle 3789 Royal Oak Ave Burnaby BC V5G 3M1P: (604) 299-7711F: (604) [email protected]

richmond Funeral home Cremation & reception CentreSandra Melin 8420 Cambie Road Richmond BC V6X 1K1P: (604) 273-3748F: (604) [email protected]

Victory Memorial park and Funeral CentreAngel Shan 14831 - 28 Avenue Surrey BC V4P 1P3P: (604) 536-6522F: (604) [email protected]


bari Design Ltd.Pina Pavone #1171 - 11871 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 5A5P: (604) 448-8684F: (604) [email protected]

ikea CanadaHolly Munn 3320 Jacombs Road Richmond BC V6V1Z6P: (604) 248-6868F: (604) [email protected]/richmond

La-Z-boy Furniture galleriesGerald Miller 110-3100 St. Edwards Drive Richmond BC V6X 4C4P: (604) 248-0330F: (604) [email protected]/van-couver

Lin’s Moving Ltd. dba Lin’s FurnitureJi Lin 5481 No.3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2C7P: (778) 297-5151F: (604) [email protected]

Maple rosewood FurnitureKinson Yip Unit 190, 4351 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 3A7P: (604) 278-7656F: (604) [email protected]

Nobles home Furniture Ltd.James Huang 12060 Bridgeport Rd. Richmond BC V6V 1J3P: (604) 233-9258F: (604) [email protected]

Nobles home Furniture Ltd. (Vancouver)Monica Day 4103 Fraser Street Vancouver BC V5V 4E9P: (604) 568-1319F: (604) [email protected]

Maple Freight has been providing reliable, exible and professional transportation logistics services to importer and exporters all over the world since 1997. We carry textile and garments to and from China, India, Jordan, Vietnam, Bangladesh and South East Asia Our services include the following areas:- Asia & Europe - Integrated Logistics- Air & Ocean Consolidation - FCL Management- Customs Clearance - Sea-Air- Warehouse & Delivery

Maple Freight Partnership#225 - 13480 Crestwood Place. Richmond, BC V6V 2K1Tel: 604-279-2525 | Fax: 604-279-2526www.maplefreight.comRegional Coverage:Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Los Angeles, Seattle

Proud member of:










the brickFrank Zhu 150-3100 St.Edwards Drive Richmond BC V6X 2C2P: (604) 270-8829F: (604) [email protected]

Ulferts Furniture (Canada) inc.Thurman So 5300 No.3 Road # 408 - 410Richmond BC V6X 2X9P: (778) [email protected]

Ulferts Kids (Furniture) Designs inc.Jason Chiu #170 - 6751 Graybar Rd. Richmond BC V6W 1H3P: (604) 210-4660F: (855) [email protected]

generators - electrIc

power-West industries Ltd.Ryan Cooper 2500 No.5 Road Richmond BC V6X 2T1P: (604) 278-1615F: (604) [email protected]


Discoveries of Canada Fine gifts inc.Shelly Nizar 7551 - A Westminster Hwy, Suite 130Richmond BC V6X 1A3P: (604) 273-7918F: (604) [email protected]

Serena & Spenser Holding Ltd.Georgiana Yau 1015 - 8766 McKim Way Richmond BC V6X 4G4P: (604) 207-2266F: (604) [email protected]

serenity home Decor boutiqueFumi Mackenzie #170 - 3580 Moncton St. Richmond BC V7E 3A4P: (604) 241-3055F: (604) [email protected]

torre & tagus Designs Ltd.Tim Kroetsch #150 - 11188 Featherstone Way Richmond BC V6W 1K9P: (604) 273-4777F: (604) [email protected]

Urban ValueKenrick Ting Unit 150 - 11380 Steveston Hwy Richmond BC V7A 5J5P: (604) 447-7388F: (604) [email protected]


golftownDavid McIntosh 9751 Bridgeport Rd. Richmond BC V6X 1S3P: (604) 270-3120F: (604) [email protected]

greenacres golf CourseDahman Boudraa 5040 No. 6 Road Richmond BC V6V 1T1P: (604) 273-1091F: (604) 273-4543dboudraa@greenacresgolf-course.comwww.greenacresgolfcourse.com

Jr. Linkster tour CanadaCameron Wong 4880 No. 6 Road Richmond BC V6V 1P7P: (604) [email protected]

golf & country cluB

Mayfair Lakes golf & Country ClubMike Smedstad 5460 No. 7 Road Richmond BC V6V 1R7P: (604) 276-0585F: (604) [email protected]

Quilchena golf & Country ClubKim Leclercq 3551 Granville Avenue Richmond BC V7C 1C8P: (604) 277-1101F: (604) [email protected]


City of Richmond, Councillor OfficeMary Lou Phillips 6911 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2C1P: (604)-276-4134F: (604) [email protected]

City of Richmond, Economic Development OfficeNeonila Lilova 6911 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2C1P: (604) 247-4934F: (604) [email protected]

City of Richmond, Mayor’s OfficeMalcolm Brodie 6911 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2C1P: (604) 276-4123F: (604) [email protected]

iCbC (North richmond)Joanne Bergman 7200 Elmbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2Y1P: (604) 279-7202F: (604) 273-4569www.icbc.com

John Yap, MLA - Richmond-StevestonJohn YapRichmond - Steveston Con-stituency 115 - 4011 Bayview StreetRichmond BC V7E 0A4P: (604) 241-8452F: (604) [email protected]

Linda Reid, MLA - Richmond EastLinda Reid 130-8040 Garden City Road Richmond BC V6Y 2N9P: (604) 775-0891F: (604) [email protected]

port Metro VancouverGilles Assier 100 The Pointe, 999 Canada Place Vancouver BC V6C 3T4P: (604) 665-9066F: (866) 284-4271gilles.assier@portmetrovan-couver.comwww.portmetrovancouver.com

service CanadaVivian Chan 100-3480 Gilmore Way Burnaby BC V5G4Y1P: (604) 433-3351F: (604) [email protected]

steveston harbour authorityBob Baziuk 12740 Trites Road Richmond BC V7E 3R8P: (604) 272-5539F: (604) [email protected]

Teresa Wat, MLA - Richmond CentreTeresa Wat 300 - 8120 Granville Ave. Richmond BC V6Y 1P3P: (604) 775-0754F: (604) [email protected]

the hon. Kerry-Lynne D. Findlay p.C., Q.C., M.p.Kerry-Lynne Findlay#202 - 5000 Bridge Street Delta BC V4K 2K4P: (604) 940-8040F: (604) [email protected]

the hon. alice Wong, p.C., M.p.Alice Wong 360 - 5951 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2E3P: (604) [email protected]

WCB-dba WorkSafe BCScott McCloy Main Building 6951 Westmin-ster Hwy.Richmond BC V7C 1C6P: (604) 276-5157F: (604) [email protected]

granIte & marBle proDucts

blue star Marble Ltd.Bruce Li #120 - 4691 Vanguard Road Richmond BC V6X 2P7P: (604) 278-4092F: (604) [email protected]

somiya stones inc.Rajeev Jain 4800 Vanguard Road Richmond BC V6X 2P8P: (604) 278-7874F: (604) [email protected]

graphIc DesIgn

33 Degrees Web Design inc.Jason Senger 1123 Chilcotin Court Kelowna BC V1V 2M7P: (250) 861-3312F: (604) [email protected]

a & g Creative groupDave Ancrum 1150 - 13700 Mayfield Place Richmond BC V6V 2E4P: (604) 270-1411F: (604) [email protected]

Crystal Clear advertisingDonna Felgar #228 - 8520 General Currie Road Richmond BC V6Y 1M2P: (604) 760-8807F: (604) 241-2662donna@crystalclearadvertis-ing.cawww.crystalclearadvertis-ing.ca

opacity Design group LimitedWilliam Dennill #225 - 21900 Westminster Hwy. Richmond BC V6V 0A8P: (604) 277-4228F: (604) [email protected]

greetIng company

Welcome Wagon Ltd.Bev Hamm 11251 Caravel Court Richmond BC V7E 4L2P: (604) 274-4793

grocers - retaIl

Kong Win enterprises Ltd.Noah Huang 100 - 7020 Francis Road Richmond BC V6Y 1A2P: (604) 284-5391F: (604) [email protected]

haIr & esthetIc salons

romano hair Design & spaLisa Lau 6852 #3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2C4P: (604) 278-8080F: (604) [email protected]

suki’s richmondJames Valiant 130 - 8311 Westminster Hwy. Richmond BC V6X 1A7P: (604) 288-2795F: (604) [email protected]

health & nutrItIon

accelerated Wellness (Jeunesse global)Linda Miner 5397 45 Avenue Delta BC V4K 1K9P: (604) [email protected]

globe healthcare CorporationJason Xu 160 - 12830 Clarke Place Richmond BC V6V 2H1P: (604) 757-0216F: (604) [email protected]

herbaland Naturals incAisha Yang #3 - 11191 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 4S5P: (604) 284-5050F: (604) [email protected]

shop@home enterprises inc. (UsaNa)Victor Que 8260 Aspin Drive Richmond BC V6Y 3B8P: (778) [email protected]

steMtech Canada inc.Jonathan Lester 565 - 5600 Parkwood Way Richmond BC V6V 2M2P: (604) 304-3670F: (604) [email protected]


Phone: 604-241-8452 Fax: 604-241-8493

John Yap, MLAServing your Community!

115 – 4011 Bayview Street, Richmond, BC V7E 0A4Tel: (604) 241-8452Fax: (604) 241-8493E-mail: [email protected]









sunstorm health sciencies inc.Aidi Li 201- 7080 River Road Richmond BC V6X 1X5P: (778) 297-5351F: (778) [email protected]

health fooD proDucts

bg health groupDennis Gunn 404 - 5811 Cooney Rd Richmond BC V6X 3M1P: (604) 244-7687F: (604) [email protected]

Canadian phytopharmaceuticals Corp.Yuan-Chun Ma 12233 Riverside Way Richmond BC V6W 1K8P: (604) 303-7782F: (606) [email protected]

Consumers Nutrition Center Ltd.Marvin Steffin 1318 - 6551 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2B6P: (604) 270-0007F: (604) 270-0855consumersnutritioncenter@yahoo.cawww.consumersnutrition-center.com

Dr. beeRon Lin 1420 - 4151 Hazelbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 3R8P: (604) 460-8889F: (604) [email protected]

Nature’s path Foods inc.Arran Stephens 9100 Van Horne Way Richmond BC V6X 1W3P: (604) 248-8777F: (604) [email protected]

Nuera Nutraceutical inc.Gordon Chen 150 - 11780 Hammersmith Way Richmond BC V7A 5E9P: (604) 271-8868F: (604) [email protected]

ton on enterprises Ltd.Tim Hu #1300 - 4151 Hazelbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 4J7P: (604) 273-3988F: (604) 273-3877

West Coast NaturalsMoon 11871 Hammersmith Way Richmond BC V7A 5E5P: (604) 277-3302F: (604) [email protected]

health servIces

back in Motion rehab inc.Debbie Samsom 110 - 6651 Elmbridge Way Richmond BC V7C 5C2P: (604) 273-7600F: (604) [email protected]

Complete health CentreRaymond Fung #165 - 9040 Blundell Road Richmond BC V6Y 1K3P: (604) [email protected]

golden Jade house incBarrie Wong #2040 - 3700 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 3X2P: (604) 303-6578F: (604) [email protected]

pinetree Quantum synergy CorpSammy Oh 205 - 9808 King George Hwy South Surrey BC V3T 2V6P: (604) [email protected]

richmond Muscle & tendon ClinicNikolay Yelizarov 195 - 8279 Saba Road Richmond BC V6Y 4B6P: (604) 273-3334F: (604) [email protected]

We Care home health servicesBob Attfield #10 - 5763 Oak Street Vancouver BC V6M 2V7P: (604) 264-9003F: (604) [email protected]


healthLinc Medical equipment Ltd.Robert Boscacci 130 - 4011 Viking WayRichmond BC V6V 2K9P: (604) 821-0075F: (604) [email protected]


expert hearing solutionsBrenda Brumwell 164 - 8180 No.2 Road Richmond BC V7C 5K1P: (604) 271-4327F: (604) 271-4387brenda@experthearingsolu-tions.comwww.experthearingsolu-tions.com

heatIng/aIr conDItIonIng/plumBIng

Corona plumbing & heating Ltd.Lorraine Rolls 12740 Trites Road Richmond BC V7E 3R8P: (604) 277-3240F: (604) 588-7545

eric plourde plumbing & heating Ltd.Belinda Plourde 9875 Francis Road Richmond BC V6V 3B3P: (604) 241-9419F: (604) [email protected]

geotility geothermal installations Corp.Amy Tomlins Unit 150, 4611 Viking Way Richmond BC V6V 2K9P: (604) 273-5776F: (604) [email protected]

haakon industriesGraham Unwin 11851 Dyke Road Richmond BC V7A 4X8P: (604) 273-0161F: (604) [email protected]

tap roots plumbing & heating Ltd.Walter Regehr #128 - 8771 Douglas St. Richmond BC V6X 1V2P: (604) 233-7003F: (604) [email protected]

heavy equIpment Dealer

Kendrick equipment Ltd.David Marshall 158 - 2633 Viking Way Richmond BC V6V 3B6P: (604) 207-9921F: (604) [email protected]

home Improvement

home Depot of CanadaNick Dawson 2700 Sweden Way Richmond BC V6V 1K1P: (604) 303-9882F: (604) [email protected]

J. Mac DoorsJames McCormack Unit 1115 - 13700 Mayfield Place Richmond BC V6V 2E4P: (604) [email protected]

home InspectIon servIces

a buyer’s Choice home inspectionsRon Lyons 8091 Alanmore Place Richmond BC V7C 2B6P: (778) 846-8646ron.lyons@abuyerschoice.comwww.richmondsouth.abuy-erschoice.com

Quality home inspections Ltd.Jennifer Bazett 8300 Fairbrook Cr. Richmond BC V7C 1Z3P: (604) [email protected]

home stagIng

With Flair home staging & redesignMaureen Duns 3060 Broadway Street Richmond BC V7E 2W9P: (604) 837-4990F: (604) [email protected]/

honorary lIfe memBers

gerry CulverApt. 423 - 2799 Yew Street O’Keefe CentreVancouver BC V6K 4W2P: (604) 742-3132F: (604) 264-1780

irene Frith110-8720 #1 Road Richmond BC V7C 4L5P: (604) [email protected]

peggy edwards#601-7251 Langton Road Richmond BC V7C 4R6P: (604) [email protected]


richmond hospital FoundationNatalie Meixner 7000 Westminster Highway Richmond BC V6X 1A2P: (604) 244-5205F: (604) 244-5547natalie.meixner@vch.cawww.richmondhospitalfoun-dation.com

house cleanIng

Choice home Care plusRose Nakagaki 1008 - 6080 Minoru Blvd. Richmond BC V6Y 4A7P: (604) 278-9126F: (604) [email protected]

human resources consultIng

Manpower servicesJeff Polkinghorne 817 West Hastings Vancouver BC V6C 1B4P: (604) 682-1651F: (604) [email protected]

peoplebiz Consulting incKristi Searle 48 - 10080 Kilby Drive Richmond BC V6X 3W2P: (604) [email protected]

huntIng & fIshIng

shearwater Marine groupCraig Widsten #115 - 6086 Russ Baker Way Richmond BC V7B 1B4P: (604) 270-6204F: (604) [email protected]

hyDraulIc equIpment & supplIes

ramtorc tools (1991) inc.L. Rycroft 160 - 11960 Hammersmith Way Richmond BC V7A 5C9P: (604) 271-3220F: (604) [email protected]

ImmIgrant & naturalIzatIon consultants

immigrant business bCJulie McMahon #305 - 5811 Cooney Rd. Richmond BC V6X 3M1P: (604) 248-2449F: (604) [email protected]

ImmIgratIon & cItIzenshIp lawyer

Dupuis Langen Financial Management (1985) Ltd.Diane Dupuis #210 - 13900 Maycrest Way Richmond BC V6V 3E2P: (604) 270-1142F: (604) [email protected]

ImmIgratIon & naturalIzatIon consultants

CanLink Consulting inc.Alice Tang 243-7080 River Road Richmond BC V7C 5S7P: (604) 657-2273F: (604) [email protected] & Naturalization Consultants

JCos immigration & educationEmma Liu #602- 4538 Kingsway Burnaby BC V5H 4T9P: (604) [email protected]

Morgan & Company Consulting Inc.Carole Yang 1100-8181 Cambie Road Richmond BC V6X 3X9P: (604) 273-1395F: (604) [email protected]

syntech Consulting Ltd.Steven Lui 305 - 5811 Cooney Road Richmond BC V6X 3M1P: (604) [email protected]

terry Liu & associates Ltd.Terry Liu 308 - 4940 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 3H5P: (604) 303-6895F: (604) 303-6891www.terryimmigration.com


advanced rare earth MaterialsBo Zheng 10451A No. 1 Road Richmond BC V7E 1S3P: (604) 279-0676F: (604) [email protected]

alais Ventures Ltd.Vernon Lau 103 - 3830 Jacombs Road Richmond BC V6V 1Y6P: (604) 282-1633F: (866) [email protected]










aMr Management inc.Amy Gao Unit 200 - 3851 Jacombs Rd Richmond BC V6V 2H7P: (604) 231-9221F: (604) [email protected]

anniwan enterprises LtdDavid Chau 225 - 8877 Odlin Crescent Richmond BC V6X 3Z7P: (604)-214-8939F: (604) [email protected]

bradley pacific enterprisesWendy Yuan 7520 River Road Richmond BC V6X 1X6P: (604) 267-7018F: (604) [email protected]

great White Food servicesGolden Siu #136 - 11782 River Road Richmond BC V6X 3M1P: (604) 897-3289F: (604) [email protected]

interworld Development inc.Gary Cheng 5407 Eglinton Street Burnaby BC V5G 2B4P: (604) 299-5796F: (604) [email protected]

Joren trading (Canada) Ltd.Renu Mirpuri Unit 6 , 4751 Shell Rd Richmond BC V6X 3H4P: (604) 270-0028F: (604) [email protected]

Kata-Med trading inc.Mehrdad Bakhtiari 1602 - 1616 Bayshore Drive Vancouver BC V6G 3L1P: (604) 568-4133F: (604) [email protected]

pacific 21 Mercantile Ltd.Lance Yamazaki 145 - 11960 Hammersmith Way Richmond BC V7A 5C9P: (604) 272-9100F: (604) [email protected]

panwood global Ltd.Benjamin Huang 660-5900 No.3 Road 6698 Randolph AveRichmond BC V6X 3P7P: (604) 282-1225F: (604) [email protected]

strong international trading inc.Yong Qin Ding #109 - 3860 Jacombs Road Richmond BC V6V 1Y6P: (604) 270-3381F: (604) [email protected]

supreme hope enterprises Ltd.Steve Li 4124 West 11th Avenue Vancouver BC V6R 2L6P: (604) 228-8528F: (604) [email protected]

sure york international Consulting inc.Selina Lau MB 630 - 8155 Park Road Richmond BC V6Y 1S9P: (604) [email protected]

West World international trading Ltd.Lisa Zheng 222 - 9399 Tomicki Avenue Richmond BC V6X 0H6P: (604) 716-7058F: (604) [email protected]

Xiang Qian enterprise LtdVincent Wu 2307-6088 Willingdon Ave Burnaby BC V5H 4V2P: (778) [email protected]

youtal supply Chain Management inc.Kun Wang 6131 No.2 Road Richmond BC V7C 3L3P: (778) 885-3637F: (604) [email protected]

InDIvIDual memBers

Doug symons8191 Claysmith Road Richmond BC V7C 2K9P: (604) [email protected]

eric van ierselc/o ADP 1801 - 4720 KingswayBurnaby BC V5H 4N2P: (604) 431-2785F: (877) [email protected]

gary Chow#140 - 9471 No. 2 Road Richmond BC V7E 2C9P: (604) 723-8833F: (604) [email protected]

Jeffrey Wong 10900 Shepherd Drive Richmond BC V6C 4B9P: (604) [email protected]

Jindao he Rm. 328-332, Building A2, 8 Cube Creative Park, No. 1 Hezheng Street Baiyun District Guangzhao 86-20-66601688-85086-20-66601688-896market@hjdao.comwww.heightincreasingshoes.cn

steve su8340 Francis Road Richmond BC V6Y 1A4P: (604) [email protected]

William (bill) L. Jones#110-4900 Cartier Street Vancouver BC V6M 4H2P: (604) [email protected]

InDustrIal Doors/curtaIns

panamerica trade inc.Jeff Secord #2 - 14191 Burrows Road Richmond BC V6V 1K9P: (604) [email protected]

InDustrIal equIpment & supplIes

JLM systems LimitedChristine Gangnon 23091 Westminster Hwy Richmond BC V6V 1B9P: (604) 521-3248F: (604) [email protected]

InformatIon servIces

CL research servicesCatherine Lee 130 - 8191 Westminster Hwy Richmond BC V6X 3M1P: (778) [email protected]

MDaWendy Keyzer 13800 Commerce Parkway Richmond BC V6V 2J3P: (604) 278-3411F: (604) [email protected]


ackroyd insurance agencies Ltd.John Lau 185 - 8100 Ackroyd Road Richmond BC V6X 3K2P: (604) 231-0888F: (604) [email protected]

Adisa Benefit SolutionsCameron Biffart #203 Windsor Square 1959 - 152nd StreetSurrey BC V4A 9E3P: (604) 535-4200F: (604) [email protected]

admiral insurance services (pacific) inc.Julan Lo 8175 Park Road Richmond BC V6Y 1S9P: (604) 718-9038F: (604) [email protected]

aragon insurance servicesJohn Pham 308-8100 Sabh Road Richmond BC V6Y 4H1P: (778) 968-8872F: (604) [email protected]

bCgi benefits inc.Brian Cole #2131 - 11871 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 5H5P: (604) [email protected]

beavis, Wong & associatesLisa Wong 247 - 8680 Cambie Road Richmond BC V6X 4K1P: (604) 233-1964F: (604) [email protected]

Central agencies Ltd.Dennis MacNeill 103 - 11020 No.5 Road Richmond BC V7A 4E7P: (604) 276-0244F: (604) [email protected]

Fox insurance brokers Ltd. a Division of Johnston Meier insurance groupBonnie Beaman 6580 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2C2P: (604) 278-6277F: (604) [email protected]

genssante benefit servicesRick Lam 130 - 10691 Shellbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2W8P: (604) 608-0688F: (604) [email protected]

Johnson Fu insurance agency inc.Ken Lam 128 - 6061 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2B2P: (604) 232-0896F: (604) [email protected]

McBurney’s Insurance Agency Ltd.Bret Palmer Unit 1-6340 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2B3P: (604) 273-5184F: (604) [email protected]

New Diamond Financial group inc.Ken Lam 128-6061 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2B2P: (604) 279-0888F: (604) 279-0616kenlam@newdiamondfinan-cial.comwww.newdiamondfinancial.com

primerica Financial servicesAlice Wong #2105 - 4871 Shell Road Richmond BC V6X 3Z6P: (604) 288-2288F: (604) [email protected]

Insurance - auto

t.s. McKenzie insurance agencies Ltd.Johnny So 180 - 4200 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2C2P: (604) 270-0168F: (604) [email protected]

Secutrans BankCard ServiceP.O. Box 88148 Lansdowne RoadRichmond, BC V6X 3T6(604) 800 [email protected]


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A complete insurance business built on performance and satisfaction. Call us for a quote on your

Business, Home, Auto, Life or Marine Insurance.

#1 - 6340 No. 3 Road, Richmond, B.C. V6Y 2B3Tel: 604-273-5184 Fax: 604-273-5187

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InterIor DesIgn

interior space enterprises inc.Andy Chan #300 - 5900 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 3P7P: (604) 232-9111F: (604) [email protected]


hi-performance enterprises inc.Ethan Huberman Suite #69 - 15515 24 Ave. Surrey BC V4A 2J4P: (604) 535-4927F: (604) [email protected]

infoserve technology Ltd.David Yu B11 970 Burrard Street Vancouver BC V6Z 2R4P: (604) 279-8867F: (604) [email protected]

iready.ca Communications Corp.Tony Lum B11-970 Burrard Street Vancouver BC V6Z 2R4P: (604) 247-1234F: (604) [email protected]

MagNUM Creative inc.Brett Duzita 230 - 807 Powell St Vancouver BC V6A 1H7P: (604) [email protected]

Qooway rewardsAlan Chan #208 - 2688 Shell Road Richmond BC V6X 4E1P: (604) 248-2369F: (604) [email protected]

Investment management

aCC1 Capital inc.Celia Chow #31-8291 General Currie Road Richmond BC V6Y 1L9P: (604) [email protected]

genus Capital ManagementMary Lou Miles 6th Floor 900 West Hastings Street Vancouver BC V6C 1E5P: (604) 605-4628F: (604) [email protected]


alacria asia Capital inc.Mary Yang 449 - 4424 West Boulevard Vancouver BC V6M 3W6P: (778) 898-7199F: (604) 266-5899www.alacriacapital.com

alture propertiesTeresa Leung #111 - 3832 Henning Drive Burnaby BC V5C 6P3P: (604) 777-1808www.altureproperties.com

National bank FinancialElvis Tong #135 - 8010 Saba Road Richmond BC V6Y 4B2P: (604) 658-8052F: (604) [email protected]

Portfolio Strategies CorporationNorman Sung Suite 118, 3751 Shell Road Richmond BC V6X 2W2P: (604) 273-0232F: (604) [email protected]

RBC Dominion SecuritiesMark Husken Suite 401 - 5811 Cooney Rd.Richmond BC V6X 3M1P: (604) 718-3000F: (604) [email protected]

RBC Dominion Securities / Rand Wealth ManagementRichard Rand 401 - 5811 Cooney Road, South Tower Richmond BC V6X 3M1P: (604) 665-8117F: (604) [email protected]

teamMax investment CorpVenus Lok 750 - 5900 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 3P7P: (604) 284-5332F: (604) [email protected]

janItorIal supplIes & paper proDucts

sycorp environmental 188 - 21300 Gordon Way Richmond BC V6W 1M2P: (604) 232-1367F: (604) [email protected]

tasco enterprises Ltd.Gina Peckenpaugh 1165 - 11871 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 5H5P: (604) 273-4972F: (604) [email protected]


Chow sang sang JewellersTung Chow 2516 Granville Street Vancouver BC V6H 3G8P: (604) 733-6162F: (604) [email protected]

g. stone group inc.Lisa Cheng 412 - 5300 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2X9P: (604) 232-1080F: (604) [email protected]

JCy Jewellery & accessoriesJessie Chou 1920 - 4151 Hazelbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 3M1P: (604) 276-8616F: (905) [email protected]

NbL holdings Ltd. dba silver N’ stuffNick Levy 2003 - 6551 No. 3 Rd. Richmond BC V6Y 2B6P: (604) 273-0732F: (604) [email protected]

Wing Wah JewelleryWing Ng 2309 - 4500 Kingsway Burnaby BC V5H 2A9P: (604) [email protected]

kItchen & Bathroom caBInets

award Manufacturing Ltd.(Citation Kitchens)Kelly McCormack 110-6391 Westminster Highway Richmond BC V7C 4V4P: (604) 668-8100F: (604) [email protected]

Cowry Cabinets inc.Thalita Penna 12080 Bridgeport Rd. Richmond BC V6V 1J3P: (604) 273-6669F: (604) [email protected]

Cynthia algeta ChenCynthia Algeta Chen 203 - 5188 Westminster Hwy Richmond BC V7C 5S7P: (604)-279-3838F: (604) [email protected]

Lafor Wood productsAdrian Laza 128 - 13982 Cambie Road Richmond BC V6V 2K2P: (604) 522-7667F: (604) [email protected]

round Wrap ind. Ltd.Niki Sandhu Unit 150 - 1680 Savage Rd. Richmond BC V6V 3A9P: (604) 278-1002F: (604) [email protected]

laBelIng equIpment

trans Canada LabelsNoor Meherally #201 - 1628 Fosters Way Delta BC V3M 6S6P: (604) 525-7898F: (604) [email protected]

laBoratory equIpment repaIr

Caltech tech servicesRene Andersen 150-12811 Clarke Place Richmond BC V6V 2H9P: (604) [email protected]

lanD Development

oris Consulting Ltd.Dana Westermark 12235 No. 1 Road Richmond BC V7E 1T6P: (604) 241-4657F: (604) [email protected]


benchmark Law CorporationDana Gordon 600 - 1285 W. Broadway Vancouver BC V6H 3X8P: (778) 371-3446F: (604) [email protected]

brighid Law LLpJie Wang 204-5740 Cambie Street Vancouver BC V5Z 3A6P: (604) 235-4106F: (604) [email protected]

bull, housser & tupper LLpRyan Berger #900 - 900 Howe Street Vancouver BC V6Z 2M4P: (604) 687-6575F: (604) [email protected]

Campbell Froh May & rice LLpJeff Froh 200-5611 Cooney Road Richmond BC V6X 3J6P: (604) 273-8481F: (604) [email protected]

Chak Lau & Co. LLpChun John Chak #6090 - 8171 Ackroyd Road Richmond BC V6X 3K1P: (604) 282-7506F: (604) [email protected]/rich-mondlaw

Christine Wang Law CorporationXinnan Wang 4300 Westminster Hwy Richmond BC V7C 1B5P: (604) [email protected]

Cohen buchan edwards Lawyers & NotariesBarry Grabowski 208-4940 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 3A5P: (604) 273-6411F: (604) [email protected]

Daniel Corrin Law Corporation(rb Webster Law)Janet Clothier 550 - 5900 No 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 3P7P: (604) [email protected]

Forbes & boyle, barristers & solicitorsDerek McLauchlan 215 - 8171 Cook Road Richmond BC V6Y 3T8P: (604) 273-7575F: (604) [email protected]

gary W.D. abramsGary Abrams 300-5900 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 3P7P: (604) 279-9912F: (604) [email protected]

gregg rafter Law Corp.Gregg Rafter 700 - 595 Burrard Street Vancouver BC V7X 1S8P: (604) [email protected]/people/lawyers/gregg_rafter

Guo Law CorporationHong Guo 120 - 6068 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 4M7P: (778) 297-6560F: (778) [email protected]

hammerberg altman beaton & Maglio LLpDavid Hunt 1220 - 1200 W. 73rd Avenue Vancouver BC V6P 6G5P: (604) 269-8500F: (604) [email protected]

humphry, paterson barristers & solicitorsJames Humphry 205-8171 Park Road Richmond BC V6Y 1S9P: (604) 278-3031F: (604) [email protected]

Kahn Zack ehrlich Lithwick LLpMarvin Lithwick 270 - 10711 Cambie Road Richmond BC V6X 3G5P: (604) 270-9571F: (604) [email protected]

Pryke Lambert Leathley Russell LLPMark Killas 500 N. Tower, 5811 Cooney Road Richmond BC V6X 3M1P: (604) 276-2765F: (604) [email protected]

Webster & associatesJanet Clothier 550-5900 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 3P7P: (604) 713-8030F: (604) [email protected]


accent Leasing & sales Ltd.Brian Law 130 - 5791 Minoru Blvd Richmond BC V6X 2B1P: (604) 270-2488F: (604) [email protected]

r.p.C. LeasingMaurice Hamlin 5491 Parkwood Place Richmond BC V6V 2M9P: (604) 273-7521F: (604) 276-8064sales@richmondchryslerjeep.comwww.richmondchryslerjeep.com

legal servIces

Dentons Canada LLpPhebe Chan 250 Howe Street 20th FloorVancouver BC V6C 3R8P: (604) 687-4460F: (604) [email protected]

predovic Family Law & MediationJanko Predovic #600 - 1285 West Broadway Vancouver BC V6H 3X8P: (604) 241-0878F: (604) [email protected]










richmond public LibrarySusan Walters 100 - 7700 Minoru Gate Richmond BC V6Y 1R8P: (604) 231-6417F: (604) [email protected]


Classy & Neo-Lighting group inc.Alex Xu #7 - 11720 Voyageur Way Richmond BC V6X 3G9P: (778) 803-1263F: (604) [email protected]

Fortune tide enterprises Ltd.Peng Wu 103 - 3433 Crowlet Dr. Vancouver BC V5R 6C5P: (604) 219-8971F: (604) [email protected]

greener tech international holding group Corp.Bill Zhuo 204 - 5631 No.3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2C7P: (604) [email protected]

imperial Lighting solutions Ltd.(Korab electrical )Esther Grudman 222 - 7453 Moffat Road Richmond BC V6Y 3W1P: (604) 272-3562F: (604) [email protected]

toprio electronic inc.Clint Ostrom #5 - 12800 Bathgate Way Richmond BC V6V 1Z4P: (604) 207-0577F: (604) [email protected]

lIquor store

sip WinesSimon Wosk 1030-11660 Steveston Hwy Richmond BC V7A 1N6P: (604) 271-9463F: [email protected]


C.h. robinson project Logistics LtdGraeme Halley 301, 1245 West Broadway Vancouver BC V6H 1G7P: (604) 630-2225F: (604) [email protected]

ContainerWorld Forwarding services inc.Gary Combrink 16133 Blundell Road Richmond BC V6W 0A3P: (604) 276-1300F: (604) [email protected]


blue Wolf Forest products inc.Charles Chakal 10540 Agassiz Court Richmond BC V7A 4K2P: (604) 241-8577F: (604) [email protected]

DeLane industry Co. Ltd.Karry Au-Yeung 1518 Venables Street Vancouver BC V5L 2G9P: (604) 254-2279F: (604) [email protected]

tenjouland Forest products inc. 7126 Brown Street Delta BC V4G 1G8P: (604) 952-0388F: (604) [email protected]

trans-pacific trading Ltd.Jim Tyrer #140 - 3600 Viking Way Richmond BC V6V 1N6P: (604) 232-5404F: (604) [email protected]/home.htm

lumBer DIstrIButIon

Conifex Fibre Marketing inc.Glenn Mattice Suite 980 - 700 West Georgia Street PO Box 10070Vancouver BC V7Y 1B6P: (604) 216-2949F: (604) [email protected]

machIne shop

Candu Manufacturing inc.Janet Church #18 - 7228 Progress Way Delta BC V4G 1H2P: (604) 946-1115F: (604) [email protected]

JC and sons Manufacturing Ltd.Jean Cayla #7 - 14191 Burrows Rd. Richmond BC V6V 1K9P: (604) 233-0594F: (604) [email protected]

Quality Machine Works Ltd.Willi Ribi 120 - 12971 Bathgate Way Richmond BC V6V 1Y5P: (604) 270-3515F: (604) [email protected]

major applIance stores

richmond Wholesale appliance CentreJeff Reid 140 - 6191 Westminster Hwy Richmond BC V7C 4V4P: (604) 303-1110F: (604) [email protected]

management consultants

howard harowitz Consulting Ltd.Howard Harowitz 10400 Hollywell Drive Richmond BC V7E 5C9P: (604) [email protected]

incisive Marketing incGerard Edwards 4680 Camlann Court Richmond BC V7C 4S1P: (604) 277-6292F: (604) [email protected]


acorn Wood Designs Ltd.Mo Abdulla #100 - 11531 Twigg Place Richmond BC V6V 2Y2P: (604) 435-9800F: (604) [email protected]

advanced CyclotronRichard Eppich 7851 Alderbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2A4P: (604) 278-5578www.advancedcyclotron.com

Canadian blind Manufacturing inc.Zubair Khokhar 110-5900 No.6 Road Richmond BC V6V 1Z1P: (604) 821-1188F: (604) [email protected]

Celex Laboratories inc.Steve Liao 115 - 21600 Westminster Hwy. Richmond BC V6V 0A2P: (604) 231-6077F: (604) [email protected]

ebco industries Ltd.Tamara Bannerman 7851 Alderbridge Richmond BC V6X 2A4P: (604) 278-5578F: (604) [email protected]










ecolink products groupDavid Smith #101-6871 Elmbridge Way Richmond BC V7C 5A4P: (604)-270-0480F: (604) [email protected]

gardenstone Mfg.Bob Naymie 12211 Vulcan Way Richmond BC V6V 1J7P: (604) 278-0140F: (604) [email protected]

JC bright M Ltd.Karl Chow #185 - 12471 No. 2 Road Richmond BC V7E 6H7P: (604) [email protected]

M J Fashions Ltd.Candice Yuen 8571 Bridgeposrt Rd. Richmond BC V6X 1R7P: (604) 273-9233F: (604) [email protected]

Mar-Con Wire belt inc.Michael Chiu 2431 Vauxhall Place Richmond BC V6V 1Z5P: (604) 278-8922F: (604) [email protected]

paper excellence Canada holdings CorporationRaymond Sun #95 - 10551 Shellbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2W8P: (604) 232-2453F: (604) 232-2463www.paperexcellence.com

samson rope technologies, inc.Sherrie Wright 2090 Thornton St. Ferndale WA 98248P: (360) 384-4669F: (360) [email protected]

saVoX Communications LtD.Brenda Gyurkovics 13775 Commerce Parkway Suite 280Richmond BC V6V 2V4P: (604) 244-9323F: (604) [email protected]

Vancouver gear Works Ltd.Janet Davie 14551 Burrows Road Richmond BC V6V 1K9P: (604) 278-3111F: (604) [email protected]


skyline Marina enterprises Ltd.Bela Vigh 8031 River Road Richmond BC V6X 1X8P: (604) 273-3977F: (604) [email protected]


Canadian Lifeboat institutionBob McIlwaine 12051 No. 1 Road PO Box 30066 MonctonRichmond BC V7E 1T5P: (604) [email protected]

steveston Marine services Ltd.Todd Cartwright 12200 1st Avenue Richmond BC V7E 3M2P: (604) 274-9825F: (778) [email protected]

Vancouver Marina (1971) Ltd.Mike Short #200 - 8211 River Road Richmond BC V6X 1X8P: (604) 278-9787F: (604) [email protected]

Wolff Marine supply Ltd.John Wolff Unit 130 - 6751 Graybar Road Richmond BC V6W 1H3P: (604) 270-7770F: (604) 270-7340

marIne equIpment, sales & servIces

Nautilus LifelineMike Lever 17 - 11191 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 4S5P: (604) [email protected]

rigel Marine services incAuisur Khan 175 - 6660 Graybar Road Richmond BC V6W 1H9P: (604) [email protected]

marketIng servIces

adwiz CommunicationsGeorge Pytlik #34 - 22888 Windsor Court Richmond BC V6V 2W6P: (604) [email protected]

bevan thomas, WriterBevan Thomas 43 West 45th Avenue Vancouver BC V5W 1W6P: (604) [email protected]

hillsource Canada Marketing Ltd.Shuichi Sakamoto 248 - 13986 Cambie Rd Richmond BC V6V 2K3P: (604) 247-0806F: (604) [email protected]

Jre promotional productsEthan Huberman 68A 15515, 24Ave. Surrey BC V4A 2J4P: (604) 535-7339F: (604) [email protected]

King Marketing Ltd.Elizabeth Doell #148 - 11121 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 5G7P: (604) 271-3455F: (604) [email protected]/

prestige Marketing inc.Eddie Lee 180 - 6753 Graybar Road Richmond BC V6W 1H3P: (604) [email protected]

martIal arts

Lok’s hapkido schoolMichael Lok 120 - 5726 Minoru Blvd. Richmond BC V6X 2A9P: (604) [email protected]

meat DIstrIButIon

Donald’s Fine FoodsAllan Leung 11528 Eburne Way Richmond BC V6V 2G7P: (604)-875-6033F: (604) [email protected]


Jr productionsFlorence Gordon 101-10220 Ryan Road Richmond BC V7A 4R1P: (604) [email protected]

philippine Canadian inquirerLaarni Liwanag Suite 400, North Tower 5811 Cooney RoadRichmond BC V6X 3M1P: (778) [email protected]

Richmond NewsGary Hollick 5731 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2C9P: (604) 270-8031F: (604) [email protected]

The Richmond ReviewMary Kemmis #1 - 3671 Viking Way Richmond BC V6V 2J5P: (604) 247-3700F: (604) [email protected]

A Publication

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Westca technology Ltd.Lu Wang 721 Camarvon Street New Westminster BC V3M 1E6P: (604) 676-2190F: (604) [email protected]

What’s in publishing & Media inc.Miu Miu Yee Ng 7500 Lowland Drive Burnaby BC V5J 5A4P: (604) 331-1567F: (604) [email protected]


Canada rNa biochemical inc.Faustina Chang Unit 680 - 4400 Hazelbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 3R8P: (604) 273-2233F: (604) [email protected]

Clinotech Diagnostics & pharmaceuticals inc.Harrison Ofiyai 2101 - 11871 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 5H5P: (604) 277-2059F: (604) [email protected]

Doelker accessoriesElizabeth Calacal 320 E. 43rd Avenue Vancouver BC V5W 1T3P: (604) 327-1639F: (604) [email protected]

iND Diagnostic inc.Shuli Wang 1629 Fosters Way Delta BC V3M 6S7P: (604) 522-1619F: (604) [email protected]

innovatek Medical inc.King Hui Unit 3, 1600 Derwent Way Delta BC V3M 6M5P: (604) 522-8303F: (604) [email protected]

MDMi technologies inc.John Heroux Unit 110 - 12051 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 4V4P: (604) 275-7944F: (604) [email protected]

Ultima Medical services inc.Pam Watt 4440 Stark Street Richmond BC V7B 1A1P: (604) 232-2430F: (604) [email protected]

meDIcal DevIce

innovative New Diagnostic CompanySakr Zeaiter 1585 Pinetree Way Coquitlam BC V3E 3C4P: (778) [email protected]

Jolly Medical international (Canada) Co.Victor Chen 11200 Bird Road Richmond BC V6X 1N8P: (604) [email protected]

Medica Devices inc.Abbas Bordian Suite 10 - 285 17th Street West Vancouver BC V7V 3S6P: (604) 922-5692F: (604) [email protected]

meDIcal equIpment & supplIes

babykins products (1992) Ltd.Jenny Gilles 150 - 12830 Clarke Pl. Richmond BC V6V 2H5P: (604) 275-2255F: (604) [email protected]

ohM Medical training services inc.Edward Mak Suite 305, South Tower - 5811 Cooney Road Richmond BC V6X3M1P: (604) [email protected]

Ultrasonix Medical CorporationLaurent Pelissier 130 - 4311 Viking Way Richmond BC V6V 2K9P: (604) 279-8550F: (604) [email protected]

yCy better health CenterGerald Yeung 9253 Shaughnessy Street Vancouver BC V6P 6R4P: (604) 685-1871F: (604) [email protected]

mInIng & exploratIon servIces

safari Diamond bits Ltd.Matt Safari 2120 & 2125 - 11980 Ham-mersmith Way Richmond BC V7A 0A4P: (604) 275-2487F: (604) 275-2488www.safaridiamondbits.com

hayden Diamond bit industries Ltd.Eric Gaunder 12020 No.5 Road Richmond BC V7A 4G1P: (604) 271-6941F: (604) [email protected]

teryl resources Corp.John Robertson 240 - 11780 Hammersmith Richmond BC V7A 5E9P: (604) 278-5996F: (604) [email protected]

mortgage Brokerage

Alan Sung - Clear Trust Mortgages Inc.Alan Sung 600 - 1200 W.73d Avenue Vancouver BC V6P 6G5P: (604) 789-8662F: (604) [email protected]

bryan & tracy Johnstone / Verico riverside Mortgage group inc.Bryan Johnstone 118 - 6033 London Road Richmond BC V7E 0A7P: (604) 274-9000F: (604) [email protected]

Lisa ManwaringLisa Manwaring 431 Kerry Drive Richmond BC V4M 2R1P: (604) [email protected]

tom MacDonald / Dominion Lending aegis Mortgage servicesTom MacDonald 201 - 3800 Bayview Street Richmond BC V7E 6K7P: (778) 938-0400F: (866) [email protected]

movIng & storage servIces

across Canada Van Lines inc.Cigdem Ersavasli 14273 Knox Way Richmond BC V6V 2Z4P: (604) 232-5550F: (604) [email protected]

poDsMellanie Siteman 5350 Byrne Road Burnaby BC V5J 3J3P: (604) 434-6005F: (866) [email protected]/vancouver.aspx

Vega Line Moving & storage servicesHakan Guzgan Unit 103 - 14273 Knox Way Richmond BC V6V 2Z4P: (604) 244-3919F: (604) [email protected]

musIc InstructIon - Instrumental

raul Velasco 607 East 9th Street North Vancouver BC V7L 2B8P: (604) [email protected]

richmond Delta youth orchestraStephen Robb PO Box 28064 Richmond BC V6X 3M1P: (604) [email protected]

richmond Music schoolPatricia Rolston 11371 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V7A 1X3P: (604) 272-5227F: (604) [email protected]

musIcal Instruments

groove Masters percussionMilton Randall #8 - 12180 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 4V5P: (604) 241-0774F: (604) [email protected]

Kam sing arts Ltd.Michael Liao #1570 - 4380 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 3V7P: (604) 279-9728F: (604) 821-1908

tom Lee Music Company Ltd.Martha Hau Suite 150, 3631 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2B9P: (604) 273-6661F: (604) [email protected]

natIonal hIstorIc sItes

gulf of georgia Cannery societyRebecca Clarke12138 4th Avenue Richmond BC V7E 3J1P: (604) 664-9134F: (604) [email protected]

naturopathIc physIcIan/acupuncturIst

richmond alternative Medical ClinicMartin Kwok 150-7340 Westminster Hwy.Richmond BC V6X 1A1P: (604) 207-0167F: (604) [email protected]

Vancouver Dominion traditional Medicine group Ltd.Belinda Ho 102 - 1459 Kingsway Vancouver BC V5N 2R6P: (604) 876-8080F: (604) [email protected]


brio integrative health Centre inc.Jeffrey Lee 223 - 11020 No.5 Road Richmond BC V7A 4E7P: (604) [email protected]

non profIt

pacific Community resources societyKay Sarai 10328 Whalley Blvd Surrey BC V3T 4H4P: (604) 951-4559F: (604) [email protected]

the arthritis research Centre of CanadaChristine Basque 5591 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2C7P: (604) 207-0400F: (604) 207-4059www.arthritisresearch.ca

notary puBlIc

gail Maida Notary publicGail Maida 155-8040 Garden City Road Richmond BC V6Y 2N9P: (604) 273-9688F: (604) [email protected]

hans podzun Notary publicHans Podzun 630-4400 Hazelbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 3R8P: (604) 273-1101F: (604) [email protected]

Nancy schick Notary Corp.Nancy (Schick) Skinner 650-5900 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 3P7P: (604) 270-8644F: (604) [email protected]

r. Martyn Westerman Notary public, executor & Mediation servicesR. Martyn Westerman 10800 Bamberton Drive Richmond BC V7A 4J1P: (604) 204-0265F: (604) [email protected]

tammy Morin-Nakashima Notary publicTammy Morin-Nakashima 209-3740 Chatham Street Richmond BC V7E 2Z3P: (604) 275-0070F: (604) [email protected]

nutrItIonal proDuct DIstrIButors

Nutrabolics inc.Jayson Wyner 2443 Alder Street Vancouver BC V6H 4A4P: (604) 734-7970F: (604) [email protected]

organika health products inc.11871 Hammersmith Way Richmond BC V7A 5E5P: (604) 277-3302F: (604) [email protected]

offIce centres

peace arch business CenterKatrina Petty 8105 Birch Bay Square Street Suite 205Blaine WA 98230P: (360) 366-8500F: (360) 366-1001info@peacearchbusinesscen-ter.comwww.peacearchbusinesscen-ter.com

business interiors by staples (Commercial Furniture Div.)Nick Jennings 1125 Vernon Drive Vancouver BC V6A 3P5P: (604) [email protected]

offIce proDucts & servIces

Digitech renewable printer Cartridges (Digitech Laser)Mike Karamanian 102 - 8898 Heather Street Vancouver BC V6P 3S8P: (604) 322-5433F: (604) [email protected]










Document systems DirectDiego Iribar 12111 Riverside Way Richmond BC V6W 1K8P: (604) 204-3207F: (604) [email protected]

Kyocera Mita Canada Ltd.Keith Callaghan 118 - 21300 Gordon Way Richmond BC V6W 1M2P: (604) 207-2802F: (604) [email protected]

sNs Data products Ltd.Parm Bhanwer 133 - 11951 Hammersmith Way Richmond BC V7A 5H9P: (604) 271-5113F: (604) [email protected]

staplesTed Chow 1-6390 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2B3P: (604) 270-9599F: (604) [email protected]

staples (sweden Way)Kenny Tsang 110 - 2780 Sweden Way Richmond BC V6V 2X1P: (604) 303-7850F: (604) [email protected]

offIce space rental

Regus RichmondLuis Riestra 305 - 5811 Cooney Rd. Richmond BC V6X 3M1P: (604) 207-7770F: (604) [email protected]


Life Celebrant bCKimberley Evans 3020 Garry Street Richmond BC V7E 2S4P: (604) [email protected]


Mockler, McNab & associates, Drs.Donna Mockler 100-7997 Westminster Hwy. Richmond BC V6X 1A4P: (604) 273-2436F: (604) 273-4510

outDoor amusement facIlIty

richmond Karting & rentals Ltd.Anthony Pappajohn 6631 Sidaway Road Richmond BC V6W 1B7P: (604) 732-7122F: (604) [email protected]

packagIng servIces

Cratif plastics products Ltd.Michael Lai Unit 4-12800 Bathgate Way Richmond BC V6V 1Z4P: (604) 248-0978F: (604) 248-0977

Flash packWing Tai Liu 5751 Cedarbridge Way, Suite 138 Richmond BC V6X 2A8P: (604) 270-8989F: (604) [email protected]

primeloc packaging inc.Jonathan Lam 125 - 12031 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 4V4P: (604) 271-2210F: (604) [email protected]

terrana services Corp.Dave Terrana 5 - 14191 Burrows Rd. Richmond BC V6V 1K9P: (604) 304-9887F: (604) [email protected]

paInt & wallpaper - retaIl/wholesale

Coastec industrial paints Ltd.Gary Brown 116-7350 72nd Street Delta BC V4G 1H9P: (604) 940-3393F: (604) [email protected]


MiLsig paintball Canada Ltd.Jacky Chan #135 - 11780 River Road Richmond BC V6X 1Z7P: (604) 278-6566F: (866) [email protected]

paper & forest proDucts

Catalyst paper CorporationLyn Brown 2nd Floor 3600 Lysander Lane Richmond BC V7B 1C3P: (604) 247-4400F: (604) [email protected]


bark busters Canada(Free spirit pet services)Robert Scheel #388 - 6 Renaissance Square New Westminster BC V3M 6N8P: (604) 220-0359F: (604) [email protected]

pet care

playful paws Doggy Daycare Ltd.Larna Pike P: (604) [email protected]

pet groomIng

Christine’s grooming studio Ltd.Christine Bellan 143-2633 Viking Way Richmond BC V6V 1N3P: (604) [email protected]

Dogs’ avenue enterprises inc.Emilie Kai #135 - 8040 Garden City Road Richmond BC V6Y 2N9P: (604) 270-3013F: (604) [email protected]


bark N’ Fly petcare servicesJoanne Mantie 9771 Gilhurst Crescent Richmond BC V7A 1P4P: (604) [email protected]

pharmaceutIcal proDucts mfrs.

Continental pharmacyJoseph Leung 1196 - 3779 Sexsmith Road Richmond BC V6X 3X9P: (604) 276-8938F: (604) [email protected]

Viva pharmaceutical inc.Jason Ko 13880 Viking Place Richmond BC V6V 1K8P: (604) 718-0816F: (604) [email protected]

photographIc servIces

argamak photographyKerri-Jo Stewart 12911 Railway Avenue Richmond BC V4R 6L8P: (604) [email protected]

Darby photosPaul Darbyshire 9260 Auburn Drive Richmond BC V7A 5A8P: (604) 274-0306F: (604) [email protected]

FM photo LtdFelix Lai 1120 - 8181 Cambie Road Richmond BC V6X 3X9P: (604) [email protected]

p.s. photography Co.Robert (Bob) Plowman 10568 Kozier Drive Richmond BC V7E 5L8P: (604) [email protected]

pIcture frames - Dealers

phoenix Coastal artMark Glavina #8 - 3891 Chatham Street Richmond BC V7E 2Z6P: (604) [email protected]

plastIcs & paInt

industrial plastics & paintsSusan Meitner 150 - 12571 Bridgeport Road Richmond BC V6V 2N5P: (604) 278-4977F: (604) [email protected]

plumBIng / heatIng / aIr conDItIonIng

Ashton Service GroupBrian Williams 140 - 4631 Shell Road Richmond BC V6X 3M4P: (604) 283-2423F: (604) [email protected]

plumBIng & heatIng

pJb MechanicalKarey Mah 108 - 7402 Progress Way Delta BC V4G 0A1P: (604) 940-2268F: (604) [email protected]

plumBIng fIxture & supply manufacturers & wholesale

andrew sheret Ltd.Gord Bennett 4500 Vanguard Road Richmond BC V6X 2P4P: (604) 278-3766F: (604) [email protected]


City of Richmond (RCMP)Rendall Nesset 11411 No.5 road Richmond BC V7A 4E8P: (604) 278-1212F: (604) [email protected]

poultry Dealers - wholesale

Wingtat game bird packersCarmen Jung 11951 Forge Place Richmond BC V7A 4V9P: (604) 278-4450F: (604) [email protected]


aCCa group (aCCa access production inc.)Willy Wong 145 - 15100 Knox Way Richmond BC V6V 3A6P: (604) 278-6227F: (604) [email protected]

blitzgear inc.Wilberto Tong 140-11100 Bridgeport Rd Richmond BC V6X 1T2P: (604) 231-0020F: (866) [email protected]

Comfort Fine Print Inc.Sanjay Segran 4-7550 76 St.Delta, BC V4G 1K6P: (604) 952-0807F: (604) [email protected]

Dominion blue Digital reprographicsFred Beach 130-11080 Bridgeport Road Richmond BC V7P 2R6P: (604) 681-7504F: (604) [email protected]

greener print solutions inc.Jason Gagne Unit 130 - 2981 Simpson Road Richmond BC V6X 2R2P: (604) 473-3637F: (604) 568-4796jason@greenerprintsolu-tions.cawww.greenerprintsolu-tions.ca

Kwik Kopy Design & print CentreJimmy Santoso Unit #2 - 3511 Viking Way Richmond BC V6V 1W1P: (604) 270-3125F: (604) [email protected]

Minuteman press richmondTanya Schneiderman Unit 110 - 11780 River Road Richmond BC V6X 1Z7P: (604) 273-9050F: (604) 273-9052richmond@minutemanpress.comwww.richmond.minuteman-press.com

print advantageDoug Maxwell #145 - 12830 Clarke Place Richmond BC V6V 2H5P: (604) [email protected]

redCraft greetingsMichelle Yu #120 - 3851 Jacombs Road Richmond BC V6V 2H7P: (604) 231-8775F: (604) 231-8779www.redcraftgreetings.com

s & t stereo printers Ltd.Clara Cheng 12151 Vulcan Way Richmond BC V6V 1J7P: (604) 273-1172F: (604) [email protected]

Unico print MediaGordon Yip #2230 - 4871 Shell Road Richmond BC V6X 3Z6P: (604) 271-3310F: (604) [email protected]









prIntIng - multImeDIa

powerwell publicity & Display production CompanyAmy Wong 2008 - 2560 Shell Road Richmond BC V6X 0B8P: (604) 278-0860F: (604) [email protected]

promotIonal proDucts

probizz advertising specialties inc.Ivan Linde 3580 Broadway Street Richmond BC V7E 2X8P: (604) 448-0310F: (604) [email protected]

property management

bower property ManagementJohn Bower 10471 Whistler Place Richmond BC V7E 4C6P: (604) 271-0220F: (604) [email protected]

Century 21 prudential estates (rmd) Ltd.Matthew Collins 7320 Westminster Highway Richmond BC V6X 1A1P: (604) 273-1745F: (604) [email protected]

Conway richmond Ltd.Lorraine Palmer 220-4800 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 3A6P: (604) 270-3833F: (604) 270-4634

Dorset realty group Canada Ltd.Angie Hui 200-8211 Ackroyd Road Richmond BC V6X 3K8P: (604) 270-1711F: (604) [email protected]

Fairchild Developments Ltd.Danny Leung #130 - 4400 Hazelbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 3R8P: (604) 273-1234F: (604) [email protected]

iat Management Lp 2000 - 5000 Miller Road Richmond BC V7B 1K6P: (604) 249-5110F: (604) 249-5101www.hreit.ca

NoblehomesVivian Chen #930 - 1200 W. 73rd Avenue Vancouver BC V6P 6G5P: (604) 264-1001 ext 218F: (604) [email protected]

strata plan LMs 1162Edmund San c/o 7320 Westminster Hwy. Richmond BC V6X 1A1P: (604) 273-1745F: (604) [email protected]

puBlIc relatIons servIce

CoUNterpoiNt Communications inc.Bruce Rozenhart Suite #1010-808 Nelson St.Vancouver BC V6Z 2H2P: (604) 638-0868F: (604) [email protected]

puBlIshers - DIrectory & guIDe

Canpages inc.Peter Scott 500 - 2700 Production Way Burnaby BC V5A 4X1P: (604) 421-8202F: (604) [email protected]


Canada Wide MagazinesMark Weeks 4th Floor, 4180 Lougheed Hwy. Burnaby BC V5C 6A7P: (604) 299-7311F: (604) [email protected]

spice box product Development Ltd.Ben Lotfi 12171 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 4V4P: (604) 272-2620F: (604) [email protected]

threshold publishing CompanyLouise Van Hine 5055 Seminary Road, Apt. 540 Alexandria 22311 22311P: (360) [email protected]

raDIo statIons & BroaDcastIng

CKNW/ aM730Silas Lang 700 - West Georgia Street Richmond BC V6X 3M1P: (604) 693-3068F: (604) [email protected]

Mainstream broadcasting Corporation ChMb aM1320Tinhanei Lee 100 - 1200 W. 73rd Avenue Vancouver BC V6P 6G5P: (604) 263-1320F: (604) [email protected]

real estate

amex sunrich realtyLouis Kwong 212 - 4800 No.3 Road Richmond BC V6X 3A6P: (604) 273-3983F: (604) [email protected]

aspac Developments LtdGary Wong 1830 - 1055 West Hastings St Vancouver BC V6E 2E9P: (604) 669-9328F: (604) [email protected]

Carl Chu real estate inc.Dianne Kun Zhang 7428 Montana Road Richmond BC V7C 2K8P: (604) 303-6825F: (604) [email protected]

Crestwell realty inc.Christine Klukas 120 - 6011 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2B2P: (604) 664-0627F: (604) [email protected]

Dales industries Ltd.Harvey Dales #508 - 1001 West Broadway Vancouver BC V6H 4B1P: (604) 738-4777F: (604) [email protected]

Dayhu investments Ltd.Jonathan Barnett Suite 400-1788 West 5th Avenue Vancouver BC V6J 1P2P: (604) 264-1400F: (604) [email protected]

Diane Cardoso.com / RE/MAX WestcoastDiane Cardoso #110 - 6086 Russ Baker Way Richmond BC V7B 1B4P: (604) 273-2828F: (888) [email protected]

Diane DesjardinsDiane Desjardins 550- 9100 Blundell Rd Richmond BC V6Y 1K3P: (604) 273-8582F: (604) [email protected]

emperor Commercial propertiesDan Lok #500 - 900 West Hastings Street Vancouver BC V6L 1E5P: (800) 350-4326F: (604) [email protected]

Farrell estates Ltd.Terry McPhail 220 - 6911 Graybar Road Richmond BC V6W 1H3P: (604) 273-7505F: (604) [email protected]

ginger Lu/ interlink realtyGinger Lu 225 - 8291 Alexandra Road Richmond BC V6X 1C3P: (778) 928-0636F: (604) [email protected]

Jody Copple - Macdonald realty WestmarJody Copple 203 - 5188 Westminster Highway Richmond BC V7C 5S7P: (604) 818-7957F: (604) [email protected]

Keith Liedtke remax WestcoastKeith Liedtke 110 - 6086 Russ Baker Way Richmond BC V7B 1B4P: (604) 341-6231F: (604) [email protected]

Kirk real estate services Ltd.Robert Kirk 610 - 6081 #3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2B2P: (604) 270-4633F: (604) [email protected]

Leana Li - Multiple realty Ltd.Leana Li #110 - 9780 Cambie Road Richmond BC V6X 1K4P: (604) [email protected]

MAC Marketing Solutions Inc.(MPC Intelligence Inc.)Clarke Nakamoto 100 - 856 Homer Street Vancouver BC V6B 2W5P: (604) 629-1515F: (604) [email protected]

MacDonald Realty - Debbie MurphyDebbie Murphy 10771 Bamberton Drive Richmond BC V7A 1K6P: (604) 760-8995F: (604) [email protected]

Michael Lepore - royal Lepage WestsideMichael Lepore 5970 East Blvd. Vancouver BC V6M 3V4P: (604) 261-9311F: (604) [email protected]

Milton Zhang - remax select propertiesMilton Zhang 5487 West Boulevard Vancouver BC V6M 3W5P: (604) 729-8836F: (604) [email protected]

Morning yu/ interlink realtyMorning Yu #225 - 8291 Alexandra Road Richmond BC V6X 1C3P: (604) 719-3307F: (604) [email protected]

portrait homes Ltd. ( harob holdings Ltd)Harry Grimm 1100 - 21320 Westminster Highway Richmond BC V6V 2X5P: (604) 270-1889F: (604) [email protected]

real estate board of greater Vancouver - richmond/south DeltaTeri Barr 2433 Spruce Street Vancouver BC V4L 2P3P: (604) 730-3086F: (604) [email protected]

royal Lepage Commercial inc.Ernie Corlett PO Box 10023, Pacific Centre Suite 700, 700 West Georgia StreetVancouver BC V7Y 1A1P: (604) 683-3111F: (604) [email protected]

royal pacific realty - sunny yangSunny Yang 550 North Tower Oakridge Centre 650-West 41st AveVancouver BC V5Z2M9P: (604) 728-4298F: (604) [email protected]/

sutton group - seafair realtyScott Russell 550 - 9100 Blundell Road Richmond BC V6Y 1K3P: (604) 273-3155F: (604) [email protected]

sutton group Westcoast realty, angela LeAngela Le P: (604) 257-8888F: (604) [email protected]

tony toyer / Macdonald realty WestmarTony Toyer Unit 69-5531 Cornwall Drive Richmond BC V7C 5N7P: (778) 866-5410F: (604) [email protected]

UpWest properties inc.Nina Zhang 233 - 5701 Granville Street Vancouver BC V6M 4J7P: (604) [email protected]

recyclIng servIces

allied salvage & Metals (1985) Ltd.Carol Sohier 11651 Twigg Place Richmond BC V6V 2K7P: (604) 322-6629F: (604) [email protected]

oK bottle DepotKyu Lee 8151 Capstan Way Richmond BC V6X 1R3P: (604) [email protected]

richmond steel recyclingGeorge Kavouras 11760 Mitchell Road Richmond BC V6V 1V8P: (604) 324-4656F: (604) [email protected]

Urban impact recycling Ltd.Nicole Stefenelli 15360 Knox Way Richmond BC V6V 3A6P: (604) [email protected]










research & Development

sunCentral inc.Guthrie Cox 160 - 5940 No.2 Road Richmond BC V7C 4R9P: (604) 628-3348F: (604) [email protected]


abC hK CafeIrene Hui 2792 - 4151 Hazelbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 4J7P: (604) 295-6777F: (604) 295-6653www.abccafe.com

apower international trading inc. dba Jang Mo Jib Korean restKil Bong Moon 3200 - 4151 Hazelbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 4J7P: (604) [email protected]

apower international trading inc. dba Jang Mo Jib Korean rest.Kil Bong Moon 8320 Alexandra Road Richmond BC V6X 1C4P: (604) 233-0712F: (604) [email protected]

big river brew pub restaurantJeff Tomlinson #180 - 14200 Entertainment Way Richmond BC V6W 1K3P: (604) 271-2739F: (604) [email protected]

blackberry bistro (Ltd.)Philip Wong 6011 Dyke Road Richmond BC V7E 3R3P: (604) 272-5755F: (604) [email protected]

boston pizza ackroydAlan Howie 50-8100 Ackroyd Road Richmond BC V6X 2K3P: (604) 273-6151F: (604) [email protected]

China pro enterprises LtdEvan Zheng 1150 - 4380 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2C3P: (604) 800-6677F: (604) [email protected]

Claypot hotpot and b.b.Q.Jacky Leung #105 - 8291 Alexandra Road Richmond BC V6X 1C3P: (604) 284-5181F: (604) 284-5182

Continental Seafood RestaurantTom Mah 150 - 11700 Cambie Road Richmond BC V6X 1L5P: (604) 278-6331F: (604) [email protected]

Cora breakfast & LunchJack Wong 170 - 11380 Steveston Hwy Richmond BC V7A 5J5P: (604) 266-3798F: (604) [email protected]

earleeray holdings inc.Christine Campbell 8140 No.2 Road Richmond BC V7C 5J9P: (604) 513-0378F: (604) [email protected]

executive hotels & Carver’s steakhouseMichael Hajdukovich 7211 Westminster Hwy Richmond BC V6X 1A3P: (604) 207-7107F: (604) [email protected]

ganko - oyaji enterprises Ltd. dba Kiriri Japanese Cuisine & sushi barTakayuki Katayama 190 - 8780 Blundell Rd Richmond BC V6Y 3Y8P: (778) [email protected]

grand Dynasty seafood restaurantAnthony Kong 4331 Dominion Street Burnaby BC V5G 1C7P: (604) 432-6002F: (604) [email protected]

Kumare restaurant and bakeryMary Loa 8130 Park Road Richmond BC V6Y 1T1P: (604) 284-5111F: (604) [email protected]

Little ongpin restaurantRose Tantongco 4093 No. 5 Road Richmond BC V6X 2T9P: (604) [email protected]

M’s seafood restaurantYan Hong Mo #1600 - 8260 Westminster Hwy Richmond BC V6X 3Y2P: (604) 207-9898F: (604) [email protected]

pajo’s restaurants Ltd.Andrew Stokes 3500 Bayview Street Richmond BC V7E 6P4P: (604) 270-7140F: (604) [email protected]

rainflower seafood restaurantWallace Yuen 3600 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2C1P: (604) 821-5555F: (604) [email protected]/Rain-flowerRestaurants

red star seafood restaurantDaniel Gong 2200 - 8181 Cambie Road Richmond BC V6X 3X9P: (604) 270-3003F: (604) [email protected]

riverspot restaurants Ltd.Jeff Tomlinson 180 - 14200 Entertainment Blvd. Richmond BC V6W 1K3P: (604) 271-2095F: (604) 271-2615

shanghai river restaurantKen Cheung #110 - 7831 Westminster Hwy. Richmond BC V6X 4J4P: (604) 233-8885F: (604) 233-8874

shun Feng seafood restaurantChristine Liang 1425 - 4380 No.3 Road, Parker Place Mall Richmond BC V6X 3V7P: (604) 304-6088F: (604) 306-6000shunfeng@shunfengrestau-rant.comwww.shunfengrestaurant.com

steveston seafood houseShane Dagan 3951 Moncton Street Richmond BC V7E 3A7P: (604) 271-5252F: (604) 271-5252info@stevestonseafood-house.comwww.stevestonseafood-house.com

sushi bar ajisaiMayuko Ikeda 2081 W. 42nd Ave. Vancouver BC V6M 2B4P: (604) 266-1428F: (604) [email protected]

Westwood Cafe Ltd.Kenny Xu #1045-1163 Pinetree Way Coquitlam BC V3B 8A9P: (604) 552-0628F: (604) [email protected]

White spot ackroydRoy Kurian 5880 No.3 Rd. (At Ackroyd) Richmond BC V6X 3K2P: (604) 273-1556F: (604) [email protected]


3283313 Canada inc. dba Federal auction serviceAmir Durrani 1500 - 885 W. Georgia Street Vancouver BC V6C 3E8P: (604) 601-2069F: (604) [email protected]

a&b Fashion Ltd.(romia shoes)Dawei Wei 9300 Williams Road Richmond BC V7A 1H1P: (604) 719-4488F: (604) [email protected]

amy’s Loonie-toonie townRegina Ho 8594 Granville St. Vancouver BC V6P 4Z7P: (604) 261-5086F: (604) [email protected]

boardwalk Wood FloorsTom Gara 140 - 12571 Bridgeport Rd. Richmond BC V6V 1J4P: (604)-270-7750F: (604) [email protected]

enagic Usa inc. (enagic Canada Corp.)Yasu Hiro Oda Unit 678-5900 No.3 Road Richmond BC V6X 3P7P: (604) 214-0065F: (604) [email protected]

XD holdings Ltd.Shirley Wang 1250 - 4151 Hazelbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 4J7P: (604) [email protected]

XiaJie trading Corp. (Dba: a to Z)Danny Chen 1053 Robson Street Vancouver BC V6Z 2V7P: (778) 891-1306


gilmore gardens seniors’ residenceLisa Welbourn 4088 Blundell Richmond BC V7C 5V1P: (604) 271-7222F: (604) [email protected]


hunter roofing Ltd.Marcy Hunter 150 - 11760 Voyageur Way Richmond BC V6X 3G9P: (604) 439-2000F: (604) [email protected]


Morton Cordage ConsultantsJohn Morton 62 - 9208 208th Street Langley BC V1M 2M9P: (604) [email protected]

securIty servIces

alltek patrol Corp.Alan To #635-8111 Anderson Road Richmond BC V6Y 3Z8P: (604) 233-0083F: (604) [email protected]

bCCC enterprises inc.Tyson Hennecker 801 - 595 Howe Street Vancouver BC V6C 2T5P: (604) 646-3330

Cba electrical & security systems Ltd.Bill Lau 9026 Oak street Vancouver BC V6P 4B9P: (604) 720-1988F: (604) [email protected]

Concord security Corp.Frank Naso #925 - 4710 Kingsway Burnaby BC V5H 4M2P: (604) 692-2234F: (604) [email protected]

imperial security and protection services Ltd.Bob Shoker 2255 - 4871 Shell Road Richmond BC V6X 3Z6P: (604) 231-9973F: (604) [email protected]

integritas security group inc.Gary Lok Unit 201 - 5755 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2C9P: (604) 284-5538F: (604) [email protected]

radius securityConnie Yip 22131 Fraserwood Way Richmond BC V6W1J5P: (604) 232-3488F: (604) [email protected]

Diane Cardoso

[email protected]

Downsizing? First Time Homebuyer? Seniors & Estate Sales? Merging families or upsizing? Our lifestyles are always changing and when they do, it’s good to know you are in good and competent hands with your real estate needs. My real estate business has been established since 1985 and my experience will effort-lessly guide you through the home buying and selling process. I will be right by your side from beginning to end and any amount of questions you have will be an-swered. I live and have raised my family in Richmond and it is a great place to call home. Find me on Face-book at Diane Cardoso Real Estate or check out my listings and blogs at www.DianeCardoso.com. I look forward to meeting with you and helping you fi nd your dream home!









reliable security systems Ltd.Imad Shami 2133-20800 Westminster Hwy Richmond BC V6V 2W3P: (604) 777-2200F: (604) [email protected]

safe & sound security systems Ltd.Doug Fraser 2140 - 12191 Hammersmith Way Richmond BC V7A 5H2P: (604) 519-7233F: (604) 272-4379doug.fraser@safesoundsecu-rity.comwww.safesoundsecurity.com

Western protection alliance incDonna West Unit 1 - 11771 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 4V4P: (604) 271-7475F: (604) [email protected]

senIor cItIzens homes

the Maple residencesAidan Flynn 4071 Chatham Street Richmond BC V7E 2Z7P: (604) 277-4519F: (604) [email protected]

shoe repaIr

richmond Centre shoe serviceSami Zhang 6832 No.3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2C4P: (604) [email protected]

shoe stores

Footlife enterprises inc.Alice Chow 5458 Victoria Dr. Vancouver BC V5P 3V8P: (604) 321-0305F: (604) [email protected]

shoppIng centres

Aberdeen Centre/Fairchild Developments Ltd.Joey Kwan 4151 Hazelbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 4J7P: (604) 273-1234F: (604) [email protected]

Cadillac Fairview Corp. Ltd. (richmond Centre)Leslie Matheson 1400-6551 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2B6P: (604) 273-4828F: (604) [email protected]

Lansdowne CentreBronwyn Bailey 5300 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2X9P: (604) 270-1569F: (604) [email protected]


Knight safety (2012) LtDJune Back 180- 6660 Graybar Road Richmond BC V6W 1H9P: (604) [email protected]

scott paragon screenprinting & sign systems Ltd.Robin Jacobs Units 414 - 5940 No. 6 Road Richmond BC V6V 1Z1P: (604) 273-4155F: (604) [email protected]

signarama richmondDavid Newman 120 - 4471 #6 Road Richmond BC V6V 1P8P: (604) 273-7445F: (604) 273-7465david@signarama-rich-mondbc.cawww.signarama-rich-mondbc.ca

take-a-signStephen Chan 105-11400 Bridgeport Rd. Richmond BC V6X 1T2P: (604) 303-9310F: (604) [email protected]

skIn & BoDy/ health

Vitelle Dermatology Laboratories inc.Liz Beresford 223 - 2631 Viking Way Richmond BC V6V 1N3P: (604) 279-5552F: (604) [email protected]

skIn care proDucts

ironwood Clay co. inc.Rodger Upton 450 - 3771 Jacombs Road Richmond BC V6V 2L9P: (604) 279-9498F: (604) [email protected]

smoke shops - retaIl

seafair smoke and Mixer (tsawwassen international service)John Holmes No. 9, 8671 No. 1 Road Richmond BC V7C 1V2P: (604) 277-4088F: (604) 277-4088

software consultIng

triarius project ManagementSean Fitzsimmons 116 - 744 West Hastings Street Vancouver BC V6C 1A5P: (604) 602-4375fitz@centralnervoussystems.comwww.centranervoussystems.com

software Development

9shot golf innovationsGerald Ko 890 West Pender Street #600 Vancouver BC V6C 1J9P: (604) [email protected]

aptus systems inc.Kelvin Chun Unit 101 - 8680 Cambie Rd. Richmond BC V6X 4K1P: (604) 273-8989F: (604) [email protected]

edsys educational systemsIlya Kruglenko 4631 Garry Street Richmond BC V7E 2T9P: (604) [email protected]

Lisa technologies inc.Chris Couzelis 1268 - 13351 Commerce Parkway Richmond BC V6V 2X7P: (604) 207-1363F: (604) [email protected]


awesome Nails & spaLisa Tran 160 - 9040 Blundell Road (Garden City Shopping Ctre) Richmond BC V6Y 1K3P: (604)[email protected]

raintree Wellness spaBarbara Bell #125 - 13020 No. 2 Road Richmond BC V7E 2G1P: (604) 274-4426F: (604) [email protected]

shine Nail bar inc.Lynn Luu 110 - 8228 Westminster Hwy Richmond BC V6X 1A6P: (604) [email protected]

tao Day spa Ltd.Winnie Cheung Pozo 115 - 3900 Bayview St Richmond BC V7E 4R7P: (604) [email protected]

specIal events

Lions Communications inc. (summer Night Market)Paul Cheung 12631 Vulcan Way Richmond BC V6V 1J7P: (604) 278-8000F: (604) [email protected]

riverside banquet hallsBobby Ghirra 230-14500 River Road Richmond BC V6V 1L4P: (604) 244-7755F: (604) [email protected]

rowe event & show servicesDavid Rowe 322-5930 No. 6 Road Richmond BC V6V 1Z1P: (604) 303-0650F: (604) [email protected]

specIalty fooD manufacturer

basic grain products (Canada) inc.Brent Aleong 8524 Baxter Place Burnaby BC V5A 4T8P: (604) 444-4677F: (604) [email protected]

sport / recreatIon

Drive basketballChad Clifford 6111 River Road Richmond BC V7C 0A2P: (604) [email protected]

sportIng gooDs

soccer LinkFrankie Lam Unit 114 Alderbridge Place 4940 No.3 RoadRichmond BC V6X 3A5P: (604) 207-8711F: (604) [email protected]

sports / fItness centres

6 pack beachJeff Cheng 115 - 13180 Mitchell Rd Richmond BC V6V 1M8P: (604) [email protected]

Canada international badminton Club Ltd.Vivien Cheng #111, 13479 - 77 Avenue Surrey BC V3W 6Y1P: (604) 572-7877F: (604) [email protected]

Clearone badminton Centre - CalgaryMichele Lee 1853 - 120Ave., NE Calgary AB T3K 0S5P: (604) [email protected]

Clearone badminton Centre - richmond LeslieMichele Lee #138-4551 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2C3P: (604) 231-8281F: (604) [email protected]

Clearone sports Ltd.Darryl Yung Unit 101 - 1525 Broadway Street Port Coquitlam BC V3C 6P6P: (604) [email protected]

richmond Curling Club ( richmond Winter Club)Doug Bradley 5540 Hollybridge Way Richmond BC V7C 4N3P: (604) 278-1722F: (604) [email protected]

richmond olympic ovalKathleen Francis 6111 River Road Richmond BC V7C 0A2P: (778) 296-1424F: (778) [email protected]

steve Nash sports Club richmondMike Leo 150 - 10251 St. Edwards Drive Richmond BC V6X 2M9P: (604) [email protected]

sports teams-professIonal

abbotsford heat hockey teamVanni De Bartolo 300-33800 King Rd Abbotsford BC V2S 8H8P: (604) 743-5067F: (604) [email protected]

bC Lions Football ClubKeith Hawkins 765 Pacific Blvd. Vancouver BC V6B 4Y9P: (604) 661-3610F: (604) [email protected]

Vancouver CanucksJohn Bellefeuille 800 Griffiths Way Vancouver BC V6B 6G1P: (604) 899-7417F: (604) [email protected]

Vancouver Whitecaps FCGary Chung Suite 550 - 375 Water Street Vancouver BC V6B 5C6P: (778) 330-1365F: (604) [email protected]

sprInklers- fIre protectIon

Fire - tech sprinklers Ltd.Harv Opel 10611 Swinton Cres. Richmond BC V7A 3S5P: (604) 244-7426F: (604) 244-7416

stone - natural

ace architectural MillworkJohn Nicolaou 110-11231 Dyke Road Richmond BC V7A 0A1P: (604) 270-1975F: (604) 270-3600www.acemillwork.com

DMK stone products Ltd.David Lee 12191 Vulcan Way Richmond BC V6V 1J7P: (604) 278-9557F: (604) [email protected]

storage servIces

advanced storage CentresRichard Reitsma 12100 Riverside Way Richmond BC V6W 1K5P: (604) 271-7200F: (604) 271-7278richmond@advancedstor-agecentres.comwww.advancedstoragecen-tres.com










Maple Leaf self storagePJ Juneja 3240 No. 4 Road Richmond BC V6X 2L7P: (604) 375-2771F: (604) [email protected]

sentinel storageLaurie Ellis 11151 Bridgeport Road Richmond BC V6X 1T3P: (604) [email protected]

simply self storage inc.Eric Wan 8211 Sea Island Way Richmond BC V6X 2W3P: (604) [email protected]


h-Mart richmondTae Kim #1780 - 4151 Hazelbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 4J7P: (604) 233-0496F: (604) 232-0572www.hmart.ca

price smart Foods (ackroyd)Paul Cope 8200 ackroyd Road Richmond BC V6X 1B5P: (604) 278-3229F: (604) [email protected]

save-on-Foods & Drugs - ironwoodDavid Higo 11666 Steveston Hwy Richmond BC V7A 5J3P: (604) 448-1224F: (604) [email protected]

save-on-Foods & Drugs (terra Nova)Neil Bordeleau 3673 Westminster Hwy Richmond BC V7C 5V2P: (604) 273-5755F: (604) [email protected]


Luminous sun studioCalvin Tran 105 - 6068 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 4M7P: (604) [email protected]

tattoo stuDIos

steveston tattoo Co.Ryan Halter #110 - 12020 1st Avenue Richmond BC V7E 3L9P: (604) [email protected]

tax servIces

iFortune groupOssio Wu 800 - 5900 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 3P7P: (604) 284-5238F: (604) [email protected]

tea store

adonia Kerrisdale tea housePing Chou 2057 West 41st Avenue Vancouver BC V6M 1Y7P: (604) 261-0049F: (604) [email protected]

aQ enterprises Ltd.Shu-Mei Chang 212 - 5300 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2X9P: (604) 279-1839F: (604) 278-5532

spring Cottage tea houseStephen Chan #2117 - 3779 Sexsmith Road Richmond BC V6X 3Z9P: (604) [email protected]


irDi system inc.Edward Li #120 - 5951 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2E3P: (787) 386-0485F: (604) [email protected]

syspro business solutions inc.David Doyle 215-4400 Dominion Street Burnaby BC V5G 4G3P: (604) 451-8889F: (604) [email protected]

telecommunIcatIon proDucts

associated telephone industriesMarcia Hocking 110 - 12855 Clark Place Richmond BC V6V 2H9P: (604) 270-0135F: (604) 270-7512www.associatedtelephone.com

Lite access technologies incMike Plotnikoff 2180-21331 Gordon Way Richmond BC V6W 1J9P: (604) 247-4704F: (604) [email protected]

santel Communications (Vancouver) Ltd.Kevin Kondo 11880 Hammersmith Way, #197 Richmond BC V7A 5C8P: (604) 273-9062F: (604) [email protected]

times telecom inc.Alan Yong Suite 400 - North Tower, 5811 Cooney Road Richmond BC V6X 3M1P: (604) 279-8787F: (604) [email protected]

telecommunIcatIons & proDucts

bell MobilityJames Barlow 2925 Virtual Way, Suite 400 Vancouver BC V5M 4X5P: (604) 626-8181F: (604) [email protected]

F sona Networks Corp.Paul Erickson Unit 100, 13200 Delf Place Richmond BC V6V 2A2P: (604) 273-6333F: (604) [email protected]

tIles & stones

Vancity tiles & stonesSohail Khan 3020 No. 5 Road Richmond BC V6X 1T5P: (604) 233-1112F: (604) [email protected]

tool rentals

Winpac Development inc.Steve Huang 450 - 5600 Parkwood Way Richmond BC V6V 2M2P: (604) 447-4310F: (604) [email protected]


Makita Canada inc.Jon Nagasaki 11771 Hammersmith Way Richmond BC V7A 5H6P: (604) 272-3104F: (604) [email protected]

Contact: David [email protected]( 604 ) 612-9767 www.youtube.com/user/DAVIDCOOPERSTONEwww.facebook.com/Studio.Video.Facilities

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e3r sales Ltd. 6251 No. 7 Road Richmond BC V6W 1E8P: (604) 244-0228F: (604) [email protected]

east tek industries Ltd.Esther Lin 22629 Fraserbank Crescent Richmond BC V6V 2L7P: (604) 561-6675

Maple red trading Ltd.Kelly Lin 11271 6th Avenue Richmond BC V7E 3C8P: (778) 836-1318


Only Search MarketingDan Fawcett 2921 Argo Place Richmond BC V3J 7G4P: (778) [email protected]

priority Management - VancouverAnson Frost 130 - 10691 Shellbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2W8P: (604) 295-4095F: (604) [email protected]/pcg

sandra Lopez seminarsSandra Lopez 6251 Gibbons Drive Richmond BC V7C 2C9P: (604) 716-8780sustainableimpact@san-dralopezseminars.comwww.sandralopezseminars.com


alexander translationBin Ren 210 - 3663 Crowley Drive Vancouver BC V5R 6H4P: (604) [email protected]


garden City Cabs of richmondAshiana (GM) Unit 148 - 2633 Viking Way Richmond BC V6V 1W3P: (604) [email protected]

green Light supply Chain groupLinda Goddard Unit 1 - 13331 Vulcan Way Richmond BC V6V 1K4P: (604) 317-1835F: (604) [email protected]

Kimber Cabs Ltd.Peter Stamm 248 - 2633 Viking Way Richmond BC V6V 3B6P: (604) 488-8888F: (604) [email protected]

Latitude Logistics inc.Bert McAnerin 4486 Bonavista Drive Richmond BC V7E 5E5P: (604) 275-6324F: (604) [email protected]

overseas Container Forwarding inc.Sherry Babcock 100-10451 Shellbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2W8P: (604) 734-8155F: (604) [email protected]

Richmond Taxi Company Ltd.Shashi Engineer #260 - 11180 Voyageur Way Richmond BC V6X 3N8P: (604) 278-8358F: (604) [email protected]

tLa Logistics Ltd.Yan Wong 218 - 13986 Cambie Road Richmond BC V6V 2K3P: (604) 270-2064F: (604) [email protected]

Vancouver airport Fuel Facilities Corporation (VaFFC)Adrian Pollard # 103 - 12300 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 4Z1P: (604) 271-7113F: (604) [email protected]/home


airChn travel (Canada) inc.Pareeya Shah 230 - 8711 Beckwith Road Richmond BC V6X 1V4P: (778) 383-6888F: (200) [email protected]

CaL travel international Ltd.Alice Lin 50 - 10551 Shellbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2W9P: (604) 207-9188F: (604) [email protected]

Canadian paradise holidayAmy Cheng Suite 133, Alderbridge Place 4940 No. 3 RoadRichmond BC V6X 3A5P: (604) 303-8161F: (604) [email protected]

Caremet international Co., Ltd.William Shan 164 Sycamore Drive Port Moody BC V3H 0L5P: (778) 355-3100F: (604) [email protected]

China star holiday (Canada) Ltd.Tommy Sung Suite 3235 - 8888 Odlin Crescent Richmond BC V6X 3Z8P: (604) 821-1688F: (604) [email protected]

Daricny travel Co. Ltd.Eric Wang # 230 - 8877 Odlin Crescent Richmond BC V6X 3Z7P: (604) 278-2196F: (604) [email protected]

grand pacific travel & trade (Canada) Corp.Winnie Mok 100 - 8877 Odlin Crescent Richmond BC V6X 3Z7P: (604) 304-4148F: (604) [email protected]

harvest / Cultural toursAllan Ngan 110 - 8877 Odlin Crescent Richmond BC V6X 3Z7P: (604) 214-8868F: (604) [email protected]

holiday home-Car Ltd.Edmund Kunke 12540 Westminster Highway Richmond BC V6V 1A1P: (604) 214-0744F: (604) [email protected]

indus travels inc.Praveen Syal 110 - 8311 Westminster Hwy Richmond BC V6X 4H2P: (604) 279-8794F: (604) [email protected]

Jtb international (Canada) Ltd.Andy Shimizu 8899 Odlin Crescent Richmond BC V6X 3Z7P: (604) 276-0300F: (604) [email protected]

Lion international travel service Co., Ltd.Yang Tai #210 - 4140 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2C2P: (604) 231-8256F: (604) [email protected]

Lta holidays (Canada) Ltd.Herbert Lee 230 - 11181 Voyaguer Way Richmond BC V6X 3N9P: (604) 207-1178F: (604) [email protected]

Mctec VacationSimon Li 140 - 4400 Hazelbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 3R8P: (604) 233-0448F: (604) [email protected]

MobimapsJason Jew 1301- 125 Milross Ave Vancouver BC V6A 0A1P: (604) 999-0500F: (888) [email protected]

North america Ctrip Vacation Ltd.Sophia Yi #232 - 10451 Shellbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2W8P: (604) 276-0622F: (604) [email protected]

p & D travel inc.Hong Vo 2145 Kingsway Vancouver BC V5N 2T4P: (604) 438-1677F: (604) [email protected]

pro tours Ltd.Hansi Natzke 113 - 2633 Viking Way Richmond BC V6V 3B6P: (604) 244-9303F: (604) [email protected]

sealand travel inc.Jessie Bai 1400 - 4540 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6X 4E4P: (604) 270-3977F: (604) [email protected]

silkway travel & Cruise inc.Rosana Loo 8899 Odlin Crescent Richmond BC V6X 3Z7P: (604) 879-6018F: (604) [email protected]

sina travel & tours inc.Peter Woo 820 - 4400 Hazelbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 3R8P: (604) 278-0123F: (604) [email protected]

super VacationLaurels Lau 304-8055 Anderson Road Richmond BC V6Y 1S2P: (604) 233-1388F: (604) [email protected]

travel tstIan Biddlecombe 6720 No. 3 Road Richmond BC V6Y 2C2P: (604) 273-1811F: (604) [email protected]

Winners Vacation inc.Victor Pun 3018 - 8700 McKim Way Richmond BC V6X 4A5P: (604) 270-3000F: (778) [email protected]

truckIng anD/or warehousIng

simard Westlink inc.Denis Bertrand 16062 Portside Road Richmond BC V6W 1M1P: (604) 231-8756F: (604) [email protected]

Wesfab industries Ltd.Scott Wilson 3900 Viking Way Richmond BC V6V 1N6P: (604) 270-6554F: (604) [email protected]


FortisbC energy inc.Amy Hennessy 16705 Fraser Hwy. Surrey BC V3S 2X7P: (604) 576-7363F: (604) [email protected]

vacuum cleaners - householD

electrovacs enterprises Ltd.Esfand Bakhtiari 3895 Hastings St Burnaby BC V5C 2H7P: (604) 205-5448F: (604) [email protected]

vIDeo proDuctIons

The Studio Video FacilitiesDavid Cooperstone P: (604) [email protected]

vIsItor & conventIon servIces

here’s info(hotel email service)Brian Coleman 10740 Rosecroft Cr. Richmond BC V7A 2J1P: (604) 275-2565F: (604) [email protected]

Tourism RichmondTracy Lakeman Suite 205 South Tower, 5811 Cooney Richmond BC V6X 3M1P: (604) 821-5474F: (604) [email protected]

waste reDuctIon & recyclIng systems

ecowaste industries LtdTom Land 15111 Williams Road Richmond BC V6W 1G9P: (604) 276-9511F: (604) [email protected]

Mt Disposal KingSamia Massoud 10771 Bamberton Drive Richmond BC V7A 1K6P: (604) 306-8599F: (604) [email protected]

water purIfIcatIon

international hydro systems inc.Lakshman Perera 12240 Vickers Way Richmond BC V6V 1H9P: (604) 276-9265F: (604) [email protected]

water slIDes

Whitewater West industries LtdHarley Ensing 6700 McMillan Way Richmond BC V6W 1J7P: (604) 273-1068F: (604) [email protected]










weB DesIgn / Development

5U Website Design and DevelopmentBarry Dong 250 - 4140 No.3 Road Richmond BC V6X 2C2P: (778) 883-9222F: (778) [email protected]

6folds Marketing inc.Steven Lui 240 - 10691 Shellbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 2W8P: (604) 273-8810F: (604) [email protected]

eseeLyNX Communication Ltd.Daniel Lai 2190 - 4151 Hazelbridge Way Richmond BC V6X 4J7P: (604) 638-1818F: (604) [email protected]

Kis Web serviceFelix Ho #1302 - 8171 Saba Road Richmond BC V6Y 4B3P: (604) [email protected]

Living productions inc.Paul Donovan 28 - 848 Hockley Avenue Victoria BC V9B 2V6P: (604) [email protected]

weDDIng proDucts & servIces

Charlie’s Wedding photoCharlie Lin 2177 - 3779 Sexsmith Road Richmond BC V6X 3Z9P: (604) 279-9926F: (604) [email protected]

pavac industries inc.Ralf Edinger Unit 105 - 12371 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 4X6P: (604) 231-0014F: (604) [email protected]


aaa Decoration articles Ltd.Jason Jia Unit 1 - 3571 Viking Way Richmond BC V6V 1N6P: (604) [email protected]

Costco Wholesale CanadaSusan Ness 9151 Bridgeport Road Richmond BC V6X 3L9P: (604) 270-2416F: (604) [email protected]

eyesonic enterprises inc.Fernie Yau 188-1999 Savage Road Richmond BC V6V 0A5P: (604) 207-6925F: (604) [email protected]

Faze 2 Design Ltd.Clara Lai 235 - 1868 Glen Dr. Vancouver BC V6A 4K4P: (604) 681-8980F: (604) [email protected]

Leopards & rosesHilton Toube 1125 - 13700 Mayfield Place Richmond BC V6V 2E4P: (604) 241-1882F: (604) [email protected]

Motic instruments incMarco Fong 130 - 4611 Viking Way Richmond BC V6V 2K9P: (604) 303-9033F: (604) [email protected]

organo gold enterprisesShella Chua Unit 150 - 6191 Westminster Hwy Richmond BC V7C 4V4P: (778) 297-7724F: (604) [email protected]

pak-National Foods Ltd.Shamim Akbar 12280 Horseshoe Way Richmond BC V7A 4Z1P: (604) 241-3156F: (604) [email protected]

savon Ventures Ltd.Richard Stein 5960 No. 6 Road, Suite 621 Richmond BC V6V 1Z1P: (604) 232-8603F: (604) [email protected]

Van Cheong tea inc.Tim Yang 128 - 14273 Knox Way Richmond BC V6V 2Z4P: (604) 244-0813F: (604) [email protected]

wIne on premIse

bayou brewing ClubMichael Harvey 120 - 3771 Jacombs Road Richmond BC V6V 2L9P: (604) 270-9965F: (604) [email protected]


isabella Winery Ltd.Beatrice Gil 11491 River Road Richmond BC V6X 1Z6P: (604) 783-6000F: (604) [email protected]/

Lulu island WineryAllison Lu 16880 Westminster Hwy Richmond BC V6V 1A8P: (604) 232-9839F: (604) [email protected]

redstone Winery group Ltd.Chalmers Liu 238 - 5701 Granville St. Vancouver BC V6M 4J7P: (604) [email protected]

sanduz estate WinesNeeta Sandhu 12791 Blundell Road (at Sidaway Roa Richmond BC V6W 1B4P: (604) 214-0444F: (604) [email protected]

52 2013/14 membership directory • www.richmondchamber.ca

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2 Honest Carpenter Ltd. Gary McAuley (604) 803-0358 303283313 Canada Inc. dba Federal Auction Service Amir Durrani (604) 601-2069 4733 Degrees Web Design Inc. Jason Senger (250) 861-3312 375U Website Design and Development Barry Dong (778) 883-9222 516 Pack Beach Jeff Cheng (604) 321-6800 486folds Marketing Inc. Steven Lui (604) 273-8810 51711eshop.com Brian Ramwood (604) 370-5711 329Shot Golf Innovations Gerald Ko (604) 685-7468 48A & G Creative Group Dave Ancrum (604) 270-1411 37A & L Electronics (TSAI Enterprises Inc.) Albert Tsai (604) 279-0728 33A Buyer’s Choice Home Inspections Ron Lyons (778) 846-8646 38A-Power Computer Ltd. Elizabeth Chan (604) 273-5667 31A.A. Advertising Ltd. Nadyne Montgomery (604) 273-5335 26A&B Fashion Ltd.(Romia Shoes) Dawei Wei (604) 719-4488 47A2 Mouldings & Floors Ping Kuen Wong (604) 244-8687 34AAA Decoration Articles Ltd. Jason Jia (604) 282-7768 51Abbotsford Heat Hockey Team Vanni De Bartolo (604) 743-5067 48ABC HK Cafe Irene Hui (604) 295-6777 47Aberdeen Centre/ Fairchild Developments Ltd. Joey Kwan (604) 273-1234 48ACC1 Capital Inc. Celia Chow (604) 805-0987 41ACCA Group (ACCA Access Production Inc.) Willy Wong (604) 278-6227 45Accelerated Wellness (Jeunesse Global) Linda Miner (604) 839-9625 37Accent Inns Christopher Browne (604) 273-3311 25Accent Leasing & Sales Ltd. Brian Law (604) 270-2488 41ACE All Cargo Express Inc. Gilbert Chang (604) 606-0633 35Ace Architectural Millwork John Nicolaou (604) 270-1975 48Ace Fire Prevention Ltd. Andy Sangha (604) 275-0075 34Ackroyd Insurance Agencies Ltd. John Lau (604) 231-0888 39Acorn Wood Designs Ltd. Mo Abdulla (604) 435-9800 42Across Canada Van Lines Inc. Cigdem Ersavasli (604) 232-5550 44Active International Freight Ltd. Samuel Wong (604) 276-0166 35Adecco Employment Services Stephanie Lyle (604) 273-8761 33ADESA Vancouver John MacDonald (604) 232-4403 29Adisa Benefit Solutions Cameron Biffart (604) 535-4200 39Admiral Insurance Services (Pacific) Inc. Julan Lo (604) 718-9038 39Adonia Kerrisdale Tea House Ping Chou (604) 261-0049 49Advanced Cyclotron Richard Eppich (604) 278-5578 42Advanced Rare Earth Materials Bo Zheng (604) 279-0676 38Advanced Storage Centres Richard Reitsma (604) 271-7200 48Advantage Collision Ltd Eric Lee (604) 270-1371 29Advantex Express Inc. John Galley (604) 231-0513 35Adwiz Communications George Pytlik (604) 657-1351 43AE Electronics Glen Lum (604) 279-8867 31AeroInfo Systems, A Boeing Company Robert Cantwell (604) 232-4200 26Affiliated Customs Broker Graham Smith (604) 276-8321 32AHM Automotive Christopher Chan (604) 710-8919 29Air Canada Jude Welch (604) 270-5750 26Air Goal International Forwarders Ltd. Glenn Fung (604) 278-3913 35Air North, Yukon’s Airline Debra Ryan (800) 661-0407 26AirChn Travel (Canada) Inc. Pareeya Shah (778) 383-6888 50AJM International Development Corp Annie Yang (604) 278-2908 35Alacria Asia Capital Inc. Mary Yang (778) 898-7199 41Alais Ventures Ltd. Vernon Lau (604) 282-1633 38Alan Sung - Clear Trust Mortgages Inc. Alan Sung (604) 789-8662 44ALC Micro (B.C.) Inc. Stanley Chan (604) 231-8098 31Alexander Translation Bin Ren (604) 727-1763 50Allied Salvage & Metals (1985) Ltd. Carol Sohier (604) 322-6629 46Alltek Patrol Corp. Alan To (604) 233-0083 47Allway Technologies Inc. David Wu (604) 232-3981 31Alpha Gift Ltd Ken Choi (604) 231-0881 26Alpha Stone Co. Ltd. David Lee (604) 278-8267 32Alpha-Mar Navigation Inc. Catherine Sedlacek (604) 270-2576 35Alphatrans International Express Inc. Cherill Stansfield (604) 273-9363 35ALS Society of BC Wendy Toyer (604) 278-2257 27Alture Properties Teresa Leung (604) 777-1808 41Am-Pri Construction Ltd. Amit Sandhu (604) 728-5476 29Amar Balaggan Amar Balaggan (604) 275-2622 30AMEC John Kageorge (604) 664-4315 33Amethyst Skin Care Centre Inc. Fanny Lau (604) 738-2826 33Amex Sunrich Realty Louis Kwong (604) 273-3983 46AMR Management Inc. Amy Gao (604) 231-9221 39Amron’s Gourmet Meats Ltd. Gurjeet Chahal (604) 277-8682 35Amuleta Computer Security Inc. Dale Jackaman (604) 230-8114 30Amy’s Loonie-Toonie Town Regina Ho (604) 261-5086 47Anderson Industrial Ltd. Larry Bowe (604) 856-9200 32Andrew Lee Certified General Accountants Andrew Lee (604) 762-6628 25Andrew Sheret Ltd. Gord Bennett (604) 278-3766 45Anniwan Enterprises Ltd David Chau (604)-214-8939 39Ansan Industries Ltd. Raoul Malak (604) 270-1541 31

Apower International Trading Inc. dba Jang Mo Jib Korean Rest Kil Bong Moon (604) 422-0712 47Apower International Trading Inc. dba Jang Mo Jib Korean Rest. Kil Bong Moon (604) 233-0712 47Aptus Systems Inc. Kelvin Chun (604) 273-8989 48AQ Enterprises Ltd. Shu-Mei Chang (604) 279-1839 49Aquamar Shipping Inc. Eugene Fenton (604) 270-9958 35Aragon Insurance Services John Pham (778) 968-8872 39Archmetal Industries Corp. Henry Chen (604) 270-3773 32Argamak Photography Kerri-Jo Stewart (604) 370-2279 45Aroga Technologies Ltd. Steve Barclay (604) 431-7997 32ArtDreams Creative Naomi Topuzoglu (604) 324-7373 33ASC Collision Repair Cathy Chen (604) 278-8833 29Ashton Service Group Brian Williams (604) 283-2423 45Aspac Developments Ltd Gary Wong (604) 669-9328 46AssetPlus Financial Services Inc. Alfred Poon (604) 273-0232 33Associated Telephone Industries Marcia Hocking (604) 270-0135 49Auto West BMW Teresa Li (604) 303-8034 29Auto West BMW - Ludia Li Ludia Li (604) 273-2217 29Award Manufacturing Ltd.(Citation Kitchens) Kelly McCormack (604) 668-8100 41Awesome Nails & Spa Lisa Tran (604)-278-3336 48B.C.I.T. - Aerospace Campus Lenalda Sutherland (604) 419-3700 32Babykins Products (1992) Ltd. Jenny Gilles (604) 275-2255 44Back in Motion Rehab Inc. Debbie Samsom (604) 273-7600 38Bank of China (Canada) Richmond Branch Walter Ke (604) 273-1108 33Bank of Montreal - Richmond Main Office Ken Lee (604) 668-1198 33Bari Design Ltd. Pina Pavone (604) 448-8684 36Bark Busters Canada(Free Spirit Pet Services) Robert Scheel (604) 220-0359 45Bark N’ Fly Petcare Services Joanne Mantie (604) 277-4686 45Bashir’s Auto Cosmetics Bashir Hirjee (604) 270-9131 29Basic Grain Products (Canada) Inc. Brent Aleong (604) 444-4677 48Bayou Brewing Club Michael Harvey (604) 270-9965 51BC Lions Football Club Keith Hawkins (604) 661-3610 48BC Schizophrenia Society Jane Duval (604) 270-7841 27BCCC Enterprises Inc. Tyson Hennecker (604) 646-3330 47BCGI Benefits Inc. Brian Cole (604) 617-7222 39Beacon Hill Consultants (1988) Ltd. Peter Stokes (778) 388-6811 31Beacon International Despatch Ltd. Connie Ng (604) 278-3410 35Beavis, Wong & Associates Lisa Wong (604) 233-1964 39Beijing Tong Ren Tang Canada Co. Ltd. Susan Wong (604) 304-0233 30Bell Mobility James Barlow (604) 626-8181 49Bellville Rodair International Jeffrey Haley (604) 244-5940 35Benchmark Law Corporation Dana Gordon (778) 371-3446 41Best Practices Consulting Shelley Leonhardt (604) 202-7445 30Best Western Abercorn Inn (604) 270-7576 25Better Business Bureau Lynda Pasacreta (604) 375-6234 27Bevan Thomas, Writer Bevan Thomas (604) 710-1659 43BG Health Group Dennis Gunn (604) 244-7687 38BGL Brokerage Ltd. Mike Barriere (604) 541-2311 32Big River Brew Pub Restaurant Jeff Tomlinson (604) 271-2739 47Bismark Collision Facility Walter Siu (604) 821-1302 29Black Truck Projects Inc. Ian Jackson (604) 317-3063 31Blackberry Bistro (Ltd.) Philip Wong (604) 272-5755 47Blitzgear Inc. Wilberto Tong (604) 231-0020 45Blue Star Marble Ltd. Bruce Li (604) 278-4092 37Blue Wolf Forest Products Inc. Charles Chakal (604) 241-8577 42BMO Bank of Montreal / President Plaza Branch Matt Kuo (604) 668-1382 33Boardwalk Wood Floors Tom Gara (604)-270-7750 47Bodywell Natural Skin Care Inc. Richard Crambie (604) 279-0050 32Bonavox Trading Co.(0752293 B.C. Ltd.) Jack Siong (604) 303-0274 30Bonco Acupuncture & Wellness Centre Joe Silva (604) 272-5108 30Boston Pizza Ackroyd Alan Howie (604) 273-6151 47Bower Property Management John Bower (604) 271-0220 46Bradley Pacific Enterprises Wendy Yuan (604) 267-7018 39Bread Garden Catering Paul Coleman (604) 639-9229 30Breakers Fish Company Ltd. Dan Treend (604) 244-7291 34Brewsense Gourmet Coffee Cyrus Ma (778) 896-1605 30Brighid Law LLP Jie Wang (604) 235-4106 41Bright Ideas Event Coordinators Ltd. Sharon Bonner (604) 303-7707 33Brio Integrative Health Centre Inc. Jeffrey Lee (604) 271-9355 44British Columbia Aviation Council Vanessa Griffiths (604) 278-9330 27British Columbia Lions Society for Children with Disabilities Stephen Miller (604) 873-1865 27Brockmann’s Chocolate Inc. Norbert Brockmann (604) 946-4111 35Bryan & Tracy Johnstone / Verico Riverside Mortgage Group Inc. Bryan Johnstone (604) 274-9000 44Building Officials’ Association of BC Richard Bushey (604) 270-9516 27Bull, Housser & Tupper LLP Ryan Berger (604) 687-6575 41Buns Master Bakery & Delicatessen (Sigcee Holdings Ltd.) Wendy Tsai (604) 278-8231 29

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Business Development Bank of Canada Barbara Tinson (604) 666-7857 33Business Interiors by Staples (Commercial Furniture Div.) Nick Jennings (604) 809-2047 44C. Couzelis & Company Inc. Chris Couzelis (604) 270-3214 25C.H. Robinson Project Logistics Ltd Graeme Halley (604) 630-2225 42CAC Enterprises Group Inc. Hong Yang (604) 430-8835 35Cadillac Fairview Corp. Ltd. (Richmond Centre) Leslie Matheson (604) 273-4828 48CAL Travel International Ltd. Alice Lin (604) 207-9188 50Caleia Consulting Lena Hutzcal (778) 839-3956 31Caltech Tech Services Rene Andersen (604) 279-8705 41Campbell & Pound 1939 Appraisals Ltd. Daniel Jones (604) 270-8885 26Campbell Froh May & Rice LLP Jeff Froh (604) 273-8481 41Canaan College Ltd. Lauren Chu (604) 451-9739 32Canada Alliance of Chinese Associations Lloyd Chen (604) 781-7832 27Canada Bright Way Logistics Ltd. Leo Liu (604) 207-9922 35Canada East Stanley Consultant LTD. Helen Qian (604) 306-6836 31Canada International Badminton Club Ltd. Vivien Cheng (604) 572-7877 48Canada RNA Biochemical Inc. Faustina Chang (604) 273-2233 44Canada Sea Air Logistics Inc. Lloyd Chen (604) 998-4980 35Canada Wide Magazines Mark Weeks (604) 299-7311 46Canadian Blind Manufacturing Inc. Zubair Khokhar (604) 821-1188 42Canadian Blood Services Nancy Bryan (604) 707-3491 27Canadian Chamber of Commerce Kimberly Gale (403) 271-0595 27Canadian Lifeboat Institution Bob McIlwaine (604) 270-6387 43Canadian Liver Foundation Elena Murgoci (604) 707-6433 27Canadian Manu Immigration & Financial Services Inc. Paul Oei (604) 800-2288 33Canadian Mental Health Association - Richmond Branch Barbara Fee (604) 276-8834 27Canadian Paradise Holiday Amy Cheng (604) 303-8161 50Canadian Phytopharmaceuticals Corp. Yuan-Chun Ma (604) 303-7782 38Canadian Western Bank Michael Yeung (604) 238-2818 33Canadian Youth Business Foundation Paulina Cameron (604) 598-2923 27Candu Manufacturing Inc. Janet Church (604) 946-1115 42CanLink Consulting Inc. Alice Tang (604) 657-2273 38Canpages Inc. Peter Scott (604) 421-8202 46Cantrawl Nets Ltd. Robert McIlwaine (604) 270-6387 34CanWest Farms Ltd. Humraj Kallu (604) 244-0488 33Caped Management Consulting Inc. Helen Quan (778) 706-8680 30Caprice Countertops Inc. Gregory Prommaz (604) 340-6363 32Capture Energy Barb Silverthorn (604) 249-2142 33Caremet International Co., Ltd. William Shan (778) 355-3100 50Cargo Dynamics Logistics Inc. Ritchie So (604) 273-1882 35Cargo Spectrum Forwarding Inc. Martin Howard (604) 273-5575 35Carl Chu Real Estate Inc. Dianne Kun Zhang (604) 303-6825 46Cartwheels Incorporated Katherine Campbell (604) 275-0020 34Cascadia Systems Group Robert Milliken (604) 270-1730 31Catalyst Paper Corporation Lyn Brown (604) 247-4400 45CBA Electrical & Security Systems Ltd. Bill Lau (604) 720-1988 47CDC Synectics Inc. Connie Siu (604) 790-1220 31CDI College Karin Fischer (604) 279-0003 32Celex Laboratories Inc. Steve Liao (604) 231-6077 42Central Agencies Ltd. Dennis MacNeill (604) 276-0244 39Century 21 Prudential Estates (Rmd) Ltd. Matthew Collins (604) 273-1745 46Chak Lau & Co. LLP Chun John Chak (604) 282-7506 41Charlie’s Wedding Photo Charlie Lin (604) 279-9926 51CHC Global Operations (2008) Inc. Duduzile (Dudu) Kheswa (604) 247-7087 26Cheyna Conder Ltd. Cheyna Conder (604) 277-4260 25CHIMO Community Services Lisa Westermark (604) 279-7077 27China International Auction Co. Ltd. Richmond Ren (778) 800-0818 28China Pro Enterprises Ltd Evan Zheng (604) 800-6677 47China Star Holiday (Canada) Ltd. Tommy Sung (604) 821-1688 50Chinese Medicine and Accupuncture Centre M. T. Chau (604) 270-1818 26Chinese Paintings (Canada) Ltd. Lee Kee-Cheung (604) 276-1818 26Chips Consulting Inc Sheldon Nider (604) 274-0602 26Chocolaterie Bernard Callebaut Rustam Teja (604) 275-1244 35Choice Home Care Plus Rose Nakagaki (604) 278-9126 38Chow Sang Sang Jewellers Tung Chow (604) 733-6162 41Christine Wang Law Corporation Xinnan Wang (604) 356-1080 41Christine’s Grooming Studio Ltd. Christine Bellan (604) 207-8730 45CIBC Business Banking Joe Atkinson (604) 665-6106 33Cita Communication Rentals Debra Danny (604) 671-4655 30City of Richmond (RCMP) Rendall Nesset (604) 278-1212 45City of Richmond, Councillor Office Mary Lou Phillips (604)-276-4134 37City of Richmond, Economic Development Office Neonila Lilova (604) 247-4934 37City of Richmond, Fire-Rescue Department Kirby Graeme (604) 303-2726 34City of Richmond, Mayor’s Office Malcolm Brodie (604) 276-4123 37CKNW/ AM730 Silas Lang (604) 693-3068 46CL Research Services Catherine Lee (778) 316-2286 39

Classy & Neo-Lighting Group Inc. Alex Xu (778) 803-1263 42Claypot HotPot and B.B.Q. Jacky Leung (604) 284-5181 47ClearOne Badminton Centre - Calgary Michele Lee (604) 231-8281 48ClearOne Badminton Centre - Richmond Leslie Michele Lee (604) 231-8281 48ClearOne Sports Ltd. Darryl Yung (604) 808-9127 48Clinotech Diagnostics & Pharmaceuticals Inc. Harrison Ofiyai (604) 277-2059 44Coast Capital Savings - Blundell Sue-Ellen Wong (604) 517-7000 33Coast Capital Savings - Broadmoor Deborah Freedman (604) 517-7000 34Coast Capital Savings - Cambie Bill Brooke (604) 517-7000 34Coast Capital Savings - Head Office Darren Haines (604) 517-7000 34Coast Capital Savings - Ironwood Dan Sharma (604) 517-7000 34Coast Capital Savings - Richmond Centre Richard Chen (604) 517-7000 34Coast Capital Savings - Steveston Shelley Cassap (604) 517-7000 34Coast Capital Savings - Terra Nova (604) 517-7000 34Coast Vancouver Airport Hotel Julee Hanson (604) 263-1555 25Coastec Industrial Paints Ltd. Gary Brown (604) 940-3393 45Cohen Buchan Edwards Lawyers & Notaries Barry Grabowski (604) 273-6411 41Cole Freight Inc. Dan Foran (604) 273-5161 35Coleman Management Services Inc. Ron Coleman (604) 241-0666 31College of Dental Technicians of British Columbia Ronald Revell (604) 278-8324 27Colton’s Adam Edge (604) 282-6055 33Comfort Fine Print Inc. Sanjay Segran (604) 278-0807 45Comfort Inn Vancouver Airport Hotel Claude Lawrence (604) 207-2385 25Community Living British Columbia Michele Frewin (604) 660-2100 27Complete Health Centre Raymond Fung (604) 630-1780 38Compu 2000 Karson Wong (604) 248-3833 31Concord Security Corp. Frank Naso (604) 692-2234 47Conifex Fibre Marketing Inc. Glenn Mattice (604) 216-2949 42Consumers Nutrition Center Ltd. Marvin Steffin (604) 270-0007 38ContainerWorld Forwarding Services Inc. Gary Combrink (604) 276-1300 42Continental Pharmacy Joseph Leung (604) 276-8938 45Continental Roofing Lee Eward (604) 270-8577 32Continental Seafood Restaurant Tom Mah (604) 278-6331 47Conway Richmond Ltd. Lorraine Palmer (604) 270-3833 46Cora Breakfast and Lunch Jack Wong (604) 889-3576 47Core Concept Consulting Ltd. Hermes Lam (604) 249-5040 33Corex Environmental Ltd. Dipak Ghosh (604) 277-5755 33Cori Ng, Certified General Accountants, Tax Accounting Advisory Cori Ng (778) 892-0208 25Corinthian Distributors Ltd. Vincent Uy (604) 528-6008 35Corona Plumbing & Heating Ltd. Lorraine Rolls (604) 277-3240 38Costco Wholesale Canada Susan Ness (604) 270-2416 51COUNTERPOINT Communications Inc. Bruce Rozenhart (604) 638-0868 46Cowell Motors Ltd. Gary Cowell (604) 273-3922 29Cowry Cabinets Inc. Thalita Penna (604) 273-6669 41CPG Systems Inc. Jeremy Colwell (604) 838-6811 30Craftsman Collision Ltd. Ami Maharaj (604) 278-1790 29Cratif Plastics Products Ltd. Michael Lai (604) 248-0978 45Crayon Box Learning Center Inc. Ginny Lam (604) 275-2332 32Crestwell Realty Inc. Christine Klukas (604) 664-0627 46Crystal Clear Advertising Donna Felgar (604) 760-8807 37CSA International Lindsay Clark (604) 244-6621 27CTC Logistics (Canada) Inc. Danni Wu (604) 207-6928 35Cynthia Algeta Chen Cynthia Algeta Chen (604)-279-3838 41D. Fairholm & Co. Inc. Don Fairholm (604) 214-7706 30Dales Industries Ltd. Harvey Dales (604) 738-4777 46Daniel Corrin Law Corporation (RB Webster Law) Janet Clothier (604) 999-8030 41Darby Photos Paul Darbyshire (604) 274-0306 45Daricny Travel Co. Ltd. Eric Wang (604) 278-2196 50David Eaton Architect Inc. David Eaton (604) 608-0161 26Dayhu Investments Ltd. Jonathan Barnett (604) 264-1400 46DDR Enterprises Ltd Mathias Reinprecht (604) 277-1147 32Deeley Harley-Davidson Canada Malcolm Hunter (604) 273-5421 32DeLane Industry Co. Ltd. Karry Au-Yeung (604) 254-2279 42Delta Vancouver Airport Barry Johnson (604) 276-1979 25Dentons Canada LLP Phebe Chan (604) 687-4460 41Developmental Disabilities Association Deanne Ziebart (604) 273-9778 27DHL Global Forwarding (Canada) Inc. Don Duff (604) 207-8100 36Diana Mau Chartered Accountant Diana Mau (604) 279-9270 25Diane Cardoso.com / RE/MAX Westcoast Diane Cardoso (604) 273-2828 46Diane Desjardins Diane Desjardins (604) 273-8582 46Dickson, Stojak, Brown Chartered Accountants Andrew Au-Young (604) 273-1277 25Digitech Renewable Printer Cartridges (Digitech Laser) Mike Karamanian (604) 322-5433 44Dillon Consulting Limited Nathan Gregory (604) 278-7847 33Diosa Phoenix Apparel Inc. Rachel Lei (604) 303-1888 30Diplomat Bakery & Pastry Ltd. Gerald Stenson (604) 241-9134 29

54 2013/14 membership directory • www.richmondchamber.ca

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Dirks Landscape Design Build Ltd. Paul Dirks (604) 270-9698 29Discoveries of Canada Fine Gifts Inc. Shelly Nizar (604) 273-7918 37DIVERSEcity Community Resources Society Lesley Woodman (604) 597-0205 27DMK Stone Products Ltd. David Lee (604) 278-9557 48Document Systems Direct Diego Iribar (604) 204-3207 45Doelker Accessories Elizabeth Calacal (604) 327-1639 44Dogs’ Avenue Enterprises Inc. Emilie Kai (604) 270-3013 45Dominion Blue Digital Reprographics Fred Beach (604) 681-7504 45Donald’s Fine Foods Allan Leung (604) 875-6033 43Dorset Realty Group Canada Ltd. Angie Hui (604) 270-1711 46Double D Auto Service Dave Hesch (604) 580-1828 29Doug Symons Doug Symons (604) 277-2674 39Dr. BEE Ron Lin (604) 460-8889 38Dr. Hau Yi Fang Inc. Herbert Fang (604) 718-5588 32Dr. Heather Krahn Inc. Heather Krahn (604) 273-1777 32Dr. Henson Po Inc. Henson Po (604) 277-3155 32Dragon Nest Development Ltd. Patrick Hung (604) 720-9889 29Drive Basketball Chad Clifford (604) 818-7526 48DSV Air & Sea Inc. Mads Aaboe (604) 273-5595 36Dueck Richmond Greg Keith (604) 273-1311 29Dupuis Langen Financial Management (1985) Ltd. Diane Dupuis (604) 270-1142 38E3R Sales Ltd. (604) 244-0228 50Earleeray Holdings Inc. Christine Campbell (604) 513-0378 47East Tek Industries Ltd. Esther Lin (604) 561-6675 50Easy Access to Employment Adrienne Jolly (604) 285-6938 33Ebco Industries Ltd. Tamara Bannerman (604) 278-5578 42ECL Industries Ltd. Edward Lee (604) 266-1124 31Ecolink Products Group David Smith (604)-270-0480 43Ecowaste Industries Ltd Tom Land (604) 276-9511 50Eculine Canada Inc. Mike Teixeira (604) 244-3190 36Edsys Educational Systems Ilya Kruglenko (604) 307-0884 48Edwards Turkey Farm Ltd. Brian Edwards (604) 277-5477 33Electrovacs Enterprises Ltd. Esfand Bakhtiari (604) 205-5448 50Elegant Flooring Inc. Judy Cheng (604) 276-9233 35Eli International Investment Club Alan Eli (778) 238-8007 30Emo Trans (West Cda.) Limited Scott Tipert (604) 207-1021 36Emperor Commercial Properties Dan Lok (800) 350-4326 46Enagic USA Inc. (Enagic Canada Corp.) Yasu Hiro Oda (604) 214-0065 47Endo Home and Building Supplies Centre Kyle She (604) 232-0210 32Entrepreneurial Success Network (ESN) Debbie Rootman (604) 264-8097 30Epic 3D Tech Corporation Chris Shu (604) 285-6978 25Eric Plourde Plumbing & Heating Ltd. Belinda Plourde (604) 241-9419 38Eric van Iersel Eric Van Iersel (604) 431-2785 39Ernst & Young (604) 891-8389 34eSeeLYNX Communication Ltd. Daniel Lai (604) 638-1818 51Executive Airport Plaza Hotel & Conference Centre Sam Chen (604) 278-5555 25Executive Hotels & Carver’s Steakhouse Michael Hajdukovich (604) 207-7107 47Expeditors Canada Inc. Andrew Harris (604) 244-8543 36Expert Hearing Solutions Brenda Brumwell (604) 271-4327 38Express Employment Professionals Niven Lee (604) 668-5899 33Eyesonic Enterprises Inc. Fernie Yau (604) 207-6925 51F Sona Networks Corp. Paul Erickson (604) 273-6333 49Fairchild Developments Ltd. Danny Leung (604) 273-1234 46Family Services of Greater Vancouver Lisa Whittaker (604) 279-7100 27Fannie’s Florist Ltd. Roger Sheung (604) 277-3927 35Farrell Estates Ltd. Terry McPhail (604) 273-7505 46Faze 2 Design Ltd. Clara Lai (604) 681-8980 51Federal Express Canada Ltd. Cathy Kolmansberger (604) 279-7801 32Filipino Friends in Richmond (FFIR) Lita Nuguid (604) 765-8396 27Fire - Tech Sprinklers Ltd. Harv Opel (604) 244-7426 48Fisina Scientific Inc. Fred Otchere (604) 582-4283 31Flaman Fitness Ryan Van Eijnsbergen (604) 276-2400 34Flamingo Gifts & Recognition James Mok (604) 244-0918 29Flash Pack Wing Tai Liu (604) 270-8989 45Flatiron Constructors Canada Limited Laurie James Kelsey (604) 244-7343 31Flying Butler Direct Larry Moss (604) 273-5802 26Flying Fresh Air Freight Brendan Harnett (604) 233-1377 36FM Photo Ltd Felix Lai (604) 244-8889 45FocalPoint Business Coaching Irwin Liu (778) 865-1882 30Focus Audio Visual Services Alan Bailey (604) 872-4434 28Footlife Enterprises Inc. Alice Chow (604) 321-0305 48Forbes & Boyle, Barristers & Solicitors Derek McLauchlan (604) 273-7575 41Forest Lawn / Ocean View Funeral Homes and Cemeteries Brian Boyle (604) 299-7711 36Forget-Me-Not Floral Design Josephine Louie (604) 821-1338 35FortisBC Energy Inc. Amy Hennessy (604) 576-7363 50Fortune Tide Enterprises Ltd. Peng Wu (604) 219-8971 42Four Points by Sheraton Vancouver Airport Gary Rudin (604) 214-0888 25Fox Insurance Brokers Ltd. A Division of

Johnston Meier Insurance Group Bonnie Beaman (604) 278-6277 39Fraser Wharves Ltd. Jerry Duncan (604) 277-1141 29Freedom 55 Financial / Quadrus Investment Services Simon Bui (604) 619-0099 34Fresh Choice Foods Distribution & Services George Choy (604) 270-6882 35Fresh Slice Pizza Tariq Waheed (778) 297-5920 30Future Building Materials Ltd. Steven Liu (778) 317-8938 31G & F Financial Group Jesse Nakatsuru (604) 271-5911 34G. Stone Group Inc. Lisa Cheng (604) 232-1080 41Gail Maida Notary Public Gail Maida (604) 273-9688 44Ganko - Oyaji Enterprises Ltd. dba Kiriri Japanese Cuisine & Sushi Bar Takayuki Katayama (778) 297-4330 47Garden City Cabs of Richmond Ashiana (GM) (604) 238-1111 50Gardenstone Mfg. Bob Naymie (604) 278-0140 43Gary Chow Gary Chow (604) 723-8833 39Gary W.D. Abrams Gary Abrams (604) 279-9912 41Gateway Theatre Robin White (604) 270-6500 33Genssante Benefit Services Rick Lam (604) 608-0688 39Gentle Steps Child Care (604) 248-7574 32Genus Capital Management Mary Lou Miles (604) 605-4628 41Geodis Wilson Canada Ltd. Peter Ruggiero (604) 629-1850 36Geotemps International Charlene Donald (604) 558-3800 33Geotility Geothermal Installations Corp. Amy Tomlins (604) 273-5776 38Gerry Culver Gerry Culver (604) 742-3132 38Gibo Health Food Ltd. Kitty Tsin (604) 278-8736 35Gilmore Gardens Seniors’ Residence Lisa Welbourn (604) 271-7222 47Ginger Lu/ Interlink Realty Ginger Lu (778) 928-0636 46Glen Eden School Barbara Jackson (604) 267-0394 27Global Collective Design Inc. Glenn Taylor (604) 277-9963 30Global Gourmet Foods Inc. Richard Breakell (604) 278-8688 35Globe Healthcare Corporation Jason Xu (604) 757-0216 37Go East Trading Inc. Shenwei Wang (604) 816-3898 29Golden Jade House Inc Barrie Wong (604) 303-6578 38Golden Lines Financial Services Inc. Ivan Wang (604) 307-0604 34Golden Summit Marianne Cheng (604) 270-8213 35Goldentrim Enterprises John Wong (604) 231-7680 35Golftown David McIntosh (604) 270-3120 37Goodwill Advertising Ltd. George Desrochers (604) 278-1128 26Granby Enterprises Inc Brad Goodwin (604) 214-3100 32Grand Dynasty Seafood Restaurant Anthony Kong (604) 432-6002 47Grand Pacific Travel & Trade (Canada) Corp. Winnie Mok (604) 304-4148 50Great Canadian Gaming Corporation Roland Monteiro (604) 247-0901 30Great White Food Services Golden Siu (604) 897-3289 39Green Century Enterprises Inc Maggie Chen (604) 214-7719 29Green Dragon Services Andres Mendez (778) 297-5560 30Green Light Supply Chain Group Linda Goddard (604) 317-1835 50Green-Stone Ethical Concrete Ltd. Bert Almeida (604) 322-0400 31Greenacres Golf Course Dahman Boudraa (604) 273-1091 37Greener Print Solutions Inc. Jason Gagne (604) 473-3637 45Greener Tech International Holding Group Corp. Bill Zhuo (604) 354-6065 42Gregg Rafter Law Corp. Gregg Rafter (604) 647-4108 41Groove Masters Percussion Milton Randall (604) 241-0774 44Gulf and Fraser Credit Union Juliana Yung (604) 278-0220 34Gulf of Georgia Cannery Society Rebecca Clarke (604) 664-9134 44Guo Law Corporation Hong Guo (778) 297-6560 41H-Mart Richmond Tae Kim (604) 233-0496 49Haakon Industries Graham Unwin (604) 273-0161 38Hammerberg Altman Beaton & Maglio LLP David Hunt (604) 269-8500 41Hampton Inn by Hilton Vancouver Airport Georgeta Donici (604) 232-5505 25Hans Podzun Notary Public Hans Podzun (604) 273-1101 44Harbour Air Ltd. (604) 278-3478 26Harvest / Cultural Tours Allan Ngan (604) 214-8868 50Hayden Diamond Bit Industries Ltd. Eric Gaunder (604) 271-6941 44Haywood & Associates Inc. George Haywood (604) 241-4664 32HC Property Services Ltd. Hui Chu (604) 725-0856 30HCC Chartered Accountant & Co. Inc. Steven Chow (604) 992-3233 25HealthLinc Medical Equipment Ltd. Robert Boscacci (604) 821-0075 38Healthy Chef, The Stanley Coelho (604) 273-2433 30Heart & Stroke Foundation B. Joan Mann (604) 279-7130 27Heli-One Canada Patricia Wienke (604) 952-7700 26Helijet International Inc. Jay Minter (604) 273-4688 26Hellmann Worldwide Logistics Inc. Derek Brown (604) 821-0700 36Herbaland Naturals Inc Aisha Yang (604) 284-5050 37Here’s Info(Hotel Email Service) Brian Coleman (604) 275-2565 50Hi - Line Aluminum Welding Ltd. Leslie Gordon (604) 274-0222 26Hi-Performance Enterprises Inc. Ethan Huberman (604) 535-4927 41Hillsource Canada Marketing Ltd. Shuichi Sakamoto (604) 247-0806 43Hofast Enterprises (Canada) Ltd. Jose Ip (604) 279-8230 26Holiday Home-Car Ltd. Edmund Kunke (604) 214-0744 50Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites Scott Leckie (604) 241-1830 25

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Holiday Inn Express Vancouver Airport Stephen Crann (604) 273-8080 25Holiday Inn Vancouver Airport - Richmond Andrew Maas (604) 821-1818 25Home Depot of Canada Nick Dawson (604) 303-9882 38Honda Canada Inc.-Western Zone Blake Clarke (604) 278-7121 29Howard Harowitz Consulting Ltd. Howard Harowitz (604) 764-7610 42HSBC Bank Canada Adrian Chan (604) 659-5768 34HSBC Bank Canada - Business Banking Rodney Chan (604) 641-2513 34Hua Da Group Investment Johnny Lu (604) 773-5766 31Humphry, Paterson Barristers & Solicitors James Humphry (604) 278-3031 41Hunter Roofing Ltd. Marcy Hunter (604) 439-2000 47Hypercube Technologies Corp. Bill Bilic (604) 241-9011 32HyperSecu Information Systems Inc. Mary Xing (877) 255-7788 31IAT Management LP (604) 249-5110 46ICBC (North Richmond) Joanne Bergman (604) 279-7202 37ICM Enterprises Chi Kit Mak (604) 270-1997 35Ideon Packaging Ltd. Rick VanPoele (604) 524-0524 29IFortune Group Ossio Wu (604) 284-5238 49Ikea Canada Holly Munn (604) 248-6868 36Imagine That Events Laura Takasaki (604) 329-0754 33Immediate Images Inc. Casey Jones (604) 475-4195 30Immigrant Business BC Julie McMahon (604) 248-2449 38Imperial Lighting Solutions Ltd. (Korab Electrical ) Esther Grudman (604) 272-3562 42Imperial Security and Protection Services Ltd. Bob Shoker (604) 231-9973 47Incisive Marketing Inc Gerard Edwards (604) 277-6292 42IND Diagnostic Inc. Shuli Wang (604) 522-1619 44Indus Travels Inc. Praveen Syal (604) 279-8794 50Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Canada) Ping Keung Chan (604) 278-9668 34Industrial Plastics & Paints Susan Meitner (604) 278-4977 45Infoserve Technology Ltd. David Yu (604) 279-8867 41Ingram Micro Canada Jeff Kennett (604) 276-8357 32Ink or Toner? Kelvin Chan (604) 232-9282 31Innovacon Systems Inc Andy Khoo (604) 271-7205 31Innovatek Medical Inc. King Hui (604) 522-8303 44Innovation Networks Inc. Andreas Karakas (604) 275-5100 31Innovative Linkage Technology (Canada) Ltd. Kenny Lu (604) 368-7100 26Innovative New Diagnostic Company Sakr Zeaiter (778) 891-1416 44Integritas Security Group Inc. Gary Lok (604) 284-5538 47Interior Space Enterprises Inc. Andy Chan (604) 232-9111 41International Cosmeticare Inc. Darryl Segal (604) 277-2284 32International Fastline Forwarding Inc. Clarence Yu (604) 278-0191 36International Hydro Systems Inc. Lakshman Perera (604) 276-9265 50International Seed Press Inc. Ellen Leung (604) 233-6655 29Interworld Development Inc. Gary Cheng (604) 299-5796 39Investors Group Financial Services Inc. Richard Nash (604) 270-7700 34IRDI System Inc. Edward Li (787) 386-0485 49Iready.ca Communications Corp. Tony Lum (604) 247-1234 41Irene Frith Irene Frith (604) 271-0561 38Ironwood Clay Co. Inc. Rodger Upton (604) 279-9498 48Isabella Winery Ltd. Beatrice Gil (604) 783-6000 51J. Mac Doors James McCormack (604) 230-3756 38JC and Sons Manufacturing Ltd. Jean Cayla (604) 233-0594 42JC Bright M Ltd. Karl Chow (604) 277-7751 43JCOS Immigration & Education Emma Liu (604) 569-0218 38JCRoti Factory John Cheng (778) 863-8603 35JCY Jewellery & Accessories Jessie Chou (604) 276-8616 41Jeffrey Wong (604) 338-3613 39Jet Pet Resort Inc. Camila Dahl (604) 238-7387 26Jindao He 86-20-66601688-850 39JK Real Estate & Financial Services Inc. James Kuok (604) 617-9068 34Jlinks Technology Corp. Aileen Chien (604) 207-1662 30JLM Systems Limited Christine Gangnon (604) 521-3248 39JobOptions BC, Richmond Youth Service Agency (604) 271-7600 33Jody Copple - Macdonald Realty Westmar Jody Copple (604) 818-7957 46John Yap, MLA John Yap (604) 241-8452 37Johnson Fu Insurance Agency Inc. Ken Lam (604) 232-0896 39Jolly Medical International (Canada) Co. Victor Chen (604) 715-5865 44Jones New York Chris Van Zeist (905) 737-2000 33Joren Trading (Canada) Ltd. Renu Mirpuri (604) 270-0028 39JR Productions Florence Gordon (604) 270-4645 43Jr. Linkster Tour Canada Cameron Wong (604) 808-9021 37JRE Promotional Products Ethan Huberman (604) 535-7339 43JTB International (Canada) Ltd. Andy Shimizu (604) 276-0300 50Kahn Zack Ehrlich Lithwick LLP Marvin Lithwick (604) 270-9571 41Kal Tire Mel Sidhu (604) 207-1203 29Kam Sing Arts Ltd. Michael Liao (604) 279-9728 44Kanata Holdings D.B.A. Orca John Willcott (604) 273-6005 35Kata-Med Trading Inc. Mehrdad Bakhtiari (604) 568-4133 39Keith Liedtke Remax Westcoast Keith Liedtke (604) 341-6231 46Kendrick Equipment Ltd. David Marshall (604) 207-9921 38

Key Events and Weddings Inc. Lucy Chan-Ng (604) 830-1882 33Kimber Cabs Ltd. Peter Stamm (604) 488-8888 50King Marketing Ltd. Elizabeth Doell (604) 271-3455 43Kingtech Solution Inc. King Ho (604) 424-8282 30Kintetsu World Express (Canada) Inc. Masaya Iohara (604) 395-7080 36Kirk Real Estate Services Ltd. Robert Kirk (604) 270-4633 46Kirmac Collision Services Geoff Stewart (604) 275-7262 29Kis Web Service Felix Ho (604) 518-7161 51Knight Safety (2012) LTD June Back (604) 513-0210 48Kong Win Enterprises Ltd. Noah Huang (604) 284-5391 37KPMG MSLP Mike Boehm (604) 527-3600 25Krownhead Contracting Miles Timmis (604) 306-3255 31Kuehne + Nagel Ltd (Perishables Div) Martin Regan (604) 244-0855 36Kumare Restaurant and Bakery Mary Loa (604) 284-5111 47Kwantlen Polytechnic University Jeff Norris (604) 599-2127 32Kwantlen Polytechnic University - Richmond Jeff Norris (604) 599-2127 32Kwik Kopy Design & Print Centre Jimmy Santoso (604) 270-3125 45Kwong Fung Food Simon Wong (604) 278-3373 35Kyocera Mita Canada Ltd. Keith Callaghan (604) 207-2802 45L.C.F Advanced Technology Ltd Daniel Lo (604) 303-9628 31La Quinta Inn Vancouver Airport Aspha Dada (604) 276-2711 25La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries Gerald Miller (604) 248-0330 36Lafarge Canada Inc. Lashanna Williams (604) 270-9155 30Lafor Wood Products Adrian Laza (604) 522-7667 41Lansdowne Centre Bronwyn Bailey (604) 270-1569 48Latitude Logistics Inc. Bert McAnerin (604) 275-6324 50Leana Li - Multiple Realty Ltd. Leana Li (604) 782-6544 46Leeza Distribution David Reay (604) 247-1412 32Lehigh Materials, a division of Lehigh Hanson Materials Limited Joerg Nixdorf (604) 261-6225 30Leodoctor Computer Services Inc. Anthony Mak (778) 882-9223 30Leopards & Roses Hilton Toube (604) 241-1882 51LESL Instruction Dianne Jackson (604) 244-8610 33Leversage & Co. Gordon Leversage (604) 273-6684 25Levy Show Service Inc. Arliss Levy (604) 277-1726 32Li Hui Enterprises Ltd. Pigeon Hui Xian Zhou (604) 218-0889 31Life Celebrant BC Kimberley Evans (604) 448-0044 45Lin’s Moving Ltd. dba Lin’s Furniture Ji Lin (778) 297-5151 36Linda Reid, MLA - Richmond East Linda Reid (604) 775-0891 37Lion International Travel Service Co., Ltd. Yang Tai (604) 231-8256 50Lions Communications Inc. (Summer Night Market) Paul Cheung (604) 278-8000 48Liquid Capital BC Corp (604) 270-6499 34Lisa Manwaring Lisa Manwaring (604) 943-8943 44Lisa Technologies Inc. Chris Couzelis (604) 207-1363 48Lite Access Technologies Inc Mike Plotnikoff (604) 247-4704 49Literacy Richmond Margaret Dixon (604) 271-4849 32Little Ongpin Restaurant Rose Tantongco (604) 278-4667 47Living Productions Inc. Paul Donovan (604) 837-7953 51Locher Evers International Chris Locher (604) 523-5100 36Lock-Block Ltd. Stuart McFarlane (604) 325-9161 31Lok’s Hapkido School Michael Lok (604) 307-8683 43LTA Holidays (Canada) Ltd. Herbert Lee (604) 207-1178 50Lulu Island Winery Allison Lu (604) 232-9839 51Luminous Sun Studio Calvin Tran (604) 278-7985 49M & M Meat Shops - Francis Rd Jason Davidson (604) 204-0707 35M J Fashions Ltd. Candice Yuen (604) 273-9233 43M’s Seafood Restaurant Yan Hong Mo (604) 207-9898 47MAC Marketing Solutions Inc. (MPC Intelligence Inc.) Clarke Nakamoto (604) 629-1515 46MacDonald Realty - Debbie Murphy Debbie Murphy (604) 760-8995 46Magen (Financial) Consulting Sergei Mochtchenkov (604) 718-6699 34MAGNUM Creative Inc. Brett Duzita (604) 628-7637 41Mainstream Broadcasting Corporation CHMB AM1320 Tinhanei Lee (604) 263-1320 46Makita Canada Inc. Jon Nagasaki (604) 272-3104 49Mannix Freight Services Doug Wootton (604) 275-8094 36Manpower Services Jeff Polkinghorne (604) 682-1651 38Maple Freight Partnership Bonnie Chiu (604) 279-2525 36Maple Leaf Self Storage PJ Juneja (604) 375-2771 49Maple Red Trading Ltd. Kelly Lin (778) 836-1318 50Maple Rosewood Furniture Kinson Yip (604) 278-7656 36Mar-Con Wire Belt Inc. Michael Chiu (604) 278-8922 43Mark & Tsang, Chartered Accountants Charlotte Tsang (778) 840-7116 25Matlawa Enterprises Gent Ng (604) 244-1671 26Maureen Lazzari, CMA Maureen Lazzari (604) 241-2891 25Mava Foods Ltd. Marcus Von Albrecht (604) 273-5455 35Mayfair Lakes Golf & Country Club Mike Smedstad (604) 276-0585 37McBurney’s Insurance Agency Ltd. Bret Palmer (604) 273-5184 39McTec Vacation Simon Li (604) 233-0448 50MDA Wendy Keyzer (604) 278-3411 39

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MDMI Technologies Inc. John Heroux (604) 275-7944 44Medica Devices Inc. Abbas Bordian (604) 922-5692 39MEG Consulting Ltd. John Sully (604) 244-9400 33Mercedes-Benz Richmond Philip Chan (604) 278-7662 29Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Donal Gibson (604) 676-3778 29MG Trading Co. Ltd. James Wong (604) 303-0122 33Michael Lepore - Royal LePage Westside Michael Lepore (604) 261-9311 46Michael Liu & Co. CGA Michael Liu (604) 279-8807 25MID Forwarding Inc. Bruno Mansueto (604) 303-7384 36MILSIG Paintball Canada Ltd. Jacky Chan (604) 278-6566 45Milton Zhang - Remax Select Properties Milton Zhang (604) 729-8836 46Minglian Holdings Ltd. Frank Gu (604) 276-0400 29Minuteman Press Richmond Tanya Schneiderman (604) 273-9050 45Misty Mountain Industries Ltd. David Lee Kwen (604) 273-8299 35MLK Properties Ltd. Lloyd Kinney (604) 288-2667 30MNP LLP Doug Wootton (604) 278-6468 25Mobimaps Jason Jew (604) 999-0500 50Mockler, McNab & Associates, Drs. Donna Mockler (604) 273-2436 45Modern Auto Tech Ltd. Jack Mohr (604) 244-8355 29Moneris Solutions Nicholas Lo (604) 362-0069 34Morgan & Company Consulting Inc. Carole Yang (604) 273-1395 38Morning Glory Family Day Care Centre Karen Walden (604) 277-0788 30Morning Yu/ Interlink Realty Morning Yu (604) 719-3307 46Morton Cordage Consultants John Morton (604) 882-1562 47Mosaic Joan Andersen (604) 254-0244 27Mothers Choice Products Sandra Hass (604) 275-9221 29Motic Instruments Inc Marco Fong (604) 303-9033 51MT Disposal King Samia Massoud (604) 306-8599 50Nancy Schick Notary Corp. Nancy (Schick) Skinner (604) 270-8644 44National Bank Financial Elvis Tong (604) 658-8052 41National Bank of Canada Yolanda Chu (604) 661-5543 34Nature’s Path Foods Inc. Arran Stephens (604) 248-8777 38Nautilus Lifeline Mike Lever (604) 241-1918 43Navigator Consulting Group Iryna Gabalis (604) 569-3054 25NBL Holdings Ltd. dba Silver N’ Stuff Nick Levy (604) 273-0732 41Netlink Computer Inc. Steve Wu (604) 288-8080 31New Century Fashion Inc. Tracy Chan (604) 709-8131 30New Diamond Financial Group Inc. Ken Lam (604) 279-0888 39Newtype Richmond Mitsubishi Todd Ho (604) 231-9200 29Next Hop Solutions Inc. Tim Hall (604) 484-5141 31NG Fung Enterprises Ltd. Patrick Kwok (604) 207-1692 35Nightingale Electrical Ltd. Doug Nightingale (604) 275-0500 33NJ Embroidery Nancy Hills (604) 274-6734 33Noblehomes Vivian Chen (604) 264-1001 ext 218 46Nobles Home Furniture Ltd. James Huang (604) 233-9258 36Nobles Home Furniture Ltd. (Vancouver) Monica Day (604) 568-1319 36North America Ctrip Vacation Ltd. Sophia Yi (604) 276-0622 50Nova Express (Novex) Ken Johnston (604) 278-8044 32NuEra Nutraceutical Inc. Gordon Chen (604) 271-8868 38Nutrabolics Inc. Jayson Wyner (604) 734-7970 44Ocean Brands Aidan Hughes (604) 242-0030 34Ocean Concrete, a division of Lehigh Materials Ltd. Larry Baloun (604) 263-2863 31Ocean Floors Ltd. Ken Wallis (604) 278-2424 35Ocean Spray of Canada, Ltd. Rick Ball (604) 273-3210 35Octiscapes Landscaping Ltd Cameron Turtle (604) 708-5790 31OHM Medical Training Services Inc. Edward Mak (604) 249-2156 44OK Bottle Depot Kyu Lee (604) 244-0008 46Only Search Marketing Dan Fawcett (778) 898-9555 50Opacity Design Group Limited William Dennill (604) 277-4228 37Open-Book Bookkeeping Company James Ngo (604) 285-1152 29OpenRoad Hyundai Larry Cho (604) 606-9033 29OpenRoad Toyota Barry Chyzowski (604) 273-3766 29Organika Health Products Inc. 604) 277-3302 44Organo Gold Enterprises Shella Chua (778) 297-7724 51Oris Consulting Ltd. Dana Westermark (604) 241-4657 41Oshawa International Enterprises Inc. (Sakura Range Hood) James Cheng (604) 271-2288 26Overseas Container Forwarding Inc. Sherry Babcock (604) 734-8155 50Oxygenergy Electronics James Wang (778) 895-6892 28P & D Travel Inc. Hong Vo (604) 438-1677 50P.S. Photography Co. Robert (Bob) Plowman (604) 275-3109 45Pacific 21 Mercantile Ltd. Lance Yamazaki (604) 272-9100 39Pacific Coastal Airlines Jim Anderson (604) 214-2361 26Pacific Community Resources Society Kay Sarai (604) 951-4559 44Pacific Sino Logistics Ltd. Alan Zhao (604) 757-0099 36Pajo’s Restaurants Ltd. Andrew Stokes (604) 270-7140 47Pak-National Foods Ltd. Shamim Akbar (604) 241-3156 51Pan Pacific Nissan Richmond Ricky Pang (604) 760-8661 29Panalpina Inc. Maria Leung (604) 659-2600 36Panamerica Trade Inc. Jeff Secord (604) 247-1782 39

Panwood Global Ltd. Benjamin Huang (604) 282-1225 39Paper Excellence Canada Holdings Corporation Raymond Sun (604) 232-2453 43Park’N Fly Abdul Walli (604) 270-9476 26Paul’s Radiator (1985) Ltd. (Ank Enterprises Inc.) Ashok Khosla (604) 270-3135 29Pavac Industries Inc. Ralf Edinger (604) 231-0014 51PC Computers Ltd. Rosaline Chew (604) 276-8806 31Peace Arch Business Center Katrina Petty (360) 366-8500 44Peake of Catering James Thornley (604) 872-8431 30Peggy Edwards Peggy Edwards (604) 275-2769 38Pentagon Freight Services Canada Ltd. Mark Offley (604) 303-7791 36Peoplebiz Consulting Inc Kristi Searle (604) 813-4844 38Pepper Wireless Solutions Inc. (Head Office) Ryan Suen (604) 276-9288 30Pepper Wireless Solutions Inc. (Toronto) Ryan Suen (604) 276-9288 30PGL Environmental Ltd. Cory Cavazzi (604) 682-3707 33Philippine Canadian Inquirer Laarni Liwanag (778) 383-6090 43Phoenix Coastal Art Mark Glavina (604) 448-1860 45PICI - Prosperous International Consultants Inc. Tommy Yao (604) 957-5877 33Pick-See Solutions Inc Liz Doell (604) 271-3455 31Pinetree Quantum Synergy Corp Sammy Oh (604) 716-4530 38Pita Pit Navreet Dhillon (604) 244-7482 30PJB Mechanical Karey Mah (604) 940-2268 45Playful Paws Doggy Daycare Ltd. Larna Pike (604) 244-9464 45PLEA Community Services Society of BC Ann Alexander (604) 871-0450 27PODS Mellanie Siteman (604) 434-6005 44Port Metro Vancouver Gilles Assier (604) 665-9066 37Portfolio Strategies Corporation Norman Sung (604) 273-0232 41Portrait Homes Ltd. ( Harob Holdings Ltd) Harry Grimm (604) 270-1889 46Power-West Industries Ltd. Ryan Cooper (604) 278-1615 37Powerwell Publicity & Display Production Company Amy Wong (604) 278-0860 46Predovic Family Law & Mediation Janko Predovic (604) 241-0878 41President Telecom Corp. Vivienne Lee (604) 270-1177 30Prestige Marketing Inc. Eddie Lee (604) 232-1311 43Price Smart Foods (Ackroyd) Paul Cope (604) 278-3229 49Primeloc Packaging Inc. Jonathan Lam (604) 271-2210 45Primerica Financial Services Alice Wong (604) 288-2288 39Print Advantage Doug Maxwell (604) 370-4776 45Priority Appliance Service Ltd. Kasia Smolko (604) 736-9897 26Priority Management - Vancouver Anson Frost (604) 295-4095 50Privilege Digital Media Corporation Sheila Atienza (604) 359-7362 26Pro Tours Ltd. Hansi Natzke (604) 244-9303 50Pro-Con Electrical Testing Ltd. (Aloha Venture Holdings) Darlene Lawson (604) 303-9770 32Probizz Advertising Specialties Inc. Ivan Linde (604) 448-0310 46Progressive Concrete Ltd. Beau Sumel (604) 830-2256 31Progressive Construction Ltd. Heather Thomson (604) 273-6655 ext. 224 32Progressive Intercultural Community Services Society Nolan Gendron (604) 324-7733 28Proline Aquatics Inc. Shane Lasota (877) 682-3474 26Pryke Lambert Leathley Russell LLP Mark Killas (604) 276-2765 41Purtech Cleaning Services Inc. Steve Scheifele (604) 828-5757 30Qoola Plus Fresh Gourmet Bistro Warrick Chu (604) 273-0889 35Qooway Rewards Alan Chan (604) 248-2369 41Quality Home Inspections Ltd. Jennifer Bazett (604) 271-7177 38Quality Hotel - Airport South Nick Nijjar (604) 244-3051 25Quality Machine Works Ltd. Willi Ribi (604) 270-3515 42Que Pasa Mexican Foods, Ltd Richard Harker (604) 241-8175 35Quilchena Golf & Country Club Kim Leclercq (604) 277-1101 37R. & I. Repairs & Renovations Ltd. Reto Grellmann (604) 271-8782 32R. Martyn Westerman Notary Public, Executor & Mediation Services R. Martyn Westerman (604) 204-0265 44R.P.C. Leasing Maurice Hamlin (604) 273-7521 41Radisson Hotel Vancouver Airport Kathryn Warren (604) 276-8181 25Radius Security Connie Yip (604) 232-3488 34Rainflower Seafood Restaurant Wallace Yuen (604) 821-5555 47Raintree Wellness Spa Barbara Bell (604) 274-4426 48Ramtorc Tools (1991) Inc. L. Rycroft (604) 271-3220 38Raul Velasco Raul Velasco (604) 807-9761 44RBC Dominion Securities Mark Husken (604) 718-3000 41RBC Dominion Securities / Rand Wealth Management Richard Rand (604) 665-8117 41RBE Video Inc. Jill McRae (604) 277-6533 28RCG Forex Service Corp. Phillip Moy (604) 821-1977 34RCG Group Gordon Walker (604) 273-5732 30Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver - Richmond/South Delta Teri Barr (604) 730-3086 46Red Carpet Coffee Katie Anderson (604) 527-4040 30Red Dot Cafe Rose Shi (604) 270-8188 30Red Star Seafood Restaurant Daniel Gong (604) 270-3003 47RedBridge Solutions Inc. Stanford Jack (778) 732-0262 31

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RedCraft Greetings Michelle Yu (604) 231-8775 45Redstone Winery Group Ltd. Chalmers Liu (604) 325-6338 51Referral Ninjas Inc. Kevin Hu (604) 992-8778 30Regus Richmond Luis Riestra (604) 207-7770 45Reid Hurst Nagy Inc. John Nagy (604) 273-9338 25Rejoice Logistics (Canada) Inc. Helen Zhang (604) 204-2668 36Reliable Security Systems Ltd. Imad Shami (604) 777-2200 48Rempel Bros. Concrete Ltd. Larry Baloun (604) 525-9344 31Richmond Wholesale Appliance Centre Jeff Reid (604) 303-1110 42Richmond Addiction Services Society Richard Dubras (604) 270-9220 32Richmond Alternative Medical Clinic Martin Kwok (604) 207-0167 44Richmond Arts Coalition Suzanne Haines (604) 247-4971 28Richmond Auto Body Randy Lowe (604) 278-9158 29Richmond Auto Mall Gail Terry (604) 273-3243 29Richmond Caring Place Society Sandy McIntosh (604) 279-7000 28Richmond Centre For Disability Ella Huang (604) 232-2404 28Richmond Centre Shoe Service Sami Zhang (604) 278-0444 48Richmond Chinese Community Society Henry Beh (604) 270-7222 28Richmond City Baseball Association Trevor Rennie (604) 307-7504 28Richmond City Centre Community Association Jose Gonzalez (604) 231-8401 28Richmond Community Benefit Centre Alan Lau (604) 447-3044 28Richmond Community Foundation Sylvia Gwozd (604) 270-4483 28Richmond Community Orchestra and Chorus Association Paul Dufour (604) 276-2747 28Richmond Continuing Education (School District No. 38) Michael Khoo (604) 668-6123 32Richmond Curling Club ( Richmond Winter Club) Doug Bradley (604) 278-1722 48Richmond Delta Youth Orchestra Stephen Robb (604) 365-3584 44Richmond Family Place Society Kim Winchell (604) 278-4336 28Richmond Food Bank Society Margaret Hewlett (604) 271-5609 28Richmond Funeral Home Cremation & Reception Centre Sandra Melin (604) 273-3748 36Richmond Hospital Foundation Natalie Meixner (604) 244-5205 38Richmond International Technology Corp. Dr. Battery Gala Chan (604) 273-8248 31Richmond Karting & Rentals Ltd. Anthony Pappajohn (604) 732-7122 45Richmond Lexus Mark Worbeck (604) 273-5533 29Richmond Marine Rescue Society Robert Hayman (604) 313-9225 28Richmond Minor Hockey Association Cameron Prior (604) 328-2847 28Richmond Multicultural Concerns Society (RMCS) Amy Manaligod (604) 279-7160 28Richmond Muscle & Tendon Clinic Nikolay Yelizarov (604) 273-3334 38Richmond Music School Patricia Rolston (604) 272-5227 44Richmond News Gary Hollick (604) 270-8031 43Richmond Olympic Oval Kathleen Francis (778) 296-1424 48Richmond Outside Workers Ian Norton (604) 273-5044 28Richmond Public Library Susan Walters (604) 231-6417 42Richmond Recognition Ltd. Roger Manhao (604) 273-3220 29Richmond Society for Community Living Janice Barr (604) 279-7040 28Richmond Steel Recycling George Kavouras (604) 324-4656 46Richmond Taxi Company Ltd. Shashi Engineer (604) 278-8358 50Richmond Therapeutic Equestrian Society Frances Clark (604) 241-7837 28Richmond Women’s Resource Centre Florence Yau (604) 279-7060 28Richmond Youth Service Agency Marshall Thompson (604) 271-7600 28Richport Ford Lincoln Ltd. Bernice Goldson (604) 214-5534 29Rick Hansen Foundation Art Reitmayer (604) 295-8149 28Rigel Marine Services Inc Auisur Khan (604) 789-0909 43Riverside Banquet Halls Bobby Ghirra (604) 244-7755 48Riverspot Restaurants Ltd. Jeff Tomlinson (604) 271-2095 47ROCG Consulting W. Lyle Dickson (604) 247-1077 31Rogers Communications Inc. Rand Nguyen (604) 762-5883 30Romano Hair Design & Spa Lisa Lau (604) 278-8080 37Rosewood Manor Deborah Goegan (604) 271-3590 28Round Wrap Ind. Ltd. Niki Sandhu (604) 278-1002 41Rowe Event & Show Services David Rowe (604) 303-0650 48Royal Bank of Canada Dave Pohl (604) 665-8686 34Royal LePage Commercial Inc. Ernie Corlett (604) 683-3111 46Royal Pacific Realty - Sunny Yang Sunny Yang (604) 728-4298 46Rutherford Global Logistics Michael McKay (604) 273-8611 36S & T Stereo Printers Ltd. Clara Cheng (604) 273-1172 45S.P.I.C.E. of Life Child Care Centre Ltd. Amin Bhatia (604) 272-4040 32S.U.C.C.E.S.S. (United Chinese Community Enrichment Services Society) Sienna Wong (604) 408-7272 28S.W.Z. Consulting Corp. Jason Wang (778) 228-4151 31Safari Diamond Bits Ltd. Matt Safari (604) 275-2487 44Safe & Sound Security Systems Ltd. Doug Fraser (604) 519-7233 48Safe Harbour Informatics Dan Stratton (604) 295-5355 30Samson Rope Technologies, Inc. Sherrie Wright (360) 384-4669 43Sandhill Development Ltd. Amarjit Sandhu (604) 271-6296 31Sandman Hotel Vancouver Airport Allison Donne (604) 303-8888 25

Sandman Signature Hotel & Resort Vancouver Airport Bill Seeley (604) 278-9611 25Sandra Lopez Seminars Sandra Lopez (604) 716-8780 50Sanduz Estate Wines Neeta Sandhu (604) 214-0444 51Santel Communications (Vancouver) Ltd. Kevin Kondo (604) 273-9062 49Save-On-Foods & Drugs - Ironwood David Higo (604) 448-1224 49Save-On-Foods & Drugs (Terra Nova) Neil Bordeleau (604) 273-5755 49Savon Ventures Ltd. Richard Stein (604) 232-8603 51SAVOX Communications LTD. Brenda Gyurkovics (604) 244-9323 43Scene Ideas Susan Low (604) 696-1393 33Schenker of Canada Gino Falcone (604) 273-2241 36School District No. 38 (Richmond) (604) 668-6000 32Scotiabank Christine Lim (604) 668-2880 34Scotiabank - Ironwood Plaza Yock Loke (604) 717-7755 34Scotiabank - No. 5 & Bridgeport Joseph Chow (604) 668-2840 34Scotiabank - No.3 Road and Alderbridge Lisa Chan (604) 668-2830 34Scott Paragon Screenprinting & Sign Systems Ltd. Robin Jacobs (604) 273-4155 48SDV Logistics Inc. Alberto Mondani (604) 207-2421 36Seafair Gourmet Meats (1993) Ltd. Melinda Newman (604) 274-4740 35Seafair Smoke and Mixer (Tsawwassen International Service) John Holmes (604) 277-4088 48Sealand Travel Inc. Jessie Bai (604) 270-3977 50SecuTrans Bankcard Service Peter Ngan (604) 800-8123 34SelectArt Promotional Products Brian Wilson (604) 590-8370 26Sentinel Storage Laurie Ellis (604) 278-1687 49Sereca Fire Consulting Ltd. Geoff Chamberlain (604) 295-4000 33Serena & Spenser Holding Ltd. Georgiana Yau (604) 207-2266 37Serenity Home Decor Boutique Fumi Mackenzie (604) 241-3055 37Service Canada Vivian Chan (604) 433-3351 37SGM Systems Source Steve Musgrove (604) 318-9769 31Shanghai River Restaurant Ken Cheung (604) 233-8885 47Shearwater Marine Group Craig Widsten (604) 270-6204 38Shell Canada Valerie Yu (604) 233-0872 29Shenglin Financial Tom Chen (604) 433-1588 34Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel Steve Veinot (604) 273-7878 25Shine Nail Bar Inc. Lynn Luu (604) 284-5022 48Shipping Made Simple Cheryle Campbell (604) 520-0962 31Shop@Home Enterprises Inc. (USANA) Victor Que (778) 891-8081 37Shun Feng Seafood Restaurant Christine Liang (604) 304-6088 47Sierra Wireless Inc. Patricia Curle (604) 231-1100 33Signarama Richmond David Newman (604) 273-7445 48Silkway Travel & Cruise Inc. Rosana Loo (604) 879-6018 50Simard Westlink Inc. Denis Bertrand (604) 231-8756 50Simply Self Storage Inc. Eric Wan (604) 214-9494 49Sina Travel & Tours Inc. Peter Woo (604) 278-0123 50Sino United Publishing (Canada) Ltd. Jianye Huang (604) 821-9875 29Sip Wines Simon Wosk (604) 271-9463 42Sky Auto Service Simon Chu (604) 233-1828 29Skyline Marina Enterprises Ltd. Bela Vigh (604) 273-3977 43Small Army Contracting Inc. Matt Small (604) 454-8711 31Smart Centres Management Inc. Michael Gilman (604) 448-9112 30SNS Data Products Ltd. Parm Bhanwer (604) 271-5113 45Soccer Link Frankie Lam (604) 207-8711 48Society of Richmond Children’s Centres Nicky Byres (604) 214-3490 28Somiya Stones Inc. Rajeev Jain (604) 278-7874 37Sonex Computer Inc. Johnson Ng (604) 717-6111 31Soo Singapore Jerky Ltd. Philip Wong (604) 272-5758 35SOS Children’s Village BC Thrift Barbara High (604) 274-8866 28SOS Emergency Response Technologies Stacey Friedman (604) 277-5855 34Sourcing For You Consulting Ltd. Marcia Vineberg (360) 961-9698 31South Seas Autobody Co. Ltd. John Maharaj (604) 278-5121 29Southwest Consulting & Travel Professionals Liza Muyco (604) 447-8717 31Spice Box Product Development Ltd. Ben Lotfi (604) 272-2620 46Spring Cottage Tea House Stephen Chan (604) 270-8707 49SR Auto Group Tony Yuen (604) 279-5563 29St. John Ambulance - Richmond Branch Myette Acha (604) 207-2032 34Staples Ted Chow (604) 270-9599 45Staples (Sweden Way) Kenny Tsang (604) 303-7850 45Status Embroidery & Sportswear Les Hodgkins (604) 270-1423 33STEMTech Canada Inc. Jonathan Lester (604) 304-3670 37Steve Nash Sports Club Richmond Mike Leo (604) 682-5213 48Steve Su Steve Su (604) 836-1866 39Steveston Community Society Beth Ovenden (604) 718-8080 28Steveston Harbour Authority Bob Baziuk (604) 272-5539 37Steveston Marine Services Ltd. Todd Cartwright (604) 274-9825 43Steveston Seafood House Shane Dagan (604) 271-5252 47Steveston Tattoo Co. Ryan Halter (604) 284-5030 49Storkcraft Baby David Nelson (604) 274-5121 29Strait of Georgia Marine Reserve Society Kevin Melanson (604) 739-9658 28Strata Plan LMS 1162 Edmund San (604) 273-1745 46

58 2013/14 membership directory • www.richmondchamber.ca

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Strong International Trading Inc. Yong Qin Ding (604) 270-3381 39Stuart Olson Dominion Construction Ltd. Willie Joubert (604) 273-7765 32Suki’s Richmond James Valiant (604) 288-2795 37Summit International Trade Services Inc. Sharmaine Shultz (604) 278-3551 32Sun Consulting Engineers Ltd. Ravee Ramakrishnan (604) 284-5140 33Sun Life Financial Christopher Chan (604) 279-2388 34SunCentral Inc. Guthrie Cox (604) 628-3348 47Sunflower Cosmetics Caroline Har (604) 276-2028 33Sunny Coast Auto Service Ltd. Sunny Cheng (604) 276-8933 29Sunstorm Health Sciencies Inc. Aidi Li (778) 297-5351 38Super Vacation Laurels Lau (604) 233-1388 50Supreme Hope Enterprises Ltd. Steve Li (604) 228-8528 39Sure York International Consulting Inc. Selina Lau (604) 284-7411 39Sushi Bar Ajisai Mayuko Ikeda (604) 266-1428 47Sutton Group - Seafair Realty Scott Russell (604) 273-3155 46Sutton Group Westcoast Realty, Angela Le Angela Le (604) 257-8888 46Sweet LuLu’s Costume Company Alli Nunn (778) 397-3777 32Sycorp Environmental (604) 232-1367 41Syntech Consulting Ltd. Steven Lui (604) 207-6529 38SYSPRO Business Solutions Inc. David Doyle (604) 451-8889 49T.S. McKenzie Insurance Agencies Ltd. Johnny So (604) 270-0168 39Take-A-Sign Stephen Chan (604) 303-9310 48Tammy Morin-Nakashima Notary Public Tammy Morin-Nakashima (604) 275-0070 44Tao Day Spa Ltd. Winnie Cheung Pozo (604) 277-9821 48Tap Roots Plumbing & Heating Ltd. Walter Regehr (604) 233-7003 38Tasco Enterprises Ltd. Gina Peckenpaugh (604) 273-4972 41TBC Indoor Racing Greg Dane (604) 232-9196 33TD Canada Trust, Business Banking Shahida Hassanali (604) 654-3180 34TD Canada Trust, Continental Plaza Emily Cheng (604) 654-8877 34TD Canada Trust, Lansdowne Sabrina Donohoe (604) 273-0821 34TD Canada Trust, Seafair Tricia Whitwham (604) 277-6080 34TD Richmond Commercial Banking Centre Todd Laycraft (604) 654-8939 34TeamMax Investment Corp Venus Lok (604) 284-5332 41Tenjouland Forest Products Inc. (604) 952-0388 42Teresa Wat, MLA - Richmond Centre Teresa Wat (604) 775-0754 37Terrana Services Corp. Dave Terrana (604) 304-9887 45Terry Liu & Associates Ltd. Terry Liu (604) 303-6895 38Teryl Resources Corp. John Robertson (604) 278-5996 44The Arthritis Research Centre of Canada Christine Basque (604) 207-0400 44The Brick Frank Zhu (604) 270-8829 37The Fairmont Vancouver Airport Craig Reaume (604) 248-3201 25The Hon. Kerry-Lynne D. Findlay P.C., Q.C., M.P. Kerry-Lynne Findlay, M.P (604) 940-8040 37The Hon. Alice Wong, P.C., M.P. Alice Wong (604) 775-5790 37The Maple Residences Aidan Flynn (604) 277-4519 48The Richmond Academy of Dance Heather Joosten-Fair (604) 278-7816 32The Richmond Hospital / Healthcare Auxiliary Clare Dhillon (604) 244-5267 28The Richmond Review Mary Kemmis (604) 247-3700 43The Studio Video Facilities David Cooperstone (604) 612-9767 50The Westin Wall Centre Vancouver Airport Gord Arnould (604) 303-6565 25Thomas Chiang & Associates, CGA Thomas Chiang (604) 270-1321 25Threshold Publishing Company Louise Van Hine (360) 201-8074 46Tien Sher Group of Companies Charan Sethi (604) 207-4663 31Times Telecom Inc. Alan Yong (604) 279-8787 49TLA Logistics Ltd. Yan Wong (604) 270-2064 50Togo Telecom (Canada) Inc. Evelyn Chan (604) 247-1313 30Tom Lee Music Company Ltd. Martha Hau (604) 273-6661 44Tom MacDonald / Dominion Lending Aegis Mortgage Services Tom MacDonald (778) 938-0400 44Ton On Enterprises Ltd. Tim Hu (604) 273-3988 38Tony Toyer / Macdonald Realty Westmar Tony Toyer (778) 866-5410 46Toprio Electronic Inc. Clint Ostrom (604) 207-0577 42Torre & Tagus Designs Ltd. Tim Kroetsch (604) 273-4777 37Touchstone Family Association Michael McCoy (604) 279-5599 28Tourism Richmond Tracy Lakeman (604) 821-5474 50Trail Appliances Ltd. Jason Broderick (604) 278-6133 26Trans Canada Labels Noor Meherally (604) 525-7898 41Trans-Pacific Trading Ltd. Jim Tyrer (604) 232-5404 42Travel TST Ian Biddlecombe (604) 273-1811 50Travelodge Hotel Vancouver Airport Feroz Khan (604) 278-5155 25Triarius Project Management Sean Fitzsimmons (604) 602-4375 48Trinity Western University Wayne Duzita (604) 513-2121 33Turning Point Recovery Society Brenda Plant (604) 303-6844 28Ulferts Furniture (Canada) Inc. Thurman So (778) 297-7182 37Ulferts Kids (Furniture) Designs Inc. Jason Chiu (604) 210-4660 37Ultima Medical Services Inc. Pam Watt (604) 232-2430 44Ultrasonix Medical Corporation Laurent Pelissier (604) 279-8550 44Unico Print Media Gordon Yip (604) 271-3310 45United Maple Logistics Inc. Diana Chen (604) 270-8510 36Univar Canada Ltd. Harman Dhillon (604) 231-5242 32Universal Learning Institute Ltd. Linda Gavsie (604) 273-2880 33UPS Supply Chain Solution Michael Heath (604) 270-9449 32

UpWest Properties Inc. Nina Zhang (604) 518-6462 46Urban Impact Recycling Ltd. Nicole Stefenelli (604) 273-0089 46Urban Value Kenrick Ting (604) 447-7388 37Van Cheong Tea Inc. Tim Yang (604) 244-0813 51Vancity Credit Union Babs Mann (604) 877-7260 34Vancity Tiles & Stones Sohail Khan (604) 233-1112 49Vancouver ABC New Immigrant Information Services Inc. (604) 233-2228 34Vancouver Airport Authority Tom Phipps (604) 276-6785 26Vancouver Airport Fuel Facilities Corporation (VAFFC) Adrian Pollard (604) 271-7113 50Vancouver Airport Marriott Hotel Shawn Caswell (604) 232-2903 25Vancouver Canucks John Bellefeuille (604) 899-7417 48Vancouver Dominion Traditional Medicine Group Ltd. Belinda Ho (604) 876-8080 44Vancouver Fire and Radius Security Connie Yip (604) 232-3488 34Vancouver Gear Works Ltd. Janet Davie (604) 278-3111 43Vancouver Marina (1971) Ltd. Mike Short (604) 278-9787 43Vancouver Whitecaps FC Gary Chung (778) 330-1365 48VBCE (Vancouver Bullion & Currency Exchange) Mark Dauphinee (604) 685-1016 35Vega Line Moving & Storage Services Hakan Guzgan (604) 244-3919 44Ventura Financial Strategies (604) 818-8669 34Venus Beauty Supplies Ltd. Candy Cheng (604) 214-0834 33Victory Memorial Park and Funeral Centre Angel Shan (604) 536-6522 36Vision 42 Enterprises Inc (Focal Point) Shelley Lecerf (604) 564-3107 30Vitelle Dermatology Laboratories Inc. Liz Beresford (604) 279-5552 48Viva Pharmaceutical Inc. Jason Ko (604) 718-0816 45Vivid Green Architecture Inc Rosa Salcido (778) 389-4904 26Volunteer Richmond Information Services Elizabeth Specht (604) 279-7020 28VTIX Solutions Corporation Coleen Alexander (604) 241-7292 33W.Xie, CA Shirley Xie (604) 568-9682 25Wagner’s European Fabricare Frank Wagner (604) 952-6677 32WCB-dba WorkSafe BC Scott McCloy (604) 276-5157 37WCG International Ltd. (JobWave) Jacquie Muns (604) 538-1170 33We Care Home Health Services Bob Attfield (604) 264-9003 38Webster & Associates Janet Clothier (604) 713-8030 41Welcome Wagon Ltd. Bev Hamm (604) 274-4793 37Wesfab Industries Ltd. Scott Wilson (604) 270-6554 50West Coast Naturals Moon (604) 277-3302 38West World International Trading Ltd. Lisa Zheng (604) 716-7058 39Westca Technology Ltd. Lu Wang (604) 676-2190 44Western Canada Remarketing Inc. Cody Darby (604) 273-8421 28Western Construction Thomas Leung (604) 214-8833 30Western Protection Alliance Inc Donna West (604) 271-7475 48Western Tank and Lining Ltd. Kim Biehl (604) 241-9487 31Westwood Cafe Ltd. Kenny Xu (604) 552-0628 47What’s In Publishing & Media Inc. Miu Miu Yee Ng (604) 331-1567 44White Spot Ackroyd Roy Kurian (604) 273-1556 47Whitewater West Industries Ltd Harley Ensing (604) 273-1068 50WHS Building Service Walter Suppin (604) 783-1324 30William (Bill) L. Jones William (Bill) Jones (604) 263-0228 39Wing Wah Jewellery Wing Ng (604) 682-3836 41Wings Engineering Ltd. Jim Tinson (604) 274-5648 33Wingtat Game Bird Packers Carmen Jung (604) 278-4450 45Winners Vacation Inc. Victor Pun (604) 270-3000 50Winpac Development Inc. Steve Huang (604) 447-4310 49With Flair Home Staging & Redesign Maureen Duns (604) 837-4990 38Wolff Marine Supply Ltd. John Wolff (604) 270-7770 43Wonderbucks Stores Ltd. Bernie Moschenross (604) 253-0515 32XD Holdings Ltd. Shirley Wang (604) 349-8800 47XiaJie Trading Corp. (DBA: A to Z) Danny Chen (778) 891-1306 47Xiang Qian Enterprise Ltd Vincent Wu (778) 869-4718 39Yaari Projects Ltd. Carlos Vonderwalde (604) 288-2464 31YCY Better Health Center Gerald Yeung (604) 685-1871 44Ying Tai TCM Supplying Ltd. Lorie Shao (604) 957-0222 30Youtal Supply Chain Management Inc. Kun Wang (778) 885-3637 39Yusen Logistics (Canada) Inc. Vince Bando (604) 278-3944 36Zaburo Holding Ltd. Zhi-Ping Ma (604) 278-2649 35Zeit (Canada) International Development Ltd. Irene Liu (604) 370-0877 31

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information on Richmond RCM


MP community bbased programss call 604-278-1

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GUOLaw Corporation


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