1111 “Optimal epidemic suppression under an ICU constraint” Laurent Miclo, Daniel Spiro And Jörgen W. Weibull June 2020

“Optimal epidemic suppression under an ICU constraint”

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“Optimal epidemic suppression under an

ICU constraint”

Laurent Miclo, Daniel Spiro

And Jörgen W. Weibull

June 2020

Optimal epidemic suppression underan ICU constraint∗

Laurent Miclo†, Daniel Spiro‡ and Jörgen Weibull§

June 16, 2020

AbstractHow much and when should we limit economic and social ac-

tivity to ensure that the health-care system is not overwhelmedduring an epidemic? We study a setting where ICU resourcesare constrained and suppression is costly. Providing a fully ana-lytical solution we show that the common wisdom of “flatteningthe curve”, where suppression measures are continuously taken tohold down the spread throughout the epidemic, is suboptimal.Instead, the optimal suppression is discontinuous. The epidemicshould be left unregulated in a first phase and when the ICUconstraint is approaching society should quickly lock down (a dis-continuity). After the lockdown regulation should gradually belifted, holding the rate of infected constant, thus respecting theICU resources while not unnecessarily limiting economic activity.In a final phase, regulation is lifted. We call this strategy “fillingthe box”.

Keywords: Epidemic; Optimal control; Health; Suppression;Infection; Corona.

JEL codes: C61; D6; I18.∗We wish to thank Atahan Afsar, Tommy Andersson, Jérôme Bolte, Tom Britton,

Avinash Dixit, Christian Gollier, Bengt Holmström, Niko Jaakkola, Hannes Malm-berg, Lars-Göran Mattsson, Jean Tirole and Robert Östling for valuable comments.LM acknowledges funding from the French National Research Agency (ANR) underthe Investments for the Future program (Investissements d’Avenir, grant ANR-17-EURE-0010).†Toulouse Institute of Mathematics, Toulouse School of Economics and CNRS.

Email: [email protected].‡Department of Economics, Uppsala University. Email:

[email protected].§Department of Economics, Stockholm School of Economics. Email:

[email protected].


1 Introduction

Amid the Covid-19 health and economic crisis one question stood atthe centre of professional opinion: How much and when should we limiteconomic and social activity to ensure that the health-care system isnot overwhelmed? This question embodies two simultaneous goals whenfighting a pandemic: (1) To ensure that each infected person gets thebest possible care, we need to ensure that the capacity of the health-care system (henceforth the ICU constraint) is never breached. UnderCovid-19 the ICU constraint is essentially the number of available respi-rators, indeed a scarce resource in most countries. It was perhaps bestepitomized by the UK slogan “Protect the NHS” and by the ImperialCollege report (Ferguson et al., 2020). (2) The more one is suppressingthe spread the costlier it is since, absent a vaccine, suppression boilsdown to keeping people away from each other thus limiting economicand social life.

This paper extends the standard S.I.R. model (Kermack and Mc-Kendrick, 1927) with those two extensions to provide an analytical an-swer to the above question. Our answer departs from common wisdom.During the Covid-19 pandemic, authorities, news reporting and policymakers popularized the ideal policy as “flattening the curve”,1 i.e., im-posing continuous limitations to lower the number of simultaneouslyinfected in all time periods. This would ensure that the peak of thecurve never crossed the ICU constraint. We show that this policy issuboptimal. Instead, the optimal policy can characterized as “filling thebox” involving a discontinuous suppression. More precisely, it prescribes(Theorem 1 and Figure 2) leaving the spread unregulated during a firstphase. As the number of infected approaches the ICU constraint weenter a second phase where harsh suppression measures are imposed atonce (a discontinuity) but afterwards gradually relaxed. The aim of pol-icy in this second phase is to precisely stop the number of infected fromexceeding the ICU constraint and keep it constant at that level. Thediscontinuous tightening followed by gradual relaxation of suppressionis optimal since the underlying growth of infections is highest in the be-ginning of this phase. In a third phase, once the underlying growth ofinfections subsides, no suppression measures are taken.

The logic behind this result is simple, but bears relevance for a dis-ease spreading such as Covid-19. When access to a vaccine is not realisticwithin a sufficiently near future and pinpointing each infectious personis not feasible, which is implicitly assumed in our model, full eradication

1See, e.g., the Imperial College report (Ferguson et al., 2020), Branswell (2020),Time (2020), Pueyo (2020), even Donald Trump (The Sun, 2020) and many more.


is not possible. What remains then, is letting the infection spread in thepopulation but ensuring that each person gets best possible care, i.e., en-suring the available health-care resources are sufficient at all times. Butthere is no point in leaving some of the respirators idle (if considering riskone can view the ICU constraint as being the number of respirators witha margin). Hence, early suppression is unnecessary and costly. Once thenumber of infections reaches the ICU constraint, drastic suppression hasto be installed to keep it below. But also here it is unnecessarily costlyto suppress the whole curve as it leaves idle respirators. Hence, the aimduring the second phase is to precisely fill the ICU capacity. Once theinfection rate goes down so that the ICU constraint is no longer binding– the third phase – suppression can be lifted. The number of respiratorsand the time axis can essentially be thought of as a box. “Filling thebox” then simply means respecting the ICU constraint while not incur-ring costs to leave idle resources. In the concluding remarks we furtherdiscuss how various enrichments may change this result.

Apart from the policy implication, our main contribution is method-ological. We develop and show how to fully analytically solve an epidemic-economic model for the optimal suppression policy. Importantly, thesuppression policy is allowed to be fully time varying. Our approachis thus clearly distinguished from a large number of recent papers (notleast in economics) that analyze policies numerically (e.g., Wearing etal., 2005; Iacoviello and Liuzzi, 2008; Lee et al., 2011; Kar and Batabyal,2011; Iacoviello and Stasio, 2013; Giamberardino and Iacoviello, 2017;Gollier, 2020; Wang, 2020; Farboodi et al, 2020; Eichenbaum et al.,2020; Alvarez et al, 2020). In order to make analytical headway weabstract from many nuances that such, numerical, papers consider in-cluding the possibility of testing (Gollier, 2020; Wang, 2020, Berger etal., 2020), the arrival of a vaccine (Zaman et al., 2008; Iacoviello and Li-uzzi, 2008; Lee et al., 2011; Kar and Batabyal, 2011; Giamberardino andIacoviello, 2017; Farboodi et al, 2020), treatment and education (e.g.,Bakare et al., 2014) group heterogeneity (e.g., Shim, 2013; Sjödin, 2020),contact tracing (see, e.g., Wearing et al., 2005; McCaw and McVernon,2007; Britton and Malmberg, 2020; and references therein), time de-lays (Zaman et al., 2009), network effects (e.g., Gourdin, 2011), regionalbreakdown (Favero et al., 2020) and individual decision making (Far-boodi et al, 2020; Eichebaum et al., 2020). Our exercise is a steppingstone for considering also such aspects in future work. To our knowledgeours is the first paper to at all consider optimal policy under an ICUconstraint.2

2In a rich numerical model Favero et al. (2020) analyze ways to restart the Italianeconomy. They do take into account that ICU capacity is limited among many other


In the epidemiology literature there exist other papers with analyt-ical solutions for optimal policy.3 For a literature review on the earlyresearch see Wickwire (1977). Many papers model vaccinations (Mor-ton and Wickwire, 1974; Ledzewicz and Schättler, 2011; Hu and Zou,2014, Laguzet and Turinici, 2015; Maurer and de Pinho, 2015), somemodel screening (Ainseba & Iannelli, 2012). The previous papers fo-cusing on suppression (or quarantine) either restrict the policy (e.g.,diLauro et al., 2020, see also Nowzari 2016 for a review) or abstractfrom the fact that increasing the suppression is costly, obviously a keyaspect of any economic analysis.4 A complementary paper to ours is byToxvaerd (2020). He has a different research question and, indeed, a dif-ferent model than us, focusing on individual choice of social distancing(a form of self-suppression). He does not analyze social optimality andabstracts from the ICU capacity which are the focus of our paper. Yet,interestingly, Toxvaerd (2020) finds that individuals may, by their ownindividual choices, collectively create an infection spread which graphi-cally looks similar to the one that we show is optimal. The paper closestto ours is an elegant analysis by Kruse and Strack (2020). They also lookat optimal suppression with costs which are increasing in suppression.They show existence of an optimizer for a rather general health-costfunction but only solve for the optimizer in the special case where thehealth costs are linear in the number of currently infected.5 This isequivalent to assuming that the total number of deaths (over time) isproportional to the total number of infected (the linearity assumption

things and analyze a subset of policy options (containing not only suppression) butnot global optimality.

3There is a much larger literature studying epidemics without controls, of course,see for instance Dickison et al (2012) and Brauer and Castillo-Chavez (2011), Pastor-Satorras et al. (2015) and references therein.

4Many papers analytically solve for a suppression policy while respecting a budgetconstraint (Hansen and Day, 2011; Bolzoni et al., 2019) or a time constraint (so thatthe suppression cannot be too long, Morris et al 2020) but disregarding that moresuppression within a time period is costlier than less suppression (Bolzoni et al., 2017;Piunovskiy et al., 2019). This is isomorphic to restricting the suppression policy tobe binary since, once there is suppression within a time period, it may as well beat full force. We allow the suppression policy to take any value within a period andchange in any way between time periods. Grigorieva et al. (2016) and Grigorieva andKhailov (2014) analyze an objective of minimizing the number of infectious duringor at some end period, but the control bears no cost. Abakus (1973) and Behncke(2000) analyze an objective of minimizing the total (over time) number of infected(see Behncke, 2000, Section 3) but the cost of putting a person in quarantine is onlytaken once so is independent of the length of quarantine. Finally, Gonzales-Eirasand Niepelt (2020) analyze an S.I. model, finding, just like some of the papers above,that the optimal control is binary.

5They also show existence of an optimizer for when a vaccine can arrive.


implies bang-bang solutions for suppression) so it does not (directly)matter how many are infected at the same time like is the focus of ourpaper (in that sense, their paper is similar to Grigorieva et al., 2016, andGrigorieva and Khailov, 2014). Our contribution is thus complementaryto theirs since we study a health cost which specifically captures theoverwhelming of the health-care system.

2 Model

Our model setup closely follows the canonical Susceptible-Infectious-Removed model (Kermack and McKendrick 1927; see also Brauer andCastillo-Chavez, 2011, for an excellent overview). At any time t ě 0, letx ptq be the population share of individuals who at time t are suscepti-ble to the infection, and let y ptq be the population share of individualswho are infected at time t. All infected individuals are assumed to becontagious, and population shares are defined with respect to the initialpopulation size, N . Let λ ptq be the rate at time t of pairwise meet-ings between susceptible and infected, and let q ptq be the probability ofcontagion when an infected person meets a susceptible person at timet. Write b ptq “ λ ptq q ptq. Infected individuals are removed from thepopulation at rate α ą 0.6 This may be either because they get immuneor because they die. An important assumption is that those who areinfected never again become susceptible.

The population dynamic is then defined by the following simple sys-tem of ordinary differential equations:


9x ptq “ ´b ptq y ptqx ptq9y ptq “ b ptq y ptqx ptq ´ αy ptq


The initial condition is x p0q “ 1 ´ ε and y p0q “ ε, for some ε Pp0, 1q. That is, the infection enters the population at time zero ina population share ε ą 0. The state space of this dynamic is ∆ “

px, yq P R2` : x` y ď 1


. The only difference from the standard S.I.R.model is that the propagation coefficient b ptq, instead of being a con-stant over time, say, b ptq “ β ą 0 for all t ě 0, we here allow it to varyover time.7

Indeed, we will view b : R` Ñ R` as a function in the hands of asocial planner who strives to minimize the economic and social costs ofshutting down parts of the economy and social life in the population,

6Implicitly this assumes that the duration of the infection in an individual is ani.i.d. exponentially distributed random variable with mean value 1{α.

7If z ptq denotes the population share of removed individuals in a standard S.I.R.model, then its dynamic is 9z ptq “ αy ptq, and x ptq ` y ptq ` z ptq “ 1 at all timest ě 0.


while never letting the population share of infected individuals, y ptq,exceed an exogenously given level γ. The latter is interpreted as the ca-pacity of the health-care system to treat infected patients. We refer toit as the ICU capacity or constraint.8 It is meant to capture a situation,such as under Covid-19, where if the number of simultaneously and se-riously ill exceeds the number of respirators implies instant death. Notbreaching the ICU capacity thus ensures that all get the best possiblecare.9

We assume that the cost of keeping b ptq below its natural, or un-regulated level β is a linear function of the difference, while there is nocost of moving b ptq above β. The latter assumption is made to “tilt thetable” against us in the subsequent analysis, where we will show that itis suboptimal to enhance the propagation of the infection even if this canbe done at no cost. Formally, the cost function C : B Ñ R` is defined byC pbq “


0rβ ´ b ptqs

`dt, and the social planner faces the optimization

programminbPBγC pbq , (2)

where B is the class of piecewise continuous functions b : R` Ñ R` thathave finitely many points of discontinuity (including no discontinuity atall), and Bγ, for any given γ ą 0, is the subset of functions in B forwhich y ptq ď γ at all times t ě 0.10

We focus on situations in which ε ă γ, that is, when the initialinfection level is below the ICU capacity constraint. Moreover, we as-sume that β ą α. Otherwise the population share of infected individualsdoes not increase from its initial value, which would imply herd immu-nity already from the outset, and thus the social planner’s optimizationprogram then has a trivial solution; laissez-faire, that is, b ptq ” β.

In our setting the basic reproduction number is R0 “ β{α.8If, for example, on average 20% of those infected need intense care and the

number of ICUs is C in a population of size N , then γ “ 5C{N . To allow for risk,the ICU constraint can of course also include a margin to the actual limit.

9In practice this of course is no guarantee against fatalities. We implicitly assumethat those that pass away despite getting the best care are not within the controlof the policy maker. See, e.g., Kruse and Strack (2020), Grigorieva et al. (2016)and Grigorieva and Khailov (2014) for models where the objective is to minimize thenumber of infected.

10To be more precise, we require that there is a finite set T Ă R` such that thefunction b : R` Ñ R` is continuous at all other points, and that it is everywhereleft-continuous and has a right limit. We also require that b is positive except on atmost finitely many connected components.


3 Analysis

We first comment on the set of policies allowed by the optimizationprogram. For functions b P B, it can be shown that (1) defines a uniquesolution trajectory through any given state px pt0q , y pt0qq P ∆ and timet0 ě 0.11 Trivially all constant functions b : R` Ñ R`, with b ptq “ δ forsome δ ą 0, belong to B. However, they do not all belong to Bγ, i.e., theymay violate the ICU constraint. It is easy to show that such constantpolicies belong to Bγ if δ is sufficiently low, for any given γ ą 0. Thus,to choose δ as high as possible, while keeping y ptq ď γ for all t ě 0, isa feasible policy (belongs to Bγ), and can be called flattening the curve.However, such a policy incurs an infinite cost if δ ă β, since it lastsforever. An alternative feasible control function, with finite cost, is toonly temporarily keep b ptq at a constant level δ ă β, where δ is suchthat y ptq ď γ for all t ě 0. However, as will be shown below, also such“temporary constant shut down” policies are suboptimal. Before turningto the formal statement of our main result, we analyze some generalproperties of the dynamic induced by (1).

3.1 The dynamicSome well-known properties of the solutions to standard S.I.R. mod-els hold also here (see Brauer and Castillo-Chavez, 2011). A key suchproperty is that the population share of susceptible individuals, x ptq, isnon-increasing over time t. Roughly speaking, this follows from the firstequation in (1), since b ptq is always non-negative and y ptq is positiveat all times t ě 0. Being bounded from below by zero, x ptq necessarilyhas a limit value as tÑ 8, which we denote x8. According to (1), alsothe sum y ptq ` x ptq is strictly decreasing over time t, and hence alsothis sum has a limit value, x8` y8. By standard arguments, it is easilyverified that this implies that y8 “ 0.12 In other words, in the very longrun, the population share of infected individuals tends to zero. Denotingby z8 “ limtÑ8 z ptq the total population share of removed individualsduring the whole epidemic, we thus have z8 “ 1 ´ x8, and Nz8 isapproximately (for large N), the total number of infected individualsduring the epidemic.

Let us now consider the solution to (1) through any given statepx pt0q , y pt0qq P ∆ and time t0 ě 0, where 0 ă x pt0q ă 1 and 0 ăy pt0q ă 1. Dividing both sides of the first equation in (1) by x ptq ą 0

11See Appendix for a proof. For this class of functions b, the time derivatives in (1)represent left derivatives. The solution trajectories px ptq , y ptqqtą0 are then uniquelydetermined and are continuous in t.

12If y8 ą 0, then x ptq ` y ptq Ñ ´8.


and integrating, one obtains

lnpx ptqq “ lnpx pt0qq ´

ż t


b psq y psq ds @t ě t0.

Moreover, integrating the sum of the two equations in (1), we obtain

x ptq ` y ptq “ x pt0q ` y pt0q ´ α

ż t


y psq ds @t ě t0.

3.1.1 Constant policy

In particular, if b ptq “ δ ą 0 for all t ě t0, for some δ ą 0, then for allt ě t0:

lnx ptq

x pt0q“ ´δ

ż t


y psq ds “δ

αrx ptq ´ x pt0q ` y ptq ´ y pt0qs ,

ory ptq “ y pt0q `




x ptq

x pt0q


´ x ptq ` x pt0q @t ě t0. (3)

This equation is well-known for S.I.R. models. Moreover, (3) impliesthat px ptq , y ptqq Ñ px8, 0q P ∆, where x8 by continuity solves (3) fory ptq “ 0, so

x8 “α


x8x pt0q

` x pt0q ` y pt0q . (4)

Since x ptq is strictly decreasing, x8 ă x pt0q. It is easily verified thatthe fixed-point equation (4) has a unique solution x8 P p0, x pt0qq.13

Equation (4) will later be used to calculate the population share thatwere infected during the whole epidemic under the optimal suppressionpolicy.

The valuey “ sup

tě0y ptq

is the peak infection level. It obtains when 9y ptq “ 0, or, equivalently(by (1)), when x ptq “ α{δ. From (3) we obtain

y “ 1`α




δ p1´ εq



δ. (5)

The right-hand side is a strictly decreasing function of the ratio α{δ.Thus, the infection peak is higher the larger δ is and the smaller α is.

13The right-hand side of (4) is a continuous and strictly increasing functions f :p0, x pt0qq Ñ R of x8. Moreover, f px8q Ñ ´8 as x8 Ó 0 and f px pt0qq “ x pt0q `y pt0q ą x pt0q, f 1 ą 0 and f2 ă 0, so there exists a unique fixed point in p0, x pt0qq.


Once the population share x ptq of susceptible individuals has fallenbelow the level α{δ, achieved precisely when y ptq “ y, flock immunityis obtained; the population share y ptq of infected individuals falls. Inparticular, the limit state as tÑ 8 is Lyapunov stable. That is, there isno risk of a second infection wave, since after any small perturbation ofthe limit population state px8, 0q P ∆, obtained by exogenously insertinga small population share of infected individuals, the population shareof infected individuals will fall gradually back towards zero, while thepopulation share of susceptible individuals gradually moves towards asomewhat lower, new limit value.

Equation (5) is particularly relevant for the case when δ “ β, that is,under laissez-faire. Because if the peak of the infection wave then doesnot exceed the ICU capacity constraint, that is, if





β p1´ εq



βď γ, (6)

then laissez-faire is optimal; b˚ ptq ” β solves (2) at no cost. Since R0 “

β{α, we note that inequality (6) holds if and only if R0 is small enough.When the initial infection constitutes an infinitesimal population fraction(ε Ñ 0), (6) can be written as R0{p1 ` lnpR0qq ď 1{p1 ´ γq. For γ ě 1,the condition is trivially met (then the health sector has the capacity toreceive the whole population). For γ ă 1, equation (6) gives an upperbound on R0. But if the peak is above the ICU constraint, regulationhas to be implemented. This is the topic of the next subsection.

3.2 OptimizationTo the best of our knowledge, the optimization program (2) has not beenanalyzed before. We summarize below our main result, which treatsall cases when laissez-faire is suboptimal. If (6) does not hold, whichwe henceforth assume, then the solution orbit (3) under laissez-faireintersects the capacity constraint y ptq “ γ twice. Let τ1 ą 0 be the firstsuch time and let x pτ1q be the population share of susceptible individualsat that time. Then14

τ1 “ min


t ě 0 : x ptq “ 1´ γ `α



x ptq

1´ ε



where x ptq is solved for according to (1) when b ptq ” β, and x pτ1q isthe larger of the two solutions to the associated fixed-point equation inx,

x “ 1´ γ `α




1´ ε


. (8)

14An analytic expression for τ1 is provided at the end of the appendix.


We note that x pτ1q ą α{β.15 Let

τ2 “ τ1 `1



x pτ1q ´α



Theorem 1 Suppose that ε ă γ, α ă β and (6) does not hold. Thereexists a solution to program (2), one of which is the policy b˚ P Bγ definedby

b˚ ptq “




β for t ď τ1β

1`βγpτ2´tqfor τ1 ă t ď τ2

β for t ą τ2

Every optimal policy b P Bγ agrees with b˚ on r0, τ2s and satisfies b ptq ě βfor all t ą τ2.

We note that the optimal policy is laissez-faire both before time τ1and after time τ2. We also note that the optimal policy has exactly onediscontinuity, namely, a sudden shut-down of society at time τ1; thenb˚ ptq falls from b˚ pτ1q “ β to


b˚ ptq “β

1` βγ pτ2 ´ τ1q“



From time τ1 on, b˚ ptq rises continuously until time τ2, at which pointb˚ ptq reaches the level β. In the mean-time, between times τ1 and τ2,the population share y ptq of infected individual remains constant, at thecapacity level γ, while the population share x ptq falls linearly over timeto the level α{β, reached at time τ2.

One obtains the following expression for the minimized cost (see theproof of Theorem 1 in the appendix for the details):

C pb˚q“ 1








´ 1`β

α´ lnp1´ εq




From this expression it is clear that the lower the ICU capacity (γ)is the more costly implementing the policy will be. Similarly, it can beshown that the cost is increasing in the basic level of infection spread (β).Moreover, since in this model R0 “ β{α, the expression for the minimalcost can be rewritten entirely in terms of three fundamental parameters,the ICU capacity constraint, γ, the initial infection size, ε, and R0. Forsmall ε ą 0, the expression for Cpb˚q, the total cost of suppression, whenminimized, takes the simple form

15This follows from the observation that the derivative of the right-hand side of(8) is less than unity at x “ x pτ1q.


Cpb˚q“ 1

γpR0 ´ 1´ lnpR0qq ´R0

This is a continuous function of R0, taking the value zero when R0

is such that the infection peak, y, in the absence of regulation, equalsγ. For R0 above this critical level (see equation (6)), Cpb˚q is strictlyincreasing in R0.

The proof of Theorem 1 is mathematically involved, and is givenin the Appendix. It uses measure theory and views the minimizationas taking place in phase space (much in line with equation (3)). Fora rich enough measure space, existence of a solution to (2) is obtainedby topological arguments. Invoking the Picard-Lindelöf theorem, it isshown that the differential equations (1) indeed uniquely define solutions.The next step in the proof is to show that the minimizer measure isabsolutely continuous (with respect to Lebesgue measure). This bringsus back to functions b P B, now viewed as transforms of Radon-Nikodynderivatives of the measures in question. The rest of the proof consists inverifying that the above function, b˚, indeed corresponds to an optimalmeasure, and that it is unique in the sense stated. In particular, oneneeds to show that it is neither worthwhile to slow down nor speed upthe infection in its early phase (before time τ1).

The result is illustrated in Figure 1, where the solid kinked curve isthe solution orbit induced by (1) under the optimal control function b˚.The dotted curve is the infection orbit under laissez-faire (b ptq ” β).

Figure 2 depicts the optimal policy as a function of time in compari-son to a strategy of flattening the curve, here assumed to take the form:keep b ptq at the level δ ă β for which y “ γ (see (5)) until the infectionwave has passed its peak, and then return to laissez-faire, b ptq “ β (out-side the time range of the figure). The upper panel shows the dynamicsof infections and the lower panel the policy b ptq .

As can be seen, and as expressed by the theorem, the optimal pol-icy is characterized by leaving the spread unregulated initially, then asudden shut-down of society (a discontinuity at τ1), followed by grad-ual (continuous) opening of society, until τ2, from which onwards thepropagation is not regulated. The time axis and the ICU constraintcreate a square – a box. The economic logic behind the optimal policyis essentially to ensure that we do not close down society while leavingidle ICU resources – “filling the box”. This implies that whenever thenatural spread is not threatening the constraint, it should go unregu-lated. This holds in the early phase when only few have been infected,and in the last phase, when many have already been infected but most





Filling the box



Figure 1: The solution orbit (solid) in the px, yq-plane under the optimal policyb˚, and the solution orbit under unregulated spread (dotted) . Parametervalues used: α “ 0.3, β “ 1, γ “ 0.2, and ε “ 0.01.

of them also have recovered. It is only when the epidemic may breachthe ICU constraint – the second phase – that it should be regulated. Inorder to ensure that the constraint is not breached, strong suppressionhas to be imposed when reaching the ICU constraint – a sudden shut-down. The reason for the abruptness of this policy (the discontinuity)is that the natural infection is progressing very quickly at that point, soa sudden break is needed to stop it. This can be seen in the lower panelby the drop at τ1. After that, b˚ gradually increases. The reason forthis is that the suppression only needs to keep the infection just belowthe ICU constraint. Then since over time the number of susceptible (x)is falling, the number of infected (y) is held endogenously constant andsince new infections depends on their product (b ptq y ptqx ptq) it followsthat b˚ is increasing during the second phase. The policy as a functionof the population share simply is b˚ ptq “ α{x ptq, i.e., recovery (α) de-termines what share of the susceptible population that can be allowedto be infected. A few further remarks about optimal policies are now inplace.

It may be noted that the optimal policy never attempts to fullyeradicate the spread. In our model, like in all standard S.I.R. models,this is since y only asymptotically goes to zero. Hence, full eradication(a form of extreme corner solution) would imply locking down forever.






Flattening the curve

Filling the box






Figure 2: Upper panel: The share of infected over time under the optimalpolicy (solid) and flattening the curve (dotted). The horizontal dashed linerepresents the ICU constraint γ. Lower panel: Optimal suppression (solid) andflattening-the-curve suppression (dotted). The horizontal dashed line repre-sents the baseline spread β. Parameter values used: α “ 0.3, β “ 1, γ “ 0.2,and ε “ 0.01.

We discuss this further in the conclusions.Furthermore, the optimal policy is unique during the first and the

second phase but not during the third. The uniqueness during the firstphase is not obvious. To see this note that here there is no reason tohold back the spread. Then, given that bptq ą β has been assumed to becostless, why would accelerating the spread not be optimal? The answeris that, if one does that, then the ICU capacity is reached at a highspeed of infection hence it would require hitting the breaks very hard.This is not optimal. The multiplicity of optimal strategies during thethird phase is due to the same assumption – acceleration is free. Hence,not only laissez-faire is optimal, but also acceleration (of which one canthink as stimulus for economic interaction). The acceleration cannot betoo fast, however, as it may then breach the ICU constraint. Naturally,should we assume that there is a cost of acceleration (even the slightest)this multiplicity disappears and a unique optimal policy emerges also inthe third phase – laissez-faire.

Compared with the optimal policy, “flattening the curve” impliescosts that lead to idle resources. This is visible in the upper panel


of Figure 2, where costs are incurred without the spread posing a threatto the health system – both before and after the peak, suppression costsare incurred for no reason. The additional cost of flattening the curve(instead of filling the box) can be seen in the lower panel by comparingthe rectangle between β and the dashed-dotted line on the one handwith the area between β and the solid line on the other. It is potentiallyvery large, in particular if the policy maker continues to flatten the curvelong after the peak.

3.3 Infection in the long runOur results allow analysis of the final number that were ever infectedz8.16 To conserve on space, we do this under the assumption that theinitial number of infected is very small: εÑ 0.17 Recall that z8 “ 1´x8.Equation (4) is very useful as it implicitly determines x8 for any givenvalue of susceptible x pt0q and infected y pt0q given some constant policyδ. Denote by x˚8 the limit share of susceptible individuals under theoptimal policy and by xLF8 and xFTC8 the equivalent under laissez-faireand flattening the curve respectively.

Under the optimal policy b˚, the solution orbit at time τ2 passesthrough the population state x pτ2q “ α{β, y pτ2q “ γ, after which thespread is unregulated, i.e. b˚ ptq “ β, @t ě τ2. Using x pt0q “ x pτ2q,y pt0q “ y pτ2q and δ “ β in (4), one obtains

x˚8 “α

βlnx˚8 `








` γ. (10)

Under laissez-faire, b ptq “ β, @t ě 0, and letting x pt0q Ñ 1 andy pt0q Ñ 0 in (4), one obtains

xLF8 “α

βlnxLF8 ` 1. (11)

Under the maintained assumption that γ ă y under laissez-faire, thatis,








` γ ă 1

the RHS of (10) lies below the RHS of (11), and hence x˚8 ą xLF8 as canalso be seen in Figure 1.

16Recall that our objective function does not put any weight on the total number ofinfected, so the results presented here essentially show an “unintended” side effect ofthe social planner’s choice. See Kruse and Strack (2020) for optimal policy focusingon the total number of infected.

17The qualitative results hold also when ε ą 0.


Finally we consider flattening the curve. However, since in its basicform it is infinitely costly in terms of eternal suppression, we considera somewhat improved version of it, essentially prescribing to releaseregulation at the precise moment where doing so avoids a second wave.More precisely, let b ptq “ δ (where δ is determined to precisely respectthe ICU constraint) until the time τ3 when x ptq has fallen to the valueα{β, since then “herd immunity” holds under laissez-faire. At τ3, y ptqhas fallen to

y pτ3q “α







β` 1

which is less than γ. After τ3 regulation ceases, i.e., b ptq “ β, @t ě τ3.Using (4) with these values one obtains

xFTC8 “α

βlnxFTC8 ` 1´







β. (12)

Using the definition for δ in (5) with y “ γ and ε Ñ 0 one gets thatxFTC8 ą x˚8. Hence:

zFTC8 ă z˚8 ă zLF8 .

That is, the optimal policy leads to a smaller share of ultimately infectedthan under laissez-faire but a larger share than under flattening thecurve.

4 Concluding discussion

This paper provides an analytical answer to the question: What is theoptimal time-varying suppression policy to avoid a collapsed health-caresystem when suppression is costly? We have shown that the generalrecommendation of “flattening the curve” is suboptimal. Instead the op-timal policy essentially prescribes “filling the box”. In a first phase, thespread is unregulated until the number of infected reaches the ICU con-straint. A second phase begins by discontinuous suppression followed bygradual relaxation until, in a third phase, the spread is left unregulatedagain.

A contribution of the paper is methodological, showing how to obtaina fully analytical solution to an S.I.R. model with economic costs whichare increasing in suppression. Our paper also contributes to the policydebate on how to fight an epidemic. We discuss here the robustness ofthis policy to various perturbations.

In our model (like in all standard S.I.R models) attempting for acomplete wipe out of the spread is never optimal. In fact, it is not evenfeasible. Technically this is since the number of infected only asymptot-ically goes to zero hence a wipe out would require suppression to be in


place for the infinite future. Naturally, if there exists a maximal durationwithin which all recover, then it could be optimal to go for a full wipeout right away. What makes that hard in many cases is the practicaldifficulty in identifying all infected and since in practice the cost of fullsuppression (b “ 0) is virtually infinite – after all, people need to ac-cess food and medical services. Furthermore, unless countries are closedmore or less indefinitely, a very costly prospect, under a pandemic suchas Covid-19 one risks importing new cases.

In the model we have assumed that the only medical harm is if vi-olating the ICU constraint. If two assumptions were added – medicalharm from the aggregate number of infected and existence of a vaccinewithin a reasonable time frame – then suppressing the spread more thanwhat our policy prescribes could be optimal. Likewise if the numberof simultaneously infected would cause harm more gradually. This, how-ever, does not seem to be case for Covid-19 where the bottleneck in mostcountries is the number of respirators – respecting the ICU constraintis the main issue. Another factor that could suggest early suppressionis if the ICU constraint can be expanded (for Covid-19 equivalent to anincreased number of respirators or development of a cure or improvedtreatment). Another possibility is that one learns about the parameters.However, for that to motivate regulation early, one has to assume thatthe suppression itself does not distort the signal. Finally, if the cost ofsuppression were convex, in particular so that small suppression is verycheap, then that would motivate some suppression early on. However,it would still most probably be optimal to discontinuously increase sup-pression to ensure that the number of infected is constant and does notsurpass the ICU constraint.18

We hope our analysis provides a stepping stone for future analysesof more complex and richer models.


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5 Appendix

This appendix provides a proof of Theorem 1.Our strategy consists of the following steps:

• The optimization problem is written in the phase space 4.

• The new formulation admits a natural extension on a signed-mea-sure space.

• Topological properties of this measure space and of the functionaldeduced from C imply the existence of a global minimizer.

• A priori a global minimizer is a general signed measure, but itturns out to be an absolutely continuous, bringing us back to afunctional setting.

• Calculus of variation arguments show that the minimizer is uniquelydetermined until the time when x reaches the level α{β, and thisleads to Theorem 1.

To the best of our knowledge, there is no such result in calculusof variations or optimal control theory (see the books of Clarke [11] orLiberzon [35]). We therefore give a direct and self-contained proof (onlyrequiring a first knowledge of measure theory, as can be found e.g. inRudin [45]). For the optimization problem at hand, our extension tomeasure spaces seems natural, and we believe it is original. The Euler-Lagrange equations will not be satisfied and the constraints will playa more important role. This is related to the fact that we consider acost of suppression that is linear in downwards deviations, and zero forupwards deviations. If one is interested in more general costs of the form

rCpbqBż `8


F pβ ´ bptqq dt (13)

where the mapping F : R Ñ R` is e.g. a strictly convex functionattaining its minimum at 0, then the Euler-Lagrange equations admitsolutions leading to optimal policies different from b˚ (but b˚ remainsa minimizer for certain functionals F , see Remark 9 at the end of thisappendix). When F is close to the mapping p¨q` considered here, forinstance if F is given by

@ x P R, F pxqB


x1`ε , when x P R`ε|x|1`ε , when x P R´


where ε ą 0 is small, we expect that the corresponding solution will beclose to b˚. In particular a jump will still occur. We plan to investigatemore precisely this situation in future work.

Let us now move toward the proof of Theorem 1 according to theabove strategy. We assume in the sequel that we are in the “interesting”case where y0 “ ε ă γ and where the laissez-faire policy b ” β leadsy to take values strictly large than γ, that is, (6) does not hold. Thishypothesis will be referred to as the underlying assumption.

5.1 The phase space 4We begin by rewriting the constrained control problem of minimizing Con Bγ as a optimization problem in the associated phase space 4.

Let us be more precise: B is the set of piecewise continuous func-tions b : R` Ñ R` with a finite number of discontinuities and suchthat tt ě 0 : bptq “ 0u has a finite number of connected components.Let px0, y0q P 4, with y0 P p0, 1q, as well as b B pbptqqtě0 P B be givenand consider px, yq B pxptq, yptqqtě0 the maximal (over time) solution ofthe S.I.R. ODE (1) starting from pxp0q, yp0qq “ px0, y0q (this is a slightgeneralization of the setting of Theorem 1, where x0 “ 1´y0, the impor-tant hypothesis is that the underlying assumption holds). The existenceand uniqueness of this solution is a consequence of the Picard-Lindelöfor Cauchy-Lipschitz theorem, extended to a time-dependent vector fieldthat is left continuous with right limits (instead of continuous). The im-portant fact being that the r.h.s. of (1) is locally Lipschitz with respectto pxptq, yptqq. By Bγ, we designate the set of b P B such that y alwaysremains below γ.

We begin with a simple observation.

Lemma 1 When y0 P p0, 1q, the solution px, yq is defined for all timest ě 0 and pxptq, yptqq P p0, 1q2 X4.

ProofAs already mentioned, the solution px, yq is locally unique. From thisit follows that if x reaches 0, then it will stay there forever afterward,since the r.h.s. of (1) is zero if xptq “ 0. Similarly, if y reaches 0, thenit will stay there forever afterward. It follows that x and y will staynon-negative. As a consequence, x is non-increasing and thus will staybelow x0 and never hit 1. From the identity

9xptq ` 9yptq“´αyptq ď 0

we deduce that x` y will stay below y0`x0 ď 1 and in particular y willstay below 1. The first equation of (1) then implies that



and Gronwall lemma shows

xptqě x0 exp´


0bpsq ds


so x remains positive. The inequality x`y ď 1 then insures that y neverreaches 1. Finally, the second equation of (1) then implies that


so that yptq ě y0 expp´αtq and y cannot reach 0 in finite time.Since px, yq stays in the compact square r0, 1s2, the solution of (1) is

defined for all times.�

Remark 1 In particular, since for all t ě 0 we have yptq ą 0, a part ofthe population will always remain infectious, whatever the choice of thepolicy b: it is impossible to entirely eliminate the disease. This featureis due to the fact we are considering continuous populations, it wouldnot be true for approximating finite random populations.


Introduce B` the set of b P B that are everywhere positive (never-theless, if t is a discontinuity point of b, we can have bpt`q “ 0).

When b P B`, Lemma 1 and the first equation of (1) imply that x isdecreasing, so x admits a limit x8 ě 0 that it will never reach. Anotherconsequence is:

Lemma 2 Assume that b P B`. There exists a unique function ϕ :px8, x0s Ñ p0, 1q such that

@ t ě 0, yptq“ϕpxptqq (14)

The function ϕ is piecewise C1, its left and right derivatives existeverywhere and differ only at a finite number of points. Denoting theright derivative by ϕ1, we have

@ r P px8, x0s, ϕ1prqą´1

ProofAs observed above, for b P B`, x is decreasing from R` to px8, x0s. Sincex it continuous, it is a homeomorphism between R` to px8, x0s. Denoteby τ its inverse, so that

@ u P px8, x0s, xpτpuqq“u (15)


Let t P R` be a time where b is continuous. Let u P px8, x0s be suchthat τpuq “ t. We can differentiate (15) at u to get that


9xpτpuqq“ ´



Considering discontinuity time t of b, we see that the above relationalso holds, if 9τpuq is seen as a right derivative (recall 9x is a left derivate).Furthermore, taking into account that τ is decreasing, we have the exis-tence of the left limit:




It leads us to define ϕ via

@ u P px8, x0s, ϕpuqB ypτpuqq

since this is indeed equivalent to (14). Its left and right derivatives existeverywhere as a consequence of the differentiability properties of y and τ .These left and right derivatives do not coincide only on a finite numberof points, those of the form xptq, where t P R` is a discontinuity time ofb.

Our conventions insure that (14) can be left differentiated everywhereand that

@ t ě 0, 9yptq“ϕ1pxptqq 9xptq

(recall 9y is a left derivate), namely

@ t ě 0, ϕ1pxptqq“9yptq

9xptq“ ´1`


bptqxptqą ´1

Remark 2 From the knowledge of ϕ it is possible to reconstruct b, atleast when ϕ1 is Lipschitzian. Indeed, (1) can be written



ϕ1pxptqq 9xptq“ bptqxptqϕpxptqq ´ αϕpxptqq

which implies that

9xptq“´ϕ1pxptqq 9xptq ` αϕpxptqq



1` ϕ1pxptqq


So when ϕ1 is Lipschitzian, we can solve this ODE to reconstruct x Bpxptqqtě0. The trajectory y B pyptqqtě0 is then obtained as pϕpxptqqqtě0and b via the formula

@ t ě 0, bptq“´9xptq



This inequality can be translated into ϕ1 ą ´1 on px8, x0q.�

To any function ϕ as in the previous lemma, associate the quantity

J pϕqBż x0


Lpξ, ϕpξq, ϕ1pξqq dξ

where for any pξ, χ, χ1q P px8, x0s ˆ p0, 1q ˆ p´1,`8q,

Lpξ, χ, χ1qBβ



1` χ1






The interest of these definitions is to enable us to write the costfunctional C in terms of ϕ:

Lemma 3 For b P B` and with the notations of Lemma 2, we have

Cpbq“J pϕq

ProofEquation (16) enables us to recover b in terms of ϕ and x:

@ t ě 0, bptq“α

xptqp1` ϕ1pxptqqq(16)

and we deduce that

Cpbq“ż 8



β ´α

xptqp1` ϕ1pxptqqq





ż 8



β ´α

xptqp1` ϕ1pxptqqq





ż x0



β ´α

up1` ϕ1puqq





where we used the change of variable t “ τpuq, the mapping τ beingdefined in (15).


Let us remove the term bpτpuqq in the latter integral. Replacing t byτpuq, we get from (16)


up1` ϕ1puqq

so that

Cpbq“ż x0



β ´α

up1` ϕ1puqq



1` ϕ1puq




ż x0



1` ϕ1puq







du “ J pϕq

Let us now extend the above transformation to a policy b P B whichcan take the value 0. More precisely consider two times 0 ď t1 ď t2such that rt1, t2s or pt1, t2s is a connected component of the set tt ě 0 :bptq “ 0u. We recall that this set is assumed to be finite union of suchintervals, if it is not empty.

Let us first suppose that t1 ‰ t2. On pt1, t2s, (1) is transformed into#

9xptq“ 0



@ t P pt1, t2s, xptq“xpt1q

yptq“ ypt1q expp´αpt´ t1qq

Since x remains constant and y is changing, one cannot represent yas a function ϕ of x. To circumvent this difficulty, we allow ϕ to jumpat xpt1q, taking

ϕpxpt1qqB ypt1q

ϕpxpt1q´qB ypt2q “ ypt1q expp´αpt2 ´ t1qq

This is illustrated in the following diagram:


y = 𝜑(𝑥)



x 𝑡1 = x(𝑡2)


The contribution of the period pt1, t2s to the cost Cpbq isż t2


pβ ´ 0q` dt“ βpt2 ´ t1q “β












The above observations are also valid, but trivial, when t2 “ t1.A priori, our definition of B does not exclude the fact that t2 “ `8,

namely that b ends up vanishing identically after t1. By convention inthis case ϕpxpt1q´q “ 0 and the above formula gives an infinite contribu-tion to the cost, which is coherent with the fact that


t1pβ´ bptqq` dt “


t1β dt “ `8. Since this situation is not interesting for our optimiza-

tion problem, we exclude it from our considerations and from now onthe connected components of tb “ 0u are assumed to be bounded.

Repeating the above treatment to all the connected components oftb “ 0u and extending Lemmas 2 and 3 to the connected components oftb ą 0u, we can associate to any b P B a function ϕ satisfying

(H1): ϕ is defined on px8, x0s, takes values in p0, 1q and ϕpx0q “ y0,

(H2): ϕ has at most a finite number of discontinuity points and is rightcontinuous and admits a positive left limit at them,

(H3): at any discontinuity point u, ϕpuq ą ϕpu´q,

(H4): ϕ admits a right derivative ϕ1, as well as a left derivative, outside afinite number of points (which includes the discontinuity points ofϕ, but also some points corresponding to the case t2 “ t1 describedabove, since due to (16), at these points ϕ1 may diverge to `8),

(H5): ϕ1 ą ´1 where it is defined,

But the most important feature is that

Cpbq“J pϕq

where the functional is defined by

J pϕqBż


Lpξ, ϕpξq, ϕ1pξqq dξ `β



uPpx8,x0s :ϕpuq‰ϕpu´q






(x8 is excluded from the last sum, since we don’t allow b to end upvanishing identically).

There is a point which is not satisfactory in the above construction ofϕ: its definition domain px8, x0s still depends explicitly on b via x8. Itis possible to erase this drawback with the convention that ϕ vanishes on


r0, x8s Accordingly, L has to be extended to r0, x0s ˆ r0, 1q ˆ p´1,`8qvia the convention that Lpξ, χ, χ1q “ 0 if ξ P r0, x8s (or equivalently ifχ “ 0).

Remarking that the condition y ď γ can be translated into ϕ ď γ,we have embedded the problem of the global minimization of C over Bγinto the problem of the global minimization of J over rFγ, the set offunctions ϕ that satisfy the requirements (H1a), (H2), (H3), (H4) and(H5), where (H1) has been replaced by

(H1a): ϕ is defined on r0, x0s, takes values in r0, γs, ϕp0q “ 0, ϕpx0q “ y0and if ϕpuq ą 0 for some u P p0, x0s, then ϕpvq ą 0 and ϕpv´q ą 0for all v P ru, x0s.

As it was explained in the main text, the most important part of theabove optimization problem concerns the contribution of the restrictionof the function ϕ to the interval rα{β, x0s, since once x has reached α{β,the laissez-faire policy is cost-free and induces y to be non-increasing.Let us furthermore assume the function ϕ satisfies

ϕpα{βq“ γ (17)

This restriction will be justified a posteriori (see Subsection 5.6), butit can also be understood a priori according to the following heuristic.Let us come back to the temporal description given by pb, x, yq. To getx8 ě α{β is extremely costly and requires in fact Cpbq “ `8 (thinkfor instance to the case where x8 “ x0 which asks that b ” 0), so forthe optimization problem at hand, we can dismiss this possibility andassume x8 ă α{β. Then consider τ` the first time x reaches α{β, wehave ypτ`q P p0, γs. As already observed, taking b “ β after time τ` leadsto a non-increasing evolution of y on rτ`,`8q. In particular, yptq staysbelow γ for all times t P rτ`,`8q, while this part of the trajectory doesnot participate positively to the cost. Due to our underlying assumption,the laissez-faire policy b ” β leads y to hit γ strictly before x reachesα{β. Then if ypτ`q ă γ, it means that for some times t P r0, τ`q, wehave bptq ă β and yptq ă γ. Increasing a little b at such times, will havethe effect of increasing ypτ`q while keeping y below γ. Furthermore thisoperation will decrease a little the cost. As a consequence, in order tofind a minimizing policy b for C, we can assume that ypτ`q “ γ. Thisamounts to assuming (17).

These considerations and Assumption (17) lead us to modify thefunctional set rFγ into Fγ, replacing its first requirement (H1a) by

(H1b): ϕ is defined on rα{β, x0s, takes values in p0, γs, the left limits of ϕare positive, ϕpα{βq “ γ and ϕpx0q “ y0


Of course the cost functional on such functions ϕ is given by

J pϕqBż


Lpξ, ϕpξq, ϕ1pξqq dξ



uPpα{β,x0s :ϕpuq‰ϕpu´q







Our ultimate goal is to prove that J admits a unique minimizer ϕ˚over Fγ and that this minimizer is obtained from b˚ by the operationdescribed above. Up to the justification of the reduction of (H1a) to(H1b), given at the end of Subsection 5.6, Theorem 1 will then be proven.

5.2 Extension of J to measuresTo prove the existence of the minimizer ϕ˚ of J on Fγ, we begin bygeneralizing this optimization problem by replacing Fγ by a set of mea-sures.

To any given ϕ P Fγ, we associate three measures µ, ψ and ν onI B rα{β, x0s via




uPpα{β,x0s :ϕpuq‰ϕpu´q
















(where δu stands for the Dirac mass at u).Note that ψ and ν are non-negative measures, but µ is a signed

measure. Denote Fµ the repartition function associated to µ via

@ x P I, FµpxqBµprα{β, xsq

Recall that ϕ, as well as its left limits, are positive on I, it followsthat ϕ is bounded below by a positive constant on I. This observationenables us to compute Fµ:

@ x P I, Fµpxq“ lnpϕpxqq ´ lnpϕpα{βqq “ lnpϕpxq{γq (19)

We deduce that

@ x P I, ϕpxq“ γ exppFµpxqq


and as a consequence










On these expressions, it appears that ψ and ν only depend on µ (inaddition to the constants α, β, γ), so they will be denoted ψµ νµ fromnow on.

From (19) we get that the total weight µpIq of µ is given by Fµpx0q “lnpy0{γq. Let us estimate the total variation }µ}tv of µ:

Lemma 4 We have


εpx0 ´ α{βq ` lnpy0{γq


εB inftϕpxq : x P Iu “ mintϕpxq ^ ϕpx´q : x P Iu

ProofRecall that any signed measurem on I can be decomposed intom`´m´,where m´ and m` are two non-negative measures mutually singular.The total variation is given by }m}tv “ m´pIq `m`pIq.

Coming back to µ, we have


ϕpxq1tϕ1pxqą0u dx

so that





ϕpxqdx ď





1 dx “x0 ´ α{β


It follows that

}µ}tv“µ´pIq ` µ`pIq “ 2µ´pIq ` µpIq ď2

εpx0 ´ α{βq ` lnpy0{γq

The quantity ε ą 0 associated to ϕ in the previous lemma can beestimated in terms of J pϕq:

Lemma 5 We have

εě y0 expp´βJ pϕq{αq


Fix an arbitrary point x P I. We have

J pϕqě β




Lpu, ϕpuq, ϕ1puqq du ěβ


ż x0


Lpu, ϕpuq, ϕ1puqq du



ż x0















ż x0













ż x0



ϕpuqdu “







where in the last-but-one inequality, we took into account that 1´ αβuě 0

for u ě x ě α{β. The above bound can be written

ϕpxqěϕpx0q expp´αJ pϕq{βq “ y0 expp´αJ pϕq{βq

By taking the infimum over all x P I, we get the desired result.�

Consider an element ϕ0 of Fγ such that J pϕ0q ă `8, for instancethe function constructed from b˚ as in the previous subsection. Let

M B2 exppαp1` J pϕ0qq{βq

y0px0 ´ α{βq ` lnpy0{γq (20)

The global minimization of J on Fγ is equivalent of the global mini-mization of J on tϕ P Fγ : J pϕq ď J pϕ0qu. So according to Lemma 4,we can restrict our attention to measure µ satisfying

(C1): }µ}tv ďM .

Furthermore note that the fact that ϕ belongs to Fγ implies three con-ditions on µ:

(C2): µpIq “ lnpy0{γq,

(C3): Fµ ď 0,

(C4): µ` ψµ ě 0.

Denote by Mγ the set of signed measures µ on I which satisfy theconditions (C1), (C2), (C3) and (C4).

Up to now, we did not use νµ, its interest comes from the fact thatfor ϕ P Fγ, the cost functional writes

J pϕq“ β

αpµ` νµq`pIq


This observation leads us to define for any µ PMγ,

Kpµq“ β

αpµ` νµq`pIq

since the global minimization of J on tϕ P Fγ : J pϕq ď J pϕ0qu can beembedded in the global minimization of K onMγ.

5.3 Existence of a global minimizer of K on Mγ

The successive extensions of our initial minimization problem workedout in the two previous subsections will be justified here by showing theexistence of a global minimizer, via abstract topological arguments. Itwon’t be clear that such a minimizer fromMγ corresponds to an elementof Bγ via the transformation of Subsection 5.1: this will be investigatedin the next subsections.

Let us endow the set of (signed) measures on I with the weak topol-ogy, i.e. a sequence pµnqnPN of such measures converges toward a measureµ if and only if for any continuous function g : I Ñ R, we have


µnrgs “µrgs

The existence of a global minimizer of K onMγ is a consequence ofa version of Weierstrass’ maximum theorem through the two followingresults.

Proposition 3 The setMγ is compact.

Proposition 4 The mapping K : Mγ Ñ R is lower semi-continuous.

Proof of Proposition 3Consider the ball (with respect to the strong topology) BpMq consistingof the signed measures whose total variation is smaller or equal to M .It is well-known that BpMq is weakly compact. So it sufficient to showthat the sets

S1B tµ P BpMq : µpIq “ lnpy0{γqu

S2B tµ P BpMq : Fµ ď 0u

S3B tµ P BpMq : µ` ψµ ě 0u

are closed.‚ Concerning S1, this is obvious, since µpIq “ µr1Is, where 1I is the

continuous function on I always taking the value 1.‚ For S2, consider a sequence pµnqnPN of measures from S2 converging

toward a signed measure µ. We have to check that µ P S2. Consider A


the set of atoms of µ, A is at most denumerable and for x P IzA, wehave


Fµnpxq“Fµ (21)

We deduce

@ x P IzA, Fµpxqď 0

It remains to use that Fµ is right-continuous and that IzA is dense in Ito extend the validity of the above inequality to the whole set I.‚ For S3, consider a sequence pµnqnPN of measures from S3 converging

toward a signed measure µ. We have to check that µ`ψµ ě 0. Considerg a continuous function on I. We begin by showing that


ψµnrgs “ψµrgs (22)

Indeed, for any n P N, we have

ψµnrgs “1




gpxq expp´Fµnpxqq dx

We have seen in (21) that Fµn is almost everywhere converging toFµ. Furthermore, we have for all n P N,

@ x P I, |Fµnpxq| ď }µn}tv ďM

It follows that dominated convergence can be invoked to conclude to(22).

We deduce that


pµn ` ψµnqrgs “ pµ` ψµqrgs

Now assume furthermore that g ě 0. The above convergence impliesthat

pµ` ψµqrgs ě 0

Since this is true for all non-negative continuous function g, we get thatµ` ψµ ě 0, as desired.

Proof of Proposition 4


To get that the mapping K : Mγ Ñ R is lower semi-continuous, it issufficient to write it as the supremum of (weakly) continuous functionsonMγ. By definition, we have

Kpµq“ β

αpµ` νµq`pIq “



gPCpIq : 0ďgď1pµ` νµqrgs

where CpIq is the set of continuous functions on I.So it remains to check that for any fixed g P CpIq with 0 ď g ď 1,

the mapping

Mγ Q µ ÞÑ pµ` νµqrgs

is continuous. The proof of this continuity is similar to the closure ofS3 in the proof of Proposition 3: both the mappingsMγ Q µ ÞÑ ψµ andMγ Q µ ÞÑ νµ are continuous (taking values in the set of non-negativemeasures on I endowed with the weak topology).

5.4 Reduction to absolutely continuous measuresLet µ˚ be a minimizer of K on Mγ. We will show here that µ˚ isabsolutely continuous with respect to λ, the Lebesgue measure on I.

Recall that any signed measure µ on I can be uniquely decomposedinto a sum µa ` µs ` µc, where µa is atomic, µc is diffuse and singularwith respect to λ and µc is absolutely continuous with respect to λ. Dueto Radon-Nikodym theorem, µc admits a (signed) density f : I Ñ Rwith respect to λ, this relation will be denoted µc “ f ¨ λ.

Using this decomposition, the cost functional K can be written underthe form

Kpµq“ β



µapIq ` µspIq `



pf ` νµq` dλ


where we identified νµ with its density with respect to λ, namely

@ x P I, νµpxq“1







Our goal here is to show that µ˚a “ 0 “ µ˚s , by perturbative argu-ments. Both proofs will follow the same pattern, but the deduction ofµa “ 0 is simpler, so for pedagogical reasons we will insist on this one.

Proof of µ˚a “ 0

The argument is by contradiction. Assume that µ˚a ‰ 0, then there existx1 P I and ε ą 0 such that µ˚a ě εδx1 . Since Fµ˚px1q´Fµ˚px1´q ě ε and


that Fµ˚px1q ď 0, we have Fµ˚px1´q ď ´ε and we can find x2 P pα{β, y1qsuch that

@ x P rx2, x1q, Fµ˚pxqď´ε


It leads us to consider for r ą 0, the perturbation µ˚r defined by

µ˚r Bµ` r1rx2,x1q

x1 ´ x2¨ λ´ rδx1

(where 1rx2,x1q is the indicator function of rx2, x1q and the middle termis an absolutely continuous measure).

Let us check that µr PMγ for r ą 0 small enough, namely that (C1),(C2), (C3) and (C4) are satisfied by µ˚r .‚ }µ˚r }tv ďM :Since µ˚ is also a minimizer of K on the space of signed measures

on I, we have Kpµ˚q ď Lpϕ0q, where ϕ0 was defined above (20). Itfollows from Lemmas 4 and 5, taking into account the definition ofM in(20), that }µ˚}tv ă M . Triangular inequality with respect to the totalvariation norm implies

}µ˚r }tvď}µ˚}tv `


x1 ´ x2¨ λ´ rδx1


“ }µ˚}tv ` 2r

insuring that for r ď pM ´ }µ˚}tvq{2, we have }µ˚}tv ďM .‚ µ˚r pIq “ lnpy0{γq:The total weight of µ˚r is always the same as that of µ˚, since



x1 ´ x2¨ λ´ δx1


pIq“ 1´ 1 “ 0

‚ Fµ˚r ď 0:Note that outside px2, x1q, Fµ˚r coincides with Fµ˚ , so we just need

to check that Fµ˚r pxq ď 0 for all x P px1, x2q. Indeed, we have

@ x P px1, x2q, Fµ˚r pxq“Fµ˚pxq ` rx´ x2x1 ´ x2

ď ´ε

2` r ď 0

as soon as r ď ε{2.‚ µ˚r ` ψµ˚r ě 0:Note again that outside px2, x1s, we have µ˚r `ψµ˚r “ µ˚`ψµ˚ , so we

just need to check that the measure µ˚r `ψµ˚r is non-negative on px2, x1s.The diffusive singular part of µ˚r`ψµ˚r is the same as that of µ˚`ψµ˚ andthe atomic ones only differ at x1. Note that µ˚r ptx1uq “ µsptx1uq ´ r ě


ε´r and this is non-negative, as soon as r ď ε. Concerning the absolutelycontinuous part, denote f˚ (respectively f˚r ) the density of µ˚ (resp. µ˚r )with respect to λ. We have a.e. for x P px2, x1q,

f˚r pxq“ f˚pxq `


x1 ´ x2(23)

Identify ψµ˚r with its density, so that we can write (a.e.)

@ x P px2, x1q, ψµ˚r pxq“expp´Fµ˚r pxqq


Note that

@ x P px2, x1q,ˇ

ˇFµ˚r pxq ´ Fµ˚pxqˇ






ż x



x1 ´ x2dλ





“rpx´ x2q

x1 ´ x2ď r


CBexpp1`maxxPrx2,x1s |Fµpxq|q


For any r P r0, 1s, we have

@ x P px2, x1q,ˇ

ˇψµ˚r pxq ´ ψµ˚pxqˇ


Comparing with (23), we get that if x2 has been chosen so thatx1 ´ x2 ď C´1, then a.e. for x P px2, x1q,

f˚r pxq ` ψµ˚r pxq ě f˚pxq ` ψµ˚pxq ě 0

This ends the proof that µr PMγ, as soon as r ą 0 is small enoughand x2 is sufficiently close to x1.

Let us evaluate Kpµ˚r q. We have

Kpµ˚r q“Kpµ˚q ´ r `ż x1



f `r

x1 ´ x2` νµ˚r



´ pf ` νµq` dλ (24)

and for almost all x belonging to px2, x1q,ˆ

fpxq `r

x1 ´ x2` νµ˚r pxq



´ pfpxq ` νµpxqq`ďr

x1 ´ x2` νµ˚r pxq ´ νµpxq

Note that for x P px2, x1q, we have Fµ˚r pxq ą Fµ˚pxq, so that νµ˚r pxq ăνµ˚pxq. Thus we get


fpxq `r

x1 ´ x2` νµ˚r pxq



´ pfpxq ` νµpxqq`ăr

x1 ´ x2


It follows that that for r ą 0:ż x1



f `r

x1 ´ x2` νµ˚r



´ pf ` νµq` dλă r

and (24) implies the contradiction Kpµ˚r q ă Kpµ˚q.�

Remark 5 In Subsection 5.2, we have seen that the atomic part ofa measure corresponds to imposing the drastic policy b “ 0 for sometime, as a partial attempt toward eradication of the disease (accordingto Remark 1 this goal cannot be fully attained). The significance ofµ˚a “ 0 is that such attempts are sub-optimal. From the above proof wesee that it is better to replace such attempts by future softer policies,replacing a (partial) Dirac mass at x1 by a density before x1 (recall thatx and time go in reverse directions).


Proof of µ˚s “ 0

The pattern of the proof is the same as that for µ˚a “ 0, except that wehave to “thicken a little” x1. Indeed, if µ˚s ‰ 0, we can find x1 P pα{β, x0sand ε1 ą 0 such that


βăx1 ´ ε


µ˚s ppx1 ´ ε1, x1 ` ε

1qqą 0

@ ε2 P p0, ε1s, µ˚s ppx1 ´ ε2, x1 ` ε

2qqě 2µ˚c ppx1 ´ ε

2, x1 ` ε2qq

In comparison with the previous proof, the restriction of µ˚s to px1´ε1, x1` ε

1q plays the role of εδx1 with µ˚s ppx1´ ε1, x1` ε1qq playing the roleof ε.

It is now possible to find x2 P pα{β, x1´ ε1q such that for r ą 0 smallenough, the measure

µ˚r Bµ` r1rx2,x1´ε1q

x1 ´ ε1 ´ x2¨ λ´


µ˚s prx1 ´ ε1, x1 ` ε1sq

1px1´ε1,x1`ε1q ¨ µ˚s

belongs toMγ and

Kpµ˚r qăKpµ˚q

This is the desired contradiction. The details of the adaptation ofthe arguments of the proof of µ˚a “ 0 are left to the reader.


We have shown that any minimizer µ˚ of K can be written in theform f˚ ¨ λ. As a consequence, such a density f˚ is a minimizer of asuitably formulated optimization problem, to which we now turn..

For any integrable function f on I, let associate to f the notions thatwere previously associated to the measure f ¨ λ: for any x P I,

F pxqBFf ¨λpxq “

ż x


fpuq du

ψF pxqB1

γexpp´F pxqq

νF pxqB





expp´F pxqq

We introduce Dγ the set of integrable functions f such that

F px0q “ lnpy0{γq, F ď 0, f ` ψF ě 0

and we consider on Dγ the functional

Gpfq B Kpf ¨ λq “ β




pf ` νF q` dλ

We have shown the optimization problem of G on Dγ (which is anextension of the optimization problem of J on Fγ) admits global min-imizers: they are exactly the functions f˚ such that f˚ ¨ λ P Mγ is aglobal minimizer of K.

5.5 Characterization of the minimizer of G on DγIn this subsection, a minimizer of G on Dγ will be denoted f and ourgoal is to show that it is a.e. equal to the function f˚ described below.

Define x˚ as the unique solution belonging to rα{β, x0s of the equation

x˚ ´α

βlnpx˚q“ 1´ γ ´


βlnpx0q (25)

(the existence of this solution is due to our underlying assumption, notethat x˚ coincides with xpτ1q defined above (8)), and take

@ x P rα{β, x0s,



0 , if x ď x˚



γ ´´

x´ x˚ ´ αβ


1´ αβx


, if x ą x˚(26)

Theorem 2 The function f˚ is the unique minimizer of G on Dγ, upto modifications on subsets of I with Lebesque measure zero.


The proof of this result proceeds by way of a few lemmas.We associate to f , a minimizer of G on Dγ, the notions defined at

the end of the previous subsection. In addition, we define

vBmaxtx P I : F pxq “ 0u

G1pfqBż v


pf ` νF q` dλ

G2pfqBż x0


pf ` νF q` dλ

Note that Gpfq “ pβ{αqpG1pfq ` G2pfqq. We will investigate sepa-rately G1pfq and G2pfq. The computation of the former will be a conse-quence of:

Lemma 6 The function F vanishes everywhere on rα{β, vs.

ProofWe have

G1pfqěż v


f ` νF dλ “ F pvq `

ż v


νF dλ “

ż v


νF dλ

since by continuity of F , F pvq “ 0.The bound F ď 0 implies that

@ x P I, νF pxq“1






expp´F pxqq ě1







and we deduce



ż v



βxdx “ G1p rfq

where the function rf is given by

@ x P I, rfpxqB


0 , if x ď vfpxq , if x ą v

Since F pvq “ 0, we get that for any x P rv, x0s, that

rF pxqB

ż x


rfpuq du “

ż x


rfpuq du “

ż x


fpuq du “ F pxq

We deduce that rf ` νrF coincides with f ` νF on rv, x0s and thus

G2p rfq “ G2pfq, which implies

Gp rfqďGpfq


Taking into account that rf P Dγ and that f is a minimizer of G onDγ, we must have Gp rfq “ Gpfq and G1p rfq “ G1pfq. In particular, (27)must be an equality a.e. on rα{β, vs. This means that F vanishes a.e. onrα{β, vs. The continuity of F then implies that F vanishes identicallyon rα{β, vs.

As announced, we deduce the value of G1pfq:

Lemma 7




v ´α










´ 1


and the r.h.s. is increasing with respect to v.

ProofFrom Lemma 6, we deduce that f “ 0 on rα{β, vs (a.e., as all statementsabout densities, in the sequel we will no longer mention it). Recallingthat νF ě 0, we get

G1pfq“ż v


νF dλ “

ż v


ν0 dλ “1


ż v













v ´α










´ 1


We now come to the study of G2. Our main step in this direction is:

Proposition 6 We have f ` νF ď 0 on rv, x0s.

ProofConsider x1 P pv, x0s. Since x1 can be arbitrary close to v, it is sufficientto show that f ` νF ď 0 on rx1, x0s. The advantage of considering sucha x1 is that we can find η ą 0 such that

@ x P rx1, x0s, F pxqď´η (28)

This property will be important for the perturbations of f we areto consider. More precisely they will be of the form fr B f ` rg, withr ą 0 sufficiently small and where g is an appropriate bounded functionon rα{β, x0s and satisfying g “ 0 on rα{β, x1s.


Defining for x P rα{β, x0s


ż x


fr dλ


ż x


g dλ “

ż v_x


g dλ

we have Fr “ F `rG and it is clear from (28) that the inequality Fr ď 0will be satisfied on rv, x0s for r ą 0 sufficiently small. Since Fr and Fcoincide on rα{β, vs, we will get Fr ď 0 on I.

It will be easy to impose that Gpx0q “ 0, to get Frpx0q “ F px0q “lnpy0{γq.

It will be more tricky to insure that fr ` ψFr ě 0 (on rx1, x0s, sinceit is trivial on rα{β, x1s where fr ` ψFr coincides with f ` ψF ) and wehave to be very careful about the choice of g. The construction of suchappropriate g is given as follows.

First note that if x P rx1, x0s is such that fpxq ` ψF pxq “ 0, then

fpxq ` νF pxq“ fpxq ` ψF pxq ´α

βγxexpp´F pxqq ď ´ε





βγxexpp´F pxqq : x P rx1, x0s



AB tx P rx1, x0s : fpxq ` νF pxq ď ´ε{2u

BB tx P rx1, x0s : fpxq ` νF pxq ą 0u

Let h be a bounded and measurable function defined on B. Considerthe two functions ξ and χ given on rx1, x0s by





1 , if x P Ahpxq , if x P B0 , otherwise



ψF pxq , if x P AνF pxq , otherwise

Solve on rx1, x0s the weak ODE in G:#

Gpx1q“ 0

9G“χG` ξ(29)


(this is always possible, even with irregular ξ and χ, see (30) below).Next extend G to rα{β, x1s by imposing that G vanishes there (equiv-

alently, keep solving (29) with ξ “ χ “ 0 there) and define g B 9G.Note that on A, we have g ´ ψFG “ 1, i.e.

g ´ γ´1e´FG“ 1

It follows that for r ě 0 sufficiently small, say r P r0, r0q, with somer0 ą 0, we have

g ´ γ´1e´FrGě 1{2 on A

(r0 depends on h through (29) via a bound on G).The latter inequality can be written as

Brfr ` BrψFr ě1

2on A

and we deduce that for r P r0, r0q,

fr ` ψFr ě 0 on A

Due to the definition of ε and A, f ` ψF is bounded below by ε{2on rx1, x0szA. It follows that up to diminishing r0, we can insure thatfr ` ψFr ě 0 on rx1, x0s for all r P r0, r0q.

Up to imposing Gpx0q “ 0, this is the type of perturbations fr weare to consider.

Note that (29) can be solved explicitly:

@ x P rx1, x0s, Gpxq“ eHpxqż x


e´Hpuqξpuq du (30)


@ x P rx1, x0s, Hpxq“

ż x


χpuq du (31)

Thus the condition Gpx0q “ 0 writesż x0


e´Hξ dλ“ 0



e´H dλ`



e´Hh dλ“ 0 (32)


Once this condition is satisfied, we have fr P Dγ for r P r0, r0q. Itleads us to investigate G2pfrq. Let us differentiate this quantity at r “ 0.First note that

Br|r“0pfr ` νFrq“ g ´ νFG

If x P rx1, x0s is such that fpxq ` νF pxq “ 0, then x does not belongto A \ B, so g ´ νFG “ 0. Taking into account the definition of B, weobtain by differentiation under the integral



g ´ νFGdλ “



h dλ

Since f is a global minimizer of G on Dγ and that Gpfrq ´ Gpfq “G2pfrq ´ G2pfq, we must have



h dλě 0 (33)

So we have shown that if h is such that (32) is true, then (33) holds.To finish the proof, it remains to see that this property implies that

λpDq “ 0.We proceed by contradiction, assuming λpDq ą 0. Consider x2 P

px1, x0q such that

λpD´q“λpD`q (34)


D´ B D X rx1, x2q, D` B D X rx2, x0q

Find a bounded and measurable function h0 on B such thatż


expp´Hqh0 dλ“´



expp´Hq dλ (35)

Consider next

h“h0 ` t exppHq1D´ ´ t exppHq1D`

with t ě 0 to be chosen later.Due to (34) and (35), (32) holds.However, as can be seen in (31), H is strictly increasing on B. It

follows that

@ x1 P D´, @ x2P D`, Hpx1qăHpx2q


and as a consequenceż


h dλ“



h0 dλ` t


eH dλ´



eH dλ


diverges toward ´8 as t goes to `8 (the latter assertion follows fromλpD´q “ λpD`q “ λpDq{2 ą 0). However, this leads to a contradictionwith (33), so we must have λpDq “ 0, as desired.

We can now come to the

Proof of Theorem 2From Proposition 6, we deduce that G2pfq “ 0 and so Gpfq “ pβ{αqG1pfq.Lemma 7 tells us that Gpfq will be minimal if v is as small as possible.

From Proposition 6, we also get that for x P rv, x0s,







expp´F pxqq (36)

inequality which can rewritten under the form


dxexppF pxqqď´









(where d{dx corresponds to a weak derivative).Integrating this bound we obtain

eF px0q ´ eF pvqď´1



x0 ´ v ´α



Recalling that F pvq “ 0 and F px0q “ lnpy0{γq, we deduce

y0γ´ 1ď´




x0 ´ v ´α




1´ γ ´α

βlnpx0qď v ´



The r.h.s. is a quantity which is increasing with v. Thus we musthave v ě x˚, where x˚ was defined in (25).

The equality v “ x˚ is realized if and only if (36) is an equality (a.e.),namely







expp´F pxqq (37)


Integrating this equality as before, we get

@ x P rx˚, x0s, eF pxq ´ 1“´1



x´ x˚ ´α



Replacing this value of eF pxq in (37), we get the function announcedin (26).

In the above arguments also enable to compute the minimal valueof G on Dγ (which is also the minimal value of K on Mγ according toSubsection 5.4).

Corollary 1

minDγG “ Gpf˚q“ β



x˚ ´α











´ 1










´ 1`β

α´ lnpx0q




ProofIn the proof of Theorem 2 we have seen that Gpf˚q “ pβ{αqG1pf˚q.Using the expression given in Lemma 7, where v is replaced by x˚, weget




x˚ ´α










´ 1


It remains to take into account the characterization (25) of x˚.�

Remember this value of minDγ G is only valid under our underlyingassumption, otherwise this minimum is simply 0, as it is attained at thelaissez-faire policy. It should be noted that minDγ G is decreasing withrespect to γ, as long as our underlying assumption is satisfied (recall (6)in the main text). This observation will be useful in the next subsection.

5.6 Back to Theorem 1Finally we come to the proof of Theorem 1. But first we have to re-turn to a rigorous justification of the restriction to (17), which was onlyheuristically discussed at the end of Subsection 5.1. We will also pro-vide an analytical value for τ1 and present an extension of Theorem 1 inRemark 9.

In the setting of Subsection 5.1, consider a function ϕ : rα{β, x0s Ñr0, γs with ϕpα{βq ă γ, and satisfying (H2), (H3), (H4) and (H5). Due to


the fact that ϕ is right continuous and only jumps upward, this functionattains its maximum, say at x1 P rα{β, x0s. Define a new function rϕ via

@ x P rα{β, x0s, rϕpxqB


ϕpx1q , if x ď x1ϕpxq , if x ą x1

Note that rϕ still satisfies (H2), (H3), (H4) and (H5). Recall thefunctional J defined in (18).

Lemma 8 We have

J prϕqďJ pϕq

and the inequality is strict if rϕ ‰ ϕ.

ProofThe argument is similar to the proof of Lemma 6 and is based on thefollowing computation:ż x1


Lpu, ϕpuq, ϕ1puqq duěβ


ż x1


1` ϕ1puq




“ rlnpϕpuqsx1α{β `β


ż x1









ě rlnpϕpuqsx1α{β `β


ż x1




“ lnpϕpx1q{ϕpα{βqq `β












If we replace ϕ by rϕ in the above computations, all the inequalitiesbecome equalities, so the last term is in fact equal to

ż x1


Lpu, rϕpuq, rϕ1puqq du

We have furthermoreÿ

uPpα{β,x1s :ϕpuq‰ϕpu´q






ě 0 “ÿ

uPpα{β,x1s : rϕpuq‰rϕpu´q






and the respective contributions of ϕ and rϕ to the costs J pϕq and J prϕqare the same on px1, x0s. It follows that

J prϕqďJ pϕq


The equality holds if in the above computation of the integralşx1α{β

Lpu, ϕpuq, ϕ1puqq du, all inequalities are equalities and we get thatϕpxq “ ϕpx1q for a.e. x P pα{β, x1q, namely rϕ “ ϕ.

It follows that in the perspective of minimizing J , we can restrictour attention to functions ϕ attaining their maximum at α{β, i.e. wecan replace (H1a) by

(H1c): ϕ is defined on rα{β, x0s, takes values in r0, γs, ϕpα{βq “ maxrα{β,x0s ϕ,ϕpx0q “ y0 and the left limits of ϕ are positive.

To go further toward (H1b), let ϕ a function satisfying (H1c), (H2),(H3), (H4) and (H5), denote η B ϕpα{βq and assume that η ă γ. Fromthe development of Subsections 5.2 to 5.5, we get that

J pϕqěminDηG

According to Corollary 1 (see also its following paragraph), we have



This observation ends up the justification of the replacement of (H1a)by (H1b), relatively to the search of a global minimizer of L.

We can now come to the

Proof of Theorem 1One direct way would be to check that the procedure described inSubsection 5.1 transform b˚ into f˚. There is even a faster way, as it issufficient to check that

Cpb˚q“Gpf˚q (38)

To do so, let us come back to (9) and provide the missing computa-tions:

C pb˚q“ βż τ2


βγ pτ2 ´ tq

1` βγ pτ2 ´ tqdt



ż βγpτ2´τ1q




1` s




γrβγ pτ2 ´ τ1q ´ ln p1` βγ pτ2 ´ τ1qqs




xpτ1q ´α











´ 1










´ 1`β

α´ lnp1´ εq





Comparing this value with that of Corollary 1 (recall that x˚ “xpτ1q), we get the validity of (38).

This argument shows that b˚ is a global minimizer of C over Bγ.To see that any global minimizer coincides with b˚ on the time intervalr0, τ1s, take into account Remark 2: since f˚ is Lipschitzian, there isonly one policy leading to f˚ (defined on rα{β, x0s).

The expression (26) of f˚ enables us to give an analytical expressionfor τ1 defined in (7). It needs the dilogarithm function Li2, which isdefined on the complex plane via

@ z P C, Li2pzq“

ż 1´z



1´ udu

Proposition 7




x˚ ´ x0 ` ln


βx˚ ´ α

βx0 ´ α



β´ x˚ `













´ Li2





ProofOn r0, τ1s, we have 9x “ ´βxy, with y “ f˚pxq. Recalling the expressionof f˚ given in (26), we get


x´ x˚ ´α

βln´ x




x´ α{β“´β

By integration, we deduce



ż x˚



x´ x˚ ´α

βln´ x




x´ α{β


βpI1 ` I2q


I1 B

ż x˚


x´ x˚ ` pα{βq lnpx˚q

x´ α{βdx , I2 B ´



ż x˚



x´ α{βdx

Let us compute separately these two integrals:


ż x˚


1`α{β ´ x˚ ` pα{βq lnpx˚q

x´ α{βdx

“x˚ ´ x0 ` rα{β ´ x˚` pα{βq lnpx˚qs ln


βx˚ ´ α

βx0 ´ α




ż x˚



pβ{αqx´ 1dx



ż βx˚{α



x´ 1dx



ż βx˚{α



x´ 1`


x´ 1dx









βx˚ ´ α

βx0 ´ α




ż βx˚{α



1´ xdx´

ż βx0´α



1´ xdx










βx˚ ´ α

βx0 ´ α








´ Li2




Putting together these two expressions, we end up with the an-nounced result.

Let us end this subsection with several observations.

Remark 8 Corollary 1 provides in fact a quantitative formulation ofour underlying assumption, since it does correspond to minDγ G ą 0 andwe get









´ 1`β

α´ lnpx0q


(in particular the r.h.s. must be positive). We recover (6) in the maintext.


Remark 9 Consider a cost functional of the form (13), where F coincideswith p¨q` on R` and is non-negative on p´8, 0q. Then we get that rC ě C.Note nevertheless that rCpb˚q “ Cpb˚q. It follows that b˚ is also a globalminimizer of rC. In particular if F is positive on p´8, 0q, then b˚ is theunique minimizer of rC.


Remark 10 Our extension of the optimization problem to measurespaces suggests that the S.I.R. ODE (1) could itself be generalized into


dx“´xy dB

dy“xy dB ´ αy dt(39)


whereB is a Radon signed measure on R` (in (1), it is given byBpr0, tsq “şt

0bpsq ds, for all t ě 0). Equation (39) is to be understood in the Stieltjes

sense: for any t ě 0,#

xptq“xp0q ´ş

r0,tsxpsqypsq dBpsq

yptq“ yp0q `ş

r0,tsxpsqypsq dBpsq ´


r0,tsαypsq ds

(where x and y are themselves only right-continuous with left limits, infact they should be seen as repartition functions of measures). It wouldbe modeling very erratic policies and Theorem 2 would imply that evenamong them, b˚ is a minimizer of the extension of C similar to J (as onewould guess).
