On the Other Hand: Current Issues in and Meta-Analysis of the Behavioral Laterality of Hand Function in Nonhuman Primates W.C. McGREW 1,2 AND L.F. MARCHANT 1 1 Department of Sociology, Gerontology and Anthropology, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056 2 Department of Zoology, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056 KEY WORDS primates; laterality; handedness; hand preference; behavior; meta-analysis ABSTRACT The last decade has seen a resurgence of interest in laterality of function in primates, especially in hand use as it links to handedness and language in Homo sapiens. Manual lateralization of behavior in humans reflects asymmetry in cerebral structure, which must have evolved from nonhuman progenitors. To what extent is hand function lateralized in our nearest living relations? First, we address current issues of theory and methodology: statistics, measurement, variables, setting, sensory modality, and sample size. Specific topics include preference vs. performance, posture, bimanuality, inheritance, and arm asymmetry. We categorize the published literature in a descriptive, classificatory framework of five levels that range from Level 1, ambilaterality, to Level 5, human-like handedness. In a meta-analysis we put 241 published data-sets to a methodological test of seven criteria and code the 48 survivors onto the levels framework, by taxonomic grouping (prosimian, New World monkey, Old World monkey, ape, chimpanzee). Primates at Level 1 are mostly wild or naturalistic populations performing spontaneous species-typical behavior patterns. Most primates are at Levels 2 and 3, that is, individually lateralized to either side, especially on complex, demanding or practiced tasks, usually as devised in captive settings. Only chimpanzees show signs of population-level bias (Levels 4 and 5) to the right, but only in captivity and only incompletely. We conclude that nonhu- man primate hand function has not been shown to be lateralized at the species level—it is not the norm for any species, task, or setting, and so offers no easy model for the evolution of human handedness. Yrbk Phys Anthropol 40:201– 232, 1997. r 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc. Why should any organism be asymmetri- cal? More to the point, why should any primate use its left hand differently from its right? In a largely symmetrical world in which predators, prey, competitors, etc., are just as likely to come from one side as the other, a mobile organism can always reposi- tion or reorient itself and so retain the flexibility of using either or both of paired organs to act or to react. To put it another way round, why should any primate con- strain its manipulatory options by biasing its manual functions? This is the basic evolu- tionary question underlying all others, and the existence of any departure from symmet- ricality suggests that notable benefits must be gained via natural selection if it favors such a handicap. Alternatively, lateralized hand function may be merely a by-product of some other lateralized functioning, say, of the central nervous system, selected for on other grounds (Bradshaw and Rogers, 1993). The aim of this paper is to ask whether or not nonhuman primates show laterality of hand function, and if so, how and to what extent, and finally, if possible, why? YEARBOOK OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY 40:201–232 (1997) r 1997 WILEY-LISS, INC.

On the other hand: Current issues in and meta-analysis of the behavioural laterality of hand function in nonhuman primates

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On the Other Hand: Current Issues in and Meta-Analysis of theBehavioral Laterality of Hand Function in Nonhuman Primates


1Department of Sociology, Gerontology and Anthropology, MiamiUniversity, Oxford, Ohio 450562Department of Zoology, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio 45056

KEY WORDS primates; laterality; handedness; hand preference;behavior; meta-analysis

ABSTRACT The last decade has seen a resurgence of interest in lateralityof function in primates, especially in hand use as it links to handedness andlanguage in Homo sapiens. Manual lateralization of behavior in humansreflects asymmetry in cerebral structure, which must have evolved fromnonhuman progenitors. To what extent is hand function lateralized in ournearest living relations? First, we address current issues of theory andmethodology: statistics, measurement, variables, setting, sensory modality,and sample size. Specific topics include preference vs. performance, posture,bimanuality, inheritance, and arm asymmetry. We categorize the publishedliterature in a descriptive, classificatory framework of five levels that rangefrom Level 1, ambilaterality, to Level 5, human-like handedness. In ameta-analysis we put 241 published data-sets to a methodological test ofseven criteria and code the 48 survivors onto the levels framework, bytaxonomic grouping (prosimian, New World monkey, Old World monkey, ape,chimpanzee). Primates at Level 1 are mostly wild or naturalistic populationsperforming spontaneous species-typical behavior patterns. Most primates areat Levels 2 and 3, that is, individually lateralized to either side, especially oncomplex, demanding or practiced tasks, usually as devised in captive settings.Only chimpanzees show signs of population-level bias (Levels 4 and 5) to theright, but only in captivity and only incompletely. We conclude that nonhu-man primate hand function has not been shown to be lateralized at the specieslevel—it is not the norm for any species, task, or setting, and so offers no easymodel for the evolution of human handedness. Yrbk Phys Anthropol 40:201–232, 1997. r 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Why should any organism be asymmetri-cal? More to the point, why should anyprimate use its left hand differently from itsright? In a largely symmetrical world inwhich predators, prey, competitors, etc., arejust as likely to come from one side as theother, a mobile organism can always reposi-tion or reorient itself and so retain theflexibility of using either or both of pairedorgans to act or to react. To put it anotherway round, why should any primate con-strain its manipulatory options by biasingits manual functions? This is the basic evolu-

tionary question underlying all others, andthe existence of any departure from symmet-ricality suggests that notable benefits mustbe gained via natural selection if it favorssuch a handicap. Alternatively, lateralizedhand function may be merely a by-product ofsome other lateralized functioning, say, ofthe central nervous system, selected for onother grounds (Bradshaw and Rogers, 1993).

The aim of this paper is to ask whether ornot nonhuman primates show laterality ofhand function, and if so, how and to whatextent, and finally, if possible, why?



At the outset, it should also be made clearwhat this paper does not aim to do: It doesnot cover other sagittally paired organs, sothat eyedness, earedness, nostriledness,toothedness, breastedness, gonadedness,even footedness, are omitted. Some of thesehave been dealt with, occasionally in rela-tion to hand function (Cole, 1957; Hall andMayer, 1966; Hook-Costigan and Rogers,1995, 1998; Rogers et al., 1994), but theliterature is sparse. There is more publishedmaterial on hands than on all other pairedorgans combined.

Also, this paper says nothing about later-ality of function of unpaired organs (tail,tongue, head, mouth, etc., e.g. Hauser, 1993;Rogers et al., 1993; Hopkins and Bard, 1995)or of whole organisms, as in rotation (Dod-son et al., 1992; Roney and King, 1993;Westergaard and Suomi, 1996c) or orienta-tion (Casperd and Dunbar, 1996). Doubtlessthese are related topics, if for no otherreason than the sharing of a common cere-bral substrate, but space is too limited todevelop them here (see Ward and Hopkins,1993).

For similar reasons, this paper restrictsitself to nonhuman primates, however fasci-nating is the published literature on otherorders of mammals (e.g. Collins, 1975) or onother vertebrate classes (Bisazza et al., 1996;Harris, 1989). These taxa deserve scrutinyin their own right. Similarly, we eschewHomo sapiens, except when this anomalousspecies of primate is needed as a referencepoint, usually as an outlier. In the process,we ignore all extinct forms: hominid, homi-noid, anthropoid, etc., both paleontologicallyand archaeologically, even when the resultsor products of past behavior purport to giveus data on long gone laterality. (For synthe-sis, see Corballis, 1989; Bradshaw and Rog-ers, 1993; Falk, 1980, 1987.)

Most contrivedly, this paper concerns it-self with observable (behavioral) functionrather than neural structure; thus we avoidneuroanatomy, neurophysiology, and muchof neuropsychology. We are behavioral scien-tists (specifically, ethologists) trained tostudy whole, intact organisms, and do notpretend to be neuroscientists. We assumethat brain and behavior are inseparable, butthat elements of the complex can be studied

separately. If behavior is the way that brainsinteract with the world, then we choose tofocus on this interaction (function).

Finally, this paper draws upon publishedbooks, chapters, and journal articles. Itavoids popular pieces, conference presenta-tions, unpublished manuscripts, personalcommunications, abstracts, theses and dis-sertations, etc., unless absolutely necessary,on the grounds that such knowledge is incom-plete or not in the public domain. However,we acknowledge with apologies an English-language bias, which reflects our linguisticlimitations, not the quality of other re-search.

What remains to be covered here is acorpus of more than 230 sources, from whichunfolds: theoretical background, abiding is-sues of statistics, measurement and otheraspects of methodology, special topics ofcurrent interest, a framework for categoriz-ing results, taxonomic treatment of currentknowledge, and tentative conclusions.


Strictly speaking, there is no theory oflaterality of behavioral or neural function,in the sense that there is attachment theoryto explain parent-offspring relations (Bowlby,1979) or optimal foraging theory to explainfeeding (Krebs and Davies, 1997). That is,there is no inclusive formulation for whyprimates might be biased to one side oranother, either as individuals or as popula-tions. Instead, there are ‘‘models’’ of varyingpower.

MacNeilage et al.’s (1987; see also Mac-Neilage, 1991) ‘‘postural origins theory’’ is byfar the most ambitious and comprehensivesuch framework. They started with an ances-tral, arboreal primate that of necessity usedone hand (the right) more powerfully thanthe other in positional and locomotor behav-ior. By default, this left the other handavailable for visually guided reaching andgrasping, especially in predation. Later, withincreasing terrestriality and opportunity forbimanual activities, especially skillful objectmanipulation, the right hand was pre-adapted as a ‘‘versatile gripping device’’ andso was co-opted accordingly. From thisemerged a generalized right-sided bias forall hand use, as shown most clearly in


human beings. From the outset, MacNeilageet al. (1987, 1988, 1991) have invited empiri-cal testing and critical appraisal of theirideas, and more recently have sought toincorporate cerebral asymmetry and lan-guage function into a grander framework(MacNeilage, 1991, 1993). MacNeilage etal.’s challenging assertions have done morethan anything else to reawaken interest inprimate laterality over the last decade.

However impressive, MacNeilage et al.’smodel leaves three basic questions unan-swered: Why should the manual division oflabor have been visuo-spatial-left hand vs.manipulative-right hand instead of vice-versa? Why should primates be a specialcase among arboreal or manipulative mam-mals? Why should such lateralized adapta-tions occur on a species-level, rather thanindividually? Apart from these still-to-beresolved points, on the general issue ofwhether or not primates show lateralizedhand function, MacNeilage et al. (1991) areclear: They do.

The opposite viewpoint was emphaticallyreiterated by Warren (1977, 1980, 1987):Lateralization of hand use in primates iswholly ontogenetic, that is, learned over acourse of lifetime experiences, and is thustask- and situation-specific. Essentially, thismeans that individual primates remain un-lateralized tabula rasa in their behavioraloutput unless they are shaped otherwise byenvironmental forces. Methodology is thekey to understanding the conflicting data:‘‘. . .the appearance of handness [sic] in mon-keys is an artifact produced by the methodsthat have been used in chronic experiments’’(Warren, 1980, p. 354). By this is meant thatprotocols calling for thousands of repetitive,stereotyped trials result in automatic, over-practiced responses. Depending on reinforce-ment schedules, the result may be individu-als who respond ambilaterally or laterally(that is, hand preference or hand specializa-tion, see section on principles of laterality)but show no population-level laterality (thatis, task specialization or handedness) unlessthe salient features of the environment areskewed to produce equal effects on eachindividual in the population. In effect, War-ren’s viewpoint holds to the conservative

null hypothesis of no intrinsic differencesacross the sagittal plane.

Warren’s viewpoint makes hemisphericasymmetry and laterality of function inHomo sapiens a special case among pri-mates and other organisms. It is easilytested in the gross sense: A naive but stilllateralized population will falsify his nullhypothesis. More specifically, concordancesof laterality across different tasks or differ-ent sets of bilateral organs, or correspon-dences between hemispheric asymmetriesand contralateral hand functions, will like-wise count against his model. A priori, it ishard to reconcile long-known asymmetriesin the neural structure of nonhuman pri-mates with the assertion of no difference intheir function (Falk, 1987).

Fagot and Vauclair (1991) found a waythrough the horns of the dilemma by divid-ing hand function into two types: low-leveland high-level tasks. Low-level tasks com-prise grossly regulated, familiar, practiced,simple activities requiring undemanding cog-nitive processes. At the population level,subjects are expected to be symmetricallydistributed, with just as many favoring (orfailing to favor) the right hand as the left.Examples of low-level tasks are the routineacts of daily life, especially reaching for food.This, they termed handedness.

High-level tasks comprise novel, fine-tuned motor acts that are demanding bothspatio-temporally and in terms of complexcognition. At the population level, subjectsare expected to be asymmetrically distrib-uted, as a reflection of underlying cerebralhemispheric specialization, so that the ma-jority in any given group are biased to oneside or the other. Examples of high-leveltasks are superimposed task demands suchas unnatural postures or precise object ma-nipulation. This, they termed manual spe-cialization.

Although Fagot and Vauclair (1991) arecareful to point out that their dichotomy isreally a graded continuum, they do notprovide gradations. This is problematic be-cause each category is a multifactorial com-posite, that is, several variables are con-founded. What is one to do with a routinebut complex act like nutcracking in chimpan-zees? Or a novel but simple act like reaching


for food suspended overhead? How manytrials are needed before newly experimen-tally induced bipedalism becomes familiar?What to do about the same subjects testedrepeatedly, but each time on a new variant ofa task? Testing Fagot and Vauclair’s (1991)model requires being able to distinguishsuch tasks as high or low level.

Theoretical perspectives referred to so farare all of one type of asymmetry proposed byvan Valen (1962): Anti-symmetry, in whichcompetitive interaction between left andright sides results in bilateral differences.Another type, fluctuating asymmetry, couldin principle be involved in hand laterality,though so far as we know, it has never beeninvoked. Fluctuating asymmetry consists ofsmall deviations that arise from environmen-tal or genomic stress, and the individual’sability to survive such deviations provides adirect indicator of phenotypic quality. Traitsunder the influence of sexual selection areespecially strongly affected, in a variety ofanimal species, including humans (e.g.Swaddle and Cuthill, 1994; Gangestad et al.,1994), but the only applications of fluctuat-ing asymmetry theory to nonhuman pri-mates that we know of is to structure, notbehavior (Manning and Chamberlain, 1993,1994).

Other piecemeal attempts at a theory oflaterality for primates exist—Reynolds’s(1991) ‘‘triped theory’’ that considers thedominant hand to be an unpaired organ—but no single theory tackles even the mostbasic evolutionary question of all, which iswhy any organism should ever depart fromrandom symmetricality or why any set oforganisms should do so in concert. Mean-while, there is a multitude of humble, practi-cal issues to be faced up to dealing withlaterality of hand function (Ward, 1997a).


For an individual with sagittally pairedorgans, the null hypothesis is the simplestpossible: Use one or the other at random.That is, in probability terms, p 5 q 5 .50.Thus, a real departure from randomness is astatistically significant deviation from 50:50for left vs. right. Such a bias is usuallytermed asymmetrical for structures, such ascerebral hemispheres, or lateral for func-

tions, whether physiological or behavioral,such as hand use. (This applies whether onehand is used singly, or two hands are usedjointly, in obligatory complementary roles.Clearly, it does not apply when two handsare ‘‘yoked’’ in simultaneous, identical roles,as in doing push-ups.)

There is a third option, however, whendealing with populations of individuals, whomay be classified as 1) left-biased, 2) right-biased, or 3) unbiased. What then should bethe null hypothesis? A few laterality studies(e.g. Deuel and Schaffer, 1987; Parr et al.,1997) have assigned each category a prob-ability of .33, but none has presented arationale for what seems to be an arbitraryscheme. One line of argument might be toassume that hand use is normally distrib-uted and that any subject who is biased toleft or right beyond one standard deviationfrom the mean of 50 L:50 R is truly lateral-ized. This line of reasoning would yield anull hypothesis of 16 L:68 Unbiased:16 R.

Most studies that focus on laterality offunction ignore this issue, however, prefer-ring to test the ratio of left-sided to right-sided individuals remaining after having setaside ambilateral individuals. This can bemisleading when most members of a popula-tion are unlateralized, yet play no part inanalyses e.g. Fagot and Vauclair (1991, Table1).

Whether or not the data are drawn from anormally distributed population is one ofseveral criteria (usually assumptions) thatdetermine whether laterality researchersuse parametric or nonparametric statisticaltests (Siegel and Castellan, 1988). Typically,behavioral data seldom meet these strictcriteria, and so in general the less stringentnonparametric tests should be preferred onthe general principle of conservatism. Inpractice, published reports on lateralityrarely refer to such issues, although thereare admirable exceptions (e.g. Ward, 1995).Instead, some studies consistently use para-metric tests, or nonparametric tests, or alter-nate between them, or occasionally use bothon the same set of data. Given that manylaterality data are nominal (that is, a data-point constitutes an individual who is classi-fied as Left, Right, or Ambilateral), then thestatistical test must be nonparametric, e.g.


Binomial test. In general, it seems best tostick to nonparametric statistical tests, un-less the case is explicitly made to justifyparametric ones.

In behavioral research in general, two-tailed regions of rejection are preferred toone-tailed, on grounds of conservatism. Inlaterality research, this means that an hy-pothesis should be framed in terms of adifference from randomness, rather than interms of the direction of difference, unlessthere are compelling, independent reasonsfor predicting directionality. For example, ina study in which the independent variablewas cerebral asymmetry, one might justifi-ably predict bias in the hand function of thecontralateral limb. The same reasoningworks in reverse: When laterality of func-tion is the independent variable, then onecan reasonably predict corresponding asym-metry of structure. What is not acceptable inmost studies of nonhuman primates is to usethe human primate’s species-typical condi-tion to predict right-handedness in otherspecies, given that Homo sapiens is so aber-rant. Most studies of laterality of hand func-tion use two-tailed probabilities, but somedo not.

In choosing a level of significance (~), mostresearchers in laterality studies select .05 inseeking to avoid Type 1 errors, that is,rejecting the null hypothesis of randomnesswhen it is true (cf. Ward, 1995). (Only a fewstudies fail to specify the level of significanceused.) More recently, some studies haveadopted the more strict level of .01 (Millikenet al., 1989; Mason et al., 1995; Mittra et al.,1997). One reason for the latter is whenmany statistical tests are performed, forexample, if 10 subjects are tested on 10variables, yielding a total of 100 tests, thenat ~ 5 .05, on average, five results will bespurious, that is, Type 1 errors indicatinglaterality. This hazard of false-positive re-sults is seldom made explicit, but it is al-ways a potential problem (Siegel and Castel-lan, 1988).

The single-most vexing issue in lateralityresearch may be that of the independence ofdata-points (Martin and Bateson, 1993).That is, the occurrence of an event must notbias the chances of the occurrence of anotherequivalent event, if each is to be counted as a

separate data-point. Suppose we were inter-ested in the hand preferences of card dealersin a casino. We might record each cardplacement as a deck is dealt out, giving us 52ostensible data-points. Having watched fivedealers each make one such deal, what canwe conclude statistically about card dealing,the casino, or each dealer? Nothing. For carddealing in general, casinos are specializedcontexts with particular rules, so to drawany valid conclusions means collecting datafrom a wider range of contexts. This willhelp avoid within-group or ‘‘litter’’ effects(Martin and Bateson, 1993). For the casino,the apparent N (sample size) of 260 (5 3 52)events is actually an N of only five deals, andeven if all the card placements in all of thedeals were made by right or left hands, theseare not enough data to detect laterality(when N 5 5, x 5 0 exceptions, P 5 .06,two-tailed Binomial test). This invalid use ofmultiple measurements from single individu-als (i.e. 52 card placements from each dealer)is called the ‘‘pooling fallacy’’ (Machlis et al.,1985).

Finally, for similar reasons, we can saynothing with these data about the lateralityof the individual dealer, for instead of N 552, it is only N 5 1. (Of course, if in themiddle of a deal, say after placing 18 cards,the dealer puts down the deck of remainingcards, then scratches her nose, then picks upthe remaining 34 cards and completes thedeal, we might then have N 5 2 data-points,depending on what constitutes a satisfac-tory criterion of independence of consecutiveevents. This is not, strictly speaking, a statis-tical issue but is instead one of measure-ment, to be dealt with in the next section.) Inlaterality research, the analogous situationis often some variant on a single-cagedmonkey repeating trial after trial of reach-ing through the front of a cage to retrievesmall food-items, in blocks of 20–100 trials.

The general point is that the power of astatistical test increases with an increase insample size (N) (Siegel and Castellan, 1988).Consider a subject who did 67% of responseswith her left hand: For N 5 3, 2 Lefts vs. 1Right are too few data, even if the individualdoes perform twice as many acts with herleft hand. Even for N 5 30, with 20 Lefts vs.


10 Rights, z 5 1.64, for which P 5 .10,two-tailed, a no-difference result. But forN 5 300, so that 200 Lefts vs. 100 Rights,z 5 5.72, the chances of the left bias notbeing real are P 5 .00001. Clearly, lateralityresearchers must take great pains to avoidinflated sample sizes, but unfortunately thisis not always the case.

In summary, the ideal statistical treat-ment of laterality data involves using non-parametric tests, both within and acrosssubjects, that are two-tailed at a level of atleast P 5 .05, set against a realistic nullhypothesis. Special attention must be paidto sample size, avoiding invalidating infla-tion. Finally, all of the above details shouldbe presented in the published report, alongwith the raw data (R’s and L’s) on a subject-by-subject basis.


The most essential point in laterality re-search is when to consider an individual orpopulation to be lateralized, yet there is asurprising lack of consensus in criteria. Forsome researchers, a simple majority of re-sponses to one side by an individual (Hop-kins et al., 1993b) or of members of a popula-tion thus lateralized is enough (Lehman,1970). So, if 51% of the individuals in asample show 51% of their responses to oneside, laterality of hand function is proven atboth levels. A more stringent criterion is toset an arbitrary percentage threshold foreither or both problems, sometimes takinginto account a minimum number of re-sponses or individuals: .60%, King, 1995;.70%, Deuel and Dunlop, 1980; . 80%,Warren, 1953; .90% Gautrin and Ettlinger,1970. The only secure designation is toconsider an individual or population lateral-ized only if it departs significantly from50:50, based on appropriate statistical test-ing.

Alternative views abound: If all 10 indi-viduals show 51% of their hand use to theleft, then that population is weakly but trulylateralized (Binomial test, N 5 10, P 5 .002,two-tailed), even if no individual is lateral-ized. Further, since population-level lateral-ization is an abstraction, based on somearbitrary set of proportions, it may be ar-gued that it takes only one lateralized indi-

vidual in a population for that population tobe lateralized (Ward, 1991).

When an individual uses one hand repeat-edly to perform the same task, e.g. pickingup item after item from the floor, how is oneto decide if consecutive responses are inde-pendent of each other? In other words, howto distinguish events from bouts of events?(In the example given above, one uninter-rupted deal was one bout of 52 nonindepen-dent events.) Three sorts of criteria areusually used in laterality research: Tempo-ral, manipulative, or behavioral. The greaterthe interval between successive events, themore likely these are to be independent:Consider the difference between a pause of asecond, a minute, an hour, or a day. Suchtemporal demarcations, usually in seconds,are used in laterality research, but we knowof no empirical attempts to justify the inter-vals chosen. E.g. for Vauclair and Fagot’s(1987a) study of baboons, a pause of morethan 1 second was enough to count an act (5data-point) as occurring again.

Manipulative criteria are those in whichexperimenters facilitate or enforce changesin the context that break up the stream ofthe subject’s behavior. For example, placingthe objects to be picked up in differentlocations forces the individual to reach todifferent spots (Sanford and Ward, 1986).Requiring the subject to move to the otherside of the test-cage between trials helps topreclude stereotyped use of a manipulan-dum by a sedentary subject (Lehman, 1978).Distributing in space the objects to behandled by the subjects so that they have tochange postures or locations between re-sponses is another effective technique (Ol-son et al., 1990).

Many of these temporal and proceduralsafeguards have long been used in experi-mental psychological studies of laboratoryprimates, where perseveration effects andposition habits were recognized as inadver-tent by-products of research protocols(Lehman, 1991). However, with the rise ofmore observational or ethological methodsof data collection, in which subjects andsettings are less controlled, such problems ofsequential stereotyped responding may alsoemerge (Fagot and Vauclair, 1991).


The clearest safeguard in establishing in-dependence of behavioral data-points is whena different behavioral pattern performed bythe same hand intervenes between two in-stances of the same pattern. For example, ifa monkey plucks a fruit, then scratchesherself, then plucks another fruit, all withthe same hand, we have good reason tocount the two plucks as independent events(McGrew and Marchant, 1992; Panger,1997). (Of course, consistently interviewingbehavioral patterns can themselves besources of complicating bias!) Another wayof insuring the same result is to count onlythe first response in a string of the samepattern, until the subject of study eitherchanges hands or changes patterns (Boesch,1991; Westergaard and Suomi, 1996a). Asafe and straightforward solution is to takeonly one datum per day per subject (Hop-kins, 1994).

To reiterate the danger of inflated N’s,consider the following hypothetical example:An ape performs 56% of his self-scratcheswith his right hand and 44% with his left. Ishe lateralized? With N 5 50 instances, thatis, 28 R vs. 22 L, he is clearly unlateralized,since z 5 0.71, P 5 .24. However, if N 5 500,that is, 280 R vs. 220 L, then the difference ishighly statistically significant: z 5 2.64, P 5.008.

Except for Ward’s (1995) group studyingprosimians, few studies of laterality reportformal reliability testing of single (intra-) ormultiple (inter-) scorers or observers (cf.Hopkins, 1994). Presumably this is becauseof the simple discrimination (left vs. right)and the basic behavior of hand use recorded:Most studies report some variation of anindividual’s reaching to pick up and retrievea small object. However, even this is noteasy: MacNeilage et al. (1987) proposed adescriptive classification of six different kindsof reaches: Simple, complex, expose-and-reach, stabilize-and-reach, retrieve-and-reach, manipulate-and-reach.

Issues of validity (that is, the extent towhich a variable actually reflects the phe-nomenon it purports to measure) are an-other matter, however. The single most com-mon task used in laterality research, pickingup a small item from a smooth, horizontalsurface, rarely occurs in nature. Presum-

ably, primate hands were not subject tonatural selection for such tasks, and anyproficiency at them is more reflective ofhuman protocols than of evolved abilities:‘‘Picking things up from a flat surface is farmore difficult for a primate than grabbingwhat swings in mid-air’’ (Bishop, 1964, p.222). Instead, primate foraging usually in-volves extracting, processing, or pursuingfood, whether plucking a berry, stripping apith, or snatching at an insect. Naturaltasks are rarely feasible in captivity but canbe ingeniously simulated: King and Landau(1993) had squirrel monkeys capture freelyswimming goldfish from containers as big astubs; Butler et al. (1995) tied sheaves ofbamboo stalks to upright structures in anenclosure, then recorded the species-typicalfood processing of gentle lemurs.

Ethologists have long stressed the valueof recording spontaneously exhibited, specifi-cally and explicitly defined, and descrip-tively labeled behavioral categories, prefer-ably in exhaustive and inclusive repertoires,or ethograms (Martin and Bateson, 1993).This is tedious and time-consuming but hasbeen done in studies of hand use in primates(Marchant and McGrew, 1996). Sometimes,even greater precision is needed: Byrne andByrne (1991, 1993) broke down four pat-terns of plant food processing done by moun-tain gorillas, showing that only at the levelof component subunits was laterality cru-cially expressed.

Questions of ecological validity also emergewhen captive primates are induced to per-form acts that they rarely or never show innature. For example, bipedal stance (seebelow) enhances chimpanzee laterality ofhand use in cages (Hopkins, 1993), yet wildchimpanzees rarely go bipedal in nature(Doran, 1993; Hunt, 1992). The baselinecondition for studies of gibbons and orangu-tans is on the ground or floor, that is, terres-trial (Olson et al., 1990), but in nature theseAsian apes are almost exclusively arboreal(MacKinnon, 1974; Hunt, 1996).

Gross, composite categories of hand useare convenient to record but may yield confu-sion: Dimond and Harries (1984) recorded ageneral category called ‘‘face touch’’ thatranged from scratching to burying the facein the hands. They claimed to have found


species differences in this easily recordedbut functionally confounded category, butSuarez and Gallup (1986) failed to replicatetheir results. Aruguete et al. (1992) recordedface touching (but excluded scratching) insquirrel monkeys and chimpanzees, butfound no laterality in either species. Rogersand Kaplan (1996), studying releasedBornean orangutans, broke down face touch-ing into three subcategories, only two ofwhich were lateralized. It seems likely thatthese conflicting results may stem from re-cording different behavioral patterns undera general rubric, e.g. self-grooming may welldiffer functionally from displacementscratching or from slapping at insects, yetall could result in the face being touched.


Early studies of hand laterality some-times failed to specify the type of primateinvolved (Franz, 1913; Warren, 1958; Et-tlinger et al., 1968), but modern studiesalmost always work on the level of species(cf. Yuanye et al., 1988). Few studies specifysubspecies (Gijzen, 1972; Rogers and Kaplan,1996; Stafford et al., 1993), but little re-search on laterality has tested subspecies asa discriminative independent variable (cf.Groves and Humphrey, 1973). Occasionally,researchers work at the level of genus, lump-ing two or more congeneric species: Hylo-bates (Stafford et al., 1990), Lemur (Ma-sataka, 1989; Ward et al., 1990), Cebus(Masataka, 1990), Macaca (Hatta and Koike,1991). Few studies have focused on closelyrelated species as the sole independent vari-able while holding all others constant, butLehman (1978, 1980) found no differencebetween Macaca mulatta and M. irus inreaching to pick up fruit.

More worrying is when taxon is con-founded with other variables, especially ma-jor ones such as captive vs. wild (see below).Almost all studies of captive capuchin mon-key laterality have been done on Cebusapella (Anderson et al., 1996; Fragaszy andMitchell, 1990; Limongelli et al., 1994; Parret al., 1997; Westergaard and Suomi, 1993a),while the only field work on the genus so farhas been on C. capucinus (Panger, 1997).Similarly at the level of subspecies, apart

from one early study (Gijzen, 1972), allcaptive laterality research on gorillas hasbeen done on the western lowland gorilla,Gorilla g. gorilla (Annett and Annett, 1991;Fagot and Vauclair, 1988a; Heestand, 1986;Manning and Chamberlain, 1990; Olson etal., 1990; Shafer, 1993), while the only handlaterality research done in nature has beenon mountain gorillas, G.g. beringei (Byrneand Byrne, 1991, 1993).

Certain taxa of primates have been ne-glected in hand laterality research. Amongthe prosimians, we know of no studies onindri (Indriidae), lepilemurs (Lepilemuri-dae), or tarsiers (Tarsiidae), presumably be-cause of low numbers in captivity and diffi-culty of access in nature. Among New Worldmonkeys, we know of no studies of owlmonkeys (Aotinae), or sakis (Pithecinae),and only one of ateline monkeys (Laska,1996b, on spider monkeys, Ateles geoffroyi).Of the Cercopithecinae, Old World monkeys,we know of no published results on any ofthe following genera: Allenopithecus, Man-drillus, or Miopithecus. Of the eight generaof colobine monkeys, only two, Presbytis andRhinopithecus, seem to have been studied(Yuanye et al., 1988; Mittra et al., 1997).

In summary, investigators of laterality inprimates should be as precise as possible,preferably to subspecies, in identifying theirsubjects, and efforts to fill the taxonomicgaps should be undertaken.


Early studies of behavioral laterality,mostly on macaques, focused on immaturesubjects, at least as can be inferred from lowbody-weights (Lehman, 1970; Warren, 1977).This raises the problem of false-negative(Type-2 error) results, if immature neuro-muscular development means not-yet-later-alized performance (MacNeilage et al., 1987).Most studies of the ontogeny of laterality ofbehavior in primates show increased lateral-ization with age, at least up to adulthood,although most such studies are cross-sec-tional (Ward et al., 1990; Stafford et al.,1990; Hopkins and Leavens, 1997) ratherthan longitudinal (Bard et al., 1990; Hop-kins, 1995b; Hopkins and Bard, 1993a).However, other studies suggest the opposite:Immatures may be more rigid (one-sided) in


their hand use while adults may be moreflexible (McGrew and Marchant, 1992; Boe-sch, 1991). Finally, some studies have foundno correlation between hand laterality andage, however large the sample (N 5 116female Japanese macaques, Takeda, 1994;N 5 18 Guinea baboons, Vauclair and Fagot,1987a; N 5 67 rhesus macaques, Brooker etal., 1981). We know of no studies of thestability or deterioration of laterality withsenescence.

More recent studies tend to limit theirdata to adult subjects, on the grounds ofhomogenous, completed maturation (Mittraet al., 1997), or attempt to cover the entirelifespan, by observing infants as soon asthey achieve motor independence through toold age (Takeda, 1994; Marchant and Mc-Grew, 1996; Hopkins and Leavens, 1997).

The ideal study has sufficient numbers ofsubjects throughout the age range to enablestatistically valid comparisons across ageclasses. Even better would be longitudinalstudies from birth that would enable ontoge-netic progress, such as the effects of caretak-ers’ laterality, to be tracked from the outset.


Sex (or gender) as the major independentvariable has played little part in studies oflaterality of function, perhaps because ex-cept for genitals, the two sexes share thesame set of paired organs. Therefore, apriori, there is no reason to expect sexdifferences, when arguing from structure tofunction. There may be nonhuman primatecounterparts in brain structure to the sexdifferences reported for Homo sapiens, andsome researchers of nonhuman primate lat-erality have sought to explain their findingsin terms of human sex differences in brainand behavior, e.g. Milliken et al. (1989),Ward et al. (1990).

Most studies with large numbers of sub-jects matched on other variables have failedto find sex differences in bimanual handlaterality (Byrne and Byrne, 1993, N 5 28mountain gorillas; Colell et al., 1995b, N 524 chimpanzees; Hopkins, 1994, N 5 140chimpanzees).

Fewer studies have found sex differences:Shafer (1993) for 43 captive gorillas, foundmore males than females to be lateralized

overall to the right. For 19 captive gibbons,Stafford et al. (1990) found females to bemore lateralized and to show a greater pro-pensity for right hand use as they aged thanmales. Hopkins and Leavens (1997) re-ported similar results for 115 captive chim-panzees. For 194 lemurs of 6 species, malesof all age groups showed a clear left-handbias, but females did not (Ward et al., 1990).

A conspicuous functional difference be-tween the sexes concerns mammary glands.Since only females lactate, any hand userelated to suckling might emerge as a sexdifference in laterality. The most extensive(N 5 52) study showed the cradling of chim-panzees and gorillas to be lateralized to theleft, and of orangutans and gibbons to beunlateralized (Manning et al., 1994). How-ever, their measure was not of the mother’sdifferential hand use, but of the position ofthe infant’s head on the left or right side ofthe mother’s chest. More intensive studieswith multiple measures, including maternalholding of the infant, have found no lateral-ity in mother-infant pairs of chimpanzees(Hopkins et al., 1993a; Dienske et al., 1995).Rhesus monkey mothers show no differencebetween the hands in cradling or retrieval,but use their left hands more often to carrytheir infants (Tomaszycki et al., 1997). Wehave found no other evidence of lateralizedcradling in other species of primates, butHatta and Koike (1991) found that seven ofeight macaque (Macaca spp.) mothers usedtheir left hands to retrieve their infants inresponse to an alarming stimulus.

Sex is an easy variable to record, andgiven that sex differences in hand use inHomo sapiens are well-known, it bears atten-tion, even in the absence of theoretical expec-tations.


Behavioral laterality of hand function wasfirst studied in the laboratory (Franz, 1913;Kounin, 1938; Finch, 1941) and only later inthe wild, usually as a by-product of anoverall field study (Schaller, 1963; Nishida,1973). However, the purported artificial vs.natural dichotomy is actually a continuum:from solitary laboratory cage, to group-housed enclosure in a zoo, to naturalisticisland in a safari park, to released or rehabili-


tated co-existence, to natural habitat.Clearly, a multitude of variables accountsfor the differences between these settings; afew that co-vary with the above continuumand that might specifically affect lateralityof function (but likely not symmetry of struc-ture) are: amount of space and externalstimuli available, interaction with humans,extent of asymmetrical environment. Toelaborate: subjects that cannot climb areunlikely to develop a stronger limb for tripe-dal positional support; subjects deprived oflarge objects are unlikely to develop comple-mentary bimanual handling skills; subjectsraised by right-handed human caretakersare likely to acquire right-handed biases;subjects living in asymmetrical cages arelikely to show corresponding laterality. Weknow of no empirical studies of such poten-tial effects in primates, although these areknown in other species (Collins, 1975).

Instead, careful experimenters havesought to control for such potential effectswhenever possible: by presenting stimuli inthe subject’s midline (Hopkins and Bennett,1994), by alternating hands when offeringstimuli to subjects (Lehman, 1968), by re-cording data from the same subjects in differ-ent settings (Marchant, 1983; Fagot andVauclair, 1988b; Vauclair and Fagot, 1987a).

No study has compared the behaviorallaterality of the same individuals in captiv-ity vs. in the wild, although in principle thiscould be done with prerelease vs. postre-lease data in rehabilitation projects (Rogersand Kaplan, 1993, 1996). Instead, Shafer(1987) showed that most of 27 captive-borngorillas were lateralized for hand use whiletheir 20 wild-born counterparts were not.Hopkins (1994) found that 60 mother-rearedchimpanzees were more lateralized thanwere 80 chimpanzees reared by humans in anursery from their first month.

In general, the more natural the setting,the more valid the results are likely to be, onthe principle that an organism’s perfor-mance will be more representative withcloser approximation to the environment ofevolutionary adaptedness. If nature is essen-tially symmetrical, at least to a mobile organ-ism, then powerful forces of natural selec-tion would be needed to produce laterality.

Sensory modality

Most studies of hand use in primates focuson the visual modality, that is, eye-handcoordination leads to visually guided move-ment, at least when there is a target object.So predominant is the sense of vision that itsfunction usually is assumed, but in prin-ciple, hand use could be prompted or guidedby any modality: sound, smell, or touch.(However, only with the haptic sense doesthe hand act both as a sensory organ oftouch as well as a motor organ.) In practice,only the tactile or haptic modality has beeninvestigated: Hoerster and Ettlinger (1985),summarizing a battery of research on rhe-sus monkeys in the laboratory, found that 77left-biased individuals reached a tactile cri-terion faster than did 78 right-biased coun-terparts. Fagot et al. (1991) compared rhe-sus monkeys on five tasks of visual or hapticstimuli, e.g. extracting unseen peanuts froma matrix of pebbles, and found a strongerbias in the tactile tasks. Parr et al. (1997)studied 22 capuchin monkeys in similartasks of extractive foraging, and also tookaccount of posture. All studies found greaterleft-sided lateralization in tactual as com-pared with visual tasks.

We know of no studies in which othersensory modalities influenced hand use, al-though there are many direct studies oflateralized function of bilateral paired sen-sory organs (e.g. Hauser and Andersson,1994).

Sample size

The single most vexing methodologicalissue is also the simplest one: how manysubjects or measures or instances should bestudied? More is surely better, but howmuch is enough? On statistical grounds, aminimum of six cases are needed to producea statistically significant result (Binomialtest, P , .05, two-tailed). Thus, if six of sixsubjects are biased to one side, we canconsider that population lateralized (or eightof eight at P , .01). Larger samples areneeded if the sample is to be subdivided, forexample into males and females: if all fourmales are more lateralized than all fourfemales, then a sex difference exists (Mann-Whitney U test, U 5 0, P 5 .028, two-tailed).


Since laterality effects are rarely all-or-nothing, larger samples are usually needed.

For subjects, the range of numbers perpublished study is from one, usually casestudies of exceptional individuals (Cunning-ham et al., 1989), to 140 chimpanzees (Hop-kins, 1994) to 277 rhesus monkeys (Hauseret al., 1991). Sometimes, numbers of sub-jects are limited by availability: Mason et al.(1995) studied all 15 sifakas (Propithecusverreauxi coquereli) in captivity outside ofMadagascar. For the rare aye-aye, Dauben-tonia madagascariensis, parallel studies onboth sides of the Atlantic yielded a total ofonly 11 subjects available in captivity (Feist-ner et al., 1994; Milliken, 1995). In a meta-analysis of 78 published studies of lateralityin apes, the modal number of subjects wasone, and the median was 3.5 (Marchant andMcGrew, 1991), but recent studies havetended to be more ambitious.

For measures (or tasks or variables),Marchant and McGrew (1991) found thatthe modal number of measures was one, andthe median was three, in 68 studies of apes.In the most extensive studies done in labora-tories, Welles (1976) used 31 measures ofprehension for seven species of primates,and Beck and Barton (1972) used 17 tasks ofmanipulation for 10 stumptailed macaques,Macaca speciosa. In the wild, Marchant andMcGrew (1996) recorded 43 categories in anethological study of the chimpanzees ofGombe, and 50 categories for the same spe-cies at Mahale (unpublished data), but manyof these behavioral patterns occurred toorarely for comprehensive statistical analy-ses.

For trials (or events), there is much varia-tion, particularly in observational studies ofspontaneous behavior, as opposed to sched-uled blocks of trials in laboratory experi-ments. In 44 studies of apes for which datawere available, the ‘‘average’’ number oftrials per subject per task was 113, but therange was from 10 to 900 (Marchant andMcGrew, 1991). The most prolific study byfar was Shafer’s (1987), who recorded 53,750acts in 10 categories from 47 gorillas in fivezoos! Eating accounted for 20,156 instances,as the most frequent category, but the result-ing data-points are unlikely to be indepen-dent.

For sample size, whether of subjects, mea-sures, or trials, more is better, especially incomplex, multivariate analyses. Much of the(earlier) published literature is bedeviled byconfusing, small-sample-size effects.

SPECIAL TOPICSPreference vs. performance

Laterality of function may be manifest interms of preference (frequency) or perfor-mance (proficiency), with the former beingfar more often investigated. The formeryields a variety of derived measures, apartfrom the basic ratio of Left:Right. For ex-ample, Hopkins (1994) used a handednessindex (HI) in order to map all degrees of biason a single scale from 0 (100% left) to 1(100% right) and an absolute handednessindex (ABS-HI) that represents overallstrength of bias from 0 (no bias) to 1 (100%bias). Other authors have used variations onthe same indicators (Fagot et al., 1991), butall are variants on how many times the twohands are used.

Measures of performance take three mainforms: rate of success, rate of failure, orproductivity. We might expect natural selec-tion to have favored more lateralized indi-viduals if they had greater numbers of suc-cessful responses per unit time, fewer errorsper unit time, or higher payoffs per re-sponse. In terms of individual hand use, wewould expect the preferred hand to be moresuccessful and productive and to make fewererrors.

In experimental settings: Fragaszy andMitchell (1990) for capuchin monkeysshowed that the preferred hand was quickerin a box-opening task, when level of diffi-culty was taken into account. Right-prefer-ent rhesus monkeys were faster to reachcriterion and showed shorter latencies inusing a joystick than were their left-prefer-ent colleagues (Hopkins et al., 1992). Rigam-onti et al. (1997) showed in pigtailed ma-caques both types of effects in a simulatedforaging task of removing embedded foodpellets: the preferred hand made fewer er-rors, whether it was the left or right; the lefthand was quicker than the right, whether itwas preferred or not. Cottontop tamarinsreaching to get food-items from a movingturntable were more accurate with their


preferred hand, and the more lateralizedindividuals made fewer errors (King, 1995).For apes, Marchant and Steklis (1986) foundthat chimpanzees’ left and right hands dif-fered on bar pressing rates, but this was notcorrelated with other measures of handed-ness.

In observational studies: Butler et al.(1995) found that for gentle lemurs (Hapale-mur griseus), bamboo processing patterns inforaging were done more quickly with thepreferred pattern, on an individual basis.Squirrel monkeys reaching to capture livegoldfish from a pool showed a negative corre-lation between strength of hand preferenceand error rate: the more lateralized individu-als got more fish (King, 1995).

The only systematic study of performancedone in nature showed that wild chimpan-zees exclusively committed to one hand inusing tools to fish for termites were moreefficient than were individuals who usedeither hand (McGrew and Marchant, 1997a):They got more termites per withdrawal ofthe probe, on average.


Of necessity, laterality of hand function isrelated to posture, because, with rare excep-tions, a limb providing postural support isnot available to do anything else. Obligatequadrupeds such as ungulates must manipu-late food with their mouths, as no limbs arefree to do otherwise. A biped, whose weightis supported solely by its two hindlimbs, hasa true choice of using either forelimb toperform a one-handed task. When posturalsupport must be at least tripedal, as in mostarboreal positions, then the organism mustchoose which forelimb, left or right, to de-ploy for support vs. other functions. Clearly,bimanual hand use is only possible in anupright posture, when both hands are free ofsupporting roles. This is presumably whymost object manipulation by primates isdone while sitting, which is the overwhelm-ingly predominant posture for hominoid pri-mates (Hunt, 1996). All of this is merely thebasic ecology of biomechanics, but it is rarelymade explicit in studies of laterality.

Homo sapiens is an anomaly among pri-mates with its habitual, unassisted, up-right, bipedal posture both in stance and

locomotion. Other primates typically standbipedal only occasionally, either by squat-ting or by rising upright with assistancefrom one or both forelimbs. This manifestsanother variant of tripedalism or quadrupe-dalism, the issue being not what proportionof the body-weight rests on which limbs, butrather which limbs are committed to sup-port and so are unavailable for other activi-ties. Humans are the only primates forwhom bipedal locomotion is the norm, andsome primates, e.g. gibbon, sifaka, indri,travel bipedally on the ground only abnor-mally, when unnaturally forced to descendfrom their arboreal environment of evolution-ary adaptedness. Orangutans being rehabili-tated back into the wild by humans readilytravel bipedally, but their wild counterpartsare not seen to do so (MacKinnon, 1974, p.38).

Posture was rarely mentioned in handlaterality research until after MacNeilage etal.’s (1987) article appeared, presumablybecause experimental studies typically testedsedentary subjects seated or standing terres-trially. Since then, more and more studieshave incorporated posture as an indepen-dent variable, either by recording its sponta-neous performance (Diamond and McGrew,1994) or by inducing it (Anderson et al.,1996; Olson et al., 1990; Roney and King,1993). Some studies have facilitated therepertoire of natural postures (e.g. verticalclimbing) by manipulating settings or stimuli(King, 1995), while others have elicited un-natural posture by repeatedly rewardingsubjects for standing bipedally to get food(Hopkins, 1993; de Vleeschouwer et al.,1995).

Bipedal posture (usually assisted, e.g. byclinging to the mesh of a cage front) has beenfound to enhance lateralization of hand use,as compared with the same individuals’ re-sponses while sitting (usually squatting) orstanding tripedally or quadrupedally on thefloor (Hopkins, 1993; Larson et al., 1989).Other studies have found no differences inlaterality of hand function across postures,either across all recorded behavior (Dodsonet al., 1992) or across some measures but notothers (Diamond and McGrew, 1994). Onestudy found a reverse effect: rhesus mon-keys were significantly lateralized to the left


when standing quadrupedally but were notbiased when standing bipedally (Wester-gaard et al., 1997a).

Rarely, however, do studies simultaneouslyrecord what the ‘‘other’’ hand was doingwhile the operative hand performs a one-handed task. Was the other hand availableas an option, or was it committed to someother function, such as postural support?Aruguete et al. (1992) studying 27 captivechimpanzees recorded data on hand lateral-ity only when both hands were ‘‘free,’’ that is,available to be used. Marchant and McGrew(1996) found for wild chimpanzees that onehand was idle in only 10% of bouts of manualactivity; in all other cases, both hands wereactive or the other hand provided support.

The most common postures in the activityrepertoires of primates are those of resting(sit, recline, lie) in which the torso and notthe limbs absorbs most of the body’s weight,leaving some or all of the limbs free (Hunt,1996). We know of no study of laterality ofhand function that has looked at such pos-tures even minimally, much less exhaus-tively.

In the ideal study of hand laterality inprimates, posture is recorded as an indepen-dent variable, and all forms of posturesshown are clearly defined, including otherpoints of support for the body. (An atelinemonkey can hang suspended from only itsprehensile tail, leaving all four limbs avail-able for other uses!) When other than qua-drupedal posture is exhibited, then the useof all limbs, not just the one doing a task,should be noted.


Most studies of laterality of hand functionfocus on one-handed tasks and ignore whatthe other hand is (or is not) doing. Whentwo-handed tasks occur, these take fourforms: 1) both hands operate simultaneouslyand identically on the same object, e.g. achimpanzee double-slaps the ground withopen palms; 2) both hands operate alter-nately, but identically, e.g. a gorilla beats itschest; 3) both hands operate simultaneouslybut complementarily on the same object, e.g.one hand holds a fruit while the other handgouges out its contents; 4) both hands oper-ate simultaneously but do different tasks,

e.g. one hand holds a fruit while the otherhand self-grooms.

For the first type, no laterality is possible,as by definition the act is symmetrical, oryoked. (Vauclair and Fagot, 1987a, calledthese bilateral bimanual activities.) The sec-ond type occurs rarely in primates, e.g.drumming in chimpanzees, althoughSchaller (1963) found that the right handwas used to start sequences of chest-beatingin mountain gorillas. The big exception,however, is locomotory gaits, i.e. when limbsare repeatedly moved in sequence. Somestudies have looked at the ‘‘leading limb,’’ i.e.the one that leads off a bout of locomotion,but this often is unspecified as either arm orleg (Heestand, 1986; Hopkins et al., 1993c)or is specified as the leading leg (Marchantand McGrew, 1996). There are few studies inprimates of the leading hand used to graspthe substrate in initiating climbing, brachia-tion, etc. (Heestand, 1986; Stafford et al.,1990).

The third type has received the mostattention. Hopkins (1995a) called it coordi-nated bimanual activity because the twohands work together to accomplish one goal(but this definition would also apply to types1 and 2). In a monumental study of 110captive chimpanzees, Hopkins (1995a) re-ported population-level laterality when theapes used their index fingers to extractpeanut butter from a plastic tube held in theother hand. In such cases, the hand perform-ing the more gross, less skilled component,often with some form of power grip, is termedthe subordinate hand, while the dominanthand is the one doing the finer, more skillfulcomponent, often with a precision grip. Innature, this type rarely occurs in eating butoccurs most often in grooming (Marchantand McGrew, 1996).

The fourth type has rarely been systemati-cally studied. Marchant and McGrew (1996)found that most bouts of eating by wildchimpanzees consisted of the diner consum-ing one food item held in the dominant handwhile the subordinate hand held other, yet-to-be eaten foodstuffs. For the same behav-ioral pattern in 140 captive chimpanzees,Hopkins (1994) showed a right-side bias foreating and a left-side bias for holding, withadults more lateralized than subadults.


It should be clear that bimanuality instudies of laterality of function requiresexplicit and precise operational definition ofthe roles of each hand: Sometimes the sametask can be solved either unimanually orbimanually (Fagot and Vauclair, 1988a, low-land gorillas; Fagot and Vauclair, 1988b,Guinea baboons; Hopkins and Rabinowitz,1997). Given that some primates are quadru-manous, the same care should be takenwhen hand and foot, or the two feet, act inconcert.


In Homo sapiens, handedness is geneti-cally influenced, as shown by twin and cross-fostering studies (McManus, 1991). Onlyone such study has been done with nonhu-man primates (Hopkins, 1997); instead in-vestigators have sought to see if laterality ofhand function follows family lines. Successhas been limited: failure to find concordancein hand laterality between parents and off-spring may sometimes have foundered be-cause only maternal and not paternal kin-ship was known (Brooker et al., 1981;Vauclair and Fagot, 1987a; Takeda, 1994).Hopkins (1997) compared full and half sib-lings (both maternal and paternal) raised bytheir mothers and by human surrogates inchimpanzees. He found strong concordancefor maternal but not paternal effects, regard-less of rearing condition.

The most exhaustive study of the heritabil-ity of hand preference was by Hopkins et al.(1993a) of 76 captive chimpanzees: theyfound both paternal and maternal effects onoffspring’s hand bias, and half-siblings alsomore closely resembled one another thanexpected by chance. This contrasts withByrne and Byrne’s (1991) study of wildmountain gorillas, in which mother-off-spring, father-offspring, and full-sibling pairsshowed no significant effects, and with West-ergaard and Suomi’s (1997) study of captivetufted capuchin monkeys, in which neithermother-offspring nor father-offspring effectsoccurred in extracting a grape from a tube.

The origins and determinants of lateralitycould most easily be done by comparing thecorrelations between same-sex dizygotic vs.monozygotic twins in the Callitrichidae, as-suming all other things being equal. Matoba

et al. (1991) found for common marmosetsthat laterality in reaching for food by off-spring was significantly correlated withmothers’ but not with fathers’ laterality.Since both parents share in the caretakingof offspring, the obvious candidate explana-tion that maternal nurturing influenceshould be predominate, seems insufficient(cf. Hopkins, 1997).

With the availability of DNA typing toelucidate genetic kinship, more studies ofthe nature and nurture of laterality of func-tion may be able to resolve such conflicts inresults.

Arm asymmetry

The simplest explanation for laterality ofhand function may be upper limb asymme-try of structure, as found in Homo sapiens(MacNeilage et al., 1987). Putting aside thevexing problem of chicken-and-egg, there islittle published evidence comparing the massor dimensions of muscles and bones in theleft and right arms of nonhuman primates.Dhall and Singh (1977) claimed to find rightlimb dominance in the weights of forelimbmuscle and bones in 12 rhesus macaques,but none of the results holds up to statisticalscrutiny. However, Falk et al. (1988) foundsignificant right-biased differences in somedimensions of the humerus and ulna in 150rhesus monkeys. Helmkamp and Falk (1990)found few left-right differences in the fore-limb bones of 137 rhesus monkeys, but all ofthem favored the right side. In none of thesestudies was the functional laterality of thesubjects known.

Morbeck et al. (1994) compared dimen-sions, weights, and mineralization acrossarm bones in 11 wild chimpanzees; most ofthe 51 comparisons yielded no difference,but of the five statistically significant differ-ences found, all favored the right side. Six ofthe individuals were lateralized for termitefishing (McGrew and Marchant, 1992), butthere was no relation between the limbpreferred for this task and upper limb asym-metry. This is not surprising, given thattermite fishing is a seasonal, low-impactactivity, reliant more on skill than onstrength.

How to account for an apparent right biasin structure, when there is no corresponding


bias in the behavioral data from the samespecies (rhesus macaques, Warren, 1980) orpopulation (Gombe chimpanzees, Marchantand McGrew, 1996)? We suggest that theappropriate variables have yet to be re-corded, e.g. the predominant limb providingpostural support while arboreal (as hypoth-esized by Dhall and Singh, 1977; see alsoMacNeilage et al., 1987).


Laterality of function for sagittally pairedorgans means biased use—a real differencebetween left and right. (This differs fromlateralized use of midline organs, e.g. tongue,or of the whole body, e.g. turning, neither ofwhich is covered here.) However simple thesituation, confusion has emerged in terminol-ogy; the following gives a simple scheme toclarify matters:

Hand preference is when an individualshows bias on a single task or measure ordependent variable (MacNeilage et al., 1987,p. 248). This is the most basic kind of casestudy, but is rarely done any more on only asingle subject.

Hand specialization is when an individualshows bias across a range of tasks. Ideally,such a battery of measures is exhaustive(includes everything the organism might dowith its hands) and exclusive (anything theorganism does with its hands falls into onlyone category). In practice, the range of tasksshould be representative of the range ofhand function, e.g. from gross to fine motorskill.

Task specialization is when a set of indi-viduals shows a collective bias on a singletask. This produces a group or population(or species) effect. This is the most commontype of study, usually with a set of subjectspicking up small, detached food-items, but itneed not generalize to other tasks.

Handedness is thus reserved for when aset of individuals shows a collective bias on atelling battery of tasks (MacNeilage et al.,1987). Thus, the key is the distribution ofleft-, right-, and non-biased (ambilateral)individuals, with the (usually unstated) ex-pectation of concordance across measures.Such handedness measures are the norm forstudies of Homo sapiens, usually in the form

of checklists or inventories (McMeekan andLishman, 1975).

Thus, the ideal study of hand laterality inprimates consistently and clearly uses asystematic framework of classification andlabelling. Even the simplest criterion, ofwhat constitutes laterality, is made explicit.The ideal study goes beyond ‘‘bean-counting’’of L’s and R’s to look at function throughmultiple measures of performance on evolu-tionarily meaningful tasks.


A prerequisite to explaining a phenom-enon is being clear about what there is to beexplained. As is evident from the abovesection, even the most basic aspects of later-ality of hand function are not yet clear: Areany nonhuman primates surely lateralized?In this sense, hypothetico-deductive models(see above) are premature, or are compro-mised by circularity, that is, tests of theory-driven predictions are likely to fail, if thepredictions are based on faulty findings. Putmost starkly, we do not need to explainlaterality of hand function if it does notactually exist.

With few exceptions, previous attempts tomake sense of the burgeoning literaturehave ignored or downplayed many method-ological issues or have cited selectively frompublished knowledge. Exhaustive meta-analyses have been done only rarely (e.g.Fagot and Vauclair, 1991; Marchant andMcGrew, 1991; Hopkins and Morris, 1993;McGrew and Marchant, 1996, 1997b). Morecritical synthesis is needed.

Here we provide a simple classificatoryframework (not a theoretical model) intowhich all data on laterality of hand functioncan be fitted. It is atheoretical and atempo-ral, and speaks to all three models outlinedabove (MacNeilage et al. 1987; Warren, 1980;Fagot and Vauclair, 1991), in that it ispopulation-based. Each individual counts asa data-point, classified as one of five types;the set of these points makes a distribution.(For earlier versions of the framework, seeMcGrew and Marchant, 1996, 1997b.)

Table 1 presents the scheme. Consider anhypothetical population of 20 individual pri-mates, each of which has been measured ona task of laterality. With sufficient data,


each subject can be classified as: AlwaysLeft-preferent (uses left hand every time),Significantly Left-preferent (uses left handsignificantly more often than right hand),Ambi-preferent (ratio of left to right handusages does not differ from 50:50 or ran-dom), Significantly Right-preferent (usesright hand significantly more than left hand),and Always Right-preferent (uses right handevery time). The Binomial test can be usedto assign each subject to one of these fivecategories; thus the scheme includes allsubjects measured and not just those thatare lateralized.

We consider that five types of distributionare the minimal number needed to illumi-nate the possibilities raised by current dataand theory:

Level 1 is when the majority of individualsare ambipreferent and the minority of indi-viduals are lateralized to either side to vary-ing degrees. Such a population is unlateral-ized, and in the idealized case, as set out onTable 1, all individuals behave randomlywith regard to sagittal bilateral symmetry.(In practice, this is unlikely to occur, if for noother reason than with ~ 5 .05, 1 in 20statistical calculations will produce a spuri-ous, false positive result; see above.) Level 1is assumed to be the baseline condition fromwhich all ontogenetic and phylogenetic bi-ases emerge; it exemplifies the null hypoth-esis. It is the core of Warren’s (1980) model,at least until biasing factors shape individu-als to one side or the other.

Level 2 is when most of the subjects aresignificantly but incompletely (not 100%)lateralized, but their collective distributionto left vs. right does not depart from random-ness. In the clearest case, all subjects arelateralized (none is ambipreferent) but notcompletely so. The population is symmetri-cal in terms of overall distribution. Thiscorresponds to Fagot and Vauclair’s (1991)

low-level handedness (although they did notdistinguish between usually and always lat-eralized subjects). In Warren’s (1987) terms,these are individuals who have evolved non-random responding to one side or the otherthrough perseveration or over-practice inunbiased test settings.

Level 3 is when most subjects use only onehand for a task, but their distribution to leftvs. right remains random. In the clearestcase, all subjects are completely lateralized,that is, exclusively committed to one hand orthe other, but the population’s distributionremains symmetrical overall. None of theexisting models explicitly sets apart suchextreme lateralization, but Level 3 can beconsidered the logical extensions of the statesdescribed by Fagot and Vauclair and byWarren for Level 2.

Level 4 is when the majority of individualsare significantly but incompletely lateral-ized, and when their distribution is signifi-cantly skewed to (a) the left, or (b) the right.In the clearest case, all subjects are lateral-ized to one side or the other. Thus, theoverall distribution of individuals in thepopulation is asymmetrical. This corre-sponds to Fagot and Vauclair’s manual spe-cialization for high-level tasks, and to War-ren’s state in which subjects have beenshaped by extrinsic forces to one side or theother. It reflects MacNeilage et al.’s (1987)characterization of population-level left-biasfor visually guided reaching and right-biasfor skilled object manipulation or for gener-alized right-handedness.

Level 5 is when the majority of individualsare completely lateralized, and when theirdistribution is significantly skewed to (a) theleft or (b) the right. In the clearest case, allsubjects always use the same hand, so thepopulation’s distribution is maximally asym-metrical. As with Level 3, none of the exist-ing models remarks on such exclusive

TABLE 1. Five levels of laterality of hand function: Hypothetical distribution of 20 individuals

Level Always Left Significantly Left Ambi-Preferent Significantly Right Always Right

1 — — 20 — —2 — 10 — 10 —3 10 — — — 104a — 20 — — —b — — — 20 —

5a 20 — — — —b — — — — 20


manual commitment, but as Level 3 is thelogical extension of Level 2, so Level 5 is thelogical extension of Level 4, for all theoreti-cal viewpoints.

(Note that the five-level model is not se-quential; it is hard to imagine a five-stageevolutionary progression from Level 1 toLevel 5. Instead, from a Level 1 startingpoint, it is easier to envision two alternativesequences, one that goes to Level 2 and thenon to Level 3, or another that goes to Level 4and then on to Level 5.)

To what extent does reality match thisstylized scheme of levels? According to re-ceived wisdom in psychobiology, Homo sapi-ens is a Level 5b species: The vast majorityof us (ca. 90%) are said to be right-handedfor the vast majority of hand usages (Brad-shaw and Rogers, 1993; Annett, 1986). Thisis over simplication, for the latter variesfrom patterns in which each individual typi-cally uses only one hand for some acts (e.g.handwriting) but uses either hand for others(Marchant and McGrew, 1994; McGrew andMarchant, 1994). Also, such a classificationdoes not take account of cross-cultural differ-ences (Marchant et al., 1995).

The next section presents a comprehen-sive meta-analysis that seeks to classify allpublished data on hand laterality in nonhu-man primates into this five-level frame-work, providing certain criteria of qualitycontrol are met by the data-sets.


The following criteria were set for inclu-sion of a data-set in the meta-analysis,based on the issues raised above:

1) Explicit safeguard (of any sort) that seeksto ensure independence of data-points vs.absence of any such safeguard;

2) Majority of subjects apparently adultsvs. only minority of adults;

3) Enough (N H 6) data-points per subjectto allow subject to be categorized aslateralized by Binomial test (two-tailed,P , .05) or its equivalent vs. fewer data-points;

4) Sufficiently specifically-defined and eco-logically valid behavioral category (task)vs. general (e.g. touch self) or artificial(e.g. handle joystick) categories;

5) Raw or derived data provided to allowsubject to be classed as AL, SL, A, SR, orAR vs. absent or transformed data notamenable to this operation;

6) Species of subject vs. imprecise (e.g. mon-key) or general (e.g. macaque) identifica-tion;

7) Number of subjects in population is six orgreater vs. five or fewer, thus allowingbinomial testing of distribution of indi-viduals in the population.

No selective criteria were imposed on thegrounds of sex, kinship, setting, or numberof tasks.

A total of 241 data-sets were scrutinized,of which 193 were rejected on one or morecriteria as listed above. (A complete listing ofthe 241 studies, plus the grounds for omis-sion or inclusion for each, is available fromthe authors.)


We found 24 published studies of Strepsir-rhini that had data on behavioral lateralityof hand use. (Remarkably 16 of 24 camefrom one prolific research group, that ofWard, 1995, 1997b and her colleagues, whohave studied both African and Malagasy,nocturnal and diurnal prosimians.) Of these,12 met all seven criteria as detailed in theprevious section; of these the most frequentproblems were low sample sizes of subjectsor lack of individually reported data. Of theLemuriformes, five families (Indriidae,Daubentoniidae, Lemuridae, Cheirogalei-dae, Galagidae) but not Lepilemuridae weretested; we found no studies of Tarsiiformes.Table 2 lists the 12 studies of nine species bytask and by distribution of individuals, castin five levels or types of laterality of handfunction, as outlined above.

Only two studies showed ambilaterality tobe predominant, and both yielded observa-tional data on species-typical foraging activi-ties by aye-ayes (Daubentonia madagascar-iensis, Feistner et al., 1994) and gentlelemurs (Hapalemur griseus, Stafford et al.,1993). Although they were partly lateralizedindividually (Level 2), these two specialistfood-processors showed less marked lateral-ization than other species of prosimians.

The overwhelming consensus for strepsir-rhine hand function was significant but in-


complete lateralization on an individual ba-sis, but symmetrical distribution for thepopulation, i.e. Level 2. However, all mea-sures had to do with food, either acquiring orprocessing it, usually by taking it from acontainer, so the extent to which these datageneralize to other acts is yet unknown.Species differences emerged. Because Co-querel’s sifaka acquires food by mouth, themeasure for hand laterality had to be takingfood from the mouth for handling, ratherthan putting food to the mouth (Mason et al.,1995). Two studies elicited bipedal perfor-mance in taking food from a container butgot different results: Larson et al. (1989)found for 10 lesser bushbabies (Galago sen-egalensis) that bipedal posture facilitateduse of the dominant hand, but Dodson et al.(1992) found that induced postural adjust-ments had no effect on hand laterality in 16galagos (G. moholi) or eight mouse lemurs(Microcebus murinus).

Multiple studies of the ringtailed lemur(Lemur catta) raise the possibility of inter-

population differences. Three studies doneat the Duke University Primate Center showthe species to be consistently at Level 2,with a few individuals lateralized com-pletely to the left (Bennett et al., 1995;Ward, 1995; Ward et al., 1990). But a familyof 13 Lemur catta in the Memphis Zooshowed no clear distribution of individuals(Milliken et al., 1989).

The single Level 3 result, in which mostindividuals used only one hand or the other,was notable and aberrant (see above): nineof 13 gentle lemurs were completely lateral-ized for the simple reaching task of takingfood from a dish, while the same individualswere far less lateralized for food processing(Stafford et al., 1993).

The only result leading to population-levelbut partial laterality (Level 4) was of eightlesser bushbabies being offered (live?) meal-worms on the end of a rod; seven individualstook the prey significantly more often withtheir left hands (Sanford and Ward, 1986).

TABLE 2. Hand laterality in prosimians: Distribution of individuals, by species and task, over levels of laterality

Level Species Task N

Distribution of individuals


1 Daubentonia madagascar-iensis

Tap object (forage) 11 — 3 6 2 — Feistner et al., 1994

Feed with long finger 11 — 2 6 3 —Hapalemur griseus Grasp and pull stalk 11 — 3 8 — — Stafford et al., 1993

2 D. madagascariensis Hold object 11 — 3 5 3 — Feistner et al., 1994H. griseus Pull stalk (food proc.) 11 — 3 4 4 — Stafford et al., 1993

Rotate stalk (food proc.) 11 — 7 2 2 —Feed in (ingest) stalk 11 — 7 2 2 —

Propithecus verreauxi Take food from mouth 15 — 6 5 4 — Mason et al., 1995Otolemur garnetti Hold food 23 — 6 9 8 — Milliken et al., 1991

Manipulate food 23 — 7 9 7 —Take food from cup 23 1 6 3 13 —

Lemur macaco Take food from pan 33 1 19 1 12 — Forsythe and Ward,1988

Microcebus murinus Take food from cup(half bip.)

8 — 3 1 4 — Dodson et al., 1992

Galago moholi Take food from tube(half bip.)

16 1 4 0 11 —

G. senegalensis Take food from cup(half bip.)

10 — 7 — 3 — Larson et al., 1989

L. catta Take/pick up food 21 2 7 3 8 — Ward et al., 1990L. catta Hold/eat chow 21 4 5 2 10 — Bennett et al., 1995

Hold/eat fruit 21 6 4 3 6 2L. catta Take food from box 13 3 4 3 — 3 Milliken et al., 1989

Pick up and peel food 13 5 2 4 2 —3 H. griseus Take food from dish 13 6 2 — 2 3 Stafford et al., 19934 G. senegalensis Take food from rod 8 — 7 1 — — Sanford and Ward,


N 5 number of subjects; AL 5 Always Left 5 uses left hand 100%; SL 5 Significantly Left 5 uses left hand significantly more often;A 5 Ambilateral 5 uses each hand equally often; SR 5 Significantly Right 5 uses right hand significantly more often; AR 5 AlwaysRight 5 uses right hand 100%.Bold-face numbers refer to predominant categories (see text). For explanation of levels, see text.


We found no data at Level 5 for anystrepsirrhine primates, i.e. no population inwhich most individuals were 100% commit-ted to the same hand.

Overwhelmingly, at least for the limitedrange of food handling tasks so far studied,prosimians show Level 2 laterality. In anygiven population, most individuals are sig-nificantly but incompletely committed toone hand or the other, but the population asa whole remains symmetrically distributed(cf. Bishop, 1964; Ward, 1995).

New World monkeys

We found 43 studies of Haplorrhini thatprovided published data on behavioral later-ality of hand use. Of these, only 19 met allseven criteria as outlined above; the mostfrequent problems that led to omission werelack of evidence of independent data pointsand lack of raw data to allow classification ofindividuals. These 19 studies were of onlysix species: Cebidae (Cebus apella, C. capuci-nus, Saimiri sciureus, Ateles geoffroyi) andCallitrichidae (Callithrix jacchus, Saguinusoedipus). Table 3 gives the results in termsof the five-level framework.

Few findings were at Level 1, ambilateral-ity, but almost all had to do with spontane-ous, everyday activities, especially from aquadrupedal posture. The only field study oflaterality, Panger’s (1997) of white-faced ca-puchins in Costa Rica, featured most promi-nently, reiterating the need for normativestudies of primate laterality in nature. Cot-tontop tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) ob-served ethologically in a naturalistic captivecolony were unlateralized for various ha-bitual acts, especially self-maintenance (Dia-mond and McGrew, 1994).

The majority of studies examined were atLevel 2 and involved manipulating fooditems or acquiring them from demandingcircumstances. The more challenging acqui-sitions entailed varieties of extraction ofembedded or elusive food-items, or of elic-ited, unusual postures, usually hanging ver-tically or assisted bipedalism. In three stud-ies (capuchins, Anderson et al., 1996;capuchins, Parr et al., 1997; squirrel mon-keys, Laska, 1996a) monkeys went fromLevel 1 to Level 2 when they changed from

quadrupedal foraging on the ground to ele-vated, more complex tasks requiring pos-tural reconfiguration. Such individual later-alization also included most cases of tool-use, all by Cebus apella: probing for honey(Anderson et al., 1996); sponging juice froma container (Westergaard and Suomi, 1993a)and hammering nuts with a stone (Wester-gaard and Suomi, 1993b).Afew tasks showedindications of more complete lateralizationby individuals, e.g. picking up fast-movingitems (common marmosets, Hook-Costiganand Rogers, 1995) or pounding or rubbingobjects on the substrate (Panger, 1997), butin both studies the number of subjects wassmall.

Only two studies recorded Level 3 findingsin which most individuals used only onehand or the other to do a task. Most (eight of13) tufted capuchins used one hand to ex-tract strawberry syrup from an elevatedtube that had to be climbed to be used(Anderson et al., 1996). In another popula-tion of the same species, 10 of 13 subjectsused metal bolts as probes to dip out syrupfrom a tube (Westergaard and Suomi, 1994;see also Westergaard et al., 1997b). There isno obvious difference between these tasksand several of those listed above in Table 2as Level 2 tasks.

Tasks that achieve Level 4 status wereheterogeneous. Some studies involved hap-tic tasks, that is, cases where the monkeyhad to extract an invisible food item, some-times from a matrix, using the sense oftouch for guidance (spider monkeys, Laska,1996b; brown capuchin monkeys, Parr et al.,1997). Other studies involved merely pick-ing up food-items, but while in a bipedalposture. The only study that entailed mak-ing and using stone tools, i.e. a cutting edgeto cut through a barrier, also falls here(tufted capuchins, Westergaard and Suomi,1996a). Laska’s (1996b) is the only pub-lished study of laterality in ateline monkeys,who are notably characterized by lacking athumb; whether this morphological con-straint elicits tendencies toward populationlevel asymmetry awaits further study. Fi-nally, the biases in the distribution of indi-viduals at Level 4 are to either side; there is


TABLE 3. Hand laterality in New World monkeys: Distribution of individuals, by species and task,over levels of laterality

Level Species Task N

Distribution of individuals


1 Saguinus oedipus Social groomSelf-groom







Diamond and McGrew, 1994a

Scratch self 20 — 1 18 1 —Hit another 18 — — 15 3 —Carry object 11 — — 7 2 2

Cebus capucinus Pick (up) food 51 — 2 45 4 — Panger, 1997a

Tap object (forage) 10 — — 10 — —Pick up food 14 — — 11 3 —Carry object 14 — — 12 2 —

C. apella Touch self 35 — — 32 3 — Westergaard et al., 1997ba

C. apella Pick up food 22 — 4 15 3 — Parr et al., 1997a

S. oedipus One-arm vert. suspension 28 — 9 13 6 — King, 1995a

C. apella Pick up food 13 — 2 8 3 — Anderson et al., 1996a

C. apella Pick out food 35 — 3 22 10 — Westergaard et al., 1997ba

Saimiri sciureus Touch own faceScratch own body







Aruguete et al., 1992a

S. sciureus Pick up food 12 — 3 6 3 — Laska, 1996aa

2 S. oedipus Spont. grasp object 30 — 5 13 12 — King, 1995a

C. apella Pick up food 28 — 8 13 7 — Westergaard et al., 1997ca

S. oedipus Take food (quad.)Take food while vert. cling






— Roney and King, 1993a

Callithrix jacchus Hold/eat food 17 — 9 2 6 — Hook-Costigan and Rogers,1998a

S. oedipus Take food while suspended 20 — 10 5 5 — King, 1995a

C. jacchus Hold/eat foodPick up slow-moving food







Hook-Costigan and Rogers,1995

Take food through hole 8 — 6 1 1 —C. apella Hang and pick up food

Take food from tube1313






Anderson et al., 1996a

Probe for honey (tool) 10 — 5 1 4 —Probe for honey (bipedal) 10 — 6 1 3 —Take liquid from tube 13 — 6 1 4 2Take food from tube (bip.) 13 — 6 1 5 1

C. apella Take food from container‘‘Sponge’’ up juice (tool)







Westergaard and Suomi, 1993a

C. apella Hammer nuts (tool) 14 1 7 2 3 1 Westergaard and Suomi, 1993bS. sciureus Take food from ring (bip.) 12 1 5 2 4 — Laska, 1996aa

Take hidden food (bip.) 12 1 4 1 6 —Take food from tube (bip.) 12 2 4 — 3 3

S. sciureus Take food (quad.)Take food while vert. cling







Roney and King, 1993a

S. sciureus Take food while vert. cling 16 — 3 3 9 1 King and Landau, 1993a

Take food from slot (quad.) 30 — 10 5 14 1Take food from slot (bip.) 30 2 7 8 12 1

C. apella Take food from pipe 34 1 13 5 11 4 Westergaard and Suomi, 1996ca

C. apella Take food from tube 44 5 12 9 14 4 Westergaard and Suomi, 1996ba

C. apella Take food from basket (bip.) 22 — 10 9 3 — Parr et al., 1997a

Take hidden food from box 22 — 9 11 2 —S. sciureus Touch environment 13 — 7 — 6 — Aruguete et al., 1992a

C. jacchus Hang and pick up foodGrasp swinging object







Hook-Costigan and Rogers,1995

Pick up fast-moving food 8 3 — 2 3 —C. capucinus Non-food object on substrate 6 1 1 1 1 2 Panger, 1997a

S. oedipus Take food from moving platform 22 2 7 5 6 2 King, 1995a

Take food from static platf. 22 3 7 2 6 63 C. apella Take liquid from tube (bip.) 13 3 3 1 1 5 Anderson et al., 1996a

C. apella Probe liquid from tube (tool) 13 7 1 — 2 3 Westergaard and Suomi, 1994C. apella Probe liquid from tube (tool) 18 1 6 2 1 8 Westergaard and Suomi, 1997

4 C. apella Cut barrier with stone (tool)Strike stone on substrate







Westergaard and Suomi, 1996a

C. apella Pick up food (bipedal) 28 — 6 5 16 1 Westergaard et al., 1997ca

S. oedipus Hold objectPick up object







Diamond and McGrew, 1994a

S. sciureus Grasp fish in bowlGrasp fish in pool







King and Landau, 1993a

C. apella Take hidden, matrixed food 22 — 13 6 3 — Parr et al., 1997a

Take hidden food from water 22 — 15 2 5 —Ateles geoffroyi Pick up food 13 3 6 3 — 1 Laska, 1996ba

Pick up food (bipedal) 13 1 9 2 — 1Take hidden food (bip.) 13 3 8 — 1 1

N 5 number of subjects; AL 5 Always Left 5 uses left hand 100%; SL 5 Significantly Left 5 uses left hand significantly more often;A 5 Ambilateral 5 uses each hand equally often; SR 5 Significantly Right 5 uses right hand significantly more often; AR 5 AlwaysRight 5 uses right hand 100%.a Supplementary data supplied by authors.Bold-face numbers refer to predominant categories (see text). For explanation of levels, see text.

no consensus across results to either Level4a (left) or 4b (right).

We found no evidence of Level 5 perfor-mance, i.e. population-level, exclusively one-sided hand use, in haplorhine monkeys.

As for prosimians, most studies of NewWorld monkeys showed Level 2 results, withthe majority of subjects individually (but notcompletely) lateralized for a given task (cf.Hook-Costigan and Rogers, 1997). Unlikeprosimians, New World monkeys showedmuch more heterogeneity, especially overLevels 1 and 4, although fewer species (sixvs. nine) were studied.

Old World monkeys

For catarrhine monkeys, 90 studies withdata on hand laterality were found andscrutinized. Most were laboratory studies ofmacaques (Macaca spp.) and 51 were pub-lished before 1987, making them on averagemuch older than studies of other taxa. More-over, 31 publications came from just threeresearch groups, those of Ettlinger (e.g.1988), Lehman (e.g. 1993) and Warren (e.g.1980). All of these laboratories were paradig-matically committed to blocked training andtesting of large numbers of subjects in rigor-ous experimental settings, often on somevariant of the Wisconsin General Test Appa-ratus (WGTA). Only one ‘‘modern’’ researchgroup on Old World monkeys rivals thisconcentration, that of Vauclair and Fagot(1993), working primarily on Guinea ba-boons (Papio papio), but also on other spe-cies and in various settings.

Few studies fulfilled the criteria set outabove; only seven met all 11 criteria. Severalolder studies did not even specify the speciesbeing studied, and many tested only (moretractable?) immature subjects. Many pro-vided only summary statistics for the groupas a whole, instead of supplying individualdata, but the most common problem in morethan two-thirds of reports was the lack ofany mention of attention to independence ofdata points. With blocks of many repetitivetrials that could lead to inflated N’s forstatistical testing, this raised genuine prob-lems. (It might be argued that the standardWGTAprotocols ensure independence of eachtrial, e.g. when the vertical panel descendsto shield the experimenter’s rebaiting of the

food-well, but this says nothing about themonkey’s behavior. The subject may sit stillwith hand poised for the next responsethroughout the predictable, stereotyped se-quence.) Finally, many studies of the neuro-psychology of hand laterality in rhesus ma-caques (Macaca mulatta) involved thetraining of hand preferences in subjects,often prior to selective cerebral ablation (e.g.Ettlinger et al., 1968); such data are hard toclassify in the present framework, althoughno study was omitted on the grounds of thefourth criteria alone.

The seven studies that met all criteriawere atypical, not only for Old World mon-keys, but for all studies of hand laterality inprimates. Four were of wild populations,plus two in seminatural, large enclosures(Fagot et al., 1991; Vauclair and Fagot,1987a), leaving only two done in traditionaltest settings (Westergaard and Suomi, 1996b;Rigamonti et al., 1997). (See Table 4.)

Level 1 results are the most common:Mittra et al. (1997) found wild commonlangurs (Presbytis entellus) in a Nepaleseforest to be unlateralized on a range of socialand maintenance activities. Vauclair andFagot (1987a) combined all hand move-ments into a single category in observationsof enclosure-living Guinea baboons, Papiopapio; most were unlateralized. Wild butprovisioned Japanese macaques (Macaca fus-cata) on Koshima Island carried sweet pota-toes to the water for washing; most wereunlateralized for the task (Watanabe andKawai, 1993). The same monkeys were alsomostly unlateralized for picking up foodfrom the ground (Tokuda, 1969).

Level 2 laterality appears in the KoshimaIsland monkeys for the more challengingtask of carrying handfuls of wheat grains(Watanabe and Kawai, 1993), and in extrac-tive foraging: Taking tiny, embedded foodpellets from a matrix by captive pigtailedmacaques (M. nemestrina) (Rigamonti et al.,1997) and taking food from a tube by rhesusmacaques (Westergaard and Suomi, 1996a).However, it also emerged for the simple taskof picking up grain from the ground byGuinea baboons (Vauclair and Fagot, 1987b).

Only two Level 3 results emerged: Inarguably the most skillful motor task shownby free-ranging primates, most Koshima


Island monkeys used one hand exclusivelyto catch on the fly, sweet potatoes thrown tothem (Kawai, 1967). The remainder mostlyused both hands. Similarly demanding wasan artificial task in which rhesus macaquesused a joystick to control an on-screen cur-sor—every one of 35 individuals used onlyone hand to do so (Hopkins et al., 1992).

Level 4a laterality predominated in anartificial foraging task requiring touch ratherthan vision: rhesus macaques reached withleft hands into a box to extract peanuts fromsand and pebbles, while hanging from themesh of an outdoor enclosure (Fagot et al.,1991). Bafflingly, it also emerged in simplereaching by rhesus monkeys to pick up fooditems from the floor (Westergaard et al., 1997a).

In summary, as with New World monkeys,Old World monkeys showed increased indi-vidual laterality with increased demands onthe motor skills of handling objects, but theonly population level result emerged from an-other sensory modality, when haptic ratherthan visual stimuli informed the working hand.


Studies of hand laterality in apes haverisen dramatically in the last decade: 67%

(58 of 86) studies have been published since1987. Many were directly stimulated byMacNeilage et al.’s (1987) pointing out thatapes had been largely ignored in hand later-ality research.

Of the 86 published data papers, 18 metthe criteria for coding in the meta-analysis.By far the biggest problem was in the sev-enth criterion, in that 40 studies lacked theminimum of six or more subjects. The secondmost common problem, mostly in older re-search, was no mention of taking steps toensure the independence of data points (Sha-fer, 1997). All genera of apes were coded, butsome species of gibbons (Hylobates spp.)have yet to be studied. Chimpanzees (Pantroglodytes) represent almost half of thedata sets, so they are presented in a sepa-rate table (Table 6). Since on average fewerapes than monkeys are found in laborato-ries, the ape data present a higher propor-tion of studies of free-ranging subjects thando the other taxa.

Table 5 gives the distribution of individu-als by task for three species of lesser apes(Hylobates concolor, H. lar, H. syndactylus)and four types of great apes (lowland gorilla,Gorilla g. gorilla; mountain gorilla, G.g.

TABLE 4. Hand laterality in Old World monkeys: Distribution of individuals, by species and task,over levels of laterality

Level Species Task N

Distribution of individuals


1 Presbytis entellus Idle (inactive) 10 — — 10 — — Mittra et al., 1997a

Grasp and retrieve object 10 — 1 9 — —Hold object 10 — 1 8 1 —Groom self 8 — — 7 1 —Groom another 6 — — 5 1 —Pick up and eat food 10 — 3 6 1 —

Papio papio All free hand movements 18 — 2 11 5 — Vauclair and Fagot, 1987aMacaca fuscata Carry sweet potatoes 26 1 3 22 — — Watanabe and Kawai, 1993M. fuscata Pick up food from ground 41 4 5 29 2 1 Tokuda, 1969M. fuscata Social groom 108 4 15 74 14 1 Takeda, 1994a

2 M. mulatta Pick up food (bipedal) 27 — 9 7 11 1 Westergaard et al., 1997aa

M. fuscata Carry wheat grains 15 — 8 1 6 — Watanabe and Kawai, 1993M. nemestrina Extract food from hole 10 — 2 3 4 1 Rigamonti et al., 1997a

M. mulatta Take food from tube 55 3 11 15 22 4 Westergaard and Suomi,1996aa

P. papio Pick up food 11 — 2 2 6 1 Vauclair and Fagot, 1987ba

3 M. fuscata Catch thrown sweet potato 24 9 — 11 — 4 Kawai, 1967M. mulatta Joystick controls cursor 35 14 — — — 21 Hopkins et al., 1992a

4 M. mulatta Pick up food (quadrupedal) 28 2 14 8 4 — Westergaard et al., 1997aa

M. mulatta Take food from matrix inbox while hanging tripe-dally

29 1 20 4 4 — Fagot et al., 1991

N 5 number of subjects; AL 5 Always Left 5 uses left hand 100%; SL 5 Significantly Left 5 uses left hand significantly more often;A 5 Ambilateral 5 uses each hand equally often; SR 5 Significantly Right 5 uses right hand significantly more often; AR 5 AlwaysRight 5 uses right hand 100%.a Supplementary data supplied by authors.Bold-face numbers refer to predominant categories (see text). For explanation of levels, see text.


beringei; bonobo or pygmy chimpanzee, Panpaniscus; orangutan, Pongo pygmaeus).

Most activities at Level 1 were eithersimple picking up of food or basic positional

or postural behavior (Heestand, 1986). Bothstudies of bonobos also fall here, for a vari-ety of tasks, including gestures of communi-cation (Hopkins et al., 1993c; Hopkins and

TABLE 5. Hand laterality of apes (except chimpanzee): Distribution of individuals, by species and task,over levels of laterality

Level Species Task N

Distribution of individuals


1 Hylobates syndactylus Pick up food or object (pre-cision)

13 — — 13 — — Heestand, 1986

Pick up food or object(power)

13 — — 12 1 —

Hang suspended by arm 13 — 2 9 2 —Leading arm in climb 13 — — 7 6 —

Gorilla g. gorilla Pick up food or object (pre-cision)

29 — 2 23 4 —

Pick up food or object(power)

29 — 1 25 3 —

Leading arm in climb 29 — 1 20 4 —Pongo pygmaeus Pick up food or object (pre-

cision)8 — — 7 1 —

Pick up food or object(power)

8 — — 8 — —

Leading arm in climb 8 — — 8 — —Pan paniscus Carry food, object or infant 11 — 2 9 — — Hopkins et al., 1993c

Touch own head or face 11 — 1 9 1 —Touch own body 10 — 2 8 — —Communicative gesture 9 — 1 6 2 —Grasp food 11 — 1 8 2 —

P. paniscus Leading arm in locomotion 11 — — 6 5 — Hopkins and deWaal, 1995a

Carry food, object or infant 10 — 4 6 — —Touch own head or face 10 — 2 8 — —Touch own body 10 — — 8 2 —Pick up food 10 — 1 9 — —Leading arm in locomotion 10 — — 3 7 —

G.g. beringei Chest beat 6 — — 4 2 — Schaller, 19632 H. concolor Pick up food 7 — 1 3 3 — Stafford et al., 1990

H. syndactylus Pick up food 8 — 2 3 3 —P. pygmaeus Pick up food 12 — 3 5 4 — Olson et al., 1990

Pick off food from mesh 12 — 3 5 4 —G.g. gorilla Pick up food 12 — 2 5 5 —H. lar Pick up food 8 — 6 — 2 —P. pygmaeus Pick up food (quadrupedal) 9 — 3 4 2 — Hopkins, 1993

Pick up food (upright) 8 — 1 3 4G.g. gorilla Pick up food 10 — 3 4 3 — Fagot and Vauclair, 1988aH. lar Leading arm in brachiation 11 — 5 4 2 — Heestand, 1986P. pygmaeus Leading arm in walk-run 8 — 1 — 7 —G.g. beringei Procure nettle 38 1 9 10 16 2 Byrne and Byrne, 1993

Procure Galium 38 — 20 5 13 —Accumulate Galium 38 2 19 4 12 1Hold nettle 38 3 11 3 19 2Eat Galium 38 7 16 2 12 1Process Galium 38 8 13 3 13 1 Byrne and Byrne, 1991Eat nettle 38 11 11 1 7 8 Byrne and Byrne, 1993

3 G.g. beringei Process celery 38 11 7 5 3 12 Byrne and Byrne, 1991Process nettle 36 12 7 4 4 9

4 G.g. gorilla Pick off food from mesh 12 — 2 — 10 — Olson et al., 1990H. lar Pick off food from mesh 6 — 6 — — —H. lar Leading arm in walk-run 13 — 1 3 9 — Heestand, 1986G.g. gorilla Leading arm in walk-run 29 — 2 8 19 —

5 G.g. gorilla Extract food-sliding panel 8 5 2 — 1 — Fagot and Vauclair, 1988aG.g. beringei Process thistle leaf (fine

manip.)33 5 6 4 2 16 Byrne and Byrne, 1991

N 5 number of subjects; AL 5 Always Left 5 uses left hand 100%; SL 5 Significantly Left 5 uses left hand significantly more often;A 5 Ambilateral 5 uses each hand equally often; SR 5 Significantly Right 5 uses right hand significantly more often; AR 5 AlwaysRight 5 uses right hand 100%.a Supplementary data supplied by authors.Bold-face numbers refer to predominant categories (see text). For explanation of levels, see text.


de Waal, 1995). The first field data on handlaterality came from Schaller (1963) on chest-beating in male displays; although only twoof eight individuals were significantly later-alized, all eight more often started theirdisplays with the right hand (binomial, N 58, x 5 0, P 5 .008).

Most Level 2 findings are of picking upfood, usually from the substrate, but fromrelatively small samples of populations(Stafford et al., 1990; Olson et al., 1990;Hopkins, 1993; Fagot and Vauclair, 1988a).However, Byrne and Byrne’s (1991, 1993)monumental study of mountain gorillas pro-cessing terrestrial herbaceous vegetation forfood also mostly sits here.

However, such food processing gradatesinto Level 3 for two of those foods, nettle andwild celery. All of these tasks were sequen-tially contingent and bimanual, as the goril-las transformed the plant-parts to circum-vent the mechanical defenses of the foliage.

The two activities that show partial later-alization on a population scale (Level 4)were very different: Both white-handed gib-bons and lowland gorillas tended to lead offbouts of quadrupedal locomotion with theright hand (Heestand, 1986). The same twospecies showed lateralization for a form ofextractive foraging in captivity—picking offraisins affixed to cage mesh (Olson et al.,1990)— though they favored opposite handsto do so.

Only one clear Level 5 result emerged: inbimanual processing of spiny thistle leaves,16 of 33 mountain gorillas used only theirright hands to do the fine manipulation(Byrne and Byrne, 1991). Interestingly, anelegant but artificial bimanual task, slidinga panel to give access to a food-item, showeda similar pattern: five of eight captive low-land gorillas used only their left hand (Fagotand Vauclair, 1988a).

In summary, although the bulk of datafrom apes resembles that of other nonhu-man primates in being Level 1 or 2, thereare intriguing signs of population level later-ality at Levels 4 and 5, although not in thesame direction. Notably near-absent are dataat Level 3, the most extreme form of indi-vidual lateralization.


Pan troglodytes is unusual in that morestudies of hand laterality have been done innature than for any other species of nonhu-man primate. There are published data fromGombe (Marchant and McGrew, 1996) andMahale (Nishida, 1973; Nishida and Hi-raiwa, 1982) in Tanzania, Bossou in Guinea(Sugiyama et al., 1993; Matsuzawa, 1994,1996), and Tai in Ivory Coast (Boesch, 1991).(In contrast, there are no published data onhand laterality in wild bonobos, orangutansor lowland gorillas.) Chimpanzees are sec-ond only to rhesus monkeys in the number ofstudies done on hand laterality in nonhu-man primates. More than a third (23 of 62)of these studies of Pan troglodytes have beenby Hopkins (1996) and his colleagues, work-ing with the large captive colony at theYerkes Primate Research Center.

Most everyday, simple activities in free-ranging or semi-free-ranging (e.g. outdoorenclosures) chimpanzees are remarkably un-lateralized (see Table 6). Gombe’s apes leadlargely 50:50 lives, in terms of subsistence,self-maintenance, or socializing (Marchantand McGrew, 1996). Similar results held forzoos (Heestand, 1986; Steiner, 1990), and forchimpanzees on naturalistic islands (March-ant, 1983). Picking (up) food, whether at-tached (Sugiyama et al., 1993) or detached(Boesch, 1991; Tonooka and Matsuzawa,1995) is split between Levels 1 and 2 (seebelow). The most marginal activity is theonly tool use that qualifies as Level 1, throw-ing (Marchant, 1983), and it falls halfwaybetween Levels 1 and 2.

At Level 2, apart from more data onpicking up food (Hopkins, 1993; Colell et al.,1995a), the other two data-sets involved themanipulation of objects (Marchant, 1983;Steiner, 1990). An extensive data-set (N 536 individuals) on throwing sits just on theborderline between Levels 2 and 3: Abouthalf of the lateralized subjects are incom-pletely so, and half are completely commit-ted to one hand or the other (Hopkins et al.,1993b).

All data of Level 3 lateralization concerntool use by wild chimpanzees: using sticks orstones to crack open nuts on root or stone


anvils (Boesch, 1991; Sugiyama et al., 1993);using fruit fibre as a wadge to sponge upwater (Boesch, 1991); using flexible probesof vegetation (bark, grass, twig, vine, etc.) to‘‘fish’’ termites from their earthen mounds(McGrew and Marchant, 1996); using stonesor roots as anvils to smash open hard-shelled fruits (McGrew et al., 1997). Level 3is important: chimpanzees committed to onlyone hand (i.e. AL or AR) in termite fishingare more efficient than others who use eitherhand (i.e. SL, A, SR) (McGrew and March-ant, 1997a).

Level 4 data are much more heteroge-neous: like the other apes (see above), chim-panzees led off bouts of locomotion withtheir right arms (Heestand, 1986). Colell etal. (1995a) found right-sided tendencies intwo unusual patterns showed by BarcelonaZoo apes living in a water-moated enclosure:they scooped up drinking water in a cuppedhand and they made currents in the water toretrieve floating objects. Hopkins (1993)showed that upright chimpanzees pickingup food were lateralized to the right, whilethe same individuals showed no population-

TABLE 6. Hand laterality of chimpanzees: Distribution of individuals, by setting and task, over levels of laterality

Level Setting Task N

Distribution of individuals


1 Wild Pluck attached foodScratch self







Marchant and McGrew,1996a

Eat 35 — 1 31 3 —Social groom 31 — 1 28 2 —

Zoos Pick up food/object (preci-sion)







Heestand, 1986

Pick up food/object (power) 20 — — 14 6 —Leading arm in climb

Island Social groom 20 — 2 17 1 — Marchant, 1983Pick up and hold object 26 — 4 21 1 —Carry object 26 — 7 15 4 —Pick up and eat food 26 — 9 13 4 —

Wild Pick attached food 19 — 1 18 — — Sugiyama et al., 1993Wild Pick up food 20 1 2 13 3 1 Boesch, 1991

Social groom 15 — — 10 4 1Zoo Groom self 6 — 1 5 — — Steiner, 1990

Eat by hand 6 — 2 4 — —Hold object or other 7 — 2 4 1 —

Caged Touch own bodyTouch own face







Aruguete et al., 1992a

Touch environment 25 — 1 14 10 —Lab/Zoo Pick up food 80 2 20 42 16 — Tonooka and Matsuzawa,

1995Island Throw (tool) 18 — 4 9 5 — Marchant, 1983

2 Lab Pick up food (quadrupedal) 40 — 11 20 9 — Hopkins, 1993Zoo Manipulate object 7 — 4 1 2 — Steiner, 1990Island Pick up/touch food/object/

other26 — 11 5 10 — Marchant, 1983

Zoos Pick up food 31 — 10 6 15 — Colell et al., 1995aLab Throw (tool) 36 5 4 6 12 9 Hopkins et al., 1993ba

3 Wild Hammer nuts (tool) 41 8 10 5 8 10 Boesch, 1991Dip wadge (tool) 16 3 1 3 0 9

Wild Crack fruit on anvil 14 4 1 2 2 5 McGrew et al., 1997a

Wild Hammer nuts (tool) 13 5 — 1 2 5 Sugiyama et al., 1993Wild Fish for termites (tool) 36 12 4 9 5 6 McGrew and Marchant,


4 Zoos Drink from hand 9 1 — — 4 4 Colell et al., 1995aMake waves with hand 8 1 — — 4 3

Zoos Leading arm in walk-run 20 — 4 3 13 — Heestand, 1986Lab Eat while holding food 140 — 25 66 49 — Hopkins, 1994a

Lab Pick up food (upright) 40 — 5 13 22 — Hopkins, 1993

N 5 number of subjects; AL 5 Always Left 5 uses left hand 100%; SL 5 Significantly Left 5 uses left hand significantly more often;A 5 Ambilateral 5 uses each hand equally often; SR 5 Significantly Right 5 uses right hand significantly more often; AR 5 AlwaysRight 5 uses right hand 100%.a Supplementary data supplied by authors.Bold-face numbers refer to predominant categories (see text). For explanation of levels, see text.


level tendencies when quadrupedal. In asample of 140 apes eating with one handwhile the other hand held food, twice asmany (49 vs. 25) were lateralized to the rightas to the left (Hopkins, 1994).

No Level 5 results were found for chimpan-zees.

Overall, chimpanzees were largely unlat-eralized (Level 1), at least when observedethologically while engaged in spontaneous,species-typical acts, so long as these tasksdid not involve tools or more demanding,induced activities. The rightward shift fortasks in which both hands manipulatedobjects but each in different ways is notable(Hopkins, 1996), for this is not a frequentpattern in nature, except when eating(Marchant and McGrew, 1996). Similarly,the increase (from Level 2 to Level 4) inpopulation-level bias caused by postural re-configuration to assisted tripedality differsfrom that seen in other primates (cf. capu-chin monkeys, Anderson et al., 1996; squir-rel monkeys, Laska, 1996a), who went onlyfrom Level 1 to Level 2.


The biggest, simplest conclusion is thatthere is yet no compelling evidence thatnonhuman primates are lateralized at thepopulation level. That is, neither Level 4 norLevel 5 is the norm for any species, task, orsetting, much less in one consensual direc-tion, i.e. Level 4a and 5a vs. Level 4b and 5b.Instead, apart from the special case of chim-panzees (Table 6), all of the Level 4 findingsin Tables 2–5 look tentative. For example, itmay be that hands using tactile stimuli arelateralized to the left, and so reflect a right-hemisphere cerebral dominance or special-ization (e.g. Fagot et al., 1991; Parr et al.,1997), but that remains to be established.

As for Pan troglodytes, even if the Level 4bfindings are impressive (Hopkins 1993,1994), they represent but a fraction of thespecies repertoire, and more importantly,there are discrepancies between findingsfrom nature and from captivity. While cap-tive chimpanzees tend to eat from the righthand, while holding food in reserve in theleft hand (Hopkins, 1994), wild chimpanzeestend to eat equally often from left or righthand, whether or not the other hand is

holding food (Marchant and McGrew, 1996,Table 12). Put another way, the most com-mon combination (approx. 60%) of bouts ofeating at Gombe is for one hand to take foodto the mouth while the other hand holdsadditional food, but the ratio of L:R for theother hand is still 50:50, whether or not thenoneating hand is idle. For upright posturesof assisted tripedalism, the effect in captivechimpanzees is striking, especially given thelarge sample size of subjects (Hopkins, 1993).However, such postures are anomalous. Hunt(1996, Table 5) recently reviewed 15 studiesof anthropoid posture, including four of chim-panzees. Bipedality was rarely seen in all ofthe data-sets and for chimpanzees, the high-est frequency was 0.4% of the time. Why aquadrupedal primate should be more lateral-ized to the right when it is induced to standupright is an intriguing question. Hunt(1996) hypothesized that upright posture forsmall-fruit harvesting may have been thekicking-off point for the evolution of hominidbipedalism, but he made no mention oflaterality of function.

If population-level lateralization has notbeen shown to be characteristic of nonhu-man primates, then it does not have to beexplained. The unlateralized findings re-viewed here in Tables 2–6 refute Mac-Neilage’s (1987) ‘‘postural origins’’ theory, atleast as applied to the whole order Primates.The data reviewed here also address morespecific claims: MacNeilage et al. (1991, p.344) stated that gorillas showed ‘‘. . .a signifi-cant humanlike pattern consisting of agreater number of animals which preferredthe right hand for all acts. . .’’ (italics inoriginal). Table 5 shows this clearly not to bethe case (see also McGrew and Marchant,1993).

Warren’s (1980, 1987) view that nonhu-man primates are essentially unlateralized,except by the distorting experiences of hu-man influence, is now difficult to maintain.It is refuted by the increasing number ofnon-Level 1 findings from natural popula-tions, where human elicitation of such pat-terns is hard to imagine, especially in non-provisioned populations (Byrne and Byrne,1991, 1993; Boesch, 1991). Gombe’s chimpan-zees are lateralized at Level 3 for tool use intermite fishing, yet they have never seen a


human being perform the act (McGrew andMarchant, 1996). Finally, early lateraliza-tion of behavior in very young primates(neonatal chimpanzees, Bard et al., 1990;Fagot and Bard, 1995; Hopkins and Bard,1993 a,b, 1995) makes it unlikely that extrin-sic factors are the cause of this lateraliza-tion.

Fagot and Vauclair’s (1991) dichotomousview of low-level and high-level tasks isbetter supported by the collective data ofTables 2–6. The basic act of simple reaching(see MacNeilage et al., 1987), that is, toextend the arm, grasp a food-item in thehand, and then flex the arm, is most com-monly seen at Levels 1 and 2, as symmetri-cal as a low-level task should be, in theirterms. However, high-level tasks, such asgorilla food processing (Byrne and Byrne,1993) and chimpanzee tool use (Boesch,1991, Sugiyama et al., 1993) are equallysymmetrical at Levels 2 and 3. If novelty,and not cognitive or motor complexity, is thekey to high-level tasks, then one must ac-count for newly presented experimentaltasks that still elicit individually (and notgroup-level) lateralized responses (Ander-son et al., 1996; Parr et al., 1997; Rigamontiet al., 1997). It seems likely that the con-founded components of Fagot and Vauclair’s(1991) framework need to be systematicallydisconnected and tested, or the gradationsbetween low- and high-level tasks madeclearer, or both.

Thus, no existing theoretical frameworkseems able to explain the data on handlaterality as now accumulated.

Conspicuously absent from all the tablesis any substantial evidence of human-likelaterality of hand function, that is, perfor-mance at Level 5b. Only chimpanzees, withsome manifestations of Level 4b (Hopkins,1993, 1994) seem even close to resemblingHomo sapiens’s bias to the right. If there isnothing yet shown (e.g. by replication) in thenatural behavioral repertoire of nonhumanprimates that will allow us to model our ownpeculiar hand laterality, then we may wellhave to be content with the unnatural, thatis, only by ‘‘humanizing’’ our relations in thecontrolled conditions of captivity may we beable to mimic the self-domestication of thehominid line in the evolutionary past (cf.

Hopkins, 1996). If our human handedness isunique, then we may seek its recent roots asan exaptation, perhaps to cortical lateraliza-tion for language, rather than as an ancientadaptation. In brief, the current evidencefrom our nonhuman primate relations sug-gests that laterality of hand preference inHomo sapiens is a highly derived character-istic.


We thank Amanda Ensminger, Carol Kist,and Christie Smith for help with manifoldaspects of manuscript preparation. The fol-lowing fellow scientists kindly supplied un-published data or other assistance: J.R.Anderson, M. Costello, J. Fagot, M.A. Hook-Costigan, W.D. Hopkins, J.E. King, H. Klein,M. Laska, R.A.W. Lehman, M.A. Panger,L.A. Parr, M.M. Rigamonti, L.J. Rogers, S.Takeda, J. Vauclair, J.P. Ward, G.C. Wester-gaard, R.W. Wrangham. We are especiallygrateful to Ted Steegman for his patienceand encouragement.


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