All Saints’ Cathedral, Nairobi NEWS & VIEWS FEBRUARY, 2018 IN THIS ISSUE IN THIS ISSUE A heart of prayer Camp Kwizihiza Are you still sleeping? A heart of prayer Camp Kwizihiza Are you still sleeping? Christ centered life: Prayer

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All Saints’ Cathedral, Nairobi

NEWS & VIEWSF E B R U A R Y , 2 0 1 8


The All Saints’ Cathedral Trinity Centre o�ers modern and well furnished meeting rooms, an auditorium, a restaurant/cafeteria and serene grounds all within a pristine Christian environment. We have meeting rooms that are ideal for fundraisers, training/seminars, individual graduation receptions, cocktails, dinners and parties. While the auditorium which has a sitting capacity of 1800 is ideal for international and local conferences, wedding services/receptions, concerts/plays, AGMs, graduation ceremonies and dinners. Additionally, the auditorium is �tted with translation booths and state of the art audio-visual equipment.

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A heart of prayer

Camp Kwizihiza

Are you still sleeping?

A heart of prayer

Camp Kwizihiza

Are you still sleeping?

Christ centered life:



P.O Box 40539 – 00100 Nairobi, KenyaTel: 0732 600466 • 0702 645069 • 020 8004679

Pastoral Care & Counselling: 0705 318 392E-mail: [email protected]

Visit our website: http://www.allsaintsnairobi.org

Provost/Vicar The Very Rev. Canon Sammy WainainaMrs. Dorsila Kassums – Executive Assistant

Assistant Provost/Worship PillarRev. Evans Omollo – Asst. Provost/Pillar MinisterHannah Emmrich – Director of Music Irungu Waweru – Asst. Director of MusicJandson Njoroge – Senior VergerMoses Odumbe – Asst. Director of Music

Cathedral AdministratorMr. George Maina

Evangelism & Outreach PillarRev. James Kimari – Pillar MinisterMrs. Louise Githire – SOM/UDP Coordinator

Finance ManagerMoses Waweru

Education & DiscipleshipRev. Lillian Karinga – Pillar MinisterRev. Mithali Ongachi – Children & Baptism MinisterCapt. Alice Kariuki – Women’s Ministry CoordinatorMrs. Mercy Eunyalata – Children’s Coordinator

Pastoral Care and SacramentsRev. Josephine Ngahu – Pillar Minister Rev. Joseph Kamau – Sacraments MinisterRev. Philip Owuor – Hospital Visitations Minister

Youth & Young Adults Rev. Alfred Apela – Young Adults MinisterRev. Ignatius Malimo – Youth Minister Esther Wagaturi – Youth CoordinatorDorcas Ouma – Intern

Teens & Con�rmationRev. Kevin KamothoMr. Grey Ngugi – Teens Ministry Coordinator


Provost's Desk: The Discipline of Prayer & Fasting 1

7 Christ-Centered Life: Sweet Hour of PrayerBy Jandson Njoroge

10 The Future is PrayerBy Jerusa Ateka

13 Camp KwizihizaBy Cledwyn Mamai

18 Food Art: Quick Fixes for Last Minute HostingBy Beth Ndung’u

20 Taught to PrayBy Solomon Barasa

22 Special Ability Ministry Report

27 Are you still sleeping?By Canon Micah Amukobole

32 All Saints Primary School – Braeburn tournamentBy Francis Ndung’u

By The Very Rev. Canon Sammy Wainaina

News & Notices5



This month we continue with our “Christ-centred” theme which we

began at the start of 2018. This month we are focusing on prayer and fasting as we observe the 40-day Lenten period that ushers us into the Easter season.

Lent is the period of the liturgical year leading up to Easter. The traditional purpose of Lent is preparation through prayer, repentance, charity and self-denial for the annual commemoration

during Holy Week of the suffering and death of Jesus, ending with Easter Sunday and the celebration of the His resurrection.

Traditionally, Lent is forty days long, starting with Ash Wednesday and

ending with the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday. Lent originated in the very earliest days of the Church as preparation for Easter, when the faithful rededicated themselves and when converts were instructed in the faith and prepared for baptism. By observing the forty days of Lent, the Christian imitates Jesus’ withdrawal into the wilderness for forty days.

Prayer is communication with God where we ask, seek, knock and listen. It is essential for Christians to maintain a vibrant prayer life. In relationships, communication is essential as it is the vehicle by which we understand each other and better relate. Without proper and frequent communication we lose touch from which misunderstandings also ensue. So too is prayer essential for Christians.

Through prayer we decipher God’s will, build our faith and learn new spiritual truths. Sadly, most Christians have neglected prayer. We often put prayer away for special occasions such as thanksgiving, meal times or when we

The Discipline of Prayer & Fasting

By The Very Rev. Canon Sammy Wainaina


are in need of divine intervention. In truth prayer is a requirement; we need to pray daily and at all times. During difficult times, normal times and times of thanksgiving, we must pray!

Our Lord Jesus Christ spent much time in prayer. Yet He was very God! It is the season of prayer and fasting that ushered Him into His ministry (on earth) proper. He spent 40 days praying and fasting, no interruptions, just Him and God. During this time, He received comfort, instruction and blessing.

If we are to be effective in prayer, we must copy the example of Jesus who though in form very God, humbled Himself through prayer and suffering and is right now set down at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:1ff)

Often when speaking about prayer, fasting is never far off our minds. However, for many of us, fasting seems to be an undertaking for clergy or spiritual giants who “need it more than us”! The truth is that fasting is as essential to the life of a Christian as Bible study. In the old testament we read about various giants of our faith who spent time fasting and praying from Daniel to Esther to King David. This thread continues into the New Testament with Jesus’ himself spending much time in prayer and fasting.

The Old Testament law specifically required prayer and fasting for only one occasion, which was the Day of Atonement. This custom became known as “the day of fasting” (Jeremiah 36:6) or “the Fast” (Acts 27:9). Moses fasted during the 40 days and 40 nights he was on Mount Sinai receiving the law from God (Exodus 34:28). King Jehoshaphat called for a fast in all Israel when they were about to be attacked by the Moabites and Ammonites (2 Chronicles 20:3). In response to Jonah’s preaching, the men of Nineveh fasted and put on sackcloth (Jonah 3:5). Prayer and fasting was often done in times of distress or trouble. David fasted when he learned that Saul and Jonathan had been killed (2 Samuel 1:12). Nehemiah had a time of prayer and fasting upon learning that Jerusalem was still in ruins (Nehemiah 1:4). Darius, the king of Persia, fasted all night after he was forced to put Daniel in the den of lions (Daniel 6:18).

Prayer and fasting also occurs in the New Testament. Anna “worshipped night and day, fasting and praying” at the Temple (Luke 2:37). John the Baptist taught his disciples to fast (Mark 2:18). Jesus fasted for 40 days and 40 nights before His temptation by Satan (Matthew 4:2). The church of Antioch fasted (Acts 13:2) and sent Paul and Barnabas off on their first missionary journey (Acts 13:3). Paul and Barnabas


spent time in prayer and fasting for the appointment of elders in the churches (Acts 14:23).

Matthew 6:16-18 declares, “When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

Spending time in prayer and fasting is not automatically effective in accomplishing the desires of those who fast. Fasting or no fasting, God only promises to answer our prayers when we ask according to His will. 1 John 5:14-15 tells us, “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to

his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked of him.” In the prophet Isaiah’s time, the people grumbled that they had fasted, yet God did not answer in the way they wanted (Isaiah 58:3-4). Isaiah responded by proclaiming that the external show of fasting and prayer, without the proper heart attitude, was futile (Isaiah 58:5-9).

However, the aforesaid is not to discourage us from praying and/or fasting because prayer is how we prepare ourselves for our public lives. Too many times I have seen good public families suddenly come apart from within. It became apparent that the life behind the closed doors of the home was far different from the public family persona. If we believe that God exists and rewards those who seek Him, it will affect our most private of lives, because we will know that He is there. We then know that there is, in fact, no private life.

Lest this cause you great fear, guilt, and concern, remember that Jesus says that, “… your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you.”

Furthermore, a student who spends time burning the midnight oil is rewarded by the good results he obtains after writing his examination. His private preparation is rewarded openly, so too with prayer and fasting.


So then how should we pray?

Prayer is essential for all Christians and on frequent occasions we must incorporate fasting with prayer. We can apply the following steps:

♦ Be present and aware of God’s love, presence and direction

♦ Be honest and sincere (for God already knows you) ~ speak from your heart

♦ Follow the ACTS method, if you have no clue – Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication or the LORD’s prayer which we all thankfully, know by heart

♦ Pray Scripture as it builds our faith and gives us confidence to travail in prayer

♦ Spend time meditating and learn to be still before God and listen!

In conclusion, as we seek to enhance our Christ-centered lives, may we begin to pray effectively and take up fasting as an essential discipline in our spiritual lives. True Christianity is not the hard-faced, miserable affair which some of its play-actors portray (Matthew 6:16). So when we fast, we must wash-and-brush up in our usual manner (Matthew 6:17). The approval of God is far more to be desired than the applause of men (Matthew 6:18).

When we go about our pious duty without drawing attention to ourselves, we are laying up treasure in heaven (Matthew 6:20). The God who reads our hearts and motives better than we can read them ourselves (Matthew 6:21) will make an open show of His approval at the final curtain (Matthew 25:34-40). What greater plaudit can we possibly require?


New Teens’ ServiceWe have started a Teens’ service at 8am at St. Catherine’s hall upstairs next to St. Philip’s Chapel. We ask parents to encourage their teens to attend this service.

Men’s Mentorship ProgramThe Cathedral is calling upon young men who are born again aged between 25-35 years to sign up for the Men’s mentorship program. Registration is ongoing on Sundays at the Information Tent.

KAMA (Kenya Anglican Men’s Association)Registration of new members is ongoing on Sundays at the Information Tent. Additionally, KAMA will hold their AGM on Saturday 3rd March 2018 at 8am at the Cathedral.

Economic EmpowermentThe Evangelism and Outreach Pillar has invited Bishop Masika, the Director of Christian Impact Mission in Yatta to conduct ‘Smart Farming’ training on 3rd March 2018 at 8am. Please register at the Information Tent on Sundays.

News & Notices

Counselling Ministry The Cathedral is availing counselling services by professional counsellors to all members. When in need please register at the Information Tent and someone will reach out to you.

Mass WeddingsThe Cathedral will for the 2nd time hold a mass wedding service on 11th August 2018. Interested couples whose marriages have not been blessed or registered in church are requested to register at the Information Tent.

Centenary SouvenirsThe following souvenirs are available at the CTC tent ~ ASC History book @ 1,500=; key holders, bags, lapel pins and other assorted merchandise. Handel’s Messiah DVDs and Centenary Anthems CDs at the Information Tent.

Children’s & Teens’ Centre (CTC) pledge forms Please note the following:-i. The MPESA pay-bill number

for CTC is 303035; Account - CTC Pledge and your phone number

ii. When paying by Cash, indicate


phone number and mark Pledge payment on the CTC Envelop and seal it.

iii. When paying by cheque, indicate your Phone Number at the back of the cheque and the words CTC pledge payment.

iv. When paying through the PDQ at the Information Tent give your phone number and state that it is a CTC pledge payment.

v. Bank details for direct transfers: Barclays Bank Queensway Branch Account Name: All Saints’ Cathedral CTC Account Number: 094 2034405894

WHEN MAKING CTC PAYMENTS always remember to indicate your telephone number and the service you attend. CATHEDRAL PAYBILL NO. 303036

Steps for making payments:1. Go to Safaricom menu & select

MPESA 2. Select ‘Lipa na MPESA’ & select

Paybill 3. Enter Business Number -

3030364. Enter Account: Wedding, Tithe,

etc 5. Enter Amount, your Pin and


Upcoming services♦ First Friday evening worship ~

2 March 2018 at 6pm

♦ Palm Sunday ~ 25 March 2018

♦ Easter Fest concert ~ 25 March 2018 at 3pm

♦ Maundy Thursday ~ 29 March 2018 at 5.30pm

♦ Good Friday ~ 30 March 2018 at 7am, 10am and 12noon

Submission of Articles: The deadline for submission of articles for March is Friday 9th March 2018. The theme is Growing in Prayer Please submit clear photographs with an article of 600 words or less to [email protected] or [email protected] If material is not original, please quote the source. Priority is given to reports of church events. Editors reserve the right to edit or withhold submitted items. Opinions expressed in News & Views are not necessarily those of the Editors or the Cathedral.


This hymn explains the blessings which a Christian enjoys by

spending time with God in prayer. The Sweet hour of prayer that calls me from a world of care, bids me at my Father’s throne so that I can make all my wants and wishes known. What a golden opportunity given to a Christian in prayer. In seasons of distress and grief, my soul has often found relief and oft escaped the tempter’s snare by thy return, sweet hour of prayer! Satan trembles when he sees the weakest saint upon their knees (William Cowper).

Jesus spent most of His time in prayer. In many occasions He withdraw from His disciples and the multitudes to a solitary place for prayer. As much as Jesus

understood the value of praying with and for others, He also understood the need to pray alone. Before He engaged in any ministry, Jesus prayed. Christ is our perfect example which we should emulate. The following are some of the reasons which compels every Christian to engage in prayer at all times.

1. Prayer builds our relationship with Jesus

Prayer is a key to building an intimate relationship with Christ. Christianity is not primarily rules but a relationship with Christ, who loves us, died for us, lives in us daily. One girl from a Jewish background wrote the following: “I now know Christ is here all around me, just waiting for me to reach out, to let Him love me...” God speaks and ministers to us through prayer. With this in mind, we long for the sweet hour of prayer.

Christ Centered Life:SWEET HOUR OF PRAYER

Sweet hour of prayer! Sweet hour of prayer!

That calls us from a world of care,And bids me at my Father’s throne

Make all my wants and wishes known.In seasons of distress and grief;My soul has often found relief,

And oft escaped the tempter’s snareBy thy return, sweet hour of prayer!

By Jandson Njoroge


2. Prayer helps us to overcome temptation

Prayer is a vital instrument of our overcoming sin and temptation. Perhaps no experience in the earthly life of Christ is more instructive on prayer than Jesus’ teaching and modeling. To be Christ centered means that one is living a victorious life and prayer is the only means to attain victory over trails and temptations. Jesus taught us to pray “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil”, Matthew 6:13. Let us not pray only after we have yielded to temptation but we should make prayer our first option to fortify our courage and strength. The more we pray, the less we yield to temptations.

3. Prayer helps us determine God’s will

Jesus gives us a demonstration of how to determine God’s will through prayer in Luke 6: 12-16. He prayed all night about what would seem as an insignificant issue in history: the choosing from the crowd which followed Him a special group of disciples which we now know as the Apostles. Who could have cared what group of men an obscure rabbi in an obscure province of an obscure corner of the Roman Empire chose for leadership. No wonder, these apostles have influenced the whole world throughout the centuries.

4. Prayer accomplishes God’s work

Prayer is a major way to accomplish God’s work in the world. John 14:12-14 gives us the most powerful reason why we should pray. Jesus said, “Truly, truly . . . he who believes in Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go to the Father.” Every Christian through prayer can touch the lost in the world, participate in Christ’s healing power and stop the forces of moral degeneracy that threatens to engulf the depth of the human spirit. You only need to spend time in prayer and God will answer.

5. Prayer is a weapon of spiritual warfare

Prayer is a major weapon in fighting the spiritual battle. Ephesians 6: 10 - 20 armory of God. The Christian struggles are not against humans, but against powerful spiritual beings and forces in the “heavenly places” (the spiritual realm directly influences the natural, material realm). The life of a Christian is a battlefield. Paul instructs us to be appropriately dressed and armed for our struggle. Notice what he says: “With all prayer and petition pray... with all perseverance and prayer... and pray...”In two verses, we are commanded to pray five different times. The weapon of prayer softens up Satan’s fortress. Prayer is key to fighting this spiritual battle.


6. Prayer is a prerequisite to spiritual awakening

Prayer is the most multi-faceted gift of devotion which the Lord has bestowed on humanity. Prayer is the necessary prerequisite to a sweeping spiritual awakening. 2 Chronicles 7:13,14 summarizes all that God has to say on this subject in the entire Word of God: “If I shut up the heavens so there is no rain, or if I command the locust to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among My people, and My people who are called by My Name humble themselves and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” What a wonderful reason to pray -- to see the resultant awakened church, campus, city, or country. May we be driven to our knees to pray for such a reality of His presence.

7. Prayer is valuable to God

Prayer is inherently valuable to God. He views prayer with an incomprehensible value. Hebrews 7:25 informs us of the occupation and passion of the Lord Jesus since His ascension: is to make intercessions. According to Revelation 5: 8, prayer is the incense - the fragrance the perfume, the perfect aroma that God chose for His Heaven. So then, “If God values prayer that much, how much do I value it?” It should be central point in my life.

Lord Jesus, I pray that You help me to spend more time in prayer than I am currently doing. With Your help, I commit myself to increase the Sweet hour of Prayer from ______hours/Minutes to______hours/minutes. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen


Prayer is our direct line with heaven. It is a communication process that

allows people to talk to God. We all love our phones and are addicted to them. Family relationships have been distracted by phones as we spend much time on social media instead of sitting down with our spouses and children to communicate with each other face to face.

Some children are lamenting those who invented phones as it has deprived them of the precious, little time they have with their parents. They ask for something and the parent is too distracted to talk to them. Eventually, they seek their peers or other adults at church or in school to receive some attention. This shows us just how constant communication at work, at home and at church is important. In the same way, we cannot say we have a relationship with God if we rarely speak to Him in prayer or if our prayers are one-sided, speaking and never taking time to listen.

WHY PRAYER OR THE FUTURE IS PRAYER” God needs me and you to communicate with him as well as

give him time the way we do with our phones. Have you ever imagined how deeper our relationship will be if at all we replace our phones with God.

Prayer is like talking to your best friend! It is easy to talk to someone when you know they love you unconditionally. The Cathedral’s theme this year is Christ centered life and part of January we spent learning how to know Christ. It is from this solid foundation one can make Christ a friend.

Reflect on how you behave with your best friend or when a beloved one has died, how do you express your feelings and thoughts? Most of us will have many words to share if given time. Hence all people have something to tell God, it is only fear, perhaps feelings of unworthiness and the method of prayer that hinder us. This brings me to barriers to listening to God’s voice. Jeremiah 33:3 “Call to me and I will answer you and I will tell you great and unsearchable things you don’t know”


By Jerusa Ateka


Barriers to hearing God’s voice

1. Doubt Or Unbelief

God speaks to us every day, everywhere and the every time. He wants us to listen to him so that our relationship with Him can grow. Psychologists are very keen at observing non-verbal and verbal communication as they speak to their patients. This helps to develop a trust and strong relationship between the psychologist and patient therefore advancing the relationship further and helping satisfactorily the patient. If there is any doubt in the mind of the patient, the relationship is curtailed. Similarly, when we do not learn to hear God through prayer and studying Scripture, our faith turns to doubt which subsequently turns into unbelief.

Remember, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God, Romans 10:17. We must train ourselves to search the Scriptures so that we have no doubt or unbelief when we pray.

2. Sin Consciousness

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.” Romans 8:1, 2

Shame, condemnation and fear make us reluctant to allow a flourishing mutual relationship with God. We feel separated from God therefore unable to hear His voice. This is especially because


we live in a fallen word where we too, the redeemed of Christ, tend to fall into sin. However, we are not to live defeated and condemned lives, we must have a ‘sin consciousness’ about us so that we quickly repent when we fall into sin.

We are reminded in James 5:16 that, “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” Christ dealt with our sins at the cross and He only calls upon us to repent and confess our sins to one another. Obviously, we should do this in fellowship where there is trust and love so that afterwards we do not feel condemned.

3. Misunderstanding how the Holy Spirit Speaks

“But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.” John 16:13

Human beings use verbal and non verbal cues to communicate, so that their communication is effective. The Holy Spirit similarly speaks to us in different ways. It could a still small voice of conviction, it could be through the Bible, word of knowledge or preaching. Because God loves us so much, He will never use a method that would scare us, He knows how we understand things therefore for each one, He uses a special

method ~ including dreams and visions. Let’s therefore learn to listen to Him with the knowledge that we are fully loved and therefore we can approach His throne boldly and without fear.

Below are some ways in which God speaks to us

• Scripture• Vision• People see written word in their

imagination• Ideologies that come to mind• Feelings and emotions• Sermons• Dreams• Walking vision(like a movie in your

imagination)• Brethren testimony• CircumstancesIn the book of Acts, we see God speaking through prophets, dreams,visons,angels,leaders,signs and the inner voice of the Holy spirit. We can really listen to God when we have a positive and open attitude to the fact that God speaks and active listening will help us go along way. Just like you would not neglect to communicate with your friends and family via your telephone, in the same way do not neglect your relationship with God. It is the most important relationship you have. Remember also that we are living in the last days when the world is full of sin and disasters, the only way that Christians can remain alert and be forewarned is by learning to hear God because the future is in prayer! God bless us all.


By Cledwyn Mamai

Camp Kwizihiza was the name that was chosen for the 2017/18 Youth

Camp. Kwizihiza is a Rwandese name meaning celebration. The name was chosen in cognizance of the Cathedral’s 2017 theme which was “Celebrating God’s Faithfulness.” Initially, the camp was to be held at the Good News Guest House in Kigali, Rwanda. However, this was not to happen as logistical

challenges forced a shift in the venue to Umucyo Pentecostal Institute in Gisenyi town. Gisenyi is found on the Western side of Rwanda near the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Despite the fact that the journey of more than 1100 kilometers was to take

Rev. Malimo (extreme left) and Rev. Apela (centre right) with some youth campers



at least 25 hours of road travel, the camp recorded the highest registration with 114 people committing to be part of the great experience.

On the morning of Wednesday 27th December 2017, the eager campers gathered at the church compound to board the three chartered Mash Cool buses for the long trip. After a roll call and prayers, the team departed at 12:15pm accompanied by the Youth Minister, Rev. Ignitius Malimo. The Minister in charge of Young Adults, Rev. Alfred Apela, had travelled upcountry and would be part of the group that was to be picked at different places along the way.

The group made stops for refreshments at Nakuru and Kisumu towns before taking a detour at Sega Township in Siaya County for supper that had been prepared for the entire group at the home of Mr. Bwibo Adieri who is the Director

of the Anglican Development Services and a parent to one of the campers. After an elaborate dinner that included some of the campers planting trees and a few remarks across the board, the convoy proceeded to the border town of Busia for border clearance and at around midnight began the journey across Uganda.

With more stops along the way, we arrived at Gatuna at the Ugandan-Rwandan border at around noon and began the mandatory clearance before getting into Rwanda. As soon as we got into Rwanda the first thing that struck us as shocking was that unlike Kenya and Uganda where the vehicles keep left, motorized transport in Rwanda drives on the right side of the road resulting in almost all vehicle being left hand drive unlike here in Kenya where most vehicles are right hand drive. Another change that occurred once we got into Rwanda was the change in terrain.

Campers, atop one of the many hills!


True to its moniker as the “Land of a Thousand Hills,” Rwanda is basically made up of hills. This has forced the hills to curve around the hills a result of which the speed limit for public service vehicles being 60 kilometers per hour and not 80 as is the case in Kenya.

Once we had cleared with the border, we embarked on a 2-hour journey to Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda which was the final stop for the Mash bushes. Upon arrival at Kigali which is, predictably, surrounded by hills, we boarded local public transport vehicles for our final destination in Gisenyi which is 148 kilometres northeast of the capital city. The journey proceeded smoothly save for a freak accident which occurred as a truck that was in front of the convoy moving up a hill began coming down

menacingly throwing everyone into a scare as it hit the leading charter bus ruling it out for the rest of the journey. We then proceeded and got to Gisenyi at 10 pm.

After dinner and allocation of rooms, we proceeded to our sleeping areas. In a case reminiscent of high school dormitories, some of the men were allocated cubicles that held 24 bed spaces and effectively called themselves the 24 elders.

In addition to the normal sessions that were led by the two ministers, the camp was different in that for the first time, the campers took part in a

national activity in the host country. Initially

started in Kigali but now

Some campers with Rev. Malimo, the Youth Pastor


spread across the country, the last Saturday of each month, is a compulsory day of cleaning, when all business comes to a stop. Everyone including the President partakes in cleaning the towns, and this cleaning day has helped Rwanda recover from genocide and civil war in multiple ways by creating a sense

of purpose and togetherness amongst the people. In addition to cleaning, citizens plant trees in towns and dedicated areas. The last Umuganda Day of 2017 was on Saturday 30th December. We joined the locals in scaling the nearby Rubavu Hill where we planted close to 350 trees.

On Sunday 31st December 2017, which was also our last day at the camp, we held a Sunday service modeled in the way of the All Saints’ Cathedral’s youth and young adult services where the Grey Ngugi, the Teens’ Coordinator delivered a sermon on Thanksgiving as a wrap up to the year in which celebrating God’s

faithfulness was the overarching theme. In the evening of the same day, we celebrated a Holy Communion led by our ministers together with Rev. Emmanuel who serves in the Anglican Church in the Diocese of Rubavu in Rwanda. We then proceeded for the celebratory dinner which was accompanied with the sharing of gifts among the campers

The dinner ~ (from left to right) Cledwyn Mamai, Fridah Too & Enid Ngugi


and a jig to usher in the New Year at the stroke of midnight.

At 7:30am on the first day of January 2018, we left Gisenyi for our long trip back to Nairobi. However, a trip to Rwanda would not have been complete without a visit to the Rwandan Genocide Memorial and so we stopped at Kigali and drove to Ntarama Genocide Memorial located about an hour’s drive south of Kigali. On August 15th 1994, close to 5000 people had taken shelter at the then Ntarama Catholic Church ostensibly to be safe from the massacre that was going on around. At around 10 am on that day, militia armed with crude weapons such as spears, hammers, machetes and even shovels accompanied by security forces arrived at the church and for more than 6 hours engaged in an orgy of killing the people who had sought refuge at the church. Only a few people managed to survive the ordeal. The memorial has a mass grave for the victims and a display of the wares such

as clothes and utensils that the victims had carried to the church. This was a very chilling and surreal account.

We left Kigali at 5pm retracing our steps to Gatuna and the long drive across Uganda. Due to the announced ban on night travel for public service vehicles in Kenya, we planned to be at the Kenyan border early Tuesday morning so as to drive into Kenya during the day. This was not the case as stops in Kampala and delays in clearing at Busia border saw us leaving the border at around noon with our fingers crossed with hope that we would make it to Nairobi before the ban took effect. Despite our best efforts and minimal delays along the way 6 pm, the official time for the ban, found us in Nakuru. From then it was a journey of faith and muted prayers as we rushed towards Nairobi. In an answer to our prayers, the journey was uninterrupted and we got into church at 9pm with a collective sigh of relief and gratitude for the long but enjoyable experience.


There comes a time when we get walk in guests who catch us completely

off guard. They insist you should not go out of your way to cook for them. Truth be told even with their modesty, you always get so anxious and think of what you can put together. In this article, I will review a few easy things we can do. Later we can review more so that we never run out of options.

The rule is to keep it simple and minimal. This is not the time to try recipes that have not been mastered well neither is it a time to try new recipes. Cooking should be very minimal for last minute. Let us look at some easy hacks:

1) FRUIT SALAD: This is a classic that doesn’t go out of style. Stick to two fruits when in a rush. An interesting combo I trust is watermelon and pineapple. It’s a balance of citrus and mild. The fruits are also filles with fluid

and will sure keep your guests hydrated and feeling full. You can also play around with fruits in season. Currently you can try mango and pineapple.

Serve in a large bowl and offer small bowls for guests to serve in.

2) CHEESE, TOMATO AND GRAPE: The three ingredients harmonize well. The salt and sharpness in the cheese pops in the mouth and awakens all taste buds. Then the tomato simplifies the sharpness of the cheese and just when you think it is over, a burst of sweetness from the juicy grape. Green grapes work well in this but if you have




red, work with it. For the cheese, go for a soft variety. Goat cheese is good or any other soft cheese you prefer.

3) FRIED LIVER: In the last article, I shared a quick liver recipe. Good thing with liver is that it is quick to make and it is also not designated for meal times only. It is served for breakfast, blanch, lunch or dinner. You are safe to make liver anytime and not look out of place.

4) OMELETTE: Here is what you will need. This will serve 4.

•4eggs•Parsley1bunch•1tomato•1largeonion• 1 cup grated cheese(cheddar works


- In a deep frying pan, melt the oil and butter together. Then add the onions.

- Saute the onions till they become translucent. Now add the bell peppers. Saute for two minutes turning them all through.

- Add tomato and let it cook down a bit, this should take a minute or so.

- Now add the eggs. Beat then well separately before adding them. Add parsley and half the cheese. Cook until eggs are well done then add the remaining cheese.

Your Omelette is ready!

Omelettes are classics and will sure wow your guests. They can be eaten for breakfast, brunch, lunch or supper.


• You can serve whichever sharedrecipes above with tea

•Maketwooftheabovei.e.omeletteand cheese salad or liver and fruit salad with tea. The protein vitamin balance makes it look like premeditated meal ideas. It is also always good to have a choice of at least two meals when hosting. This ensures you don’t run out and gives guests a bit of choice.

•Haveyoutriedthesequickfixes?Callup a few friends and start making them when they are on their way. Practice makes perfect! Tell me how you liked the recipes on [email protected]



Luke 11:1 “And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples.”

As a disciple of Christ it is important to be taught the discipline of prayer.

Praying, fasting and giving are Christian disciplines that are neither optional nor reserved for a specific group of believers. They are for every Christian.

It is a humbling desire to be taught how to pray effectively. This is because God does everything according to His will. It will be a sad event that you go before God, pray amiss and come out drained rather than empowered. Without knowledge, you may give up on God and yet He is faithful when you pray in line with His will.

It is notable that Christ was praying when He was requested to teach them to pray. Praying is taught in the process of praying. It is more effective when praying is taught by a teacher who is praying. If you look keenly, you will notice ‘teach us to pray’ not ‘teach us how to pray’. Paul wrote to Timothy

‘What you see me doing, do’.

2 Corinthians 1:20

For all the promises of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of God by us.

When we pray to God according to His will He is faithful to answer our prayers for His own glory. When the prayer is not answered according to our expectation, the problem is not the faithfulness or might of God. He is faithful and mighty.

If our prayer is not answered according to our expectation, probably we have not sought to know the will of the Father. The Lord’s prayer gives a clear direction of an effective prayer. I see a difference distinction between praying and saying a prayer.

The Cathedral offers opportunities for those who desire to be taught to pray and even those who desire to grow in praying. The School of Prayer, under Education Pillar, equips disciples on strategic prayer so that we do not pray aimlessly.

Taught to PrayBy Solomon Barasa


There is a Prayer Room, at the Trinity Centre, fully dedicated for the purpose of praying. It is open every day of the week, and accessible to the members who have a prayer burden and would wish to pray in a place with minimal disturbance. This also provides the right condition for a member who would wish to rub on the favour to pray that is present in others.

There are several prayer meetings that one can join in order to be taught and to grow. Every Sunday morning, from 8:30am to 9:20am, there is a prayer service dubbed ‘Dawning with Destiny’ that happens in the Youth Church, to pray for one another, for the services any other need. Every Wednesday evening, from 5:30pm to 7pm, there is Prayer and Healing service in the main sanctuary where diverse needs of the church are committed to God in prayer. Every Friday morning, 7am to 8am, prayers are also held in the Prayer Room.

The point is that the teaching to pray is only effective if one desires to pray. It is an investment that is surely profitable. With all these opportunities available at the Cathedral, it shall be regrettable for anyone to lead a prayerless life. We are called upon to arise and pray!


The House of Hope program was started in January 2014. This

program came to be after one parent felt the need to accommodate families of children living with birth defects as they continue with treatment at BethanyKids Hospital in Kijabe.

This parent (Juliana) is a volunteer at BethanyKids at Kijabe Hospital, during one of her visits she met a young woman who had just given birth to a baby boy. Sadly the little boy Dalmus, was born with Spinabifida (a condition where the s p i n a l column does not close completely d u r i n g conception and the child will be born with paralysis of lower limbs, inability to control bladder and bowel function and may develop Hydrocephalus as a complication that comes along with having Spinabifida).

It was wonderful to have this little boy at BethanyKids at a tender age

of only one week. This brought joy to Juliana’s heart because this meant early intervention was achieved. The child underwent the treatment (Closure of the open spine) and was discharged and mum was advised to bring him in after one week for review and observation for Hydrocephalus.

T h i s mum, a young Samburu woman took her little boy home to Marsabit, a distance of 590km from Kijabe hospital. She shared that she will travel for 2 days before reaching home since travelling at night is unsafe due to bandits. In total she would spend 4

days on the road to be back in Kijabe on time for the review.

This journey made Mama Dalmus pay a very huge price, on her way to Kijabe for the review her son died in her arms. He did not make it even for his 1st review after surgery. When Juliana heard about this she was heartbroken and wondered

Special Ability Ministry Report


just how many more children would keep dying due to the long distances covered by families before getting to BethanyKids? This is how the idea of having a house nearby was born. She worked on a proposal and approached some friends, after 2 years some funds were sent to her and this is how the program started.

Since its inception, the House of Hope has accommodated more than 3,000

parents (and counting) from across Kenya and beyond our borders. House of Hope not only offers accommodation and meals but offers training on the lifelong care given to these very dear children. This is the most important aspect in the care of children living with Spinabifida and/or Hydrocephalus. When a parent to a child living with

these conditions is empowered with the right information, then the care becomes much easier.

As the parents stay with us here at our house the training continues. The trainers are parents of older children who also have similar conditions. The idea of having a house near the hospital is to ensure full treatment is achieved since some of these children need more than one surgical procedure.

The parents are accommodated free of charge since Juliana ensures that most of the costs are covered by well-wishers and friends of the program through the numerous requests she makes to different organizations, institutions and companies.

Point of no return! Discussing how to deliver the mattresses...


As this program continues to be funded by one generous family in Belgium, the needs continue to overstretch. One of the most pressing needs was one of mattresses. When Juliana received initial funding for the program she and her long time friend Mama Leon (also a parent to a child with Spinabifida) came up with a long list of all items needed to start off the program. Since funds were so limited, quality mattresses were not a priority and that is how they bought the normal mattresses. These mattresses served our parents for sometime but later got worn out.

It was back to square one ~ writing more requests to churches, friends, companies and institutions in search of this very important donation. It was then that Rev. Josephine Ngahu, a dear friend of House of Hope and the SHAK parent support group in Nairobi called Juliana. She wanted to find out how the program was fairing on and if we

Loading mattresses into the van...

needed any support. Talk about answered prayers! Juliana mentioned that she has been looking for mattresses for some time now and had not been successful. This is how the Special Ability Ministry took up this request and made a promise that has already been fulfilled.

The amazing aspect of this request is that it happened as it was planned by our good God. No hurdles, no setbacks, no bureaucracy and no empty promises.

As both the Cathedral and the House of Hope had planned to complete this activity at the end of 2017, God had His wonderful plans. His plan was to have both brethren rest over the Christmas holidays and have this timely delivery done in 2018.

It was a beautiful sunny day when our brothers from the Cathedral arrived at the Kijabe hospital gate. The journey to the House of Hope had several challenges; this is because the road to the House is an all weather road and has several twigs, branches and small trees hanging on the way so the bus couldn’t go beyond the tarmac road.

This called for plan B. This plan was to leave the bus behind and find out how


the donation and our friends would get to House of Hope. A small van was sourced which carried the mattresses and a small taxi was also sourced which would take our friends to the House of Hope.

Upon arrival Rev. Josephine Ngahu was glad to find some parents at our House who came from Malindi, Kaloleni in Mombasa and Bondo. Leaders from SHAK Nairobi parent support group were also present to offer moral support.

Juliana and Mama Leon welcomed all guests to their House. Introductions were done and Rev. Josephine was able to minister to us from the book of Isaiah 43:1-3 “But now this is what the Lord says, he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers,

Mattresses are finally delivered to House of Hope

they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour.”

From this reading Rev. Josephine was able to give hope to the parents that they are never alone in the journey of finding treatment for their children that God is always with them. We shared a wonderful fellowship after which Rev. Josephine prayed with us and for us.

Later Juliana and Mama Leon gave a vote of thanks expressing their heartfelt gratitude towards the generous donations from the Special Ability Ministry. Juliana shared how she had made so many requests for the mattresses but got no response. She said that God’s ways are not our ways and His thoughts are much higher than ours and so this is how God’s plan came to be.


The SHAK Nairobi leaders also expressed their gratitude towards the continued support from the Cathedral through the Special Ability Ministry. They shared how our parents and children have received donations from these dear brethren over the past few years. We are greatly honoured to be part of your ministry and thank God for your commitment in serving those in need.

After some songs were sung, Rev. Josephine prayed again and left us the priestly blessing from Numbers 6:24-26 ‘The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; The Lord turn His face towards you and give you His peace, Amen.

After lunch 15 medium density mattresses were presented. The mattresses were of the following dimensions 3x6 were 9 pieces while 3.5x6 were 6 pieces totalling to 15 mattresses.

Juliana, Mama Leon, the SHAK Nairobi leaders and all parents who were present at the House of Hope received the gifts from our friends with a very thankful and joyful heart.

Our request to the Special Ability Ministry and the Cathedral at large is that you may continue praying for our children, their families and for our work both here at House of Hope Kijabe and in Nairobi.

Thankful hearts, happy faces as Juliana and her team together with the parents at the House of Hope receive gifts from Rev. Josephine Ngahu and the ASC Special Ability

Ministry Team.


Stay here and keep watch with me

Are you still sleeping and resting? (Vs 46). The context

is the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus a straightforward request to his closest or the most mature trusted disciples: Stay here and keep watch with me. Three times he checks on them finding them asleep not able to stay awake at the most trying moment in His life. Luke records that Jesus himself was in such agony of spirit praying more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. The least He expected of them was to stay awake for what lay in front of Him and the trials that awaited them.

We see ourselves two thousand years later struggling with praying. Would you wish your prayer life were stronger? Many people desire to pray effectively but don’t know how to overcome the weakness they experience while praying. Most of us at one time or another encounter challenges in keeping awake in prayer. At times we are praying and find ourselves asleep, drawn away to some happenings around us, or thoughts of doubt as to whether the prayer will be answered.

The Gethsemane experience happened when Christ was facing a critical moment in His redemptive mission (The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak). Today He requests that we be spiritually aware keeping awake and alert for his second coming.

It is understandable that prayer would not always come easily. It is an expression of faith that is often weak and small. It is a weapon of spiritual warfare that is used to fight for contested ground. It is a reflection of a relationship with God that is often disrupted and strained

“Sit here while I go over there and pray.” He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with him, and he began to be sorrowful and troubled. Then he said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” Matthew 26:36-38

Are you still sleeping?By Canon Micah Amukobole


by our own ignorance, inattention, and insensitivity. It is an expression of confidence in God that is often replaced by feelings of disappointment.

“The point of prayer is not to get answers from God, but to have perfect and complete oneness with Him.”—Oswald Chambers

This is why Jesus gives Peter and his colleagues the experience of “watch with me”. Watch with me or let us share this experience together but He comes to find them asleep. The lesson our Lord gives us on prayer is simple and straightforward: Prayer is something to be done with alertness to keep us from falling into temptation. This is not some haphazard activity. It is a desire to express our oneness with Him. This is not something we can take lightly or do half-heartedly. Prayer that honours God is prayer done with a disposition of alertness.

Our understanding of prayer is communion and communication with God: is the one need of the soul beyond all other needs. Prayer is the beginning of that communion, of talking with God, a coming one-to-one with Him, which is the sole end of prayer.

Purpose of prayerThe purpose of prayer is to know God and strengthen our walk with Him as was the practice ‘walking in the garden in the cool of the day’ in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:8) before the sin of Adam and Eve. No wonder in the garden of Gethsemane He says “watch with me”.

At creation God ‘breathed into his (Adams) nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.’ From that point forward, humans have a spiritual nature with a soul within a physical body. We are made in the image of God. Each part of us is intricately interwoven with the other parts in a marvellous way. We are a masterpiece. (Ephesians 2:10) Just as the body itself is a whole unit


made up of many parts (1 Corinthians 12:12), our whole self was created to function as a complete unit.

The purpose of prayer is not just for daily needs and desires. It is a moment to commune with God to give Him glory to fulfil His purpose in enriching our innermost spiritual needs. This is designed to take precedence over and to influence our daily needs so that all we pray about (every desire, every decision) is for His glory and according to His will:

1. Prayer is opening our hearts to God as the source and wellspring of creative energy within us and the universe. By quieting our minds, we can open ourselves to experience this divine ground directly.

2. Prayer is putting minds and our whole being to accept who we are, and to become more present and aware in meditation to become more like our Lord.

3. Prayer is expressing thanks and gratitude. We recognise that we are not independent, but dependent creatures, and be thankful for the blessings of our life.

4. Prayer is reconciliation with God through forgiveness for both the things we have done or omitted to do in our lives and for the wrongs we feel have been committed against us.

5. Prayer is an intimate interaction with God for our needs and desires for our wellbeing. We will always

be dependent on God for everything, and so we will need to pray about everything—with rejoicing and thanksgiving (1 Thess. 5:16). Praying for health, peace, and joy for ourselves and family, church, community, nation and the world. Prayer changes things.

“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” James 5:16

We ask God to give us the grace to sustain, the strength to stand firm, and the willpower to keep on in order to see the fulfilment of His purpose through His power.

Our compassionate and gracious God is far more concerned about our essential needs than we can ever know. That is why we should not be afraid to mention even those needs that we consider the most insignificant whenever we talk to the Lord in prayer. This is the opportunity to bring all the needs we can think of before the throne of grace.

Hindrances to our prayer lifeWe cannot deny it. We all have difficulties with prayer and common as it may it is an aspect we must overcome. Sometimes you feel discouraged in your prayer life and at times you go for a day or weeks without praying. Maybe it feels like you can’t connect with God like you used to, like your prayers stop at your ceiling and do not reach God. Maybe you lack a desire to pray and wonder what the big deal is.


Prayer is a natural communication with our Lord and when it begins to take a lot of effort something needs to be done in our relationship with Him. Let us look at hindrances affecting our prayer that often lead to inactive prayer life:

• Discouragement – Sometimes we don’t know what to say, how to pray, what to do. Sometimes we are tired, feeling bad, or we just don’t have a desire to pray.

• Doubt – Is God really there? Can He hear me? Does He care, even if He exists? Does prayer really even matter?

• Impatience – Prayers can seem to go on forever with only silence coming from heaven. When will God answer me?

• Temptations – It is easy to pray when you aren’t challenged internally through temptation. But, when the temptations enter in, we find it real hard to pray.

• Laziness – We sometimes just give up or never establish habits that sustain us in dry times or through the business of modern life.

• Dryness – God seems distant and prayer becomes an unnecessary routine. This can happen at any time.

• Physical, Mental, or Emotional Problems – When we suffer, it is hard to pray, because we sometimes feel that a loving God would make it stop.

Overcoming these will lead to a dynamic prayer life to connect with our Lord who in Hebrews 7:25 lives to intercede for us.

Always pray and not lose heart“Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up … there was a widow … who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’ … But finally he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God … yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice … However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”” Luke 18:1-8

As we understand prayer as a process of recognising the power of God, we start to see the plan for our lives. In prayer we yield or surrender our lives and circumstances to the Lord and trust Him to act in His time and in His way. We purposely entrust our lives to the Lord.

Jesus demonstrates the need for persistent prayer without giving up as He narrates the widow who desperately needed justice before a heartless don’t-care-judge. The manner and consistency of her search for justice makes the judge grant request. She pleaded and prayed because this is what mattered in her life. She never gave up. Be persistent in prayer.

We must have a focus when praying. It requires concentration. It is not easy like


the casual way we pray for food. Praying for food is a formality we do because we want to satisfy ourselves. We are called to alertness in prayer:

• The apostle Paul, writing to theColossians, tells them to “devote (themselves) to prayer, keeping alert in it”(Col. 4:2).

• Paul’s statement to the Ephesiansto be on the alert, “With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance”(Eph. 6:18).

• The apostle Peter, who evidentlylearned his lesson, writes, “cast all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you. Be of sober spirit, be on the alert”(1Pet. 5:7, 8).

• Paul commands the Philippians tostop being anxious and instead, “in

everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” (Philippians 4:6).

As we go through the day, prayer should be our first response to every fearful situation, every anxious thought, and every undesired task that God commands. A lack of prayer will cause us to depend on ourselves instead of depending on God’s grace. Unceasing prayer is, in essence, healthy continual dependence upon and communion with the Father.

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever. Amen.


The All Saints’ Cathedral School’s chess team members participated in

the Braeburn Imani Chess Championship in Thika on 27th January, 2018.

We participated in four age categories i.e. Under 8, Under 10, Under 12 and Under 14 years.

Timothy Kinoti receiving his medal from Madam Debbie Kasura; the Head teacher of Breaburn Imani School - Thika. Timothy Kinoti was the 1st runners up in boys’ under

14 years category.

We had a team of 44 players and a few beginners who participated as spectators, photographers and in the Lego robotic experience learning.

The All Saints’ Cathedral Chess Team won three medals in Under 8 team, one in Under 10 team and one in Under 14 team.

All Saints’ Primary School - Chess Tournament at the

Braeburn Imani School, Thika on Saturday 27th January, 2018


Eugene Okumu receives his medal from Mr. Ndung’u; the Deputy Principal – All Saints’ Cathedral School.

Ethan Ropi, Eugene Okumu and Mary Nyaboke pose for a photo with Mr. Ndung’u; the Deputy Principal – All Saints’ Cathedral School. This tournament was aired live on most

local TV Stations i.e. KBC Channel 1. [Prepared by Mr. Omwenga; HOD Chess Club]

Ethan Ropi receives his medal from Mr. Ndung’u; the Deputy Principal – All

Saints’ Cathedral School.

Mary Nyaboke receives her medal from Mr. Ndung’u; the Deputy Principal – All Saints’

Cathedral School.


Sermon 4 Kids

Theme: Following Jesus’ example of spreading the good news of God’s love.

~1st Sunday in Lent

Scripture: Mark 1:14-15 “Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.”

In the West (USA/Europe) there was a time when one would walk the streets of a city and hear the voice of a newspaper boy crying out, “Extra! Extra! Read all about it.” He called out to get the attention of people who were passing by so that they would come to him and buy a newspaper. That was the way the news was spread in those days.

In Kenya most tune into their vernacular or Swahili radio stations, others congregate in small groups (barazas) at their local market places while those living in urban cities tune into their TV stations to get the latest news. No matter how we get our news, it is important for us to know what is going on in the world around us.

Did you know that Jesus himself was in the news business? The Bible says that Jesus went into Galilee proclaiming the good news of God. Listen to what he said, “The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news.” Jesus wanted everyone to know the good news of God’s love for them.

How do people get the good news of God’s love today? Some may get it from newspapers, radio or television. Some may come to church and hear about God’s love. But the best way to spread the good news of God’s love is the same today as it was in Jesus’ day. The best way is for us to tell others about it ~ our family and friends.

You and I should be like the newsboy standing on the street corner crying out, “Extra! Extra! Read all about it! The time has come. The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news -- God loves you!”

Prayer: Dear Jesus, help us to follow your example and share the good news of God’s love with everyone we meet. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


The Good NewsAfter John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. "The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!" Mark 1:14-15 (NIV)Based on Mark 1:9-15, 19-28 (NIV)


1. The place where God is

3. A dry area with very little vegetation

4. The opposite of bad

6. Information about recent events

ACROSS2. The river where Jesus was

baptized5. The man who baptized Jesus7. Messengers of God8. A clear, odorless liquid; H2O


1 2 3


5 6 7


Copyright © Sermons 4 Kids, Inc. • All rights reserved • www.sermons4kids.com

The Good NewsAfter John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. "The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!" Mark 1:14-15 (NIV)Based on Mark 1:9-15, 19-28 (NIV)


1. The place where God is

3. A dry area with very little vegetation

4. The opposite of bad

6. Information about recent events

ACROSS2. The river where Jesus was

baptized5. The man who baptized Jesus7. Messengers of God8. A clear, odorless liquid; H2O


1 2 3


5 6 7


Copyright © Sermons 4 Kids, Inc. • All rights reserved • www.sermons4kids.com



“We will take you there, happy & safe”



We are hiring out the All Saints’ Cathedral Mothers Union bus which is a brand new 33-seater. Our bus and driver are NTSA certi�ed which ensures that all the rules of the road are observed for your safe trip.

The Mothers Union bus provides a comfortable and secure experience at a reasonable price in comparison to other modes of public and private transportation.

For Hire please contact us:All Saints’ Cathedral Nairobi | Kenyatta Avenue Opp. Serena Hotel

P.O Box 40539-00100 GPO NairobiTel: +254 790 547953 (Rufus) or +254 790 547963 (Evans)

Email: [email protected]

All Saints’ Cathedral, Nairobi

NEWS & VIEWSF E B R U A R Y , 2 0 1 8


The All Saints’ Cathedral Trinity Centre o�ers modern and well furnished meeting rooms, an auditorium, a restaurant/cafeteria and serene grounds all within a pristine Christian environment. We have meeting rooms that are ideal for fundraisers, training/seminars, individual graduation receptions, cocktails, dinners and parties. While the auditorium which has a sitting capacity of 1800 is ideal for international and local conferences, wedding services/receptions, concerts/plays, AGMs, graduation ceremonies and dinners. Additionally, the auditorium is �tted with translation booths and state of the art audio-visual equipment.

Contact us for more information/booking on 0728-217715 or Email: [email protected]

A heart of prayer

Camp Kwizihiza

Are you still sleeping?

A heart of prayer

Camp Kwizihiza

Are you still sleeping?

How toPray


P.O Box 40539 – 00100 Nairobi, KenyaTel: 0732 600466 • 0702 645069 • 020 8004679

Pastoral Care & Counselling: 0705 318 392E-mail: [email protected]

Visit our website: http://www.allsaintsnairobi.org

Provost/Vicar The Very Rev. Canon Sammy WainainaMrs. Dorsila Kassums – Executive Assistant

Assistant Provost/Worship PillarRev. Evans Omollo – Asst. Provost/Pillar MinisterHannah Emmrich – Director of Music Irungu Waweru – Asst. Director of MusicJandson Njoroge – Senior VergerMoses Odumbe – Asst. Director of Music

Cathedral AdministratorMr. George Maina

Evangelism & Outreach PillarRev. James Kimari – Pillar MinisterMrs. Louise Githire – SOM/UDP Coordinator

Finance ManagerMoses Waweru

Education & DiscipleshipRev. Lillian Karinga – Pillar MinisterRev. Mithali Ongachi – Children & Baptism MinisterCapt. Alice Kariuki – Women’s Ministry CoordinatorMrs. Mercy Eunyalata – Children’s Coordinator

Pastoral Care and SacramentsRev. Josephine Ngahu – Pillar Minister Rev. Joseph Kamau – Sacraments MinisterRev. Philip Owuor – Hospital Visitations Minister

Youth & Young Adults Rev. Alfred Apela – Young Adults MinisterRev. Ignatius Malimo – Youth Minister Esther Wagaturi – Youth CoordinatorDorcas Ouma – Intern

Teens & Con�rmationRev. Kevin KamothoMr. Grey Ngugi – Teens Ministry Coordinator


Provost's Desk: 1

7 Christ-Centered Life: Sweet Hour of PrayerBy Jandson Njoroge

10 The Future is PrayerBy Jerusa Ateka

13 Camp KwizihizaBy Cledwyn Mamai

18 Food Art: Quick Fixes for Last Minute HostingBy Beth Ndung’u

20 Taught to PrayBy Solomon Barasa

22 Special Ability Ministry Report

27 Are you still sleeping?By Canon Micah Amukobole

32 All Saints Primary School – Braeburn tournamentBy Francis Ndung’u

By The Very Rev. Canon Sammy Wainaina

News & Notices5

All Saints’ Cathedral, Nairobi

NEWS & VIEWSF E B R U A R Y , 2 0 1 8


The All Saints’ Cathedral Trinity Centre o�ers modern and well furnished meeting rooms, an auditorium, a restaurant/cafeteria and serene grounds all within a pristine Christian environment. We have meeting rooms that are ideal for fundraisers, training/seminars, individual graduation receptions, cocktails, dinners and parties. While the auditorium which has a sitting capacity of 1800 is ideal for international and local conferences, wedding services/receptions, concerts/plays, AGMs, graduation ceremonies and dinners. Additionally, the auditorium is �tted with translation booths and state of the art audio-visual equipment.

Contact us for more information/booking on 0728-217715 or Email: [email protected]

A heart of prayer

Camp Kwizihiza

Are you still sleeping?

A heart of prayer

Camp Kwizihiza

Are you still sleeping?

Christ centered life:
