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N irM R E K N E W A R K . N . ,T.. F R ID A Y , J F X E KJ. FA(JES

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N i r M R E K N E W A R K . N . ,T.. F R I D A Y , J F X E KJ. 18im.—TKS F A ( J E S . P R I C E T W O C E N T S .F i r s t E d i t i o n w r e c k e d b y d y n a m i t e .

TO S i f E mil BOBDEM.M a n y W itn e s s e s C a l le d t o T e s t i f y In

th e W o m a n 's B e h a lf .


A N u m b er o f I 'e r ia n g S i i i 'd r Ih i i t T h r ; Nhw a Mnn L o M rrlu g A b o u t th e R ortteo K e iid w ic e N « « r t l i« T im e <he M u n le tA W e re CominLtteiJ—A H m eU er C ro w d la th e C o u rln jo n i To><fejr.

N k w Ue d k ijh ii, June 16.—A t theB<)r(]eu tn » l ye iW rday Lbe dofeiice ra iled ei^rrrjil wR))c»i.« lo prove Ih u l n lirax ise EUiiti we» SP07I loUeriUk' ubouL the Jlorden reRtilrnco h ih u rt llin o bufuru ibo m urdiTv were coinmUteJ.

C LierR i M, am i F r ln h K irb y nelil th a t they •a w A m tinon thCNtrcct Mtepeornr theC boc* non house At 11 o'clock oq th e n ljrh t before tho m urtler. M ark iA ld he la w a m anw tlb brown hat aiu) black coat In a buggy In fron t Of the llorden borne J u it before U o'clock.

Dr. Renjam lii !L H ard y , o f F a ll R iver, le*- l if lrd nk followM; " Ik i i u 'w where ih>‘ Buis den houjM* Ih ; I w e n t h j ib c rc o ii ih e n io ru * log o f the m urder a t 9 a m i 10:90; 1 saw a mcdluhT-sIzed young m an, very (Nile In c tiu- plezlnq , wUli his eyce fixed on the Kidewnik, pasAlng alowly lu n a rd Chr Routb ; h '3 wnk ACMng Rirangciy ; In em i*'qneiveu o l his ap­pearance 1 tnrnud In m y c n rrla g e to w u lc ii h im A i he i^eiit by ; I have a fa in t Idea liu tt I had seen him before, T b l i m nti w a i well drokicd lu n MU it o f lig h t c lo ih e s ; 1 havu tried to ftod him aihce, but have been unable to do io ; 1 hav« never oeen h im kI uoc."

Cr«i?-eJtomlned : m an w a* actingdlfToreut from any p 'rxon le v e r ia w u u Wj* itre e t In m y U o was a g iU tv d and•eoined lo b« weak,'^

Mrs. D tjla d. M anley, w bo U v e to n Kecoud itre e t. In Fall R lv i r , lU ’pjYed up igalTixt the ra ilin g , and In answ er to nc iu t'ttlon by V r. Jenniug i la id lh a i she wan pa iie ln f the Bor- dcu houM w ith Mre. H a r t , when she lav. n young man a tllre d In a su it o f w hlto H im ! - fog by Borden gate, T lia t v^ni nl-fnit &lie h id not noticed th e youug n iau wiieu ■he drst oaruo along.

tt%il1cr P, Blevene, w ho o l the lim e o f lh e trageily wan a rop<jr:ep fo r one ol tbn Fell H lvard u lliee , WAS called to th e s t u id b y M r. Jcimlngs. H is Lcitlm ony whn tbu im/Ai Lm- portuDl for the defence th a t had cam e out up to H i ll tim e. Jle w en t to the jh irdan hnuKo oo the m orning o f the tragedy lu t lia rogular cunrie uf buHtnesii. Ho went th rough the grsmnda and out to the barn.

“ W h ile 1 was lu th e re /’ he la iU , “ I heard three permns w a lk in g about lu the upper pari o f tbe barn.”

Policeman .Medley, I t w ill be rem em bered, had iw orn lh a t there were no lr:ice» of fool* • le p i In t i l t dual on the floor o f th e burn lo ft when be went up Ib i're to tn .ihe Ati exa in lnu - tlo n to a e e i f iherB w ere ttu y ira cca of foot­prints. Thcw liness tu ld I hat ho d id not ace M edley about, and rem ained In the barn only A m u m en tu r no.

A lfred C iarknor, o f Fa ll I llv e r , duicrlbed l i lm ie lf AM a ile u m e iid q e e r w hen he wan called an a n l lh e ii . H e oald be had been ciiQul the Borden ptHve oeven o r e la h tru ln -

befxre he went in ibe barn, where bo •aw DepiiLy N lu T lff W ieknon, n a rk n o n sMid he reached the house about 11:% u'clCEck. H e th nuc lil It w u i IcM lim n tun m inulen a fie r he h id roAPhad llic ra before bo w ent iq to th e barn, H ym an R oblnskt, an lee cream ped­dler, eald lie want by the Uordeq bouse lo b le ttagon eti the m o rn in g tbe m urdcra were com m itted.

“ W bA i did you ite ? "I ra w a lad y com e uat o f the b a m and go

(o the a ia ira a t tbe n o r lb aide of th e bouse.B o h b ifk la a l^ R w a a a u itA a c rv a iu b a « A i^

H eo o Q ld n D t te ll bow tb e w a i d re tt .'d. M r. K now lto ii a tked abo ut w b tre be had seen th e woman. Sbe was aom a dU tanoe from the house, b t laitLt H * r taeic « as tow ard

, the barq.There wee 1m s o f a erow d a tth e co u rlb o ase

th is m om lug th an there b a t been a t an y tim e since the bO jlu a ln g o f the t r ia l , h 1- tbough the a ir Is d e lig h tfu lly cool Inside and fans have been re tired . Am opK the ea rly t l i l i o r t was Miss K m m a B ordau, w bg U, i t Is anderstoodf lo be ca lled by ib a defence, although she was dow n as a g o v e rn in e u t vrIiD tts. l l l i s L lM le to ld O o v tro o r Robin- BOD, as he greeted her th is m o rn in g , ib a t she b a d not passed a ve ry restfu l n ig h t ; and the In llm a llo n CHine, w ltb a cheering smBe, th a t •he would fael be ita f by en d by.

The dMloloo re la tiv e to tb a adm ission o f the evldeuoe o f th e P ortoguoM wbo saw a m an w ith the bloody h s ieh e t was order the f lr it th in g Ib is m orn ing , and a fte r tbe Jury h id bean polledi oomisei entered In to a consuUatlou w ith Ib a Juatiooi upon some polDia whieb tbs la tte r deeirs m ade m ore clear. FottuwlDg th is tho Court *a id U waa elaar tb e t the evidence o fik rtd on the head above referred to oould no t ho adm itted , aud M r. Jeno iag i desired exceptlona noted, a t the same tim e s ia ila g th a t be w ould p u t la w r l i ln a ju it w b a l be bed Intended to show.

The first wllneas was B arab H. U a r i, T iv e r­ton, in 6 sbeseld ; lived In F a ll R iv e r ten years ago, on or near Ik e o a d street m ost o f the t im e ; 1 knew A n a re w J. Borden oy sigh t and koew w here he l iv e d ; I had a sis­te r who lived I d tb e D r, K e lley boQie some fifteen years, and 1 wsa in tbe h ab it o f going there f^equQutly. On the day o f th e m urders I pRsied bv M r. Borden's house w ith m y sis' ter-lD -law , M m . H au lo y ; U was about &60 A . U .t ws paoied by tbe north gate and stopped there to ipeak In m y sepbew , w ho tras there In a carrlRge^ an d w en t up to tbs back o f bis carriage; w hile I was there 1 saw a young m an Blaodiiig In the gatew ay ; I t was not M r. Dorden; he was restlo ’g h !i bead oo bis

y t w JKIh^tEY R . l l I . t V A T A C n n K N T S . !lllll ^

A N u m b e r u f Houses In tV est H o b o k e n b h a tte rrd and O ne M a n L ik e ly

to Lose Ills Life-J e r s k v C i t y , June Ifl.'-A d y n a m ite c ip lo -

slua, w hich m oy result In h>ss o f life , and w lilcb caused much deslruotion to jiro p crty in t lic neighborhood tdfcsum m itand Fulerson srennes, W chI Hoboken, oecurred a t about 6:30 o 'c lock Iasi ev tuh ig . A gang u f Ita llU Q laborers, rjnployed by M ichuel J. C urley , ex- cnvuU ug ic r a stiwer on r ia m m lt avenue, were p u ttin g tbolr to o ts lu io a larg ^b c fX a fsw ya rd s from Ibu sidew alk. Nlooto OaiE^slo was llg h lin g llie n ig h t lam p w hen a learfu t exptuBlon tjccnrred. There wi*re lU lecn a y n s m ite ca n rld g rs in tbe box, an d a l l ex ­ploded ilm iilla d e o u s ly . tiarceilo waa th ro w u several feel, and u h rn picked up, a portlou o f b is heed bud been blown oft'. H e was tukcu I d UTt ninbnluiioc fi} ChrJsl i tu s p ii i l , on Jersey C ity Itrlght-N. Tberti Is nu ebanoe for bl« recovery,

AotfUNl HeUldIr, w ho s lo n i ahnul IQO feet Irom the box, wes k n rc k rd d<»wn nod his shoulder dIsloOAlei. M r i. C. N e ttle , wbo keepe n slorc in fie iu n ill avopue, n ru r the pluee, was In her s lu re w h u i tUe accident occurred. Hhc was first start e l by a trvniendouN i-i’|)ort am i tho crash o f glass. Tho w indows of her store wsro wrfrfeei.1, hhe wjis ih row n to the lUnir n m l S'-verely bruised about I he brfaNi ar.tl w ris t. H er bouNc im d plm e w ill have tu I e* re b u ilt.

.M ti. r<iiil(in , whnltveH oti ih a o p p f i il te sldo or th e i t r c i f . n iio w a s s itting In her p a rb ir w hen th e 4X|iiin lUh occurrm l, whs th row n v lo lo n lly down, urid h id o n v o f her uriii^ dio- locaiad. bhc nuH also eu l by bri^kon gluss. Tlio w liidouB of hm* b»>UNe wera w recaei'.

The house At la i su n u iiU avenue, ow ned by (h d lle b Keym nun. was ulinusi eo n ip ic to y d t'm o lliljt d.

T h e UNC at H I Bufnirilt aveaue. owned by MugiuiN H lrr i, was wrecked, ib o In-

, unites cseupcd u u lrjn re il. I h e p ln lc gluHs wl.idow'S o f llesHd’s ANtambJy U 4)u ru i a t H um m lL and Fatersou aveuucc^, weru binuHhrd.

wurig's groeery store, a t 151 H u m m ll nve- tu ii'. u iis eornplclely dcm oll>hen. I'liu lion«u o f T u x t'o lit'c iot Conlon, At 106 iSommlL ave­nue, n u i bm lly dam aged, the frm ii w.'iU bulg ing out 111 A th re a ie u liif in a tm er. One o f tbe crow lJim wUieli bad b t n p u t In the lonlbox was found on top o f a In u is t across th e s lrc c i. A liiNfl o f o n c o f ilie c u rtr id g is was fouDd lu Cttilabah's Uq ior sUne, a b lock aw ay.

Tbe prnperly-owner'-, wliose prem ises wore tlaniHKed by ihs exf^hHiloo, w ill hold ib e c lly rchiKmutble. I t Is niiegea l im i tbo o ity o liV cials were iicgllgcni tu a llo w in g th e dytm - m lle cnrirldgeH 10 be u v d In such riiin ibers lii^sucli a cureless nm niier. The bu ild ing s deiuoilsbed or dainSRud were m ostly fcAii e eiructure«. The to ta l Joas Is ib u u g tii n o t to exceed |2a,U0lX


A K o b b e r F ire s s i a M age C a r ry in g T re a s ­u re iin d Au Express Huarcl Is K i l le d .

JArKHU.'f, taU , June Id —A n a lu m p t was I m ade lu rob tbe m a ll coach from lo iiS to Jackson lAfit evening by n lone h lg liw ayn in o ab u u i f ir e m iles from here. T b e slagu Lad fo ur pasNengcrs Inside, tw o o f w hom were ladles. On th e outside were ib c d r iv e r, C llu- top Jladcllll^, W e ill Fargo '4 guard, M ichael fo v e y and one pasieiiger.

The robber was concealed b eh in d the rocks on m e Bide of tbe ruad. W hen lbe stage was oppostlu his pluae o f conoeulmeut, w ttb o fit th e IcasL w arn ing , tbs discharge o f a weapon wuH beard and Tovey In s tan tly fe ll fo rw ard dead, HadcUfZk grasped b lm by ooe hand and held bJm. The ball itru c k Tovey beh ind tb e rig h t shoulder, and Ji Is lu p p o a td to have pierccu b is b c a ri. BJx horses were a ttached to ib e s iD g o H u d ih e c ra c k o f tb e rifle fr lg b l- voed th em lu io ag a ilo p . Tbe rubber fired ag a in , uiid ilj is tim e the b j l i grased K ad- cittfe's t>aclc, prodDclog a slight flesh w ound. TUe borses c o u iln u e d io run and ih e b lgb- w ay m a n fired twJoe tBorc, w ou n d in g tw o o f tho an lm u la

T b e su g e was carried aloog b y tb e u o lo - Jored horses tor flCO bubdred yards, w beo tb e d r iv e r balled and turned tw o o f ih e In ju red a n lm a U lo to a flefil' and cam e ou bring ing ib A b ^ r fS T lh e m urdered raessflager to Jaek- io tL The robber m ade no r f fo r t to fo llow the Btage. Tbe f i r l ig was tieard by several f iv o i- erg w o r k lig i t a bay field aearfag, a t i they cakta ru nu lA g to asoerialn tb e ta u s a . Tbe robber escaped In to tbe tb lo k brosh. There was tr ra ia re on board tb e s ta ia both fo r A m a d o r C ity and Jackso’i. Tovey b ad beeir a mrssengor for W ells Fargo fo r tw e n ty yeara aa d bad been weunded three ilm ea beforo by road ageats.

F ig u re * S how ing th e N iiin h e r K ille d l i i ju rp f l th e I ’Aiit Y e a r.

TnkkToM , June 16. Fvery ra ilro ad m tlie S lu iv Is rH ju lre d by law lo r i p i r l t o thc.MUte C D fop lru ller a n n u a lly the coudltlou o f the rond, l u finauclAl iiH U d lh f, a n d a in o o g u lL c r m aile rs tb e uu inber of accldenis th a t oc­curred d u rin g H ioyenr. The report sai. lo t be eondltlon of the conipanles are qu ite brief, but In o rder lo p u h llih an accouiu of a il the aeddeuts w hich occurred during tlicycurp tf^ i the C o iiip lro lle r was n q u ir i 'd lo p r im 3H pngea

A com parison between the report o f ISOl an d bins ihuw s ib iit th e r^ Is a ve ry m a ie r la l Increase In the num ber u f ra ilro ad acclJeuls w hich <>eciirred. in IKUi over those th a t oc­curred la IMil. In the la lU r year tho to ta l num ber o f icc ldents re)a)rted i i 1,M I, in w b icb 197 pcMims were k illed and l.^tM In ju red , la t ik i the lo la l num ber ol accldeats was l,7iv, la which J26 persuON weru k ille d niid L,U1 In ­ju red .

The I ’ nllcd N ew Jerw y U allrond and Canal C om pany, w h ich indudes l in f fn d o i 'n d if­ferent rond*, r«t>ar(s ih u l lu 1HU2 iSdJurcldeiits occurred on Us vanoos IJne^, lu wJilcii HJ iwoplc ac re k ille d and OA'i in jtireJ . T h e rv~ purl o f ih l i com pany for litOl glviw tl*!? uccl- Ui'iiis, Iq w hich M were killed and .igO pt r- suns lo ju r fd . Tho M orris and Essux K u llru iid C om pany reports luO ace d'*niN la iQ whU-b 29 t>ersuns w >t s k ille d a a d Id l In ju red , In IRSl JSi'J npcidenlk were rct^orU'd, 4'i persons k ille d an d W In ju red . Thio N ew ­a rk and Hudson l l i l ir u u d repuri* 2 nccEdtiiili fi>r 1H6J, ] h i lU l aud 1 In jured. In b ill U I uh I on ly I, lb e N ew Jersey Tn ic llo n tju inpaoy reports 7 uccldcnis for liiv. 1 purNoa i^ ln g k ille d aud 7 In Ju rM l In im I t had 9 accl- drm a, 1 i crt^oa being k illed and 1 In ja red .

T ill' N ew Jersey Southern Itoad rcporlN 15 acciduqis 111 IHIil, In w hieli 2 pi'i'HOos wero k llle ii and 6 l a j j j s I. i i iKlil 16 pursans were In ju red on ibiM routl, Thu N ew Y o rk am i Ure4'iiw (x)d L ik.0 re p o rli IJ porMuis In ju red on Its road during the ye ir lAgi,atnl I) In ju red aod I k ille d d u rin g IKDl. Tbs N«w Y ork nad lx )iig Brancb k ille d 1 person d ariu g IK fJand In ju ic d L'l, w h ile la liTJi, 6 were k ille d a n d ? la ju ic il. Thu New Y o rk , Busquchatina uud ^\‘uHt>'rll K ellroud rejiorls 4 k llliu l tind 18 In ju red lu I8lij, and 7 K illed and 8 lo* Jur<‘d la laid. 'J he N o rlb c n i lln llru a d of N ew Jersey k ille d 1 and In ju rc im iln r la g iHliJ, wblUr in 1891 H were k ille d and 10 in ­ju re d . The Faiorsou and Hudson H lv c r re­ports f >r 189216 k ille d and 110 in ju red . In 1891. 106 w rro in ju red and 2i k l l ld i . Tbe iV le rso a au d N ew ark In jured 4 la lW J ,au d In IfOl k ille d ia a d injur*'d 6. Tbe Faleraun and ItA m apo k ll.e d 4 la l8tU and In ju red 2S. In ItUll 7 were k U ld and ID li: ja re d . Tho W est Hliofo R:illrogd C om pany In

k ilted 1 and in jured 60 persona In ItU l l i k ille d 9 fATsuns and In ju red 'J& T a a Jiclvldere U aiiruaJ lu 1M)C k ille d 1 person and In ju red 2>. In ]89i I t in ju red 47 porsoas, T ta r C siilra l R allrou(t'lX }m |)any o f Nuw Jersey in 186*2 in jured 226 persousaud k ille d S i In 1891 2tf) aocldcnta are rcp<.>rted. la w hich 311 persona wars In ju red , Tbe Dela­ware and Bound Brook for 188rJ reports 1 per­son k ille d nod 3* In jured* For 18 1 the com ­pany reports 9 persons k ille d and 16 in ju red . Tbe Jersey C ity and Bergen R a ilro ad Com ­pany. w hich cuDiroU the bursio cars of Jersey C ity , reports lor 1802 40 In ju red . In 1891 29 were In ju red .

S o m e P h a s e s o f t h e L a t e Go d s o IL

d a te d R a i l r o a d D e a L

T f IK R N O « ' H A IN I IO IV .


S evera l M illio ns H a v e H r e n k u n k In tlo m U ■mt b lu c k i, b u t T h e y YVere N u t F.u- pen ded on th e N e w a rk L in e s —T h e km ith O range IJ n e la N a t F u r bale , b u t the C oiisn lldatcd Y \an*a I f i

P L I G B T t i P T H E S H I N D E R F A M I L Y .

T H E G E R M A N E L E C T IO N S .

C L E V E L A N D ’^ J N C K L A iff iP W E E G H T .

le d hand, b it elbow being on tbe g a U p o s i; was there five ra ln u te i and bo was there when 1 w ent aw ay ; i w en t dow n to M a I d street AOd got there Just in ilm e to oaleb tb e 10 o'clock car lo r tbe N o r th ; th is our lesves the CUy H a ll fb$ tbe N o r th a t Just 10 o'clock,"

Charle i a Bswyer, p a in ler, Fa ll R iv e r ; »1 rcoiU tbs day o f tbe Borden m u rd e r; 1 was In IlSecuD d slreet, U r . R iah 's shop, when J beard th a t a m an had ’Ovfu stahtwd, and w ent out onto (be s tre e t; I *a w M r. H a ll and H la i Busssll; she aa s g o in g u p o n the other aide of Uie street and I w en t over to ta lk w lib h e r; 1 w slkrd along w ith h e r n n l l l 1 got to the gate of tbe Borden bouse, wbeo I th r n s d arauurt snd w a lked a w a y ; when 1 lu rned aw ay 1 met OJTlcer A llen a l Mrs* C h u rcb lll’s g a le ; 1 v e u t back w U b h im an d be p u t m e on guiird a t the side door a fie r we bs4 been i l l Ik e bouse; w hen I was In there U b il Rusfoll, Mrs. C burchtll, U I m Lixele and B ridget flu lhvan were In (bo k l lc h e i i ; Miss Llxslo was s ilting In a ro ck ing ch a ir and t t i t 01 b trs seemed to be w tt rk ln i over her fkn Ding her and rubbing b er tiitads; J was close 10 ber a ll tho tim e ; ib e appeared tu be some­w hat dUlretscd i 1 saw no signs o f blocU rm her bead, bair, hands o r dress; X c im no l te ll what k in d of a dress Kbfi had cm.

John J. H an n in g , raiiorter, F a ll R lve ri was th e next w lio e ii. H e sabi

1 first heard of Hie R'>rden m u rd e r some tim e before 11:10. M r. O 'N e ll, c ity editor of the Fall H ire r r/fv6c .io id m e lo g o up Hcoond Slreet, ns th e ft hud been a stabbing alTrny iberc, and i ran m oat o f Ib a wuy* W hen X was gaingthere I saw .Mr. C iinu lnghnni, M r, Dulles and oae or tw o a t lie n . Iw e n U n io lb e yard und Up to tbe house and found M r, Bhwyer a ttb n dour : be w ould iH>t a llow m e I d go 111 and I sa l down ou the steps. D r. Bowcu ftim e, b u t 1 w asn 't allow ed to g o ln ; thenO fB ccr |> o lio r ir« n d M r. VVixtin OUlUf, Asd t WUV a llow ed 10 RQ In W illi them 1 wcDi into Ib e k lU 'lie ii and found M D s Bordun w Ub Miss UusscR and Mrs. C hurch ill Dear ber fanning b e r ; w tn i lu io ibe s ilting ' room aud lU c lo r Bowen showed me ibebony u f U p. Borden an d described lbe wounds. Then X went Dp Ih to ib e guetd cham ber w lib

,t> a U^wsB; iiiy;;r«eo]iectlon H ito (bis roomM' •■wlfcir' "bWv aoDieo f ike shQltcra were cloKtd; when

—c. saw th e -b o d y re<K>llcctloq is H in t" the anna n rre not | i retched nUove 1U<

'-^ ^ 'a tk fH > p n llH l ftie b « l aw ay so a l i t t ^ r " Tlbw oould be ubftK ied o f Ik e

body; tbeh 1 w rn td o w n » iia |rs an d in t w ^ o kliohou* but lbe people bed gone from there^ B ridget DuMivan wua e lU tiig on the baek< •te irs . X remeiQb^r th e puhlleaiidn of the erory o f B r a H es |a n , the inatrun a t the KaB R iver rp llre H iR ilo ri, and 1 bad an In le rv lew w iib h er; I th in k l l was ih e same filg h | of tbe piihdcaMmi. In aasw er to a quesliom irum niCf rbc said there w a i no ih ln ;; tn i t ; I wr nre4 in know w b H h e r i t wae tru e or nui jind 1 u anted a n tgaH ve o r a f ilrm a llv e state'IliCUl.

H o R es erls to th e B a u tin g B yatem to B « - dune U ls A v f Ir d u p o U ,

WAHHiNitV<»iv^ Jane 16.—I d defiance o f b ard w ork and the heavy reapooelb llU y resit log ut>an h im , lbe Prealdeot Je s tead ily gain­ing 111 avoirdupois. il])t Inoreesrd w e ig b i has begun lo b e Inco&veDlenl. A lre a d y the c fio r i o f w a lk in g has become a burden , and M r, C leveland fia d i h im self Ibroed to forego m uch o f b it custom ary exem U a. T h la is a sonree o f k re a regret to b lm , t a d In order lo reduce h l l alas tL e Chief K xecattva le q a le t ly pursu ing tbe ban iing system. Tw o rneals (lay Is now a ll be s IIosas b lu ise lf—a ligh t h reakfiia l and d ln b cr w ith s im p U m e a l# and spring vegetables.

Hluce tak in g posse«Blon o f his co n n lry hom e th e cueton iary m id -Jay lunebeon has been re t if lo u e lj om ltied , and In th is w ay th e rresldetkl finds addition a l tim e fo r w ork, to w h ich be devotes b lrn iu lf eonscXentioaily from tb e tim e be reaches th e W h ite H ouse In 1 be m orn in g uotJI close cm to 5 u*ciock lu t be aftornoon, a t wbicb hoar M re. C leveland drives In , eeated In her s ty llsb lan d au , and sp irits her busband aw ay fro m a l l w o rrits o u t In to Ib e freah green fields an d dalsy - ip s iig led meadows, lu the peaceful re trea t on W oodley lane th e ir evenings ere epent In t\odls(urhed en joym ent save for oocailoue i vis its Qwm mensbera of th e io b ln e t and di h e r personal friend s.

R e tu rn s Show T h a t th e A rm y B i l l H a t a r o o t C b a tic e—T h e itoc la l Ikem ocrats

J a h U a u t O v e r t lie R esu lt,B r u l im , June IS.—A l 2 o’clock ib is m orn

log returns from seveuty d l i t r ic l i indicate th a t tb lr ty -a lx have been carried by parties oppoeed to the A rm y blit, fifteen have been curried for tb e parties favorlUR tbe b ill, nnd fllnetoea are In doubt belnccn the ijo v crn - iD cnt and tbe oppof^lUun parlies, w ith the obaneei tn th e nsaJority of tb e m strong ly lu fb vor of tb e G uverniuent* The O overnm en i parlies have lost three of th e ir fo rm er aeais, tw o lo tbe R lcbtcrisis o r Hoclel Democrats,

the aeoood ballots shall decide, and one to a Bom b G erm an Dem ocrat. The G overnm ent has won one Meat from lb e opposition. T tie Social l ie to ec raU have woo tw o scau i»eeldea h av in g secured m an y chinces (Or new vic­tories on lbe eeeoad ballot.

A curiwue fea tu re o f the tw o soeom plisbed T lc io rte i I d Dew fields U tb e t th ey w ere won a tih e e g p c n a e o f tbe u ieh te r lUdioaJM, a lio eu c m le i o f tbe A rm y b ill, and DO(,as was ex- pecied, a l th e expanse o f th e N a tio n a l L lb- e rs li, Uie friends o f the bllU

The eloclloQ returns from the agricu ltu ra l d U lr lo U an d sm all ettles a re com ing in slow ly, lu m ost o f tb s ie constltueDCJes, however, fsw seats are lik e ly to obeiige per* t le a A t Doon .ib e G ovaruioeot oaudldatrs b a d a p tA re n t ly lo s t lU g b ily In ih ecu a s iK u - cocles w h ic h c h o if ib e ird e p u llc a by yester­day 's ballo t. Ou the other ban d , lu the sse oud ballots, w h ich now sdant lu ev ita b le lu some 100 or 125 dim ricts, Ibc G overnm ent b a t excepllunet opporiunitles lu wUi m any seats T ills la uspeolully applicable tu tbe seals oou- te iled by the U adlcai Unionists, w ho in the las t Relcbsiag voted against tb e A rm y b i l l but have snp porttd I t on the stum p, aud, I f re-ehcled, w ill vote for I t in som ew hat m o d i­fied form.

Th is m orn in g th e N a tio n a l Llborala, Avho were expoctnd lo return to P a rh a m c n i w ith tb e lr delegation reduced from fu r l} 'lu abuui tb irty .co p iended th a lth e y w o u ld b a v e a t few­est lh lr ly«e tgb i m ernberaafterthesfcondU ul- lots« Tbe K lfib ie r Kadlculs w ill have hardly m ore. 8o fa r th e ir fa ilure to draw oppotl- llo n VDlDK has been the mCMt surpris ing fua* lu re of lbe elecUou. T h e Buclsl Dtmioci'ala boast lh a t th ey w ill have s ix ty seats e fie r tho rcballots. Th is Is about ths num ber cun- cadsd to tlie in berore llie elecilona. T b e (^>^- a s rva iivcs a iid X'reo Conservatives are Uacly to bold th e ir ow n. Tue uum bor <»f the Lleber Clericals in ibe next Helehstflg, iil- tbougb la doubt, Is expeoced bi appruauji KB.

P E R R I N E C H A N G E S B I S M IN D ,

T IO L A T E D T H G L IQ t 'O R L A W S .

ChRrE..BI*d. A,ntn)it W hol«.*te *nd R«- ta l l D e a le r , and D n i ( ( l , U a t r a l * n a n .

Bperlal D itp a lc li to lbe N e w r .l',TERM>M, June I l i . -T b e Police C o iaiu lii.

t lo n 'o f I'a ie n D ii, a t a m e e lln g a few w ee k , ai<>, p a iM it neo lnuo ne In e trae tln g C b te f o f Police G m al to In v e n ig a l* ru m ore lo U it cfTcot th a l th e l!<tnnr It^w* w a n b e in u T lo - liiicd b , d m e K lit , a n ( ifbo leeale nnd r e u i l dee lire , S lu t* Ib a l lim e a ip e e le l ofOcM b e , been ivorkbii; np tbe m e lte r , and tb e rum ore wore proved lo be well Idundad.

T b la m o rn ln e cherfcii w ere m ad e before PoUeo Ju»llce \^«n Clave u g a ln ii e ig h t drug- glaU , Includlbg tom e o f th e m o ,t p ro m in e n t In tlin ctly . ncTcii w IinICM ie (tq a o r d ee le rt and tw o rL'Ciller,. The c o m p U lu t, ngalnet th e drugglubi were tor ee lllag w ith o u t a rioeBM, ib a t egn tnettb e vrholewUe m en wee lo r K llin g n t re ia ll on a w holeeale llceuKo and th a l ngu ln it the re te llera for •c lM n g n t w liu le ia le on n reta il l)oemic. T h e p en a lly fo r every an'encctn eoeta osee u n d t i Ih c d ity n rd liiu n c t I . 160 One, The police w il l oou- tliiu e tliu ir In ve .llg a tfn n an d m o re eom- p lu liiU are lik e ly u> rceall, '

T h e EtiB im H D e a t l . t D e c lin e , tn P le a d a , n e A g re e il to , O u t o f K c g a ril

fo r M r , . Ig e llla g to n .Bpeolal D I,p a to b to tbe N e w s .

E l iz a b u t h , June 1».—Dr, Heorge H , Per- rlue, o f h u m m jt . w u , no t arra igned t i l l , m orning In Iho U nion County Court l u e i - peoted, he re fo iln g lo plcud gu ilty to ll ie charge o f a d u lte ry e , pmparerl by lb e Proie- eu lo r. H e eey* he w ill gel ball In a day or

.tw o , aud w il l I tU h e tnatter go lo ih e U rand Ju ry .

W ith o u t the IM Ilm o n y of M n . K c llin g tn n I t w ill bu iiwpowlble le oonvlot tbe prlioner. ,o I I I , law yer, A u o m b lym an K e lly , aoy,. J. C, K e lllu g to u , the wronged hnaband, w o. In odiirl 1o.day and w a , perfectly ra rlaua he. caneo D r. l^ r r ln e would not pleaii, a , 1C el* lliig io ti baa llio paper* a ll ready lo ap p ly lor a d lvoree on the ground of luR de llty and h i , law yer In tanded to ute th e court record of P trv in e 'ig u ilt a , evideuoe lo au ita lu h i , ap * pIleoilQh,

In some w ay Ihe priaoner got w ind of ih l , . and he deelared lh a t he Intended to proteot the w om an from her h ii.o u iid regardleneof oonagiineneet,

Keliliiglon'a nppearsBco In court ennaed quite a lUf, and a b)g Orowd we, in aliend.

rtXttr and foawv to oannfUio and 01,nw tue WUb tiofut -a tito eiwio.ga Jfmegr * . paivr 0/ im 'tw iln , j^per >u.a a , lee Olgiya

■ / 'pifflluei' ...........u, dll adlWVf.lnr/ inAtutn for ll'.lA'lPC

Three grounded la a Hlveet Fight.CiiiCAUo, June Id —Five m en m a t lu an a n .

eou n ie r w ith 'ie v u iv e t , on I la la le a d itrc e l, n o rth of A d a m , e tre e \ la i t n ig h t. H h o l, fo l­low ed each other In 9ulol( ,u e«e u fo n a n il the aO rny aottiidad l ik e a reel b a tile , M ib c n lh e ■niuke bad cleared aw ay the p o ltre hm m l ihrcu wounded men and took one prleoocr. T h e wcHuided a m : T rtx y K a n e ,, b u t ib rong ii th e neck, w ilt d ie ! W ll l le m C h rla lla n M ii, cbot tUrougb the g ra in ; JoMpta W llaoo , ahoi th rough Ih e te itte g . The th re e w ounded m eu w e n u k e n lo the county hoepllal. T h e o lb e r m en th a t look p a rt In the aboutlng are-Jake H k ln n er and J * ii ie i U o u llb ap . H fc lnn tr I , locked lip a t <be D -W plalifn N tre e l B tallPn, hut lio u llh a ii eaeaped.

T b e a lio o tln i grew ou t o f a long g a d h it le r e n in lly boLucen “ J a k e " rtp inner und K nne on the oiio hand add Ueorgp W lleo n , " J im " J lo u llh a o and CbrlatenteD, ^ "

ance lo b ra r b l , atory, bn t tbe aeandel-lovur, were b id ly d lu p p o ln to d , K c llln g -lon w e , ve ry an g lo u , tn go ou the a land and taallfy Ig H ln it Dr. Pcrrlne, bn t the la t lc r ', re fn ,n l Hiplead u p ,e l tlila program m e nnd got K c llln g - lon very ang ry. H e declared th a t Dr. P errloe owed h im I X for b airrt and iw o re be would yet have la lu rac U n n for Ih e wrong done h im end w oulit k .e p Perrlno'a (wraonal good*, l ii- ellilting l | i , w irrk , o f a r i, w h ich are dlorod in t r a n k , p i K e lllug ton ’ , lioute,

I t I , eg peeled th a l -Mr,. K o llln g lo n w ill be n rre ite d I b l , afiernoo ii a . C on ,tab le .Me- U ra tn , o f h iu n io ll, ,a y , he k n o w , hor where, a b o u t, and w llld ir iilg her to the co u n ty Jail,

I'nUItig a Veltiiw Tinge on tb* Town.A •iwctgl rn le H i i« ta Tan Shoe, a t H « f ty

'll', fimlih',, SSI Harkel, la »hoowtnggqtc*«. beiim gguniitne R n eln a U l.M . ‘ * '

T r a in R o b b e r i F r ig h te n e d O ILilo R A h , K an ,, June Id.— An n t le m p t w a t '

m iide lo rob th e lonthbuund lUleMonH. K a n . , a , and Texae pnaaenger Ira ln N o . U a t t l i l , p in c o u t l o'eloek yealerday m o rn in g . Tw o m en boarded Ibe eu x tu , a t the id lu o u r l Da. r if le cmaalny, and a t iba p o in t ol revolvera n rd rrv .i K iig in e fr PIclobar lo atop tb e tre ln , 'I'le tu b ar lo ld ir ein Ib a t a jMaae w a i abnard tb e Iru lii and they bad batier e tw p e . They louh the ad vice and le ft th e cab, ordering b lm lo pull bul qnle:tly . T h tro la no clue tu ib e lr Ideo llty .

B e t lr a ln - I l th e C ity o f O ra n g e .The b ill flled In the cbanoery C onri

o f N e w a rk fay W illia m ilcddereou , Hr., of Orange, u ik ln g for an lu ju n e ilo n ugaiaat Ibe c liy o f Orange and C nntracior John O 'R o n rke realru ln ing ibe d t y from pay ing auy m oney for lbe alleged cuu irao i fo r lbe Im p rove men la to H ig h alreci, Orange, wl lob bad been begun by o 'llo u rk o , eame u p for * hearing lieforeVice-Chancellor V an F lee t y c ite id a yapd w u i poaljoined u n lit Tueadpj a t 10 A . -M, la the inean lim o a re itra ln ln g o rder w a* latued lo prevent a n y fu rth er w ork being done u n til tho V le t-C lian o fllo r rendea* a d e . olslon. ■ ____________

Tits i'onnoliqal^d i'iun ;M iuy’s absof^itlmi o f (iiQ Jersey T ru ctlo n CoDi|>anjr's In-

w lilcti wes nDnoiiuceil firs t iu jpralcr- (la y ’M N rw h , I s a lH r iy iKuiiii.* (or disCLmsltMi auiuiig N ew ark's (lita iU 'lui iiirn * 'lliu dval I t view ed from d llL ro iit MUim}K>liila, aiut a t u rvHUii various u ]ii4i lu n i are ex|ireise<.l as to t i l t a io r ii i and d e m c rlii u f Uie truiikAclIun,

A fte r fisurlitg for a lx m i icu m inutes last l ilg i it a muu iiotro or less id rnU fied w ith ra il- ruad n iii i t i is ruutarked tu a N e w a r r p in e r tb A l iL e deal iu s iir i- t ru llruads Lad abuat l l , 7;(i,0Ud lu lu lliu KocIseU ol iH^rUiu l»fUKl« w itL lu tw o yuars. T h « K'^^nulers and slucsiiolders of lliu N ew Jersuy TracUun GoriipHuy w lio hekVf sold oub lu t im a U lUvy are Bwlud!(*Uy whiio lliu puicbnM ua, tbu (,'ou- Mugidalvd Tructlou ('o iu |m u y , express Uiv upluloik lliu i liiu fo rm er d id p ra lly nDll out o f ILs iruusaoiluii. W U L n * |u rd lu figures, bold sides appvar tu Lo agrued ib a t sUuiice is gulden; t u i figured du u u l and soin^ sirsugv SYlUuuuUral problem s Lave boeu au ivu i by fliiMitcii'rs wLu wers iiu l lt i Ida deni.

Tbs a la lem sati ol liy\h MidPi Lave a t i i f ie o f Luiiiur, U)c jm llie ilc nud upidugelle elt'uris u f iL e lr friviids lu u iia itip lu u lh«m baluju laugbuble u i lia itra ,. F rcaldont Bi^rr's Irlem lx asHumu au in ju red « lr , Guu of tbeiu hitld Ittst n lg b t tiin l M r H a n ’s yoars of burd w urk bud guiui uurownrded, aud th a l iic did i iu l get back xviiui Lis slock coat, D liuslor was pnd lcH 'd fur tbs lines. W b liu M r. B.irr,Xt w ut cuuleuded^ had irte d (u g ive goud hui- vice, bu w>u Larup iin d by pulU lc la iis ; i lm l lbe public would find u u l U Lad lusL its busi friend, aud ib a t liiu C iin to llilK ted Tracllim Cuiupatiy would grub Ih e airccts uud m uiuip' olixo lbs frauchlai-A. d lfilu a lty o friils lu g m oney tu liupruvu ih e ruaJs w nsaG o g lvru as a rooaun for M r. B -irr's friends selling uiiL, Tbnt Is one side uf Ibu plcluro .

Tuo o lLur Ride I n ju s t itie upposlle*I t I r L'uucedfd by bulb «idc« U n it thn cLlcf

owners u f the N ew ark l ^ M i ig e r Campuuy •lu ck wen;; TiHumis i \ H.itry A iilL u u y G. K cafby uiid A ndrew IjornaiaeiiiL, Jr. Fur ii j f u r ibvy bavu bovn b u y in g up a ll lb e •luck they ouuld. lu lbe luce uf tli.s^ » m au wbu Is lu eJu^e b u s lu m couhocLioti w iih lbe lu m t lu tiu eu tla l man iu ihe Gunouildaicd Traclluu t'o tiipauy, guvu soiitu very iu ie re il l i ig ilguri-F.

tb e orig inal mortgage, I t wa« po iuL’d out, was for |l,(R))j0U0. Tue com pany wa« riu r- gfkuUed. tbe cap ita l bolug JtuuiUiuKy OODg wbicb ie lt a bulance o f |;j.2(X),0Ub, wLiuu is eum m uuly ouilcd ' ’ w a ls r lu g " lu e aiuck. TiiUQ tue road m u '* bunded fu r tdr5UU,(HIU, aud a ouiuinon stiK'k of |(i,O(J0,0l)d issued un well. This added t l ,2!>'J.0OJ lu th e water.” Tbe cuiDriioD atix'k tia» been lo ld f >r (36 u iLure, or a lu la l o f 9621,OOU fo r th e •U.OOl.dCU. Tbe Consolidated Com pany nmuagers suy th a t tbe money b a t not bveu spent on Im p ro v in g tbe Hues.

aaked tho CoD tu lidaied m au, where d ll l i g u t”'*N o »y" continued th e ra ilro ad m an, after

a pause, ” I don't th in k M r. H arr o r M r. Kerasby has au y reason lo com pluln . Ji>.- Have tb s t they an d M r. Ifemassetia m ade a t least |uOU,0(M o u t o f the deal, lb e t 4,4UO,OlOccrl«laty was n o l exjieLded. U w aa m ostly w aisr. EfTorts fo r iw o years Lave been m ade w llL tb e Lope o f p iuduclug a d ividend ID s J u ly . T h e stock has run down, I c m cars have been used, th ey bad DU boriea lo buy and to e service has beuinhc w orst In the U n ited B is tee. W . t'. W h im sy , B, O. lijlkiDS, JoLn 1>. C rin u n lu s aud otbers arebebU id tbe Cousolldaied C om pany, and (bey Lave 9l6g09Q,fiOU Loads al-reauy, and ewa get a l l J ^ r y w auk You cau be sure o l ob« * th lu f , tb a t they w ill im p ro v e th e road and give good ic rr lc r , for tb e s lr fe t car is the p>ur m ap's coaob. They are p u ttin g m uiisy iueo railroads, Dot ta k in g i t o u t lik s tue pruiuu i- ers who are ju s l p u tu u t,

‘'T b lM y -tlv e d u lla rs a s b a re was too mucb lo pay fur tbe stock—i i was l ik e g iving the m oney uway. The B urr far'iluti d iJ uoi Wi^ui logo , ho woven. They wvr.« flghttug for a share of the new franobtsts,"

" W L u td o t in Coosoddated va lue the qew fra DC Lite a t t " ihe ra ilro a d m an w usaikcd.

" M lH io n i / ' was the rep ly . ’^TheCuUKiu- datsd people Ihem seives oaq s o t le iL boroun any livJug m an ."

Being u iked i f there w ere a n y dekl;iis on theBuuLli Urauge U aJiroad by iLo Cuusuli- dated people, the same m a u re p lie d :

" Y l v ; ibey w ill take I I . "A question o f p r lc ff X suppose," iiiggesU-d

tbs reporter," N o l uvou th a t,'’ said bis lu fo r iu a n t omi-

Duiuiy.W ilb u r A. M o ll, rporetary o f tbe N ew ark

and BoutU Grange H a iln s id C u in iu u y . w ai seeu Sv bis ufllce in iL e I'ru d e tiU a i Huild lug lo-duy.

“ H a l youT com pany bcpij npproacheil ofllc lally by a n y o f - i l iu CunaotlOated Coin* pan y people w UL a v ie w to iLu purobasoof yo u rru iid T " bo wasuskod*

“ N o t ufllc lally , and I f tbey were, Ibey w ould tell ih e lr questianarB ib a l we would u o ts rli, and U m ia ll tho k in g 's hordes and a ll tbe king 's men cou ld not ooinpal us lo •pl! was bis reply.

“ M r. M o il, are a n y o f y o u r big stork - Luidors l ii ia ro i le l lu the Cuii'iuildaled Com pany ♦ "

“ I wool ray “ answered lh a law yer, " llm t snmo of ilie bunds of itic C on io llda led Cmu< pany a ie not bold by one o f onr Ktoculmm- cri, but tliH CuUKhiiduicd p i'o p -t do u o lo w iiu share of lUo B^ulUi o ru u g e iU ilru a d ."

“ l l iv o tliey nu way o f g o iiiug a l it?'*“ No, s ir," replied M r. M o ll,” Tlieu you hung lo g e ilje r w ell t"* .\bsu1iU tily ,'' was th eicspoiinc. “ T b o io l i i io u lie r lu r w u y u f re « c L Iu |a n y

o f lh e big stuokhu jdersf""N oR lree ."M r. M uU sald Ib a t tb e Houtb Orange Hall-

ruiul could rulae It.UtXI.UOU lu ta c u ty -io u r LourA. If imooMary. ^' Df th e t*^fi|rer.^>Bt stripe,for lusUince, should ofTer ) '4>u s big prico lor lU uroad w ould It Lo sold f ’ asked the ro-p iirisr.

“ W all " he replied, “ tbaro arc »ome tUlnss tb u l poop1<;} become g re a tly atlucUed in, bul 1 Rup|>o-o every class D fp ruptrt.v oould bu had a t a figure.'^

F i’om a n o ih tr soqrce I t was tenrnea ib n l some of Iho Consnlldatud people had asked the big slock holders o f tlie fetuiith Ornugu itoad wLni price w otild b u y th s ru u d . They were told l i wus not (or sale.

Hr. I/Vslle Warcl« one o f iLe siock lioldsrs nnd diri'Clnrs uf Ihe B outL G range iinu, tu id til reply (u S im ila r qiicaClous to iliuseput to M r. M o tt :

“ tVe have no Idea o f sel'Ing. 1 do not th in k onr people baveev«T b.'en rp u k tn to about this m aiter, Gua o f ttiac lH c i itn ii in ihu Cousolldatod C'-ompony to ld mu ilm t llipy Liid no (lee lre tu oon flle t w l li i im , and th a t liiuy were frleod iy In ev ery w ay and woiiid wi>rk in UariAOur. 1 ku u w uoi dug of any iiegot1uUo:is."

Gne of ihc Ltg N tockliu ldeia who sold out In llin N ew ark Pii»«eugur C om pany >nlil lo-duy]

” W e tried lo buy the H a n k m ud find Jerncy C ity oontp-m lcs but found tho Conio]ldw 1u(I Cntnpuny was uneud o f us. Then tb e best th in g (o da was to sell out. W e big siockhnUe^s (u u ld Uuvo sold o u t a t o u r own figure, but we w unled U> see (ho nm ulter prupte protecicd, nod now th ey w ill got tho same pricu for lU c ir sluires ae Ws w ill.”

A . V . K i’oihuy, w bu r<‘|qrt»ed lo ihc d ry from ChICHgu th is m o rn in g , bud u long con- futcDCU w i|n IVesIdcrit IL ir r brhini^clusird

duors. H e accKned to say apy lL lD g of tbe licai fur publloMtIorbp

s in g u la r I 'lie tiom con n s*un on th e flide of M iiuut Sun J a o d ilu .

From live l i t t .Xtiurlrs l le ts ld .J u a n T o r o , w lio a r r iv e d T L u ra d a y even ­

in g fro m b e y o n d M o u n t H au J a c iu to , re - p o r t* th o lu d ia tp } v e ry m u ch a la rm e d over th e rc a p p ta ra n c o lo r th e f irs t t lm o iu m an y y e a rs o f th o ainjirular Im a g e o f a ra in b o w on th e snow co v trrin g th o south- cast a iilo o f th e u m u n tA lii.

U seem s tb a t th e C ahu iU os h a v e some fra g m e n ta ry tn u ll t iu i ia in d ic a t in g co n tac t a t a re m o te p e r io d w ith th e ra c e t l ia t car­ried its ru d im e n ta r y c iv i l ix a tk u i in to M e x ico an d th e re e x p a n d e d i t in to Ih o e lab­o ra te w o rk s an d c o m p le x Hystom u r w o r - b b lp th a t Cort,.uK fo und . I n th e ir m ig ra ­tio n th e A l ic e s Ic l t travea o f th e ir b e lie f In th e W h it e U cmJ, th o u g h t f th e hem fi- ce n t s id e o f th e ir d e ity w as fo rm e r ly Hpokeii o f i l l th e In d ia n legiibdn re co lle c ­tio n o f I t hoe been lo s t in th e cc lf^uries u f re p e t it io n b y n a rra to rs im a b lo to o u m p re* hfiiid a n y i>iit th e se v e re r t r a its o f in te ll i ­g e n t beings. In th e trlboX Ib re th e re is a curlouH H ign litennce a tta c h e d to th e ra in ­bow . I t is re c o g u U e d as a atgu fro m a g reat sp irit^ b u l not,, as w itU ua, aa a k in d ­ly p led g e . I n th e ir c ru d e id e a o f the W h ite ( f t id he la b e lie v e d to h a v e th re a t­ened ven g ean ce on th o race fo r an offence th a t n o n e o f th e tra d it io n s c le a rly ex ­p la ins. R is in g fro m th e o ax th u n t i l his g lo rio u s h e a d , d e c o ra te d w i th a c ro w n o f l in lU tt iit ly -c o lo rc d fe a th e rs c u rv in g back­w ard o v e r his ah u u M c rs , ahono fro m be­h in d th o m o u n ta in , hu to ld th e aw e- i t r ic k e n p e o p le th a t aa p u n liih in c n t be w o u ld , a t h ia o w n t im e , b r in g dca tructinn upon a l l deacondiin ts o f those w h o had in ­cu rre d b la w ru lh . T h e r e a re sa id to he vague re fe re n c e s lo ju lc rccssloT i f>oni fa ­vored m o r U ls , w h o auccecdcd In e lic itin g an u n w i l l in g p ro n iia e th a t u n lit a c e rta in e v e n t ho w o u ld w ith h o ld h is vengeance* T h e n a tu re o f th e e v e n t is lo s t in th e c ud - fuaion o f ig n o ra n t IranHm iHAion, h u t in Hturm s th e fa ir god ralscH hia h ea d to look a t th e ])c o p le w h o m ho w ishes to dea troy, and th e m in b o w ia a d im v ie w o f hia p lu m a g e th a t h e c x h lh ita as a re m in d e r th a t h o liSH n o t fo rg o tte n o r fo rg iv e n th e crln ios u f ages ago . I t w aa lo a rn e d from w ise m e n lo n g in th e lo s t c e n lu r le a th a t w h e n he p e rm its Ih e w in d lo b lo w tho g re a t b r ig h t fc jilh e ra o f h is crow*n aga inst th e m o u n ta in an d a U in th o snow o f ^an J a d n lo , h is a n g e r la v e ry g re a t , an d th a t, im p a t ie n t o v e r d e la y , h e is c o n te m p lu tin g p u ttin g h is th ro a t In to o x r c n t io n regard* Jess o f th o to n u s o f hin p ro m ise .

W it h in th re e w e e k s th o g r e a t a rc h o f m a n y c o to r i w a s a g a in fo rm e d on the sn o w -co v ere d aides o f th e n iD u n ta ln , and th e b e l ie f o f th e In d ia n s t h a t th o w in d b lew a ra in b o w a g a in s t th e w h ite d r ifts and s ta m p e d th e g a u d y p h a n to m th ere can n o t be sh a k e n , l l is d is a p p e a r in g as th e snow* l in e recodes, b u t a jn r g c ]»oginout is y o t p la in ly v is ib le . D im iu ie tu d D w As ve ry se n s ib ly iacro o sed b y t l ie in fo rm a ­tio n , re c e iv e d th ro u g h th e i r pecu lia r sources o f q u ic k in te ilig c D o e t o f th e v e l- catiio e r u p tio n in M e x ic o , a n d th e spccia* c i e o f t h e red an d b lu e sho otlng -H tar in th e w e s te rn hcaveiiA o n M o n d a y n ig h t w as re g a rd e d os oo p o rte n to u s th a t un- easlneiM has been in te n s ified . N o tii in g b u t th e e n t i r e d is a p p e a ra n c e o f tb e s tra n g e r i iu b o w m ira g e w i l l reassure tho s u p e rs titio u s in h a b ita n ts o f th o reserva­tio n . A h, h o w e v e r , th e sno w is ra p id ly c h a n g in g ita aurfAco u n d e r th e proisciiL h o t sun , th e re m a rk a b le b o w can n o t lost long .

O neNo HVork U v a n i feUarvatlan, and U cA lh Is tb e I t r w r d lu m

I 'rln re Htrert lluu«a.For tholANf IL rce w e c k tlL e ra m iiy e l Frouk

fth lnder, l lv l r g ln the n 'u r o (W Pj‘iu e e » lr r t l. UiiR bl’i i i stATVins;, B ta « H h inder ra in e to l l) lt c ily six n io n lh i Ago from H A vvrhM I, MuM., Le has boau unable (u i r d i r a w ork. F igh t w eek* ago lb e you ngv it rU Ild In the rnm lly , A L(^y th ree yeara old, w u i in ken lic k . A d itc lo f who was R um m ntird said tliA t the boy should l>« given nourtahm eni. M e d ia o o ic u ll ngRln. T l.ers wmi no fintrt lo

i ihu houko to g ive iho ohild . snd the pnrenis i were HMhamnd lo a i k iielgLLom for help. For

d a y i lh a l ltH e RUfferer was w lllio u t nourU h- liip u ta n d on Tuesday la i l be died.

Tbsre was uo iuoiiejr in iLs house lo pay for lha lu iieruh and iha piireniM aiip llud lo M n . M:kX B lutne, wTio«a h u a ind keaixt u fish and p •uUry a lo ia n l the rtw iiar i»f Prince Rlrei't and H prlugfle ld aveim e. for help. .MrH. illu m e gAV« th em fiM d am i m oney, A MUb- ■crlpiiun wna ta k e n up iiiim iia th e uclgb- Lora lu pay for tfia b u ria l o f ihe rh lld . U q I /

raw UoliorR w are ren llxrd , bul M yn. H liim a' ■nppllod th e a m o u n t RMil ni'ideu, Mud the child w aa h u il? d In the Jewish vuiuctery ou Hniltl) Grange nVvmie.

M r. H L lnder eaya (h a t he came to Ih la cou n iry from Russia a lx iu l iru years ago w lih Ills w ife nnd one oblUl. lleo i> enedA groeary ptera lu N ew Y o rk and d ld a s i'c iq -

ugly pruaperous builui'sn. Too wucL con- fidsneu lit Itis hufieaty o f L H cuslonn'ri ruhu’d h im Slid ha wes fiirccd lo iisRlgn. 1U< w eni to lU v c rh lU , 61as t..(iT K lR O L cm rlo y - in« iit lo a ba t loo lori', wbera he w orkeil fur six yeara. H u rin g his s iay in H a v s rh ll l liBloc^k o u t Lis paprrs u i a cK Lscunflho tb illc d Klaias. I k gave up Uls puMlllnn In MusMachuselts nm l CAina to N ew ark six m u u tiii Hgo. ih ln k ln g Lo m lg lil earn h igher wages l i i iL tn c ity . Uooma were ta ken on Waitt K liii ie y s lrc il aud hu Legon i<» M^Arch (o rw u rk . W eeks cirlfiad tiHo m o n iL iu n d hia llu lu aiocA o f m oney d w lm lie il aw ay,

T h e la iid m rd was uU m nrIug foi ren iH o d M Lnlik i', iu in l ls ly iilm , mhI i I inm o lu rn ltu rt '. Ahnoal live w eu k tag o oo m oved to L U jm **- eu[ haux'«

Kick IK'S" e n te re l (he fa m ily , nuil to -day lha wire and In o lja n d a ia In a ]m*CArhmM com ti- tioii, 1 here Is uo tL ing in thu I uu te . They have no m uisy a m i no c iu lL log , exo<'pilug Ih s I u]MiU i l i f i r Lacks.

.%u F M'lirt w III he mado to proi'ure w in k htr the huHimnd, w ho Is u l l l i n f lo do a ll lu Ills IH iaer to succor Lis fa n iliy .

R E M O V E D IN F E C T E D G O O D S .

T r y i n g to F r ig h t e n th n P r o s e o n t o n

in tb a A s p h a l t C asas.


The WhiiriR*« Memory 4'on1d Not Re Re- freahrd by the Heading o( Kilractg frtiTn NeW"paperti--lle Could Xait ll« I'oiltIve cm Any ra tu l for th» rroaecia* tiou--Utber XlltneaMes Tritify.


A raeuU ar lydufttry to FurQish tbs Feel»lan lllarketa WHh a Delicacy.

From the rblladelpLIa Bulletlq.T he snail is one o f th e luxuries o f the

epicure in Franco. Italy end Germany T he rooHuklu are found Id g rea t quantities oa tb e borders of th e H a , bu t no t deep in the salt water* except when the tide over* flows. T hey ore called in th e vernooular eea-eiugk, T be llshwomnn o f France ffir nUh th e inollusks to tbe ouaneries, which are quite numeroue Dear Paris. Near Dijon th e re was form erly one sjiailery th a t cleared an annual fortune for its propci^-'t^ci^* ^ h e m onthly consumption of snails in Paris is cs*timatL'd by the million, and there are one hundred res- tRuranU and a t Jeas( 8,000 private Uhlcs where they are accepted as a delicacy by their epicurean consumers.

Bnails are cooked in many different waye, being m ade in to rich fricawicea, baked w ith crum bs or fried in butler The son snails arc much nioro palatable to the im agination os an article of food than ' the vine slug$ or garden sn a ils ; hu t to the ' Frunob eomnilBsar}' dcparlinon t a biiull ia a sDiiii. Tho provident F rench poaatiiit flrht catches his an n il-n u t n hard tusk when th e ir hiding places are dificovereJ am ong the vinos -an d drops them into Halt w ater for u few days. I 'hcsc are then token ou t o f th e ir nhells And s&nfc to aiiirket to be served uj> by sotho chef Jii the hlglicst style o f the. culinarj' art.

T licro la a breed of large w hite shell snails w hich are considered very biMicfl- cUl to consum ptive palicnt-v. Those are sold in large quantities in Fjondon mar­kets aa dcllcactea for the alck. In tho Islo uf Bourbon th e iiurseA nniko a dclidoui soup for tho sick out o f the ordinary annil found there.

In V ienna straw berry-fed snails arc sold IS a g rea t delicacy in the public inarkeU.

One o f th e finest piclurea by Murlllfl, owned by the Duke of Devonshire^ is that o fa b e g g n rb o y eating a snail pio.

In HwiUcrlAnd tho garden snail is lilghly esteem ed an a Lenten delicacy, the price o f a dish o f cooked snails a t a hostelry or pension being as much nn for fresh meat.

In Norm andy, roughs bronxed women and dark , sllghl girls in sabota und with the lines of the Venus dc Medici in their uncorseted figures, wade bare-legged in tt(D rivers ami patien tly detnch tho slimy sea snail from th e ir beds of nnxo and sand to sell them for a few sous to their em ­ployers.

A nother species is the orchard nr apple- snail, w hich is Mali to be a tit-b it for the connoiasQurf Thlu has been extolled by Ben Jonsun and Evelyn as a dainty dish. 8o dellghtiu l Is Its m onel of flesh esti­m ated by those who have eaten it cooked in various ways th a t it is suid to be im- possible for hud cooks to spoil It. Evelyn speaks ot thorn us 'Miugc, tteshly und dc- lioious snails."

T he Am erican m arket has not yet offered th e snail os un artic le o f food, hut it m ay be po.Hsibto th a t the choicest food of th e Chinam an may yet become our favorite N ational dUh.

The Owner uf ili« L»vrriy a l MustOrange thargM l tVUb VIuIaHuii

of the KanlUry Code.Pr. H . K. M iiith o w i, the O range llo a ltL In -

spi-clor, has srciired a suiuinon for U ie i i r m t oi J. W u llac eC 'o n d H .o w h rrn f tliucum lM inhcd

iSverty bouse In W ra t Orange, for v lo lu tlu n of Hucilou 73 o f lb e S an lia ry code, w hich suys Um l nunrb lcle vrLldk m ig lii prupagotu any InfL'CiloDSor o ther diR«uie ihM lI be Lroughl vt-lililn the c ily llm ltH under n peiiuUy of fV) fine.

V esK tilny m orn in g M r., Confilf, Dpcoru- pjmlecl Dy a h ire d m sD ^w enl lu the licmsi* and rem oved n tu irnher o fftrlle lna w h ich Lnd Iweu u^eil In Ja»vrriy'M »ahn»u. A n 1o im *Ik ‘"I, beer tiiimpR nn<l o llw r iirrlcies were loaded nii ii wugoii Hnd Irtken lo Condlt's bousi' on V « l* b y road. Grange, where they were p)a<^ed Ju lliu cellar,

N iitice was seot to Ihe O m n |e H oard of Heallfa Hits m ririiln g and P liio ild n a lu«|>eO' to r lla ibacti. Dr. M a tlh e iv i, C h ie f In ipecLur K ch lem an it D *'puty B lm naou w «ut to iL s place and fnm ul the mI u IT In the e^Uar. Con- (lll'w luntsu wns placetl under q u a ra n tin e and livHpectur BLantiou Isit on guard. D n M aU liew anud t ' l iy t;oun»el H o rtu ii w ent La* loru JusUcu D av is and m ade n c u in p lu ln l charging CondU w lib lirln g log germ -ln fscled goniU In to the cily .

A inuug the arllc lcs lake ii from th e lio tis c by CiiiuHt ycaierduv was Ihu olU*fHKhhmed Rqusre cluck w hich stopped a l 4 o'cli>ck ou Ilia day lU a i l*a v e riy died.

Thfl H Utuinoni was served on C o n d ltn t noon to-day, am i he w ill be g iven a bearlug befuru Jusiice iM v ts th is BfiernfKio.

I N A B N .V K K 'g f iF A M L Y

A M t l le


WhileBat^y { lio k e tl to H eaM i A M lerp 4>iitdnori*

h im U A iiL o jq June 10.—. \ large p ine snake, four reel four inobrs in Irn g tti, yesterday en> circled thu neck o f a ilre p in g g ir l hnby of W lilLiM i P n rv lti, u w cll-kno ivn fa rru e rn c u r here, and cUnked the l l l l le one's life out or- fore I t WHS OiBCovered. The m oth er o f the child hnd filaci'd u pililuw on IL v grusN lor t i l l'c h ild to rtlcep on during the Lot a fie r- ])non, .Mr-. J'urvlu dUl im t hear a n y ou tcry , Htid first knew of llic s n n k u 'i pro ie iice pn»l>- fddy A quHTler o f an Lour afio r I t bad fln -Irlti d 111 dead ly work*

When dUcoversd tho iimke was sllll rolled •houl iLu u trk of ibo child wllh its head nisijng on ILu fao.>. 'I'he rrHUtlc laoUitr hcrcnined for her huibamJ. who whs norklng hi h field near hy, and 1h(‘n groJipcil the bo'ly o fthe n p ills vrilh both huiida. It bit her suvrrnl Grimes, but aha cutillmicil her hold, 'ilic RiiHkr C01I-.MI it^oir closer to ibe child the hiirdor Ihe jnulLer iniNud, and hJh* w* s ufrald lo use grculcr force fur fear of Injnrlug Ihc baby. Thu fuil:er arrived lu a fuw lulu* utfti, nnd n 1th n jark-knlfe cut the atiake in two. The hahy wui round to bi* dead.

Ti c llartkT Asphnli l Ohipany made an an* ripet'Ki 1 move In lis ueA'iica in tLeai|jball cissii>day. At iLe cmiilnued bearing fore t'lminilsslniicr Byiilgton In lUe Iktard of Trsdu r\a>n»M li rulird the iwraon wLuareoon'- Joint prosecutorN whlithe New Jersey Aaphalt L'oin|miiy 111 ( Ai li of the three cases, llsob* Jfct a us to Nlmw Glut tns liidiMduul prose* cuioni acre rnrrt ly nuinlually InlercRtsd lu thecKie. .Mr. irliubie cLariicterltcI tb iiM anullcinpt al inlluililullou and uoprofas- •Luutl.

Bdnurd Hmltli. a deaf old man, rathes rustic hi up;>furame, was first called, Bmllb begat) l y Muylug (hat Ls was a (ooi loslga tliu eflldnvll u|mu vililcU tlie caao was based* He w'HN nob (or asphalt al nil, but for graolui block pnvi'tucnl.

” iKj jmi wish to n lihdraw from tbe prose* cullon In ILlscuse?" aMked Mr, 'f rliuhlc.

“ Nu," wai Iho answer. “ I 'm LooBM. I'll ■Uod by wliai I'vs dour,'*

Nothin;; sailkfiiciory lo Ihe Barber C'un> puny wus iliclled from Albert Bivietb, ib t next u'liiiiHH. IU suUi be Lud ongafsd coub- i«l lu tho rase.

IDhjr< Mrs. Mkry A. Buuuell went on Ibf siuiid, iMr, Irlmblo, ns her cuunsek had Home rmiv»;r8uiuui wUL ber. Mr. Young AT11I .Mr. t'oult ohjecicd to Ihl", Am! .Mr. Trimble "poke warmly bscli. Mr*. Boiintli Slid she Imd signed the iiniliivll. ttisl "lilt wua brutitht on. q|,us^ linns Trimble s.ild were lilnUlyltM|irrqKT und unprofti»slounl weru naked. 11s UiHiiuciod »Mn. llcmiill not to a-iswef he uuinn hnr aiiswers would reveA) wLat ImiX pM»set hntwreii herNcIf and Lliu, hrrcounsel,

HiMir.v iUho, It Uw sludeiit In C'ouU A ItoweL's ufTln»', who hmi sfi'ved iLesuhpcena an Mrs. Uonuell, suld she lind told bun that she hud never ainpioyed ooUHsel WA" prosecutor in hnmu only, tbul she undeN sluod ll to be A w»r L< iw« cD asphtill com* pauLi'i, ami sUo wiiiitud was n rheApsr pav^ inent.

Clerk Kiin« tUmynn, nf tbe Hoard of Works, brought his bad rnsmury In Itvi stand, In ili« qucsllons uf tho eounixd for lbe Barber L'oinputiy ho tnadu ready answer, Ue was A'lked n list took pines nl the hiaringigiven Iho aMphiill conipaiilM by the Jkiard of\Vnr'«S,

“ I ‘ihjrrf,'’ Inlerrupled Mr. TAylnr, "T h i wltnovR M iiininory la hnrdiy cr|unl lo fueb a que'tllon. From the ohnraeUr of «Lat he s»ld nl A former examlnniion* be Js uut liiled tu any great credence.”

.Mr. Runyon went on lo give a delalltd port of tlis iiroceiMllngs of the board as asked for. IU was p)iBltivu vrliAl lu’ said WASoor* PTl, BO be wislied Mr. Trimble U> undsr* aiaud.

Mr, Irtmbie ■tibmilUd on exlracl from Ati arilelu publliLeU Hi ibo N kwh. 10 theeffseX tbalbupi'rliitenilent Marsh hud reported the paving of Th’hsnor ulrcH i>» be faulty,

“ Gh, Ho Bvp.iEiKti NkwaT ' said Mr. Run* you.

Then I1S ninmhisd sompttilng nobody could midcraUnd. After lie Lad scruilnlx.^d the fxiroot fur a few rrilnulns I Le lawyer asked t

*■ Wsll. U tbai nil right T"“ Yc-ex; l i s t ’s all right," draTvlod the wlU

iic"s. He added Ibat Le did lemuniber Siiiuclhiug nliuut lliAl.

Bnt Mr. Uouyou <|Ulolfly iseovered blot* •elf and avnin became u)->ii*oominlLlal,

" Vour m*-niory Is beourami lauliy again,** observed Mr. Trimble,

" If )uu WMiti mg lu be poilitve," said tha witness, “ { hav e lib p>)sit!v« rernllccllnq about it," laying stresK upon Urn word “ pml- lire ,'' TjmL word pniiilve quite ctinbled IjIiu to dtidgs the liiwyer'MqiK’silons after lha first poHitIvc silmlRRlim.

Mr. Trlmb^o nikt'd whether Ihs wltnes" re* mcuitirfe 1 a threat of Dr. Jfriidry lo lir:ng suit fur IjI)cI nralrmt Ihcoftlrluls uf Gk* New Jersey Aspluili Gotnpuny iit n lucsMitg of Ihe bcmrrl, lludiilu’i retnsfnbcr.

“ Maybe I cm f^fr*sh your inemriry,''re* nt^kt-'d Hie lawj cr, reading an rxlracl front a report oi the inri'tlng<

“ r.u can add holLl ug to make more |>oiW live," Mr. Uniiyon Hiiswcred.

Ths dcrbrico hud no more wItnesneS on Lund ami iiRkt'd fur un adjuurnmenU Tbe ii-<]uc»t wuH gnnliid*

Tftf AA UVg hYfi xo hett/T jn’fKt/ uf ilt ntO'frfitOiy t'oCuf 1/iuH Pi loiTi ttiriaU fruiit to




MIsa HeCaen Home Analn.Mtsa Hary AieCaun, tUe young domaatta

who lell from a isouiib Orange eXscirie <kvr uu April IS, wHgdlKbarged from tbe Monaorlal Hoepllal*. OrangOt iMt nigbl, mucli Im- proved. Judge Cnoion* of Newark, oMlled At the boapKai aod ioek lbe goaug woman to L Is b u m A __ ___ ■ _ _

U glii C elet ClhevXeg pnd H em B ^M 9o|U.Htontenbiirgh A bar* rtctlvefl now

lines fresh (Mra luflr wornrooias flir p ile r-Aarou W sri db Sobvsupp:j;mo irido wifli I day*ssal«; 9i0.tJl2, tifi, feiflsXhwn* 799io996

tbv FaiUa Gy|ari*-Adv« | Xli'oad, street,-A d v«

O ffW l n g rfB liH i tn O L Ild rcn 'a fittita* T h M s d o l ia t i w ill buy fit H a in rd ay 'e sale a

•ttU X l-g ! A few dajrs sgo would buvs oust from |4 to NX ' , .m o u tfn buftf u 4k Co., 799 lo 909 B toad i(re«b .-A d

L lv s ito e k K i l le d la a T r a in W re c k ,Ba t a v ia , N . Y „ Jun e H k ^ A bed wreck oc-

ourred on iho C eiiira l b ridge over th4| ^ ’**‘^ * . WHUdaCreiic iM in ig H t . A n e u i^ o u p d fro lghi siood on tbG bridge when another easi-bound fre ia h t r ' - n ; j ^ r t y rb lle i an Lour, efaefied luvw iC w h y cars ircrs telemiope^ And abo ut 100 Lead of ilveslook w ere k llis d . F lrg startod In (Le w*reck, nut was ex tingnU be 1 by th e flrem sn. None of tbe tru innien were tnjni'eda The lust to the New Y u rk 'C e n tra l w ill a in n u n t to m atiy iliousunds o f d o lia n *

strikers to Hot A jsFIoiiIb*A l BbooUug F a r ln o -m o rro w sfiernoon and

L ig h t (he fo rm er em ployes o f tbe Hpencor O ptical W orks , a h o w e n t ou t on s trike re* ofluUy, w ill bold tb e ir firs t unm ial plonlo. A lU L s m e m b o rs 04 th e H ia ie Board o f A rb i­tra tio n h t tv e p r o m l^ lo a tte n ri.

^ StTsterjoue IHtappearance*T o-u io rm w a h ew 'cnatlnnsd story w ill be*

gin III Town Talk*,smMi»nX ** Uuue," Twenty- four pages. F ivs iw u ia , »o id every w b m , - A d i

The-Mysllllpcl PHSKangcr Wfio Mlslrnslcd the Cuiidnclur*

From iLo rhllntlelpUlA rnqiilrQr.** \V lioD I was out in Chicago a t the open­

ing of the W orld's Fair," said o friend of Tnino, ‘*1 hod occasion to make a call on some old acqualntanees on the West Hide, The itrecta In that portion of the d ty bad many of thorn the hnptlsmal namea of women* and AA I lived there a t one time the ealliog of them by the cor conductor sounded famlilar to me, although It seemed to putsle an old countryman on board* who was doubtleu visltingChlcago for the first time! There were a number oT' ladles among tlie paasengera, and as tbe condaetpr called out * Elteabeth,’ car stopped and one of iherif Kfew squares further and there was the call ^Adft* followed by a Siop.and the exit of another lady. The old coanfcryman be- gan to look interested, and when ihe next call eame, * May,* and be aaw a Indy gath­er up bor bundles and. walk down Ihe aisle* ho had a puaxled air* In quick sac- ceaslon there come * Pauline** *Uoberta* and * Augusta*' followed by the departure of a paiasoger. Tbe old man oould not stand it any longer; his eyes bulged out, and making a roeh for the platforin* ho •old In « aU|c« wbitper to the conductor;* Great snakes I tnioter, do you know the names of ,oU the women folks in this big town T*

had been under th« impression that each woman who left the car an- iwered to tbe ngune tbat was colled ouL**


D U rlugu lB hod F ro m th eFever Thlnr.

From Hie ('lilcagn lnter>0(’*iii.T i i l r s t Is a J m p ly a Bsnsatlon b y w h ic h a

la c k o f flu id s In th e system Is n iado kn o w n , an d in a s te le o f l ie a i ih i t Is a g c n o ra lly fa ith fu l In d ic a tio n o f th e w u n U o f th o body . N a tu ra l th irs t, w h ic h m ust be iliH llngu lsh urt fro m th e th ir s t caused by s t im u la t in g foods an d d r in k s o r liy fever* Is firs t in d ic a te d hy a iie c u lla r d ry - tiesH o f th e m o u th and fauces, cHust-d by a fa ilu re o f tb e p h a ryn g o n l n ie m h rs n e to secrete a d u o a m o u n t n f lir iu id s , b u t i f flu ids w e re to bo in tro d u c e d d ire c t ly in to th e sto m ach th ro u g h a tubo, und n o t by w a y .u f th o fauces—nr has been done in som e unusua l nases— th e im m e d ia te ab - BOrbtlon th e re o f in s ia n t ly a lla y s the. (mnse o f t id r s t , fro m w h ic h i t hasheori sapim ued th a t ih e s o n ta tlo a o f th irs t la in th e nerves o f th s s to m n c ii an d th 'a t t | ie th ro a t semsu- tlo n Is a k in d o f re flo x ac tio n .

H o w e v e r* th is th e o ry cab n o t be fu lly Hcceptod* th irs t be ing a sensation caused hy th e g e n e ra l w a n t w h ic h can be sup­p lie d th ro u g h th e b lood veascls, th e rec - turn* o r th e sk in * oa w e ll as th ro u g h th e stom ach o r th ro a t . T h e e x lia h itio n s fro m th e lungs an d s k in and th e k id n e y and o th e r se cre tio n s ure c flw tc r t p r ln d p n lly a t th e exp en se o f w a te r in th e h^ooci* w lilc h m ust bo res to red to ll« u o rn ia . a m o u n t o r in lcniiA g e n e ra l su ffe ring fo llow s. A sud­den loss o f Id o o d by th e la n c e t o r fro m a w ound* Of L ra p id (ira ln on th e vascu lar syatem , as In o h o ie ra o r d iabetes , also caiisea th e fn ten iie aansation o f tb irs l- T h o th irs t o f fe v e r , on tb e o th e r h an d , is n o t caused b y * th e la c k o f flu ids in th e ays- te m , h u t hy th e dryncf'S o f th e th ro a t* m o u th and s k in , caused bv th e u n n a tu ra l''' ly h ig h te iiip e r it tu ro o f th e blood*

The IMmliiULitig H rtitrate.Dr. .robu H. Jiilltuifs in tu« Furuin .

Ir tills view of the cuso l« eurfsri, ili« birtk- mtc will not ouly ountiaun Inw In ILh UnliedrLntC" iisrompurvil 11 itL fui mery^nrs, bui tl will pruhoLly bvenm* lower. On Iho other hnod, so long L" lh« present tcn laiioy or Hit peopjs in sggregale lu ulllos eonilnnos, ft« Uls likely to do until rmr coni siippJU'H Login to shrink p^reepHLly, wiHi u enrre- ipondlng |(U*rflnss It) Ihe cost of pnwor for ptiriunieN of mannrtimiiro and orteausiiorla- don, so long tils rleeliiruies arc liUv<5 ^ ‘*"

_\ 1 u at i I*. ft A • A 1. 1 n F I ft. A I, A. I u.


A Curious Dlsb' I ’ O I '

hp v o lc iMbjU froiji T m n ip .

From Ihc idnn Krancls'jo c.iU .T u t is a diah th a t in iis t long re m a in p e ­

c u lia r Lo th e H u w a H a n Is la n d s - a lw ays t in fa c t, unlctw auine meaiiR U o o u trlve d fo r p reserv in g ta ro i^o th a t I t w i l l s lutid e x ­p o rt. P o l is im u le fro m ta ro , a ro o t re - aom hiing th e lu rn ip . I t g row s in th e w a te r, w ith a la rg e , han dsom e g reen le a f, a n d ia a lm ost ta^telean. T h e re l i also on u p land liirn n i lt tv a tc d In tho m o u n t i in i by th e iia tiv e a w h ic ii has a m o re dec ided ta d c , and w h ic h , as I le a rn e d to m y cost o il taHling i t ra w * b lle v th e th ro a t l ik e horse-rad ish. T h e lo w ta ro is th e c h ie f .'cgotahic in th e is lan d , an d in e a r ly daya .M)nhlitiitL‘d th e riiit ivcs ' p r in c ip a l crop .

W h e n coo ked i t absum es a n io iU ed g ra y and A h ilo a p p c a ra iu 'c , v e ry l ik e th e la v a rock th /H uhwunds overyw -hcre In th e island<i. T h n prnco'«s f i f n iu n u fa c lu rin g th e pol is q u ilu a le n g th y one. A g re a t ho le is dug Ju th e g ro u iu l an d in to l ii is t l ie ta ro roiilA arc p lm aui a ro u n il p iles o f h o t sloni'N. T h e c a rtt i is M ic ii heaped o v e r tlu i place and th e (a ro lo f t to sleAin. W h e n th e ttiru is th o ro u g h ly coi.ikpd* w h ic h in often several hours, Ih n ro o ts a re du»? u u t Again, p c f led and p u t InG i a huge stone rccap lncle . Iu w lilc h Ih e y are pounded to a pu lp . T h is w o rk is p e rfo rm e d by th e m en. I t is an arduous tn sk , nnd on a h<it day land m -iirly a ll days a re h o t in th e islands! Ih c p o u n d in g <»r prd I h a sctine over i l i i fidv isa tilo to d ra w a v e il.T h e pt)i po im d n r n o t o n ly earns his b read hy th e NWP:it o f h is liro iv * h u t m ixes I t a e w c li iarir^^ly l y tb e a!d o f th a t f lu id

iH l l l l tu n .A "rrip" uf ffw-ri-r-rtl] rotui riu 'c ’ Wfii coru-

m ciirihl y rs le rtU y iiflc riioou on Urn J illtu nf il l by Mon.-tir-r n f Ihe jh i ts lHljUni. 'till' iiiriM Mi'fi* c.vrliJn^r. 'rU" firntp r i / , u i.lrlvli y hljiiilti.'l, \u'f* iiM nnl tl lo WDIInni Gi-oMtl.'ir". o f D vIubIo ii, wlmne hor"-, riiCNtgi, h'd till lUw rncc". Tiie s-tuiiiI jiJ'tj!*', a hoT'W'Wlijp. WNS won by I I . C. t u x ' ihor»r, Tom D ;)vb, n fN a w in k.

TLo %V«*u(ti"r lMiDe#illiiii**KollnvliiR U He Hiovlfc Jlureau^i

fu ri 'O H .H t h T N e w J i - i s f , ' . ; n o u d v a i i t J • h o w -

cry ; Htai leinary ii'inj erttluri*; hrlskluLlgh tiorlhraitei'tv wlndn.

C I T V \ i : W H N O T i : - 4*

Bfr. Hsvis W. lAi-k ^uvu fk stfrcopllcon l«)iore»m “ riiUirig.iiiiifJ i Uh World's F a ir" ut tliu ^ixtli ]'nrt''yt*Tliii1 I’lutrfL IskC nIgUt,

Oflicer N)o ti, ><r Hie Kcuirtli Frrdiioi* lust iilglil urrirRieil Jiicob Hchnildt for begging uiiH vuyrsnoy. Ho was scn tlo JslUor nlLuly days.

Mowart Maver, ftoaual hoalinaii 0/ Jersey CUy, ivjis fliioii tiy J ihIkc I’relwl last ui^nt icr LcL)]* drunk and dUoidcrly on Acnflemy "Irfloi,

Mr». LonUc Btvage* of II3A Bowery street, wHAurrotedl ihls moruliix un complaint of her liiisbaut], who RMlcl ^ho was a eorumon ilrunkMi'd. . Judge KullicU sent Ler to Joli

nil, tlifrvfor, ttht. of i.ior..UH« tn ' p.i|ni).iHoti due in •» ? « . of h1rlli« over tlrellttw tll dltntiiKli. 'Mila ■lute of Ih li!,. lioH .rei'urruO liefore In the world”, hl.tory In rorinln rejtloni. nr. for IniiHiicc, tu M^oihorii end weniern Kuriino durlof the drdltic uf 111* IloniHii hlini.Ire, end If Ute louree.e of IKjpulelluu had not Im u elierkod a . II Him waa, Ilia world would now hcuvcreruwdud,

Killed In Hie Home hy U urjlare.MiNtrEai'aMU. Ju rn 'ld - J. it. Uarrie, of me

Dutirlcallni (.'oiujiiiuy, wa* hilled by two burglar* who hnd been dl*c>vered by him In hia parlor on flDeenth iieonue, d. K, a l d o'clook Ihl* murnliig. Jloauemplud lo te liu Iheniaudw ui *bot twice, dying »t 8 o'clock ibU iiiornliig. ' ___

flee IVbaDa New.Ifyotiwnnl to poet youraclfon wh»l'*new

hi |..'gllg.c Hhlri*. >e* onrMUtU wtaaow. n iu u tfnburgh d CHl.—A dv.




■ i


MttV ' . . . o . w«itaken from her home, 11 l.n ter eeanua, by un I.meer ol llio Third I’rcrtncl i’ollce Btailon liiht night. Till* mornlug *he w u icnt lo hendiiuHrien.

Mra Gate Cullnin, of 41 Ita.ton *tr0D(, ttti* inarnlng wa. llio cumpl.iinaiii ac ilp it ber huibaod, Kranol., whom ahe .'barged with heiog It cMnmou drunkard. Judge l’r l , t , l held him fir cientlnnllon..DI«ordurIy oiMduelumlaBruer.lo«dugwar*

tho cliorgoi. agaluel ilenry Toylor, of 21 High MKiet, wUed before Jiidg* 1‘rlaael a t th a Kuurili t'rerinci ro M c iu t lo n IMI night. Deary Young, of VI UelniaMtareauc, «M the uoDiplalMuit. Tuylof «M balled for Ml *1 - atutnalloo on J an* )b.

A H o ld A a M r l lo k .True ne»*rH ialeaa Take h o t tan •beee I *

town for th* inoiiey are th* tin n ln e Nu*eh^u .w . i l t f f y W . N a u fo MM

2 JN’KWAltiv KVhJNlNU JvKWS, J^'IUDAY, dUMH; Jtt,roiJMD A runiuM K .

A* I'aeUlmwl TnUu kutU at AucUon rraTM ta lie a Trraeura Mine.

From Iba Turoiilo World.Ttaaaaloof unclaimed railway biirira|[«

in Montreal ha> brouifht o remarkable atory to light, in which Boelon, Chicago and Montreal a n almoal equally tntcr- eatad. It alt roitiea about through a pur- ohaae made by Lee dtaloton, a painter by trade, who came from Kngiend to Mon- Ireal to aeefc hla fortune two m oo^a ago. He obtained a altualion and livea at lUO Wellington atrect.

Among a great many othera in uearch of bargain* he attended the Urand Trunk ■ale of unclaimed baggage held In Fru- aler’a auction rouina laat VVedncHday. An unpretentioua brown leather valite wa*

A MATIUMAI. HKALTII DOAKI). TAIII.K NAl'MIiy.The IXclaler r»l Panlibrn fleg.rrdlug tlia

^tyle of Table J.llien.Froin Iherhurcfo .Mui'.

Willi the inaugural of eumnier “ ocea- aimis " new Hlylei and fadi In table linen

1 I I I , , arc Introduced. Tiiciio large aooiitl doing*?!.:.-5T H'*‘ *' '‘‘‘ou'J be comimsed of : o faahlon’’ of

wnllurian*, who *hou d be ap- j „ii of whatever degree of import- Presment, should have a . nneo connected with Ihu htsrving ui‘ wmio*

tiling good Ui mcaL

i4ngs««lloii4 tu lh«j lu U Jilrh IfMiglit liik

KntforlAl 111 C'foiury MiivMilnf,Concerning the conntrucllon of the Na­

tional board proposed, there ieadlircrcjiec of opinion only aa to tetall*. Allauthorl-

trainedpointed by the chief and ahould inclnde in their number

put up for *ale and waa knocked down to trim for f2.l^ Tne vallM woi locked, and the purchaaerof It, not being at ail cu- rioui aa to what It cuntainud, did not open U until yeilerday.

It* content* limply paralyzed him, and he immediately u w viitoni of that for­tune which ho had cornu to Canada to wek. F irathe took out a iplcndid black nilt of clothee and Home new iliirU, col- lara and cuflk, worth many time* what he paid for bii bargain, llndernoath thmo he found icrip to the extent of flCI7,uno, oeiiil^'ing that L. Mulbontadt wa* the owner of that amount of atock In the W ettem Uai Improving Company, 125 Clark atrect, Chicago, fully paid and noii- uaeacable. A deed, No. 430,0511, granting Feler Keller, of Chicago, letter* patent for aevonteen year* from July 1 , IttOO, for the excloilve right to make, uie and vend in the United State* a gaa carburetor, wa* alio lying at tlio bottom of the va1i*e. The a ^ p it ilgned by the proaldent and Moretary of the company, and the deitd by the United State* Patent* CoinniiMlnii •r. The capital dock of the company I* PWO.OOO, and the ahare* |100 each. The ■crip 1* dated a t varlou* time* between March and September, IKQ. No peiaon other than L. tlurlbantadt, whoever he la, oould negptlaU) the *crlp, a* it ha* not b*en e n d o r ^ by the purcha*er. In that saw, of oourte, no tranifer of the atock •an be made.

Mr. Stanton atayed at home from bu*i- ne*i Ihi* forenoon in order, Ifpowtlblc, to return the Fcrip to it* owner. Ho wired the manager of the company In Chicago, tailing him of hi* And and aaklng lor td- Ttoa. Up to thi* alleraoon no an*wer had been received to the telegram. Mr. Stan­ton expecta to get salvage. He tliinks he 1* entitled Id it, u he purchised the valise In a legitimate way.

Close Inquiry h** revealed the fact that Hulberitadt, who wa* the owner of the xallM, died In the Centennial Hotel, BrookTllle, Ont., on October 11 of laat year. On hi* penon were foui^d among many paper* and huslneu cards, a ticket from Boeton to Chicago via the Centra] Vermont and Grand Trunk Hallway, and a)*o a receipt dated Chioag<b March 2S, W 3, which read a* foliow> 1 "|{ecetved from L. Hulberstadt |fi, being a depoait of ■•carlty for the payment o f gaa consumed by him. (Signed) Equitable Gaa Com­pany." There were alio aeveral businraa card* of Kelley Carburetors, Hu Ibenlodt A Atkinson, general ageata, 31 Milk alreat, Boston.

I t la now clearly remembered that the man was found in an Inienalble condition early one morning In the beginning of October, in the Grand Trunk walllng- rooio, and w u taken to the Cen­tral potioe Btation. He had either been on an extended tour of dlnalpa- Uon or bad been drugged, and, aa hla talk wa* very Inooherent, there waa some Intantion of having him examined in re­gard to hi* sanity whan be recovered hla Mneea However, he explained that he bad bean drinking, and wa* on hia way West, He accordingly wa* put on a well- bound train and turned up in Brockville,' where, ibortly after hla arrival, he woi taken with apoplexy In In the Centennial HoteL dying October U. An Inqueat was held, and by arrangement hla body waa ■hipped to Naperville, ILL, where hia wife wi* eupposed to live.

On* strange feature of hi* death was that although before sending him out of town the police returned him $30 and a gold watch, which were taken from him when arrested, these were missing when hi* clothe* were learcbed after bis death in Brockville.

the Siirgeon-Ueneral* of the Mfrino llos- pUat icrviee, the army and the navy.

One uxcetlunt nugguition, iidercd by an eminent and evpericnced liinltariin of New 5 ork City. I* that the board bumatU up a* follows: “ Flr.it, a chief appnlntcd by the President, who should lui paid a large latary and should reside in Wash- tnguin ; next, the three Surgoon-tleneral* of the urmy, navy and marine iiospilnl acrvice; then, one saiularian of f»tub- llihed Vepulolion from each of the follow­ing ecetioiii of the country; the yelluw- fovar dl.sirict of lojineiana; the quaran­tine district of the e a i t ; the far west of Callforitla and the I’ncillo coast; the North- weal-say C hltogo- bccaii* ofll* relation- *hlp to Canada; and the middle dis­trict of the country- aay Kentucky or a neighboring State. Mach of ItieiK also should receive a good salary. This Would make a board of nine mcinlM>r«,who would represent the Interest* of the whole coun- try, and would give all aectlon* the benc- Ht of their combined sanitary knowledge and experience. This board should bo given full legislative, Judicial and execu­tive powers, such as arc exercised by the Board of Health of New York City. 11 should devise measure*, decide upon tho method of their execution, and admin­ister them without Ictcrfcrence ftotii any quartet. It might constitute n* It* executive eommIUee tho chief and the three Surgeon-General*, who should be msdo the administrative force of the bureau. This w ould put thu duty of exe­cuting the rule! and regulstlons of the bureau Into the hands of the only olfleials we have tn this country who arc ospecially fitted for Iho work ; that Is, olllidals who are psniiancnt, who have no private In­terests, who are removed ab*oliiloly from all outside Influence of any kind, political or other, wlio are trained In the work of discipline and organiiatlon, and who are accustomed to look to no other end than cflicient service. The executive commit­tee and the chief onuld really conduct the department, the other inenibors of th hoard coming together on summons whenever their presence was necessary.

The plan seemt to ua well considered, though of course It 1* possible to Improve upon ib The iiisln thing l.i to got the National hoard ami to have It begin at the earliest possible nininont the work which Dr. Prudden outlines as its sphere of usefulness. Of course the establish­ment of a National board must ho sceoin- panied by tho abolition of all Btate and local quarantines but not of the Htate and boards of health. No political In­fluence shunld bo permitted to delay one moment the work of anch ayefurtn. It goes without saying that the question of the health and well-being of the whole country la of too great lui poriance to allow the seltlih greed of pohticians or of po­litical organliatlona hi Htaiid In It* way. That any set of ixilitlclans should oppose such a necessary measure Is an Illustration of the spoils system which ought to startle the comniiinity.

mVINO AtVAT A i i m :r.

The mandate has ticen Issued that for dinners, for formal luncheons, and, in- dei d, lor all functions, save only the 6 o'clock tea, white and white only must be cinplu.vctL

All winter and spring society has served luncheon on cloth* of cut-workllincd with colored silk. Duillfa were embroidered in dainty colors and the centre *<|uaie was

] also In lovely Unta..Now, the assortment of cloth* must ho

ns as numerous and varied, tiut the lov'ely pink of the rose, the tender blue of the lorgel-nie-not, nndihe splendid yellow of

i the Inillcreuij must be replaced by do- • signs in white. And the linen is now

modish when lacking embroidery.The dinner cloth* are all required to

show a finish of narrow, hnml-sowed, hem aa on llie napkins that accompany it.

The luncheon cloths are hemstitched. For dinners an<l for luncheons cloths

arc woven with borders complete auid « ith napkin* tn match each aet.

The 5 o’clock tea cloths ore shown with cul-work centre.*, cut-work edges, drawn- work borders, and us much elaboration ns individual taste may suggest.

For the afternoon tea small fringed nap­kins will be used, and they may or may not match the pattern ot the cloth, as lasle and circumstances determine.

1 lollies and table muta may l>c oltlier embroidered or ol cupwork, but for din­ner must bo of tho finest while, whatever form the decorations may take.

If carving tn done upon the table, ns de- sjilto the prevailing fashion it still often is, n large, apipio carving cloth is used.

The supply of table napery required for a Well-kept house has become much larger than once It was; and If you are to i ntertniii at all you w ill require certain definite sizes both of cloths and napkins as Well II* doilieii and embroidered table mats to keep pseo with tbu demands of tho ilay.

Linens in either the weight hnown as “ besom linen " or the line lawn are the correct fabrics for table mats of oil kinds.

For the dinner there arc finely woven poppy cloth* and other* in the thistle and ehrysantliemum design. The poppy, which is the fad of the hour, is show n In costly satin damask only. Other designs, which are in reality quite as good a* the poppy, are sold lor farm ore reasonable prices.

The 5 o’clock tea cloths havoltecome with tliu establishment of the tea tables quite a* necessary to a housekeeper’s out- nt OS are the larger and longer eatabllshed dinner snd Imicheou cloth*. The tea cloth* range In size to suit the needs of different tables. They may he scarcely larger than o dlnncMiapkln, but must not exceed two yards square, else they be­come lunch clutlis and are ont o f place.

t o n T in: NTkllNS;lt SIX.

U r t i r iA L TRIALS.

Tha Arduous Labor* of tho Juurnallstte UOlalala at Uio World’s ts lr .

From ib* Cblcaso Mall.Not the least worked mao on the fair

grounds is Frank Wriggler, who looks ■Iter newspaper men, gets their pasecs out for them, »nd generally attends to their oomfort and welfare.

He has troubles, though, hat Frank, It is only neeeatary to stand In the prew nd- mlistoD room to see th a t Here it an idyl of yester-moni:

Enter a middle-aged lady representing a French paper of great infiuence. Hhe baa been consigned to Wriggler’s attention by the eoDslderate Major Handy- and must i>e looked after.

“ I v a n tth e ting settled the shortest w ty ,” says she.

'"Take a seal, madam,” replies Wrig­gler shavely. Then he gets an adnTission blank,

" But are you sure, sir, this Is the quick­est way T" says the lady.

"Y ea’m,” says Wriggler.“ I cannot get It any other wsy that is

quicker f ”“ No’m.”"Y ou know Msjor Handy said the

quickest way.”Yet'iu.”

" Well, all right, I sign my name," and ■he aigna

“ Now go over to the aervlco building and present thU," as the blank Is care­fully folded up. »

" W here la tho serylon building 7” Wriggler eiplalns'n* though his temper

was quiet and unruffled as the summer ■ea. All thia time a dozen men arc stamp­ing their leet impatiently and the move­ment Increases as the lady rem arks;

“ But how do you suupose 1 can And thu building with those directions? It is Uu- pOflsible. Wont you accompany m et”

“ Impossible, madam.”“ But it is a long way to the service

building?”’fcYes'm.”“ And Major Handy *ald you were to

attend to me a* (lUickly as possible. Pa­pers will not wait, you know. Now you are sure you have done as quickly ss poa- ■Ible?”

“ Yes'm."" Well, just show me downstairs, please,

and set me right for the service huildliig, for I never eao find my way wltbuut.”

And then Wriggler shows the lady downstair* and out on U> Hie plaza, ami when he returns there" is a paintul smile on hla face and tho visitors syihimthlze so heartily with him that they cannot find courage to kick over the delay.

A Wluilo'B Hur»«>''|Mkwers from mQ.Lichut(s<>.

Th* hor«F-jMifterof 6 wbnlfl han been nmilo Aiubjecl ornturty by iht« omlncmi wnuUmilHl, 8 lr Wllllftui Tunifrr, of ihe I’jilTeruity of KdlQbur^, HrollaEiil. m coiiju'nutlon \rltb lb* rqually emlnFiii Hlilpbiillilur,Jnbn Hftjdersitti. The kI/.’j unil iJltiiuUAIoutt of M grent tinner ^Irnitcltid iHvern] ytiam 4i|ro on lue Mbore al l*tj«grlddy furnlwbid the tieCMPary dotm for » cttfiipuiftOoii uf un< power neceMary lo proped U al a ipced uf twilva mlJe* per hour. TiiJs whiilo iiieajEurt'd •Igbly feet lo kniEtli, twenty tout at rtwa ra iba ttangea of the Utl, unil weiiftK’d boveiity* four U>nH. To attain tk «pcHKl uf twelvu par hour tt was* ualeuiated tbai H-Viiur*c- power WMt neeuAHai-y.

T h # r e i i o n i t a i i o e L atl tci <‘u»H ldurable T ^ i ib l e A ll Ar'unnd*

From Foreti and Nlrram.The common mule-cared doer of our

foreats is a beaulifut and graceful animal, and bis profusion here gives us an oppor­tunity to study lilin in alibis phases. Une of bis characteristics is immense strongtli, apparently out of p ro ^ rtio n to his slen­der and exquisite lines. To Illustrate; Lost fall a friend sent nie a yearling buck, and after I had expended about $15 for wire fencing, and had paid flOmore for damage to my neigh­bor*’ shrubbery, awnings, vegetables, etc., I determined upon inflicting the lovuly and doellu creature upon some one eUe, 1 selected my friend E. S. O., a thorough lover of animal life and proprietor of a very pretty park a t Lake Htellnconm, and aent him a carefully worded tclcphoiio mesaage, advising him of my generous intentions and alio Instructing him to bring a wagon and a big drygoods box with which to haul away his prize.

My victim look the tjait with the alacrity of a mountain trout, and within two hours presented himself at the alley gate equipped with every appli­ance for handling the acquisition to his collection.

Ben Harrison (that Is the deer| nipped the succulent verdure and eyed oskanro tbe preparations for his entertainment, and when Mr. 0 , announrod that he was ready I led the gentle afilmal alongside of the box. Mr, O. elooped dellberalely and encircled the slender waist of Mr. Ben Harrison flrnily and affectionately, and emayed tn hoist him over tho side of the receptacle.

At this Juncture something happened. It occurred so suddenly that none of us could exactly tell how, but the scene was shifted to thu other side of the niley, forty feet away, and tho oc-tori had changi'd places. A confused medley of legs, horns, tall, plughal, linen duster, man wllh red whiskers and redder face, together w ith ashes, empty cans end other bric-ii-brac obscured tho vision for thu next live min­utes so that the referee could not decide upon points and scores, hut tho spectators said that Benny had the first round.

I was Just about to answer a professional call and stood ivllli glovi-s oii sml medi- clno case In hand, n glossy Duiihip sur­mounting my head, a litllu knot of violets upon the lapel of my new overcoat.

As the Issue of thu combat heenme doubtful I grew intensely inUTcstcd, and when Mr. O. lay flai upon his back In liu-oah heap, and Ben’s tcet, wllh 1 he sliced of lightning and the precision of a jinper knlle, cut long strips in Ids clothing, un­til A Calabrian beggar would have de­clined to appear in such rout, vest or trousers, I got excited and rushed itdo tho ring. 1 was nearly k hooked out in the first round, a battered lial, u split glove and a cut ten Inches long through irons- ers, drawers and Integument testifying to Iho athtf tic qnulitics of tho tiuiroughly frightened deer. I wont back at him, j hough, and this time sparring cautlonsiv '

for an opculng, 1 at last iiounccd down Into the ashes, among the smothered vx- plitl ves and scintillaliiig hoofs anil suc- C|cdf'd tn grabliliig both hind leg.s.

-\ltc r this, with the aasistatico of a rope, a small boy and two ladies, vve aecun-d the gentle rnminaut and boxed him Indue form.

The episode lasted fifteen minutes and cost us $40 each for clothing and a week’s confinement to the house. Hercaller commend me to the gentle and persuoalvo allurements of n forly-inch buzz saw, luit never again to the Illusive oetbor extremi­ties of a nmlc-oared deer.

BiOJ WhSk1E8Guaranteed PURE.


* Irso* «f Fussl Oil.N O T ts lr Is balk sr by matiuis. Alwty) la Sssltd

b s t t t i . I s s s t s s f ImltitlcHH siul fstIM bsttl«, S O U p s a n ^ Dniggitli, Q nctn , Wins Btr-

L00Kwyri$tW*n>lm) sisis ilgmbni.CHSSTEff H. GtiAVES & SONS, BoBton, .


A qulik C'lisiige I l f Front.From tbs Now Vurk l’ro.».

" UenUomeii,'- ssUI ilie nperiir, pulliog hi. beau Into llio Jury-room, "If Uiore Is im cUaiico uf yiHir agroctiig immodlstely on a vcraicp 111* Jiiilco ivili .lop out ui liiuoli,"

" Tell tils IfiHior he mny go lo luiicli," said the loroiiisu,

" 1 wos Hbiiul to add,” conilmiml the fflisrin. " Ibui the circus ooinei, Into (own nt « o'clock, amt It’s srienty niniuir. u, z uow."

” tt'Mi!” said tile foronuiii; " toll ilic Jud-o to bold ou h.df u nilmite."

(4«n,elbliig Ni-w In l-Htoiits,From the lietroit Fro- I'ross, ,

Tim old Isd.r wua rcailliig her iiewspspor when gibe. . ’OuV’ up ,liiquJrlugly ui hor diiugbter. '

*' SVell ?■’ siild the yenii*ronisn." I ’ve Just Iwcn reinllng litre iilmul the

Faleut orfin- sosntliil k1 Wa.liluslqii.'’ ■‘.Whatot IIT"“ Nollilns, 1 ■Iippete, only”—and the old

lady liHiked troubled—"U spem. lo mo nipro arueiimigh .caiiaal. alreaily wllboul gcuing up putrni ones,” and slqi eontlaueil her road- lug. _________ ___________

titated by It. B, Cochran, drugslst, T-sneas- lor, I'o. ilttVO guamtitoril over lieu bullies of Hurdoex Blood Blll.-rii fur dysiwp.la, sour Bliimseli, fallioua aiumlci, Brer and ktduoy truuble.—Adv.

A woman who ii we»x nertous and sleep Jess, ood who liss cold quiidi and feet, eaa sol ta l art 1| |» a well perum. Cfartsi-e Iron FiBs sguallM Ui* ctrimiatlos, remov* SSTTousosi* ood (Ws sUtugUf ood nsb-Adv,

P r r l l i ^ i i t I to n 'f t fo r th e I to n r l l t o f i l ie A o .called Lordi uf C'roatJoru

Fr.rni flood tlouH okccpiev,Don’t hang about the kitchen, with ad­

vice here and suggestion there, unlcw.vour wife has the same privilege at your place of work or business.

Don’t require an itemized report of every dollar placed In hor hands ; even slmuld she make an unwise expenditure, consider how many timoayou have given her the example.

Don’t allow any family disagreements or dlfficrcnre* of ojiinloti to crop out before children or servants; let all such things be reserved for private discussion, with mutual confldoucu and kitidues*.

Don’t use all your kindness and gallantry away from home and let.theunpleosant- nea« manlfent Itself in the family circle; try the other course for a time and see how that will work.

Don't listen to the man who begins to disparage his wife, and parade her real or fancied shortcomings to the world; ad­vise him to settle those things in the privacy of his own home.

Don’t make it neecssary^for any person to give you like advlco.

Don't pay a dollar for a lunch "dow n­town.” and half as much more for cigars, while you think up plana for greater econ­omy in the family grocery bill. *

Don’t forget that members of the family have as good a right to a pleasant greeting when metoand will appreciate it os much ii* the business acquaintance next door.

Don’t forget a kindly word for the poor or unfortunate with whom y o t f eome in contact; it costs nothing, while it send* a ray of sunshine into lives which have enough of hardsliip and gloom at the best.

Don’t forget that the true gentleman never uses profane or vulgar language; that he does not apeak hastily.

t h a t I.K fl O F H IS,

.All O ld O en lle iiii.li M'lio C re a te d a S en- imliim 111 H Sirrrt C'Hr.

K ro iu itio Krririi‘i?ipf) KiBrnlm>r.All elderly gentlenmn, dressed in deco­

rous black, gloved and bearing about him an indescribable something that sug­gested idely a* well as gravity, boarded a Westbound Sutter street ear nt Kearny yeaterday nitcruiiou. He climbed on wllh aonio diflicully, aa one of his legs waa of wood. Tins old-fuahloned high collar and stock explained why he preferred tho primitive stick of Umber to a modern artilkia! limb. Tburo were but four other paafengers on tlio car, all bidicn, wbo looked with upproviil at this nice, though mainied, old gciitlcinaii -an approval that was in- teiisitled will-11 he drew from his pocket a J'liriflc nmrcAmnn anil ),ceainc absorbed tliureiii. I’rcBcnlly he sigued to the con­ductor and arijsc. Tills was a mistake, for when llio car came to u standstill tho venerable man, biuikig only one leg to depend ou, and nolTfaving been thought­ful enough to take hold of a strap, was throw n violently Imekward and sat down on the ear's floor with aaolldtwo-hun- dred-iiinl-tn cnty-poiiiid chug.

Kxcited and sympathetic feminine hands were instantly stretched ont lo succor him, but llio nice old gentleman, go-splug fur breath, waved Ibcm away, ami said dcprecatingly cro he made any luolioii to rise :

'•Kxcuse me, Indies, I couldn't help H. Il'stb is - — leg of mine. Ify o u h sdone like it you’d understand liow'l feel.”

Itir .VAll s Sm n,. (if tit n.livrrlmisl>lh.OStl,. II. mlioimi firt-tml frmn ,ltiy fy i|uy,

N u il-c u iro .l .e I ’s lu l fu r W i ir th lp i .F rom Uie l'liilnilrl,di|M Ueeord.

'I'lie nn iiile in 1 1 1 iiu in iifac lu fjn g a non-eur-rn. ivu |iiUnt fur tiie boit.ii]i. of .irei and Irnii iviiislitjM, whiHi lis. hiMni vexing the 101x3- iitlleliil. lorn long Him', has just bsrii sails, (iietortly .elileii, piiliit iva. Invente.'t in limniiii)-.cveoil yi-ur. ago which imd iim de.lml pr.ipiTili's, but ns (ho tiovcrnniciil fi'QuIi-es .AmcrIl'iLii-iiiiide p.duiun Llio .-Vnier- Iciiii iViii-.lil|is, It could not be used. Now liiiwiivcr, llii-(iernmn |i:i(iu pliiiit lm. bei'ii|■|■lllovnll (o (Ills i in in lry « u d Hr. U n ited wimi's e ro 's e rs will now h ave non-oorrosivo iitiltoiioi. 'file (|III-.Hot] u t the i.ul(Hhle luiliiL (nr use ( 1; sail wii(,-r h a . Iro iilih 'd ulL con 11 1 rJe.(be ,lupiiiu«ie nloiie Imvliig liiid a noii.coi-'r o . lve arilclc. Tills |«« lacquer whoiC com- po.liloit,lhc> kuep iieerta.

TH IS rioA TK V H O O K .

The Unique Votnoie Thai Jtreurdi Anivrl- ra's IH.oovery l,.v Nurse lu Mi.

F ron t th e ism d o ii iHllly Newe.Horace Hart, printer to tho University

of Oxford, writes: Aproposof the letter of Karl Blind, many of your readers both in Ureal Britain and In the United States may lie glad -to know that some very beautiful pliolograplilo reproduction* of parts of the “ FIntey Book," especially of those which relate to the discovery of America by the Norsetneti about the year A. I). 1000, together wltlhsa complete transcriptioD and translation into Eng­lish, iiave already hcen published In this country, thanks to the learning and public sidrit of an Aincrieiui citizen, Arthur Middleton UuevtiB. Tills gentleman, whoeo lamented death ininiedlately after the Issue of 111* book is gri ntly to bo deplored, printed at the Oxford UniversUy i’re*s"in BtBO, at Ills own cxpeiiiiCi a quarto volume entitled “ The Finding of Wineland the Good I the History of the Icelandic Dis­covery of America, Edited and Translated from the Karllfsl Hecords.” Tiio work lio* lifty-llvc full-page pbnlulype plates of the vulliini .MSH. ofthcBogas, whfchwcre made fur Mr. Ht eves at Copenhagen, and it W.XS pulilisbed for tho author by my coUeairuc, Henry Frnwdc, of Amencor- ner, lamdon, E. 0 , Mr. Keevea's own de­scription uf the Flato MH. it sent to us by .VIr. Hart, iipd is given In the following paragraph :

“ Tho ‘ Flatey Book ’ Is the moat exten sive and most (lerfect of Icelandic .MH.S. It is In Itself a eoinprehenslve historical library iq the era with which tt deals, and so conaidcrahle are its content* that they llli ujiward of l.TtX) large octavo jmges of primed text. On the title page of the Mri. wc are Informed that it belonged origl nally to John Haeonason, for whom It waa written by the ]irlests John Thordsson and Magnus Thorhallason. We have no In forniatlori concerning tho date when th* hook was commenced by John Thordsson, but the moat Important portion of the work appear* to have lieeii completed In the year 13(57, although additions were msde lo the body of tho work by 0110 of (he original scribes, and the annals appended to the hook, brought down to the year 13M. Toward tho close of the fifteenth century the then owner of the hook, whoso name is unknown. Inserted three i|uateriilons of mldltiunal historic m atter ill the Mu., to fll! tt liialus ill tile hlstorl- c.il sequence of the work, mit, however, in tbst partlftbe.M.S. which treats o f Wine- land. Tile ’ Flatey Book ' was among a collection of vellum MILS, cnlnxsted lo the care of Thorniod Torlaeus In IWtZ aa a present from Bishop Bryniolf to King Frederick HI. of Denmark, and thus luck­ily CBca|H'd the fate of others of the Bishop's literary treasures, lu tile Uoyal Library of Copenhagen It has since re­mained, where it is known a* No. 1,006 foL of the Old Koyal Collection,”

H M N I I i A N « B O U I L L O N ,

773-775 B p o a d S t P e e t , f l e u i a p k , J .P r l u e s f o r H u m m e r g o o d n t h a t w i l l » a v e o u r p n t r o i i H m o n e y .

T H I S t H ] ¥ O T A T W O l I O U H r S A M f o r o n e H u e o f g o o d H a b o u t

c o H t , b u t a B A R H A I ] V S A I . E w h i l e t h e g o o d s

i l i i c c d I I I p r i c e s a n d a d v e r t i s e d w i l l l a s t .

n o w r e -

Muslin Underwear, Corsets, Gloyes, Etc.

A MFIUTFU ItKIILKK.Tile AA sJ a Slpsn Klltti ot (’.Filing Tom

AViis V aiig lit a l ,F .a a u .From the (,111116. iiemocrst. .

There is said lo be honor among thieves, and there Is certainly an abundance of Freemasonry generally among travelling nil'll. But there are exceptions to every rule, and one of the exceptions is a trav­eller who will look over your shoulder while you write, sneak your notebook and copy out your list of customers and otherwise show that he is not a gentle­man. I fixed up one of these one night splendidly. He is in the same line os my­self and had been eliadowing me for a month. Finaily, to get rid of him, I se­cured a copy of a paiier published, in a town about forty miles east and careflilly copied In my notebook the name of every man in tho list of deaths. After supper I produced a packet of postal blanks and proceeded to address one to each of these denizens In the other world, announcing that 1 would call two day-s hence.

Directly my bete nolr noticed me I ex­cused myself, and leaving my notebook open went out for a smoke. I peeped in through the door and saw him indus­triously copying out that death list, and I look care not to disturb him until he had gotlbrough. He sat up half the night getting through his old business and left by the early morning train to get a day ahead of mo. I have often wondered how he got along trying to locate all the re-ceiitly deceased population of H-----, butas I carried out my previous intention and vi^nt West I couldn't ascertain. But I effectually shook off M r.' Feeping Tom, and glorious to relate when we meet now he will not speak aa we pass by.

i.ndlus' W hite fskirta, tucked aiul em hroid—, ''" ''I ''...................: " 'i ........................................ w oft'iLndiis' iiow ns, tucked and trlitiiued w ith

ciiihroldcrv, yoke back...............................Me., w orth fifioI juHcs’ C'lieuiise, trtm Bied w ith etnbroid-

cry..Ijttlli's’ Dmwera, c.xtra quality muslin, till

sizes.................................................25c., w o rth 50c

,,i5c., w o rth 50c

A Gmnt Hnrgain In Lndii's’ Corsets, while..... ............................worth 69oLadies Llsie lliroad Gloves, oil

T ................. SV............................... w o rth 25oL t i d i e s ’ i n n e y H u s o , hli ick.................................... 10c., worth 210

..23c., worth 39oGents’ White Gauze Khlrls, long and short


l i S

Ladles’ Cloak and Suit Department.1 0 0 L nd leg 'E ton b lue a n d broArn.................................. exu1 0 0 Ladle*' IJluc E ton Suit*, t ta n u c U iid ifirire.............................. " ....................... L ‘,w ’ r S o ^ i fr* ? '

it ” .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .■■■■■.. Jilos.’ rcducLl JJ'.Ss1 5 0 E ton Wuah S uits, fflnffbaiii a n d c h e c k ................................... #3 . 0 8 a n d # 4 .0 8 , Avorth # 5 *tM» and # 7 0 8

J( 5 0 Pniicy Percale*, p la ited f ro n t a n d back , full sleeve........... ..................................................‘inc *4 3 5 P ink , B ine an d S triped , Avlth ruffle* dow n fro n t, full sleeve ...................................aoc ’;iOO Black and iflue S ateen W aists .OOc., 8 9 c.,OSc., # 1 .2 6 , # 1 .3 0 , ivorth 8 9 c'.7 o 8 c .r$ L 3 5 #1 3 0 Vm

f b lack ..# 3 .9 8 , # 3 .0 8 , # 4 .0 8 , # 5 .9 8 . reg u la r # 3 .0 0 . # 4 . 0 8 # 5 . o i # « 8" r r " - ............................................ ........................... - ...................s s c R - d n c d m ; ™

S4$uilipiii4>n »mj ib c lr l> tt.F rum tlio Now York Wiiii.

The Kuuiiiei iicr ui huiuo It prono to no,;lect h\h hl•llll «cnr fiif Ih f Niikr of im vlriii nu ll slirii1» luul ho wiJL .Kti iibf^yi Iu ' jauW ^ pluufH w porliw IX hiUU*i-o(l m1j4 ■ f Imr. ljiif 84»ii)|>ulons1 y n e s t (o u ls foot .xv<Gir, Tlifi purullnrl.v. porUap#. urikojt from fixUNlIv prl.lp, fx !nH‘Mliijr So$uhorn sin, riHijxIol w n il Iho t f l i f ] liukl arlgtC 'cnu*/ is oviunkJ l>y thp Minxpft iiml s lto o l llio fovl. U is \n .rlli,v of uoip, howcYor, Ihixt iho Hfmtti* e tu blmicn hiii Is often o cosily n rllc ln o f in p ftnpNi ixiid iiiusf iliirublp felt. SxioU h Im t for wlnipr uml a CAisiIy and JodCHinicUhlo Fdim tnE s n n w hat for #ximtiiOf a r s th e jxroper headgi'Nr for a l^ u tL o rn o o u u try gtMi- Uciimn.

!hn f “ o iil o’ lo r ts rentingT ake llroimx-Wottiser—tr ia l lOctA

My pliyrtcluh suld J cuxilU not Jlve tny tv f r liui Ilf oi'Aiur, UeqiKJniiy Y om lled gMCix- iib inncu#, skin yellow, mixall, t|ry hunoor* oh facfr, inumach iroUid n«l ruu in food. Bur- dock BlotKl im ten cured me. Mr#, Adnlulii# O'Brien,SritxchttOlfGtti,, BudtUlo, K Y,^Ad


It ilocsii’t (It'iK'iid on ytJiir snlury ; it iiutkca no (illlurcncc how much you make ; it ilc|H!n(ls entirely on how much you stive. Wc arc giving un ol>- jeot lesson in (Imt parliculur liriincli of (Itimcsiic economy just now. You tan hike your iM Ucil ami figure the saving —it's the dificrenee In the vnhie and tho price. We cull s|)ccittl attention that we Were fortunate eiiougli to se­cure for sjiot easli (1.5 piec(.s of tlie anme relluhlo All-wool Hliio nnd Hhick Serges, of the exact grade itiul qiiidlty of those which we .sold at JI.r 'i’liere are nhoiif .HiKi suits In this lot, \idiieh we will sell for #13.00.

OPPOnmiTT EXTRAORDIHARYfItoys’ Niilt-s, from 4 tn 14 yenrs, both

single nnd doulde-lireiistt'd, former fulees $4, $.>, B ; itriee this week $:i. The prices i|Uoteii nbove are aetiial— not Imaginary—and we Imvo sehloin olfered HO greut u bargain. It is not netvswry to explain causes. We want toselilhe.se suits. If you have iinv present or iiro.s|ieclive utstd of u Isiyi’ suit you'll tit) well lo take utlvantjige of this opportunity. In our Custom Deimrlnieiit we are still mtiking those ¥25 suits tu order for ¥20. Wegiiaraiib'e every gurmeiit to wmr stttisfuetorily one year.

CffAS. H,

D msL E A B iN Q t.'L O T ItlE lt,

797 Broacd Street.

0 0 0 Gliighiun XVrnppcr*.................. ...From 98c. an d # 1 .35 , reduced Irom #1.35, #1.08c

0 0

Prices Id Silks, \elvets, Black and Colored Dress Goods, Sateen, Organdies in Light and Dark Colors. Scrim, Lace Curtains, Table Damask and Towels White Bedspreads, Shades,Table Cloths,Napkins’


Hannigan & Bouillon,773 AND 775 BROAD STREET;

Every H e Wears Shoes.SALE







$ 1.98 . ‘ - l - i — $ 1.98 .T t e S tes Are M b; l e r Dealen at $400 a ii $5.00 a. Fair.

Only One Pair of TheBo Shoes Sold to Each Person.THESE SHOES WILL NOT BE SOLD TO SHOE DEALERS.

There are a hundred ahams in Shoes, but not here.

If You Want

/ / ’


Largest lien's FniQisbiQ^ Goods Store in Town.Hen's Sboes, Bats and FnrDisbing Goods.

feveral Whol*«*re Clettittr* wbu b*d 100 ^ n y *”<*11 on hw d at ibts season of th*


A G 090 A fpctite , a <&00D DtaC«TIOH *H0 N o M alamia. O ninh


M llCFMNTS, nni'UQlsTS Sim Q5tOCKHsS !:VKI'.YkVHi:m; v x. lo

TO-MORROW, SATURDAY Ffoni9i l . tollP.M,

every two asd amakes RotrouUoKltohoay every

miuuies.duilverlttjr autrlmuttt ttuti iskitia hauh waste mailer to bn fllierctl out by the i.vfVL .1 '“ ' amt ri'iuuTua frtiiu the

L 'ifioary St."cretloit. Any sutgiHtge ur obstriiriiun of this proecs* may jiroiltt™ vtiriuu* forms of Ul*. caw. such tti Uysitcj)*:*, l ||lo ,Bucls,Cu!]Bll- '# ot. Uesdaebe, ItebllUy aed bad bloodwilb II* inulllpl1eil6v||B[l»||i,bliilobes, plm-iiles, sores, ertipllotis, Kbscasses aitd.lhe like),

hen sec). Obstrucilt.iu extsi as evidencedbytlio prusencoof eoinplatiusKmlltirto thotBt

5*** *’®"‘ rtietllcltt* tuusets llerdiick IU.kh] uluers, wnloh iinlooXs Ihu *e. cretlons, rcmuvliig all Impure nnd effeU) tuni. er llmmirh ibe proiwr ohanueis. Uy resuir-

In* hraliity aulloa of the iftomtich, liver, kid- “ move* all Inipurl-

tle»of the biwjd from a common plmpl* to the Woni (ctofniau* lora,

Cifi'ixt nflurlDff 111 Khirt WnlitAy tnclmllnfr now coluriitRM, pal lorn# an d rofttorhali^ a t our funner low price o f

2 5 c e i i t H . VItcfular prlc* (th;.

1 0 ,0 0 0 Y .A .R D 8Fliio WnHh FubHc#, indudlne a IiADd- dom e loL o f Uolximbia C ham brarK ^ m l)li<ky blna aud h H to irn p ftp ff^ tA ; tkf«o tL« M!xv KinUon Ciotb*t Ircnob IsHivn# and Auicrtcaii Giniftiamf, All to ifu atllio uiillurtn price of '

5 ^ c e u t H .WorlU lOe. and 1234c, per yard* Teti yarili

oQlytopacb purekfuer.

T a b le O ilc lo th ,lied quality. IJf yard* wide, at

1 3 ^ c e n t s .Hegu:*r price Me.

B e B t l in g l i s h C h a l l ie s , 3 ^ cen ts.

Rcgalar price 8c* Ten ynrdk oqIj to cutloroer.

1 0 0 • r ) O Z E ^ ^ ^ ■loidles’, Mistes’ tubbed Vests, al aud CbUdreo tiwlH

5 « e n t s , irpegniAfprlee lOo, &od

C H IL ID R E IS T ’BDoniolaKlil iiboos, *lzu $ t»5,*i

3 1 c b u I h .lleaular prloo 33*.

c m L D R E i s r ' sDoogola kid Botton Bi.oe*, C tn I, at

8 7 c e n t s .Vonli tSe

stocks at ilartllDglybut (bey WB« to ehesn and of such finsquatl 11} and exeeltenl mat*, we eonld noi i'mi,.and only paid ahool one-half raanufaclurioe oost of the goods. It us* u lorced sale, and we have liiem now, ready for our patrons. We will «11 them at retail for naii aodkys at iSt'tSS Kvery stlleh of ClothingMUST, l i t BOLD In that lime at 198 Merkel I t reel near llalsty, and to tela end wc bare col price* to eueb an extent that ibeir cbean- nee* will siirprlae you. The Urge crowda of buyers have Up to now noresellated the add- Ing of extra Eeleantea dally. This hi* nur- rhase mskr* ui want L'esb. We’ll sell yon Multa and Trouian, mada up batidiotaolr equal to the finest tnercneni tallurlrg, for lese than tbe plain unninde material coat Ix»k at Iheae prices, snd we tuaranies in supply the goods Jial os ebeaply a* it reads onus per.

Men’s Coaeimere and Hlieit Chevlol Bnile. sack or cutaway style, st $(.W and f&Ae, sul J everywhere at I t i Men’s I’lein ttlook Chev­iot B u lls^ rk , cutaway or tloiiblr-breasted style; at P.BO, r* I value |l*. Elegant Dress CoaU and Vests, dlsgonai, whipcord, fsner worsted and neat silk mixture*, at 17.95, $8.55 and 110.75, wtirtb three times these price*. Men’s Imrtorled Corkscrew and Clay Disg- nnal Dress Hnlls.niaunfseiurers’ prleutlSand $90, during this sale at 110.118. Men’s Elegant

fWiaways, maontbolurers’ prices 118 itud MO. during this sale a t M.M. Melt’s Working Pauls at oac., extra well mode.- Men's Dtvss Pan Is nt ll.STi and 81.87. stylish light stripes anil neat elIVcts, such as yon uioaily pay 84 for. Blyilsn Prince Albert Coal* and Vests,superb Drtai Bulls and olher article* of clothing at the lowest nrlee* you evff heard of. Alpaca CoaU and Vesu from 11.50 up. Don't wilt. Conte to-day.

Are you a good guasoer? Inttaewlndow Ihera is » large J»r of baans. To any on* guessing the number or nearest Dumber of beans from to-day until July 8 we Otlbr free a fine$90Baltofftiolhes. To the Dexi nearest guessurannetOpalrnflrnusers. Putin your gues* whatbfr you parenose or hok

1 KING’S!New Clothing Store,




Iron Ptp« nnd FUtIniri, B « ib Work, Hy* dninl#, BatbAg WAthit&udiL Automiitlo UcllAr l>rftlnorr, ftAnltnrr water CiOMii 8lnk«, FumpA, Garden Unje, Urgliteri! Venttlftton. Otn HIqvu, Gm Fixtures, UlobtSg stu*

IdfLflt nt. Tflhpliogt 4 8 1 .

Glitaai & imr, l spii At, M ifnnl si



Mot*r«i1 puniofl.Kleutrio!ilAppiiraiofc •r * l*'***‘liif. Wiiidluf AnuutnroA. KnriilHh pnrte fi»r Motors of ill makes, Imutfl ^rnlsbed romplote snd wlilng-dune for iiores snd resideuoes In m -eordbuos wUli iusumnoolatniL



NEWAKK K\ IVMAIt ^EW S. n U D A Y , JU N E KJ. ISiilU 8^■ 1 li« iiiiM l n i r a t lw r l l i lM ii m%

•Mfilb m t r s i•■ A IV M R -

Rir»«iliiB M #w i Branc^ti O ffirr. RAa*. r . IH iV y , JtMMavar* l.la f l t lu j- H itl ld lM j, t 4 l } l a l n « .

R K W A ItK >J a b * * f^ a r^ .T A f 'o ., 14« H a r b r l H ,M ta * b l* r . blM H fiia4 JII .4 \ B . D a n r a a . I»a K la t b l.V. W , M utlftr, 10.1 N aa*Tlll«i 4 * * ,J . A .b r a r l a t i . 3M W M b la v la a b i M jr ra a W . J 'lV T b u il A t r .

F A b T O R A N 4i> :-WI n . A H *n . f i l l V a l a b t,

b O r T H A HA IV QFn a b * r « L * « l tv .b * a lh O r a a c * 4*#^

l iA R M lb A X -F« J , i^ a a i lM a a , S41 l l a r r l s a a A*«,

■ I M M F I F T .D -H l n l a i i , N r a M f a l e r op jit ItM iDt.

■ r x x f T .K Jv ra rA R . K H I t .

■ V b T C L A IH ^T r a l r a l H h a ra ia rT .

• ■ A N A R V A L L R lr -W lllN ir 1 *. r a r a a b i , N f w id r a t f p .

1 R 1 .IN A T O N ..U . R la a p . *

iN D f V l I t tA L F R K l'l 'M K b .

I lp«1 Nuiu« H n ta b l* llt^LlcatP »r*n» m id rn rR U lP h lL j % l\rk t» K .

I’porn th p P h iiad flp iM a T i iu « .T b t 4w e« t lo e n t o f w ill n t t e r b e

o u t o f £ u h (o ii . I t in q u i te th e p r o p e r * i h t n g to h a v e >’o u r o w n en pen ia l e c e n t it)

■ ftchot a n d adh t^re tt» it , o r r a th e r h a v e i t A d h ere t o y o u , to t h e •^zclualoD o f a ll o ib e r4 W h i te rcA t, v io le t, l i la c o r a n y o d o r , I f m ixA d w ith o n e - th ird one'#* tiow* d e r , w ill r e t a in lU v ce n l nuiclv lo n g e r , f i i c h e t w h e n uaed a lo n e aoon lo*e» iU s c a n t , a n d th e n Ib n o t p le a s a n t , h u l o r r ia h o ld s I t a m u o h lo n g e r i lu ie . 1 w an re* c e n t ly m a d e th e r e c ip ie n t o f a c o l le c t io n o f b a g s o f d iffe re n t s lzM a n d s h a p ta a n d n u d e fro m f ig u re d a ltk a o f v a r io u s b n e a a n d p a t te r n a , w h ic h h a v e m a d e n o t a lo n e » y w a rd ro b e a n d lt» c o a te n U a w a c tw U h w h i te ro se , b u t h as p e rm e a te d I tse ll th r o u g h a l l ray b e lo n g in g s . B ii b a g s a r e m a d e n e a r ly a y a rd In le n g th a n d a b o u t tw o in c h e s in w id th . T h e y a r c d e c o ra te d w ith fa n c y a t i to h in g in b r ig h t 'c o lu r e d e m b ro id e ry Bilk. A to n e e n d a s m a U bratw r in g is p la c t t l , so t h a t th e b a g m a y lie o o n v e n fe n t ly ta c k e d to th e w iiiH ihund hi»- u e a th th e H kirt o r b m tg th e h o n k in th e w a rd ro b e o v e r w h ic h th e a k l r t h a n g s w h e n n o t in usd, Bix m o re w e re n m d e s h o r te r , a n d t l ie o th e rs , a d o ze n o r m o re rq u a re , t r i a n g u la r o r o b lo n g , a3 th e h i t o f r i lk a l lo w e d , a r e s c a t te r e d a m o n g g lo v ia , h a n d k e rc h ie f s , ^taU orle^y , h a th o x , o r p la c e d lo tw eiy in th e b iirea ti d ra w e r . A nv o n e to a d o p t Ihiii fad w tli tlnd na n iu c li p U a iu r e in I t a s I h av e .

l U I

N riT IfE -^ T n in B le n t a Jv c H U tn a In th # M itVH lim it In v a r ia b ly b« im ld fn r In ad* vaa<-e.

Kci a rc o n u t* irU I 1»* n pene il for ■tie'i.N o ttilT * rtlv e in * p t wUl b* pecalvcd o v e r

th e te le p h o n e e x c e p t •cu t b.v au th o r*lied n g e iiti .

4 A - w r w ri'p i.Y k k j j a h i^'; m a i .ki \ i h i - J p fr^e «f i-iiar/e nl ilinri nutiit* m li M drivers, 4'ierkt, b.olen(teot e*i*t;'nii>u wRlIern. p iir in ^ emflios'pi, wiimunun. firen'en. m.ir-IMnlslti. fai'iiirv hwm1% i-t'’, t IKUM A S- VM r n*

I^MI’LuV ytK Sl- AMEMV. 4 c'lar Rl. : f •tR il.v irJ ‘JU .leiM ; ii'lf|ie>|ii* .177. *

A'l' I t l t ; KMl*r.liY\IKVT llI ttE A r i h t i i e nUu''' 1)1 f1r«l-oiaM U'>lp. b«ib iiimIv mt'l

Ill *.U'jrt nutU-f-, No. aU» Nl'. ’.J'JV'

VUKNT-'AVK <iJVE l i r s n .K H s AV <Jl» iHiTtiiultv lo niake iiiiin+Y. *TI..ANri< W.*IN’'

iHivv h m a o k (t).. jMunii i vi I'oik hi. frit

n AUHKIt W.VNTI-Ji VI’KAOV F<Hi ,H.Vrf!l- Jov HiMl Suinliiy.

I W M .XAl’t.i l II. ojl. ile|v*U Adliikioo.

BAUHKU W a NTKH l-'rm s .vti k d a v a n ij^-Iiinliiy. s r . MAKKKT ^T. I

A iJtKUl tU !t* imisl cum« r«'ig;iimeii(1«4l.

.1 N. .1. H. n. AVU

1 1 A H K K IJ'K K -W

Bf i y WANTKH.1 \K II. TU'JtEXOK. pliiBlIi.-r. iS iiP ’en

IIUYM \VANTFI> TO ?*F;|,I. •TOWN T A l.k " J u iitay. 'iot M A K K K'l' H I'.

n l T r n i : u WANTKtK Y d S'u M W WHOtalK'*oaiegr ii>>rN<'. liH|Ulr»

1 1.' i K ANH m J.M KKH sr-«.

F M rL O Y M K X T W A V i m .■A’-nr.NHi >I-W. m. W lM ItJS A h lT fA 'n o S

I or ieern ifo il tr.iilv.1 ^ n,, lUis V, Nvwr ofHoe.

1!ST-« f.AKW WA>4iM V« AND II'.OXIN’D DONK at 7 ^earliis Ft. . i dce 'ebv itiall vr i*ilt

I M iis. A. 4.


O n e nil Ih e F x p ln re r .F n ina tiie New York Hun.

W lien t le rh e r i W ard , Hie Arrin.tii expU irer. wa* iHBt In N‘#»v Y ork hi- lo ld a goini u lory, ilMi p o in t o f w tileh wan ra tiie r a g i ilm t tilth* self. J lM iu a been cha illng hotuu Hie im* IItoi. d ec la rin g ih a t ilie>* w rra tllrec t tlr« scen d an U from iiiookorii, a l lfg lu v riieli* Uurk c o l o r n i u n e o th e e v ia e n c f ., “ ( in e o M M . low w en t Q uletty over in a ca p iiv e a i r '," i<aid lie, «'aiiil tu rn e d back ni* fur. i liea lie lijo k td q u irs lc n liy a t me. Xlie ap e ’* xk lu wnx w h ile . ''

W hen Baby was «Ick, we gave her rasto rfa , W hen ahew as a C liild, slie cried fort'a^lorJa, •Wlien th e became ^ILw, whe clung to i ‘aAlorta, WhsB she bad Children, she gave them Uastorli^

M A flB lA G ES.TIKlMI*HON B 'iT IA rx . -Oil Wefl^ic-!iiv. June

H. h> Die Hev. Jfeiiry A. H|H'1I(ii*m i-r. vtr. ilormct' A. Tlioni|»*vHuof TrHiioit, N. J.,'to >]|m Tllht; llDUau.\, of uihcUy.

C E A fH S .BAONAI.r..— TtiiirMliiy, Jiiin* l.'i, < )irl'<tnulir>r

Ba.’iiili. li»‘luMi i*« u 111 frlcri i« lU tho iliv ul**) me iiieiishrrHif ihi> V^niok Hi'iiVreiiiolic Asini'ia- Un i, are ri"*i»ei-irilly Invitwl to alti'isu Die r*iM(-ml f/mii Ills lH?e ie«l li-nif. No. Drem'.onet, on »-anim«y, June I7. m n A. M., In -i. I’airlclcVt j.itie drel. tthe-e n Hnlemn /Hxli .Ma« vt llefiuii>in ivlii be 4*14 brairti f ' r Hie n-i crf • ufiiKNinl. loierjiu-in in the t eini'ti<ry ot t i l ' Hoij’ reioiictup.

mti'KJA.N. < 1 1 .lime I'l, Killle, (Ivifriilcr of ^« ep h and 4 aittaHn> iltnR»it Mel, t.res anil fricMU and memher:« of ibe riiii.ir. u uf Marv w »lety are kmij,)r loviu-d i4j mu*,id iho mti -ml f.f*m lh<- pa'i'AiR' reddisic .<41. N'en- sireet. on Mnmr-•lav Juiia l 7 , a T M . , t o si.■"here a MUli Mh-* nt Nequlem ndll (.,• mleie < lO' Ihe repojwnf her winl. Iiucrment in the I'emetSTi- of Ibe llo ly fSepuiehr*'.

CASH 1 0 .-Ain Jn w 14, iwul. Urace U, ekl4*m daoaliter of Harry I’, oad Uaiui ti ii. fSktlil'p*). n«Hl.^.-eiir4 a u j h muii'lm i(t 1 iilve« and I'rlendR, Htso o4u«ranN4< member^ Of Krten l**htp No. Ifi,> . imd I * I I . . a^a ImdiMi 0 nieiui loe tunotal eecTwwa tm ai i t ie .p iir t ivtnifle'^llnhil f’biirch, t'lMiUoi RMMiiie amt W ilrb i ptrarn, un >*uirlov, el2:40 r . M. It4'lutlt'e* wi'l no'Cl at her ]iaiviilVrcNl- di-ijci% No, itu 4iulD4‘rry stn*ej,m i:ri.

lT..ARK,-4>« June |.\, John fljirk, ReluiivfH * 11(1 lrleml< im -itjvlinl (1 , at eia! iln> fiiimna from lUe rei4|il4‘iire f,f hit >■0 0 . Mr. Michtei Cmrk. .\n . a ; W urm i AtK'm. «,ii -n iunliy . Jinic IT. m icio A. M,. In - t. .Iiefciili’n Cliii'i h, 11 her.-a Siih'jiMi .Mn* Of hc4Jiiieui Mill orteTrHl hfr iJvc r ua-c4.f 1i |k wall, itiieriuent ib the {'eniclhry 4if the linly Sco- ulchr*.

F IN D I.E Y .-rn Jiioe H. nl I'prrinevllle, N. ,1,. Kev. WiUUui T. Khi'lle.v, lA h., flinjierly of ih >4 City. Piitiend aendii^ ni J‘»fPtiievlllTi rhuw-li 4ni sainM ay. June IT. nl I'.Sb I'. Jit. .liui’finr'iil ni IVf- ribai'iile iv n i lery.

H D E n K .T in Wc4luMN]ay. Juiir u fflt. .Mnrv. wlfK f»r H >r a'l Jf. |{i‘Uiin-- s mwj frl .nil* lireInvU* I Vi aiie hI t lefiiiUTRi fr au her laic riolilcuop, 1 2 t Niiasixi a.cm ii'.o ii.satiirlti ', June «7 ,n i n a M.,to I./.U)fi,ii.|ije ( ‘linr Ji.Mherf n Solemn JHvh Ma*n of lie<|‘Meiii ivliHui oCm'rl inr the oflitTMiul. Interm ent intliv ivu oterv of Itic Molv Bip-Hdire.

k 'rK U K k—Tm Wi' Ina.ihy, June 1 1 . iKin,( hrlmlan Xn«fR‘l. die helove I hii'liui'l iif Muiy Koeferd, a<i‘iI W y«u>. Heitulieii frlen Ik mill m.-niiH-r*. of tli4' hiogtnes l .a d ^ K4.. i! . ami A, tunir* rlnir 1q4 HiMdiu*. .Asrii'Ult irnl S4Hdot>. r i r ' t Wui I (ler- mkb-KujilHli sctUKilare re<|ieLdrii|ly liivlteJ lo al-teiitl lb'^ ruiiem) 4111 .-4imluy, .lijti4'IK, irinn h it I* err.iiiTcnce, a» l’•O0 II1 Mx.li KircH'i, fti ‘j i*. M. inlar- 1BMU In ‘Woodlam. (^di'Herv.

KHlKl-FAllHKiJ^. no Tbiir.niox‘, June 14, isitt, B rldiei Kr4«f. the beinvt 1 wife o jW illlnm Krot. aXed .1*1 >enra Ualadves neii fijeiidii ol I In- fAtiiiiy xr: rttjiefiriiily liivitni lu n t l ‘ii4| Uie iniiernl dm SRiim lly . June 17. uiH A ^M .. irnm ^t. MicliaelV lln*ritnl. Ditermeni in the Ceftio'Crjr ol the Hoiv b*[7Ul'hre.

ikllRltW OOD. -f ti .Inna ].'i, JosctWilne, ndfi* of Hoiiert InlierMOnd, aseiMT yean. FiiMoral servliiiH will bi* held ai her lr,re reJrlPiicA, Nn, Wclim4*r ■trpel, nil Hniuliiy, J4jrit lA lAiif, at 2 l>. ^f. , eh^ dvassrid frleiKlK of ilie Ihinhy are reftifeelfiitly h r ▼ItML ImermenI at rHlnnonut 1 i>me|er,y.

M TiBJ(A hr.-finJm iein.lH V .V Mary K . dmixii to ro f M aijhenaixl .Vbhy a ; Himeywell. dpi-eaiMd, u tlw *U i yeay of her o*o Kmier.il Kiitnr<lHy, j une j?, rroni iier laic rmidence, WU Slyrile avOuiu*. Jir(,i)Mlyn. K p. M.

M i.'I.ArciHlilN.—On June ir,, IWII, Jolin, ehle.l ■On of tua late Stlchaelann Ann iVU'Uiiishlln, ngrii | | ynws iiekattvfw uiid trlPiulK are klntJiy liivUial 1 0 fettesdtDe fiintral rrutn lih late rcehleiw'*. No. i:i;4 N enarketrei-l unsaiunlay, Jnfve 17. nt w A. .V., m Bt .limeph'K flm rcli, wtien* a lli^ir Mimi i»f Jte-

Juieni will be olTeHHi fur ihe renr,N* of Itle will. lii. irmeni In Ihe Cemetery of the Holy Kefiulchre. Mc'MAH -N.-. i>n Thur-v1».v, June ill. I'Siil. Will­

iam. hfloved huabandof itrldret McMuhmK aKeil .>l years. UiflaUvcH nod (rlpniln of i)ie irmilly an* r«*- •jiic lfu llj Ibv ltrt to attend die Aiiienil iruii tih iaie reatfiem*, No, 0 Mi. ITok]m*c! avenue, 0 11 sniiir dajr, J u iie l^ a tH A . M., to St. MlChlel m ('inircb, n lien* a M m#of Jte<|ninni ad,I tie ot1ere4l fbr ilie it»- poact^lifiKOHl. internirni iu lliecemvierv 4)Mbi> Ifdly i*e|iui4*lifc,

HHC'iTUKW'OR'i'Jh -On B>di»»?K4luy, June 14 Doc,, a t Iwr rrWlitaiK'e. 114 IIollnn4l *ir,Kd, .lemte Nbulllnviirfh. ased ';4 yaaraand lu months. Finteral aetvicia wdllhe held fli her IhiseiwIdetM.n Knn4lav. June lASt * D- V- Tiiti'fineiU at KHirmonnt (.'em* tery.

HIMCUCKH.^ u Juua l.T, lK't.1 , X lam ret, belovp4l nlfbof'fhomaR <inirHick,s. unri ilMutbtsr of Mri RUeii lMmnliis,*l(i-4i.T4.vSa-«i. Mo lUivetnml fnen.lR ar* kindly Invited lo M lendibs rniiai**! frorD hey late n-'diUftce, No, iTH raimlMi m reel, on bUiKln* . .1^ 1 10 JA at :kl.1 i'. M., lo A4inHtiMuai chHr.'ii. liilsriueiM in tiiiTem'def}’ of tits Unly ^e»ufehr«i l \ s, -d her-- wUHiea irifti MaaK4if , erjidem offersd for ttir iwiHiae (d her KiHil 4111 Monday, .luite 1S.ui N A, M. itelMilvcH niuJ rrletids *r>- kiii'My Invlird HiAt cod.

HTtBltl‘!.'-On Jinie !•», Uavin,Huir of (invln and Margaret Mofole. axislT yearn H momliA hutmtul H«rvhW4 wlUtii-hihl al tlie pam it^ rcsldeun*, m Clay Kirw t, nil Mtontav. .lunf 17, isrw. at -J l'. M. Heiailv(>»auil frieiulfi of tiie.fiiiHily are MWjHvlAiily invited. IrtUuidcnt SVowttfthd (Aiiii4*lr'Ty.

W>CHNgH.-<*o ThurMlay, JunelA. m d. llrroinTiWertisr, bHoveil son of tlio lab.* John and Mnry U erser, agMi 34 yean. RsIntlvi'K nud JrleniiH, auu aem tiervor tb* Itavniutiil \VatfTi«r .\R w luti4iu, ore r-jiH<rtniUy iiivite4HonlbMKl 11 1 ■ nineral from the rasulioue ufbi»si«ldr, .Mr* 1 hiiirlew Kull. No. :m raIrTlew avenue, on iMtorilsy. .Imie IT, a t J p. &I. InCi ruiSnl lb Wonnlsiul < 'etnel.n '.

WOUlr.-t-iyn June tA, Katie, dutifbier ofMargurel aad Martin Wood. Kuneratun sahiruny, June 17 , a t B rA'inck. rhuii tld* imr^-nu’ rRildeiu*, ISO Colden a t r* t, itien 111M. IMirick''^ ('mbislrtu. Intcrai a t In Urn Cf ibHsry nf ibn Holy Hemdohre.

V4>UNu.~AtOranife. N. J., June >A. IdO.t. Jnaeftk A,, beloved boKbaiid nf Kaibi'riiie'^Youug. iiaiiv th'wtsiKl f^IcnlsufthoCiuiuJyare iMiicN'llvely in* vlteii te utrenil the funeml from Ills laic n'Mlilcni*, W hite aitwet, on bn iidav. .1iin« 14, a t I o'clnrk V. M.. tbeiioe H M . Jolm'aChurt'li. wiu'iv wrvtcc will be IteMl lu term eaiiii Hi Jnbh's O m ejory. Orange, X. J.

H a RUUJAN.—MotHh’aMInd-Hji'Satiir'lay, .lune n , i ( B*J0 A. M.. at hU Janun's tl.lW lm rcti, ilicra W1 J V 1 a B l |h Maw of Itcfiu em oinmi; fnr Uie r<>- pine of the nou t'o f '.Vtlllain llarrljnn , J r , da- t*npw4j wti of Alderman Winlsm Hnrrlgan. Uela- Uvea and frieiHla are rcniHS tfliily invited toalU m l.

WANTED irWTDUV INH IC’ff del Hiim"i+l uf .Newark 1 .’lou I'l'gr*: lllu^fmii S ,

Bid of lieueMdHtit fuii-l; 4ili,c iii leU“r r.irnlshHl ; new MTfltory,8j»t a . H. TA VI.OH, ijollre lieadqu*rter*..

(SAUl'B.VIKH W a VI'KD. ONK r**KD Tn Work on i-nriike work. A|>idy u>-tiUUl at No.

17 Fonhilry Kt A, TlbiMA.Ns I

|■'rm m k t u i 'I*o m t .an hH 'Ktuvuraur* CunMian.v : necohlf iwTnlrwl : vail

^ulnl‘(Ja,v A. M ji. lUNH. n l Vi'rkvtKt. 1

(■ l o f . i . r r r o i t s w a n t e d , I'’o is t *c i .ahh i n *Nl*)uje]il mllwtofM. A«idrees

Wb u., Hot P. N ew m m ia

n J-'SlUNKII WANTED. ,V KIIIh I cr.AHH ]H.;, nlviier h> a live comern : wiiKes gMuiun'

li*4t1 to itm rJijlJl man t|i|>ly al urhi,- of II. I''. BA llJtow M I ' l l . I ‘ , Mull jell lane, .Nvw York. IBv

n itiV K ii W ANTivU d :h i | i a n d siiH K h driver f* r ■iircet ’4j»rii*llmi.

1 1. l'l'*cii Rfi. suiilor.t It., l-'Ast O rau^,

N rtlllT W.Vn UM.AN W S\TK Il:O N K WllO unih-r'lanH''v.iri* Mf])'iier. .ai>i)|> Uliinli.AN'*'

I.KVI H i.it KAI . NhiU) Ah lJe11,>r«ilis;s. 1W A N fhD . A FI n-iTd I.ASS

iviivR mavit:.S)i]>|v tu iil 'io P t.A T rs , tin Market->l fJn

1 >I.ANI1 |*|.A VKK W.\NTi:i> i I -0 NKW VnriK' AVK.

1> M 'M ltkU W ANTED.A Kl ilsT-l'I.A?^ M AN lit J. t M rD riltK ‘'S, 3;7 t'liine al. 1

1> h i-.«s m a \ \v v n t i-;ii. iiM-: h i i s t i 'dahsI'rer^iiun ; nbv> titp IliiwherH.

Ml vu sP |tlN (iril ':i.D AVlv

/ vI'llUA'DHi^ fwiix ttireud ><»>viiv|t mavitm'' <»]i'‘rtir>r oitlMgai

Si.ATKK 'i KKlU- W AX II.lJ AT J. WiKill's, Nn. I jh 'l 1 MatsImM •!(,

tU A U ^ .Vh

1 BtZIMM IHMAN A HltiiW.N'S. 2>C MarkPl H I

r p W l- N I V 11 -Ml N iM." \V \ NTKD ;i Kleidy wiirk ; to x" a eliort ilittan e lu Ilia

('oiiiiiry. {'allBv ^ i |I N MlvA.rT- llnien an.) IjifayeUe Hta.

a n t e d


“ rice THve."

ItpeDcrjccil yoim t oiinforNentV ruderw aar

I- S. PLATT (t f'o.,TW lu TJl H'Oid St. l'‘n

inen 'i ftiriUj'liinv ntnn- Hnlurdoi aJh-riiO'iUnml cveiiUijfn. Addreni1 FTItMBJItCrt, ito t N, Ncwn omoe.

A M ’ED \H B ’>'C)I A T .sril 's l.D '- ' AlSE >on mn ui[)lo.vpiJ? Will y,>u wnrlt f.,r lls per

Wf*-kT .1. H. i*.\Y. Hi l■■|f ll ave.. i'lix'ugfi, III.

W a n t k iT ” a m a n o f lirs iN lN x a ih m t vnl tuice. AtldrvHK EX'lKUl'JUsi*:, IIm.a I-'.

A Vy ANTED • A M \N n ’lHl A KRKAD HOVTF, ‘ ’ miiilrvnt WKMKlTs UAKKKV, IrvJluUm. I



A. rEM A lJ-. COiVK Y'i)H PllJVATK ai'thbhiMW , TEIJ.A f: «T. JAT'Kt'.H AVANTKD ON TOATS,:iv ln<|iilrv .'tH I.II.T.IK sT.

( T I A M D7:iiM A 11) W A VTKp. A iK EN t ;jl i;lrl on vliamlH>rmaul ami do Ins.

I Jlti M ain vy., nranut*.

C lMIKK, i'llAM BEHM ArDS. W A m il‘>‘S7ft, imrKCK end alfla for general housework, for Hly.

4'om,trv ■•lie] sea«li:irc, ^h;i.K(’J' EMI*l.lt\ MKNT AOKNi V. Ilf. MaikelM I

D sfttlt C ta lu w P»liUiiN*wr«rjL an if V le ln lty. b y «

*' Prem. Atm.i lHta. Arrbeff. t Nevada at.......................... 10 |]M 00M argaret Bloiena. ifu (hmden M,usvan KtotWr, 7V(Ti^ K..............C. P. W ltiL IA V H ^iip t.

ua'llT lITM arket

HI l(k> CD 14 UO

t at, co y e r Halair.


E t . w o o d h u f f ,

t ’NDKRTAKRH.^Rtfafirrd 84a groad i t to

n n BltOAI) p f., (.tJHNRrt (4HKKN. Peteonai attendMic* day and iilgbt. TsiephooB m .


O PFtCKi 9*i hOt'TU ORAtiUK A V ft, U r t r y BtablM, Itl to H I Votuieentb ar«. Tin

JOYOK. LATK w i t h METROPOLITJUtf D i^iram f ro^, nnderisiier, U l Sosrsig M.


/ i l l i l . WANTED F^Ht I'l'.'TA triH WOUK a ■ on f wHAin^r w li ■ la *' llil:ii{ lo a‘S:Sl with grfnv- liifi vhihlitiji. Tall ur.er a u'4-li>c« ot 1 ld4 t'l.JNToN AVE,g iM t l , WANTKD, ltr.TWKKN TUK AHk A kaiut Hi, lu take o tre of baby.1 \VM. AVilLp, Market a t

W'ANTF.D. NF:aT YDXINO DMlh To T Ro crrao4ia and amlBi wlHidhbca: •teep home.

1 lr»2 CKNTRAh AVB./ 1 M5I. WANTED ASCCJOK AND T.ATNDHBS.s.* lA piity or UHUurruw niornliifcar1 6TB IlKHl F>T./ i | l ! ( , w a n t e d o n MKWINH M .UJJINK X fu iu t girl wiiiited on fino wnrk. 41d H u i.VDsT.I

HOTSKWORK WANTED, a fURI.FOU liFN- er il liO'ia‘'W‘<irk in a amnil ftMiidy "f ndrihn ;

im hi m a b uud Iruu; good najctt^; rufiTaitv• re* ijiilriHl. ( all or 43 ( ‘U NTON >*T. 1

' l l^ r SNTKo -oInp.<NCH’ ir.OlIKD) ISiR oEN- vv vrul lHiiiai*iv«rk inonH^klugi in o rlva l' fomlJv

nt Ashiirv I ark ; aieadv ptv| inu uli inv vrar.JIv Add.px-* NsJU liv , lUtji It. .\nv>( omo*.

HOTSKWOUK-W.S vT|-;1), a a n <HRLfur ir4‘nt'iiil II .uai'.vnrk In *mull Auieriimn faiU'

M.v. 1 all ul 311 TLA N K SI, 1

IIi l



iN H TU i r i i n v

H rhdula.

M l«*s TOWNkFN M's RiiAKDINO A N |i I '4Y v h o d f*ir klrU. *'l P U lK PI-,'N ew ark. N .1.

primaiy, \raf<i<mlv und ( idlci;r Pre:iaraiory l>* liHflriieut*.

I'ln'iilanicii n)i4,tit-iti..n 'Jo

X’•LW .sliK AC.UiK.MV

n o t H,<WOltK WWNTKD, A HKHMAN (HHL firg4'ncrnl b|tnt^.ennrk in a f.miiiy of three

P4'muiin. HUJ UUu.\ DHT. ISm

H cH's FWO i’K A HERMAN (URL WANTED fur gene at housework In fiimliv of m o i2i.

•Vfii 'iw Wa m I In o t o n s T.

orsK W iiU K -W .V N f K.r>. (HRI. T0AS.S1ST wliu lumacwnrk ; ft ee,' h'une, H s t a T n HI’. lII

J ltitS IA V O R N w a n t e d , Vm'NH CHltl.1 lo ftftUftt 1 1 hmiaewurk. laW I Al.sEV HT. !

t CK \V (iH K -(H nr. W AM KD FOR HEN- erul lioiieework. V.> N. SKVEM TI V|’. t

0 sK W nlih ' CHItL Kdll r .m ilT IIOTHE. work . t(V4j|n faml'y. IMiMlANii]; s r . 1

OI\hKW41RK a Hi mb t o Iii> ilENKHAt. hoincwru^c al Nil. UH’l'iNTUK 8T. 1

orsi-W O R K -R M A R T (IliU. FOR (IKK- emi hoditwnrk. »fi CLINTON. I

OPERATOR - W ^NTl-D, A KHtnT-cr.AHH wax Ihrcad ai w iiu nmchliic nperntaf unl am

^ I ’P y loQ K ik PDA'ITS, h. UK .darkpt a tPKHATOHS ANI> ItAhTI-Us WANTED ON paniH. J o h n H. W ll Alt'l'ON.iU Aijirh**! w. Blu

OTKNOOHAPHKR - WANTl.lJ, A tXlMl’KT* i^en iyon rjf iwly na atcitbirraphcr and lypewiUer (Itemingimi I : mnai be experiuoced, ai'cmnio aim rapid, and w r|ie i,ouil loi g 1 sKcJH-rr.UtY, h o t H, Novra ofllpe.

V AlTMI'>ft ~FlltST*CLAHS, EX PK IU K SC ni wiilinna : while, .-M7 HllOAJ> HI', 2]v


WX V 'A N T E lf LAIHKS a .VD HENTLKMKN,TT we will iwy ,V4Ml 413 (ler wor-k 10 i|<i BI1 I41I-

Iv hnriiv vrork for iia ul yo.ir homes | no I'.iriviuw- lih i: sB.irt i-elf*n Idrea*^ envidup^'hi 1 1 . V FM- .MtJNS A CO., HuDfrymareli uiid Water kK . IM-tijtl,, ManxW *'A VTI’r»-.ymojRl.A. OF a U . NATfONAlT

tlea Ibrrooki. laiin lrew a,rbam h4iMi,aldAiva1 t- r« s 4',4 uinl jfvueral houa-workem :,rMTiinis wauUui work run be'ocismibiiKlat(*d »t abort noil4x>, ten-. W HRKKN HTtlT H M E N AND H IR M WlHlTINH KMPI.OV- S t II cut, and ladlea ileilrln* toreciirtB uoi belli

mn isiil Ul Hie 1*.MP*.OYMRNT OFFICE. ft74 JtniRil at. .He

K M PI^ariW K N T W ANTm»»

A OKNTLEMAK OF CN ytrW lO pTxJH .K TVrepiilathin Uopi'ii fora pirfilHmi o f tn o i hi 4ner- vaniHo, maniitkr'tnring4ir any niher bii-liietiA whi<r j SM-li liel(» h r4*cii;lnK;l * 4^ii fuiTil*li bcai relefciicrn. Atblrpua H, Hox E, Nevra oRIrje. T'Jn

'I'horiMiffli hfopar LtUm for any ndlfge or <a-lenllhriir n,r 'luaiii' at

CaUl->itm‘* uiHin uiiplkoil m. JS, A. KAhItAND,

d ir llvad MiiMh-r

M iialr.r r T v n , b a n jo , m ( n ik u .in a n d j^ tT iiru

itaii'Hil. .A. J. M'*;i DT. rivojius 1, '*"*f

.4 e n V K VOVNU MAN. lim sK ftsiSD ni*sr- j 'V i i t i i eitpcil''Bre, ndnptahmty and i*snon*.n - hy, wUhea4>in|i]4iTini*ht (clcrkulcv renfeicaiiuh'i'^; •Ighi or leii hotna dnily. A4idn>M 1 WM» AIJCXANIiK jI, B2?i Van M'ak'enen w.,clly.

VVOl'Ntl MAN.NHlKn.HDNKMTANfl WriTI7liuT Lu iviirk. 'A’onlil Uke Aieidoynmni t i f.iruiry

or no g farm, t bit lU 'J-« .M AUKtr H i\,M Ilfmr. j

n itO K -K E E P I NO W)(»KKOPENKTrtNiSl’'K in J f p-xamliiiinl, halaoi'e .«ih;*Ma preiiureil, etc., by

'KimiM'lei'l aci'iwimant: m‘entui{ft or 4]aytniM-. at uiijiieraioi’harki'B. Addr^i«i *‘R _________ W. II. C .,«7 Uroa iat.

B(M)K.KKKPKU Y0?N(4 m a n w' a NT'^ w j* .Mlluu as lM»ok-ke4rper nr 1 isKt nn, AddmM

1 J., Jkjx 11, Ncwh vd lc '.T.NNmXEKIl WANTS lM N |flO N ~ l'A N .1 Jiilah rcrcn'iiL'c. AddrtiM■*•1 Nc-w* oBI<'K>.|.SNVKLOPI<X ANDOrkCUr.AHM a d ijiik h s e dJ ju l rrueoimnlo rMteo. Aildneit

___ _____________ ElMiAH, Box .f ,N pWs dfUfie.TlON W ANHID UY

hoce-A-ara in u I.A VK I

n lH .'M FA V O B K -sm ’ . . .aimijipdim t girl lo do e.'iifiraL

iifwWfkiDny' tW l'at 2m c k N'I'ra

T irA H m N O - HERMAN WOMa V. HO » t lamidrtai. H-am* w oalilunm liM nlnjnthom e.

< '1 * Aihlrone li.. Hoc s,


TITATCHM A K . EMI’fADVJTKNT AVa RTRD TI u w a lc h n iu n ; call show good ro afcuoe, Art-

d t^ ~ M ArcHM AN, flux K, Newsomoe. Hn

\ r o D M 4 m a n w a n t h p o s it io .s A M ^H rSi- |»lng 4’lerk, aaslatant Imok-kecjicr, etc, i willing

l<i make himself uaerui; e.m rurnlah Hi>fttrity and rcATmiTa. I- J. M., Box p , Kewa olflin'. V7u

\ *‘0 r x « I4ADV, 0 0 m PR.VMAN, WiSiriCH *Avrtiiug to4|u ovenl&ia: hai a thnroujh'kiowl-

edge of l.'O ik-ksjpiiiif. AdLireiK Sv *■ A. K, 3n Hrarhig al., city.'V'OTJNH LA DV HTFJSTkI iBA PHKU ANDTYPK^ X wrliar. w iih some experience In ofllca work ;

beat of ru ik re i)^. Bo* 11, Nfwa edit*. .

V D U N H MAN WANl'M « m 'A tIO N A T«F- Sre work ; aiiderthtnda IbBbmiioe, Addreaa

B O A itU iN r..

\ X IlEr.V F r itV fs llK D RiHiM. n i'.S T ■ txmnl, I bIIi . hir (■ii'' nr tw«i I'ouii^j men :

iernisniu,ier*lv. M tSHKETsT. , hmi

T>ANK hT.. M o CmiD IOMiMs . v \ | ) 4hr>D Jjl» .m p 1 for gniilPiiiun and wile nr penlirmeii : talile iHianl. BinI >A NU si'..'". CUR. \VA’*III.NO|0\ -NR'KI.VI BHitTiDlied 'rout hitwiis w<Ui lli&i- UiK tn u n l:

lernin iiKMU rale : ul«4i laMe li .r.nl. li'iu

R E S I. KATATF. f o r S .S R K -r iT V .

V -S M ‘CiiE IDiMK ON EASY TEIIM x • J- J. C tU lri'II, la eprtngllel^ ava . 2d Suur

Vn R ^T lT .A S K Ito ltH FO N NJ'SVTON AT. liver Ihtrteenth uvy,, <Nmt*iuliig 13 loomi. sots

Kxler and i 4iniiMriltdis ; van he liouiftii at abiirgaln. JOHN J DEVIN K,'."JClinmn at. Viu

1 > A H (l.\lN s IN III- At, E 'T a T C .E N c H 4N«lK.*» I >a*i4l Invi-wmettiH. (H1DRI A X U D E N I.rfal

estate di a 'ers, 7e.V Jir •■(d * i . 3t| door. iTu

I;c.s c t o u v r iR »*k iit y h tm s a i .e : h p it able for Muv purjKin •. Addr

4ki l Ad'ORVUIov c , NewKO'llc4v■J,'SO|i s .U .E


A lA i}




E N i T h KAPlD TH A NSiT ll>AlP AND ( f.lN 'DW AVE. C.UlfS.


J W VttD fM ITH .

AD RUu t n s ] \ lUKiMS 7. a AND t.

I> ANK s | ' . 4UI l - l f iv r j 1 'I \ | |D . Wl III»lih-a ‘iini mid tii(S'lv-ftirnlsheii ri>;iijri. 77s

J JO .U ll) I '. 'l t lii:.STLKM VN a S D W IF R I'K T *ii RO\'E s')-., Kiarki 1. n-ar Cwiirthiui*. iv

n OARD. l ' l . i : tS * N r IKKIM M ill I'WO ; .M,l.imi*rov.‘n:en:-, h W a r R I 'N s f , Mi

b : _ _ _ _ _/ iK D A llhT. *C«». 13 .M iSMlAHLI R U.MMIKD ' t04> us, wIDi or ntilioul i-iTar'i: Iniiuovr'itu-ab*:

/ iKNTI \ (,rwl<

( sl.lN T 'iX s T . yj-HoO.M*K iMit IhKirtl.

/ ioM l‘«mTAIlLE Ro a RDINo tM |; TWi> s yontiK iiH'U- -JiU Ul.l- N

. w m iKi-l


S'WiKiD a VK.. iietlM iw<4Ui's I'iiliit .'•kire, iiJuatiiiiul L 1

J P > n ; f s r . , D» F l'I lM sI lK D H-niMs WI I HS Ik,aril. hnn/ P 'l . HT K |‘„ lisi pr.EAS vN l RiKlSlH ; m i-T - * ila ssho ird : u i'0 tuhic iHi.ird, -":0,

1\KH|R.4 1ILC ROAJID ENC'KI.I,KNT'I'.UH.F.*lie;illh'- bi '-Ul’iii ; ti-rina r*<:i’Mitial>)i-, Vddn'su

wn SniH. .tKX.ME KMMo.W, in ,\e i. N. J.

1 | I . s 1 I:i b LK IRXiMA WITH EXi'Kt.LKNT fi;d lit W ARM Su'I'oN .\V h!-. l ual Oranye 5

m-hr sUiil'iii Mfv.l I'lcciTu- v-ire :Hi

Ix lS IlU J ir .K KROM' HiMiM ’h i LEV. WMH ^hiKiTHl: also luhic I o ml. <i IS II K ill *<T. h'<l

1 jw liU nil Imiinu emi'iiK

1 ihiril ihmr, with or «^llhou1 tuiniiJ.:31V 47 CU NTiiN SI ;

UREhN Kl*., ’I’WO liENTIJ-JlIKN CANte l good h4)ard ai-S w^iulit-ix, 4luu o v K (-T.. 3K. r e a r c o c r r im u sKRonrd fur ccnfi'iiieo. | l p>T wi>ek. IBuG

H a J-s k v ST.K*l ivllli hiiHid :

Ki R N IsilK D iRkiM

r lURHTY J»T. k; SICRI.V KI HNIsIfLD J-riNmii, rrlili ur w ilboiR iKi.ifil ; baili luid honiS

comfurtn. 03u\rK A T L y i-T llN lsK K D FR 1 1 NT Af.fvjVKA 1 lo.iui, stiRuhh* lor rw I KfMill4-iiiL‘ii, w tihb.jar l ;hu|in,v<>iiieniK. IM P L . lN E s l . 1

TKW LV FCnNISHT.D I to rS K FIR.vr-cIbm bnahl : rariis'ncKK exrliangv l.

LI.VDilN !"T.N

Sn -:w HT. tr, p i .p:a - I hoard, for » Utd.Y,

, \N I‘ Wl 1 H K.'ht

ORANl.F IRlARtJl'Rr* W.VNTI- D A'l' CA CEN ril*-' S I . t ininge ; 2 iiilinilet rnmi 4'’p»'iilr I'Hta

anil tieimi: uH Inijirovemenia; |i»rms tumteriity* 1

OK A N U K sr., lkK--p|.KASANT K CRNlsU rD h*mii.swllh I'K.ianI ; all isnivi'iiicuceK Hit

O UCHAHD ST.. 11 P U ;a k ANT Ri M)M TO let nUh boA^{: i:*eiitml. 83u

]> |. l M SI'., li K fR M S IlE D ROO.MM Wt'IH• irwRhijui Hiitird; In.iiruvem eiiti 3ii

St \D I .K .4 M i IMICIII.K ItOOM, WITH Ro.UlD-.Th MIC- DAVIS. 7W Cidiinihlii *1.

^ I 'M M lT llOARDh Ifs WANTED^V B te ho ISI-, .4plil.VRi MRliuuwiill, N. J.

IN PRt- J'ARcKLl., 17ml

ItO A U O W .S N T E n .

A UENTLEMAN. w i t h B'IV s ix VRAPS idd. w leiieN ixien] in i)pp<’r part of c l tj '; home

rare l4jr Ibo buy. A4}i|Tevi T7u CAHf.O, Box i', News offli’e.


l-tllM C N A L .

ATT.ANTIC Wr\T>0\V SMADI''? are Hie iH-nt niiil cneat'C'-l-'i»o]-

lly 4tti»Kiiier4 l. made In fantnil irv aii4l all aiarw lor KlhEn, Prlvatf b iyf, HnleJa. -saltMiiK, Si<>n*S, uiTh-eN In d Fa,-Djrle«-

AriUilv 4l4s?tmitloMa, leiterlmc, moHoyrama and erntiiemaa apefialiy.

|>>iiim.ii«-a hir one or n tlioustinil ahadrs ul ihe fanory.

104 ANiJ UW i'.H.K sT.,N4ur Kerry it.

rrEN TlCN -LA U IK .S ' HATH !»f{EsflEli. HM'.Loai'li. UO o Ra Nh K s T.. Di-ar Rrond. ti]i«uliw.i7u

AM> c m i.D ilK N ’K STRAW BATS jn ( all kleidii jirearWI over laqnal u> new: we Imve

e rery Ihaiie that fa 4:hiL and dye all tsflora ; alHO SbIbL bat* la f>tiiu lU n^ to llvi* 4Jayx: venta' hnl* alsi ndinlsln'il. J. IP. ll E.VEHA.N, ibSt WuHLInglon a!., Iiclwreii Market and Dank. T4f

I A P lE h -A KlUEND IN NKH H i s a FILIKND Jladead. If yon nranlA rfgnintor that m-ver faiK

idciri-MTKKWiiMA.N'S MEIUlO.\IE.RujmR>.NY.

T AIUKS WISHING PUIVATK NCEWIND, iii >UDW VRi'.iipp. sr4»rlliiK Kt.; fonfldenilHl treat

un-nl; InfunlK rHloiited doctor in uitenduiice. u7f

i lXDiJ

H.**. m ’RNKLL, MIIAVIFR. AT BL'HMEX A V , doc-tur hi a((endiih4’e ; cull evening. IJn

t-W I VPEWrtlTKfW TO hKNT^STENtKi- rapheit •upp!ti‘d. t»

NO, m CENTRE HT.. Orangr.

bbx 4 t NtwiP olMes.

‘VTiiTICK TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN; I n My Wtfr Mary han lefl my twvl nad loxinl and 1 will not Ih' rti|ioiiKible for anv <ie|iit j-tmtnuded liy h e r KRKD Ji. Ca HNER.

JiineP?, Iiffl, 3MJJER.H O N A L-BLCM ES R A Z A lt- ,

I Will paper an.v fklr-slw* l room with fine gnhl pa­per nnd w'lih horiler to rnairh. Inclndlhg re<>alriug, for4'i:i0; also liisUlaAK itamtlng, kalaomhilng and graining at the 4-ttea >e-<t j,rl4'e In theedy. Send pu^ tat card fur K.'iiu|iii>K, or call aiwl m>I«*ck yotir iiaiior at lll.lJMhrA BAZAR, 171 HjifRiglleld ave. 4^

I r x m N STRAW HAT RLEACilK IlY -. iMheV airaw liata jiroa-ietl In ui] iho laleHl

abiipvK. F'. Fll'ZPATiUCK, 13K HalKsy tk, nearhell lou-er. Iiii


OF A N T lyC E PlANQ, FUR- XJ'J’n iK . C lRPl-'l-S. UEDDINO. I N*


D. C, TIHailNH wIlMejl hy virtue nf a i-haltel muMgrigiv ox4*c'ited liy .Umoa Dungbeny, to New­ark l.iMui Co.. b( Kileanunis.

N -. 347 MARKET HT., ON h a t CRDa V iTO MOIlKOW) AT to O'CLOCK.

Very fljie l^ r ig h l piano, wlib da'.v feet nnd lalnld; elitjnnl I'arhT sn t< In hrocMteile und nijpi, nok. Wall)III and ctierr.v Cham ber Anita, tdogHUl Frvnch Plate I'ler' Mirrora, Hii|x ('oticli, Red J.ouiii!e, Centre Tahlea, Rood HrfrkerK, UookcjiHe, Wnrd- robe. llMiDtnnd. Ext* avion Table, Dining Ouilrt, shiehoanl. \e lv v L JtruiaMs and fngrxin Cxrpei*. Dlliioth, Rnga. Ibd.tup Dvek, very AtiPOruati, .Maltrrascd. Plllima, Hprlugs, Fold* log Beds, R4*4lsi<fi(la, cldir<inni<‘rvK,Ourdi>ii Reueliae, Sowing MavUlne, Rafixi'i il^frlgaynhU', UilStHirtlug Hoods of (ill kimie, Jticycte, Tricycli^Had oUivt FShIa

Fftle |ioiltive, rniu or ahloe. 1


1-nrs H .u iD w VUE, etj^c.

M. M. Ml LLU i, Ain-tSni)ccr. will »idl mi Suiur- day, June 17, a t lioi'diiN-k A. M . aiKU c^nir^l uve., Newark, u largi* lot frionhlingn, Irimber, curiientepa (ouK hanKvarv. lu InTpe oi'antllli**; ^b.ifiliw, pkltays Hint ImngerA nne laiFc* giiadKfbrHt. run by Hiaani, and nmiiy Othor urtlrlHi

M. M. MILId-:iL

(kill Anctbit)4^r,

M F K T IN G a.



Yearly iiicaling of HbareJioldera, elecllnn (•foPlU'eraRhd eubarrlptlOua for new abaret



t U':r d a y K V E x m o . j i ' n k ao

AT 7 O 'CflX'K.

U O rnilB OOIIN,l4 . Hacretary.

'OTICK-xr --I . V Kpu rlal mealing of r ig a rm a k m ' I'nIonlUloti Montlu.v, JmialB, PrtHMctlfwIl. south Oradgh ave. and JirotmiaSt.,at l.tUP, U. aiiarp. Ail metnWni arc re |HMt41 tb b» tlFre. __________ __________!

T l i n « X JL W V

3 2 . 0 0 0 .


D i> it! u u . r i*noi’j:uTV. sP-'.\ FN 1.0 IS.

CENTRAl. A V I-STF ,VMi I'tftST S T R E rr . JOHN M. ltrR .M .n‘'r, J« MARKET ST.,


Iflh |4J1 HEY s T . NEW VoHK.

S t l,i:

V 4TIN l'*ll l'A( 'r ( iP .\ ': pus-ei-ilOn lnime lfai#l>- ;

,4T IP!VI Nli'l'f»N lluii>e 14 routna; all iiiii>iuvtiiieiilK: Jot ixD'JiSi.

I.ui ■-i.irii4*r North TldrltHuUh si fiod saynjiih uv*.

AARON I', CONDIT. Odlce 414 Prud«!ihal

1,’*iii! s s i.i: iiR h lU M ii: e d h I m p ir iv k ipNewark |*iu;witv ; one nf ihe flrieKi rarm* iii

Cuimtv :7>iiw‘ri>«1n hlgU Hlal)(4ir4'UlliVLill(in ;rr.iiue hull-.,.. 13 riH»m« and i>ath. Hll Iniprovenn-niii: la rje Ikimc*, e^ei-lleiit -prlne, ixnifr in hnuv' undl■ lTnK : ii.*«, (Il ,1, irt„ iiPIcj, ff „n x^4aion; firm isfri'<-Hiii) elcitr I'lul iidght a'M (ti'h ftir gnwl invaM Mienl M'M.i.lAM M, RAlLCV.op|MiMle H(i>«Vllle Stnilun. ur I', l.ibi-iii' -t„ N. \ . am

1.31-R SALK Vr A DIO llARUAlN i'>nu C-ish aid immlhly ; 3 new -JlHilllly hiiiiai*H ini

Nurih Nth «i . 114-ar .Mli ave.; uIbii ii*w 3.ruiully IhiUm* wlih hu(iiiiventeais mi UL Pronjiaet u \e , ni-wr Mil as i* A|>|'lv anv Ihiie lu m .tiiHN II. Dt NX. 7 -^ r . Priwi«rt ftve.

HiAlE till I.EASI' TIlK FIN E IIKHI- lu-ner al Mt. n4<B.Maii( uve,; 14 hmiIus ; ftU Im-

frovem eniii: ar4(iiiHlN T.SxARi, wltii KUitde i mmtBOii|W(i l'J)Birs'«lJ«; lermn hi fiull Mill parilchlars ut .'*>1 T W KINSEY'S, Sl-i Hruad «.

I.'Mill S.VLE IV.4NKH KAIL, llC r T ltls .l lA R - fain (i«uT 'I'iire*'Iti-piom hduni-s A tf lw e a e h ;

tl.(■■Mn eaidi, liaJanet nmriKUgss .^HueOiict^t. henr Itiuoalivid a te liiipdra3] MRh. s HURNs ,-j n A4|ne4lnei St.. Newark.

INOItH.M.F T ' EVERY rfP'74inARLFTllTM ^ af'-ry i*rlrk n*t.idetin< and Jot Ne. -3.4 Fast Park

Bl.; hit 4(1*171. sslili right nf way over niley lu rear. Apid.s-tu h |i\YARD U DURRINs, F.*ecuiur, JDi 742 Hroad s t

I.'^D R SU .E IHiME f.lK E DWKU.INO. NEAR Miiculii park :iirici*ft4;TB>i n-rmn hi anil.

1 . \ i t l PICK llINDK.Dki-TIH Rnaiil st.KxLP-7 - FINK CITY PIIOPFRTV i

leiilal 3l.!rju; nlwav-* nuiiel-. priei'lhi..VMl 1 AUP'Hl R JIINDK. 7»»-7k3Rruud kV

I f O ISE H iR s .A L K tiin o LET AT:i7l 11 lu ll I hi , M runrii*. lumuiry und Imih, nirmui' In

et’Diir Mild ull ilJilirosene'ilD. Inqulrenl rih] -*71 r i . . \ \ E S T


IN IV E NICE t.D .llT lu ioU s. WITH RAY 1 window , tu le i; n tvt mivierate,


1; in T . impoMs . w it h l■|T^ w a t e r . IIE-dosvd h) f i in.mih. Call un

ls)v M.VU-'dl.s? Hamdf'ii, I a^t Orultje.

INIVK linOM'i iiX 2D ri.iM ilt TO I.KI ; lU V r nliidnws, rihiini all iiewiy-jwpi^rpd afid iwilnted.

ftv an ELM ST.I’.iKiM^i-m l e t . M si'M jiin p l , n ^ .n r

r '

L4T 'l l ' I I'.T. HAL'11 14 7 |w*r4uo'ii1) I I'AltLK

LAND a n d Mo UTDAo K i A)., JTu Rnawl id; T-Jn

A.H O R T O \O K :». I .O t N v PTC.

-A . A.-*

dh y o c w a n t m o n e y * '

Rl liH|n|<v pttP W.KRUk.N >

I^M.AT t o I r.T. HAl>KY ST„ NO. 3sn. EI.AT uffiiur ntou)^ ; r> 11 14 7 1

I.s I.a T OF : lliHJMs IS E I.E uA N r tjC K E N i Anne rtiriiiT line■«- Hi Dt. LWik iD A VE. N P

Kao, we wllHnsn 3 0 1 1 any anin that yuv wi«h at the lowest iMiHftibEe raiea, In the nuk'keai iHwMhla time, and fur any huifih uf lime 11 1 autt yon. Ymt

: Cub |iny tlie mouey Imck Is an.v aniuuutt ymi w-iah.: and al any lime, and each pafnirBi no mada will

reilnpi* lU-* iv}«i uf tvrryliig the li«ia In pmiMit punio theam um it (*ht. Yim 4'an hnrmw lui Imiinehnld funmuife, iMaiuka. Pk4ime«, wavnnnitini 1 arrliVh'ia nn.ioiher I'frsMittI i»i •■I' riy. and thepru|*erty to fionaln lu yuiiT p’i*a«HHhiu. thiM givmc .VmU the use of tmtb Il und the ib4iu«*v i>ur nfllrcn are eunveulemiy

I )rv*Hte<l, atid |iai-Oi*v rmUliig 0 11 nni-an lie wnttM mi qiih'lOy mid I'lUirteo-iMy. Ilelnre borMW lng el^u w here ifll ni-d/ee u>s au> I y hi w dl 11 nd ll gr4'atly Ui 3'<»tir adnuTAfe,

N.EVS AliK M'HlTfiAiU: fjOAX OtT.31S Market vl., mum^ :i. 4 \

n rsT N F M o p p o m r x r m w .

\ N K^TARLISHED tAdlNKIl RAUKPN, 00- in g a g tet bii>liiA<«; avervthlag In Al arrigri

onty |AVi cu-h .XKlM AN A iFuiTH. Tsi Br>.aid iLl

HCTCllER S im p , I-XTAHLfSHKD FIVK year^- iHw»y lerm^ In KHtn tiHlblB t*arnrm: owner

E*»’iig We*i. Ad.lm-( M KAV, Hot i:. New*omee.j

I k r t i 'H E I t SlRlP l-OR HvI.K, iiH tD liP>i|< fe e I iUinrex nil turnplele ;ahea|i. TR.AXbFKIt

Hi ifs lv , 4vr. i enir.1 l nve. and .Sorruik au I

RHi KIj HS H l.i ull lni{irnvi‘inenl>v sd

tNI AT 'Dt LIT . h RiaiM-^' 3la JkKIRiKN s | ., rnxar Sunih (MTav

a teT;i I.AT 7 R 'miMs : A l.l. IMPUf^VI-MEN Is . hi

\ A A. P A iir iE s ;• *3 - ITkfliH'.plximj'

im remtiVid : iKwlltvt'iy |>mi3'T

‘I II'ntTeweat. DAVID »lll•J.K^ A S4iS. 7lh

I/I .A T TO 1.1.T, n lUM'MS.3HV D13 M lit Ml sM 'LiN D sT. !l i-vllle.

I^^LATS T4I UTT^DFs IR a HLK F ' -ITS. t EN- tmii.t he'otiHl; nWi fttualL ■darie',iun^«. Limiod

l4-naiitvibe reui-4 will Im rewkiiuthle, Di (iilre uf J a M I'nR. n r PUueHt., tird Hal.

I^^P.tTH n> LET. IIANDH*»>^K D Li'iR A TE D ltai-4; all Imnruveiiieiiia . (' ni ini<< tnd litdh.

47J .‘d e a s t K INN K \ ^T.

1, 'tO llt iHMi.M*, TM I.ET IN I HE(H.D Lit HI I'tlWur-I. ho llELLEVlLLh AVE .VJii


M l E. mi^»Ms ; WATER ; RI:N I *lt.Wui 3H A1.4 I I Id'CT S t .

I’H HMSHKD HIMH.F U«K>3!t FOR KEN- Ih-men; all RniimvemenD.

Aae ArJ Pl.ANK sT„ n-'iir New.

Ij^ERM.'-iHEn F lP 'V r WmM TO LET F e lt ladlee i r teuttenieii

I.V.- . •.•a'liU.KNWOOD AVf . 1 liMiitilleld.

INI'MMSMED RO 'M W m l HATH AND A El. eiiiiveiiti-iiee*. TV l.lHK in'V >1. *iu

HAI s FVliiin**4-k>'-|i;n.;; f-l..Viai]4| 43..V1,

n .\ND-(iMi:.vm»DM APARTMl-.Nl . -ALE IM pMV* me ll*. |n»v p,] mitall fkniH}'; ei^ey iliu^

Imnu'. .MAR.'*>ii.'Ai U fa)etlpat, 'JUV

I .AROP-7 E l'R N H H F D R iiM m u : r M j |;Jl.ldy, wRh |ir|vll4-g4'i.<irt.ther niomi uci'U|i«eit by

w'diiw ; n'fln-iu'vm reitulnsl. Atldreiia 33V K. O , Ikt ( burl \L

MPI.IIKRUV S T , IM F I'R N IS IU D KliN.M furoiietir iwo mrii nr iiian nnd wlpv. 1

MP'EIIKUIIV SI'.. '31c FI R.M sllKD IUh iMSf ir littht 'Miii*i'kf*e|diig ; all (>r!r e. 3 t

N’f-TXtN I’E . 117 ND'KI.'l El IINIHUKDlOiiya fur g4*idleinaii; couvettleiiee^.

I H TA K K ry.

P A liriE S NFKHI\«4 MU\KV 'ixunpllv JfiAiied(Hi furniture;

(KHdnvt'ly |>mi;t‘*d time given : Umrsimp)"4,>.irliil.v (tmfhV'TiUnl : nuai reMaivte. uldevt 4atAltlDlii^l. i<nsy re)Hiymeiita. iirau.|it aMeuthm ; iituDey lii I'i hmir'<' iiuthT ; ufieii INI h P. 1 I KKIUL Cl* Rnind.

A"* A. M^NK^ rAPANED IN ^ a NY S t’Ms • a( 3 |ter ortit. per nmintli pfi^d i4»r one yi'ur. C,

1HKRM4N. Pa-viihmker. lOCwUr »L, heur J;r«^i •L Kltahliahint ITT, '' Mb

I u AN o f f ic e E. hRNUKI^TKPN. l.I jornHUHl Paw iit>rok4T. b*. remoMnt tu3P7 C n l'ir l '

NT. T'.li

Mu NKV Til l,l)AN tlN m i N I - |tnr>*. plomM, nnnuia and tieratnai inviiierty \

wRInmt liiinuval; |Hirlh‘« ImnArunl}’ tleall wtih. nml ; I'uki mnke reiiayinetua liy lu'iulinenia; nil iniiDe'-ta airM V ivmiblemUL Call 4m F, W. 1 -pi a \V Ki ir d . , rtemi J, 7TMlr(iu<l >-L 0|N*n eveiiing^ unlll 7. j■ \IH N K V LOANED ON PERSONAE PltlH'’ ] i v l ertr, pinms. urgaaa *nd fUmllure In iiv> with- ' out renioi id ; ail baamam airt4't ly amlldanUal. Call or addreat F. c. FD^^ A liD s ixami 6, nil Mark«4M.» or 10 Cedar i t , day or evenUtg,

• iV o K l . I i s FAIR TEN-DAY TIHP‘ P P u 7 1 ' iiiuii Uot'l nnd ileeidug c*f "CeRle." .Iiiiie iOlli

nsHoRM i: A.FA1K(.’111LD. 177 Market ft!...... .llruud. Sid^ 1 JA J 'A M '" '' LO.AN on tWlND.ANI)O I ♦ ) ' * • ( ” M *m'trtgage ul tv*rcent Iniuina and fur iH-rlodx tu miu the 'V( ntwerx ; no bnmo or romnilvlnii 4'han?ei1: 4.',enn hr hw i lui obili'*! mofl- gaga In Alima lu aulr. JCDW A ItU A HE ACK. ('4jiin- i«r|liir-44i-l-uiv, itHiiyi 8U Pru4leidLd Itnlldluz; tela- phuiie Nu.

i | / | | \ T O U paN ON ROND AND I I j M i l a w l f t fiiiorigHge 'n xnm« lu huII.

( AANIH. C tiiv lt, TiRACCO. HrATlUNKRY \ nnd he er»'«ni sahani fnr ^ le , oti aeoouiU golst In lii-rmuny. Vt ItoW Eliy s i '. l i t

< lA M lV , CUSAIi ANil n l’OHR.\ 'fiiT Mle elien]i. wfiti go'nl living moma; rM lrexiunahle. Ii>|inreli*1 I'KLtUV HP. tlu

/ lA M iV s rn i tK ; OOOD H K jirA tJx ln>Mdrchi llUPK.s s i', t

> AND (HlArX liCSENKAH M>AAALB(ih'lrm U K'Hid ejwih reran trad". Addf««i

^4n A. ll. c., Ikjx A, N«wa offles.1 d..ir

s a I.K a CtPNEI-yTloNKRY. WKLL Bfr1 , iluing aieaiiejit lHi>>in wh,PRi Piii|iiifH IlKh. FPIRIIY «T.

AN i:siA itL i''iiE .D ni's[N i->i’i c a l lon T, STI'M UN's, wai iln»ad >4 SU

G lUK EdY STORE FOR .s a LK -A FIBBt* I hiHir^irner'tup-: good ie»»4ni f ir aelling. Ik-

(|Ulre«7 HU TH ORANo E AVIt If t

^ A E c O N I'OR s VI.E : (iW NEIl H01NH IJITO i^ u th e r I'Utlih-xM riniulm'AIT IIA1J4KV HT. I4S

^A l.O * N l-KR ?*O.E OieiD lU'HlNKHS; R4HT i~n» rciiiiiiuH fur -eiltn ?. C iC l.lF lo S AVK. hw

^ A E O o N F-dt >Al.i: COR. OF HRUCR a n dr r i t A l u G N SIS., g.aul lut-ailiin. Tin

^H (ti::*T ftm E M IUS\1,K : A lUlRPAIN. cS 'v NAVa UATT *mi Hank at.\ \ rA M 'E D -4 3 .ii i i I’O IN'I'HorPCCF A NKW f t aii4lii«eiul (MitditHl artU'le, wbl-’U la adapled

in e\ ery lunh. Woman end iMdl<11 large nr ill ta All' drvftt IMMKDI.A I EI.Y, liu* N. Newn olttee, li t

C. J. RROWN.: }tp«d *1 .. riKun 1.

>T I \V fi'lI In lei. rntJilahed ; a hunt ruom and

A FRONT .AND RACK PAftEoR tiuM nail-

(llltll ItlSlI. I

l> L A N i; HT. 311 To i.j-rr, t w o o r 1 'H k k k

lel, w11Ji ret«*reiiee.

I yM 'M s r . Vi |‘|.!*AS\NT F C H M SH FO frurit nHiini; aullaldi’ lor light lunivkst'ji

lug. Aftll

SKAltINO H'T., II TIIREL AIIO ItOU.Ms -fo lel with Wul-r. (kit

CI*RINO*^T . 41 FCRNrSIIED ROOM r o U .T . f mRU liHib. finin 41 in | l per o* ‘k. MU

I will] l^lf1rD^eme1ll.'|, to a mlddl»age*1 i'uu|ila 4ir Iwnladlew 17il JoH.VtiON AVM ‘Am

»^1''HRKE I.A ROEKnttM s 'n i .K X lv H l . i r r i c I M)ti Id. and Ceoiral a\i«: Itn. Ini|iiir*

ftl(| A. L T ll'i.lN . niCvnlrBl nvf.

rp H U K E PEEAS.SNT RiKiMK. K O RIN K Jlt- 1 ninllun apply M7 ll ltH l s'l'. |

I ___ - _____ .............. _ - - ...........1 hnmte. Willi use of baPiPMini, ni muderul' rwlii'.

Inquire Irtb'. WRIOlIT s'l'., Iietwwn Rru,el SI, hiuI Kimnetl al. Hlallnn. .VU

H (j Cs K a n d EOT l-'OR ^ U.El CHEAP ; i.oT .YIxlOiJ; all liiiproveiutuia. lirqidie

Wl 77ALPJN1-;

K K A L kLSl'ATK FO R kALE>*UUT _______ TO W N , ^

M ay'* Landlum .

f p o I.ET 7 W EEIvLIlillTED llo«n is . oo.N I veidefU 1 0 IjOP'e *41(1 eleiMrle <*nr 1 Rink SI.:

rent low. Imjnire 30“ MM T i l s i x Til sT. Tii

t a i l A i k n n i iJl^ I W l F*^ FI Ff I murigageat 4 ami A per oent. j In viim* ami for |''erl(Ml« tn eiiU tlie leirm w er; N o ■ l i i i x r s N oll COMRIMHIO.N KXAlTKDt all \ pocHwary iMp'r-t i-aeeBlIly nre'pnwHt. CJlAS, A, J-Eli'K , Ctumiallur-at-ljk’rt. 7-vi Prtmdai. T3h

I 'k /k r ^ o n ip n d a n dH !•* 11 FI Fmortguge In vlimft lu aliU.

F griT A H L K i .a n d a M j Mo r t o .a o f r o ,•ftk T7« Mm ul t.4j2fcl*’ r i ’WARD LOANED ON l■ T R ^ 'n T n E ; C d ^ i l n n lePKival : nrunipt, prlvatn, reltahle, lirw mR*i. i*Hay re(-nymeiua ; iiuuiey In Iwelv-- hour*' inilloe ; opten evening. K l-illU, 1W llruMd at. 1' a n d CI'WARD T(J P/IAN cN Kl lINl-

nn>. Make tu'iwunal aiii'llcMLlon In Him M to ilW I KANK. .MHmdh IMhht.. Huw*vllla


HD M ’I.E-O d.F.MmA. RAl.l, JIEAHISU, eii'.hfiii Hns in niii> 1*411x1111011; will a 'lld iaap .

aa il" ner hae no n m hir luI , _____ lni(0 (n« Nn. Alt lIliiTI ST.I J H VCLE F4IR m a le CflKAI'-^IIUCKING1 e>t AdatiH paenmalle tire.I CH AS. if. P.WIH. W Tiroad *i.

n lCYCl.K FOR HAI.E. IVHA’MIHA TA-N* deni. [014*11 llra^ ; a bargHMi. Iiigitlreal

^70 SIM. luul E IL R. AVK.

S 1 U l.

l o a n s w a n t e d ,


ON FlIl.sT ROXT> AX'D MORTOAOR OiiariniicMl 'HMrItv ; 4iiy ami •nlmmHf prut>eily.

A id. At DOM ’S.f7,nn». |UV5*>. H-<w, 44,Wd. f.’.V!0. IE?hD

Du[uir4! uf ec m rV L E R Ik JACKsON. ftim 770 Rrunrt <t.

r i ' f i u c r 77 COl'llT .ST., KD ST Fl.r»pjR AND-I liavm eiii i 0 routii’4. Inquire V7 co< R i ^ ‘i^ I'jv

riM VONEW LY FCRNlSllKD ROOMS I.ET J uRii [irliaie (anilii . In n4dgJiboriioj4) 41T WauJi-

higtuii Turk. ,Vddri*KHViv PRIVATE, Rn* 11, News 4(1 1 1,f .

ULV PL . 3.1 -lAH’R Hoo.Ms 'J'O EP-.T.


^ -IN D rS T R lA L LAND --- -


OF U A V k l a n d ir o , h . i«; c a p it a l IMBOM

A \ K

I ■\\r(mED*H F .tr il TEN DAY TRIP PCI.I, I f Ul

iJtN UI.41D Btirt fthare nl rtork frem ISW 10 fivt,

payahle by tnatidmenUi of |i(i « month. As a tafe Invrfttment, guaruntealng quick and larga r«- turaa, R b ai qo ^ uaL Juvm iguia thoroughly and i-4)uvlii(» yonnelf.■ CNKURPASSEn lNUtJtT.JIR>rrS TO MANU*

FAC'l Clli'.R.s, JJa IUJE a n d SMALL." Umiaaoifnr nale nt mmlrraie lu'lrea and cvn anay

teraix. An InveHtmeni gnarauieijlng Id in lY per eenl. Have nlmi fur nale nuw a RintteA nniulxir (jf guHniTiii.nMt n |igr (vui. ih'ijejiuirk llujidH.

Id. NKALK, Ageot.4t Ak> Hroad atreat. Nfwark, X L

uiiiiihulelDad*4]eet((im'ear'o>inr," Juiik* iiih. frM'.OR>K A K.AIIIOHILD. In Market st„ 0(irn»r Rroixl. Mrtl

0 1 ^ SIX IlfJOMH, Al L IMPPtOVElM EN'IH, o l e ) -374 S4ip I II NIN'TH s T ,04(1 nenr ih^rieenHi uvp.

h o ilH H , FL.ATS, LTC m W A N T L O .

A ND'KLV FFRM.sh k I Mt'iNT H« OM wiinled. prlvHie fhmliy. riui t-io f.ir f r’li) Hmnd

and Marki'i ata., fnr a g4*nllemmi. Ad4lrea4 FJn AltllST. llii* 1., .Netva utHi'f*.‘W^T'ANTKD -FCUNIMIIFD RtiOM WITHIN f T live ininntei uf Wlihiini and liruMl nt*«.

1 AddrtMH J. L. 1'.. ]b»t C, Newa4>lRee.


H 3m U U D H T.,

JOHN M.OW INNKLL, Pre«U,lnit1.

d e p o s it s n triM LYW 1a«|A.nfin. MADE ON OR H K F fm E T lIlhD , DRAW IM ERIvST FROM


.MAN AHEUS:E iavahk KANoraK, J. V Dlr.fKNtltAai.ka,Ov.uR»if-; LakK. I'’iiWAnri L. ruN vu ts ,Hic.aiir Lan4i, llaKnxHT Ihama,M lLi.lAta II. Li-.K, ) t i n t s .H. lJ4il'(4t.AAJUIIN I'.Cunthki.t., j . W .ian Wfvinin-»r»JnllH M. DWINSI- I.R Enn Aim N. L'MASK.

H khuan l.Kiit.nAi'ii.

■ \l/"A N TH >-R Y A f a m il y OF TURK.K„ 4 fT ru<nn* near Ihe Ruar-\lile staUupt. .■4rtdr.”o,

atutliig rent. M'. J»., (W Centre d .. iininw , N. J. .iv

R aa t O ra n g a . [OR RALE OR IV) I .E T -W R S fliV T T ST., | Ea»l orangn, N. J., M> moiiift i lr* mlnuie.* from

Non ark : iwo rallmada and electric oara. KklUFi'.A; i RLE LAND AND MuJU'DAlJE CU., 771) Rrua<! ' al., Newark. ‘J7e


‘I'lTSK ltO O M TO r.KT. I.AIlfPE AND AIHV, t Aadjoltung PrxdcnUal llulldlng.

r»7B 771 IHIOAD KT,

O ran g e .

OttANUE. N. J..NKAR U luriLA N D sTA TIO N Far Rale, nne-linlt vneE the (Mtferh tnofiorri

nmideoev, with «iable*( aii’l elwnitit grtiimda, 30i> fNt IriKil KAoea uve.. -41 r*et lllahlun'i ave.; lawnR : ; Ix-nutlfol allude ; aveimiH ina(iu1anilE4*d ; M*wrr4*d ; elccinr llthu-d ; H mlimn*'’ walk i i ipillou : will : aivHmiiifmy itarllea tn h**t'it from onrofR(-4<nt < range j pnncipal ainHun. KlrWARD P. H.AMlL7 ' o \ A | CO. n,' Uruodway, N. Y, and Orange ((idiirijial htaiiihii) N J.

M la re llan e o n a . •

F OKHAI.E (^R K XCHAS(IK-riU>PEnTY AT aP nrallOD'i im line uf D., I<. A XV. it. it. my

A[i44i'UiUy. ^ifjxl pnrlli-ulBra nf aneb tn XVTIil.l AM M. JCAJLKY. 4-X Lllioriy Pit,, New Vnrl(,4(r <ipi>oalie HuanvUI* stuimn. 41a



imiidre KMCKKltlloCKER ICE 00.,

.Mo O.N IKK'K,I o r i s TO l e t o .N IVrMMEIICfrST. M ’AH F JMuRe*rry; MtHahie |.it light inanufiii-difhig.

14v A ic m i 'l l DEV INi:, i: .» Mxrkei nl.

I fJDoE ROHM TO LET, llANDSnMK IUHpM, J'.VM1 Market, S l flrxir, halgeurii<u.l ronni.

13V A R lH U Il DKX INi:, I7i M arket au

OEFIC’K TU LET XVITU 7 »IS).M(4,nil! 4TH in to AD FIT.


W A N T J-: II - 1* A ( ^ jCy ^ l ^ p 'S l tT X ’'" TO IS'ii'e or pur 'bant* In Newaj-k. N. J., near rail-

rna4i, rontalnlng Rp,niXl w|iiarv fi*et. AddsHa A.MI_____ BOX 1.M, Hldgewotel. N. J.\\7 .V N T K D llo!*SI-S, MHX. f a r m s , STOCK f v and iMiiida of all kind* for aale and evchange.

F. .1. ilKYKll. olHc<>n I'Jh Hjirhigdt*ld ave., 417 Broad >»l, . ftttp

FtilUAliS TO LK T.

TkELM AU IH toPK RTIK H ToilE .ST AND FOR J fSnle—Dpsimhie m ilage ,-*0 rnoTiia, fii]ly fiir- lilalu-d; H|dendl«l InuHtinn. nonr lliu ocean nml i^itb- higBmuiiiD; tw rnm ni alahlo; iu| l4JU*l^; a III ex- rhrtfigt? for good N eaark iPitjperty.I3a JA M tX L. HAYS.


STABLE TV) LET, H hTAI.JK INgiMHK ’ Wl M S T A 'IE s t . j

CT.XI.Rm TU LKT.7 sT A l.L S T 0 U E T Ill.ll u l l 'f7ft"parntelj-. :u)LrV ERST. '«u I

STOIIK-TO RENT. AN liLD FXTAHUhH |-;|i grntvTy atcin*, lu Hnd-claHa ivuidiilon; elv fur-

ntxlied rnnmH above; three mluiiU'K frum (1*1x 1 ; r m r. Monlgnmefy nve. nnd un-liAnl at., Bhjnnarield,j N. J. RK.OH1IOK.NE. 71n

HTu RK TtJ l e t . f.AlKJK MTf Dili; CP-iNTllA L Inratlou, monlhiv renl 4iru alu) goni l(UMiic^s

HlHDil, fin ; bulb Witn or nJthoiit living riHtmes. 1 1 . JACK-SUN. 7,'U lD(?luI nt

STORE F u r BENT, A LARoE HTORK, \ u , 1».1 Sprhigtlph] Hve, eiiitHhlH for a vvliidesil**

Jitjiiur or any oDier bupdnetK inquire Me 1 S.MAHKKTKT.

J. A. LFlIKVKt Ukll.


NO. 143 BROAD RT.,uj.endr.lly mniiWA. M. In 4 P. ^1. Dividend ilayR

.lannarv l nnd .inly 1. All ai*ii>iiiil'« carry lutarv!^l a l .1 |i(T ii'til. Mpcicty and Trust Fmids inkeiL

Pra^blem JOHN D. HARIll*^)N,'l'ri-asiir.‘ r KDXV .A R D s PA f;TJ I.S4RT*uiry-J. W. PLPMF.,

MANAOKR-H.Jnlm D Ilnrrlivin, sylve-'ierH neriln,Edward S]Ri»'ih, .1. Frank Furl,Churtcr* M, TlicljeraHi, J*iii|i*s N ArhH4-kle,I,oni* L'dniik. Oir-jir B McH'krldge,Wiiham II, CiirlD, J 0 se|i1 i XY, i'lmne,XVilhaiii A. IRghier. I'rniik A. XX'IlklnsOD

and Jtihn A. iHIToitf.


RTfW'K RUnKKRS.Rii} nnd (tall fioukn, taiiula utwl grain aUhar fur

iwrli or on margin.im MARKET .ST.

Trlepliuiie Ktan. Newark. * Newark,-N. J.IMlANCH OFFICE:

Orange NnllonA) Rank Ilidlillng.Telephont 4a-'i Orange. Orange, TY. .1.


]>RD (KI.Y.N VX'AI'f. I'APEK HTullE 1 W ll.Ii fintl'cr Bii.r bdr-alr.a4l nium vvlih due giild |>ai>4'r

imd wide txipiler Ui mateti, InHiidtng n*|Mlir1ng, rur ik3.*‘i0(% rcxmi; lilvi ftrsKlase ]Hiiutliig. knl^voitiliiirig iiJid (*ntliiliigni mei'lirTiije,! uiim in the city ; eend |H)Htal o in i uir eainplaa ur c-il) and Hgb<4*iyoUr |>RiH-r III IIji. Brooklyn vs'hR l*ajH*rHt(rra 9lrn DKc ORaT oR. pIH sprlugflekl nve.. Newark.

HRih iKLVN .XNIi NKXV VOliK WALL PA l>er C<(. Pli-xta* tik e nnlim llMit I will TKiperaiiy

|alr-alr.eil rcenu wiHi g<j|it iHijiirr and wide uurdei lur E>*M) n mom. Mini alwj di) ifnv.Kdnwi pnlnlltigain] kal- pHrinluIng ai Un* idiea])i*4t prlcen In the c ity ; unParn iirumjdiyuliemlisil in by mall. JACOB I.EX'Y, ovk No. lad Warran at., Newark. N.

'■•lAIlPENTKR Jr-'UBlSu , '(lone, nddltlone, aJleratlune,

f roofs HhlnglvsJ, aiora IlHIiig.cab- hn‘t vvurk, I'tc,

HFNIlV K N loH T, IM's Bank ei.

(‘i a r y a k j 'N n v , fc-n: h h o a d « r„ .m .w a r k Flue rrayoti purtniBa Ilia kUe, aliji I

fr^meft ui our own niniiiifW'lnre al f.V tojii

T>M «>M riI':r.D -J.A ilO E AM. IM-J yurovemrnia, riable, carrlage-huiai*. fhiit, aliiidi*, nil lor fVk P. o. BOX 1)7. Rloonirtebl. N. J. .7»t

/ lOTTAoK—T o LET. M VANDKUFOOL sT ., V . coUaifc'i m ouiii; rent tin FR NlCsLER, m Ell*al»*lh ave.

1 1 3 ' ; u rw oOFFE TO I.ET -OK F(PIt « A ORA.')

. UoH'vlilc hurweab* pass iiiadonr: foyi large rreima, w-urer. »r<w, Iwthroum. chisel, at-weg coniie<'LI(Hi and ftirnice; lot .Wxtiid: rent fY.X p4*r ruonfh ; driveway on inda. JuqulM uf VYJidjAM NOY HH, iMi Find a|., or addresa i ^ a Ck. l'Ka M'., Chnitiani, N. J . -Xln

n oC H EK -TO LET. TXX’O IHliC'K HOI'SI-^U, S4iutU 13U) Kt.: elk roonu each. Imiirovgnieuti;

rent moderate. Inquire J.. (i. KKXlPF, cure of Stmilenhurgh (t C4(., 71MiAtVX Broad M. thnl l o r H E T o LtfcT. 'Cii BIIQADHT., 7 ROfiMH, I I laundry and m llari rvnl fJ. 1 , [maaeviluu Itu- nudlately. Apply'Jill _ J . B. MOHETIOVS, Igand -.H AllanUcat

n Dl’BE TO LET,#1X; NEAT NKXV i r o r s l i . 7 rpotUH. No. 43 Oak at.. EimI Orange; Ih inlnutM

from e le c tr ic ia n ; near O nirol ave. Ap:>]y ai 7 » IB CRAWFORD HT.. Newark.

H orh-K TO LET. 41 NASSAU ST.. Ift ROOMS, newly |ia1ni(Hl and pnnere.Llu om> or Hvo fariil-

Hea ; ruhl for whola f il . Imiihre 47t IWORANOKHT.

n oL’KF *ro i.E j- jm w L A N D s r ., ft iiooM.i aijil batJi. all luipta., |23. luiiulre of owuer,

_ _______ IH BEl.LEVH'I.K AVK,OVBF WITH H l\'K MS TO LKT. INtJUrUE «t XVEBKR's Ba KERV, Irvhigi'in. 1

U K E ftfttA K lX H .

A - jA .-A .-s . T. TAVMHVS • ajl'Rtrm ordre^muUhig, tlieuut.v

ayaleru iKd a cliarl. Ijulim wivlihig tu learn Urinwmakliig, niitlng, l l td iu and irliniiilnv uf tiaacim^ imd aklru 4(1 all k I Dili aliould ctiii at uiir sx-hixd; U4‘ have iJii* nhlcHt j;nd largeai iiii<) mi’al perfcid reh kJ In the stuu-

! chnljini ran make ilrmces while icirnlnic rail nml a< e fur yuurHeir The only geimluo Tavlur KyH[,.|Ft 1)1 Nots'^rk, hmm'h froui y.'Vi Brujdway, New X'urk. M. f . C lIR isT lE , (ill and Q11 llrraul s t , liirnu-rlv lAX Broail nl. __ SIk*

\ NV LADY CAN NOW IIKCOMK A I'l-.lt- fect i*dti4-r, litter auil r1r4*s.muker by lulug rh'*

Meluiwell garrueiD ilranghthig tiiarhhie ; It (nlluwa every fusliliun an*l lUs every form : Weuay b> Je.trii anil rapid Ri uae; (luplle can make their uwu (Ireeaca while leonilng; leasoTiH d*r ur i-veniitc: luahhiuMble dreMDCiklnx. riilHiig and IRHng « np4?clal!)'; lecture on I- ritfuy ff >m J m 4.Jim KATE {'ItAXVLEV. ft.V> Bnanl at.I^A H IIIo Na BLK fm4XHMAKrXtL #0 1'La NE r at.; miRa fl.XO Ub; ramoved t'ruoi l l l ' i HImIi

a t ._______________________________ ________OI j'^AMHONABI.E d r k -w m a k t n h d o n e » v

ntih haiulaoiiie_ _ _ _ ' ' ______

( sIlKAl* hA.^llLY Betej* AND s I lu E H lfjJtK-.IjullM' kill lliipisl buLUiti. 4 1 ; ladlea’ line kid

DmHHl button, 4 1 .IX; ladleo' kid Oifnnl Ma\ Tftn.; mtaagg hael kid imtton, ftOe. ; men'a sewed Ltced ana Ccrngnaa.'l' ; men'a line laced uml CongrwM, 4 LU: boya* Iflcwi ahnea, Tftr*.; huyn' fine Dred simea, ftV*. ; rupii'a iHsu.d l uiigreia rtttera. ft.Xc.. a ' W IP.r,lA « .f. Mi;KI N.VEV'K .tjr, Plane ji„ unar Wlhium si. 33k

n n i ’flLAs'M .Ml’s t r hT u RK RE- mnved lo IS .NEXS’ HT., flirmerly


' McDruvell ayaiein. 7fti.lllKl(TY K(‘,


avr.« near detnd, A eh>gaTU rooni-<; wator ; fii. AfCITiONV B huN lC E, opi* Drpf>i, Mun<(dulf. 7uli


A PORMEU RLMIDENTHF NKXVARKHAV'* lity Pro or ihrve iKniiiecrnT ronuja within ten

inlmitea' ilde of Ihe Wnrhl'a Fu+f wmud n^til to lint* claia iiarRat durtug the XX'orhra FulrNwaon. Apply at NO. ill HAJUM>ENH'L'..cUy. .'Jt

\ m c k i .y *f (:h n i h i i h ) f r o n t f a h i />r to let P; pne or Rvu guniDmen ; goud locatlnii

unit cMiveiilent lo Bruatl ml Aildrra'i klH K., Box F, NawftolTltv.

B a n k n r . , ft3-y rR M S K E i» RfWM f o r gimiii'mao or light bnuaekerping. i


OUANOK DUKHHPUTITMl WHO <L ■ T H E Taylor syatem ; ihe itmit nliu|>h* (iiiii um irn te

til lha w'orbl; we leach ev4*ry aiyle of wxDi and III ev(*ry fo rn i; eai*b pupil li la'oilii pi a (Ja-** hy iier- aelf; no IlniU to.iiiii(*Mr Ipse-iua; ojK*ncv(‘ry<hi> Hii(l

; MtHldnv,'J'ueiHiay a:i(l i'burwiay oveningx. JlARV I E t.V.Nl.'H. 3J*J Midit Ki,, liiH'ker hntiding

1»AI‘KIl I'.nTK H N -t CUT TO MKA-HlUtii (ill-4 we4‘k, fJ,i centa.

.Mils. ROYCK. iRThlrtcoulh ave.

ANK HT.. V fl-F U K N Isa tD light boufti'kepplng.



ST-. 7hS FfX^K W ahANT HfRJMH,Apply LlVLVUBtON,-JHn Baak bL

I jA lH A n HT., 441 TO LKT. ROOMS. NEWLY- i tfiMnbhei] f4>r Dglu huui|^gcplug o rg ru llem eii; all iinnr ivemonix , ' ^ ft.di

Hr o a d M ., fliA-FUiiNJKHi:D h o o .ma f o rItghl Iimft^kei'plng,___________ ______

y iT JN T K E ^ HT, 44 NKXVLY.-Fl/UMHlfEii euacaa, e«30tid lioor; JedUn-^r goudejuea. i t ^

C E N T R A L AVK., a-LAROtC, FLlENfufalKD, ^ f o n t room: llgblaR4la1ry:aBlfupnni^meiitf.Kv

Cl r.INTHN HT.. 1B-T0 L£T,!IICKCl>t>LIti)DJld ■'-weU fnrulftbM. ■

F iL IN Y O N sT .c •O -P l’HNrKlIRD LAIUIK v y fm n t tOKQ Ah' genllaihfn : bath, MV

riO L U M B U »T., k buiMekeeptof.

l | - t u f l r « U K O IIOOUH.»T

'"1 1 1 AWF0 1 1 1 ) MT w, NKAii i i i< jn .-x i( : i:L T -k. fUTdhheAriMinraf o M ortw og^tiem eii. T7(

l%"fB10N PL., W -m iN lS H » D UOOM»'POIftungeojid l floor. MuIJ

-LII.M ti r . , Itr-FITHMSHKD ROCiHM. KOCSf;X iliw W uf. ____. y . ___ 1T.-UVi; KOrtMll T o I.OT. okJ,^ lauidtry and bats ; iwnmiupy private ho'Jto, vcRIi tuau ami wife : (o aalultf i-siy, i n 1T74 liK liuRN BT..itcar rtoMav«.

Yir-GfKiD HUUM«* TO j# r r . APPLY >IH NT*

BAYLOR RYKfr.M -TAY 14111 M4HTOOL OF . Drexs ciHHng will welcome alt old puplle during

I (tie kpflng aeuBon, nouiM lttrwbuumgtu (h«u3, h)jr] Alh»w liieui to leurn neiv Miylu-4. (Vuue one and all. Ih e Tnyjur eyatem la Ihn bldtwl, b(Hi[ amt >t»ifileat laiight In Newark, anri Hm •''ontintieil priMperllv provm lift woriii. Wa leiudi H L'irt (0 be a ihnro.igB drr4Mim*i>r and

I aaHat her lu bnilneHii, Muthen liivtiecLIhtMMnaking pnrlqcs In mnr4-s*tloii vvRb IJie

I •g-h'Hil. !'aitcrii(i to mefiaiire, fthoaotft. O]'*’" I eveubigH. I AYM )ti's. H7) liml (!i]:i Broad au.

brniich IM XVeat I4tli IL, New York. Clk


] . lo rN I> -A V A U 'A BLE X'orNH^TH ITIN H mare, thoAu)cliluis|. ijwnof iimv tmiuln* nt

I FM. OLTSIAN’S, lUrrlrUHi. N, J.

I 08 T -A N ORDER BOOK. T H E FlX Dlvll Jwlll tie nw arded If ratnrms] t i

1_ ^ ____ Ij. KFa NN, No. 41 Heventh ave.

1 0 MT-A ooLD xx a Tc ii : k u it a MLK u i ;Jwanl will bl* paid. Aihlrevi

Wn_ ji^L r Ito- IL News oTlco.UK KI.AJtKC

>wini nam eU . Hewill. JUrd’hrd If reiurimiSiiMu IN FDCNDItV KC,

r i lH K (YlMELKTIt HPOMTHMAN M-H. flE^ J fifWm Krh'a ii« Hay n : If not leinrnert

IbU week will pro**ottH.I_____________________QARPKH, KiL-ipuri, J. U

MacCDHM ACfi -S A 'F C 11 E l,*t, ihM'kelhonkf; naavins' ItkiI tiaga

amt tMiikA nf uiir own iiiMijUfaccure; rcjiairlhg iiromptly atumdwl (o.BR U D Aj'h op(>0«liUi XVoahUifUM I'ark.

’■KXi’ JFHHEY WPtEEI.XIEN : lOK hlHs-]. f cJi'Ks n-|j(ilr Hurk, liAlCii) . t-V. MiillH*rry «t 76|i

I> J. KANE. M.4tik1.g. ll'HClCWliRK *NJs *p'jV4tHrhig, kaDiilnmliJi,* and 1(jijb]i(g in tfcncttil.

Jfni .Xlsl'HlN’Ci HI'. Sen 1 j>oli4vl,

"r TX '' p ia n o s a n d o h h a n s 'i c n e d , h e -I t/im irw l, rcMnifig, tutu* rt'sim-cd, cif. l.c;! -!'

snurunU 'lniilol'inilO E Ht N t'--»,3h* .Marhcinl .‘ida


I 'A l L.> iV

V -F A 'lE N iH - »CATiTyKI! A CO., 7W rrfl B U rn D HT

1l(p larucK IhRenl Uftioo In llie.si.ati.

1 >A l L.N I 's -

n u cD E iu cK c. n iA E .v rz E f . huoi'ueiuf 1 0 itampbell A (ki.

OLODE liUll.UINO. ' ftOJ nilOAD ST. lluoma M and (17.

1>XIKNTS iJiitlCK ,ft Ml.Kollciturt of .Miiertr*a;i and Foreign Cumiii.s.

AliuriivVis III irt|c.-it i-Ai'i hefiim lU • (i. H. (.'i»srK Mis'liHiihal and r.lectrh’.tl l*;nglU(*crs and Kt|S>rK Cunauiiatlun fnse. 7<h lIRO.t D SI't I'lio u l.l'ii ei- lnblDrii*d huxi4> In ihu statu Twauiy'Ivu year.)' vx].i'i I'iiCD. Ocrmuii a|Jokesi.

I riXEN YEAlD*’ EXI'EHIK.N(:E FRKNtMl. \ I (ierniaii,sweilUh, DaiiDli nnd kutfllali HiHikeu,

- THI>4CM0W,Cllnlon m., roiuiiw ”J3 mvi ii,

■Nr-aark, N J. fnpf’. Y, M. C. A. Mutidlukj. Open Wi^diiCMlxr iin-r Friday vvejdii'fl Rll ftiWb'Oltiik ; gctiiTiil umiv lumra, 'I A .Xt. tn .1 i \ M.

W AIfTKt^, ^

I ADIfM AND O K H W CAKDIFF CL'VI'Il. Jlng tHidghi. lltlH , J. KWINo, j n Marki-t «t. 7iiii

OLD UUf.U HILVKIt a n d Jr.W KI.HV haught, M.a BTIN, IM Uark>»t hL Kniraur*

oii llaltw*)’ It. 07a

USKD CVir.rMftlAN aTAMW, OX.D <h)lNs,f - ‘ “ " --------; gobJ and rtiver bodgliL

71 V BaillK IlV , Ate Brand.

W ANTHD-CASHIEH'S DKHK. ADDBESS, wRh alze aitd prtft,

Tio l>l£J>K, Box D, Newa ontce.

W IL L KXttllANUE Min’. SAILBOAT. IS gwitl r’erMlUion. (ki a flr*t-ela«i pneumatlo

FAfcty bw/cla. Bot H, Kewi om<*«. 1

PKOP<»e,AIA.llK t 'R L T IN U UENDHitVol'a, 3JJ .MARKET I amL, Nvirark, N. J„ M«y 19, RWi. rttiimiiah ftar

ruiikad raliotiN fur rcurolliug ixuty anq n*cruRA JUs*ruUla|‘>(endvftVi)(ia, Netvark, N. J seulmJ pru-

1 |ki<mD u'IIT be recvlverl at this olTli.e unlrl 12 o'etObk [ noon on UieHevculeentii (l(>' nf Jiina, iJdid, at wlitcti

tlui-r tiivy will beupmted in llii* prtwwutuinf bliMIvrs F ir furntahlug mmkisl radm o fur ivt-ruMiug parl>' nml w niRxH i ihL rendexvmw. begutul ng ihe IlnR aayo fJ iiiy . IftVJ, and oudmg lb« lUlrileiii da^’ of Jiiiif, IlifiL ThreeHubai-in>ta1 ineuli ilalD'. wlili a (|Ko protmrtian of aonp arid iwu-Jlea, cmuRltuie a I’omjjlHf mtlon. 'Ihe (#overmient ri’earvci the ylglii lO re3>ci any ur all pro(>04tiK PropueiD hir vuumlote ffttluud \a hr flinuftli *d at ploou olilecllun- uh|(4 ftjf nerulo. wilt not h«* (TMuddurad, Full lufur* iixiRoii will Im nirnUiied on aiijilfutlON I'l rbh Oltiel'. EuvetOpCeuDnlahilng prapuaats Nhuubl b-s niark((4l*'|'ruj>&4ulH fur poukvd raU(»n*," and ad* (IrenedUii:r J. A. OUIHTICD, Captidn iHh L^valrj^ l\. 0 .


n ic4 h>w('.iii XTn hot n i ORA NO

n n LIARD T.XHI.K-FoK MALEi'lo-HJi hilliunl Uh.i*

f i i r 's . |ur Mftlc chea|>. Imiulre 117 J t ME^ wr.4f4i i r v n . F Fo r s • i .k, iv)i ,d m h ia sa k k I'V,

- - VV.F,FlRsT-

NflFIET.1i AVKApply at

• Ih l 'U l" '

( loC N TE R ^ \r \r . H lli Sftl.F.inncmfNTr.dH, ■VighHi'i 'H J.V upright luws, MKlKli.iwaLeH,

?l'lOn Inul, '.T seventli ave. .lARVlH ftftu-t xn i; IHR s . \ |. |: , I 'llK A l’. HL.lCK, WITH A Uurtloci vidler dig. Xd I . .Vi I ICIlKNDll AVK.


p ’-tnimeiiD al half rcRSiUir jirici's.

XVc (telI ihc IiohI R-piv anell Iniuk^, IV. pier f jdnr,; 3 «bir:.,'iic. .1-jilv laadcrs.-rt*. icii. A gurel Vrvel find r-ic. 7.V cmf-'rl lilar k line. V. Rude ^ and rueh from .v*. up ui

Flt.ftMf liLAS>;-s. i-V’ M(ill»*rry M.

n FAI.Mjr.4HTi:RH FOR s lD iW r isj;*!, JARS und ciiiHly jil Sc U v a II/'S Cj i .NKKc J Ic N-

EItV.HJniidK'j v.-|l|iamHi. v,„

IsA,X( W ll.-'iN , sF c ( f-.Hsi4|t 'i(j | j j > > r XXTIWfi', L'li Murkci it,. lh» oirtisr p-ral«llHlu*d d*iti

lih .VoHufk : ilV'luVi I'lcnnln e mid (■iirr"''l-t*‘uttug ; 1 1 1) kiuiU of f.m- V dyi'ui 'r nud ch*aniiij il'uiu i.y Ihor- fiMKh prru'lh-ai w Hknicn ; luu( rirudns c:i*ai*4*'l, ./‘s . u pnL. nil ei/ci. 41I

I FLI'S, CATI'-HKIl,-Tdl I.A.SP ' | i ;n ’( II s f ., *Ne\v X'liTk Cnlerhn* done ftir ull ucci-i.-ih at

I till* uhnrtesl •nothu ; h ir jind lunch cuuiner jitivl legca hoUKht for uitniraloiH ; apif'LU ImJiireiin'nr’i to Hnndiu'iwhouln. tuiii

s .M.k: III Viw. momckT'I'F, tiAllPKi', fm . '3p>'iU. iirmads. IMU; :ji yds. iiui|U(*Ue, ilft;

24 y ili Ingrain. fJ.Yi; aUtlr ami iiall iwt'indi, nil* 4‘IWh ; pirluf Hii.ts, | | . ) ; M-H)k Hhivr, f l ; fuLdtng-bed. |l . ' : si'wlng inwiilnc. fl3; rrrrUer.4lnr f l ; new lettUii't (Miicn, In *Jri WHAA.AM s'f.. near Unnil Jfie

1,-^OH WAl.l;. FAIR OF .MCE UOA TH, XVELI# malvlicil, «vRli ilmiLh* haru'ws la D 'n lln wagjiis,

im ckaam l lianietta's Z3l U V lN osT tiN sT , ^


INCHNITITIE A OARNET P L F kn HPIT, liaiul«iii]p utirr*^. naihi-ouk iiedruum mlt, c<iii'

iiTitiufdiniiig-r-i.im 3 1 W \V F n i,V F r Wv.^ITlNlTLRK 4 R'KlMK M l'sT RK soLD.

aeTl'KNTtlAr. a YK.

M ACHIvNEUY FtlltSAJ.N. ],ATHeH, FLA.N* era, ahuiierg. drill jin-saea, pwt. ucraw, druti.

lever ami ru'wer prneaiK, g.*nrs’rfuln!t, rnelal wntfe* lug mnvlilncry, o o lT d ) it LBKRIJ.VltDI\ Cireeu, Rrueu amt N. J R. It. ave./-vH O AN F'Ht MA1.E.CHKXF, A NF.XV I'.AR- \ liiir urgnu, hy >4.111 LUEBR.A NDT, ailctluneer. nmi‘i> 7ft| llfuad at. IXu

1> ]\N O tbX JICV-S VLkX llANDsOHh: idatui III eicHlniil nr Inr. HlVKHslDK A V K ,

aikih hniisn oouill uf OmDuii Ave., XVu>Mlal(te. I

I JI.AN'i -FOR SALE UltKAF- FIN E ROSE- wutiil plaiiu. Dhiidre Phi .MrWflOUTKRKT. 40i)

1 >111 V ATE h a I.H: o f a I.J. k in d s o f Uo F kE* Imhl KO uDai )6 XV.iLNFT H T., near Mulberry;

ae Olid tin If. ^I h l N o F 'll s.tl,|.;, f.ADY'rt TXVlN DlA- 1 luiuinl ring. Adiin*«e

(Ul ____ jilNU. But B, Newn cifn4*e.

WltoXVCAhl-> C llE A l'E s f FL.VCK IN iMK rliy to buy ahiiwcasea am) caimly Mfa, LKXVIH

liliob., 44hulenaJa4-(mft-rtJuiier%,HI te rry at. Mf^ ;T SAI.K. KOl’Ilr^hundiuine st Ih-mard pups will be ifoliJ a t a har- g 'ln . A ddrtoJ.lu I'KJ'ITt FL-XNAO.VN. MlUbuni. X J,f M \ I ’l*;W !im :its FOR H.XM-: a n d t o l e t ;

i rwlius-il rah's. D* J .aMES s ' l ' ^ __________ MI j i V l ’K F ull SALE.

WHIIERMa N AVK., Kearny, R J.T ’^ENTILA'llON IN AM. ITK BHANClIltH.V tirytiig riHirui lo dry anyiliihg quickly a t aiusy



L?*^<WlmPaat411________ FEIF'FEIt it UO.'H, aw Ara-leroy at

iJ o iis K s , c .A ii iti i-:Tn,

_ T H K N E W A R K TinBAR hiurkid, Noe. II-)loS.'A CentrnI BVfv

iftrgi* npH-k n fiiru clam liortari ahvitya . 1 Imml fur aale nr eichauga al tn«

lowaat market iirlcea: ilraugbt. d riven and geoenU p>iirpu*i« hnrani; a fhlr (rial given and all ilfx’k to li w ith a flJlJ ninrarRoe 10 be ax repreaeiiuid ur o ub raflmdad, ALllKRT L i i Ft.l N, pmp.; branett «(abi*A (4t Newton, HiuMex countv, tl. j .


T»K ST FAMTUHK IN TH E XX'ORr.D.'J l lu J. K XX'O'iimCFF, MRIburn, N. J.

i > r o ( i i E s . j ; ic . TXX'o f i n e iiCo iHKh. o n ® I rjuiufi-ft ut riH-kaway ; iilwj tw-u Hurrv': a. <die:ip.

wii 1 1 1 l i m i t Ml'.

n u t w Ri HD f’A U r AND SPI.NDLK cheap. h4 Rlll'EN , i:or. (ireeu. IH

( lA it Fo r n a l e i 'H k a i '.(dll A. -M KAIL I'liruer Jackran ami Ferry hia

<HlARLt*>l (HlWBK, ^ MARKfri’ RT. >FAHM 'sug-uii, iiueJiiee ivugoni. I'arpenler iuh) plum

ben ' wagons: alai f*arh«n*a of all klndtfapaolaltyir v,imon.s fnr any |utrpni« Imlli lu urdar; w auarrr atHiiR 73 rurrlugei In aVK*k all tha Um». 3>a>

1.TIFIEEN SKI'OVD-IMND BCodlhX FUR ■sil** clienp ; ageuti hi I'^vx Couniy for the cehs

Iirat4*d Uiiighaiutoii wagmi ; new and oaenuil- luilei WtikuiiN nri hand of «'Vi*ry itcnOrlptiuTL o l.lA E R M F(. CO„ Jliii.TB ogi1*n ul , foul ClavNt.

AOH.s a M*: fFD l'M N O FIIOS; NO REASON* ’ nhirolliT rcfuiMel. lift? CL.NTltAL ,\V E Hit

n oR,sK FOR S A l.K -ril CASH WTU. liCV A hnitd-Miii'e and it.vIMi hftniMpUjntiiti hi>r*e. 7

.veuru (iJd. i.'i , iiAiidN btgli, wrMlM U P ' iHimidN, i]:irk 14* 1 hroivn In rt>inr; Mullabli fur groccrynmn, inllkriutn, r.inn, Inin'ly, ijuiMm, haker or any himl* ii"'i4 nuriHUii-H : wnrranii'4 very aniMid nihI kirvl lu sliiiiie or ilnuhle hiiriieio and u hot traveller, and cull im (Irlv'ui hi u Indy; C'lel l-V eight luunilm ngd ; i *hyi' t lal- Api-ly ut I .s.> LOON. 'Ml Plane |1.

I to H " ] ; FOR H.VI.K HXCASH WTLI. HCV .XJ riru4'i'rjrmu4i'H liiiiilii .:iii> iiiiil Htyllnh hhiiicy*

(mill hui s', 7 yeir* o'ri. in hiiudN ir-.(h , HUli'ilde for h:'k*r, iiiUkimin. [ iriu, tiuiilly. mun >u or any hunl- iics'i pu rpu ic i; iviirr.'iiteil «)iin>1 riml Icimt In aingle urdi'iitileharni'v i: fi itrdu>N' iriul : «iUI iiulynnoc- nm nl ul IN'- u'Mier u 4*'1licr C e numov.1 .Xppiv Ht S [ '\ hl.E IIM nntrnf ave.

I rO fus]’.* p .ll l: MU' D FN .^ollllEL il.XUlCS. ft I jkmMi yearn lull HlMi'is ; llnelv hre I : ediX'H!>‘(l

HH'ldh‘r.1 for lady ur r i»'. p a -llrjiilv ai md . [lerfuot drivers In fthigh- (>r i'uii-lu Jninu-ni; hD . tniideni to I'url AUd (lUilcriNiddh’ : jnlicefM' at AHH-L t ' l l .\ X' F. s I t L II s, PiiNt I UH'igv. ISdw pen M) 0‘rpM.*k ttnd 4 4l'<'|i>C.i. t

i r - m s F -AV, r v * 'i ii Ys o n o fi s t r o NO, I 'o m .g , '-uiin I f h I u V imiU. h:i>’ tiurne, fiinc

ir.iu< li-r. ...... . ’ . ru'eivrunii ml krjiAU,faniiD.tf. )iHtch-i • r iiv yi'iierui i»usir»e*H piirpo'*; 4s.irriu(cd i-ki-r' wi c ; W'rk'N Id.il. A]iph nt LDAI'o r s TOIT'. c;rf)i'r Ijlmunilcldioe -ui.I With Hve, I

n oflSh>t FtiH SALK. CHEAP. O N E sK A Ir timn-ii runiHy hnr'K*. J yeabn nid fearha* nf

nh'ii’ii nr Hci’lric (Mrs: Ql**fi u very g-eid wildJ** luirMh ; niiu gmy Imr^*, j vrarr o)>L ]<> liaiidH, imirid and hiD.I ; g<>ud uork Jii.*rsL>. Aditrene.-,4i in RTCHLIFFP; ftT.

n onsFH >fn u cH M irK o f t w o w jf n diionu-A ; I h:M«' ie*etint for ui'n : a)x nnd tight

)CAfH old ; j4<i4jd ('ii.i(li-r% ln'|ti:r''Ai mt 1»H M.LT.HKRRY ST.

HOR'I-: a n d xv.v k jn xv.\ n t i-D. s ITTAMLE lur (.-p'M'rTc hnMiui'<*(. I'Jfl oR iN liK HT , curntr

HJjf lllelil . groo-ry >iiur>*. 1

MD'IIAEf. SIT-ritFH . CTTY MNft, Snrlngde'd nve . ulll n*r(-lvo a cur*

Iinvl of vs'u.-it Virginia icimuN on June H.I cunshipig iiC driver!!, hii.ilm**!.!, dr.Kigbt "nnd wurkJiofWL

OODEN A m'DD. 31 'HJ 37 DIvIaI/UI ftb. <kI>P- M- mid I*'.

In. II. sijttloii; larijca: varP-p* uf 'rirrl(4geA. wagon-iand faiiO)' Ifaiit

jliiihnc liy ; lowaRphc-vAA

WTRREV >r> ONJ; CAN iPV TOP. I’AISTED, ilduhiir suriev; I'tiv lnn l cJiidltlon. __

24u HI illH H HT.

\k^A (iO N 's AND Iiro iilF .S FDR ^A LK :A lJ40 \V ihri'o g-iiH 4 ll-np il^rovR ft Ol.lV KR sT. 3lu

•AIT-AN'n'Ti-To m m : kToiisK a n d h l u iiviir .Itlil •.v.iauiuwu or lliicr'! (InyN B vteek. oul-

IciKiu la New.nk ; will pay D W a day. Addfegi I XS„ Hog it. Evening New*.

4^ I i I *■’ ’1* V OU ItClIOICEttFTllHKM^ 1 ' ’gfiml ho(Ji "< u'l-J um* NKUill lUdle, ftaPe fur Hilldreii lodrlvo :fD f .r to.i wiigou. nearly Dftw j al'fl a go hI ijugg)’ fur^Jii. A iOHm UHT. .


I y s s o L l 'l lD N OF | ’A K T X im « ijtI l» -/

NDiIca i% hrr4*hy given tha t tha parintiiblpa lately uirtMilftllnf iHiM'wa Aarun F. Dnrti and MIcUmd Larn-, of Omuga, N.-f., nm terthaflrm ntmv4M>r Ihii'U A Ikirry. a ju lbarn iA C ii.raN illt- advarlon the d(>l3 hgnyir. AU dnuea owU» (O tha aald pttH«Pihto) ur^ to lie n p .'e ira * -b p 'w aald Awron F. HunT, ^ id all (kmnndft 0 1 1 the aaii (mrn»4'nili!iv! ore t- rb - pivtonU'd u> him f t t pay*tmmt.

liaUsl Jimc W, IWJ. _ _____AARON F, BCRTT,


j m i i C A u

*'• UKVMEIl. D. >LrMA?WAHK AWD BLKI> -iV tiric lrca in ien i fhr rheumailint, gout, paraiy**

aimina. nervum (Rauawa. eeiiralaUy atUpud fur ]ailK*N Ip drllcuie lu!aJUl. iS*! I'L-XNIfi tiT. ilq

Ii. HDLME'M h i»K'4.'!FH ;-A lUrRJfi AND , , |Si«4ilvn(!UnilhraU ftmole Itrcwlnrltlaa AA*

(Ureii 141 BKRHE '* Bl’,, nr all ilr'iggHti.4^ (J, MoU, High auQ t'etitml Ava., o rU B . UmiUi,$ftJ B rw l ai.: prlge ( I ; te iitby oiat|. i*

V R W A R K E V E N I N G N E W S . F n r D A Y , J I ^ N E I G . IS O G .

N n o a rk <goentug Nctua.n iu fu iv

d a i l y , IX O E P T AUNDAY8,(T TBI

EfealD t Hews PabllsIilDi; CompiLiiy,

Al No. B44 BROAD STREET, H«ivark| N. J>

linUrtd at tiu Fvt- OJi« « teeond-tlan malUr.]

Delt»*f«d faycirnerj in »nypirt of Nnw- irk, ThB.O«no;ei, Hirtiiott. Kn*fny, Summit, B«llavillt, Montdiir, Bloomfieid, and til neiffKbOfnt|' (owni .

Mtil idwnptions, fiv* dollvt a yaar, or fifty CMtt a month, poitaga f'eo. Single cbpiat, two cents. Delivetad by earners m Nawarli. tart cents a week.

Ordinary advertisements: tan cents a line, agate.

Mvertiiaments undar heads of Wanted, T« Let. For Sale. Penonal. etc , one cent t trard. but no charge lest than tan cents each insertion.

FRIDAY, JUNE Ifl. iw-a

Te those who have had avperIriKc II Is not ! HHasary to .say, "AdvcrllM In the.M:WS.” i

Bui this It te augicest to those « ho have not tried It tede to. I

The reneena ler this hdslce are; That the NEWA'A drculallon It Itr fraa trr than any laher pepar In Newark, and because II haia be* cone by custoni the mtdlutn for all the people.

T i m eA N c T iT T o r i i i ' m .vn i . i r n , A man in Now York CTt.v, atrloken

with dlanane and nuiked with pain, ! f*Te up hla Ufa atmirgla and applied tu | a p by^ian for aome drug with which | ba eoatd be' phinteatty and oaally put out of hia niiicry. Thla man, driran ' to daapenstlon and baliaring that humnne •oualderatlona would Induce the physician to Ibiut aid him in panning t<i the tin* knosrn, applied In good faith for the death-deollnf doae, and even made the claim that in hit natlTo land his request Would be granted. Ai a matter of course bit apponl wi« rehiaed, and the man woe oonnaetled to bear up manfully under hia aflUctlon and bide (he time when, by the natural proceasea of hb diMnue, be would be raUavad by daoUi,

From tlma to tima there hare been movemanta looking to tha eatabllibment of lawt whereby incorable Invalids could be reUevad from tbair pain by death, aboiild they ao daatre, Bucb cnoctmenta ware V> ba aurroundtd with safeguards ptaTcatlBf agy abuse of the power vested in legnUrly coostltated anthorlty. The eblef argnmant uaed against this Idea was that ii.YiyulIl {llauk''I'o#n~all the wall- aatabllifhad abSdords of oSbctlon and re- apaot, without wfaleb society would lapse Into worse than barbarism. This was the outward axpresrton of opposition, but away down at Ita root woa that grain of luparitition which is a component port pf oil mankind. As pointed out by Fred- trick Bird, a writer on tconomlc subjects, this detloiey of feeling did not exist with our forefotheri, who, rather than see a Itllow-belng lufTer, did not scruple to re- llavt him by what they considered hu­mane methods.

The anthoritief do not hesitate to taka the Ufa of a hnmati being Who has offbndad ogainat tha laws. But so soorad hoe aoolely ootna to hold human Ufa that the pmeesa of cUm- Inatlng thoM who are regarded as haring forfeited the right to Uve is meeting with tramendous opposition. The number of people annually oonvirted of capital Clime la Urge; tha number who pay the death penalty for suab ofFances is imall. The arerage Juror, representing the aver-' age aeoUment, can not bring himself to the point of decreeing the death penalty.

Fa IsAMA BCANUALu HgUKl.tllKU.The ourialn can now be rung down uu

the greet French lorae, aontetiues alluded to M the Panama Canal icandat. The Court of Cassation bos quashed the seii- tanoea on the ground that the statute o! limitation covered the offences. M. Eiffel was at once iiberited yesterday, but M, Charles da Loaiaps, although told he was free to depart, la too alek yet to quit hia q u trlen in lb# Jail hospital. The poor old Count de l^cssepa, bereft of oontlnu- oua reasoning facullioi, la not even yet ■wore that he bad been sentenced to a long Imprisonment and that that sentence hot been set aaldc. There la still pending on Imprisonment sentence, on a convic­tion had in his Obrenoe, against M. Cottu, but ba wUi probably now iiirrender him­self and claim the benefft of the amnesty oooordad to bis alleged oo-conspiratuni.

Of course the nature of the basis for the daoliioD of the Court of Caasatior. bars any further proceedings, but then; Is left on record the facd th a t puhUe officials, inetnbera of the two Chambers and men high in the social, political and coinm<;r- elal circles of France were all tarred with the same brush; were bribers or bribees - or In the curt United Htulrs vernacular "boodlers." And this boodle wps the product of the sweat of the brows and tlie thrift of the peasantry, the small prop­erty-owners In villages and the cioases of small tradesmen in the provincial towns.

A MOnKt. KF.FOKSIAKmV.Illiteracy and crime go hand In head,

and the raising of the standard of Inlelll- genoe among criminals would seem tu be tlia proper solutluo of the vexatious ques­tion of how beat to reduce the pcrccntagt of crime. The usual punishments meted oot to offenders sentenced to imprlHun- inent In the various penal Institutions throughout the United Htales Imve never had tha desired effeel. These individuals are sent to limisca of i-nrTeetion, limlHesof refUge or reformatories, as lliey are vari- oualy denominated, w Itb the general re­sult of turning them lulrift afli?r their sen- tances expire a more liardcucd set than when first placed under re.strulnt. What little good they may have in their mental make-up is seldom appealed to; every aurroimding rciuinds tin in of tlielr eundi tion, and in the majority oflnstuneesthey emerge from sueli enforced eontinemenf with the brand of Islimiiel on their brow;s. The outside world looks u[ion and treats llicm as Fariulis, and the logical result l.s 1 return to evil ways ami the eummlttiiig of crimes that uuturally loud tu ruine.ar- ceratlon and the same old ruund of penal discipline.

Fbllantbrupists have suggested and tried many ways of alleviating this s.wl statu of affairs in criminal life, nut, eoDjuro they ever so wisely, their plans have usually resulted In naught. There is an excep­tion, however, where the iiracllcal work­ing of butnauitarlnu discipline seems to be succeoafril. This is in the Ntute Ke- formoiorj at Elmira, N. Y'., where, under the guidance of an able superinleudent, a system boa been inaugurated that bids lair tu revolutionir.e the inethuds in vogue to nearly every pcoltenllary or other cor­rectional Institution throughout the w orld.

With his aasislanta the superintendent is giving lesaous in prlsou ethics and msn- ogementthat ahuuid cbavliice the must

oi theii . .^.sr. ' liistead of pur­suing the oj-stem of marks for good be­havior by which prisoners can reduce their time of Iniprlsunnieiit. he has gone a step further aod lostituled a method of money credila whereby when the offender is released or paroled ho does not go forth a penoilesi mao, with no frido or other means of nipport. Prior to leaving, per- fonal frleodi or those interested in prison reform ssaurt a situation fbr these men, Who, during their stay in the reformatory, have been taught trades of various kinds, and the Money credited to them on the books enables them to begin life anew as Mir-enpportlng citisens. Instmetion ia given IB no lees than forty dlitipct nushimMtl and Wtiitlc occupations in

this reform sebo ol, and by means of six paying employments the Inmates can earn enough to make them self-aiipporl- Ing and allow of a balance to bo credited to them while serving out their sentences. In addition to this they are taught the o r dlnary branches of an F'ngllsh education, and every attention is paid to their phy­sical condition by the establishment of a gymnasium and other accesooriea. Their moral culture receives careful attention, and tiislead of the runvetitlonal religious services a course of studies in natural sciences la pursued on Sunday mornings, while In the afternoon a clasa in elhica Is instructed by an able profesaor. Lectures on the subjeet also form a part of thbi in­tellectual Instruciton, several of the spciJiers in the Brooklyn Ethical Assoela- tliin having already contributed their woricto furthering this model movement. To sum up, the mi|Hrintendcnt, id. K. ■trackway, eliminates the Idea so pfener. ally held that cnniiiiala deserve tiullilng but rigorous treatm ent or eooreion, and in ita place he has Inaugurated a system whereby the best elements of human na­ture are appealed to, with the hope that it may result in making good citizens of unrurtiimites who, under other conditions. Would naturally drift uwuy to peidiliun.

« „«•TIIK " .V K H N " I lIN F H U ST K U W ITH

A (HIF.AT IKIt'IIT.After hia accuinpliahment of one of

thoae brilliant movements, which the mercurial Oaul la pleased to describe as a coup, the Nkw's, in a burst of enlhualnatie admiration, proclaimed the belief that Mr. Jamea Rmith, Jr., owned the town. Ho adroitly and well hud Mr. Hmitb deployed hia [lolillcal fui-eea on this occasion that even though the Angel of Propriety was on guard and the Cherubln who regulate the eternal fltnew of things were aupposed to be attending to business, and all seumed to be in league with the Rapubll- cans, atlll the eld of these allies availed not. The Hne Italian hand of Mr. Hmith scooped the ground from under the hosts of laintz and Williams, and UId Verbosity found himself once more in a iswitiun to cut official capers before an amused pub- lin for a term of years. It waa u great victory for the cheerful young man who strides Essex County, and !f lie decorated bb) watchguard with the city of Newark aa a charm, oobodv who appreciates gen­eralship and geniality begrudged him the fancy; surely not the Nkwe.

But recent occurrences would aeem to Indicate that the eooondary name for Newark can no longer be Hmithrille. TbU grewsome admission may be a wild fancy generated out of the existing conditions, The signs of the times are that the Con­solidated Traction Company la bigger than Jamea Hmith, Jr,, and that he, with the rest of ua, muat do honor to that great power. Here cornea a very collosaus of a corporation and nfler staking out Its ter­ritory Informs the Board oi W 'orkaof Us desires and walU until It gets its wants (Hied. Then it gobbles up the ancient street car corporation, and does it with such apparent ease that the conclusion is inevitable that a new boss has settled in this community. •• • --- ----—

PrenidfDt HarrU, of tho PlifUdclphia uid Reftdlng Railroad, in the acldreM which he han iA uodiothe aecurfty-hold> cm 6 t the company advlflin£ them to sup­port the proponed plan of reorjcanlEKtion, dectnren that the choice is between the lerm t now proposed and tiltimate resort I to others even more onerous. He points to the success of the elfurts to extricate the New Jemo|:‘ Central and Lehif^h Coal and Navigation companies from their troubles os proof of what may be flccom’ pUnlu'd by careful and economical man< agement, and he claims that means have been found to reduce the ejEpetises of the company f200,000 a year, while the Lehigh Valley Company btitnds ready, in the event of the adoption of tho new plan, to accept the miiiinmm rental of flvo per cent ami thus effect a further reduction of |5(Xi.OOOa year In expenses. IUh reliance is upon careful and conserva­tive management and resolute refusal to enter upon new ventures. The whole problem of the rehablliUitlonof the Phila- delpiila and Reading liailroad is a most Interestltig one. Among those most anx­ious to seethe great corporation put on its feet there are radical differences of opinion in regard to the wisdom mid even tho good faith of the plan under which a syndicate proposes to advance f2f],U00,0O0 under safeguards which will put the oon- Irol of the property, for a term of years at least, Into Its hands. It seems likely, however, that the plan will go through and that the main argument In ita favor will be the fear ofthe holders of stock and securities that they will have to accept worse terms if they do not tiiko up with those that can now be made,

^Vliethoror not alt theehnnges in the coursu of stmiy in the piiblie schools that are iiropoacd in the rejjorta submitted to tho Fbmrd of hMiicatlon's Coinmlttee on Text Huoknshall be found advlHible, most of them appear to be Judicious and well consldt'red. Ho largo a proptirtlon of the pupils who attend the jiublic st^hools leave tliem al an early ago and have no further opportunity or inclination for regular sttHiy that It is to (he last degree desirable tiint no time shall be lust in uscIcimh or dilatory work. The •laim of the com' mitteo of principals is that thu changes which they propciso will dfecl a materlHl saving of lime—in other \vord«, that a hoy or girl who leaves school at, nay thirteen or fiiurtecn y e irso f age, will bo further advanced In practical knowledge than under the present system. If that can be done without undue hard w^ork for (he pupils, a great gain will be made. I l ls the IIthI duly of the public schools to do its best and the very best for the children who can enjoy its advantages for but a sliorl lime. ____ ___________

1‘a'ftor Cashen, of 8\vinbiirne, w'kh going at too fust a pace for tus Nuber- sidetl congregation when he won a race wltli the village doctor. Ah a eonse- 4|ueneo Die congregation has rcEpie.sted hiui to resign, ami the reverend gentle­man witli Hportihg proclivUiuH'la oul of n job. Ttipre has beein no such uprising against the Jersey C’Hy Justice who, in order to enjoy the suburban,^changed the date of a trial that had been previously set down to be called on that auspicious day. ^ _______ ______

Newark Paaaenger Kallw'ay stockhold­ers who do not relish being absorbed can comfort thciiiBDlvcs with the muturance that in like experience Jonah long ago came out ahead of th« whale.

Belore the argument in the llehrlng Hea case Is over the poor llltlc seal pupa that the United BUtes la trying so hard to pro­tect will be tough old gCDtrcmen with gray whiskers.

1m yeeUnlry's election nrw*-Mmo may fancy tJiai they hear tho echoes of the remuto (hough coming footatepa of the Cicrnian Republic. ^

Thin is tho time of year when rfcoUec- tions of the promises mode in the Chicago platform make tho weak-kneed Democrat weary.

Tho bird of freedom ia going to Im­prove even on Ita ordinary vigorous vocal- lam in Newark thla Fourth of July.

> — ♦- ■ —The Fanxma Ukael dlsgerB Hem to be

safely out of tho ditch.* _ — — p

To gain Rlrenf ih^llood's barsaparllla.Kor sl«ady nervea—Hood'sHarsapArlUa.Eor pure hlood—Uoed'i barutparilio,

LOCAL CHIT-CHAT.Rliort R rnrles aiiU H ketches A b o u t P eo p le

an il lla p p e i iln g a a n d Keen»« lu T h la Clly a n d

The N diley m a tlu n o f th e K rleU sU rood WAH rruaded wiUi pru’ pecUve panFA'nxcri la st huiHluy m o rn in g . I t seem ed iit If i;ooOlj part of N uU ry 'a res id e n ts were bound EHV vigils uut of (own. Tlie i r a lu v a s i l lU aevoral mlnnioM a w ay w hen a ts d a te inaii w ho iiHd been s ltl in g on a f ix tu re of U iaata- llu iic iiiiiu h u r r lid ly In lo Ihe w nillug-rooin a n d xlaiH'ed nervously an m iid . T he f'eraona w ho were sIKIntE e^iileily on th e ila lld n tienche^ lonSed in te res led , fo r S u n d ay Is a rjulei liny ■( N utley , an d the r e s ld e n trn re ai wavs oil lUe lookou t for L-xclIeRienl of some k ln l .

'i'iie m an ev iden tly cou ld n u t flnil w ha t lie w an led, fur lie I 'l l ic d a u d d sn ly for llie door, a n d a t (he name lltn e a l i t l le dog ru 'th rd itilo (he room front th a u ih c r side. H elnokcd mlMTAble, I lls la i) wns le tw e e n h l i Icks and Uls eyes w ere r<}Uliifir. a n d h esn ap p c il h H ia s a in rtn onilJiuua w ay. l i e thu BKRlriNt R proinltic iti c llla h iii jf th e plnre , w ho yalivd ■'im i-h!" nnd d a rted for a lieuch In iico rn eT ,

' Mtiil dog!" yelli'd aom ebady , an d then the doOfH wurc rimoh Um n a rm w fo r (becrow d U int wnntud frosiia ir . 1'be di>g d a r te d bere a n d the re an d m < 'anrd and gronned atu l yelped, an d a Romeihiu,^ WHsmnnlTig from IGs i*tio}»4 (hat looked very n iu rh like fn^ib, J u s t 11% llif vlllHge eunNiiihle w as n u iir ia l th a t the re whs u m ad dog al th e s la lto o , an d he was M UJiliig l lo d lie htid ta k e n an early (riilti for atdne o th e r place, ttio dog foum l liis opposUa door a n d rau y e lp ing fo r th e ll J v t r road,

The conatnhie followed, an d m ig h t h a te sh o t a t th e dog liad it n o t Iwen for Its ow ner. He was hm nd a lro k ln g tJie l>eait an d m ur- imiYing. “ W as on po o r (Jippla b itten by a w iup, WflSoo?" U WAS even ao, a n d U lpple still |lvo ii,and i i n o t tnnd.

• • sIt Is kiinw n th a t i ,.e »E»nrrow ra n bold h is '

ow n cgu lii t » iniin.v hlnlo, kii 1 th a t he limt ciuuig I ph u 'k lo fit a m th 'li blxiP'r hody, W n t n i i r spn rrow a lu rts (Hit iti < u | hi1 h h n e u MR pluck n tu io k ullf big HUd fo rn ildah te.It stood o u t Iq t l u l w.iy la d '.Mobduy In .M lldiirr I’lirk . Ooc o f lUa o tn v rrs o f th** p n i ie n lla i In su ran ce C*onipsny w.is on bis « »y t ' h is work w hen lin l .e a f I s n i ng ry eh lr |i In lil'( pn ti. lU Nii'|>rel a ih lo In (line '*) avo id r u sh ltig n e|H irrow. T h ' b ir fpitiioiw u e V III! 0-1 e n u . He wns d aitring U|i mill (tin 'll, lu g g lrg u i u tw g liia t w as iwo n c i u i tu lck at one vmi as la a lo<d'pi licit •

T* e b ird drrg jred (he Iw r to th e rn ibslrm e, pulled K hsir-w ay oti r Uu ifo' n flu iiur g ilp ju s t n h e fo Ih e lm ln m a IIim‘ tniKbl tu- (tin ( II, AiKl tb e n ti 'iT .' w a a -1 s o d d c i a iu rt, the I L d ruse two fe^ lln ib a a ir , w orked Us wli K* rn rlm is j/ hhu p u sh rd lUivHd. For tw en ty fccL it was u ne ce alrugR:^, uurl then sluwlv the s | n r ow josi* In th e u lr h h licr, an d lilgher, Hiid yei iilgher, a n d Iho las- locn ( f it iwhr iinrl b ird wero ov er (he iw^akof the 1 0 if i f Tr j i l y C h u ic h . a n d l( w as p la in th a t n v lc iu ry Imd hean wt II, 'J'ho n in n w h o h a l t‘(H)ii w >ic i.ng t A b ird d id n o t e id e jv o r lo find ( 1 1 1 why llm a p trro w w an te d such a large i w l n l d he uUu could n o t u u d rrsm u d thu u ll( r iiic( of a tru m p w ho Imil iUmj <»b- MTVed ih a tiJrd. AU th e t r a m p *nlil wa«" I f fo ii t V* aa be lu ru M w earily aw ay .

• * •A d o rg tn l i ir!on o f u ti lg u a meU»ods for th e

c u n o f In tem perance rx is rs lu UcLtcrllU, I t has no iterm nneu t h ca d ip ia rte rs , nn orheers, no rnlea nur h y la w i, 1( is eompoMut n f ynuttis and young m en who do u o i use iniiix- lunlliig hquors. T hey tiauully tucel n t the co rner of re r la ln airceU , T ha "B luw xln Coinm Utee'^ U Uie pcipnUir lltle , n ud while. lb*> d rss ilo m e a n t used by (he coni m ill ee for ih e c o rn 'c llo n of In lem p i'M te h ab its w ould h-irdly h ‘c H intenaiiced by a re g u ta r ly nrgiin- txed (cnifaTRllce society, th e m em bers o f (he oolntliU tee rla ltn Ihn l tlie " blaw xars'* ' m a n ­ners uf treBling d ru n k ra d ( is efTeclual. a t least U Hbe cx ie n i of d e rreo s ln g d ru n k en - iK'ss U|H>h ihe i t r e rU a n d ^ 'grow ler ru sh ­ing,’' Here is bow th e y w o rk : ICa rcslden l o f (he tow n Is seenIn Ihv low of a n u m b e r o f schooners by one (jf (he co run illtee w ord Is s in i (o Ibe o lh e r m em bers of th e socie ty a n d a place of m eeting nareed u ism . The te ca lliy Is one Ih n l (h e victini nf In le m p sran ce i t su re to PROS on h h w ay buine, The m a n eom os iilnng, an d im iucd ln tely be Is set upon by a doseu or ruo ru strap p in g 3’ou n g le ltow tta rined w ith pndded clubs. N ot a w ord Is spokeii. Blows from lh i‘ c lu b s are raincif upon tb o ic ports nf Iho m iiii'a a n a to m y w here b arm Is ] ( a d likely lo follow. T h e p ad d in g is k ep t up UDlIl Ibe m art b a s becom e p ru lly eo b e r, a n d s lie r losing w arned th a t If ha ti aga in seen upon the s lree la In n d ru n k e n s ta le be will bo (liken lo l l io r lv a r a n d (tucked, h e Is allow ed to drag h i t neh lng body borne.

* • 1*A New York law y e r liv in g nt M adison said

tbu o th e r day th a t iin lll an ex jierleuce In n ira in from M ad h o n to one o f th e Tillages bv tu een tim l p lace e n d N ew ark h e Imd sup- [lotiod th a t ilicrc wore taw s In ib la s ta te th a t (vrvered OT(»ry kn o w n In te rfe rence w ith ihe c.umforts of m ain H a w as traT e lling w ith his Y(lh‘. They had a sea t In th e m id d le n f the co ttchand v e re e u jo y in g th e scenery below .Sum m it w hen » s h a rp sneeze d ls lrac ied th e ir A tieniloo, T he aueesa w as reoualed , an d It was th a t k iu d of a su u e ie th a t Is m ore of a oouifurl U> rend a b u u i th a n (o be near.

T he ow ner oM t Hat >ust hack o f th e law y e r a n d Ills wife, Bba, (or th e s n e 'x e r w as a woman, w usof b u rly bu ild , a n d h a d g q ng. gresslve (viuD 1 (1 1 1 8 ( 1 0 0 a n d s h a rp eyes. The law yer w as say in g s o ia e th in g to h lm se if ab o u t the bleulM gs i<f good h ea llb w hen the Micrzn w as rf-pculod, a n d th e law y e r’s w ile sa id “ U !" 'J ho anoezo was ag a in rt*|ieated, an d Ib is llm o the la w y e r g o t th e b e u c n i n f U, and he said ‘* A h |" I t w as w ||h the hope th a t the w om an w ould cease saecz lag th a t the M iid lijn couple rem alu » d In rhe in front (;f bur, b u i th e ir hope w a s 'n u t realized, and to gel ^otue cn n ifo rlouL of tlie ju u ro c y the husuand p roposed th a t th e y ch a n g e »cuis. This was d o u e i o d ibo w om an g la red Niirugi'Iy a lte r them .

Mbe got out al the next station, and passing ttielHwyerand his wlf**, leaned over them and suld Ih a harsh voice, want you to know, I do, tliut there In no law in llie Hiaie of N(*w JcrAr.v against snecs—— liut her ui44lsdy got the up|wi‘hand trnd with a re« souiidiug’'K oiobew r'she rushud oni oftbe car^

• * •C oa*lab> J o h n N ew m an , o f W<iuih Orange^

M UH Intiduent <jf c rim e y es te rd ay as a n un- Ijom bidu*. yet he wax locked up In the eouq- ‘f y jd l . lIE xm ind was as free fruni thou g h tof< G' ne.)auuLiiAi th e >4(nioas his own tirigb l hiidgo of ohice, w iileb he had po lished in th e mmtiliiR, wux irvo from U rn U h , ye t be win n innnch 'd w lih a h eavy IiandculT ilk a tho meniie>'t c rim in a l, F o r th re e hourx h1i closest ASHi r’lA:e w m a rnan nccnsed o f b reak ­ing the law. N o tw llh s ta u d in g a ll thiH ( im sta b ic N ew iutu i lau g h s w hen h r lelU 4iboLi( 1 1 . He b rough t a p risoner lo th c ( 'o u h ty Jnll In I lie iifiernocu. As ih cuKioinury, In o rd er (o g u ard aga in st ]>fiisi|bi(i cAuujHi Mjai p rlnouer Rae iuvlcoed by a ha iid rtin (o ihc ro n s ta b ir . Tiie bracslei was unc (T iho'to big, u nw ie ldy , p rlin tllv e fetters ns enny to b reak ns an Iron otm ln. As he WHS abou t to leave w ith h is charge tbc otTtcer asked the v illag e rnA rxhal,Tr«Q chard, lu r the key o f tho haudoufT In o rder to ne leuso hlniFclf a t I h c ja t l . The m a rsh a l said th e re were lots of keys nl Ihe ja i l th a t could unlock ib e b a n d c iin , no ih a c o u iia b le b rough t dow n h is m an, b u t no key , W hen hercuchL^d the ja il he ir ied alt tb a k ey s to be found, bn( uone Would aerve. H e w as a p riso n er Ju s t as m uch a s the m ou to w hom ha w as fastened. The I'nurKlia] w as ic lep h o u ad lor, an d uD ill he h ro ii^h l th e k ry o f th e haudeuff, th ree hours la ter, L 'oustabla N ow tuau d id uuk ro* gain h is llhcrly ,

« • siKiwn on IN^nl Ik n ch K lljab W\ M iirphey,

(>r A lbany, b ro th e r of A aacinbl.vm an T hom as A. .Murphey, o | th e F in y IhHtrlci, has a sum - m or rcsUleuce. Tha fun illy has a lread y ta k iu p<jSAOH. Ion of II for th o S 'K o n , O n .lu u c lf M ill V irg in ia H u rp h ey , d a u g h te r o f th e Al­lm ay house, am i n leec of m e .\»K03nblym»n. u-HS ta k in g a u su a l s tro ll upon th e bench. A bottle, uvlileptly ca s t up tm th a san d s by ihe soA, caugh t he r eye. Nb« p icked It uti. It woe an ew p iy cham }aigne bottle , co rked an d M uiad tigUh T h is a rousvd M iss M urpbay 's vurlusU y. A t firs t she th o u g h t w tlb a s h u d * clt-r of sh ipw reck , of people lo s t a i sea, w ho hud sent 1 0 (he l l r l t ig a rhcssaga o f dea lb . Vet It looked fa lrb rU m n m ig h t he expecled nf Ibe bedrer ot sad tid in g s . Khe opened th e h o tils m id found in s id e a le tte r from (ho ArgchlenlAU cru lssn w b o n e n a m e rendered In

; KugUib Ih N in th o l J t i i y . I t bore th e dale of May a , INCi. The le tte r read as fh llo w s:

I'ho nlUcers unders igoed rurew ell |o Now ’kTuk mid m Ihe (ireLty g irls tl iu t we leave W- h ind UN. U u rd c ttf hope Is (o com e back 1 0 thun i, for we (b iu k th e re Is th e ]m nullse. W* im ve d ru n k th is iH iiitan f c u a iu p a g n e iu t l i t h e iiU b o flh u iu . Uuc^f-br.

lU ’ imKT J . E m AH.CAiti.oa k o u ia n i ,K. NriJ(HN .I'Afik.E /K d v ik i. it. (.irrTKno,JU N lk l. UK l!l0j.lKV,

’ t ', K A 1 . 1 • AH.JyA X A u f u i .a.

Tho N in th I f Jh fyorulM rs which casluD C hor In N*w Y ork Bay di.'Yi^g (he recen t (JoiiinibiMti uavhi celabra- tlAn. r liD Ish fE n g tls i i b u ild , an d had never, p rio r lo ihiU Hinc, sailed lu the w aters of the n a tio n s 1 0 whitili she belongH, Tlie tr ib u te b ro u g h t by tho sea from h e r ufflenn to the vYOiusB o f New York is now In puHscssloa o f A sscm blynm u M urpbey . H eln iP itdH lo oom - m unleatti w ith tbo A tg e iite iilao oOlcers gu rd liig ibc Gild of his nicee.

E dw ard W, WhlleUi'Hil*ha« a n o lh e r qu ee r fti(h to Add Ip h is collect Iod of eurlosKlei* He hooked I t l o tb o F a a sa lo a lttw la e n e ld llrldg r, I t was a faw days ago t l ia i he cast h is Hue ( 11 th a t p leasan t place, u h ith e r h e went wlUi « p riva te p icnic p m ty . F o r a Joyous w hile th e ir la u g h te r ra n g ih rnug li th e grove, an d th e n lo Yury th e spoj t severa l o f (he p ic n ick ­ers wsnt fishing, th e b ridge th e ir p o in t o f VttaUge, M r, W h iteh ea d d t lU bj^ot

rtf, .4 'fr Jt*.H

EXriiRfflONA. BXCl.’lUaOMB.

W ILL BUY A PIANO or it will buy three cigars; at the end of a given time you still have the Piano; where are the cigars ?

The right kind of a Piano lasts a lifetime. It furnishes and beautifies a room; its mellow tones smooth out the cares of a tiresome day. It i.s not an expense; it is an mvestnient. Come and let us talk it over. We have STp:iXWAY, GABLER, VOSK and STERLING PIANOS and ESTEY ORGANS.


S . D . L A U T E R C O . ,






Qfeo.W.Conk Shoe Company,785 Broad Street.



to tliR t “ laal In f lrm lly o f noDle in indf,'* th e dealre to •plcaoo th e guivller oex. H e d e ljg h tN ta abino in th e i r prcaenct*, He can do It w llb bla un ilm ib led co n v e ra a llo n a l p uw ert. b u t b* w ould n o t h a v e It u nder- ■ lood th a t Ilia on ly flFld nf fum e Is eon v e n a ­tion , T he p a r ty (Miit IbPir Hnca, a n d som e o f th e lad les p roved to bn s k ilfu l '* f ish e rm en ," T hey m ade n p ld a n d su re c n tch c i, M r, VVhiteljcn't bu rned lo sh o w h li po w ers In th is tine, " l4 id les," he began, a n d he to ld how w hen be w as a bo}-, long before hIs sou l wan ■ tirred by p o litic a l atrlfe , lo(le|>eiideut or (plherwlo«, he som etim es ran n w ay from school and w ent f lsb li i/. U r b e rsm e v e ry lsk l lfu l, IndtH'd he d id , w ith tb e hook an d itne, a n d tb e s lg b lo f h is p re tty conipiiii- h m i, now engaged In th e n p u r i, lugp lrcd hirn to Meek m ore g lo ry w ith th e d sb ln g ro d . He percbed h im ic ir, w ith a reel a n d rod , on a p la n k of tb e bridge an d show ed ih e a d m ir ­ing lad ies ju s t how g en u in e a flsherm an w ould do lu T he •IlH tyeal d lsU irb an ce of Ills b o b d id n o t escape h is eye . N ow he to<jk In a n d now gave o u t lino , an d Ib e a rep en ’ed tb e npera llo n w ith m uch grace a n d m a n y flourlrhuR. U e d id n 't succeed In c a tc h in g aayL hlng fo r som e llroe, n ltb u u g b tl ie la u le s wore frc q u e n tlv la n d in g s h in e n a n d suiiflsh, b u t a( la s t There w as a m ig h ty a g ita tio n of h is line. His bob san k •low ly o u t of s ig h t an d FM n a s w o rk ed up lo u h ig h p itch o f e x c h i'm en t. In fancy th e -aw a llve-puund b a s t t iu g ln g a t b l l bait. The Indies llockedi ex c ited ly a ro u n d . " Naw^ keep c a lm ; ju s t w a l l / ' ad ino tiiid ied liki lu h is easy , b u t irop rcss lve w ay . “ a n d I'll sho'W you how to ta k e In a big llsh ," He itru c li a n a t t i tu d e o f self-cciiiSL'lous p rid e . He pu lled a u d le t go sgAla, to y in g w ith b is vic­t im os b e used 1 0 la h is old schoo l days . A t la s t he gave a je rk an d b ro u g h t u p a big sp raw lin g m u d tu r tle , Kd n e a r ly ooltapsed at (h e s ig h t, b u t he recovered h is com posu re a t iH it and b ro u g h t hom e b i t p r is e lu i r lu m p b . l i e say s he Is going (o t r a in It to ru n indcpciideb t,

• • • •Among the employes of a Mltlburn ex­pressman Is a patriotic veteran ofthe clTll war. ilc Is HD enthuftlasllc incmher of the F.. II. Wade IVmI W. U. U, His Idea of Hcuven, his friends say, Is a procession of faded blue-coats carrying sbot and flags be- bind the squeaking fife and rolling drum, liecormtlou Day is a forolaite of paraillse. liiu lust Decoration Day was a day of deso IsUon. Hwlng lo n press of business, be had lo work. At the sight of his comrades tuarcUlng along ibe vlllsgs sirc«h bo gulped down a sob and. fliled with srlof, be watched the reccdiug linos miiii they parsed away bsltlnd a hid. Justbefore fl o’clock a New Y'ork U. A. K, post, which hud bcfu visiting Hprlngtleld, Rsscmblod at the Mitiburu sialloq to board a (rain fur New York. The ^kles l>cgan tu clear fur the unhappy expri'MJiniAn. He was agslulu hlselsjnuiii, fle’itood In the centre of a mlrlbfiil party u-lien hettaM<‘ullod by a young iuarii(ti couple to check tbelrbaijy's carriage to HliitiinK, Tbe ciilld was Iben sleeping Iq (be vehicle. Iis parcniM prom­ised to remove It before the arrival of tbe train. Hut (be sight of tho soldiers and flags evldeuUy was as great an Httruoilnn for thctii as for the expressman, and tbu child was Hllll In (hr (uirrlage when the train arrived. Tbe expressman, quite overcome by the presence of bLs copiredes, catching up (be cari'lage put It on (h<< train without noticing the sleeping babe, which was iilddon by Its ll|IU clothing. A n lUe (ratu was«druwlng awsy from the alallon (be young parcnla rsa up to the exprsssman, vrlio bud iigain mingled lu the crowd of veleraiii, and iinxlouiily inquired fur tbeir child, Tbevei- erun stood MtockstllL for a few mon^enls, un­able to reply. Ashe recovered iilmseir he Raid he dei«ndcd 011 tJiem to cure for,tbs child and be bad shipped the carriage to Its dcsllfiallon. The unxtoui parents tM»ardod Ibe next train for Huniinlt, where tbe child was found sllll enjoying its nap.

On the roof of a T>lg building near the cor* her uf orange and llruaU at rectH standH a huge wireframe, on which in gilt Iciu rjia foot atid a half tail appears the proprietor's name and a few words explaining the iiaturoof hh business, V ben the sign was first pieced Id poRldun (he word "C hina" occupied a con­spicuous position Uiorcuii. lliii the high wlhUs that sweep ovor the Imusutops at­tacked Hand RO(»n carried iifT (lie first and lust letters of ihe word. The alga nuw (iris forib that loand-so has "flnubm " for sate. The peculiarity of Ihe thing struck the fancy of u party of practical jokers, and tbeycuu- eel ved (be notion of havinir ooiuc fun wllb the store ke*per. A colored man was taken Into tboir employ for the tliiio, and ill a lew muinents be presented himself at (he store,

"Uood mawniu'," he began, "1 wauls a bln for de mun cross de street."

"You waol a whatT A heo? Bay, this ain't a poultry shop, tbie U u glussware bouse. You'll have logo some place else lo bay beds." <

7'be darkey reported Itie result of bis at- tcupl aiid auollicr man wss scut to purchase the te<[tilred "bln."

'* lien b e s a i d the slorokeeper, when

l F. SHERIDAN, HiDager.Ihe errand was made knuwo. " I don’t keep bciiN. You're the second Idlol that liNOk ibis siore fora chicken CAKip."

When (tie ttiird man dropped In and Mked picasanily fo ra* ‘ hlu*' ho was promptly or­dered from llie Rtorc. Then the proprietor went outside to size up Ills estabJlsbrnent and ascerlain If |KMslblc whellier there were any fcnlhcn or other itidicalions of pouliry about llic p ace. While he was engaged In Ibis occ(i[>.krion one of the JoUerL came along.

(Morultig, Mr. .— —. I'd like to sec one Ilf liioHc arrHOgcinci^ts you call * h lns.''*

"Urea? ( H'^sr's irhost !" shmilt'rt the shoiv kpcjs*r, "Nn-uher on er’ Here, ymi’il have lo explain this game to me. Wiiat iiubunder Is a * hill,' anVway ?"

** Daniliiio/’ responded the Joker with a grin, '* but your sign says you hcM 'em." and he drew the stori’keeper to the curb and pointed (b tba sign. The mystery was ex­plained an(t a pnsial ca rl sent ut once to itiu man who builds signs, asking him to ciiine wllb all speed and Ax up (bat Infernal "b lu ."


PureAeraatn ofutrtar baKlng powaar. lilgboat

ol ail Id loaveqiDM Hirensth.—L ew l tfrilfd “ • qaagawiein #b»d Jfy a r l


N'ews Notes o f frencral liitei^st GleatieU In the Several r(»piil(ms Sub­

u rb s to the West.Tbe firm of linrtt Harry, undertakers and

cmbalmers of Urunge, and the Arm of Harry A Co,, livery stablekeepers, were dissolved yesterday by mutual conseui. Tbe In ter Ann consisted ot Meiisri. Harry ± Hurtt. The Arm was organized on March 4 ,18»1 Aaron F. Hurtt assumes all the reipouslbilltlea and will couttniiP th s business In all tbe nflirc, except the undertaking business at Orange Valley, wbicb Mr, Harry will oonllnue at tbal place,

A wedding rrcepiinn to Mr. and Mrs. Will­iam Diivldsou Kimmiioti, who were married last Thursday night m ibe First Frcaby- terian I hurch, wasglvsn by tho bride’s par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew .Mason, a t (heir residence, 140 Booiiand street. Orange, yester­day aftarnoon and evening. Tha afiera(K)Q reception was from 4 lo 7 o'clock, and In the evening from 8 to 11. Helwcen the hours of 4 and 7 o'clock u dinner was giveu to the ladles of the receiving parly and the bridal parly, over 7u0 luvIt&tlouH had been scuL oul, and □early that many people aliendcd. A nnra- lierof ih*i groom's friends were present from Helfstd, Ircliind, w here the young couple will live. They will leave for liueenslown to­morrow morning.

The Cadol Corps of the Second ttcginient will give Ua aonnal exhibition Urlilundre- cepUnn In the armory lo-nlghl.

Tbe nbseuro of Ouna miss loners Freeman ami Flscber prevented the Ituard of LxcImo from holding a meeilng last night. There wtrelwoarpll<^*HonNlobfiacted upon. They were from C. H. Webb, 20 MuCbesDey street. Orange %'Htie3'. and Mary Muhon, 01 New blreeu Applications were to bo ores^nted from Domlnlc(^ MaMl, of 96 Mouib sireot; jofcoph Miller, 40 Fore'll street; Jolih Church- Imuse, 40 Hark aircHU ; John Menzei, 42 Park ■lh:vl. and C. H, .Musk, corner Forest and Bcoilaud siroeta, for saloon licenses.

Captain BaiuforU, of the West Orange po­llen, who apaul ychterday searching for the thief w'ho stole a home and buggy from tha ktahlo of Kdward Austin, on Chosimu ave­nue, Friday night, has so far beun unable (o And any d u e to ibe bnrglara Tbe search wilt be ooQlloued tbrougli the mountain dia- trlci to-day, as U Is thought that the rig waa driven over the inounluln.

Marlin Doyle, of W'esl Orange, Is held by the Newark police on a charge ofilealtug a gold watch from Mary Jicwis, nee Llocho|> ftky, who keeps a (live and boarding-house at 42 Mitchell R(rcel, West Orange. Itoyle wni a boarder in Mary’a house uulil last W’edtiea- day, 'when lie dlsapi>cHred, and at the lamo lime I8Q ami a gold waicb were mlisod. He weal 10 Nowurlc, where hu was caught by the police. He wljt be taken to \V‘m i Orange this aflernoou, when a complaint will be made against him,

Llewellyn Division 248, iSonsof Temperauoe ofOmiigc, held a alrawberry and Ice cream festival in lla rooroH last tilghl. The Tiptop tiun net le wits prosan* and re ml ere d a nurn- Ijcr ot vocal aelectlons,' Instrumtiilni tnuslo wns lurdia'taed by FrofesNoi Grubb, of Hloom- flcld.

J he Llewellyn AtbWlic Club wilt play tbe Melropolltans of New Y'urk on the Valley road, West Orange, grounds to-morrow afier^ uoon al 4 o'clock. At 1 o'clock Kdlson's fno- tory (cam will oroea buU with (Quinlan’s hat fdiop team on tbe same grounds.

All (-xlvudcd order drill wuh held last night by Company 1, of the Third Hattalloii, Under command of Captain Terrcuou 1:1 Murpbv.

'riiegun detacbmeut of the Hecond liugl- moul will hold A TiK'elIng to-nlghi In the Or­ange Armory on Wllllaii) sireoi.

'ihe Orange Itaso Hall Chib will play the Young .Men’s Lyceum of Orange Valley (JIj the idneolu avuiue, UrHt^« grounds tomorrow aficrpoon. _________ ■

Atumlnlurii Cooking OtensllsrFrom Huobenrus.

unc of the latest useH of atnmlnlum Is for cooking uumslla. A'u expert ofUibmeraL lurgioal' laboratory of Lehigh Ualversity Mays, after two years of actual experience,

.*c UtfiitnaM. cloanllDt^ (tprii.-

alumlplura are tbe pe,rfecilou of cooklug utensils. He Insliuices two boilers which have been lu deity use for cooking for all sort of food, fur preserving, stewlQg fruits end tilt like for two yearr, end are to-day a i brlgiti as uew. and have not lost a frectloik of waigbt. One welgbs one pound twelve aud a half ounces, and tbe other one jwuud and eleven 4 1 yeas,______________



Opens Saturday, JuneF H W tU K N T D AILY TU A INK IlY I K X T IU L H. It. O F N. J .

S T K A M E R 1 :> A U I .1 X KL e a n t E lec tric L ig h t a n d fe w e r Ce.'s W harf fa r P A F U C e re ry WEDHESDAY and SHTVR.

............. “ ............................ "DAY a i 9 :3 0 A. M ., cemmencing W tdneedai, June 21et. 4 :3 0 F. M.

e tu rn 'ng, le a n t PAPIAC a t

ilM TRIP TICKH3, ■ ■ ABlILTi 40c.; CHIIDEEN, Sc,

IdailyI mursions.THIRD SEASON.

Saiitlaj Half Eoia; In i.These Delightful F!xcUm)uns

M’DI H(J Kuu uu

Siiturdiiy, Ju ly 8 , 1.1, ‘_*3, a»,AinfiiNt 5, l a , IB , ait.

Frmn Hroid U lrm DPimt ftt 1::10 1'. M., to l/ung Ilruucb . I td . 'n ry I'ark asiODL'cnu OruTC.

COMMITTEE IN CHARGE.M O SESH .C Af/n£LD . P re s ide n t: W /U /J iM

A.WALDROMe T re n ta re r : W. H. THOMPSON, S fc re ta r f, C B. CAOMUS, G. H, WfLCOX. A. J. DECNEH. ft. 5. HOPNfNS, S, M AC tLL

ItKAL KBTkTK TKANbFKKvIhe real eslete irnnsicrs recorded In the

lUelster'H ofllre TLuriday end leported by the FldeUiy TiUv aud Dvpusll Gomiiasy were:

NKWAUK.Jlciiry F'. Osbornu et ux lo .forptnluh

’leeianU, s w 14ib av mid B. 7lh st,'JiixM........ ................. 80U

JurcnilMh Vreuinnil M UX to .tliiuit (cMitucr, s w cor k, tTii «t and Htu av,2.U85................. 1

Jeiiulu A. McDuNiiit FjlMMrd VV. t'limpbcll, s w cur M and F! U It amtN. 7ui *1. 70x110............... i

KnwarU W, iauipUcIi lo Frank .M.Durmll, smne prt'inM............................. 1

John i>. L'r)jnmlii!» to Joiin i vMLum, lul 14. blK I'JH ; lot 1.7, ii\M lui lU,bik l,20:t;lot24,blk LJULcIty map..... 668

TI1C FNac'i and iiudson iaind linpriivu- mciil L'umpany lo Jolui C. WJlnoii,(raol couLg 203-lCOase I tieunAbbni. 2,600

Meyer Kiisdy and al to Nulban Hnlr- niHu, s H le.lt nv .Ve fr Mums uv, Xx100.............. ............................................. .'1,000

M lillaiu (1. Klrklibiiii jimiI wf to JA time A. MorleM, n * 8d nl .100 c fr av,fjOxIi.'l..... ............................................... 1

Jennie A. .MorfcK t4j W dlum ri. Kirk- litnd, n M ijnu Id uv. 67 c fr South in n•L3;lxn».... ........................................... 1

Adolph (jubowiUb ux lo Maria HtrauMHiicrg and al, n a l.iih uv r4) fr nw Cur Iturgcn St, ijiiOU..................... 5,40i)

James A. llaniNrerci nx lulV ierl . Vhm imrcii, w & N Utii »<( 2»j s fr 4{h uv, 2«ix190....... J

PoreMiihii AM«oi'iMti>>'' to William f;Cory, w s I’Mrkeril J7>n fr Klwood av,lOOxiOO....................... l.KO

Tli'icwfc I'roclil lo Franc4>4 JIitii, w ■ NitrfnJk si fr oriingc si, .UxIDO , l . C t D

Thimuis Wolte ct ux to Joseph W. Jhir- lon. w B high Ht 11(0 u fr Crane si. aoxUK)...................... )0()

{’luirh’n .1. Il«iuburg**r cl nx ((.»I'liirifk Huonf'V. u H N\'w(on si 10:) n ir Ibmk si, 2.3il0a................................................ 1.400

Gavin Hoiixlon at ux lo Wm. Stewart TikI (iriistec), K Oraiige, land in Heldtownship,............................. 1

Hyrun H. Iktcmi und si io Dsim-l K. Hrower, H, lijmnga. bHs un j 34 onDelaMaie av, rn i'jxilin......................... 7M)

Will. Farklnson «t ux loNnmuel Hiid'- ley, W. Orante. n « Wilfred al 34oc frV’.idcy Way, 1)»xl2V............................... 21i‘

Tbe West KntI LtukI liiiprnvi'inrm t'u, lo AugUKin Gri>el, Koulh Orange, g w c^riHiniihOmnir avnnd Coliunbiaav,

.... .................. i_flooHli’u<?her Vhu WaHciien lo Ihc HaptUt

ILmie KcM'iefy. Montrlnir, ugrl u> sell2S’j Uusevllleav, 111x210........... ............ 12 500

Bosnia F. Btnllh to (ieorg < . Hoxah.Veronn, n n .Vorrlslow'n brniich nf New Y(»rk and GreenW(Mn] laikc It. It.uad c a llrookdak'uv. 7-ixHS............... gjo

Mar>- H. Harrell 10 William M. ll»w- klus, Mlllhurn, F’orest Drive ami L.lane, V-'ixitS............. 1

Klla l)RV4« lu Lilakim K, sireirb, LhiK Orange, w an Cllnion at n fr Will­iam St, 42xl4< .... ........................4 300

James W. Field to LixRlu K fiaroiiar,West OtHnge. e s Valley rd 409 s frMain m, 49x217.............. j

Lizzie FL Jjirohar to Wl Ham Hutn'iird, (hange, e a V'alicy rd 618 s fr Main si.'iislW............... J73

Flilda M. Ajdun 10 Frances M. Hcjuicr, LIvinK^tbn, a llin t lu 5 acres and 71u(rrcs................. ^

Marlin A. breunun (n Jam es Mcl'rJck- HTd, firange. c m Prince si s w corJamea I.lnyd, TiGxltT.................... ]

James McCricksrd to Cecilia HrciiiiAii,same prvtn................................... J

HllssF'. Jai'obui ei ux to Frunceit 11. JsenbUs, Vernha. contg anout 4 ncreM pub rU fr I'ompton turnpike to llidgom............................. iT>

Wfftnpiutfif/% «a( A>iP»rfi'*ui are tpFrir * Se,(ttriHA IV A’A'IVS; 77W A'Jb'IKS [* rv

pr cW ofifnnt for hrfm/hn/ Umum itmi teuar o/al K(i§r andtnit/er Icji r Vr■ —' a------------—

STATE PIC K IN G S.The Cumberland County lilblc Society will

hold Ihelr neventy-seventh annual tnecUng jit Cedsrvllle.

John W. Hradway, of Port Norris, Cumber­land County, picked sevcnLy-elgtit buMhel- of flue strawbeiTlcs from five acres thiii season.

Mon in 'b u s ily eofifoged In preparing the cnllnge of ex-Presidcut •Harriion at Cajie Mn.v Point f(»r occupancy. He expects lo arrive there on June 20 fur his Mmmnrrouu Ing.

Yesterday ended Ihe oysler planting season in this Hiaic. It has W n an ezcepitonallygniKl BCQKun, theoyxters being of fine (lunlliy and plenty of them. All oyster-boats have been put Up (mill Hepiember,

Monmouth county has nnntlior licensed racetrack. U Is located In HarKnn lowr.- nblp, near Keyport. and In owned by J. A. Huge. It Ih a balf mile long aiiU ban for li long lime beeti’itied as a trotting track. Tiie lIccMMO was gmuled by the (owtigbipcom- rnllteo, (he fee to be tIO a year lur a term of five yoarx.*

Mayor VVauser yesterday sent another veto (o tiio Jersey CUy Hired und Water Conimle* sloruTs. The board bad granted a trnllev frAitclilse to the Nnrih Hudson Cioiinty flail* way Company, at Ipulat lag I hat (ho company flliuuld pay (n the city fur tho frauchlne gioo yearly for each mile of track operaicd. Mayor Wanner Inslsia (hat all the railroad com|>anlex receiving ffAnchlxes shall pay lo the city five jk r renr. of (ho groai earningsof the road lu tlie city. '

fiult was began lii-lhe Mercer Circuit Court yederdav ugiiln&t (ho «oollap«eddJplversllv Kaling Club of Prliioeton Collese. This wan an organization tha t ocx'upled UnlTeralty Hall and gave elegniii couras dinners to ||s members [.asl February It weal to pieces, and tbe tradenmen fhrutahing the provisions have been Irylug (o get (heir money, a mon d i - 1 ng to nearly $T*,000. They wore gl ven lo an der- »Uad tb i t tbs college authorities would he responsible for the blllft, but ibey refused (o settle lliem* Tbe sulMs brought sgalust ten students as Incorporators pf the olub. The BummoDoes were served yesterday, ax Home of these inoorporalors are among the grad- Uftlti and V ere about lo leave the State.

Patrick Haguertoii, a farmer living at Tin- ton Falls* a village about flve nillOH west of Red Hank, oominiUed; auleJde yesterday by hanging blmicir lu the barn. Y’e!itcrdity morning at io o’clock be told a neighbor (ha( bf had taken parls green and ex]>«p(cd 10 (ItsiAslde of twenty minutCL Shortly after­ward he weut to a brook twenty-five yards from the house and tried to drown, bimsolf. Tbe wflier waa shallow, ond be then, went Into tbe woods and cut both hJs wrlsls with a pneketknlfc* with tt)e evldsni Inlenllou of bleeding In death. After he emerged from tbe woods hi« mother saw him go into the barn, A few inltmtea later she went there and found him hanglna by a rope, whioh WHS fastened io« bi‘nm.

Tf)’ a leasjioonfu! of

F r e d . B r o w n ’s G i n g e r

FREE BICTVLKN AND TRICtOLES.SFor tha llalance of June Mann Bros. Will

Give Away llleyrles and Trleyeles.Mann Bros., iba eluthirrs ol ibe edj'uerof

Grand and Orchard sis., New York, wHt give you ymiT ehuice of eliber bleyula or irleycie irre ultb every purciissa of iluthtag lo the amount ikffle or aver. These wheels are siroug ap i of the best make. Anybody who w.shes 10 lake advanlags of this otfisrmuit un Bu t^tora July t, as they will only be flvim titvay for Ibe fliaMnoe of tbli montb*

I tuTubSerful of rij;ht .hot wafer, null (tree lumjw ofaugar, when tired'du(, on goina

‘ * * ■* Jt will cause the skib lo act well iDd you will h»v6 d clear head next

CONEY ISLAND,via Jjong Isluml lUllroad frtmi Hay Hides,

commcnclua bmiduy, Ju ip ik, isij,STEA M K H A N IT A

I.^aves Ni*wark Llu^'irlc Light Doi ls 0:20 A, M. and 1:;» unU 7;;W i ‘. M. Li-uves (.'r)m‘V DtHud jj2U ami ft2U i \ M, I’nm (round irli'). .'10 cents. Miiiilr null rciTcshmcnts on bnarO. ‘


TlckiMs to H altlm o rc ,\V n sh - p u n fl fk 0 0 Pltlxhurg_, Oilcs^Oj D. tlUlIU. lUtL

i ‘(ucru4»ikil, .Hr. 'Lillis, ItoInLs v • r,

rules. Noe.xtra f,ires' t'our(e<m^ treat men I. 'J'hor ongii nnd |w«ti)s|akluK Infur-. maNon Oil all p^iJntiof lutcr- Ofii totravi-llcrs—FJxcn rsltuiw.

Tickol uincu m Market HL,

E H . N O rfM A N ._______TlckiU Afciii.

INI^illfNG ilA N lijr’l».\fLY — sTk a MK!t . Kt’HDVLF^U, West IVnin st,. New York,

8 Fraiikllfi hi,. 8:13. Tickets a l J‘enrvHyl- vania and F rlc KHllroud H tationi; also Mar- IIii’n l.igHr (Store* Cobtliieupul Hotul: hy Delaware, Ijickawamia aud Western HdU road. Fare 7r> cniix._____________HANCOX.

HD m MI \ f ; hf- 1 10 0 1 .H*


Sfiunigi aod'lalliiii AcalenfAT

Peter Kroll's Riverside Boathouse,l OOT IlF rllFXTKU

The largest Sn JtnmlnK Acurt«my In the Hlnte. T'vronm--. r«h 1 snowefn.

Hcasun T'ckel, liuMnitiny Icmsons........ SlO.OOSeason Tlcksl, wlttiuuL ie^soiis............... II7>(UFbihth 'H iitli................................................ Wo*

l..\DIFlfS' 1>AVK—Tucsdiiv* 11 ml Fridays Jrnin W A, M. to 4 I’. M.

iH'frcsihmeiiiH and FMIhie s Fiirnlshnil. *P, KUoLl., Proprietor.

U. KIIMIH, Hwluirulng Troi’her. 11 vTake 1(4' levilu* awp.cfir* h in C’hcfller avc.

“ WITH A RUSH”We drive pm8‘ nil OI’POHJTION. Our OLD Kanawha H’l l’ WHISKKY l(*ail4 them nil, (iii8r;inte'>d uOhOluiHv i>uru ami Itx FULL tjrA U 'J’ iNtMiu*, for 41« nr 6 for ikil. Hlglilv rtconimciidnd fur lotdicluai puritoses. Hold only by

W R I N l t K B G B R O .H .wikh.p:j(alic i.KarnuH,

4 .8 4 B R O A D S T R E E T .

h s r a r k c t m i ^ J H u l b e r r y S ^

M U e c h a n i c h i r S

VERY SPECIAL tO u r e n t ir e s to c k o f


We offer for the balance of June at the following cut prices.48 pieces Moquette, $ j ,2 3 yfl-

ReguUr 81 ,j4jopiece* Velvet, yd.

Regular43 pieces Body Brussels,(5 frame) , i 4 yd.

Regular $1.35. 75 pcs. Double Extra Tapestry, C. yd.

Regular . 00.75 pieces Extra Tapestry, 6 9 C. y<J-

Regular 85c.25 pieces AH Wool Ingrain, fl9 C, yJ-

Regular 85c.75 Rolls Jointless Damask Matting, 2 1C.yd.

Regular 30c.SO Rolls Linen Warp Matting, 3 5 C. yd.

Regular 50c.All other kinds of Floor Covering at pnv

portionately reduced prices.

Plain Figures. '. One Price.

Cash or Credit.LARGESTvYERS

L I F E !

CMriintf in«snltV4 jalwirt. dseay,.__. . . Aw. H»iranTif*4,I,o*orPcwspln«Hth8rAmoftkl iMatmssL 6 boxm to surfKoch orilsr for9lKi»w, with ifi. will w»nd r ^ l s r t iniM*

*.'**' OnjirAatOM jwoisd utilf' 5 • DrufuSst* oat,, ]06 MvksS Btl

Hahne&Coirnvoftm il Haoof BRfGOH’R TR.\N>4. FKU PATTEllNB. Also INITIAU4 for marking your Tabln Linen, Hand- kprchlofs*€lc* Don't fall to scu tbotn.


IN f'HANORkv OF' NK\V JKitHEY-BF:* twaun John t). Merkat «t ai,, ooai|elajniiQts, snd

h'rsilMrlck I*. Msrkel <>i »Ih.* derendanu. On blU Ibr portitlon, MMdir’x Hills,Hy viriiic of u dccrciul order tooila in th# ahova '

tAtRd oftUHo .bmrlhg dale tb«* Rlxtb day of Jim« vlglfiacn JiutiilnHl aud uUicty-ibroa, 1 , Frank V. I Wllloot.otiuof tbPHiiudttl Mo.’iterHof tUc t'ourUkT '

Ti lEELEI ffiTfflITE,(lor. Main and K1d(e ats„ Orsute, N. J.,



Toil AGO) HABITS. The (T««lmenl U Identical with Hint riven

hr Dr. Lrelle K Keeler a t Dwitbi, 111.For roll inrorniatloiciddreM

WILL R. PiBB, liDtjer.AteLkk BrRDiac* M. D.* Mcdloal Diiwjtor.

(Hcoanttyaf Pwlyhiylll,). All corfeipandcuoa la oODfldantlaL

Uumsu of InformkllQo, kOu Braad i(r««L room 74, Ntwark,

Wuly, A. i». rixhttM.ti itiinarod w id nluoty-thiea, Ht itvo(2i oViuck In lbsaflcrtioonof oalil riav. all

’ ■ ■' ' ‘ of Andtlmt ccrlalp (nu'i of [Mn.Ti of And aud premliea Nltuale, iyihgittd iteiuxlnllit city ofS^vrark in tho county of F w i nml HtMcof Wsw Jcr«koy, (jcfflBulux oil ih(( iioniicrlv suis at itouth Oraago avtnna distant liriv feel wc«u>rly from tho otirner of tli« Bam(> and Nttrrolk sirMut; from tHenec runnhiic ; northwesterly aiotig mid S'onth (»ranxe Avantia Invisty-Mx n-ot; tlisnco iiorUivabtefly one I huiidrod feet; thence ooutheiwtorly tw*n-■ ty*!itx Ject; liifm-c jnuitliWFSicrfv oao I hwndfwl fk-cl (0 Skiuth Grangf Iveuue JvnJ niscc of bcidniilria. llelug lot No. 8 on a map of miH of ;tb«‘ ‘■v’Hx proivrry, tiicumin-f (hr csiaU' of .luha >f4 rksl, wui«\v nf .lolih Merkel, (kTHuiMfil, (br life or (liiHnx wWon hood l» 4Sld torvuiisei; and tha hu'hsmte rizbt nf dowor of Flnrcni-o Merkel lo- ■ icctlicr (Vlth uM Hbd ningulaf Ibt; fioreditxiiueats And appGr.cnaiH'WioilioRAlfl pranilaos helonatnaarla any v'Ist! apficrtalnliig.

Halt'd JoDd 14, im .^ VH4NK Cl WlLLCnX.Master In Chamery of Ntw Jaway. \

Lt{.\UI4»4 Ae FiiUCJi Sfiik-llar. g?

KEW AKK e v e n i n g n e w s , F lU D A Y . J UNE l(i, 1893.BOA RD O F W O R K S DOW NED. T H IR D PO LIC E PR E C IN C T DOGS. | ST. B E N E D IC TS COLLEQE.

lie Agffr#|;iiUun of Inglnr-iouwJy Wallo|iefl iij Golaiy of

»tnr* from tho Cllr 1UIU Aillrod In HDlforma borrowpA for itf> cook*

Klon from iho Hod Slwklo* liaso JIuU Club, ibo dork* omployoil lu t\w cuy HkU Ifiod •onciuslooi on ib* dUinond yo^tor-duy Kftoruoon wlUi ulnog]’ tbo omp'uyoii of IhoBourdof Workf. The lAiiar to mi wore c<itlumoi bgrrowcHl from Ihe UrAiive A- 0. tCKiu KQit tlifl Uofli-TUle Club. Tli* gruml. tlAiid wne well lllled wlib ihu fellow-eruployei ofLheeontOjiluiUK, who cheered atidderMed the efforti of the player* la a meet Impartial ID aimer.

la anllel|MiUon of a dltagrrement wUh Umpire JoUu C, IJitell onu of the pluyora hud proTldeU hliueelf with n Uujje liluudor- buat, which he found no occaeioii to uw. The

f nmpJre wore ad ouHue hat of blue und crlm- ion, And he called bHlUfUrikca and 'eirikcM bfiHa uuil) eyen UUlo '* ” O’Toole,usuallyurliKMe and n*»igned to Uie woril, felt Ira- prlled to PE pout u la to,

Whi‘11 Ihe umpire luid Flay bull f the CHy Hull clerk* went lo the bai, “ l>avo ” ChundltT, (if lUe HtaUh Hoard, wii» the llr^i men lo loo Utu plate and «wuue hl.i liul harJ though to kill nil iho inlcrtibo* In Jer-'ey. He may hiitra LU mlcroi>e'(, Uul. ibe Imll didn’t eyeu tmvo a nurioa' e*<’njw, li.tTt laimed out in a way that ntiiUo ” Will ” l^m pipy, who occupied iiif’ bon for the Board of WorJ£% do a break down In the ccBUury of hlN fi’pllnga. Charlie McCann, who rignrcN out tazallim lnd<.*bledm*M ut the Ciiy Hall, had befU r lurk ihuii ho who look! alter health. He nhutod out ah it that cyiDtuully grew Inio a rmu Taa Comnilaslouer Full Loa-y PoiUdn’l find tho bjill, but liocumenl Clerk Eddie Price t^ould, MQd he got to liras, whore he reToaliiod tinii] Pelo Bey drove the Joalher oT,*r the high hoiird faiiceiora home run. Price acudded around the l>Hf<‘e like a runaway horoo, chiec- ly flillowid by Hey. Norlon'a out a t Qrai Bfnt th f »lde lo the miifteid.

Eddie Gilroy, who wore Ibe oatober'e maak for the Water Department team, war not to ba outdone by anything l> k r Ueyooulddo, and lie aeut tbo hull over tlie tam e fence and aprlatcd homo a t hla leiRUrc. Pcler Gallon land© Iho circuit and Will Demptey repeated the operation, icuring ibo ihlrd run.

Poll Lowy covered himaelf wliU glory and Eugene Ctancy w Ith dntil in a hrave cBhrl to put the latte: nut aa he waddled irom firxi bnofl to where I’hll wuv ■talluned til aecoiid, l*ntllng lu the fIrMt Rltoiupl, Ihiil proceeded to ufieet the hit (Irat baNomuu, and uficr roll­ing bltii In tho duet aaUod the umpire lor

■" **^udgirttfnt ” with the feme air of coiijicIoun reciltude ibat he aa k ia Jury for a verdict lor acllenl. Umplro LUtell denied ihe mmlon. but Phil, nothing dtiunled, repeated theo |v emuou when '" il la r '’ itAleigli raced down from first. ThU time Phil clrverJy bacb- hoeh'rt Ills man und threw him hcnvlly. Tlie tuiv3*er'K apijral l<i the referee waa r**t( urded this lime, as LiUelJ wu* evldemly airaid lu dlspnie ihe qufstion lest tho Coinintisloner ahuuld get ma^t and nouii lilll Lowe nrouud after hla urr>.‘Hm of lukci.

Tlia bofiora of i ho game belonged plainly to the Tax Cominlaeloner, who look hoi i l n ^ , high file* and Caicber Chandler’* awlii throHfl with the air and grace of n Danny Itlchardion. At the but, too, he held hli own well, and when hi« time enme to run he iprliited like a two-year-old and did bl* full vhare ofth* run-gcitliig.

Mutt Uulgley, when be came lo Ibe bat, proved beyond qnentloD tb u ta bate ball b it li a Ihr more difTIcuU liuprement lo twing ■ ucces^fulli* than an oar. Walt raatlo ihrco detperute atu-mptiilo kuock Ibe bailout of eight, nad deemed lurpriaed and dUgusUd when Umplie Liitell ordered blm lo atop trying.

At Ibe end of the third Inniag Umpire Lutell wai unable to re titt the oiitrcallea of Ihe two Fete*, crToole and liey. and he wont down toiecood bape lo Judge from that atandpoint, while Mike L'Siniurd.of uwj Iron- •Id©*, look hi* place. George Dicker, who filled a Kcd Stocking suit to overflowing, caiuo to the conclu*ion that he was too airong for »ucb exorclae atul be retired to make way lor James FItxsimmonp. “ lint- too Byrne, who covered t bird bate for the W aur Board icatn, played out the game, but l i t the ball icverclj* alone, both a t the bai and At his itatlou. The City hall play, era were too much (or their opj>oncnhi and brld tbelr lead to the ead, Hecuuil Uapenieu CnnulDgbam« of the Waier Departtnem, w entto flm on a short hit in the eigbih iQiilng, stole aecond, aneaked over to Uilrd When the catcher waiii't luokiag, and sprinted bomu ou Coogao'* Bhurt lly, mueh to the delight of the delegattoo from ibe Water Board, who f^pinttoally exhorted him to ” Go ’round ag’lo {go Ground agMu P' Eddie FHoe made a double play a t th ird when the bMea>vgre full, and puitlog two men out woo Ibe game- Eddie explained afterward ibal ta« c4nidD't help It and didn’t want lo be blamed.

Tbc poaltlohi oftbe player*, with the acort b f loulDga, ore appended:CITY HALL. BOARD OV WOhCg.

FotUloh,Cbandler.... .^..Caicher.. .............. GilroyMcCann..................IHlcher............ ....DempseyHey..„.....................FIrtt base......... ,......Claucyl^^wy........... .........itecond baMe.....CUDulDj|taamPrice................... Third base........ .Ryrn*O'Toole...................Bborl atop............ ...GillenNorton.................. .Left fleld.,....„, iitulgleyHalelgb.................Centre fleld........... ,.CooganKiutm iiu;;;;::::} « ' * ' ■ * .........

Umplret^LHioU and l.eonard,Niore by Inning*:

City Hall................. 3 6 2 Q 0 7 1 0 2-30Board of Work*.....3 t l O O O O l t O — (>

e^omeof the Board of Work* player* were In bad humor alter tbc game. They dcclarrd th a t Tom Harlan, who had ormiiged tu have them will, wa* decoyed away|by inm© iDllu- eotlal friend* of ibv City liuU crowd. The KCrfl uf Phil JyOWy’R excelleol thowlng was let out unconfciouaiy by a CUv Halt man who had money ou the reault. X/^wy, It wa* aald, bttd la hi* poiaetslon a letter from (.'OAptroller Couuelly setting forth ibai the Democratic Connty COrnmittoe had declared th a t the City Hull aggregation abouid win, Ar lb* Comptroller 1* known to be In the confldenoet of Henalur B m ilblt waiihoughi by tbc Board of Works team that tbe Beua- lor had tpoken,

*' Lowy knew we daren't win,” *ald one of the defealed nine, **so he Just played a clrcuN game. He wanted the nppluiise from the grand Bland and be got It. Any one of ih'.« team will play him a game of ball ]f he tblnkahe’B a eiar. This district leader In* terference iQ a bate bail gume la rubbing U In.” ______________________

Tks kai no urUfr ptHiof. of U$ eutV€rtUiA§Wive (Aun.tfj ©uRi eolvninf j rernU/i'Oia itay tv Uug.

Th« Route to Coney liland .On Saturday, June 24, Ihe PannHylvanla

Railroad Company will re-eBiabil*b It* trans­fer tervlce between Jersey City and Pier I, Norih RlvAr, connecting with boat* of tbt- Irou Sieaniboat Uompany. The stCBnier Vlosorha* been eecured for ihl* service dur­ing thecomlngteaaoD and will u(T rd largely- Increatcd accotnmodatlotti over tboio pro­vided heretolore. The employment of a larger boat l« ueoeanliated by the yeirty In- creailog travel to Coney Itland by this route. Cotihrctlou will be made with all ^ a t i of the Irou Bleam boat Com paoy up to a r . M. Return iug, conuecUon will be made With boaii leaving Coney Islaod np to 9:40 P. M. _____________________

A Teetimoiilal to Miner** Traaaurer*.Tbe treaiurer and aaHlBiaot treasurer of

Miner** Theatre, thm ugli the wnBlderatlon of Mr. Miner, are to hold a benefli at the ibeelreoa Thurtday evening, June 38, when they will present aaplendid programme, oon* alBtlngof BoiAe of tbe beal-kbow'n ariniiBln the vaudevUI* profe«BJon. Both Mr, Hiarke*. toe treeaurer, end Mr. Dennis, tbe aislstant iretBurer, have a host of frlendit, and ihelr autertalnraent la likely to be altendod by an overflowlPg home.

Conklin Conimitted to Ja il.Judge KallMQ last night In tbe P in t Crim­

inal Ojorl tom rallied Jared Ounkllo to jail tn default of ball on a charge of fkDepre- laooei. He was,charged by leldor Coleman with embetzllog Slfl. Conklin, according tu bla atory, told luine cignre to a ealoon* keeper and took 92 nf tbe amount tq a t h and tll.kfi Ih drink*. Conklin claimed that he wa* Coleman'* auihoriaed ageut an d w je lo have rruelved flve per cent. GomtniBiiloq. Coleman snore tha t he had never given Conklin permlMlou to ^ a k e ooHectlona.

Scbullei Mot Vat ExarolnecLThe exarotaatlou of John HrhuUer, who It

eharged with taevlDg tot {Ire to the hone© 41. Monroesireet last Wednesday, wnR to have* taken place a t the Third Precinct l^lleeSia- Hon tin* morning, but It wo* poitpontd un­til next Mon da.v on Recount o ftbe iicknes* of R, J. Churaat, Uiej>rliiqlpal.wi>tiaa^*’“ ' ' gate. Gbnrta* was taken vlo(enClir >«> «.v « q early hour this morning, and bis ilckne** took the fbrm of lead oollo. H* wUi be re­moved to a boNplial,

Bay Rum H ada Him Drunk.Charles firlemifn. a Gcrmiin, eitme lo lh ls

elty from Buck* Couoiy, FSh yesterday, and during hU traveU about towu became drunk and wa* arretted. When taken befon* Judge K allu b tbU mornlug Brieman said ho drunk two flni*»sof beer, and ihcti went (oa bsi^ bc^*bop and whs shavi^d. U* said be tbciiiglii tbe bay rnm tho barber u*ed on his fiace made blm d r& k . Tbe Judge disc barged him. ^

M ca'i 7Ju« Troutera, R8.50.J tti t m i l Veil A DOW invoice of those els>

faQi wonted Pauls, (he latest style, wnrih 96, Come early and secure a pair a i |2 J 0 i the graaleii bartaln ever oftered in tbe city.

James Hodge, 7oa Broad sL, three dobrs be­low Kl.'-AdTt

Many Are Killed, lluudred* .Sre AUvr and !W>nie Ar« a Metiacw. W hether

Dead or Active.Tlisre are hiindrrdi of dog* in the city

below the railroad. N i il*y |)A sc* thai one or more 031 ©* of li Jury r©»ultrag from the bile of cBe of these I'lirsU not reported lo Ihe 'Jhlrd precinct Police yiDllun, and lln- Complainant N»k<» that uo oftlcer be *eut to shout the Tleioui animal,

Bui these dog« uro uot nlwais *bot, (^rlf the owner happen* lo nhjeci, which l*ofici> Ibecsic, the bm©D )ker*uii ha* no redrei' except togohuutliig for Ihe animal hliu*<'li or flue take the case luio tbe upper couru. Of lb© large number of ooniplulnUof Injury from dog bite* ihei have be-.-n received m ihc Third Precinct I’ollce HIulJou not one-lniiH of ill* (Jogs hiivo bi-en shut and yet there ti a Hat uf thirly-on© dead dogN on tho raemorsn- diim book which the police keep. TiiHl number U for (hi* month aioii(\ und If tin CKMCN keep coming III as fsRl hr Ihcy have fni the hiKtsixioen duy*u new book will hsvo lo bo need hefuro the end of tite m onili.'

Heveral Ilf the dogn which iiuve bern rIkh hare Rlveit every litiUotllon of being iilll cled with rahhle*. Weitneidav a '*iimh <?nr niu (1o n Chapel ktroct froihUn; at 1 he inouih uikd snapping at everrthlnit It ptis^ed. t wn* thru by nn uffleer nefore doing nny dum* ftge. The same day a dog hnil ti j leiiienlvto snflp ni t'.i|Xain iKiy jimi he at mu-C had the cur arrested hhJ taken to Ibo ixdloe Nintion, where It will be (llspatcbed «h aonii »* the dcttd animal luua hat time lo lemov© the riircuf*. ^

La*l nlghl a dog ran ihrmigh Van Huren Blreet, frothing M tho inoulh uuil stmppinx viciouRly, When It iHisseil the iHiih-e maJiiiu omrvr* CoilltiN Hn<l WalRii Riarted In pursuJf, At tbe corner of New York avenue tin-

^iiliual aa* cornered and sliui.The numerouR engiigcincn!* of the wagon

ot John Hi AbrrtiR, who ha* tho ('onirtiot for removing all or the bodies of doAd anlinuls Id tbii city, 1* caualng quite aa much troiihlt- and danger to hurdnu tirouBaro Uto blllDjii dogR, This wjigon 1* unable to attend tonll case* reported n* quickly hr u RhouJd, nml a conie([uchce the ijudie* • f the dond canliich are allowed lo lay and ut?«.M>nipn*e under Ihe action oftbe hot sun fur four or flve day* al n Ume.

Oil Wedhenday there were thirteen dcn«! In various imrl* » f the Third Precmci.

Cuniplaiuls were being received ulMlic Uinc by people whc> had reported the pa*e*, ami who wondered w byliie dead Huininl* bod iitd been removed. Un June 12 A ilcad d«n;

iC|Kirtcd In fmnl of 16 ) KoiuU alrceh L'p to ytuterday the body !imJ noi been rcinovcil, and tit© uclgUburliuud 1* iirousod over the matter.

Tbe dead wagon *crvlM is now niiich butler tlmQ It we* a hhorl time ago. Tbc man culled only every few duys m see ti there were any dead dog*, and Cuplnln Duly w1 Iflti got provoked luul ^ave Mr. Ahrens Ui unilortilHuil iluit he would h iv© to do hcilcr. Now Ibe ni*n that dnvu* ib© wagon cull* m thepniioe Rtaltoij every duv and lalte.B tlic lUt of new CAAra. When Uu‘y mro rcnioved Uie Dante* are crossed from the lUt. The roAKon that (b© bodice sre not removed <)ulckcr I* that iheonc artgoij I.4over-worked. It takes all of lU time (o remove thodsHd hordes, and the dogs are only called for when Ibe wagon happen* 10 be jtintHlng bear the place where uuo Im* hneu Kltlrrl.

A MlSTEItV Al' M’iUNCiFII-Xn,Tbe Htraugo L 'ght (n a Cemetery That

Puzzled Many.The resident* of tSprlngfleru wcr<*, unlit

last night, j>u*ziod hy a brlgiu Hshl wblcli appeared lu ihe centre of llic Preshylenao Uenistery Oh Main sirvei, Tbej’ could see 110 cause for tlio light. Th«*ru wa* no tniop ne«r It and th<rH was no Kwamp there, and no rotten stam p of a tree. The BUperKtHloui were hegiimJug to pale wheaever ilie cjmclory niyatery wav rronlotird , and people won d also go out of their way to avoid the bury- Ing-grouiid. It bad been pro^»o»4d tbnt some vcuimcsonie personi should risk Uivirllve* by making nn lnvr>Rilg:iUon, hui ihore was a wonderful laca of voluhtser*.

Tbe climax came last n 'ght when Herija- mln Pudney, the trnp-puik*r a t the Union d u b ground*, passed tbc coraetery. 1 wa boytoaJled hi* aitentlon lo Iti* light. They did *0 Id aweful wbiaperi, und ihulr eyes bulged a* If they bad aevn a strange i IkdI. Tde light burned brightly, then dl iapprared and then appeared Apparonliy brighter than ever. Fudoey observed ibo light for a long time. Iheti he *olvc<l the mystery la a wuy ibat gave (-be luperaililou* a shock.

He said that tbe brtght thing carne from a refloctlon. He went boldly Into the come- lery aud found lUal the point where the heretoforeudexplainable was, w.Mjn iroDtnf a b lghlj poiUbed abaft receotly erected. He looked a t K from various angles, and tlieti saw iba( the refleoUoD oanie from a tircet Hfbt. Tbe pollihed tiirfaoe o ftbe abaft gave back the lamplight wUb almost equal brill- lauey, and tbe (tlokorlng was expluined by the action of (be lamplight lu ibe wind, wblcb a t time* nearly extlngalshed It.

Bloonfleldt Montclair^and Nearby.At the Upper Montclair CoDgrcgHlIonjl

Church last night the i<Kral ChrlscUn En­deavor Bocicty of Montclair (leld a meelldK. Tbe subject dlicustcd wa* loyalty, T. K. Cree, Jr., geDeral secretary of tlie Montclair Young Men's Chrittlan Assoclallon, read a paper on ** Loyalty lo Cbrlsi.’' Mte* E. R JohiiROQ read^ one on ' ’Ixiyally lo the Church J. A, ttandford, *'Loy»ltv to tbe PledB©;" “ Loyally to the fcJodely," G. Vi\ Boatwick,

The Biootpfleld bane ball nine wlU play tbe Hen lor team' of tbe Momctalr Y. M. C. A, on the East Eud grounds, Moatclulr, to-morrow afttrnoCD.

Tbe Christian Endeavor H<>clely of tbe Congregallonal Churrb. MoDtclalr, will hold a special mcetlug to-nlgbt to elect a presU denu

Of ibe graduates from the Montclair High Bchool thl* year A. IL BlsaeU, IL t . Hpeuld- Ing and ftbettoD Blseell go to Y'a e College; 11. R. areele, to New York Jiiiw Cnlleie ; R », North, Wesleyan College; W. P. HuUwen, to the Univerelly of New York; the MIhmci Carter and May 10 Wellesley, and the Mi«*e* Braaftrd and Johnion (o hmUb College.

l4omc mtecreanu broke into the Berkeley Bchool building In Bloomfield Wednendny night, and after lurnlng the Interior fop»y- turvy, took tbe key of the Are alarm box and opened (ho box, but did not give an alarm*

A tntesiosary rally will be held In Greer Presbyterian Cburcb, Montctiilr, on Bunday, HQil Mra Eaton, of Mexico, will speak on mUalon work In (bat oomitry.

Thkoonrunenoemenlof lb©Blonmft(>ld High Bebool Will be held In the First PreRbyterlsu Church Jane 28, whe'b the foilowiug will graduate: Editb Bogart, Luulse Callin, Ida Uttrrabrant, Mabel Olmstead, Mabel Vuti

rsdale, Beials Wyman, Bessie Bulls. Agnes 'ubb, Pearl Haghop, Fiorei:oe Hnimuns, -aitle Wilkss, Clarence Brown, Alfrei Mar.

llti, Clifford RlKrr, ChurlcK Van Wagoner, Harry Biollh, Warren Nlveni and Jaine* Eddy.

The fourth anniventerv of ihe WaUcising Women's CbrUUmi Tempe.-ance Union will becelebniled lo-Dlgiit In Teinperauoo JIhII, East Orange*

The next annua) convention of the New Jersey Yfung Men'* ChrlRtlan ARHociniluii will be held In Montclair next February.

One of Ihe workmen Mt Molter'* lUHCUlne shop in Bloomfield, tried to euirt a Arc wliu gaanlltie yesterday and was bgdiy burned ebout the face.

The Twctily-flftli A»nuftt Conzinencemenl, Itlfhup t t lg g r r Award* ths Olpluma*

and 1'rlae*—.(ililr*ss hr Mayor Kril. IliRttop WlKger, Ill*hiipBeLilenba*eh, of Hi.

Fh(i1, MIuu., ahd Jltehup Iao Weldt, of North CatoUtiB, 0' t ‘upled |H)ili|(ms of honor at the iwuuiy.flfih animal cumnienccment of Hi, Ek-iteiilct’# Cnllt'si'. hold last nijfht In BL Mary's Hull ou WiJlInra Rlrect, adjoining the .'oiU^©, Hratfdon the «nu'» stage and on either tide of thoso preiatr*, busidrs the fMCiilty of the colte|r, were Vicar-Genera) D'Ctmmir, Chanreilur Wnllaeo, H jt. Dr. i ’heten, Itev. FathersFranvi*, of North C*n>- ilna; WHtef Lcabey, of Hwedeabom; K ruee, at ILmwuy; Van Hhligen, of EllxabeiU O’iJ^nnnor, of II*rrl»on, And Alt ami Nceder- riievcr, of (hi* city. Amung the laynteu were ‘■t>mp(rulli?r Cuniiolly and Mayor Fell, of Nrnngr'.

Aiiirrlcan ft*g* and |Hi!mi were the prlof > pul Jrcornlliiii* of the hall, which wu*crowd rd 111 the duur*. Bishop W igger uwurded the ■.llploma ami prlzHs, Th© itegmeofmaRierof aLN’ Mini* tvH* cou/erred un Jamw J. Krniih, of Newark ; NippUcn F.alieuy, of E I** li 'iL , *ti<l ( Iiurle-i U lla s iim , o f N ew ark.

Mr. rsnilth wnR aIro awarded the gold mi'dal doiiiiteU liy Ihr ilev. .Vloysins Stecher, «d s . iViM’ rhurcli, for M*bi»lAr^hlp in tlii! iitet ri.ioincrclal. .Vugiteiino H«’lUngrr, of MiNrlly. currIed ntt lhegul I medal given by Hhitop Wigger tu/©xampiHry ooiniuo'. In tiiv second coinmcrelrtl the tetiolnr*hip gold inniul pr»-oiited by lU* lV*v, Thomas J loomey, ofM. Jusejih's CburrU, was won by Audruw J. Ilrucckiter, of thi* city. William J. Iluiimtef, lid l'].]iabrth youth, raptured H'V. }-'.(t|jsr Mi'iveever’i gold medal for Ri’liolarKhip ill ih© ihird commercial.

Prrmliini* c nisIiMng of hook* aero award­ed If) lltefollowing sludrut* :

Pi-Ur MiiJivn, Jo.^uph KHSmp, John Tier­ney, Frank J. <i>ch, CharR* Ketler, Paul Hurne, M'lHiam McGuire, Joseph H*rry, l.milH i.a Ii;a*chf, John J. Hanley, Thorax* J. lligelDN. Joseph W. Morieriiy, Edward Hiirnllrr, William i/jugbltu, Henry F, Hau- tey, John a. L ux, J oIio Meagher, Juaepb F. Hiiumboer. Grnild P, Uarrlgan, Htephen J. Fihlieriy, Fred J. Itmshe,William Hammer, Joseph Kooibolljr, John A, Jnoori,< iiHrle* lAmbol, Jo*eph B, Mc.YllIsler, lx«< inirii Flurii, Anthony Mnyrr, Mvplien McuglifF, Ttmiiin* J. Power*, John Wissinati, Augustin© ILcMtngLT, (!Uarle* I*, Hasson .Imiih-m j . Miiilth, Alliert Wekvnun, I.©o V, Hickcr, IWer H»|linte.“, 1‘eiar a . Fuehf, Andrew J. Bfeitekiier, JaiiteR Cillllnaite, Gvor<fl Ri)*t‘ntierger, Plus Knlele, Norton A, Wuiiorii, ^V'llllum ,1. Kflugor, Michael T. BUdpr, Eitwnrd Klesor.

Tiiv programme olox'-rcl*e*, In the carry­ing out uf oiilcli the Jor*?golns a)VHrd* wi‘re mud©, Included <ll*coDrheH on "Progre**," by .Ktinui J. Kiimii; cjii lb© *'Kxamluailun ol Lif©," dclivensi in G Tpnm; by Pi'ter HeJhu liri,^nd ou “ Union/' by l,eun«r,l J. Fmiii. Henry F. Ilunly uiul Charles L. IJaRsnii re­cited " A .Moin«ntmis Qitesllon " and ' ‘Thi; PolUlj Boy/’ rc*5)erilvo y. Nlcaol*'* orchet- iiu played at Intervals the "PuriiHii March,"

i.lftf u Dream/' '* .Marguerite,*' ** VenI Creator SpliUu-/' froin Mlilard’* raa*i; tbe wfttiz,‘' I ‘i It ipiuro Swcci," 4iud tbe "H igh Hrbuol ( .“det*' A1nrcn,“

In his dUcuurt©on " ]'r<tgress" Mr. Hmllh drew ft coniparlsou 01 the progress in Europe and Chlijii that strongly favored the fomiv He Hdinlited China'* < xiMordlnary alride* townrd oivUte-iUon which weri* ninde long before Euroite had ony pretensions in ibal qnurier, hut ho contended rluil China r •* to­day the same h* It uas 2,0tl0 years ago The pr(>grv^*h‘;‘ ‘■piril wa* sirmig In America. lirolDei' Junat uin had a go-ahuad way about ljlni,tmd he lived up to ll.

As 111) cx.-imple pf *■ Union,” Mr Plum pic­tured the mighty .Mi*«ls«ipp| River and Us irlbu(arie», tho bnrmiess Niugie iocnit andtho lociist-i In destroying Rwarm*. Then tbos jio a k fi-d ie d ih e heiiviloJai offjcte o f u n io n a s oxeinp ltrteJ 1 1 1 ih e livo* a n d ftoconip llsh- inonte;or C barIrm A jne, C o lu m b n ^ lh e Itoths- clillii«, tdo Gfet'ljM a n d iho fam ily . ] lf showed how U ie D i-d n ru ilo n o f lo d e p a id e n c e w ss Uio ou te nno of un ion a n d iruced the growl li of th e I(jtu>in C atho lic C burob to th* s^me Ciuise.

M ayur-Fidi's ad d ress to tb e g rad u n taa wa* the ch ief one. H e rem in d ed th e m th a t they were ftboui to step o u t ItUo ihe w orld an d n u c t o th r r yonng m en Who w ould g ive th e m aM inrproinjK .M ltloii.

'■ I would IlUc to say to ymi young gradn- all*,” hocontluueil, ’’ a few brief word* of ciieer and wsrulug, for ih • sixk on which you □re ombHikIng I* treHcituruns and full of sliok*, Ifyouw lll obsurva the precepts ot M Isdom tanghl you by your teactiera you will be succi'ftiful. Whiibevur yon do, do li well. In every country, astteclnlly ours, rir-

OHANGR VtLL.iGB AFFAilt'^,*ke Truatee* Clear Away Miieli (ianeral

IlUAinesi —Ih e Work Dune,Tbe meeting-r(H)m uf the Board ul Truitt^*

of lUi village of Nmih Grangt! wa* Cfowduit last ntglit with mifer cltisfus, who Uad come thinking tbai bnslhcsa of a Riarltlug nature wv* 10 h* tmnMvli'tl. They were disate polulvd. The irnBtcoa'refrrrrid a p-tllloiv lor ga* in»ln» In i hun-h sliN>eiaml foritvc lamps 10 the ('oniiuliii>c on wir»-ci Llghihig. The monihly reports of i*uUce Marshal Henry T. Tteiiclmrd and Polio© Jusiice John G'ilvllly »bowed f!i received ff4»rn lttu>* and cosiR, three i^rresu and clghtj-niuo lamp* out all nigbi or parte of nlghte. The Chief of til© Hr© ivpartmoqt, John J. Harte f. re- ported one fini wMh a luai of INl»0, (blly In­sured, Bn|»rrln(endcnt Charles J. Uarrell, of the Water lKi«inmcn(, reitortod that th* balnucft un band al bis last rcptiri vra*$H)8.2i. He had terelved/roni laps, >T); from rcid*. IU:KF-*; frum meter* sold, iJtl: rr»>m meter rent-, J:i!f.ii2; Imra i*eltln( racleis. f;i, iiiul paid uTff 10 U. As HdIMy, treAsurvr, f*xi. Trusiee C. Edward Uil iivlit, lor the coin, miiioeuii Flnuni©. paid ' hen? was'a baiani'i- on liiiiul iii«i (t*i0 had b<*et» nw lvedfor llreuRrs, Jl.'iU paid to tUf Dourd <>( Hvallh, and iiutrs ainonnllng to Vi eancvlh il.

Hie slrrets ol (he village may heaprlhkled. Such R pi'<n)OHiih>ii wa* rcfi'iTMl tu tlie \S'»li-r CN>nitiltllr<-wl;ti |H,wi'r lo 'Uipplj' the wider loanypeison who nunld ugiee U> keep lUe HtrecU iprlokled.

On jnoiiun of IriiiteP Hlllqvtet 93(D wn* appn>i>riftted from the irillage irenhury low- urd the Kuppurtol the five library.

b. Ftecjjcr Hiller w rote lo tho hoard that he would like lo have gu* nn>ln<» laid in Irving avenue and fuur latnpa i‘rccled. Trush e ClurkRuD Raid Ibal aevernl month* ago he Und seen Cnshter WlHIami, of thv Cll:s*ms' i.iisliglii (,'otinHiny, ivud given him vernal order fur 1 hv placing <)f ilji se lami»*und aftrrwnrd signed the nec<*Rfcary agree­ment. He did uui understand why the mui- ter U*d i(u| botm attendi^ to, Th* reqiie»t of Mr. Miller wa* referred to ihe Lamp Com­mittee with power. PreKldcUl Church c.dJod th«att«ullon of Hie Iwiard to irof* wliU-b imng OTrr the roadway* und on mniioti of Trustee Itanelt lUu Htreeii and iHHmay* Cunmiliteo wa* ordered to attend lo iliu trimming of the branohe*.

G urge IJ. Bruwnlug rctjufsled thehonrd lo irt> nver Ihe llawthnrno avenue a«»('*imrnt, ftR he wishud tu »peak on the -unjct-i, but w it*prevailed ironi alUh ling lli« ineeGng. On muilou of Mr. Barrett the n-HUcsl was granted. TriteU*© llhlqvtel inove-i lliai th© n^c.d year of ibn villngc end 4)0 .Mhivu :ii, In slend of with J'«bruMij , The cxplralniji of III* year on the lulter date CKUsrx consnivra- ble hicuuvi-nlom'e lo the old und ihu new iruslcva, raid I he iTURte©, HR between March 1 and May I, when ihe new board urganix* *, thete Ih iir> nione)' available fur the of th© (!'. larlinente. The lux ordinance, rou- Utiued Mr. Bhli^vJ-L ie -hot iMshril until Jutu', and Hs tilth y(}ur iheri) I* to Iw raised 9’J.lOfl more Ihaa m il piubftMy by required lur ih© Use of the Iriuteu.s, ihe prcRont Hernia to be a favurnhle opporluuUv for iiiuking the chunac. Mr. illllqviiRi'* tnolluh Wus CHrrleil.

Tnc tax ordinalictt « hr then laken up on li* iceond reading, the rules sm-pendod and ihti Uli© rtiaif for to© Uiird reading and passed. It provides for ibe rntelng (>f ibeacaiuonnih; For rep-iiring Btreeu. fdUOO; for airn-i ligbi- Ihg, for police scrvJue, fur uou-lliiKeni cxiwn-ms, *u,O0U; forUi© pwvinent of Jnlorcnl and indehicdm-sii, IS.aOO. B.irrett railed up hli rckoluHou providing for the cbangliig of U)M nieetiug nlijlit of iheb'iard anil cm hte motion ii eimiiseil from Ihc Ihlrd Xhursflay lo the third .Monday of each month. Ou inuthm of )lr. B1Ut|v|*i the President und C)©rk wer - auinorixed lo ex* ©rute limes to ih© amount ur9>'>.(J00, lu the order of iho Fiuauoe Coiummee, in antteipa- tiun of tax©*.

FO R IN D EPEN D EN C E D A Y . Urjest Rittll Stow ID till Stall. Uriist Retdl Ston la tie StiU.Yliie riiy*i retebraliiin to He RxceBcDt,

The 1’ruga‘anuiie oa riiia liy Ar­ranged by tlio Cmuntlttee*

The ('Qinmon (luuncM coiniulttecbat sbuut completed the arrange menu for the Indo- peiidcn©© Day cclebrailon, and theoonlract fur the p3rro(4>ptmlcat diaplay, which will be the boat ©rer given tn this city, vrui Lasi night awarded lo tbe Coii*o)ldaUd Flrewoi'k« (■omivihjr uf Grcctiviile, N. J., fnr lAXi. Tbe Pain© Fireworks Company's bid whs 11,000. Charle* Crowell, rtpruNtntJng tbe COnsoB- dated Unopniiy, RlteiiUrd lbs ineetlug and agreed to sign a contract to lurnlsU a perfi'Ct d u p te j, nud City Cuunael Guild will draw up the cohirocL

The tliv'worka will be exhibited on Ihe enmil hridte at Broad PireeLuhd will Inrlndv Ibiny-uinc piece*. The principal piece* will bu the fall* of Niagara, Columbus, Washing­ton mouiUed, Kwludiulll. Th© rm'keis will Ik* ihrowri lu un ahliude uf over UU>f.**r. I d thi* iliial ptere ” GouJ N ight/' ibree arlal bonijueiH will laolbnkwn aitd sxphnled altn> tiliaiiaously, I i eaoD of Ihe buuqueU tberv Witt h©lV) rockul*. The llrewnra* will be set uil by Kjiarks liutn nn eiccirin wir.*.

AhSlaiuiil Bi'erclury uf tho Navy William l lrAibn), In u lidlcf lotbeCliy t-lcrk, accepied the Intliuihin lu deliver t ie orettou nl .Miner'* TiM-stfe on the mortiUig of liid©- IH'tatteiivc ]iiiy. Tbe rxeroln'eN wth b i Liter- esiliig. V(i5b' full blind will fur.itsh the music. Jrr<* M. will iv td (he l>ectara- tiun of indepetiileDvc, MIim tedUe Elvcriun will Ring «©vti>ral soprano *oioe and iheGi;- phoiim ijuartelie Will aiug several selections. .Mart King, a huitiori«L a ill also appear.

In Itie arteniociii \\>S4'i band will give a ciiiicen In Milliary Park, and a t hlghl the bntiii will pUy Hi iniervHt*. At sunrise, boon und snot©! tue bell* of sevvuleeti churches wilt It© riing.

lueaml intelligenceeouitlluiu lb© prluclp*! lateguurils,”

Mr. Kell urged the young men to beware of crltlcJilng public ineti where (here I* danger of such ftrlciureRdegensraUDglnloealuniny and deiraetion. Fair crlllclim was notote jeettunabte, but It should be teropered with chanty. The speaker Imped tb it Uie gradu­ate* would Ciller public life, but bo ex- pbilm'ilthat that did not iiecMNarJljr raejiu thai Uify must enter public ofllc©. He be­lieved It lo be their duly lo loierett them* oelvcsiu public stfatrs.


BrettM d.Riohavd* Nuptial*,A pretty home wedding was celehrutcd

!fi*l night ei the roddeilc-s Mr*. HncrlUan, Hprlnrfleld avenue, Irvington, Mi<» .luiia Richard*, daughter of Mrs, Wergarci Rich­ards, woa married to Adolf M, Bretxfcld, uf We*i OrahKe, The oeremotiy wa* performed by Rev. Dr. Henry Vebslage. of tho Be- formed Church of Irvlnglon. Harry Miller, of Orange, wa* ihe beat man. MlisBophle RreixfeJd, eliter of the groom, was brlde*- m ald The bride wore « guwli of peach- colored CAihmere, cut Empire Biyl©. irlmmed wUb old point Ihco, diamond ornarnents and carried white roec*. Tho bridesmaid’s gown wn« of heliotrope cnehmer©. with pnarl orna- menti. Many out-of-town guesi* were pres- enl. Mr, and Mrs,. Bretsfeld Icfi un »n exlcndud wedding lour, which )nclui1©M 41 trip (0 Ihe World’i Fair, Ou tbelr reluru they will live a t Omiige.

W edded a t ftpringfteld*The marriage of 0.::vld Joiklns, nf Martins­

ville, and Miss Annie, the ©1dm daughter of Mr. and Sirs. John. W. Sheviilc, 01 Wpring* field, look plhoe ln*t night at the lysldeuce of the bride's l^ftrenta on .Morris uvenu©, Tb© o^eraony wna performed lo the ixirlar by Hev. J. W> Kdox, paetor ofUte Bprlngtleld

. ,*.wt Ctlwrtft. Tbe bridesmaid wiui Mi»a Aiiole Jcakltm, the stsier of the groom. Willlarai Mallet, of Mnrtloavilie, wo* best inafi. The bride wore lurowu of white bangs* line *llk. The gow.D of the brlde*mnld wiisof blue ell k. The URher* were Maicui Ueekimm, of MarilnaVlUe; C. L. Crtrby and George M. MerwUi, ofFprlngileld. After the ceremony Mr. and Mn*. Jenkins eniertHlDed tbelr friends at h Aaeptloii. They will Bve at aprlniflqld. _________

An Endeavor llbetety Rnlerlalne*Ad enterfatnmpDl was given by the Ohrl*-

t!un Endeavor Society of the First Presb.t* lerlaii Church in the Bunday-oohooL room* iaai Qlght. Rev. Dr. Fr.is r mad© k brief ad- drees of we omne, to which Rev, Dr. Lee reiponded. There were vtvlla aud plauo ae- IrctJone by Mr, and Mlae Oirardoi, a vocal •i'lceilon by M lit lliH; a piano aoio by F. Bfllel and atrera l reoluilDui by Miu Bond. Emil Clisi oniertAlpfd (b« hodleafo wUb hitmoiow MleoUoMt

Ingenious JeriayiDeti.Patent*grntited to Jerseymen fo rlh lt week

and rcporlod fur the News by 'Drexu ft co., BoltcUorH of patentK, corDKr Broad aud Mur- ket sfreeu, were: Tmy for rings, C, ATrovsehcr, Jersey r i ty ; rubber |)ackli)g- rtng or ca-knt, J. J, Vourheet, Jersey C llj ; rlectflcul lueHhurlng Jnstrumenl, E. W'©*iOD, Newark; suiphur caudle or furotgalor {two pateIIIS), It, W, Johnson, New Brunswick; plionugr.'vpb, W. HrueulDg, East OrAngs- carpel *tretrher aud lacker, J. O. Clark, Newark ; blind slop, It. Davis cl aJ, Newark ; velocipede saddle, W. L. Fish, Newark; centrlflgal butlerexrractor*. O.Ohlsaoo, New­ark ; thill eoupllQg, 1. Oliver, New* ark; iwlVeWoom (two pstenM), T. Hinllh nnd J, j . ^f1J^chlll, Paterson; rom|wi*li!oD for CieaDlng «Uer, D. O, Hmltb, Gion Ktdge; playing card, b, T, Varisn, East Orq^Lte* drcdglng-bucket, W. A. CoUId*, Bayonne; conveyor bcli, T. Koblq*, Jr„ .Mofrisiown; taw aet, C. C Taintor, EJlx*- belb; process of aad apparatqt (or blocking hftts, O, Yuleet nl, Newark 1 beer faucet, C. Qiiflotlier, Tr©nkm; cleelrc-magnetlo ca^ brake, J. C. Henry, Wesifteld ; regulator for cleclrlc maohlucs, J. lleoryj Wmfleld ; lubrlc.dori H. C. Holler, Newark; draft device tur at;ick*. B. F, Taylor, Newark; hlcjteler, etc., W, A, Wright, O mreion ; pro- eexs of ifsnng maicrlvl* conUiiulug lueiali, IL l'\ .Meunliigor, Newark.

A CnmbJnatloii LocomoUve.The Armor W, A. Crook Brother* ft Go.,

have Juii ooinptetcd a iDcomotlv# boliung engine, which combine* ibe qualities of * locomotive as well as those of a holitlag macbliic. In appearance the engine ifaowe a locoinoJve boiler mounted on abed frame supported by four thiriy-two-hich diameter connected driving wheels, which ere pro­pelled by gearing irora the main crank shaft. There In the icgular locomullvti cab covering the rear end nf the Imiter, a* well a* the wearing ptirls. fh e rrmehiuerv i* not loeoin- plictiiod as In ol her'engines. Thettigine was built lor a Phlladplplila Arm.

Funeral of Mrs. Enginud at Irvlngtop.The funeral of Mrs, Michael England was

held from her late residence on Park avenue, Jrvlngtnn, yesterday afternooq. Tbeservlcei were counnued in tbo Methodist Kplscopal church. The iwiihearera lb Ihe eburtih were Mr*. EnglftniT.H fix son*, George, Charles, Thomai, Cyrus, Fruderick jiad Arthur, Tk* fimcral sermon wn* preached by K<‘v. Elbert Clemoiit. The pallbeHrars lo the cetnetery were MrsirR. Ilatcheltnr, WlUiein Clauaeii, Bedell, Edwin Berry, Bylvester Bulley aud Goorge Hoducr*.

HoRe Cold ADd Hay FeverImmediately and (iellahifuUy relieved and spoedllv cun*d nt Jfl Acnileiny street, upeialra, by J(. Vhu Bitekirk. OlUce hour* irom nA . M, tu 7 P, M. week day«; from 2 tu 11\ M. Biindnykf Malarial, caiurrh anU asthm a also Invariably aud quickly cured a t above nlllcc.

SPECIAL NOTICKm.AhvH7n Oenlv(4l.

A nice D*ri( Blu© Jderge r(ult, suitable for this ReuHun, gnurarileed 10 keep Us color apil give SAilifuuilnn 10 Iho wearer. W« make thiH upl<i order forFJ2. Cslt »ud »ee I t

Henry N ew h o ry ^ jlrrxiri st^ opp. William.Fatal iirgtect ts little short of suluidei

Tho cousequ>'ncc:4 of a neglected cough arc too well Known to t.eed repeating. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine BVsi.up cur©* ti cough piomptly. Bold by all dcaltni onaguaran- tic uf satisfaction.

Men’ll Kiimmer CluthlngY Ofnar Blue add Black larges, guaranteed

Ikst culorSf n Nplendld weurliig niaterlut, we uiAkc NUits lourder fur FJ3. *

Uoury New bolf, 9TH H mad sL. opp> WllUaia.Gentlemen, sea n v ’JLRargahi Counter In

Tfoussrlngs,'’ all a b m a , neat stripes, to order frtmi f^dd i ip .-

fliMify Newhufl, S7(l Broad street, opposite. Wliiium, __________ ,

FletnreR and f^leture Fremee CotolbeiQanufHcturvr*, Cary ft Kenny, SKI end 0S2 Broad Ktreet, for your pJetaree and plelore fram** and aitisi loaterlahL Reo» suhahle prloiw. _

Light Hbltlucap All Bhadee* to O rder a t■ “ W.

opp. WtUlam

Morrlstuwn Affair*.A horse ftlijiclicd lo a buKlm^M wngon

owned atid l)cli\g drlvon by Juhn .Moore, a maioD.ran awny m Madison avenue, Mu> rlscown, yuKlerday. The ivaguii struck an ubsirucLIoQ and Moure was ihrowii oul, lui- lalnlDg Bcriniis lejurlrs. Before the bor*© could b« caught the vclitcle wiu a‘rc©k©d,

James Norlou, tli© nIoc-jrear-old b'jy r e porlMl misBing frutn his bom* In Flagler strcel, Alorrlslnwn, is now supposed lo have run away from home foarlnga whipping for having cummftied aom© petty offence.

The Y. M. (J. A. Wheelmen of Morristown will lo-ilfty moke a relay run lo Newark. Th© pariicipant* In th© mco will i^ave liie park at 4 O'clock this afternocm. The Newark tennlDiisof the bicyclists will boat the ouruer of Broad and Market streets.

Mrs. Bridget Gerrity, proprietress of a boardlng-houi‘e in Park place, .Morrlsto\tn. was arrulgntd In th© Morris County Court of Bpecitti Besslons yesterday chargad with hav­ing stoteo S142 trom Margsret Maddeu, an aged woman who boardsd with her. Tbe accused submitted a plea of uot guilty, nud Rbe was raraaudad for a bearing to be held June 20.

Surrogate riersan .o f Morris Coj^iy, ba* appointed MSeluiel Norris, of WorrUtowu, as upprolaer lor ibose Mtate* which come under tbo lahcrliante Tax law.

The body of a inau was found floating lo Lak« Hopateoiig neur the Hotel Breilln pier WedDesaay unernooo, Tb« corpse was IdenUfled a* that of Courad Bpeaker,* youog man living near the lake, and who Ruddeoly disappuared Irom bis home last T>ee©uih©r. iS|)caker hadslarted out to ikaie acros!i tJie fmeen lake, end must have falteu Ihrough nn airhole. Tbe body has been taken in charge' by the deceased’s purenta.

The Morristown Board of EducaMon has asked for an appropriation of tlS.nOO. The amount to b© received from itie Miaie is e itim aledat HO.-SSi. and about g.Soo win h© paid lu for tmilou by uon-rcsideiii puplla. Messrs. TUatoher, urate and F^'ck were r«‘- etcoied mombera ol tbe board by tUo t>ciiool Cammlsaioncnt.

Tc-morrow ftfierqoon tlie Morristown A. C, baseball Dine will erosn hateim (he a|)©ed- wetl avenue grounds with lUe Xaviers, of NewY'urk.

The Morris (^ouuiy Boitrd of Freeholders has dCfllded adver**|y to ihe five peuuou* submitted to i l for macadfiTnlxod ri>adH, two in Fdsaiilc Township, one each lu Morris and requannock town.slilps and one lu llanovor and Morris,

A rbildren’i festival will b© held In Ihs chape) of the U rsl Prirtbyterlan Ghurcli of Murrlstown to-morrow arternann. Tho pru- cerds wHl be donated to the orgnn fund,

George Wellbankt, a bartender in the Farmer's Hotel, <iu Market atro-l, Morrte- town, was arresiod yesterday aliernuon on tho complaint of a young in«n named Bwll, who aver* I Uat Wellbanka made an tinpru- T(»kei1 nsRAuU upon hl'u. roilce Ju itlre Hi ill well plained tho accused under bonds to awall tbe acUon of the nexi Grand Jury,

MOL'JI) GH.IHNO.A Klmple Recipe for Maktng a Handy ai.il

I'svful lleiteeboUl Arllele.From Ih* N,w Yntk llw onlir.

The content, of a bottle of liquid gilt may be niede very u-eflil In the domeitio economy of ■ boueehold, but Ite piece U not on wicker chelre, to be rendered doubly hldeoue eftcrwnrd by bcitlgt .lack .11 over with Ik>w. of ribbun. If your f t * Hxlurea, however, .re Milled by file, and Urnlshed by age you c u renew their loat beauty by a alngle coat of bronae or ellt lliluid. Ullt Iraiuea and the narrow Inner gilt mouldin(t» of I'ramea may be the bet­ter lor reRildiiiir, but never gild a wooden frame, whether It la of aoft or hard wood. It la better to poUah It by robbln)( It down Aral with cunrHo and then with tine aand- poper till perfectly amootli. Then apply a “ Aller,” wbleh la n Iblck paint, rubbed in until all the little llbrda are of a color to nult the atainiO(. Then you mayataln and varnlali, if It la a Hifl wood; If It le oak, maple or walnut, ainnply treat with hard oil tinlah. Never buy the botllea of Kilt aold on the atreet “ three for a quar­ter,” but get the powder and nilximc liquid at loine reliable atore where art aupplica are kept, and mix it youraelf.

TltAIKKD rE.WALE ATTRflOANT*,A XoTel Deei.patlui. r .r (Vi.m.n I.alely In-

Ira.l11c .1l liila aiat.aeiourlli.From the Plillail.lphla Ttmei,

The MiiaaachuRe(li Emer([ency and Hy- Kleniu Ataociatlun hiia Just pre|wred a cloaa of younis women for a new occupa­tion, that of trained attendants for con- valeacenU, chronic invalida, elderly per­sona and tittle children. It often happens that mem bora of a family ere either un­fitted. iiuwlllinit or unable through bual- neaa engogenirnla to cere for their own sick or leeble. The traiued nurse la too expensive a luxury (o be kept through weeks, perhaps months, of weary conval­escence, and iho patient, who perhaps WIU doitiK well at her departure, begins to auR'er for proper care.

Tho trained attendant, who bos been instructed by competent, trained nuraea. is then prepared to take her place. She liiu been taught how to ventilate tbe rooms, make beds, bathe the patient, serve and prepare attractive food and do the many other things neceaaary to make life as pleoaant as poaaible for tbe sick. The young women admitted to the Boston classes must be at least twenty years of iwe and be poaaeaaed of good antwedents. Tlie course of thirty lessons, for which |3 is paid. Is followed by an examination, which. If creditably passed, entlUes tbe pupil to .diplom a.

F O L K S Y O U K N O W .

rs(urnsd fmin rhicKgo—A. Q. K rksbeythis niornli.g.

“ M r And Urs, E. VirelAinl bKVS rMurned front the After All ubsuuce of elxhiten months.

—Ki'Ano!* J, Knovles bAS taken k cottAgetil Atbury I'Kflf, and with hi* family willsiMrod the Ruinntor thsrv.

—Dr. George Ytefker bKS reostved ao*ll 10 demoDfetrAteftt tho World's Fair th© pmeU- oai Advintegeiof (h« vieetric ligtil In the Uvulmoiit of diseases, ad 1 h© eipocu tu gowUhlii (I short limr.

—Among the first cabiD pAssengem bejoked for Huropr by the steamship urtlco of Jusi^pli Al. Byrfteft Go. Are Titenlrtanl Afnnaxer Frid WBldniiiiiQ and 'h is ateter, Mrs. (JuLid, on th« North OerniKn Lloyd Lla© Riemaor Hflftte •alRiig to 'uorrow , and Itlchard O'Crowlsy on iho Cunanl Line stearaor Caw- l>AQlA*ftlUng July 1. Mr. O'Cfowley will bh ©rcorted (0 Ihe Mifgmcr by the Orpheus Club, of wbiou hs Is H merabsr.

Arr you a sufferer from rheuinAilsm, dvt* pepsiK, mnlnrla, Lvfr or klduoy oxtnpinint, or l-hnl lirrd fevilng f ilohdorHM Tofijn will cure yon. To Introduop It tl bottles nrs sold for 25c. lUtiiploA free, Oftlo© 222 MurksL

Uro the Family China.From tbe Phllftdeipbla Press.

If the b«sl china ]r only used on itate oc­casion*, bow Dili tb* children be expected to baudlechtna gracefully by and by f If tb* parlors are kept locked, hovr caq you expect H child tu sit t;r Bland easily In parlor* by and by? "Men are only buys grown tell.” Tho finest thing* oh Ibe eurih are not too floe for homv. The most bc-autlful thing* on tb* ©arih are not too beautiful for everyday n*«. Tb* *A'**ce*t behavior in lb* world 1* doU oo good for father and motber, wlf* and child, son aud dauRliter.

A Magnificent Dinner Afirvte**A uniqne gold and silver dinner desseri

•©rvli'C ha* bet‘11 fsihluited In London for Mi Hlghnes* ih* Maharajah Oaekwarof llarudfie i t l* lor thirty-tlx perRoiii aimI aU the knives, forks, spoon* and sroall plat* huv* beon Kpeobilly designed (or ih« occasion, Rtflid dies Imvitij; been ciU for «uch arllele. The com- IfleLe ROrvlc* weigh* over half a tern, and FACh Mt cc of tiiiiio Is alampod with ih* Maharajab'i crown, sclmltarand monogram.

s u m m e r REPORTS,

l lV lM E ir iJ O T T A liK r^ iiltl'o lu i, iin te lir ,. Co., >1. 1'.—Ilreliliy

loe^Iloi., plenty sltadp. large rooms, egg., mill!, hullor, vrgeisblci from farm, near Rrpol. dally mall, slalillug f.ir horses. Refer­ence given aud required. Open Jun> 1. Ad. dress E. W. CONKU.N, B .i dS.

____________________ I'olnl, N, Y.

EDEN^•T^mn Lakfl-lrm |w ranco Hotel; picnic

grmmdH, good boating, haibing, fiihing and otbaraUitiRc/nani*. AildrcsR 7o HIHAM COGK, Verona. N, J.

H A T i i . m v l o I j s i i rDeal Itenuli,N. (F. Aflr^t-cluNN (armly bote),

beauUlul grounds, good bAthra*, r«*nRonab|t( rules. frcRii vcgMtjiblr*, ralJk, cLc. Fur lufor- injiUou, olr., iidrlr«*i‘•(IJ WILUAAi HATHAWAY, Prop.

' / i W E i r H i l i i l f ; \ v 7 ~CUatliaiii, Morris County, N. Jt, openi Jiin* I—A ►©Ifct (Ahdiy itnteb Ob« imiir Irora Nc'vsrk. N. J., via !>*).,, Lireg, orrh WNiara Uv R. Fur terras and clrculnr* addrc«a

_____________J. II. HTAAIH, I'roprietor,

THE (il.GNW()0 IEn*1awar« H ata r (iap, I'a. Enllr*-ly brick

and Riirruundetl by teracBhndy liiwii; vfow anti turruundlngi unHurpass^il; nonv*ulantly J<K'uied; tomils mid Cioquet grounds; adjoiu- liig livery; capacjly, 300.


THirCENTRAI^^D^lawarr R uter ttep, I'b, IxH'Ailon DDsiir-

raKsrd. Niar famnus walks and drives. Nmibsaason. K D, OVEIIFJELD. 2o

“ gS ’W w I io u s f ^D e la w a re W a te r G ep , I’a . f liiesi lucalloD;

fiiipacKv, HO gu es ts ; bualiitg , f ish in g : clevn- Hon, 2,000 i*er 1 rcfrrmwip, D. F. Nfconl* «2 K h^m aM HVe N*wMfit • te rm * n aao n ab le .

\M AU UEt OVEliRlELD, P roprie io r, MJnal FostolTlee, F a,

Bmal, Halsey, Nev aid W. Part Sis.

T W o B i gM i l l i n e i YS p e c i a l s

FOR SATURDAY.O ne lo t o f flue Dross Rlinpes, In M ilan

.s tm iv s Kniiey ,\rm o iir lim lils, F D 'iirh Chill* nnit Iju 'o B rai.i, sold to r tl.HII lo nil to go a t

49c. to-morrow..k n o th e r lo t o f T rim m ed tin ilo rafor I j i-

dles. M isses n n d Clillilren, for to­m o rro w o n ly a t

39 cents.

U1 Ice Cream Sets,Ilen iiliru lly d w im te d D ish and rinufora, 7 id ea 's , w orth t l , jO. h a t- iird a y ,

99c. set.

Wash Kftllor ftiilts, In atrlpc* and plum bUioAnii red, warranted fast (MdorSq with cord nnd whinlte.ilzra S to 10 yrars, rrgulur II.HO HtidhpeolAl.... ...........................................

Wash Pant*........................................ .All-wool Doubl^brsaRted Hiilt*, In

black, blue or in1z*d good*, atxf* 4 lolfurcnrii. refulur 9 .499 and |9.Kgood*....... ................... .....................

Boys' nnd Men's Thin Otals. In util- tng fliinoal. reguiiir }l.00 and 11,28...

Fauntlaroy HuHs, In hII-vumiI guodi. hutidaoinely erabnildflred,hi*eRfl to 7 ycArs, regular and H4AHpeclai........ ......................................

All-wool PHnta,RlxcR 4 to 15 year*......... ................. .

Fine All-wool Pants,regular |1.50......................................

Boy*' loawn Blnutei, miio'’ or round coKar, trlrnmed with colored ein-bruldery...... .....................................

Boy*' Dftrk Blue Gutlhg Flanue) nel Wnlitn and Hlouies, rrgulur 500* Bpnclxl......... ............................




10c.B O T T U , S A T U / iD / t r O M L f,

Very aim ple to iioo, only


D ress Goods I

SATURDAY,• T 0 1 0 e . M .


M luebts wide, for

HOT none thah qhe m riS M to A cusTomn.

I700 pleeai Aaaorted Jewelry worth 35c. and GOe.

Saturday 15c. eachKqecj Bllver and QllV llmlrptni, worth 2Jc.

Saturday 19c.Fftncy Horn Holrpitii and Dagger*, all laUwt

•lyletp worib 2Saturday 19 c,

Baby Rlog*—HoHd gold, plain or ebased, worth 4 9 And TV.

Saturday 25c. and 49c.

lay. 2 lo 5 P, H„BeilQualltr a pr o n OIKOUAM, wliU border, 55-lDcb wide, at

S e t s .iy ,2lo5P,ll,


cts.E x ln UuslRr UN BLEACHED UUBLnr,


SATURDAYo : s ^ i . Y I

Our t2.2H Universal Dotbe*Wrlhgor*.................................

OiirtltO Kxira lArg* Clothes Iluikets....................................

Our5-fout Ironing Board*........

Our No. 9 Cast ground.............

Iron Bplder*,

imported Milan, Sennet and Split Straw Braid Hats for Boys, and Misses.

Tam O’s, Continentals and Yaci^, pricesu p r i c e s ^ ■-

t o l z s o ;Ibe** pric*i. tl8q ( 2 0 . r25 to 100.

Uenry Newuun; llrmid «(,

Nome Bamarkabla CiteeR ofdeafttaM ararroorj*d of Dr. Thomaft' EqIw I r|p Oil. Never fall* to cure carech*.

Odr Clay Dleftou*!, far oeat and ▼§**» lev half drets,a leader wUb ae,loar(ltr|2D andltil

Henry Newkoff* 179 Brgad iireet^ oppoiUaWimwa.

W O I t T H * 1 . 0 0 T O * 4 . 0 0 .

About too Hats o f ihe finest quality.A closing sale o f the importer.

W. V. SNYDER IP. S.— Ws hare 0 farge assortment of. fffash Suits for Boys.


Vfll be a complete Bazar of Bargains for Saturday,LADIES’ TIES,

More lliaii a ihbusaiid pairs of l/tdlea'Ox­ford Tti-ft, Dopgote kid and lau*colored goal, for

95c. pairGteli* Dongnia kidi.*ateiit l*atb«r tlpenrlng-

lirol Oxford TI**,Mia*R n lo 2 f«ir................................. fiH*.Blxe* 6 to for.............................. .73o

Girl*' lluKRci gont sprlcgbeel bulloned boola,H/. -H12 to2 i*ji............................... ai.tesBiz©* b lo 11 for.............................. m..1>bo.

Qur HSAorimcni of I.udlcK' Tie* at Bl.fiTr wortit for hurpn***'* nnvtlilng In mir city. \V© Itevc ihem In all Ihovarloui colored lealherse na well as black.

Bay*' ten-colorH goat Laced Mbo**,Blxos 11 to5J< for...............a............ t l-g o

T m w n t T O f | 8

Bluclier Lnccd Bboot, fur

$2.97Men'* CriTee-eoPnred Goal Laced ftboea,

M'oriblfl.M, for

Ourflftr, *.quart Maslta Ketllea, ibeie are nut prison made.....

Our 92 40 Atl-oopper Wash Boil­ers. No. 7.......... ...................... .

Btove Tea KeltiCfl......

OiirSIc. ^‘Inob Feather Duatere

Our 19c. Gilt Dutterfl.........

Handle Kanoy

OurtA49 Att-ntckel Oa* Blovei, 2 burneri............................... .

Meufo Riistla C*]f Bluclier Lacod Bboot, Worth fur


Our 49c. floLd Steel llateheu....,

100 Hero Toilet Sets,Full sir*, all pieces for t\ iO-pleoe *e^ T h^e are the biggest bargnln* we everoffijftd,

$ 2.39.66 Best Cbina Tea Sets,

AU pvrfnct, piece*. A dl(foreu9 iftaMft all new goods, greatly rettuoed^

$ 7. 49. ,40 Goalport Diooer Sets, ‘

119 pieeee, Ineludlnc lobp (ureom 4 d i u ntlODi and perfeot qiuktliy,.rot, f9l)iti,^v:

$ 1 3 . 9 8 .



T H g p e g U l l I CJARGEST DRY & FANCY GOODS HOUSE^ T T t^ U L L 111


Saturday buyers may depend upon having their money go farthest when left at our establishment. HERE ARE SOME OF T H E REASONS FOR SAYING SO:


!■«*•••' H#rm.dor( Fh I Black Ho... In pteli u B lllchrlica rlbkcd. 40 aupar B U lllr, kuti* Wo. and Kc., a t..____

Sitordiy llorslDg from 9 to II o'clock,Out I., l!, (’, CorH t, fuiMmnisU I'aiig wwitt, 3 'hiu Frciii'b wunUf, Iji wtiAie itnUgruy, Taluctiac., ill........................ .........

F O U T I l i : »

These Following Items on Sale All Day:tedlM' Ootcbla* r .ru o l .~ Ia s varlclr o l •trIpM ud pum euion, aith bWnr.1

r t l c , eord u d Ia. m I* to m iu h >iik. v m from H.S) to (dm,

H ittu rd & y $ 2 . 0 8

lodiM’ Rom*d P w n o li ~ Ifi on Irodlnf eidofo M u* with Iw . niin .f, ««rlh Jfotn WldW,

SBtiirday $ 4 .0 8 .OcontiM F tr lo . Coloinc—Rciulor price We.,

S a t u r d a y 1 0 c .

R)wd.r Puah—R .tn l .r prie. le.,Saturday Oc.

B um iur Wrow lU (* -ln o n r la ty afaolon wUb fiq u iiito U itr , In •

Uorootbly tty ll.h m .iiM r, worih nS a tu r d a y $ 4 .

W hll. BtUor HnU—Irlm iB .d In natiy mnn- u«c with Whit, mull, worth n .

Saturday at $1.08.Good Wifw iUIr Bfh.bM,

8c.Oood OUlaMd Oamw,

8c.BolM Oold Ridi«, w .rm niM fo ri y tan ,

$ 1 . 0 0

^■•w PoiiiB I>ot Rlbbon.-Tb* proper ihine for Mllor li .t triiniiilnii, Tnluv Jlr,

S a t u r d a y a t 1 3 c . y d

BeUinn Ribbon.—In Ih . hc.t q u .liir Itroi Iir.ln. hi.clt. whUn end ull th .lr .b 1 . colon, I'd.-, v.in<.

• Ilk 10 lie-

O n S a t u r d a y 4 3 c . y d .

I.AdleC l lr ll l l .n lI. .1. Ilocr—lu tn n l.n d Ib.t hluck, Iticbtlleu rlhlnd, 40. value.

S a t u r d a y UOc.

Child.’ Ilu.iol H h .d . How—Ilihlird. In nil .i tH from ( to I I , Inehw, t. I u. 13c.,

S a t u r d a y a t 1 0 c . I* u ir.

I«i1leV ChemiMttc — Dork nnd lluhl iro u n d i, with iuavy .Iripn , Wr-. ralur,

O n S a t u r d a y 1 9 c .

silk F .o i—WUh be.ulirul dccnrnllou., our regular 49c. poodi. In all oulun.

On Saturday 2<>c.

L«dl*.' flaunllct Qlorm^SIlk lalBili, In g r . ) . , t .n i, model nud bi.eki, iwulrir p rlc. We.,

S a t u r d a y o n ly a t 2 8 c .

Doited Bwti.M -In new ngiir.i and doU, regular 3*r. talue.

S a t u r d a y a t 2 8 c . y il .

Iriidlea’ Unuae V’enla—In ihnrl ileevex, with I'rriicll lleekt, Jic. Tulue,

e/r and BoysFROM OUR CLOTHING DEP T.Men’. Illawri, tl.ix) gnnti..,.

Men'. Kiri|ifd (tniiujr rtannel Coal., tijugotid.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;

.S a tu r d a y 2 8 c .

C h lld ren ’i ( )a n » t V oKh—i’en ri biilloiK , in k Caleb, .n ic h e d neck.

It a> a 91 W W U ,TJ 34 Be lOe Ike U c Idc lOe like kde »lle ^

I’rlnled and Embraldered llandkirehleh—lu neat duilmin, real T*tue 8c. and lOf,,

O n S a t u r d a y Oil.

Eton Hnll.-ln nnvj and bi.ek Hlnrni aerge. marts 111 periMl inanuer Ja ih$ n$w«ii ityio,

Men*! (.'oAt$ flbd V$i[r, YNriouN venUyr ihnifriAl*. fA OU ana giM>d$

4 8 ctslannel Coal.,

79 ctsriods vepuyrb iCfM>d$..........

$ 3 .9 8


J U I V E > I T .


OUTING SHIRTS.H$n^$ CneTlor, asinrlid regniar

AlV. gtHMkSew.......... ...........

8 9 cents

Astonishing, but true, amid the varied advertising schemes adopted by our competitors. W E

ARE DOING T H E BUSINESS. Note your opportunities.Iloy.* fluting Flannel, rarlnn . ityla

itrlpe., regular 81.00good., for„. GLOVES. GLOVES.Mcii'4 Fin$ Chiinbr.iy, iu eiegunt ifrlpa

rfliTlik, In hrliolro|>r, plrtk, b-lic, df$b ftnd other effecit, tl.TiSgoudi

6 9 ceiit8 InditV Male hii.de FInl.h Oaunltoii blackt*u», gray.. Baturday’i price. '

lO c . p i i l r .

ai.»9A SALE

I^rtlwMhiro «kUr Gtoves, nil Uio Icndln? Colurniixid blaok. Kuturdny's price,

p a i r .

liiidlcV All.$llk MIU.S nlillr, black, colon, 2 A e . p a i r .

Boyit' Fnunileroj- iwouie", rolorcd nntl Hhti$, prmty embruliUrln, (J Z'i audII.M fotiUs...................................................

9 8 ctsTaobtlng Ca|», In French flnnnel, varl-

On. eoloiM illable for ladle., ml.He. and bnyr, .'.O', gnod

From $ 3 .0 8 to $10. OH. Alleralioui mad* wllbout oharge.


$ 2 . 0 8 C h e i ta ............................... $ 2 . 2 8$ 3 . 0 8 C h e itk ..„ .7 . ' . .7 . .„ ...........$ 3 . 2 8$ 8 . 0 8 C h e i t i i .............. 7 7 . . . ........$ 4 . 0 8$ 7 . 4 0 C ta o its ............................... $ 0 . 4 0$ 8 . 4 0 C h c B ta .......... .....................$ 7 . 4 0$ 8 . 0 8 V p r l f h t ....... ....................$ 4 . 0 0$ 0 . 0 8 V p r l f h t . ......... .......... . . . . . $ 8 . 0 8$ 8 . 4 8 V p r l f h t ............................ $ 7 .4 8$ 9 . 0 8 V p r l f h t ............................ $ 8 . 0 8$ 1 1 .0 8 V p r l f h t ......................... $ 1 0 .0 8


$0 .7 0 Vpriiglit.......................$7 .00$11.08 rp r lg lit .................... $10.08il3 .4H V iiright................... $12.48

$17.08 V priglit................... $10.08$10 .08 U pright................... $18.08$ 5 .4 0 Vlicklh..>4.................... $4 ,08$ 0 .9 8 Che*t«..........................$0 .0 8^$8,4t> I'lioNtk.......................... $7 ,40.\o . 0 0 CTienU.......................$14.08No. 01 Vhcbtk...................... $10.08

BoyV Imported WaphAlJe bailor rrelty patterni, S4.U0 goGde.

Boyh' Mghfwfight KulM, qll-wool gno*i 16.00 yaiufp,

3 9 ctshillorde................. . .

$3.19wool gno *1,

$ 4 .6 3

------ O F -

MEN’S SUSPENDERS.M$nuf$riiirer$' fcloek lot* of plain D n b a

lundg for liutY... ^

centaHannfliotnrer.'Sample Slylei l.i Silk

Full", reney and plain webp, regular 69c. quallLlei............ ............................

95 centoBrilStylrs In Hllk End* and Heavily

worked Silk effeeri, teg. |1 gnodi, lor

50 cents

A SALE OFNEN’S NECKWEAR.Loll, rraenlly cloaed out/rnm nianuraeiiirtri

a tu n ro w n prltea Htylg, In Trek Bearfi and lour-ln-Ilanda:

*6i-. grodi fnr.................. gn ,J1 CO gnodi for...................nso.klc. g<K>di for.....................

Kot more than 3 lies to any tingle purchaser.

Chaiuola lbs laleal auiiirncr glove, vellow or while, telt or colored alltohing, 4-iiullou mousquslalre, Harurduy’* price, *

70e. pair.

HOUSEFURNISHINGS.(Second Floor. Take Etev»lor.)

Wonderful What One Cent W ill Do.' 'MM# Japanese Brie«.Brao Feather Dasteri. Saturday’s price, *

I c . e a c h .

.5.000 White China Iiidlvldnal ButterIdalea. eqiiure or round. Saturday's price,

I c . e a c h .

8«*irday''."pHc^ *"I c . OBCb.

CORSETS. CORSETS.Ladles' CouInJIc Corseis, all iiies, white or

drab, e itra long wnSst. HHiiirilay’s price,4 3 c . p a i r .

FOR SUMMER COMFORT.^burner Single Oil Slovee, reedy for ttasotL

Saturday's prTee,U 7c. e a c h .

Humitier or Ventilating Corsois, es ira long niade aud siuyed. Saturday's

8 t)o . p u l i '.

4-burnrr Double Oil Stover, ready tor tb«OIL bMttii-day’i price.$ 1 . 3 9 e a c h .

It. d O., also W. It. K rtra Isjng and .Mr- dluiii UulBis, white, drill,, ecru, btiick Sat-urday’e price,

7 0 c e n t s .

MEN'S FURNISHINGS.The Negligee Shirt* are here In madras,

percale, flannn. all inrlt, ^

We ktrp ull the besi iiiakci.4 0 c . l ip .

. Made Socks, moder, Ians.I$$l dJACk, ^1 2 Jc . a p a i r .



2 1 C . Y D

BLiCK GROS GRAIN,All silk, * Inches wide, regular '.'Be, goods, lor..........

VERY FINE ALL-SIIK GROS GRAIN,IJ-S Jut'bi'h *3Uf, r^KulAr !?{•, gootlM, for,.... ............. ..

Lndlf$* Flue ,I>oi3golA Kid Oxfoni Ties rquArc io$, Bluoher nnU pitleal JualhcrtlDi' bAlurd«y'$ prlo«,

$ 1 .4 0 ,

For mellliig weather r.albrivgan Shirts and Draucra, all sites. Haiar[|sy’a pries,

2 0 c . e a c l i .

Men’s Neekweiy, all styles, fonr-ln-hindit,

Ijidle.' Flue Ilitiset Oiiat Osford Ties, enjn- ^ t ’oe Saturday'a

$ 1 .2 0 .

- a-v , a,., ai-y ikyur>IT1-ninU:p r^e '"" '* ' ““ ®‘*"' "** dolors Halurday'

2 5 c . e a c h

MIms** Dongnltt Kid Oiford Ties, nalent duy’Yprlce'’’ aaitur-

7 0 c e n t s .

HOSIERY. HOSIERY.Ie l7^n Vi,?]".*' ‘" " V ' '” '1 >«"»ttii,Man».i«i*, ttJl tQfl ragf. ftmiurday'a price,pair*

Children's FflstBfflck Derby Rib noie aU iiAtUfduy'f price,

........................ ........................................................J U e « r 0

4.11 JUft'itBWtori are Lhe boat, bcoauae it is the only hardwood bo* eold in Nowmrk that 4.flUod with gronnd oharooal and has perfoot circulation and dry air ohambera. ° Wowark that la



f l . 4 0 .TJi*“ ,kiw tk* only Brslayiaei atdvei ersr

■old a t above prices.


$ 1 . 1 9 ."T h e HeltAble” GAS'srnTet burn leii cai

>Tia ia . . tm w ,w aam p-w i s« t i / u I t l l i n « g B $

tbAH Auy other niujiutoviurcd, cuniumTij^ Iwi the^lCa per hour.OUH i m RKLlAUriE,«3 ea. OUR tti.99 RKUAltLE, •5.98,


a7w WRITE MOUNT*« “i^*^*^*®* FKEtZaKRS Ate the enlyrei hijle fietx$ni n«jw lb markti. ttoiurdAVMt ID h*p !**■ I K..M ei...______ a . ■ “

*r. K. LAU LRhg legular if.Wi, at•3.60.fiO feet frpiy Hubber Hoi$« reel, nocrlo ayi(!

coupiRiicTR, Ait c»mple*es weriA ' ‘ytATs S4s4D. Other rU ' w irll nA$ a Llg burgHtu «t •4.VB.

jtiled for oti« ttito iDiuehote

n is ie rd ........................... SUo.eake | Enamel■ ..............- ........ t - - .................S'-- M ivai,

......................................... .. eaeli I AC.S4 o. eaka | Enameling... ............. .............. *e. ho* i niiou'a siove Poll sh............... e,

aidsed R. frui'r* ur Pan*..................15e. Tuolhpick*, k.4(W fur................. ..■■.......... i .AdjuHUhte IpdvU’ ht-rreni............3l>v. j ►* » ■> ................


O u r

Our Jewelry, Leather, Fan Dept’sI V I L L S H O W :

CHIIDREN’S SOLID GOLD FINGER RINGS,Met with 3 tloDCP, 88e. good*, fur..'.,.",...,............

PEPPER AND SALT SETS,Traye iiepper and la it liiaker and 8p>on. regular ....... .

LADIES’ EXTENSION POCXET-FANS,Blneki luu Aitd reds regular li)c...... ........................


5 0 ^ ’

1 9 ' ^ ’J C .

VEILINGS. VEILINGS.." ‘‘’•b and crenm All- ■Ilk MaJiuv. Muiurdny * prler,

1 9 c . y . i r d .

1 0 c . p a i r .

Cordurny Hib Hoeey lAAt black, i^turdny'p prict, ”2 4 c . p a i r .

All-tjlk (Irenadlno Vrlllng, popuiar shoder, Falurdsy'a price,

LACES. LACES.1 4 c . y a r d .

Point d'Oene, rcru, net top, Biturday's price,2 8 c . y a r d .

O R A N G E P H O SP H A T E .

K^^ular iFtc. 1 9 ' '

28c., 80c„ 75c. Parasols!HALF REGULAR VALUES.

T ir ip ; B I G

, C O ? \ T I N U J i : T O - M O R R O W !To-morrow ends the early week advertised iois o f Dress Ooods.

Dress Silks, Fine Lace Curtains and Millinery.

L. S. PLAUT & CO,TOY to 7Q1 B R O A D S T R K E T .

In Sacks or Cutaways, for men, in Cheviots, Worsteds, Serges, etc., fitting, stylish and comfortable, $10, $12, $15, $18, $20, are captivat­ing our customers just now. They are correct to a hair, and hit the tasteful men.

The special sale of Chil­dren’s Suits still continues, and at $3, $4 and $5 we are selling Suits which other people mark at $5, $6 and $8. Our customers lire bound to reap profits, be-

P;i|id, h u y m o a H loyde.Ptipn, Utiy HIP a Trloyclc.

Jitiyu un it Oirlsi gflvpii f|-.hi Ptiolcp o f p ilh t'i n H ii'yrlp o r Tripyclp. ])o you

! wm it H K'x’d K nit Tor lni»lnp..k or dreas? Hoe llic iu v n ’s kiiIIn wu nru kpllliiK a t ^IT, ill I.lijh lw p lg lit (im ya,

I Woiklpd*, Ilo m e a iiu n s mid darkptlrol*. Kiiip, iiptd, gpidppl Hiid

|duruM p. ilp g iita r kUra an d aloid*. ■Mi'li'k tliiti CoulK an d Vast*, Uoyg' Sulla am i L<ui(i-Pa«t .Suits, ipilio a

: It’diiptinii ill prjpps. Hoys' NV’a.sh I .Siiitk 111 Imiidwmip .Hiylp.v, Evory |a ir- j cliaspr ofyi-y or luoro of o lo tlilna can I pcK'ct c lllic r a Hicyclp or Tricypio,I T ldu pomi'si o u t o f our t ’lotliRig IV-

parliiip iit .\dvrrM *iiiK P'uni), nnd Hd* oll'cr in open o n ly U sh o rt whilo ycL,

TORIS SI WS.7® 7"729 Broad $t.. Adjoining New Posioffee.

m 'whirtS Y wilson,1B9 TO le a MARKET STREET.

DRVID STRJOS,6 3 5 and6 3 7 Broad, Cor. New St.

' . . - I



T H E G R E A T E S T S E I T S A E E E Y E R K lV O ’WJ^f HECJIBfS T O wH O R R O W .

I Tlu! lot to be offered oomprises In ail 750 of tile belt mude and lyost fitting siiiU In the city. Fins I.adlok' Suits, guaranteed best values shnwn tliU season, made tif the very best stenm shrunk Engllsli storm serges, skirts full fashlonablo widths, In navy blug, biiu'k, tan, browns and Ilglit blue, 'fhe entire lot will bo closed out at the following siieclal pfices i


H 1 i>e. Puli’--I.,$rtii$' Rmifly Pn*t HJftpk reiixilnr soltj for lOe. pnjr flSu.-Ornto' Krcnnli Itoibrigisivn Hh(r» nnd Draworj, regular40o vulu«.

' ““' J ' l a a l l c t Tu, b „ i eTkroffared for

vmueVr:Y<r 'l"" ; '“"'■'tlda* new In wsal. arc. war;0 1 a*. i a.-A collier I*>t t'orrtpd Orgniidlci, choles .(Tbou ; price Ivii been yo.

Mann Bros.,1314 TO 320 GRAHD ST., KEW YORK.OrilN KVK.NI.MiS, a. SATUllD.Wfl, n,

Himplea Olid menaurorr.oiit blank, lo out-oMowjj euvtA>tmTk.

liouW eFim.il ltl..ekHenrietltt.|ii J.Uor blue hlnrk, ii.e .am e an .ul.t at 80c. yd., tor

bocxLrg oUargti for

cause WB jnanijfacijir$

IE jV Jarshall .U &- ~ SOUOUll, 813 BROAD ST.


rry S t,.lO R a tw ) i n o


9.8.40, worth •.1.40—laadies* Eiou nml 14lua$r bult, taUiNr-mudcuiMTaliiiD.

»:t.0* and •4.40-LirtU r.’ Ellin Bull mnrtn of dark In nlnln while, .tr ip , figured and etmihlaul.im. fii.t color-i guuU vnluo in tl.lis and I.i.(i|4. ' ’ • * "

a s .e t , regular rrloe •4 .a s —Ladle. Triple t'npe Jiicket, in.ile ofaPI.wool miiterlat,4So., Wt r.U 7tle,-J0 di jsn nioru Ludlo*’ bhirt Wal.li, mudo of flue French peiojtle

SPECIAL IN IWItA.SOLS.F ieallrn t vii.uo 31 ami •.‘HiiBh Dlu* U orin t'mbrfll.g, nntiirat a lli 'k .; value fl.Sll, *1.00. IW'liicli L .irn liivnllly CiloilaUlIk Umbrallo.. enamelled mount*; worth ll.bs, ai.OD,

o o t n > v a l u e h i n h e l t .s .L .uiei’ to illrr lleil.1, with naldijim Uiirkle.; nl.o V Ffout eett, faucy buckle.i our

regular tJ.'. Kell*. ThI* lot nlll tell m lOu.OFFl'TRINfJS IN .TEW ELItY,

liOdle.' Oold 111 <1 Mier.li*s Silver Neckliiec. | a decided^'bargain a t 40o.On* Lul Ladli'.’ Eiuimvllvd H airpin, i rcgalarurioniBk'. iH lun l.y 16«. ' ■


Wu Shull ftlso include in this (treat salo-I,0(XI Ladles’ Sliirt Waist*, white am i colorofl, in luwns, peienles and olinmbmy, w ith line tucks and nifr fled trim m ings, w orth 60o., a t

Specimen Style, 29c, UMen'. Fonoy Klrlped Outlot Rbirta with

toll boamn iinih laiintlered cullnr.nnd cuff*, regular Mlllng pilue JI.26. For Baiurday •Oc. each.

i!d UnnI/iimnr. u ''nuuanUfll.


Jff oIj»i.ookFriittiiia

f S v • ^o.

Morris Straus,727-7!^9 BROAB STREET.

• Foiir-m-Heitd Waihable Silk Tloa, regular prlcoJJOt., a t Ifik. each.

r.L«fUv»’ MuiHd Dntwvrtg m«d9 of tbeb«g|

qntiMiy mu8ilt>, with d«$ii lu'in niirt luukiL but^OTia $n<i workM bqitnnniile*, told tiffl where At SJCei lor t3e. % putr.




ijO F4iir$h BJIk H$$h>B8, ynrd" loMUg wUh d f^ p Icnolln l fr ln s r , a ll regulnir l»rlo$|l*OHf at SLIQ Biteb.

Lais' Bells.Ladle.’ Bilk nelti, III Ii.vy blue and bi.ek,

wIili frncy buikle.*, regulgr prlc iiua,, al tea, each.

Milkers of

I H lgh-Cloks . . P r in tin g 'VENING


82,000.DAVID STRAUS6 8 5 a u d 6 8 7 B ro a d , Cor, Jfaiir • t r a e L


S E W A U K E V E M X O N E W S . F l i l D A Y , J f N E K i. IS ! ia , - l> A f iE .S 7 T O 10.

£x-Hinistflr Phsips Home from Gor- many, and Out of Politloi.


B«N(])r to Awwuinu th e D ujlitti o |W e i t k - t l l i W l(|» (It* Km-

p fro r-* A lli-o iik lyn VVoiiuit K r p t o n e r nm l S « n v y K ia rv t il to U e a t l i by H e r W oeltU y b iii a i i .^ r l y l l iu b a i it l -« A tt fu ii) ; l^rJesC# L l:a ^uA^riUciul In a n A t. te m p t lo Hjitn A iio tU ii .- l> r . 1 rJtfge to B eu ifttii a t L u ln ii H vkulim rj.

William pisoirn^ wbo forowcr fourr# u n reprr»on:ea ilio m MItiliiter Ui tan Court of JkTilij^ urrhffft M No.v York jeeierday on ihc *tvnmer HjirM*. i!r. Phtlpt U'fl* fotitid chaitliig u'ltli ftflJuu‘VoytigeM lu tb e C:.,bJll AjUoorL

" i Dui Jii^i (iL’lljlnicvl iQ uci tionse,” milJ Wr, tNtrlp>, +* To he pure, my t xpcnence In Ikriln bne beat oxtrcittolr Hiirfp.iblo^ Jiitl BOW [cun Cfccbcw pointer, forSiinHloly. You know thcro !»^iioue, or, rulLt-r, oiiulit to oe Bone on !be bench, io when lUfSl Tucuduy I BTii t<wjru in us Jud|i* ol the Court of l^rsuru •n a A|ipe4li, mi ofllre wbSch cutne to me ▼sry tmetpeclcflly trnm the l»?tno rutic(K)V- •ruorof Non-.JoiHcj, I Mlitttl.rt'lliv rrnn tu'll- tlcf, at Icuel lor the term kh JoJg<'. No; all niy potlUonl ■mbUion Jius been /Envtllle l und there Is no oiilce—nol eteii a UuUeacilaiin S*naipr«bl|) nw J loc’ now—ILut I v<, ui>1 uJii- ingly

••Uurmen new spapers bavo saM you will •oou fSlurn to llorUii ttuil iiiako It your fu* lure liome? '*

** There Is no rnundntloii for such a flu ry , Ip rN um e It orlgiuaiud rrom the fuoi tbal my dhu^hliT* who rw u tly bi'caino the bt.Ue of Dr, Vnn llottcnbnrf, u Councillor In tUo Oermaii Interior Jiepartitmnt, is ticcupyluif m y old home in Jkrilu.

" Ilow a b o u t Ihe Ih 'rllii c a ’jlc (H«putclios ilalinil Itm i lu riin so-CHlieU eo n iU reu I p^o- p a ^ a n d a 115.OU0 Ita* bven in|iiam Jere(J l>/ M urphy , a n d iJistt M urphy h a s becti re- p u d luU d by uJJ trc rm a u w le a t ts ls tm d C v- • rn m n it nriicluls wnu b u d any uyaocliUiuu Wills

Mr ['helps replied : '* Itmsniucli qs, 1 prob­ably stmlMiuTu lo itLMl ihls niuder'utf uju- who nc^Utly Uax lucn MlutHer lo IJ'-rllu J would prefer not lo dis'uw It fu rlbrr Lliiiii to ■ay that if Ihi'ru iian l*eeo a wrong bocrclary Busk WAS but rcsjMmkible ior il. Colonel WurpUy wMti fdIrJy *uocejuful in bl« rnUilon. As lu buppreued correspomleucv and other alleged Irregu arUlci, Ikuuw no'Ulrig.

” TUe Knjporur paid the t ’ulicd fstulet a ircat compiltuehi. The Mijmlay befure my dejuirluro the Kmperur drove In iroiu rot»- dam, Uftceti telle-*. Ii>r the epcchil purp.^se of raceivlmg Onit-rwl Uunyuq, my »Lcu!#‘}»or, and hl(lill*'g rns g .oJ-by. 1 wu* ]>rijud m Kuuyuii If only for unu thtug. Ho w ean a Quiruim sjjJauHClly, and us he r«.»dn wit'* me to the ichlni!! lo sic i he Ivinptror all the gJIl- te*A and olln-r inllltary men on theruiiie ■aimeJ. Never having hcen a mllJtiiry tnau 1 huVe had to tveiir l^laljt blu< k clcitiitiig. Thli, of course, baa boeti to my dlsudvaulagc. Xtuuyon, wlili bla MaJor*lrencral'a sirups, ■upplles wliui I lacked. He is sure to make , aaplebdld Minister.

“ D ut.uslw aa saying, iho Hutsdiiy before my d<jjsrture from ilerlln the Kttiperorre* celved Iliniycm und inysc-lf. In parluig wllh ino the Kmperor, luKJiig mo by the bumJ, suMi ‘Come, iHju, J’lioipii, you will pgreu wkb me tliat my eiilj cU wboliuve cm!- grated to Ihc rnMcd rtinics liiive provc-d ihcnmelves lucboiicitizens Ibere.' I rrpiJo t that I tlxMiglit Uie i>utlvo-burn Amcrl.'UM* made dtitJiia. 1 auxurud mtn. hou.ever, that Ihu Germaus in Amcr.ca wore highly spprcclftlod and were uinoiig our best elllzena. Then the Kmperor tuJd me bow pleased be was that his aallur toys acqultled tbciuielvcs so well during the BAval review. He It very proud of the ua^y, M well M of ibe army. Tbe EmperorJuU- iDgly referred to the fact tbal one of b it eub- ^ecii h'sd succeeded In caplu rina my duugb* ter, iJe ■eoined lo eu loy my low far morj than I did/*

“ Wbal U to be the f ite of Ibo Army bill?" " Ib a v e lUtie doubt Ibat u tuujorily will

be relumed ayalniL the t>m. Then the Chat), oellor will ugiilti anuouhco a dlMoluMoli of the Belehsta|. and 11.It pri'baide that lUopresent Mlnisirywill retlfii. lU vijtg formei Baewoae, the Empsror will have tocou- ilruoiaucb a bill ae may betbouiiii likely to P*M. tucstnaa crUii in German polltl- e a la flk l^ "


a s i t a l l b t b e lu^cn tlub c f la u d in g a t ib ebi)ii<e.

The b n a l vrenl on n n tl i It Umched th e p ie r, a.sd In tim i UiOinent Mrv. HurchMl ttocHl up , an d c ru ttliig ovei F a th e r M clvcnna, w ho ■llil sut w llii tbo oar* In bi* bHud>, p u t l-or foot on tlu ' lluui. T hen ahe tu rn e d auddo tily mid Hoi'amDlLK) back in to Uh' U nli. T ae lic rl of hor U K flD iugbl fu one of u ic ■ruti, a n d w ith a p ie rcing c iy s b e ie:l lu lo the u a le r . Tbfl n e x t in s ia n t « 'ic was tiv ru iy foi'i aw ay , ■ wi?pl dow n by the |*owt>rful uudcr-cu rrcA l, Lor cries grow ing fu in lc r an d falirter, ae she d rifted a iu n c . The figure In (he b u a t s to o d u p ilg iit. bent fo rw ard , d iv ed iicad fore­m ost In to th e svul r, a n d briore*Co|Hdund, siupvlleU an d help less, con 'd rc /illz j wUnt b ad lu ip ;w oeJ, w as d n v i i i j wl u a l l b n furcu in m u g h ib e wa e r In pu rsu it o f i l ic w oinnn. Tla* m on ou (he losuk saw his t o r o i ’ivorkin-f n ea re r a n d nourcr lo her. T oC ysaw tils a rm e ire teb e d o u l lu jM rp her, an d th e y saw Ivor w ild , cm * vdIkIvu g n i ip u( h is cu ilar n i th e tw o m e l,'J he lU c w hirled tbum alo n g us they s tru g ­gled lo r life In Ihu u^alcr.-tho m uu try in g to free lilm >elf from ilio clu icii th a t w as d rag - g a ig him dow n, th e w on isu ma>lly hnlT jU n^ h is fsc ■ will* bor liand-<. TFicre w as one litAt, dckpnlrlng crv. T ht m s ra i a w ave oi a b a u d lu tb e d lsu iu c c , a n d tU .-u(bu tw abM liasN iiuk Irom ilg u t,

TornugU a p ren t p u rl of the n igh I m en w ere dragging llto N>.rih Ulvi>r betw een N lu e a e tb kUd 4J.>e Iliitid ri d a n d T a u iit le lb s tree ts . L*p lo u is le b o u r u c i ib e r of tU^ (w o bodies b a d been neov ined ,


r U O I ’ESSOB I t l tK B l 'i TO K E U A IV .

He l l l l J C uiklinuo IJ ti IV ork In th e Cul:>tiItieoi tflcul ^)rmlllury«

A l il mci i l tu ul the b tn rd fii d J ru e lo ri o f UuiuiiTlieoiogic.*! h c m lu a ry , Nesv Y ork , held la s t T u trd ay , U w as d cildod by a nil *ulmou*i voto th a t Ibe U-tv. Dr. runrluH A. ilr lg g s sboutd cou lliiua b is w ur* iu (be d t-p su m .-u i ofU iLllcul liU lory Ui bU hcr;u . I iw a su la t* s tu u d j'e -d u rd u y by Dr. K xra M. K ingsley , secretary u f tb e su m ln a y , ib a t th e U irev to n decided iu luakti ejN'clul prov ision Ibcit n o n e o f ihp Ktu'Uniis o f U nion sliul) s u f ­fer irum Ibe jesliia tlouH w blcb t i a r o b 'o n p u t upon the I 'rv sby te rJau l u i r d u fuduou- tiuu by Ibe G eiisrul A>*stiiiiiily. Dr. K in g s ­ley wuA asked If b e w ould m ake u by fu r th e r s tu te m e u l u f (be jiluns uud p u ipuscs o f ih e dlrec(i*rj. i l e s u ld :

“ No ; wo fee I Ll;at our b.'■Hi policy now is tiionee. D.’t o th e rs ta lk Ii they dostro. The f lt 'U o n if ilic dliL 'Cltrs WH« u in m im o u i uud ■pIriU'd an d Dio m ooting was u iiu sua lly w ell oUenucU, considering tliu t l n u of yea r. D o t b*'yoiid Ihu n:E*T-stu.cmenr of iiio fiu-i tb a l Dr. Di'lggs .K iu L c ip iiU eliM irut iu / lru c t iu a 1 1 1 tUu sotiilim ry, lu d w itb s la iid m g IhoUi-cla- ioU i>f Mio (ic iic ra t A M itinbty In ills ca«c, we agreoU lo say u o la ln g w L aisso r tu u c b lu g lliis tnu llo r,"

W A U lU M tM jN r IN' SAMO.K.

T b i t tof.overimit'iLi Muy Ai;hIii l ia ie Inlerveiio lu Maiutalu Pvacf,

Advices received by hi'creiary Grcsiiain at VVashiiiglou from Bamuu nro lo the effect (but affairs there have n'ociied a crisis und 11 may be tbaltbe I’tiit-d blutes will again bo obliged to intervune between Ibc jHirtles.

Of iaU^ tnu Lroub es th a t K in g M ullclou lias encouu leri'd In th e (ffb rl to guvcn i tils k ing - doni havi! d riven m nny of ibe In lin b lta n ts o ver lo th e side u f Mutual'u, The d isanee tton bus becom e so se rio u s th a t M uiJulua bus felt U lu bu tifcessary to crud* out the n cp lran i fur Uic tb ru iio u iiJ the udvicc« received u t tbe UiHiu D ap u rlm ciit litd ica ie (b a t open w arrafe Is u b u u l to bvglii.

Xus UalLed Htaies, GrcAi B rita in a n d Gcr- in tiuy h av e oLiIgnUd tbcmi:ti)vos by ib c trea ty of Der+iii to presorvo lijc* lu lto n u in y o f Dii) Ijluudh u nd to it:a ln tii)n o rder u u d peace. U nder tl*]^ n^r< e iu e iii II h a s been tlie uus- lorn uf the lliieu m tlions to lu k e tu n iK in kt-cpiiiu u w ar s h ip a t A pia, o r 111 tb e viclh- Dy, und It so liu p p c iiid ttiuL JUsi jiuw th e U ennuii v o tie l is Oh g u a rd , lu Ib is crisis, boweVcT, It is Ueslrublti ib iit m uro furco ib 'Uid be a t iiund. T h e iieuresi sb lijs uru th e Boston uud Ib e A d a u ts , now u l lloD o lu lu . h Is itn p ro o sb le ib u t m o ru lita ti uns o f ihc iu cuii bo etMircd. I f oue o f ilisse sh o u ld be sc‘u i lo Bam ua she could n o t rcucb ibe ro btiforo som e Liuio iu Ju ly .

O ia n ts W Ih a M lnglng; R eb u k e .H orkvlllw Hello M'ins the liO itf Istaiid

Haiidlcap--Oddi and Ends of Spurl.T h e C hicago biRa ball ])luyeri rcc i'lv ed a

sevens lec tu re from Ib c lr rcd o u b lsb lu C»|h lu lu before tbo g am e y es le rd ay , end us a ooas(<|iion<e t!iu Colts plnyeti w l t l i u v im ( h a t gave lliem the v lo to ry ov er th e GLanU. W a rd 's m en assum ed th e nggreM ive a t Ibe alart, b u t tb c C hlcagu ru s h o f th re e ru n s In th e ffrAt U is iu iinencd th e m and they oou lu n o t rcc'urcr th e ir uervo. U m pire l !u r* t u ide .l ila* ( ’h lta g o u n i to w lu by qu ee r d ec ism tii aud w as tre a te d to a s iu im o f ubusc from th e blcacb< rs. H a rd h il lin g , p tin r ff M ing an d a g ene ra l d U p o d l Ion lo pu in h Somebody inurU ed (lie gam e be- tw c iu th e liru o k ly n e n d t^ .ev tln tid te u n u y es tfn Ju y . T he hom e te am w on w ith ru ii ip u ra t iv c csuc, lti>sti>n p»undcd I 'l lc b e r uiniiD U , o f Hi. 1 /iiiU , aga in yesU Titnv and n u d e ull theU' ru b s lu (he U ral h ib itig . A N jlllnlro In Hie Iasi Inn ing s a v t’d tho vDltf^rs fruhi a wLU j w m Ii. U p to th e te u ih Im iit g m u a ru n w as scured lu the I'ik iladvJphU irriU hbiirg gam e yeste rday . T h e n tim I fo ik e rs se u l th re e intut In th e ro u n d tr ip an d wun. The u riu lo s lu ru o d tho la b lo i oil tlm C iiic liin a n laen , a n d tho l.o u tsv lile leuiii followed up t u s t r e ik by de< IcniMig llio N4'iiainrs. Y rilc rd ii} "s gam es re- ku lled a t f illo w s; Ch!ciigo 9, New Y ork 6; lirooU lyii II, C leveland (i; Doatoii 5, Ht. In iu l- 1; n il lm ie ip lilu .1 , rJ t ts b tirg O : H aill' m o re it, t'lu c liiiu iti 3; l.i>uievlllu 3, W iiib li.g ' lu ll 1.

W . D, 0 ’U riin . kr.uw n lo R rtH ik 'ya base bnll pk iro n s a.H “ D ii-lii/," d ied a t iiis Uoiae in Ueurii), JU„ ) (s tc r ifa y ufleriiiHit* a l4 o 'c !u k. H e bud beioi *:c:« f-.>r soitio tim e , and only r re c n i ly i i . f l lh n k ly ii nm l New York clubs p:av(-d a g.-itnu for h s h e n i l tu l l u w a io n e

m ust popu la r ph iyers in tliHprofek* a t b is bc^st |iin>ed a brlUlAiit

A A n iK A O K llA T T kK Y CAR.

la '- iM .lN UONKM T t J tN T IIIK V k M-

A Wealthy Hronklyn Mau jCrreiU d for* His Craelry lo Hfs HpoiiHP.The story vt ibe cruelty of Kllphalet Blrat-

ton, a weolDiy retired mcrcbanioJ Brooklyn, to bis wD« Jeauaetie, which litiMjusl come to light, tbrotta ll.o conduct of ibo legendary Blurbeard iDto tbo sbude, Tbe couple live a t 134 Gales avehur, Birntlon Is known as *'Colobel,” la elghty-ihree, aod of dlsllc- fulsbed appearance. Ha wui a widower when, about three years since, he married Ills present wife, wbu U onW tblrty-lhrcc.

Tbe neighbors knew little of the couple, Mrs, BtraUun apparenliy Tvrntout lll'le uiul they were seiduni seen Ingel her. (i.iOday l&at week the IlUie child cf Mrs. Jadwiu, a neighbor of tbe Blraltons, heard u feeble ▼olee calihig her from a window ofthoblm t- ton house, Il was Mrs. Bir.iitcm, and »be asked tbe child fu call lier inoiber uut.

In a w eak voice the u n fo r tu o a to w om an begged U rr . J kdw iu to feicli h e r so m e food. " I n ave pioUiiii; U> ea t, ‘n o r a n y b o d y lo ca re fo r m e/* sha sa id . F r lg b te n e i afr such an tin b e a rd o f s t i t e o f a fib irs so n ea r b e r ow n doo r, 3 ;n . Jsdxv ln liasUH ' pre­p a re d su tne food, w hich sh e at- te ro p ted to -lake In to M rs, B traU on , b a t found (he dofws a lt locked. A t la s t sh e ■acoeedod4ii reac h in g 11 u p lo h e r by meAus o f a long pole. A n o th e r s im ila r a i ie n ip t to five tb e p o o r w o inan AmkI found th e w in ­dow s fcaienod, I t Is sold tliDl B tra tto n faS' 1et>ed them.

Mrs. JadWin told the tmlloe. Captain Me- K elteyseni Detective Dcieimnty to Invcstl- gate. He found SiruKou sUudlng at hli front door. H y a strategem tho ds Iccti ve got Inside and Iminedlately made bis way lo Mrs, Btravton*s room. He found the woman Id bed. Upon learuliig his orraiiU she poured lolo tall ea re a most p 111 ful story.

Her married life, iba said, bad been very tiubappy. L sity ra r she had been forced k> take Itidreeetqaklug lu order to got fuud uud elot^ing, ubleli her husband rotund to pro­vide. in January, worn out wilhMork, she was taken 111 wltb perltouiii*. A phyilolau WAscalled, but for some reason bU visits ceased after a little while uud eUenrow woretv

Mrs- BtraHou loJd Iho Ueiective that site Bad been almost wlthoiu Jond for many days, when, wUb starvaiiou starlug hcrJi* the face, sbe had luminoned strength enough to drag benelf (o the window and eaU for i olp. Hud not the child been wUh- Ifl call she did not know wb&t sbo wouJd hnve done.

Tbe deiocllve called lu two doctors, and agreed that the womrm must bo a t once removed lo a bospitnl 11 ber lifu were to be gaved.

Tbe doctor who ffrst ai (ended the vrom an went to pohos headq larter* Wednes­day amt told Hupermtendeut Citiup- bell (bat be ceased nltandlng Mrs. Blratlon a moolb ago whoq* Hlratiou asked to know Mttae best means of geUlng rid of a (rouhla-

Thry Steal Fluler Money ami Precious Grins From Tlielr Own 4!hurcb»

, A dvices fj'um Ut, IHiLcrsburg, Kasj^il.i, say Ibu t tbe (Jburcb o f th e Uiuidov M onastry , w hich Is w ith in tbo w aits uf th e K rem lin , w as rte c u ily rubbed of a v a i l ii tu u u u t uf plate, n .uut'y nml g i'ins. The piuie b a d J u s t bocu used lu the ccrvmoulQs aU u o d tia i u j.ou th e leccp tiun of th e t 'e a r a n d h a d iio i been l e- tu r tu d to tb e v a u lu w here It uok u sua lly kep i. T he p ro p erty a n d m oney lak e ii un ioum ed lu vu iua to betw een 3,ijJ0,UfXI u u d 3,OGO,OOtl roubles.

Tbu police who wera put oq the cate bad a tuiplclon Uiat tha iJiievee would be found nut fur rt'ODS tho pburcb^ Aud they pallcuLly iQvestiguted tbc case, with the resuH ibat to­day ail ibeniuuks heluoglng to tbc monae- lory were arrested. A starch It* Die celts oc- cu|*i(d by tbe monks revealed that they faau [H-Tpuiraiod (be robbery. Heorcied in ihe colls were found diamunds ami oDiergemi,whhMj hud been liasLlly to.n frum ibeir MellJug<; holy rubles aod tho missing bniy vasseis made of procluiii melali,

A cbar;;u uf sacrltego h.is been made agulbib Ibe muiiki, Tbii Isa crime tbnit is puiiDbablc lit liussla wiiU tue must oevere ponalUcs. It Is probable tbat luaiiy ofvbe culprits will be buuUbod lo Liberia fur life.

Aside Irom tbe scaudnl arislur from iJie robbf'ry uud arrcsls, anotber causa for gossip has btau gtvcti through ibe fad tbat Uie pitice in leuichlug tho mnnasivry fur tbo sloicjt property io^kriicd bcyuud dispute ibui u iiui!*b«rof women had been living secroUy wltb the monks fur u cunsldersblc time.

A New ('m e f,>r Muths.From I he Djlfolt Free iVoss,

The spriug Htyle of iranip bml appeared at tifo klleheu door of u liuu-u ou Orchard street aad bad heou regulcd on whut cold victuals w cio bandy, acid be Kit gralefD,

''You base Fad nfc, iuuiiam ,''be said to Ihft lady of tbe house, as ha wl|>ed his moulh on bis coat sleeve,'*aud Z fevl that 1 should do sometbiug In rcUiru for yuur kindness.

"You donU tneari lo work, duyon 7‘* gasped the ludy.uslouisbeti beyond measure.

" A labor of love Is uover work, m adair^" bo responded wltb u bow.

"W bst do you want to d o f" loqulrcd bis bene fa cl rets.

"The sammer icoson, aryoii are aware, it Qonilng on," be sa id ," and li uocurs to me that yuUf us allgoud houMkeepsri do, must protect yourself iigalasi ibut pe^t of sum- jucr, tbe inoib. Of course, tbe uurk of going over everything and putting It away is buuvy for H woman, and If you wlU permit me Xshull be glad lo pack auay as many old garmenti an you may wish to protect from Ibe moth."

'ilttvo you hart any uxperleuoe— abe begun, when all of a suduaii the keen and uuiigent w itof the ragged epectmoii bsiore bar stiuck In, and u nmrto her so mud she rau biut elf ths place with u broomstick.

g(jme W4III an.et^ay.on Judg

Detective E^lebuhly swure out a warrantYe«tenlay,on Judge ilaggerty'siiirr|^eAl!on,

agatuit Btratton In wblob be Is nocusod of olierfapliag to kill his wile by neglecting to five her pi 0[?er Food and care. Hlri*ttou was arresiwd ut his home laUi yesterday af.or- Doon. He was balled out lastcvaalng by a frlaad.A TOONG P l l l B a ' l HUROIC U H IT II.H«v« Charles MrUaima Drowned In a

Futile Attem pt to Bave a Woiunn*s Life.Heroic bravery ycsiei day Host tho life of

tba Rev. Charles M, McKonua, n young priest aUucbed to Itag liomaQ Catholic Church of 0U Ana la Tsvolfih slreel, New York. He fried to save from death by drow niuf Mra jHargam Barobntl, and with bor wus aivapt fw ay by the flood tide.

Father McKeona had always b?«u fond of gtblailoexercise,%Qtoflatea couslltutlonal afleetlon of tbo heart bad forbidden any I d- dolg^aee In hla favorite oaidoor ptirsuUs. H i atlU kept up hie rowing practice, how- tre r, aod. In conjunction wUb an eider

bought a h an tso a e two-egrd boat,wblata w as bVoored a | V ****Iktb6r*4 home, which l e o n e s Hundred a n d , •evsnlleib street, a^]tli|a easy range of xu^ ffortb Iltrer. ^ ^

Mr*. BurebeP, a prirtty young woman, iventy-two years old,' was first onailn to Father HaKaaaa, and only a few days ago lift ber bpraa In HomeMead, Pa„ on a visit Sober node lo New York. Bhe had been only two monttae married. She bod isverat llHMaaocompaoled Falber UcKenua In row­ing exearilons, and yesterday they ventured 0(11 once more, I t waa about 2;S0 o^ctock wben (be boas woaaboved off from tbe plrr* aun UDder Father MQKenzia*i sweeplDg pirokf went down tba river. The next that was Men of tbera waa a t $ o*eloak, whenOrorgeCopelandi w botaatcbaM enr th aB d -AoBi Boat Club'e bouee a t Out Ilaudred and f irs t adwett **w F a tb e r KelCanna* whom be i a t w tM H fU ufllg weHf r o v l i i f to w a rd b tm

Chinaman and Cookroaohos.From ibo ITiUitddpbia Record,

Ous urtlM strangest suporstlilonsofClilua- men Is lUe awe with which they regard tbe oockroacb, John holds the ugly black post OH ROmctillng caered, claiming tbat U Is specially favorsd by tbo gods und a pa rttou la r fuv urliu or ibtf groat Joag. Tbe most uufor- Umaic mlsbAp that cay ba(Ull a Ctalnamau U tostopuii ucuckrouh. InitatJtly vUlonsof lerribla disastersa&d ealamUlcs arise before him. lit some Instances ibe superstition has besu kiiuwn to prey 00 on the mluds oFsbe Gelrstlali as lo drive tbernlusaue. A* ure- suit or Dili ilaiw of olTsirs, Culnutown is oveirun with cockroacbes, and a CbUiuruau would At boon think of kltllng himielf as of klUlngoueof tbfni,'

PKK805AUVi'ii.LiAV Rlack, the fG}Vr)aii, is nf such a

nervouitcmperaniCAt that he lays dowu his peu at the silgbiesl sound.

l.oDD MToiaelby, iho greatest of living English soldiers, ts below medium height and slender and lUbe of frame,

Must ABTHI7R Htannarb (John Btrunge Wloler) littsjuii been elected a ieilow of tbe Royal Boulety of Literature, a dUtlnotloii that has only been conferred upon one other womuu since tbe soeleiir was founded In 1823,

Mbs. Ida Tins Klocjcxr, of Iowa, has re­ported every n.ce tliai has lakcn place ou the famous liide|>ou(!caca track since U was opened In 1839; she Is a reoogalsod authority ou all race quostlons, audfrotu tbe owuere to the stabie buys is nnlversaily respected.

Ex-Pbesipent llABAtHOK leads a very quiet Ufa In IndluiiApolla. He is eeldoiu seen on Die streets and never goes Into so­ciety. He has hot rmewod badness reiatlups with his old partners, M aun. Miller d^fiiam, but has a desk In the omce.of bis old coudt. deullal oleiki, Howard Calv, wharohetrune-

kuasluess.JSat-«irAT«5ii IfleNBY W. B i.a ib , o f N ew

H am p sh ire , fam ed ror h is longsp^oebea, hie ed ueaitoua l bill a n d h is r^ e c ilo n os U ln ti- U r lo U blua on a c o u u a t o f being p e rso n s nou g ra ta in th e F low ery K ingdom , w ill r e tu rn to Congress th is fa ll ua a m em ber o f th e H ouse, l l s l i t s l d to be loaded w ith a few rem ark s on tb e p e o a lo n queatlon .

ul ih>Hloii, lilhl w he uittfh'M .

Thti 1; it h iockin iis am i th e f 'k lp lfa hnse lia ll ti-um of .Ni-w Viir:>-, w ill ci'tisi b a u on 1 lie CJU lral uvcuue g ta u u d s (u-iuorrow after*no<iiu

Tin* J i ff. rbun A, Ira n i a n d tb e O lrasous o f New Y'Uk huvo n Kurue ui* 1 lie ca rd fo r lo* m urruw uft ihu JelKr^Em s in - r l sfuuuil*-.

T l.r Lnni; Is 'iiud U g b lw e lg lit IlM udinip a t M orris Ditrk pM vrd s.’*»y th in g lur llu*)iiir<4 t 'lo k o r ’a V o ik v llle iKUo, th e dsugh - it - rn f Miifrr tir.ci T hon i, p 'u y ln g wUh A mbii- 1r«i)E'C HLiil her on ly op]»uueiits. Asfo r th e l/idlrH ' m a k e s fnr U jn‘e-^vur**)l«J nillc't*, i^pi'its’s N iipiitim du|iiionU 'd b e r *-uo- cvb«i u i GnlVl■^€JM fliirt wi’ii w llh o u l lunch (ro u b lr . I iv th i ' bnuillcu]? K idello nm du ihe ru n n in g u u li l mcIi in to H e s tre lc h , w hertt A iu b u b n c o luuveil up , loUowud by Y oik- v ll o lk ‘lie. A iubul.*nco w as In tu rn passed by tl.e rnvurltw iu lbs la st fU rloug, th e vef^ d ie t heltig Y urkv llle Bi-ile flr»t by ib r re ichgU ji. F ldvllu liiuw ed a lo t ol speed In tho E'urly pu rt u f the cunlcst, I h e d a y 's rac ing s u iu ii iu r ./ 'td SI f'diuwbr

F ir s t U-ic —F u r roulderi tw(wyeur-olds, a\vet*;»sinkcs uf fSliencli. w lib ll.nuo added , o f w h ich SiXJ lo svcoijd « n d fllX> lo t h i r d ; wolgUla ttivcu pounds tH'biw Ihe scale, live um t oiH-lmll fiir ld u g s; O rn u t wuii, J . I*. IJ. ■et'utiii, llu rrliig lo i* th i r d ; lim e. J,(|7, J 'u s t lk ;t[ iu g —T .iirleeu lo KJ a£u tiis t U ru u i, Id to 1 IX urrlugim i, IJ to 1 J . 1*. H,

Hecutid Rui'c—A h a u d lo a p A ncv p stiik n , fur a ll o f $20 cacti, wUb Sl.dUU uiliicd, o f w h ich 1200 to second a n d t lO d io Ih lrd , live fu r lu iig - ; L izze tta wuu. K in g le t second, H a rv e s t th i rd ; tim e, 0J8. IHwt Bi^uiug— h fv e n lu.'i iiguiiisi H urvosi, t> lo 3 LIxeuUb, ti to I K lr tl .- l .

T iiirrt Itupp—fiOijg Is lu n d L lch tw elp tit Ilum llea]*, lo r ull u hWt)i:>|is(tikcs or 8AIeach , w itli 31.2.>J added , o f wUica lu sce- o 'id a n d $KX> in Ih li’d, one m ile ; V urkv lhejieUo Hull, A iuhiib iuc! second, F iU c lIu th ird ; llini.', 1 p«Hi B eiiJug—K ven inuney Y urkv lie Dctle, 13 to 6 Fidello , ii tu 2 A m bu- laucc.

K ourlli Race—L'ldles* Biukos, for fillies tl*ree yoiir'* o ld , a sw cCpsiokus o f SIdlieacJi, w b b tl,500 added , c f w hich riV) to second and S21D to ih t i J , tiuu m ile und a s ix te e n th ; N iip litb a wtiij, I j l t j a n H ussilt second, G race Hn>Wit‘tb l r ( l ; Uiiie, l.Jil, Tobl R eiH ug—KhiUl (o u ugalrisi N ap litba, 4 l o i G race Drown, 3 lu1 L lllm n ttuii^eli.

H u b Race—F or thrCE-year-olils th a t hove ru n an d hot Won a t Ih is in eH icg . u sw e e p H ttikesof (2U each. w n h |l,0 0 ll added , of w hich S2K) to SVC )ud an d tiUu tu th i rd , w eights seven pou n d s below the scale, one m ile ; Sam W eller won. lioeba seoond. L u f lre th i r d ; tim e , 1.43. Font, H eitlug—Five tu 4 uu Uoiu'bc,2 lo I H ^alnst L uslrc , 4 lo J Hem W elter,

t l x i b lU cC '-F o r a ll ages, a sw eepainkcs offJXvacIi, w ith 1 1 ,0 0 0 add ed , o r w h ich IJU uiu second an d tlUOlo th ird , tb e w in n e r to be sold a t au c lio n , firo fa r iu n g s ; U a ia m la w<m, I4p^irtan secouU, J o h n eU a ih lrd ; lim e , o.OO. P o st iJ e t tin g ^ F iv e to 1 od i la m ru le , d to 1 J o h n e f ta , 13 lo 1 H pertau .

R lg iic ld s Iu flich e r a a t ex c ep t th e .fo u rth race m ade u p Ibe ca rd ou ih e h lt l lu p yesie r- d .iy . ifo iioy Dee co lt was th e eupposed good (h lu g in (|i1r(.eeo e lu r le is for th e opening r.iee, liul ihe lO (o 1 sJoL P liauu w on by iw u ItD gihs, O u d lh a accand a u d W llk en s (b ird , .M adden wuN a a lig h t fav o rite iu th e secood rnce. C u iionadc led e ll th e w ay, jv inu lug u n d e r a piill by Ihrco Itn g ib s , A la r ih e r beat- lu g M adden a n e rk for second p lace. W ood- chopper, th e rbnl^jj la th e tb lrd race, wod b u n d lly , Hir ta te s b y second, h a lf a leng th from P olydora. Bel D cruonlo h a d the call In th e h a jid iu iip a i f fv e a u a a h a lf furJongs, L ord l l i ir ry . rM aeu by Q riflln , won In i)*e Inst Ju m p by a neck from N ick , wMh Hcl Danicmiu A dnso th ird . J u g a r tb a w as the fav o rite fo r Uio fifth race. lit. L u k e w on by A le n g th from L a u ra S,, J u g a r tb a th ird . V'ulrt sliuw ed 1 1 1 [rou t iu th e s ix th rnoe on tb o h u m c itre tcb a u d won by th re e p a r ts o f a len g th , Drtxo b ea ting J lco d llg h t for th e place.

lA X igsbula a n d u n co m n ed ou ts id e rs bad (h e c u 'l a t G luucesier y e s u r d a y , o n ly one fa v o rite lead ing b is field u n d e r the wire,

A h a n d ic a p q u o it gam e h a s been a rra n g e d to la k e place lo -iporrow a f te rn o o n a t H u rry N u iu r 's q u o it g ruuiids, H ryuulcU avenue, K cu m v , a t w hich the w iu u e r w ill receive u 9> prlxe.

'Ihe annual louriinmunt for the tennis cbampluusblp of the MRIdia Kialea will he* gill June 38 and (tailoulng days on I he grunmli of ibe Orung* Tennis Ciuh, Munlrose avenue, Houutaln tita- Uon. Tbe events will be aiugics aufi doubles, Iho winner lo play Richard HLevens, of the KiitcKerhocker Tennis Club, bolder of tho rbullonge cup. Eclrancf fees of 98 for singles and 14 for doubles must accom­pany each entry aud be muU o the *ecre- lury, Kusieil A. Griffin, J3 (’uunlandt street, New York, before June 121. Among tbe sompetiturs expcclert are: C. E. Bauds, H. C. Millett, John Hobari, W. V. Jolmson, !L R. Perkins, E. U HtJI, B. P. MaoMnllcu, V. Q. liaii, c. H. Uunyoo, W. H. Condict, w, A. lAirnert, Robert M. Miles aud William Van dcr Kelft.

B am l lu r r l i , th e (colored s p r in te r , w bu has been a l te r H offm an, o f o ra n g e , te lls o f b is v i s i t lo O range lu s t u ig b t to m a k e a m alob fo r ft fool race, a n d o f b is fa ilu re to find Ills m ail. J l a r r l i now s i i j i th a t lf|900 11 m dre th a n th e O range peo ­p le ca re lo risk h e w ill n ia k e a n ia tc b fo ra n y nm ouQ i, DOt less th a n 930, an d (b a t he w ill lo o k for llo tfm aD ou S a tu rd a y n lg b t a t O r­an g e .

T h e A c tlv f A . C. w ill ho ld ih e first o f a se rie s o f sm o k ers a t Carlings H uuth s tre e t HftU lu -m orrow n ig h t, a n d Ibe H U r A. (J. w ill e i ile r ia lo Ua fr jc u d i a t B tullb*i, ou B road s tre e i, n t ih c sam e tim e,

W illlo Goss, w ho defeated J a c k P .gben Ip th i r ie e u ro u n d s T uesday n ig h t , w ill be k ep t b u sy fo r som e lim e i f tb e o th e rsIn b is Class fulUl th e ir prom ises. A fte r (he b a t tle w ith E g b e rt tire l lg b t-b a lre d p u n c h e r m a d e a o la im lo (be S ta te chatnplouA hlp o f th e ilgb lw oJgh i dlvD lio n a n d boldly an n o u n c ed b is In U u tfo n to h o ld tbo litjo a g a in s t nfi co iners. T he defl bus se t iho local m en agoga n d som e b s l f a doxoo h a v e d ec la red th em - se lves on th e lub joo t. F red B ritllb h a s th e r lr a tc a l t an d InsEsts (b u t Ooss bus u o use for t h a t t i t le unlcM be, H iulili, la f ir s t die- poaed nf. H e w an ts to f ig h t Oos w ith sk iD -d g h t o r im aU gloves a t 133 p o u n d s w ith ft iw o-pcm nd allo ttuB ce, a u d w ill agree to a n y le n g th o f tim e tb a t Goss m a y th in k r ig h t for tra in li ig . E g b e n 's co n q u e ro r ts n o t th e c h n p to p e rm it a n y o n e to s h a k e a ch a l­lenge a t h im , a n d a m atoh m a y be a rra n g e d In th e n e a r fu ture.

A t tho p icnic o f th e C harley N orlo n A lso- c la t in n d( x t M onday adernooD a t th e Bhoot- lo g P a rk B lliy -p ilrnm er w ill m eet tw o of the c ra c k s In hit ctaHS la fo u r-round h o tili. I k i io y Leon im d Boh (VTouJe, bo th of New Y o rk , h ave naked fo f th e Job a o d w ill p ro b ­a b ly bo g iven o p p o n u n iU es to show w hal th e y enu do w ltb 1'1*9 u n b ea ien iSriloii, ,

J a m e s M cEwen. w ho waC bea ten (n a IQO- y a rd foot race by C harles W ogoer, a t th e H a rn e s t-m a k e rs ' plccfto on D e^ rM lo u D ay , Je d l iu t l i f f e d w ith th e ^ re­su lt , and J t conffdetit th a t b e can rev erse th e c o a d lilo u sU .be Is i^llpwed au - oU>er cUauoe. A esooud m a tch baa been ar- ra ttg«d .n t IK y a rd i, M cEwen to h a v e a ■even- y a rd lead. T h e rnoe w ill ta k e p la ce a t th e bhoo llD g .P arli J u n e i k * »

K x p v r le u c e s o f » N ew ark G eu tleinaik l a aN vw Y'tirk I ra m w u y .

To f'-Uloi uf tht -VrteJ.*H in V c s u id a y nr em oou I nrerptprt a n in -

v lif tiiu n lo riiio on . a ilerus;<‘ b*it:ery ca r, c g iiip jira 1 yiiK - A'-nu* syiU iu, an d iiiude ibe irlp fr.):!* th e co rr.er of Wosl F U ly -ru u n h t ( r * f i ai;0 N iiiiu avi ntic, N< w York I'J iv . lo I h r F a r t 1^* K erry, lo pI uf W est Ouo H un- d re d a n d T h lrU c lh s irre l , H d ls lan re o f eo u u t li ln e iu tU 's ft»r th e ri«uud1rlp. It was m y llr-tA OU ial exp . rlenc.’, ellU m i|,h I buvni-x- aiiiFi«rt, iH ii ca sual w»y, o iiu r n y s ic in so f ilo ru g e jH)wor mi-1 Intve n''iit l in N -w ark pitpera ib o Ti'-.ult'= uf iny ub-.( rvaihm *.

T lila i’ar, I un d ers 'iim l, h;ix bn'i* lU in itng r ts l 'y aincc lust s c p lrm h c r , m voilng sn ’cens- fully u ll ' I f tCAisof the Rvvrrv wIu i .t , Its [HTfunnHhci* yesle rd ay was llftit o f a n oM

r fully aciim i)tiled ivKIi llHduUi.'x an d m t n | a ll h ^ e m b lln g a •ppclut oxfjorim qiil, a u d a p | (.ii- ,1 In ivn» Id he In I'vory rc«|K*ci a p r la- ll ru l s.K CO'-*. T i.i'io EMf [tlv. ly t«i p n u c r a m I It Mas I i‘r l te lly ui.rter vnnliui. (he i i a r i i n g a n d s iu p p lt i i iiiid K|w,slhig b rin g pK-chely J ik r llu*t u f ih t ' I rh l iru llo t'C urs I have rid- d ii i ill. YVbort-MO nad it eleur (rnck we run ea sily u t a S|ie«, l * xci-CtUng lUium itilb-s '[^cr luuu*. Aiiii w li' I) ive I' line up heliin l n Im n e e a r v\e d ru iH d nn'orUltigly, t d id mil UK- fov i-r m iy pvi-ullaiiln-ii aho iil ihv In u cH in gpuw cj u r i h e npp lioailun of it tU x tilid u(*t seem lo.eiiiar u u J o r ih a d o \. I 'lup lp g a l <iti a n d ull, th e ca r stup i cil cpitckly ul a rrosM iig a n d geiu -iu n y tu in i id tu b.> u n d er liiv *a»y n iid n a iiirn l niTitJul uf the m u tu riiu u .

As we It'll I-'art J,* o Kerry lu re tu rn a ra ltle ca r stu rli-d nn n n u lh e r (rack ulong'^blv ul u**, A asiwiu ns \\\> gut ficv frtnu Ih e s n lU 'h rs uud la lr ly u n d e r u a i , luiih spiHidcd u p a i i t l \*o m iined lw le l) ' ra n a^iay frum ih sea h 1 '‘. On «)iir w av hom e ^ h l l e r;N hi| u heavy g n id * wt- run (lU teily u p lo a hor^e ca r an d p n ilie d I t'lF up th e KraUe, th e huiMi* Clmuglng In n i a ►low w alk lu II ^liarp (rot. All Unu jI un>l sujm* unu-iuji] t(Mi» ul taisM i',speed u iiiieun-tm [ Wi re pejM e ; |y jn t l tirul llie tr ip wn*, as allfcftdy n n i'irk e d , u n jl iir id one ntul a e«nu- p le lc ec ii.u iiH 'ra tlo a , an liir JIM I* sli.g 'e tr ip Cuuirt be, o f Ihi- uihiipiicy uf ihe uulfil lo m ee t u ll !hq denU'iidH <f o rd in a ry sirvH trav e l, I > ie\er saw nr lu an] uf the A em e ay s trin before und iieKlicr know o r n iro a n y d iln u a b o u t U o tiicr (han as it m ay ho u u lix u J fur (he bciiUH «f i»ur eily . *j ho m iinin:i‘r i o f K olulm tliiil ih ey have uvi r> eunie t hu Iw n ( 're a l URncultieK h m lu lu ro fun- I ru ii iin g ih a aiui'age sy a tsm ^ x p t^ u sc an d Wc^lghl. R ubber Ih ^ulij fo he la(g h 'n iil> H ilinu 'd (ui'jnotH i In thecu u a tru c ilu ii o f t l ie i r li'.iifK, h r in g ln g | |ie w u lg h l'T (lie 121 K iliviiex a n d Ihe m o to r d>iMu tu hJx tun*, w iiie i. (indeiirla iii], u ab o u t th e u c ig lil uf Lbr in u lo r a n d «1ls< 'hnu’!ils un a (ruHey ear. I do n o t HKiuinv iHvuriu-v In regiird lo n chi.n 'u l d«- tulii>, h rn iu ^ u I know nuDiiiig abou t Ihr in au il do n<)( fi-gard tJioin n» v ital anyw iiy , p r o virtlii(; llic iM* a poiniH are r ls lii. 1 uiu lu ld lb a (, ev.L*ii u u d e r i Uc m id e cuudiUo3ik ul ih | s in g le ca r, tt ]■ rn ii u i ih ln (en per le n t. iff th e u sual e^|)OlJse of a Irofiey car, am i th a t w ltii 11 n g u lu r p la n t, n b e rc w iiolciale Mork crjuliJ ha done an d eenuom y HlinJjfd, It can bo w orked «l o r hvlow the Irnllcy e*|H;tjie.

1 am ItjEormed (hut ofi.TH bxvs boon tjirtde Mild uru c iili uptni lo p u t uiie uf ihi'se ra re on (he Nowjii'k treeU s uhil run It chilly (ur a w eek o r (* luur.U i uiitli'i'jy i r ie u f i x | en ie , so a s lcmln>ir IlH p o w m nm l U-:*l h s n ip .ihd l- Ih H. h u l ih la o iler hns bteii d tc lli iid by tlio-.u euivtrolM rg iMir roiid*. I d a n u t kivow (hu t th is relusUi is a t a ll s tran g e ; if lUo . \e « u rk cu m purjle i h av e tuRen stuck iu (be tro lley ■ysti-iii I hey D aiiirully do not w ant uuotheT ■yntem w h ich in ig u t pruvo lu be N U e r lu be ex iilb ltc d here, b u t as n ciU sen 1 questtun th e n a rro w im lley w hich im*y pr«venl> tiic

, ft'iun liuv ltig ilio beAt->fhu best Ih on ly Jvjht good en o u g h iu r N c a u rk . I tliorcfuru beg to ley ihe^e fueiH hc-iura viHtr re.iilers lu thuhor>c Unit cHiEj'iih «n-^ elly td ieJa is innj' so exe rc ise tU etr p c iiuus .on , ih e lr pull u ud tt ii 'lr u>. to Hec'JJe Ki Ih oJl'ered lust U'ji)pu-sllijy N tt'urc f.tr .Vewa. k the bcslo lcc .rlc.it sy stem fur o u r a t i v l iruveL

A ny Blorage sy stem Ih a i m sG tsthe rcqu lre- m e u L o f tra v e l H o d c o m ic tu wiDi th e tro lley In p o in t o f t i p i ‘r..>»e l» su oLviuttsly huller. boch for liiC pu b h e a n d Ihe ea r eiJiniiuniet, a s nlinOBl lu he M U sIdctfio loalm uf dpliale . I 'm ic r U enoh c.ir In cuiiipkMo in H sc if; no o th e r e a r Is d isuh icd by (he laUiire u f iih hnt- (ery , wbereoK, u fa ltu ra a t (ho tro lley p o u c r- huu.4u dlMkbica every c i r uii lUe line and slo]K» tra v e l en tire ly . The Ucartly Iro licy w ire IS u v idded ; th e ul'Jsctlonnblo tro lley pidea a re a m u ie d . T bls lie r ln g o f (he streeU from u iisig lillln e sa and danger D a g ro a t p :d n f w ill] c i l ls c n a generiDly, m id th e re a re p o in ts o f counuiity to bo considered by th o cum pnnles* T he s tre e t c<;Ulpm«ut of jiolea am ) w ires Is a liL'avy*4lcin, am i llio w aste of pow er Is HUotber.

1 w ill n u t p u rs u e th e maltcT furtlier, buc 1 A r is t t h a t N ew nrk wlUsKSGrl heTM lfaiul dc'. m u m lu f b e r s e rv a u l i efficient ac llu n In th is ooniiecDoD. I am tn favur of electric o s n u n d hft'FO dune w l iu l l couid fur tlie lr iDlrodui'.- lluu In itac noU ii and uf ib e c K y a o d sh a ll eouM nua m y e ffu n s In tb s t d irection , G ive Ul th e iru ltoy , If U m t is th e besi, b u t do n o t elOM Hm ielM ita aa lu n g us th e re Is a chance fn ifany ttalnR b s lT e r t \ c . H ix r

M lw L U x tg S trongXelDrJl«qittr«, Pi.

Hood’ Kd ItCured a Train of Troubles

C at& rrh o f t h o S to m a c h , R haum fe- t i s m , N o rv o u sn c a a , T ired

F o o lin g , E tc .“ I do tncl th a t I ows a IcUor for puhSle.Uon,

for H om )'. B aiiap .^^lla ha., bi^ni of ,o ( r r a t help to mo. 1 icrloualy tniilhloil nlUi rm- t o r r h c f Ih e . t c c in o h n a d rh i'M ia .(iw i,iI illst^llalJ lha l llio.l feeUn';; u n i vitv nervous, •o UiiU sohialiiiM'. I I'niil I ii-it li't 1 !h- rhllilri'U I'tu)’ o Iktl’ 1 im il I hear I ulsoli;itTspollsIII houiff l i c h , h c i t j r d , snd riiuhl not vos where to po. Could imt Halh across piy room y tllu iu t lii hi, no r do any w aihlui; or h o u ln x l u r llvi; w celii I svas

Hctpiose With Rhoumotisfh,which iny pliysiclads Saul was cliroidc, ( he- sa il to t ik o DtHHl'. Sotsaiiarllla, and It ha* done m e . 0 mdcli Kood tlint 1 earnestly rccommonil It h) my friends. I t lias riven m ostreiistU so tha t

H O W D O Y O U D Owhen yon buy shoe* or cloth­ing f Don't you go to thu place ( If yon can fliid i t) where they teil you that you may wear tho artlelca o u t. aiut tileII. it

you’re not lotisflej, theji’ll refuiiii the money T Wlir not do tno same when you buy medicine?

Dr. I’lei'cc'B Golilcn Sledical Discovery la laid on tliat plan. It's the only bloorl- purifler 80 certain and ciTcctive that It can bo (j’uaranfeed to benefit or cure, tn every case, or you have your money back.

It's not like the ordinary apriiig tnedi* cinea or sarsaparlllas. All the t ear roiitui, It cleanses, builds np, and invigorates the system. If you’re bllioua run-down, or (lyfipeptic, or have any blood-talut, uolh- Ing can equal It u a remedy.

f cou do my own wasiitng nmt Iruidiii,' au J myluitl u'woik. iHj acrti's nliMS fvcl bviw anda(i-‘m;,Tr. I l i a s a i i p f U H * . and the pAlti • lid Iruiiblft ii* my Nioinaou lixvi‘ not atnmyed uie since 1 U)uk Die first boUltii. My rrlru U nil tr ll inc I louk beuc r. und 1 Ivfi tliviu l£»»d»s ■Id Hr I have li?en lu ptwiy lor & orCjfcarv, and Uive hmU tiie rh r umatUin.morp ur leis, lu r S years. U is all guflo uow, and tha t awful

H o o d ’ sSarsaparillaCures

tired feeUng and ^ icrcro coiiali ncv i trouble me " Li^sriK s t u o s d . livmu!Ub<jui*ro. J'li,

HOGD^S P illB l>s*t sfier-dlniitrPllU. u ifitr rlurctiu II. curs lisaJxclis- Tff t box


I f so, com e to ns u t onec, nml we will lit you ill u pu ir of our soft, scuiiilpNt kIiocs, iiindc espeeinlly for luilies wlio Kiifl'cr w llli corns, biiiiiuiia am i te n d e r feet.


Blacks and Tans, Blucher and Opera Toe,

$ 1 . $ 1 . 2 5 , $ 1 . 5 0 ,

$ 2 , $ 2 . 5 0 .

W.G, U ofebd&C o ii



THESIOOWMERLY, ' 'S K “V ine re p a l r lu , , C s b ur liL iialinem s.




$ilO Casb, $120 iDsttlmBBls, $20lJOfD, $10 a Hontb.I n n e r In lie U r« , ft. ty fO iran lew l, Ilyb l, i l ro i ia a n d fiivl, DorvH Ihiy ■mill ynii h av e leuii th e uoiy CU& dkndabl

w .Opon Crtningi.

COFFIN,n m i ip o a i i Ht.

Have um l Dr. Thomai* IkilHirle Oil (tar group and eolda and deolare It a poeiilve curt Oonirlbmed by William ICay, *70c u r t , o o n tr ie m e d b y W illiam ICav.tlymoaUi Ave., Bumtia. M. Y.—a 4t. '

paiAoojonBarf moet, whofMirlu leoelveMM ntao-weak and dlaeoutactd, wll.

- .. 1. - ^ . by u ilB « O arte re lK B , ) n a M lo r Uw I

ti Ken Are j e e Ueneat.From (he New York Weekly.

Mr*. S t o c k I t we moye Into tb a t cheap bouta we’ll Icee OHle,” ^

Mr. Btoeltt—'’ Don’t care ft we do ; tt’i th e beat we ran nlTurd without lu n n in i bope- IfMly Inlo debt, and beUdes, ll’i a Comforv a b le place, atiytaow,”

Mrr. Bloeka-n Hub I Jo lt like a man. Only 80 you can be oamlbrtuble aod pay every little b'll a i qafck a t il eomta la, you don 't care wbat tbe world thm ka,”



SILVER CAP.W llh HU e i t r a g la s s o e p o v e r ihe h ic k o f th e movGimtiir, w uicfi is on ty p u t uii Him lUiar trMdf'N o f wal^cfic.'’, a sieri* w n id o ra n d suiter, w ith a w rilieu K daran tce o f llireu ycarfl, for

$ 6. 50 .w nloh, b u t a FU L L 19-

BIZF.I) GICNTW w a t c h , uiid ft s j IiI ulll<*r il-m iid $l!l. As xvu Imve utily nbm il

iuO u f inehU MmefiDS <u* hu n d ]U!prl>Rscrs inU 'icQ ll Ntmii, for w v-'H iiit*in roarc an au

^ ^ r iu f iu e u l a n d O N E ONLY TO liA CU IIU y r.ll.


_____ FOHriERLV 11* MARKET.

IT O L D O Nk n o w t h a t WK HK

\ EUY I t l i l j r K t.G IN I KKAMKUYTU B

D tm B ii2 8 U . Il),, 4 lbs. for 9 0 c . ?

Bailey Best Hams, 1 6 c . lb.

fliiios}!. Van Horn( L T M T T K D ) .

Wishes to call attention of purchasers to his


i:.vtrn SiqH-r ,\ll-wixil Ingmiim, mufic 1111.1 tiU.I, wllli pnrH-iMtor yar.l only 70c.lu|H-8 trv llri(jts4'lM, nvuili-niitl ini.l, wllli |s.per, ja-r yai'.l wuly.,.,........... ......7 5 c.Itisty iSrilsst lH, mini.- iin.l laid, witli puiH'r, ]>or yiir.1 only........................$ 1 , 1 0Vclvi'l-., iiiuilo uud laid, with iei]u'r, ]ii‘r.vuvd on ly ...................................$ 1 . 1 0MoqueUt's, tiiu.le umi lul.l, wilh isns-r, (H-r yurd only.............................. $ 1 . 2 0

l U ’r n R O O A t s r i ' r s .Ued Spring and Matlrf>« given w ith every Ikalroum Suit sold.

P A U L O U S I M " I \ S IM.Hjiiette Itiig given wi'ili every I’urlor Hint Sold.

T.i pmcliasei-s — Notice my name, AMOS HORN, heCorc ciilcriiijr the store.



IS IT GOOD JUDGMENT t. ’V,''*'" 'T i l ld l l I'ltlOKK.NT D A M iK IlO L'S

b l i u U J N . , , O l. W il l. Y iH ' l l l 'v I lK .U ’ l l l ' - U , .\S1> V A l.t'A lll.B

IX)^^S I ’MiOAI 8 to T O 8 1 0 0 A T

T h e Hr’ftu ly t ip u iu i A ll isubiirbuii I'r'-pvO.v.EA SY P A Y M E N T S . L IB ER A L T E R M S .

O ur sitlt's gu la s t H uiu luy 's FxrnrK lun vtir|>iiMGS all prvvittitH ivcuniR.( o iisu ll ym ir N ew ark frlonds wliu wera w iih u$ an d puruhaKSd !oto,

NEXT " BOHBOH ” EXCORSlOK, - - SUNDAY, JUNE 18.(K very L ady IVesuiileiJ wKU IjaiiffsAmc b ux u f llohbuiia.)

A DoDfiblfiil tr ip . N o liut tu n n e ls tu pubo ib ru u v h . N usiakv i, I'l'Dp >rtr r ig l i t •(■‘U tlo ii. L<jl$ (n'U lu thrrtie w ill 'l iu iH ; a1$ii frr’u t 'u u o m u n litiii for a Vuar *

f i t K FT’H A K D l'U L L U A llT K r i ,A l t s A T o n u O F F lrK .Hr*e«-Ifti Tr.O n lu»vc$ KlatrMufi* Av*-nu$ KinUun, I,. l. It Ii. IVyint, ftruok lyn . Hun-

ihiy, a t lO :^ A.M, T ra in loaves M nrbctH i. Deput, i'an u . U.lL,k;2JbuiidM y jiioru itig ,

t vlU lK It P A U K IN V nSTM PN 'r tIO.TIPANV,

7 2 ;t P ltU U K M 'IA L l l t 'l l .D I N f i , M :\V A ItK , N. .1

m m i ALLThin inrludeH our compotitors. The law of business is like the law of

nature—“ It Is a Survival of the Fittest"

:We said a couple of weeks ago we would clear off our present stock of

Carpets by July 4th, We are now accomplishing this object Come and "pick out what you want the price wLll not bo in the way, neither will the quality or pattern. Besides, WE WILL MAKE THEM AND PUT THEM DOWN WITH PAPER FREE OF CHARGE.

In addition to our immense line of Parlor Suits, B.idroom Suits, Side­boards and Extension Tables, we carry Bedding, Ranges, Kitchen Utenails,Ice Boies, Ice Coolers. Oil, Gas and Gasolene Stoves and Ovens, Pictures in every style of frame, Window Shades, Curtains of all kinds, Curtain Poles and Fix­tures, Wringers, Clocks, in fact, everything toward hoiisefui’nishing. Liberal credit given. Goods delivered free and fare allowed to oiit-oftown pur­chasers and this hot weather. jJ^^ELEVATOR TO EVERY FLOOR.


Chas. A. Catalan!,689 BROAD STREET.

LADIES’ CLOAKS AND MILLINERY.Tlit« w sek wo nfftr7,5 L s d in , ' F inn All-Wool n itu m a ti ( lla lh Jacko la . tn rse pearl b u ttr.’.liitoo*, h a l f l l t i td w llb s ilk , reffulnr price Sl'-.Ss..., ........................................... ............. . . . .A t S S .e Sl.iO laidIrN ' A ll-wool H roailelo lh Ib o fc r J a c k e t ., |ti hlHClt, n av y , ta n an il brow n, fln-

I t ln d e ra io . , re g u la r prlco (T.OU.............. .............................. ................ At • 3 .0 1O ur e iiilrg liun o f C a|if8 w ljl bo »olil....... , ..... ........................... ,,........AT H A L F UHUAI. P R IC E S60 U n t i l a n d t io b u lr U lilc 'r ., tyorlb Irom t l lH lo 10...-......... ................................................. A t B S cUKI p locci of n » e M o u rn in g a n d ila lf-M o u ru lo * D ree, floods U» bo d o te d oof a t AOe.on th e d o lla rm ik Q ro n a d ln c ta n d H horl I ,ti iB tb t of U tack u nd W hile H lllt..........At One-hnlf O rig inal Co«tM onte* K loe T rim m e d M allor H a lt . In a ll eo lo rt, to ld *11 o v e r a t SI.M..................... ......A t (ID d a


r A R K E T[u l b e r r y ;LECHANICS lf i 'i n i & i

Special in Pictures.




500 PASTELS.qSC. $1 .9 * .Heir. ht-K. Keg. Keg.

500 ARTOS & ETCHINGS.$i.49. S 3.49. $3-98, ®s.*9.Heg. Keg. Hcg. Hrg.iytS- |7.*9.

Geo. A. Scheller,

Granite Iron Ware.|Mi:w nErART«t.VT.)

Inspect tbe Stock I Inspect the Prices i

Plain F ipm ,O iifi Price,Casli or M t

t290 M a r k e t S t r e e t ,

N e v P n iu y lv a itla Depot.

* Watches.

The Mutual BenefitTHE I.KADJ.VO OEOCEB*;

738 Drpait Si., S, 4 and 8 Commres St.e r r T H I S O U T I

nSr;,'’®*’ "loro* ~W Kerry »|„ eor. lliiinn; 103

RuteUlihML Kttmito

*8522. o a rv to

All loTon or the deUeMioa or the use Angoeidr* BltlifS to iioaro » digetllba.

tab legO'wl''

P IE U lIT ie T I IE I t K T T tI VIIEEL lU C .iMiiUMOTttiiio ay

HUUiEiireiKi$.&iiii.,t* W .2 H * « m t,

0 pp . |(h A te . HaW, N lw V q r t .,

FOAHINEF o r keep ing tira lg ta t lis ir In

cu rl. F tloo iB ftndS O een l*

, SULTAEA-For itnUutf lips andctiMiuk rrioOtWoujita

Parian Lotionr o rw b U P O liig lb e ik ln . PrloetCo.

Bold by leod lB f O rnggisia nod tM c r geode koBeast U a d u la e iu n d a o ltly by

MA.OAME B. weSTERVELT,213 W a s h i n f i t o n S t -

F rea t r ip io tbo W o rld 's F air. ■ “ &luko hay M-hll« Ihu su n H uv.youp iji$a(M«tt'uUmoo C uuiitany , ll7 M ulberry an d sav e iiiuiioy. T h is so re ly itiu bontpluo^ lu Ihfi'Hlnra lo g p ify o u r m ottla cIkwr* i uodilcig h u t tiiti bN f. tiOfik n t rnv prloes nod

flK'ni w llb w taa lyo it qrv pMVtn/:I'rjH ie li lb UoAsl.................. .......................fi) . 1 2i 't iu e k ilooKt a n d miduic....................... ,6 4lluu ijd Bioftk..... ....................................... .14B lrlu ln Btvait............................................ ,i<X^urlf rbouiMs M onk................................. * ,|fiJe rsey JUIlk V ea '.................................... .nnH liidq t)« rt* r Ijitm u,,.........,...... . 1 2Foroquartor Dumb.HiowHottl.Cofit





AlHBI DOisD • . i-m ld o o AAiMtt (Market Valno«),Jaii.l,IMJiLtsl|ilD6LWil jf Liabilities N.Y. aud Matt. HtanO-ard.,..„...... ....... ...... .—.. (T.nM.euatRurplua........ ............... ........ ...... k,lkil,Mu.dl.'b u rp lu t, by fo rn ia r N. V .H iauuard

(Am.Ki. etc |H‘r cent, lltaerve) d,IIU,463 01 llalcB Ahaoliiloly KaM-rorlbl table AHoo Sfeeeod kaar.

lb rA-uK o r I.A1W. too pulley it cohtixuco

f a l l

nf roaca hm Uuijj; aaiiavuiuo wiiKpuy for; or, h proforr«i;a J*HiU-wp Fgliuy tor Us fall t ' l$lisue<lin exoliauKt;*

1 yaliwAlter Ibe soooud yenr FoUoiOt are Inootor'

YaBTAaLfti aod oM rmtriettoni ou 4e restoewA trw fl er ooeupal^ii or« rsfnevME.

(jAftU LuA^a are mado to tine extend of ijo pec. cent, of tlic roserye value, where yoIUI apslfnmenyi of the pol kies flan be made oft tiifilaleial seoutlty* .

Lowm puld Imtnedlatsly ui>cii oompleUda and upproval of proofs*

prtiUoS <» Uui w$p$ wmiTcrr> (Aey M /h/ Ms uajurtU retuft or fickwriueie m a paper wtM taimnretffu sf eastern flod rtrsufr* hcasudNurtOs//iBI'Weateeik UsticsiiMareAuuiia l$taeraf9Vfn0a


N E W A K K E V E N r a O N E S T S . F R I D A Y . . T l . X E l ( i . 1 8 0 : i .

COST OF M CML MN e a r l y E i g h t a a d a H a l f B i l l io n D o l­

l a r s S p e n t f o r t h e U n io n .


T u t C ip*iidltar«i Whleh Mhn« »i WhJit th# R«b«)U«n W u I'm l>owo«

A Or«itt CoiottAi fwr rrlu«ipl«'»Bom# €oap#rlooDM Vliloli Celt* ft t'oJat Idoft #r tlj« Amount.

From tb# York Hua.A ooutmLIodoI rormulA rroquantly em*

plo/ed b j loOM tptokora «od wriirra, la tbot tbo War of tb* HoikiIIIoq coat ibo S'urib a BillUoo llTM and a blUioa of trtaaure, Tbc itaUjiiatit ti f roMlf Jnarourata al bolU tpda. TbaeNtlRkalaoftnortBUljr Uakccoilra, wbU« Iba oaUmala of ruontj tipeoailuro la rldlcu* loQily inadequate.

Tb« number of offlcarf and niea ariiially fclMad in bollla ia all of tUa Unicio armita durlof ib« four> ranorw ap)barrly ixrevdi M.OOD, Tb« uuinber of ikiM «bo died <»f woundi durto f tba war la Ina iban SU,ui)0. Tba oumtMr tbat dUd of dliaaiioi, cltbar rr- BuUlDf from IbabardabJpa aad eipoaure of w arfart, or tba lacldani of ualural laurtaUCy In a tra a t kwdy of nitn. 1h about IKUUD fur lha four yvara Adding even iba 91,UOO caaaa of ditappearanee^ oo&Taoieotly charged In ib t reourda to death *^from unknown oauiai.''Mbo total mortalttraroiiDf ibo Uuloa troop* during the war It HOt.aw, or Im tb ta a third of tha mlLllon Kuppoetd by many people lu bave perlthed on tbe battle Held.

The parpoaeofibepreeenl arilcle le topu t together tome of tbeltam a of exp ndliura Bad loee olearfy and directly churgeable Co tbe war acro iin l; In other wordi, H> Ntabilab a miDlrumn eiiim ate of tbe money ooet of preeem iif tbe Union. Jf we were to gel to ibe tnaiter 0/ oouMquepUal daraagta, aueb a t tbe paraiyili of certain breuchrt of bual* neat, tba tukiMutlon of trade wllh tbeHoutb* vmHiatee, Ibaextlsclloa of a larRCpariof OUT maflUiae coinmtrot, the limucriM lou rNulttug from tbe a r m t of iberiorm allu- ereaeoof population and Iba peaceful detcJ* opreeni or tha natloni rttoureet. we tbould peat a t once from tbe domafn ofpr« clit ariib* metle I0 that offague cob)eoturetnd uiiwcrl* fled ipeculatloii. Tbat it nol our laltnliuu. Tbe flgurea pretented below are outy tucb a t are aifordad by the official rxKirdM; or, where I0 tbe nature of Ihlngt ib t amounlt aet down are luere aetlmatei,* the rac*, it etaled and ear# it taken that Ibe ctl)mal*i ahaU be maailkatly well within tbe bgiiadi, Tbe aeveral olaaaH of expeudllurt or direct toti to be ooDtldered a r t i

1. Tbe earrent war eipeniat paid duringibe fear yearn by tbe Uolted Hiatet Oofera> tuent with money ralted by faiation or U> rowed upon the uatlou’H credit

t, Tbe boauilee paid to tbe eolnuieefi d u r Ing (be War by tbe tttalet, or from other aouroea tban tbe Federal (toTemrueui.

t Tbetiiuiiey raUod and expebded by or* gaDliatlona of cltiaeni for tbealItvJallun of lb* eoldlert^ eouditlou.

4. Tbe direct lot* to tbe batloa'i weallb, r*- •uiting frum the employmetit lu military eervlot ufcitliieiia who otberwlae would have been producer!.

(L rh9 war elalma paid by aot of CongrciM alnce tbe war. for Iba deelruotloa of prop­erty, or tor other maaonii.

1 Tbe 1 uureet on tbe war debt ilace l«ej up to the proMnt llm t.

7f Tbe expandltuTe for penilnnt to date.The tcioai current war expendHure dur­

ing U e Jour A»o*l year* from Ju n e30, UWJ, to June 3(1, IBBI. j* eatily atcerulsed. 1'be net ordinary txpendliure uf ibe OoTerumeui during ihal period wax a t fuilowt:

Mtom yaar ....... .............. jM.uuximFlioat y tar law....—

Jo U l...... ................................... .But tb li IneludtN wbat the Ooverunjent

would bar* ipvuunbcrw bad be*Q no war. To teparai* the two Itcint we have uuly to dfduoi a t mnoh at wet actually ipeul for allpurpot** of OoTfmraent duriug (lie pr- rloa of four yean Immediaiely prcc«dlni the War, If It Jeaald that uudir normal rlr- oumtUBcea tbo co u n trj't growth would bave loeraaeed tb* ordinary cxpendllure for 1809-Uai oTtr th a t tor th i IBM-IMJ perloJ, It routi be remembered that ibit poetibi«lo- create wai more (ban btlanoed by the rc> ■trlctlou of Iba Held of adniiDiHtratlon dur­ing tbe MoeoDd period lo tb* Northern and border Stale*.J^ltoal year IBM.......Klacal year Utm.....KlMcal yoar I8H0...... .Fltcal year iBbl.......

............................................Deduct from ib lt the total fur ib« wai

period a t aboec, and add tbe lotil paid by tb* OoTcrnixieDi In preioiuiui for Ioann, an llem nut Included In tbe atalemeDt of an­nual expenditure t £x

oonUined la tb* Army and Navy Approprl*> lion hill*, in the aunslry i 'lr ll, In tb* Mlt- etllantout, In Ibe Iwffclency and eltewheia Our citltnale of tbe grunil aggregaie of the** Mpprupriaiinni ti enllrcly arbitrary. Huf- poalng ihat the war claim* allowed and petd by tb* (iovcrhiuuui tine* HMtS bar* araraged <'iily fAOOO,UQOn year. Ui« total wool I b* ||pi,- 000,UUP, Tbat It llw *0111 which ue charge tu Uila Item; if It were doubled, w* ibuuld cob- ■Ider tbat w« were tiiU well wltbln the bounds orprubabllliy,

Tbe iD ierM t t« ld im th e w a r d e b t cau be iU te d ac cu ra lf ty . T be g r id u a l iy dHireaRlng a n n u a l payn ion i* on li tir acciiu iil before Lba.. f ltca l yt'ftr ]NbU| a re In rlu d c d l i i t h a n e to f - d ln a ry t^xpeiiMia a* ih o u ia ab<»rei. b lue* lS<t5 ib»y b a r e been a i fo lio w t:►'iMcat Y*tr. KiM-al Y>ar,

............. iii'i.nfiT.wi'nKH;*IW7INiWiwv..liffo.Jiffihds.UC4.JNT*.JK70.tunHffN.1379..

]4l7tl..jlM iMitl... l4J.i:£t.uhi liw:' ... l!ltUi>,1IM IKM4.

JI7,HA7.M0|lltW JIM.fdOOXri j>*r..

... 107.1 m.’dSIHWI.

9T,Lh ,:>i:I m m . ........... . Hihui ..............



M.lli>|.77N.'>7.N.Yi.riMf.twi 47.711,7*77 W4.7l-VHr7 4J,U0l,1>U rv! 0!Ki '.m


Total tlmw lb* war.................... ♦J,iAi,KA,l(J*iTb<* laimion cx|Njndiitiir«i»u acutuiiitui the

W ar u f th e iteb tiU n a h a t b a rn lucretM lrig a t tleadiJy a« th e l i i 'e iv t i cliargu hat dlm iu- lih cd , Tlie a n n u a l l<iial«, at tia c e d below, lucludo ]wai|m)i paid on a c c o u n t of the litx icau W a r au d ib e earlier w ort, a n d a * b a r e tb e rr io r* Jiiade a dMduclimi for the eaiuD. At .Mvxlcaa W’ar vcteraui ai$d ret- o ra iit o f tb* c 'lr l l War w*ro (ur yrart eu- rn tlad on lb* Unit under Ibv eom ntuii h»ail o f army iDValld*, Ibeallowauce lo b e m ade fur peutioni paid ou accm in t o( other wart th a n th e Uebelllou in u t l lie a m a tU r o f tuU iuate. W'a have aiiumed an aTirego of tl.00J.00i> an­nually, and hare dtduclad from tb e grand total,|11^00u,(KX)on th ia ac c m i'it i Mtcal Year. K itcal Year.im . .

..1«B....JWfl....IKTO.....JS7I....} m .....IS7J....IW4.....IK76..,..Ilffi.....IS77 . .. MTB .... iBm.,..,

......Hri.ftk'i.TJo iww.......... Ju.ucM,.V);; iKHi............y3.7Jti,;«7 jftej „.........yK,47eui' lUKt.......... . im . . ......... . IBBt....................ai,JlW,li7:INH7............. a>,(1jn,4m :p ««...........- \m . . ......... . ii<!jri7.jMnNun...........i'7,«i.7.iaiii»i.........!ff.l37,OlH;lNp,J.

....aw,7n,i7t......... . Ul,;l4.‘j.t9f.......IW,li|2,iff4............ /itUUJ.iU?...... . «;i.404.mM..... 7ri,UU9,l(»........... 87.da4.779...... iat,4i&.;i6i

..l-'M.M:l,0's3.... U,Ul,48a|lBSU...............IM,7.?7,&'iU

T o la U ln c e the w a r.................... |l,.V»l,IUH,.VWti c t t allow ance for oLb'r p 'u t 'a t 11‘J,UUD,U00

fl,ldl,lW,j0Ullv ca p ltu la tln g lbe«e aeveral l ie n ii o fex -

pvod llu rt', am i o m illliig from cu u ^ ld c r tl lu n a n y o f i h t o ilier m y r ia d ao u rcc t o f (-xpviue o r Jo«t p roperly b u t Ipik d lr i 'i t ly chargeuLile l o i b c t ' l r l l W ar, w» o b ta in a fa ir n iln lru u in vallm at* o f w b a U lc o t t tbe N o rth to preaenrv the U nion.C u rren t w ar * x p«h taa-.,i.......lb juulJ*a o th e r tb a n F cdund.......M ilfn a t id p riva ivQ M tirlbu iluu t, Ix>MoreoioTer«' p r id u c l lv i lai*or.W ar c ia tin t of T4*riuu* t o r i t ........liilareaton w ardtbl............ ........rciiHlon* on account of Uvll War.

. »,N1.970.(KM ;r'Jll.Wl.l'JN rju.Osu.dUi

1.0i7.;i4l.JiW J iP.miuuiu



j^ n d ilu r* tor war period 18«2-

hUM allowapoe tor p e v a ' exMn<dltur* .................................. .

Prem luiuioa QovH war luaiu..T otal ....... . .............................



fi},ll4,Er73.0K7 T b a to ia l i o f lo o tl boun ilM p a id lu tb « tev -

• r a l S ta te a to fill i h t i r quoU a under th e c a lti o f 1BQ8, IM i a n d J86S a re o b la lu ad from th e re­p o r t to r 1360 o f I'TOTOtt-HanliMt-Ueocrw! Ja tn e* U. F ry , w b o teo ffic ia l oon irlbu lin tie in tb e a la ll t t ld a l b l i io ry of th e W a ro r ih * U t tMllJon a re o f Incu tim ab te value. W e o u m from ooD Xlderation a u y aocoD nloftboinoQ oy p a id by S ta le* o r tow na o r Ind iv iduals, over a n d abOT* Ibe a m o u n t refunded from tb e U n ite d S fa lc i T re a tu ry , for tb e ereU iiabie e q u ip m e n t o f Ib e Iro o p i een t lu t i ie r r u a t . T h e to ta l w o u ld be very largo, b u t It Im p ra e tto a lly In d e te rm in a b le , M uch uf tbo iooal b o u n ty m pney \rm w atic il on acouu- dreia, b a t I t w aa ex]iendod, bovcrihcletM, and H beloBgi la t b l i accoun t, Une dcajieraie a b a r a c u r w h o w a ic o D V Io led a n d acn ien c td l o t b e A lb a n y r e n l lc n t la ry tUnt heb a d d ra w n a n d Ju m p ed lb* boun ty u u U e it th a n tb l r ty - lw o tlmeM, The a m o u n t thUK p a id from ib e beglnuiD g tu t j i te m i o f il ie w a r In tb e loya l Miatee o r g n tu p i or Utaio* i t ahow n In tb o fo llow ing ta b le ;T b ^ N e w E n g la n d H ia le t....................fi2,B78,«ni

T o te i................................................... iH,«a,ifc,0!7T b e te flgurea itag g o r th e la ia g lu a ljo n .

tJ k e a l l ty m b c la ih r q u m iilt le i to atupen- d o u i a t lu be far beyond ih a aoouttom ud rang* o f th o u g h t, th e y go from Ibe eye to Ibe b ra in w ith o u t p ro d u c in g Im m ed ia te ly an rlTeut a d e q u a te lo tb e i r in a ib a m a iio a l 1m- |M>rtauh*. Un* mlllJfMi e u u v c y i th e Idea of vatinerA , 0 0 0 b llllun o r * tb o u tn n d rn llilo a i eo iiveya th e Idea o f ao inctb liig vaally vaNtcr; b u t th e dlff'ereuce beiw evo on* b lliion mid e ig h t b ll llo n i 1* ap p rec ia ted tio w ly , an d outy by a n lo d l r tc t p ro ee tt. W 'bal duev I t really m ean , tb « u , w hen we eay th a t Ibe m oney coat o( tb e w ar lo tb* Northr a lou* w a t nearly d ig b l an d a h a lf bU lione o f d o l l a n t

Tn ra l t* m oney ennugb to p a y Uie bill In on* lu m p eum , affli-y v o te r lu th e U nited H tat* i w ould h av e to o o n tr lb u le m ore tJian 910). J f lb* burden w ere dliirlbuW Hl Amnug Ibe w hole e a rth '* populallOM, every b u m a ii being, m an , w oiiiau o r o j l ld , clvJJlaod o r ta v ag e , hT iug anyw bur* lu - la y on tb * fece o f Ibo w ould be ta x ed a b o u t fti. I fevery gold u r Milvvr co in o r plet'e o f |a ipcr m oney now In c lrc u ta d o n n iuoug th e four b u n d le d m illio n people uriblM c o u n try and < f fe^hglaud, Franu*, U erm uiiy , A u ttr ia , Hol- la tid , I ta ly , S pain Miid l iu ta Ja ib u n ld bu g a th ered In a n d co u n ted , the t o u t Tatu* re- ilurod 1 0 U n ited S ia ie i in o tiiy vrubld cover on ly lliree -qnarter* o f ou r w ur coal. ’Jh* a m n u n to rn iu p e y In d ic a ted by tb e ffgurei, fH.126,lH5,Oi7, It u in re th a n flv* tlro ra lb w a g - g regaie o f driMMitt In tbe 3,977 N atfunal b n n k to r tb e liu lie d S ta le s ; m o re th a n Ave tlm o i tbA> a g g r« |^ t« o r d e p u e iu io a i l uf the feavliigt b a n k ! of Ibo U n ited S te toa; m oie w o re th a n e ig h t t im e t th e a g g re g a la o f A - tm iU t In all of tb e S la t* b an k a , tru e t turn* pan lee a n d p tlv a lc b n n k lu g cu n o e ru i In the U nlled S ta ir* ; ah iiue t doub le tbo aggregaie oldc'iKAtU* iQ a l l o f th e ta lu a l i lu l io n t com ­bined ,

B ut tlkcr* i t a h tiopler a n d 9 l l |l m or* alfU * log m e th o d of a r r iv in g a t tbe ■ Igu ldoaito tW tbehc llguroa. I t c u i t tb a N o rth 18,42.^18^,017 lo keep tb e B uu lbern H tatta lu Dm U oioo. Uy th e ce iiiu t u f ISII3 thw u itlm a io u vttlu- a l lo Q ^ lru u v a iu a llu u , n u t akH‘iw«d~4»f all prupw rty, r ra l an d p e rto n a l, lu th u -cu levcu Htalee w at *e fo) Iow a:V irg in )* ,.. ............................................. l7S#,i,u,(|siN o rili D aruliuK ........................ .............llXIai.IMIH nu lU C n ru lln ..................................... 54H.I:W>4,

................................................... Wi.Hll^ai?..................... 7;i.Ml,.',IO

A k b m iu ,..... ................................. .............M lu lu lp lil ................................................ tl«l7,3i'4,UlllA iu la lann ................................................ IWI l l t iu s

................ WO.'JUU.U,A rkanva*................................... ily .atitT itle im tu c o , . . . , ................ 4W.onf‘Hfi

T o lal w ea lth o f tb e eleven.... ....................... -...10.202,1811.507

T b u t ll ap p e ars th a t, In ordw r lo keep ihettv eleven H talui uiMlar tlig ffag, lb * N alp m Iikm p a id a t le u ti tJ.223.UlA310iiJur* sba*: lUc e n i lr r v a lu a tio n n f a ll n ro p tr iy lu iboae eleven tt ta te i u i lb* tim e w boii tb o w ar w et foughi. b u t th e w ar fur th e Ifn io n w ai jouiclit fur au ld«*t a u d tb e M ea wan wurUi n il ii b u t coHl.

' N*w York,................New Jer**y.......................................Betmaylvaula........ .............Delaware,Waryiaudaitti DNt.of Uul w ext Virginia aud Kentucky,O hio,.,........................................... ^Indiana....... .......................... ”'l"’

^ l l l l D o i a . .............Y . k flcb faau.aiicu ig i

M Ja , how a, F iiu n ., U o, a n d K au ta*


J£i,5i7MlT3 9.182,354

]T.;lW.205 9,044,avi


.................................................... |28.'>.9n,l*Throughout tbe North duHug the wai

there were nut l««t tban 7,QUO luca) aatoula- ilona of patriotic men and women coiiirlbm* lug biOD*y, time and arllcj*i of every de- acripllon to pruinote the well-being of the, aoldtcn flghUug at the frunl or lo add tu tbeir oomrori, Botldea tbe«« local node- tJee, there were tucb organlxatloni as Ibe Baufury l^mmltslon and ibo CUrlt- llao C^mioiatlun, operating on a Urge ecale and In the geueral field. Tbe Sanitary Cummiation alune ral*«d aud ex­pended more than 9A\000m The aggr^ai* of tbe ootftribuLiuoa of kMuclated or in­dividual palnoilMni, from the *{>glely u t little girli wbo told tbeir gold rlugi aud locket* for the benoiU or the wouuded sol- dler» lo tbe vapliaiiit who cuuliq>od a regi­ment a lb li uwnoxpetjite ur pare a aleani- ablp lo Lhioulu’e CloTernment, can uevor t>e (Huupuled, Wbeo we tel llduwn al|50,OCO,UOO fur the purpotea uf ibis Inquiry, we are mnk- Ibg a Vary low uMtlmatc.

A la rge Ham p ro p erly belongtag to th e cost o r ibe x a r la the lu ia to p ro d u c tiv e Induniry o f the t im e a n d labor o f ib e c liltco a w ho un­listed in th e arjMv. Till* lien i I t approx]- ■ •laielv a ce rla lo ab lo . T he n u m b e r u fv o lu n - teerii In te rv lce a t th e v a ru m i t l tu e i dcalg- UA(«<i i t >ll.iwn li>'UilM ta b le : eJ a n u a ry I, PNTJ..................................................J a n u a r y j , jtw j........................ KH-»'7 i&i

Jannarv 1, 1865............. 5r?‘i,1.1*0....... ....................

_ A v*™ ,e................................ ..................If we i*keS,7.7ul lui llitt ttverej^e uumbcf ul

men lo llio Uuiun ernik'S diirliii tbo wiw, •nd ciUmeie tlie eerulu* repudty of i|,u •verSf* eoldler ut I30U n .veer utioTu ihu co«l ofbDuwn mbeliileuee, ibo direct liie.oocu- iloiied by tbe dlTorelon Iroin produclfTa to ntipruductlTo lubur would aiiiuuut to ludf.' )I10,XK) u your, nr for Ibe tour youre of tbo wer period, to |1.01T,2iI,m

II would be Ufttimn to cJpbrrout Ibe wbolo b.n\nriri polo elboe Uie wer nuderjonerblorepeolbleeHof Uontreei, in' compeoietlon for the real or ullc(ed dulruc- Hon of property, or for wer euppllM leleed or lUrultbed, or lor tudemoll.y ibr loei of pep aoDel effreu, or Idfu beoe pey or bounty of volunjoere, or for lioriee or inuln loet, or for tbe rwimburaeineiu of bteie, or minor dell dlTlelona for expendllurei mweiillaled by tbe wer, or In any otberof tbecounltejw waye In wblcb the wer etlll drewe upon tbe Treet- nry. For thirty yaire tbe iuTvetlteibin of tbeae ire r cleliD i prel I in] uary bi tbe iipproprl- •llou uf money for tbeir pey men t, be, oou- ■utulede large eud eiecllbg pert of tbe labor, of Oongtota; and, in tb* later year*, of tbe Doun of Clelnii. Tbe liami, |» e t end traell, whlota would bere lo be oiio.ldered one by one In eny ettemptnt elect eKerlelu- meol of the tMol, ere elmoeiiBllolie In nuni. •or. Tbey *M iteaUered tbrongh tbe Trce.ury Sooke. la mieUUndlnua, abitwi. Xbey ere

BBtH'ltSTi, I IF n o D K l.

Nome of the Velnul.ln .ViUlttlone Me.le lu Kduuetl.iiiel t.MlnbllHbnieut,.

F rom Ilia (.torolilM .tlegazluc.About the uluee of the fourteenth ceu-

tury Londonere begun lo inenUoii gilts of books In their wills, and Hinion Briatowe, clerk, 1371, leaves his portifory with niusle lying lu quire* U) the Church of fll. Mery Alderineuhury. John de Kenyngton, rec­tor of Ht. Dunstun's toward the Toww, left a book of the Epistles to thot church, and also money lo buy books. But wotlnd little encuiirageincnt given In these early Umee to litcreturo or learning.

Nearly 300 yeers later, In 16.77, Tliomos I.«wdn, ironniunger, directs that the sum of £6 shell ho dlvideti tictwoen two poor scholars, one to he of fliford nnd the other of Cambridge; end Dr, Hharpe adds 111 a note that “ the sum ofXlSlsnuw paid yearly to each of tlio oxhlbtlloncra, inslead of £3 10s.” During Urn latter part ol'the reign of Henry V lll. hetiuvsls for "pious naua” became rare, and the lust of such betpiest* Is made by John Walson, brewer, 1541, Ciindlea, masses aud Iren- tats have disappeared from wills, and coiii- panles-ino longer ealled guildsi, hospUuls, se holers and prisoners appear mure Ire- (|uciitty as tegatoos.

Tbe will o f Sir Thoniiis Oresfaani, mer- e e r , 15TB, Indicates the eathnallon in whftb the new learning was hold tn Ellltabeth’s r e ig n ; he provides that lectures shall he read on divinity, a a tro n o n iy , music, geometry, law. physic and rhetoric, " None to he chosen to read lectures so lo n g as be be marrlgd,” The Gresham Lectures ore still a power in the land ; I do nol know whether the lecturers are at this day eicluslvely bachelors amt widow­ers.

D A M l i I ' . V N I I I O N ’H T A N t l l U S .

T be new est cu lf . a re rea lly v ery p rc lty . T hey 1 1 1 0 w orn u ii t t ld s th e .leeves, a n d a rc sh o w n In Iscr, lliieil a n d k id . W lih o u lliig giitvus tb s k id ciilfi a ro elioscn to n is tc H a lacs corselet a n d deep ooltHr a l tbe neck of lb s lu m a in s te r la l .

A s lm p ls .n d s ly ll .h tra v p llln v eo s tu m e I. o f H t r r I . Iw red insdo u l l l i s l lu o lii i i blouse, a flnriiig e inp lm s k ir l , vcr.v fu ll .Iw vca and a belt em b ro id e red In rm ib s tr b ra id . Tha san io b ra id o rn a in en ls Iho foot o f Ibe a k in .

Jew elled c o l la r , lo c la sp llehlly a ro u n d tb e neck a re of le av e . In E m p ire . ly t e o r tw o w aved rib b o n s tw tsied togo tlie r In L ou lsX V . faab lun . In d ia in n u d . o n ly o r d ia u iu u d s aud ito u ea In a light gold te ttin g .

U n lliue h e a r t , lo r brooches a r t tra e a d m d ia m o n d s , turriDulse o r p e a rl ..

A o le m s lli In Ir ld e .c e n i enam el a n d dla- n iunde lOrJiis a lovely brnoeb ; a l .o a n uine. t l iy . l J ian .y ly n g acro«a a goldeu o u tlin e b ea rh

Hleevee a re ru n n in g to e x trem e .. The w ider th e y aro an d Ibo fu r th e r they t i n p ro je c t (rom th e .b o u ld e rs th e b a tte r the w earer seem , to like It.

B lack bengallne, tu to m a n fa ille an d o th e r .h lo ln ic lo .i rc lc .a co rded .I lk a are g rea tly u .c d for eliu roh , recep tion a n d v iiiiiu « divaios. *

T bo golden Ih l . t le n p fie a r. a t a fan cy pin a n d co lled se rp en ts form b rooches , by wblob w atches a rc p in n ed to th e bodies.

A b o n n e t p to la a te rp c u l w lih a spo tted ta ll, a n d a sa rp en t braoelet Is ahow n In gold a n d d a rk b lue cn a in s l, w ith d ia m o n d e y e . fto ld b u c k le t a n d o lasp i a re a lso In ae riiso t form , a n d oval brooches orudU M btid m ore o r less wtlta d lam oudg .

iSAMEL'g TtlMU,ACurlou. napulrhra Nvsr the Aoelaut City

of Saiuareand.F rom th s I 'h l l .d r ip l i la T e lesrnph .

Blnco Hamarcand has been a portion of the Huaalan dominions It baa become easy toyialt. The traveller from Europe can reach the old-oapital of Tamerlane by the Truiasaapian Hallway, which the llus- siaa Government has eunstructed acroiw tbs Turcoman deserU with ao much bold- n<di, and which was flnisbed as tar as BMbareand six yesrs ago. Dess than three miles to the northew frif Baniarcund, aud outside of Ihf) extreme llmitii of the ancient city, ls « tomb which is called Kbodja-Dsnisr. This tomb, according to the Miisaulnian legends, is the hurial- plseo of the Prophet Daniel.

The apot where this tomb stands Is called Afroualah, and there are seen ruins wllleh dra very probably those of the an­cient dtty of Maracanda, destroyed by Alsiamler the Ureat. This waa an ini- niiissuluwii, wbuae walla, wg are told, bad a eompssa of ninety atailta, or about ten miles. It la separated from Samaresiid by a naked hill, the soil of which is one vast cemetery. Thoscpulelireuf Kliodja-Daniar is tiuilt on a sort of terrace or cornice. A halr-duren great masla, Irom the tojis of which hang some siicred rags of tougs made of horse tails, and tbo height of which Is proportioned to the imporUnee of the saint, rise alaive the larcophagns, which stands in the open air, sheltered by no buildings uf any kinds. This surco- phagus Is constructed with heavy masonry. The saint who rcjjoses there Is, beyond a doubt, really dead, but bis mode of be­havior la mure than curious since, though dead, ho continues to grow constantly lo hts sepulchre.

Every two or three years the moHahs, who are tbe guardians of the place, de- tennlne by a learned calculation, tbe data of wllleh 1 was not able to learn, how much it la proper lo lengthen the sepul­chre In order to make Its dimensions cor­respond to-thuse of its tenant. To Judge from the present length of the tomb, the height of tbe Prophet Daniel was, or should have been, at the date of my vlalt tn 1S91, about eighty feet. His height must be a little more now. It should be observed that the growth of the saint Ja in length only and nol In breadth. The de­velopment of the breadth of his shoulders Isnolln proportion to that of his height. There exist In other parts of Islam other tombs uf thu Prophet Daniel, Of these others one of the most celebrated la at Cairo.

This fact need not astonish ns; the Mus­sulmans admit without hesitation the dii- Jiiicatiun or even indeflnile muUipUcallon of the bodies of holy persons without their venerotion for poch of tbe remains being diminished in the least. It is worth noting that the nature of the honorary qualiAcatlons accorded to the same saint varies In dllTerent countries. Thus, for example, this same Daniel has at Cairo tbe name of Nebbi-Dsnisl, that Is, they give him the title of Prophet, as being at the same time that which suits him beat and is the moat honorable they can con­fer. In Algeria or Morocco, feudal coun- trlea, tbo title they give toaaiut* is Hidl, which slgnlflcs laird, which I* also the title there of military nnd political chiefa In Central Asia they give to those ennon- Itod persons whom they respect most, as to the Prophet Daniel, thu title of Khodja, which means in Arabic writer or lettered.

O fN S o r T iiK V E siJV ]i;g .

The tngviilnu. A rllilrry A rraageinent. of the "T urpeilu C ruller,"

F m m Ht, Ntcljuln. Magaxiiie.The moat recent applications of the

blowpipe principal, however, are the three air guns of the l^iited States " tor­pedo cruiser” (or, as she Is also called, tlic "pneum atic cruiser” ) “ Vesuvius.’,’ This vcsael-of-war is 261 feet D inches long, 26 feel 6 Inches wide,- draws fl feet of water, and has a displacement of 736 to i ^ she is of 3,794 horse-power, and she dans over the waves a t a speed of twenty- tlvo miles au hour. She is too beautifti! and fast a craft lo bo called a " blowpipe gunboat;” but that is exactly what she Is, because of the hlowgunS which slick up through the deck at the bow. Most of these guns lie a t an angle slanting back and downward to where the alr-compres- anrs U* oloae katlm bed.

Into the somewhat bottle-shaped steel flasks air hsa been forced until It is compressed under a strain of 2,000 pounds lo the Hi[Uare Inch, by engines especially constructed for that purpose. The shells, or bomlst, or darts Bred IVora the guns are made partly of Iron, of brass and of cop­per. They arc ten feet long, fifteen inches wide, and while some are of uniform width, others give up half their length to a thill spindle or tall having metal fans at the end, and looking somewhat like a huge, oloinsy arrow. These darts are kepi In tbrou barrel-Ilke " revolvers,” and as there are live darts in each, (he Veau-' vliiscan throw ttitecn projeeUles in rapid succesaloii.

When agim Is fo be ionded about Iwen- tj- feet of Its lower end drojyH down by means of a hinge, and from the revolver directly in front o flt one »t tho bombs is pushed hack Into the lower end, which is then pulled up again In lino with the rest of the tube. Wben all Is ready a lever in the comiing tower is moved, enougliair is admitted from one of the reservoirs aud away goes the dart flying through the air to a dlslauue of one and u half miles.

Tho operation, which seems so simple, docs not look very forniidablo as a niethod of w arfare; but that dart whirled away by the blowpipe Is in reality the moat deadly woa])on known to war, afloat or ashore, for in tho head of the missile is stored 500 jKHinds of guncotton, than which no more terrible explosive Iskuowii that can be so used, The name guncot­ton soiiuds innocent enough, and tho material Is noth I tig more than the cotton waste with which you have often aeon engineers cleaning tbeir engines, soaked in nitric and sulphuric acids, and washed clear again.A pound of this will hum ipiielly, butwhen It is struck or “ detonated," It ex­plodes with a force suflicieiil to blow up a good-slied house, I f upon an anvil Is Uld a piece of paper with one or more letters cut out, and a pound of guncotton is ex­ploded on it, the loUura or figures cut In the paper will be stamped Into the metal one (piarler of an Inch deep. Just think of such fdreo ond then imagine 600 pounds of guncotton cxpbMilng on h ship fort!

218 and 220 MARKET STREET,N H W . A U K , K . J .

' M|iuir* ikf in>b-

5 0 0





Easiest Terms of PaymentBRANCH STORES vs TO K4 M YRTLE A V E N IIE , nROOKI-YX, N, Y.

1 2 1 ' t o 127 N EW A RK AVENIFK. JERH EY CITY. 21U M A l.y HTKEET. I ’ATEIW ON. H. i .

BIG CUTSHclip Mattpesses,

j r r r r A iiv E H T ia £ T .) f i ,N r» rrilK HtlAHJlIJl.' sTHKlCf A \ n '

n tilor (AfiiiuiUHk)ii4'ni of uf \p u a rk^ , j >>“ hr;k, .-. J.. JiKit K murt.

prcMMiBaJii Hill Jh* rK t|k‘r«l *1 Hilt urllrc ortllHoVjiiik tif IrJdav, Uip iNtaly-toIrd d iv orJtiiu*, ii*n, fur tiif iHsvlii* uf ^

Hi'UKKT.(moi lU liej’ s irfri iG UiKti HlXi'et, wJiU tho *n«ei>.UOII uf HllllllgiOII kitr*M-t.

I he Iblluo hxc U rtltwii ihv Mm<kunt of tlw* wi>rk lo b* ttDWt ainUb*'iimUTlalit in itn niriihliiHl Hip OUiuttriK'Uoil NMi! miiuidodiMi orw ld uor*:

KlDv*iUnnj,ir4.<] uiiii HH>- fij.vi. ■junn* v*ril* of Dhlouii. trHji nkt V hluox; imvlua.

'I wi’Blf-rtsD hiiiiilnHl l ilou b1t-f>iom> (mvlFiu.

Kl\ hliodr*J ifMii H<4iuir« fret of ** IV tU ii Intfk

ht'IdcM will HjAlf Uipjr pfltINI in wnilii* *< u«ii * tln rtituhn.

MIdpr* miNi xiH-'iijf In iiiHr looj-mil.A ihtki.liork mhomIwI l.» ni«.u. ihf)

WJJl liln I lhpiiop|v»-. til lhil-Ai jiivi] 0 )Oi|j|ft4* itiD tsl'ii'D ftir’v 'HHiM-Miliv** worUUia iIb.vs

J ll* platii ttril tiwH-ir 4-«t uiM uf tJif work iniii fTAminAtil Hi till’idbrr uf th» lo-inl of Mr-i<t > ikD

lioiiu Mimi(*rN .kit, t.H irotfi, *-imjUrotoHiiJv l l ijt! Mvoniiwnitil hy ihe r.iii Viit In wiilinc tiMwo-nrctlDH. w‘liUAli..U. tlie ll.i •• of IHilttiik ll M-rli iFo. (MHiv 4,u»||fy hh lo ni#n li.' LulU’ Ui tr 111 thi- nfiiuum of loidi |irx>im h1 and hliitt tiiHin-t’lv«4 th.ii T (]m‘ (.Hiirr.ii-t U «vyu di*rl lollii* i-rrH'II or ii.-r*tni'6 iiii- pro’u- Jlimy wl I.Uioii Im iifiiu; *s, uwkjiIpij. i e Un • In. or till- FAi ri’t p. 'ur iiip tuiib Ul i-«i-|oniiiiii , i lutid wuik ; Aihl (hut If III* ]h; * u ur pei»f u otipt ip fiiop 1 0 Pkp.'idp *111 ll I- iitiw t ihpy Will ■ *y it* ihP.(' iy ft{ ew ark t ny iHfFi- pit * -h tU > n mo 11 wbifli bp Of liny wuii d li«v - imn- i piMillpit u|H.rt tint fftihi'Ju loll iifllip fi'ii 'H t unit iii.it iilicU ihpfliy Ilf VpAurk iiu> Iw >h>I k d |n y U e |m r uii ur pHi'snipi liy vt ho II mil li t ■ u r.o i hI.h t i p i-m p.ii< <|.

J'lip HtwnI of f-pi ill! I At -r i umnii-btoitp i. of tUi’ Pll.v of ‘ pwtnk ri*4 r .e f-i ilo ut -t-.v is iiie n^ln to iciiri>t or utiy ui hii jiro •f'kiti* lo; IIiph* <<h MiU.k ip ilu*y iii*y dot* u bv<i for tiilpn’st dI lit* flly.

is.ildpn,iitd Hiiri'llp-iifp ll fPhy tiii'l.U<il III ll no dpi- Hji'|iriPrt.1urtNipn'iPiii-.piUi ■.ptiJ.oi uwph'Ullivr ilip Ikwnl of .-(net and SValpr ( ouuoli Nlitiipri, aiii-rvupvi M*ri b *>. Ih'ii, iUmI Uip IkiU'I '»r tnoilji (n Fv for the fallim i pktK'iUtiin midjirrffimi mi-i nl'iwilil imDUf wmk Miiill tinU b i i»i> umveii a-- i j HiirtUii'to-y bj-Ui > IjOHnl.Miwi oh to f 'ro i. by llip 4'uuiibt*] uf ilie b^jari, hd* im mrat ipJiiill Itp I'l.iiiiti'i DO ib f i’liv .iir 1 *ttsiii<'t'lTn’iikp fir'oJ'IU'hMvp until Hill It Ihuni In imi H| ii(itN*.l : Hiid 'UpiTONIlkril III tllP lM)hrl stiHiJ loiVtl ]POA4M' tu I'XHiOl.tPlUe (ini|Hu.pl I oiii'i itfh iiuiiir u«lli, if UpHliui! <-oIledm, Uf hli»1l le MO liuktrllrltd Is.v tlo tHi4rd,l<tUI it* Ikwi I ulil iHii M >1 lx-t uiiiiil tiy uuy iijiii-iiipni IliHl (ouy liP niiirp i»v Hiu-b ivro|ib'-o<i (HOHliMiit’it. lUH flit* I IIIIVP lull ||»DUPt HlDlid.lMtUlIf l|l>l<n<1toU 111 the w IioIp uiuUi 1 , lunl tM. iirovl-'ioii i UaII I>p rp tprr.wl lulu uoy ii(lvi-iLi-«p|o>-m Uiv.l.iiihit|- loraiiv MUi It iMilflU-uorlt.

Hy rltTsrfinn III Utp UttuM nf Sir-cl ;io I \1nter ( ’omiui**ioupr» ofthp i liv of Npwar...

n ( A l t lT > M \ltM i,4-t (l*n(T*l suvKTtnipmlfui m ' ‘l orLH.

/ 11-AY K T liK tr I'.W IN U —ASrtKSH.IIKX I'V bpiififlin.NoiUf la iiprpby (tivs'n llitit no *H!.pwmpjii m|m>u

*11 (UeowHiPrM Ilf Alt iJip IhdiIi uiid rr*l 4->.l*ie | h-cu- Marly bcnpfliiHl by the tiavliujuf

n .A V hTHKj^Xfront llr iiwi sItps i in iijfiipu fin-pt, ierorilltte in the 1»ruvi!iH»iis tif mi orcUhuiit'p of ihpi*tiyuf .'puark , pnlUlt»i,l Aiv oMlmtiipp to itruvldc lor lh>’ pttvinu of

fl.A V sT lth -rr .from Bni*d ttlippi Ul Oxilcii s ln fi." jnipn>vi‘tt .No- \«miM r i i-ii,

llHHt>*fb prviiRrptl h f ih p uiidprd.'mMcoiiuiils- lOilprh, apitiilo(i*il by iUh M«yoT i/f tlip r .lf of st-iv

Htk.uiul tbolH vpjiurt. hy n tfriifkitip Mi w iitt'u , vUh Ah ii(Ti>injmitytiik und !«a-Jips|oU‘, .bouloj;llipvivpral BHrOHAo poiA akHUiMl tin-nevt ral m \n r-* [ppi iilUirlN- iH-hPtiU-il i<s alorp-uilij, fioF Ih «h iU In llip uilltp of tbM ’Uy t'lprk of IliPiUy <if Npa- mk f«ir pimtilnuituit lijr ih-* imrtips uut-rctioil

Nild atW’.HOiipni Putiipr1‘i**H til Ioim, fr,nn pidI ^t.iu’f.Hor iMhduhilrpal pNtMle lluiiie to lie av-tfsn-d uHai'nh“(..i.l, lyliig tin both Nidi"- of

' J,AV HlltKhrr, irOM) Hnmil Hln-Pl to i iKir|<>ij Kirsvi.

"lu l" rr|iii‘w('nl‘ uii*oiir*ijloi of land, whpihprJarffp or Mioiil.

All ppiMiiii<i inU’rpAtPd lo laid *NYp»4mt‘m m ly !»■ Jii'ard bflorp Aaul i-umiiiliwliroi-rs on Tl'4>UiAV,’l'III';TM‘F N T V .N |:\> ;\T li M y

JI'.NKl: 1'- M nt tup 4'omiiiltiloijpr*' louut, No. 1 .ililnlflourkdty Mali.

Itau-U JUJit-Ii, l*9S.JOHN* IiWVLIl,K. SV. K n.M V A N.K. 1* KKINJI.


i f A tL h O i n i i ,Y > I- N Y I . VANf K ItA Il.im .l I' T ilK mT a is'I*i f . - 1' * ^ I ’rtlPi'tPd tliPoiirlioo*bi InlPr.sH-kln* twu»i* *i„| bl.A.-k Ri|ti«l jiy*ieiii.

to i.xmi, lilt uinf afterN .v^‘rk

1 ieiiiuit>u.u Kv|m-«. i'lrilmin VmM-' <wn lu I -iiiiwaii u . | iiucliiiiiil, lUa

; lisllaruinuilir^^i A. .U,, v7il«t«llL<M A. .M. uM l

i hT^i.V i I IT , , “ L im iwliis TadI hiiiii' Hm.iii hi.^j.iD-. sm.,klMc au .iiiw■ i 'm i ’.'il*” ’ nuaiK-tai rvB irw. <tris[ oantijlisi-- ,ij,il p. ,„'H rUi-r-, liHtlireNit. ft>r liAig

I rjtov.*iik.tK-jw of Uo.Lfi.r oft,,.gk. lli^hiiil by iw! tUmnr.» . ml r..oviibi« H ttlrlo ilybu. .4 rjivp«C ^

aimu s i^ipppioir I'lirs lu liiiPllMmU, MeoiiiUltI "l. l.ouK . tiling r.*r AUiHiioi to UiPhniuotL rtvoi I (iliinihliaii'V l» d., UioiiiOh'I MIDI' %f, ll«i|*Poll« ID.J., I' .M , Ull( M. Ia0lll4 7.0U \Ltoil Iimiii Ul-


Mc0iDY & CO.,598 Broad Street.

1>AU K JJni-4r sJUfc.Er i-a v i m i .mpiil for iK'iieflte.

Not’ie li Jien-Uv jfiNpij thfil nil Hi-JiPHAiiifiii oivhih11 no-iiwuerp orafi tiip luo-1* ouij K‘«1 pmUi(u |t»-u Jiurly bpnetltpd by tlip iiailoxtifI'-^Ulklll^lvi vjni:i;i-.from Au Mo It'ppl to t'Uiiiun aM Q-i*. a conllni,'''to III* lirovl»:innjofH!n-r<llii.iorf4ifi.ii- t; tv of New Nik, I nlilJnl "All ofillimo'-v io jtit Tldo lor tUo jtiiv Jtttf of

i ' .u [ K ir r n < r KrmcKT. from Aohilii-iUivi.’t t i nu itnn mjimtvedAiiNi i.y imii,

Tai bei-ii j»!*|jatp<l by lltf 'un irnly-tn ri eoinmiH- Hloih-rM, iqiiH.lohnl Uv ti« Mavui- oi lUi- i llV of .V«mv- Ark. uoil lliMl A n-fturt. by cprilihuis’io w rltJo«{, vnIi* HOJU'ifli'i|uinylna’ niH|» oud Hs-hedule. hIiowUim tl>i> ♦ euToJ a'*vv.jniiiiH okamti ibv Hevemi onn -rx iiut-iilliirly Itpiipflied H8jrv.oild. Uiin itpen !|epowi[i>d In tbf otIU’p of till-1. Iiy f]prk <»r tUe nty of \rw m ri fiT exaitilualloti l>y i)|p itariiPA iuu-n-HUHl ibtip'u

Nvilll lOIN. UW'IA AlDl jyiftpis'lf Initd ulvi i* ul i lutp IIhIiIp tu Iai Av ieed a* uioiPtMid. lyluu oa liolh HliliH of

I’-VJ’KIK'i Nl' H'ruKKT,Irnm .AiiMtJo sin-ei loUInlott uvL'iiuu.

A ' ’lot'’ iei>ri’Hi-nii an eol1rv|iloi of lain), wheUier latTe or iMimll.

All [wtatiii* liilrrt.>rtlp<i in lul l as’M-vtnmt may b* Uuursl b*lon.iaiil <i>miii1*iiloM(ini dd TrkJiUAV, TIIK TWp.NTV hiA 'KN TlI ItAY

liF JtN f a l!*1.f I*, f., Ht iUp ct»miiil'4«loo*rN‘rotim. No. 4 iihlitlf]o*rh City iitiM,

i>a(*a Juue |j, IKU,Jo flN DSVYEU.K. W. srLJAlVAN.Y. U KKINl),

47ii Comml-M-liiDor*

We are offerin'gpw^^cial bargain in our new

SIS Dress Suits.They are made from fine Clay Diagonals, Fancy Check

Worsteds, etc., in all styles, Cutaways aud S. B. aud D. B. Sacks.

Our line of

> SI2 Business SuitsIs the largest and the best we have ever manufactured. They are in the latest styles of Fancy Cheviots, Serges, Thibets, etc,, aud the most of these styles have never been sold before for less than 15 per suit.

fl. flflRRlSON,eVf.'CMBOB TO

HARRISON & HOAG.YoQ wlJl find a t luy ilure * foil itnoof THl

Best Paper0*11 nnd *M ray itook Bbfi f*t prio**.


20 CLINTON $T., Newark. N J.

KILPATRICK &BE’rrS7 4 5 a n d 747 B ro a d S t., N e a r A c a d e m y S t

PROGRESS.Km'J) nbreiwt of tho times, llnve

everything the Inleat iiinl the beat, Kiwt tralua have uuiipluiiteti slow atngo eotiehus and

It H a t

0 ,S T I( I t! || F.kU.VIt.'.U .

I t l l a I'ruflU klilp I1u*Ih* iv , b u t II* ItUbH.

Kmm M*cm1l1*n'n MHgoEtne,When ostrich farming waa in its |irime,

Bomo thirty years ago, they had been im­ported at vast expense from the North. Every eight montlia or so, as feathers matured, oh many a.a eould he clrctim- vcnled were caught and plucked, liieea- sanlly galloping for many miles over, tho veld in ever-lessening ares wo gradually drove theiii inward lo tho mouth of a funnel-shaped pen. Here they were sepa­rately secured like horses in a box, de- lirlved of their tail and wing feathers, and set free, dlsiuanllcd, humiliated, nakcil and, I grieve to say, hW^ediiig as well! The strength of these birds is ooiuetliliig jirodlgloiis.

Wo have all read, with more or lesa of ske]itleism, of their carrying boya upon their backs. I have myself Been, and close at hsnd, a hen ostrich running freely with u fullqrrown Kafir of not less tban ten stone weight astride on her back, They aro dangerous, too, a ttlm fs ; for! though powerless In nook and beak, an ostrich possesses formidable weapons of offence in bis great logs and two-toed feet. A raking forword kick delivered hyan ostrich liks been known to rlu a man tUeati Olien-os . any one will readily believe who has seen tbe heavy nalle, and the enormoui inueclcB of their thighs. I t is commonly said by those who know that a kick from an ostrich Is as bod os a kick from a horse.

lsa.tcl1of from buck imniliei's in the N])ool Cotton line. Tliore Is litignliou over the lutmls, but the thread itself Is free from crlUcIsm.

A'nur dealer has it, or might tn Imveit. Ask for It and Insist Rjimi getting I t

**■I’or mile at all the priiicijiKl Dry

( loods Htnres III Uioii'ltv.

O. A. CAHILL,(Foiiuerly with E. (). y\.iioute.)tCo.j

DEALER l . \

COAL, Wholesale and Retail

OFFICE AJiD y a r d

i : i 3 F I R S T S T .Tclophoiio'Nn, lOH. ^ Newsrk, N. J.

He Wat • Ijiily.From Ibe Harvard Lanijioun.

Uutler-" Tnsrt’s * m*a twiow to see you.

Msyberry-" Whst did yon tell him f>> Haller—"1 [old him .voutold me If ttsraa

• Indy to sey you were to, oDd If it « h a man (o ray you wen out,”

M aybony-" W hat did he ley th ru?" H aller^" Ue mid lo tell yon he was a lady,’’

HurrRti. sro're bGimd for J’E 'n’Y'B. Wc know the cool bever*ttyim. You do, loo.

M'llJ you liavc toiQo of that denciouxilraW' berry <froin crushed Irultj, with whipped cream or ic« cr*»id ?

Aiiylhincyuu dci»lreiopiircIi*ae In thoUn* of Drug* IM sure to he of tbe puresl and (boat quality.


Keep CoolTrySeUxer Li monads or Egg Phosphate, at



P E T iy, H E P r t H U P P ilE ttcR n^X IO N S .

U T VX * O D B IR d A .a 7 H l p s x o a s

< u i r n n n . s m u o B ,ANDOItsep BY ULADUtO AATlSia

IIO fifthiive.y6or, l6 t f iS tm |]

William Mungle,■ ----OF--------------------

McEwan’g Finnon Haddies.Caini’i Jams aud JeJlia, Ginger Cordial, Raspberry Cordial, Scott’s Oat Calces, Gray’s Abernethy Biscuits, Kippered Herrings, Finnon Had:^ dies. Lime Juice, Moantain Edinburgh Oatmeal, Glasgow Peas Meal, Beef and Pork Kara.


WM. MUN6LH7* BeUevllle Av«,


^-JKADINU ll.iH .KUAll SV.S-fEiSTr’~ ~ ~ '

(Aiitbnurltfe coa] ii*d(] pjcrltis|vik1y, Insurloff c‘le*Dll- utH> aud (xtmlori, > ^

l^l1lm*D FarMfT ntiU NieepliKci'xn. 'llnieiJkble in alTi i’i May 2*. luM,

TrukiiA leave vl*I.KIIKHI V A U JiV H -U U b u n , ' fn>m Browt *rtd Ferry Ht fiatifm*,

fur Hoflalo. JUH’luiiikT, NlMifaru Fhll>, lorento, Chl- aJiij iiji> West, A’JU, lJ.2kf A. M.; C.0*. 7.M P. M

HduilaM- KU>. tl.UO A. M.; Imi I'. M.Fur FaxIoii. 7.00, H.xti, n.jw M.: ItSO, AW), KOS,

ii.i>s,j-WJ'. M. Hunda/tT.oo.D.aj, ii),tk), ii.oo A. 1 1 .; too, C.UI, H.Ui F. M.

Fur Uptlileheui, Alli'nloN'it m il Mtuieh ('bunlc, 7.ui,H.;!U, m ., 1‘J.SO, 4.00, (,11,’k 7,56 p Mttiimiayii.T.iM, nun, Hii,i)ii>. n .oj a . m . im.wj, aw i* h

FurPuUHvlllP, A, M. i Ii*}. 4.0U K U. sun- day-*. 10.00 A. Jf,

Y'or JUxk’toti, A. M .: 1S.30, 4.00, t0.>, 7.U P, M. MJiitlMyK.?i.oi, A. M.r *UO p. M.

For ]M»iia4 ill lUe lialuiuiu' ^xial rrfflon at a.2Q A. At.; 12.10.4,410 P. M. HimdHyA, M.tiu A. M>'i>r WllkMbarrc. PUInioii * ik) ^ ’ramoii, X30, n.lo

A. M.1 12.-10, iLuA, • 7,fi6 J', M, HU[u{*yj» {excppt M-MiHtmt. 11.00 A, M.; AI«», K.OI) I'. M.

L'ori’Jmlni.H.JO A. J*.; 1S.I0, 7.5j P. N. Huudaya. *.00 A. M.; IW I', « .

CFNTft.4L IIAJLKDADUF NKW JFlflHKY.TraUiH 1e*v'«Broml *inL LWry HtriHitKtitiioiiV


For PlilUiflelphU nnd ’IrenUtii. T.54, iv.'ifi, Iftoa A.M.t t.iiii,‘J.2U . A m , ' V M , 7.W, ii.Lii 1 ’, Hutidayd. I.0.^ 10.41.4. if.: l.SS.4.40,fl!«l P. ,M.

For Hult1tDor*RH«1 Wa-Miliiffloii, AM, li.M A. M.: ].U, 4.U, ll.'iA |>. M. htiDdayii, *.<A, J0.34A. M.t 1.U, Vib. 4.60, H.0* p. M. v.«

046 A. M. furMallouiilo Hlrh lirlilKC. coim*ctlii* tor »iailt>iiHua UiKb HxMfoUraNQli m il LuXe Ho-

7 .IB .-V- M. tor Mnin Uiic N. J. c, IHv., Kaltiluliain, Alletitoivti, .Mauc)i k Itiiitk, etc,

A. M.. tor Xhln (.III* S. J. IMv.t lAko lift' naiLiMut, AUetiluwii. lUudliuf, TlarriMiai^. Wilke* b*fre,liicr»titun, Wniuifiinijori, TuduhiUii, l*0UavMIe, Malunoy Cay, Biiuiiury, elc., ajid Uiruuirh cwaeti a*w Y ork and W llJlwnn|H)rL

11.46 A. it ., 'a jy it>r DtaUtiu to lIJRb UrliJen, cub- TWi'tluv tor KtuilonN Ob [ho High Hridxd jimneh.

V, M. for W*l»i 1 1n« N. J. C, |»lv., Alloutowu, 3datii2b t:*ut»k. H*sMMng, ll*rridburtf, 'famatiuii, HtioUury. « Uilaiujiporl. etc.

4.06 P. N., *ay tor BtHtiune lo l ik li Urhlge, pon* n«utliut tor iteilima un Mie lJiy:b iirldxi' hrattch m d Luke tiopalctohir.

4, t tP M Kii|ir*’iH tor KAilstn, U*lhlel»enh Al)*n town, Uaiicti lliurik, V1 lkl.•«hNrrv, tkinuitoa, Tam* luiUR, HanUu^ nml l«whtiurk.

AU P. U., MhIu 14iie .N. J. V. Ii|v„ Vaatoit. Helli- leUeiiif AlleuUi'A'Q. ^*uch L'tiUHk, U**dlikgaoi| ll*r- rlaliiiiif-

7.46 P. M.» tor l<l*Kiiin, Uethleheni aod Allentown.For Suiilnny, Isevtliilmrf *ik1 WilllmiHpori via

IlilJadelpliMi, T.-VO A. M„ il.iK rrM . «i-eept ttaUtnlay iilrlil. rund«r*. .ON p, M.I^NUudayi, 7,40 A. M„ way tor llljfti llrldfe ffruiich fiiiil I4UU- HuiiHtc-uoif. .Vanob L'butik. TauirtuiuLand Wltl1«itia.puri: 4.4& a . M,, way for Humer- vlij#; 9JJi A. 3J-, luT Himiervllle; A.'iU A. M„ wav for ImaeJIoa ; io.90 A. M., for isoniervlJle; 11 44 a M.. w aytor ItouiieJlan; 1 . 1 0 I*. way for ^etwl- lag. HaT^w»llnf^ Mutifh L'bunk j ‘4.55 P. M., way rnr Koim'rvllle: 4.10 P. M-, w»y tor r«ni*rvt|[* Hnd< Klemlniiwa i A40 P. M.,'tor Meuoh Himuk, Ki-atllnu MtM H am itw if: aon i\ N n^u r Houii’i Brouk; t.l>o P. M..WU}' niMnincileii; b.iji i'. 41., wuy tor tSumiM. VUIP: 10*10 r . M-1 Way for Koiticrvllia.

MCWAHKa M ) K J.IZABKill m iA N tTlTraiiiN leave Broad Hiro,*! Mallun for kjiMheUi

and Jto*eMeut546.o.'j.6;Kll7a]a'lhpoTt oatv. 7,1N T M ».£J; Klliiabothp irt only, e.:w, B.M. H.26, to.oft, lu'.til

........................ ■■ ■“ - *......... 4.0.iL'. M. l.lo, 10.00

j vat[«» r 2.«Mi liujfi.'■ ''"i'’' ’ »'t'l l lnrlBiisl! K lrifM S-I l«tiiw, Uiinttf.. anti fLidiiiiuH. Niaoklti*

1 ar uihl 1 ijttthi’-s tu ’•u IsKhU ArHsi^

.... ..

; laml, I lidiiw iafsu* i l ip D d .J id ii« bA i*uiirtiii'*. t’iiWj'I ,k» P M .iieMttoy.• f A ’4 | ‘. St., MMiiii»v!‘'ic rn rxi-m***, lltlinma

\eMrllui* Meaptni.- I’ars lu 1 lurliMmU, Ms'iiiiiUiiand I.UllK liilll v t i t ....... .............. IJ »!■1 -\rrlyo I iiiiiuiu: ws'iMhI uini'nllik*

f K.12 P. ,V, Ffti'ldi' I XjiN-Mt, Illliltisiu HiilTW niu£M‘iir New \«>rk ?.. , |iU»u:-.. .trriv..^ rlaliy

, t liU’sia«7,.ki .\1. .s,h-«.ikI ijiortjljitf . ToIinIu u i

1 V- ' ' ’"“ ‘"I «ii4 liaiivllie iU|ir.-«Ld.il y V lih throutrii muhixul,anrl New i.’rh-iitu, Mninv; I'-ir lo Mimiifinm’f y . . »<F.icbi-v. I •“hM*[i4T lu-SNlieviJIe «mj H'U Hiifujpi ,,it Wf-iU'l jteitijou.

I V JIP . Al. iNUlyforall polnt<i mi I’ht-aadeAk* *al^*^^**^ '**^"**“' ’ f'h*e]iiii|f ami IMiikof

’’ii '!; . ViiUey K)sprM.«t, ijHiiy,Itoliman Hum-l to New DrJeaiw via i ’huUa-nuiMTu.

a For lUiUliuon'. Wiialilh^uin ami llie Houlh 1 1 1 7 , A--.}, *.47 .6 . \\. il.lmlMHi F tp r.’Hs. J'utimHii. WtiF hule 1 arluM ’iira, Vc-Uhuli‘ PaweiiL'er I'nachra &n<l iHiillrji r M’. Uk'il A. M.I; U.2» V M.. A.'A A ;ia ami F. .M. nn ’' iuhI.iv, 124,*, h.-'!? .S ’ ,W 'jy ^ ft,?? ti-«t H.Co p. M, F\jr lUlUiiMilv only. I . i j» ^ wi*ek ■lay'M. ' ■

I or iMiiiHaDiphia, VJ.I7. a h 7 vf h,z\, aw..0. .‘iNilii,2is j,lm> I'd ridlmNU Vc-sdlmJi- Par- Jor I'Hr*. \ '4‘slibuir I‘a-’H*iU'T *narjjod ajul liiiuns«’44r>, ll-Ji \ . l.'-H, i.LV X24. I.-Vi. ,V* t i lAS-' Kii'IJCki I* >1. AfT’-ur’ijiiOlaHoii. 1 l .lt a , m.’ r».<l7 Mini 7. .» P. M. (Ml «U|HlHV. l-lXlirM-i. | i |7 At* N.-'.7, l iu i A. M.: 4.-'4. A.V*. N.VJ aiiii ifo p XT. •\t‘<‘'>iuruuitMttiiii 6.-MI HHil 7 ;rs P. M.

Fur 'ITi’miui, I*!?, j.uj, T.'*>. n2 i. XV 9 'A Ua2K I liiiUsfl l->iiri«*v Ihiilni ll Vt»fttiuiiU' |*nrliif ( ar^. \ i HlliMiia P a -v n /^ r i uarlicH hih] Tjleiliiir Car.. II jnhimI 1141 Ar .M.: lX\u. I :li, ’iVi, 2,;w.&07 .-L’.'ii. « >7, . .V> .H.rjami n.fo i*. TI, sujiilay. i-'it * 4{', RS7 mill lu.tl .4. .M ; i.ii, 4.:»7. 4,110 -j,v itiul !i.:m iv fo,

Fur Alliiullr 4 |iy, :.ia p. ny-eV day-i. a|i»*ihi'uiiijli ■ uy I'liaa'li ami I'uJIiii.iit lioifi-i ■njimjiih ivLu-h lit J1r>*wii'« MUl’s-lu.iiic-FlueH,

Fur n il . 1 - Miiy '2 ’2 i r M.wtTkdccvH. 'Fit l.*iii« Hraucli j Ujerou, Tnhurv 1‘nrk, Ocfiari

(ituu-. tnFi'. m..|, (itfi. Miiiiii-*iu;m. IfoliitI ’leiMim, iintl iKtlnVt on (he Neiv York am] Isin* itrtiijcU lliiJ|r%t nl, 11 ki .V. .fo . I.IK, 1 .0 1 , :,.;w |* \| aiiH 12.1* iiitflii, iliilly I'vi'ci r >-1 miay. Ou - uu-Ih.v’ lU-J-t A. M. aim i,;:i P. ,\f, im itui Hhip ul

IT A^^lltry I'lirk un '■luiMtay. l ’iT a ul ■ ritrk, iHlumI lIs'iL'hti and Toui' t

ItiMT 9. J. M. ami I 1 . |». II «f»‘h diiya.I<M- Uisisin. m iiiii’ii i n s iv fo. a t ik

d u y s ^ - ’ l’ >il. daily.f>»» Itruoklyti, .Y.’i'. \il ilirumch irmliiN iHinu-i’i

ai Ji’r*4‘.v i l ly vtiih h.i.iiuuf ' JinmUiyn \niiex " rtlltfrilitiK dln-cl (rau'iti r III iia4 tooiii Fii tim tin-i-t, a\oJflliiu: Uoiiljle frrri i* • uml loilru-y a'Tu.H lu* ciiy.

n i l r NI'AV Yi>';K..Marki- I Kirvi'l wtmimi.ilil, .VH7,*;.Ai, «i*

A".«. n.->. 7.1J. 7..H. 7 4.'.. H.nii fl.Ki, »t.ih. s„m. h. w, a k.f7, f l l ’*. u-^i.'.‘.ai io.hu, 10 ,HI, jM.ii, III ih iiiio 11.17, ILL., li .tl A. M.; lilu . i.ts.-; j.-hi 1.:11, l >n, 2.JH. 2.tii. X 4i«.?..-rt. :i.lfi, :l,sN, 4.]11. 4..fo. .'i.J 1, .V.VI, .’i l l , K.di, H.IB. 1i..11.fi.y. ti >. 7lp*l, 7.l'l, 7.42. T.-Vi. H.lH. H.fo. u.£i. liM»4, ll l.i 1*. M. Hiiil 12.117 ulifhi. .sijjuiay traiiia, JLIU. .',.47, li.iR), !i.i i, lu 4k, |] oO,.11..»l A. M-; f:.*!i. 12.4*, i.ar,>, ^n*4. 4*. 6.Uu, . 411 li.21. 7.UU, 7.2'l. 7,'J,V 7.fo. MiO, h,:{ i •i ''7IIVINK Hb.Ul p. .M.. ■ ’

f.tav f l enlri’ ."irsi-i htaiiun. lUKi. Al.i,4l.il 7 oL 74L T.4-. MS't, u.:;; ^1217. Lne. ■j.OI. I.JJ, \I7. .6,10, ,vsi, fl..'«, 7 'Aic3*2v 0 24 uBt) l'M)7 IV .fo. ww-k Ilayw. '

l.i‘a*'r 4 b ■^ lml Mn-ifl NtutUiii, .112 , 6 .Jh. 0. 10 . li.-JA ii..*»L T.ifo, 7 .1 . 7.fo, kU7. n.’27, h.-ia, Si.l.'t. ll.Hl 102h, 10.47. lO.-itl. ||.,fj, 11 .5 11 61.; l:.T3, 1.02. 1 ii,1. -Vi, '2.11. i ’2H, ll .l . ih i, 4..VI, MO. .'kII. .1.4.1. «.<r2, tt. iU, I1.4.1. T.Wh 7.;lH, 7 1y \27, !I.|!I, 'U.NI, H.M |» foli.in liuthl. >UiBdrt.v. »Ut. a.Vi, F.-ll.8..s!l. lu.:i», lO 'A H.4'- A. M.: j” 47. I.>. 16*. '-'.-kv ;VH. l.i.*,4 .‘Hi, a.M. a.i}4, i,..6ii. 7,Bi. 7.21. A-’O, f».JJ u,.i*. )o,i'nmilll.fo P. .\L

iH-ave KutiiHt >tr. I ’’-lallut], . u W , n . 2 l, i;.;i 7.ir7, T.-to.» ui, »41.'.'4S. O..JiK»..‘iH. lii. LI Ui.fo andll.l-* K M., L’ I'i. 1 21 l„M. -.Mt, III , 4 \‘> ,,iu<

■. *u. il.U 7 :1;. 7,-W. N.2I. i».>. Il.il F, M., fdtfUt t'liuilay. “ «Li. K.V!, 'i.'u. lu.;i, ll.-l.l A M:l’L ’2 . ILL41.1 .2:., 1 ;bi. -j .;*. l-jl. .•;.si.4..fo l..'i|.6.4l. 4i ii. t..VI, 7.14, y.’.'l. Ii .lI wUiI 11 -VI IV Al.

FKfiM M1 or F,IJ/4itaM|i uiKl ItHh.sav, U..4I ;.iki ;..i2, 7 lO

K41.F.-4U, ,0.;F., l l . i t A. M.: l.u’,. I-2V. 2.3\ 3.t>; .1 ”»■ JM*. 4..17, 5.011, .Vfo, IJ.III, tfi;, igi^, ^e.4l.iU7, 7.(17. 7,X‘.. N.4J2, ILirj, W.42. 10.4*1, ll.il p, fo ahil 12.U. 1-i.a Uhl] |'2.47 iiialti. Siimlav, ■; 4'i s W.SUlo.li. lu,.U. li.yi A Al.; I’j.w, I.C1. 2.U. 6 .\\ I.ti' A4ift. 7.06,7.15, 7.M, 7.fo, S.4 1 , y.ou, O.So, fo.gu, ht.iL* Il.4i' P. M. and 12.47 aiKbl.

Fttr MiKalH-lh oniv 9.M 12,40 aud 6.U7 P. ^uai'k.'iiaye.

Fur-New MfmiHwM’b, 12.17; 5.4N. 7-Ull 7.-*i0. i-.W. 9.41,O. .V4iind ll.'Ji .4. M.: I2.4H. I.-JU .t.vt. 4 ,tu ’1 ,176.to. l . ’ii;. d,’.*7.11.12, 7.46, *.:«) and 10.4m I'. M. sumlay. 1147. H..57, ami iii.ai A. M . '12.36, 1 .iiа. *!, 7.S.Y. d.im HUil o.;iu l\ s\.

For \v*»o ftirhlke ami IVitlt .Miibuv, 6JI and Id H A. M-, 4.06. 4,;i7. «.UI, 7 .07 ami J* fo^aiul HU lUlfliL i)n 'UNiUvH, 1I.:L1 M.. lo.iwj p. m .

For SVicMlbntU.v uiily, l.lo |v ii. and I tU tilirht week daya. Miudaya, ll>.J.’, a . ii.

Fur I'liiit folL|.>>time. I.no A, M.; 1140.1.SOand .iM K M odally. e.Tcepjt’Anuta/.

Fur KiAHMtmauU HcK-ky illLl, 7.60 A. M, aod iOT r . 11.. dally, rjveplK'UHlav.

For FliUl||jfilMrK. Eaatori and Ifoividere.T.Si}. 11.31 ^ A. >1., ai>d » 24.6.57 f . ,6|. f-umlay. 4JU

Fur l.umli*Tivi|U’.7.'4l, n ,’2N A. M ,.t» a .2 4 a u aб. -7 I*. M, Min.]ay..\JU IV ii . ]

For Fleniiukiun, 7..'iU. 11.38 A. M.aod 1.21 F. 4L dMli.r.e.tsTpi Hiitaiay.

For Frliut'io*!, T.nO. 8.67. ll.M A. M.; 1.2W, 136, 6.38 and 7..16 I*. M.. dally, eafeni i^miitay.

Fur ilonU’UtGvrii. lltirlltiuui'ii luid Camden, 6.'26,O Waiiit li,;|;i a . M.; 1.‘:8. 2 f*.'i5M,5.-2a*ml 8.52 P. AL dnlly, ssKCepf uuday. '(in Sunday, Kl51 A. M. aud 4-50 P. M.

For l<r*ebuUI, 1'Hrraliiiritato, Manaaqiian nnd s«a n irt. via Monmuoih Juncltuii, 7.60 nrul 11.U A. M.. uiid 4.30 l’> M. wTvkdaix. For Frwilmld Uttly, 6.WP. M. wi- fc daya

‘ NKXV YOHK TO SFAVAKK.For K*wurk, 4.(», fl.no, fl.fo, c.*), 7.««. f-50, 7.40, I t t

*.80, B.H1, S.4U, KLUl, Jll.fo, 1|.W>, ll.*20, Jt.50 A. M., 12 » 12.40, 12.60, 1.4*, t.2t\ i iy , ifo , |.no. S.’ju. .til. ftiO, 4.til. 4.a». 4.lfo. 4.40. 4.W). .1.00, 6.10.A.-JK 6.30. 6-40..

^ "•‘kl. 7.30, R;ki. ».15. ial.5. ll.iM,11.46 P. M., and 1'2.16 lulatdahL ^uiHluy traltia. 6 ] \k. iKl, fl.UO. 0.42. 141.00. 10.40. U.OO, ll.:W A. M.: i Wm*on, IIW , t,uo. I..K>,2.nii,i|.6.3L.», 4,0.1. 4.3ii. ft.flu,s.i.V 6.46.14 51), M2. 7.011, 7.fo. T.ib N.UO, 8,30, IHJO. 9..1U lO Ik 11.00 P. M.. ami 12.15 mldulyliL '

For njriher Infonimilcm ace tlmn-labh'N (o bo hiid at llle tkiket uM1o*k Ticket's fur all puiiJtJ nnih*P iinnylMariLk ItHlIrua l mid 4-r>tiri«i'tt*iL'R, ami iMirUia ae4'tl»iiB ami 1>airfiiirL- chueksu* tflevompuuyfoolllif,Nn. T'fl' llrsiud -jirii.t, of Uckut oWl* a t Mark«| K ir’elHtaliun.14. II. 1'11f;v ijs t . j . r . Wfim>.

(il'tieraj Manu**r. Oniieral Pu*Men*«r Aicanb

~ ~ ERIE r a il w a y ’DEPOT fOUHTH AVE. AND PA88AIC ST.(.'oniieeUn;,' tralmi l4)ave an fo lowK ;

.Xf.WAUK 6iM) »*A£*ttve Newark for Palorsoo 'B.21, 7.M .M4.1013

A. .\1.; 12.4X1. b 3.47. 4.51,: '“ - -8 07. 10.57 P. M, aTiai2 5| A. M.A. 34 .; 8.4ft, 7.07; N.H.*, I0.;J7 l \ M.

1«ive Pulerioii for Newurk 63*. B i t 8.6J 7**i 7.4.1, H.21. U.iCi. Ul.lfi, 1M3 A. .M.; 1,30. 2.24, tru.8.12, 7 L'6. lu.6.'i IV ,M. SuiKiay a.43, k36aml tosiA- iM.; 6.50, 7..Vi, I0.M V. M,

NKW .^itK AND NI>W Y'ORK. iH-ave Newark- li.ilN, H.48. 7.23. 7.52. 8.20. 4.47. DM

10.47 A. M.; ............. - - '11. on I 8.34,]

lscav>* Np ‘v York (4li*inberN atr4*et 1 -.1 +.*l 7 1.11 fl.OT. a * ’. 11.30 A. M .: hT.'JU, 2.(», U.v i.i.i. .s.00. 6'21 6..'V2, fl.‘22, IW , I0,0». 12,00 P. M. Humluy, w.ifo A. M ■l. lP ll.'i. 6..1U. H iw. 10 .00 P. M. ll KHiiirrtav

J»*y FtiU 'tui, lenvo N'+*wark 8.44 .\. M. 4)riRiin- du>Ts, 7,24 A. .M. V^Htlhiile l.lmtUHt. leave Ne'wafk F *1 I*. M, HiiiHlayH. 3.115 l*. U. UtiuuJ Trunk Kx- r r'Ha, lewve Sowark 6 .^ P. M. himiiaj's, 6.40 p 6t t'liliUBo EjtproM$, b-Hve Newark 8 07 P. M, buudayA 8.]i5 J', 6f.

For licket*. 1»K4rnfli‘ clw*ik«. Meeuln* car locailnn, tlmetaFiJen.* nil at (he rUy Tlckw OfTlCA 182 Mark*! atreeL 'J eluphuit* 68. o ra t Riatiiin.

L.44, 5.47. 4.51,6-60. fl.4». fi.ai, 'T.uq ................ Huuday, S.M, l.i |

.. **1 s- tvos K- Ii.tin, H.vo. r,u., o.iM. f'.li, W Ml17 A. M.; 12.0a. lAl, 2,fl'..4 £1.6Wj,4},.6i, 8.(N1. ft;*. « IV M. iHiindiiy, 7.24, y is, 11,10 A. .^(.;2 03 8 4)* ,llAlrti^fo.

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For l*Wiknrt<l, 8.16, 7.18. lf(.(fi. 11.86 A. M.; | m a £ ; 'A ».tu,o™,7.i5, T-xi;

For f«lil»rvm«. ll (I.IJ, 7.1S, W., I0.IW, I1.M A, M ■,i4 laC^tw, s.a.'i, cos, t,si,aue, aw, s.ai, t.w, s to

loov N.Fur Eisuijiif tua, r.ia a u A, u.; I.UB. t,s5. axiJ'ur rtftli Aininy, IUJ.S.2 , s..i-,. i i j t a. n .: 1

vll Mnuwa*. fi!



ISgiiUaya, Oiu A, U.Jjfiir Atlanflvlllshlanih

A. M.: 1.U, iS l, 6.-» V.LIU P. M. .

Fur frwhoM. IE , IttS A. M.; l.PK, CM, a ] 0 p w Enr S a l louit. Ijwi* llraiMih, n«,Ti tirov., u n '

A E I1 .3 JS .il,; l.»J,*l»,4.W.Aai I v V slndJV il rxcept Vl Oewin llrovi, OOfi s. H.; r.lo 1*. M,

Fur l.ikeKouil,’luuis ulvrr, itariirsut lurfc sod linra«eht.sas.M.ii.«i,i3J f, M. ^Fur ViiirUoil aud Krldpuun, 1.M 1’. M.Fur Ailantls I'llx, i .u F. It.

, NKWa UK AND NEW YORK.■ FftiTii nroad and K*rtF Bln'M w » tlim *-s t B.T),

J..S). 6.31, t,«), 7.M, 7.«L AUu. *.», ASH, »,no aa5MO, IU.U), IU.30, iu.«, ii,(ii)"ii,aj A, liuo i ( 7 i j j i!■??■ I-*?' i*'.».«». 3-! I-’*,1. M.. I2.0)(, lt40 aifht. Ht)iiday)f-.||,4|]i^ *,go,U.OU, IlkW, 11^ A. M,; lXU*6t.: 1.00, 1..W, 2.IS 3.oS4,00,6.00. 8 If), 7,00, 8.0,1, 0A8J, 10.41011.OD, 1B.00 P. M., N#w Vurk fruin toot « Llbiiiy sUwP-Ai S.*0,6J*.U.3fcB,«,7.ia,7,M), 7a5*. 8.15. fo li ^ 0 0 1 6 , *541. 14L<W, ^ l^ »!Uq, iV00/i1.» A. l.0«, U0.t%tlMl0g kUv 4.S0 A U it io tS .

A. V.;.12.0d IL; J.*p, W LOto 4ik(k B.*(LtifcMOhi 7.00

O R M E R A Ii IN s ITRANCB -S tlft HTRAM SHIP a g e n c y . TlcXeU and Draft* ft'r all M i i s o r E u ro p e . In iu r s n u s a t L iberal tU tsa In b«*l

8 0 0 Hrmti) St., Newark, N. J .,Cominltiiotkor of Not*rY


3 2 , 0 0 0 *

K EW AliK EVEXTNG NEWS, F lU n A r , JU N E VU H9.1. 0

TBEMmBEflfEB.A Story of the Peril of the Fainter

Frederic Ravanna


B o w , W h ile !!(■ W if* a n d C l l ld re n W e re ■ t F U j In th e 0 « r d e n , th e rn w ilo u o J I IU C lilltllinitd e n d E a r ly Y o u th W»ii K ev iv ed ^ -T lie M o m en t th n i h av e d Tw o

Do Dot ieek In what follows tlie eniolioTii of A phtHoUCi aaventure. i t !• the rnllhrul iwprtKluoliuQ of a reeliai which wui madi* lo BivoHi' evenimr hy (he young and ulrchdy cOlebraletl pitlnter, KreJi'rlc Uarannc, A fugitive linproHAlua guthared In the course of h it lahorEoiut n rccullcctJon of Ills jmst, the w H lectlouof n pt-fiuun, one o f Ihom perils of which when one hns avoided or cx* orclnd llK-fii, ouo cauimt ihiiih without fiel' lu f M ebiverpuhs through him.

It Is 1 who hotil till- [laii, but It la he who lallte; It li his nnmo uuU not niiuu w hich ihouldfliiure s t ttie bottom of this brief nar« ratlve of which ctrcumalaueei have tuado me the rcNponslble publisher. Ib is Is what he related to mo:

**f was born aud grew up In a small townof the north ofEraiicB, At the gates of that town, upon the banka of u narrow river on Ih* sufiacw (if wbich llule islands coverf'd with a vigorous vfgstntlon pul evurynhsre culJocIlotii of vcrdiirc nml flowers, my |iar* enli posieaicd a house, lli'iicalh Us roof of oUl slate and bchiQd Us worniK-airn front U was large und comfortable, A wooden gar­den icpuratod U from tho water, n was lu thiaoasis tlialTuy childhood was puisod.

'*Totho right of uur garden uroKe u dwell- log like ours, Inhabited by a family on friendly terms with mine. M i |»arcijfs had only a son ; our mdghbors had only u duugh- ter, fuy Junior by ihreo yeur*. fcJhe wiu named Eih^nnette.

“Ai fur back a-t 1 can n m e m b d r slio isir- tle iim te d 111 iiiy gntiicF, mnv a t o u r hou.iio, th e n a t h e r huiisy. 1 hus'o fa l ih lu l ly priv- aerved th e rwoilWMion of w h a t shu ilioii wus th a t la te r . vi ry mu«:h la te r , 1 was euub li'd to p u t he r liv ing llkenuss In U m t one o f m y p lu iiirc s w h ich g o t jue m y U rit m ed a l a t iJicHnloiii.

*'You will find her there such ns I knew* and always (?aw-Ijrr, so capllvutliig and ko domiimi lug, with hor tine and nleuder walsi, her attUudus of uyouthful goddess, her black eyes wrtn ihi'lr gruvu ami proud exproislun and, u|Kiu her forehead; of the most periccl design, tho busbluchi of hu opulent head of blond liuir with yellow rrdcctlons.

" 1 know^ nut ut wbat reiaote dale must be placL-d our first meeUng. It s<^ins to me that Ktlcnnetle was always al juy side. There Is not an tmpreislou of my rltlMhood which was not cmnmou tons boib, H^r troubles wore iny lrout>le<. ber Joys my Joys. and. if fute had luude us brulher and sister, wc eoulG not have had for each other, she more tenUernrss, 1 moru sutlcltudc.

“ Welovnd esch other well, poislonalcly, at tbal time- Free and often alone, at thu jtertod when Iptelllgeiice awakri, we were Mcrustomed to regard life which was cutn- liienclng as a thing made eipri'sily for our cleslreH ana designs amt which was, ubovo all, never to separate tis.

“ I was fifteen aud Eilenncite twelve when suddenly this dcnr Intimacy was troubled.

One day her mother SHlit lo lutue:“ Ihcsf children uro growing up. Their

a te demauds that Ihiy ibnli no longer be a l lowed to VHgiibnnd together T

“ My mother was o rihe same oplftlan, and from ihenco, to our gr>*at despair, we were cokupolled to abandon the frAiernally hUared games, the long tele-advtcs In the shaiiaaad the fine runt u|K>n the flowery bunkK,

**The proprlailes had arisen between us. We were no longer allowed to see each other •aventider I he surreillanco of rarenta or ittasters. That was the otnl of o\ir friendship, pure a t It was aud wholly bathed in nneou-SClOQSQPSS,

“ I had always addrosaed EtlcDitettc Csmll- larly. They obliged me to call her * Mudem olselle.^ ^ lie lu her turn was forced to style toe 'Monsieur Krederio* In exceedingly for­ma! manser. Gradually, between my friend and roe, a high barrier nroso. The parents and the children Mweach otli^erless and lets. When wa,.met waou lunger dare raise our •yestoeweh other, so il happeuedtualtcoa- atdertngkuysolf an unhappy and persecuted bring, 1 cams to regard ihetltualloa which had been crested for me at Intuierablo and looked upou ihe decision which my lather took u| sending mo to I'arts to llalsh my atDdles as a blessing,

** My sudden departure, a departure which did not even leave me tJmelo say adieu to Xtlenoetle, was Ibo finishing atroke which cut ihori our relolloni. Not only did I are her no longer, hut scarcely ever did I hear her m^jtlonod aud then only a t perluoe r«- ziiote from each other. .My fsther sold hU property logo with iny mother todwell near their only child, and speedily the past, dur- log which my heart had belonged to an adorable young girl, was but a mejoory over w b l^ ttn ie flowed.

**Maraed one day that Ktlennetto bad got married, that she had espoused a young geu> tlenian, a proprietor lu La Morvao. The Dews tore a tear from m u; my heart, during some daj H, reijialned wounded aud troubled. D uttbaevll was only on the surface; 1 con­soled myself and, from week, to week, the dear vImIod of former days faded and wsi afTaced by the agitation of the new days, wholly devoted toiiruggles urtdertaken ka the rush of my dawning arobULous.

Fifteen years elapsed, i owed to my toll or luy luck a lUUo renown and an UDhopod- fur rortuue, tu a marriage consonant with my tveias the most ubiolule roltoily. Everything smiled upon uie, 1 was wbut Is called a for­tunate man.

**JtWRsnt this moment that I again saw Stlendelte.

*'Oh 1 1 remember It ai If had occurred yes­terday, this fluat episode In my first love aSklr, tb it BUprenie echo of my past. I t was a epring morning, beneath a sort and oioar •ky, lu my atelier wblcn In every part was Inundated by luathlne entering In tlooue through the open wlndowa From thi place tn which 1 Was working J saw, througli the large bay windows, a t the extremity of ihe garden, my dear wife playing on the lawn with Dur lull born. Ail around lue breathed happiness ai^d somelhiug more, tho soourlly of hnpplQcas. 1 was lu one of those physical and moral lltuatlons la whieti It soeme that one may defy adversity aud tha t cue is for­ever out of lu reach.

** My valet de chambre entered the atelier, bearing upon a waiter a vlsltiDg>card en­framed with black,

“ ^ I t l ta le d y tadoepmourDlog who asks to see Moosfeur.*

** * I am uot rccelviDg.'*<>lto]d bar so; but she invista; llU am al-

ter of urgent buiiaese. she clalm a’'** Perhaps aha comes for a portraiu Bhow

her In.*“ Bheenlered; she whose' uoknown name

bad told me nolh i rtg whe n I had read It u pon the urinBilamped vallum. Uhe eiuered and, bensaUi her crape Veil, I recognised ber. It was Ellennettc, yos, Blleunetlo, itlllUke hep Mlf, but tnora beautiful than In* the past, l i t dU the splendor of her thirtieth year, all while aud all blond, bluih^s on her cheeks, tears In her eyes and, as fonnerly, faeclnat- lu g ; eo beautiful, In a word, that sbedas- xied me.

*'*Jt la your your**'lUsJ» I am a widow! Ihavecom eto

Parts for the business of the suooasilou. I Wanted to see you again T

“ And wesatdowii, oueagnlnit the other, hand In baud, united Immediately as If we had never quitted cash other nud M ifth a chain of our young love had so t been broken. And all ihe old reinerobranovN of our hearts arose to our Hpt. We revived them together, Elionoette added to them aoine grave words, 8bc bad never forgo tea m e; she bad never ceased to love ino; every part of tay life to which publicity had b ^ a given tho knew—iho kuew it better than 1 did.

“And there was. In a iQlontc, a moral, ln> finite and powerful embraco which gave us to each atbe^ weak, disarmed, ready for all the falls oMove.

Below, lu the garden, my wife and my child were still playing; theirsboutiand laughter reached us. Bui neither tbelr laughtei'nor their voices proiecied iqn Aoy loQgor. 1 than belteved that all was over with mo- '

** Tbeniklasldt '• ‘ Where aro you atopplngf •“ At the Grand Uotei, Will y<m comeOfid;

iee m et''•And In that q'ueiiloD, aCaimnered by a

trembling mouth, there was a prayer^ apreia- log prayer.

“ Thai time I saw the abysa | reeollad, •"G oaotlseeyoul Gilt not nol*“ The honest woman that sha w assufv

]v vtoppeursd, *are rigbtl lU s better th a t way T

••Bhu had arisen wlibout my seeking to detain her. '

**• Adieu, Frederlc-e I am very happy at liavlhg been able lum eet you o o n , for the first and the last time. I eUaU go boms morrow,*

"BbewsDtodt, 1 WBs afone. The lotoxi* aatlrju was oveMoma, A glanee oast upon

garden rvetnred lo me energy and oour- The peril was past, fiut what a peril t

** W« ASTW saw Bach other again.**iiV fM i PAtrovr,

TOLD IK THE STATE.B ouie o f th e U rte f i 'h ru n lc le s o f LLfe fte i

F o r th in N ow J o re o y N ew ep ap o rs o f K e c e u t H ale .

A UE!1 TH ir> UU(H)biNG KlTTKNA F ra n k D av isou , uf H aloesou rg , r -p o rU th S

la le e t n o v e lty —>u a itlln g heu lh a l fursuok ber ow n n e s t lo “ a l t oik" uuU c a re for a n e s t o f y o u n g kU lena w h ile tb e lr iiu d h e r b ad left th e m . W lien th e old c a l relurneU from her furagliig cxpi'dliloEi she look In (be i l tu a l lo n am i ca lm ly ii^it dow ii bcsiUe th e hen an d w alled fo r h e r lo fin ish ber labor. A t last a e co u n is th e h en s till held th e fo it .—/hoKS- fciu'14 P reu ,

s <jt a I 't tn u ; IN jkhjaky o it v , “ tw i i u t lu g e l a w iir ru n t / ' sa id a F o lllli

g ir l a b o u i tw outy y ea rs old IliK moruhis to J u s t ic e U 'U ouiiell. W hen a sk ed oo w h a t co m p lu m l, Ihe g irl s a id : “ 1 w as em p loyed a s a s e rv a n t for a w onm n w ho w au te d roe to arifts n t Cl o 'c lock lu th e m o rn in g . I lo ld ber th a t wiis too cu rly fbr m e to get up , a u d she dlMChnrgeil

“ W hu i d o you w a n t a w a rra n t fo r?" In­q u ire d th e C ourl,

“ W h y , for w an tin g m e to got u p a t^ A * M .," w as iJiu answ er. The C ourt w as slag* gci'ud a u d In fo rm ed ibe yuu ag w om an th a t h e w as v ery snrr}', b u t he w ould n o t be ab le to Ihsuc u w a rra n t, T he yo u n g w om an loll th e cu iir t In n v e ry liid lg n a iii fram e o f o ilu d ,—JiTSvy t\/y JiAim at,

W'AII, ii¥ l l | g Cul NTItY ktllT4}K, * L ives o f puor m eo oft rem ind us, U uaest m en

d 'M i'is ta n d n u tih an ce ;Thu m ure ihey w ork llicro grow s beh ind ’em

b igger pu lc tie i on tb e lr pan ts.FrlntcTH' puotfi, once ivcw a n d glossy, now

itave s tr ip e s of d iff^ reut hue,A ll bccAUse subscr|)i(.'rs lloger, au d d o n 't p ay

Ilium w h a t Is due.(>, friends, do bo up an d d o ing ; send In y o u r

m ile , liuw over sn iu ll,O r e 'e r th e snow s of w in te r con ie th , be w ill

im va no p an ts a t a ll,Lrader.

n o w HATAN KNOW.S 1II4 OWN'.T h e e d i to r wtiH Silting lu h is san e tu iu fig-

u r lo g u p h is h<x'ouuls, w b rn tb c door opened and in w alk e d Buiau, “ How d ’y e d o ? " Nai<l h ts K ulanta in s je ity , “ i |u l i e well, th a n k you ," re lu m e d the ed ito r. “ W ha t a re you a U iu \ w rlilu g u p u lead ing edJto- rh i!* " " W ell, im tcx a o ily . lu iU H lm ply flo­u r in g up m v iiec o im ls to sou w here I ca n r a is e u d o lh ir ," “ I suppoNe you iuw e q u ite a la rg e n u m b e r of re n d e rs?" “ Yes, Ind eed ; b u t oiiL-hulf o f Ihom d o n 't p ay for tl ic lr ]iu- |H 'rs.“ “ He k in d en ough ," rHplled S a ta n ,“ to g ive m e a h s t of all NUuh dcliiuiuoniN, for I h ave ail Idea H int th e y a re tho Ultvd o f pe«j- p lo w h o w o n t o b jfc l to doing a little hu sl- ucifs fur lue ."— tfvnwctai.

VAINLY STIit'imLlNli AGAINST MAHNF;>W.“ Ixx’k m e u p ; I w an t to m u rd e r luy wife

n n d b ro th e r ," w as th e s ta r tlin g a n n o u n c e ­m e n t m a d e by Jiknii-s M cl^ tughhn to uh of­ficer ttl th e C ity H all yesigrclay aliem oQ ii. T he Ilian d id u o t look like a lu n a tic , b u t on being orosh-()ueHlluDL‘d be iltitcd th a t ho Utid h i lim es a n a lm o s t uncojitrotltfblu m u n la lo out Ills w ife 's th ro a t a n d atioot b is b ro th e r. ilcK utd lie k new o f no reason w hy he sh o u ld ' w an t to C om m it such deeda H e d ec lared t h a t he feH ra tio n a l a t the llm o und loved h is wife.

“ 1 g e t aw ak « a t n lg b t ," ho sa id , " a n d si>iua ftra iq 'O dev il seem s lo ta k e possosilon o f in o . I feel I b a t l a m not m y s tlf . Some- th in g wUhIu m e com pels m e to do th in g s d lrc c ily a g a in s t m y will. I h av a to ru n o u t o f tlie house for fear I wifi m u rd e r m y wife, Mbo docs n o t seem to rea lize her danger, an d BOii'Clltnes w hen I feel t h a t ! muNt k il l h e r sh e ca resses m e m o st." M cL aughlin was s e n t Ui th e c o u n ty Jail, w here he wus g lv tn n sefiarAto rooiiL Uu fu itaned b o th doors an d soon a f io r w as a rav in g m anioc . The Ja ilers w ore ooinpollod to b r t'ak In to th e ro o m to p r e r e n l h im d o in g b liu se lf bod ily In ju ry .

I'cleffritu i,

A BAD PIllLLU^BUtlG HAIUT.So m e o f o u r resldenU , wg are so rry J o say ,

h av e a n exooed ing ly bad hab it, o n e w h ich a t tim es Jeopard ises th e h ea lth of tb e m se lv e t a n d th e ir n e ighbo rs as wull. W e sp eak o f th e k lU m g or ra ts , cals a n d dogs a u d th e n a l­low ing th e m to He on tbu vacfth t lo ts a u d In th e a lley s .—J^hiltipnburg PoiL

OOITKR AH A CtfOLXKA 1‘ItKVENTlVI,\V. I j. LkitwIHer, a g randson o f the la te Dr.

H e u ry D o tw tller, te lls th e follow ing ttorje o f b is g ra n d H a lb e r:

“ S in ce th e cho lera scare com mtDOod ag a in , a n u m b e r o f m y g ra n d fa th e r 's o ld p a tien ts h a v e co m e to h is offioe a o d a s k e d for oopper d isk s , w h ic h th e y huv^ w orn a t b is sugges­tio n , d u r in g ch o le ra ep idem ics Id th e past. T hese d is k s a r e s im p ly m a d e o f (h ln copper, being a b o u t th re e luebes Id d ia m e te r, a l­th o u g h fo r ch ild re n th e y a re so m ew h a t sm aU er. T h ey a re w a rs ov er th e ch est n e s t to th e sk in , suspended by a tape.

“ Tho e x a c t a c tio n of to e copper on th e sy s­te m w h en used In th is m a u n e t Is no t u n d e r­s tood , B u t on ex a m in in g a person w ho 'b a s w orn o n e for a few days th e re Is seen a s lig h t r a t h o n th e s k lu , u n d e r th e p la ie , caused , possib ly , b y fric tio n of th e oopper on the ep id e rm is . T h ro u g h th e m e d iu m o f th is Ir­r i ta te d p a r t tb o c o p tje r nia.v ac t, b u t ib is la o n ly th e o re tic a l. A no ther th e o ry Is th a t tbo oopper, w h ich , you know , h as a p e c u lia r odo r, Sends a k in d of e n v iro n m e n t a ro u n d a n d th ro u g h tho body, ac tin g as a p ro p h y ­lac tic , by som e u n k n o w n ac tio n on th e sy s­te m , w h ich It c e r ta in ly h a t. p

" U s e o iD s l lk e a n o ld w om au’s fancy o r su p e rs il l lo n , a n d a lm o s t rid icu lo u s , to th in k th a t sn sm a ll a p recau l ion m a y keep ofV <»o te rr ib le a d isease , b q t m y g ra o d fa th e r ’i p a t ie n ts w o u ld n o t go th ro u g h a n o th e r ep i­dermic w ith o u t them .

“ ^ n t b e ep idem ic o f A sia tic ch o le ra t h a t p re v a i le d In fia slo u in 1S56 be d is tr ib u te d som e 260 o r 300 copper d isk s to b is p a tle n is In th e s tr ic k e n d le tr ic t. T h e (a ta ll ly , a m o u n t­in g Co a b o u t 360 cases, w as cnD fiaed nfinstiy in H outh iilaatoD, w here inont o f th e p la tes w ere d is tr ib u te d . N o t one p t th e persons w ea rin g th e se p la tf s w ere a tta ck e d w ith Ihe d lueatc , a lth o u g h som e lived w ith in a few doo rs o f oases, T h e lUua o f w earlog co p p e r w as fo u n d e d o n th e fact th a t persons w o rk ­in g In co p p e r In E urope nev e r stHT^red cbo lo ra lc tro u b les , even w hen tb e lr n ea re s t rr^lghbrifs w ere d y in g lik e polsoDod d o g r."— w u rren iJenuKrat.

BCARKD BY A TROLLEY CAR.M r, G rey , p ro p rie to r o f th e M orristow n

P a d d o c k s a n d tr a in in g traok , m e t w ith a se rio u s a c c id e n t o n T uesday last. W h ile b r in g in g a tine horse th ro a g h N ew ark , th e a n ln ia l b e in g led from th e back o f a buggy, n tro l ly o a r ca m e su d d en ly up o n th e m a n d frlg h le n e d th e a n im a l so th a t he Ju m p ed r ig h t lu to (he buggy, ou M r. G rey, a u d ihuii h o rse , m a n a u d buggy topp led ov er a n d w ere s p re a d o u t on tb e g ro u u d . Mr. G rey w as te r r ib ly b ru ised a b o u t tbe face, head a n d body, b u t w as ab le to oom e hom e. I t w as a Tiftrrow esospe fro m dea th -—Jierrfjluu )a /Join- wer.

bage grt>wB to lUs height of Itu to tweciy frel aud ttiv stalks are u»od for (vacs raMs. if your Jucrrdulous frleuds will Inclose me a rvUlhur of $26 I will UR>k Up the authorities on these points, but 1 don't propose lo work fur d'ltblDf.

Gj tn January, 1$m>, f spent several days at the house of John A. Jonci, In I'hutloi^a ikiunty, Ga. li was very c<»ld w«alher. One raorniug be made a big WkHHi firu In my r<»om, and wheu li hud bcAi burning for about an hour he brought a bowl ol warm watsr and net It ou the hearib nt-nr the fire. About five iiilmile^ ailerwiird 1 found that a Uiln sheet of Ice hurl formiHi on tbs wutor.

Wo uTo all well. The girl Is fine, aud the buys are glowing every day and sonicllinea twice Fk (lay. I unuld huvo wriUen suoncr, but have been HWiiy bcveral duvs. Khali al­ways be glad to hcftf from yoiu Wlnci-rely yours, J amkss. lliu.HMrHK,

Ik-feUticr of the Kallh.This Rev, Mr. HIIUiuiirc, let ns artd. Is a

rrrshylt'rlan minister at rurtcnvlllf, Gt,, nvid IS a crndunle of Prluc ^on Collazo and of Ihe Frjiu*i‘(un '1 heologlral liemiuary.— lUainlm i'u

tHlMRUN tlTORIita OK KRAI. l.iFK.Twaiiiy yt'ai'R ugu ilFcroacralu tlilNlown

two men working at the same trade i ipialiy skilful and with equal upporlnnlHcti.^ To- dn}’one Ilf them, sini >ForkingHl the same placi% ntt uH bis own homn end Isnn honored and highly resiwtMCd cUiEm of our toHvii and pays lax on Lla real cstitiu purchased with the prui'^eds of labor, hut Im keptatt'ay from the saloons; isO far un he l»* psr- aonally cmn'crncd (hero Imnn'l lieeti it sHluua lu Ib is loan foru quurlnr ofti century.

The other inau, w here Is be? ileiilllilvpt, iiiuvc;! and has some sort of a being, hUt the only ph*eeuf real estale he has any claim ou Isa plot abntu 2th (cat In some Imrying ground; hedldn’l keep away fruni tho saloous and h Dota laxpaver lofreal estate), (or ha really has none to bo taxed fo^

Another man— *lsi> a living reality—came tu tills town twenty-nine ycuri ngo wllhnut ap.'Wty. He owns a dozen houxes now uu which ho |iHvs lux. and tufnr as he Is per­sonally conc4'rncd there hnsn'l been u 'iitjum In town during ull thoftO yours,—/fri/'tvuTr P it h .

MAUItl \4*l-: Cr*«TOM4.The FeoullarlMes AlirtiiHiig tho tVeddlng

Cel'uiiiouy lukpiklii.From the Byracuso Itnrald.

Ill Spain, when o n e attains a marriage* able age, the parents, os ii rule, relieve the youuk people of any re.HponslbiUty by GhooHing for their son or daughter, tbe dflUKhter or son, as the case nuiybe^ of the family whoso estates adjoin, so aa to in­crease their worldly goods.

The Kpanish iniirriagc, ah H is per­formed In Bpain, shoujtl be minutely ob- tKTved by other countries, noting, for per- suiiat bentlil, its iuiporUnce. They do not give a ring to their wives, sy in boll o of the marriage, but a jirlgst throws a gold chain aboTit the accloi of the bride and groom, and handing a small key to the groom, declaring thorn man and wife," explaining to them the key is ff-oin that luonicnt to the hour of his death tbe symbol of honor that must guard his wife's safely through the trials of earth ; turning to the bride, explaining her duties in the most earnest tone, to the effect that she is to obey her lord and master In everything with tbe exception of eommittlng murder, robborj'or Ignor­ing the grace and Infinite power of our Lord and Saviour.

It li) acccBoary to present the bride with thirty p ietw of money, dollars with tho poor and ouzos—viz ; u gold piece of the value of |16—to the rich. Therefore a poor man receives, |30, while o rich man re­ceives sixteen times thirty, or |480. The priest blesses this money, and prijn that in the near future tbc newly-married may be prosperous in worldly giKNls and wealthy lu faith and acts of Christianity, In tho country towns or villages the pres­ents of horses, wagons, furniture and everything needed to start housekeeping forms part of the wedding procewlon. All these worldly goods acGompany the bride aud groom to the churob door, and after the ceremony to their new home.

A BELL tV lT ll A UlsTOJCt.Cast From D iacaided Jspauusa Tobacco

i* ip e t.From Iho Dayton Evening Nows,

A bell cast from eighty-five pounds of Japanese niotal tobacco pipes Is a trophy of victory for the temperauce society in a faroffland^

Misa Mary Allen 'West, a missionary to China and Japan, mode an earnest at­tem pt to break the custom of women smoking pipes in the latter country. I t is a common scene to see a large number of Japanese women congregated for the pur­pose of having a social time by indulging In smoking the pipe.

Misa West waged war against this nar­cotic indulgence, and succeeded in getting her friend, Mrs. Tsuda, to colhet 5,000 of the pipes which her convert had sur­rendered. The Japanese metal pipes are said to be very expensive, and they ex­ceed by far the noted Meerschaum pipe.

8he had them melted and cast into a bell weighing eighty-five pounds.

It was placed on a mission church there. I t was first used to toll tbe funeral knell of that worthy women, Misa West, who died so suddenly from overwork.

The bell is on its way Ui Chicago, where it will be placed on the Temperance temple.

-----------------Wlilskpy 8tlU tbe Mariilard Rouietly,

From tl)Q New York Tribune.T. K. Fisiier, of Hauta Harbars, Cal,, says

that Ibe Indlau remedy for snake bile is a species of ibe planlciiptiorbla, which is lu- dlgcnous In C'nUfurulu uad Arisons. Tbe plant should be tnaouratod In walor atid a|> plied to tbu hkiti around the bile, Novertbr- IcSK, It Is safe to say ttiul whiskey, taken ID- (erhuily, will continue to be tbe popular Amerloan remedy (or suAxe bltr.

A C U A E’T E l l O l^ D O N ’TS.

p u m s m s o fatiijeuk fo e t h e i e so ns.Serecrj hoy. •mfilhyed a t th« carpot mil

heard tbay would hava tbelr wafee raduaed, ao they eeut a oorumlltea to the maDauer aud uot ouly protested afaluU the reduellou, but demanded an Inerwee. TbU n a i uot ac* paded lo, aud the boya quit wprk, thua en- rorolnc Idloneae upon aeTeral of tlie men operallTea Tbe faiben of the boye all work IB the lalll, aud they were noitQed that tbelr poaiiioat depended upon Ihe j-ounnlere belD( a t work on Monday. Thli had tbe de­sired elTeet, and the b a y e ^ re on hand, with the exception of three, whoea fklhere were promptly dlaoharged.—,W(. UaUy yeuii.

BPAKTA'g CKAKPIOM KBA9 TUIKF,T h e m a tu e a t k in d o f a th ie f la one w ho w ilt

a tca l fro m p rcac b err, b u t amd^ cba rae tem b av a p a id H p a r ta u T la l t . On (ja tu rd a y o ren - in g Ih ry eu to red th e c e d a r o f tb e P re .b y te - r la n p a rauuego a n d ito le a la rg e obocolale ca k e , a n d tn th e i r I tlyh l d ro p p ed a p an n ea r tb e c e lla r door, a n d fatted to eoeure a r o a i t o f boef cloee by . T he ll l l le dog how led a n d m ade a d le tu rb an o e , oau .lnK rnem bare o f the fam ily to t r y a n d aK C rla ln th e canto . On Hu u d e y n ig h t Ih e u m e o r o th e r pa rtlee Tlt- l ie d th e M, K, parKouage, a n d aa th e R e r . H parnon w a t nbean t for th e n ig h t, r a n u o k a d th e houae a n d c a rr ie d o ff tw o tu lU o f o lo thw . F o r tu n a te ly for tb e pnraou It w aa B undeyeven liig , a n d h a b a d h ie beat f a l l__iliuarxifephrfer.

A I.kTTBE THAT AUtTaEP JO liy I- Et,AtE. T he la t te r p r in te d below waa w rilw u to a

y tm n g m a n J n M ontrea l, C anada, by a O ro rg la i n ln l i t e r . lo n n tw a r to o e r la ln uuaa- tlA n a TIid h a io rieaw era lo ld by tb a y o u n g m a n a n d b la C a n a d ian f r le n d t w ere Inoredu- h>na T h e w in l i te r w a i naked to Touch to r th e ir t r u t h e n d d id an, H la le tte r w a i read to tb e H on . J o h n I . I tla lr a raw d a y i ago a h d h e d ec la red I t waa, good enough to A nd Ita w ay In to p r in t , a u d i o h e re It la ; r

Y, « ' CAXf ** « v i L i* . Q a , J a n , la, ( s iaD e a b F u ix h lt-^ Y o u r lav u r o f th e e ix th re-

ee lT ed, I n rep ly 1 w ould la y i (1) A M e th o d lit m ln la le rw b n i ta y e d a t m y

houae d u r in g eonferance lo IN I to ld tu e th a t . ' V - - ~ '. l lo d r lo li 'i in o rd io a ry w e ll -

l i ^ t tw o geilona) OTery n ig h t B iter e u p ^ r , a n d from w h a t 1 la w of b la jie rfo rm aaoee I a m p ra p e ra d to bwltera tb u a ia le in a n l. D uring Ihe d a y be d r in k a e T e ry e h a n o e h e g e u a n d often ta k ee held a ga llo n a t a tim e ,

(g) In Ibk ea rly g n rt o f MOb t read a o e r t l- ole In Ih e Selentifle Ammimm. by H lenben H elm , o f N ew J e rw y , In w nlali referenoe wae m a d e to so m e " te « t p ta ie i" npon w hich tb e tx i rd ’i P ra y e r w n i t o w rliie a th a t th e w hole U lble, If w r il le n In i be nam e Ity le , eon id be ik p e a te l tw eniy*eeT«u tim ea on u n a iq u a ra In ch . 1 w n ite to kn o w w h e th e r be w ei lell- lo g tb e t r u t h o r “ Juet p m e fa in g ." H e re - pared Lb«t ha w ee te llin g tn e t r a tb ,

(I) On tbe tilana ofjeregy the emr-eab-<

Don’t neglect the buoy; ilio tittle fellow hai the Hrtl right to your aiteiiUoii.

Don’t do everylbing for end with him that you are ndvi.ed tod o ; eouilder well tha ad­vice, and then rely moat on your own Judg- maiil.

Don’t neglect to have the little fellow'i rlotblag light, warm, looie aud free from pins,

Do&'t wake tb s bab^ to exhibit tbe tlnls of bis eves lo ad miring friends; sleep ii hli most unquestionable rigbL

J>oa't ipoU tbe tufont by walking or rock- ing It to sleep, and do not let any ono else do so; It will sleep ben and most ualurally when lying on a comfortable bed.

Don't Blreiti tlie baby’s eyos by allowing a •troug llgbi to sbloe directly into tbem, especially wben he first wakes.

Don't lay Hie child down with bis ears t>oDt Rway from h1i bead; tbe resoli will be a de­form l(y.

Don't try to prevent a Uetblog child lyom suoking bis thum b; U help* the work ordsn- tUIODg and If ibe bsblt u acquired. It can be easily broken up by tho appliestlnn of some biller tliiotorn lo the thumbs, two or ibme appllcatlous only being uecessary, "

Don't fail to feel Of baby’s bknds and feet during cold wtalber, both day and uigbt. If tbey become cold, rub (bero gunily till warm; If that does not have the desired result wrap tbem In warm flaunels.

Don't forget th a t small socks, tight ctoth- Ing’-any th lng which imcrferes wiib tbeclr- calitlon—will produce coldness of tbe baodiand feet.

Don't forget th a t baby's lungs need plenty of pure fresh oir, but tbut they are still deli oale, and ought not to be exposed to raw Winds or suddsu ebsnges.

Don't let baby sit on the floor in cold weather; there le where the moetdoogsruoa draugbU are to ba mei,

Don't lei him all oV lie close to the win­dows, for a sim ilar reason.

Don't have the room too warm ; seventy degrees Is about tbe right lomperalure, and there should be as little change os possible.

Don't take tho baby out In seversly cold, tn dump or uubcallhy wcalhor, with tbe BuppoBiiloQ tlia t IL will be the tneans uf "toughening" him ; it may do that—U may oost the tittle life.—Good IFousfkeeping.

. -----------How Did Yon B a it Daat HtglitT

■' How did you rral laal nlgbt Tvabaard my gran’pap iay

Tb«m worda a tbouiand tlmaa—thal'i right— Joi’ than, worda tbalaway t

A i punclctiul like a i m ornlu' dait Tu ever heave la light,

Oran’pap 'ud a llu i half tn a l t—- Uow did you raat la it nlghlT”

UayoDDg-noa naed log rin .At breakfkat, on tbu aly.

And mock tha wobble of h li Ohio And eyebroaa belt lo high

Andklud- " tlu w did you rM t ta il night f" 'We’d >nDiiible,-aa’ let on

Onr Totcei trlmbled, and onr light Wai dim, and bearin’ goha,

e * * • e e e eBad ae I uied to be.

All I’m a-wablln’ U A i pnore aud ca'm a ileep far me

And iweet a ileep aa hie I A n il in 1 pray, unjedgm antday

To Kkke, and With Itg light B.e bla face dawn, and hear him n y i

” H ow dlJ yon real laat night t"—J.iraM H'Affwmh iiUfg In Atlanta ContlU*- ,«aH

150 Cups of Cocoa for 90 Cents, if you buy

^(m 3^u\b\iiSxoa—{BEST & GOES FARTHEST)—

Unrivalled‘for Digestibility, Streng;th and Delicacy of Flavor.

P E R F E C T L Y P U R E .


2 0 0 n n d 2 0 2 M A I tK R T S T .Hirdiart, iron Pipe, Snpplles, Sties.


Best lo tb c w orld. Dry r iild a i r . t'nlfiaer fln ist). H(dl(l h tird wotAl. Interior rlrcu in - ilo h o( cohl dry air.

1(1 th e Mucii Itiiiw I lie (‘Old u lr U allow ed to dvracH'ud (ili'fidiy fr>>in Hiu ico (.'<Hni>Mrtni«nl Ut th e pr(»vlsioii i-ljuml>er. T he M ack inaw itF^friscraior In perrccily ilry um l ri-quIrcH very liMIc Jet ; imV(> nolid liis ido w alls, uoe Gijrliihi'd Iti iiu‘ oHi('r--lliG io U 'rlo r one 1h n iiidc of iti(»doio(is dovo ia ile il Mild rnnii'tinti 1uli]> po|M tir,/in<' llmuL T he h| u<‘u uui w ii‘n liic n ull>, ^ lu ‘r H |'|ilyii)g a llolnix o f i |w c u fiv p ro p u red niuit'riHl. w lilrh U Ihe b c i l nun- cuisiluci hiu Nul‘Siurkce y u l d iscovered , Is cutri- ijS('Hv IlUed wllii pu re chnrtMwl,

N otice- Tlir .M iu'kl'iaw oas so lid Inside wall*. N r.liK' llrjed ad d (.'imru<>u1 fliil(*d.

'Hic MucklhAW Ik n iw ays sw co t a n d pure. O lh i'r s«K;aUi.'ti “ D ry-alr*’ U efrlgeraU im w ith “ »]^tU]<•slu H u'lr coverH o r w alls , h av in g " a l r -d in ‘tH," “ rru im ''’hiuI “ w sU -rsyphonn , o r b ih e r ('(.inplU'atcd a rru n g n m en ls , can m d bn h rp l c lrun , K eiviinU ta n m il Ahvsya li« de|)cndp(l iiptm to n lK 'ud In Ioomp flutiX itr (diior (h in ru li cnhsiriio tlons fm ind In som<‘ n friuera to rN TIk' .M ackinaw ha* n o In trl- ca lc cnhlrltuuceH , i

Jn o rd e r io m ore ih o ro u g b ly In irodiico ibe sc I'elpItrHioil rcfrlgc iu io r* w e w ill ollur (horn At HiC ruliuwlug spiRMisl p r io e i for one w eek o n ly ;

M acla i Ctet M ie r a t on u t |k.3l> .Mackinaw U hesl r1........................ $0.13OuflH.WK MiieklUivr Chcht a t ................. ......O ur lUKSA Mack in sw i Pmst a i ......................iK.'iAU u riU .9 3 M ackinaw C hest lOlfT

M a t a H;ri|[bi MrineratoO ur|!l.li7 MHvkInaw U p rig h t ml..... - ........... $7,H3Ouril-UKj M ackinaw ( -p r ig h tM i................f)U<^O urill'iSy M uchluuw u p r lg h l a t ................» la i5O nr f hktiS M aokiuaw U p rlg b l a t .............,.$Hi arO u rtiO .s ; .Mackinaw U p rig h t a t ................tlHliNo u rS K llS MackiriAW t J p r lg h l u l ...............OurSlH.117 MfU'khiaw F p rlg U l Ml................SlOitTO ur Wl.Urt Mtt'-kiiJRW U iirm ljt a t ................117.O ur|£2 .(g M ackinaw Upr’gUt a i ................1)319

Do n o l coofound th e Mackinaw w ith obenp liiiK u ilons. T he &1ack|tiAW l<t oom]KiF"|v filled w ith clinrcoal an d Is posIH veiv (h e bust re frig e ra to r m ade lo>diiy, W c e x o 'p t nuae .


C. T. SHIPMAN,4 7 T -4 T 9 BROAD S T „

Tbrv« D o an Below O ra n i* a l r n t .

STEim & BLAU.W hile th a b u ilders a re denvollstatng o u r

p re sen t fr6u i bu ild in g we w ilt c a r ry on bmd- nejis Ih lijA rear, a u h a n C D traoce th ro u g h o u r shoe d ep a rtm en t,

200 SPRINGFIELD AYE.K v ery lh lng U m a rk e d dow n.Wo s re p inched fur roo ra .

Shoes and Oxford Ties Lover Than EierC h ild ren 's Bprlngbeel Kboes..,,,,.,,................. 97cGentai’ L lgb( P ersian K id H hoes..................9!leJ .a d le i’ Oxford 'J'les-............... SOdB oys' Ktisssi. Bhofts.............. StiU lf

Bargain$ in 0iisf0¥e9. £ x c e f/ in t Hafues in Waifpapnr.

Shaif Contiftti* io So/i 3c. Papor. Barga ins in Beiis. Barga ins in Summer On^

tfftrirw ir. Barga ins in Paraso/s.In a k o ri . If you need an y th Jm r In your

h o u te w e 'v t g o t H a a d tb e p rice w ill u s tou lsh youa

THE FAIR,Stein &> Blau,

2 0 0 S P R I N G F I K L D A V E .


OK K lfK O K T Ill- HOAHIM'K Ml KURT AND Wah'r ('oniuilinlontfr> of lbs cUv uf Ns^vsrk.

,\ew*fk, .N. J . Ju jir s, \mi M^ulnt prupuMi* Mill Ih> retWiVfd si lUis udice

unUNo'C Mg p. M. or'ftM’«lHy, the taeuvletli day uf JutH*, 1A4, (hr iIm> liv in g ul

PKIM K vniK K T.(ruru,M]>rm;{(1eld rvi'Diic io ^v^Lll ( 'rangs svemn-

Tho tuliiiuhig ts HtHMii, fill* aiuount «»rihi- work I >iNi dixiH HiKl Hio (usifrlrtU lu fi»rulshuit |a iJu>i,uti9iruot|<iii suii n»in)tMioaofssld uiok

I ueiiiy I’ikThl hitihlml .IsiF)’ iHinHn’ j'Anls nbhing Lrup tlook taivtntf. Mini ihu luiniiroil stjuaie reot of ‘ lk>t|flKi»" lirkl^lnu.

Haddon will su lu tholr p ik m lu urUlnir os «elJ V In flgtires.

llhtdcrs innM M|>-‘rkty In Ihflr Hut,«himii) th eab ive tio rkhe aasrih 'd lu Ihrm . thi’j will bluil iln-mraotvei lu tliilsli siul i'uui|ii«U‘ iliu

uitUla twpntv-iiuir ounwvuUvi' wurklng days, 'I'he idaiisand •ijet’ldii'tttluii'* uf tho Work iwii lu*

eismliiodHl tho ullloo uf Utu ikmnl iil »mlWater 1'uintiilinlooeiii. Nu. r.Ut IImIhiv s(ri<4>t. ^utd prop'MMl4 IO tia Sii'uii |>aiilMl hv iho (Nbiiwnt, tn wrtmnr.of 1wi»suiTtlo«, who Ahxfi, at tuu limit nf puKliis III siirb prupuAoi<(, i|usl1f]' ob lo Uaolr riMiHUi lillilUly hi itie amuiiiit of bih^i pfuihimm], njiii hinil thokiiMlvett ih«t, Ifelio niulroel hs awurdn) tn lii« liersou or iu rton% nvsKlns ilib* proisiKKl they will, (i|Mjn lU usliiR DU uw'HrTiHl. iMraniiui has or llu ir siirliu*' fiir liie (allhrui |Hrrt>nimo(v «»f ahIiI wi^rk ; Mini (hat if till')wrMjii i.r omit ur rvfus»> lueiiTUle«>urli (vuitTMCt they will |Hiy 10 tlifc llv nf Newark SUV dhTFn‘m'ii‘ n IliesimiN (n w hldi he < r liu-y wmilij livve Ix cn etitMled u|Hia ihu eum iiledon urllie roiilroct, uiid Muki which Ihe city uf Newark may bodiligi'il in ihiv Ute t« n o ii or p«r- suriHhy wliuui Hii<>h loiitriut thsll Ueexn'uuHl

'J'iiu Ihist^l uf “-trcfai Shil Water i nmmlHHtoiier^ uf Gie chy of New.irk ntu^rve u> il»p(uHi*lveH the ngl^t 1m oi'Cir|)t or reject siijr or all |iriH>u’*uJs fttr tne atM«vu work, os lluy may tltieui la-si fur the IniuriM uf iliu cliy.

Iiti|d«rs and Auri'llM are hrrehy iii>tini*.1 (hat UQiler (tie prut iHiuuA to dig, M'.emli (HviMmuf hv law tiiC’iimv Ih# Ikwril uf sireet hii.I W ater i uiik- nnlM]UtH«r>, Jkiipigvnd March i*. Ism . tha t |iu> bouil or bnii ■‘i In h«» kiveii f tr llie fsllh ill eieuut uii and peifoDuMDif ol <u i i piihlH' wirk.tttaall Mr ( he a]i movtd a- siillclsary hy die iK>ar(l, and mb (u burn, try Uiel'u’ B el the tHHtnl.MHd liu cunt'll t mLjiII l-e tiiiul'nii ml Ills cH,v, of hn'utlli' ejlcullvc <>r uiHfrtttva iiMUl R •rh luMul mj npt roVt* I ; hoiI iUo I 're^ldriit (if die tmiiril raimll have ihiw« ' tu eKauilno Ihn |«nit>tiK-il toMi 1‘iiiu‘ik midur uuin. F h .'sh a ;! (lO’-lre, i>r rahsll he B I licdriu i mI tiy tlir tHi«rd, but tho hiriir.l will j|Mi IO iHiimd hy : Qy r| kieujent that may t u maite Ik sui-M pri>iH>sg> 11turnMtii M iHilaliall have fill jHiwer and a ’isoluW dl'crci on lu tlie w liulu multi'r, B'ld (Itli pruvlal Ml Ap g|] | e rdfernil to 111 Any iidvcrtlwmoiii Invittm; bid* fur any Mich ptihllo work.

}|y ilinH’thui uf die |iu»n1 uf M|ia-t ami Water t'oiiindadui-ini Of ItisH iv uf Newark.

rH A Ill.l M MAIIKH. i:cueriilMi;«rlii1«Milonl urWurlcs.

^ r i lT V K HTHKKl' I'AVlNG-A'iKI-XriMK.VT^ f u r lje;totlU.

Notice Is hereby ^'Iven dial au oMi'^Snipnl upuu all the owners of all die landi oml roul ealate iKh- cuUarly b*ia>-fid>4 hy the iiavhiji nf

M P iin i; MTiiii .1',(Tom lllsh sirs«l to llcltiiunl avenue, kcrorriinslo 111# itrovimnns ul an UTdiiiuiii-e of lh« (lt> of .New• ark, sullih d '* An orditiauc# tu provide k r luu ]hfv< lug uf

h r i i r i ’K KTiiKi-rr,from lllffh street lo avi-nu#,'' approvodHoptellilker ' 4

H is pierarfM] hy ih# uAdcr iirii'd c»miiil» sloDiT’*, iipiMjlitlcd hy (lie Mayc r ul d u ’ ctiy of Neiv- ark, and insl a report, hy s (vrtlfti-ato In wrliligK, uhh an iui oodaiM.vliu; map unci *ehnhde. hhua-lux tlieseveru] owie<iiuaeiiU u^alrmt die scveriil owners pvf'iiharly bi>ueMied its alufeoiild iHteu det(uHM»H| ill Ike ol1li>e of the d ry clerk nflherU y ofN ew arktor vium li siluti by the t stilus.ImereMp^d tlMfi'In

■Kstd s-jMSWiiiPiit ('Oui|irli«#s all lot*i, tnict« aud |#ar (t‘1'4 of land urnl roAi (‘Hiao* llinie io be A'OH'SMcdasHfurvoaid, lylasori Ixdh a’lks uf

tiVlUK’h. WTItKK'r, frooi High street (u Heiinuul avcmii;.

A " lo i” ivpn aanta an tu d n ‘ptol uf land, w batlier IsiTce Ilf Siuail.

All peoNcim Interesiod in Kald sAMcaameiit iiuy t># heard liefureaald commle’diMiep* i>u TIJi!>tl)AV,TilFTWKNrY-MKVKNTlI DAY OF

Jl'N K . IMW.2 P. M., a t thp ('oinmlsiloners' room, No. 4 (third nuor).d tv Hall.

Ualed Jiute 15, ims.JOHN IiWVKR,F- W H r i.lJ V .iN , K L l tK lN D .



rF lrH tiF TIIK BOAAD o f sTHYI’T AND Water (oniuilsMoMrs g flhecllv of Newark.

Newark. N. J., Junes, l<sa.Meolrd phipoSats will be rtrcelved at Uih oftiOe

nbUl 4 u'CliH'K I’ 51. uf Tueodav. th« tweidleth day of J ilM , hws, (lir 11l# reimviua uf

iVltllMiK h lT tkK r.fmin ItrtHid »tr«>et to b r ld f acruwi ili# I'saiato |(iv#r luoMlde < f ratrcMd mllway It icksi.

The fuilowins laahuut ihsam nniit of ih# work lu bedoihv sail the lusleiisls lu b# furunliad iq di# ciMJAiriiciiuii aiid’t'i/iupittItMj uf NUd ivurk

Tw#iuy-*ivko hm ulred’'iiJiii--:juaMi yard* ijf ole iRmr knuiltc block |•avlllg. whli s-lui-ii cijacrrlc liOM‘: aikI

hniMired dfciii Bi|Uare (bet uf Balgiaiibrld((iux.

The eld pwvlns m alerloi Is lu reum fn the prn^ia>ri. {>r the cKv. a id m iisl be n<iuuvi‘tl hy the itmlEMctur U> *UeJt ' 1o*i’ uf Idtti-e' OM Ih# <h'tn*ral Mliwrlnteiej rill of di'k. (Mid may lUn-cl

AG htu* imiNi be acrumiMiuimt I’jr '•iSH-imori hiuck, whk h Hre liiU hd# ( 11 bj u-tsL lu Ilic worH. with IhenHaneoi ihe i.l-liler ami Uui lue.iiUy sif da4|Uiirrv «lbi di# 1 to t(.

hiddur*! will Klnti* ilu-lr prkv# In w ruins widl os In Rcur, n

hlildctK iiili^l In iheir | ru(Hrutl* dial.shuuUI Ihu above work t>eawMrd<«il to Gmmii. ttii-> will lilu’l divtiuadveM tu riiilsii aud cuiuplcta ilU’ •aiuu wIGilii thirty oi>uv#<'imsa wnrkliiir dn.i a.

'I ho pUllMltut <i|MM’(|lcall die Ilf die Woik iiil| Im>tXamliMHi h1 the odUw uf Ike hcnrd of r Irect uml M s l r r t ’ouituihsiouen, .No l> llalw>y alr«al '-akl pru|H.HiAls lu le- a>nnUO|ialihHl hy the Ofn-uMII III WTillng. u( Iwu sureties wh>i nhall. Hi tlie Grui >il' pudlutfin htig'h pritiKiNd^, i|IihiIIV h ui di ir n- a|M)n«th!lny In liie auiomil u| mi.cM ppupoaul. amt hind du'iiii'e'hea iJiut. II die l‘•lllt('lll0l lie awMi'iliHl t > Uiw perseii nr jH.*nien* iuhIiIui: die |irn| uo,ii they

i ulil. U|M'u Hi Im'Ius h »aWc.rdi'il. b ,dne Jiia gir lU 'ir I siirelleiv fir ihe fiuihfiil jHirlbnnutu e uf suht n o tk :

and tliht If the per%im or |m rvuii uiini ur n>nt<H«I tu SAn ute aul'h cuiitiaet, the\ w Ml }i«y tu the 4<ii>I uf New.irk any iiItTeruni# iHtwt'cn ihe^un i- U» . which he * f iIm’V woni<| Imse Ih- n rn D lio l’i hiu I the cKllplelkwi uf ihe (Hminui and that widrii the

ctl> >>t .vewirk nmy lie utMlgcd tu pat die pi ru u or iH’rseUra by wliiiiU sllch ton iliu t shatj lt«ayc-tiihil.

'I he Th'wril uf Mir#id and Wsier t ‘nnimlialmH’rs of Ihe (ily ot Nncark reserve lo Mm'iuh'-Im’!- ihe right lu uCiS|M ur Aiiy or nil iirut^'^uis for IheaUivo w urk, on t )i«y iiiay ■li'v'in th’*|. ft r the in ivre.i uf thecMV,

Klddersnhd suiytiM sr# lierauy nuilft'd thul iiO' (Ut Uif pr II i-k>n« uf the «ri'v< nih MH tkui uf lb law crs«Liti(r ihs liiiuHl Ilf .‘‘‘IhH'l upit VI liter Cummla tlmieiN iiji|ir tv'e I Vurili V W I, lh t i i : i# IhhuI ..i bunds 11 Ih* Alt»n f'jr die f.illhfuleii-euthui un'l in-r (uhimm" Ilf AKhI imhl'i* wi-r- 'h id Mnit tie aji-nruve 1 S') lu siifUi-lsiii'y h> ih 'th a n l , slid as m form, by die ruunsel uf die I, an-l iiue-unru 't rUmII In* hltnlliis on Ihe I'liy. or lH-.time siTih Mi e i.r (•|>ers(lvs MuM) kui’hlHiiil I* wi a|>pr<iviHi: nnd the i rasldeiil id the O-HU'd ‘•lisll havu jnmm- !-■ itiiini'

. the iHUeNiiii'iv im ler tatth, if he 'h.dl; (1«-4r#, '<r iihalJ K* su inratiueial hi Ihu iHwrd, tad

(he liarnl win mil I# IhiuimI bv niiv hiB.i#.eeiu that inayhe uiiul ‘ to such pr.iisruHl la n<|<nven >n.1»^hal have fill iHjwcr smi ahstiiule •Ibcr. turn tn die w b U ■ m atter,uni thl> privistoii snsli tu iefim rai i i p any adv«>ru-#iuv(it Invltlnat h ds for unv mu-ii pu(i'i<- wurk.

J)y dlrc'dluii of die Tosrd of ^Inud uml Water ('ninmi-(»luij«ri of dm ilty of N aaark

C IIA ltl.M 51AIIHH.Wq CenumJ ^uhcrlnieiulsnl of Works.

OKFIl K OK j 'ln ’: IIO.UIDOK MTUKI-.T A.ND U sler t.'uinnnv>luti#r«i uf the city of Newark

Sewnik. N. J., June h, 1'>skI, MsaIkI iirv>|Mimils ivi]i la> nivlved hI th i ' oth(V

aiiill-I o'chMrk i* M ul Tii#ii.liiv, (Ua iwsnti. Ih tluy of Junv, lAk3, lor Uie jH*v|ng uf

|.4iNmV(v|(TU wTIlKlT, fiom Wnihlinriun Min-et lu Klvh droi-i

7 he fullu-A tin,' Irt aIhiuI llie umiiiild Of Ud* wnrk tu he duii‘‘ami Ibe iimli rtal* to Ih- furiildMi| In die cuhHtriii-diMi Hiiil «HMn)ileilMr) uf sahl W’jrk :

f hlrly-one liumtnsi iii.iai •qnure y;ir<ls urcidiiiji* ■tiMie mvliig iiihI funr hnnilfed i4Ud miuaht ipei of “ ikUuUn" hridghis

|U(l«t#rs will i totv llw-lr pr.is't Id wrllLns as well o> Ilk Hgimut.

I litiii-r* luiist specify Lh Itu-lr pruiXH'Sls that, Hlioutd diaitbivf work il# awardvd in them, they will hind du-in'M-livvH tu hnl>di niid iNjuipleli* tn# HHinc wiliilti thirly eoD*u‘i‘udve working' dnys

'I he plniiH liiiil BiMtunrstluim of die wi>ri( can be ekauilR(Mt ai UiS ulUee uf the liuanl of hirwei mnlM'aWi CuiumlwrtunerH, .No. 1^ ltiil*#y Himu Nnld | uoihmui!h tu lie flmini|i«uiiHl Uy Ihtt i-miAetii, in

[ willtiig Of two snreil#*, who kitw i.al die time uf : puiiliiM In Mi< h iinj]K>Mila ijusilfy om In itieir re- I H|H)ui;hhUy in ths niiioiml of sneb piup ishI. mimI

biU)i iheinwLvei thul 11 tbe outiiraci iB’HW-urdeil ti> Ihe pervuu ur ]ier>-ons making die pr.ipirod lliey will. th iMi Its lf#lnv NO awarded. lHM‘<une hln or (lieir NiiretiHH for Ihe iulthflil performance uf rauhl wiirk t Hinl that If Uie iwr^m or jx'nKMiB rhiiti or r#niiM'lu eviy ute such crjiiirMCt. diey win pay lo th e e j ic u r .Newark any iltMVreitci* heiwreu d ir xuius tu w hlcli he ur dirv 'w-oiihl buvo rqdiled luvui die loiir- ulettuii urllieconlrw i, liB'l that nhlcn tlie rliy uf Neivark may Im‘ ubllped In I'sy tbe ]>snini ur |ter- MJiis liy wh'Mii Huc'h I nnlnu'f <'h,iU Im‘ uxceutiHl.

'the lluuhl nf Mtri #1 nitil Wsb-r CririimlisliMiHrH of Ih# drv of .Nr-wurk h**-erve b> ili#ii»-slv< s the right hi scn-pl ur reject any ur all pnip tAulK for tli • ahuvo work, a-i they may deem Ih">I for the luti reai i f tho etiy,

hM<'*rs and *ui#libieni heruh.v tm d'l# | tha t nik- der the liruVhhJll^ ef the S«V#Ulil 'Ifcti’ili o f l b ^ iW iTkNk lug III# Iluard of #trcet luul .kvalcr I'uumiiI*- •iunors. approv'e I Mam-h Ihoi. that th>-hon.l ur t.xnvts Um<# gD#n tor the falthFlil ov#cutlou aiul i #. foihumr# uf raid inud o w'iir< PrSl >h- rpiiiovcEin* fii suiMci«n'‘y hy iJi# hjmr.l. arid u# lo r>rm, tiy ike t umo#-| Oi ih# iH w td.uil no ouutnvi t Shnll 1h> hhallngoh ih# e l>, or lH>cumi‘ efiui'ilr# >-t (■IK'iativr i-uul a ch bond Ih *u HppioviMl ; himI tlie I'reilderiL t l in# brsiril aIidII havs jM>Her io c.s- nndrii’ \hs pri'P 'S il hundsmen im lsr uiUi Iftio Hiall VO luslro, or >hHU la* ho IhatucIciI hy dm iHMint, blit ihe iH'aril will ti>d lieboond hy uuy *taliv lUPiil dint imiv h«‘ iiuiile hy s jrb |>ro,N‘is#1 1hjii>Iv men. hill Il• if have tnll fAiwsr »rt-l alwolnl# dls c coon In t ■# w ho# iiuiiicr, luni Hu* piovlsun Hhall b • refarriHl r I Ml any aitveitlscuienL lnv.Un< h.us fur any s Hh pnidle work.'

UydM#<'iiuit ui Ih# Uotird of Miroet s iurW ater I'omiiilNt.onors of ib# d iy of .Newark.

( H ^!tl.l'>* HAIlhK,K1S{ (ir>Deri<l soiH<rlhteri(l#Dt of Works.

I I 'h . untie

5«uV TtJTIC E -N tnTC E IH KKIlFfiY llfVlCN 'm .1 w all iwrlles InlcraMi'il tlisC ditt ofHSM‘sion#nt oftli# w hole Rinounl of ih# co»(a and vxpsiuMS ofgrndiiig and ciirMiig


andMOllKlH AVKNl'K.

Hsv# been dcilcered to m# Bix.’ordhig to taw. ^ald aMM*snui#ut# cumprl*# ail the lull, trucls uud |:ath'Sls unand and reni S’llal# l/liig ;

Uii both HldeN ufWAf.r. HTHKKT,

frorn KIlTabelh to iMrry struct;(MTlMitb sides of

d 'ITHAIUH'STItKET, from Hambiirg place to Kim sir«#l;

US bulb side# ofMdHHIK AVFN IK.

from (Antral avcivii# to Cciiidll sir#.*iTbc uwiiant of labi! and ru:d #s*at# a*A#**«l In

Said c#rllficat#H of asM-ariiHiit iiru Jitraby naiulrod lo pay the smuiiut no osrchmhI u;hjxi tbem and esch uf thetu renpivUvely, lo me. At niy oIHl-#. .So. 5 City Hall, un ur iMfuru Jiuy li^ l

JAM. Y. C*0XNKI.I.T, Cuinpi roller

Newark, N. J-, Jims IS. |i«l. 221

V 't lT lC K N f m c t Ih MKKKHV dIV K N Ttt ,(1 all p artus I'dereited that ths certlficuie uf hS- ses*i]ient uf the whu fl amomii of Ibe crjuts and ex- iwuM.‘!i uf rOnSlmctlug a newer luwidi.ji r H’i’iiKi>rr,f7uni FrHInvImysnn aven'je I iHhennaii a#cmie.

II s* hcfii iicll.'pml In m# acD'orrUiig to law. usld aaae*»aj“UI <‘Uliiprlses ail tbe lots, truc tiaud paiceli of land and n*ai ettatu lyln^

(m bulh aldcK ofWUKHIT MTUKl-rr,

fitiin FrclIngliuvHeij «v#oue lo hbermiui aretm s.J II# uwneis or luiid a id real #>>tale b> « I n

said oertifinat# of a-s»S'«nienl a ir herohy rvtjuirofl lu pay [be amount ihj bs e-ueil upim them ami each uf Ihem rfsiH-cdveiy, lu me, at my ofllo', Nu. 5 city Hall, ou w bsiore Jutv IS, i m

JAMKN V. CONNKl.LV.i\>mpirolt«r.

Newark, Jima 12, lN»8. «3t


OF U C F IIF TKK llOAUD Db HTtlKKr i V l i M aler L'uui mUiiloneri or tli# elly of N ewoxk,

. . Kewark. N, J„ Jw a# |, HU.^#nle-l prniHMals will La reK-clviHl al tbis Ofllo*

nniit fu 'clack F M. of Tm«*(ta>- lb# iw sm iaibdar Ilf June, lw5, (briJic repavtug ur

cK N Tiu; HTitKi-rr,ffum Ihirk plww to (he ]*#nnavlvaaia lUfiraod.

The fMlIuwiiiglsuiHintihsamumiiorUieworktolg (tune Hint the lUMteil-ili |4» It# fbimislied lu ih# cod' stroclion am] (VMnpIcdoii uf said work ;

I'hlrty-iwu hiiudriMt tl,'XR)i «qnam yards of oblow xrHiilU' Murk I'tvln^, nod eisht bmolrMi isuui S'l nir** f#et uf Luiguiii" hrldglnt.

>' uhi privliig niHlerlHl la tu rvnialu 1b« pro|>#riy ecUv. aud nimt he r iiio \#( by ib# coiirraotof

I ' n pIsN'i># hUi • g a'* th ‘i d rn tra l Miperlnlen- ' dent ei Gut lt>.ar>l may d im s.

All bid- iuii*l (Of s'^'oniiianied bv a '.pecloaea hlm-V, whh'ii Hfi'liueud.*>1 to M- u*#(j Id the Work, w nh ti e iiiun# tif the tldiler and lb.' luudlly of tb# ■pmrry uH'che I lu ft.

linider!i wnl *uu* tlu-lr j»rh#H In wrUlDg as wefios)n dsiin-H.

lleiderH nviM *tvitr>- |rt their pr:>tKiSa!H lhau ihuiii.iui,. ,iii..vi- wufit tu-awaM ci tu iheiu , they

. vktltitiul tht'iii*elvi‘‘« in rltiiih simI cuinpiett th#’ sanm wMhiu th rD rmi*.ciniv« u nrklus dayn

Th -plHiiaaml'iMHilrMime, Ilf III# work can n# •miiiim 'd SI the-dU-vof ih# Un«n| of Mnrct ami

: M liter Cniniiu--':jiier’., Nn IJH Jlalnev Ntrerf. Hald ‘ |iru|i.t-iui* III h> iii'v’iihp.inhHl Itv ibe m u’*#nt, ip

wriilHit.in' two siuvr.’ w hu-iiall. at tlic ilm# of pdliMsj: i;t "iii'h JU-. jMis;!-, a* tu iheir fe--I'ntis'hliitc ill Ihe a'nmiut of siieh nmtvi%al, and ijiiiil iheniH'Uc’i lhal in n # cuuirjM't be HWiiplt*! loinx lh-n*uti UI' |Hrrai»[|. lutkln- llu ]-ru[H>iikl they

. u nr, upiiti It* Ib'Iuk “r.1 a ‘uirh><|. l>ec->m# his or • their Mireih^* for Ihe fiiitiiAi) |M*rfl>rmani'u i»f auld I uurk : ami tbui If ihe |» r-oii or iKTstm*. umd or rw

fu»ettiex»'i’ulesili liC’Uitrwcl ihci tvii! pa# I0lh#c(ty ol Newark imv ilHTeri'rK'# lveiw**i'ii tin- suini i# i w hich III’ nr the.v wmild Phi i' U*en I'niiiled iiimn ; ihiM-uni|ilei ioi ufiMn (>tiinnut and ttmi which lb# r 1 ii.v 111 Nrwm k I'lH) M’ lu pay the imiwm

iH jM'rsMhs by w lii.ni cli ii.iilrarl nIihII be»\<vtHKl. Ill# Ih'aiil III wtf,., Water <‘unniij“>l>rn#nt g(

. the city nf Newhrk H'Si rvg-Ul Ihi'imie.re* th - rigbl III H<X’epi ur ti'Ji ci imy ur .id pi»|H>’-ai>( fur ibe nboe#; Hurs. as Iiiey muy dm'ni bt«f for th# Intcn^i o f tl if

d ryhldiicfs and Miirth'i arc h#n'liy iiiitlfiiil lUnt undsr

j Ihe prtisisii.ii*, •.[ iM# iw VI nth iwctiun «.f ihs lavv era- j HtliiKihe iiuurtl uf wiTeel Mild W*ier ('ummltdou-

eis, ajv|.h-v.'d Miircli ■>. IMii. that Ih# b»>nd ur Itongs to tra- ciu'ii liir the fUilliful cMfUltiin tind p#r-

, funn.utie uf Slid nubile work -iiall (irsi Is* up- ■ pr.i> *1 u* to thuMiniciency hv (Uu hoard, and a* lo : lorci ny tJie ( uunsi I of th# I Lkcd and no lonimc't I snail be ii'ii img on Uie (‘Ity. ur hg>i- Mti« (•flVeutS or

M|'uiuiMre mull '■ucli Imnd Is «o a|i)iruv*sl; suU iImi i rr# s’,i» ut ol iite Ihihoi -1 all Inive |BJwer tu #mmlD# . I ilie I l.iiiolsmch imdar mvGi, if hu sIihII •#

t|e-lr#, nr shull Is* so IncUnn.-tml l»v Ur# iKNaid, ttul \ the iHiHfd IMII not lie IhhiivI Mv miiv statuniHil liiat , 1UH.V lie niiwie hy un it (Hnnlsmuii. iMituhsll‘ b a te hill |Hiwer i>mi alMuinte iliHn'Uoii In ihg

whole mader. iirid th l . prosloion ilisU Ih> n ’fiTrvd to In iiii> HdtertiH'ineiii invUlng Mds fbr any siigb liubiic Work.'

lu diieriiiiiiuf 11 1# IbMGr] uf Mrset am] WaterCmmiiWiunsrs nf ih# d iy or Newatg

C liA i(M ’> .MAHHIf,tUSiI t iftieriil #((|'edlil#:!deii| of M orks

FI-'JI'K tH ' -IIIK lh>AlU> I’F h t HKKT AND SS Hler i'owiinlulu(ieri of Ih# city uf .Newark.

Ncaai'K, N. J.,.fnne s. imii Hinihsl piuimsal* will hi« ul Ihi* o Hu#

umil i uVitM’k i', M uf Tuc-hIhv'. Ihe iwtiitislfi day oi .hine. K i;. lor tbu puving uf

rH I lil r-r N I It ^V K vri-;. fruin Murit* s^ euiie In Llttleiou at#mi#.

1 Ic lulloiuiigi 1* slHRit Ihe niiieont of ths wurk (o In- (loiiH ..ml ib>‘ ninieiiais to lufnrnlsiicd In Ih* ciUisirnetitui sod i-imidi^lon of su d n o rb L

l i \ e i|iui.j*.u»d R|mii^' yards nf iddoiugianliP b .e k p.iviui;. nmt fl'lm-u liumlrwl tl,,knjNpiiire n-i't nf •' dt'iaUn ' biulghig.

,\|i Iddx um-i ti> atH'uhiHHiled by s *}>#clni#n hhs'k. which are Inh-iidcd to b# iis.mI In tbe Work, wish the n iiij#i.t iii« Uildsr ami the locwiiiy of ih« ijimrt' Hiia>'hisl lu It.

Iilddcr* will sUit# llicii (irlces ill writing os well os hi flmiri*.

IllUilers iun«t i*|ms Ify in Iheir pnipnods that, slumld ihe aMn e work 1m> awaMctl tu ih#tn, Itisy \i|il lihn] llu’in-edses lo )|n| h and cumidui# tb# Kumc wiihlii hiriy c.iiisecoil -e working ilavs

'riiu idlin'- 1 S|>#L itlcstluiis of llu-work can b# c \a i.idrii si (III- uiiic'' o| th# liuani u^^treat and M ulcr I (■imn-Hloner*, Nil. 1-' M#li#y *|r#ii. Hahi ltru|Mral> t 1 ‘rt’ i,s- oiopMided hy Ut# e-ii-«H’iit. Ill writ- iuK.uf twusim-ili-H, nho siialr. id ihe Htne of pul­ling In «m h ]iri|i<MiiK nnsMfy as loiUeli ri-s|Hjn>d- bIMiy lu iiiu siunuiit of -vich ]irup(esil, sml MdU Hie (iwhc* ihhf. II (he eiipirart ls« swarded loth# iHTHun or iHTHuD' making me proiMui Ui#y wilt, n|siij il- I'emg oi usardod, tjtcomc tats «>rih#|f ametliM fur ih# fnllldui tH<r-urmiviic« uf suld work ; niTii thul d III,' |H>r''Uii or ja-riunH nmlt nr rvHise lo e u ‘i ut“ Mil'll C'lrilr.iet, tta*<v w III jisy tu Ib# rlly of > euark sny idfTeri’iMv hriwm'H ihc •mms li> whic'i he or itiev woulu bs^'u lii.<#j) entitled iid(m> Ui# com- (ii fill'll id till iiMiiTavi. and that wlm h tbe r |iy nt ,^ewHTk niHv I # u uHl#iI Io (iny tbu pcfMjii Or p#r* soiiM hy ivhoni kucIi crMiiruet nlisll h# rv#onied.

rile Jlnnrd of Mire#t and Wall r (.''oMiMdsunen o( the n iy uf Newark rti-erve to lUemst-ives Ihu rtgiil luuci'cpt ur rcl'Ct any or «ll priijm-sils lor Ih# Hlmve c urk. oii they may il#(-ni Is’Si fljr Gi# Inlcrwut uf Uie ally.

hlihlrr* nnd "urelles are her hy im lheil ib-A (in er Ihe pri'V-MiuiiH ul CiaM'ieuih Oifilon uf ih# luw'cte iiinif Ih.’ ihSTi or - ir# t nnd \t'al#r I'um- Md<*sl>in#r'*. upproVisi Ms^ehllN idll, that (b# ur h m‘H (u In fivnii fur In# faithfid e<.«r.iilou aud t>rrtoriuaiit'ciif -uU'! iiiiU tc <ivurk sDnII tir^L be o|# UTOved a< U> Hiifhelcncy ly ib* h o irl and k- to lurm (>y ih# ■‘m)nr«'i of lbs noar-l, and uu < untrort HiaIMi# Mm dmr un tb» cut oi iMt'om# (-(r-ut V# or uperstlT'' mit L hih'U neiio 1m s** Hpproved : snd ib« l‘r'-*ilu#nlul' the i<(i ir 1 sha'> li ivc iniwer lu vtandu#tM ' i ro'HiHsI .......................... iKktb. if b# aha I m(l#iir# uM ‘ii*n iiesiinsirucicdby ih# Isiard.bwt th# hourii wdi nut i e t>min-i uy anysiutem ent ibai lu i# lu* iua«h‘ liy Kuril pruiK s#di ondamcn.hutshall hav* fnlt lower sml ul huIuIc dlacrvUoii In th# wh>il# lUHttcr, Hhil this 1 ^vi'IUM vhs]] ti« refrrred to la any o<lverU'#mcniI IlivUlbg UldM f ir any svich pnldl* work-

iJy (llrH tlidi of the IVnirf uf 1 tr#«t and Water ('uuiiidtHlujiwri of i!kp (liv of Nrvrark.

CHAIiLKM MAUHH,ST(| u rn rnl Hit) #r.ot#nd#ui of Wurka

( )

OPFU'K (IK 'Mil-: BnAHDDK HTHKI-T AND Wa;ur t emtuktisloners of the city of Newark.

NsWMfk, N. J., June #. iR.U. N-a'iHl pruptjfcds will Im r«H-#iviMl at tills nfttu# o*i-

(ll.'Itj'ciia'JL, I' -M. ut In cx la i, Ui# iwvullcLta dsy of June, |xM, iiir the puTlng or

frum 4Ncw Jersey llHiJrtkid sveuii# lu Ferrv slrc#l.’J lif InUuw lug Is M>MiU( the amount uf ihe work b>

b# (lunv ami Ibe nmIcriaiH tn im Mirniidied in iIihctfnvYrwrtlotj MUiJ ciit/rpietiiMi ofsuhi w-<.irk :

Kllteeji imiHlml and li:(y square yanlM or

i >DULU: NM'U(*IC-aMDlNAN’C>; GkiDKliKD tu third r#udln:ri '

Ws, the uiidcriigntd, lifrshy c«rt|fv lhal an onlk asm # Was r#ad H Sccend llni# a( a mcctlag uf (h# iMNird of Slr#el and Walsr Cuiumlssloners, held on Jna»H. IIM, sad duly urdared (u n liilrU reoillng.nrovkliug for Ihvouasiructlun of# plp«*t‘wvi In CUHT’KNDKN HTKKKT AND HOWJ.AUD

HTIHCKT,logetbor with all ihe appurienanc#s oe(.'Msiur)r tu cuinpletc Ibe some.

L«tod JuD# Ul, JNIU,' Huori c. iiKNimv,

Fresldant of itae Du.ml of Htnid and W ater (Xint-lUliatUDTtS.FXC» UUNV’DN,

47t Clerk.


_____lOF NOMEIndudM the g n e t temperance drieh

i H i r e s ’ELit givei New Life to the Old F9lk» ,,

ricasnre to the Parent#, Health to the Cbitdrea.

k e « « if t r iU - t i^ iuIA i | Mil puVii* laBin Tivc

-galloosi Btaiureoadfcl

DoJVeerf Care f AUotv U$ToOdl Yonr

YourAlteation io OurOPTICALDEPT,

Eyes_ We Can

A/mire You The Mott flaii^actoiry Jietultt in

. The State.

J. Kendali Sniitii,eeSBROiDST.

W A L S H 'S S O N S & GO.,„ . .. j y , . . .Di»i«n in leni) Iron, Uelala Wool aud Ootlon R a^ ^ 1 ^ Btooi,eb iD ir;, BilUnt. PuUa]r* "i.B(ln«, Bollin, TkuKiirttO.

ook, Ua- Hancer*

2 0 0 t o 2 0 4 W A S U I N O T O X S T . Iron Yard, c t i iu a p O M . la o p h w ii M*

PUBI.U’ NimCE-OllUI.NAN€K OUUKKKI) p> a third reatilng.

Wd, LliH tindersigiiHd, hertby certify that an urdl- natic# was read a STUOud lime a t n iii##tlng uf th# Iluard uf Hln#I and Water Cuiiimlaalunsrs, lu'td un Juno5. lki>5, anddnJy urderetl lu a third reading, I rovidlng fur thcuonstruclIiMi ul a pipv'scwur lu

F>»1II.VK A \’KSL’h;fnradlitanc# of (bur hmirtrsil and M>v#niy' fe#( soiiKi of Cibtlon avim ii, lugeiitvr with all Ui# ap­purtenances DecHxary U) oomiil#(u U)o sauu*.

Datwd June lb, IHV3.HtlOII C. lIK M iU V ,

PrvMldeiit oftb# Board of Htr«et and W ater (,^ro<missionvn.

IfiifUB DUNYOn,49* Clerk.

P rUIiTC N uriCK -O H D iN A ffCfi ORDKltKD lo a thlnl reading

\V#. the nadcrsigued, h#r«by I’SrUiy that »d ordl- nanoe was read ai»#cO(Ki lime a i n m#eting uf ili# Board ofH trtulaiid W ii#r (^Qim1«slon#rs, liidU on June I, IWS, and drily ordered to a third ruadlng provtallDgfor lh« paving uf

J s i iK ^ kTRKKT,from High iir##t to NcwhlU s tree t; tO£*lhor with all the appur(«ntanc«s Dvcuusry to touipioi# gj#Sainu.

liau-d Jun# 10, lad.n U D lt C. HRNDRY,

Fr#ild#nt of Ibe Board uf Htr«#( and W ai«r Com- misiiojiers.

KNOB KUINYON,«■ J _____________ OI#rlt.

I pu b l i c NOTK;tt -ORDHTANCK OBDKBEl) lo a nurd reading.

We, lb# uuderslgnoil. hereby csrllfy tha t #n ordl- naiHV wros read # seaonrl tint# at a uievllng of the Jioard of i<ire«l aod Wai#r f^mmi(Mlnjiers, hnld uii Juno 8 .1W5. amt duly ordered to a (blnl reading, providing fbr lh« cdnMtruetIuD ufa plti* s#w«r In

WALxirr htkklt,hotweeu Van Dureii street and MHndfbrd s tr# e t; tn- gethsr wUh all to# appurieD4EK!«s tk#c#soary lu com- plot# tbssacna DelUd June 10,18N.

HUnii r, iiBNnitv.P m ld tn t of lb# Board of street and W'ater Com-


V Clerk,

PUW.ID KOTKrK-OBDINANOK ORDkttKD toil Iklrtl rvodtiig, W#,lb#underilfri#d,h«n>by

r«rtiD ibai urctlnenc# w#s m ul a secuad lUQ# s( a nivetliig uf tb# Jkiturd of Blr##t aud V ^(#r mtsaUinera, held on June 8, IM , aiuTduly oidered (u ■ (bird rvadlDjiigrovIdlug^for the tiovlhg offlMinDiIlfli ttio k tu i Uuwanl sir#«t, ugv tber wllh all (be appurienaite..'* Dwestgiry Pi uumpl«t# ibs saiDv.

Jau#d JoD# 10 ,IM. . J a \O n C K K SifRY .

Freeldeutof lit# Board o r V ^ t aml W#t«r Goi0 ?tuiaduiierB. .EK 08 BVHYON,


ohluiig grniilu* block paving ;nndThree buiMlrwq i-ViO; Hquore fctl of ** H#lglau "

bridgingAll hills nui-1 bi' atTuniiianh-l hy a K|HH-lmeh

li|m‘k, uiilfh n]T liduMiluii 10 t)c u>M‘tl In ihc work, -w ith ihc iinmc uf the bidder and the hu Mlil> uflUu quurrv st(s(MKl to It

Idddem will kUio tbelr prhuH In WTlIIng as well U-i hi llgurcs.

hhlderw inU"l '-peclfy lu Iheir prupootts (hah nIiuiiUI ti((* sb.j## work Im swaniml to ibetu. they will Mild UM'in*t'lve- lu hnlhh nJid cuhiplele the lame wlliiln twi’uiy conHecullve worklnv day*.

’ihep lsns sicl stjecIlUaltuns uf tliew’ork can h# Sittmlinsi al the Uiticeof l l i ' Uuttrd td eiri*#! niid Wul#r CVintinli'lonerM, No. !';.•* tlalsey stiV#L Nsld pro|u,aiH I# ut'i’uiup. ntwl hy tli# cun-ieDt. 'n w rltlnv.uf two 'UicIIi'h uho KbuU.ol lliv thn>'ol inutlngMisnrii piu}Ni-nls.n""fil)‘UH tu their roHMun- sKdtllv III the uinmnit of Much prii[HisHt. aiH Imnl (h■‘nu’#lVH< lhal. ir Gic cunir.'Ci iH’asvsrrhHl lu tbu Iierhun or ]htsui»i iimklnK the |ir>|.wi*st ltl#y iMli. upon Ke Isjltu so nwarilcl. Ihs-imim' 1i\h or their sttrvi'M for th# fallId'iil luTlorninhC# of s«ld work ; sn*) liuu If th# perKiii nr (lelsrms umll ut r>f'ns« cu exi^Mtu such uontrurt. they uriii isiv t i ilic <'tt. uf N«wark uuy dlll.-icinv lictw'gvrt (lie sniriH to wlih-h lie nr they would hsve Ijcou ctidtUHl iitHin the iicii- iileltoii uf the hihI ihnl wliii'li the i’l(v’ ufKewrurk may be (djihgiH] t,, |isy iloi ih'M-uii ur'^n'r-sun* liy vvliuin i-.'iitriict 'liu'l li»* I’vecutml

'Hio Itu'ird oi Hlre< i and V\‘nrer Crininii-isluni'rR uf i !jc uily id » M itrk re>H)rve lu ihvui'>#l\i>A ih i- rig h t I'l or reject uny or sJl iirnfH'Mil'* for ilic uiviv#work, us they ipa'' iliimi lii'st lor the iiMcn*-'! of ihc ciiy.i

liulilers nnd unretlrH ui« hi-iwhy iiullfiml dint tinder (be privIsloiH uf ihu sevcutti ser lion (.if the law i-reutlug llu* Buurd of htri-ct ami W aturioiu- slulisrs, MiipHiscd MHr«'h2S iMil, Ih s tih c IrfMid or hondr lo be glv*ii (hr the f.iUliful cSBi;ii|h>n nnd |imr- fariniim'# uf suiiJ pittihc wutk, sJiali ilrnl tni m|»- pnivHt us lo snrth’ieiicy hv IIm lu-ianl, nnd K’- to furm. by (he ( uunttil uf III# l^ard. hiiil iu> lumriuii sbiijl t # hludliig un the city, ur Iuh-u(ih> etTi’Ciive ur uiHTBttvc uritit such tMiii'f Ik m • upuruvi'd ; uml the Fivsldeill of the busfl slctU have |H)wt>r loc inm In# III# prupoivd (KJiidtmieii nmJer u.illi, If lie shutl wr deilra. ur shsll »u Instmct-d by LJie b'lunl, hut the iMiard will not be bunnd hy sny siuiemao' th s i ms>- t>e minlchy such tiruuoiH'dtaimd' iMeu.lml ntiwU linve full jHiiver and ahs-diiie discretlim lu ih'> vvlMde m d'er, amt thin Jl^>vt'ilnn mIuiU he refern' i to ill any Hdver1>?»eiimrj1 InvKMig bld-i lur any sui’Ji public wurk.

Hy dlrecdon of the lluurd uf Mn-et and Water ( OintnissloiieiH ufllie city of Newark.

( ir.M il.l’:«4 MAllHM.Mi>l (icneral Supsrtnteiideiii of Wurki.

OKKII'K GF THK UHAHD DF bTRKhrr AND WaU'T CunifiilsHluncfs of the ett) uf Newark.

Newark, N. J„ Jtm* *. UtaH Sc#1h I p^lpusals will Ih' rueHvei) a t tills nflln#

mull 4 u'vh'ck I*. M. (irTue#>lay. the lw#ntl«ib day uf June. iKMf, Pir tlic iskvlttg <>r

lULDWl.N HTUl'KT.from WsHhlnffit.n "(r'td (n H uh •UMvei.

j'he loJIuHirttf iKulhiL) IIjp siiiiiimt i»f the work to be rjun#, slid the iniiirTiiiht to (urnlshoil lu th t itJiniirncdiiN Mild ivuiijiii hun oi wild wurk :

Iblriy-on# him lr<Kj (.(.inui wjintrt- yards nfouhUo- ■time ]»avUigjim] iw'Veii hundred ‘7i>0) e<|Uurs fe#( of " Celglngi" l<rldglng

Bidders wdn^iuleUielr prh'iM* In wrKlDg as w«U as hi ilgures.

lilddei'k itiiiHl sta><dfy In iMsIr pr'>|HMMiis that. slumhMbs abnr.‘ wurk be awardni! to tlieru. (tiey will bind Iheni'-elves (u hnkh iiivl i"uu)pi#l« to# sauM' wittun thirty (nmi-«uuiIv# worklus da}*#.

'I hi' idaim uu-l Hym'lllcHilou* of the work oitn b* e%arolliml ii( 1 1 1# ofllre ut'I he IVmpl * f >tr#et aud Water ( ‘onunlHraJuner-i, No 1‘Js iialsey Mtr##(. Hald pni|Meuih tu Ijc lut'oiiti'anlrd by (b# ( twpeaL, In wrlliug, ul (wu suri'Ues. who shall. a( tbe (Ini# nf |iidltnv III such pruieniih. nduLify an lu Ibs^r r'‘B}iuii->l1ilitty ill The amontii lu sneh nnpu ’Ml, and bind (heniHHlve* tliui. If dm iijmirart be nwurdvsi lo tli«> in'i'hfiii in' t>t'r‘’0 .iH timklng Ih# )>ru|MMal they will, ti|Hm Its oeiug vu aWHtded. htHfime his ur ili#1r HiitHilet fur the IhIiIiHjI perfurrmuKV of said \uvrk; nml iliai It the imrsmi ur porwmt omit gr rufiLKw to evis'itCe such cunira 't. Ibey will pay lo the city uf .^uwurk uny inilecy-m*# neiw«eu tli# sunm (u w tddi he uMhey ivmdd hat # lie#li in tltle 'l iipiiu Hie c<un|>letlim uf the ''I'Uifnii, amt ttuit W'lkicit (he chi' uf Newark mav (m obUsal to jm.v 1 1 m pernuii ur ihthoils liy wiiom inch <kinlrot.1 RlUil] he Mtecuird.

'Lim Uuiird uf H(rei<i ami W ater ('oniiiilsstunwn of dll* city of .'Newnrk ri'servu t4i tbviTi*eives th# righi tu oei'ept ur r<’)m't tiiij' or ad pruiAsuds for Ihe riiJsive wmrk. us umy dmnn Imst I'uf lb#In te r’St of I lie ctiy.

I; i1di r’«uud-ureiles are heretjy nofiflod tbae ud- der the pr<ivii<iuFi'ii uf die sevenih siH'llonuf the taw Creating ih« Ihiiartl id direct and W<il«r Cuaiinls-

, Hloiier^. a^ipiuvi-d Miif.'li ‘i-. I4<ii, Hint tpe htind or I MiieU lo Iru fd'.vn tor the fiiiilifld etiH'iitluri nod

|ierfurniMin-e uf salu puldtr Work, siialt first h« sp<I pruved ai lu MutlU’mne.v <>y tbe Isinrlr and a* lo I |im n, tu tluM uiiiiwl of (lu- Mnird. nnd IN* contract

shidl he Mriilln,'on Ihi-rily, ur Iw TmiH I'lfm'tlvrur D|n‘i tilJve until kUI'Ii liuurl t* npi^rcn ed , Hiid Ihe J‘n sifh'jit \/{ Urn tsMir.l *ha)j tmve iHjwmr lu esarutn# th# ]>ru|HK%u(i iMiiiuKiiii’ii until r •ulli, If In.'hlmil d'-*lre, o r-u ill Is- mi Iii>,|iiici'''l Mv the iHiunJ. t i t Dm btjEird wtb iiul tie hiruuil he i«nv iinte'i.u .( (Mat tiiay >k( mu'lii’ by lueh j-r iis'-mJ iHuidsumn. tmt niKill ImvH fiiJI ii'iwerariil a'l'olub- iU*civilun In G># wlmie iiintter, iiud ihU provl-juii sIihII tie ri-ftarred tu lu niiy mlxertlBuMieiii tiiviliug tmls foi liiiy sinrU liirl> Ih- wuik-

hy diui'iluu of I!ih Ihartl of Mir##t and W tlur r i->tiuitlraAhMierM«r the rtt.v uf NVwark.

i ’l!A lti.|-S MAltSir,Uli| CeimniJ Hii|H'(lnteiulent uf Wurks.

I taFFIt’K o F T H i : ilDABU (iK MUKl-.'r AND st«r CojuMd«Hlu»Br'< uf the cliy uf Newark

Newark, N. J., Jmiuti, iters.Heated prOiKisalS Will li« re<'elvi*t at till# iiMirn

imtll 4 u’i'loi'K I*. M. uf Friday, th# slttiHUidi day uf JUM#, D*J, fot dm groitiMg and •*urbhig uf

I'iU Jw l'H T I'LAri-:, ftmn Fourteen III avenue lu nrmvisiroid.J | he follow lug IS klKiiit tlm amuuid (»f the work

(rThe iiofm and (hu inatcHui-* u) be riiriMHlis.l in th#cuuntmcihm Slid omnpiutbm utmilil work:

One tliuussint t i .immo cubic ynr-lra uf e^i-uvuilun ;Hevt‘0 iniadr.'d (700. feut new 'JO-Jncii i-uru (four

CnchestJilcki;FuiirMtindhtl i4(Q;siiUHre fe#t "M#igiHii” brJdg-

b(g; aridFive 'ii^ets ofeom er slum's.Bidders will stab# Umlr prices In w riilni o-s well

as lu ilgiires.Ifiilders tiiusl limclfy In (heir iirdiHisaH

should Ul# work be awufdnl tu them, dmy will hlinl ihetmielv## lo d^l^Jl uml r-oihi'lete ihd ••mvwllbln Ihlrly cuoseciMIvr working iluys.

Tbe idan* and MiH'ClIlctihuuM uf (he w uik 'ean i>e fniidiiW i at tbc uibca uf the Jluuril ut Mreet and Water fommlsiluDen, No. 12s MjilKt'y strt?ct, Haiti urupuials tu be accompanied bv iln roiiKeiii, in wrtling, (if iwo snrcth*s, «hu >dmU. at trie ttum uf pulling In such prupovtis, nuullfv sx to tlmlr re- siHinilulllly lu the uuioitiit uf such prupi.ul, uml bind lllcniselve* itmt, If thet-uhlriict to* avvurdml tu Iheparsunur ]H-r*un‘t making ilir iirufHvuu. ibcv will, upun (Is baltjgsu nwarilcii, JiHur lltclrsnrslles lur the fuUMijl perruruiame of huIiI w m k ; HiiO lhal If the ].#r’wui u r |ien*uicH iiuiJc nrr< fuw tir ex#ctttesne|i ouMtrai t, they will pay tu ilm chv td Nvwurk any (ll(teren'*M lH>twiwn ih# sinot to which be or tlify wuidd bave breji cnUthHl n|H<n the cum- pleUuti ur III# culilnict, uml Glut w b*tdi dm cily ol Nuwark laBy b# obllgt^ lo issy (Mh iwnwm ur tmr- sons by whom hurli coni ruci »IimI1 be cxii-iiitHl.

‘Ibe Board ufhtrtMic ami lA'aier CiiMiruis<*imier’( of Ihc cily uf N#s‘Hrk rtmirv# lo ilmmimiveH the rtglil tu accept ur rejwt iMty or all pru|HtMtlsfbr Die ahov« work, 0-1 tli#y may deotii best fbr tJic lnlcrv*Mt uf the cliy. t

Jtlddeni amt sur#(l#H are lieroliy nolllk'd that un­der Git prorlHliiM* uf Die sevenlh wettoQ uftlm law crtatbig ttiv Bua^l uf Htreel aud Wuler ('ummis- slmiers, uppriival Xarch 28, iMii, (bnltlm ieJiiJ nr M mh (u ba given fur th# faithful exr-cntlon aotl pwo furmano# uf hsU public uurk shall tin t be up- provad at tu sufflrlsiuT' by Ih# DuikMi, and ns to rono, t)v ttiacoun'udof Gm booril, unJ nu c*->olrtu‘i shall bs olndltig uii the city, ur beuuinH effaciive nr ujirraltve iiiiill rueb IkmuI Is *u ajipruvod i sml (b# MfesldrtiluflhaHoard mIuiII hav#^H(wer lu axanilMO th# prupussd IxiiideiiiVD under nath, If ha almU mt desir#, or snail (w* so huttnu'leil (jy Ibs tnoArd, bill (It# tohPU will HUi he bt^ud hy any sltiminent Omt Jnsv he made by socli pruposetf iMrndHmaii. bm shall have fltll |am-#ram] oLsulufit dtscrutloff In tb# wrhul# nJiiUur, und this pru%'lslon ^bsil Li# refefrod lo in any odvertlsuirienL tovUing bids fiir any attoit puhjlo work. '

By (Htvcilon of ib# Board of str««t and Water CuaimHiluuem ofUmuiiy u( Kuwark,r : .............

OFFFfl:(H '“ lH I’ IMAMD t^V h’l'ttF l’:|- ^ND M ubir t ViiiiiiilS'itiiMiT* i.f iiiH city of urk.

Ni'Wi.ik. N .1,. June (1. 1*14.1 heulcd Jirup-tsuk mil Ih- u'.-etvi'd ul tiiU oMlu*

HillII -I o'<'i ii-k IV M. of I rl'ljiv. th" Hik i- tuiDi daf uf Jnnt', (ur tlm jisk lim of

Sc.WIn.N H ni1>:'r. friiin Fiiurb'culM uv I'uim lo i Muiik#! ratr>N#(.

'I'lu’ fuJIua lug 1*4 hMii I he runuiint nfth# work lo tx* dnui-. I4ljd lh<- IhnIrr.Hli (■■ lie riir||]*l4:>d lu lb# i-oriKiriii'il'ii: uml r*mij>icimn ul nuid >kurk.

Mgiii ihxiiMiid iHiiiKi, Miijura yunlH uf g#iiul[4* ‘■Trlnidml I aki-’ s h c i iiNpiisltum ijuveumnt.

iuddi’r* win hitiM’ theic priie* Iti urlilugHS well OH In MgUi'cM.

lUdilcim UiUAi Mpertfc lu .tlielr prup'JOuIs that, Simulil Gu' iiInc, I' uitrji t*e S''>unl»‘v( lu llicni, ih c f ulll idml G."Mi*elvcii iiiftiush itijrl fumidcle tb# satin' uuM n himiv cuiiM-ciitiv# working du>s.

TIa |> un*'uml >|ih 1iIc uluuN of the >ktjrk can Ij# cviiiuliiHil ul III" riMIri'uf ihc lluatil of Hired stnl \S'Mter ( 'ummi'ci|uiii’r-. No. lift UiiJecy ><0111prt'|niNtJ’‘ t'l t/e miiHijpuide'l h> tJie n;ii»#nt. In wTitlng. uf twu H'.ireticj. ahuh liall, u tllm Unt# uf piittlug In siii'h |irii|HiHidA, i|UKlifl' as to ihelr r#*. iiiooMMtiiy In ilic umnnm of •mch pro|Hj*al, uti4 I Iml ilmiii'4'tct’* Ihai, If ih - cuntract (if Hivnf«li*<l t j the |ri'j*uii <ir pcrMins making the jiropo-ol, tln-v will, ujfiia IH heliw R .• Mward'-d, (N*cutm' Ills ur tbelr jmretici lor lire fikltiiTiil in-rtuiunuuNi tji'*Hiit w-ijrit; anil Unit KtM" |>vr«uii O'peh.’unH timii n rre lu se tu I'KCi’iiic Minb «’<iijtrar‘i ibay wiirpa.y (U lb# c)ly of NVwiiikHin illirurmicc hetweeu tlie Miuif Ui wlilch ticur ihey wuuld iihi '- Ihhui ctuKlcd upon Urn (ijm- pjKhun of ihcnm lriu'i, und ihut ^ lijlcil tiie city uf S'<*<A4irk limy hcuhjigi'd bij/avG ie imrHoiiur [Htt* suiiM hy ubum Kitch cuninu I kIjhII Ij# eT#cnted,

the I I ‘itr-i urHireeiand WiiUT *’omiultilimars Of lb" ( uy u( Newark n'sei i'# tu thcruHclcas lb# right to m'ci’jiL ur rcjK't joiy or all propu-iMls fur Gu< utHJv# wurk, w* litey may defl’in ix-st for the Ijiioreitl ufthe idly.

Ulddcrs and siirtUles are hereby noll(i»nI that Under liii‘ prnvt*iuiiH nf (be oeven.Ji syrilun uf tb# Irtw cn'uGug th** Husi'd of Hireel Hud \\> ler Ouni- mliMuiien, Afiprovul .March'jS.lieu. (but Urn bull I ur builds to In' given fur Ihe fjllbful uiucuUun aud )H>rrMririuin*i'ut's’iM public wutk, >hiili Mnt tm up- pjM'Vtul 4* to Miidii.lency by -Giu bnurd. and s'* to liirMi.by Hie c'liinHi'l nf Ibe i.irmr l, and nu runtriOl shall he I'lmliiU,'im Ihe city, ur Ijec^jtiie effective *ir 0|iarailva iiMlil Mich tsiiid Dsn approved; ami lb# pnuildeiHof the txiird xhnJt have pimmr locxundd# Gm ]tmt>nso*i hni^Kmeti nti'ler oaili. Lfbe aMall ho fluslf#, nr *Jminie so liMlrnctp-l by th# bnanl, but the Umnl Hill lad Is buttud by any ntoenieiit that may Im nimJe by Much tinii.eieil lt0ad«in>*n, Ihi| sMhB have ftill p-iwrr iitHl ivWiule dfscrelion In Ih# vthole Jii'iiter, ami thl*. provl4Ljii ahali Ihi r#l«irtcKl to In an)'mi rerUsoinsut inviting bids lor any suuh |iiih|lr work.

By 4|m»iHiim of (he Botrd of N(iy#i and W atet Cummhilmiersuf Vie city of Newark.

cDaHLKh MAH.HK.5hp General Hupefliitamjeut of Wurk.-i,



((gDLftal Hu|>#rin(#rid#nt Of Works.


W #. tb# tiuderslgood, bervtay D#niry than a.V'OnB> nauo# was r##a # hocmkI |lui#a( u meelliig of Ibu BcHird ufSlre#t #ii(t Water l\jmmls#lo-f#rNliidd go Jun#l, I8f4.and duly orderwd ui a ihliil rMMlIogi providing (tor the openlQg and wldsttlnf of

»E l> S o V A V k U l ' , - ftuM Avon avtwjM tu ciutton iivauiw, Ibr a whUb of(XI# bDodnd (b#t

DatudJan* Bk IW .HUGH aBB5DltY, %Coro*P reridsntuf to* Board of MrMt and W a-^ mnloMdriiBifOB AOKYON,


.JU B L IO J4DTICK-OIU11NANCK GUJJKltKD -JL to a Ihinl rs0.llug,

‘W#, tbeqndvr-lgotfd, b*T#l)y csrllfy that nn o^ diosnoe was read a seiNxid ilm# at a inouiiug uf th# Busnj ofHtteeland Water C'onkiDlc*iuuer’4, h#hl on June 8,1888. aod'fuly orderwl lu a third r#adlDg» pnirldlng ibr ths paving of ,

HIVihiMlC Dl’HK>rr,from KprlngfifId aveuiie ^ u th ortang# avottus:lugviher wllli ill Ibe appurlctmacu# usctisoary to o -inpls # III# unto#/

Daicd Jiin# Jiik INtikH tm ll c. lIK N nBV,

l're»ltti*m arili8B ouriG rinn«t and Water Cuni- ntlsilutiuro,

44s HIINYOX,. . . , . I'terk.,

WedoHSou* and AoutM-iMM ocs tptfm FMoit** 40 9 Vdto the AAira IH# A’ilKI U (A# pf#o( eptney /or tarinptop I«sn* QMI Buor and aiMf aatftw^ r«0«lA«r.

V D T JrK OF INTENTION - HOAHD Ntrfct and Water ijuiuiDlatltiUflrs.

1‘ublle- notice Is hereby given tbat It Is lli# InlcD- (Inn uf Ibe llusnl u rH ir^ and Water ('aiwiilHSlurh #iHuf lit* cliy uf Nvwnrk, uiKli'r aud byA iriu#uf lirovldtoarof iti# aid enrlGetl *' an Act /o llevla* and Atnrud tim ('hatter of the city uf Newark," S4>> ptuvM March II, K*j7, nnd tlie sn&pl#tii#t)ls Ibereto, ami the act creating the Ihian) or Hlreet and Wsl«r ruiiiinlwluaers ,of Iho rliy of Newark, a p p m v ^ talarch ‘Jta, iw l (o onlar stiu cmirf# Uu* paving offrom traHblnfTon s(nK>i>v nr-iriiuwvk. 4'#> m -VrgnC oriW"hty-four0i4)iW‘i from lUacarij uii each sW#, leaving u s |mc« uu;utv#.| In th** cenire. with the«.i- (.sptlou ul thaCiCMieo.'fir ai Fluu# s.r#4M, Ariingloa ilr.>#t U O iva pluce, an i a t #blpmat> s tre e t; th# p an (torn \t‘aililugrua slm*l lu tiMi range uf tit* w«-sterlv liimufOue’i pUo* to h# jkivwlWltb oUmif gran .10 block*, and frum Gut’s plar# to IlU b str*«i w'ith cvihhie-HUine T'«e1l>#r with *11 III# appms Iflaaucj* tu euinplub* tb# sum*.

r-uch persons as lusy uhl#Ql tii#>vtu ar# m njM M tu pr#M.-nl lh#lr otdtM7iMirfe In writing ut tb# ulllo# #r the llGAn) uf Htnwt and tVatar GommUsljimni un ur b#rureihii#iplr*t]h() gft8 |iii*vf flrojt] Ui« dn ieaf Uilfhelk#.

Hy dlnM-Uon of th# BaojM of A im i ami W*t«« Cuninjlssiouer* of toe city of Nevvofk.

^ GHAlUiKA MAflSfr.Q«*tml a u ^ to i io d g a t Of W o lin

W■ - 4

i m POLE MRiBOAy.B o v E r t r j b o d f Takes a Nap a t

th s N id d li ol the Day.


& •» |b« T r r u t Haa (• iDilwad lh« Moa- arah af th a t Tro|ilcal f'okialpy*»Tao U la Bad lad itarP B t E iaa to (iatber t> F rad lfa l N ala re 'i GIfti —4 n ICaraait UTort la Pt^cnota Popular Cdaeatloa.

CoiTMpondanOf Uia News., AiC175CU>H, ParMfuar, April %-^Kowbtr* !• th« Influtuca ot cllraala In fonulnr the habUaof ih» peopla inora app.iiant tban In Parafuajr. It M«nii airaniia ttial conllaauui ■unibliiaanci uuuiual boirntji’ on tb* pari of natura tbotild Inollnt tboM ihut favored to Uitneai ami unibriri. and tbnt Bjnbtttoti, •narfj' auU tlia npirli aif prottrew abould Uirlf* best t'bdsr cold and clouily aklras but ■uch U tlia h iiio rj of naeioua Hurlng tlnao hoan ttheti }forlb Anisricani art imitl aotlreiy engafed h) bushieinall Puraguaj> 1« Mlatp, The lallrt, bouevur, iNalln Kwlf aarllsr Ja tfag niorntuf, and from tbs flnt glliamar of damning to perhaps S A. M. lb* airtalsor Asune ou are ctowded with chat* tiring itliiioi~ '|o lr}g lo tnaia, buying and Mlliag Iq ibfl market*|ilac*, or enjoying iiitlr norniiig ‘'ronariiuiiuiiaE/* Th*n tb« ild«of Ufa iteedii, and ffura abtiul II o'clock unlU pait th i middle of iba aflcrnorm every Ihor- Emgbftire U Uenerted, and you mJgUt traverse th i tows n^rn end to end wUbuut maetJog Aioah

ItnmadUlalj upon awaking everybody U k ii tb i m oal deaayoDo of bpanlib Aravr* leafabEtof bread arid sotnetblng warm lo d rlok-bereafO Tiid of yrrba male, Insttad • f a cup of coffee or mug of cliooctat*, a« else wfaert} I abd breakfual. like a dinner of aav” •ral courses, comea on between iO:30 and Huoo. By 11 o*clock the heat of Ibo day Is In full blast and everybody has suiigbt tb« ■bidf, Bhops, whiefa were open Ck<rurasuu« yiee, are now clofed^ and remain so lor eov- eralliourt, while propriaiurs oierict aridcua tom ertare napplug In bamtuucks, or Im­bibing gueilpaud yerba mnie inmsvbere In reLlremenL The poeloffloo and all oiber places of buslge ■■ are lucked j even the slrEst ears slop ronnitig an<] the hoals tie iip, "Women, In the privacy of home, oalvsrsally dlfptDMWltb tba d iub lf shirt, and lu ibe aagUgiv of tbe canlaole {lUe Paraguayan **tea<fOwo,'^ wblch muoli reseioblet tbs •cant, wtalte garm ent of tbe Kortb^ not ofien ttteutloned In polite a«x!lety, but known as a flherolae), enjoy tbeir clgdri In peace and •oinforU Tb# ,boy who blacks your boots m ust bave hls alesia, ae wall as tbe priest, tbe merchant, tbe lewyor, tbe gctitloiuan of itleiir*. Tbe cook iravei b«r potM and pam to take care of tbeir seivea; mirkei-woincu Jledown miuong tbeir yurns andoraagasi ox*drltera streioh tbemre.vtM m tbe shadow of Ibetr carta, and douky.boys and tbcir •olm ali doss together.

Taisbappeos every day of tb a week, and during tbeee o te su hours the wlde-awuks itranger, however urgent hla bnslness or however prveeed he Is for lltne, may as welf resign himself to fata, for abioluiely nolb lug «sf» be done. The fact la, tb t i t people are bopaiessly U iy . Why should they toll aud spin When nature hae given them the mrans of lift and M io liy -la tbe Ibnn oforaiiger, Vuandloc^mate, tobacco and wlld-cabe for T u ^ w lllio u j e(T,,ri oq 0 ,0 , partr Hod«- liffntful li tb* clUnatf tlutl they rct|uFn i:pxi to ootblDf In lb* »uy of cluiniiif lujd Ui«JI*f; tb«r b*T* no Muririf im bltlan to ■ n ilf j, *na otanuftful lu tilou b u n o t lu - T ^ * 4 IhU Mftol* Aokdt* to nny exbiul, W t bear tbe same thiug every where* tM t only ubder tueb dnpoilc rul*at Ibm or Froncia end lApoo, or tb« p ttaro il •yilom or M moianlim tbot txlitod m tb« old coloulol dayturihom oD ki onU tbo mlaoloui, con aro rifiw yoo be loduoid lo work ol oil. I l l , u»toa* toorder bfio ib o u v oHhough bout- lerly a t t ire d to do th a t tor whicb b* w u B lrtdtlbo only »uy to get ■iiytliin, out oT B lin tiby trfoling lilm 0*00 equal, wllb In. In lto eooxlug and patlenea.

TbalniiiaBiar**T*u trorM tn IhU run**i than tba mixed OuaranMlpauleb race tbat eoufirltoalhe bulk of tbe popnlotion, lot koelog no noed of money and no lliouxbt (or tlw morrow, ibay poimeely will not work an leu drleen lo ll by hunger and then only Boili Ibair •timaatae are ailed. On the aatendai, where oraiigex are tbe prluelual produot, Ibe ffult llee a fool deep rolling under the tre* i-o f no profit to ibo owner bocauH bo eaunot get it piokod op and car- rlod to tba market. Jt might be 0 good thing If tbe I^raguayan Uoyernineot were • o ^ e all ttao or.iiigo trtee ent down, ai thatof Ooata hloa oauaod the banana fiildi to bedeetroyed, ao tb a t the people could no longer depend upon opomaneoui grnwiu (or "daily brw d," bdt would bo oompelltd to woka up M d o o rn tio r iiarTo. There li a palm otl ^ o r y In tba nelgbbarbood of Aeunelan. but It d eloaed the g n a le r pert of tbe time booauia of tb* dUfioulty of getilugpaliu iinti though bierally “ the wood, .r e full of Ibom." N o taneU ea will Uke tbe trouble

VEW ABK m -E N iy » XF.WS. FE lIlA V , .JVXE 10. IPO!).bunee and necriiary apparaiue end are peli) good tulnrlea lb# cbtldren of the “ tint fainlllei,'' ui well a t tbuee loner In the eoelet •rale, la lu o e tin u i alleiid ilieM liaineliuulL t'onipuleory tdiicotlnii Wu« pruvldid for by Inw III Ihltl when tieneml rtthallcru wi,« Ererlttool. Five yeuri luler the “ tlluUitloBt V.ar ll'iok" reeunled tbiit only foiirtnn per iwBl. of Ibe piqjuliitl.in, Ineludiiig oil ipe clilldren ai.ending eehool ivlioji tbe eillin id wiie mode, eouid lead and write. Within 11 year uflor the pnfalngnf the low there wen-170 publlr elementary aeiiuiila, attended byd.IU tc.ioliife. 'llioie figiireenro now more tben doubled in Ibla guoil year litiii, and In addP lion lo the urigliiiil aiiniul g rim of ta.iiO) •lerlliig t a i n bave be; 11 levied I n fin a, retil- ale of ell public leiidamid ypitjulea.thopro- dure of e.el.euted Biintea, oueiloii ralra, ete.,

hleli, Ingelher witli Ibe eipllolloii lee nl

IIAMIIIIIIU Ut)AKAATI\t'.The Hyatoiii of Ili.iitliig I nilgr.iiite Fendliis

Tlieir t.inliiirliall ii.Kripi Ihr Ilrltlah Midl. lijr.urmil.

The num ber of (lerkoni kep t In th e quar­antine liarraeka uf llam bur|[ lu between l.flOO ami J,l»il. Im m ediately after th“e a r­rival of a Iruiu e e r r j in j einigranbi, tbe bitter nru erdorted by tlio polico to tbe biirrnck*. T he chief buolni-ea th e enil- grnnla have in linm burg !b tbe purchase of a ticket to America, nnd th a t is bought for tlieni by tbe police, wlioae ilifty i t aleu is to sh ip tliem off to America a l l l i e Jiroper time.

All, liowever, tliere are no t alivayi ...,,1 ,.. wiiii me eipiieiioii lee ni- itauiiisliliia enough to carry nil tbe pas-readyraiM J, bring Mie educailon fund uplu | aengura, m any o! tliem are tlelaiiied for ■onietliliig over tim.dIXJ alerllug u yimr. I tan dava n fortniohL nr even ln n . . r

llMlitiw tb u r public free aelioole the Hot. | waitiiiir for l!i« nnllee i n . n i l i "eniiner.i hue •tu rdd and sub.idiicd a I...... I ‘ ' *, • ^dred prital* icliools. In ascuiiclon uloiie ' •''* PH'ttiodJIy umaters oflliare nr* iix oftiiesc tfra ) for b.ivs Mini nine I k ltualion- and of the enitgraiiU . Tlio for glfii. Hut na yet aaromlnry edncnilon | barrack* in which tba puor quaran tined has fnadr lllUo Mdvniiee. The iiiisit l.npori-I uinlgranU are Imprisoned conaiil uiaiuly ant of the few ritsbllabm enli that »r«coni- of three aeparnte buildings In one large O.lie.e w li rn ." V u ir* ^ " " ‘> i'«pf them eerveiaa a dorm itory,iinorfiy E':.:,!ru,rr"?; ;’rej;":':r.;:: :^‘t b * : T i t c b r ““ “till) Seulnarli) de Aseuucloii, under the dlDH>-linn ol the la s ir ls l IlrnlljerhiXHl, alih ! dorm itory I* divided in to aaverulh illiar Uniitaignv. a Frenrliinnn, nt ih , * honipurtincnta, eocli o f wiiicb ia tiitod Jiead, Mild the i'ollrge of Pudro .Vliitilx si - *Ksirrss, The Jliaird of Eduraiion lias rtiah- limed a hlgli^luiei iraliiliig ciillegr, which Mil teacliurs In aleineiiiary iwbuul, ere rw i|ii’rrd III ulltiid a yenr, eertlflanie* rf quiillll. eulian being aranted only loench ns pnii the presorlbsd riaiuliialinnr, 1'bvb<Mrdli tnilld. lug ueiindarr prnTliiclal sehool* in Villa Oonrepchin, Villa Illcii iinU Wllla del I'il.ir, and these coiiiprlse all the towns of curisc qnenca lu the liepuhllr, Thera |* alau a large tralMliig rnltete fnr ihe Iheo uglrai liiiirur.Mon of young prbals. Tba English and tlerniao Imiiilgniiila have a l ’io;*iisnt enure I a t Aseuiieinn, In oonnertiun with which a mixed tebnni baa baen opaiied.

Kniiiau CatholleUiu la the only raoognlird religion of the country, although tba aineud- ed ( onatltutloii luarantaes perfect liberty ul worship, to tba lliu* of laipex ihara war* m oraihao tbundrad parish churobw scab lercd about tlia Kapublle. kioii of tbam were drmollsbad during the war. and It Is a com­mon ihing to Com* aoruis tbraa deaolata aud deseriad saiiotuarlas, half hidden by ilia rank TegeiaLInn that has grown about the rulna A sia all tropical countries. nuLure soon repairs or cunaeuls til" ravages ol 11 ar,Wllliln III miiulht’ Uiiio, 11 dds si re an wllh corpses, hlnckened by tiro aud Irsnipled by the boufs uf eMTHtry ])arfiaM. are seen with luxurlsnlhsrvesi, every learobtlipraled. In Iho more pnpiilous ju ris of Ibu onuuiry suins of the drlapldated ohurebos lisvs baaii cure- fully reilorad ; but llislr number Js lliuiud and quits Insdequat* lo tbe rcqulrauieoii of the pupuletloo,

This mnrnlng ] followed Iho crowd Id Ilia csthedrat—a Itae old edifice, wUn two towers and I roomy Interior. Home rjf its windows are tieauilb)] wllh tlalned glaas, and in spile ol tba p.>earty of in* peopi* lb* high altar la oovared wllh plates of sijrer slut louded «U!) arnsRivR(i of the CBni* m slcriat Tli* altars ware ablsse wllh 0 itidlts, arranged In ornainehtnl designs Ilk* set pieces of fira- works, and the holy-wnter Uuilnsarecurious fibeks of old tculpiurud marble biuughi from Home. There wns a very largo cougre- gatlon-all women aud cblldran, Amung tbe latter w< re the pupils of two scboul* lu the oara of several Hlaiara of I hjrlty.I notload tbat though tho amall girls wsraall draiaed preelsely alike, so (bras lb* ea t and oolorof Ihalr ebli* skirts wars oun- esmed, It wss easy lo lall which was the charily solinol aod which that ufarlslocrals;(or while the maiubers of one w.iro ibnei aii the 01 ben were barefontod. There were a few fashlouable woinon In the oudieuco-rc- splendiiDL In black silk diessvs, blih-bretsd sllpiirrs and Itnineiiw bals heavily plumed—B In Purls|Lui IhevusLmajority were wl.huiu Iboeeatid tlookliigs. drsssud In the miircrsal Dsiqjsula and dmihlr-ltuunced ekirl of while outioii, wllh a black or white manta dr.iwa over her baed. Faii.-<ie li. Wauh.

t o u g h TIMTtKn.

togatberDul* and bring them lo ib* mill uuiaai vary nineh lu want of a incsl, a saw poucboorpaiUonaloruiber bliof gaud aud pwr, and as kocu as ib* object is attalnad a Jong lularyal of uulutarrupled rest is rv qulrcd to make up for tb* axorilon.

I am told that it la th* tania way wllh th*brick factory and kiln bvlow lb* oily, ThoBulversal bulldlug maicrlal bore is kllu- ■r,*d brick, plostcred Insid* aud o u l;J fa n a n desires to build a bouse there Is no knowing bow tong be rasy have lo wall fur tbs brick, beeaues workmen are not tu be had Ralber. on* sbouid aay workwomen, for tb nearly.every eat* woman rather Ihau man arailju laborers. While the few lords of erealloopau ibalr lives In medllallva Idle- una, tho wumeu peefuna what little labor Is aeoumpllibed, Everywhere you sea men riding, wonyea lollowlng meekly ou fooii men lennglug about, waliiqr toappropilate Ibe f*w coiDi tbvir btllcr IkBivAt oarii hjr **[!< lug siimelhlug lu the murkot, or carrying a load Ol faggou or charcoal, or fruli or buy uu their •bouldort to peddle from duor to door. And tbe patient woincii apjieur perfectly contented with tbclr lot if aooorded the sinallealalgn of upproval now and then from their Jurdi and masters, or uul aciu.vlly beaten by tbeni.

The only ILlug 111 wbloU the typical I’ara- guayon uf tbe lower Of middle cisss sIjuws any dvgreaof energy or persererauce la In keeping updliclpiiue OTir hls wile. BUc is regarded as lUiiu belief tliuu the callle— merily as a producilvo element and burden- bearer. Hbe la not allowed lo eat at the table with her innsler, nor abarcauy of bis dlvertlssiueiiL; and bui^Tor laltbfui and bumble she may be. an ofcssloual wblppln. liooDsldered Indispensable fur her tempural and spiritual good. Of course 1 am not apeikiujof Ibs low educated, refined aod travallet] eltlseui, who behave much like lanlesand gcnileiiiou lu other pnris of the World—but of the lower classes, those witli u prepondersuce of Ouarsiil blood.

At the beglDotiig of Ibe last war (lo IBIMi tbe pupulatlou of Paraguay was reekuiied at TTbOOO; lo-dsy it Is less than 2S0.WO and fully slx-suveiitbs of that nuiuoer are women. These figarci do not liicludi tbe Flonxedlc savages that swarm over tliui part of tbe ODUiiiry called the "Cbioo,” wboso bcrdeis are sepal Bled tmm Aicunuloo only by tbe narrow river. They refer to iheir near klosniun of more or less iidtiltersted Wood, who live In bamboo huts, culiivaie tbe *011 to a limited eaient and oooshler tliemielret civillied. The uueoiurulled In- dletia of llie Chitoo HCe reported by the tJov- arnment sinllst.ciaus lo tminber upward of lOO.OtOt but In reality uubuJy knows lunch about Ihoin, Eveu nt tbe capllel, the aborglriHi fluorunl language Is mure uiil- veriBlIy spoken tlmii Hpaolsli, mid the weekly Journal, AT Lu ligo, Is half of 11 prlnled In ilial tanguiige. Tbe two duilleo, Zu Zicmeerucio and Aa JCtaan (The UIght) ere Jii Hpanlsh, wllh oco.isloual arildee,' proelainslioiis and inunlrustucs In Indlen. *

There Issuld Id b.'leaa crime In Paraguay than In any olhcr tt lulh Aiusrlcan coniiiry. Kudoubtthls t|. parily due to wuntoflii. oeotlveeiiU ooiisifluMoiial lack of enterprise as iiiucb as lu the fuel tliiil the dpsultea trained the uncesiors of iho prcrcni peoiile lu Implicit obedience mid humble luhmlstlon and tbe lyiuufa llinl lulliin cd ihu falliris crushed out what mile spirit remained lu the fitopiF.

The much-petted men ore smsll In slaluc and geoersliy lets strung In mind and muscle than the *o-callcd "weakFr" sex, excelling Innolhliig but boricmmiiLlp. in that art •nd tcirnee Uiey beat evo.i iho UiisclinsufArg*nllua, Tli* true Pariigiiiyan govs bsre- Iool*dslKll times (yet inuoagcs tolitlcliaspur to hls nakAt heel when on 'borsebackj and wcursa shirt wliose always linimiculatc whiteness It due In Ills Industry of tho feuiiie memberiof his family, baggy trousers, held partially in place by a gay-oulured scarf, and a fklt sombteru—uul with sugei-luaf lop, like tkoee of Uexten, but making up in brim what It lack* lo crown. Thai small inliiorlty •th* opper olaiB,” ImlUne Euroiwaui ui Orta* and mauneri, tue woiueu alfucllng Bllra-Frcncb firsblona

Itie present Oovernment ti making nu linnekl «iadij|ior to educaie and elevate tbe nuB«s, „.,^oonetdering Its poverty and

Hums PpecImeBs gesiiiit In tact A lter Ilua- dveda of Tear.* Uaa.

From tbs Chicago Mall.E ip«rtki*enitob*dItldad u t o which

of the two bard wood-H—Jarrah and karri -o f Wcktern Auitraila 1* the more dur­able.

A eclontiflo Journal u y s that Jarrah wood pUm two ieet two fnehea aquare, driven thirty-three yeara ago at the Larg* Bay pier, were found, on examination, to be aa aound aa the day they were put In.

Borne tpecimena of karri wood taken from a fence were recently aent lo Lon­don, and though tbe wood bad been uo- derground for twenty-five years, It waa perfectly aound. a apeclmao of J»frah wood under almilareircnnlalaficdliilbtf^ ■erioui d«cAy.

Timber o f the tamarisk or vhUtim wood baa huan found perfectly aound in the ancient temples of Egypt in connection with the etonework which la known to be a t leant 4,000 yeara old.

In aoma teat* made with small aqnarei of various wood* burled one inch in the ground the following result waa obtained; Birch and aapen decayed In three years; willow Bod hono cbostnut in four jOAn* maple aud red beech In five yeara; elm', aab, hornbeam and Lombardy poplar In seven years; oak, Scotch llr, Weymouth pine and silver fir decayed to the depth of half an Inch in seveo years; larch. Juni­per and arbor vitw were uoiujured at the expiration of seveo years. *

The redwood of Cailfornia has the quality of being nearly fireproof. The root of the brier lathe only wood which doe* Dot buro wheo exposed to Ore.

Cocui-woodit the hardest known wood’ oak is the strongest, Tbe heaviest Brlt^ ish wood ia that of tho box-tree, which sink* In water. Hornbeam is the strong­est and toughest wood for mechanical use.

The strongest American wood is the nutmeg hickory; the moat elastic, tho Taiiisroak; the heaviest, the bluowood of Texas.

In situations ao free from moisture that we may practically call them dry the dur- abillly of timber Is almost unlimited. Tlio roof of Wontmliister Mull ia more than 4fi0 yours old. In Btiriing castle arc cutviugs In oak, well jireserved, over .'WO yours of uge. Scotch llr has been found in good condition after a known u.so of 300 years, end tlio trusses of the roof of tlie hunilleu of 81. Paul's, Homo, were sound and good after 1,000 years of service.'Wood oonsUntiy wet in freah water ia

quite aa durable. Plies'were dug from the loundiitions of tho old Havoy Pulaoe in u pepfoctly sound stAto after having been down 660 years. Tlie piles of Old Loudmi bridge were found sound and perfect ^ year* after they were driven.


v.itli bedsteads, tho budsleads being d i­vided Into four hepilii, two above and two below. There Is 110 oilier ftirmture In tbe dormitory. Tho lloora are nut washed or oleunsed a t all, and as the court is not paved, Olid ail washing is done In the court, all the mud and dirt end slush Is brought straight into tha aiceping and dining-room*. Each bed Is furniehed wllh a niaUre.o*, a straw cuahlon. and a dirty coverlet, and no other beilclothe* what­ever,

Thocmigranta have to take their bag­gage into tlielr tmda, aud a* they seldom undress themselvea properly, or take their boots off, It U easy to Imagine what the exterior of the bods la Uke. To ob­tain one of these beds the puor emlgrauta have to struggle for ft, as there are often not enough of them for all the people w ho are dragged Into Hie barrack*. A tier having pasec-d the night in such a mlacra- ble berth they crowd in masses out of the

‘ rooms; but tbe only place they can go to is the dirty wet court, where a large caak, Hlled from the pump, aervea as a common wusliiiig basin. It ia emptied in the moil simple way, that la, by turning it oyer. Then begins another misery, the feeding In the dining hall.

At breakfast lltne (8:80 A, M.) every­body receives two Binail loaves (8cmmel I aud some toA I t la a curious sight to sec the whole crowd standing and waiting to be adinlUcd to the eating room. They are admitted lute the room only through one door, one by one—mothers with their bebee in their arms, old aod young people, all throoglng and crushIng each other to get In sooner. Bo great ia tho crush that aomo faint irom want of strength or ex­haustion. Noone, however, can leaVc the dinlug-rooin before all have received and Iluiahcd their poor meal; Iho air and smell in the meantime getting worse and worse, oa tbe crowd inside becomes more dense.

Thus those whom hunger hai driven in among the first at 8:43 A. M. cannot gel out before 10:80 or 11 A. M, The tea ia given out in amall tin basins, which serve afterward at dinner time as soup plates. This disgusting scene is repeated a t din­ner, wliich consists ol Soup and some meat, and a t supper, which is the sumo ns breakfast. The time between these me sis i« spent In loitering about in the case of those who have only been a few days there, aud in the case of over-time pri­soners in anxious efforts to obtalu release from their Incaroeratlon.

These efforts conaist mainly in getting an audience with the all-powerful police officer, who, to save himself trouble, chooiea from among the emigranta some volunteer doorkeepers, who are not too scrupulous io their way of keeping off the crowd. The fceuet are sometimes hoart- reuding. For the enforced hoapitaiity ac­corded them tbe emigrants have tbe privilege of paying a mark per day for the first six days and a half a mark for each day afterward.

It Is oxtraordinary that quarantine con­ducted on these lines—an Incarceration worsa than fay prison in Great Britain, and perhaps than any in Germany—-can be tolerated in a country colling itielf olvUUed- TEo whoie •ysteni la thoroughly Mil, aitfif oM er all tbe circumitancea of tbe case unspeakably cruel. I t conid, however, easily be reformed, if a little humanity wore admitted into tbe interior of the sad walla of these “ barracks,"

IF YOU BUY IT AT McOREGOR’S, Good !not only good, but the best for the money you pay that’s obtainable any-

. wliere. It’s the sterling merit of theLiothmg we have sold during the last quarter of a century that lias gi\L.n us so large a share of your patronage.

MEN’S CLOTHING. | B oys’ CLOTHING.'T'llf* Q u ite -MM... . . . l !The Mcn’.s Suits we ofFer you are the best

that are iiiatle. We are not in coinjictition with the eheap job-lot liouses, but with the finest your money will buy in tliis city or any other.

For stylish appearance, handsome cut, re­liable make and trim and real value, we say with confidence that the suits we now offer you at

$w.00, $12.00, $14.00,$16.00, $18.00

Iare not matched by any other house in the city.

Weve suits liijfher and lower iu price. The finest foreign fabrics elegantly made and trimmed and the cheaper domestic materials put together so as to render genuine service for everyday wear.

Thin Coats and Vests

A multitude of niothers ,qre seek­ing suitable dothing for their little ones, seeking it here and fimliiig it.

Net er before were we so well pre- pared to serve them. The nobby and becoming styles which we are now dis­playing Ibr the little ones are not the result of accident, but of patient, pains­taking care and thought.

i-ight Colored Suits are .ill the rage, and of them we’ve a choice as-

j sortment in the nobbiest lahrics and lour own unimie stjlw of garment.I I'rom alxmt

$2 to $8prime value'at :>howing some e.xtrcmely pretty suits and ff

$3, $4 and $5.Our line ol Fauiulcroys for the smaller boys is unexcelled. $


a perfect paradise for those who c sl '^lcton Serge.s, cool Flannels,

Pongees, Seersuckers, Alpacas and the cheaper fabrics also Don t put off getting a thin coat until fafl; buy it now.

Our stock of tliem suffer from the heat


Shirt Waists.The little ones can’t pass the summer comfort­ably without an adequate stock of Shirt Waists. There s comfort aud style and a great saving of clothes in a Shirt Waist. Get the best that's made the STAR.” W' e have a full line of all

. the newest and most attractive patterns at from

40e. to $1.50.

, ,,p «*Utlaaantjr ravaiiuFS It aijiatiillnga Isrg* ainoant In free taboolt. It hu*adoptail tlie Arttudno ai'stain or pubUa sfiocailoii (ouplsd ftom tbat ol lb* Omieii Bialuj, *o<l bas Imtwrtad sav- f rtl Haw EtigUad yoBiig wnuitu to aoi as Uaabara Tbay jir* nirolalMd a fin*, large

lie Ajiiillsd lor U Uhlia In I'rltou for roiinacllnn Wllh a Hurl.

From the World's t'rogm aIt may not bn generally known that

Von Siemens applied for hi* first patent from tile cell of a prison. After gTadp. ation from the arlillery school in Berlin the young man, then only tweuty-one year* old was attached to a rcglniejit in WiUenhorg, It wo* tliera ho began hls oxperlraeiit*. to the great 'horror of hi* landlady, who upbraided him day alter day for nUililng hi* cloUici, furniture and tho window-panes witli gold, silver and acid *poU, 8ho could not see the use of

wasling money for aucii thing*." Hut Von SiemeuB^went on with hi* expctl- niuata, and with ataltiing hi* furniture and olotboa.

Ho become, too, the life of tlie garrijon, and one of it* moxt" popular mcilhero. Hi* popularity, however, led to hi* tak­ing part of iceond in a duel between two of ids comrades. As a result lie was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment In tlio fiirlrcn* of Magdeburg. Th* landiady wo* the only person iu Wittenberg who was glad of the yofag Lieutenant’s do- linrture. In tbe cell in the fortress, how­ever, he was allowed to fit up a labora- tary apd there continue his oiperlmonts. There, too, a mouth after hi* luoarcera- lion he perfected his method of galvanic

tTIECK AND CHEEK.Ths Fat Mail and tua Slim Man Uav* a

yuear Trauf.-tvUan.From the Itiilfuto Eiprsii,

A tall, slim man with a silk hat and a ted noee, oi)d a short, fat man walked into an uptown bar-room the other day. The lall, tllm man intended to buy a drink.

He did buy it, and when It waa con­sumed ordered another. This was dis­posed of and tho two men leaned against the bar and began lo talk. Tbe toll man had the check for tbe drinks In hla right hand.

"day," said the fat man, "you've got a great splotch of black on your cheek."

"W here T” asked the tall man, aniioua- ly,

"U nder your right eye."The tall man unbuttoned his overcoat'

and aearched through hi* pocketa," I declare," ho sold, “ 1 haven’t .got a

handkerchief with me. Let me have one will you V ’ '

Tho fst man unbuttoned his overcoat and looked through bis pockets. Finally he pulled out a wlillo allk affaiy. He handed it to the tall man and held out hi* hand as if waiting Its return. The tali man took the handkerchief and wiped hi* cheek vigorously. Then ho put it in his pocketand placed the check for tho drink* in his friend’s open hand.

Ho looked around tho room and said suddenly : " Excuse me ; hero's a man I w.iiil to see fo ra moment.” He walked rapidly odt of the room.

The fat man looked at the cheek in a dazed manner for a moment, and then walked over to the cashier’s desk and paid It. Meanwhile the tall man walked slowly down the street.

Tho fat man rushed out and followed him. " Ilere 1" be pullod, as he overtook him, "ynljJxe got;py handkerchief.

llop4i Nklppfiifl: IrtjKrtoui,From ihi* New York Tiniet.

ohllUilks and calls up vliluiii of hupuy nttl ■ tin * bounilliig along Ills filginray or down a country lana la a pretty nijd lisaltti-glvtnj

■“ ‘"‘her BJteof William Tell Tber* wasn't ^ ,.ppir, i |„ ,„ i*n i any henllh lu riimru in others In th sio c rchng ropes, gruerful and cliutmlug lit It alii*. Ihystelun* who knuw say tlnn tne lacshsaut Jar of ihejuniplug girl U verv •erloiti, though slflwer In eS u t ih an T b i oci-a*l.iiiaI Tioieiit result from n ‘•Juimiliiu ' up to TO. Hu careful mother. inu»i put ua“ y tha*klpplcg.riip.‘. r , ' •"w ar

Eellcl fur Narvons Slraln,From Jenaqju Miller’i Monthly.

Nerve strain esu bo granlly lessened by a when one feels a

mil* doue up. or even a hou you ftal Idle and =1. •PP'S’ Imutehcld <lu||w,ISIt d o sn a monienl and inkou bile to eel and ynu uilt feel lot* more like auliig uboui yernr business. All these little Indulsencas in^ke uonieii belti-i-nalureJ snd prettier.

PICK IStewart's



. 'Kx® ffot my ‘WhntT" a S ! f t ^ tali man.

e got lAy si“ You’ve got i^y silk handkerchief, I say." '

1 he tall man looked through ills pockets.“ Why, to be sure,” liesaid, "»oJ have.”

Thenh* paused and thought a moment. "But," he continued, " didn’t I give yon something when 1 borrowed this handker­chief T"

for sixty cent* that I had lo pay," imawcrcd tho fat man.

"A h, yes; I remembor now. So I did Where's Ibccheck T”

" Why, J Jjaid it and gave it lo the caah- ier.”

The tall man looked annoyed." Haven’t got the check, eh f " ho

asked coldly. “ Then, sir, you don’t get your liandkcrcliief. 1 took ttasfccurlty when I gave you the check. Good after- noon. '

And it was twenty minutes before the fat man wmid Ihluk whero he waa,

On« Way uf Kiiipl3>inj{ ^ Theatre*Frrtni the Ulilcusn Trli>uiu'.

Hi» n view loliiviuif h poTformanee lu Iho ovtiHhftlie mimntfer of llioiraveUlnj Urns inailo company WLH lUHpcHjilin theUuildIns Cttllea by ibo fiUerprlulug Ariioim proprie- tor An 0]>crM hnmto,

" V«, ii'N lurjc enough/' he lald* "and the Hglillng nrrsingemont* aeotn lo be about rliUi.bmUba^n’l enoiijfh* lucAWnf:

For Headiche, NeHrafgia, Rheuma- ilM, litaoinala, and all Disorders of ino Nervsui Syttsm,

. i:iD LttAVl^ No dad VffkI’to

at|nf*l«**74T(V'»'D' u-sc-m-jtM-WWWV v v .

J'WirW VE WI-SU lolit'press Ilrnily uponWOT HIMPLVDEALERS who buy uod sell I'lunoi niailu m

VHinuu* lacturlis and of alraiid clieiin grailat otmatarlst mid workniauship, nmiriPoi to

WATERSPIANOS, use oBiy the best mniarlal* and workiiiauthip In all oursiylcq and, wnlle we al-says keep up witii the tlma-i as resaid* lin- Drovemenii, sllraetlT. dcelcns In rase* and fsiipy wood!, wodotioiloie.luhtortbagr"*!


^ aslca W urk* of Art. ei,leulMn-d u. es*l*t In euLIivutliig a Usto lor g)*)d touch arij reo" and pleasing toe uiiHt laBlIilloinsrilst, utlOOO Wji or* I'imio* 1)1 usptc-duy Biiesnliepiinu- lurlty of ourli.slrumi-nti. Wo are in* only manutkeluronla lua umy

NEWARKWho sell Pianos at wholesale prices to tho nuliltoou terms within the rencii of every- b,.dy’-* purse. All Waters I’Isdoi rally L-imr-itini. A hanitsoine Plush fover and Hino! given with every piano. Send' pi)*tal for latest calalogus amt special price list.

Special Sale!O ITR SEC O N ^D

GRAND ANNUAL BUTTER SALEraxl'd) the very best

CREAMEHY B U rrE R at the low price of IG CENTS per pountL- In order to protect onrselvea from un- acrupitlous dealers, who wquld take advantage of this sale to lay In a stock of thia b u t t e r , we must Insist on purchasers buying mine Tea or Coffee on that dny,or we shall luive to charge the regu­lar price, which is 25 cents per pound. We wfll not sell bver ten pouluitt to any one purchoficr*

. ' ’'a n u f jc tu r ln g Hll k tndv o f M a iire w s . D eu ltr In Hed- uprih tfjt B'‘(Itllnc, eUs. The only co rrec t pro* ci'Msoj Hi.iiovoiiuij and Kemher#Ul l i io c l t j ,

U. H. ROOT,4 8 0 m c U A I l S T K E E T ,

Ige streeli. Two K. licpul.

Between Ornuge und Bridge streeli, mlPiUcN from <M. / ‘

p m Till to.The Pnlace Two-atory Glnaa Front,

4 0 B B O A D S T K E E T iiii] 107 Martat St., cor. Washington, He wart, H.J., 293 ItlD St., Orangfl,H,/.

738 and 7


BARKRIIPT ASSIGNEE CLOTHING SALESROOMS,C o r n e r M a r k e t a n i l M u l b e r r y l^ t r e e tN ,


iPph fjr over liJtty yKJirjt An enomtfiiiy *ir ktsx .i*.* __*,■ builni'iit. and gu«i otid^f aftai* hplnir Inlugoii hanu, whiab did not sell on iceouiH of the lata

l)u»lno,h fur over lutiy v e e rr AiVi'SorVimu;7io,-k .ir .“ XPotH »»and ih" eoiilltiujl wesiiier, l«*ide«, tha tighiiieas uf flic mou?v"l'nVr''kel''kra'the'mn1n''c)in“ '‘“i f o l lh t i lata spring

7 o V r'a \* ;[rx ru "a 1 i5 rf7 L ‘s u"e !i‘it!t"'!sJl:i;;s

ONE-THIRD OF BROADWAY PRICES.5*ii fr* I h la 1)^1*111 1 Jw* ha.1 . . .. as _ssi. . . .___ _ . a _ .

k,KO Fine Draw Pants, tk.7S.

HORACE WATERStion he perfected hSs method of galvaniLj enonjfh* In cure nfgilding and spplJtid for tlio patoDt "ooiil bo ncruah, Didthe prison cell. tn. im fifo '/""!

I t WUI ireiknlnA onr wINl* It n II w* .. I. .. . .



prisonIt waa granted, and with it a pardon.

A pardon in all probability was never fo- ceived with less glee. Siemens had other exporlmenU under way in-hi* prison workshop, and begged to he allowed to slay tt. while longur and complete tbem. But the keojier scot him away with tho declaration that such a course wquld be on insult to the King and ootnm'ander. Biemens than went toucrlin .

Hup rstllion or — .Professor—" 1 was sore that wo ware goipg

to have haa wraiher to-duy, heeauso I had auoh a polu in my tail log, and y*i bars the Dun is >111010* brightly t After all, 1* It not puutble that my l*g pained me b*uamal lell yMterday from the lop of iitep-tadder In my library 1 "-FUrgead; B Uitle r, ^

amply IVon bet 1 haver’ answered lb* propri*-

onist'la win empty tlicbulldiu In Iwenty-scveii « coudi by ibe ivatoli."

Almost King nf fireecs.From the Now York Trihnns.

’the liile Karl of Derby was seriously cou- slderoii . . . ju ;—A.-™_jjjr iho throue of .•IrvccoallerlhorcllratuotU of King Ulto Ihe llavarlan, tn liaia. At the time be was Ixird Hlanley, a member ortho Bouse of Commons uiii! Oho of Iho m))St Inttmat* friends ol Lof d JU-oconsfield, then still llsbjsmlii Diorsell Ihletiiisreelm* hlilorlciU fool first becaTnepubtto mo years ago, throago Froudf, tits Kiisltsh historian, whoifuundletter*referring '0 It to tbe oori’Hpondauae bemaea Baaaon*. field and Ura, Brydges, Dlsrstll hvored ll:« csndldaey of 8iatil*y.


An UBfAilinv i LAxrr for SeiDi-r

C)l HAilUl Mt-MNCV t hIvIluUfqvtncttNlSril*'

w r f j ' « by m il to ‘e.*5!- £b* hpwlfic Medicino Ir »<fld by til druFeisii at • IrMbyiBcll unih«fBc«[pi«r themoary, byuldreitinr,

9 ta m i f u i atiYiUK 1.1*Y-ko- Wrapper llw

riHk***” ** H olihaw r, Binud»«4

U. A. ,*»Men'itriulHi, HSa

Men’s Llxlit Uolnrod CA^ilmcre8uUi.Mon'y Cutaway Dreixs feuHn.............Narroiv Pibixed,CU«TioL Hulls .....Wo<»nl Wureled Dlrlp* Trgu»«M,Httdn l*ii 0 I Trinoo Aftxcirty............I), li. fciHclc BiHck ClievioL MuiVr.....""T.......1 ' t' fuv WurfilwAl DrcM Kuii*....."silk Mlted CHSMliiicra FfooIi Sulim,Ntttty liluij and Ulqck H«rKu Sulli.,...' .....HUulkhtCm. iJlAKJnal ....

LA - «i .v " . n n u ru m o m u v r, m e r e o r e h u n d r e d s m o m h m id M14.76, worth ,U.(W. m

..S3.7K, Tn]u«|]Q00 .. O.rsO* vniji; l,i.00 .. 7w0O, vahw lUOtj „ S.itA* Taluu .. JO.ffO* value iN.oo .. O.UA* Vrtiiiu ,.* 10.75, ViiluQ 2ilklXl .. S.50, vttluo 111.74 .. O.sO* vuIlie


Soys'Fine Dloffoaal Drew ............... iMen's Fine HtrTpu Wool Pams......... *............' ,Men's Navy DIue Ftannol ..........New 8tyli‘ rJecirlo Blue Trousers.. ■••♦r***'*Jmporlod D. B. Tnibet HuiU................... .I’lii Check <4awyor Caislmere Balia.,..,.,.,!,"’.''*'!!! BDlc Holt Hoiurepun JJttolt Hutu................... /!. ..fjiohijurif Wivrsted Dress Hnjia...... ,Ymiti|f Meir’H NoUhy BlrleHulu........ .........Boys'rhie BlueTfleoi Bulu........

14*08. worth 112.50 l.fiO* worth %75 R.75, worih 8.U5( worth 8.0S, worth 7.7S^wnnh o.ooy wnr;h 9*75* worth 0*95p worth 5,80| worth

la.V] T.50

18.00 iH,r)0 15 75a«.uo14.50is.ii0

' ■ nfTY (SflI-PER CENT. LESS THAN HCTUU COST PRICE.eon.eqlf/il^y‘ d'ld’[>otpny"i“rTt?i(*SitreM!j)h.“ 'l'he%?^kl“n « w*r* toroB4 to flill against their will *44oiie-third of the prices clisiged by oay andeverv riintar cloti.i5t\‘i-Ji 'f i npwt>*log sold a t prloa* whloC — ------ml or all. People liviug IWailles aSay win Bb by ™mmx *®'* bnals airprevloq* sale* andlfinest. tiq lh togY ^, ever saw at aatoulsblog low prlce/^ I W t r ^ H may never.happen eg‘.lii nr" ™'TD"wyoUwlf. coup nolhlog lulook, trouble In .how vouTnw^eSu'^v Mh!"*® sold at prie*. itainvil.i A pu ranfto with J«eh and averv m.a mil ^ *'®'’ Kverythlng positivelyMurry up and don’t ml*, .uob « oliauce. Come to-morrow, Moods? and liuTr o7«"7ck“ 'TBvy^n'bl^^^^ J-miMnonay refunded

_ - _ .------------ . . . . . . . . . . . . v«u.eio-morrow, Monday and all of next week. Tnvy’ll b . big doy*.

BANKRUPT SALE OF BROADW AY CLOTHING!l O f i M - V T - r - n - a n n a w w - w r ___________________ _____ _____ - ’


1 9 S

OOHEER MABKET STEEET.misiake. Be sura you are at tba

nulla mg. Halo oominuei from dav to day until a out-of-town buyers, No goods sold to dealer* rVima 8*v* tbli and brlug It with you. Com*jw ?Son u m “ioa

M U X t B E B R l T f i l T B B B Ti r s W A H i ; IT. 3.


' t t u u r k ' M

I N i r M B E K 3 , 0 2 0 . NEWARK. X. ,1.. FRIDAY, J F N F 10. 1800.—TEX PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS,

Third Edition.10 8A?B LIZZIE BOBDEH.H a n j W itnesses Called to Testily In

th e W oman’s B e b a lt


A Rtiaib«v Qf P trM B i SweM th a t fh rySaw a Man LoltctflD^ About the llonlen KAfldenoo Hoar tlio Tlm» tfaA Murder* Waia C oam iltod—a Sm aller Crowd In the CovrtroAm ‘To-da/*

Rxw HvnroRD, Mata., Juoe 16,-Al ihe fiordao trial y ttlerday the defence eitllcd •ereral wltnettfe to prove that a Rlrunge man wee ereti loUerhig about the Harden reeldence a ibnrt time befero tlie murders were coinmUlcd.

Gbarlei M. and Uriah K irby eald that they taw a men on tho elrtK t elepe u tar the Chag DOQ bou^e a l U o^clock on the nisbt before the m urder Mark ChaMo eald be eaw a man with brown bat and bluclr coat In a buggy In front of tbe Bordan botiee Juat before II o'clock.

Dr, Brnjamtn n . Hardy, of Fall Rtvar, tee* tided ae roliowa; 1 know where the Bor> den bouiela; 1 went by thereon themorn> log of the murder e t 9 and 10:81); 1 Raw{a medluTO-sleed young mdn, very pale In oom- plexlon, with hla eyea on the ildewalk, paiRlng klowty toward the aoutb ; he wai acting itrangely ; In OonRequence ot hti pearance I turned in my currlage towaloh him ae he went b y ; I have a faint idea that 1 bad aeen him before. Thla man waa well dreeiPd In u lu lt of light clolhea; 1 have tried to find him aince, but hare been unable to do Ml); 1 havo never leca him alnce,''

Crois*egainlued: " The man waa acting different from any poraon 1 ever aaw on tbe itreet in my life, lie wai agitated and ■eemod to be weak,'*

Mri, Delias. Muniry, who Uvea on Second atreet, In Fall River, iiepped up agalnit tha railing, and In anawer to a qucwtlon by Mr. Jennings eald Ibat abe waa paafllng the Bor* d«u bonaa wUh Mr*, H art, when abe aaw a yimug man atilred In a au lto f White itand ing by the Burden gate. That waa about 9:4&. bhe had Dot noticed tbe young man when ahe fint came along.

Waller P. bteveni. who a t the time of the tragedy woe a reporter for one ol tbe Fall Klvar daUlee, waa called to the aloud by Mr. Jcniilnga. Ilia teatimony wai the moat Im portanl for the defiacce th a t had come out up to tbla time. He went to ibe Borden taouae tm tba moroing of tha tragedy In Iba regular c«)om of buBlneaa. He went tbrongb the groundt and out to the baro.

'* While I waa in there," he laid, " I heard three persona walking about In tbe npper part of tbe barn.*'

Policeman Medley, It will be remembered, bad aworn tfaal there were no traoea of foot- ittpa In the duet on the floor of the barn loft when he went up there to make an examlna* tiontoaee If there were any traoea of foot- prlnta TbewUneai eald th a t be did notaee Medley about, and remained Id tbe barn only a moment or ao.

Alfred Ciarkion, of Fall River, denrlbed blmseif a i a atcam engineer when be waa called aa a wltnesi. He aald be bad been about tbe Borden place eeven or etehtmlD- utce before he wpnl to tbe barn, where he aaw Deputy Sheriff Wlckaon. Clarkaon aald be reaobed tbe bouie about li:80 o’clock. He thongbt It waa laa itb aa ten mlnutea after be had reached there befbre be went Into the bam. Byipan Rohlnekl, an loe cream ped< ditr, eald he went by the Borden house Inbla wagon on tbe morning tbe murderi were committed,

•' Wbat did yon aee v*** I aaw a iady come o a t of the bare and go

to tb ea ia lraa i tbe north aide of ibebooee."Bobinakl eald It wae not a aervant ba aaw.

H eooaldnot tell bow ahe waa dreaaed. ^ r , JEnowUoD oaked aboat where be bad Men ibe womaA Bbe ‘ waa aome dtetanee iVoin tbe boaaei'be eaid* H er baek waa toward the barn.

There waa leae of a erowd attbeoourtbonae tb ii morning then tbere baa been a t any time alnoa tbe beginning of the trial, al* ttaeugh the air la delightfully eool Inaldeand fana have been ratlred. Among tba early vliltom w u Mlaa Emma Bordet), wbo la, It la Qnderitood, to be called by tbe defence, although ahe waa down a i a government wltncei. Mlaa L iu le told Governor Robin- aon, aa be greeted her tbla morning, that abe bad not paaised a very r^tfUl n igbli and tbe intlmiUon cRme, wltb a cheering imlle, that abe would feel better by and by.

The deolalog relative to the admlaaloa'of the evidence of tbe Portugueae who aaw a man with the bloody hatchet waa In order tbe Oral thing Ibta moroing, end efier tbe Jury bed been polled couneel entered Into a eonialtatlon with tbe Juatloei upon aome poliila whieb the la tter deilre made more clear. Following tb li the Conrt aald It waa dear tbet the evldenoe offered on tbe head nbove reforrod lo could not be admitted, and Mr. Jenninga dealred exccptlona noted, at the same lime atallng that be would put la wrltlna Jtiit wbftt be bad intended to show.

The Aral wltneaa waa Sarah H, Hart, ofTlv- erion, and abe aald: *'I lived In Fail River ten yrera ago, on or near Secoud alreet Juost of ibe lim e; 1 knew Andrew J. Borden ny Bight end knew where he lived,; I bad a lif­ter who lived In tbe Dr. Kelley bouie aoroe flrieen yearn, and I waa in tbe bablt of going there ftequDDtly. On the day of tbem urderi 1 pnofcd bv Mr. Borden'a home wltb my ala- tei-in-luvr, Mr«, Manloy ; It waa about 9:60 A. M.; we peaied by tbe north gate and atopped there to apeak to my nephew, wbo waa tbere In a carringp, end went up to the back of hla earrlage; While 1 waa there 1 aaw a young mno alanding lu tbe gateway; R waa not Mr. Bordttiv; be waa resting hla hoad on hla left band, tala elbow being on ttaegampoit; I WM there five m lnutw and he w|N tbera when 1 went away ; 1 went down to Main Blrcet and got there Jual In time to catch the 10 o’clock ear for the North; tbla car laavea ihe City Hall for tbe North at Juat 10 o'clock."

Onarlea S. Sawyer, painter, Fall River t " I reeall tbe day of the Borden m urder; 1 waa In 81 Second street, Mr. Rich*! ibop^ when 1 heard that a man bed been atahbed, and 1 went out onto tbe a tree t; 1 aaw Mr. Hall and Ulaa RuiMll I Ibe waa going up on tbe other aide of tbe atreet and f. went over to talk with her; I walked along with her until 1 got to the gate of tbe Borden home, wbeu I turned aroiiDd and walked aw ay ; when 1 tiirned away 1 met Offleer Allen a t Mrs, CburchlU'e gate; I went back with him and be put me on guard a t tbe aide door afu r we bad bean In lha home; whan J waa In there Mlaa Buaaeil. Mra. Cbnrobill, Mlaa Liaiie and

’ Bridget Bull Ivau were la tbe klicben; Mlaa Llaile waa alltlni in a roeklng chair and the otbera atemed to be working over bar fan­ning bar and rubbing her bandii i waa close to her all the llm f; abe appeared to ba aome* wbat dlftraaaed } Isaw no ilg n ao f blood on bar bead, hair, lianda o r dreia; 1 cannot tell wtaat kind of a dresa aba liad on,

Joba J. Manning, reporter, Fall Hlver^ waa the n a il wllnaaa. Ue said;

**lflrat beard of the Borden murder aome time beforeIhaa Mr. O'Nall, city editor of tbe Fall Hirer fM s .to ld me logo up Second Blrael.aatbora nod been a atabblug affray tbere, and 1 rao moat of tba way. Whan 1 was going there I aaiv Mr. Cunnlngliam, Mr. Bolleaaijd one or two oUiara. Iw antln to the yard un<l up to Ibo bouae and found Mr. OttWyor a t ibc d o o r; he would not allow me to go 1u and 1 sat down on tbe atapa. Dr. Bovren came, but 1 w ain't allowed logo In; tbeii Officer Doherty end Mr, Wixon eiune. and 1 wus allowed to go in wltb them ; 1 went liilo the kitchen and found Mifi Borilcn with Mia* RuatoU and MrnCharcUni neur her funning her; went Into ibealttlng- ro<>ni end Dr, Bowen showed rao the lK)dy of Mr. Ikirdeu and described the wouiida. Tnan I Mcnl up Into vho piuwt chumbor with Pr. Bowen; my reoollcclhni as to tbla room la iliut jl w'ae .Jiol v«ry Uglil; fame tjf the abnttcra w ere. *h>!-ed; wbou 1 BOW tha body my rccolIccUon l» ibai the anna were not *tr*'tcbcd above lha Itorfd. OiUoar Doherty pulled the. WI away

' eir a baiter ?lew could La obtult.ijhl o4 the bfdy; than J wvntdoxrn-euilra a i i^ n to flw, kticliaui liic people bed gone fWtn there, Bridget ^ul!lvau w'ni iiUUng on Iho bnek- Mulra. i lemember thu publiralton of the

^Mury of Jdra. Itoagaii, the rmitroii a t ihe FaW *Rlver’J"ojlra SiuHont nnd Ib a d a ii interview w B hher; I iliUik It'wna ihu auma night of Iho |Uihllu*<[1'»n. Jn mianor lo n qiii-itlon from/no, t-be anld ihtro wn* uoiblu'j In I t ; I W'l n ed to knqw wliaiftcr It was true or nor, iind I k'tmicda Pcgatl/tTorafflrmntlveiiulo-

Mra. Mary H. llolnicw, when oallad, leni- Hill t in t were u«»t hindered In eiutcrlr^g ilMfrmluniV n Q-t* and thoroughly M.^nrclii|ir the hnuai:/ l>efeud»ut wept wtlen

I'utttng it Volli'W Tliigt* «>n t1ie Town.A T mi H r Ui'ni Hnrry

tv, 8m lU’-, JWl Markc*!, \* i\ iuM»iiMri'Ua »tun.(li# jlU e;A

looking nl her father's reM)n.lna on the day of iliv funeral. Derendniit wore a pink wnip>|e r when witness w^iU iu tin* Imuae «i»TdWore the drMH given to the Guvvrtum-n Krldny and Snmrrtny, Mm, Keagun lolil wJliie*-4 that lliu " giwc mu qwuv " story waa untrue. The prisoner ant w ith liar face in her Lntidkerchlcf during much of Mra. ilotiiies'a leaitinoiiy.

Afiar a five minutes’ reeeja Charlaa J. Holrnm teatifled thitt Matron Renaaii told Mr. Buck that the denial of the " You gave me awny '' story wiis im e and that oho wouldslgn i t i f the .MnrabHl did not object.

Jaho H, Ualdweii!, a reporter, uall- lled that Maribal Hilliard told Mr*. Rtagen if alio ilyucd tbe denial ofiUe ‘'You gave nie‘uway " alory, U would be agntnit Ml capreaa ordara. Mary E. MrUUain, a fileiid of l*la-Bte Bordeiii leBlined th a t .Metrou Krngaii aald about the vtury, “ 11 Is all a Ua from be­ginning to eud. 1 was willing to sign lUat paper, hut the Marshal would not let uie."

Emma Borden, sUter of tbe prlhouer, on being called, denied ahKolulely the "Y ou gave me aw ay " story, and awore no quarrel took plHcu between the ahu-ri In Matron Ueaguii'a riHUn, Mr. KuowUfm cross-examined wllh rt'fcrcDco to the latully rehiUona.

Eintuaaald that her lalhcr'aglfl of the bouie to her slepiuoilter made trouble between Lirxie and the alepimithcr, and LiKEle ceased to call her muther and called her Mrs. Burden; but for two or three yeara lx*fore the murder the relations tketween L ar.le and 61ra. Burden were enllruly cordial; and If ahe bad tesllflcd to the cuDlrwry al the prelim inary baerltag, tbat was tm true,____^ _________


H. S. Snttou Galls ob Ja il^e KbUscIi

for Help I d Courting.


When the Alan I.earns th a t the ro lk e Can't tiv lp Him tu Furor n Married Woinaii to Jtecome Ilia Mlfe lln Urralln latarv lrw e and W ants to Collret a Bill. Airs* Alrad Talks.

The Somnilt Denttit Decllnea to Plead aa He Agreed to, Onl o f Regard

for Mra* R elllngton.Hpeclal Dtapateb to Itae Nfws.

F.i.ikABETH, Juna Itw—Dr, George II. l'e^ rlue, of tiumiuU, was not arraigned tbla morning In the Union County Court as ex­pected, be rrfoislng to plead g iilliy to thn charge of edultery aa prepared by tbe Proae- culor. He lays ho wtU get bail in k day or two, and will tat tbe znattor go to the Grand Jury.

Without tbe testimony of Mrs. KaUtngton U will ba tmpoaalble looonviet the priaouar, ao bis lawyer, Aasemblyman Kelly, aaya J.C, KtUIngioti, lha wrungad huabeud, waa In court to-day and waa perfectly furloui be­cause Dr, Perriue would not plead, aa Kel- lingtoD baa tbe papcriall ready to apply lor a divorce ou the ground of Infidelity and bla lawyer Intended to me tbe court record of Terrlne'i guilt ai evidence to auatatn hla ap- plfeatloD.

In avme way tbe prloonar got w lndofthta, and be deolared tbat be Intended to protect tbe woman from her huaoaod regardleaiof conacQueDoea.

KelJlngton’i appearance In coart cauaed quite a ailr, and a big crowd w u in attend­ance to hear bla atory, but tba aoandaWLoveri were badly dlaappofnted, Ketllog-ton waa very inxloua to go onthe Bland aud tealify againit Dr.Perrlne, but tba latter*! rafuaal toplead upaat tbla programmeaud got Kelllog- too very angry, Hededarwd tb a t Dr.Verrine owed bim f20 for board and awore ba woald yet bave latlsraclloa for the wrong done bitn and would keep Perrlne'a peraonal geoda, In­cluding bia work! of art. which are ■tored in Irunka tn KaUln|tOD'a houaa.

I t la expected th a t Mra. K elllagtoa will be MTiBted ib li afternoon aa Cobeiable Mc«Oratb, of Summit, aayi be knowa her where- about! and will briug her to tbe county Jail,

ABAC. FIBHIKQ IH BBERIHQ SEA.SAr E lchard Webatar n e in n e e Bla Argu­

m ent on the ^neatlen Before the Court.Pabis, June IS.—Blr Ktcbard Webster, of

eoanoel for Great Britain, to-day continued blaargum ept before the Behring SeaOonrt of Arbitration. When bla addreit was In- terrapted yesterday by tbe rtaing o fthe Irl- baoal be waa apeaklog upon tbehabfijof ibeaeala and pelagic banUng, and be con­tinued a t acme length upon ibe iMne line tbla morniog, Bir Richard contended that tbe deereaee in the teal herd waa due to the acarcity oftiull aeala, tbe leaeened number of malea baiDg doe to the exocaaif^ kllUag ^tbeFHbyloiriilanda. The deereaee, he aa t^ T WAWUlWTOir, June Id the herae began before the peLegle in- duatiy aroae.

Sir Rlobard quoted from tbe report made by Henry W. Elliott and other reporte made to tbe United Btaiea Goveromont to abow that alDce tba number of bull aeala In the herd waa not suflleleDt to properly repro- duoe ibe apealea The ergumant on thla point by Blr Richard la In refutation of tbe ooDlcntlon on tbe part of tbe United IRatea that tbe kllLlog of a portion of the surplua male aaal life la a benefit to tbe herd, aa U le claimed to be laftbe caae of the domestic and polygamua animala. Tbe AoMricana claim tbat a large portion Of the young male aeala can be killed without reducing ara ff^U o f the normal birth rate. Thie le held by ibe BrUlah to be erroneous, end the dlmlnnUoa of the herd la attributed by tbe British coud- •el to the killing of iheae bail aeala a t the lalanda and not to tbe oepturea made by the pelagic hunten.

The report made by Mr. Elliott, who In- veeilfaled tbe fheiB nfscel UEaon the leiaDda In I87:f‘74, and In 1190 waa sent to renew hla Inveatlgationa In pursuance of a special act ofOongreMi, waa not pubUahed by the United State!, He aubaequenlly publlabed tbe re-fiort himself; aud In some portloni of tt be aid streea on the luaulllclcni number of

virile maleaeali there. Tbla ii one oi the re­ports that Sir Richard Webstar quoted from to-day. _

IN A SNAKE'S d e a d l y GOtL.

K. B, Butlnu, whose f-xtoriwtl arpecranre Indlcalca that Uc hitN pv^nU ihu Ihiee- acun-year mark, went Ik f->rr Jiidgu KuM«cb In Uic I'lrit Crituluikl Court ILih muruinu and nKkcd wlicihcr lUrre wiu any wny for lilru to Cl injwt .Mr*. HoiU'r M«nd, of 1S.'1 I’lane street, io krop her proinho Lo lutirry him.

8nUon was anxinu* that no o:i« hot ihs Judge should bear hit smry, and ut riiM ho MpokQ in a whlapt-r. He wioitod llio Judge lu bring Ibe woman to lerina ns qulelly n» poa- ■thir,

Jud|fe Kailfoh lufarmtxl Knttoa thnl h u only remedy would bo gu appeal to Uie cIvjI couria

Tbercupou the old man became angry and talked In a h>uder ton'-.

'* Why, afipr ull tba t I have done for her," heau ld ," ilie calls me mi old fool, and hi-r children about a t mo a* 1 pna« on the alreet. 1 wouldn’t care so luuci even If «ho wont marry me )f nbe would only treat me kindly. There la a young fellow who goes to the houao. Ho Is not over Iweniy ypiirs of nge. 1 don't know hiM nnino. but I bate him."

•Tudge JvaUsch again t’xplulDHd to the old mau that be could do iiutbing for him. whereupon Kuiton puH»d a lung liamlied blit fruiii h it pocket aud naked the Judge bow hti could collect t i l l , which lind given Mrs. Mead ut dlllorent tlruei, and he al*K> asked blm bow to proceed In order to recover the furniture and Jewelry which ho bad presented to bar. ThocovLoftbe la tter articles he did not include In tbo llemlxcd bill. Hutton asked lb<* Judge to consider the matter, and said be would call again. Hw foregoing he left Ills card.

Mr. Hutton la an upboislcrcr, and conducts business at 01 RJane street* Yesterday he visited ibeBecoou Orlmirrel Court and sought ihe advice of Judge Cunlon, but the latter referred him to Judge Kallscb. The old man told bis atory yesterday morning to Clerk Bertram al Police Hcadquartcra, and the clerk also directed him to see Judge Kallach.

Mrs. Alead li the wife of ex-Pollceman Stephen Mead. TbccUy dliv*cLory describes her aa a widow. When leenather borne this afternoon by a Nkwa reporter Mrs. Alead ex­plained that aim had never promised to marry Sution. Hhe would not, under any consideration, become hla wife, und if •be were inclined to again ventare upon tbe matrimonial aea abe would be compelled to fim procure a divorce from her buaband, wbo, Ibe laid, waa living In Bloomfield.

Bbe first became acquainted wUb Hutton when he bad hla little shop oppotlle ber home. Bbe did aewlog on a machine for blm and he was lo pleased with her work th a t he made her little presents of Jewelry, a silk muffler, which he aald cost |7, and several articles of furniture. Then, abe aald, he nied to visit her hoase nearly every night. He was such a bore that ihc was Anally com­pelled to tell him to discontinue bis vliUs and declined to take any more work from him.

Mre. Mead said tb a t since ahe bad told tbe old roan to cease visiting her he had eont her a docen letters, which ibe returned un­opened. Beveral preaentt of Jewelry abe bad also sent back to him .

" I have lately eonaldared the advleablllty of canslDf Button's arrest," Mrs. Alead aald. ** He Cbllowa rae about thealreeta a t all times and no mattar where I am or In whose oom- pany 1 aw , be tries to talk to me."

A Little Baby Choked to Death While Asleep GntdooTfl.

Eoo UABBon, June 16.^ A large pine snake, four fbat four Inehes In Ungtb, yesterday en- idrclad Ibe neck of a Bleeping girl baby of William Parvin, a woU-known fhrmer near here, and choked tbe little one's lift out be­fore It was discovered. The mother of tbe child had placed a plUow on the grau lor the child to sleep on during the hot afLcr- Doon. Mrs. Parvin did not bear any onlorr, and first knew of the snake's preaenw pro^ nblya quarter of an hour afler It bad flo- tibed its deadly work.

When discovered tbe anake waa itlll colled about the neck of tbe child with lie head reailng on the ftoe. The fraollc mother Bcreumed for her buabtnd. wbo was workipg In a field n«ar b/t and then graapcii ibs body of the reptile with both handa It bit her several times, but ibe corillnurd bet bold* Tbesnalte colled itself oJosar to tbe child the harder tba mother pulled, and she wus afraid lo use greater force for fiar of Injuring the b:iby. The father arrived In a few min- uu-H, ahd with ajBck-knlfe cut ibe snaka In two. Tbe baby was found to be dead.

Three Wounded In a Street Flglit*Cmj7AGO, June 10—Five men met in an eu*

eounicr with revolvers on Helitead atreet, north of Adanii atreet, last night. Hhola fol­lowed eucb utUer In quick sueeeaalon and the afiray sounded like a real battle. When the •moke bad cleared away tbe police found three wounded men aud to<jk one piiaotirr. The wounded are; Trlxy Kane,shot through the neck, will die; William Cbrlitlausen, Bbot tbrnufii tbe groin; Joeepb Wilson, aboi through the leftleg. Tbe three wounded racu were taken to the count)' boipllul. Theotbt-r men that took paryn tbehihoutlog are Jake Bkinuer and James Houllban. Hklnner Is locked up at ibc Drsplninee BLrcei Hlaliou but Houlihan escaped,

ThoaliOotJng grew uutof n long and biller enmity between "Jake " Hpiimer and Kano on the one hand and George WHaon, "Jim " Houllban aud Cbrlstcnseo.

Run on the Irving Hank Over,Nrw Youk, Junel0.-Ttae trvlng BiiVlngi

Inatltui* waa opened at U:J0 o'clock ikla morning, and at that hour there wqfe but a doxsn porsoni waiting lo withdrawIbvfr dc- puslti, Tbe run u iMs levcd lo b*,^nllrvly over, and tha bank has a large anxmbt ot caali on bend In rsdi'P'>ilta. During t|ie two da>a' run on the bank |t?k00b were with* drawn. The InsUluto eocured ibla money by ear'fully dlslrlbu'cd drafla on banka w th which they bad nocounta Now that the run is over, the whole forcoof clerks will go to work 10 find Ibe exact condition of ibe back'i

CLETELAMD'B INCREASED YfElOQTHe Reaorta to th* Baaktng ayatena to Be-

duea AvbUdupota.1&—In iftflanee of

bard work and tbe heavy reeponelklltij rest­ing upon blm* tbe Prealdent le aleadlly gain­ing la avoirdupois. H ii Inereascd weight h u begun to be Inconvsaftnl. Already the effort of walking bus become a burden, and Air, Cleveland find! hJmsetr forced to forego moeb of hie cuatomary exercise. This lea source of keen regret to blm, and in order to reducB b it elae the Cblef Executive Is quietly purauiug the bautlng system. Two meals a day la now ail he a llo ts bimaelf—a light breakftat and dinner wltb almple meat* and •prlng vegetablee,

Biuoe taking poneeiiBlon of bis country borne tbe customary mid-day lunchoon baa been religiously omllted, and In ibis way the President Audi additional time for work, to wklab be devotes hlmRtif conaclenttoualy from tbe lime he reacbet the White Hqpao In tbe morning until close on to 6 o'clock In ibe afternooD, a t which hour Mrs. Cleveland drives In, seated In her ftyllab Uodau, aud aplrlti her husband a'H.ay from all worries out Inlo the freah grecu fields and daisy- ipangled meadows. In tbe peaceful retreat on Woodley lane Ibeir evenluga are ipent la undlitucbed enjoyment save for occasional vlalU foom members of ibe Caoiael aud oibcr personal friendi.

Tbe President* though atlll aufTerlng fiom rheumatism, came (o ibe White Houm to-day a t bis usual time. The Cabinet meeting was attended by all the members except Beeretary Herbert, wbo Is out of tbe oily.


i^H ed IvThl* dom e tly^,Rtlrg1ara. MlirKCAFOUR. June I I —J, R. Uarrla,of tbe

T «-^v*i;-**^*otupany, was killed by two odigmr'rwcfn bad bi'cii dlacovcrod by him In his parlor on Flfleenth avenue, H. £1, at o'clock Itlll morning. He aticrupied toseisa them aud wtis ahot twice, dying a t 8 o'clockIhll uiurnlhHj_______ _

.............. ■ • ' o 'l asaalc's New Poslinaeter Named.

Wash iNUToF, June 16.—The President to- d^y uptoliiiL-a Adralti Norman Postmaster at PhmiiIc, vior B, H. AfcGrow, rvslgued.

iJg lit Colnr Cbavlat and Honaesptin Bnlte.Blontontaurgb A have reraivecs now

lines frchfai Crmn i. pir wnrKronma for rtuur- day's Male; HO.812. tlJ. r.eelt'Ain* ?FJio89) jhJ'uua streu*.—A<lv,

A Feaaenger on a H, and O* Train Thinks R e Saw Them,

Buperlntendonl of Police Brown tbla morn­ing reeelvsd a letter from Chicago iDformlng blm that e man anaweting tbe descriptiou of Edward Evans, wbo eloped on Tburedny, Ja n e6, with bit Aftren-year-old slstcr-ln-lnw, \ Marie Liovell, daughter of Ibe gypsy chief, ChUodloe Lovell, WM even In Chicago. Tbe man, who is believed lo be Evans, was ho- oompanled by a girl w'ho answered the •cripilOQ of Marie.

Tbe Writer o fthe letter, who signed h im ­self" A Passenger." sLiucd Uiui ho rudo from Jersey City to CUIosgo on tbe PaltlmorG and Ohio train which arrived in th a t c 'ly on Tuesday night* Tbe man never left the girl for a moment, and when the train rearhod Chicago the man and the girl luddenly dis- appeared. ^

Train Hoblier* F rtgh truea off. tfOHAN, Kan,, JUUS IH.—An Jittrmpt was

roHda lo roU the aoutlibound Mt^'snnrl, Kno- las and Texas pnuenger iraln No. lH alih ls plHce a t 1 o'clock yesterday morning. Two men boarded tbe engine at the MUauurl J'n- clfio crossing, and at ibe point oi revolvera ordered Eugineer Fletcher to stop Ibelrsln . iri^leher told li.eiii tbutaiKMMi h m aboard tbe Iraln and they had boticr eaenpe. Thtry look Ibe advice and left ihn cub, ordering blni lo pull out quiokly. There l in o duo tu I heir Ideni l l y . __________

Told Net to Visit Her Moiher.Mr*. FiHfderlek WustUob appenrei in ih e

First Criminal Court this morning aud chAr^od her. husband with dM irdon. The lesttmony inowed tbat Airs. Wusillch made the complaint against her huiimnd ilic dny af.or bs ptu her out of the Uuuip for going u> visit ber innllier when he fiiri'ade ber tn go. TbucoiipiobeeuineiTConolled Id oourl. and when tbe bu*baiid Was paroled they left tho rr»in together.

Jackson or llan leu r Caugbt*A man, describing himself a*'Xnh'ifr Jack-

son,tl)lriy-fl VO years uld.wascuiubtscUngl n- deceutlv Ibis morning by John I>awar,;4»f 81ii Noflu Eighth atroef. Ho wa< a r m cd and locked«pat ihtBcconil Preclnvt P-Hrc Mtu- tlou. H Is bi'iirved .^fckson Is u fiRtilluus nttinr. lielicr* found lu bis pocket wnre nU- drcKsed to A* N, Bardaur, 115 Uuscvlllo ave­nue. ^

Ran Down by a aoar.-nger Wagon. Edward Gray, colored, sw eu yoari of

age, wna run over by o scavenger wufon a l iba^ carnsr of KigUlU and Ullfton avanuea U4g pfiornoon and buuiy dtktwUul llie hand and body. He was Ukou lo HI* AlkhaePa HoapUnl m.rbe Hecemd Pre­cinct walled patrol Wagon. The boy^aparebla r«oid^t76 Uldfe etreel, *

Charc«i1 W ith Kuibesit'-meut. -Biiiimri V. B*rion, of 4Tt«m il.n ilrool, ot

one nm* employed M a ooll'icWr in tho em* ploy ofL. Mtwnbtf* * tX , w,« n rn iw d l» .t n(i;titono ehargo of erabeiilenient ollcjt 'd to hove be*n rom m lll«l wUlleln llio >in ploy of llio com pony on JJMomtier 21, 1881. Judyv PrelMd iwrole-l me nccuimd,--------- ------------------ ---—

n re o t ItnrckiDii In (Jlilhlreit’f Tliroo flolloni will hay ot hotuntoy'o iole *

■nu Uft n row d-y* “fo woum huTO cootIroio 14 iiiKL ......................... ..HtoiUoubul'g < 4 Co., 790 lu 806 Uroail «tfCift.*Ait

M.W JM fSi:! KAtl.tV A P A<'<■1I>K^TS.fl],n re t ohooliii; the yiuiiihcr K lP.il Kii.l

Use I'lwt V.or.ThtNyiiM, June IU.—K very rn llrond in ih*

RIh' c Lh rt'(|uln,'d by law tu r- ti'Frl lo lhe Klste Cumivtv, UiT a tiliua lly live cviDdUIon of th eroad, liH ItiieuclKl i-iundliig, andaiuungother rnauers Ihu munlicr i>f aieldeDls thnl iw* ctirrcil rUuluR Hiovvnr. The reports ns to tho enndUlon of the compittvIeH are iiuite brief, but In or ler lu | uLiIisL] un aceouul o! ail tbo accUlei)is winch tK'F'urred during the year tbo I'umpirbl-i'r uas required lu print 6U pnjfts.

.V CtiniparlwDi hctwoeti ihe report of 1891 and IMU slu'Wt ilmt there Is a very material In^Mcaso in Ihr imutluT of rsllroHd aecldeubi which iMTcurTcd in IntfJ over ihojte ibaluc- currcl in IreJi. lu iho inlier year lUe lotsL ntimbt'rof iu.-. MoiitNre;<«rted |s 1,'ill, law bleb 107 |*rru)n’K HTfo killed a u l I , I n j u f u ’d. In ISTJItiu iHiul autnbcrol jirrldeuU tv ns 1.719, lu whic!) I'-JI pcr.>i,aif were kllK-d uuvl boJiitf'il.

Thi* r n l l i ' l N* w Ji-r^ey IliU lroad m ol Cknal Coiivp.itiy* wiilcit luoludcN hnlf a d o x 'ii dlf- forcDt to ’o l’', r r i 'o r ls th a t lu IM'J ilAUlu'cideais rK-cari p'J on i:s vn riu n s lines, la w hb 'ti 112 |V4*o|ilt* w tfo HIbed a n d 6»l’v In ju rud . The n>-

o i l o f ihiH roa ipuay Tir lH|ii glvuN 6117 srei* d i'hU , i-i w’Ulch 6H WLt-1' k illed u tu l allt) (vr- lo iis luJurr-J. Tin M orris m id K-tsrx U 'llUuud ( ‘u tn itin y rL'porii l.V) aoc .itqa is lu illw bb 'h 'ja itprNtniN WlT ii ttlHe.l am i ITI liJuECtI, In IMd IGl AiM’UlonU si ore repo rtrd , i-0 persons kh k 'd a u d VA In ju re d . The New- a ru hikI i iu d sn a IL iilrond repo rts a nEnideoU for isiij, 1 killud nnd I in ju re d . In 1691 U hud on ly I. '1 he .New Je rsey T ru c llo u u>ni|vftny reporiK 7 JU'chlf'iits for I6W. 1 person lielng k ll lrd and 7 In ju r id . In Imd It l im ta a r c l - d i'iits, 1 iier.-ou bt-lug k il led an<l 1 luJuriKl,

The New Jcr«i*y S<ujiUern. Hoad rt*pori« 10 uoeidenislu I6UJ, in which a persons wuro killed ivad h Injure I, In 1^1 15 persons weru Injorud on UiIn road. The Now York and Grti'Utvuod liukc n-|Hirt« 15 p'rsoua liiJnrLHl uu U-i riHut during thr yesrltiFJ.ttnil 0 Injurod and 1 klMc'd during IKfil, The New York and Ijong llrnnoh killed | |iersoa during IKhl and Injuicrt '24, while lu hSIl, 8 were killed aud 7 Injured, Tbe New York, HuKqiichauna and Western Hullroad re]Htrts * killed nnd 18 hijurod lu 1892. and 7 killed and 8 In- Jiircd III 1891. 'Jlie Northern llallroiul uf New Jersey killed 1 aud Injnrod 8 during IW2, while In 1891 2 were killed and 10 in­jured. The I'merson and H ikInou Ulver re­ports fir 1892 16 killed and HQ Injured, In 1891, 106 were lojured and killed. The I'atcrMun and Newark injured 4 tn 1802, and In 1891 killed ian d Injurud A The Palcrion aud UainApo kil.ed 4 In ItVi nud Injurud 28. In lISDl 7 were killed and U Injured. The W’est Hhoro Railroad Company In 11 2 killed 1 ami Injured 0(1 persona In J8U1 IL killed 9 penons and Injured 26. The Belvldtre iUllroad m 18U2 killed 1 person aud lujurrcl 2*. In 1891 H lajurcd f7 persons. Ths t'eatrai Kaiirond Company uf New Jersey In Hirj injured 225 peraousand killed :I2. In 1801 293 aecldenta are reported, lu which 311 persons were Injured. Tbe Dela­ware and Bound Brook for 1892 repqrls 1 par­son killed aurl 82 Injured. Fur 1801 the com­pany reports 9 persuua killed and 16 injured. Tbe Jersey City and Ilcrgcn tiallroad Com­pany, which conirnls tha b urse can of Jerie r City, reports for 1892 49 Injured* lu 1801 29 wereinjurad. _ ______

NEWARK ACADEMY GRADUATES*Flfteeo llrlght Young Men Finish Their

Prescrlbeil Course of Study. UDattendsd by ceremony of any klttd,

flfleen pupils of ibe Newark Academy fin­ished iba coarse of study prescribed al tbe Institution on Tuesday and received oertifl’ calet of graduation. For a number of years tbe Academy baa dispensed wltb formal ojmiuaocaiDeiit exerclaea and iffla year the mambers of the fifth form volod to omit even tbe Informal exerelaea that b&ve usually been held la tbe gyronaalum, Tbegradua- tlon of Ihe puplli and ihe preseBtallon of the awards took place In tbe pretence of the Bcbool. Vocal mualc waa Curnlihod by tbe Aeademy Olee Club and. Dr. 8. A Farrand pm enten the diplomat.

Tbe graduates are : Classical eoum , E. N, Riggins; aclentlfio course, P. Jl. Arlnliage, G. E. Duren, H. W. Gregg, F. R. Hautsllog, F. Jonea, U J. O'liourke, W. B. Reilly, U. C, Hobb, E. E. Bquier. W, B. Htevens, Jr., H, D. Thontaa;..apeouU ooaree, Q. W. Uook, Jr., J, C* Inalee, A, Klniey,

Hoeora were awarded aa follows: Greek and Latin, £, N. Riggfnet metbematlca. first honor, F, H. Ilauasllng; aeoond, W. B, Slevena, Jr.; Engllab, first honor not award­ed ; aeeona, ll. C. Robb; German, first, E, E. Hquter; second, F. K. Uauasllrigi French, drat not aearded ; second, p* Jonos.

O fthe grailuaiea Riggins will enter WIH- laiuB College: Armltagc, Gregg, llansaitug, Jonei and Robb, go to Frlnoeion; Bquiert will enter tbe College of Pbyalclani and Hur- geone end Heltly will take up a course of study at ellber tba Columbia or ibo New York Law Keboot.

Thla graduatluu m ark! tbe close ofthe one hundred and first year of tbe academy. During tbe year there bave been 253 pupils In altendani'e. lu lb« last six years, inoluding the present, 126 graduate!, aevenly-lhrec of whom have entered colleges have been sent out Irotn tba academy. Of these rrlnccioD bas taken forly-two, Yale elgfif, Rutgers eight, Columbia three, New York Unlversiiy two, Hlevena one, I*elilgb one, Wlillama one, Columbia Lew Bcbool two, College of Pbysf clans and Burgoona two, New York Hunueo- pathio Medical College one. ^

PB£.nDKNT rA K N U ra 1LLNK.S8.He Has a Relapse and Ills Coiiitllfou

Considered Berloui,PAni9,Juue 16.-*The cundUion of Trcsl

dent Carnot la believed to be serious. He auffereda relapse today , and much anxiety Is felt as to bli recovery. U. Carnot aiiemlcd the rscci on June 11, and wltneassU ihe run­ning for the Grand Prlx. Upon bli return lo bis bumo be waa quite exbauslcd anOi Drs. Potain Bud Planehon were summoned to at­tend blm.

It was later announced that be was suffer­ing from A llvor trunblc, bul it was rrjxirled by tbe newspaper uf I'arli. Dial hislllucsi wiis due lo Inleatinal obstruction. Yesterday It was staled that there was a slight Unprovomem lu bis condlUou, but, oi above aniiouneed, he became worse loday.

rR F^K M R TO I lH A ir i iS C I 'D .

Some Phases of the Late Consoli­dated Railroad Deal


Ne^ervtl Mllllivns H are Reen Xiiiik lu iloivdt unit hut Tliry tVero Not Ev-pt'iMleil mi llie Newark l.ltiea—The Oiiulh 4>rauge Line Is Nut For hale, but Ibe I'uiisollilatrd It*

• The Institu te Aiiiuher*,0(irAmon represcnlliig tb<; ciubt on the

PhshuIo ULver were a t the JustMule DoaI- boiia ■ lull night to partlotputc In the rerr- monles attending tba cur|stcn ln ; of Ihu Hon- uLor S., theohih’s new four-ouioU Klg, uml tlic Ornoral S. Wutis Kesriiy, Ibe new ctgbt- Bhcil, Hongs were suug by John Il inriH'k, Juhn ilcHuveru, Thomas Newtuu sml John C'aVHnagh. Thi>iuas F, O'iinllortin rerHoil (ii'vniul Hliiiki'KpeiirpiUi selectluiis ntvd Will­iam Devoo pUiycd ou l!ie pluiio. The gig w‘u» luimcd in hunurofHeimLgr jAmcftSiitilh,.Ir., and iliB shell after Gtueral Kunr-vy, boib bouorury uuMiibers of (he Jnstllulo Club,

Drugs ita Blow Length Along.A hpuriujf In the cose of the Clmtieollor* of

New Je rs^ (iKAlipit Jumea French twcupicd the aUvulloii uf V kx'-ChauE'eltor Van FU-at this muruing. Culoncl Dmkenson appeared for the Ciiancetlor nud C, FJ, Woodruff lor the defendaut. The suit is one Ihiil Imn been lu the courts for u number of years and is about Ihe forcloMurc rhIu ol cermln IuikIn, some ofthe urupcrly being wlibhehl uliile tbo purchaser thought be aths getting lha w'hulo L'Sluiie. Tbe i-ase wasadjuuruad.

No Com plainant Dreaart.Michael Bhvrldan bla wUf, MugoNn, ner«

prUunrn In IbeHeocnd Urlmlnal Court thin inurninr. Mldmal gavw Ills ago m sl.xty years, niiil bis wife aald ahe whs tlilrty-lhreo years uUI. They were to be calli-d upon to luisaer u charge of dloorderly couduci made hy Mary Ihn*, who lives lo the sumo house with them nl 25 Drift sireal, but Mary wua iiol present. Mr><. Hhcridan was discharged, and her uusbartd, who hud been dnuik, wasJ vlled for mu drvrs*--------------- — ..............

Only K0O3 ItoftllRod.The contents uf Ilur bunon fuclnry of Coa-

grtirc A Ihill, uffil an lUSNew Jer*oy Uellrosd nvonuu, vvi-ro Ho-d 111 public nuellon ycAtf*!- dnyaflcruoon by Kno rlesA M-Hnwii tosat- lafy a cnntmi mqngngf uf|/,800, held by AlfredFiuhl A Co., of New Yurk* On y, |600 WHh rvaiJieiil.*

Hurlmt lu Putter'a Floltl.The body of tbo unknown mnn found in

DurnvttU Woods a t [(Hlon 4' lew days ago and which waa taken lo Briieokncr’s Morguo and jheu to a sued a t rot(er*a Field, firaa burled at tbe tfiltar p lucrto -doy by order of Comuy PliyslolMU Eli loll.

The W eatUrr IndlCMtlmui.Following la the i:$lgnal Brrvka Burenu^a

forecast for New Jersey : Cloudy and show­ery ; similonary tem perature; brisk to high nurtbeaiterly wlnda.

A Mvsienoaa DtsnppearaDee-Tfvmorrow a new roiiiinntd atory will be­

girt 111 Town Talk, aiultied '* OobA" Tweaty- foitr pages. Five oonta, Hold everywbero^Ad.

Tb»' Consnluiarcil fi-mj'ony's absorption «.>f the .Newark I'aohongef U’l l I a y Company's tulcre'i, whii'h w.‘s MUtiouncTd first iiiycsirr-

Nku’s. Isallvcty lUeme fnr discussion utUitMg Ni'usrk'S fi:ntuclul lUPU. Thu dual It viewed from dlfiurent RliiudpnluiH, and bn H irsuU Mrlnus (Fpliilmis are vxprrMed us to Ihe mrsilii and (leiuerliH o f lh t iran-ueiloi>.

Aflci figuring for about ton m iiu iifsla it night » mail looraor lr'»s Idemlflrd wllh rall- ruurt niattarAraumrkcd lu u Nkvvm ropormr Ihill the dial lu alreit iallr4»aiU had pul about 61.72.5,0Ud Into the p4>ckt<is ol cvrluln IKMipte uithlii tuo years. Tho proinolcrs anu Blw;iholdcrs of the Nuwark I'a-Rpnger i'nin)>jiuy aim have sold out liitimaiw they Bioswludlud, while Ibo purcli'isers, (he ('«n- HoUdalod Tractlou Compnay, expre»a Iho opinion that the former Uld prrtly well out of tbe traitsacilun, Wltb regard tu figures, holhshlRii appear lo be agruHil that sUviu'e Is golden; hut figures d«> iiai lie, aiicl sums strange urlthuietlual p^>hlelns have been lulvod by flitaurlere who uere not In the deal.

The Rtateuioata or both ilUus have a tinge of humor, the pathetic aud apolcpgcilc erforts of iheir frleuds to ehatnploii tiiem bviiii laughable ut limns, I'rejldo it B.irt's frirtids assnais au Injured air. Dne v<f them said Iasi night that Mr. B an 's years of bard work had goiio unrewariled, and th a t he did nut get back vrhai his slock coil, Disnsler wua prt-dltilcd for the llura. While Mr. Harr,It was conuuded, had tried (ogive good ach vice, he was hampered by polllli'lnOR; that tha public would And ouUUiaU lost Its boat friend, and that ihe CoasulhUUd Trscilou Company would grub the slreoU and monop ollae the fruucblacs. Tbedlfficull)’ of rulsUig money to Improve the roads waa also given os a reason for Mr. Ban's friends limiting out. That li one side of Ihe picture.

Tn« other side lajust tb t opposite.It Is eouqodrd by both sldoa tha t tbe chief

owners of tho Newark I'nssauger Corn|ainy stock were: Tbomaa ('. B irr, ArUhuuy Kenabey uqd Andrew LeiuaHHciia, Jr, Fur a year Ibey have been buying up all the stock they could. In the fHCo of IbsM, a inau who Is In close builnesa connecilnn with the most influemial man lu the CunsolidaU-d Trocilou Company, gave some very luiertisUiig llgunM.

Tbe original mortgago, ll wav pululud uul, was for 11,(100,00(1. Tha company wa< rror- gaulxed, the capital being numitmlly ft.kJO,- Oiju, which laltH balance of kt/J(X>,hOO, which Is ooniniuiUy Galled "waterlog'* toe slock. Thou Uie road was hon ied for Kl.bOO.Q'JQ, aud a oointiton stuck of tH.UOQ.QOQ Issued as well, Tbecomiiioa stock luis been sold fur 1.15 a share, or a total of rABlQ.1KI0 for the tH.CiO>MlOO. Tbe CoDiulldiiled {.'ompany muhogers say th a t tbo money has uot been i>puht ou Im- proving tbe llnom

"Now," asked Ibp OuDiolldated man,*’ Where did it got"

"Now,"coDllQued the rallruad inau. af>r a pauRAN " I don't think .Mr. Barr or Mr. Kcasby Brs any ruAsun to cuinplalu. Ib .- lleve thai they and Mr, Ijemnssciiuraude al lenit |0O0,UUO out of the deal. Effui'li for iwo years have baen made with the hope of pruduclug a dividend th is July, The stock has ruu Uuwu,less oars have been Used, . they htui no horses to buy uud tne aoivlce h.is been Ibc worst lu tbe Uulled Blates. M'. (,'* Whitney, 8. B. Elklits, Joliii D. Crlmmlns and others arnbeblud the Uonsnlldated Company, and tbey lave |16,OUQ,000 of bouds al­ready, and cun get all they want.Yuu cau ba suro k»1 oim thine,th a t ibey will Improve the road sod give good rervlof, for the street ear Is the p mr man's ooacb. They uro pulling m<uiey jjuo railroads, but Utkiiig it out like tbe promul- era wbo are Just put onU

"Tbliiy-tlve dollars a share waa loo much to pay for tbe aiuck—lt was like giving the money away. The Burr facUuu di I not want logo, lioweviT. They wcr« fighting for a aUaro of (bo new fiituchlaeR."

"W hat do tbe ConHolldaled vntuo the new franchikc at f the ruilroad ruati w{<h a^ked.

"Mllllona," was the reply, ' ' The Cuiibuil- dalcd l>eoplB Ibemsclves cub not 10 I, uorcai: auy ilviug ruau."

liclug asked If tboro were any denlguR mi tbeBouih Oraivge lUfiruad hy ibe Cuusotl- dated people, tliu earae umu replied:

“ Yen; they will take H."" A question of price, I suppose," suggesU-d

the reponer." Not even Ibat," said bis lufortumit oml-

Douftly,Wilbur A. Molt, secretary of the Newark

andHuuih Orange lluUruud rnmpuiiy, ua> seen al bli ulUce In ibu I'rudcuiUi BuHdmg lo-duy.

fla t-your company Ueco npproAclied offlclully by uhy ol Ihg CuusuililitUtl Cum* puny people w llh a view tu ibu purebuRfi u1 your road?" Im wus naked.

" Nut olllclally, «r»d If they were, they would tell llielr quo^ttoiiers llmlr would not fell, and tua ia ll the king's hurw}*! uitd nil tbe king's meu could nut coiu^>ei us lu sell WAS Ills reply.

".Mr. Molt, ure auy of your hlg Rlock- buUlcrs liiUiresltid lu the Coiisollduted Compuuy T "

" 1 wont Ray," answered lha lawyer, " that acme of the bouds of the Conan] t(iut«il Com­pany are uot held by one of our stoeg bold- ers, hut theContidldaled people do uui owu u allure of the Buulli Uraiige Itallruad."

•' Have they no way or g^itlug ul it?""No. air," rtTlfod Mr, Mutr.**'l hou you hiiug together well 7" ■'Absolutely," wus the iCNpouse,"There la no ulterior way ul reccbliig any

of (he big siuokiujlders?''"N o slroe."Mr. MuiisHld that tbo Boulh Urangc Uiil-

roHd could lulse |l.U00,0Uij in tweuty-iour hours. If necea^arv.

" If somQcapIlullst uf llio Vnnderhllt R!rlpc, for ItiBlsnce, i*hoiijd otter you a big pr;c« lur Ibe ruuil wuvili ll Lu sold 7" uaked tbo re* porUT.

" Wall," be rcpliotl, "tliere are some Ihlogs tbat peoplt* become gmally itlloolicd tu, bul I suppOAO cvoi y class of properly cuuld bu bud ul u figiirt!."

From niioilit-r snurce It was k'urnod that Home of the CoosolldiLteil peoplu hud usked the big stuckbrjJders of llie Mmuh Draugt^ itobd w hut price ivoiild buy the ruud. They weru Fdd ll wiiA not for aule.

Dr. Leslie WjirJ, mae of ihe slock holders and Ulroclors Ed llie rumtb Or»i)ge line, suid Iu ivply to similar q u ’iilobs lu iboaojmi to Mr. .Mod;

" Wu have no Idea of selling. J do not Ihink our people haveevur U.ourpokeii to ubout the niaiur. Ooouf ihcehlef ukru tn the Lousolldatud L'omtoitiy told m uibal they bud no dealrulo ounfilcL with us, Uiid Dial they were rrleaUly lu every wiiyand womu Work In baruiony. t know iiu td iigo fu iiy □egoilaileas,''

One of (he big Riockholdori In die Newark rasai'uger (.'umpauy* wbo sold out, suld li> d ay :' '• tried lo buy tha Plaukroad and Jersey C'lly oortiproder* but found the (Joniolldalud Ciuupuuy was ahead of us, Thau the best thing lo du was to Mil oul. We big itookholders c'ould hiiva ardd out a t our owu fignrp, but we wanted to see the sniqller people ptolecied, and dow they will got the sumo price fur tbclr alinrcs as wu will;

A. Q.. Keasboy, who returEied to ibe rfiy fruni L’hjiugo ihla morulng, bud a lougcon- foreuco w ith I’lTsIduiit Barr bebiod cluai'd doors, Hu dfcilucU iu «tiy anything ui the utai for publicuiloM.

Ooeof ibeciJUhsei lor the New ark Pas'^en^er loiiipuiiy suld ibai U w ie the original Idea of the eniiipnny'u rnamigera lu have A direct hue fmm Je r^ y Llty to the Or­ange MohiUaius, nnd unolher from Kllaa- beiti (u Priteiiou, By seuumig the Jersey Cliy und Flank rond lines the UubsulIduled tbwariud Uio sA-beme. He also luiid.tlml It would be better to bavcHll ihcrtMdatinderunu mdiugvmuiii, iindlcoi»Rhi^riHl<li'" “ ; X \. giHHl' prlc!) lor \hij •t<»ck.' The" iJewark compooy ooiiid not kosp up wlui iito InitTrat they bad gunranued, tu diClded tu sell ,nhil huvu been given nmple sarurlly nt live percwnU Tbe inlnorliy n rcKholdora wwe prolrcled, nnd Unit la why ibe pale had beau delayed, ko the Rpeukar said. Ibuliew oqm - pany has ineunsaud IncilUlea loperfeoi ibesyaium, hecoLciuded.

AclO'Mi friend of .Mr, Burr'd told n NRWa re- p'lrirr that It wnsiitlpulHiGd In the «g!‘*w<in-ut>> rnitde (but Mr, Utirr would be president of ibf' new company and that D-ivid Young wou ld -made geneiat inamtvcr.* Theru was mor> nr less talk to IhueffbatHint B, ,1. BhutiLcy weald b«-lba Couaulldatod'a head man lu this city.

Aaron Ward 4 Bofisauppiy tba trade wKb tbe£) Paalm CjgarBi-"AdV>

rrau k 1lci«« atoLe Them* and tha Marriage la Dff*

At il:« Bccoml hrarlnf givsn Frank Rote, Alias Iforiiardn.tnd Ikujana'n Soou In the Wco Olid Criminal Omrl lata ynlerduy aflvmoon anoti er cbRrjpol burL:liiry was inAduaaainti Roso hy Hcniiau Mi-mltl* of 36 Ulvlslou piAce. A wiuco, M uoat am iapn iro f ahoai which SMTC rec4»verad on tha pawn tii'cels lakrn frtun Ruse, were identified by Mehdel us his proper y. Mr. Mi adei alstt rcctMiili -d AH bis the Imi worn by The prlM'<Lu-rs\>>arv comnilt e.l hijull to await tha uctiou of fh«p Grand Jury.

It isf imd BcoU, Hie laUsr a colored man, were arnsrad by \Viifr4JU Oflliwrs Fidlun and Murphy VVodasaday iilgUi, nenr tbeir hoM-e u» Uiver strati. Tba mtblug of Julius BjiidmAti's Ijousa, at S5 Canlra atret'i, led lo B oa 's arrest on sm plvb n. and m <>nnutb ii given by him bniitiiht about tiic arrest uf lus c<'iu].vanftin. Mr. Ifondmau dsim ed ti e eloiliri found on Roiu NS part oMhe properly ulolen from him, and mnda a foroial complulnl aualnst the pair. They pioiidvd not guilty. On the iilghi o ljka arruai a largo as-ortment uf men's clijiiim were foumi in lb<sp'An>um and lukuD lo ilip l^’cuud preflnri Pilico jsiaiiuii..

I.iist night Warrant Ofileerf Fallon and Murphy oafied on iBute'sNfll »uGrd, an liaUan living a t 17 O’Coanell uncet, and got from her a fine Uible Hoih, lUu fisuro* urwUUli roii-Uts of tuo rings linked, and a lot of silverware which aba ruld Bose had given lior, B m hOid Ihey were to be married n*-xt*<undttr buMbRtnmvshe would never marry him. The silverware oonstsled o( fi»ur knivo«, (hree forks, (Ufeaubfosix«'»s and eight tORSfioons. Dae uf (he leuspuoits bears (hu tulUal ” H," ____ _

'rylog to Fris'hten the ProseoDton in the Asphalt Cases.


rOMCKMKN AT OlU>f.Donovan ^Vlll Try to Hava lloylBn Ptin<

iRtted Rumrliaw,PatrolmaM James Donovan, one of the d^

tailed men u. police he.idquarters, iiml rulrulm au Boytau arc not on good 1crin<, lionovan's liosUHiy to Boylan dales from .May 27 lust, uheii Milkman Fi»nk MoTague mused Ibe arresi uf eleven-yaiu-uld John Flynn, who atm belfoved in Imvn slolen a Rnin ll wagnn lond of iblnglnsfroiu a building (HI (tie old JLiy MurKei property.

Young iKinovaii followed Bnvlan and his pnsouur lo the Bt oond Prcclnel I'ulU'w Hta- (ton. Ifoufivaa elnlms D>at while bis son stood bi'fore the slallon house B»y Ian beck- uned fo him, and when (lie boy went info Ihe plaos he put him under arrest. This was dune, says the detailed txitrolmNn, despl e the fact that McTague would make no cum* plaint agaloal Ihe boy. 1 hen, lays the rue- my uf IN>y1a( (he latter went fo the Board »f Kireet and Wnlcr Coiiuntssloners fo get one o ftbe officiers uf that board to make a com­plaint against Ihu boy. For all of ihls al­leged wrongdoing Douuvan luteudsto have Boylan punished.

The loikUor will he brought fo ths atlefo (ion of iho Police ComralsAfouers at Ihelr meeting next Tuesday eveulug, ll malLsrs nnl wlielher lltu board punlshei or rxoucr- bU-s Bi^ylaii of the clmrge ihnl DoituvHH will maku awNlnst him m> fur a.s uooIher action agalnsl the e i ’Sergsaut ii couc?rn«'d. Dutx^ van huH relaliied Lawyur liorucc Kenny (o bring civil suit agulnst Ifoyian for urre«lUiK the HOii Of tlie dctiilled patrolmuii wltUtiut cauto,

NEATAKK CLAHl»16 IN KKIMHOV*A gpecle^ Meeling Held I'o-day tu Ka

oalvo >ew Members,A special meeting o( the c.R»ah nl New­

ark was held IR ihe First Raformod Chnrch llils afierhotm to recelvu ln(o the etuuH tliq Ret. T* J. l^e and U'V. Mr. II gurdua, Uia first having ai*ci pled a cmU lu the pasioru'e of the First Informed Cbun^h and the luiisr ai Bums House Flalus. Huv. Charles If. Joues presided iil the ravel Ing, und atler ihe forinut rradhig of the cull u comrultU'fl cnmpuaod of K^v. Mr. Vtshluge, Ucv. Mr. Junaon, and Elders Crane and V'an Hiper, retired lu make urruiiycuienla for the ln«lalfotUiQ.

Hev. Mr. Jnnien recommeadod that the sjteclal charges to va'*(ur and pvoplo be omllted, as the Rvrvlcoi wero tn’ide ntuah loo long nt the InRiHdullou, Dr. V'ulii>lago said ll had already bean denldrl that only the regular service should bo used. A eoinm.iincalbin was reorived from Uev. ^VIBIam O. R. Lca who desired (o ha plucsd on the reilred iUl, sa lie was getting loo ad* vaneed In age to coniBiua uaa luinUtar. Hla request was granted,

Tne t!ommlUue reported ihnt the Installa- tJonofliev. Mr. Lee wuuM lake place al a oonventeut date, and lhat of Urv. Mr, Bo* gHrdui on Weduavdny, Auguii £ l liuv, K. U. Coe will preach tlie sermon hI tUu In- Ntaltatlon oi Mr. I^e.

YUt'NG LAl>Y GRADCATRV.d o sin g I.x rclAaa of the 8»aheol Year a t

tha Newark HeiDlnnry*Al the -Cllnlot) Avenue Itsbwmed Chnroh

lasL night the pupils uf ihe Newark Bcinl* miry held Iheir aunnal enrnmenoe-ment. The church wai; crowded byrclMilvn aud frleuds of Ibe gredualra. A welMelected programme ufRongi, music, fecllalluni end rendlug of essays precfdfd tho prciieiiUHnn of Lhf dlpUHifo*. The Hcv. D>', I, 11, IJcipw(M:d inudu Ihe tiddroat, and .NI>ah Brooks pro.enlei IUd gruiiiiaivs wllh th e ir ot*rlifii!RU>i.

The alugfog of the elnvR song, " The Green und Ihe White," was well dune and won prf»- Longed applause. Ih e GtasA uf gfailuAlus Is ma> le iipof ihesi* yoiiug tA>if R; JaneGutrln H w slii, Helen iinW'soM, Duhel Vun Durcii, Klurenco K Tucker, .Mice Hi‘il<j Wilkinson.

'riieyuung liidl«»H rn-rtvid licmtrrnrycerllficeiti MNs F.nrpsifi' M. liuj-ps,.Slls* B'^rilm C. Krueger, .MIhi Lillian C. Kru(»g('r, Mjns Kiotchcr Fru«**r, Miss I'aulUie E. linUJcliar, Mils Julia K. Cliirke, Miss IVurl ley, Ml*s CHtnerliifl M. Klichel. Miss jjlilfin Clarke, M1h« iNubul Vwi Doren, Mlris Helen DaasfHi, MInr FioreuCR EHr»>'J u'kor. Mias Jane Uuerin Hwaiu, Miss Alice Bello Wilkinson. MGs Kl’a Carrlnginn, MIm H. Grace KIcni, Miss Edith A. I'i'lt, Miss Ijoutse C. Krueger, .Miss AugUMtu UUI. ,

Annie Hairs Held,Annie DaIrK, a white woman, who claims a

colored loso for her hushtOMl. was arr<iig-ied III IfoJ BecoQd Criminal Cuun ihls m<>ralng charged with keeping a distrrdgrtv hrMt<M\ The eomplnlnanl Is L hiIsk c dernnri,'cnlnftMl, of HI Nsw strasi, Hho leslifi'U (Hat Annie rontoil a rr»oin from her on Muy ;.7 lito ; inul she ravresenfod in r rif un iiir wifouf a cul- oreci tivun. iitid th > il-ln '' ilial llmosJie l a* hoen r<*celvlug vIhJu iritii v.irfoiH coUircl 101*11 a t nil hours of ihe ilny =’iM nignt. Tvm» vUlfolHses Crirrobnn.t:d lUU N ur>‘. 'I he prl-' QiiiT pleniled iioL guilty. Hiio wus held for (urllicr i'xainhiii'lmi.

Den h of A Vetrran,Cbrisiian Kaegcl, uf 28l Boulh RUIh

Rlreoi, died ai hla lunne lust nighi In h h IKly-nInUi year. Mr. K«cgel came to this country iroiu Ucrmuuy in 18.VI. He served In Uie Colon Army dur­ing ihH Yfnr, crvIlRiing In the Thiriy-nituh New Jersey Urgiinuhl, He Mas In Ihu locd buslnusR when lusi ucilvdyeng.tgul in uork, and fll one lime Whs (ihlfo lu-'ilve in pnlUlos. Ho Whs a mndidtile lor AkbTuin ii in the old Tu*'lflh Ward, but wus noU'h-ci-hJ. Jlw wus a JlTubJIcuii. Ho haves a wlfo xiid Iwu cblldren. ^

OrrpiiAtr']lospil:;il .tffHirs.At (he momhiy mn-ling ol ihu German

Hospiia)'Allr<'C«»rs, held Tucidiiy iilgiil, ihu reports ahqucil (hut the tnml rccvl|vf* for Ihe monili oi ' May acre aod the ex­penses 91,(97.56: numhor of patlcnls (tilmlUeil in llio hiispual. flliy-slx; nutubur [)rn>H'iJt May I. firiy-une: uumbor ilDchurijed dui'lug the moulh, forty-nce i li'iioibir >lieJ, NW-*n: leaving fu tho imspUnl .lone 1, fiit.V'five ]HitlaiiiB.' The huu"0 phVRlchm<( Kir Juno are Dr«, l.ehlbnch, Jr., und V. Nagar.

Green Xlreel Ahunnl’s kinoker.The AUirititl ol Iho Green fit rail Gorman-

Kuvilsii Hcli'iol hold Ba rlrni smoker last iHg ll nt Kutifnold's JIull, du WllJluhi siruei.

,KuifeshmcnU were servo I, piiwjs, inbocco guU oigarA pn^>04l aruun<l luuJ a niustcal progrummu curried ool. Tliu prc.slUaut ■r- •-*— address.HerniaH Tt>a U(‘l0e pinyed twn plntiusulus, I*ouiH ItoBor and Emli Dressers sltharund

they 1 banjo duel. There wore other rbuhcsi_________________ ___

A Kosevlllo Burglary.Btffglara efftcud an eiiiruuoo Ihrouth a

aide wliiUfiw In Charles F. Bay’s resldenoo at 618 North (-oventh aired IsRl night. Tbcy carried o lfa douhlr-barr.dleil bo'Ctih-ioadiiig aQoiguu In a hrowu oloih o.is ’, |T fu money, u hatbdoR^u silvuhpiaieu forks. >'x luLle knives, six teaspoDiis and a Waierbury wulcb. _______ __

A«fi ^Vhal's New.If you want to pust yourself ui) wbat'i new

In Negligre flblrl^ see ouraoulh wUdoAf. Biouiauburgh s Cu.-*Adv.

Ih e W llness'i Memory Cotild Mot B« E«* Ire ih id by the Ituadlng of EatraoU friMu N eH «pu |im --||« Could Not Do roslDve (in Auy rn ln t for (he ProieM - tInii.-ODtrr U ltiiesMea Testify*

Ti e Barber Asphalt Company made ah dii* cxfWcio.l move lu Its dsfoticoin Ibaasphall case (o-ilay. At ths coiiUnuad haarfoi fore CnminlHvloncr RyluBton In (be Board nl I'rudu ruOhiN It called ihH (wrsQnt who are con* Joint prosecutors wllh the New Jersey Asphall Company In ravh of the three casee. Usola jeel was lo show that lh« Imllvldual pros* cnu»re were m m iy mmihialiy Biiervttadla Ihcraae. Mr. Trimble rliaractcrlied thieof auailcm pt al inllinuiatiun aud unprofto- ifouni,

KUwurd Hmllh. a deaf oM luan, ralhOF rustic In epp«Rraiice, vvni first culled, hfisith began hy saying lhat he waea loot to slg i the nfildjivlt ujMm which llie ciue was based. He was not for as]>iiaU at all, bul fur graalM bhK'k puvcincnl.

* Du you Htth fo withdraw from tbe proa* cuUon lu thla casef" asked Mr* Trimble.

No," Was the answer. " J ’ln Uuuest. f*ll ' stand by M ha' I've done."

N4ffnirig Haiisfnefory (o tbe Barber Com* pany WHS rllellcd from Albert ffipaeth, tb t uc.xL wlUtcNi. He aald hu hud enyugod ouut*- sel In (he ruse.

llefor-'i Mrs. Mary .\. BonueU went on tb t stand, Mr. Tilmhlc, os her couneal, find snine eouvursutlon wllb her. Mr. Young and Mr, Hfolt objected fo IhlR, iin<l Mr. Trimble spoke warmly beck. Mr*. Bunnell a>ild she bed signed ibt alUduvll (bill soil wus brouHit on. (d,iias* Ucins which Mr. Trlnfolc said were highly Improper und uiiprofoNslonal weru asked. Ue lusuuctud Mrs. Bunnell uoi lo a:i«wur t>e''nuM> herauNweri would reveal what bed pg»ar.1 belween herself and him, herenunseh

Hunry Hahn, a law student in Coult A Htiwell's office, wbtvhailserved iliehubiKiaa on Mrs. BuuMi'llf said hIio had luid hint (het ahe had uurur siiiployed ouuiiseh wae a prosecuhw In name only,thnl ahe under* stoo^l ll lo he a wur laMweeti u«phRltCi>n»- piinlea, and all she wiinied was « cneapef pnvemenl.

Clerk Eiior Uunyon,oftheJtoardof Worhit brought Ills oad memory to Ilia slund. To Ibe queatluEis of the fiiuhacl (or Ibs Barber Company be iiiadti ruiidy answer. He wtii asked abnttrm k place at (he hearings given (be asphalt coiiipnutes by Ihe Board ofWoTka.

** I ohjeef," Inicrrupied Mr. Taylor- "T h t wllnesa'a memory Is hNr-liy equal to ench a question. Fri-m tbe cliuniolcr of whal he Raid el a foriner fxuinluHilon, he It not eo- tilled lo any great credence."

Ml. Uunyoti u vnl ou lo give a detailed ro* port of Ihu proceedings nf the bnurd as asked, for. He wsM poMltlvc whal he said was con reel, ag be wished Mr. Trimble to uiider- iinnd,

Mr, Xrlmble submllted an exlreet from nil article published lu the NKWa. fo (heclftet ibat Hupurlnlcndout Matsli bud reported tbe paving r,f Tlrlicnnr slrccl fo be fauUy.

"Oil, H.U NkWkt' said Mr. Run-yon,

'J'heD be mumbled Romettilag nobody could iindrrsfond. After lie liad soruilniced ih i uitToci fora few lolnuinttue lawyer uskeds

"W en, l i tb a i all right?"" Ye-e*; tijui's all rlghl," drawled tbe wit­

ness. He added Ibat ha dlU remember aomclhlug nbout lhai.

But Mr. Hmiyon quickly r^overed him­self mid ngnlQ became iiuu-coniTultlel'.

■* Your memory Ir btcotnfog luully agaln*^ obRerved Mr. Trimble.

" Ifyoii want me fo tk* posltlvo," teld Ufo wIlncsF. "1 liiivo no partitive recullecll(Mi about U." laying itres* utnm the wurd " posi­tive." Thai word posiilve quite enabled iilin to dniiKe the lawyur'squciifoui after tUi first poRltUe iidinUMlon.

Mr. 7'r(inb]o«sked whether (he TrUneesr^ mcinbmo l a thruiil uflJr, HcmJry lu br>ag suit fur jlbvl agnlnsl'the ulfichils uflUe New Jersey Aaphalt Cottipany al a mcellng o flbe board, Hodiriu'l rLMuentber.

"M aybe 1 ohu ^ ‘fi-l•sh yuurm eraory/’ r#> marked the lawyer, reading au exlisol from a report ol tire meulluc-

** Yuu ouu add nolblng lu make me inert positive," Mr. Kuuyuu uriHuruml.

Tha (lorLMiim tiHii no more wiiucsses on hand auJ Hsked for uil adjuurumoitl, Tba request \vhr anufod.

I I I E rO i.IC K ^ H O T KNOW*R eport T hat A. K, f'. Hcurgei Hnd Loaned

Dr. Galger Ills Instriimunts.I t bus bueu repurfol ihut A. E. 0. Hturgea

who w(is rnoullonud In connuollon with lha Lena Rila caHe, bad loaned Dr. Getgar elecDIcitl (qulpment and foslrumenls for the ru ^ of IJztle HBd, Who d h d of malpractice* l l WHS also said that fiujHir.tilcu lam Brown bad ricelvi'd a letter uoilfylug bItn of tUai at;u,;ud liici nnd he wus asked ubuut tb t matfor.

" I knoa* nothing about lln nff.ilr," he piled, " uinj I (‘urtainly rcc'dvud uu such laHsr,"

Ho liistruccd ( apfoln .Me.fiunuR (o Invea* llEal*,. und llio iaiier wa*! uiiuble lo leurii snyihlng < Kv-pt the go*slp of nciglibors. J’roRUL'ujor Crane kttuwa nothing of tho affiilr, he sjiyi., nnd pliices no Vrifon on the rviHirf. 'Hio Clfv HoKpiifil phyRlclHUR and CoiT iiy I'Eofth'htii KJdoH curlllled lhat tho U lu Votiiiii> dli'd a miiural di'Uib. Niurgea my* he will pr<»HM*uie Homuui his neighbors.

C IT V N K W S N O r K S .

Buv. Dnvls W. I.utk giivu n stiTcoptlcon Irciuru on " ('lilcsigo and Uie World's Fair** at Ihu rlx th J'r< Hbyforlru) Chiircii iasL night,

'] hlevcn gol liiio fiiiniuol (Jillopton'ii bouse, 2(6 Second nvemic, liisl night, bul wura frichlenrd oil Ik'Ioiu Hu y secure<1 iiny buoiy*

Odlcur NukIi. of Hhi Fi'iirlli t'rEiClnd, last nigtit urn-sltMl J jumUv HuhlrtltU for Ix'gglng ati(1 vagrancy. Ho wum Rent lo JutI for ninety days.

'I'lie Oliver I’uhitc fiohoot Alumni will mcft it.-n'j'hl for the luM Mrim lliis qiiarlsf, A iiresidetjc for ihu Litming year will ba oketeil,

hlc^'nrt MriL'cr, n crinal bnulinnn of Jeriay (;ny. was fliiud FJ ryt I.V Juilg** I'relHel Iasi nighi tor being iliiiiik and dlsord'ji'ly oa Acminmy Rin‘H.

Mf'N. U.uKe Hiivagi', of |i;8 Bmcery slreet* MliNarrc'ili'd UiIk hioriilrig on complaint of har hiishamJ, N>ho<<iiil(l she was is curunioa drnukiird. jiuUu K.ilUcb nvuI her to Jail lor ihlrry duy».

Mary Mahmu', an unman, Waitaken from h.-r homr, H MnUt uvchue, by hu i>rT1<'er of ihc Ttiinl i'rtHdiM'l I'olli^eNlatlua hist nlgiiL. This moriilug sUv was aeut fo heif clq ttH riers.

Mrs. Kale Cullurn,<ff H Bo'-fon street, thla monHou M'us Iho couipuunaiu HguliiRi her hu'>ha(i(l, KnincD, uhom nIjo < hnrged with boihK u r<immoti druiikuril* Judge ITIosel held him fT examlniulon.

John McUulrk. of 90 f/ick Krcei. was dla-chaigod tu the fiicruid ( rlinliiMl ('ourihiRtnight tlircugh I ho lulUire of Josopb UoyDolda lu pres* the eimipielul of iMSRult and battury whUrb ha Imd made ugiiluai him.

Jurnes Wllllauis. colored, formerly a»- slstitul Jmillur ftt Die CUy^Hnll, Whs arrCRicd tliii urwrniM>n by Delecllvc Curi-oH chorgsd by Hariih Bhiud wlHi betrayal. Williams Bvv! In Nti v York i»nd wusuu a visit tothla city wiieu taken In custody.

Disorderly conduct aud curner-loftflng won the clinraCH u;julhst Hejiry Taylor, of High stioi't, when beforo Jii(i;:;n Pricstd at Ilia Fouil]* I’reoluct l*<uicu KtaHou Itti l night* Henry Young, " f 91 Bclmaiit avenue, was tb a cnriiplttlr.aui. Taylor was baBod for au ex- amlmiKon on June 19.

'J'hc German Building und lx>»a Asaoob Allob has elected lhu-*c olTloena. F. W, Wisnipf,. prasideni ; Frank U Fvlrtd, vlp^ president; Henry Hchucdcl, Laula Bebmuun, ik'rnbard Hohlolcher, Diiiiiel Kaufhoid, dl- reofori lur three years; C'hurics Haul, direc­tor for one year; revision committee, Will- Inm Kruuse, Johu Grom and Cbnriat Bcbacdti* ...

QcrmaDln Council 111 bas ejected Ihtae offi* ttrs for the eiiqulng year: P'x-Ulmhuellor, WllUnin Grab; chancellor, Joseph Wvllaad ; vlot-olfoTicttBor^^Jobu Melor; secretary,Frifok rtcriumunni financial *Mreiary, Fred Hwk, Jr*{ prelate, Charles KiRka; treasurer, Jqbu L'K'kemelcr; auide, Frans Oraulliifj over* ML‘:, George Knlhe; labor guard, Marla Meier; miler guard,-WHliam Maroldt iruo* leca, WiUlum Trlri,Gabriel JoniiacDiOustava H eckersbruok^.

A Hold ASHerilnn*True iieverDioiicaA The beat tad BhOM Ir

town for tbo muncy ate the genuine ttiii«la» 11.96. Harry W. bmlih, ‘MA ttArkeK-Ailv*





A NamtMr of Hoo*ot in W «it Huboltoft SfantUrtd nnd I»e^fr»l T m o n n !«■

Jnr«d In hh Kiploalon,JlltACY CITV, Ju n ? Ill - A d } onm U « t ip lo -

■ton, nU leb In jtirrd ■cv^ml p* r»on i nnd MUMd tDuoti dMlrnotioni ig pru|>erl3r IQ ib « uelfliborbPoU of t-u m in liu ijd Pnt^riuM ftTanaof, W a tt Hobokau^ ooouriad « t a b o u t

o 'clock U it »v«uiiig. A g ang uf iLallan kbo rcrii, eniployod by 3 licb«cl J . C urU y, cx* M T atlng for n aawar on » tu n u n li nTamta, w are p u itln g tb« lr looli lu lo n Ja rgabox 4 te«r yArOa irum tii« a ldovalk . M o o lo ( ia rn rlo i waa llgb tlng lha n lg iii litm p w hen a le a r/u l • ip lo i lo b occurred. There « o re liriaen o y n im lie c a n r l d g n m the box, n n d n il ex* ploded ilinu llA nfrou ilf, ire rce llo waa llm>wu ACTtral /ee(, an d w han p icked u p w a a rn u o d ki be acrlously lntiirf<U H e wna u k o u lu an a n U u U ric t to ( 'h r i t t iloapllK l, o n Jeraey C ity J i In th o u ih i ha w ill re<^var.

Auguat tii*hldlc, who aimvi nhoui 100 liel from ibM box, waa knceked down aiiU bla aboiilrter d|»ltH»aie,l. Mri, C Neallr, who keepa n alore In HunmjH aveuue, near toe piacp, waa in her aion* when the nc/ldeni occurred, mhe wa« riiei ainrijcl i.y 4 Ircmrnduua rcpoi'l nnU the rraaii of kUm, The wlhdoua of her atora uvre wrcckeil.

to the flix>r and «4*Terciy ' lUr


Tfatlonal Ltbenala l>«cUre They W ill llav« Thlrly.eiglil Hewta After tli*

fecond [Ullet,DKitLile* Jdbe tA—Tha eleoUon raloroa

Uie agrlcuHunii dlitrlcU and afnall coming In slowly, in

conalliuaocieai howcT^r, likely to cbihjia iHtr*

fromoltlei are luoat of tb t4a few acata are

NEWAHK e v e n i n g XEWS, Fn ri)A Y , .TITNE IG, I t mTAIILK N A PE nr

Th* nf Kaalilsu n r,a ritlB g th*Mjl* nl TbI>I* U ntil.

fmm ihtCti'Ouo Mb(i,With th« In au fu r,/ h r Bummar “ ooc«-

slont ” IIBIV atylm and f ,d , in table linen Aj-a Introduced.


Hhe waa thrownbrulaed about the brraat and wrlai. bouae and aior* will liara to be rctmliu

Mn, Conlon, wbo Hvra un ibe op|io<lle aide OJ theHircct, whowaa anting in Imt parlor when tbe rxpiuaion ut'curred, waa (hm ea elojeutly dnan, and had oneof tier arrni dli- Imaladt Khewaa alao cut by bhikaii glaaa. The wlnduwa of her home ware wrecked.

The houae at lOkHunjiult aTauua, owned by 0«.iUlafa lleyiuauD, waa altuoat corenleiaiy demoiiaiw’d.

The hnuis at 111 Bummit aTcftue. owned by MagQua lllril, wai wracked. The in- anAlee eecapad uhlnjured. The plate gia^g wLidowi of HefUd’a Aaicmbly Uooma at Bumiult and Paieraou aTeDuaa, wer« ■BlMbCd.

Surig’i grooary atnra, at JOI KummU a r c *****i.**** completely dem4»Uahca. The houaeof TegColleoiorCoaUm,at JW »umm 1t a e cana, waa badly damaged, ibe front wall bulging out in a ihreaianlng manner. One oftheerowbara which bad bd.ic put in ilia t^ lb o g waa found on tup of a houae acruaa IheaireeU A fuae of one or the certrldgea waa found In Catlahan*a lluaor atore. a biuok oway.

The proptrly^iwnerf, whtaio premliea were uemaged by the exploairm, will hold tbecliy r^ponalble. It la alleged that the eliy oifl- glata were uegllgent In allowing ihedyiiH* *bl1e aafirldgaa To be uted In auch nurubar# la auch a aareleaa inemicr. The bnildiuga deiauilabed or dauQHgod were inneily rrame«™ 4d iSUo’"'** '•

tie*. At noon tbe ttoveraiuinit cnd idn tec h .d .p p » r» n u rl0.t» ll,lill» In ihcootm liu- tnclM which ehiMij Ib .lr dopuiif. hy jf««icr duy'.b,llot. On iiio Ulhcr l,«hd,tn tits i w mill h.iioli, wlitrh now u .m Ingrluh le in »in« lO O oriadliirlci., III. Uar.rnraiiDl ba« Biccpilonol npiwrtunlll. 1 to win ni.ny .con . Till* I. specially apidlcabla to ih« Mai. ooo. ImiMl by the itjullool Diilonl.li, who In Itm iMt tte icn .l.. Tilted agalnii ibe Army bill bulli.Teiupnorieti n i,„ the eiuinp. ami. If roTJmied, will toIo for u lo iomewbal modl- ned lunii.

Thli miiroln, ihe .Vnllonal MbernU who wereeiiwrl.nl in return liil'Hrl.Bniehurltli I iplr dele,aitr>n reducnl Ir.iiii fnrly lu iilnmi llilriy.coiiitiidc.l llia tibar would Ii.ivchi lew- ««l IhIrtyHilfbl luanilirr* nrn r Ibe .ri oii.l i,n|. lol». ThrUlrhler It .illCHli will (,*,» hiirdly more, hi, fur ibeir fnlitira to ilriiw opiiii.1. Ilonvotaii ba . beau Ihe nn.ii eurprlelntr tea. lure of Ibe elerthm, Tbo HucIhI Hvimninii. t..ia«i thni tbry will Imre m iy . . a , . thereballuli, i'h l. | , abmii ibeuuinliere.iii-

h. m hi , h l l ‘ «rn tU rly1 lalwr 4 uV J V*'"; »d"‘hcr i-f llkn laiehcr tJcrienia In iln* next Hoh-h<(lH£ ni* Uiougli lu doubi, U exp oied to uppr-muS'lug.

eewnl.la Ih ‘‘“ '" 'P ’ ' “ ‘'" ‘‘i >“ *"y " f yoUrof ' “ ' ' ‘o " " Of In Britain and in the I

aU afiaira of w hatever degree of Import* ance oonnci'ted with the eerviu* o f tome* tiling good to neat. ^

The inaiidato haa been Inued th a t for uinnerif for formal luncheon., and. in ­deed, for all funcUona, nave only th e S o'clock Urn, white and w hite only muat be employed.

The Unique Vulunir Ilia l (teenrita Aeuert.ca 'i llltCDVary by Noraauien.

From thf fnna.,n Iwily .New., ilorece Hart, p rin ter lo th e I ’nivertlty

• A propoeof the letter reader! both

U nited Stale! may he glad to know th a t Home very beautiful piiolograpliio reprod ticllom of p a ru of the “ Flatey Book,’' especially of thoee which relate pr tho diacoverv of America by the Norsemen about th e year A. I), lono, together w ith a com plete IranBurljition and tram ilallon in to Eng-

HANNIGAN A) BODIUON773-775 Bpoad Street, fleuuapk, fl. J.

J . I liah, have already been iiubllaticd In ihia1 haaaerved ! country, thanks to the lo a n in g and tjublloluncheon on clo th , o f cubworklHncd w ith ■ — ‘ .


SHOT BV A l.o n it HIOIIWATMAN.A Robber r i r e . a t a Ntago Carrying Treaa-

oe# and an E a p r ... (luanl la Killed. *Acitau», Ul., June lA-An nltem pi waa

made to rob ibe mall eoarh from Ion. to J .e k ten last tTenlng by a Inue blf liw.yman about Dra mllet from li.rr. iTbo >tag« bad four paewDier. tn.Me, two of whom were ladlet. On Ih. onltlde were ibe driver. Clin, ton KadcIlDl., w .i j . Fargo', guard, Jdlcbael Tovey and on. pauenger.

Ih e rubber wee conoealed behind the rork. on toe aide of the road. When Ibe .(age w n. oppMit! h i. pl.ee of eoneealtoeul, alihoul •be leau warning, itae dlKbarge of a weapon

lo.UiUly fell forward blin by one band

aad bald Ima. in e ballaiiu.-k lovey behind the right .boulder, and It leauppriacd to have plerwn liltbeari. Nli horH. were atleeheu fa lh e .ta ie .n d lh e c n o k o f ihe ride frl,l,l-•oed them Into a gallop Ibe robber dredHilw.”' •>'" *"■»<» Ibtd-e lllf t . back, prodnelnga.l|ght n -.h wound. ifieoorM'x ouuiluued to ruu himI iiie higb.tha^arnmula “"*'*■ cl

.*'*** * “ carried along by tbe untn- *® buDdred yard., wlien tbe

driver hatted and luriied iw oof ibe iiOurod

the b(^y of the murdered tne.Hiiger in Jai k- wn. Th e robber made no cITirl to lb:low Hit

*’>' «vera l fann-* " *orklcg In a bay Held nearby, and they

!" •«e»ri"1ii ItaecKUM. Thowui ireexora oo I'uerd uie lUttx inrAmador City and Jaekaon, Tovey had been

rS a V .« n ^ "

l-H nO B LAWd. C liarte.M ade A gain.l Wi.olraale and Re.

tail D ealrr. and Irrugglal. a t I’uleraun. Sreclal lllajiatcb lu ih t .'fKWs,

I'aTkHhoii. Juna id -T h e police rommliu Blonof i ’aier.uii. a t anieeling a few week. Mo. paiaeil roauUitlona Inalrueilng Ulilcf of rollce Oraul to Inveaiigate rumori lo the effect tbal tl i . liquor lawa were bcine TIo. l.led by druggl.la and wholesale and relall daalen, Hliice that time a tpeclnl omoar h.i. bean working up tba matter, and lliu luniura were proeed to be wall loanded.

Till, morning cliarges were made before Police Juallne Van I'lovo agninat eight drug- fl.ls, Including aome lif the mo.l nromln.-ut lo the eliy, Mven wholesale liquor dealers and lam relallera. The complaints against the drugglils were for tolling wllloml a license, mat ag.I.iai Ihe wholesale in.-o waa

" " * »l‘olosa!el|ren«e and Ihat age Inst tho retollers for aelllng at Wlioletale ua a reUII llocnar. The lamully for errry nOcnee In each ease under tbe c itr ordlnancsls |30 line, Tho jmllce will c m I nne ibeIr Invesilgaiion and more eom- plalott are likely to r. anil.

c c ^ r e d . 111. D om e. were”^ m ;:; i ; i ; : ; ; ;i 'a f te r tlie

K „ . * ''**■ ' *’*“•’ “ f ■'«' book in greatly to he detilored' P''*"‘cd a tt l ie Oxford t'nfveraily I’r L s lii

M e . nui^icrous and varied, hut the lovely 1S«), a t h i. own expcjisu, a q u arto volutile pliik ol the r ^ , the lender blue o f the , en titled -T h o Kiiidliig of W lnchind the

! Wood; the Hiatory of the Icelandic 1)!..ik is " i X " ‘a d * t o r , * ; " ' “ *■' •• '‘“ ‘'d a n U T ra t .L tc d

r . , , “ "* “ ‘® Earliest Itecnrda.” The workThe*'ii* 1 h « flay-flve full-page pho to type pln tia of

ahlw ^ " " 7 , **'* *" to of th«H iga»; w hich were•how atlm ah ot narrow, handviewcd, hem \ mtsde for .Mr. itrevesu t C openhagen, and

It Wan publinliifd Utr the au th o r by uiv

Prices for Hummer goods that will save our patrons money.T H IS IN A-OT A TWO MOUBK’ B A M for one line of good, about cost, but u GEKVIITE BARGAIST SAEE while the good.iliieed ill prices and ndrerltsed will lust.

now re-

ro R it’s i H E t n t E

■TAHBKIi TKltUPGK THE HEART.A Fatol Ouurral in a Hoadhause B u r

Morrla Tarh Raeelraek, W w m im Tka, ft, y„ Ju n , ia _ a man

known lo tba emplorot of ibe Morrla Huik i ^ l r a c k at "K inm ell" and wild to bave been valet of Jockey Wmma. wai aUbbed tbrough ihe bean by Albert Young, colored, about twenty-two year. old. laat night. Tho men bad an alieruiion lu Mmlth’t road- home. In tbe town of Wwilcheslor, near the Morrla Park raoaireck. Inlotmalloo ooii. corning tho origin of iha trouble la hard lo get at. but It la aald that aflrr a wordy war aeverul btowa wereiiruck, and then in . col-

*“'• stabbed ErameU Emmett dropped to ihe

IIHANTEII.The Inquiry Into th e Cause of the D leaster

Coulltiueil To-ilsy,WASIfitroTOW, June id —In Hie continued

inqiirstuu Ibe Tlcllina of lbs Kord’a Thcoiro dissairriiaday T. U Eniwlilitlc, the Build­ing Insprotgr of 111* iHsIrlct, tettlUrd that Ibe murtnr UBFd In ihe elieralloua was tmd and Hie brickwork badly doAc, If he had jmdniiHiorliy lo prevenl It lig would not have pormltied Ihc wnrk lo be don.' In the way It was, lor ihsro wai loo much rlih,

ArolHiccl n . r k , .,f ton tlspltnl. letllffed Inal the weight on lho Boors was coutidor. ably lets than the Mfoly limll. A rum .ir prevailed In the Jury-rontn Hint C.nilraclor I>aiit, Who performed tho Work, wiis Hourlyt y to.'dH.smr’" '* '" muacd

aa on the napkins th a t accnni)mny It,The Juiieheon cUitha arc hcmatllchcd. For dinners and for luncheons cloths

arc woven with tmrders com plete and wltli napkins to nintoh each seL

The 6 o’clock tea cloths are shown w ith cut-work centres, cut-work edges, draw n- work borders, and aa much olnboratlon oa Indiv'Utual may Ruggests

For the allfTnoon ten small fringed nap ­kins will be ust-d, and they may or may no t match the pallcrn ot tlie d o th , as taste and clrciimstancea deterniinc.

Doilies and table m ats may lie e ith er embroidered or ol ciiPwurk, but for d in­ner must 1.. of the fluest white, w hatever form I ho decoration, may taka.

I f cai vlng Is ilono upon the table, as de- ip ile tho prevailing fashUm It still o llen is, a large, amplu carving cloth Is used.

The supply of table napory required for a weli-kejit house haa hocoine much larger than once it w ad; and If you are to entertain at all you will require certain dolinlte sitoa both o fclo tha and napkins aa wdl as dollies and em broldvred table mata to keep pace with the dem ands ot tlic day.

Linens In either tho “ bosom linen

Llvesiork K ltln i in a Train Wreck.Batavia, N. Y.. June ia _ A bad wreck oo-

enrred on the Central bridge over Hie Tnna- wandaCrerk her. Iasi nigtil. An easi-bound frolgbl abiod on the bridge when aiiotocr eatl-bound fretgbt, running forty intlea an hour, criuheil Into It. .Many « „ were Mlewiojw,! and ,o „ „ i loq head of livc.ioek were killed. H reatarted In the wreck, but waa cxtlngulaliM by ibe Breinen, Nobr of the Irainiuon ware Injured. The loss P. ibe New lo rk t'snirat will amount to many tbouaands of ilolluft.

V'Clght known as o r the tine lawn are tho

correct fabrics for table muls o f all kinds.For tho dinner there arc Hiiely woven

poppy cloths and others in the thislle and chrysanthemum design. The poppy which is the tad of the hour, Is shown In costly aalln damask only. O lher designs, which are la reolity quite ua good as the poppy, are sold for far more rr;pionahlB prices.

'The fi o’clock tc.a cto lhs have tiecnme w ith the establish men I of the tea tables quite as necessary to a housekeeper’s out­fit as are the larger and longer estnliUshed dinner and luncheon cloths. The tea cloths rsngo in slee to suit the needs o f different tsbles. They may be scarcely larger than a dlnncr-napkln, but must not exceed two yards square, else they bo- oomc lunch cloths and are out o f place.


Afraid Her llu tb sn d W il l l.ravs Ihe Slate.B ^ la l Dlspaleh m uia ISaws.

TkSHmM, Juna lA-M rs. Auguita B, Dono- van. of Newark, has appllad.Ui | |t t Hhanoory

teilrsln her bu­bs nd, J)r, Allred 1'. Donovao, of Kllaubeth, from Isavlng Hit Hiatr, a t be haa not paid her Ibe alimony or»7 a week which he agreed

trparaiod in l*e|iicmber. SIW. Mto HunOTan aays the bellevca that

leave for hisormer home lu Nora Frotla, end she wania tbe Umil lu make liliii live up to hit agree-

thruugh the heart...........floor, expiring loaianlty.

\ ounx dashed out of the place and b asn n l bee., aeon .moe. The police of IVesleheairrtPunly am now looking for b lir, Superln- teadeul Byrnei bsa bieii eased to look for Ibe fugitive lu New York, and oil the poller of tbs aurroundliig lewna hare been ndvlaed

Tr*!'*'''.*"**"- « lin f» e s

’i " «*uo of tbeerlma, wbere It now aw alu IdauHBuatlon,

Found Hanging In the AHIe.JsnsKr City. June l a —Patrick Madden

torly-nvu year, old, of tie HI. I'aui’a .iveube, a cariietiier, banged hliOgolf to a ladder In Iha alHo of bit house laal nlghl, Ha bad not been well for aoins lime, but hit suicide ramo wllboul any wurulng In* hit lamity who did not eonaider h li lllnesa serious. IH<ilougbler. syoung lady, beard lilm In tbe alllc and, wondering s t h it aiay up louud him hits lu tbe ovaiiing a corpse.


N E W YORK STOCK QUOTATIONS,Tie range of liwlay’s tiru«a for the more

acllveilocks of the Now York m arket arc glvan below. Tbe quouillunt thaw the onou- Ingand cleatng and ibe lilgheat and lowr.t prices reichod by ihc Mpcurltiui lUUd The qeoUHone era from tnsNcw York Exchangeaud are reported lo the Nkwh ihrougb Will-Ism Linn AH«n A Co.e siuck broken, iflOJl7?°K 717* ' * 7 ' NalloiialUftuk buildltii, Orangu:

‘ Open- ll||b* ix>w- clos-N. J. CenlrAl....... .. uff'*!; iS i i iIwK'DtleAHvilnon........... iS.xD«i., Id4ck A W »l,.... li'2rtiliPlCesUlDif............ JK?;C'snHdK Boiithrrua.....

C.a i \ A Ut. L...... . *

Iffuum i wiil4>u7: ',

\iH iftisa’J


m iJ7'a£»S



lisk fl 8 h u r« ..............M leblgan O n i r a i ......

y. tcn irs l* ..... ....AUiba, 'l o. & H. F f , ....Ca. B. ...............C., M. A Hi, FauJ...... .UhJ. A aV. W„.7.......C.. It, 1 .4 iv e if lc .....ilhnols L'stttrsi.........M i» o jr> i*’dJl«.Loulivlll*) A Na*li.....U nion P hoiBc........ ..Fm'lfte MhM...............WfAUTii U nlull...........MsnbsUsu*..... ..K V. A IN. icn^..... ,..71^0.. li Tfi,N, Ya, Jj. K. kt W.......UjiUrlu 4 Vi'osieru..,,

J„ Uua... M StlaaMl. |„ 4 Pill', pr,

......lllchaA j'u lllt,W nrlUerii ........N urU ierii ISiclbc pr,» Atnera Cot, oil.



7o<: ■to 7.|i,' ftp;


WIT,m \2


IN', JSft's,aj"i








i r ,

Ainer. Col. tJll NurlU Atih-riCiiiu,,Cbienffo Urix*..Nxt’l CordHxe...........Amer. Huj(. Bej. i q...


- HMyer OrtifluiUftK....Hu u. 4Huai[, a Wi?*iprn |«r,.,C'liPsujp. A OIjIo., .h. r. F ..............y i>. 4 k ...........■T. A, N........... ..

*Fx. UivlUOlid

dl-.AS I:




7 '^H7%

i:ij; •IHS l;j‘,5«

A -\ xp,10 lu

ofCIiiw*Fo Grain anil rrovrnlnu Htarket.Tb«. foUowliiy ttiUlij xlvtM ths rnniro

prIcMon UroTixion oml tirninpcb an ije i Ui-da.i'. ur. rej»tiru*d hy V, \V. lIoJ- liulldtiiB* ' ruonix ii24-0i> I'rudemjui

Auf(»itloiit Rii Ml ihfl Mannxr l» Which it Hlcht H«k Crcctrtle

Edliorlul In Century sMAyHsint.Concerning the construction o f the No­

tional board propoied, th e re is a dlffcreuce o f opinion only as to cotaiU, AUauthori- tles agree that it should be composed o f trained sanitarians, w ho should be a p ­pointed by tb s President, should have a chief and should Include in their num ber the Hurgeon-Qenotals o f tho Marine Hofr pltol service, the arm y and tho navy.

One excellent suggestion, offered by an em inent and experienced sanitarian o f New York City, is th a t the board be made n p ia follows: “ F irs t, a chief appointed by the Freildcnt, who a h o u l i be paid a large salary and should rsM t^ In W ash­ington ; next, the th ree Hurjfeon-deneraia of the army, navy and m arine hoip ltal service; then, one sanitarisn o f eslab- ! lished reputation from each of the follow­ing sections of tho c o u n try ; the yellow- fever district of lAiulBlatia; Ihequaran- tlne district of the c a s t ; the far west o f California and the Paolflc coast; the Norlh- wesb -say Chicago—becaus of its relation­ship to Canada; and tho middle dis­tric t o f the country—aay Kentucky or a neighboring Hlota, E ach of these also should receive a good salary. This would make a board of nine member*, who would represent tho interosts o f the whole coun­try, and would give all sections tho bene­fit o f their combined esnllnry knowlcdgo and experience. This board should he given fiill loglslalive. Judicial and ciccu- tlvo powers, such as a rc exercised liy the Hoard of Health of New Y’ork City, I t should devise measures, decide upon the method of their execution, and admin­ister them w ithout inlcrfcrcnce from any quarter. I t m igh t coniililiilc ns ™ ®*ri'ullve com m ittee tho ohlcf and the

rrritn e iit Hnn'ls for Ilia llrnrlU of tbe So- (allail Liirita of Crrallon.

From Uimh] HouKokC'Cpinr.D on 't hang about the kitchen, with ad­

vice hcr^ and suggeslion there, unless your wife has the sanie privilege a t your place o f Work or biislnesa.

Don’t require an item ised report ofevery dollar placed In her hands ; even should she make an unwise expenditure, consider how many tlmea yoq have given her the example.

D on't allow any family disagreem ents or differences of opinion to crop out before children or servants; let all such things bo reserved for private discussion, w ith Biuluul confldDii^e and kIndneM,

D on’t use all your kindness and gallantry away from home and let the unpleasant­ness manifcit itself in the family c irc le ; try the other course for a tim e and see how that will work,

D on’t listen to the man who begins to disparage his wife, and parade her real or fancied shortcomings lo the world- ad­vise Mm to .settle those things in th e privacy of his own home.

Don t make It necessary for any person to give you like advice.

D on 't pay a dollar for a lunch " down­tow n,” and half as much more for cigars, while you think up plans for greater ecoip omy in the family grocery bill.

Don’t forget th a t members o f tho family have as good a righ t to a pleasant greeting when met, and will appreciate it as much as the business acquaintance next door.

colleague, lliu ry Ktowde, o f Ameiicor- ner, Uindori, K. I'. .Mr. Ueevea’s own de­scription of the Flalo MS. is sen t to its by Mr, H art, and Is given in th e following paragraph ;

" The ‘Flatey Hook ’ is the m ost e i!cn- aive and most perfect o f Icelandic .MHrf, I t is in lUelf a com prehensive historical library of the era with which i t deals, and so consldcralde are Its con ten ts th a t they 1111 upward of 1,700 largo octavo piigpsof p rin ted tOxI, On ths title page o f the MS. w e are informed th a t it belonged origi­nally to Jolm H.'iconsson, for whom It was w ritten by tbe pricsu John Thordsson and M agnus Tborhallsson. W e have no in­form ation concerning tbe date when the book was commenced by Jo h n Thordsson, bu t the most im portant portion o f the work appoari lo have been com pleted in tho year 1.T17,although additions w ere made to th e body of the work by one o f tho original scribes, and the annals appended to the hook, brought down to the year 13M. Toward the close o f th e fifteenth cen tury the then owner o f tb e hook whose name 1-s unknown, inaerted three quaternions of addllloimt historic m atter in the MH., to fill a h iatus In the histori­cal eoqneneeofthow ork, not, how ever, in th a t part of the .MS which trea ts o f W ine- land. Tile 'F latey K ook' was am ong a collection of vellum MsH. en trusted to Ihd care of Thomiod Torlacus in 1G62 os a p resen t from Bishop B ryniolf to King Frederick III. ofD cnm ark, and Ihusluck- lly escaped the fate o f o thers o f the B ishop’s lltcniry treasures. In tho Koynl L ibrary of Cupsnliiigcn i t has afneo re­m ained, where it is known as No 1 006 (ol. of the Old Royal Collection.” ’

Muslin Underwear, Corsets, Gloies, Etc.L n i i i i ’s h i t e S l t l r tb , tucked a m i c m b r o l i l - \ O r e n t n m i m in l . . t . h i i . .•■rtsi.................................................... rn,. -n - .h -o„ [ 7 ™ DbifTniii In Lndlos' torsets, white,

^ '" '"■ H iiim h to ry .yo^ „ .„ r th fiOc i ' ......itii’™”' ’

w oF thaO c i ....... w o rth 1*0Lutiii-s’ D raw ers, e x tra iiiia llty in iis iin , a l l ' I Gent«''*\Vhii<i GiitiTP ..........;i"V ...... 21o

......................................................................25c.. w o r th 60c I n lo cw i........................................................ worth 39o

A MKKITKIi l<»:ut'KK.TJi# M'xj- n Arvmi Kiml of r« ^ |) |n g Tom

\V»n TMIIKilt H L4«»M>HaFfom Uip

T here is said Lo be honor Ainoni^thicTeji and there Is certainly an abundance of Freem asonry generally am ong travelling men. But there are exceptions to every ru le, and one of the exceptiona is a trav­e ller who will look over your shoulder w hile you write, sneak your notebook and copy out your list o f custom ers and otherw ise shoiv that ho is not a gentle­m an. I fixed up one of these one n igh t splendidly, lie is in the same line a.s iny- M lfaiid had been sliodowing m e for a m onth. Finally, to get rid of him , I sc­oured a copy of a paper published in a tow n about forty miles east and carefully copied In my notebook the nam e o f every m an in tbe list of deaths. A fter supper 1 produceB a pocket of postal blanks and proceeded to address one lo each o f these deiiltens in the other world, announcing th a t I would call two days hence.

D irectly my brie nolr noticed m e I ex­cused myself, and leaving my notebook open w ent out for a smoke. I peeped in through the door and saw him indus­triously copying out that death list, end I took care not to disturb him until he had got through. He sat up ha lf th e n ig h t ge tting through his old busiuesa and lelT by th e early morning train to g e t a dav ahead of me. I have oBeii w ondered how he go t along trying to locate all th e ro­

il pop ‘ ■

mlailles’ Cloak anil Suit Departinenl.

1 0 0 Ln(lic.>i’ K ton .Suita, blue an d b ro w n .......................t.rO Diullck* IJliio Ktoii Miits, flannel an d iserKc.........1 7 5 lU iin H iid b l a c k S e r irn N ti i ts ...................................... 7 . . , .125 Blue O tnzer SiiitH, nil wool, w ith gilk waist...,,,..,JOO S ito rm N c r ire E to t i .S i i l t s .....................................................j» 0 lA id ics* tV liite Igiwn S u i t s .....................................................1 5 0 K ton 'Wa.sli Siiit.s, fflnKlmiii n iidcheck..!.....,.....’ ,, 2 0 0 S liirt W aists, ]>lalti>d fron t an d back

0 0 0 GliiKbuiii W rap p ers ........

................................«1 .08 , reduced from $3,08...............................# 2 .0 8 , reduced from )|I4.U8.............................. .. ...... reduced from $5.08.............................. 8 4 .0 8 , rediicecl front 80.08.............................. $ 0 .0 8 , reduced from $0 .0 8....................... ^ .$ 3 .0 8 , reduced from $0 .08..<f J .08 and $4.t»8, worth $ 5 .0 0 and $7.08

2 5 c ., worth 30o 50c 00c 00 08

.08 '50c., reduced from 08o

From 08c. aud $ 1 .2 5 , reduced from $1 .25 , $1,00

Prices in Silks, Velvets. Black and Colored Dress Goods bateen, Organdies in Light and Dark Colors & nm . Lace Curtains, Table Damask and Towels White Bedspreads, Shades,Table Cloths,Napki



ccntly dwi-.sctf population o f H,----- but<ia 1 c a m e a out my [ipeFlouN intentJon and

D on’t forget n kindly word for th e poor o r unfortunato with whom you come In contact; it co.*ls nothing, while it se n d sa ray of sunshine into lives which have enough of hardship and gloom a t the best.

D on’t forget that the true gentlem an never uses profano or vulgar language; th a t he docs not speak hastily.

THAT r.KO OF I lls .


An Old Clentlrinan Wlio Crm ied a N«n- ■xUim 111 M Mtmxt ('111’,

From the Hhu Fmnrlicfi E^xminer.All elderly gooticman, drcMecl in deco­

rous black, gloved anil bearing about him an indcsqrthable som ething th a t sug­gested piety as well as gravity, boarded a westbound Sutter street ear .at Kearny yesterday niternoon. He climbed on w ith some itllMculty, as one of his legs was I o f wood. Tho old-fash I lined high colt.ir I and stock explained why ho preferred the : prim itive sliek of tim ber to a modern i artificial limb. Thera were hut four o th er pasjongera on th e oar, alt ' ladiea, who looked w ith approval > a t Ibis nice, though maimed, I old gcntlem an-an approval th a t was iu- tensiflod when ho drew from his pocket a Diiciife rAKre/tnuiu and booame alysoabcd therein, Presently he signed to the con­ductor and arose. This was a m istake,for when the ear came to a standstill thevenerable man, having only one leg lo depend on, end not having been thought­ful enongh to take hold of a strap ,'w as throw n violently backward and s a t down on th e car's floor wiih a solid iwo-han- dred-aml-twenty-poimd chug.

Excited and sym pathetic foiiiinino hands were Instantly stretohed ou t to succor him, but the iiiee old gtntlem aii gasping for lirenlli, waved tliom away]

eouMn’t ascertato.' B ut I Mr. Peeping Tom,

w idgjorioua to reUtc when we m eet now he w'Ul not appftk as we pa$« by.


I t r lo esii't on y o u r Hitlary ;H MiakeH Do riifU'rt‘m*e limv m iicJi you

i t itpiH.‘D(lH uDtiroly o n how

Hannigan & Bouillon,773 AND 775 BROAD STREET.

m ak eHiiicli you Mivf, Wo arc giving an <>to jeot IcHSim ill (hilt (wriiciiiar bmiicli of (loincHtlc ocommiy Just now. Y'ou mn lake your noncil nml flg;iiro tho. saving —It s tlic(lii|,.|oncp In ttio vaitiP and tile jiricii. Wo lull spoelal attention that ive were fortunate eimugli to wy (•lire for spot casli US piccon „f titc snme rolmlilo All-wool Hldo a,„| BlackScrgL‘.H, of tile exact grade imd qiialUv

ItioKc which we wild nt fl,5, 'fhcri'o flire nlm iit ,'tisi siiIIk in t l i i s lo t , w h ic hwc will sell fur $12.0D.

OPPORTUNin EITRAORDIllilRyiB()vs’ Suits, from 4 to 14 years, Imth

sliigitj and dmilile-hreastfil, former prleeg 54 , 5 5 , Jli; prieo liHa w ock till, llie prices f|nolod nimve nre actii.al— not Iningitinry-nntl we Imvo aeldotii ottcied so great a liargnlll. It Is not netvssnry to expinin eniises. Wo wnnt to soli these suits. If you Imve any present or tir.wjs'ctive need of a Iviyi'

a ' "f 7 ’**'" to (uko ndvnnuigeI of tills op|)ortimlty. In oiir Custom

Departnicnt WT are still imiking those _s) witil'i to Of'ilor \Vt*

o n a '

Every Man Wears Shoes,SALEMEN’S SHOES.






Sevspal Wholeiais Clothiers who had too many od baud ni UiIa i$ast>D of uia— - ------- mm m mmmmmmm •yttaUU IFg || g|

h .T <iid not n««l thefl* foo d /but tti«y wero lo cU$up nud or$ach Ant* qnn]- Ijy •nrt excellent make, we could not rrNiet«•■ npporiuully, Wi ■nd OMly pAid About i

rrNietboufhl for Net Caeli

one*btii)f raanufacriirJnie<»t of iijA foodN, j t WAR « forced

Hurgoon-drnoral!, who ahimld be ' ilrprccalingly era ho made any

■ry g n n n e n t lo w ear .siitisfnctorily ; y ea r , '

$1.98.us Are M b; Oilti Healers at (A.oa a i l $5.00 a Pair.Only One Pair of These Shoes Sold to Bach Person.

THESE SHOES WILL NOT BE BOLD TO SHOE DEALERS. There are a hundred shams in Shoes, but not here.

m s . H.

DAVISthe adm inistrative force o f tbe i

bureau. This would p u l the dMy 7f e7c- \ j f ^ 11*7""’ '"7*“! ’ help It.cuttng the rules and regulatloirs o f tho bureau Into the hand! o f th e only otHclala we have In this cniintry w ho are especially fitted for tho work ; th a t la, officials who are permanent, who have no private in- lercBts, who are rem oved absolutely from all outride Influence o fany kind, political o r other, who are trained In the work of discipline and organixation, and who are accustomed to look to no o th er end tliaii elllelcnlhcrvlco. The executive commit­tee and til t chief could really conduct the

. - ..............■ leg o f mine. Ify o u h a d

one like It you'd understand how I feel,”

rn.u./*(o. o, „„w


797 Broad Street.


«? now. r«advfor our pairuni.We will sell Iiiani at rsiail (or next 10 days a tvfiVoi i.’i.tSj’,'ll''' atileh of ClnlhlnfSIU8T, lib 80LI> In that time at Igg Unrkei St reel near Halwy, („d m inleend wt have col pHres Iq sucli an rxlent ihatlhelrclirap. nrss will aurprlsr you. The Inns crowds of payers bitve up to now nereisliatud the add- lug of extra sairsn ea dally. This big oar- rho-SB miikci ns want i.sab. We’ll sail you null* and Troiwsr,, mnda up baudaomriv equal to Ihe finest nirrchani lallorlng, f ;; less I bail itae plain unmade maltrlnl cost, took at Iheso urlrrt, and Wa anaranlas to ■upply Ibe goods Just as elieaply as It reidaon paper,

5iieu’s CasBlmereand Mixed rhevloi Hqin siiek orctitauay siyla, a t rt-H and |4,50. aulj everywhere at 111. Men’s I’laln Blank ibav- lot BuUi^at-li, cutaway or dounir-breasiad style, n tT..V), real value IIS. Elegant L’lesa Coata and Vcala, diagonal, whipcord, faniv worsted aao neat silk mixtures, nl 17 vA flAfid and 110.75, worto three times thess prices Men'* Iranorled Corkscrew and Clay ruac-

Ko11»,ranmfac lifers' prices IlSand I2(t during ihts aale at I10.H8. hfrn’t Elasant 8ut(s, or cuiQwa^Ms tiianufHc;iir«rN'

Nt»n-<»iT08l$ii Prtint fur \V»r8hli>8. F rom tiu* U^Durd.

Ihu prolilcin or jmuiuUcluilng a noij-cop-ro$lYD pu iu l for tho IjoHg u h of aI<-p 1 an d Iron wiirshijwi, ivhicli hu8 Uoeii to .t lu g th e niivy

fo r« luo« ilm i\ lu itfftelftrlly NOtllfil. A pnin t \vii8 hivonlAil iK'viniuiy sc\8Ml Hgo

departnieul, the o ther m e m b e r ^ Hm j d e : ; " ; ; T i r ’Iillri::'rotjuiriN Ai'niTtcaiMimde pitlm oii thu Amor-





July....... .8opl„........Cash.........July.........WrjM.....«...Canb.........

I Jury.......’<Mept........(CuiU.

I Jii iUai

Opou. UlijU. Low- Clou- Inir. ifraL vii. lug.

$!771 7H.S ?r*a ” ,Tli',



J Aept..........■" I t'oelj..........

...........ICHhl),,..,..... lu lu ^ jo'ii


a r ;iw%«l-4 11;'I.20 u,

L1I 0010 ■'i211 ^J

fi n T A Y L O R U ^ U i l W H I S K I E SG u a r a n t e e d P U R E * .

U n i f o r m , k r Q U m . . » , >

board coming together on summons whenever their pronencu was necuaaaty.

The plan seems to us well considered, though of course it Is possible to Improve upon it. Tho main thing is Pi get the Notional board and t o hove it begin at tho earliest possible moment tlie work which Dr. I’niddeii outlines as itsuphera of uscluliioBs. o r course the calabllsh- mcjit of a National board must be accom­panied by the abolition of all Slate and local qujrantlnea but not of the State and boards of health. ‘No political In- tlucncc should bo pornilllcd to delay one moment the work of such a reform. It goes without saying that the question of the health and well-being of tho whole country Is of too great importance to allow•tliescmsh greed of-pobtieluns orof.po-a.Hllcal organixHtlons to stand in Ita w a v f ^ ’ "That any te to f politicians should oppose 'such a necessary measurq lg,an lllaBtralloii ■V* the gpoils system which ought to startle tbe emumunity.

lean werstilpii.il could iiiit be useuhowever, iholjermaii iKiliu plant ha'sreiiios’Bil to tills cmititrv and luc tfaiicd Hlutcs (TUI*,.rs will MOW linve noii-corrosivo non,m u. Iticqiu-NIIOM Ottlie sultuble iianu for use In suii ,,„|cr luis ir.muicd all coiiiii rk-s Ihe Jiipanowiiloiio lmvln< iiiid a nim-coi^ rosivo iirllclf. Tills Is II Uicqiirr wlm,e com- poslllon llicy itevp si-ciei.

If You Want

204 MARKET ST.Largest Heo's Fonisbiag Goods Ston in Tom .

Men’s Siloes, Hats and FurnisliiBg Goods.


AlviJ* In Sailed_ tsUlss. Bswys sf JmitilliMti slid rallied bcllln.

Wins Mar-eniNtf ind Howt.«

S la l id by II, II, to c b ra ii , d ru g a lsr , Lanc-ui-..I ’ ® *""ra tile rU OTi-r (100 boUll* of

BurducK Blood llnl-:r* f„ r ily*pep,in , , „ „ r tra b h Ie -A d v * '* k iduey

LOOK for pro|vWsn’ firm inns ilgukirs.—CRKTER H. GRAVES & SONS, Boston.

tlF U S K tU jitTlTU TC tr

wrnk.MrtoiiN nnrt NlMp.luid fe*i, <jj$nbo( In I GDd Ml i$k* « weliiMrauG.

lltra Fill# MUhIIje# lU* i]iruuiA.LlAn.iu« ulruuiGiloj). iNirTouifuiMiuiagir«i»vrwimAA i$ua

S o u lli f r i 'o r i jiiitl lIu H r F ro m tin? Nfw Ynrk Sun.

T h e Kouiiwi iifi- III iiniiie is p ro n e to neelcctliU h.-ml v,.„rfn,-,|,„s.,m.,n I , , t o ­w el; sHn,i. „„u p r „ | | ,................................. son,,jh u t. blit scniM i,Ion,ly iic„i „s WBiir 'ili.i ;,f™iliirl.v. ;s.rbiips, arise* from fa in i v. pride, n bcsriii,,,, K om hem >lii cm ipJel-Sw lil, Mie U l ie i i l i i i l sv ls lre ra cv is

l>c hliupc,

A Qood AfPCTivr, A Good DiaxsTioN AND No M$Lkm$, OrriNK


p r lc « |l8 *nrt r.iO,fturlRf ihU uiIg bI

*’*'>*• »nd 11.87.iiyU$li nirhtPirlpfM iintl hpai «fIYol$. •utiu biiyoiiuwuiiiivp:,.vMft>r, HtylMn l*rln« AlbertI 'n t s v a a w s l \ ' u .« l ,■ ___a.Coals and Vesla superb Ureas Suits and other arlleleaDr cIniblngni ,ilie Inuest prices you ever heard of. Alpaca Coata and Vesla fromll-.yiup, Uriii'twall. Cum.-1o-day.

Are yon a good gueaserf lu Ihe window Ib-ro is a largo Jar of beans. To any iiiis ffUMMing tbe number nr n e e rn t nurnUcrof

from lo-fluy imiii July fl «e offpr free » fine fao Butt of (’lothee. To the Dt‘kt beGreet

nueffipelm f iTDUMfp. P u tiq your (ueai whether you ptirchatoor a o t


T0-K9RRfiWi 5 ATU RD A Y F ro a i 9 A. H. to 1 1 P. t

- Di t uadi ; T3'


o n i mIougu Liii. l8 Gften u coHily ortic lem - ‘ ‘ • - •lliibsi aiid ffiostmirublohdu bucli a tioHor

winler i^ml a cnMly and ludcatrucllhlo t ’anum a alrnw hat for sumiucr are Ilie pruja-r Iwndgeiir for ii Buuthern country eeo. tJemun, “

'i ho blirod luiike), a clrciitt i,f ihe body every. . . '’'■'•'"■rlii* npiritneiit and m kliu

For Hint “ nut o’ aorl* " fueniig Take hromnJtclU«r—irtsl bnitlg loeti. •••My physluiHi] said 1 could miL live mv liven,iti.iif o r u . ,^ ^ - , C L

iHb inneijs. .gm jeiCia; »1,T7di,’«Tv bSoior* "™ "’ uotrePitii food, Itur-

a’'™ ''! '’ "'"• AdelaidetyBrleo, 372 txchaiiectSl,, Buffalo, N. V.—Ad

waayv uiatler to"b;.‘ 'nifei'o'4;‘m b* tiljijAvur itiui kuliiVi$ Mittl (rib»is fhnbmiy thronali ilie bowtin sod liig urtoary a .» r f ! l . ; <»■ ’’halruelion Sf Iblatrocc8$ nmj pruUnco Yufloii$ lorini of dtg-* UidF, «UcAl Ul ItllloUKtirMli fVbJimlpatlim , l lO H d u e l,7 > e o |i tty aS d m , 'd ^ S,dplli." reres'l.'rm 'io'' " ''‘'"('""'■hiolchce.'^lin^ wort 8, t>rU|lHOri8» kbMCffUSDAWlit-ri $ucli ohritrufMoui exlMi nfl ■%*idenc«J

I ”V !v. inoaieino touHalaIturtlfM'k wulclr'iiJilookM'thH its.Se7Vtoouoiv‘i!'” i','* " " "04 ‘•ffvto mal-SS 1 ' ‘ vimmiel*. Byrostor.lug hc.ilthy aeilon of tlig sumiaeli. liver kld-[tSi o“i"; .a “ ■ ' ‘'"■’'^kBlMmVurl-I h i ^ i r o t l e r ^ f o K r :

A T s O T T I 5 5 RCrral olf.-rlng In S h irt Waists, Including new oolorliiga, pntierns and meierlali at our former low prico of

25 ccnt$.fiegul.vr price 0e.

B e s tE In g liT jh Q h a ll io s ,« ' c n t 8 .

Ilcgular price Bo. T-.. yards only to eachcufl-c>nvr

1 0 , 0 0 0 Y ^ R D ShrAct, Incl irtlnu u Imud-

""in- i .a blu OUnmUriiFir, |n* pl»ks l>iUt> Him) ftfi'ClM; nfft'ei Lb

I nw Is $T>on Uu>iu , t ivnch leavniiv and ^Arnprlmn J>>ci« UJix^JAtuN, aU .lo gi>«t' ihft u^Kurm price of '

5 ^ C C I t t 8 .Worth 10c. and iJl.'i”. per yard. 7un

only lu each piirebaaer.yards

Table Oilcloth,llesl quality, yards wide, at

1 2 X c e n ts .Itcgnlar pries IS;,

1 0 0 D o z j i i i s rLndlB$', eMlMses UlUl«a Vh Im, nl Chi d'#u hwJH

' 5 0( u 18n g ip a r iiii e l3 . a n t (.to.

l>ou)tolR Kid a to a at

2 1 c c j i t sHegnla, ye.***;*.

c m i e O R E i s r ’sDoneola k id Bniloa 8-ioes. t to * a t

8 7 U v n t s .* VdTthVKi

1 K I N G ’S !New Clothing Store,


Walter P. DunnPLUIBlHrt


STEAM EEATIRG,Iron rtp« and Ftttliikv, Kraii 'Work, Uy* itmaia, IJathi, Wnahsiaudf, Automatut CvilAr Jirttluflrpf HanKury Water Hthk*. I'umppi! (iarden R$fl»t«r8,VflutluMor<* Gna Hioroi, 0$u Flxlur«i, Olob^ii ato.

08 Market St. Telapbone 481.

! WacHtel A lElectrical


SrolAn,DyBi$tii<^KI««trlcal Aphitri4nib IU(»Jrlti», Wiiidlnif Armuturan

KurnJah parU for ilo[<7r«i of alt make**e .I'lanta ^I'nubed Amiplala and wi^tna dima forxtcirffl and raildanocn tn ao* fordanca wUb ijiahranoa re^tiirw mania.

Cor.HunlitoD St.an(lF.f.R.R.AT.

N K W A ltK M :W S. 1’K11>AY, J U N E Hi. 18l>:i.

ney. bout r re-

s .


■ m a r U tA t w i i f c r e « T e t * s l * e •« • M w M M I

h 5 # w « « -* i e l s s W w e B r a - a h « « • • . M w . 9 .

B i i l M l u ,

I t a W A B K -F u r a r * C a ., IM M a a h a l -V

■k M ta a b la r , M l B r a a l • ( .

T l l la Aa% .A. laariatl. I»a W a th U ita a lk

I'a WL IbwMepiR, 149 KUmF .W a B »9l«r. t t S H i J , A . 4 A B ri» tt .4 M li

Wa K R m , 119 TIi I 94 4 9 9 . U « T O B A X O tl-

W .H . A l l a a .M I M a lB M . b D T M O B A 9 IH B -

B a b a r i L a a lla , S a a t b B r a a t a A aa , lA B B U O K -

l l a a i a i a a , 311 l l a r r l a a a Ab a t M B H F I K k B -

■ I n l a a , S iaw aa aa la a , a r » i B a a a b B B H I T -

M * B i r l B . « a l t r , l • W T e L A tB -

C a a t r a l F b a m a a n IB A H B R T A M . B r -

W U b a t k . F a r a a i t i , V a n i l a a l a a( B 1 .» 4 I T B H ^

N . B la a a .

IXDITIOl'AL FERFVMRa.^laat lam a lultabln Dallrata Icaiit and I Farilttantlr RUtk to It,tnm lha Phllaitalphta Tlm«,T h t avoat (Cent of u c h r t tilU iioTir b i

Bt of fiuiiioa. I t is qulta tha proper ^ 1 to lisve yoDr ctvn mpeoisl scant In solist and adhere to !t, cr rat Iter have it ttb ire to yoa, to Uia cxchislon of all U sr. While rest, violet, Ulao or any ttor, If mix id with one-third one's pow- jir, will retain its scent much tonger. uohet when UKd alone soon loses its font, and then it not p lsnan t, but orris lolds it e niuoh lonfer time. I was re- hntly mads the recipient of a collection

Kl(S of different sizes and sbaprs and 0 from flfured silks of various hoes

Cd patterns, whiob have made not alone r wardrobe and Its oontente sweet with fhlla rose, but baa permeated iteelf krouffh all my beloni'lngs. Six baj;a are Mde nearly a yard in length and about wo Inches in width. They are decorated rith fancy stltchini in bpisht-eolored tabroidery silk. A toneendasm allbrass “ I l l placed, to that the bag may be

Isnlently tacked to the waistband be- I the skirt or hang on the book In rardrobe over which the eklrt bangs > not in use. Blx more were made er, and the others, a dozen or more

triangular or oblong, oa the bit of dlowed, are scattered among gloves, kerchiefs, stationery, hatbox, or id loosely in the bureau drawer. Any o adopt this fad will Hud as much (aaaure In It as I have.

On« nn 1b» KxplortBr.¥ o in the New V«>rli Hud.W b«n IJe rb cri W ard , iti« A Trlc tn ^ ip ln r f r ,

^ l4 i t Jn Neur Y ork he lolU a fo o d ito fy , 04 p o in t of w liteli w m ra th e r u fiiU m t bIn>- tlf . H e liad beaiii ohR ltltif •<om« u f lti« iia< iTeie d ^ l a r iu g IhRt they d ire c t dt»M DdanU from m onkeys, nU cflng IJieir d m k n lo r a to n e oi th« rvidt^nro-. '^ O n e o M re l- 9w w en t q u ie tly over to a th ip tlre niw ," sa id

'*«iid iu n ie d hack b is fur, 'Ih c u h e looked A iia lca lly a t m e. Tlu» ape-'a a k in v a i

When Baby was tick, we gave her Castoria, When she was a rhlld, thr cried for Castorla, When she bscame IfiM, she clung to Caxtoria, When she had ChflilreB, the gave them CastorlA

H K I.P W A >’T K D -W A t,IW . ___

H O T IC E '-T ru n s la ii t 9 < lv ert1 iln f In fh a tn u i t In v a r ia b ly V« p a id to r tk o il-

▼BaeteH o a c fo v n t t w ill t»* a p a n a d fa r stichs K « a d v a r t lM m a n t w ill b a r i'raL ved o v a r

th a ta la p h o n a e i r a p t th o i a l e n t by aothorw Isad a f t f i ta .

A ^ A .- W R aVPPI.Y RFf-tABIsR MAl.R • hHp frr* of clisrtw a t short notloe hiirli

drirsnt, d s rk k barutnosm, ooachmf'u. ■iahli‘m*‘Ue wsltsnv porWrs, *iijrlnerrSs wttrlinu*n, nuwhifilslii, fkrhiFT hsmiL ptr. UKHMAN-AUi-:H>ICAN RMI'UJYMKNT AtlKN'cys 25 t'fdnr i t . ; Mlatillitiwd 20 Toars; tclrponna t77. 1


\” »'OrN*<Y MAN. II, A HiTt’ATlONOr loftrn fo<Hl irsdt^. Aililrwus

1 Uh, Jh>s V, Noirs otnoa.

]’"l4T4i,A nH W AHIlJSd AXr> im tX lN U DOSE a l l t a r in g IL Addraw by mall of call

1 MllH A. J.

I N S T R l 'n lO N .

HrTinal*.r l« « TOWNSFND’^ n rt.U tm N fl AND HAY

At t h e EMM^tVMEN’T lU RRAU If* TIIK rtOftb to f r | flrst'ClaM UHp, boib mole 0 iv<l

A^malr, al shurt notk'c. S». II0 H ROA H »jiT. 3Jv

AOFNTA-AVK OlVK Hl'SThKRH AN 0t»- porhinltr to make intm^y. a TI.ANTID WIN-

KM Al IC CO.s sail IM lN>lk at, ______fi2llY A n S K R WANTED aTEADY EUR bATL’B- 1 J t la r and Hnndar.I WAI, ZA V UCir, op. ilspnl, ATllngtOD. N. J .


BAREK KrER WANTKt). A <UX3D DAR- ktrapiT 1 uluit (-oins reionmiamtstl.

1 A K. J. It, R, AVK.uooi>

It j a r t f n d e r —HTEa DY J> p ay . H C K D A lthT .


BOV w a n t r o .I D. M. TICHKNOR,plum»M»r,« O w n 'll .


Bl T t ’llKM -WAFfTKB, VOUNQ MAN WHO ran take of borse. IiKUire

I I.lCK a n i u u .e k u k e u r t ?*.

t 1A.NVA’'REUA WANTED 1I18T0KV iHil.M'E -deoarlin^Jil of Newark:-lOi) U luttratid;

aid nM )*ur\ol«nt Ditid; olhoial ieit>T fUridHhOii;fifw larrilorj.t tv A, (I. Ta YIXIR, poU<Ni hoadquaTtfrK.

CARPKNTKn WANTEIh ONE t ’*KH TO work o i cnriilct work. Apply Ko-ali^bt at No.

n: Foundry fit, A. U Io Ma NH. 1

OOI.LF.t’ I'OR FOR METROl’oU T A N U FE tiiRiuramw rontpaay : saoiirlty r#<qnlrod ; rail

M lurday A- M. Jl. KINO, M urki'tsk 1

COLr.Kl''r<lRS \VANTF.D, FllW T-tT.AW JN- ■taim«u|i uoUactonl Address

Wh____________ ^ <<■ ]j., Boa F, Nowaofflro.

DKsrfJNEH WANTF.D. a FIHHT^’I.AI W 1)K- ilvnar by a llvo roiicafn ; gotxt wages gun run -

tHHl In tbe light man- Apply at offlci' of II. F. llAIlROW aA Malaen lane. New York. I3r

On J V E R - w a n t e d , fKJOI) AN1> HORKH drlvar fWr at root aprtnkilna.

I li, I'A hanlonlst,, rA<«l Oranc*-

N' l a i l T WATCHMAN Wa N TFD; ONtt WHO undenUnfU rare oniiillor. Applv IIIORDAN''*

JsKATtIKR FA(Tt)RY , South a n i .teffspwn «ta I

OPKItA’JliK — WANTED. A FIR mT-CI.AKS ttftr tliN’ad tnarhine npr-mtor onliaa^.

Apply hi UNO. TEA rr'H . .No. I l l Market it.



m J . r . M(-oi‘iUK‘.s, i,*7 'lane at.

IJllEK aM A N -W A N TR It. ONE FIIWTA^IsANH prtftsnuQ ; also lop iltd^ihera,

Mt W >tl‘R lN rlF IE I.I) AVK.

SLATEllnOFElW WANTED A t J. IL ADIe- WOOifN, So. I an i S Marsha'I au .W|

rp lN R iK tF K lm W'ANTED. «IX TiNHnoFKiLS.1 itE m M E R M A N A lilUtW.VH, 2-<3 M arkelil I

' r i s w r a i v H A ItSrX l-FITTK lW W ANTKIl! I Mratly Work ; t'i ko a short dlBtaara In lUa

roiiiitrj. CallJOHN REA, D'D Rmiid and Ia.rayetle ata

e __ ____________________ ______ .

M ABH IA GES.T n O ltrsO N nO T IA nx .-O li w<«tnc.lnv. .lunc L 19,3, by the Hflv. Henry A. Sj^-llmeyi'P, .Mr.

A. Thompv>n. of Tmnlon, N. J., lo Uii« lUle Uouuua, of ttih _____

D EA TH S.BAONALTs.—On TTmrsday, June ri. rh ii i t ln p l^

MBaU. Xteiativee ami irieadi oMh* ifeoei^vd. nHo M U kam brnoflhe Yoaua Men’n i uihoih' Asiorla- f»H, ar# TfaiNH'lDiny InvUed lo nUemi ilie funHral ‘tM nnli la it lejd Jenoe. No. W) ihsiif aiftet. on aroMay, June l?. at k A. M„ to^L I'mliirl.N rmhe- M , whe'S a folium High Maaa of Jtrtuiiem will a rebDraied f. r the ivtftt- nf h i - i i i t i e n n o i i i I the Cemetery of ih* Holy T-opnlchre. R n^A N .“ <!n Jnne ij. 1W3, Kuiie, daiighter of

|W]m and f stharfii^ Rrofnn belt iivna aijil M M a aod asattiben of ihy ch lldM i nf Mary M r ura kibdiy Invited in pitend the iMM. nil from M I^raaTJ' reddencA, Nfi, ;j«t New sireet. oik **auir-ly . J iin a iT ia tttid A. M .,lo >«r. Jfn^ 'ph 'arhnrrh . M l* a HliJi or Rmprein will Ih> thfieie i lor •♦wpiM ofherwM iL Xihermeui In Hi* ('omt»Ury fth v H o iy aepiik'hre.C a a h 10’<,—4>a June 14, Hrarie f*, ehletAt aaglitar of Harry P. a&d lU im ih 11. Cu'ihlisli. iuet) ' I r e a n and 8 momlu. HeMlIvua and frlomliv a lw ' B ra n and cufliuberj of Krlen hh lp j^Mlife No. m, k and 1* of if., at* Invliaii louuend the funarai HTlon fhitn the F In t Congieipitlolial t'hurrli, lintnn aveihue and W'tlvlit Kieti'i, oii >n1nrlity, Ht •DP. M. t^UUvefl add n tre la t Iter tjarfura rvul- MK»i Ko.lMMiilbavry it r e ru a l l:Ph

rijARK.-T>n JtiM If.. John Clark. Relaflvea nd rrlODih are Invited |y attend the Rinerai rronj uriiaUleEK^ of h lifou , Mr. Mirliae] r iu rk . No, a* fc'amn stn-i't, mb f^AUirrluv, Jnm* 17, at e-io a . M »fH. JaaejihS I'biiroh, AAhiT >a Moh-niii Hiifh MHP<aI Baouieiu will tie ofienHl for the r>'pobf uf b li M . ihtenuaiit hi the i.*m(dery of th® Holy sojk Mb 14FIN D IjEY.—r^n Jiioe 14. a t IWrlnevUle. j., lav. Wliilain T. Findley, D. J>.. foniierly of this ftjr. Pinwfal servioeM at ParrineviUa i'hun-h on ataM ay, Jima If, a t l;3U P. M. In teriueni at I*er- lofvllla CVjQiftery.

H O K n if .^ B W'edneortay. Juno ]4- l••3, Mary, life of F lu ran Jl. Hoehn. KHaiivi n hihI frlendvare

tvliad Ui aiteod tli«ru;n>ral Irom harlatertsldciice.I butvex avemiv, on Halurdav, Jime 17. a t S .i. M.,

a **t. Auifualln'e < Imfs'ta, u b irc a Holumti Hlub la aao f itroniani will be oflared fbr lha rnpoHeof

Jntermetit In lUe reinaiery of the Holy

KOEOKl*—4)n WednSRday, June 14, tftdk (Jlirteiian

ioagel, the beloved bu^b mu of Mary Ktkegel.oged years. KsiaUvea, frleQ.le ami inemN^n of tiio

iofanea IxOdge N<i. 3;, h.Hiul A. M.; Anmra rings ia IMeIf.ty. Agrlcaltural ekK'lPly, FltM. Ward ii tr - aab'E&flwh4cbooJ ar« re«j»e<-trnl[y invKed to nt lh a tb a fu n en lo u hunday. Jm ie lA im ni Ills Ia*a illd aap e ,3 ilao u lh sU iliH tt* e l,a i J P . M. iQlar- haat la WoodiauCi Cemetary, KHOU*FAHHAlJs.-A)a Thumdav, jiin a 15, !«W,

IridfetK rtJf, tb® beluvaJ wife ol w iuiam Kroa, fa d M y a a n . Rslativeaaail friendmof tlie family ye reapenfliUy luvlt*^ to attend tlic tuiienil on

E rd ar,Jan a l7 , at H A. K.. IMm Ut. MlchaaPs litaJ, Intartiieht lu tba O m e ta r /o l the Holy khra.

XbKEUW'OOU-On Inna 15, Joriaplilna. wife of ^ b e r t rnberwood, aged 47 year*. Funeral aervlfea fllllM' belcfal hvrJara ra-xidence, xNo. &: WetmuT kratt,Oh aanday.Jm sa iaiuda at s P. M. ueiu- rveaaCKt friends uF the latnlly are rvapwdfully lu- llad. In iertnauta i Fairuion&lLetaelery. K A RBH A UU 'On Juiia Ifi, lk« . Mary R . daugli-

t r a f aia|>beti and AbbyA. Honeywell, det'eased, k tb* tsth year of her aaa Kimamtl Matnritny,,laue r from tier late ruantenoa. 911 Myrfta avauue. JroM lya, K. 1)., at t P. M.

MolnAllGHLIN,->^n June IS, H513, John, eldest an of tb4)at»Mlcba«lanu Aim Aiirlamglilln, iigeU 41 bara. IttlaUvaa and friends are kindly invited lo K aad tfae ntnaial from hU late resldenea, No, 13V law ark «x*ai, on aaiurday, June ir .a to a . M., lo % Joaeph'a Churcb, wbvre a Hlgb Maes cif Ra> tttem wlU be o ffe i^ for the rep»ise of his soul lu- Irm en t In Ib t C ai^tery of ibo llo ly Hepulctlre.

M cM A U i'N .'^n Thttrtday, June lft.iM3, AVIll- belnved ausbsnd of Jirldgai MeMalion. aged 5 1

toara. Itelativei and Irlttida nC ih® lumlly ure ra- jpevtfbl^ iuvUed to akieodi the nmei'Hl Iroin h b ata raaldenev. No. 9 I tt , Prui^ect avenue, on Hntur

Ja m i7 , .a t iA . M., to Hi. MlchaePs Chtin'li, fb e r t a Maas of Heouiera will b t oifoi*<l for the re- M o f blsiuiil. lotaraitD i tu ttfaO euiaieryurthe iDly t««piildlira.BllCl'TDRWORTH. -On Wedawalay, June H,

t a t bar micunca. e t Horiaad tfreet, Jew|« leworih, agMi 24yaarsaud io months. Ymieral M wlU lit nald a t her lata n-wldenca iMiiiday, lE a t 2 1 M i. fniurmvuL a t » !rm ou iH Coma

mViY)C'KB.--Oa JuBa la, iMva, H a m re t , beloved Hfoof ThumuJi Mru(NX‘ks, and dauglitar of Mr't. DUu Ounulng, aged gt years. RelaUvM aod fliemls M kindly luvued to attend tba funarai from her kte raeutncA No. 179 Camden i t r ^ od bUDday, p r te lA a l 3:16r. M., to nt. Ahtonlniis'a Clinreii. faiannant In the C«mi‘Ier>' of tha Unly Hapuioh ro. L H.—'1 bore will bea HlgtiMaMor ifaqDtein offerad I r tha tapoM of her sour on Monday, J n a a IB, s i g i.M. Retatlve^Aud ftiaods aya kindly In rltad to kJVnd«i r o a iE . - O n June li , flavin, Mti o f n av in an d

la igara l Htabla boihI 7 years l in on th i Fununil a o i iw will be hek) ac the parenki* residence, N a I Clay stroft, oa Kntiirday, June 17, im , at 2 J*. M, EaJaUveaaadfrIunde of tiie family a r t respeotfqlly k r U ^ interment Woodland Cemefory.

W E R K K lh-im T bam lay, J a n a lA IBM. H eraiaa kenier, balovixl loa a f toa l a u John and Mary Vat1itr,afed tty ra rs . Relatlvea anri friends, suo iam b trs of tba lUyniond Wagoar Aaooclatlon. a r t Finartfrihy Invited lo attend th® ftia en l from the wBenca of his alatar, M w. Charios Xuli, No. 44 talrvivwavenue, ou hatiirday. June 17. iSiA at 2 P. IT iaterm aol to Woudland caixiatcry.

WOOD.-" On June l&, Kalla, daughiar of Margaret Ad Martin Wood. F auaraloa baturda)', June IT, i to 'd la c k ; frodi the parvHti' n«idenc*p lODColden h*vi, tbon tohk J^irtok 's Gathodi*l. Itttar& uat a tha Ceinetary oF the H oly Mpiiicbre.

YOt7NCk*-z\tO»agO, N. J.. June 11.19M, Josenb .. beloved husband of K athrrtna ^ oumr. Riia- w iaiM l frleailsofibefkntily are respeetively lit- it«d la acte&il the funeral fitim UHi laia rasidearo, 'h ita stiaet, ou huudsv. June lH, a t 1 o’clock V. M., wB8a i t eih John's Chnrob, where Bervfoo will be r l l T rntennakt In B t Joha's Ceioowry, Oraoga.

IIA RnZO AK .-U oBth'i iMlAi-Ca atorday, Jans r a tM O A. M«. a i at, Janes 's (A Chiiroh, there h il be a B lab Ham of Heqa am oilFrM for the re* mat of the aom of WuiUm narrlgan. Jr., da- ■mled sou of APlerman WllHsm Uarrtgan. Heliv Ivmiaad Mewi* M* ivepettfuliy invited to s tten d .


“ Bee Hive."

pvDeuoerl youn; man fbr dents' Cndarwaar

I* ft. PLAET a CO.,707 10 721 IkO-Ml Bt. IKu

\ \ 7 - a n t e i k -v o v n o m a n t o h e l p i .v vV men's larnishing ibirv ia tim lay afteriionn

acid evenlugi Adilresal n IlMRHKnp Box N, News office.

W a n t e d -a » e y o d a c a t i i o i .h -7 a u k>uii uneiu|}lovetl? Will you work fur flH |>er

week? J. II. d a y , 60 FIfrb ave„.Ch1rago. III. 28Jt

icbo'd fur girls, .**4 I 'lR K PU. Nawark, N..1. Primary, Arodemkc and Culliga Preparatory De­p t rUi)et>it,

Circulan on apt»li4aik'n- to^ e w a h k a c a d e m y -

Thrtrough preparation fsr any collogo at arteaUllo■ChiS'l or r<ir gs

(’atslogU't^ U]H>ji arplIC-Miou.e>. A. FA nR A Sn,

liv JiciMi M osur

R K A L raT A T K F O B H A M C -r iT T ,A -«KcCttK A HOME d n ' kamV 'lICRMIk

i V * 1. J. H m > rrn . rs hprlngHald sva,. Sd dour

\ riRftTCF.A'*s H o rsK fry n * \y t o n r t . near ibUtcenth ave., cHintainlng i l rooms, gas,

water ai d seuer iiontiactli'ii* : <9ii be bought at a bHrislo. JUIIN J. DEVINE, ZICIInUmM. I6u

llA lltiA F N H F N !IF.tLK*'TATF; :EXCHANtH':H Ifa tK l Inveitrrteni*: lillOEU A NUdKNT, re:ilesCAieilealafs. 7kt iiruid «!., 'M floor. 17uu a c rn i lY ITloPKliTY HAT.E; HCITAA Wa lur eoy purt'o-^H. Aiblr-m4VU i ’A i*nm v , Itox r . News offica.


UFTkR. RANJD, MAzVfXlMX A ND ZlTRK Rfought. A, J. WKlDT. OftThtnnev>t, rv*f

R o . in n i N r i ,

A -N lCKr,V m tX IS IlE D .R n O M . FrilHX- «c!bss boanl, bsih. fur uQi-or two young jueti ;

iermimu«lerui*. 2aJM A U K K Thr. Mu

Ba n k h t ., m -h o o d doitmh a n d i .d i d board for geutleihan and n h e o r genllt'Uieh :

table boat'd. i iu

Ba n k ht„ rt. c o r . w .k 'iiriN iiTnN ND’c r vfurnlsheii Ironi ri«oms with flrsi-'lase board :

terms modi rate : alv« lahte board. C9u

Ba n k s t „ m n iM '.i 'i.a - .iH ih ia h i>. w i t hpkasanl and fili’ely-riirubbed n>oiu«. TTs

'IlD A U fl Fi»n liKNTlil-MAN AND WIFE. £8 |JG U H V £^T ., utir. .Market, rc«r courihuuse. Iv

'|>nARD, IM.EA^ANT UihiM KOIH^VH; AU. 1 JIniprovemant*. 1 | W.kfltieiN mT. git

BROjFout b

917 lHA>zM‘4 w n i l o n W'lTU- fvll

ClF.DARftT-.Vr'. 11 rH > m A H l.F rrn N fh ilE D . roo ivR, with ur wRIiout huard ; lmpruvi'iu<'nin ;

table l.o4nl. J4v

ClKNTllKHT . Jf. FC itM SIlK D lltAJil'*, WH H ur a ll bout liusrd. K<Vt

TWOyoiiuf tiii'n. tMTiET-:VWnoi> a VK.i u a tt l..atv-

Son's Faint epire, lilonmllebl. Ir OMFIJltTABI.E RtAllDIN O FOIl


Co r n T ST. biwfd,


( ViCKT ST.. 100 ■H.K.awAzVF IlOUMrt : FlU'^T-. ■ class boaiil ; sDo table board. fov

AOll SA I.E-r

TWO I.frTH. V>%m r * * T EACH,


»i.,E T,OT, 2Aa1M f e e t ,







u jr^ tR A m .F rnopE R T Y .SEVEN 1-0 ER

CKXTRAT. AVl'N I'E AND F llW r HTHKET. JOH.N 5J- m nN iri'T, ipi k a h r i -t wt.,


lOh M DKY t< V.. NEW YORK.

J^AOIl HAl.K -

VARNISH FAi;TfrUY: pni«*v^ion immiiHataly ; price |.l,>vu

AT Illv iN O T i'N 'iiou'-a. 14 rooiui; i l l inipmva-m e u ts : lot i3ir*\n

Lut ronier North Tbirteenil] t t sad ftavanlb ava.

AARON P. CONDIT. Office 414 Prudential.


I.A IVK NICK I.In iri ' flKiM R WITH R.VY wluduM, tu le t; rent iiiu*l*r«le.

Vm iTusnV lU o Ua No K AVE.

I.’H V E msjMH, WITH DITY WATFH. IIK- ' dticed to f l m-mtTi. i'all on

luv AIAR'*!!, 17 lUiMllltm, 1 a d Orauv’ .

FMVK RihIMs ON ID FI.IK1U 'l'“ l.KI . Ra Y windows. roMiuislJ tw’i ly iviiK'rfd Mid pulntcil.


IJ^IVK RiMOl.'*T<>U-X .VlsrMSilT rU i UKM' ' t s Jnfinlii-1 IS WARIII-..S’ sT. VJu

1riL A T -TO I IT . |IAI><}:Y ST.. N<*. 2v-, FEAT of P>uf rtwmis: nmifT iwfmo'ilh Klh 11'a RJ.E

L.AND a n d .MOl'.litAtlF VO.. 770 tlmoil St. ;^n

F t AT OF 7 UOOMH IN KI.FOANT tJI'FF N Anne corner boll*®. UlDfiKWiKOJ AVK. AM» RH< l' l.«iW h I a l l lm| M ' . ' O H

1N1.AT T o 1.1 T.' UU-Ul.4.


IKKiMs: IMPROVE-211 i>l-;UOK.V ai'Mhv-ur HoulU orat'K*

I. T AT 7 U-mM s; A U . IMI'ROVKMKNTx »l IM ngn-ssi. DAVID Rll'I.EV A suN . ?ih .

1.^1.AT TtJ I.KT, fl nt.4iM.ft. ! % r iH iN oillilH r-VIN DH T. R. sc^me. I

INl.ATH TO l.i:r , DrAlRAttEK ri.A Tft, 1 KN irsWy Imatetl; nl<tusmell "Ingle houie*. U< guod

ti-iianls the reuti alU Its retMonahls. tuipiire of | Ay-j JANIDhK, iwJ PUue si., Ant lint, j

I^^I.ATh -T o U T . MAXDftOMK Dl’t O RM ’KD | dais , alt liupruvetneuls ; 4 r>-ims tin I 'iNih

47J 31 KAM KJSM -A e l ‘,

Is o r n ih H iM H T o i.rr iN i j u ; o i .d k iu u t i iW url. lua llKLl.l-;\TU.K AVK v.'u

l ^ n r i i x i c i : iiuuM ft; W 4Tf r : n i 'v i ' f i i .1 Wu -;44 A gl K .n rr i 'M

MNHl.K RDOMti FUH UK.V- ivs'uauts.ju: |*I,.vNn ST , near New.

^ M ORTfM OKftg r r r .

......................DO Y O r WANT MONKV?

tfim. ws will lASB yon any sum that frm wl«h at I hr liMiAnt posRlIilc rslca, (n ih e quFki-sl EHSirIMn time,aiirti for rtiy lengih of lima m .lull yon. Ymi (sio itav the money lu rk la any aninu-il<t y<ni wish, gndatan .r thiir.aiwl each paynieat so iiUHla wih r«d*»cc I he riiM oF rarry tog the \< an la pnitxirti'im tome stnnnibt |«M. V<m r*i^ hirrttw uii lifruiieholil forrnitire. pfoiMio, hoiwM, waronsimd larriagte and mhi-r tai-MiriA] ur'>|'erty. ami ibeproperty lo remain In ynnr pumshMoii, ihne riving r»a the tiie of htMh It snri the mtMu'y- tu ir oflli'ca arv n>nvi*nleully ]nc(ited. end pari trs nailing on ui ran F»e wnlted on giilrkiy snd I'tmrieously. Rffore bnriMwIng «lsa-

. whereniD um1 i>e uh, and you will find II gti'aUy to

. your o<1vaiiiH«®.I NEW AUK M D fm iA O F M U N CM.,

71.1 Market *i.. roo»i< l. 4 ^

V A. A. -PAHTIEft NKKDIND MDSI'V e'lD, 471. eiih*. iifom ptlr loaurdonPirtiliuro:

nr rruiiiVKl- jHiSUIVMly liiiiguet lliiiegivni : lnw*-stmtes : Urli tlv 4i*nftilrnlliU : itv si rrllahle. nJdi-H

. 4'St:thll-dii'il. ift"y re|isvm rti|s, I'm n.pt atrentlnu ;: miJttry In HhunrV uiint'® ; otM'u HR k I'. M- ; i KI'RR. 4V1 Rmsd

A'" ”” V Ml’■^^^\'“ i/^ANKD IN ANY"isi'M^«at 2 |ter aeat. pfp immth gtw-l for one year. -

UII^k Ma N, Pa-viihtukur, lOCwlsr at., urar Rruaii

Th a n o k k h t . f K 'N K f i .-t i :i n , i.i- icvnscd IXAubroki-r. Jias r niuvMl lu ^ tlC o l UT

hT. 7.ih

n n t r x F u a n r r o K T T N i r i R L

An KHtAUUftHKD IV)H.tEn KAWlONr RO- in c o g <Mbiu4ne»tT averyrbittg fr A i aepiiri oul> fX'Ovtub. NKiJUAN AUCe/7'U. TXlBroadHji

HITCDIEK AHDlS EH'FAm.lamKD FIVK years- aaiy terms bt Kwp iitdble iwram; uwner

gntug sV(«1. Address Dos F, Newioffira.1

Ii r i ' l ’llE t! NlIUP y o u ft v j .r , rlg>D Jlllnl.4> s iliiu r *" lUi tsinipislt*; cDnip. Tll.lXbFKK

IDil'f-E.eor, t Bulralaw . and Norfolk sl, I

/ 1ANDV. r m u i , TUJUCOO. rt.'ATIONKBV \ Slid h* crTsim -aUvin for «aia, on at'ocuot going to t.efiiwiiiy. fo lluA’KllY ftT. m

IK U II AND (TniK'KHY MTOH*. V for sale fhsup. wim go td living rooms; i*o| msoiMlijit' Iin|uirel44 FEillt'k ft'l'. 41u

OANDV ATOIIK.: GrV»D BU klN Eartl RRNP fV n I'llreat m u Ke> HT, I

Ip l> D 1ND HHAIN RI-ftlNE-ftC FOR HAl.Kj lining g iptoi] I'B.'di iwiall tradM. AdtigBw

*4u A. U. C., I *>i A, Nswsoffice.

V i ‘’«N FF’.«T10NKliY% W EUr i » fobll Jr.QI,ilitluc e u a b-n* lv.isln -ss.

H'i ln ,u lro tU 'i FRhRYftT.

I at. FsfoblilUed

I^ 'l ’ItN lftHKltlU-iucQ; ah lmph)ve‘u«ttts.

MIIN KY t o l o a n o n IKU ftTdMT.D FI RNT- tiire, plMnns. nrgims and ii-sr.innl pmtx'riy

without tam ovsl; i^nfos h-"iiiorsnly dckit wUb.aiHl ciih miikc p'p.iyMMMils by lu -u iu irm s; all butini'^s firli'i y ftinhilputhl iWl uu l‘. W, Vh 4 WKullD. rivun 2,73.1 Rruad »L Ojw.n tvsidufsuulR 7. ■ \fn N E Y !-l*AMvD ON I’FFH'INAI. PROD i ' l r r l y . p'siuft, orgaBssiid pimliuTe RnisawUft. out m uovsl; all huslnasssulcily otmfldeuUal. Coll or sddresA r. k d w a k Dh, rowm ti, ltd M ukelsk , Or lOt'eUarst.t day ur avrnlug'.

ID nlt AS K HtAltl.lftllED 1 tlK l \k a 4 VAEFx «-n T. I., Nl KAHN'S, llroad su ti l

fjU lH E tY ftl'oU k FtJU ftAl.K A FIRRT- ■ « lhM ftirucf g'Mid lOAsnn for selling. !»•

tpilrs-tiT '-iuL'TH iDIANiMI .a V K 9H

M .m »\ m u > A l.E ; OWNKH (PllND IS'IT> ► Iher l)us!m-w. In *ulra Ai? HAl.hEVftT. I4tt

WAf.Oi N K«dl s s l . f (i(H>D REfHlNhftft; IJKHTnofr«*nsuiMifir -e:t'n:, 4riVlJFU>N a VK hw



)K SIRA m .i' h o a r d - k n c k ihralihy lotWlnU

l'.NTTAUr.F, terms maMniiuhlt-. .Addrt^os

Mlta. JEN.NIK FMMoNft, D^ivar. N, J.TvF><IKAHr.a BTTIf KXrKLI.F.NTJ.ib caM 11441 AUl.tNH’IMN AVK, Kwil Onuiga ; nrmr sfoilnn and elpcirlc can. I4s

nI>*lUAUI.E FRONT Rin>M I.RT, W ITH board ; also table buunl. his |{ ro ll ftT. llXi

1;iI4IIITIl AVF.. liwUh oil Impruvenu'tjU.


„ ANDX* thm t duor, wlUi or without bounl.Mv 47 I'l.IXTON ftT;

GRltFN *»T.. S3 TWO np;NTLKMEN CAN gat good boon! and woahliur. Alu

ROVE e x . 28, HEAR COIUITHOUSK- Aoanl for genPrmen. | t per wook. Uu

let with b.»rd ; reforeticas.

J IBKUTV BT., m - NTCKI.V-VVRNrHintD Jroonit, wltli nr w llhouUxinrd; baebaadhom a

Ouroforte. fi2u

N F.A T l.Y FrU N isH K D FRONT AI.C^tVE roum, hUltahle For two genllemen, with board ;

ImprtivemMiiA 17* PLANK HT. I

■V 'KW LY -FrriNlftH ED H o P hE ; FUtftT- J.A class board ; rafgiviices exchanged, lu____________________________6 LIN PEN KT.

KW HT., 0A~PI,KAHANT ROOM, WITHboard, for s lady. KtuN,

W A N T E D 'A MAN OF RFHINESs a RI U TY i Bl unoe. Addrerui E N 'I ltl lP R lS t; Jlux F. '

Newspfflfe. l :

ORANGE-liOAKtlFUH WANTED AT ftt f'KN TltK HI'., oratiga: 2 m innirifrom electric ca n

and depot; all Iniinovameuls; |f>ruu moderala. L

HANGK KT., iM-PI.KAftANT Kl.'KNIftIII.D rdtimswUh iKHtrd ; sti omivenlchces, tirtO

AVANTKD-A.MAN FOR A HREAl) UOrTE. Tni|olre at WKUKh'ft HAKRKY, Irvinftoii. I O

IV'IfARD hT , H-PLF.AKANT RGUM TO let With board ; oenirol. t2u

n r X P W A N T C D .'FE M A L R ft*

A‘™ ^ . ^ kmT l k T ^ } K im r p r i v a t e«chlblinuse ; wsgtwf’C 22 CKDAR HT. I

TJASTKBH WANTED ON (M a TKJ > 3 v Dlfpllra5a M T.URftT./iH A M U E R M A Tl)- W A N T fra A FllKNf’TI

'g irl as ohaiubermaid and do sesvlog.I ' '249 Ma in h t ., Orange.

COoKft, (’IlAMllF.RMAfRft. WAlTURftKFa, mirKosnnil fDriH for general hoiisen-ork, fi«r city.

cuUBtry-itd seorhoiT. -KLKrr K.MPLOYMENT AOF.N('V, DC Market S t 1

P LUM HT.. e-FUKNlHHED ROOMH WITH or without Itoord; Ituproremenfo._____ tu



fttiniinil, N. J. 7Hu


A OKNTI.KMaN, AVITH Bov Kfx'vFAlTH old, wishes boanl In upper imri of il ly , home

m ra for the bu)'. Addiess77u L'AHIA Box r , News nffife.------ - 1# ^



OaoHs C lalroa P a M U n K a w a fa an d Y Ia tiiU y, T « .4 « r b f i i r tT i9 «jU M i u i » U t - Co.

^ , fUrnt. A m t— .JO tlSJ E®

. . . Mdmmi. >n ChmMn t t - .......- .U> >« <»-____ Monoid n c io r o L - ..... ......... **«>r. w iu J A i f * . *gpt. _ .

IM -H H Ifllzrto t «t., Winiw WoImt.

O M D SK T A lU U la,

E t . w o o D R u r r ,

g 'U U I . WANTED v o n U P-T A IR h WORK ft 1 sn I wnIDnr »I s '> Uilnglo a* alst with grow- lug clillilroii. Coll uflar q o'clock at 1 ler* ULINTON A V R/ '^ IH L WANTFD. IlKnVRK.N TH E ACiE 16ft Y and iff, to lake e ire of baby.I ^ WM. WOLF, 24S Market St

Gt I i t L - w a n t e d . NI-:AT VotIK(4 (4IKL T4> f go errands a4id assist with (tlsbei; slaep home. 1 112 Va;NTKAL AVE.

a £ «

( 1 MIL WANTFdi AMfiMlK AND LArNDHI-lsW.7 Apply to-night or to-murruw aiornlng at

1 _________________________ a riif iG H ftT .

( ITHI. WANTED ON SKWlNO MACHINE Tuud girl waiiiwl on glue work. 4I< UU.>a D kT.I

HO rsK W fm K ~W A N TK D ,A GIULFOII Gy;N- er^l ]M>n*('work in a smalt fomlly of lUhilts :

must Mask sml Iron ; good wagi>s ; roferatice re- <iulred. ia il a t i t i;L IN m N HT. 1

W ANTED -4iIHL<N0<'0IAiRKI>i F o il OKN- eral boupework fn-i cuokljig< In prlvstp family

St A ^u ry I'ark ; sieody po^Ruui ull tiie year.24v Address AHitLIiV, liox R, Ni<WHiffi1oe,

TTKNTIDN-I.ADlEft’ lfATft I'UEHPKIr, X.’iT. keacb. DO OUANtiK HT., ai'or Hniod. upslAlrH,47u,.

J- A D IM '^ N D (JHJLDRKN’H HTHAW HATH .jo f all kiDds preseed over equal to newt we have

•vary ahape that h out, snU tlye all cttfors; also Bplsti hats la from Uinw lo dvu days: gents' huts also lefinUibiftl. J> H , IIK.NKUAN, i!3 Washliigiuii St., betvtesu Market and Ifoiik. 74F

I AD1U4-.A FRIEND IN NFFU FM A PUIKND iiudeed. I f yon w autn regulamr that never falli,


n OimEW Orik-W A.VTKD, A OKRMAN GIRL Bir general h-itiie'.vork lu small .Aiuerlran Fkm-

tly. Call at 211 PlzANKftr. 1

I AUIKH W lsn iN ii ritlV A T K NlH HIN ti, til JllOWARi'fUpp. ftirrllng M.: (Miiifolaiitlal treiil-

lueai; Itifanis nilopted doctor In atirndance. U7f

HD l'SEW O R K -W A STEri. A GKR5IAN GIRL for general bmisework In a fumity of three

persema lfo>1 H ItU AD ar. Odu


HorNFVVOUK A GEIIUAN G IRL WANTED for gent al Imin^osork in fttnilly of tn a i '2j.

54U ' 4« W ASjflNGTuN HT.

O UREW ilUK-W AVrED, GIRL TO A-SHLsT With huusenork ; V««p bitrtie. 44 HTa TK ht . 1

OUBKWOHK-WANTED, VOtJNtI GIRI, toaiftist In houfwwurk. Ini 1I a IJ<KV HT. l

RH. IJI’RNKLD MIDWIFK, 07 HUKHKX AV]il.,drMior Lnaiieudaiu-a; call evening. 4-1u

N kw t v p i :w u i t i .jw ‘ t o j i k n t -» t e n o i .i-rsphejS suppi|t*d.

wr NO. no f’KNTRK HT.. crattge.

N o t h f t o w h o m it .Mftv i 'o .ni f u n !My wife Mary luut lelt my UhiI nttd iHiur l und 1

elU nut Ik* respoiisibiv fur anv dcbls rotitrarled by her. PRKD ii. UAKNER.

June t2,1Kft5, S-lt


eral housework.

HOlHEWtJUK GIRL FOR LIGHT work ; (wo lu ratnpy, 104 ORa .'4o E NT.

Hn rs E W o U K -A g i r l 'ig d o u k n e is a j ,housework at Nu. lO OKzNTllK HT. 1

IfOVftE- 1

GUafcW njiK-BM ART g i r l f o r OEN- eral hoiistwuric. 92 I'l.lNTON, 1PKIIATOR - WANTKD. .4 FIRftT-TLAHS wax thread sewlag insrhlna operntoron t.ais

Apply lu tihAi. PLA'rTH. .^0. l ls Nwrk n a t .ERATORH a n d DAHTKRft WANTED ON

pants. JO H N il . WHAll'l'ON,214 Market at. IhiCTK N fHinAPU KR — WANTED, A (’OMPET- l3 e n t young laily os siervovraphr-r and typawrllar (nem liigiuitt: m int i>a esperlaucsd, o^u ra ian n d rapid, and write guud lung hancL I HEl'RKTAliy, 1*0X8, News offica.


I Will po]wr soy fair «D.e l ronm wllli due P*' per nml wiib Itorder to liKiludliig repalutiK,Iurt2 .’i0; also llrst-clofft |i«inlliig, kiilv^udnlng attd training st llie cheapeU iiriiT in the city. Heiid piM- la lrsrd fur satupIeH, or cull uiul seh'Ct yuiir paper at UI.UME'A IiAV: tR , 174 .ftptinghi-ld ay»>. 4.'

( rNlON hTU.AW HAT BLEAUIIKHV^ , l.a<UeK' stniw hats pressed In all tbs lateiil

shAites. p. F i r / i ’ATUlUK, 13S iUlsag St,, near UU lower. 49J


WAITKKftR—FIRatT-OLArtft, KXPERIICNCKDwalireas; whits. 577 JlItOAD Hl‘. 2lv

WANTED— LADIKM AND GK.VTLKMEN, wa will pay yop fS (o |1S par week lo dfi strict­

ly bums work for us at your homes; uu canvas** Ibg; MMid MlF-Hdflreaes.1 envcloi>a to G, F. EM- MONH A UO„ Hatiarymarcb and Water slji, Hus­ton, Mass. Ht

W ANTED -SnoG iniJS.O F ALL NATIDNAI.T- ties for rooks, lann<Jn'!*Bes,cbambernfoWa,walb

m fesan d getieral hobsswurkera ; persons Tranllai work cam tw oocumniodaiad at abort noiloe, ttu i «g GhKKN ftT,

W OMEN AND niRtJI WCftHIIfG EMPLOY- n anL sad ladles datlrlng toMcuracuod h«ip can call at LUa RMFlOYHAHT UFFUIR «74

Broad St, iiv

__ __ »lJFLOfl|U W T J ^ N T n .

A OItNTLEMAN OF tlNQUEHTIONABLE repnlatlon Is oj>pn for a position of trust in msr-

canttle, niaiiufoomrlng ur any otUar bturiuroa where such help Is required ; can furttlidi best raforenc^s. AddrenH, fros v, Navrs offii-o. 72«

AOriVE Y'OUSO MAN, FOfiWWHlNa RUftl- Item skperlence, adautabllliy ami rasifonBlIiL-

Ity. wUhes employment (clerical or ropro^euiaGve); figh t o r ten houia dally. Addrms I W M .A LRX AN liEil,U)^ V anW atanenst.,c ity .

AY0CNaM A K ,fiO BFIl.IION K «T AND WILT..ing iu work, would Ilka iain;>loyinenl Id fomuty

ar on a Arm, < ^ l at Fit KFa UKk t ht ., 3d rioor. 1

I SOOK-KKKriNG-BODKft OPENED, PORTED, J-Joftainlnad, tstlauro nhro's praparaa, etc., by cotnpciaT't aocoiim aiil: evanings or daytime, a t mnderatachargM- Address

_____________________ W. H, C., M7 Broad 8t.

BOOK-KKEPKU-YOIJNG m a n VO-ilUan as baok-keepar or nMbtani. A<iilr«is

I J., lluk H, Ntws oi!l0'\

JilNGINKER WANTS P lBITlON ; UAN fUR- 'jnlsU refferonoe. Addresi

R W„ Bojt F,.News .Office,.■NNVe I/JPEH ANDOIRGULARft AUDKL>iftEDiD n t isasohablo rs iea Addreai

67s _______________ED(4a h ,B ox .r,NewiOffice.

HO rB lv W o m c-H IT IM T in N W A N rF.n IlY arompvieiilglrl to do genacol troutswork In a

•Tnall family, is i l atgSl 4!)-.Jfi'UAL AVJ'^ I

^Y 'AKULVG <lERMAzV WOMANx GDlT r[i\ ironing

ir^nV*-***: ■

wtaundreas, wiitta






DKR c h a t t e l MOnTGAGF.

D. V. lUGdlNftwIlffallljy virtue of a rhsttnl muMgoge, execute] by James DoiigUeriy, to New* ark 1.4tHrt ra.. at salesroums.

NG. 247 m a r k e t ht., OX SATURDAY (TO- MOnilUW) AT III O'CLOCK,

Y’sry flue Ypnglit Ruino, irUh clan Fsetaiul Inlaid; elegant Parlor HtiLLi In hroi'ntells and rugM, oak, Walnut and cherry f'hatnber Hulls, elegant Freuoh Flats risr Mirrors, Dug (.'ouch, IUhI Ixuinfie, Centra Tnhie'i, Hee<l Rockers, Rookcase, Ward­robe, llallsbind, Kilcauun Table, Dining Chairs, BldebiianL Valvet, Jlriiuels and Jjigrsia Caipeta oilcloth, Dng5, Rolltop l>esk, very line Utraii, Mattresses, lUtows, Hprliigs, Fold­ing Be<1s, Retlsicods, ithllToniilaree,Garden lleiielioii, Rawing Machlna, liange, Uerrlgeralof, lot H|H>nlng Goods of all kinds,- Blcycie, Tmyula slid other gnodx.

i ala pt^Lilve, rain or shlnf.^ 1^ r c naK.


9f. M. m ill ed , Aucllobcar, will sell oii Rstnr- day, June 17. at lb o'clock A. M., at lii3 Central ave.» Newark, a lorgs lot nfoutdlDgn, iumiter, curikenieFs todls, hardware, in large qn.trititics; shalllng, pulisj’s Htid Uansers, nna large grlulttuho, run by sLsam, and many other nrilcDi.

II. M. MUzl.KR,Hu Auctltwiear.



Yearly meeting of shareholdrni, election of officers and subscrl]it1uns for new sbarei


AT r .t:n o e f ! h a l l , n b r l m o n t a v e .,

— *' j t m E » ,

.ft-- .:- - A l T o-crjx:K.

h a l e GRKV CnA NO EFO lU M l'K G VED Nt*»ark projHTtv ; one at the finest fkrijis Ip

ftusst's CiHiniv ;7ii»<Ti-sin high s tataorcultiru tlon ; fmine li*niM‘. 12 mum'* and baih, all Linproranteiits: la rm t>nrii\ I’livllcjii r.|irlog. a itis r In hniisn and

; le«N Gj itt two mill's from Newton; fkrin Is fi04» ami H>>nr unil nilgnt add I'ssh for good liivasi- nie>u. W U.I.UM M. RAlLKYr oppaafte ItosavUla sinilun, ur 4 LibetD M., N. Y. 4ua

1.ftl‘HNIS||Kl> F ltfiN r IlOi'M TO LET FuR ' laillek ur geiUlvinen

2.1V 2JViGLrXWfVlD A V r.. 1 tnomllcUL

■LftLMlNIHIlKD RGfiM WITH HATH AND ALL ctinvenfoiu'es. TU I.tllKIl'l'Y ft'l. 2WvAIHFA' ftT„ .D2 Fl'RM ftHF.D HOtIMH, liniwekeepliiiT ; fi.Ah and f2.w, Riv

HANIMIMRIROGM A FA ln‘Mt-S T.ALL IM-pruvcnieuts. low tu ■•mall family ; ctioey kllils

bnm«. MAltftIf, Tdlialhyeuest. Siv

TAHGE FritM H R K D It lOM TO T.ET VUli .^Isdy. with pr1\lieges of itther rcMims ucs'Uplsd by

srtdow ; reforvueasraquirsd. AddrpM I2v K. G., IM Courlst.

MV EH eTi RV HT, U7 FURXIRIIKD ROOM for one »r two men nr men and wifo. l

Mri.H K lU lY HT. -A« FI UNIHHED HUUMftfur light huitii'kfaplng . oil pnem, 2t

■\TK lJtO N PL.. «7 - X lCELY 'Fl’llMHHKD HK4i for gentleioaD ; ouuvrhltni'es.


1.1 0 R HALE AT A RRl RAHOAlN gWO Cush :|10 inutdiily ; X new 3 bun!|y liouiea on

KnOh llih SI., near &th are.; also new 2-fomliy hmisfr with Imprnvemi’tita on 111 Pruspact ava., near Ulhave. Aupir any Dme to » j JOHN 11 DCNN.r2Ml Prospactava.

F or hale m i l.KAftF^THE f in e RIHI- lienee at 27>.', Ml. I'leaMuit ave.: 14 rooms; all Im- fiixiveiTienia : grounds 73x W, with sutble ; fronU (W

lwua)stm>U; termstosult Full narilcnlarsat Mq T. W. KINHKY’U. 142 Brood at.i ; t im ftAl.K BANKft FAIL, HUT THIH BAR X gain rari'i -1 hht* 10m um liouseN at f2,400 ear-h;

f 1,0*Id hi railu boiaiHf timrigaga; Aquaduot a t, usar IbKiBlIeld ave. la<tulrt

2J URH. H, K. HVUNh, 27T Aquedort if., Nsurark.

N’ KWHT.,8* A FltD N TA N D RA i K I'AHLOR lo let, AiinlaliMl; a IruDt mom and a boll bad-

ru»m also. i,ANF: RT., *11-10 LET, TWO OB TH REE

WGULD'ft FAIR TEN-DAY T ltlP IM'Llr irnui h"t-*lHiid sleeping I’at "rvpie." .E111 ‘ I'Mlj.

DHimilNEA FAlJtt'ltILU, 17; MAfkelst.. i,HiruerJlrnOd. Vkli f i l r C l l i U U \ LOAN G \ m»ND A nI )r!'' I V r* "• Wft "" rmuGgoge at R |jpr rent, instims and for iierlMs to suit the immiwam ; no Ikmiiis orcommlsslnn ciiargeil . A '.ron.i Imui mielialtel fhOft- gaga In sums suit. EDWARD R llT.Ai'K, Voort- seliursd-lAw. ruoin 411 VrudsoUol Building; luia- phuns .No. *17

U lA X O N RGXD AND r ^ l^ u io r i f a g e In sums lo soil.

V. J, HRGWN.727 Ilrusd sL, roum I.

tS* 1 r \ n g k M J fc TO^LOAN ON noND AND ^ I w l l« l I ' I" P mortgago at 4 and h per rent. In ^uins and Air ttsiiiali to suit tha borrower; XD I BONER NGlt COMMr>WlON KXAlTED: all MOOMary l»pciM imreFully prepari'd. C'llAft. a . F E ll'K . CutiiisaHoMtt-l4tw, TV KruaUsL 72li

n ( % { \ 'TO lAUN <‘N b o n d a n d s ^ g jl .le v 'V lf tF tn u rtg a g e In sums tu luU.



lei, with relVreiKv. llv

S ^ I .V M HT.. M Pl.KAHAXT FUHNlftUKD J. fruut rutiiui; lultahls for light bunaeka-m litg. Ssu

SEARING AT., H -TH RKE AIRY llOOMt* TOlet with water. OU

■ .ftGRHAr.K-TIIEVFRVDK’ IHARLETHRER. A' aiory hrlck re^ildeoce and lot No, 2il Rant l*ark Bl.; Int *UI71, whli right of wnv over alley in rear. Apply to EDWARD U DORBlNR. Eiacufor, Ztn 7$1 Brood sk

Fo r h a i.k- m o m e-l ik k i j w k l l i s o . n k a hLincoln Park : price 04,-iAO; term s k> suit.

i AHI III'U IlIN D K, 7BO-7W Rroad st,M A L K -K IX K c i t y m O P E R T Y ';

. ranlal fEV.^l; always remeil ; price 110.,m 1 AUTIIl R IIINDK, 79n-7»2Bm(u) s i

n OVHE Fg H H A LEo H t o LP7T AT 371 HIGH §1. VJ ri.urns, liuindry and hath, furnace lu

cellar and ul) Improvuiucuis. 1 uqulre at 7Uu ITIFLANH8T.

H O rs E a m i 1 /iT I'Gll H.ftLK 1H E A F ; LOT 54XIU0; all liurrovcmcalo. Inqiiira

Wt______________________________ ?7 ALPINF-


SrHI.NGftT..4t Ft!HNm llED ROOM TO DhTT. with iMib, fpini |l (u il pir uatk. 31a

r|ftiiiVr.E egnnK(tistj i« m»mh 1N) le t , 1 with Improvements, to a mlddla-ogad couple or

twoludlni iTAjnlINHGX AVK. 3UsflftHK K K LAUGKRiFlMM T ) LET,t.X)ll. JIUD- i . Buq sL auil Ccmrsl av«: Ifo. tniuiim

tlq A. L .TIPLIN, m ( an ln tsv a .

r i ’ H REE PLRAPANT RGOMS. FUR IN FJR -J . motion opply BIT HIGH kT. 1

riftO LK T -PU U M H IlE n HDGM IN TRIVATB JL-hoiise, witli use uf bat'inxim, at muclcrate price,

Tnijulra ldO'» WRIGHT i»T., b«lwMU Brood Ht and E m nicit I t fttatlon.' Mt

H ay 's LAU dlttf.

r p oA vonfont lo horse ami decirlc cars;,km Bauk si

renibrw , inquire 2iH ftGL'TIl N lX 'n i h t . Tu

r iN ) i.E T -77 (XH'llT HT, FII HT F I/K H t AND 1 liAScmeDt; « riKimA imiulreV? ('Gi l t r hT. I2v

. r|ftW iJN E \V I.V -FrR X lH lIED ROf^Mft TV LET J with pDvais flsmily, 11 1 nwlghburlickod of Waslt-

IngtuD i’ork. Address3-tv PRIVATE. Box tt. News offios.

*2*1 '* ' VI'W ARD I/1A N FD ON F V H M T rftE ;nrmuval t Oftuupt, prlva^. rellahle^fow

rosy rrimymef iitlce; oFirn evening.

Q I e- a n d r inV A R D TG lAtAN »‘N FERNL Trl 1 O ture. Make p rstina l appllnillon to etm WU IlAKt. K a NE. &7WouU> UUi a t. UitsevlUa

rosy rrim ym eni*: iiicmiry In^welvn hours' KKRR. 4M Urood s t I


ON r n w T R G xn a n d MORTnAn*.Quarnnteed laourUy ; rlty and snbiiman pn'party.

ALL Al AUNDE.IT.onn, ^;joD. ts.A00. vl&o, | i .tm

Jnqulra ufftCHHVLEU I t JAEKHON,Mil 770 Brond s t

H r r r K iT iK f t , iN v r f tT M R s r q , e t c .J ftllA N K L lN ftAVINUH INSTITUTIOrC,



DEPOftlTft f r o m g \ « to |h,nno. MADE ON OR BE>X m RTlllU D , DRAW INTKUIJIT FROM


MANADKRftiEdward KAWovsit G resnK Lank,

L llklSRV t.ANfl,I WittlAM H. t.r.E' Jopw P, GitXTRKl.T.,


J. V. DrKrtxTKABi.aa, EnWAHll L. (klNKUS, llKRBkhT Ihsms, F.jiwrft M. Ikmoi.AJi,J. Wako W nonanrg, Edward N. Vkank. JltnuA is Laiti.BAciL

TrodemirE-IH D I-S T B U L LAUD




NO. 742 BROAD ftT.,

T itii* I 'r i.foW ORLD'S FAIH TEN-DAYman hotel sad sleeping m r " r e l iu v Juntt Uib.


177 M arket sL, ooruer fod

0 1 “r - » J X UOOMH. ALL rMl'IlOVKMEX'IB. O 1 t ) 271 SOUTH NINTH ST„

II near 'I'hlrieenth ava.

A TLANTlC WlNTtOW SHADEft are the best nnil <'r.as|>y'*t, nuAl-

By ififftidered. insdc In fiiM rnlurs and all sicea Inr Fiuts. i'rlvaln DwHl- ll»g^ Hotels, hatouus, ftiures. Otllrrs and Fofc'torlM.

.a h ImiIc dcrorsllons, lenerin^, mntagram s hiidemliiroiis speHulty.

FAUinaleS for him or a tbuusand ilMides ut the fa^'lory.

IW AND 100 P 'LK ftT.,Near Farry at.

T^its and share ol stork from |2h0 ta paysh^a hr logtalmenta of f,u a month As a •ate iDvenment, guorantealng quick and larga lurmo, It has no equal, luvosilgata ihoruugbly aiMl couviuca yaurselF.“UNRURPAflftED INDUrEM ENTft TO MANG-

FAVlUUKitft, LARGE AND hMALL."TTousesfbr sale st modeniie pricen and on easy

terniA An Investment guArantecIng Id fo l!l per rent. Have ulso bir sule iv>w a UiutUil number of gunrauteed G vht cent. Ihrltenture Buuds.

M- a . NRALE, Agent4t fou Bruaul straat. Nswark, IL J.

K Att O ra n g a . ' '

F o r w alk o r t o l e t -.w TV K ftrorr ftr^East Orange, .N. J .. 10 nHims ; 11 iiitnutee from

Newark ; rwu railrauls anil elw tiic nan. FkJClITAj RLE LA.*>j|> AND MGRTg AGK U a, 770 Uruad s t.N aw ark . v 27#

O ra n g a .

OR A NOE, N. J., N EA R H io n LAND BTa TTON For sale. nne-buB cost, the BUi>erh modern

rentdetiiv, wllh Mahles an I eleiniut grsuiids, 300 that im iii Ks<m-x ave.. 24| fl-et lliirblami ava ; lawns : beuiitlAil abode ; aveuiivs inaeadatnlscMl; sewervil; electric Ifobterl: u uilnnios' walk t > i-talluQ ; wlU iM'tHJtripsny |>uftlef lu st‘eH from uunifficeaH mnge pntuHpnl Msilnn. KDW.4HD F, KAM II.'TONitcfti.. ur Hruculway, N. Y., and Grange (prlncliAlBta(fou) N. J,

h f lsce ilan a o n a .

F o r ftALE OH E .X rilA N G E-PR npR H T V AT ail siatiens on line of D.. L. « W. K K. my H|Hi-iitity, fteiid n«rtii-ular« uf such to W il l i a m

M. ILYIi.FV. -H Liberty st., Kaw York, of oppuslUi Roseville ftuiuun, 4ts


W A N T K l> -V A rrU R V F R O P E j J m ^ JaiF^ or puri'hone In Nuwark, N. J., aittr rail­

road, conlainlug lD,0UUft'|uan' foal. Address G’iil HtiX IM, Illdrewmal, N J.

W ANTED HGfftl-ft, IJITft, FAIlMH, KTGCK aud Isqids <»f All kImU for Hale end excliungt.

F, .1. tiKVli'lt, offices 131) Bprlngrteld ave., 4:i7Hrmvl Ht, ______ anp

HGlIftKft T O LET*

Kr r .M A i r i 'R o i 'k im b i t o i tk .v r aTTiT f o rHaie-'DvsIrflble (!otiag<', U rouitis, lully

nlKbed; splendid Inrotiuii, near the oiitiii and hath- iug grmiiulH; twru umJ stable; lot lOOxliU; will ug- rliange lurgoml Newark property.1.^ JA H E 8 L lIAYft,

B i/K)MFIKL1>-La Rg B HoUftK, ALl* IM- umvDiUi-nbi, Hlahle, esrriage-houne, fruit, sba^lc, all for in . P, O. BOX Bioumlteld, S . .1. 79t

ClOTTAGE-TO L irr, M VANDKltPOOL HT.»'OuUoge, Kii rooms ; rent 1 1 (1.

62t NF>LEK, m Kllsaliftb ave.

HOL'ftK ‘in I.KT OR r o i t SALE-40n OUANGE at,; Ri^cvlilv buns cars pass the door; founeen

largo routuH, water, gas, liaihrotuu, closet, sewer conneciloii and Aim.uy-; lot &7xlV};^•n( gvi per mnuBi ; driveway un Kidc. Inipilra of WILLI AM NOYFft, i.u r trs ts i ., oroiidnsK liHAACH.riUNh;, Cbatnnm, N. J. ______ ________ _____ |1»

HOUrtFift— TO LET, 1 WO ItJlirK llOUHKft, ifoutb I2lb sU: six rooms each. Iiiiprovenipnts;

ivjit nu'demte. Inquire !<. G. KEMPF, tare of Htoufonhurgh A Cn„ TW-HO-I Broad st. .. lOnI lO l-ftP. TO LCT. 3Sl BROAD BT., 7 IliMJMHi J. I laundry and csllar; rent fJb ; poinevilnii lut- tncdlttteiy. ApplyTill____J. B. MOHEnoUft, 1ft and 21 Atlantic s t

H Ot’ftK TO LI-7r,|fo; NEAT zNKW HODel-; 7 rvumA No. 42 Oak st.. East Orongs; Id lulnutaa

from electric ca n ; nror Ceolral nv«. Ap?ly at 71a 1» C R A W roill) AT., Newark.

HODMC t o T,RT, 41 NAHftAU HT.. tO RIXIMH, newly pointed and papeved;to oue or two fami­

lies ; rent for whole |24. inquire 4TI lU O RANQRftT.

H ODSK 1Y> LET-llOW LAN D BT., 6 ROOMS and bath, oil Impts., fit. Inqnlra or owner,

t o __________________m BELLKVILiiB AVOUHE WITH 8 BOfiMH TO T.ET. INQUIRR a t WKBKIVft irvlnytoti. ____ 1

M ONTCLAiTi - BARGAIN I GLEN R IJklE ave.. near derot, 3 elefanl. room s; water ; *12.

ANTHONY nKItNlGR.opp. l>eM> Blontclalr. 7oh



A FORM EH BKflIDKNT OF NKWAltK HAV- Ing tw our three uonnactltig rooms within ten

minutes' ride o fths World’s Fatr would foul lofirfb rlaaa|i«nlas iliiring the World's Fair season. Apply at NO. fo HAMPDEN »T.. City ____ ___ W

A K K 'K LY -FL hN m H H ) FRONT PAlUAm to let to one or twn gentleman : gaud local Ion

and ouuvenient to Brood st, Addreat lAb E., Box F, News office.

BAXK q r„ K -FU H .V JSIIED lio o 'i l FOB 'g^nltcnian u r light taousekecpltig. 1


ANK BT., te-^P im N iSH ED h light bdusekoBidii^I'HTON HT.. Ift-FIV K PJ.KAHANT llOOMH. 28ii Apply LlVI.VG^I'O.X, 2ftC lUok Nt.

T :>IinA n HT., 441-TO LljT. liiXiMH. NI^WLV- J gfintibhed for Ifolit hDUB .'kecpluaurgetuierncH ; all !nirirt)vi‘msiils. ft.-u

HHOAD ht.. t1.V-FUllNl£iiU:D ROGMM F o il JlglH hoc.s?lcf>eplnif. ^ _______

F^K N T H E HT., #4 - NEWT.Y-PUIInThIT roonut. te:!UJKl'lioor; ladluH or guallcnuiu. I

KarOMft, rl.A T ft. F T C ., W A N T E D .

A M t'L L V FUlt.VIfiHKD FRu.NT RLOM wniiU'<l, priviue family, nut too far frsitn ilruad

and M arket sia., forageutlerunn. Addreot »3u ARTIfiT, Box U News offiro.

W A N T K D -FU IIN ISIIID RgOM W ITHIN hve imnittv^ uf WUliaui and Browl sts.

1 AddrsNH J, L 1'i. Dux C, News nffira.

W ANTKD-IIY a f a m il y o f T I lllR K 4 ri«omn netirtlie itoswillle fttallun. AdUri>as,

Steihig rent. W. D.,Cil O u tre at..Gram*e.N. J.




r-RKBOOM TO l e t . LAIIOL 'adjoiiilug ITiiileullsJ BuLUlug.

AND A lllV ,

■773 RROAD AT.


TO LET F o il EXCrUftlONB.

Inquire K X rrK EU nm 'K ER ICE OO, OS DfK’K.

B1 OI-TH TO LI'.T ON fOMMEIlOKHT, NEAR A JY tutberry ; Hiilishis for light lusnuflirniHug.14V A inTlOR DKVINK, ITM Market st.

I t»DO!-:itOf*M--Tni.Er, HA.VDHOMK nWrM, J'.'OG Market, ;hi floor, liMlge nr post rtKiui.

ISv A itlllU H DKViSL, 17» Ma kst at.




o t a l i j < -t g i.k t , t h t a l u s t u o e 'It iii .u o r* ae iiam lely , &GLlVKHHl\ 22u

STORF.-TI* R O T , AN OLD FHTAJH.rsHKI) ptH 'ery store, lu f|rau*lass crnidilluii: six frir

lifshed riKiniH ti1>ove; tlirac' iitinules liuid depiil ; cuf. Montgumery a\e. and Ori-hard sU, DlouiuileUi. N. J. F. H. GhIWDLNR 74u

CARPP:NTF.H JOIIHINII done, oildltlonii, alterations,

roofs sh Ingled, slurs duing, cab­inet work, etr.

i i j >:n u v k n i g h t , n a n k s t

C1ARY A KhNNY,A2S HIlOADftT., NEWARK.Flue rrayon iHjrtrafoL life sl.t«, with h

frometi uf nnr own nmiiuraetiire- a t frt logs

WT im V —T G J.iT , I.A1U4K NTGHK, GKNTUAI.Ux'atiun, nionihiy nnit li 'i ; a lso g o o l lm>flUL"iS

aUMd, fio ; bulb wilfi or ivltlioiit living riKirns 2lq H. i i JAL'KihGN, 7?U D iuid sL

HT O ltK -F ^tlt RENT, A I.AIHIK HTt)RK. SO.C-l HpringlleUI sve . suliahle fur a whuleKule

liquor or any other bOBliiew. laqiilro Me 75 II ARK KT ST.


A -A .-A .—ft. T. TA Y iJIR’ft esystem (jf dreescuUirig, ihemiJy

sysieiu MDt a i 'lis jl. ijuhei w isLiij Lu lusrp drfWMUrtkliig, cutting, Htting and trlmtiilnk of biisqups unrlskirte l r all kinds should call a tu u r sehou!; Me lio\'e the ualesl sml krgrsL and most perrecl KhiHil in llie Hate.

Ich o lsn c n n make drones wIiUh initrnlng; mil tuid •ee for youjwlf. The only genuine Tavlor Mysteiu lu Newark, brnm'lt from VM RnHulWtiy, New Turk. M. CIlRIftTlE. oil and GlJ llruod sL, formerly C83 Broail a l . __________________________ Wr>

A NY l a d y i'AN NOW HKlYlMj: A I'KR- x V le r t cutter, IKIit stid ilraS'^iiiBker by ii<-!ng the McDowell gatineut di-anghling tnaelilne; ir iiiDows every fa^hlim still flisnvery form: Iteosy in learn end reptri lu ass; |nt]i|Li r«n trmka their own drvsavHwhllH lenming; les'^tia day ur evening: laahioFjable drr-muuiklng, cutting and llillag a speclaJiy; iecnire on Friday fir'm 2 to L M ni__________ KATE r KAWLKY, M-l Rronfl^t.-f^A H JlIG N A nl.E DltbXHMAKlNG, <G PLANE 1.' st.; iu its (2.50 u p ; removed frum High

at. (f2ai^AftlirONARLR DREHftMAKINO DONE BT ' McDowell systsm. 79 LIRBKTV NT. 7lt

ORAIfGE DREBNt'UTTINU ftCJIOOL - TH E Taylor Hyafom; the most simple and oreiirsia

In tha wurld ; we teach every style of waist aith n t every form ; each pu|ill Is taught lu a class hy her* a tif ; no lliull loiliueur lessons; n|»eti every day und Mundav, Tuvfday and Thursday svenlngs. . MARY K. L ^ 'N O l i ,M a i n iL, |j«<!ker huiiUlnv. ^

P a p e r pa t t h u n m c i 't t o m e a h u u e this week, M) cent#

t i t ROYCEl, I I Thirteenth ave.

T a y l o r k v r t k m -t a y i / ih H firo o L o fBrswt (.'utttng will wslcume all old pupils during

the spring seasou, no matter who tanght tbaoa. and allow theiii to learn new styles. (Vmie one and Oil. 'iba Taylor syslent la the oldnet, 1»eat end simplest Laught In Newark, and US cautinuod nrospertty proves iia worth. We teach a gtrI to be a 1 borough dreasm aser and aaniai her lu bnatneso. M utlien InvRud. Diensmaklnx ikorlors lu connection with the srhuol. Pallerns to meMilre. 3o cento. Open evenlhga, 'rAVI<ti|('M. fl?S ami G7tl Rrooi] s i. branch 103 West 14(b it,, New York. 61k

JIYTATCHMAN - EMPLOYMENT WANTED TT 08 Wfttchmnn: can show good re arvnes. Ad-

droas WAI'CHJCa N. Box X, News office. ' 44u

XrGU.NU MAN WANT8 P O tIT tO N AH FtHfP- A pluacl^rk. nsalstaut book-kauper, ete.; wUllug

to roaka b lm stlf u.aa.'u!; e ia frirnlib aei-uilty reA»reo-:ea. L> J. M., Box B, News ufQrwr. V7u



CtFN TItA L AVK. ft-LAHGF.. F-i-RJtlrftfiEiit ■ frout nrom; light and u :ry;all Impi'ov'efnfnl^ '

Cl in t o n H T ..i» -T uL i« rf.N u ;E cooL R ooM ',welt fomlabiti- . 1

l a r g e34v

LOftT AND f o u n d .

I;?iouN D -A V A rA rA Bi,E YODNd T ir i r r iN G m are, Ihoroughhn'd, ow ner m at'tniiiilre at

1 Fit. gLTUAN'a, llarrlouii, X, J.

I t-ftT -A N OHIIFU BOOK. T H E FIND ER Jw llI be rewafttiHt If retiir,i<H| t-i

I ■ L. HI'ANN, No. 44 Reventh eve.

I OMT-A GOLD WATCH : HL’ITAJJJAr: RI'> Jw ard will be paid. Athlrow

t o ____________ L . B n x JI. Newi! oTlce.__

T tiKT-HlLVf-R MEDAI.'ON n JA N K UG4 D.Jw ith iiAiue IL Ilcwru, Reward if returjicd ii

« u U F(H.\N D in ’ HT.

IHAAf W!T,-i<iN, 'f(.» iiiv'im-'. aWilkun, 161 Market s t . IbnolrUsi eMnhlM»c<t firm

lu Newark i 4lyr»inv, r|»‘aiiliij' uiul l•ftrJH'l-l■eA 1t g : nil kinrJv offline y dyeiu'.; ami Hi'ituhi,.' ilotieby thoft nitgh [iro''(li"Al wurku>eii ; lui'o curUilna clcaiiist, Me, a pulr. sH Msea 4*|

t Ff.FK, (’ATFUI'llt, MU Eftftr TENTH KT., *New York CRterlm t dune fur all i>ci;HHjnns al

the aliorttet nntlic ; bar uuil luurh eounier priti- ?egM bruight for escu rs lu m ; Bpoctui irului-euivnis b) HrtirdAy-echoaU. pno

MAC<.Hi!tMAOK-fl a t (J H K L h, puckaitiooka, niosoilF tbnl bag#

and tn inks of our owa mauafootaro; retialrlng promptly attendeil to. AM BKg a d 6 r ., upifoaita WaabiogtM

kTKW JKHMP:y W IIKKI.M EN: HHl l•■Mlft■n Lft cliM repair work, DARBY, U9 Mulbitrry at. 74p

1> J. KANE, MAHtIN, n''HT<WGl»K *<S\> »p'asterliig, halsiunlnlnit uml Jobbing hiLv uenil.

ICu M ftl’H lNGHl'. HvniljMana].

■w * » t ',- |T A N t« AND GUGANm TI NED, » » I O imtieiL rostrnng, tone reslim-d, etc. I.eave

youronlcrw at (* IIUNTK2US Market st. .vis

A.J 'A T L N T ».

-PA i'EN J'!*-

OARTNER A CO., 7C4-7»« BTinAD ftT. 1 be Urgesi I'alcut Office In tbs fttale.

I J A lE N T H -

f r i l ’DlCniCIv l.’. FRAI'.VIZRL. (»iux‘»w ir 10 Caiupbell A Uo.


Ij a i k n t h -r»U.%RK <t fX),co1li:iiora of Amerlciin and FnreUn PotcnlA

AUOTiteva In p ilen i caa» liefors the U .». Ctjurta. Mcrhanlml Aud Eiw trical Eiigitieers and Kvjmtu ( ^ nsiiitatlori fnt*. 7W BKOAD HT- Th« uiibmt ■-»- tnbJIslM.tl hoiioi* hi (ho nlola. Tueiily-dve years' «xt»orletico. German sitoken.

ClLINTON bT„ **-FUnN lH H ED ^fhml id iin for gentlemen 4 bath.

to ! " tro U N G LADY, 05 0 D PRNMAX, WiHIIKSM BBOAH Wr., q O B N ^ 6R K R ?. ^ 1 , , of b«.>Z'k«4plnz. Addrom

H m M lO tteodonco to r port nlilit, T tlo p h o tn a i. iv a . _______ .t. B .,a

J “ Y !?D E H rA 2kB ASD KMBAI44KK. t i j r n o c i : « w J T n o b a w o k a v k .

u v i r f Ktztiioz HI lo IIZKOMHoomU »•» Till

■ ^O T IC ir.-i.ft Hperlal ntettlngoft.'lgarmakent' U tilmilUuu Hnnitay, June It, Fro<ipa:t Hall, couth Orange ave. and B rjom est.,ai M. sharp. 'KU roe&ihiirs ■ro requested to be thare. 1

a s tto r in g sL,otly.

CCOLUMBIA KT.,...'huiuiekseping.



ClRAWFOHD rtT., « , N E>R •I!IO U--M (:BLT-.^futnldied roum for one or two ge:*t|emoa. T7I

tVmiON P L . SlW-FURNltiirKD llOOMK TO 'tetoB aveicMl tUwr. Diu

Y o u n g LArtysTRN O GRA PIIKRA N I*TY P& wrliar, w ith some asiiarlenoa In offioo work : beslof refrrtne jt. Address

t o W., Box Bv Naws office.

K & f e ’s.sas.ass'i'*”MA*r WANIH IHTUATIO.V A TO ^.

1 t o v o H i; n ndm iozd i lu ttn iw a . AddrawI 0 .. Baa A ,N M n«A c«.

T U B “ IrK W *,"


t i l lXU}

D rFU llM !»U ED IWOMK, HOVHE^,ii.M wy\ktepiog.

|. HOflMH TO LET, W ITH OF; X’ llniidry arnhb;i|u ; (ivn-sforv prJvaiy hoiiio, I oR b muu uiid wlfo ; to adults UQly- [ 741 874 BEIUIE.N bT.. n«ar ftpr.n :flsli avf.

-to.MB mv. btV zartve.laat'aN Hfr. X moved frum Itrb's uh Mny 27j If nut raturm il'' th is week will projmette. ^t GAflPEn, l loiiprtn. L. I.


I ADIKH A NTrGKKI’h’ CASI^’JF P 'cL 'iT n 'l- J lng honglu, MRK,J. e w IN'G, J ll Mnrkstst.7SU

OLD GOLD, wILVER A N n JaW K i.llV liptixht. Ma r t in , lU Uarkoc uL Eulranro

on Ilalw 'y sl u7s

U ftKD COUIMRIAN BTAMPA, OLD COINft, gold aud sUs*a,- ixmghl.

7 t __________VERIHEIVB, WllTOOd.

W .Aa\TKD-0AKUIEU'.4 DFj #K. ADDRL*#, With alse uiKi prii-e,

7ilJ IG^K, Box I), News nffirc.



W ILL e x c h a n g e ISFr, h a il b o a t , ingnod ronaitlou. fog a lintVolavi pnaumaiid

bAfoty hkiyolt. M.| Box M, Neu** uffii-g. 1

r n K N YLAJlft* KXl'KItlKNCE - KUK.VCH,I (iermnii. ftiiedlsh. ]>anlnh nticl Kuirlldi Himkcii,

peient and tlraughtlDg uJlIce uf TJG'WiRjM', MlVllr'.L At'ii*.,'JJ i.Uutou sk, runms £1 itud 24, Ncivnrk, N. J. (upp. V. M. C. A. BiiH«Uug'. Gpeu y. - J— »|,t] VrtOay ovenhigs till Bt«ou'ol(K-k ;

vurM. A. M. l u H ^ jjL .

f-K U rU K A IJI.

E77cuTi7i!fii TiESfHKZVuii^ m j r i k k e t»L, Newark:.•N-J., May in, i«#l I'tviKwwl.i for,

ouuKcif rath) us for recrmtlng pnrty ami rforiilia, Ih>cruiltug uendesvuiis, Ne^tark. N‘. J Hauled pru> pnsalrt wllT be n t uili olTlue imtil t : o'clocknuoi) uu niH seveiileaath iluy uf June, lHu3, al which iljU‘* they will hi* upiuiett lo the pruw^c# of UUMera f jr furiiGblng c n ‘koct raifou.i for rw niltlng party nud iMTUlts at ih ii rtnitlcsvuiM, betinul ilk the first oay of July, MW, and en*lir*K th« thlrHeth day uf

Juiit),i>Wl. Thtei'suhu-inifol nietUi tially, with a ^lue proiKirllah of soap and (uudles, roiuitliuie • conipJetu ration. 'Ihe tluvertimeiit hjmji'VW th e right III rejvd’t any tir afi proiJu*aK ProjW'wU fur ctiiuidete rallon.a to be htom h -d ul pl'U« ubleotloii- ubie lor r'Crultn will uut Iki cidieliliwwl. Full llifor* uiHtIun will be Bir.iUiieil no applicutioii to this odiue, Jv)ivelune:t ixtutulolifo; proias4a|s should In marked "i'ruiMyaibt for cooked rsiiutts," and od- U rested to ,, ^

I lat J. A, OI.MSTEC, Caplam lUi UvalFy, 11. a

SAI.I«IV K .IH -A I.l: I ’lPH. <1W,\KRKN HIH. gond litcatlo.).

IIOLSTGUIC FGRKa I.K : A lURGAlN.N A V X u v r r . H«iih i t

A l '.f tN F i rt r i d 0 TO INTRODfOK A NBW TV and <|•e lll pul* nl >d article, u ht“h Is odspled

t»«i«r> iii vii, Woman ami child : large pr iriis. Ad< dr*-H IMMLIHA I KI.Y. U.IS N. Ne.iJi o% v 171

r o i l

n U v n . t V r .M'MHIA, MALL IIKABING, riinlnou Eire, In flm* cuuditiun; will ■ 11 cheap,

oa uuucr hai hu u.ai tur I t l_ Imioiro No. tqs H H iiI ftT.

B i r r t u : n m h a i .k c h e a p - h u c k in oA Adams po*<iimMttr tire.

I r i t Aft. Il DA VTft, m Brnad vt

HtrV l'LK H m N.ftLR. (XH,U.MHIA TAN- ilem, pueumadc tires : • bargain. Inquire st

■70 IT M. aud K R d. AVK,ICYl'l.F, llltIM t . lU D E W IIKEL, IKUII) All nsw, r*»r Mle cheap. Imiulre UT .1 4 WF. KTOuICVCLK F oil HALF, tftH .rM lllA HAFKTY, iliesp.ulSTxftiHi IT! nRANG • AVF. tH}}.

i J tL L U n iE TA1H.K-F<i|t HALK A FlUdT-J >vi«M bIlUard labie. Apply at8^1 ______ _________aa HPKINGFIKLD AV*.r GM’NTKHH, FTTC. FOR H.ft |.K,inflCni!N I'KItH, ft higftMTps boTM. 'J.'i upright rnaer, inodiuwuaaes, | l N) ?7>H«vfmh ave. JAttVlH._______ t o

D n n -K H t HALE, t'MK.ftP, HLAOE, WITH tan. tfordon setlor di-f .iddrevi

I_____________________ Bt TICUKNOR AVE

I . tn u KAI.K 40 YDK M OtgirinTF. I'AUPKf, ' TN: TAyds. imiwdT. *1 0 ; ‘J | yds. imeiiielts. | l t ;

It ydft Ingrain. *7 6ii; stair and hall carpeti oil- rli'tU; pnrhtr Tii.io, l i t ; ntok aluve. *l; folUhi| bed,

!iI6; sewing nia<'iiluA, i |2 : nTrUerntnr. *1; new ealher mmcii, f l. IM W! LLl AH HT,. near Hmul Tie

HAL*; p a i r GF M C E thiA'l’H, WELL ' msicbeilt with diiuhle linmean ; «iao dirt wnguii\

tHU’ki anil Uariiesiw^. ahl LI VI Ngh l'« >N hT. 4y

I.ftOX TFUIIIEU PUPH h im KAI.K - ’ 7lt» A U » ' , NfmrOLKftT.

Open dally from a A. NL to4 F. M. Dividend days Januarr 1 and July 1. All occounlacarry Internet a t I per ceiiL tM>clvt>' ami Tnist Fuude hikmi.

Pre-hlent ^O ILN D. IlA R ia tO N , TnasurH T-ED W A Itl) HPAKTlLftei-rstary-J. W. PLUME.

MANAOEIULJohn 0. lUrrlsoD, ftylveater ft. BaHlh, ^I'klwanJ ftiMelh, J. Frank Kurt,t'liarlcs M. TlieberatiH Jamea N, Arbucklo,1.ouls lAdnng. nM'ttr H, Mockrloga,WllSlsm II. t'untft, Joaeph W. Plume,WUlhuu A. (llgUmr, Frank A. Wilkinson

aod John A. uHTord.

Ruy and sell aiockA bunds and groin allhet for cosh or uu margin.

IM m a r k e t bt .Teleplmiie 1030, Newark, « * NewarlE, N. J.

nw A N Cii O F pic is Orange National Rank Building.

Telephone 4M OrsTige, niunga. N. J.

n u q f N E M N O T T r n , .^ ^ n o K irY N W A ii/p A riC B b t g r e "«i W IIXINkuerany foJrel/ad ruotn with due guld paper

aqil wide burner lu iiMilch, Including reikalrtug. for li.Cua rm m i;also frrat-claaamiiullng. kaleumlnlng aiui graining al Ihe chnaijest urhv In the City ; sendIHDitM curd fur soiiipJee *ir nail and select yuur paper al (be UruOklyu M'oU I'niierKfore.Mini DPICGit.Vl’On. 49 Hprluglield ave.. Newark.

T 'V O lRlLrts'ft Ml’Mir RTOUE RK- I Fmuveil lo Ift NKW HT.. formerly



iilr\iroenta a t half regular prlcei.

P We p11 the hert *-jiIv stiell lutoks, IV. per ^du r.; 7 ilox., S-ply )eai'lere,,V', i>acli. A fK al fru it luiil r****!, 7 ,v>. lOufcpl block Hue, .HO. Ib^ds * aud leeh truui fie. up at

__ FRANK HLAB.ft'B. IK Miilljerry at,

n EADQItARTERft FGH HflnWc'.A'sKA .lAIlft iiihI candy nt H f'irv ’AiiZH <;g N f k c h <in -

KRV, aouml hi WlUlem at, 6'iu

I^ m iN IT U lU 'l-A G ARNET I'MIftH K Plf, ' haud«>me iiiirrur, oatlii-oak hedrtMMUsulbi'om

h'Uts uf illnliif-rtemi. i t SV.V v r l l l .V PI. 4»»'pU U M JL T lIC 4 IPAEMft HK wU.li,

.RV •era.

.jresSfft, genIttg nuEclilDcry. g g C I.IeA hJlKItHAJUH’, Umri,

»x7 l■E^•T^tAL AVK

MACIUNERV r*>KHALF, LATUI-H. PI.AN.era, sliapeni. drill preaneft. Juut. screw, drop,

lever aitil imwer presseft, gearvuitlos, metal work- tisg nuuililDery. g g C LIeA llrueii and N. J. It, IL uve. _ _ _

O llH A N -rG H H A L E. CH EA P, A NEW PAR- lor ortsu. by M. i l l I jD KURA MDi, aucllonaer,

office 7S4 Krued at, ^ ^

P IA NO - ♦ « flCYH V E lty HAND-GUtt tdann Inieicellent c r i e r R1 VRHftiHt;; aVJL,

li tti i lioiiremiiiiUi»f Grafrou ave., W oidslde,____II J lA N a - F o n HALE CHKAP. FINK RGBR- X wcMid platin. In<|ulre Hal Mi AVUGlil'ICU KT. 44ii

I jn iV A T K HALE t ip ALL KINDKGF HGllBiC tudd iiO Klsai M W ALNCT hT., neur .tiulberry;


muud riag. A d d r ^lilN'G, Hux It. News office.

. 'll HALh:, gia

Kiim vrA K h> i H E A P icsr I 'I.a i k in t h ucity to buy sliu«cni«ea and rondy Jars, LE W li

HREIH., whflieeoia (ymfrrlh>nera.Vl rerry sL Uf^’ T. ZKKNAnt) IW I« -K (m KAI.K, > O l'B ^hahitnum e Ht H< niurd pupa w41 be wdd at a bSlft

FK i'C n FLANAGAN^ Mlilburn, N. J. i-H FGH HALE

T4JAMLS ftT,rnY PhW R lTE li.ft Ft)H HALE X H li 'iX> LETlX recluceU rrdea. " a JA M L sftT . Kg

3SltV :ltM A N AVR.. Ko»rnr, If, J.

iiT^itig ruo jn itod ry Oiiy&lng quickly at a lo if tl'tnperuliire.


A LI. ft. U lU TE*T)A«Ubars fcl4U P E IF F E R A OO.'ft, 910 Academy •».


A. - T l g B N E W A R K rTORft« .•m arket, Noa. to .lit (icntralava

A largnatock ornrai-clatahofftst olwaya____ _ on hand for aale or exrhanira at to#lowent market prices; dmiighr, drivers and general purpooe horses; a Ikir trial given and alt slock aol4 w itlia foil gnarnntee to b»oa reiireasiiied or cash refiindat, A U lK IlT J... T IP I.IN , prop.; brauch itnblas st .Nawfou, Itusaex ('.uunty, N. J,

BEST PAHTVRF IN THK W niir.n , to J. M. WOUDIiCFF, M lllbiiru, N. J.


TJCGGIFJS, FTC, t w o F IN K BGGtUKS, O N I ly ju u ip sen t rix’kaw ay; eUsu two surreys, cheap,

ttn 121 HIGH h i’.

B f o g y , U'EAD CART AND chasp. 94 U HU KN, cor. Green.

H FtHtM ALKl'llFAl*.hi A. MRAD, roriiar Jackson and Fkrrysta,^ _____

g-THA«LFi> OIILTIK, VA W A RK irr ft'I'.-KAHH ft nogons. buslnese wegurts, rarpeiiier and plum lienf wagons; slso rarrloires nf all kinds(ipedalty);

wtih Uaudsoiua 3u

( lUEAl* J'WAIII.V IPU rr ANI> M M E HTORF^ Gsulles' kid Unpetl htitlon. | l : lodlM* Hut kid

11pi*c<] button, II.1&; kdiea' kid Oxford lies, ? t a ; nilsiae' heel kM button, 00c. : nico's HcwfHl loo^ and Cdniresji. t1 ; men's due laueil sml Cungnes, f l.U ; boyk locM shiiea, 70c. ; bnyn' flneiocoU aliuea, b.7i% ; iiieu'ssew***! Cougrem galU-ri. AV.. a* WILLIAM .1. UcKiNNKY'ft. 37s Plum* •(.. near ts llllain at. S.;k

H OfOai/or any purpiuee built lu order; waoarry■bout T& carriages lu siork mil the tim e 34e

F m E E N HFJ’OND-HAND R I'gOIKB y o u '4ifo cheap : agHitH In ].a<K-z County htr il>are|«>

brai«Ml Itinghaiiium w tigon; new ami aarond. hnivi wittfomt *>i) baud uf f'Vi'ry discripUoik OLIVER MF.i. c a , SfoUl Ugd->n si., foul Clay ■L B4a

.TOR H A l.K -PFD D M N tl ItIGM ; NO IlK.iHONv able offi-rrvfused. »7 CENTRAL AVK. m

n OitsK FOR KALE -AIR CASH W lU . HUY A liaiiilsonip ami Klyltsh ifambtelonlim linru^. T

yeun old. I '.s hnnHa hlgii, weighs l.ini ptuinrls, ilnrk setI Lruwu Iji r<olor ; Hultablo for gmceryiuin, mUkinan. form. lamRy, m uaon.hokeroraiiyhud- nsM punHwes ; wurrunled Very auMUl imd kind in slngieurduMhle tmriieai and a foG (raveller,wid van lie driven hy a lurty ; c<»sl eight mualbs ag o ; 4 diiys'trial. Apply atI ftA LOON, ?W Plane tL

n OHftK n m HALE 441CAHII W ll.l. n i'Y a grorfryiimn’s hiunisimo niul slylhli birujlsy*

btitll lmrse.7 yciinuIdT 111 liaurle L'.gn ; HiUlfoble for b;iki)r, uiUkman. rsriii. lamlly, niavfiD nr any bush ncHH ]>nri<0'4eN ; warmntt-it wmu'l tiJid kiuil In single ur iloulile hanirs^ ; fi ■ r iluys' Irliil; aoUl only un aq- r^;u^l ufllje u^vjier nc-uillnv U d money.1 Apply nt F'i'.AIlLK, 114 I'enlrnl ave.

I f nlNKH- J'AllI tu rf H EN ftOHIli:r, MAUKH. I liind flyesrs: bill e|''h’r<i Ilnelv htBl:edurat*d

iMiddlcrs for Judy or gi u i ; |i^n<-ti«-itily round : perlsot drivi'rs In slpvk or doiH/le li.irtivsr al« 1 tandem, tnxart ond ini'ienroddl" : iirl eskio. I'nil at AHIt- I.4 ftlJ AVK HlAliLKH, Jj*sLGtanxtf, bolwpen 10 o’rbK'k Hlid 4 O'l lnek. _______ i

• RHF -fVi CAHII HI Yft Gnori, .■STRONG,. ouiig, ■ujunV ( ]rmky-iui;it h iy hone, fiis|

truvnller, nul ahl-< fi>r yruierymau. ml kmeu,farmlug. liii1rh-[ or nny frvuwnil huefiiuKS I'liri'OM; w airim rd ew ry w ay ; w-wk’s u lrl Apply a | T.K4l.'Oit oTGHE,Cufoer illoumlh'IduiB amt i‘IUh ave. 1


n nR,sKh- F ull m a lp:, c h e a p , o n k h k a i .-brown family hnrie, 7 years uld ; fearless of

stesrii nr aPH'lrie rjini: wleo a very g<H>t1 nai1d l» huroer imegrny borse, .1 years uld. Id liands, soiiiiA ■nd kind , giKxl wurk iiurea- Address. m 21 WICKMFFFI BT.

HORKKB- VGUli CHOICE trK TWo HOUND lioroes ; f have iienliat for o u r: six and efgbl

I f a n old; gumJ rouiler.^. iii< |tpreat lot IM Ml LRKItItV HT.

nORsK AND WAGON SVA.Vl'b D, fttOTARLB Tot cPH'erv 1»UMn<*ns. IM t>ll.\SGK HT., coruft

Hlu fllaM . g roocry *U»ro. 1

Min iA F .L ftTFCHER. CITY LINH, rtprlngltHld aVH . will rviTlve a ear-.

lumJ of We-t V'inrinlu Iuie -'S on June IL eunHlatlng of drlvert, UusIiiusm, dragghl uod nurk horiva

OG t'EV RUDIl. 21 TO TTIdvbion Bt., opp. M- and J<:,

IT. 11. ftktilon: lergt*' varleft uf nvrrlo.';P'R, wag<MiHUJul faDoytiapt In the c ity ; luweel prices.


C f tin K V O.VK CAS:i|>VTtH>, I'AI.NTBD,t t i t i e j ; ci.Hili' iii coiiilliKm...........

2jy I4i liiG il Hr.

AGfiN'ft AND lirtM GRft FOR HAl.K: ALHQ tliree goo I ' h»'a|> surreys. A Kit

W"" ANTKtC-Tti im tE I l'ilt '* E AND RUiKiy i)r ilrht wn':oa iwu or th iw dnye a week, tvil-

|LH-tui:;lii Newark : will pny 7 1 -Vi aduv. Addreeg J * M’„ ilox n, Kvonlng Newa

Q f i I i f ' F«m Y G U Il f H O IC K O F T ilU K l I UgtKid huts-en-id one aiimll mule, oafp for

ri'illd re fiiO (lrho :*C i f j r m » Ma«o!i. imarly uew| ulw ft tfiAJcl buggy for 4c». H,rt h igh

M JSU lC A l*Kl -.A. -wK

C. GKVBKIl, IX M., MAftSAtJK AND BLECk j\.* tr li* irenmivni for rhnm iatlam , kmit, paraly- hIs, NpraliiA nervoua dloeoaes*. ceurclally adapted lor hidlfsiiidnltoato hcsdlh- 22J PLANU b i . Itq

D”^ ’ hT^UOl.MI'h'rt r tP K i;lF IC -A ttUBK A N » iMiiUlvn cure for all fomaJa IrregulaRtiee. Ado drnai Ui HEBgK'I ft p.. at aU driurgHts, orO. MoU,

Hlgli and canUol ava., or a B . BmUh. Mt Broad sl; priva fl I MBt by losJL ' U


l)I.S.SOt.iri'H>.'( NOTICKS.


i^heft'by given th a t the p,nrinelShl|3a IstflT sMbBlsIliw iM'tweea Aaron F. ItiiJU ana MIehmd' Pnrr>v of Orwifta, X 4.,i4flt1ortheflm nim tstuf H um A B arr/, and Barry 4 Vo., are dl** si>W«) wa '■ ■ ' -V l ' kf. AR deWa qwlmrt-> lhasaid parineniliipi tiro tn bp iftn’vivwl by me said ■ A a run F. Burn, and all demands oh Iho ealq ^ parliionOilpaare to bs pn»biiiod to aim for pay* nivnt.

Dated June 10. i«W. p.1 MJCITATLBAHBY.

1-. - if?- i-.-lf '_j.:


Jfnoflrk (gtJfnmg Nfoj0.m u i i i D

D A I L Y , I X C I P T H U N D A Y S , _■r n w “

EtidIu lews Fabllsliiii Compauf,At No. B44 BROAir«tR££T,

N o i^ a rk , N. 3 .IMitir*! »t Uu Ak(- OJUt at maai-ctau

D»li««nd by c irrien in «ny pirt of Naw- ark, Tfia Orangai, Harriion, Kaitrny, Summit, Ballivitta, Montclair, Bloomfieid, and all naiohborlng towna.

Mill lubacriptiona, fiva dollari a year, or fifty, cent! a month, pottage free. Single copiaa, t«u cents. Delivered by catrleri in Nevrarfi. ten cents a w*ek.

Ordinary advertisemenn, ten cents a line, ■gate.

Advertisements under heads of Wanted, To Lot. For Sale, Personal, etc., one cent a word, but no charge less than ten ceota each Insertion.

F R ID A Y . ,IUNK Ifi, 1HH3,

Te Ibete who have had evpcrlrnce It le not BKiiaary to oay, "Advertise In the hli:W5."

But thU 1i to iiig feil to thoDc who hav« not IriDd It to do M.

T(w roasoaa for this advice erei That the KIIWA'A circulation la far freoter than ony etlHr pepar le Newark, and because It hie be­come hy custom the medium for all the people,

TrUK AANCTITV o r lltlH.SN L I I B .A man In New Y ork City, atrlcken

with dlsroBo and fucked with pnlii, gave up hta life atruggle and applied to • phyaioian for m m o drug with which he could be patnlcaaty and eaaily pu l out of h li mlaery. Thia man, driven to deaperation and believing th a t hiiiiinne eonaiderationa would induce the phyaioian to thus aid him In pawing to the un ­known, applied in good faith fur the death-dealing doee, and even made the •liltn that la hie native land h li reqaeet would be granted. Aa a m atter of cuurae b ii appeal w ai refnaed, and the man waa eounaeltod to bear up manfully under hia aflilotion and bide tb e tim e when, by th e natural proeeaaei o f til l d iicu o , bo would be relieved by death.

From time to tim e there have been movenienU looking to th e establtibm ent o f lawB whereby incurable invalldi could be relieved Drom tfaeir pain by death, ahould they lo dealre. Such enactmenta ware to b t aurronnded with aafeguarda pcarvndng itbuee:Df the power veatod Jfi r ^ u U r iy eoatUtufed authority. The chief argum ent uaed against this Idea wne th a t It would break down all the wotl- •etabliehed atandarda of aSectlo l and re- ipeot, w ithout w hich aooiety would lapae Into worse than barbariem. T h iew aatha outward axpreeelon o f opiniaitlon, but away dosrn at Ita root was th a t grain o f aupentltion w hich ia a component part o f all mankind. As pointed out by Fred- orick Bir^, a w riter on economic auttlecU, thIa d e U o ^ o f feeling did no t exlel w ith our forefathers, who, rs th e r than see a fallow-being suffer, did no t scruple to re ­lieve him by w hat they conaidered hu­mane methods.

The authorltfea do no t hesitate to take the life o f a human being w ho baa olfendod against tba law s B ut ao sacred has society come to bold human Ufe th a t th e process o f elim­inating thogp who are regarded a i having forfeited the righ t to live la meeting with tremendous opposition. The number o f people snnunlly ouiivlcted of capital crime la large i th a num ber Who pay the death penalty for euoh offences It small. The average Juror, representing the aver­age aanllment, can n o t bring himself to th e point of decreeing the death penalty.

, PANAMA HCANDALN SQtllSLCRKD.The curtain can now be rung down on

the great F rench farce, eometimee alluded to sa the Panam a Canal scandal. T he Court o f Cassation has quashed the sen­tences on the ground th a t the statute c l lim itation covered th e offences. M. Eiffel was a t once liberated yeatarday, but M. Charlsa de Leaaepa, although told he waa free to depart, l i too sick yet to quit hia quarters in the Jail hospital. The poor old Count de Leesepa, bereft of oonlinu- oua reasoning faculties, la no t even yet aw are that he bad been sentenced to a long Im priionm ent and th a t that eontonce bas been set aalde, There-'la still pending ao Imprisonment sentence, on a convic­tio n bad In his absence, against M. Oottn, b u t he will probably now surrender him- •e lf and claim the beneflt o f the amnesty accorded to bla alleged co-coneplratora.

Of course tlie natu re o f the basis for the decision of the C ourt o f Cassation bars any farther proceedings, bu t there is left on record tbo fact th a t public oltlvUla,

, members of the two Chambors and men high in the & clal, political and coinmcr- clal circles of France were all tarred with the same brush; wore brtbore or brlbees— o r In tbo curt U nltcd Htates vernacular “ boodlcrs," And thia boodle was the product o fth e sweat o f the brows and the th rif t of the pcasautry, the small prop­erty-owners In vlllngoa and llte clawea of ■mall tradesmen In the provincial towns,

A m o d k l K i:FuitM A r<)»v, Illiteracy and crim e go hand In hand,

and the raising of th e standard of Intelll- gsnee among crim inals would seem In bo th s proper solution o f th e vexatious ques­tion o f how best to reduce the pcrceiil.age , o f crime. The usual puntshm enta meted out to offenders scute need to Imiirlson- inent In the various penal Institutions throughout the United Htates have never had the desired effect. These liuitvlduals arc sent to lioiisos o f correction, houses o f refuge or reform atories, an they ore vari­ously donomluatod, w ith the general re- Buit o f lurnlng them ndrlft a lter their sen- toncea expire a m ore hardened set than when flrat phmed under rcatrulnt. W hat little good they may have In their mental make-up la seldom appealed to; every surrouDdiiig reminds them of their condi­tion, and In the m ajority o f Inataneoathcy emerge from such enforced coiilineinent w ith the brantl o f Islimael on their brown. The outside world looks tipoti Slid trcala

. t^-em an Pariahs, and th e logical result In a return to evil wuvn ami the comnilttiiig of crfniea tha t-n a tu ra lly lend Ip reinear- csralloii and the same old round of penat dlaclpllne.

Phitanthropistsliaveeuggented and tried many ways of alleviating thin sad state of alfaira in crlmltinl life, but, conjdre they ever so wisely, ttieir plans have unually resulted in naugliL There In an excei>- tlon, however, where tlie pruetical work­ing of humuiiilarlun dlKciplliio seems to be succeasful, This ia in the Stale Ke- formalory at Elmira, N. Y-, where, under

, the guidance of an aide uuperintoiideiil, a syalem has been inaugurated that bldn fair lo revolutlonlre the inelhodn In vogue In nearly every penltemtiary or other eor- recllonal Institution ttiroughout tlie world.

With bis aaaistanta tlie enperlutemieiil la giving tessoiin In prison ethics and inun- ngement that should convince tlic most skeptical of their w orth. Instead of pur­suing tho syatern o f m sika lor good be-

by which pvieoiicrs can reduce the ir time of im prlaoument. be haa gohe ■ stop further'and inatituted a method bt money credits whereby when the offender ts released or paroled ho doea not go forth a penniless man, w ith no trade or other means o f support. P rio r to leaving, per- Boual friends or those interested in prison reform secure a siloation for iheso men, who, during their stay In the reformatory, have been taught trades of various kinds, and tho money credited to them on the hooke enables them to begin life snew ts Mlf-supportlng. clUxcns. Inalructinn ts givsn In no lew than forty distinct meobanioal and arUsiio oooupslioui In

th is roform tobo ol, and by m eans of six paying employments th e Inm ates esn

'ea rn enongb to m sk t them self-support­ing and allow of a balance to be credited to them wbile serving out theirsentencce- In addition to thli they are tau g h t the or­dinary branches o f an English education, and every attention is (mid to Ihalr phy­sical condition by the eetab liilim cnt of a gym nasium and o ther acceaaorles- Their m oral culture recelvee careful attention, and instead of the conventional religious services a course of studies In natural aciciicesla pursued on Hand ay roomings, w hite is tbo afternoon a clasi In etblcs it Instructed by an able (irofcsaor. Lectures on th e subject also form a p a rt o f this In­tellectual Instruction, several o f the speakers In the Brooklyn E thica l Aseocla- tlon having already contributed their w ork to furthering this model movement. To auiii up, the superintendent, Z. U. llrockway, ellnilnalee the id«a so gener­ally held lh a t crimlnsie deserve nothing bu t rigorous treatm ent o r coercion, and in Ita pluee he has inaugurated a system w hereby the best elem ents o f hum an na­tu re are appc-alcd to, w ith the ho{i« th a t i t may result In making good d tiic n s of unfortunates who, under o th er conditions, would naturally drift away to pet diLion.

,— * —T U B •< JiKiV.S’* ( DNFIllIN TKt) WITH

A (lltBAT im illlT .A fter his nccomtilishment o f one of

those brilliant movemento, w hich the m ercurial Gaul ts pleased to describe os a coup, tha Nkws, in a burst o f enthusiastic adm iration, proclaimed th e bcllaf th a t Mr. Jam es Smith, J r ,, ow ned the town. Ho adroitly and well had Mr, Hmltb deployed his pollUral forces on this occasion th a t even though th e Angel o f Propriety was on guard and the Cheruhln who regulate th e eternal fitness of things w ere su(i(»osed to be attending to business, and all seomcil to be In league w ith th e Ilt-publl- cana, still the aid of these allies availed not. The flno Italian hand of Mr. Hmith •cooped Ih^groond from under the hosts o f Lentz and Williams, and Old Verbosity found him self once more In a (msltion lo cu t ofilcint capers before an am used pub­lic for a term of years. I t was a greot victory for the cheerftil young man who strides Essex County, and If he decorated h li w alchguard with tho city o f Newark as a charm , nobody who a()preciales gen­era lsh ip and geniality begrudged him the fancy ; surely not th a NKWa.

B u t recent occurrences would seem to Indicate th a t the secondary nam e for N ew ark can no longer be Hmlthville. This grewsom e admission m sy be a w ild fancy generated out of tbe existing conditions T he signs o f tha limes are th a t the Con- eolldaied Traction Company It bigger than Jomoe Smith, Jr., and th a t he, w ith the rest o f us, must do honor to th a t great pow er. ■ H ere eomes a very collossus of a corporation and after s tak ing ou t ita te r­rito ry Informs tbe Board of W orks of Its desires and waits until It gets Its wants filled. Then it gobbici up th e ancient s tre e t car corporation, and doea It with such apparen t case th a t th e conclusion is Inevitable that a new boas has settled in tb ls community.

P residen t H srrli, o f th e Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, In the addrete w hich he has lesued to th e eecurity-bold- era o f the company advising them to eu{>- po rt tbe proposed plan of reorganization, declares th a t tbe choice It betw een the te rm s now propoaed and ntUroate resort to others even more onerous. H e points to tbo success of tho efforts to extricate the New Jemey Central and Lehigh Coal and Navigation companies from their troublee as proof o f what may be accom­plished by careful and econom ical m an­agem ent, and he claims lh a t m eans have been found to reduce the expenses o f the com pany |300,000 a year, w hile tho Lehigh V ^ e y Company alands ready, In tb e event of the adoption o f the new p lan , to accept the m inim um rental o f five p e rc e n t and thus effect a further reduction of (500,000 a year in expenses. Hie reliance is upon careful and conserva­tive m anagem ent and resolute refusal to en te r npon new venlurea T he whole problem of the rohab iliu tlon o f th e Pb ila- delpb ia and Reading Railroad is a most InUsreeting one. Among those moat anx­ious to see the great corporation p u t on Its feet there are radical differencee of opinion in regard to the wisdom and even tho good faith of the plan unilor which a lyndloato pfoposca to advance (26,000,000 under safeguards which will p u t the con­tro l o f th e property, for a term of years at least, into its hands. I t seem s likely, however, th a t tho plan w ill go through and th a t tho main argum ent In its favor will be the fear ofthe holders o f stock and securities th a t they will have to accept w orse term s If they do not tak e up with those th a t can now bo made.


Ih « n and ikelchM About F to p U•nU llupp«n Jn fi uud In Tbl«

Cl(7 uod BU«wh«reeT(i* N iiilcy Station of tht Kri# lUlIroucI

Wic erowdfil ulih pro*pfctivt pcwof'ittiert ]d«i Hmicluy morolnf, U Dvfijucd • • If u loodtir ittri of reiideiUt sr«rD boundun y IdMi out of lowjks Tbd tr«lD wuiRtll) RDTDrul mlouim iw ay wh^n k B«dat«.muii trJio Imd Iw u Dlltlng on * flUuro ofthtvlft* tlone«Tn« Into llie Mulltog-rooni■ nd gliiifDd D^rvuuily nround. 1 be ^vho vn-rr attttng f{Uletl3- ou tha RtftUun tienchoA lotjkpd r>r Hondiky !■ aquUl Huy tit .Niitley, und tbe rtxtdeiiU a]- WMy« ou tba iuokuut Jor eiriicjueot ut M>iiie klmf.

Tlic man evidently could not find whot ti« wanlerl^ for be btiUtd atnldenly for Hit dijor, tu d at tti« M m t Hint n little dttg rushed Into tilt room from the Uber itdt, He looked miserable. J ilt lait waa betuerti bii legR knd hia e»e» weni rolling, und beinitpped hliJtwM la Anouiinoui wny. He mn aghlnAt

K i i

W hether or not all the chsDf^ea in the c o u m tif itm iy in tho public Mhoola that a r t proponed in the report* Bobmittod to th e Board o f Education'H Com m ittee on T ex t Book*shall bo found advisable, moHt o f them a p p ra r to b e judlciouBand well conkidered. So large a p roportion of tbe pup ils who attend the public M?hoota leave them a t an early age and have no further opportun ity or Inclination for regular B tudj th a t It ii to the lant degree de.iJ ruble th a t no time ehatl be loel in unelcai or d ilatory work. Tho claim o f tbo com- m ittco of principal* ia th a t the changes w hich they propiwo will elTect a material AAVing o f lim e—In other ^n'ords, th a t a boy or g irl who leaven school at, nay thirteen or fourteen yo ir« of ojfe, will bo further advanced In practical knowledge than under the proseut Bystem. I f th a t can be done w ithout undue bard w'ork for the pupil*, a great gain will bo made. Hi* th o first duty o f the public w hooU lo do itsh o st and the very best for the children vvlio cun enjoy Ua advontiigoa for but a sh o rt time.

Pu>tor Cushen, of Swinburne, P a ., was going a t to o fiLst a pace for his aoher- sided rongrugatioD when he won a race w ith the villago d(.>ctor. As a consc* qucnce the congregiit-ion has requcKted him to resign, and the reverend gentle* nuHi w ith sporting procUvItleB is ou t o f a job, T here has been no such iipriHing ugaliiKt the Jersey City Justice who, in o rder to enjoy tho suburban, changed the date o f a trial that had been previously Net down to be culled on th u t auspicious day,

Ncw'firk Pjiasengcr Railway stockhold­ers w ho do no t reliHh being absorbed cun com fort llicmaelves with tho a.H«urance Ihul in like experience Jonah W6g ago enme out ahead of the whale.

Before the argument in tho B ehring Boa ciwie la over the poor little aesl pups th a t the U nited Htates la trying ao hard to pro* tccL will bo tough old, gentlem en with gray whiakera.

In yeeterduy’e election news som e may fancy th a t they bear th a echoes o f the rem ote though coming fouUtepa of the Qerjiian Henublic.

This Is the time of year w hen recollec­tions of the promUos made in Cdfoanfo platform m ake the weak-kneed Democrat weary, "

T he bird o f freedom is going to Im* prove even on Its ordinary vigorous vocal­ism Id Newark thli Fourth o f Ju ly , ^

Thftit^daHma Canal diggera aoem to bo ■afoly out o fth e ditch.

e prrjinturnl fitlxni of tbe pls<'f\ w'hoyslU'd srirt for s bench lu a ruroer.

''M ad diAg!” ycll id aiinictKHly, and tlian tbe <bior« wrm much loouarmw for the crowd that wanted fresu sir. The dog darted hors end there and moaned and groanrid and yelped, Htid a •omeihluv war nmning from lilR chop* that loukud very intidi Uk(.i rroih, Juct ax the vHlftgu ooii itiible waa nolltied that llvero was n noal dog at tliD itattou, anO bewas wtihiog ilmi Jte lu d U k ctian early tralu fur Home lilher pUice, the dog f<Fuitd lite oppoiite duor and ran yolpmi for tbe Hiver rond.

Tiie constable followed, and might have shot ut ibe dog bad it out Iifaq for Us owner. Be was Umml Hlruklng Ihs beast and mur­muring, **\Vni oo poor UIpptt! bllten by i wuAp. was O of' Ji was ovsu lu, and (Jlppie •Mil ilveSf iind U uol mad.

II Is known IhalKu* >|Jttrrow can hold his own HgftMivt H good MiHity Idrds, Mnl (hat iic hnseiirMigb jilui'k lo flt a murh bigger body, Wuen tee Hynrrnw stnrts o u U o iu lld hli nod biR piuek ilaiidH out big und fonnldablr, Jl HbMut out ia ih t l wny ia’it Monday in Military riirk . One of lUe oltlcert of the Priiiiojitlul JnRuranee I'ornpHny was on b ii any to liiM work when he Itfiird sn imgry i'btr|tiji hifi paib. Be Rtepneil ailde in time lo avoid eiuAblng a spiirrow. Th • blr-U feHtUefsacce all oa ruu. He was duikciiig up utul down, tugging a ia iwig ttnit was Iwo irei long und u.s luick at one euu as is a icAd* pencil.

The bird drsgged the (wig lo the curbstone, pullvd it httlf-Muy ovir lUu edge, grjt a firmer gHp iu si wpi're till* baiun<e line might be drawn,and then iih t j wesSRiuMcn s u n , the Mrd rnne tw^ feeUn tbe sir, worked Hi wings furinusljr ana pushed nheml. twenty fi»oi U mai a fleree Htrugniu, and tben slowly the spar ow In ibe air hl^bfr. ai;<f higher, and yet hJglisr, and' the Issi seen of Ittwig ond bird were over tbe peak of the ro «f <if ir in i iy fh u icb , and It wws plain Umt a vlcUjry had boen Wi n. The m sn w hohad tiocn w lie.Mhg toe bird did out endeavor lo fltid4iut.why the sparrow wnulcd Midi a large Iwl^, nod he also could hot undersluud the uitemucc of a Iniinp who hail hIm> ob- Fcrved tliB bird. All the tramp SdM wai '^U'gosh I” as ho lurnei wearily away,

a • * *A d orgsntsalloD of nuic|ue methods for tbe career Intemperance ex U(s In HdlevHle, i i lies no permanent heudguarUr*, no officers, rio rules nor bylaws. It ii romposad of youths and young rnen who do not us* lotox- hating liquors, They uiuallymeet at tbo corner of certain •ireeU. The “ lilowsln Cammittre*^ is th* popular (III*, and wbMs tbs drsfiio means u s ^ by lb* onniinllte* for the corriK^tlon of Intemprrrtle habits would hsrdiy becountenebced by areguiarJy organ­ised temperance socl«iy, ibe members of th* ootntulUs* d aim that the *' blowzerM'" mao- iierf of ireaiing drunkradi is effectual, at lean to the czient of decreasing drunken- iH'RS upon ih* slrceli and "growler rush­ing," Here Is how they work: i fa resident of the town Is seenIn th* tow of n number of schooners by on* of the ciiiumltiie word Is sent to the oiber memberHOf the socleiy and a place of meuling agreed ui>od. The locality Is on* that the vletlriiof Intemperance is euretd pass on his way home. The man comes along, and Immediately be it Mt upon by a dosDu ormorBaLrapping youugfenowiarmed with padded clubs, Not a word li spoken. Blows from tii* club* arc ratued upon those parts of the man's analomy where harm Is h a il likely to ftillowe Tbe padding is kept up until (he mao bas become pretty sober, and after being wHrord tU silf be is again seen upon (hs ttrceU In a druDkap state he will bfl 1ak<‘ti lo (he river mid ducked, be Is allowed to drag bla aching body bom*.

. * •A Now York lawyer living at Madison said

the other day that uhMi nn experience iu a train from MadUon to oue of the villages between that place and Newark he had IHwod that Iberc were taws In ihla Htale ihat covered every known luirrferencc wtth itih comforu of man. Ho was (ratalling with his «lfe. Tboy had a wat la (ha middle of (bo coecUHud were enjoying (lie sccuery below (Summit when a Nliarp saecso distrncied llieir atlenllou. Th* Haeezs wm repented, and ib was that kind of a sneeze that In more of a comfort to road about then to be pear.

Tbe owner of It sat just back of the lawyer and bis wife. Hbe, for tbe saerzer wui u woman, wus of burly build, and bad ao ag­gressive ouuulenaocc and tliarp eyes. Tlie lawyer was saying soiuelhitig lo bltnioif about the DieHHingM of good bealth wl>en tbe ineczs WAS repeated, and the U w ycFs wile SHld " O ! ” 'Ihe ineccs was again repeated, and this lim e tha lawyer got tbe beuefli r>f it| Slid bo said " A h I " I i was with (bo hope lhat Ibe womuu vould oeas>> siteexfiig (bat niQ MHcilsun couple remalmd In tbe seat lu front ( f her, l>iu their hope was not realixeii Aud to get surne comfort out Of the Journey the husband proi>osed I hat they ebunge hpaU. This was done and tbo woman glared suvugcly after tbem.

Hhe got out at tho next station, and passing (ho lawyer uod his wlf<>, leaned over ibem and said In a harsh voice. ‘ l want you U> know, 1 do, (bat there 1h no law lu ibe hiiato of Now Jersey agaInMl ineei ' —.' hut her malady so l (ho upi>er UuulI huU who a re- RiMinUlug "K erch cw l" she rusbed oui or too car.

ILL BUY A PIANO or it will buy three cigars; at the end of a given time you still have the Piano; where are the cigars ?

The right kind of a Piano lasts a lifetime. It furnishes and beautifies a room; its mellow toucs smooth out the cares of a tiresome day. It is not an expense; it is an investment. Come and let us talk it over. We have STEINWAY, GABLER, VOSE and STERLING PIANOS and ESTEY ORGANS.




(B O Y N T O N B E A C H !

Opens 'Saturday, June 17,riU';<iUENT D A IL Y T BA IN S BY CENTIIAL U. a OF N ,J .

S T E A . M E R P A U L H ^ T CLtatM^Pleetric Ught and Fowtr Co.'a m arf for P4P/AC ararr lf£C/fSSD4rand S4ri/lt^

■ 4. M., cowmanc/'/iff (Fsrfnaada/, Juna 2Ut. RtD4ratS:30i 4:30 P. ». aturnmg, faam PAPfiC at


SMa; Half IMay EmiDD.Tbeso D^'llglilful KxcurtloM

W liriie lluu Ob

S a t u r d a y , .J u ly 8 , I f f , 3 2 , 2 » , A i i t f i u t C , 1 3 , lO , 3 0 .

From Broad St real lk>(iat at ] :» r . M., to Loot Uraucli, Aibury FarUand Ocean Orure.


4.W4LDfl0W. rraoiurar; W. H, THOWPSOP, Sacratarr- C. 8. C40MUS, G. H. WILCOX, X. J. DECKER. R. S. HOPKIPS, S. M4GILL.


v ia L oob l.lam i lU l I road from B a y R ld M coiumauelUB Sunday, Jane is, iiiftj.

S T E A M K H A N IT Al ^ r a i Newark E lw !r!r L lih t Dock ttXO A. M, and 1:^ amt ,;:io ]\ yj. La-arsa Uoaair Maiul ot'-M anil Stat 1’. M. Farr (round trlrL iO ceiilk ilu .Jc and reirrahtncnta oo board.

.1 . H A R T M A N N .

Tk'katatoHatllinorr,Wash-IB a n n luitiuu, I'liiahiirz. Cnlcaao. D, A u in f. n ,a . l.‘luctnnaii.(HilnU went.(.‘luctniiaii. ht. 'i.ouiai'••■'lllU WCHt,

iOwCfcl niteH.Noextrafkr*e- Gourtetin* u-vutineiu, Tbor- nugli and tioiruiaking Infor- njHMrm Ob nil puindoritilcr- csUotrnveiiprs—Kxi-unltnin.

Ticket offloa IHO M arket Si.,

EH. HOPFHAH,Ticket A ie n l.





REAL E.HTATn TKAKhFKK*.The real cRiate traufk'rs recorded In the

Kegliter't office Thursday aud reported by tbe IldclUy Till* and D eposit Goutpeay wsre:

NKVTARCaHenry V, Osborm* et ux tn Jerem iah

> teeltimJ, * w liLh ev obd h. 7tb *(,25xsii........................................................^JorviiiluU VreviHnu et ux lu AKiud

(iartner,« w cor H. 7lh hi and Hth kv,................ ..................................... *

Jennie A, .Mi'Ilerioil lo Ktiwartl W, Lampbell, swt^oraMaucl K U R and^N.7tb fct. I tlx lib.......................................

Kavvurd \Y. I'anipbeii to Krituk M. Jdc-lA'rmlt, aamc prcniH,..............................

Joliii 1). Crlrntnliis til .liiuu i ! tvtl.uii,' ol It, hJa l.aui; lot l.% bin i,aiH; lot Id.Wit I.IWS; liit H .b lk 1,201,cKy man.....

ibe J'aSRHX and Iiudsou 1>\iaU Impfij'VA-- jncbi Company io John C. Wlhmi. iriu't contg JittMOOftiel Abbt-tl.

Meyer kuAK ' and iaI to Natban »niz^ rmin, a s l.nb av 50 e fr Morris uv, oOx


fl Franklin at,. S;1S. ’riikata a t PanoaTi: vanIa and Krln Hullroad H lalloni; also Jtar- llri's U aar Wore, (.kmtlnontal J lo M - b» Delaware, l.ncknwanua nnd Weatern Rail, road. F lira Til eauta.________ IIANCOX.



Geo. W. Conk Shoe Company,785 Broad Street.




F. F. SHERIDAN, Maflager.... 1,8C0



To la in atranBUi—ilood’a Saraanarllla,For airady uotTea-Hood'iBaraaiurllla, Fur pura blood—UooU'i BaraaparlUa. •*«

Conatnble John Nrwniuu, orMninb Oraiizr (ra> a . InnocBut of crime yMlerday ae an uni botu bilbo, yel he waa locked tip In the coun­ty J ,11. Ilia mind waa a . free from Iboualit Ilf ufr. nco naninal the Slate aa tala iiwn hriBtit badae of nfllcr, which lie bad poltabsd In the inornlnz, wiiB tree from larnlab, yetlie waa nmnneb'd will, a beaey baodourr like the iiieune.t criminal. Fur throe Uoiira bla cloteal aneiicta;e waa a loan ocouaed of break- bill the law, N»twUbaluiidlu( all tala (otiatabm Mewmiin lau(ba when be tolla about II, He broujrbl a priaoner to Ihe county Jail In the nfirmoon, Aa la ciiauimary. In order in zuerd akainat piiaatbln oacnpe the priaoner aaa Inatcned by u buudeun to tbe conalnblr. Ylie brucelel waa line nf ibo«e hlu. nnwicldy, prlinltlvo fetlers iii caay to breuk aa an Iron cbiiln, Aa be waa Iibout to luivo with hi. char(e ilio offleer naked Ihu vllluke maralinl, Trencliard, lor the key of ibe bandculMii order to re- Icaic hlniaelf at Ihcjnll, Tbe marabnl aatd there were loia ol k e ji ntlhe Ja lllbat could unlock Ihubundcnlt, aotnccoii.lable bniugbl down bla mnn. but no key. When he reached the Jail be tiled all ihc koya to bu tonnJ, but none would aerve, lie wua a priaoner Jiiil nimuch aa the man lo wbuni lie wai f,Menod. The niuralial wna leleplioiied lor, and until be brouzln the key of the handcuH'. three houra leler, L'onaiublo Neaiuau did nuL re-Zaln bla llunriy.

Down on Deal n'ocli V.lljali W, Murphey, of Albany, bn-tiicr of .A.acmblvnnin Thuinna A. .Murphey, 01 the Filly lIMrlcl, liiia n aiim- mcr rialdcnre. The funilly kaa altvaily taktn poweaaloti of It for Ibearn-on. tin June 2 •Ml.a Vlriilnln llurpliey, dnuuliler nr tho AI- Uany bou.c, iind niece ol the A<i,emblynittu, wna lakliik u uainil almll upon the hue'en, A boitle, evidently l ad upon Ibe amide by the aca, cuuj(lit her e.vc. Hba picked It up. H waa nil empty champnrmi bottle, corked nnd aealed tjjtlii. Thli uroniud .Mlaa .Murphey'. eurloalty. At Heal alie Iboiizlit wltli«aliud- derofablpwreck, of jwuple loat at are. who hud aent lo Ihe Ilvlnz u ineaaiiBe of Ueulh, VetalOMkcd fnlrrr tlinn mluiii ho expecicd ofllie benriic ol ami tldlii.a. Hlio uiaincd tbe botlio Mild found liialdo a Idler from llio Arddilenlnn criilaenwhoic name rendered In KniiHali ia NIuili of July, U bore ibe iinio of May 21. I8WJ, Tho letter read na follow. :

The olllcera nncleralBued farewell to New \o ik and to Uie pretty zlrla Uinl an leave bt- lilnd oa, Ourileiir liopg I. m come back to tlioin, for we Uilok there la the parndlac.'* We IniYt*'ilrotilt tills holilffof ctiainiTaune (o lu* liflullik ol lliUMii Ciuud'by,

lii'IniCT J. KhiAa.CAUMia hilMIAM,F, .Skijios |■All ■.F/j-hiTiKi, If. tiriTRno,!iANIi:h IIK HOLIKV,f . K. Al.baa,J t AS Ahku.a.

TlieNliiib of July wna one or the fnaleat ci'UKura wblcb cnauiiiehor In New York Hay itMrlna tbe reocn^ Coninjlila.'a oev*'i-qbihru- tlln . fcbc l>idfKiiBlfiiii>. . _ jie v e r . prior lu lhat tlm j^^illeJ In the wtitere of the uailoua to Wlilcl^TTie belonkv. The 'tribute brouklU by iho aeu from her offleer. lo tbe women of New York la now In )a)ateaalou of Arwmbly tnnu-.Miirpltuy, llDlrileltda lo ootn- rnnnlrnlB avitb the Araenienlnn oflVeera re-^ gardliiB the liDd of bla nleee. jfP

Edward M', Wbltoheail bna another queer llahtondd to hlacoltectlon ofcbrloaiilee, lie hooked It in the 1‘aaaalc nt Hwliienolrt Urldzr, U wua a fow dayaa(o that he caai bla line In ibatplenaani plnoe. ivbHlier beweiil wlili a prlvoto plenlo PiiiDv, For n Joyoue whlln theirluUBliler raiiit ihrimuh lbearove,nnd th in loviiry tbe apoit laveral of the picnick- era went flihlua, the brldfe their point of Tantaie. Mr. Whllnhead la anbjeot

to th a t " i*Nt InOrmUy of nnble n iin d i/'tb o desire (o pleas* ttie gen iter »ex. He doUgbu to sUine In tbelr prehenor, Hu can do ii wiHi hit undoubted conversational powers, but be wnuld not bav* it under­stood that his only fltitd nr fame Is convena- tloDe The party cast thoir Hnei, end some of (be ladles proved to be skilful " fliheriueu." 'they made rapid and sure cutohee. Mr. WbUehead burned toahow bis powers Intbl* Hue- " lAdles." he began, and he tuid how when he was a boy^ long before his goul was stirred by political •(rifCy Independetu ur otherwise, be aomellmes raa away from sebexi) and went flsiilqf. He ‘became ▼erylikUful. Imleedh* did, wliU (he hook and Hue, and the sight of bii proiiy eompau- lons, now engaged lu tbe ipori» Inspired blui U) seek more glory witb tbe Qibiug rod. H* perched himself, with a reel aud rod, on a pUuk or the bridge aud showed (be admir­ing ladles Just huw genuine a tisherinun would do It, The iligblcst diiturbgpce of his bob did nut tsce]>a hie eye. Now be look 1q and now gave oul Iltje, and then repealed the opnratlon with much grace and many flourlxlipa. He dlduU succeitd In catching auyibing for some time, HlthougU the ladles were frcqueatly landing ablhen end suuAib, but ut Iasi there was a nHghty agitation of his line. Ills bob sank slowly out or eight and Ed wos worked up lo tt high piicb of exdiem eat. In fancy me ^aw a ffve-pouDd bass tugging at bis bait, Tbe ladies flocked excitedly around. "Now keep calm I Just waR/' admouiNbed Ed In bis easy, but Impressive w*j% "and n i show you how to take in a blgflih," Ho struck au attllncle of seir-consclous pride. He pulled nnd lot go aguln, toying with his vie*lira as he used lo In bis old school days. At last he gave a Jerk ond brought up a big sprawling mud ttirde, Ed nearly collapsed ai tbs slgbE, but he recovered hticomposure at lust and brought home his prize In triumph. He says be Is going to train it to run IndcgrendeuL

Among the empmyes of n Millburn ex­pressman Is a patriotic veteran of the civil war. ilelH un enibuslasilo member ofthe E . JC. Wnde Tost WJ, G, A -R . U lsld eu o f Heaven, his friends say, le a procession of faded biue-ctkais Carrying ebot and flags hind the squeaking fife and rolllug drum. Dt'cormtUm Day Is a foretaste of paradise. Hut last Decoration Day was a day of deso­lation, Owing 10 a pfoos of busineKs, be hud to work. A t the sight of his comrades marching along the vlllugc stroet, ho gulped down a sob aud, fliied with grief, bo watched the receding Unea until they passed away behind a bill. Justbefore 6 o'clock a New York G. A. H. post, which bad been Tisllliig Springfield! aeeembledat the Millburn stailon io board a train for New York. The skies began tu oletr for tbe unhappy expressman, ije was aguiti In his elemeitl. He stood In the centre of a kuirlbful party when be Mas caileU by u young married ctmple tn check tbelr baby’s carriage to Kumralb Tb« ebUd was then ekeplna In Ibe vehicle, Ke parenia prom­ised to rainove It befuro the arrival of the

! train. Hut Ihe sight of tbe soldier* and flags -cvideQUy was as great aaattracUoa f«r uicra as far (he expresernan, aud ib* child wns still In the carriage whan ine irutn urrived. The expressronu. quiio overcome by the presence of hi* romratles, cnlclilug nptbo carriage put H on ttic Inilu wUboul uoticlug (he sJeepIbg babe, which whn hidden by its light clothing. As Ihc train uai driiwlng awiiy from the stailon the young parmii* ran up to tbe exproasuiHu, Mho had again mingled fn the urotvd of verernns, andanxiously Inquired fur tbolr child.’ Tbe vet­eran stood stockstlit for e few moments, un­able to reply. As be rccoven^d hltusHf iia said he d«i>eudcd ou them to c-are fur the child and be had sblppod tbeearrlnga to Us deslltiatlon. Tlio anxluuii pureiiU boarded lb* next train for HuniiiHt, where ibe child was found still cojoylog its nan,

V • ♦O nibowmf o f n uig building near tbe coo

ner of Orange aud Hrotid streelssinudH a huge wirefram e, on which In gill Inters a foot and a half (all appears the proprietor's name nnd a few words explaliiing thu imiure uf his business. When Ihe sltjn Mas first pUmsd lu position the word "C h in a " occupied a con- sptcumii position thereon, Jim Iho high wind* that sweep over tho bouwtops at- tacked It ar.d Ninra carried uff the first «ml last Ictlurs nf tho word. The sign now nets foi'Lh ibui so-and-so has "n u e lm i" for sale. The pecuilarlly of the thing struck ib« fancy o fa party of praoUcttl Jokers, ami they con­ceived Ihe notloo uf having some fun with the storekoaper. A coloiwd man was tjiksa imo (heir employ for tbe time, and In ^ niomenls ho pre.-aented hlrnislf at I hi store.

"Go<Nd ntawnln','^ hu hegnti, " I WtUls a bin fur do mau cross de tirrel/^

"Y o u want a w hat? A bcnT Hay this nln’ t a iwuUry shup, this Is a glassware bouse. You'll have lo go some place eiio lo buy Ueni.'*

The darkey reported the result of bi« at- tempi aud unoiber man was sciUtopurchasa the required "b in ,"

" Hen h s s a i d tbe storekeeper, when

the errand was made known. " I don't keep ben*. You're tbe second idiot that took ible iinre for a chicken coop."

When tho ibird man dropped In aud asked piensantly for a " b ln " he was prutiiptij or­dered from the store. Then the proprietor went outside lo siia up his establUhraeut and Bsi'ertain if poaNlble whether there were ony fenthers or Ollier Indications of poultry about tho place, While be was engaged in tbls rjccupatlon nue of Ihe Joker« Game along,

"Good (hornliig. M r.-------, I'd like lose*one nf those arraugeraents you call 'b io s .'"

Groat O ^ n r’s ghcwi,'" shouted the shop­keeper, "another one!'* lirrv, you'll hnvs to explain this game lu me. What Inihuuder is a * bin,' anyway?"

"Damflno,’* re-*pondva the Joker with a grlij, " but your sign says you Heil ’em," and he drew the storekeeper lo tbe curb and polnled to tbe sign. The mystery was ex­plained and a postal card sent a t oiiqe to lUe mad who builds signs, asking him m come wHh all speed and fix up that infernal "b ln .''



A ereara o fu rta r M king powder. Hlgbei •treDgth,-irfiM*|e l iu la liavealDj

violet Oeeer (M)i»fti..itd rA b JUJUMO


ig sir

PO W M Co- iW HU

New* Notes of General In te res t Gleaned Jn the Several Populous Hwb-

urbs to the West.Tbe Arm of Hurtt A Barry, undertaken and

erabalmers uf Orange, utid the firm of Hurry 4 C!o., livery stublekcepuri, were dUsuived yesterday by mutual ctjnsent, Tlie talUr Arm consisted ol Me^sn. Barry A BurtU Th* Ann was orgatilzed oa March 4 ,16^ Aaron F, B um assumes all ihe respousibllliles aod will contlnuo the huslneas In all the office except tbo unUerioking business a t Orange Valley, wblcb Mr. Barry wUI contiaae at that place,

A wedding reception to Mr. and Mrs. Wlll- feiD Havidsoo Hlraonlou, who ivere married last Thursday night in the First Presby­terian Church, was given by the bride's par- eu(8, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mason, at their rcsldenoo, HO Bcotlaud street, Orange^ yesior- day aftomotm and evoning, Tbe afternoon reception was from 4 to 7 o'clock, and iu tba evening from 8 to 11. Betweeu ib* hours of 4 and 7 o'clock h dinner was given to tholaaiei of the rocelving party aud tbo bridal parly Over 7(1) Invllutions bnd bean sent om, and nearly that many people attended, A num T>er of the groom's friends were prwent from Belfast, Ireland, wb6re the young couplo will live. They will leave for i^ueeustuwu to­morrow moruioK*

Tbo Cadet Corjui of the Second Ueglmcnt will give lie annual exhIbUlou drill and re- cvptlup In the armory lo-nlght.

The absence of Comratsiloncrs Freeman aud Fiicber prevented the Board of Excise from holding a meeting last night. There wiTc two eppllca( Ions tube acted upon. They were from (J. it. Webb, McCbcsuej strvnr Orange Vslley, and Mary Mahon, 53 New hirecL Applic-^tions Mere to be nrvicutod fmm Domliilm MalM, or ao South sireel; Joseph iMfllcT, if! Fnro»l street; John Church- huusv, 40 Hark sireiH; John ileiixcl, 42 l*urk stroel. and i\ H, Musk, corner Forest, and hcotliind sirects, for saloon licenses,

Caplalu BainfuFd, uf tlie West Orange po­lice, w'bo MpciU yrsterday searching for the llilef who Kiole a burse and buggy from (he stable of Edward Austin, on CJicstnul ave- nuv, Friday night, lias so btr been unable ro find any duo to ihe burglars. Tho search will be coiiilnud’d through tbe mountain Uis- Uk-t lu-Oay, Hi It Is thuiigiit that ibe rig was driven over the mouniain,

Martin Doyle, of West Orange, U held by tbo Newark polloc on a cLjirge ofsiealliig a gold watch from Mary I^wls, nee Ltochop- sky, who Keeps » dive aud boarding-house at 42 MHcbcU elreet, WestUrauge. Doyle was boarder in eMar>’'s hunse until last Wednes- day, when be disappeared, nnd at the same time 180 and a gold wAlcb were missed, He went to Newark, where he was cuugbt by tbe police. He wilt bo taken to West Orange this afierfiiKm, when a compUint will be niEvde DgKlnvl him,

Jalewsuly II Division 24fl. SonaofTemperanc* ofOruiigc, held a strawberry aud ice cream frsilviil Ifi Us rooms last night. The Tiptop t^uarletto was proseatatid rendered a num ­ber ol vocal solvctluns, Instrumenlal music MBS furnished by Brnfeasor Grubb, of Bloom­field.

The Ltewellyn .Mhlelle Club will play the Metropotliniis of New York on tbe Valley road. West Orange, grounds to-morrow after- Qonii at 4 (/’clock. At 1 o'clock Edison's fac­tory loam wlU cross bals with Quinlan's bat slkop (cam Ob tho same gruuiids.

An cxuradcd order drill was held lastn lfh t by Cuinpeny i| uf the Third Battutlon, under commund of Captain Tvrreuco E. Murphy.

Thegim detachment of tho Mecoiid Uegi- inciU w-iU hold a meeting to-ulght lu tbe Or­ange Armory on WDHuiu strcei,

The Orange Base Bull Club will play the Young Men's Bjeetim ufOrange Valley on the BiiiCNMn avenue, Ornngc, grounds to-morrow

Uiiuih ti. jCIrkJaud huu wf to .it'tmto A, Morieir, e sM si 3n0 c fr Sussex av.Wx!*-*...................................- ..................... I 1

J«uul4* A. ^lurlclt lu VVtIllain G, KlVk- isml, n s GouJd uv, 67 e fr Houtb Hths ', JxiOO.............................. ........... ......... 1

Atbdpli laObowlLsii (*l ux u> MarlaBltHunsherg and nl, ii a 15ih uv oO fr nW cor Berguii nl, 25x100........................... AgX)

Jam es B u i i l ^ i o r u x toi*« i*rG, Vau 11 ^reu, w » N mh m gi, a jr 4ih iiv. 25xIJO.............. j

Fuivjil H(H AwHijciallun bi*'wiiUniu*K I75n fr Elwuod av,

Tb.re'^. 1‘ruelil lo FTadcc. Hero . . .Norfoia at 23) fr O r.n a e .l, aOilOO........

TboHiHa IVoil* el ux to Joeepb W. Hut-12? ’ “ ^'0 n fr L’ rnne . 1. SOzKKl................................. ....................

ClmricaiJ. Hsmburgeret ux iJi'airVcic Uunnpy, e s Newton slKW & ir Bank...................................

TOWNHIIII»s.GftVin Houston et ux to Wm. Stewart

Tod (tpiisice), f*. Orance, land Jn saidtowiishlp................................. ................. J

By run B. Bucuu and h1 io Daniei K Brower, H. Oranga. lou 52 and 34 onDclnivare av, ca 25x i00.................... „ 75Q

V m , I^pklnson «t ux lu KHmueritad’" ivy, \V. OraJicv, s s Wfifred st 545 e frValley way, ft is lii............................... . 2I?

The M e*t End Land Impruvcrnieui c’u(u Aueuiia Gruol, Bouth Oraugf'. s w^^I^ntbO niugoavaud C'olumbiaaT,

Bi(^K»rVKti Wasfiien io"” lhe*iiapt‘ut ]iomoH»icleiy, Muntolair, agrt tu sell lilij Uosevllle av, Il1x2r)(>_..... 12.500

Bu'/hla F. ISmIlb lo George W. Boxa'/h Verona, u ■ Morristown branch of New lo rk and Greenw<H>d Lake iL Ii, and e s Brookdale av. 75x 148. mo

Blary B. Darrell to William M. Haw­kins, Millburn, Forest Drive and Hlune, a x 25................... j

Ella Davis to Kllaklm H, Kiretcn'Kast Orange, w s n Clinton s t 52f} n fr M'lll- Iniu Bt. 42x l46,..„H........

West Orunxe. « ■ Valioy rd 409 s frMain SI 49x217.................. L . . " " ®

Lltzie E. BHrehar to Wiuiam Ramtord* Orange, e e Valley rd 018 s fr M ilo

Elida M. Aiuun lo Fraures M, BauV -r, Llvltigsloo, all int In 5 acres and 7acres,,........... ..............................

Martin A: Breunuii io Jam es MeCTick- iird, Orange, e 1 Prince st s w corJam es Lloyd, 50x117.............

Jam es McCrickard to Cecilia Brcuriansunie pram.............. .......... ..........

aJIhsE. Jacobus et ux to Francos iL Jacobus, Veroua, cqntg aoout 4 acres pub rd Ir Pompton turnpike lo Aldee rd.................. .................. ........ •


SwiiniiiiDi M Balliiii AcaileiyAT

Peter Kroll's Riverside BoathoiuMtFOOT OF ClillHTLIl A VE.

The largest HMiinmlog Academy In tbeatat# , 75 ru(tin“. Cold shutvera.

Season T‘ckt'1, liicliidiug lessmis.......•iff.O ASeason Ticket, without ieiious.......... ....ST.o^yinMieHatn..................... ific#

LAlHEb* DA VS—Tut-sdavs and ^ id a v s fr(ni7 » A. M. lo 4 H, M,

BpfrcshDicnts and Kdibies f^irnlsbed.!■ ' KIlOLIx, Proprietor.

G. K ttLfa, Kwimniing T(*aclivr. H rTake BiUlpviitfi n4>rlh *orhf*«ter avsi.




WITH A RUSH"We (IrlT. ra .) nil OFPOHITION. Our OLB K»nnwh» U YE W JIISKKV leads them all. (Otnra'ilead ebaoUueD-' uure nod la P U LL QUART boiilra, for • ! , nr d for • * . Hlxblir rccoUJJuended funnedlclual purposea. M id only by

W E I N B E R G B R O S .WKOi.eaA Lk Liftrotts,

4 8 4 B R O A D S T R E E T ,------------- 1---------------- -----





AUimhilnni Cooking OteBstU*From Sunbeams.

One of ill« latest uses of alutnlDlum tg for onukliig uivnslts. An expert oflbem etal- Inrglcal laboratory of Leblgb University says, afrer two years of actual experience, tbol lu point of ilghineas, cleaollnou, dure* blllly and Hll-rnund adaptability, Tcsseli of alum inium are tbe psrfeoilun of cooking uicusUn He Ittsienoei tsvo >- bci44*re .wbleb have twoD dally use Cut allsort of food, for preserving, et*4Fniff'^ftlta aud tbe like for two years, and are to-dH.r as bright as new and baveuuU oela fraction of weight. One welgbs one pound twelve and .a ball uiitlcoH, and tb* oiber one pound aud eleven ounces,______ _____ "

FRKB UlCYCf,K9 AND TRIOTOI.V9aFor the Balance of dim e Manq llroe. Will

Give Away Bicycles and Trioyeles, Mann Bros., ib>./ ' at tbe corner of

Grand and O roha^ snf,^N«w York, will give you your choice of eliher bleyclo or irloycie tree with every piirL'baee of cloiblng lo the ainoiini of |l5 or over. 'JiMee wheels are strong and of the best niekv. Anybody wb'N w.she* to lake advantage Of this offer must an so before July 1, eg they Will only be given awey for the baAaoe of tb ii montfcia *4*

F«Jiv#riayi (lAl Auaniav* a r r ij>sevtl *da R trt/A (As Jt£WS, The irEW^i it

ortfit at/rnrj/for brewing iettu rimf ietwr and mmIUt nndtfUi/er taf/fther

S T A T E P I C K I N G S .

The Caraberlanrt L'uuiily Rtble Society will hold their a*Tentr-i«yeD(haoouaI luaellne at fodarrlllB. *

John W. Brad way, of Port NorrU, Cnmbc^ land County, picked eevonty-oizhl buahela of Ilu8 ilfawbarrlea troia live acre, thli aeaaon.

Men are Dually cmaagod In preparing the eoltuge of ox-l’roaldeut IXarrliou at Cape May Point for occuponey. He expect, lo arrive there on June 20 for bla •umineroui- Inz.

Yeaterday ended the oyilorplaDUniiioaino In Ih li Slate. It haa been an excrpllonally good ernaoD, the oyiier* being of flno quality Iiiiil plenty of thorn. A ll oyaier-boaU have been put up until September.

Houmoulh county baa another llcenaed raeelracli. U la located In Harllnn Ipwii- ahlp, near Keyport, and la owned by J . A, Sage. 11 la a half mile long and p u for a tong lime been uaod aa a trotting track. The licenae waa granted by the lownabIp com­mittee, Ihe fee to be 110 a year for a tern of live yeara. v

Mayor Wanabr yeatarday rent another veto to the Jerary Clly Street and Water Comtnli- Iloncra. The board had granted a troliej franchlat to tho North lJudaon County lUll- way Company, atlpulatlng that the company ahonld pay to the city for the frnnchlae lino yearly for each mile of track opernlcd M ayorW anacrlealala tb it all the rallroed oompanloa receiving franchlace ih a ll nay to the city live per ceni, o f the groat carnlogtof tbe road in the city.

Hnlt w ii begnn In the Mercer Clrcnlt Court yoalerday agalnet the oollapaed U nlvenlty Eating Club of Princeton College. Xhla wai an organIzalloo that occupied UDlvenity Hall aud gnve elegant coura* dlnnam to iti mcraben. l.*at February It went to pleeei and the tradeamen fnmlafalng tbe proTMl'ooa huve been try I ng to get their money, a moun t- log to nearly tS,tKXl They weregtven to under- atand that the college aiuhorltiee would be rrepoDilblefor Ihe bllla, but they refnaed lo lelUe them. The lult la bronght againiL ten aindentiaa Incorporatera of tbe club. The iummoDiea were lerved yeatarday, aa aome of Iheae Incorporaion are among tha grad- unlea and were about lo leave tha Slate.

Patrick Haiuerton, a (armar liv ing ot Tin- Ion Falli, a village about flve mllet weat of Red Bank, roramltted lulclde yetlerday by banging htmielr In tha barn. Yeaierday morning at iO o’clock he told a neighbor that ha bed taken pari, creen and eipeoted to die Inilde of twenty mlnotea;. Shortly after­ward he wont to a brook twenty-live yardi from the home and tried to drown himeelf. The water wee ehallow, and ha then went Into Ibe wood! and cut both hU wriits wttn a pockclknlfe, with tba evident Intention of bleeding to death. After he ctnarged from tba woodi hit mother law faint go Into tbe barn. A few nilnutee later ihe went there aadthundblm hanging by a rope, which w e. fnetened lo a benm.

9 H iT O R Y S P E C m i i

O u r entire stock o fCARPETS &

MATTIXOS,We offer for the balance of June at the following cut prices.gspieceg Moquette, J j . i |3 y j .

S « r i l a r i i .5 «30 piece* Velvet, J l .U yd.

, Regular t i . 3 5 .

43piecej Body Brusiele, (5frime)|1,14yd.Regular $ 1 .3].

75 pee. Double Extra T a p e s t r y , C . yd.R eg a in $ 1 , 00.

75 pieces Extra Tapestry, fi9C. yd.R egular 13c .

25 pieces A ll Wool Ingrain, 69c. yd.

RegnUr * jc.75 Rolls Jointless Damask Matting, f ic .y d . •

Regular 30c.50 Rolls Linen W arp M atting, 36C, yd.

Regular joe.All other kinds of Floor Covering at pro­

portionately reduced price*.

Plain Figures.- One Price.Cash or Credit.

LARCEST,rfeRSHoigstdfiISTBIW L I F m .

Try a leaspoonful o£

Fred. Brown’s Ginger

• a tumblerrul of right hot water, and three lumps of sugar, when tired •out,jgi going to bed. It will came the skin lo a « w ell ardyou will have a dear head ueat lO b tn l^ ,



m . liHEdsoh*, Nsrroat Proptrstlan, eI«La bv *Wsk«fuln(*»o, I

Ilmln. caaiiliifC loRanltv. m lim T S M v i ^tnfttnrw olj Aas. HurrattiiM, ichw

Jlahne&CoI.'ST.* itnsof B K ia a e 'S t h a n b .I’ Kit PAUTERNfl. Also IN IT IA L S for marking yonrTabta Linen, Hand- kerohlefi, alo. Don’ t fall lo see ibem.

T i f f i l i l m . 11,Cor. Halo st^d Ridge sti., tirangs, N, J ,,



. , TOUACKXI I fA B imThe tm im e n tls idenllcal-wlth tiiat alvaa

>y Dr. Lean* E, Keeley nl Dwight, lU.Fur full iQtormaUon iddroM

Vlll R. OIBB, lanaBer.A L U N B im nicx. M. D„ Medloal DlraetMV

(Heienlly of Dwight, lll.l A ll eormpoudenoe 1* soimtiBtttlaL

■ *01 B roa* attutl,room TI, NawaiE.

LKOAJL w q t ic m i.

I N C H ^ O X llY OP N k w J KRa ET— 1 i iwten John u, Merkel et si., oomplatnanls. end !

VIR!****" fi“ ®*frej! »ilB«r-raros, i, rrsak &H of the Hpvotal Moiter* Oooit hwasiVJrf New Jtrs^shoUexDOM

oV I.?

■I o'cluoK 111 the ofterzkOOD ef eaki day* sJl ittsi eeriolD trout of parwi of load aud nimnlife stUisie, l r i « and Mnx In ihe oJty of Hawirkln tb« rtninpr of and HtM* of New JeneFs bsgUiaiuk

Boutk Orotice avenue (IJfttsntAflv wsstsriy from lAe eormvof ihe M0I* 0 ^ Bireei; from theooi ittokio#twrthesstsffr oluag Mid eouUi Grann even^^ '•W fr^lx f ^ i ; tiishoe aortheHtwj om jHiirtred ; Uienoa eoutbeostevlv twen-t

wetbwMtmr gae>< liyBdr^ feii tufioiiLb Otooce swnMOMpUoa ofi

BsiliflotNOsTOaoMk o n S i B S ^ S * loolodiiui (lu Mtete ef Jo lia iIfd rkste widow of John tf srkef ^§****f± far Ufe orl pimnx widowhood in laid ^ S t S T ; S L ijntbvr wiui all asd sloffiflar the Bin^taaieata oadl appurlenseces to the sold prealsee b iiaa ilM arln l anvwijeappettelnln*. " —w - a - r i» e

IMed June le,ieei.



0 A.



IKHuric,l i j l -U*f*



r . o orOe.




l i

t u A firrrf itU n of Intlor-liMi-ly Wal)»v«rl by thu GHii«xr uf

mHii rriMW the Clly l u n ,A td r^ In uulforrui borrowed for ]h<i offca*

•tuufrom tlio H«1 Stock Inc ilall Uiib, Ib t rk rk i ftmployed in U o cttv Hall trkil Cuiii'lu4iotiH ou iho U Seville diamond ye*kr- day afl'ai'nooti with n lnauf (ha otiip^oyniof th r Hnnrd of Work*. The laltar l6;un worr efiLiimoa borrowoii ir»nn lh« Uraac* A. U. leaci and tUo UuKt-viiitt n« li. TUu crintl* Mtaud wn* well (lUoil with ihe follow-employn orib« eonUKanli, who chMrtKl and dcridml tbe elTuriaorUa plRyeri la a mont Impartial raamior.

Jit antlelpMlmi of a dlkacK>cm«nt with Umpifo Jolm C, Liltall otto of th« pinycra had proTidwl lUmicIf with a huge bluiidtr- bu««, which ho found hooccailou loaie. The umpire More an miilnc hut of blue and ertm* ion. and Lu called ballH^thkcn and atrlkra hall» until even llllle "Pete U^Toole^iiimalB' urnaiie und reulgnod to the worut, fell im­pelled expoKitilaio.

When Uiu umpire aald Play hall T* the n iy Hull elerkt went to the I»a1. “ Dure*' C'linndler* tif Ibe Health Ituard, WJialhellnit mull (o tu« the plnie and iwuni; h it but hard enoughi to kill alt the m io rn ^ i In Jersey, He may hnTa h|L micrtihei. but the ball d idn 't CTcn havo a narrow eitaiie. Dave tanned out la » way that mndo “ W ill" iN-mpney, who occupied ihe box for the JhMud of WorkK, du a break down In ihe tevtary of bit fepllnct. Charlie McCunn, who llgure* out Uixutlnn Indebtedneia at the City Ball, had heiior luck limn he who look* alter jwopie'n heullii. He thoveJ oul a h it that ev'-tiumlly crew Jmo a run. Tai ( ommUthmer Puit Lowy couidii'L tlnd the biiil, but Iktcument (lerk Eddie Price omiJd, and lie col ionr*l, nhore he remained uititl Peie Hey drove (he leather «>t.r the high honrd fence tor a home run, PrJca ocudded arouitd iht haaoi line a runaway horae.clnw- ly foMnwed by B#y, Nortoa'a out at dr*i aent the side to the nutfleld.

Eddie Gilroy, who wore tha ea1eta«r*a maak for lb« Water Bepartment team, waa not In I e uuuione by unyihlnji J*eler Itey ce>uld do, and he bent (tie hall uver ihe eamo fence and aprlntcd home at iilaJeiaure, Pelor il,tllen made the clrcnll and Will DompHcy repealed thefiperaliun, icorinf the third ruxL

PbU i,owy covered hlmaclf wiib alory and Eugem- t.'iancy wHh dufct In u braru i ffort to put tbe lalter out hi he wuildleil inuu Ill'll baxe to where I'hll wai itatloned bI aecond. railing In the nrntaltempTi Phil proci>i>ded to upaet the fat tirit bohenaau, and aper roll­ing blrn In Ilia duit naked thu umnlro for "Judgmiiiil" wUlijiie aame air of coiixcloun reclliuda tb it be uKk* a Jury for n venllc^for a client, Uiujiire Llttell denied the inuUoii, but Phil, nothing daunted, repeated the op- erailoii when “ Mar" Halcigh raced down from npil. This time Phil cleverly back* hceii-d hiH man and threw him heavily. The lawyer'! appeal to tbe referee wat rewardeil HjIm time, as LIuell wai evidently afraid lu diapule the queiLlon leat the CommlMlonrr ahcmld grt mad and xend Bill Lowe around ativrhlM arr^ar* oftnxei.

Tbe hononof the game belonged plainly to the Tax CommixeioMer, who took bnt llnera, high fllee and Catcher Chandler'* • wift throaa With the a ir and grace of n IMnny Ulchardson. At ibe but, loo, ho held h li i»wn well, and a ben hi* lime cntiie to run be eprlntt-u like A two-yoar-oia and did bib full ebaro of thejUM-gelliuy.

Matt tiulgley7 when he crime to the hnl, proved beyond qneiLlon lUut a ba*o ball bet i* a far more difflcuit Itnplcmenl to awtiig luoceiuifully Ihao no oar, Matt made three deipertiie aliciiipfato knock the ball oul uf light, and Aceniod siirprlied and diKguaUiU when Umpire Llttell ordered him to amp trying.

At 111! end nf (he third Inning Umpire Litleli WHS unable lo rcnlut the entrcatlca of the two Peius, O'Toole and Bey, and lie went down to second bate to Judge from that btandpolni, while Mike Leonard,of the Iron- itdei, look hi* place, George bicker, who filled a Hcd Kiocklng aiilt (o overflowing, caino to the coDcluxlon that be wa* too •trong for pucb exoreJi' and be retired (o nmkewuy lor J«jum Kltswlinmon*. “ But- P»n” Byrne, who covered th ird ba\e for tbe Water Hoard learn, played ool the game, hut let the ball hCTcreJy alone, both at me b it Aud at hlrt xiatlOQ. Tbe City Hall piny- era were too much lor their opponent! and held their lead to tbe end. fk*coud Baremnn Cuuntnghani, of tbe W'aler Depeftmeiif, went to first on a abort hU In tbe elghih liihlDg, atule second, anrafewl over to ihird when the catcher wasn’t looking, and sprinted immc oo Coognn'a abort fly, muoh to the delif^ht of (fafl delegation from ibc Water Buanl, who frantically exbnrred him Ut “ Go 'round ag'ln ; go 'round aa'lnl*' hlddlv I'rlce iriadv a double play at th ird when the haae< were full, aud putting two men out won

.^ ihvgnm e. Jikldla explained afterward thui \{ ie cquidnH help It and d idn 't wont to be V'iumira.

TtaA poaltloD! oftbe playeri, with Ibe score by InulijKS, are appended:CJTYUAMi. BOAKP o r WORKA

Povltiun,Chandler............. ...Caleber...,.,......... GilroyMcCan n...... .......... Pitcher.......... .... Le m psayJlvy...................... .Klrst baw.......... .-..«..ClaiicyJ.f'^wy,..,............... Bf'cond baae..-.cuniiinghHmPriee............. ...... Third base.................hyruen'T«ole,....„...........Khort stop................G dienN o rto n ............... ........ Left nfld.......,..,....uiilgley

. Ihtlelgh................ Ceutra fi4‘ltl......... ....UtHtgau........... - ...........

Umpires—Llilell and Leonard, fSiore by liiiilngH t

CIlyllKll................3 ft 2 0 0 7 1 0 3-20Board of Works a b 0 0 0 0 1 i 0 - ft

Home of Itie Hoard ofW orki players were hi bad bunior ailcr tfie game. They declarrd that Tom Harlan, who had arranged lo havs tlu m win, was doooyod awayiby iome influ­ential friends of the City Hull crowd. The aecret of Phil liowy's excellent allowing whs lei out uncomclouiiy hy a CUy Hall man w ho had inouey on tbe result. L^wy, ll was luld, bad la his poifirsalon u iHiU'rfroin Comptroller Connelly aeltlng forth that tbe Democratic Counly Committee had decinred th a t the City Halt aggr.'givtlnu ahould win. A« the Complroller U known to bo In ibo confidences of benutur feimiib It was tboughi by the Ifoard of Works Ujim (hat tboUeos- tor hud spoken.

“ Lowy knew we daren’t win," aald one of the defeated nine, “ so he Just played a circus fam e. He wanted tbe applause from ihc grand stand and bsgu tlt. Any one of Ihe icam will play him n game of ball If he thinks be'i u star. This district leader lu- ttifaieQCQ IQ a base ball game la rubbing u

Bretafeld-Uioliartla Nuptials.A pretty borne wedding was oelebraied

test night at the reddvnce of Mra Buerldao, Kpriugfleld avsLiuc, irvlogion. Miss Julia lUcbatd.s, daughter of Mrs. Margaret Rich* ardr, was married to Adolf M. Bretsfcld, of Wmi Orange. The ceremony wus poi furmed by Rev. Dr. Ueivry Vcbslsge, of the Ha- formed Chareh of Irvington, Harry Miller, of Orange, Was the beet man. MlisHophle Dretxfeld, sister of tlie groom, was brides- maid. The tando wore a gmvn of psiioh- colored caslimerv, cm Empire style, irimined wUh old polnl Ince, diamond ornuiuenta and carried white roacs. The bridesmaid's gown w atof belltilropscnstimcre, with pearlnrna- rnriiti, .'Unny ouit^f-Btwn guesu were pres­ent, Mr. and Mr*. Hrolzfuld left ou an extended wrddlne lour, wnlob Includes a trip to the Worlds Fair. On their rolurn they wilt live a t Orange.

A TeitJinoriial lo Mlaer'a T reain rers.The (renfurcr and assUianl trea*tirer of

Miner's Ttmntre, through the coimldcralldn of Mr. Miner, are hold a bcneAt at tbe theatreon Thursday etenlng, June 20, wlisu they will present a splendid programme, con- •latliig of some of ibo beat-known artists in

. the vaudevlila profession. Bolh Mr. MUrkes, ihe tfeajsureiy aod .Mr. Deiiols, the assistant treasurer, have a host friends, and their eutertulam ent la likely to be aiteudad by ao overflowing houae,

ConhUn Oommltted to Ja il,Judge Kaluga last night In the First Crim­

inal Court committed Jared Conklin to Jail In default of ball on a charge of lalio pre- leiiccs. He Was charged by Isidor Coleman with urobezEliiig lift. Conkllu, aocordlngio Ills alory, sold some clgart to a saloon* keeper and louk |3of the Amount in cash and lll-kft ih drinks. Couklln claimed that he was Coleman’s authorised agent and was to have received five por cent, oommlsilou, Coleroan swore tbat he had never given Conklin permtiBlou to make oulleeltoaA

Bofauller Not Yet Kxaniltied, Theexamlnallou Of John Bchullor, who It

ehurged with having set Are to the house 41 Monroe eireat last Wednesday, was to have taken place at the Third Creoinct Polios Hia- ilon ibia morning, but It was postponed no- III n e r t Monday on account of the sickness of R» J , Cburaes, ibe principal witiiese In the

was taken violently ill at dh aarly hour this morning, aud bis sickness look (be form of a d oollo* He wiU be re­moved to a hospital.

Many Arc Kilted, Muudreds Are At vo aiiU Konie Are a Mruane, tVheUivr

liea^l o r Active.Trere are liundrcd* of du^i in tue city

below Iho raiirodi. N’\ I ;i dny |hx«s >s (hut unv or mure chm-a of l> Juiy resulting irum the lilte of uQe uf lUcse cur* Is not repoi lcd lo the Third Precluet Police H iiUm. and Uk- eumplalnniiL 4i»ks iha( atv oftlcer b.-sent l>> shoo! the violou- auluinl.

But tliese dog« are not niways ih n l ,f ) r l f theowiier hnpp9]is lo object, which Isof.en (In'case, the bitten ]>ersoii bos no redrtwii except to go hunting lor the animat hlmnoif or else lake the rmc Into the u p p 'f ruuiie. Of llio large number of eomplalnti of lojury from dog bite* ihtif hive be-'U recelvfd ni ihe Third Precinct P-illon Hintlon not ooe-hilf of tbe dogs hnve bivn shot a ’lU yri there Is u tilt of llilriy-onc dcud dugs on tlu* meinuruu- dum botik whl<h the p<illco ki-et^ That number Is for this monih uiniic, and If (be CBsrs keep cfontitg hi as fa o a* ihry havn tor the Ittttl tdxim i day* a new lKn>k will havr to be UK'd beforr the end of the munlh.

Hrvernl of Uie di>gs sGiicb huve t>cMi shot have given evtry Ind'c if ion of being * ffl cted a h h rabbirs. Wedne-day a small cur ran down Chapel alreei frothing a t tbe iiioutb end aiiapplng at everything It pits»cd. It \y Its shut by all nlflcer ovfore dolug any dam- ngv. Th<‘same dey a d<ig hud llio leinentv10 simp at (Jsptahi Iisiy and be at one« had Ihe cur ariesied aud taken tu (be )Miltee hlHtion, where it will be dlspeiched a* ei oo us tbe dead animal tiiun has Uiue to leinoveI lie carca*a

l^Ht Dl^hl A dug ran ihrnugh Van Bnreu sireei, irolblng at tbe moutb and snapping viciously. When It piiMcd Ibe iM>lU'e Mfailon Olficers Colima and Walsh siaried In pureuti, At Ibe comer of New \o ik avenue the animal <*01 cornered aud shut.

The numerous eQgngetneiita of tbe wagon ol John 11. Abn-tis, m ho bni tbe <>unirBct for removing till of die iKHllea uf dosd anim ats In this cUy, Is < auiUig quite as much trouble and danger lo liuinna life ns are Hie biting dugs. This wagon 1* unable to attend to nil cases rtporled ns quickly a* li siiould, and as11 consequence the bodlGi« f the dead iianlni's are allowed to lay and aecompnsi- under the jictioh Of the hot sun fir four or five days at u time.

On Wednesday there were thirteen dead di'gs in various Diirlaof the Third Precinct, L'oniplinili were being received all the Unie by people who imd reported the cases, and nim wondered wby the dead anim als hnd not been removed. On June 12 a deed ring wav reported hi front of 150 wonth street. Up to yeilorday the body had not been renioVGJ, and the neighborhood is aroused over the mailer.

Thu rlead wagon service 1* now much b,7l(er than it uas ashort Mine ugo. The man called only every few days to ace if lliere were any dead tiojs, and raptn in Dnly III tnit got provoked hiiiJ gavo Mr. Abrciis to ufiderstund that ho would have lu do better. Now Ihe ]HMU that drlvi'S iho wagon calls nv tbe police HinliiiEi every dnv ami lakes Ihe list of iK'w ca*ra. W'lieii 1 hey ore removed the iiamcK nre croasi d from ihe Hit. The rcHNon Umi the hudlC'* ure not ivrniovcd quicker Is that ibc one wagon Isover-worked.II Isk c ia llo f Us time to remove the deed liorM's. and tbe dog* are only called ftir when ilicwngon huppctiA 10 be iKRuiug ueur (ho place whore one has b-rn kilhd.


The City's Celehnitlnii to lie Excetleiit.Tha Prugram ine as Khinliy Ar­

ranged by Ihe Committee.Tbe Common Council cnmmlKoc has about

completed ibe arrangements for (he liidt^ pfhdouce Du3' oe^ebrailon, and the contract for tbe pymtechnlcnl display, which will be tbo bait ever given in this city, was lasi night awarded (o tbe(;;oiiioIlclalvd KXreworkN Company of Greenville, N. J., for taoo. The rslne Fireworks Company's bid was 11,000. CliAFles Crowell, representtag the CoqmoJI- datod CoiupaQ}', altendcd tbe nieetlng and agreed to xlgn a contract lo furnish a perfert display, aud City Ojuuael Guild will draw up the contract.

The fireworks will be exhibited on the canal bridge a t Broad Hreoi, and will inciude thirty-nine pk^^a. Tbe prliiclpul ptoecn will be the falls of N iugan, Columbus, Washing- lou mounted, a windmill. Tho rocke.s will bo ihrown to an qIeHu Io of over 1,000 f> ei. Ill Ibc filial piece “ Good NIghi," three nrlal bouquets will be (brown and exjiiudcd sliu- ullBDcouity. In each of the Uouquetn 1 berc will be 100 rockets. The llrework* will bu sol off by sparks from an elecirtc wire.

Assistant »ecreiaryof llie Navy tVIlllam McAdno, In a lettur to tbe CUy Clerk, Hccep!ed the Invitation 10 deliver Hi> oriitloii ui Miner's Tbealrc on the raurnlug of inde­pendence Day. The ('xcreises wili be luicr- HUog. Vou'A full band will furolsh tiie music. Jere H. (Jobb will raid the Drclara- Mon of Independence, Miss Lottie Elversoo will sinic sevor.iL enprarm solua and the Ur- plieuM QuurtcUo will sing several telrcMutif. Man King, a liumorUr, will apjieur.

Ill the ufternoon VoNt's bund niU give a Concert liv AlilUary rurlt, uuJ a t night the baud will pluy a t inierr.ils. A t sunrise, noon and sunset tbe bells of sevcniceu cburcbes will bo rung.

A H \S rK U ¥ AT kPiilNOFIKLD,The Strange L ight In a Cemetery That

Fiiazit'd Many-Tbe residents of Hprlngfie>a were, until

last iiigbl, puxxled by a bright light wbicli appeared lu ih^ centre of llie PrchbyterLan Ctiuelcry on Main strcei, Tbej' could see uo cause for ibe Ugbi. There was no lump near ItKDd lh«re was no iwamp there, atid no rotten a tm upolu ire t. The aiipcruuiious were bpgltinlag to p:ile whenever the ci'metery mytitery wa* irp:iilotird, and (leopte would a lsogooutof tbeU way to avoid tbe bury- li'g-sround. It had been proposed Ihat Home veuiurt'somo persons should risk their lives by making nil Itivesdgallon, but (here was u wonderful lack of volunteers.

Thu climax on me last night wheu Bcoja- mlu Fudney, the trap-puller a t tuc Union Oub grounds, (»ah4%e<j thu oemolery. 'J wo boys culled his uilcnlloa to the light* They did so ill iiwcfnl whiipem, nnd their eyes bulged HS If they had seen a Slrange sight. Toe light burned brightly, fbeu dl uiiip<’ared and then upp.'arerl„ appuroMily lirighler ihitu ever. Fudocy Obmirved ibe light for a lung time. 1 ben be solved the iiiysiery In a way tUnt gave «.he Kiipersllitnus a shock.

He Mild ihni tbe brigui thing enmo from a refloctlon. He went boldly Into the ceme­tery aud found that tbe point where the hertitofore anexplalnabie was, w.is In front of a highly potlsbed sbaR reoentiy arected. tie looked a t It from various nuffles, and ihon saw tbut tbe roll?cikm came from a sireet 11 flit. The polls led lurfea^ of the Hhaft gave buck the iainpllgbt with nltuoKt equal brill­iancy, and the flickoring wsk explained by the ncUon of the ininpllghi m the wind, w bk'hat times nearly exilnguiibcd lu

-.Day Kum Hade lllsn Dro^ik, Charles Br1cman, M German, came 10 this

.eltyfrom Bucks Connty, F a., yesterday, and during bis travels about town became drunk and was arrested* When taken bsforeJudge Katlaek Ibia morning Brlemas euid be drank two glasses of beer, and then wont to a ha^ berwshop and was sbaved, He iaid be tlK.OiUt tbe bay rum the barber oeed on hie fare made blm drnuk. Tbe Judge discharged blni. _

i 1! Meu's Fine Teonserst 98.00-J u s t received n new in v u ice o f ih ueeele -

g m t vor* ted F an is , th e la 'e s lK y le , w orth Com e e a rly a n d Mucurc a p a i r a tlA ftO ; the g re a te a i b iirxa la ev e r uAWfoI in tb e c ity .

Jam* ft Ho iflVf 703 Broad at** ibreo doorft b^' low Market iV-^AdVt

Weddo<l at Aprlngfl^hl-TUo nsarrlage of David Je ikin'*, nf Martins­

ville,and Miss Aonie, the iddeit dncghtiT of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kpevitlc, olKpring- fltfld, look ptuce IsHt night at the rcKldcnce uf the bride's parents rm Morris iivenne. The rorejpmiy whs performed in ilio parlor by K«v. J. W. Knox, |wisu»r of the Bprlnyfleld .Metuodlst Cburvb. Tbo brlilcHmaUI wu* MIhb Annie Jeaklns, iho slsfcr of the xroom. William Mallet, nf M artinsvillv was be*t man. The bride wore a gown of sriilt« bengu* line silk* Tbo gown of the brld«*mGid wjj* of blue silk. The ushers were Marcu* Beckman, nf Mardusvlllsi C. U Corby and Gpovr^c M. Mrrwlt), orBprlogftMd. Afierihc ceremony Mr. and Mr*. Jcakim entertained their mends a t a reception, Tbey will live a t apriogfleld*

The to Coney Inland.On Baturday, June 34, the PennKjIvsnlA

tUllroad Company will re-eambllsU lu irau*- for service between Jersey Cay and I'ler I, Norili Rivet, cnTinecttog wUb boats of (he Iron Btearnboat Company. Tbe Ktewruer Vlfliorhas been secured for this ».Brvlou dur­ing the coming seusoD and will ufT rd largely- liicreaied aocommodailous over tboso pr i- vlded heretofore. Tlie employment of a larger bout is neoetsluied by tbe yoirly Irv creasing travtl to Coney Island by this route* ConneoiloD will be made wl:b nil boats of the Iron Htenm boat Comps my up lo ftp. M. ReturnIng, coBnecllOQ will be mndo with boats leaving Coney Rlnnd up to 9:40 F . M , _________ ____ _ __________

ttestralued tlie City of Uranga.The bill filed la tlie Chancery Oourl

of Newark by Wimana Henderson. -S r, of Ornnge, asking for an tojunctloo agslust the cliy oft^range and t'ontraoior Jobu O'Rourke restraining 1410 oily Irom paying, a n y money for the atlrgoJ oontraol for* the lDiprove..J».fiU to High strooi. Oraugo, which hod been .begun/by O'Uourke, enme up for a hesrlug beforeVles-Chaucellor Van Fleet yesterdayaod wax poetponed umll Tuesday a t 10 A. M. In tbe meatiUmt a roitralnlng order was Issued 10 prevent any further work being done until the Vlee-Obaaotllor readen a do-BlslOU, '

Uorseraetitg a t Sllton*A seriftft of fl’ee-fbr-aU road racea waft eom*

bleared yeslcrday afiernoon on the Hlltoo flat by Mfloager MoCready, uf the Hotel union. The races were exciting. Tlie first phsr, a driving blaakst, was award d tu william Urobrnans, of IiTlngion, whose horse* Cheater, led all the raoe». "l be si.*c(uid prise, a bnrsrwblp* was won by B. C« OuA'g home, Tom Davis, of Kawailk

Thu Twreiity-hlUi A n n u a l ('orumeaceineiit*llbslinp W igser AwariU tlie Dlpl»iHM

uiitl 1'rlseN--.iililre*H by Mayor Fell.llUliup vVlgifur. BLlitip KoldvubUMli, of HI..

I'unl. Minn., and Bishop Leo Wcldl, nf North C'liioUmi, o.cup!<*a p4ieiili>nt nf honor at ibc Iwoniy-flliti Hiiiiiial cumuifiici-mftU of r<t. Ik'oedk-l'* Cidli'tEo, huld last night In Ht. Mury's Hull on 'W'ifllatii slrrt'l, adjoining ibe collcgi’. H iuiH oii Iho sum; xiago and ou vlthi't «h)c nf these preittlci, besides the farulty of till} I'ollcKp, were Vicsr-GeiUMal (TCoiinor. Cbimrellor Wiillaco, K'V. Dr. IMioinn, U ‘v. KuiherM Frsucl*. of North Curo- Ilm*; W vlior Li-ahey, of Swedesbofo; Kruse, of K ibway; Vun HhUg^. of Elljiabetn ; o'i'tMiMi»r, 4if liarrlion, nn4 All and Nmler- iiiever, *»f ihl* 4*liy. Among iln- hiymt n were Ci-iuplri-llvt CouneUy and Mayor Fell, (»fOnnig'.-.

Aiifcrlra'i fl igji ami palms were the princi­pal dec iraUiins of iho imll, which wn?« urowd- I’ll lo the d^Kjrs. BUhnp W igyer awarded the dlpionm Hiid vfi*”*. The •.legmc of masier of - fL•t>llnu w'ifc conUTred on Juino* J. BnUih, of NewHTk ; Hio|ib»‘n J. Fiaiicriy, of K isa- holh, nnd L.tiarics L tissson, of Newark.

.Mr. Hinitb wiis nlm awarded Ibe gold nuMhl dimuied by too Hev. Aloy*iu!> Hiecber, ol Sh ivier's (.‘burch, for ArholarMilp In tbe flrnt inmirncrclHi. Atign*ti»e llk!Ulngrr, of Mils city, carried (ifl Uiegold luudal given by l l-liup Iguer lor exemplary couduo . In the *eci>ii<l cmninerclal the scliolnnhlp gold iiid e l present'd Ijy ibo ll v. Thoraas J. 'To itney, of M. Joseph’s VJiurch, was woo by Andrew J, Bruerknor. of ihl* city. WlHlain J. Uammvr, uji Klxabeth ymiih, captured R-v. F’iillier McKfevui'e gold medal for Bchrtlai'sinp in tbe ihlr l citinnierclal,

rrcinliiins <v>nitiiiilng of books were award­ed lo (he fu(lowing sUidems:

Fi'tcr .'ilulten, Joseph Kaeinp. John Tier­ney, Frank J. iocb, Charles Keller, Paul Ilurne, Wiliiiim Mcffnlre, Joseph Berry, Ivonl* l/t Briisclir, John J. Manley, Tuuinns J. HliTKln*. Joseph W. Mnriarlty, l<]dward Karnller, William LuughMn, Henry F. Han­ley, John A. L ii*. .1oi40 Meagher, Joseph F, Baumhoer, <hr.ild 1\ tiarrlgun, Hlephen^J, Kiaherly, Fred J. Hliistie,William Hammer, Jiweph KoeliKiflVr, John A. Jubert, ( 'harks Deube), Joseph B. McAllister, U-'iiurd Flam, Aulhony .Mayer, Hiepheii Muaylur, Thonini i. Fowera, John Wissniun, AugUKlliit) Ifoitingcr, C!harles L. Has«<m, James J, Hmlih, Albert Wukeman, Ii«u V. IhH-ker, i'eier »?lhubor, I’ster A. Fuchs, Andrew J. Hreuckner, .Ismei Culilnane, George Rohfmticr;;er, Plus Knlele, Norton A. Wolter*, Wllllitm J. Klinger, Michael T. Bk'lor, Edward KleS’-r.

The proRiammoofcx’rcl+es, in the carry­ing oui ol w lih-li iho foregoing awiirds were made, Included dlsfouracs oi> “ I'rugrew," by .lamos J. Nmtlh ; on the “ Kxainlnnllan of Llk*{” delivered In 0 -rmar hy Peler Beihu- her, and on “ Union,'' hy L'onGMJ. Kium. Henry K. lluiily niid Clmrlcx L. IIhsaoji re­cited '■ A .Mofjienloiis liuestlAi " und “ The I’nlUli Boy," n'*peciivi‘:3', Micxolx'a orcties- liH played iit Intervwia Ihe ‘•puritan March," “ idfi.' a Drrrtiii," '* Margaer|te," Vcnl Creator Hpifllus," from Millard’s mass; ihc waliz, " In Uapdtre Hweei," aud lbs “ High B«-hiK)l fadelB* March."

Ill ill* dl-couriM!on “ Progress" Mr. Smith drew H c4>mpHrlKun 01 the prograjis In Europe and I’liliMi Ihut strongly favored the former, ilc adiullied Ctiliiu's rxiriionilanry stride* toward olTlIlzallon whicii were made long before Euro|ic hu<l oiiy prclensl.iDs In that qi ftrli^r, hut be t-onti'lidcd dial (.hiloa wus lo- duy llic saihf us It nan 2.000 years nxo. The progresjslvo spirit ivuk siiong In Amerlcn, Brottier Jotmtnan hud a go-AheaU way about him, and he lived up tu II,

As an c.vjimpio o f '• UiiUm," Mr. Flum plo- lured the m^Khly MIssBsIppi Ulvor und its (rlbutnrip'i. itie harmio** siaglu hK usL and the locusts In dcHiroylng *wnTmx Tbcn tbe speaker died Ihe beneficial cfT*-ol4 of udIou aHCXciapllfied In ihs live* and uccotnpBsb- meiiu;t>r Cliarlernagae, Columbus, ihe Roths- chiljN, me Greek* and tha family. He showed tiowibe Declarailonuflndope idebce WHS Ihe .outcome of ualou and irared the growth of lUu H .man Cuibollc Church to ibe HH.ine cause,

.Mayor Fci;'s address to the graduates was the chief one, Heretnloded thorn ihvllhey were about to sfep onl Into ilie world and incei other young men wtio would give them, u >h(irp compciiiion.

" I would like to May to you young gradu- nits," bo continued, “ a few brief weirdi oi chocr and warning, for (he JMsa on a hich you nre embaiklug U trcncJieroUB and full of •tmlrs. If you will Observe ihe prt‘ceptx ot xvlsdom tiinghi you by your teacher* you will be aucc«*i-*fu!, Whstover you do, d o ll well. Ill every (siuniry, e*ptchd!yourfl,vlr- Uie and iiUelligcnce oojisUlulo the priiiolpul ' anfeffimrrtM."

Mr- Fell ursed the young n-.«i lo beware of criuzlaing public men where ilmrc 1h danger of sncli Hlrlciun?*deBeucriiUug Into ci*Ininny uud dPirnetion. Fair crlilciam wom m>L ob- Jcctlonobl , but ti should be tempered with charity. The itpeaker hoped that Ihe gradu- u(en would onier piibllo life, but he ex­plained that Ihat did jioi iiecestHrlly mean tl:at ibi y muHt enter public offlise. He bi lIcTcil it lo be Ihnlr duly lo iuicrest them- eelves in public >Atfalrs.

ingenious Jer*eyinen,Parents granted to Jersey uum for this week

and reporlod for the Nkwa by Drake & Co.« sollclior* of patent*, corner Broud and Mar­ket fitreeiK, were: Tniy for rings, C, ATrocschcr, JcfMey City; rubber packing- ring nr cu*ko(, J. J. Vourhees, Jersey Clly; cloutncul Juciisuflng luslrnnient, E. Weston, Newark; sulphur candle or fumlgator (Iwo palciii*), K W, Johnson, New Brunswick; phonograph, W. Hrueiiliig, Kusi Orange; cxrpet f-lrelrher and lacker, J. 0, Clark, Newark ; bhud ntop, ll. Dnvl* ei si, .Newark ; velocipede Kuddip. W. I* ri*h, Newark; contrifisal bullerc.T(racior», O.Ohlssoa, New­a rk ; thill coupling, T. Oliver, .New­ark ; «»lTcl-loom (fwo pulent*)' T, Stullh flud .1, J, .Minchiu, PiUerioo; (-umposltliiQ for cleaning silver, D. O. Kmlih, (ilcii llldgc; jJhiylng card, H. T. Varinn, En*l Urausc; drcdgiiig-bucket, W. A. C-ollins, JhiyOhhc, conveyor Liti, T. Rnbloa, Jr„ Morristown ; saw sel, C. C. Talntor, Eilau- bcih; pri*ct'M uf mni apparatus iqr hlnckJng hate, G. Vuifl ot al, Nsn iirk; beer faucet, C. Guenlher, Trcnloti; elecin-mugneilc car- brake, J, r . llchry, WnstiiGid ; regulator for electric iiiuctiluo*, J. c. Henry, SVcsUlsld; lubrloiior, H, C. Holler, Newark; draft devicH fur itHCka. B. F. Taylor, Newark; hicycle*, ulo.. W. a . Wrighi, Cenireion ; pro­cess of lesiing inalerlalH contalnldg rueUkJs, U. F. Mciinlnger, Newurk,

- ■■■ ■ — —

A Coinbluaduii LacoinuUve*The firm of W. A, Crook Brolher* A Ca,

Imve Just completed a locotnullvo'holsdng engine, which combines iho qiiMlItles of a loeomoilve a* well as ihosc of a hoisting muciihic. In nppourance tho euglueRlmwsa locoinoHve UuUui' inuunleU im h bed frame tiupporieil by four llilny-twc-lnch dlsnielfr connected driving nbeol*. which arc pro- pclleil by gcai'lijg Iram thu mulu crank shaft. There la Ibo regular lccom<Ulvp ciih^ivering the rear Olid of liiu holler, as wtli a* llie Wffli'ing purls. The nmchloerv U not so com- pllralud ii* In other cngiiics, Tiieeiigluc wus huill for H PbllAdeJphIn flrrn.

Foneral nf Mrs. Lnglaml at Irvington. 'ih« funeral of Mr«'. Michael England was

liGld from her Uio reslUcntM* on Park avenue, Irvingtuii, yfiAlcrday afiurmiou, Theservices were corUinuod in Iho Methmiln Episcopal ctiurcb. Ttic puilhenrcrs lu the chunui wore .Mr*. England's six sous, George, Charteti, Timruax, Cyrus, Frederick und Arthur, Tbs funeral Kcrmuu was prcacbvd by Kov. Klben Clvrneul. Tha paUbaiirori lu tbe cemetery wore Messrs. Bniebellor, William CJaUMeD, fk'dcll, Edwin Berry, BylvoKter Bailey aud George Hodgei’S.

Homo Colfl and Uay FeverInninedlately aud dcllghlfully relieved and Hpmlllv curi^ lit 10 Academy slreoi, upslulrs, by li. Vhu BuMkirk. Ulllce lintir^ m jmbA. Af, tu 7 P. M. week day*; from a to 4P. .M. HiiDdays, MaUrlu, caiurrh juid usliirna ixiso Inviirmhly und quickly cured at above oO lre. ■


kO rX Il ORANGE VILf.AGE AFFAIRS.The Iru a tees C1«ar .ivra.v Sliich General

ItUhliies*—1 be IVork Dune.The moetlUfi-room of lhi< Board of Trustees

of Ibe village i>f Ooiuh Oruiigo was crowde^l last uigbt wiiii <Ageri't(liieii*, who had comi' Ibinklng that bUKinois of a starGlug imiurc w«s to be IrahsavU'd. They were 4ti-<u|>-

Tlie trifplres reft-rred a p'dHhui (or gas itiH Ins In i, hurcb Bir*vt and fOr five lumps to the Commllieo im .irireel Lighting. Tbo inoniijly tepon* of l^»tk‘e Marshal Henry T, TreucbHnl nnd Pullce Justice Jutiii (VReilly stiuwe^l 9N received from linos nnd co»la, three arnsta und elghiy-ninc lamps out ait niglil or pariN of nights. The (.'hielof the FIrt Ivpnrliiieiil, John J. Burrint. re* porifd one lire with a li>§* c»ffs,(0l>. fully hi- ■ured. ii^uperlnletutciit Chark's J. IlMrretl, of tbe Wiitof IN'! ariinoni, reported that llie balance on liMud at IiIh last reiHirt wu»$iOX.2C He tmd ri-4‘elved from iii|>s. 9?j; from vimt*. MlO.iij; from nivicr* *<iM, ftiki; fruiii meter reuu, irom selling melcis, 9H, .mdjmiUovi-rlo U. A, HuHidy, treusurvf, ISW Truiiet^r, Kdwsrd Ullup'lMi, lur the cum- niUtoeon Finance, said ‘Jiori: via* a balamM? oil hand oiKtH/tt; ihal 1750 had Uonn rccelv^l for license*, ftloO paid (u the Hoard of and nulea ninuuuiiug in •tjcaricelii-d.

llie BtrceiH ol the vlliaxo may bi* sprinkled. Hneh a proixisuion was rrferrod ly the Water ConinUdee wj!h poker to supply (be water to any person who would agree 10 keep the atreeU sprliikted.

On moUtm ol Trustee Bltlqvlst KiO> was spproprinled from (ho village ireniury tow­ard tbe suiipurlot the free library.

fc** Fischer .MiUtr wrote to the board that he would like to have gus mains laid in Irving avenu* and four lam|>s erected. Trustc# Clarkson auld that several motuus ago be had seen Cashier WIHiarns, of Ihe ClliH as'G aslight Comjianf, AUd given him verbal order fur (ho placing of Iheie lamp* aud afterward slguvd tuo nere**ary agree­ment. He did nut underHtand why tha mnt- ter bad nut been attended lo. Thu request uf Mr, Miller was referred to the Lamp Com- mlUee with fw)wfr. PresldcDt ChurcU CiiUed theattendon of tbo board to trees whieli hang ovtr the roadways and on motion of Trustee Barrett the blreels and Highways Comiuiuee wn* ordered 10 attend tu the trljumttig of the brunohea,

George 11. Browning requested the board to lay over%hc llawlliurne Mveuue asiirasnunt, as be wished to *peak oii (he subject, but was prevented from aiii'iidlng tho meeting. On mndoo of Mr. Barrett the request was Kranlril, Tru«lee llllhiviit move I that the fiscal yMar o( Hie village end ou March Hi, Irr stead of with Ftbrunry, The t*plra1i«»n of the year on llm lam-r dale causes cmisUicm- ble iheutivvnlcricc to ihe old nnd thu now irustec*, snid Ihe trustee, B* betweeQ Mari’li 1 anti .Mjiy 1, when the now board « r (IilJlal•a, there Is no money ttvalJable fur Ihe u^es uf tbe depariuiiMiiR, Ihe tax ordinance, cmi. (timed Air, BlIlqvBt, Is ool passed until June, und Q* ihl* year (here is to t e ruUeU lif.ftOO mure Ihau ulll ])iobably he rcquliod for Hie use «f the iruskH)*, (he prcHoiitHi'om# to be a favorable npimrtiiultv for iimkliiK the cliaiige. Mr, Ihllqvlsi'a mulluri Was curried.

T h e tux ord lnaiico w as tb en laK cn uti i>u im seco n d read in g , Iho ru les sn iipended arx l Hie tiH e rend lu r tn e th ird roud ing u n d piissod. It p ru v ldus for tbe ra liiu g of 1 bo scu m o u iilH : F u r r t'p lir ln g s tr e e ts tOOiX); fur *<ri'ei lig h t, lug, tfi.oOU; for police aiTvloe, ftl.oOO; fo r con* UngKtit eX|>va*eA, {5,IKXJ; for th e p .iv m e u t of li iie re s i e n d li rd eb ic d n c is 93,.j00. -Mr. th irre ti calltMl up b is rehciu ilou p ro v id in g for ilie e iiiu ig liig o f thu m eeting n ig h t of th e board u n d on hlH m otion l i wus chan g ed frunr Hic (b ird T ttu rsd ay to Ihe th ird M undny uf ei<ch m o n th . Oil m oiluu uf M r. B illqv l* l ilie P r r s ld e u l und Clerk W4TC auU m riX fl lo ex- ecu ta Dotes to Uio a m o u n t o f 'i.ObO, to ihe o rd e r u f (ho FIdbdcs Com m ilici', lu unU cipu- tlo o of lazo*.


The Owner of tha L avertj tfonse a t Wast Orange Charged With Violation

of Ihe banltary Coda.D r H. E. Matthews, tbe Oranga Health In­

spector, has secured a sumnionN for tbe arrest of J, Wallace Condli, owner ofthe condemned Laverty bouse In West Orange, for vlolutlon of ttectloQ 73 of the iMnllary code, which says in a i no nrilcle which might propagate any iDfectloasor other diseaso sball^be brought within Ibo city limits under a penalty of fftO fine.

Vesicrday rooming M r Condlt, accom­panied by A hired man, went lo the buu*e and removed a number of arllclea which had been u*ed lu Laveriy'* saloon. An ice cho«t, beer putopa nnd other arllele* were loaded ou a WBgob nnd lakeu to UuudlL’s bouse on Val­ley rond, Ornngc, where they were pUicod Id the flcllur.

Notice was sent lo (he Orange Board of UenIHi (hla morning nnd I'lumblug Inspec­tor Bulbach, Dr. Mnitbcws, Chief Inspoctiir Bcblem end Deputy Blmnnon weiu (o tbo ptuco and found the xluCT in the cellar. C'uu- d ll's buuBQ was placed under quarantluc and Inspector Bhaimon left on guard. l)r. .Matthews aud City Counsel Horton went be­fore Justice Davis and made a complaint chiirgliig CoDdlt with brlDglng gcnu-iufecUd gtiodt Into tbe city.

Atnung the artlclM taken from the house by Condlt yesterday was tbe old-fushUmed square clock which stopped a l l o'clock ou. the day I bnt Laverty died.

The stimronijs was served 00 Condlt at noon lo-day, and he will i)« given a iiBarlng before Justice Duvj* this aflernuun.

An Endeavor Society Kntertalns.An enlcrtn inT im ul was given by the Chris-

tlan Endeavor JiMiciety of the First Fresbj- terlan C'burcb In the Sunday-school room* U aiD lfht. Rev. Dr. Friiarr made a brief ad­dress of we come, to whlob Bov. Dr, Loe respooded. Tiicre were violin aud piano se­lections by Mr. und Miss Girurdul, a vocal SfWilon by Miss IIIIT, a piano solo by F. BelUl and several reellstlon* by ^[|s8 Ikmil. Emil Clais enlerialiiod tbe audience with humorous hulrciinns.

Miss Mcrann Home Again.Miss Mary McCanti, the yuiing ttomeillc

who lell from aHouth Orange Hucirlrftar on April Ift, was dlscbarged from iho Memorial liospitul, Oringo, last night, uuieh Im­proved, Judge Coolon, nf Newark, culled at the hospital tiud took tbs young woman to bis liorae.

strikers to Hold a Plcnto.At Bboollug Hark io*monow HficTnooni nnd

night the former employes of the B|>oncer Optical Works, who went out on strike re­cently, will hold tbelr first nnuiiHl picnic. All tbe members of tbeBiam Board of Arbi* IraHon have promised to uiieu.i.


—A. 0^ Kiaibey rvTurxied from Chicago tbU murn lug.

—Mr-and.Mrs, K Vmduml have reiumfd from the West, aiicruu ubseuce uf ctgblevu months,

—Francis J, Knosrics has taken a cottage at Asbnry I'ark, and wUb bis fikmtiy will spend the summer there.

—Dr. George Mucker has received a call to demousirnie at (be World's Fair the practi­cal advantHgeiof the ekctrlc light In the ireattnent of dlHcasen;, nnd he expects (o gu wlLliln a short Hnnt*,

—Among the first cabin piwspngers booked for Eutope by the sleamsblp ofllcc of .Joseph M. Uymodb On. are Thealrical MaimvAr Fr^d W aldmaon and bis slsler, Mrs. Q.qluu, ou (he North Oerman Lloyd Line stesnior Kanle calling tomorrow, and Richard O’Crowley on the Ciinard Line sieamer Cam* paula sailing July L Mr. O'Crowiey will be eicorlcd to iho aleamer by the Orpheus Club, of whlcij be Is A roembrr.

Are you a suflercr from rbeumatlxra, di's> potmiB, ronlurls,- liver or kidney c iu p ia ln t, or thill itred ieellDg 7 HundniuH Tu .Ic will cure you. To imruducf Ji 9I bottles are told for 25c. fiaiiiples free. OITlce 223 MarK*'U •••

PLIGHT OF THE sHiNDKR FAMILY. Urgest Retail Slort iD the SUte. Lirfflsl Retail Store ia the S t it iNo W ork Meant ftiarvstleo, and One

D eath Is (he K em ra In a l ‘riiire ?*1reet Home.

For UielHst three weeks the family of Fraok Hblnder, living in the rear ol 05 I'rittee »tr(Hl. Inin boFu siiirvine. Hiiuv tshliidcr came to Ibis city nix months ago from KaverlBH, Muss, he bus boen unable t> sertiro work. E i|li( uevkn ago Ibo youDgest child lu Uie bi’olly, A buy three yesp old, u'ss taken sick. A dorior wtio was siimiQoneil said Hmi ibn boy i-buUld be given nourlibineiiiir He did ikH call Hgnin. There was no fond In Iho huuM* t4iglve Ihe child, and the parents W'i*re aHhamod 10 aik neighbors f»r help- Enr days (he lltite enflercr was without nourlih- hietit and on Tuesday Uit tie died.

There wn* wo mouoy In tha houaoinpay for ihe luner'it, and the psrvnm appltad lo Mrs.'Mux Blumt-.whoM huslmnd kcejtn »i fish nnd pMiUry slure a t Ibe t'orncr uf Prince sin'l l umi Springfield avenue, tor help. .Mrft- IfiiimcgHVi* tticm fiMMi uml moiiFy, A sub- scrlpilon wnn Inken up nmung (he neigh- burs lo pny bir Ibo burial ol HiOrbild. Only M ft w dollurn ware rculiant tu t ftlrn, Blumu supplied the Aitiouni ^uii mn'deihnnd the cliiJd vns Innhd In the Jcwiiti cemetery on ivittHi Orange nVeniie.

.Ml. HhitidGi- t-ays that be came to this tMmniry from Uuasla about ten year* ago with hU wife and one child. Heotwneda ctTCer}'Alora in New York and dtdaseem - Itigly prtts)H'rous buslnfs*. Too much con fluenca hi ibt» honesty of hi* ciislomsri rulucd him and bu was fonwd to assign. 11c went lo HaviHrhlll, Muss,, and got employ meiit la a bat raolnry, wb)>jra be worked for six years. During Ills «(ay In HavarbUl b 'lo n k oul bis papers as a cltlsenofthe rn ltcd siaie*. H egavnup his position In Masiai'lnihaita and osme to Newark six iiirmtbs Ago, tb in k in t be might earn blgber wages In this clly. Rmvma were lakeii on West Klnuey street and be began lo search fur work. Weeks drlfied Into months and Ills lUiIu slocK uf money dwlndlsd away.

The landlord *vas clamoring fbr rapt and Hblnder, lo satisfy blm, sold some furniture. Almou five weeUi ago be moved to bla pres- enl home.

BIck ness en teral tbe fkrolly. and to-day thewife and huslund are In a precnrluus oondl- (lou. Ibero Is nolliing Id ihs bouse. They have DO inor.ey und no clothing, excepting Ihat upon (heir backs.

An i-ff.jri will be made to procure work for the huMbeml, who is willing to do all lu bis \xiwcr to succor hli family,

GOING TU CAM!' ON JULY S*.Caplain Flem ing, of U aralrj Gompany A» Receives O rders Ironi AdJ*'Gen. htryker. tipcciai orders from Adjulanl-General W.

s, Kiryker, bearing general directions cover­ing the approaching encampment of Cavalry ( oiniiany A at I4<-a (}lrt, have Just been re­ceived by t ’aptain Floml&g. According Lp. Ibis I fflclal order the truoperi' second tour of comp duly wilt begin on Monday, July 2«, ami end on Huiutday, July 2H, Inotuilve. Willie In ram p they will 1>> subject b) the order* of General WsDsei, CumiuiDdaoi of the First Brigade,

Upon requisitions duly approved (he Qiiar- (ermaslcr-Gcncral will furnish iraiispurla- iloii, camp equipage and subslitenca. Tbe conipauy m a), If it so desires, enter camp on Frldsy afiernonn. July 31, hut no ;uiy will be ulhiH'iMl for Mini dny or ibo twn followlDig dnyi*. Thv (Jnnrlpriiinsler-Gencrnl, bowever, will furniNli tine me il on July 21 nnd one rn- i|oi) for July 22 and one ration for July 23 Upon rcqitishlonaduly Approved.

Vi ilblu u Ivw days Captain Flcnilug will Umiib orders to bis men in assemble M Hill's ItUllhg Acadmny on Hmurdiiy Tnnrntnv, •iuly 22, fully nriiicd and cqiilpiiod In fatigue dress, imiiruclluns will al*4» he given to buve baiters on Ibe horses and (o have over­coats on (ill! Canties of lliplr siiddl^s, The dic*s uniform complete is to be taken nnd filly pounds of ba[;gagn wB) be allowed cacti niioi, Tbe boggngv 11111*1 be plainly marked and will be delivered a t ibe railroad de|>ot 10 bo FOiocted iiilor tin.

Ai the meeiing of tlie company last night Geiieial M Burd Grubb wa« elected a& bon- oniiy inembcr, F. Wolcott Juck*onnn as*o- clnle miinber and Messrs, Uonklln and Eitgone Unger acllve membcri. The iaUer 1 wo V 111 go to camp with their comrades.

Change of Tlinetahla.On Bunday morning six hew open cars

equipped witti ekciric Hpptiam''«s ivill he sturivd on tbe Bouth Orung* line, and one week Inicr anoibcr half duncn w ill be pul into service. I'he nrw tlmciablo recently Approved by tbe coin puny will go Into np^ ra- tloii lo-morrow morning. Under tbo new schedule ni1M.v-s1x cars wilt bv run, making A total of 324 trips t»*r day, Uiu first enr leav­ing the stable i»i 5 o'clock In liin morning, instead nf ft;'i0 o'clock us lormerly, and the Iasi trlpfinJihlny Al 2;i0 o'eluc'c next inuru- Ing. Thu early morning ears, unlit d o'clock, will run on four ininuieH headway, roduciDg thftlnicrvjil betwcf'D errs from eight m in­utes. F i'umj 6 o'clock in (he morning until C o'clock at night three rnlnt]t> headway will govern ; thence until 7:fi) o'clock four tniti- u ics; the cars wilt tlien Hart five minutes apnrl until ](l o'clock ; from 10 lo 11 o'clock six ruinuieji, 11 10 12 o'clock right nilniilcx, and m khilght unlll 1 o'clock, when the Just ear Ikavrs tln> siubio, the rars will run on ton mtnulcs bcaduuy.

|Ise tbe Family Chloa.From tbe I'bllndciphla I'ress.

If the best ciiltm la only used on state oc* coslons, how cun llie children bo exp»cieil to bimdle china prnccfiilly by and by? If (he parlors ki’‘‘ lifpi iock-d, bow can ynn exjH'Ct ueJiUdio sit ur stand ea«l|y In i»irlars by andhy? " Mon nre only hoys grown tall.” The ilhusl tlilugs on tbeenrlh arc not too fine for home. The must beautiful iblngi on the carih a renn l too beautiful for everyday use. Tbe xWectPHi b(-liuvlnrlu the world Is noiiix) E«ind for fHiher and niulbcr, wife and child, sun ano daughter, «


KVEKHliEliX COTIAUI';^»b I'uin , MutvUHMH Co,, N. Y.—llealUiy

IocmUoi), pleniv Mba<ie, large rooms, rgg«, tiiMk, huHer, vogGrables rmm lurrn, near depiii, dally mull, slnbllng ftirhoiies. Refer­ence given uud rcjjuired. OiK'n Jim* 1 Ad-

E. W. CU NK LIN , B-.x 2A hall Hulul. N. Y.


EDEN WIU),Yerona I shF-^’lempcrnncc Hold; picnic gioimuii, gnud boulitig, briihiug, fishiuir aud

ulhcraruu?(cmeot*. Address 7o HIRAM COOK, Verona, N, J.

HATHAWAY HOUSE,He»i N. ll. flrsl-cluss fiimlly Jiojeh

licaullfnl gMiunds, guiMi tinthiug, rHusoriHble ratf*. fresu vogpiiibies, milk. ote. ForiDfor- rnntlon, He., Addrc-Mm WIU.IAM HATHAWAY. Prop,

Bmj,Msey, Hew iMW. Pari Sis.T w o B i gM i l l i n e r yS p e c i a l s

FOR SATURDAY.Clip lot of flno Prp?« Shnp<M, In Mlliui

Hlniwn Fiiiii'y Armour ItmliSH, Kmioh CI1I1W nml I.upo llralil, »oUl for fl.lSfl to ¥iUH, till to Ko at

49c. to-morrow.Aautlior lot of Trlminoil ftBllninfor I..n-

dti>8, MIhhpp uiuI ChiSdreti, for lu- iiiorrow only at

39 cents.

W Ice Cream Sets,Itpjkiitlfiilly dppnm tp.l D i-h Midt’ ui'pm, 7 piecoft, worth h-oO. rtut- iirUny,

99c. set.

Horn tuiiivinw,ChuttiMii), . lurrls 4Juuti(y, N. ■(,, opens

Jiinc I—A Kciprt lau'lly huu-i, onu hour itoin No'vurk, N, J„ via Del., I hrx.. lum Western K. R. i-ur lenij* nml «IrnilHrs Rcblrei-ft

.1, H, STAATB, I'roprlelnr.

THE GLENWOOI),IJelawiire W ater Gap, I'a. KntlrKly brick

end snrrounrlcfl i»y hirge shndy lawn ; view ami siirruundlhgs unsurpHSKcd; convculnnUy JfH-iBt-d ; iciinls and crf»qucigrounds; Hdjolii- Jiig Hwry ; CMpHClly, 200.^ JOlINKUN JSROM,

THE CENTRAL,Delaware M a te r (Jap,Fa. Locatlununsur*

rassrd. Near lamcus walks and drives, Ninth seAKuii. K. D. (JVERFIELIL lie

GA1> VIEW HOUSE,Delnwai-e W ater Gap, Fh. FIiihsI location'

ciipuL'lly, 60 gueiis; boating, fishing; eleva- Hoii, 2.000 left- reference, D, F. NicLiils, Vi Bherman HVe., Newark! icrms reasonable,

HAMUKJj OVERFIe LI), Froprtelor,8?* Mliisl PdsUifllc©, Pa.

0" Aitvays UenlerUA nice Park Bluu i4erge Bull, suitable for

this sessuu, guaraiileed 10 keop lu color and give sHilsfuctimi to ibo wearer. We make Ibis up m order fur f iL Call nlid K«e it,

Henry Kewhoft,87(t Broad gt., opp. William.Fatal negtact Is little sliiirt of suicide,

Tho cunK«qu*fnctis uf a nesIccB'd couglk ure imi well Aitinvn to need reiHfHtlng. Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Byriip cures a cough piuitipily. Bold byail dealers on a guaran­tee of snilsfaoUoD , ______

Men's BuuHoer Ctuthlng.Of our Blue unit Black Hepge guaranteed

fajii c^dDr^ a splendid wearlug material, we uwtke luitajo Ol der fi>r ft22. }^leh(y Newbofiy t f Hrgpd sL, Otfg ^

finntlemen, sets^nr ” Uargaln^Coanter Ih “ Trouserings," all shadee, ueat stripes, lo order rmm 16.50up.

Henry Newbod, ftTft Rrond slrset,* opposlU William. ^

^ Pictures anil i*lctur« Frames Coiolbe manufocturera, Uafr A Kenny, ftJB ■Dd tau Broad slreei, for your pictures amt picture tram*! and aitiii u a te r l^ He» so&able prices. ....... .........

Light BulUnga, All Shades* to O rder a t these prioei, flS, 120. ISa. |3ft tu lao.

Henry NewliolT, k70 Broad ei„ oppy WUUimit* .—Som eRaraarkable Cnree of deafness are

rrcoried of Dr, Thomas' Eoiecirio Olu Never fiiUi lo cure eaTischs.

Our Clay }>tagi»iialr for cuat and vest, for hairdreae,u leader Mlibu*,toDrdtr|2Dnndt21

Heury NewboB, ft7ft Broud sirteL oppoeitft WHilam.

Imported Milan, Sennet and Split Straw Braid Hats for Boye and Misses.

Tam O’s, Continentals and Yacht, prices

i \ f \

W O llT U til l .f tp T O $ 4 .0 0 .

About 100 Hats of the finest quality.A dosing sale o f ihe importer.

W. I SNYDER I CO.S.— Ws have a large assortment o f Wash Suits for Boys.

Wash Knllor BulU, In strlpee and pislo blue nnd rod, wnrraiueil fast ciilnrs, with Cfird nnd wbisde.itxss Uto 10years, rvguinrtLftS aodlLtift, bpeclul...,........................................ .

W stb Fanil...................... ..................Ail-wnot l>oublf*-breastcd Rn'ita, In

bknok, blucor mixed eoods, sism 4 10 |.>ypurM. regular ••14N and ift.dHKui*d(t,.................................. ......... .

Buys' ami Men> Thin C'f>ikis, In out- lug flannel, regular 11.00 and tl.2ft.«

FaanthToy Hulls, In (ill-HOor goods, haiMlsnnieiy fmbrnldrred,sixrsft 10 7 yrnr^f n'giiliir Fl.Pft and fi.fM,rtprmiil................................. ...... .......

All-wont Pants.silos 4 I'I 1ft years.........................

Fine All-wool Fanti*regular ii.60......................................

Boys' IjAwn Blouten, sallnr or round collar, trlinmfld with colored em­broidery....... .....................................

Boys' Dark Blue Outing Flannel net Wulsis and Blnusei, rrgalur £4k'. BpeclaL.,-.............. ............... .




m m

700 pleoM AMOrt^il J c v . l r r worth aio. and SOo.

Saturday 15c. eachFahhjr Kltrer wnd Gill Halrplm, worth3Se.

Saturday 19aFancy Horn H strnlos in d Daggers, all latest

■lyles, worthSaturday 19a

Baby Rings—HolM gold, plain or 'ebased, worth 49c. and 75c.

Saturday 25c. and 49c.




Very almple to use, on ly





M InohN wilt*, for



It, 2 to 5 P. M„Best Quality AFRON QINOUAM, vH k border, Sft-locb wide, a t

Sets.U t f lS P . I ,





Ol l E DllVill be a conplote Bazar of Bargains for Saturday.LADIES’ TIES.

More than a thousand pair* of Ladles'Ox­ford Ties, Dmigola kid and tan-oolored goal, fur

9 5 c . p a i r

Our tS.zn Universal Clotbee Wringer*................. ..... ..........

Our 1^49 Kxira Large Clothes Buaket*.......................... .........

Ourft-fool Ironing Ho*rd*...... .

Our No, fl Cast Iron Bpldern,ground.... ....... ..........Our Sil". 4-qunft Ma*Hn KMIIes,

ibvsu nre iM>(i>prliun made.....

Our 12 49 AH-ropper Wnnh Boll- ere, No. 7.................................

Our 29c, 4-Qii*rt Polished Oil Stove Tea Kettles................. .

Our 29c. ft-lncb Fenlber Dustere

Oitr I9c. Gilt Handle Fancy Dusters........... .........................

Our 93.49 AH-nlckel Gas ^ovei, 2 biiroem..............................

Our 40c, Solid fiteel liatchets....

$1.69 89 CTS. 59CTS. 19 CTS,18 CTS.

$1.6619 CTS. 16 CTS. 9 CTS.

$1.49 43 CTS.

Girls' Donguia kid patent leather tip iprlng- brel Oxford Tim,

HIxpm ll lo j fur........................... .......Oftr.Ulzes ft (0 I0>i for....... ................. ...... 73o

Girls' Russet goal Npringiicrl buKoned boot*,blKd 12 10 2 For....................•l.ftJHltotti to 11 fur...... ...... ..................... Oftc.

Qiir BSiorimeni of I.ndk‘S' Ties At ftl.07, worto 92.59, fir suriiaMSf s anvthing In our clly. We n>4v<-Kieiii lo till iheverloui culured Umib^nt, as well as black.

Bio's' fan-colorcrt goat Laced Hht>es,HIecs 11 fur............................ 91.40

Men's Riisnln'CiOf BlucKdr Laced flbou,Worrb ftl.Od, for

$3.97Men's Coff.'C-eolnrvd Goat Laced Bhoes*

Worib ti-ftO, for


H A H N E S C O .

100 Hero Toilet Sets,Full Rlip, A ll pieces fur a 10*p1ece ftat. The*e a re the b lgge il b a rg a lo s w e ftVftfofTdred,

$ 2. 39.65 Best CMna Tea Sets,

All flft pleeca ft dlfTereut abapft^all new goods* greutly redHced*

• $ 7. 49.40 Coalport DiDuer Sets,

JI9 piMti. iMludlag aoup lura*^ * Aim . nUloD. «ad perfect IDalUT. Nf.IKI.W,

$ 1 3 . 9 8 .

H A H N E t C O .




3 9 g .Sttordtf lerolog from 9 to 12 o'clock,

UefmnUorf rut BUrk Vlnln (nd Blrlitiir,! rlbord,qutilt}', TfiueiSi'. Bud 3ic„ Bk... 1 9 g .

Satorday HorniBg from 9 (o 12 o’clock,Oiif ii, IL roi-K'i, linpf Hidgi,i ‘fN** ,'rfhfb la wliHa* huHgnty, vuhiL- dh-., nt.


^ n E n m ^ ~ m r cSaturday buyers may depend upon having their money go farthest when left a t our establishm ent. HERE ARE SOME OF THE REASONS FOR SAVING SO:



r p « c I I • lA . ^ Msn and Boy o u t i n g s h i r t s .These Following Items on Sale All Day: mu om aommti TiM t* . CotehtDi rAr.>ola—In itT arl.ty nf

ptriprt and plain eolon, with nataral alkd*. t.ird and ta.a*l. lo mutch alik a .rtftum U ,iw i., 14,00, ’

Siitiirilaji g',2.08Kiifllnd r>raaali — In *11 i fu ltn t

f«lor».ioiue wilb lacc ruffl.-a, worth from |6S A tu rd iiy $ 4 .0 8 ,

Oanutaa Farina Colounc—Kafuiar prlca 18e.,Saturday 10c.

ISwdar Pnfra^Rrinlnr prfee At,.Saturday Oc.

■um in.r straw lltia—In a TarliiT ofooiort ■Bd Irlmmad with atqulall* Ua(«, in • thDroothiy itrllkh maniar, w aiib Ak

S a tu r d a y $ 4 . 0 8 .

W hII. Sailor Mai(~Trlinni*d Id nallT man­ner wlib while miill, worth It,

Saturday at $ 1.08.9ood Wire Hair lirithaa,

8 c.Oood Cellolold ComtM,

8c.Boiled Oold n infi, wtrrantod lor I yean,


New Polka I),>1 ItlUlxnie-The prntt^r thllie for u tla r tiat IrlmuiJnka, re lu r 31c..

Saturday iit l(»c, yd.

Belling lllbbona—In Ih . heat oualttr iPk groa erBln, bla-'li. ivljlia and all tho do- •Irublecolor., UWc, laliii-

Oil Saliirdtiy 4*'!c. yd.

Ladle.’ Cbemitelica — Hark and l[uhl ground., uliii fancy iirl|H-a, iOr, Talue,

Oh Saturday JOo.

Bilk Fnnt—w ilb heeallful docorallona. our regular Wc. rood.. In all oolora,

On Saturday a.^c.

Ladles' Oeuntici ( lin eea-sm (alTeta In pHMifc*"*' « /u l» r

Saturday only at aSr.

Dolled Bwl-aei—In new tlgurci and doti,regular ilc, talue, '

Saturday at a.lc, yd.

I Lidle.-lirlHIent L ale How—Itj lane and laalI blaca, [tlcliUieu ribbed, *>■;, talue,

Saturday .‘lOc,

Child.' Ilu.icl Hbade lloec—aibbed. In all »l.e. frniii 4 Ui «!j Inc be., tulue 13c,,

Siiiiiriltiy at 1 0 c . I'alr.

LadW (Jaaie V'aaia..In «horl ileetea, with Kreiiob neok*. 3Jc, talue,

Saturday ‘Jffc,

Chltdmb'i UaUKft Va.Ie—I’earl bnltohi, ilik cfttcb, $‘Urh6d necli,

— i l . ^ at X 2s u II ulo lOo Ido 14s 16a Itio i»o i j e J fc JU

IHrinled and Embroidered Hnndkerchlelk—In

neul de.lkiia, real ralue gc, aud 10c,,Oil Siittiriluy fle,

Klop B uU ^In n a ty and black Slorm horee. itj'lp* " *** “ ' louniior In tl.o uawtal

Prom $;j.tMt to $ 10.08.Allernlloiii made without ebargo.

- I OK T in :- ---- OF-

Uen'a Blni(r>,|l.D0 goode............. ...... .

Ken’. Hirlped Uiilmg Klennel Coel., fl.0dgOl.dL.......................................... I

H en'i Coate end Vraia, ta rlo ili eenbtr uiaitriela, IH.Ob nod f«lU ilraMli.*,..',

4 8 ctslennel Coal.,

79 ctsrioili trphyrU KriOdi..... .

$3 .98

3 9 centsBoya' Ciitln* Flannel, tarlmia ilr le

Urine., regular tl.OO good., for_„„L.

6 9 cents

Bo78 KtttRtl^ray niou««% rolr.rM and wmia. pr»ny emhfottl%rle», tJ 2>aod ll.ao fOt'dl............... a...................

9 8 cts


aa.os ciiMti........... ........ $2.28$ 3 . 0 8 C liC itR ............................... 9 3 . 2 8$ 8 . 0 8 C lie ittii ........................ , . . . . $ 4 . 0 8$ 7 . 4 0 C h r s i a ............ ..................$ 0 . 4 0$ 8 . 4 0 C h e g ta ............................... $ 7 . 4 0

$ 8 . 0 8 t T p r i g l i t ........ .......... . . . ; . . $ 4 ,0 0$ 0 . 0 8 r p r i g h t ...........................$ 8 . 0 8$ 8 . 4 $ U p r i g h t ........................... $ 7 . 4 8$ 0 . 0 8 U p r i g h t . . , . , .....................$ 8 . 0 8$ 1 1 .0 8 U p r i g h t ........................ $ 1 0 . 0 8


$0.78 Upright....................... $7.00$11.1)8 Upright.....................$10.08

& '13.48 Upright....................$12.48$17.08 Upright....................$10.08$10.08 Upright....................$18,08$ 8 .4 0 Chciitii.......................... $4 .08$0 .03 Chegts.......................... $8 .08$ 8 .4 0 Cheste...........................$7 ,40So. tJO Cheats..................... $ 14.08-Vo. 01 t'hektft....................... $18,08

TuchlliisCapa, In Freneb Onnnel. tarl- ona niiuia, auliable for ladt.a, niHoea iiid brtyfg flO|(KKti........... ...............

3 9 ctsBoy*' ittiportfd Wophahio SallurSiilU

praiiy pa^eroi, HOO goods........... „„

$3.19Boy*’ Ughtwcighl Hultw. ftIJ.wool gr.o t

lfl.00 Tiluct, '

$ 4 .6 3

Men a FIuf Chambraj., |n eleeani a’rlcn elTi'eia. In h.llnirnpt, pink hue drab and other effien. 11.71 gootla...,,


M EN’S SU SPE N D E R S.Uanufaclureri'’ tiock Iota of plain Draha

tnade tor 34c. line...............................

centsMamidictitrer,'Bempla SIj Im I j nilk

Knrta, fancy and plain ttebi, regular &)e.i]uallilM...... .................

2 5 ceutnIn Hilk Kmii and H«aTilr

Worked bilk cffecU, tag. |1 goodi, fur

6 0 c e n ts

m a r k e t s t r e e t , n e a r b r o a d .

SATURDAY'S NEEDS!Astonishing, but true, amid the varied advertising ‘

sch em ^ adopted by our competitors. WE * ARE DOING THE BUSIn S s . Note

your opportunities.


A SALE OFNEN’S NECKWEAR.Lola recently cloard out from moniificiurara

indTori'uiiVeTd.i®'*''' "■TeckOearf.7.V. gnndi for.,............... aa-»U*) grroda for................... «*,;.jOt. gooct* for....................

Not more than 3 ilea lo any single turckaacre

wus, grays, ouiurday’a |>rlc*%Ithi. pair.

^ d lM 'P i i r e Silk QInvea. all ihg leading colon and black. Maiurday'a price,

28c. p i i i r ,

LidleC All-altk Mlilf, ivhllr, black, color., 28c. jiitir,

«.*'l*i,M®****,5* ‘ limmer glove, yellow kilichiog, 4-buitoa mourquetalre. tiaiurdny'a j,rlc«,

70c. pair.

CORSETS. CORSETS.d r i i ; 'm r? ’l'inrwei!r'K^rilld%'^^^^^ piteif

4 3 c . pair.

<‘*tra long' "*** toada und Hayed. Salurday'aprice,8 0 c . pair.

K. A 0., also W, II. E itra Long and Ke.urdi'y’rp‘rrc;; **‘“-

78 ccuts.We keep nil Uio b „ , mutea.


-•V# V* viivairis.,.................... fiJdbvtf

flUed with ground ohBro andhinpwlMtda'tionUVdaii ohlmto “ Nowark that is



$1.40.Tbaee dre Ihe only dral-claa. atoTci *yar

•o.dalelM ite prlctv.


$1.19." The Btllable" Uaa-.l.vea burn lea, g . ,

than any oiher mnuolaclurcd, eontuttilMU laaa than lo. per hour,

OUU !4.IH KELIAHI.E, ad .ag

OUU •» .» IIELIAIILE, U .v g .

TI.V-COVEHED JEU .Y OLASSES, Black, Inn and red. regular lOc

iSiJlV’* .....Jflt I'irka....

............... I Eoamellne............................... ... go......... .......S"* * * B rr-geraior ‘iftci

............a.ae.a„..8C4a$0h I ^#$1 A<1j U*|« UlU W | QlloW *»Cri ................. atiohnx

W fllT R MOUNT.iiiKhls ih» onlyr$| nhiB frw a-rs nnw In ju a rk c i. r^Hiurdnv

<i k’ laws'vhulV d*' tbftt'itn•3 .B & ' KRu , reg u la r H«k, at

to feet 4.plv K uhiier Hoae, reel. n n » ln andy e a r i i ' / ' i n " rnh" '* ’'? " ' ' lo r onayear. B t.iD . o th e r I'lA '-eiie I Ib la aa iu e h aaa a i a big b a rg a lu a t a i .O b . o '" no te

DIkirn'a Stove Pul I ah 3'ooihplok., 3,60J for...


bimi'iiiHnmiliiiiHiiiitiKiuI FIX

O u i .


l.'i lurbea «ide. regular 17i', goodi, for........................... ............ I I

Our Jewelry, Leather, Fan Dept’sWILL SHOW:

CBILDEEN’S SOLID GOLD FINGER RINGS, J l - n c .Set wtih 3 ilonea, ggc. good., fbr ..................... $ J \ /

PEPPER AND SALT SETS, . . . . . i n c .Tray, pepper and ahU aiinher and *p wn, regulBr 21.'......... ..... .

LADIES’ EXTENSION POCKET-FANS, t r c .BlikCfc, inn find red, fpgulflr lOf................................. m -*


SHOES. SHOES.I/idlM* Fine fiongotn Kid Oxford T.m

Sl'u'td j™’ JJSS?" “P*-$ ] .4 » .

Udiov' Fine Ruaaet Gtiai Oxford Tlea. com- “rl« . ‘'P*"* Ba "Pd.j™

$1.28 .' ’“ *'*'* Oxford Tlea’ pelent

daV'a prkf.*’**’'’**'*''**''''*** ^ 0 “'-78 Ceuta.

VEILINGS. VEILINGS.. . K l S ' l " . , ? * ™ , a « -

““lOc. y-mi.8eWrflV?prke.'"'’

1 4 c . y a r d .

HOUSEFURNISHINGS.{Second Floor. Take Elevator.)

Wonderful W hat One Cent W ill Da,5.000 Japineie Brlom-Bnib Feather DaaKra.Bnlurday'a price, uoawra.

I c . e a c h .

5.000 While Chlot Individual Butler Platea. ■quareor round, lititurduy’. p r l ^ ^

I c . e a c h .

Sa*irdaT’llpJl»!’'“* *"I c . e a c h .

FOR SUMMER COMFORT.eSSjS!;',**!,"!™,”"

07c. ^acb.4-burnrr Double Oil Stove*, reedy foe the oil, baiurdaj'e priee. ^ *

$1 .30 each.

MEN'S FURNISHINGS.The Nyirgeo Khlrla are here lo madrel. percale, flannel, all aorta, maarei,

49c. up,

faSIwac^'"'"" <»“*.12(c. a pair.

B»B>rlegan ShlrU and Dr»««rt, tlJ ■1*0$, BaturiJiiy'4 prioo, *28c. each.

Slen'e .Vecku-ear, all alylea. fooMn-banda pH w ' ”** o tw oolurL isaiurday'e

28c. each.

lligular Xlc..

i ’ 2 5 Cm 6 0 c . , 7 6 c . P a r a s o l s !HALF REGULAR VALUES.


Children’* Fb*1 Block Derby Rib Homi *11 ■ lie*, relay’* prlce^ * ®lOc. pair.

faSf^'s.u’iry e rer™’'24c. pair.

LACES. UCES.prk“e,“ fcru, not u,p. Baturday’g

23c. yard.

T„ , 0E8KGE PHOSPHATE.BotUeflofthoexti^ctat iyc^25l. X a

lll'WHIRfEFs~jlillLSON,lg» TO IQa M A R K E T S T R E E T .


COTs T I N U E t o -m o r r o w ITo-morrow ends the early m ek advertised lots o f Dress Goods,

Dress Silks, Fine Lace Curtains and Millinery.

La S. P L ^ t I c COa,7 0 7 to 721 B R O A D S T R E E T . ^


In Sacks or Cutaw ays, for

men, in Cheviots,W orsteds, Serges, etc., fitting, styiisfi and comfortable, $iO, $12, $15, $18, $ 2 0 , are captivat­ing our customers just now. They are correct to a hair, and hit the tasteful men.

The special sale o f Chil­dren’s Suits still continues, and a t $ 3 , $ 4 and $ 5 we

are selling Suits which other people m ark a t $5 , $ 6 and $8, Our customers are bound to reap profits, be­cause we manufacture.


M a r s h a ll & ‘

Pups, buy m e n B icycle.I’lipii, buy iiu ' .q T ricycle.

Boys und G irls g iv en five choice o f I 'lllier n Hlcyclc o r T ricycle , Do you wniU ft gooil fSiili for tiuslnc.ss nr ilrcs.a? Sec the incii'a m ilts w c fire se lling 111 f l.j, In I .lg iitw e ig lit G rays, W ointcds, H nm o»|uing m iii Uiirk c r tic tx Eliic, n ea t, gen tee l uud dimibio. licg iila r sizes niid stouts, ■Men’s lliiii Coiits a n d Vests, Boys' Hulls iim) Im iig -l’a n t Bnita, qnttc” a reiiuetinn in piiecs. B oys ' W ash f-iiits In bandsunic sty les . E v e ry jnir- chaser Ilf f |,j o r m ore o f cJo tlilne c.an select elUier a B icycle o r T iicyele . T ills emnes o u t o f o n r C lo tliin g Do- rm rlm eiit .V tlveilising F u n d , an d tills oiler Is o]ien only a slio rt w hile ycL

Mann Bros.,311 TO IKGIIllD ST., JEW IOa«.


9 i:nptn$ nnl mnuiircmcnl blank* to onU! oMou'n ciuLoiuvr*.

’iron and steelI BEAVI HARDWARE1 106 and (QQ MuihernF S t,

. . . . .

BORSIS SIRSOS:727>7i39 Broad St., Adjoining New Postofhee.


BELTS, WASH FABRICS, PARASOLS.iq l-»c, rm r-L v lh E,ic,. F,„( in»fk llo« , regular sold for IHe, pair.S0r .-0t.na' Proncb llftiurikcan Mbln-nnd Drawer-, regular aoc. valuft

■ ' r n ’l - T ' ' ' ' ' * f ‘ »"y<'0'0»,,hap,dbudlea The,bail ever ofTarml for

“ ‘■vmu’; V ) , n ■>«* Ibwaab dre. 1 w .a rj0 1 9e. yd.-A nolhor Imi Cordfd Organdlri, eholcr elfoeta ; prior hna boon vr^c. yd.

6 3 5 and6 3 7 Broad, Cor. New St.

)\T H E G R E A T E S T S U I T S A K i E E V E R

K N H W J S r H E t i l l V S V O . R O R R O W .Tlie lo t to be offered com prlics in ah

7S0 of the best mode and best fitting (suits In the city. F ine L adles’ Hulti, guaran teed best values ehown this senson, made of the very best steam sh ru n k E ngllsii storm serges, skirts full fashionable w idths, in navy blue, blnck, tan, browns and ligh t blue. T he en tire lo t will lie closed ou t at the follow ing special prices :

i ‘ Of black, the .amo a , aoKi ,16*.. rd ..fo ,

SaWai LeartBR ia Sails ;aa[ICIoal(s.

■ cba. cLijiTwa ir .


—A —



" o " ' 1 b o » « ra charge for

rreular rrlco » 4 .0 » -U ,iir« Triple Cnpr J„chcl, made nr»lt.,rr,ol m alorl.l 4Sr.. WI r 1. 7ttc,. -cO doitft m or. laidle,' Kblrt VValala,.mad* uf fl,,, Kreneb p'rcala.

-SPECIAL IN PAItASOLS.Kxreltfnt vnltie 3f mid 3(M<.ob Hinr fi nrlii Umbrellni, n ilu ra l stieka; Tmtio »l.M, tl.O * . ai-lnch L.tirn (IuhIIIj- Ciloi laWllk Itiiibru-inn, tii.ii[i,.l|ed moiiiiL-j wurlb |1 Og, ■] ga

G O D I ) V A I . l 'E s l \ IIK LT.S.L.iMC lo lire Hr Ih. v n i. „xidir..,i |„ „ k .„ , a i ,„ v F ro m Bril, fanry buckle* j our

rcaiilrtr *#tA'. lie 11$. i In* |n( wj.] ).,ri| ai iDy, *o r m u N G H I X J ic v v K u r V a

l-idica' UoM .1. <1 Sirr l .0 Milvm Secklncca ; n decided blTrg'iln at 40o.Uitf Igo. laiiiJKV KmitiU'JK'j lluJriiins ; ri'^uUr prioj lie., HuiAirdjiy IJe,

Straus,^ 807, 809, 811, 8i3 BROAD ST.

H U U U U U U U U U U U i l U l i i U U U ^

’Phone 'Mo l^ p o o l^


filake-r* cif

I liigh-C la.s.s j . . Printing; * *‘ :i * i j Dechanlc St., Newark

o . E W S32,000.

Speciman Style.

WORTH PR 0M $61o$|{ EACH.

We sliall also Include In this great sale 1,000 Ladles' Shirt Ytnlsta, white and colored, In lawns, iMircales and cliambrny, with fine tucks mid ruf- fled trimniinga, worth 60c., at

aSc, [achI

Men’* Fancy Striped ominv slilrti, with *oH hntoin uud tuiindorud rtiUnra iinrt cuff* retnlar Mlllng price gi.ai. For Bmurdar

'OUOi CHOne '

ir. 'r,

«.^l*L***^ tn-marrow^ Men'*. KonT.k|ti.iiRti* Wnihat>ie Bilk Tl«#g refuiar pricowiv, a i j t

to Ritrnli Kllk 8 j’rtfdH Jnnji, wjlhrugu/arprlotll.nSi ul B110 eacb.

f>TMlJe* Mti*iin D wwrrig mad* nf theliM t nuiiliri-mtiH In* with dwp h^m and ittok* biMioitii MKrj w iirb^ kouonhole*. *old si**! wUereBt 3)c. iQr flfic.» pulr.

P in t llplfH, hi iiMTy 1j | hp nnd

DAVID STRAUS6 8 S a n d 6 8 7 B r o a d *


i i OF m iiH G ,Ex-Miniitfir Phslps Homs from Qer-

HUD7 , aod Oat of Po;itlc,


Bm iIjt to A|>UUI(I the tluIiM nt Jiiiluc M ill tVcik--liln I'HrllitE With th» Km- 1>fnr--A Uraukigrii Wuinoii K fpt I'rU - •Bot Olid Ninrrfd to llootii byHer IToaltliy bui Mi.oriy l|iiab*ii<l —A Ifoung Fr.o*!'* Li;« tuor!!!,;,,,! lo «ii , \ l- tauipt to Haio Ai.tilht r-*llr. 1 rJc ft to Beinalu at tlulmi ttjiuiiMiry.

J T K E 1«. I Sf);?,— PAGES 7 TO P).

WliUftin WHli«r Pliol^i. who foroT^r four y turt repretonletl thfl P illed m Hliilalef to the Court of JltrMu, arrjv«d at N^»r York ytiierdky on ih f Kteftriior Hpiw. Mr. P h ilp t WM found ehallinx wUh fcIluw-Toyagtra lu th« e.:btQ inloon.

“ I am Jm t dellirhlPl io act hnm*'," auld Ur. Phelps *^To te aufe, my Aiperionco lit Btrlln b«l b««it i-kiroinoly aireaiibla. Uul ikow i can aaehcw puliUc'^ fortunately. You know thoro U uoiie, or, ruihor^ ought to donoQo on ibe bench, aa ucst Tuoailny 1ftTn awnru In aa Judge ul tbn Court of Krrora fold ApjMilp, an ottlee which came to me eery unaxpaclcdly from the I>tti>o?r4llo Ouv- •rnorol New Jeraey, I almll retire from polu ttei, aUoaai lor the irrni aa Jadgt'. No; all tn j political ambition baa bMii arailfla'l and there |i no oftlre—not oTan a PnUeUi^taiea Baiiatorafalpatl feel nuw*-ibnll wculd wiil- inglj aecepi,**

* German newapnpera hara anld you will •OOn relurn tu Berlin and make It jronr fii- lu n bomvf ”

^■Tboreta uo foundation furiueb aatory.1 prefame It originalcd from the fact that n y dau|ht«r, who reoenily bcoama tha br.da ol br. Von llotttuburg, a Oounclllor tn Ibe German Interior Departiueut, Je occupying kuy old tiutne In Heriln.

** How about the B ^ ln cable diapateboa italtngtbBt In the ao^calltd cornbread pru- pnganda 115 000 hna been aiiuandcred hv Murphy, and tha t Murphy haa been ra- puU luted b ra n German aclenciaii and G e- • rnnirnt omciala who bad any aagixilatlonwith hlm t^'

Mr. Fhelps replied t Inaamuch aa I prob* ablyfhail have to treat ihia mailer aa oti*' who ncenfJy haa been Mlulater to Berlin I would prefer not to diaruas It furtbar than to lay that If ibere baa Uueu a wrong ^Itcrelary Ruak waa not retitooalbla for it. CuJoiiaJ Murphy wm fairly aucceaaful lo bJa mlaalun. Aa to lappreaaad correapondenca and o lh tr allegtd Irrefularltlea, Iknow nothing.

‘*Tha Emperor paid the United BtaUa a great compliment. The Btinday before luy departure tha Kmperor drora In from l*oif- dam, fifteen iDlioa. for the apeclal purpoia of re.'elTliig General Hun yon, my anoc^aaor, and hhidl'if me g ol>by. 1 waa proud of Kunyon If only for ou t thing. H ew ea ria ualfoiiu atilendldly. and aa he roda with me lo the acbloai to ace the Flinperor all thaoffl* ca:^ and other lulllinry men on the route aalniei. Neetr htTlng been a mltllary man lliave bad lo wear plain black cloth log. Tula, of courae, baa beento my dIaadTantmge, Runyon, with hla Major-Ganeral'a alrape, guppllfii wbat 1 lacked. ^Ue U mre to m ake eaplcadid Mlnleier.

ai 1 waa aeylhg, the Sunday before m ydipiirture from Berlin the Kmperor re- eelrcd Unnyon aud m yaett In parting with me the Kiniieror. laklng me by the handf l a in ^Came, now, Piielpa, you will agree %lth me that my tubJeoU W bobere emP grated lo tbe United Btetea bava proeed theiiiHlTea the beat eitliana there.’ 1 replied that t thought iha DellTe-born Aiuerlceoa made good cltliena. 1 eaeured him, how- •▼er« that tha Germena In Amerlee were highly appreciated and ware among our beat dtlaena. Then the Erwperor told me bow pleated be w ai th a th liaa lto rb o y a acquitted tbeiuaelTea n well during the naval review. He la very proud of the nawy, aiweUaa of the army» The Emperor Jok­ingly referred to ibe fact that one of hla anb- Jede had auoeeeded la eaptnrlDg m ydeufb- ter. He aeemed to enjoy m yloie fhrm ore than 1 did.'*

^'Whaita lo be tbe fate of ibe Army b l l i r ’’Ibave little doubt t b i t a majority will

be m arned agalnat the bllL Then tbe Che& •e lln will again AbnoUDce a dlaaolutioa of tbe Relcbatag. and It le probable that tbe priMnt MlnUlry will reelgm Having formed anewooe, tbe Emperor wUl havetoooa> atmot aiiab a bill aa may be tbonght likely to I paea Tbla tteaaa a orlali la Oermau pollU«

— -

a a lfu lib U ie !n riillun cf UuUing a t tiekou c.

'J lie iKMAt wcni u.i until 11 Imiohcrt Ihe p Ipf, a id Im that inoriicni Mn>. liurcliPti aiood up, and croMliiu uvui FaiUc^r McKenna. U'iin ■ till Mat will] tUo iiari In hie httud-. pul i cr fiKJi ilu' llu.li, iJiiM bU# lufMcj hnUtlaiily mid hcriiinclcd In cic ini4» El o ln>ei, Tlni ho,'! of buoi i-Htigbl lit (MIC <if the H‘u(e, nnUwith a pl(«rcla:i ciyelie Ic.l Inio ihc nl^r. The next luelunl aiiC tiue th in ly away, Rwi-pl u(«n n by lue I'.owt'rful uudcrciirruni, her orlce aruwlnj'foliilor nnd fainlcr, ai *ho drif'iit ailing, Thr ligare hi lUv IwiaV aliKxl upii',jbl, U.'ij| ronvm’l, ilivcd h mU rnre- rtuiai Into tho w.vi r, an i Iwiure i'u|H‘liiia]. hlu^Hned ua>l heiptC4«,

rviillx} whiU had hnppeneJ, wai Oriv.iti a l::i nil hii furr-o ilivmigU Ibe vrn:cr tn pur^uill ofLhe ntMn'hl^ The ruen on 'Ihi? bault iM\T tiN form nui-aliu nenrer nnd nc.iic. lo her. T.iey muv iik arm slrelclied uul iu gru»i> her, aiU llu-y ibnv her wild, viiliiive gruip Hi hk mliur as tiie Ino inel. 1 he tUt> wblrJoil ibam along a i iLe/ aLru^- gled for life 111 ibr wmIui—iho »uam trying lu fr.o hlm-c^frum ih? c:utc(i llml waa drag­ging him down, the wunun madly huff.'ilug iili for ■ wUh her finiid-, There waa one tael, dvftpttlrlng erv, TIm iuw .imu wavenfaUHnd 111 tJ:c(llatnncr, and thcuibu Uvubjdie«iuiik from algUI,

Threug.i a groat pni’t nf the night man were dragging ihc N -r»h Ulv. r Ih'lwoLii Nincilcili nud O.ic lluMilTYd nnd T.uMtiu.h btr^i-la. Up to a late hour uctiuuf of ih.: iwu boilfoa bad been r.cnvtiud.


ri^nFE«iO U llllK tR . TU BKMAIH,He tVlll Coiillntio Hie IVurk lit tba Uni .p i

thciil giral F> emlaHry.A tau ica tlu j of the buir-i of dlr^JctorAef

Union ThoulogicAl Humlnary, New York, held tj«t Tuckd.iy, U wat decided by a utinnimaUH VuLa Ibat the Hjv. Dr. Uriariei A. Brfsga ebould uonttnuehU work lii ttio dL-p^itiit«Qi ufHibiWal hlitory a t hUFcr.o. llwuMulao itaicdye4tarday by Dr. Kara M. Ki.tg«iey, i.ecr«lary oflhe Mmlna y, (hul ihe dlrcclore dfcided to luako ipi'clai proVkhm that nano of ihc kitudfuk of Union Hjintrury ihnil «uf- for from tlia reatflciiam wliiob have bjeu put U|N)ji the DreeUyterJan lioird ofoduua* tloo by the Qi'norai A«ieinbly. Dr, KIngx. lay waa aifced Ifhe would luukaany fnrlhfr ataluiueutof tlia plane and purpoece uJ luc direcluri. H erald;

‘*No; wa fed that ourboMt pulley now li eflenee. Letuihara lalk if Ibey dcairr. The actIQD of Ibe dlr«ctor« waa unntilmoue end eplrlled utid ihe raruting waa unnaiiMliy well aitended. Cumldcrtug the Mine of year. Bui beyond Ibe mere Blaumiani of tha fact that Dr. Brifgv ie tokeip L uchulruf liiAtrucilun In the acinluJiry, notwlilietaudlng ibadeciiK loo of the (ietici'Ml Auanibly In hli case, we agreed lo ray Dottiirig wbaiavor loudtiijg thla matter.”

WAU IMMINENT IN hAMUA.Thla Govarampiti Hay Again Elate to

Intervene to Malolalii Braor.Advlcea received by Becreiary Groabam at

WaablDglou from Samoa are to the efforl th a t affaire there have reached acrlala and U may be that the United HUiea will again bo obliged to Intelvene between the partiea.

Of Ute tbe iruublea that King Malleloa has e&couutered la tbe effort to govern hla king- dura have drJvea many of tba lubabHaula over to tbe ilda of Matuafa. Tbe dlaaffecUou baa become lo wrloui that Maileton baa felt It to be necetaary to crush out the aspirant for the tbrooe and tb t advlcei received at tbe Htate Department Indicate that open warfare la now aboqt to begin.

The United Htatee, Great Britain and Ger­many have obligated theraHelvoi by the treaty of fiertiD to preecrve ibe nuioaomy of tho lilaiids and to maintain order aud peace. Under th li agrconient it haa been tbe cua- tom of (Uo rbree natlona to take luriie In keeping a war ibip at Apia, or In the vlcln- Uy. and It lo happened tha t juet cow (he German veiael It uu guard, lu tb it crlila, however, It la dMlrable th a t more force ihould beat hand. Tbe nearcBi ahlpa are the BoiUm aud tbe Adama, uow at liouululu. I t l l tmprobable that more loan one of ibcui can betpared. If oneof iheee abould beatiit to Bamoa the could uut reach there before tom e Ume lu July.


n * m V tir« « i a w iv b t o o k a v I i .A W .Blthr BrQoklrn Man A r r u M fa r

BU Cruelty to Hi# Spoite.Tbeatory of the cm alty of EllphalatStTat-

Im , a wealthy retired mercbaiitofBrooklyo, io hit wife •feannette, which hat Ju it come to light, throw I the conduct of tbe legtodary Bluebeard Into tbe tbade. Tbe couple live At 124 Gaiee avenue. Stratton it known a t ** Colonel,” It elgbly-three, and of dlitln- gnlibed appearance. Me waa A widower When, about three y ean tlace, he married k it preaent wltii, who It only ihiriy-tbree.

The nelghbort knew little of the couple. Mrv. Stratton Ipparen tly went out tittle aud they were eeldotu teen ti^etbcr. One day l u t week the little child of Mri. Jadwin, a neighbor of the Strattooe, beard a feeble voice oallliig her from a window oflbeStraD ton bcttfc. I t wax Ura. Blratlon, and abe naked tbe child to call her motber out.

In a weak voloe tbe unfortunate woman begged Mri. Jadwlu to fetch bar aoroe food. ” I have notbloi to eat, nor anybody to eare for me,’’ ahe aald. Frlgbteued a t eueb an unbenrd nf aUte of aflbira ao near her nWQ door, k ra . Jadwln hasltly pre­pared lotne food, which abe a(- templed to lake In lo Mri. Stratton, bui fbnad tbe door* all locked. At la il ah* •ucceeded In reaehlng It up lo her by meana of a long pole. Another alrnllar attem pt to give the poor woman food found the wlu- doWB feilened, I t la aald that Siratton faa- tenid them.

Mr*. Jadwln told the police. Captain Me- Kelvey aeut Dateeilve Delebauly to Invoatl- laie. Ho found SlraMoii ataudlug at b li front door. By a itrategem tbe detective got i&Bide and Immediately made bla way to Mr*. Strattob'a room. Ha found ibc women la bed. Upon learning bla errand ibe poured Into h1i ear* a moat plUfnl atory.

Her married Life, abe aald, bad been very unhappy* Laatyear ahe had been forced to take In drcMmaklDi lu order lo gel food and elothlng, which bor fauibaiid reliiaed to pro­vide. In Jaftuary, worn out with work, ebo waa taken lU with porltoolm . A phyileUn WBicalled.bat for lome reaaon h liv la lU ocafeed after a Ituie while and ahegre w worar.

Mrs. Htrattou to ld tho detective that ■ he had been almoat without food for many dayi, wbeo, with itarvadon atarlug her tii tbe face, ahe had iunamoued atrcnglh anoufb todraf hervalf to the window and dill for help. Had not tbe child been with- in call ih« did not know what ibew duld bava d<me.

The dfleollve ca!l|d In two docton, and agreed that tbe woidbd m uii be al oiivc Ttmoved to a boapltal If her life were to belATld.

Tbe doctor wbo flrit atteudid the worn an went to police headqaartert Weduea- day and told BuperiolendaDt Camp­bell that he oeaaed atteudlng Mr*. Htraiton a tnonth ago wheu^ Hirattoji atked to know *’ lb i b « t meani of getting rid of a trouble- gOBM woman.”

Yciterday, on Judge Haggerty’iiu ffea tlon , Detective Ilelehaaty iwora out a warrant agalDil Stratton la which bo la nccuiedof aUempUngto kill btawlfe by neglectlDf lo five her proper food and oare. Si ration wae arrMled at fall borne late yeaterday if.or> nevD. He waa balled out la it evening by a fetiod.

They Steal Plate, Money and Frecio.ui Oeini From Their Own Church.

Advleei from BU Peteraburg, Kuula, lay th a t th i Church of tbe Chudov Monaatry, wbicb ti wubiu the walla of the Kremlin, wai reoently robbed of a vaat amount of plate, money and gemi. Tbe plate bad Juit been uied In the eeremoDlee atU udant upon tb e reception of theCaaraud bad not been re- tu m id to tbe vaulta where 11 waiuiually kept. Tbe property an d money taken amouBied In value to between 2,500,UOO and SiOOQiJXlO roufali*.' The potftoe wbo were pot on tbe caae bad a enipioloa that the thlevee would be fouod not for from tbe obureb, and they patiently iDveetlfated the eaae, *wltb ibe raeult that to­day all tbe menke belonging to the idqdbb- tery were arremed. A oearcb in the celii oc­cupied by the monk* {revealed that (bey bad perpelraled tbe robbery. Secreted Jn tbe cell* were found dlamoDdi and other genaa whlcb bad been baitlly (otn from tbclr letilngs; holy ruble* and tbe m lulug holy veiieli made ofpreeloui metaii.

A charge of lacrllege Doi been made igalDit tbe moaki. Thli l i a crime that li puDlibable lu Husila wilb tbe raoit levere peualtlea* I t ti probable Lbat many of the OQlprit* will bebaulibod to Biberla for life.

Aaide Irom the icandal arlslug from the robbery and arreaU, another cauie for goiiip baa been given through the feet that the pjJlce Id learchlog tbe m onaitery for tbe itolen property learned beyond dlipute that a number of women bad been livlDg eecretly with ibem onki for a oonilderabie timA

A New Cure for Motba.From the Detroit Free Praei,

The iprlug iiyle of (ram p bad appeared at tbe kitebeu door of a hou&e ou Orchard itreet and bad been regaled on wbai cold victual* Were bandy, and be fait grateful.

*'You bavo fed roc, roada[u,'*be Hid to tbe lady o f . the houie, a i be wiped hli mouth OQ hli coat ikeeve, *' aud 1 feel that 1 abouid do aomcthlug In return for your k lndu tii.

“ Y'ou don't mean to work, do yon gaaped the lady.aitouiBhed beyoudmeaaure.

” A labor of love la uever work, madam T” he roepoRded with k bow.

” W bat do you waut lodoT” Inquired bU beuefnoireia.

” The iummer icaiou, a i you are aware, li coming on,” (he lald, *'and It ocoara to me th a t you, a i all good bouKCkeeperi do, Tmiit protect yonraelr agalast that pe*t of aum- raer« tbeiuolb. Ofeourse, the work of gulag over eterythiag and putilug U away If heavy for a woman, and if you will permit (DC 1 ibali be glad to pack away a* many old garmenU ai you may w uii to protect from the motb.^

” Uave you had any experience— "” lUe began, when all of a ludu in tbe keen aud puiigent wit of tbe ragged ipeclmeii before her struck In, and It m ade b*r bo mad she ran bliu off the place with a broomatlck.

Cblnaman and CookroaclieB*From tbe Pfalladcipbla Record.

One of (be itrangeat ■uperitUloDBOfCblua- moo It the awe with wbJcb they regard tbe cockroach. John halda tbe ugly black peii u i BOineiniDi vaervd, cialmiug tbai It if apacldlly favorjd byibcgodinudaparlloular favorile of tbe great J qbb. The luoBfa uufor* tupate mlabap that ca»i befall a Cbltiamah U to itep pu a ecckroacb. lustautly vh lu iiio f terrible dlwsteraaDil calainltle* arlee before bim. lu aome ln«Utuce« the luoaritUloij lias boen known (0 prey «o on the b ln d i of tba Celratial* k i lo drive them Iohuf. At a vc- xuH of tbia «tnlQ of affair*, Cnitlatowu la overrun wHn eockroachea, and a Uhluaruan would aa aoon thmk of kltllug bimielf a* of kllllug oue trf th^mi

P E K S O N A L.WiLuAM Ol,Aci£, tb . nuvvl.il, 1. of .u d i »


A TOtmO PniK tX ’i HKROIO UKATH.B.V. C hari.. lIcK .m ia Urowuwt in n

FaU l. A tt.m irt to W.T. a W om in’i Lira,Harole b r .v . r , ]re.lrrda, coat th . Itfo of

tb . Hev. tharlM M. H cK ann.,. youn* pr!*,t BtUoh.d lo th . Uom.n C tho llo Church of ■L Ana In 7w«tflh ilrH l. New Yurh. H* tr ir f to t a f . from il.atb by drow nlu, M n. Mariamt Barahell, and «Ub her wat iw cpi •way by Ih . flood tide.

Fathar HoKetma bad alwayi bc«n fond of alhMUa axerelH, b u lo fla le u ronitltnllonar aXfoUoo of tb a tu a r i bad lOrbiddan any lu- dalgMii* la h ti Cavnrit* ouMuor par.u lif. B* ,1111 k*t>t up Ma towlDf praellfi^ bow- «v«r, Md. In aiM^aiHttloa wllh an cldor hrolW . boniht a bana»m * two-oard boai, whl«li W*. m oor.* .lhlh.i'< kemt, whtoli l l on d n . Uviildrad and flcT(oU«lh utrMt, within M .y rang, of ih . H<wlh Hl»w.

H ra Uirataall, a p rm y yonne woman, twMUJ'lWo y .a n old, wa« f ln l coualn lo Father UaKtaua, and only a lUW day . ago I.fllin 'ho iM In jilonaMl,.d, PBh on a - l i l t to bat unde la N tw York. flh . had baan only two m oatht m anlad. Ah. bad MT.rat tliBM aooompaulM Falhar AIcK.iina in row. tng eunraloa*. and yaatardoy thay ..n lu ra d out onre miflw. l i wai about 3d0 o’cloch When Ih . boat waa a havfd off from th . pkr, ann a n d .,- FaUwr MoKwaa’. awtaplng •trokt w.iit down tha m « r . T b . naxi' ib .i w u N in of tk*n> waa a l t o’clook, W ^u OrorgaCnpslaml, who haaehargaof tlir Hal- moat Beal p a b ’a houaa a t Oiui Huadrad and FlralaltM t.aaw l'aUior OcKanna, wboiOiali* kMW MdMUwgIy wall, towlBf toward him

narTofl. tamptramoot that h i lay. duwu hit pen at the ellghirat louad.

LOKp WotAELXY, the grcalpU of living Engilvb Boldteri, 1* baio^r meJium bcigbt and ateoder and tithe of frame.

MBA AfiTUiu STAkHABn (John Strange Winter) haiJuBt been elected a follow of the Royal itocleiy of Liieralurr, a dUllaclion lbat ha* only been conferred upon one u(h«r womuu iJuce llie loolety wa« founded In 1H£L

M HH. I n x K U K K t s k , of Iowa, bas re­ported every r»ce Uikir UaMiakeu place on lUe f;im.iu* Indci^endeneo (rook aince It wa« opaped In ISW; eua !■ a recogniavd HUtitorUy ■m all race quesilrms. nnd from the owner* lu the ntable boyi I* unlvenMlly rexpeoud.

Ex-pKHii>T?rT Uabkpiun leftdi a very qulat Hie lu ItiUianHpuliB, He li Bcldoiu Hoea on the itrec.B uiid never ^oe< Inio l o claiy. lie ha* noi renewed baviirH ra reiatl ini with h|i<Hd pirtnera, Meivr^. Miller A K am, but iiaea desk In tba oltlcj of jril* old coriU-

Howard Cale» where be lr.rii», fluU hi* prlVAle ba*inv*«.

K.x-«kNaruB ilskitY W, B iaAIR, of Niw UaiupBhirc, famed tor uIb Juiig apeecUra, hi* educBltuual bill and )iD rejeeUon a* Hlufo- ter # CUlna ou aocuaut of Oelug peraoua non grata In (he Flowery K1u|Uoib. will returu to CoMgree* tbl* foil u* a member of lUe UoMe. He ta laid lo be loaded with a few remark* on the ptA*lon qua«Uon.

ffave uied Dr. Thoua*’ Ectvoirlc Oil for croup and ooldv aiid deetaro it * pualtlva care. Oontrlbuted by WlMlaiu Kuy, 670 Plymootk Ave*, Butlkto, N. Y.—Adv,

Wotneit with pole, eoiotieaa foeea, wbefoA weak and dJeoouragvd, will receive both mei laJ aad bodUy vigor by uemg Curt^e iroa PlUi, which are made lor Um kUMb iurvo* a M ‘noupluiuit*-*Aavi

(Uiuilt \V (ti H sliiig1iii;r llcbukc.\ok‘k\UU’ llclle WlitB tbe Long Island

llauAtlrap-'thltlB i-nil Kmlii ulHport.ThF’ ClikMgo IfOiAC b ill pluyiTB rfc-dvcd ii

BBvrro Uc^ure froin iheir rt'd^mbinbfo oai>- laiu iM'furc the g*Fuo yetierday, aitd hb u cutisrquon<e ibe Coile pla>ed with a vim (bai gavetbem ib tv ielory over ibe Uluntn. Wiiru'x men uSsunicu Uiq nggroiilve ul lUo slart, but tb r nitcaiio rusbuftliroe rituB lu (be (Itht disluuriGuod Ibcm and they cfiulu iioi rcctuer Uiolr m-rvt». Umpitc lIl,l^^t aided the ('UicHgoant to u lu by qiit-er ibTltt;ous u;ul was irmt^Ml to a iiunti of nbuso from ilte blrucherN. Hard hilling, pour It 'ld h g a id a geuerut Uis|o>llloti lo puiicb so:n«b.>dy inark.'d tho gnme be- iae«n (bo llrouklyii nn i Uitvtbind leumB ycBltTduy, TUe ' borne icuui won With cotnparaUve cnae. Duelon pounded Pbi'liBr GJi'.sou. of 91. Jiouls, again juhtcrduv and liiaile ult tiivir run* In the flixt inolng. A buIKuIev id the last inning tavi’il (be vUiiiirs from u whitewash. Up lo liio lentb Innli g md a run wbs Hcured hi lha riiiladcipuin-FiiiEburg game yutterd*}’. Then liie tliiakerx lent tfarve men lit ihe rimtiij trip (kud won. The Orioles (urned Uitiiublck on ihc Ciuclunnil incu, and (lit Louisville tciiiii followed up Hi mi'et* by de- fei.l:iig the rv'uaiors, Yciicrdiiyfo gemex re- Nultcit Ul fiiDusvs; Chicago U, NawYurkg; llrookivn ll, Ubiveland 6; Hkuloii 6. St. ].rkiU« 1; lMiiludi'l|ilkIa g. INirsburgO; IbkltU mure 4. ClucInnetiJ; Ijouiivllie S. WBBblng- lun l.

W. 1). M’Hrfon. known lo Hrmiklyn b*Be hall pairoim h» ” D.ki'by.” died ut bln liniitu In 1‘rorin, ill., yiklcrday nflcriiuoiii u ilo 'c lo k. He brkd iipen r ick b)r lomc time, uiid only rcrem lytl c llfoilMyii and New York clubs p HVi'il ti g:iim< lur limhpaillL He was one ul llj»‘ inoMt (M)p'it.ir pl.iyoFs In tfap profos- sloii, Hiul n hi! I al bl» bvai jklajcil u brilliant oniflctd.

The lU'cl srofkinue and rhe Fidelia bnie (mil tcauk of New York, will crosi bale on t|ie C.’Mlrul ufeiiiie grounds lo morrow afier* i:imn.

'J'he Jh'ffei'siin A, C. t^am and Ibe GI^rsotis of New Yolk Isavu ii game on Itie rard for morrow o‘n tim Jeflorson sireet ground*.

Tho Long Ifliniul Llghuvelglil llatidii-Hp at Morrle L'at'k prored an ea^y Iblhc (or Utc’liard (Tioker’a Vorkvllle Holla, the dauglo let nf MiBcr niul Thorn, playing with Aviibn* tnnre niid KnIHIo, bar only opt>onen(a. As

like JAadlts’ Slakes for (hree-irvar-old

A NniD.IGI U A IIM IV (A ll.

forflitics. spelis’B Naphtha diipllcaicd ber suo c SB Hi Gravesend and won wilbuut miiali trkillbie. Ill tbe handicap Kldcllo made Ibe running nntil welt Into Ibe alroteti, where Aiubnlunce moved up, fullowod by York- v ile lielle. Ambulance was in turo passed by the favcrlie In Ibe leal furioag, the ver­dict being Yorkvllle Belle first by three ienglbi. Fldeilo itiowed a lot ol *poed In (be tarly pArtnf the cuulest. 'Ibe day’s racing BuniEitar>7.t*d as follows:

First RkCi—For luatden two>year-olds, sweepstakes oflin each, wllU |1,000 added, of wbleb FwJO IO oeroiid aud flUU lu third ; weights seven poniid'i below the ecale, Avc and onc-bnir furlnngs; Ornut wou, J, D, Ji. second, llurrlngtoii th ird ; thus. 1.07.. Post Jfolling—Tnirtoen (o 10 against Oruus, k) to I Harrington, 16 to 1J. P. IL

Hecuud llace—A bnudlcap Bweepstakes, for all ages, of $20 rarb, with 11.000 added, nf which $300 to lecoud a&dllOOto third, flve furioogv; LixBetta won^ Kinglet second.Harvest th ird ; lime, 0.56. Poftt Bolting—Heven In 5 agulnst Iforveit. 5 (o 2 LIzzetta, 6 (o 1 KlngUd.

Third Race—liOQg Island Lightweight Handicap, for nil ages, a Hwcopeiakes of KiO e.'ici), with $1,230 added, of which to sec­ond and $100 third, one mile; Vorkvibe uetie won, Ambulance senoad, Fidelia th ird ; thne, L40“*. Puet ftciilng—Even money Yorkv Ha Belle, l!l to 6 Fldeilo, 6 to 2 Arubu- lancc.

Konrlb Itoce—Ladles’ Siakoa, for filUcR three ycHTs old, a Bwiepcioke* ofIJoOeacb, wMh $1,500 addedy^f which flSO toeecOud and t'JH lu third, oue ml!a nud a alxieeutb ; Nitpbthn Won, Llllinn itnsecll second, Grace Brown third; time, 1.49. Post Btiitlnf—KIgbl io5 against NaplUbA 4 to l Grace Brown, 6 to1 LUUau Uujuelf.

Firth IU(»—For tbr*r-year-oid* that have run and not won a tlh la meeting, a sweep- Btakn of I'JOruii, wllh $1,000 added, of which $300 to eecjud and |10Q (o third, welgbta •tVBQ pounds below the scale, one roll*; Kam Weller won, Ruche second. Lustre th ird ; tiroe, 1.43. Post Belling—Five lo 4 OR Roebe,2 IO 1 against Lusue, 4 to i 9am Weller.

Bixfb lUce—For all ages, a*weep«uk*s of120 each, with $1,000 added, of which $200 to Bteoud ndllOO to (bird, tbs wlunerio be Bold at auction, live furlouf*; Hamrnle won, iparlan eeooud, Johaeit* lULfA; time, C.GO. Pott BetUog-^Flve ttf 1 ote Haamre."6 io 1 Jobneita, 15 io 1 Apartan.

BigifletdB In each eVeui except the fourth race made up the catd pq the bllltop yeaier- day. Haney Bee colt was the supposed good thing IQ iblrlceh siartets for the opening

L sp t-rle v«>s i»l a N civarU < ;eui)<nm u lit n N rw V.jj-k : ram w .iy .

Tntfif /A /ii :- Ilf r,^r ,V. ■Mlh*\ i »;i mLe.v n; er: oun 1 Hccepi^d an m-

vUalioii u* rule u:j a s(urag<- b.At orv Ctti. equipped by tlu' As'itx'' > ykti tu, ati<l insde the (rip front (he e.irncr of West Filty-iourili street und N'tnih uvenue, New York Cll> . in the i\jTt Ijee Kerry, font of’ West (foe Hun­dred aiiil TbtrUclb s! a dlsfanru t f ai»uu( nlitetnllcM for l):o round trip. U win my llr»tui:1uai exp-ricne , iilthon,(ii 1 hnvci'x- umli.rd, in^ <4 M.»y,ulijcra1uru,;o ]>oM't'r anil Iumv u .|,|, |.|u> N. w.irk pupciK Mio re-uli'a of my ob«.rrvaU(ins.

'Jillscur, 1 unJlu'Rluv.^i, li;-.i« b i'u running dully Khu-.-lust .'■vi'fi tnbv'i, ni.'uiliii sn*cv»s- fUll.T all Hu'teats ol llu' !•:.>; hcvorc ullilCf. Jlh i formiuioo >A'hlvrduv U'.ta llml <>1 nii ul>.l s;a,'ii' fully lUMjiialutod wKh lUdiidcs and ii"t Hi all I'l’Ki'iubllng a HpevJ.il (‘X|»eriii e:tE, nud ap]N-ari‘d tn im> In Ik* hi every respect a pne- ticni auvcoAS. TliCie \\ns plenty oJ pnvvrund It uas I t fircUy utub-r t'lnitroi, tb* siHrMiig and •lnp|i[|)g und K|>er d1nf In-lhs priclsi-ly Hkclliut of ihv lu>t irtFllnv curs I l.nvo Md- den In. W'i.vn* uo had n clear iravk ne luti easily ul u sik'H cxriCLlihi; (Irn' h miles pi'rh o u r. Am] win n Mi c<inviii|> buliind it Unun e u rM B d ru m tl HU'riruiu^-i.v. | 1 d id imi ilis-cov i-ru tiy (Kri-i)llaiili,'i nb m( ibn ImprlMui; iMiWiTnr ih*" ap p H eu 'In n «( It tln itd l i l im t set }■> legutat uihI oriliudox. P.ojile lUj n n d ull. Ill)' piir sluppi-.t ij 'i ek l) ' ii( u vrussing u u d goiiciuilv hi-iUit'd In b ‘ u n d e r tiic i-uay a n d imUiral en n tro i nt th e um torinnn .

A sw r b'f; K n rll.e e F e r ry i< neln rri « esble c a r h la ru d mi I r.u k aiongsu)* nl u*>.Ai Bmni Ul W' g u l l i i r fro iu (be saUelie*> nnd ta lr ir uiiiii r . I . iaUi st>>edeA up um l uo im ineilfo lH y rail s a a r Irn iu til* Cnblr. On <iiir Uiiv linnie w lih e rlsli>g u hCuvy griiili' we ran qu!e< iy up u bor>o ea r an d pushed I. up till* i:rade, llie lmrse» etiiinj;!:);; Ir' in n slow M'ulk In a ^ l.u rp (m l. A ll luiiul uinJ som e imiusuhI It Aik (.1 p tixur, SptHuI Hiidenn- Irn l uh’te m et m u l (lie lr ;p w i^, u tHlrl'U'^^' n Eiuirki'iS u n u lu m l one u .id n I'tim pIcEe i.i'ii n i.'ii'uM oti, s 't iMi'MSa sicglc tr ip 4'nuitl be. nf th e ii(lM]Ui cy i f (he ouliU (<t m eet id; the ilcim i f onlliiftTy streot tra v e l. I never %nw *>t lu a rd ol the Aome sysU'iri before unci u e ltiu T kn o w nr cure A iiy tld u ;- 'iib o iit i t td iic r 1 (mil a s It m ay be i i n r / . f l inr ihc v f u u r oily, 'ihuiiiiimi|ji'rA nf ll c iu lm llm l lim y biive over- t'oiup (lie iMo g reatc ilIlcu iliieB berc tv iu reo iun (ro n iln g (ho u 'u rn g c sy s te m —ex(K>tiNF and w vigbi. L n b U r !■ «aM to lie iu rge lysub- sM iuteil for m eidl iu iliu consIrorU m ) of ihvlr uliHIt, liringlm ! l lit* u 'e lg lii i f th e I2l luilEci Ich u u d Ihn iiKilnr d>>Mn lu six (<Mi«, w hk‘i-, I undcrh lun il. U utuiUt III* w eig h t nf (he m nlnr a n d iilInrliini'iiE* on n (rn llcy t-ai'. Id n im t ussum a necurMCy in ji-g .irJ (o icniiinvai d*- U lls , Lh'cuuao J k iiuw uo iiiiiij; abou t tbf'in utid d(i un i regard Ibein as v i i a la u y n uy, jnu- v ld lng lb* ika.r {KiiiiU a re r ig h t, 1 tmi Enid (h a t. even u u d ir the c ru d e cund ltlcO s nf lliU li i i f l e car, i t is ru n w lth lo Icn jier cent, nf th e nsuMi ex|Mmsc o f a tro lley car. and th a t w llh a reg u la r p lu n i, w here w holesale work cou ld (>t dune an d ccm io iny s lu d le d , M ran be w orked ui o r ticlow iiie tro lley exficnkc.

] am liiiormodi tbai t.ilvrs linve tuen made and nru «l|]]1 o;H*n t<i } nl one of Ihrsc cars nn (he Newark trucks nnd run it dully fur a wcfc-k or u luoiiili entirely free of extente. so ns lo show Its powers nml test ils cupshllU ties, but (his Offer fans been dccUued by (huso controlling uur roadi. 1 'do not kouw tUul thiarcfiika] font nil strange; if the Newark companies have tuKcR stock in the Irullcy systeiii they osttirally do not wapi auotber ayNirm whlvU luigbi piov* to Ifo boiler to be exbiblled here, but AN h cltlien I que»t1on Ifae narrow policy which toay prevent mu from having ihu best—tbe best In only Just good enuugb for Newark. J therefore beg to lay (besr fuolB bcEure your readers lu tlie hope liiiu cliUcifo and city olUclals may so exercise ihelr pcnsuailon, lhc*ir pull aud their powers as to aocure this offered test aud t>uMlbiy secure for Newark tbu b*stelectrical system for our sirci't travel.

A ny storage ay slam lb at mseit th« Tci]01 rc- meuts of travel and cutnj/elcs with t bn trolley ju point of rxpensu.Is so obviously belter, both for tho public ahd the car companies, ns Almost In be outside tho realm of dchslc. Under It each car is complete m lUelf; uo other car Is dfoablcd by the failure pf Us bat­tery, wherqks, u failure a t tn* triilley jKjvi'cr- boua* dlinbies every o ir ob the Hue and stops travel eiiilrciy. The deadly trolley wire I* avoided; tbeobjocilonable trolley {•olei are oiuKled. Tbfe freeing of the sireels from unsightlincHii god dagger li a great point with GitlscD* getisralij, and there are poluta ofecoaoniy to b* ooDilderod by tbe companies. Tho airuei equlpincotoi polea and wires Is a heavy Uero, aud the waste ol power Lsanoibar.

1 will not pursue the m atltr further, but J trust that Nownrk will sssert herself and de­mand of her servants eniclent action in Ibis couueetlou. lam In favororeleclrlecsri nod bofedon* w h a ll conld for their Ibirodao- CloiiJa Ihe north end of tb* city and shall coblluue uiy efforts in th a t dJroctlun. Give us tbe trolley, if tha t I* the best, but do nol qhw* tb* d«lMlte as long a* (here l« a ehanee fbrtanytbtog batter. C. 0. IliNX.

race, but the 10 to 1 sboi Phaou wou by two Jengibs, OiidlB* seoona aod Wllkens third.^Madden was a slight fevorUs In the second race. Ooitonade led all tbe way, winning under a pull by three lengths, Alarmer beat- lug Madden a necii for secood place. Wood- chopper, the chohM In tbe third race, won haEidlly, Blr Calraby second, half a length from Polydora. Bel Demonlo bad th* call in tbe handicap a t live and a half furlongs. Lord Harry, ridden by OrJlBo, won In the la iljiim p by a neck from Nick, with Bel Demonlo a cIobo third, Jugartha was the favorite for tbe fifth race, 8i. Luke won by a length from Laura Jugartha third. Void showed tn front la the sixth race on tbe homestretch and won by thro* parts of a length, Prize beating Headlight for the place.

Long shot* and uncounted ouUlder* bM the call a t Gloucester yesterday, only one favorUs lead inf hli field under tbe wire.

A handicap quoit game has been arranged to take pUoe to-morrow afternoon a t llaidy Natter's quoit gronuds, IleyuoUl* avenue. Kearny, a t which the wlnuer will receive a $3 prisa

Tb* annual tournement for tbe tennli cbamploasblp of the Middle Htates will be­gin June J6 and following days on (he ground* of tbe Orange Tennl* Ciubf Mobtrfi* avenue, Ifouutaln Hta- Uo*. Tbe cveoia will he singles and doubles, the winner to play Richard Bteveas, ortho Kiiickerbockor Taonl* Club, holder of the cballoiige cup. Eutraoce fee* of $2 for singles and $4 for doubles must accom­pany each entry and be sent (o ihu secre­tary. R usxqH a . Orlftlu, 18 rourtiandt streol, New Y'ork, before June 26 Amnug lb*competitors expected arc; C. K. hands, & C. kllllett, John Hobarl. W. V. Johnson, K. It. Perkins, E, L Hail. E. F. Ma*Mul^«n. V, O. 4nll, C. H. Runyuo, W. ll. Condlot, W. A. l^rncd, Robsri M. HHc* and William Van dor KulA.

ham Hnrrfo, iheooiored spi-Inier. wbu ha* been afD r Hoffman, of Orange, tells of his visit to Orange last ulghl to mak* ainaloh for a foot race, aud of his (allure to find hit man. Harris now SAy* that If $300 Is more than tbe Orange peo­ple cat* tu m k ho will make* match for any amount, not len tb u n |50. end (bat be will look for llolfroan uu Haturday night al Ur* atig*i

Thu Active A. C. will hold the first of a sen** of smokers at Carlin’s Mouth htreet Hall lu-morrow night, and tbe Mtar A. U will entertain Its friends aiMmltb's, ou Bruud kirter, a t rhe same limp.

WilUfl Go»a wbo defeslcd Jack Egbert in tbirlesu rnuiiidi Tuesday nlgbE, will be kepi busy for some Itm* If tbo other* ill bis cin«« fuiUl their pri^misus. After the batile wiili LZftwrt tbe llglit-tiiilred punebur mndo h cUtJm lo ihu MlHle clintnploushlpor Uau ligliiwelgUl dlvl- slunnad bidiHy aniioiincud hi* Intendun to hoUl (he Ull* against till conieri. 'The di'tl bus **1 Ihu local men agogiLiul Bouio half a iluse:i liav* declared them­selves uti tU* siibjojt. Fred Mmlih has lb* hr»*t^lt aud Insfots that Gusa ha* no use for that litl* unless be, Hiulih, Is d r it ths- pos*4l of. He want* to fight Gue with Kklu-t|giit or small glove* at ixl pounds with a two^pouiid Mlfowanoe, and will agree to any ItEigih nf iliair (list Goss may think right for training. comjtierur i* notthe cliup to permit any one tu shaken chal­lenge (ll him, Slid a raaicb may b* arranged In 111* near future.

At tbo picnic of 111* CbarJqy NoMon Also* ciaiinii 111 XL Monday alterniHiu nt the Bhooi- iiig P.irk Bliiy Fllinmcr Will nivet two of the crack* In his class in fjur-rouud bouiy. Benny ij*on nnd Bob O’Toole, both of New Yurk, liuv* asked for Ibo job ami will prob- n'liy be given upimriunllics to show wbal (hey can du with to* unbonion BrUoii.

Jarnef McEwen, who waa l>*aleD In a KHV yard fuqt rnoe by Cbarlts Wagner, a t tbe lUrn«si-makpr«* pluul* on DewraCloti Dny, li dfosntaflud with th*«uli, and I* conddant tbai he con reverse the condfllonilt be Is allowed au-

-4Kbec3 |MD*o*. A BWisd nmteb ha* been ar-

yiird l«i(W. ^ ■BliauttDc Park Jail* ui

H O W D O Y O U D Owhen you buy shoM.or cloth­ing f Don’t yon go to the plnce ( If you

I' can And It) where they tell you Uiit you may wear the articled ou t, and then, if

youTe hot Mtlifled, they’ll refund the money r tVhy not do the fame when you medieiae ?

Dr. Pleroe’a Golden Uedical Dltcoveiy Uioldon that plan. It'a the only blood- purifier so certain and cficctlvc that It oan be guarantud to benefit or cure, lu erery caae, or you have. your money back.

It’a not like the ordiuarv aprlng medW cineii or laraapaiillaa. All the vear round.It cleansch bullde np,' and Invfgoratei the ayitam. It you're btUona run-down, or dyapeptlc, or have any blood-taiut, notb-

THESIOOWftVERLY.Flue repairing. Cash or iniLulinciilSa


i B i <i ^: y c

t r S I

H I [ i O J 1 1C R E D E N D A !

‘ P a c e r ,"$I1S Cailt, $120 iQsUloan:;, $10 Lo id , $19 a HoDlti.Inner tuhe Elrcs, fii iy guHninlc ligbl, ttirmig mid fu»l. JH»u’i buy MiiJli you have seen tbe ncwUlfat- DENDAM.

/ - a

I I (aa L t f c t t SlroHO£cuuoUf.<|uare, Po.

Hood’ D id ItCured a Train of Troubles

GEO. W. COFFIN,Off»» Eftnin^t. l i l lK I i rp i id S t.

-Man A n Ton Hona.t.From Ihe N*w York Weekly,

Mm. HP oka—“ ir we move Into th a t cheapliuii** we’ll lose casie.”

Jtr. Block*—" Don’t c a n If wa do ; It'a tbe Iwal wa (an ulTurd without raniiin i hope- IcMly Into debt, and baaldaa It'a a comfort- Bhio place, any bow."

Mrr, Block*—" Hub I Jnat Ilka a luan. Only no yon emi ba com furlabla and pay avery Hill* bill aa qalak aa It eumaa In, you don't oare what ibe world tb lnka"

/ r •’ 1093 *

MUESne BICYCLE. V■nJud lb* Oflul* BbJm I I« ^SnM V gkSnM . E iM U

*8522piEnuTie TME. n rttei wkel i u l

HAMuraeTOMf* iv

HULBEHT BROS. & CO.,All loveri (if the delleactea or the table

uae Angottnra BKlftt to aaeura a (Oori (ligeailou. a—26 W. 234 StrMt,

I (h>p. sfl) Are. HvteL Naw York, j

Catarrh of tho Stomach, Rhouma* tidm, Norvou.ncBs, Tlrod

FoolIrtQ, Etc."I do fr.'l tin t I one a Irttrr for publication,

for llnud'i H Lrsj]iui^llu U crbrrn .d «o arret licipkitnc. I n .^ scrumtlr ti'uul.le.l tvUlj cb« In rrh of ihc .lo innrli n .d rbcwiuaii*Jia,I uhn liati IbiUtiled tr-r-lhic; a.K vrry iirrvcua,

ii‘( I frniM inU b’l 111.' rliLlitren.o Hint eonii'iniii' .............................................play n b n c 1 1 ;mlil lirar iliciii. 1 aUeliatl apella ol belnp lic b l beaded, and cnnld not ice wIk'fb to k'> Canlil not walk ir ro i . iny roomwlilinut III In. unr do any waihiiig or lionlua.” “ "------ ckr ■ —I'urUrc wreke I wai

Hniplets With RhaumatlafVi,wlilrb my idiyslct.ini laiit wai clironlc. I bw aan tn lake Hood'* K4iraaj<arllla nixt ttUaadona me IO tnurli pgnd that I cameitly rarommeml ll In my frU'iiils. IlU:u plven meitreiiglli e« tliat I can ilo iny nnii waaliiiif anil Irniilng aud ny bmitewnrk. IMy - e r re * - !* - fe e l be tiw and Mimicer, I have n good iiipetKe, and the pain end trouble In tnv KtomacTi hare not aonnyed nierlniie I ln,i1i liieAret buttle. My (rin d , all tell me I I.Kiii better, and 1 tell liieBi U -w d^ did II. 1 have been tn ponr lieHlIli Inr S or d yean. and bare ba t the rbeuinathm.mure hr lent, tor 3 yean. II la all goio non, and that atrCtll

Hood’sS a r s a p a r i l l a



W.G.Mo[ebij&Co6 7 5 B R O A D S T .




f [D lO S |l .] /a D H o P DW i s h e s t o c a l l a t t e n t i o n o f p u r c h a s e r s t o h is


IN CARPETS.l-M ru S u p er A lt-wrnil Iiigralim , im ule um l UUl. w ith jwiM-r.iK-r y u n l on ly 7 0 c .Tnjieeln ilrti-M l.e, tiuuli-nml hiiil, w ith iinper, [mr j iml lu ily ......................... 7 5 c .ib rly Itrileseln, nmile anil Inld, w ith imiier, jier jurit only........................... S t . 1 0Velvetf-, iiimU'niul liihl, w ith imper, |H'i'ym‘ 1 o n ly ........................................ $ 1 .1 5Mtiiui'tten, niinh' iiml Inlil, w ltlt |iiiiKr, iwr yard only................................... $1,115

r i E n i t o o : N r s i u ^ i ’s .lied Spring mid Matla’s* given with cvviy Umlruem Suit Bold.

T W l l L O l t S K I T S *Itiig givuii w ith every I'urlnr Suit Sold.

Tti pi'rcliascrH,— Xotice iiiy lumie, AMOS II. VAN HORN, bcTorc entering tlic store.




^3ln.lWl^II, OU W IU . VOl' BUY llK A U T im , .kMII VALUAllLk;

1 X ) T S T M t O N T B l .-> T O 8 1 0 0 A T

Uicil fo*1ltig DUil a Movero oougti never troubi*me.'’ Li;tj;jg Hthonci, KcuuoU Square, I'o.

HOOOIS PiLL8 Mr* tbo sBer-dhiiisr FlUi. sfifiUt ibaYmiuUr cure hesilscb^ Try * box.


■ni* lleauty Ui»ut ul All Hulurban I’rf per'y.E A SY P A Y M E N T S . L IB ER A L T E R M S .

Oar aulL's gu i«*i Humlajrfo F.xmrMloii turpsaKei all prevlou* rocortia.4 oniuU your Newark frirud* whu were wuh u$ and |iart*b>t**<1 iotSd

HF.XT " BOHBON " EXCURSIOH, - - SUKDIY, JUNE 18.(Every I*dy I’re«enlcd wllh haiidHOmo bn* of Ilonbnna.j

A llullfhtrul trip. No but lunneli lo 1*.". Ibroujih. Nn itnae., I’rnp 'rly right Bl .ttttLnn. Lada tree lo tbnoe whn buMd ; al*n firp ..nniiinitntloii for a year.

TU'KKTK ANII r u n . I*ARfIL'UI,ARB AT Ol'U u m c K .Biwcloi Train tcarre Klaltjunh Avenue Hlellnii, 1. t. R. K. licpnt, Ilrn..ktyn, Hun.

duy, at 10:.% A.kf. Train Ittave. M erkn Bl. Depni, Penn. U.l!.,'b:.ljHuuday jnurnlnit.

I f RO, c o m e tt) Ilk a t o n r e , a u tl w c w ill l i t y o u In a p n l r o f o u r Huft, 8caiiil«N!t Blioek, iiiiitle e k p ec la lly fo r lad ieB w li« Rtifl'er w i th coriiB , buuloR B u iitl t e n d e r f e e t .

U H K IC I 'A l l K IN V K H T .H K N T C O .M I-A N 'Y .7 l i : i I 'l l U U K N r i A I . I I V I L I M N U , N K W A l t I v , .T,

EOBB E L T B l i ALLThis includes our competitors. Tha law of business Is like the law of

nature—" It Is a Survival of the Fittest"

!Blacks and Tans, Blucher and Opera Toe,

$ 1 , $ 1 . 2 5 , $ 1 . 5 0 ,

$ 2 , $ 2 . 5 0 .

We said a couple of weeks ago we would clear off our present stock of Carpets by July 4th. We are now accomplishing this object Come and pick out wbat you w ant the price w ill not be In the way, neither w ill the quality or pattern. Besides, WE WILL MAKE THEM AND PUT THEM DQWN WITH PAPER FREE OF CHARGE.

In addition to our immense line of Parlor Suits, Bedroom Suits, Side­boards and Extension Tables, we carry Bedding, Ranges, Kitchen Utensilalce Boxes, Ice Coolers, Oil, Gas and Gasolene Stoves and Ovens, Pictures in every style of frame, Window Shades, Curtains of all kinds. Curtain Poles and Fix­tures, Wringers, Clocks, in fee t everything toward housefumishing. Liberal credit given. Gtiods delivered free and fere allowed to out-of-town pur chasers and th is hot weather. ]^gg=>ELEVAT0R TO EVERY FLOOR.



SILVER CAP.With *D extra giant cap over the btek of tb* tnuventetttp illic it li only put on llio Jiuer gradcN of « &(rlk*M, a mem u inder and ooiter, wllb 4 wrliteu guaracteo of (br** yeura, for

Chas. A. Catalan!,689 BROAD STREET.

LADIES’ CLOAKS AND MILLINERY.'ftna la nr»r n boys' wafob, but a FULL 18*

WATCH* nnd 1$ ioiu allBIZED GKNTS' ____ ____ _ _________•ivt-r for Il.T and $18. A$ wr imve only nbout IjO of tlmnu u-p4clK'« nn linuU parfibatera tiiu--icull $11111), for lhi*m more r$ ann(W?r(t$oin*ut nnd O.Vl:: ONLY TO EACil BUYKR

Efcrythlng Else Fraportlonatelj Cheap

Tbia wnak w# offer 75 I*id1o« Fine All-woot Gtiuiuan Cloth Jacket*, large pour! bui-toDH, bainiuKd wllbiklk, rtgular price$l^M...........................................................At S5*9iIkttdfea' Ait-W4>ql Kruadcluili Ifoe for JaekcM, in black, navy, tan nml brown, fin- ^l^ljod rcgnlar price Iff.W............................. .................................... ........... Sil.99

Otir entire line of ('A}x>a will boiu ld-.... .................................. .AT HALF UHUAL PKICBH00 Linen and Mohair Uliter.'t, worth from IX'JS (o |0................................. .....................At 09 cl*40 piece* uf fhie Mourning »mt Ilatr-Mournlng UrviM (ioud* tnbeclu**d m iiat AOo.ou tbe dollarKlJk Grenadine* and Hbort J/’iigib* of Black and WliJto Hlik........At (Jnc-hnif OrJgiual Cult20cuhc$ Kino Trimmed iSallor JlaU, tn at! colore, Kulduli over ulli.iiS.........................At <19 oil


FORiTERtV HR MARKET,0 8 0 I B l i O A O S T K J ^ n ? 7 r .

special in Pictures.73C-Vhc,

i r o i . D o - > s i

SCO’PASTELS.gSc, Si.gS. $3 .49. $.1 .49.Mcr. kCK. Hc(t, kiji,

joo ARTOS * ETCHINGS.$a.49- ®3-49- *J'9S- Ss.49-

kiR. kcK- Wrg. Kelt.fJly, J;.4y.

J!?H ' ' ‘'■I’w t h a t w i.; k i:i , i , t h k VLIlk HI'.MT blitiJS I HUa URHY DUTrEK2 a e . Ih.


4 IbL for 90e.?Eailey fieit Hams, tOc. lb.

Granite Iron Ware.(KHW ULlEMK ESdRS'T.)

Inspect the S tock! Inspect the Prica* I

&Plain Fjgiim,OiiGPriiii!, Cash or Crelil

Fr.e r,11 ulie :

TilK LP.AinNU (JiUML'iSU4,7i3 Brctscl S t , S, 4 enrf $ Commerce S t „

llroncb Htore»-4'j Ferry ef-i La>;rHujiavr..Uufrinni; Jiiixforij;u7i<.Mfooiii- i,* ij fk nl, W. J„ and Lkl MrtH> *t., Oronte, N.*j ' •

■ • ■ ■

Geo. A. Schelier,

290 MarketRmt RMiuylTi

T T 'V sr’r

rket Street, tlUylTUla IMpat. L

■ ■ ■ k

Watches. E


Ml.tV Al.K, .N, J.

€ U T T l I I K l Q I J T Iu tl lp III Ibe WWtlil'* f 'jilr . “ M ag c (f .^ .l« .

ADVo rricrt-v,*. wJ. . Lie bcKi pJaau(bo Hiaie tnget y(«ur iM«»fo clirup. 1 keep

nnllilha but the be«-l. l4M>k a t mv p>‘Icp* and rmnpiiro ihom wllh whuL yuii nr* paying 1

AHllI l>UDP - • **Nald«iifoAKMitN {adujkei Va]uo«],Jau.L18Ud-$fUji05jM dfLiiibimirai N.Y.and Muo*. BUud-

.* 47.7$l,ae»5lijturpiulk by former N.Y.Hfemdartf'

(Ain. Kx. 4>i itrreenl, H*i‘<erveJ l*«ll«laa AkM(at«ly

IMme lUb UoaHl *

FOAUINE < Jiuck ItbH't cud .....Km.10

For kecnina *irHlgbt h .ir la corl. I'riro 91 aud 40 fcnti.

d ^ r o r audI f cbMkk. >>rl« {Ociinla,

^ Parian LotionFoiwbltrnlBiilliCikln. I’llocoOe,

>aU by t-odlof d ru tf l .j . and bluer fDod* HM, Moaulaciimd nolely by MADAME Bn WESTEBVCLT,

tuumi Ht*felr*.Hlrlnhi Bit'iik.........................Furuirbuu«n Mioak................Jeraay Milk Vf'ti'.,.,,........... .lIlhdtliHirier ldii»iu........... .Furminnrier luainb................Hiew M«iL...... .....................Corn iieefm.......... ................... .M

R e s p e c tfu lly ,

J. B. FINGER,2 1 B W a s h i n i j t o n Hfc. 7/7,1 0 9 MULBERRY STREET.


— KofiMitd Year*T7cAaK«y f.Anik tn* ].Ksli*y fo coxTimfait

]:c jroHr* ai long auUiviiiue will pay for; or, it piefej-red, a Paid>up Policy lor ft* luJl volu* Ih UHUOd lu excllaijgc.

After tb* Houoml year PoliolM ar* lJroO» TUTABLBf aoduU rMfrlcIfe;!* 0* fo wideo** frovvl *r oeeupoffon or* r tn it tttd ,

C'A«H LoANb are niado U» tbe extent of 59 per eaitt. of (he rraerv* vaia*4 wber* voJllt aulgntnonti of th* pollele* oan b* mad* oi cfdluleial oeaurity.

Loeaw paid Utimediaiely upoa cumpltUoa ■Dd approval of proufo.

“ HOrUf” prbitrd (it <A« SMWM dMlt uvr* iMp Ath, *ti< <A/I/^relv <5$ akUorai rerull of <M<v«rtl*lna nt ajKiper <A* odmnfo^w of eiM#Qnt awl etiVMft* :non «ucft <w </if AJfR'jrcafvya Tk$ ivratis or* Oemi*to M *rai(7’yLt{Ki

*■ .1


COST OF m CMl ffiO.N m l y l i g h t a n d a H a lf BlUJon Dol­

l a r ! S p a n t fo r th e Union,


Tftit Kip«ndUura» Hhleli Nbuw »t Whm Ki.p#fiM th» RcUelllon Wm Tut lM>wiT. A Gr»al C oaU it Cur PrJiicipla'* Sake. Aovka ComparJioa* Wljiah Cllva a f'alu t Id ta of Iba Amudal.

E V K y r y - O - > > F R W S , P i n D A V , ' ^ T r X T r ^ l T i .

From tb t New York Hun.A oonTonllonal rurinula frequently cm'

ptojad by Joota ipeakcn and wrilen, ia that tb« War of tba lUceilioii coal tUt Norili BlUilOi] Urea and abUlioa of traaiure. Ibe •taUaitD i la «roMly inaraurato at both cadi. Thf eatlniaic of inurLahly I*axemiTe, while the Mtliuata of money 4>i{i«iid}turo la rldlcu* loQily tnadequale.

Tha noiutirror offleen and men arUialJy killed lb baiila In ull of ili* Union armiea darlB | the four yrnraof war baivly ticccda n.OOD, The number of lUuae a bo died of Wuubdi during (be war la lean than 55,000. I b t number (hat died of dlwaaca, ellber n - ■ultlng from Ibebardiblp* and eapoiurc of warfare^ o rlb e Incident ofualural morlallTy In a trea t body of. men, la about lb5,UU0 for (be four yean. Adding eren 1 he U4,UUO ca«ea of dlfappearance, coneenlcDUy charged In (he nnorda to death “ Iruiu unknown oaaaea,'* iho tolal morlallty amoug ibe Union ironpe during lb* war l» a04,ftJ0, or Ich (bau a third of (be lulillon MuppuRcd by many peiiple lo bave parlalicd on the baulcneld.

The purpoaaof tbfl preMiat arlli'Ia la U» put tofether eoiu* of iheUeiiie of e tp udliure andkMB clearly and dlrwily cbargeaUle In tha war account j la oiher wurda, loeiU blub A minimum eillm ala of the luouoyooel of preaerving (be Unlun. If we were lo gel Id ( he matter of couacquontlaL demagca, aucb aelbe iwralyeleof cerUln branobei of bmb neai, the luipoualoQ of trade wUh IbeHoutb* eib SiatM, tbnexUucUob of a lerKO part of ourTnarlUlneoomm^rofl, the linioinae Iwa rcaultlug from the arreat of th tu o riu a lla - ertaaeof populatlou and (be peaceful devob Qpm eotortbenntloaa rtaourcee. we tbuuld paia a t once from the domain of prrclae aril b* nmiJo lo that of vague ronjrctureaad unrorl*

apeeulatloD. That ii noi our luteatlgn, Tbe flgurce preecnted below are only auen a* are aflorded by tha ufflefal reoorde; or,ahere In the nature of iblhge tbe arauunUeei down are mere eitlmaief, ibe fact (• MAltd and care Je taken that IbeeeiJm atit euall be jsaalfeetly well wlibta the boandi, ike Mvtral claaMi of expenditure or dlrsct 104 to be oonalderod aiv i

1. The eurrem war eipiuM i p«id during thefburyeara b y tb e lfn h ed Hlatea (Jofarn- inent with tnonay railed by laxatluu or bor» rowed upou the natlon'a aredlt

■L The bouutlea paid lo (be Toluuteeri dur- ■Df (be war by ibe Htatea, or from oiber aoureci (ban ib t Federal Ooreronieni.

^ if raleed and ex|>euded by or-^ u n a tlo o a of (U iifu i for Ibe allfrlallon of

nm u in n l la th* Army •ail M ur, Apimiprlu. Uoii bull, III tb ( MunAry i 'itH, hi lb* Ml*. Hlliutuuii, In iba Ivnrlaary anU rlnwbei*. Our ratlRiBla of ilir frand affra«aia or ibaaa approprialloiiii la Miilraly arbllrary. Hu|. pvKlnf tliiit tiif war olalina alhiwfij m ij |inia by tlirOonTiijiitiii iliipo iwy) havf avtrafcd only f5,(00,IXK) II ygiir. tbv (iiial wool I lia (UODCU. '1 bat la tha auin uliicb a tc lia i\'a lo Ibla Itorii; If It wera iloublod, wa iliould I'mi, aldar Ihal wa wort allll wall wilblii ibc buuniJaurpriiliablllly.

Tilt luiarou paia on iba wnr ilrbi tan bt alaicil atfuraltly. J ha gradually dtcroailng annual payiiitnia on Ihia ar<»uiiit iwiura Ilia flacol ytai land, uro hithidod In thou tfio - dliiary tapcitaca aa aliuan abiiyt. bluet tSiu thry h a rt breti hi follow a ;F'i*rnl VeHf, iWlH.IW .....iMtM ...ISTO.....1H7I......II7J......IH73......Ih7*......iWo . ..JH7H......J«77.....JK7k , . ,J87t......

Kl*« ul YcnriKHi........... . fu\7.'i7..'i?i

• ItlfXI.-itr.' IHHI............... jiJirafl.Oir. ............ 7l,lI77,A17. iwci.............., ul.77K,.V7«

....... I'jl.lNl.liyH. ll7.!l»7.H|j,|*<-e». ....... ., foT.lliMfimUfe............ :: *5V|.U i7

J(U.<»K1,5|.7 (l.tNiMM110.a(l,*J7| ItJU .UUiUU.iJil

, ti7,t:i»,.7u'jsiii......hr;..ii)0 Iff;, N r j...... f ..... :fi.ii7Miri

,tfiy i him w,*u i. ai,ojc,ww

OAM Kt/d T dlfH .

Tolel alntt* the Wur...... ..............IJ,a5i'i,r:i.i,l<yJ b« p<.'Ei*iun 4'X|ieadlliir<»on uuciniui u, Uio

« * ro f Iho Itjhullhm imtbuen increasing jia tIoadMy n« llie In-ers^at citutgo 1ih« ithiilii* laheda Tin- ennimt luieli, ui elated lulow. Include pcuNioua paid ois Mccuuiit of the Mexicau VI nr and the rurlhir wnn, iind wa

Iherdore made a dsiducttnn h»r ihi inCi An .MrCxtcBii War vetemna nnd vat-

c ry ti of the Civil War wor. for yeara cio rnllod on the lUta under (ha cointnun head of army Invalldw, thealluwenre to be made for l«nNlona ]>aid on au-ouul t»rother «nre than the Itabelllun Innit b e e nm lltr of uBilnintc. We hare aaiumad an average of K.iQi.nod eu' nually, end hare deducted frorti tba giaud total, fil:f,0()n.uuo ou thJi eccm int:KlMcni Vtar, KfRcal Yuer.iwlil 1M57 IHON.INKi..............Ih7«..............IK71..............11172..............iKfg..............1874..............IK75............ .187#............1877..............187#........... .i87t!,...... .......

..Ili'ijffVvUii IHHl).. l!U,tt»rt.ib'i2 1V(|.... 2I|J»a,:|fi7 PIK2....

i„ at,47H.H*Jif m . . . ... 2*15111,202 1HH4.,., ... iM,44J,8lA'i INK I.■ 2H,.idih«M,teNa....... a,:fi0,4k7.iwt7... 2H.UUN,4Ui IHNn ...,. iwHU,..... 27.(W:!.7.t2 jgei.. ,

V7,U7,0JUdNt2 ...

o$M,7r7.mI........ . ay>,U5tl,!>i|........ . tll,:itVJLil.......... . #11.012.674- a ........a......... .i(i.HU,2W7............... 7(1,101,108........ .

............. HT.K24.77K..........IW.W:HI,AW.........i8l.tl6..’i6l

......... i:J4,5K(.UfS

..........H0,rs7.4*<l. ..|l,.V>l,IUt,/!00

the toldUra* eonditloD.MtloBk weetib, re-

■Qttiok from tbe employment lo military jervica of elMaena who ofcberwla* would hate been produeara.

****** CongraaaMPoe tbe war, for tbe doatructlon ofurot>>•r(y, or for other reaaonaH

1 The ihtereaioo tbe w ardebtilicelSfoup in tbe preaeni liroe.

J; for pomloni lo dale! *cl«tal eurroju war rxptbdKure dur' 1 yeara from Juneto, 1881, toJ ^ e « t IW5, la eaally ucerialued. The bet ^rdloary ixpepdliure of the OoTerument during that period waa «a failowi tn m i S r i l n .... ........................ ««.ii70.1MI

}HI........................ x»,m DM

..... ........ ..But Ibta iBcludea w btl iha Ckiyeroiuaiii would b*«»pen i If them baU bota no war. 2ii.**f*^*'* IWma we haytonly To^ < i e t M ntneh aa « u aatually apeatfur

W ow nm aot durln t the pe- noa of tour y e tn loiineilliiely prttadine tha War. If It la aolil that ludar noroiaJ tir. ^DaeUtDcea Ib t luMinlry'a iruwlb would

**’* eipandlluf# furU N -im oeer Ihet for tba ISM-lWi parluJ, II meat be rtmeiutiered that itala p« ,ib le In­i'!!!!!!? ****" (“ (Mted by the rt-■tnsuon or Iba #eJd of admiBlatniiion dur-. In t tbe Moond period to tbe Norlberu and Kwotr Hlaiti,

.... w,ws,gDa

.... (M.JD0,iiT.5

.... iH.iKa,2i3

Totel .Inca the wnr................. .lA ii allow uco forotb 'r p’aa'na lia,Duu,{M)

tl.Ul.lW.MOUetapllulallng theie aertral Itema u f n .

ptudllurt, ami iimltllng from ton.liltratlun aby u fib a utlirr myriad auurtaa of uaptiirt or l^ ip ro p tr ly but Itaa d ir ttlly rliargtablt to Iho L'tTll War, we obtain a fair mlulniuiii Kitlinale of wbatUooet Ib t North lb p rn errt the Uulun.Current war ripenaea............. u .lt i irj.-, (ymjfounlltintlw rthaii Keilnml..... JaVMl.lMlUIliiiatiil prltatermiiribuiluiia. .tt'.Oio.llUOMmaufeuluiur. productive labor. 1,(II7,N1.JI0« ar elalint uf v .rluu i .u ria ....... I pi OiUDDDIn I rrrat on we r debt..... .............. WuLitiU hrJF endun ton tcoouoto luv ll W ar. t,til,IDS,Mill

J? '* ’............................................ ....I lo **’.■ 'toadyf lh« lmu|lnalioo.i.lKe all aymbolt lor qunuiiiiot au atupea- doua a t to be far buyuud tbe aocu.liinied

jntcal,y.arKlM alytar lUb.,......... .. „JJloalyearliilB....... ...........Kaoai year ..........

I!®!*'..................... ............ ........... ini*l7,l»lP rtno i rrooi th ii the total for tha war

I » n ^ aa above, and add Ibe lotat paid by the U avm m ent In prtniluina lor Ioann, an llem not included la tbe eutem eut of an­nual axpand llu rt;E w a d l tu re for war period im -

range of Iboiiflu, they go from the eye to tbe bmlu wltriuut pruduolng liumedlaletjr an rlTeot adequate to their inntbemtllcal llu- porlaqce. Oue million ounveya tbe Idea of vuiineae, one bllllou or a thouiand mll.luiii oiinveya llic Idea of toioelblug vaally vaater; but tbe dlfTtrcuoa botaw n oue billion and eight blllloua la appreciated ilowly,and only by an Indlrccl proecta. 'Whut duaa It really mean, then, when we any ihai the imiucy ooal ul tba war to tba North aloua waa uoarly •Igbl and a half bllliuiia of dollaraT

To ralao inuiiey anuugti to pay tbe bill In one lump tiriii, every voter In tlie United i^ le a wuuid have tv coutrlbuie more Ibau

If Ibe burden were dleirlbuied amniia Ibe whole earllda population, every human being, innn, women or oniid, eivlUied or •avege, Hvlog anywhere to-Iay on llie faceof tbo plobe, would be Uxot] eboul fd If every guld or ellvep oolo or place of i»pcr inuuey now In etrculuiloB emoug tbe four bundled mlllldo people of tfali coualry end ufKnilaad. Frauoe, Uermany, Auetrlu, Jiol- land, Italy, Bpaln and Ituaela ehould be gaibnmd In and couiitad, the total value re­duced to Uulled Slale. rnoocy would cover only thne-quirleri of our war m il, The auaQntorm im ey ladloated by the nimwi. t«.4K,l!6,017, u more than llTe l lm re ih e ^ . gregaie of drpoalle la the *,*77 Nellonal banka of tbe Unlled B tatee;m ore tbau live tlnieetbe aggregate of depotitelo ell of the eavinga banka uf ibo United Blatui; more more thau eight tlmea tbe aggregate of da polite In all of Ibo htala bauki, iruit coot. Paulee and private banking coaotrua la tbe United Btaita; eliiioii double tb« aggregele afdc|ioalta lu all of tbcao lailllu tlou t com­bi nod.

A C u r lo u e A e p u Irh r . N e a r th e A a e l a a t C lly of Mama..and.

From Ihw Phllail.lplda I'clegraph,Hince Haniurcaiid baa been a [lortlon of

Iho Huaalan domlnlotu It baa becom e euay to vtiU, The traveller from K uropeeaii reach th e old cap lu l o f T am erlane by thu Tranacaapiao Railway, w hich the Rua- elan (lorernnieiit hae conatrocted acro u the Turcom an dcaerta with ou m uch bold- nese, and which waa llniahed aa far aa Hamarcand a il yearn ago. Ikwa th a n th ree mile* to llm northeaai ol Haiiiarcutid, and ouUlile o f the e itrem e l lm iu o f the ancient clly, ia a tomb w hich la called K budja-llunlar. Thin tom b, uccordlng to . the Muwmlnian legcnita, ia th e burial- place o f the Prophet Daniel.

'i'bo Hpot where thia tom b staiida ia culled Alroualab, and there are aeen ruins which are very probably tboao of th e an­cient city of Maracanda, dualroycd by Aleaaiider the Ureal. T his was an ini- monse town, whose walla, we are told, had a conipasH of ninety stadia, o r about ten miles. I t Is aepuraled from H am arcand by a n tk ed hill, the soil o f w hich Is one vast ccinc U'ry. The scpulch re o f K hodJa-Daiilur is built on a so rt of terrse* or cornice. A half-doaen great niasli, Ironi th e to p s of wTilcIi hang some sacred rags o f touga made o f horse tails, and th e h e ig h t of which la proportioned to the hnportam -e o f the saiul, riar- aliovo the saroophagua, which stands In the open air, sh e lte red by no hulldings of any k lnda T h is aarco- phnguiiscouatructed with heavy m asonry. The sain t who reposes there Is, beyond a doubt, really dead, but his inode o f be­havior Is more than curious since, though dead, he continues to grow constantly in his sepulchre,

Kvery two or three yesrs the m ollahs, who arc tbe guardians of the place, dc- ly m ln o by a learned calculation, th e data of which I was not able to lea rn , bow much It ia proper lo lengthen th o se p u b cure In o rder to make Its dliucniitoDs cor­respond to-those of Its tenant. To judge from the present length of the tom b, the height o f th e t’rophel Daniel woe, or should have Iwen, at tbe date o f my visit in ISlIl, about eighty feet, H is he igh t inuat be a little more now. I t should be observed th a t the growth o f the sa in t is in imiglli only and not ill breadth. T he de­velopm ent of the breadth of h is shoulders Is not In proportion to th a t o f hU height. There cklat in o ther parts o f Islam o ther tombs of the Prophet Daniel. O f these others one of the most celebrated is a t CalrOs

Tbi» fact neud nolfiitoniBh uh; the Mu»- sulinani adm it w ithout ho.sltatjon tb e dii- plicBlion or even IndeHnito m u lttp lica tlon of the liodlei o f holy persons w ithout their veneration for each o f th e rem ains being dim inished In the least. I t Is worth noting th a t the uslure of th e honorary quallHcatloiis accorded to the sam e sain t V irlet in dilTerent countries. Thus, for casinpla, th is same Dsnlel bos a t Cairo th e nsiiie o f Nebbl-Danlsl, th a t ia, they l^vo him the title of P rophet, aa being a t the same tim e tha t which aults him best and la th e most bunorablc they can con­fer. In Algeria or Morocco, feudal ooun- tries, the title they give to saints Is Hidi, w hich ilgtiines Lord, which Is a lio th e title there of m ilitary and political ch iefs In C entral Asia they give to these canon­ized persons whom they respect moat, as to tbe Prophet Daniel, the title o f Khodja, which means In Arabic w riter or loitered,

218 and 220 MARKET STREET,X K W A I t K , N . ,J,

< n m r ATTEaTTiKiiis.iii i n r


, , ‘'CVWlOKIl HTHKUr.

t'DTl'lrHrt|o-t Atiil Mnillil»*»H|| ofHHlU MurK 'KU' iD himin (1 nii,l Jiftjr Iii.yj, vuFtl» uf

tAAouii. ir.D r<«-k"f •’‘o.

la!!' •'IDS'* f«-‘cf -|ic'gu,„»

• ' '" ’lllira.

B iiiiA D A " .( ! ;iK U i^J V tt i iTO t f i J Si rtci. UjrouiiAtit

Hh.juW ihu « wrk IK* itwiirUctl lu u ,b.m. iUf>I he





Easiest Terms of PaymentBRANCH STORES {

____________________________ < HTlthKl, u a tu iw u n , n :


,li , , --- - ■■wtia irv KMiil**'? (fJiiBcrHilv** Ni>rkhiiMl*r% *Ul* ubiriit iud ipei-iiii-Ai 4t„;i

ai>mln.-i Ul III,. .,|n,„ II,. , |Jnri'i ..,.1 i ! - ' ' '■ '■ • " • I * ' - *tn-vl. m,iCi . b- nToni|*Kijipd tiv fiita imh i-nt hi

“ Uglify u*- u* liivii- i !a^ I of PM.L'h ItruDO hihilt fi iHUtiifiu/Hv*-. iiiHl iMli* ounir.iri ll* «uiid10 Uif (M-i*. II i>r |h*rwgt|]g iul,|||v tpin, i)nji.s,. i

th*y wlil. njKiiOti* '<r hivmilto, |||n grtliviMi Jn*l F*> jor Hi* ngik ul ].trjuriJuuH'«' uf huiJ wurk : iud tlihi if ,1.. pt*.. ,u riV |,*.M.rD.tii; Of 4I iT 'iw'**'"'?' »'»li ri.UlrM-1 Mu-y wlljiny Ut II,KhU.Ui Ilk- or tliHv »II||H| luaVf!nvM‘j,ihj,.,| iiiR.n HtvV.i- x- IIU)- Ih- fo ihif ,, y|X#rvnj! liy nimiii sui h voii rart nI.u i 11 t-xi c Medl l i i HI ' V '**' " " ' ' ' * OlllRliwutDlH. uflhPall> (H .\phikii; n-.qjr^tu th.iai,.vuHih(a ri|{ht1© or rojwt imy or hK |ifOM7H;»h j«r tiihhiXH* iHv ■ '* ‘**' ^ ■* <'* ‘H*

hirttlpw nud iirt- h uuHlUd Hut iiu-i*r fo'prDvNoiiHiifiiu. MHi.iitli sterilouni t..f Jmw crihiltu lilt? Itiuknl of Mrttti hml S 'hter rommh . .

MirU* 2h. iwn. ibituh* liontl «r r.'‘iJpioils UMia.KMg,n for Hi* I i lliTuJ Ti n®. u i|„i, »m l MiKffroriiii.uu-* III hiiUI public work jfhiiH iir-4 h.'hi» I •r-n ,hy Hk? io,ui*K-i ufHi* Im«M. mu uu poniMn I I.s lr. ^ Ull'-lllif "O |J,pcll.V.r.r liVOilU'Dir.rHVi. nr I nienuiiVf iiriiii miiUi IimuiI »h sd (ij.p,ii «(| ; himI Hm> '1 drill Hi ih* UwrdwJimi hHW* fhiwi-Mt. rTAUilii*o«'1n . or hiijU 11* ho 1iif1tih-i*i| liv llu-buHhi »mtllu* iKjhnl « III iHii II ,1 iw iiHuid hr iiny utDifhHaiti i . H l ' r u i J u s | . q | l«„id*muMi.

I .1 Si* 1 P'»«'*r!'"dhl;Hkdii!t.dl‘4‘ivHii!« In?>roUNltiii MtiHI h* IV- r n -il In h, 4,,|i HiUfain'iucnl tuv.tMivUt>l;» lui-huy ••lull jiNidli' «nrk,

Uy dlriTiloH III Mie linar<t of sir,*et hu E Wnlcr toiimuiKiiinrni y'Hv ol .Ni'H*rL.

fJU-UiK!*U*iMT*i MiiHTliilrmlflU Ol' Morkh,

Ki ii.a. is.a - . . inrouciwiv*• r Hrr.Jl* ^ i»d (dock iliiiil HyrtHio,Mix <*» In ? *IiS

I'utliuai. Vl-M.Ill-', H m l <hi«liaiiiistl.UB-Yu k Vi i SS-uS T ro-irlie, rroiii .\a«^ lullanu(uilll,7M» A, .U.,rlllni*olO.»A. M. asst

3 l5 ,w 'H r '**"u*t-(V>inp«ii

iniivniluiuH, o M i o i S i h l f “ii;ouusrj .ail ,2*IW« li*W liOtlU. 'lUMA'h

li.llllill \ PHllhlllt* Mt PJ,|i,jilut «l!iilmiHll,\f»uhHa* NnoklnfI eiiiK. I ■iiL,„„, '.lui

< nr Hu<l ntwi.-u#(fr rouchwi to mtnurlhitkit! IO..-H1 A Al.itru^ii^r-w V M aam*-i.h.T:

4Huj|i IV .V,, W*Nipni I'xprrB!,Imli> |*nn to rUi-ahUfj


!tUK>urf •I^o.i I V?” ‘Ul-hurt. i hleaxo hlMl

Arflvtia ioEunihui IlHhUllipOllH 10. ilKIllMl jiiomliic.

f k;is IV M, IVilti- t xpriN,


uiVA A. 10 |>. M f J V M

Aiid nevpthiui,ThrhniiMKl nod I'luivili* -----

isv, SiriiHii™ ■“ ™

i‘a/ 11 1 ■ (1'fodlfll KspfOHK, I'llllllOill Vmii!m fWiiKer (M«ci|h<alHl'M«cl|A« MhI

M„ l'.:i 1..U, .VIS- , II.J7. SV7.C. M., I..1V I or IfalUiuim, gnir. l.-s y. ii.

- I X -

OUN» o r THF,


eil,D»,SlHPremlams on (!ovT war loaBs.,..

........ . ............ fi. B.mW4.ai7_ v!.*®**^ oflocol Imunllfs paid to the sev- Hr !!** quotas uadtr tba callsof Itttt, UM iBd ISUare obuiaad from tha re-^ r l for l«as of ProvoaHiarahtKJeueralJaaiea B. Fry, whoae ufflelal oontrlbullona lo tbe Statiatioal hlttory of the War of Ih« He w llo n are of InetUmahla valut. Wvunill from ooBtldaratlon auyaoi»aat of the money paid by Btatei or towna or Individuals, over •Bd above Ills am ount refunded from the united H iatn Treasury, for the crtd iubie ^D lp m en t of tba troupa sent to lha front. Tha toial would be very Jarga but It It pro^leally Indetarmlnanla. Much of the looal bounty money was wasted on aoouo- (m ls, bui It was eijwoded, neverihaltu, and It belongs In th li account. Uua dteperaie e h ^ c to r who was oonvloled and aenuncad to the Albany Panltentlsry conlets<'d ih st bs iMd drawn and Jumped the bouiiiy not Ie» then thirty-two times. The amount ibus paid Iram the beglnuing to the end of tlia war lu tbe toyat ntatei or groups of mates Is anown In the followlug table;

................ !«,liH,««n I I j ™ ; : ” .;::.;::;..................Penosylvauia................... ................ic iJ.’V'r*' “ •‘fFiwud aud lllii'.of'tioiOliJn ' *“ '* Kentucky., ......ladlena,.,,.......' ......................1 111 iiola.,.......................M l c h l e a u j , D.I4~aA WJa., Iowa, Jdtuu,, Mu, and Kaosaa ID.'sID.'otu

But lhare la a simpler and aim mora strik­ing mrlhod of arriving a t the tlgnlfloanca of Ibateflguraa It coal tba North tMaMsAon lo katp tba Houtbani H U t« In lha Union, By tha cariaui of lt«» tha aatlmaied valn- allon—true valuation, not atieaaed—of all properly, real aud paraoaal, lo the.a eleven HUtei waa ea followa:Vlrglpla..North Cariillua.. Mouth Caroline....tleorgla....,,........Florida...............AlaOania....,........Hla-luippi.........lou la laua ..........Texas.................Arkaniua........ .Tenoeaaee...........

of tbo

............. HjS.TIU.LIW......

........... Wi.SbVfS?............ 7ii,iui.aio........... tflTi,2l7,UIS............ein.wcua............uci iiabes.... - ..... i«Ui,JlU,«H............ 2huM,iT;i.... . 4UI,tlUI,!UJ




..F9l5;Sil,h«Toiai...... ...................... .Tbroughont the North during the war

thara were not lass than 7,(100 local atawla- lloai of patrlollo men and Wumon cunirILui. Ing money, lliuu and articles of every de- aerlplioa lo promuLe tbs well-being uf the soldiers nghllog ai the from or tu add lo Ibalr oomfarl. tlealdes Ibete local soele-

oriaiiUallons as tha Sanitary Commleslon and the unrls- ilan Commission, oiwrsllng on a large scale and In the guucral rtcld. I'lia Baiillsry L'ommisiloii alone raised and ex­pended more than laD.OOll.oad. The agcregeie of th# eonlrlbutluns of axsoefated or In. dividual palrmtls.ii, from the s.»leiy of m ile glrlt who sold ilielr gold rings and locksis for me benem of iliMwounded sol- dler, lo the capilallii who eiltilpijed a rcai- iilBiit at Ills ownexjieiise or gare a slcain- sh1|i to Lincoln’s (iuvcrnjaent. can in-vvi- ho wmpuled. When weeet It down aitM.lib;DDDu for the purposes of m ii Inquiry, we s r i iiiiik- mg a vary low rallmute,

A large Item prujisrly belonging to the coal of Ihu war Is tbs lost lo productive in.lusiry oflbe lime and lubur nfihe clllivoi who eii- 1 Iliad In (he arinv. Tm . |i „ „ „’’.sielv a ’certalnablc. The number of volum. latra In eervloe at the various iimcs hslud is>h .wn by Ini. IhoIb ,

J a n u a ry 1. Iltut.............. ...................“'j-i!.'*January 1, isiij...... ..................................Jannarv I. lU i.................. .............................M ayl, Ibdk ....... ....................... D.I7.III


........................................................ R,7;,||

min m r ' f ' ” ■“ '‘veraic 'nun'ibc; ol men In (be Lnlun armies during the iinr aud estiinaie (he earnlug eupuclly of ih i . v . . ^ o « . i a i . r . i m a year ihoV eM iie^

•ioiied by (he diversion irg,,, proUueiive mam win'''""*’ ® ***"*' would ttiijouul lip g ill.

ou t (he Whole am ouni ,u.id ,|„eellp . noruuder general or tpaelal eels of (.■ongreiu I,vuiup«aut]uii for th* m il gr mioifod dfxEruLVfo1'ni^h?I!!” ’"V*' “? «'»r "“ ppllet seised orfu ro ltfa ^ o r for Indemnity fo. toss of .uir. aoaeleO bela.orlor bank' volnmXrs, o>'f^r Horae.or' mnl™ lM ro?fo;dfolsmni "fm lhor civilf u l l nwesallaled by

J ! ? LIV ""'®f “f I be couo Hess . , .y .tiri7 ^ K ,V ^ ? i* ? ''" ‘' ‘ ‘“'■ "''•“hun (he Trees.For b irty years iho lijve.llg«tfo„ ,,i D i « war ciolina prwtlmln.ry u, iheepproprl-J u io lJ ! . ">*lf P»flneul, ha. Mil.jm i u ^ a large and exacting pan of (he labors

• “ '*> *“ ‘be lator years(rfthe (fourtof a a ltn i . The Items, great end

bave to be conslderod •*•(» asreriulc

S r V tsv l s ' • * T m uuin-«ir. Tbay ore teatiarad through the Treasurrfebokf Ul m iiltuudiiiaut ahepea They are

Total wealth........................................ t5.MllW.aBT

1 bus It spiwara Ibal, In order to keen the eleven Hiatus under the Hag, the Naih.ii hstpaid at least la,motABlo more tbenlheen lirevaluallou of ell oroperly lu those eleven Htales at the lime when ibe war was foughi. But the war for the Union was fought for an Idea, and llie Idea was worth all it faateosl.


Home of the Valuable Aililltlnna Hade In Educational kaUbllsInuenU.

From tbo (.'orohlll Magexlne.About the cloae o f the fourteonth ecn-

tu ry Imndoner* Iregan to m ention gifts of books In their w llb, and flinion Brlatowe, clerk, 1S7L loaves his [xirtlfory willi music lying 111 quires to the Church o f Ht. Mary Aldormunbury. John de Kenyngton, rec­to r o f at. Duiistan's tow ard the Tower left a book o f the Epistles to th a t church’ and also money to boy b o oka Hut ive And llUlo encouragem ent given In these early tliucK to lUtTniuro t>f foarnluff.

Nearly 200 years latev, in lSi7, Thomas l^w en , ironmonger, directa th a t the sum of £5 shall be divided between two poor scholars, one to be o f Oxford and the o ther of Cambridge; and Dr, Hharpo adds in a note that " th e sum o f£ 1.1 ii now paid yearly to eacli of the exhibitioners. Iiistead ol £2 10s." During the latter part ol the reign of Henry V III. l,cquesla for

piuuK u*t!M” bevamo r«r**, Mtid th* foxt of sucli IvoLiuesU is made by John Watson, brewtir, IW4. randies, msuoK and trcii* i*\n hav« disappeared from wills, aud com- m m a mo longer catJ^d ffiiddaV, honpiuiu. K'ltoUru and priwonora ap p ear more fre* <|u<-ilUy aiJegHleCH.

T he will of Hlr Thomas U resham , mer­cer, 1571), Indicales thi; eatim alion in wbicli the new learning was held in EliZHbeUi’s re ig n ; ho provides th a t lectures shall be read on divinity, astronom y, numic geom etry, law. physic and rhetoric

None tu he chosen to read lectures so long as he be m arried ." T he Uresham l.ccturiWHre still a imwer In Iho land ■ ! do not know w hether th« leeturers are'at lids day exclusively baohclori and widow­ers.

D A M E F A S H I O N ’S I ’A X C ’IE S .

l lic naweM eitlD are really very nrell* llicy arc worn uiililda the sleeves, ami arc^bovrn lu —. ttiid fire

Hill'd un<l kid. WiJh oiHhiii xowni till* kid aid's urc ,ciioKFn lo mmrli a luf* t'orwUH itid dec|i collar nl (be laui-k uf Uj* iHiue iiiHU'rlKl.

A simpla inil »iyil,h im velline rnsKiina Is of IlaiTli iw ti’<l luniic ulth a lluwlsn Dhmse a narhig empire skirl, very full slee.vcs i,„a .1 Iwlt eiiihriilOered In nioiialr hrmd. Tiie kXiiiD brnlil orrinnieuu the fool of tho akIH

Jewfllca eollars lu cissp llsiuig aroumi tha neck nru uf loaves In Kioplro scyia dr Iwu waved rlbhunh twislaj higuinor lu isjuiaXV lashloii, III dlaioiinds unly or diamuuds umi iEuDt'N lu IV light gold irtiliigo

Outline beam fur biouehes are Iruced dJ»mo>i(lfi, (tmjuolic or pcArli.

-V oluluatia III liJdescotit eoainal and dla monds lornsa n lovely lH otH.di ; also an Illy It pauty h-gu- —uhv.* , liuari, ^ ■ .

Hleevas are running I , eilrem #., Jimwider (hey are mid ihv lurlher iliev can pniject Inmi lha iliouldcra tlio baiter tha•u-aterarem alulm eit, -r lu .

UUck hengiiline, (Hloiiian foille and oilier shining luainicM eurdtd silks iiregreaUy ured j u r elinrch, ,.eep(fo„ a j

nJd '!. 1‘i" h '’" fancy pinand nnlrd wiriwiila lurin bruuchea, by wi ienwutchea are pinned lo lha ho,liey. ^ ^

A bunnelpin 1st serpem wlih a apulUidi ^ddi ' ‘F i . * “ “t' u' vn In gold tm 1 ,1 1 wlili diamond ayes*(lold bncklaaund vlaupa aranlau in aernsoiform, and oval bruoch,. o t z l m . n «Of leas Blihaiatnoode. suw a more



VEICVlt'S,Th«IngrnlouA Arlillerjr A rr«n«rin rnU of

tkfl *<Tor|nitlv Crnl«*r«>*KmmHL NIcUcjIan MuiAEiii*.

The nioet recent app llcatio iu o f th e blowpipe principal, however, a re the throe a ir gu iu o f tho United Htates “ to r­pedo c ru ise r" (or, aa she ia alao called, the ‘’pncum allc cruiser” ) "V esav im t." This vcBsel-uf-war is 251 feet 9 inchei long, 911 foet 6 inches wide, draw s 9 f te t o f Water, and haa a dlaplacem ent o f 726 to n s ; she ia o f 8,794 horso-power, and ahe darta over the waves a t a speed o f tw entv- flve mllot an hour. She Is too beautiful and fast a craft to be called a ■' blow pipe gunboat j" bu t th a t is exactly w h at she Js, because o f tbe blowguns w hich stick up through the deck at lha bow. Most of those guna tie , t an angle slan ting back and downward to where tho ali-ooroprea- •ors Ilktploie to the heel.

In to th e aomewlwt bottle-shaped steel flaske air has been foroed un til It la compreasod under n strain o ft2,000 pounds to the square Inch, by enginei es p ed a llv constructed for th a t purpose. T he shells or bombs, or darta fired from th e guns are made portly ofiron , of brass and o f cop­per. They arc ten feel long, fifteen Inchea wide, and while some are o f uniform width, others give up half th e ir length to a th in spindle o r ta li having m etal fans a t tbe ond, and looking som ewhat like a huge, clumsy arrow. These darts are kept in th ree barrcl-llke "revo lvers " a n d os ttaero are five darts In each, th e 'Vesu­vius can throw illtecn projectiles In rapid succession.

W hen a gun la to be loaded about tw en­ty feet o f its lower end drops down by m o an ao fah ln g e , and from the revolver directly In front of It one ol tho bombs Is pushed back Into the lower ond, whi ch is then pulled up again In line w ith the rest o f the lube. When all Is ready a luver in tho conning lower is moved enough air Is adm itted from one o f the reservoirs and away goes tho d art flying through the air to a distance o f one and a uatr milea.

The operation, which sec ins so sim ple does not look very formidable as a m ethod of w arfare; but th a t d a n w hirled awav by the iitowpipe is In reality th e m ost deadly weapon known to war, afloat o r ashore, for In tho hesd o f the missile is stored 600 pounds of gunootton, th an which no more terrible ciplnslv'e ia known that call be so used. The name guncot­ton sounds fmiocoiit enough, and the m aterial is nothing more than tho cotton waste with which you have often seen engineers elesning the ir eiiglncs, soaked in nitric andsulphuric acifiy, ami washed clear again A pound o f this will burn quietly, but when It Is struck or " deloiiuted, " it ex­plodes with n force sii flic lent to blow up a good-sized bouse. If upon an anvil is laid a piece of |m per with one or more le tte rs cut out, and a pound of gimcotloii is e i- plodcd on it, the letters or figures c u t In the paper will be stumped into the m etal unc qiiurtcr of an inch deep. Ju s t tbluk ofHUch force and then imugimi ,600 pounds of guncotton exploding on a ship o r fort I

OHIIIUH K A lnilM i.

t t I t a I ’lu lllH lils l l i is iu e i i , b u t I t | ] a a lit* lUfiki,

.Msi'mlllan's .Miigiiilru>.When oHtricii farming wus'lii its prime,

...... thirty years ago, they had been Incported utvast expense from the North, Every cigM montlis or so, as feathers matured, us many iw could be circum­vented were caught and plucked, liu-es- sanlly galloping for many mlica over tho veld In cvcr-lcssciiing arcs wo gradually drove them inward to the mouth of a liumel.aha,„.d Here Ihey were sepa- riitclj’ secured like horses In a box, dc- lirivcd of their tall and wing fcalhcrs, and Bct free, dl.smantlcd, biunlliaied, naked uml, I grieve to say, btecdiiig «s well.’

ia Komuthin^

\V c have all read, w’ltli piore or lc.« o f skepticiHiu. of ihcir carrying buy,a upon tiiUr hacks I have myself seen, and dose a t hiiiid, a bcii ostrich running freely with a full-grown KuHr of not leL than ten stone weight ustHde „„ her back they are dangerous, too, a ttiiin a ; for though powerless in ucck and beak, an ostrich posMcsges formfdablo weapons of oilcnce 111 hlk great legs and twu-toed feeL^

Jrk li has been known to rip a man dean 1 open -as any one will readily believe I who has seen the’ heavy noils, aud the I enormous imiselca of their Ihlglii I t ia ' commonly said by those whoknow 'that a i, kick from aiuuslrlch la as bad as a kick from a licrse.

H a.ip M a t t r e s s e s ,

/ iLA Y ^TUKfclC J'.W JNH—ASH4;'4NMh;.\ PKiiU

fi t “U'l n i l CHliU* JH.-CU-. ,, «'I.A\ ht’I'HKhr.Itrenwluimur mu unllMiuifvor Oji'ilevt.f '©warlc I'utlHe-l “ xVii onliimmv lu luv.lilc fonlj.- (,*s Ihe uf

VI..4 V Ki', *r e m ls 't 'x ' l l j j ' ! ' ' ' ' ' ’ »l'Pr<’' i ”l.N<>

....................r.teiis.iCTiiinii*”f ttis r;l.' <ir Nee-s r j UHil iliBta irio rl, by s ’STIKIit H-In w ililii,,

m. L g UTOinitsiio lin, mail and » -li„ |u |,, .bew lns

; Vil. * sli’is-ailil. Iw« is™ ,t, |sjsi|. dliillir ortli-c or th i.llii- nvrk ol llii.,l |v i,r \ i ' . .“tlfmln” ' ’V >k” Parllss ■imeroslod

' ' ’'"I’d*'* "d lOL''. Irji w 1.11,1 l.iii s ul liiMil iiiHl h‘ul i-.|;iti' Ilslile lo Is 'aveig slUK iiiiirt><«,iii|, ji,|( NKlifr- uf '. .. ' i.,\v Nt HKi-rr.Irum IlTiiHd Ui (lEtlrii ^irit-iiailr»o"'s'n,"'/i'."''‘’" ' “ " • ' ‘dm i’l”io r i« i’il,wliem.T

lo-aid a w o n a .m m iv li,. II T m ; f \ s k .xI . \ -s k v k .n t h r » w ok

ax ej ("ft- f . M. Ht Hm* ' gnihiKiliiiH'Htxtri, n ty HhU.

UhUhJ JlUM‘ Ju, INUilJOHN HWYKH t. w. snr.Mv.vjf,, K Jo. KKIMI,

..... .. _ ____ • tnnn N-»oniFni,

JMnlHif rjir. io/j« a , m,i: u mIt Ui I*. M

vn**!! tluyt,I-OT |►flUm •■lplhi. I” jj, (1,4,

p-iNfHi,:ii i.Hniifij i‘iilltuuii

I «ew, V .SII ■/ W ........ “ VttiHiHii® I'nrinfJ F.ii4-(*n«r 1'4IH<*]||M jHnluBi HJb II >iuul JI.41 A. M.;idi. <yAi. 8.17. T.Vt ii»c(ii.A(M'. .\i. Suii'oui- ’i-* 47S u ii i’'*»i‘

Tiff .\lliUlh4'>i.r”..si| ’ « m J alar l’g ii : ; , ," 'n X S v ''( J L "

OM i|ie Miiy isy I*. M. ^Ahhtirjr (*Hrltv Ocmd

Mhhhki|Uiah, J*oIaI “ ' ... “ ■ .inU JAiiig


H-n fooiu. No. I Hiirj

^DlAlt H*4

virrillnic toIlf X4*'V-

Vi tu IdT (I,* p.iv-

' HpprtjvvJ;

.FULL SIZE $8.00 UP.

C. CO.,B r o 7 id S t r e e t .

\V | are oflFering a s|>ecial bargain in our new

$15 Dress SUi'ts.TKey arc-made from.iine Clay Diagonals, Fancy Check

Worsteds,^ etc., in all styles, Cutaways and S. B. aud D. B. Sacks.

Ovir line of

$12 Business SuitsIs the largest and the best we have ever mamifactiired. They are m the latest styles of Fancy Cheviots, Serges, Thibets, etc,, and the most of thest styles have never been sold before for less than $15 per suit.

J XAMKltt It's! v ik j .ke CAYJNn. « i,-..*.iiD'rH fiar iM'iicthi

Iw Mlui ttUAvH-HHiJivill MIHlIiII a I llHI li HlRl Ifil eHUlU- IWi U-m nj Im'i *iiriH| by tliv »(

I'AliKIECiiyj • I'lU tm .r^iin ai i-i>i (ly t'lijiKiji iivnjHi»> pnJTiili'Hh fifBii (.ri]j,i;,rK‘i* Ilf i.iM ^»rb. I ulitliNi "All iirtlliiiifi •' lo |i iiK Ilf '

V \ HK MI H- I' HI UKM- trirtii .(lefUii airr-4’1 t i rUnUtn HVfrdiie April l-Y Ittti.

l.ailiiv.i|,.a,iat«l l,y ili,. i.(i o-i.|.;i|. d ,,.iiii„|». «lmur, i„,|. |„t-d by tl , Mayor ,,l il,y , |.y „r v„,v. an.. uiiU lliul a ,< port, h,, n’tllll, ,l„ii, „ r.||„g hii aia« '.|u,n.’ .i,d ni|.|i „u,i »,.|;,di.,. o .„,,|,;j, m - ■evonil o-«,^iii. ,I( ,g a nal p ,, ,i ,iw ii.Taiwiilliirtv boiiolIKal a-nr.iiTiiitil. Iiii. bo-o |,iio.l|.0 III til,. I.ltlre o n 'i c i n r I Irrli i.r tlio (.|i.-„r .\,.na ra lot aiiiiuliiallirii liy lb ; parlli«i Inu i, ,u.,l ilit,o „

• Bii 4i[ biiiU iiiiU r a1 Vidifi't* l;a!ili> b) b«afnimld. lyi.iK „n b.>Hi a.di.. uf **, K A C.K nr x r *j'fiKKT,Irani Nin-it lOClitllOAflVr NII-'.

“ lot" milffpli.Uifiajul, M-bi’IlKTlirieorhiiiuJt, i«MKrAd j^ifiiji* Intvr';il6ij In iqe<.4,an,, nl |. , .v ij«

beiDTp M)rl r imji'I»s‘inK-f}( t qrVKaflJAY, ’J i!K T\9 rN 'rV H.vVKaNTIi DAY

S'loV V nirT iru '' * . 'h in !IWifU JUDt* l.\ l«(i,

.1 ) ii.\ m v Y u t.K. \V, hVM.IVA.V.K, l i M’llM ',

_____________ <'Diiinil4Nii,u(br»

lijl Vi ^r* ^ r^i, Min, AlHIlHKiimI fe.iH4iMtrei»n'l on llir N«w tu f t il.rHIMJll |{ullj-u,ul. H ,M A y ] 4U.1 A»i u ’u”

Dll' P • HlldJHkiT. t.-A A. SI. umi I.b, |., AI.da,;::-."?;’"!;.”;,!;;"* «■

( Ml Hruiik|yii. A. Y. \» tlirmurli iriin* ,-011119*^ wHh bxiiliOf UriFok(,vR Ahti#a." oudurdiMK Hlri«l irHiHf-r tiHii t horn Kmi m htr*i.L KVOiaillg duitbli* . ,4|„1 loutiMiy Hj,

I ' , ru n NKW v o “ K.MAik4‘t Hirw‘t HUdiTm.i.i«..».4?, fi.m. fi.i'

’.3b 7.C», it.ui Khj, i.(i1, H.W, ItM, M.(JU4ll,"-'"V■ l.l r. IL-ll, ] |..a,| A. .M.7 |*||l li;tV 1 I.V I -Ht 1 14 l ,

ii'i. 4..1).2.-W*, i,.vi, iiw, .liti, 4.1U, 4..ii. ',1 *14S'*-' '['il?a“'1 Vf '*V" ''“v i' t *-. o-’t! *iiw tS ;U.„, bMH, 1M.| J*, SI. ^11,1 (i|;r||E Sufnl»*IhtUrt.a.R .I.-JT. tA<u. tMll. Ki.il'i. HDHi. Uiw, |] oai B I ii. ■’1. V. ■iilA*. ■I.'bl b,«t, r.Ul, ri«H.j,ij t -III H fM H 41 It-FTiikiiiK m*n» SI., mu u.j7,- ''" ‘II’”'' mn, a.u,a.vt,;.ei,

arid, vi-i i.Bd m>i7 i-.M.g ., ''!1. ‘ Mr.vt MhMoii, .1.13. .a .Yi. *.10,h..l1, .JRI, n-rt , j, y .. ^

Vi. ll.M .SJ ; l i t t \k riJ:

!'r«?‘m‘; i^5r‘.? v.T5i'7i*-V t]%'yi!4'i*Yi -■I'-!Lna?i;iD.-Aai;5

'laUoii..-..l,lure, mil. a.-,i

r.,?. oei..ai:; T.d7.7*i.H.-’i. iiyj.'li i * i ’ ,7 ' '“J;*-,.. "".''f-*-’ '•■"■■■ ' ■‘•I I' ■#. IU.7I. ll.« A. ,'U I1 .to,. t_ 1..K I -III, 1 .(4 I |L, a . , . J, Jb.M, 4.l’1, W..V1 mid It .'hI I' m - • • • - 4

KiM'M M KrF-TATI-LV.• ai Hfu.' *““* h.ll J.ilrt -,Jf ; ,irtMl. ft.ljl. II, ti si.; l.a, llh i.lki •/•a*!(.■+>*, 4.3i7. 6.441, ri,1n, .‘1.414, -V.-pl, (i.fJi HI*’ tq.i'K.41.d.-l?. 7.W7. T.3.Y M.ii:r. j».4 j, :.•***7l ni •' 131 “I 'l 'L 'f ''.. '‘'f'"- "“"’tiiV, il.lJ. '".'ji;vVi-' - Vi - I't? li-V-I..V,. iUI. .1.1.1. l i tfmliu W. « iai'.! 'i7 -.tl;fu#4-t ■'* "“J ^

FfirNfitv llrujiNw'Fk. 1 1 1 ?. 7.t i h.'.t u a\^ .At -U.ni.,u .». M. rjj«. 1,-u. iV ML A«# at.ak b.sTr Ai:. iiitg ui,j jo,4ij I*, ji, sutnUt

f.st. flftti Ifi.Jl A. Sf.- tili, "*



r H. HARRISON,iutcisHOft ro

H A R R I& O N 4 HOAG.Yob will find at my aloiv a full IliienI r i i s

Best PaperCall and aee my aloek and gel prioea.



Newark, N. J.

I t 47. «1.W.....................a N.i«t tlibi II. tl I*-,

Ktif WuM jhrli|;|c ind I A. M.. 4.:i7, M

7-SO A. M. »II41 lo t

'filb .» nitMv, 64i’an(l U) !|Bl.lil. 1.1. o i .A . r O w .L M ^ J l . 'l i '* " " '- * '

1 or J'jmt .SUUxVi,7U, “,Oi.* A. ,‘j ; li-ili, iJiaiiil 1.10 r. .U.. tinny. Fso-’Mi^mnJur. - -ua b!i.i lw \ i>r lvLtUfr[ .11 iidiE llu- k : flBt

('. M . , c H - r j n H'i;ii|(f.Kor riiilili^uw, h«HUiD4Mu| lHvi4lHr»(,7.it. U.H A Ji ftiiu s Jb A-;,. P M. -‘ iirrlir. I'l .M.

d.U%xre7ir';,c'‘’ "■* f-«-For Prim**ukfi, ;.ut. x.S7.'IHI M.j i.ft, I.3*

7-jJ P. A|.. (hilly, HUDdny.iixfl I O’Pdriiiuw-J. UurlliJEiiHi aild C»ijnlfr»,' ..W hniI l t . i t / . M.; i.aj 2..P-,.V3Joiul j|.« P. SL

Ill !»iimim'rn».3i A.}i.niiS 4iirmlM3(li>. V* m ftid

' ’VJ W II.W A. .M,.Fur Krcvtiold 6,uT

KILPATRICK & BETTS745 and 747 Broad St., Near Academy St,

PROGRESS.K iv p iilircint o f th e tim es, U nve

cyi’ry th liig th e infrist nm l tliu liest, b'list iruhiK Imve su iip lm itcd slow stage coaclicsam l


Is a ri’lh’f from Imi’k rm m lii’rs in th e .S)Hail Cotton liiu ’. T h e n ’ is lltigiitioii over th e liila-ls, hiil tlie tlircad itself Is I'rce from iiritU-ism.

Yom- lU’iiler Ims It, o r oiiglit to Imve It. Ask for it am i in s is t upon gettiugW .

F o r sale a t nil tlie iirliiciim l D ry (Im sia S io n ’S 111 th e c ity .

IIAlLltOAlX.JytlAIII.No H.IIUUMlJ SVs'lK!lir™” ~ '~ ™ ’LAultUBilUrcoal iilnl l■ .■lllsfr(.Iy, liugrlilg cleanll-

iic(4N iiid r.riiiUm.i Kbllmin } ii tpr *nit l■l**| huf rifii, 'IfoietabI* Id effect Xuy imj,

Ttuliin iBfive viHIL m m i VAU.KV lUlI.RlJ.VD. mini Uroiul and l-em-Ki. --latkma

Rir Ferliilu, lluon,aler, Slavuni hulk. l.jn)iilo, CUI- raai’amllbo WbW. AX), ll.»i a. M.: a,W 7.V, i ’ M Miiiida.ix. Mil. II.lu A. M.;aim,am e ,vMTh a.A6 !■, M, Kurjil*ys, 7.oy,!>.0|}, ll.OU A If ■

l-4ir liv!ii|*|iei]| AlleiilOwH »ml Muiuli (Ktuik JI.WA. M„ 12.90,1.10. .1«.

_ Kot huwvjlle, A20 A. M. | 1*130, 4.00 |-. H ’

For Jluleujn. S.iO A. it.; 12.», 4,m ha\il. niudMyH.iuin, A. M.: **01'. ii ^

iitMl i'. .M. UFi‘k UaiH'■P. M. viT*-* dayt

iaiiK 'i'i> nkhvahk.1 «l* n Si ‘- 0. ^

ai I S ’ ■' * sn *‘*i'♦•■V). 4.0U, .'hiii .‘I'ji 5.JB .Lki6.(lk ulujl.-.^ 'i'?’. '(-*’• V'-"’ *'*'•aim ii'iii i.*?- ,',r.L ' “nd«r imlni.a,i.kMH», ll.W. Ip.-lu, 1U.UB, U.rtO, ll.W A if - 1"

I icu p.- - - im'] lii.'*! mldiiiKu't,« li..|i-ltrt,,|!i,v.. ■rii-lmi ror all D.1nl.M Vh;I’. i . k . . " i v M ; . ' , f o r all piinii on IliaiL L(»nO . nH I ”'"* »IH1 IjFfHm

I r ;* IX l *■ “' “Ml M. i'J4 - ViK-iT. J. IL wno!)

0‘<fiieml MiiuitiT. a*jif>rii lvii4«jtff«r

Klin.:m V.■ , ..... laat/ r-, n vot, /», .aa, , « w g ,

ror]Hinii*Jn (lie MhIiuim>|- o**] ri'iioii aai a M,{ I2.». 4.m I'. .M. Miifttiyir. h,.k) a m

J or H IlkMbdrrt’. niiNiou and Neftinton. Aao. i | m A. M„ [‘.►'.'ly. fi.iVT. T.rA 1'. ,M. Sundays iTniifoOi. AOU, II.I» A- M.; Ii.#>,8fr) J* M For FnnlM. H.9U A, M.; 1'J.iO, 7.W il.‘ huudmv*. 4.W A. il.i 9.W F. 14, ^

t ■ H N T iU L~H A i tJ tr )A i> i f K N K W J kTIV K YTmiin ti'Hva BiDtif1i-i4| h>rrvH(rHOtf-*tailon*'

roll .fUKaADKXFlilA. IULt I ^ ]<k WAsIll.NG'm.N.ltul AJ, HU’S r,l ’(|.- "

For i'hiliiliipliL* Mad I retiloii 7,65. ►..'ULiiiii&A \i , ixi , ’i a | , n - i i C Smida^n'

U.: llUu

ERIE RAILWAY.OsPOT FOURTH AVI. AVO PA48AIC $T.<‘«MU(*cHnj' trulnii leave hk f.j tim-q:

Nr.WAhK }*A ija iy Qv,

5S' r d i i i

NkW'AilK AXJ> KKW YOriK I.4*«v Nf'wifijrk -■ -------10 47 A. M.; 1: ll.wi*. M. SiirHltiy H.M, H.K I*. M.

9.05, H).»6 A. l.IA 4.W. 11.0(1 p M.mreiiail iViMdiiiiijrtcDbf.’W. u,«i a.


—Wi l.'il, -4 2A 6. *1 IL-Vk AUH ’MIlHlliy. 7.51, eiM. n.ld A. lS.;\^«lI' ""Sj;

c,!-'!:!.' ,‘’' ’”v-Vi.rk (riianita.m «(m -ti.iti 7 . ,J’ivJfij’lLf',*- xt.i. i.i.l, t«i. , i3jh-'-, i.jw, |o,im j i j j MiiiMiaY you A i f t

Day l*,E|ir*4>ii, li'tivB *(civirk i.44 A, Jki Him ''-‘‘hhiile l,Hnlimt loavAewat* l .’l !’. .M. Himdaya, X(B p. M. oraed Tn;.,t

r r so, liwvs .Vi.wark d ’-V P. y . Siindiyi,. jY

iihrvli". slanili.e Oir loi-atinn. I mvlablre i-a 1 al llie (H r Tli-ki’l llflii, |fe Mlrkij •IIWL 'J eleiibuue >», or al aiallna J‘ar»ea

O. A. CAHILL,(lotmcrlj- wltli K U. Fi.lluiita.vCu.,J


COALWholesale and Retail.


133 FIRST ST.TelepbimeNB, lou. Newark, N. J.

we’r* bound for PE'rTY’H. Wcknow nlier* (u gil Utu iu Ci>ul bov*r*

You dOf ion.Will you have bome ofllmt del1cliiU!ifitraw<

lurry (r^Jm ciutUed (ruliL with whipped iTvam or lc« eri>flin ?

AnyLhtni you de*lre lo (Kirchiu In tho lino or Dnijf* in «ur« tu be of Ihu pureil nod be*i •lHAllty.

/F m WtSH TO

Keep Cooll i y S illie r IgfinoDAde or i:!yg Phoopbate, at

W f ii i , or 92!) Broai SI.H u n e s s m s H s o n s o n s


PETTI, IIK ITTK Ilp rm sa tiiii 'T io N a ,

Mo IVaa a Luily.From (lie Harvard l.umioxm.

«‘an below loaeo jon ,Mayberry-’’ \Vhat did yen toll him 7" Iluiler--’ ] lold bim von told me If It waa

u leily lu aay y„u a,,re m. end If | | waa a biAii tu my ,vou wer« ou!

.Mayberry-’i W h.i did he aay then7" Umler^ ' jie m id (oteiiyQu WMftlidyg”

u i t ya*ODBmjfc.TBi r » i n o » sU R nnoL n a u n n .

fiNDOItSED BV IXADING ARTISTS, M ik iu U b i « A i i u g ^

110Fifth Ive., cor, l6tliStnit!M s w T O R S d n ;

Williani Mungle,----BECtlVEK OK----

McEwan's Finnon Haddies.Cairn’j Jams and Jellivs, Gihger CordtaJ, Raspberry Cordial, Scott’s Oat Cakes, Gray's Aberncthy Biscuits, Ktpperedr Herrings, Finnon Had- dies, Lime Juice, Mountain Dew, F,dinburgh Oatmeal, (Glasgow Peas Meat, Beef and Pork Ham.

o s o B s s e r m ail r s o M m r d e u v b h e d .

For HalUmoiB —1,16, xix..',.(ir.,y^v it,',» V. y;A. y.: i.si ,ta>, 4.gu,«.oe iv ,m.

• I6A. M. for*Utioii»io Iiiyb rirlilge, nomiaid utf for fitnHuoa 0 *1 High HrklBu liniiJtli Mini U ko H ?IMtlLUfilf.

i.iy A.AI)oi»tuM'______ ___

^Ji4A'. M’.IU rM H llxU n*N ,j. f . Mv.. Jjike Hii- Adfiiitou'ii. (t^idiug, llurrinbutv WIMem

tarrF,Ho»nUH»y W.Ul4*msiwr(, SlJll .J l A. M.. way lor Kail,„i, 10 |] | , | , m a in wmi-

1.11* I', y . . way I'ur abitlunii 10 llixll IlridA 0 0 11.

4.9$ P ^ KxprM-iH A>r l-huabin, Helhleheni AM>B.dlfe (own, M arth tliimk, V C Ilk .e ia ii ,!? 'K S i,U4lil«,Haiibtiri’ 4U>tl lafiwlubitw, "iwfli

K M-r .yiUn liinp X J, I'.-irtv., Koiumi Ueth' [fUtfni, Alifutorfu, Maucli ChuHk^!U*iHB^fiaa J(m“-

7 ^ ^ . M^for KA,-*t«in. lWHi1cti«ni find Allftilowii JUKI wimiaupon V «1 hllodcipbin, 1 ..1O A. M., I.a , Ta44. Jl 24 i> i i «t

FfilXMMiurlMy iHkIK. MjmlMvi. .WI* M ^I ,l*iindv>*. 7-f A. way (or Hlkh Hrtdiff BnuiclkHllil J4l«4' lltipbV.'otl.i, Muucb t'builk TftniumiJi.7 S ,-" .r j r i r ' 'V n r" .i ‘ ^ 1?” “*F i-p iX Z T\lJt^7 W,(i6 A, Ma, lor lL.Su A, u u->vfof JttiilFlIon : I0.W Aa M., for KoimTvHk.;'-|l'43 aS („vray» irl> i,nnrtlan :uo 1’. .M., way for « h3 l u , MarrUburx, ii.u .-t, c imak ; ’A!* t . y , wav for HonH^UteH.111 I’. ,U„ way for ooiliaiVlfl^^aml FleiOlllBUm I WO 1 '. H ,, rnrMalinllChonk, K n u llu ima JIarralKtTgi «.(» r M-.JIw UroimJ Ilnai™7R M., way lor iMneilvii ■, a.l., I’. M., way for rtoiuoT.villa 1 ia i»R .'« .,w ayforH «ia .rT liit.NKWABK A.MI K1.I/,AI)K1H HHANCIt

Tralna aava Broad htr*a( Huilloo for Utnwa-Ui aim ninwHe aiat5.e.’I6; hllraraiihiart only t la y m a .a; yJiMbethpm only, ails.VS^^?ra IWM » 11.06. ik» A. M,; im , 1.10, Til, ’i!a m l i .4.43, 6.(Hi US, Mto, 6.33. 7.16, T.tt, (U(k lo.05. (1,25 J* m ’ NuHifiVfi. 7.10, H.4.% b-UiV U.6(i. Ill IS, A.44, A. M • i jJ’ J.I^2.4B,i.2b, 7.aj, aiA,’ l6jod

Kor llfilnfiPld. 7.IS. 4,.Vi, (0.05, l|,tt A M M fti J.44.K.W. 4.4V 4.M. 4.43.i.UB.il6,4Jfta30 Vfi^Tft, K.*S 1\ M. ’ ***

ForHuniMvUte, ase.16.7.1*. »..'o 1406, II.S4 a. V •aiK ttjirw i;

p^M *■'**• « ’i >•». «.««. a»"Tb't Cwtll Amboy, fl.lB, 9.2J, 8,44, (USA "St t *x

' ** **' **'"’***■1®“ Aa il.;Kuf AtlHblln nifiblfiuds yIm Mttawois, I ih. 11 **

i i e r lM :* ^ *'• M -,S«bdaJ5,'40iV M “Vm FruheM. a a I1.S6 A. M.; 1SS. t a Aw p i.

M i - a | i l l o ^ i i nA>v»,»,o* Afa.! t i o I’ j | '“' f 'For lakeweod.louia iilvcr, Hartawt FUk and

Ii-i A. M.: 1.4S, 4.44 4* ***Kur Vltifiliujil «Eid ilriOtHtUih 146' P IL *'ur AtUMido titjr. J.S4 p. u . ^

rtavvAHK A sn nrw tobk.

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“ 4Ireland, and all parts of Europe.All kinds of Foreign money exchanged.

r w l* /c h a n g e and Letters ol C t^it iMoed througfi Drexel, MoroaM K Co., or Brown Brothers & Go,

Fine Insurance in the best comlianiei,

T E L E PH O ISB Stttf.


If all

Wtt MUN6LE,7 f i B e U e v il le A v ^ j

ASEXT ro a ARcaOB UHC fo fo C03HA1IX.w ■- ar av-iwy *»A4tt X:4.UV Pv 9L

btiiiU“>c‘uv; ut

F* D-1* ^BUWCliAXlOX ^

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N R W A K K E V E X I K t J ' N E W 8 , F K I I > A T , J I T N E - K r ,

m LOTE m i ? ii story o f tbo Peril of tbe Pointer

Frederlo Rarenna.


H w , W hile a i l w it* aBd Cl.lldr** War*M FU y iM the Oerden^ the Peetlo^ of HU ClillillfcooU and Kerijr fo u tli Wa»

Moment Ifant Snretl Two* Uvoa.

Do not sack Id what tb» emotlonaof ft pfttheiic ftdventuro. i t !■ the rnllbrul reproducUoti of ft reciul which wm m«d« to me oue evoutbjf by the young and already cilabrftUd painiirt Frederto RaTantie, ft fuglt]?« impreMlnn gatbared in tha course of hl« UbotlouB llff, a reoolltoUoa of hi* paat, tba leftoUacUonof a porllrun* one of Iboao parlta of which when one hat ftvoldod or ex* •ralBftd tbeni> oue oannot ibmk without fa^l- Inf ft •h iv tr pn»e (hruugh him,

U li I who hold the peu, hut It It b t who talk*; It la bta namo and not mine which abould figure a t the bottom of tbla brief Oft^ railve of which circoToitkDcea hava made me the reeponilble publiiher. TbU la what he related to me:

**1 waa born and grew up Id ft imftil town of tfaa north of Knnce. Al the gate* of that town, up(Mi tbebankeof ft narrow river on tbft luriftce of which little laiatida euTcred with ft Tlforoui TegetallOQ put everywhere oolieetloQfe nf verdure and flewera, my par- enta poaaeiaed ft hooae, Uaueeth lia roof of oldalate and behluJ lit worm-eaUii front It Wftalftigeaud comfortable, A wiMxleu gar­den eeparftted It from the waier* U waa In tbla oftBla tbftt my ehlldhood waa pitaaed.

To lha right of oar garden aroee a dwell* log like oura, Inbablted by a family on friendly terma with mine. My pareuta bad only a aon ; our neighbor* bad only a daugh' ter, my Junior by Ibree year*. Hbe waa named UiicDneltt,

**Aa far hack ai 1 can remember abe p*^ tlelpated In ray game*, now at our bouie, then a t ber bouse* 1 bnveao fallbfuUj pre­served the recollection of wbat sbe then wui that later, very murb later, 1 waa enabled lo pul her living llkeueaa la that one of my plclurea which got lua my first medal a t the Balon*

*'You will find her tbire such as 1 knew and elvftyaaaw her, »o captivating and so dotftlnallrir, with ber fine and sJeiiider wala^ her ftttttudee ofayouthrul goddess, her black eyee with their grave and proud exproealou m d, Qpon ber forebeAd.of the moet perfect dealgn, the buftblnesa of an opulent bead of blood biilr with yellow refSeetloas*

"'I know not a t what remote dale u u a t be placed our Aral maetlog* It seema lo me tha t Kilennette waa tlwaya at my aide. There la not an Impreaalon of my childhood which waa not oomnion to ua both. Her troubles were my iroutlen, bar joys my Joya, and, if fate had made ua brother and atiter. we could not have bad for each other, abe more lebderneas, 1 more aollcltude.

'* We loved each other well, pasalonaiely, a t tha t time. Free and often alone, a t tbe period when intelligence awakec, we were •ceuilotncd to regard life which waa com* menelAg aa a thing made expreaaly for oar deairaa and draif n i and wbkb waa, above all, never to aeparate ui*

** 1 waa fifteen and EUencelte twelve when anddenly tbla dear Intimacy waa troubled.

** One day her mother aald to mine:'*Tbeea cfalldrun are growing up, Tbelr

a ie denaanda that (hey abull no longer be al* lowed to Vagabond together T

**My m other waa of the aame opinion, and ffOEQ thenoe, to our great despair, we were eompelled. lo abandon tbo fraternally aliared gamee, the long lete*a*Ulfa in the shade and tbe fine rune upon tbe fiowery bank^.

**Tbe proprlellM bad arlein between ua. We were no longer allowed to are each nihar aave under the eurveUlance of parenla or roaatert. That waa (ha end ul our frleodahlp, pure aa U waa knd wholly bathed in unoon* aclouancaa*

bad always addreased Ellennettetamll* larty. They obliged me (o caliber ' Madem* olsella.' H beln ber turn wu* forced to alyle me ‘ Uoualettr Pred^rto^ in exceedingly for­mal manner. Gradually, between my friend and me* a high barrier aroee. The parent* and itaeohlldreD aaweaobotherleeaandleaa When we m et we no ionger dare raise our ayea to each Olher, eo It happened that, coo* ■Iderlog myself an unhappy sad persecuted hel&t* fW n ie to regard tbeiltuatlon which badheck created for me aa Jnlulerable and lookrd upon tbe decleloD which my father

« took of sending me to Parle to finlah my itudlea aa a bleMlng*

My endden departure, a departure which did DOt even leave me ilinelo tay adten to SUennette, waa the finlibtog atruke which cut short our relattoni. Not only did 1 ere ber no longer, but acanMly ever did I bear ber mentioned aud then only a t periods re* jnota firom each, other. My taltaer sold bla property to go with my mother to d well near tbelr only eh lid, and apeadlly tbe paat, dur* iQg which my heart bad belonged to an adorable young girl, waa but a luemory over wblflb time flowed,

learn td oat day that Ellen nette had got married, th a t abe bad eapouied a youag gen­tleman, a proprietor In Ia Morvan. The new atorea tear from me; my heart, during some days, reniafned wounded andirouOled, Mot tbe evil waa only on tbe surface; 1 oon- tolcd myaelf and, from week to week, the dearvlaloD of former dayt* laded and waa afCsced by tbe agUatloa of Ibe new daya, wholly davoted toalruggloa undertaken In tbe ruab of nay dawhiogambliloDa,

Fifteen years elapaed. 1 owed to ray toll or my luck a litile renown and an unhoped* ftwfbrtUhe, to a marriageoonaooant with tny taafea tbe moat ahaoJule reiloity. Everything amiled upon me. t waa wbat la oaited a for­tunate asan,

* * Itw aia t tbla mornant that legal a aaw Mtlenaatte.

**Ob 1 1 remember It aa If bad occurred yea* Urday, tbla final epiaode lu my flrat Love tflblr, tbla ao p rw a echo of my paat. I t waa I apriBf niorafbg, beneath a lori and clear Iky, la m y atatter wblcb In every part woe lauadited by Baoablne entering In flooda tbroogb th e open wlndowa From the place In which I waa working 1 saw, (brougb the large bay windows, at the exitemlty of ibe garden, my dear wlfh playing on tbe lawn wttb our last bom. All around me breathed bapplneea and eoaMthlog more, tin aaourlty of happluoae. 1 was lo ooe of tboee phyaieal and moral altuailona In which It aeema th a t one may defy adversity and that one la for­ever out o f l u reaoh,

^ My valet de ehambra •ntered the atelier, bearing apoo a waiter a vUltihg-card eu- ftamed w ith black.

** * It la a lady in deep mourulhg who aaka loseeJipiieieur.'

** * I a n not receiving.^told bar eo; b u tabela tlita : UU a m at­

ter of urfeaH kiJneea, aha cialma.^ ^•Parbapiftba cone* for a portrait* Show

her In.*She enterod; abe wbote unknown name

bad told me nothing when 1 had read It upon the arnaa-stamped vellum. Mhe entered and, beneath ber crape veil, I recogaixtd ber. I t was EllanttaMe, yes, Edauoette, allll like ber- salf, but more beautiful than In the paat, in alt tbe apleador of her thl^leth year, all white aud gU btond, bluabes on her obeeka. team lu bar eyea and, aa formerly, faicltial- log { ao beautiful, In a krprd, that she da» a m roe.

* * 'ltI t yoiil your" * I tU L 1 am a widow 1 I have come to

Pbrla fbr the oualneas of the BUoocBeloD. 1 wauled toeeeycu again t*

^ And wo act down, one agalnat tbe other, band In band, united Immediately as If we bad never quilled eeeb other and aa if the cbklQ of our young love Lad not been brokto. And all the old rtmembranceBof our bearta aroeo to our llpa. We revived them loceti>^r- Ellen oette added to ibem some grave worda Bbe had. never forgo ten met tbe had never ceased to love m e; every perl of my llfh to which publicity had been given abe knew—the knew It better than I did.

**And there waa, lu n minute, a moral, tn- flDlte and powerful emPraoo which gave ua to eacb otbor, wnak, diaarmed, ready for all tbelklla of love.

** Below, lb the gardeD, my wife and m y •blU war# itUI playing; tbelribouta and iaugbUr roaobfd ua Bnt neither tbelr ItughU r nor tb e lr voloee prolecied -me atuy longer. I tbqn betleved ihet nil was over wttb me.

»Tben,XaatdiM ^ ^ b e r o ^ von etopplngr


L^MidrhBf'Blanimered by a ' ^ A i ' ,h«r«MbiinMCBi9nA, there waa a pray er, a preaa-

Ing prayer. e**Tbatttfpn f aawtbeabyia 1 recoiled, **^UonodiMydDt O h ru o ln o r “ The hdoeit woman that abe wm audden-

ly reappeared“ Ton are right t It la better that way r “ Mho bad arisen witkoat my aeeklng fo

detain her.Adieu, Frederk. X am very happy at

bavAif been able to meet you onoe, for tbe firet and tbe Init time, laball go heme to­morrow,'

“ Bbe went oot. 1 was klobf, ■ The* luloxl- gaUoa « u ohercome. A ftanee'ea^ npon iMega^tn restored to me eaeigy and eour* age. Tbe pent wah PMU B u tv M g i^ r n }

**WdbavarsniraaakoiheragaiW< *

TOLD IN THE STATE.Seme of tb s Brlof Chronlcl** of Life Bet

P arlh Ifl New Je rsey New*paper* nf R ecent Hale.

A HEN THlt.4 UUOtJlilMi XUTKSa.Frank bavlsim, of llalnetDUjg, r< porta the

tateat novelty—a alUliig ben Ibft funook ber own nest to “ ait oa " and care fur a ticst of young klttena while tbelr luinitcr Lad left them. Wbrn tbe old cat returned ficiiii her funiflnf cipcdlllOQ ahe took In ihe altualluu and calmly sat down beside tbe ben and waited for her to fiitiili her labor. Al la*( accounts Ibe ben ctiU held the fort.—/Nufre<AM('N iVCM.

KuT A rK IH k IN JllKSRV CITY. “ iM sot to get a warrMil,’* said a Folish

girl about iwtioty ycaraold Ibis mornlnK (o Justice U'DonneU. When asked on wbat eonipluiut, the girl said: was employedaa a aervanl for a wuuian who wanted me to arlae at H o'clock in tbe morning. I (old her that was too early for me to get up, and ihe discharged me,"

* 'What do you want a warrant for T" In­quired tbe U>url.

“ Why, for wanting me to get up atfiA . M.,” was the auawer. The Court wab aUg* gered and Inforraed the young woman that he waa very sorry, but he would not be able to Issue a warraou Tbe young woman left tbe court In every Indlgnaut frame of mind. —n/ersep C lip JfA im a t,

WAii. o r TH» coi'NfttV xrnToii.Uvea of pAKir niou oft reiitlnU us, hoiieal men

dotk't Bland no oliance;The mure they work (here grows behlud 'em

bigger patebea on their pants.Printers' panU, once new and giouy, now

Lave stripe* of diffjjreut hue.All hocauae subacrlbcra Unger, and don't pay

them what la due.Q, frlerida. do be up aud doing; send In your

mite, bowevar amall,Or e'lT the laow aof winter cometb, he will

Lave DO paota at all.~’}yeitftfld I^eader,

n o w SATAN ICNUWN l(pi OW.V.The editor WM Bitting In hi* iancluni fl«-

urlng up hla accounts, when iLedoor opened and In walked Satan. “ i(ow d'ye d o f said bia Haionlc majesty. “ CluUe well, tbank you," roturued Ibo editor. “ What are you about, wrlUug up a leading edllo- r i i l t" “ Well, not exactly. I am simply fig-* uringup invaoQouait to soe where 1 can raise a dollar." “ t suppose you have quite a large number of readersT" “ Yes, ludeed ; but oDc-balfof them don't pay fur tbelr pa* pert,*' “ lie kind eitough/' replied HaUui,“lo give me a lilt of alt hucL delinquents, for 1 have HU Idea that they are the aliid of peo* pi* who wont object to doiuga little bust- nes* for me."—/foAuvi.w DttniMetat*

VATXl.r StKUUCLl.Nti AUAINMT KAnXEflH.*' l ^ k me u p ; I want lo murder my wife

and brother,’* wiui the atartling aunouncr- raent mode by Jamoe McLaughlin to an of­ficer a t the City Hall yesterday atternoon. TLe man did not look like a luuallc, but ou helug croas-K^ueslloned be stated (b a t be bad al tlmea an almoet uncontrollable mania to rut his wife's th ro a t and shoot bl* brother. He said he knew of no reason why b t ebould want to comtnil such deeds, fie declared th a t be felt ratioD al a t the time and loved Ula wife.

“ 1 get awake a t night," he said, “ and S!Fine atrangc devil aooms to take p<iasesiion of me. I feel th a t la in oot myself. Some­thing within me compels me to do thing* directly A gainst my will. 1 have to run out of tbo Louse for fear 1 will murder my wJfr. Hbo does oot seem to realise her danger, and loiretrmes wb«Q Ifeel tbat 1 must kill her sbe eareasea me moat." Mclaughlln waa aent to tbe oouoty jail, where he wae glvoa a separate room. He fastened both doors aud soon after was a ravlug tnaulac. Thejalters were compelled to break Into tbe room to prevent him doing hlm*elf bodily Injury,— Oatndin TVlcpraui.

A BAD TIAlJlT,Borne ofour reeldenU, wearosorry to say,

havg an exceedingly hod habit, one wblcb a t Urnrs JeopardIxea the health of tbemsclvea and their neighbor*.oa well. We speak of tbe killing of n la , caia and dog^ aud ibeu aJ. lowing them lo lie on tbe vacant lota and In the alleyi.— Potf,

OOPrFB AflACIlOLLKA rREVENnVB.W. L. Ueiwtiler, a grandson of tbe late Dr.

Henry Deiwliler, telle the following alory of ble grandfather r

"Bln<w tbe cholera ecarccommsDoed again, a number of my graadfklber’i old patients have come to bla oflloe and oaked for copper dlska, wbloh they have worn at hlasugfea> lloti, durlBg cholera cpldsmloa In the pail. Tbeee ditke arealm ply mad* of tbln copper, being about three Incbea In diameter, al- tbongh for ebUdren they are eomewhat smallrr. They are worn over the cheat next to tbe akin, auspended by a tape.

*' The ex act action of toe copp»r uo tbe ay a* tem when uaed in this mannei Is uol under­stood. But on examining A person who haa worn one for a few days there Js seen a slight rath on tbe sklu, under tbe plate, caused, poeelbly, bjefrlclton dx the CoptH-r on the cpldcrmla. Through tbe medium of this ir­ritated part the copper may Aoi, but thie la only theoretical. Anolber theory la that tL« ooppar, which, you know, has a poonlur odor, sends a kind of environment around and through the body, acting os a prophy* loetfo, by some unknown octiou on tbe aya- tem, wblcb It certainly bos.

“ H aeema like an old woman'a fancy or auperitUIOD, and almoat ridiculous, tolLlnk that so small a precaul ton may keep ofT no tarrlbio a dlieaec, hut ruy gracd^Ather'i patlrnia would not go through another epi­demic Mltboiu Ibem. .

“ Itk Ih* epidemic of A|Jalic cholera that prevailed In Bcaioti la Igotl he distributed some ^ nr 300 copper disks to hii paUeuls In the stricken district. Tbe fatallly, amount­ing to about dSO cases, was coDfintJ mostly luBouth where tnoH of tbe piste*were distributed. Not one of the persons wearing tbeae plates were attacked with the disease, allbougb some lived wltbln a few doors of oaeea. Tbe Idea of wearing copper was fouuded on Ibo foci tbat periooH work­ing In copper In Europe never suffered ch p ten ^ troubles, even when ibeir nssreel MelghL-Yir* were dying like poltoned dogs.'’— Warren Democrat.

St-ABED BY A TROLI.tTCAB.Ur, Qrey, proprietor of tbe Morristown

Paddocks and train ing track, met with a •erloua accident on Tuesday losu While hrJnglne a fine horse through Newark, tbe smlmal being led from Ibe back of a buggy, a trolly car came auddenly upon them and frightened (he anim al so that be Jumped right Into tbe bnxgy, ou iMr. Grey, and then horse, man and buggy toppled over and were spread out on the ground. Mr, Grey waa terribly brulaed about Ibe face, hesd and body, but waa able to oome Lome. It wa« a narrow escape from death.—Afornstoit'H Dan- ner,


Beveral hoys employed a t tbe carpet mil heard ibey would have their wages reduced, so they eent a eominHtee to tbe manager mod not only proteeted agalnat the reduction, but demanded an Increaae. Tula «a^ not ac­ceded to, and the boys quit work, thus en­forcing idieueas npon aevetal of the meu operatives. The futbert of the boyi all work In tbe mill, and they were notified that tbelr poalUoaa depended upon the youugatera being at work on Monday, This bad the de­sired effect, and tbe boya were on band, with the exoeption of three, whose fkthars were promptly diaobarged.—jtfr. y/cif/p Newt.

epABTA’d cjia:3(>^k mkaf rn ik r.The meanest kind of a thief li one who will

steal from preacher*, bnt such character* have paid Bparja a v is it On Beturdsy even­ing they entered Ibe cellar of Ibe Presbyte­rian paraooege and stole a large ehocolale cake, and In their fliaht droppeda near I be cellar doort and fttl led to secure a roast of beef close by. The little dog bowled and made a dlsturbaaoe, causing membera of the family to try and asoerlalu the oauae. On Hu nday night tbe same or other parllea vle- Ited the M. E. parsonage, and oe tbe Rev. Hpanion was ahaent jb rth e uigbt, ranaocked ibsilouae and carried off two m iu ofclotbei. Fortunately for the pareonitw ai fliiuduy eveniug, and be bad hia heat sulL-^foaiea DeyUtert

A LETTEK THAT AfoCHKII JOHN I, BLAlB. The letter ]^ritiivX below was w rllteutoa

young man lu UouYreal, Canada, by a Georgia tnlnliter, in anawer to oerlaln quea* tlona Xbetd aiorlea were told by the young man and bla Canadian friends were Ineredu* louft. Tbe m inister waa asked to vouch for tbelr tru th and did so. Mia letUr was reed to the Hod. John I. fiialr a ihw daya ago and he declared i i waa good enough lo find Its way Into print, and eo here It l i :

• CAKTBi^ji.Lii, Ga.. Jan. u . in g -Dbaic FMiigi>—Your lavor of tb« ejxiu re­

ceived. In reply 1 would say I <1) A Methodlot mlDiaterwtioatayed at my

house dw fng oonforence lu Ifol told me that it waa hla cuatom to drink au ordinary well- bucket ur w .ler (.bu«t iwo MMon.) .v«r» n U b i.ru reu p p « r, und from w b.l 1 mw or tall perrormunoM t . in unpund lo bolleTe lb . ilkU nunt. Durluc to* dkjr ta. drtnki *T.i7 obtuc. b . 1 *1* .a d oR n u fc u b ilfo (•lion • ! • ilBie.

(! In i h . . j r l r jwirt of l» i I m d aril- d . Id Hi. ftl.-A lle jfinerlcan, by Steptaea Halm.'Of N.w Ja n * /, In wnleb rebnnoe w u

bo(t ,ruw i to lb* ta.libl of i . d to Iw.oty lrs( and tbs Stalks are used fur fence rails. U your iucrediiluu* frlenda will Inclose ms a retainer of 125 I will look up the autbOTltle* on tbe^e iniuis, but 1 dcMk’t propuae tu work fur n<ti blog.

(4) In Juuuary. likA. J spent several days al (bu house of John A. Jones. In Chalto>H[a Uiuiily, li*. Ii was vary cold wvatuer. On* morning be mads a nig Wi>od fire in my r<M>ni, Mild wbvn It bad been burning for ohouI an bour hu brought t\ bowl o( warm water and si«t It fin the heurtb nour The fire About five minutes urtorwaril I fnuud that a thin sheet of ice bad furmed on ibe water.

WearcaM well. Tho girl 1* line, and tbe hove areffiknlng every du)' ami somelltnes twice A day. I would have written sooner, but have tioen away m‘veral duys. al­ways be glad to beer fn»iii you. Klnrerely your*, JAUrN ri. II illhol'mk.

' LMeiider of ih* Faith.Tills Kev. Mr. lIltlbuuRc, let us add, ]«a

Presbyterian minister a t Cartcrsvlilr, Us., and ts a craduiUc of I’rlnceton College and of itic Prlnci’tuii lUeuluglcal Benilnary.— JttaireUjii'n /Vrir*.

rovKUN timHiiCM uy heat, i.ivk;Twenty yean ago tuerew erelii this town

two men working a t ttie same trad* I'qnalty akllfut and with equal appartuullli», To­day one of thoin, still working at ttu- same place, owns bis own home and Is an honored and highly m ptcled cltlKeii of our town aud pay* tax on bis real estute purchased with the pntc<w(1s of honest labor, but be kept away from ihe salooRs; so far os L e isp t^ Suualiy concernod there liasn 't been n salt>uii lu Ibis (owq for a quarter of a century.

The other timn, where Is he? lle iilllltvei| moves and has some sort of a bring, bui rii4 only piece of rMt 04tate be boj any claim on is a plot about 2x6 feet Id some burying ground; liedidn'l keep awsy from the saloons and la not a taxpayer (of runl ealule), fur ho realty has none to be inxed for.

Another mao—Also a living m lliy-'C am e to (bis town iwcnty*n|ue years ago without At>eDny. He owns a doaon Uouaos now on Which he pays tux, and so for ais he Is iwr- souftlly conqcrued ib art hasn 't been a >uU»on In town during all tboM y m r e .—iMU-viile J*re»§.

MAKtUAGK eVSTUMB.Tbe Peculiarities A llend in i 1li«i IVaddlng

CersiHouy In ^pnlo.From theflyrocUBO Herald.

Ill Hp.fn, when one k tu ln i n m arritge- •b le i^ e , th e parent*, aa a rule, relieve the young people o f any reaponaibllity by cbooainif for their ion o r daughter, the daughter or aon, aa the caae m ay be, of the fam ily whoeo eitatca adjoin, so aa to In- creaae th e ir worldly good,.

T he Spanish m arriage, aa It la per­form ed in Spain, ahoald be minutely ob- aerved by other cuuntriea, noting, for per- Bonal bene At, ite Im portance, They do nu t give a ring to th e ir wlvoa, aynibollo o f th e m arriage, but a p riest throws a gold ofaaln about the necks o f the bride and gruom, and h u id ln g a sm all key to th e groom, declaring them " man and w ife,” explaining to th em th e key is from th a t m om ent to th e hour of his death the sypibol o f hoaoT th a t m ust guard hia wife’s safely th rough th e trials of earth ; turning to the bride, explalaing h er duties in the m ost earueat tone, to the effect th a t she u lo obey her lord and m aster in everything w ith the exceptiun o f oommlUing m urder, robbery or ignor­in g th e grace and inAoHe pow er of our Lord and Saviour.

I t la necesHary to p ro te c t th e bride with th ir ty pieces of money, d o lla n w ith the poor and ouzas—v l i : a gold piece of the value o f |1A—to the rich. Therefore a poor m an receives fSO, w hile a rich man re­ceives s lilee ti tim es th irty , or 1480. The priest bleaeee thla money, aud prays that in tb e near future the new ly-m arried may be prosperous in worldly goods and w ealtby in faith and acts o f Christianity.' In th e country tow ns or vlltagea the pres­en ts o f horses, wagons, furn iture and everything needed to s ta r t housekeeping form s p a r t of the w edding procession. All these worldly goods accom pany the bride and groom to the churcli door, and after the cerem ony to th e ir new home,

A UKI.I. W ITH A HISTORV,C ast irroiu DlBcard.it J .p a n e s . Totaacoo

F fp u .F ro m th e D ay ton K v eu ln g N cwa

A bell cast from elghty-Sve pounds of Japanese metal tobacco pipes is a trophy o f victory for the tem perance society in a far off land.

H iss Mary Allen W est, a missionary to C hina and Japan, m ade an earnest at­tem p t to break th e coelom o f women sm oking pipes in th e ta tte r country. I t is a common scene to see a large, num ber of Japanese women congregated for tbe pur- poM o f having a ■ociai tim e by Indulging In sm oking the pipe. •

Miss West waged war against this osr- ootic indulgsnoe, and succeeded In getting ber friend, Mrs. Tsuda, to collcet 5,003 of tbe pipes which ber converts had sur- re n d e i^ . Tbe Japanese metal pipes are said to be very expensive, and they ex­ceed by far the noted Haersobaum pipe.

She had them m elted and- cast into a bell weighing eighty-Ave pounds

I t was placed on a mission church there. I t w as A nt uaed to to ll th e funeral knell o f tb a t w orthy women, Miss W est, who died so suddenly f>om overw ork.

T he bell is on its way to Chicago, where ft will be placed on th e Temperance tem ple.

Whiskey Still the Standard Kemedy, From the N .« Vork Tribune.

T. K. Fisber, of Hants Ilkrbara, Cal., says th a t tbe lu d l.n rsmedy for snake bile Is a species of tbe plant eupburbl., whiob Is lu- dlgenoUB ill California uud Arisons. The. plant should be macerated In water and ap­plied to til. skin arouud tbe bile. N.vcrlhe- less, It Is safe to say that whiskey, taken In- leriiully, wilt cnulinue to be tbe popular American remedy fur snake bile.


/ p e r ________________•he SrlsiMbtc Anericna, by Slephea

>ney, in wnleh rsihnnoe was maM tewnn* " tm i plates" upon wbloh the L i ' b nw yer was so wiitisn tbat the whole

If written ‘ us 1 twenly.

BIple, If written In toa saint alyls, oouid bt rS|watt 1 twenly-imrVii times on one soutre lUeb. 1 wmt* to know whelhtr be was tell-

***■ P « « h la ( ." H sr*.plfed m at b t was u n io g ih t uutb,(1) On tb s Island ofistady thaeMr-sab-

Don't neglect lb . baoy; Ibe little fellow has th* first f lfh t lo yotir liUeutlon.

Don’t fio*v«rvthlng for and wiiti him lhat you ar* H<lvl**<l to d o ; ooniLdar w*ii (Lead* Vic*, and tb*a rely most on your own Judfi* m*uu

Don’t DFglect to have th* little fallow’s do th lag llgblp wariDp looio and fr*o from pluf.

Doa'i wake lb* baby to exhibit iLo lln(i of blfl eye* to admiring rrloads; Bleep I* bli iuo*l uuqueiilonabla right.

Don’t apolt tb* Infant by walking or rock­ing it to sleep, and do not let any one etM do eo ; It will ilofp ben and moft oaiurally when lying on a comforlabl* bed.

Don't BiralD the baby’* eyes by Allowing a Blrong light to Bbiue dlrevtly into iLem *Bp«rlally when be llrat wakew.

Don't lay (h* child dowD with Li* eari bent away from hi* bead; the re*ult will boft d*« forroKy.

Don’t try to prevent a Uetblng ebjid from luoklng Lli Ibumb; It helpa IL* work ofi«n* tUlon, and If tbe habit 1* acquired, it can be cftilly broken up by the applJcNtlon of lom* bitier tineture lo ih* ttaumbty two or tb appMcfttlona only belug neccsjtftry.

Don't fall lo fte) of buby'B hand* end f&et during cold wiatber, noth day and night, If they become *oJd« rub tbcia gently tUiwarm; If ibftl duea uol have the deilred result wrap them Id vrarin flanbela.

Don't forget that im ali Bockr, tight cloth­ing—anything which interfer** wlUi tboclr- euiatlon—will prodnee coldne** of the handi and fc«t

Don't forget that bftby'B Iang* need plenty of pure frcBb air, but that they a r t Btllldcii cftic^ and ought not io be expooed to raw wind! oreuddeti cLangeo.

Don't let baby bH on ibe floor In cold w eather; there la where the vouat dangtroua draught* ere te be mel.

Don't let Lim *11 or lie etoee to the win- down, for a aimllar reoBon,

Don't hive the room too warm ; levtoty degree* 1* ftboDl iho right temperatura. and there abould be aa little change a* poeilble.

Don't lake tbe baby out in severely coi li In damp or UDhealihy wratber, wiibnthe auppoalLlo^ that It will b* (he meanB of “ tougbenlng" him ; it mav do that-^lt may fioel tbe Utile life.—-Good Iloueekeejiitiff.

How Did Yon R est Luat Night?“ How did you kbI tMt night?"

I've beitrd my gran 'p tp aay Them words • thousftud ttmea**Uiftt'i right—

Jei* (hem word* tbaiaway 1 A* punotcbul UkcftB raoratn doat

To ever heave In eight, ^brftii'pap ‘ad allaabftifto ftit—

“ Uowdid you rett loBt night?" .tie yfBOg-uni n n d (o grin ' '

A t Dreftfcfftitt on tbe ai?«And mook tbe wobble of bl* ohlo

And eyebroKB belt eo high And klude “ How did you re«t loat o lg h t f

We'd mumble* an' let on Our volccB irtmhled, and our light

Wo* dlfo^ ftnd bftBriB' gone.• « * e e * e eUftd fti I UBcd lo be, ^

All I'm o-wantln' ii Jta poor* and ca'm a ileep fer me

And iweel a *1e*p fti bU I And ao.t pray, on Jedgment day

To wftke, and wlt,b U allflii Bte b ii facedftWst, and be«r hiroofty i

“ How did you rent Joat olglit f"G arnet WhUoamb Riley ft* Afftniftf Oonttu*


150 Cups of Cocoa for 90 Cents, if you buy

\^ c m 3 ( o i^ i t ( 9 x o a~ (J i£ S T & G O ES F ^ E T / / E S r )—

Unrivalled for Digestibility, Strength and Delicacy of Flavor.

P E R F E C T L Y P U R E .

3 0 0 n iid 2 0 2 M A R K E T S T .Hirdiare, Iron Plpt, Snpplles, Sales.


K o y f t l K W)AUn OK HTItFKT ANDVVftWr Uomiulwlotim or the rily of N<-w«rk.

.MewAfk, N. J.. Jiiii!- \


O KKK'K OK TIM' Hii.KRrWiK HTHK?!’ WaifTi'unimlMitMtfif, oi ui, vliy uf >>warx.

N>*k.uk.N J..Jiitissa. iwa. -^nUnl proiHRUiU «UI ( t- At lhb» olUe*will iw ivotflvtHl tki OiIh t.riio. ' .. ihbt ome*

uimi ).,'c|.Kh I' M. ..rT ii» .U v. III. (welillua J .v l “ I'lE ’' , ' ■ ,V' '''T n i-.l.;,- Ihe iw(nilMlMl.i| e fJ u i. . , Il»l.rur lfceieiK.vl.,ui.( ' ' " f Ji'W . IWl. fl.r l|u; n'P«vlMs ..f

Hill I Kl K 11( Ikl'H' w I r . . \ l l i h **i|nr>7],rroin UrvHut RtiM'i't (Q aititw ilie ’ •IfJ*HIV»niH«M,' i-r Ntfe-t nrilw tr If .i'kl!.

Tlitf rnllinviuc H *1hiu( Ole amotini of the work lo Iw iliiiii'Niut tliv niiilTrlelff to he ruritl'hw.l lit Ui« LXihKlnii'flou Aiid I'piMpletloii oft<NLi1 tMirk .

'|»eiUy t\so liiiadreO ;%i|nAn yR’dk i>r kma ttruniif bloi'k jiavlng, elia t-ait'ii i^stiTr‘U>Iwer: titjil

h'liciii iMimlriNi i.Noni itjuani Am*i of " lltt-ghtii" brtilM iir

'I'Im' o|it jiHViriir lUAicrlal Is to ronialit the |)r>i(H>r(v of Utt" rUv. a.nl luii’ti t« rehxj -.ii liy thf tu iKii’li iilAts' i<r pliue' AA ill* luiiiuftl '*tq>erhii.r.ii1 Flit s>r the uiHnI iTiM? dirts I

Allhl>i> ixiiw t»» iir«i'omv'i*n.iU i y Riiei'hneii hhn-k. tRLh h ure liil’ iid«l hi hi* It tH| In the oorA. wUh iJii'Mini-Hi ihii ll'ltler uin( the Itx'wltiy of ihw qitakrr.i «Un -I « i to it

lUihlerv uiii ui>> ihi'tr prIcM In tvrUltix los a»-il ■»> lu rtifiir. N

Hhith'n imOl ff|Nei’*|fy In llis ir : Fu|uMi1« llml, ■liunld (li« Rlhiiff uork ik< Rniird Ita ths'in liu') will kilul iht'uwhrs lu lltiiR I Hud i tunplrlu Itie Mtiu'within llilrtv worliiiiw devH.

'I tii» liUiis RMtl w|K.Hitu-Rtl iiiH uf Ihv wiiik iwn Ih> eiam lofil ul Lhe olttiv uf ibe Uoj*a1 o f ' (o-et (tmi W ater t'ouimiw*iuiitir», No. (:.» Maine) Hlrohi. >»i<lprupMaIn (u in- Rissiiiqkiiiihsl l>y Ih-I'uhwni. In wrIOiii, of Iwo Riiri’ilt's, wIm itlui||,iit ihv Onir sif piiMhie lu eiii’h itiinUfy an to th<<ir ri*■tHinsIhliU)' lu the aiunUul of »uch pri>|MiHvil. n>i>i tiliul lhvmiH-)\rr: llial, 11 Uli*nuitmci In* uwirnhsl I

iliMif 4i>d iht iukI'mI til i MH- ra s lu i t io ihe etui-RtriK’liMii Mild onnph'tluii sifiuiih wurk:

I birl)-two hnihiivil ( -niiart- yMrd<« obknw arnilte likM-lfi i»Tlnif. ami hundrwi {ftii)

fl-et uf ‘'l;»lirisiM " tHlriifiu*.'Ihi- iiJdp;iviiu{ Ii.n!i*ni*l i-. tn rRMiDln the iirorwrty

i»f ihi*rU*-. and nMi'l ih* r* mm* 1 liy tbe I’oiiiMctortu nn- h j.laiv ..r t.!-, r . Rs tk - ■..fi.frwl '•ii|>«>rln|i*D' ileiii etf iliu nvHV .llm i.

aU bnl4. uiuHi )h«, n’s'DiMjitmlfHl hv a hiurk, wlili’ti his* iHivhdi'tl IO h ' ib ihi* wnrk. w lit; tilt' ul lli>> hhldt r iiml ih r localltv of the ipiarry ■Ihirb*'*! bl It

liK.di i- wii! nut” OMdr |»rh#i lu writing ar wetto* til nirun-A

Hiiiih'h. luuht '•iivi'liy In ih t'lr |.io|iiMalR ihau diiHtlil 111,' ath.vi' work In* *tu kr,i*».l in ilu-m ihey ■rtMtilnd nifiun'U.H, III Knikh uii<l iRuiFUfie tn*(Mine whhlu Uiirt.t i'liiiM.futlve tv<,rklue ibtya

rii i>latitamiil apsiiii-m.in-e i.f ||;(a work con h* VkHiuiiifil iiMlii* t>dla‘ of 1 1 1* H Mini uf nlivet aod

uu r ri,iui;il«l(,ii«.rs \ . i r. J JiuJ».ev MiriHs{. isnhl prs«|X'«lM to Im Hisfiitili iiiI4hI hy ih<* CtiltsfiM. l l KrUliiir Mf two Mirfiiu' Mho >jtall. mi thu Uiue of p thaiii-ii iirii|hi.suu, i|iiMiir>‘ or to tht'ir re-KiHiiitiliniiy Ul ih*/ Riit'tuiil uf piH’ii prubOMkl, airfliiu I !1u‘iji-hIvu- lU.it If litn miUruFt hi* awaftled to Ihi* Ik i-si.ii nr 1H isiiii. luukliu lh>‘ |;rD]>iMtd they l^lll. iqi >11 Ilk uvvHrdskl, lis-.niie h h *i>Mifir M iiT tl'fuf Uif rudhliil |N f f l i n n a m i 'l o R llitiul lUvmarH If! iiiai, If Uii* rtuilrjici uwittrlisl ii .. 1 ns’nniu i" rmFiimmT w iOHi

Hie iH*iAuh or Knxuk niMkioe ....................... . . ‘•'id l ui If ine iM‘r*-.ii ur pu^us uinft nr re*Wlll.iiiHtii Uj heliMriinsW».rd.sl. h.‘f Ituf Ulm.MUs-ir pnVUithfeftyffunfll**" Airtlu* lalUifiil |HT?uriui»iM i’«»f wHtl work ; ' “v , .",'P dllti h-iiiy bu.w ifn tin- aumii loami tJiht If Urn p#r*4>ii or iwr^'ioi uiidi or H»ni .* '‘nO lM u|Hin^ . . . I lk l. Il.II l . r l I<11 . . . . . I 1 S . . I. i . . t . Ik ,..


Heel In (be world. Dry cold air. I'ablnci flnifb. Solid bard wood. Interior circula­tion of cold dry air.

Ill tli^lA cklim w theiNJld air 1* allowed to (leiioeudnlmqiy from rhe loc comtiartrnor:l to tbe provieion chamber. The Muckluaw Hcfrlicrator la perfoclly dry and rnjalren very riUle Ice; have eulid tiialdu WiilU, one melused in ibe oIIkt—Ui* Intorlor oue !■ ramJe of O‘i‘dovuue dovelalled and matched inlip poplar. Bine Urn'll. 'Ihu oetwtH'nthe wullv after applying a Uiilug of iKcUllv pK'pared JiintFriul, which U (lie (>i'*t nmi- cuiiducitniz Kubatence yet dlioovend^ la coni- poclly fiticcl with pore ohnrcoa!.

Notice—The MackPiaw uaa acdild lueltle wnda. la xinc lined and charcoal filled.

Ib e Mackinaw l« aLwa.Vff awfol and pure. Other Bu-cMlIed ** Ifry-air" lb*frlgtra1ora with "■ Irflurain iheir covera or walla, having "ftlF-duL'tii," “ irape" and " water eyphoeR,'' or other compliraled armugeraenla. can not bo kepi clean. bcMvauti can not alwHya lj* dciieoded n;H)n m atP'ud io tdoee fium or Ollier dllficult ooiiatructlona found lu oome rFfrUeralori- TheMaokliinw haa no Inlrl- catecontrlvapve*.

lu order lo more tboroughly inlrotlnoe tbeae relehrared refrlReraU;r« we wJM ofier them at the rolluwlug special prloge for one week only!

Hactiiaw Ckesl Befriarato............ «,I3........... Ih.lff...........w.afi........... *11 H7

HacMf Upriikl BefiiieratanOur 19.07 Mackinaw Upright al.,............ t7 93OurfUkVil Mackinaw UprlgUt a i . ........... IIU.K7Oiir tJ5 89 .Mackinaw ITprlgLl a t . ........... liJ ^IMirllAiih MurIcIiihw Upright aL JiH'JOOur|l<t.l7 Mackinaw Uprigblat............. I13.UHOur Meek inaw Uprigbl a :.............|1 ’<.75OurflLli? Mackinaw Upright a(.............|lil49OumiLItt Mackinaw Upright a t.............llT.lkiOur|2'J.ls7 Mackinaw I'pright al«,........... liH 10

Do notcoufound the Mnvklpaw with cheap imKailono. The Macklhew la oompecily filled with cbarcoal and li poalHvpiV the buat refrigerator made ((Vday, Weyxe 'p i none.


Our9K.3li M ack in aw C heit M.... O urfK W MucklUHW Chcist at.... Our |]0,9& M ack in aw cheat at.. O ur 111.VS .M ackinaw CbcBt a L

C. T . SHIPMAN,4 T 7 ^ 4 7 fl BROAD S T .,

T h re e Door« Bolnw O range a tree t.

STE/lt & BLAU.W hile tb e b u l ld e r i a re d em o ila b in g o u r

p r e ^ n t f r rm i b u lld la g we w ill c a rry o n bina- neaa in lu e roo r^M lih an eu traiioe tb ru u g U o u r iL o e d cp a rU n etit,

200 SPRINGFIELD AVE.E v e ry th in g 1* marked dow n.W'e e r e p inched for room .

Siloes anA Oxford Ties Lover Tban EverC hildren’s H pr!nghfelK ho»F.......... .................*7*Gent'*' L ig h i PerHian K Id b h o ea .................... (M»cL ad le" ' O x fo rd Tice................. 50cB uy i' UuH«et Hliuea.,......................... • 1 . 0 t»

Bargain) in O .ltfo m . Etc»ll>nt ¥a!uM in Wallpapar.

W« Shall Cantinui lo Soil 3c. Paptr. Bargains m-BoHo, Bargains in Summer Un­

derwear. Bargaine in Paraeoli.In s h o r t, i f you nw d any ita liis tn y o u r

house w o 'v x fio i l l a n h Iheprjov w ill u s to u lsb you, ____________

THE FAIR, 'Stein & Blau,

2 0 0 S P R IN G F IE L D A V E .


___OF NOMEIttcludea th e g rea t temperacce d rin k

Hires’KI t givea N ew Life to the Old Folka, F leaiure lo the Parents,

H ealth to the Children., Baa4 h r iU -«ss4 I tl tbs H im . j

_ S ^ O h A ■}.•.> packaxsaisliss Five.laiiou. hciumuMiKSt.


Eyes77— n r

JNml Cftrc t

Allow Ue TottiU Your Alleufion to OurOPTICAL DEPT. W oC an

Aemre You The Mott iSatltfnelory D ^ m U tiu ^ TIte Atate. V

J. Kendall Smith,XXrKUTopriofAir, 6(3 BROin ST.

WALSH'S SONS & GO.,D n i t n In ■ r r .p I r D i i , U .U iIl W ool

on Haas, rapsr etock, pbinsry. BalUnf, Pnllayi^ Uantsns

Ma-aud Cotton Haas, rapar taiocl Pbinsry. BalUnf, Pnllayi^E nglnaa, B o lla rt, T aoks, . ta ,

200 to 264 W A S H IN G T O N ST.Iron Yard, CuUala piasa Tslspboua M l


O i KICK t>y Til >■■ IWIAUnriK STllKKT AM> SVeU-r riitiiiulwluiH-pt ofUie Cl(v uf NetAirlb

.N'eivsrk. N, J.. Jum- a, JhitL Nswlitl priiHiMl" ulli btf iw<elvitl at ihia ufTlc#

iiitlll 4 u'r <B‘k P-M. of Tim-Mlay, Ihc luciiHeth day uf Jii»e, IKVil, for (hv iNivltigot

M ilM K K 'ntBkT.foiin HprliigH*lJ avraoF to soulh (iniiB* avpiiue. >

Tlw Rilliiwliig Ik Hbtoit (he aiiiiHmt of (he Moric tn ]>« dull* ami the iiiMiFr(«lA to )h* niriilnhctl In the coiiktm<.nlioi end rumpM Uii nraelil wotk :

fAeniy-etahi hoiulnHl .'XmiU' wiuiin* yurvlR <bli|i>n« Imp hlock iMiVlu*. mJhI lvu> UiLiulreil i:yai> at;uaio fei't o f " Hflgtou" brlilfltiK.

(hildera will aUdv it id r price* In vuUlng m Kelt m In dgun:*,

itiildara mii«t apeclly In Hit4r nmitoHMlk lhat, khiMihl iHeubJW work b* awarUeii hr tlioiu, |lM>y will bind ihFnikelveii to HnUh mul tNimphU' tlio Awme within iweiitv-four ron*ipruUve workltnr dayt.

11ir pitiiatndaiwrlhi-ellunk of ibe work ivui Im citiulned Ht (he iifflce uf the HomdI id Ninwl hikI M'sier t'oirinilHAlonera, No. I'Ja llulaey Htreei. Holil prefKJMMk 10 b* arctiiiuMnlwl U.v w I'oiPient,. In M rltiiif, uf (i^u tur*Ue>, whu >h<dl,V lhe llius uf putting lu aiirh pro|H>HHla, quallft ns U> their rmism* klblllty In III* Hiiumnt of iiiu'li iiruiMisMi, and bind thi'iuaelVM tlmi, ifih i'contropl be twiirdett to tliu |ieriw>ii or mtikliiit The proiwiMl tliov will,u|»on Uk oaliit ••o awnrdt'di UiNime hta or llu-lr aiirUic" fhr Die lalthriil ixTforiimiu-e of asld work ; hDiI Uiti IMIie iH'nton xr iwfnoiik utuir or refoie tu exfs'uUs AUi'li •‘miimi t (hey will |m\ lo tbe cUy of Ni'wnrk any illtfiirenty U'lwii'ii tueamiik U> uhlcli

lu iiisuve mu-jt rtnilriM’t. tlte\ will |m)'Ui ili»-vitt ! ' •JiUit* t^>ntr«i i iiiul Hint mhj uf .Neu.irk tuiy tlim-n'iw^ the Aiiiiii iu "* mny in-»I.ILiii-il m j>«y tUs- .

Mhlpll III- I t tiii'V winilU 1i»ii-(i*.ln'iilMli.l-.il»m i P ' l ’P '! " '« i '■ v lii'iin ii'il- liu tl l»‘S vwllli-il.till- c-iii|ilftlPinjf IliPi-.iiilncI .lu llln il »li|i1i th , : Viuli-f l•nlnml-|■l.™.r••tii|il'Ity of ,>ewiirk uuy IwMmllKuil lopay lim ihihjo

i>r tHT’tt'ii'i h> wtmio stifh itiiiUHi-l aIhuI liee^tniiptl

The lltHinl Ilf Hr*el nml SVnhT i tMinulimloiM'tN of (beciiy Ilf Nrvsntk rmicrve lo (neii;«. lvs • lhe rlghl to IM\*;>1 or tejei-i niiy ur nil |>io|h<uiiii fo. ihekTHHO Hurk, N-tlh*)' nmy il f'in f. r liie liiteri-'t uf Lhe fiiy

l'l>hler« Kiel aiiretk < MiW heiehy tieilUeil Ihni ho-rler lhe prott"lou^urihi> •H'v.ulh :.i Ituii nf th>' Ikw LTentiiiB the lUmrtI <if M rwt hj*1 Wuiet tom inlk i>lniltfni. 6p]ir'iVi**1 Muftli'JH Ill'll Die lK>mt nr

, bninlH 11 Nhi n foi' ilo' riMUrii1i’\eriitieM mi l imr- I formm e'' i>f Nild w>.r-, 'U-.vl hrvl Iw nii

(he fh.v ui' Nvomk li-M-rvi* |i. itminiM' vi-k th f rlxLt (n tiOi*|0 uc nyift nii> ut mU |>r for (In* ithoventirk, K'l llmj mny ihmiu (h-i T fur tin* iDti'n**! of the (Hy

Dkhiertnml ••uri c-nn- hen-hv nnlltlwtth.it under the pnerli iiiw itf (lie h. venrh w th»n nf th# ra>r cr#- uilUH lhe Ibiitnl t>f M rV't'iud Wiucf I omuibidon- m , H|iinvvi"1 Muri’li > , InmI . lliat die btn;.| nr i>uiiga In iw Klbeii fnr Dll' fAillirnl e«in-iitlnn anil pel" inMiiouY' of <1 (Id mihdr wiirk K|»aU ilr^t (i« Dr.iYwl M* 111 nirYt'flh-ieiifv i>> lim ttnuil, and m lo rorni by ibe L of tlir t uiud nnit oo i oiicmci nhali h<- li'niiitia <ni iliv <-1 1 1 , or (tai'iiine em<<'(tra e t o| eiKiiVi'iiuill-lu'h ho'iil <so ntipn^ved: Hhil Die

I MHivi.t . s tu Utiu'l.iu-) by 1 1 1 - iHinl, iiiiil u. in I l'i» -i'l 'iiiiifl!u 'l';- .ril.liu ll li»iu |H.u, r toPV*">la.^»rm. liy Die ( iHoiw'liif Uis'lMiur l, nn l iii i''Miirici 1

be or lliey would httvv (kmoi enDih*il udoh thu wsin- Lth'tloii or the witDrad , und lhat w hli^ (he r |iv uf Sowark may t>« ohiigi»l Ul pnv the 1 erwiii ui |wr- mum liy wlioiit huHi s'uolcwt *«Iiik)I Ur I'Kimuied.

Tilt- Meard ornirrei an<l W ater t'mumlwsioimr* of the d t) 'u f Ne((f.«rk rvaerve TiMheinncIveH the right to tu'ivpt er roject any ur all jmitMtadh for (he aHnw work, a* they nut)’ dovtit beAl fur the liitare'<( uf Die city.

Hlthlara and «uri'De« arc hereby neDIh'd that iJUder theprmIvloi.HUI the aeventli Ht'tMiHufiUe law creiit na 111* IliiHr l uf Mruet an I W ater Cone mlMioiicr'. iippiovert Mar.'U ihui, th 'it t le hn.iDUf bnii li (n t>e(riven f»r Dt* fnlih ill e teetit un and p a r f o n n n i H ' t ' i iniUle w >rk. fLaII Hr th e h| i )MuV4i( a" t ' Riilhionoy hy ihu ixtard, ami «a (u liiriu. b)’ (he ('m.ii-plur Hie an 1 tu> roiitra"taLmU be (itiid ng ou (he <dly, or U''< oiiie udec 11 ve irr cj|HTH(ive umn a .ch ikumI t" »» Hin-ro^cl: hQ'1 Dio l^f-ildrtil of Dm iHjKnl <sliMn have |Hm*iit toeYHinliH' lhe jirujB a si Ikiii iHinen uivlar outh. If lo'kliKll on iludre, or ihtill liv ff • In itru r lil liy iho ii<«ar<l, tint the bviarl will nid • e hnim>l (ly env atueiiiem that may iw luBdi' Us kujii ]irt,|Mjias I lHni<(ani>-n hni aliail have f.itl iHiwi'c and ahonlule dt'-orct un In thc' whola miller. * 1(1 lilt'* pruvlsl 0 1 aL.tll le refiTred to In any adverllvemeiil lovtDuir bids f ir any «iu li piilikle wuik.

Ity dtrac thin of iho Hu«rd nf Kt * ■( Mini V’at*r ('GinmiMlunai^ Of Hi* i1kV of .Newark.

C llA fthbH MAilKH,irjq (iailvral Su|analciu1aiil of Work*.

Sl‘Un'1-: HTI^KKI' !‘AVINO-A!"f*l->lUi|KNT fur tiCii*(1(N.

Nutlis^ la lien by giveti lhat an wvmfinierit u|kiii oil the ownera of all tlio laJHl"> tunl reuleitaU -in*- viiharly beni-utid hy the |>avlnvor

Kj'ia-cK f-TUKc/r.rrorn IIleh street to lielmont »vcnne, BFi’ortllna to th* urovNniia ofan onliiukiu'e of tbe rily of New­ark, eniltUd "AnonlliiaiM'e (o provide ft:r ibu jmv- kng uf

KlDU CH KTitKKr,from HLcIi ■tnn»t 10 Helm >nt aveiiup," appruvait T nti'inUer '>14. |aM'.

Haa ba.Hi preiurvil by tbe iimlcr-lan d vomtnls- sloniT-s M|iiMiliiteit Uy Die May« r ot the ciiy iif New­ark, and (hat a rvimrt, by a ivrilheu'* In wrlltug, w|ih ail acr’Oin|ULn> :ruc map ainl vrheduh'. -huwlng lhe aeveral ooM' -VTimnU AiTKlnst (he M-versl owriera

Iipciillarlv b«]M-rfltil 4k*arur*iiuld, ho" heen demMlted u ibttotiWe of Die t uy i U>rk ufdiecU y of Newark

fur «(nmlnation h) thet>N tte^ln ercsted lui'ivln Halil a«Bea»men( runiprlsca all lola, tracls Hnd |kar-

rels uflHni I and na I estate lUht* to Ua omm'wmiI as ufbreutul, Ij'lna on l>oth s dot of

Hi'ltrCK hTItKKT, from High Alna*l in Helnioiit uvoniie.

A '* lu r ' renrek*ti!i isii uuD re plot of Lind, w liether large or amall.

All peos'iintmereiiUNl tn Hald awMemneiiL niuy Ue heard before satd ('oinmIiH itimni on TL'F>‘liAY. THKTWKNTV h KVKNTII I).(V (IK

JUNK. lN»;v:i M ..at the roiaiulwlon«''B' ruom, No. 4 Eihlrd diHiri,(ity Kail

l>Hled June lA, Iftll.J '.H N ftWVKH.K. W. HDI'I.IVAN,F. L. KEINb,


VrOTICK-NOTirK IH tIFUKHV D l\‘K \ Til .(Vwli iNirtles Intarastocl that iha t'ertiiUutcH ot aaaesHmeiiit of the w-hule aDiuujii of tha ctMhi auit exiieniwa iifgra'liiig and irirbing

A l.l. MTHKKr.u D 'rr j i A iiDT h t k f k t ,


Have been ilHlieml to mo aivord'Hg (0 law. Hhld lUHM'siuiienI'* oumprlse all the lutv, (rat'd uud pun ell of tuTid uml real esiHte lying:

Uii both aldw ufW A U . HTHKKT,

from Lltcab»'lh to Ikircy 'dreo(;I III tHitJi ildi** o f

u. rniAHJiT STftKETf from HumhurK plm-c to Mm atn>et;

Od both aides ufMORltIH AVKM’F;

from OatnD averma foCcmdli airoet.The owners uf Jnhd ami roul estut'' KFans ud in

Mkid ocrtlrtiwUH uf as"e"H{naui arehrroijy re>iu1rHl in pay thu aiiiaiinl ki loiM-'i'Mid ujhjii them uml (wcli of llIFIm^1lH• '('.Vld>•,t(nne, at my ofilr*. No. i City Hall, un ur iHifotv Juiy IHCk

JAH, F. (.U.N’NFI.I.V.Ciinipiruller.

Newark. N. -I,. Jum* 111. ImMvfh^(jK . N «TtCK |H ItF'IKfiy mVI^X Tti .A 1 nn |4rt ea I i(ero -t(-d thul t*ia cortlllrute irf ee- eeH"meiit ur (he wlm o amniiui of tbe iviata and ex' iwiMt.'A o( I o iMrin-tlng a h«u'er in

vntii.ii r Knih>ri‘,rroiii Frellugliuyhe.j avenue (1 Htirrman avi-mio.

|)a,K hien ile.lveriH) (0 me aivurrllng tu Iaw. (-aid wise>>*ui ‘ID I ninprhiM ell tbe liila. tracH aud parcuJa of iHHii ant j'foii (Miaiftlvlng

ou iHjtii i ldcH orW llJd ilT HTItKKT.

frO'M I'relinghiivsnii avenue lu Hherinan avetiue.1 heowiiuiB or iHiid and real uilate naa-M-vd In kali I'en.fliuitr oi a-aiHtvfnmit are hifeUy rciiulreil in pay Die Hinmint su ua e«u*it iijHin them and iriioti of tlieiii rwapuillvaly.lo me, tl niy olTliv. No. A City Hall, bU ur ber ire July 11 IsUk

JAMkH F. (XlNNKLl-V,I'otiipt roller.

Newark, June l:!. 1no;l 'i tN O t'lrK -0H]DNAN(;K OitDKKKD

(olhlrd m idhig;M e. Dx' ui(d« rogned, hefnby I'erUTv Hint an ordi­

nance w|iH read a oei'Oml lime at a rinH*Uuir uf thu (KNird uf Hiieui and vs'ator t'ointjuaHluuiTS, lii'hl un Juuok Ifol, and d ily ordered td aUiirtl rending, pruvldlug fur DiuvnnMfui'Duti ofu pipe sewer In LhlriK NLK.N nriiK K 'J' A.vil Ud WI.ANI)

HTIlKKr,tog liter with all lhe a; poiKmuucei uet'caiary to cumplecelhe aains.

I'ated Juiw tu, IV^.l i r m i c . iiK M tn v j

Preahlenloftbe Board oj' Mtre.'t and Wat-^r (.om- njlashjneri,

KNOh JlU S yuN ,4T* nerk.

F Dlil.K' N<rTU;iC-OI(JJlNANCK OUDliJig;!) to* third reading

U'e, (he undendgnad, heriby rortlfy that an urdl-nancu Was rciid a an ond Dine at u niH-tlug of ihc Hoenl of M reel and VI ater (1 inintl*Htniie r-<. neid on Jtin« B. lava, and duly urderi-nl w a (Uird reading, ( rovidhig fur Diec*uii>itrucDi>a ot a pipe auwer Ut

»-3->Dil.%K AVKNtK.for a dlman's* of Ibur hundred ami acvciite feet ■ontb of nintoii avemi*. logeDier with all lu« ap* parieuarK't's luossary lo com plate (he aame.

Haled iiine 10, nm .lirfs il C. IlKNimv,

PriMklvnt oflha Board of HiriH*t and Water Com-niluloiH'r*.

KNDM llVNVON,4»a fle rk .

P l'HMC NnriCi;.d>aUINAN(!ie UHDkUiKD to a Uiird reading.

We, (he iiad 'rslgnud. hereby cvrttfy that on ordt- nance WM raod a aecoud lima at a tiioulmg of the Iki rd ofHirveiaud Watar I'ominlMlmiers, n(«ld c n June A 1sh:i. and duly Qrdere<l to a third reading pn^vldlng for Die paving of

JAMMMTHKrr,from Kigb alroel to Nealdit alrrot; togather with all III* app.(H«fianiwM m-cvtaaiy iu vompleit (haaame.

Jxiud June 10. IHUJ,JIUDH i \ HKNnriY,

President of the Board of Hlroet and Walar Coiu- a.louunerd.

£NOB HUNYOXa4B.S nerk.

P l'HMC NOTICE-OKDISAN’CK OBiJ e HEI) to a tb ird reading.

We, lhe undenlgntHl, hereby oerllfy tbiit an ordl- naiKY wat read a iHN'otMl time i t a meed ng uf lhe Jhwrd nf Htreet bb<I W atar CommlHkhinen*, lield uu Jurw a. IMM, and duly ordered lu • iblrtl readlNg, pravidlhg for Ih* eunsi riH.'tiun of n pii>a aewer In

w a ln u t H’fHEKr,between Van Itunui alrer-i and HnndfUrd atreet : Pj. gether wiih all thu aiiptirteoaiHie* rmsMaary tg oiiOi- pleU the tianie.

iNOvd Juno 10,1491.KUHfT r , riKNniiY,

P reaidem oftheB oardorH treat and Wafor Com- nitiftlouera.E.N08 RUNYON,


P UPUC NfmUK-ORDiNANCB DltliKUKrt to a (b irt reodlnv. W e,tbeiindenlgiiaJ, hereby

certl(>' thal an uhll nanco wbm read « aoiuiwl (luiff at a nwetlng of the Ifoanl of Htroer atvd W ater 1. 0 m- ntlmluuera, held on Jurle 9| iBtn, and duly unlured (u a third reading; fur Uie |ia rlng of

founa RLMt auvel to Mowanl a tre^ . togsiber wltji .;.i 'xbe ■•amaary 'V> cuwplebi themine. \

Haled June 10, im . ^IT L lm r . HICNDBV.

Ihraklentof th* Hoar I a fe tre a ie n d Water Com- miHstobera. ,

KNOB UUNVD.V;4ftt iie rk .

P UBLIC HOTft’K-^OHPINANCK ORDKRKB lo a th ln l roodlng.

We. the undenlgwsl. hereby certify Ihan an ur-H' m ruv wiM reut a accond llm ea i a ints'ilng dT tbo Auard uf ftirs'et and Wmler Commlodot'en hi«ld un Juriel, IMU. and Italy ordered to a Ihl 'd reodiug. piovldlng for the quening and wklenlhg of

BKLMD AVK.YltK.frum Avoir avenue to CllBlan avoune, for a width uf oor baud red fbel

Bated June lU, i n iHUGH C IIK IID n r,

Prtalde&tor Ilk* Board o f Hteeet and Water Coto-

pruthMii> I iHUJihiiii'M under uaih. If Up shall fO ffliall Ue'hiitdliivuiitnu i-ny. ur Isinimc effifliss-or . y,VI\T'uV\IVil' *'''1 l«oaril, hut

UNIII «;h-I> I1..U-I h w IH.IKUV.-I; nil I ih - i " '" " I " ‘I! !■; i«"ih i hv ■>„ .w i,-ii„i,i il,»i

1 )1. l.iml-mL.u iiivl„r cwtli. ir n .- , li.ll », i tiill ik.,.,-1-m ., «lw,li.k- .ll.•^l•ll,.lt l,i Hi.ur .l.itll I . «> Ii>.t.u,'i*i bv liM- i.« r.l Imi . " sHif. iiwl llil« |.r..vl<iU.ii .l,»ii b t r.frrr«J

U rn b u tn liv m n u ll . iifluii.| bv t i i . ^ i . i ...... . ih . i - " ' ..................... bill, h r «nv p.ii(lintaylH'iiiMd >tn Rm'li nr ............................. Iw.l-ihMl I p lv ‘t"^*s(irahave nialieii any I work.

B)'dlrw'ilnn of llii* I'uard uf Hiraet aud Walur Cutumls^lonert of th e «ity uf Newark.

CH AItl.l H MAUHH.mil licneinl fcuia-ilnivndent of Worka

aylM* m ad'liv am’h pr i|*0 '"*'d (Min>l'uiu’h lw>l-iha I j . . . 1 n s *■ . ...iv.fnll|.m.T.mimtH,<!iil,-«ll«-r.l.... .. ' ‘ nviu.li of m IU«nl uf Mtr%.t u id W alts

ly ajvi'rtixvuftvut IuvUIuk l ds fnreny Jtndi pub I * , u.\ J '',^L Ks.| th'hcnil Hii|>rrinteiuh'hi of W orka

O f k h 'k ok rKF. uuA niM H ’ h th k i t \ \ d W'aler L'uniinliS'1iHK‘fs nf tin* city of Ni w»rk

Nf'H'uik, N. J , Jnni'iN Ufl HeaJi'd pri>|Hiaait( will lie received mI (hi uilni'

until (u'diH'sii (V M.ul lue-uiat, Du* livenll> th dny uf Juuv, lHti:t. fur the istvlng ui

IvMNDWTmi H HTKKKT, fiom ^ 'iV‘hlnglon blrccl tu Xtaii "tn< (.

'I in'fulluwiiim Is aliotd dll' Huimnn of the work In b« duU’'am i Dll'Limli'rlHl" t>i Is* fiiriiUluil In llio cuiiMriMlou lUul i'uni|i)Hlon uf said wurk ’

*1 htrly mii* iiutjtlnsl iS.Pii auiiHre yarla uf cilihhishine tMvIiiir Slid fiMir bnndrisl 4(iij) m|iiarH (•('i <>f '* ItriKUh" bridging,

Dldiieis'rtin .tMie (In lrp r re s In wruing os wellOH in rlgtin-s.

hhldiTH tmist "ptc'.iy III Iheir proitoial" ihaU sliuUUl theaUuvi'ssiirk ii* awarded t<i lin*m. D<cy wilt Ulini Ihi'iiiselve* ru Itnlsli inul c'linpli b* tbe Mtuie wKiHii Dtirly i-"ius4<cmiv»< wnrklua diiya

'I lie (ilitift and s[Ha^Hualluiit of 1h*> wura ran Iw cxaiuli|i«>l at (henrtloc ufDu* Board nf siivi-i and Walufti umuil-iHlnmTK, Nn. l a IlHbey a(n*e(. Hald lirut^^ilahi (It 1h> HrCMnitHnnud hy the n iuvu t, lit X riling, of (nu puredes. who ulia'Lnt Die time uf puldiuc hi sui h prupuhah, as (u (bvir ri-H|Mm«Jlih1iy III the umtmnl uf "itch pruituMtl, and bind tbi'lilselvu'i dial (f (be ountnu t Is- n n a rb ii b> tbe (lenHio nr iierFOiu making the pr-iiHisHl ihcy wilt ii)Hin Us being so awanlH.li, Ihsmiim' Jdsur iIivit surot'i's fur Dii* lultUrnl |h-rfuniiujiou uf oald work : nnJ DiaMf du‘ |HT4on ur ia«niu uiidl nr roUis** to e«iii"uii'Hiicli I'uuinii’l. they will pay in d ie r t lv i i f Newark any dlrTiTrius' lM*twi>i'u tiio sunm lo wiilvh he or Ijiey wuuld Imve bOHU cnlltltsl iitH>n Die I’lim' bletlun of lhe ufiiirui-t, Had Ibut which ihu city uf Ni'wark may 1h> ubLiKiMl in pay Uii> lanaun nr |s>r- buua hy whuni suvli I'untnu't shall ts> exoruivit,

I hw Hi>ard of.'"im 'i and Waior cnninjUisiuiiei's uf Die city of Ni wark n"wrvc tu Du'iiiralvt'i Du- right bl *isH'|)l or n'jiH't Huy ur all pr>p>unls for ilu' ahove wurk. an they may docin Ibcsi fur the Inli'rtii: of the city.

(iMi'iiraand Niii6ti*<ar* heri'hy nniH*l th s t un­der (I1F' pruvUtuMs uf iqa aevenlu ledcui uf lha taw rrea ingUie fhia:d of i"tnet and iVhI t Cmim t-i ■luiierA, Huprow I .Daci'h -js.i'ttM. thiD Du-honil r'r iMinilNluiie ghi'D fur tlie fnlihtul oYccolion anil Ierformim’e < r»a d pill 1 c wi:r(, sii 11 ni*( ‘h* ap povelu !i hi siiiiiC'i-iii'y hy lli* hour I. and ns to ninn, hy Die ( uunie'l ui tio' L mmI, 1 1 1 1 no r mlittCt atiHll bl' hhiiltng on the c t . , or hocuiue uiloctlv* it I pe.ative until S'ctflmnd Is Fu ■ p.iroved ; aiiit Die I'ruaideni of (he Inniril nljall have itower to i'%- aiiiln-* (ua prop 1 s| buii<1amc;i imTer u iib If he "liAll IO 'I'slie. or ‘bell Im> so Ilia rurb-d hy ihe boAnf. hilt tUi' u.<ard will ii>>i Im‘ Imiiiid (ly any etali*- iiiHui 111 it III y l»-nitulc hy sorb pruj">cl Im.i i Is- men bin "h II tnivi' full imiw* i n i aleMibiie iDh- r euon lu l ie w ho* hiHltcr. and this piovln ua shall be r^ fe rr^ (-»lu nnv lulveit Miui'iil 1iiv.llni{ hid* furanyaiicL piddle work.

By dlioi-itnu ul the BoMitl nf H|re.>t ami W ater CuminlSHiOiieia of Di>» I'lf)' 'flf Newark.

( II ( IIJT>> MAimir.aiV| (■I'lierD Hn| I'rinti^iiilent uf W urks.

O i-'F)cK cV TDK IPM Bll OK hl'HKhT AND Waier romnilwilonerHiufyin'nivor Newark. •

N*wnrk. N .lune NHva ed prtipoHHln will li- I'ecclviel ai D1I11 nltlce un-

Dl 4u‘ch.i K, I'. M. ul Tnevluy, D « (wnutb-tb day uf Jnhr. istfl, tor the puvhig </T

kAHT-Alia ilANIC Hi KKKT, from .Nen Jersey |(j>ili4iH(l avenue U» f»fry streel.

'lhe fbllowiug IHuIhhiI Die Kinoiiiit ul Die uork |o Ue dune and ihe nmlerluW lu he rtiruiHlwiI lu Die curi'vIriK'iluu and lumiileDun ufsuld uurk i

Fifteen bimdrcHl nmJ liltyd.rkVn wpiuro yards «f obiuiig giiijitie hbick (laviriK ; uml

Tlin'e himdi'vd ^Jsll wpiarv leol of “ llelglun” ' brldalinr

Ail Mils must lH> a<Tuin]>aiil<il by a aiiei-hnen bluck, which aru iiilembsl lu ii<Mn1 in Dii> wurk. wIDi (he iiiiine of (he hidder uud the luiiAJily of ibe giinrry a!|u0 be<l lo U

illdilera n'lli siiito ihcir |irli.t*H In wriling lu well as lu llgnreH.

hidderM iiiuai "pwrlfy In Dielr prupo-iuls that, nbuntd Die ole.vfl work lie awardiHl lu Diem. Iliey wUI hliul ihernhejve-« (n Ihdsh and lYiinplete Die (■Huie wpblu (wi-uiy eoovH'uDve wurkine dHys.

i he plLiiT and H|s*cDh'aDirn' uf Die w< r{ can li* exuiiilne^t at nio uiiice uf (he Buurd of Mri-el uiid Wiifof Cummli--hmi'rs, No. liM Hulacy street e-alil lirupo'ali (o le urcomp nled bv ihe I'un-'enl bi w rltliu .o f two aiiretl^ u|»u efotH.i,! the Imiu-uI p iiltiuglnsurli pru(iusals «iUMliryasta Ihi'lr resuiuu Mihbttv lu the nuiuimt i f ancli prupusHl. an I li:n I tliHioeJve-liiHt If (be cuJiireot l»e uw anM to tbe jierbou cir |H<numi making (he pniiaiKal ti'oy w dJ iipun Km iM'in f wi HWiirdei, iionimc h ii Oi tiieir eiirel HI for tbe fsllhrnl perfiiriiiumio id Mild n mg ; BDtl Dial If Diu |>eraon i-r |>ersnn<i uutiiur r-'luse lo OXHC Jb* Much ooiiirhct, llic> wui itav I ■ (tu‘ cii> of Nvwark Huy diil‘ii"i-niv Inuutreu the aumH fo w blcli iiH 4ir D ey wimld luive I een luiJih'd niarn the ctun- plalluh of the uuiDruct. aud lliH( which lhe d iy of Newark niuy Ihj uhligiMl lu i>ciy ihe irer^nii or iht aoiis by whiiiji •iiii'b i‘i.nlr.t(4 mIuiI] rteexeciiiiHl.

'i he itu ltd u( HtrRH luid Wulvr I*mniol4>xiioiieiw i.ftliec ityof .Vw.Mtrk re-'crve Ig theju»^‘lve. Die rlgbt |o Hccc|d ur reject any ur all priifviNiH fur Die iDhivu wurk.ustlu-y n^a dem i he-.( for th« liiivri*d u fihu cBy.1

Biddfini Mild Rurellea an* liereh/ noDlled tliHt iimler Die prubhluustil the s>veiitli siic:ion of Mio Jaw cnn.tbuc Do- IhHirJ of htA'i'i aruiXS'iilerCum- Hlnne.s, uppC'Vnl Man’ll *>. Isu|, iha tllie IkmoI or

OKK'CK (D‘ n iK lUlAlllP DKH'l liKFV a n d WaivT Commkeiion't > of (h* city of Nsnark

•Newark, V. J.. Jnne \ IHA. s HeHle<1 pn>;a«U( ivBI be n-ee|y«i hI tills orTIrtf

uiiiil I iM-ha k I*. M uf TiiiNila.v, Dm' iw inlM li ilay uf June. I MM, lur III* |MVlUg uf

J'HIH'I f.KN'I u AVKVDk , from MiiiiL Nveniii'hi i.ttDelnu avetmo.

I he fullou-;i,K la ab mt (fo- uniuuiit of Die work (o be dutic hiiil (he lUAl.-iiiCa lu be fiimiahod In th* eunstruciloii and emnp eUuii u| sHul w.ifk -

live Di'Hisuid ••V"Uo ipiiire yards nf ohlnig granlie h:tHk psviug niid flfl<>cu Inindrvil D<3(Di -•iii.il\' leeluf ’ IWialiiiC’ brjilgliu,

\l l bills niiitl ui< am-fmip.iulcd bv a "iieclmen bbw'k. wbli-li ,in‘ Dih ud> d lu iq hk,-i| (11 (he wurk, wlili Die iihujh mI Dih LMbltr hiid tlta locality ufllu* ipinri) aiiachi'vl lo It.

Klildrn will stale (ludr prlcea In wrlllng u welL a* 111 ilaun-H.

lilihlMn) miKi s|es,iry In their pri>]H>sal« lliat, should Dll' al.oir Wora le* HWiir»!ed to them, (Ji*y w||] hind Duniw'ise* (u (ltd*h mild eumplaie (beMiim' nblDu kirty c ui-niml .'e n o r king dar’a.

The pliUM Aiul siaei DIcaDuiir «if Die n .ub c*n bn e i a iihied al lhe uHbv* t.( Die JloHid ofKlre*(imd \H'iitei 1 uiiiiiiiMionen, .\o. I'js Maliwy alHb’l. Hald hru|Mi-«lsi > iH' h«cuuu'aTdt*<1 by Die ruuiauD, In wnt* lug, of tMu Hin il-'a, wh.i Hhab, at llieliaieufput- Dug III->ui h pr<imM,h iiua-tf^ as m ii.elt r-'S(tuuNi- billi) In the aiW'iiint uf niich |iru|MMul, and bind........ .. D Do- nuHlriuf Ih« MWiiitnl tu DiejKTsun ur te r-HiiD MUMhig me propinaMbr.v Mill, ii|Hiii It* iH'lug ou H <urde<1. iMCvioie IDs or lliHr Miiet.ie fl>r Die faMliful jn-rrornmms* of Mid 'cork I iihd that (f the tsTboii or le-CMiiis mult or refiiMe toenerlUe such i-utdrncl. (hu.v wMl ]«>’ (U lhe c||y of > euark any uHrelYius' belueeii ibe >miia 1 0 .Uilou ho or they wuuM have ta *n vaDDed npun Ui« t-um- plethui (>l tile I'lmtmrt, aud lb»i wbu-h Die city ul .Newark may 1 V luidae l 10 ;'aiy the p-T-uii or p r - sons hy whom oiu'b I'onD'wt shull ih* fiocuImJ.

I be Ikwrd of Htn-ei nml VValerCi.mm-Minrrauf Die ciiy i»f Nn\>ark re’ eryp tu Dieiuwdvra ihe rigut tu uccppi nr re.|(Cl itiiy ur ai] pruiMtHHls mr the iifHive work, as (bey may dis'iii U at lur the Interest of Dll* cUy.

|udd>ys iiiid sniTile't an* Her-liy noi1fl<4j ih s t (111 lur Ihe iirovIslniM of tlie h»*\eu1li wcDmi uf iba law r-i*.4iin,i{ UicBia',1 of t in . ta n J M aiart'um -nil*udi>iuT». aiiprovHit MuicUj^ , (apl, ihAllbw L>iulo rb iifia PH h-glvt'i for f a fodhr.il uvec iiluii end ]a-rriiri><a ici'oi Mild puii b-wurk hhidi h rs tb e a i^ pruved n> tu sufTtcLeurv ly ih> bo>r1 and a to fur>u by Die 1 (miisei uf ihi» uourd, aud n > 1 un(ro<it khall l>H hill dll r un Die oitvu* N ^ u ip • ff* rt.Vc or uisTtillve imt 1 mm'Ii itnii-i inko hio*1>vp«I : and Di* I'ru'duenior the bixr I a***!' h'lVe i'uw*r tu'*xamli>* till-i roiHiK'd huudsoieM ll]ld, r untb. If he sha 1 m deer* ur s-iall Im»s .j lns(ri.cDM(( y itic b, nr l.biit the lioiinl will Hid hr bmn-i uv nay -.luteini'iit Ibat luiV ih- iiiude hy hi eh pru I se I ( uiiiNnien, h(u a ia|i b are full (O.UT and nhsuhit« dlaureilmi In tbe wli<4f iiHlUr. tin I tuis i>rov-'di'n-li d | b« rvferr-dU>la aii> advertbuuiuut inv.tlut Id h f / t a n y m eh pui lie work.

By dlr-aioii ofMie Boarl of r tre f ia n d Water Ciimihlsaluntfj uf (In* 4 (^ 1 <if .NewaM-

('HAIU.I<>* UAUKtLi<:q Dan rai Hiiier uteniiam of svurka,

6KFICK DF 'm K IPiA hl) (»K N TItrK T 4ND A aU-r ( -ummlifl'mers rif ihe rit) of Newark.

Nvwark. N. j . . June s. Ism. rH’wW pr>>iK>.sa|i wUL l>e nn-Hved at DitautTloe

j nnill 4 u'eioch P. M. o f i m alny, ilia livpntiaibday uf Junv. ish% for the (uviug uf

ItVLUWIN KI'RKF.T, from WasIdiigiiJii street to ll ch tireet

I'll*fnPuAim; U abukt I h ' aiuitUi.D.uflbe work (A b)< ilnria iiitd tiia mHli-ihiW lo rv' AhtilHbiHlla iha euii'^tniriiuu uU'l cuiupteiiOM nfHald wufk :

‘j'lilriv-iirje liuit lr*'il - ( iihu ■(poire y*rjh uf pubhW SMIIH |>av]iigttnd sevi'ii Uundnit 7H'd m;uuiv IMKLof " iU'lghinfC lirplging- g

Bblileri will •'inU'liu'lr pflei-x In w ritlu ; *i wail On Mi MgmvN

BliJderN niiiHl Hiieciry In thejr |im|HiHah Dial, NiumJil Il'U iiImiVi- wurk He HWurdexI (o IIIeili, they will hind ihein'U-lvea to Ihiioh un I cunipletH th* Ninie wIDiin Diiity ciui'«cuilve wurklog dayH.

rile Plans nOd iis'cLlicitiluii;^ of tlie uor?< rwn b* ('.(nujIioHl al DiVUTlIce uf the BuarU Of etreut a >d Water cunnnlkilum'n. No t:Ji4 iia.iaiay s t r t i . Hiid prufH>bnit Ul Im' 4M-i'oru|>aub-d by Dio eotMcal, 111 nrlU iix.of lu'o RiirctUts. who aliail, al (he iiin* . of pidiing Ml siii'b pru|h>*<ilH, unnlify os 10 ihelf y. H(>oiiilhli Ity In Die aniuunt uf-tiiMi prup-jsul, aiuJ bind Du-Mi^'lveaiha*. If Dm4’uiiiraut be awanleii to Die petHlin u.' p"r'0'<‘( iiiaUng Ihe prop'isHl they will, ujHih Its Itelmr ao auar4b>d. tn-iuinie bU ur lhair Hiiri'Tli-a lur the iuiUtful pierfurmniH’u uf said Work; :iiid DjhI If Die (lerviHi ur iier^iiiii giglt or refuse tu eseciile such cimlriM’l. Dm*) will |iay lo Du- city uf Newark Hiiy ilDfen'iioc^hetween the Hiiiii* lu which be ur they would have (wf ii eetDIiHl li|j,m Du- CumplHluli «f Die cuiiirM'l, mid (Hat Which Diu i-lt.v uf Niuvnik ma}' he uhllgod to jiay Dm per<Miu ur (hts-ui'h by wJiuiii hiil'Ii CmlroL^ Klmli lie ciersih'd.

Thu Buiiid of Ntrei-t and W ater t'omiulisluuare of the cliy uf Newiirii reserve tu themselves Die rlalii lo (Mvi'pl i*r iv|is t jiiiy ur nil prupwistils f>>r Die hIhjvi' wiTlc, DA tiu'y iniiy deem Ix tl for Dig bder -st uf tli>* < by.

liddersuuil suri'dvA am hrrelry nolllte>1 Dial lift- det the ijruviduiis of llie sevcutli scctluu uf (he law CreilDUK the Ihmnl nf Htniul Hill] WjiUT Cuftjmla- sImuTi. lippmvtsl .Miin- i Js, |ii'D. Ihiit Tfluhiind or iHtnds (u (>' glieii PT th« falDD'ld eTecnrion and ix-rfuriiiuiK e uf luld (iiib)lr work, shivll drvt h* ap- |'im>-4] R. lu jiiiilh'Irtiry by Die two'ii, and as (i> iurm. !■} Itir ruiiti'-el nf the iHiiird, riuii iu> euniraot sliali be hliKlInj un Dll'city, or iHssim.* Hlits'tlvcur 4i]N’riiilui iiiitil sih'li I'U'ul Is Ml ji|i|mivisl ; uud th«

iHMid' lu U-glTcn for the fiilihfiij e.nociiDuiiimil |H'r- I J'nai'b-iit ul'ihe iiuurl siiali lixvp p<iiw«-r tu v.iiiinimi' ........... - ■ ■ ....... - ............... ^'Jt

f.>riiiH|us< uf Mild plMiii! work, piimll tlrvl he n)i I Dir prupii-C'i Ikiuusuu-h i|ud« r uutb, If he yIj.iD i pruved hh iu hurlU'ieiicy hy Di« hoard, imd a .- to d>*s1re. ur "h ill li" hu In^irm-icd ijy Die nuHril. h< fur.11. h) (he I uUMM‘1 (if Ih* biiurd. and n i ciiiHrucl I Du- Imuid w IM ii>d Im lHiii,tp hy uny stnlcmml IhialiiiM t e Mudliig on Die city, ur Ikmyuuc t-lTi riO'e or uis-mitve until such IhmcI la a • uppruved ; and Die PrrHkteiiL of tbe IhoiNI ihiH liMi e jHiwei (o i>vuiii Ine D e |Mu|Ki-Ms] leMidsiimn undyi imDi , Ifb-'Shull au Uo-ilre. ur sinal b" su liisiruci hv Dih h uird. Iiip Di<‘ Isiard will 110 1 b r (lound bv any *hiicMtrul Dmt ina)- l/U iiimJe by siieh pTuieisoi] hrmdsineu, hot shiiN }iaVe full |siw«r Klld HOS>dilt« dlscrelluii lu Die wliule Mill vr,and (his pruvhimt shall tx-ndrrrc t In III any advi-rDseniHiii Inviting bids fur uny siu-h puhHc work.

By dfrccUiili uf the Bimrii uf sirealiiiid Wab-r t-uimiilBslum'iH uJ DieiJiy ul'N'ewark.

' cHAbl.y^ .M.tHHM.Wq (Jeiieral i-up«*rlii(cMiii'iii «d' Wurha.

OKFICi: DK TDK M'lAltB ‘ T’ hTUKI-.T AND Staler Cuiniiiliwlouer-i uf Die cliy uf N'l wurk.

.M'wark, N J ..limen. ihhi » alisl prniMmuJs will h* rcce.s'ed at (ids witlup

tJiiDH u’cluelc P M. of FrlilHy, Die slsDx-nlh day uf JuiM, IMf.1, for iliegraOhuim tl curbing uf

pluJHl'Kt ' r 1 LACK froni I'niirlevnili nvuiuia (u llrm-.i stre 'l.

Ih c fiilloivlNc laidio:it thu ninuunt uf the wurk to bo 4loi|r and Die niub'rUM lo be funus-m 1 In tbu VtfhMrtiilbxi aiuJ romideiiiii} utaabkwiirK :

due DiuiiSKiJil I l,iisii'cuh|i- yards uf eicitviiP mi : Hcviii liiinilr'iUTiRiJ fehl new Uh lc.r-h nir'i (uiir

lTu-h<‘s lUh ki:Fuiir iiunilred i-kKo Miuaru feat -'PelrDutj” hrldg

hig: andFive i.’S.i *elff ofeom er sifini's.Bidden will Shite (heir prices In hi ding us well

aa hi tlgurea.Bidden iniiHl iiecliy In Ihcir [iruiHisuIs Dial,

aliuuld the above wiirk ts* aHisritcd lu Ihcm.Dh-y will biml UiciuM'lveH 10 fliibli uml (-UrjiplHc ihc oaino wltlihi Dilriy 1 iiUiKTntDw wurkin^c d ivs.

Tbi* Idftjiis uiiiJ sih-uIttCHDunH»r Die wurk enu M exiimlnel m ihi- .idTlre of ih.- Bmiol 4jf ‘•ireet and Wider 4 ommlmliiuers, No. i?s Hjilsey hiiuhi, Hald uro|Hjimla tu («% iu< j|iijsiii!4h| >,• ili • M>u'>eni- In wrlilng, ufiw u surctb'H. m L. shull. ai t.ie Mimiuf pniDijg hi siH'li prupusals, ((UMlIfy hs i-i (heir re hiumhlhllily ill Die iimuunt uf sucji ju‘>ipus.;r. Hi|i1

lip h) uny stiilcmiid that Ilia) Ih- riiiule Uy muIi ]rD i"-ed iKilidsuien. but •-0.1,11 have full r'uivi-ra < I jiU-u]uU- dCM-mDi.u In llie Hhutc iiiidCtT, iili i Dll' piiiVhiuM slmll Ih* refoiriHl lu III iiu.i H'lv'i-nlacm'-iil InvLimg bliHfurany such put^111 Hill k.

My dliis'Duti ul ihu Mi an] uf ^1r*«l and SValaf ( riiumhHiiMii ri of tbe eltv uf Newark

cliAfU-l'?^ IAB ‘H,Vlii (iciiH-iti Hii]s-r(uliuiit4-id uf WurxH.

0hl-'li L '-K IJII'' M ''A l!|i «D-' I'TH FK r AND Staler CuimolssiuiuTs rd' the cit.v of N'-wiirk.

NeWlirk. V .1. .hlltc I}, ISCLI. Kp.ii -d piupiiMls iilll Ih* n*-i-ivi'd nl ihl-* udloe

UrdlH i>'c|iH-k J‘ M. ul cJiduy. TJie sivUs*iil]| ,laf gf June, Jsui. Jiir Dm imtlri;; uf

NKU i« ) \ y r i i i ; r ; r , f?uiii r-riirii'i*utn aveuuy m CaMmu slr.-et

I tu- hUluv. lux '.f< a ■ <ii1 lhe ailtu lUl of Die work (o Ih- d'Ui4- sud lhe PiuderaU tu ts* funil^hctl In Ift* (-ijid-11 Ill'll >11 and (’unip ehici ul auhl w-uik,

I t;(hi ibniiviiid su 'i upmea yards uf gisiulug ‘’'L'riid'fu r h ik e 'sh . .*i iirubitUuui r>as-eiimril

MhlUejs wlJ|<.iat|> luvic pnei'--in Wrllingaa well a- In hViiri'H.

D llibrs must s|>ei-iry In Ibeir Dmt,lljii'dd IliHiilHi’.r Murk he nwanleit lr> Diem, Du y u lU Miirl (|ji-ui-eiVHi to MiiLili ami <-(»;iii-leic Ibu SMiiii wnhiii '•lYty euli-H i-ijth> w nraiu* dnya

file |iiiii- and s|H-i Idn.ious of the uurk i-aii I# l-HilKliicd at the ''iPc* .if D|4- Ku|ir I (d Hlfeel atlii Wider ( 'iiiunilv-luiu-r-, No IJS Uul-ey slr*cl. ^ulil pmiriKwi (■) III* Hi >‘uni|mnle 1 l>>' Dif f-MiJ-Hfui, lnwrd|(U!.ul iH'i) HiiiHtlca, wIhi slialt. ul Die Dmw ol |initiu„' In Mill h pruiiusuN. ipiHitO >•>* to tbrlr re< siiuii-<iiii]My In the AiiiirtiiD i)f such prid^o'al, luid l-iu.l tlieiiceives that, if I ti • isiiiirHcl >ie uwi.rdcdto lhe peiHiiiuj' pcruuis (naklmr (he piujio-nl, i1m*v Mill poll It- bclm< s ’ im unh d. U-«-oJiu* Ida or tludr -.tiD-lb-s tor ill* ndlbmt perfurniiiiir''' GfRuhl wurkt

^uniiili,-i I. ilu-jHT-iiu o- [M-rui}is iijoH ur n-lnw Iv ' i-visniii' burlM-MUimci iIii-.v h UI j,uy to Hi* cmv of

.NeWui k Jitd dllbirciii ( ' h-l'.M-r4i Ibe HiiUlff tu uiilcb hi'iT Dm'V ou!iI<I hfi'ic his'ii e||il(Jeil liuun theisiin- ]di-tion Ilf Du-I'oulnu'i. luul (Iml wbieb DiHcliy of \i-HHrk ii^sy he uMivi-d tnjmvDu- iiersuiior p4«r*

iMnui-.halt hi* cvca'iiicil.iimivra of bu rlgiit

, ('I iLi'C* pL *>r ri'lec I iui> ■ r hII piU|>o nis lor Dig iibov*

bind (iicms. lveHilmt.il Dll-c.i.imniH. alvuni;-.! m I lusy he uhim.-d t>, jmv Du- i.Hn4|timimntmior |wr<mn iimkhig Di ■ pnipuiiii. they- . m of s'iiiM Tu ^\Va l l . i!|mri I f being ao nwanlea, t.ccomc IDs ur Ih-ir ■ ..aureDes for Diefalthmi iM-rfonnaiK-* of ^ald work ; ‘ , „ |h i„-Aiid UiB( If the I viwm o r ihtwiiih mull ur refuse 1 0 ' ‘ ' A . 1 1 , 1 . V 1 . . 1 .es*'iitc such miitrai I, tlicy will jiwy p> the chy u( i d itm I* lur Hu IjiUrri.il uftli*NetvMrk HuydltfVreiiee 1h-(w»s'Ii t)i*'MHiiH lu whli-b he or they sviAild liave been collilrd tipmi Ihe 4-gm plHifoii ur the goiitrocl, ntiil (bul winch lhe 4-tly id Acwark nmy te nidigfd lu pay iiiv )>ersfin ur (H*r- MiiB liy Whom Mich cuiitroct Oiall In* exiv uusl.

'Hie Mourduf !''iris‘i aud vS'atur (;omuiii4|i>iiier of Die city utNcwurk reaervi* lu tiiemHcivcH Die rlgtil to oiswiit or n-Jec: any or ult prufiuoils for iliu hIhjm' w-urkr M they iiitiy Ucem biet for Dui Inten-st uf the dly.

HiJtior* imd siir(‘(ln4 lire hcr.djv nniltled Dod un­der Die iTov1'*luiisur Dll' M'Vi'ulh -iecDoii of Du- l:iiv crealMig too Munrd uf n|ri*a.| iimt Vi'iitiT i'oninilH- HfijiwrM, iippmval March ’Js, INM, Dut the lemd or tioinis til Im glvdii for lint h.ltlirijl execiitloiiHml pur- fornhiiitw nf m H |>gbl]c wurk Nhutl fini t>g ap- pruved u< lo eulficIeiMT hy Die fnird. uud as lu form, bv tb f coonoel of Die (luanl, mid iKMsmlrai'i Hliall he nliidltisi oil the 4’lly. ur lo-cnme ('fTecllfc 4>r uimratlvc iiiiiil KiK'h lnMid la a « Hiipmvud ; mid Dih pn*ahlvu|nrDi:! BoartI Klinll Hav* ponar (u Hxamliiu th* |irop ised taundsiMva under oath. If he shall m dealre, nr ahall f* au liiainu-ted by liiabourd.bul'Die ifiATd wlli not be (khiihI hy nriv stiiiemeoi thatm ay' tw mnil* by aocfi prnpowsi IkmuIhuioii, lilt shall liuTc foil jamar and aJiAiihile dlh'rt'tliui In Uic wbule mailer, Hhd ib li pravlaion HhniI (w referred to In any ods'erDi’inent luvKlng bids for nny auch pub.lr wuTk.

By rUmdloii of Ut* Board of Mrs'!>l and Watur ('uiQinbaiuiicm uf Die city ul Newark.

I'lLVitJiFXf :q^Hii|w'RiilVTMle^ofSKi|ica.


P riD .IC NDTICK (miDNANCK OltUKllKB to w DiIihI

We, (ke uri(1ur*lvne«I, h'Toby cerllfy lhat an 0 1^ (liiiiinor was read a vnsind lime at a iiieeibig uf Bm Jksird of Atieet und SVatcr COmuil-iaionvra. held on June a, ItOS. anJ iliil.v onJnrul lo a Iblnl reailiug, uruvidliitf lox the iiavlns of

mvNiMic NTRKF'rr,from Kprtngfipld avaniH* to>ouili Ontige avenue: tugelhvr with all Ihe aplnirtuiiunceM uoccaisary to 0 >mp|a'e Iba ■aiBO-

Bated June lo, fHM, ,HUDH G 1IFNDBY,

]‘ro»idcm of til* BoiM of Htrott aud WbUt Loia- nilaaloiiera.

44a KNOB Itr.NVd.V,, ClurK..

AWletv! DjeCa/M'f-.-'tiaf^*-|irt*>*d Man'n II. OfsT, a^ -ew -...airiootumi" luarvuH and the act m ullhg Die Hoard or Bim*talM Water

Tt'adHradqgj ctoD AOBinfoyi mw Mwciof *• Rea FttateJ* datfi vtilh IA« EKw-i. The AliH‘3 li (Aa grctti oprnev /or tn (m/ifV t*m* and btaor unU nUte andbiiyar fctfaiAar,

i klib-r-. and Hur-tl*'-* am hi'ieby iiutlfi*d ib^t niidur Dll'pruii-*lonsulTi*t> s-V( Fi.lj lucHEun uf tU*low cienlijig the Btmrrl uf ''■ti‘e4fL ami Wider Cum-lol-'- luni IS..kBiiriiVid Man-lrpi.lKVl, ih tt (Jimbun | grtiuruls lu hi- givHii fii the f dtbful HYccniioii und|iL*rr.iriiiuii4.... . iiutihc Hulk. sUhH first beu |Fpri-vcd ll h) s dib I'ii-'V uy Die iMurd, and a-* 10Iurm. (>y III."'iijnu'l Ilf Dm huKid. iiiul 00 cuiitrjei slii'M l>c t liidiiig uii rliHCity. ur (h'isjuiui eftecllvcijt uiiRCriMve imili Mich iHih'i S Ml upfiruveil ; and (bepivddi'tii 1)1 the iHiird alrill have puwer lu examine Dm'|iru|MiM-i l)uivbiij-II mj*ler oaDi. iriii* shull no tbo-liH. ur'•hall Is-su l:i'4iri]e:cil by (Ij.* board, hut Die Ixiiird H 111 nut bl* b '[ 110 1 tiy iitiy aLiteimuit that imly l»« rniul - b> kui'b prup >seit (Kjndsiniui, but Hiiull hiive foil ii'iH'iT AiiiJ Hl<Mnut‘> iIIhCivIUui III Iba wiiulp III iLliT, and till-pros Id'Ui eh 'll lie ralvnwil(u III Auy itdverihvEuenl Inviting bid* lur any sueb pubBcwi-rk. „ ►

By dirw'iiuu nf Du- Baird of Hlrrol and Water{'OinmL-aluuvMuf Dll' e 'lv uf Newark-

(;ltAlll.]-r^ MAlLHlI,ejp Deiieral .S(iiH'rlii(Oudvii( uf Wurkl.

OF N'TKNTKiN - llOAHl) H ued iimi Water (.’util imisloimrA

o rI'libJic licLliv Is hvreliy given that K Im the latea’

(lull uf tile Hufird iifHir -vt nmJ SS'nfor (^inmiMalun- em of (ha eMy uf Novi'iirk. under and t>y virluuof pD^vlsIiiOHuf the act I'ltDiK^'" An Act (p Kvviae- - ap*

..ajn^ueiiiM Diantdi,t'uninil'VdunejM uf the I'liy of Newarlsa aj^proVaq MaCgti 'JK, tS'Jl, (u ooltr and cnmiie Die uaving of

t'D iniT rt-n-KhT,from Washliigiuna reot lu MI'rh street^ fo ra wIdUt gf tweiitj'-fudr t'Mi h'ri iVom 'tba curb on Mohaide, lenvitig it sixu'* nhiNiveil In Dm C hire . wHli (b* eg-- cepBuii uf Djeow«*oi'cr a t HxnA *ir*al, ArlhiiUm vtFceid) C(-^a pliu-*. and ot >iL1pn»i(i i t r a o t; the part (rum \S'asmjiTtoii Kr«w( tu tbe mfoteol (be W4 Nlurl)' line of Ouo'a idaot^ to Im ptis’eti with ubloof em mie hUxiki. atul rrtMii (nai'n ploo# to itleb «tro^ wIDi ouffoli-HUiiigi 'J'UKQther with «11 Ibe api^nr* - leuauocB to cuuiphite tbe h*oio*

Mich iH rKuii* a* may ubiliH'i Dierotu are r«qu*«le(| b> prvaeiit Ibflr uhJi'ClinnH pi WrlDh'f a t Ul« craoeef Iho Hoenl ufHrreftami Water (.'omfol-aiiuiiar* unor ( afore the •iplimtlon uf ten daye f/om tbe daiaof ihlB ludlce.-ByiMrvcUon of tb* lfo•^1 of RtB*et and WoWx

CoinuilsoformieofUfo cUy of Newark.(. lAKLlM HARflir, Uvoend HviperiDteudevt ftf W orlft


LAZTlWiGDAlHow Ewrybody Tiki» a Nap at

tha Middle of the Day.


E V E V l N d

B o* th* Tgrraiil Man u ladaad Ilia Mob* aroh of thal T ropical Couulrjr—Tou le ia aae l a d i f l r m t Brau to Galhor I’p r ro d lf i t .Xatura’a U llti . . An Earaoil IWort to r ro n a U F opu lar EiIucbIIob.

torrttpotidrnw or ib t ^ (w « .A»CParioii, ra ra fu a r , April a».-Ifowli«r*

la til* luflutiica of cllioaia In tunning tba hafelUaf Iht paopti mono ap p jr tu t llian In

/ ^™ foair. ^laaoiiia iirango ibal contlauuat H u b lu a tn d uonanal Ixiuntjr on Ihapartof U la n abnald Inelin* Ihoto lliaa faTortdlo lulDMa and untlirin, and ttaal amblllun, •nargjr and tba tp irll nf prugnta ibould th r ln l « | Lndor culd and alOLdg rklaa; bnl •neb la 111* blatury of natlona Doling tliua* b u r* «baa Murtb Aiuarleaiii a n moat ••tlratg angagtd In buaitiaaa all I’anguay la •*)«*p Tha latt«r, bouavar, b n iin iitrif Miller In Iba morning, and from tba firattllioinar of dawning to parbapal A. H, tba ■traala of Aaobe on ara ciowdnl with elial- larlbi •lll•lIU l-'|oluf to lo au , buging and •atllng In lln niarkat-plaea, or enjoy log Ihalr ■toraliif "eandiiB itunal.’' Tlian Ihalldauf Ufa nerdaa, and from about H o'clock ddIII pant Uh middle of tba aflarnoon every tboi- aagkfart |e daurted, and you mlglii travarae ♦ba town from and lo and wllhunt luMlIog • aoMl. ^

ImmadlaUly npon aw aking avarybody M M lb a u iu ld c e a y u n o of Mpantib Amar- Ua (a bit of braau and aomalfalng warm to •r ia k -h a ra a gourd of yarba n a l t , laitMd oCaaupofeoiraaorinug of ctaooolala, a i alia w b tftjiiad b raak iaa l, Ilka a dlnnarofMT- oral aoonat, coma* on betwaan icijo and noon. By 11 o'cl«:b ,b , h e ,, of th , day le In full blnal nnd every body baa eougbt I ha

,ailidc, Hbopa, whlol) warn open bfforcauu- fiia, ara now cloaatl, and ratnaln bo iop aev* arullioure, while proprlatora olarka and cue- tomareara napping m bammaobA or Im- bibluggntalp and yarba mule euinawhara In railramant, Tlia tnaloRliie nnd all other p luvaorbuelaa tt ara io jkad ; even tba tlna i fare atop running and tba river bnate ila up, Wnioea, In the privacy of lioma, univaraally dtapruaawith tba d. ublc aktrAand In the aHlIgva of the aam itola {tba I'nragupyan

•*”*** ibc•cast wbitagarment uf the North, not oPtn mam obad In poMIc eoclary, bul known aa a

Pvaua ubdurofori. Tba boy who blacka your bnola m art bHva hie alaaia, u wall ae iba prleel

‘" f Ilia irnLlvmiinoftolaurr. The CHik le .v ta bar pme and i«ne toU ka rare of tben an vea; merket w.inien lladown anm ni ih .l , y,„Ba and ornnga*;

I*” *'''*'**’ <‘'* '“ ra »«• In tba abaduw 1 ' . / ^ douky.Loye and Uialr

* d " ii

• ***'“ ‘ ***• wW«.fiirukB•tmagar. taowaver urgaut bla buelnaaa nr

m lgablm aeirto b ia , for abaolutaly noiblng tfom. j bM racl it. tbM# Moulatr*

«ii«ro‘i i .n a

^ M lo lti- ln tba b rm oloranger,

elf'irt on ibelr pert? duda-

^ rlotlilug niKim m ’ 7 ^ ” ,"*! “ '•'■’"e ambuloB lo jM llfr, and changaful Inthlou hue not In-

• “rbkraealngn . i . ' 7 * ' “ ” ■* «**f)'«barr,^ under inch drepoue rule oe tlial of

« < » • palarnal a r .i.n . o/" “J *'*‘“ «* "* “ «<>'<1 eolonln!

" " « 'o i» . cm a rirafUMjMQ bt lnduc#<] td work «t «JL H i>u aa^ u lobrdao^lpi „bouA alilio u g b b au *

neglrcii lo do ibai for wh eb ba wne “* • • ‘ •ov ililngnuiof

b lm lebyircu tlngh lm aeon equal, u ltb m-fliilttEtniktug iiQd pArl»;;e«.

" “riMili tbl* rnpret tban tba allied CInaranl-dpntileli reca ibal eompriaeeiha bulk of the p o p u ia ii^ ‘ for bavlug oo need or money and no tbougbl lor

not work onlrtliilll tbair rtm iacbi ara lUtaiU ,Un <uM

Mlandae, w b«* u .a W t i? a i r u .T ^ jV c C l ‘•“ P roilingib r iu tra e a -a f no proflt to ibc owner,

m m u can oo igciiip ick* ! up ».,d b ,,: ’ • h i . , m l. “ ” *••• “ “ ‘kht b» a good

, 5 ^ ^ V tr« * cut iJOWji, ft* th«l

** *“• P*"P'* *™ '‘' "O longergruwlii fur •*d» lyUf**dg wouLd be cora|Millcd to wake tin

’"•’•re i . . , 1 7 : ':nIn tba neighborhood of Aesnclun

thSSUr S'®;"!*!' “'*olllogp.<lm nule,th :^* 5 i ' ' ““ la “« mil Ottbaru. N otaum lva will U ka thu trouble

1« ‘ha mill.!*"**? " • 'f la want of a iiiaol, a new poochoorpoitlonatoroihor b ito f gaud und W ““ .‘”*“ ‘' '" 1 1" •llulmKl ai unliiiorropiad reet ii n . qmicd to make up fur ibc cxorilun,a 1 “ ** I*"* “ "I* 'raJ' <rltb thebrick factory and kllu below the oily tba oolvarMi building malarial bare ii' kim. ur.ad brick. ploiierKt Inildo and out- if . man ^ ra lm to build a boueo Ibero'lano

tin brick, ^ a u e e workmen are not to he ^ d Ualbar.oue ahonid cay workwomen. *Mlo near.y every cate woman rathvr than maa are the laborrira. Wbllo tbafaw lotde of •natJoa paM iheir Uvea In rpaJllatlve idle-

»ba tllU la luborli nocmpllabad. EverywUvra you acc men Tiding, women following inaakly on fool- man loiinglog abou l, w ailln , lo a p p to p r i.u ■ the few colne ibalr bailor batvaa earn by leil- iBgaornathlngla the murk at, or carrying n load olfkggouorobaroiml, or r,ub or iluy on tbefr ahuuldere lo poddie from d mr tu door And tba pallaut womeu appa,.r perfooUy oootanled with their lot if accorded the ■RiatlHUign of upproval now and then front their torda and luaetart, or nut ao uallr baatan by them. '

Tbaoaly thing In which tba typloul Pira- guaynnoftba tower or luldUla cbiaa ibuwa

hrfraa of energy or peraovcruiica le lo kMpmg updlectpllue over bla wife. bUe la

t ragsnlad a i llino betler tliau tba eaitie— m*r.ly ai a productive olenieni and bnrdoii-iHmrer. bhe la not allowed to aal at the w la w lib her uaeter. nor ahareauy of hie

P“ '»»'«r faithful andbumble ehe may be, an occaaloual wuipplng la wuBldercd lodlepeneable fur ber tomporul aud epirltnal guud. Of oourea 1 am not ipM kiujcif ibe lew uducuted, rcll.ied and Uavaltad eltleane, who brbuve mucb tike Ualeeandgeiiilaueu In utbor parte of tbe W orld-but of the hiwar cla>e*A thoaa with a paopondarence of Uuaranl bloud.

At the begluhlng uf ih« laal war (In iw i th a ^ p u alloii of Paraguay waa reckoued at TO000; tuatay It la leaa tbun 200,000 aud fully aliweveiilhi of that oumOer are woincu. ThcH flguret do not li.clude the liomiMlIc lAVtitiej lUitliwurrn over ihtti dak

^of Ibc ODumrycalled tbe "C haco,” whoee twrde.a are eeparated from Akcuncloa only by the narrow river. They refer t.. their near klniroen of mot* or feet ndnllerated

1“ bamboo bnik, cuitiva.e the coll to a itmUed eaiaiit and eoueldvr tbemeclvee elvlin*). The uneomrolled lu- dUue of lb# Chaco are reported by tho Uov- 7PS?***.***^*"1'®'*“' number upward of IW.OOO; but In raailly nobody know* much a b w t iliam, Kv™ at tba capllul, the aborglnai Otiarnni fenguage fe more unl- wtraally epokeu than Hpunleh, and the

AV I/Otii/0, ]■ kttif of It prtolwl itt Him jHUMUijty. Tiift two aiAiiie*.Im Demoerwia und La Haton {The KlgUl) am In Bpaiileb. will, occjelonal artldee' prM h.aall0UB and iimtilfcBtoee In Indian. '

TberalM aldtobjIeee crlina In Paraguny »mn <h any other South Auiorlckn cumUry, Jlodoubttble la partly duo to w an to n ... aantlvaand coneillulloiial lack of cntcrorfea ? * .”*7'.*a** *° “ ’" l theJcenUc.. 7 f 7 . ” “ " * “' ’*“ ' Pf*-ent people lu tmplicttcbedfencc and linmble eubmliiion and tha tyidnta tbat lolluwcd the taihcrH

tta T s 'p ii '; ' *'*“ lb- n t tnuob-petfed mrn are email In eiatue

and ftnerally leeaitroi.g lu mind and niue.-la

in nolhlug but burMmanebIp. In that arr M d re cnee they bant cvc.i tba ouaebae of^ g a n tlu a . The lruol>araguayaogoeibara-TS;**?*!.'* * V*“*“ (l'*‘ h*‘‘“af<-‘a lo h lic h a

bouaa ,ind bteaaaary tpparalua and a n paid k'brd eal.rhw, 1 be ehlnlren of tbw ” nrel fainJilce,” ae well aa thoa* tower la tbo eoelal •rair, In m orlia te . allind tbia* ir* - ichui.Ji, (umpnlanry rduralJun waa provided fo rty '•'* IBI. when Cleoenil Cab.llerv wee ire .ld -id . Uru yenn laler llio “ Mlalletlrtl I 'a r lb H .k " r.ro.Med ihat only timrtaen |u r

"* *** pop.ilallud, lucludlug nil (ha children aticiMfragecbiMjl whan Iheaeitraiitc w ii tnndc, could lead and wrll*. Within n year after Ibe iwealngof the Inw lliera wervlIS piihlle elementary eclioolr, at fended by «,7Si kc-Mtlnra. Tlitm dgurvaDra now more lliati doubled in Ihle g ...I ye,.r l*a. and hi aildl- non to lb . original nnntial g r ii.l r.f gg oou rtcrllng lax .t lm „ levied < ii itn -g reril-a lro fa ll public Inndeund yerb.ife.,ibepru- dnea of e.chca led okialea, auction tutrA etc., which, bigetlier with the cip lta llu i. fee ah ready ruleod, bring ilie ediicatlnii fond opto Bomelhlag over Mt.Kn eferllng a year,

Jh-il.lt.i there public free ach'Kila the CIov, ertimarii b.ie einriod anti aubildtard a Imii- dred prlvala rel.ooli. In Aacuiichin alone there ara a ll nf ihoau (fri ) for b >ve and nine for glrlr. Hut ui y», ewomtayy tduaaUon baa made Hula advance. Tha m<*t hoporh an to rib afaw atlahiithmtQie th a t nraaom- IMrativaly wali-atlanded arc tba Nullnoil Uollagc, wllh llaaialT of Itrican pnifLarort (moeily from tam pe, the feat ParagUki m t); the Maiiliiarloda Avcuuclon, under the dlrw- tlon of the lu iu rlil nrolherboiMl, with reluer btonlalgi.e, a Kra.icliman, at the head, aud lb# t'nllrge nf I'udro UhIiIi at Mtarae, The Hoard uf Fhl Ural tun hni ratub- lleheda bIgh-clUM training college, which all Icacliori lu atemeniary achoule ara ra-qulred lo allaiid a y»ar,oertl|loai»*of uimbn-cal Ion being granted only to auch ae pae* tben rjAAja wLlfe.o*.. ta..,-.*_

N E W S . F l t l l l A Y . ,TV:VK 10, IgJIfi.UAUUt'UO Qt'ARAMTl.'MK.

Th» Sftimin uf kintfrAiit*EiiilmrIiAM- n.

From Iht HmiBh Mriikwi Jtyurnul.The uumlrtf o f perv}iiM Icepl in the qufir-

m tlne barfacki of IfAitiburip |« b6twe^ii 1,000 and 2,0(kX lu irnedU telj Ajitr the ar^ rival of a train carry ing enilgranU, Hie latter are evcorted by the polioe to th* burracke. T he ch ie f biurinei* the emi­grant I have in K im burg U the purchaae of a ticket lo America, and th a t 1* bought fur them by the pulicc, whoae duty ft alao la to ahip ihcbi off to America a t the proper thiie.

Aa, however, there ara not alwaya ataamablpa enough to carry all the p a ^ aengrri, uu iiy of them arc detaiued for tan duya, a fortnight, or, even longer, walttng for tho police lo aand them away. Time tha jioltcc ara practically maatcra o f the altuatlon—and o f the em lrran ti. Th* barracka In w hich tfao poor qnarantinod emigranta ara Im p rla o n ^ conalat matoty o f three eeparato bulldinga lo one laigc court. One of Ibem aervea aa a dormitory, the aecond aa a d luinf-raoin and the Ih ln i aa the kitchen.

The dorm itory la divided into aeveral cumpartmenta, each o f which la fttted with bedatoada, tho bedatcad* batng di- i vided into four bertha, tw o above and two ■ below. There la n« o ther frirmture In the dormitory, T be floora are not waahed or olouiiaed at all, and aa Ilia court ia not paved, and all waahing la done In the

i© 1 © Id O O T la o

i ^ w BUY IT mcqrI o o r 's , Good f

.a l'«»* in® I . : : ---- ” ■■■’' VMMI* M AIWAprwcrlbj4 Hiiiiliiaiionp, The bourd jN Liiiij. M d d l w u h lo g l i doo* in tb ing iMcuadary pmviiiclitl aclirmia in ViU* c 'h r t , *11 the mud and d irt and iluah la

ta.ii™poton, Villa Itloo and Wllla del l'il,.r, : brought atralght Into tha alceuing andHnU Ib n e etiM)Uri$e a U the tnwDt Kif AiiriKJO^ ' H in { l l4 T .B r t r tn v K 1 a 'a _ l . 1.. jA__ ^ i .a.

I aa a ' • Hiiaa WT|M« l•n| I'JfltrHnU n in e e(iM)|Lri$e Ail the towDi of eoni*. nnanca In Iba Itapublla Thar* la alaua largo train log collage fur the tbauJoiical tnalruo- Mud of young prIiaU. The-Engltah and Oarman Im m lfranu have a I'ru aiiant church a t Aacunclou, In counactlua with wblch a m u td tchiwl hia ba«ii opaned,

jloman Uaiboticlim la Iba coly ranwnlaad Mllglon of ihccounlry, althDugi. in . nmonil. ad Loitalliiiilun guaranfeaa parfect llb trly ol worabip. In |ba tim t of Lop<>a ibara w*r* iDora than a hundred pariah churches acat- fertd about Iba Ilapublfe. Hoat of lh*m ware dfmollah*d during tbe war. and It la a com­mon thing to coma acmaa ihaac deaolaic anddeiartad aancluarlaa, half hidden by ibe rank vcgciaium itia l, lisa grown about tha rultiA Av In all Iroplcal com irle t. nalure •71*1 ” '*‘‘**'* onnitukla tba ravagea trf w»r. within a ll mniitht' ttma, ll-iuaalrtw n wllh oorpaca, hlaekanait by hr* and tram pled by thcbi|ufaiir cavalry horiva. arc atvit wllh lu iu n « n t herTcii, tvtjrjr Mmrolili(eriAt®d. in the mor» p-jpuhim p ir itn f UiBWHintry *nm« nf the<li'ii4puut«Uiiufoliw Ime# been cure, fntiy rftlnred ; bm ih tlr mtniber 1« Muiiled »□« g tillt inedequuto to the i'caulretiiMnU of the |H>pulMtlou.

Tiifeimirnlng I followed Iba crowd to tbo oatliadral—a fina old vdldce, »ltii two f.iwara and a roomy Inferior. Soma of Ha window*

•‘•b u d gln(A and In aplla 01 111* p iTcrly of Ibe twoplr Ibe blgh a ltar I* coverall with plate* of itlvor and looded w’Hii ornanirni* of ihcainie maiorlnl. Tnc Allari w trv ih ls it with eaiidlva, arranged lu oroainaiital deaigna Ilka ivt plecrt ..f flra- worka, and Iba holy.wnlerbniliia arc oorloua I.bok* of old acnipiurcd innrbl* b r * g ,i from Homo. Tlicro »„# » very larg* eougro- gntlon-kll woman aod olilldran. Among Ihelntli-r w.to h,o pupil* or two ■(hooi* In the ear* of aeveral SI* or* of t lu r l ly .I nollctil that ihough ib* im all girl* w.r# all draiaed procltely alike, ao far aa tba cniai.d color of ih tir wblie ikiria were eon- carued, it waa oaay to fell which wa* tb* Chorny *oiii.aland which tb it nfartaliwrafe' for whilv the membtr* of one w >ro thiwa ill the olhart were barofooiod. Tbero ware a few hiihionkble woman In ib* auditncw-ro- Bpirndnuilb black ailk die**o*. nigh-iieelcd •I Piwrv and linmcnie hala heavily plumaU- a la iu r l.jb u i lboVuitm,ijorl(y wero wiihout ahiw* aud * i«klng., , , « „ „ | |„ univer.ul cemlioi® Atid duubJk-f1oifij0(Hl ikirc. i f while cotton, will, a black or white m anta dr*wn ov*r her head. K aaaig a Wani.,

lUDGH TIMIIKII.Soma Npecliaana Pound lotact After Uwn-

dred* of Y ear/ p a i.From the <(hlc*go Hall.

E gpertgaeom tob«d1v ldeda* to w h ich o f th e twvj hurd wood*—Jarrah and karri - ^ f W aatem Aualrallu la th* more dur- able.

A icientlfle joum al aaya th a t ja r ra b wood pilofl iwo feet tw o.iiiciieba^uti^e, ' d r lr tn thlrty-thrr®-^eara ago a t the Large

I lor pl*r. “ 'h fo . found, on cxanitnatlon, fork *• “ “ '“1 • • the day they werejnl,yjM » f Soma jpoclraena o f karri wood tak en

from a fence were reoenlly cent to Lon-don, and though the wood had been un­derground for twenly-flve year*, i t waa perfectly aound. A apecimen o f tarrub wood under almilAT clrcumatajtcea abowed Hr{ou9 decay.

T lm l» r o f the tam arlik o rah ittim wood haa been found perfectly aound in the nnoknt temple* of E gypt in connection with the atoneworfc which la know n to bo a t leaat 4,000 yoaru p] d.

In aonie teata made with .m all aquarea o f var oua woods burled one in c h ln the ground tho following reeutt wa* obtained •B roh and aapon decayed In th ree y e a rs ; wlll(>w and hoive chestnut In four yoare: maple and red beech In five y ears; elm aah, hornbeam and Lombardy p o p la r In seven yeant; oak, Scotch 0r, W eym outh pine and allvor Hr decayed to tb e d ep th of half an luoh In seven y ea rs ; laroU, Jun i­per and arbor vltic were unbijurcd at th eeip lra tio n o f seven yenn.

The redwood o f California has the quality o f being noarly flroproof. T he root of th e brier la th e only wood whioh does not burn when eipoacd to lire. ,

Ctxua-woodls the hardest knowu w o o d ; oak Is the s trongest The heaviest ifrit- liu Wood ia th a t o f the boa’tree , w hich ainki in water. Hornbeam ia tho *trong- Bit and toughest wood for m echanical use,

Tbo atrongcal American wood la the nutmeg hlokory; the most elastic, the Tam ar o ak ; tho heaviest, the biuewood of Tcxsa

In situations ao free from moisture th a t we may practically call thora dry the dur- abiUty u ftlm b « r is almost unlimited. The roof of W iailminster Hall I* more than 4Sa years old. In S tirling castle arc carvings In oak, well preserved, over 300years o f age. fcoloh flr has been found in g w d condition a fte r a known use o f 300 years und the tru u e s o f the ro o fo f th e baailloa

" 'e re sound and good after 1,000 year* of Hervice.

Wood constantly wet in fresh w ater is quite aa durable. Piles were dug fro m the loundations o f the old Savoy Palace in a perlBotly sound sU le after having beendown 6S0 years. The piles of Old London bridge were found sound and perreuthUl) years afte r they were driven.

dinlng-rooma PJacIi bed la nimlahed with a mnttrcaa, a straw cuabion, and a dirty coverlet, and no o ther bedclolhei w hat­ever,

Tho em igrants have to U ke their bag­gage Into their beds, aud aa they Mldam undress tbcmaelvaa properly, or take their boots off, It is easy to Imagine w hat tbe exterior o f tbe beds la like. To ob­tain one of theaa bedi the poor emigrant* have to atruggle for It, a t there are often not enough o f them for all the peoplewho are dragged into tha barracka A lU rhaving passed tb* n ight in auch a mltera- ble berth th*y crowd in masaea out o f tbe rooms I but the only place they can go to is the dirty w et court, where a large cask, flllcd from the pum p, aervea aa a common washing basin. U la em ptied In the moat rtinplc way, th a t la, by turning it over.Th®n bcfiflDi aiiolhijrnlUcry, the feedloL'in tl)e dioinir ball#

At breakfast tim e 1B:30 A. M.) every body receives two small loaves iScmmelj and aonie lea. I t la a curious sight to see the whole crowd sU ndlng and waiting to b« admitted to tho catinir room. They are admitted in to tho room only through one door, ono by one—rootbera with tholr balm in tbeir arm*, old and young people, all thronging aud crushing each other to get In auoner. Bo g rea t is the crush th a t some faint from w ant o f strength o r ex­haustion. Nounn, however, can leave tbe dining-room before all have received and flnlalicd tholr poor m eal; the air and •incil in the m eantim e getting worse and worse, M the crowd insid* becomes more dense.

Thus those whom hunger h u driven In among the flrat a t S;46 A. M, cannot get out belora 10:30 or II A. M. The tea la given out In small tin basins, which serve uflerward a t d lnuar lim a as soup plates.1 his disgusting scene is repeated a t d in­ner, which GOiisista ol soup and some moat, and a t supper, w hich Is the same os brcakfsst. Tb* time between these meals

spent in loitering about in the case of those who have only been a few days there, and In the esse o f over-time prl- so iien in anilou* i,ffort* to obtain release from their incarceration.

Thejo effort* eouaUt mainly In getting an andienc* with the »ll-pow*rftil police officer, who, to save hlraaelf troeble, chooiss from among th e em igrants some volunteer doorkeepers, who are not too Kcrupulous in th e ir woy o f keeping off the crowd. Thu rcencs are aometime* hoart- rpndlivsr. For the enforced hoaptullly ac­corded them th e em ljranfa have the privilege of paying a m ark per day for tho nrst six (leys and a half a m ark for each day afterward.

I t Is extraordinary th a t quarantine oon- ouctod on these linos—an incarceration worse than any prison In G reat Britain, and perhaps than any In ae rm a n y -c a n be tolerated in a country calling itself oiviliiod. The whole system la thoroughly bad, and under all tb* circumstanc*s uf the case uinpeakiU ly cruel. I t could, however, easily be reform ed, if a little humanity were adm itted in to the interior of the lad wolls o f these “ barrack*,”


not only good, but tlie best for the money you pay that’s obtainable any-

Clothing we have sold during the last quarter of a century that lias given us so large a share of your patronage

T h e M e n ’.s S u i t s w e o f f e r y o u a r e - t l i e h e s t t h a t a r e m a d e . W e a r e n o t i n c o m p e t i t i o n w i t h t h e c h e a p j o b - l o t l i o u s e s , b u t w i t h t h e f i n e s t y o u r m o n e y w i l l b u y i n t h i s c i t y o r a n y o t h e r .

f o r s t y l i s h a p p e a r a n c e , l i a n d . s o m e c u t , r e - l i a m e m a k e a n d t r i m a n d r e a l v a l u e , w e s a y w i t h c o n f i d e n c e t h a t t h e s u i t s w e n o w o f f e r y o n a t

$W M , $12.00, $14.00,$16.00, $18.00m a t c h e d b y a n y o t h e r h o u s e i n t h ea r e n o t

c i t y .

' U e v e s u i t s h i g h e r a n d l o w e r i n p r i c e . 1 h e h n e .s t f o r e i g n f a b r i c s e l e g a n t l y m a d e a n d

t r i m m e d a n d t h e c h e a p e r d o m e s t i c m a t e r i a l s p u t t o g e t h e r s o a s t o r e n d e r g e n u i n e s e r v i c e t o r e v e r y d a y w e a r .


Thin Coats and Vests

For MINISTERS, D0CT0R5,LAWYERS,BANKERS,m e r c h a n t s ,MECHANICS,e v e r y b o d y .

a p e r f e c t p a r a d i s e f o r t h o s e w h op „ „ p ............ r " ‘ - s k e l e t o n S e r g e s , c o o l F l a n n e l sF ^ n g c e . S K r o i c k e r s , A l p a c a s a n d t h e o l . L p e r f a b r i “ " ' s o D o n t p u t o f f g e t t i n g a t h i n c o a l u n t i l f a l l ; b u y i t n o w .

Boys’ CLOTHING.A multitude of inotheni are seeL-

mg -suitable clothing for their little ones, seeking it here and finding it.

Never before w ere we so well pre- pared to serve them. The nobby and becoming styles which we are now dis­playing for the little ones are not the result of accident, but of patient, pains- taking care and thoujfht.

Light Colored Suits are all the rage, and ol them we've a choice as­sortment in the nobbiest fabrics and our own unique styles of garuient.

f rom about

S2to$8irime J a l u e " showing some e.xtremely pretty suits and of

$3» $4 and $5 .Our line of bauntleroys for the sniiiller boys is unexcelled.

O u r s t o c k o f t h e m s u f f e r f r o m t h e h e a t


5hirt Waists.T h e l i t t k o n e s c a n ’t p a s s t h e s u m m e r c o m f o r t ­a b l y w i t h o u t a n a d e q u a t e s t o c k o f S h i r t W a i s t s . I h e r e s c o m f o r t a n d s t y l e * a u d a g r e a t s a v i n g o f

c l o t h e s m a S h i r t W a i s t . G e t t h e b e s t t h a t ’s

m a d e - t h e “ S T A R . " W e h a v e a f u l l l i n e o f a l l ^ t h e n e w e s t a n d m o s t a t t r a c t i v e p a t t e r n s a t f r o m

40e. to $1.50.

to bU oikc'd be«l wtien oa borMbl^kT■DCTMYMn M *ihti4 a.1____-***'*■ tminacniu!®wblloneaftlv doctolbe Induilry c.f tho femal®

BMallr Id plic/d by » |iiy.«ok>rbd IM MWithrarfr-BLrt with *uar>lu»rto}jy iikv

PomTOor«r(H-nw wuh «a»r>!

' Meileu, but, niiklifiif u|f lii’ brtiu— VMS, «ai4MrkuS U|J' 111 Drill* b a t H laelu In crowo. TbAlNmail m luorlir

upptfjr JinlUi* Eupop^Aiw Idtb« woroeu nmjcUnif

vbra*FreDob (kililDQM, *Ifeol***# Oovarmnani l« m akhif «iiIra tita a d M v o r toffduroia aodelffT«u tlie

AU(t oofiiidcrluir II* povfriy and •eauiy r«yfuuw u eipendlDk * U w am w nt In n«*sebQol>. n Inwatlopioilih* ArtenllnB

*^“<>">1011 (oopleu Iroin Ibal *Mb* tiallad tHaia.), boU ba* Imported aov> aral H«w Kaxland rouox wvuibu to uoi a* iMsbctw Tha/ a r t (aroUbad a fla*, iar|*

VON HIKMK.NAIt PIRaT PATKNT.lie Applied lor it wiuife |n l>rl,oo for

Cuimerlioii Ivitli a Duel.From the Worlil'a Pro*re«A

It may no t bo Kencrally known th a t VonSfemens applied for his drat p a ten t from the cell o f a prison. A lter itradu- •tion from th e artillery school in Berlin the young man, then only Iwenty-on*

•*t®r!ied to a regim ent in W ltleuberg. I t was there he began hia experinuiife, to the great horror o f hia landludy, w ho upbraided him day after day for sta ining bis clothe., furniture and tho window-panes with gold, silver and acid spot*. She could not see the use o f ‘‘wasting money for such thing*.” B ut Von Bieineiis w ent on with liis export- nieuta, and w ith staining his Ihrn ltu re and clothes.

He became, too, tho life of the garrison, and one o f Its moat popular niemhora. HI* popularity , however, led to his ta k ­ing p art o f aeeond in a duel betwocn two of his comradea. As a result he waa w nteneed to flvo years' Im prisonm ent in the fortress of Magdeburg. Tlie landlady was tho only pomoii in W ittenberg who was glad o f the young Lieutenont'a de­parture. In the cell 111 the fortress, how ­ever, he was allowed to fit op a labora- tary and there continue bia expert monta. There, too, a m onth affer his iucaroera- tlon ho perfected his method of galvanic gilding and applied for the paten t from tho prison cell. _

I t was granted, a n d with I t a ^ r d o n . ' A pardon in a ll^p tb ab lllly w as te ; oelvod w ith lew gfce. Siomons had o ther uipatlm enla ■ under way in bfi prison workshop, and bogged to bo allowed to n ? fl ■'a *® longer and oompleto them .

7®., him away w ith thedtolaratlaii th a t auuh a course would be an insult te th e King and com m ander. Blomona then went Ip Berlin,

Kup nlltlQ n arI’rofeaior-" I was sure that we we™ golna

7 " . ’" " 'h ' r to-day, Lecau.0 I had sneh ap a ln lo m ylettiey.htm yet h«ra tba "tin * atiiulnibi-ighiiyl After all, fe u „oi feailbl* m at my log paiu»d b « u u « 1 fell ywferaay from tba top of t ifej^lsddar In mv library t "-/Vrgemf, Siuiur.

CIllLtK AND CIlEEIt.Tb* Fat Uaii and ta« sHm Have a

Duear Tranaactioii,From til* UuiTalo Eiprc**,

A tall, illm man w ith a tlik h a t and a red nose, and a short, fat man walked to te an uptown bar-room the o ther day. T he tali, slim, man intended to buy a drink. '

He did bay It, and w hen it was con­sumed ordered another. Thi* dis­posed of and the tw o men le a n e d ^ a ln s t the bar and began to ta lk . The tall man had the check for th* drinks in hia rlirbt hand. ^

"S ay ,” said the fat m an, " y o u ’ve got a great splotch of black on your cheek.” “ W here t ” asked th e tall man, aniioos-

" Under your r ig h t eye,"The tall man unbuttoned his overcoat

and searched through his pocket*." 1 declare," he laid , “ I haven 't got a

handkerchief with mo. Let me have one will you 7”

The fat man unbuttoned his overcoat luid looked through his pockets. Finally

, bo pulled out a w hite silk affair. He handed it to tho tall man and held out his hand as if waiting its return. The tall nmn took tbe handkerchief and wiped his cheek vigorously. T hen he pu t It In his pocket and placed th e check for the drink* 111 Ills friend's open hand.

He looked around the room and said suddenly : Excuse me ; here’s a man iwant to see fo ra rao inen tJ’ He walked rnpldiy out of the room.

The fat man looked a t the check In a doicd manner for a m om ent, and then"'“no** ai'®'’ ‘'•® c-whier-sdesk andpaid it.. Meanwhile the toll man walked •lortrjy down tho street.

followedh m. " Here 1" ho puffed, aa he overtook lilni, you ve got my bandkerehief."

VV ha t?” said the tall man,“ k o u ’ve got my silk handkercblef. I

say.” 'The tall man looked through his pockeU.

Why, to bo sure,” hesaid , " e o lh a v e ,”.Tn 7 .7 .* ’“'“ ®'* ‘‘' ““ fftitsm om onh

But, ’ he conUnuod, " d id n ’t I give you chTef7"°* ‘I'** handker-

f*.'® for sixty centath a t I had to pay,” answered the fat man.

* riMHetnbar now. 8o 1 did W here’s the check

“ Why, I paid it and gave k to the cash- l«r."

The tall man looked annoyed." H a v e n 't got the cheek, e h ? " he

asked coldly. "T h en , sir, you don’t get your hundkorchtef. i took itaa iecu ritv

And it was twenty minutoe before the fat man could think w here ho was.

-----• --- -■One Way of Kinjiiylng a Tbentre.

From iho TriUuue." l«rform*nc* In llie

ove ling ttiB iiiuimger of the IruTelling <lr«

talleuhy the eiiterprlBlng Arfeoun proprl * lor u ti opera liouw. ni uiir.e." he said, " ana ,he

1*7 'L* yraiige>oent« anuin to li* uhout rlghl, but It ha.ii’t ,g n a enough. In cote of n luddeii alarm there would be n crush. Did you ev*r try Hi flnd out how long It inae, t,, empiy-tho lia lir'■ ■ yuo ;twi y u------ proprlo-

'" -y o 'V 'O outside «rlM«mn;» the ho ItfiB.’ lo lir;iity.*eTen SfeulidaWDloUi" ‘ -

Kopa MltlppJiijp Viijitrioiii,From life New York Time*.

cliililillt.-andcai'i up vlsloos of happy iitth girls bounding along tho hIgUu ay or down a country lane In a pretty nnd heallh-g.vlrfe

it I* another o we ot William I ell. There wnsii’l an . .,],ple- gnd tlwro ( h ' i i ' ® " ‘•'rko fuiure mother* la

*• ‘^F 'lilun* who know lay th«i toe Inetssan iju r or lit* Jumping aw] 1* verv serlouB, though slower In e ll^ t thnn (h#

Vfefent result froin n '• j im in s ’*

fikr Xrrvnut Strain#From Jen aeu JdHi^rfg Moittbiy.

Nerve strath can ha greatly lessened by a ® '®®®" “ ''c feol" a

aisluclli cd lo apply m the household duties Mil rtown » nmtnont AuJ iukoublt« tn uiid 3*<iu M HI fipt'l l»lt more likti ifoluz About your business. All Ih e tH ^ T ife m u m g S make somenbeiter-natured nnd prettier.





CUREo f T h a T " " **■ Of th* Nervous System.


P^U p'l?tiSttef:g?|“u7c“eJ?i' ^-Vnsll tl*B Odtieew lOenm. Y

i l l

u ir 'am llI'’or •'fsnnfrclorlngtill Ol I>6Atur in Hmsespring., H-ddln*. etc. The ool^oorreSl S mTheoUy.'®'''*’ '®* and fV a\^m

Special 5 a le!O U R S E C O N U

GRAND ANNUAL BUTTER SALECK> 1 8 per pound, [it order to protect ouraelvua from uu*

r s 7 . r s : ; c , r ' ' ' ............. • " ■ - d X t .som e T e n o r b uy ln fflap orlee 1 ''‘“ ‘fff® tl>e rt.gU-noim I ? \Vu w ill n o t sell o v e r fenpouuUjj to lin y o n e |>urchtibyr«

u. H. root4 8(> B U O A l> .S T R E E T ,

Delueeii O.ranae Hiid Hrldee street*. Two ■nluuie*rr..tu

H f E \V I.S1! In np rfs, firmly upon yourIlSATFi 3^ "'“ ." c e h o t HIMPLV

I 7. ‘ 'v'l I'tiino* made lunrfouf iRCtorlfiiuiHlorjpiriitKl ohcttu vrActAK Of material snd workn.^.ihln prior you h IrK Hr ikij'. WkTUHE TiJE KAiiOUM MANytAC-

WATERSttl9 Onijr tllA bC’St m&lBrlGlm Ansi

rt'ufkmftuihtp iu all our style-, and, whil* wc n r'lJK wp wiih ^h» tiiDeii DM r^juircliIn)*pf'iTirtiMniii, HtfrncllTfi 1m canet ynd

cy wooisii, we On hat Jong siKiti nf iheerf‘ni T o V ^ ®' ''IN K 81N0INU

PIANOS''J'r®’. ®f furnlliire. but

and mV I’l* ", .‘“"I® lurg.iod touch nnd 1.>ne, i.V’l' V " '” ' '"•ll’llu u .sr ll.t.

larlti of 'll r?, i!' ‘"■‘'"y "M®*! 11(0 pnpu-

NEWARKWhosell Pluiioe nt wholesale price* lo Ihe nuhllcon iern ,. Wjthlu ibc reai ii or every- am /, fi t'®™;'- 'Vuiers I'laooii lully Biiinr-Mo I A ®“ ® ® » 'l r c Bntlarnc^ humlHoiDti 1 lush i*c>vi»r umi Hiool

I.?* S** piHiio, Betnil p o iu i foriHlcMi cAiaiogae (AiKli spceiAl price Jl«U


P« TH to ,T l i e PalRC R T v v o .g to ry G lu g g F r o n t ,

T38 and 740 B R O A D S T H E B iT inil 10? Marta SL, tor. Wishlcgtop, Heiark, l l , 293 lain SL, OraB<B,K.J.


w e 8 M n N e T Y : : : C i ? y ® T h e E m ? r e s l i c ' k i : ^


O N E B L O C K B E L O W B B O A D S T . N E W A R K N t n w r .JM JbW A IlK , N . J . O N E B L O C K B E L O W B B O A P ST .


...V begin.Ib tblM ci rtw

craduorf nt> onaa. aTtry-■ ■ --m . . . ....V wr.wwians>m Mfe w**vw» W*»l ■

ONE-THIRD OF BROADWAY PRICES.Meb t Llaht Colored Cif'tlmeM __ _



AIibo. i King ol fireeoe.From Ib* New York Tribune.

The tutcKarrof Derby was lertously eon- ? n ‘ for the throne otOriefeanerllfereUreineiu of King Olio, the

'*?■ b« wife LordHUiiIey. a msmber or iho llo o « oftxnmnon. and one of iho moat Inlttnaie friends ol Lord H.’•oon,n.la,tben «im UenJainii, Disrael!

publlo lao year. ng...,inroug.i Fronde, the Kuel *b blsiorfen, who. uundletter* referring d> II In 1 heenrre*poni;ence between Ik-smini ^ I d and Un. ni ydge,. Dferuell favonii 11.0 caudldncy of Biuuity.


Aft nnfAiJinp L wure frjr.Semr ' n*| WeslineA*,

»|iertnAiA>r- .p)Ats Impoicn- c)f Kfta«]l Uia-

(htaWlQWi«v«nc«ef!»cU.''Abiiee, AI Ion

6^ l/4"3m !lT G 0 wr’ry*’;™ ''^ '’

fr«by™lue lh.r«tV elffc,,™ "r,lf,adrSX £ vat Slav sxsicuc svrrAui, *.

■whl’er'iSr™ “* A'tllsw Wrspyer it.

Metife Light Ctilored C’.is*hnero Bull*........ *3 m vulnesininSlen'iUilnway DiesaSulte................ ................. J;* ®*»Niirmw Hlhbed Lhevloi hone ........................ .. ®"|d* l-sWt.lofanl Wuriiod blrliio Tiuu*ers .................... 3’a2' “® ■**■**•sailri LI: ot I’rlne” Ali.erfe • ..........................S’lS ' ®®1). Ii, Hack liliick CluiVlol huiViL.......... .......... ..... .F inm clH v Worsted DroisKhUi......— ............... ir i 'v a '1“ * '5Him .Mill'd Cnasimern FrtiJl. k>. i...........................lO.M, vnlne 2S,U(INuity w u?and E k S e r g e j ...... .................. vojd® 111.7.5Htr«ighiLutijfegouatDrefe«uiu*;::;;Z“

^in® 5'**®""' Droa*Suite.........A en s Fine Stripe Wool Pam* .Men’. Navy Blue Fl.nuel Hutu ...................... ’New style Kleoirlo Biuo Teouaers. .... ——eImported D. II. Thl“ t Bidia? ........................."

Bulls...'.'.'.'.".’;." .""™WI.^,. il Back Suit*..... ......................Fliouburg Wonded Dres* Hull.Young Men’s Nobby H t/feB ua^ ...............Boys Fine Blue Trfeul Suits. .......

worth It t-gg l.ao , worth X.T3 b.Td, worth lASOS. S3, worth 7.50 B.aa, wGirth ig.00T. Ta, worth 16.60 B.OO, wnrih I6.TS O.M, worth M.00 e.SO, worth lajo 0.00, wortb U.0I

‘I S " - "uther^ufgaln* not me.Gil'.nfe^-.KiTj^i^Jf

FIF.Tr j50) P p I F .« i m ICTUAL COST PRICE.f i f . IS liT

' D lS i . . . „ .„ consiquftjviy am


"‘ii sgaln ii tbeir will *■* TbU lala bt&ts atfjjprarJuu» m Udm and i i tha gratii^ilAi? llAVair hd*o*aa,*a Th#

128C O R N E B H A B K E T 8 T B E B T . N B W A B a , j r . J . <

Come . 1 soon as you oan. Comaearly tomqyrow, * Boysr/ f t» l. ,a u rr / op a n a te ib,.L. Vni «■> «ood« M^ v e Ibli »Dd bring U witb you.

128COBNEB ilA B X B T 8 TO B Z T

elGG ! ..« lsr*»H*wed to te tu rs t tMtTgaia