1 Research project to investigate the strategic-functional- dynamic-anatomical and biopsychological map of the hypothalamus via the hypothalamic model of homosexuality Doctoral Dissertation by Lehel Simon Language advisor, translation: Levente Szilagyi

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Research project to investigate the strategic-functional-

dynamic-anatomical and biopsychological map of the

hypothalamus via the hypothalamic model of


Doctoral Dissertation by Lehel Simon Language advisor, translation: Levente Szilagyi





CHAPTER 1: General biopsychological approach of the topic – genetic research,

adaptionist evolutional psychological model………………………………………10

CHAPTER 2: Functional molecular biology of the topic – potentials of PET-MRI

and auxiliary investigations…………………………………………………………14

CHAPTER 3 Abstract for the PET-MRI Research aimed at giving the

functional-molecular map of the hypothalamus ………………………………….33

CHAPTER 4: Research possibilities at our disposal to explore the map of

hypothalamus ……………………………………………………………………….40

CHAPTER 5: Perspective research opportunities to explore a functional

hypothalamic map – project for the near future………………………………….44

CHAPTER 6: Theoretical foundation of the biology of lesbianism, heterosexual

femininity and maternity……………………………………………………………49

CHAPTER 7: Drug ideas: positive molecular biological chances of intervention

among endocrinology, neuroendocrinology and biological psychiatry………….53

CHAPTER 8 Actual instrumental biopsychological research of the topic: Plan of

research from MMPI tests to biological models…………………………………..58


CHAPTER 9: Structure and molecular biology of links between the

hypothalamus and other cerebral regions and their practical consequences…..61


A possible molecular biological approach of the “psycho-neuro-endocrino-

immunal axis” via the hypothalamus ……………………………………………67

Appendix I

A complex biopsychological, human psychological and human anthropological

approach to homosexuality and lesbianism……………………………………….72

Appendix II

The options of a comprehensive biopsychological study of the topic

Biology and sociology – a question to be answered………………………………..83

Summary……………………………………………………………………………. 92

Future research ……………………………………………………………………...93




Homosexuality research de facto (but not exclusively) made us aware that what we

call or reckon as sexual will is also programmed. Though this does not happen at the

level of sexual behavior or hypophysis hormones by which we can elevate the sexual

desire1 but we can only amplify the decision and cannot change it. (E.g. Testosterone

elevates the gay sexual desire as it also elevates the heterosexual desire depending on

the individual but it does not interfere with the “higher codedness” of the will. We also

know that there is no significant difference between the free testosterone level of gay

and hetero males. An important difference that could clearly identify gayness or

homosexuality cannot be proven at the level of hypophysis hormones either.)2

We are also aware that e.g. GHB3 relieves sexual blockades (since it is the precursor of

GABA thus it is a dopamine-inductor4 and by this it turns the will decision off but it

does not influence the strategy of „the will” itself. Viz. there is a higher codedness,

which we can name anyhow, even free will or any kind of will, which guides every

individual to make their own decisions and strategies.

This is vasopressin in male individuals and oxytocin5 in females. At a low degree of

concentration vasopressin causes openness in the sexual life and an independent

horizontal object relation, association type; at a high hypothalamic degree of

concentration it induces monogamy and patrilineal ”family” possession. We also know

that in terms of evolutionary psychology the strategy mentioned first is considered as

homosexual the second one is considered as rather heterosexual6. Moreover,

1 An infamous experiment in the 1950s was the “testosterone treatment” of gay men. This is how it was found that testosterone increased the homoerotic desire in gay men. Angus McLaren: Twentieth Century Sex: A History Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1999.; pp100-200 2 See Rohde W., Stahl F., Dormer G.: ”Plasma Basal Levels of FSH, LH and testosterone in homosexual men”, Endokrinologie, 1977., 70 (30), pp. 241-248 3 Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, 2003., 42/e Lange Medical books/ McGraw-Hill (in Hungarian translation p.1575) 4 Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, 2003., 42/e Lange Medical books/ McGraw-Hill (in Hungarian translation p.1575) 5 The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, Merck Research Laboratories, Rahway NJ, 1992. (in Hungarian translation p.1058) 6 Dean Hamer – Peter Copeland Living with our Genes – Why They Matter More Than You Think, New York, 1999, Enchore Books, Doubleday pp. 151-188.


vasopressin is produced7 at a site where – probably - because of hypertrophy, gay men

have enlarged nuclei.8 Due to the fact that this does not only apply to gay men but

it embraces the whole of the male strategy (including the heterosexual): the molecular

genesis of male sexuality can be mapped. As it is also known that homosexuality is

functionally related to the hypofunction of the INAH 3 nucleus the map of this area

can also be drawn. 9

It is not only homosexuality that can be modeled. For example, vasopressin differs

from oxytocin only by two amino acids (e.g. transvestitism, transsexuality) and it can

quickly transform and has quick metabolism.

We may learn new facts about the oxytocin control-mechanism.. In addition to female

homosexuality, its topography allows for the understanding of the maternal instinct.

The vasopressin-oxytocin map can be revealed as a sequence of biological codes.

Today, in genetics, we know that bisexual transmission happens at the D4 dopamine

receptor10 (viz. the gene sequence to define D4 is short in heterosexual males, long in

homosexual males, and in bisexual males it is extra long). We are aware of the same

effect of cocaine, the strongest dopamine inductor11 and also of clozapine which

generally blocks sexual motivation and causes sexual anergy independently from


We know that the dopamine inductor known as apomorphine13 used to be the rival of

Viagra (sildenafil)14 too on the drug market, not only for its potency raising effect but

7 Vasopressin and oxytocin are produced in the supraopticus and periventicular nuclei of the hypothalamus, while they are anatomically located hard by the probably hypertrophyzed anterior commissurae (with the 70-80% of the gay people measured in a big population) and the enlarged nucleus suprachiasmaticus – this was shown by Swaab and his colleagues in 1992. See: Dean Hamer – Peter Copeland Living with our Genes – Why They Matter More Than You Think, New York, 1999, Enchore Books, Doubleday pp. 151-188. and The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, Merck Research Laboratories, Rahway NJ, 1992. (in Hungarian translation p.1058) 8 See ibid. 9 See the results of LeVay’s pathologic examination: Dean Hamer – Peter Copeland Living with our Genes – Why They Matter More Than You Think, New York, 1999, Enchore Books, Doubleday pp. 151-188. 10 See ibid. 11 See ibid. 12 Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, 2003., 42/e Lange Medical books/ McGraw-Hill (in Hungarian translation p.1027) 13 Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, 2003., 42/e Lange Medical books/ McGraw-Hill (in Hungarian translation p.1027)


also for its libido raising effect. It has been withdrawn from the market – inducing a

major scandal, because of its cardiac and psychic side effects. The question is: if, in

contrast with apomorphine, we do not interfere with sexual motivation but the sexual

will itself, are we more effective? But is it not an act that should be the privilege of

the Creator only???

What is the relation between these neurohormones?

Serotonin-transmission is permanently low in Obsessive-Compulsive-Disorder (OCD)

and in depression.15 Though its degree springs up following the orgasm this condition

does not last long. (SSRIs with a permanent effect thus cause anorgasmia and a

decrease in libido since they permanently keep the brain in the state of satisfaction.16)

That is probably because Dean Hamer did not consider serotonin as an agent specific

of sexual orientation17.

At the same time, a feedback-like relation exists among vasopressin as strategy,

dopamine as motivation, the thus activated phenylethylamine18 as arousal, endorphin19

as an orgasm hormone and serotonin as satisfaction impulsion controller.

1. Dopamine is only motivation

2. phenylethylamine is only excitement

3. endorphin only reaches its effective degree of concentration at orgasm.

4. Serotonin is only important in creating the experience of satisfaction.

But actually it is vasopressin and oxytocin that make up the strategy. For example,

impulsion, motivation, excitement, or any kind of subconscious factor can be high but

14 Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, 2003., 42/e Lange Medical books/ McGraw-Hill (in Hungarian translation p.1027) 15 Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, 2003., 42/e Lange Medical books/ McGraw-Hill (in Hungarian translation p.1027) 16 SSRI (Serotonin-Selectiv-Reuptake-Inhibitor) see in Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, 2003., 42/e Lange Medical books/ McGraw-Hill (in Hungarian translation pp.1037-139 17 Dean Hamer – Peter Copeland Living with our Genes – Why They Matter More Than You Think, New York, 1999, Enchore Books, Doubleday pp. 151-188. 18 See in English Summary: http://www.psikofarmakoloji.org/pdf/10_2_2.pdf and Anthony Walsh The Science of Love, Prometheus, New York,1996. ISBN 1 57392 091 6


the deliberately organized strategy – quasi “will” is only indirectly affected. Based on

the above mentioned “formula”, vasopressin-oxytocin is the emotional-sexual and so

the anthropological strategy, a sexual strategy thus not a mere will…!!!

Thus the map of the different identities, orientations, and roles can be drawn on a

clearly functional basis. But all of the four INAH nuclei (the controllers of sexuality in

the hypothalamus20) can be located topographically and described functionally and

structurally because the anatomical and biochemical codedness behind them can be

monitored onto each other. Now we can perhaps create a functional-organic and, at

the same time, dynamic map of the hypothalamus about which we have not known

much so far except in anatomical regards… That is why we use PET and MRI

together at the topographic level of molecular biology.

In Huxley’s utopia, “Brave New World”21 there is a certain drug called “soma” which

interferes with the hypothalamus and changes the habitual – sexual will. The will

itself, since whoever takes this drug, will follow a different sexual-emotional strategy

“of their own accord”: they become promiscuous… and thus become the servants of a

new individualist society by their own free will… In our research, we are practically

close to such a thing like “soma” – with the vasopressin analogue ligand of ours that is

almost brain specific. This is a V1/V3 antagonist, it does not interfere with the V2

renal receptors at all, it is linear (there is no disulphide bridge), it is enzyme stable, it

can get through the blood-brain barrier, it can be applied in vivo, and it also has an

ideal half-life period of approximately 2 hours.22

As for all the above mentioned facts we would be the first to do such an exploration

using a PET-MRI conjunct analysis. It is not the PET-MRI technology that is the

innovation here but it is rather the method of gaining practical proof for our theoretical

19 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Copyright © 2001-05 Columbia University Press. 20 Dean Hamer – Peter Copeland Living with our Genes – Why They Matter More Than You Think, New York, 1999, Enchore Books, Doubleday pp. 151-188. 21 Aldous Huxley: Brave New World, Harper Perennial Modern Classics; Reprint edition 1998. 22 The V3 receptor in the brain the functioning of which is presently being explored by us. See in The Pituitary V3 Vasopressin Receptor and the Corticotroph Phenotype in Ectopic ACTH Syndrome; http://www.jci.org/cgi/content/abstract/97/5/1311


code system by this technology. What is more, this is a more precise method of

analysis than genetics, in this topic.

While genetics has a 50% role in defining homosexuality (see Twin Researches23), in

our case it is 70-80%– applied in a big population. We would be the first in the world

to indicate this area in a living individual in its physiologic dynamics. This possibility

for indication – not talking about mapping - has not been approached as public

research even in the USA: we can safely declare that we have no competitors in the

public scientific world. In addition to not wanting to get engaged in expensive genetic

analyses, we could be the first to indicate e.g. the neurobiological background of

homosexuality at the level of proteins. It has not been done by Dean Hamer, who

found the Xq28 gene sequence in an empiric way – he still owes the protein-inductive

description of this gene sequence…

Only the scientific theoretical background of the above job is given. The practical

mapping of the hypothalamus and the possibility of the scientific repetition of it in

another brain… is close to our theories but the resources for research and development

in Hungary are very far from it. At the same time, we have the Hungarian technical

and human resources.

So what does this mean?

It is the dynamic exploration of the whole hypothalamic functional structure. It would

give the most important psycho-biological, sexual-biological, sexual and sexual

strategic model regarding the topic. The ultimate goal of our research is the

simultaneous exploration of this model and the psychological identities of the area:

thus not only molecular biology can be modeled by psychology here but vice-versa.

Experiments in this area have been conducted in psychopharmacology since the

beginning of the 20th century, though the ligand-model of conscious decisions has

not been found yet. That is why our research would be an instrumental one, too, along

with the descriptive biology, e.g. with MMPI, a personality psychology test that can be

applied for a big population. So we do count on the possibility that we address the

psyche. Our psychological models are given for this purpose and so are the institutions

23 Dean Hamer – Peter Copeland Living with our Genes – Why They Matter More Than You Think, New York, 1999, Enchore Books, Doubleday pp. 151-188.


such as the Department of Personality and Clinical Psychology and the Institute of

Philosophy at the University of Debrecen. We can also access the necessary

infrastructural facilities of The Medical and Health Science Center at the University of

Debrecen with the long term project and comprehensive professional guidance of the

PET-CT Center. This is where we break the ice that we can also work instrumentally

from the given PET research and by this we open new interdisciplinary perspectives

for our present PET-MRI analysis – beyond the modern.



Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is a very sensitive method for examining the

distribution of receptors in the tissues. In this method, molecules specifically bound to

receptors (ligands) are labeled by radioactive isotopes and administered into the body

of the examined individual (or in the case of model systems, into the laboratory

animal). Following the injection, the balanced distribution of the receptor bound ligand

molecules (receptor ligand complexes) in the tissue evolves after a short (generally 5-

30 minutes) equilibration time. This distribution can be mapped by the PET cameras if

the radioactive isotope used for Labeling has a capacity to destroy positrons. Peptides

can be found among the specific ligands of the vasopressin receptors. In the PET

Center at the University of Debrecen (at the Department of Nuclear Medicine)

experience concerning the labeling of such molecules by PET isotopes has

accumulated for many years. To all likelihood, such molecules can be labeled using

radio isotopes independently of the peptide sequence. Of course, it must be made sure

that the labeled peptide is still biologically active (whether or not it is still bound to

the suitable receptors).

The distribution in the tissue mapped by the PET-technique can be quantified thus the

possible different densities of receptors measured in different subpopulations can be shown,

in case receptor density is within the sensitivity limit of the PET- technique (which is very

sensitive) and the difference is significant.




CHAPTER 1: General biopsychological approach of the topic – genetic research,

adaptionist evolutional psychological model

The human sociobiological, adaptionist model of homosexuality – biology and

psychology: or how can we give a description of the topic in humanities and sciences


For a long time, unfortunately, even homosexuals regarded themselves to be the dead-

end of biology. Research and theoretical systems of contemporary evolution science of

1978, 1995 and 2000 have come to the conclusion that the above view is mistaken and

not true24.

In as early as 1978, Edward Wilson, father of human sociobiology, suggested that

homosexuals make use of their energies (possibly saved in excess owing to the lack of

reproduction) in taking care of their collateral relatives as it has been shown by

cultural anthropology, in traditional tribal communities, e.g. in Haiti. In 1995, it was

scientifically justified that, compared to heterosexual men, homosexuals had a higher

level of empathy in a large population (Salais and Fischer, 1995). Cohesion within

groups in homosexual populations was also found to be much stronger by Kirkpatrick

and Muscarella in 2000 and 2001, respectively. Genetic and statistical research by

Camperio-Ciani, 199225 in a large population has revealed that a mother delivering a

gay child is more fertile on average than her counterparts solely giving birth to

heterosexual babies. (Of course, “researchability” has been influenced by the spread of

modern contraceptive methods.) A theory has been based on the above statistic: Xq28,

which is part of the gene located on the X-chromosome, and responsible for the

development of homosexuality among others (Dean Hamer, 199326), re-reproduces its

24 Bereczkei 2003: 198-203 25 Camperio Ciani A, Cermelli P, Zanzotto G (2008) Sexually Antagonistic Selection in Human Male Homosexuality. PLoS ONE 3(6): e2282. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0002282; pp. 1-8 26 See ibid


own “lost” reproductive activity. That is, homosexuals are not against reproduction, on

the contrary, they form a biological community together with them. That is how a

hypothesis (Robert Trevis, 199427) has been confirmed: if nature produces a genetic

group like that, it should have a biological-communal function.

Influenced by the results of the above research, the latest and most dynamically

developing branch of psychology claims that, in a complex society, heterosexuals are

responsible for reproduction, the growth of the community in size and quality, but the

“homosexual alliance”28 ensures the unity and social coherence of the community.

Thus heterosexual reproduction and homosexual alliance together form a natural and

healthy society.

This can be formally calculated using Hamilton’s rule29, which lays down a

sociobiological function principle (applying not only to homosexuals) according to

which a direct reproductive branch, e.g. the quality of heterosexual genesis, is

influenced by indirect factors such as caring for and strengthening the chances of

transmitting a useful gene. Known as “genetic fitness”30, e.g. a homosexual uncle

helps the most efficient offspring since it is his own positive genetic pattern. After all,

not only quantitative but also qualitative reproduction is needed to generate a healthy


Such a follow-up, communal, qualitative indirect reproductive job (whose patterns

are found in a line of tribal societies) can be fulfilled by lesbians and homosexuals

under certain circumstances. That is, if lost direct reproduction is counterbalanced by

indirect activities improving the quality of reproduction (also referred to as “genetic

fitness”), reproduction is not lost after all: it will become more precious. (In the case of

homosexuals, it was specially confirmed by the aforementioned study by Camperio-

Ciani 32).

27 Camperio Ciani A, Cermelli P, Zanzotto G (2008) Sexually Antagonistic Selection in Human Male Homosexuality. PLoS ONE 3(6): e2282. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0002282; pp.1-8 28 Bereczkei 2003: 198-203 29 Bereczkei 2003: 44-47 30 See ibid. 31 See Neodarwinist phenomenon of kin selection, ibid. 32 See ibid.


It may be concluded that, in a sociobiological sense of the word, homosexuals not

only strengthen genetic fitness but also social cohesion and adaptivity (receptive care)

which might as well be called “sociofitness”33.

Actually, homosexuals are cohesive forces of the society and culture (in a

heterosexual society they also have the same, helping function); society cannot be

imagined without them in the sociological sense of the word. Consequently, one

cannot think of a sociological, let alone a “caring” biological community either (see:

social and biological “cohesion theories”)…

An interesting parallel and counterpoint are hidden here in one: at the humanistic

and socioscientific level, ancient Greek scholars such as Plato, Plutarch, Pseudo –

Lucian34, also claimed the above, sometimes in a more open way than today.

According to them, the Greek society would not have been able to survive without

homoeroticism (“eroticos”); while heterosexuality included only the reproductive

duties of the Greek society. According to the Greeks, although reproduction was

undoubtedly a more ancient task, homosexuality ensured the conditions for a

sociocultural structure of a higher level. “Aphrodite Pandemos” (i.e. “common”

Aphrodite35) was the representative of marriage as an institution, while Eros

represented culture, morality, social sophistication, i.e. homosexuality. But they could

not be aware of modern scientific and social research, including e.g. empirical and

sociopsychological research. Thus it remained a kind of tradition. Many modern

scientists knew it – or did not know it – as the “perversion” of a bygone world.

Homosexuals preserved this social, moreover, sociocultural, artistic function of

theirs in eras when they suffered harassment. Let us mention Leonardo’s biography by

Vasari according to which Leonardo da Vinci was imprisoned for sodomy (i.e.

homosexual activity) at the age of 23; his three homosexual companions were burnt.

Leonardo painted the most beautiful illustrations of a “lesbian mother” in his works

entitled “The Virgin and Child with St Anne”, and “Madonna and Child with St Anne

33 See Bereczkei 2003: 198-203 34 M. Foucault: A szexualitás története (The History of Sexuality – in Hungarian) Vol. III. Bp. Atlantisz, 1999, 201-239 35 See Symposium by Plato (in Hungarian) in: The Collected Works of Plato, Vol. I., Európa, Bp. 1984. p. 958, d.192


and the Young St John”. In these paintings, Mary and Anne adore the child with their

thighs entwined: it is the most beautiful example of mutual and caring lesbian love36…

Mention must also be made here of the “highly confidential” order of 1936 by SS

fuhrer Himmler according to which homosexual and lesbian artists could only

gradually be removed “from circulation” (homosexuals were to be deported to death

camps, lesbians were to be re-oriented) so as not to stir social scandal and indignation

… Well, a “top nazi” was supposed to even pay attention to affairs like this37.

Let us not forget, nazism could not have been created without the internal but

outward directed cohesion of “SA”, the homosexual elite corps … It was them, who

eventually became the first victims of the regime they had created.38

But where does this immense homophobia originate from?

According to the above models, homosexuality is an aid and natural ally to

heterosexuality. But while homosexuality is built inward, towards the inner, still open

integrity of the independent individual, with respect to him, his adaptation and

involvement, heterosexuality, due to reproduction, prefers expansive and spreading,

still closed couple and family relations. In most cases, because of its external

expansion but emotional closedness it does not recognize integrative social and

biological strategies and functions, which are of linking and uniting force, but openly

homosexual for the individual. Homosexuality is a representative of such alliance,

independent of kinship, but this strategy and attitude is against the heterosexual

strategy and attitude for the moment being.

The only solution to overcome homophobia lies in the understanding and

acceptance of the biological, social and cultural function, role and necessity of

homosexuality, listed above.

We wish to demonstrate that the anthropologic dualisms and psychic strategies,

outlined earlier, are basically the same in each era, they are simply in a different

cultural background: we are back to the dualism of empathic emotions and sexual

independence, that is the presumed sexual-strategic effect of vasopressin in gay men.

36 Teréz Virág: Zeneiség és perverzió Leonardo életében (in Hungarian) in “Mély kútba tekinték” by herself, Animula Kiadó, Bp. 1994, pp. 99-108 37 Grau 2001: 344-388 38 See ibid.


CHAPTER 2: Functional molecular biology of the topic – potentials of PET-MRI

and auxiliary investigations

Possible molecular biology and genetics of homosexuality

A: Bioeticism of research history

Can this topic be researched in an ethical way?

Even the homosexuals questions this, and they are right to do so.

In the 1950s, testosterone treatment was an established practice in psychiatry;

despite all the hopes, it did not actually stop male homosexuality, on the contrary, it

increased homoerotic desire. It was all done without a scientific-empirical basis,

prejudices were made into practice, according to which homosexuals are feminine, and

a method of treatment like this cures homosexuality via inhibiting feminity39.

Based on the multicentered exact and ethical research of the 1970s, now we know

there is not a significant difference in the serum levels of testosterone and governing

hormones of the pituitary gland (FSH) between homosexual and heterosexual men in a

large population. According to a 1977 West-Berlin survey, the serum FSH and LH

levels were definitely higher in 33 among 100 homosexual men in the control group

(in approximately one third of the control group this was true of the LH level), while

no significant differences could be detected in the FSH and LH levels in the rest of the

sample. Free testosterone levels were slightly higher in homosexuals but it could not

be regarded as the categorical form of significant difference40. This may lead to the

39 McLaren 2002: 146-222 40 See: Rohde W., Stahl F., Dormer G.: “Plasma basal levels of FHS, LH and testosterone in homosexual man”, Endokrinologie, 1977, 70 (3), p. 241-248


conclusion according to which sex hormones do not basically influence sexual


In the meantime, due to a lot of real corrupt practices, homosexuals have

unfortunately been deterred from participation in biological experiments because they

have been regarded “medical” ones. This has been an explicit trend (under the

influence by Michel Foucault41) as the homosexual movement has sharply denounced

any differences, including biological ones, since 1969 in fear of a scientific “re-

ghettoization” instead of social emancipation.

Dean Hamer, head of the team having discovered genetic factor Xq28 and other

genetic factors “responsible” for homosexuality42 (as, revealed in experiments on

identical twins, it is a determinant factor in only 50%) received two telephone calls

from two different homosexual organizations after his scientific publication in 1993

according to which

1. he proved that homosexuality was biologically natural and

2. he was a “fascist” …

There is, however, a new research trend, simply owing to the above discoveries,

according to which homosexuality is biologically natural as it serves cohesion in a

sociobiological environment. It was strongly pushed after the hypothesis by Trevis

(1994)43: the gene of homosexuality must have some positive function (I would like to

attach a single scientific supplement; or see HVG, June 2006)44.

It is at this point when the problem arises: this cannot be a medical issue since a

positive malformation being a carrier of and having biological-social-psychological

functions is by no means pathological. Let me give an example: if someone is 2

meters tall and has broad shoulders, he should not be operated on but should be taught

how to play water polo. We are going to provide the biological details at every point,

on a thematic basis; in a context like that, worries on behalf of the homosexual

organizations are of no use.

41 See: Stonewall riots, in McLaren 252-261 42 Hamer-Copeland 1999 (in Hungarian translation 2005) 151-187 43 http://www.origo.hu/print/tudomany/elet/20041013.meglepo.html 44 See HVG, 24 June 2006, XXVIII, 25 (ed:Pál Réti) pp. 87-88


B: The vasopressin hypothesis

Since homosexuality has its genetic factor on the X-chromosome, it has a positive

influence on the mother’s fertility (Camperio-Ciani, 199945); thus, in addition to

improving the quality of the genome, it is not lost for reproduction in the quantitative

sense either. In other words (on the basis of the above), nature produces homosexuality

biologically to fulfill its job in improving the quality of genes (a PhD dissertation at

60-90% of completion with references is being written on the topic).

In practice, this phenomenon is known as ‘X-feedback’. Genetically speaking, it is

not the effect of testis depending factor46 on the Y chromosome that dominates in

homosexuality (the biological determination of male sexuality “produces”

heterosexual and homosexual men in the same way, without differences: the genetic

difference is definitely related to the X chromosome, in harmony with the mother. At

the same time, on the basis of familial research, it has been presumed that the mother’s

siblings and cousins carry that gene to all likelihood47; the child of a homosexual

father, however, is not at a greater risk of becoming a homosexual himself.

We do not know any of the protein inducing effects of the Xq28 portion of the

gene yet; the discovery itself was an empirical one48. For example, we do not know as

yet what relationship there is between the electrophysiology, anatomy or

neurobiochemistry of a supposedly homosexual brain and this specific portion of the

gene, as it has not been researched yet.

But if homosexuality has a geneticosocial task, it must have a neurobiological one,

too. This has been outlined in contemporary American and West European research;

this is not medical examination any longer, but a positive anthropological experiment,

which may have interesting consequences for homosexuals. Let us remember, for

example, that the corpus callosum, which connects functioning between the two

45 Camperio Ciani A, Cermelli P, Zanzotto G (2008) Sexually Antagonistic Selection in Human Male Homosexuality. PLoS ONE 3(6): e2282. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0002282; pp.1-8 46 Hamer-Copeland 1999:285 47 See ibid and in Gábor Szendi: Psychological bases of behavior (in Hungarian) (www.behsci.sote.hu/szg-magatart.htm) 48 the same and in Dean Hamer ibid.


hemispheres of the brain, is much more developed in 70-80% of the homosexuals

(LeVay, 199349). According to the latest statistical pathological investigations, it has

also been shown that the corpus callosum in homosexuals contains 34% more nerve

fibers (not on average) than in heterosexuals50. For example, this way, Leonardo’s

artistic talent can also be explained for both biologically and psychologically51.

However, the other differences can be shown in a large population (70-80%), and they

are also found in 20-30% of the heterosexual individuals. The fear of homosexual

organizations that homosexuality can be detected on the basis of an MR-investigation

is therefore without foundation. Based on the investigations by Xhou et al in 1995, it

has been revealed that there is a special malformation characteristic of transsexuals but

not present in the homosexual individuals; in transsexual men and the female brain,

however, this region is of the same size and is known as “bed nucleus of the stria

terminalis”.52 Perhaps this way male homosexuality and transsexuality could be

distinguished using differentiated PET-MRI. For example, in transsexual men, the

oxytocin-like effect may be stronger, while in homosexuals a vasopressinergic effect

should be present, since homosexual identity is that of a male, and transsexuals have

female identity.53

At the same time, in the late 1990s, it was electrophysiologically confirmed54 that

in homosexuals the two cerebral hemispheres were completely equal, and cooperated

much better than in heterosexuals. This might explain for the homosexuals’ increased

symbol-forming and rational capacities, similarly to their handling of the parallel

between sensitivity and sense (homosexuals were proven empirically to have a much

stronger empathic ability, in a large population, using psychological methods, [Salais

and Ficher, 1995]55). There have been studies in which homosexuals’ spatial

coordination capacities appear to be poorer if examined in a large population.56

49 Bereczkei ibid. Hamer ibid. in Szendi ibid. 50 See footnote 24 51 Teréz Virág: Zeneiség ée perverzió Leonardo életében (in Hungarian) in “Mély kútba tekinték” by herself, Animula Kiadó, Bp. 1994, pp. 99-108 52 See footnote 24 53 See Appendices 1 and 2 54 Bereczkei ibid., Szendi ibid. 55 Bereczkei ibid. 56 See Bereczkei 199: Homosexuals achieve poorer in tests on spatial geometry, and their cerebral lateralization is also poorer.


That is why a special pilot EEG measurement concerning the

electrophysiological cooperation between the two cerebral hemispheres would

largely be cost-effective; if the hemispheres cooperate better, a more developed

corpus callosum can be hypothesized. The presumed relationship has been

established now. The electrophysiological investigation has been elaborated owing

to the neuroanatomic presumptions we have referred to.

In the 1990s, the functioning of the female brain was tested using PET (1994),

but no imaging technique has been applied to examine the “homosexual brain”

yet57. A classical measuring technique using EEG was elaborated by Alexander

J.E. Sufka K. J., 199358.

According to our opinion, however (since we do our job in a milieu like this), the

contemporary Hungarian gay population would receive a similar experiment with

expressed apathy. What we still miss is actually an open social conversation, which

does not exist in Hungary. As for us, complete indifference would be the better

approach. In the worse case, the medium to be examined would be closed and hostile;

in the United States, where this is an everyday topic, homosexuality still stirs major

emotional upset and, often, causes unnecessary confrontation (let us just remember

articles on homosexuality on the homepage of the American Psychological

Association, and the research by Dean Hamer).

As it was mentioned earlier, it is public knowledge now, that the two cerebral

hemispheres in homosexuals are equal from a psychophysiological point of view, as

their corpus callosum is many times more developed compared to the large-

population-average of heterosexual males59.

There are studies of uncertain meaning, however, and they are more interesting: it

was revealed in anatomical dissections that certain areas of the hypothalamus, the

centers of human psychosexuality, contain nuclei of different sizes in the brain of

57 Szendi, ibid. 58 Alexander J.E., Sufka K.J.: Cerebral lateralization in homosexual males: a preliminary EEG investigation, International Journal of Psychophysiology, 15 November 1993, 269-274 59 See ibid.


homosexual and heterosexual men, in a large population (LeVay, 1993, Swaab,

199260). A whole new ballgame is that it was established via anatomical dissection,

moreover, against a dubious ethical background: LeVay, e.g., performed autopsy on

gay men who had died of AIDS as the HIV-boom was at its highest in western

homosexual subcultures; today the majority of the infected are heterosexual.

In animal experiments, Dean Hamer61 and his team demonstrated that the sexual

control of two kin species (field mouse and mountain mouse, one of them being

polygamous, the other one monogamous) showed differences because the

monogamous species has a much higher vasopressin level, that is why it “possesses”

and this influences its sexual behavior. The genetic context of the above is also being

searched for. At the same time, monogamy is accompanied with possessing while

polygamy is characterized by open sexuality; this is also attributed to the different

control effect of vasopressin on males.

The topic becomes interesting from this point on because:

1. Vasopressin is synthesized in the hypothalamus.

2. The process takes place in an area where the hypothalamic nuclei in gay men are of

different size. The direct relationship is as follows: The other anatomical difference

in the brain, which is significant in the majority of cases, is the small size or total

absence of the INAH-3 nucleus in the hypothalamus (LeVay 199362). There are

four such nuclei (INAH 1-4) in the hypothalamus, which are responsible for human

sexus. Among the nuclei, it is the aforementioned INAH-3, where the significant

difference between homosexual and heterosexual men can be detected63. We

hardly know anything about the functioning of this nucleus, all we have is just

foreknowledge. For example, according to some neurophysiological research, this

hypothalamic region is responsible for the ”possessive” behavior of males in the

animal kingdom. A hypothetic suspicion arises at this point: it was suggested

earlier that, in the optimal case, homosexuals assertively try to achieve and respect

60 Bereczkei ibid., Szendi ibid., Hamer ibid. 61 See Dean Hamer p. 165 62 Bereczkei ibid., Szendi ibid., Hamer ibid. 63 Endre Czeizel, Erika Erős (in Hungarian): Számadás a tálentomról – An account of talent (The genetic analysis of the Karinthy family) Corvina, Bp. 1995) and Gábor Szendi (in Hungarian): A magatartás pszichológiai alapjai (Psychological bases of behavior) (www.behsci.sote.hu/szg-magatart.htm)


other people’s independence, without any desire of possession in their interactive

relationships. Is the heterosexuals’ possessive approach turned off in this case,

creating the special intimate relationships as it has been described in the main text?

3. In homosexuals, the hypothalamic nuclei secreting vasopressin are located in a

hypothalamic region together with large anterior commissures and the

enlarged suprachiasmatic nucleus discovered by Swaab et al in 1992.

Vasopressin is synthesized along these regions in the supraoptic and

periventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus.64 Among the lately discovered

functions of vasopressin, demonstrated in experimental mice, the males’

polygamous-monogamous, obtaining-possessing-preserving sexual function

should be mentioned; it is genetically encoded in mice. Think of an interesting

hypothesis from a psychological point of view: as it was mentioned earlier,

homosexuality is not possessive and open basically; in homosexual men, the

differences are also found in these regions. We do not intend to build our ideas

on biology, on the contrary, we are looking for biological analogons to

psychological models. It should be mentioned, however, that bisexuality,

homosexuality and transsexuality were not scientifically differentiated in the

aforementioned studies either.65 Similarly to genetics, natural science should

get support from a net of humanities and social science, which is discussed in

the two appendices.

Hypothalamic differences are presumably related to differences in the

corpus callosum, since, on the basis of the Swaab studies, hypothalamic

control is also much more complicated than the relationship of the four INAH

nuclei. This was clearly pointed out from a neuroanatomical point of view by

the Swaab study of 1992. According to the interpretation by Swaab, these

malformations present a transition between the brains of a heterosexual male

and female. After the electrophysiological investigations, many claimed there

existed a special, “homosexual brain” which was neither male or female, let

alone, a transitional one but an individual, positive, functional malformation.

64 See MSD Orvosi Kézikönyv (The Merck Manual), ed: Robert Berkow M.D., 15 Ed. Melania Kiadó Kft., BP., 1994, p. 1058 (in Hungarian) 65 Szendi ibid.


Teréz Virág, psychoanalyst,66 explained Leonardo’s artistic genius by this reason.

His relationship with his biological and foster mother was explained the same way,

this can similarly be accounted for by the X-feedback; the references, including the

anatomical ones, will also be presented in the dissertation.67

4. It is well known psychologically and socially alike, that homosexuals are much

more independent, their sexus is more open and they are less possessive with their

partners. On the other hand, they easily make contacts other than the traditional

familial structures; they accept emotional structures alien to them more readily,

they are more empathic (see: This was psychologically justified in a large

population [Salais&Fischer, 199568]).

Dean Hamer and his team made an all-round research of the topic, still they did not

hit upon the simple logical and semantic relationship, which we have now as a

hypothesis. (He has been a Nobel Prize nominee in medicine several times.)

The experiment was originally planned to take place in the USA, but the

University of Debrecen proposed to carry out this PET-research in Hungary. But

we have to consider the following facts:

1. The Hungarian, and especially the gay public is very sensitive to this issue –

on good grounds.

2. Financially, we can put in applications for American and Hungarian venture

capital, but to get it, profit orientation and university research should be alloyed.

3. The elaboration of the humanities is highly important since it has not been

done in the USA. We have the experts in humanities; sensible social

communication about the scientific-ethical issues can only be launched after this

step has been taken. We can safely claim that this experiment is not considered

unethical for several reasons, as it will be detailed soon.

66 Teréz Virág ibid. 67 See there, See in Gábor Szendi (in Hungarian): A magatartás pszichológiai alapjai (Psychological bases of behavior) (www.behsci.sote.hu/szg-magatart.htm) and also: Sobotta: Az ember anatómiájának atlasza I. (R. Putz) (Fej, nyak, felső végtag) (II.[Hungarian] Edition, Alliter Kiadó és Oktatásfejlesztő Alapítvány) (Bp. 2004); p. 294; MSD Orvosi Kézikönyv (The Merck Manual) (First Hungarian Edition, 1994) (Melánia Kiadó Kft, Bp. Chief ed: Robert Berkow, M.D.); p 1058; Sándor Jászberényi: A hűség mítosza (in Hungarian) (According to the latest research genes also influence monogamy) in Népszabadság hétvége. Saturday, 11/12/ 2005 (Chief ed: Károly T. Vörös)


We have a staff of experts in molecular biology and, also, humanities

(psychologists, sociologists). The humanities are also important because

homosexuality, transsexuality and bisexuality have not been accurately

distinguished in research yet, therefore the investigated samples have been

misleading as a matter of course. What we need is the physical and scientific

environment and qualified staff.

Experimental schedule: the experiments are based on transmitting isotope-

labeled vasopressin molecules into blood circulation and checking which

hypothalamic region they accumulate in over a certain period of time, using the

PET technique. The basic hypothesis may be justified by higher or lower

accumulation rates in certain regions.

Experimental model: the first experiment will take place in a pilot group of 20-

25 people with the participation of homosexual and straight men, 50% each, under

full psychological and social control. Next, the findings will be analyzed and

discussed. This experiment should basically justify our hypothesis, so it will only be

worth continuing if the results are straightforward – but should that be the case,

continuation is a must. For the moment being, this is what we are asking American

experts to do for us. Naturally, the individuals will be screened using Kinsey’s self-

confession method, which is not quite reliable, but there is nothing better for the

moment being. According to Kinsey’s scale, category 0 represents fully

heterosexual, meanwhile category 6 stands for fully homosexual subjects. We will

request sociologists and psychologists to do this part of the test. In addition, we

will need a special questionnaire to spot and differentiate transsexuality and

transvestitism, which cannot be done using Kinsey’s orientation-specific method.69

Of course, complex medical screening is necessary since the subjects in the

study should be healthy homosexuals and heterosexual men. Special attention has

to be paid to neurological, psychiatric and endocrine diseases.

68 Bereczkei ibid. 69 See McLaren 197-201


The second stage will involve a sample of 200-250 individuals, the orientation

of the sample being known and unfamiliar for us in 50% each. In the next step, it

will be compared to the first set of investigations followed by evaluation and


In the third stage, we will include increasingly more subjects, on the basis of the

first and second experimental stage.

As only 4 mm3 patches can be detected during the PET measurements, an

exact anatomic parallel should simultaneously be measured. Since in soft

tissues like this computer tomography is not really suitable for anatomical

labeling, the parallel measurement should definitely be an MRI one, plus

informatic addition is also required in the PET measurements, which will also

take place at the University of Debrecen. The INAH-3 nucleus in a large

population of homosexuals is 3 mm3, in a sample of heterosexual large

population it is as much as 10 mm3 (LeVay 199370).

Groundlessness of the historic fear on behalf of the gay society in the current

study: as it is evident for a scientific minded individual, the neural and

neuroendocrine structures of the hypothalamus have a scale-independent pattern,

i.e. no one can be made more homosexual or heterosexual by applying vasopressin

titration since we are dealing with a case of power-function distribution here:

vasopressin input is not necessarily accompanied by a straightforward linear


The administration of vasopressin in experimental doses is not dangerous at all;

just to remember an example: young children are given this agent in much larger

doses71 if they suffer from night bed-wetting (enuresis nocturna). However, we will

not stain vasopressin; instead we are going to use its closest analog as we can make

this technical solution. This substance cannot have a much different effect than that

of the endogenous vasopressin. Of course OGYI (the National Pharmacological

Institute in Hungary) will also follow up the study and the whole of the

70 Hamer ibid., Bereczkei ibid., Szendi ibid. 71 MSD, p. 1647


experiments will be under the close surveillance of the Ethical Committee of the

Faculty of Medicine.

Discussion of the hypothesis: This will be the first molecular biological

investigation into homosexuality in which the hypothesis is based on scientific

evidence. Homosexuality will be researched among physiological circumstances,

the consequences being of humanistic and psychological nature. It has never

happened in the essentialistic investigation into homosexuality, although it is

realistic and can be done.

(It does not mean the neglect of other biological factors, e.g. the activity of the

D4-domainreceptor under the influence of large-dose cocaine72, etc.). This is only

focusing at a central research opportunity from the aspect of both the humanities

and sciences.)

C: other models

2. The genetic presence of vasopressin in rodents has been known since 199973,

even genetic manipulation has been performed, which has significantly changed

the sexual strategies of the male.

3. Midges were genetically manipulated to make some individuals homosexual,

but not on the vasopressin gene74 (according to our presumption, vasopressin is

not the hormone of homosexuality, but one that controls other sexual strategies

in homosexuality: the picture is highly complicated). The examination itself

was made on the Xq28 portion of the gene, which was discovered by Dean

Hamer in 1993. Genetic engineering was applied on midge in 1999, when each

of the genetically treated midges turned homosexual75. We should not forget

72 Dean Hamer, 124-155 73 Dean Hamer 151-188 74 Szendi G. ibid. 75 http://books.google.hu/books?id=1DozhsRW9LMC&pg=PA376&lpg=PA376&dq=gay+midges,+Xq28&source=bl&ots=8MOHNrnDfx&sig=tjJP0IHft-MqA5cHh0dB1QWiHZA&hl=hu&sa=X&ei=7Uv7T_vgGOip4gTW1qn2Bg&ved=0CFoQ6AEwBQ#v=onepage&q&f=false


one thing, however: statistical genetic investigations (research into identical

twins) have shown that the biological-genetic determination of homosexuality

(currently researched by us) is maximum 52%76.

4. A study on vasopressin would be interesting because homosexuality and

heterosexuality, including all their specific features, could be compared using

biochemical, anatomical, sociological and psychological methods in a single

model, as it was outlined above. It would be a novelty for both biologists and

psychologists since neither the anatomical nor biochemical semantic contents of

the hypothalamus have been revealed yet. Therefore, psychological,

sociopsychological and socioanthropological hypotheses will be required on a

continuous basis, which will give biologists an impetus in their work. In the

same breath, the mapping of a scientific “blind spot”, i.e. that of the

hypothalamus can also be done.

5. Despite the fact that the anatomical markers of lesbianism are not known yet,

(since there was no AIDS-boom in the lesbian subculture, or no autopsies of

affected victims were performed either) psychologists suggested revealing

which of the hormones manufactured by the hypothalamus was responsible for

controlling female sexual behavior in the hypothalamus and, also, in the history

of lesbianism, being associated with maternity and the control of uterine

contractions in a psychological and physical way, respectively. The answer is

simple; it was oxytocin77. We should keep in mind: there are no accurate

anatomical markers at our disposal but we know that control is done via the

hypothalamus. In the long run, we should give the idea a second thought later

when we know more about the neurological structure of the hypothalamus.

The pathological neuroanatomical changes revealed by the Swaab study (199278)

are of interest for this specific reason. They were interpreted as if they presented a

transition between a female and male hypothalamus.

Investigating into the electrophysiology of the brain we could see that the

representatives of the homosexual male brain could be interpreted as individual

76 See Dean Hamer ibid. 77 MSD Orvosi Kézikönyv, p. 1058 (in Hungarian) 78 Szendi ibid.


nosological strategies rather than clear transitions. As it was shown, however,

transsexuality and homosexuality were not and could not be distinguished in

pathological investigations. We are going to provide both a psychological and

sexualanthropological differentiation (as it is described in the two appendices)

using humanities’ methods such as the classical surveying techniques, because if

the sexual identity is that of a male’s, orientation is also directed towards males and

the person is homosexual, if the sexual identity is that of a female’s, he is

transsexual. If the individual’s identity is that of a male’s, the orientation is

directed towards men but female roles are also detected, the person is a

homosexual transvestite. These three highly different categories have to be

distinguished during the scientific investigations79.

This is interesting from the viewpoint of the vasopressin-oxytocin

relationship80 since only two of the amino acids in the two neuropeptides

(nonapeptides) consisting of 9 amino acids81 are different from each other,

moreover, they are produced in the same region: the supraoptic and periventricular

nuclei of the hypothalamus82. For example, lysine-vasopressin, the vasopressin

analog, exhibits mild, oxytocin-like effects, but this is not significant yet. But there

are vasopressin analogs of expressed oxytocin effect, depending on how the order

of amino acids is modified. At the beginning we wanted to make use of lysine-

vasopressin, but realized it was worth looking for more aspecific and

chemospecific analogs than lysine-vasopressin, which is quite similar to

physiological vasopressin. This material is separately discussed in the Abstract and

also in the coming chapters.

A question arises here: Do transsexuals possibly manufacture vasopressin

analogs of much more “feminine” structure or does oxytocin completely oust

vasopressin production in the regions round the supraschiasmatic nucleus83, which

is much larger and more developed in transsexual individuals. Or do vasopressin-

producing regions (which are the same as the oxytocin-manufacturing ones)

79 See Chapter 1 80 MSD p. 1058 81 MSD p. 1054 82 See ibid. 83 Szendi ibid.


synthesize oxytocin-like substances, or is it perhaps oxytocin that ousts

vasopressin-production, etc.? All this, and the modified supraschiasmatic nucleus

could give a molecular biological explanation for transsexuality, which means a

transsexual is a female in a male body.

Gay transvestism can also be explained for using this model, as far as the

gender role is regarded since we know these peptides are broken down extremely

fast. In the case of a gay transvestite, for example, it is possible that vasopressin

produces oxytocin-like metabolites while he is “changing”, or, temporarily, a

dominant oxytocin-effect is observed which then results in vasopressin dominance

again. All this is so because the majority of gay transvestites are stabile males by

identity in most of the cases84.

It has become a psychological evidence now, that basic male strategies are

equally valid for gay and heterosexual men, while basic female strategies

characterize lesbian and heterosexual women alike. For example, all women

consider the third party or rival dangerous due to her prettiness, while every man

considers the third person dangerous due to his social and financial position, as it

has been shown in large-population sociological investigations (Kendrick 1995,

Buunk and Dijkstra 2001)85.

Thus homosexuals and lesbians have to be looked for on the grounds of the

sexual strategic effect associated with vasopressin and oxytocin effects,

respectively. Moreover, the topographic and quantitative distribution and its

specificity account for lesbianism and homosexuality. Still the neurohormone is the

same, but of different distribution, as it was outlined earlier.

But, based on the above, a biochemical basis of the lesbian/homosexual alliance

can also be presumed. If we are aware of the anatomical, topographic and structural

differences even within the neurohormone, it is possible to biochemically interpret

the psychological strategic analogies, such as increased autonomy, increased

sensitivity, etc.86

84 See e.g. the two appendices 85 Bereczkei inbd. 86 Ibid.


Let us think that we presume homosexuals have a lower vasopressin activity in

these nuclei, while lesbians may exhibit higher oxytocin activity, because they put

more stress on femininity and motherhood; biochemically speaking, the two also

represent a social and structural analogy.

It is quite possible that vasopressin is the most important neurohormone of

the above homosexual strategy owing to its quantitative (1), topographic (2) effect

and oxytocin-like changes or re-structuring (3). A switch between heterosexuality

and homosexuality is also known at the molecular biological level in bisexuals

(some of the literature on the topic is also available in Hungarian, see: ‘Living with

our genes’ by Hamer-Copeland). But this does not apply for homosexuals and

heterosexuals in general. It has been almost completely explored in the United

States, as it will be outlined genetically in the coming chapters.

During the research of a well-known substance, cocaine, which is the strongest

dopamine inductor, it was revealed that certain doses of this substance caused the

high activation of the D4-dopamine receptor in the limbic system87. Based on PET

research now we know the D4 receptor is sexually responsible for adventurous

behavior. Its genetic marker, D4DR88 has also been found. From a genetic point of

view it is interesting to note that in heterosexual men it is an extremely short

genetic sequence, it is somewhat longer in homosexuals, while it is relatively long

in bisexual men. Based on the above, Hamer and his colleagues came to the

conclusion that in bisexuality the length serves as a switch between the

components; but at sites where another component is missing, it may not be

effective by itself. One cannot be made gay or straight by activating the D4

receptor but in a (hidden) bisexual the component from the background is pushed

into the foreground in the form of seeking for adventure. A humanities analog

denies self-contained bisexual identity, it only recognizes homosexuality or

heterosexuality (Lauman 2000, Judit Takács 2004)89. From a neurobiological point

of view it is interesting to bear in mind that there is an antipsychotic that also

blocks psychosexual activities via the D4 dopamine receptor. The drug is known as

87 See Hamer pp. 46-49 88 See ibid. 89 Bereczkei, ibid., Homosexuality and the society (in Hungarian), Új Mandátum Kiadó, Bp. 2004, pp. 141-169


clozapine (Leponex) which is hardly in use today, due to its dangerous side effects.

I am not going to give details about its known effects; anyway, even after 30 years

in circulation, new facts are revealed about this molecule90.

It is now clear, that the D4 dopamine receptor is not responsible for the

development of homosexual or heterosexual strategies by itself, but it has a

function to switch between the entities of existing male bisexuality. For example,

the homosexual component is very weak and not realized91; dopamine 4 acts as a

sexual switch, which is known genetically and in human biology alike. (Perhaps

this is the point when we can ask the question in a biochemical approach: why is

there not independent bisexual identity?92 Bisexuals usually have gay or

heterosexual variables of identity, too.)

Thus it can be hypothesized – examining only the sexual factor in each of the

neurohormones [we are going to concentrate our attention on it] – that non-

possessive behavior, e.g. open sexus (low vasopressin level) is accompanied with

high D4 activity. It can also be structured in time: vasopressin activates D4 because

this is the sexual strategy that activates behavior to seek adventure. High

vasopressin levels are accompanied with low D4 activity; see the monogamous

strategy, in which adventure is missing.

Studying serotonin, Dean Hamer and his team have demonstrated (while

looking for the so-called ‘Prozac-gene’)93 that the activity of serotonin

transmission is not orientation specific, i.e. there is no significant difference

between the gay and straight concept of serotonin. But, at the same time, serotonin

is the hormone of sexual gratification, i.e. it is the neurohormone of the level of

impulsion.94 If the serological level is low the impulsion is high and there is no

gratification but if the serological level is high the individual is gratified

independently of his orientation.

90 Korszerű Orvosi Diagnosztika és Terápia / Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 2003 (in Hungarian) 5th Hungarian edition, Eds: Lawrence M. Tierney, Jr. M.D., Stephen J: McPhee, M.D., Maxine A. Papadakis M.D., Bp. OM, p. 1029 91 Hamer ibid. 92 See footnote 100 93 Hamer pp. 101-108 94 Hamer pp. 101-138 and MSD p. 1054, Korszerű Orvosi diagnosztika lés Terápia 2003, p. 1054. See e.g. that serotonin is responsible not only for sexual impulsion bur also alcohol abuse.


This is an interesting problem because the general opinion according to which

the gay have a higher sexual impulsion is false; but since their strategy is more

independent and open, it is worth researching this field.

During orgasm, the dopamine level changes in time with the serotonin level: if

gratification has taken place, the D4 activity decreases while serotonin shoots up,

but if the D4 activity remains high, it results in low serotonin levels (there is no

orgasm). After an orgasm, however, the serotonin level remains high, after some

time it decreases to the normal range with balanced D4 activity after a certain time.

The D4 function is associated with phenylethylamine activity, while serotonin

function is associated with endorphin activity, but this can differentially alter in the


In the current publication this is only remarked but not mapped.

High serotonin levels, however, can re-instate the high vasopressin levels,

rendering the strategy to be a closed one; there is no more search for adventure, etc.

This may hold true in each male orgasm, but based on this, a bisexual orgasm

can be described similarly to a homosexual or heterosexual one in its (1) strategy

and (2) switch or switch of impulsion.

As a matter of fact, we are not talking about homosexuality alone, any

longer, but, if our hypothesis is correct, we can explore the complete sexual

strategy in a male, its relation to that of a female, from sexual strategy to a

search for adventure and swing of impulsion.

Thus serotonin, although it is not directly related to the orientation of the

individual, can respond to sexual strategy for the moment being or a transitional

period of time. At the same time, long-term serotonion levels can be independent

of this, e.g. the serotonin level falls back to its previous standard level after

gratification (see Atilla Szabó). Thus the strategic order regulates the quality and

intensity of orgasm.

Orgasm-models so far disregarded vasopressin and oxytocin, although it

has been an established fact since the 1990s that, in the animal kingdom96, this

95 MSD pp. 1054-1100 96 Dean Hamer pp. 151-188


is the agent controlling sexual strategies in male and female animals, and

possibly, also in humans. That is how our model is new from a

neuroendocrinological point of view, and that is also why the various types of

sexual orientation can be differentiated by this model theoretically.

If we reverse the same psychobiological hypothesis, high vasopressin levels are

supposed to imply higher serotonin levels accordingly, i.e. there is no search for

adventure: the level of sexual impulsion and adventure-seeking are controlled

by strategy.

Therefore, the vasopressin strategy may carry the complex varieties of role –

adventure – impulsion. At the same time, gay sexus or bisexus is only one special

case, and in the meantime, male psychobiology can be described.

The complex relationsip of the above will be discussed later – beyond

homosexuality. Homosexuality is only one of its independent topographic,

quantitative and structural malformations, as it was seen earlier.



Vasopressin: VP = strategy

Dopamine: D = change

Serotonin: 5-HT = impulsion


Temporal Temporal

agonism antagonism

5-HT D

Temporal antagonism

Opportunities for free feedback in all directions, structures and strategies


CHAPTER 3 Abstract for the PET-MRI Research aimed at giving the functional-molecular map of the hypothalamus

Homosexuality research de facto (but not exclusively) made us aware that what we

call or reckon as sexual will is also programmed. Though this does not happen at the

level of sexual behavior or hypophysis hormones by which we can elevate the sexual

desire97 but we can only amplify the decision and cannot change it. (E.g. Testosterone

elevates the gay sexual desire as it also elevates the heterosexual desire depending on

the individual but it does not interfere with the “higher codedness” of the will. We also

know that there is no significant difference between the free testosterone level of gay

and hetero males. An important difference that could clearly identify gayness or

homosexuality cannot be proven at the level of hypophysis hormones either.)98

We are also aware that e.g. GHB99 relieves sexual blockades (since it is the precursor

of GABA thus it is a dopamine-inductor100 and by this it turns the will decision off but

it does not influence the strategy of „the will” itself. Viz. there is a higher codedness,

which we can name anyhow, even free will or any kind of will, which guides every

individual to make their own decisions and strategies.

This is vasopressin in male individuals and oxytocin101 in females. At a low degree of

concentration vasopressin causes openness in the sexual life and an independent

horizontal object relation, association type; at a high hypothalamic degree of

concentration it induces monogamy and patrilineal”family” possession. We also know

that in terms of evolutionary psychology the strategy mentioned first is considered as

97 An infamous experiment in the 1950s was the “testosterone treatment” of gay men. This is how it was found that testosterone increased the homoerotic desire in gay men. Angus McLaren: Twentieth Century Sex: A History Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1999.; pp100-200 98 See Ruhde W., Stahl F., Dormer G.: ”Plasma Basal Levels of FSH, LH and testosterone in homosexual men”, Endokrinologie, 1977., 70 (30), pp. 241-248 99 Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, 2003., 42/e Lange Medical books/ McGraw-Hill (in Hungarian translation p.1575) 100 Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, 2003., 42/e Lange Medical books/ McGraw-Hill (in Hungarian translation p.1575) 101 The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, Merck Research Laboratories, Rahway NJ, 1992. (in Hungarian translation p.1058)


homosexual the second one is considered as rather heterosexual102. Moreover,

vasopressin is produced103 at a site where – probably - because of hypertrophy, gay

men have enlarged nuclei.104 Due to the fact that this does not only apply to gay

men but it embraces the whole of the male strategy (including the heterosexual): the

molecular genesis of male sexuality can be mapped. As it is also known that

homosexuality is functionally related to the hypofunction of the INAH 3 nucleus the

map of this area can also be drawn. 105

It is not only homosexuality that can be modeled. For example, vasopressin differs

from oxytocin only by two amino acids (e.g. transvestitism, transsexuality) and it can

quickly transform and has quick metabolism .

We may learn new facts about the oxytocin control-mechanism.. In addition to female

homosexuality, its topography allows for the understanding of the maternal instinct.

The vasopressin-oxytocin map can be revealed as a sequence of biological codes.

Today, in genetics, we know that bisexual transmission happens at the D4 dopamine

receptor106 (viz. the gene sequence to define D4 is short in heterosexual males, long in

homosexual males, and in bisexual males it is extra long). We are aware of the same

effect of cocaine, the strongest dopamine inductor107 and also of clozapine which

generally blocks sexual motivation and causes sexual anergy independently from


102 Dean Hamer – Peter Copeland Living with our Genes – Why They Matter More Than You Think, New York, 1999, Enchore Books, Doubleday pp. 151-188. 103 Vasopressin and oxytocin are produced in the supraopticus and periventicular nuclei of the hypothalamus, while they are anatomically located hard by the probably hypertrophyzed anterior commissurae (with the 70-80% of the gay people measured in a big population) and the enlarged nucleus suprachiasmaticus – this was shown by Swaab and his colleagues in 1992. See: Dean Hamer – Peter Copeland Living with our Genes – Why They Matter More Than You Think, New York, 1999, Enchore Books, Doubleday pp. 151-188. and The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy, Merck Research Laboratories, Rahway NJ, 1992. (in Hungarian translation p.1058) 104 See ibid. 105 See the results of LeVay’s pathologic examination: Dean Hamer – Peter Copeland Living with our Genes – Why They Matter More Than You Think, New York, 1999, Enchore Books, Doubleday pp. 151-188. 106 See ibid. 107 See ibid. 108 Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, 2003., 42/e Lange Medical books/ McGraw-Hill (in Hungarian translation p.1027)


We know that the dopamine inductor known as apomorphine109 used to be the rival of

Viagra (sildenafil)110 too on the drug market, not only for its potency raising effect but

also for its libido raising effect. It has been withdrawn from the market – inducing a

major scandal, because of its cardiac and psychic side effects. The question is: if, in

contrast with apomorphine, we do not interfere with sexual motivation but the sexual

will itself, are we more effective? But is it not an act that should be the privilege of

the Creator only???

What is the relation between these neurohormones?

Serotonin-transmission is permanently low in Obsessive-Compulsive-Disorder (OCD)

and in depression.111 Though its degree springs up following the orgasm this condition

does not last long. (SSRIs with a permanent effect thus cause anorgasmia and a

decrease in libido since they permanently keep the brain in the state of satisfaction.112)

That is probably because Dean Hamer did not consider serotonin as an agent specific

of sexual orientation113.

At the same time, a feedback-like relation exists among vasopressin as strategy,

dopamine as motivation, the thus activated phenylethylamine114 as arousal,

endorphin115 as an orgasm hormone and serotonin as satisfaction impulsion controller.

1. Dopamine is only motivation

2. phenylethylamine is only excitement

3. endorphin only reaches its effective degree of concentration at orgasm.

4. Serotonin is only important in creating the experience of satisfaction.

109 Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, 2003., 42/e Lange Medical books/ McGraw-Hill (in Hungarian translation p.1027) 110 Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, 2003., 42/e Lange Medical books/ McGraw-Hill (in Hungarian translation p.1027) 111 Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, 2003., 42/e Lange Medical books/ McGraw-Hill (in Hungarian translation p.1027) 112 SSRI (Serotonin-Selectiv-Reuptake-Inhibitor) see in Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, 2003., 42/e Lange Medical books/ McGraw-Hill (in Hungarian translation pp.1037-139 113 Dean Hamer – Peter Copeland Living with our Genes – Why They Matter More Than You Think, New York, 1999, Enchore Books, Doubleday pp. 151-188. 114 See in English Summary: http://www.psikofarmakoloji.org/pdf/10_2_2.pdf and Anthony Walsh The Science of Love, Prometheus, New York,1996. ISBN 1 57392 091 6


But actually it is vasopressin and oxytocin that make up the strategy. For example,

impulsion, motivation, excitement, or any kind of subconscious factor can be high but

the deliberately organized strategy – quasi “will” is only indirectly affected. Based on

the above mentioned “formula”, vasopressin-oxytocin is the emotional-sexual and so

the anthropological strategy, a sexual strategy thus not a mere will.

Thus the map of the different identities, orientations, and roles can be drawn on a

clearly functional basis. But all of the four INAH nuclei (the controllers of sexuality in

the hypothalamus116) can be located topographically and described functionally and

structurally because the anatomical and biochemical codedness behind them can be

monitored onto each other. Now we can perhaps create a functional-organic and, at

the same time, dynamic map of the hypothalamus about which we have not known

much so far except in anatomical regard. That is why we use PET and MRI together at

the topographic level of molecular biology.

In Huxley’s utopia, “Brave New World”117 there is a certain drug called “soma” which

interferes with the hypothalamus and changes the habitual – sexual will. The will

itself, since whoever takes this drug, will follow a different sexual-emotional strategy

“of their own accord”: they become promiscuous… and thus become the servants of a

new individualist society by their own free will… In our research, we are practically

close to such a thing like “soma” – with the vasopressin analogue ligand of ours that is

almost brain specific. This is a V1/V3 antagonist, it does not interfere with the V2

renal receptors at all, it is linear (there is no disulphide bridge), it is enzyme stable, it

can get through the blood-brain barrier, it can be applied in vivo, and it also has an

ideal half-life period of approximately 2 hours.118

115 The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Copyright © 2001-05 Columbia University Press. 116 Dean Hamer – Peter Copeland Living with our Genes – Why They Matter More Than You Think, New York, 1999, Enchore Books, Doubleday pp. 151-188. 117 Aldous Huxley: Brave New World, Harper Perennial Modern Classics; Reprint edition 1998. 118 The V3 receptor in the brain the functioning of which is presently being explored by us. See in The Pituitary V3 Vasopressin Receptor and the Corticotroph Phenotype in Ectopic ACTH Syndrome; http://www.jci.org/cgi/content/abstract/97/5/1311


As for all the above mentioned facts we would be the first to do such an exploration

using a PET-MRI conjunct analysis. It is not the PET-MRI technology that is the

innovation here but it is rather the method of gaining practical proof for our theoretical

code system by this technology. What is more, this is a more precise method of

analysis than genetics, in this topic.

While genetics has a 50% role in defining homosexuality (see Twin Researches119), in

our case it is 70-80%– applied in a big population. We would be the first in the world

to indicate this area in a living individual in its physiologic dynamics. This possibility

for indication – not talking about mapping - has not been approached as public

research even in the USA: we can safely declare that we have no competitors in the

public scientific world. In addition to not wanting to get engaged in expensive genetic

analyses, we could be the first to indicate e.g. the neurobiological background of

homosexuality at the level of proteins. It has not been done by Dean Hamer, who

found the Xq28 gene sequence in an empiric way – he still owes the protein-inductive

description of this gene sequence…

Only the scientific theoretical background of the above job is given. The practical

mapping of the hypothalamus and the possibility of the scientific repetition of it in

another brain… is close to our theories but the resources for research and

development in Hungary are very far from it. At the same time, we have the

Hungarian technical and human resources.

So what does this mean?

It is the dynamic exploration of the whole hypothalamic functional structure. It would

give the most important psycho-biological, sexual-biological, sexual and sexual

strategic model regarding the topic. The ultimate goal of our research is the

simultaneous exploration of this model and the psychological identities of the area:

thus not only molecular biology can be modeled by psychology here but vice-versa.

Experiments in this area have been conducted in psychopharmacology since the

beginning of the 20th century, though the ligand-model of conscious decisions has

not been found yet . That is why our research would be an instrumental one, too,

119 Dean Hamer – Peter Copeland Living with our Genes – Why They Matter More Than You Think, New York, 1999, Enchore Books, Doubleday pp. 151-188.


along with the descriptive biology, e.g. with MMPI, a personality psychology test that

can be applied for a big population. So we do count on the possibility that we address

the psyche. Our psychological models are given for this purpose and so are the

institutions such as the Department of Personality and Clinical Psychology and the

Institute of Philosophy at the University of Debrecen. We can also access the

necessary infrastructural facilities of The Medical and Health Science Center at the

University of Debrecen with the long term project and comprehensive professional

guidance of the PET-CT Center. This is where we break the ice that we can also work

instrumentally from the given PET research and by this we open new interdisciplinary

perspectives for our present PET-MRI analysis – beyond the modern.



Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is a very sensitive method for examining the

distribution of receptors in the tissues. In this method, molecules specifically bound to

receptors (ligands) are labeled by radioactive isotopes and administered into the body

of the examined individual (or in the case of model systems, into the laboratory

animal). Following the injection, the balanced distribution of the receptor bound ligand

molecules (receptor ligand complexes) in the tissue evolves after a short (generally 5-

30 minutes) equilibration time. This distribution can be mapped by the PET cameras if

the radioactive isotope used for Labeling has a capacity to destroy positrons. Peptides

can be found among the specific ligands of the vasopressin receptors. In the PET

Center at the University of Debrecen (at the Department of Nuclear Medicine)

experience concerning the labeling of such molecules by PET isotopes has

accumulated for many years. To all likelihood, such molecules can be labeled using

radio isotopes independently of the peptide sequence. Of course, it must be made sure

that the labeled peptide is still biologically active (whether or not it is still bound to

the suitable receptors).

The distribution in the tissue mapped by the PET-technique can be quantified thus the

possible different densities of receptors measured in different subpopulations can be shown,

in case receptor density is within the sensitivity limit of the PET- technique (which is very

sensitive) and the difference is significant..




CHAPTER 4: Research possibilities at our disposal to explore the map of


There is a ligand which binds with vasopressin receptors (V1 and V3), it serves as

their selective antagonist96, therefore it does not have an effect on renal receptors

(V2). Its further favorable features are as follows: its half-life is at least two hours,

it is enzyme-stable and since it is linear, it does not contain a disulphide bridge, can

be used in vivo and can pass the blood-brain barrier.

In the long run, it may be developed into a special V3 antagonist (the current

one is only V1-V3, which is not completely brain selective) and it would be fully

brain selective. But this appears to be the research of ‘the day after tomorrow’,

which will be discussed in one of the coming chapters. If a V3 antagonist is ready

– according to our hopes - it will definitely be suitable for researching the activity

and affinity of the open-closed sexus receptor as well as the exploration of the

relation of these endogenous substances.

For the moment being, however, let us examine this simpler ligand in a

theoretical model – together with a vasopressin-expressing antagonist.

We can try it since the technology to label the V1/V3 antagonist is available at

the PET Center of the University of Debrecen.

‘Public’ science is not developed enough yet to be capable of selectively

measuring receptor activity and affinity, let alone in the brain. We should be more

realistic in our technological approach.

Now we know, that tumors in the chiasmatic region97 may reduce vasopressin

production. In homosexuals, this is the very region near which the malformation is

detected; like in the case of a hypothyreotic struma (if one follows the logic of the

action and functioning of a hypertrophied region). The areas surrounding the

vasopressin producing region are larger98 but the specific INAH3, one of the nuclei

controlling sexuality is much smaller and, possibly, this is the functional portion.

96 Fahrenholz, F. and Gerstberger, R. (1989). Vasopressin receptor subtypes – autoradiographic localization of V1 vasopressin binding sites in rat brain and kidney. Journal of Protein Chemistry 8 :370-372. 97 Nelson Textbook of pediatrics (Hungarian translation) Melania Kiadó , Budapest, 1992, p. 1054 98 See Chapter 2


At the same time, if vasopressin activity is lower, the partner is not characterized

by possessive behavior, but adaptation, as an autonomous person; therefore certain

empathic functions are also stronger, i.e. assertivity can be explained for in the

long run. Also, this can explain for the unity of self-organizing strategy exhibiting

more rational patterns and related to a more independent lifestyle, the full equality

of the two, consequently the equality of the two cerebral hemispheres, see e.g. a

larger corpus callosum, better co-operation between the two cerebral hemispheres

that we wish to examine in the hypothalamus using vasopressin.

Electrophysiologically it would be found at all levels of the brain, like in a large

population. If our hypothesis is correct this would be the “homosexual brain” (of

course, it is only true for a large population). We would like to emphasize the

biochemical essence of this issue.

A SIMPLE SUGGESTION: Let us first have a look at the cumulation of the

V1/V3 antagonist in the productive region and in the nearby enlarged areas (see

footnotes 79-80), where the retaining capacity may be decreased. This could be

examined next, since if these are hypertrophied areas, they would not retain the

analog either, which is also selective for V3. After this step, the investigation could

be focused at the receptor activity and affinity99 in the INAH nuclei, especially in

INAH3, which is functional here. Decreased cumulation may be expected in both

nuclear regions. All this would be checked using the control group above.100

In a parallel investigation, the activity of the expression antagonist should also be

indicated in the productive areas in the two populations; this way we could get to

know what differences are found in the endogenous production.



PRODUCTIVE AREAS and their proportions it can be concluded that decreased

production but much more decreased accumulation results in a decreased retaining

99 See Chapter 2 100 See Chapter 2


capacity, thus the “struma analogy” holds true, but there may also be other

different alternatives.


ACTIVITY (See INAH3): if the difference of functional activity exceeds the

difference in decreased production we can indirectly draw conclusions concerning

the renal and vascular receptor affinity and activity (which can accurately be

indicated in receptor binding since this compound is a V1 antagonist). The

remaining V2 renal activity can be calculated easily, using an indirect technique. It

can be applied for the relationships of hypothalamic activity (as there is no

anatomic difference but in the hypothalamus, that is where biochemical

malformations should also be searched for.)



RETAINING THAN IN ACTIVITY, there is also an anatomical vasopressin-

factor, other than the hypothalamus, in the control of homosexuality (i.e. there is

also an alien functional factor such as the pituitary gland or the limbic system,



ACTIVITY, possible vasopressin-like feedback effects may play a role in the

function, i.e. there are four extra activity factors that we can specifically look for,

e.g. in the higher D4 receptor activity. But we can also think of serotonin

activity101; these antagonisms-agonisms have been mentioned earlier.



101 See Chapter 2





A: We are going to get to know what is functional in the hypothalamus, its relationship

with endogenous production; we can reveal its factors inside and outside the network

in a complex theoretical model.

B: We can determine the relationship between vasopressin transmission network and

productivity, and inside and outside the activity research pattern; so if the results are

positive we can set up positive hypotheses for our further dopamine research, for


C = A + B: In the possession of significant results we can assess the proportion of

cerebral and non-cerebral (renal and vascular) factors in activity and production (the

answer to the questions ‘What proportion of the production is used for what purpose?’

and ‘Where exactly does that go?’ are only hypothetic but we hope to obtain a model

of data of that, too: the V’ activity can be measured and, based on the above, we can

make conclusions of the endogenous factor.

D: A functional – production hypothalamic map in our interest can be made almost as

accurately as if we looked at it at the receptor level.

E: Since we use the V1/V3 antagonist, the direct oxytocin effect is minimal, similarly

to lysine-vasopressin researched by Dr István Kertész in our team.


CHAPTER 5: Perspective research opportunities to explore a functional

hypothalamic map – project for the near future

When we have a labelable ligand which binds solely with the V3 receptor, and serves

as its agonist and antagonist, and when we have a labelable expression vasopressin

antagonist, it might function as a model for supreme strategic control in male sexuality

(in the case of oxytocin, in female sexuality) and strategy in a complex manner, we

could explore and map it exactly and significantly as it is outlined later.

This is the point where I wish to mention later monoaminergic research which,

supposedly, can be used to explore the whole hypothalamic map.

Public chemotechnology is not developed enough to do it yet, this will be a project

in the future. But, if a labelable ligand is developed, the functional map of the

hypothalamus can be “drawn” in full, moreover, the idea of function-specific

designing can also be considered.

A: Experiments with a vasopressin analog affecting the brain alone, together with

B: Experiments using a vasopressin expression antagonist could mean the provision of

a functional and strategic map of the hypothalamus at the highest level of biochemical

control, in harmony with anatomy.102

It is my conviction that, although it is more expensive and requires more work,

experiments aimed at defining significance limits without making scientific mistakes

but getting exact results, the experiments outlined in A and B above should be

combined; even in two separate experiments, if necessary.



A: The analog should be examined to make sure it does not have an oxytocin effect

within the significant range, because it would drag us to other fields as it was

explained earlier. In the second step, the analog should be tested to reveal whether it is

102 See the previous chapter


a really good one to detect cerebral receptor specificity, which requires more than just

one or two doses.

In case the substance turns out to be the receptor-specific compound, it should be

checked in all of the malformation regions (not just in INAH3, or the vasopressin

producing region in the homosexual and control groups). Receptor affinity and activity

have to be explored in dynamic, and additional MRI, anatomic maps. As I wrote it

earlier, if this substance is available, it can control the strategies of psychosexual

openness – closedness, possession – liberation not only in homosexuals but all males.

Since it is not supposed to have an effect on the kidneys or vessels either, it only has

this single function. The investigation of this issue alone is regarded to be separate

neuroendocrinological research, not just gay research. Practically speaking, signal

activity could be visualized in both heterosexual and homosexual males, according to

our plans.

BUT: We cannot see biogenic activity, i.e. we are going to test an artificial analog;

we will not be able to see what happens on the “weekdays of physiology”. We can

only make indirect conclusions of that, quantitative accuracy also being a challenge in

those issues. For example, how should we know what the dose-range of this analog is,

since it is different from the biodose ranges. That is why first we should measure the

affinity and then the activity of vasopressin receptors of the brain via the binding

properties of the vasopressin analog. The project may absolutely allow us to do it. We

can see, however, whether the substance passes the brain-blood barrier and also if it is

perfect or selective.

B: Biogen production hypothesized by Professor L. Galuska should also be measured

separately using the suggested vasopressin expression antagonist. This would perfectly

signal biogen production even in both investigated groups but the problem is that it is

still unknown how much is utilized by the cerebral, renal and vascular receptors. Until

it is revealed we can make expensive experiments, but they will not even allow for the

exact definition of significance ranges; the experiment will be expensive but not

effective enough by itself.


Even this experimental model can confirm our basic supposition that gay males

possibly produce less vasopressin but the proportions cannot be determined owing to

the renal and vascular functions. If, for example, the kidneys take up vasopressin in

larger quantities, whose proportions we do not even know, the small range we are

examining can hardly be researched. In our case, however, it would be enough to

examine the vasopressin producing sites and, in addition, possible hypertrophy in the

INAH3 nuclei could also be checked.


I. We have significant knowledge of the receptiveness and quantity of cerebral

receptors; comparison to biogen production allows for determining the biogenic

portion of cerebral vasopressin.

II. Biogenic function, activity mechanism and production can be measured

separately and together, which enables us to suggest a range of dose for the

analog, which is quite unclear at the moment and would remain unknown if we

only performed A.

III. We could also clearly determine the proportion of function and production in

the hypothalamus: this would enable us to make hypotheses as early as the first


Research A controls Research B: they reveal how much is taken up for cerebral


Research B controls Research A since we can get to know what biogenic activity is

like, what biogenic substances exist that we do not know but are analogous with our

artificial analog.

Practically speaking, vasopressin function could completely be explored in the

whole of the hypothalamus while

II. due to our double investigation and feedback, we can word exact theories, which is

often impossible or not enough via one-track or blind empirism.

A double investigation like this could serve as the pilot, working with the same

subjects in the tests, this could be double registered statistically so that every


participant can be identified, which is required in measuring the reference values. Of

course, I do not want to give up blind trials, the samples from the subjects should

simply be coded so that the two trials could be compared individually and additively as

well as in groups, in a clear way.






6. We could have a complete anatomical and physiological map of the functions of

vasopressin in the human brain and their meanings on the basis of the pilot, already. IT



7. In the possession of this information, we can start experiments using the

oxytocin-like analogs, which means the next stage of work (see transsexuality,

for example).

8. When this second stage has been accomplished, male and female sexual control

can be examined together, not only in homosexuals.

9. If the oxytocin-vasopressin map of the hypothalamus is ready, sexual-strategic

control mechanism of the highest level can be considered together with

monoamines, for example, as it was discussed in the paper.








At the same time, however, the ligand to be developed should

10. pass the blood-brain barrier;

11. also be stable from an enzymatic point of view;

12. have an optimal half-life; it is approx. two hours from the trial’s point of view;

13. be brain-selective completely;

14. be functional in vivo;

15. have the smallest possible binding capacity to the oxytocin receptor.

The development of this receptor would mean the prospective research strategy, i.e.

the molecularly exact and significant exploration of the psychobiological models of

complex hypothalamic strategy.


CHAPTER 6: Theoretical foundation of the biology of lesbianism, heterosexual

femininity and maternity

In the coming chapter I am going to put forward some hypotheses for which

functional, behavioral and basic structural relations are at our disposal but we do

not know the whole analogous structure. At this point I am trying to make a useful,

strong hypothesis on the basis of which we can start function-specific research


High oxytocin levels are equally compatible to low vasopressin levels since

vasopressin metabolism may result in the release of oxytocin or oxytocin analogs,

thus less vasopressin may be synthesized103. At the same time, it is also compatible

with high vasopressin levels, because vasopressin has an effect on the oxytocin

receptor (O)104. This may be a double feedback mechanism, therefore female sexus

and the emotional psycho-biology of maternity can also be modeled. But how?

A. It is established that a sudden rise in oxytocin level results in uterine contractions,

which is known as delivery.105 We also know that female sexus is controlled by

oxytocin, which is a starter hormone of maternal instinct106.

Let us draw up a model: prolactine is known to be the starter of maternal care, at

the physical level it is responsible for lactopoiesis, together with the other female


It has been outlined that in lesbian women the oxytocin level108 is higher, but

because an alliance can be detected in homosexuals from a strategic point of view109,

they are strategically compatible to lower vasopressin concentration in the

hypothalamus (see double feedback). At the same time, however, their vasoporessin

level may be lower if the analog applies for both males and females (this is quite likely

103 Gimpl G, Fahrenholz F.: The oxytocin receptor system: structure, function, and regulation, Institut fur Biochemie, Johannes Guttenberg Universität, Mainz, Germany. In: http://www.oxytocin.org/oxy/receptorsystem. html 104 ibid. 105 See MSD, p.1058 106 See MSD, ibid. 107 See MSD, ibid. 108 See Chapter 2


since they are analogous structures in both the male and female brain. At the same

time, lesbian partnership is characterized by high level monogamy and duration110;

their vasopressin levels are quite likely to be definitely higher.

B. Lesbians are much more autonomous and dominant than their heterosexual

counterparts, but it is all expressed through femininity in general: see examples of the

strategic alliance of feminism-lesbianism over the past 200 years.111

In the future, several questions can be modeled by a combination like this.

16. Why is it that female transsexualism is practically nonexistent (or much more


17. How can lesbians have so intensive contacts with homosexual men who are

supposed to have low vasopressin activity? (Of course, we are dealing with

biopsychological issues here. Every issue has complex sociopsychological and

anthropopolgic features, too, the current model does not cover such issues but

the biopsychological unit at the end of the study may provide a complex

solution of that issue as well.)

18. At the same time, how can the erotic rather than real sexual bond be explained

in the way they experience love?112

19. In the meantime, they are generally feminine.

20. They have a very strong desire to become mothers and try to achieve this goal

in several ways. Let us not forget either that they “unite” with gay men, or a

lesbian couple makes an alliance with a homosexual or bisexual male to bring

up children; an understanding heterosexual male can also become a good

partner and father in such cases; such examples are mainly found in the older


21. They represent the whole of womankind113, and

109 McLaren, pp. 126-152 110 Dean-Hamer, pp. 151-188 111 McLaren, ibid. 112 See my 24-year old lesbian-bisexual interviewee who said her lesbian relationships were much more intense than the heterosexual ones, but also meant much greater emotional burden on her – this was also confirmed by several bisexual women. 113 McLaren, ibid.


22. Bisexuality is a more fluid category with women than men, it is not even

distinguished that clearly, but purely lesbian women are fewer than purely gay



From the female sexus model above it can be concluded with high certainty that in

heterosexual women neither the oxytocin nor vasopressin levels are significantly

different from a standard pattern; they do not present permanently high oxytocin level,

a shoot-up is expected to happen at childbirth which is accompanied with a sudden

very high oxytocin level.115

Thus vasopressin measurements can provide information about the dopamine

inhibition of prolactin116 or, if vasopressinergic activity increases suddenly, the

dopamine inhibiting effect decreases, so prolactin shoots up – this is what probably

happens during delivery. At low dopamine activity the serotonin response is also low,

which might explain for frequent periods of postpartum depression.117

In women, oxytocin is the main regulator, but we have known only about the D2-

prolactin control so far, see bromocriptine activity.118 Now we can have a look at all

this at a higher level, in the hypothalamus first of all. Moreover we can do that using

peptidergic models which are more specific for the hypothalamus than the

monoaminergic ones are. Thus the complete spectrum of prolactine-oxytocin-

neurohormone-hormone can be explored not only biopsychologically but also

sexualpsychologically and anthropologically. Based on the double feedback of the

hypothesis above, we can interfere with all these structures by applying vasopressin

agonists and antagonists to ensure possibly high V3 selectivity. This is much less

invasive since we only know one receptor120 of oxytocin and possible life-threatening

uterine contractions can thus be avoided. A small-dose vasopressin antagonist, for

example, can play a role in a switch of female bisexuality or vice versa. Based on the

114 Dean-Hamer, ibid. 115 MSD, p. 1056 116 MSD, p. 1054 117 CMDT, p. 1034 118 MSD, pp. 1065-66 120 Gimpl G, Farenholz F.


above, a larger dose or a more intensive antagonist can stop or decrease maternal

feelings, or on the contrary, as an agonist, it may evoke such feelings. Therefore, the

level of prolactine (as the neurohormone of maternity or lactopoietic hormone) can be

controlled via the vasopressin-oxytocin metabolism – through a dopaminergic bond.

Oxytocin shoot-up is likely to influence the prolactine response in a physiological


For the sake of interest it can be mentioned that in all women, independently of

orientation, the code of maternity is much more intensive and hidden deeper than any

sexual orientation. While a small dose of the V3 antagonist can reduce lesbian

attraction and it is possible that temporarily it will be transformed into heterosexuality

as a result, a larger dose can turn off maternity despite the fact that it is encoded


121 See the same interviewee, the lesbian-bisexual girl, who wishes to deliver every year after she is 30 and she wants the most outstanding gay men to be fathers. This is typical with many lesbians.


CHAPTER 7: Drug ideas: positive molecular biological chances of intervention

among endocrinology, neuroendocrinology and biological psychiatry

1. Postpartum depression develops in 80% of women; 10% of them have to seek

psychiatric help due to the severity of their psychotic symptoms.122 According to

psychologists, this reactive depression is provoked by the sheer fact of maternity, i.e.

the unconditional care to be given to the newborn. If prolactine is depressed by giving

bromocriptine, for example, it may be often more effective and, at the same time, more

target-oriented than SSRI treatment123. Serotonine, however, is no more than a reactive

factor even from a psychobiological point of view. A V3 antagonist of medium

strength could be used as “real” treatment, to depress prolactine activity at the level of

sexual and maternity conscience: actually, “threatening” maternity – the reactive factor

– could be biochemically turned down by a degree temporarily, and we would not treat

the reactive factor developed on that ground.

2. A vasopressin-agonist could serve to eliminate anxiety caused by the fear from

maternity and bring down the barriers that had been formed. Let us think of children

who are left in a state care facility: a V3 agonist would launch processes that do not

develop in several women, who leave their children in such facilities. The question is:

to what extent is that ethical? Socioanthropological circumstances cannot be helped

anyway; that is another spectrum, let us think of children who are refused for financial

reasons. At the same time, however, when a child is stillborn, the “useless” maternal

feelings (understood in the biopsychological sense of the word) can be switched off,

let us remember the sociopsychological effects. Help in such a case could be more

effective but ruder than using an antidepressant. In such a case, also, half-life,

lipophilia, etc. can both be varied. Let us mention the example of a 65-year old

secondary school teacher treated for severe reactive depression and suicide attempts

whose problems could all be traced back to the fact that she could not have a child of

her own, and, in addition, she brought up her husband’s child who was taken away

122 CMDT, ibid. 123 Ibid.


from her. It resulted in severe alcoholism for her and tried to compensate her good-bad

maternal instincts among her students. Instead of classical psychiatric and addictology

treatment, in her case, the most humane therapy should have involved treatment with

the V3 antagonist to control her excessive maternal instincts – under very strict

conditions, of course.

3. Let us think, for example, that independently of childbirth, how many heterosexual

women are conflicted by the disharmony of their emotions and sexuality, and how

frequent a problem the lack of disharmony is.124 Actually, we are talking about the

development of an agent, which can increase female libido and potency in one, on the

basis of harmonizing the aforementioned vasopressin-oxytocin effects. This can be

mapped and solved in a complex way, but a V3 antagonist alone can yield effective

and intensive results – to all likelihood.

4. Let us also remember how many adolescent boys (heterosexual and homosexual

alike) struggle with the problem of having been abandoned and therefore he cannot

imagine his life any longer. Based on my own professional experience I can safely

claim that the psychiatric departments for children and adolescents are full of such

adolescent boys and girls having reactive depression or fears.125 Let us just imagine

how much more effective the above approach could be; applying a V3 antagonist we

could provide more direct and definite help with emotional and sexual distancing since

in these cases the roots of the problem appear similar to the ones created by the use of

antidepressants or anxiolytics. Treatment, however, would be based

neuroendocrinologically, since the use of the aforementioned map could enable us to

decide what an invasive or near-physiological intervention in such adolescent neuro-

endocrino-psychiatric situation was. From a psychological point of view, the normal

course of such “mourning” reactions should also be respected.

124 McLaren, 86-90 125 A 16-year old heterosexual boy has attempted suicide several times because a girl left him. Every time, he used the medicine he had been given at the psychiatric department as part of his treatment. It is clear that his treatment has been ineffective so far, moreover it has been a parody rather than treatment.


5. There is a grave, subpsychotic personality disorder known as “dependent

personality disorder”126, in which it can be proved, using methods of deep psychology,

that the problem is not related to one person, but there is a general need for

dependence and binding; without them the patient cannot create his own personality.

Let us remember that the vasopressin-oxytocin balance controls this need for bond

emotionally and sexually, in an intra-active manner, before any interactive bond, even

determining the bond. That is, for example, the use of a V3 antagonist can dissolve the

urge for emotional bonds, what is more it can be made into an open emotional strategy

in men, but possibly in women, too. It is possible, that this is the simpler solution to

this psychiatric problem compared to the currently applied ones, including

antipsychotic treatment.

6. We are familiar with a compound known as apomorphine with a phenantrene

structure. Morphologically it is close to natural opioids, but it is of completely

different effect: it functions as a strong dopamine inductor in certain cerebral regions.

It arouses sexual motivation; it has a simultaneous effect127 on libido and potency; it

has a much more complex effect than sildenafile (Viagra)128, which exerts its effect

solely on the target organ. In the 1970s, amorphine was used in the treatment of

Parkinsonism. In the 1990s, during the Viagra-fever, Abbot-Laboratories Ltd. started

to market it again as Uprima, claiming that it was a more effective agent to improve

potency. They were successful in doing so, for ten years this drug was the most serious

challenger for Viagra in the drug market. Eventually, it was withdrawn by the

pharmaceutical company itself. Being a dopamine inductor it may cause unstoppable

vomiting, let alone its cardiologic and psychiatric side-effects. We have a much

simpler solution: in men, a V3 antagonist in a small dose and with adequately chosen

half-life, and meeting the above expectations (e.g. capability of passing the blood-

brain-barrier) could do miracles. It would actually strengthen sexual relaxation, or

“entactogenic state”: it could be more targeted, direct and effective than the

126 MSD, p. 1547 127 CMDT, p. 1054 128 CMDT, p. 1022


aforementioned GBH, apomorphine or even cocaine.129 Moreover, danger can be

reduced to a minimum since we interfere with the target hormone and not the

neurohormones. That is, we would slightly influence the strategy, in the required

direction, not just the motivation or desire. Not to mention, for example, that at the

level of the hypothalamus, neuropeptides are more natural than monoamines130, which

have been used at the level of interference so far; they may also achieve much deeper

induction. Of course, in this case, it should be concentrated in order to prevent

permanent changes in sexual strategies. A possible treatment of female anorgasmia

was discussed in Point 3. An agent of that specific effect is still missing from the

drug market; experiments are in progress using testosterone patches, but their

primary function is different, and they act at a much lower hormonal control level.

7. Eventually, much more complex agents can be developed in this field, in the

possession of knowledge about the oxytocin-vasopressin metabolism, at the “map”-

level then.

8. Endocrinological treatment relating to the above is possible in prolactinoma, the

most common form of hypophyseal microadenomata (usually remaining a

microadenoma), which manifests itself in women, first of all, during adolescence, but

may also affect boys.131 The treatment is quite simple but highly invasive:

bromocriptine or other D2 antagonist ergolides132 are applied. Although not

dangerous, the therapy is very unpleasant because it causes extremely strong

depression, lethargy and psychosis in the target person. The intervention is so

invasive because, as it was mentioned earlier, in contrast with the D2 dopamine

inhibiting mechanism the control mechanisms of prolactine at higher levels are

unknown. That is, we do not know what is the relationship between the therapy

and the principles of psychobiological and neurobiological sexual control, but it

can be easily revealed using the above techniques. Based on the above133, it is

129 See main topic and abstract 130 CMDT, p. 757 131 CMDT, pp. 1079-1080 132 CMDT, p.947 133 See Chapter 2


likely that an intervention using vasopressin will stimulate or control the D4

receptor rather than D2, indirectly, and at the same level of dopamine release.

Since the intervention is not made into the D2 receptor, psychotic and

parkinsonergic symptoms can be avoided in part, or completely. Parkinsonergic

symptoms are surely avoidable since clozapine, specifically capable of blocking

D4 among the dopamine receptors, is known to have no extrapyramidal side

effect134. Anyway this is a more complex and less invasive and ‘more

physiological’ way of intervention than the treatment using either bromocriptine

or the other D2 antagonists. This is the endocrinology of the future together with

neuropsychology and molecular biology via the functional exploration of the map

of the hypothalamus.

134 CMDT, p.979


CHAPTER 8 Actual instrumental biopsychological research of the topic: Plan of

research from MMPI tests to biological models

Psychobiological introduction

We would like to conduct PET-MRI investigations of the hypothalamus-pituitary

gland, which could open up new perspectives in research – for example, in the

research of homosexuality – which, despite the level of imaging diagnostic techniques

and the theoretical model we possess, has been unprecedented worldwide. In the

absence of the molecular biology of such models, the hypothalamic differences could

only be demonstrated in pathological investigations.135 At the same time, those

differences are present in only 70-80% of the population in question but can also be

found in 20-30% of the reference population (heterosexuals).136

Based on the interrelationship among behavior, neuroendocrinological system and

the anatomy of the brain it could be detected in our model that what we have been

looking for in the hypothalamus at a molecular biological level is in close relationship

with the neurophysiological function of the corpus callosum. 137 It also corresponds to

a 70-80% level of malformation in the population in question. 138 This malformation

was also detected only pathologically, although it is easy to detect in a large

population using MRI. There are special methods to do so in the age of modern

computer technology. Despite the above, we would also be the first to demonstrate this

malformation using an anatomical imaging technique, strictly in vivo.

Although EEG is by no means a control alternative of MRI, it can still provide

analogous data of a different cerebral lateralization resulting from a more highly

developed corpus callosum, or vice versa.

Since 1993, there have been unanimous electrophysiological proofs at our disposal

in a large population, of course, which is also only of 70-80%, and the ratio is

analogous with MRI and hypothalamus investigations. Based on this, a “homosexual

135 See Chapter 2 136 See Abstract 137 See Chapters 4 and 5 138 See Chapter 2


type of brain”, is presumed to exist, in which the two hemispheres are fully equal and

cooperate much better than in either the heterosexual male or female brain. Of course,

it can only be demonstrated in a large population because the mere fact that someone

is left-handed may cause a “mess”, which may even be found in heterosexual and

lesbian women, alike.139

Capacity of personality psychology to investigate the topic140

Especially in the case of male homosexuality, biological investigations allow for the

classification of groups according to various (anatomical, pathological, and

hemispherical functioning) features in an appropriately “tailored” sample. It is evident

that a non-homosexual (heterosexual) control group can also be organized.

Presumably, if differences have been detected in the aforementioned biological

structures and at functioning levels, they definitely have a measurable impact on such

psychic functions. Further presumptions can also be approved, i.e. the features of

psychic functioning manifest themselves in a measurable manner in the structure and

functioning of the personality (even in the sample in the focus of our attention).

Naturally, the research of less complex psychic functioning levels such as

personality structure are also of importance.

At first attempt, it makes sense to get a glimpse into the features of personality and

search for what features / data may be found together with differences or

characteristics of biological nature.

139 Alexander JE, Sufka kj: cerebral lateralization in homosexual males: a preliminary EEG investigation , in: Int J Psychophysiol. 1993 Nov; 15 (3): 269-74 140 Research project proposal by Dr Antal Bugán, head of the Department of Psychology


The MMPI test141 seems suitable for that purpose since it is:

• a psychometric tool, therefore it can be fitted with data at biological level;

• the most detailed and most commonly accepted tool for personality measurements

internationally; and

• in addition to the basic scales, it has several other subscales and allows for the

development of further characteristic scales (even for our own topic).142

The test can be done in a large population, in addition to providing individual

diagnoses and requires a relatively short time and little financial effort.

In case initial correlations can be detected, this test may become suitable for the

further selection of test persons who may represent the preselected individuals of the

sample, facilitating the application of biological methods in both efficiency and a

financial respect.

If our expectations coincide with the results, the use of surveys may substitute

biological investigations in certain areas.

141 The MMPI test: theory and application by Emőke Bagdy, Lajos Pressing, Antal Bugán and Tamás Zétényi, Akadémiai, Bp. 1986, pp. 11-82 (in Hungarian)


CHAPTER 9: Structure and molecular biology of links between the

hypothalamus and other cerebral regions and their practical consequences

Dopamine is a hormone of monoamine, more closely catecholamine143 structure – the

only non-peptide one of the six hormones released by the hypothalamus.

It may not be by accident, since dopamine occurs not only in the hypothalamus in

relatively large concentration but also in the limbic system, which controls our

emotional life.144

It was supposed as early as in Chapter 2, that decreased V3 receptor activity in the

hypothalamus is accompanied with higher D4 receptor activity in the limbic system, as

sexual motivation is stronger in more open sexual strategies. Although not by itself,

but dopamine induction starts off sexual arousal, see e.g. cocaine145 and

apomorphine.146 Phenylethylamine (PEA)147 is found in a shared region of the brain

together with dopamine, which is responsible for sexual excitation. Among the

synthetic drugs this is the closest to “ecstasy”, i.e. MPMA148 by effect; it has an

entactogenic rather than stimulating effect, although it has considerable stimulating

effect, too. It is also different from amphetamine in liberating the presynaptic depots,

as it frees serotonin in the first place, dopamine and other catecholamines in the

second, in contrast with amphetamine, which is a stimulant of noradrenergic-

dopaminergic spectrum.149

D4 receptor activity basically takes place in the limbic system, therefore dopamine

is a transmitter and carrier neurohormone150 of the basically monoaminergic and

peptidergic systems of limbic and hypothalamic activities, respectively.

142 See ibid. pp. 27-52 143 CMDT, p.140 144 MSD: pp. 1054-1060 145 CMDT: pp. 1057-1058 146 CODT: p. 1054 147 See footnote 86 148 CMDT, p. 1226 149 See ibid. 150 See MSD, pp 1056-1060


However, the functioning of the presumed dopamine, phenylethylamine (PEA),

endorphin and serotonin (5-HT) systems with relation to one another and to

vasopressin, too, can be explored at the molecular biological level.

Dopamine generates PEA, which in turn releases 5-HT and D, thus, on the one

hand, it maintains the sexual excitation impulse, motivates it by excitation and, on the

other hand, sooner or later it prepares the grounds for closing the cycle via 5-HT, the

“satisfaction hormone”151. This double open and closed feedback is the excitation line

by itself. In normal cases, satisfaction ensues automatically, produced by endorphin,

the “orgasm hormone”152. Its sudden release in the cerebral cortex in enormous

quantities causes orgasm.153 This is caused by PEA-D double feedback, last for only a

few seconds and, after that, there is a sudden rise in the 5-HT level, gratification

ensues and thus the excitation cycle is over.154 In contrast with certain pathological

cases such as idiopathic autism in early childhood, endorphin is never released for a

longer period of time 155.

Presumably in an analogous way to heroin affecting the opiate receptors of the

cerebral cortex, endorphin causes strong dopaminergic, but first of all, serotonergic

excitation in the limbic system. A well known analogy and example to confirm the

above is clonidine treatment in opiate withdrawal: being a presynaptic α2-stimulant156,

clonidine powerfully reabsorbs serotonin and catecholamines from the presynaptic

portion, thus decreasing monoaminergic transmission in the limbic system. It is the

extremely excited heroin addicts who can benefit from a treatment like this.

Guanfacine (Estulic)157 has a similar effect mechanism but it has a stronger blood

pressure lowering effect. Some antidepressants having a presynaptic α2-blocking

effect are also known, e.g. mirtazapine (Remeron)158, mianserin (Tolvon)159. On the

151 See Chapter 2 152 See footnote 87 153 ibid. 154 See Chapter 2 155 Nelson, pp. 71-72 156 CMDT, p. 1054 157 CMDT, pp. 1572-1573 158 CMDT, pp.1037-1039 159 IKEGUCHI K, KURODA A: Mianserin treatment of patients with psychosis induced by antiparkinsonian drugs, Department of Neurology, Jichi Medical School, Tochigiken, Japan. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 1995; 244(6): 320-4 in: http://www.biopsychiatry.com/mianpd.htm


other hand, Pindolol (Visken)160, which is a β-adrenergic blocker with a presynaptic

α2-blocking effect, also has a short-term antidepressant effect.

In summary, it can be strongly hypothesized that D releases PEA, which, in turn,

releases D and 5-HT via endorphin. Endorphin releases D and 5-HT again, thus giving

rise to another excitation cycle, but, simultaneously, it also allows for the closure of

the cycle. Dopamine induction, which launches the cycle, is basically coded by the

vasopressin strategy, but, in the absence of coding, the cycle is not started by trans-

synaptic dopamine induction. Using risperidone (Risperdal)161, however, scientists

proved that limbic 5-HT-2A-blockade in the frontal lobe, i.e. the center of cognition,

has a dopamine inducing effect. This cycle between the cerebral cortex (site for the

majority of opiate receptors), limbic system and hypothalamus is known as cycle A (it

is partly joined by the frontal lobe, where dopamine also acts as a neurotransmitter).

There is also a feedback cycle, possibly between sudden cortical excitation and the

hypothalamus, which can be modeled at pharmacological level now: it has been

established that in heroin addicts, heroin, the strongest opiate, suddenly reduces the

blood supply, subsequently the activation, of the temperature control center in the

hypothalamus. That is why chronic heroin addicts suffer from chronic hypothermia162.

It is very likely that the reduction has an effect not only on this hypothalamic region

but also on the activity of the whole of the hypothalamus. Therefore vasopressin may

also be produced at lower activity. Regarding the above model, this is the most

complex feed-back function since a low vasopressin level basically results in

endorphin excitation by the end of the cycle; endorphin excitation slows down

vasopressin production, thus it launches another sexual excitation cycle, in a self-

supporting manner. This is called cycle B.

Both cycles A and B, which are preconditions to each other, are based on the

vasopressin strategy, i.e. via vasopressin control excitation is caused (or not caused)

under dopamine control. It is a more complex process in women since the internal

relationship between oxytocin and vasopressin is also more definite.163 If there is no

160 CMDT, p. 1050 161 CMDT, p. 1030 162 Nelson, pp. 527-529 163 See Chapter 2


vasopressin-oxytocin strategic code, there is no dopamine response either, the A + B =

C cycle is not launched, therefore there is no sexual excitation at all. Based on the

above, C is called the “1st dopaminergic orgasmia-cycle”. Cycle I, which is inhibited in

case the V3 receptor activity is high, is known as the “2nd adopaminergic anorgasmia

cycle” (The cycle itself is a basically inhibiting one, not an excitation cycle). It is clear

that, similarly to its start-off, the strategic control of the cycle is dependent on

vasopressin activity. It is also clear that the half-life of vasopressin is approximately 10

minutes164, the duration of endorphin activity is much shorter165, so these factors can

only be detected in a state of excitation. It can possibly be explained why 5-HT is not

regarded to be orientation-specific, since it dominates for only a certain period of time

after gratification. Then it is likely to return to its initial level. This feed-back is also of

a fast course so, if we wish to examine the differences among various sexual

orientation types, excitation experiments of short effect have to be devised. It is quite

probable, that in male bisexuality, PEA is extremely active due to the (ab ovo)

increased D4 receptor activity166, but only for a short time; the activity is even more

increased than in male homosexuality. As it was outlined earlier, from a

psychostrategic point of view homosexual/bisexual strategy is based on excitation and,

in many cases, in single relations. The whole of the male strategy is similar in a small

scale; sex and eroticism are separated to a greater extent than in women. It has been

shown that the role of eroticism is very important for women, especially lesbians, i.e.

at a higher V3 level and higher receptor activity, the D4 receptor activity and PEA are

distributed more evenly, which, in certain cases, does not even happen in the absence

of the relevant emotional strategy, in other words, oxytocin activity. This is also a

basically female strategy.167

164 MSD, p. 1054 165 See footnote 87 166 See Chapter 2 167 See Appendices 1 and 2



1. As it was mentioned earlier, the V2 receptor antagonist may be a breakthrough in

female anorgasmia168: in either excitation experiments or drug application, a

further developed version of our V1/V3 receptor antagonist169 is an excellent

choice; its half-life is two hours, it is enzyme-stable, capable of passing the blood-

brain barrier, of linear chemical structure, applicable in vivo, therefore it is suitable

for achieving long orgasms, especially in women. In the case of vasopressin

antagonists, half-life can be used to adjust orgasm types, they can even be

combined. Sexual psychostrategy can be controlled at levels other than just


2. The other similar applications have been examined before170; I think it is worth

mentioning at this point that sexus can completely be subdued by using a strong V3

receptor agonist. It may be effective with people having committed sexual abuse

(human sexus can be switched off completely). It is a much more effective

intervention than the use of SSRIs (e.g. sertralin:Zoloft, fluoxetin: Prozac)171,

which just increase the serotonin transport thus bringing about the feeling of

gratification, but are much more humane than desoxyprogesterone, which blocks

the sex hormones in both men and women. It inhibits the functioning of sex

hormones at the level of the reproductive organs172 while, in our approach, we

block the sexual psychostrategy but not the glands of reproductive system.

3. It is common knowledge now that, in early childhood, idiopathic autism is based

on long-lasting endorphinergic dominance, as it was discussed earlier. A strong

serotonergic excitation of the limbic system may result from that dominance,

laying the grounds for a highly negative biopsychological nature of the clinical

picture.173 This is based on the same mechanism as in the case of the indirect effect

of heroin on the limbic system, or the effect of clonidine withdrawal in

addictology. It has also been established173 that a diet poor in endorphin may be

168 See Chapter 7 169 See the Abstract 170 See Chapter 7 171 CMDT, pp. 1037-1039 172 See: www.bzga.de/bzga_stat/pdf/60643000.pdf 173 Nelson, pp. 71-72 173 See ibid.


effective in the treatment of autism in early childhood. There is no medication to

treat the problem yet. The only effective method of attack is the subduing of the

strong serotonergic activity of the limbic system using serotonin antagonists, such

as chlorprotixene (Truxal)175 or oxypertine (Integrin)176, a drug with indol ring,

which, unfortunately, may have severe cardiac side effects; it has not even been

approved in Hungary yet. It would be much more humane and more effective to

subdue endorphinergic activity using neurohormonal solutions, e.g. a V3 receptor

agonist over as long period of time. Is it possible that a long-term cure or at least

control of autism by drugs is on the horizon?

PS: Let us not forget the endocrinological investigations in 1977, according to which

there was hardly any significant difference in the levels of free testosterone, FSH and

LH in homosexuals and heterosexuals. The explanation is quite simple.

We know, if adolescents, especially girls, use heroin, their psychosexual-hormonal

development may be retarded, even irregular periods may occur among girls. This

happens because opiates block the gonadotropic hypothalamic releasing hormone

(GnRH) including the whole of the hypothalamus-pituitary gland-gonad axis.178

Well, during an average orgasm, opiate dominance lasts only a few seconds and

temporarily stops the neurohormonal sexual functions because an orgasm has taken

place. This is not a long process in any type of orgasm as it is a short part of feedback

of short duration: that is why we cannot detect significant differences in the FSH and

LH levels in homosexual and heterosexual men. In women this is more complex but

can be modeled in the same way, possibly.

Thus various orientations can solely be adjusted using the vasopressin strategy at the

molecular biological level in Cycles I and II. It cannot be done using the

hypothalamus- pituitary gland- gonad axis let alone the target organ. This way, we can

perhaps get closer to the physiological-anatomical models explorable by PET-MRI –,

including biology and psychology alike.

175 http://www.online-medical-dictionary.org/?q=Chlorprotixen 176 http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/6165500-description.html 178 MSD, pp. 1056-1060



A possible molecular biological approach of the “psycho-neuro-endocrino-

immunal axis” via the hypothalamus


All this is just a hypothesis but can be proved simply in the long run: if the attack

points of cytokines in the central nervous system are switched off, it can be exactly

and significantly examined whether the total immune effect changes or not, or is it

only the fever that decreases, if, e.g., alpha interferon is administered.

If immunological tests can detect really significant differences, we have found the

central switchboard of the psycho-neuro-endocrino-immunological axis, which is the

supreme control principle in psychosomatics itself.

KEYWORDS: neuroimmunology, hypothalamus, psychosomatical sciences,



In oncology, it has been established that, in daily practice, patients in a better mental

condition have a greater chance for survival, the prevention of metastases120– but

according to Evidence Based Medicine it has not been justified so far.

Similarly, in the case of HIV infections, good psychoimmunological status is

indispensable for survival. This is also evident now but has not been proved yet121.

Patients with autoimmune diseases have been shown to produce fewer antibodies if

their mental status is good enough122.

In these three groups of diseases FUO (fever of unknown origin) occurs commonly123.

In each case, strong pyretic cytokine production is thought to be the cause, which is

related to increased or altered autoimmunity124. In patients with progressed AIDS it

manifests itself by the formation of lymphomas, in cancers autoantibody intolerance is

decrease125 while in autoimmune diseases the number of autoantibodies increases to a

pathological degree. These three different groups of diseases were chosen on purpose

because at this point they overlap one another in many respects and, also, because they

are used as parabolic examples in the hypothetic reasoning to come.

In the previous chapter it was neuroendocrinologically shown that opiates block

the center of thermoregulation, degrade its thermocontrol effect and weaken its blood

supplying function. That is, based on the previous neuroendocrinological hypothesis,

continuous and permanent administration of a powerful V3 receptor antagonist can

turn down the activity of the center of thermoregulation. We also know that

vasopressin activity can change the whole system in a basically physiologically way,

120 See CMDT: Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, 2007, Forty-Sixth edition, byThe McGraw Companies, Editors: Stephen J. McPhee, MD (University of California, San Francisco, Maxine A. Papadakis, MD (University of California, San Francisco), Editor in Chief: Lawrence M. Tierney, Jr., MD (University of California, San Francisco, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, San Francisco), pp. 775-779. 121 CMDT, pp. 775-780. 122 CMDT, pp. 775-776. 123 CMDT, pp. 22-23. 124 See ibid


via momentary psychological influence determined by psychological-strategic effects.

At the same time, the resulting endorphin dominance re-generates the V3

recpetoragonism, so – probably – this is a sustainable process, via medication, if


Although not for a wide range of purposes, but it can definitely be used to subdue

certain symptoms of the central nervous system when applied together with cytokine

therapies, fever being one of such symptoms. As a result, cytokine therapy itself

becomes more tolerable and easier to dose, the patients’ compliance also being better.

Therefore interferon-alpha could be used more effectively in a range of diseases such

as hairy cell leukaemia, chronic myeloid leukaemia, Kaposi’s sarcoma, and chronic

active hepatitis B and C126. On the other hand, interferon beta could be effectively

used in sclerosis multiplex while interferon gamma could be administered in hope for

a better effect in chronic granulomatous disease. Not only interferons but also

interleukins (IL2, IL1) in an appropriate dose127 can be used to treat certain metastases

as part of LAK-cell treatment (lymphocyte activated killer cells, or special T-cells)128,

but such treatment has severe side effects. All the above is at our disposal now, but due

to the side effects, it is used infrequently, which may call for a change.

Let us have a look at a simple relationship on the analogy of the above:

Let us not forget that reducing the reaction of the fever center by administering

hormones (see diseases of the thyroid gland)129 or neurohormones (e.g. endorphin) we

do the same as if we blocked pyretic cytokines. This is because

125 CMDT, pp.684-697. 126 CMDT, p.782. 127 See ibid 128 See NELSON: Nelson textbook of pediatrics / editor, Richard E. Behrman; Robert M. Kliegman, Valdo E. Nelson, Victor C. Vaughan, Harcourt Brace & Company, Philadelphia, 2002., pp.72-73. 129 NELSON, p.. 547.


1. The output in the above three immunology-related conditions (not in the blockade

but generation of fever) is the same: FUO, which is analogous to long-standing

hormonal fever in that they both are under psychic control, since, in the case of FUO,

the main binding sites of cytokines in the brain are located in the thermoregulation

center of the hypothalamus; cytokines “ensure” long-term subfebrile conditions.

Malignant tumors, HIV infections and autoimmune diseases are characterized by

basically cytokinergic FUO activities, which can be attributed to the change in the

activity191 of autoantibodies. Each change in autoantibody activity is predominantly

affected by a powerful psychic change or modification130.

23. Vasopressin activity is supposed to be dependent solely on psychic strategies.

24. It is also suspected that neuro-endocrinological and immunomodular molecular

influences change the activity of the thermoregulation center in the same way, via the

increase and decrease of blood flow and/or thermosensation131.

25. So there is identical output in neuroendocrinological and immunomodulatory

systems in the hypothalamus. Input is also quite similar, analogous, only the modular

structures are different.

26. The above immunological processes are under heavy psychic influence basically,

similarly to the neuroendocrinological ones.

27. The “psychic” effect is simultaneously present in neuroendocrine and immune

processes, at the same location and according to the same principle of functioning;

moreover, the hypothalamus is the area in which the majority of the cerebral binding

sites for cytokines are located, at the same place with the control region of emotions

and temper. To all likelihood, these three levels – psychic, neuroendocrinological and

immunological – are in molecular biological interrelation with one another at one


130 CMDT, pp. 775-776. 131 NELSON, pp.22-23.


According to my bold hypothesis, the search for the shared molecular biological layers

of psycho-neuroendocrino-immunological control should be conducted in this


If that holds true, we can provide no less than psychosomatic basic modeling codes (at

the level of the whole of the brain; – see cycles I and II of the previous chapter –

between the complete autoimmune system, and infections and tumors). All this could

be utilized as a more effective immunomodulatory method in the treatment of AIDS,

cancer or autoimmune diseases, while we could solve the code-system of

psychosomatics using the PET-MRI technique.

PS: All this is just a hypothesis but can be proved simply in the long run: if the attack

points of cytokines in the central nervous system are switched off, it can be exactly

and significantly examined whether the total immune effect changes or not, or is it

only the fever that decreases, if, e.g., alpha interferon is administered.

If immunological tests can detect really significant differences, we have found the

central switchboard of the psycho-neuro-endocrino-immunological axis, which is the

supreme control principle in psychosomatics itself.



Appendix I

A complex biopsychological, human psychological and human anthropological approach

to homosexuality and lesbianism132

Homosexuality as a nozological category is rather an anthropological approach than a

pathological one.

Problem formulation133

The term ’homosexuality’, which has its origins in 19th century medicine134, does not betray

anything about the scientifically objective and empirically subjective notions of the meaning

behind. In the present paper I will show that though we are in 2005 we know no more of the

term than before either objectively or in the subjective psychological science. We do not

know its causes either in biology or in society, nor do we know psychological highlights of its

empirical experience. We do know however that it is not merely sexuality for which purpose

132 Published in: Simon Lehel – Forgó Zsuzsanna: „A pszichodinamika módszertani lehetősége a kortárs

homoszexualits-kutatásban. (Egy új kutatási szemlélet vázlata)”, Anthropolis 3.1, 2006/1, (III.évf., 1.szám)

Felelős szerk: Frida Balázs, pp. 156-170

133 See: Simon Lehel – Forgó Zsuzsanna: „A pszichodinamika módszertani lehetősége a kortárs homoszexualits-

kutatásban. (Egy új kutatási szemlélet vázlata)”, Anthropolis 3.1, 2006/1, (III.évf., 1.szám) Felelős szerk: Frida

Balázs, 156-170.

134 This is a medical term from 1869 coined by Karl Maria Benkert which considers homosexuality as a

phenomenon within sexuality, downgrading it to sexual intercourse, see: . McLaren 2002: 134. Later both gays

and lesbians protested in several ways against this simplification, and so the English term “gay” was born

meaning “nice, attractive, funny” referring to increased psychosocial attractivity; see as above pp. 226-261. In

Hungarian the term “meleg” refers to increased sensibility. Professor Erwin J. Haaberle a contemporary

researcher suggested that simplifying qualms like homo-“sexual” should be ultimately avoided, see: The

European survey of the Robert Koch institute : http://www2.hu-

berlin.de/sexology/HUDOK/html/a_robert_koch_in And yet even they could not find a more sophisticated term:

we are now trying to provide a methodology for just that.


the term homophilia was coined, which in itself is also polysemous, whereas the terms ’gay’,

or its alternative ’queer’ have more meanings even nowadays, and are not accepted as a term

by clinicals dominated science.

My question is simple: How are the scientific descriptions of the term ’homosexuality’, and

the homosexual experience that is homosexuality as empirical experience linked? What does

it mean for those who experience it, and what does it mean to examine it, even independently

from orientation? And to take it a step further; what does it mean to examine it from an

insider’s or an outsider’s point of view?

Moreover, the psychological character must also be differentiated, which is quite another

phenomenon than defining gender identity. Defining the identity of sexual orientation is also

independent from this topic. Muscarella demonstrated in 2001135 that only 20-40% of people

with previous homosexual experience declare themselves to be gay. The orientation of a gay

person is homosexuality, and the identity of orientation is same sex attraction. Its role is

neither orientation, nor identity dependent. Gender identity is however male in case of

homosexuals, and female in case of lesbians. A totally different category is the transposition

of gender identity: transsexuality. Transsexuality is on the other hand not identical with

transvestism, which is an exchange of gender roles, but not gender identities. According to an

American study actually most transvestites are heterosexuals.136 This means that a

heterosexual man and a heterosexual woman swap roles during the act of sex. This however

does not mean any change in either their orientation or the identities. Thus we can create a

precise net of dynamics which facilitates simultaneous statistical, dynamic, and sociocultural

examination of homosexuality and its related fields using the results of gender studies offering

total and probably higher potential for significance to the sciences, such as genetics. It does

not acknowledge though the exclusivity of genetics, only its factor trait. It is simultaneously

both open for the history of culture, cultural anthropology, and sciences. Our model is

therefore an anthropological and not a clinical one, but at the same time it is a psychological

one. Homosexuality creates a science out of its own value orders and excludes all exterior

normative factors of a scientific examination.

135 Bereczkei 2003: 198-203. 136 Berkow (szerk.): 1994: 1615.


A sketchy attempt at the solution of the problem

Are clinicals or anthropology more promising in interpreting male and female


The Abrahamian, Freudian psychogenetic system137 basically links homosexuality to state one

and two of anal fixation (claiming that the emotional and psychosexual developement of

homosexuals had lagged behind in a certain phase of childhood: between age 1-3). Arising

from this are two different interactive character patterns, one internalises authority

compulsively and the other loosing authority, like psychopathy (as an analogy to faeces).

Let us examine the clinical interpretations, and let’s look at the theoretical weaknesses of the

clinical model. It differentiates between two extremes (internalising authority on the one hand

and rejecting authority on the other, also as an analogy of faeces), but what the intermediate

range is, is not defined, although it is right there in the anthropological dimension of


Due to its methodical weakness the Szondi test using psychoanalytical theoretical

axioms and embedded in a psychoanalytical context can only characterise psychological states

as ‘double extremes’, practically between the two extremes. Based on the intuition profile of

the test it represents homosexuality, which is considered pathological, in abnormal

dichotomies like unconditional surrender versus regression of self, altruism vesus narcism,

latent masochism versus sadism. Extreme projection on the one hand and extreme

internalisation on the other138; the two are polar opposites of each other. The same polarity is

conveyed in the Rorschach-test (dichotomy of excess projection and regression of self), which

also looks for solutions rooted in analysis in case of sexual responses139. (This again based on

the analogy of expelling and keeping back faeces.)

The symbolic psychological expression of these authority relations– using Adler’s

logic but Freud’s symbolism – is anal erotics, meaning organ symbolism only and nothing

more. It does not mean “faeces” analogies, the anus as an organ is subject to psychological

character relations, but the character pattern is not subject to the organ. Homosexuality is

therefore not identical with anal erotics – like so many think; anal erotics is just one and only

one manifestation of same sex attraction.

137 Laplanche – Pontalis 1988 (in Hungarian translation 1994: 36-38.) item: „Análszadisztikus szakasz” 138 Lukács 1996: 21-28.

139 See: „Szexuális válaszok” a Rorschach-tesztben, in. Mérei 2002: 410-415.


The Szondi test model actually works as if –taking laymen’s terminology- we always

defined “green” as the addition of “yellow” and “blue”; we do guess “green”, but we do not

know anything about “green”. Though less frequently stressed these days let’s not forget that

the Szondi test’s hit ratio of homosexuality is rather high (though there is no statistical data

available to prove it), but due to the above reasons it does not know it. That’s why the

phenomenon is so delicate an issue when examining gays and lesbians emetically, but even

more delicate when examining them clinically. What would then be the up-to-date theoretical

and practical solution of this sensitive item?

Let’s examine the model which assumes that the natural ‘mean’ of

internalisation and attractive dominance is homosxuality (we can perhaps accept this), but

what it really is can not be revealed either by psychoanalists, or contemporary psychologists.

So they justify the paradoxon, claiming that humans are altruistic, narcistic, projecting and

self-regressing and all at the same time. Such dichotomies also appear as stereotypes in the

society, though in a more primitive form. Expressis verbis: ‘dominantly homosexual’, ‘closet

queen’, ’closeted-pressing homosexual’, ‘semi-homosexual’, ‘agressive homosexual’, etc. It

is clear that neither extreme is tenable, but saying this we have done a psychological-social

stereotype analysis. Our program as manifested in the present article tries to describe

homosexuality and lesbianism in their own anthropological definitions in a way to make these

psychological stereotypes illegitim. At the same time however we do not refuse analysing

streotypes. We are staying within the boundaries of the discipline psychology, but out of its

contemporary approach. Our whole program as a proposal at solution is aimed at this. What

exactly is it? What is exactly the psychological motif in the social dynamics of homosexuality

as well as in individual experience, examination, orientation and identity? This same

dichotomy appears in the dualistic interpretation of the assumed effect of vasopressin140;

independent sexualism, strong empathic bond. We can try to overstep the two extremes and

staying within the boundaries of the model we can define what the mean is like. Namely the

American Psychiatry Society had cut homosexuality from the list of diseases back in 1973,

even before DSM-III, and it is not in the present DSM-IV R either141.

We can constitute a totally different model for the phenomenon if we accept the

anthropological model known by the homosexual socioculture since the Antique according to

which the homosexual relationship is an authority relation with the self authority absolutely

accepting the authority of the other and so becoming the authority of self and vice versa (see

140 See: Second chapter, explained in the biological passage 141 See: DSM-IV TEXT REVISION, Animura kiadó, Bp., 2001.


our classical example; Akilies and Patroklos as interpreted by Plato142). The phenomenon is

interpreted as authority by modern psychiatry as well the problem being only that it is unable

to define the self-authority of the individual and its relation of interaction. Based on the above

dichotomy it is only able to describe two extremes, devotion as an object (as mother) and

subject-narcistic psychopathy in the oral phase (age 0-1, Freud143) as well as in the oedipal

trajectory144; consequently we are back into the above dichotomy, it is just that we do not

know the subjective reality. We can not disregard these facts as they had provided the

theoretical grounds for compulsive rehabilitation therapy for more than 100 years without any

empirical knowledge. Moreover we will show that these prejudices are not just 100 years old

but as old as 2800.

Let’s now examine what the homosexual character is like according to our authority

model; as the narcistic type experiences its self-authority more intensively it is not

pathological, because this same narcism is the characteristic of an independent, self-attractive

self. On this is built an open and independent self-image which in its interaction is associated

with keeping itself completely intact and thus experiencing the authority of the other; this

represents the emic homosexual values, like tolerance and empathy. As a consequence

internal values do not exclude, on the contrary they are based on attractivity like attractivity is

based on narcism. This is a reflex, a mutual feedback process145 in which internal values and

external dominance can not be differentiated; both individually and in homosexual interaction

they are mutually presumed. Thus neither psychiatric extreme can stand up to test, neither is

“the” homosexuality. As it is the majority of the heterosexuals does not understand that open

sexuality and internality are not two different units as they conceptualise it giving rise to

accusations like “promiscuity” as an assumed heterosexual norm. Open sexuality can function

without internality, but this openness is the same as the positive value of attractivity since

gays and lesbians recognise their own values in the authority of the other and through this

they can experience their own authority. These are not two different processes but an emic

unit of anthropological nature. We offer a new characteristic model for same sex attraction,

which however is not a whole personality image, since authority is above some value which

142 Platón 1984: 350-351. 143 Both analytical theories are based on the assumed dichotomies of the above psychological theory; they are

usually treated together with anal fixation, even their resources are the same: see Freud’s and Virág’s works in

footnote 4.

144 As above 145 Lacan: A tükörstádium mint az én funkciójának kialakulása, in. Thalassa, 1993, II, pp. 5-10.


on its own is not defined. Therefore there is no homosexual personality. The evolutionary

psychological models, which assume that homosexuality has genetic, biological and

sociological functions, can have a psychological probability146 based on such a character

pattern; the adaptive function of homosexuality gets namely really validated via such a

sociocharacter. This adaptive and in the adaptivity emotionally caring, so called assertive

function has frequently been present. Evolutionary psychology and its forerunners in science

presumed an increased ability for empathy in homosexuals and it has also recently been

proved group emphatically147.

B. Within the emic anthropology

Homosexuality has always been present in high culture and this – in our view – could

only be achieved due to the fact that the sensibility and attractive maleness of this character

are one and the same state. The male sense, the male esthetics in art has always been

represented by homosexuals, from the antique Phaidros148 and Alkibiades149, Bondel or

Richard the Lionheart150 to Rimbauld151 and well into the 20th century. Márta Csabai remarks

that heterosexual males in the 70s were actually dressed by homosexual fashion gurus like

Gucci152. But we could just as easily mention professions based on male senses, like

modeling, dancing, painting or writing poetry. Why then this big antagonism on the part of

heterosexual men? Where does homophobia originate from? What Freud considers as anal

fixation is basically a widely different psychological development: reversing Freud quoting

Adler153 “from the organ the soul speaks”. We can differentiate this also through the Lacanian

146 Bereczkei 2003: 198-203. 147 See: Wilson, 1978; and contemporary empirical research, e.g. Salais and Fischer, 1995; as above 148 Plato 1984: Vol.2. pp. 711-809 149 Plato 1984: Vol.1. pp. 1002-1003 150 Blondel used to be the gay friend of Richard the Lionheart, see: Eszenyi Miklós: Adalékok a homoszexualitás középkori történetéhez, in. Valóság 99./1. pp. 43-56. 151 Arthur Rimbauld’s gay love to Paul Verlaine is common knowledge so much so that it is taught in secondary

schools, as almost his whole penmanship can be dated back to this period. (In Hungarian secondary school

education lesbians are only represented by Sappho, gays by Verlaine and Rimbauld, whereas this motif is never

mentioned in case of Plato’s Feast. It cites the recently cancelled notorious British paragraph 28 which

prohibited teachers the mention of homosexuality in the presence of under 18s: Kraepelin in paedagogics?)

152 See: Márta Csabai: A test felöltöztetése. A szépség, a divat és az önmegjelenítés összefüggései, in: Csabai-

Erős 2002: pp. 97-105

153 Adler 2000: 293-305.: item: Individuálpszichológia (written by Kárpáti Gyöngyvér)


abjection models. We have all the reason to suppose that authority relations of homosexuals

are more sophisticated than that of heterosexuals, and then heterosexuals will abject their own

authority fears such as loss of dominance to homosexuals. Xenophobia can be exactly

interpreted like this with the appearance of the ‘alien’ among heterosexuals, but in individual

and community context in the abjection processes in the above choice of object by

homosexuals. We can now have an alternative psychodynamic model as a clue; let’s examine

the sexualanthropological analysis of homosexual prostitutes who experience the anal act as

loss of authority, whereas homosexuals consider it psychosexually as absolutely normal154.

Why is that so? Because in cultural dichotomy these hetero fears appear exactly like in

psychiatry. Early Christian churchmen sharply differentiate between active and passive

homosexuality155 just like psychiatry born about a 100 years ago does, whereas now we do

know that these are not part of the character, just character roles. But if we go further back, in

the old Greek homosexual culture the homosexual relationship was legitimized on the basis of

heterosexual boundaries; male maitresse – boy lover, whereas they were afraid of anal

intercourse and therefore adult homosexual intercourse was limited. This was also introduced

in the law (see Scantinia bills156), which did not allow young boys anal intercourse in

exchange for their freedom; anal penetration was only allowed with slaves157.

If we look at this phenomenon at the social level like in Plato’s State158,

homosexuality worked flawlessly, like a sociocharacteristic (soldiers were for example

educated not only to be brave, and devoted, but their sensibility was also important, and

achieved by musical education, as Plato had already recognized that thus a homosexual elite

troop can be kept together). Meanwhile at the level of the individual character, considering

the above, the Greeks of the Antique behaved in a heterosexual way. All this is just a question

of socioculture. Just to illustrate the complexity of the phenomenon here is a counterexample.

The SA lads in Hitler’s time showed the features of the socioculture159; sensibility among

themselves, dominance and courage towards the outer world whereas their homosexuality

never even reached the level where they would have acknowledged it, thus they protected

themselves with their abjection, which got expressed as homophobia in condemning the

154 http://www.2.hu-berlin.de/sexology/HUDOC/html/pornografia_mu... („pornography”- past, present and future) 155 See: Eszenyi Miklós: Adalékok a homoszexualitás középkori történetéhez, in. Valóság 99./1. pp. 43-56. 156 Foucault 1999: III. pp. 197-237 157 As above and Dover 2001: 33-37. 158 Plato 1984: Vol.2. pp.956-957 159 McLaren 2002: pp.172-193.; and Grau 2001: pp. 62-67


individual character, and turned into the starting point of the holocaust of the homosexuals160.

Consequently we must differentiate between socioculture, sociocharacter and individual

character. Out of collective homosexuality there will never be an individual character, just as

the individual character does not depend on sociocultural patterns and social models. This is

proved by the fact that there have always been representatives of homosexual characteristics,

even when it was made possible neither by sociocharacter nor by socioculture. In sum, one

homosexual experience will never turn somebody homosexual, and vice versa, a person who

is homosexual because of his or her individual character has not become one on the basis of

one or two sexual experiences. In the same way we have to differentiate between sexual and

orientational identities, since we have seen that the sexual identity in case of homosexuals is

male, and as such it means a different experience and social status in different sociocultures.

There is at the same time an orientation, and an acknowledgable identity thereof, which

however does not even occur in case of sociocultural phenomena (the ancient Greek as a

matter of fact did not know what the homosexuality on its own was)161. And all these can be

found in different sociocultures, with differing intra- and interactive individual and public

judgement. In a study such as the present one all these must be differentiated and

integrated162. Males with a female identity are on the other hand transsexual163, whereas

homosexuals have a male identity, it is just that their orientation is a same-sex one. In case of

homosexual transvestites the sexual identity is male, their orientation is homosexual, but their

role is that of a female. Furthermore this should not be mistaken for sexual roles; one of my

interviewees for example is definitely active in his sexual role however he regularly dresses

like a woman; these are different nozological categories164.

C: Beyond anthropology

We are talking about the necessity of a psychodynamic method which has been treated

peripherally or even concealed by homosexuality-studies so far, for the “gay and lesbian

revolution” mostly took place within sociology and as such the individual dynamic motif

never shifted into the center. Thus it is a paradox in theoretical science to claim that

160 As above 161 They did not have a term for it, just a viewpoint (the author): this was a natural and kohesive social power

(see the Plato works mentioned)

162 See: Simon Lehel: A melegség „egyetemes” szociokultúrája (being proofread) 163 See: McLaren 2002: pp. 127-130 164 See: MSD Orvosi Kézikönyv. (The Marck Manual), Szerk: Robert Berkow M.D., 16. Ed., Melania Kiadó Kft., Bp., 1994, p. 1569


homosexuality is only different orientation without any mental background. Just as

meaningless are the deterministic psychological models. How can then the homosexual-

friendly theory be found which would be both anthropologically valid and psychologically

correct? It may perhaps be stated that this is a special personality representation, nothing

more, nothing less. But this personality representation can be, what’s more must be studied;

there is no need to set up a counter-standard to logically eliminate it, from which it follows

that it is a paradox. This would be the first time beyond Foucault to face homosexuality and

lesbianism: the topic of study is the acknowledged homosexual values. The dominance of

sociology in the profession is historically positive in as much as it has broken down several

stereotypes, it is just that it has not yet found the individual, humane aspect of homosexuality

and lesbianism, it practically “demystified” it.

Who will for instance professionally decide about the adoption of a child by a

homosexual couple? The personality psychologist... As the psychiatrists do when deciding

about transsexual transformational surgeries, while transsexuality has never been cut from

DSM165. Another disease category, another reason to prove that personality psychology

working with the current clinical standards has not been prepared for this task; we can safely

claim that it is inapt. The solution however is not that the homosexual movement should avoid

psychology, but that it should follow the rather difficult route outlined above in order to gain

psychological legitimacy. We hope to realize this research intention some time. The result of

Muscarella’s166 survey stating that only 20-40% of all of those who have had some

homosexual experience claim to be gays and lesbians can now be explained. Just like with the

Greeks, for whom homosexual experience during adolescence had often been socially

acceptable and legitimate, but did not necessarily mean homosexuality167. We will

most probably have to follow the Adlerian principle according to which the social pattern and

genetics are two different entities168, but can only be treated together. A genetically coded

homosexual having an individual character in the learning process will namely produce the

same as somebody just participating in the collective character. The individual homosexual

165 See: . DSM-IV-TEXT REVISION 2001 166 Bereczkei 2003: pp. 198-203 167 Renee E. Sieving, Jennifer A. Oliphant, Robert Wm. Blum: Serdülőkori szexuális magatartás és az egészséges szexualitás; in. Gyermekgyógyászati Továbbképző Szemle (8. évfolyam, 5. szám, 2003. október). The authors come up with a statistics totally different from Kinsey with respect to teenage homosexuality, moreover the data are not within the sigbificance boundaries (see: Oliphant et al.:20-21%, Kinsey: above 36%; see McLaren 2002: pp.197-201 168 Adler 2000: pp. 293-305.: item: Individuálpszichológia (written by: Kárpáti Gyöngyvér)


character will not change according to social patterns. The homosexual sociocharacter will not

become homosexual, but there are conflicts between the collective and individual character

(see ancient Greeks who had had no individual homosexuality image; they were homosexual

collectively). This is the way we explain the evolutionary psychological model, according to

which both society and biology simultaneously need the homosexual characteristic and the

sociocharacteristic, they will be driven socially and biologically. We can therefore explain the

necessity of the genetics of homosexuality, as the social necessity of homosexuality based on

the above Adlerian principle, and all that can be formulated with the help of a contemporary

human sociobiological approach, but projected back into the total human history of culture, as

it had not been said by the researchers who are likely to start the investigation of

homosexuality with the year 1869 or 1969169.

Post scriptum: The chaos is even bigger in case of lesbians, as psychology set up extreme

autonomy and extreme tenderness to function as dichotomy, whereas it excluded femininity

from this dichotomy170. In contrast, in an anthropological model tenderness results from

autonomy and fully represents femininity. A bisexual girl can give herself totally over to a

woman, in fact due to this autonomy, whereas she only gives some of herself to a man;

something of her own autonomy, her attractivity. At the same time all these scientific

prejudices are based on the fact that men are intrigued by this exaggerated femininity, but the

moment the man is not part of it all, she turns into an “autonomous lesbian”. This trend can be

observed throughout the history of culture, through the devalued, and strictly guarded women

of the ancient Greeks, through the increased tolerance of lesbians to the Freudian crook.

Unfortunately this dichotomy makes it even more impossible these days to do scientific

research of a wider scope in the field of lesbianism than to study homosexuality; here we must

namely consider three patterns: general feminine features in their own right, the ambivalent

attitude of heterosexual men and the relationship with the homosexual subculture, which had

changed with times.

The lesbian “butch” (the stereotype of the dominant, decisive lesbian woman), and the

“femme” (the stereotype of the tender, caring woman) can not be considered characters, just

roles, as the lesbian tenderness, or autonomous attractivity are one and the same character: the

169 See: Simon Lehel: A melegség „egyetemes” szociokultúrája (manuscript) 170 See: Freud’s view about excess autonomy being the reason for lesbianism, at the expense of femininity;

Freud had linked this to clithorality. These days it is only considered history of science, see: McLaren 2002: pp.



butch – femme duality does not symbolize a lesbian woman, it only symbolizes what a lesbian

can turn into in a given character situation and environmental pattern. This is of course not a

male-female duality either as many a heterosexual man thinks. This contrast is less direct than

the homosexual active-passive role – at least according to biases of the heterosexual system of



The attitude system of an individual with a homosexual individual character does not

usually come about after one or two experiences, just as it is also highly likely that it is

genetically determined; while the homosexual sociocharacter does not turn into individual

homosexual: homosexuality would not spread like the father of psychiatry, Kraepelin assumed

in the 1920s171, and like it is accepted by common people’s way of thinking till today.

With this experimental method hopefully not only a new dialogue can be started between

tendencies in the humanities and social sciences (which until now was rather stalled between

psychology and sociology), but we can provide genetic, anatomical and scientific models with

an adequate statistical measuring potential they have not had so far – because of internal

clashes of approaches within the humanities. Genetics for instance does not differentiate

between homo- and transsexuals in its statistical analyses172. This can be scientifically

justified because humanities and social sciences do not unequivocally offer this possibility of

differentiation to genetics. Therefore many geneticists do not behave loyally either with the

sociologists, or even less with psychologists. The reason for the conflict between humanities

and social sciences is the unfulfilled demand for precision, which originates from the

theoretical inconvertability of the conceptual network of humanities and social sciences. Our

article is the conceptual basis of creating this possibility for conversion.

171 Polish extremist protesters demanded this same nazi “eugenic” method in Warsaw in June 2005 – in big masses. See: HVG, 2005. június 25. XXVII. évfolyam, 25. szám p. 35 Perhaps this signals the relationship between society and psychiatry, and genocide, and not just in a theoretical sense.


Appendix II

The options of a comprehensive biopsychological study of the topic Biology and

sociology – a question to be answered173

On the basis of our current knowledge, more precisely on the basis of the study174 of identical

twins, homosexuality depends equally on genetics and environmental factors, whereas in case

of Drosophila melanogaster the same Xq gene section resulted in a 10% homosexuality in

1999175.Constructivity, and essentialism in the sexual sciences often seem to be at opposing

ends though this is not the case and one can not be defined without the other176. I will not go

into philosophical-metaphysical differentiation177, I will content myself with the definitions of

the radical “queer theory”178, or rather I will demonstrate its flaws.

“Queer theory” actually can only give a negative definition of essentialism, which according

to the theory builds stereotypes on the basis of “prescientific”, “preliminary”, “deterministic”

and “normative” judgements before /with a free social construction. This only carries

pseudoscientific notions179. Based on this negative essentialism concept, psychoanalysis

which is carrying developmental-mental, unconscious determinism, moreover all normative

psychologies and also genetics get bracketed.

172 Hamer-Copeland 1999 (in Hungarian translation 2005: pp. 151-188.) 173 In print: Lehel Simon – Zsuzsanna Forgó: The Genetics and the Sociology in the Homosexuality Research: Toward a New Anthropological Approach, translated by: Levente Szilágyi, Anthropolis English Volume (2006/2), Felelős szerk: Frida Balázs 174 Hamer-Copeland 1999 (in Hungarian translation 2005) 175 See: Szendi as above 176 Lehel Simon-Zsuzsanna Forgó: The Genetics and the Sociology in the Homosexuality Research: Toward a

New Antropological Approachh, Anthropolis, in English (főszerk.: Frida Balázs), 2006/2.

177 For example the “reality-essenciality”duality of the Aristotelian St.Thomas of Aquino in: Aquinoi 1993: pp.

55-81. This is just a metaphysical concept in the topic, the history of philosophy naturally knows about a lot

more interpretations.

178 The queer theory is based on gender studies; it grew out of the radical gay movement into an independent

sociocultural, and now also scientific discipline. See in: Jagose 1996 (in Hungarian translation 2003: pp. 75-95.);

and in. McLaren 1999 (in Hungarian translation 2002: pp. 271-274.)

179 Jagose 1996 (in Hungarian translation 2003: pp. 63-75.)


It is obvious that this is a negative definition, as the psychoanalytical homosexuality-

concept180 considers homosexuality to be a developmental and therefore unconscious

“deviation”, and as such it is not based on genetics either. The role of psychoanalysis is rather

important from the point of view of the philosophy of science since the “inverted” –concept181

has also got an analytical root, which has infused public thinking up to the present day. If we

lay out the Freudian homosexuality-vision182 we will at once see its weak points. In the

Freudian system the mother-dominance forms the stance already in the oral-narcistic period,

in the “homosexuality development” the mother takes over the object function, as an object,

and the subject function of its own as subject. This means that the gay person considers

himself to be the passive subject of the eternal motherly love, who at the same time hands

down this love, as “mother”. That is he expects motherly love, but at the same time he is both

the object and the subject of it. This is why the “primary experience” can be terrible for the

Werewolf (1916), as an external aggression on the mother-child relationship. The gay man in

this sense is “subject-narcistic”183, who at the same time offers himself as “object” – the

object of motherly love – in the narcism of motherly love. Based on this the speculation of

“anal fixation” is evident (which the Rohrschach test for instance takes over from Freud

without a new subject matter (sic!))184. This is theoretically reduced to an infinite passive

authority-acceptance (subject-narcism), and to the ejection of authority as object,

psychopatoid aggression. What’s more both are presupposed by the other, like for instance in

the tests of Lipót Szondi185 considered a structuralist now, but thinking along the lines of an

analytic network. This ambivalence is expressed in the stereotype-test the stereotypical,

empirically never falsified test the narcistic-altruistic, and the selfregressive-projecting

dualities. This same passivity-sadism anal ambivalence is present in Freud, in his “Werewolf”

essay, and in Mona Lisa’s smile – in Freud’s Leonardo-interpretation.186

180 Psychoanalysis considered homosexuality to be a developmental, subconscious (so called psychogenetic) phenomenon from as early as the 1910s. The main researcher of the Freudian psychogenetics was Karl Abraham See: in: . Laplanche-Pontalis 1988 (in Hungarian translation 1994: pp. 314-315, pp. 36-38.) 181 McLaren 1999 (in Hungarian translation 2002: pp.155-171.) 182 Freud 1917 (in Hungarian translation 1998: pp.77-188.); and. Freud 1912 (in Hungarian translation 2001: pp. 115-120.) 183 See Freud’s term in his essay on narcism in: Laplanche-Pontalis 1988 (in Hungarian translation 1994: pp.


184 See: „Szexuális válaszok” Rorschach-tesztben, in. Mérei 2002: pp. 410-41 185 Lukács 1996: pp. 21-28.

186 Freud 1998: pp. 77-188.; and Freud 2001: pp. 115-120


This way we get to the “collective incest prohibition”187 in the course of which Freud

thinks in dichotomies like: mother-child, subject-object, anal passivity-aggression and

humaneness-sadism. For Freud the homosexuality enveloped into a motherly hull can

onlyrelive its narcistic frustration and the passive-sadistic object relationship188 due thereafter

in these latent, or manifested extremes. As “mistaken heterosexual” (Freud’s concept) he is

unable to approach a woman as an “inverted man”189. These are the psychoanalytic

dichotomies and the interpretations of homosexuality in externally understood extremes.

Anything that we can only see in extremes is not its own self; and to this particularly

the homosexual movement, and the queer-movement lend a helping hand while they make a

parody of the absurdities of this concept. One such example is the extreme reduction of “tops

and bottoms”190 (actives and passives), which becomes a parody of itself, thus protesting

against the above dichotomies for instance. The homosexuals are as a matter of fact not

invertedly frustrated in their own anthropological manifestation, but rather attractive, in their

authority relationships they notoriously emphasize the role of ‘pride’, they are not just objects

or subjects, but in their partnerships they simultaneously represent determination and


We can witness a science model of Foucault’s192, in which the real anthropological

representation is different from the standard which held itself for 80 years, which “dictated the

reality”, as the standard was not about the homosexuals.

The situation is the same with the lesbians, where the Freudian stereotype of the “bastard

clithoral woman”193 has become a nonsense by now.

Would not psychoanalysis play a role in the 21st century as several Kinseyan sexologists


As a matter of fact Freudian claims in the Foucault sense have failed... But we should not

forget that homosexuals’ own values (like selfsufficient dignity, attractive appearance and

aura, or even the empathy-tolerance relationship)195 appear as psychologically intra- and

187 Freud’s term according to the above (the author) 188 It is worth turning to a contemporary Freudian, see: Virág 1994: p. 105 189 Freud strived to find the early stages of heterosexuality in homosexuals, see in: McLaren 2002: 155-171. 190 McLaren 2002: p. 254-261. 191 As above 192 Foucault 1984 (in Hungarian translation 1999: Vol.1. p.19-53.) 193 McLaren 2002: pp. 155-171 194 See: . Erwin J. Haeberle’concept: http://www.2.hu-berlin.de/sexology/HUDOC/html/az_ember_szexua...

(„Az ember szexuális fejlődésének régi és új modelljei”) (“Old and new models of the developement of human

sexual behaviour”) 195 McLaren 2002: pp. 155-171


interactive authority concepts. These are identical with the way psychoanalysis thinks, but not

identical with what it claims.

Consequently we can only say that the psychoanalytical symbolism, parabolism is

adequate, but the heterosexual speculation based on it –in the Faucaultian sense196- does not

demonstrate homosexuality and lesbianism out of its self worth. This is not the way to think

in extremes, because then heterosexuality could be characterized as for example: severe

compulsive possession-jealousy, etc. (this dichotomy is less of a problem with homosexuals,

and it is much less emphasized).

At the same time it must be noted that while during anal intercourse in case of heterosexual

gay prostitutes the action means loss of authority, this is quite natural for gays, but at the same

time the authority relationship the authority communication is different. (It might so happen

that we deal with a different character and not with a dead end in the development of


Psychoanalysis in this sense is all at once negatively essentialist, for it places the reason for

homosexuality in the subconscious deep layers for which it then lines up its whole theoretical

apparatus – not giving a definite, for instance psychogenetic answer -, moreover it considers

homosexuality a “mistaken heterosexuality”197. In this context on this basis it is also

exaggeratedly constructivist, as it does not portray homosexuality, but its extreme and

inadequate image.

Here it could be a radical step to reintroduce the Adlerian conception198 according to which

the organ is the symbol of the soul, and the “body talks” on the basis of the soul. The body

according to Adler is namely the actual stage of the psychological symbolism; each bodily

phenomenon is a manifestation of a psychological imagery. The body is nothing else but the

portrayability of these psychological actions. Consequently the body does not convey a

symbolic act of its own, as this is formed by psychological motifs in the background. In this

sense homosexuality is not connected to the anus, on the contrary the anus expresses certain

differentiated psychological contents as a speaking organ. Looked at it this way but not

196 Foucault claimed that whatever the 20th century psychiatry thinks about same sex attraction is nothing else

but a historical social stereotype. See in: Foucault 1984 (in Hungarian translation 1999: Vol. 1. p. 19-53.) 197 See: . http://www.2.hu-berlin.de/sexology/HUDOC/html/pornografia_mu... („Pornography”- past, present

and future”) 198 See: A. Adler: Tanulmány a szervek kisebb értékűségéről, in. Szőnyi-Füredi (szerk.) 2000: pp. 293-305.:

Item: „individuálpszichológia” (written by Kárpáti Gyöngyvér)


doubting the content results of the analysis it must be claimed that homosexuality has a

special personality representation which of course can not embrace the whole of the

personality yet it can be psychologically researched and differentiated. As it is not a complex

personality, moreover it appears in each gay and lesbian in a different individual form and

context, there can not be a general psychopathology in case of homosexuality. An individual

anthropological-psychological model of homosexuality can however be assumed in such a

conceptual model. Therefore we can speak about gays and lesbians with their own individual

values rather than “twisted” homosexuality, and in the former the anal sexuality expresses

both in an analytical and symbolical sense the authority relations, but it is not its “fixation”,


The “queer theory”199 tries to resolve the classical Freudian view completely – like an

stereotypical essentialism -, but having seen the above differentiation this radicalism on its

own can not be justified, however, together with psychology it provides a valuable game

model, as shown by the “tops and bottoms” parody. Its social aftermath in itself is a justified

scientific result. The constructivism concept of the “queer theory” itself is a negative

definition, as the only thing that is scientific in the interpretation is what is “only


Naturally if I look at man as an anthropological unit the internal values can not be reduced to

principles of negative definitional axioms. “Man can not be prescribed”, not even as

prescriptively200 as many a psychologist did it in the 20th century: we cannot speak about a

general psychological “theorem”, man cannot be imagined as the subject of only social

constructs, while subjecting the individual subjective values of man to concepts. So the

negative definition of constructivism against essentialism cannot hold its ground, and vice


199 Jagose 2003: pp. 63-75. 200 But to quote others than the classics: a general Hungarian medical course book in 1973 (sic!) Trencséni (ed.)

1973) discusses neurology together with psychiatry. In the book Juhász Pál defines the phenomenon

categorically as:

A: Psychopathy

B: Intuition-psychopathy

C: Homosexuality, see pp. 1305-1309

Here the author remarks that this is a pathological status, but in order to inhibit its spreading it must also be

punished: a Kraepelinian viewpoint in 1953; Foucault may after all be right when he considers psychiatry and

social standards to be one and the same?


A positive definition is needed and we can only provide it if we do not confront the

individual, inherent values with the synergist learning process and vice versa in a constructive

social relationship. Here evolutionary psychology201 appears, which considers society to be a

survivor of the biological organism, and does not handle social and biological correlations

separately. Parallelly it does not discuss social values independently, approaching it from the

humanities and so it is lagging way behind in being justified by the social sciences. We

actually support this social value with our research, with the results of the

humanesociobiological results of the evolutionary psychology and vice versa; from

evolutionary psychology to anthropology, and classical culture, for example to ancient Greek

philology.202 Several trends have been wrestling in the past 50-100 years, but none has been

able to reach the level of empirical evidence, all have remained to be knowledge sociology.

Psychoanalysis203 has never been able to prove its claims based on prejudices, and forming

prejudices in the Faucaultian sense; they have not been fit to be proved or refuted empirically

from the ground up. Psychoanalytical symbolism, parabolism can however be valuable, but

without the matter of fact statements of the Freudian symbolism: symbolism can only be

interpreted in a hermeneutical context. Psychological symbolism is valuable, but the orthodox

psychoanalytical tenets – which by nature cannot be empirically proved – are outdated.

Gender studies, the queer theory was born as a social movement204 and has always been

against the “mainstream” scientific way of thinking, nevertheless its analyses of social

stereotypes – according to the author – are highly valuable.

The Kinseyanism205, and the script model206 based on this is a “statistical revolution”, which

was born after the “Kinsey-test”, but this statistics today does not count as significant207.

(Moreover it dispenses with psychodynamics and considers the statistical sample to be metric

and quantitative. There were endeavors on the part of A.C. Kinsey to make it more dynamic,

but with little success among his followers, it has remained a statement of a problem.)208

201 Bereczkei 2003: pp. 198-203 202 Dover 1989 (in Hungarian translation 2001: pp. 139-209) 203 Freud 1998: pp. 77-188.; and Freud 2001: pp. 115-120

204 Jagose 2003: pp. 19-31.; and McLaren 2002: pp. 271-274 205 McLaren 2002: pp. 197-201 206 See: E.J. Haeberle: http://www.2.hu-berlin.de/sexology/HUDOC/html/az_ember_szexua... („Az ember szexuális fejlődésének régi és új modelljei”) 207 McLaren 2002: pp. 197-201 208 See. E.J. Haeberle: http://www.2.hu-berlin.de/sexology/HUDOC/html/a_homoszexualit... („A homoszexualitás hatálytalanítása Kinsey által”)


We will deal with the problems and results of the genetic conception of homosexuality in

more details.

I do not want to “redeem” the world so to say, I just intend to bridge the gap between

constructivism and essentialism which according to the above conception do not exclude

rather supplement each other. Suppose we accepted the radical constructionist Haeberleian209

stance, it would open the way to conversion of homosexuals from the viewpoint of sexology,

as psychiatry did it ever so often in the 20th century.210

Haeberle on Kinseyan bases claims that homosexuality is a particular form of heterosexuality

without an entity of its own, a kind of learned behaviour.211 This would also imply that this

being the case homosexuals can be “educated” and “made to revert” to heterosexuality.

The most extreme essentialists, geneticists could at the most prove that genetic determination

– if there is such a phenomenon – represents 50-52% of all cases based on identical twins

research. Therefore the problem as a scientific assumption can not be solved either in favor of

essentialism, or constructivism.

In a study of identical twins researchers observed that given one of the twins being

homosexual the likelihood of the other, the “clone” to be homosexual as well was 51% in

female twins and 52 % in males. Thus the ratio of genetic determination and acquired

behavior in homosexuality is roughly 50% respectively.212 Nevertheless, homosexual

experience only contributes to homosexual sense of identity in 20-40% of people

examined213. Genetic interference therefore can not be all exclusive, gene manipulation would

be just as irrational and unnecessary as “conversion”: both however originate from extreme

essentialist or constructivist conceptions.

If on the other hand we want to prove that homosexual experience does not necessarily lead to

homosexual orientation, and even less to homosexual identity and vice versa, and the previous

presence of homosexuality and the homosexual experience in adulthood cannot be changed

then both dangers can be averted. In this sense gays and lesbians cannot be “converted”, their

orientation must be respected (this actually was already stated by a certain Magnus Hirschfeld

209 As above 210 See: E.J. Haeberle: http://www.2.hu-berlin.de/sexology/HUDOC/html/a_homoszexualit... („A homoszexualitás hatálytalanítása Kinsey által”) 211 As above 212 Czeizel-Erős 1995: pp. 197-202.; and Hamer-Copeland 1999 (in Hungarian translation 2005: pp. 151-188.) 213 See: Muscarella’s empirical research, in: Bereczkei 2003: pp. 198-203


in the 20s214), and it can be claimed that homosexuality does not spread. Moreover even gene

manipulation does not mean homosexuality. I quote Dean Hamer from Science:

“The role of genetics in male sexual orientation was investigated by pedigree and linkage

analyses on 114 families of homosexual men. Increased rates of same sex orientation were

found in the maternal uncles and male cousins of these subjects, but not in their fathers or

paternal relatives, suggesting the possibility of sex-linked transmission in a portion of the

population. DNA linkage analysis of a selected group of 40 families in which there were two

gay brothers and no indication of nonmaternal transmission revealed a correlation between

homosexual orientation and the inheritance of polymorphic markers on the X chromosome

(on Xq28) in approximately 64 percent of the sib-pairs tested.”215

Consequently sociocharacter does have a role even if homosexuality does not “spread”

(Kraepelin’s theory of 1928) 216 if we accept the empirical research217 that one homosexual

act does not necessarily lead to homosexual orientation or identity. The explanation is the

turntaking of essentialism and constructivism. Based on their own acknowledgement how

high is the number of the “heterosexuals” who in reality are homosexuals, and vice versa how

many heterosexuals have had homosexual experience. Let’s just consider the ancient Greeks

where homosexuality used to be a sociocharacter. And yet they differentiated between

individual homosexuality in the society (see for instance the “androgyne—theory”218), and

very often they discussed homosexuality along the lines of stereotypes (for example they were

scared of anality, and often they condemned homosexual behavior between two adults219).

Furthermore the ancient Greeks did not have an individual concept for homosexual identity,

just for orientation (see for instance the Eros-concept by Plato, which is metaphysically

broader, but regarding its meaning a narrower term than the current concept of

homosexuality220). But neither were the Japanese geisha girls always homosexual because of

their inclination, this was also a kind of social standard, a sociocharacter221.

214 See: The debate of Emil Kraepelin and Magnus Hirschfeld in: Grau 1993 (in Hungarian translation 2001: pp. 44-57.) 215 See: Dean H. Hamer; Stella Hu; Victoria L. Magnuson; Nan Hu; Angela M. L. Pattatucci: A Linkage Between DNA Markers on the X Cromosome and Male Sexual Orientation, in: Science, New Series, Vol. 261, No. 5119 (Jul. 16, 1993): pp.321-327. 216 See: The debate of Emil Kraepelin and Magnus Hirschfeld in: Grau 1993 (in Hungarian translation 2001: pp.

44-57.) 217 See: Muscarella’ empirical research in: Bereczkei 2003: pp. 198-203 218 See: Plato 1984: Vol. 1. pp. 972-976 219 Dover 1989 (in Hungarian translation 2001: pp. 33-209.) 220 See: Plato 1984: Vol. 1. p. 957 221 Eszenyi Miklós: Adalékok a homoszexualitás középkori történetéhez, in. Valóság, 99/1. pp. 43-56


We can only accept the integrated model here, where the sociocharacter must be

differentiated from the individual character: as long as the individual character cannot be

changed, the sociocharacter will not lead to individual character. Conversion is impossible

and unnecessary (see individual character), while the genetic manipulations according to

contemporary research are dubious, if there exists a biological determination it does not mean

that the person will not be a homophobe, latent homosexual, and this means that we have to

direct our study towards socioculture, as this is already a question of sociocharacter. Thus an

elite homosexual troop “cannot be chosen” purely on the basis of genetics (this phenomenon

was also sociocultural in the Greek society for example in Plato’s Republic “the education of

guardians222), such ideas cannot be realized by purely genetic methods.

The quantitative sociological test by Kinsey surveying a large population caused a huge

scandal in 1948 (as this is common knowledge, so I will not discuss it)223. I only want to

stress that he had gone against psychological dogmata and only wanted to measure and yet

with this move he excluded all dynamics from the system and therefore lots of things are

inexplicable. For example adolescent homosexuality is not regarded to be an adult

homosexual pattern224, or better to say Kinsey does not differentiate between homosexuality,

bisexuality or transsexuality, he does not count with traditions in big populations in other

cultures, and he does not define gender and sexual identities: what is male identity for

homosexuals, is a female one in doctor Vachet’s Pierrette225 (the first transsexual case from

1935, or rather Pierrette is as disgusted by homosexual, as by heterosexual acts)226. In sum,

there are wide differences concerning orientation which Kinsey is not willing to see. His

results are therefore incomparable but only from an objective point of view.

222 See: Plato 1984: Vol. 2. pp. 224-246 223 See: The 0-6 scale of bisexuality, and based on it Kinsey’s empirical results, see also pp. 196-201 224 See article in: Gyermekgyógyászati Továbbképző Szemle, footnote 5: Most cases of homosexuality in the

teenage period are considered to be a learning process, learning their own body on the other’s body, and in this

sense autoerotic, but at the same time the article does not in any way refer to teenagers who know, or feel that

they are gay, and in this sense the statistical data (above 20%) are not interpretable and incomparable with

Kinsey’s indexes above 36% in: McLaren; neither model includes however dynamic, anthropological motives. 225 See: Ld McLaren: Szexualitás pp. 127-130: the first transsexual case as interpreted by the French Freudian, Pierre Vachet in 1935



Gene manipulation is dubious, conversion is unnecessary and this can be proved even

based on our contemporary knowledge, as the social and biological relationship of

homosexuality can not be separated, formed and influenced in any way by only our present

level of knowledge.

Homosexuality does not spread, moreover it cannot be manipulated either socially or

biologically, for example genetically. We can only state such things about the mutual

relationship of sociocharacteristics and determination, but we are still far from this.

Nevertheless this simultaneously biological and social synergy must be recognized in the

correlation of character, sociocharacter and socioculture. This is what I study and would like

to study especially in the future, as the conversation of essentialism and constructivism

without exclusions, which scientifically is “only” a new communication between trends, from

an anthropological point of view.

For gays and lesbians this research is distinctly of a positive purpose, as it excludes

both the manipulative chances, like “conversion”, and society’s accusations with respect to

spreading same sex attraction and at the same time social stereotypes, and so it would like to

eliminate it from both the extreme essentialism, and also from extreme constructivity.

226 See as above, Pierrette is repulsed by being a man with a female prostitute just as he is repulsed by being loved by a gay as a male, since he has a female identity, and this way he wants to experience the love of men.


Future research

We would not do research in the field of the much more costly genetics, but we

would explore the biological-psychological process dynamics via the biological

representation of the PET-test. This way we would realize a sensational novelty, as there

have not even been human MRI experiments only pathological ones.

This means that we might even see together the biological dynamics of over-

excitement, which is a temporary excitement status, but the person in question for

example has no homosexual identity, but acts upon his own actual sexual desire227: most

probably he does not have any genetic determination228. In this sense our research is

both more topical and more than any kind of genetics; but at the same time it is also

much cheaper.

The vasopressin-level of a homosexual excitement can be individually detected in

the already known hypothalamus patterns in case we know their codes. Naturally the

first step to all is to lay out the functional topographic map of these. At the same time

the test is sensitive to a certain psychological influence too, with which we can falsify for

example psychological categories or hypotheses on the basis of biology, that is we can

determine whether they are true, for instance in the issue of homosexual transvesticism,

which is hardly known to psychology, only at a categorial level.

All our hypotheses and phrasing is based in psychostrategy, a direct

representation of which we can see in a PET-diagram if the human hypothesis is correct.

Thus the dualism between humanities and sciences becomes a nonsense and will be

dissolved – in the year 2006 after Descartes.

Ethical summary: we do not want to “heal” the Leonardos, but based on the

adaptionalist model we would like to get to know the positive functionality of the

gay/lesbian attitude. We are doing it relative to heterosexuality and bisexuality and in its

unified complex analysis considering the whole male-female strategy both from the point

of view of humanities and sciences.

I suppose that it visible how natural the unity between different strategies of

various orientations; it is likely that each malformation is the intentional creation of

nature and as we have seen it, definitely positive. There is not much deviation

nozologically, rather topographically. 97

227 See: first chapter


Perhaps we will some time be able to contribute to proving229 the Trevis

Hypothesis (1994) claiming that these malformations are natural and definitely not

pathological, nature intentionally uses them and produces them over and over again...

We would like to prove the homosexual function of the adaptionalist model of

psychology in gay/lesbian biological representations; homosexuality has a function in

that it can create linear and horizontal relationships and alliance between independent

factors which are not blood-related230. We would prove all this biologically and through

the biological representation also psychologically. (All this has been accompanying same

sex attraction ever since the ancient Greek Eros-Hybris relationship231, but this would

make it the topic for empirical research for the first time...

Post scriptum: Evolutionary humanities (anthropology, psychology) are rooted in biology,

they appear as biological theories, while they want to prove biological theories in a human-

scientific way.232 This is a double disciplinary paradox, which we would solve methodically;

we would prove psychological theories via its biological PET-representative, and biological

representatives will be phrased on the basis of psychological theories in a yet unknown field –

in the human hypothalamus233.

228 See: third chapter 229 http://www.origo.hu/print/tudomany/elet/20041013.meglepo.html 230 Bereczkei as above

231 See: First chapter 232 See: Bereczkei pp. 1-200 233 See: Second chapter



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