Midway, Utah 2013 Just Because You’re Paranoid Doesn’t Mean They’re Not Out To Get You Or They’re Not Conspiracy Theories If They’re True John Forrest Lemon, SMSgt USAF (Ret.) John Forrest Lemon

Obama and Other Rascally Characters

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Midway, Utah


Just Because You’re Paranoid Doesn’t Mean They’re Not Out To Get

YouOr They’re Not Conspiracy Theories If They’re True

John Forrest Lemon, SMSgt USAF (Ret.)

John Forrest Lemon

Instead of trying to help people who don’t want ourhelp, even when they ask for it, people who turn aroundand try to blow us up, let’s really help them. Let’sdrop a nuke on Afghanistan, Algeria, Egypt, Indonesia,Iran, Libya, Mindinao, Morrocco, Nigeria, Pakistan,

Palistine, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Syria, and Tunisia."And blow the whole country, oil fields and all, right

off the map."

Anyone who objects, remind them that we have one forthem too. That way everyone is happy. The Terroristsget their 72 virgins and the world gets rid of the

boils on the buttocks of democracy.




Genesis 16: 8 And he said, “Hagar, Sarai’s maid, whence camest thou?And whither wilt thou go? And she said, “I flee from the face of mymistress Sarai.” 9 And the angel of the Lord said unto her,” Return to thy mistress,and submit thyself under her hands.” 10 And the angel of the Lord said unto her,” I will multiply thy seedexceedingly, that it shall not be numbered for multitude.” 11 And the angel of the Lord said unto her, “Behold, thou art withchild, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; becausethe Lord hath heard thy affliction.” 12 “And he will be a wild ass of a man; his hand will beagainst every man, and every man’s hand against him; and he shalldwell in the presence of all his brethren….Now in 2013 this prophecy is almost fulfilled.The whole world is against the Arabs and theArabs are against the whole world. But instead



The Democrat Party was the partyof slavery.Was the party of secessionThe ConfederacyThe KKK

LynchingsJim Crow LawsSegregationSitting in the back of the bus

The Democrat Party is the partyof the dole.Is the party of divide andconquerWelfareFood Stamps

Affirmative ActionSocialismRacismLie, Lie then deny The Democrat Party is theparty of communismScandalsPolitics of PersonalDestructionThe party of slavery.

The master used to live in a white house on a hill.Now the master lives in the White House on Capitol Hill

Suicide Bombers: The Job InterviewBy John F. Lemon

I keep reading in the newspapers about these guys in the Middle East called suicide bombers. Well, now there’s job for you. Where do I go to sign up for that? I’ll bet the line is long at the temporary job service for that one. I can just picture the job interview.

“Well you’re here for the ad on the Suicide Bomber?

“Yes sir. I want to kill those American Pigs!”

“Ok, well you certainly have one of the qualifications for the job. You definitely have way too much time on your hands. Have you had any experience in this line of work? Oh, wait I guess this is like a one-way ticket to nowhere.”

“I want to blow them up and then cut off their ears. I hate Americans. I spit on them.”

“Uh, do you realize that once you blow them up, you won’t be able to cut off their ears because there won’t be anything to cut ears off from? By the way there won’t be much left of youeither.”

“I don’t care I just want to kill all of them!!!”

“Well, I guess you have one of the other qualifications. You definitely have idiot tattooed on your forehead.”

“What kind of car do you prefer? A Chevrolet or BMW?“

“I don’t care. Do you have anything in a Japanese compact?”

“No we only have these two left. Abdul, our pick up and delivery guy hasn’t been able to getus any new cars for awhile. They all seem to be using the club these days. Beside once you finish this job; your car will be a compact no matter what we give you, OK?”

“Ok give me the BMW. When I go, I want to go in style.”

“We won’t need to check your references. It’ll be hard to blow this job anyway. Ha! Ha! Sorry that was just a little joke.”

“The Islamic Jihad is no joke! We are in a deadly battle with the infidel. We must be willing to sacrifice ourselves in order to bringthe glory to Allah and the Palestinian struggles. We want to kill every Israeli dead and bury them in the ground!!!”

“Well, buddy, we can sure help you do that.”

“Can you show up for work tomorrow at 7:00 AM?”

“Whatever you say!”

“Good. So let’s make sure we have all the necessary information. We don’t need your socialsecurity number. We don’t need the IRS forms filled out. We don’t need the INS forms filled out because we don’t care if you’re an illegal alien or not. We do need to see your driver’s license. We’d hate for you to get a ticket on the way to your first, and I might add, your last assignment. Hmmm, that all seems to be in order.

OK, we need for you to fill out these insurance forms so that your next of kin can collect the insurance and your paycheck….Ummm, hum.

There now that seems to be it. Be here tomorrow morning and we’ll tell you where to go.(He can go to Hell for all I care, sucker! What a fetching idiot! Well as long as we have idiotsI’ll have a job.) Good day sir, see you tomorrow!”

“Yes, inshallah, we’ll see you tomorrow!”

The Crazy Comrade Comedy Hour!Compiled by John Lemon

Figure 1: Karl Marx: The co-founder of Modern Communism

Moderator: Let’s give it up for that pooh-bear, that loveableguy…Karl Marx!It’s great to be here, meinen herren und meinen frauen. Hey! Haveyou heard this one?In a higher phase of communist society... only then can thenarrow horizon of bourgeois right be fully left behind andsociety inscribe on its banners: from each according to hisability, to each according to his needs. Karl Marx Moderator: And just what do I need?In bourgeois society capital is independent, has individuality,while the living person is dependent, and has no individuality.Karl MarxLet the ruling classes tremble at a communist revolution. Theproletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have aworld to win. Workingmen of all countries, unite! Karl MarxModerator: Oh yeah, like I’m so scared!The first requisite for the happiness of the people is theabolition of religion. Karl Marx Religion is the impotence of the human mind to deal withoccurrences it cannot understand. Karl Marx Religion is the opium of the masses. Karl Marx Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of aheartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is theopium of the people. Karl MarxModerator: So Karl, does that mean you won’t be going to churchany time soon?Sell a man a fish, he eats for a day, teach a man how to fish,you ruin a wonderful business opportunity. Karl Marx

Moderator: Oh that’s good! Did you come up with that all byyourself? Or did you have a speech writer?Social progress can be measured by the social position of thefemale sex. Karl MarxModerator: I’ll bet your wife made you say that.The development of civilization and industry in general hasalways shown itself so active in the destruction of forests thateverything that has been done for their conservation andproduction is completely insignificant in comparison. Karl MarxModerator: So Karl, does this mean you are a tree hugger?The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolishall private property. Karl MarxModerator: So if I don’t own it, who does? Oh I guess that would

be the government?The meaning of peace is the absence ofopposition to socialism. Karl Marx Danke! You’ve been a great audience!Moderator: I am so confused! I thoughtpeace was the absence of war!Ok now for our next wacky crazy comrade…Vladimir Lenin!

Figure 2: Vladimir Lenin, the father of the SovietUnion

Spasiba! It’s great to be here. …Freedomis a bourgeois prejudice. We repudiate

all morality which proceeds from supernatural ideas or ideaswhich are outside the class conception. In our opinion, moralityis entirely subordinate to the interests of the class war.Everything is moral which is necessary for the annihilation ofthe old exploiting order and for uniting the proletariat. Ourmorality consists solely in close discipline and consciouswarfare against the exploiters. Vladimir LeninModerator: Oh Vlady, is class war like a food fight in the schoollunchroom? A lie told often enough becomes the truth. Vladimir LeninModerator: Oh yea! Spoken like a true politician!Fascism is capitalism in decay. Vladimir LeninModerator: And what is communism…the first cousin to fascism?

Freedom in capitalist society always remains about the same as itwas in ancient Greek republics: Freedom for slave owners.Vladimir Lenin Moderator: At least in slavery they got their room and board forfree.Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sownwill never be uprooted. Vladimir Lenin Moderator: And what would you be teaching them? Reading, ‘Riting,and Arithmetic? Or how to overthrow a government in 20 easylessons?Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever.Vladimir Lenin Moderator: So your schools would only go to 8th grade?If it were necessary to give the briefest possible definition ofimperialism, we should have to say that imperialism is themonopoly stage of capitalism. Vladimir LeninModerator: So what would you call it if the state ownedeverything? Imperialism on steroids?One man with a gun can control 100 without one. Vladimir LeninModerator: So that’s why you don’t like the 2nd Amendment!Our program necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism.Vladimir LeninModerator: So Vlady, would that be God-fearing atheism?The best way to destroy the capitalist system is to debauch thecurrency. Vladimir LeninModerator: So that’s why the government is printing tons of funnymoney!The press should be not only a collective propagandist and acollective agitator, but also a collective organizer of themasses. Vladimir Lenin Moderator: Hey Katie Couric! Did you hear that? You’re anagitator!The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between themillstones of taxation and inflation. Vladimir Lenin Moderator: So printing billions and billions of dollars to payfor Obama’s “stimulus” package, followed by 100% taxes willdefinitely ruin my day!

There are no morals in politics; there isonly expedience. A scoundrel may be of use tous just because he is a scoundrel. VladimirLenin Moderator: Calling a politician a scoundrelis an oxymoron, dude. Relying upon conviction, devotion, and otherexcellent spiritual qualities, is not to betaken seriously in politics. Vladimir LeninModerator: I guess you would know! Now here’sa word from our sponsor, Leon Trotsky!

Figure 3: Leon Trotsky, helped bring us the Soviet Union then was killed Mexico byagents working for Joseph Stalin.

None of us desires or is able to dispute the will of the Party.Clearly, the Party is always right.... We can only be right withand by the Party, for history has provided no other way of beingin the right. The English have a saying, "My country, right orwrong," whether it is in the right or in the wrong, it is mycountry. We have much better historical justification in sayingwhether it is right or wrong in certain individual concretecases. It is my party. ...And if the Party adopts a decisionwhich one or other of us thinks unjust, he will say, just orunjust, it is my party, and I shall support the consequences ofthe decision to the end. Leon Trotsky

Moderator: It’s my party and I’ll cry if I wantto…! Thanks Leon. Now our next is a name that isfamiliar to all of us. That wild and crazy guy fromGeorgia…Uncle Joe Stalin!

Figure 4: Joseph Stalin also known as Papa Joseph or Uncle Joseph.Killed some 40,000, 000 Russians in various purges.

Spasiba, comrade moderator. By the way did you know your eyes arevery close together?Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in hishands and at whom it is aimed. Joseph Stalin

Moderator: I remember my PE teacher had three paddles: small,medium, and large. Is that sort of what you had in mind?Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemieshave guns, why should we let them have ideas. Joseph StalinModerator: You have the right to your opinion as long as I giveit to you! Yea, ideas are more dangerous than guns!If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses todisarm, we shall disarm it ourselves. Joseph StalinModerator: You can’t take what you can’t find!It is enough that the people know there was an election. Thepeople who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who countthe votes decide everything. Joseph StalinModerator: Well, that explains the whole hanging chad thing.Print is the sharpest and the strongest weapon of our party.Joseph StalinModerator: Yep, the pen is mightier than the sword. OK, thanksJoe. Now foe our next guest let’s welcome that wacky guy theycall the “Little Corporal,” Adolf Hitler!

Figure 5: Adolf Hitler, founder of the National Socialist Party of Germany. He was thefuehrer who raised such a furor.

All propaganda has to be popular and has to accommodate itself tothe comprehension of the least intelligent of those whom it seeksto reach.Adolf HitlerModerator: I beg your pardon. I resemble that remark!By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make apeople see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life asparadise. Adolf Hitler Moderator: My momma used to say that diplomacy not propaganda wastelling people where to go in such a way they look forward to the

trip.Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise,terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the warof the future. Adolf HitlerModerator: Looks like Osama bin Laden learned hislessons well.

He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future. Adolf Hitler Moderator: Good luck dude. The youth of today have no work ethic,they can’t think for themselves, but they do have good self-esteem.

How fortunate for governments that the people they administerdon't think.Adolf HitlerModerator: And the governments do?Humanitarianism is the expression of stupidity and cowardice.Adolf HitlerModerator: I take it you don’t think much of Americans.I do not see why man should not be just as cruel as nature. Adolf HitlerModerator: Probably because you won’t get a star on your foreheadfor playing well with others?I use emotion for the many and reserve reason for the few. AdolfHitlerModerator: Hmmmmmmmm…If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, itwill be believed. Adolf Hitler Moderator: Are you sure you’re not a commie? Oh yea, NAZI, GermanNational Socialist Party…of course! So you are a fascist-communist!It is always more difficult to fight against faith than againstknowledge.Adolf HitlerModerator: Yep! People with faith pray a lot more thanintellectual tinker heads. It is not truth that matters, but victory. Adolf Hitler Moderator: So lie, lie, then deny. Whatever, as long as you win,and I lose?Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventuallythey will believe it. Adolf HitlerModerator: Abraham Lincoln said, “You can fool some of the peopleall of the time. You can fool all of the people some of the time.But you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.”Success is the sole earthly judge of right and wrong. AdolfHitler

Moderator: Exactly what is your measure and definition ofsuccess?The art of leadership... consists in consolidating the attentionof the people against a single adversary and taking care thatnothing will split up that attention. Adolf Hitler Moderator: So you play the blame game and get everyone on board.Now I got to ask the question, what would you have done after youran out of Jews?The broad masses of a population are more amenable to the appealof rhetoric than to any other force. Adolf HitlerModerator: Yea like this last election: change and hope…changeand hope…change and hope…you are getting very, very stupid…er Imean sleepy.The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to abig lie than to a small one. Adolf HitlerModerator: I get the distinct feeling you don’t like to tell thetruth. Well, Abraham Lincoln also said, “No man has a good enoughmemory to be a good enough liar.”The great strength of the totalitarian state is that it forcesthose who fear it to imitate it. Adolf Hitler Moderator: Yes, imitation is the greatest form of flattery.The leader of genius must have the ability to make differentopponents appear if they belonged to one category. Adolf HitlerModerator: Yep group ‘em up. I guess it makes it easier to roundthem up and get them on the last train to Auschwitz.The very first essential for success is a perpetually constantand regular employment of violence. Adolf Hitler Moderator: My guess is that you don’t have a lot of friends.The victor will never be asked if he told the truth. Adolf HitlerModerator: At first, but eventually he’ll be found out then hebetter watch his back because when the people lose trust in thevictor, then the victor will have to keep looking over hisshoulder for the angry losers.It is enough for children to learn to count to ten and followsimple instructions. If there are still people in Germany todaywho say, 'we will not join your community, we will remain as weare,' then I reply, "you will pass on but after you will come ageneration that knows nothing else." Adolf Hitler

Moderator: That is if you last that long.OK, thanks Addie. This guy is really wildand crazy! One more time for AddieHitler!!! Now for our next guest let’s hearit for that cute little rice ball, Mao TzeTung!

Figure 6: Chairman Mao Tze Tung, he was the cute littlerice ball that made China what it is today.

Ni hao! It’s good to be here. Communism isnot love. Communism is a hammer which weuse to crush the enemy. Mao Tze-Tung

Moderator: So would that be like tough love?Passivity is fatal to us. Our goal is to make the enemy passive.Mao Tze-TungModerator: So that’s like when Patton said the object of war is

not to die for your country. The object of waris to make the other guy die for his country.Political power grows out of the barrel of agun. Mao Tze-TungModerator: So gun control is only for thelosers? Now for our next comrade, that cuddly,cute, Cuban Teddy Bear…Fidel Castro!

Figure 7: Fidel Castro, brought economic prosperity to millions of Cubans, by forcingthem to flee for their lives to the US. Oh here Fido!

Capitalism is using its money; we socialists throw it away. FidelCastroModerator: Yea, I can tell. Are you bragging or complaining? Youguys are still driving American cars from the 50’s. If you’regoing to throw it away, throw some my way.I find capitalism repugnant. It is filthy, it is gross, and it isalienating... because it causes war, hypocrisy, and competition.Fidel Castro Moderator: And because it kicks your Cuban butt!The revenues of Cuban state-run companies are used exclusivelyfor the benefit of the people, to whom they belong. Fidel Castro

Moderator: So is that why every Cuban except for you and yourbrother lives in abject poverty? Ok that’s enough for the CubanTeddy Bear. Now let’s introduce another Russian Teddy bear to themike. That short, chubby little bear…Nikki Khrushchev!

Figure 8: Nikita Khrushchev, the fat little fuzz ball that told the UN, "We will buryyou!" What a funny guy!

Whether you like it or not, history is on our side. We will buryyou! Nikita KhrushchevModerator: Nikki, wait a minute, when did the Russians ever burythe Americans? What history are you talking about? Your versionof revisionist history or the one that has all the facts?We say the name of God, but that is only habit. Nikita KhrushchevModerator: I’m sure God is impressed!The press is our chief ideological weapon. Nikita KhrushchevModerator: You silly comrades sure like to talk about using thepress as a weapon. Well we have Fox news and talk radio. What doyou think about that?Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build bridgeseven when there are no rivers. Nikita KhrushchevModerator: Yep! Commie politicians promise to build a bridgewhere there are no rivers to cross, no people to use it, and inthe middle of nowhere. Then they brag about it and call itprogress.I once said, "We will bury you," and I got into trouble with it.Of course we will not bury you with a shovel. Your own working

class will bury you. NikitaKhrushchevModerator: No Nikki, our politiciansare trying to bury us. But we stillhave the vote. We don’t work for ourpoliticians, our politicians workfor us. It is they that forget thatwe have the power to vote them out.Do you think when tworepresentatives holdingdiametrically opposing views get

together and shake hands, the contradictions between our systemswill simply melt away? What kind of a daydream is that? NikitaKhrushchevModerator: No you shake hands not so differences melt away but tostart the battle where the best man wins. Call it what you will, incentives are what get people to workharder. Nikita KhrushchevModerator: So what kind of incentives do you use? A stick and agun? Beatings and gulags? We prefer an office with a view, stockoptions, a company car, and our name on our door.“I have talked face to face with the godless communist leaders.It may surprise you to learn that I was host to Mr. Khrushchevfor a half day when he visited the United States, not that I’mproud of it. I opposed his coming then, and I still feel it was amistake to welcome this atheistic murderer as a state visitor.But, according to President Eisenhower, Khrushchev had expresseda desire to learn something of American Agriculture — and afterseeing Russian agriculture I can understand why. As we talkedface to face, he indicated that my grandchildren would live undercommunism. After assuring him that I expected to do all in mypower to assure that his and all other grandchildren will liveunder freedom he arrogantly declared in substance: ‘You Americansare so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright, but we’ll keep feedingyou small doses of socialism until you’ll finally wake up and find you already havecommunism. We won’t have to fight you. We’ll so weaken your economy untilyou’ll fall like overripe fruit into our hands.” Nikita Khrushchev (as quotedby President Ezra Taft Benson, when he was the Secretary ofAgriculture.)Moderator: I think you’re right on this one. This last electionmade it so we have Democrats running the Congress, the WhiteHouse, and the Supreme Court. In four months time they have runour economy into the ground, cut our national defense, taken overthe auto industry, the banking industry, the oil industry, andsoon they will control our health industry. 53% of the populationare on the dole and 71% of of the people favor socialism eventhough they have no idea what that means. But we have only justbegun to fight….Now for something a little different. Let’s giveit up for that mobster from Pyongyang, that man about town…Kimmy“the godfather” Jong Il!

Figure 9: Kim Il Sung, that loveable guy that helped hispeople lose weight by starving them to death in NorthKorea. His son Kim Jung Il is no longer ill. He’s dead. Hiscute little Piyingyang Doughboy son has taken charge andhas met with famous diplomats like Dennis Rodnman.

The most important thing in our warpreparations is to teach all our people tohate U.S. imperialism. Otherwise, we willnot be able to defeat the U.S. imperialistswho boast of their technological

superiority. Kim Il SungModerator: Ah Kimmy, Need I remind you that you only have 6

nukes. We have several hundred in NorthDakota. Go ahead and test your rockets.Make our day, big boy!The liquidation of colonialism is a trendof the times which no force can hold back.Kim Jong IlModerator: So Kimster, what colonial powercontrolled you beside Japan? There’s notvery many colonies left in the world foryou to liberate. Can we say a decade late

and several billion dollars short?We oppose the reactionary policies of the U.S. government but wedo not oppose the American people. We want to have many goodfriends in the United States. Kim Jong IlModerator: Oh yea, like I want to be friends with the guy whowants to blow me up….Ok now we have that great English comradewho also doubles as Santa Claus at the politburo staff ChristmasParty…George Bernard Shaw!

Figure 10: British Socialist and playwright

Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Under Socialism, you would notbe allowed to be poor. You would be forcibly fed, clothed,lodged, taught, and employed whether you liked it or not. If itwere discovered that you had not character and industry enough to

be worth all this trouble, you might possibly be executed in akindly manner; but whilst you were permitted to live, you wouldhave to live well." George Bernard ShawModerator: Uh, Georgie, somehow what you just said didn’t give mea very warm fuzzy. What if I wanted to be a homeless person, liveon the street, wear hand-me-downs from the local shelter, beunemployed, sit on the street corner taking donations from myfavorite charity, and eat out of the restaurant dumpster? Ournext creepy comrade is coming up to the stage and here he is…NormThomas!

Figure 11: Norman Thomas, the President of the Socialist Party in the US

The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. Butunder the name of 'liberalism' theywill adopt every fragment of theSocialist program, until one dayAmerica will be a Socialist nation,without knowing how it happened…Ino longer need to run as aPresidential Candidate for theSocialist Party. The Democrat Partyhas adopted our platform. NormanThomasModerator: Yep, just like cooking

frogs. Turn the heat up gradually and before they know it they’recooked. The Democrats have been doing the same thing since1932. ..For our next comrade let’s give a warm welcome to BillieFoster!

Figure 12: William Z. Foster, the President of the US Communist Party

Among the elementary measures the American Soviet government willadopt to further the cultural revolution are...[a]National Department of Education...the studies willbe revolutionized, being cleansed of religious,patriotic, and other features of the bourgeoisideology. The students will be taught the basis ofMarxian dialectical materialism, internationalism

and the general ethics of the new Socialist society. William Z.FosterModerator: I call it the Educational Industrial Complex and thecorruption, socialism, fraud, waste, and abuse that have creptinto US education…and here is Gloria Steinem. She is one of thosewacky commie feminists. They are just a laugh a minute.

Figure 13: Gloria Steinem, communist and feminist

By the year 2000 we will, I hope, raise our children to believein human potential, not God. Gloria SteinemModerator: Who do you think gave us the “human potential” inorder to raise us above the animals? Now for that lady with thefuzzy-wuzzy hair-do…Angie Davis!

Figure 14: Angela Davis, followed Gus Halls as President of theUS communist party and later the ACLU

Racism, in the first place, is a weapon used bythe wealthy to increase the profits they bringin by paying Black workers less for their work.Angela DavisModerator: So what did you call it when you and

the American Indian Movement went in to Pembroke, NC in 1973 andburned down Indian business and cultural sites in an effort toblame it on the whites in the area?

Figure 15: Malcom X Black Muslim leader and member of the Communist party

You show me a capitalist, and I'll show you abloodsucker. Malcolm XModerator: First of all, Mel, smile. Second ofall I don’t think you really understandeconomics, do you?

Figure 16: Noam Chomsky, Linguisticprofessor, communist, anti-war activist

The Bible is one of the mostgenocidal books in history. NoamChomsky

Moderator: Have you read the Bible? No? Thenit looks like we have nobasis for a discussion. …OK, now let’s seewhat that Wild man from the Bronx has tosay..Abbie Hoffman!

Figure 17: Communist, anarchist, and radical activist in the60's

A modern revolutionary group heads for thetelevision station. Abbie Hoffman

Moderator: And then what?Once you get the right image the details aren't that important.Abbie HoffmanModerator: I can see that image is something you still need towork on. Ever thought about investing in a comb?Structure is more important than content in the transmission ofinformation. Abbie HoffmanModerator: I guess. Many collegeprofessors talk for hours and never saya thing. Yet the fluffy headed studentsthink that whatever they said was deep…Ok now let’s hear from that Black Mambahimself, the pimp’s pimp, that pussy-cat Black Panther…Stokely Carmichael!

Figure 18: Stokely Carmichael, co-founder of theradical black group, The Black Panthers

Capitalism is a stupid system, a backward system. StokelyCarmichael

Moderator: That’s probably because you neverheld a regular job in your life. Don’t knock‘til you’ve tried it.We are revolutionaries. Stokely CarmichaelModerator: No kidding! You crazy guys aremaster of stating the obvious! Here’s yousign. .. And now let’s give it up for thatcrazy guy who is always the bridesmaid andnever the bride, the candidate but never thepresident…Gus Hall!

Figure 19: Gus Hall, followed William Z. Foster asPresident of the US Communist Party

"Socialism in America will come through theballot box." Gus Hall

Moderator: Who would have thought?In 1981, President Reagan and hisPress Secretary were shot. JimBrady’s wife, Sarah, jumped on theSocialist Bandwagon and has calledon Congress to pass stricter guncontrol laws. She said, “Our mainagenda is to have ALL guns banned. We must use whatevermeans possible. It doesn't matter if you have to distortfacts or even lie. Our task of creating a socialist Americacan only succeed when those who would resist us have beentotally disarmed.” ("The National Educator" magazine, Sarah Bradymade this statement to U.S. Senator Howard Metzenbaum)

And now for our final two guests, the great messiah himself, theimmaculate one, Robin Hood, the great wizard of Oz who will solveall of our problems, Barack Hussein Obama and his better half,Michelle!

Figure 20: Barack Obama: America's first Black President and first Communist President

One of the great strengths of the United States is... we have avery large Christian population - we do not consider ourselves aChristian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. Weconsider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by idealsand a set of values. Barack ObamaModerator: And those values come from where? Oh I don’t know,could it be Judeo-Christian values?This is the moment when we must build on the wealth that openmarkets have created, and share its benefits more equitably.Trade has been a cornerstone of our growth and globaldevelopment. But we will not be able to sustain this growth if itfavors the few, and not the many. Barack ObamaModerator: What we can’t sustain is the government turningeveryone into victims of the big bad wolf of capitalism. Ever tryto get a job from someone on welfre?I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good foreverybody. Barack ObamaModerator: I never worked for a man on welfare. So redistributionis good for whom?This is the moment when we must come together to save thisplanet. Let us resolve that we will not leave our children aworld where the oceans rise and famine spreads and terriblestorms devastate our lands. Barack ObamaModerator: And he controls the weather too! Oh by the way save

the planet from what?What do you think a stimulus is?It's spending - that's the wholepoint! Seriously! Barack ObamaModerator: I guess you neverheard about the West AfricanEmperor who went to Mecca by wayof Egypt. He spent so much goldthat he devalued the price ofgold in Egypt such that it tookten years for the Egyptians to

recover. You don’t spend your way out of debt. You stop spendingmore than you earn.I think that there's always been a spectrum of opinion about howunfettered the free market is. And along that spectrum, I thinkthere have been some who believe in very fierce regulation andare very suspicious of globalization, and there are others whothink that it's always -- that the market is always king. And Ithink what we've learned here, but if anybody had been studyinghistory they would have understood earlier, is that the market isthe most effective mechanism for creating wealth and distributingresources to produce goods and services that history has everknown. But that it goes off the rail sometimes, that if it'scompletely unregulated, that if there are no thoughtfulframeworks to channel the creative energy of the market that itcan end up in a very bad place. Barack Obama, press conference,Apr. 2, 2009Moderator: Meaning that you need to regulate it to the point thatwhere it is so stifled that it suffocates.I was drawn to the power of the African American religioustradition to spur social change. Out of necessity, the blackchurch had to minister to the whole person. Out of necessity, theblack church rarely had the luxury of separating individualsalvation from collective salvation. It had to serve as thecenter of the community's political, economic, and social as wellas spiritual life; it understood in an intimate way the biblicalcall to feed the hungry and clothe the naked and challenge powersand principalities. In the history of these struggles, I was ableto see faith as more than just a comfort to the weary or a hedgeagainst death; rather, it was an active, palpable agent in theworld. Barack Obama, Audacity of HopeModerator: Yes faith is works but not the kind you are thinkingabout. Your faith is the kind that destroys the hand that feedsyou so that we all starve.This notion that's peddled by the religious right - that they areoppressed is not true. Sometimes it's a cynical ploy to movetheir agenda ahead. The classic example being that somehowsecularists are trying to eliminate Christmas, which strikes meas some kind of manufactured controversy. Barack Obama, StreetProphets interview, Jul. 11, 2006

Moderator: And what about your hidden agenda?All across the world, in every kind of environment and regionknown to man, increasingly dangerous weather patterns anddevastating storms are abruptly putting an end to the long-running debate over whether or not climate change is real. Notonly is it real, it's here, and its effects are giving rise to afrighteningly new global phenomenon: the man-made naturaldisaster.Barack Obama, speech, Apr. 3, 2006Moderator: Listen if the temperature at the north pole rises 1degree every 100 years so that it goes from -100° to -99° that isstill cold.I think that one of the things that we all agree to is that thetouchstone for economic policy should be does it allow theaverage American to find good employment and see their incomesrise? That we can’t just look at things in the aggregate, we dowant to grow the pie. But we want to make sure that prosperity isspread across the spectrum of regions and occupations and gendersand races, and that economic policy should focus on growing thepie. But it also has to make sure that everybody has gotopportunity in that system. Barack Obama, New York Times, Apr.28, 2009Moderator: Where does work ethic, responsibility, team work,dependability, trust, punctuality, and following directions comein? Or is that just something for white people. Minorities justhave to worry about affirmative action? Oh and by the way I’mpartial to chocolate cream.When people suggest that, "What a waste of money to make federalbuildings more energy-efficient." Why would that be a waste ofmoney? We're creating jobs immediately by retrofitting thesebuildings or weatherizing 2 million Americans' homes, as wascalled for in the package, so that right there creates economicstimulus. And we are saving taxpayers when it comes to federalbuildings potentially $2 billion. In the case of homeowners, theywill see more money in their pockets. And we're reducing ourdependence on foreign oil in the Middle East. Why wouldn't wewant to make that kind of investment? Barack Obama, pressconference, Feb. 9, 2009

Moderator: How about because government doesn’t create jobs inthe private sector. They can only create jobs in the publicsector. If government destroys capitalism then the only source ofjobs will be in the public sector. This means that if you don’twork for the government, you are on welfare.I believe in keeping guns out of our inner cities, and that ourleaders must say so in the face of the gun manufacturer’s lobby.But I also believe that when a gangbanger shoots indiscriminatelyinto a crowd because he feels someone disrespected him, we have aproblem of morality. Not only do we need to punish that man forhis crime, but we need to acknowledge that there's a hole in hisheart, one that government programs alone may not be able torepair. Barack Obama, The Audacity of HopeModerator: Finally, you understand that government can’t fixeverything. In fact if the government would stop attacking thefamily there probably wouldn’t be a hole in his heart.I cannot swallow whole the view of Lincoln as the GreatEmancipator. Barack Obama, Time Magazine, Jun. 26, 2005Moderator: So if not Lincoln, then who?We must either tolerate forty-six million without healthinsurance or embrace "socialized medicine." Barack Obama (TheAudacity of Hope)Moderator: Why is it always an either or proposition and one thatneeds to be accepted right now?I'll be a President who finally brings Democrats and Republicanstogether to make health care affordable for every singleAmerican. We will put a college education within reach of anyonewho wants to go. And instead of just talking about how great ourteachers are, we will reward them for their greatness, with morepay and with better support. And we will harness the ingenuity offarmers and scientists and entrepreneurs to free this nation fromthe tyranny of oil once and for all. Barack Obama, speech, Feb.5, 2008Moderator: If we remove the competition of foreign oil then wewill have a monopoly of domestic oil which isn’t good either. I’ve often said that I don’t believe government has the answer toevery problem or that it can do all things for all people. We area nation built on the strength of individual initiative. Butthere are certain things that we can’t do on our own. There are

certain things only a government can do. BARACK OBAMA, weeklyaddress, Mar. 14, 2009Moderator: If you check the US Constitution it will tell you whatgovernment can and cannot do.…Abortion is one of the most fundamental rights we possess and Ipromise to make preserving women's rights under Roe v. Wade apriority as president. ... partial-birth abortion isconstitutionally permissible. BARACK OBAMAModerator: So what you are saying it is permissible to say, thisbaby is unwanted and a nuisance so let’s kill it.We need somebody who's got the heart, the empathy, to recognizewhat it's like to be a young teenage mom, the empathy tounderstand what it's like to be poor or African-American or gayor disabled or old--and that's the criterion by which I'll beselecting my judges." BARACK OBAMAModerator: And what ever happened to the rule of law?The Constitution is outdated and should only serve as a startingpoint for making America into the country I believe it should be.BARACK OBAMAModerator: That sounds exactly what the Democrats were saying inAbraham Lincoln’s time. They called the Declaration ofIndependence a “bunch of glittering generalities,” and theConstitution an “outdated document.” So what are you reallytrying to say?If you look at the victories and failures of the civil rightsmovement and its litigation strategy in the court. I think whereit succeeded was to invest formal rights in previouslydispossessed people, so that now I would have the right to vote.I would now be able to sit at the lunch counter and order as longas I could pay for it I’d be o.k. But, the Supreme Court neverventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and of morebasic issues such as political and economic justice in society.To that extent, as radical as I think people try to characterizethe Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that wereplaced by the founding fathers in the Constitution, at least asit's been interpreted and Warren Court interpreted in the sameway, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negativeliberties. Says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the

Federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what theFederal government or State government must do on your behalf andthat hasn’t shifted. And one of the, I think, tragedies of the civil rights movementwas, um, because the civil rights movement became so courtfocused, I think there was a tendency to lose track of thepolitical and community organizing and activities on the ground.That are able to put together the actual coalition of powersthrough which you bring about redistributive change. In some wayswe still suffer from that. Barack ObamaModerator: That is exactly why the Founding Fathers placeconstraints in the Constitution so that radicals like youcouldn’t sneak in your communist agenda."So we're going to provide a $4,000 tuition credit, everystudent, every year, but, students, you're going to have to giveback something in return. You're going to have to participate incommunity service. You're going to have to work in a homelessshelter, or a veteran's home, or an underserved school, or jointhe Peace Corps." Barack ObamaSo a tuition credit isn’t free money. There’s always a catch evenfor “free” government money. The other thing I wonder about iswho is going to pay for it? Oh that’s right the 45% of the peoplewho still work."And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling toguns, or religion, or antipathy to people who aren’t like them,or anti-immigrant sentiment, or anti-trade sentiments as a way toexplain their frustrations" Barack ObamaModerator: So are you talking about whites or minorities? Who’sreally the racists here?"We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep ourhomes on 72 degrees at all times ... and then just expect thatother countries are going to say OK," Barack ObamaModerator: So when did the government feel the need to dictate tothe American people what kind of car they drive, the food theyeat, what temperature we keep our homes, and why should we carewhat other countries think of us? If they want to be like us thenthey need to create the economic infrastructure to be like us anddrop their socialist programs. America has always been the newkid on the block and the target of European jealousies and the

butt of their anti-American jokes. We never cared about thembefore, why should we care now? Of course the next time they needus to bail them out when they are under attack, we’ll be thefirst ones they call.The great task before our founders was putting into practice theideal that government could simultaneously serve liberty andadvance the common good. And Government, I believe, has animportant role to play in advancing our common prosperity. BarackObamaModerator: Government needs to get out of the business of runningthe private sector and leave the private sector to the privatesector so that they, not the government, can advance the commonprosperity.I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active blackstudents. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxistprofessors and structural feminists and punk-rock performancepoets. Barack Obama (Dreams of My Father)Moderator: Yea and it shows.Political discussions, the kind at Occidental, had once seemed sointense and purposeful, came to take on the flavor of thesocialist conferences I sometimes attended at Cooper Union.Barack Obama (Dreams of My Father)Moderator: You learned your socialist lessons well.Well, Charlie, what I’ve said is that I would look at raising thecapital gains tax for purposes of fairness. Barack ObamaModerator: When will the liberal left understand that if youdestroy the source of jobs which is the upper class, in the nameof fairness then everyone will be equally poor because there wasnever a poor man who ever hired another man to work for him.“I will set a goal for a world without nuclear weapons. To seekthat goal, I will not develop nuclear weapons; I will seek aglobal ban on the production of fissile material; and I willnegotiate with Russia to take our ICBMs off hair-trigger alert,and to achieve deep cuts in our nuclear arsenal.” Barack Obama.Moderator: The only way for diplomacy to work is to have theleverage of the military option. If you get rid of the militaryoption you will have no leverage and our enemies will spit inyour face.

I support reducing the National Missile Defense program to abasic research program; cutting spending on platforms like the F-22 Raptor, the Virginia-class Submarine, the V-22 Ospreyairplane/helicopter hybrid, the DDG-1000 destroyer, and theArmy's Future Combat System. Also, the group advocates reducingAmerica's force structure by eliminating two Air Force fighterwings and one aircraft carrier battle-group…We cannot continue torely on our military in order to achieve the national securityobjectives we've set. We've got to have a civilian nationalsecurity force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just aswell-funded." Barack Obama.Moderator: OK boys and girls, can we say KGB? Now we’ll let theMrs. Have the last word.

Figure 21: Michelle Obama, wife of the first Communist President and following in thefootsteps of another infamous first lady, Imelda Marcos. Obama will also go down inhistory as America’s last Black President.

They don't want the whole pie. There are some who do, but mostAmericans feel blessed just being able to thrive a little bit.But that is becoming even more out of reach. If we don't wake upas a nation with a new kind of leadership, for how we want thiscountry to work, then we won't get universal health care. Thetruth is, in order to get things like universal health care and arevamped education system, then someone is going to have to giveup a piece of their pie so that someone else can have more.Michelle ObamaModerator: We don’t need universal health care. The way to revampthe education system is to overhaul the whole corrupt educationalindustrial complex. The reason why the American Dream is out ofreach is that the tax burden of 60% keeps people down. There areno incentives for welfare recipients to get off the dole. Therich have to pay so much in taxes that they have nothing left to

invest in capital improvements. Because of the taxesand union demands many companies find it necessaryto relocate overseas. Until the government gets itin their thick collective heads to stay out of theprivate sector then we’ll always have the poor amongus.

Nero Played While Roma BurnedThe Emperor Nero Dressed in white,Played his viol While Roma burnedThrough the night.

The Emperor Nero Dressed in red,Played his golfWhile SendaiCounted their dead.

The Emperor Nero Dressed in blue,Bounced his basketballWhile America Begged for crude.

The Emperor Nero Dressed in green,Went on vacationWhile prices roseTo levels unseen.

The Emperor Nero Dressed in Black,Called his opponents racistWhile unions and commiesPut us on a socialist track.

The Emperor Nero Dressed in brown,Went to a concertWhile the Libyan people sufferedAs their homes burned to the ground.

The Emperor Nero has a yellow streak.

He cannot lead.He ponders and wonders what to doUntil the crisis is overAnd everyone’s dead.

The Emperor Nero has pockets lined with silverAnd wears a golden crown upon his thickened skull.He sold his soul to the DevilWho leads him skipping and dancing,Carefully down to Hell.

Government Motors 2011

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World War II Ratio of World Population to Axis Powers

Germany70 million

Italy44 million

Japan71 million

Total Axis Population185 million 8% Axis

Total Allied Population

2.1 billion 92% Allies

World Population2.3 billion 100% World

Total Communist Population

1. 5 billion 22%


Total Allied Population

2.1 billion 78% Allies

World Population7 billion 100% World

World War Against Terrorism Ratio of World Population to Muslims

Africa1.03 billion 15%

Asia4.1 billion 59%

Europe738 million 11%

North America528 million 8%

South America385 million 5%

US309 million 4%

Non-Muslims 6.9 77%

billionWorld Population 7

billion 100%Muslims 1.6

billion 23%

World Religions

Muslims1.6 billion 23%

Christians2.1 billion 31%

Jews14 million


Other religions4.7 billion 46%

"Infidels"6.8 billion 77%

World Population 7 billion 100%

Obama Fundamentally Changes America

THE GOOSE THAT LAID THE GOLDEN EGGSOne day a farmer went out to his henhouse and discovered to hissurprise that his goose had laid a golden egg all yellow andglittering. When he picked it up it was as heavy as lead. He wasgoing to throw it away, but he took it home on second thoughts,and soon found to his delight that it was an egg of pure gold.

Every morning the same thing occurred, and he soon became rich byselling his eggs. Once his neighbors spread the word that therewas a goose that laid golden eggs, people came from far and wideto get some for themselves. People lined up the length of thestreet waiting for the farmer to hand out free eggs. The farmerused his gold to build schools, hospitals, theatres, cathedrals,factories, and libraries. He wanted to help his town be a shiningcity on a hill for the rest of the world to see. He made itpossible for the people to work and improve their lives.

When the king heard about the golden egg he knew this was a newsource for taxes. So he sent the royal tax collector to collectone golden egg every year. Then he decided that rather than thefarmer handing out golden eggs, the king should be handing outgolden eggs. So he raised the tax to one golden egg every month.The king’s advisors, parliament members, and judges wanted topartake so they raised the tax to one golden egg every day.Rather than handing out golden eggs to the people as he promised,he sliced the eggs and gave the people small slices and told themthat they should be happy. He needed the rest of the gold to runthe affairs of the kingdom.

As the farmer grew rich he also grew greedy. He started to hoardhis gold. No more did he spend it. What with lazy neighbors whowanted his gold without working for it, and the king whocontinually raise his tax, he realized that couldn’t trustanyone. He saw thieves around every corner. He built a largebrick wall around his home. He fortified the outside with a moat.

He used is money to hire knights in shining armor to defend hisfortress. The more precautions he took the less safe he felt.

Meanwhile the people began petitioning the king to do somethingbecause it wasn’t fair that the farmer has so much and they hadso little. The king thought that he must have the golden egg forhimself. So he sent his henchmen to confiscate the golden egg forthe good of the kingdom. That way he could have as much gold tohimself, more than he could ever imagine. Day after day the kingbecame more and more impatient waiting for one egg twice everyday. Finally, he thought he needed to get all the gold the Goosecould give. He went into the royal counting room where he keptthe goose under lock and key. There he killed the goose andopened it only to find it was no different inside than any othergoose.

The moral to this story is that when government destroys freeenterprise it kills the goose that lays the golden egg, becauseit’s the goose that makes it possible for the kingdom to prospernot the king.

The Emperor's New ClothesBy Hans Christian Anderson

Once upon a time there lived a vain and arrogant Emperorwhose only worry in life was to dress in elegant clothes, ride ingolden carriages, keep his wife and children well cared for, andeat the best food money could buy. He loved his clothes so muchthat he changed them almost every hour and loved to show them offto his people.

Word of the Emperor's arrogance and vanity, spread all overhis kingdom and beyond. Two scoundrels who had heard of theEmperor's narcissism decided to take advantage of it and make alittle money on the side. They introduced themselves at the gatesof the palace with a brilliant scheme in mind.

"We are two very good tailors and after many years ofresearch we have invented an extraordinary method to weave a

cloth so light and fine that it looks invisible. As a matter offact it is invisible to anyone who is too stupid and incompetentto appreciate its quality."

The chief of the guards heard the scoundrels’ strange storyand sent for the court chamberlain. The chamberlain notified theprime minister, who ran to the Emperor and disclosed theincredible news. The Emperor's curiosity got the better of himand he decided to see the two scoundrels.

"Besides being invisible, your Highness, this cloth will bewoven in colors and patterns created especially for you."

The emperor gave the two men a bag of gold coins in exchangefor their promise to begin working on the fabric immediately.

"Just tell us what you need to get started and we'll give itto you."

The two scoundrels asked for a loom, silk, gold thread andthen pretended to begin working. The Emperor thought he had spenthis money quite well. He just employed two men who would not onlymake him a wonderful, but he would be able to create and savemany jobs in the kingdom making new suits every day. In additionto getting a new extraordinary suit, he would discover which ofhis subjects were ignorant, stupid, and incompetent. A few dayslater, he called the old and wise prime minister, who wasconsidered by everyone as a man with common sense.

"Go, see how the work is proceeding," the Emperor told him,"and come back to let me know."

The two con artists welcomed the prime minister, "We'realmost finished, but we need a lot more gold thread. Here,Excellency! Admire the colors, feel the softness!"

The old man bent over the loom and tried to see the fabricthat was not there. He felt cold sweat break out on his forehead.He became very nervous because he didn’t want the king to thinkof him as stupid and incompetent.

"I can't see anything," he thought. "If I see nothing, thatmeans I'm stupid! Or, worse, incompetent!" If the prime ministeradmitted that he didn't see anything, he would be discharged fromhis office.

"What a marvelous fabric!” he admired. “I'll certainly tellthe Emperor!" The two bounders rubbed their hands gleefully. Theyhad almost made it. More thread was requested to finish the work.

Laughing, they gloated, “These guys are more gullible thaneven we could have imagined!”

Finally, the Emperor received the announcement that the twotailors had come to take all the measurements needed to sew hisnew suit.

"Come in! Come in!" the Emperor ordered. Even as they bowed,the two scoundrels pretended to be holding a large roll offabric.

"Here it is your Highness, the result of our months oflabor," the two conmen said. "We have worked night and day but,at last, the most beautiful fabric in the world is ready for you.Look at the sheen of the brilliant colors and feel how fine itis, your majesty."

Of course the Emperor did not see any colors and could notfeel any cloth between his fingers. He panicked and felt likefainting, but luckily the throne was right behind him and he satdown. Then he realized that no one would know that he did not seethe fabric, he felt better. Nobody would find out he was stupidand incompetent, so his secret was safe with him alone.

The Emperor didn't know what everybody else around himthought. No one wanted to tell the Emperor the truth because noone wanted to be thought incompetent, stupid, and ignorant.Therefore they all did the very same thing. They effusivelypraised both the cloth’s workmanship and the tailors’ skills atcreating a fine masterpiece.      The charade continued as the two scoundrels had planned it.Once they had taken the measurements, they began cutting the airwith scissors while sewing an invisible cloth with their needles.

"Your Highness, you'll have to take off your clothes to tryon your new ones."

The two scoundrels draped the new clothes on him and thenheld up a mirror. The Emperor was embarrassed but since he felthis advisors were seeing the marvelous work of the two tailors,he stopped worrying.

"Yes, this is a handsome suit. It suits me just fine," theEmperor said trying to look contented. "You've done a fine job,sirs!"

"Your Majesty," the prime minister said, "We have abrilliant idea for you. The people have heard about this

extraordinary fabric and they are anxious to see you in your newsuit."

The Emperor wasn’t so sure he wanted the people to see hisnakedness, but then he shook off his fears. After all, no onewould know about the marvelous cloth except the ignorant and theincompetent.       "Yes! A wonderful idea!" he exclaimed. "I will grant thepeople their wish."

He formed the ceremonial parade. His guards, the primeminister, parliament members, and a special group of dignitarieswalked at the very front of the procession, followed by theemperor in all his regal glory. They all anxiously scrutinizedthe faces of the people lined along the street. All the peoplehad gathered in the main square, pushing and shoving to get abetter look. Everyone wanted to know how stupid or incompetenthis or her neighbor was but, as the Emperor passed, quietwhispers rose from the crowd.

All the people greeted the Emperors and his entourage withapplause and cheering. Everyone said, loud enough for the othersto hear, "Look at the Emperor's new clothes. They're gorgeous!"       "What a marvelous train! Simply marvelous!"       "And the colors! The brilliant colors of that magicalfabric! I have never seen anything like it in my life!"

They all tried to cover up their distress at not being ableto see the new clothes, and since nobody was willing to admit hisown gullibility, they all reacted as the two scoundrels had knownthey would. They hid in the shadows, laughing hysterically at theridiculous spectacle.      They say from the mouths of babes come words of wisdom. Ayoung child was watching the whole charade. She had no governmentjob and wasn’t worried about making a positive impression to theEmperor. She could only see the truth of the matter.

"Momma, Daddy, hey! Looky over there. The Emperor is buttnaked!” she exclaimed.

"Shhh!” her father hushed her. He scolded, "Don't talknonsense!"

However, the other witnesses had heard the child's remark atthe spectacle. Finally the crowd broke out in uncontrollable

laughter. Everyone yelled, “The child is right! The Emperor isbutt naked! It's true!"

The Emperor realized that the people were right but becauseof his arrogance and vanity he could not admit that he was theone who was gullible. Therefore, he continued the processionunder the illusion that anyone who couldn't see his clothes waseither stupid or incompetent. His parade continued on as thoughnothing had happened.

Punish the rich!Enslave the

The US Constitution tells us in Article. II, which is the sectionregarding the executive branch of the federal government: Section 1 the executive Power shall be vested in a President ofthe United States of America…Section 4. The President, Vice President and all civil Officersof the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachmentfor, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimesand Misdemeanors.

The Complete List of Barack Obama’s Lies,Denials, Scandals, Misdeeds, Crimes andBlunders:1

Allies Alienation: Alienating and isolating Israel, ourstrongest ally in the Middle East. Repeatedly snubbed and gotinto public tiffs with Benjamin Netanyahu, who as the leader ofIsrael is supposed to be Obama’s closest colleague ininternational affairs. On May 19, 2011, Obama told Israel theymust return to the 1967 borders as a pre-condition for continuingtalks with the Palestinians — even though the status of theborders was the main issue the talks were supposed to address.•Insulted the British people by rudely returning to them a bust ofChurchill which previously had been a ceremonial gift on displayat the White House; when later confronted on this inexplicableaction, he lied about it. • Despite the fact that the FalklandIslands have been part of Great Britain since 1833 and that GreatBritain is supposed to be our strongest ally, Obama essentiallysided with Argentina in its new claim on the Falklands, not onlyby adopting the Argentine position that their status is open tonegotiation, but even by (attempting to) refer to the islands bytheir Spanish name (Malvinas). •Cancelled plans to complete amissile defense shield in Poland, a move which was highly praisedby Russia — the very nation whose missile threat would have beenneutralized if the shield had been completed.

1 John MacHaffie, InvestmentWatch, September 17th, 2013

AP: Keeping an eye on The Associated Press: The Justice Departmentperformed a massive cull of Associated Press reporters' phonerecords as part of a leak investigation. Rosengate: The JusticeDepartment suggested that Fox News reporter, James Rosen, is acriminal for reporting about classified information andsubsequently monitored his phones and emails.  Attorney GeneralEric Holder told Congress he had never been associated with"potential prosecution" of a journalist for perjury when in facthe signed the affidavit that termed Rosen a potential criminal.

Attacks on US Citizens• Violated the U.S. Constitution byauthorizing assassinations and drone strikes to kill Americancitizens abroad — without due process.

Bail Outs: Used taxpayer dollars to bail out the privatepension funds of autoworkers’ unions at GM and Chrysler. In theGM bailout, he illegally shortchanged investors who according tobankruptcy laws were first in line to be recompensed; instead, hegave their share to the unions.

Benghazi: This is actually three scandals in one: The failureof the administration to protect the Benghazi mission; thechanges made to the talking points in order to suggest the attackwas motivated by an anti-Muslim video; and the refusal of theWhite House to say what President Obama did the night of theattack. • Relied on an Islamic fundamentalist militia groupcalled “The Martyrs of the February 17th Revolution Brigade” toprovide security at the American mission in Benghazi — and theynot only failed to prevent the attack but perhaps even joined inon it. After the attacks on American interests in North Africa onSeptember 11, 2012, Obama gave a speech to the U.N. and declared“The future must not belong to those who slander The Prophet ofIslam;” transferring the blame from the attackers onto the makersof a film trailer that supposedly “offended” the Islamists. Thehacking of Sharyl Attkisson’s computer: It’s not clear who hackedthe CBS reporter’s computer as she investigated the Benghaziscandal, but the Obama administration and its allies had both themotive and the means to do it. An American PoliticalPrisoner: The sudden decision to arrest Nakoula Basseley Nakoula

on unrelated charges after protests in the Arab world over hisanti-Muslim video is an extraordinarily suspiciouscoincidence. “We’re going to go out and we’re going to prosecutethe person that made that video,” Hillary Clinton allegedly toldthe father of one of the ex-SEALs killed in Banghazi. The whistleblowers who appeared before Congress were later demoted fortestifying.

Cash for Clunkers doled out taxpayer money to anyone whowanted to replace their old cars, but which mostly only ended upsubsidizing the puchase of foreign-made cars by people who couldhave afforded them on their own anyway; meanwhile, the traded-incars were all destroyed, creating a shortage and therebyincreasing the cost of used cars, hurting the pocketbooks of poorpeople.

Chicago Mob Bully Politics: Neither disavowed nordistanced himself from anti-Romney campaign ads which threatenedor implied violence against Republicans. These ads also toldoutright lies about Romney which the media defended. • Told smallbusiness owners nationwide in a 2012 speech that “you didn’tbuild that” — implying that they should not claim credit fortheir own success, since taxpayers (i.e. themselves and otherbusiness owners) had funded the national infrastructure. •Byloudly publicizing (for personal political gain) the identity ofexact SEAL teams who had killed Osama bin Laden, Obama made thema target for reprisals by Islamists; a short time later 22 SEALSwere shot down and killed in Afghanistan, their worst loss oflife ever. • To adsult to injury, he sent insulting form lettersto the familes of the dead Navy SEALs. •Established an extra-Constitutional top secret “enemies and kill list” of people(including Americans) Obama claimed the right to kill on sight,and then bragged about it publicly. •Set up a special emailaccount, “[email protected],” to which Americans were supposedto inform the government of anyone they heard spreading“disinformation” about Obama’s health care overhaul. (This wasthe first of three different “spy on your friends and neighbors”programs.) •“Attack Watch” was Obama’s second Big Brotherattempt, a Web site on which you would report “attacks” onObama’s proposals and ideology; it was quickly shut down due to

outrage and mockery. •Finally, Obama set up the “Truth Team”program which encouraged citizens to report to the government anyfriends or relatives they hear repeating “lies” about Obama. TheTruth Team site still exists.• Twisted the arms of defensecontractors to not issue layoff notices in early November, so asto avoid causing bad news for Obama right before the election —even though federal law (the “WARN Act”) requires such notices.•Convened the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility andReform (a.k.a. the Simpson-Bowles commission) in order to addressa major economic crisis…and then summarily dismissed and ignoredtheir recommendations. •Criticized the Supreme Court’s legalreasoning (about the Citizen’s United decision) during a State ofthe Union address, which many considered a dangerous precedent asit appeared to place political pressure on the court, violatingthe Constitution’s separation of powers; but his bullying seemsto have later paid off, when the Supreme Court apparently alteredits Obamacare decision so as to not ruffle any politicalfeathers. •Compelled Catholic and other religious organizationsto provide health plans with free contraception, even though suchrequirements violate their rights of religious freedom andconscience. Biden bullies the press: Vice President Biden'soffice has repeatedly interfered with coverage, including forcinga reporter to wait in a closet, making a reporter delete photos,and editing pool reports.

Consorting with Terrorists and Communists: •Promised in 2008 that once elected he would officially recognizethe Armenian Genocide; but to this date he has still failed to doso, caving in to threats and pressure from Turkey. •In his firstmonths in office, Obama bowed to the king of Saudi Arabia, thepresident of China, the Emperor of Japan, and President ofMexico, among others. •Apologized to Islamists and terrorists foroffending them and bowing to Saudi King Abdullah. •Aided andabetted the “Arab Spring” which deposed existing seculargovernments across North Africa, leading to a regional powervacuum which was filled by Al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, andother hardline Islamists. •Refused to provide assistance orsupport to the earlier secular Iranian democracy uprising,allowing them to be crushed by the Islamic fundamentalist Iranian

regime. •Shortly after the recent eruption of anti-Americanviolence in North Africa, Obama went to Las Vegas to do hisdebate preparation in a hotel…with a romanticized North Africatheme. • Said in an interview that the Muslim call to prayer was“one of the prettiest sounds on earth at sunset.” • When giving a2009 speech in France that he must have assumed Americans wouldnever hear, he described the United States as “arrogant” and“dismissive” (while also criticizing our European allieselsewhere in the speech). •Adopted a longstanding Socialistpolitical slogan, “Forward!” as his 2012 campaign motto. • Unionboss and far-left Marxist activist Andy Stern has visitied Obamain the White House at least 53 times, at last count — greateraccess than any other private citizen.• Hosted at the White Housemany Islamist members of groups associated with Hamas, the MuslimBrotherhood, Hezbollah, the PLO, Al-Qaeda, and others.• Sponsoredperformances by and attended fundraisers with radical rapperslike Michael Franti and Common, both of whose lyrics have in somecases been anti-police, anti-white, and anti-America. • Thepastor whom Obama selected to give the national benediction athis 2009 inauguration recently declared that “all white peopleare going to Hell.” •Sided with Hugo Chavez and the Castro regimeregarding the Honduran Constitutional Crisis of 2009, the firsttime ever that the U.S. formed a political alliance withsocialist governments in Latin America. •Obama AdministrationOKed the nomination of Chas Freeman to chair the NationalIntelligence Council (which coordinates intelligence reports fromall government agencies), despite the fact that he was openlyhostile to Israel and strongly favored Arab goals. (He laterwithdrew under pressure.) •Chinese pianist Lang Lang played anoffensively anti-American song at a 2011 White House dinner whereObama hosted Chinese president Hu Jintao, to the delight andamazement of the communist Chinese visitors; while Obama just satthere and smiled (the song’s Chinese lyrics describe Americans as“warmongering jackals”). •After Nidal Malik Hasan massacred 13people at Fort Hood while shouting “Allahu Akbar” so as to becomea martyr for Islam, the Obama administration refused to classifyhis action as “terrorism” and instead deemed it merely “workplaceviolence.” •The 2009 National Christmas Tree in the White Housewas decorated with ornaments depicting Chairman Mao, a drag

queen, and a picture of Mount Rushmore that included Obama’s ownhead next to George Washington’s. •It was revealed only afterObama became president that during the 1990s he was a leadingmember of the “New Party,” a socialist-aligned far-left radicalgroup in Chicago. •Lied about his close associations with formerWeather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers; pretended the twobarely knew each other, when multiple sources document that theywere friends and close colleagues for years. •When Obama wasinaugurated as President on January 20, 2009, he at first flubbedthe oath of office, so he had to re-take it behind closed doorsfor his inauguration to be valid. He did so, but during thissecond, true inauguration in private, he purposely failed toplace his hand on a Bible, as is traditional — the firstpresident ever to not swear the oath of office on the Bible.(Some say he is Christian, some say Muslim. Consider this, he isa Communist. The official religion of Communism is atheism. Thatshould explain a lot. He uses religion to advance his socialistagenda.)

Constitutional Violations: Obama took the PresidentialOath, swearing to preserve, protect and defend the Constitutionof the United States” but has:

•Used Executive Privilege regarding the Fast and Furious gunrunning scandal. •When Government misconduct is the concernExecutive privilege is negated. •Issued 23 Executive Orders ongun control, infringement of the 2nd Amendment. •Issued ExecutiveOrder bypassing Congress on immigration – Article 1 Section 1,ALL Legislative power held by Congress. •NDAA – Section 1021. Dueprocess Rights negated. Violation of 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7thAmendments. •Issued Executive Order 13603 NDRP – Government canseize anything. •Executive Order 13524 – Gives INTERPOLjurisdiction on American soil beyond law enforcement agencies,including the FBI. •Issued Executive Order 13636 InfrastructureCybersecurity – Bypassing Congress Article 1 Section 1, ALLLegislative power held by Congress. •Signed into law theestablishment of NO Free Speech zones – noncompliance is afelony. Violation of 1st Amendment. • Attempt to tax political

contributions – 1st Amendment. •DOMA Law – Obama directed DOJ toignore the Constitution and separation of powers and not enforcethe law. •Dodd-Frank – Due process and separation of powers.•Consumer Financial Protection Bureau writing and interpretinglaw. Article. I. Section. 1. •Drone strikes on American Citizens– 5th Amendment Due process Rights negated. •Bypassed Congressand gave EPA power to advance Cap-n-Trade. •Attempt for Graphictobacco warnings (under appeal) – 1st Amendment. •Four Executiveappointments – Senate was NOT in session (Court has ruledunconstitutional yet the appointees still remain). •Appointedagency czars without the “advice and consent of the Senate.”Violation of Article II, Section 2. •Obama took Chairmanship ofUN Security Council – Violation of Section 9. •Obamacare (ACA)mandate – SCOTUS had to make it a tax because there is noConstitutional authority for Congress to force Americans toengage in commerce. Contraceptive, abortifacients mandateviolation of First Ammendment. •Healthcare waivers – No presidenthas dispensing powers. • Refuses to acknowledge state’s 10thAmendment rights to nullify Obamacare. •Going after states (AZlawsuit) for upholding Federal law (immigration) -10th Amendment.•Chrysler Bailout -TARP – violated creditors’ rights andbankruptcy law, as well as Takings and Due Process Clauses – 5thAmendment (G.W. Bush also illegally used TARP funds forbailouts). •The Independent Payment Advisory Board (appointees bythe president). Any decisions by IPAB will instantly become lawstarting in 2014 – Separation of Powers, Article 1 Section 1.•Congress did not approve Obama’s war in Libya. Article I,Section 8, First illegal war U.S. has engaged in. Impeachableunder Article II, Section 4. •Obama falsely claims UN can usurpCongressional war powers. Obama has acted outside theconstitutional power given him – this in itself isunconstitutional. With the approval of Obama, the NSA and the FBIare tapping directly into the servers of 9 internet companies togain access to emails, video/audio, photos, documents, etc. Thisprogram is code named PRISM. NSA also collecting data on allphone calls in U.S. – Violation of 4th Amendment. •Plans to signU.N. Firearms treaty – 2nd Amendment. The Senate/Obamaimmigration bill (approved by both) raises revenue – Section 7.All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of

Representatives; Obama refuses to uphold the Business Mandate Law(ACA) for a year. President does not have that authority –Article. I. Section. 1. All legislative Powers herein grantedshall be vested in a Congress of the United States. Thepresident”shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed” -Article II, Section 3.

Czars• Greatly expanded the number of unaccountable “czars,”which essentially amounts to unilaterally adding new federaldepartments with no congressional oversight — leading to a true“bureaucracy” in the original sense (rule by unelectedbureaucrats). • Appointed Van Jones, an avowed communist (whosupported a “9/11 Truth” petition) to be “Green Jobs Czar.”•Appointed Anita Dunn, who said Chairman Mao was her “favoritephilosopher,” to be White House Communications Director.•Appointed John Holdren, who perviously entertained the notion offorced mass sterilzation to stop overpopulation, to be ScienceCzar. •Appointed Steven Chu, who openly advocated an artificialincrease in gasoline prices to $10/gallon (and similar increasesin other energy prices to put on an equal par with Europe) to beSecretary of Energy. •Appointed Kevin Jennings, who led a groupthat promoted X-rated “sex-positive” textbooks for 13-year-olds,instructed teenagers at a conference how to perform “fisting”(anal penetration by fists), who refused to report instances ofstatutory rape, and who expressed admiration for a member ofNAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association), to be America’s“Safe School’s Czar.”Defense of Marriage Act• Repeatedly changed his position on gaymarriage over the years, depending on what was politicallyexpedient at the moment and which intended audience he wasaddressing.Economy• Under Obama’s watch, for the first time in historyAmerica’s credit rating was downgraded, due to his Marxisteconomic policies. •Sued Boeing in an effort to control wherebusinesses could locate, kowtow to the unions, and block thecreation of 1,000 jobs in South Carolina, a right-to-work state(i.e. no forced unionization). •Told Joe “the Plumber”Wurzelbacher that it was good to “spread the wealth around.”

Energy Policies: •Proposed in 2008 to intentionally bankrupt thecoal industry — and now lies to voters and workers in coal-producing regions about his true intent. •Stopped American oildrilling in the Gulf of Mexico, allowing other nations with worseenvironmental records to drill instead — thereby managing to bothweaken our economy and damage the environment simultaneously.•Pretends to be concerned about skyrocketing energy prices, whenin fact he vowed to increase them on purpose (so as to makealternative energy schemes more competitive.) “Under my programenergy prices will necessarily sky rocket.” •Blocked continuedconstruction of the Keystone Pipeline, thereby intentionallyreducing energy resources for the US and forcing Canada to sellmore of its oil to China. •Shut down oil drilling in the US, butthen turned around and lent $2 billion to Brazil to support theirgovernment-controlled oil-drilling effort — and then promised theUS would become one of Brazil’s biggest oil customers. (Note:Brazil elected a communist president.) •Obama’s Department ofEnergy awarded $529 million to Fisker Automotive to build theirKarma hybrid electric cars — even though they are manufactured inFinland, cost over $100,000 each, and tend to explode.Executive Fiat: •When he was first running for President, Obamapromised, “I will not sign any non-emergency bill without givingthe American public an opportunity to review and comment on theWhite House website for five days.” Needless to say, he hasbroken that promise with almost every bill he has signed since. •I'll pass my own laws: Obama has repeatedly been accused ofmaking end runs around Congress by deciding which laws toenforce, including the decision not to deport illegal immigrantswho may have been allowed to stay in the United States hadCongress passed the "Dream Act."

Fast and Furious: The ATF "Fast and Furious" scheme: Federalagencies allowed weapons from U.S. gun dealers to "walk" acrossthe border into the hands of Mexican drug dealers. The ATFsummarily lost track of hundreds of those weapons, many of whichwere used in crimes, including the December 2010 killing ofBorder Patrol Agent Brian Terry. This scheme designed topurposely go awry so as to induce public outcry for gun control.

•Holder perjury: Holder told Congress in May 2011 that he hadjust recently heard about the Fast and Furious gun walking schemewhen there was evidence he may have known much earlier. Green Jobs: Billions of taxpayer dollars gambled on “green”companies like Solyndra, NextEra, Ener1, Solar Trust and manyothers — all of which went bankrupt. The money that went to thecompanies was funneled to Democrat Election Campaigns. The moneystill has never been accounted for.

Immigration: An intentional refusal to enforce federalimmigration laws. •In 2008 Obama vowed if elected to increasesecurity along the U.S.-Mexican border — and then in 2010 stoppedconstruction of a “virtual fence” on the border and re-routedmoney earmarked for border security to other projects. •Whenstates voted to enforce the federal immigration laws which thefederal government refused to enforce, (such as Arizona) Obamasued to stop them.IRS: targets Obama's enemies: The IRS targeted conservative andpro-Israel groups prior to the 2012 election. Questions are beingraised about why this occurred, who ordered it, whether there wasany White House involvement and whether there was an initialeffort to hide who knew about the targeting and when. Obama alsoused the IRS to harass conservative businesses. Mentors: •Spent 20 years listening to a racist anti-Americanpastor (Rev. Jeremiah Wright), whom Obama described as a mentor.On March 18, 2008, Obama gave a speech in which he said “I couldno more disown Jeremiah Wright than I could disown my owngrandmother” and “[Wright's church, Trinity United] embodies theblack community in its entirety.” Now Obama tries to pretend thatJeremiah Wright doesn’t exist, and that his extremist anti-whitephilosophy didn’t influence Obama’s worldview. Other mentors areChairman Mao, Lenin, Benjamin Davis, Castro, and other Marxists,Fascists, and National Socialists.NASA: • Ordered NASA to make one of its top priorities not spaceexploration or scientific research but “Muslim outreach.” He hasalso tried to talk the Russians in taking American Astronautswith them on their voyages.

National Debt: •Obama has spent $6 trillion in new national debt…after he promised to decrease the deficit. •Before he waspresident, Obama staunchly opposed raising the national debtlimit — but once elected, he insisted that it be raised. •Whilecampaigning in 2008 Obama declared that it was “unpatriotic” thatBush had increased the national debt at a rate of half a trilliondollars per year; but under Obama the rate of national debtincrease has accelerated to almost three times the Bush rate ($6trillion in new debt in under four years) — yet Obama has neverapologized nor declared himself unpatriotic. He insists that therich should pay for his deficit spending. However, if hecollected 100% of income from every American it still wouldn’tpay off the debt.National Defense: •Was caught on a “hot mike” promising thePresident of Russia that he would cave in to their demands for aweaker missile shield — after he was re-elected “would have moreflexibility” •For decades, every president has attended a “dailyintelligence briefing” which updates him on critical world eventseach morning. Obama has skipped 60% of his daily intelligencebriefings, including the ones leading up to the attack inBenghazi. He has weakened the military by using it as a targetfor social experiments. He has ordered chaplains to marry gays.He has declared that anhyone who supports religious, conservativecauses be punished under the UCMJ.NSA: •Watching the AP: The Justice Department performed a massivecull of Associated Press reporters’ phone records as part of aleak investigation. •Rosengate: The Justice Department suggestedthat Fox News reporter, James Rosen, is a criminal for reportingabout classified information and subsequently monitored hisphones and emails. • Attorney General Eric Holder told Congresshe had never been associated with “potential prosecution” of ajournalist for perjury when in fact he signed the affidavit thattermed Rosen a potential criminal.

Obamacare: •Obamacare — A massive and incredibly convoluted billwhich exponentially increases the federal government’s controlover our personal lives…which neither Obama nor a single Democrat

even read before passing, and which will likely bankrupt thenation. Nancy Pelosi even stated that she had to pass the billbefore reading the bill. •In a primary debate against HillaryClinton in 2008, Obama said he would never force people to buyhealth insurance, since those without it couldn’t afford to buyit. Less than two years later, he rammed through Obamacarethrough the Congress, which does indeed force people to buyhealth insurance. •During the debate over Obamacare in 2009,Obama bluntly stated that doctors like to perform amputationsrather than practice preventive medicine for no other reason thanthat they make a greater profit from amputations. The AmericanCollege of Surgeons demanded an apology, which never arrived.•Handed out over 1,200 waivers to politically connected donorsexempting them from the onerous requirements of Obamacare. •UsedObamacare as a pretext to greatly increase the size and power ofthe IRS (which was given 16,000 new agents and additionalmandates to penalize taxpayers for noncompliance). •Attempted toforce returning veterans to pay huge increases for their healthcoverage…as a way to generate more funding for his Obamacareprovisions. Then he turned right around and labeled all veteransas “potential terrorists.” Sebelius demands payment: HHSSecretary Kathleen Sebelius solicited donations from companiesHHS might regulate. The money would be used to help her sign upuninsured Americans for Obamacare. Sebelius violates the HatchAct: A U.S. special counsel determined that Sebelius violated theHatch Act when she made "extemporaneous partisan remarks" duringa speech in her official capacity last year. During the remarks,Sebelius called for the election of the Democratic candidate forgovernor of North Carolina. Obama: the Early Years: •Interviews with high school classmatesrevealed that Obama was a heavy and frequent user of marijuana inhis teenage years (not to mention his self-admitted cocaine usein college). •Before he entered politics, Obama worked as alawyer suing banks in landmark cases, forcing them to give homeloans to unqualified minority borrowers — a practice nowunderstood as one of the primary initial causes of the eventualhousing bubble and market collapse. •Voted to allow post-birthabortions (i.e. facilitating the deaths of babies who survivelate-term abortions) not just once but three times in a row as an

Illinois state senator. •Obama’s own autobiography in hisliterary agent’s catalog and on their Web site stated for 17consecutive years that he was born in Kenya; this claim remainedintact despite other portions of the autobiography being alteredand updated repeatedly. • It was only in 2007 after he decided torun for the presidency that the “born in Kenya” claim was takendown. The original info must necessarily have come from Obamahimself; some theorize he likely falsely claimed foreign birth inorder to gain admission or scholarships in college, and neverbothered to fix his lie. Either way he lied to someone and theAmerican people are paying the heavy price to carry such an heavyburden.Political Corruption: •Hired Timothy Geithner to be Secretary ofthe Treasury and who was documented as cheating on his ownpersonal taxes. •Encouraged politically biased hiring practicesin the Justice Department, Homeland Security and other governmentagencies. •Soon after taking office, Obama rescinded the “MexicoCity Policy,” which previously had banned NGOs which aresupported by American taxpayer funds from using those funds toperform abortions in foreign countries. •In June of 2011, heanointed his own underage daughters as “senior staff members” sothat their vacation to Africa would be paid for with taxpayermoney. •Played over 100 rounds of golf during his first threeyears in office, meaning that he was on the links close to 10% ofthe time he has been president. •There was a great deal of (stillunverified) suspicion that the company LightSquared receivedfavorable treatment from the Obama administration for approval ofits broadband technology which interfered with the GPS system; anAir Force general claimed he was pressured by the Obamaadministration to downplay his criticism of LightSquared’stechnology in sworn testimony. •When Inspector General GeraldWalpin discovered during a 2009 investigation that one of Obama’spolitical allies (the mayor of Sacramento) was misusinggovernment funds for personal gain, Obama unceremoniously firedWalpin, even though rooting out fraud was the job description ofthe Inspector General. •More than once Obama made so-called“recess appointments” when the Senate was not actually in recess,which directly violates Constitutional rules about howappointments must be made; in each case it was his way of getting

his political allies into certain key positions without thembeing vetted or approved by the Senate, as required. •On April27, 2009, Obama’s staff (possibly at his direction) ordered AirForce One to make an unnecessary, very low flight over part ofManhattan and the Statue of Liberty, which many residentsmistakenly assumed must be a second 9/11 attack in progress; itturned out that it was just a stunt to get a photo op of Obama’splane next to the Statue of Liberty. •Obama somehow managed toinsert mentions of himself into the official biographies ofearlier presidents on the White House Web site — even presidentsfrom the 19th century. After public outcry, the narcissisticObama mentions were quietly removed without comment.•Intentionally misquoted the Declaration of Independence inspeeches, often leaving out the words “by their Creator” in thefamous passage “…are endowed by their Creator with certainunalienable rights,” which Obama instead has recited as “…areendowed with certain unalienable rights.” (This has been used asproof that Obama is an atheist) •In June of 2009, Obama’sSolicitor General (and now Supreme Court Justice) Elena Kaganfiled a legal brief to prevent the families of 9/11 victims fromappealing their lawsuits against the Saudi royal family forfinancing the 9/11 attacks. •After winning the 2008 election butbefore being sworn in, Obama bombastically concocted theofficial-seeming “Office of the President-Elect” as if it wassome kind of real government department; in fact, it was just aself-congratulatory title he made up to look important before heactually became president. •Obama administration came up with thebizarre euphemism “man-caused disasters” to describe acts ofterrorism because he wanted to downplay terrorism as asignificant political issue. •For three years in a row hisofficial budget proposals to Congress received exactly zerovotes, not even a single vote from Democrats. •Since 2008 the LosAngeles Times has been in possession of a videotape showing Obamahonoring and praising anti-Western anti-Israel academic, EdwardSaïd, but they have steadfastly refused to release it to thisday, for no discernible reason other than their belief it woulddamage Obama’s reputation. •When the Organization for Securityand Co-operation in Europe recently held a conference on humanrights, Obama sent an Arab-American representative, Salam al-

Marayati, a Truther, who blamed Israel for the 9/11 attacks andwho also praises Hezbollah and Hamas. To the nations of Europe,al-Marayati spoke for “all Americans” on the topic of humanrights. •Obama’s Department of Homeland Security specificallywarned that Americans who are “dedicated to a single issue, suchas opposition to abortion or immigration” are potentialterrorists, as are libertarian-minded voters who “favor state orlocal authority” over centralized power. These “rightwingextremists” (who hold political beliefs shared by a majority ofAmericans) are deemed a greater threat to the nation than actualrevolutionaries or terrorists. •The Pigford scandal: AnAgriculture Department effort that started as an attempt tocompensate black farmers who had been discriminated against bythe agency but evolved into a gravy train delivering severalbillion dollars in cash to thousands of additional minority andfemale farmers who had never faced discrimination. • GSA gonewild: The General Services Administration in 2010 held an$823,000 training conference in Las Vegas, featuring a clown anda mind reader. Resulted in the resignation of the GSAadministrator. •Veterans Affairs in Disney World: The agencywasted more than $6 million on two conferences in Orlando. Anassistant secretary was fired. •Solyndra: Republicans charged theObama Administration funded and promoted its poster boy for greenenergy despite warning signs the company was headed forbankruptcy. The administration also allegedly pressed Solyndra todelay layoff announcements until after the 2010 midtermelections. •AKA Lisa Jackson: Former EPA Administrator LisaJackson used the name "Richard Windsor" when corresponding byemail with other government officials; drawing charges she wastrying to evade scrutiny. •AKPD not A-OK: The administration paidmillions to the former firm of then-White House adviser DavidAxelrod, AKPD Message and Media, to promote passage of Obamacare.Some questioned whether the firm was hired to help pay Axelrod $2million AKPD owed him. •Sestak, we'll take care of you: FormerWhite House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel used Bill Clinton as anintermediary to probe whether former Rep. Joe Sestak (D-Pa.)would accept a prominent, unpaid White House advisory position inexchange for dropping out of the 2010 primary against former Sen.Arlen Specter (D-Pa) •Sebelius violates the Hatch Act: A U.S.

special counsel determined that Sebelius violated the Hatch Actwhen she made “extemporaneous partisan remarks” during a speechin her official capacity last year. During the remarks, Sebeliuscalled for the election of the Democratic candidate for governorof North Carolina. •Influence peddling: An investigation isunderway of Alejandro Mayorkas, director of the U.S. Citizenshipand Immigration Services, who has been nominated by Obama for thenumber two post at the Department of Homeland Security. Mayorkasmay have used his position to unfairly obtain U.S. visas forforeign investors in a company run by Hillary Clinton’s brother,Anthony Rodman. Obama took the Presidential Oath, swearing topreserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the UnitedStates” but has done everything in his power to destroy theConsitution in the advancement of his Marxist agenda. Special Interests: •Vowed to end the influence of lobbyists inWashington, but under Obama’s watch their influence has onlyincreased.Stimulus Packages: •Doling out $800 billion in stimulus cash for“shovel-ready” jobs that didn’t exist — the money just evaporatedwith no measurable economic benefit or accountability.Taxes: •During the 2008 campaign, Obama repeatedly promised thatif he was elected “No family making less than $250,000 will seeany form of tax increase.” This promise was broken over and overagain once he was elected.Unemployment: •Unemployment at or above 8% for almost his entireterm in office (which was actually closer to 15% actualunemployment). Just recently it has come to light that Obama has“cooked the books” when reporting unemployment. One of thebiggest discrepancies is the fact they don’t report people whohave given up looking for work. During the election he reportedthat the unemployment had fallen to 7.9%. After the election theunemployment mysteriously rose to 9%. If Obama was being trutfulin his reporting the true unemployment would be closer to 23%.Voter Fraud •In both the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections,the Obama campaign purposely disabled the credit cardverification system for its Web site donations, allowing anyonefrom any foreign country to donate with no limit and no proof of

identity; in both elections it was demonstrated that peopleoverseas and people with obviously false identities were able todonate to the Obama campaign, in direct violation of severallaws. To this day it is not known what percentage of Obama’scampaign funds were illegally obtained, since there is nodocumentation. •When states tried to stop election fraud withvoter ID laws, Obama sued to prevent them from doing so. •heinstructed Attorney General Eric Holder to stonewall anyinvestigation into the voter intimidation case against the NewBlack Panthers. The New Black Panthers: The Justice Departmentwas accused of using a racial double standard in failing topursue a voter intimidation case against Black Panthers whoappeared to be menacing voters at a polling place in 2008 inPhiladelphia. The Black Panthers intimidated voters again in2012. The NAACP also was caught passing out free lunches topeople who would vote for Obama. Of course who can forget theObama phone and other goodies Obama used to buy votes?War Powers Act Violations: •Obama militarily intervened in Libyain 2011 without the Congressional approval required by the WarPowers Act — technically an impeachable offense. Waging war allby myself: Obama may have violated the Constitution and both theletter and the spirit of the War Powers Resolution by attackingLibya without Congressional approval. Welfare: •Increased the percentage of Americans dependent on foodstamps to unprecedented levels (now over 51% of the nation’spopulation). •Illegally ended the welfare-to-work requirementspassed by Congress during the Clinton administration.

With three-and-a-half years of Obama's second term remaining,there is no telling how many more scandals will erupt. However,it's important to note that many of these are not "scandals" inthe typical sense, but rather the machinations of an imperialpresident who seeks to "rule" over his "subjects," without theirconsent. Don't expect Obama to suddenly grow a conscience andconstrain himself, meaning this list is destined to grow larger.

We must realize that Obama is a narcissistic communist.Everything he does is for Obama. He doesn’t care one iota about

the American people, including his own Black race. He merelyuses people to advance his quest for power. He is the master ofthe saying, Lie, lie, and then deny.

And we‘re the Tali-Whackers.

Think of us as you’re the diseaseand we’re the cure!!!

It’s not becausehe’s black it’sbecause he’s


It’s interesting that peoplewho sign up for Obamacare haveto disclose more information

than Obama did to becomePresident

Lemon’s Top 10 List for you know you’re a communist:

10: If you like standing in long lines for breadand toilet paper

9. If you love Obamacare

8. If you love spying on your neighbors and reporting them for counterrevolutionary activities

7. If you love Big Brother NSA spying on you

6. If you have a burning desire to pay your fairshare of taxes

5. If you love spending other people’s money

4. If you blame Republicans, Christians, Jews, capitalism, the American male for all problems in the world.

3. If you are an environmentalist, anti-death penalty, pro-abortion, LGTB weenie, anti-capitalist, anti-American, pro-Al-Qaeda, climatechange, pro-socialist, and poverty pimp activist.

2. If you think Obama is the Black Messiah

1. If you think that Obama should become the first US dictator

When Obama wants to show peoplehe means business, he struts, and pouts, and crows.

But at the end of the day he isstill an incompete

When a rooster wants to show the hen house who’sboss, he struts, get his feathers ruffled, andcrows. But at the end of the day, the roosterfor all his blusters is still a chicken…just

like Obama.

Obama the

Recently there havebeen more Obamascandals: the VAscandal, the humantrafficking scandal, the Hamas scandal, theebola scandal, and Russian Economic Sanctionsscandal. Obama really doesn’t get it. He, likeso many narcissists, thinks he is so muchsmarter than those around him. Yet it’s been hispolicies that put the VA in the situation theyare in where veterans don’t feel they can trustthe VA, where veterans had died waiting monthsand years for appointments, and where corruptionhas infiltrated the VA system.

Some refer to Obama as the “Human Trafficker inChief.” Again it’s been his immigration policiesand his resistance to changes in immigrationthat have led to the increase in coyotesbringing illegal aliens in the US to overwhelmthe system. He uses children as human shields toblock criticism from his opponents. When theycriticize Obama he always plays the race card.

Obama has never liked Israel. He has doneeverything he can to allow Hamas and Hezbollahto destroy Istael. When hamas fires missiles outof the Gaza Strip and Israel defends itself,Obama defends the Palistinians and tells Israelto stand down.

Ebola is a dangerous disease. Yet there are somany others that kill more people than ebolaever has. This year ebola has killed 1,000people in three countries. Malaria, dysentery,and flu are all worse and widespread diseasesthan ebola. Like Obama has said many times,“never let a crisis go to waste;” even if it isa manufactured crisis for political expediency.

Finally, my favorite scandal, the US-Europeansanctions against Russia. Common sense wouldtell the rational person that imposing sanctionsagainst the largest country in the world thatwas self-sufficient during the Cold War is likeshooting a grizzley bear with a BB gun. It’sonly going to piss him off and then look out.Now Putin is continuing to assist the Ukraineand Moldovan insurgents. He has cut off oil andother exports to Europe. He has even stoppedimports from Europe and the US. So in the end,the sanctions will only hurt the ones imposingthe sanctions not the Russian bear.


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