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Photo Reviver Colorizing grayscale photos and applying

photo-editing Filters

BY: Rayan Al Arab & Sarah Renata El Hindy

Fall 2014

El Hindy & Al Arab

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1. Introduction

Old photos are memory banks to our brain. We try to put them back to life through the

imagination but they remain nothing else than a lifeless photograph without the colors that once

made them vibrant.

We resurrected grayscale images by restoring their original colors. We used the Processing IDE

which is java based to process the image pixels. We designed and implemented a program that

analyzes the components of an image from the RGB values constituting it to the shapes and

figures contained in the photo itself. We used algorithms to detect the edges and specific textures

of a given image.

The photo used was reduced to a histogram defining its key aspects such as its luminance and the

distribution of grayscale levels. That abstraction helped us easily compare photos and to

experiment with some colored photos we previously transformed into grayscale.

In the beginning, we were in front of two choices for making this software happen. Either we

succeed in devising a technique that is capable of extracting the true color of the pixel from the

grayscale version of it or we introduce colors that fit the colored element in the photo processed

(example: Tree leaves are colored with a green color the program assigns). Lastly, we decided

that the best method to colorize a photo would be by coloring it based on 2 to 3 helper colored

photos in our database that are chosen by the genetic algorithm we have implemented, which is

described in more depth in the Heuristics section.


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2. On Color Theory and Edge Detection

2.1 The Color Theory : There are two known color models; the additive color model (RGB - red, green, blue -

known as the light primaries), and the subtractive color model (CMYK - cyan, magenta, yellow,

black).The RGB color model is used in computer monitors and television sets, where red, green

and blue dots of light create the image. Whereas the CMYK model is used in the printing

industry (hardcopy printed color illustrations), in which the four-color printing process uses four

printing plates; one for cyan, one for magenta, one for yellow and one for black. When the colors

are combined on paper (they are actually printed as small dots), the human eye sees the final

image. So, when a user generates graphics on a computer for printing, or wishes to print images

from a digital camera, it is a common mistake to assume that the colors seen on the screen will

look the same in print. As a result of this mistake, files for printing are often erroneously sent in

the Red-Green-Blue (RGB) format for printing. The issue lies in the fact that the computer

screen and many photo editing programs show colors in RGB mode, while images are printed on

paper in CMYK format.

When two RGB colors are mixed equally they produce the colors of the CMYK model,

known as subtractive primaries. Green and blue create cyan (C), red and blue create magenta

(M), and red and green create yellow (Y). Black is added to the model because it cannot be

created with the 3 subtractive primaries (when combined they create a dark brown). The K, or

“key,” stands for black.

The CMYK model works by partially or entirely masking colors on a lighter, usually

white, background. The ink reduces the light that would otherwise be reflected. Such a model is

called subtractive because inks “subtract” brightness from white. In additive color models such

as RGB, white is the “additive” combination of all primary colored lights, while black is the

absence of light. In the CMYK model, it is the opposite: white is the natural color of the paper or

other background, while black results from a full combination of colored inks. To save money on

ink, and to produce deeper black tones, unsaturated and dark colors are produced by using black

ink instead of the combination of cyan, magenta and yellow.

The RGB scheme has a greater range of colors than CMYK and can produce colors that

are more vivid and vibrant. These colors are beyond the range of CMYK to reproduce and will

come out darker and more dull in print than what is seen on the monitor or display. Because the

RGB color mode has the full range of colors, documents shown in CMYK mode will always

show up precisely on-screen. RGB colors, however, will not necessarily appear in print as they

do on-screen.

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2.2 Luminance, Saturation, Hue :

The luminance of an image can be described in terms of intensity, lightness/brightness

and value. It is the intensity of light reflected by a color, or in simpler terms "how much black is

mixed in the color", since it is known that black absorbs all visible colors and reflects none. The

terms lightness and brightness refer to the reflection or emission of light from objects and

sources of light present, whereas value describes the relative lightness or darkness of the color


Hue and saturation are both aspects of color in the RGB scheme. These terms are most

often used in reference to the color of each pixel in a cathode ray tube ( CRT ) display. As

saturation increases, colors appear more "pure." As saturation decreases, colors appear more

"washed-out." Hue refers to the pure spectrum colors - red, orange, yellow, blue, green violet -

which appear in the hue circle or rainbow. Theoretically, all hues can be mixed from three basic

hues, known as primary colors (red, yellow, and blue). When pigment primaries are all mixed

together, the theoretical result is black; therefore, pigment mixture is sometimes referred to as

subtractive mixture.

2.3 Edge Detection & Shape Detection :

Edge detection algorithms are used to highlight the brightness difference between the

different elements constituting the image. Sharp changes in color intensity are detected in

grayscale images and hence all edges are configured.

The first of those algorithms uses a convolution filter mask which is a 3x3 matrix of

weights. The first row of that matrix contains positive weights , the middle row is filled with

zeros and the third and last row consists of the negative weights. When the grayscale image is

processed and traversed via a raster scan technique each pixel and the 8 pixels surrounding it

whether from the top, top right, top left, bottom,bottom right and bottom left each is multiplied

with its corresponding weight in the mask. The sum of all those multiplications replaces the

original color of the pixel. The outcome of this algorithms is a black image with the horizontal

edges illustrated in white. To achieve a vertical edge detection the matrix is transposed and the

image is processed as the procedures described above. To achieve a full edge detection for a

given grayscale image both masks are applied simultaneously. The values of the weights is what

distinguishes an algorithm from another.For example when 1,2, and 1 are used in the first row

(or column in case of vertical detection) and their corresponding negations in the third row the

technique is called “Sobel's Operator”. However when (1,2,1) is replaced in the previous

algorithm is replaced by (1,1,1) it is named “Prewitt's Operator”.

In a similar approach the “Robert's Cross” algorithm detects edges. This method uses a

2x2 matrix instead with the first row of the matrix containing 0 and +1 value while the last low

containing -1 and 0. There exists a second mask that’s the same as the first but with its columns

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reversed. This method recognizes 45 degree brightness variations which signifies that such

algorithm detects diagonal edges in a certain image.

The third procedure is laplacian edge detection that makes use of the derivative of a

fluctuating function. The monotone points in the graph that are perpendicular to the X-axis are

translated to a constant number when derived while those points located where the graph shifts

depend on an unknown variable when derived. The same concept is applied to the image as the

pixels of a smooth surface are not detected by the derivative of the image. Only the edges are

revealed upon derivation. This algorithm is sensitive to noise ,which are impurities, in the image

and thus a Gaussian filter must be applied before the processing begins. The Guassian filter ,

again, is a 3x3 mask of weights that is applied to each pixel in an image so that the its color is

blended with that of the surrounding 8 pixels. The Guassian filter smoothens the picture

eliminating noise without blurring the image. The mask used for deriving the color of a pixel and

that for smoothing it are often merged into one and applied directly to the image.

Shape detection techniques rely mainly on edge detection to recognize specific shapes.

The image is smoothened by a Guassian operator to extract the noise and edge recognition is

applied to search for sudden intensity differences that define an object’s boundary. Edge points

are first computed and each receive a descriptor consisting of the value of the pixel gradient

surrounding these points and their corresponding orientation. This descriptor data is represented

in a vector and displayed via a histogram. Edge points that adhere to one another ,logically,

should have the same histograms because the region from which their data was collected is

almost the same. Those similar histograms are then clustered together in a group. Differentiating

between one object and another then requires the comparison by a descriptor that best shows

their differences and not their similarities. This way we can secure a shape recognition technique

that is both reliable and efficient in discriminating between two objects in a grayscale image.

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2.4 On Processing: Considering the nature of our project, we will be dealing mainly with 2D images that will be

processed by a set of predefined operations. This requires a programming language that would

simplify this task for us. Processing (2.0) is such language that has a built in image object that is

represented as an array of pixels which we could smoothly scan by the means of a nested for

loop. Processing assigns color channels to each pixel that could refer to either modes : RGB or

HSB. RGB refers to Red , Green and Blue while HSB stands for Hue, Saturation and

Brightness. This language also comes with an array of operations that are applied to a PImage

object. For example , resizing a given photo needs nothing more than one line of code to call the

resize() function and supplying it with the needed length and width. In addition to that we can

make use of some of the data structures suggested such as dictionaries that are helpful in

mapping grayscale colors to their corresponding RGB values. Another advantage we can make

use of are the open-source libraries that we can download from the IDE. One of those libraries is

the openCV library which implements some of the “hard" algorithms that we are in need of ,such

as “face-detection”.

We chose Processing because it offered a programing language as well as an IDE to our project.

We chose it because it is a simplified version of a language we are more familiar with , which is

Java. This clarified version satisfies readability as the vocabulary used to name the incorporated

functions describes what they actually do. It also satisfies Brevity because , as we stated earlier, a

simple statement can replace several lines of code. This will help the programmer do much in a

limited amount of time. Another aspect ,this language fulfills, is portability because it is based on

java which in turn runs on each device that has a Java Virtual Machine. Since we are aiming to

introduce our software on the Java-based Android platform, then the Java-based Processing will

make this migration possible.

Those are some of the reasons why we are convinced that Processing (2.0) is the preferable

language and IDE to use. If it were to be implemented in any other language , our ambitions

wouldn’t be that high, but given such tools and functions we believe that we could achieve and

implement what others are still researching.

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3. The Data Model

Invariant: A shape is a “connected” set of pixels, in which a continuous path can be drawn connecting the consecutive pixels forming the shape.

Format: The set of image formats that will be dealt with, such as jpeg, png etc…

Size: The space occupied on disk (in MB).

Dimensions: The specified measurements of a digital photo (width x height).

Pixel: The smallest addressable element in an image.

Shapes: The set of possible shapes that will be found in images, i.e. face, tree, building etc…, which can be identified through texture/brightness.

Brightness Contrast : The difference in intensity between a set of pixels define a shape edge

Color Edge: The boundary between two different color gradients


PImage Object




! *



! *






! *




! !


Image Dimensions

(MxN) Size (MB)

Pixel (x)(y) Format


Shapes Texture



Color Edge

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4. Design

4.1 Project Requirements & Implementation Sketch:

class PhotoEditor {

PImage img;

PImage backup;

ArrayList<PImage> undo = new ArrayList<PImage>();

Object[] inventory = new Object[256];

String[] inventorys = new String[256];

PhotoEditor(String fileName) throws NullPointerException

// REQUIRES: fileName not null

// EFFECTS: initializes the PImage img & backupImg to the image provided by the user

PImage colorpic(PImage img)

// REQUIRES: img to be in grayscale and not null

// EFFECTS: returns a colorized version of the grayscale image


* implementation sketch:

* LOOP over pixels of image

* get red component of pixel (=gray, since r,g,b are same for grayscale)

* IF inventorys array at index gray is not null (inventorys is array that

contains highest occurrence of r/g/b for each grayscale value)

* split r/g/b string into r,g,b values using delimiter “/” and parse into


* set color consisting of r,g,b values to pixel

* END if

* END loop

*return colored Image


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PImage addFilter(String filterName, PImage img)

// REQUIRES: img to be in RGB mode, filterName not null and img not null

// EFFECTS: returns image with applied filter


*implementation sketch:

* IF filterName equal to one of the 10 filter names

* change R,G,B channels according to filter specified by using helper

methods such as adjustSaturation, adjustContrast, adjustBrightness, adjustTint, earlyBirdBorder,

errorDith, patternDith, BandW depending on the filterName

* return filtered img


PImage identifyShape(int x, int y, PImage img)

// REQUIRES: x and y are not empty and img is not null

// EFFECTS: returns an image having horizontal, vertical, and diagonal lines drawn until edges

of shape are detected

// HELPS: colorpic(img)


*implementation sketch:

* IF x, y and img not null

* Invoke edge detection on img, using helpers verticalEdgeDetect &


* Loop over pixels from specified pixel location (up, down, left, right)

* IF we hit an edge

* store edge coordinates

* break

* Loop over img

* Locate shape bounded by the stored coordinates

* return image with highlighted shape


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PImage upsizePhoto(int factor, PImage img)

// REQUIRES: img is not null

// EFFECTS: returns upsized version of img by the factor provided


*implementation sketch:

* IF factor not equal to 0 and img not null

* Invoke Bicubic interpolation to map pixels to another image enlarged by a


* return enlarged image


PImage downNeighboring(int factor, PImage img)

// REQUIRES: img is not null and factor is not empty

// EFFECTS: returns downsized version of img by the factor provided


*implementation sketch:

* IF factor not equal to 0 and img not null

* Invoke downsampling to map pixels to another image reduced by factor

* return downsized image


PImage addText(String text, int txtsize, int colortxt, int x, int y, PImage img)

// REQUIRES: x and y are not empty and img is not null

// MODIFIES: img

// EFFECTS: returns image with text displayed starting from pixel at coordinates x,y


*implementation sketch:

* load image into the canvas

* use processing function to add text to image at a specific location x,y

* return new photo with text


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PImage collagePhoto(String [] imageNames)

// REQUIRES: imageNames should be at maximum of size = 4 and minimum of 2, and not null

// EFFECTS: returns an Image containing 4 or less images aggregated


*implementation sketch:

* IF imageNames.length = 1, return image

* IF imageNames.length between 2 and 4

* load images into PImage objects

* downsize images by factor of 2

* create a PImage with a height and width total of all collaged photos

* Copy pixels of specified photos into the created Image side by side

* return new collaged photo Image


PImage sharpen(PImag img)

// REQUIRES: img is not null

// EFFECTS: Returns image with applied filter


*implementation sketch:

* Use helper methods to get verticalEdgeDetect img & horizontalEdgeDetect img

* Loop over all pixels in an image

* get r,g,b values of original img, verticalEdgeDetect img &

horizontalEdgeDetect img at each pixel

* add the red components of the 3 images together (do same to blue & green


* set color to new r,g,b values

* return sharpened image


PImage guassianBlurr(PImag img)

// REQUIRES: img is not null

// EFFECTS: Returns smoothened version of the image


*implementation sketch:

* LOOP over all pixels in image

* multiply each pixel and its neighbors with a convolution mask (int[][]


* replace value of pixel with new value

* return blurred image


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PImage gridFilter(int a, int b, PImage img)

// REQUIRES: img is not null

// CHECKS: checks if img is not null

// EFFECTS: returns a gridded image


*implementation sketch:

* IF img not null

* LOOP over img pixels from position (a,b)

* WHILE img boundaries are not exceeded

* Set color = color of traversed pixel

* draw lines from left, right, up and down

* END while

* END loop

* return img


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4.1 Helper Methods:

PImage BandW(PImag img)

// REQUIRES: img is not null

// EFFECTS: Returns black and white image

// HELPS: addFilter(filterName, img)


*implementation sketch:

* Loop over all pixels in an image

* if color > threshold

* set color to white

* else if color< threshold

* set color to black

* return black and white image


PImage patternDith(PImag img)

// REQUIRES: img is not null

// EFFECTS: Returns image with applied filter

// HELPS: addFilter(filterName, img)


*implementation sketch:

* Fill 3X3 matrix with threshold values

* Loop over all pixels in an image

* get corresponding threshold value of each pixel

* normalize pixel color to be compared with threshold

* if mask threshold > normalized value

* set color to black

* else if mask threshold < normalized value

* set color to white

* return image


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PImage errorDith(PImag img)

// REQUIRES: img is not null

// EFFECTS: Returns image with applied filter

// HELPS: addFilter(filterName, img)


*implementation sketch:

* Fill matrix with error values

* Loop over all pixels in an image

* if mask color > threshold

* set error = color - 255

* set color to white

* else if mask color < threshold

* set error = color

* set color to black

* propagate error to nearby pixels using error mask

* return image


PImage bicubicInterpolation(PImage img, int s)

// REQUIRES: img is not null

// EFFECTS: Returns upsized image by a factor s

// HELPS: upsizePhoto(img, factor)


*implementation sketch:

* IF img is not null

* create new image of size = img.size*factor

* Loop over all pixels in an upsized image

* compute weighted sum of four neighboring pixels at img(x,y)

* set upsizedImage(j,i) to new color

* return new image


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int[] fillhist(PImage den)

// REQUIRES: den (gray image) is not null

// HELPS: compareH(img)

// EFFECTS: returns array with count for occurrence of each gray value of each pixel


*implementation sketch:

* initialize array table[256] to store frequency of each gray value

* LOOP over pixels of den

* get red component of each pixel (which is gray value) since r,g,b in

grayscale is same)

* increment count in table array at index of gray value found


*return array of frequencies


float compareH(PImage c)

// REQUIRES: c is not null

// HELPS: chooseHelper(database, gray), sortCand(database), GA(candidates, max)

// EFFECTS: returns float representing similarity between photo to be colorized and helper photo


*implementation sketch:

* use fillhist(img) to get histogram of helper image c and store in int hist2[]

* int hist1[] contains histogram of image to be colorized

* LOOP from 0 to 255

* compare similarity between histograms by subtracting the histograms

value entries and adding similarity difference for all values

* END loop

* return similarity as float


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PImage choosehelper(String[] database, PImage gray)

// REQUIRES: database and gray are not null

// HELPS: colorpic(img)

// EFFECTS: returns chosen helper image


*implementation sketch:

* LOOP over images in database

* use the function compareH to compare the histogram of the gray img with

the histogram of each helper img in database

* store index of pic with least value of compareH (most similar histogram)

* END loop

* return chosen helper image


PImage mergePhotos(PImage img1, PImage img2)

// REQUIRES: img1 and img2 are not null

// HELPS: GA(candidates, max)

// EFFECTS: returns img1 merged into img2


*implementation sketch:

* Find maximum height of both photos

* Find maximum width of both photos

* blend both photos using blend processing function using max height and width

* return img1 blended with img2


void countStringOccurences(int index, ArrayList<String> asList)

// REQUIRES: asList is not null

// HELPS: train(colored, gray)


*implementation sketch:

* create hashSet<String>

* for each string, count Occurrence of r/g/b string for each grayscaleColor

* find the most occurring r/g/b string for each grayscale and store most

* occurring for each grayscaleColor in inventorys array at grayscale index



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void train(PImag colored, PImag gray)

//REQUIRES: colored & gray are not null

//HELPS: colorpic(img)


*implementation sketch:

* LOOP over gray image(which has same coordinates as colored image)

* for each pixel, get r, g, b from colored img, and gray value from gray img

* create String rgb to store the r,g,b values with delimiter /, “r/g/b”

* IF inventory array at grayscale value index == null

* map grayscaleColor in gray img to rgb value in colored img

* by adding it to ArrayList at grayscale index in inventory


* ELSE add rgb value to the existing ArrayList for that grayscale index


* LOOP over all inventory array

* count Occurrence of rgb values for each grayscaleColor



PImage GA(PImage[] candidates, float max)

// REQUIRES: candidates is not null

// EFFECTS: returns helper Image

// HELPS: colorpic(img)


*implementation sketch:

* while(maxSimilarity>threshold)

* similarities[i]<----getSimilarity(img,Candidates[i])

* Select most fit candidates in according to their similarities

* Sort selected candidates according to their similarities

* Perform cross-over by merging two adhering photos according to a


* Mutate the candidates by merging two random photos together

* for(i=0; i<Candidates.size; i++)

* if(getSimilarity(img,Candidates[i])>maxSimilarity)

* chosenImage<---- Candidates[i]

* maxSimilarity = getSimilarity(img,Candidates[i])

* return chosenImage


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PImage[] sortCand(PImage[] database)

// REQUIRES: PImage[] database not null

// EFFECTS: Returns PImage[] sorted according to similarities

// HELPS: GA(candidates, max)


*implementation sketch:

* Probabilities[i]<---getSimilarity(img,database[i])

* Normalize each similarity over their total

* Subtract each similarity from the total such that low similarity = highest


* Store probabilities in hashmap mapping to their positions with respect to database

* Sort hashmap according to values

* Populate PImage[] result by descending order of the database image's


* return result


HashMap sortByValues(HashMap map)

// REQUIRES: map is not null

// EFFECTS: Returns sorted according to similarities

// HELPS: sortCand( PImage database[])


*implementation sketch:

* Create new LinkedList and fill it with entrySet of hashmap

* Define custom new comparator to compare 2 values of Map.Entry

* Pass new comparator to Collections.sort

* Sort LinkedList using Collections.sort

* Iterate over Sorted LinkedList and add them to Hashmap with their corresponding


* return hashmap


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PImage adjustBrightness(PImage img, float factor)

// REQUIRES: img is not null

// EFFECTS: returns a brighter version of img depending on factor

// HELPS: addFilter(filterName, img)


*implementation sketch:

* LOOP over pixels of img

* get r,g,b values at each pixel

* multiply each r,g,b component by factor specified

* set color to new r,g,b values

* END loop

* update pixels and return image


PImage adjustSaturation(PImage img, float factor)

// REQUIRES: img is not null

// EFFECTS: returns more saturated img depending on factor

// HELPS: addFilter(filterName, img)


*implementation sketch:

* LOOP over pixels of img

* get r,g,b values at each pixel

* calculate adjustment float

* add adjustment float to each rgb value

* subtract adjuster from r,g,b value and multiply by factor, and add result to

r,g,b values

* set color to new r,g,b values

* END loop

* update pixels and return image


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PImage adjustContrast(PImage img, float factor)

// REQUIRES: img is not null

// EFFECTS: returns image with increased or decreased contrast depending on factor

// HELPS: addFilter(filterName, img)


*implementation sketch:

* calculate contrast value depending on factor

* LOOP over pixels of img

* get r,g,b values at each pixel

* alter r,g,b values according to contrast value using below formula

* red = (int)(((((red / 255.0) - 0.5) * contrast) + 0.5) * 255.0) for each r,g,b


* set color to new r,g,b values

* END loop

* update pixels and return image


PImage adjustTint(PImage img, float adjustRed, float adjustBlue, float adjustGreen)

// REQUIRES: img is not null

// EFFECTS: returns image with adjusted tinting depending on floats passed as argument

// HELPS: addFilter(filterName, img)


*implementation sketch:

* LOOP over pixels of img

* get r,g,b values at each pixel

* add adjustRed to red component

* add adjustBlue to blue component

* add adjustGreen to green component

* set color to new r,g,b values

* END loop

* update pixels and return image


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PImage earlyBirdBorder(PImage img)

// REQUIRES: img is not null

// EFFECTS: returns image with faded black border around it

// HELPS: addFilter(filterName, img)


*implementation sketch:

* LOOP over pixels of img

* get r,g,b values at each pixel

* initialize wanted border width

* WHILE pixel is in border range

* increase blackness of border by increasing r,g,b values as pixel

range gets closer to image edges

* END while loop

* set color of each pixel to new r,g,b values

* END loop

* update pixels and return image


PImage grayscale(PImage img, float rx, float gx, float bx)

// REQUIRES: img is not null

// EFFECTS: Returns a grayscale version of img

// HELPS: addFilter(filterName, img) and train(gray, colored)


*implementation sketch:

* IF img is not null

* Loop over all pixels in img

* get red(), green() ,blue() of each color

* set gray = rx* red()+gx* green()+bx* blue()

* return grayscale image


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PImage verticalEdgeDetect(PImage img)

// REQUIRES: img is not null

// CHECKS: checks if img is not null

// HELPS: sharpen(img)

// EFFECTS: returns an image showing vertical edges in image


*implementation sketch:

* IF img not null

* Create result image

* Loop over img pixels

* multiply each neighboring pixel with vertical 3x3 matrix

* Set result image at current pixel with obtained value

* END loop

* return result


PImage horizontalEdgeDetect(PImage img)

// REQUIRES: img is not null

// CHECKS: checks if img is not null

// HELPS: sharpen(img)

// EFFECTS: returns an image showing horizontal edges in image


*implementation sketch:

* IF img not null

* Create result image

* LOOP over img pixels

* multiply each neighboring pixel with horizontal 3x3 matrix

* Set result image at current pixel with obtained value

* END loop

* return result


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4.2 Module Dependency Diagram:

Grayscale PImage



-PImage img


-PImage img

-String filterName


-PImage img

-float factor


-PImage img

-int factor


-PImage img

-int factor


-PImage img

-float factor


-String text

-int txtsize

-int colortxt

-int x, y

-PImage img












-PImage img





-int index


-PImage img

-int a, b


-PImage img

-int s


-PImage img








-PImage img

-float rx, bx,



-PImage img

-float factor


-PImage img

-float adjustRed,





-PImage img


-PImage img


-PImage img

-int a, b


-PImage gray




-PImage den


-PImage c


-PImage gray

-String[] database


-PImage database




-float max




-float max




: method

: helper method

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5. Work Update:

1. We replaced bilinear interpolation for upsizing images with bicubic interpolation since it gives

a smoother result when applied to an image

2. We implemented collagePhoto() function that joins multiple images into one.

3. We implemented the downSize() function that reduces the size of an image by a given factor.

4. We implemented sharpen() function along with an algorithm to detect both vertical and

horizontal edges.

5. We implemented adjustBrightness() function that changes the brightness of a photo depending

on the horizontal position of the mouse cursor.

6. We implemented adjustSaturation() function that changes saturation of photo depending on

the vertical position of the mouse curser.

7. We implemented a adjustContrast() function that will adjust the contrast of the colors in an


9. We implemented addText() function that adds a text of specific font and color and of unique

position. Used fonts are files of “vlw" format that should be placed in a Data folder along with

the sketch to be then loaded and used by Processing.

10. In order to colorize a photo, we need a helper image that has similar color plates or gradients

in order to map each gray color to its corresponding RGB value.

i. Since a single grayscale value can have up to 3000 and more matches in a color

image we need a way to choose what color offers the appropriate mapping. Therefore

we counted the occurrence of each color in the array of colors each of the 255

grayscale values map to.

ii. Then we sorted this array based on the number of occurrences and chose the last

value in it which is now assumably the most occurrent. Then we composed another

map that associates each grayscale value to the most occurring RGB color.

iii. We used this map to color the grayscale image we have and the results are pleasing

when a visually similar helper image is used.

iv. Upon further inspection of the relation that connects a “Good helper Image

Candidate” to the grayscale image to be colorized we obtained the Histogram

representation of both images.

v. What we concluded was interesting. The color distribution between the two

histograms were nearly identical. The slopes of both graphs were synchronized as

well as for their inclines. We believed that this may be key for the application to pick

from a populated database of images the best candidate that would help obtain a

correct mapping.

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vi. We tested more images to find other heuristics that would improve the colorization


11. We implemented the identifyShape() function.

12. We implemented a compareHistograms() function.

13. We implemented the Valencia filter

14. We implemented a GUI

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6. Heuristics:

The transformation of an image from its original colored mode to the grayscale mode is very

easy as all we need is to substitute the Red, Green and Blue channels with one value derived

from those 3. On the other hand, reversing this transition is difficult because the lost information

in each pixel is hard to retrieve if not impossible. It is as if we are trying to map a 1 dimensional

line into a 3 dimensional cube without any information about the depth and height.

Therefore we are in need of a helper colored photo to aid us in guessing the RGB color each

grayscale value maps to. Whenever a grayscale image is processed to be colorized, a helper

image is chosen from a database (or a folder) to be then transformed into grayscale. After this

transformation we populate an array Inventory:

Inventory[x] 0 —> 255

Such that : size(Inventory) = 256

x—> Grayscale value {0,1,….. 255}

Inventory[x] = Arraylist<String> Such That: entry(Arraylist<String>) = “R/G/B“

The results of such algorithm vary depending on how “appropriate" the helper photo was to

derive a proper mapping. The better the computed map was the better it reflected the original

RGB colors of the grayscale image to be colorized. However , determining a good candidate

photo is something tricky and error prone. We devised two techniques in picking a helper image

that proved at times to be successful and in others to be unsuitable.

The 1st technique was to manually choose a photo based on visual similarity between the helper

and the processed. For example an grayscale image of a person’s portrait would be associated

with a helper image containing a colored portrait of another person.

Good Helper Result :

Bad Helper Result :

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The 2nd technique used was to derive the color distribution histogram of both grayscale photo

to be processed and the grayscale version of the helper image. To obtain such histograms we

create an Integer array of size 255 all initialized by default to zero then we loop over all of the

pixels in a photo incrementing the gray shade corresponding to each position of the array. In our

first testing phase using the first technique explained above, we noticed that good helpers shared

similar histogram distribution with the photos we want to colorize. Therefore, we decided to

have a database of helper photos of different themes (portraits, natural scenes, street views,

etc…) from which we choose one that has the lowest histogram similarity to the photo in hand.

The function computing this similarity was not present in any processing library and hence we

implemented it based on the commutative difference between each bar of both histograms:

Histogram = F(x)0 —> 255

X-axis: x = Grayscale Value (0,1….,255)

Y-axis: F(x) = Count(x) 2

Similarity = ( F(x)Hist1 - F(x)Hist2 )

MAX( F(x)Hist1 , F(x)Hist2)

Good Helper Result:

Bad Helper Result:

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7. Genetic Algorithm:

We are well aware that there is no formal algorithm to transfer an grayscale image to RGB that is

both strait forward and efficient. This obliges us to invoke some of the algorithms that will

provide us with the best approximation of the “good helper” that we will be using to get this

transformation done.

One of those algorithms is the Genetic algorithm and as the name suggests it is derived from the

field of biology. In the process of natural evolution, the fittest genes are selected from a specific

DNA pool to produce the offsprings. The genes located on both segments of the same DNA

complex are susceptible to crossover. The genes themselves can undergo mutation under specific


The algorithm behaves the same way as the natural phenomena. It takes a population of possible

helpers and selects the fittest according to their histogram difference with the image to be

colorized. Then comes the crossover where two randomly selected helpers from two sets of

possible offsprings are merged. After which comes the natural mutation where two random

image are also merged according to a preset probability. The algorithm then chooses the a helper

from the set of the minimal cumulative histogram difference. If the The results improve as we

increase the number of generations but at exceptional times we have unsuitable helpers chosen.

Grayscale image Chosen helper

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Final Result

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Genetic Algorithm test results:

Grayscale image Chosen helper

Final Result

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Grayscale image Chosen helper

Final Result

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Grayscale image Chosen helper

Final Result

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Grayscale image Chosen helper

Final Result

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Grayscale image Chosen helper

Final Result

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8. Photo-Editing Filters:

8.1 Sierra

Sierra gives a faded look when applied to the image, as the contrast is decreased. It also increases

the saturation, which accentuates the colors in the image. Lastly, it also gives the image an

overall purplish tint. Sierra is mostly used on nature and outdoor photos, giving them a calm and

soothing look. Implementing Sierra, the saturation was increased by a factor of 1.4, the contrast

was decreased by a factor of -11.0, and the red and blue components were slightly increased in

the image to create the purplish tint.

8.2 Lo-Fi

Lo-Fi adds rich colors to the image by increasing its saturation, and enhances the outlines of

objects strongly through an increase in the contrast. It also augments the brightness of the image.

Lo-Fi is mostly applied on food pictures, when the user wants to display what he or she is eating.

Implementing Lo-Fi, the saturation of the image was increased by a factor of 1.2, the brightness

was increased by a factor of 1.3, and the contrast was increased by a factor of 7.0.

8.3 Earlybird

Earlybird gives a faded look along with a yellowish tint to the image it is applied to. More so, it

gives the image a vignette edges, creating a border-like effect, which makes the image appear

older than it is. Earlybird is mostly used when you want your image to have a vintage effect.

Implementing EarlyBird, the brightness was increased by a factor of 1.05, a tint which increases

the red and green components whereas decreases the blue component was added, more so, the

black faded border around the image was added as a finishing touch.

8.4 Valencia

Valencia adds a warm quality to the image by increasing the redness in the image. It also

increases the contrast in the image, giving it an antique feel. Valencia is mostly used to add a

Halloween effect to the image. Implementing Valencia, the contrast was increased by a factor of

6.5, in addition, a tint that increases the red component of the image by 50, the green component

by 30, and the blue component by 18 was added, giving more concentration to redness in the


8.5 1977

1977 filter gives the image a brighter faded look by adding a pinkish tint to it. It is used when

you want your image to look like it was taken in the 1970s. Implementing 1977, the brightness

was increased by a factor of 1.05, the contrast was increased by a factor of 8.0, and a tint that

adds 60 to the red component, and 35 to the blue component to each pixel was added, hence

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creating the pinkish tint by increasing the redness by a higher factor than the blueness in the

image, while keeping the same green component as it was in the original image.

8.6 Kelvin

Kelvin brightens the image giving it vibrant and yellowish-orangey glowing effect. It creates a

warm feel with orange hues by increasing the saturation and brightness. Kelvin is mostly used

on dark images giving them a nice warm feeling. Implementing Kelvin, the saturation was

increased by a factor of 2.85, the brightness was increased by a factor of 1.15, and a tint which

increases the red and green components whereas decreases the blue component was added,

accentuating the brown-orangey effect.

8.7 Sepia

Sepia gives the image an old-fashioned appeal. It gives the grayscale a brownish tint. Sepia is

used when you want your image to have the old photo effect. Implementing Sepia, the image is

turned into grayscale after which a tint is added, where the red component is increased by 80, the

green component increased by 55, and the blue component increased by 18, giving a light

brownish effect.

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9. Project Potentials:

We cannot deny the fact that there are many great photo editing softwares out there such as

Adobe’s photoshop and Paintshop Pro (PSP). We aim not to compete with such well designed

editing tools because of our limited resources and capabilities. However , what makes our idea

revolutionary and desired is the automatic color restoration of grayscale images option which no

other software does automatically and without any user intervention. We are aiming to make this

available on smartphones and PCs so that it will be accessed by a wider array of users on

different platforms. Our project also offers , in addition to its main functionality, a range of basic

photo editing tools found in each and every application in its category. We are providing the user

with a photo processing program that is different from the conventional ones that all provide ,one

way or another, the same editing options. Once we succeed in implementing and testing this

product we will introduce it to the mobile apps market with a reasonable price and to the PC’s

software market for free.

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10. Project Challenges

Throughout the work on this project we faced obstacles that we were able to bypass and

perhaps the most challenging of them all was the runtime dilemma. The colorize function was

taking 6 minutes on average to traverse and map all colors present in a 1 MB image file. That

limited the number of result samples that we were able to generate and was a real setback to the


At first we were using the processing built in StringDict data structure to map each

grayscale value to a corresponding string containing all possible combinations of RGB values.

We found out that adding to such Dictionary was relatively slow and we decided to replace it

with a Hashmap that provided faster put and get implementations. However the runtime didn’t

improve by much as it only reduced it to 5 minutes. Therefore we considered a different

approach and implemented an array of strings that had the fastest indexed access compared to all

other data structures. Again , the runtime dropped to 3 minutes but that wasn’t acceptable for a

software that would be introduced to smartphones in the future.

Then after further investigations done by inserting timers in the code we were able to

reach the source of the delay. We were concatenating the RGB combinations in a string. The

string grew in length as we mapped over 3000 combinations to one grayscale value. String

concatenation turned out to be of high time complexity O(n2) and that was costing us most of

the time. Once we replaced the string with an Arraylist of strings the runtime dropped to just 57

seconds. It was a tremendous improvement that really restored our progress.

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1. http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/hue-saturation-and-brightness

2. http://char.txa.cornell.edu/language/element/color/color.htm (+pdf)

3. http://graphicdesign.about.com/od/colorbasics/a/cmyk.htm

4. http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/~hankyu/shape_html/shape_html.html

5. https://www.princeton.edu/~achaney/tmve/wiki100k/docs/CMYK_color_model.html

6. http://www.overnightprints.com/difference-between-cmyk-rgb

7. Study and Comparison of Various Image Edge Detection Technique By Raman Maini &

Himanshu Aggarwal ( http://www.math.tau.ac.il/~turkel/notes/Maini.pdf)

8. Edge-based rich representation for vehicle classification By Xiaoxu Ma & W. Eric L. Grimson


9. Shape recognition with edge-based features By K. Mikolajczyk , A. Zisserman and C. Schmid
