Persian Empire

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• Persian Empire• The Persian Empire dominates the ME• Well run; great administration• Province can keep own religion, language, some law and govt.• All swore allegiance to Persian King

• The Persian Army• Persian Armies also had variety, own talents, and nationality

• Not well equipped, no or light armor

• Main weapon bow/arrow/spear

• A lot of them!!!

• Archers did the dirty work, infantry/cavalry would finish up

• The Beginning • Persia conquers Greek what is now Turkey

• Greeks rebel and tried to fight the Persians

• Look to Sparta (refuse) and Athens (help)

• Athens arrives and burn down Sardis

• Persian King Darius• Outraged at Athens for helping Ionia

• He “conquers” Greece

• Gives Athens and Sparta chance to surrender

• Sends groups to each with a demand of earth and water

• Marathon• Persians arrived at the plain of Marathon

• Athens sent a messenger to Sparta asking for help (150 mile in 48 hrs)

• Sparta said they couldn’t come because they were in the middle of a religious festival. Could you kindly wait

• Another city-state (The Plataens) helps Athens

• There were 10,000 Athenian and 1,000 Plataen; 50,000 – 200,000 persians

The initial set up of the forces. Note that the Persians have their backs to the water and that the Athenians have stronger flanks and a weaker center.

• Athenians closed in on the Persians quickly, running the last 200 yards

• The Greek center was weak and the flanks strong, the center was pushed back while the flanks pushed in. After the center retreated a certain distance, it suddenly held firm. This resulted in a double envelopment of the Persians. Being double enveloped is NOT a good position to be in during a battle.

• The Persians panicked and made a run for their ships.

• 192 Athenians-11 Plataens; 6,400 Persians killed.

• A messenger was sent to Athens. He ran the 26 miles, arrived at the agora, to tell of the news and dropped dead (modern marathon).

• This was actually important because it warned the Athenians that the Persians were coming and to put up a defense and man the walls. The Persians that made it out of Marathon sailed to Athens, but the Athenians from Marathon beat them there. The Persians gave up and sailed home.

• The Spartans finally showed up the second day after the battle, making the 150 mile march in three days. They toured the battlefield and agreed the Athenians had kicked some Persian keister.

• The Persians’ defeat caused them problems because their aura of invincibility was tarnished. Other people rebelled, but were generally suppressed.

• As for the Greeks, victory significantly boosted morale as well as the prominence of the Athenians.

• All the same, the Greek city-states knew the Persians would be back. Many of the city-states that had vowed submission to Persia renounced it. Others made secret deals with the Persians to defect when they invaded again.

• Economics also played into their plans

• Second Persian Invasion

• Darius is ready to invade, but rebellions in his empire slow him down

• Darius dies in 486 BC and is succeeded by his son Xerxes.

• 480 B. C: Xerxes invades with a force of 100,000 to 500,000

• Land force crossed over the Hellespont by pontoon bridges they built.

• The first bridges destroyed in storm. As punishment, Xerxes ordered that the sea receive 300 lashes for having the temerity to oppose him.

• Greeks don’t stand and watch• The usual fighting and bickering was set aside b/c of invasion• Athens builds superb navy• The warship – trireme • Narrow ship, 35 meters long. • Crew of 170 rowers (3 levels), 20 crew; 10 marines• Main weapon -bronze plated ram(front)• You built up speed and rammed another ship, sinking it

• Main naval battle tactic until 1571

Check out that ram! And look at how close those lower oar ports are to the waterline (yikes!).

How are you going with so few to risk with so many"?

"If you think that I am going to fight by numbers, then all of Greece would be insufficient, for she is only a small part of the numbers of the Persians, but if I am going to fight by valor, then even 300 is enough“

– King Leonidis

• Remember 300• Greeks need time to organize so stand @ Thermopylae.• 300 Spartans led by King Leonidas & 6,700 others stand.

• Leonidas knew it was a suicide mission• His last words to his wife,“Marry a good man, and have good children”

• Before the battle, Xerxes offered Leonidas to be king of Greece if he surrendered--he said no

• His answer, “If you knew what is good in life, you would abstain from wishing for foreign things. For me it is better to die for Greece than to be king over my compatriots.”

• When Xerxes again demanded Leonidas surrender his arms, Leonidas replied simply, “Μολών lαβέ.” “Come get them.”

• Xerxes orders men into pass - make short work of the Spartans

• 100,000 Persians ; 7,000 Greeks.

• Persian troops no match for Greek phalanx

• Fought in the “shade.”

• Waves of Persians go against Spartans only to die.

• Ephialtes(traitor) helps Persians, leads them to spartans

• Attack Spartans from both sides.

• Leonidas sends forces away.

• 300 Spartans, 400 Thebans, 700 Thespians stayed

• They fought to the last man.

• Leonidas was told by the oracle at Delphi that in the battle, either Sparta would be destroyed or it would lose its king, which may explain why he stayed.

• 1,500 Greeks- 20,000 Persians killed, including two of Xerxes’ brothers.

• Themistocles and Battle of Salamais

• New leader-Themistocles, wants naval battle he persuades Greek to have it at Salamis

• He knows that the Persians get material support from ships

• Without them, the army would fall

• Greeks had 378 triremes at Salamis

• Persians had 650-800 ships

• Persian ships more powerful than Greeks.

• The straits of Salamis too narrow for the Persians “better”ships

• Greeks lost 40 triremes Persians lost 200 ships-50,000 men.

• Battle of Plataea, the Spartans threw everything at Persia

• Greeks killed 250,000 and ended Persian threat


How did the Greeks do it?

• 3 reasons– Homefield Advantage– Better soldiers – Element of surprise



Long Term Effects of Persian Wars

• Led directly to the Peloponnesian War

• Greek power and beginnings of western culture for 200 years



The Delian League Formed• Alliance headed by Pericles of Athens• To defend further Persian invasion• Collected dues from members

• Problems1. Forced members to remain2. Used $ to rebuild Athens3. Promoted democracies only