PRAIRIE FARMER'S RELIABLE DIRECTORY of FARMERS and BREEDERS Pike and Calhoun Counties, IHinois Published By PRAIRIE FARMER-ch'cago America' a Oldest and Best Farm Paper J^

Prairie Farmer's directory of Pike and Calhoun Counties, Illinois

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Pike and Calhoun Counties, IHinois

Published By

PRAIRIE FARMER-ch'cagoAmerica'a Oldest and Best Farm Paper




CAPITAL $100,000.00




Total Resources March 5, 1913 - $365,823.42Total Resources March 5, 1919 - $882,719.21


A. R. Foreman, President; Paul F. Grote, Vice President; Earl Grigsby,

Cashier; H. S. Miller, Assistant Cashier; Paul C. Coley, R. C. Carey andMargaret E. Coley, Tellers.

DIRECTORSA. R. Foreman, Earl Grigsby, Paul F. Grote, John Siegle and W. E.




High Grade Dry Goods, Shoes, Ladies' and Children's Ready-Made Garments, Curtains, Rugs and Linoleums.



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We are not putting on air's here at all. Just delivering the real

honest-to-goodness cooking, clean rooms, plain service and

home-like treatment, which most HUMANS appreciate.

Yours for Good Service M. K. CUMMINS Rates $2.55 per Day





NONEG, R. Ogden, of Shinnston, W. Va., says: "I have usedAVALON FARMS HOG-TONE 56 days and I think it is the

best medicine I ever used. I have two pigs 4 months and 3 daysold that weigh 360 pounds, one 6 pounds heavier than the other.

They are 100 pounds heavier tiian my neighbor's 2 of thesame litter and feed."

This is the experience of atypical user of Hog-Tone.There are hundreds and hun-dreds of letters on file at theAval on Farms Company'soffice from nearly every statein the Union, all telling of bigimprovement in hogs andin hog profits through theuse of Hog-Tone, the scientifi°

cally prepared Hog Condition-er, Fattener and Worm Re-mover. Hog-Tone is sold on

60 days* FreeTrial undera n absolutemoney-backguarantee. Come in the storeand tell us how many hogsyou have in your herd and wewill giveyou enough Hog-Toneto treat all of them 60 days.You don't have to pay for it

unlessyou are absolutely satis-

fied. The decision is left en«tirely to you.

rr COSTS you nothingnowto try60 DAYS* TREATMENT OF



HARRY F. BEHRENSMEYERPharmaceutical Graduate and Registered Pharmacist

N. W. Corner Park BARRY, ILL.

I will pay freight on full case shipments anywhere in

Pike County. Write me if interested.





INthis directory we have endeavored to give Pike and Cal-

houn county farmers a complete and reliable directory of

the farmers, breeders and merchants of the county, with

such other information as will make the directory a valuable

reference book.

The task of calling on every farmer in a county and collect-

ing the information for such a directory is a tremendous one.

We have received splendid co-operation from the farmers andbusiness men of the county, without which the publication of

such a directory would be impossible. In a very few cases wehave found farmers unwilling to give the information requested,

which accounts for a few names that do not appear,

A few mistakes are bound to occur in a directory that in-

volves so large an amount of work, but we have spared no effort

nor expense to make the information complete and accurate,

and believe that the mistakes are very few.

We want to speak a word of appreciation for the advertisers

whose liberal support has helped materially to bear the heavy

expense of publishing this directory, and ask that you favor

them with your patronage whenever possible.

We hope and believe that the publication of this directory

will be a real service to Pike and Calhoun county farmers and

in line with Prairie Farmer's policy of service to the farmers

of Illinois. We hope that the increased circulation of Prairie

Farmer in Pike and Calhoun counties, which has resulted, will

help in the movement for better farming, better farm living,

and more prosperity for the counties, and that our many new

friends will become permanent members of the big Prairie

Farmer family.


Publisher, Prairie Farmer.




For You,

Mr. Farmer!



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FirstNationalBankBARRY, ILLINOIS


OFFICERSS. M. CARTER, President W. B. PETTIBONE, Vice President

J. N. BASKETT, Vice President


W. L. WEAVER, Asst. Cashier W. J. DAKIN, Asst. Cashier

Hannibal National BankU. S. DEPOSITARY

Capital, Surplus and Stockholders' Liability $500,000.00

Total Resources Over Two Million Dollars

DIRECTORSJ, N. Baskett R- B. iGoodson Geo. A. MahanS. M. Carter L. C. Hendren W. B. Pettibone

T. G. Dulany J. P. Hinton J. P. Richards

As a member of the Federal Reserve Bank, we ofifer its facilities to

our patrons and especially invite our farmer friends to use this bankwhenever in need of banking accommodations.

Main and Broadway HANNIBAL. MO.


ProduceMaximum CropsYou simply cannot make sour soil produce maximum crops, with-

out the use of ground limestone. The remedy is COLUMBIAGROUND LIMEvSTONE.

After you have applied our COLUMBIA GROUND LIME-STONE to your soil every fertilizer will act better.

Columbia Quarry CompanyProducers of



Plants at Krause, Columbia and Valmeyer, in Illinois,

near East St. Louis.




Pike CountyBy JESSE M. THOMPSON, President Pike County Farm Bureau

Pike county, Illinois, at owt time in-

cluded all of that part of the state be-

tween the Illinois and Mississippi

rivers from their junction 25 miles

above St. Louis northward to the

Wisconsin line and eastward to LakeMichigan. The present site of Chi-

cago was once in Pike county.

Pike county is the oldest county in

the Military Tract. It was erected

January 31. 1821, being the first county

organized after the state was admitted

into the Union. More than 50

counties have since been carved from

the original Pike county.

Pike county was named in honor of

Gen. Zebulon Pike, western explorer,

soldier of the war of 1812, and dis-

coverer of Pike's Peak. The county

is eighth in size in the state, contain-

ing 510,764 acres, or 800 square miles,

in 24 townships. Its population at the

last census was 28,622 and for the past

two decades the population has re-

mained practically stable.

Pike county was first settled in 1820,

when four sons of Micah Ross, of

Pittsfield, Mass., and a few other

families started for what was then

known as the Far West—the state of

Illinois, on the Mississippi bottoms.

After months of tedious travel and

thrilling adventure, they finally reached

the present site of Atlas, in the south-

west part of the county, and charmedby the beauty and evident fertility of

these wide-stretching prairies, they

here pitched camp and began the erec-

tion of the first log settlement in the


Col. William Ross, one of our

pioneers, later founded the present

county seat of the county, naming it

Pittsfield in honor of his Massachus-etts home, and so indirectly in honorof William Pitt, the "Great Com-moner" and friend of America in the

years preceding our national birth.

From this rude beginning, as the

years pass we see the county emergingfrom a wilderness state, the red man,the panther and the rattlesnake being

pushed back by an orirushing tide of

emigrants from Massachusetts andthe Hudson valley, from Kentuckyand finally, in their "prairie schoon-

ers," the early settlers from Ohio andIndiana, ,who, coming westward over

the great National Highway, crossed

the fertile plains of Central Illinois

to settle in the well-v/atered timber-

lands of Pike and other western Illi-

nois counties.

These early settlers were for the

most part of the farmer class andtimberlands at once began to be

cleared for the cropping of the virgin

soils. It was early realized that the

county would become great in an agri-

cultural way. Farms were quickly

hewed out of the wilderness and the

raising of grain and livestock got

under way, in a rude manner, at first

it is true, but gradually improving

with the introduction of new machines

and new methods, until today Pike

county ranks with the foremost

counties of the state in its agricultural


Pike county's entire population maybe classed as rural, although a third

of its citizens live in the sixteen incor-


porated cities and villages. Of these

perhaps 5,000 are farmers or farm

laborers and the other half tradesmen

and merchants whose prospertiy de-

pends directly on that of the owners

and farmers of the 3,510 farms in

the county.

Pike county is the leading livestock

shipping county of the state. A total

of 2,570 cars of livestock was shipped

from the county in the 12 months of

1918, according to a county-Avide sur-

vey conducted by the food administra-

tion. Shipments were as follows:

Hogs, 130,174 head; cattle, 26,110;

sheep, 21,699; horses, 447; mules, 648.

Hogs to the value of $5,003,107.51

were shipped during the year, and

cattle of a total market value of

$2,913,876. The total stock output of

the county in 1918 brought the live-

stock producers of the county $8,368,-

470, according to the survey, or an

average of $2,384.17 per farm or

$298.87 per capita of popuatipn.

Pike county's immense livestock in-

dustry is unique in that it is financed

entirely within the county. Local

banks swing the big proposition. Chi-

cago and other outside banks hold no

Pike county paper for financing the

biggest farm livestock business in the


Pike county's livestock output is

largely born, suckled, fed and finished

within the county's borders. Her high

rank as a stock producing region is

induced by her extremely favorable

shipping facilities by boat and by

three lines of railway which traverse

the county and by her favorable topo-

graphy. Her well-watered native blue

grass pastures insure the future of this

great industry. The food administra-

tion's farm survey reveals that in Pike

county there are 147,107 acres of this

permanent pasture land, besides 80,-

000 acres of woodland and waste land

adapted to sheep grazing.

The great St. Louis and Chicago

livestock markets are readily acces-

sible to the Pike county stock shipper.

Great herds of livestock are driven or

hauled from miles inland to Hlinois

river shipping points for shipment to

St. Louis or Peoria. Big Illinois

river boats loading in the afternoon

land the shipper and his herd at one

of the best livestock markets in the

country the following morning. Atotal of 21,596 head of livestock wasshipped by way of the Illinois river

last season.

On last October 15th, a survey madefor the food administration by the

schoolchildren of the county showed a

total of 149,104 head of hogs on the

farms of the county, worth at aver-

age farm values $3,429,392, The sur-

vey further showed that Pike count}-

farmers purposed to kill 11,547 hogs

for home consumption, indicating that

Pike county farmers stocked their

larders during the past winter with

upwards of a thousand tons of homeprepared ham, bacon, pork and lard.

Pike county is one of the few mil-

lion bushel wheat counties of the

state. Reports to the fo'od administra-

tion from the 73 threshing outfits that

operated in the county in 1918, showed

a total of 1,016,503 bushels of wheat

threshed within the county's borders.

The average yield per acre was 18.48

bushels, while in the great wheat

basin around Hull, on the west side

of the county, the average yield was23.13 bushels. Wheat was grown in

1918 on 1,300 farms in the county.

Eighty-nine Pike county farmers had

a crop in excess of 2,000 bushels. A.

C. Bancroft, of Kinderhook grew the

biggest crop in the countj^ a total of

6,858 bushels. Pike county's 1918

wheat crop at an average price of

$2.08 was worth $2,114,326.24.

Pike county is one of the "Big

Four" apple producing counties of the



state. A total of 9,000 acres, mostly

bluff and hill lands, is devoted to or-

chard, as shown by the farmer survey.

The outlook for the county in apple

production is exceedingly good, the

hilly lands of the Illinois river bluffs

and similar regions being favorable

for commercial orchards.

The black cattle breeders of the

county have a live organization in the

Pike County Aberdeen Angus Asso-

ciation, headed by J. O- Strubinger,

of Barry, President, Will S. Loyd, of

Pittsfield, vice president, A. W. But-

terfield of Griggsville, secretary, and

Frank Lawson of Barry, treasurer.

Pike county has more members of the

American Aberdeen Angus Associa-

tion than has any other county in the

state, a total of 28. Cook is second

with 26 and Fulton third with 24.

Dr. Cyril G- Hopkins, head of the

department of agronomy at the Illi-

nois State University, says that Pike

county has the best soil of any

county in the state for the

growing of alfalfa. With an al-

falfa area at the last census of

only 162 acres, the county is steadily

increasing its acreage of this great

legume, limestone being brought in in

car lots to sweeten the acid soils for

its propagation. Alfalfa does especially

well on the strip of bottom lands

above high water at the bases of the

limestone bluffs that skirt the great

alluvial plains of the Mississippi valley

along the west side of the county.

Pike county has, perhaps, the most

diversified soil of any county in the

state, ranging from the typical brown

silt loam of the prairie, the gift of the

glacier, through the yellow silt loams

or "red clays" of loessal formation,

and back again to the rich alluvial

planes of the rivers, varied occasion-

ally with sands and post oak silts and

buckshot soils of residual origin, and

undrained muck swamps. Here the

soil chemist has a wide and interesting

range. On the west of the county is

the vast fertile flood plain of the

Mississippi, a strip about five miles

wide extending the entire length (30

miles) of the county and comprising

110,000 acres of almost bottomless


At the outbreak of the war withGermany, the Government commis-sioned Hanan C. McCarrel of Kinder-hook, as District Emergency Demon-stration Agent for Pike, Scott and Cal-houn counties. Under his able lead-

ership the county has made great ad-vancement in an agricultural way.There has been a great awakening to

the value of alfalfa in the farm rota-

tion and farmers everywhere seem to

have had a vision of what may berealized by proper scientific treatment

of their soils. So ably has McCarrelpreached the need for organization

that on May 10, 1919, farmers of the

county met in mass meeting at the

county seat and organized the Pike

County Farm Bureau with an initial

membership of 464 farmers, which has

since increased to over 500. Of this

organization, Jesse M. Thompson, of

Pittsfield, is president, E. C. Yockey,

of Perry, vice president, A. W. Butter-

field, of Griggsville, secretary, C. A.

Johnson, of Hull, treasurer; the exe-

cutive committee comprising also Mrs.

R. W. Fletcher, of Kinderhook, in

charge of the department of soils,

Ernest Gay, of Rockport, in charge of

the department of livestock, J. L. btauf-

fer, of Baylis, in charge of the depart-

ment of crops, Otho Turnbeaugh, of

Nebo, in charge of the department of

horticulture, and A. E. Sneeden, of

Detroit, in charge of the departmentof farm management.The executive committee is at pres-

ent engaged in looking for a farm ad-

visor who will measure up to the

county's needs and its aspirations andwho will lead the farmers of the

county to still greater things in agri-




Binder Troubles and AdjustmentsBy C. O. Reed, University of Illinois, in Prairie Farmer

To have to await the services of anexpert when every minute of the har-

vest days is money is not only an ex-pensive practice, but in most cases is

an unnecessary one if the operatorwill only use patience and good judg-ment and try to understand a fewvery simple principles of what seemsa complicated machine. The purposeof this article is to aid the operatorin his most common binder troubles.

To cover the ground in the most log-

ical and concise manner, let us con-sider troubles under the three generalheads: general binder troubles, bind-

er head troubles and knotter headtroubles.

Starting. If possible, start the newmachine on a road or in a pasturebefore going into the grain field. Useplenty of kerosene and run the ma-chine empty for about five minutes,taking notice that every duct to bear-

ings and every oil hole is open. Thenapply lubricating oil. When you are

readv to enter the grain with a newmachine, raise the machine well up,

tilt the platform forward; open thethroat of the machine by throwingthe butt adjuster forward and start in

with about one-half of a full swath.After five minutes work the machineis ready for maximum results. If

compelled to make a full s\yath at the

start, cut the grain extra high.

Never change the adjustment of anew binder head before going into the

field. It may miss a few bundles at

first, but do not adjust. Apply a lib-

eral amount of coal oil to the knotter

head and the trouble will usually dis-


New Machine Failing to Start. Oc-casionally a new machine fails to start

due to some part sticking or catch-

ing. Throw the binder out of gearand see that the bull wheel revolves

without catching. Remove the eleva-

tor chain and throw in gear. Thiswill test the sickle. Next put on ele-

vator chain and throw off reel chains.

This will test the rollers. Then con-nect and test the reel. This methodwill test one part at a time and should

locate the trouble without difficult}'.

In testing out head for failure to re-

volve, operate head by hand at backof machine through shaft whichdrives head from elevator chain.

General Binder Troubles

Chains. Undue wear in chains maybe caused by the chain being run tootight or backwards. Run the chain

with the hooks of the links leading

and with the openings of the hooksout. The use of oil or grease onchains, if the binder is being run in

a sandy country or under dusty con-ditions, is not to be recommended,for the oil will collect the fine parti-

cles of grit and cause excessive wear.Under such conditions use dry graph-ite. Chain jumping is caused by the

chain being too loose or by thesprocket being badly worn. If a wornsprocket is the cause for the trouble

a new one will have to be supplied.

Canvas Troubles. The creeping of

canvases is caused by running themtoo loose or by the elevators not be-

ing square. Test the elevators to see

if they are square by means of meas-uring the diagonals, and then squareby the special apparatus to b'e foundfor that purpose. Have the canvasesof the same tightness on both sides.

Canvases not elevating the grain

may be caused by missing slats or

loose canvases. Broken slats are gen-erally caused by the elevators not be-

ing square, or by the canvases not

being buckled evenly and thus the

slat is forced to pass over the roller

at an angle to it. Chewed slats maybe caused by a projecting bolt or the

canvas guides being out of shape.

Heavy Draft. Heavy draft may be

caused from lack of sufficient goodlubricating oil, bull wheel being en-

tered in quadrant wrong; chains, espe-

cially main drive chain, being too

tight; paint or varnish not being cut

out of the bearings; or rollers binding.

Apply lubricating oil to the bearings.

Enter the bull wheel in the quadrantsquare. Have the proner tension in

the chains. Coal oil will cut the paint



or varnish from bearing surfaces.

When machine is empty, operatorshould be able to move elevators byhand on elevator chain.

Sidedraft. Sidedraft in a binder re-

fers to such resistance of the platformend of the machine as to cause a'"dragging" of platform, and hence re-

sults in a tendency to run the ma-chine into the grain. It may becaused by (a) grain wheel bearingtoo light; (b) grain wheel being outof proper adjustment; (c) sickle parts

not cutting properlj^^ resulting in a

pulling off of stalks rather than cut-

ting; (d) very light grain may give a

condition where sidedraft is more no-ticeable, and (e't a fast horse on the

outside may lead the operator to be-

lieve he has sidedraft.

Remedies, (a) See that grain wheelrevolves freely and perfectly on axle.

If axle, bearings and wheel bell areliadly worn, replace, (b) The inexpe-rienced operator cannot tell whethera grain wheel is aligned properly ornot. It should lead out of the grainslightly, and in case of poor align-

ment here, an expert must be called,

(c) Obvious, (d) Sidedraft here is

an advantage rather than an objec-tion for it indicates the best construc-tion, (e) Put fast horse on inside.

If difficulty is experienced in get-ting far enough into the grain with atongue truck attachment, make adjust-ments to increase the angle betweenthe platform and tongue proper, i. e.,

without changing position of machinemake adjustments to let horses awayfrom grain slightly. If machine runstoo far into grain, make adjustmentsto bring horses a little closer to grainline. These adjustments can be foundbetween tongue and stub tongue onthe McCormick and Milwaukee bind-ers, and in the truck axle braces onthe Deering. If sufficient adjustmentis not provided in the Deering to per-mit a full swath, turn the tongue over.

Badly Shaped Bundles in goodgrain are caused by improper manip-ulation of binder parts. Set the reel

to strike straws about two inches be-low the heads. Run the butter asnear at right angles to the rollers ontier shaft as possible, even if youhave to sacrifice an inch or two in

the position of the band on the bun-dle. Do not expect the butter to

shove the straws down under thebreast plate. Adjust the position of

the head to bring the straws underthe breast plate and then adjust the

butter to smooth the butt of the bun-dle. In uneven grain the head, but-

ter and reel must be shifted often to

obtain the best results. In very shortgrain or in down grain leaning towardthe elevators we have probably the

worst conditions for good bundlemaking, especially for eight-foot bind-ers. First, do all possible to retardthe heads by running the platform as

level as possible and place a ropehead-retarder across the platform, ty-

ing the same to the outside dividedframe. A rope head-retarder is oftenfound to give better results than theretarding strap iron sent out with themachine, but if the latter is used, the

operator will find that he gets verygood results in retarding heads bybending up or crinkling the end of the

strap iron. Throw the head as far

forward as possible and run the butteras near perpendicular to the rollers as

possible to still have the bundle se-

curely tied. Tighten the front graincheck.

Badly Shaped Bundles in LongTangled Grain can be remedied byloosening all grain checks slightly

and by adjusting the head to tie a

smaller, looser bundle.

Getting Grain Down to Packers.Trouble is sometimes experienced in

getting light, flufify grain down to theoackers. See that the deck roller is

working properly and lower the deckcover.

Choking Down. Sometimes in

heavy, fluffy and tangled grain, andoften in flax, the head cannot dis-

charge a bundle and is stopped by"choking." Adjust the head to tie asmaller, looser bundle, loosen all

grain checks and loosen the tensionon the compressor spring, which is

the spring attached to the compres-sor rod.

Bundles Too Loose or Too Tight.Tighten or loosen the trip springshown in Illustration 1 and describedbelow under "Binder Head Troubles."Do not attempt to make a tight bun-dle by tightening the twine tension onthe twine can. The twine tension is

not for the purpose of affecting the





tightness of bundles and if it is usedfor such purpose serious needletroubles will result. The twine ten-sion should be sufficiently tight tokeep back slack in the twine betweenthe can and needle.

Bundles Too Large or Too Small.Move the compressor arm nearer orfarther away from the needle. Thecompressor arm is that arm againstwhich the bundle is formed and as it

is moved in or out that space in whichthe bundle is formed is changed.

Reel Troubles. Short oats is oftenthe cause for considerable reel trouble,

especially reel breakage on those ma-chines which have no outside reel

support. The operator cutting shortoats will necessarily have to tilt his

platform well forward and run his

reel low. This means that occasion-ally the reel slats will whip downonto the guards and result in brokenparts. Farmers in some localities

have solved this difficulty by tackingon to each reel slat a piece of heavylinoleum about six inches wide. Thereel can then be run higher, for this

extra piece on the slats serves ad-mirably to force the grain over ontothe platform and at the same time is

sufificiently flexible to give if the reel

is whipped down on the guards.

Binder Head Troubles

Before taking up binder head trou-bles let us refer to the first illustra-

tion and get clearly in mind the exactfunction of the parts mentioned.

Every operator is aware that hispacker shaft revolves continually andthat at certain moments it must drivethe whole binder head while the bun-dle is being tied and cast. The dog,shown in the illustration, is thatmechanism which throws the headin motion with the rest of the ma-chine, or it is that mechanism whichmomentarily engages the head withthe continuous motion of the packerswhile the bundle is being tied. Suf-ficient pressure by the straw on thetrip arm raises the stop arm, shownin the illustration, which allows thedog to be forced into the path of thecontinually revolving binder headdriver. A little spring attached to thedog forces the dog into the path ofthis driver when the dog is released,and this same spring holds the dog in

this path until the stop arm can dropback into place and force the dogback out of the way of the revolvingdrivers of the packer shaft. Whenthe dog is thrown back out of thepath of the binder head drivers, themotion in the head ceases and thedog, if properly working, must re-main engaged with the packer shaftuntil the discharge arms make a com-plete revolution. The continuity ofmotion in the head depends upon thedog.

Discharge Arms Fail to Start orFail to Revolve Completely. This is

a dog trouble. See that the dog springis in place and is of sufficient strengthto hold the dog in the path of thebinder head driyers when the dog is



released. See also that the striking

faces of the dog and dog driver arenot worn sufficiently to permit themto slip by one another. If the dis-

charge arms revolve by jerks it is veryprobable that a worn condition in thestriking faces is the cause.

Discharge Arms Revolve Continu-ally. Before discussing this trouble aword should be said regarding timing.It will be noticed that every part ofthe binder head except the packersworks at a certain moment in rela-

tion to other parts The dog makes acertain number of revolutions beforetlie stop arm is allowed to drop backinto place to throw the dog out ofengagement with the binder headdrivers. Hence the relation betweenthe stop arm and the dog is a set

relation maintained through beveledgears. If for any reason these gearsare separated and not put back in theoriginal definite relation to eachother, the head is said to be out oftime. This means that the stop armwould not be in place at the propermoment to throw the dog out of en-gagement and a second revolution ofthe discharge arm immediately fol-

lows the first. The timing principleholds true in all makes of heads andis obtained in a way more or less

common in all types, though themechanism will vary to some degreein its shape and position. If the dis-

charge arms revolve continually thehead may be out of time or the sto->

arm face may be so badly worn thatit allows the dog to slip by when thetwo come together. If the machine is

out of time, i. e., if tTie stop arm is

not in place to throw the dog out in

the proper time, time the head byproperly meshing the beveled gearsbetween the packer shaft and thebinder head counter shaft which runsup to drive the tier shaft. If thestriking faces between the dog andthe stop arm are so worn that theyslip by one another, file the faces totheir original form. If this allowstoo much play or looseness in thedog (which can be tested by takinghold of the discharge arms to deter-mine whether they are tight or loose)a new dog or perhaps a new stoparm must be purchased. Some ma-chines permit lengthening of the stoparm. Look for such adjustment anduse same to hold the dog back tighter.

Casting Very Small Bundles. Thereare two causes for this trouble. Thedog may not be thrown out at theproper time, and the remedy for sucha condition has been just stated above.Small bundles often appear in badlytangled grain when the case bundle is

not cleaned from the machine and its

weight trips the head again immedi-ately and a small bundle is cast whichseems to be really a part of the first.

Manipulate the machine to make aclean bundle, loosen the grain checks,adjust the trip spring to tie a looserbundle and adjust the compressor armto tie a smaller bundle.

Discharge Arms Not Set Tight, orDog Drive Strikes Dog. Usuallythese two conditions accompany oneanother and are due to extreme weaVin gears and dog, or tier shaft lockmay have become loosened. The tier

shaft lock is usually a little dogworking behind the tier shaft camwheel at the end of the tier shaft. It

holds the discharge arms in placewhen they are at rest. Examine yourbinder head for this mechanism andif it can be adjusted usually thetrouble can be remedied by such ad-justment. If the cam track in tier

shaft cam wheel acts as the lock,new parts may have to be added torelieve badly worn conditions, butthis will not necessarily remedy thestriking between dog and driver. If

head is very badly worn and all gear-ing has considerable play, the dogmay be advanced one cog which will

bring the head into better time. Greatcare must be used in doing this, how-ever, for it often happens that a headso treated will work perfectly whenoperated by hand, but when drivenby the packer shaft under actual con-ditions the tier shaft is not compelledto complete its revolution and this is

not "driven home" and locked. Thiswill then result in the discharge armsdropping down and in greater inter-ference between dog and driver. It

is sometimes found necessary to re-place badly worn gears, in order toentirely eliminate this trouble.

Knotter Head Troubles

All binders are very similar. Theycombine the same principles, and al-

though the detail of the mechanismmay differ somewhat, still for everyvital part on one make of machine



there can be found on each othermachine a part similar in function,very similar in shape, and often verysimilar in position. This is particu-larly true in the knotter head or thatportion of the binder head which ties

the knot. In discussing these troublesthen, let us bear in inind that everymake of binder has in some formeach part shown in the second illus-

tration, and that the functions of theseparts are the same though the positionand shape may vary slightly.

The disc is that part which holdsthe end of the twine while the bundleis being formed. The bills, also shownin the illustration, are those partswhich tie the knot. It is the functionof the needle to bring up the needleend of the band, place it over thebills and into the disc where the disccatches it and securely holds bothends. The bills then revolve, forminga loop about themselves, and afterrevolving part way they open, seizeboth ends of the band, as shown in

the illustration, and hold the ends ofthe band while the stripper arm pulls

the loop off the bills—hence the endsof the band are pulled through theloop and the knot is tied. If these

operations are kept clearly in mindthe operator will find his tying trou-bles greatly simplified.

Each operator should be able totell just where his trouble lies by ex-amining the failing band and notingwhere it is found.

In the third illustration. Figure 1

found clinging to the bills with thesimple knot tied around the bills andthe loose end cut square and smooth,indicates that the disc springs is tooloose and the twine tension is tootight.

The same band found cast with thebundle instead of clinging to the bills

would indicate that the disc is butslightly loose, yet too loose. Theband indicating such trouble is shownin Fig 2.

Fig. 3 found clinging to the bill*


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but with the free end crushed andragged indicates that the disc is too

tight and that the twine tension is

also too tight.

Fig. 4 found cast with the bundleinstead of on the bills indicates that

the twine tension is perfect but that

the disc is slightly too tight.

Fig. 5 found with the cast bundleand with both ends crushed andragged indicates that the disc is verytight.

Notice the bent crinkled ends in

Fig. 6 and that the band is formedwith the bundle. The ends have beenin the knot but have pulled out. Thebills may be too loose or the "hump"on the underside of the upper bill

may be worn away sufficiently so that

the bills cannot hold the ends of theband securely enough when the loopis pulled off. This probably hascaused a loose knot which pulled outwhen the bundle spread. If the bills

are too loose tighten the bills spring.

If the little "hump" is worn awayfile away a little of the stock behindthe hump, using a rat-tail file.

Fig. 8 is the familiar band whichseems to be tied perfectly when thebundle is first cast, but when theshocker grasps the bundle the bandgives way and appears as shown. If

the disc is at the proper tension, thenthe trouble is probably that the bills

do not ooen wide enough to graspboth ends of the twine in the disc.

If the bills cam roller on the back of

the upper bill is worn one-sided, sup-

ply new parts. If the whole bills

shaft has dropped down due to wearbelow the bills, pinion gear, place a

very thin washer under pinion to

bring the bills up against the knotter

head frame where they belong. It

sometimes happens that a very loose

twine tension allows sufficient slack

in the twine to arch slightly over the

bills instead of being pulled downtightly over them. The upper bill

will then nose in between the bands'ends instead of grasping both of themand a simjjle slip knot is tied instead

of a hard knot.Fig. 9 indicates a needle trouble.

For some reason the needle has notplaced the twine in the disc. Mostlikely the needle has carried up somegreen stuff of some kind which nio-

inentarily clogs the disc. If this bandoccurs frequently, however, then prob-

ably the eye of the needle has be-

come so badly worn back, due to too

tight a tension, that the needle can

not advance far enough to place the

twine in the disc. The needle shouldadvance until it just barely touchesthe stripper or breast plate. If it

does not advance that far it is prob-ably slow and the needle pitmanshould be shortened slightly.

Make all binder head and knotter

head adjustments gradually. A quar-

ter of a turn of the studs on the disc

and knotter bills springs is ample to

remedy most troubles in those parts.



Corn Planter AdjustmentsBy C. O. Reed, University of Illinois, in Prairie Farmer

Not all of our implement troublesare to be found in the plow or in thebinder. The corn planter has troublesof its own, and it is the purpose ofthis article to discuss some of thecorn planter principles and troublesthat are of±en misunderstood.

Accuracy in Drop

Some corn growers say that accu-racy of drop is not an important fac-

tor with them because two kernelsin one hill and four in the next givesan average of three kernels per hill

and that is the number desired. Thefallacy of this statement is very ap-parent when we stop to consider thatin such planting we have not the de-sired three kernels in either hill; andif the soil is three-kernel soil, twokernels per hill are too few whilefour kernels are too many. The result

is probably a loss in each hill.

A certain soil may give the bestyield with either two, three or fourkernels per hill, but after it has beenascertained which number of kernelsis best every efifort should be made tosecure that number in each hill wherethe soil conditions remain constant.The variable drop devices on plantersafford ample opportunity to shift fromtwo to three or from three to fourkernels per hill as the soil conditionsthrough the row may demand, but theadvisability of permitting inaccuracyin drop from hill to hill is question-able.

The first two requisites for accu-racy in drop are (a) seed of imiformsize, and (b) the selection of thenroper seed plate. Hand tipped andbutted corn or machine sorted cornwill give seed as uniform in shapeand size of kernel as is practical, butunsorted seed may be relied upon tocause inaccurate dropping.Testing out the planter to make

sure that the proper plate is used is

to be strongly advocated. Last year'splate may not be the best one for thisyear's seed, for if there is a slightdifference in the average size of ker-nels between the two years, a corre-sponding change may be necessary in

the size of the seed pits in the plateused. The following table taken fromlaboratory tests shows the danger ofcarelessness in selecting the seedplate. The planter was set to dropthree-kernel hills, and the plates"small" and "large" were plates nextsize smaller and next size larger thanthe proper or right sized plate found.

RiglitSmall sized Largeplate plate plate

Per cent of blank hill 9.34 .00 .00Per cent of hills containing

1 kernel 29.36 .26 .23Per cent of hills containing

2 kernels 37.54 8.66 S.3Per cent of hills containing

3 kernels 2C.48 88.12 81.28Per cent of hills conLainmr

4 kernels 2.66 2.84 11.48Per cent of hills containing

5 kernels 62 .12 1.66

These figures tend to show that aslight mistake in plate selection maylead to a direct loss in stand. Theremay be but a very slight differencebetween two pairs of plates—so slightperhaps that we can not detect thedifference by eye—but a test of thetwo pairs will quickly show that oneof those pairs means a good dropwhile the other pair is dangerous andits use should be avoided. Testingcan be done when time at the barnpermits and will not only mean a sav-ing of time in the field but will alsoenable the operator to avoid a mis-take before it is too late.

Each operator will have his ownmethod of testing out the planter buthe should heed these three rules: (1)Let each test consist of at least 50 or60 hills; (2) run the planter parts at

field speed; (3) do not give up untilthe best plate is found. Probably thequickest way to test is to run the


planter in the farm yard, providingthe chickens do not get the corn be-fore we can count it. Rainy day test-

ing on the barn floor is a little moretroublesome but can be very success-fully accomplished by two persons asfollows: Tack the planter up over ablanket stretched tight on the floor sothat the furrow openers will be aboutthree inches above the blanket when



the depth lever is thrown forward.One man can then turn the drivewheel, trip the check arm and call outthe number of kernels dropped, whilethe second person records the count.

After each hill is dropped the kernels

are brushed away by foot of the manturning the drive wheel. Glancing at

the drop without recording the countsimplifies the process but it is not anaccurate method and should be avoidedwhen possible.

Accuracy of drop may be securedfurther by keeping the seed hoppersat least half full at all times.

Blank Hills at the Ends of RowsAccuracy of drop depends also to

some extent upon the speed of the

valve. It sometimes happens that at

one end of the row we will happen to

stop the team just as the button onthe check wire has begun to force

the check arm. The valves work so

slowly at such a time or stop at sucha point that in some planters the seedat the top of the boot drops clear

through to the ground instead of be-

ing intercepted at the bottom of the

boot. Two hills drop at once, then,

and when we have turned aroundthere are no kernels at the lowervalve ready for the first hill on thereturn trip. On some planters we mayovercome the difficulty by foot droppingone hill while the team is turning. Onother planters the only remedy is to

stop sooner at the end of the rowor to drive ahead at usual speed until

the wire has released the check arm.

Accuracy in CheckConsiderable attention is usually

given to securing accurate checking,

but a word regarding the adjustment

will not be amiss. Accurate checking

means possibility of closer cultivation

and less loss by cultivating out hills.

The manufacturer has found that un-

der usual conditions the check wire

will travel from one to three inches

across the field, and inasmuch as the

slack will always be ahead of the

machine, he designs his planter to

drop the hill at a distance behind the

button equal to one-half the travel.

On the return trip the hill is again

dropped behind the button and thus the

hills should check in spite of the wire

travel. It can readily be seen then that

if our shoes or furrow openers are

dropping nearer to or farther awayfrom the button than half the wire

travel, our system for securing goodchecking will be materially interfered

with and adjustments must be madeat A in Fig. 1.

This tongue adjustment will vary on

the different makes of planters. Onsome it is at the rear end of the

tongue, but it Vv^ill be found on all the

popular makes. As a rule the front

frame of the planter should be run level,

and it can be so run with a properly

drawn check wire. But different ten-

sions on the wire drawn by dift'erent

drivers may necessitate throwing the

front frame slightly out of a horizon-

tal position. If the planter drops too

close to the button, make such tongueadjustment as will drop the furrowopeners back a little toward the wheels.

To some extent tightening the check

wire will accomplish the same result

in the check. Forcing the furrow open-

ers a little ahead by means of the

tongue adjustment will cause the hill

Fig. 1. Tongue Adjustment to Secure Accurate Checking



A Spread Check Fork May Cause Stringing

to be dropped a little close to the but-ton, or having the check wire a little

more slack will have the same resultin the check. In testing for accuracyof check by digging up hills, select hills

pretty close behind the planter. Ad-justing the neckyoke straps will alsoaffect the check. The adjustmentshown in Fig. 1 is also a means ofmaintaining a good check when differ-

ent heights of teams are used and whenthe difference cannot be compensatedfor by adjusting the neckyoke straps.

Uniform tension in the check wiremust be maintained if accurate check-ing is to result. Some drivers even goso far as to make allowance for theexpansion and contraction of the checkwire due to varying temperature fromday to day, but this is getting too par-ticular to be practical. It is practical,

however, where planting is being doneup and down a slope, to pull the wirelighter when setting the high stake.

Uniform Depth of Planting

In planting over a rough field, a

more uniform depth can often be se-

cured by float)'; - the furrow openers,

but when thii^|,ls done the operator

should keep the openers under foot

control so that the shoes may be forced

to their depth in dry spots and kept

from planting too deep in moist, soft

spots. There are a number of shoe

gauges now on the market which attach

to shoes to insure uniform depth whenfloating is desirable. Such attachments

should prove valuable if properly used

where the conditions demand. String-

ing of the hill may be caused by (a)

dirt in the boot, and (b) by a spread

check arm. Trouble from the first

cause will probably be due to the teamhaving set back on the planter while

the shoes were still in the ground.

Clean oift the boot bottom thoroughly

and the rest of the remedy is obvious.



Trouble (b) is less easil.v detected. If

the check arm • spread as is shown at

B in Fig. 2, the wire button will let goof the check arm before the valvesliave been forced wide open, to the re-

sult that the kernels will be strung outin the row rather than being droppedwell together. By means of a ham-mer, drive tH- arm halves together to

their original 'osition, but in so doingcare must be taken not to get the

halves so cl'-ely together that bindingof the wire ^vill result. The checkarm halves can be left straight as

shown at A iii Fig. 2. Some opera-tors find that stringing is due to a bad-ly worn shoe. If this is determined to

be the cause, new parts must usually

be supplied.

Clutch Troubles

Clutches oi the various plantersditter so widely in design that no spe-

cific rules can '-^e given that wouldapply to all mai.ts*. Failure of the

clutch to grip or release can often beovercome by thoroughly cleaning theparts, and if the striking forces areworn round, new parts may have to

be secured. On n ost planters this

means but slight expense and a little


Timing the Plate Rims

Breakage may necessitate removal ofthe rim which dri the plate. Thisrim is timed with t'le pinion on the

shaft which drives the plates from the

clutch, and when the rim is replacedon the machine the "time" must be re-

established. If the plaie rim is outof time with the pin' j, inaccuracywill result because the p ^te itself will

not stop at the proper tiuie.

On some machines the cog teeth of

the rim and pinion are so marked orconstructed that it is very easy to

ascertain the proper relation betweenthe two castings. Before removingthe rim the operator should carefully

seek any such guides so that he mayknow just how to replac'^ the parts.

If no guide is found on the arm andon the shaft pinion, make a mark oneach by means of a cold chisel, andthen in replacing parts bring these

two marks into the same relation to

each other as at first. It sometimeshappens that after replacing a rim or

adding a new one, it breaks as .^oon as

it revolves. This is due to non-timing.

The question is often asked : "Is

the disc furrow opener preferable to

the ordinary shoe runner?" The sin-

gle disc opener has better penetrationthan the shoe and will cut throughtrash to better advantage, but it

throws the soil to one side and cover-ing is made more difficult. The dou-ble disc has less penetrating ability

than the single disc, but covering canbe more easily accomplished after it.

In hard, thrashy ground, then, thedisc opener should prove preferable to

the shoe opener, but in a well pre-

pared seed bed, well free from surfacetrash, the shoe is strongly advocatedbecause of its simplicity. The planter

with disc openers cannot be consid-

ered a heavy draft implement, but the

discs carry bearings which must workin soil and one may always expecttrouble with such a combination.



Prairie Farmer




Livestock Farmer s Medicine CkestBy Dr. A. S. Alexander, in Prairie Farmer

When a farmer can employ a com-petent graduate veterinarian at rea-

sonable expense it always is best to

do so, and in all serious cases suchexpert help should be used even if

the expense will be considerable. Un-fortunately it is not always possible

to find such an expert or he may live

at such a distance that an ordinary or

trivial case will not warrant the ex-pense of his employment, or the near-

est veterinarian may not be a properly

qualified practitioner, or is one in

whom the stockman has no confidence.

For these reasons every owner ofanimals should keep some simpleremedies on hand, and these are nec-

essary even on farms where profes-

sional assistance can readily be had.

It should be understood, however,that the untrained farmer should notattempt the administration of strong

poisons, alkaloids and many prepara-

tions used hypodermically by a gradu-ate veterinarian. Such preparations

are extremely dangerous in the handsof the layman and are liable to domuch more harm than good. Thetrained surgeon also should be de-

pended upon for all major operations.

A cupboard may be set apart for

storing medicines in a cool, dry place

and where freezing will not occur in

winter. A glass graduate and scales

will be necessary for measuring andweighing medicines. Powdered drugsshould be kept in tightly closed glass

fruit jars and should be plainly labeled.

They may soon lose their strength if

exposed to the air. Poisons shouldbe kept on a separate part of a shelf

partitioned off for the purpose andaway from simple, harmless drugs.

Ointments, with the exception of fly

blister, should be made up fresh at

time of use. Liniment may be pre-pared and kept indefinitely if wellcorked.The medicine case should also have

a special division in which to keep afew instruments, bandages, suture silk

and absorbent cotton ; or better still,

these may be kept in a handbag for

immediate use as required. Theemergency bag should contain a roll

of absorbent cotton, • several rolled

three-yard bandages of unbleachedmuslin in strips three inches wide, a

pound or two of oakum, a spool ofstrong suture silk, half a dozen sutureneedles of assorted shapes and sizes,

most of them large; a half-ounce,short-barreled, strong-nozzled hardrubber syringe, a two-ounce metalsyringe, a cow trocar and canula for

tapping a bloated animal, a pair ofcurved shears, a combination operat-

ing knife containing a curved bistoury,

a probe pointed bistoury and a strongstraight scalpel, a few milking tubesand a teat bistoury, an artery forceps,

metal probe, castrating knife and pair

of horse clippers.

These will suffice, but there aremany other useful instruments suchas a clinical thermometer, horse tro-

car, catheter and dentistry "float,"

which may be added from time to

time. Some of the medicines to- belisted later may also have a place in

the emergency kit or bag, notablythose needed for the treatment ofwounds, and at hand should be a

strong quart drenching bottle and ten

feet of quarter-inch cotton rope withwhich to hold up a horse's head for

drenching. A veterinary force pumpis added on a large farm, but its place

may be taken by three feet of newlawn sprinkling hose fitted with a

large tin funnel. This is used to give

a horse or cow a rectal injection.

There should also be a six-foot piece

of new half-inch rubber tubing for

use in giving a cow or mare a vaginal


Simple necessary medicines maybest be listed under the following spe-

cial heads



Epsom and Glauber Salts. Averagedose for an adult cow, one pound in

three pints of warm water. Dose for

a horse, 12 ounces.

Castor Oil. Especially useful foryoung animals. Dose for a calf orfoal, from 1 to 6 tablespoon sful shak-en up in milk.



Raw Linsed Oil (^not boiled, whichis poisonous). Average .dose, one pint

for constipation and to follow a doseof colic medicine, or contain medicinefor colic.

Barbados Aloes (freshly powdered).Average dose, one ounce, to be given

to an adult horse as a "physic ball."

Wound Medicines

Keep in stock one pint each of car-

bolic acid and coal tar disinfectant anda gallon can of the latter for dipping

and disinfecting purposes. Two tea-

spoonfuls to a pint of water ordinarily

makes a sufficiently strong solution.

Bleeding is stopped by applying Mon-sel's solution of iron on oakum orcotton batting, or applying Monsel'spowder. As a wound lotion also keepon hand a mixture of one ounce of

sugar of lead and six drams of sul-

phate of zinc in one pint of water.

This is called "white lotion" andshould be plainly labeled "poison" andwell shaken before use.

Dusting Powders

A dusting powder of equal parts ofslacked lime, charcoal and sulphur is

useful for application to surfacewounds and sores. Boracic acid also

is needed and a little iodoform maybe added to keep flies away.


Keep on hand a pint (pound) eachof turpentine and aqua ammonia.One ounce each of these mixed witha pint of soft water, in which tworaw eggs have been shaken up andthe mixture left for 24 hours, will

make a good stimulating liniment ; or

one ounce of each may be mixed with6 to 14 ounces of raw linseed oil to

make a very strong or comparativelymild liniment.


"White lotion" for wounds has al-

ready been mentioned. Equal quan-tities of lime water and raw linseed

oil make "carron oil," an excellent

lotion for burns. Two to four ouncesof Goulard's extract and one to twoounces of glycerine in one quart of

soft water form a useful lotion for

scratches and mud fever of itchiness

and "gumminess" of the legs. A goodlotion for inflammation of the udder

is made by mixing together one parteach of fluid extracts of poke root andbelladonna leaves and one part of tur-pentine with five parts of sweet oil,

melted lard or camphorated oil. It is

made weaker or stronger as required.Anodyne lotion for painful swellingsis made by combining equal quantitiesof tincture of opium, aconite, bella-donna and druggists' soap liniment.A small quantity of chloroform maybe added. Mouth lotion consists ofan ounce of powdered borax or alumin a quart of soft water; eye lotion ofhalf a dram each of sulphate of zincand fluid extract of belladonna in aquart of soft water.


Fowler's solution of arsenic is agood general tonic for rundown, thin,

hidebound horses and those afflicted

with chronic skin diseases or heaves(broken wind). The average dose is

half an ounce (one tablespoonful)given night and morning until onequart has been given. The medicinemay then be gradually discontinued,taking at least a week to the work.Dried sulphate of iron (copperas),dose one dram night and morning, is

another good tonic, commonly com-bined with an equal dose of groundgentian root or ginger root, nuxvomica, saltpeter and fenugreek as a

condition powder. The dose is onetablespoonful of the combination ,of

drugs mixed in the feed night andmorning for ten days. Omit sulphateof iron for pregnant animals. Nux is

poisonous and must therefore be givenwith care. It is most useful as a

nerve tonic and appetizer.

Colic Medicines

Keep in stock one pound each oflaudanum (dose, 1 to 2 ounces) ; es-

sence of ginger root (dose, 1 to 2drams) ; sulpuric acid (dose, Yz to 1

ounce) ; turpentine (dose, 1 to 2ounces)

;granular hyposulphite of

soda (dose, 1 to 4 ounces). A dose ofeach of the first three medicines in a

pint of water containing two ouncesof hyposulphite of soda will proveeffective for most colics. Two ouncesof turpentine in a pint of raw linseedoil may be given for "wind" (flatulent)

colic, or following the other medicinewhen the pain of "cramp" (spasmodic)colic has subsided.



Fever Medicines

Powdered saltpeter is an important

drug for animals. It is given in the

fever of influenza, founder (laminitis)

or lymphangitis (milk leg, also for

stocking of the legs and other large

swellings. A dram is the average

dose. Give it every four or six hoursin fever, twice daily for swellings, or

with tonics as a condition powder, andin double doses for founder or milkleg. Do not give it in colt distemper,

when abscesses are forming. It mayoften be administered in drinking

water or a bran mash or damp feed.

It also is given in tablespoonful dosesonce or twice daily for garget of the

cow. Beware of aconite often given

for fever. It is too dangerous a poison

to be safely used by anyone other than

a trained doctor.


An eflfective blistering ointment is

made by melting together three parts

of lard and one-quarter part of finely

shaved, yellow beeswax, and then

stirring it one part of powdered can-

tharides (Spanish fly). Stir in a tin

dish until cold, then store in a cappedglass fruit jar. It improves with age.

When using this blister clip off the

hair, wash the skin clean, dry it per-

fectly. Tie the horse up short in his

. stall, rub the blister in for fifteen

minutes and then smear on some moreblister. Wash the blister off in 48

hours and then apply a little lard

daily. Do not cover a blistered part,

or rub it on the loins, or on top of

the hips, or use it after a poultice, or

on irritated skin, or in very hot or

cold weather.


Never be without tincture of iodine

to swab on swollen glands, tumors,

forming abscesses, bony growths,

capped or puffed joints, indolent sores

or wounds, canker of the mouth in

pigs and ringwork spots. It also is

useful to inject into abscesses, fistula

and lump jaw cavities. Iodine oint-

ment is made by mixing one^dram

each of iodine crystals and iodide of

potash in one ounce of lard. This is

used on swellings, sore necks andshoulders, puffs of all sorts, tumors,

forming abscesses, ringworm spots

and enlargements of the udder. Asan absorbent blister rub up one dram

of biniodide of mercury with twoounces of the fly blister already men-tioned and use on bony growths, suchas splints and ringbone, callouses,,

indolent sores, tumors of the udder.

Worm Medicines

Gasoline is kept on most farms andin tablespoonful doses in six ounces ofmilk is the best remedy for stomachworms in sheep. Lambs take less in

proportion. Two ounces of turpen-tine in a pint of raw linseed oil i^

effective as a starting dose for a

"wormy horse." Follow with wormpowders composed of equal parts ofsalt, sulphur and dried sulphate of

iron. Dose, one tablespoonful night

and morning for a week, then skip ten

days and repeat. Omit iron for preg-

nant animals. For worms of swinegive one teaspoonful of turpentine in

slop for three consecutive days for

each eighty pounds of body weight


or one dram of dried sulphate of iron

in slop for five successive morningsfor each hundred pounds of bodyweight. Where swine are known to

be seriously infested with worms, give

eight grains of santonin and five

grains of calomel in a little slop for

each hundred pounds of body weight.

Divide the pigs into lots of five andgive the medicine in a little slop after

starving the animals for eighteen

hours. Care must be taken to give

only the doses here prescribed, else

damage may be done.


In the paragraph on wound medi-cines it has been advised to keep car-

bolic acid and coal tar disinfectant in

stock. To these may be added for-

maldehyde, bichloride of mercurytablets and permanganate of potash

crystals. In disinfecting a stable a

solution of four or five ounces of for-

maldehyde to the gallon, or a 1-1,000

of bichloride of mercury (corrosive

sublimate) or a 1-30 solution of car-

bolic acid or coal tar disinfectant

should be used after a thorough cleamsing of the premises. For wounds a

1-1,000 solution of corrosive sublimate

also is the most effective disinfectant

and a 1-500 solution should be used

for disinfecting when a spore-form-

ing germ, like that of anthrax, is pres-

ent. Permanganate of potash is a

useful mild disinfectant (antiseptic



and deodorizer) in a 1-5,000 to a 1-50solution. The weaker solution is usedlukewarm for vaginal injection pur-poses, while the 2 per cent solution is

useful for injection into cavities fromwhich come bad-smelling dischargesand for swabbing sores (cankers) ofthe mouth. As a wound lotion it is

usual to employ a 2 to 5 per centsolution of carbolic acid, or lysol, orcoal tar disinfectant. Carbolic acidis also much used as an internal disin-

fectant in contagious abortion. Twodrams of the acid is well diluted withwater and mixed in soft feed for eachpregnant cow every other nightthroughout pregnancy. Peroxide ofhydrogen one part and clean watertwo or three parts is a popular dis-

infectant for cleansing foul wounds.

Scour Medicines

The farm medicine chest would notbe completely stocked without someremedies for diarrhoea or scours. Amixture of one part of salol and twoparts of bismuth (first prescribed yearsago by the writer) has become astandard remedy among farmers. Theaverage dose is one teaspoon ful giventwo or three times a day and washeddown with milk or water. The dosemay be doubled in bad cases and forlarger calves and foals. Preparedchalk, powdered alum, sulphur, pow-dered catechu, rhubarb and gingerroot are also much used for diarrhoea.

Administering Medicines

Small doses of liquid medicine, suchas the average two-ounce dose of afever medicine or tonic solution, arebest given by means of a half-ouncehard rubber syringe. Expert veteri-

narians sometimes give such medicinesof bad-tasting drugs in gelatine cap-sules, or in form of a "ball." Worm,condition and tonic powders aremixed in damp grain feed. A largedose of liquid medicine is termed a"drench" and is given from a strong,long-necked bottle. A few inches ofrubber hose may be fitted on the neckof such a bottle.

To drench a horse, back him into astall, place a running noose of soft,

small cotton rope or "clothes line"upon the upper incisor teeth, underthe upper lip, and draw the noosetight, with the knot of the rope tothe front. Throw the loose end of

the rope across an overhead beam,raise the horse's head, hold it thereby means of the rope and pour thernedicine into the mouth a little at atime until all is swallowed. Do notsqueeze the throat of the horse whengiving medicine and never pour themedicine into the nostril. If the horsewill not swallow, pour a teaspoonful ofcold water into a nostril and swallow-ing will instantly occur.To drench a cow, place her in a

stanchion or tie her in a stall. Walkup on her right side (milking side).Pass the left hand across her face andinto her mouth. Hold her head in astraight line forward and slightly ele-vated, not turned to one side. Pourthe medicine very slowly into theright side of the mouth. Let the headdown instantly if the medicine causesthe cow (or horse) to cough. Fluidgiven too fast passes into the paunchand is practically wasted. Administeredslowly, it largely goes to the third andfourth stomachs and absorption takesplace in the latter.

Sheep have to be very carefullydrenched from a bottle to avoid chok-ing. Swine take medicine through ahole cut in the toe of an old shoethrust into the mouth or from a short,strong rubber hose fitted in the neckof a strong bottle. Dogs take medi-'cine in capsules inserted in meat orfrom a bottle or spoon emptied intoa pouch formed of the lip and cheek.Avoid "doping" animals unneces-

sarily. Aledicine should only be givenwhen the animal is sick, should bethe right medicine, and is best pre-scribed by an expert.


The United States Department ofAgriculture found in 1855 that it re-quired four hours and 34 minutes ofhuman labor to produce a bushel ofcorn. At the Alinnesota experimentstcition it has been found recently that45 minutes of human labor is aboutthe average time required for the samework. In other words, human labor is

worth six times as much as it was 60years ago, due to the use of bettermachinery, better varieties of cornand better soil management.



>oine lommon unsoundnessBy Dr. A. S. Alexander, in Prairie Farmer

TAKE nothing for granted whenbuying a horse. One shouldmake sure about doubtful things.

If the eye cannot decide the mat-ter the hand may be employed to

corroborate or disprove ; but the eyeshould be the main dependence andthe hand used only as a last resort.

An Irishman does not like to buy a pig

"in a poke." He wants to see andexamine the "rint payer" and mayeven make the animal squeal to besure that he is getting his money'sworth. In just the same way one mustmake the most careful examination ofevery part of a horse, "size up" theentire combination of points and makesure that there is lack of vice, sound-ness of eyes, wind and limb, and perfect

fitness for the special kind of work theanimal will have to do.

A famous veterinary teacher oncecalled upon his senior students to ex-amine a lame horse and state in writ-

ing what they thought was the causeof lameness. The horse had a splint,

one sidebone and a small ringboneafifecting the lame leg. To one or

other of these three unsoundnesseseach student in turn attributed thelameness. But one learns best bymaking mistakes and this truth wassoon "rubbed in" by the teacher.Having collected the reports he toldthe smith who was standing by, toremove the shoe from the lame foot.

Then a majority of the students no-ticed for the first time that the sole

of the foot was covered with a thick

leather pad. When the leather cameoff puss spurted from a nail prickwound which had been purposely hid-den. Lameness was due to the nail

prick, not to splint, ringbone or side-

bone, and the laugh was on the"boys." Never again would one ofthem be similarly caught and so anever - to - be - forgotten lesson waslearned. Every intending purchasershould learn this lesson, too, and bea "doubting Thomas" until his handshave felt where the eyes could notdefinitely decide a mooted point.

Seek to deal with men of knownintegrity in business. If not expert,and the horse to be bought is a dear

Splint Curb



one, it will be good policy to employa veterinarian to make a critical ex-

amination. Better visit the stable

when not expected and see the horsein the stall. There some things canbe learned that will not be seen whenthe horse is warmed up. You should*)e able to enter and leave the stall

on the left side of the horse, withoutbeing received with a bite or expelled

with a kick. Note, too, if the horsedigs a hole in the floor by pawing, orchews his manger and hay rack, whichmay indicate cribbing and wind suck-ing, or weaves from side to side, orpulls back on the halter. Make him"stand over" and note if he jerks up ahind leg, or hops over. The hoppingmay indicate spavin lameness, whichquickly disappears when the horse is

warmed up.

The jerking up of a hind leg may beaccompanied by quivering of musclesand tail and such a horse is a "shiv-

erer" or "crampy" and afflicted withincurable St. Vitus' dance. The symp-toms of the latter disease becomemore apparent as the horse backs outof the stall, but quickly subside withslight exercise. If the animal has"string halt" the jerking up of thehind legs is continued as long as thehorse is in motion, he does not warmout of it. When a horse is broughtout for inspection "on a run" or "deadjump" it is impossible to detect spavinlameness or chorea and even string

halt may not be noticed. This will bemore certainly the case if the horseis turned loose irj' deep snow, orplowed land, or in a straw bedded pad-dock. This commonly is done. Some-times an old plug that has scarcely

animation enough to get out of its ownway will kick up, strut and trot, proudas a peacock, when suddenly the halter

shank, previously cut part way throughbreaks and the old pilgrim imagines hehas broken loose by his own greatstrength. This trick is often tried.

Never allow the dealer to keep thehorse "in the air."

After making an examination in thestall watch the horse for a while ashe stands at ease on a level floor.

Maybe he cannot stand at ease. If afoot hurts, soon that foot will be thrustforward; if two hurt each will bethrust forward ; if two hurt, each will beadvanced turn about ; if four hurtthe horse will rest each foot in turn.

And do not forget to walk around thehorse that every part may meet theeye. Often one side is a pretty pic-

ture, the other marred. See bothsides, for often the animal is turnedtoward the wall if an eye is out, a big-

bare spot present or some unsound-ness there that had best be kept hid-den. A "watch" or "wall" eye cansee, but it is unsightly. The tour ofinspection around the horse disclosessuch blemishes.Remember about not buying a pig

in a poke, so remove the blanket fromall fancy harness and see that thehalter has no springs and trusses topress down upon the nostrils to pre-vent high blowing and "roaring."Many a man has neglected to removea horse's hood before buying and af-terward has discovered that it hid a

cropped, lopped, or split ear, fistula ofthe base of the ear, a "poll evil" orsome unsightly blemish.Don't get too close to the horse

when making the preliminary exam-ination. Ex-Governor Hoard, of Wis-consin, once said that in farm businessmatters a man may hold a cent pieceso close to his eye that it keeps himfrom seeing a big silver dollar a little

further ofif. So if one rushes up andgrabs a foot, before viewing what theFrench term the tout ensemble—theassemblage of all points—he missesthe comprehensive estimate of thehorse as a whole and that is of mostimportance. When one has lookedthe horse over from a little distanceand from all points of view and hasseen how the animal stands and be-haves it will be time enough to scru-tinize each component part of his an-atomy. First we shall see him moveaway and back, at a walk, then at a

trot, and finally we shall gallop him.Be there when he stops and so decideas to the soundness of his "wind."It is not enough to test the "wind"by standing the horse close to a walland suddenly threatening to strike

him with a whip. The sudden fright

may cause the animal to grunt loudly,

but this does not necessarily provethat such a "bull" is unsound in wind.

Many sound horses grunt when so

threatened, or even when one goes to

mount. In the latter instances it is a

nervous "expression" and nothingserious. When watching the horse at

rest one should note that he does not



Sidebcne Spavin

heave at the flanks, cough or pass gasfrom the rectum. These are the symp-toms of "heaves" ; but the "heavey"horse may be "shut" or "doped" withdrugs so that temporarily the symptomsdo not show. Usually they will quickly

appear if the horse is given .all the hayand water he wants and then is gal-

loped. Roaring sometimes is tempora-rily relieved by plugging the nostrils

with a sponge or squeezed half lemon.Discharge is also prevented by this

means. It is best to locate these at

once than have them sneezed into the

feed box when the horse is yours.

At both walk and trot the horseshould go straight, level and true.

each joint perfectly fixed, the soles ofthe feet well turned up, as he goesaway, and no "padding," "winging,"in or out, "forging," stumbling or toe

dragging noticeable. Lameness should

be absent. If the horse passes musterwhen in motion and his style, action

and conformation are suitable, he nextmay be critically examined as he stands

at rest. He should stand square andfirm on each foot. The profile of the

front and back of each leg shouldshow no abnormal bends, curves, pufTs,

swellings, or lumps. If any one of

these things is seen its nature will haveto be carefully determined. The eyes

should be sound and of the same color.

The pupils should dilate in the darkand contract when the horse is broughtinto the light. Angular, wrinkled eye-

brows and sunken eyes denote previousattacks of "moon blindness" (periodic

ophthalmia). "Smoky" or "opaque," or"pearl grey," or "curdy" appearanceof the cornea (anterior chamber of the

eye) denote more serious stages of the

disease or blindness from cataract orglaucoma. A brilliant sparkling

prominent eye ("glassy eye") may bestone blind from paralysis of the ret-

ina and optic nerve. The ears shouldneither be absolutely unused, nor ab-normally active. The former may in-

dicate deafness ; the latter, impairedvision, nervousness or vice.

See that a thread from ear to earunder the forelock, does not keep lop

ears upright and that a leaden ball,

suspended from a thread in the ear, is

not preventing undue motion. Thehorse should let one handle his ears,

his poll (back of ears), the top of theneck, where the collar will bear, andthe withers, where fistulous openingsor their scars so commonly are found.Fighting against such handling indi-

cates a reason for fear and the rea-

son usually is that a twitch has beenused on the ear and the horse may behard to shoe, have sore neck fromthe collar, poll evil or fistulous with-ers, or have suffered a previous opera-tion for such disease.

Handle each part upon which har-ness will have to bear and see that

it is sound and free from sores, tu-

mors or abscesses. The nostrils shouldbe large, under command of the will,

rosy pink inside, not slit and free

from abnormal discharge. See that

the breath does not smell foul and



that the teeth are sound and the jawsnot under or over "short." Examinethe back. It should be strong, broad,

straight, free from sores and well

muscled. Pinching the loins is un-necessary. A ticklish horse will squat

when so handled but the test does not

detect weak kidneys. Note that the

ribs are well sprung, the underlinefairly straight, the abdomen capacious,

the flank not tucked up and the

coupling short and strong. See that

no wounds or abscesses are presenthigh up on the right flank, as the re-

sult of tapping for flatulant colic.

With the left hand on the horse's loin,

as a support, stoop and examinesheath, or udder as the case may be,

and other parts high up in the groins.

Examine the tail, which should bestrong, not artificial ("joined on") andnot rubbed bare from itchiness. Lift

it and see that the black skin below is

free from tumors, the anus clean, well

pursed up, free from scurvy substancesor streaks of mucous ; or, in the mare,that the space between rectum andvulva is intact and that no dischargecomes from the latter. Looking fromthe rear, compare one hip with the

other. If one is "knocked down" that

side will be steep. At each side ofthe tail is the tuberosity of the ischium.Like the point of the hip (ilium) this

often is fractured, leaving one side

depressed. All parts of the shoulders,neck, barrel and hindquarters shouldbe smoothly and deeply covered withsound muscles.Now examine each hoof. Cracks,

rings, ridges and meatiness should beabsent, frogs and bars prominent, soles

slightly concave, heels wide, coronets(hoof heads) open and strong, hoofswaxy, smooth and ample in size. Ob-ject to a horse that has steep narrowheels with a deep cleft in frog, also

one that has chronic corns, chronicthrush, "dropped" (convex) soles, orhoof walls showing toe or quartercracks.

Make sure that the elbows are freefrom hard or soft tumors or abscessescalled "shoe boils" and that the kneesare free from hairless scars and arestraight, wide, deep and strong. Alljoints should be large, clean, bony

and strong. This is of the greatestimportance. The joints cannot be toolarge so long as the size is made up oflarge, clean sound bones, ligamentsand tendons. Beware of puffs, meati-ness and bony growths which givethe wrong sort of size. The kneesshould have perfect flexion, no matterwhat work the horse has to do. Theyshould not be bent forward (buckknees) nor bent backward (calf

knees). Splints close to the knee areserious ; but low down, on an adulthorse, they are practically harmless,unless struck by a shoe. Splints, ring-bones and spavins are bony excres-censes. Splints come on the cannonbones, along the course of the splint

bones (small metacarpals and metatar-sals).

Ringbones are found high, mediumor low, on the long pastern, and ofteninvolve the short pasterns. Bonespavins are found at the lower, front,inner aspect of the hock joints. Bogspavins are soft bursal distensions ofthe hock joints, above and in frontof the seat of bone spavins. Thoro-pins are bursal distensions seen at thesides of the hocks, towards the rearand when pressed on one side bulgeout on the opposite side. "Windgalls" are similar puffs in connectionwith the tendons at and just abovethe fetlock joints. A curb appears as

a hard enlargement giving a roundedbulging contour to the profile of theback of the hock joint, looking fromthe side.

Splints are most easilv seen bystanding in front of the horse, thenexamining further by feeling the partsinvolved, first with the foot standing-

down firm, then with it off the ground.Ringbones are best seen from a side

view of the profile of the long pas-tern. The hand may have to help in

their detection. To examine for spav-ins look between the forelegs at theinner, lower profile of each hock. Thehard "knob" on one hock probablywill prove to be a bone spavin. Asmall spavin is called a "jack" and it

is apt to prove serious and grow to

be a large spavin. Spavin may also

be detected from a quartering view ofthe hock, or from the rear.



ilillll IIHl

The House of Quality

It will Pay You To See =






1019 South Fifth

Opp. Woodland CemeteryTel. 2995QUINCY, ILL.


Branch4th and Center St.




Pike County Farmers' DirectoryAbbreviations Used in this Directory

a—Acres; Ch—Children; O—Owner; T—Tenant or Renter;R—Rural Route; Sec—Section; Maiden name of wife followsdirectory name in parenthesis ( ); figures at end of informa-tion—year became resident of county. Star (*) indicates

children not at home. Name of farm follows names of children

in quotation marks. In case of a tenant, the farm owner'sname follows the figures giving size of farm.

EXAMPLEAllen, Bent T. (Maggie Mellon) Ch William E., Clyde, Pearl, *Alfred I.,

*Nellie, *Lewis, *Harvey, *Charlie, *Maggie, *CIara; "Spring BranchFarm" Baylis R3 Fairmount Secl6-17 O40a (1862) Farmers Tel. Fishook.

MeansAllen, Bent T.—Name.(Maggie Mellon)—Wife's maiden name.Ch William E., Clyde, Pearl, *Alfred I., *Nellie, *Lewis, *Harvey, *Charlie,

*Maggie, *Clara—^Names of children.

"Spring Branch Farm"—Name of farm.Baylis R3—Postoffice Baylis, R. F. D. 3.

Fairmount Secl6-17—'Fairmount township, Section 16-17.

O40a—Owner of 40 acres.

(1862)—Lived in county since 1862.

Farmers Tel. Fishook—Name of telephone.

Abbott, Horace A. (Susia Mathews)Ch Emma, Mary, Ellis, Vivian,Geneva, Leatha, Clarence, Keith;Pearl Rl Montezuma Sec30 Ol60a(1914)

Ackles, Marsh (Alice Barlow) ChPaul. Joe; "The Wade Place Farm"GriggFville R2 Flint Sec7 TSOaGeorge Cadwell (1876) Pike Co.Tel. Griggsville

Adams, George S. (Delia Martin) ChHomer B., Dorothy M., *Jerry;Rockport Rl Atlas Sec27 O260a(1862) Glandon Tel. Rockport

Adams, Jerry G. (Bessie Deam) ChJane, Geraldine; Rockport Rl AtlasOl9.5a Farmers Tel. Rockport

Adkins, Orlie B. (Phoebe Gudgel) ChWilliam, Laurence, Marie, Ralph,Howard; Hull Kinderhook SecSOT200a Hy. Scarbrough (1877)

Adkins, Spencer (Jane Mead) ChSpencer, Eva.wife of Spencer, Ellen,

grandaughter, *Arlie, *Harvey,*Jennie; Hull Levee Sec24 T247aHenrv Scarborough (1867) Pike Co.Tel. Hull

Adrain, George S. (Mabel Brown)Pittsfield R2 Martinsburg Sec2

TSOOa Robert Adrain (1888) Pike

Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Adre, Roland L. (Anna Holscher) ChBonner Sumpter, *Waltcr; BarryRl Barry Sec5 OSOa T60a Mrs. S..

Seaney (1896) Farmers Tel. Kinder-


Aiken, Augustus (Truln Herzog) ChHelen, Mildred; "City View Farm"Baylis R2 Hadley Secl3 O60 (1918)

Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Aiken, James G. (Sadie Witham)Baylis Rl Hadley Sec2 OSOa (1867)

Farmers Tel. Baylis

Akers, Charles F. (Elizabeth Stam-baugh) Ch Irene, Leslie, Imogene,Paul, Helen; Pearl Star Rte Pearl

;SeciO 03214a (1883)

Akers, Ray (Ina Turnbeaugh) ChLloyd; Pearl R2 Pearl Sec7 T520aiFrank Robinson (1897) Pike Co.Tel. Pearl



Akin, Mark B. (Florence Witt) ChCharles, Harold, Marie, Loriene;"Maple Grove Farm'' GriggsvilleRl Fairmoimt Sec27 OSOa (1915)Farmers Tel. Baylis

Akin, Russel W. (Mary Belford) ChEvelyn. Beulah; Griggsville R2Griggsville Sec31 Tl60a Jeff Smith(1893) Glandon Tel. Griggsville

Akright, John W. Ch Vera; Baylis R3Fairmoimt SeclO Ola (1892) Far-mers Tel. Perry

Alford, Warren S. (Fannie Churchill)*DelIa; "Prairiedale Farm" Kinder-hook Kinderhook Sec26 Ol33a(1S61) Kinderhook Tel. Kinder-hook

Alfs, Herman R. (Clara M. Enrlicher)Ch Robert E., Louise; "MidvaleFarm" New Canton R2 Pleasant-vale Secl7 O430a (1914) Pike Co.Tel. New Canton

Allen, Benjamin F. (Hanna Reymer)Ch Maurice, Dorothy, Helen,*James, *Edward, *Jessie; BaylisRl Fairmount Secl9 T296a RobertButhprg (1918) Farmers Tel.Baylis

Allen, Bent T. (Maggie Mellon) ChWilliam E., Clyde, Pearl, *AlfredI., *Ne]lie *Lewis. *Harvey, *Char-lie, *Maggie, *Cla-a; "SpringBranch Farm" Baylis R3 FairmountSecl6-17 04La (1862) Farmers Tel.Fishook

AUen, George Ch *Will *Thomas,*Leonard, *Ella; Rockport Rl AtlasSecl3 045a (1854)

Allen, George E. (Matilda Whitaker)Ch Lyndell, Lozell; Baylis R3 Fair-mount Sec24 Farm Hand J. WWalker (1887) Pike Tel. Perry

Allen, Ira (Nora Jackson) Ch Ruby,Ethel; "Locust Grove Farm"Baylis R3 Fairmount Seclfi T80aT. B. Allen (188S) Tel. Baylis

Allen, John A. (Carrie Jackson) ChGrover, Abbie; Baylis R3 Fair-mount Sec7 098a (1871) Pike Co.Tel. Fishook and Siloam

Allen, John W. (Lena House) ChFloyd, Wesley, Lcona, Harvey,*Ruby, *01a. *Earl; Pearl R2 PearlSec32 Ol20a (1898) Farmers Tel.Pearl

Allen, Robert P. (Ad'ella Clark) ChHarvey, Mary Elizabeth; Griggs-ville R3 Flint Sec30 Ol60a (1880)Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Allensworth, Dearvus (Alice Gal'aher)Ch Arlie, Nellie, Freda Pearl,Orval, George, Earl, Clifford.

Edith; Rockport Sec2 Atlas SecllT200a Loren Nicols (1905)

Allensworth, Lawrence C. (Elva Gal-laher) Ch Viola, Frank. Leona,Casper, Mary, Dorothy; New Can-ton Rl Atlas Sec4W T200a E. T.Nicols (1912)

Allison, Emerson E. (Lilly Shelby)Ch Wayne, Mossaline. *Ercel;Nebo Rl Spring Creek ^ecll0241a (1877) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Allison, Henry H. (ElizabethVaughn) Ch Merson Sarah,*Martha, *Williani,*Josie; Pearl R2Spring Creek Sec24 0l43a (1865)Farmers Tel. Pearl

Allison, James N. (Edith Bexby) ChEva Austin, Anna, Russell Everett,Verna; Nebo iR3 Spring CreekSec30 O30a (1878)

Allison, William E. (Rosa Hopper)New Canton R2 Atlas Sec4 Tl70aHarry Nicols (1883) Glandon Tel.

New CantonAllison. William M. (Florence Mc-Cann) Ch Orville, Opal, Lucille,

Clifford; Pearl R2 Spring CreekSecl3 Ol20a (1876) Farmers Tel.


Allot, Albert G. (Carrie Robinson)Griggsville R3 Griggsville Sec25Farm Hand Lawrence Harvey(1876) Pike Tel. Griggsville

Alsup, Marion M. (Mary E. Test) ChEverett *Chloe: Baylis R2 HadleySecl3 O80a (1860) Pike Co. Tel.


Altmiller, John (Pearl Curless) ChKenneth W.; Baylis R2 New SalemSecl8 O90a (1881) Pike Co. Tel.


Altmiller, Mrs. Lizzie (Lipperman)Ch George, William, Charles, Ed-ward, *Minnie, *Henry, *Tohn;Pittsfield R4 Pittsfield SeclO "043a(1844) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Ames, Ames (Mary Vickroy) ChLulu, *Lavina, *Ray, *Reu and GuyMiller; Pearl R2 Pearl Sec30 O40a(1919) Farmers Tel. Booth

Ammerman, Franz S. (CordaHoover)) Ch Esther. David; PearlRl Montezuma Sec9 O40a (1875)Pike Co. Tel. Milton



Anderson. Bert A. (Pearl Redden)Ch NelHe; Hull Kinde-hook Sec28

T206a George Holmes (1913) Pike

Co. Tel. Hull

Anderson, Edward (Emma House)Ch *Hettie, *Ralph; KinderhookBarry Sec7 Ol60a (1869) CrabApple Tel. Kinderhook

Anderson, Edward New Canton R2Cincinnati Sec26 O20a (1894)

Anderson, Mark, Nellie Hull, niece;

Kinderhook Barrv SeclS OSOa(1858)

Anderson, O. C. (Etta Drake) ChRuth, *Harry, *Ina; Pittsfield New-burg Sec30 03a (1911) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Annett, Otis S. (Nellie Reeder) ChHilda Lawrence; Hadley Rl Had-ley Sec33 O60a (1873) Shaw Had-ley Tel. Barry and H.

Antery, George W. (Nellie Scranton)Ch Walter, Everett; Nebo R3Spring Creek Sec27 Ol20a (1885)Farmers Tel. Nebo

Anthony, James A. (Eva Orr)"Bethel Ridge Farm" GriggsvilleR3 Newburg Seel O40a (1876)Glandon Tel. Griggsville

Applegate, AUie N. (Essie Brown)Ch Emily; Nebo Rl Hardin Sec27O40a (1884)

Applegate, Charles E. (Clara Schafer)Ch Russell; Nebo Rl Spring CreekSec2 T2a H. B. Applegate (1878)

Applegate. H. B. (Laura Hack) ChPaul, *Charley, *Thursey, *Zelma,*Pearl. *Allie, *Luetty; Farm HandWilliam Gridley Nebo Rl SpringCreek Sec2 O640a (1854) FarmersTel. Nebo

Applegate, Sylvester (Martha Mc-Cann) Ch Ruby, Ruth, George,

*Frank, *Myrtle, *Stella, *Fred,

*Adah; Nebo R3 Spring .Creek

Sec28 Ol77^a (1863) Farmers Tel.Nebo

Armstrong, Earl R. (Ina Powell) ChOliver; Baylis R2 New Salem Sec8Monroe Musgroves Pike Co. Tel.Baylis

Arnett, Roy E. (Maude E. Brums)Ch Gerald L. "Clover Leaf Stock

Farm" Hadley Rl Hadley Sec27

OOOa (1886) Hadley Tel. No. 4

Barry and H

Arnett, Thomas H. (Bessie Var-matta) Ch Howard, Clarence;Hadley Rl Hadley Sec33 Tl20aAnnett Est. (1894) Hadley andShaw Tel. Barry

Ash, Thomas A. (Florence Stone)Barry R3 Barry Sec29 Tl60a R. W.Hart (1917)

Atkinson, Richard M. (ElizabethRupert) Ch Henry Budd; NewCanton Pleasantvale Secl6 0719^a(1882) Pike Co. Tel. New Canton

Ator, Albert (I^a Clark) Cli Tna,

Alma, Ruby Smith, *Ray, *Eva;Pleasant Hill R2 MartinsburgSec30-31 Ol76a (1871) FarmersTel. Pleasant Hill

Ator, Earl E. (Mary E. Hoskin) ChRussell; Pittsfield R4 Deny Sec25

Tl20a Elmer Ator (1890) FarmersTel. Summerhill

Ator, Elmer E. (Sarah Helme) ChElma M., Estill K., *Emmett Earl;

Pittsfield R4 Pittsfield Sec30 Ol20aT470a Strauss Bros. (1866) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Ator. Floyd (Bertha Collins) Pitts-

field R2 Hardin Sec7 T240a W. E.

Williams (1894) Pike Co. Tel.


Ator, Frank (Anna Brothers) Ch*Elmer, *Eva; Pittsfield R4 Derry

Sec25 O60a (1844) Pike Co. Tel.


Ator George (Nettie Howland) ChArt, Carl, Jerry Delia; Pittsfield

R5 Martinsburg Sec4 T80a William

Thompson 1876)

Ator, IsaacfOlive Black) Ch *Wayne;"Ideal Acres Farm'' Pleasant Hill

R2 Martinsburg Sec32 OlOOa (1S73)

Farmers Tel. Pleasant Hill

Ator, Jake (Grace Clinard) Ch Eva,

Ruth, Guy Carrie, *Neva; Rock-

port Rl Atlas Sec35 T380a AnnaDustin (1871) Glandon Tel. Rock-


Ator, John K. (Mina Elliott) Ch

Lowell. Russell, Ollie, *Loyd,

*Floyd, *Anna, *Mattie; Pleasant

Hill R2 Martinsburg Sec21-28

Ol62a (1869) Farmers Tel. Mar-tinsburg

Ator, John W. (Elizabeth Lcahr)

Griggsville R2 Chambersburg SecSl

0216a (1869) Farmers Tel. Cham-bersburg



Ator, Mack Ch Arty, *Claud, *Maud,*Enierson; Rockport Atlas Secl6

053a (18(36) Farmers Tel. Rockport

Ator, Ray E. (Amelia Zumwalt) ChNorman, Carolyn; Pleasant Hill R2Martinsburg Sec31 TSOa Albert

Ator (1896)Atwood, Charles L. (Bessie Hobson)Ch Faye, Edith, Vernice, Charles,

Leta; Griggsville R2 Flint SeclSFarm Hand John W. Sleight (1907)

Pike Co. Tel. Criggsville

Austin Bros., John, George, Stephen,Martin (Mary, sister) Pittsfield R6Pittsfield Sec4 O360a (1865)

Austin, Mrs. Nora (Nora Nash) ChKate, Thomas, *John, *George,*Nora, *Jane; Pittsfield R6 Pitts-

field Sec7 O60a (1854)

Ayers, Henry (Elizabeth Saunders)Ch Marjorie, Jeanette; Pittsfield R4Pittsfield Secl2 T200a James Man-ton (1883) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

BBacon, William C. (Viola Sprikel)

Ch Thelma, Wilma, Mary, Harry,Ester; "Prairie View Farm" NewCanton R2 Pleasantvale SeclSO260a (1908) Pike Co. Tel. NewCanton

Bacus, Harvey M. (Ola Hack) ChRoss, Ralph, Everett, Wilbur, Ina,

Marion. Earl, Lindell, Martha,Carl; Nebo Rl Spring Creek SeclOTl60a Mrs. J. B. Hack (1878)

Farmers Tel. NeboBagby, C. E. (Lovicy Hicks) Ch*Owen R.; Pittsfield R7 Hardin:Sec9 065a (1855) Pike Co. Tel.


Bagby, Floyd (Etna Jackson) ChOwen, Russell, Catherine, Bob, Pet,

Martha,, Margaret, *Homer; Pitts-

field Rl Hardin Sec5 O200a (1877)Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield


Baird, Ernest W. (Delite Stanffer)

Ch Erva; Barry R4 Barry Seel

TieOa Mary Baird (1885) Rliggs

Tel. Beverly

Baird, Frank M. (Maggie Barkley)

Barry R4 Hadley Sec6 O80a (1858)

Barry Tel.

Baird, John W. (Emma Humphrey)Ch Lloyd, Mary, *Ellis, *Rufus,

Ernest; Barry R4 Hadley Sec7

045a (1849) Tel. Barry

Baird, Rufus O. (Bertha May Pred-more) Ch Herman W.; Barry R2Hadley Sec7 OSOa (1880) Tel. Barry

Baker, Charles C. (Ida Rumple) ChClarence, Thunaan, Paul, Leona,John; Griggsville R3 Griggsville

rSec34 Farm Hand John Lasbury(1904) Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Baker, Henry (Mary Simpson) ChStephen, *Ad'die, *Minnie; BaylisR3 Fairmount Secl3 TlGOa O.Whitmore (1912)

Baker, Henry R. (Anna Hervener)Ch Eva, Lyndle; Pittsfield R3 New-burg Secll Ol50a (1875) GlandonTel. Griggsville

Baker, John H. (Myrtle Farthing) ChMavis, Eileen; Rockport Rl AtlasSeclS Tl65a Coon Bros. (1873)

Baker, Leslie H. (Mary Powell) ChLeslie Jr., Paul Wilson; Griggsville

Star Route Griggsville SeclO FarmHand Fred Kopps (1913) FarmersTel. Griggsville and Perry

Baker, Logan (Pearl Rainwater) ChLyndell; Pittsfield R2 MartinsburgSecl6 Ol60a (1885) Pike Co. Tel.


Baker, Walter C. (Fern Staggs) ChVirgil, Cecil; "Plain View Farm"Rl Barry Sec5 Ol23a Sec6 T40a(1912) Elm Grove Line Plainville

Baker, Wm. (Elsie Henthorn) Ch La-vern; Baylis R3 Fairmount SeclTO^a (1905)

Baldwin, Fred H. (Mae Cory) ChWarren, Lewis. Dorothy, Robert:Griggsville Rl Fairmount Sec23-26O250a (1877) Pike Co. Tel. Perry

Ball, Frank (Mabel Lacy) Ch Al-

berta; Pearl Rl Hardin Sec36 Ol30a(1890) Pike Co. Tel. Pearl

Ball, John (Rosina Lesman) Ch*Maud, *Frank. *Mary; Pearl Star

Route Montezuma Sec26 0567a(1899) Pike Co. Tel. Pearl

Ballard, Herbert T. (Velma Robbins")

Ch Herbert; Chambersburg R2Chambersburg Sec20 Farm HandOscar Dennis (1897)



Ballenger, James (Nettie Lathrop)Pearl R2 Spring Creek Secl3 T60aNellie Smith (1878) Farmers Tel.

NeboBallinger, Harry ('\Tary Emery) Ch

Bessie, Blanche, Lela, Harold, Fred,Glen, Florine, Harry, Lena, Martha,*Bessie; Pittsfield R3 NewburgSeclO Tl90a D. C. Graham (1878)

Bancroft, Almon C, (Adella Lenton)Ch *Harry I... *Louis Z.; "BluffSide Farm" Kinderhook Kinder-hook Sec23 O500a P'armers Tel.


Bancroft, Harry L. (Cathe'ine Mc-Carrel) Kinderhook Rl Kinder-hook Sec23 Tl60a A. C. Bancroft(1890) Farmers Tel. Kinderhook

Bancroft, Lewis Z. (Eva Fitzpatrick)

Kinderhook Kinderhook Sec24Tl60a A. C. Bancroft (1892) Farm-ers Tel. Kinderhook

Barber, Harry T. (Neva Wills) ChBuford; Pittsfield R7 Hardin Sec6T222a C. A. Barber (1891) Pike Co.Tel. Pittsfield

Barber, True H. (Beatrice Byrd) ChRaymond George, Francis, Mabel;Pittsfield R7 Newburg Sec31 Tl60aGeorge Barber (1872) Glandon Tel.


Barker, John E. (Sophia Deeder) ChVivian, Pauline, James, Lozell;Baylis R3 Fairmount Sec3 T220aO. Whitmore (1904)

Barkley, Roy D. (Allie Beedle) ChLillian, Isla M., Letha, Ross;"Lone Pine Stock Farm" Barry R4Hadley Sec20 Ol60a (1869) Tel.Barry

Barley, Wilson (Viola Trick) ChEmmalena, Darline, Loraine, Le-ona. Esthe", Malinda Barley mother;"Locust Hill Farm" Pittsfield R4Derry Secl3 OSOa (1881) Pike Co.Tel. Pittsfield

Barnard, Nathan (Ella Gudgel) HullR2 Kinderhook SeclS T40a Mrs. S.

Turner (1889)

Barnd, William H. (Ella Sanders) ChAlvin, Adna, Melvin; Pittsfield R2Hardin Sec8 TSOa A. Barney (1870)

Barner, Otto (Milda Vancleave) ChNellie, Roscoe; Pleasant Hill RlPleasant Hill Sec32 T270a W.Churchill (1915) Pike Co. Tel.Pleasant Hill

Barnes, John (Effie McKinney) ChEthel, "Leta, Carl; Baylis R2 NewSalem Secl9 0219a (1870) Pike Co.

Tel. Baylis

Barnes, J, F. (Elizabeth Blackorby)Ch Fred, *Alto, *Otto; Pleasant

Hill Rl Pleasant Hill Sec31 T270aC. S. Woding (1915)

Barnes, John R. (Hattie Headrick)Ch Floyd, Loy, Veldie, Merideth;Barry R4 Hadley Sec32 T270a(1912) Hadley and ElDara Tel.

BarryBarnett, James E. (Ella Shanihan)

"City View Farm" ElDara De'rySeclC. O60a (1870) Kiser Creek Tel.

BarryBarnett, S. Pruman (Josephine Bilts)

Ch Morris; Milton Detroit Sec35

Ol55a (1875)

Barry, James H. (Stella J. Metz) ChTames; Chambersburg Rl Cham-bersburg Sec5 Ol90a (1891) Farm-ers Tel. Chambersburg and Ver-sailles

Bartlett, Mark W. (Ella Hoos) ChLeta, Frank, Roscoe, George, Shir-

ley; New Salem Rl New SalemSec36 O80a (1882) Pike Co. Tel.


Barton, Abram D. (Cynthia Capps)

Ch Eva, Mina, Clyde, Clay, *How-ard; "Barton View Farm" Pleasant

Hill R2 Martinsburg Sec22 0329a

(1865) Farmers and Glandon Tel.

Martinsburg and Pittsfield

Barton, Dr. Beach (Alice Galloway)

Ch Abraham, Mordecai, *Minnie,

*Tohn, *Beach, *Leora, *William,

*Mary, *Stella, *Ched; Pleasant

Hill Rl Pleasant Hill SeclO Ol59a(1858) Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Barton, Beach (Neva Killabero) ChLovine, Finice; Nebo R3 Spring

Creek Sec22 Oll8a (1SS9) FarmersTel. Nebo

Barton, Chedister (Do"otha Capps)Pleasant Hill Rl Pleasant Hill

SeclO Tla Stephen Ewers (1895)

Barton, E. T, (Sarah Stewart) ChKarl, Dema, Ruth, Clarence, Olof.

Ralph, Velma, Arvid, *Stewart;Pleasant Hill Pleasant Hill Secl7OSfiOa (1875) Pike Co. Tel. PleasantHill

Barton, Fannie Ch Alva, Beach,Anna; Pleasant Hill Rl PleasantHill Sec23 O200a (1863) Pike Co.Tel. Pleasant Hill



Barton, Howard E. (Mary Cooper)Nebo Rl Spring Creek Sec6 OlTla(1892) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Barton, James B, (Flora Freeman)Pleasant Hill Rl MartinsburgSec35 062a (1904) Farmers Tel.

MartinsburgBarton, John A. (Vida Cooper)Pleasant Hill Rl Martinsburg Sec27TSOa James Zumwalt (1899)

Barton, Leora (Myrtle Freeman) ChHallie, Virgil, Merlyn, Ida, Veda;Pleasant Hill Rl Pleasant Hill Sec2Oll7a (1879) Farmers Tel. Pleas-ant Hill

Barton, R. B. (Cordie Wiedman) ChWayne. Blanche, Claudia; PleasantHill Rl Pleasant Hill Secl3 0933(1879) Pike Co. Tel. Nebo

Barton, Stewart (Opal Capps) ChLawrence Jr. Beuna; "BurtonHomestead" Pleasant Hill RlPleasant Hill Sec21 Tl68a E. T.Barton (1897) Pike Co. Tel. Pleas-ant Hill

Bass, Fred Ch Frances, Lucile,Arthur, *Ethel, *Marian. *Marie;Pleasant Hill Rl Pleasant Hill

SecSl 0518a (1916) Pike Co. Tel.Pleasant Hill

Batley, Archer L. (Nellie Miller) ChRobert Gordon; "East Side Farm''Pearl Rl Montezuma Secl7 Tl20aC. W. Batley (1891) Pike Co. Tel.

MiltonBattershell, Cordelia, Dora and Sam

Pearl Rl Pearl Sec9 O40a (1859)

Battershell, George (Eliza Ammeran)Ch Esther, Ross, Ernest, *Ethel;Milton Star Route MontezumaSecll O60a (1866) Pike Co. Tel.

MiltonBattershell, John C. (Emaline Pea-

cock) (ih Oren, Cecil, *John,Blanche; Nebo R3 Spring CreekSec27 O20a (1856) Farmers Tel.Nebo

Battershell, Oscar C. (Winnie Smith)Ch Opal Jewel, Russell. Virgel,

Hubert. Kenneth, Ruth; Pearl RlPearl Sec8 TlOa James Laux (1881)

Bauch, Gilbert O. (Minnie Kleinlein)Ch Bernice; Versailles R2 PerrySec4 TfiOa G. J. Zimmerman(1916) Farmers Tel. Perry

Baucoms, James F. (Evelyn Rardon)Ch Lawrence, *Char]es; "ParkView Farm" New Canton Rl Pleas-antvale SeclO OsOa (ISSO)

Bauer, A. F. (Othel Weaver) ChHelen, Paul, Nellie, George Jr.;

"Prairie Mound Stock Farm"Pittsfield R7 Newburg Sec28-34Tl60a G. J. Bauer (1879) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Bauer, Ben L. (Hatty Gerard) ChEstill, Leslie, Merle; Pittsfield R2Hardin Secl7 Ol40a (1884) Farm-ers Tel. Pittsfield

Bauer, Isaac (Amanda Byxbe) Pitts-

field R7 Hardin Sec20 OSOa (1865)Farmers Tel.

Bauer, John A. (Martha Sargent) ChJohn Jr.; "Lakeside Farm" Pearl

Rl Montezuma Secl5 0211a (1861)

Pike Co. Tel. MontezumaBauer, Leonard G. (Anna Wolf) Cli

Rayburn, Lucile, *Chester; Pearl

Rl Montezuma SeclS 0213a (1855)Farmers Tel. Milton

Bauer, Levi (Mattie Byxbe) Ch Ivy,

Arthur, Fay Willard; Pittsfield R7Hardin SeclS O200a (1876) FarmersTel. Time

Bauer, Ray E. (May Foreman) ChJessie; Pittsfield R7 Hardin Sec30O240a (1889) Farmers Tel. Pitts-


Baugher, Albert (Mabel Hibbard) ChGenevieve, Chester, Carrie; HullRl Kinderhook Sec5 Farm Man-ager Carl Ward (1918)

Baughman, George C. (Anna Hender-son) Ch Eugene, Clyde, Forrest;Pittsfield R2 Pittsfield Sec35 02aSec35 T200a Mrs. Phoebe Stone(1883) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Baughman. Jacob (Ollie Milburn) ChHenry, Orville, Floyd Mary, Van,*May; New Canton R3 Pleasant-vale Sec22 Tla Anna B. West(1870)

Baughman, Ulysses A. (Clara Houch-ins) Ch Angles, Paul, Delora,

Ada, Lee, Mabel. Mildred. *Nola.

*Iva, *Myrt1e: Summerhill Atlas

Secl4E O40a (1872) Farmers Tel.

SummerhillBaughman. Walter O. (Clara Davis)Ch William, Pauline, Waiter;Pleasant Hill R2 MartinsburgSec33 O40a (1889)

Baughman, William H. (AmandaBaxter) Ch Arthur, Lawrence,Alma, Elza. *Walter. *Alice, *Guy:Pleasant Hill Ross Sec23 T210a A.

D. Jordan (1866) Farmers Tel.

Pleasant Hill



Baughmon, N. E. (Rosa Fast) Cli

Marie G., Carson H., Cleo R.;

Pleasant Hill R2 Pleasant Hill SecS

T5a George A. OrriU (1880)

Beatty, Conway T. (Mae Hannert)Ch Ellen, Davd, Katharine, Cicero,

Gertrude, Russell; Griggsville RlNew Salem Secll Tl30a WilliamHannant (1S98) Tel. Griggsville

Beatty, Harvey E. (Pearl Holeman)Ch Harvey Dale; Perry PerrySec28 Tl60a George Sweeting(1893) Glandon Tel. Perry

Beatty, Henry (Nellie Duff) Ch*Conway, *Myrtle, *Harvey; PerryPerry Sec28 Tl60a George Sweet-ing (1846) Glandon Tel. Perry

Beaty, Welby H. (Inez Fletcher) ChRex, Max, Leonard and JosephCampbell, nephews; "Walnut Hill

Farm"' Barry Rl Barry SeclST225a J. C. Martin (1918)

Beauchem, Eli (Sarah Corwin) ChHelen, Eugene, *Susie, *Mary;Valley Flint Sec20 06a (1894)

Beckman, Charles (Emma Scranton)Ch Carlos. Fred, Grace, *Gertrude;Pittsfield R6 Pittsfield Secl7 O40aWilliam Dutton (1906)

Bekenholdt, Walter F. (Grace El-

more) Ch Paul Elmore; RockportRl Ross Sec6 T387a John Becken-holdt (1908) Glandon Tel. Rock-port

Belford, Thomas (Lucy Sailor) ChHarr}^ Margaret, Anna May, Leta;Pittsfield R3 Newburg Sec30 TlOOaJohn Hull (1863) Glandon Tel.


Bell, Thomas C. (Nora Carlton) ChStanley, Delia, Elva,, Amanda,Blanch, Russell, Garnet, Hazel;Pearl Pearl Secl7 O80a (1919)

Belts, John W. (Elen Westbrook) ChRaymond, Glenna, Russell, *Mabel,*Eva, *Della, *Goldie: "TripleSpring Farm" Barry Star RoutePleasantvale Seel T300a J. A.Ratalie (1900) Pike Co. Tel. Barry

Bennett, Charles H. (Ora Gray) ChAlbert, Hamor, Martha, *Lois;Griggsville R2 Griggsville Secl2O80a (1869) Pike Co. Tel. Griggs-ville

Bennett, Frank A, (Estella Dean) ChRuth, Frank Dean; Griggsville R2Griggsville Seel T220a A. W. Ben-nett Est. (1866) Farmers Tel.

Griggsville and Perry

Bennett, George (Mary Conkright)Ch W. Taylor, V. Fay; "Oak-lahome"' Baylis R2 FairmountSec33 075a (1855) Pike Co. Tel.


Bennett, John B. (Winnie Calvin) ChBernice, Bernard, Tim; PleasantHill Ross Sec26 Tl30a Dr. Wolt-ma (1914) Glandon Tel. PleasantHill

Bennington, Clinton T. (Agnes Hull)"Hull Homestead Farm'' Hull RlKinderhook Seclo 091a (1891)

Bluff TekBergman, Elizabeth J. Ch Mi da,

Lawrence, *Fred, *Estella, *Will-

iam, *Raymond; Griggsville R3Newburg SecS Oll7a (1853) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Bergman, Fred B. (Rosa Higdon) ChElsie, Clifford, Ross, Richard,

Florine. Florence; Griggsville R2Perry Sec35 O230a (1876) Glan-

don Tel. Perry

Bergman, Raymond K. (Mildred

Crawford) Ch Dorothy, Elizabeth;Baylis R3 Fairmount Sec2 T400aMart Orr (1S90) Pike Co. Tel.

PerryBernard, Chester L. (Anna Lerch) Ch

Harry; Perry Perry SecS FarmHand Charles Liehs (1908) FarmersTel. Perry

Berry, Frank S. (Helen Dunham)Griggsville Rl Griggsville Sec20T80a J. L. Dunham (1883) Pike Co.

Tel. Griggsville

Berry, John F. (Elizabetl: Briscoe)

Ch Burdette, *OrIand, *Frank*Mary, *Everett, ^Catharine G.Moorman grandchild; Pleasant Hill

R2 Pleasant Hill Sec5 O250a(1848) Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Beshears, William M. (Julia Arnett)

Ch R. A., Mollie, Raymond, Rexie,

Maggie, *Ruby, *Dora, *Mattie;

Hull R2 Levee Sec2 T5a BradleyInstitute (1919) Bell Tel. Hannibal

Betts, Everet H. (Ruby Davis) ChEveret, Emma; Rockport Rl Atlas

SeclW. Tl60a Pete Winkle (1890)

Betts, William E. Rockport Rl Atlas

Sec31 T270a H. W. Heath (1877)

Bibsby, Isaac (Lora Benjiman) Ch]vlaudie, Anna, Arche, Ollie,

Homer, Gilbert, Herman, Lena,

May; Pittsfield R6 Newburg Sec7

Farm Hand Henry Hilderbranner




Bickerdike, Mrs. Ann E. Ch Jennie;Baylis R3 New Salem Sec6 Tla F.

M. Mclntyr (1859)

Bickerdike, Charles J. (Elma Hall)Ch John Otis. Margaret; Griggs-ville R2 Griggsville Sec24 O430a(1875) Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Bickerdike, Edward (Emily Pen-stone) Griggsville R3 GriggsvilleSec26 Ol20a Griggsville Sec26 T43aMrs. James Bickerdike (1869) PikeCo. Tel. Griggsville

Bickerdike, Robert (Grace Turnbull)Ch Joe, Gladys; Griggsville R3Newburg Secl2 Ol20a (1871) Glan-don Tel. Griggsville

Bickerdike Sisters, Reba and NannieMrs. Elizabeth P. Bickerdikemother, Fred G., Charles E.brothers. Lizzie sister; GriggsvilleR3 Griggsville Sec25 O60a (1874)Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Bickerdike, William A. (LottieBurns) Ch Clara, *Geneva; Griggs-ville R3 Newburg Seel O210a(1865) Glandon Tel. Griggsville

Biddle, Roy I. (Edna Rhodes) ChDonald, Eldred; Valley Flint Sec32OlOOa (1885) Pike Co. Tel. Griggs-ville

Billings, Abraham Rockport R2 AtlasSecl9 Ola (1864)

Billings, George (Louisa Petty) ChGeorgie, Vernon; Rockport R2Atlas Sec7E Tl20a C. H. Taylor(1889) Glandon Tel. Rockport

Billings, John R. (Mae Kirtright) ChDale; New Canton Rl PleasantvaleSecl6 Tla John Padgett (1882)

Billings. Wallace Ch Eva; PittsfieldR5 Martinsburg Sec6 052a (1867)Farmers Tel. Summer Hill

Billings, William F. (Myrtle V.Ward) Ch Dora. George, Louise,*William, *Harold; New CantonR2 Cincinnati Sec32 T]25a R. M.Atrson (1S76)

Billings, William H. (May Williams^New Canton R2 Cincinnati Sec2;.'

Tl60a David Lawler (1899)Billingsley, Fred (Sadie Hume) Ch

Frank, Oma, Ruth, Faith, Vada;Chambersburg Rl Perrv SecllO40a (1918)

Binns, Campbell A. (Mary Cassity)Pittsfield R6 Pittsfield Sec22 O40a( 1S57)

Birch, Arland E. (Ada Newman) ChJeanette, Genevieve; Griggsville RlGriggsville Sec21 Tl94a Mrs. Ar-land E. Birch (1884) Pike Co. Tel.


Birch, Charles W. (Alice Dunham)Ch Ruby Wilma; Griggsville R3Griggsville Sec34 O40a Griggsville

Sec34 T40a Charles Birch (1884)Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Birch, Elmer J. (Ruth Hill) Ch Flor-

ence Rebecca, Charles Elmer;Griggsville R3 Griggsville Sec26T80a Charles Birch (1883) Pike Co.Tel. Griggsville

Birch, Frank E. (Ruth Daniels)Griggsville R3 Griggsville Sec26T70a John Birch (1893) Pike Co.Tel. Griggsville

Birch, John D. (Mary Allen) ChJennie, Jesse, *Frank; Griggsville

R3 Griggsville Sec26 0212a (1889)

Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

B ire hard. Charles H. (IMargaretCheek) Milton Detroit Sec32 O80a(1853) Glandon Tel. Milton

BisseU, Alfred E. (Lola Cox) ChEsther, Archie, Paul, Merle; NeboRl Hardin Sec26 O40a (1885)

Bissell, Howard and OUie Pearl RlMontezuma Secl8 035a (1879)

Black, Albert L, L. Black father.

Sarah Dixon mother, Mary sister;

"Sulphur Springs Stock Farm"Griggsville Griggsville and PerrvSec3-34 0l26a (18S6) Farmers Te'l.

Griggsville-PerryBlack, James E. (Rachel Jones) Ch

Ethel, *Everet, *Ava, *Anna;"Cedar Clift Farm" Rockport R2Atlas SeclE O320a (1S58) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Blackaby, Charles C. (Bessie Scran-ton) Ch Mearl, Melba, Ernest;Nebo R2 Spring Creek Sec26 Tl60aStrauss Bros. (1919)

Placketer, Thomas E. (Lulu Hardy)Ch Thomas W.; New Canton RlPleasantvale Sec36 Taa LawrenceO. Gay (1895)

Blacketter, Edward L. (RebeccaTohnston) Ch Alma, Ollie. Maud,*Alza; "Sandunes" New Canton R2Cincinnati Sec26 Ol5a (1865)

Blacketter, V/illiam J. (Fannie F.

Xeff) Ch James H., Mary C,^Blanche, *Bessie, *William: NewCanton R2 Cincinnati Sec25 Tl30aCarl Munger (1858)



Blackketter, Thomas F. (Josephine

Colvin) Ch Ola, *Irene, *Jesse;

Nebo R3 Spring Creek Sec8 OTOa(1863) Pike Co. Tel. Nebo

Blackwell, John (Harriett Hill) ChWilliam, John, Laura, *George,

Lena *Edith, *Id'a; Nebo SpringCreek'Sec20 Oll3a (1877)

Blake, Elmer C. Anna Tormey moth-er; Barry Rl Barry Sec21 Tl41aE. H. Blake Est. (IBSI) Pike Co.

Tel. Barry

Blake, Ernest O. (Mary G. Potter)

Ch Ruth Blossom, Sarah; BarryRl Barry Sec21 065a (1878)

Blake James P. (Caroline Rupert)Ch Ed., *Nona; Kinderhook RlBarry Sec31 T264a Sol Shews Kst.

(1844) So. Bluff Tel. Kinderhook

Blake, Lee R. Sarah Ripley mother;Barry Rl Barry Sec21 06.5a (1S76)

Pike Co. Tel. Barry

Blake, Richard G. (Maria Grammcr)Ch Mildred granddaughter, Will-iam, *Mabel; Baylis Rl HadleySec2 O280a (1873) Farmers Tel.


Blake, William G. (Martha J. To-landi) Ch Wilmot E.; Baylis RlHadley Sec2 T280a (1873) FarmersTel. Baylis

Blauser, William I. (Maggie Cos-grove) "Pleasant View Farm" HullRl Kindierhook Sec4 OSOa (18S3)

Farmers Tel. Plainville

Blevins, Robert (Vira Brooks) ChMary Elizabeth; Baylis R3 Fair-

mount SeclO Tl60a Lake Est.


Blivins, George A. (Annie Rowsey)Ch Mabel. Nettie, Lilly, Julies;

Hull Rl Kinderhook Secfi FarmHand Charles Johnson (1919)

Bobo, George (Rachel Peacock) ChClyde, Allie. Florene, *Verna.

Erie, *Ethel, Homer; Pearl Pearl

Secl8 O40a (1865)

Bogart, William V. (Sarah Jones)

Nebo R3 Spring Creek Secl7 TlBOa

L. J. Shaw (1865) Farmers Tel.


Boggs, Charles (Minnie Martin) ChGlenna; Baylis Rl Fairniount

Secl8 T200a John Boggs (1876)

Bolin John W. (Sarah Bebee) ChDonald, *William; "Brook ValeFarm'' Barry RS Pleasant ValeSec4 OlOOa (1870)

Bollman, Alfred A. (Pearl ^L Harris)

Ch Ray; Detroit Detroit Seclfl

T60a W. O. Sonderson (1S9.3)

Farmers Tel. Pittsfield

Bollman, Arthur (Adale Kiser) ChLorena, Lyndle; Pittsfield R3 New-burg Secl3 Tl60a A. L. Kiser

(1894) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Bonifield, Earl (Minnie M. Bower)Barry R3 Barry Sec23 Ol30a (1SS3)

City Tel. Barry

Bonifield, Mrs. Elizabeth C. (Eliz-

abeth Clark) Ch Florence, *Earl,

Herbert, *Eldon, *Alice, Edith:Barry Rl Barry Secl6 Ol35a (1862)

Farmers Tel. KinderhookBonifield, Eldon E. (Eva Lippincott)

Ch Keith; Barry Rl Barry Secl6

O80a (1887) Pike Co. Tel. Barry

Bonifield, Herbert A. (Lora Triplett)

Ch Lucile, Gena, Forest, Russell,

Howard*, Bernard; Barry Rl Barry

Sec22 Tl60a J. W. Musgrave (18S5)

Kinderhook Farm Tel. Kinderhook

Bonifield, John M. (Ella Riffle) ChHenry: Kinderhook Rl Barry Seclu

O230a (1871) Farmers Tel. Kinder-

hookBonifield, Robert (Adeline Bridge-

water) Ch U. Oliver, Floyd,Clarence: Barry Rl Barry Secl6

Oll7i/4a (]86l)Farmers Tel. Kinder-

bookBonnet Julius (Sarah O'Donnell) Ch

George. *Tda, Lula, Agnes,Lucy '*Bessie, William; Griggs-

ville' Rl Griggsvlle Sec8 TlOOa

(1879) Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Bonnett, William (Pearl Goldman)

Ch Mary, Elizabeth, Julius, Louise;

Griggsville R3 Newburg Sec5 FarmHand William Penstone (1S';9)

Glandon Tel. Griggsville

Booth, Bert (Clara Martin) Ch Dor-

lean Nebo R3 Spring Creek Sec34

OoOa (1918) Pike Co. Tel. NeboBooth, Joseph S. (Frances Smith) Ch

Welber Delber, Harry, Ross,Edna; 'Pearl R2 Pearl Secl9 095a

(1867) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Booth, T. Henry (Edith Johnson) Ch

\Ita L., Meda ^r.; Pleasant Hill R2Pleasant Hill Secl8 O240a Tl50a

T. L. ^Nlinier (1893) Pike Co. Tel.

Pleasant Hill



Booth, Thomas J. (Nova Patrick)

Ch Opal, Daisy, Omar, Hubert,

Nellie, William, Lester, *Mina,

*Henry; "Locust Grove" Pearl R2Pearl Secl9 Ol60a (1864) FarmersTel. Pearl

Booth, William C. (Nancy Rowland)Oh Clara, Owen, Rhoda, Arthur,

Lorraine, Ivy, *Mary, *Carrie, *0r-celda, *Bertha, *Perry, *Grose,

*Bert; Nebo R3 Spring CreekSec34 T5a Bert Booth (1919)

Boothby, G. Walter (Susan C. Grim-shaw) Ch Margaret E.; "ForestGrove Farm" Pittsfield R4 Pitts-

field Seen Ol84a (1859) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Boots, John W. (Bertha Howell) ChSusan, Loyd, Lena, Opal; PleasantHill R2 Alartinsburg Sec20 T9a El-

mira Billings (1891)

Boren, Ab. W. (Effie Jenkens) ChDewey, Clarence, *Opal; Pearl RlPearl Seco Tl60a George Minner(1901) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Boren, Basil (Ruth Donohoo) ChLorus; Pearl Rl Montezuma Sec30O40a (1895) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Boren, Charley E. (Laura Laux) ChEdna, Emmett, Howard, John,Wesley, *Basil, *Ray; Pearl RlPearl Sec9 O70a (1872) FarmersTel. Pearl

Boren, Clyde (Mary Petty) Ch Mad-aline, Dorothy, Lyndell, Ruth;Pearl Rl Montezuma Sec32 O80a(1884) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Boren, Henry (Alice Bristo) Ch*Retta, *Clay, *Clyde, *Frank,*Homer; Pearl Rl MontezumaSec32 T2a Clyde Boren (1855) PikeCo. Tel. Milton

Boren, Homer T. (Verno Renoud) ChVernice, Doris; Pearl Rl PearlSeclO O80a (1893) Farmers Tel.


Boren, Ray C. (Etta Hermon) PearlRl Spring Creek Seel Tla Dr.

Clark (1897)

Borrowman, Charles D. (Anna M.McKey) Ch Dewey, Orin, Earl,

Vernon, * Virgil; Pearl R2 SpringCreek Sec25 O320a (1894) FarmersTel. Nebo

Borrowman, Orville (Vera Smith)Pearl R2 Pearl Sec21 Ol20a (1893)Farmers Tel. Pearl

Borrowman, Roy R. (Alpha Fisher)

Ch Beatrice, Truman; Nebo R2Spring Creek Sec25 OSOa (1884)

Farmers Tel. Nebo

Borrowman, Truman (Bertha Cham-berlain) Pleasant Hill BelleviewSees West T20a (189G)

Borrowman, Virgil (Pauline Hall)

"Plainview Farm" Pearl |R2 SpringCreek Sec24 Tl60a Tom Borrow-man (1897) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Borthwick, James W. (Elizabeth E.Cheesman) "Walnut Place Farm"Kinderhook Rl Barry Sec8 Ol20aT40a Mrs. William Guss (1870)

Bossarte, Charles G. (Charlotte Fen-ton) Ch Norman; Pittsfield R7Hardin Secl4 Tl60a John Bossarte(1900) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Bossarte, John (Nettie Manker) ChCharley, *Charlotte, *Walter;Pittsfield R7 Hardin Secl4 Tl60aMrs. Jefif Orr (1859) Pike Co. Tel.


Bossarte, Walter S. (Naomi McAl-lister) Ch Carl Sydney, AdaMarie; Pittsfield Rl NewburgSec3f) 04a (1893)

Boswell, Harvey (Anna Cunningham)Ch Celia; Chambersburg Star

Route Chambersburg Sec5 Tl20aHense Irving (1886) Farmers Tel.


Boulware, Elmer C. Mrs. Isabelle

Boulware mother, Ellis M. brother;

Barry R2 Barry Sec2 Ol60a Is-

abelle Boulware (1876) Tel. Barry

Bowen, C. E. (Etta Wells) Ch Lelah;

Pleasant Hill R2 Pleasant Hill Sec8

0165a (1872) Pike Co. Tel. Pleas-

ant Hill

Bower, C. E. (Louisa Bradshaw")

Kinderhook Rl Cincinnati SeclO

Tr,20a Babb Heirs (1852)

Bower, Mrs. Elizabeth S. (Elizabeth

Martin) Ch Elbert, Wallace, Hazel,

*Minnie C, *Willis, *Omar; "Wild

Cat Springs Farm" Barry Rl Barry

Sec22 O200a (1881) Pike Co. Tel.

Bower, John G. (Stella Leggett)

"Walnut Hill Farm" Barry Rl

Barry O290a (1873) Tel. Barry



Bower, Smith Barry Rl Barry Sec5Ol60a (1863) Elm Grove Tel.


Bower, William H. (Mandy Lyons)Ch Emmett, Arnold; "MungerFarm" Payson Star Route LeveeSec4 T320a Belle Tremble (1915)

Bowman, A. B. (Jane Saxon) ChMerrill, Florence, Everett, Elsie,

Ettie; Baylis R3 Fairmount Sec7Ol73a (1864) Pike Co. Tel. Fish-

hook and SiloamBowman, Clarence H. (Clara Lord)Ch Mildired; Pleasant Hill R2 Mart-insburg Sec36 TlOOa Curtis Lord(1883) Farmers Tel. Martinsburg

Bowman, David H. (Miranda Chand-ler) Baylis R3 Fairmount Sec20O80a (1858) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Bowman, Floyd A. (Chloe Smith) ChArline; New Canton R2I Cincin-nati Sec36 Tl43a Lyman J. Howess(1890)

Bowman, Frank Ch Gladys, Beulah;Pearl Star Rte Pearl Sec22 T80a W.H. Meisenbach (1881)

Bowman, George W. (Mary J. Ash-ley) Ch Harry, *Edd., *Bertha,*Cora, *Maude; Siloam Rl Fair-mount Sec6 O208a (1860) Pike Co.Tel. Fishook and Baylis

Bowman, Harry A. (Bertha Stock-laufer) Ch Veneta Mae, LetaMarie; Pittsfield R5 MartinsburgSec6 T83a Charles Stocklaufer(1915)

Bowman, Nathan A. (Julia Master-son) Ch Lura, *Zella, *Elsie;

"Aberdeen Stock Farm" Baylis R3Fairmount Secl9 O200a (1861)Farmers Tel. Baylis

Bowman, William Z. (Caroline Wal-boen) Ch *Lula, *Elbert, *Mamie,^Charles, *Harry, *Clarence,*Lloyd; New Canton R2 CincinnatiSeclS T320a Mrs. Gertrude Nicholsand! Mrs. Caroline Nichols (1852)

Boyd, Bert H. (Ora Pierce) ChGlen, Ernestine; Barry Star RoutePleasantvale Secl2 TlOOa JamesBoyd (1880) Kiser Creek ShortLine Barry

Boyd, David R. (Sarah Jean) HadleyRl Hadley Secl4 09a (1871)

Boyd, Harley (Anna Graves) ChJulia, John, Alice, Rosemary, Jose-phine; New Canton R2 Pleasant-vale SecG Tl40a J. W. Boyd (1885)Farmers Tel. Kinderhook

Boyd, Louis Emma Boyd, sister;

Pittsfield R6 Pittsfield Secl6 Ol20a(1879)

Boyle, George (Lizzie Tuttle) ChFred, *Loreen; Nebo R3 SpringCreek Sec21 O80a (1877) FarmersTel. Nebo

Boyle, Robert (Bell Davis) ChGladys, Neva; Pearl R2 PearlSecl7 041a (1871) Farmers Tel.

PearlBoyle, William C. (Lula Scott) ChMary, Verna, Roy, Ralph; Nebo R3Spring Creek Sec33 O80a (1867)Farmers Tel. Nebo

Brace, James E. (Bell Little) Ch Lee,Mary; Pearl R2 Pearl Sec7 OSOa(1867)

Bradburg, Homer L. (Bertie Hole-man) Chambersburg Rl PerrySeclO T40a William Murphy (1896)Farmers Tel. Perry

Bradburn, Charles T. (Rosa Fenton)Ch Pauline, Venon, Milburn, Aileen,

Eloise; Pittsfield Rl NewburgSec37-22-28 Ol56a (1875) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Bradshaw, Charles E. Kinderhook RlKinderhook Sec35 O240a

Bradshaw, Emmet C. (Cora V. Hack)Hull R2 Levee Secl4 T210a HenryScarborough (1888) Pike Co. Tel.

' HullBradshaw, Gardner W. Ch *Charles,*Thomas, *William; Hull R2Kinderhook Sec32 T300a NormanNichols (1852) Pike Co. Tel. Hull

Bradshaw, Samuel W. (AmandaFahnestock) Ch Warren, Clair;

Chambersburg Rl Perry SeclSO80a (1878) Farmers Tel. Cham-bersburg

Bradshaw, Thomas L. Ch Harold.Dallas, Rosana, Lawrence, Donaldi,

*Hattie, *William Blackter; Hull R2Kinderhook Sec32 Tl60a L. F.

Waters (1877) O. D. Lowe Tel. HullBradshaw, Vodra (Lucy Lippincott)Ch Earstell, Elmo; Barry R4 BarrySecl2 T200a Rob George (1893)City Tel. Barry

Bradshaw, William T. (MaryBeckett) Ch *Emmett, *Louis;Hull Kinderhook Secl7 T40aEmmett Bradishaw (1852) FarmersTel. Hull

Brammell, George H. (SophronaJudd) Ch Dorothy "Pecan GroveFarm" New Canton R2 CincinnatiSec25 Ol60a (1860) Pike Co. Tel.New Canton



Brammell, Louis H. New Canton R2Pleasantvale Sec7 T240a L. Cole-

man (1862)

Brannick, Harvey (Anna Rose)Barry R3 Pleasantvale Sec3 Tl04aH. Korller (1882)

Branson, Walter C. (Esther Hack)Ch Bernard, Beatrice, Bliss,

Walter Jr., Captia Kermit; Nebo R3Spring Creek SecSl 056a (1880)Farmers Tel. Nebo

Branstetter, Ernest R. (Anna K.Holladay) Ch Elizabeth, Floyd;Rockport Rl Ross Sec20 T350aE. A. Glenn (1916;

Brant, Nimrod (Amelia Myers) ChJohn, Walter, *Jacob, . *Josephine,*Ella. *Lizzie, *Anna, *Laura,*Louise; "Greenwood Farm'' Sum-merhill R2 Atlas Ol2a (1884)

Brawdy, Dug (Jane Ward) Ch Esta,Marvin; Pearl Rl Hardin Sec25Tl50a Hall Warman (1867) Far-mers Tel. Milton

Brawley, B. Willard (Floe KellmBarry R4 Hadley SeclR OSOa(1880) Hadley and Baylis Tel.Baylis

Bray, Arthur (Emma Lord) PleasantHill R2 Martinsburg Sec34 OSOa(1875) Farmers Tel. Martinsburg

Bray, James E. (Laura Smith) ChMarie, *Loeta, *Ethel; PleasantHfll Pleasant Hill iSec20 052a(1867) Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Brayman, Mrs. Susan (Susan Kas-senger) Ch Herman. Emma, FrankBow^man; Pearl Star Route PearlSecl5 09a (1854)

Brayman, Virgel R. (Pearl Apple-gate) Ch Virginia; Pearl PearlSeclS T6a Tom Calvin (1899)

Braymen, John T. (Dora Pecock) ChDennie, Jewel, *Virgel; PearlPearl Sec20 O40a (1874)

Breckenridge, Thomas H. (BlancheB. Henry) Ch Walter, Elizabeth,Gilbert; New Canton Rl Pleasant-vale Sec25 TlOSa Electa McKinney(1904) Farmers Tel. ElDara

Brewer, Anthony (Bessie Griffith)Ch Margaret, Russell; Rockport R2Atlas Sec22E OSOa (1882) FarmersTel. Rockport

Brewer, Edward M. (Nora Hatten-bach) Ch Edward, Mary; Nebo RlSpring Creek Sec6 TSOa HowardBarton (1919)

Bridgman, Charles W. (Cecie

Southard) Ch Omer, Mary Edith;

also Mr. John A. Bridgman Griggs-ville Rl New Salem SeclS T20aJ. W. Bridgman (1912)

Bridgwater, John T. (Eliza Wilson)Ch Nellie; "Maple Grove Farm''Hull Kinderhook Sec27 072a(1894) Shinn Tel. Hull

Bridgwater, Oscar (Allie Foster) ChMildred, Hazel; Barry Rl BarrySec5-6 OloOa (1878) Farmers TeLKinderhook

Bridwell, James (Salome James) ChThomas, Lena; Pittsfield R5 Pitts-

field Sec29 OSOa (1882) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Briggs, William F. Chambersburg R2Chambersburg Sec9 Farm HandWm. E. Ervinrr (1919)

Bright, Mrs. Lillie (Bonds) ChJames, Charles, Joe, *Sarah,*Myrtle; Valley Flint Secl8 FarmHand Earl Cadwell (1891)

Brinker, George (Margaret Skirvin)

Ch *Roy, *Arthur *iGussie; Pleas-

ant Hill Rl Pleasant Hill Sec33Tl60a Emma Blake (1900) Pike Co.

Tel. Pleasant Hill

Brinkman, Amos G. (Flossie ^lay

Thomas) Ch Georgia, Raymond;Hull R2 Kindlcrhook Sec29 072aKinderhook Sec29 T85a ArthurSiez (1886) O. D. Lowe Tel. Hull

Brinkman. Frank G. (Elsie L.

Haskins) Ch Florence F; Kinder-book Rl Kinderhook Sec25 TllOaWilliam Knobel (1888)

Brinkman, George Jr. (Mary Tipton)Kinderhook Rl Cincinnati Sec2Tl60a George Brinkman Sr. (1886)

Farmers Tel. KinderhookBrinkman, George F. Ch Joe, Nellie,

Minnie, *Tena, *Lena. *George Jr.,

*Amos, *Anna. *Frank; "PleasantVale Farm" Kinderhook Rl Kin-derhook Sec36 0365a (1874) Far-mers Tel. Kindierhook

Brinkman, John H. (Mav Huston)Ch Paul: Hull R2 KinderhookSec21 Tl60a Emily Frike (1893)

Briscoe, Thomas (Ella Sapp) ChGuy, * Blanche: Pleasant Hill R2Martinsburg Sec32-29 Ol20a (1857)

Farmers Tel. Pleasant Hill

Brock, Chester A. (May Ligon) ChMarlin, May, Hila: Pearl Rl Mon-tezuma Sec30 Tl65a Hiram C.

Brock (1888) Pike Co. Tel. Milton



Brock, Hiram C, (Florence Cox) ChClarence, *Claudius, *Hy1a, *Ches-ter; "Maple Ridge Farm" Pearl RlMontezuma Sec30 Ol65a (1868)

Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Brokaw, Albert J. (Rosa Hardwick)Ch Lena; Pleasant Hill R2 Mart-tinsburg Secl7 OllOa (1873)

Brokaw, Elmer (Anna Elliott) ChFrank, Dwight, *Loren, *Robert,*Ora;' Pittsfield R5 MartinsburgSeclS 043a (1875) Farmers Tel.

Summer Hill

Brooks, Archie J. (Ethel Pool) ChCatherine, Geraldine; Chambers-burg Rl Perry Secl3 Tl60a A. M.Brooks (1892) Farmers Tel.

ChambcrsburgBrooks, Joe E. (Xellie Baker) Ch

Margaret, Vada, Lois, Eva, Jce,

Bertha, Roscoe; Chambersburg RlPerry Sec2 Ol60a (1878) FarmersTel. Perry

Brosie, Adam (Lizzie Tedrow) Rock-port Rl Atlas Sec32 Farm HandFrank Clause (1915)

Brower, Herbert A. (Fannie Clar-ency) Ch Lucile, Conley; Pittsfield

Hardin Secl2 Tl95a Dr. L. S. Lacy(1886) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Brown, Albert R. (Anna Sowers) Ch*Jesse, *Grace, *Ona. *Abbie, *An-drew; Pearl Star Route Monte-zuma Sec26 O370a (1854) FarmersTel. Pearl

Brown, Andrew (Opal Boren) ChJaunita, Lyle; Pearl Star RouteMontezuma Sec26 T231a A. R.

Brown (1891) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Brown, Andrew J. (Ethel M. Purs-ley) Ch Charlotte, Edith, *Johri;,

*Jennie, *Elizabeth, *Joseph, *Maud,^Arthur; "Kiser Creek StockFarm'' Barry Star Route DerrySec8 OSOOa (1882) Farmers Tel.Barry

Brown, Arthur (Katherine Saylor)Ch Mary, *Mabel; Pittsfield R7Newburg Sec31 O300a (1860) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Brown, Byron E. (Viola Rowley) ChEarl, Mavor, Alta, *Homer, *Rex,*Robert, *Isaac; Rockport R2Atlas Sec26 Ol20a (1857) Farmerand Pike Co. Tel. Summerhill andRockport

Brown, Carson (Bessie Sebers) ChBaker; "Maple Grove Farm" NewCanton R3 Pleasantvale Sec27T312a J. C. Brown (1890) Pike Co.

Tel. New Canton

Brown, Clarence (Helen Usherwood)Oh Fred, Russel, Leland; Pittsfield

'R4 Pittsfield SeclS Farm HandLeslie Wills (1889) Gland'on Tel.


Brown, Clarence N. (Mary McArron)

Ch Wilma, Virginia Hull Kinder-

hook Tla Ad Timmons (1902)

Brown, Edward H. (Sylvia May Mc-Kinney) Ch Marie, Ray, Harry,

Esther; New Salem Rl New Salem

Sec20-29 Tl60a Morris Grammer(1880) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Brown, Everett (Jennie Wurzburger)Kinderhook Rl Kindierhook Sec35

Tl20a Samuel Peacock (1899)

Brown, George F. (Clyde Temple)

Ch Arthur; New Canton R3 Pleas-

antvale Secie T80a John Brown(1890) Pike Co. Tel. New Canton

Brown, George H. (Maud Wike) ChFlorine M., Louis; New Canton R2Barry Sec33 Tl20a Pine Johnson

(1918) Independent Tel. Barry

Brown, Henry R. (Sarah Pilling) Ch

Oswell, Hazel, Bertha, *Vera;

Griggsville Rl Griggsville Secl6

Farm Hand Henry Syrcle (1919)

Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Brown, James H. (Lottie Lacey) ChOra, Leonard, Fillman; Pearl Pearl

Sec4 TlOOa Dr. William Garrison


Brown, John (Sarah A. Baxter)

Oh Lilah C, George F.; "Tyeone

Stock Farm" New Canton Pleasant-

vale Secl6 0382a (1890) Pike Co.

Tel. New Canton

Brown, John W. (Emma Allen) ChArthur, *Ella, *Elmer, *Nettie,

Everett, *Clarence, *Iva, *Edith;

Kinderhook R2 Kinderhook Sec34

Tl40a King Bros. (1857)

Brown, L. G. (Mell Peck) Ch Grace,

Leora, Jessie; "Brown's Poultry

Farm" Barry R4 Hadley Sec31

Ol20a (1872) City Tel. Barry



Brown, Mrs. Mary Ch George, Mar-garet, *William, *Lizzie, *Belle;

"Oak Hill Stock Farm'' Barry R3Derry Sec5 O330a (1880) El'Dara,

Hadley and Barry Tel. Barry

Brown, Norman T. (Maggie Dun-mire) Ch Henry; Chambersburg R2Chambersburg Sec2 TSOa John B.

Brown (1919)

Brown, Norman W. (Elizabeth Gay)Ch *Nellie, *Paul, *Carrie, *Claude,

*Irma, *Herbert; Rockport RlAtlas Sec35E 0461a (1840) Glan-

don Tel. Rockport

Brown, Wesley B. (Bessie Mitchell)

Ch Izora; Pearl Star Route Pearl

Sec2 Ol40a (1871) Farmers Tel.


Brown, William G. (Mattie Grimes)Hull R2 Cincinnati Sec7 093>4a(1900) Pike Co. Tel. Hull

Browning, Arthur J. (HenriettaMyers) Ch William, Mary, Nina,

*Mamy, *Homer, *Victor; Pitts-

field R4 Pittsfield Secl7 T240aStrauss Bros. (1866)

Browning, Asa L. (Nora Fagen) ChFloyd. Lillian, Idell; Chambers-burg Rl Perry Sec3 OllSa (1878)

Farmers Tel. Perry

Browning, Charles W. Ch *Asa L.;

Chambersburg Rl Perry Sec2 O80a(1854) Farmers Tel. Perry

Browning, Ernest A. (Edna Ham-mer) Ch Arthur; "Scott Farm"•Rockport R2 Atlas Sec29E 071a(1880) Glandon Tel. Rockport

Browning, Harvey (Ellen Lack-sheide) Ch Clarence, *Russell H.;

Chambersburg Rl Perry SeelO420a (1865) Farmers Tel.

ChamberburgBrowning, Homer C. (Florence Mc-

Clary) Ch John, Willeyne, Logan;?*Ordhard Viejw Farm" RockportR2 Atlas SecieE Farm ManagerH. L. Anderson (1880) FarmersTel. Rockport

Browning, Homer C. (Ethel Harris)Ch Frances, Mary Laverne;Griggsville Star Route Griggsville

Sec3 Farm Hand Charles Sleight


Browning, Mary C. (Mary Dorsey)Ch *Charles, *Arthur, *Ella, *Net-tie, *Melvin; Perry Perry Secl50333a (1834)

Browning, Melvin H. (HelenaReeves) Perry Perry Sec22 T335aMary C. Browning (1872) GlandonTel. Perry

Browning, Russell H. (Elma Howell)Oh Evelyn, Ruth; "Highland StockFarm" Chambersburg Rl PerrySecll O2«0a (1895) Farmers Tel.

PerryBrowning, Victor F. (Lottie Kram-

er) Ch Emma Louise, Arthur E.;

New Salem Rl New Salem Sec23Farm Hand Dan Dunsham (1896)Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Browning, William R. (Ella Guthrie)Ch Lucille. Clay, Paul; RockportR2 Atlas Sec27E Farm Manager(1878)

Brummell, Lester J. (Dena Height-man) Ch Eugene, Mildred, Walter,Marie, Leila, Ida, Ada; Pittsfield

R2 Martinsburg Sec23 Tl20a Mr.James Brummell (1883)

Brummell Nancy Miller Ch LoydEstell, Francis, *Lester; Pittsfield

R2 Martinsburg Sec23 Ol40a (I860)

Brummell, William (Mary Wagner)Ch *Lulu, *Raymond, *Lolo,*EarI; Pleasant Hill R2 Martins-burg Sec27 O80a (1857) FarmersTel. Martinsburg

Bruns, John (Mamie Parker) ChGeorge Henry; "Parker Home-stead Farm" Griggsville Rl Fair-

mount Sec26 Tl60a George W.Parker (1916)

Bruns, William (Minnie Parker) ChSarah; Griggsville Rl FairmountSec26 TSOa G. W. Parker (1885)

Buchanan, Andrew (Mary Appen-heimer) Ch Nellie, *William,*George, *Frank, *Edith, *Maude,*Florence; Chambersburg RlPerry SeclG O60a (1865) FarmersTel. Perry

Buchanan, Henry (Sarah Waggoner)Ch Elmer, Jesse, Lavoy, *Lillian;

Pearl R2 Pearl Sec29 079a (1855)

Farmers Tel. Pearl

Buchanan, Lester (Gussie Fielder)

Ch Zloy, Norma; Nebo PleasantHill Sec34 TlOOa C. H. Bush (1885)Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Buchanan, Louie (Ora Cumby) ChMurl, Oma, Lindiell; Pleasant Hill

Rl Pleasant Hill Sec33 T80a JohnFoile (1878) Pike Co. Tel. PleasantHill



Buchanan, Marion (Elizabeth J. In-

gram) Ch Glenna; "Wolf GroveFarm" Perry Perry Sec33 O240a(1865) Perry Tel. Perry

Buchanan, T. J. (Fanny Guthre) ChCharles, *Alvin, *Edna, *Ada;Nebo R3 Pleasant Hill Sec36 04a(1860) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Buchanan, William H. (Inez J.

Johns) Chambersburg Rl PerrySec2 T240a Mary A. Johns (1872)Farmers Tel. Chambersburg

Buchanan, William W. (Lea Dorsey)Ch Marion, Warren; Griggsville RlGriggsville Sec20 Ol63a (1881)Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Burbridge, Mrs. D. A. (Maud Wat-son) Ch Luella, Watson, Loraine,Constance: Pittsfield R2 Martins-burg Seen O40a (1884) Pike Co.Tel. Pittsfield

Burbridge, Floyd (Sadie Klemme)Ch Lyndle, Eugene, Truman,Junior, Ervin; Pittsfield R7 Hardin"Sec21 Tl52a Thomas Burbridge(1885) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Burbridge, John W. Ch *Edna, *Nel-lie; Pittsfield R7 Hardiin Sec30O320a (1865)

Burbridge, Robert Earl (Nellie

Grimes) Ch Robert. Mary, Nellie

May: Pittsfield R2 MartinsburgSecll TlOoa Robert Burbridge(1888) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Burbridge, Ross T. (Eva Yaeger) ChDona; Pittsfield R7 Hardin Sec30Tl60a Thomas J. Burbridge (1887)

Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Burbridge, Thomas J. (Alice Main)*Nola, *Floyd, *Ross, *Opal;Pittsfield R7 Hardin Sec29 0635a(1865) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Burbridge, Virgil V. (Zelma Apple-gate) Ch Maxine; Nebo Rl SpringCreek Sec5 Tl60a Jesse Burbridge(1890) Pike Co. Tel. Nebo

Burdick, Elmer (Nancy McKniney)Oh Virgil, Russell, (Geneva, Alvin,

Paul, *Ethel; Hadley Rl HadleySec26-23 O80a (1866)

Burdick, H. Scott Hadley Rl HadleySec26 O60a (1861)

Burgner, Walter G. Ch Swanay,Jessie, Alvin, Grace, Beulah, Ker-mit; BayHs- R3 Fairmount Sec30Ol48a (1899) Farmers Tel. Baylis

Burke, Arthur L. (Gladys Six) ChGerald, Aileen; "Maple SpringFarm" Baylis R3 Fairmount Sec28Ol40a (1878) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Burkhead, Joseph F. (Grace Angle)Ch Henry; Rockport Rl RossSeclo T200a S. H. Hogsett (1906)

Burkhead, Samuel R. (Hattie Jones)Ch Francis, iMary; Rockport RlRoss Sec3 Tll6a Beatty andNichols (1915)

Burland, George E. (Addie McKee)Griggsville RS Newburg Secl-2Ol75a (186.^0 Glandon Tel. Griggs-ville

Burlend, John (Ethel Butterfield) ChWilliam, John, Vincent, *Edith;Griggsville R2 Griggsville Sec23O:?S0a Griggsville Sec23 T240a MissCarrie Mirifield (1861) Pike Co.Tel. Griggsville

Burns, Joe T. (Emma Butler) Val-ley Flint Sec8 OSOa (1918)

Bushfield, Fred P. (Eva Eldidge)Ch Gertrude, *John; Chambers-burg R2 Chambersburg Sec5 O60a(1S70) Farmers Tel. Chambersburg

Bushmeyer, Fred (Hazel Burmeyer)Ch Frederick, Merle; Hull R2Levee Sec2 TSOa Conrad Bush-meyer (1885)

Bushmeyer, William (Mamie Bur-meyer) Ch Marie; Hull R2 LeveeSecll TSOa Conrad Bushmeyer(1885)

Buskirk, Mike (Grace Miller) ChHerman, Herschel, Garnet; ValleyFlint Sec32 Farm Hand FrankKelsey (1916) Pike Tel. Griggs-ville

Buss, William L, (Susie Dean) "TheSquare Farm' Rockport Rl Atlas

Sec32 T787a George Ginkins (1916)

Glandion Tel. Rockport

Butler, Mrs. Ellen (Ellen Sullivan)

Ch George, John, Ethel Butlergranddaughter, *Harriet, *Neal,* Henry: Pleasant Hill R2 Martins-burg SeclG Farm Hand WilliamMcGreevy (1845)

Butler, Emmerson E. (Nettie Pierce)

Ch Helen, Lawrence, Vergil;

Griggsville Rl Perry Sec30 FarmHand Cyrus D. Rush (1879)

Butler, Ernest (Mary Bartlett) ChElmer, Fred, Freda, Kenneth,Robert; Griggsville Rl Perry SeclOOla (1883)



Butler, George W. (Anna Fowler)

Ch Ruth, Harry, Gertrud'^, Charley,

Frances; Pittsfield R2 Hardin Sees

T240a Alvin Main (1873) Pike Co.

Tel. Pittsfield

Butler, Henry E. (Bertha Windsor)Ch Edgar; Pittsfield R2 Martins-

burg Sec9 Tl60a Straus Bros.

(1876) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Butler, John E. Jr. (Ethel Burdick)

Ch Mildred, LeRoy, Clara, Web-er; Griggsville Rl Fairmount Sec25

Farm Hand J. W. Rush (1889)

Butler, John W. (Clara Belle Peech-

er) Ch Joe, John, Bonnie, Bertha,

*William, *Emerson, *Ernest;

Griggsville Rl Fairmount Sec35

T40a Andy Wilson (1855)

Butler, Russell L. (Elizabeth Powell)

Ch Alice, Louise; Griggsville RlPerry Farm Hand S. M. Curfman(1884)

Byxbe, Miss JaneCreek Sec6 OSOa

Butler, Taylor Z. (Susan Lane) ChHubbard, *Clara, *Alvin, *Frank,*Williani, *Juley, *David; PearlPearl Sec3 OSOa (1847)

Butler, William (Anna Pierce) ChFloyd, Earl, Byron, Charles, Nel-lie, Isabel!; Pittsfield R2 HardinSeclT T40a L. Gerard (1877) Farm-ers Tel.

Butterfield, George C. (Myrtle Bar-nett) Ch George Leroy; Griggs-ville R3 Griggsville Sec25 FarmHand Ray Harvey (1887) Pike Co.Tel. Griggsville

Byers, Mrs. Anna (Hart) Ch Helen,Beulah, Bernice; Rockport RZAtlas T65a John T. Hibson (1891)

Byers, Felix M. (Sarah Yung) ChRobert, *Meyrl, *Walter, *Maud,.*Mary, *Lola; Rockport R2 AtlasSecl7E' T530a Paul Y. Gibson(1895) Glandion Tel. Rockport

Nebo Rl Spring


Cadwallader, Burk S. (Alice Baily)

Ch Ola, *Clarence; Hull Rl Kinder-

hook Sec6 Ol6a (1892) FarmersTel. Plainville

Cadwallader, Clarence (Nellie An-derson) Ch Virginia, Mollie; Kin-

derhook Rl Cincinnati Sec3 T320a

E. Pike (1895)

Cadwallader, John (Laura Haskins)

Ch Elmer, Leta, Ora, Lura, Virgil,

Orville; Hull Rl Kinderhook Sec4

055a (1869) Bluff Co. Tel. Hull

Cadwell, Mrs. Amanda J. (Bennett)

Ch Franklin, Helen, Marybell, Al-

fred. Addison, Jeremiah; Griggsville

R2 rUij^.gsville Sec28 O30a (1894)

Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Cadwell, Earl C. (Pearl Dolbeare)

Ch Elmo, Homer, Arthur; Valley

Flint Secl8 Manager George F.Cadwell (1888) Pike Co. Tel.


Cadwell, George (Anne Stead) ChEsther; Griggsville R3 Flint Sec31

Manager G. F. Cadwell (1887) Pike

Co. Tel. Griggsville

Calhoun, James Ch Edward, Essie,Rena, Ella, Morris; Chambers-burg Rl Perry Secl3 T206a MaryF. Morris (1873) Farmers TeLPerry

Call, Alfred B. (Mary E. Ward) ChWinfield, *Harry; "L X. L." BarryRl Barry Sec5 O206a Dennis Call

Est. (1858)

Call, John (Mae Hull) Ch C. Mer-edith; Barry R2 Barry Sec2 T420a.Y. Tillman (1872) Tel. Barry

Callender, John H. (Helen Johnston)Ch *Ora; Pearl Rl MontezumaSecl8 O40a (1849) Pike Co. TeLMilton

Calvin, Carna (Mina Booth) "Pleas-ant View Farm" Pearl R2 PearlSecl9 OSOa (1888) Farmers Tel.


Calvin, John N. (Matilda Wheelen)Ch *Effa, *Thomas, *Senda, Will-iam, *Edna, *Carna; Pearl R2Pearl Sec21 Ol47a (1864) FarmersTel. Pearl



Calvin, Thomas J. (Emma McPher-son) Ch Etha, Earl, Edith, Frank.Jessie, Johnnie; Pearl Pearl Secl8

O90a (1876) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Calvin, William (Winnie AlcPher-son) Ch Geneva, Lloyd; Pearl

Pearl SeclT O90a (1882) FarmersTel. Pearl

Camp, Orlando (Barbara Snyder) ChVergil, Grace, *Mary; RockportAtlas Socio O200a (1856) GlandonTel. Rockport

Campbell, Andrew J. (Anna Dudley)Ch Fred, Alfred, Leslie, Herbert.Margaret, Louis, Florence, Jessie,

Cecil, Gay. Russel; Barry R4 Had-ley Sec9 Tl65a Mr. Ely (1910)

Campbell, Charles R. (Lena Enier-ick) Ch Laura, Evelyn, Goliie,Clarence; Pleasant Hill R2 RossSec27 Tl60a Allen N. Smith (1910)

Campbell, Fred R. (Nora Little)

Griggsville R2 Perry Sec24 FarmHand Archie Brooks (1900) Glan-don Tel. Perry

Campbell, Richard (Christena Mar-tin) Ch Orin, Jerome, Myron, Ir-

vin, Mary, Gladys; Baylis R2 Had-ley Sec26 O240a (1903) Pike Co.Tel. Baylis

Campbell, Theodore K. Barry RlBarry Sec4 Ol64a T65a (1873)

Cannon, Charles E. (Emma Baker)Ch Rebecca; Pittsfield R2 Martins-burg Sec21-22 O200a (1858) Farm-ers Tel. Martinsburg

Cannon, Duncan I. (Nola Chaplin)Ch Mildred, Ladoris, Aileen;Griggsville Rl Griggsville Secl9Farm Hand Emmett Carnes (1894)

Cannon, Hurley E. (Nora GrahamCh Veda, Floyd; Pittsfield R5Martinsburg SecB TSOa James At-wood (1883)

Cannon, H. O. (Maggie Roberts) ChRay R.; Pleasant Hill R2 PleasantHill Sec5 Ol37a (1867) FarmersTel. Pleasant Hill

Cannon, John E. (Lottie Sellers)

"Sunkist Fruit Farm" Nebo R3Pleasant Hill Sec25 T73a W. S.

Cannon (1918) Pike Co. Tel. NeboCannon, Rev. .William H. (Clara

Roberts) Ch Ralph, Ruth, Mrs. M.A. Cannon mother, *Paul, *Lee,*Cleo; "Wincrest Farm" PittsfieldR2 Martinsburg SeclO O80a (1894)Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Caplinger, Henry P. (Cora Faris)Ch Marie, Edith, Karl; GriggsvilleRl Griggsville Secl8 Farm HandCecil Nelson (1875)

Capps, Arthur S. (Rosie Clark) ChChester, Helen, McKinley, *Leona;Pleasant Hill R2 MartinsburgSec30-31 Ol09a (1875) Farmers Tel.Pleasant Hill

Capps, Custer H. (Madge McClin-tock) Ch Maude, Merle, Lyndle,Lela, Wilma, Frances Marie; Pitts-field R2 Martinsburg Secll T210aJoe Kibler (1884) Pike Co. Tel.Pittsfield

Capps, Frank (Nellie Hemphill) ChBen R.. Owen F., Russell P.;

Cuma B., Carl L., Vera Davis step-daughter; Pleasant Hill Star RoutePleasant Hill Sec26 T200a AlbertWindiniller (1878) Farmers Tel.Pleasant Hill

Capps, George W. (Alice Saylor)Lu Saylor, sister; Pittsfield R2Martinsburg Secl2 0517a (1849)Farmers Tel. Martinsburg

Capps, G. M. (Laura Grable) ChLottie, Hallie, Elizabeth, Mary,Maria, Donald. Carlos, Clyde,^Esther, *Dorothy; Pleasant HillRl Pleasant Hill Seel 5 T40a JamesDodge (1871) Farmers Tel. Pleas-ant Hill

Capps, James E. (Ivah Zumwalt) ChMaurice. Everette; Nebo Rl SpringCreek Sec3 Tl60a Strauss Bros.

(1890) Farmers Tel. NeboCapps, Joshua N, (Isabel Dempsey)Ch Mabel, Ada, Eldon, Mildred,

Olin, Fern; Rockport Atlas Secl6Ola (1894)

Capps, Lester W. (^lary Shive) ChVirginia; Pleasant Hill R2 Martins-burg Sec30 Ol06a (1893) FarmersTel. Pleasant Hill

Carlen, Charles (Mae Bixbe) ChGladys, Lela, Mildred; New CantonRl Pleasantvale Secl4 Tl20aStrauss Bros. (1870) Farmers Tel.

New CantonCarlton, Charles J. (Eliza McKelvey)Ch Eva, her husband William L.McClintock, *Guy, *Mary; Pleas-ant Hill R2 Martinsburg SeclSO80a (lS4;j)



Carnes, Emmett (Lelia Dunham) ChFern Elizabeth, Henry Carnesfather; Griggsville Rl Griggsville

Secl9 O80a (1890) Pike Co. Tel.

GriggsvilleCarnes, Fay R. (Lulu Reinhardt) Ch

Paul, Helen; Pittsfield R6 Pitts-

field Sec2 Tieea Mrs. Anna Rein-

hardt (1885) Glandon Tel. Pitts-


Carnes, Richard (Viola Lawson) ChNaomi; Baylis R2 New Salem vSec8

T83a G. G. Lawson (1884) Pike Co.

Tel. BaylisCarnes, R. Hayes (Ella Wheeler) ChEdward, Isabelle, George; NewSalem Rl Griggsville Sec30 Ol85a(1877) Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Carney, John (Glenna A. Martin)

Pittsfield R4 Derry Sec22 Tl20aThomas Carney (1858) Pike Co.

Tel. Pittsfield

Carney, Joseph Henry Thomas Car-

ney father :Pittsfield R4 Derry Secl5

Tl20a Thomas Carney (1885) Pike

Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Carr, William S. (Inez Landrum) ChEarl, Glenn, Walter, Wayne; NewSalem Rl New Salem Sec25 FarmHand S. E. Williamson (1878) Pike

Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Carrel, Frank (Addie Scranton) Ch*Roy; Pittsfield R6 Newburg SeclS

O80a (1863) Glandon Tel. Pitts-


Carrel, Thomas J. (Emma Hoos) ChEubalie, Floyd, Gertrude, Ruth;"Round Grove Farm" Pittsfield R4Derry Seel 3 OlOOa (1864) Pike

Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Carroll, Edward J. (Louie Spencer))Ch Edward, Freda; "Maple LawnFarm" Barry R3 Hadley Sec33Ol20a (1876) Hadiley-Shaw No. 2

Tel. BarryCarroll, George (Maria Jordan) ChMary, Fred, Leo, Walter, Martin;New Salem Rl Pittsfield Sec2 O80a(1865) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Carroll, Michael L. (Mary McGary)Ch John, Dan, Mary, Charles, Hel-en, Anna, *Lucy; Pittsfield RlPittsfield Sec25 Oiy^a (1850) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield)

Carter, Frank B. (Eliza Zumalt) ChGuy, Pruett, James, Vina, Ida;Pearl, Alma, Ethel, Benj., Pruett;Beecreek Pearl Sec31 Tla Patersonand Hamback

Carter, Townend (Elizabeth Bond)"Park View Farm" New SalemNew Salem Secl6 082a (1880) PikeCo. Tel. Baylis

Carter, William (Bell Brayman) ChLyda, Leonard, Mildred, Susan,Herman; Pearl Star Route PearlSeclS TSOa Susan Brayman (1891)

Carter, William H. Rockport AtlasSec6 O320a Carter Bros. (1861)Glandon Tel. Rockport

Cassity, Thomas (Maggie Cassity)Ch Grovel, Freda; Rockport RlRoss Sec9 T300a Beatty andNichols (1909)

Casteel, Charlie R. (Ruth Sloan)Ch Florine; Pittsfield R3 Newburg-Secl3-14 T200a David Sneeden andThomas Casteel (1893) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Casteel, Frank H. (Anna Yelliot) ChVirgil; Pittsfield R3 Newburg-Secll O80a (1875) Farmers Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Casteel, John (Christina Foreman)Ch Frank, Mary; Pittsfield R3Newburg SecU O80a (1850) Farm-ers Tel. Pittsfield

Casteel, Orville H. (Mattie Rush)Ch Donald, Gail; Pittsfield Rl De-troit Sec32 Tl87a Rush Bros.

(1885) Glandon Tel. Milton andPittsfield

Casteel, Thomas (Margaret Garri-son) Ch *Glenn, *Lula, *Ette, *0r-ville, *Charley; "Pecan GroveFarm" Pittsfield R3 Newburg-Secl4 OsOa (1848) Glandon TeLPittsfield

Cawthon, Albert H. (Cora Wells)Ch Alice, Hazel, *Grace; Griggs-ville R2 Flint Sec7 O80a (1869)

Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Cawthon, Frank E. (Alma McKee)Ch Frank El don Jr.; Griggsville

R3 Newburg SeclO OeoK'a (1874)

Glandon Tel. Griggsville

Caylor, William L. (Zada Woods)Pleasant Hill R2 Ross Sec22 T210aA. D. Jordan (1894) Farmers TeLPleasant Hill

Chamberlain, Aaron (Harriet Stru-benger) Ch Eugene E., Minnie,*Anna, *Grace, *Lewis, *Henry,Philip; Pittsfield R4 Derry Sec22O200a (1843) Pike Co. Tel. Pitts-




Chamberlain, A. W. (Hattie Grant)

Ch Harold, Celo, Oneida; NeboR2 Spring Creek Sec33 Ol5a (1883)

Chamberlain, Bert (Esther Kille-

brew) Ch Alberta, Kathleen; Pitts-

field R2 Martinsburg Secl4 Tl60aC. E. Swayne (1879) Pike Co. Tel.


Chamberlain, Mrs. Frances (Walker)Pittsfield R5 Martinsburg Sec6O200a (1859)

Chamberlain, Lewis F. (Amand John-son) Ch Duggie, *Lettie, *Burma;Nebo R3 Spring Creek Sec8 OSOa(1859) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Chamberlain, Louis W. (Millie Wills)Ch Aaron, Elizabeth, Louis, Phila,

Jesse, Eloise, Leslie; "Maple LawnFarm" ElDara Rl Derry Secl80312a (1870) Farmers Tel. ElDara

Chamberlain, Ovid F. (Anna Ator)Ch Russel; Pleasant Hill R2 Mar-tinsburg Sec21 T80a Arthur W.Chamberlain (1891) Farmers Tel.

MartinsburgChamberlain, Vincent C. (Jolie Col-

vin) Ch George, *Mabel, *Bertha;Nebo Rl Hardin Sec35 Ol60a(1865) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Chamberlain, William M. (EmilineNeese) Ch *Bert, ^William, *Fay;Nebo R3 Spring Creek Sec22 029a(1872) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Chamberlain, Wilson A. (MaggieBarawdy) Ch Edma, Aaron, Rus-sell, Hazel, Mildred; Nebo RlHardin Sec25 O80a (1864)

Chamberlyn, Mrs. Lyda Ch Iva;Baylis R2 Hadley Sec23 T80a(1859) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Chambers, Marselles (May Holford)Ch Eliza, Neese, Minnia, *David,*William; Nebo R3 Spring CreekSeclO O60a (1862) Farmers Tel.Nebo

Chandler, Ernest (Mattie Norris) ChHarvey, Olive; Hull R2 CincinnatiSec4 T70a N. J. Nichols (,1887)

Lowe Tel. HullChandler, Otha A. (Bertha Brokow)Ch Helen, Maurine; Pearl RlMontezuma Sec22 Ol43^a (1890)Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Chandler, Silas (H. Degdell) Ch*Sarah, *Laura, *William, *Frank*Charles, *Grace, *Ada, *Othal*Trula, *Maud; Pearl Rl Monte-zuma Sec22 0285a (1848) Pike Co.Tel. Milton

Chandler, William J. (Anna Wheeler)Ch John, Edna; Milton Star RouteMontezuma Secll O80a (1876)Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Chaplin, Charley (Verna Chamber-lain) Ch Edith, Ora, Dulcie, Ewen;Pearl Rl Montezuma Sec31 037^4a(1879)

Chaplin, Homer (Sylvia Lemons) ChMaria, Jessie, Asa, Bulia, Lucy,Lucile, Florence, Frances, Floyd;Pittsfield Rl Hardin Sec8 TSOaFred Clayton (1869)

Chapman, Harry W. Ch Carl, Lucille,Drucilla; Pittsfield R6 NewburgSec7 TsOa Robert N. Chapman(1880) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Chappell, Sarah (Battershell) ChRuth, *Florence; Pearl Pearl Seclo02i^a (1868)

Chase, Delmer H. (Martha Moyer)Ch Paul, Marshall, Marjorie,Jaunita, Martha, Virginia; HadleyRl Derry Sec4 Tla William Kerr(1874) ElDara-Hadley-Barry Tel.Barry

Chase, Elmer W. (Katherine Heid-lofi) Ch Edward Werner; "OakRidge Farm" New Cai.ton RlPleasantvale Secl4 Ol02a (1875)Farmers Tel. New Canton

Chase, Orlando E. (Anna Horn) ChRaymonds, *Gladys; New CantonRl Pleasantvale Sec24 Ol45a (1863)Farmers Tel. New Canton

Chase, Raymond (Clara Easley) ChRichard; "Tanglewood" New Can-ton Rl Pleasantvale Sec24 Tl45aOrlando E. Chase (1889)

Chasteen, Samuel D. (ElizabethWright) Ch Kenneth, John. MurlWright, nephew, *Samuel; PleasantHill Rl Pleasant Hill Sec31 OSa(1885) Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Chenoweth, Alex (Nellie F. Walker)Ch Neal; Perry Perry Sec29 OlSOa(1871) Farmers Tel. Perry

Chenoweth, James A, (Cora Rob-erts) Ch Allen, Theodore, Carson,Homer, Lois, *Gertrude; New Can-ton R3 Pleasantvale Sec27 TSOOaAnna B. West (1882)

Chenoweth, Percy G. (Ora Thiele)Ch Violet, Clara, William, Robert;Perry Perry Sec27 Oll9a (1881)Glandon Tel. Perry and Griggs-ville



Childers, William H. (Philena

Chamberlain) Oh *Carl; Hadley RlHadley Sec23 Ol68a (1865) BayhsTel. Baylis

Childi-ess, iFred B. (Nellie Stoltz) ChIrene, Annis, Lois; Barry R4 Had-

ley Secl6 Ol60a Charles Cobb

(1917) Hadley and Baylis Tel.

BavlisChristison, John H. (Flora Bunch


Hester.' ]Marie, Homer. Fredia;

Griggsville R2 Chambersburg Sec31

Tll5a Thomas Mehan (1916)

Churchill, Fred (Ethel Tooley) Ch

Raymond, Ralph, Seldon; Kinder-

hook Kindierhook Secir;-r2n T29oa

H. S.. Churchill (1878) Farmers

Tel. Kinderhook ^ -d i

Clack, Fbrbe W. (Jessie Shaw) Rock-

port R2 Martinsburg SecSO Ul-)Oa

(1909) Farmers Tel. Summer Hill

Clack, Grover L. (Frances Dober) Ch

Hula; Rockport R2 Atlas Sec23

Ol56a (1897) Glandon lei. Kock-

Clark^ Abner M. (Eliza Farmer) Ch

Maud, Ina, Hazel; "Quarry Farm

Barry Rl Barry Sec2P> Ol8a (1896)

Pike Co. Tel. Barry

Clark, Edgar H. (Tola Sutton)_ Ch

Mason, Hatch; Griggsville Griggs-

ville Sec9 Tl88a Mason Hatch

(1917) Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Clark, Frank A. (Julia Sellner) Ch

Amy, Lloyd, Lewis. Alvm; The

Clark Farm" Kinderhook Barry

Sec2() O:'.07a (1866) Farmers Tel.

Kinderhook. , x ^,

Clark Fred A. (Leah Sleight) ChMary Ruth, Frank John; Griggs-

ville Star Route Griggsville Secll

O80a (1869) Farmers Tel. Griggs-

ville and PerryClark. Gaines W. (Irene Karsten) Ch

Arthur; Barry Rl Barry SeclO

TSOa IT. Schultz (1907)

Clark, James Richard (Katie M. Gol-

laher) Ch *Eugene. *Stephen L.;

Baylis R2 New Salem Secl4 09a(1913)

Clark, John Lear Humphrey mother,

Ch Leartta; Pleasant Hill R2Pleasant Hill Sec8 Tia George A.

Orrill (1891) Farmers Tel. Pleas-

ant Hill

Clark, Kenneth W. "Strongheart

Hog Farm" Griggsville Perry

Sec33 O160a (19i;3) Pike Co. Tel.


Clark, Owen (Hannah Schuharde)Ch Mildred L., Owen W. Jr.;

Barry R3 Barry Sec33 OSOa BarrySec22 T80a W. N. Hart (1865)Pike Co. Tel. Barry

Claus, Frank (Mariette Dodge) ChLeslie, Harold, Eugene, Edna, Al-fred; "Spatter Dock Farm" Rock-port Rl Atlas Sec33 OSlOa (1872)Glandon Tel. Rockport

Clement, Loyd E. (Bessie Smith) ChLois, Ward, Margie, Ruth; BaylisR3 Fairmount SeclO T219a W. S.

Clement (1889) Farmers Tel. PerryClement, W. Ernest (Essie Taylor)Ch Charles E.; Baylis R3 Fair-mount SecSO OSOa (1891) FarmersTel. Baylis

Clemmons, Daniel E.' (Alma Smith)Ch Coston, *Mayme; Pittsfield RlMontezuma Seco Ol20a (1856)Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Clift, William M. (Dora Morgan)"Splatterdock Club House Farm'"Rockport R2 Atlas Sec32E T22aSplatterdock Club (1862) GlandonTel. Rockport

Cline, Ira W. (Helen Poffenbarger)Ch Arthur, *Gertrude, *Claude;Barry R2 Hadley SecB TSSa ArchCampbell (1915)

Cline, Ruben E. (Julia Powers) ChLelia, Leo; Barry R4 HadleySecl6 O80a (1910) Hadley andBaylis Tel. Hadley andi Baylis

Clinging, Ves Ch Marjorie, Dora,Hawley, Wilbert, Herschel; BarryStar Route Derry Secrt Tl60a Mrs.Anna B. West (1879) Farmers Tel.

BarryClinging, Walter (Lily Schoolcraft)

Cli Nelson, Lucile; New Canton RlPleasantvale Sec23 073a (1874)Farmers Tel. New Canton

Cloninger, Thomas H. (Minerva Drap-er) Ch Harry, Pearl, Homer,Meryl, Earl, *Ben: Pearl Pearl Sec9OlOa (1865) Glandon Tel. Pearl

Clonneger, John S. (Rose Bristow)Ch Mary, Minnie, Gertie, Johnnie,Carl, Jerold. *Celia; Pearl RlMontezuma Sec20 T88a (1902)Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Clonniger, Bert (Blanch Bristow) ChOpal, Clarence, Cathern, Mildred,Grace, Edna, Marion, Donald;Pearl Rl Montezuma 'Secl9 TlaAllen Tohnston (1902) Pike Co.Tel. Milton


Coates, Lloyd E. (Viola Neal) ChCecil. Vernon, Harold, Orville,

Velma. Lucille, Sylva; New Can-

ton R2 Cincinnati Secll Tl60aWilliam Solisbury (1913)

Cobb, George P. Hattie Cobbmotber New Salem New SalemSecl5 Farm Hand (1893)

Cochran, Mrs. Maggie (Maggie Hen-thon) Ch Vera, Floyd, Clarence,

Willie, Gladys, Paul; Baylis R3Fairmount Sec28 OSOa (1898) Pike

Co. Tel. Baylis

CockUl, Joseph C. (Martha Mullins)

Ch Martha Jane; Griggsville R2Perry Sec25 0234a (1884) GlandonTel. Perry

Cohenour, Mrs. Mary A. (Cope) ChEthel, *Mabel, *Elmer, *Howard,*Rose, *Vincent, *Gertrude, *Wil-liam, *Scott; Pittsfield R6 Pitts-

field Seel Ol40a (1873) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Collins, Ben (Ella Callaway)' ChEstel; Pittsfield Rl Hardin Secl2T75a L. S. Lacy (1880)

Collins, John H. (Etta Byxby) ChAlma, Birdie, Dovie; Nebo RlSpring Creek Sec8 TlSa (1899)

Collins, Sherman (Minnie Neese) ChArchie, *Bertha, *Vinza; PleasantHill R2 Martinsburg Sec29-280253a (1864) Farmers Tel. Pleas-ant Hill

Colver, Mathe J. (Smart) Pittsfield

R7 Hardin Secl9 O^a (1889)Colvin, Alva C. Ch Benjamine, *Net-

tie, *George, *Orville, *DeliaPearl Rl Montezuma Sec34 096a(1858)

Colvin, Mrs. Carie (Morton) ChDean, Leland, Ivan, *Clara, *Fred;Pearl Rl Montezuma Secl8 Ol20a(1860) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Conboy, Roy J. (Lothe Glisenidor-

fer) Ch Virginia, Mary Adalaide,Roy Jr., George Wayne, Mardelle;Pittsfield Rl Hardin Sec2 O80a(1884) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Conkright, Frank and John (RosaZumult) Ch Bertha; Pearl Star Rte.Montezuma Sec28 O40a (1874)

Conkright, Isaac S. (Harriot Bean)Ch *John, *William, *Bert; "BeanFarm" New Salem Rl New SalemSec26 OieOa (1838)

Conkright, John William (HannahChaney) Ch John B., Ruby, Mary,Ted, Fred, *Hazel, *Myrtis; Pitts-field R6 New Salem Sec34 TllOaL S. Conkright (1870) Pike iCo.

Tel. Baylis

Conner, Dan W. (Alza Blacketter)Ch Edmon; New Canton R2 Cin-cinnati Sec26 T7.5a David Lawler(1888)

Connor, Robert R. (Clemmie Frank-lin) Ch Logan, Walter, Arthur;Nebo R3 Spring Creek Sec31 TlaJohn and Neil Guthrie (1891)

Connour, C, Van (Hazel Cashman)Ch Bernice Nadine; Hull R2 Kin-erhook Secl7 TSOa Sarah Cash-man (1904) Cherokee Tel. Hull

Connour, Peter T. (Serena Preston)Ch Victor, Virgil, Vessie, Viola,Verl, *Van, *Verna;Hull Kinder-hook Secl7 T212a Robt. Hamilton(1904) Pike Co. Tel. Hull

Conroy, Dennis M. (Maud Sneeden)Ch Mildred, *Veda; "Hill ViewFarm" Pittsfield Pittsfield Sec23OlGOa (1867) Glandon Tel. Pitts-field

Conroy, Earl V. (Hallie 'Crowd«r)Ch Maxene, Aileen, Gerald, Inez;Pittsfield R3 Newburg Secl4 0288a(1890) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Conroy, George (Ella Webster) ChDorothy, Glenn *Earl; Pittsfield RsNewburg Secl4 O280a (1869) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Constable, Hiram E. (Lizzie Van-hyning) Ch ^lildred, James, Helen.Floyd, Myrtle, Walter, Clarence,'Hazel, *Charles, *Mary; New Can-ton R2 Cincinnati Secll Tl60a W.W. Salisbury (1889)

Conttes, Jacob Isaac (Lillie Bravv-ley) Ch Glenn, Grace, Roy, Floyd:,

Russell, Myrl; Hadley HadleySec21 Tl60a Frank Sykes (1907)Hazelrigg Tel. Baylis

Cook, Charles F. (Helen Cawthon)Ch Edward Louis; Valley FlintSec33 Ol28a (1912) Pike Co. Tel.Griggsville

Cook, Fred E. (Rena Hall) ChMarion, Leonard, Ernest, Vera,Geraldine, Imogene; Pittsfield RlDetroit Sec28 Tl5a Rush Bros.(1876) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield



Cook, William (Alma Roberts)

Baylis R2 New Salem Secll T3aPeter Myers (1874)

Cookson, Ray (Daisy Hull) ChOpal; Kinderhook Rl Kiiiderhook

Sec4 T40a John Erkey (1915) Far-

mers Tel. Kinderhook

Cooley, Charles A. (Edith F. Gleck-

ler) Ch Marion, Fern, Leano Lor-aine; Baylis R3 Fairmount Sec9

Ol57a (1889) Pike Co. Tel. Fish-

hook and Baylis

Cooley, Clyde W. (Vera Zimmer-man) Versailles R2 Perry Sec7

Farm Handi Granville Zimmerman(1899) Farmers Tel. Perry

Cooley Edwin S. (Irene Coey) ChPearl; Siloam Rl Fairmount Seco

0295a (1872) Pike Co. Tel. Fish-

hook and Baylis

Cooley, E. Leone (Ella Whitaker)Ch Leola Baby; Baylis R3 Fair-

mount SecO T28aa L C. Staffer

(1913) Pike Co. Tel. Fishhook andBaylis

Cooley, Floy E. (Maud Bimson) ChEugene; Barry R4 Hadley Sec32

T]20a Frank Johnson (1893) Had-ley and ElDara Tel. Barry

Cooley, Mrs. Sophrona (Weaver)Ch John Cooley, grandson, *John.* George; Baylis R3 FairmountSec8 'O80a (1906) Pike Co. Tel.

Fishhook and Baylis

Cooley, William W. (Felicia Mc-Laughlin) Ch Glen, Nile, Charlie,

*Bla'nch, *Leone, *Floyd, *Nina,

*Clyde; Baylis R3 FairmountSec28-21-27 O360a (1867) Pike Co.

Tel. BaylisCoonrod, Harry H. (Rebecca Yelli-

ott) Ch Maude, Raymond, John;Pittsfield Rl Detroit Sec33 Olla(1871)

Cooper, Charles H. (Anna Lawr-ence) Ch *Mary, *Vida: Pittsfield

R2 Martinsburg Sec23 O310a(1867) Farmers and Glandon Tel.


Cooper, George D. (Addie Barton)Ch Elsie,. Elma, Lyndle, MaryCooper, grandchildren, *Virgel,

*Maud, *Emmett; Pittsfield R4Pittsfield Scc29 0342a (18,5tS)

Glandion Tel. Pittsfield

Cooper, H. Melvin (Gertrude Barry)Chambersburg Rl ChambersburgSec7 T35a D. E. Barry (1919)Farmers Tel. Chambersburg

Cooper, James E. (Lenella James)Ch Henry, Mary, Myrtle, Ida;Rockport Atlas Secl7E FarmHand Mary Horton (1873)

Cooper, James M. (Emma Brum-mell) Ch Helen; Pittsfield R2Martinsburg Sec23 Ol20a (1850)Farmers Tel. Pittsfield

Cory, Fred C. (Helen Hammitt) ChPaul Eugene, Dorothy; GriggsvilleRl Griggsville Secl7 T320a C. B.

Newman (1900) Pike Co. Tel.


Cory, Harvey L. (Molly Stauffer)Baylis R3 Fairmount Secl5 Tll8aA. W. Cory Est. (1870) GlandonTel. Perry

Cory, James E. (MaudeBuchanan)Ch Isabel, Florine, Martin, RussellMilton; Baylis R2 New SalemSeclS TlfiOa Cullen Randel (1908)

Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Cory, Martin C. (Lemina Waters)Ch Edwin A., Louise; Baylis R3Fairmount SeclO T420a E. E. Cory(1881) Tel. Tempest and Fishook

Cory, Walter S. (Amy Meservey)Ch Elizabeth, Maridon; Baylis R3Fairmount Sec2 Tl58a G- W. Cory(1888) Pike Co. Tel. Perry

Cosgrove, Mrs. Catherine (CatherineDucey) Ch Ellen, Mary, William,Paul. Edmund; Pittsfield R2 Pitts-

field Sec26 OSOa (1860) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Cosgrove, Henry D- (Harriet Sim-mons) Ch *William, *BeuIah; HullRl Kinderhook Sec4 O40a (1899^

Farmers Bluff Tel. Hull

Couch, Alex A. (Murl Collins) ChOran, Oza Erma, Orville, *Ina.

*Nellie; Nebo Rl Spring CreekSecl4 0252a (1901) Farmers Tel.

NeboCouch, John W. (Margaret Eldred)

Ch *Golda. *Minnie; Nebo RlSpring Creek Sec2 0263a (1855)

Farmers Tel. NeboCouch, Ora M. (Lela Johnson) Ch

Lee, Arthur, Cleon, Daisy, Walter.Virgil, Nellie; Rockport R2 Atlas

Sec2lE Tl75a James Brown (1875)

Farmers Tel. Rockport

Couch, Truman (Linnie Long) ChLela M.; New Salem Rl NewSalem SecSl Farm Hand StrausBros. (1884)



Coulter, Charles S. (Pearl White) ChElbert, Irma, Pauline; Pittsfield

R6 Pittsfield SeclT T240a SamuelMorgan (1879) Glandon Tel. Pitts-


Coulter, John R. Jr- (Maude Arnett)Ch Arthur, Edwin; "Willow ValeFarm"' Pleasant Hill R2 Martins-burg Sec20 Ol27a (1879) FarmersTel. Summer Hill

Courtney, William N. (Marj^ Kess-ler) Ch Grace, Earl; Hull Kinder-hook Sec34 Ol60a (1916)

Cox, Harry (Edith Worthen)"Spring Valley Farm"' RockportR2 Atlas Sec7E 053a (1899) Glan-don Tel. Rockport

Cox, Hubert I. (Ada Yaeger) Pitts-

field R7 Hardin Secl4 T200a JohnG- Yaeger (1888) Pike Co. Tel.


Cox, Isaac B. (Hattie Browning) ChLester, Floyd, Letha, Carl, Helen;Pearl R2 P'earl Sec7 Tl60a FrankSherman (1917)

Cox, James W. (Maggie Daniels) ChVirgel, Elmer, Lillian; Pearl StarRoute Montezuma Sec23 T2a CoraCox (1917)

Cox, John E. (Bessie M. Moore) ChIrene. Levata, John; Hull R2 Cin-cinnati Sees T26Ga F. D. Strube(1911)

Cox, John "W. (Etta Long) Ch Fredie.Glen; Pearl Rl Montezuma Sec20083a (1876) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Cox, Robert O. (Louisa Johnson) ChGoldia, Harry, Silvia, Ruby, Hu-bert, *Clyde, *Comroie, *Jessie;Pearl Rl Montezuma Secl9 T40a(1857) Pike Co- Tel. Milton Ex-change

Craig, S. A. (ALirv Bowen) Ch *Vir-gil, *Clvde; Pleasant Hill R2Pleasant Hill Sec4 O60a (1860)Farmers Tel. Pleasant Hill

Crater, Charles A- (Elizabeth Black-orb v) Ch Loren, Erma; Pearl StarRoute Pearl Sec27 Ol9>^a (1883)

Crater, Henry (Lonie Owens) ChDixie, Edward; Pearl Star RoutePearl Sec27 O70a (1879)

Crater, Mrs. Eliza (Reed) Ch Mina,Lula Nevins, Ruth Owens, grand-daughters, *]\Iary,*Henry,* Charley;Pearl Star Route Pearl Sec28 Ol60a(1879)

Craven, John (Flora Mayo) Ch JohnAlayo. Joseph George; "WoodbineStock Farm" Griggsville Griggs-ville Sec20 T214a Mrs. HenriettaCraven (1876) Pike Co. Tel.Griggsville

Crawford, Eli (Sarah Wamper) Ch*Harry, *Love E.; Pittsfield RlMontezuma Sec6 Osna (1841) PikeCo- Tel. Milton

Crawford, Robert (Alice Shinn) ChBlanche. Claire, Mildred, Ronald,Bernice, Harry, Paul, Frances,Juanita, *Minnie; GriggsvilleGriggsville Sec3 Ol06a GriggsvilleSec3 TlS2a Charles Bickerdike(1857) Pike Co. Tel. Griggsvilleand' Perry

Creech, John H. (Rosa Hankins) ChArthur, Marion, *Ethel, *Hattie.*Marie: Pittsfield R7 '


Sec36 Farm Hand William Dutton(1883) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Crim, Charles L. (Ethel Maberry) ChRaymond; Barry R3 PleasantvaleSecll T311a G. N. Redman (1900)Pike Co. Tel. Barry

Crim, George W. (Iva Millhizer) ChNedra; Kinderhook Rl Barry Secl9T2a H. Leach Est.

Crisp, Thomas (Janie Hampton) OhHelen, Iva, *Vida. *Laurel; Pitts-

field R3 Newburg Secl4 06a (1886)

Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Criss, Elmer M, (Florence LaDow)Ch Paul, Ruth; "Orchard RidgeFarm" Pittsfield R6 Pittsfield

Secl5 O40a Pittsfield Secl5 T320aHarry Higbee (1881) Pike Co. Tel.


Criss, John C. (Odelia Whiteside) Ch^Katharine M., *Nettie M.; Pleas-

ant Hill Pleasant Hill Sec20 OSOa(1859)

Criss, "William R. (Lydia Yates) Ch*Lucy, *Edward, *Elmer; "Pleas-

ant View Stock Farm'' Pittsfield

R4 Pittsfield Secl9 T200a HarryHighbee (1852) Glandon Tel. Pitts-


Crockett, David T. (Ola Smith) ChMarie, Thomas; Rockport Rl Atlas

Sec27E Tl^a Myrtle Smith (1914)

Crone, Miss Eliza "Fair View Farm"Baylis R2 Hadley Sec24 Ol20a(1860) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis


Crone, Rebecca A. Anthony, Cath-

erine Dell; Pittsfield R4 Derry

Sec23 O40a (1852)

Crosby, Elmer A. (Mary Boyle) Ch

Cecil: Nebo R2 Spring Creek Sec30

Oll2a (1905) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Crossman, Elmer T. (Minnie Mor-

ton) Ch Ada; Nebo R3 Spring

Creek Sec27 O60)4a (1882) Farm-

ers Tel. NeboCrossman, Virgil (Stella Applegate)

Ch Ross, Lowell, Pauline, Eileen,

Hazel, Hallie, Wayne; Nebo R3Spring Creek Sec22 Oll6a (1885)

Farmers Tel. Nebo

Crowder, Chester C. (Addie Graham)

Ch Lendell, Arthur, Neta; Pittsfield

R7 Hardin Sec9 Tl20a G. F. Bag-

by (1886)

Crowder, C. F. (Alma Grant) ChHarold, Thelma, Cleda, *Uva;

Pleasant Hill Star Route Pleasant

Hill Sec35 0248a (1877) Pike Co.

Tel. Pleasant Hill

Crowder Franklin W. (Almira Jurne-

gan) Ch *Myrtle, *James, *Harry,

*Guy, *Frank, *Hallie, ^Leonard;

"Pike Co. Alms House Farm"Pittsfield Pittsfield Sec?,5 T80a

Keeper of Alms House (1854)

Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Crowder, Fred (Lou Cannon) Ch

Loyd, Claude; Pleasant Hill Ross

SeclO O80a (1879)

Crowder, Guy Ch Glenn, Carl;

Pleasant Hill R2 Ross Sec25 Tl20a

J. B. Kibler (1890)

Crowder, Paul (Cora VanCleave) Ch

Cleo P.; Pleasant Hill Pleasant

Hill Secl7 Ol8a (1893)

Croxville, William (Ollie Strubinger)

Qh Ralph, Clarence, Russell, Don-

ald; Hadley Rl Derry Seel Ooa(1898) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Cummings, Hayden (Elizabeth Kirt-

right) Ch Laverda, *Lula, *Nina;

"Plain View Farm" Baylis RlHadley Seel O80a (1907) Long-ridge Tel. Baylis

Cummings, H. Wallace (Anna

Myers) Ch Lew, Mary; Chambers-burg R2 Chambersburg Secl7

Ol58a Chambersburg Secl6 T50aA. G. Metz (1868) Farmers Tel.


Cummings, Mrs. Margaret (Riley)

Ch Benjamin, *William, *Eliza-

beth, *Walter; Baylis R2 Hadley^

Secl2 Ol36a (1850) Glandon Tel.


Cunningham, Chester W. (MaymeBridge) Ch Sheldon, Barbara^Barry R4 Barry Secl2 T73a Mrs.Eva Sperry (1891) Tel. Barry

Cunningham, Frank D. (Jessie Ford)Ch Wilma, Clifford, Enola,*George; Barry R2 Barry Seclo^

Ol22a (1870) Tel. Barry

Cunningham, Horace L. (OliveLease) Ch Josie, Edith; "SpringValley Farm'' Barry Rl BarrySec23 042a (1904) Pike Co. Tel..


Cunningham, Loren L. (Clyde Cox)Ch Lucille, Keith, Carl, Mildred,Junior, Donald, Maxine, Kathleen;Pittsfield R7 Hardin Sec23 OSOa(1881) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Cunningham, Robert E. (MadgeHunter) Ch Helen, Sadie, Beulah;Nebo Rl Hardiin Sec25 O200a(1866) Farmers Tel.

Curfman, Berlin W. (Marie Tagan)Ch June; Chambersburg Rl PerrySecl5 T90a Elizabeth Fagan (1907)Farmers Tel. Perry

Curfman, Sam M. (Myrtle Kimmel)Ch Stella, Robert, *Berlin; PerryPerry Sec31 O390a (1907) GlandonTel. Perry

Curless, H. Ray (Daisv Dunham) ChDonald; Pittsfield R4 Pittsfield

SeclO OSOa Pittsfield SeclO T260aT. A. Curless (1881) Glandon TeLPittsfield

Curless, Jesse R. (Lillian Davis) ChMabel, Johnnie, *Mamia; PittsfieldPittsfield Sec9 O40a (1868)

Curless, Thomas D. (Nancy J. West)Ch *Ella, *Clara; New SalemNew Salem Sec22 Tl60a E. Carnes.(1869) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Curley, James (Sophronia Thomp-son) Ch Charles, *Etta; Hull RlKinderbrook SeclO OS^a (1909)

Curry, William H (Nancy Allison)Ch Lawrence, Laura, Leona, Floy;Barry Rl Barry Secl5 Tla FredRobertson (1879)



DDaigh, Harrison (Margaret Turner)Ch Grace, *Elizabeth. *Charles,*Millie, *Harry, *Clarence, *Louise,

*Joe, *Marie, *Russell, *Lilly;

Perry Perry Sec21 025a (1845)

Glandon Tel. Perry

Daigh, Harry L. (Pearl Chenoweth)Ch Eleanor, Harvey; Griggsville R2Perry Sec22 OSOa (1878) Pike Co.Tel. Perry

Daigh, Joe F. (Tracy Risley) PerryPerry Sec28 TllOa John S. Felmey{1888) Glandon Tei Perry

Dalton, Abraham C. (Lillian Hunt)Ch Carl, Ruby; Griggsville R3Griggsville Sec25 Farm Hand HarryLaird (1914) Pike Co. Tel. Griggs-ville

Damoin, George R. (Jennie Standley)Ch Jessie; Rockport Atlas SecloFarm Hand Carter Bros. (1872)

Daniel, Austin R. (Nora Barnett) ChFaye, Eva, Donald; Milton De-troit Sec?.4 T408a Anna C. Smith(1872) Glandon Tel. Milton

Daniel, J. Ben (Edith Morton) ChHelen, Kenneth. Lorena; Pittsfield

R4 Pittsfield SeclO Farm HandRay Curless (1893)

Daniel, William F. (Vera Sneeden)Ch Lyndell, Charles, Delmar, Will-iam; Detroit Detroit Sec21 FarmHand Charles Ellis (1881) FarmersTel. Detroit

Daniels, Clarence (May Carter) ChEverett. Willie; Pearl Star RoutePearl Sec22 Tla William Misen-pugh (1888)

Daniels, Emmer (Mary Splain) ChElma Juanita, \laTy Geneva; Flor-

ence Detroit Secl5-10 T215a Lewisand Matthews (1895)

Daniels,George W.(Frances Hamner). Ch *Frank, *Wi]liam, *AIta,*Ethel,

*Nora, *Harvey; Rockport R2Atlas Sec27E O2.20a (1852)

Daniels, Harvey C. (Ruth Fast) ChClinton, Raymond; Rockport RlAtlas Sec27 Manager Wess Sapp(1895) Glandon Tel. Rockport

Daniels, Henry A. (Ida Wallis)Rockport Rl Ross Secl6 T70aBernie Baker (1853)

Daniels, Oscar (Bertie Wade) Ch*Charles, *Emmer, *Gladys,*Grace,*Ethel; Pittsfield R3 DetroitSecl5-lt) O60a (1870) Farmers Tel.Detroit

Daniels Ray (Estella Rhodes) ChMyrtle, Marie; Griggsville R2Griggsvlle Sec28 TlOOa Mrs. CarrieMerifield (1891) Pike Co. Tel.Griggsville

Dann, Allen (Anna Lyons) ChLillian. John, *Oscar; Pearl PearlSec4 T80a John Siegle (1890)

David, James Albert (Rhoda Barnes)Ch Elden, Virgil; Baylis R2 NewSalem Sec3 Tla Farm Hand C .T.Gray (1880)

Davidson, HugSh' (Eliza Pine) ChVernon, *Mary Etta, *Manford,*Grace; Baylis R2 Hadley SeclSO40a (1866) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Davidson, Orin C. (May Howe)"Carroll Farm" Pittsfield R6 New-burg Secl9 Farm Hand C. H.Harder (1881) Glandon Tel. Pitts-field

Davis, Mrs. Caroline (Browning) ChCharles, *Henry, *Edwin, *Mary,*James, *Carrie, *Cora, *Ruby,*Jacob; Rockport Rl Atlas Sec36WFarm Hand F. S. Allen (1911)

Davis, Charles E. (Golda Howard)Ch Haroldine: "Howard FruitiFarm" New Canton PleasantvaleSeclS T40a W. H. Howard (1884)Pike Co. Tel. New Canton

Davis, Charles O, (Julia A. Carpen-ter) Ch *Bert, *Lonzo, *CharIes,*Eva. *011ie, *Anna, *Lizzie; NewCanton Rl Pleasantvale Sec25 04a(1875)

Davis, Charles S. (Mary Worthen)Ch Alaynard; Rockport R2 AtlasSec7E T60a Martha Taylor (1882)

Davis, Clarence H. (Nora Kinne) ChVirgil,, *Elsie; Barry R4 HadleySec20 (1869) Pike Co. Tel. Barry

Davis, C. C. (Zvildia Cragmiles) ChWilliam, * Marv A.. *Maggie,*Ethel, *Frank; Nebo R3 PleasantHill Sec36 O50a (1866)

Davis, Edward J. (Sylvia Malone) ChNorman; New Center R3 Pleasant-vale .Sec34 Tieoa Mr. Martin (1890)Pike Co. Tel. New Canton



Davis, Harvey M. (Antone Rees) ChEtta *Minnie, *Harvey; Pittsfield

R6 Pittsfield Sec8 O80a (1857)

Davis, Hatton H. (Lelia Hoos) ChMyron; Pittsfield R6 Pittsfield

SeclO T208a James Davis (1893)

Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Davis, James E. (Maggie Padgett)

Ch Pearl, *Edward, *Bertha; NewCanton Rl Pleasantvale Seclo Ol7a(1875) Farmers Tel. New Canton

Davis, John R. Pleasant Hill R2Pleasant Hill Sec6 027a (1875)

Davis, Levi P. Ch James, *Edna;Pearl Rl Pearl Sec4 T40a MaryBruce (1S4S) Pike Co. Tel. Pearl

Davis, Marion Ch Richard, Frank,

Otto, Jessie, Flofine; Pleasant Hill

R2 Pleasant Hill Sec6 023J^a(1878)

Davis, Marion M. (Cathrene Guthrie)

Oh Roy, Lester, Johnnie, Claude,

Cecil, *Lula; Nebo R3 Spring CreekSecBl 06a (1858) Farmers Tel.

NeboDavis, Rufus M.( Sarah Kershaw) Ch

Georgia, David; Griggsville Griggs-

ville Sec26 Tl08a David Davis

(1882) Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Davis, S. F. (Vergie Rowley) ChLewis F.; Pleasant Hill R2 Pleas-

ant Hill Sec6 O80a (1873) FarmersTel. Pleasant Hill

Davis, Thomas (Anna Cole) Ch La-verta. Bertha, Floyd, Phinas,

Charles, Harold, Paul, Merideth,Thomas Jr.; Siloam Rl FairmountSec7-5 O200a (1870) Pike Co. Tel.

Fishook and Baylis

Deam, Homer D. (Naomi Frye) ChBillie; "Oak Springs Farm" Rock-port Atlas SecieE 0345a (1893)

Glandon Tel. Rockport

Deam, Warren G. (Helen Williams)

Ch Ella, *Bessie, *Emerson; "ElmPark Farm" Rockport R2 Atlas

Secl3E Ol87a (1864) Farmers Tel.

RockportDeam, William E. (Minnie Ruyle) Ch

Dora, Emerson, Dorothy; "ElmPark Farm" Rockport R2 Atlas

SeclS Ol87>^a (1892) Farmers Tel.

RockportDean, C. Arthur (Flossie Dean) NewSalem Rl New Salem Sec28 Tl02aJames Winn (1883) Pike Co. Tel.Pittsfield

Dean, Rhea E. (Grace Husband) ChEva, Estella, Winfred; Griggsville

R3 Griggsville Sec34 OlSa Griggs-ville Sec34 T260a W. H. Dean(1875) Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Dean, William N. (Ruth Mink) ChWilma, Bernice, Converse, Nor-man, Frank; New Salem Rl NewSalem Sec28 TSOa Mrs. A. Dean(1881)

DeCamp, Claude (Gussie Brinker)Rockport Rl Atlas Sec35E Tl45i/$a

M. E. • DeCamp Glandon Tel.

Pleasant Hill

DeCamp, Mrs. Lou Ch William,.

William Lindgren, George, grand-son, *Adaline, *Ester, *Tata;Pleasant Hill Rl Pleasant Hill

Secl6 T2a A. T. Brant (1874)

Decker, Aaron (Lyda Thennegar)Ch *Zella, *Minnie, *Harvey, *Roy,*Anna; Kinderhook Rl Barrj^

Sec7 Tl60a Mrs. F. J. Runa (1818)Bluff Tel. Kinderhook

Deenier, Clair Ch Mildred, Carl,

Robert, Lynn, *Glenn; Pittsfield

Rl Newburg Sec36 Tl56a John R.Kelly (1902) Glandon Tel. Milton

Deeter, James A. (Louise Echel-barger) Ch CuUen, Hr.zel, *Stella,

*Herman, *011ie, *Mellie, *Sophia,.

*Myra, *Orvill; Baylis R3 Fair-mount SeclS Ol60a (1856) Farm-ers Tel. Baylis

Deeter. Oliver (Sarah B. Mull) Bay-lis R3 Fairmount SeclS 0338a(1874) Pike Co. Tel. Fishook andBaylis

DeHart, Earl (Pearl Davis) Ch Mary,May, Helen; Griggsville StarRoute Griggsville Sec2 Tl60a Bap-tist Church Trustees (1907) Farm-ers Tel. Griggsville and Perry

Dehart, Henry T. (Carrie Jaques) ChWalter, Harold, Wayne; Griggs-ville Star Route Perry Sec34 Tl60aM. Y. McMahon (1905) GlandonTel. Perry

Dehart, Stephen A. (Weltha Martin)

Oh Francis A., Lena M., *Law-rence M., *T. Everette, *WilliamB.,* Pearl, *Emily; Griggsville RlPerry Sec33 T276a Ellen Ingalls-

(1913) Glandon Tel. Perry



Deitert, Herman (Carrie Hallau) ChHa-rv, *Rudolph; Barry Rl BarryOlSOa Sec3 T350a Gus Ayers (1884)Tel. Barry

Deitert, Rudolph B. (Olive Kendall)

Ch Lester L.; Barry Rl Barry Sec9Tl40a Herman Dietert (1892)

Dejanes, Floyd A. (Bertha Harbou-ran) Ch Harbouran, Robert, Stan-ley Forest; Griggsville R3 Griggs-ville Seco2 Farm Hand LorenHyde (1890)

Dejaynes, Albert Ch Floyd, Stella,

*Fern; Baylis R2 New Salem Sec3055a (1858)

Dejaynes, John E. (Martha Dun-ham) Ch Charlie, *Thomas, *Hat-tie, *William, *Marshall, *Bertha,*Samuel, *Winnie; Baylis R2 NewSalem Sec3 O40a (1845) Pike Co.Tel. Baylis

Dejaynes, Samuel (Lora Miller) ChAlta, Wayne, Grace, Bennie,Mart'ha; Baylis RS FairmountSec2n Farm Hand S. L. Fox (1886)

Dejaynes, William H. (Mary Miller)

Ch Mirell, William, Herschel W.,Loyd L. Virgil E.; Baylis R2 Fair-mount Sec35 Farm Hand JamesWilson (1881)

Dell, Orien H. (Mary Caughlan)New Salem Rl New Salem Sec33Tl62a J. T. Dell (1889) Pike Co.Tel. Pittsfield;

Denison, Ellen (Hutten) Ch BennieLyndell, Leonard, Eva, *John;Milton Montezuma Sec3 084a(1882) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Denison, John W. (Opal French) ChRalph; Milton Star Route Monte-zuma Sec3 094a (1898) Pike Co.Tel. Milton

.Denison, Thomas H. (Elfie R. Still-

well) Ch Trula, Beulah, Laurence,Eleanor: Pearl Pearl Sec3 TlTOa J.

H. Stillwell (1866) Pike Co. Tel.Pearl

Denison, William (Irena Scott) ChHenry, Frank, *Janie, *Eva, *Mary-bell, *Carroll, *Nellie; Chambers-burg Rl Perry Secl5 T35a LouisKallenbadh (1910)

Dennis, James O. Ch Robert, Myra,Winifred; Chambersburg R2Chambersburg Sec20 T306a OscarDennis (1881) Farmers Tel.Chambersburg

Dennis, Jesse R. (Nancy Triplet) ChMarie, Bertha, Fern, Vesper, Les-ter, Elmer; Baylis R3 FairmountSecl5 079a (1S94) Pike Co. TeLPerry

Densmore, Hiram (Jennie Orr) ChLeona, Rex; Pittsfield R3 DetroitSec21-16 Tl60a James Densmore(1892) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Deverger, Benjamin (May Patrick)Ch Nellie, Hazel, Emma; PleasantHill R2 Ross Sec25 Tl20a E. Dixon(1912)

Deverger, Clifford (Lena Williams)Kinderhook Rl Cincinnati Sec3 T5aWilliam Ryan (1910)

Dexter Thomas S.. (Belle Zumwalt)Ch Eva, Vivian, Theodore, *Esther;"Triple Springs Farm'' PleasantHill Rl Martinsburg Sec34-350225a (1867) Farmers Tel. Pleas-ant Hill

Diamond, Roy (Rena Mink) ChTheron E., Sarah Diamond,mother, Jason Diamond, brother;"Diamond Hill Farm" Hadley RlDerry Seel T2a Mrs. SarahDiamond (1889) Pike Co. Tel. Pitts-


Dickerman, Smith T.(Flossie Lakin)Ch Mildred; Pittsfield R2 Martins-burg Secl5 Farm Hand Abe Bar-ton (1909) Farmers Tel. SummerHill

Dieterle, Roy H. (Bertha Flynn) ChLyndle, Wayne; Baylis R3 Fair-mount Secl5 Tl87a D. Doane(1913) Pike Co. Tel. Perry

Dillon, James E. (Pearl French) ChVelma, Beatrice; MontezumaMontezuma Seel O250a (1873)Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Dillon, WiUiam B. (Sallie Smith) ChMardel, Madaline Grace, Gladys,Neely, Lyndle, Marie Hess; MiltonStar Route Montezuma Secll0396a (1882) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Dimmitt, Gordon F, (Lora Dunham)Ch Mary, Daniel, Gerald; Pittsfield

R4 Pittsfield Secll O200a (1888)

Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Dimmitt, James W. (Eslie Flinn)

Qh Berth,a. Gordon, Grace, Nellie.

Nelson, Laura, Byron, Roy;Griggsville R3 Newburg SeelOlSOa (1852) Tel. Griggsville



Dimmitt, Leroy (Cora Sneeden) Ch

Kenneth, Kyle; Detroit Detroit

SeclS T40a L. H. Sneeden (1886)

Farmers Tel. Pittsfield

Dinsmore, John O. (Donna Aber)

Pittsfield Newburg Sec7-8 083a

(1887) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Dinsmore, Warren A. (Eva Norton)

Ch ]\Iarv. Claudine. Carl, Rutli,

Fern, Grace, Norton; "Flynn

Farm" Pittsfield R3 Detroit Sec6

Farm Hand P. R. Hammerton(1884) Glar.don Tel. Pittsfield

Distlehorst, Henry (Martha Cavolt)

Ch *Harrv; "Pleasant View Farm"

Hull Rl "Kinderhook Sec3 Ol50a

(1895) Bluff Co. Tel. Hull

Dixon Bros., Job. H. and Sam S.

(Daisy Seaborn, wife of J. H. D.)

"Hillview Farm" Versailles R2

Perry Secfi 02.56a (1872) Farmers

Tel. PerryDixon, Harry B. (Mary Lyman)Chambersburg Rl Perry Secl2

Farm Hand John Metz (1918)

Dixon, James H. (Minnie Hobbs) Ch

Leslie, May, Jesse. Dora, Anna,

Dorothy, Fannie, Mary; New Can-

ton Atlas Sec7W Manager R. J.

Beatty (1882)

Dixon, Samuel (Louella Sightle) Ch

Ross E.; Pittsfield Rl NewburgSec25 Ol20a (18.59) Glandon Farm-

ers Tel. Pittsfield

Dixon, Thomas Versailles R2 Perry

. Sec6 Ol40a (1869) Farmers Tel.

PerryDixon, William (Carrie Stewart) Ch

Mildred, Clyde; "The Maples

Farm" Chambersburg Rl Perry

Secll Ol20a (1869) Farmers Tel.

ChambersburgDoane, Alfred R. (Nancy A. McKin-

nev) Ch *Alpha, *Fern; Pleasant

Hi'll R2 Pleasant Hill Secl9 O209a

(1858) Farmers Tel. Pleasant Hill

Doane, Bert (Vida Lytle) Ch Imo-

gene, Alice Evaline Griggsville Rl

Sec2 T342a Ezra Doane (1884) Pike

Co. Tel. Baylis

Doane, Ezra (Alice Harper) Ch Ruth,

*Elden, *Bert, *Fannie, *Leigh;

New Salem New Salem Secl5-23-10

O540a (1853)

Doane, Ralph (Stella Deeder) ChCathryn, Helen; Baylis R3 Fair-

mount SeclO T397a V. Doane(1872) Doane Tel. Perry

Doane, Raymond C. (Margaret Rod-way) "The Pines Farm" Griggs-ville Rl Perry Secl9 Tl55a M. M.Lasbury (1889) Pike Co. Tel. Perry

Dober, Harry A. (Marcia Stebbins)Ch Marie, Ruth, Anna, Virginia,

Frank, Maize; Rockport R2 Atlas

Sec22E 0242a (1883) Glandon Tel.


Dober, Louis J. (Estie Fisher) ChNellie, Velma; Rockport R2 AtlasSecl4 O208a (1875) Farmers Tel.Summer Hill

Dober, Mrs. Mary (Mary Auer) ChJoseph, *Lewis, *Dora, *Harry,*Eda, *Francis; Rockport R2 AtlasSec26 Ol60a (1868) Glandon Tel.Rockport

Dodge, James (Dora LaDow) Pleas-ant Hill R2 Pleasant Hill SeclSTllfia Aggie Dodge (1S86) Pike Co.Tel. Pleasant Hill

Doil, Charles W. (Sarah Dalton) ChEmil, *James; Nebo R3 SpringCreek Sec9 Tl60a John Starks(1875) Pike Co. Tel. Nebo

Doil, James F. (Edna Hubbard)Nebo Rl Spring Creek Sec4 TSOaJ. H. Hubbard (1899)

Doil, Robert O. (Eloyse Onill) ChHazel, Junior; Nebo R3 SpringCreek Sec9 O40a (1888) FarmersTel. Nebo

Dolbear, Harry (Ella Miles) ChMarjorie, Fern, Herchel, Lucy,Rachel; New Canton Rl DerrySec30 T7a ^Nlrs. James Lewis (1886)

Dolbeare, Christopher C. (Isabella

Coultar) Ch Paul, Guy, *Mary,

*Hattie, *Anna, *Dora, *Charles,

*James, *Priscilla: "Pleasant

Home Farm" Hadley Rl DerrySeclO O360a (1852) Farmers Tel.

ElDaraDolbeare, Clarence S. (Maud L.

York) Ch Elmo, Leonard, Mary,York; New Canton R3 Pleasant-

vale Sec26 T4a J. C. Brown (1890)

Pike Co. Tel. New Canton

Dolbeare, Edward H. (Delia Yevion)Ch Hattie, Nora, Helen, *Flor-

ence, *Minnie, *Edna, *Pearl; Had-ley Rl Hadley Sec2C 04a (1854)

Dolbeare, James Hadley Rl DerrySecl5 0313a (1893) Farmers Tel.




Dolbeare, James C. (Maud L. Has-kins) Ch Elma, Frances; HadleyRl Derry Secl6 T40a Rozel Dol-Ijeare (1893) Farmers Tel ElDara

Dolbeare, John (Eva Kryor) ChWilliam, Clara, Lucy, *Euphamia,*Harry, ^Clarence. *Homer; NewCanton Rl Pleasantvale Sec25 O40a(1861)

Dolbeare, Rozel C. ElDara DerrySeclo O430a (183(5) Farmers Tel.

ElDaraDolbeare, Sherman (Forrest Rey-

nolds) George W. Dolbeare, father;

Hadley Rl Derry SeclO Tl20a*George W. Dolbeare (189S) ElDara, Hadley, Barry Tel. Barry

Dolbov/, Miss Ethel Helen Dolbow,sister; Griggsville R3 NewburgSec5 T2a Nellie Kneeland (1889)

Glandon Tel. Griggsville

Dolbow, Herbert G. (Stella Burg-man) Ch Harold, Paul, Freda,Vera; Griggsville R3 NewburgSeco T2nOa Mrs. W. E. Kneeland(1870) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Dolbow, Marvin W. (Grace Baker)Ch Herschel, Katherine; Pittsfield

R3 Detroit Sec20 Tl40a J. W.Smart (1881) Glandon Tel. Pitts-


Donohoo, George M. (Olive Willard)Ch *Roy,*Lester,*Dora,*Alma,*Ora,*Honier, *Ray, *Ruth; Pearl RlMontezuma Sec31 OSOa (1856) OldFarmers Tel. Pearl

Donohoo, Ray W. (Hazel Lytle) ChKeith; Pearl Rl Montezuma Sec33T4a Henry Hatcher (1802)

Doran, A. K. (Grace Kiser) Ch Bern-adine; Pittsfield Rl Newburg Sec250178a (1880) Glandon Tel. Pitts-

field Milton

Doran, George L. (.-Vlice Dobbs) ChGeneva, Essie, Cora, Forest, Har-old; Barry Hadley Secl9 07a(1872)

Doran, Howard M. T. (Mamie R.Ames) Ch Elbert, Owen, George,James, Gladys; Barry Hadley Secl90654a (1868)

Dorsey, Benjamin (Mary Miller)Griggsville R2 Perry O40a (1880)

Dorsey, Cecil T. (Lula Ingram)Chambersburg Rl Perry Sec21TlOOa I. F. Dorsey (1897) Glan-don Tel. Perry

Dorsey, Eugene L. (Mary Crawford)Ch Leslie, Prentiss, Harry, Ruth,Effie; Griggsville Rl FairmountSecl.5-14-22-28 O280a (187,1) PikeCo. Tel. Perry

Dorsey, Glenn H. (Helen Triplett)Oh Barbara; '-Maple Crest Farm"Perry Perry Secl9 TlOOa MiltonTriplett (1888) Glandon Tel. Perry

Dorsey, Hershel R. (Ida Hann) ChWilliam, Mervin, Eleanor; PerryPerry Sec22 O80a (1867) FarmersTel. Perry

Dorsey, Isaac F. (Marietta Byrns)Ch Cecil, Irene, *Russell, *Blanche,*Frank, * Florence; ChambersburgRl Perry Sec21 OlOOa (1860) Glan-don Tel. Perry

Dorsey, John W. (Ella Blake Bond)Ch Deane, *Lizzie *Mary, *AIinnie*Leta, *Fern, *Glen, *Otis, Gene-vieve; "Fairview Stock Farm" PerryPerry Sec21 Ol27a (1853) GlandonTel. Perry

Douglas, A. M. (Emma Dillon) ChThomas; Pittsfield Rl MontezumaSees O80a (1867) Pike Co. TelAlilton

Douglas, Malcolm L. (Pearl Young)Ch Mildred, Kenneth; Pittsfield R6Pittsfield Sec3 OSOa (1893) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Doyle, A. (Margaret Harget) ChLharles, James Doyle father, *May*Gracie, *Edward; Rockport RlPleasant Hill Sec6 T90a JamesDoyle (1SS4)

Doyle, Lee O. (Nervia Gouch) ChEda, Clarence, Arthur, Harold IvyLeo; Griggsville Rs Flint SecSlFarm Hand George F. Cadwell(1882)

Doyle Lue A. (Clair Couch) Ch^Floriene, Pauline, Muriel; ValleyFlmt Sec32 Farm Hand George ACadwell (1874)

Doyle, Rebecca (Daniels) Ch Roy,=^Charley, *Lou, *Lee, *Will*Myrtle, *Emma, *Clara; Nebo RlHardm Sec32 (1849)

Drake, Sinthy (Main) Ch LeslieRuth, Ida, Nellie, Edith, Addie*Elmer, *Luella, *Mary, *Anna'Pearl Rl Pearl Seco T40a J AStillnell (1872) Pike Co. Tel. Pearl

Draper, Elmer (Ruby Sowers) ChLeola, Ruth; Pearl R2 Pearl Sec20-Ol60a (1881) Farmers Tel Pearl



Draper, Joshua (Mary Long) Ch *E1-mer, *Elfie„ *Lena; Pearl R2 Pearl

Secl6 Ol93a (1855) Farmers TeLPearl

Draper, Wesley (Cassie Jennings) ChSidney, *Maud; Nebo R2 SpringCreek Sec29 Ol40a (1895) FarmersTel. Nebo

Dreon, George C. (Mina Hobbs) Ch*Roy; "Blue Creek Valley Farm"Pearl R2 Spring Creek Secl3-24

0272a (1863) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Dreon, Roy F. (Lora Jackson) ChWilma, Howard; Pearl R2 Spring

Creek Secll TlSSa G. C. Dreon(1892) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Drummond, Herman S. (Maud Bro-

kaw) Ch Susie Rosella; RockportRl Atlas Secl9 T240a Dr. J. H.Welsh (1896)

Drummond, Othel (Bernice Torry)

Ch Winifred, Wilburt, Roberta,

Charles: "ElDara Stock Fa/m"Barry Star Rte Derry Sec8 T220a

J. H. Jones (1888) Farmers Tel.

BarryDucey, Hugh, W. (Victoria McCau-ghey) Ch Francis; Pittsfield R6Pittsfield SeclR Ol5a (1894) Glan-

don Tel. Pittsfield

Ducey John P. (Kate McSorley) ChBessie, Mike, Edwin, Arthur,

George, Katy, Anna, *Hugh; Pitts-

field R4 Pittsfield Sec21 Ol60a(1864) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Duckworth, Joel L. (Ella Ward) ChEarl W.; "Spring Valley Fruit

Farm" New Canton Rl Pleasant-

vale Sec25 Ol50a (1885) FarmersTel. New Canton

Ducy, Mike J. (Mary Raftery) ChEva, Minnie, Lora; Pittsfield R6Pittsfield Secl3 OlOa (1865) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Dudnit, William (Eliza J. Kellum)Pittsfield Pittsfield Sec24 04a(1896) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Duff, Asa C. (Zada Weirauch) ChJohn; Pearl Rl Hardin Sec36 O40a(1878) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Duff, Ernest W. (Alice Pickup) ChWarren, Kathryn; "Sunny BrookFarm" Pittsfield R6 Pittsfield Secl3Tl3a Mrs. Ella Pickup (1889)

Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Duff, Hugh H. .(Sarah Wade) ChChester H.; Hull R2 Cincinnati

Sees Tl65a Trimble Estate (1847>

Duff, Ruth H.( Sweat) Ch Virgil, *\n-drew, *Asahel, *Henry,*Harry,*Vin-cent; Pearl R2 Spring Creek Secl2T80a Virgil A. Duff (1851) FarmersTel. Pearl

Duff, Vincent H. (Verna Durall) ChHomer, Pauline, Mary; Pearl R2Spring Creek Secll T40a James H.McCann (1890)

Duff, Virgil A. Pearl R2 Spring CreekSecl2 O80a (1887) Farmers Te'.Pearl

Duffield, Isaac J. (Hattie Shenn) ChPaul, Margaret, Harriet, Mildred;Pleasant Hill R2 Martinsburg Secl7Ol60a (1872) Farmers Tel. Sum-mer Hill

Duffield, James H. (Bertha Hanner)Ch Lee; Pittsfield R2 MartinsburgSeclO Tl20a John Duffield (1894)Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Dugan, Fritz K, (Myrtle Hume) ChRuth, Mervin, Marjorie; Chambers-burg Rl Perry Secll OSOa (1880)Farmers Tel. Chambersburg

Dulaney, Bert (Tina Hoover) Ch Mil-dred, Arlo, Maurice; Pearl RlMontezuma Secl4 T67a Ed. Hoover(1892) Pike. Co. Tel. Milton

Dunham, Abel Ch Lenora; New SalemNew Salem Secl5-16-0 O300a (1844)

Pike Co. Tel. New SalemDunham, Andrew E. (Pearl Gray)New Salem Rl New Salem Sec34092a New Salem Sec27 Tl04aMartha A. Gray (1893) Pike Co.Tel. Baylis

Dunham, A. Lucian (Eura Starkey)Ch Fern. Marie, Rossie, Wayne,Orville, *Eleson; ''Maple GroveHome Farm" Baylis Rl HadleySeel 2 01 60a (1884) Farmers Tel.

BaylisDunham, Bert E. (Ethel Beillock)

New Salem New Salem Sec22 068a(1877) 'Griggsville and Baylis

Dunham, Clay (Iva Bail) New SalemRl New Salem Sec25 TSOa Mrs. A.Griffith (1891) Pike Co. Tel. Glan-don

Dunham, David C. (Hester Laird) ChHulda, June, Joseph M.; Griggsville

Rl New Salem Sec24 O80a (1885)Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Dunham, D. Truman (Edna Wheeler)Ch Marjorie; New Salem Rl NewSalem Sec25-26 T240a Brakefield

Est. W. H. Dunham (1895) Tel.Pittsfield



Dunham, Earl (Eva Reinhardt) ChHarold A., Mrs. Mary Reinhardt;Baylis R2 New Salem Sccl4 TSOaMrs. Mary Reinhardt (18'J1) PikeCo. Tel. Baylis

Dunham, George N. (Lizzie Yakley)Ch Bessie, Clarence, Russell,

'Gladys, Fay, Hazel, *Edith, *Ida;"Hinman Farm" Griggsville RlNew Salem Seel T400a S. K.Strouther (1888) Pike Co. Tel.

GriggsvilleDunham, James A. (Alice Wheeler)Ch Carl N., Ralph S., George L.,

*FIoyd L-; New Salem Rl NewSalem Secl3 Tl95a Strauss Bros.


Dunham, Kelly (Mary Birchard) ChMargaret, Florence, Elizabeth; NewSalem Rl New Salem Sec26 T54aHarry Dunham (1887) Pike Co. Tel'Griggsville

Dunham, Lewis O. (Anna McClay)Ch Logan. Albert, *Ernest, *Orphia,*Nate, *Charles, *Everette, *Mabel;Griggsville Rl Griggsville Secl8T320a C. E. Dunham (1862) PikeCo. Tel. Griggsville

Dunham, Mrs. Mary A. (Mary A.Mantan) Ch Bertha, Alva, Harleyand wife, Mary and daughter Vada,*Elmer, *Etta Cash; Griggsville RlNew Salem Secl3 O40a (1854)

Dunham, Nathaniel K. (Ola Hesly)Ch N. K. Junior; New Salem RlNew Salem Sec23 T400a Dan Dun-ham (1887) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Dunham, Nathaniel S. (IGrace I. Cun-ningham) Ch Lee, Glenn, Cecil;

Griggsville Rl Griggsville Sec4Tl80a Mrs. M. W. Crane (1889)PikeCo. Tel. Griggsville

Dunham, R. Elmer (Rebecca Wheeler)Ch (Glenn, Virgil, Florence, *Everett,*Mary; Griggsville Rl New SalemSecl2-13 Ol05a (1870)

Dunham ,Roy W. (Myrtle Plummer)Baylis R2 New Salem Secl.'j 054a(1883) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Dunham, S. A. (Alvah Hill)Ch Rexel;"A. Hinman Farm" Baylis R2 NewSalem Sec8 TlOOa S. K Strother(1890) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Dunham, S. Kyle (Rachael Mink) ChHanna, Dean; New Salem Rl NewSalem Sec24 OlOOa New SalemSec24 T80a Mrs. Dora Dunham(1887) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Dunham, Wiley V. (Alice Sargent)Ch Preston, Estelle; Griggsville RlGriggsville Sec7 T400a WilliamDunham Est. (1896) Pike Co. Tel.Griggsville

Dunham, William Frederick Ch Earl,

Andrew, Richard; New Salem NewSalem SeclO OSOa (1858)

Dunham, W. O. (Ida Bounett) ChGertie, Nettie, Lloyd, Edna, Iva.

Sylvia, John, Gene, *Grace; DetroitNewburg Sec24 Farm Hand J. W.Smart (1871) Glandon Tel. Griggs-ville

Dunnwith, James W. (Eslie Flinn) ChNellie, Bertha, *Nelson, *Gordon*Lura, *Grace„ *Roy, *Byron;Griggsville R3 Newburg Seel Ol50a(1852) Glandon Tel. Griggsville

Dunston. Ernest (Carrie Butterfield)

Griggsville R3 Griggsville Seclfr

TlfiOa E. Alvin Butterfield (1886)

Glandon Tel. Griggsville

Dunston, Wright W.(Addie Loveless)

Ch Arthur, *Ivah, *Ernest; Pearl

Rl Montezuma Secl8 Ol20a (1882)

Farmers Tel. Milton

Durall, Lee (Nona Neese) Ch Leona,

Mildred, Lucile, Everett; Pearl R2Spring Creek Secl4 T2a Geo.

Smith (1885)

Durau, Ira A. (Susie Watson) Pitts-

field R4 Pittsfield Secll O80a

(1884) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Durbin, Albert (Jessie Barnett) ChPaul, Earl; Chambersburg Rl Perry

Sec3 O200a Perry SeclO Tl20a

John Durbin (1879) Farmers Tel.


Durbin, Thomas M. (Jennie Baldwin)

Ch Mildred, Rusling. Ward. *Glen-

na, *AHce, *"Helen, *Scott, *Hodges;

Pittsfield R5 Pittsfield Sec33 O60a


Durbin, William C. Ch Leslie, Louise,

Marie, Dwight; Chambersburg RlPerry Sec24 Ol9a Perry Secl3

TllOa G. S. Metz (1878) GlandonTel. Perry

Durham, Charles A. (Cora Peecher)

Ch Virgil, Vida; "Forest Hill

Farm" Rockport R2 Atlas SecllE087a (1869) Farmers Tel. Rock-port



Durr, Charles R. (Elizabeth Peebles)Ch Harold Raymond; Pittsfield R3Detroit Sec21 Farm Hand LewisDinsmore (1889)

Durr, Frank (Elizabeth Rutledge) ChMargaret, Isabel, Frank, Paul, Eliz-

abeth, *Robert; "Cedar LawnFarm" Pittsfield] R7 Hardin Secl9066a (1861)

Durr, Fred J. (Mabel Roberts) ChGertrude Lorena; Pittsfield R2Martinsburg Sec24 TSOa WarrenRansome (1886) Farmers Tel.


Durr, John J, (Sarah Reel) Ch Leon-ard, Floyd, Lindell, Leona, *Elma;Pittsfield R3 Detroit Sec22 O20a(1875) Farmers Tel. Milton

Durr, Riley E. (Grace Bauer) ChRussell; Pittsfield R7 Hardin Secl9O40a (1885) Farmers Tel. Gerard

Durr, Robert A. (Fern Norton) ChLeland, Marjorie, Virginia; NewSalem Rl New Salem Sec32 Tl31aWilliam Binns (1894) Pike Co. Tel.Pittsfield

Dustin, Mrs. Emma (Emma Stebbins)Ch William, Homer; "Hill Farm"Rockport R2 Atlas Sec24 0610a(1844) Glandon Tel. Rockport

Butcher, Stephen A. (Jane Gard) ChMary E., Howard D., Erman L;"Brad View Farm" New Canton R2Pleasantvale Secl7 T90a Mrs. SarahDutcher (1875) Pike Co. Tel. NewCanton

Dye, Ora E. (Alta Bell) Ch Kyle;New Salem Rl New Salem Sec29Tl20a Mrs. W. Gerard (1876)

Dyer, L J. (Phoebe Boyd) Ch Ira Jr.,

Oma Boyd step-daughter, *Simon,*Edward, *Effie; Pittsfield R7Hardin Secl9 Ol07^a (1862)

Dyer, Joe W. (Sadie Griffin) ChVivian; Griggsville R2 GriggsvilleSecl2 Farm Hand Del. R. Wade(1901) Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Eagle, Edward S. (Velma ^Goble) ChJohn, Velma; Pittsfield R3 New-burg Secl4 09a (1877) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Eagle, Jacob E. (Bertha Newsoni)Ch Claude, Thomas; Pittsfield R3Newburg SeclS Ol60a (1876) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Eales, George (Lula Hinch) ChAlene, Lome; New Canton RlPleasantvale Sec23 OSOa (1893)Farmers Tel. New Canion

Eales, James A. Ch Jesse .James,*Lizzie, *William, *George, *Bar-bara; Kinderhook Rl KinderhookSeel OSOa (1885)

Early, Charles C. Ch Norma. Pearl,*Harry, *Truman; Barry R2 BarrvSecll OSOa (1859) Tel. Barry

Earnst, George (Mary Oitker) ChMinnie, Theodore, Bertha, Everett.*Carrie, *Lena, *01ive; Barry R2Barry Seel 0()9a (1850)

Earnst, John H. (Nettie Potter) ChAddie, Dakota, Henry Hayworthgrandson, *William, *RaymondHull R2 Levee Secl6 Farm HandJoseph Stott (1918)

Easley, Arthur O. (Ava M. Wood)Ch Edina, Oren, Emmett, Hester,Adelyn; New Canton Rl Pleasant-vale Sec25 Ol60a (1877) FarmersTel. El Dara

Easley, Harry (Maud Fesler) ChNellie, Samuel, Lilburn, Charles,Marion, Harold, Mary, Elbert;New Canton Rl Pleasantvale SeclS095a (1878) Farmers Tel. NewCanton

Easley, James R. (Minnie Barbert)Ch Robert Jr; New Canton RlPleasantvale Sec24 T253a WilliamF. Easley (1S96) Farmers Tel.

El DaraEasley, William F. (Latha Davis)Barry R3 Barrv Sec 27 Tl80a W.VV. Watson (1880) Pike Co. Tel.


Easley, William F. (Esther Jacobs)Ch Susan, Mary, *Frederick, *Clair,

*James, *Arthur, *Harry. *William,*Samuel, *Edith; "Beacon Home-stead" New Canton Rl Pleasant-vale Sec24 0353a (1S55) FarmersTel. El Dara



East, John T. (Mabel .Hull) .Ch

Donald McCarrol; Hull Kinderhcok

Sec21 075a (1884)

Ebring, Joe J. (Elizabeth Hemming)Ch Ralph, Anna, Henry, Joe,

*Bert, *Herbert, *Emma. *Eva;Chambersburg R2 Chambeisburs:Sec22 OSOa (1918) Farmers Tel.

ChambersburgEckard, John Jacob Eckard, father.

Phoebe E. Eckard, mother; "BroadApron Farm" Hull R2 Cincinnati

Secl6 Tl60a Thomas Knapp (1898)

Eckelberger, Henry H. (Addie Fore-

man) Ch *Damon, *Wari-en, *Alice,

*Eugene; Hadlsy Rl Hadley SecHS

O40a (1865)Eckelberger, Warren W. (Cora Sikes)

Ch Louise, Vivian. Pauline; "Mt.Carmel Stock Farm" New SalemRl Hadley Sec36 Tla Jacob Trick


Eckman, Henry (Clara M. Scliaffer)

Hull R2 Levee Seel Ol25a (1888)

Eddingfield, Fred M. Ch Loren,Forrest, Otellia, Juanita, V/illiam,

Trula, *John, *Archie, ^Raymond;"Walnut Grove Farm" Hull RlKinderhook Sec22 0.55na (l8.-)8)

Farmers Tel. Hull

Eddingfield, Raymond R. (Mae Oit-ker) Hull R2 Kinderhook Sec29Tl47a Fred M. Eddingfield (189.5)

A. D. Lowe Tel. Hull

Edminston, R. Emmet (Maudi Cram-mer) Baylis R2 Hadley Secir;

OlOOa T20a Mrs. Ann Edmiston(1884) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Edmiston, Charles W. (Dai^y Fife)

Ch Wayne, Cecil, Wilford; BaylisR2 New Salem Secl.3-14 Ol20aHadley Sec24 Tl20a Henry Hoyt(1876) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Edmiston, Mrs. Mary (Murphy) ChLeonard, Selma; "Kole RaineFarm" Barry R4 Derry Sec6 OllOa(1879) Fitch Line Tel. Barry

Edward, William E. (Cora Bradlev)Ch Violet, Edith, Wilson, Clark,Rosalea, Margaret; Rockport RlRoss Secl8 Farm Hand GarnerBros. (1884) Glandon Tel. Rock-port

Edwards, Arthur T. (Faye Wood-ward) Ch Vivian; "Clover ValleyFarm" New Salem Rl New SalemSecl7 T229a W. Pfiel (1914) Pike

Co. Tel. Baylis

Edwards, Everett E. (Ida Dye) ChEdie, Charles, Thomas, Anna, Ben-nett, *Addie; Pearl Pearl Sec9 035a(1871)

Edwards^ Harry C. (Augusta Hol-derly) Ch Metta, Paul; Pittsfield

R6 Pittsfield Sec5 Ol7a (187.-5)

Edwards, Oscar F. (Nora Belcher)Ch Eugene. Jessica, Audrey, Laur-ence; Baylis R2 Hadley Secl3 T40aClarkson Estate (1916)

Eichman, Herman (Christina Nicloy)Ch Roy, Lawrence, Laura, Elmer,Harry, Daisy, *Helen; Baylis RlHadley Secl2 Tl60a Samuel Cram-mer (1905) 'Farmers Tel. Baylis

Eisenberg. Carl L. (Caroline Westen-felt) Ch Norman, Irene, Hazel,Ralph; Hull Rl Kinderhook Sec8Tl60a John Wheelock (1918) Bluff

Co. Tel. Hull

Elledge. David L. (Elizabeth Butler)

Ch Benjamin, *Helen, *Murray;Valley Flint Sec8 OlOa (1860) Pike

Co. Tel. Griggsville

Elledge, Murray (Grace Cawthon)

Ch Louise; Griggsville R2 Flint

Sec6 O40a Griggsville Sec24 TlOOaRoss Shinn (1895) Pike Co. Tel.


Elliott, Fannie Ch Goldie, Gay, Letta,

Violet; Pleasant Hill R2 Martins-

burg Sec33 Ol20a (1918) FarmersTel. Pleasant Hill

Elliott, James S. (Belle Davis) Pleas-

ant Hill R2 Martinsburg Sec32 T3a

L. L. Manker (1883)

Elliott, John (Delia Roberts) ChPearl, Nellie; Pearl R2 Pearl Sec33

O40a'(1905) Farmers Tel. BoothElliott Lester (Lilly Charlton) Ch

Clyde, Ethel, Lula; Pearl Star Rte

Montezuma Sec35 Tla Aaron Gour-ley (1895)

Elliott, Warren L. (Jessie Gill) ChHarold, Howard, Hilda, Lewis;

Hadley Rl Hadlev Sec22 Tl60a A.

Campbell (1872) Tel. BarryEllis, Arthur C. (Edna Harris) Ch

Frances, June; Pittsfield R3 De-troit Secl6 Tl80a T. B. Ellis (1884)

Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Ellis, Bert (Emma Ator) Ch Olaf,

Mary, Jessie, Louella, Frank, Glen,

Lucille, Rosella, Bert, Elmer, Doro-thy, Beulah; El Dara Derry Seclfi

T375a Strauss Bros. (1880) PikeCo. Tel. Pittsfield



Ellis, Charles I. (Lenonie Scar-borough)) Ch Grace, Claude, Ruth;Detroit Detroit Sec29 0285a (1878)Farmers Tel. Detroit

Ellis, David C. (Alta Shriver) ChMaude, Ethelene, Nellie; "Burr OakStock Farm'' New Salem Rl NewSalem Sec36 O309a (1872) Pike Co.Tel. Pittsfield

Ellis, Elmer C. (Lois Bennett) Ch Ed-gar Wayne; Griggsville R2 iGriggs-ville Secl2 T210a W. J. Wilson(1894) Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Ellis, George (Louvena Anthony) ChMark, Harvey, *Elmer; GriggsvilleR2 Flint Secl9 Ol77a (1865) PikeCo. Tel. (Griggsville

Ellis, George H. (Amanda McClin-tock) €h Edith, *Orville, *Ethel,*Orin; "Honiewood Place Farm"Pittsfield R5 Pittsfield Sec31 O260a(1850)) iGlandon Tel. Pittsfield

Ellis, John W. (Opal Rush) Ch Dean,Paul, Josephine, John Earle; De-troit Detroit Sec7 OlOOa GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Ellis, J. Alfred (Maude Yelliott) ChDorothy, Donna; Pittsfield Rl De-troit Sec29 Ol22a (1875) Pike Co.Tel. Pittsfield and Milton

Ellis, Peter J. (Lottie Davis) Ch Glen,Florence; Pittsfield R3 NewburgSecl4 095a (1869) Glandon Tel.Pittsfield

Ellis, Thomas H. (Mary A. Yelliott)Ch Hugh, Veda, Mary; Detroit De-troit Secl5 T215a T. B. Ellis (1874)Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Ellison, Dewey (Mary Kindle) ChErnest; Rockport Atlas SeclOWT80a Norman Nichols (1898)

Ellison, William (Catharine Clapp)Ch Lafayette, George, Dora, Lee,William, *Dewey, *Goldie; NewCanton R3 Pleasantvale Sec32TieOa Allie Lauderback (1879)

Ellsworth, Cloyd C. (Zelma Kund) ChLorin, Dorothy, Marjorie; Hull R2Kinderhook SecG Manager FredHolsteen (1890)

Ely, James B. (Josephine Maddux)Ch Nellie, Ida; Hadley Rl lladleySecl5 Tl60a F. Elder Estate (1903)Baylis and Hadley Tel. Baylis

Ely. Jesse E. (Addie Elzea) Ch MaryNeat. Ada, Ruth; Hull Rl Kinder-hood Sec6 T340a Alfred Edd Brook-house (1918) Farmers Tel. Hull

Emerson, James Ch Emma, William,*Charles; New Canton R2 Pleas-antvale Sec8 075a (1838)

Emery, Charles A. (Amanda Smith)Pittsfield Rl Detroit Sec31 Tl60aAlva Foreman (1872) Glandon Tel.Pittsfield

Emery, John W. (Jennie Redding) ChCorinne, Lucille, Bernadine; "HomeFarm" Pittsfield Rl Detroit SecSOT240a A. C. Williams (1870) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Engel, William Ch Albert, John, Ed-ward, Carl; Hull R2 Cincinnati Sec8Tl60a J. H. Harberts (1912)

Engelmann, William F. (Minnie M.Kaltschnee) Ch Mary, Woodrow,Berdenia, Alberta; Baylis R3 Fair-

mount Sec31 0300a (1892) ^FarmersTel. Baylis

England, William R.(Mary Conch)ChRuth, George, Virginia, Lucile,

John, Evonell; Pittsfield Rl HardinSeclS T85a Will Haskins (1899)Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Erke, John W. (May Lease) Ch Lorin,

Lucille; Hull Rl Kinderhook Sec3Tl20a Fred and Clarence Erke(1891) Bluff Co. Tel. Hull

Ervin, Albert W. <'Mary L Carrol)

Ch Robert H., *Alma. *Clarence,

*Roy, *Laura Leah, *Abner, *Mar-shal; Griggsville Rl New SalemSeclS Oyia (1852)

Ervin, Marshall (Katie M. Ervin) ChWinfred Cecil. Avery, Leon; NewSalem Rl New Salem Sec23 T92aS. W. Ervin (1879)

Ervin, Roy C. (Iva Quiney) ChViola, Murry; Baylis R2 NewSalem Secll 04a (1885)

Ervin, Segesmen W. (Martha C.

Fife) Ch *Katie May; "The LongView Farm" Griggsville Rl NewSalem Secl3 O50a (1845)

Evans, Charles (Angeline Tippitt) ChEffie, *John W.; Baylis R2 NewSalem Sec20 Ol20a .1903) Pike Co.Tel. Baylis

Evans, Frank A. (Ethel Stearns) ChWilna May; Barry R3 BarrySec25 TKi (1890) City Tel. Barry



£vans, John Wm. (Edna Bell) NewSalem Rl New Salem Sec2l Tl60aR. G. Razey (1913) Pike Co. Tel.

BaylisEvans, Thomas J. (Sarah McDade)Ch Joseph, John, x\lma, Earl, Lula;

New Canton R2 Pleasantvale Sec5TlOa A .T. Shuhart (1863) Farm-ers Tel. Barry-

Ewers, Albert (Emma Sitton) ChMaud, Anna, Russell, Itffie, *Grace,Laura, *William; Pleasant Hill RlPleasant Hill Secl3 OlOOa (1863)Farmers Tel. Nebo

Ewers, Alpha (Loeta Bray) FannyEwers, mother; Pleasant Hill RlPleasant Hill SeclO Ol60a (1894)

Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Ewers, Ernest (Grace Sidwell)Pleasant Hill Rl Pleasant Hill

Secl3 024i/2a (1893) Pike Co. Tel.Nebo .

Eyer, Fredie E.R2 Pearl SeclTers Tel. Pearl

Ewers, Floyd E. (J. Opal Sutton)Pleasant Hill Rl Pleasant Hill

Secll 096a (1901) Pike Co. Tel.

Pleasant Hill

Ewers, John (Hettie Ball) Ch*Ernest; Pleasant Hill Rl PleasantHill Secl3 O80a (1865) Pike Co.Tel. Nebo

Ewers, Stephen (Helen Ball) Ch*Floyd; Pleasant Hill Rl PleasantHill SeclO O80a (1867) Pike Co.Tel. Pleasant Hill

Ewers, William (Lula Goff) Ch Eva,Lyndell, Erma; Pleasant Hill RlPleasant Hill Secll TSOa WilliamGofif (1886) Farmers Tel. PleasantHill

Ewing, Mrs. Anna (McLaughlin) ChEldon, *Addie Fox, *Harold,

*Edith Hanna; Barry R4 BarrySec36 02a (1864) City Tel. Barry

(Cora Davis) Pearl023a (1S98) Farm-

Fantz, Charles T. (Rozena Schuhart)Ch Bernard, Truman, Leo, Louise,Enid; Hull Rl Kinderhook Secl40231a (1888) Bluff Co. Tel. Kinder-hook

Pantz, Ernest L. (Florence Has-kins) Ch Virginia; Hull Rl Kinder-hook Secl4 TllOa C. J. GoseFarmers Tel. Kinderhook

Eantz, Everet C. (Hannah Miller) ChAlfred; '"Hill View Farm" Hull RlKinderhook SeclO Ol20a (1881)Bluff Co. Tel. Hull

Fantz, William J. (Jennie Colvin)Ch George, Alice, Everett, *Ernest,*Charles; Kinderhook Rl Kinder-hook Sec23 Ol31a KinderhookSec23 Tie.^a Mrs. C. B. Gose (1873)Farmers Tel. Kinderhook

Farmer, Ralph (May Masters) ChOpal, Roberta, Gail, Charles;Barry R4 Hadlev Sec? TSOa C. A.Shelley (1885) Tel. Barry

Farrell, Mike (Frances Higdon) ChGeorge. Elizabeth, Harry; Griggs-ville R3 Flint Sec30 Farm HandWilliam Turnbull (1882) Pike Co.Tel. Griggsville

Farthing, Smith T. (Ida Johnson) ChOwen, *Dola; Nebo R3 SpringCreek Sec9 O40a (1864) FarmersTel. Nebo

Fast, Everett A. (Cora Elliott) ChMarion, Chester; Pleasant Hill R2Martinsburg Sec20 O40a (1892)Farmers Tel. Summer Hill

Fast, Willie K. (Derra Houchins) ChLela; Pittsfield R5 MartinsburgSeclS Farm Hand Jabie Fortune(1877)

Fee, John C. (Angeline Potter) ChEmma, Walter, Kline, Wilson,Loren, *Eva. *Zane, *Bessie; Bay-lis R3 Fairmount Secl7 OSOa(1885) Farmers Tel. Fishook

Fenton, A. M. (Eliza Crane) ChEthel, *Eva; "Locust MoundFarm"' Pittsfield Rl XewburgSec26-27 OlOOa (1859) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Fenton, Franklin M. (Flora Kelly)Ch Lillian, Margorie, Masine, Rex-ford; "Sunny Slope Stock andGrain Farm" Pittsfield R3 NewburgSec21-27 O240a (1877) GlandonTel. Pittsfield



Fenton, John M. (Addie Clark) Ch*Leota, *Mj'rtle. *Della, *RoscoeB., *Mabel. *Claud, *Albert; El-Dara G. D. Derry Secl6 TlOa J. H.Trautwein (1S89) Farmers Tel. ElDara

Fenton, Roscoe B. (Hester Hoskins)'Clear Springy Farm" New CantonRl Derry Sec30 Tl60a John M.Fenton (1887) Farmers Tel. El Dara

Ferguson, Luther (Fern Threasher)Ch Robert; Griggsville R3 Griggs-ville Sec27 Farm Hand C. G. Winn(1919)

Fesler, Dock (Nellie Godfrey) ChRichard. Wilmer, Eloise, Charles;"Spring Vale Farm" New Canton

. Rl Pleasantvale Secl3 O60a (1883)Farmers Tel. New Canton

Fesler, Harry (Anna Harshman) ChEldon, Ellis; El^Dara Rl DerrySecl9 Tl60a J. R. Fesler (1892)Farmers Tel. El Dara

Fesler, Mrs. Mary J. Ch Charles L..Theodore, *Jennie, *Lennie, *Dock,Maud, *Carrie; New Canton RlPleasantvale Secl3 OlOOa (1854)Farmers Tel. New Canton

Fesler, Mert (Nora McCallister)Rockport Rl Atlas SecinE 07.5aAtlas Secl9E T320a R. M. Adkin-son (1870) Glandon Tel. Rockport

Field, Albert B. (Columbia Young)Ch Florine, *Alva, *Glen; PittsfieldRS Newburg Sec22 04Sa (1S5G)Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Field, Glenn H. (Hattie Sneeden)Pittsfield Rl Detroit Sec32 Tl20aLewis H. Sneeden (1882) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Fielder, Albert A. (Lulu Pearson) ChVon, Mabel, Florine; Pleasant HillStar Route 1 Pleasant Hill Sec3fiT]52a H. D. Fortune (1881)

Fielder, Robert E. (Ima Zumwalt) ChRonald Elmer; Pittsfield R2 Mar-tinsburg Secl2 Farm Hand GeorgeCapps (1893)

Fields, William H. (Jane Watson) Ch*Ivis, *Anda; Pittsfield R2 HardinSeclS Ol64a (1879) Farmers Tel.Pittsfield

Fife, George W. (Minnie Masterson)Ch Forest, Leah; Griggsville RlNew Salem Secl2 OSOa (1876)Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Finegan, Richard O. "Shack RanchFarm" New Canton R3 Pleasant-vale Sec34 Oieoa (1911) Pike Co.Tel. New Canton

Fisher, Charles M. (Mary Allred) Ch*Jesse. *Effie, *George; New Can-ton Rl Pleasantvale Sec22 OSOa(1858) Farmers Tel. New Canton

Fisher, George R. (Laura J. Fowler)Ch Leslie W., *Lester L.; "YellowDent Seed Farm" New Canton R3Pleasantvale Secl6 Ol94a (1855)Pike Co. Tel. New Canton

Fisher, Harlan D. (Edna Crawford)Ch Jeral, lima, Josephine; "Mul-berry View Farm" Pearl Star RoutePearl Sec27 TsSa Truman Fisher(1888) Farmers Tel. Kampsville

Fisher, Lester L. (Thelma Thomas)Ch Laura J.; New Canton R3Pleasantvale Sec29 TSOa George R.

Fisher (1895) Pike Co. Tel. NewCanton

Fisher, Truman B. (Joseph Roberts)Ch *Zula, *Alpha, *Harlan; Bee-creek Pearl Sec33 O20Da (1901)

Pike Co. Tel. PearlFiske, George W. (Nora Watkins)Ch Frank. Ruby, Ralph, Zelma,Ruth, Nelson; Baylis R3 Fair-

mount Secfi Ol34a (1874) Pike Co.Tel. Fishook and Baylis

Fitch, Charles E. (Loretta Reeves)Ch Mildred, Esther; Barry R3Hadiley Sec29 T70a TheodoreDoran (1897) Fitch Tel. Barry

Fitch, Owen L. (Tosie Doran) ChHarold, Ella. Walter, Floyd,Ralph, Bertha, *Nina, *Charles;"Devondale Stock Farm" Barry R3Hadley Sec30 T240a TheodoreDoran Fitch Tel. Barry

Fitzpatrick, James (Belle Cobb) ChAlma Ethel. Mabel. Eldre; Rock-port Rl Ross Sec6 Tl5a William H.Yocune (1916) Linden Tel. Rock-port

Fletcher, Robert W. (Maud Triplett)

"Valley View Farm" KinderhookBarry Sec20 Ol60a (1869) FarmersTel. Kinderhook

Flick, John (Emma Kistner) ChBertha, Layo, Everett; "CrownPoint Farm" Barry R2 HadleySects O240a (1910) Tel. Barry

Flick, Lawrence A. (Edma Rossell)Barry Barrv Sec25 O300a (1892)

Pike Co. Tel. BarryFlint, Charles H. C\lice Garner) Ch

Glena, Miller, Dale. Aldeen, Louise,Preston, Gertrude. *Edith; Rock-port R2 .Atlas Sec9 T20a AddieTaylor (1S75)



Polsom, Paul (Mary Bentley) Siloam

Rl Fairmount Sec7 OSOa (1912)

Pord, Clyde B. (Winnie Johnson) ChWyborn; Nebo R3 Spring Creek

Sec32 O80a (1906) Farmers Tel.

NeboFord, George (Anna Fruit) Ch New-

ell, Truman; Barry R4 Hadley See?

Tl65a Jasper Ford (1872) Tel.


Ford, James M. (Sarah Baxter) ChLowien, June, Normal, Clyda,

Lewis, Harley, Grace, Jessie,

Golda; Nebo R3 Spring Creek

Sec31 Ol30a (1917) Farmers Tel.

NeboFord, Lewis A. (Leona Kinkads) Ch

Avery; Nebo R3 Spring Creek

Sec32 O40a (1906) Farmers Tel.

NeboForemari, Arthur (Sara Davis) Ch

Davis, Harriett: ''Foreman HogFarm" Pittsfield NewburgSec20-21-34 0412a (1882) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Foreman, David (Josie Allison))

Pearl R2 Spring Creek Sec24 TSOa

J. H. Allison (1886)

Foreman, Eleanor D. (Camer) ChPerrv Sutton, Vina, *Mary, *David:Pearl R2 Pearl Sec33 O40a (1844)

Farmers Tel. PearlForeman, James W. (Martha Knight)

Pittsfield R2 Martinsburg Secl3OSOa (1844)

Foreman, Janie (Howard) Ch Clar-

ence, Grace; Pittsfield R7 HardinSecl9 02a (1918) Farmers Tel.


Foreman, Jesse E. (Eva Flegle) ChStanley, '*Harry, *May; Pittsfield

R2 Hardin Secl8 O40a (1852)Farmers Tel. Girards

Foreman, Ray (Dora Cox) Ch Le-nora, Hugh; Pearl Rl MontezumaSeclO T20a Emma Ward (1891)

Foreman, William T. (Mary Lester)Ch *Grace; Pittsfield Rl Monte-zuma Sec5 T.50a Mrs. Emma Lester(1869) Pike Co. Tel. :\rilton

Foreman, Winfield S. (Sarah Colvin)Ch Opal, *Gertrude, *Blye,*Floyd;Pearl Rl Pearl Sec.5 OSOa (1852)Farmers Tel. Pearl

Forgey, Edgar (Nellie Hopper) ChLewisdean, Orville. Homer, Ray-mond, Norman, jMilo, Von; Rock-port Rl Atlas Sec35E T260a C. E.

Gay (18S1) Glandon Tel. Rockport

Forgy Harvey R. (Ina Daniels)

Rockport Rl Atlas Sec34E T2a

Emma Dustin (1903)

Fortune, Jabie R. (Olive Barton)

Pittsfield R5 Martinsburg Secl8

Ol20a (1867) Farmers Tel. Sum-mer Hill

Foster, Arthur (Opal Burbridge) Ch

Glenn; Pittsfield R7 Hardin Sec29

Tl60a Tom Burbridge (1887) Pike

Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Foster, Charles K. (Mary Colvin) ChNellie- "Walnut Grove Farm"Hull Rl Kinderhook SeclO Tl25a

(1864) Bluff Co. Tel. Kinderhook

Foster, Frank (Hazel Eager) Ch

Goldie, Irma, Glenn. Kenneth;

Barry R2 Hadley Secl8 Tl29.8a

Mrs. Esther W. Davis (1887) Tel.


Foster, James W. (Nettie Gallaher)

Ch Laveta. Helen, Keith, Daniel;

Rockport R2 Atlas SecSW Tl60a

Norman Nichols (1918)

Foster, Robert J. (Minnie C. Alt-

miller) Ch Robert L., Charles E.;

Pittsfield R4 Pittsfield Sec20 OSOa

(1858) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Foster, William E. (Nina Whitlock)

"Spring Lake Island" Rockport Rl

Ross Sees TlOOa R. J- Beatty


Fournear, Mrs. Martha (McCleery)

Ch John, Tames, Mary, Jane, *Jake;

Baylis Rl Hadley Secl2 O40a

(1875) Farmers Tel. Baylis

Fowler, Charles (Opal Rumple) Ch

Helen, Renzo; Griggsville Rl

Griggsville Sec7 05a (1880) Pike

Co. Tel. Griggsville

Fowler, Charles L. (Ava Black) ChDena; "Cedar Clift Farm" Rock-

port R2 Atlas SeclE Farm Man-ager J. E. Black (1879)

Fowler, Harry (Gertie Higgison) Ch

Vada, George, Harry, Beulah,

Reba, Florence; Griggsville RlGriggsville SeclO TlOOa Frank

Newman (1887) Pike Co. Tel.


Fox, Edward C. (Myrtle Lewis) ChLester, Lewis; New Canton RlPleasantvale Sec25 O40a (1883)

Fox, Walter W. (Sarah McFarland)

Ch Walter Jr.. Howard; "Valley

View Farm" New Canton R3Pleasantvale Sec27 O70a (1880)

Pike Co. Tel. New Canton


Francis, John (Information Refused)Frank, Charles F. New Canton RlDerry Sec20 OSOa (1S67) FarmersTel. El Dara

Frank, Guy (Lora May Dobey)Chambersburg Rl ChambersburgSec6 OlO^a Sec8-6 T55a JamesBarry (1914) Farmers Tel. Cham-bersburg and Versailles

Frank, Lewis W. (Ethel Russell) ChEldon, *Earl, *Hazel; El Dara RlDerry Secl7 O60a (1861) El DaraTel. El Dara

Frank, Reuben (Mary Linza) BenWalker, Cora, Bernice, grand-children; Pleasant Hill Pleasant

Hill Sec21 05a (1889) FarmersTel. Pleasant Hill

Franklin, Esther (Huges) ChThomas, Julia. Louise, Emma,Anna, Ellen, *Charles, *Alford,Benjamin; Nebo Spring CreekSec2.3 0411a (1876) Farmers Tel.

NeboFranklin, Fred (Ruth French) ChWalter, Owen, Laura; Pearl RlMontezuma SecSO O40a (1S74)

Farmers Tel. PearlFranklin, George (Fanny Six) Ch

Alta, Raymond, Beulah, *Paul;Versailles R2 Perry Sec5 Ol20a(1887)

Franklin, Gus (Lula Knox) Ch An-drew, Mary, Imogene,*May; "CedarHill Farm" Pearl Star Route Mon-tezuma Sec26 T31.5a Mary Knox(1870) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Franklin, Hattie J .Ch Rav, Claud,Nellie, *Sylvester; Pleasant Hill RlPleasant Hill Sec23 094a (1870)Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Franklin, Henry (Bema Bunn) ChOwen, Lynn; Pearl R2 SpringCreek Sec24 T400a Mrs. RobertFranklin (1877) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Franklin, Marshall N. (LucindaMoore) Ch Forest, Tracy, Nellie.

*Cora; Nebo R3 Pleasant Hill

Sec29 Ol60a (1S68)Franklin, Mike W. (Mattie Sowers)Ch Gilbert W.; Pearl Rl Pearl Sec4063a (1872) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Franklin, Paul L. (Gertrude Whitten)Griggsville R2 Perry T30a EldonTaylor (1897) Glandon Tel. Perry

Franklin, S. G. (Minnie McConnell)Ch Genevieve, Edd; Pleasant HillRl Pleasant Hill Sec22 T57a Frank-lin Est. (1891)

Franklin, Taylor B. (Priscilla A.Stathem) Ch *Gus, *Mike, *Fred-erick, *Cora; Pearl Rl MontezumaSec34 O40a (1847) Farmers Tel.

PearlFranklin, W. O. (Tabitha Smith) Ch

Hallie, Everett, *Nora, *Glennie,*Gertrude; Pleasant Hill PleasantHill Sec23 O40a (1863) Pike Co.Tel. Pleasant Hill

Frazier, Frank L. (Belindia Miller)'Mildred Frazier, daughter-in-law.Richard, Robert Frazier, grand-children; "Maple Lawn Farm"'Pittsfield R5 Pittsfield Sec27 OllOa(1865) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Frazier, R. William (Ella Maddox)Ch Mildred, Ray; Pittsfield R2Martinsburg Seel O204a (1892)Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Freeman, Chester (Edith Orvill) ChErma, Troy, Doeta, Madeline;Pleasant Hill Rl Pleasant Hill

Sec22 048a (1882) Pike Co. Tel.

Pleasant Hill

Freeman, Stephen (Nora Franklin)Ch Ruby, Claud; Pleasant Hill RlPleasant Hill Sec28 T31a W. S.

Freeman (1880) Pike Co. Tel.

Pleasant Hill

Freeman, W. S. (Harriet Barton) ChAlice, *Flora, *Myrtle, ^Frances,*Stephen, *Chester; Pleasant Hill

Rl Pleasant Hill Sec22 OlOOa(185,5) Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

French, G. M. (Frances Thaxton)Ch Cordia. *Linie. *Ada, *Alice,*Vergil, *Gilford; Montezuma Mon-tezuma Secl2 079a (1866)

French, Herbert (Ella Sweat) ChEthel: Pearl Rl Montezuma Sec31OSOa (1871) Farmers Tel. Pearl

French, Mabra E. (Nellie Morton)Ch *Orva. *EaTl, *Clara White;Milton Montezuma Sec4 T26a JohnHolden (1857) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

French, Orra J. (Jessie Jenkins) ChRussell, Murrel, Edith, Harry;Pearl Rl Pearl Sec5 O80a (1868)

Farmers Tel. Pearl

French, WilHam A. (Alice Walk) ChLeta, Vera, Hazel, Doris, Floyd.*Opal, *Mamie; Milton Detroit

Sec34 T84a James E. French Est.

(1861) Glandon Tel. Milton

Frick, William (Cora Moore) ChGrace, Everett. Celia; Pittsfield RSNew Salem Sec35 Ol25a (18.64)



Fritz, George (Ada Bear) Ch Gerald,

Lucille. Chelsey, Earl, *Ralph.

*PauHne, *De\vey; "Riverside

Farm" Rockport Rl Atlas T5S0a

Willis Balance (1918) Glandon Tel.


Fronerfbarger, Clarence W. {Mar-

garet Pfeiffer) Ch Marseille; El

Dara Derry Sec32 093a (1907) Pike

Co. Tel. El Dara

Fruit, J. Louis (Pearl Rowell) ChNionel P.. L. Dale; Beverly R2Hadley Sec4 O90a (1907) Pleasant

Hill Tel. Baylis

Fudge, Charles E. (Ethel Hoos) ChLucille, Gerald; Pittsfield R6 New-burg Sec7 Tl60a George Hoos(1884) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Fudge, Clarence A. (Grace Willscy)

Ch Nellie, Marie; "Fruit Dale"

Farm'' Pittsfield R4 Pittsfield Sec9• Ol20a (1878) Glandon Tel. Pitts-


Fudge.Sarah J. (Sarah J. Pence) ChWilliam, *Clarence, *Charles;

Pittsfield R6 Newburg Sec6 Ol45a(1857) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Fuerstenau, Edward (Rachel Horton)Ch Laveta; Rockport Rl Atlas

Sec3lE Tl6;!a Thomas Worthing-ton Glandon Tel. Rockport

Fulmer. Charles L. (Anna Scott) ChFaye, Charley, Freda, Ernest,

*Maud, *Myrtle. *PauHne; Monte-zuma Montezuma Secll OlOOa(1866) Farmers Tel. Milton

Fulmer, George W. (Frances Hen-son) Ch Mary, Edith, Margaret;

Bedford Montezuma Secl4 T40aWilliam Fulmer (1890) Pike Co.

Tel. Milton

Fulmer, William T. (Ella Daniels)

Ch Harvey, Virginia, *George,

*Ethel; Bedford Montezuma Sec23

OSOa (1864) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Fulton, William L. (Manda Hamps-mere) Ch Lettic. Hilda; Hull RlKinderhook Sec4 Ol20a Kinder-

hook Sec4 T2.5a William Blauser

(1894) Farmers Tel. Plainville

Funk, (Judge) Everett (Nina Raf-

fety) Ch Edwin, Louise; Barry R4Hadley Sec31 T80a O. Willildram-

son (1887) Fitch Tel. Barry

Funk, James A. and Sister LeroyEston; Baylis R2 Hadley Secll

Tl60a Mrs. Sarah Funk (1872)

Glandon Tel. Baylis

Funk, John (Allie Starks) Barry R4Hadley Sec9 O40a Hadley SeclO

T40a Huntly Estate (1865)

Funk, J. Ralph and Sisters FrancesM. and Ora L.; Barry R2 Secl4

O80a (1916) Tel. Barry

Furgeson, A. F. Lona L Bowman,niece and son Burdette; Pleasant

Hill Pleasant Hill Sec21 Ol67a(1844) Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Furniss, William Elmer (BerthaKinne) Ch Harold, Dorothy, Free-

man, Loraine, Gerald, Helen, Dylle.

*Earl, *Helen, *Maud, *Jessie;

Barry R4 Hadley Sec6 Ol60a (1871)

Riggs Tel. Beverly

Fusselman, Charles A. (Lura Bell)

Ch Fern. Lena, Gretta, Minnie,Nelladine, Kenneth; "Hill ViewFarm" Hull Rl Kinderhook Sec3Ola (1872)

Gage,' Robt. O. (Pearl Foster) ChIna Masters; Hull R2 KinderhookSec29 O40a (1863)

Gaines, Sylvester S. (Frances Grub)Ch *Irma; "Sunny Slope Farm"Kinderhook Rl Barry Secl8-19O430a (1860) Farmers Tel. Kinder-hook

Gallaher, Mathew (Cora Kabrick) ChByron, Clayton, Elizabeth; BarryR2 Barry Secll Olloa (1907) Tel.


Gallaher, Otis (Drusie Brown) ChSusie, Mildred: Barry Rl BarrySec23 (1890)

Galliher, Daniel M. (Martha Sims)Ch *Nettie; Rockport Rl Atlas

Sec9 Tl20a Edd Fuller (1908)

Galloway, Clifford E. (MargaretLong) Ch Lqyd<, Maude, Leslie,

Lyndle, Mary, Marjorie, Lawrence:Pittsfield R2 Martinsburg Sec26Tl20a T. L. Manier (1881)



Galloway, Clyde R. (Pearl Troutner)Ch Roy, Ross, Ralph, Wilbur;Pleasant Hill Rl Martinsburg Sec34O40a (1885) Farmers Tel. PleasantHill

Galloway, Elza (Ethel Gray) ChLowell; Nebo R2 Spring CreekSec 16 O40a (1888)

Galloway, George A. (Lou E.

Guthrie) Ch Dan D.; Pleasant Hill

Rl Pleasant Hill Sec3 Ol35a (1864)

Farmers Tel. Pleasant Hill

Galloway, Harrison D, (Ethel Scott)

Ch Louretta, Vera; Pittsfield R7Hardin Secl3 T200a (1892) Farm-ers Tel. Milton

Galloway, Joseph F. (Amanda Capps)"Sunset Farm" Pleasant Hill RlPleasant Hill SeclO Ol20a (1871)Farmers Tel. Pleasant Hill

Galloway, Lacy (Blanche Chumley)Ch Maxine; Pleasant Hill R2Pleasant Hill Sec4 T40a S. H. Gal-loway (1899) Farmers Tel. Pleas-ant Hill

Galloway, Louis (Edith Windmiller)Ch Evelyn; Pleasant Hill Rl Pleas-ant Hill Secl4 T80a Minnie Wind-miller (1887) Farmers Tel. Pleas-ant Hill

Galloway, Mayo L. (Tessie Hoover)Ch Harold. Richard; Pleasant HillPleasant Hill Secl6 O300a (1883)Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Galloway, Milo E. (Daisy Ladou) ChTruman, Mary; Pleasant Hill RlPleasant Hill Secl6 Ol80a (1878)Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Galloway, S. H. (Anna Griss) ChHarry, Loyd, Eva, Russell. Wilma,Olga, *Lacy; Pleasant Hill R2Pleasant Hill Sec9 O30.5a (1876)Farmers Tel. Pleasant Hill

Galloway, Verdie (Floy Francis) ChRee, Hazel. Kaye; Pleasant Hill RlPleasant Hill Seel 0S5a (1883)Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Gant, Frank (Lula Davis) Ch Ralph,Lawrence, Letha. Lonnie; PleasantHill Rl Pleasant Hill Sec33 T84i^aA. Wall (1882) Pike Co. Tel.Pleasant Hill

Gant, J. N. (Sarah Lewis) Ch*Frank, *Alma, *Cinda; Nebo R3Pleasant Hill Sec2(5 02.5a (1859)Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Gant, WUliam C. (Lyda Joy) ChNellie, *Hattie, *Lou; Nebo R3Spring Creek Sec22 048a (1863)

Garber, Samuel E. (Elsie Dailey) ChGladys, Mildred, Homer, Arthur;New Canton Rl Pleasantvale Sec26T2a Mary Tombs (1909)

Gard, Alvin F. (Jeanette Hart) ChJeanette, *Abed H., *Harriet,*Lena; "Hedge Row Farm" NewCanton R2 Pleasantvale Sec8 O60a(1859)

Gardl, Cyrus P. (Anna P. Shipman)Ch Everett, Eva, Charles, Mar-jorie, *Ralph H., *Gladys; "CloverDale Farm" Barry R3 PleasantvaleSeclO O210a (1870) Pike Co. Tel.

New CantonGard, Eugene (Mary Kendrick) Ch

Rex, Edward. Elta Jane; Kinder-hook Rl Barry Sec31 Tl98a O.Gard Est. (1918) Blufif Tel. Kinder.-hook

Gard, Henry (Olive Seybold) "Fer-tile Valley Stock Farm" Barry R3Pleasantvale SeclO Ol50a (1858)Pike Co. Tel. New Canton

Gard, Robert (Lena Hart) Ch*George; "Mountain Springs Farm"New Canton R2 Pleasantvale Sec8Ol40a (1866)

Gard, William H. (Clair Decker) ChAlary, Gretta; "Sunny HomesteadFarm" Barry R3 Pleasantvale SeclOOl39a (1877) Pike Co. Tel. NewCanton

Garner, Clarence (Daisy S. Chandler)Ch Roberta L.; Hull CincinnatiSec4 T240a William Heidbreder(1918)

Garner, George W. (MalindaMitchell) Ch *George. *Lyda.*Golclia; Pearl R2 Pearl Sec8 O80a(1S58)

Garner, Harry E. (Lou Weaver) ChEverett, Mayo, Edna; Pearl R2Spring Creek Sec36 T240a Siegleand Strauss (1883)

Garner, Herman and Bro. W J. (Etliel

White, wife of H.) CIi Winifred,Marjoric, Wendell, Florine, Char-lene; New Canton Rl Derrv Sec33OllS,-,a (1877) Pike Co. Tel. ElDara

Garragus, William M. (Delia Tuley)Valley Flint Sec32 Farm Hand RavThackwray (1900) Pike Co. Tel.




Garrett, Merle L. (Inez Butler) ChEstel, Edgar; Perry Perry SecloFarm Hand M. C. Browning- (189;;)

Glandon Tel. Ferry

Garrison, John W (Mary Hillis) ChRoy, Raymond. Mildred. Leta.

*Logan, *Ada, *Addie, *Edith,*Georgia; Pearl R2 Spring CreekSec24 OlOa (1910)

Gay, Elmer D. (Helen Pyle) Ch Her-schel, Elmer; Rockport R2 Atlas

Sees 0245a (1871) Glandon Tel.


Gay, Henry H. (Blossom Smith) ChVirginia, Mildred, Hobart, Ruth;Rockport R?- Ol60a Atlas SeclWTl40a J. C. Gay (]88«) GlandonTel. Rockport

Gay, Herman (Edith Martin) ChCharles; Rockport Rl Atlas Sec35TlOOa Charles E. Gay Glandon Tel.


Gay, Irving W. (Nellie Ward) ChJames, Ward, Dorothy, Georgia,

Jewel; Rockport Rl Atlas SecMGTl60a J. C. Gay (1887) GlandonTel. Rockport

Gay, Lawrence O. (Phila Welch) ChJoseph; Rockport R2 Ol60a Atlas

Seel T260a J. C. Gay Glandon Tel.

RockportGay, Marion (Mary Hubbs) Ch Lulu;"Mt. Prairie Mound Farm"' Pitts-

field R5 Martinsburg Sec7 0352K'a(1847) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Gay, Thomas A. (Melissa McKin-ney) Ch *Merty C; Baylis R3 NewSalem Sec5 O40a (18.59) Pike Co.

Tel. Baylis

Gay, William H. (Hattie Hubbard)Ch Ernest, Lettie, *Grace, *John;"Goldworthy Farm" Rockport R2Atlas Sec8 0642a (1841) GlandonTel. Rockport

Geisendorfer T. and F. "Prairie NookFarm" Pittsfield R7 NcwburgSec34-33 Ol60a (187.5-1 8(15) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

George, Alva Kinderhook Rl BarrySecl7 T40a D. George Est. (1884)Farmers Tel.

George, Grant (Etta Proffitt) ChVirgle, Raymond; Kinderhook RlKinderhook Sec25 Tll5a EdgarJohnson (1912) Farmers Tel.Kinderhook

George, Harry R. (Dorothy Haniin)Qriggsville R2 Griggsville Sccl4Tl57a E. A. Staats (1883) Pike Co.

Tel. Griggsville

George, John S (Martha Wade) ChJohn; "Blue Spring Farm'' Griggs-ville R3 Newburg Sec2 OlGOa New-burg Sec2 T250a Lillie C. Seeds

(1883) Glandon Tel. Griggsville

Gerard, Archie (Edith McCarter) ChGrace, _Glen; Hadley Rl Derry SeelTlOSa Rov McCarter (1877) Pike

Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Gerard, Clay (Pearl Colvin) Ch Hel-

en, Hayes, Irvin, Lyndle, Donald,Kenneth, Walter, Maxine; "Petty

Farm" Pittsfield R2 MartinsburgSecl2 T200a Strauss Bros. (1879)

Farmers Tel. Pittsfield

Gerard, Cynthia J. Ch *Fanny, *Fred,*Russell, *Mabel, *Roscoe;Chambersburg Rl ChambersburgSec6 OlOOa (1851) Farmers Tel.

ChambersburgGerard, Isaac (Jane James) Ch *Clay.

*Lafe, *Clemme, *Hattie, *Tvy;

Pittsfield R2 Hardin Seel 8 OSOa(1855) Farmers Tel. Pittsfield

Gerard, L. W. (Eugenia Hadon) ChGerald. Harold; New Canton RlDerrv Sec33 Tl6Sa Strauss Bros.

(1881) Pike Co. Tel. Rockport

Gerard, Roscoe C. (Elsie Morris) ChVila, jane. Morris; ChambersburgRl Perry Sec T200a Mary E.

Whittaker (1891) Farmers Tel.

PerrvGheen, Glenn H. Nebo Rl Hardin

Sec33 TlGOa John Gheen (1894)

Farmers Tel. TimeGheen, R. L. ( Martha Jones) ChErnest L.: Nebo R3 Pleasant Hill

Sec24 T]07a W. E. Jones (1893)Pike Co. Tel. Nebo

Gibbons, Joseph P. (MargaretEwing) Ch *Mack, *Mattie; "CedarCorner Farm" Baylis R2 NewSalem SeclO TSOa Doane & Lytle(1866) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Gibson, John W. (Maggie Mixer) ChEverett, Pearl, Neil, Naomi,Lloyd, Margaret; Hadley HadleySec22 Ola (1875) Pike Co. Tel.Hadley

Giger, Floyd W. (Mabel Coughlin)Ch Virginia; Pittsfield R7 NewburgSec35 O80a (1919) Glandon Tel.Pittsfield



Gillings, Harry (Eva Davis) Ch Lil-

lian; New Canton Rl Atlas Sec6ETl20a Anna Gillings (1889)

Gillum, Floyd (Bessie Smith) ChJesse, Harold, Loren, Viola, Ver-

non; Hull .R2 Cincinnati Sec4

Tl56a Ida Dean (1885)

Glasenapp, Otto (MelHe Skell) Ch

Harmon, William, Woodrow, Anna,

Bernard; New Canton R2 Cincin-

nati Secl4 T240a William Solisbury


Glazebrook, Frank (Olive Hoover)Ch Ella, Frank, Joseph, Virden,

*Elfie, *Homer, *LaFayette, *Mar-ion; Montezuma Montezuma Secl3

O40a (1884) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Gleckler, Charles O. (Mary A. Rein-

hardt) Ch William, Stella, *Jesse;

"The Sunny Slope Farm" NewSalem Rl New Salem Sec27 Ol35a


Gleckler, Harry P. (Anna Richards)

Ch H. Ray; Barry R3 Hadley

Sec28 O202a (1884) Hadley and El

Dara Tel. Barry

Gleckler, Jesse A. (Opal E. Allen) ChCharles Asa; Pittsfield R6 NewSalem Sec35 T200a Mary A.

Griffeth (1892)

Gleckler, John A. (Fannie Carneo)

Ch Frank, Ida, Leah, *Edith,

*Leola; "Oak Ridge" Baylis R3Fairmount Sec8 OlOOa (1867) Pike

Co. Tel. Fishook and Baylis

Gleckley, J. Ralph (Jessie Mink) ChKenneth, Lyndall, Olive; HadleyRl Hadley Sec36 Ol60a W. A.

Gleckler (1879) Glandon Tel.


Glenn, Edward W. (Eliza Husband)Ch Gladys, Emma; Griggsville R3Flint Scc29 Ol20a (1868) Pike Co.

Tel. Griggsville

Glenn, William A. (Leah Dunham)Griggsville R3 Griggsville Sec.".5

091a Sec35 Tl60a Mrs. Alice Las-

bury (1877) Pike Co. Tel. Griggs-


Glover, Hearl N. (Mary M. Johnson)Ch Carrie, Alice; Barry R3 BarrySec20 T90a T. Likes (1898) Kinder:hook Line Barry and K.

Goddard, Lee (Nellie Peterson) Bay-lis R2 Hadley Secl2 T73a LeonardGoddard (1892) Farmers Tel. Bay-lis

Godfrey, Andrew L. (Cora Arnett)Ch Paul W.; "Pine Crest Farm"Baylis R2 Hadley Sec26 OlOOa(1875) Pike Co. Tel. Barry

Godwin, Homer W. (Clarice L. By-bee) Ch Marjorie, Homer W. Jr.;

Pleasant Hill Ol70a Pleasant Hill

Secl8 Tea Fannie Godwin (1883)

Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Goings, Isaac S. (Mary J. Minton)Barry R3 Pleasantvale Seel 08a(1858)

Goldhammer, Anton G.( Clara Aweck)Ch Florence, Walter, Ralph;Chambersburg R2 ChambersburgSeclO O80a (1915) Farmers Tel.

ChambersburgGoldman, James M. (Vada Long) Ch

Fannie, John, Gladys, Earle;Pittsfield R3 Detroit SeclS TlBOaE. A. Blizzard (1878) Farmers Tel.


Gollier, Henry J. (Evaline Carter) ChInace, William, *George, *Lee,*Addie, *Eva; Pearl R2 Pearl Secl7Ol20a (1896) Farmers Tel. Pearl

GoUner, William (Teresa Waldhoff)Ch Tony, Anna, Katie, Carrie.

Mamie, Lizzie, John, *Joseph; HullR2 Levee SeclO Tl85a SeymourBros. (1910)

Goodale, Elma T. (Edna Woods) ChEleanor, Alfred, Mary; BarryBarry Sec25 07.-a (1884) City Tel.Barry

Goodin, Benjamin F.(01a Potterson)Ch Homer, Estill. *Ethel; PittsfieldR2 Martinsburg Sec3 OSOa (1871)Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Goodin Bros, H. E. and J. E. (Mrs.E. J Goodin mother) Ch Cannon;Pleasant Hill R2 MartinsburgSecl6 OSOa (1873) Farmers Tel.

Summer Hill

Goodin, Mrs. John A. (Alice James)Cli Everett, Lela, *George, *Louis,* Lorain, *John; Pittsfield R7^Hardin Sccl7 T221a Geo. Goodin

Goodin, Robert H (Eva Baker) Ch*May, *Ada; Pittsfield R5 Martins-

burg Sec5 OSOa Sec 5 T60a Willie

Baker (1865)

Goodin, Sebastian M. (Caroline

Wagner) Pleasant Hill R2 Martins-

Inirg Sec20 O70a (1855) FarmersTol. Summer Hill



Goodin, Wendell E. (Minnie Mc-Lain) Ch Robert, James; Pleasant

Hill R2 Martinsburg Sec34 TlTOaGeo. E. Goodin (1893) FarmersTel. Pleasant Hill

Goodin, William J.(Mollie Wheeler)Beecreek Pearl Sec33 074a (1894)

Farmers Tel. Pearl

Goodwin, Charles O. Ch William,Anna, *Martha, *Alena, *Robert;Summerhill R2 Atlas Sec23 Man-ager Jno. Billings (1861)

Goodwin, George W. (Elma Capps)Pleasant Hill R2 Pleasant Hill

SeclS T92a Fannie Goodwin (1885)Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Goodwin, James A. (Jane Demoin)Ch Harvey, Mary, Laura, Andrew,Fred, Ervin; Rockport Atlas Secl3Farm Hand Carter Bros. (1886)

Goodwin, Robert L. (Nola Baugh-man) Ch Forby; Rockport R2 Atlas

Sec29E Manager Rena Stebbens(1896)

Goodwin, Ross H. (Ella Wade) ChWilliam, Fasten, Holland, Chas.,

*Nettie; Rockport Atlas Secl7Farm Hand Mary Horton (1869)

Goodwin, Warren (Hallie Kindle)Ch Irene, Emma, Harold; Rock-port Rl Atlas Sec27 Farm HandM. E. Rupert (1891)

Gorton, Evert (Anna Brinkman) ChWilliam, Truman, Walter, Lawr-ence; Kinderhook Rl KinderhookSec36 Ol20a Ida Gordon (1887)Farmers Tel. Kinderhook

Gose, Abel A. Ch Harold, Vernon,Myrtle, *Ada, *Elbert; Hull RlKinderhook Secl4 O230a (1836)Bluff Co. Tel. Kinderhook

Gossard, Charles (Abbie Brown) ChPauline, Carl, Florence; Pearl StarR Montezuma Sec26 T231a A. R.Brown (1907) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Gourley, Aason (Maud Miller) ChHarry, Jessie, Lula, Nellie, Corine,Ethel, Edith; Pearl Star RouteMontezuma Sec3,5 0233a (1919)Farmers Tel. Pearl

Gourley, Thomas L. (Letta Ottwell)Ch Freda, Mary, Chester; PearlR2 Pearl Sec33 Ol31a (1917) Far-mers Tel. Pearl

Grable, David A. (Goldie Troutner)Ch Wayburn; Pittsfield R2 Mar-tinsburg Secl2 Farm Hand StraussBros. (1871) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Grable, Fred (Ina Schnepf) Ch Maud,Murl, Mina, Manard; Pittsfield R2Hardin Sec30 OSa (1872)

Grady, John (Maggie Quinlan) ChMary, Henry; Pittsfield R4 DerrySec25 Ol60a (1868)

GrafFord, John F. (Nora Ator) ChLottie, Cecil; Pittsfield R2 Martins-burg Sec28 Ol60a (1871) FarmersTel. Martinsburg

Grafford, Walter A. (Mamie Myers)Ch Bertha, Lora, Clarence, Rich-ard; Pittsfield R3 Newburg Sec21Farm Hand F. M. Fenton (1873)

Graham, Charles E. (Pearl M. Cumm-ings) Ch Berdella, Earl; Baylis RlNew Salem Sec6 T98a Mr. EdwardBrown Sr. (1883) Long Ridge Tel.Baylis

Graham, George T. (Hazel Lacy) ChHoward E; Pearl Rl MontezumaSec2S Ol60a (1879) Pike Co. Tel.Milton

Graham, George W. (Sylvia Baugh-man) Ch Ray, ^Herbert, *Stella,

*Nora, *Addie, *Guy; "MapleGlen Stock Farm" Pittsfield R7Hardin Secl3 O60a (1858) Pike Co.Tel. Pittsfield

Graham, Guy (Mabel Doyle) ChNorman Gail;Pittsfield Rl HardinSec2 T76a William Williams (1890)

Graham, Herbert E. (Gertrude Pet-titt) Ch Carl, Leota, Earl, Wallace,Glenn; Pittsfield Rl Hardin SecllOlOOa (1879) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Graham, John J. (Edna Miller) ChIrene, Inez, Forest, Catherine,Hugh; Pearl Rl Montezuma Sec29O80a (1877) Farmers Tel. Milton

Grammer, Morris (Celia Parks) ChRussell, Florence; Barry R3 BarrvSec27 Tl40a R. W. Hart (1891)Independant Tel. Barry

Gray, Clarence T. (Fannie Doane)Ch Clarissa; Baylis R2 NewSalem SecH Ol60a Sec 3 T240aE. Doane Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Gray, James F. (LilHe Harrison) ChIma; Rockport Rl Ross Sec21Tl60a Geo. Reisch (1892)

Gray, John H. (Mary Reeves) Ch*Ethel, *Mabel, *Guy, *Russell,*Roy; Pleasant Hill Rl Martins-burg Sec34 048a (1860) FarmersTel. Pleasant Hill



Gray, J. Thomas (Anna Martin) ChNona, *Clarence, *Richard; BaylisR2 New Salem Secll O40a (1869)Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Gray, Mrs. Martha Ch Carrie, Pearl,*Alfred, *Iva, *Fay, *Ora, *Everett;New Salem Rl New Salem Sec27Ol04a (1844) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Gray, Otis N. (Millie Fast) Ch John,James, William, Beulah, Eva, Lav-adna, Ruby, *Doi-othy; RockportRl Ross Seco Farm Hand Geo.Jinkens (1872)

Gray, Richard R. (Blanche Orr)Griggsville Rl Fairmount Sec36TlGOa Ella Orr (1888) Pike Co.Tel. Perry and Griggsville

Gray, Roy (Buelah Guthrie) ChAthel; Pleasant Hill Star RlPleasant Hill Sec35 T2r>a J. W.Guthrie (1897)

Gray, Russell (Mattie Ator) ChBernice; Pleasant Hill R2 PleasantHill Sec7 T390a H. L. and M.Twells(1894) Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Gray, V/arren F. (Ada Clark) BarryR3 Barry Sec26 Ol05.74a (1880)City Tel. Barry

Gray, William D. (Emma Byxbe) ChGladys, Helen, Harold, Frances,Gerald; Rockport Atlas Secl6EManager H. D. Deam (1891)

Greathouse, J. W. (Florence Fielder)

Ch Dorothy, Delbert, Margaret.George. Willie; Pearl Rl Monte-zuma Sec27 O80a (1864)

Greathouse, R. Otis (Glady Daniels)Ch Irene; Pittsfield R5 Pittsfield

Sec29 Farm Hand; G. D. Cooper(1889) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Green, Philip G. (Adelia Earley) ChDorothy, Mildred, Joseph. Clara:Hull R2 Kinderhook Sec28 T270aTenk Co. (1903) O. D. Lowe Tel.Hull

Greenstreet, H. E. (Sadie Scranton)Ch William Edson; Pleasant HillRl Pleasant Hill Sec24 Ol46a(1884) Pike Co. Tel. Ncbo

Greenstreet, James (Hettie Lord)Nebo R3 Pleasant Hill Sec24 O80a(1876) Pike Co. Tel. Nebo

Greger, Lucinda W. (Allison) ChRoy, Pressie, Jessie, *Eliza; NeboRl Spring Creek Secl4 O40a (1860)

Greiwe, Dennis (Ethel Hndelson) ChDorothy; Perry Perry Sec20 Tll4aJohn Greiwe (1889) Farmers Tel.Perry

Greiwe, Ernest H. (Lela Reed) ChFloyd, Glen, Blanets, Emmett,Leonard, *Everett; Versailles R2Perry Sec8 T480a Jennie Grimes(1908) Farmers Tel. Perry

Greiwe, William Jr. (Cetta Keylor)Ch Flora, Edwin, Herman, Nina,*Mata. *Iva; Versailles R2 PerrySees Ol40a (1888) Farmers Tel.Perry

Gresham, Delia A. (Carry Booth) ChVelma, Alford; Nebo R3 SpringCreek Sec34 T40a Ralph Shaw(1918) Pike Co. Tel. Nebo

Gresham, Frank (Artie Willis) ChGeraldine, Edna, Liene, Claude.Zula, Leta, *Gladys; Valley DetroitTl20a Thomas Hall (1879)

Gresham, John W. (Nellie Lynch) ChGrace, Lvndle; Pittsfield R3 New-burg Secl9 Tl47a C. H. Harder(1871) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Gresham, Logan W. (Effie MorganlCh Orbin, Noah, Norman; BedfordMontezuma Sec23 Tl5a V. Hoover(1918)

Grieve, William (Anna Summers) ChClarence, *Minnie; Versailles R2Perry Sec5 Oll7a (1879) FarmersTel. Perry

Griffith, Alfred C. (Belva Browning)Pleasant Hill R2 Martinsburg SecSl

062a (1885)

Griffith, Clifford L. (Maggie Smith)Ch Russell, Frances, Truman;Pittsfield R4 Pittsfield Sec2 Tl60aPaul F. Grote (1890) Glandon Tel.


Griffith, Dudley (Kitty A. Smith) ChEverett, *Mary, *Fanny, *Edith,

*Alfred, *Bessie, *Clifford; Pleasant

Hill R2 Martinsburg Sec31 Oll3a(1859)

Griffith, Ray (Jennie Hall) Ch Virgil.

Velma, Ray Jr.; Pittsfield R6 Pitts-

field Secl5 Ol60a (1884) Pike Co.

Tel. Pittsfield

Griffith, Roy E. (Florence Dimmitt)Ch Francis, Edwin, Donald; Pitts-

field R6 New Salem Sec2r)-36 Tl20aR. P. Griflith (1881) Pike Co. Tel.


Griggs, Aley T. (Barbara Hudelson)Hull R2 Levee Secl2 T90a HenryScarbrough (1890) Bell Tel. Han-nibal



Griggs, E. Otis (Bertha Rogers) ChFloyd, Lester, Broy; Hull R2 LeveeSec25 Tl60a Henrv Scarbrough(1890)

Griggs, George V. (Glenna Buchanan)Ch Vera, Freda; "Wolf GroveFarm'' Perry Perry Sec22 T240aMarion Buchanan (1913) GlandonTel. Perry

Griggs, Samuel L. (Ruby Smith) ChDorothy, John H., Richard S;Baylis R2 New Salem Secl5-10Ol96a (1904) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Grigsby, Elmer E. (Viola C. Shriver)Ch *Earl, *Paul; Pittsfield R3 New-burg Secl9-1.') Ol33a (1862) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Grimes, George M. (Ora E. Dodge)Ch Claude; Nebo Spring CreekSec32 OlOOa (1865) Farmers Tel.

NeboGrimes, Lee (Pearl Scranton) Ch Leo.

Frances; Nebo Rl Spring CreekSecl.5 02075/^a (1876) Farmers Tel.

NeboGrimes, Walter C. (Laura Guthie)Ch Kenneth, Loda, Russell, Wade,Norma; Nebo Rl Spring CreekSecl5 O207^a (1878) Farmers Tel.

NeboGrimm, John (Adaline Mansfield)New Canton R2 Cincinnati Sec26Ola (1874) Pike Co. Tel. NewCanton

Grimsley, Mrs. Margaret (MargnetPetty) Ch Cleveland. *James,*William; Rockport R2 Atlas Secl6Ola (1858) Farm.ers Tel. Rockport

Grimsley, William (Bertha Keith)Ch Hazel, Charles, Elsie, Carl,

Fred, Grace, Lucille, Mabel; Rock-port Atlas Sec9W TSa John Beatty(1880)

Groce, William (Minnie Fox) ChTommie, *Sadie; Pearl R2 PearlSecl9 06a (1866) Farmers Tel.Pearl

Grunden, Granville H. (Nina A.Gray) Ch Berl, Leo, Retha, Vir-gil, Arthur, Albert; Barry R3Derry Sec4 T97^4a Mrs. LizzieGray (1894) El Dara, Hadley, Barry'Tel. Barry

Gudgel, Elmer (Delia Arthur) ChClarence, Florence Harry, Milford,Mildred, Edmund; Hull Kinder-hook Secl9 Tl60a M. Doran (1869)

Gully, Joe R. (Mary Loyd) Ch Loyd,Leo; Pittsfield R2 MartinsburgSecl4 Tl20a Hardin Cooper (1910)Pike, Farmers Tel. Pittsfield andMartinsburg

Gully, Louis (Ada Phebus) Ch Wen-dall. Dale; Barry Star Route DerrySecl7 T40a E. T. Strubinger (1909)Farmers Tel. Barry

Gunlock, Carl (Lydia Gard) ChJosepha, Marguerita; New CantonR2 Cincinnati Secl2 Tl60a S. M.Hicken (1878) Farmers Tel.Kinderhook

Gunlock, Cathrine (Balzer) ChGeorge, Walter, Roy, *Cathrine,*Minnie, *Carl, *Edward; NewCanton R2 Barry Sec32 Ol20a(1865) Kinderhook Tel. Kinderhook

Gunlock, Edward (Lizzie Hinds) ChSylvia, Gladys, Katharine, Helen;Kinderhook Rl Pleasantvale Sec7Tl37a Gunlock Est. (1880) FarmersTel. Kinderhook

Guthrie, Benjamin Ch Nellie, Lewis,Virgil; Kinderhook Rl Barry Sec8Tl57a Bert Sellars (1877)

Guthrie, Boldon (Elizabeth Hack)Ch *Samuel. *Laura, *Sarah, *John.Ida; Nebo R2 Spring Creek Sec29Ol60a (1837) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Guthrie, Clifford (Ethel Pearson) ChWayne, Leo. Ross; Nebo R2Spring Creek Sec29 Ol20a (1889)

Guthrie, C. F.(Martha D. Scranton) ChNettie E., Fred W., Wilbert D.,

Hazel M., Gertrude E., *Hallie F.;

Pleasant Hill Rl Pleasant HillSec33 TSOa J. J. Atterbery Est.(1865) Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Guthrie, Elza H. (Grace Ford) ChBeatrice, Howard, Thelma, Loraine,Eva Jane; Nebo R3 Spring CreekSec30 T64a Jeremiah Guthrie(1890) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Guthrie, Ernest G. (Lena Clift) ChGeorgia, Paul, Helen; Rockport RlAtlas Sec27 T50a Joe Puree (1887)

Guthrie, Henry E. (Daisy Zumwalt)Ch Merle, Gertrude, Evelyn; NeboR3 Spring Creek Sec30 093.83a(1893) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Guthrie, Jeremiah Ch *William,*Oscar, *Laura, *Ora, *Elva, *Clif-ford. *Elza, *Robert, *Henry; NeboR3 Spring Creek Sec30 064a (1847)Farmers Tel. Nebo



Guthrie, John W. (Clemmie Martin)

Ch Violet, Dessie, Russell. Mayo,Blanche. Delphine. Donald, Myotta,

Trula, *Truman: Pleasant Hill Star

Route Pleasant Hill Sec35 O360aCISTO) Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Guthrie, Mont (Ida Welty) Ch Earl,

Keith, Bonnie; Pittsfield R7 New-burg Sec33 Farm Hand Mary A.

Brown (1886)

Guthrie, Neal (Cora Buclianan) ChVelma, Orville, Burdette, Freda,

Dannie, Arnold, *Esther, *Alta;

Pleasant Hill Star Route PleasantHill Sec3.5 O360a (1874) Pike Co.

Tel. Pleasant Hill

Guthrie, Orval R, (Lena Spicer)

Nebo R3 Spring Creek Sec20 Tl60aB. Guthrie (1894)

Guthrie, Robert (Ada Johnson) ChCecil. Freda. Vayne, Lowell; NeboRl Spring Creek Secl4 T90a P. M.Swaders (ISRl) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Guthrie, Sammie W. (Minnie Thorn-

ton) Ch Purley, Winfred, Ralph;

Nebo R2 Spring Creek Sec39 OlSOa

(1877) Farmers Tel. NeboGuthrie, Thomas H. (Desda Free-

man) Ch Nora, Alvin, Mable,

Almy, Flossie, Wayne; Nebo RlHardin Sec39 T36a Will Guthrie


Gwartney, Milton (Maud Saxbury,housekeeper) Ch ]\Iilton. Edward,*Lounie; New Canton Rl Pleasant-

vale Sec 1.5 T4()a Thomas Collins


HHack, Albert D. (Lula M. Kalten-bach) "Blue Grass Nool" New Can-ton R2 Barry Sec31 07.5a Tl20aDan Hack (1887) So. Bluff Tel.

KinderhookHack, Arnold G. (Iza Dora North)Ch Pauline; Nebo R2 Spring CreekSec22 TSOa John N. Hack (1891)

Hack, Charles E. (Clara Auer) ChLewis, Helen; Kinderhook Kinder-hook Sec25 077a Farmers Tel.

KinderhookHack, Dan (Nettie Wilson) Ch Will-

iam, George, Hilda, Mary. Glenna,*Cora, *Albert. *Isa, *Frieda;"Western Slope Grain Farm"Kinderhook Rl Barry Sec31 O400a(1858) So. Bluff Tel. Kinderhook

Hack, Evert (Marion Gerlach) ChLawrence, Edna. Everet; Kinder-hook Rl Barry Sec31 0331a Farm-ers Tel. Kinderhook

Hack, Fred W. (Edna Harris)Kinderhook Rl Barry Sec31 T240aJ. F. Hack Est. (1888) So. Bluff Tel.

KinderhookHack, Harvey (Etha Mason) Ch

Bernard, John, Bill, Woodson; Ne-bo Rl Hardin Sec20 T320a John-son andi Minier (1888)

Hack, Henry A. (Maud Chamberlain)Ch *Ina, *Harvey,*CIarence,*Opal;Nebo R3 Spring Creek Sec9 Ol20a(1864) Farn^ers Tel. Nebo

Hack, John N. (Chanty Neese) ChArnold: Nebo R2 Spring CreekSec22 O80a (1865) Farmers Tel.

NeboHack, V. C. (Grace Ewers) Ch Bur-

dette; Pleasant Hill Rl PleasantHill Secl3 T20a Albert Ewers(1889) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Hackman, V/illiam E. (JeanetteDover) "City View Farm" NewCanton Pleasantvale Sec9 Ol90a(1913) Pike Co. Tel. New Canton

Hackwith Thomas J. (Alvina Hall)Ch *James, *Ida, *May, *Marie;Chambersburg Rl Perry Sec24 09a(1907)

Haden, Boone (Ettie Swearing) ChFlorine, Pansy; Milton Rl New-burg Sec36 T40a W. W. Hayden(1869)

Hadsell, Frank (Efiie Vought) ChFrank, Nellie. Dorothy; "Murphy'sBay Farm'' Rockport Atlas SeclfiWT211a Weston Ward Glandon Tel.


Hagen, Garret (Alta Battershell) ChUna, Keith, Cuma, Eva, Normal:Nebo R2 Spring Creek Sec35 0233a(1903)

Halbauer Bros., Frank, Henry,Charles Emma, sister; New SalemRl New Salem Scc33 O200a (1S70)

Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield


Hale, John S. (Julia Dunham) ChHarry, John, Fannie,*William, Mrs.Eliza Hale, mother; Griggsville RlGriggsville Secl9 T280a W. E. andA. Clay Williams (191S) Pike Co.Tel. Griggsville

Haley, Peter (Ida M. Hatfield)

Valley Flint Sec20 OiOOa (1869)

Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Hall, Charles (Nervia Hahn) ChAmelda, Hubert,*Pauline; Pearl R2Spring Creek Sec25 OllCa (1873)

Farmers Tel. NeboHall, Charles O. (Mattie Burns) Ch*Elma, * Frank; "Pike Fruit Farm"Pittsfield R3 Detroit Secl6 099a(18.58) Farmers Tel. Pittsfield

Hall, Frank A. (Inez Owens) ChLouis, Wilson, Charles, Elizabeth;Pittsfield Rl Newburg Sec26 T44aMattie J. Hall (1884) Farmers andGlandon Tel. Pittsfield

Hall, Lewis A. (Martha Allison) ChHazel, Myrtle; Pearl R2 SpringCreek Sec24 O30.5a (1873)

Hall, Mrs. Nannie (Sims) Ch Samuel,Everett; "Lone Pine Hall Farm"Pittsfield R6 Pittsfield Secl8087Ha (1875) Glandon Tel. Pitts-


Ham, Charlie A. Chambersburg R2Chambersburg Seel 7 O400a (1885)Farmers Tel. Chambersburg andVersailles

Ham, Henry A. (Caroline Welch)Ch *Louis, *Russell, *Ethel, *Ger-trude; Chambersburg R2 Chambers-burg Sec20 Ol75a (1861) FarmersTel. Chambersburg and Versailles

Ham, Homer (Elsie Irving) ChCallie, Wade, Roy, Felix, !^dna,Lester, Mary, *Fay, *George;Chambersburg R2 ChambersburgSec9 T2'37a William Reeroat (1871)Farmers Tel. Chambersburg andVersailles

Ham, Leviris E. (Gertrude Pool) ChWelma, Alden, Aileen; Chambers-burg R2 Chambersburg Sec21Tl60a R. D. McCown (1884) Farm-ers Tel. Chambersburg

Ham, Stanistaus M. (Emma Turner)Ch Mabel, *Bertha; "Sunny SideFruit Farm" Barry R4 BarryOloa Sec35 Manager TSOa J. R.Lambert (1865) City Tel. Barry

Hamilton, Thomas D. Hadley RlHadley Sec34 TllOa Mrs. Anna E.Hamilton

Hammerton, Peter Rumsey (AnnieEllis) Ch Lois, May, Gay; "ThePoplars" Pittsfield R3 DetroitSec7-5 0313a (1871) Glandon Tel.


Hammitt, Cyrus (Bernice Ingalls)

Ch Vir^ginia, Paul, Darius; Griggs-ville Rl Perry SecSO T200a RushEst. (1887) Glandon Tel. Perry

Hammitt, Forest F. (Lucy Fowler)Ch Winfred, Russell, Floyd;Griggsville Rl Griggsville Sec9TlOOa Frank Nev/man (1891) PikeCo. Tel. Griggsville

Hammitt, Henry M. (Elizabeth Coch-ran) Ch Bernice, Nina, *Clara, *Cy-rus, *Forrest, *Joseph M.; BaylisR2 Fairmount Sec34 041a (1865)

Hammitt, William F. (Harriet E.Rosevear) Ch Everett, Edith, Eva,*Helen; Baylis R2 New Salem Sec3Ol45a (1870) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Hammock, Jacob W. (Mary Octavia)Ch Charles, p:iiza,*Walter; "ReischFarm" Rockport Rl Ross SecSOT4()0a George Reisch (1910)

Hammond, Henry (Phenigar, mother)Barry R4 Hadley Secl7 Ol49a(1865)

Hamner, Henry J. (Belle Cline) Ch*Charlie, *Edna; Rockpcrt Rl Atlas027a (1851)

Hamner, Joshua E. (Sarah Neese) ChArthur Harper, *Owen Harper;Nebo Rl Hardin Sec33 OSOa (1868)Farmers Tel. Nebo

Hamner, Pilana (Killebrew) ChNona. Opal, Ruby, *Noah, *Lee;Nebo Rl Spring Creek SecS Ol05a(1879)

Hampsmire, August (Hattie Lease)Ch Carl, Sylvan, *May: Hull RlKinderhook Sec3 T60a John Erkey(1S77) Farmers Tel. Pfainsville

Hampsmire, Jack (Anna Petit) ChArthur, Abra, Lorin, Ralph, Char-lie, Clay, Floyd; Hull Rl Kinder-hook Seel 5 T200a H. J. Eaton(1866) Bluff Tel. Hull

Hancock, Charles W. (Fannie Lewis)Ch Clarence, Leroy, *Lewis; Pitts-

field R6 Pittsfield Sec8 T80a FredBeauman (1862) Glandon Tel.Pittsfield

Haney, Joseph (Mary Kane) ChDorothy Kane, niece; Pittsfield R6O80a (1871)


Haney, Thomas L. (Teresa Manker)Ch Alta, Emma; "Meadow LawnFarm" Pittsfield R4 Derry Secl4

O240a (1876) Pike Co. Tel. Pitts-


Hankins, Otis C. (Ethel Fulrner)

Bedford Montezuma Secl-t FredWolf (1879)

Hankins, Sarah E. (Battershell) ChAbbie, Fannie, *Albert, *Kirt,

*Rosa, *Otis; Pearl Rl MontezumaSec31 OSOa (1836)

Hanks, Fred (Jessie VanDeventer)Ch Voigt, Slator, Priscilla, Venus,Freda, Theo; Chambersburg RlPerry Secll Tl30 E. R. Webel(1907) Farmers Tel. Perry

Hanlin, Clarence S. (Ethel Garret)Ch Velma Louise; Griggsville R3Griggsville Sec30 T3a Fred Farrand(1919 ) "

Hanlin, Ellwood J. (Helen Miller) ChFrances; Griggsville R2 Griggsville

Seen Tl60a Baxter Est. (1890)Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Hanlin, John (Carrie White) ChGlen, Melvin, Irma, Vernon, *CIar-ence, *Clyde, *Carl, *Myrtle,*Alice, *Hazel; Griggsville R2Chambersburg Sec31 Tl05a Mel.Witham (1864) Glandon Tel.Griggsville

Hannah, Hugh (Amanda Ash) Ch*Bessie, *Herbert, *Lola, *Flor-ence; Barry R3 Sec27 O60a T70a(1900) Gay Tel. Remnant Barry

Hannant, Charles H. (Lois Brooks)Ch William A.; Perry Perry Sec20Tl70a W. A. Hannant (1884) Farm-ers Tel. Perry

Hannant, D. Floyd (Estella Gerard)Ch Donald, Luella; "Country ViewiFarm" Perry Perry Sec20 Tl60a W.A. Hannant (1880) Pike Co. Tel.Perr}'^

Hannant, John R. (Marie Daigh) ChOwen, Gordon; Baylis R3 PerrySeclS Tl60a William Hannant(1891) Farmers Tel. Perry

Hanner. Ben (Sarah Taylor) Ch Vir-gil, Margaret, *Clifford, *Bertha;Pittsfield R2 Martinsburg SecllO60a (1899) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Hanner, Clifford W. (Fern Wells)Pittsfield R7 Hardin Sec3 069Ha(1899) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Hanson, J, Lafe (Ida Booth) Ch 'Gret-ta. *Orangia, *Lorena; New CantonR2 Cincinnati Sec26 Ol^a

Hardwick, George G. (Zerelda Rey-nolds) Ch Mary, Rosie, Harriett,.

•Cedar Hill Farm" Pleasant HillR2 Alartinsl)urg Sec27 O40a (1839)

Hardy, Thomas J. (Markann Garner)Ch *Nettie, *Rena, *Flora, *Viola,

*Jennie, *Lulu, *Zella; RockportAtlas Sec8W Farm Manager Law-rence and H. Gay (1894)

Harford, Dan Ch Holmer, Dewey,.Opal AL, Walter, Elmer E.; Monte-zuma Montezuma Seel T30a J. E.Dillon (1907)

Harlow, Claborn (Susan Thomas) ChAlta, Letitia, Beatrice; El Dara RlDerry Secl7 Tl60a E. T. Stru-binger (1863) Farmers Tel. El Dara

Harlow, Elijah (Lida Wilson) Ch Al-bert, Russell, *John, *Bessie;"Shady Dell Farm" El Dara DerrySec8 058a (186.5) Farmers TeLBarry

Harlow, Harvey (Molly Shaw) ChEdna, \\'illiam, *Clara, *Cuba;Pleasant Hill R2 Pleasant Hill

Sec30 Tl90a P. V. Stoltz (1903)Farmers Tel. Pleasant Hill

Harlow, John W. (Mary L. Harpole)Ch Earl, Ernie, Golda, Oba, *Bessie^*Pearlie; Nebo R2 Spring CreekSec33 O40a (1885) Farmers Tel.Nebo

Harper, Amos J. (Julia Jaritz) Pleas-ant Hill Rgi Martinsburg Sec21-22-

Ol20a (1852) Glandon Tel. Pitts-


Harper, Francis Doyle(Eva L. Miller)Ch Frances L-, Ruby P.; Griggsville

RS 'Griggsville Sec33 Farm HandRufus Hitch (1883) Pike Co. Tel.Griggsville

Harper, Mrs Maria E. (DeJaynes)Ch Lewis, *Doyle, *George, *RubJ^*Emmett. *Fay; Griggsville RSGriggsville Sec32 Farm Hand RufusHitch (1915) Pike Co. Tel. (Griggs-ville

Harpole, Albert (Etta Weaver) ChRoss, Russell, Paul, Gladys, Helen.Ruth; Nebo Rl Spring Creek Sec4O2S0a (1873) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Harpole, Elijah F. (Bessie Miller) ChHazel, Festas, Maxine, Buyrl;Rockport Atlas Sec33E T75a J. H.Starks (1SS8)

Harpole, James R, (Mary Bobo) Ch*Otis, *Hattie, *Alta. *PearHe.Blanche; Pearl R2 PearfSecSO O30a(1874) Farmers Tel. Pearl


Harpole, John B. (Minnie Crosby) ChOrville; Nebo R2 Spring CreekSec33 O80a (1895)) Farmers Tel.Xebo

Harpole, J. V. (Ida McGlaughlin) ChClara, Kenneth, James, Velma,*Pearl, *Lora, *Edward, *Charles;Pleasant Hill Rl Pleasant Hill

Secll Ol20a (1918) Pike Co. Tel.Pleasant Hill

Harpole, Marvin R. (Sybil Dunaven)Ch Gerald; Nebo R3 Spring CreekSec4 T283a Strauss Bros. (1889)Pike Co. Tel. Nebo

Harpole, Rebecca (Stark) Ch Harvey,William. *Adam, *Robert, *Charles,*Eliza; Nebo R3 Spring Creek Sec27OlOOa (1842) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Harpole, William H. (Anna Law) ChHal, Ursa, *Chloe, *Marvin; NeboR2 Spring Creek Sec2G O200a(1884) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Harpool, Ivy L. (Nora Pearson) ChWayne, Russell, Logan; DarrellPearson, nephew; Nebo SpringCreek Sec6 O40a (1885)

Harris, Beed (Bertha Sneeden) ChMarie; Pittsfield R3 Detroit Secl6TlOOa Lewis Sneeden (1898)

Harris, Earl (Miriam Hendricks) ChArthur, Martha, Myrtle, T. H. Har-ris, father; Pittsfield R4 DerrySec26 T80a J. H. Harris (1889)Farmers Tel. El Dara

Harris, Emmett (Bede Hillmann) ChJames A.; New Salem New SalemSec9 Farm Hand Abe Dunham(1895) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Harris, Ernest E. (Lottie E. Rush)Ch Paul, Edith, Lee; Pittsfield RSDetroit Sec20 T40a Rush Bros.iGlandon Tel. Pittsfield

Harris, Everett J. (Ethel Reeder) ChFrances, Meryl, Florence, Robert,

Everett Jr.; Barry R4 Barry Sec36

T42a L. W. Hoyt (1887) City Tel.


Harris, John W. (Agnes McSorley)Ch John Jr.; Pittsfield R6 Pittsfield

Sec? O207a (1869)Harris, Thomas F. (Grace Meyers)Ch Cloyd, Barbara, Mary, Eddra,Ada, Owen, *Leo; Pittsfield R6Pittsfield Sec4 Manager Tl20aStrauss Bros. (1875) Glandon Tel.


Harris, William L. (Opal Sanders)Ch Virden, Roscoe, Virginia;Griggsville Rl New Salem Sec24Tla W. H. Laird (1879)

Harrison, Eugene G. (Ella C. Black-etter) Ch Leona; Rockport RossSeclO-3 TeOa Hubert Jamison (1887)

Harshman, G. McClelen (EvalineKendrick) Ch Luella, Arthur, Dora,*Loren, *Ida, *Anna, *Larose; "HillCrest Farm" Hadley Rl DerrySecl2 O400a (1864)

Harshman, H. Sal. (Nora Dinsmore)Ch Herschel; New Salem Rl NewSalem Sec32 OlGOa (1867)

Harshman, Loren K. (Mabel Moyer)Ch LaRose Harshman, brother;Pittsfield R6 Pittsfield Sec6 T250aClell Harshman (1889)

Harshman, Oscar (Rose Hendricks)Hadley Rl Hadley Sec22 O90a(1860) The New Tel. Barry

Hart,Alfred (Dora Havard) Ch*Loyd,*Lewis; "Hill View Farm" NewCanton Pleasantvale Secl5 O80aMrs. Dora Dart (1864)

Hart, Alvin O. (Louise Cochran) Ch*Thomas O., *Carrie, *Gertrude;Barry R3 Sec33 T80a R. W. Hart(1848) Kinderhook Co. Tel. Kinder-hook

Hart, Charles (Anna Jennings) Ch'Charles, Gladys, Ruth, *Blanche,*Zula, *Anna, *Glen; "Spring ValleyFarm" Barry R3 Pleasantvale Sec406Ga (1862)

Hart, Edward L. (Anna Fitch) ChHerman E., Raymond J.; Barry R3Barry Sec33 O200a (1868) Inde-pendent Tel. Barry

Hart, George B. (Leorna Sigler)Barry Barry Sec22 Ol34a (1858)City Tel. Barry

Hart, Thomas- O. (Fanny Arnett)"Indian Mound Farm" Barry R3Barry Sec33 OSOa Tl40a R. W.Hart and H. Spanen (1873) Farm-ers Tel. Barry

Harter, William (Mabel Ator) ChWilliam Jr., Marjorie Emma; Pitts-

field R5 Martinsburg Sec8 Ol25a(1888) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Hartsock, Edward (Lula Harlow) ChFloyd, Merle, Corda, Rowlih, Nora;Pleasant Hill R2 Ross Secl3 T242aC. H. Schertz (1885) 'Farmers Tel.Pleasant Hill



Hartsock, J. H. (Nora Fast) Ch John,his wife, Ada Foster and daughterHelen; *Harrison,*Edward,*Fanny;Pleasant Hill Pleasant Hill SecigOl3a (1853) Farmers Tel. PleasantHill

Raskins, George L. (Annie Wasson)Ch Charles, Julia, Ruth, *Gertrud.e,

*Mabe!, *Allie, ^Florence, *Nelson*Ethel; Hull Rl Kinderhook Sec5O80a (1869) Bluff Tel. Hull

Haskins, Walter (Francis McEvers)Ch Morton, Nicholis, Adelia; Pitts-

field R7 Hardin Sec2 O340a (1889)Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Haskins, William O. (Lilly Yaeo^er)

Ch Relna, Otis, Lendell; Pittsfield

Rl Hardin SecS OSOa (1875) Pike'Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Haskins, Willis (Ella Wilterback) ChFreddie, Nelton; Hull RSJ Kinder-hook Secl7 T326a R. S. Bacon(1893)

Hasting, Harry A. (Susie Railey)Barry R3 Hadley (1917) Pike Co.Tel. Barry

Hatch, Charles Page Griggsville RlGriggsville vSeclG T82^a Mrs. AnnieHatch (1885) Pike Co. Tel. Griggs-ville

Hatcher, Asa O. (Silver Smithers) ChEileen; Pearl Rl Montezuma Sec28TSOa Max Mercer (1895) Pike Co.Tel. Milton

Hatcher, Charles W. (Ella Gheen) Ch*Wayne, *Asa, *Ora; Pearl RlMontezuma Sec32 089a (1869) PikeCo. Tel. Pearl

Hatcher, Wayne (Mary Ball) ChClifford; "Smoothing Iron Farm"Pearl Star Route Montezuma Sec35Tl70a (189;!) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Hathaway, Harry (Clara Seba) ChJack, Mansford, Wilbur; New Can-ton R2 Cincinnati Sec22 Tl20a J.N. Baskett (1889) Private Tel.

Hattenbach, Charles A. (Mary Had-dington) Ch August, Nellie, Henry,Clara, Claudina, *Louise, '

*Nora,*Maud; Pleasant Hill R2 RnssSec24 T280a Henry Hasenwinkle(1917)

Havens, Ralph (Lela Schoolcraft)Ch Willard C; New Canton R3Pleasantvale Sec34 Tla MinnieBaldwin (1892) Pike Co. Tel. NewCanton

Havird, Orlando (Nellie Funk)'Spring Valley Farm" Barry R2Barry SeclD O400a (1910) Tel.


Hawkins, Gilbert C. (Bertha Shaw)Pittsfield Rl Newburg Sec26 FarmHand J. Clay Hayden (1894) Farm-ers Tel. Pittsfield

Hayden, Arthur (Mabel Reel) ChHarold, Lloyd, Conita, Lyndell,Chester, Karl; Maud Reel, sister;

Pittsfield R7 Hardin Sec2 OlBOa(1879) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Hayden, Charles E. (Gertrude Lind-sey) Milton Montezuma Sec4 TSOaW. C. Hayden (1891) Pike Co. Tel.


Hayden, Claude (Florine Stanbridge)Ch Gwendolyn, Claudine, James;Pittsfield Rl Newburg Sec26-35O80a Sec35 T25a Charlotte Hayden(188fi) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Hayden, Dewey L. (Channie Otwell)Ch Clement; Pearl R2 Pearl Sec2»043a (1898)

Hayden, Henry Ch *Dewey; Pitts-

field R7 Hardin Sec2 Ola (1870)

Hayden, James Clay (Sadie ElizabethBarngrover) Ch Lela May, EvaFrances; "Highview Farm" Pitts-field Rl Newburg Sec26 OSOa(1867) Farmers Glandon Tel. Pitts-field

Hayden, Lewis Clayton (AugustaLightle) Ch Thelma, Helen, Lewis.Leland; "Far View Farm" PittsfieldRl Newburg Sec25-26 Ol27a (1877)Farmers Tel. Detroit

Hayden, Ora H. (Flora Stauffer) ChArthur, Norman; "Pansy RidigeStock Farm" Griggsville R3 Griggs-ville Sec35 Farm Hand A. W.Butterfield (18S4) Pike Co. Tel.Griggsville

Hayden, W. W. (Maud Johnson) ChLyle J., Estell; "Cedar LawnFarm" Pittsfield Rl Newburg-Sec25-36 O240a (1869) Farmers Tel.Detroit

Hazelrigg, Edgar S. (Laura Moyer)Ch Ross, Charles, Leonard; "ForestFarm" Hadley Rl Hadley Sec34O80a TlOOa George Gibbons (1883)Hadley and El Dara Tel. Hadleyand Barry



Hazelrigg, Hardin M. (Minnie E.

Orr) Ch Alice M., Roy M.. Glen O.,

Mae; Chambersburg R2 Chambers-burg Sec29 T320a Charles HamQl)01) Farmers Tel. Chambersburg

Heavner, Bert L. (Nola Burbridge)Ch Forest, Violet; Pittsfield R7Hardin Sec21 Tl20a T. J. Burbridge(1879) Farmers Time Tel.

Heavner, Frank (^Minnie Beach) ChHubert, Howard; "Blufif ViewFarm" Pearl Star Route Pearl Sec:^

Ol75a (1907) Pike Co. Tel. Pearl

Heavner, Lee (Eva Brokau) ChHester, Mildred, Ross; Pittsfield R2Martinsburg Secll Oooa ( ISS.T)

Farmers Tel. Alartinsburg

Heavner, Thomas J. (Nellie Peebles)Ch *Hugh; Pittsfield Rl Detroit

Sec33 041a (1870) Glandon Tel.


Hedges, J. W. (Anna Stilpflue) ChBert, his wife Jessie Kayler anddaughter Gaila; *Griffin, *Ethel,*Oneda; Pleasant Hill PleasantHill Sec9 Taooa Lovill Heirs(1860) Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Heightman, Charles H. (Anna Say-lor) Ch Julia, Anna, Helen, Eliz-

abeth, Lula, Louise; Pittsfield R5Pittsfield Sec32 TlOOa Mrs. W. J.

Cunningham (1881) Glandon Tel.


Heightman, Henry (Anna Dunhouse)Ch Emmett, Sadie, Leta, Ada, Will-iam, *Charles, *Clara, *Dena,*Lizzie, *Lydia; Pittsfield R5 Pitts-

field Sec22 TlOOa Carrie Stickmen '

(1879)Helm, Jesse (Grace Brown) Ch Le-

ona; Pittsfield R4 Derry Sec24Ol99a T4na Miss Crone (1879) PikeCo. Tel. Pittsfield

Helm, Lewis P. (Mary Franklin) ChHilda M.; Pearl Star Route Monte-zuma Sec27 O80a (1892) Pike Co.Tel. Pearl

Helm, Oscar (June Renoade) ChRalph; Pearl Star Route Monte-zuma Sec35 Ola (1887) FarmersTel. Pearl

Helm, Mrs. Rachel E. (A/[orsey) ChWilliam, Fred, *Jesse, *Dora,*John, *Mabel, *Roy; Pittsfield R4Pittsfield Secl6 OlOOa (1859) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Hemphill, Aaron G. (May Stout) ChLaura; Nebo Rl Hardin Sec36T200a Walston Hains (1898)

Hemphill, Austin H. (ElizabethWalston) Ch Nina, Julia, *Nellie,

*Lena, *RaIph, * Aaron, *Velma;Pleasant Hill Star Route PleasantHill Sec27 O40a (1866) FarmersTel. Pleasant Hill

Hemphill, Joseph (Bertha Walker)Ch Owen, Leona, Catharine;Pleasant Hill Star Route PleasantHill Sec27 05.5a (1880) FarmersTel. Pleasant Hill

Hemphill, Ralph (Uva Crowder) ChFrancis; Nebo R3 Pleasant HillSec36 OSOa (1896)

Henderson, John H. (Anna Smith)Ch Beulah Manker, Effie Manker,Eva Manker; Pittsfield R7 New-burg Sec33 T320a John Hull (1886)Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Henderson, Laura E. (Robb) ChMina, Archie, *Anna, *Charles,*PearI; Chambersburg Rl PerrySeclfi O60a (1862)

Hendrick, James M. Ch *J. Peter;New Canton R2 Cinicinnati Sec21T60a William Hubbard (1904)

Hennessy, Philip Ch Ralph, Ray-mond; Pittsfield R4 Pittsfield Sec9O20a Tl40a Joseph Hennessy(1874)

Henry, Charles (Sarah A. Taylor)Nebo R3 Pleasant Hill Sec25 O60a(1874)

Henry, James (Daisy Sapp) ChMilo, Bernice, Odette, Anna;Pleasant Hill R2 Pleasant HillSecSO T200a A. D. Jordan (188.;)

Henry, James W. (Effie Sutton) ChNeal, Russell, Ruby; Nebo SpringCreek Sec6 0237a (1878) Pike Co.Tel. Nebo

Henry, Lou (Clemme Cannon) ChRoss, Doss, Lowell, Eva; PleasantHill Rl Pleasant Plill Sec23 07ra(1875)

Henry, Malcolm J. (Lora Burbridge)Ch Alary Virginia; Pittsfield R5Martinsburg Sec8 Tl62a Dr. MaryAiton (1890) Pike Co. Tel. Pitts-field

Henson, Alex (Arvillia Linn) ChClarence, Letha, Mary, Mae, Stella,Eugene; Griggsville R2 GriggsvilleSec2 T280a Mayme Harrington(1909) Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Henson, Catherine (Graham) PearlRl Montezuma Sec33 06a (1910)



Henthorn, William H. (Mary Rust)

Ch Frank, *Ruby, *EQward; "OldHomestead Farm" Baylis R3 Fair-

mount SeclT Ol59i4a (186:>) Farm-ers Tel. Baylis

Henthorn, William H. Jr. (AnnaZimmerman) Ch Vada; Baylis R3Fairmount Sec20 O40a (1879)

Farmers Tel. Baylis

Herman, Edward N. ( .Minerva Stum-bough) Clarence, Ethel, Edith Pat-

erson, stepchildren; Pearl R2Spring Creek Sec2:! TSOa JohnVaughn (1871!)

Hermens, George (Alice Driver) ChHoward, *Etta: Pearl Rl Monte-zuma Sec31 OSiy.a (1004) FarmersTel. Pearl

Herrmann, Henry W. (Ethel Hib-

i)ard) Ch Irene, Kathryn; Hull RlKinderhook Secl7 0121a (1919)

Hevener, Hugh (Blanche Foreman)Ch Anderson, Mildred, Marie;

Pittsfield R7 Harden Sec31 TlfiOa

Harriet Foreman (1894) Pike Co.

Tel. Pittsfield

Hickey, John E. (Jennie Keys) Pearl

Rl Montezuma Sec29 OfiOa (1912)

Farmers Tel. Pearl

Hickman, Joseph W. (Cclia E. Grif-

fin) Ch George, Clarence, Frances,

Geneva. Nellie. Ruth. Ruby; Bay-lis Rl Sec3 Ol40a (1817) Pleasant

Hill Baylis

Hierman Albert O. (Minnie Burrus)

Ch Marion B., Veronica A.. Paul

D.; "Shady Nook Farm" Berry R4'

Hadley Sec31 Ol20a (1906^ Fitch

Tel. Barry

Higdon, Clarence Griggsville R3Newburg Sec:; 027i/,a (1880)

Glandon Tel. Griggsville

Higdon, James D. (Fannie Garrigus)

Ch *Kathleen, *Fred, *Lindia;

Valley Flint Sec:.M Farm Hand RayThackwray (1899)

Higdon, Nelson (Bessie Bogan)Hadley Iladlcy Sec22 07a (1886)

Higdon, Zachariah T. (Naney Gaz-

way) Ch *Rosa, *Walter, *Lizzie,

*Nelson, *Ethel; Hadley Rl HadleySec-iS 062a (1868) Hadley ShawTel. Barry and E. D.

Higgins, Floyd (Edna Ward) Kinder-hook Rl Kinderhook Sec2.-) TlOOaE. A. Flick (1897)

Higgins, William H. (Clara Clutch)Ch Louis, * Harry, *Florine,*Floyd;''Prairie View Farm" KinderhookG, D. Kinderhook Sec25 TsOOa L.A. Flick (1915) Farmers TekKinderhook

Hilderbranner, Henry Lizzie, Emma,sisters; Pittsfield R6 Pittsfield Sec7O350a Newburg Sec7 T220a Lizzieand Emma Hilderbranner (1875)Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Hill, Mrs. Elizabeth S.(Rine) Ch Ray-burn C, *Mary, *George, *Harry,*Mina; "Hill Crest Farm'' BaylisRl Hadley Seel O80a (1861) Long-ridge Tel. Baylis

Hill, George S. (Myrtle Rust) ChWilliam. Alfred; Baylis R3 Fair-mount Secl6 Ol64a (1888) Farm-ers Tel. Baylis

Hill, Harvey V. (Ida Mills) ArtieAllen. mother; Russell Hill,

nephew; Nebo R3 Spring CreekSeel 6 T2a Gumes Bros. (1890)

Hill, Lester D. Enola, Adele, sisters,

Carl, brother; Barry R3 HadleySec2S T58a Ella Carr (1901) Had-ley and ElDara Tel. Barry and H.

Hill, Tiford T. (Lena Hadsell) ChStella, Freda; Hadley Rl HadleySec34 TSOa Mrs. Kimber McKin-ney (1871) Hadley and Shaw Tel.Barry

Hill, William T. Pittsfield R5 Mar-tinsburg Sec5 Assistant Farm Man-ager Tames Burbridge (1850) PikeCo. Tel. Pittsfield

HilUg, Lawrence G. (Golda Davis) ChBona, Bernice; Pittsfield Rl Har-din Seel Ol60a (1909) Pike Co.Tel. Milton

Hillman, John B. (Ella Belts) ChClarence; Rockport R2 Atlas Sec36O40a (1865) Farmers Tel. Rockport

Hillman, Sarah (Capps) Ch Ida,

*May; Rockport R2 Atlas Sec22EO20a ( 1S4.-))

Hinch, George L. (Nora Nicholas) ChOttolcne; Kinderhook Rl Cincin-nati Sec33 Tl60a S. B. Peacock(1884)

Hinch, John M. (Bell Kinder) ChvSusie, Gladys. Lillie, John, Jen-nie; Barry Rl Barry ' Sec9 O40a(1860)

Hinch, Mrs. Matilda (Auld) Barry R4Hadley Sec7 OlOOa (1855) RiggsTel. Beverly


Hinch, Ninnis R. (Ruby Webster)

Barry R4 Barry Secl2 T20a Charles

Inman (1896)

Hinch, Samuel (Martha Martin) ChOrinda, Virgil, Rachel, Vanna. El-

don, Elbert, Leola, Roy, *Gcorgc,

*Beulah, *Nirmis, *Lula, *Bertha:

Barry R2 Barry Secll Tl46a

George Watson (ISee")

Hinch, William (Malinda Hull) "TheHull Farm" Kinderhook Rl Barry

Sec6 O260a (1856) Plainville Tel.


Hinds, Edward H. (Jane Jackson)Ch *Wilbur, *Davis, *Mary, *Nora,*Ora, *Sarah, *George, *Ivan,

*Clyde, *Claude, *Myrtle, *Barney,

*John; Kinderhook Rl Kinder-hook Sec36 O50a (1853) FarmersTel. Kinderhook

Hinds, Henry Ch Alfred, Eva, Les-lie, *Harry, *Ernest, *Mamie;Kinderhook Kinderhook Sec250386a (1859) Farmers' Tel. Kinder-hook

Hinds, John W. (Gurlie Walker) ChHilda, Lillie, Walter, Alva, Don-ald; Hull Rl Kinderhook vSec36-35

T90a Edward Hinds (1882) Blaus-er Tel. Plainville, Hull, Kinder-hook

Hines, J. S. (Susan Spiker) Ch Cur-tis, Constance, *Stephen, *Samuel,*Bertha, *DelIa,*Lizzie; "Oak DaleFarm" Pittsfield R4 Derry Sec34T30a R. F. Strubinger (1885)Farmers Tel. El Dara

Hobbs, Albert P. Ch Alice, NormaHobbs, granddaughter, *Minnie,*Laura, *Jamcs, *Mollie; Pearl R2Spring Creek Seel 2 Ol60a (1858)Farmers Tel. Pearl

Hobbs, Frank (Fanny Hartstock) ChEmil; Pleasant Hill Rl 047aPleasant Hill Sec31 T90a FredPierce (1878) Farmers Tel. Pleas-ant Hill

Hobbs, James P. (Ethel Grossman)Pearl R2 Spring Creek Secl2 O40a(1892) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Hobson, Frank (Clara Robinson) ChOrville, Elmer; '•'Fruit Farm''Valley Flint Sec33 Tl40a W. M.Biddle (1878) Pike Co. Tel. Griggs-ville

Hobson, Harvey N. (Ethel Linn) ChMinnie; Lloyd, Eldon, Roy; ValleyFlint Sec8 Tl60a Frank Newman(1882) Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Hoerlein, John J. (Louise Wiegand)Ch Otto, Frederick, *Charley,

*Joseph Jr., *Minnie,*Bertha, *Mar-garet; Perry Perry Sec28 092aSec38-32 T320a W. H. Wilson(1880) Glandon Tel. Perry

Hoerlein, Joseph L. Jr. (Grace Nich-

olson) Griggsville Rl FairmountSec23 Ol57a (1886) Pike Co. Tel.


Hofmann, Fred Ch Lionel, Leta.

Helen, *Laura, *Lola; "MapleGrove Stock Farm" New CantonR3 Pleasantvale Sec21 O440a (1874)

Pike Co. Tel. New Canton

Holcomb, Warren (Madaline Arm-strong) _Ch Lemie, Manford,*Leonard; Rockport Rl Ross SecloTl54a C. C. Shirts (1901)

Hollov/ay, Carry (Butler) Ch Clyde.

Blanch, Dorothy, Taylor, *Martha,*Josephine; Pearl R2 Pearl SecST83a William D. Holloway (1872)

Farmers Tel. Pearl

Holloway, William D. Pearl R2 Pearl

,Sec8 083a (1866) Farmers TeLPearl

Holmes, Bert B. (Bertha Heinz) ChHilma. Ruth. Dorothy, Mr. WilliamHeinz; New Salem Rl Griggsville

Sec31 O20a (1909) Pike Co. Tel.


Holmes, George L. Fanny Seaborn,mother, Harvey, William, Floyd,brothers. Ruby, Pearl, Lenora,sisters: "Cherrv Grove Farm"Baylis Rl Ha'dley Sec2 T200a(1S'.9) Farmers Tel. Ba3^1is

Holt, Frank E (Essie Finley) ChEdna, John, George; "Brook SideGrain Farm" Kinderhook RlPleasantvale Sec6 T90a GeorgeFinley (1906) Farmers Tel. Kinder-hook

Holt, S. Milburn (Melvina Willsey)Ch Cecil, his wife, Effie Scott;*Walter. *Grace, *Maude, *Della,

*Ross; Pittsfield R6 New SalemSec36 OnOa (1856) Pike Co. Tel.


Hook, John Sr. (Mary Yakley) ChWilliam, Lee A., *Mamie, *Anna,*John Jr.; New Salem Rl NewSalem Sec28 OSOa Strauss Bros.

(1870)Hook, John Jr. (Pearl Hall) Ch

Sylvan W.; New Salem Rl NewSalem Sec26 TllOa Lucy Shrigley(1885) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield



Hooper, Edward S. (Alary Smith) Cli

*Dora, *Floyd. *Neva, *Lona:

"Oakwood Farm"' Rockport R2Atlas Sec23 O240a (1863)

Hooper, Floyd E. (Dema Ward) ChWaunda, Paul. Donald, Mary, Ila;

Rockport R2 Atlas vSec27E T340a

E. S. Hooper Glandon Tel. Rock-port

Hoos, Conrad (Alary Conroy) ChDora; "Hoos Fruit Farm" Pittsfield

R3 Newburg Secl3-24 04:2a (1887)

Farmers Tel. Detroit

Hoos, Frank C. (Lydia Liehr) ChVirgil; Pittsfield R6 Xewburg SeclS

Oll3a (1881)

Hoos, John W. (Fffie Rhodes) ChClarence. Claude, Donna, Ross.

Hilda; "Sulphur Spring Farm"Pittsfield R3 Xewburg Sec19-17

OlUOa (1872) Glandon Tel. Pitts-


Hoose, Fred (Cre^sie Dmsmore)"Bav View ]<arm" Pittsfield R3Newburg Seel 7 OG3a (1873) Glan-

don Tel. Pittsfield

Hoose, Peter (Eliza Dunhouse) Ch*John, *Ella, *Laura. *Anna;"Sulphur Springs Farm" Pittsfield

K5 Newburg ScclB-n O220a (1856)

Glandon Tel. Pittslleld

Hoover, Mrs. Amanda (Smithcrs) ChOrpha, *Edgar, *William, *Cor-

delia, *Minnie, *Ina, *Artie.*Nellie:

Milton Montezuma SccS O550a(1859) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Hoover, Mrs. Edward A. (LauraFord) Ch May, Judson, V^right,

Sophia, *LesHe; Montezuma Star

Route Montezuma Secll Ol7;;a

(1857) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Hoover, E. W. (Neva Chandler) ChAda, Neal, Harry, Daniel. Fay,

Roy, Manley, *Ruth, *Hazel,*Tina;Pearl Rl Alontezuma Seel 7 O50Sa(1862) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Hoover, Frank (Edith Bechdoldt) ChArthur, Russell, Jistell; MontezumaMontezuma Secll OSOa (1875)

Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Hoover, Fred G. (Mary Meserve)Ch Rex, Gail, Hal. Donald; PearlRl Montezuma Sec7 OSOa (1889)

Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Hoover, John A. (Laura Shelby") ChPressie, Veda, Ross, James; MiltonDetroit Sec34 OSOa (1870) GlandonTel. Milton

Hoover, Leslie H. (Mabel Main) ChLeo; Montezuma Star Route Mon-tezuma Sec4 Tl20a Ruth Douglas(1888) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Hoover, Steve (Veda Shaw) Ch Jenn-ings; Pearl Rl Montezuma SecloTllOOa Verge Hoover (1892) PikeCo. Tel. Milton

Hoover, William (Golden Smith) ChMildred, Cathleen; New CantonR2 Cincinnati Sec36 T90a Air. Alar-

shall (1884)

Hoover, William H. (Cora Boren) ChVera. Harriet, Alarion, Harold;Milton Rl Alontezuma SecS Ol09a(1864) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Hopkins, Benjamin B. Sr. (Ann Simp-kin) Ch Benjamin Jr., Robert,Anne *Lavina. *Matilda; Griggs-ville R3 Griggsville Sec29 057a(1853) Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Hornback, Cash (Ellen Hufman)Barry Rl Barry Sec23 Ola (1914)

Hornback, Mrs. Delilah 'William L.Hornback Farm"' New Canton RlDerry Sec29 OlOOa (1845) FarmersTel. El Dara

Horton, Otis (Gladys Lynch) Ch D.Otis; New Canton R3 PleasantvaleSec33 Tl65a R. R. Stiffard (1893)Pike Co. Tel. New Canton

Horton, Scott (Nettie McFadden)Ch Florence, Lena, Beulah; NeboRl Hardin Sec27 O200a (1872)

Farmers Tel.

Horton, William O. (Alarv Prior) ChAJary, *Rachel, *Otis, *01iver.

*Jos'ie; Rockport Atlas SecllW6 100a

Hose, Abert (Lorine Ashman) ChHelen. Charles; Pittsfield R3 New-burg SeclG O90a (1883) GlandonTeL Pittsfield

Hoskin, Clarence (Flazel Frank) Cli

C. Kieth; Pittsfield R4 Derry Sec26TOOa W. T. Hoskin (1881) FarmersTel. El Dara

Hoskin, George Ch George B.,

^Alabel, *Isaac. *Hester, *Mary;"Green Top Stock Farm" Pittsfield

R4 Derry Sec21 034.';'t (1856)

Farmers Tel. EI Dara

Hoskin, H. I. (Fanny Wilson) ChIvyndle, Loraine, Gale, Reba;Pittsfield R4 Derry Sec26 Ol20a(1875) Farmers Tel. El Dara



Hoskin, Isaac A. (Nettie Trick) ChAlmira Louise; "Green Top StockFarm"' Pittsfield R4 Derry Sec2S055a (1885) Farmers Tel. El Dara

Hoskin, Minnie Ch ?^Iary, Lavina,Alyrtle, Lillian. *Goldie, * Frank,*Forbie; Pittsfield R4 DerrySec22 O40a (ISGT)

Hoskin, Ray (Mamie Rceder) ChPauline, Louise; Pittsfield R4 Pitts-

field Sec20 Farm Hand Shirley

Pierson (1892)

Hoskin, W. F. (Kate Rictey) ChHarry L., *Clarence F.; "WaysideStock Farm'' Pittsfield R4 DerrySec2fi O280a (180:.') Farmers Tel.

El DaraHoskins, Emery (Anna Trick) Ch

Lillian, Melvin, Earl, Russell, Em-ma, Erma, John, Estell; Pittsfield

R4 Derry "Secll Tl60a AndrewTrick (1874) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Hoskins, Marshal L. (Emma Winans)Ch liomer, Ross, Gladys, *Maud,Ray: Hadley Rl Derry Secl3 O60a(18,5T) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Hoskins, Mrs. Nancy (Lowder) Pitts-

field R2 Martinsburg Secll O20a(18:^6)

Hoskins, Thomas W. (Fannie G.Pursley) Ch }3ele*n, Leslie, Russell,*Mart;nct. '''lUighey, *Asa; Pitts-

field R4 Derry Sec23 T40a Mrs.Marguerite Hoskins (1865)

Hoskins, William (Maud Cox) ChFrances, Eugene; Rockport AtlasSecSE T.S5a Douglas Hoskins(1882)

House, Grover C. (Pcrla Gray) ChIna, Howard. Fern; Rockport R2

. Atlas Sec7E Tiona W. C. Whit-man (1884)

Houseweart. James I. Pittsfield R4Pittsfield Secir, O40a (iSofi)

Houseweart, Mary Pittsfield R4 Pitts-field Seclfi O.iOa (I85(i)

Houseweart, Rachel Pittsfield R4Pittsfield SecK) OnOa (1858)

Houston, Edward (Cordelia Waters')Ch Lacy, Ruby, Angus, Mina,Virgil, Homer: Baylis R3 Fair-mount Sec3 Farm Hand G. W.Cory (1874)

Howard, Elmer (Emma Roberts) ChElmer. Edna. Letha Talbot, *Wal-ter, *Fred, *Ernest; New CantonPleasantvale Sec9 OlROa (1870)

Howard, Frank (Cora Surratt) Chllerschel, R03', Ray. *Mabel;Chambersburg R2 ChambersburgSec4 Tl2()a T. Brockhouse (1915)Farmers Tel. Chambersburg

Howard, Marguerite WilliamAndrew,Joel, brothers; New Canton RlPleasantvale Sec2:; OSOa (1857)Farmers Tel. New Canton

Howard, John S. (Willa Maud Tay-lor) Ch Cora Belle, Ora Lee,Thelma Ruth, also Mrs. MaryJames; Pittsfield R2 MartinsburgSec3 TSOa Mrs. Mary James (1918)

Howard, J. L. (Alice Bramble) Ch*Dora: New Canton PleasantvaleSec9 OSOa (185;]) Pike Co. Tel.New Canton

Howarth, Oscar (Frances Stolte) ChLawrence, Roy: Hull R2 LeveeSeclfi Farm Eland Joseph Stolte(1902)

Howe, Charles A. (ALiria Festler) ChFloyd, Martha, Clyde, *Lydia, *Em-mett, *Rebecca, *George; RockportRl Ross Seen Tl70a Beatty andNichols (1869)

Howell, Levi (Linnie Shaffer) ChArthur, Delia, *Georgie; PittsfieldR3 Detroit Sec20 Farm Hand W^T. Smith (1899) Glandon Tel. Pitts-field

Howell, Samuel (Letha May Swish-er) Ch Jessie, Glenna, Trma. Ray-mond, Edward, Walter; Chambers-burg R2 Chambersburg Secl6 FarmHand Wallace Cummings (1898)

Hower, John A. (Clara Stokesbury)Ch Fred, Ruth; Griggsville RlFairmount Sec34 OlGOa (1870)

Howland, Henry R. (Mary Tavlor)Ch Otis, Otto, Marion. Wilev,* Myrtle, *Ida: Pittsfield Rl Alonte-zuma SecC) Tl20a Martin Pile(1843)

Howland, Horace (Naney Lotzen-hizer) Ch Charles, Clarence. Sarah,Francis, Beulah, Annis, *WilIiam.*Rena, *Nettie. *Nellie; RockportRl Atlas Sec29 T7Sa Gus Ogle(1852)

Howland, William R. (Lena Day) ChMarvin: Pearl R2 Pearl Sec3o07lHa (1919)

Hoyt, Roscoe D. (Iva Johnson) ChWilliam R.: "Alfalfa' Dale StockFarm" Barry R3 Barry Sec2S O270a(1877) Kinderhook Tel. Kinder-hook



Hoyt, William Henry (Anna Ferrell)

Ch Warren, Harold, Henry,

Evadna, Charles, *Carrie, *Ella,

*Vera; Barry R3 Hadley Ol20aBarry' Sec28 T320a Harlam Horn(18(54) Kinderhook Farmers Tel.


Hubbard, Charles G. (Myrtle Heav-ner) Ch Wayne, Frank, Roy, Ruth,

Russell, *Paul; Nebo Rl Hardin

Sec31 O200a (1874) Farmers Tel.

NeboHubbard, Jacob H. (Laura Skeels)

Ch Ella. William, Charles, Alary.

Jessie, Jacob, Lawrence, Mabel.

*Edna; Nebo Rl Hardin Sec32

O460a (1872) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Hubbard, Paul T. (Alice Witty) ChHazel; Nebo Rl Martinsburg

Sec36 T50a Charles G. Hubbard(1889)

Hubbard, William (Elizabeth Eck-ard) "Elm Wood Stock Farm''

New Canton Cincinnati Secl5

0794a (1869)

Hudelson, Clarence E. (Ethel Brown-ing) Chambersburg Rl Perrv Sec3

Tl60a Henry C. Hudleson (1892)

Hudelson, George B. (Beulah Metz)Chambersburg Rl Perry Seel

Tl60a H. C. Hudleson (1889)

Farmers Tel. Chambersburg

Hudelson, Henry C. (Katie Brooks)

Ch Alice. *Mamie, *Robert,

*George, *Ethel, *Clarence;

Chambersburg Rl Perry Sec3

O320a (1857) Farmers Tel. Perry

Huff, Perry L. (Lena Kellum) ChArnold, Harold, Oliver L.. AaronGale, Hubert, *Hale; Barry R2Hadley Sec4 O320a (1876) Tel.


Hull, Bert (Virdie Call) Ch Gerald,

.A.lfred, Bertha, Harry, Lewis,

Marie; Kinderhook Rl Barry Sec6

Tl4na M. L. Hull (1874) Bluff Tel.


Hull, Cyrus B. (Mabel E. Blake) ChEva, Nina, *Beulah; Baylis Rl Had-ley Secll O80a Secll TSOa HuntleySisters (1868) Farmers Tel. Baylis

Hull, Fred (Nellie Pilling) Ch lola

W., Russel, Frank; Baylis RlHadley Sec3 T280a Mrs. Alice

Powell (1915) Pleasant Hill Baylis

Hull, George G. (Mary Schmidt) ChAlice, Ralph. Lydia, Erma; HadleyRl Hadley Sec27 Tl77a Mrs. AnnaBlades (1914) Hadley and El DaraTel. Barry

Hull, Martin L. (Sarah House) ChAibertus G., Cora B., Bertha M.;Kinderhook Rl Kinderhook Secl2Ol34a (1872) Bluff Tel. Kinder-hook

Hull, Ninnis E. (Fern Lease) ChElise; Kinderhook Rl Barry SecUTl08a Denton Hull (1885) ElmGrove Tel. Plainville

Hull, Ninnis E. (Bertha Hinch) "TheClark Farm" Barry Rl Barry Sec21T2K'a (1890) Farmers Tel. Kinder-hook

Humphrey, Charles (Ida Minton) Ch*Carrie; Barry Star Route Pleas-antvale Seel 05a (1867)

Hund, Joseph (Emma Fritsch) ChDora, Joseph; Chambersburg R2Chambersburg SeclS Tl20a AugustHund (1911)

Hunt, Jacob S. (Louise Pillager) ChEsther, Dorothy; Pearl Star RoutePearl Sec3 T23a C. Chappell (1918)

Hunter, Alex (Mary Kiser) ChNatalie Elizabeth, Donald; Pitts-

field R7 Newburg Sec28 083a(1874)

Hunter, Merrel J. (Anna K. Hoos>Ch Raymond, Roy, Albert, Russell,

Florence, Robert, Mildred; "SpringValley Farm" New Canton RlPleasantvale Sec26 Ol80a (1876)

Farmers Tel. New Canton

Hunter, Robert (Rebecca Kelly) Ch*Sarah, *AIexandria, *Merrill,

*Madge, *Edna, *Rebecca; Pitts-

field R7 Newburg Sec28 Ol30a(I8.il) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Huntley, Henry (Beche Bowers) ChAnnie, Jesse, Leo, *Harlow, *Solon.

*Edward. *Charles. *Amy; NewCanton R3 Pleasantvale Sec31

T200a Harry Nichols (1857) Pike

Co. Tel. New Canton

Huntley, Misses Mattie and Julia

"Elm Dale Farm" Barry R4 HadleySeclO O640a (1844) Hadley andBaylis Tel. Baylis

Huntly, Alonzo (Olive Bower) CIi

Nellie, *Harland, *Hattie, *Mire;Hadley Hadley SeclS OSOa (1856)



Huntly, Edward (Ona Miles) ChBeulah, Irene, Nora; RockportAtlas SetOW Tl20a Norman Nich-

ols (1909)Huntly, Harland F. (Rosa Roots) Ch

Loraine, Marjorie; "Valley ViewFarm" Kind'erhook Barry Sec20Tla Robert Fletcher (1885)

Huntly, M. V. (Eliza Randolf) Ch*William, *Emma, *Marie, *Alonzo,*Henry. *Kate; Barry R4 HadleySeclO T200a Solon Fluntly Est.

(1843)Hurst, Thomas J. (Iva Reeve) Ch

Kenneth, Kermit, Joanna; "SunnySlope Farm"' New Canton RlDerry Sec31 OSOa (1879) FarmersTel. ElDara

Hurst, W. Everett (Irene Lewis) ChLewis C, Loraine E.; "HaytaiStock Farm"' Pittsfield R4 DerrvSec27 TlSOa J. O. Strubinger (1876)Farmers Tel. Eldara

Hurt, Leon J. (Mary Richards) ChMary Lee, Richard, Hugh; BarryR2 Barry Sec2-t OSOa (1883) PikeCo. Tel. Barry

Husband, Samuel A. (Josie Taggart)Ch Lyle, Mary; Valley Flint Sec20O20Sa (1865) Pike Co. Tel. Griggs-ville

Hyde, George S. (Lizzie Allison) ChHanford V., Louise H.; "TheBluffs Farm" New Canton RlPleasantvale SeclG 047a (1882)

Hyde, Loren S. (Mae Johnson) ChAnnctta. Irene, Lucile, Junior, Mi-riam; Griggsville R3 GriggsvilleSec28 T400 Mrs. T. M. Yates (1887)Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Hyde, "William H. Ch *Myron,*George, *Fred, *Cliarles; "CedarMound Farm" New Canton RlPleasantvale SeclO 054a (1842)Pike Co. Tel. New Canton


Iftner, Harry (Rebecca Trick) ChHenry-, Andrew, Jesse, Roy, Mary,Wesley, Anna, Jacob, Claire, Grace;Pittsfield R6 Pittsfield Sec6 Ol07a(1873) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Her, Angus 'G, (Lena Barkett) ChGrace, Oeda, Evert; Pearl RlMontezuma Secl4 T26a VergeHoover (1879) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Her, Ross (Hattie Garner) Ch *Ross,*Retta, *Angus, *Una, *Ono, *Mary,*George, *Blanch; Pearl Rl Monte-zuma Sec23 Tla Virgell Hoover(1880)

Ingalls, Charles M. (Anna R. Parks)Ch *Walter R., *Daisy M., *Ethel;Baylis R2 New Salem Sec4 Ol61aU851) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Ingalsbe, Thomas B. (Emma B.Plumb) Ch Thomas S., *Nellie F.;

New Salem New Salem Sec22 650a(1861)

Ingram, Spencer (Carrie Walker) ChVada, *Lulu: Chambersburg RlPerry Sec3 OSOa (1895) FarmersTel. Perry

Inman, Bradford Ch Charles, May,Jesse, Pearl, Jannie, *John,^Walter, *Harry, *George, *Annie;Barry R2 Barry Secl3 028a (1853)Tel. Barry

Inman, Harry L. (Daisy Melbon) ChLee, Pansy, Harvey. William, LucyBarry R2 Barry Seel 2 O70a T40aEdward Mellon (1889) Tel. Barry

Inman, John W. (Carrie Sittler) ChMary; Barry R3 Hadley Sec28Tl60a Byron Campbell (1875) PikeCo. Tel. Barry

Inskip, Charley (Cora Robinson) ChBeatrice, *Roy, *Media; Pearl R2Pearl Sec29 061a (1866) FarmersTel. Pearl

Inskip, Ray (Lillie Buchanan) ChEarl, Cleo, Pearl R2 Pearl Sec30Tl24a John Sibermanar (1890)Farmers Tel. Pearl

Irick, Albert (Mary White) PittsfieldR4 Derry Sec3 Ol20a (1880) PikeCo. Tel. Pittsfield

Irick, Andrew (Emma J. Kendrick)Ch Grace, Alta, Clay, *Rebecca,*.\nna, *George, *Ruth, ^Viola,* Edith; "The Lone Elm Farm"Pittsfield R4 Derry Secl4 O380a(IS.VT) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Irick, George S. (Mary IG. Royalty)Ch Gladys, Gertrude, Andrew;"Poplar Corner Farm" Pittsfield R4Derry Secl3 Ol60a (1885) Pike Co.Tel. Pittsfield



Irick, Harry (Alice Philips) Ch

Jesse; Pittsfield R4 Derry Sec24 T2aHarry Higbee (1889) Pike Co. Tel.


Irick, Jacob (Emily White) Ch Carl,

Ora, Olive, Portia; "Mt. Carmel

Stock Farm" Hadley Rl Hadley

Sec36 O240a (1867) Glandon Tel.


Irick, Jesse (Sarah E. Reynolds) €hEdgar Stanton, *Albert, *Nettie,*Harry; "Grass Valley Stock Farm"Hadley Rl Derry Secl2 O400a(1857) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Irving, Wade H. (Martha Hume) ChDonavon, Bernice, Warren, Joe>Loraine; Chambersburg R2 Cham-bersburg Secl.j OSOa SeclO T400aEd. Irving (1870) Farmers TeLChambersburg

Jackson, Fred B. (Riva Hobbs)Pearl Pearl Secl7 Tl20a JamesJackson (1895) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Jackson, James (Fannie Waggoner)Ch Fred, Cecil, *Lora; Pearl Pearl

Secl7 Ol20a (1865) Farmers Tel.


Jackson, Jesse (Edna Calvin) ChVeatriess, James, Leata, Virgel;

Pearl R2 Pearl Sec22 Ol57>4a

(1874) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Jackson, Ollie (Luella Powell) ChHarold, Lizzie, Marie, Ray, Elza;

Baylis R3 Fairmount Sec7 055a(1883) Pike Co. Tel. Fishook andBaylis

Jackson, Thomas (Mary Crater)

Julia Bonyea, granddaughter; Pearl

Star Route Pearl Sec28 O40a (1868)

James, Charles R. (Harriet Mullenix)

Ch Lyndel Russell; Pittsfield R5Pittsfield Sec27 T80a MargaretDutton (1891) Glandon Tel. Pitts-


James, Joe A. (Charlotte Schedel) ChLeta, Lyndle, Geneva, George,Paul; Pittsfield R2 MartinsburgSees O80a (1882) Pike Co. Tel.


James, John A. (Elizabeth Gerard)Ch *May.*Ray,*Eva; "Maple GroveFarm" Rockport R2 Atlas Secl3Ol64a (1869) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

James, Thomas F. (Margaret Will-sey) Ch Eloise and Irene James,grandchildren, *Frances, *Lizzie,

*Lula, *Warren, *Charles; "CiderHill Farm" Pittsfield R5 Pittsfield

Sec23 OinOa (1863) Glandon Tel.


James, William E. (Ella Smith)Rockport R2 Atlas Secl3 Ol60a(1856) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Jameson, William C. (Luella Drake)Ch Ernest, Mary, Jessie; Pearl RlMontezuma Sec33 Tla (1878) PikeCo. Tel. Milton

Jarvis, Mrs. Fanny R. Ch Ted, Fred

J.; Baylis R3 Fairmount SeclTOS^a (1898)

Jefferies, James A. (Faye Ross) ChRoss, James Jr., Granville, Maxine;Pittsfield R4' Pittsfield Secll TSOaMrs. Sarah Gleckler (1S98) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Jeffers, Mrs. Lottie (Potter) ChAmos, Clarence, Wren; Baylis R2New Salem Secl7 OSa (1869) PikeCo. Tel. Baylis

Jeffries, Charles E. (Minnie Gaines)Ch Dorothy, Fay, Margaret,*Gaines, *Winona; Hull Rl Kinder-hook Sec3 035a (1907) Bluflf Co.Tel. Hull

Jennings, Alvin Ch C. Jackson, Har-old, George, Gretta; Barry RlBarry Sec23 OlOa (1859)

Jennings, James W. New Canton R2Cincinnati Sec21 T60a WilliamHubbard (1914)

Jibben, Benjamin H. (Mabel Shields)New Canton R2 Pleasantvale Secl9Tl5fla George Jibben (1919) PikeCo. Tel. New Canton

Jibben, George J. (Irene Bartel) ChGeneva, Clifford; New Canton R2Pleasantvale Secl9 0357a (1919)Pike Co. Tel. New Canton

Jobe, John H. (Ellen Browning) ChJohn, *Thomas, *ElIa, *Emma.*Lila, *Della; Griggsville R3 New-burg Sec4 T320a (1849) GlandonTel. Griggsville Pittsfield

Johnson, Albert S. (Jose McKey) Ch*Enid. *Edith; Pearl R2 Spring-Creek Secl4 T320a Anna McKey(1871) Farmers Tel. Pearl



Johnson, Alvie (Lda Wilson) ChLeon; Pittsfield R7 Hardin Secl9T^a Mattie J. Colver (1879)

Johnson, Calvin (Aoye Toland) ChRuby, Ethel, Lelia, Elva; HadleyRl Hadley SecP.5 Tl45a Dan Harsh-man Glandon Tel. Baylis

Johnson, Charles (Nancy Wassell)Ch Frank and Ida (White) his wife,

*Kay; "Meadow Brook Farm"Hadley Rl Hadley Sec27 0315a(185::i) Hadley and El Dara Tel.


Johnson, Charles R. (Blanche Mes-ervey) Ch Maxine; Baylis R3Fairmount Secl2 T40a Irving John-son (1896) Pike Co. Tel. Perry

Johnson, Charles T. (Sarah Booth)Ch Julia, Daisy, Rosaline, Reulah,Carl, *Raymond, *Bert, *Paul, *Or-ville; Pearl Pearl Seel 5 057a (1868)

Fanners Tel. Pearl

Johnson, Charlie A. (Rose Pothast)Ch Mildred, George, Dorothy;"Springdale Farm" Hull RlKinderhook Sccr.-(i-7 O440a (1877)

Kinderhook Bluff Co. Tel. PaysonFarm Line

Johnson. Edgar Ch Geneva, *Marie;New Canton R2 Pleasantvale Sec6Tl.50a J. W. Bovd (1873) FarmersTel. Kinderhook

Johnson, Edward (Mary E. Butler)Baylis R3 Fairmount SeclT TlBOaM. Johnson (1892) Pike Co. Tel.


Johnson, Elisha E. (Mary Browning)Ch Alvin, Delia, Jessie, *Harr}^;Rockport R2 Atlas Sec21 02a(1866)

Johnson, Ellen (Chamberlain) ChEarl, *Lee, *Fred,, *Opal, *Ora.*Lelan *Ruth; Pearl Rl TTardinSec24 O30a (1865)

Johnson, Fred G. (Lilly Galloway)Ch Homer, Russell, *'Edith; Pitts-field R2 Hardin Secl9 T20a I. J.Dyer (1870)

Johnson, F. Ray (Helen AlcCleary)Ch Harry, Wayne; "MeadowBrook Farm" Hadley Rl HadleySec27 T315a Charles Johnson(1885) Hadley and B. Tel. Barry

Johnson, George H. (Libbie Pine)Ch *Fanny, *Rose, *Edgar, *Pine,*Charles, *Iva, *Harry; "HighlandHome Farm" Barry R3 Sec28 Ol90a(1843) Kinderhook Tel. Kinderhook

Johnson, George Pine (Edith Gard)Ch Helen, Carol; "Green LawnFruit Farm" Barry R3 Sec28 Ol20a(1875) Independent Tel. Barry

Johnson, John (Florence Bradbury)Ch Loraine, Dean, Maro; Baylis R3Perry Secl8 TfiOa Maro Johnson(1889) Farmers Tel. Perry

Johnson, Lee (Laura Windmiller) ChWinzola, Jacob Lee; New SalemRl Griggsville Sec31 O20a (1889)Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Johnson, L. A. (Cinda Gant) ChHayward, Amos, Lowell, *Hazel;Nebo R3 Pleasant Hill Sec35 O40a(1877) Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Johnson, Mrs. Maggie Ch Minnie.Nellie, (Also Air. D. C. White).*May, *Irving, *Hattie; Baylis R3Fairmount Sec]2 O80a (1859) PikeCo. Tel. Perry

Johnson, Malcolm A. (Neva Price)

Ch Kenneth, Wallace, Malcolm,Frank, *Opal; "Mapleview Farm"Hull Levee Sec24 T218a L. C.

Hackman (1914) Glandcfn Tel.

Johnson, Maro (Emma L. Hobbs)Ch *Etta, *Bertha, *.\lta, *John,*Edward, *Charles; Baylis R3Fairmount Secl3 Ol60a (1854)

Pike Co. Tel. Perry

Johnson, M. Alfa (Ethel Orr) ChBernice, Floyd. Louise, Wayne;Baylis R2 New Salem Sec4 Ol39a(1888) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Johnson, Nay (Minnie Test) also

Mrs. Rosa Test; Griggsville RlFairmount Secl3 O60a (1870) PikeCo. Tel. Perry

Johnson, Ora (Nola Renoud) ChOlin, Elvin; Pearl Star Route Pearl

Sec3 Tl20a Daly Garnson (1887)

Johnson, Orie A. (Lena Mains) Ch*Raymond,*Coy; Pittsfield R5 Mar-tinsburg Sec5 OSOa (1869) Pike Co.

Tel. Pittsfield

Johnson, Oscar (Zula Kessinger) ChLoren, Marvin, Martin; Pearl Pearl

Sec20 082a (1918)

Johnson, Osce A. (Hattie Hess) ChOsce, Catherine; Pearl Rl Monte-zuma Sec32 O40a (1896) FarmersTel. Pearl



Johnson, Otha (Anna Rohrig) ChHarold, Delbert, Robby, Helen,

*May, *Roy, *Lee, *Clella, *Lela;

New Salem Rl Griggsville Sec31

T205a Thomas Simpson (1879)

Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Johnson, Raymond (Ora Kasinger)Pleasant Hill Ross Secll T221a Mr.

Norsenger (ISSl)

Johnson, Raymond (Daisy Moore)Ch Ora, Tone; Pittsfield R5 Mar-

tinsburg Seco T40a Montie Strauss


Johnson, Mrs. Una (Long) ChHugh, Hazel, Carl, *Lovie, *Louie,

*Joe, *Ligon; Pearl Rl MontezumaSec32 Ol83a (1874)

Johnson, T. P. (Elen Yokem) ChBlanche, *Maud, *Claudie, *Arthur.* Virgil, *Earl, *Bertha: RockportRl Pleasant Hill Sec7 099a (1847)

Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Johnson, William (Margaret Knox)Ch John, Lillie. *May, *Hyla;Pearl Star Rte. Montezuma Sec330363i/< (1889) }*Tntual Farmers Tel.


Johnston, Allen (Blanche Hess) ChGerald, Leoline. Kathryn, *Floyd;"Wayside Farm" Pearl Rl Monte-zuma Secl9 O20a (I8fi4) Pike Co.

Tel. Milton

Johnston, Floyd K. (Ruth Johnson)Ch Harold; "Way Side Farm"Pearl Rl Montezuma Secl9 T320aAllen Johnston (1895) Pike Co. Tel.


Johnston, Joseph New Canton R2Cincinnati Sec22 T2a R. M. Atkeon(1859)

Johnston, Otis (Laura Chandler) Cli

Paul, Hilda, Everett: "Blue Valley

Farm" Milton Detroit Scc33 Ol29a(1868) Glandon Tel. Milton

Johnston, Thomas J. Ch Marea, *Roy,

*Ed., *Loyd, *Ethel; Pearl Rl Mon-tezuma Sec29 O40a (1869) FarmersTel. Pearl

Jones, Charley (Mary Miller) PearlRl Pearl Sec3 OSOa (1886) PikeCo. Tel. Pearl

Jones, Clifford G. (Elsie Davis) ChPauline; Barry R4 Hadley Secl6T2a C. H. Davis (1892)

Jones, George L. (Nellie Showe) ChElizabeth; "Walnut Glen Farm"ElDara Derry Secl7 OloOa (1887)Farmers Tel. El Dara

Jones, George W. (Anna K. Schnei-der) Ch Katherine, Leo, *Mabel,*Helen; Barry R3 PleasantvaleSec9 O20a (190S)

Jones, Jasper N. (Harriet Bradbur}^Ch *Stanley, *Joseph; "JonesFarm" Perry Perry Seclfi 085a(1852) Farmers Tel. Perry

Jones, Jennie (Silkwood) Ch Harold,Hubert, Eileena; Nebo R3 SpringCreek Secl7 Tl5a (1894) Pike Co.Tel. Nebo

Jones, Reason (Lizzie Minton) ChJames, *Mary, *Lula; Hull R2Levee Seel 05a (1870)

Jones, Stanley (Malinda Lackscheid)Ch Glen, Hazel; Chambersburg RlPerry SeclG T2.">a Mary Lackscheid(1899) Farmers Tel. Perry

Jordan, John H. (Catherine Der-mody) Ch James, Thomas, Mar-garet, Mary, Anna, Agnes; "Pleas-ant Grove Stock Farm" Pittsfield

R6 Newbury Sec7 O40a (1875)Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Joslin, Ivy O. (Claudia McKey)Ch Leona, Lowell, Sidnej\ Vera;Nebo Rl Spring Creek Sec5 Tl60aW. G. Joslin Farmers Tel. Nebo

Judy, Martin R. (Florence Cassity)Ch Genncllar, Teanie, Jessie,

*Lilard. *Walker, *Samuel, " *Ho-bert; Rockport Rl Ross Seel FarmHand Sol. Yokem (1905)

Justus, J. B. (Nadie J. Reynolds) Ch*Virgil, *Kate, *Wavie, *Ad'die,

*Vetta: Pleasant Hill Rl PleasantHill Sec3 T9a Virgil Hartsock(1917)

KKabrick. John J. (Nettie Hess) Ch

Ruth, Shirley; "Hill Crest DairyFarm" Barry Rl Barry Sec23 Tl49aMrs. Mattie Perry (1913) Pike Co.

Tel. Barry

Kaeser, Edward (Henrietta Heck) ChLouise, Helen, Edna, Edward; NewSalem Rl New Salem Sec35 OllSa

(1863) Pike Co, Tel. Pittsfield



Kaeser, Mrs. Emma J. (Heck) ChHenrietta, William; "Kaeser Farm"Pittsfield R5 Pittsheld Sec29 0331a(1861) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Kallenbach, Frank C. (Mata Grieve)

Ch Eva, Elsie, Edna; "Maple GroveFarm" Chambersburg Rl Perry

Sec;j Ol70a Perry Sec3 TlOOa LewisKallenbach (18S4) Farmers Tel.


Kallenbach, Louis (Nina Lipkeman)Ch Harvey, John, *Edward, *Wes-ley, *Lula, *Anna, *Ben, *Frank;Chambersburg Rl Perry Sec9 O240a(1852) Farmers Tel. Perry

Kallenbach, Wesley (Nellie Riley)

Ch Mildred, Mabel; ChambersburgRl Perry Secl5 Ol45a (1877) Farm-ers Tel. Perry

Kane, John (Elizabeth Riley) Ch Ag-nes, Timothy, Riley, Elizabeth;

Pittsfield R6 Pittsfield SecO OSOa(1871)

Karsten, John A. (Effie Wells) ChFloyd, Helen; "Sunny side" Kinder-hook Rl Kinderhook Secl2 O302a(187(3) Bluff Co. Tel. Kinderhook

Karsten, William (Minn Staff) ChJohn, Fredrick, *Lena, *Irene;"Pleasant Nook Farm" Barry RlBarry Sec9 Ol70a (1865) FarmersTel. Kinderhook

Kasinger, Oliver (Etta Nelson) ChOrville, Dailey, C)race, Alpha, Ray,Paul, *Ora; Pearl R2i Pearl Sec32Ol52a (1910) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Kasinger, Sarah J. (Peacock) Ch*Henry, *John, *Ray, *Pet, *Nancy;Pearl R2 Pearl Sec20 OSOa (1832)Farmers Tel. Pearl

Kassinger, Henry (Anna Johnson) Ch*Carry, *Sarah. *Ran, *Arch, *Maud,*Grace, *Icle; Pearl R2 Pearl Sec21O40a (1852) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Kassinger, Olen (Daisy Silkvi^ood) ChHerbert and Margaret Peel,

Wanda, Paul, Lois, Oral; Pearl R2Pearl Sec33 04a (1879)

Kaylor, A. Newt, (Maud Tedrow) ChLena June; Baylis R2 Hadley Sec25O90a (1869) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Kaylor, Mrs. Mary E. (Mary E.Browning) Ch Lucy, *Nancy,*James, *Thomas, *Newton, *Ed-win; M. Bush Kalor New Salem RlNew Salem Sec31 098a (1832) PikeCo. Tel. Baylis

Kearney, Patrick (Catherine Murphy)Ch *Mary, *Bernard, *Esther, *Wil-liam, *Edward; Pittsfield R6 Pitts-field Secl3 06a (1882)

Keip, Oscar (Hannah Barnett) ChTruman, Lelia, Cecelia; PittsfieldR4 Pittsfield Secl9 Oll2a (1873)IGlandon Tel. Pittsfield

Keith, John H. (Eliza Pruett) ChEllis, Gladys, Mabel, *Bertha,*Henry, Rockport Atlas Sec23W1^1203 (1860)

Kells, James ('Gertrude Beckman) ChMartha, Baby; New Salem Rl Had-ley Sec25 O280a Morris Grammar(1911) Baylis Tel. Baylis

Kellum, Emery (Lillie Ware) ChDee, *Maude, *Eugene, *Harold,*Flow; Barry R4 Hadley Secl7O80a (I860) Farmers Tel. Baylis

Kellum, Eugene (Rebecca Hunter)Ch Emery, Merrell, Charles; BarryR4 Hadley Sec20-21 T320a A. K.Worthington (1885) Hadley andBaylis Tel. Baylis

Kellum, Harold E. (Harriett Humley)Ch Hellen, Dee, Floyd; Barry R2Hadley Secl8 Tl60a Virgil Foreman(1S86)

Kelly, George (Helen McDonald) Ch*Louis; Pittsfield R3 NewburgSeclO Ol05a (1854) Glandon Tel.Pittsfield

Kelly, J. B. Pittsfield Rl NewburgSec36 Ol60a (1858) Glandon Tel.Pittsfield, Milton

Kelly, Nathan (Alice McClain) ChJ. Paul; Pleasant Hill Rl PleasantHill Sec21 064a (1858) Pike Co.Tel. Pleasant Hill

Kelly, Ralph M. (Fanny Kropp) ChLeonard. Lewis, Aline; Barry R4Hadley Secl6 Tl64a Jas. Magrave(1915)

Kelly, Ray A. (Florine M. Crane)"Bayview Stock Farm" Pittsfield

Rl Newburg Sec35 Tl60a AnnaKleinschmidt (1893) Glandon Tel.Pittsfield

Kelly, William W. (Ida Guthrie) ChCharles, Virdin, Flora, Nathan,William, Rossel, Robert, Berneda;Pittsfield Rl Newburg Sec28 Ol25a(1854)

Kelsey, Frank (Mary Higdon) ChBeulah, John, Frank, Vera; Pitts-field R3 Detroit Sec5 Tl95a J. D.Burch (1908) Glandon Tel. Pitts-field



Kelsy, William (Mary Kramer) ChWilliam; Griggsville R3 NewburgSec3 Ol39a (1886) Glandon Tel.


Kemner, Charles A. (Edna Burbridge)Ch Ruth, Janet, Charlene; Pittsfield

R7 Hardin Sec30 O40a (1877) PikeCo. Tel. Pittsfield

Kenady, L. Merle (Alice Weddington)Ch Louis, Rosella, Wilma, Bethany;"Sunny Side P'arm" Kinderhook RlBarry Sec7 Tl35a L,. H. Kenady(1913) Bluff Line Tel. Kinderhook

Kendall, John R. (Harriet Nicholls)

Ch Alfred, *Mabel,*Maude,*Harvey,*Harry, *Roy, *Elizabeth, *Grace;"Spring Lake iFarm" Rockport RlRoss Sec3 Tl75a Beattj^ and Nich-ols (1858)

Kendall, Josana (Ida Klise deceased)Ch George, Nick, *Etta, *Mary;Rockport Atlas Sec3W TsOa LorenNicols (1896)

Kendall, Mrs. Lucy (Lucy Criss) ChRussell, Opal, Bessie, *Earl; Pitts-

fieldl R4 Pittsfield SeclS TlOOa Will-iam Criss (1875)

Kendall, Raymond E. (Lora Rgers)Ch iMaynard, Aleredith; "Oak Hill

Stock Farm'" Barry R3 HadleySec32 Reece Kendall (1890) Hadleyand Shaw Tel. Barry Hadley andEl Dara

Kendall, Reese (Ida Kahall) Ch Ef-fie. *Raymond; Barry R3 HadleySec32 O200a (1862) Hadley" andShaw Tel. H. El Dara and Barry

Kendall, William (Eva Donovan) ChJames W., *Alicc; "Glen DaleFarm" Ne^v Canton Rl Pleasant-vale Secl3'092a (]S72) FarmersTel. New Canton

Kendrick, Edward J. (Isabel McFar-land) Ch Earl, Ralph, Merritt, Ef-fie, Mildred, *John, *George, *Ed-ward, *Irene, *ElHs, *Mary, *Logan."'Dora; "Prairie View" New CantonR2 Pleasantvale Secl7 O270a (1867)Pike Co. Tel. New Canton

Kendrick, Ellis (Alma Heidloff) ChEllis Jr.; New Canton PleasantvaleSec 16 Ola (18SS) Pike Co. Tel. NewCanton

Kendrick, Harry (Jennie Hack)"Blue Grass Valley Stock Farm"Barry RS Pleasantvale SeclO O260a(1886) Pike Co. Tel. New Canton

Kendrick, Jack (Mary Wheelan) ChJohn, Mary, *James, *Charles,*Harry, *Samuel; "Twin Hills"Barry R3 Pleasantvale Sec9 0327a(1866) Pike Co. Tel. New Canton

Kendrick, James W. (Lottie Hack)Hull Rl Kinderhook SeclO Ol48a(1889) Bluff Co. Tel. Hull

Kendrick, John T. (Alta Ward) ChHelen, Kenneth, Nadyne; NewCanton R2 Pleasantvale Secl7 T60aE. J. Kendrick (1880) Pike Co. Tel.New Canton

Kendrick, Samuel G. (Mabel Fisher)Ch Katherine J.; "Locust SpringiFarm" New Canton G,D. Pleasant-vale Sec9 O50a (1890) Pike Co. Tel.New Canton

Kennady, Ralph W. (Melvina Reed)Ch LeRoy, Mildred; Hulls R2 Kin-derhook Sec7 O320a KinderhookSec7 T35a Chas. Reed (1890)

Kennedy, Charles (Mary J. (jollins)

Ch John, Leota, Leland, Gilbert,*zA.lice: Pleasant Hill Ross Sec23T260a J. R. Gallaway (1916) Farm-ers Line Tel. Pleasant Hill

Kennedy, C. Henry (Mai)ell Brown)Ch Harlan, Franklin; Chambers-burg Rl Perry Sec3 Tl20a EH In-gram (1915) Farmers Tel. Perry

Kennedy, Delbert T. (Lula Bonnet)Ch Fern, Lucy, John, Mildred, Mar-garet, Rosalie, Robert, Dorothy,Nina; Griggsville Rl Griggsville

Sec20 Ol60a (1869) Pike Co. Tel.

GriggsvilleKennedy, James M. (Mary Wheeler)Ch Bessie: Earl M. Cook, son-in-

law; Charles, grandchild; Griggs-ville Rl Griggsville Sec7 FarmHand E. B. Seeds (1851) Pike Co.Tel. Griggsville

Kennedy, John A. (Una Thurman) ChEmma: Pearl Rl Hardin Secl3T200a V. E. Kennedy (1867) Farm-ers Tel. Milton

Kennedy, Stanton M. (Orphia Dun-ham) Ch Edna, Birdella: Griggs-ville Rl Griggsville SeclS OSOa(1862) Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Kennedy, Wiley L. (Emma Churchill)Ch Forrest, *Otho,*Minnie,*Myrtle,*Loren, *Merlc, *Lela, '=Fay; Kin-derhook Rl Cincinnati Seel Ol20a(1871)

Kenyon, Archie E. (Ethel Bail) ChOlive, Ina: Pittsfield R2 NewburgSecl5 033a Newburg Secl5-16 TsiaJ. D. Kesterton (1877)



Kenyon, Joseph G. (Chloie Thornton)Ch Lela, *Lorenza, *Leslie: Pitts-

field R7 Hardin Seel TlSOa Strauss

Bro. (186.'0

Kenyon, Roy A. (Nona Sackett)

"Blue Alountain Stock Farm" Pitts-

field R3 Newburg Secl5-16 085aNewburg Secl5 T29a J. 'D. Kester-

ton (1879) iGlandon Tel. Pittsfield

Kern, Edward M. (Hannah Sissler)

Ch Evans; Pittsfield R7 NewburgSec30-31-32 073a (1867) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Kern, Fred (Lizzie Sittler) Ch Eda,*Karl; Pittsfield R7 Newburg Sec3lOl60a (1862) Glandon Tel. Pitts-


Kern, John G. (Samantha Couch) Ch*Ora; Nebo Rl Hardin Sec26 Ol60a(1860) Pike Co. Tel. Time

Kern, Noah (Armilda Bennett) ChCharles, Wesley, *Frank, *Robert*Amy; Barry R4 Barry Sec25 07i^a(1893)

Kern, Ora L. (Anna Windmiller) ChLyndell. Frances, Evelyn; Nebo RlHardin Sec26 Ol60a (1891) FarmersTel. Line

Kerr, William H. (Minnie Brown) ChRoberta, Ruth, Hugh; "Maple LaneFarm" Hadley Rl Derry Sec4 Ol84a(1880) El Dara and Hadley andBarry Tel. Barry

Kessenger, Carna (Ella Lenington)Ch Loyd; Pearl R2 Pearl Sec29T2a George W. Smith (1897)

Kessenger, Ran O. (Susan Johnson)Ch *Chester; Pearl R2 Pearl Sec20Ol23i/^a (1866) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Kessinger, John A. (Emma Wag-goner) Ch Edith, granddaughter,Marie and Logan Turnbow, *Carna,*Pearlie; Pearl R2 Pearl Sec21Ol80a (1870) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Kessinger, Peter S. (Bird Bland) Ch*Melvina, *Alford, *Virdie, *Manda,*Edna, *Mary, *Evert; BeecreekPearl Sec33 Ol53a (1861) FarmersTel. Beecreek .

Keys, Charles (Eva Johnston) ChRoss, Russell; Pearl Rl MontezumaSec29 Ol30a (1871) Pike Co. Tel.


Keys, Samuel (Alice Ligon) Ch*Maud; Pearl Montezuma Sec27

0175a (1873) Pike Co. Tel. Pearl

Kibler, Joseph B. (Grace Winter) ChFrederick; Pleasant Hill Rl Mar-tinsburg Sec27 Ol82a (1869) Farm-ers Tel. Martinsburg and PleasantHill

Kientzle, Bernard (Elizabeth Riley)Ch Mary Josephine, Helen; Pitts-

field R5 Martinsburg SecS O80a(1881) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Killabrew, Hardin (Minnie Killen-berger) Ch *iFlorence Nebo R2Spring Creek Sec35 O80a (1839)

Kimble, Mrs. Maggie (Smih) "SunnyS. Farm" Hadley Rl Hadley O02a(1900)

Kimler, Deri (Mary Parker) Ch Ruth,New Canton R2 Pleasantvale SecSTSOa O. E. Kimler (1919)

Kimler, Ola E. (Julia Rodman) ChLitta, Louise, *Derl; New CantonR2 Pleasantvale SecS 0227a (1919)Pike Co. Tel. New Canton

Kinder, Charles L. (Evath Coleman)Ch Stanley, Helen, Margarete, LucyrNew Canton R2 Pleasantvale SecSOTla H. L. Nichols (1917)

Kinder, Henry Ch Scott, Harry,*Belle, *Fannie, *Effie, *Anna;Kinderhook Rl Kinderhook Secl3Tl69a John Carsten (1838) Bluff Co.Tel. Kinderhook

Kindle, W. J. (Myrtle Poor). Ch Vir-gil, Mae, Nettie, Lawrence, John,George, Ida; Nebo R3 PleasantHill Sec26 035a (1869)

King, Robert W. (Jane F. Thorp) ChArthur, *Prudy, *Lizzie; Hull R2Levee Sec21 075a (1854)

Kingery, John (Hazel Hoover) ChWayne, Dale, Junior; Pittsfield R7Newburg Sec32 Tl27a Harry White(1890) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Kingery, William S. (Lilly Quincy)Ch Harry, Jake, Verna, *Charley,*John, *Troy, *Everett, *Florence,*Myrtle; Milton Montezuma Secl6T315a Will Dillon (1860) Pike Co.Tel. Milton

Kinkade, John S. (Ora M. 'Guthrie) ChJessie, Elnia, Ruth, Hazel, John,Bernice, *Beulah, *Leona; Nebo R3Spring Creek Sec31 034a (1910)Farmers Tel. Nebo

Kinnamon, George E. (Delia D. Un-derwood) Ch ^Henry Cleon; "ColdRun Stock Farm" Nebo Rl Pleas-

ant Hill Seel 0285a (1865) Pike Co.

Tel. Nebo



Kinnamon, H. C. (Lora Harpole) ChIGrace; Nebo Rl Pleasant Hill Seel043a (1877) Pike Co. Tel. Nebo

Kinne, Archie R. (Cecile McNett) ChKermit H.; Barry R3 Derry Sec7T2a A. J. Brown (1896)

Kinne, Clarence (Effie Sebers) NewCanton R3 Pleasantvale Sec21 T2aFred Hofman (181*6) Pike Co. Tel.

New CantonKinne, Gus. (Nellie Holdenby) Ch

Evadna, Dallas, *Archie, *Clarence,*Clarice, *Dewey, *Fern, *Marie;Barry R3 Pleasantvale Secl2

096J4a (1873) Kaiser Creek ShortLine Tel. Barry

Kirgan, Arthur (Cora Wynder) ChDorothy, Arthur; Versailles R2Fairmount Seel T60a Thos. Saw-don (1918) Pike Co. Tel. Perry

Kirgan, Ira (Nancy Huston) ChElza W., Anna. George, *Arthur L.,

*Ruth, *Vina; Baylis R3 FairmountSeel O40a (1889) Pike Co. Tel.Perry

Kirk, Jack A. (Goldie Higdon) ChHazel, Annie, Elva, Elnora, DoraLee;Pittsfield R3 Newburg Sec3-10O40a Newburg Secl2 Tl20a (1914)Glandon Tel. Griggsville

Kirtright, Fred (Ruby May Tessmer)New Canton Rl Derry Sec31 T200aDennis Lyons (1889)

Kirtright, John (Ella Nicol) ChEdward, Oscar, John, *Fred,*George, *May, *Eliza, *Maud;"Whipper Will Stock Farm" NewCanton Rl Pleasantvale Secl5OSOa (1864)

Kiser, A. L. (Ora E. Sanderson) ChPaul, Mildred, Lucile, *Dale; Pitts-

field R3 Newburg Sec23 O650a(1867) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Kiser, Dan K. (Carrie Wood) ChRobert, Kenneth, Kyle; Pittsfield

Rl Newburg Sec27 047a NewburgSec26 T66a Nathan Kiser (1880)

Farmers Tel. Pittsfield

Kiser,Fred William (Mary Hayden)"Newburg Farm'' Pittsfield R3Newburg SecU Tl60a Mrs. Ella

Stults (1889) Glandon and FarmersTel. Pittsfield

Kiser, John W. (Mary Norton) Ch*Cora; Pittsfield R3 Newburg Secl3035a (1854) Pike Co. Tel. Detroit

Kiser, William C. "Blue RidgeiMrm" Pittsfield R3 NewburgSecll-12 O240a (1876) FarmersTel. Pittsfield

Kistner, George W. (Anna Saxer)Ch John, Lawrence, Maurice, Ray-mond, Ruth, Edna; Baylis R3Fairmount Secl8 Ol2a (1906) Far-mers Tel. Baylis

Klarner Bros., Otto and Reuben(Mollie Franks) Ch Ellis, Helen,wife and children of Otto;"Diamond K. Ranch Farm" BarryR2 Barry Sec24 OSOa (1918) Tel.


Kleinlein, Henry (Belle Bennett) ChFloyd, Freda, Herschel, Dorothy;Chambersburg R2 ChambersburgSecl9 0235a (1876) Farmers, Glan-don and Perry Tel. Chambersburg

Kleinschmidt, Henry P. (Anna Yea-ger) Ch Lee, Ray Kelley; Pittsfield

R7 Newburg Sec35 Ol66a "(1893)

Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Kleinschmidt, Lee P. Ch GeorgeEdward, Rebna May; Pittsfield R7Newburg Sec35 TSOa Anna Klein-schmidt (1891) Glandon Tel. Pitts-


Klemme, Edward E. (Mary Dorney)Ch Paul; Pittsfield R3 NewburgSec8 T80a Ellen Sweat (1886)Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Klinge Bros., Peter and Gus BarryR3 Barry Sec33 Olo7a (1874)Independent Tel. Barry

Klitz, Charles P. (Louise Schedel)Ch Theodore, Paul; "Klitz Farm"New Canton R2 Cincinnati Sec2.5

0245a (1864) Pike Co. Tel. NewCanton

Knight, Charles E. A. (Rettie Mey-ers) Ch Angus, Lyle, *Eva; HullR2 Levee Sec27 T228a Richard W.Marshall (1901)

Knight, Peter W. Ch Mary, *Bray,*Burton. *Martha; Pittsfield R2Martinsburg Secl3 OlOOa (1899)Farmers Tel. Pittsfield

Knodel, William H. (Lucindia Hay-craft) Ch *William H., *Mabel;'Pleasant Knoll Farm" Kinder-hook Rl Kinderhook Sec35 0298a(1S.'i4) Farmers Tel. Kinderhook

Knodel, William Jr. (Allie Mclntire)Cli Harold, Mabel; Kinderhook RlKinderhook Sec35 Oll7a (1883)Farmers Tel. Kinderhook



Knox, Tog (Ina Woods) CIi Jewel,

Ross; Pearl Star Route MontezumaSecl9 092a (1918)

Koontz, Arthur (Ethel Andrews)Pittsfield Rl Hardin Sec3 TlfiOa

Cordela AIcFaddin (1884) Pike Co.

Tel. Pittsfield

Koontz, Edward C. (Margaret Car-nes) Ch Helen, Mary, *Edna; NewSalem Rl New Salem Sec25 O80a(1893) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield andGriggsville

Koontz, Riley (Anna Budgman) Ch*Arthur; Pittsfield Rl Hardin Sec4

Tl60a Cordela McFadden (1865)

Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Kopps, Fred (Nellie Thiele) ChHarry, Annabelle, Dorothj'-; Griggs-

ville Star R Griggsville Secll

T520a Harshman Bros. (1900) Far-

mers Tel. Perry and Griggsville

ExchangeKramer, Theodore (Edith Kaltreider)

Ch Katherine, Theodore Jr.; Pitts-

field R3 Newburg Secl6 T5a Ed-ward Lowe (1888) Glandon Tel.


Krutmeier, Charles E. (Clara Butts)

Hull Rl Kinderhook Socio T220aHedley Eaton (1915)

Kuhlman, Frank G. (Edith Bonifield)

Ch Max; Kinderhook Rl Barry

Secl8 Tl40a Mrs. E. C. Bonifield

(1892) Farmers Line Tel. Kinder-hook

Kuhlman, George (Delia Walker)Ch Sylvian; New Canton R2 Pleas-

antville Sec31 T90a Pfeiffer Estate


Kuhlman, Harry W. (Lela Millhizer)

Ch Evelyn; Barry Rl OlOOa BarrySees TlOOa James Millhizer (1894)

Kuhlman, Herman H.( Amelia Miller)

Ch *Harry, *Lou. *Myrtle, *Alma.*Charles. *Henry, *George„ *Roy,*Frank; "Evening View Farm"Kinderhook Rl Barry Secl7 O80a(1888) Farmers Line Tel. Kinder-

hookKund, William (Amelia Weiss) ChAlma, Edith, *Anna, *Minnie,

*Emma, *Zelma, *Aldo; "Toll

Bridge Farm" Hall R2 Levee Sec2

T230a Theodore Hirem.an (1910)

Kuntz, Charles (Laura Potter) ChHelen; Barry R4 Barry Sec3G

Ol20a (18S9) City Tel. Barry

Kuntz, Henry Barry R3 Hadley Sec20

T240a Mrs. ^.lartha Barkley (1912)

Barkley Tel. Barry

Kunzeman, John H. (Nellie Moss)Ch Wilma, Marvin; Hull LeveeSec24 TlTOa Henry Sca^rborough

(1918) Pike Co. Tel. Hull

Kurfman, Emery D. (Kathryn Brad-

bury) Ch Willard E., Gerald R..

Neal R.; Baylis R3 Fairmount Sec7

O80a Fairmount Sec? TSOa ThomasKurfman (1898) Pike Co. Tel.

Fishook and Siloam

Kurfman, Raymond A. (Etta Miller)

Ch Owen, Russell, Gladys, Lendell,

Nina, Emil, Mary, Analu; Baylis

R3 Fairmount Sec7 049a (1881)

Pike Co. Tel. Fishook and Baylis

Kurtz, Sibert F. (Elizabeth Cook)Ch Ida, Cora, Carl, Alartin, Sam,Eva, Woodrow, Wilson, *Lidda;

New Canton R3 Atlas Sec9W Tl60aHarry Mickols (1900)

Lacey, William H. "Valley ViewFarm' Pearl Star Route Monte-zuma Sec27 065a (1888) Pike Co.Tel. Pearl

Lackscheide, Henry (Lova Morgan)Ch Arthur, Mary, Frank, Sylvester,

Robert, Cecil; Perry Perry Sec28Ola Perry Sec32 Farm Hand Will-ian Wilson (1875) Glandon Tel.


Lacksheide, Mary (Heberline) ChMatildae, *Mary, *Ellen, *Lou,*lda,

*Malinda, *Henry, *Simon, Ru-dolph; Chambersburg Rl Perry

Secl6 OoOa (18.53) Farmers Tel.


Lackscheide, Simon Ch * Charles;

Perry Perry Secl5 023a TlOa Ed-

ward Liehr (1872)



Lacy, Charles A. (lea Brokow) ChCharles, Dorothy; Pearl Rl Monte-izuma Sec28 OSOa (1888) Pike Co.Tel. Milton

Lacy, Commadore P. (Mary St. John)Ch Elmer, *John, *Frank, *Ev!a

Conkright; Pearl Star Route Mon-tezuma Sec27 Oloa (1868) Pike Co.Tel. Pearl

Lacy, Edward (Nellie Long) ChFloyd, Opal; Pearl Rl MontezumaSec22 Ofia (1883)

Lacy, Samuel W. (Jane Bristow) ChIra, Walter, *Commadore, *Nola,*AIice, *James, *Edward, *Ray-mond, *Robert; Bedford Monte-zuma Sec26 041a (1865)

Lacy, William W. (Caroline Roberts)Ch William, *Artie, *Robert, *Char-lott; "Valley View Farm'' PearlStar Route Montezuma Sec27 06.5a(1857) Pike Co. Tel. Pearl

LaDow, Sydney (Fay Yokem) ChLee, Lawrence; Pleasant Hill R2Pleasant Hill Secl8 Oll6a (1886)Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Laffy, Walter (Laura Beard) ChEvert, Allen, Loyd, Mina; Pearl RlMontezuma Sec27 026a (1878)

Laird, J, Grant Ch Mary, Louise,Vance, Victor, *Merrill; NewSalem Rl New Salem Sec23 Oll6a(1864) Pike Co. Tel. Qriggsville

Laird, Marshall W. (Celia Cover) ChPresley, Lilyan; Griggsville RlGriggsville Sec6 T600a Mrs. M. T.Yates (1871) Pike Co. Tel. Griggs-ville

Laird, William H. (Anna Osborne)Ch Nettie, Mae, *Samuel M., *Mar-shall W., *Clement T., ^Margaret,*Hester, *Harry C, *Grace, *Mel-vin R.; Griggsville Rl New SalemSecl3 O320a (1846) Pike Co. Tel.Griggsville

Lakin, Charles D. (Emma Outcalt)Ch William, Orval; Hull RlKinderhook OSa (1889)

Lakin, Douglas (Amanda Lord) Cli

*Flossy; Pittsfield R7 Hardin SecUtTla Ray E. Bauer (1859) FarmersTel. Nebo

Landess, Allie (Leila Haden) PearlRl Montezuma SeclO Tl76a T. A.

Landess (1886) Pike Co. Tel. Mil-ton

Landess, Levi (Avaline Sweat) Ch*Arthur, *Bertha; Pearl Rl PearlSees Ol76a (1865)

Landess, Perry S. (Dora Boyd) Ch* Alice; Pittsfield R4 Pittsfield Secl3Ol33a (1884) Glandon Tel. Pitts-


Landess, Stuart E. (Julia Mink) ChDonald; "Cedar Ridge Farm"Pittsfield R3 Newberg Secl7 Tl60aLeslie Landess (1869) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Landess, William P. (Rose Cohen-our) Pittsfield R3 Newburg Secl7Osia Secl7 T73a Will Hoos(1885) Glandon TeJ. Pittsfield

Landress, Jesse E. (Ethel Johnson)Ch Jaunita; Pearl Rl MontezumaSec22 Ol66a (1889) Pike Co. Tel.


Lane, Charley S. (Manerva Bater-chell) Ch Lawrence, Homer, How-ard, Cecil, Maggie; Pearl Rl Monte-zuma Sec33 O40a (1873)

Lane, Clarence (May iGoodin) Pitts-

field R5 Martinsburg Sec7 T80aRobert Goodin (1892) Pike Co. Tel.


Lane, Fl-ed (Martha Lou Turnbaugh)Ch Fred, *Truman, *Clarence,*Frank; Pittsfield R4 Pittsfield

Secl6 Manager William Dutton(1867) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Lane, Harry E. (Stella Davison) ChOwen, John, Charles, Luc'le; Pitts-

field R2 Hardin Sec8 TSfia WilliamLane (1890) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Lane, James A. (Emily McCann)Pittsfield R2 :\Iartinsburg Sec25OlOOa (1855)

Lane, John (Nancy Jenkins) Ch Al-

bert, Harvey, Loyd, *Elsie; Pearl

Rl Pearl Sec4 O40a (1856) PikeCo. Tel. Pearl

Lane, William (Eliza Brewer) Ch*Jessie, *Harry; Pittsfield R7 New-burg Sec31 085a (18G2) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Lane, William H. (Maud Keys) ChCarl, Maleta, Mable, Keys, Hilda;Pearl Montezuma Sec27 065a(187S) Pike Co. Tel. Pearl

Lanear, Ernest Katie Lanear, moth-er; Hull R2 Levee Secll T2a Dr. J.

Baskctt (1908) Bell Tel. Hannibal



Langfahl, Albert E. (Sarah B. Ma-lone) Ch Beulah, William; "MapleLawn Farm" New Canton R3Pleasantvale Sec33 ToOOa Miller

Bros, and A. J. R. Easley (1904)

Pike Co. Tel. New CantonLcLsbury, John (Essie Thornberry)Ch Vayden, Mary; Griggsville R3Griggsville Sec2S 0235a Sec28T225a Lasbury Est. (1866) Pike Co.Tel. Griggsville

Laugh Bros. Alhbot and William J.

Griggsville Rl Perry Sec30 Ol67a(1863-71) Pike Co. Tel. Perry andGriggsville

Laux, James A. (Addie Gollier) ChJohnnie, Hubert, Margaret, Audrey;Pearl R2 Pearl vSecS O240a (1882)

Lawber, Joseph (Jennie Charters) ChGeorge, Myrle, Carl, Guy, Clyde;Pleasant Hill R2 Ross Sec24 TlBOaMr. Mackentosh (1915)

Lawson, Jacob W. (Alice Flick) ChFloyd, Leona, *Effie, *Jennie;"The Maples Farm" Hull Rl Kin-derhook Secl4 Ol20a (1892) Bluflf

Co. Tel. Hull and Kinderhook

Leach, Frank E. (Goldie Mellon) ChEugene; Kinderhook Rl BarrySecl9 O80a (188u)

Leahr, Clarence (Edna C. Smith) ChJohn F.; Chambersburg R2Chambersburg T35a ValentineLeahr (1893) Farmers Tel.

ChambersburgLeahr, David W. (Lillie Fatten) Ch

Irving. Grace, *William; Chambers-burg R2 Chambersburg Sec30OloOa (1877) Farmers . Tel.

Chaml>ersburgLeahr, J. Frank (^Margaret Patton)Ch Francis, Monta; ChambersburgR2 Chambersburg Sec30 T200aJohn Leahr (1874) Farmers Tel.

Chaml^ersburg and Versailles

Leahr, Valentine ( Emma Wently) Ch*Clarcnce, *Alice; "Todd: Farm''Chambersburg R2 ChambersburgSec29 Ol.)6a (iSfifi) Farmers Tel.

Chambersburg and Versailles

Leahr, William F. (Zelma Walker)Ch Robert G. : Griggsville R2Chambersburg Sec'll T80a DavidLeahr (1899) Farmers Tel.

ChambersburgLee, Henry E^. ( Mable Payne) ChWilmer: Rockport Rl Atlas Sec25TlOOa Dr. Welch (1898) GlandonTel. Rockport

Lee, James H. (Ida Vick) Ch Fern,Cecil, Reed; New Canton R2 Cin-cinnati Secl5 Tla William Hub-bard (1919)

Leeds, David M. (Rebecca Ward) ChEmmett, Opal, Ruby, Pearl, Emily,Grace, Flossie, Emerson; RockportAtlas Sec2W O60a (1870)

Leeds, Ernest E. (Mary Little) ChEllen, William, Mildred, Andrew,Louise; Hull Rl Kinderhook SeclOManager J. W. Kendrick (1901)

Leeds, Thane (Alice Penstone) ChRalph, Susan; Griggsville R3 New-burg Sec4 Tl60a Mrs. Tillie Crane(1889) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield


Legan, Louie (Ruth Hess) Ch Leon-ard; Pearl Rl Montezuma Sec31T32a E. Riddle (1895) Farmers Tel.

PearlLemery, Everett E. (Viola Knollhoff)Ch Laverna May; Griggsville R2Flint Sec6 Farm Hand EdwardWade (1900) Pike Co. Tel. Griggs-ville

Lemmon, Ross B. (Helen K. Lever)Ch Ross B. Jr.;Rockport Rl Pleas-ant Hill Sec7 T314a I. L. Lemmon(1894) Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Lemons, Bert (Trula Chandler) ChDoris; Milton Montezuma Sec9T200a Ada Lemons (1893) Pike Co.Tel. Milton

Lemons, George A. (Anna Dennis-son) Ch *Lora, *Otis; PittsfieW RlDetroit Sec31 Farm Hand Tl78aRush Bros. (1867) Glandon Tel.

Milton and Pittsfield

Lemons, Milton (Ada Deemer) ChClyde, *Jim, *Bert; Milton Mon-tezuma Sec9 OSOa (1860) PikeCo. Tel. Milton

Leonard, Isaac N. (Josephine Cart-wright) Ch Jennie, Charles, Roy,*Leota. Otis; Hull KinderhookSec21 T42a William Long (1878)O. D. Lowe Tel. Hull

Leonard, Otis fBessie Leanear) ChMyrtle; Hull R2 Levee ScclO T2aWelder Hall and Co. (1900)

Lerch, Andy (Lola Stellers) ChCharles; Chambersburg R2 PerrySec25 Tir,Oa John Reed (1878)

Lerch, Henry (Elizabeth Todd)Chambersburg R2 ChambersburgSecl9 T40a Mrs. T. L. Dorsey(1881) Glandon Tel. Perry



Lerch, William E.(Bertha Toland) ChVirgil; Baylis R2 New Salem Secl9TSOasD. Toland (1890) Pike Co. Tel.Baylis

Lessig, Jeremiah Ch Ruth, Ruby,*Fred, *Harvey, *Bessie, *Nellie;New Salem New Salem SeclO O60a(1900)

Lewis, Anna Ch Samuel J., *Jennie,*Arthur, *Eva, *MyrtIe, *FIoyd;New Canton Rl Pleasantvale Sec2.')

095a (1865)

Lewis, Arthur (Nancy Nations) ChIrving, Hary, Ellis. Helen, June;Pittsfield R4 Derry Sec25 T82a Ed-ward Kaylor (18S9) Farmers Tel.

Lewis, Floyd (Jennie Brown) Ch Ed-na, Ethel, Doris; Barry Star RouteDerry Sec7 OSOa (1888) FarmersTel. Barry

Lewis, J. Mile (Delia Brawdy) ChOrville, *Mabel; Pittsfield R2 Mar-tinsburg Secl3 O80a (1S6G) Farm-ers Tel. Pittsfield

Lewis, William C. Ch Mary, Wallace,Edna, Conrad, Minnie, Dorothy,Nellie, Phoebie; "Lake Side Farm''Rockport Rl Ross Scc9 O220a(1867)

Lewton, Asher (Matilda Bonifield)Ch Delia, *Eva, *Frank; Barry RlBarry Secl7 Ol40a (1864) Farm-ers Tel. Kinderhook

Lewton, Frank (Nellie Nickason)Barry Rl Barr\^ Sec20 T220a AsherLewton (1893) Farmers Tel. Kind-erhook

Lewton, George A. (Dora Hull) ChAlva. George, Josephine, *Hazel,*Urby, *Chloe, *Fern; KinderhookRl Barry SecG O60a (1903)

Lewton, Harry A. (Jessie Cudgel) ChFlorence, Hazel, Mabel; HullKinderhook Sec21 T200a LackenMyer and Ella Babb (1878) Glan-don Tel. Hull

Lewton, William (Julia Lacy) ChDenzie, Lacy, *Bruce, *Alice; PearlR2 Pearl Secl9 TlOa J. E. Smith(1873) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Liddle, Orlando Pittsfield R7 New-burg Sec35 OCOa (1852) FarmersTel. Time

Lidgard, Russell (Mary Metz) ChAnnetta, Elsworth, Maxine: Cham-bersburg Rl Perry Seel Tl05aMarion X. Lidgard (1886) FarmersTel. Chambersburg

Lidgard, William A. (Jennie Mayo)Ch Harry, *Lota Riley, *LenaSash; Chambersburg Rl Perry Seel095a (1857) Farmers Tel. Cham-bersburg

Liehr, David (Louisa Behm) Cli

Bertha, *Ernest, *Harvey, *Dora;Perry Perry Secl8 0255a (1857)Farmers Tel. Perry

Liehr, Edward (Nellie Walker) ChBeulah, Glen; Chambersburg RlPerry SeclO 097a (1883) GlandonTel. Perry

Liehr, Ernest J. (Helen A. Geisender-for) Ch Leonard, Robert, Paul,Wilbur, Frances; Perry Perry Secl7T255a David Liehr (1883) FarmersTel. Perry

Liehr, Fred (Laura Hoose) Ch Mary,Carl, Harry; Chambersburg RlPerry Secl7 Ol20a (1876) FarmersTel. Perry

Liehr, Henry (Nellie Kleinlein) ChCarrie, Ben, Emmett, *Minnie;Versailles R2 Perry Sec5 09Sa(1867) Farmers Tel. Perry

Liehr, John (Anna Lipcaman) .ChNora, ^Gilbert: Chambersburg RlPerry SeclO 025a (1879) FarmersTel. Perry

Liehr, William (Anna J. White)"Texas Farm" Chambersburg RlPerry Secl7 Ol8,ja (1873) FarmersTel. Perry

Liggett, Douglas F. (Lucile Lari-more) Ch John; "Hill View Farm"Kinderhook Rl Barry Sec7 T247aDr. M. Penick (1914) Bluff Tel.Kinderhook

Lightle Bros., Frank and ErnestMiss Ruth Hower, housekeeper,Harold Moore; Griggsville R3Griggsville _Sec36 O300a (1869) PikeCo. Tel. Griggsville

Lightle, Horace G. (Erma Davis) ChClay, Marion, George, Hayes:Griggsville R3 Griggsville Sec270256a (1873) Pike Co. Tel. Griggs-ville

Lightle, John W. (Nettie Hall) Mrs.Sarah Hall, mother; Griggsville R3Griggsville Sec25 TsOa Mrs. EvaWilliams (1866) Pike Co. Tel.Griggsville

Lightle, Walter (Sarah Burland) ChWill, Arthur, Anna, Edith. Harold,*Bess; Griggsville R3 GriggsvilleSec26 O240a (i860) Pike Co. Tcl.Griggsville



Ligon, C. C. Ch *Roy L., *Jessie F.;

Rockport Rl Pleasant Hill Sec6

OlOa (1877)

ILigon, Roy L. (Luc}^ Baughmon) ChLoren; Pittsfield R6 Pittsfield Sec2

Tl60a Jerry Weaver (1890) Glan-

.don Tel. Pittsfield

Likes, Carl C. (Zula M. Hart) ChCharles C, Dale A.; New CantonR2 Pleasantvale Sec20 Tl60a J. F.

Yeck (1886)

Likes Roy, (Maud Lock) "LongviewFarm" Kinderhook Rl KinderhookSecl4 032oa (1878) Bluff Co. Tel.

KinderhookLikes, Scot Barry R3 Barry Sec33Ol66a (1862)

Likes, William Ch *Florence Barry^R3 Barry SecSS 053a (1851)

Lindsey, James (Julia Gill) Ch Ada;Pittsfield Rl Detroit Sec32 OlOa(1876) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Lindsey, Newton J. (Dorcus Tainter)Ch *Jaines, *Lizzie, *NelHe, *Ada,*Jenna, *Sarah; Pittsfield Rl Mon-tezuma Sec6 Ol7a (1848)

Lindsey, Thomas M. (Goldie Bro-kaw) Ch Donald, Mary; Pittsfield

Rl Detroit Sec31 T70a T. W. Lind-sey (1886) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Lipcaman, Clarence Otis (Elda MaeSittler) Ch *Nina: Versailles R2Perry Sec6 Ol35a (1881) FarmersTel. Perry

Lipcaman, Emmet E. (Mamie E.Hudelson) Ch Wayne; Chambers-burg Rl Perry SeclO Ol82a PerrySecl6 TSOa Catherine Lipcaman(1889) Farmers Tel. Perry

Lipcaman, Frank (Mary Smith) ChArthur. Shirley; Griggsville RlFairmount Sec3.> TSOa Sam Laird(1870)

Lip>caman, Henry (Sophia Hess) ChLoyd, *Grace, *Otis, *Ida. *Ralph,*Leta. *Maud: Versailles R2 PerrySees Ol37a (is:.2) Farmers Tel.


Lipcaman, Ralph E. (Ive Kuntz)Barry R4 Hadley SeclO T210aFrank Lawson CiSSo) Barkley Tel.Barry

Lipcaman, Walter (Gertrude Gray)Griggsville Rl New Salem SeelTl20a Mrs. E. J. Gray Pike Co. Tel.Griggsville and Baylis

Lippencott, Calvin M. (Mary Harri-son) Ch Emma, Neva, Elma; Pitts-

field R5 Martinsburg Sec5 Tl60aWilliam Cunningham (1879) PikeCo. Tel. Pittsfield

Lippincott, Edgar (Carrie Westrick)Ch George, *Clarence; "HappyHome Farm' Kinderhook RlKinderhook Secl3 0212a (1873)Bluff Co. Tel. Kinderhook

Lippincott, Fred (Dora Baughman)Ch Wilfred. Lyndle. Paul, Edna;Pittsfield R5 Martinsburg Sec9TllOa E. W. Glenn (1884)

Lippincott, Harry J. (Ella Hoyt)Barry Rl Barry Secl6 Tl60a JohnLippincott (1898) Pike Co. Tel.Barry

Lister, Raymond (Dora Dell) ChDelbert; "Doss Farm'' Pittsfield RlNewburg Sec27 T220a C. H. Doss(1884) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Little, Luke F. (Saphrona Campbell)Ch Vernon; Pittsfield R5 PittsfieldSec26 Farm Hand Frank Lewis(1912) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Lock, Charles H. (Nancy B. Ralph)Ch Frank, Lawrence, Clarence J.,Smith, Pearl; "Iowa Cut-off Farm"Pleasant Hill Rl Ross Sec36 Tl60aX. J. Johnson (1874) Glandon Tel.Pleasant Hill

Loer, Frank (Nellie Ham) Ch Hom-er, Lois; Chambersburg R2Chambersburg Sec20 054a (1873)

Logan, John A. (Mary Elwood) ChIlah, John, Albert, Theron, Vir-ginia, *Harry, *Florence; Barry R3Barry Sec32 T80a Owen Clark(iSfiS) Gant Hollow Tel. Barry

Logsdon, Don R. (Lela Grimes) ChVelma, Marea; Nebo Spring CreekSec32 T82a J. Grimes (1917) Farm-ers Tel. Nebo

Logsdon, George V. James NanceyGrady, mother; New Canton RlPleasantvale Sec23 O40a (1879)Farmers Tel. New Canton

Long, Alvin C. (Annis Hobbs)Pleasant Hill R2 Martinsburg Sec31Trroa John T. Long (1888) Farm-ers Tel. Pleasant Hill

Long, Bell (Gamer) Ch Grace, Clyde,*Etta, *Mary, *Nellie, *Nora, *Joe,*Chester. *Minnie; Pearl Rl Mon-tezuma Sec31 O40a (1865) FarmersTel. Pearl



Long, Chester (Mollie Hobs) ChOra; Pearl R4 Pearl Sec6 TSOaBelle Long (1890)

Long, George P. (Nora Powell) ChKennedy: Rockport Rl AtlasSec27 6:?00a (1865)

Long, Harry M. (Alpha Doane) ChLucile; Pittsfield R5 Pittsfield

Sec33 Osoa (1893) Glandon Tel.


Long, Henry E. (Nina Deemer) ChCathaleen, Geraldine, Halda; PearlPearl Secl6 Ol3a (1882) Pike Co.Tel. Pearl

Long, Mary A. (Anderson) Ch Maud,*Mary, *Johnny, *Ei'nma, *Isaac,

*Samuc], *Alice, *Myrtle; Nebo RlHardin Sec31 043a (1912)

Long, Jake A. (Aha Shonhart)Pleasant Hill R2 Martinsburg Sec33085a (1891) Farmers Tel. PleasantHill

Long, Joe E. (Stella Long) ChGladys, Maxine; Pearl Rl ]\Ionte-

zuma Sec31 03a (1888)

Long, John F. (Matilda Wilson) ChRaymond, *Ethel, *Estella, *Vinnie;Pearl Rl Montezuma Sec34 052a(1859)

Long, Rauson A. (Mary Gill) ChMaud, Ralph. Gifford, Arlene, Rus-sell; Pearl R2 Spring Creek Sec25OlGOa (1875) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Long, Richard H. (Lulu McCoid) ChJesse, Sue; "Longview Farm"Rockport R2 Atlas Sec24 O340a(1861) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Lord, Curtis Jr. (Fannie Grove) ChMargaret, Rubv, Julia, Oliver, Lola,William; Pleasant Hill R2 Martins-burg Sec2] OSOa (1880) FarmersTel. Martinsburg and Summer Hill

Lord, Frank (Persa Decamp) ChWarren, Beulah, Nina; "SpringValley Stock Farm" Pittsfield R2Martinsburg Sec22 O20na (1877)Farmers Tel. Martinsburg

Lord, Mrs. Minnie A. Nebo PleasantHill Secl4 Ol60a (1885) Pike Co.Tel. Nebo

Lorrens, Robert M. (Sina Hilliard)Ch John. Harry, Marion, *Elmer;Barry R4 Hadley Sec2S O220a(1863) Hadley El Dara Tel. Barry

Losch, Charles A. (Sarah VanDoltin-burg) Pittsfield R5 MartinsburgSecl8 0]94a (1870) Farmers Tel.SOmmer Hill

Losch, John F. (Lena Ottowa) ChMae, Mabel, Charles, Frederick;New Canton Rl Derry Secl9 OSOa(1872) Farmers Tel. ElDara

Loutzenhieser, Eugene (Bessie Gray)Rockport Atlas Secl6 Ola (1893)

Loutzenhiser, Phillip (Laura Guth-rie) Ch (xuthrie, George, Emma,Anna, *Eugene, *Irma, *Okla;Rockport R2 Atlas Sec29 O80aSec29 T320a H. W. Heath (1874)

Love, Charles E. (Mary M. Smith)Ch *Ida, *May, *Amy, *Myrtle;Baylis R2 Hadley Sec24 044a(1856) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Love, Ernest H. (Nettie Hardy) ChAlonzo, Bertha, Andrew, Emma,Robert; Rockport R2 Atlas SecOManager W. H. Gay (1908)

Love, J, Arthur (Florence Dabney)Baylis R3 Fairmount Secl5 Ol60a(1861) Glandon Tel. Perry

Love, Mrs. Mary (Mary Mulnix) Ch*Homer, *Ernest, *Jesse, *Ben-jamin; Rockport R2 Atlas Sec9Manager Carter Bros. (1846)

Lovitt, John S. (Minta Foster) ChGeorge Smith. Elizabeth; PleasantHill R2 Ross Secl3 Tll6a Wm. P.

Lovitt (1871) Farmers Tel. Pleas-ant Hill

Lowderman, Charles B. (MeddieDarrah) Ch Lena; Griggsville R2Perry Sec25 056a (1906) GlandonTel. Perry

Lowe, Arthur B. (Mamie Landes)Ch Hayward. Marie; Pittsfield R3Newburg Secl6-17 T210a L. LandersSylvia Smith (1892) Glandon Tel.


Lowe, Edward (Stella Clough) ChEdgar, Clarence, Ljmdle, Eugene;"Happy Hollow Farm'' Pittsfield

R3 Newburg Seel 6 O40a (1882)

Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Lowe, George W. Ch Oliver D.; HullR2 Levee Sec3(; T310a Noa Moser(1870) Pike Co. Tel. Hull

Lowe, Leland S. (Alice Sackett) ChElmer Naomi; "Baker Farm"Pittsfield R3 Newburg Secl6 Tl95aStrauss Bros. (1886) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Lowery, John (May Hillman) ChEdith, Charlie, Homer, Julia,

Arthur, Emma; Rockport AtlasSec22 Ol20a (1871)



Lowrey, Luther Ch Ruth, Howard;Rockport Rl Atlas Tl56a J. Adams(1879)

Loyd, Edwin H. (Ada Winans) ChMyrle; "Cold Water Stock Farm"Pittsfield R4 Pittsfield Secl9 Tl20aU. S. Loyd (1891) Glandon Tel.


Loyd, Raymond T. (Mary Dolbeare)

Ch Donald; "Cold Water StockFarm" Pittsfield R4 Pittsfield Seclo

Tl20a W. S. Loyd (1894) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Lumberg Daniel W. (Ruby Scott) ChDaniel; Hull Levee Sec25 TSOOaHenry Scarbough (1919)

Lsrman, Charles P. (Caroline Sea-born) Baylis New Salem Sec706^a (1863)

Lyman, Lou (Cora A. Brokau) ChRay, Roy; Pittsfield R5 Martins-burg Secl7 O50a (1886) FarmersTel. Summer Hill

Lyman, William F. (Laura Harlow)Ch Lula, Bertha, *Tracy, *Mollie;Valley Flint Sec8 Farm HandHarve Hobson (1870)

Lynch, Mrs. G. D. (Elizabeth Guth-

rie) Ch Lester, Ruth, Frederic,

Everette; Pittsfield R2 Martinsburg

Secll T20a Mrs. Nancy Hoskins

(1872) Farmers Tel. Pittsfield

Lynch, George M. (Margaret Good-win) Ch George, Ulavee, *John,

*Everett, *Iva, *Adrian, *Gladys;

Rockport R2 Atlas Sec9 O30a(1877) Farmers Tel. Rockport

Lyons, Alonzo (Daisy Gillings) ChGilbert, Frederick; New Canton RlDerry Sec30 OSOa (1847) FarmersTel. ElDara

Lyons, James F. (Bertha Petit

Kinderhook Rl Kinderhook Seel

037.77a (1880) Bluff Co. Tel. Kin-


Lyons, John Dennis, brother, Evaand Mary, sisters; "EnglewoodFarm" New Canton Rl DerrySec21 O80a (1863) Farmers Tel.

ElDaraLytle, J. Wallace (Rachel Moore) Ch*Vida; New Salem New SalemSeclO Ol60a (1858) Pike Co. Tel.


Lytle, Willie (Delia Lacey) Ch Don-ald. *Hazel: Pearl Pearl Sec4 O20a(1869)

MMadden, Charles L. (Eva Williams)Pearl R2 Spring Creek Secl2 O40a(1861) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Maddux, Samuel (Amanda Hoss) Ch*Etta, ^Josephine; Barry R4Hadley Sec9 T40a G. Lawson and H.

Penny (1848)

Maher, John Mary McDonald,housekeeper, her Ch Ben, Andrew,Robert, Samuel, Pearl, Susan, John;New Canton R2 Pleasantvale Sec4

0293Ha (1858)

Main, Earl K. (Hazel Springer) ChKenneth, Keith; Nebo R3 Spring

Creek Sec30 TlOOa J. H. Main(1895)

Main, George W. (Emma Faris) ChFaris, Carl, *Lela; Pittsfield R2Pittsfield Sec35 Ol20a (1859) Glan-

don Tel. Pittsfield

Main, John H. (Ellen Lord) Ch Em-ma, *Lue, *Pearlie, *Earl; "Side

View Farm'' Nebo R3 SpringCreek Sec30 OllOa (1857) FarmersTel. Nebo

Main, John W. (Josephine Long) ChClay, Sadie. Clyde, Verna, *Laura,

*Dora. *Willie, *Oma, *Addie; Ne-

bo Rl Hardin Sec33 OSOa (1848)

Farmers Tel. Ramsons

Maise, Andrew H. (Gertie Ramsey)Ch Mary, Harrison, Mabel, Mary,*Sylvia;"Scarborough Ranch Farm"Hull R2 Levee Sec26 T900a FarmManager Henry Scarborough (1878)

Major, Roy (Zoe Metz) Ch Roy Jr.;

Chambersburg Rl Perry Sec2 FarmHand Joseph E. Brooks (1899)

Malone, Francis (Lizzie Guthrie) ChGeorge, Erma, *DaIlas, *David;

Hull R2 Cincinnati SeclO Tl60a B.

F. Stevens (1872^



Malone, John W. Mary Malone,mother; New Canton R3 Pleasant-

vale Sec32 TlBOa N. T. Nicholas

(1888) Pike Co. Tel. New CantonMaloney, Benjamin (Norine Roots)Ch Mildred, Bernadine, Glenna;New Salem Rl New Salem Sec3T70a William Preble (1909) PikeCo. Tel. Baylis

Manker, Charles W. (Minnie Foley)

Ch Vera, Elma; Pittsfield R3 New-burg SeclO OSOa (1874) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Manker, Frederick T. (Floy Callen-der) Ch Joseph; "Manker PecanOrchard Farm" Florence DetroitSeclO T67a Anna E. Manker (1890)

Manker, J. A. (Ruie Sackett) ChLucile; Pittsfield R3 NewburgSeclO Ol20a (l?76) Glandon Tel.


Manker, Leslie L. (Emma Davis) ChJames, Mildred; Rockport R2 AtlasSecS Farm Manager J. L. and T.

N. Carter (1892)Manker. Walter H. (Ruby Halbauen)Ch Francis, Veda; Pittsfield R7Newburg Sec33 Tl60a (1888) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Manker. William W. (Bessie Smith)Ch Ivv. *Lynn, *Beulah, *Effie,

*Eva; Pittsfield Rl Hardin SecllT80a Haskins Est. (1878)

Manton Elmer E. (Anna Chamber-lain) Ch Pearl, *Lyndle; GriggsvilleRt iGriggsville Sec6 0215a (1870)Pike Co. Tel. Perry

Manton, Harry L. (Leiia Smith) ChWilliam; Chambersburg Rl PerrySecll TsOa William Townsley(1881) Farmers Tel. Perry

Manton, Henry W. (Florence Man-ton) Ch *Neil; Griggsville Rl NewSalem Secl3 O200a (1863)

Manton, Mrs, Lucinda J. (Layton)Ch Ernest. Delia, *FIorence,*James; Griggsville R2 Perry Sec26Ol20a (1862) Glandon Tel. Perry

Manton, Lyndle B. (Bessie Bonnet)Griggsville Rl Griggsville Sec6Farm Hand Wesley Manton (1895)Pike Co. Tel. Perry

Manton, Thomas Sr. (Ellen Carr)Griggsville Rl Griggsville SecSOll7a (1854) Pike Co. Tel. Perry

Manton, Wesley (Bethel Cunning-ham) Ch Frances, Mildred, Arthur;Griggsville Rl Griggsville Sec5OS6a TllOa Sam Bradshaw (1873)Pike Co. Tel. Perry

Marksbury, Thomas W. (Sarah Do-ran) Barry Rl Barry Sec24 Tl25aMrs. B. M. Grubb (1866) BarryTel. Barry

Marshall, Pearl F. (Mabel Kelsey) ChMargaret, Alieen; Pittsfield R6Newburg Sec7 OSa (1880) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Mart, Anthony L. (Mary ElizabethLiehr) Ch Paul W. A., John B. L.;"Spring Valley Farm" Baylis R3Fairmount Secll O80a (1869) PikeCo. Tel. Perry

Martin, Albert (Leona Shelton) ChRosalee, Wesley, *Cliflford; Pleas-ant Hill Rl Pleasant Hill Sec22 TlaWilliam H. Wahl (1876) Pike Co.Tel. Pleasant Hill

Martin, Bennie H. (Dora Elliott) ChJulia, Arnold; Pittsfield Rl HardinSecS TsOa Charley Haydon (1910)Farmers Tel.

Martin, Frank C. (Maggie Potter) ChMelvin, Sylvan, Earl, Lloyd; BaylisR3 Fairmount Sec28-29 Tl70a L. RMartin (1891) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Martin, Fred (Blanche Cooley) ChVirgil, Ray, Olen, Stella, Ayleen,Wayne, Sylvia; Griggsville RlFairmount Sec27 T200a Perry StateBank (1893) Farmers Tel. Baylis

Martin, Freeman E. (FlossieRamsey) Pearl R2 Spring CreekSec36 OSOa (1919)

Martin, George L. (Jennie L. Pitzer)Ch Ruth, Helen, Harold,, Floyd;Barry Rl Barry Secll Tla Mrs.Laura Martin (1891)

Martin, G. N. (Mary L. Taylor) ChMildred, George, *Glenn, *Taylor,*Florine; "Fair View Farm" Pitts-field R4 Derry Sec27 O200a (1857)Farmers Tel. ElDara

Martin, Harry L. (Luella Hunter) ChMildred; Siloam Rl Fairmount Sec6Farm Hand Silas Miller (1919)

Martin, Joseph (Bertha Tucker) ChCecil, Lyndle, John, Leota, Fredia,*Hazel; Griggsville Rl Perrv Sec30OKa (1875)

Martin, Joseph C. (Hannah Libbie)Ch Anna, Christena, *William,

*Elizabeth, *Mary; "Walnut Hill

Stock Farm" Barry Rl Barrj^ Secl5

0225a (1866) Blufl:" Tel. Kinder-hook



Martin, Leland L. (Nina Wyymer) Cli

Lozelle; Baylis R3 FairmountSec32 Tl60a L. R. Martin (1894)Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Martin, Michael (Margaret L. Harris)

Ch Vera; Pittsfield R3 NewburgSe22 088a (1866) Glandon Tel.


Martin, Samuel H. (Winnie Phillips)

Ch Nellie; Florence Detroit Secl6

Farm Hand Abe Splain (1916)

Farmers Tel. Detroit

Martin, Verdan (Opal Sheen) NeboSpring Creek Sec28 T60a O. P.

Morton (1918)

Martin, William D. (Malvina Aloore)

Ch William, Alma,*Nettie; NeboRSSpring Creek Sec31 Tla A. Smith(1918)

Martin, William T. (Daisy Kurfman)Ch Ressie, Mervin, Pearl, Ralph;

Baylis R3 Fairmount Sec29 Tl60a

L. R. Martin (1889) Pike Co. Tel.


Martin, Zonna (Lela Green) ChAlice; New Canton Rl Pleasantvale

Sec22 TlOa Ada Miller (1884)

Mason, Harold (Beulah Weaver)Pleasant Hill Rl Pleasant Hill SeelOl41a (1893) Pike Co. Tel. Pleas-

ant Hill

Masters, Charlie M. (Alice Pryor) ChClara, Clarence, Ray, Fay, Charlie,

George, Alfred, *May, *Rebecca,*Myrtle, *Mary, *Nora; Kinder-hook Rl Kinderhook Secl4 0>^a(1876)

Masters, Samuel W. (Ellen Maple)Ch Arthur, *Lena, *Grover, *Lula,*Hazel, *Goldie; Hull KinderhookSec33 Tl60a William Mason(1876) Pike Co. Tel. Hull

Mayes, Mathew S. (Jennie Bancroft)Ch Lois M., Lorenzo M., *Lester,*Mina *Orlando: Kinderhook RlKinderhook Sec36 OSOa (18.59)

Farmers Tel. Kinderhook

Mayes, Samuel L. (Emma Orr) Ch*Harry, *Veloris; Hull Rl Kinder-hook Secl4 O20a (18.58)

Maynard, John F. (Pearl Long) ChWinfred, Paul, Fern, Myrel, Keith.*Edith; Pittsfield R3 Detroit SeclSFarm Hand TSOa Charles Snuden(1887) Farmers Tel. Detroit

Mays, Henry T. (Nannie Betts) ChCharles, Theodore, Gerald, Fred,Helen, Myrtle, Frances, *Carson,*Mattie, *Mary; Pittsfield R5 DerrySec36 OS2a (1865)

Mays, Marcella (Cenitha Townsend)Ch *Esther; Pittsfield R5 Pitts-

field Sec31 O90a (1869) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Mays Sisters, Mary J., Amanda,Dora Pittsfield R4 Derry Sec34Ol35a (1854) Farmers Tel. Pitts-


McCallister, Edwin (Mary AnnSweeting) Ch Asa, *John, *Will.*Lizzie, *Jennie, *George, *Fred,*Levi, *Cora, *Emma; GriggsvilleGriggsville Sec21 Ol60a (1840)Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

McCallister, Elmer (Lizzie B. How-ell) Ch Harry, Herman, Harve}^,

Homer, Marie, Herschel; "WoodDale Farm" Pittsfield R4 DerrySec34 TlOOa E. T. Strubinger (1885)Farmers Tel. El Dara

McCallister, Ernest (Ethel Roaho-dus) Rockport R2 Atlas Secl2 T60aWillam Hoskins (1881) GlandonTel. Rockport

McCallister, Gaston E. (Esther Hor-ton) Rockport R2 Atlas Sec20E085a (1894) Glandon Tel. Rockport

McCallister, Hughie T. (FlossieMummey) Ch Mary, Helen, Mil-dred; Rockport R2 Atlas SecoEO200a (1888) Glandon Tel. Rock-port

McCallister, James (Emma Praul)Pleasant Hill Rl Pleasant Hill

SeclO O50a (1862) Pike Co. Tel.

Pleasant Hill

McCallister, Lewis (Ruby Mooney)Ch Lillian, Olive; Rockport AtlasSecl3W Tl60a D. H. Allen GlandonTel. Rockport

McCallister, Louise (Miller) ChJulia, *Nora, *Lewis, *Gaston;Rockport Atlas Sec5E Ol60a (1857)Glandon Tel. Rockport

McCann, James G. Ch CathleenPearl R2 Spring Creek Secll O210a(1889)

McCann, Robert W. (Minerva Smith)Ch Virgil, Ivy, Lula Olive, Rubi%Howard', Beatrice, Golda, Mayo,*Guy; Pearl R2 Spring Creek SeelOlOOa (1873) Farmers Tel. Pearl



McCann, Sarah R. (Hamner) WilsonHamner brother Ch *Eldon,*Arthur, ^Wilhe, *Florence; PearlR2 Spring Creek Secl3 OSOa (1858)

Farmers Tel. NeboMcCann, Vester (Clara Hower)

Pearl R2 Spring Creek Secl3 OSOa(1875) Farmers Tel. Pearl

McCarl, Clifford L. (Gladys Mc-Tucker) Ch Charles W; Barry R4Hadley Sec31 044a (1883) City Tel.Barry

McCarl, Mrs. Levi (Emma Wagy)Ch Lena, Lela, Clarence, *Ada,*Iva, *Clififord, *Steve, *Esta,*LilHe; Barry Rl Barry Sec4 Ol65a(1888) Tel. Barry

McCarl, Mrs. Sophronia Ch Eugene;"McCarl Corner Farm" Barry R3Hadley Sec30 042a (1890) FitchTel. Hadley

McCarl, Stephen (Mayme Hinds) ChHoward, Rosella, Evelyn; Kinder-hook Rl Barry SeclO TsiOa Mrs.Isabell Leach (1885) Farmers Tel.


McCarter, James Sarah Jane Mc-Carter, sister; New Salem Rl NewSalem Sec31 OSOa (1846)

McCarter, James K. (Verna Spencer)Ch Doris, Birdella; New Salem RlNew Salem Sec31 OlOOa (1885)Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

McCarter, Marcus C. (Ruth Trick)

Ch Mareene, Murcile; New SalemRl New Salem Sec31 O300a (1891)Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

McCartney, Frank W. (Verna Ford)Ch Mabel, Francis; Barry R2Hadley Seel? OlOa (1870) Tel.Barry

McCartney, Henry C. Ch Frank, *Asa,*Taylor; Rockport R2 MartinsburgSecl9 078a (1S79) Farmers Tel.

Summer Hill

McCartney, Roy W. (Pearl Inman)Ch Walter; Barry R2 Barry Secl2056a (1881) Tel. Barry

McCaughey, Mrs. Anna C. (Dillon)

Ch Theodore, Fred, Sarah, Leo,Charles, Felix Jr., Dillon, Margaret,*Victoria; Pittsfield R4 Pittsfield

Secll Ol20a (1807) Glandon Tel.Pittsfield

McClain, James (Myrtle Hobbs) ChCatherine, Wilmer; Pleasant Hill

Star Route 1 Pleasant Hill Sec22T60a Samuel Kelly (1859) Pike Co.Tel. Pleasant Hill

McCleery, Chauncey M. (Nellie Les-sig) Ch Floyd; Hadley Rl HadleySecl5 Tl20a Mrs. M. McCleery(1891) Hazelrigg Tel. Baylis

McCleery, Robert T. (Anna Sparrow)Ch Thomas R; Hadley Rl Ol20aHadley Secl5 Farm Manager ArchCampbell (1888)

McClintock, Arthur S. (Grace James)Ch Merle, Vivian, Mildred, Eloise,

Thelma, Dale, Junior, Milburn;Pittsfield R2 Martinsburg Sec3Tl60a G. W. McClintock (1873)Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield,

McClintock, George W. (AmeliaStevens) Ch *Arthur, *Virgil,

*Katherine; Pittsfield R2 Martins-burg Sees Ol69a (1840) Pike Co.Tel. Pittsfield

McClintock, Harry C. (Lottie Wal-ston) Ch Glenn, Bernice, Pittsfield

R2 Martinsburg Sec25-26 T230aElla Walston (1884) Farmers Tel.


McClintock, Humphrey (EmmaStoub) Miller brother Pittsfield R4Derry Sec26 O200a McClintockBros. (1857) Farmers Tel. El Dara

McColloch, Alex (Nora Stout) ChKathrvn; Murt McGlasson son-in-law; Pittsfield R4 Derry Sec28OlCOa (1883) Farmers Tel. El Dara

McColloch, Samuel (Carrie Stout) ChMary, Lowell, Marjorie, *Neoa;Pittsfield R4 Derry Sec35 OSOa.(1892) Farmers Tel. El Dara

McColm, Mrs. Rosa Ch *Walter.*Lena, *Edward, *Stel!a, *George;"View Point Farm" New CantonRl Pleasantvale Secll OSOa (1857)Farmers Tel. New Canton

McConnel, Robert Franklin (MaudO. Galloway) Ch Dawson, Kermit,Gordon; "Spring Hill Farm"' Pleas-ant Hill Rl Martinsburg Sec3.-)

084a (1886) Farmers Tel. PleasantHill

McConnell, A. F. (Sarah A. Hemp-hill) Ch Alice. Cecil, *Harvev.*Robert, *Minnie, *i\Iitchell, *Let-tie; "Fair View Farm" Nebo R3Pleasant Hill Sec26 Ol20a (1857)Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill



McConnell, Harvey (Beca Cheek)Ch Maurene, Carl;Pleasant Hill RlPleasant Hill Sec3 T40a SarahGuthrie (1883) Farmers Tel. Pleas-

ant Hill

McCrary, J. W. (Anna Praul) ChSamuel; Pleasant Hill R2 PleasantHill Sec4 O40a (1890)

McDaniel, Isaac R. (Orpha Hobbs)Ch Ralph, Edward, Joseph, *Will-iam, *Lelah; Kinderhook Rl Pleas-

antvale Sec7 Tl96a Dan Hack(1862) Farmers Tel. Kinderhook

McDaniel, John (Eva Belts) ChHazel; Barry Rl Barry Secl7 Tl20aRobert Curtis (1883)

McDaniel, William (Mayme Sherer)"Walnut Ridge Farm" Barry R4Hadley Secl8 Tl.50a M. V. Sherer(1866) Tel. Barry

McDonald, Ezekiel D. (}»Iary Sitton)Nebo R2 Spring Creek Sec33 TlaS. A. Sheppard (1919) FarmersTel. Nebo

McElfresh, Guy (Fay Duse) ChEarl, Erma; Pleasant Hill RlPleasant Hill Secl6 Tla RussellBybee (1892) Farmers Tel. Pleas-ant Hill

McFaddin, George (Lucy Ransom)Ch Lyndle, Aileen; Nebo Rl HardinSec23 O40a (1879) Pike Co. Tel.


McFaddin Rebecca. (Mitchell) ChFrank, *Nettie, *(}eorge; Nebo RlHardin Sec22 O200a (1850) PikeCo. Tel. Pittsfield

McFaddin, Victor I. (Eva Lynch) ChLeola. Lucille. George; RockportRl Atlas Sec25W Farm Hand H. C.Miller (1887)

McFarland, Joseph (Cora Willis) ChJoseph E., *Lera S; New CantonPleasantvale Sec9 Ol67a (1866)Pike Co. Tel. New Canton

McGary, Peter Pittsfield R3 New-burg Sec20 063a (1864) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

McGinley, Edward (Mary Hughes)Ch Edward Jr., Fannie, *Micheal,*Sarah, *Joseph, *Kathryn. *James;Pittsfield R2 Pittsfield Sec35 OSOa(1867) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

McGinley, Micheal M. (Katy Jordon)Pittsfield R2 Pittsfield Sec27 O40aTlOOa James Hughes and HarryHighbee (1870) Glandon Tel. Pitts-field

McGinnis, Mark (Mary E. Conklin)Ch Mark Jr; Chambersburg R2Chambersburg Sec3 Tl30a T. B.McGinnis (1887) Farmers Tel.

ChambersburgMcGlasson, Elmer (Nora Henry) ChMay, Geneva, Virgal; SummerhillAtlas Secl3E O20a (1882)

McGlasson, Guy E. (Ida Howland)Ch Wilmer, Virgina; Pittsfield R5Pittsfield Sec32 TlOOa SimpsonCapps (1892) Glandon Tel. Pitts-


McGlasson, Loyd D. (Myrtle How-land) Ch Mary, Mabel; Pittsfield

Rl Hardin Sec9 T40a Harry White(1887)

McGlasson, William (Leona Brown)Ch Ray, Emmett, Lester, Nellie,

*Guy, *Elmer, *Loyd, Merlen;Pittsfield R5 Martinsburg Sec7O60a (1877)

McGlauchlen, Charles W. (EmmaDaniels) Ch Iris; Rockport RlRoss Sec27 T35a George Reisch(1907)

McGlauchlen, John F. (Dora Wain-man) Ch Fred, Hazel, Horace,Clarence, *Roy, *Charles, *Mary*Pcarl; Rockport Rl Ross Sec28Tl50a George Reisch (1911)

McGlaughlin, Harvey R. (Anna Ger-ard) Ch Helen; Pittsfield Rl Pitts-

field Sec36 Ol60a (1870) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

McGraw, John (Sadie Miller) ChThomas, David, Bonnie, Thelma,Joyce, Sylva, Floyd; Hull R2 LeveeSecl.5 04Ha (1905)

McGreevy, William (Agnes Mc-Kenna) Ch Mary, Helen, Loretta,Isabel, Carrie, Riley, *William Jr;

Pleasant Hill R2 Martins-burgSeclfi 0228a (1877) Farmers Tel.

Summer Hill, Pike Co. Tel. Pitts-


McGuire, James (Mary McKenna)Ch Leo, Margaret, John; Pittsfield

Rl Pittsfield Sec25 O6.0a (1861)Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Mclntire, Harry F. (Minnie Fitzpa-trick) Ch Mildred, Helen, Harry;Kinderhook R2 Kinderhook Sec26Farm Hand Henry Hinds (1919)

Mclntire, Henry H. (Elmyra loobs)

Ch Dorothy, *Lewis, *Flora;Barry Rl Barry Sec23 03a (1854)



Mclntire, Levi G. (Lucretia Bowers)Ch May, Thue, *Roy, *Nina;Barry R3 Hadley Sec2S TlOOa(1861) Hadley and Shaw Tel.


Mclntire, Lewis E. (Alice Boyd) ChBernadine, Gerald; Barry BarrySec25 02a (1879) City Tel. City

Mclntyre, H. John (Lillie Marion)Ch Jaunita. Tola; Baylis R3 NewSalem SecT Olla (1864)

Mclntyre, James (Dora Quigley) ChHarold, Flossie, Henry; New Can-ton Rl Pleasantvale Sec23 TlOaMrs. Anna West (1872)

McKee, John D. (Lillie Stephens) ChWillie, Kate, Maude, Mary, *Blond,*Fern, *Vera; Rockport Rl RossSec20 TeOa George Reisch (1919)

McKeever, John M. (Nola Lacy) ChAudrey M.; Bedford MontezumaSecl3 02a (1894)

McKenna, Charles H. (Virginia Jac-quin) Pleasant Hill R2 MartinsburgSec27 Ol60a (1867) Farmers Tel.


McKenna, Mrs. Mary (Keefe) ChElizabeth, Isabelle, Jerome Kane,grandson, *Hugh, *Anna, *Helen,*Agnes, *Loretta. *Bridget, *Lucy;Pittsfield R4 Pittsfield Secl2 O50a(1857) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

McKinney, Frank A. (Dora Hippe)Ch Viola, Flora, Letha, Russell;Perry Perry Sec8 O20a Perry Sec8Tl20a Mrs. Henry Hippe (1875)

McKinney, John Frederick (Nellie

Stearns) Ch Kenneth, Clifford, Lor-raine; Barry R2 Hadley Secl8T75.76a James Fosler (1889) Tel.

BarryMcLaughlin, Cloyd (Fern Dejaynes)Ch Ray, Rex; Baylis R2 New SalemSec4 O60a (1884)

McLaughlin, John A. (Sarah Cham-berlain) Ch Melvin, Wayne, Ruth,*Ralph; Griggsville Rl FairmountSec27 0160a (1870) Glandon Tel.Griggsville and Perry

McLaughlin, Ralph (Eva Martin) ChGeraldinc, Florence; Griggsville RlFairmount Sec22 Tl60a R. O. Mc-Laughlin (1894) Pike Co. Tel.Perry and Griggsville

McLaughlin, Mrs. Rebecca Ch *Ada,*Anna, *Randolph; Griggsville RlFairmount Sec27 TSOa R. O. Mc-Laughlin (1860)

McLaughlin, R. O. (Elizabeth Man-ton) Griggsville Rl FairmountSec27 T240a (1857) Pike Co. Tel.

Perry and Griggsville

McLaughlin, William S. (Nancy Mc-Kinney) Ch Lvda, *Maude, *Orpha.*Ethel. *Cloyd, *Truman; Baylis R2New Salem Sec4 Tl35a Mrs. KateSlade (1839) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

McLaughlin, W. Randolph (GraceMay Tipton) Ch Glenn, Gertie,

Alice; Baylis Fairmount Sec33O80a (1862) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

McM.ullen, Isaac (Rebecca Sharow)Ch *Ira. *Fred; Rockport R2 AtlasSecSE O80a (1862) Farmers Tel.

RockportMcNary, Alfred C. (Elcy Hathaway)Ch Eliza. Iva, Golden; New CantonR2 Pleasantvale Sec31 TlOOaPfeiffer Est. (1886) Pike Co. Tel.

New CantonMcNary, Charles (Loretta Pfeiffer)

Ch Thelma, Michael. Alto; NewCanton R2 Pleasantvale Sec30Tl70a Pfeiffer Est. (1888) Pike Co.Tel. New Canton

McNary, Charley Nebo Spring CreekSec8 O20a (1899)

McNary, Frank (Bertha School-craft) Ch Pearl, George; New Can-ton Rl Pleasantvale Sec26 OSOa(1882) Pike Co. Tel. New Canton

McNary, Jasper N. Ch Estella,

*Laura, *Alfred, *Charles. *Dora.*Golden; New Canton R2 Pleasant-vale Sec31 TSOOa Pfeiffer Est.

(1889) Pike Co. Tel. New CantonMcNeal, F. M. and C. A. Doyle (LolaBaker and Sadie McNeal) ChGweuidelyn, Mary F. Doyle; BarryBarry Sec12 O280a (1892) City Tel.Barry

McNett, John (Minerva Thomas) ChLoyd, *Cecil; New Canton RlPleasantvale Sec23 04Sa (1873)Farmers Tel. New Canton

McPherson, Jesse (Delta Petrie) ChNettie, Paul, Mrs. Emily Rose.mother, *Emma, *Winnie,*Maggie;Pearl Star Route Pearl Seel 5 oT66a(1879) Pike Co. Tel. Pearl

McSorley, John (Margaret Ducey)Ch Joseph; Pittsfield R6 Pittsfield

Sec7 Ol49a (1863)McTucker, John (Renn Peck) Ch

Fay, Lois, John W., *Gladvs;Barry R3 Hadley Sec30 O200a(1866) City Tel. Barry



McWorter, Arthur Mrs. F. J. BatesColeman, mother Ch Thelma, Ber-nice, Ellen, Festus, Cordel; "FreeFrank Farm" Hadley Rl HadleySec22 055K'a (1874) Star Tel.


McWorter, Francis (Sadie Walker)Ch Alberta, Gladys; "Sunny BrookFarm" Hadley Rl Hadley Sec22067a (1873) Star Tel. Barry

Meats, Francis S. (Mildred E. Mar-tin) Ch Aileen, Francis, Hester;Baylis R3 Fairmount Sec2 Tl25aLane Est. (1910) Pike Co. Tel.

Tempest and Perry

Medaris, John T. (Nora Davis) ChThurman; Kinderhook Rl Cincin-nati Sec2 Tl60a Samuel Peacock(1874)

Meentz, Hiram T. Ch Minnie, Mary,Tenna; Hull Kinderhook Secl6Ol5a (1872)

Megehe, Charles Delia Megehe,housekeeper, Omer Megehe, herson; "The Little Sand MoundFarm" New Canton R2 CincinnatiSecl4 Tl60a William Solisbury(1899)

Mehl, Elmer P. (Florence Bloyd) ChGrace; Perry Perry Sec29 FarmHand Dunn & Peckinpaugh (1900)

Mellon, Harry W. (Mayme Ward)Ch Hazel; Barry R2 Barry Secl2T92a (1889)

Mellon, James A. (Evelyn Baker) ChEugene, Merl, Leonard; Barry R4Hadley Sec7 097a (1862) Tel.


Mellon, John W. (Arminda Vannatta)Ch Dalla, Johnny, Harry, Cora,Wayne; Baylis R3 Fairmount Secl9O80a (189G) Farmers Tel. Baylisand Fishook

Melton, Churchill C. (Martha Wilkin-son) Ch Wilkie, Bertha, *Clara,*Arthur, *Harvey, *Grover, *Fred,*Lewie; Nebo R3 Spring CreekSecl6 O200a (1865)

Mercer, Max M. (Minnie Ryan) ChMaxine; Pearl Rl MontezumaSec28 O80a Tl37a Sarah Swartz(1893) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Meserve, Harrison (Mary J. Wilson)Ch *Bertha, *Harry A., *Mary;Pittsfield R2 Pittsfield Sec25 Ola(1886)

Messick, William M. (Ethel Ruble)

Ch Helen, Minnie; Pittsfield RlNewburg Sec28 Tl60a H. Weaver(1918) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Metcalf, Mrs. George W. (Mary A.

Hallan) Ch Russell, Fanny, *Floyd,

Jessie; Barry Rl Barry Secl4

0132a (1865) Pike Co. Tel. Barry

Metz, Clarence (Millie Dennis) ChHelen, Dorothy; "The Elms Farm"Chambersburg Rl Perry Secl2TlOOa A. G. Metz (1872) FarmersTel. Chambersburg

Metz, Fritz R. (Edna Ham)Chambersburg R2 ChambersburgSeclS Ol40a Sec8 T92a HenryMetz (1878) Farmers Tel. Cham-bersburg

Metz, George S. Chambersburg R2Perry Secl3 O260a (1841) FarmersTel. Chambersburg

Metz, John (Elizabeth Taylor) ChMargaret; Chambersburg Rl PerrySecl2 TlOOa A. G. Metz (1877)

Farmers Tel. ChambersburgMetz, Lincoln D. (Telitha Robinson)Ch Telia, Owen, *Wayne, *Willie;

Chambersburg R2 ChambersburgSec7 021a (1866) Tel. Chambers-burg and Versailles

Metz, Minter H. (Belle Ray) Ch*Sherman; Chambersburg R2Chambersburg SeclS Ol22a (1866)

Farmers Tel. ChambersburgMetz, Sherman I. (Millie Davis)Chambersburg R2 ChambersburgSeclS Tl20a M. H. Metz (1892)Farmers Tel .Chambersburg

Metzger, George C. (Lou Nesbit) ChKenneth, Enid; "Hill View Farm"Pittsfield R6 P-ttsfield Sec3 T80aAdam Metzger (1875) Glandon Tel.


Metzger, John F. (Cordelia Willsey)Ch Ralph, *Strother; New SalemRl New Salem Sec34 OlGOa (1871)

Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Meyer, Andrew (Catharine Robert-son) Ch Aloysius, Frances, Hilda;Payson Star Route Levee Sec3T200a Seymour Bros. (1890)

Meyer, Fred (Catherine Flick) ChSelma L., Hulda M., Paul E., *LayoW. ; *Leona L., *Margarct C, *Er-ma M.; Kinderhook KinderhookSec25 0488a (1870) Farmers Tel.




Meyer, Layo W. (Mabel Knodel) ChRaymond, Rossel, Bernard, Walter,Kathryn, William, Paul; Hull Kin-derhook Sec27 O4o0a KinderhookTel. Hull

Meyer, Peter J, (Amanda Marrow)Ch Charles, John. *Otto, *Fannie,*Effie, *CharIes, *Walter. *Arthur,*Lizzie, *Ira. *Jacob, *Effie, *May;Griggsville R3 Newburpr Seco 03aTl35a Strauss Bros. (1855)

Meyers, William Ch * Freda; Rock-port Rl Ross Seel 0324a (1888)Farmers Tel. Pleasant Hill

Milby, George W. (Elizabeth Cooper)Ch *Homer, *Mae; Griggsville R2Perry Secl4 T270a Albert M.Dorsey (1882) Glandon Tel. Perry

Milhizer, James (Martha Rayel) ChIva, Bertha, Lela; Barry Rl BarrySecl7 Ol40a (1865) Farmers Tel.Kinderhook

Miller, Ada Ch Zona, Roy; NewCanton Rl Pleasantvale Sec22 OlOa(1884) Farmers Tel. New Canton

Miller, Annie (Fowler) Ch *Maud,*Elie, *Ed.nie, *Gertie: Pearl R2Spring Creek Sec24 055a (1869)

Miller, Arven (Ella Sly) Ch Arline,Alberta; Pleasant Hill Rl Martins-burg Sec27 Farm Hand A. F.Barnd (1883) Farmers Tel. PleasantHill

Miller Bros., F. L. and L. H. Lizzie,sister; Barry R3 Derry Sec5 0526a(1871) ElDara. Hadley, Barry Tel.Barry

Miller, Charles E. (Amelia Shaw) ChGerald; Rockport R2 Atlas Secll063a (1874) Farmers Tel. SummerHill

Miller, Clyde (Lela Davis) Ch Edith,Floyd; Pearl Star Route Monte-zuma Sec27 T40a William Love(1891)

Miller, C. H. (Jennie Buss) Ch *Lena,*Ida, *Herman, *Bertha. *John,*Barney, *Sena, *Walter, *Elmer;Kinderhook Rl Cincinnati SeelO400a (1888) Farmers Tel. Kinder-hook

Miller. Miss Elizabeth Pittsfield R7Hardin Seel 6 OSOa (1853) Pike Co.Tel. Pittsfield

MUler, Elmer W. (Ethel Smith) ChMaralyn; Kinderhook Rl Cincin-nati Seel T80a C. H. Miller (1897)Farmers Tel. Kinderhook

Miller, Frank H. (May Johnson) ChLucile, Blanch, Aliffee, Marea;Pearl Rl Pearl Sec5 O40a (1883)

Farmers Tel. Pearl

Miller, Henry (Laura Triplet) DerrySec 6 (Refused to give Informa-tion)

Miller, Homer C, (Susie Billings)

Rockport Rl Atlas Sec25W T213aMrs. Juliet Miller (1879) GlandonTel. Rockport

Miller, James A. (Katherine Gromes)Ch Clara, Nellie, *Ida; "Maple Hill

Farm" Milton Detroit Sec34 O250a(1860) Glandon Tel. Milton

Miller, Lawrence (Mamie Smith) ChRaymond, Viola; Pearl Rl Monte-zuma Sec31 T80a Strauss Bros.

(1890)Miller, Louis H. (Rachel A. Brown)Ch Hester L., Veraine; Barry R3Derry Sec(i Tl20a Harvard Est.

(1892)Miller, Mayes (Florence Likes) ChMildred L.; Baylis R2 Hadley Sec23Tl60a Martha Clarkson Est. (1879)Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Miller, Perry E. (Sarah Moore) ChPerry, Fritzie; Louisiana, Mo. RossSec22X)160a (1904)

Miller, Ray (Lena Draper) Pearl R2Pearl Secl7 O80a (1893) FarmersTel. Pearl

Miller, Roy (Tena Brinkman) ChMildred, Ida, Dorothy; New CantonRl Pleasantvale Sec22 TlOa AdaMiller (1887)

Miller, Samuel R. (Sarah Gartside)Ch John H. Miller, his wife E^arlErvin and son Ray; "Cedar CfestFarm" Baylis R2 New Salem Secl9Tl39a Samuel R. Miller (1882) PikeCo. Tel. Baylis

Miller, Sanford W. (Maude Gratton)Ch Hazel, Opal, Pauline; Griggs-ville Rl Fairmount Sec3C) TltiOa

Ella Orr (1892)

Miller, Silas (Vina Schenebarger)Siloam Rl Fairmount Sec6 Olola(1898) Pike Co. Tel. Fishook andBaylis

Miller, Thomas M. (Lizzie Mountain)Ch Virgil, Lloyd, Lucille, Ger-trude, *Willie; Baylis R2 NewSalem Secl9 04Ga (1865) Pike Co.Tel. Baylis

Miller, T. J. (Lucy Knapp) Ch *Allie,

Clyde; Pearl Rl MontezumaSec33 T40a Clara Deemer (1863)



Miller, William (Mary J. Hornaday)"Locust Grove Grain and StockFarm" New Canton R3 Pleasant-vale Sec28 03S5a (1872) Pike Co.Tel. 'Ne-w Canton

Miller, William A. (Elizabeth Gleck-ler) Ch John, Foster, Viola,

Charles, Dorothy, *Gcneva; "SpringValley Farm'' Baylis R3 FairmountSec29 0237a (1866) Pike Co. Tel.

BaylisMiller, William B. (Lucy Potter) ChWilliam B. Jr.; Barry Rl BarrySeclO Ol06a (IRTfi) Tel. Barry

Miller, William D. (Mary Ounsley)Rockport R2 Atlas See? O250a(18.57) Glandon Tel. Rockport

Miller, William P. (Anna Bauer) ChHarvey Baker; Hardin ScclS Tl20aDave Benn (IS.^7)

Millhizer, David D (Estella Caffrey)

Ch Dan, JMaric; Kinderhook Kin-derhook OSa (1864) Farmers Tel.

KinderhookMilligan. Samuel D. (Grace Mowyer)Ch Leone; New Salem New SalemSeclS 02a (1895)

Milligan, Thomas E. (Mary Druni-mond) Ch Fannie, Maggie; BarryR4 Hadley Sec9 Tl20a HermanHooper (1883) Pleasant Hill Tel.

BaylisMilligan, William L. (Margaret M.

Hill) Ch *Harvey, *Samuel,*Tljonias; New Salem New SalemSecl5 OlOK>a (1888) Pike Co. Tel.Baylis

Mills, Earl G, (Freda Metz) Griggs-ville R2 Perry Sec36 TlGla Mrs.F. A. Metz (l9Uy Glandon Tel.

PerryMink, Clyde (Ada Diamond) Pitts-

field R4 Pittsfield Secl9 TlOOa G.and M. White (1888)

Mink, Eugene Pittsfield R6 Pittsfield

Sec5 Ol60a (1878) Farmers Tel.New Salem

Mink, Grover S. (Dell Holt) Pitts-field RG Pittsfield Seel Tl60a Mrs.Katy Mink (1888)

Mink, Mrs. Katy S. (Shipman) ChEmmett, *Grover, * Eunice, *Julia,

*Jessie, *Josie, *Ruth, *Rachel;"Good Hope Farm" New Salem RlPittsfield Seel OlGOa (1857) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Mink, Ray C. (Anna Moyes) ChHazel, Helen, Rena May; Barry R3Barry Sec26 T4a William Hilliard

(1884) City Tel, Barry

Minton, Loyd R. (Dora Marary) ChLorel, Norman, Lois; New CantonR2 Cincinnati Sec25 Tl35a Pfeiflfer

Est. (1890) Pike Co. Tel. New Can-ton

Minton, Robert (Lora Holderby) ChOscar; Barry Star Route Pleasant-vale Seel 032a (1873) Pike Co. Tel.Barry

Mitchell, Irvin J. (Ethel Stout) ChMary, Margarete; Summer HillAtlas SeclSE Ol3a (1888) Farm-ers Tel.

Mitchell, Mrs. Mary (Briscoe) ChLizzie, *Harry, *Irwin, *John;Pleasant Hill R2 MartinsburgSec32-33 O240a (1S.59) Farmers Tel.Pleasant Hill

Monroe, William Ch Fay, *Ella;"Maple Lawn Farm" New CantonR3 Pleasantvale Sec21 O200a (1849)Pike Co. Tel. New Canton

Monroe, William T. (Susan Watkins)Pittsfield R7 Hardin Sec30 Tl24aJohn Gragg (1869) Pike Co. Tel.Pittsfield

Mooney, Charles S. (Okla Loutzen-hiser) Ch Ellen; Rockport Rl AtlasSec25W T320a F. S. Allen (1890)

Mooney, Robert J. (Stella Ogle) ChDelbert, Elva, Francis; RockportRl Atlas Sec31 T3f)0a H. D. Marion(1892) Glandon Tel. Rockport

Moore, Abe O. (Ida Johnson) ChLaverne. her husband Merril Laird,Melvin; New Salem Rl New SalemSecl4 TSOa Samuel Moore (1870)Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Moore, Clifton (Anna Brown) ChLucy, Recia, Alice, Harry, Alphia,Freida; Griggsville Rl (5riggsvilleSec21 T72a M. A. Nelson (1875)

Moore, Fred W. (Mary Norton)Griggsville Rl New Salem SeclSOaoa (1878) Pike Co. Tel. Griggs-ville

Moore, George E. (Lula Griffith) ChMerrill. Floyd, Earl; Griggsville RlNew Salem Sec2 O240a (1874)Pike Co. Tel. Baylis and Griggsville

Moore, George W. (Mattie Wheeler)Ch Lena, *Luther, *Loren; Pitts-field R3 Detroit SeclS T20a LutherWheeler (1862) Farmers Tel. De-troit

Moore, John H. (Fannie Whitten)Ch *Grace. *Ross; New SalemNew Salem Sec33 O40a (1867)



Moore, Lee S. (Elsie Pease) Ch

Dwight, Dorothy, Maurine; NewSalem New Salem Secl5 Ol50a

(1878) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis and

Pittsfield ^^. , -

Moore, Marcus M. (Mary Hiveley)

Ch Frank, Leland, Laura, Letha,

Sarah, Earl, Raymond, Carrie,

Wayne, Ruth, Mary Lucille; Baylis

New Salem SeclB T408a G. A. Fer-

rin (1873) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Moore Newton A. (Alta Dunham)

Ch Mae, Winfred, Ethel; Gnggs-

ville Rl Griggsville Sec7 O80a

(1881) Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Moore, Ray (Grace Fife) New Salem

New Salem Secl6 T5a Charles Ed-

mistor 'vi;vS2)

Moore, Richard J. (Helen Darm-

statter) Ch Kimball Haynes. Mrs.

Martha Moore, mother; "Lawn

View Farm" Griggsville R3 Griggs-

ville Sec22 0292a (1892) Pike Co.

Tel. Griggsville

Moore, Ross R. (Beatrice Chambers)

Ch Harold, Ralph; Pittsfield R6

New Salem Sec35 T200a S. E.

Carnes (1892) Pike Co. Tel. Pitts-

field ^ ,.

Moore, Thomas P. (Lucinda Look)

Ch (irant, Morrison. Charles. Helen,* Andrew; Hull Kinderhook Secl7

TlfiOa Graves and Lease (1904)

Moore, William A. (Alinnie Cox) ChHelen Gertrude; New Salem RlNew Salem Sec23 O80a (1874) Pike

Co. Tel. Baylis

Moore, William D. (Emma Lightle)

Ch Anson, Frank, Iva, Lena, *Ada;

Griggsville R3 Griggsville Sec27

O80a T80a Lightle Bros. (1874)

Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Morey, Harry L. (Maud Parker)

"Twin Elms Farm" New Canton RlPleasantvale Sec21 T60a MosesMorey (1881) Pike Co. Tel. NewCanton

Morgan, Henry (Sada Groce) Pearl

R2 Pearl Sccl9 T:;Ga J. E. Smith

(1893) Farmers Tel. PearlMorgan, Walter S. (Catherine Hoov-

er) Ch Henry, *Ella, *Cora, *Lilly.

*Viola, *Katy; "Cross Road Farm"Milton Montezuma SecS O40a(18.53)

Morgan; William H. (Philena

Mitchell) Ch Ray, Ethel, Alice,

Percy, *Charley, *Anna, *Henry;Pearl R2 Pearl SecS OlGOa (1872)

Farmers Tel. Pearl

Morrell, Ralph (Phcma Frost) ChErwin, Elsie, OUie, *Ruth;Chambersburg Rl ChambersburgSec4 Tl60a (1919) Farmers Tel.

CooperstownMorrissey, M. J, Ch Nellie, J. W.

brother, Margaret, sister; "ShadyNook Farm" Pittsfield R4 DerrySec25 T65a J. W. and MargaretMorrissey (1855) Farmers Tel.


Morrow,William A. (Dora Couch) ChNeta, Edith, Earl, *Neva; Pittsfield

R2 Pittsfield Sec34 Tsoa Mrs.Phoebe Stone (1867)

Morton, John H. (Martha Tabor) ChMargaret, *Ivah, *]\Iinnie; ValleyFlint Sec5 Farm Hand AndersonBros. (1869) Pike Co. Tel. Griggs-ville

Morton, O. P. (Fanny J. Mason) ChM. Ruth; Pleasant Hill R2 Pleas-

ant Hill Sees TllSa T. O. Eddins(1879) Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Motley, Carl (Loraine Phebus) El-Dara Derry Sec29 T40a George E.Motley (1901) Farmers Tel. El-Dara

Motley, George E. (Clara Hoskins)Ch Walter, Ross, Margaret, George,*Carl; "Clear Water Stock Farm"ElDara Derry Sec21 O200a (1877)Farmers Tel. El Dara

Motley, John W. (Effie Ward) ChThomas, John, Hubert, Marjorie,Woodrow: "Gilgal Center Farm"Rockport Rl Atlas O60a (1880)

Moss, William (Mina Kennedy) ChWilliam Preble, *NelHe Preble:New Salem Rl New Salem Sec27OlfiOa (1874) Pike Co. Tel. Pitts-


Mountain, Alby R. (Ida Stinson) ChEarl, Doyhl; Siloam Rl FairmountSec5-S Ol52a (1882) Pike Co. Tel.

Fishook and Baylis

Mountain, W. Tracy (Zelpha Syrcle)

"Orchard Home Farm'' Baylis R3Fairmount Sec9 O40a (1887) PikeCo. Tel. Fishook and Baylis

Moyer, Charles (Jennie Fesler) ChFerril, Virginia L.; "Bridge ViewFarm" Barry Star Route DerrySec7 OlOOa (1875) Farmers Tel.

BarryMoyer, Floyd E. (Anna Dolbeare) Ch

Clarence. Wilbert, Guy; Hadley RlDerrv SecIO O20a (1887) FarmersTel. El Dara



Moyer, Fred (Bertha Ruhl) Ch OpalHelen, Clidene; Pleasant Hill RlPleasant Hill Sec:2S T39a MaryRuhl (1891)

Moyer, Harry (Florence McCleery)Hadley Rl Hadlev Sec35 Tl60aMrs. A. E. Sailor (1896) Hadleyand Barry Tel. Barry and Hadley

Moyer, Orville A. (Margaret Gibson)Ch Marie, Ada, Edward, Mrs.Anna Gibson, mother; "ElmdaleStock Farm" Hadley Rl Derry Sec3098a (1874) El Dara. Hadley, BarryTel. Barry

Moyer, Parvin A, (Mary E. Stru-

binger) "Glendara Stock Farm" El-

Dara Derry Sec2n OllTa (1870)

Farmers Tel. El Dara

Moyer, Raymond (Ora Johnson)"Twin Pines Farm" Hadley RlDerry Sec? Tl9r!a Mrs. Anna Say-lor (1893) Farmers Tel. Barry

Moyer, William H. (Rosa Couch) ChBryan, Verna, Lesta, Marie; NeboRl Spring Creek Secie OlOla(1869) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Moyer, W. H. (Liza A. Hilliard) Ch*Theodore, *Jacob, *Calvin, *Ethel,

*Orville, *Martha, *Laura, *Flor-ence, *Floyd, *Anna, *Raymond,*Harr3', *Mabel; "Elm Lane Farm"Hadley Rl Derry Secll O200a(18"43) Farmers Tel. Barry

Mulford, John H. (Esther S. Mays)Ch John M.; New Salem Rl NewSalem Sec34 Ol52a (1905) FarmersTel .

Muller, W. F. (Elizabeth McFadden)Ch *Mary, *James, *Frank; PearlRl Montezuma Secl9 O40a (1853)Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Mullins, Benjamin F. (Ida Carl) ChGeorge, John D., Albert E., *Alice,

*Angie; Baylis R3 Fairmount Sec8Tl2a H. Bowen (1898) Pike Co.Tel. Fishook and Baylis

Mullins, Clarence E. (Eva Mullins)Ch Marie. Zack, Morse, Myra,Clark; Valley Flint Secl9 O60a(1886)

Mullins, J. Carlisle (Irene Jarvis) ChJanice, Marion; Griggsville R2Perry Sec26 TSOa D. E. Sullivan(1887) Glandon Tel. Perry

Murphey, John (Hannah Burns) ChCharlotte, *William,*Lizzie, *James,*John, *Sarah; "Clover Leaf Farm"Pittsfield R3 Detroit Sec8-7-17O400a (1850) Farmers Tel. Detroit

Murphy, Glen (Hazel Fitzgerald) ChLowell; Kinderhook Rl Kinder-hook Sec35 TioOm Ida Gordon(1892) Farmers Tel. Kinderhook

Murphy, James A. (Ethel Kelly) ChGrace; Pittsfield R3 Detroit Sec9Ol86a (1885) Farmers Tel. Detroit

Murphy, John B. (Elizabeth Mul-lenix) Ch Loraine, Harold, Ava,Doroth5% David. Donald; DetroitDetroit Sec22 Ol20a (1889) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Musgrave, Charles W. (Ruby Allen)Ch Arthur, Wilmott, Loyd; "HighLand View Farm" New Salem RlGriggsville Sec:U Ol7Sa (1889) PikeCo. Tel. Pittsfield

Myer, MoUie (Glas) Ch Joseph. El-mer, Leona, Pearl, *Mollie; HullR2 Levee Sec21 Tl20a William Gol-Iner (1894)

Myers, Mrs. Charles (Elizabeth Wil-son) Ch Joe, Charles, Richard,Mary, Ross, Guss, *John, *Edward;Griggsville R2 Flint Sec6 0714a(1865) Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Myers, Charles H. (Louisa Bowers)Ch *Frank, *Elmer, *Flossie, *Roy,*Loren; Rockport Rl Atlas SeclsWO~0a (I860)

Myers, Clarence (Dollie Johnson)Barry R3 Barry Sec23 Oe^a T6a(ISSr) City Tel. Barry

Myers, Clarence Emma Myers,mother, Ch Clarence, Alice, *War-ren, *Howard; Rockport Rl AtlasSec5E O40a (18S9) Farmers Tel.


Myers, Douglas (Emma McGrady)Ch Harry L., Earl D., *Warren,* Pearl; "Orchard Hill Farm"Barry R3 Barry Sec34 OlOOa (1856)

Independent Tel. Barry

Myers, Edward Mrs. L. Newell,housekeeper; Griggsville R2 Flint

SeclS Tl60a Joseph Wilson Est.

(1890) Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Myers, John (Edith Burland) Griggs-ville R2 Griggsville Secl5 Tl50aJohn Burland (1894)



Myers, Louis (Lena McFarland)"Twin Oaks Farm" New Canton RlPleasantvale Secl4 Ol60a (1890)Farmers Tel. New Canton

Myers, Samuel J. (Bertha Dyer) ChEdward, l^oraine, Richard, Leroy,*Forby; Rockport R2 Atlas Sec9EOl^a (1867)

Myers, Warren (Alta Shewhart) ChElmo, Douglas, Wilma; Barry RSSec34 TlOOa D. Myers (1889)

Myers, William (Pauline Bright) ChEllis, *Mary, *Clarence, *Louis;"Orchard Front Farm"' Barry R3Barry Sec34 Ol60a (1855) The GayTel. Reiiinant, Barry


Nash, John C. Pittsfield R6 Pittsfield

Sec7 OS5a (1866)

Nass, Fred Pittsfield R3 NewburgSec20 Ol60a (1868) Glandon Tel.


Nation, J. H. Ch Frank, *Nammie,Lizzie Davidson, wife of Frank,Mariam, James, Virgil, grand-children; Pittsfield R4 Derry Sec25O80a (1858) Farmers Tel. Pittsfield

Neal, Henry (Pheobe Moore) ChRussell, Opal, *Viola, *IGlen; HullR2 Cincinnati Sec5 T240a Frike

Heirs (1915)

Neese, David M. (Ada Applegate)Nebo R3 Spring Creek Sec28 028a(1894)

Neese, George F. (Virginia Hemphill)Ch Tames, Ethel, Alice, Hattie,

George, Ray, Phelix; Nebo RlSpring Creek Sec8 T2a E. W. Aut-rey (1875)

Neese, Lee (Mary McGlauchlen) ChRaymond, Ernest, Harold; Rock-port Rl Atlas Sec25 Farm Hand EddGlenn (1889)

Neese, Philip H. (Nettie Doil) ChAnda, Beulah, Cleota, Isa; Nebo R3Spring Creek Sec9 053a (1866) Pike

Co. Tel. NeboNeese, Scott (Hattie Kenyon) Ch

Uravesie, El'ma, Imo; Nebo R3Spring Creek Sec20 O40a (1874)

Farmers Tel. NeboNelson, Cecil E. (Lenore Bradburn)

Ch Virginia Eleanor; Griggsville

Rl Criggsville Secl8 TSOOa C. H.Nelson (1904) Pike Co. Tel. Pitts-

field and Griggsville

Nestrick, George (Mary Hull) ChPerley, *Carrie; Kinderhook Barry

Secl8 0274a (1863) Blufif Tel.


Nettleton, Mrs. Marinda (Grable) ChMay; Griggsville R3 GriggsvilleSec25 Ol92a (1845) Pike Co. Tel.Griggsville

Newingham, Isaac ChambersburgStar Route Chambersburg Sec5Ol54a (1856) Farmers Tel. Cham-bersburg

Newman, Edd (Edna Livingston) ChCharles, Gerald, Clarence, Clififord;

Griggsville Rl iGriggsville Sec8O209a (1885) Pike Co. Tel. Griggs-ville

Newman, Levi E. (Willmetta Hal-lock) Ch Ralph, Harold: GriggsvilleR2 Griggsville Secl4 OriOa FarmManager G. R. Newman (1887) PikeCo. Tel. G iggsville

Newman, Welcome J. (Nora Brown)Ch Florida, Edna, Helen May;Griggsville Rl Griggsville Sec2iO20a (1889) Pike Co. Tel. Griggs-ville

Nichol, Jesse C. (Florence M. Mover)Ch Edna, Frank, Freda, Glenna, Ed-win; Hadley Rl Derry SecS Tl36aJ. R. McCarter (1877) Farmers Tel.Barry

Nichol, Robert C. (Pearl L. Boyd) ChAda, Grace, Ivan, Glenn HadleyHadley Sec22 Ola Hadley Sec22T2a Frank Sykes (1881) Fladley Tel.

BarryNichol, Walter J. (Clara Richards)Ch Geneva; Hadley Rl HadleyScc34 Tl40a Mrs. Anna Hamilton(1885) Hadley and Shaw Tel. Barry

Nichols, Edwin F. Ch *Harry, *Ef-fie, *011ie; New Canton R2 Pleas-antvale Sec20 O2,700a (1917) PikeCo. Tel. New Canton

Nichols, Harry (Harriet Clary) ChRosella, Louella, Paul; "PoplarRidge Farm" New Canton R2Pleasantvale Sec20 Ol025a (1915)Pike Co. Tel. New Canton



Nichols, Norman T. (Fannie B. Hall)Ch Florence, *Harland, *Villa; NewCanton Pleasantvale Secl6 02455a(1901) Pike Co. Tel. New Canton

Nicholson, George (S. A. Boothby)'Ch *Mabel, *Grace; Griggsville RlFairmount Secl3 O40a (1881) Pike

Co. Tel. Tempest and Perry

Nicholson, Oren H. (Leta Harris) ChKathryn; Pittsfield R7 HardinSecl9 Tl60a Charles Nicholson(1895) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Niemeier, Henry (Dora Promesey)Ch Edna, Ida, Ina, Theora, *Louise;Pleasant Hill Rl Ross Sec36 T240aO. D. Leach (1918)

Niemeyer, John E. (Minnie Peters)Ch Mildred, Edward; Hull R2Levee SecB O80a (1904)

Niffen, John W. (Mary David)Rockport Atlas Secl6W ManagerMrs. Ernie Camp

Noble, Harvey G. (Matilda Smith) ChMary, Edward, *Arthur; Chambers-burg Rl Perry Secl6 OlOla (1892)

Farmers Tel. Perry

Norris, Mrs. Nettie (Vanetten) ChCleo, Donald, Kendall; Hull R2Kinderhook (1895) Cherokee Tel.Hull

North, Harry (Clara M. Scranton)Ch Robert N., Mary O.; PleasantHill Rl Pleasant Hill Sec27 Tl60aNancy Scranton (1891) Pike Co.Tel. Pleasant Hill

Norton, Charles W. Pittsfield R7Hardin SeclO Tl20a ElizabethMiller (1860) Pike Co. Tel. Pitts-


Norton, Erastus G. (Nona Willard)Ch Hall, Ester, Gertrude, Frank,Robert, Floyd, Lucille, *Fern,*Mamie; Pittsfield R7 Hardin Secl(5Ol60a (1865) Pike Co. Tel. Pitts-field

Norton, Guy W. (Nina P. Shaflfer)Ch Leroy, Lyndle, Gladys; MiltonDetroit Sec33 Farm Hand Mr. A.Douglas (1877) Glandon Tel. Mil-ton

Norton, James W. (Lena M, Reeker)Ch James, Fred, *Hazel; Pearl RlMontezuma Secl7 T257a M, E.Eisenboch (1870) Pike Co. Tel.Milton

Norton, John B. (Minnie Johnson)Ch George, Lyndle, Ruby, Emmett.Dorothy; New Salem Rl NewSalem Sec27 Tl55a Lighdle Bros.(1870) Pike Co. Tel. BayHs

Norton, Newell (Ethel Ellis) Ch Guy,Raymond, Margaret, Arland, My-rond, Herman, Ruth; "CloverleafFarm" Detroit Detroit Seclo OlOOa"Blue Grass Farm" Twp. NewburgSecl2-13 Ol63a (1868) Farmers TelDetroit

Norton, Winfield C. (Cora Franklin)Ch Bennie, Grace, Edith, Frances-Pearl Star Route Pearl Sec3 T204aJohn Ball (1873) Farmers TelPearl

Nye, James M. (Minnie Hale) ChBlanche, Edward, James, Margaret;"Moon Orchards Farm'' Barry R4Barry Sec26 Farm Hand MoonOrchard (1916) City Tel. Barry


OTsrien, William L. (Myrtle Ander-son) Ch Josephine, Marie, Russell,Angle, Lawrence; Hull R2 LeveeSecl4 T250a Henry Scarbrough(1913) Bell Tel. Hannibal

O'Connell Bros., Alpha, Harry, JohnNellie, Clara, sisters, CatherineConnelly, niece, Ch *Anna; Pitts-field R6 Pittsfield Sec7 OSOOa(1894) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Odossa, Frank M. (Fannie Forgy)Ch Annie, Dala, *Florence, *La-Fayette; Rockport Rl Atlas Sec35T40a Charles Gay (1859) GlandonTel. Rockport

Offenbacker, Otto (Anna Fenton) ChFloyd Ross, Herbert Allen; "GreenValley Farm" Pittsfield R3 New-burg Sec22 Ol20a (1909) GlandonTel. Pittsfield



Ogle, Augustus (Dilla Loutzenhiser)

Ch William, Homer; Rockport RlAtlas Sec:}0 T::40a George Varney(1877) Glandon Tel. Rockport

Oitker, Albert (Geneva Farmer) ChEdna, Marjorie, Robert; Barry R3Hadley Sec20 TlOOa August Oitker

(1885) Shaw Line Tel. Barry

Oitker, Cloyd (Leta Myers) ChJoseph; Barry R3 Barry Sec34

"OLJOa (I'.'i:^) Independent Tel.

BarryOliver, George H. (Esta Clutch) ChByron, Ereeda, Henry, Truman,Nelson; Barry Rl Barry Secl7

TKiOa Edgar Lippencott (187(5)

Farmers Tel. Kinderhook

Oliver, William H. (^lary Burge) Ch* Henry, *Edward, *Corcy, *Clar-

ence, *Lula, *Hattie,*Bell Balinger;

Pittsfield Rl Hardin Sec9 TSOaHarry White (1915)

Orebaugh, George E. (Nina Powell)

Ch Opal, Bernice; "Observation

Home Farm" Baylis Rl Hadley

Sec2 083a (ISS-O Pleasant Hill

Tel. BaylisOrebaugh, James H. (Kate

Matthews) Ch Dewey, Lewis and

wife, *Nellie. ^George, *Erank,

*Bessie; Barry R2 SecC Ol60a(1860) Tel. Barry

Orr, Charles E. (Lizzie Gillhouse) ChAlva, Harry, Willis; Hull Rl Kin-

derhook Socio OlS7^a (1852) Bluff

Co. Tel. HullOrr, Claude (Myrtle Wilson) Ch

Paul; Chambersburg R2 Chambers-burg Sec5 T269a Henry Hermers(1888) Farmers Tel. Chambersburg

Orr, Mrs. Fannie (Newman) ChWendell, Charles, Nellie, Ellen,

Irene, Maxine; Griggsville RlGriggsville SeclO T60a C. B. New-man (18S1) Pike Co. Tel. Griggs-


Orr, Gregg H. (Lavcrda Erke) ChSherman; Hull Rl KinderhookSec4 OllSa (189-1) Farmers Tel.

HullOrr, Herbert S. (Lola B. Richards)Ch Loren, Eben, Harlow, Dallas,

*Jerry, *Roy, *Louis, *Mary; HullR2 Cincinnati Sec6 Tl60a JamesW. Breckon (1856)

Orr, Jesse L. (Sarah E. Wilson) ChCharles; "Red Bud Farm" MiltonDetroit Sec27 Ol20a (1004) Farm-ers Tel. Milton and Detroit

Orr, Lee (Hettie Carpenter) Griggs-ville Rl Fairmount Sec23 T200aPerry Orr (1899) Pike Co. Tel.


Orr, Ralph (Marie Gebhardt) ChRalph Jr., Alberta Lucile; Baylis R3Fairmount Secll T221a Perry Orr(1889) Pike Co. Tel. Perry

Orr, Thomas M. (Annetta Glenn)Griggsville R2 Griggsville Secl304()a (1904) Pike Co. Tel. Griggs-ville

Orrill, Charles H. (Bessie E. Doyle)Ch Ena v., Frances G.; PleasantHill R2 Pleasant Hill Sec6 Tl20aGeorge A. Orrill (1885) Pike Co.Tel. Pleasant Hill

Orrill, Mrs. Emily (Usherwood) ChThomas. *Sadie, *Nellie, *Lottie;Pittsfield R5 Pittsfield Sec27 FarmHand Harry Underwood (1858)

Orrill George A. (Maggie Ryan) ChCleo. Fay, Raymond, ^Charles,*Edith, *Gussie, *Eloise, *Ernest;Pleasant Hill R2 Pleasant Hill Sec8O200a (1860) Pike Co. Tel.

Pleasant Hill

Orrill, Thomas G. (Lottie OrrilH

Ch Thomas Jr., Emily; Griggsville

R3 Griggsville Sec27 T60a JamesWinn (1880) Pike Co. Tel. Griggs-ville

Orsborn, John W. (Edith Jones)

Ch Tohn Jr.. Edison; Pearl Spring-

Creek Seel Tl20a A. Duff

Ottowa, Fred L. (Lula Adams) ChNadine; Pittsfield Rl Detroit Sec32

O30a (1888) Glandon Tel. Milton

Ottowa, Louis E. (Delia Moyer) ChPauline. Charles, Inez, *Fred, *Up-homa; Pearl Rl Montezuma Sec21

T240a J. D. Hess (1863) Pike Co.

Tel. Milton

Ottwell, Harold (Golda Wheeler)Nebo Rl Hardin Sec2S TSOa V. F.

Wheeler (1898)

Ottwell, Jesse E. (:\Iina Peacock) ChOpal, Asil, Lena, Basil, Irene,

Avery, Tressa. Edith; Pearl Pearl

Sec33 Tla George Smith (1916)

Ottwell, Owen (Emma Bowman) ChArthur, Sigel, Virgil, Herschell,

Clara, * Harold; Pearl R2 Pearl

Sec22 035a (1874) Farmers Tel.


II 1


Ottwell, Thomas (Polly Long) Ch*Zula; Pearl R2 Pearl Sec29 041a(1867) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Otwell, Milt C. (Lula Gourley) ChZona, Zelma; Pearl Pearl SeclTOl60a (1919)

Ownby, Otis O. (Ray Lyons) ChThomas, Helen, Falissa Ownb3^mother, *Hays; "Cedar HeightsFarm'' Hadley Rl Derry Sec9Tl60a Ownby Est. (1873) PrivateTel. ElDara

Ownby, William B. (Martha Putman)Ch Opal; ''Maple Hill Farm" Had-ley Rl Derry Sec9 O200a (1870)

Pivate Tel. El Dara

Parke, Irwin (Lela Cannon) ChBernice; Pittsfield R7 Hardin Sec9T320a Eva Bagby (1899) Pike Co.Tel. Pittsfield

Parker, George W. (Sarah J. Comer)Ch *Minnie, *Mamie; "ProgressiveFarm" Griggsville Rl FairmountSec35 Ol60a (1850) Pike Co. Tel.


Parks, Virgil T. (Gertrude Moore)Montezuma Star Route Monte-zuma Secll Ol47a (1898) Pike Co.Tel. Milton

Parrick, Frank (Mildred Morath)Ch Marguerite, Evelyn; Cham-bersburg Rl Perry Secl4 O60aPerry Secl4 T60a Jesse Hurlineand Nettie Walker (1891) GlandonTel. Perry

Parrick, Roy F. (Alta Mitz) ChHilda; Barry Barry Sec24 ManagerMcNeal and Doye (1899) City Tel.


Parrish, Little B. (Susie Swartz) ChRobert; Hull R2 Levee Secl5 T200aSeymour Bros. (1917) Bell Tel.


Parrott, Samuel T. (Grace Durham)Ch Elizabeth, Robert, Virgil, Nellie,

George, Robert Parrott, father;

Pittsfield R5 Martinsburg Sec.5 TSaWilliam Cunningham (1918)

Pasters, Harry A. (Bertha Pringle)Griggsville Griggsville Secl3 T370aJohn Warton (1877) Pike Co. Tel.


Patterson, James W. (May Frazier)

Ch Edwin, Lucille, Roy, Eva May;Pittsfield R2 Martinsburg SecllOl43a (1879) Farmers Tel. Martins-burg, Pittsfield

Patterson, John L. (Clara E. Bab-cock) Ch Henry L., Herbert O.,

Ethel J., Velma, Frieda D.; "CloverCrest Farm" Barry R4 Hadley Sec9Ol20a (190G) Pleasant Hill Tel.Baylis

Payne, Clarence O. (Mary Camp)Ch Edith, Fred; Rockport AtlasSec23W T90a Mrs. E. McKenney(1883) Glandon Tel. Rockport

Payne, Harold (Rebecca David) ChMarion, Mildred, Merle; RockportAtlas Sec23W T200a Judge Brock-house (1881) Glandon Tel. Rock-port

Payne, William E. (Nettie Hubble)Ch William, Donald, Mildred,George, Paul, Alice, Alma, Owen,Maydene, Maxine, *Mabel; Rock-port Rl Atlas Sec2.5W T280a Ed.Glenn (1874) Glandon Tel. Rock-port

Peacock, Edward (Annas Ask) ChNoble, Edna; Pleasant Hill R2Martinsburg Sec28-29 Oll8a Farm-ers Tel. Martinsburg

Peacock, Parnes E, (Bessie Jack-son) Ch Loren, Oroella, Odessa,Lee, Edith, Rozeta; Nebo R2Spring Creek Sec29 OSOa (1913)Farmers Tel. Nebo

Peacock, Ralph E. (Flossie Kergen)Ch Lucile, Leverne; ChambersburgR2 Chambersburg Secl5 T80a CarlBurnsides (1918) Farmers Tel.

ChambersburgPeak, James B. (Florence Six) Ch

Bertram, *Sylvan; Baylis R3 Fair-mount Sec28 Ol60a (1916) Pike Co.Tel. Baylis

Pearson, Basil Ch Gladys, *Lula,*Nora, *Ethel, *Leonard, *Lester;Nebo Pleasant Hill Secl3 02a(1862)



Pearson, C R. (Bessie Zumwalt)

Martha Pierson. niece; Pleasant

Hill Rl Pleasant Hill Secl3 T40a

J. W. Pearson (1874) Pike 'Co.

Tel. NeboPearson, Elliott (Elen Kendall) Ch

Elliott Jr., John A., grandson,

*Charles, *Alva, *Milo, *John,

*Myrtle, *Bertha, *Mabel; Pleasant

Hill Rl Pleasant Hill Secl4 Ol20a

(1865) Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Pearson, Lester L. (Anna Smith) Ch

Ralph; Nebo Spring Creek SeclS

O80a (1890) Pike Co. Tel. Nebo

Peck, Harry (Inez Weaver) Ch

Tracy, Lowell, Keith; Pleasant

Hill Rl Pleasant Hill Secl3 T240a

L. B. Peck (1886) Pike Co. Tel.

Nebo ^ - ^,

Peck, Victor H. (Mary Stone) Ch

Dorothy, Helen; "Clover Dale

Stock and Grain Farm' Hull K2

Levee Secll T;)60a Henry F. Scar-

borough (1903)

Peebles, Walter (Edna Stoner) Ch

A.leen- Pittsfield R3 Detroit Secl6

T240a' Frank E. Allen (1887) Glan-

don Tel. Pittsfield

Peebles, Willis M. (Eliza Foreman)

Ch Richard, Frank. James Manly,

*Harry *Walter, *Elizabeth; Pitts-

field Rl Detroit Sec28 Ol31a (1861)

Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Peecher, James W. (Rena Howland)

Ch Walter, Elizabeth, Lawrence,

Fred, Lola, Edwin; Rockport Atlas

Sec22 047a (1875)

Peecher, Luther B. (Nellie Howland)Ch Raymond, David, Herschel.

Charles, Alfred, Kenneth; SummerHill Atlas Secl4 Ol20a Sec21-24

(1871) Farmers Tel. Summer Hill

Peer, Frank J. (Annie Sanders) ChLeoda, Eva, Lois, Virgil, Dorothy,

Clay, Agnes May, *Nellie; Pitts-

field R2 Martinsburg Seel Tl70a

Ike Strauss (1903) Farmers Tel.


Pelican, Charles L. (Minnie M.Ward)New Canton R3 Pleasant-

vale Sec30 TlGOa N. T. Nichols

(1916)Pelican, John L. (Rachel Ward) Ch

Gladys, John, Sadie; New CantonR3 Pleasantvalc SecSO TlOOa N. T.

Nichols (1915)

Pence, Albert (Kate Conley) Baylis

R2 New Salem Sccll T3a SamCurliss (1869)

Pennock, Eben F. (Minnie Davis) ChMildred; Pittsfield R3 Detroit Secl7Farm Hand (1883) Farmers Tel.

DetroitPennock, John Arthur (Mabel Helm)Ch Stanley, Mary, Dorothy, AnnaPennock, mother; Pittsfield R6Pittsfield Secl6 OSOa (1885)

Pennock, Robert A. (Carry Cooper)Ch Lucile, Mazie, Dannie, Charlotte,

Cooper Jr; Pittsfield R7 HardinSec31 043a (1879) Farmers Tel.

NeboPenny, James W. (Eliza Hatton) Ch

Dale, Thanel, Charles, Fearl; BarryR3 Barry Sec27 OlOOa (1860)Far-mers Tel. Kinderhook

Penny, Nathaniel E. (Rosina Hast-ings) Ch *Hazel; Baylis Rl Fair-

mount Sec31 Ol92a (1875) LongRidge Tel. Baylis

Penstone, Charles H. (GertrudeCohenour) "Green Field Farm''Gnggsville R3 Newburg Sec9-30294a (1868) Glandon Tel. Pitts-


Penstone, Edward G. (Anna Birch)Ch Giles H., Florence; Griggsville

' R3 Newburg Sec9-10 0249a (1878)Glandon Tel. Griggsville and Pitts-


Penstone, Herbert W. (Celia Turn-bull) Ch James, Harriet; Griggsville

R3 Newburg Sec3-4 O200a Sec4T40a Mrs. Harriet Penstone (1884)Glandon Tel. Pittsfield and Griggs-ville

Penstone, W. E. (Alice Turnbull) ChFrank, *Lena: "Cidar Hill Farm''Griggsville R3 Newburg Sec5-8O320a (1867) Glandon Tel. Griggs-ville and Pittsfield

Perriene, Leslie E. (Leora Gooding)Ch Everet, Dorothy, Donald; HullRl Kinderhook Sec6 ManagerChas. Johnson (1889)

Perry, Mrs. Mattie (Triplett) ChGladys. Earl, Percy; "Hill CrestDairy B'arm'' Barry Rl Barrv Sec23Ol50a (1872) Pike Co. Tel. Barry

Perry, William (Laura Chandler) ChRaymond, Florence, Owen, Leta,Chester, Marea, Norman, Walter,*William, *Jesse; Pearl Rl Monte-zuma Sec30 0275a (1870) Pike Co.Tel. Milton

Personett, John (Mary E. Snyder)Ch Gilbert, Dorothy, Everett,Alma, *(jcorge, *Nettie, *Gullie,

*Lola; Kinderhook Rl CincinnatiSeclO TiGOa Babb Heirs (1885)



Peters, John H. (Minnie Kund) Cli

Lillian; Hull R2 Levee SecS Tl2j4aWilliam Peters (1891)

Peters, William (Mary Bcncke) ChJoseph, William, *Kathrine, *Frank,*Minnie, *Lizzie, *John, *Mary;"Pecan Grove Farm"' Hull R2Levee SecS Ol70a (1889)

Peterson, Dean Thomas (Mae Bell)

New Salem Rl New Salem Sec21T400a Strauss Bros. (1894) PikeCo. Tel. Pittsfield

Peterson, James H. (Clara M. Cur-less) Pittsfield R7 Newburg Sec34Tl60a E. J. Strauss (1894) ClandonTel. Pittsfield

Peterson, Ralph C. (CTlenna Pierson)Ch Lucile; New Salem Rl HadleySec25 T40a Mrs. Jennie Peterson(1899) Glandon Tel. Baylis

Peterson, William E. (Fern Elder)Hadley Rl Hadley Seclo Ol60aLouis Elder (1898) Farmers Tel.

Hadley and Baylis

Peterson, William H. (Zenia John-son) Ch Gladys; Hadley Rl HadleySec25 096a (1895)

Petit, Bub (Alvira Minton) Ch* Annie, *Bertha, *Fred; "CedarGrove Farm" Hull KinderhookSeclO O40a (1847)

Pettey, Mrs. Martha (Martha Town-send) Ch Marie, *Louisa, *Ostan,*Lee, *Warren, *John; Rockport R2Atlas Sec20 OlGOa (184(5) FarmersTel. Rockport

Petty, Barney (Birdie Bauer) ChWoodrow, Donald, Eileen; Pitts-

field R2 Hardin Sec8 T78a L. Helm(1895)

Petty, Geo. and Lige Rockport AtlasSecieW Oior.a (187?.) Glandon Tel.Rockport

Petty, John C. (Eta Dober) ChHerschel, Mildred, Frances, Lee;Rockport R2 Atlas Sec20 093a(1888) Summer Hill Tel. Rockport

Petty, J. Henry (Silissia Evans) ChD. D. Hicks, *Susan, *Ernest,*Paul, *Barney, *Bessie; Pittsfield

R2 Martinsburg Sec2 03a (1864)

Petty, Marion N. (Lydia Miller) Ch*Robert, *Archie, *Willard, *Ruth,*May; Pearl Rl Montezuma Sec29O200a (1850) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Petty, Warren T. (Myrtle Brokaw)Ch Hilda, Nora, Alfred; RockportR2 Atlas Sec20 TSOa Martha Petty(1884) Summerhill Tel. Rockport

Phebus, Charles M. (M. Etta Stout)Ch *Marie, *Lurane; "The HallFarm" Pittsfield R4 Derry Sec27O2()0a (1866) Farmers and Pike Co.Tel. El Dara

Phillips, Edward S. (Mary Ricketts)Ch Arnold, Alva, Grace, Clarence,Pauline, John, *Maude, *Roy,*Lula, *Dewey, *Alvah; GriggsvilleRl Griggsvile Sec7 Farm Hand E.B. Seeds (1866)

Phillips, Harvey (Vina Kirgan)Baylis R3 Fairmount Sec4 FarmHand Joe Test (1919) Pike Co. Tel.Fishook and Baylis

Phillips, John K. (Geneva Aliller)

Griggsville Rl Fairmount Sec35Tla Farm Hand Albert McLaugh-lin (1895)

Phillips, Logan (Josephine Hall) ChHomer, *011ie; Rockport Rl AtlasSec26W T80a C. L Rupert (1870)

Phillips, Loren E. (Sarah Murphy)Ch Floyd, Helen, Vivian, Eva,Mary; "Blue Valley Stock Farm"'Pittsfield R3 Detroit Sec6-7 Ol28a(1896) Glandon Tel. Griggsville

Phillips, Ray M. (Agnes Bonnet) ChEsther; Griggsville Rl GriggsvilleSeclS Farm Hand D. S. Kennedy(1884) Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Phillips, Roy A. (Elizabeth Murphy)Ch Lyndel, Helen, Marjorie, JohnThomas; Griggsville R3 Flint Sec29Ol65a (1880) Pike Co. Tel. Griggs-ville

Pickup, Mrs. Ella (Ella Bixby) ChAlice, *Charles, *William; "SunnyBrook Farm" Pittsfield R6 Pitts-field Secl3 Ol3a (1873) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Pierce, Frank (Olive M. Hall) ChFreda L; Barry R2 Hadley SecSO90a (1875) Barry

Pierce, Jesse (Martha Green) ChEliza, Ralph, *Thomas, *Wesley,*Clyde, *Ted, *Bessie, *Cora,*Aiina, *Nettie, *John; Perry PerryScc7 Oh'ca (1844) P.ke Co. Tel.Perry

Pierce, William H. (Eliza Staufifer)

Barry R2 Hadley SecS Ol60a1865) Barry

Pierson, Shirley G. (Pearl Daniels)Ch James; Pittsfield R4 PittsfieldSee20 T480a W. R. Wills Estate(1882) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield



Pine, Charles A. ( Alta Ogle) ChAlonzo, Walter, Orie, Naomi;Baylis R2 New Salem Secl7 T80aG. W. Pine (1880) Pike Co. Tel.

BaylisPine, Thomas A. (Lizzie McKinney)Ch Ray, also Mr. J. F. Pine Baylis

R2 New Salem Secl7 T83.50a J. F.

Pine (1867)

Piper, Carl E. (Hattie Harlow) ChWilbur, Roy, Beatrice; BedfordMontezuma Sec23 TsOa T. C. Lytle

(1919)Plummer, Roy J. (Helen Ross) Ch

Ursula; Griggsvile R2 Flint Secl9

T80a Mrs. Doe Harvey (1886) Pike

Co. Tel. Griggsvile

Poling, Frank M. (Hallie Newell)"Pleasant Ridge Farm" New SalemRl New Salem Secl4 09.3a (1892)

Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville and


Pool, E. E. (Mamie Hobbs) Ch Wal-ter, Robert; Chambersburg RlChambersburg Sec7 Tl20a HenryPool (1880) Farmers Tel. Cham-bersburg

Porter, John D. (Margaret J. Hall)

Ch Marion, Agnes, Reese, Eunice,

^Marguerite; Pittsfield Rl New-burg Sec24 O80a (1860) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Pothast, Charles E. (Annis Ander-son) Ch Paul, Lawrence, Maxine;"Lone Pine Farm" Hull Rl Kin-derhook Sec9 Ol80a (1891) PothastTel. Plainville

Potter, John C. (Mary Boulware) ChFrank, Fred, Wanda, Robert, Rich-

ard; Barry Rl Barry Sec3 Ol60a(1866) Barry

Potter, John E. (Nellie Walmsley)Ch Maurine; Perry Perry Sec27Farm Hand Edward Yockey (1892)

Glandon Tel. Perry

Potter, Newman (Maude Cory) Ch*Amos R.; Baylis R2 New SalemSecl8 O80a (1872) Pike Co. Tel.

BaylisPotter, Wilson P. (Emma H. Rust)Ch Timothy, Lula, Ray, Wayne,Leslie, *Leah, *Maggie, *John,*George; "Pleasant View Farm"Baylis R3 Fairmount Sec21 Ol60a(1867) Pike Co. Tel. Tempest

Powell, Delphia H. (Nellie Ore-baugh) Ch Pirm, Kenneth; BaylisRl Hadlev Sec3 O.50a (1882) Pleas-ant Hill Tel. Baylis

Powell, Frank W. (Maggie M. Mil-ler) Ch Arthur, *Beulah; Barry R4:

Hadley Sec6 T240a Sam Grammer(1876) Riggs Tel. Beverly

Powell, James (Ella Holis) Ch *Ina*Hattie, *Frank; Baylis Rl HadleySees T200a Frank Powell (1852)Farmers Tel. Baylis

Powell, Simon T. (Emma Davis) ChWayne, Winifred, Erma, Frances,George, Simon Jr- Baylis R3 Fair-mount Secl7 OHa (1864) Pike Co.Tel. Baylis

Powell,Theodore R. (Etta Inslee)Baylis R3 Fairmount Secl3 O80a(1862) Pike Co. Tel. Perry

Powers, Charles H. (Zoe Bowers) ChAtha; Hull Kinderhook Sec21 Tl40aRussell, Mabel Hull (1913) Pike Co.Tel. Hull

Powers, Samuel O. (Nellie Woods)Ch Eva; Griggsville R2 GriggsvilleSecll T356a Frank Newman (1878)Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Praul, George F. (Ada McLaughlan)Ch Flossie, *Nora, *James, *Addis,*Henry; Rockport Rl AtlasSec25W Farm H:;nd William Gay(1904) Glandon Tel. Rockport

Praul, Henry T. (Danzie Stears)Rockport Rl Atlas Sec36 Tl60a J.

H. Joyce (1904)

Preble, Noel D. (Zona Sapp) ChCarrie, Clifif, Samuel, Francis,*Lena; Rockport R2 Atlas Sec2705K'a (1890)

Preble, Wilbur D. (Alice Sigsworth)Ch John, Beryl, *Floyd, *NoeI;Rockport .Rl Ross Sec7 T200aP. R. Kelly (1861)

Preble, William Also Miss Mary E.Preble; New Salem Rl New SalemSec22 T40a George N. Dunham(1895)

Predmore, William M. (.\rminta Par-rick) Ch Mar3^ Elkhrann, Walker,Nonna, Clara, Chester.*Nina. *Will-iam; Baylis Rl Hadley Seel Tl50a(1816) F'armers Tel. Baylis

Preston, Thomas (Nora David) ChLeon, Glen, Clyde, Claude; BarryStar Route Barry Sec36 T40a(186-0 City Tel. Barry

Pringle, George H. (Elizabeth Feary)Pittsfield R6 Pittsfield Secl3 Ol2a(1857) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Pruett, Charles A. (Sarah Farmer)Ch Dora; Pearl Rl Hardin Sec36Jim Voshal (1916)



Pruett, George R. (Nellie Shaw) ChLee, Emma, Ernest; Nebo R3Spring Creek SecDl O^Oa (1S76)

Pruett, John W. (Elva Guthrie) ChRay, also Mrs. Lcnisa Pruett; NeboR3 Spring Creek Sec31 O30a (1880)Farmers Tel. Nebo

Pruett, Thomas (Edith Mozer) ChHarvey, *Lora, *Etta, *George,*AIamie, *011ie, *Emma, *Jessie;

Nebo R3 Spring Creek SecCl O20a(1891)

Pryor, Ellis (Rebecca Short) ChLester, Lois, Lee, Dale, Clarence;Barry Rl Barry Secl-i OOSa (1885)Tel. Barry

Pryor, John S. (Mary Hull) Ch Otis,

Dennis, Jennie, grandchild, *Ellis,

*01iver; Barry Rl Barrv Sec9 T240aMr. Edgel (1864)

Pryor, Oliver Ch John B.; New Can-ton R2 Pleasantvale Sec5 O200a(1892) Farmers Tel. Kinderhook

Pryor, Mrs. Rachel Ch George,James, *Marv, *Liela; Pittsfield R4berry Sec23 OSOa (1845) Pike Co.Tel. Pittsfield Tel. Griggsville

Pyle, OrviUe (Maud Wheeling) ChGeorge, Albert; Pittsfield R3 De-troit Seer T55a Albert Pyle (1896)Glandon Tel. Griggsville

Purcell, Edward T. (Lydia Harbourn)Ch *Thoi-nas, *Howard; Hull R2Levee Secii T240a Brickon Trotter(1SS9) Pike Co. Tel. Hull

Putnam, Clarence (Minnie Baker)Ch Nina; Baylis R3 FairmountSeen Tla Farm Hand V. Doane(1882)

Putnam, Pearl A. (Priscilla Dolbeare)Ch Isabelle, Pauline; Hadley RlDerry SeclO TlBOa T. S. Dolbeare(189:;) Farmers Tel. El Dara

Pyle, Alfred L. (Pearl E. Vance) ChMariam, Ruth, Donald; PittsfieldRl Montezuma SecG Tla TomLindsey (1883) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Pyle, Bert (Edith Husband) ChElizabeth, Clayton; Pittsfield R3Newburg Seel OlTOa (1872) Glan-don Tel. Griggsville

Pyle, Guy N. (lola Sash) PittsfieldR2 Martinsburg Secll Tl20a Mrs.Carrie Quintal (1916) Pike Co. Tel.Pittsfiel'd

Pyle, James (Minnie Gunlock) ValleyFlint Secl9 Ol20a (1861) Pike Co.

QQuincy, Claude (Olive Koch) Ch

Carl, Herschel, Lucile, Doss, Ivan;Chambersburg Rl ChambersburgSec6 T90a L and M. Koch (1883)Farmers Tel. Chambersburg andVersailles

Quincy, John F. (Lucinda Lowe) ChLendon Tr., *Dollie, *WilIiam,*Tilly. *Mabel, *Bertha, *Orpia;Barry Rl Barry Sec23 OK'a (1869)

Quinlan Sisters,

Pittsfield R5 P(1870)

Quincy, Thomas Ch *Alice, *Iva;Griggsville Rl New Salem Secl-11OlOOa (1870)

Quincy, William D. (Fern Sigler)Kinderhook Kinderhook Sec36Farm Hand William Knodel (1886)

Quinlan, Phillip (Nora Austin) ChCecelia, Henry, Nora, Frank. Ed-ward, Kathryn, Janie, Mary; Pitts-field R5 Pittsfield Sec33 Ol20a (1868)

Mary and Lizzieittsfield Sec28 O80a

RRadefeldi, Arthur (Etta Woernes) ChEmma, Mary, Florence, Hazel;"Pleasantvale Farm"' New CantonPleasantvale Sec29 OlGOa (1918)Pike Co. Tel. New Canton

Radefeld, John (Julia A. Pelican) ChWilliam, Jesse, Mary; New CantonR2 Pleasantvale Sec29 TlOOa

Arthur Radefeld (1915)



Rader, John W. (Anna Stauffer) ChPearl, William, Helen, Donald;Griggsville R3 Griggsville Sec2SFar]ii Hand C. G. Winn (1876) Pike

Co. Tel. Griggsville

Rader, Wallace W. (Ada Griffeth) ChFlorine, Evelyn; Barry R4 BarrySec9 OlGOa (1892) Pleasant Hill

Tel. BaylisRaftery, Frank (Sarah McGinley) Ch

Margaret, Nellie, Elizabeth, Ed-ward; Hadley Rl Derry Secl5Tl40a John T. Raftery (1874)

Farmers Tel. El DaraRaftery, Joseph (Mary Harris) Ch

Harris, Josephine; Pittsfield R4Derry Sec.34 OlSOa (1887) FarmersTel. El Dara

Raftery, William (Emma Riley) ChNellie, John, George, Joseph, Panl,

Andrew, John T. Raftery, father;

Hadley Rl Derry Seclo Tl40aJohn T. Raftery (1879) Pike Co.Tel. Pittsfield

Rainwater, E. John (Mary Foote) ChEthel, John, Ida, *Clarence, *Julius;

Pittsfield R7 Newburg Sec32 Ol20a(1869) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Ralph Bros. Rachel, Chester, John,Howe Ralph, brothers and sister;

Pleasant Hill Rl Ross Sec35 Ol37a(1885)

Ransom, Arthur (Pearl Smith) ChArnold, Mcrl, William, Helen;Nebo Rl Spring Creek Sec.5 O80a(1883) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Ransom, Claude (Julia Wilford)Pittsfield R6 Pittsfield Secl3 FarmHand George Pringle (1910.

Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Ransom, Dora (Bauess) Ch Cyrus,Faye, Fern, Earl, Edna; Pittsfield

R7 Hardin Sec20 Ol60a (1870)

Farmers Tel. Pittsfield

Ransom, Elmer (Anna Autrey) ChWalter, Arthur, Lucy, *Bertha;Nebo Rl Spring Creek Sec4 Ol20a(1875) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Ransom, Jason B, (Mattie Jackson)Ch Alten, Helen; Pittsfield R2 Mar-tinsburg Secl3 Ol60a (1844) Farm-ers Tel. Pittsfield

Ransom, Monroe D. (Emma John-son^ Ch Warren; Pittsfield R7Hardin Sec21 Ol30a (1874) PikeCo. Tel. Pittsfield

Ransom, Warren G. (Cora Weaver)Ch Evelyn, Bernice; Pittsfield R7Hardin Scc21 O2S0a (1877) PikeCo. Tel. Pittsfield

Ratliff, Samuel (Mary Felix) Ch Clar-ence, Mabel, Edgar; Barry RlBarry Sec5 Tl60a Austin Beavers(1919)

Read, Charles E. (Essie Walker) ChOma, *Alvah, *Glenna, *Verna,,

*Harry; Pearl R2 Spring CreekSecl2 Ol20a (1866) Farmers Tel

PearlRead, John A. (Rose Wilkins) Ch

Hazel, Asahel, Leslie; Baylis R3Fairmount Sec24 O230a (1895) PikeCo. Tel. Perry

Reade, Harry M. (Fay Burbridge)€h Rodger, Naomi; Nebo R3Spring Creek Secl7 TlOOa G. W.Leggett (1897)

Redshaw, William (Christina Hagar)Ch *Joseph F., *Edna; Baylis RlHadley Seel O80a (1912) Indepen-dent Line Tel. Baylis

Reed, Alexander (Lrda Swan) ChVirgil, Benny, Howard; Hull R2Kinderhook SeclS TSOOa CharlesReed and C. P. Gillette (1884)Cherokee Tel. Hull

Reed, Charles (Lizzie Eden) Ch Sam-uel, Floyd, *Eckey, *Melvina, *Ev-erett, *Orlo; Hull R2 KinderhookSeclS O400a (1858) Cherokee Tel.

HullReed, Charles E. (Leila M. Jones) ChVerne, Catherine; Hull R2 LeveeSecl2 T480a Fred H. Holstein(1891)

Reed, Floyd R. (Ruth Smith) ^'Good-land Stock Farm" Hull R2 Kinder-hook Sec7 OllOa (1882) CherokeeTel. Hull

Reed, Harlow (Agnes Smith) ChRobert, Elnora; Hull R2 LeveeSec22 T300a Henry Scarbrough(1897)

Reed, James (Anna Reeder) ChLeetha, Gilbert, Bernard; Barry R3Hadlev Sec27 O70a (1859) Hadleyand El Dara Tel. Barry and H.

Reed, John H. (Amanda Irick) ChFrank, Nellie, Nora, Bessie, John,Joseph, *Katy, *Carson; Pittsfield

R6 Pittsfield Sec7 OlOSa (1864)

Reed, John T. (Mary Hoskins) ChPaul, Clement, Mr. C. L. Hoskins,father; Pittsfield R4 Derry Secl4Tl90a C. L. Hoskins (1873) PikeCo. Tel. Pittsfield


Reeder, Adley S. (Ruth Lapand) ChTherman, Genevieve, Ester; Rock-port Rl Atlas Sec31 Farm Hand H.D. Marrion (1893)



Reeder, A. James (Charlotte Tidson)Ch Eva, Elmer, *Joe,*Anna, *Mary,*Ada, *Harry; Rockport Rl RossSec7 TllOa Mr. Legg (1852)

Reeder, Benton H. (Varina Mooney)Ch Fay, Emma, Maurice; RockportRl Ross SeclO T250a T. Brown(1882)

Reeder, Elmer (Ethel Hillman) ChLena, Edna, William; Pittsfield R5Pittsfield Sec28 Tl60a Strauss andBros. (1887)

Reeder, Harry (Electa Tedrow) ChJosephine, Marie, Loraine, May,Rockport Rl Ross SeclS FarmHand Garner Bros. (1880)

Reeder, William A. (Bessie Wilson)Rockport Rl Atlas Sec2GW TOOaT. V. Farrington (1916)

Reel, Charles (Dora Burr) Ch Earl;Milton Detroit Sec22 073a (1869)

Farmers Tel. Milton and Detroit

Reel, Fred (Lenna Shinim) ChStephen, Paul, Jaunita, Arthur,Rachel, Lois, Woodrow, Fred,Maynard, Mildred; New Canton RlDerry SecHO Ol20a (1879) FarmersShort Line Tel. El Dara

Reel, Harvey H. (Lottie Little) ChVirden, Helen, Leta; Pittsfield R6

• Pittsfield Secl4 Ol20a (1874) PikeCo. Tel. Pittsfield

Reese, Edward (Anna Smith) BaylisR3 Perry Sec7 O80a (1861) Farm-ers Tel. Perry

Reese, Herman C. (Mary Thiele) ChPearl, Charlie, Mary, Harvey,* Frank; Griggsville Star RoutePerry Sec34 O680a (1859) GlandonTel. Perry and Griggsville

Reeve, William H. (Freda Traut-wein) Ch Wilma, Frederick; El-

Dara Derry Secl7 T76a J. M.Reeve (1893) Farmers Short LineTel. El Dara

Reeves, John W. (Mary Vail) ChVail, Thornton, Louella, *Helena;Griggsville Rl Perry Secl9 Ol81a(1865) Farmers Tel. Perry

Reeves, O. T. (Jennie Sutton) ChLeslie, Zelma, Truman, S. F. Sut-

ton, father, *Abe, * Mamie; PleasantHill Rl Martinsburg Sec34 Ol2aPleasant Hill Sec9 Tl7a S. F. Sut-

ton (1858) Farmers Tel. PleasantHill

Reinhardt, Mrs. Anna and Son (AnnaHack) "Oak Glen Stock Farm"Kinderhook Rl Barry Sec30 O570a(1866) Kinderhook Tel. Co. Kin-derhook

Reinhardt, John (Amelia Mart)"Hellesein" Pittsfield R4 Pittsfield

Secl3 O80a (1855) Glandon Tel.Pittsfield

Reinhardt, John R. (Nellie Norton)Ch Albert, Ronald, Mary A., Dale;Baylis R2 New Salem Secl4 038a(1883) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Renner, Charles A. (Susan Mickey)Ch *Arthur, *Austin, *Charles,*Jessie; Barry R2 Hadley Secl7O40a (1SG9)

Renond, Charley (Allie Johnson) ChHoward, Burl, *Nola, *Verna;Pearl Pearl Secl6 Ol20a (1861)Farmers Tel. Pearl

Renond, Edward (Mary Long) ChKenneth; Pearl Rl MontezumaSec31 O40a (1884) Farmers Tel.

Renond, Loyd S. (Nancy Shaw) ChLavern, Gletarachel, Irene, James,Dene; Pittsfield Rl Hardin Secl2076a (1888) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Renond, Richard Pearl Rl Monte-zuma Sec31 O42.50a (1860) Farm-ers Tel. Pearl

Renond, Steve (Ella Smith) ChGeorge White; Pearl Rl Monte-zuma Sec30 O40a (1864) Pike Co.Tel. Pearl

Rentz, Earl (Hazel Smyers) Ch Nel-ma, Glenna, Marjorie; Chambers-burg R2 Chambersburg Sec3 TSOa(1919)

Rentz, Frank J. (Hattie Henry) ChJohnnie, Harry, Ruth N., Nina,Charlie, Irma; Chambersburg R2Chambersburg Sec3 T208a O. M.Hatch (1919)

Reynolds Bros., William T. and H.Lee Griggsville R2 Perry O240a(1859) Glandon Tel. Perry

Reynolds, Charles L. (Hattie Duran)Ch Robert, Fay, Aileen, *Forest;"Maple Valley Farm" Hadley RlDerry Sec2 Ol57Ha (1874) El-Dara, Hadley, Barry Tel. Barry

Rhoades, Daniel (Grace Shenn) ChMabel, Beulah, Lela, *Allen, *Effie,*Elmer, *Nellie; Pittsfield R7 New-burg Sec34 Ol68a (1857) GlandonTel. Pittsfield



Rhodes, Emmett A. (Gladys Myers)Ch Louis A., Lyle, Floris, William,Margaret: "Blue Creek StockFarm" Pittsfield R3 Detroit Sec6T230a A. E. Rhoades (1877) Glan-don Tel. Griggsville

Rhodes, Guy W. (Dora Kassinger)Ch Verdie, Freman, Hersal, Maria,

Elfie: Pearl Star Route Pearl Secl.j

Ola (1904)Rhodus, Emily Ch Edith, Lona.

*Inusk. *Lovd, *James, *Ethel;

New Canton Rl Derry Sec31 OSOa(185?.)

Rhodus, Felix O. (Elizabeth F. Mes-sick) Ch Felix N., *Musetta, *Der-ward; New Canton Rl PleasantvaleSec36 O40a (1864)

Rhodus, James M. (Bessie Ward) ChJames Wilbur, Herschel Lyman,Alta Lucile, Ernest Woodrow, Bes-sie Wilma; New Canton Rl Atlas

SeclW Ol48a (1876) Glandon Tel.

RockportRice, Marion (Mary Osmeyer) Ch

John, Clififord, *William, *Elva,

*Grace; "Gold Mine Farm"' PaysonStar Rl Levee Sec4 TSOOa AntoneStotte (1918)

Richards, Alden (Sarah Torrens) ChRoliert, *Anna, *Clara, *Mary,*Marion: "Golden Hill Farm"Barry R3 Derry Sec4 0226a (1859)

El Dara, Hadley, Barry Tel. Barry

Richards, Marion J. (Mary Hulse) ChMarjorie; "Golden Hill Farm"Barry R3 Hadlev See'!?, Alden Rich-ards (1888)

Richards, Samuel (Sallie Galloway)Ch Olof, Edna. Myotta, *JosephA.; Pleasant Hill Star Route 1

Pleasant Hill Sec27 OSla (187G)

Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Richardson, Fred (Nellie Williams)Ch Freda G., TTnrry C. Davis, son-inlaw; New Canton Rl Pleasant-vale Sec26 025a (1901)

Richey, Marion E. (Eva J. Ator) ChEmmaleith, Mary; Pittsfield R5Pittsfield Sec31 O90a (1881) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Riddle, Henry (Bell Callender) ChJewel, Lettie, Everett; Pearl RlMontezuma Sec32 OSOa (1S73)Pike Co. Tel. Pearl

Ridenour, John W. (Alice M. Logs-don) C!h George, * Blanche; NewCanton R2 Pleasantvale SecS Ol50a(1877) Farmers Tel. Kinderhook

Rieman, Frank (Mildred Hillig) ChMildred, Clififord; Pearl Star RouteMontezuma Sec34 T3da W. C. Mor-ton (1908) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Riepe, Ben (Mary Peters) Ch Mil-dred; "Valley View Farm" Hull R2Levee SecS OlOOa (1919)

Rigg, Fred E. (Ada Cooley) Ch Edna,Merle, Mary; "Happy Home" Bay-lis R3 Fairmount Sec20 Ol60a(1885) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Rigg, William R. (Mary Staufifer)

Ch Marie, Ellen, Wilmot, Nellie,

Grace; Baylis R2 New Salem SecSTlGOa Wm. Stauffer (1896) PikeCo. Tel. Baylis

Rigney, W. Ott (Lena Parks) ChPaul, Hazel, Ralph, Charles;"Grand View Farm'' Baylis R2New Salem SecS TSOa A. Rigney(1899) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Riley, Albert (Lota Lidgard) ChFrances, Vera. Wilma; Pittsfield R2Pittsfield Sec26 Ol60a (1881) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Riley, Clarence A. Ch Glenn, Mer-vin; Chambersburg Rl Perry SeelO250a (1875) Farmers Tel. Cham-bersburg and Versailles

Riley, Daniel (Loretta McKenna) ChHugh, Loretta Frances, CharlesWilliam; Pittsfield R4 Pittsfield

Secl3 Ol3l<a (1870) Glandon Tel.


Riley, Frank (]\Iettie Gibbons) ChRoyal, Ruby, Beatrice, Beulah, Joe,

John, Gertrude, Lula. Florence,Helen, Grace, Floyd. Ester, Bes-sie, * Alice; Chambersburg R2Chambersburg Secl5 Tn20a M. O.Williamson (1873) Farmers Tel.

Chambersburg and Versailles

Riley, James P. (Anna O'Connell) ChTdena, Helen, Frances; Pittsfield

R4 Pittsfield Sec30 Ol20a (1884)Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Riley, Joe (Lucy McKenna) ChGenevieve, loseph, Katheleen, Leon-ard: Pittsfield R6 Pittsfield Secl6Tl60a Peter Rilcv (1876) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Riley, John H. (Elizalieth Tardon) ChJohn Jr.; Pittsfield R6 Pittsfield

Seel Farm Manager M. K . Farrand(1879) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Riley, Mary F. (Browning) Ch El-mer, Grace, *Clarcnce, *Ncllie, *A1-bert, *.Anna; Chambersburg RlPerrv SeclO OllOa (1S57) FarmersTel. Perry



Risley, George (Ada McLaughlin) ChRay, Mina; Griggsville Rl Fair-

mount Sec26-23 O:230a (1870) PikeCo. Tel. Perry

Ritchie, Finley (Elizabeth Barnes) ChEarl, Walter; Hadley Rl HadleySec27 O20a (1902) Haldey and B.

Tel. Barry

Ritter, Claud (Ola Ryan) Ch Charles;Pearl Rl Montezuma Sec21 OlOOa(1890) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Roads, Delmar H. (Carrie Height-man) Ch Anna, Ellen; Pittsfield R3Newburg Sec21 O90a (1881) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Robb, William W. (Lavina Winder)Ch *Lela; Versailles R2 Perry Sec9T39a Iroin Zimmerman (1864)

Farmers Tel. Perry

Robbins, Lee Roy (Lucinda Johnson)Ch Ray, Eva, Orville, *Velma;Chambersburg Rl Perry SeelFarm Hand H. C. Hudelson (1902)

Roberts, Even M. (Stella Hobson) ChLuther, Raymond, Benjamin, Lu-cile, George, John, Herschel; ValleyG. D. Flint Sec28 Ol22a (1872)

Roberts, George (Margaret Hess) ChKeith; Pearl Rl Montezuma Sec33O370a (1871) Pike Co. Tel. Miltonand Pearl

Roberts, Ira H. (Anna Barton) ChCleo; Pleasant Hill Rl PleasantHill Sec22 TsOa McCIain Heirs(1874)

Roberts, James F. (Martha Willard)Ch Ruth, Helen, Evelyn, *Edna,*Mabel, *Harold, *Inez; Pittsfield

R2 Martinsburg Sec24-25 O630a(1862) Farmers Tel. Martinsburg

Roberts, John S. (Etta Doman)Pleasant Hill Rl MartinsburgSec35 Ol23a (1871) Farmers Tel.

Nebo and Martinsburg

Roberts, J. Walter (Laura Deemer)Ch Ronald, Josephine, Ruth; Bee-creek G. D. P'earl Sec34 O40a (1876)

Roberts, Lewis (Hattie Scranton) ChGladys, Russell, William, Kenneth,Jesse, Bernard, Maurine, *Erma;Pleasant Hill R2 Pleasant Hill

SeclB 024i/^a (1877) Pike Co. Tel.

Pleasant Hill

Roberts, Louis F. (Stella Linn) ChFrank, Bertha Durham, Stella

Eileen, wife and Baby of Frank;

Valley Flint Sec28 08Sa (1874)

Roberts, Palmidus D. (ElizabethCopley) Ch *Laura; "ElmgroveFarm" Pleasant Hill R2 Martins-burg Sec34 095a (1844) FarmersTel. Pleasant Hill

Roberts, Walter L. (Sarah School-craft) New Canton Rl Pleasant-vale Seclo T3a Alice J. Roberts(1896)

Robertson, Fred (Mary Bowman) ChEdwin, Lucille, Freda, Annice;Barry Rl Barry Secl5 0224a (1875)Pike Co. Tel. Barry

Robertson, George (Fannie Stark)Ch Oscar, Cleve, Albert, Reco,Charles; Rockport Rl Atlas Sec32Farm Hand George Ginkins (1915)

Robertson, Robert D. (Margaret Ru-pert) Ch John; Rockport Rl AtlasSec27E Tl70a Mary Adams Rupert(1914) Glandon Tel. Rockport

Robinson, Charles (Leah Mullenix)Ch Earl, Merrill, Leta; Pittsfield R3Detroit Secl6 Farm Hand JamesDinsmore (1891) Glandon Tel.Pittsfield

Robinson, Charles S. (Connie S. Cox)Ch Lenore, Cecil; Pittsfield R4Derry Sec22 T200a Strauss Bros.(1878) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Robinson, Thomas (Louisa Finn) ChLena; Milton Montezuma Sec2O40a (1906) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Rodhouse, Thomas W. (Lou Priest-

ley) Ch Thomas, Louis, Helen,Elizabeth, Fred and Homer Shel-ton, *Eugene, *Henry, *Carlos,*Kitty, *Nettie, *Ann; Pleasant Hill

R2 Ross Sec24 0255a (1865) Glan-don Tel. Pleasant Hill

Rogers, Jim Pearl Rl MontezumaSec21 T40a John Cloniger (1867) .

Rogers, Olie Ch Arthur, Clifford,

Grover Maston and wife, house-keeper, *Frances, *Russell, *Ruth;Hull R2 Cincinnati Sec5 O200a N.T. Nichols (1884) Pike Co. Tel.

HullRogers, William R. (Alma Dyer) Ch

Lillie, Mary, Pauline, *Esther,

*Grace, *May; Pittsfield R5 Mar-tinsburg Sec4 T217a George W.Capps (1869) Pike Co. Tel. Pitts-


Roosa, Ernest L. (J. Etta Miller) Ch*MilIer; Rockport R2 Atlas Sec28EO80a (1862) Summer Hill Tel.




Roots, Cora A. (Etta Graham) ChDorothy; "Cedar L. Farm" NewSalem New Salem Seclo T94a J.

M. Roots (1907)

Roots, Roy (Hattie Powell) NewSalem Rl New Salem Sec30 TS6aJohn White (1906) Pike Co. Tel.

BaylisRose, James A. (Rosa Duran) Ch

Daniel Duran, Ruby Louise, Allen

Leavitt, Edna Roxena, Pearl Emma,Mary Edith; "Rose Fruit Farm"Pittsfield R3 Detroit Sec20 O80a(1863) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Ross, Alex K. (Anna Mclntyre) ChEmma, Charles, Harry, Fanny.Loraine, Anna, Mildred, Kenneth,Ruth; New Canton Pleasantvale

SeclG Ola (1867) Pike Co. Tel.

New CantonRoss, Joseph New Canton Rl Pleas-

antvale Secl5 T40a Ross Heirs

(1872) Farmers Tel. New Canton

Roth, Shilotta (Lord) Ch Anna;Nebo Rl Spring- Creek Secl5 OlOa(1851)

Rothast, John W. (Roxa Tellifif)

Hull Rl Kinderhook Sec5 T220aHenry Rothast (1901) FarmersTel. Kinderhook

Rowley, Clarence (Agnes Hemphill)Ch Lura, Alma, Lee, Martha;Pleasant Hill R2 Pleasant Hill

SecSO T60a C. E. Clark (1SS8)

Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Rowley, M. F. (Laura E. Barton) ChClifford, *Clarence, *Cleveland;Nebo R3 Pleasant Hill Sec26 OlOa(1859) Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Royalty, C. Otis (Ida John) Ch Eva,Paul, Rachel, Thomas, Wendell.Barbara; Hadley Rl Derry SecO

Ol60a (1880) Private Line Tel. El-

DaraRoyalty, Wayne V. (Edith Irick) Ch

Bruce, Bois;"Highland View Farm'"El Dara Rl Derry Sec20 Tl66a R.

D. Royalty (1894) Farmers ShortLine Tel. El Dara

Ruble, Charles L. Nebo Rl HardinSec33 O80a (1889)

Ruble, Cora (Blackkefter) ChCharley, Ro}^, Willie, Flo<;sie,

Arthur; Nebo Rl Hardin Sec33087^a (1867)

Ruble, Edward (Nora Williams) ChHenry, Lee, Florine, Virginia,

Lawrence, *Ina; Pittsfield RlNewburg Sec28 Tl6na Alva Fore-man (1865) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Ruble, Harry (Grace Watkins) ChNeal, Paul, Doss; Milton Monte-zuma Sec8 02a (1882) Pike Co.Tel. Milton

Ruble, Joseph Ch Rachael, *Martha,Emma, Henry, Rebecca, Tacy;Pittsfield Rl Newburg SecSO O40a(1848) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Ruble, Virgil (Helen Ransom) ChLydia; Pittsfield R2 MartinsburgSecl3 T40a J. B. Ransom (1896)Farmers Tel. Pittsfield

Rumple, Arthur L. (Merle Camp) ChArthur Jr., Mildred; Griggsville RlGriggsville Sec4 Farm Hand Ed.Newman (1894) Pike Co. Tel.


Rupert, Cornelius W. (GertrudeMiller) Ch Lawrence, Jim, Carson;"Ball Bluft Farm" Rockport R2Atlas Sec37E O90a (1876) FarmersTel. Summer Hill

Rupert, Henry (Myrtle McFadden)Ch Averille, Homer, Anna; Rock-port R2 Atlas Sec2lE TsOa J. H.Billings (1871)

Rupert, Hubert H. (Bessie Fowler)Ch Junior; Summer Hill Martins-burg Secl7 TSOa W. C. Winter(1894)

Ruse, F. M. Ch Flora, Fred, Charles;Pittsfield R4 Derry Sec24 Cola(1880) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Rush, Cyrus D. (Anna Sweeting)"Rose Hill Farm" Griggsville RlPerry Sec30 Ol76a (1856) Pike Co.Tel. Perry and Griggsville

Rush, Otis (Mavy A. White) ChPaul, Harriet, (Tiara; Detroit De-troit Seel 9 Ol60a (1862) Pike Co.Tel. Pittsfield

Rush, Robert E. (Cammie B. Brad-burn) Ch Alma, Junior; Pittsfield

R3 Detroit Secl9 Oll60a (1868)Glandon Tel. Pittsfield and Milton

Rushworth, Charles (May Jenkins)Florence Detroit Sec23-26 035a(1906)

Rusk, George C. (Margaret Doyle)Ch Willard, Helen, Howard.Ethel M. Lovely; Barry R4Hadley Sec19 Tl74.01a Rusk Heirs(1903) Tel. Barry

Ryan, John T, (Mary Malee) ChMichael, Mary; Kinderhook RlCincinnati Sec3 T320a WilliamRvan (1918)



Sackett, Daniel W. Ch Mert, Joatham,James, Jonathan, Dewey, *Fritz A.;Baylis R2 Hadley Sec23 O40a (1854)

Sackett, Mrs. Susan H. (High) ChJohn, *Harry, *Susan, *WiIliam;Barry Rl Barry Sec23 Olla (1881)Pike Co. Tel. Barry

Sallee, Robert S. (Emily Willsey) ChMary, Charles, grandchildren, Max-ine, Robert McCallister, *Laura;"Fairview Grocery Farm" Pittsfield

R2 Pittsfield Sec34 OoOa (1874)Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Sanders, Herman Charles (MaryLane) Ch Harvey; Pittsfield R3 De-troit Secl7 Farm Hand D. W.Stoner (1800) Farmers Tel. Detroit

Sanders, Otto J. (Goldie Moyer) ChEdna, Myrtle, John Ray, Wayne;Hadley Rl Hadley Sec35 Tl60aOrville Moyer (1884) Hadley andShaw Tel. Barry

Sanderson, Fay M. (Eva M. Fenton)Ch Geraldine; Detroit Detroit Sec29TlOOa »G. C. Sanderson (1892) PikeCo. Tel. Pittsfield

Sanderson, Floyd (Sarah Goldman)Ch Marjorie; Detroit NewburgSec24 T60a Emma Porter (1886)

Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Sanderson, Frank J. (Elizabeth Sit-

ton) Ch Joshua, *Jesse, *Lottie,

*Leta, *Mary; Pittsfield R3 Detroit

Sec20 0324a (1855) Glandon Tel.

Pittsfield and Milton

Sanderson, Harry S.(Mattie Heavner)Ch Venice, Donald; Pearl RlMontezuma Sec9 Ol36a (1876) PikeCo. Tel. Milton

Sanderson, R. V. (Helen Shaw) ChMeradel, Kent, Khoy; Pittsfield RlDetroit Sec30-29 Ol50a (1880) PikeCo. Tel. Milton

Sanderson, Vird C. (Maude Heavner)Ch Claude, Irene; Detroit DetroitSecl9 Ol44a (1878) Glandon Tel.


Sanderson, William A. (Maud Weaver)Ch Joseph, Jean, Harold; Pittsfield

R3 Newburg Sec23 Ol82a (1868)

IGlandon Tel. Pittsfield

Sapp, Arthur E. (Nellie Lemery)Griggsville R3 (iriggsville Sec33Farm Hand R. E. Dean (1919)

Sapp, John M. (Margaret Padkin) ChJennie, Irvin, Robert; Rockport R2Atlas SecllE O340a (1854) Farm-ers Tel. Rockport

Sapp, William E. (Josephine Hudel-son) Ch Teddy, Erma, Luetta,Waneta; Hull Kinderhook Sec34T80a A. A. Arms (1917)

Sargent, Fred (Bird Metz) Ch Joseph,Glenn; Griggsville R3 IGriggsville

Sec27 Tl60a Fred Farrand (1884)Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Sargent, Harry (Bertha Seaborn)Griggsville Rl iGriggsville Secl6T80a A. P. Ferguson (1887) Pike Co.

Tel. Griggsville

Sargent, Mrs. Rebecca Ch Hazel,Clyde and wife, Susan Petty, *Fred;New Salem New Salem Secl5 Ol50a(1868)

Saunders, W. Percy (Ida Webb) ChBessie, Paul; "Leaning Oak Farm"New Salem Rl Griggsville Sec31

063a (1861) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Saxbury, Frank P. (Anna Sellers) ChBennie, Dorothy, *Irene; New Can-ton R2 Cincinnati Sec23 Tl25aDavid Lauler (1867)

Saylor, Mrs. Charles (Elizabeth Hay-den) Ch Helen, Adeline, Elizabeth,

*Ruth, *Pearl; Pittsfield R2 Mar-tinsburg Secl2 OSOa (1872) Pike

Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Saylor, Harvey (Hattie Hounbeak)Ch George, Harvey Jr.; "HullFarm" Pittsfield R7 NewburgSec33 T440a Mrs. Helen Hull (1878)

Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Saylor, Henry (Anna E. Jacobs) Ch*Hattie, *Harvey, ^Robert, *Lucy,*Henry Jr.,*Anna,*Grace,*'Dora,*Ar-garde, *Ella, *Emma, *Eva.*George,*Anna; "Pleasant Valley Old Ken-drick Homestead" 'Hadley RlDerry Secll O960a Mrs. Anna E.Saylor (1857) Pike Co. Tel. Pitts-


Saylor, Irvin (Ada Curless) Ch Lola,

John R.; Baylis R2 New Salem Sec8T80a W. R. Riggs (1893)

Scarborough, Virgil D. (MargaretPearl Rush) Ch Ila V.; Detroit De-troit Sec30-25 Ol40a (1879) GlandonTel. Pittsfield



Schafer, Mrs. Mary A. (Mary A.Shonhart) Ch Lillie, Julius, Pearl,

*Rose; Pittsfield R2 Pittsfield

Sec25 O50a (1854)Schedel. Theodore E. Charlotte Sche-

del mother, Pittsfield R5 Pittsfield

Sec26 Tl60a Charlotte Schedel(1876) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Schemel, George D. (Emma Stick-

man) Ch Cora, Frank; Pittsfield R7Newburg Sec32 O80a (1861) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Schemel, J. A. (Dora Kaeser) ChLuella, Mary; Pittsfield Rl HardinSec5 OSOa (1866) Pike Co. Tel.


Schemel, Nettie "Cedar Grove Farm"Pittsfield Rl Newburg Sec32 O80a(1872) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Schemel, William A. (Alwinnie Dan-nenbrink) Ch Alma, *Orpha;"Prairie View Farm" Pittsfield RlNewburg Sec32-31 Ol27^a (1864)Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Schlieper, Charles (Rachel Wineland)Ch Dwight, Louis, *Willie, *Viola,*Bufiford, *Elba; Rockport Rl RossSeel Tl50a Galloway H. Lovell(1891) Glandon Tel. Pleasant Hill

Schlieper, Edward (Anna Martins)Ch Daniel, Paul, Martin, *Otto,*Nellie; "Fairview Farm" Pearl R2Pearl Sec32 O220a (1914) FarmersTel. Pearl

Schlieper, Otto (Margaret Crater) ChEdward; Pearl R2 Pearl Sec32Ol20a (1918) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Schmalshof, Jacob I. (Bessie L.Campbell) Ch James, Barbara; Bay-lis R3 Fairmount Sec30 Tl28a MaryMartin (1919)

Schmidt, John P. (Alice Hanes) ChJacob, Ruth and Daisy Elsworth,*George, *Thomas, *Sadie, *Frank,*Rose; Baylis R2 New Salem Secl7T270a Thos. Potter Est. (1S66)Pike Co. Tel. Bayli's

Schmidt, William (Mary K. Duffield)"Sunny Slope Farm" Pittsfield R6Newburg Secl9 075a (1879) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Schnepf, William J. (Dorothy Trout-ner) Ch Melvina, Russell, Ruth.*Iria; Pittsfield R7 Hardin SeclOT300a Strauss Bros. (1870) FarmersTel. Pittsfield

Schoolcraft, D. Nelson (Martha Mc-Clain) Ch *Lily, *Clara, *Bertha,*Sarah, *Gencva, *Lelia; New Can-ton Rl Pleasantvale Secll OUa(1857)

Schuhardt, Ernest B. (Fanny Walck)Ch John, Ernest; Barry Rl BarryScc8 OSOa T75a (1881) FarmersTel. Kinderhook

Schuhardt, Henry G. (Blanche Hart)Ch Pauline; "Maple Ridge StockFarm" Barry Rl Barry Sec9 Ol20a(1879) Tel. Barry

Schultz, David D. (Mae Byers) ChRuth; New Canton R3 Pleasant-vale Sec28 Tl47a R. C. Dobeare(1893) Pike Co. Tel. New Canton

Schultz, Harry G. (Lena Karston)Ch Lawrence, Velma; Barry RlBarry SeclO 084a Tl60a (1880) Tel.


Schultz, Harvey O. (Lucy Colvin)Barry Rl Barry Secl4 058a (1887)Pike Co. Tel. Barry

Schultz, John (Rosie Hull) Ch Cloyd,John, *Harvey, *Harry, *David;Barry Rl Barrv SeclO Ol60a (1865)Bluff Tel. Kind'erhook

Schwandner, Nicholas (EstherRogers) Ch George, Birdella; Pitts-

field R2 Martinsburg Sec2 FarmHand Geo. Adrian (1918)

Scobey, William W. Pittsfield R3Newburg Sec9 O760a (1864) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Scofield, Charles R. K. (Hattie Stick-

host) Ch Grace, Charles; Hull R2Levee Sec22 Tl52a Mrs. L. D.

Hennings (1904)

Sconce, Thomas (Myrtle Willsey) ChIda; Baylis R2 New Salem SecllTl2a Levi Moore (1868)

Scott, Clarence W. (Lilly Weaver)Ch Clarence, Winfield; Pittsfield R7Hardin Secl4 OSOa (1S83) Pike Co.

Tel. Pittsfield

Scott, Harvey F. (Jessie Torry) ChVenita, Maynard, Warren; El DaraDerry Sec33 Tl52a Dr. WalterReynolds (1885) Farmers Tel. El-Dara

Scott, James M. (Mary Stout) Ch* Harvey, *Ada. *DeHa; RockportR2 Atlas Sec7E T60a Billie Miller

(1858) Glandon Tel. Rockport

Scott, John L. (Julia Johnson) ChElma, Etta, Edna, *Ethel. *Esty;Pittsfield R2 Martinsburg Secl3

Ol40a (1856) Farmers Tel. Martins-burg



Scoville, Orville P. (Lola Bridgman)Ch Gladys, Dorothy, Glen, Helen,Hazel. Ira: "Richland Stock Farm"Hull R2 Levee SeclO TSOOa ZelmaL. Hackman (1913) Bell Tel.

HannibalScranton, Elza E. (Viola Turn-beaugh) Ch Hubert, Lena, Ruth.Mildred, *Hayward; Nebo R3Spring Creek Secl5 Ol20a (1872)

Pike Co. Tel. NeboScranton, Georgfe A. (May Scranton)Ch Robert; Nebo R2 Spring CreekSec34 OlOOa (1S88)

Scranton, Henry (Orpha Long) ChEva, Naomi; Pleasant Hill Pleas-ant Hill Secl7 O40a (1883) PikeCo. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Scranton, Jennie Ch Russell, Marion,*Lena, *Genii, *Maud; PleasantHill Rl Pleasant Hill Sec33 OSOa(1868) Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Scranton, Jesse (Cordie Windmiller)Ch Ray; Pleasant Hill Ross Sec25Tl20a O. D. Leach (1894)

Scranton, John L. (Sarah Ward) ChBessie, *Leroy, *Nellie, *George;Nebo R2 Spring Creek Sec20 Ol07a(1855) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Scranton, J. M. (Ollie Buchanan) ChCharley. Myrtle, Earle, Linnie,Truman, David, *Bessie, *Neva,*Gissie, *Loren- Nebo R2 SpringCreek Sec33 Ol42a (1867)

Scranton, Leroy B. (Verna Buchan-an) Ch Erma, Edgar, Ruth; NeboR2 Spring Creek Sec20 O20a (1884)Farmers Tel. Nebo

Scranton, Newton W. (Etta Carr) Ch*Fielder; "Elbo Farm" Nebo SpringCreek Sec20 04^a (1864) FarmersTel. Nebo

Scranton, Thomas J. (Frances Green-street) Nebo Rl Spring CreekSecl7 027a (1862) Farmers Tel.Nebo

Scranton, William T. (Mary Achter-raht) Ch Ethel, *Lottie, *Hattie,*Henry, *Sadie; Pleasant HillPleasant Hill Secl7 O250a (184S)Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Seaborn, R. Earl (Grace Davidson)Ch Delnia; Baylis R3 New^ SalemSec6 T276a W. H. Seaborn (1878)Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Seaborn, W. K. (Myrtle Laurel) ChLyndell, Wilma; Baylis Rl HadleySeel O300a (1886) Pike Co. Tel.Baylis

Sealock, Edward C. (Cora Hender-son) Ch Floyd, Homer, Herman;Rockport R2 Atlas Sec24 Tl03i/aAugustus Ogle (1875) FarmersTel. Rockport

Sears, Anderson D. (Alma Hayes)Ch *Lizzie, *Roy; "Bee Hive Farm"Rockport Atlas SecieE 02a (1899)Glandon Tel. Rockport

Seba, John (Dora Cary) Ch Frank,Evaline, *William, *Clara; "SandyLoam Farm" New Canton R2 Cin-

cinnati Seclo T320a J. N. Basket(1901) Private Tel.

Sebers, Henry E. Ch Daisy, Sarah,

Irene, *Bessie, *Effie; New CantonRl Pleasantvale Sec23 T2a GeorgeHoover (1880)

Secrest, Nathan F. (Eudora Van-Zandt) Ch Harry, *John, *Joseph,*Bonnetta, *Foster; 'HickoryShade Farm" Chambersburg RlPerry Secl4 OnOa (1882) FarmersTel. Perry

Sedberry, William R. (Margaret

Hayes) "Pleasant View Farm"Pittsfield R4 Pittsfield Secl3 0255a(1871) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Seeshav/, Fred C. (Emma Jobe) ChEllen, Mabel; Griggsville R3 New-burg Secll Farm Hand E. D. Seeds(1899)

Seibert, George W. (Helen Douglas)Detroit Detroit Sec30 O40a (1882)

Seybold, Charles E. (Hattie Root)

Ch Melvin, Herschel, Helen, HuldaMae; New Salem Rl New SalemSec20 O40a (1885) Pike Co. Tel.


Seybold, Clarence G. (Mae Stauflfer)

Ch Loraine, Victor. Josephine; Bay-lis R3 Fairmount Sec9 OSOa (1880)

Pike Co. Tel. Fishook and Baylis

Seybold, George W. (Mary Gardner)Ch *James L., *Nellie, *George C,*Joanna, *Charlie, *Hettie, *Mag-gie, *Anna; "Pleasant ViewFarm" New Salem Rl New SalemSec21 OlGOa (1848) Pike Co. Tel.


Seybold, J. E., Charles Kennedy andIda M. Sittler Ch Marie; "Brook-side Farm" Baylis Rl FairmountSecl8 Tl83a J. E. Seybold (1918)

Farmers Tel. Fishook and Perrv



Seymour, Eugene L. (Verna Sears)

Ch Vera, Alice, Lois, Ella, Delia,

Leatha, George, Robert; "Waldelf

Farm" Pleasant Hill R2 Ross Secl3

Oll2a (1904) Glandon Tel. Pleas-

ant Hill

Seymour, James (Charlotte Badman)Ch Mabel; Nebo R2 Spring CreekSec29 O40a (1902) Farmers Tel.

NeboShafer, John (Annie Hemphill) ChRuby, Marie, Esther, Ima, Arvella,

Kenneth; Pittsfield R2 Martins-

burg Sec3 Tl60a Ike Strauss (1872)

ShafFner, Frank (Ruth A. Dunham)New Salem Rl New Salem Sec23

O40a (1879)Shaffner, John C. (Anna Hale) Ch

Bessie, *Stella, *Ruth, *Wilma;New Salem Rl New Salem Sec36Olla (1870) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Shaffner, Lewis (Anna Hook) ChStanley, Melvin, Ada; New SalemRl New Salem Sec20 Tl60a Pres-

byterian Church at Baylis (1864)

Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Sharp, Elmer C. (Nellie Deihl) ChSylvan, Vivian, Henry, *Lucetta;Baylis R3 Fairmount Secl7 T2aOliver Deetier (1919)

Sharp, Harvey Pittsfield R5 Pittsfield

Sec3 Tl25a Sarah Sharp (1884)

Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Sharrow, Taylor (Emma Dolahite)

Ch Mabel, Gladys, Ross, Lowell,*Bertha; Pearl R2 Pearl Sec7 O40a(1875) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Shaw, Albert (Iciephene Allison) ChMary E.; Nebo R3 Pleasant Hill

Sec25 OSOa (1866)

Shaw, Angelina Townsend Ch Byron,Flora, *Alice, *Arthur, *Elbira;

Pleasant Hill R2 Martinsburg Secl9

OSOa (1849) Farmers Tel. Martins-burg

Shaw, Calvin M. (Minnie Martin) ChNelson, Eugene, Anna, Ruby, Les-ter, Russell, Wayne, George,*Ralph; Nebo R3 Spring CreekSec37 O40a (190.'5)

Shaw, Fred (Clara Sanderson) ChDelia, Mildred, *Guy, *Lloyd,*Hallie; Rockport R2 MartinsburgSecl9 0375a (1858) Glandon Tel.


Shaw, Fred (Jennie Clark) Ch Grace,

*Clark; Griggsville R2 Griggsville

Secl3 O70a (1864) Pike Co. Tel.


Shaw, James T. (Clemma Hoover)Ch Frances, Eva, Grace, Lucile,

*Nancy; Pittsfield Rl Hardin Secl2

Ol40a (1864) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Shaw, J. R. (Mary L. Ramsey) ChArnold L.; Nebo R3 Pleasantvale

Sec36 Tl80a F. M. Smith (1908)

Pike Co. Tel. NeboShaw, Loyd B. (Frances Woodside)Ch Richard; Rockport R2 Martins-burg Secl9 Tl60a Fred Shaw(1883)

Shaw, Owen W. (Nellie Hoover) ChElma A., Creed; Pittsfield Rl Mon-tezuma Sec8 Ol80a (1882) Pike Co.

Tel. Milton

Shelby, Clyde (Vina Greenstreet) ChRuth, Milo, Mayo, Lucile, Frances,

Rhea; Nebo Spring Creek Secl8

Tll9a Strauss Bros. (1885) Pike

Co. Tel. NeboShelhorse, Thomas (Hazel Johnson)Ch Loraine; Pleasant Hill R2Pleasant Hill Secl8 T70a MaggieBerry (1898) Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant


Shelley, Charles A. (Arvilla Rife) ChGlen, Clififord, *Della; "City ViewFarm" Barry R2 Barry Sec24 Ol6a(1869) Pike Co. Tel. Barry

Shelton, Jesse C. (Josie Greenstreet)

€h Russell, Jake, Glenn; NeboPleasant Hill Secl2 OSOa (1883)

Farmers Tel. NeboShelton, J. S. Ch *Jesse; Pleasant Hill

Rl Pleasant Hill Secl2 O80a (1869)

Farmers Tel. NeboShelton, Nancy V. Ch George L.,

Richard, *Perry, *Charles; PleasantHill Pleasant Hill Sec28 095a (1844)

Farmers Tel. Pleasant Hill

Sheppard, Robert W. (Nora Yelliott)

Ch Earl; Pearl Rl MontezumaSec22 Ol30a (ISSO)

Sheppard, S. H. (Lilly Wilson) ChCecil, Harold, Velma, Winona,Neal, *Cassie; Nebo R2 Spring

Creek Sec29 0251a (1889) Farm-ers Tel. Nebo

Shewhart, Anton S. (Esta L. Barney)

Cli *Walter A., *Benjamin F.

Churchill; "Grand View Stock

Farm" New Canton R2 Pleasant-

vale Scc5 O200a (1863) FarmersTel. Barry



Shewhart, Frank (Eugenia Gard) ChElla, Harry, Dorothy, Frank Mar-tin, grandson, *Alta; "Blue GrassStock Farm" New Canton R2Pleasantvale Sec5 Ol30a (1S63)

Farmers Tel. Barry

Shinn, Clarence E. (Verna Connour)Ch Esther, Moneta, May; Hull R2Kinderhook Secl6 Tl20a G. W.Butcher (1893) Pike Co. Tel. Hull

Shinn, Claud J. (Effie Dillender) ChRussell, Dorothy, Lucy Shinn,

mother, Molly Woolfolk, grand-mother; "Spring Hill Farm" Pitts-

field R5 Derry Sec36 OllOOa (1881)

Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Shinn, George W. (Lily Reed) ChLela, John, Charlie, Ina, Russell,

^Clarence; Hull R2 KinderhookSec7 Ol90a (1889) Cherokee Tel.

HullShinn, Mrs. W. D. (Melissa Walker)Ch Charles, Leola Clark, wife of

Charles; ''Elm Grove Farm" Pitts-

field R5 Martinsburg Sec6 0445a(1862) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Shive, Claud (Ercel Allison) ChIreta; Nebo Rl Hardin Sec35 TSOOaWalston Est. (1895) Pike Co. Tel.

NeboShonhart, Ralph O. (Mattie Lynch)Ch Alarion, Noel, Maggie,*HoiTier;Pleasant Hill R2 MartinsburgSec27 Farm 'Hand C. H. Cooper(1874) Farmers Tel. Martinsburg

Shonhart, William A. (Lucy Reyn-olds) Ch *Charley, *Alta, *Mamie;Pittsfield R2 Martinsburg Sec23OllOa (1862) Farmers Tel. Mar-tinsburg

Shue, Lafayette Ch Emma, *Charles,*Ross; New Canton Rl PleasantvaleSecl4 O40a (1859) Farmers Tel.

New CantonShufelt, Abraham (Susan Davis)Ch James, George, ^Tliomas, *Her-l)ert, *Edward; Nebo Rl SpringCreek Sec8 045a (1875)

Sibert, Joseph A. (Annie Biddle) ChEverett, Pearl, Grace, *Nellie,

*Curtis, ^Flossie; Baylis R2 NewSalem Sec9 O40a (1912) Pike Co.Tel. Baylis

Sidwell, Charles (Luella Wood) ChRoy and wife Fama Ottowa, Rob-ert, *Ora; "Timothy Dale Farm"New Canton Rl Derrv Sec2S 0254a(1891) Pike Co. Tel. El Dara

Sidiwell, Ed (Emma Rader) Pearl RlPearl Sec4 O40a (1890) Pike Co.

Tel. PearlSidwell, James H. (Lucinda Hanks)Ch Howard; Pearl R2 Pearl Sec28

076a (1879)Sidwell, John (Laura Galloway) Ch

Edgar, stepson. Earl, *Gracie, *Ray;Nebo R2 Spring Creek Sec29 037a(1889) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Siefers, George (Fannie Gregory)Ch Everett. *Gerty, *Mabel,*George, *Benny; Griggsville RlNew Salem SeclS T53a ThomasMiller (1887) Pike Co. Tel. Griggs-ville

Siefers, Henry B. (Emma Huntly)Ch Lilly, Cora, Welie, *Anna*Fanny, ^Charles; Hadley Rl Had-ley T2a McWorters and Malone(1887)

Siegle, Julius G. (Fern Williams) ChKathyleen, Josephine; "PleasantValley Stock Farm" Pittsfield R3Newburg Secl9 075a (1895) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Sigler, Joseph (Lily M. Foote) ChEdward, Louis, Walter, Susie; NewCanton Pleasantvale Sec4 051-)4a


Sigler, William (Anna Ancell) ChGoldie, Ellis, Lawrence, Earl, Lil-

burn, Frederick, Frances, *FernNew Canton Cincinnati Secl2 053a(1873)

Sigsworth, Rebecca (Fife Gleckler)

Ch Albert Gleckler, *Ralph Gleck-ler; Hadley Rl Hadley Sec36 OlOOa(1866) Glandon Tel. Baylis

Silkwoodi, Tom (Sarah Holmes) ChRaymond, Daisy, Earl; BeecreekPearl Sec33 Ola (1906)

Simmons, James W. (Maggie Lee)Ch Elva, *Louisa, *Clair, *Leta;Pittsfield R4 Pittsfield Secl5 T50aRoy Helm (1905)

Simpkins, Thomas Ch Jessie, Laura,*Estelle, *Clair, *Will, *Thomas;Griergsville R3 Griggsville Sec280462a (1847) Pike Co. Tel. Griggs-ville

Simpson, Carl L. (Alma Witty) ChLaura; Pleasant Hill Rl Martins-burg Sec25 Ol20a (1917) FarmersTel. Martinsburg

Simpson, James W. (Mary Witty) ChClaud, Lois, Mary, Carl; PleasantHill Rl Martinsburg Sec34 Tl80aMary E. Witty (1917) Farmers Tel.

Pleasant Hill



Sims, Ben W. Pittsfield R7 HardinSec29 T40a William Biddle (1015)Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Sims, Dave J. (Eliza Sparks) ChNerva, Eva, Hervy, Bertha, *Henrv,*Thomas, ^Clifford; Rockport RlAtlas Sec23 Ol40a (1908) GlandonTel. Rockport

Sims, Henry (Maude Pryor) ChCharles, Jerald, Emmett; RockportR2 Ross Sec22 Tl60a R. J. Beatty(1904)

Sims, John D. (Lizzie Eckly) ChRalph, Albert, Virgle, Arthur:New Canton R3 Atlas Sec5 Tl60aHarry Nichols (1913)

Sims, J. Samuel (Hester Likes) ChWilliam, Orville;Baylis R2 NewSalem SeclS T40a R. Peacock(1880) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Sinclear, Ashby (Emily F. Gunn) Ch*Luella, *Nancy J.; Hull R2 Cincin-

nati Sees T214a E. J. Warren(1888) Pike Co. Tel. Hull

Sittler, George W. (Emma C. Diehl)

Ch Harry, *Ida, *Carry; Baylis R3Fairmount SeclT Ol5a (1918)

Sitton, Fred E. (Lou Gant) PleasantHill Pleasant Hill Sec21 (1887)

Pike Co. and Farmers Tel. Pleas-ant Hill

Sitton, F. J. Pleasant Hill Rl Pleas-

ant Hill Secll O320a (1874) PikeCo. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Sitton, W. R. (Ida E. Galloway) Ch*Fred E., *Rade V., *Buryl; "Oak-land Stock Farm" Pleasant Hill RlPleasant Hill Secll 0251a (1864)Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Six, James I. (Laura Turner) ChWalter, Russell, Ralph; Chambers-burg Rl Perry Secl6 T45a NancyJ. Six (1908)

Skinner, Harry (Blanche Wade) ChGrace, Dorothy, Mrs. Mary Wademother; Griggsville R3 Griggsville

Sec23 O50a Sec 23 Tl26a Mrs.Mary Wade (1879) Pike Co. Tel.

GriggsvilleSlater, Dan E. (Nannie Breckbiel)Ch Virginia; Hull Rl KinderhookSec9 O230a (1919) Bluff Co. Tel.

HullSlaughter, James W. (Mary Brigman)Ch * Alice, *Lloyd; Hew Salem RlNew Salem Secl5 OSOa (1865)

Slaughter, Lloyd J. (Eva Hamilton)Baylis R2 New Salem Secl4 TlL'OaMrs. H. A. Ramsey (1896)

Slavens, George Rockport R2 AtlasSec22N 028i/.3a (1880) Farmers Tel.Summer Hill

Slavens, Iva M. (Freda Sederwall)Hadley Rl Derry Sec2 Tl09aCarney Bro-. (1900)

Sleight, Charles W. (June Harvey)Ch Hazel, Ruth, Elizabeth,Kenneth,*Harvey; "Charter Oak StockFarm" Griggsville Star RouteGriggsville Sec3 O320a (1868)Farmers Tel. Griggsville and Perry

Sleight, Harvey L. (Ralphina Reay)"Charter Oak Farm" GriggsvilleStar Route Griggsville Sec2 TenantCharles Sleight (1896) Farmers Tel.

Griggsville and Perry

Sleight, John W. (Olive Newman)Griggsville R2 Flint Secl8 0225a(1873) Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Sleight, Robert N. (Grace Glenn) ChHerschel, Eldon, Delbert; Griggs-ville R2 Flint Sec7 O320a (1876)Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Slight Bros., Charles and Joseph,Maude Crawford housekeeper;Griggsvile R3 Griggsville Sec21Tll6a Mrs. Parvin Shinn (1889)Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Slight, Thomas Ch Eva, William,

Mar5^ Alice, Bessie, Jessie, Harold.Fred; Griggsville R3 Griggsville

Sec35 TlOOa Lightle Bros. (1889)Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Sloan, Alonzo H. (Marguerite Por-ter) Ch Max, Eugene; Pittsfield R3Detroit Sec21 T220a N. Sloan(1889) Farmers Tel. Pittsfield

Sloan, Nathan E. (Nancy Sanderson)Ch Olive, Ross, Hugh, Clay, *Lon,*Ruth, *Maud; Detroit DetroitSeclS O40a (1863) Farmers Tel. De-troit

Smart, James W. (Fern H. Phillips)

Ch Marion, Glenn, Edith, Maetta;Detroit Detroit SeclS O24oa (1873)

iGIandon Tel. Pittsfield

Smith, Albert W. (Ollie Covert) HullR2 Kinderhook Sec32 TlROa LeoWaters (1884) O. D. Lowe Tel. Hull

Smith, Allen P. (Luvina Pruett) ChAlva, Cleo, Iva, Ernest, Lynn,Ralph; Pleasant Hill Rl Pleasant

Hill Seel Tsoa Tohn Francis (1871)

Pike Co. Tel. Nebo



Smith, Anson D. (Louisa Bowman)Ch *Nettie, *John, *Everett, *Blos-soni, *Merle; "Pleasant ViewFarm" New Canton R2 Pleasant-vale Sec5 O200a (1856) FarmersTel. Kinderhook

Smith, Anthony (Mary Davis) ChGladys; Barry R4 Hadley Sec31(188'J) Hadley and Derry Tel.


Smith, Anton (Maria Chenowath) ChPearl, *Tony, *Virden; RockportAtlas SeclO 0243a (1884) GlandonTel. Rockport

Smith, Archie (Odocia Morris) ChFreda, Joseph; Hull Levee Sec36Tla Noah Moser (1918)

Smith, Arthur (Alice Brannick) ChEula v.; Barry R3 PleasantvaleSec4 02a (1882)

Smith, Arthur N. (Clella Hawse) ChCarrie, Mabel, Russell; Chambers-burg R2 Chambersburg SeclT Tl60aJ. M. Chenowath (1888) FarmersTel. Chambersburg

Smith, Augustus W. (Nancy Brad-shaw) Ch Lavern; Griggsville RlPerry Sec32 T210a E. and L. Trip-lett (1878) Glandon Tel. Perry

Smith, Benjamin (Fanny Johnson)Ch Aline, *Clo, *iGolden, -Opal-New Canton R2 Pleasantvale Sec30T336a Stafford Estate (1862) PikeCo. Tel. New Canton

Smith, Bert F. (Etta Whitlock) ChRuby, Frank, Jesse, Glen, Walter,Evalean; Rockport Atlas Sec29 Ooa(1903)

Smith, Bryan (Irna Roberts) Pleas-

ant Hill Pleasant Hill SeclS T60aW. T. Scranton (1897) Private Tel.

Pleasant Hill

Smith, Carl E. (Ethel Higdon) ChMurl. Wayne, Lois; Hadley RlDerry Sec3 0214a (1888)

Smith, Charles E. (Ethel Sheive) ChLewis, Carl, W^ilter, Gladys; HullR2 Kinderhook Secl6 OSOa (1874)

Pike Co. Tel. Hull

Smith, Charles E. (Emma B. Zimmer-man) Ch Glenn, *Fred, *Dennis;Baylis R3 Fairmount SecSl Ol60a(1894) Farmers Tel. Baylis

Smith, Charles H. (Flora Shaw) Pitts-

'field R2 'Alartinsburg Sec24 Ol60a(1883) Farmers Tel. Pittsfield

Smith, Charles L. (Mildred L. Stone)Ch Olen, Everett, Verdie, Clara,

Herman, James; Pleasant Hill RlPleasant Hill Sec33 OSOa (1874)Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Smith, Creed R. Pittsfield Rl DetroitSec33 Tl96a Mrs. Nettie Smith(1898) Glandon Tel. Milton

Smith, Earl C. (Mary Sanderson)Detroit Detroit Secl8-17-20 O540a(1907) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Smith, Edwin (Effie Calvin) Ch Clin-

ton, Bessie, Logan, *Venna, *Sidney,*Maggie, *John; Pearl Pearl SeclOO80a (1866) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Smith, Elmer (Nellie Ballinger) ChThurman; Nebo Rl Spring CreekSecll T240a Joe Shisted (1878)

Farmers Tel. Nebo

Smith, Elza C. (Fleter Windmiller)Ch Bessie; Pleasant Hill Rl Pleas-

ant Hill Sec29 T60a John M. Smith(1889) Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Smith, Elza F. (Ruth L. Trautwein)Ch Anna, Marie; Kinderhook Ol60aKinderhook Secl3 TlS.ia Mrs. AnnaTrautwein (1887) Bluff Tel. Kinder-hook

Smith, Everett (Grace Blacketer)

New Canton R2 Cincinnati Sec26T2a Charles Klitz (1886)

Smith, E. R.. (Minnie. Smith). ChJulia, Hazel, Erma, Wayne; Pleas-

ant Hill Rl Pleasant Hill Sec34T91a Ada Bybee (1877)

Smith, Frank (Edna Hunter) ChVerna, Kenneth, Wilma; Pittsfield

Rl Montezuma Sec6 Tl90a C. I.

Allen (1874) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Smith, George E. (Fannie Gibson) ChVina, Floy, Edna, Georgia, Wilford,

Paul. *Carl, *Delcia, *Jessie, *Bar-bara: "River View Farm" HadleyRl Darry SeclO 0214a (1873; ElDara, Hadley, Barry Tel. Barry

Smith, 'George H. (Myrtle Cory) ChViolet, Francis; Perry Perry Sec29Farm Hand Dunn and Pecken-paugh (1880) Glandon Tel. Perry

Smith, George R. (Louise Rowley) ChGladys, Florence, Kitty, William,Chester, Melvin, Mildred, Lucy,Clark, June; Pleasant Hill R2Martinsburg Sec30 Farm Hand Ellis

Estate (1870) Farmers Tel. Sum-mer Hill



Smith, George W. (Sarah Lurd) CIi

Claud, Opal, Estel; Pleasant HillRl Pleasant Hill Sec3 Ol60a (ISG^iFarmers Tel. Pleasant Hill

Smith, George W. G. (Nancy E. Kes-singer) Ch *Albert, *Delha, *Henrv*Iva, *Ora. *Frank, *Virgel, *Chai--mie, *Jesse, *Weaver, *Ruth, *Vera,*Lester; Pearl R2 Pearl Sec20O640a (1852) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Smith, Granville (Edith Ruble) Pitts-field R6 Newburg Sec6 Tl60a G. M.Smith (1886) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Smith, Harvey D. (Helen Davidson)Pittsfield Detroit Sec22 O340a Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Smith, Heen Ch George, *Etta; Rock-port Atlas Sec23 042 1.10a (1838)

Smith, Henry (Emma Dixon) ChUna, Harry, Alice, *Mabel; Griggs-ville Rl Fairmount Sec25 OlOOa(189.3) Pike Co. Tel. Perry andBaylis

Smith, Henry A.. (Opal Ward) ChGerald; Pittsfield Rl NewburgSec26 Farm Hand A. M. Fenton(1889) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Smith, Henry F. (Cora Cade) ChElma, Belvia, Adrien, Sammy, Mil-dred, Lucille; Hull Rl KinderhookSeclO Harvey Moore (1873)

Smith, Ira Pleasant Hill Rl PleasantHill Seel 05a (1881)

Smith, Isaac S. (Mary Foster) Ch'Ray, *Arland, *Bessie; "FosterFarm" Pittsfield R4 Pittsfield Sec20O80a (1898) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Smith, James A. (Rebecca Little) Ch*Ottillia, *Otis, *Ruth, *Elza, *Delia,*Blanch, *Clarence; Hull Rl Kin-derhook SeclO 05a (1850) Bluff Co.Tel. Hull

Smith, James Curtis (Delia Miller)Ch Loraine, Leonard, J. E. Millerfather; Pittsfield R2 MartinsburgSeciO Tl60a Strauss Bros (1891)

Smith, Jasper F. (Mary E. Watkins)Ch Emery F., Mary E., Lottie Smithwife of Emery Smith; ElDaraDerry Secl4 O40a Mary E. Smith(1865) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Smith, Jesse (Efifie Stillflew) ChCora, Jesse, Ray, Louise; RockportRl Ross Sec8 T313a L. L. Little( 1 90 1


Smith, Jesse C. (Allie Wheeler) ChOren, Harold; Pearl R2 Pearl SeclOOl88a (188S) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Smith, Jesse L. (Stella StaufYer) ChHazel, Robert, *Clara; GriggsvilleR3 Griggsville Sec34 T82a Mrs.Martha Ball U876) Pike Co. Tel.Griggsville

Smith, John C. (Marie Walls) ChHomer, Ruby, Freddie, George,Johnnie, Roy; Hull R2 CincinnatiSeclT T286a Joseph - V. Breckan(1885) Pike Co. Tel. Hull

Smith, John M. (Lucretia Lord) ChElza, Roy, Ray; Pleasant Hill RlPleasant Hill Secl4 O200a (1S65)Farmers Tel. Nebo

Smith, John W. (Alma Donohoo) ChErma, Glenn. Mary; Pearl RlMontezuma Sec33 Ol40a (1881)Pike Co. Tel. Pearl

Smith, John W. (Minnie Hagen)"Pleasant View Farm" New Can-ton R2 Pleasantvale Sec6 Tl30a A.D. Smith (1883)

Smith, Joseph W. (Mary Sullivan) ChJohn, Daniel, Roy, Mary, Robert:Pittsfield R4 Derry Secl3 Tl60aMrs. Katie Cambell (1873) Pike Co.Tel. Pittsfield

Smith, J. Calvin (Maud Killnm) ChFloe, Francis, Ada, Mary; Barry R4Hadley Secl7 Tl20a (1876)

Smith, J. E. (Minerva Martin) ChNellie, Jesse, *Minnie, *Anna, *Ray,*Elza, *EIsie; Nebo Pleasant Hill

Secl2 O80a (186S) Pike Co. Tel.

NeboSmith, J. Wes. (Artie Hoover) Ch

Carvel, Mary; Pittsfield Rl Detroit

Sec33 Ol92a (1882) iGlandon Tel.


Smith, Lawrence (Mary Nash) ChJohn, Frank, Lawrence Jr., Mike.

Mary; Pittsfield R6 Pittsfield SecS

O200a (1893) Glandon Tel. Pitts-


Smith, Luke W. (Nellie Reeder) Cli

Donald, Viola, Guy, Woodrow,Dema, Letha; Rockport Atlas

Sec23W Tla John Snider (1882)

Smith, Luther E. (Bertha Thornton)Ch Jessie, Gladys, Tola; Nebo R2Spring Creek Scc21 OSS^^a (ISTG)

Farmers Tel. NeboSmith, Marion A. (Ethel Gheen) ChElva Ruth; Nebo R3 Spring CreekSec31 T80a John Stark (1S91)

Farmers Tel. Nebo



Smith, Mat (Lena iGoodwin) Ch Min-nie, John, Newton; Rockport R2Atlas Sec9 074a (1866)

Smith, Melvin (Laura Ballinger)Pearl R2 Pearl Sec8 O40a (1876)Farmers Tel. Pearl

Smith, Nelson (Addie Otwell) ChVester, Elza, Hilda, *Eva; Pearl R2Pearl Sec29 Tla Henry Booth(1872)

Smith.Oscar (Verna Bobo) Ch Leona,Ona, Luthern, Louis, Verna; PearlR2 Spring Creek Secl3 O40a (1885)Farmers Tel. Nebo

Smith, Joseph (Eliza Peck) Ch Jo-seph Jr., Edward, Jesse, Francis,Viola, Helen, Walter, Cecil, *Rosie,Mamie, *John, *Archie, *Emma;Hull Kinderhook Sec30 Tl60aHenry Scarborough (1903)

Smith, Pearl L. (Nettie Robbins) ChMildred, Leonard, Margaret; HullR2 Kinderhook Sec30 Scarborough(1893)

Smith, Percy E. (Nola Ingalls) ChGordon; "Walnut Grove Farm"Griggsville Rl Fairmount Sec25Tl80a Mrs. G. A. Smith (1889) PikeCo. Tel. Baylis, Perry and iGriggs-


Smith, Ray H. (Mamie Reeves) NeboSpring Creek Sec7 O40a (1891) PikeCo. Tel. Nebo

Smith, Robert (Edith MdFadden) ChZelma; New Canton Rl Pleasant-vale Sec26 TsOa Chester C. Smith(1887)

Smith, Ross (Nina Morris) Ch Rich-ard, Floyd, Martha, Paul; Griggs-ville R2 Perry Sec36 Ol71a Cham-bersburg Sec31 Tl20a J. J. Smith(1881) Farmers Tel. Perry

Smith, Roy (Edith Garrison) ChHoward, Nina, Russell; PleasantHill Rl Pleasant Hill Secl4 T80aJ. M. Smith (1893) Farmers Tel.Nebo

Smith, Samuel H. (Barbara E. Hollis)Ch *Luther, *Lewis, *Ida, *Carrie,*Wessie, *Walter; "Mound Farm"Nebo Rl Spring Creek Sec20 Ol38a(1854) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Smith, Sylvia A. Pittsfield R3 New-burg Secl7 OfiOa (1877) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Smith, Sylvia A. (May Jones) ChLeta, Venita, Mary, Vera, Helen,Sylvan; "Harshman Farm" Griggs-ville Star Route iGriggsville SecllFarm Hand Fred Kopps (ISSO)

Smith, S. J. (Erma A. Gaines Cli

Robert, Martha; "Sunny SlopeFarm" Kinderhook Rl Barry Secl9O20a T430a S. S. Gaines (1914)Farmers Tel. Kinderhook

Smith, Thomas H. (Melissa Martin)Ch Roy R., Jessie, *Mari()n,

*Harvey; Pleasant Hill Rl PleasantHill Secl2 095a (1868)Pike Co. Tel.

NeboSmith, Virgil A. (Ethel Collins) Cli

Arthur, Carl, Thurston; RockportR2 Atlas Scc24 Manager EmmaDustin (1879)

Smith, William (Maud Byers) ChGeorge, Maxine; New Canton R2Pleasantvale SeclS Tl05a E. Ethel!

(1886) Pike Co. Tel. New Canton

Smith, William D. (Sarah Harris) ChChristena, Telitha, William, MaryT. Ewing, mother; New Canton RlPleasantvale Sec26 TSOa Chester C.

Smith (1876)

Smith, William L.(Lena C. Schwartz)

Ch William, Loren, Clarence, Vera,

Marguerite, Uldean; Hull R2Levee Secl7 T406a Bradley In-

stitute (1872) Bell Tel. Hannibal

Smithers, Charles E. (Mary Bauer)

Ch Bennie, Jessie, Isaac, Mary,

Silver, *Otto; Pearl Rl Monte-zuma Secl8 O240a (1865) Pike Co.

Tel. Milton

Smithers, Otto E. (Nellie Willard) ChGeraldine, Otto E. Jr.; Pearl RlMontezuma SeclS Tl65a (1898) Pike

Co. Tel. Milton

Sneeden, Arthur E. (Margaret Bicker-

dike) Ch Margaret; "ElmhurstFarm" Pittsfield Rl Detroit Sec31

Ol70a (1879) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

and Griggsville

Sneeden, Charles Sr. (Anna Stoner)

Ch Estelle, *Arthur, *Emor, *Wade.

*Dean; Pittsfield R3 Detroit SeclS

O260a (1865) Farmers Tel. Detroit

Sneeden, Charles Jr. (Lela Foreman)Ch Bernice; "How Land Farm"Pittsfield R3 Newburg Secl5 OlOOaNewburg Sec23 TSOa S. E. Howland(1887) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Sneeden, Dean E. (Ella Rush) ChJames, Genevieve, Constance; Pitts-

field R4 Pittsfield Sec24 042a Sec24

T230a Charles Sneeden (1891) Glan-

don Tel. Pittsfield



Sneeden, Emmett (Ava Williams) ChGladys, Lucile, Helen; Pittsfield RlDetroit Sec30 TlOOa L. H. Sneeden(1891) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Sneeden, Lewis (Ruby Dinsmore) Ch*Bertha; Pittsfield R3 Detroit Secl60215a (1873) Farmers Tel. Detroit

Sneeden, Vernon L. (Kate Mullenix)Ch Vernon, Maurine, Francis, Mil-

dred, Irene; Griggsville R3 Griggs-ville Sec25 Farm Hand Fred Turn-bull (1887)

Sneeden, Wadte E. (Bessie Lightle)Ch Leiand, Grace; Pittsfield R3Detroit Secl8 T460a Charles Snee-den (1891) Farmers Tel. Detroit

Snider, William M. (Ethel McDan-iel) Ch Earl, Harold, Walter,Louis, Ruth; Baylis R2 New Salem'Sec9 046a (1870) Pike Co. Tel.

BaylisSnodgrass, Mrs. Thomas (Henrietta

Clark) Ch Walter, Lowell, Ralph,*Gertrude, *Clark,*Florence, *How-ard; Hull Rl Kinderhook Sec4O40a (1864) Farmers Tel. Plains-ville

Snyder, John (Etta Camp) ChHarrison. Raymond, Theopolis,Ester, Homer, Charles; RockportAtlas Secl3 OllOa SecllW TSOOaMrs. L. Rupert (1873) Glandon Tel.Rnrkpnrt

Snyder, William W. (Dora Ward) ChLorpi"n; Rockport Atlas Secl3 O80a(1879)

Sowers, A. G. (Ida Bower) ChGladys, Kenneth; "City ViewFarm" Bavlis Rl Hadley Secl2OifiOa ri870) Farmers Tel. Baylis

Sowers, E^rl (Maud Ball) Ch Hubert,HiFa: Pearl Star Route Montez-uma Spc35 OlOOa (1885) FarmersTel. Glandon

Sowers. F. A. (Ella Boron) Ch Beatr-ice. Helen, Ronald, Susie. Laura,Kendell; Pe.?rl Star Route Montezruma Scc34 OlOOa (1874) Pike Co.Tel. Pearl

Sowers, John G, (Margaret Graham)Pearl Rl Montezuma SeclO Ol88a(1877) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Spalding, Howard A. Anna L. Sch-wartz) Ch Milton, Howard; HullR2 Levee Sec2 T210a E. T. Robbins(1915) Bell Tel. Hannibal

Spann, George (Susie Wagner) ChMary; Rockport Atlas SeclO Man-ager Mr. Nichols (1919)

Sparks, Phillip G. (Emma Cothell)Ch *John, *William, *Phillip, *Ora,^Clifford, *Myrtle, *Rosa, *Bertha;Siloam Rl Fairmount Sec6 OS^a(1898) Pike Co. Tel. Fishook andBaylis

Sparks, William G. (Maudie Miller)

Ch Eva, Edith, Eldon; Pittsfield R5Martinsburg Sec9 Tl7.5a StraussBros. (1894)

Spaulding, Albert M. Pearl Rl Mon-tezuma Sec20 Ol20a (1881) PikeCo. Tel. Milton

Spears, J. L. (Margaret Voshel) ChV. Wayne; Nebo Pleasant Hill

Sec26 Tla Albert Benable (1856)Spencer, Mrs. Lila Ch *Charles, *Jos-

eph, *Ida, *William. *Louie,, *Pearl,

*Clyde, *Verna, *Warren; "Hill

Side View Farm" Hadley Rl DerrySec4 Ol60a (1853) El Dara, Hadleyand Barry Tel. Barry

Spencer, Warren R. (Zoe Wike) ChBernadine; "Blue Grass RidgeFarm' Hadley Rl Derry Sec4Ol60a (1893) El Dara, Hadley andBarry Tel. Barry

Spencer, Warren S. Ch George Whee-lan, nephew; Earry R3 PleasantvaleSeen Ol50a (1856) Pike Co. Tel.

BarrySprague, Grovernor D, (Eva Cash-man) Ch Kendall; Hull R2 Kinder-hook Sec9 TSOOa M. G. Sprague(1887)

Sprague, Meritt G. (Florence Colvin)Ch John, Lottie; "Blu.-f StockFarm" Hull Rl Kinderhook Sec9-40300a (1860) Bluflf Co. Tel. Hull

Sprague, Oscar (Libly Walker) ChGladys, Leo, Loren, Jaunita; Kin-derhook R2 Kinderhook Sec34Tl60a Samuel Peacock (1884)

Springer, Frank (Emma Main) ChFrancis, Ivy, Inez, *Nona, *David,*Edna, *VirgiI; Nebo Rl SpringCreek Sec3 OSOa (1864)

Springer, Vergie (Bertb.a Ransom)Ch Frances, Alice; Nebo Rl HardinSec25 O40a (1898)

Staff, Peter Sr. (Rozena CatherineAuer) Ch Edward, Mattie, *George,*Peter, *Leonard; "Hill Crest Dairyand Stock Farm" New Canton R2Barry Sec?9 0225a (1865) Kinder-hook Tel. Kinderhook

Staff, P. F. (Rosa Johnson) Ch Will-iam, Hubert, Frederick; "GrandView Farm" Barry R3 Barry Sec28Ol60a (1873) Kinderhook Tel. Co.Kinderhook



Staggs, Edward A. (Alice Hull) Ch*Ernest. *George; Barry R3 BarrySec26 OlOa (185fi) City Tel. Barry

Stanbridge, Roy E. (Stella Fry) ChWilliam, Pauline, Lyndel, Lela;Rockport Rl Atlas Sec31 FarmHand W. E. Betts (1873)

Stapp, Fred (Stella Townsen) ChNona, Rosa, Harold, Thomas,Nellie; Baylis Rl Hadley SecllT200a Carl Seaborn (1917) FarmersTel.

Stark, Charles N. (Ida Kindle) ChWayne, Helen, Fay, Walter, *Fred,*Claud; Nebo R2 Spring CreekSeclO OlGOa (1874) Farmers Tel.

NeboStark, Claud C. (Maud Draper) NeboR2 Spring Creek Sec27 OOSa (1895)

Farmers Tel. NeboStark, John H. Sr. (Hattie Weaver)Ch Alta, Kenneth,Johnnie, Clarence,

Paul, Evelyn; Nebo R3 Pleasant

Hill Sec24 OfiOOa Pleasant Hill

Sec34 Tl60a Mrs. J. L. Stark (1874)

Pike Co. Tel. NeboStark, John H. (Dora Stevens) ChBurdet; Nebo Spring Creek Secl9

T2a Will S'tark (1899) FarmersTel. Nebo

Stark, Mrs. L. J. Ch Effie, *Charles.

*John, *William; Nebo PleasantHill Sec24 O220a (1847) Pike Co.Tel. Nebo

Stark, William C. (Laura Ward) ChAnna, Lela, Wilbert. Eva, *John Jr.;

Nebo Spring Creek Secl9 084a(1876) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Starks, Charlie L. (Mary McKinney)Ch Gladys, Fayette, Sylvan, Mil-

dred; Barry R2 Hadley Secl8 TlSaMrs. Cora Starks (1884)

Stauffer, Arthur M. (Lelia Funk) ChLavon Vee, Leaner Vee; "HickoryGrove Farm'' Beverly R2 HadleySec5 Tl20a Airs. Alice Funk (1890)Barry Tel.

Stauffer, Charles F. (Fila Hoskins)Ch Lowell, Emmet, *May, *Eugene,*Esther; "Maple Grove StockFarm" Barry R2 Hadley Sec8Ol60a (1884) Tel. Barry

Stauffer, Eugene K. (Ada Scott) ChAda Louise; Barry R2 HadleySec7-S O200a (1895) Tel. Barry

Stauffer, George E. Jr. Ch Hazel,Merwin, *Frank AL, *W. Theodore;"Avanellc Stock Farm'' Baylis R3New Salem SecG 085a (1877) PikeCo. Tel. Baylis

Stauffer, George M. (Annabelle Mar-tin) Baylis R2 New Salem Sec7T215a J. L. Stauffer (1905) Pike Co.Tel. Baylis

Stauffer, John E. (Edna Mixer) ChArthur, Delite, Walter; "Farm No.777" Barry R2 Hadley Sec6 085aT200a J. Huff Est. (1890)

Stauffer, John. W. (Iva Cooley) ChEldred, Helen, Harold, Sarali,

Ernest; "Clover Leaf Farm" BaylisR3 Fairmount Sec9 Ol82a (1886)Pike Co. Tel. Fishook and Baylis

Stauffer, J. Chris Sr. (Sarah J. Reed)"Oak Lawn Farm" Baylis R3 Fair-

mount Sec9 0323a (1855) Pike Co.Tel. Fishook and Baylis

Steams, James A. (Gertie Brow) ChPrimrose, George; Barry R4 BarrvSec6 Tl97a N. and S. Blair (1888)

Stearns, John F. (Laura Humphrey)Ch Charlie, Lida, *Maggie, *Nellie,

*Ethel, *James ^Joseph; "Fair View- Farm" Barry R4 Barry Sec35 TlOOaGeorge Blair (1858) Glandon Tel.

BarryStearns, Joseph D. (Marion Hen-

dricks) "Moons Orchard Farm''Barry R3 Hadlev Sec30 T^a (1895)Fitch Tel. Barry

Steers, John J. (Alice Blackketter)Ch John, Glen, Albert, *Zana,*Oscar; Rockport Atlas Sec24TlSOa R. J. Balay (1884)

Stellpflew, John H. (Martha Barnes)Ch Effie, Frank, Harry, Henry,Bessie, *Hester, *Nellie, *William.*Cora, *Frances, *Likes; Pittsfield

R4 Pittsfield Secl2 T336a JohnSiegel (1874) Glandon Tel. Pitts-


Stephenson, George and Sons ChHarold, Ella, Roy, Floyd, *Vincent.*Ray; "Idylville Farm" Pittsfield

Rl Detroit Sec31 O350a (1S67)Glandon Tel. Milton

Stevens, Jim S. (Allie Miller) ChRichard P.; Pearl Rl MontezumaSecr^3 Tl30a Billie Nuzenbaugh(1872)

Stevenson, J. Ross (Violet Zimmer-man) Ch Fvelvn, Wilbur ]\Tariorie.

George. William; Bayl's R3 Fair-mount Sec2 O40a ('1891) Pike Co.Tel. Tempest and Perry



Stevenson, William A. and John W.Baylis R3 hairmount Sec2 Ol60a(1888) Pike Co. Tel. Tempest andBaylis

Stewart, A. W. (Mary B. Mitchell) ChJ. Mitchell Stewart; Pleasant Hill

Rl Pleasant Hill Secl5 T240a Mrs.Fanny Schultz (1907) Pike Co. Tel.

Pleasant Hill

Stickhost, Edward W. (Lela Trout-ner) Ch Jessie; Hull R2 LeveeSecl2 TloOa O. P. Scovill (1891)

Stickhost, Leslie (Pearl Huston)Hull R2 Levee Sec22 T200a Stick-host Heirs (1894)

Stickhost, Walter (Katherine Bauer)Ch Isabel, Virginia; Hull R2 LeveeSec26 Tl40a Henry Scarbrough(1889)

Stickman, Fred W. (Carrie Dun-house) Ch Earl, Elmer, Paul, Leslie,

Louise, Edna; "Dustan Farm"Rockport Rl Atlas Sec27E T320aMrs. C. B. Dustan (1871) GlandonTel. Rockport

Stickman, Mrs. Louisa (LouisaDrechshag) Ch Mary, *Emma,* William, *Nattie; Pittsfield R5Pittsfield Sec28 Ol22a (18.54) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Stickman. William H. (Emma M.Scheme!) Ch Iva, Floyd; Pittsfield

Rl Hardin Sec5 O60a (1865) PikeCo. Tel. Pittsfield

Still, John H. (Sadie Lanum) ChRaleigh, Eva, Ames. Viola, Marie,Ellen, Nancy, Albert; Baylis R3New Salem Sec6 T40a Mrs. W. B.Elder (1912)

Still^^ew. Frank L. (Carrie Williams)Ch Mildred: Barry R3 Hadley Sec21TlfiOa Arch Campbell (1889) Tel.Barry and Hadley

Stilwell, Allen E. Ch Charles, Marcus,George, Paul; Pearl Pearl SeclOTl5f)a James H. Stilwell (1875)

Stinebaker, Elmer (Addie Ray) ChAllen, Vern, Dorothy, Neal;Chambersburg R2 Chanibersburg8pc20 Ol2na (iSSfi) Farmers Tel.Chambersburg

Stinson, Burrel (Iva Brake) Ch Lova,Elmer Frankie, Lozelle; Baylis RSFairmount Sf^cS OlOa (1913) PikeCo. Tel. Fishook and Baylis

Stirnaman. John K. (Mina Plarlow)Ch Georgia. Virgel, Leon; NeboR3 Sprino- Creek Sec21 Tl2i)a

F. M. Harlow (1911) Farmers Tel.


St. John ,Thomas E. (Laura Watson)Ch *Nina, *Golda; Pittsfield R2Hardin SeclS Ol54a (1854) Farm-ers Tel. Girard

Stocklefer, Charles (Mary E. Liddle)Ch *Bertha; Pittsfield R5 Pittsfield

Sec31 038a (1874) Glandon Tel.


Stolte, Albert J. (Lena Shulten) ChChester, Alta, Lucile; "GordonSwitch Farm" Hull R2 Levee Sec4T200a Joseph Stolte (1884)

Stolte, Henry A. (Mary J. Kearney)"Fair View Farm" Hull R2 LeveeSec9 T270a Antone Stolte (1888)Bell Tel. Hannibal

Stolte, Joseph J. Ch Frances, Frank,Harold, . grandchild, *Walter, Al-bert; Hull R2 Levee Secl6 O520a(1875)

Stolte, Roman W. (Virginia Adkins)Ch Willis. Russel, Gladys, Mar-garet; Hull Kinderhook Secl9T460a J. K. Scarbrough (1894)

Stolte, Walter A. (Ida Schulten) ChWalter, Bertha, Herbert, George;Hull R2 Levee Sec5 TlBla JosephStolte (1882)

Stone, Claud A. (Golda Kasinger)Nebo R2 Spring Creek Sec3fi TlaArthur Vickroy (1896)

Stone, Elta E. (Pruett) Ch Archie,Bertha, Nathan, Jessie, *Bessie,

*Maggie; Nebo R3 Spring CreekSec31 OlSa (1873)

Stone, George D. (Ellen Long) ChRov, Ivy, *Tames, *Tohn, *Claud;Nebo R2 Spring Creek Sec35 OllSa(1S60) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Stone, James H. (Helen Dodge") ChHomer and wife A.da Buchanan;Nebo R3 Pleasant Hill Sec25 O40a(1855)

Stone, James L. (Mary E. Ulcry) Ch*Harry. *Mildred, *Nancy; PleasantHill Star Route 1 Pleasant Hill

Sec21 022a (1853)

Stone, James M. (Eliza Greger) ChAnnis; Nebo R3 Plensant Hill Sec23TSOa John Stark (1884)

Stone, J. William (.\ugie Chapman)Ch Llewellyn, Mary; Pittsfield R6Pittsfield Soc3 QiROa (1802) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Stone, Napoleon B. (Ella Goodin)Ch Louis, *Arthnr; "Prairie HomeStock Farm" Pittsfield R2 Pitts-

field Sec36 O306a (1855) GlandonTel. Pittsfield



Stone, Mrs. Phoebe C. (Davis) ChBessie, May, *Lou; PittsfieldR2 Pittsfield Sec36 0294a (1852)Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Stone, Samuel E. (Elizabeth Peer)Ch Essie, Elzia, James; "Hill SideFarm" Hull Rl Kinderhook Sec503^a (1854)

Stoner, Fred (Eunice Ammerman) ChMary, *Edna, *Alva; Pittsfield RlNewburg Sec25 OlOOa (1861) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Stoner, James A. (Cora Norton) ChAda, Loren; Pittsfield Detroit Secl7O200a (1874) Farmers, GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Stottlemyer, Jackson A. (RhodaHoover) Ch Freda, George, Elmer,Jessie, *John, *Joe; Rockport R2Atlas SecllW Tl60a George Broke-man (1894) Farmers Tel. Rockport

Stout, Andrew W. (Laura Black) ChEdith, *Emmett, *Homer, *Forby,*Etta, *May; Pittsfield R2 HaidinSecl7 O40a (1866) Pike Co. Tel.


Straus, Ernest A. (Gertrude Walk-er) Ch Harold W., Evelyn L.; Bay-lis R3 Seel O80a Fairmount Secl2T80a Fred Straus (1878) Pike Co.Tel. Perry

Straus, Fred (Mayme Greiwe) ChWarren, Velma; Baylis R3 Fair-mount Seel O80a (1876) Pike Co.Tel. Perry

Straus, George F. (Edith Buchanan)Ch Maridena; Griggsville Rl Fair-mount SeclS O80a (1872) Pike Co.Tel. Tempest and Perry

Straus, Paul (Fern Dorsey) Ch Ger-ald Lee: Baylis R3 Perry Sec7 O60a(1887) Pike Co Tel. Perry

Stroheker, Fred L. (Jennie Spink) ChFrancis, Stewart, Mary Elizaijeth;"Dunmovin Farm" Hadley RlHadley Sec27 O80a (1895) Hadleyand El Dara Tel. Barry

Stroheker, William H. (ElizabethSewall) Ch Lois. Nellie, Alma,Cora, Roberta, Henry, *Frank,*Fred, *Mary; Barry R2 BarrySecl2 O70a (1858) Tel. Barry

Strother, Daniel W. (Lucy Geist) ChMary, Daniel. Alice, Earl. Violet,*Rurth, *Grace, *Edith; Hull R2Levee Seel T5lOa Bradley Institute,Peoria (1917) Bell Tel. Hannibal

Strother, S. K. (Mary A. Hinmar)Ch*Hinman F.; "The Hinman Farm"Griggsville Rl New Salem Secl-2-3O900a (1870) Pike Co. Tel. Griggs-ville

Strubinger, Charles M. (Marie H.Phebus) Ch Dallas T., Thelma J.;Pittsfield R4 Derry SeclS T80aWilliam Strubinger (1891) Indepen-dent Tel. El Dara

Strubinger, Edwin T. (Jennie Jones)Ch Walter L., Helen E., Eloise G.,Bert E.; "Wooddale Stock Farm"El Dara Derry Secie O540a (1868)Farmers Tel El Dara

Strubinger, Fred M. (Jennie Hart) ChLucian, Julian, Howard, Mary,Carolyn; Barry R4 Barry Sec36Ol58a (1873) City Tel. Barry

Strubinger, Henry J. (Louisa Harlow)Ch Emmett J., Ellis M.; PittsfieldR4 Derry Sec27 O520a (1859) Farm-ers Tel. El Dara

Strubinger, William A. (ColomaTaylor) Ch Mary, Jay. Davis Phe-bus, grandson, *011ie, *Lizzie,*Ada, *Joseph, *Charles, *Taylor;"Walnut Lane Farm" Pittsfield R4Derry Sec22 0515a (1860) Inde-pendent Tel. El Dara

Stuart, William A. Ch Florence N.,Mary F., *Edward G.; "HartfordHeights Farm" Pittsfield R5 Mar-tinsburg Sec6 Oll2a (1904)

Stumborg, D. Richard Ch Flora,Emery, Bernice; Hadley Rl HadleySecl4 O200a Winfield (1909) Had-

ley and Baylis Tel. BaylisStunbough, Ernest W, (Lovina

Miller) Ch Toy, Wretka, Wanda;Pearl R2 Spring Creek SeclS Ol8a(1889)

Sturtevant, Clarence (Anna Thomas)Ch Margaret, Jessie, Harold, Wal-ter; Hull R2 Kinderhook Secl9Tl40a Hy. Scarbarough (1885)

Sublett, Richard (Ida Surratt)Chambersburg Rl Versailles O60aChambersburg Sec5 T250a RobertBarry (1911) Farmers Tel. Cham-bersburg and Versailles

Sullivan, Mary Riley Ch Daniel, John,*Maggie, *Nellie, *Emma; PleasantHill R2 Martinsburg Sec28-33Ol86a (1854) Farmers Tel. Mar-tinsburg

Surratt, Fred (Maude Phillips) ChRuby. Nellie, Charley, Frances;Griggsville R2 Chambersburg Sec32T242a Harvey and Ben Green (1904)



Sutton, Harvey (Agatha Wagner) ChWilliam, Russell, Dale; PleasantHill R2 Pleasant Hill Sec8 T5aC. A. Orrill (1896)

Sutton, H. F. (Rosa Fillinger) ChEthel M.; Pleasant Hill Rl Pleas-

ant Hill SeclO 075a (1872) FarmersTel. Pleasant Hill

Sutton, Louis A. (Dottie Harper) ChBeatrice, Hazel, Frank, June;Pleasant Hill Rl Pleasant Hill

Secl2 O40a (1887) Pike Co. Tel.

NeboSutton, Maro W. Perry Perry Sec28

02a (1887)

Sutton, Nathan J. (Florine Reeves)Ch Cecil, *Lula; Pleasant Hill RlAlartinsburg Sec34 O40a (1880)

Sutton,, Neal (Nellie Greenstreet)Ch Leota, Gladys; Nebo SpringCreek Sec7 O260a (1878) Pike Co.

Tel. NeboSutton, William M. (America A. Gib-

son) Ch *Neal,*Effie,*Louis, *Opal;Nebo Pleasant Hill Secl2 O240a(1865) Pike Co. Tel. Nebo

Swartz, George (Minnie Ralaford)Ch Vincent, Cecil, Carl, John, Merl;Florence Detroit Sec22 092a (if

Farmers Tel. Detroit

Sweat, James M. Ch Paul, *Ellie,

*Otis, *Ernest; Pearl R2 PearlSec6 Ol20a (1849)

Sweat, Otis I. (Anna Little) ChEarl; Pearl R2 Pearl Sec7 O80a(1874) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Sweeting, Arthur R. (Marv Dorsey)Perry Perry Sec.30 OSOa Sec30T80a Harvey Sweeting and AnnaRush (1870) Glandon Tel. Perryj

and GriggsvilleSweeting, Fred M. (Cleo C. Ham)Ch Vida, Neil, Lois; Griggsville R2Perry Sec26 OlOOa Sec27 TSOaFred Urvin (1872) Glandon Tel.


Sweeting, Harvey W. (Margaret Van-zandt) Ch William H. Dorothy C.and husband Everett O. Meserveyand child William; Griggsville RlFairmount Secl4 Tl02a VanzandtEst. (1866) Pike Co. Tel. Perry

Sykes, Mrs. Frances E. (Frances Sor-rell) Ch Frank, Nellie; Baylis R2New Salem Secll O20a (1880)

Syrcle, J. Henry (Cinda Hareleson)Ch Lester, Floyd, Beatrice, Ruby,Clifford, Leo, Merle, Elizabeth,Reginald, Henry, Paris. *George;Griggsville Rl Griggsville SeclGT200a Mrs. Eva Conklin (1911)Pike Co. Tel .Griggsville

Talkington, William M. (Bell Fan-ning) Ch Lester, *Cecil; PearlPearl Secl9 T34a Grace Simmons(1911) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Tate, Horace A. (Lizzie Peters) ChNeoma, Lola, Arnold; Hull R2Levee Sec9 T200a Horace Daken(1915)

Taylor, A, G. (Anna Thomas) ChReoreta. *Grace; "City ViewFarm" El Dara Derry Sec20 085a(1860) Farmers Tel. El Dara

Taylor, Calvin D. (Lennie Fesler) ChLeona Mae, *Fern; "Rose Hill

Farm" El Dara Rl Derry Secl9Oiny.a (1871) Farmers Tel.El Dara

Taylor, Loyd S. (Marie Johnson)"Cozy Cot Farm" Rockport R2Atlas SeclW OllOa (1879) GlandonTel. Rockport

Taylor, Lucinda Ch *Eldon,*William,*George, *Ivy, *Daisy; Chambers-burg Rl Perry Sec9 OlOa (1856)Farmers Tel. Perry

Taylor, William P. (Rebecca Woods)Ch Oren, Mae, Paul; GriggsvilleR2 Flint Sec5 Tl22^a AndersonBros. (1875) Pike Co. Tel. Griggs-ville

Tedrow, Farris (Vina Collins) ChZelma, Mary, Marinda, Flaud,Wayne; New Salem Rl New SalemSec28 Tl60a Samuel Tedrow (1885)

Tedrow, George (Anna Reeder) ChTina, Ira, *Eva, *Electa, *Lizzie;Rockport Rl Ross Sec3 T67J/aBeatty and Nichols (1862)

Tedrow, Ross (Nellie M. Dunham)Ch Warren S., Earl W., Helen M.;New Salem Rl New Salem Sec28Ol45a (1877) Pike Co. Tel. Bavlisand Pittsfield



Test, Charles Joseph (Hattie John-son) Ch Guy, Wayne, Glenn, Max-ine; Griggsville Rl FairmountSec24 TllOa F. L. Hall (1882) Pike

Co. Tel. Perry

Thiebaud, Gustave (Dina Thiebaud)Ch Oscar, William, Arnold, Elaine,

Charles, *Mary; Rockport R7 RossSec6 T2o8a John H. Doyle (1910)

Glandon Tel. Rockport

Thiele, Edward L. (Alice A. Mullins)

Ch Lewis, Francis, Dale Griggsville

R2 Perry Sec23 048a (1880) Farm-ers Tel. Glandon and Perry

Thiele, Gustave (Mary Hofsess) ChBen, Ruby, Fred, *Clara, *Nellie,

*Rosa, *Mae. *Bessie; Griggsville

Griggsville Sec?.-4 Ol88a (1866)Farmers Tel. Griggsville and Perry

Thiele, Oliver W. (Marie Hackwith)Ch Marshall, Russell; GriggsvilleR2 Perry Sec23 T200a HenryWetzel (1894) Glandon Tel. Perry

Tholen, Fredrick H. (Lonie C.White) Ch Marie, Esther, Mae,Theodore, Pauline, *Edna, *Ber-nice; "Scenic View Stock Farm"Barry Rl Barry Sec21 OOOa (1914)Farmers Tel. Kinderhook

Thomas, Arch (Nioma Goodwin) ChRuth, Lucian, Jaunita; RockportAtlas SeclSW Farm Hand CarterBros. (1884)

Thomas, Filander (Julia Pulliam) Ch*Alice, *Albert, *Andrew, *Anna,*Fanny, *Harry, *Jesse, *Flossie;Kinderhook Rl Cincinnati Sec2Tl60a Fred Meyer (1870)

Thornas, Harry (Stella Curry) ChJulia, Wendell, Samuel Curry,father; Kinderhook Rl CincinnatiSees Tl60a Fred Meyer (1892)

Thomas, Ira (Lily Miller) Ch Verden,Clare, Mae, Mildred, Irene, Jessie,

Jaunita; Hadley Rl Derry SeelT49a Edith Gerard (1882) Pike Co.Tel. Baylis

Thomas, Philip W. (Malinda John-ston) Pittsfield R7 Hardin SeclOOSOa (1854) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Thompson, Archie A. (Jennie Metz)Chambersburg R2 ChambersburgSec7 094a (1891) Farmers Tel.

ChambersburgThompson, Elmer L. (Kvea Lewton)Ch Myron; Barry Rl Barry Sec21Ol60a (1912) Farmers Tel. Kinder-hook

Thompson, Irving G. (Blanche Cof-fey) Chambersburg Rl Chambers-burg Sec6 T90a Maria Thompson(1893) Farmers Tel. Chambersburgand Versailles

Thompson, Jesse M. Lottie M.Thompson, mother; "MaplewoodFarm" Pittsfield R2 Pittsfield Sec35Tl06a Lottie M. Thompson (1853)Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Thornton, A. Monteville (Sarah Lind-sey) Ch Cora, *Mabel; Pittsfield R7Hardin Sec3 Tl96a P. H. Conboy(1857) Farmers Tel.

Thornton, James A. (MargaretGrimes) Ch Ray, *Floyd, *Fay,*Gertie, *Wayne; Pittsfield R2 Har-din Sec7 O240a (1865) Pike Co. Tel.Pittsfield

Thornton, Richard S. (Sarah Allison)Ch Russell; Pearl R2 Spring CreekSec24 OSOa (1878) Farmers Tel.Pearl

Thornton, Wayne O. (Mamie Norton)Ch Eileen; Pittsfield R2 HardinSec7 T60a James A. Thornton(1897)Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Thurman, Arthur P. (Hila Mayo)"Silverleaf Farm" Pearl Rl Monte-zuma Sec22 077a (1863) Pike Co.Tel. Milton

Thurman, Howard (Delia Clemmens)Ch Neal; Pearl Rl MontezumaSec22 Ol20a (1876) Pike Co. Tel.

MiltonThurman, Ira A. (Iva Lacy) Ch Earl,

*Clara, *Opal; Pearl Pearl Sec3O40a (1859) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Thurman, Ora V. (Emma Harrison)Ch Gerald, *Basil; Pittsfield RlMontezuma Sec7 O80a (1870) PikeCo. Tel. Milton

Thurmun, John T. (Nancy Baren) Ch*Howard, *Lola; Pearl Rl Monte-zuma Sec22 Ol20a (1841) Pike Co.Tel. Milton

Thurnon, Robert and James (NancyKimbel) Pearl Montezuma Sec21OlOOa (1839-1843) Pike Co. Tel.


Tunmon, Adam T. (Ella Brown) ChCarrie, Lucille, Opal; Hull Kinder-

hook Ol40a (1870)

Tipton, William W. (Katharine Ham-mitt) Ch Florence. Frank, Ross,

*Harvey, *Mary, *Leta; New Can-ton R2 Cincinnati Secl3 T320aSeigel and Strass (1865)



Tittsworth, Albert L. (Carrie Fesler)Ch Grant, Clair, Forest, grandson,Wilbur, Wallace, *Nellie, *Jessie,

^Clifford, *Raymond; "Pikes PeakFarm" Barry Star Route Derry Sec8Ol40a (1863) Farmers Tel. Barry

Tittsworth, Fred (Bertha M. Davis)Ch Jesse, Alfred, Edna, Edith,Glenna, Franklin Tittsworth, father;

"Pleasant Ridge Farm" New Can-ton Rl Pleasantvale Secl3 O240a(1876) Farmers Tel. New Canton

Tittsworth, J. Frank (Nellie Elliott)

Ch Ivan M., Frances M.; "PleasantWood Farm" New Canton RlPleasantvale Sec34 O240a (1874)(Farmers Tel. New Canton

Tittsworth, Ray (Ethel Wade) ChMary A.; Hadley Rl Derry SeclST40a Floyd Raider (1891) Pike Co.Tel. Pittsfield

Tittsworth, T. J. (Jane Fesler) ChAddie; "The Lone Cedar Farm"New Canton Rl Derry Secl9 O80a(1855) Farmers Tel. El Dara

Tobias, George W. (Delia McClin-tock) Ch Granville, Linnie, George,Margaret, Leta, *Lela, *Lillian;

Rockport R2 Atlas Sec9 067a(l873)

Toland, William D, (Mary E. Rose)Ch Naomi L.; Baylis R2 HadleySecl2 04a (1886) Pike Co. Tel.Baylis

Tolbert, Carl B. (Grace Harper) ChCarl B. Junior; Chambersburg R2Chambersburg Sec9 Tl60a E. B.Tolbert (1892) Farmers Tel. Cham-bersburg

Tolbert, Chauncey R. (Opal M. Sides)Ch Margaret, Vivian; Chambers-burg R2 Chambersburg Sec9 Tl20aE. B. Tolbert (1890) Farmers Tel.Chambersburg

Toole, Charles (Lucy Lovell) Ch Mil-dred, Marjorie; New Salem Rl NewSalem Sec27 Farm Hand Williamand Nellie Preble (1883)

Tooley, Chauncey (Ida A. Trew) ChAleatha N., Harold E., Margaret B.,

Edith E . Delford D.. Chauncey A.Jr.; Plainville R2 Ol37a KinderhookSeel Tl37a H. J. Tooley (1876)Farmers Tel. Plainville

Tolson. Floyd E. (Marie Hays) ChHays, Sara Jane; Hadley Rl HadleySeclfi TSOa Carrie Hays (1911)Hadley and Baylis Tel. Baylis

Toombs, John W. (Mary Agur) BarryRl Barry Sec25 02a (1872)

Torrens, Elmer R. (Adeline Harrison)Barry R4 Hadley Sec29 T62aRobert Torrens (1898) Hadley andElDara Tel. Barry

Torrens, Robert M. (Sina Hilliard)Ch John, Harry, Marion, Elmer;Barry R4 Hadley Sec28-29 O220a(1863) Tel. Barry

Trautwein, Albert M. (Lenora Horn-back) Ch Lora, Raymond, Mabel;"Maple Hill Farm" New Canton RlDerrv Sec28 Ol60a (1864) FarmersTel. ElDara

Trautwein, S. J. (Minnie E. Stan-bridge) Ch Pearl, Carrie, Katherine,Albert, Virgil, Floyd, stepsonsHughie Bird and Fern Bird; NewCanton Rl Derry Sec30 OSOa (1860)Farmers Tel. ElDara

Treaster, Joseph S. (Myrtle Gudgel)Ch Myrtle, Esther; Hull LeveeSec24 T360a Wilder and Pearson(1888) Pike Co. Tel. Hull

Trew, John D. (Elizabeth Radcliflf) Ch*Cora, *Laura, *Charles, *Ida,*Myrtle, *Clara, *Frank, *Lawrence,"Sny Ecarte Fishing and HuntingClub" Hull R2 Levee SeclO T3aSeymour Bros.(l894)Bell Tel. Han-nibal

Triplett. Albert A. (Beulah James) ChEmmett, Mary F., Lucinda James,mother; Rockport R2 PleasantvaleSec36 Tla Sarah Worthen (1881)

Triplett, Albert W. (Eva McDaniel)Ch *Maud, *William, *Albert; BarryR2 Barry Secl2 OlSOa (1851) Tel.Barry

Triplett, W. W. (Mary B. Hall) ChM. Margaret- Barry R3 Barry SeclSO40a '(1881) Tel. Barry

Troutner, Enos J. (Anna Baace) Ch*Elsie, *Joe; Pearl Rl MontezumaSec33 O60a (1873) Pike Co. Tel.Pearl

Troutner, George Ch Fred; Pittsfield

R7 Hardin Secl9 Tla Strauss Bros.(1849)

Troutner, Henry (Mary Ransom) ChGuy, *Lelah; Pittsfield R7 HardinSecl9 T90a N. P. Hunter (1860)

Troutner, Loyd (Minnie Buchanan)Ch Clyde. Mabel; Nebo R3 PleasantHill Sec3n O50a (1889)

Troutner, Mary Todema and John;Pittsfield R7 Hardin Sec29 OlOa(1870)



Troutner, William M. (Myrtle Doyle)Ch Freda, Ervin, Everett; Pittsfield

R7 Hardin Sec29 OSa (1S75)

Tucker, Alex (Jane Whitaker) ChRussell, *James C; Griggsville RlFairmount Sec35 OSOa (1867)

Tucker, James C. (Ota Whitaker) ChHubert, James; Griggsville Rl Fair-

mount Sec35 OSOa (1877)

Tucker, John W. (Edea Bean) Ch*Clarence, *Laura; Griggsville RlGriggsville Sec29 TP.OOa Fred Far-rand (1879) Pike Co. Tel. Griggs-ville

Tucker, William F. (Lucy Davis) Ch*Ed'gar; Pittsfield Rl Detroit Sec29074a (1851) Glandon Tel. Milton

Turnbaugh, Alfro (Lena Flemphill)Pittsfield R7 Hardin Secll TlOOaR. A. Williams (1894)

Tumbaugh, Alice (Donohoo) ChBracey, Alta, Ruby, Harold, *Verna;Nebo R3 Spring Creek Sec34 O40a(1860) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Tumbaugh, Frank (Cunva Jennings)Pleasant Hill Rl Pleasant Hill

Sec29 OSOa (1893)Turnbaugh, Homer (Ina Couch) Ch

Gordon, Mavis; Nebo Rl HardinSec27 OsOa (1888) Farmers Tel.

Turnbaugh, Lycurgus C. (Dora Graf-ford) Ch *Otho, *Homer, *Roy;Nebo R3 Spring Creek Sec34 058a(1S85) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Turnbaugh, Otha (Olive Harlow)Ch Marvin, Imohl, Rex Beach,Dorothy; Nebo R3 Spring CreekSec34 Ol62a (1885) Farmers Tel.

NeboTurnbaugh, Roy G. (Nina Gregory)Ch Bonita; "Ridge View Farm"Nebo R2 Spring Creek Sec32 Ol60a(1894) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Turnbaugh, Thomas A. Luella sister;

Nebo R3 Spring Creek Sec31 O20a(1865)

Tuttle, J. A*NoeI M..

Turnbeaugh, Clinton (Elsie Smith) ChLowell B.; Nebo Pleasant Hill

Sec25 02a (1893) Pike Co. Tel.Nebo

Turnbeaugh, Mary Ch Press, Nellie,

Harvey, *Rettie, *01a, *Alta,

*Percy, *Bertha, *Clinton; NeboPleasant Hill Sec24 O40a (1874)

Turnbeaugh, Ray W. (Beulah Kille-

brew) Ch lUas, Annis; Nebo SpringCreek Sec7 Tl20a Evan Autrey(1893) Pike Co. Tel Nebo

TurnbuU, Fred W. (Bessie Butter-field) Ch Elva, Mildred, Lois;Griggsville R3 Griggsville Sec25O210a (1869) Pike Co. Tel. Griggs-ville

Turner, Chester A. (Minnie Cross-white) Ch Stella, Zoda, Opal, Pearl,

Tessa, *Thurston *Zora; Pearl Star

Route Pearl Sec33 OllOa (1880)

Pike Co. Tel. Pearl

Turner, Dolph (Maud Kessinger) ChCatherine, Carl, Marell, Keith;

Pearl Pearl SeclS T320a R. T.

Hicks (1879) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Turner, James E. (Ellen D. Weisner)Ch Kathryn, Clarence, Clara; "BigType Hog Farm" Hull R2 Cincin-

nati Sec7 O240a (1915)

Turner, John (Margaret Hoskins) ChPaul. Louise, Glen.Viola; New Can-ton Rl Derry Sec32 Toa GarnerBros. (1885)

Turner, Mary (Miller) Ch Guss, *Net-tie, *Dolph, *Chester, *Andus, *Ber-

tha, *Walter, *Myrtle; BeecreekPearl Sec33 044a (1S51)

Turner, Mrs. Susan (Chandler) HullR2 Kinderhook SeclS Ol04a (1858)

Cherokee Tel. Hull

Turner, Walter M. (Edna Kessinger)Ch Claude, Everett; Pearl Rl Pearl

Sees T40a George Lacy (1884)

Farmers Tel. Pearl

(Mildred Davis) Ch^Elizabeth, *Myrtle;

Nebo R3 Pleasant Hill Sec26 O80a(1874)

UUnderwood, William H. (Mabel Urven, G. Frank (Bertha VanPelt) Ch

Mills) Ch Richard; Pittsfield R5Pittsfield Sec27 Tl30a H. R. Mills

and J. H. Underwood (1891) Gland-don Tel. Pittsfield

Marion; Griggsville R2 Perry Sec24

TSOa Samuel Brook (1894) Glandon

Tel. Perry



Urven, Willie H. (Ollie Sutton) Ch

Ethel; Griggsville R2 Perry Sec24

T217a Joseph Shastid (1894) Glan-

don Tel. Perry

Usherwood, Thomas (Elizabeth

George) Ch Marie George, *Mary;"West Liberty Farm' Pittsfield R2Martinsbiire SeclO O40a SeclO TSOa

H. Bush (1865) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Utech, Ernest (Nellie Evans) ChNellie, Raymond, Ernest, Pearl,

Percy; "Pleasantvale Farm" NewCanton R3 Pleasantvale Sec29T200a N. J. Nichols (1917) PikeCo. Tel. New Canton

VValen, George W. (Elsie Littich)

Pleasant Hill Rl Ross Sec36 Tl60aStrauss and Morgan (1916)

VanBlaracon, Pete (Lindia Higdon)Ch Edmond, James; Valley Flint

Sec33 065a (1883)

VanBuskirk, William (Soha Hollen-

back) Ch William, Hattie; "TwinOak Farm" Hull R2 Levee Sec36

T375a Blackburn College (1903)

Vannatta, Conway (Ida Lee Aiken)

Ch Otto, Curtis; Baylis R3 NewSalem Sec5 Tl52a C. Aiken (1883)

Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Vannatta, Louis (Gladys Danniel) ChLouis, Carlos; Baylis R2 Fair-

mount Sec33 Tl40a J. W. Vannatta(1893) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Vanpelt, Henry H. (Mary Huston)Ch Eunice, Freda, Bernard; NeboRl Hardin Sec28 TSOa (1877)

Vanzandt, John B, (May McKinney)Ch Leslie, Fred, Don, *Lossie,

Kent, *Wayne, *Claud; Griggs-

ville Rl Fairmount Sec23 T4a Van-zandt Est. (1865) Pike Co. Tel.


Varner, Roland C. (Anna Riley)

Ch Donald; Pittsfield R5 Pittsfield

Sec32 Tl60a Martha McMahon(1915) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Vaughan, Roy J. (Grace Bartlett) ChJames, Jeannette, Thelma; Griggs-

ville R3 Griggsville Sec25 Tl60a R.

W. Harvey (1880) Pike Co. Tel.


Vaughn, John W. (Mina Wheeler)

Ch Virgil, Earl, Gladys; Pearl Star

Route Pearl Sec27 T240a Louisa

Meisenbach (1872) Farmers Tel.


Venable, Albert (Katie Yokem) ChAlice, *Joseph, *Mabel; PleasantHill Star Route 1 Pleasant Hill

Sec27 Ol65a (1873) Pike Co. Tel.Pleasant Hill

Venicombe, Fred W. (Nancy Drum-mond) Ch Geneva, Ernest; HadleyRl Hadley Sec27 058a (1879)

Hadley and Barry Tel. Barry

Vickroy, Arthur T. (Nina Bland) ChLinnie; Nebo R2 Spring CreekSec36 Ol60a (1877) Farmers TeLNebo

Vickroy, John W. (Cora Kiser) De-troit Detroit Secl8 Ola (1870)Farmers Tel. Detroit

Vincent, Samuel A. (Gertie Huston)Ch Dolly, Margaret, Rowena,Marion; Hull R2 Cincinnati Sec9T236a Merl Warren (1902) PikeCo. Tel. Hull

Vincent, Samuel J. (Ella Palmer) Cli

Earl, Rowena, Volume, Gladys,*Samuel, *Pearl: "Buff IslandFarm" Hull R2 Cincinnati Sec9T320a Laura Stevens (1903) PikeCo. Tel. Hull

VonGreyeiz, K.Ch *Emma; "FloffmanPlace" Rockport R2 Atlas 04a(1906) Glandon Tel. Rockport

Vose, Charles W. (Lois Smith) ChTheodore, Verda, Verna; PerryPerry Sec28 O 58a(l88l) GlandonTel. Perry

Vose, Frank W. Ch Harry, Jeanette,*John P., *Charles W; PerryPerry Sec33 OlOOa (1873) GlandonTel. Perry

Voss, John P. (Addie Hannant) ChBertha, William, Ireta, John Jr.;Perry Perry Secl2 OlOOa Sec20T60a W. A. Hannant (1882) Farm-ers Tel, Perry



wWackerman, Loyd L. (Viola Grahm)

Pittsfield R4 Pittsiield Secl9 Ol60a(1889) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Wade, Arthur W. (Ella Mitchell) ChJuliette, Margaret, Samuel; Griggs-ville R3 Flint Sec30 O300a (1861)Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Wade, Charles M. (Bernice Baker) ChRichard; Chambersburg Rl PerrySec9 Tl40a J. S. Brim (1895) Farm-ers Tel. Perry

Wade, Edward C. (Louisa Rigg) Ch*Mary, *Alden; Perry Perry Sec21Ol06a (1853) Glandon Tel. Perry

Wade, Laura B. (Stephens) Ch Her-bert, Mary, *Blanche, *Charles,Gilbert; Baylis R3 Perry Secl8Ol20a (1890) Farmers Tel. Perry

Wade, Robert (Lizzie Brown) ChCharles, Louise, May, Margaret,Clinton; Griggsville R3 NewburgSec2 O40a (1867) Glandon Tel.Griggsville

Wade, Thomas (Maggie Dolbow) ChHarvey, Bessie, Roy, Ellis, *Owen,*Ellen, *Stella, *Ina; FlorenceDetroit Secl5 Farm Hand NewellNorton (1869) Farmers Tel. Detroit

Waggner, Chester (Lilly Heavner)Pearl Pearl Secl6 OlOa (896)

Waggner, Oscar (Nettie M. Criss)

Ch Mildred S.; Pleasant HillPleasant Hill Sec20 Ol^a (1883)Farmers Tel. Pleasant Hill

Waggner, Thomas W. (Jalie Roberts)Ch Alta, Leland, Lyndle, *George,Clarence; Pleasant Hill R2 Mar-tinsburg Sec22-5 Ol40a (1854)Farmers Tel. Martinsburg

Waggner, William A. (Emma Bo-gart) Ch *Zula, *Verna; Pearl G. D.Pearl Secl9 Ol21a (1865) FarmersTel. Pearl

Waggoner, Abie (Artie Baird)) ChLowell, Lorene, Floyd; Pearl R2Pearl Sec21 O60a (1890) FarmersTel. Pearl

Waggoner, Clarence E. (Mina Lord)Ch Leota, Fred, Maletta, Thelma,Russell; Pleasant Hill Rl Martins-burg Sec35 048a (1880) FarmersTel. Martinsburg

Waggoner, George C. (Carrie Kern)Ch Cov, Beryl, Mazie €, GarthPittsfield R5 Pittsfield Sec31 Tl20aLovell Est. (1875)

Waggoner, J. William (Maud Taylor)Ch Clififord, Opal. Walter, Mary,Harvey; Pittsfield R7 Hardin Sec9Tl40a H. H. White (1879) Pike Co.Tel. Pittsfield

Wagner, Fred W. (Martha Liehr) ChEfiie, Dennis, Alta, Luwinnie,Floyd, John; Chambersburg RlPerry SeclT Ol25a (1873) FarmersTel. Perry

Wagner, George (Dola King) PerryPerry Secl7 T200a David Watkins(1870) Farmers Tel. Perry

Wagner, Leonard (Caroline Scheer)Ch *George, *Alice, *Isabella, *Ida,*Maud, *Cetta; Chambersburg RlPerry Sec4 OSOa (1841) FarmersTel. Perry

Wagner, Roy L. (Blanche Wade) ChVirgil, Ninabelle, Ethel, May;Chambersburg Rl Perry Secl7Tl20a Elizabeth Mart (1891) Farm-ers Tel. Perrj'-

Wahl, John L. (Aletha Godfrey)Kinderhook Rl Barry Sec7 Tl24aRoy Likes (1907) Tel. Kinderhook

Waite, Joseph A. (Mary A. Cheflfy)

Ch *Wesley, *Bessie; GriggsvilleRl New Salem Secl2 Ol60a (1864)

- Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Waite, Wesley P. (Edna Viola Bart-lett) Ch Paul; Griggsville Rl NewSalem Secl2 Tl60a J. A. Waite(1895) Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Walch, Charlie A. (Eva Ross) ChHarry, Loren, Freddie; Hull RlKinderhook Sec3 Ol86a (1878)Blufif Co. Tel. Hull

Walk, Charles W. (Dora Hayden) ChGeorge, Veda, Margaret; "Sunny-brook Farm" Bedford MontezumaSec23 Ol5a (1896) Pike Co. Tel.Milton

Walker, Albert A. Moses, Louise,Melesient. Fredia, brothers andsisters, Nellie Thomas, mother;Hadley Rl Hadley Sec23 O40a(1886) Star Tel. Barry

Walker, Charles (Edith Powell) ChJosephine, John; Griggsville RlPerry Secl9 Ol33a (1884) FarmersTel. Perry

Walker, Earl (Hazel Martin) Griggs-ville Rl New Salem Sec2 Tla FarmHand Anda Wilson (1914) Pike Co.Tel. Baylis



Walker, Ellis (Goldie Masters) ChHarold; Hull Kinderhook Sec33Tl8a William Mason (1897)

Walker, Fred (Alta Guthree) ChEverett; Pleasant Hill Star RoutePleasant Hill Sec26 T305a Neal

Guthrie (1805)

Walker, James W. (Ellen Batley)

Ch *John D., *Russell, *Gertrude;

Griggsville Rl Fairmount Sec24-13

O2()0a (1850) Pike Co. Tel. Perry

Walker, John A. (Nancy Dells)

Bariy R2 Hadley Sec5 042a (1917)

Tel Barry

Walker, John M. (Elsie Hall) Griggs-

ville R2 Perry Sec24 038a Perry

Sec24 Tl80a Grace C. Gray (1899)

Walker, Margaret H. (Johnson) Ch*Sadie, *Kdith, *Clifford; HadleyRl Hadley Sec23 097a (1871) Star

Tel. BarryWalker, Mrs. Mary F. Ch *Nellie,

*Robert L., *CharIes A.; Griggsville

Rl Fairmount Sec24 OlfiOa (1855)

Pike Co. Tel. Perry

Walker, Ralph (Maggie Browning)Ch Prentice, Paul, Helen; Cham-bersburg Rl Perry Sec21 Oll7a(1899) Farmers Tel. Perry

Walker, Robert L. (Elizabeth Butler)

Griggsville Rl Fairmount Sec24

OlGla Perry Secl9 Tla Caroline

VanZandt (1872) Farmers Tel.


Walker, Russell H. (Florence Dor-sey) Ch Algeriene, Frances,

Theresa; Griggsville Rl PerrySecl9 Tsoa James Walker (1888)

Farmers Tel. Perry

Walker, Willard S. Mary, sister;

Griggsville R2 Griggsville Secl3

O40a (18G6) Pike Co. Tel. Griggs-ville

Walker, William H. Ch Emmet;iRockport R2 Atlas Secl2E Ol50a(1860)

Wallace, Charles F. (Hattie Hopson)Ch Enoch, Beverly, Emma, Jaunita;Rockport Rl Atlas SeclW TlGOaFred Greiner (1899)

Wallace. Enoch W. (Ida Golloher)Ch William, Nelson; Rockport RlRoss Secl8 Tl80a Winkle Bros.

(1896)Wallace, Joseph (Euphamia Dol-

beare) Ch Loraine L.; New CantonR3 Pleasantvale Sec35 0235a (1877)Pike Co. Tel. New Canton

Wallace, Myrt (Nellie Tittsworth)Ch Eldon, Pauline; New Canton RlPleasantvale Sec2M O80a (1875)Farmers Tel. New Canton

Wallson, James A. (Agnes Turn-bonugh) Ch Wesley, Summer HillR2 Atlas Farm Manager EmersonDeans (1884)

Walmsley, Harry (Nina Cummins)Ch Granville, Havden; GriggsvilleRl Fairmount Sec26 Tla AlbertMcLaughlin (1908)

Walmsley,. Virgil (Mary B. Durham)Baylis R3 Fairmount Sec31 Tl60aR. T. Walmsley (1900) Farmers Tel.


Walpole, Clyde (Ona Thiele) ChRobert, James, Mary, Evelyn-Griggsville R2 Perry Sec36 T90aJoseph Stoner (1888) Glandon TeLPerry

Walsh, Charlotte (Charlotte Hull) Ch*Frank, *Roy, *Charlie, *Ellis,.

*Fannie, *John; Kinderhook RlKinderhook Secl3 Ol50a (1856)Blufif Co. Tel. Kinderhook

Walsh, William Ellis (Jennie Law-son) Kinderhook Rl KinderhookSeel 0262a (1880) Bluff Co. TeLKinderhook

Walston, Elizabeth Ch *Hattie,*Will-iam, *Elizabeth, Perry and DennisWalston, grandchildren; PleasantHill Rl Pleasant Hill Secl5 Ol22aWalston Heirs (1843) Farmers Tel.

Pleasant Hill

Walton, Anna (Anna Worley) ChWilliam, Tames. Ethel, *Luella,*Lizzie. *Maud; Rockport R2 AtlasSecllE OlSa (18R6)

Walton, Worthmgton M. (MinnieBridgeman) Ch Veda. Harvey;Pleasant Hill R2 Martinsburg Secl7TSOa William Losch (1919)

Wamsley, Daniel F. (Dora Bovles)Ch John. Minnie, Daniel Jr., *Will-iam, *Marv, *Clarissa, *Sarah,*NelHe; New S^lem Rl Pittsfield

Sec3 Tl60a William Kerr (1871)

Ward, Albert (Be'^sie Williams) ChIrving, Alice Ward, mother; NewCanton Rl Pleasantvale Sec36 T60aAlice Ward (1881^

Ward, Charles (Eva Billings) ChEarl, Edith, Everett, Edward; NewCanton R2 Cincinnati Sec36 Tl90aPfeiffer Est. (1874) Bell Tel. New-Canton



Ward, Elmer, (Adrian Lynch) ChEverett, Hubert, Trula; New Can-ton Rl Pleasantville Sec36 T60aAlice Ward (1886)

Ward, Ernest H. (Jennie Temple)Ch Harold T.; New Canton R3Pleasantvale Sec35 Tl50a LymanWard (1884) Pike Co. Tel. NewCanton

Ward, George (Jessie David) ChAdrian, George, Lola; RockportAtlas SecloW T40a (1886)

Ward, George F. Ch Gerdie, Lowell.Floyd, *Lester; Pleasant Hill R2Martinsburg Sec28 Ol90a (1865)Farmers Tel. Pleasant Hill

Ward, Giles E. (Gertrude Haskins)Ch Eloise; New Canton R2 Cin-cinnati Sec26 TOOa Samuel Dicka-son (1897) Pike Co. Tel. New Can-ton

Ward. Harry (Cathaleen Pfeiffer)

"Cincinnati Landing Stone Farm"New Canton R2 Cincinnati Sec25Ola (1900) Pike Co. Tel. NewCanton

Ward, Harry E. (Cassie Vannatta) ChHelen, Alice. Kyle, Lois, also HarryWard Sr.; Baylis R2 New SalemSec4 Tl38a A. Henthorn (1879)Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Ward, Isaac (Sarah R. Malone) ChHazel, Gladys, *Ed'na; Barry R3Pleasantvale Secll T300a Dr. R. H.Main (1861)

Ward, Leonard (Lizzie Welton) ChCharles; Rockport Atlas Sec24WFarm Hand W. H. Carter (1890)Glandon Tel. Rockport

Ward, Lester E. (Ethel Zumwalt) ChLester Jr.; Pleasant Hill R2 Mar-tinsburg Secl7 092a (1891)

Ward, Lyman (Sarah E. Decker) Ch*Bessie, *Alta, *Ernest H.; "FarView Farm" New Canton R3Pleasantvale Sec35 0255a (1849)

Pike Co. Tel. New Canton

Ward, Ora, Carson and Carl SusanHall Ward, mother; Hull Rl Kin-derhook Sec5 0436a (1875) Bell

Tel. HannibalWard, Thomas J. (Emily Demoin)Ch Dema, Weston, Gertrude, Re-beckie, Mamie, Effie; "Twin BridgeFarm" Rockport R2 Atlas Sec24W065a (1848) Glandon Tel. Rock-port

Ward, William H. (Idora McQuity)Ch John, Pauline, Florine, *0pal,*Ray; Pittsfield Rl Newburg Sec26Olla (1864) Farmers Tel. Pittsfield

Wardow, William Hull R2 LeveeSecl3 Tl6.Ja Dr. McGinnis (1919)

Wartou, George H. (Margaret Riddle)Ch George, Louisa, Dorothy, Leslie,

Marion; Griggsville R3 Griggsville

Sec27 Ol20a (1862) Pike Co. Tel.Griggsville

Washington, James E. (Mary Mc-Worters) Ch *Edward, *Bell, *Ada,*Charles; "Pumpkin Ridge Farm"Barry R3 Hadley Sec28 O80a (1891)Hadley and Barry Tel. Barry

Washington, William E. (SophiaThomas) Ch Thomas, William;Barry R3 Hadley Sec33 Tl38a M.L. Davis (1890) Star Tel. Barry

Wassell, Carson (Evelyn Harris) ChJaunita; Rockport R2 Atlas Sec2ET50a Ike Strauss (1893) FarmersTel. Rockport

Wassell, Elmer (Dorothy Camp) ChFred, *Guy, *Clair; Pittsfield R5Derry Sec36 025a (1852)

Wassell, George D. (Lulu Gay) ChH. Gay, Loreen Johnson, wife ofGay, Wanna Marie, baby of Gay;"Willow Brook Farm" Pittsfield R5Martinsburg Sec8 OSOa (1874) PikeCo. Tel. Pittsfield

Wassell, Grant (Alice Ator) Ch Carl,*Harrison, *Carson; Pittsfield R4Derry Sec35 O40a (1865) Pike Co.Tel. Pittsfield

Wassell, Guy (May Garrett) ChVera, Bert, Lena, Marion, Edna,Leola; Pittsfield R4 Derry Sec2502a (1885) Farmers Tel. Pittsfield

Wassell, Harrison (Teresa Bubb)Ch Wanda; Pittsfield R5 DerrySec34 T70a Strauss Bros (1891)Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Wasson, Ninnis T. (Mary Clark) ChMarguerite; "High Ridge Farm"Hull Rl Kinderhook Sec4 T200aGeorge Wasson (1892) BlufiE Tel.Plainville

Waters, Alfred (Nina Cooley) ChLois; Griggsville Rl FairmountSec23 T50a Fred Baldwin (1893)

Waters, Archie (Alma Mayfield) ChLee, Kendall, Herbert, Genevieve;Siloam Rl Fairmount Sec4 T60aAmbros Waters (1889) Pike Co.Tel. Fishook and Baylis



Waters, Frank (Bell Woods) ChClare Meads, granddaughter,*George, *AmeHa, *Estella, *Am-brose, *Archie, *Minnie, *Alfred,

*Myra; Siloam Rl P'airmount Sec5045a (1850) Pike Co. Tel. Fish-

ook and Baylis

Waters, Harry (Grace Worthen) ChMabel V. and Newell Rhodus; NewCanton R3 Pleasantvale Sec34Tl60a Minnie Funk (18S5) Pike Co.

Tel. New Canton

Waters, William D. (Amelia Woods)Ch *Arthur; Baylis R3 FairmountSec20 OlOOa (1844) Farmers Tel.


Watkins, David (Mary Hannant)Perry G. D. Perry wSeclS 0279a(1859) Farmers Tel. Perry

Watkins, John F. Ch :\Iary, George;"Cedar Mound Farm'" Griggsville

R3 Griggsville Sec29 OlSOa (1864)

Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Watson, Claude I. (Velma Arnett) ChKenneth, Carroll ; "Fruitland Or-chards" Pittsfield Rl Detroit Sec33TlOOa William Perrv (1885) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Watson, Dexter E. (Lottie Parker)Ch Mildred, John; "Walnut GroveFarm" Barry Rl Barry SeclO 094a(1872) Tel. Barry

Watson, James M. (Ellen Clark) ChNellie, James Jr., *Maud, *Claud,*Susia; Pittsfield Rl Hardin Sec5Ol73a (1862) Pike Co. Tel. Pitts-


Watson, William W. (Margaret A.Bonnell) Ch Margaret,Agnes,*Bret;Barry R3 Barry Sec27 O]60a (1857)Barry Tel. Barry

Weaver, Cyrus (Gertrude Cory) ChVirgil, Ralph, Howard, Velma, Mel-vin, Eugenia, Clara: Siloam RlFairmount Sec4 Tla Farm Hand-Monzo Newton (1885) Pike Co.Tel. Tempest and Fishook

Weaver, Frank (Lizzie Draper)Nebo Rl Hardin Scc:;2 O340a(1869) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Weaver, O. N. (Ella Draper) ChCleona, Lewell; Pleasant Hill RlPleasant Hill Secl4 OSna (1886)

Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Weaver, Hiram (Margaret Galloway)Ch Raymond; Pittsfield R3 New-burg Sec21 048a (1855) FarmersTel. Pittsfield

Weaver, John (Alma McKey) ChCecil, Logan, Lee, Dennis; "Pleas-ant Valley Farm" Nebo Rl HardinSec32 O200a (1888) Pike Co. Tel.Pittsfield

Weaver, Orion M. (Sylvia Rush) ChVictor, Mardelle; Detroit DetroitSecl9 T96a Mrs. Alice Weaver(1895) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Webel, George I. (Hattie E. Morrell)Ch Albert, Ross, Guy, Walter, *Ed-ward; Chambersburg Rl Perry Sec4O440a (1868) Farmers Tel. Perry

Weber, Harry M. (Nettie Wilkins)Ch Vera; Griggsville Rl FairmountSec36 T240a J. W. Rush (1884) PikeCo. Tel. Perry and Griggsville

Webster, George H. (Stella Barton)Ch Donald, Dean; Pleasant Hill

Pleasant Hill Sec8 Olloa (1884)

Pike Co. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Webster, John T. (Cora Wheeler) ChTurner, Varena, Sarahann; Monte-zuma Star Route Montezuma SeclO05Sa (1876) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

Weddington, Clyde C. (Alma Grace)Ch Florine, Donald; KinderhookRl Barry Secl9 Farm Manager H.C. McCarel (1887) Farmers Tel.Kinderhook

Weddington, William C. (Lillie Close)Ch *Lawrence. *Anna; KinderhookRl Kinderhook Secl4 Ol l-16a

(1850) Bluff Co. Tel. KinderhookWeeks, Harry E. (Lora Lemons)Pittsfield R3 Newburg Sec22 TlOOaJohn Eagle (1893) Glandon Tel.


Welbourne, Melvin C.(Lorena Nichol)Ch Hale, Francis, Dallas, Helen,Lyndell, Lloyd, *Richard; Barry R3Barry Sec26 Ol3a (1876) Pike Co.Tel. Bari-3'

Welbourne, William (JosephineBaker) Ch Golden, *Melvin C,*William; Hadley Rl Hadley Sec34O80a (1SG9) Hadley Shaw Tel.Barry

Welbourne, William S. Jr. (AdelineWoods) Ch Mary, William; "Pleas-ant Valley Farm" Hadley Rl Had-ley Sec34 Tla Nichol Bros. (1888)Hadley and ElDara Tel. Barry

Wellenreiter, Wesley L. (CarolinePonder) Ch Clyde; ChambersburgR2 Chambersburg Sec30 T200aAugust Hund (1875) Farmers Tel.Chambersburg and Versailles



Wells, Archibald A. (Mary J. Cald-well) Ch Ethel, *Joseph, *Alice,

*Belle, *James, *Lewis, *Forest;Barry R3 Pleasantvale Sec4 028a(1845)

Wells, Claude (Florence Long) ChAda, lola, Clavide Jr., Hazel, Eva,Kenneth, Keith, *Fern; Pittsfield R2Hardin Secl8 Ol54a (1877) Pike Co.Tel. Pittsfield

Wells, Floyd (Christena Hallan) ChOtis, Kenneth; Barry Rl BarrySecl4 Oiaoa (1897) Pike Co. Tel.

BarryWells, George C. (Clara Hammett)Ch Raymond, Elmer, Bertha,George; Baylis R2 New Salem Sec9T2a James Ferrand (1903)

Wells, Robert N. Ch Cassie, *Cynthia,*Shula, *Frank; Pittsfield R2 Mar-tinsburg SeclO TSOa John Hook(1853)

Welty, Jacob (Sarah Burns) ChDelta. *Daniel; "Maple Farm" De-troit R3 Detroit Seco Ol60a (1855)Farmers Tel. Detroit

Wendling, Lack (Anna Riggs) ChLena, Clyde, *Glenna; Chambers-burg Rl Perry Secl2 O40a (1874)Farmers Tel. Chambersburg

Wendling,Victor E. (Leah Dwyer) ChIra, Charles, Geneva; ChambersburgRl Perry Secl4 Ol90a Perry Secl5Tl8a A. M. Dorsey (1889) GlandonTel. Perry

West, Mrs. Anna B. Ch Helen, *Lois;"Pine Lawn Farm" New Canton RsPleasantvale Sec22 OSOOa (1896)Pike Co. Tel. New Canton

West, Elmer Z. (Louisa Simmons)Ch Marie; Baylis R3 New SalemSees 093a (1871) Pike Co. Tel.Baylis

West. Miles (Dora Helm) Ch Ray-mond E, Pittsfield R4 Derry Sec24Ol20a (1875) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Westlake, C. H. (Edith Clayton) ChWilliam; Pittsfield Rl NewburgSec29 O40a Newburg Sec29 Tl60aHardin Westlake (1878) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Westlake, George W. Ch Bertrand;"Walnut Lane Farm" Pittsfield RlNewburg Sec29-21 O240a (1843)Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Westlake, Hardin J. (Mary PuUiam)Ch *Vinnie, *Clara, *Franklin, *Lu-ella, *Cassines; Pittsfield Rl New-burg Sec29 Ol60a (1846) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Wetzel, Henry (Grace Copeland) ChArland, Alaisie; Griggsville RlPerry Secll O203a GriggsvilleSecl5 Tl60a Sam Bradshaw (1884)Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Whalen, James W. (Maggie Neece)Ch Nedra; "Locust Mound Farm"Pleasant Hill R2 Ross Sec24 Tl60aJ. L. Kiser (1887)

Wheelan, James (Eliza Brown) ChJames G., granddaughter Ella Fes-ler, *William, *Mary; "MaplewoodLawn Farm" Barry Rs Pleasant-vale Seel O320a (1855) Pike Co.Tel. Barry

Wheelan, Scully J. (Fanny Robb) ChWilliam S., Ralph G.; Barry R3Pleasantvale Seel TSOa JamesWheelan (1890)

Wheeler, Angelo F. (Leoan Sconce)Ch Eva, Beulah, Gilbert, Ivo, Cleao*Dola, *Daley; Pearl R2 Pearl Sec29T4a Daley Wheeler (1871) Farmerslei. Pearl

Wheeler, Ben M. (Edna Mullenix) ChCecil, Johnny; Montezuma StarRoute Montezuma SeclO O90a(1881) Pike Co. Tel. Milton

^^!^l^/',.^^"^ ^- (^^^bel Vickroy)Ch Mildred, Monica; Pleasant HillRoss Secl6 TlOOa R. F. Buttv(1895)


Wheeler, Dola (Zula Ottwell) ChPaul; Pearl R2 Pearl Sec29 O40a(1893) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Wheeler, George W. (Dora Booth)Ch *Tom, *Nellie, *May, *Truman*Allie, *Iva, *Weaver; Pearl PeariSecl8 0126a (1854) Farmers Tel.Pearl

Wheeler, Henry W. (Ocie Wagner)Ch Bernice, Loren, Kenneth; PearlR2 Pearl Sec28 OSOa (1883) Farm-ers Tel. Pearl

Wheeler, Jeff (Lula Frazer) Ch Ora,Mamie, Oren; Pearl Star RoutePearl Sec34 Ol60a (1877) FarmersTel. Pearl

Wheeler, Jonas (Amanda Clark) ChElsie, Flossy; Griggsville Rl Griggs-ville Sec4 Farm Hand N. S. Dun-ham (1008)

Wheeler, Violando F. (Ella Ottwell)Ch Wilbert, Carna, Ottwell Clif-ford, *Cecil, *Golda; Nebo RlHardin Sec28 OSOa (1868)

Wheeler, William Ch *Laura, *Arthur,*Oscar, *Emma, *John; Pearl PearlSecl8 O80a (1845)



Wheelock, Clarence (Agnes Dugger)Hull R2 Levee Sec2 Tl60a DeckWheelock (1896)

Wheelock, Dexter (Cornelia Nichol-

son) Ch Laura, *Harry, *Florence,

*FeHn, *John, *Clarence, *Carl;

"Locust Grove Farm" Hull RlKinderhook Sec6 0787a (1858)

Wheelock, John H. Sr. (RememberE. Smith) Ch Coyne, *John G.;

"Mud Hook" Hull R2 KinderhookSec6 0465a (1861) Cherokee Tel,


Wheelock, John H. Jr. (Sena John-son) Hull Rl Kinderhook Sec7

T207a Dexter ^Vheelock (1893)

Bluff Co. Tel. Hull

Whitaker, Andy (Nora Allen) ChGladys, Laverne; Baylis R3 Fair-

mount SeclO Tla Farm Hand LakeEstate (1906) Pike Co. Tel. Fis-

hook and Baylis

Whitaker, Sylvester B. (Emma Clary)

Ch Myria L.; New Canton R3Pleasantvale Sec32 Tl60a HarryNichols (1904) Pike Co. Tel. NewCanton

White Bros., Joseph, Robert andFrank E. New Salem Rl NewSalem Sec31-29-30 0484a (1865)

Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

White, Charles C. (Frieda May) ChCarroll, Margaret; New Salem RlNew Salem Sec30 T460a AndrewWhite (1881) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

White, Emmett (Lenna Stamback)New Salem Rl Hadley Sec25 O80a(1870) Glandon Tel. Baylis

White, Harry O. (Bertha Butler)Griggsville Rl Perry Secl9 T89aJoseph White (1894) Farmers Tel.

PerryWhite, James H. (Jessie Ralph) Ch

Jessie, Erbie, Eugene; Pleasant Hill

Rl Ross Sec24-35 T436a FrankFrorer Est. (1910)

White, Joseph (Ida Davis) Ch *Anna,*Zella, *Joseph, *David, *Robert,*Samuel, *Harry; Griggsville RlPerry Secl9 089a (1865) FarmersTel. Perry

White, Joseph E. (America White)Ch Marie, =i"Arthur,*Chester, *CeciI,

*Ora, *Tena; Pearl Pearl SeclS 06a(1912)

White, Robert R. (Mary Bradburg)Chambersburg Rl Perry Secl7Tl85a William Liehr (1889) Farm-ers Tel. Perry

White, Samuel S. (Blanche Gray) ChNellie Aileen; Griggsville Rl Fair-

mount Sec26 TlOOa E. J. Gray(1891) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

White Sisters, Sarah and Mary NewSalem Rl New Salem Sec20Ol2SJ4a (1856)

White, Wilbur G. (Blanche Hayden)Ch Robert, Mildred, Geneva;Griggsville Rl Perry Sec33 TlBOaSamuel Doane (1880) Glandon Tel.


White," William (Ida Harshman) Ch*Ada; "The Edgewood Farm" NewSalem Rl New Salem Sec30 075a(1851) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Whitefield, John (Clara Butler) ChAlvin; Griggsville R2 Griggsville

Secl2 T90a William Wilson (1854)Pike Co. Tel. Griggsville

Whitlock, Mammie (Mammie Chap-man) Ch John, Floyd, *James,*Ernest, *Etta, *Nina, *Letha;Rockport Rl Ross Sec5 Tla Will-iam Yokem (1899)

Whitmore, Orville (Melvina Decter)Ch Sylvia, Vada, Owen, Dorothy,Eldred; Baylis R3 FairmountSec3 0227a (1860) Pike Co. Tel.Tempest and Perry

Whitwerf, Joseph W. (Nellie Worth-en) Ch Marie, Alice Baker;Hull R2 Cincinnati Sec5 T200a N.T. Nichols (1879) Pike Co. Tel.

HullWhittaker, Thomas B. (AlHe Lane)Ch Foster, Emeline, Walter, *Ben-nic, *Frank, *Ethel, *May;"Thomas Whittaker Farm" Hull R2Kinderhook Sec29 T60a NormanNichols (1904)

Wiedman, Frank F. (Fanny Bray)Ch *Charles; Pleasant Hill RlPleasant Hill Sec31 T7a W. D.Stark (1870) Pike Co. Tel. Pleas-ant Hill

Wike, Joseph R. (Welma Card) ChPhillip, Phyllis; New Canton RlPleasantvale Sec22 Tl60a Anna E.

Wike (1895) Pike Co. Tel. NewCanton

Wike, Lewis A. (Maggie M. Godfrey)Ch *Maud; "The Mound Farm"Barry R3 Barry Sec34 OSOa (1866)

Gay Tel. BarryWike, T. Carson (Chloe Decker) Ch

Dallas, Carolyn, Kvle; New CantonR3 Pleasantvale S'ec27 Tl57i^a R.

M. Atkinson (1884) Pike Co. Tel.

New Canton



Willard, Charley W. (Lola Cunning-ham) Ch Ilia, Leo, Wayne, Everett,Harold, Travis, Irene, Jess, Edith;Pittsfield R7 Hardin Sec33 T400aStrauss Bros. (1877) Pike Co. Tel.


Willard, John (Jennie Crowder) ChOrphie, *Orbie; Pearl R2 PearlSecl6 04lHa (1863) Farmers Tel.


Willard, Loren E. (Etta Stout) ChWayne, Frances, Loren Jr.; Pitts-

field R7 Hardin Secl5 T250a M. M.Willard (1893)

Willard, Murray M. (Rosa Donohoo)Ch Lee, Lena., *Loren, *Nellie;

Pittsfield R7 Hardin Secl5-16-31O250a (1859) Farmers Tel. Time

Willard, Ora L. (Lettie Chamberlain)Ch Harry, Thelma, Lyndle; Pitts-

field R7 Hardin Sec21 O310a• (1879) Pike Co. Tel. Time

William, Robert A. Pittsfield Rl Har-din SeclO OllOOa (1860) Pike Co.Tel. Pittsfield

Williams, Albert A. (Lorena Hamil-ton) Ch Ruby, Albert, Lyndal, Eli,

Lucile, Burton, Maud, *Lena; NewCanton R2 Cincinnati Sec24 T200aCarl D. Sieberns (1876)

Williams, Arthur E, (GertrudeBaughmon) Ch Amanda, Delia,

Loraine; Pleasant Hill R2 Martins-burg Sec20 Tl^Oa Charles O.Loush (1879)

Williams, Charles E. (Gladys Philips)

Ch Marvin, Marshall; RockportDerry Sec30 Tla Isaac N. Williams(1889)

Williams, Charlie M. (Fannie Trip-lett) €h Helen, Ethel, Emma,Harvey, Charles. Reta; Baylis R3Fairmount Sec32 Tl«Oa N. C. Bow-en (1895) Farmers Tel. Baylis

Williams, Clarence F. (Leta Sander-son) Ch Claybourn, Phillip; "Mor-mon Hill Farm" Pittsfield R3 New-burg Sec21 T270a C. A. Williams(1889) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Williams, Claude E. (Letha Doyle)Ch Margaret, Esther; Pittsfild R4Martinsburg Secl2 O40a FarmHand John Siegel (1883)

Williams, David H, (Essie Turn-flough) Ch Fay, Frank, Lecal,Burdette, Lodean, Flourn, *Ethel;Pearl Rl Montezuma Sec20 Tl60aLou Hess (1902)

Williams, Harry F. (Olive Philips)Ch Elizabeth; Rockport AtlasSec7W Tl40a A. A. Arms GlandonTel. Rockport

Williams, Henry M. (Bessie Whit-ney) "The Putz Farm" GriggsvilleRl Griggsville Secl7 T460a MissMary Yates (1881) Pike Co. Tel.Griggsville

Williams, Isaac N. Ch Susie, herhusband Elliot Betts,*James,*Jesse,*Claud, *Charles, *Stephen; El-Dara Derry Sec29 Ol80a (1851)Farmers Tel. El Dara

Williams, James H. (Viva Shinn) ChBasil, Gertrude, Robert, Alta; NewCanton Rl Derry Sec31 OSOa (1877)Farmers Tel. El Dara

Williams, James M, (Mabel B. Fuller)Ch Lena, Fay, Delpha, Ada,*Morris, *Burl, *Eugene, *Rus-sel, *Leonard, *Nettie, *Nola,*Fern. *Nellie; New Canton RlPleasantvale Sec23 O80a (1844)

Williams, Jesse N. Ch Walter, Law-rence, Ralph; "Crosier SpringFarm" El Dara Derry Sec30 O40a(1881) Farmers Tel. El Dara

Williams, John M. (Kate Conley) ChHal, Ray, Mary, Elizabeth, Harry,Katharine, Walter- Rockport R2Atlas Secl4E. O40a (1881)

Williams, Leland E. (Clara Sloan)Ch Mildred; Detroit Detroit SeclQT2a (1890) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Williams, Lucian (Nettie Smith) ChRussell, Earl, Harold, Carl, Ray,*Mary; New Canton R2 Cincin-nati Sec26 T300a Sam Dickason(1882) Pike Co. Tel. New Canton

Williams, Morris (Jennie Watson)"Cedar Crest Moray HomesteadFarm" New Canton Rl Pleasant-vale Sec21 Ol35a Watson Heirs(1874) Pike Co. Tel. New Canton

Williams, Newton J. (Dora Barnett)

Ch Tena Pearl; Pittsfield R3 De-troit Sec9 O40a Tl62a C. L. Hall

(1869) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Williams, Norman (Bonney Betts)

Ch Walter, Clififord, Frances; NewCanton Rl Derry Sec32 T2a GarnerBros. (1883) Pike Co. Tel. El Dara

Williams, 'Preston (Mary Jones) ChRuth, Carl, Henry; Barry R4 BarrySec35 Oll7a (1870) City Tel. Barry



Williams, Stephen R. (Nina Gillings)

€h Maud, Carl, Letha, Floyd,

Wilbert; El Dara Derry Sec30 O40a(1878) Farmers Tel. El Dara

Williams, W. D. Ch Charles, *Will-

iam, *Carrie, *Carson, *Norman,*John; New Canton Rl DerrySec32 O40a (1844) Farmers Tel.

El DaraWilliams, W. H. (Grace Bixby) Ch

Virgil, Everett, Gertrude, Evelyn,*Bessie, *Susie, *Effie; New Can-ton Rl Derry Sec31 Ol60a (1869)

Farmers Tel. El Dara

Williamson, C. N. (Lou Main) ChMabel, Wilbur, *Harold; Nebo R3Pleasant Hill Sec25 075a (1879)

Pike Co. Tel. NeboWilkins, Joseph W. (Mary Reed)Ch Alice, *Charles, *Walter; Pitts-

field R3 Detroit Seco Farm HandWilliam Harvey (1876) GlandonTel. Griggsville

Wilkins, Lawrence E. "MeadowBrook Farm" Rockport R2 Atlas

SeclE O70a (1886) Farmers Tel.

RockportWilkins, S. Wendon (Beatrice Bow-man) Baylis R3 Fairmount Secl6Tl64li John Davis (1894) FarmersTel. Fishook

Willis, Henry (Alice Trautner)

"Cedar Bluffs Farm'' New CantonRl Pleasantvale Secl6 O20a (1860)

Wills, Fred H. (Mabel Marion) ChMarion, Lola; Pittsfield R5 Pitts-

field Sec21 T267a A. V. Wills (1888)

Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Wills, L. B. (Pearl Chapman) Pitts-

field Rl Newburg Sec29 O80aTl60a A. J. Lovell (1889) GlandonTel. Pittsfield

Willsey, Charles L. (Nettie Stick-

man) Ch Mabel William, Russell;

"High View Farm" Pittsfield R5Pittsfield Sec22 OsOa Pittsfield

Sec20 Tl20a Mrs. E. J. Willsey(1861) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Willsey, Curtis (Mary Griffith) Rock-port R2 Atlas Sec2lE TlTOa Charles

A. Helkey (1891) Farmers Tel.

RockportWillsey, Mrs. Eliza (McClintock)Ch James *Emma, *Charles; Pitts-

field R5 Pittsfield Sec21-22 O320a(1835) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Willsey, George E, (Arvilla Fielder)

Ch Kenneth, *Curtis, *Alvin; Pleas-

ant Hill R2 Martinsburg Sec30 037a(1864) Farmers Tel. Pleasant Hill

Willsey, James G. (Sada Alver) ChJudith, Anna "Willseyville Farm"Pittsfield R5 Pittsfield Sec34 T200aW. R. Willsey (1891) Glandon Tel.


Willsey, Mrs. Mcdinda (Rodgers) Ch*William; Pittsfield R5 Pittsfield

Sec34 O200a (1840) Glandon Tel.


Willsey, Scott (Emma Reinbolt) ChJames; "Willseyville Farm" Pitts-

field R5 Pittsfield Sec27 T200a W.R. Willsey (1889) Glandon Tel.


Willsey, William R. Ch Edith, *GraceM. *Scott, *James; "WillseyvilleGrain, Fruit and Live Stock Farm"Pittsfield R5 Pittsfield Sec27 O400a(1853) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Willsey, W. Bert (Mary Grayball


Ch Lester, Kathryn, *Loyd; Sum-mer Hill Martinsburg SeclS O300a(1853) Farmers Tel. Summer Hill

Wilson, Ab B. (Ida Smith) NeboSpring Creek Secl7 04a (1857)

Wilson, Andy B. (Iva L. Curless) ChIna M; Griggsville Rl New SalemSec2 092a New Salem Sec2 TSOOaA. Hinman (1880) Pike Co. Tel.


Wilson, Bradford (Almira Fowler)Ch Cora, Charles, John, Anna, Jen-nie, James, Lida, Fred, Fannie;Rockport R2 Atlas SeclE .02a(1852) Farmers Tel. Rockport

Wilson, Emma J. Ch *Claud, *Verdie:Pleasant Hill Rl Pleasant Hill Sec2O40a (1860) Farmers Tel. Pleas-ant Hill

Wilson, Frank C. (Elizabeth Brown)Barry R4 Hadley SecSl OS8a (1912)Fitch Tel. Barry

Wilson, Fred B. (Estella M. Fox) ChVirden, Frank, Truman, Woodrow.Bradford; New Canton Rl Pleas-antvale Sec23 Ol8a (1879) Farm-ers Tel. New Canton

Wilson, James (Ruth Woodard) Cli

Donna, Hubert, Edward, Helen.

Louise, Hazel, *James; Barry R3Pleasantvale Seel Ol40a (1876)

Pike Co. Tel. Barry

Wilson, James (Anna Moore) ChWinfred, Maxine, also Mrs. AndaWilson Sr; Baylis R2 New SalemSec2 Tl90a Mrs. Anda Wilson(1884) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis



Wilson, James T. (Hettie Anderson)Ch Lesley M.. Dorothy E.; "Hill

Crest Farm" Kinderhook Rl BarrySec7 T36a Emma Anderson (1913)

Farmers Tel. Kinderhook

Wilson, John F. (Minnie Wagy) HullRl Kinderhook Secin O70a (1869)Bluff Co. Tel. Plainville

Wilson, John S. (Nora McWherter)"Woodland Glen Farm" Baylis R3Fairmount Sec4 OSOa (1918) PikeCo. Tel. Fishook and Baylis

Wilty, James M. (Mabel Clark) ChMaud, *Ray C., *Erma W., *Alice;"Valley View Farm" Nebo RlHardin Sec31 0252a (1S73) PikeCo. Tel. Pittsfield

Winans, Charles S. (Flora Wacker-man) Ch Lylie, Lucille, Helen;Pittsfield R6 Pittsfield Sec23 O90a(1883) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Winans, Fred L. (Opal Ownby) ChLydell; Pittsfield R6 Pittsfield

SeclS T200a L N. Winans (1893)Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Winans, Harry (Ola Peters) ChRussel, Allan, Florence, William;Hadley Rl Derry Seel Tl60a F. M.Lewis (1881) Pike Co. Tel. Pitts-


Winans, Isaac (Isadore Wells) ChMary, *Ada, *Fred; Pittsfield R6Pittsfield SeclS O260a (1858) Glan-don Tel. Pittsfield

Winans, William M. (Angie Wells)Ch Claude, *Eva, *Charles, *Harry;Pittsfield R5 Martinsburg SeclSO80a (1854) Pike Co. Tel. Pittsfield

Winder, John H. (Pearl Graton) ChJohn, Mildred, Melva, Henry Jr.,

Maxine; Pittsfield R3 NewburgSecll Farm Hand Charles Newport(1878)

Windtailler, Albert T. (Emma La-Dow) Ch Lena, Edna, Howard,Harold, Harvey, Helen, Cleda.Warren ;Pleasant Hill Rl PleasantHill Sec2S 039i/^a (1S79) Pike Co.Tel. Pleasant Hill

Windmiller, Alvin (Cora Ator) ChVerne; Pleasant Hill Rl PleasantHill Sec3 Oll3a (1872) FarmersTel. Pleasant Hill

Windmiller, G. F. (Margaret Bray)Ch Wayne, *Albert, ^Clifford,*Frank, *Russell. *Murl, *Fleta;Pleasant Hill Pleasant Hill Secl7Ol24a (1853) Farmers Tel. Pleas-ant Hill

Windmiller, Jacob (Bessie Kitson)Pleasant Hill Rl Pleasant HillSec31 Tl60a Fred Bass (1898)

Windmiller, Jacob O. (BarbaraSmith) Pittsfield R6 Pittsfield

Secl2 Tl25a Jacob Windmiller(1902) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Windmiller, J, R. (Rose Bower) ChWorth, Benson, Robert; PleasantHill Rl Pleasant Hill Secl4 TsOaMinnie Windmiller (1890) Pike Co.Tel. Pleasant Hill

Windmiller, Loren O. (Anna E. Ken-drick) Ch Gladys, Hazen, Robert,Pauline, *Mabel, *Raymond, *JacobO. Tr; "Cedar Lawn Farm" HadleyRl Derry Sec3 Ol76a (1872)El Dara, Hadley and Barry Tel.

BarryWindmiller, William J. (Alice Turn-beaugh) Ch Lizzie, Russell, Jessie,

Alice, Elzona, *Cordie, *Pearlie,

*Jacob;, Sarah E. Windmillermother; Pleasant Hill Rl PleasantHill Sec31 O80a (ISfifi)

Winner, Albert (Anna McCartney)Ch Bert, *Carl, *Bessie: Barry R2Barry Sec24 Farm Hand H. Fitch(1880) Tel. Barry

Winner, Dallas A. (Lydia Kurtz)New Canton R3 Pleasantvale Sec33T2a Van Doran (1896)

Winner, Samuel Nathan (MaggieStearns) Barry R4 Barry Sec35 03a(1880)

Winner, William (Alice Lee) Ch*Mert, *Roy,*Floy; Barry R4 BarrySeel TSOa Dave Foster (1853)Riggs Tel. Beverly

Winner, William M. (Bertha Millizer)Ch James, Lawrence; KinderhookRl Kinderhook Secl2 Farm HandEllis Walsh (1891)

Wintjen, A. (Sarah A. Preston) ChRetha, James, Laura, Alvin, Morna,Nettie; Pleasant Hill Pleasant HillSec34 Tla John Johnson (1918)

Wise, William J. (Ruby DeMasters)"Williams Orchard Farmj" BarryR4 Barry Sec35 Tl90a Thomas andBlair (1916) City Tel. Barry

Witham, Harvey D. (Minnie Ran-dall) Ch *Bruce, *Nina; "Fair ViewFarm" New Salem Rl New SalemSec33 OSOa (1878) Pike Co. Tel.Baylis

Wittner, Louis R. (Chloe E. Good-win) Rockport Atlas Secl9E 065a(1891) Glandon Tel. Rockport



Witty, Mary E. (Barton) Ch Raty,Efiie, *James, *Claud, *Samuel,*Mary, *Lizzie, *Alma; PleasantUm Rl Martinsburg Sec26 031Ga(1864) Farmers Tel. Martinsburg

Witty, Roy C. (Georgia Garrison)Ch Melba, Velma; "Valley ViewFarm No. 2" Nebo Rl Spring CreekSecfl TSOa J. M. Witty (1897) PikeCo. Tel. Nebo

Wolf, Edward H. (Emma Bock) ChGrace, Dorothy, Edna; PaysonStar Route 1 Levee Sec3 TSOOaSeymour Bros. (1910)

Wolf, Fred Pearl Rl MontezumaSp'~i5 O40fia (1868) Pike Co. Tel.


Womble, Alfred F. (Carrie Lappin)Ch James, Glenn, Joseph, William,Paul. Woodrow, Sarah; RockportRl Ross Secl5 T320a Birdie E.Hatten (1891)

Womble, Otis (Myrtle Utt) ChBeatrice, Carl, Fay, Lee; RockportR2 Atlas Sec22E Farm ManagerMaggie Adams (1894)

Wombles, Dee (Neva Ator) ChJohn; Rockport Rl Ross SecllTl60a W. E. Look (1893)

Wombles, Mathias H. (Cassie A.Holcomb) Ch Raymond , Eva,Alfred, Otis, Minnie, Lee, Dee;Rockport Rl Ross Sec2 Tl60aCharles Cashmere (1895) GlandonTel. Rockport

Wood, Edward (Mabel Haskin) ChKermit E., George R; "GreatSprings Farm'' New Canton RlDerry Sec29 0235a (1875) FarmersTel. ElDara

Wood, Henry C. (Bessie Howdeshell)Ch Henry A., Louella; Baylis R2New Salem Sec9 Farm Hand Will-iam Stauffer (1916)

Wood, John H. (Anna Peacock)Pearl Pearl Secl7 Tla Milton C.Otwell (1870) Farmers Tel. Pearl

Wood, Joseph L. (Sarah E. Sapp)Ch George, Mary, Hughston, Law-rence, Ina; Rockport Rl Ross Sec7T35a Vandoran (1879)

Woodruff, Charles H. (Maggie MayFord) "Fair View Farm" Barry R2Hadley Secl9 T45a Rebecca Wood-ruff (1880) Tel. Barry

Woods, George W. (Hannah Barfield)Ch *Goldie, *Drucilla, *Rebecca,* Maria; Griggsville Rl GriggsvilleSec8 022a (1855) Pike Co. Tel.Griggsville

Woods, T. Carl (Alma Hunt) ChBeatrice, Ancel; Griggsville R3Griggsville Sec36 T70a CharlesWime (1913) Pike Co. Tel. Griggs-ville

Woodward, Cloyd F. (Helen Eich-man) Ch Twila, Leigh; New SalemRl New Salem Secl6 Tl20a N. A.Woodward (1895)

Woodward, G. Cleveland (EuniceMink) Ch Kate E., Robert, Mar-garet L;Hadley Rl Hadley Sec35O80a (1886) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Woodward, Newman A. (VivianBain) Ch Ivah, Lloyd. Nola,Wayne, *Faye,*Cloyd, *Hazel; "Ill-

inois Valley Farm" New Salem RlNew Salem Secl6 Ol20a (1866)Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Woodward, Orlando Ch Jesse;"Flowery Corner Farm" Larry R4Barry Sec30 OSa (1853)

Woodward, William H. (Mary R.Diekman) Ch Charles H., Clarence

J., William M., Bessie R; New Can-ton Rl Pleasantvale Sec25 036a(1877)

Woodyard, Brooks W. Ch Bertha,Randolph, *Dora, *Bessie; NewCanton R2 Cincinnati Sec26 TlaCharles Klitz (1847)

Woolery, J. G. (J. Olive Strubinger)Ch *Jay G., *Florine E.; "Cloverlands Farm" El Dara Derry Sec33Ol20a (1876) Farmers Tel. El Dara

Woolfolk, Clarence R. (NevaHooper) Ch Edgar S:Pittsfield R5Martinsburg Secl7 079a (1889)Farmers Tel. Summer Hill andMartinsburg

Woosley, Albert (Ida Woodward)Ch Ina, *Lena, *Fern; Barry R2Barry Sec24 OSOa (1861) Tel.Barry

Wooten, William (Becka Kade) NewCanton R2 Cincinnati Secll Tl60aWilliam Solisbury (1010)

Worthen, Sarah Ch Arthur. Floyd,*Grace, *Mary. *Edith; New Can-ton Rl Pleasantvale Sec36 OSOa(1863) Pike Co. Tel. Rockport

Wright, Charles E, (Myrtle Sparks)Ch Herbert, Charles, Dorotha;Bay-lis R3 New Salem Sec7 T40a EarlSeaborn (1914)



Wright, George A. (Effie Hulse) Cli

Bela, Fredrick; Barry R4 HadleySec31 Mrs. B. S. Wright (1887)

Fitch Te!. Barry

Wright, Lemuel (Ida Preivett) Pleas-

ant Hill Rl Pleasant Hill Sec31

Tla Murl W right (1870)

Wroughton, David H. (Mary A.Snovvden) Ch Maud, Lucreta,David, Mildred; Barry R3 Pleasant-vale Secll T300a Dr. R. H. Main(1873) Pike Co. Tel. Barry

Wyatt, Philip A. (Alice Shaw) ChVirgil, Angeline, Jessie; RockportAtlas Secl7E Ola (1867)

YYackley, Joe W. (Sadie Greathouse)Ch Lyndel, Sadie and Mary Yack-ley, sisters; Pittsfield R6 Pittsfield

Sec3 05()a (1880) Glandon Tel.


Yaeger, Fred (Inez Roberts) Pitts-

field Rl Hardin Secll T240a Mrs.Ardelia McFadden (1873) Pike Co.Tel. Milton

Yaeger, Howard (Minnie Couch) ChBeulah Bertrand; Nebo Rl HardinSec35 0130a (1885) Farmers Tel.

Yaeger, John G. (Catherine Bauer)Ch Catherine, Jesse, May, Nellie,

Mary, *Marion, *Louie, *Lilly,

*Howard. *Ada. *Fred; Nebo RlHardin Sec26 OllOOa (1857) PikeCo. Tel. Pittsfield

Yaeger, William F. (Malinda Blake)Ch Ida, *Eva; Pittsfield R7 HardinSec20 OlOOa (1861) Pike Co. Tel.


Yates, William C. (Geneva Perkins)Ch Stella, Hazel, Florence, Allie,

Louis, Elsie; "Old Farm" Baylis R3Fairmount Sec33 Tl60a M. A. Hen-derson (1914) Pike Co. Tel. Baylis

Yelliot, George (Nellie Mullenix) ChGeorge H.; Milton MontezumaSec6 T200a C. E. Bolen (1886) PikeCo. Tel. Milton

Yelliot, Luke W. (Maria Davis) Ch*Clara, * Alice; Pittsfield R3 De-troit Sec5-6-7-8 Oll4a (1854)Farmers Tel. Detroit

Yelliott, Roy E. (Bonnie Finch)"Blue Creek Farm" Pittsfield R3Detroit Sec7 Tl20a E. B. Yelliot

(1886) Glandon Tel. Pittsfield

Yelliott, William W. (Ruth Hoover)Milton Montezuma Sec5 0323a(1889) P'ke Co. Tel. Milton

Yelton, Richard W. (Pearl Chris-man) Ch Edna, Clififord, Hazel,Vergie, Clara, Helen, Lucile, Bessie,Alta; New Canton R2 PleasantvaleSecl8 T395a E. Ethell (1910) PikeCo. Tel. New Canton

Yockey, Edward C. (Vada Baldwin)Ch Louella; Perry Perry Sec21OlOOa (1870) Glandon Tel. Perry

Yockey, Roy C. (Bessie Thiele) ChRoy Jr., Dean; Versailles R2 Elk-horn Twp. Brown Co. O30a PerrySec5 T98a Chris Yockey (1888)Farmers Tel. Perry

Yockey, William (Pearl Lutz) ChGoldie, Lewis; Griggsville Rl Fair-mount Sec25 Tl60a J. W. Orr(1918) Pike Co. Tel. Perry

Yokem, J. C. (Jennie Brant) Ch Guy,Eva, *Fay; Pleasant Hill PleasantHill Sec30 057a (1866) Pike Co.Tel. Pleasant Hill

Yokem, Nettie Ch *Jessie, *Harry',Rockport R2 Martinsburg Secl9O300a (1847) Farmers Tel SummerHill

Yokem, Solomon O. (Eva Burbridge)"Spring Dale Stock Farm" NeboRl Hardin Sec28 O240a (1887)Glandon Tel. Glandon

Yokem, William H. (Jennie Thomp-son) Ch Solomon, Hallie, Mary,Henry, Edith; "Cockelburr PondFarm" Rockport Rl Ross Sec6O320a (1874)

York, Edwin (Mattie Perry) ChLeila Ruth, Perry, Theodore,Lyndell; Milton Montezuma Sec3Tl60a Ellis Ans (1871) Pike Co.Tel. Milton

York, William (Maria M. Briscoe)"Locust Grove Farm" PleasantHill R2 Pleasant Hill Sec8 OSOaMaria M. York (1892) FarmersTel. Pleasant Hill

Young, Thomas E. (Lellie Daughety)Kinderhook Rl Barrv Secl8 OSOa(1866) Farmers Tel. Kinderhook

Yung, Samuel (Ella Hull) Ch Bertha,Iva, Annie, Delia, Ellis, Dallas,Jasper; Kinderhook Rl KinderhookSec33 Farm Hand H. Churchill(1913)



Zimmerman, Granville J. (DoraGrieve) Ch Nina, Elmer, *Vera;Versailles R2 Perry Secl4 OffOa

Perry See? TlSOa Mrs. Fred Zim-

merman (1875) Farmers Tel. Perry

Zimmerman, Hermes "Maple Leaf

Stock Farm" Hadley Rl HadleySec22 Tl33a Mr. and Mrs. G. W.McWorter (1897) Star Line Tel.

Barry and Hadley

Zimmerman, Ross R. (Clara M. Hen-thorne) Ch Alta; Perry Perry Sec7

084a (187S) Farmers Tel. Perry

Zimmerman, William (Rebecca L.

Mehl) Ch Glenna, Allen, Willis,

Clifford, *Violet; Versailles R2Perry Sec-t Ol60a (1859) FarmersTel. Perry

Zumwalt, Andrew P. (Damaries Gall-

owray) Ch Eva, Merle, *Claud,

*Ched, *Iva, *Ina, *Daisy, *Hum-phrey, * Ethel; Pleasant Hill R2Martinsburg Sec27 O80a (1861)

Farmers Tel. Martinsburg

Zumwalt, Ched N. (Ona Flenderson)Ch Kenneth, Keith, Leland, Vidah,Parker, Vera; Nebo Rl SpringCreek Sec4 TlGOa Strauss Bros.

(1887) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Zumwalt, Claud F. (Bessie Killabrew)

Ch Genevieve, Claudene, Doris,

Dorothy; Nebo R2 Spring CreekSec22 091a (1885) Farmers Tel.

NeboZumwalt, Humphrey A. (Mossaline

Allison) Ch Vivian; Pearl R2Spring Creek Secl2 O40a (1897)

Farmers Tel. NeboZumwalt, James H. (Mary Galloway)Ch *Luella, *Albert, *Elmer; Pleas-

ant Hill Rl Martinsburg Sec27 065a(1852) Farmers Tel. Martinsburg

Zumwalt, John A. (Julia Turnbaugh)Ch Wilma; Nebo R2 Spring CreekSec22 Tl06a Stella Stone (1869)

Zumwalt, J. W. (Nora Shives) ChOrville; Pleasant Hill Rl PleasantHill Sec2S OlSa (1870) Pike Co.Tel. Pleasant Hill

Zumwalt, Nathan H. (Emma V.Hoover) Ch Gilbert, Robert, *CarI,

''^Joseph, *Lester; Rockport RlRoss Sees 075a (1911)

Zumwalt^ Newton (Luella Coltins)

Ch *Charles, *Fred,*Robert; "Zum-walt Hill Farm" Nebo Spring CreekSecl8 OlOa (1887)

Zumwalt, William H. (E. A. Wood-worth) Adaline Woodworth, moth-er, Ch *Fay. *Arlie, *Nina, *AddieGregory; Nebo R2 Spring CreekSec27 O40a (1878) Farmers Tel.


r :.'"^'-.'''"---'i--- ^./c;;^.




"The Finest Apple in All the World""STARK Delicious trees from your nurserieshave been growing on my place for years andhave never failed to produce a crop,

"As they grow older they bear more, larger,

better fruit.

"Many apples have rather a spicy fragranceand flavor—but none has such a delicious com-bination as Stark Delicious! Stark Delicious is

a gem

the finest apple in all the world."


The "Wizard of Horti-

culture" said this about

the apple tree that Stark

Bro's discovered for the

world of fruit lovers

and fruit growers.

STARK DELICIOUSSTARK BRO'S. Most Famous Fruit DiscoveryEvery home

every market accords it first place. "The Money Maker ofthe (Orchard." $3.50 to $5.00 per bushel are paid every day for this apple.Thousands of people plant Stark Delicious and other Stark Apple, Peach,Pear, Plum, Cherry Trees and Berry Bushes and Vines, for both homeand market fruit—and grow corn and vegetable crops between tree rows.Make your spare land grow double crops—yield double profits also.

Wonderfully hardy, thrifty, quick growers and young, heavy and annualbearers everywhere. Regarding their hardiness, for instance, Harold Sim-mons, Minnesota horticulturist, declares: "This season in Minnesotashowed the superior quality of Stark Delicious Apple and your tree's bigbearing ability, as last winter proved its hardiness. It stood 50 degreesbelow zero without injury and bore a good crop."

Stark TreesMake $60.00 Land Worth $600.00All crop profit rec-

ords have been brokenby Stark Trees all

across America. InCalhoun Co., 111., this

past year Chris Ring-hausen got $41,500.00for his apple crop in

July before the fruit

was matured. W. C.

Curd, a Com Beltfarmer, cleaned up$75,000 in the last


three years off 110


acres of Stark Treeson land that cost himonly $25.00 an acrejust a few years ago.

Judge Adam Thomp-son, of DeKal'b County,Missouri, reports :

"Ihave always receivedtop prices for all myapples because my


Stark Delicious trees[

(from your nurseries)I




Since J816

sold the crop. Alwaysrefused to sell my StarkDelicious apples bythemselves. Let themgo only when crop ofwhole orchard wastaken. When I plant-ed this orchard, had I

planted three-fourths ofit Stark Delicious it

would be worth threetimes as much as it

is. This land was or-dinary DeKalb Countyland, worth probably$(50 an acre. Yet Ihave refused $600 peracre for my StarkOrchard. Why shouldI sell at that figuresince it nets me 6 percent on $1200 per acrevaluation every year?"

There's fruit profitfacts for you I Wantmore?




I OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS |I F. F. LOELLKE, President F. W. GIERS, Vice President |= F. F. LOELLKE, Secretary and General Manager |i WM. GAMINDINGER, Treasurer CARRIE LOELLKE, Director |I PHONES m9 Office 290, Grocery 308, Hardware 35, Dry Goods 10, Feed Store 2 1

i I

I Jersey Mercantile Co., Inc. I




DEPARTMENTS iGroceries Dry Goods Gents' Furnishings B

Shoes Furniture Ladies' Ready-to-Wear BHardware Carpets House Furnishings I

Shoe Repair Confectionery Feeds and Field Seeds ^


ittniiHiiiniiiiii iiiiinmiHitmiiiiMi



Calhoun County Farmers' DirectoryAbbreviations Used in this Directory

a—Acres; Ch—Children; O—Owner; T—Tenant or Renter;R—Rural Route; Sec—Section; Maiden name of wife followsdirectory name in parenthesis ( ); figures at end of informa-tion—year became resident of county. Star (*) indicates

children not at home. Name of farm in quotation marks fol-

lows names of children. In case of a tenant, the farm owner'sname follows the figures giving size of farm.

EXAMPLEAngle, William H. (Lizzie Johns) Ch Homer, Artie, Nellie, JRoy, Edith, Erma;

Hamburg Rl Belleview Sec2:i Tl60a John Sueling (1875) Farmers LineHillcrest

MeansAngle, William H.—'Name.(Lizzie Johns)—Wife's maiden name.Ch Homer, Artie, Nellie, Roy, Edith, Erma;—Names of children.

Hamburg Rl—Post-office Hamburg R. F. D. 1.

Belleview Sec 23—^Township Belleview Section 23.

Tieoa—Tenant on 160 acres.

John Sueling—Owner of 160 acres.

(1875)—Lived in county since 1875.

Farmers Line Hillcrest—Name of telephone.

Adcox, Benton L. (Lulu Barber) ChMr. Samuel Adcox and wife Min-erva; Hamburg Rl Hamburg Secl5083a (1884) Merida Tel. Hamburg

Altizer, Austin H, (Olive Pruett) ChNellie, Arthur, Opal, Vera, Neta,Naoma, Austin; Pleasant Hill R2Belleview Secl4 0143a (1875)

Anderson, Allen L. (Amanda Varner)Ch *Louis, *Arilla, *Edna; Ham-burg R2 Crater Sec29 O160a (1854)Farmers Line Hamburg

Anderson, Charles E. (Seraphine Mil-ler) Ch Donald, Mildred, Loraine,Helen, Gerald; "Diamond Island"Hardin Hardin Sec27-9-ll-12-14O780a (1876) McDonald Tel.Hardin

Anderson, Joseph D. (N. BeatriceDixon) Ch Alice, Clark, Glenn,Elaine; Hardin Hardin Sec27 02aHardin Sec27 Tlla Alice Dixon(1880) McDonald Tel. Hardin

Anderson, Mary E. Ch Francis, Lily,Robert, *James, *Bessie; HamburgR2 Gilead Secl3N Henry Crader(1909)

Anderson, William T. (Anna Ring-hausen) Ch Fred, Robert, Louise,Will, Grace; Hardin Hardin Sec34O120a (1871) McDonald Tel.Hardin

Andrews, Thomas (La.ura Smith)"Orchard Lawn Fruit Farm"Golden Eagle Rl Point Sec40397a (1858) Brussels Tel. Brus-sels

Angle, William H. (Lizzie Johns) ChHomer, Artie, Nellie, Roy, Edith,Erma; Hamburg Rl BelleviewSec23 T160a John Sueling (1875)Farmers Line Hillcrest

Ansell, Bert (Ora Hunter) Ch Theo-dore, Dorothy, Anna,, Jacob, Ells-

worth; Kampsville Rl HamburgSec7 O240a (1871) Merida Tel.Kampsville



Ansell, Tom E, (Susan Blackorby)Ch Willis, Glenn, Harry, Martha,Carrie, Jennie, Roy, Paul, Opal,Raymond, *Everett, *Bessie; "TheMaples" Kampsville Rl HamburgO160a (1867) Farmers Line Hill-crest

Arnold, Frank (Minnie Mikus) ChIrene, Valera, Ottillia A. Mikus,mother; Golden Eagle Rl PointSec24 T4a Ottillia Mikus (1892)Brussels Tel. Brussels

Arnold, Frank X. (Sarah Cla,rk) "Lin-

wood Apiary Farm" Deer PlainPoint Secl6 05a (1870) BrusselsTel. Brussels

Arnold, John A. (Eva Russell) ChEileen, Norman, Stanley, Wilmer;Golden Eagle Rl Point Sec29 OSOa(1876) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Arnold, Joseph, Jr. (Mary Stein)Golden Eagle Rl Point Secl9 0125a(1867) Brussels Tel. Brussels


Baalman, Barney (Mary Klass) ChTony, Catherine, Alice; "MeppenStock and Grain Farm" MeppenRichwoods Sec23 0182a (1864)Batchtown Tel.

Baalman, Henry (Ma.ry Emming) ChHerman, Elizabeth, John, JosephineSchobernd wife of John; Gold-en Eagle Star Rte Point Secl9O305a (1859) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Baalman, Herman A. (KatharineFicker) Ch Eugene; Brussels StarRte Point Sec35 TBOa John Baal-man (1895)

Baalman, John (Elizabeth Sievers)Ch Harry, Joseph, Clara, Rose, Al-bert, Raymond, Emma, *Mary,*Herman; Meppen Star Rte Rich-woods Secl3 O120a (1861)

Bailey, Harry L. (Elizabeth Condon)"The Cherry Heights Farm" Ham-burg R2 Crater Sec32 O160a (1866)Farmers Line Hamburg

Bailey, Rams H. (Eva, Campbell) ChMinnie; *Mrs. Minnie Campbell;Hamburg R2 Hamburg Secl20112a (1870) McDonald Tel.Hardin

Baker, Charlie (Mary Jones) Ch Emil,Elmer, Melvin; Batchtown Rl Gil-

ead Sec30N 0162a (1874) Bell Tel.Batchtown

Baker, Joe (Anna Droge) Ch Albert,Minnie, Clara, Paul; BatchtownRichwoods Sec33 O60a (1869)Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Baker. John M. (Lena Jones) ChFrieda, Herbert; Batchtown RlRichwoods Sec33N O140a (1876)Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Baker, Mike F. (Phoebe Romer)Batchtown Rl Richwoods Sec32O40a (1859)

Balke, Henry (Mena Pehm) ChGeorge, Bernard, Teresa, Katie;"Fair View Grain and Stock Farm"Meppen Richwoods Sec2 O160a(1879) Batchtown Tel.

Ball, Annie E. (Clendenny) Ch Roy,Flossie, Guy, Carl, Audrey, FrankieW., Dewey, *Minnie, *Lee; Ham-burg Rl Belleview Sec28 065a(1871) Farmers Line Hillcrest

Baltisberger, Martin (Mary Frey) ChJacob, Anna; Brussels Star RtePoint Secl7 0198a (1872) BrusselsTel. Brussels

Banghart, John (Mary Banghart, sis-

ter) Michael Crater Sec28 T160aBanghart Est. (1893)

Barnard, Henry Ch Marie, *Alva,*Nathan, *Diana, *Emma, *John;Hamburg Rl Ca,rlin Sec31 O60a(1860)

Barnard, John (Tillie Bonyer) Ham-burg Rl Carlin Sec31 T60a HenryBarnard (1872)

Barnes, Albert Hamburg R2 Ham-burg Secl2 Farm Hand Rans Bai-ley (1918)

Barnes, Harvey (Ethel Inlow) MozierHamburg Sec3 O40a (1872)

Barnes, Henry (Elizabeth Watts) ChDorothy, *John, *Louis; Kamps-ville Rl Hamburg Secll 02a (1866)

Barnes, Henry C. (Moze Bonyer") ChOsa. Clarence, Sadie, Tuda, Eliza;Hamburg Rl Belleview Sec34 O160a(1869) Farmers Line Hillcrest

Barnes, John (Musa Bunch) Ch Min-nie, *John H., *Mary; Hamburg RlHamburg Sec6 Tla John Bunch(1889)

Barnes, John T. (Stella Laird) ChNorvcll, Marvin, Herman, Norris,Morris, Kenneth, Ruth, *Gladys,*Lee; Hamburg Rl Belleview Sec27099a (1874)



Barnes, Louis H. (Effie T>ikes) ChDora; Kampsville Rl HainburgSec2 Farm Hand Harriet Beach(1899)

Barnes, Robert (Mary Hasford) ChMile; Mozier Belleview Sec34 T80aMarshall Barnes (1879)

Barry, Edward S. (Bertha Aderton)Ch Edward; "Rocky Bar Fruit andStock Farm" Hardin Rl HardinSec34-3-10S 0279a (1882) McDon-ald Tel. Hardin

Barry, James O. (Anna Narup) ChRobert, Willia,m, Leola, Alloys,Maurine, Dorothy, Genevieve: Har-din Hardin Sec34 0158a (1874) Cal-houn Tel. Hardin

Bartholomew, Ohmer (KatherineBader) "Bartholomew Beach Farm"KampsviUe Carlin Sec34 Ola (1867)Merida-Tel. Kampsville

Battershell Alden (Allie Crosby) ChMeridice, Virden; "Valley GroveFarm" Nebo R2 Belleview Sec3079a (1881)

Battershell, Nancy (Harpool) Ch Fay,*Alta„ *Alden, *Tom, *Walter.*Clem; Nebo R2 Belleview Sec4O180a (1855) Farmers Line Nebo

Baugh, Henry (Sadie Sidwell) ChWinifred, Herbert; Mozier Belle-view Sec34 O80a (1895)

Baugh, William (Gertrude Freesmey-er) Ch Hiram, Margaret, Anna,Frank, August, *Josephine, *Chris-tina, *Gertrude, *Minnie, *Henry;Hamburg Rl Hamburg SeclO0158a, (1879) Merida Tel. Hamburg

Baumann, John F. (Mary Roth) ChLillian, John, Marie, Edna; Ham-burg R2 Crater Sec29 O200a (1874)Farmers Line Michael

Baiunann, Joseph L. (Mary Roentz)Ch Helen, Cecilia; "The EchoFa,rm" Kamosville Rl CraterSecl6 qi30a (1881) Farmers LineKampsville

Baumann, Martin (Mary Schneider)Ch Hildegarde, Frances, Edward;"Rockwall Farm" Kampsville StarRte Crater Sec22 01S6a (1877)Farmers Line Kampsville

Baxter, Claud (Mary Miller) ChCharles, Pearl, Bvron; GraftonStar Rte Point SeciO T200a MalicMyer (1876) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Baxter, James (Vesta Wheeler) ChWarren, Maurine, *Reta; GraftonStar Rte Point Sec2 T200a AmandaBaxter (1878)

Beach, Mrs. Harriet (Foiles) Ch Ar-nold, Amy, *Pearla, *Minnie;Kampsville Rl Hamburg Sec2O160a (1854) Merida Tel. Kamps-ville

Beasley, Robert B. (Emma Thomas)Ch Ma.ry; Mozier Belleview Sec36O240a (1902)

Beaty, Luther M. (Cassie Rutledge)Ch Calvin, Esther, Luther Jr., The-odore; Meppen Star Rte HardinSec26 T85a George T. Mortland(1864)

Becker, George W. (Ida Curtis) ChCarl, Ebert, Velma, Grace Lowe;Kampsville Rl Carlin Sec29 018a,(1874) Farmers Line Kampsville

Becker, Henry A. (Lillie Ansell) ChHarry, Marguerite, Helen, Ansell,Eugene; "Spring Farm" Kamps-ville Rl Carlin Sec29-30 O170a(1879) Farmers Line Kampsville

Becker, John L. (Mary Smith) ChSarah, Margaret, Cuba,, Goldie,*Beulah; Kampsville Rl CarlinSec28-33 O120a (1859) Farmers LineKampsville

Becker, Mrs. Mary (Gress) Ch Mag-gie, John, Theresa, Mary, Joe, *An-na; Michael R2 Cra.ter Sec28 077a(1870) Farmers Line Michael

Beckman, Henry (Lena Sibman) ChFlorence, Gleada, Ethel, Freddie;Kampsville Star Rte Crater Sec 15

08Sa (1908) Farmers Line Kamps-ville

Beer, Charles "Bla.ck Walnut Farm"Hardin Gilead Sec20W O80a (1873)

Beer, Herman (Rosa Demoss) ChHoward, Pauline, Mary; HardinHardin Sec4 T80a Paul Godar(1889)

Behmen, Walter L. (Katie Eileman)Batchtown Rl Richwoods Sec31 T8aMr. Eileman (1895)

Behnen, Henry (Lucinda Hosey) ChHoward, Lucinda, Robert, *Mary,*Ruby, *Maggie, *Nettie, *Edward,Gladys; Golden Eagle Rl PointSec30 088a (1868) Brussels Tel.

BrusselsBehrens, Henry (Mary Kohn) Mep-pen Star Rte Richwods Secl4 O80a

Behrens, Herman (Hendrena Sny-ders) Ch Margaret, Emma; Mep-pen Star Rte Richwoods ?ecl4 O80a(1895) Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Behrens, Peter J., Jr. (Anna Hoh-man) Ch Herbert. Raphael: DeerPlain Si-ar Rte Point Secl7 TlaFred Schulze (1888)



Beisman, Carl (Nora, Kinder) ChJohn; "Spring Branch Farm"Batchtown Star Rte RichwoodsSec20 T160a John F. Kinder (1889)Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Beismann, William Batchtown RlRichwoods Sec33 T160a WilliamEillerman (1861)

Bell, Bryan (Ma,ry F. Gilbert) Ch Ge-neva, Agatha, Ethel; BatchtownRichwoods Secl7-18 T160a DouglasBell (1896)

BeU, Elba C. (Minnie Cockrell) ChHerbert; Batchtown RichwoodsSec8 T2a J. C. Bell (1890)

Bell, Joseph C. (Azaba Nairn) ChWilliam;, *Elba, *Zedena, *Cu,ba;"Fairview Fruit, Stock and GrainFarm" Batchtown Richwoods Sec80321a (1865)

Bellm, Frank (Carrie Klunk) Ch Nor-bert, Wilfred; Michael CraterSec34-35 O220a (1887) FarmersLine Michael

Bellm, Stephen (Theresa Tranflor)Ch William, Daisy, Katie, Cecilia,

Frank, *Elizabeth; Michael CraterSec27 O200a (1861) Fa.rmers LineMichael

Benz, Charles F. (Amanda Foiles) ChErwin, Evadna, Alva, Wilma, Myr-tle, Eula, Dean, Mary, Wa,nda;Kampsville Rl Hamburg Sec6T160a Daniel Foiles (1871) FarmersLine Hillcrest

Benz, John B. (Ella Thorp) ChStephen, *Albert; Nebo R2 Belle-view Secl4 0287i^ (1869) FarmersLine Hillcrest

Benz, Joseph (Mary F. Marsching)Ch Sophia, Bertha, Joe, Aloys,Katie. Frank, Anna, Arthur, Marie,Frederick; Kampsville Rl CarlinSec29 0112a (1870) Farmers LineKampsville

Benz, Mike Kampsville Rl CarlinSecl9 0167a (1869) Farmers LineHillcrest

Benz, Stephen A. (Golda Forbes) ChJohn, Stephen; Nebo R2 BelleviewSecl6 0127a (1890) Farmers LineHillcrest

Benz, W. Albert (Dosia Angels) Ne-bo R2 Belleview Secll T160a JohnBerry (IQOO)

Bernt, J. C. (Margaret Titus) Ch An-drew, Carl, Rosa, *George, *Mary,Isabella; Golden Eagle Rl PointSec3 O02a (1873) Brussels Tel.


Berrey, M. O, (Bessie Heffington) ChBeryl, Ralph, Isaac, Joseph, Ma^y,Robert, Andrew, Vera; Winfield,Mo. RStar Richwoods Sec 17 T200aI. S. Berry (1881) Batchtown Tel.Batchtown

Bersman, William (Lucy Pohlmann)Meppen RStar Richwoods Sec35O210a (1885) Batchtown Tel.Batchtown

Bess, Norman E. Kampsville Rl Ham-burg Seel T300a P. M. Bess (1898)Farmers Line Hillcrest

Bess, Peter M. (MoUie Blackorby)Ch Norman E., Norris, Peter M.Jr., *Mamie E., *Winona E.; "TheMaples Farm" Kampsville Rl Ham-burg Seel O300a (1866) FarmersLine Hillcrest

Bick, Herman "Gruter's Landing"Meppen Richwoods Sec24 (1877)Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Bick, John P. (Elizabeth Tepest) ChMary, Carl, Leo, Jerome, Clemans,Alma, Loretta, Lucas, Gertrude;"Thresher Farm" Meppen Rich-woods Sec24 016a Lena Osteman(1873)

Bimslager, Barney (Otillia Keim) ChHerman, Joseph, Rosa„ Bernice,Frances; Golden Eagle Rl PointSecl3 T40a Anzle Bimslager (1869)Brussels Tel. Brussels

Bimslager, Edward E. (BernadineMeier) Ch Wilfred, Loretta, Ed-ward, Rosemary, Harry, BernardMeier, father; Golden Eagle RlPoint Sec23 035a (1913) BrusselsTel. Brussels

Bimslager, Garrett (Lizzie Bentrins)Ch Katharine, Mary, Helen, Anna,Henry; Golden Eagle Rl PointSecl3 O40a (1873) Brussels Tel.Brussels

Blackorby, Billy (Addie Barnes) Ch*Delbert, *Edith, *Zenia, *Lydia,*Zelmer; Kampsville Rl HamburgSecl2 05a (1874)

Blackorby, Delbert (Nettie Foiles) ChMary; Kampsville Rl HamburgSec2 OlOOa, (1881) Farmers LineHillcrest

Blackorby, Delilah R. (Ulery) ChSamuel; Hamburg Hamburg SecSST160a Thomas Ulery (1874)

Blackorby, Elmer (Caroline Turneus)Ch Vina, Herman, Slocum, Olie,

Myrtle, Delia; John, Stella, Carl,

Chester, Mollie, step children; Ham-burg Rl Hamburg 04a, HamburgSec24 T120a Chester Knight (1868)



Blackorby, Willis B. (Mary Buchan-ana) Ch Minnie, Willis, Harvey,Leon, Leona; Haniburg R2 GileadSeclSN O40a (1889)

Blackorby, Zelmar (Mary Saunders)Ch Ova; Kampsville Rl HamburgSecl2 0126a (1896)

Blackston, Otis (Lulu Martin )Ch Eu-gene, Bonahleane; Hamburg RlHamburg Secl9 Farm Hand A. C.Howland (1874)

Blackston, Tucker (Lydia Robertson)Ch Ida, and her husband Jake Clon-inger, *Nellie, *Lewis, *Lorenza;Kampsville Rl Hamburg Secll 05a(1858) Farmers Line Hillcrest

Blackston, William (Martha Tolbert)Ch Arthur, Charlotte, Fra,nk, Mary,Alice, Sadie, *Sarah, *Florence;Mozier Hamburg SeclS T4a Val.Jacobs (1875)

Blackwell, Alvin W. (Nona Church)Ch Frieda; Batchtown Rl GileadSec32N T80a Alfred Etter (1885)

Blackwell, Raus O. (Maggie Breden)Ch Pearl, Victoria; Hardin R2Hardin SeclO T80a C. F. Breden(1882) Farmers Line Hardin

Blackwell, Stephen, C. (LucindaHughes) Ch Roy, Noah, *Ross, *A1-vin, *Thomas, *Goldia; BatchtownRl Richwoods Sec32 T80a (1860)Ba.tchtown Tel. Batchtown

Blackwell, Thomas W. (Addie Peetes)Ch Marshall, *Harry; Batchtown RlGilead Sec5S T160a Harry Higbee(1862) Bell Tel. Hardin

Bland, James W. (Katy Ringsha.usen)Ch Austin, Albert, George, Edna,Henrietta, Howard, Delbert, Wal-ter, Lester, Ernest; Kampsville RlBelleview Sec25 0215a (1858)Farmers Line Hillcrest

Bland, Sylvester (Ida Cress) Mr.Warren Bland, Gus. Schmutz; NeboR2 Carlin SeclS T40a Wa.rrenBland (1882) Farmers Line Hill-crest

Boland, John (Ella Moses) Ch John,Dorothy, *Tessie, *Mary; GoldenEagle Rl Point Sec30 02a (1866)

Bolde, Charles W. (Mary Carpunkey)Ch Carl W., *Freda,; "Crystal SpringFarm" Hamburg Rl Hamburg Secl3O80a (1866) Merida Tel. Hamburg

Bolde. William J. (Sophia Carpunkey)Ch Fred. *Dorothy; "Fairview FruitFarm" Meppen Star Rte RichwoodsSecll O201a (1873) Batchtown Tel.Batchtown

Bonner, George (Anna Seimer) ChCatharine, Lillian, Raymond, Ed-na; Meppen Star Rte Point Sec36T120a Catherine Bonner (1877)Batchtown Tel. Ba.tchtown

Bonner, Lewis (Theresa Balke) ChMike, Sylvester, Henry; "BonnerStock and Grain Farm" MeppenRichwoods Sec25 O80a (1877)

Booth, George A. (Bessie Howland)Ch Hattie, Lora, Dorothy, Albert,Alma, Earl; Mozier Belleview Sec34O80a (1874)

Booth, John R. (Louisa Bruns) ChRoscoe, Chester, Lucy, Mandy,Sophia, Robert, *Homer; HamburgRl Hamburg Secl4 T120a LouisRingshausen (1879) Merida Tel.Hamburg

Bopp, Herman (Ma.ry Pohlman)Brussels Star Rte Point Secl8 02a(1891) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Bopp, Jacob (Cedelia Frieman) QhEarl, John, *Martha, *Herman, *A1-bert, *Herl3ert; Deer Plain Star RtePoint Secl7 045a (1865) BrusselsTel. Brussels

Borrowman, James A. (Ella Buchan-an) Ch Russell, Rov, *Truman.*Beulah; Nebo R3 Belleview Sec30983, (1866) Farmers Line Nebo

Borrowman, Truman (Bertha Cham-berlain) Pleasant Hill BelleviewSec3W T20a (1896)

Bouea, Nancy (Glowers) Ch Theda,Rose, Esta,; Hamburg Rl BelleviewSec34 O40a (1860)

Bracksieck, William (Anna Bartels)Ch Charles, Albert, Louis. Edna,*Fred, *Dora, *Emma; Hardin Har-din Sec28 O170a (1913) McDonaldTel. Hardin

Bradbeck, Henry (Lizzie Kinder) ChHilder; Batchtown RichwoodsSeclS 066a T. P. Bradbeck (1884)

Bradbeck, T. P. (Barbara Simmer)Ch William, Carl, Albert, Thomas,Minnie, *Anna, *Henry; BrusselsRichwoods SeclS 0367a (1870)Batchtown Tel.

Brangenberg, Joseph (Dina Becker)Ch Charlotte, Henry, Carrie, Clara,Paul, Nellie; Kampsville Rl CarlinSec32 qi82a (1874) Farmers LineKampsville

Brangenberg, VaL (Ruth Siblev) ChVal. Jr.. Robert. A-I-rtle, Goldie,Hazel, Elsie, Grace; Beecreek StarRte Carlin Sec8 0_8^5a (1867) Farm-ers Line Kampsville



Brangenberg, William Ch Joseph,Walter, Agnes, Esther; "OrchardView Farm" Hamburg R2 CraterSec28 O160a (1884) Farmers LineHamburg

Brant, Joseph L. (Olive Zumwalt) ChLewis, Fred, *Ellen; BelleviewBelleview Secl9 O20a (1888) MeridaTel. Belleview

Breden, B. Frank (Julia. Miller) ChEtta, *Louisa; Hardin R2 HardinSec23 O40a (1859) McDonald andFarmers Line Hardin

Breden, Charles F. (Caroline Mieike)Ch Edna; "Sunnyside Fruit, Grainand Stock Fa,rm" Hardin R2 HardinSeclO O160a (1875) McDonald andFarmers Line Hardin

Breden, James (Christena Scott) Har-din Hardin Sec22 02a (1886)

Breden, James A. (Margaret Hamel)Ch Leo, *James, *Judith, *Sa,die,

*May; Hardin Hardin Sec22 02a(1861)

Breden, Theodore (Sarah Miller) ChTheodore, *William; Hardin R2Hardin Sec9-3 O160a (1862) Mc-Donald and Farmers Line Hardin

Breden, William H. (Mary Rings-hausen) Ch Lenore, Leslie; "Hill-view Farm"; Hardin R2 HardinSeclO-15 0157a (1869) McDonaldand Farmers Line Hardin

Breer, Herman Meppen Star RteRichwoods Sec35 OllOa (1873)

Brink, Frank Ch Nesphan, Joseph V.,

Lizzie, Brink; Golden Eagle StarRte Point Sec5 047a (1857)

Brinker, Anton (Gertrude Cresswell)Ch Anita; Golden Eagle Star RtePoint SecS T80a Anna Macker(1890)

Brinkman, Angus H. (Laura Simp-son) Ch Viola, Emma, August,Hilda,, Musetta; Batchtown Rich-woods Sec4 O80a (1888) BatchtownTel. Batchtown

Brinkman, F. A. Meppen RichwoodsSec22 O40a (1869)

Brinkman, William (Kate Tepen) ChJohn, Joseph, William, Albert. Ed-ward, *Mary, *Josephine; MeppenRichwoods Sec22 O90a (1890)

Brock, Elizabeth Ch. Alma,, Mary;"Brock's Landing" Golden Eagle RlPoint Sec33 075a (1879) BrusselsTel. Brussels

Broz, Tony J. (Emma Hluzek) ChLillian, Maria, Victoria; PleasantHill Rl Belleview Sec5 O. D. Leach(1919) Farmers Line Pleasant Hill

Brundies, Henry (Techla Geggs) ChMary, Bernard, Ulrich, Agnes,Tony, Celia; Brussels Star RtePoint Sec2 T68a Caroline Kinder(1868)

Brimjes, Mrs. Maggie (Richter) ChOrville, Mamie; Kampsville CraterSec4 T3a H. Schumann (1884)Farmers Line Kampsville

Bryant, Jacob (Mary E. Williams) ChJacob, Fred, Alvin, Sherman, Bulah,Bernice, Elda, Ellen; Golden EagleRl Point Sec30 03a (1899)

Buchanan, Alvin (Zella Zumwalt)Ch Velma, Elva, Russell, Ray,*Genevieve; Nebo Belleview Sec3TlOOa C. E. McNeme (1919)

Buckner, James E. (Emma White) ChMela, *Florence, *Sina; KampsvilleRl Carlin Sec20 O40a (1878)

Bull, Arthur (Lola McClain) Ch Al-ma; Pleasant Hill Rl BelleviewSecl3 T60a. Charles Pence (1883)

Bull, James (Mary Helen Plummer)Ch *Stephen, *Charles, *Hettie,*Arthur; Belleview Belleview Sec 14

T40a Bell Sutback (1861)

Bull, Stephen C. Ch Lee, Margaret,Hubert, Nellie; Hardin Rl GileadSec325 O40a (1870)

Bunch, H. Taylor (Ada Foiles) Ch*Rose, *Ruth, *Mary; "MeadowBrook Farm" Kampsville Rl Belle-view Sec36 O320a (1864) FarmersLine Hillcrest

Bunch, John (Estella Foiles) Ch Paul.*Lucy, *Musa; Hamburg Rl Ham-burg Sec6 O160a (1866) MeridaTel. Kampsville

Bunn, Andrew W. (Myrtle Hodge)Ch Aubra, Earl, Rosie, Eula, Marv;Nebo R2 Belleview Sec2 0218a(1867)

Bunn, Dola E. (Minnie Anson) ChVivian, *Vera„ *Eva; Nebo R2Belleview Sec3 OlOOa (1869)

Burge, Daniel M. (Malisa Adcox) ChGeorge, Charles, Daniel Jr.,

*Blanch; Hardin Rl RichwoodsSecl2 T240a Kate Seaford (1868)Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Burge, Frank (May Reed) Ch Law-rence, Raymond, Bonna, Marie;Kampsville Rl Hamburg Sec2 042a(1887)



£iims, Joseph M. (Sidney Higgerson)Ch Joseph, Floyd, James; HamburgRl Belleview Sec27 O120a (1861)Farmers Line Hillcrest

Bush, W. H. (Anna Schmeider) ChGeorge, William, Fred, Teresa,'''Charles F.; Brussels Star RtePoint Seel T200a Bush Heirs(1860) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Byrd, John E. (May Plummer) ; Ham-burg R2 Gilead Sec30N 0182A(1896) Bell Tel. Hajdin

Byrd, John H. (Maggie Surgeon) ChElda,, Margaret, *Everett; OakGrove Stock and Fruit Farm Ham-burg R2 Gilead Sec30N O220a(1870) Bell Tel. Hardin

Campbell, Grigsby (Clara Nelson)Ch Stella, Roscoe, Bessie, Elmer,Clennie, Marie, Henry, Ruby; Ham-burg R2 Hamburg SecSS 042a(1876)

Campbell, Harrison P. (Sarah Wil-son) Ch Mildred, Jesse, Martha,Wilford, *Cordelia; Hamburg Ham-burg Sec36 045a (1871) FarmersLine Hamburg

Campbell, James Ch William, *Mary,Eliza, ^Bridget; Hamburg RIHamburg Sec25 O120a (1861)Merida Tel. Hamburg

Campbell, James H. (Martha E.Blackorby) Ch *Pollie, *Harrison,Grigsby, *Ruby; Kampsville RlHamburg Sec3 O200a (1888) Farm-ers Line Hillcrest

Campbell, William W. (Susan E.Stone) Hamburg R2 HamburgSec7S O80a (1873)

Canan, Edward J. (Laura Gray) ChEdw. J. Jr., John P., McC, TimothyE., Gerard L., Bernice, Nellie,Elizabeth, *Frances; BatchtownRichwoods Sec28 O120a (1891)Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Cappel, Gerhardt (Elizabeth Kirch-meyer) Ch Anna. Marie, William,Charles; Deer Plain Point Secl6Tla August Schulze (1886)

Cappel, Henry (Sophia Rathgeb)Brussels Point Secl2 Tla C. A.Whittman (1885) Brussels Tel.Brussels

Cardiff, Lish (Sarah Pa.tchen) ChLessie, Minerva, Gay, Lewis, Tot,*William, *NelHe; Pleasant Hill RlBelleview Sec9 T320a Wm. Spence(1918)

Carlton, Mrs. Alpha (Alpha Dunce)Ch Arthur, Pearl, Lillian, Orville,Ruby, Joseoh Dunce; Michael Har-din SeclO TlOa George Sagez (1885)

Carlton, John T. (Gertie Higham) ChEverett, William, Emmaline; Ham-burg Rl Hamburg Secl8 FarmHand Mrs. John Ritter (1872)

Cames, Cyrus (Lena Martin) ChJames, Martha, John, Harry, Char-lie, Lizzie, Willis, Anna, Goldie, Sa-die; Mrs. Janie Ringhausen; Ham-burg R2 Hamburg Sec7S O80a(1870) Farmers Line Hardin

Carnes, Harry (Martini Roblero)Hamburg Hamburg Sec7S O160a(1876)

Carpenter, Agnes M. Ch. Leo Elmer,Robert, *Paul, *Joseph, *Micha,el,

William; Golden Eagle Rl PointSec21 O80a (1864) Brussels Tel.

BrusselsCarpunky, John (Frances Curtis) Ch

Wallace, Mildred; Hamburg R2Hamburg Sec36 T185a Gresham Est(1874) Merida Tel. Hamburg

Carrol, John W. (Lizzie Foster) ChCecil, John Elby; Hamburg R2Gilead SeclSS •QSOa (1890)

Carry, John H. (Anna Williams) ChMary, Lizzie, Martin; Meppen StarRte Richwoods Seel T2a WilliamBoede (1882)

Caselton, William M. (Teresa Sny-der) Batchtown Rl Gilead Secl7S093-6a (1883) Bell Tel. Hardin

Casselton, John W. (Mary A. Snyder)Ch Raymond, Clarence, Leona,,

Evelyn, Mary, John; Batchtown RlRichwoods Sec5 067^^a (1874)Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Chapman, Wm. H. (Frances Fanning)Ch Lora, Roy, Lester, Sylvester,Harry, Leonard, Ravmond, Kinzel;Nebo R2 Carlin Secl7 O40a (1898)

Church, Thomas E. (Mary Turnens)Ch Floyd, Margaret, Alice, Oklona,Nona, Sarah, *Thomas Jr.,

George: Batchtown Rl Gilead Sec4OlOOa (1855)



Chtirchman, Charles C. (Louise Bre-dan) Ch James, Etta, Freemont,Meek, Frank. John, Charles; Kamps-ville Star Rte Crater Sec21 O40a(1883) Farmers Line Kampsville.

Churchman, Freemont B (Julia, Clif-

fins) Ch *Charlie C, *Grover C.


"Fair View Farm" Kampsville StarRte Crater Sec21 O160a (1862)Merida & Farmers Tel. Kampsville.

Clark Joshua (Myrtle Marshall) ChSylvia, Carl; Deer Plain Point SeclST5a Amalie Meyer (1901)

Clendenny, Allie (Lettie Hubbard)Ch Norma, James; BelleviewBelleview Secl9W O90a (1886)Merida Tel. Belleview

Clendenny, Amos W. (Olive Marlin)Ch Niece and nephew Clara andClaud Clendenny; Pleasant HillStar Rte Belleview Secl2W T40a C.E. Clendenny Merida Tel. Belle-view.

Clendenny, Chas. R. (Elsie Cress) ChFay, Thelma; Pleasant Hill StarRte Belleview Secl2W T50a, C. E.Clendenny (1883)

Clendenny, Eliza B. (Grav) Ch Oscar,niece Carry Gray; Pleasant HillStar Rte Belleview Sec2W T160a SMcDonald (1845)

Clendenny, George W. (Ella Martin)Ch Otho, Andrew, Goldie, Fremon,Orland, Sylvia; Belleview Star Rte.Belleview Sec28 Ola (1872)

Clendenny, Logan L. (MargaretPeters) Ch Bernard, Opal; PleasantHill Star Rte Belleview Secl2W180a C. E. Clendenny (1884) MeridaTel. Belleview

Cloninger, Arthur G. (Allie Reed) ChWilda Leota; Kampsville Rl Ham-burg Sec7 T40a C. Stillbrink (1893)

Cloninger, James L. (Nellie Nicholas)Ch Marea, Bertha; Nebo R2 Belle-view Secl4 02i4a (1873)

Cloninger, Lewis (Christena Wintzen)Ch Luther, Chester, Lewis, Mary,Arthur, *Minnie, *Lena,; MozierBelleview Sec35 A117a (1867)

Clower, Mrs. Emma Hamburg R2Hamburg Sect 12S Tla R. H. Bailey(1834)

Clowers. Clifford (Nellie Clendenny)Ch Milo, Clifford Jr., Herbert; Mo-zier Hambursr Sec4 T20a WilliamTrobridge (1888)

Clugsten, John W. (Roix Foster) ChEsther, Dalene, Hazel; AmandaClugsten; Hamburg R2 HamburgSec31 O30a (1879)

Clugsten, Lafe (Lena Ansel) PleasantHill Rl Belleview SeclS T200a M.C. E. McAemer (1881)

Cockrell, Anna M. (Anna M. Terdler)Ch Cora, Martin, Jerome, *Robert,Anna, *George, *Minnie; Batch-town Richwoods Sec8 O400a(1850) Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Cooley, Claud (Lona White) Nebo R2Carlin Sec7 Farm Hand Mrs. R.Goetz (1881)

Corbett, Francis (Catherine Roth)Ch Frances, Alvina, Adam. Helen,Johannah; Hamburg Rl HamburgSec30 T285a Nat Corbett (1884)Merida Tel. Hamburg

Corbett, Nat (Catherine Hughes) ChCa.therine, *Edmond, *John, Bar-tholomew, Francis, Ellen; Ham-burg Rl Hamburg Sec30 0285a(1868) Merida Tel. Hamburg

Cornelius, Ben F. (Lizzie Spong) ChEsther, Dorothy, Bertie, Fra,nkWoltman, Charles; Hardin R2 Har-din SeclO T3a, A. Oettle (1890)

Coughlin, Henry (Laura Fuller) ChMartin, Veronica; "Coughlin FruitFarm" Batchtown Star Rte Rich-woods Sec20 0119a (1868)

Coughlin, Martin (Clara Rickey) ChHenry, Warren, Harrv; "CoughlinFruit Farm" Batchtown Star RteRichwoods Sec20 0119a HenryCoughlin (1888)

Cox, Mrs. Louisa (Louisa Skiles) ChMerlin, Nora, Myrtle, Frank,Francis; Hardin R2 Hardin SccllTla C. E. Anderson (1912)

Crader, Alex (Melissa Ansell) ChSlocum, Sylvester and stepchildCuba; "Brookside Farm" HamburgRl Ha,mburg Sec24 O80a (1863)Merida Tel. Hamburg

Crader, Austin (SalHe E. Barnes) ChOllie, Rufus; "Lone CottonwoodFarm" Hamburg Rl Hamburg Sec24O60a (1865) Merida Tel. Hamburg

Crader, Grover (Daisy V. Fisher) ChOdessa, Oneita, Opal, Edna, Her-man; Hamburg Rl Hamburg Sec3O160a (1888)

Crader, Henry T. (Polly Campbell)Ch lone, Howard, Elsie, Leta, Viola,Grover, Belle, Margaret; Ham-burg R2 Gilead Secl3 0158a (1842)Bell Tel. Hamburg

Crader, Herman H. (Elizabeth Ducep)"Riverview Farm" Hamburg R2Hamburg Secl2S 0264a (1870) BellTel. Hamburg



Grader, Rufus C. (Cordelia Campbell)Ch Phydella, Viola, Sadie; Ham-burg Rl Hamburg Sec24 O20a(1892) Farmers Tel. Hamburg

Craig, James (Mary Tolbert) ChLewis, Silvia, Roy, James Everett;Mozier Hamburg Sec3 O40a (1882)

Craigmiles, William H. (Lurena Black-well) Ch Alonzo, Stephen, *WilliamE., Elsie; Hardin Hardin Sec34OBOa (1879)

Creech, W. H. (Lizzie Berrey) ChRobert, *Ernest; "Shady SlopeFarm" Batchtown Richwoods Sec9-16 O60a (1859)

Cress, Bryan (Veda Nevins) Ch Lour-ene, Ernest; Kampsville Rl CraterSec8 Farm Hand G. S. Hayn (1896)

Cunningham, John; Golden Eagle RlPoint Sec29 O160a (1856) BrusselsTel. Brussels

Cunningham, John W (Mary Richey)Ch Clifton. Wesley; Batchtown RlGilead Sec21N (1872)

Curtis, Charles W. (Mary C. Brangen-berg) Ch Gerald; Kampsville StarRte Secl6 T20a al Brangenberg(1890)

Curtis, James H. (Janie Buckner)Ch Freda, *Rosa, *Ida, ^Frances,*Charlie; Kampsville Rl CarlinSec30 T80a Sarah Thorp (1867)

Curtis, Martin (Julia Barnard) ChRoy and wife, *Clarence, *Lettie;

Hamburg Rl Carlin Sec20 T80a Cur-tis Est. (1859) Farmers Tel. Hill-



Darr, Mrs. Sarah (Sarah Merida) ChVesta, Samuel; Hamburg Rl Ham-burg Sec4 O103a (1855) Merida Tel.

HamburgDaugherty, William Brothers and sis-

ters Emma, August, Henry, Carrie;Hardin R2 Hardin Secll Tla, C. E.Anderson (1891)

Davis, George W. (Melissa Sconce)Hamburg R2 Hamburg Secl2S OS7a(1873) McDonald Tel. Hardin

Davis, Henry A. (Frances Rowley)Nebo R2 Belleview SeclS O60a(1883)

Davis, Joseph H. (Nancy M. Black-orby) Ch Lyman, *James, *Zena,*Henrv, *Elmer; Hamburg Rl Belle-view Sec34 O20a (1883) FarmersTel. Hillcrest

Davis, Miles J. (Harriet Bassett) ChSidney, *Emma, *George, *Gertrude,*Estella,; Hamburg R2 HamburgSecl2S Tla James Rosa (1875)

Day, Joseph (Ella F. Fowler) ChHelen; Hamburg Hamburg Sec36077a (1883) Merida Tel. Hamburg

Degerlia, Charles (Carrie Smith) ChLillian, Cha.rles, Clyde, Baby;Kampsville Rl Carlin Sec20 T319aLee Obergohamer (1886)

Degerlia, Clarence E (Viola Bizail-lion) Ch Earl, Harold; Hardin Har-din Sec22 TlOOa Pete Gotway (1888)

Degerlia, Stephen (Lydia Ferguson)Ch Harvey, Walter, *CharIes,*Ada, *Mecca; Hamburg Rl CraterSec20 O80a (1858)

Dehm, WUliam (Eva Wolfif) Ch Jo-sephine, Viola, Violet; HamburgHamburg Sec36 TSOa Louis Tav-ernier (1918) Merida Tel. Hamburg

Delaney, William L. (Nancy Senatz)Ch Alvora; Hardin Hardin Sec27Tla A. Watson (1872)

Delargy, James A. (Rosa KnoUhoflf)Ch Martha,, Charles, Nana; HardinRl Hardin Sec27S 096a (1875)McDonald Tel. Hardin

Delargy, John C. and Sister Katherine;Hamburg Hamburg Sec6S O160a(1868) Farmers Tel. Hamburg

Depper, George & Conrad (Mother,Barbara Depper) Golden Eagle RlPoint Sec22 Ola (1878)

Depper, John F. (Ophelia Quails) ChJohn, Fred, Edward, Minnie, Jo-seph; Golden Eagle Rl Point SeclSO20a (1863)

Depper, Martin H. (Sophia Gose) ChMinnie, Lillian, Carl, Rosella,Gladys, granddaughter Myrle;Golden Eagle Rl Point Sec22 O30a(1865)

Depper, William (Louisa Depper)Ch Lena, William and son-in-lawWesley Quinn and children Juliaand Lester; Golden Eagle Rl PointSeclS O20a (1860)

Desherlia, Stephen (Anna Besaw) ChJames, Margaruite, Dora, Elmer,Stephen, Adam, *Charles, *Bertha,Jessie; Deer Plain Point SecllO40a (1869)



Desherlia, William (Anna Smith) ChHomer, Ross, Ethel, Ruby; MeppenRl Hardin Sec22S T20a, S. McDon-ald (1876) McDonald Tel. Hardin

Dierking, Fred W. (Emma Ha,rlow)Ch Donald, Mavis, Jewel, Noel;Nebo R2 Belleview Secl3 O320a(1878) Farmers Tel. Hillcrest

Dinkier, Charles (Emma Meseka)Ch Minnie; Deer Plain Point Secl5T5a Mrs. Amalie Meyers (1870)Brussels Tel. Brussels

Diper, Charles (Martha, Quails) ChPete, *Susie, *Minnie; Hardin RlHardin Sec26S Tla John Mortland(1869)

Dirksmeyer, Albert W. (Katie Foster)Ch Dorlene, Pauline; Hamburg RlHamburg Secl9 T120a WilliamDirksmeyer (1886) Merida Tel.Hamburg

Dirksmeyer, August (Dora Nevins)Ch Lafayette, Otto, *Leslie Foiless;Kampsville Rl Crater Sec5 0158a(1864) Farmers Tel. Kampsville

Dirksmeyer, Frank (Information re-fused) Hamburg R2 Hamburg Sec35O140a (1875) Merida Tel. Hamburg

Dirksmeyer, Joseph A. (Ida Smith) ChVirgie, Virlie, Leslie, Earl, Vernie,Va,leria; Hamburg R2 HamburgSec31 T80a William R. Dirksmeyer(1880) Merida Tel. Hamburg

Dirksmeyer, Lewis F. (GertrudeSmith) Ch Virgil; Hamburg Ham-burg Sec35 T5a William Dirks-meyer (1888)

Diserens, Ross (Frances Sibley) ChHelen, Ethel; Beecreek Carlin Sec9-8 O80a (1887) Farmers Tel. Hill-crest

Dixon, Charles R. (Anna Snyder) ChE. Alae; Luella Dixon, mother;"Golden Eagle Fruit Farm" GoldenEagle Star Rte Point Sec36 O160aSec36 T80a Luella Dixon (1883)Brussels Tel. Brussels

Dixon, Harvey S. (Estella Cooke)Ch Naomi, Estella; Batchtown RlGilead Sec31S 0198a (1883) Cal-houn Tel. Hardin

Dixon, Leonard M. (Lulu Plumer) ChLee, Ruby, Willie. Milo; BatchtownRichwoods Sec34 O160a (1869)Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Doerr, Frank (Ruby Laird) Ch Cecil,

Henry; Hamburg R2 HamburgSec36 Farm Hand James Nimerick(1918)

Dombach, Anna Ch John, *Henry,*Katie, *Regina„ *Joseph, *WilIiam,*John; Golden Eagle RStar PointSecl9 067a (1878) Brussels Tel.Brussels

Draper, Chas. P. (Bessie Hemphill)Ch Bonnie, Avery; Nebo R2 CarlinSecl8 T109a C. Richter (1892)

Draper, D. AL (Mollie Battershell)Ch *Truman. *Berl; Nebo R2 Belle-view Sec2 O70a (1911) Farmers Tel.Nebo

Draper, Mrs. Mary Ch Ulah, also JaneBurchitt, *Pleme C; Kampsville RlCarlin Sec20 Tla Curtis Est. (1860)

Droege, Barney, Sr, (Mary A. Hillen)Ch John, Joseph, Aurens, Stephen,Lizzie, *Henry. *Caroline; BrusselsStar Rte Richwoods Sec34-35O320a (1856) Batchtown Tel. Batch-town

Droege, Frank H. Margaret Droege,mother; Barney, Peter, John, broth-ers; Brussels Star Rte Point SeelO80a (1895)

Droege, Henry B. (Josephia Woelfel)"Glen Stone Farm" Meppen Rich-wood Sec25 Ola Gesina Schlepe(1889) Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Droege, Henry H. (Anna Hoenimen)Ch Maggie, William, Lena, Edward,Elmer, Mary, Frank, Leo; BrusselsStar Rte Point Sec35N O80a (1887)

Droege, Herman (Lizzie Turning) ChRaymond, Verdine, Herman, Leona,Catherine; Brussels Star Rte Rich-woods Sec25 TlOOa John Droege(1884) Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Droege, John (Elizabeth Hillen) ChAnna, Henry, Mary. Herman, Mag-gie, Agatha; Brussels Star Rte Rich-wood Sec25-26-27-36 0490a, (1853)Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Ducept, Joseph Ch George, *Pete,*Vidline, *Elizabeth, *Julia, *Julius;Hamburg R2 Hamburg Sec8S OlOOa(1858)

Ducept, Julius (Lena Geske) ChLuther, Irene, Carl; Hamburg R2Hamburg SecSS 017.65a (1882)

Dunbach, William "Hill View Farm"Meppen Richwoods Sec27 Ol59a(1862)

Dimcan, Edwin (Emma Gisy) ChWarren, Bertha, Cora; GraftonStar Rte Point Sec2 TllSa MattieAuer (1915) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Dwyer, Daniel (Maggie Hubbard) ChLeo, Eva; Pleasant Hill Rl Belle-view Secl5 T125a Wm. Simpkins(1882) Merida Tel. Belleview



Eageny, John (Ma,ry Deloney) ChJohn Jr., Helen, Ollie; "MapleWood Farm" Batchtown RichwoodsSecl7 0143a (1874) Calhoun Tel.Batchtown

Eberlin, Henry (Mary Kamp) ChRichard, Arthur, Katharine, Ed-mund, Viola, Raymond, Lucille,

Charles; Golden Eagle Rl PointSec32 O60a, (1876)

Eberlin Mary F. Ch Goldie L., Ger-trude C. ; William J., Josephine M.,Leonard, children of CatherineMenke Golden Eagle Rl Point Sec32O60a (1877) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Eck, Harry W. (Anna Ostermann)Belleview Belleview Sec21 068a(1914)

Edwards, Charles M. (Anna Kraut)Ch Carl, Edith, Viola, Ernest, Dor-othy, Marion; Pleasant Hill Belle-view Sec3 T160a C. E. McNamer(1870)

Eichhom, Charles F.' (Anna, Elder) ChGolda; "Deer Plain Farm" DeerFlam Point Secl6 022a (1868) Brus-sels Tel. Brussels

Eilerman, William C. (Tresa, Kresch-el) Ch Emma, Dora, Louise, Mar-tin, Myrtle, Hilda, *Katie; Batch-town Rl Richwoods Sec31 O580a(1865) Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Elder, Terry R. (Mary Besant) ChTerrv Jr., Helen, Dorothy, Bernice;Deer Plain Point Sec21 O80a (1869)

Elledge, Albert N. (Mabel Robinson)Ch Lowell, Noble; Nebo R2 Belle-view Secl2 O60a (1882)

Elledge, Clem G. (Katie Sheppard) ChLeona, Felma, Virgil, Everette,Elma, Eva; Nebo R2 Belleview SeelOlOla (1910)

Elledge, Floyd (Lena Richter) ChMildred, Clara, Orland; Nebo R2Belleview Seel O80a (1893)

Elledge, Francis M. (Anna Barber)Ch *Clem, *Albert, *Floyd,* Alma,,*Cleo, *Leola; Nebo R2 BelleviewSecl2 O70a (1879)

Elmer, John, Henry and LouisKampsville Rl Carlin Sec33 O360a(1860)

Emerick, Jacob (Ellen Gibson) ChLee, Nettie, George, Lawrence, Mil-dred, *Mary, *Katie, *Lena; Ham-burg R2 Hamburg Sec30 O80a(1875)

Etter, Alfred (Rachel Brea,ksick) ChMae, Lee, Florence, Alfred Jr.,

Willis, Earl, Ray, Lucile *Mary,*Lizzie; "Kintown Stock and FruitFarm" Batchtown Rl Gilead Sec30-31-6 0647a (1867) Bell Tel. Har-din

Ewen, Charles (Ma,ry Breden) ChAnton. Louise, Bernice, Carl, Wil-liam, Catherine, *Theresa; HamburgR2 Crater Sec28 O80a (1869) Farm-ers Line Michael

Ewen, Joseph (Lizzie Wagener) ChLena, Josephine, Joseph, Clarence,John, Edward, Phillip, *Mary;Kampsville Rl Crater SeclO O160a.(1870) Farmers Line Ka.mpsville

Faburn, John R. (Mercena Peters) ChBeulah, Minnie; Mrs. Mary Faburn;Kampsville Star Rte Carlin Sec907a (1898)

Farnbach, William B. (Frances Sevi-er) Ch Lee, Ha,rold, Frederick;Kampsville Rl Crater Secl7 TSOaFred Farnbach (1888) FarmersLine Kampsville

Farran, Joseph D. (Sarah Wilson) ChMaurice, Hubert, *Howard, *Jo-sephine; Pleasant Hill Rl BelleviewSec6 T619a G. L. Miller (1912) PikeCo. Tel. Pleasant Hill

Farrow, Alvie (Ida Carter) Ch Virgil;

Kampsville Carlin Sec34 T120a C.

B. Farrow (1892)

Fester, Charles (Wilhelmina Hetzer)Ch Charles, Fred, *Charlotte,

*Louise, *Amelia; Golden Eagle RlPoint Secll O280a (1842) BrusselsTel. Brussels

Fester, Henry (Cordelia Wallendorff)Golden Eagle Rl Point Sec2 T725aLouis Fester (1892) Brussels Tel.




Fester, Louis (Charlotte Kinder)Hilda, Inez, *Henry, Grandchildren;Golden Eagle Rl Point Sec2O205a (1898) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Fiedler, Anna (Funk) Ch Herman,Emma, Lillian, Henry, *Minnie,*Clara; Batchtown Rl RichwoodsSec32 O204a (1894)

Fiedler, Charles H. (Barbara Fonck)Ch Rose, William, Nellie, Rans,Mae, Oren, Pearl, Karl, Oliver;Batchtown Rl Richwoods Sec5 O40a(1869) Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Fiedler, F. W. (Emma H. Branham)Ch Austin, Bessie, *Charles, *John,*Harriett; "Road View Farm" Win-field, Mo. Star Rte RichwoodsSecl7 O60a (1860)

Fiedler, Henry W. (Lavena Bush) ChGeorge, Ellen, Christian, Izella,

Bertha, Paul, Johanna, *Fred, Al-bert, *Mary; Batchtown Rl Rich-woods Sec32 029Sa (1858) Ba,tch-

town Tel. BatchtownFiedler, Joseph C. Ch Roscoe, Homer,

Sadie, Daisy; "Mammouth SpringFruit Farm" Hamburg R2 GileadSecl9N OllSa (1867) Bell Tel. Har-din

Fields, Henry (Mariah Coats) ChDaly, Emmet, *George, *Edward,*Charles, *Lloyd, *June, *Ben, *Ed,*Nancy, *John, *Joe; Nebo R2Belleview Secl2 O40a (1850)

Fields, H. Edward (Reka Steinmyer)Ch Minnie, Clarence, Edna, Walter.Jesse, *Lena; Nebo R2 Carlin Sec7T282a O. Bartholamew (1874) Farm-ers Line Kampsville

Fields, John L. (Rachel Kinkade) ChWinnifred, Norman, *EtheI, *Alta,*Florence; Kampsville Rl CraterSec9 E144a J. F. Kamp (1865)

Fischer, Mrs. John (Annie Seimar)Ch John, Garrett, Martin, *Mina,rd,*Barney, *Annie, *George, *Maggie,*Frank, *William; Hamburg Ham-burg Sec3S-13 0277a (1847) MeridaTel. Hamburg

Fisher, Clyde H. (Edith N. Lynch)"Diamond Island Farm" Hardin R2Hardin Secl2 Tla C. E. Anderson(1918)

Fisher, Plennie C. (Eton Jacobs) ChViola, Obie; Belleview BelleviewSec21 T88a W. F. Fowler (1886)

Fleming, Herman (Victoria Nairn) ChBryan, Alice. Ruth; Hardin Rl Ha.r-

din Sec235 TllOa McDonald Est.

(1865) McDonald Tel. Hardin

Fleming, John (Lucy Edwards) ChOra, Virginia; Pleasant Hill StarRte Belleview Secl8 0214a (1866)Merida Tel. Belleview

Foiles, Asa D. (Mamie Lumlie) Ham-burg Rl Belleview Sec25 O160a(1870) Farmers Line Hillcrest

Foiles, Charles A. (Louisa Barner)Kampsville Rl Hamburg Sec2 TlaHarriett Beach (1873)

Foiles, Daniel (Sarah Wiegind) Ch*Amanda, *Charles, *Oscar, *Wil-bur; Kampsville Rl Hamburg Sec60164a (1842) Farmers Line Hill-


Foiles, Dennis W. (Winnie De Long)Ch Ellis, Luther; Batchtown RlGilead Secl7N 0174a (1882) BellTel. Hardin

Foiles, Elba L. (Alice Kennedy) ChRuth; Kampsville Rl HamburgSecl2 T99a George Foiles (1894)


Farmers Line Hillcrest

Foiles, George A. (Mabel Whineland)Ch Clarence, Howard, Winnie,Edith, Jake, Mary, Edgar, Quincy,*Elba, *Lee; Kampsville Rl Ham-burg Sec6 084y2a (1867) Merida andFlarmers Line Ka.mpsville andHillcrest

Foiles, Jacob A. Ch Thomas A., An-na, *George A., *Joseph L., *Etta;Kampsville Rl Hamburg Seel T60aThomas and Anna Foiles (1855)Farmers Line Hillcrest

Foiles, Mrs. Jane (Knight) Ch George,Charles, *Siegel, *Loui3; KampsvilleRl Hamburg Sec2 0237a (1854)

Foiles, Jeddie L. (Nina, Webb) Ham-burg Rl Belleview Sec22 T116aEmma Hunter (1898)

Foiles, John T. (Emma Booee) ChGrace, Aubrey, Loren, Beatrice,

*Lela; "Shady Knoll Farm" Ham-burg Rl Belleview Sec28 O160a(1860) Farmers Line Hillcrest

Foiles, Joseph L. (Ella Likes) ChKenneth, \'era: Kampsville RlHamburg Sec6 O40a (1871) Farm-ers Line Kampsville

Foiles, Leslie (Lorraine Rosa) ChOtis, Eva. Eunice, Richard; Kamps-ville Rl Crater Secl7 OllSa (1890)

Farmers Line Kampsville

Foiles, Siegel Ch Athalia, Merlin,

*Nora; Kampsville Rl HamburgSeclO 0351a, (1862)



Foiles, William (Susie Burns) ChFreda, Flossie, Fred, Florence,Shelby, Lawrence, Mildred, alsoMrs. Fred M. Schumann; Kamps-vUle Rl Crater Secll T40a Fred M.Schumann (1873) Merida and Farm-ers Line Kampsville

Foiles, WiUiam Lee (Mima Puter-baugh) Ch Ha,zel, Eileen; Kamps-ville Rl Hamburg Seel TSZVaa Geo.Foiles (1895) Merida Tel. Kamps-ville

Follis, Lloyd (Alice Peters) Ch Ros-lee, Harriett, Floyd, Lillian; Har-din Rl Hardin SeclOS T2a FrankMcDonald (1889)

Fonck, Michael J. (Ellen Lewis) ChBeulia, Marie, Harriett, Chris;"Queen Bee Fa^m" Batchtown RlGilead Secl6S O40a (1884) BellTel. Hardin

Ford, Harley M. (Verna Guthrie) ChDormah, Burwell; Nebo R3 Belle-view Sec6 'OlSa (1914) FarmersLine Belleview

Foster, Charles H. (Lucinda Ben-singer) Ch Frieda, Lee. Teddie, An-na, Francis, Walter, Blanche, *Her-ron, *Lily, *Lizzie; Hamburg R2Gilead Secl8S 08a (1893)

Foster, Jesse W. (Rosa Higham) ChHarold, Watson, Lola, Lena, Lois;Nebo R2 Belleview Secl2 OBOa(1909)

Foster, Watson (Lou Roberts) ChFred, Guy, Rebecca, *Zetta, *Roy,*Jesse, *Katie; "Gobbler Hill Farm"Hamburg R2 Hamburg Sec IS T160aSpencer Waldron (1896)

Fouch, Michael J. (Ellen Lewis) ChBeulah, Marie, Harriet, Chris;"Queen Bee Farm'' Batchtown RlGilead Secl6 O40a (1884) Bell Tel.Hardin

Fowler, Arthur D. (Flora D. Hadley)Ch Eupel L., Charles P., Opal. Es-ther, *Arthur L., *FIora M., Wil-liam F., *Valera F., *Vern F., Har-riett I.; "Diamond F Fruit Farm"Hardin Hardin Sec27 055a (1866)McDonald Tel. Hardin

Fowler, R. Vem (Fern Campbell)Hardin Hardin Sec27 T55a A. D.Fowler (1895)

Fowler, William F. (Masie Clouger)Ch Emma, Dell; Belleview Star RteBelleview Sec28 0166a (1891)Farmers Line Hillcrest

Frank, Theodore (Eliza.beth Vetter)Ch William, Bertie, Minnie, Esther,Albert, Sterling, Walla.ce, *Henry,*Rosa; Kampsville Crater Sec2T160a M. A. Kamp (1860) FarmersLine Kampsville

Franke, Henry L. (Lizzie Fester) ChElmer, Ralph, Howard, Selma, Al-fred; Batchtown Richwoods Sec3O200a (1871) Batchtown Tel.Batchtown

Franke, Herman A. (Anna Brodbeck)Ch Esther; Hardin Rl RichwoodsSeclO T260a H. Franke (1917)Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Franke, William (Lizzie Johnes)"Clay Hill Stock Farm" BatchtownStar Rte Richwoods Sec20 0372a(1868) Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Franklin, Marshal N. (LucindaMoore) Ch Nellie, Forest, Tracy,*Cora; Nebo R3 Belleview Sec60153a (1903)

Frederickson, Charles (Bertha Wil-lenburg) Ch Carl, George, Hilda,*Venna.; "Fruitland Fruit Farm"Golden Eagle Star Rte Point SeelO120a (1881) Brussels Tel. Brus-sels

Freesmeyer, Floyd (Edna Anderson)Ch Myrtle, Floyd Jr.; Hamburg RlBelleview Sec24 O160a (1899)Farmers Line Hillcrest

Freesmeyer, John (Ida B. Bovee) ChLorene, Frank, *Ralph, *Aleta;Hamburg R2 Hamburg SeclSO120a (1867) McDonald Tel. Ham-burg

Freesmeyer, Retger (Anna Quiller) ChNola, *Hattie, *Floyd; HamburgRl Belleview Sec25 O200a (1870)Farmers Line Hillcrest

Friedel, Albert W. (Mary Baalman)Ch Norbert, Edmund; Hardin RlRichwoods Secll T90a Paul Friedel(1888)

Friedel, George "Mount VictoryFarm" Batchtown Rl Gilead Sec29S0101.08a (1857) Bell Tel. Batch-town

Friedel, Paul (Elizabeth Ringhausen)Ch George E., Pa.ul H., *Albert W.,*Mary F.; Golden Eagle Rl PointSec37 O120a (1857) Brussels Tel.Brussels

Fuhler, Henry (Dora Reinaker) ChJoseph, Anna; Brussels Point SeelO50a Point Seel T200a TobiasSchleper (1890) Brussels Tel. Brus-sels

Fuhler, Joseph (Mary Rose) Ch Ray-mond; Brussels Point Sec25 T200aAugust Nolte (1892) Brussels Tel.Golden Eagle

Fulkerson, Frank (Jennie Stearns) ChOrland; Kampsville Rl HamburgSec7 Tla Bert Ansell (1888)

Fuller, Charles Hardin Gilead Sec20-21 05a (1899)



Fuller, Jeff (Alice Hayes) Ch George,Owen, Ray, Azuboh, Carl, Margaret,William, Dorothy, August, Alice;

"Prairie Farm" Meppen Star RteRichwoods Secl3 OilOa (1859)

Funk, Carl J. (Carrie Castleton) ChDorothy. Doris, James; GoldenEagle "Rl Richwoods Sec32 O80aFarm Hand Tony Schulte (1887)

Bell Tel. Batchtown

Funk, George G. (Nellie Johnson) ChPauline, Theodore, Murriel, Hurley,Henry, John, Harold, Gerald, Eliza-

beth, John; Batchtown Rl Gilead

Sec28S T320a William Obst (1880)

Funk, Henry (Elizabeth Hagen) ChJulia, *Theodore, *George, *Ida,

*Carl. *Ed, ^Raymond; BatchtownRl Richwoods Sec5 0136a (1851)

Ba.tchtown Tel. Batchtown

Funk, Raymond H. (Ellenore Johnes)Ch Loraine; Batchtown Rl Rich-woods Sec5 T136a Henry FunkBatchtown Tel. Batchtown

Gansz, August (Emma Hartmann) ChFrederick A.; Kampsville Rl CraterSec5 T80a John Gansz (1888) Farm-ers Line Kampsville

Gansz, J. Henry (Emma Daack) ChAlbert; Kampsville Crater Sec3O160a (1884) Farmers Line Kamps-ville

Gansz, John G. (Emma Lehr) ChMary; Beecreek Star Rte Carlin

Sec28 T200a J. Gansz (1888) Farm-ers Line Kampsville

Gansz, William (Rosa, Blesner) ChGeorge, Carl, Anna; Kampsville RlCarlin Sec33 O140a (1879) FarmersLine Kampsville

Gant, Robert G. (Anna Bogart) ChMarie, Paul, Everett, Robert, Ida,

Herman, *Lena„ *Roy; Nebo R2Belleview Sec3 O120a (1909) MeridaTel. Nebo

Gardner, George D. (EfFa Ward) ChLoren; Hamburg Rl BelleviewSec28 T100.43a Harriett Gardner(1892) Farmers Line

Gardner, Harriett (Owens) Ch *Wal-ter, *Oscar, *Mazo, *Gra,ham,George, *Enos, *Reta. ^Gardner;Hamburg Rl Belleview Sec28 O160a(1891) Farmers Line Hillcrest

Gates, George W. (Lucinda Hubbard)Ch *Ann. *Effel, stepchildren *Plin,

Ran, Rose McNelly; Hamburg RlBelleview Sec33 O40a, (1865)

Gates, John C. (Ida Gardner) ChSherman, George, Frank, Nora,Thomas, Henry, Winnie, Joseph,Flossie; Belleview Belleview Sec2iT20a John Mclntire (1870)

Gceding, Egbert (Letha Bolin) AnnaGeeding, mother; Golden Eagle RlPoint Sec4 T85a Anna Geeding(1893)

Gehlhausen, Herman (Katie Zipprich)Ch Louise; Kampsville Star RteCrater Sec22 T120a Charles Sutter

(1907) Farmers Line Kampsville

Gehlhausen, Joseph (Anna Kohn)Meppen Richwoods Sec27 O50aWilliam Kohn (1913)

Geisler, Ernest (Amelia Vulkert) ChHenry, Ernest, Theresa, Gra.ce, Al-bert, George; "River View FruitFarm" Golden Eagle Point Sec3SO40a (1894) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Geisler, George (Laura Brink) ChLela; Golden Eagle Rl Point SecSTla Frank Brink, Jr (1895) Brus-sels Tel. Brussels

Gerard, Rev. Lon F. (MoUie Watkins)Ch Harold, Cecil; Hamburg RlBelleview Sec23 Tla Lutheran Par-sonage (1918) Farmers Line Cent-ral

Gerdesmeyer, John (Mary Brink)Information refused

Gerecke, Henry (Elsie Heaton) ChMargaret, Raymond, Wilbirt;Kampsville Star Rte Crater SeclSMerida Line Kampsville

Geske, August (Ada Snider) Ch Sam-uel, Bessie, *Emma, *Minnie, Car-lean; Hamburg R2 Gilead Sec29ST160a Augusta Geske (1872) Bell

Tel. HardinGill, Arthur S. (Beulah Deal) Ch Mau-

rice, Dorwin; Pleasant Hill Star RteBelleview Sec7 T270a Thomas Gill

(1885) Merida Tel. BelleviewGill, Fred W. (Catherine Osterman)

Belleview' Belleview Sec 17 T240aWilliam Osterma.n (1890) MeridaTel. Belleview

Gill, Gilbert (Lettie Sidwell) Ch Hel-en; Belleview Belleview Sec7 T270a(1887) Merida Tel. Belleview



Codar, August (Alta M. Humphrey)Ch Robert, Eugene; Hardin R2Hardin SeclS T57a B. F. Breden(1883) McDonald Tel. Hardin

Codar, Francis (Lena Eberlin) ChPaul, Marguerite, Norbert, John,Robert, Wilfred, *Raymond, *Ern-estine; Hardin R2 Hardin Sec4T160a Paul Godar (1865) FarmersLine Hardin

Godar, John A- (Nellie Devine) ChElois, Ruth; "Bluff View Farm"Hardin R2 Hardin Secll T178aPaul Godar (1886) McDonald andFarmers Line Hardin

Godar, Joseph Ch ^Florence; "Oa,kRidge Fruit Farm" Hardin GileadSecl7S O120a (1882) Bell Tel.

HardinGodar, Louis (Elizabeth Miller) Ch

Paul, Andrew, Rosa, Louis C, Ed-mond, Archie, *Dennis, *Susie, *Joe,*August, *Charles; Hardin R2 Har-din SeclS 0234a (1853) McDonaldTel. Hardin

Godar,^ Raymond! (Margaret Bang-hart) Hamburg R2 Hardin Sec33O80a (1894) McDonald Line Hardin

Goetz, Aloys (Tena H. Daack) ChWilhelmina; Kampsville Rl CarlinSecl9 0113a (1882) Farmers LineHillcrest

Goetz, Mrs. Rudolph (Bertha Mosler)Ch Flora, Ottilia,, EInora; Nebo R2Carlin Sec7 0255a (1880) MeridaLine Kampsville

Goetze, Charles Ch Wilhelmina,Gladys, Edgar, Eleanor; GoldenEagle Rl Point Sec3 T90a CharlesFester (1880)

Goewey, Abraham A. (Lettie Poore)Ch Allen, Ea,rl, Minerva, Mary,Harold, Francis, Irene, Dorothy;Nebo R2 Belleview SeclS 049a(188S)

Goewey, Paul T. (Nettie Martin) ChLouise; Hamburg Rl Crater Sec20T80a Lee Morris (1890)

Goltz, Carl (Freda Klouse) Ch *Ag-nes, *CharIes, *WilHam, *Lewie,*Artie; Kampsville Rl BelleviewSec36 0199a (1869) Farmers LineKampsville

Goltz, Charles L. (Alta Lumley) ChIva, Roy, Alta, Eliza. Ova; NeboR2 Belleview Secll O140a (1876)Farmers Line Hillcrest

Goltz, Lewis H. (Minnie Ball) ChUrban, Marea, Kenneth; Kamps-vUle Rl Belleview Sec36 T200a CarlGoltz (1882) Farmers Line Kamps-ville

Good, Louis (Elizabeth Auer) Ch Ag-nes, Leroy, *Louis; "Gilead Hunt-ing and Fishing Club" BatchtownRl Gilead Sec25-36 (1913) Bell Tel.

HardinGordon, Bennie M. (Pearl Bell) ChRuth; Hamburg R2 Gilead Sec29SO80a (1881) Bell Tel. Hardin

Gordon, Tom M. (Mary Stone) ChNorma C, *Lula, *Ben M., *Carl,Stanley, *Thomas A.; Hardin Har-din Sec22-27 04a (1876)

Gose, Charles (Mary Nolte) GoldenEagle Rl Richwoods Sec33 O20a(187S)

Gotway, George A. (Kate Williams)"Orchard Farm" Hamburg R2 Gil-

ead Secl7S O160a (1873) Bell Tel.

HardinGotway, George A. Hamburg R2 Gil-

ead Secl8N O40a (1886)

Gotway, John (Carrie Roentz) ChOtto, Viola, William, Archie, Ed-ward; Michael Crater Sec27 O530a(1876) Farmers Line Michael

Gotway, Otis (Sophia Roundcount)Ch Lucille, Lenora,; Hardin R2Hardin Sec3 O80a (1893) FarmersLine Michael

Graham, Oscar (Minnie Quiller) ChHarold, Lessie, Ruth, Charles;

Kampsville Rl Carlin Secl9 O240a(1883) Farmers Line Hillcrest

Graham, Walter (Zena Blackorby)Ch Earl, Alma,, Frieda, Gladys,Martha. Olen; Hamburg R2 Gilead

SeclS O80a (1889)

Gramer, Will D. (Pearl Tadbock) ChAlta< Freda, Claud, Newman, Law-rence; Gussy, Howa,rd, Eugene, step

children; Pleasant Hill Rl Belle-

view Sec8 T160a S. McDonald(1886)

Gray, Virgil (Cuba Ansell) Ch How-ard, Harold, Elsie, Jacob, Cynthia;Kampsville Rl Hamburg Secl2 Ola(1885)

Gray, W. H. (Margaret Moffet) ChWilliam, Edwa,rd, *John, *Daisy,*Ruby, *Sadie; Golden Eagle RlPoint Sec9 TlOOa Thomas Andrews(1854)

Gresham, Grant (Carrie Herter) ChGrant Jr., Irene; Hardin GileadSec20N O80a (1879) McDonald Tel.

HardinGresham, Henry (Sarah Weaver) ChNorma, Nina, Harry, Edward, Cuba,Beatrice, *Grant, *Lee; Hardin Gil-

ead Secl7N O160a (1865)



Gresham, Lee (Nellie Crouch) ChEdna; Hardin Hardin Secl6 O50a(1892)

Gresham, Mrs. Mary (McGuire) ChSadie, Hajrj^ Nellie, Freda, Lillian,Amilla; Hamburg Hamburg Sec6SO160a (1903) Merida Tel. Ham-burg

Gresham, William C. (Ida Thursten)Ch *William, *Lodema, *Bryan J.;"Perrins Lodge Farm" KampsvilleStar Rte Carlin Sec22 02a (1860)Farmers Line Kampsville

Gress, Joseph (Mary Hazetwonder)Ch Theresa; Michael HamburgSec8S O200a (1886) Farmers LineHardin

Gress, Lawrence (Maggie Castor) ChRoman, Cecelia, Rena, Edwin, Law-rence, Lillian, Ja.cob, Mae, Regin-ald; Michael Crater Sec32 O80a(1864)

Gress, Pete L. (Kate Banghart) ChGerald; Michael Hamburg Sec8ST80a Lonis Gress (1891) FarmersLine Hardin

Grey, Bud (Emma Reed) Ch Estea,Verse; *Virgil, *Carrie, *Verna;Roy, Mollie, Wesley, Noah, Viola,,Tolbert, step children; MozierBelleview Sec35 T160a (1879)

Grewey, Abraham P. (Minerva Jones)Ch Percy, *Lettie, *Abraha,m Jr.,*Mary, *Paul, *Mabel; Nebo R2Belleview SeclS 05a (1865) Farm-ers Line Hillcrest

Grigsby, Sanford M. (Elizabeth Cun-ningham) Ch Aaron, *Walter,*Myrtle; Hardin Rl Hardin Sec22S-23S T146a C. C. Squier Heirs(1859) McDonald Tel. Hardin

Grigsby, Walter M. (Minnie McDon-ald) Ch Ora, Helen, Marion, Sant-ford, Franklin; Hardin Rl HardinSec23S TlOOa Squier Heirs (1882)McDonald Tel. Hardin

Grover, John M., Jr. (Viola Watts)Ch Clarence, Leonard, Earl,

Charles; Hamburg Rl BelleviewSec26 O40a, (1886)

Grover, Lawrence A. (Verna Hea.v-ner) Ch Marvin, Noland, Marion,Anna, Sylvia; Belleview Star RteBelleview Sec21 T53 l-3a W. Bover(1895)

Guthrie, Forrest E. (Minnie Barton)Ch Ward F.; Nebo R3 BelleviewSec6 Tla W. A. Guthrie (1895)

Guthrie, Oral (Minnie Pruett) Ch.Merle, William, Nebo R3 BelleviewSec6 O40a (1894)

Guthrie, Oscar C. (Emma Sidwell)Ch Nellie, Bessie, Roy, Nona, Lula,Lela,; Nebo R3 Belleview Sec6 045a(1919)

Guthrie, Will A. (Nora Johnson) ChIrma, Benita, Leonard, Carrol,Glenna, *Verna, *Oral, *Forrest,Flossie, *Vera; Nebo R3 Belle-

view Sec6 O200a (1894) FarmersLine Belleview

HHadley, Albert (Ida Rose) Ch Leon,

*Herbert, *Oren, *Alta, *Stella;Batchtown Richwoods Sec3 0135a(1858) Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Hagen, Charles, Sr. (Carrie Brands)Ch Nannette, Loretta, Michael,*John, *Frank, *Charles, *Mathias;Deer Plain Point Secl6 O120a(1868) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Hagen, Edward (Christena. Sutton)Ch William, Walter, Gilbert, Hu-bert; Nebo R2 Belleview Sec4 O80a(1880)

Hagen, Felix (Luvena Weigel) ChBarbara, Dora, Lawrence, Bridget,Edward, Paul, William, *Jacob,*Anna, *Mary; "Creek BottomFarm" Golden Eagle Rl PointSec20 O520a (1861) Brussels Tel.Brussels

Hagen, Gerhard, Sr. (Katie Canan)Ch Christopher, Rachel, Mavel,Adolia, Gertrude, Lawrence; Batch-town Star Rte Richwoods Sec29O80a (1859) Batchtown Tel. Batch-town

Hagen, Gerhard, Jr. (Anna McGee)Ch Pauline, Henry, Alma; MeppenRichwoods Sec24 O130a (1891)

Hagen, Henry (Florence Oden) ChLula, Zelma, Elza; Nebo R2 Belle-

view Secl5 T160a Hiram Hagen, Sr.


Hagen, Herman (Clara Flanigan)Batchtown Star Rte RichwoodsSec29 0132a Henry Hagen Est.

Batchtown Tel, Batchtown

Hagen, Herman A. Nebo R2 Belle-

view Secll O160a (1870)



Hagen, Hiram (Rose Garner) Ch La-verne; Nebo R3 Belleview Sec9 T85aHiram Hagen (1909) Merida Tel.


Hagen, John B. (Rose Woelfel) ChBernard, Renard, Gerald; HamburgR2 Gilead Sec215 O80a (1882) Bell

Tel. HardinHagen, J. T. (Ca,rrie Krause) Ch

Everett, Gertrude, Lucile; GoldenEagle Rl Point Sec21 TlOOa FelixHagen (1893) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Halemeyer, Charles F. (Amelia Fes-ter) Ch Charles, Robert; GoldenEagle Rl Point Secl4 T160a HenryHalemeyer (1905)

Halemeyer, Fritz (Minerva Kulk) ChLouise, Leonard, Laura, Mildred;Golden Eagle Rl Point Sec23 T160aMinnie Lindeman (1905) BrusselsTel. Brussels

Halemeyer, Henry (Emilie Hetzer)Ch Emilie, Fred, *Hannah, *Minnie,*Bertina, *Henry, *Anna,; "Martin'sLanding Farm" Golden Eagle RlPoint Sec21 0412a (1875) BrusselsTel. Brussels

Halemeyer, H. P. (Emma Kinder)Ch Henry, Dena, Alice, Ernest;Brussels Star Rte Point Sec2T109i/2a John F. Kinder (1879)Brussels Tel. Brussels

Halsey, Fred J. (Alma Elledge) ChNaomi, Vernon; Nebo R2 Belle-

view Secl2 O60a (1890)

Hang, Adolph (Anna Arnold) ChLawrence, William, Theresa, Dor-othy; "Hang's Store" Golden EagleStar Rte Point Secl8 OlOa (1892)Brussels Tel. Brussels

Hang, Christian (Sara.h Kinder) ChCaroline, John, Benjamin, Selma,*Edward; Golden Eagle Rl PointSec5 0252a (1882)

Hang, Edward (Lizzie Meyers) ChVelma, Herbert, Clifford; GoldenEagle Rl Point Sec5 T135a SarahHang (1891) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Hanks, Lee (Verna Fernbeaugh) ChThelma, Vernita, Baby; Nebo R2Belleview Secll O40a (1892) Farm-ers Tel. Hillcrest

Hanks, Martin A. D. (Sarah Silver)Ch *Mollie, *Clifford, *Alta, *Lee;Nebo R2 Belleview Secl4 O160a(1885) Farmers Tel. Hillcrest

Hannaken, Henry (Anna Fortschnei-der) Ch Gertrude, Henry, Mary, Jo-seph; Brussels Point Secl2 039y2a(1872)

Hanneken, John V. Ch Bernard, Wil-liam, Anna,, Katie, John; MeppenStar Rte Richwoods Secl4 OllOa(1880)

Haper, George A. Batchtown RlGilead Sec8N T125a, G. F. Haper(1874) Bell Tel. Hardin

Hardesty, Robert Golden Eagle RlRichwoods Sec23 C. C. Inple (1898)

Harlow, Carl L. (Florida Shaw) ChBryan, Una; Pleasant Hill BelleviewSec3 T160a S. McDonald (1871)

Harpole, Charles A, (Martha Mc-Nelley) Ch *John, *Mary, *Hattie;Nebo R2 Belleview Sec4 041a (1846)

Harris, Newton M. (Georgie Garner)Ch Floyd, Alonzo, Pauline, Leona,Naomi, *Frances, *Warren; Ham-burg Rl Belleview Sec24 T2a HenryKuck (1912) Farmers Tel Hillcrest

Hartman, Joe M. (Josephine Becker)Ch Valentine, William,* Neecy;Hamburg Rl Belleview Sec30 T200aC. E. Clendenny (1891) MeridethTel. Belleview

Hartmann, F. Henry (Caroline Haus-mann) Ch Frank, John, Albert,Bertha, Frances, *Rosa, *Anna, *Jo-seph, *Emma; Kampsville Rl CraterSec4 O80a (1900) Farmers LineKampsville

Haselhorst, Frank L. Ch Carrie, Jo-seph, Andrew, Mary, Clara, Kate,Ella, *Celia; Brussels Star RtePoint Sec35N O80a (1859) Beech-ville Tel. Brussels

Haselhorst, Martin "Haselhorst GrainFarm" Brussels Richwoods Sec29O90a (1880)

Hastings, Orville A. (Carry Hubbard)Ch Edward, Jessie, Harvev, *Della;Hamburg Rl Belleview Sec27 T3aC. P. Joifes (1915)

Hasty F. Marion (Alice Pope) ChLucy, Lillian; Hamburg Rl Ham-burg Sec23-ll-14 O305a (1857)Merida Tel. Hamburg

Hatfield, Eugene (Lela Quilles) Ham-burg Rl Belleview Sec33 OlOOa(1896) Farmers Tel. Hillcrest

Hattiman, Alex. (Cristina Willenburg)Ch Anna, Lily, Ben, Jaman, Dena,.Mary, Hattie, Albert, Fred, *Birdie;Golden Eagle Rl Point Secl4 086a(1866)

Haubs, Godfried (Louisa Nold) "FernValley Fa,rm" Golden Eagle RlRichwoods Sec32 OlOOa (1865)Batchtown Tel. Brussels



Haubs, Peter (Mabel Anderson) ChKenneth, Marguerite; "River BeechFarm" Golden Eagle Rl RichwoodsSec32 OlOOa (1875) Batchtown Tel.Brussels

Hausam, Abner G. (Mag. Davis) ChArthur, Roy, *Lee, *Walter; Ham-burg R2 Gilead SeclSN 04a (1871)

Hauseman, Will P. (Katie Mest) ChRoss, Florence, Elbe, Nola, Hallie,

Willie, Minnie; Nebo R2 BelleviewSecl3 O200a (1882) Farmers Tel.Hillcrest

Hausmami, August G. (Mary Bunch)Ch Leota, Taylor, Beryl, Moina;Kampsville Rl Carlin Sec31 O120a(1883)

Hausmann, Fred (Rosana Hanell)Ch Valen, Frederick, Harry, Rob-ert, Willmena, *William, *August,Frances, *Carry; Hamburg RlCarlin Sec32 O160a (1858) MeridaTel. Kampsville

Hayes, Henry (Sarah Hosey) ChElizabeth; "Dogtown Fa.rm" GoldenEagle Rl Richwoods Sec32 035a(1871) Batchtown Tel. Brussels

Hayn, Val S. (Catherine Klunk) ChCarl, Alloys. Valentine, Edward;"The Ideal Spring Fruit & StockFarm" Hardin Hardin Sec27 0113a(1880)

Hayn, Valentine P. (Elizabeth Beck-er) Ch Frank, Julia,, Ferdinand;Kampsville Rl Crater Sec5 T120aJoseph Hayn (1875) Farmers LineKampsville

Hayne, John S. (Louisa Zumiller) ChFreda, Elizabeth, Edward; Kamps-viUe Rl Crater Sec8 0365a (1878)Merida, Tel. Kampsville

Hays, Harrison (Anna Geske) ChHomer, Edna, Nora, *Augusta;Batchtown Rl Gilead Sec32S O80a,(1881)

Hazelwonder, Frank L. (BerniceGrandsinger) Ch Thelma, Edna;"Blue Ridge Fruit Farm" HardinHamburg Sec8S O160a (1891)Farmers Tel. Hardin

Hazelwonder, Michael (Ca.rrie Spang)Ch Guy, Michael, Sadie, George,John, Lourene, *Frank, *Mary,*Maggie; Hardin R2 Hardin Sec3O160a (1867) Farmers Tel. Michael

Heavener, Oliver (Nettie Ansel) ChThomas; Belleview Belleview Sec22O40a (1876)

Heavner, Newton F. (John Peters,Partner) "Heavner Homestead"Hamburg Rl Belleview Sec27 02l8a(1858)

Hefner, Henry A. (Agnes L. Watson)Ch Esther, Nancy, Marjorie, Pauline,Ruth, Eileen; "High Bank StockGrain and Fruit Farm" BatchtownRl Gilead Sec20N O470a Bell Tel.Hardin

Hegger, Geo. B. (Minnie Siemer) ChVora, George, Harry, Robert,Evelyn; Meppen Richwoods Sec2305a (1879) Batchtown Tel.

Heidenreich, Emil (Anna Kamp) ChRolland, Freda, Marie; KampsvilleRl Crater SeclO T80a Mary Heiden-reich (1874) Farmers Line Kamps-ville

Heimer, William G. (Josephine Sevier)Ch Rotger, Nellie, Elizabeth. Dor-othy, Mary, Joseph, Edward Lawr-ence; Hamburg Rl Hamburg Sec 14

T98y2a Albert Sevier (1899) Farm-ers Tel. Hamburg

Helfrich, Charles C. (Katie Benz) ChTildia; Kampsville Rl Crater SeclOO200a (1866) Farmers Line Kamps-ville

Heppington, William H. (MinnieFiedler) Ch Marie, Bessie, Melvin;Winfield, Mo. Star Rte RichwoodsSec21 T194a Elza A. Heppington(1891) Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Herkert, Albert and John "HerkertFarm" Michael Hamburg SecSSO160a (1862) Farmers Tel. Ham-burg

Herkert, Joseph Ch Mary, Bertha, Jo-seph, John, *Maggie, *Anna; Mi-chael Crater Sec27 03a (1861)Farmers Line Michael

Herrman, Henry (Alma Kulp) ChElla,, Violet, Lily, Elmer, Arthur;Golden Eagle Rl Point SeclOO103a (1880) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Herron, Harry A. (Electa M. Snider)Ch Elizabeth, Howard, Leveta,Myrtle; "Hardin Fruit Farm" Har-din Hardin Sec27 O70a (1882) Mc-Donald Tel. Hardin

Herter, G. G. (Neva,da Keehner) ChAlbert; Golden Eagle Star Rte PointSec36 O160a (1880) Brussels Tel.


Herter, John A. Jr. (Anna J. Hale-mever) Ch John F., Genevieve A.;Golden Eagle Rl Point Sec25 0240a,John A. Herter, Sr. (1884) BrusselsTel. Brussels

Herter, Paul (Jessie Sherman) ChWilliam, Pansy, Sherman, Paul,Flossie, Kenneth. Velma; GoldenEagle Star Rte Point Sec6 0178a(1882)



Hetzer, Anna Golden Eagle Rl PointSecl2 O60a (1857) Brussels Tel.Brussels

Hetzer, George (Caroline Hetzer,Mother) Sister Nora, Brother John;Brussels Star Rte Point Secll T40aCaroline Hetzer (1873) BrusselsTel. Brussels

Hetzer, Henry (Lilie M. Willenburg)Golden Eagle Rl Point Secl2 O70a(1859) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Hetzer, Jasen (Carrie Kulp) ChHarry; Golden Eagle Rl PointSeclS T40a Louis Fester (1894)

Hetzer, Mary J. Ch Charlotte, Dewey,Fred, Walter, Viola, Ardella, *Flor-ence; Golden Eagle Rl Point Secl4OlOOa (1888) Brussels Tel. Brus-sels

Higgerson, William N. BelleviewBelleview Sec20 Tla T. C. Johnson(1872)

Hill, George (Emma Fulburn) ChPearl, Mary; Kampsville Star RteCarlin Sec3 T2a O. Retzer (1904)

Hill, James (Maria, Hiatt) Ch JamesCarrie, *Effie, *Abraham, *Mary;Hardin Rl Hardin SeclOS T15aPete Lorsbach (1858)

HUl, O. M. (Nora, Seidler) Ch Wil-liam, Rufus, Roy, Verkema, Lenora,* Julia; "Spring View Farm"' GoldenEagle Rl Richwoods Sec33 Tl6.3aR. L. Hill (1884) Brussels Tel. Brus-scls

HiU, R. L. Ch O M.; "Spring ViewFarm" Golden Eagle Rl RichwoodsSec22 0162a (1878^

Hillen, Harmon (Catharine Scho-berud) Ch Catharine, 'ohn ?ndwife Theresa, Krim and baby Flor-ence, *Helen, *Mary, *Anna; Brus-sels Point Sec7 076a (1856)

Hillen, John (Elizabeth Santon) ChHenry, Clara, Lena, Ida, Agnes,Loretta, *Kate; Meppen Richwoods"ec24 0373a (1864)

Hirst, Carrol (Beulah Becker) ChJohn B.; Hamburg Belleview Sec23tl60a, Mrs. William Hirst (1894^

Hirst, Charles W. (Rose McNella)Ch Edna, Joseph, Naomi, Edward;Hamburg Rl Belleview Sec33 T40aLucinda Gates (1880)

Hirst, Mrs, William (Lavana Bark-ley) Ch Adalene. *Jennie. *Lenora,*Cha.rles, *Mary, *Vina, *Carrol,errandson Obie Campbell; HamburgRl Belleview Sec23 O160a (1852)Farmers Tel. Hillcrest

Hoemmen, Lucas H. Ch Theckla,John, Mary, Alvie, Emma, Paul;Meppen Richwoods Sec34 O160a(1875)

Holterfield, Geo. (Maggie Rhine) ChIrene, Joseph; Hardin Hardin SeclOT36a John Godar (1876)

Holzwarth, Chas. J. Ch Charles Q.,Harry E., Walter B.; "Apple RidgeFruit Farm" Hardin Hardin Sec21O120a Sec21 T120a Anna Holz-warth (1865)

Holzworth, Jacob (Margaret L. Cas-ner) Ch Roy, Annie, Andrew, Mar-garet, Lucy, Agnes; Hardin HardinSec21 O120a (1862)

Horman, Herman (Mary Hillen) ChKatharine, Richard. Irene; GoldenEagle Star Rte. Point Sec6 02a(1885) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Howdeshell, Jesse A. (Delia Foiles)Ch Eugene, Mildred, Owen, Martin;Hamburg Rl Belleview Sec27 O40a(1899) Farmers Tel. Hillcrest

Howland, Edward (Anna Jacobs) ChWarren, Mildred, Elza, Ova; Ham-burg Rl Hamburg Secl3 T160a J.G. Fisher (1877) Farmers Tel. Ham-burg

Howland, Harry (Maggie Hess) ChMarion, Virgil; Hamburg Rl Ham-burg Secl9 T80a A, C. Howland(1888) Merida Tel. Hamburg

Howland, Mrs. Surildah (SurildahCraigmiles) Ch George, *Udora,*William, *Della, *Bessie, *Evelyn,Hamburg Hamburg Sec24 O80a(1852)

Howland, William (Ada Degerlia) ChVernon; Hamburg Rl Crater Sec20O50a (1882)

Hubbard, Charles I. (Elizabeth Gram-mer) Ch Raymond, Lucile. Mildred,Velda; Pleasant Hill Star Rte. Belle-view Secl4W TlSOa Bill Simpkins(1883) Merida Tel. Belleview

Hubbard, Francis E. Ch Jessie, Dor-othy, *Eva, *Bertha, *Maggie, Let-tie, *Charles; Belleview Star Rte.Belleview Sec32 O80a (1859) MeridaTel. Belleview

Hughes, Edward (Annie Hughes) ChEdmond G., *John, *Robert; Ham-burg Hamburg Sec25-23-24 0275a(1859) Merida and Farmers Tel.Hamburg

Hughes, John (Nellie Jones) Ch Ed-mond, John, Margaret, Dorothy,Vera; Hamburg Hamburg Sec24T80a Edward Hughes (1884) Farm-ers Tel. Hamburg


Prairie farmer's reliable directory

Hughes, Robert (Alvina, Mayer) ChThomas, Charles; Hamburg Ham-burg Sec23 T80a Antone Dirks-meyer (1890) Farmers Tel. Ham-burg

Humphry, Albert N. (Juli Horsbach")Ch Steven, Robert, *Winiam, *Rose,Adaline, *Alta, *Golda; BatchtownRl Gilead Sec9W OBOa (1865) BellTel. Hardin

Hunter, Alonzo O. (Emma Kitson)Ch Nola, Orville, *Golda, *Jeddie;"The Hunter Farm"; Hamburg RlBelleview Sec22 0114a (1871)Farmers Tel. Hillcrest.

Hunter, Chester C. (Eva Johnston)Ch Eileen, Truman; KampsvilleRl Carlin Sec30 T200a Mat Foyles(1891) Farmers Tel. Kampsville

Hunter, John L. (Rosa Buchana,n) ChMinnie, Louis, Marie, Wesley; Har-din Hardin Secl6 T80a August andGeorge Beer (1885) McDonald Tel.Hardin

Hunter, Lucy (Harper) Ch Alonzo,Archie, *Edgar, *Orai Luella,Chester; Hamburg Rl Belleview

Secl4 O160a (1860) Farmers Tel.


Ingersoll, Harry C. (Matilda Brak-sick) Ch Edv^rard, Helena, Adrian,Alice; "Tip-Top Farm" BatchtownRl Gilead Sec9N T30a Joseph In-

gersoll (1885)

Ingersoll, Joseph C. (Cornelia Cun-ningham) Ch Carl, *Farrell, Cora,Grace, *Florence, *Harry; "Tip-Top Farm" Batchtown Rl GileadSec9N O80a (1861) Bell Tel. Har-din

Ingersoll, Louis T. (Flora Nairn) ChLee, Charles, Perry, Cecil, *Beu-lah; Batchtown Rl Gilead Sec 5NOBOa (1859) Bell Tel. Hardin

Ingle, B. F. (Virginia Guarsant) Ch.Ruth, Cala, Pearl, *Ruby, Ora,*Alma, *Ella; "Good Hope Farm"Golden Eagle Rl Richv^^oods Sec23038a (1839)

Ingle, Columbus (Ida Wallendorff) ChJoseph, Irene, Grace, Dorotha; "In-gle Stock and Grain Farm" GoldenEagle Rl Richwood Sec23 0150a(1876) Batchtown Tel. Brussels

Inman, Allen (Cuba Coughlin) ChMarie, Dale, Gerald; Brussels StarRte. Point Sec36 O120a (1882)

Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Jacobs, Clarence (Daisy Stiles) ChGerald D.; Hamburg Rl HamburgSecl3 Farm Hand J. G. Fisher(1897)

Jacobs, Dietrich (Minnie Depper) ChEdwin, Minnie, Anna, Harry,Henry, *Dorothy, *John, Fred,*Freda; Golden Eagle Rl PointSec21 OS55a (1879)

Jacobs, Fred H. (Lizzie Krause)Golden Eagle Rl Point Secl6 T97a

' Dietrich Jacobs (1896)

Jacobs, Henry (Lizzie Cary) Ch Les-ter, Loretta; Golden Eagle Rl Point

Sec23 T152a Dietrich Jacobs (1889)Brussels Tel. Brussels

Jacobsmeyer, John (Anna Rose) ChAnthony, Mary, Edward; BrusselsPoint Sec7 O120a. (1B73)

Jennings, Clarence V. (Elizabeth Wie-land) Ch Vernata; Pleasant Hill

Star Rte. Belleview Seel TlOOaJohn W. Jennings (1883) MeridaTel. Belleview

Jennings, Harry L. (Laura Mclntire)Ch Erma; Pleasant Hill Star Rte.Belleview SeclW T753, Ed. Jennings(1883)

Jennings, John W. (Louisa Hemp-hill) Ch *Clarence, *Roxie; "PineWhisper Farm" Pleasant Hill StarRte. Belleview Seel 0161a (1861)Merida Tel. Belleview

Jennings, J. E. (Mary Harlow) ChDelia, Harry, Jessie; PleasantHill Star Rte. Belleview Sec2WO80a (1859) Merida Tel. Belleview

Jennings, Will S. (Ida Sidwell) ChFlorene, Maurine, Helen, Althea,Clora, Cuma, Smith, McKinley;Pleasant Hill Star Rte. BelleviewSeclW O240a (1866) Merida Tel.Belleview

Jewsbury, Joseph R. (Emma Wei-gand) Ch Clifford, Masie stepdaugh-ter; Hardin Rl Richwoods Sec3O80a (1906) Batchtown Tel. Batch-town



Johnes, Louisa (Louisa Hobbs) ChMarea, Paul, Carlene, *Nora, *Carl;Batchtown Rl Richwoods Sec320264a (1870) Batchtown Tel. Batch-town

Johnson, Evan P. (Flossie Sternes)Ch Evelyn; Nebo R3 BelleviewSec6 T80a Mrs. Joe Grant (1900)

Johnson, John B. (Elizabeth Fay) ChAnnette, Sarah Carling mother,*Minnie, *Edward, *Iva; GoldenEagle Star Rte. Point Sec6S 041a0914)

Johnson, Louis C. (Mary McBride)Ch Charles, Frederick, *Bessie,

*Alma; Nebo R2 Belleview Secl70164a (1853) Merida Tel. Belleview

Johnson, Marion L. (Mary Zumwalt)Ch Roy, Lois, Bertha, Cassie. Larue,Winona. * Virgil, *Gertie, *Evan;Nebo R3 Belleview Sec5 0129a(1866) Farmers Tel. Hillcrest

Johnson, Orla C. (Roxie Jennings)Ch Lavon, Wanda, Wanita, Fern;Nebo R3 Belleview Sec6 O40a(1892) Farmers Tel. Nebo

Johnson, Ray H. (Beulah Kinkade)Nebo R3 Belleview Sec6 O40a(1897)

Johnson, Timothy P. (Hortensa Swa-dero) Ch *Nora, *Ada, Orpha,Winnie, *Orla. *Ray; Nebo R3Belleview Sec6 O160a (1879) Farm-ers Line Nebo

Jones, Arthur W. (Mabel Goewey)Ch Wayne. Percival, Dolores;Hamburg Rl Belleview Sec26 T40aC. P. Jones (1895) Farmers LineHillcrest

Jones, Charles C. (Nellie Hubbard)Ch Charlie, Joseph; Hamburg RlBelleview Sec26 Tla C. P. Jones(1885) Farmers Line Hillcrest

Jones, Commodore P. (Elizabeth Up-ton) Ch *William. *Lewis, *Charley,*Paul, *Arthur; Hamburg Rl Belle-view Sec26 O200a (1853) FarmersLine Hillcrest

Jones, Fredereka Ch Fred, Walter,Armond, Harmon, Goldie, Carrie,Henry, *Bertha; Golden Eagle RlPoint Sec35 0187a (1870) BrusselsTel. Brussels

Jones, Hiram H. (Ellen Jones) ChJohn, *Lucy, *EtheI, *Plana; Belle-vitvr Belleview Sec22 O40a (1854)

Jones, J. Valentine (Eva Stiles) ChLena, Ruby, Bertha, Fred; Ham-burg Rl Belleview Sec27 O70a(1867) Farmers Line Hillcrest

Jones, Lewis L. (Mazo Graham) ChEdith. Paul; Hamburg Rl Belle-view Sec26 TlOOa C. P. Jones (1883)Farmers Line Hillcrest

Jones, Paul (Ruth Locke) Ch Harley,Adrian, Louise; Hamburg Rl Belle-

view Sec22 OllOa (1889) Farmers

Jones, Will C. (Sarah Davis) ChLloyd, Lois, Lola, Elizabeth. Willie,

Harold; Belleview Star Rte. Belle-

view Sec28 O30a (1879) FarmersLine Hillcrest

Judd, Walter J. (Clara Gieselman)Ch Agnes, Edna; Hardin HardinSec21 TlVaa A. Holzwarth (1918)

KKaibel, Adolph (Martha Retroth) Ch

Carl, Walter. Helen, Rosa, Adolph,Elda, Philip; Golden Eagle Rl PointSec6 OlOa (1888) Brussels Tel.


Kamp, A. (Katherine Topmeyer) ChCh Frank E., ^William, *Henry,*Mary, Louis L. Kim Farm HandGolden Eagle Rl Point Sec29 O200a(1859) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Kamp, Henry (Teresa Moses) ChWillard, Virgil; Golden Eagle PointSec32 T70a A. Kamp (1888)

Kamp, Joseph (Anna Telkamp) ChEmma, Matilda, Lyman; GoldenEagle Rl Point Sec31 T80a JohnW. Kamp (1896) Brussels Tel. Brus-sels

Kamp, Michael (Theresa Ewen) ChLoretta, Harold; Kampsville RlCarlin Sec27 T150a Kamp Est.

(1894) Tel. KampsvilleKamp, Mrs. William (Fannie Kin-

scherff) Ch *Mike; Kampsville RlCarlin Sec27 T200a Kamp Est.

(1870) Farmers Line KampsvilleKamp, W. J. (Lucinda Wallendorflf)

Ch Muriel, Lorraine, Flossie, Fay,lone, Ida; "Golden Eagle P. O.Farm" Golden Eagle Point Sec31056a (1880) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Kasinger, John A. (Laura Dean) ChArthur, Clara, Effie, *Dora, *Anna,*Alta, *Earl, *Goldy; Nebo R3Belleview Sec5 T16a Mary Wright(1917)



Kastner, Adolph (Mary Brew) ChCharles, Regina, Margaret, Freda;Kampsville Carlin Sec34 Ola (1919)

Keehner, Albert L. (Pauline Arnold)Ch Clarence, Kermit, Everett; DeerPlain Point Sec21 O80a (1891)Brussels Tel. Brussels

Keehner, Charles W. (Lena Wienske)Ch Ralph, Ellis; Golden Eagle RlPoint Sec 21 O120a (1887) BrusselsTel. Brussels

Keehner, F. A. (Emma Starr) ChEsther, Brussels Star Rte. PointSec2 O160a (1874)

Keehner, Martin (Rachael Linder-man) Ch Fay, Fern; Deer PlainPoint Sec22 O160a (1884) BrusselsTel. Brussels

Keightley, George; Pleasant Hill RlBelleview Sec9 0185a (1856)

Keim, Theodore (Barbara Faber)Golden Eagle Rl Point Sec24 T80aJoseph Keim (1869) Brussels Tel.


Kelly, Mike (Sophia Dirksmayer) ChAnna, Harry, Thomas, Anton,Maggie; Hamburg R2 HamburgSec36 O200a (1860) Farmers LineHamburg

Kelly, Thomas (Anna Crowley) Mar-garet Kelly, his sister; Hamburg RlHamburg Sec25 T160a WilliamKeJly Est. (1863) Farmers LineHamburg

Kennedy, Laura Ch Jennie. Lillian,

Moodv: Golden Eagle Rl PointSec22 OlOa (1867)

Ketchum, Mrs. Joseph (Ada Crafton)Ch John, Melvin. Raymond, Irene.

Willie; Hardin R2 Hardin Sec9T80a Dr. C. Burbridge (1868)

Kiel, Barney (Margaret Kohn) ChBen, Emma, Mathias, John, Minnie;"Kiel Stock Farm" Meppen Rich-woods Secs20-23 O200a (1847)

Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Kiel, John (Caroline Drocge) Ch Ber-nard, Catherine; "Kiel Stock Farm"Meppen Richwoods Sec 22-23

T200a Barney Kiel (1889) Batch-town Tel. Batchtown

Kiel, Mrs. Mary (Mary Siemer) ChAlice, Frances, Carl, Albert; Mep-pen Richwoods Sec29 O90a (1880)

Kiel, Mathias (Margaret Droege) ChLeonard, Edward, Julia,, Urban;Meppen Star Route RichwoodsSecl4 T80a Barney Kiel (1881)

Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Killebrew, Douglas (Emma Hagen)Ch Clarence, Lola, lone. Rolajid,Harold, Evelvn, *Cordia; Nebo R3Belleview Sec5 0223a (1872) MeridaTel. Killebrew

Killebrew, Ivy (Sarah Guthrie) ChForest; Nebo R3 Belleview Sec4O140a (1862) Merida Tel. Belleview

Kinder, Albert (Veronica Doyle) ChHelen; Golden Eagle Rl Point Sec205a (1894)

Kinder, August L. (Fredericka Kin-der) Ch Richard, Henrietta; "FrontView Farm" Brussels Star Rte.Richwoods Sec26 O40a (1890)Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Kinder, Charles (Caroline Meseke)Ch Paul, Walter. Carl, Arthur.Fred, Elmer, Carrie, Emma; Brus-sels Point Secll O360a (1867) Brus-sels Tel. Brussels

Kinder, Edward H. (Ella Wallen-dorflf) Ch Leila; Golden Eagle RlPoint Sec2 T140a John J. Kinder(1893) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Kinder, Henry (Helen Whoaler) ChEdna, Frank, *John, *Henry, *Au-gust, *Charles, *Albert, *Edwin;Golden Eagle Rl Point Sec2 0173a(1860) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Kinder, Henry A. (Anna B. Hagen)Ch Oliver, William; Brussels StarRte. Richwoods Sec29 O40a (1888)Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Kinder, H. F. (Lizzie Lindermath)Ch Minard; Brussels Point SeelT108a John F. Kinder (1888) Brus-sels Tel. Brussels

Kinder, John H. (Netty Kinder) ChNettie, Behmen, May, Fay, Curtis;"Kinder Grain Farm" BrusselsStar Rte. Richwoods Sec29 O80a(1885) Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Kinder, John J. (Caroline Nolte) ChJohanna. Lusetta, Andrew, Clara,

Luella, *Edward, *William; GoldenEagle Rl Point Sec 2 0522a (1864)Brussels Tel, Brussels

Kinder, William L. (Ida Marshall)Golden Eagle Rl Point Sec4 T139aJohn J. Kinder (1891) Brussels Tel.

BrusselsKinman, Samuel (Emma Blondelon)Ch Samuel, also Anna Smith, *Jo-seph, *Charles; Kampsville, StarRte. Crater Sec20 O80a (1868)_ Me-rida Tel. Michael and Kampsville

Kinscherff, Albert (Katie Daack) ChLillian; Kampsville Rl Crater SeclOT345a Lena Kinscherff (1874)Farmers Line Kampsville



Kinscherff, Bernard and John ChPaul, Otto; Pleasant Hill RStarBelleview SeclW 435a (1872) Meri-da Tel. Belleview

Klaas, Mrs. Anna Ch George, Fred;Nebo R2 Carlin Secl8 O120a (1893)Farmers Line Kampsville

Klaas, John (Lena Hoemnen) Ch Al-vie, Andrew, Charlie, Anna; GoldenEagle Rl Richwoods Sec28 O190a(1867)

Klaas, J. W. (Mary E. Wahoflf) ChJohn W., Freddie, Lewis, *JohnB., *Ben H., *Herman H.; MeppenRichwoods Secs25-23 082i/2a (1880)Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Klaas, Mary (Mary Breer) Ch Ed-ward, Mathies; Meppen Star Rte.

Richwoods Secl3 O120a (1867)

Klaas, Theodore (Margaret Kohn)Ch Andrew, Lawrence; "PecanFarm" Meppen Richwoods Sec25OSOa (1876)

Klemme, August (Lena Mikus) ChGeorge, Pearl, Howard, Delila, Har-old; Golden Eagle Rl Point Sec27025a (1872)

Klemme, Charles (Minnie Halemeyer)Ch Mabel, Harry, Minnie. Anna,Charles, Richard; Golden Eagle RlPoint Sec21 T2a Henry Ha.lemeyer(1869) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Klemme, Ernest Ch Alice, Ernest,Carrie, Quintus, Lucile, Mary; Gold-en Eagle Rl Point Sec21 Tla NoldEst. (1877)

Klocke, George (Anna Keim) ChHenry. Edward, Theresa, Frank,Agnes. Myrtle, Leonard, *Joseph,Lizzie; Golden Eagle Rl OSOaPoint Sec24 T75a Joseph Keim(1864) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Klockenkemper, John (Anna Droete)Ch Joseph, Henry, Frank, Ca,rlena,

Leo. Herbert, John, Loretta, Ed-ward: Batchtown Rl RichwoodsSec33 O160 (1861) Batchtown Tel.

BatchtownKlunk, Frank Sr. (Lena Breer) ChKatherine. Lawrence. Valentine,*Henry. *Frank. *Anna, *Lena,*Joseph, *Lizzie; "East LawnFarm" Michael Crater Sec27-26-28-22 O160a (1860) Farmers Line Mi-chael

Klunk, Frank Jr. (Marie Wittman)Ch Edna, Walter, George; Kamps-ville Star Rte. Crater Sec27 T80aCharles Sutter (1888) Farmers LineMichael

Klunk, Henry M. (Josephine Kaiser)Ch Theresa, Leo, John; "The RockHome Farm" Michael Crater Sec22OSOa (1886)

Klunk, Joseph M. (Isabella Bernt)Michael Cra.ter Sec21 OSOa (1890)Farmers Line Kampsville

Klunk, Mike, Sr. ( Mary T. Schneider)Ch Mike, Mary, *Anna, *Willie;"Walnut Stock Farm" Michael Cra-ter Sec33 073a (1861) Farmers LineMichael

Klimk, Willie (Maggie Hazelwonder)Michael Crater Sec33 07a (1895)

Knese, Andrew (Lizzie Baalmann) ChFrank, Margaret, Elizabeth, *MaryAnn; Meppen Richwoods Secll-12-13 01S5a (1870) Batchtown Tel.Batchtown

Knese, Mrs. John (Caroline Schleep-er) Ch Anna, Herman, *Katherine,Lucy; Hardin Rl Hardin Secl5S-14S-10S O480a (1850) McDonaldTel. Hardin

Knight, Chester (Lena Dirksmeyer)Ch Hilda, Edward, John, Doris;Hamburg Rl Hamburg Secl9 T200aTony Dirkmeyer (1885) FarmersLine Hamburg

Koenig, Joe (Elizabeth Herzog) ChClara, Ma,ry, Joe, Charles, Eliza-

beth, George; Kampsville Rl Ham-burg Seel TlOOa Anna Stillbrink

(1899) Farmers Line Hillcrest

Kohn, William (Rose Osterman) ChClara, *Anna, *Maggie; MeppenRichwoods Sec27 O160a (1858)

Kramer, William H. (Martha Black-orby) Ch Tavy. Thomas, Everett;Hamburg R2 Gilead Secl9S T432aWilliam McNabb (1881) Bell Tel.


Krampel, William Ch Thomas, *Mary,Kattie; Meppen Richwoods Sec22O40a (1855)

Krause, Charles Ch Nettie, Alice E.,

granddaughter: *William, *Charles,Edward, *Ella. Anna, *Lizzie;

Golden Eagle Rl Point Secl5 04a(1862)

Krause, Henry (Magdalena Kinder)Ch Mary, Minnie, Irene, Leona,Carry; Brussels Point Secll O320a(1860) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Kraut, John H. (Mary Kreschel) ChCarlyle, Frieda, Lenora, Sophia,

Curtis, Velma, Velara, Correan;

Batchtown Rl Gilead Secl6N-9O120a (1869)



Kraut, Maria A. (Pate) Charlie,*Sofia, *John, *Nattie, *William,*Herman; Batchtown Rl GileadSecl6N 045a (1867) Bell Tel. Har-din

Kraut, Peter J. (Johanna Klein) ChMarie, *Anna; Batchtown Rl Gile-ad Secl6S O120a (1881)

Kreid, Eliza Ch *Frank, *01ga, *An-na, *Charles, *Gussie, *Joseph;Golden Eagle Rl Point Sec26 0145a(1872)

Kreid, Frank (Bertha Dixon) Ch Le-land, Leola,; Golden Eagle Rl PointSec26 012a (1877)

Kreschel, Herman J. (Florence L.Berry) Batchtown Rl Gilead Sec9SOBOa (1888) Bell Tel. Hardin

Kress, Clarence (Amy Sanders) ChHoward, Ralph; "Saltona Stock andFruit Farm" Batchtown Rl GileadSec9S Adolph Horsback (1892)

Kress, Walter C. Ch *Earl, *Verlie;"Plymouth Rock Fruit Farm"Batchtown Rl Gilead Sec21N O20a(1879)

Kronable, Herman "Walnut GroveFarm" Meppen Star Rte. RichwoodsSec22-26 0114a (1899)

Kronable, Herman (Frances Brink-man) Ch Robert, Vera, Josephine;Golden Eagle Rl Richwoods Sec28045a (1890)

Kronable, John (Mary Brinkman) ChWilliam, Willa, Sylvester, Henry;Golden Eagle Rl Richwoods Sec28OSOa (1887)

Kroschel, Frank, Jr. (Dora Kress) ChPearl, Eileen, Dorothy; BatchtownRl Gilead Secl7S. 051i/2a (1896)

Kroschel, John H. (Alta Plummer)Ch Charlie, Mae, Raymond, Ros-coe; Batchtown Rl Gilead Secl7SOaiVsa (1886)

Kuck, Henry H. (Matilda Benz) ChElza, Crissie, Irene; Hamburg R2Belleview Sec23 O320a (1872) Farm-ers Line Hillcrest

Kulp, August (Emma Schultze) ChFrederick, Theodore, *Matilda,

John, *William, *Christopher, *Is-

abel: Golden Eagle Rl Point SeclO0194a (1854) Brussels Tel. Brus-sels

Kulp, A. F. (Theresa Cary) GoldenEagle Rl Point Sec21 Ola (1860)Brussels Tel. Brussels

Kulp, Charles (Anna Depper) Ed-ward, Andrew, brothers; GoldenEagle Rl Point Secl4 O120a(1885)

Kurtz, Walto (Martha Totten) Ch*Rosa, *Martha, *Katherine; Mi-chael R2 Crater Sec28 OSOa (1860)

Laird, Elijah T. (Margaret Craig-

miles)! Ch James, Levi, Charles;

"The Laird Heights" Mozier Ham-burg Sec2 O40a (1875)

Laird, Isaac (Julia, Laird) Ch Rebec-

ca, Joseph; Hamburg R2 HamburgSec36 Tla Farm Hand Frank Dirks-

meyer (1901)

Laird, Jacob Ch *Joseph, *Fred, Hes-ter; Hamburg Rl Hamburg Secl9

Tla Bat Corbett (1863)

Lange, Henry (Anna, Ellenberger) ChLucile, Sterling; Kampsville Carlin

Sec36 07a (1909) Merida Line


Lawson, Robert (Rose Temple) ChMildred; Hardin Hardin Sec22 T40aWilliam Mortland (1876) McDonaldTel. Hardin

Lehr, Anton (Mary Maffenbeier) ChEdward, William, Albert, Ferdi-nand, *Emma; Kampsville CraterSec4 O40a (1898) Farmers LineKampsville

Lesseg, Fred Ch Arthur, Ha,rmon,Lucinda, *Melvin, *Alfred, Solo-man, *Walter, *George, *Dollie,Dulcena; Golden Eagle Rl PointSecl4 O40a (1858) Brussels Tel.Brussels

Lesseg, Harmon (Lena Rohe) Ch"Marv, *Joseph, *Anna; BrusselsRStar Point Sec2 Tla MargaretDeoge (1860)

Lesseg, Joseph (Anna Krause) ChArvel; Golden Eagle Rl Point Secl602a (1889)

Lesseg, M. C. (Ida. Herrman) Ch Al-fred, Bertha, Viola, Melvin, Lucille;"Triple Springs Farm" GoldenEagle Rl Richwoods Sec32 079a(1883) Batchtown Tel. Brussels



Lewis, John M. (Margaret Hansel-mann) "Riverview Stock and FruitFarm" Batchtown Rl GileadSecl7N 0114a (1864) Bell Tel.

HardinLikes, Emma (Tharp) Ch Clara,

Will, *Ella, *Ethel, *Laura, *Pearl,

*Etta; Nebo R2 Belleview Sec24099a (1860) Farmers Tel. Hill-


Likes, William S. (Annie Barnes)Nebo R2 Belleview Sec24 022a(1869)

Limmerman, Walter (Bertha Willen-burg) Ch Velma; Golden Eagle RlPoint SeclS TlOSa Godfrey Lim-merman (1896)

Linkogle, John T. Ch Fred, William,Rolla; "Fern Ridge Farm" HardinHardin Sec34, O160a (1880) Mc-Donald Tel. Hardin

Lockhart, Sam L. (Ora Bland) ChJuanita,, Irene; Nebo R2 CarlinSeclS O40a (1895)

Long, Charles W. (Anna Winelong)Ch Morris, HolHs, Violet, Inez.

Herbert; Pleasant Hill Star Rte.

Belleview SeclZ T85a Vern Long(1892)

Long, Earl F. (Ida A. Buchanan) ChVelma, Florence, Alinnie, Ethel,Earl, Jr.; Pleasant Hill Star Rte.Belleview O207a (1865) Merida Tel.


Long, Edwin N. (Maggie Lukeman)Ch Henry N.; "Rainbow Ridge"Belleview Belleview Secl6 O90a(1862)

Long, Ernest (Lula Burge) Nebo R2Belleview Secll T160a H. Long(1885)

Long, George H. (Flora Jennings) ChHomer, Marga.ret, Henry; PleasantHill Star Rte. Belleview Sec7 T250aH. C. Long (1918) Merida Tel.


Long, George W. (Mesena Jennings)Ch *Harvey, *Emma, *Cleveland;Nebo R2 Belleview Secl4 O80a(1856) Farmers Tel. Hillcrest

Long, G. Cleve (Hattie Freesmeyer)Hamburg Rl Belleview Sec25O160a (1885) Farmers Tel. Hillcrest

Long, Harvey G. (Marv Clonniger)Ch Hubert, Clarence, Elsie, *Grace;Hamburg Rl Belleview _Secl4 O80a(1872) Fa.rmers Line Hillcrest

Long, Henry N. (Gladys Lock) ChGrace M.; "Flint Spring Farm" Ne-bo R2 Belleview SeclS O80a (1890)

Long, John (Beulah Thompson) ChHenry, Charlotte, Floyd, Ellen;Meppen Star Rte. Richwoods Sec3T40a George Richie (1906)

Long, John E. (Sarah Carnes) ChRandolph, Thomas, Spencer, Hen-ry, Alfred Wilson, stepson; "Pal-ace Fa.rm" Hamburg HamburgSec6S O40a (1900) Farmers LineHamburg

Long, Verne (Blanch Nicholas) ChCharles; Pleasant Hill Star Rte.Belleview Secl2 0215a (1868) Me-rida Tel. Belleview

Long, Winfield S. (Lizzie Grether)Belleview Belleview Sec22 05a(1856) Farmers Tel. Hillcrest

Looper, Alfred (Cynthia Tucker) ChThomas, Nellie, Roy, Lee, a.lso Ma-dolian, grandchild, Letta; Bee-creek Carlin Sec6 O80a (1864)Farmers Line Booth

Looper, Louie A. (Gertie Johnson)Ch Lowell, Lavoy, Dorwin, Cath-erine; Nebo R2 Belleview Sec3T40a (1887) Merida Tel. Belleview

Lorsbach, Adolph H. (Sarah Jones)Ch Adaline, William, Paul, Albert,Rosa; "Saltona Stock and FruitFarm" Batchtown Rl Gilead Sec9S0266a (1875) Bell Tel. Hardin

Lorsbach, Henry J. (Anna Snyder)Ch Helen, Adelaide; "The OrchardFarm" Batchtown Rl Gilead Sec20S0198y2a (1878) Bell Tel. Batchtown

Lorsbach, Pete (Myrtle Winke) ChIzella, Elde; "King's Ridge FruitFarm" Hardin Rl Hardin SeclOSO320a (1878) McDonald Tel. Har-din

Lowe, Eugene S. Ch Clarence, Verna,Clayton, Elbert; Batchtown Rich-woods Sec9 02a (1867)

Ludwig, Henry (Josephine Scho-bernd) Ch Margaruite; GoldenEagle Rl Point Sec9 O40a (1911)

Lumley, George, Jr. (Anna Hagen)Ch Vera, Velina; Kampsville RlCarlin Sec30 O120a (1887) Farm-ers Line Kampsville

Lumley, George W. (Martitia Lynn)Ch *Altia, Essie. Mamie, *Nona,Roso, *George, *Thomas; Kamps-ville Rl Carlin Sec30 O120a (1845)

(1845) Farmers Line Kampsville

Lumley, Tom (Grace Wildhagen) ChBaby; Nebo R2 Belleview Secl4014a (1890) Farmers Line Hillcrest

Lunsford, John S. (Mollie Mathews)Ch Thurmond, *Nellie; Nebo R2Belleview Secl2 O80a (1910) Farm-ers Line Hillcrest



MMaag, John W. (Katie Weigle) ChMabel, Lusetta, John, Raymond,*Minnie; Deer Plain Point Sec21036a (1874) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Macauley, Thomas P. (KatharinePohlman) Ch James W., Marie,Charles; Mary J. Macauley, mother;Edward, brother; Golden Eagle RlPoint Sec29 T95a Mary J. Macau-ley (1870) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Madison, John (Zinkie Dryge) ChHerbert, Mary, Milo, Clara; Anna,Albert, John, stepchildren; *Samuel,*Cora; "Franklin Fruit Farm" Har-din Rl Hardin Sec27S O40a (1860)McDonald Tel. Hajdin

Madison, Samuel (Mary Campbell)Ch Edith, Samuel, Florence; Har-din Rl Hardin Sec27S 024a (1884)McDonald Tel. Hardin

Mager, Charles F. (Clara Becker) ChAlbert; Batchtown Rl GileadSec28N O80a (1914)

Mager, Henry G. (Bertha Walther)Ch Lillian; Batchtown Rl GileadSec29N T160a Fred Mager (1909)Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Mager, Louis (Clara Belay) ChGeorge, Elma,, Fred, Louis, *Verla;Batchtown Rl Gilead Sec20S OSOa(1856) Bell Tel. Batchtown

Malone, John S. (Viola White) ChMaude, F"rieda, Clela, Beulah,Woodrow; Nebo R2 Carlin Sec6O80a (1868) Farmers Line Nebo

Malone, Mike (Mae Turnbeaugh) ChArthur, Cecil, Wayne; BeecreekCarlin Sec6 O40a (1874) FarmersLine Booth

Manias, William (Anna Kamp) ChMarzella, Opal, Wilma, Everett,Vera; Golden Eagle Rl Point Sec26T2a Mary Moreline (1895) BrusselsTel. Brussels

Marsching, Michael KatherineMarsching, sister; John and GeorgeMarsching; Kampsville Rl CarlinSec29 TllOa Mr. Marsching (1885)Farmers Line Kampsville

Marshall, Frances Ch Mary, *Harden,*Henry, *Frank, *George, Benja-min. *Joseph; Deer Plain Star Rte.Point SeclO O80a (1855)

MarshaU, F. W. (Zellah Baxter) ChClaud and wife, Grace, Aderton,*Ida, *Vera: Grafton Star Rte.Point SeclO-11 OlOOa (1865) Brus-sels Tel. Brussels

Marshall, George (Victoria Hott) ChMark, Lucy, Otis, Ivy, Grace, *Max,*Myrtle, *Minnie; Deer Plain StarRte Point SeclO OSOa (1866) Brus-sels Tel. Brussels

Martin, Clarence, Raymond, NoraNebo R3 Belleview Sec5 OSOa(1891) Farmers Line Nebo

Martin, Emmet M. (Emma Smith)Ch Cecil, Cora, Amos, Lela, Gladys,Clemma, Charles, *Clara, *Freman,Clarence, *Raymond, *Nora; NeboR3 Belleview Sec5 0179a (1885)Farmers Line Johnston

Martin, Henry E. (Effie Toll) ChMary, Dorothy, Ervin, Lucile,Bertha, Anna, *Lula, *Schley, *Min-ie; Nebo R2 Belleview Sec20 016a(1873)

Martin, John (Barbara Fa.nning) ChAlexander, Frank, *John, *Henry,*Ella, *Lue, *Lizzie, *Oscar, *01ive;Lillie, Sarah, William, Ethel, Pres-ton, stepchildren; Mozier Belle-view Sec34 O40a (1845)

Martin, John E. (Bell Dwyer) ChClarence, William, Maggie, Lora,Lettie, Flora, John, *Lelah; Belle-view Belleview Sec27 TlOa ValJones (1885)

Martin, John P. (Anna Rogers) ChJudie, Mamie, Ella, Juanita, Lillian.

John; Hamburg) Hamburg Sec6ST140a Na,t Roady (1903) FarmersLine Hamburg

Martin, Stephen L. (Mary Sutton) ChEmmett, *Malisa, *Minerva, *Min-nie; Nebo R3 Belleview SecS O200a(1879) Farmers Line Belleview

Matthews, Francis M. (Anna Dunce)Ch Goldie, Ruby, Rosie, Vernice;Hardin Hardin Sec23 T40a F. B.Breden (1900)

McBride, Jane (Harrell) Ch *John,*Vada, *William; Nebo R2 Belle-view Secl6 O60a (1853) MeridaTel. Belleview

McBride, John A. (Silet Ramsey) ChFlorence, Mary, Ruby, Harry,Golda, John, Velma; Nebo R2Belleview Sec3 T160a Stross Broth-ers (1859)

McBride, William R. (Emma Davis^Ch *Elsie, *Everett; Nebo R2Belleview Secl6 T60a Jane Mc-Bride (1878)

McConnell, Josephine (La.bbee) ChWinnie; Nebo R2 Belleview SeclSOSOa (1848) Merida Tel. Belleview



McDonald, Charles J. (Gertrude La-mar) Ch Charles; Hardin Rl Gil-ead Sec21N O190a (1889) CalhounTel. Hardin

McDonald, Frank (Matey Williams)Hardin Rl Hardin SeclOS OHOa(1874) McDonald Tel. Hardin

McDonald, John C. (Anna M.Schleeper) Ch Frank, Stephen;Meppen Rl Hardin Sec22S O250a(1884) McDonald Tel. Hardin

McGuire, John D. (Elsie Muller) ChMildred, Earl, Miles, Carl; Batch-town Rl Gilead Secl6S T40a JohnNelson (1882)

McGuire, Phillip E. (Susie J. Hart-man) Ch Louis, Mary, Frank; "Wal-nut Farm" Hamburg HamburgSecSS O80a (1860) Farmers LineHamburg

Mclntire, Mrs. Mary Ch Delia,

Charlie, *Will, *John; KampsvilleStar Rte. Carlin Sec9 O90a (1860)

Mclntire, Floyd (Mary Goervey) ChMinerva, Floyd. Bessie; HamburgRl Belleview Sec33 053a (1885)Farmers Line Hillcrest

Mclntire, John (Etta Poor) Ch Hen-ry, Mary, Paul, Harry, Hubert;Nebo R2 Belleview Secll T80a JohnBeny (1885)

Mclntire, William (Nancy Berry)"Pleasant Da,le Stock Farm" PearlR2 Carlin Sec5 O240a (1894) Farm-ers Line Hillcrest

Mclntyre, Roy E. (Zilphor Reed) ChVena, Mary, Gerald; Hambiurg RlBelleview Sec33 OSa (1889) Farm-ers Tel. Hillcrest

McNelly, Plinnie (Alma Pruett) ChJunita, Raymond, Ilene, George;Hamburg Rl Belleview Sec27 038a(1886)

McNelly, Rinnie A. (Lucy Jones) ChOwen. Willard; Hamburg Rl Belle-view Sec27 O60a (1887)

Mendonsa, Joseph C. Clarksville, Mo.Belleview Secl5 T312a, E. L. Men-donsa (1918)

Merida, Samuel J. (Phillippa Paul)Ch *Fanny. *Charlotte; BelleviewStar Rte. Belleview O400a (1852)Merida Tel. Belleview

Messek, Louis (Tillie Willenburg) ChHenry, Louis, George. Bertha, Os-car, Otto, Oleta, Freda; GoldenEagle Rl Point Secl3 078a (1874)Brussels Tel. Brussels

Meyer, Amalie Ch Robert L., AlbertL. ; "Meyer's Farm" Deer PlainPoint Secl5 O3,000a (1874) Brus-sels Tel. Brussels

Meyer, August (Caroline Vetter) ChFred, Otto, Frances, *Mike, *Hen-ry; Kampsville Rl Carlin Sec33O160a (1857) Farmers Line Kamps-ville

Meyer, M. H. (Bertena Halemeyer)Ch Henry, Howard, Martin, Leon-ard, Mildred, *Salina, *Lizzie;Golden Eagle Rl Point Secl6 O60a(1863)

Mielke, John (Ethel Delaney) ChMary, Frank, Joseph; Hardin Har-din Sec22 T40a Frank Mielke (1873)McDona,ld Tel. Hardin

Mielke, William (Anna Klunk) ChWilliam; Michael Crater Sec27-28016a (1880) Farmers Line Michael

Miller, Albert Ch Julia, Peter, *Mary,*Emma; Hardin R2 Hardin SeclSO40a (1852) Farmers Line Hardin

Miller, August (Ma,ry Calvery) ChPeter, *Stephen, *Mamie, *Alice,*Ella, *Sadie, *Julius, *Pearl;Hardin R2 Hardin Sec3 O90a (1887)McDonald Tel. Hardin

Miller, Guy (Leota Elledge) Nebo R2Belleview Sec3 05a (1900) Farm-ers Line Nebo

Miller, Henry F. (Katherine Burgard)Ch Martha, Henrietta,, *Minnie,*Ella, *Elsie, *Carl; Hardin HardinSecl6 024a (1897)

Miller, John and Martha Nebo R2Beecreek Sec3 Tla (1833)

Miner, Lorenzo A. (Retta Smith) ChGeorge, Lela May, Aaron; NeboR2 Carlin Secl7-18 0282a, (1882)Farmers Line Hillcrest

Moerlein, Mary Ch Peter, Kunie, Sa-die, Henry, Carrie, *Lizzie; GoldenEagle Rl Point Sec35 0284a (1843)Brussels Tel. Brussels

Mortland, George T. (Janet Bruce)Bruce M., George T., Thomas L.,

*Margaret; Hardin Rl HardinSec27S-25S-26S-34S 01,010a (1860)Narup Line Hardin

Mortland, John J. (Susa.n William)Ch Wilson, Walter, Lelitia, Belle,

*James, *Bertha; "South SlopeFarm" Batchtown Richwoods Secl6O40a (1864) Batchtown Tel.Batchtown

Mortland, Thomas S. (Sarah A. Rut-ledge) Ch Charles T.; Hardin RlHardin Sec26S O60a (1851)

Moses, Daniel, Sr. (Mary Arnold) ChAnna, Regina, *John, *Daniel, Jr.,

Teresa, *Lawrence; Golden EagleStar Rte. Point Sec30 043a (1864)



Moses, Daniel, Jr. (Mary Minring)Ch Gerabel, Arthur; Golden EagleStar Rte. Point Sec30 02a (1886)

Brussels Tel. Brussels

Moses, John (Nellie Topmeyer) ChRalph, Vincent, Eugene; GoldenEagle Rl Point Sec33 075a (1884)

Brussels Tel. Brussels

Moses, Lawrence (Helen Eilers) ChGeorgian; William, brother; AnnaM. Eilers, mother; Golden EagleStar Rte. Point Sec30 T40a AugustSchultze (1890) Brussels Tel. Brus-sels

Mossman, Carl (Louise Telkamp)Golden Eagle Rl Point Sec3S T120aSarah Lovnman (1899) BrusselsTel. Brussels

Mossman, Frank Ch Tony, Carl, John,Clarence. Ma,ry, *George, *Louis,*Clara, *Catherine; Golden EagleRl Point Sec33 O80a (1864) Brus-sels Tel. Brussels

Mossman, George (Katharine Her-man) Ch Robert, Wilford; GoldenEagle Rl Point Sec31 036a (1887)

Brussels Tel. Brussels

Mossman, Louis (Mary Hoeman) ChFrank. Bernice; Golden EagleStar Rte. Point Sec20 T180a HenryC. Weigel (1890) Brussels Tel.Brussels

Mottaz, Alexander C. (Margaret De-roy) Ch Emma, George, *Li2zie,*Mattie, *Nevada, *Francis H.;"Sugar Loaf Fruit Farm" HardinHardin Sec33 O120a (1852) McDon-ald Tel. Hardin

Moyers, John M. (Bertha Crosby) ChVera, Opal; Nebo R2 BelleviewSeel 0185a (1877) Merida Tel. Ne-bo

Mueller, Carl (Mary Etter) Ch Wal-ter; Hamburg R2 Hardin Sec28OlSOa (1893) McDonald Tel. Har-din

Mueller, Emil (Rosa Pope) Ch Ru-dolph, George; Hamburg Rl Ha,m-burg Secl4-23 O80a (1871) Farm-ers Line Hamburg

Mulkey, Lester M. "Tip Top Farm"Batchtown Rl Gilead Sec9N FarmHand Joseph IngersoU (1881) BellTel. Hardin

NNairn, Laura Ch Ruby, Charles;Deer Plain Point Sec21 OSAVs's^

(1877) Brussels Tel. BrusselsNarrup, J. H. (Rose Brink) Ch Car-

rie, Carl, Vita; Golden Eagle RlPoint Sec32 Ola (1875)

Navarre, Michael (Anna Bopp) ChOlive, Joseph; "Cottage Farm" DeerPlain Point Secl7 081a (1867) Brus-sels Tel. Brussels

Neese, Carry A. (Nora, Moore) ChLeona Neese, stepdaughter; Ad-miral Hall, Pleasant Hill Star Rte.

Belleview Sec8 T80a W. K. Simp-kins (1904) Merida Tel. Belleview

Neese, Wall Pleasant HiU Star Rte.Belleview Sec8 T40a George Sidwell

(1913)Nelson, Mrs. Rosa (Gourley) Ch Sam-

uel Retzer; Nebo R2 Carlin Sec5-8O80a (1874) Farmers Line Hillcrest

Nevins, George T. (Bertha Foiles)

Ch Margaret, Harlan, Ora, Eugenia,Edna; Hamburg R2 Carlin Sec5 02a(1880)

Nevins, T. Edward (Laura Cloninger)Ch Vernie, Gladys, Ernest, Lois,

Glenn, *Veda; Kampsville RlHamburg Sec6 O40a (1865) Farm-ers Line Kampsville

Nichols, Sarah F. (McLaughlin) ChWalter, Sarah, *Margaret, *John,Blanch, *Abb, *Nellie, *Iva,; How-ard and Floyd Blackstun, grand-children; Nebo R2 Belleview Secl5065a (1837) Merida Tel. Belleview

Nichols, Walter M. Nebo R2 Sec 15

O130a (1876) Merida Tel. Belleview

Nimerick, James E. (Mary Rosa) ChRosemary, Margaret, *Ra,lph; "Wal-nut Hill Farm" Hamburg R2 CraterSec29 0195a Farmers Line Ham-burg

Nimerick, John Q. (America Foiles)"The Clover Leaf Stock Farm"Hamburg Crater Sec32-31-29 O360a(1859)

Nimerick, Ralph (Hannah Phillips)

Ch James, William; Hamburg R2Hamburg SeclS T191a James E.Nimerick (1897) McDonald Tel.Hamburg

Noakes, Jess J (Lillie Sampson) ChRuth, Harold; Nebo R2 BelleviewSecl6 T40a James Sampson (1918)Farmers Line Hillcrest

Nolte, August F. (Caroline Wieneke)Ch Walter, Matilda, Otto; BrusselsPoint Secll OlOOa (1873)



Nolte, Charles H. (Lizzie Kinder) ChRobert, Carl; Brussels Star Rte.Point Seel 0132a (1874) BrusselsTel. Brussels

Nolte, Henry J. (Emma Lindeman)Ch Curtis, Bernice; Golden EagleRl Point SeclO 0138a (1879) Brus-sels Tel. Brussels

Nolte, Joseph, John Nolte and wife,Ch Lucille; Golden Eagle Star Rte.Point Secl9 O105a (1869) BrusselsTel. Brussels

Norris, Newton (Catherine Fuhler)Ch Henry, Joseph, Anna, Mary,Emma, Charles, Clara, William;Brussels Point SeclO 03a (1873)Brussels Tel. Brussels

Norton, William B. (Lucinda Richey)Ch Grace, Verna, Loren, Wayne,Nela, *SteIla; Nebo R3 BelleviewSec9 0175a (1894) Merida Tel.Nebo

oOdelehr, John (Catharine Bloom) ChJohn H., Anton L., Aloysius H.,Henry C; Golden Eagle Star RtePoint Sec7 O420a (1892) BrusselsTel. Brussels

Oden, Ed. (Lettie Goewey) ChMarea, Pauline, Irene; Nebo R2Belleview Secl4 T120a Roy McCon-nell (1880)

Oden, Elenora (Mace) Ch *Corda,*Cora, *Bertha, *Lawrence, *Nora,*Nellie, *Clifton; Nebo R2 Belle-view Sec21 O40a (1878) Merida Tel.

BelleviewOden, Joseph D. (Martha Weir) Ch*Edward, *Jessie, *Florence; NeboR2 Belleview SeclS OllOa (1879)

Oettle, Albert H. (Louise Mielke) ChRoy F., Ralph G., Russell W., Le-nore J.; Hardin R2 Hardin Secl4323a (1872) McDonald and FarmersLine Hardin

Oettle, Frederick W. (Ella Miller)Ch Raymond, Carl. Vincent; Har-din R2 Crater Sec34 OllOa (1880)Merida Tel. Hardin

Oettle, Philip W. (Emma Miller) ChHarry, Hester, Arthur, Viola; "TheOettle Knoll Fruit Farm" Ham-burg R2 Hardin Sec33 O120a (1877)McDonald Tel. Hardin

Ortteb, George J. (Louise Keim)Joseph A. Keim, father; GoldenEagle Star Rte Point Sec24 T40aJoseph A. Keim (1881)

Ortteb, John Louise, sister; GoldenEagle Star Rte Point Sec24 O80a(1888) Brussels Tel Brussels

Osborne, Vernon (Barbara Arnold)Ch James C, Lucille J.; Deer PlainPoint Sec27 T70a Julia Auer (1891)Brussels Tel. Brussels

Osterman, Henry (Bessie Johnson)


Ch Carl; Belleview Belleview Sec2001i/4a (1886) Merida Tel. Belleview

Osterman, Herman (Flora Stines)Ch Anna, William, Minnie, Mamie,Martha, John, Fred; BelleviewBelleview Sec20 T200a Sarah Stine

(1877) Merida Tel. Belleview

Osterman, William Ch Mary, Her-man, *John, *Anna, *Henry, Cath-erine; Belleview Belleview Secl70243a (1873) Merida Tel. Belleview

Ottwell, Gus (Mary Richey) Ch Wal-ter, Edgar, Huldah, Howard, Mil-ton, *Efifie, *Elmer; Beecreek Car-lin Sec5 O40a (1886) Farmers LineKainpsville.

Peahm, John H. (Lena Whopp) Ch*Anna, *Freddie, *Mary; MeppenRichwoods Sec23 T56a John R.Peahm (1870)

Pealer, Francis M. (Emma White)Ch Harry, Carl, Marion, *Allie;

Mozier Sec4 OlOa (1889)

Pearson, Leonard Ch Harry, Vascoe,Darrell; Hamburg R2 HamburgSecl2S T25aW.W. Campbell (1904)

Pehm, Henry (Kate Siemer) ChLeonard, Arthur; "Blooms' Land-ing" Meppen Richwoods Sec30T133a Henry Brandis (1887)



Pehm, Willialii H. (Anna Brinkman)Ch Herman, William, August;Meppen Star Rte Richwoods Sec35T2a George Schleepe (1885)

Peisker, Mrs. Magdalena Ch *Aloys,^Albert, *Josephine, *Jacob, *Anna;Kampsville Rl Carlin Sec20 O280a(1882)

Pellikan, John Ch Stephen, *Maude,*Lillian; Hardin Hardin Sec34 T2aChris Ringhausen (1856)

Pence, Charles (Sarah Maddox) ChEva, *Allen, *William, *Lydia,*Mary, *Lue, *Dory, *Charlia,

*Katy; Belleview Star Rte Belle-

view SecllW T50a John McDonald(1905) Merida Tel. Belleview

Pepper, Charles (Lucy Bunch) ChAlfred, Irma, Irene, Lucille;

Kampsville Rl Carlin Sec28-33T160a C. P. Becker (1879) Farm-ers Line Kampsville

Perry, Mrs. Amanda (AmandaVoiles) Ch Joseph Jacob, *Dupy,*Reed; Kampsville Rl HamburgSec6 O80a (1855) Farmers LineKampsville

Peters, August A. (Ruth Sanders)Batchtown Rl Gilead Sec7N TllOaMary Peters (1895)

Peters, Frank (Anna Buchanan) ChHarold Walter, Clarence, Maud,*Ida, *Daisy, *Margaret, *Minnie;Pleasant Hill Star Rte BelleviewSec7 057a (1874)

Peters, Fred A. (Edith Sconce) ChSamuel; Batchtown Rl GileadSec5N O80a (1887) Bell Tel. Har-din

Peters, Robert A. (Sarah Faburn) ChLula, Ethel; Beecreek Star RteCarlin Sec9 Tla Fred Wilhager(1891)

Peters, Rutger (Martha Jones) ChLenora, Harvey, Lucile; BatchtownRl Gilead Sec30S 0233a (1880) Bell

Tel. BatchtownPlaner, Michael (Lizzie Graceham-mer) Ch Peters, Fred. Mary, Sarah,*Henry, *John, *Lucy, *Pauline;Golden Eagle Star Rte Point Sec6TBOa John Dreher (1880)

Pluester, Herman (Mary Kuese) ChEdward, Alfred; Hardin Star RteRichwoods Sec 11-4-15-10 0213aPluester Bros. (1883) BatchtownTel. Batchtown

Pluester, John (Kate Hillen) ChBernice; "Monteray Fruit andStock Farm" Hardin Star Rte Rich-woods Secll-14-15-10 0213a Plues-ter Bros. (1879) Batchtown Tel.


Plummer, George P. Ch Maurice;"Oak Land Fruit Farm" Batch-town Rl Gilead Sec8S 064a (1869)

Plummer, James P. (Josephine Pres-ley) Ch Harry, Stella, *Carl, *Sadie,*Alta; Batchtown Rl Gilead Secl6S037a (1847)

Pliunmer, Oscar C. (Maude Ruyle)Ch Ralph, Ida; Hardin R2 HardinSecl4 T168a A. D. Ruyle (1894)McDonald Tel. Hardin

Pohlman, Barney (Ida Seiflferman)

Ch Stonna, Joseph, *William, *Har-mon, *Katie, *Rosa, *Mary; Brus-sels Point Secl2 OllOa (1857) Brus-sels Tel. Brussels

Pohlman, Charles (Ella Shandron)Ch George, Carl, Helen, Mildred;Golden Eagle Rl Point Secl8 T80aMrs. William Pohlman (1875)

Pohlman, Henry (Lena Heller) ChPearl, Nick, Alve, Ida, Lawrence;"B. T. P. Hog Farm" Meppen Rich-woods Sec23 0143a (1873) Batch-town Tel. Batchtown

Pohlman, Herman (Dorothy Jacobs)"Wheeler's Ferry Farm" GraftonStar Rte Point Sec2 O40a (1888)Brussels Tel. Brussels

Pohlman, Herman Sr. (CatharineRose) Ch Edward, Elmer, Wilma,Dorothy; Golden Eagle Rl PointSec26 014a (1887) Brussels Tel.


Pohlman, John H. (Mary Droege)Ch Joseph, Carl, Lewis. Martin,Robert, Herbert; "John H. Pohl-man Store" Meppen RichwoodsSec23 02a (1870) Batchtown Tel.

BatchtownPohlman, John W. (Catharine Held)Ch Mary, Emma. Helen; BrusselsPoint Secl2 T190a William Pohl-man, Sr. (188n

Pohlman, William (Mary Carry) ChBarnev. Henry, *John, *Harmon,*Mary, *Katie. *Teresa; BrusselsPoint Secl2 OW]A^ (1854)

Pohlman, William A. (ElizabethMikus) Ch Robert, Fred; DeerPlain Star Rte Point Secl4 T220aMrs. Anna Pohlman Sr. (1877)Brussels Tel. Brussels

Pohlmann, Gerhard (Lena Vogel)Ch Edward, Joseph. Ida, Leo, Fred.*Marv; Golden Eagle Rl PointSec8 "034a (1872)

Poor, Fred (Bessie Davis) Ch Golda,Margaret, James; Belleview StarRte Belleview Sec28 076a (1886)



Poor, Jack (Maud Criss) Ch Winnie;

Belleview Star Rte Belleview Sec28

04a (1893)

Poppe, Anton (Aggie Schobern) ChJoseph, Mary, Katie, Bernice; Gold-

en Eagle Star Rte Point Sec31 O30a(1878) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Praul, Raleigh R. and Martin Dirks-

meyer (Mamie Dirksmeyer) ChMary; Kampsville Rl Crater Secl7

T190a John Dirksmeyer (1887)

Farmers Line Hamburg

Pregaldin, Anton G. (Louise Breden)Ch Judith, Beatrice, *Charles V.;"Brookdale Farm" Hardin R2 Har-din SeclO O80a (1866) McDonaldand Farmers Line Hardin

Prisley, Phillip (Emma Deloney) ChBeula, Raymond, Geneva, Marga;"River View Farm" BatchtownRichwoods Secl8 O30a (1884)

Pruett, Thomas J. (Mary Jones) ChJimmie, Loren, Ida, Allie, Zoda;Belleview Star Rte Belleview Sec20T4a Oscar Rugle (1889)

Puterbaugh, Mrs. Ora (Ora Foiles)Ch Elmer; Kampsville Rl CarlinSec31 Tla Taylor Bunch (1880)

QQuiller, John P. (Carrie Piper) ChVera, Vernell; Mozier HamburgSec3 T160a Quiller Est. (1887)

Farmers Line Hillcrciit

Quiller, Leo (Grace Long) HamburgRl Belleview Sec33 OlO^a (1900)

Farmers Line Hillcrest

Quinning, John A. (Margaret Kiel)Harry, William, Lena, Carrie,*Katie, *Lizzie, *Mary; "FertilityGrain Farm" Meppen RichwoodsSec23-25 OlOSa (1862) BatchtownTel. Batchtown

Quiller, Sarah M. (Boole) Cv Ray,*Lela, *Leo; Hamburg Rl Eelle-view Sec33 O570a (1856) FarmersLine Hillcrest

RRamsey, Christopher L. (Grace Loop-

er) Ch Selina, Esther, Una, Ed-ward Ludwell; Pleasant Hill StarRte Belleview Secl8 O20a (1882)

Ramsey, Elmore (Edna Zumwalt)Nebo R2 Belleview SeclO TlOOaHenry Ramsey (1896) FarmersLine Hillcrest

Ramsey, George C. (Mary Bacon)Ch *Larkin, *Lafe; BelleviewBelleview Secl6 O40a (1881) Farm-ers Line Hillcrest

Ramsey, Henry R. (Sopha Calvin)Ch Bessie, Othey, . Opal, Geneva,*Elmore, *Lucille, *Flossie; NeboR2 Belleview SeclO OlOOa (1902)Farmers Line Hillcrest

Ramsey, Larkin L. (Ruth Borrow-man) Ch Ida, Irene, Lafayette;Belleview Belleview Sec8 055a(1879)

Rapp, Charles (Elizabeth Benz) ChFrederick; Kampsville Rl CarlinSec29 T120a John Benz (1878)Farmers Line Kampsville

Rapp, William (Frances Schumann)Ch John, Joseph, Irene, Howard;Beecreek Star Rte Carlin Sec27T180a Kamp (1883)

Ray, James O. (Carrie Davis) ChJohn, Lawrence, Orland, Marie, Le-ota, *Gertrude; Batchtown Rl Gil-ead Sec31N T/ia Alfred Etter(1901)

Reed, Arch (Gertrude Baugh) ChPhilip; Kampsville Rl HamburgSec2 O40a (1892)

Reed, James G. (Mary Gray) ChOval, *Zilpha, *Allie, *Manuel;Kampsville Rl Hamburg Secl8T160a Casper Stillbrink (1866)

Reed, John (Norah Foiles) Ch Eliza-beth and husband Clarence Burgeand children, Jaunita and Jeanette,

*Arch. *May; Kampsville Rl Ham-burg Sec2 0116a (1859) FarmersLine Hillcrest

Renond, George R. (Nora Long) ChCarol, Carrie, Beatrice, Clarence;Nebo R2 Belleview Sec2 Tla Ed-ward Fields (1919) Farmers LineNebo

Retzer, George (Mary Smith) ChToseph. Gilbert, George, Elizabeth;Nebo R2 Carlin Sec7 O300a (1875)A/[erida Tel. Kampsville



Retzer, John (Mary A. Benz) ChBertha, Theresa, Albert, *John,*Otto; "Cliff Dale Farm" Kamps-ville Star Rte Carlin Secl5 OlUOa(.1865) Merida Tel. Kampsville

Retzer, John Jr. (Lucy Sibley) ChJohn, Fred, Ruth, Janet; Kamps-ville Star Rte Carlin Sec3 O330a(1886) Farmers Line Kampsville

Retzer, Joseph F. (Lena Fields) ChClarence, Josephine, Loretta;Kampsville Star Rte Carlin Sec9T70a George Retzer (18^2)

Retzer, Otto (Katharine Gansz) ChOtto, Katharine, Frank, Edward,Louise, Mary "Gravel Point Farm"Kampsville Star Rte Carlin Sec3O200a (1888) Calhoun Tel. Kamps-ville

Retzer, William (Maggie Bhenen) ChLee, Sylvia, *Samuel, ^Sebastian;Golden Eagle Star Rte Point Sec31072a (1872) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Rhoades, Mrs. Maud S. and Squier,Sarah H. (Maud Squier) Ch Mrs.Rhoades' children, William A.,

Sarah J., Helen; Hardin Rl HardinSec22S—23S O620a (1858) Mc-Donald Tel. Hardin

Richards, Isaac (Mary Moore) ChFred, Delbert, Luther. Jessie, Ray-mond, Ola, *Earl; Belleview Belle-vievv' Sec21 TlOa William Thomas(1893)

Richey, John (Jane Dean) Pearl R2Carlin Sec5 T40a H. and W. Green(1869)

Richey, Milt (Caroline Jackson) Bee-creek Carlin Sec21 Farm HandVal Brangenberg (1860) FarmersLine Kampsville

Ringhausen, Charles C. (Lulu Rosa)Ch Chris, Charles, Jr., Moreland;Hamburg Rl Hamburg Secl9 T160aChris Ringhausen (1890) MeridaTel. Hamburg

Ringhausen, Chris (Christina Schaf-fer) Ch Stephen, Clarence, Jesse,Christina, Elsie, *Edv^ard, *Charles,*Harry; "Lincoln Valley FruitFarm" Hardin Hardin Sec34 O160a(1870) McDonald Tel. Hardin

Ringhausen, G. Frederick Ida Eberlin.housekeeper; "Sunset Fruit Farm"Golden Eagle Rl Point Sec8 0235a(1875)

Ringhausen, Harry W. (Volda Hamil-ton) Ch Hamilton, Dorothy;"Mount Hope Fruit Farm" Ham-burg Crater Sec29 T154y2a ChristRinghausen (1892) Merida Tel.Hamburg

Ringhausen, Louis (Margaret Woel-fell) Ch Paul, Albert, Louise, Wil-liam, Theodore, Edna, Arthur;"Fair View Farm" Hardin HardinSec34 Ol23a (1867) Bell Tel Har-din

Rivers, Lewis (Mollie Kelley) ChThomas, Eileen, Tessie, Anna, stepchildren; Hambvurg Rl HamburgSecl9 O40a (1873) Merida Tel.Hamburg

Roach, Anderson J. (Anna Johnston)Ch Bertha, Pearl, Harry, Zena, Har-old, James, *Eva; Nebo R2 Belle-view Sec20 T65a O. Rugle (1896)

Roach, Emmet F. (Mary Sutton) ChAlice, Florence, John, Owen; Ham-burg Rl Belleview Sec33 O160a(1867)

Ready, Nathaniel A. (Bessie Mcln-tire) Ch Orville, Viola; Lillian,

Tracy, Ella, step children; Ham-burg Hamburg Sec6S T20a WilsonEst. (1918) Farmers Line Hamburg

Robeen, Andrew (Margaret Arnold)Ch Robert, Cecelia, Lewis, Harold,Grace; Golden Eagle Rl PointSec22 O80a (1888) Brussels Tel.Brussels

Robern, John (Mary Retzer) Ch Ger-trude, Theresa, Francis, Josephine,*Andrew; "Cash Hollow Farm"Golden Eagle Rl Point Sec22 O80a(1881) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Rodgers, Charles (Cora Sagez) Gold-en Eagle Star Rte Point Sec6OlOVaa (1914) Brussels Tel. Brus-sels

Roentz, Frank (Lena Dietz) Ch Alma,Delia, Eugene, Frank, John, *Mary,*Lena; "Pecan Grove Farm" Mich-ael Crater Sec33 0148a (1862)

Rosa, George W. (Eva J. Hallett)Ch Carl L., Omar. Russell, Allen,*Lorraine; "River View" HamburgSec35-36 T115a Mrs. James Rosa(1863) Merida Tel. Hamburg

Rose, Fred T. (Theresa Sibley) ChMilo Jerome; Hamburg Rl Ham-burg Sec7 T90a W. W. Rose (1894)

Rose, Henry A. (Frances Athy) ChAurelia Lee, *Francis Marion;Kampsville Crater Sec3 Farm HandE. S. Armstrong (1888) MeridaTel. Kampsville

Rose, Herman Jr. (Elizabeth Pohl-man) Ch Topy, William, Leona,Bernice, Ravmond; Golden EagleRl Point Sec31 T40a Joseph T.Menke (1881) Brussels Tel. Brus-sels



Rose, Mary Ch William, Helen, Eliz-

abeth, *Anna, *Mary, *Catharine,

*Herman; Golden Eagle Rl Point

Sec36S O80a (1858) Brussels Tel.


Rose, William W. (Kate Trouflear)

Ch Bryan, *Earl, *Fred, *Minnie;Kampsville Crater Sec3 O90a (1853)

Roth, Adam (Nellie Corbett) Ch Leo,Marie, Eileen; Hamburg R2 Ham-burg Sec30 T112a A. A. Roth (1884)Bell Tel. Hamburg

Roth, Henry J. (Lucy Knese) HardinRl Hardin SeclOS O140a (1890)

Roth, John J. (Elizabeth Nordbusch)Ch Margaret Mary Roth; Kamps-vUle Rl Crater Secl6 T240a Jo-seph Roth (1883) Farmers LineKampsville

Roth, Joseph A. (Mary Brunjes) ChLawrence, Mabel, Mildred, Rosa,Frances, Joe, Mamie; KampsvilleRl Crater Secl6 & 21 O240a (1864)Farmers Line Kampsville

Roth, Peter M. (Margaret Kelly) Mi-chael Crater Sec34 TlOOa Roth Est.

(1889) Farmers Line Michael

Roth, Tony Irene, sister; MichaelCrater Sec34 T160a A. A. Roth(1891) Farmers Line Michael

Roundcount, Clarence E. (ElizabethKlunk) Ch Frances, Mary; MichaelCrater Sec26 T40a Frank Klunk(1890) Merida and Farmers LineMichael

Ruyle, Alfred D. (Ida Degerlia) Ch*Claude, *Maude, ^Clifford; HardinR2 Hardin Sec22-23 T220a CalhounCounty (1857) McDonald Tel. Har-din

Ruyle, Fred (Reta Gardner) ChMarion, Arietta; Belleview Star RteBelleview Sec28 053 l-3a (1889)

Ruyle, Marshall (Stella Davis) Ham-burg Rl Hamburg Sec26 T72aMeyer and Fischer (1877) MeridaTel. Hamburg

Ruyle, Oscar (Ethel McNelly) ChGeorge, Hurley, Elby, Alberta;Belleview Star Rte Belleview Sec20O160a (1879) Merida Tel. Belleview

Ruyle, Turner (Louisa Benz) ChRoy, Leslie, Hubert, Marven, Thel-ma, *Printha; Hamburg Rl Carlin

Sec32 T65a Lydia Ruyle (1863)

Farmers Line Kampsville

Ruyle, William H. (Frances Booth)Ch Jessie, *Ross, *Fred; BelleviewStar Route Belleviev/ Sec28 OSOa(1863) Merida Tel. Belleview

Ryansocker, Frank (Wilda Cunning-ham) Ch George, *Maggie, *Lizzie;

Hardin R2 Hardin SeclO T17a A.

H. Oettle (1860) McDonald Tel.


Sackman Estate (Otelia Muller) ChPaul, Mike, Albert, Alice, *Anna,*Mary; Batchtown Rl GileadSec29S 0213a (1869) Bell Tel.

BatchtownSagez, Benjamin (Anna Miller) Gold-en Eagle Rl Point SeclS O140a(1876) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Sagez, George F. (Anna Becker) ChLouis, George; "Clover Leaf FruitFarm" Hardin R2 Hardin SeclO-11 0125a (1889) Farmers Line Har-din

Sagez, Lee (Selina Meyer) ChIrene; Golden Eagle Rl Point Secl6O70a (1892)

Sancamper, George Ch Peter, Anton,Frank, *George, *John; "Sancamp-er Stock Farm" Golden Eagle RlRichwoods Sec32 0265a (1852)

Sanders, Alice A. (Alice Berry) ChOra, James, Edith, Ethel, John,

Henry, *Lettie, *Bessie, *Amy,*Ruth; Hamburg R2 Gilead SeclSN036a (1865)

Sanders, Sharion T. (Lilly Allen) ChFrank, Herbert, Juanita; MeppenStar Rte Richwoods Seel T24a J.

F. Keyser (1919)

Sands, Japt Hamburg R2 Gilead

Secl3N T40a Henry Crader (1847)

Saunders, Will L. (Essie Tumley) Ch*Vernon, *Mary; Belleview Belle-

view Secl4 O60a (1881) FarmersLine Hillcrest

Schafer, Albert (Bertha Elmer) ChAnna, Leo; Kampsville Rl Carlin

Sec30 OSOa (1916)



Scherer, Frederick E. (ElizabethSchmitt) Ch Magdalene, Henry,Lucille, Clara, Nettie, Fred, Helen,Lament, *Emma, *William; HardinR2 Hardin SeclS Tla Louis Soder(1914)

Schleeper, Frank Sr. Ch Catharine,Frank P., Rose, *Henry H.,Charles L., *William J., *Paul J.,*Anna; Hardin Rl Hardin SeclSSO300a (1854) McDonald Tel. Har-din

Schleeper, George Meppen Star RteRichwoods Sec35 0169a (1886)Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Schleeper, Henry (Catherine Hager)Ch Lena, Edward, *Henry *Mary;Hardin Rl Hardin SeclSS OlSOa(1846) McDonald Tel. Hardin

Schleeper, Henry Jr. (Mary Frei-del) Ch Jerome, Raymond, Mar-vin; Hardin Rl Richwoods SecllTlOOa Henry Schleeper, Sr. (1883)Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Schleeper, John B. (Mary Pohlman)Ch Dorothy Meppen Star RteRichwoods Sec35 0231a (1883)

Schleeper, William Sr. (Gesina Kiel)Ch *Lena; Meppen RichwoodsSec25 034a (1858) Batchtown Tel.Batchtown

Schleeper, William Jr. (KatharineBatchtown Tel. BatchtownHager) Ch Albert, Elmer, Rob-ert; Golden Eagle Rl Point Sec3O160a (1881) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Schlieper, Charles H. (Alta M. Har-pole) Ch Orville, Archie, Nellie,Marvin, Arthur, Lucy, Zula, Mary;Beecreek Carlin Sec5 T280a CharlesA. Davis (1875) Farmers Line Hill-crest

Schlieper, John E, (Hattie Harpole)Ch Marion, Lena, Mildred, Pauline,Carroll, Frances, Ocie, Cecil, *Artie;Nebo R2 Belleview Secl2 O80a(1879)

Schlieper, Mrs. Sarah F. (Sarah F.Grover) Ch Ruby, *Mary, *CharHe,John, *Lena; Hamburg Rl Ham-burg Sec24 (1858)

Schneider, Charles (Marie Godar) ChEunice, Glyen ; Kampsville Star RteCrater Sec21 T30a John Schneider(1887) Farmers Line Michael

Schneider, John T. (Catherine Ewen)Ch Frank J., *Charles J., Eliza-beth; Kampsville Star Rte CraterSec21-16 O200a (1869) Merida Tel.Michael and Kampsville

Schobernd, Gerhardt (Mary Ludorlf)Ch Anna, *Theodore, John, The-resa, Agnes; Brussels Point Sec7O240a (1858)

Schobernd, Herman (Frances Stil-brink) Ch Catharine, Marie; Brus-sels Point Secl2 O80a (1869)

Schobernd,John M. (Josephine Meyer)Ch Harmon, Antone, Henry,Stephen, Theodore, *Garrett, John,Frances, Lizzie, Josephine; Gold-en Eagle Rl Point SeclO 095a(1860) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Schobernd, Theodore (Lizzie Karry)Ch William, Anna, Teresa, Kath-arine, Josephine; Golden Eagle RlPoint Sec9 0135a (1859)

Schobernd, Theodore Jr. (Mary Les-seg) Ch Helen Brussels Point Sec7T240a Gerhardt Schobernd (1884)

Schoper, William Amelia Schoper,mother; Ch Vernie, Herman; Brus-sels Star Rte Point Sec2 O80a(1865)

Schulte, Anton "Duroc Jersey Stockand Fruit Farm" Batchtown RlGilead Secl7S 0143a (1862) BellTel. Hardin

Schulte, Barney Golden Eagle StarRte Point Sec30 079a (1879) Brus-sels Tel. Brussels

Schulte, Joseph (Margaret Rose) ChIrene, Henry; Golden Eagle StarRte Point Secl9 052a (1882) Brus-sels Tel. Brussels

Schultze, Albert (Julia Funk) GoldenEagle Rl Point Secl7 OllOa (1870)Brussels Tel. Brussels

Schulze, August (Lottie Fester) ChViola, Harrison, Arthur, Edwin,Anna, Fred, Elsie; Deer Plain StarRte Point Secl6 O320a (1862) Brus-sels Tel. Brussels

Sch;ilze, Clarence (Bertha McClure)Golden Eagle Rl Point Sec4 O170a(1896)

Schulze, Fred (Lavina Volkert) ChWalter, Lillian, Stella, Clarence,Mabel; "Point Pleasant Nursery& Fruit Farm" Golden Eagle RlPoint Secl9 O470a (1862) BrusselsTel. Brussels

Schumann, Christ (Anna M. Helfrich)

Ch Fred, Frank, Edward, Phillip,

Ray, Albert, Tillie, Frances,Katie; Kampsville Crater Sec4O240a (1857) Farmers Line Kamps-ville



Schumann, Frederick M. Ch =^\lexan-

der, *Robert; Kampsville Rl Crater

Secl4 O80a Secll T40a Charles Sut-

ter (1861) Merida and Farmers LineKampsville

Schumann, Henry (Marj- Bader) ChMinnie, Lena, Arthur, Richard,Verna; "Sunny View Fruit andStock Farm" Kampsville CraterSec4 O280a (1860) Farmers LineKampsville

Schumann, John M. (Tillie Gereeke)Ch Edna, Otto; Kampsville RlHamburg Secl8 T160a Mrs. JohnRitter (1881) Farmers Line Kamps-ville

Schumann, Louis W. Minnie, sister;

husband, Charles Gereeke; ChIrene and Eva; Kampsville Star RteCrater Sec9 O80a Sec22 T160aHenry Schumann (1886)

Schumann, William Ch Delia, Law-rence, Harrv, Anna. *Minnie;Kampsville R'l Crater Sec9 O160a(1864) Farmers Line Kampsville

Sconce, Samuel (Mabalie Turnes)Ch Charles, Rachael, *Ruby, *Edith;Batchtown Rl Gilead Sec6 T130aAlfred Etter (1873)

Scott, Edgar (Frances Samaster)Ch Curtis, Herbert; Hamburg R2Gilead Secl7S O40a (1914)

Scott, George W. (Caroline Schaefer)Harry, *Christena; Hardin Hardin

• Sec22 O160a (1860) McDonald Tel.Hardin

Scranton, H. A. (Vera Guthrie) ChCarmen; Nebo R3 Belleview Sec2WT15a S. McDonald (1917)

Seeman, Francis (Goldie Hale) Har-din R2 Hardin Secl2 Tla C. E.Anderson (1915)

Seeman, Frank (Lenora Smith) Har-din R2 Hardin Secll Tla C. E.Anderson (1919)

Seidler, Barney C. (Bessie Behnen)Ch Claudine, Aloies, Harry; Gold-en Eagle Rl Point Sec5 Tla JohnJ. Seidler (1888)

Seidler, John J. (Lizzie Wieneke) ChNewton, Dora, Obie, Lucinda,Grace, Freda, *Barney, *Anna,^Pauline; "Ever Lasting RunningSpring Farm" Golden Eagle RlPoint Sec5 084a (1865)

Seidler, Ray (Katy Krample) ChWillie, lona; Meppen Star RteRichwoods Sec35 Tla (1890)

Seidler, WiUiam (Ida Ingle) Ch Clar-ence, Jewel, Hubert, Earl, Viola,Raymond, *Nora, *Maud; GoldenEagle Rl Point Sec5 037a (1863)

Seiferman, Charles (Lizzie Pappe)Ch Emma. Edward; Golden EagleRl Point Sec27 0149a (1859) Brus-sels Tel. Brussels

Seifermann, Joseph (Teresa Scho-bernd) Ch Marie, Frank, Gertrude,Leona; Golden Eagle Rl PointSec 22 QlfiOa (1865) Brussels Tel.Brussels

Sevier, Albert Sr. (Genetta Wilson)Ch William F.. *John R., *AIary,'^^Albert, Jr., *Josephine, *Anton,*Charles H., *Sarah, ^Casper; Ham-burg Rl Hamburg Sec23 OlOOa(1863) Farmers Line Hamburg

Sevier, Albert Jr. (Mary Silvers) ChLee, Minnie. Ray, Hallie, Olive,Winnie, Pearl; Hamburg Rl Ham-burg Secl4 O140a (1880) FarmersLine Hamburg

Sevier, Antone (Lena Smith) ChHarry, Mabel, also Lucretia Smith;Hamburg Rl Hamburg Sec23035/2a (1883) Farmers Line Ham-burg

Sevier, Casper (Mary Colvin) ChRov; Hamburg Rl Hamburg Sec24OlOOa (1892) Farmers Line Ham-burg

Sevier, Charles H. (Ollie Grader) ChThomas, May, Nola, Martha; Ham-burg Rl Hamburg Secl3 O120a(1886) Farmers Line Hamburg

Shandrow, George (Mary Kamp) ChEugene, *Charles, *Thomas, *Katie,*Ella; Golden Eagle Star Rte PointSec6 O40a (1852)

Shandrow, Louis (Mary Behnen) ChCarl, Mildred, Floyd, Louis; GoldenEagle Rl Point Sec30 OlOa (1866)

Shanon, C. B. (Fannie Wilson) Ch*Myrtle, *Lucy, *Clara, *Sarah,*Irene, *Burnett, ^Gilbert; Batch-town Richwoods Sec8 077a (1870)

Sheridan, Joseph (Martha Bopp) ChLillie, Rosa, Agnes; Golden EagleRl Point Sec28 T40a Frank Philips(1884) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Sherman, William (Lydia Shandrow)Ch Thomas, Isaac, Loretta, Lydia;Sarah Sokop, mother, *Edward,Frank, *Sadie, *Jessie, *Tantha,Lucy, *Ethel; "Fruitland Landing"Golden Eagle Star Rte Point Sec6T6a Sarah Sokop (1872) BrusselsTel. Brussels

Shireman, Charles H. (Eva Hubbard)Ch Edward, C. W.; Pleasant HillRl Belleview Secl5 065a (1875)

Merida Tel. Belleview



Shireman, Frank (Ellen Gray) ChCharles S., Marie, Ocie, Obie,Nellie; Kampsville Rl HamburgSecl2 04a (1868)

Shireman, Michael L. (Vernice Gray)Ch Martin, Jesse, Leonard, Allen;Kampsville Rl Hamburg Secl2016a (1894)

Sibley, Robert (Addie Gourley) ChMarie, Thelma, Daily, Florence,Katie, Forest, John, Mildred; NeboR2 Carlin Sec8 O240a (1883)

Sibley, Youngs Ch Mollie, John, Joe,Elba, Roscoe, *Robert, *Lucy,Frances, *Theresa; Beecreek StarRte Carlin Secs20-21 0217^a(1869)

Sidwell, Claud O. (Minnie Stearns)Ch Fern, Erma; Nebo R2 BelleviewSec3 O70a (1889)

Sidwell, George (Hattie Scranton)Ch *Lettie; Belleview BelleviewSec8 OlOOa (1878) Merida Tel.Belleview

Sidwell, Roy E. (Orpha Johnson) ChRonold, Dorothy; Nebo R3 Belle-view Sec4 O240a (1885) Merida Tel.Belleview

Sidwell, Samuel E. (Ella Saunders)Ch *Ernest; Nebo R3 BelleviewSec4 O360a (1860) Merida Tel.

Siemer, Bernard (Catherine Hagen)Ch Hubert, Paul, Omer; MeppenRichwoods Sec26 O50a (1891)Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Siemer, Henry M. (Caroline Fieker)Ch Irene, Veronica; "Siemer Stock& Grain Farm" Brussels Star RteRichwoods Sec26 0116a (1900)

Siemer, Nicholas (Mary Held) ChRaymond, Leonard, Lauretta, Ro-salia, Paul, Everett; BatchtownRl Gilead Sec29N 0154a (1862)Bell Tel. Batchtown

Sievers, John T. (Agatha Droege)Batchtown Star Rte RichwoodsSec28 O120a (1896) Batchtown Tel.Batchtown

Simon, Andrew (Anna L. Fiedler)Ch Carl, August, Leo, Anna, Wil-liam; Batchtown Rl Gilead Sec55Ol60a (1856) Bell Tel. Hardin

Simon, John H. (Mary A. Weich-aupt) Ch Anna, Mary, Rose, Mar-guerite; Batchtown Secsl7-18 0314a(1890) Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Simpkin, William K. (Lilloe Rich-ardson) Pleasant Hill Star RteBelleview Sec8 0159a (1898) MeridaTel. Belleview

Simpson, Benjamin H. (MyrtleHardy) Ch Alice, Olive; MeppenStar Rte Richwoods Sec2 TllOaAlice Kuhn (1914)

Simpson, Elias (Olive Fuller) ChWilliam, *Nettie, *Loyd, *Harrison,*Laura, *Essie, *Lillian; Hardin RlRichwoods SeclO O20a (1865)

Siver, John B. (Katharine Fluster)Ch John, Mary, Stanley, Ferdie,Leonard, Henry, Carl, Albert, Jo-seph, Lawrence, Fay, Ben, Elmer;Meppen Richwoods SeclS 0161a(1875)

Smith, Abbitt (Neva Turpin) ChLewis, Harold, Jewel-Eileen; Ham-burg Rl Hamburg Secl9 FarmHand Tony Dirksmeyer (1888)

Smith, Charles S. (Sarah Pressley)Ch Carl, Wesley; Batchtown Rich-wods Sec7 T438a Albert Franke(1884)

Smith, Eugene (Sarah E. Howland)Ch Raymond, John, *Ida, *Mike,

• *Abbott, *Carrie, *Jennie, *Josh,Henry, Gertrude, Edward; Ham-burg Hamburg Sec24 T120a Mrs.B. H. Williams (1864)

Smith, Frank (Mary Blondlon) ChViola, George, Annie, Archibald,Cletus T. Godar, grandson, alsoMary Fifer; Hardin Hardin Secl6O40a (1872) McDonald Tel. Hardin

Smith, Fred (Violet Windmiller) ChIrene, lona, Harold, Gerald;Pleasant Hill Rl Belleview Sec9T25a Mrs. Cruder (1919) Pike Tel.Pleasant Hill

Smith, F. C. (Emma Watson) ChEthel, Lillian, Alma; Golden EagleRl Point SeclO 0146a (1868) Brus-sels Tel. Brussels

Smith, James A. (Sabinia Knowlton)Ch Lucille, Arthur, Laura, Anna,William, Ruby, *Ida, Sabinia^Meppen Rl Hardin Sec22S T2aSarah H. Squier (1851)

Smith, Mike (Lena Beer) "Fox RidgeFarm" Hamburg Rl HamburgSec23 O80a (1886)

Smith, W. W. (Anna C. Wiegand)Ch Eula M., her husband. W. B.Wallendorflf Golden Eagle Rl PointSeclO O80a (1865) Brussels Tel.Brussels

Snider, Abner A. (Mary East) ChJesse, Everett, Edward, Electa,George, Joseph; "Pony FruitFarm" Hardin Gilead Sec4N O40a(1882) Bell Tel. Hardin



Snow, Wesley A. (Lillie Herron) ChVelma, Beulah, Opal, Virginia; Gal-lic May Blackwell; "Sugar MapleFruit Farm" Hamburg R2 GileadSecl9-20 O205a (1894) Bell Tel.Hardin

Snyders, Albert (Dora Twitchell) ChHomer, Marguerite, Cyril, Eva;"Snyders Brothers Fruit and GrainFarm" Batchtown Rl RichwoodsSec32 O120a (1884) Batchtown Tel.Batchtown

Snyders, Andrew (Teresa Brinkman)Ch Mildred Batchtown Rl Rich-woods Sec32 O120a (1889) Batch-town Tel. Batchtown

Snyders, Anna (Anna Cost) Ch Bar-bara, Paul, George, *Ida, *Frank;Batchtown Richwoods Sec4 0267a(1870)

Snyders, Antone (Mary Popa) ChHerman, Charley, Trena, Jacob,John, *Peter, *Katy, *Anna; Batch-town Rl Richwoods Sec5 Ola(1861) Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Snyders, Carl P. (Zedend Bell)Batchtown Rl Richwoods Sec5T76a G B. Sniders (1892)

Snyders, Frank (Cuba Bell) Batch-town Batchtown Sec4 T267a A.Snyders (1892)

Snyders, Gasbert B. Ch Clarence,Marion, Spencer, Harry, *OttOj*Carl, *Tresa, *Pauline; BatchtownRl Richwoods Sec5 O405a (1859)

Snyders, G. K. (Anna Mary Kienky)Ch Severens, Leo, Rose, *Anna,*Antone, *Albert, *William, *An-drew, *Josephine; Golden Eagle RlRichwoods Sec28 O60a (1858)Batchtown Tel. Brussels

Snyders, Otto C. (Hettie Willeburg)Ch Vincent, Raphael; BatchtownRl Richwoods Sec5 T80a G. B.Snyders (1888)

Squier, Carl A. (Ora Bain) Ch Letha.Mildred, C. W., Jr., Elizabeth, *Dor-othy; Hamburg Rl Gilead Secl9ST196a C. W. Squier (1876)

Squier, W. G. (Lucretia Richard-ardson) "Owl Fruit Farm" Ham-burg R2 Gilead Sec30S T296a C. W.Squier (1884) Bell Tel. Hardin

Stahl, Henry (Katie Heller) ChHenry, Mary, Vincent, Cecelia, Ro-selle; Brussels Point Sec8 O160a(1874)

Stein, Elizabeth Ch Henry, Joseph,Katie, *Frank, *Mary; GoldenEagle Rl Sec24 OlOOa (1863)

Steinberg, Henry P. (Mary Sevier)Ch Lena, Edward, Gladys, Dora,Alice, Edith, Casper; Nebo R2Belleview SeclS 0167a (1875) Farm-ers Line Hillcrest

Stemes, John B. (Mary Blackorby)Ch Thomas, Henry, Pauline, *Jen-nie, *Minnie, *Sadie, *Flossie; NeboR2 Belleview Secl6 O80a (1872)

Stemes, Thomas J. (Katy Lane) ChBert Collins, stepson; Nebo R2Belleview Secl6 O80a (1871)

Stiles, Virgil (Sarah Hill) Ch Opal,Earl, Ervin; Hardin Hardin Sec27OlJ^a (1892)

Stumpf, Reuben A. (Ida Snyders) ChJerome; Batchtown RichwoodsSec9 Tla William Franke (1890)

Suhling, John P. (Zena Powers) ChLee, Clarence, Gordon, Alene, Ken-neth; Kampsville Rl BelleviewJohn Suhling (1889) Farmers LineHillcrest

Surgeon, John D. (Laura Walsh)Ch Dorothy; Hardin Rl GileadSec28N OllOa (1878) Bell Tel. Har-din

Surgeon, William (Velma Nicholas)Ch William, Jr., Mildred, Kenneth,Claude; Hardin Rl Gilead Sec28NO90a (1881) Bell Tel. Hardin

Sutton, Allen T. (Catherine Vetter)Ch Viola, Joseph, Dorothy, Opal;Nebo R3 Belleview Sec8 T130aLewis Sutton, (1892)

Sutton, Charles (Esther Boney) ChNola, Zola, Edna, Lona, Pauline;Hamburg Rl Belleview Sec34 O40a(1885)

Sutton, George F. (Minnie K. Peli-

can) Ch Emmett, Edward, Edith,Gracie; Nebo R3 Belleview Sec9T40a Vina Sidwell (1891)

Sutton, Lewis G. (Rachael Zumwalt)Ch *William, *Tip, *Mary, *Lena,*James, *Charley, *Ivy, *Allen,*Lee; Nebo R3 Belleview Sec8OlJla (1861)

Sutton, Tilford (Eva Sidwell) ChLouis, Jim, Lora, Willie, Elmer,Lettie, Anna; Belleview Star RteCarlin Sec32 Tl^/^a Taylor Bernet(1898)

Sutton, William E. (Mollie Hagen)Ch Logan, Flora, Fred, Bertha;Nebo R3 Belleview Sec4 017a(1872)

Swearinger, James L. (Miranda Wil-son) Ch Walter, Teddy, Herman,Ethel, Allen, Viola, Roma; Ham-burg Rl Belleview Sec30 OlOOa(1877) Merida Tel. Belleview



Swearinger, Nellie E. (Nellie E. Wil-

son) Ch Roy, Lillie, George, Emil,

Howard, Samuel, Charlotte, Elsie;

Belleview Star Rte Belleview Sec29

O40a (1882) Merida Tel. Belleview

Sweetman, Alfred W. Batchtown RlGilead Secl6N 025a (1870)

Sweetman, Charles (Hettie Bull) ChHoward, Everett, Ford, Mil-dred',*Rachel; Batchtown Rl GileadSec9S O40a (1878) Bell Tel. Hardin

TTarpy, Austin "Mount Scenic Farm."Golden Eagle Rl Richwoods Sec29078a (1873)

Tarpy, Mike Golden Eagle Rl Rich-woods Sec29 075a (1885)

Tarpy, Tom "Corn Valley Farm"Batchtown Richwoods Secl8 O80a(1869) Batchtown Tel.

Taylor, Hurley M. (Ruth E. Bunch)Ch Letha, Ruth, Ethel, Mary,Henry, Ada; Hamburg Rl CarlinSec31 T225a Taylor Bunch (1914)Farmers Line Hillcrest

Telkamp, Anton Ch Theodore, Frank,Bernard, Katie, *Anna; GoldenEagle Rl Point Sec28 T3a FrankBeesaw (1864)

Telkamp, Harmon (Margaret Han-neken) Ch Joseph, Mary, Bertha;Golden Eagle Rl Point SeclS 076a(1867)

Telkamp, Henry M. (Elizabeth Kein)Ch Katie, Joseph, Barney, Rosa,*Frances, *Louise; Golden EagleRl Point Secl3 O70a (1865) Brus-sels Tel. Brussels

Telkamp, Theodore M. (Anna Jacobs-meyer) Ch Mathias, Veronica,*Katie, *Mary; Golden Eagle StarRte Point Secl9 O70a (1868) Brus-sels Tel. Brussels

Tepen, Anna W. (Anna W. Brink-man) Ch John A., August, Marcus,Freda, William; "Tepen Fruit &Grain Farm" Meppen RichwoodsSecslO-16-21 O210a (1869) Batch-town Tel. Batchtown

Tepen, Barney (Anna Mest) Ch Ben,Albert, Mary, Herman, Paul, Wil-liam, *Henry, *Clara; Meppen Rich-woods Sec27 Ola (1864)

Tepen, John Sr, (Catharine Beck-man) Ch Margaret, Tress, Rosey,Frank, *Lucv, *Anna; Meppen Rich-woods Sec23 O40a (1861)

Thomas, William H. (Sarah Clen-denny) Ch Freda, Lela, Jesse, Ed-ward, Clyde, *Viola; Mozier Belle-

view Sec21 O40a (1861)

Thornton, Oscar H. (Ida Delawder)Ch Ethan, Carry, Agnes, Brant,Edith, Oscar, Fay; Nebo R2 Belle-view Sec3 T160a Lee Hammer(1916)

Thorp, Mrs. Sarah (Sarah Sampler)Ch John, Frank, *Famlius, *Etta,*William, *Cora; Kampsville RlCarlin Sec30 O80a (1858) FarmersLine Hillcrest

Tilly, WUliam T. (Myrtle M. White)Ch Ruby, Earl, Fay; Pleasant HillBelleview Sec22 053a (1879)

Titus, John G. (Lucy Dorris) ChHelen, Raymond, Willie, Harry;Batchtown Rl Richwoods Sec5048a (1875) Batchtown Tel. Batch-town

Tolbert, Alvin A. (Almeada Cox) ChOpal, Goldie, Luvina, Herman,Charles, June; Hamburg HamburgSec35 07a (1871) Merida Tel Ham-burg

Tolbert, Amiel (Irene Kaiser) ChRuth; Hamburg R2 Crater Sec28Tla Mrs. Mary Becker (1896)

Tolbert, Frank (Mamie Ducker) ChKenneth, Delma, Lewis; HamburgR2 Crater Sec29 Farm Hand AllenAnderson (1885)

Tolbert, Louis R. (Mary Howland)Ch Everett, *Beulah, *Margaret,Alvin, *Frank, *Amiel, *Mollie,

*Mattie; Hamburg R2 Crater Sec38017a (1846) Merida & FarmersLine Michael

Topmeyer, Anton (Mary McCauley)Ch Edna, Rose, *NelIie; GoldenEagle Rl Point Sec31 O290a (1865)

Toppmeyer, ' Barney (Anna Nolte)

Ch August, Bernard, Frank, Cath-arine; Deer Plain Point Sec21 O200a(1862) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Traufler, Frank (Emma Baumann)Hamburg R2 Crater Sec28 O80a(1858) Farmers Tel. Michael



Traufler, Peter (Mollie Bellin) ChJoseph, *Peter, *Mary; "Bluff ViewFarm" Michael Crater Secs34-33O120a (I860) Merida & FarmersLine Michael

Tritsch, William (Frances Haus-mann) Ch Willamena, Nina, Irma,Eunice, Willie, Ivan, Irvin; Ham-burg Rl Carlin Sec32 T40a Mrs.Fred Hausmann (1886)

Trowbridge, W. Elmer (Susie Barnes)Ch Raymond, Edna, Norman, Ross,*Hallie, *Gertie; Hamburg RlHamburg Sec4 T160a Wm. Trow-bridge (1871) Merida Tel. Hamburg

Trowbridge, Mary A. (Mary Hamil-ton) Ch Floyd, *Perry, *Clarence,^Margaret, *Mary; Hardin R2Gilead Secsl7-18 O240a (1848) Bell

Tel. Hardin

Tureman, Claude F. (Cuba M. Car-ter) Hardin Hardin Sec21 O200a(1909) McDonald Tel. Hardin

Turner, Frank L. (Nettie Kinkade)Ch Raymond, Earl, Mary, Wilbur,George, Everett, *Sarah, *William;Hamburg R2 Hamburg Sec7S O80a(1868)

Turner, Samuel W. (Delilah Dixon)Ch Charles, *Hiram, *Austin,Isaac, *Elta; Batchtown Rl Rich-woods Sec5 045a (1853)

Turpin, Mrs. Mary (Mary Foiles) Ch*Melvin Kampsville Rl HamburgSecl8 O60a (1852)

Turpin, Melvin (Ethel Weaver) ChGoldie, Dennis, Winnie; KampsvilleRl Hamburg Secsl8-19 O60a (1878)

Twichell, C. A,, Sr. (Maggie M. Nich-olas) Ch C. R., Oscar E., *Fay;"Meadow Branch Farm" MeppenStar Rte Richwods Secl4 O390a(1852) Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

Twichell, Carlton A. Jr. (AnnaHagen) Ch Ross, Clara; MeppenStar Rte Richwoods Secll OlOOa(1873) Batchtown Tel. Batchtown

UUfer, Adolph (Hannah Fiedler) Ch Ulery, Thomas T. (Theresa Gress)

Arthur, *Henry, *Clara, *Bertha; Ch Anna, Louis, Joseph, Peter,Batchtown Rl Gilead Secl6S O80a Mary; Michael Hamburg SecSS(1896) Bell Tel. Batchtown O200a (1879) Farmers Line Hardin

VVandeave, Henry (Mary Black) Ch*Maggie, *Emma, *Roy, *Milda.Tilla; Hamburg Rl BelleviewSec33 042a (1904) Farmers LmeHillcrest

Varner, Sterling (Louisa Lippe) ChMerle, Sterling, Jr.; "Lawn DaleFarm" Hamburg R2 HamburgSec36 065a (1863) Farmers LineHamburg

Vetter, Henry (Lena Kramer) ChAdam, Frances, *Orlando; Kamps-ville Star Rte Carlin Sec9 O80a(1864) Farmers Line Kampsville

Vetter, John C. (Rose Curtis) ChSylvia, Siebert, Cedric, Olin, Ruby,Audry, Floyd; Kampsville Rl Car-lin Secl9 T120a John Maffenbier(1884)

Vetter, John H, (Elizabeth Rapp)Kampsville Rl Crater Sec9 TlllaWilliam Rapp (1888) Farmers LineKampsville

Vetter, Joseph (Dora Frank) Ch Jo-seph, Elizabeth, Wilbur, Gertie,Goldie, *John, *Katie, *Emma;Hamburg Rl Carlin Sec31 T80aJoan Peacock (1860)

Vetter, Orlando J. (May Page) ChHarrison, Earl, Paul; KampsvilleRl Carlin Sec33 T45a Kamp Est.(1888) Farmers Line Kampsville

Vetter, Mrs. Rosa (Rosa Schumann)Ch Joseph, Fred, Charlie, John,Mike, *Christena, *Barbara;Kampsville Rl Crater Sec4 O120a(1856) Farmers Line Kampsville

Vogel, August Ch Mary, Anna, Her-man, Leo, George, August; GoldenEagle Rl Point Secl6 O160a (1872)

Vogel, Henry (Lena Smith) Ch Mary,Joseph, Leonard; Golden Eagle RlPoint Sec9 O90a (1875)

Vogel, Joseph (Elizabeth L<ind)Golden Eagle Rl Point Sec9 065a(1871)



WWagener, Michael (Helena Dirks-meyer) Ch Loretta, Mildred; Ham-burg Rl Hamburg Secl8 TlSOaJohn Dirksman (1882) FarmersLine Kampsville

Waldheuser, Ed. (Carrie Gerecke)Ch Victor; Kampsville Star RteCrater Sec27 T165a Chas. Sutter(1891) Merida & Farmers LineKampsville

Waldheuser, Joseph (Theresa Benz)Ch *Harry, *Edwin, *Eunice;Kampsville Rl Crater Secl7 O160a(1868) Merida & Farmers LineKampsville

WaUendorff, J. A. (Etta Bush) ChLucille, Luvena, August, *Enna,'''Cordelia, *Pauline, *Ella, *Bryan;Golden Eagle Rl Point Sec3 052a(1860) Beechville Tel. Brussels

WaUendorff, J. H. (Dollie Twichell)Ch Hortense, Gilbert, Marion, Ly-mon, Leola; Golden Eagle Rl PointSec3 T68a J. 'B. WaUendorff (1881)Beechville Tel. Brussels

Walls, Otis H. (Ethel Likes) ChMildred, Howard, Ernest, Edith,

Ray, Fay, Edna, Doris; Kamps-ville Star Rte Crater SeclS 06a(1876) Merida & Farmers LineKampsville

Ward, Henry W. (Anna Zumwalt)Cora, William, Bert, Edd, Joe,*Laura, *Rachel, *Minnie, *Effie;

Nebo R3 Belleview Sec5 O120a(1870) Farmers Line Belleview

Watson, Albert A. (Magdalena Thai-man) Ch William, Melbourne, Al-berta; "Kintown Hollow Farm"Batchtown Rl Gilead Secs31-32N0138^4a (1871) Bell Tel. Hardin

Watson, Amasa (Edith Metz) ChBernice, Isabelle, Callie, Gerald,Paul; "Watson Heights Fruit Farm"Hamburg R2 Hardin Sec28 O130a(1879) McDonald Tel. Hardin

Watts, Henry (Alice Foiles) Ch*Roy, *01a, *Charles, *Lee, *Ruby,*Grace, ^Clifford, *George, *Flossie,

Lolo Foiles, step children, John-nie, *Bertha Glowers; Hambxirg RlBelleview Sec26 O80a (1867) Farm-ers Line Hillcrest

Weaver, John W. (Myrtle Blackorby)Ch Florence; Hamburg R2 GileadSecl7S T240a C. C. Worthy (1892)Bell Tel. Hardin

Weaver, William H. (Mary Lammy)Ch Joe, Frieda, *John, *Lizzie;Hamburg R2 Gilead SeclSS 086a(1866)

Webb, Grant (Corda Oden) Ch Mar-vin, Lacy, Orville, Henrietta, Edna,Elma, *Minnie, *Una, *Delbert;Belleview Belleview Sec21 025a(1864) Merida Tel. Belleview

Webster, Francis M. (Elizabeth Ben-singer) Ch Noah, Marion, Lee,Polly, James, Daisy, Harvey;"Walnut Hollow Farm" HamburgR2 Gilead Secl3 O120a (1871) Mc-Donald Tel. Hamburg

Webster, Geo, A. (Gladys Fairfield)

Hardin Hardin Sec21 OlOa (1887)

Weigel, Henry C. (Nevada Wineke)Ch Elda, Elsie, Raymond; GoldenEagle Rl Point Sec29 O260a (1880)Brussels Tel. Brussels

Weigel, Jacob (Katie Hinteman) ChHenry, Emma, Robert, William,Vera. Edna, Alma; Deer Plain StarRte Point SeclS 0835a (1879) Brus-sels Tel. Brussels

Weigel, Louis (Lena Schulte) Ch An-tone, Mary, Anna, Elizabeth, Clara;Golden Eagle Star Rte Point Sec20O106a (1869) Brussels Tel. Brus-sels

Weiner, Ernest (Anna Booheister)Ch Paul, Ella, William, Ethel, Anna,Dorothy, Ernest, Jr., ^Elizabeth,*Mav; Hardin Rl Richwoods Sec35T120'a Fred Weigand (1898) Batch-town Tel. Batchtown

Weir, John (Eva Tilly) Ch Earl,

Howe. Lora, Harold, Maud, Les-ter; Nebo R3 Belleview Sec6 T80aH. Long (1869)

Weis, Charlie Ch Fred, Willis, Her-man. Arthur, Harry; Nebo R2 Car-

lin Sec7 Farm Hand Robert Sib-

ley (1898)

Weishaar, Joseph (Anna Bimslager)Ch Katie, Freddie, Clara, JosephJr.; "Baltimore Stock Farm"Golden Eagle Rl Point Secs26-27

0163a Sec27 T240a Charles Weis-haar (1878) Brussels Tel, Brussels

Weishaar, Julius E. (KatharineNolte) Ch Mary, Charles, Benja-min, Frank, Edward, Leo, Mar-garet. Agnes, Aloisoir; GoldenEagle Rl Point Sec29 O160a (1878)

Brussels Tel. Brussels



Weishaupt, George (Mabel Geeding)Golden Eagle Rl Richwoods Sec33O40a (1880)

Weishaupt, John (Mary Eilarman)Ch *Dommie, *George, ^Albert.Anna; Golden Eagle Rl Point Sec4072a (1850)

Wheeler, Clifford (Ethel Boyle) ChNona. Leo. Jessie: Nebo R2 Carlin

Sec6 T160a M. Strauss (1918) Farm-ers Line Booth

Whisman, Arch. (Mary Peacock) ChOdessa, Homer. Velma, Beulah,Eileen: Kampsville Rl HamburgSec6 O80a (1880)

Whisman, Edward Grace, sister;

Kampsville Rl Hamburg Sec()

Farm Hand Arch. Whisman (1878)

Whisman, Roy (Oppie Ringhauser)Ch Cla3\ Vera. Vernie, Ruth; NeboR2 Carlin Secsl8-19 O160a (1886)Farmers Line Hillcrest

Whismann, George W. (Laura An-derson) Ch Rena, Dorothy; Kamps-ville Star Rte Carlin Sec22 O-la

(1916)White, Bert (Laura Smith) ChGeorge Smith Nebo R2 Carlin SeclST198a George Smith (1917)

Wiegand, H. W. (Irene Shannon) ChCharles Ralph: Golden Eagle RlRichwoods Sec33 O60a

Wieneke, Charles (Mary Bush) ChClarence, Charles. Albert, Robert,*George, *Roy. *Myrtle, *Obie,*Sadie. *Lvman, *Amina; BrusselsPoint Secll O60a (1864) BrusselsTel. Brussels

Wieneke, Fred (Lizzie Ottee) ChLillie, Fred, Burton, *Pearl, *Dollie;Golden Eagle Rl Point Secl4 O60a(1872) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Wieneke, Henry (Caroline Schulze)Ch Edwin A.. *Levada, *Lena.*Lottie, *Raymond H.; BrusselsPoint Secl4 O60a (1862) BrusselsTel. Brussels

Wildhagen, Fred (Anna Gourley) ChArthur, Freeman, *Grace; Nebo R2Carlin Sec7 O160a (1871) FarmersLine Hillcrest

Wilkinson, Edwin O. (Christena Wal-ters) "Fountain Spring Farm"Hardin Hardin Sec28 O40a (1875)

Wilkinson, Logan F. (Olive E. Biz-ilian) Ch Roland. William. ""Mag-gie; Hardin Hardin Sec27 O120a(1865)

Willard, Floyd R. (Clara Doyle) ChEthel. Veda. Iva, Claud; Nebo R2Belleview Sec2 T320a Strauss Bros.(1913) Merida Tel. Nebo

Willenburg, August (Dorothy Thies)Ch Freda, Walter, August, Albert,

Edith, Clifford, *Hattie, *Bertha;Golden Eagle Rl Point Secl3 O40a(1869) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Willhagen, William M. Nebo R2Belleview Secl5 OllOa (1869)

Williams, A. E. (Minerva A. Keller)

Ch Vernie. M. Clayton, *Elma.*Ida, *Minnie. *Alice, *Erba, *Por-ter; Golden Eagle Rl Point Sec30OlOla (1860) Brussels Tel. Brus-scls

Williams, John M. (Julia Redd) Ch*Anna, *Pearl, *Bernard, *Walter,*Mattie; Batchtown Rl Gilead

Secl6S T15a Frank McDonald(1874) Bell Tel. Hardin

Williams, Porter A. (lanthe Sherman)Ch Joyce; Golden Eagle Rl PointSec30 TlOla A. E. Williams (1892)

Williams, Walter M. (Jessie Oden)Ch Joseph Nebo R2 Belleview Secl5Tla Joseph Oden (1891)

Willman, Grant (Mabel Heavener)Ch Loren, Orlan, Fay; MozierBelleview Sec22 013 l-2a (1899)

Willman, Henry Ch *Roy. *Grant.*Ray, *Henry, *Gus, *Herman.*William; Belleview Belleview Sec2O40a (1860)

Wilson, James L. (Sadie Maag) ChNellie, Delia; Deer Plain PointSecl6 T2a Charles Eichhorn (1910)

Brussels Tel. Brussels

Wilson, John S. (Florence Fields)

Ch Luther, *Rosie. *Warren. ''Roy.

*Vadie, *Addie; Belleview Star RteBelleview Sec29 O30a (1860)

Merida Tel. BelleviewWilson, Morritt (Corda Ivillebrew)

Ch Gerald Hamburg R2 HamburgSeclS O80a (1896)

Wilson, Otto (Alyrtle Ansell) ChMaurice; Hamburg R2 HamburgSec6S T50a W. S. Wilson (1898)

Wilson, Roy E. (Alice Dennis) ChDorothy, Florence; Hamburg R2Gilead Secl8S O80a (1892) Bell Tel.

HardinWilson, William S. (Jennie Hirst)Ch Avery, Percy, Marie, Geneva.*Morritt, *Otto; "Oak Ridge Farm"Hamburg R2 Hamburg Sec6SO160a (1865) Farmers Line Ham-burg

Windmiller, Ora (Rebecca Praul)Ch Clarence, Raleigh. Lafe. Rav.Dola; Pleasant Hill Rl BelleviewSec9 T160a Mrs. Crider (1917)Merida Tel. Pleasant Hill



Wineland, HoUis S (Lenora Hirst)

Ch Paul, Faith, Nellie, Ferdinand,Norman, Nola, *Anna, *Leslie,

*Gladys; Hamburg Rl BelleviewSec28 O230a (1870) Farmers LineHillcrest

Wineland, Leslie (Winona Bess) ChGeraldine, Winnie; Nebo R2 Belle-

view Sec22 O130a (1895) FarmersLine Hillcrest

Winkler, John (Louraine Kincade)Ch Eva, Forest, Opal, Julia. John;Hamburg Hamburg SeclS 08a(1882) Farmers Line Hamburg

Winkler, Mrs. Julia (Julia Beismann)Ch William, *Louisa, *Julia, *John,*Charley, *Lee; Hamburg Ham-burg Sec36 TllOa James Campbell(1864)

Wintjen, Clouse H. Ch Edith, Andy,Winnie, Arthur, Minnie, *Lawrence,Gilbert; Nebo R2 Belleview Secll

O20a (1865)

Wintjen, Gevert H. (Mary Anderson)Ch Anna, Charles, Oberton, Ina,

Dorothy, Eleanor, *Goldie; "GlennWood Farm" Hardin R2 HardinSecs9-16 O160a (1874) FarmersLine Hardin

Wintjen, Gilbert (Gladys Wineland)Ch Meina, Nowell; Hamburg RlBelleview Sec33 T2a H. S. Wine-land (1897)

Wintjen, Louis (Stella Lozier) *Rich-ard Todd, step child, *Mina. *Rubv;Hardin R2 Hardin Sec9 T80aCharles Anderson (1868) FarmersLine Hardin

Wintzen, Laurence (Oma Heavener)Ch Mourna. Athalia, Zena: Ham-burg Rl Belleview Sec27 Tla LizzieBringman (1897)

Wirth, George J. (Lena Nordbusch)Ch Joseph F., Jerome, BarbaraWirth, mother; Kampsville Rl Cra-ter Sec9 T320a Barbara Wirth(1871) Farmers Line Kampsville

Woelfel, John W. (Clara Tepen) ChHubert, Marie; Hardin Rl HardinSec27S O160a (1885)

Wood, Charles H. (Lillie Roach) Ch*Claudia, *Luke, *Jesse, *Charles.*Beatrice; Nebo R2 Belleview Secl2O80a (1903)

Wood, Uly C. (Mary Evven) ChThomas; Kampsville Crater Sec4T3a Henry Schuman (1916) MeridaTel. Kampsville

Woodeard, John S. (Mary A. Stenies)

Ch Joseph; Nebo R2 BelleviewSec9 O160a (1855) Farmers LineHillcrest

Woodeard, Joseph R. (Pearl Mclntire)Ch Nora, George, Mary. Johnnv.Edna; Nebo R2 Belleview Secl'O

O120a (1880) Farmers Line Hill-


Zahrli, John (Mary Filers) Ch Fred,John, Jr., Clarence; Golden EagleRl Point Sec30 Ola (1882)

Zigrang, P. M. (Theresa Pohlman)Ch Vincent, Ralph; Brussels PointSecl2 Ola (1885)

Zimmerman, Albert A. (Anna Weis-haar) Ch Alma, Bertha, Margaret;Golden Eagle Rl Point Secl3 T80aCharles Weishaar (1880) BrusselsTel. Brussels

Zimmerman, Charles G. (MinnieHalemeyer) Ch Alice, Katie, God-frey. Rosa; Golden Eagle Rl PointSec25 TllOa Godfrey Zimmerman(1882) Brussels Tel. Brussels

Zimmerman, Ernest (Frances Tel-kamp) Ch Henry, Frances; GoldenEagle Rl Point Sec26 T270a God-frey Zimmerman (1886) BrusselsTel. Brussels

Zimmerman, Godfrey (Anna Adams)Ch *Albert, *Charles. *Ernst, Wal-ter, *Amelia; Golden Eagle RlPoint Sec26 0546a (1852) Brussels

Tel. Brussels

Zipprich, Adam (Lena Klunk) ChLucile; Michael Crater Sec34 T40aMary K. Zipprich (1886) FarmersLine Michael

Zipprich, Carl J. (Elizabeth B. Wirth)Ch Barbara. Martha; MichaelCrater Sec27 T150a John Stillbrink

(1882) Farmers Line Michael

Zipprich, Frank (Melissa Condon) ChLeonard, Charlie, Frank, Oswin,Maggie; Kampsville Rl Crater SeclOO200a (1853) Merida & FarmersLine Kampsville



Zipprich, John L. (Mary Trauflor)Ch Terome. Sylvester; KampsvilleStar" Rte Crater Sec27 T80a JohnRoth (1891) Farmers Line Kamps-ville

Zipprich, Mrs. Margaret (MargaretCondon) Ch Mary; Michael CraterSec32 O160a (1853) Farmers LineMichael

Zipprich, Peter J. (Theresa Klunk)Ch Petronilla, Eugenia, Alfred;Michael Crater Sec34 0125a (1882)Farmers Line Michael

Zipprich, William F. (Maggie Hark-ert) Ch Vincent; Michael CraterSec33 T40a Zipprich (18Q4) Farm-ers Line Michael

Zumwalt, Sam D.Herlie, Cordela

Zumwalt, Alonzo (Ruby Sidwell)Nebo Rl Belleview SeclO T240aHawly & Gheen (1893) FarmersLine Hillcrest

Zumwalt, Charley L. (Alta Kassin-ger) Ch Edna, Pearl, Carlene;Belleview Belleview Sec5 T30aFrank Anderson (1905)

Zumwalt, Francis M. (Eliza Zum-wdh Ch *Lenora, *Pearl, *Alonzo,*Edna, *Elniore; Nebo R2 Belle-view Sec2 T40a Dr. Smith (1897)

Zumwalt, Luke (Josephine Miller')

Georgia, *Charley, *Zella, *Bell;

Belleview Belleview Secl4 T58:i

Frank Anderson (1861)

(Rosa Bonyea) ChRhobia, Nellie;

Hamburg Rl Belleview Sec33 07a(1905) Farmers Line Hillcrest



Pure Bred

Black Angus Cattle

Bulls of breeding age alwaysfor sale. Good breeding. Goodindividuals. The kind that

sire market. Topping steers.

Built right—bred right—andpriced to sell. Come and see

them in their working clothes.

A. Kaye DoranPhone Pittsfield or Milton Exchange

Pittsfield, Illinois



Pike County Breeders' DirectoryThis list include! all Farmers in Pike County who own one or more pure bred animals.

Star (*) indicates farmers who raise breeding stock for sale.


*Allison, William M Pearl R 2

Applegate, H Nebo R 1

*Barkley, R. D Barry R 4Batlej^ Archer T Pearl R I

*Bauer, A. F Pittsfield R 7

Bauer, John A Pearl R 1

Bauer, Levi Pittsfield R 7

Bickerdike, Edw Griggsville R 3Bickerdike, Robert .. Griggsville R 3

Booth, Bert ". Nebo R 3

Borrowman, Roy R Nebo R 2*Bossarte, John Pittsfield R 7

Brokaw, Albert JPleasant Hill R 2

Brown, Andrew J... Barry Star R 1

Browning, HarveyChambersburg R 1

Buchanan, AndrewChambersburg R 1

Byers, F. M Rockport R 2

Calhoun, JamesChambersburg R 1

Calvin, John W Pearl R 2Capps, Geo. W Pittsfield R 2^Chamberlain, Louis W

El Dara R 1

Chamberlain, Wm. M Nebo R 3

Childress, Fred Barry R 4*Conboy, Roy J Pittsfield R 1

*Conray, Dennis AI Pittsfield

*Cooley, Floyd E Barry R 4Couch, Alex A Nebo R 1

Couch, John W Nebo R 1

Cox, John W Pearl R 1

*Cunningham, Robt. ENebo R 1

Dennis, J. R Baylis R 3

Dillon, Jas. E MontezumaDillon, Wm. B Milton Star RDixon, Sam Pittsfield R 1

*Doran, A. K Pittsfield R 1

Douglas, A. M Pittsfield R 1

Draper, Wesley Nebo R 2

*Duff, Virgil A Pearl R 2

Emery, John W Pittsfield R 1

Foster, Robt. J Pittsfield R 4

*Fulton, Wm Hull R 1

Collier, Henry J Pearl R 2Goodin, Mrs. John A

Pittsfield R7Gourley, Thos. L Pearl R 2Graham, Geo. T Pearl R 1

Graham, John J Pearl R 1

Gray, Richard R. . . Griggsville R 1

*Griggsby, Elmer E. ...Pittsfield R 3

Grimes, Geo. M Nebo*Grimes, Lee Nebo R 1

*Grimes, Walter C Nebo R 1

Gully, Joe R Pittsfield R 2Hagen, Garret Nebo R 2

Hall, Chas NeboHall, Lewis A Nebo R 2Harter, Wm Pittsfield R 5

*Henthorn, Wm Baylis R 3Hillerbranner, Henry

Pittsfield R 6Hook, John New Salem R 1

*Hoos, Frank C Pittsfield R 6*Horton, Scott Nebo R 1

*Hurst, W. Everett Pittsfield R 4

Hyde, Loren S Grigsville R '.',

Ingalls, C. M Baylis R 2Jackson, James PearlJohnson, William .... Pearl Star RJohnston, Allen Pearl R 1

Kallenbach, LouisChambersburg R 1

Kelly, Ray A Pittsfield R 1

Kessenger, John A Pearl R2Klinge Bros., P. and S. . . Barry R 3Koon, Arthur Pittsfield R 1

Laird, Wm. H Griggsville R 1

Liehr, David PerryLoyd, Edwin H Pittsfield R 7

*Loyd, Raymond L Pittsfield R 4

McCann, James G Pearl R 2*McCann, Robert Pearl R 2*McFadden, Geo Nebo R 1

McEadden, Rebecca Nebo R 1

Metz, Fritz R.. .. Chambersburg R 2

Metz, John Chambersburg R 1

Miller, James A MiltonMills, Carl G Griggsville R 2Moressv, M. J. and Bro


Pittsfield R 4Mullens, Clarence E ValleyMyers, John Griggsville R 2

Norton, James W Pearl R 1

Orr, Lee Griggsville R 1



*Park,s, Virgil T. .. Montezuma Star RPenstone, Chas. H. . . Griggsville R 3Perrv, \\ m T Pearl R 1

*Pring!e, Geo. H, .... Pittsfield R 6Reese, Herman C

Griggsville Star RRenond, Charley PearlRiddle, Henry Pearl R 1

Rigg, Wm. R .. Baylis R 2

Schemel, J. A Pittsfield R 1

*Schlieper, Edward Pearl R 2Shelton, Jesse C NeboShuhart, Frank . . New Canton R 2Sidwell, James H Pearl R 2Sleight, Charles W

Griggsville Star RSmart James W DetroitSmith, Ross Griggsville R 2

Smith, William L '.

. Hull R 2

Spaulding, Albert ^l Pearl R 1

*Stauffer, Geo. E."Jr Baylis R n

*Stephenson, Geo Pittsfield R 1

*Stone, Napoleon B. .. Pittsfield R 2

Strubinger, Edwin T El DaraTroutner, Enos J Pearl R 1

Turnbaugh, Lycurgns .... Nebo R 3

Turnbaugh, Otho F Nebo R 3

Turnbaugh, Roy G Nebo R 2

*Vaughn, John W Pearl Star RWackerman, Lovd L. .. Pittsfield R 4

Wade, Arthur W. . . . GriggsvilleWellenreiter, Wesley

ChambersburgWheeler, Violando F. . . . NeboWhite, Chas C New SalemWilliam, Robert A. . . . Pittsfield

Wilson, Frank BarrvWolf, Fred Pearl*Yaeger, Howard NeboYaeger, John G Nebo*Zimmerman, Wm. . . Versailles

BLACK POLLEDMcClintock, A Pittsfield

McCHntock, Geo. WPittsfield

DEVONSHIREHillig, Laurence G Pittsfield

Shaw, James T Pittsfield R 1

GALLOWAYHamner, Joshua E Nebo R 1

HEREFORDAkers. Chas. F Pearl Star RAntery, Geo. W Nebo R 3

Ator, Flovd Pittsfield R 2

Baker, Walter C Barry R 1

*Ball, Frank Pearl R 1

R 3

R 2

R 1

R 1

R 1

R 4

R 1

R 1

R 1

R 2

R 2

R 2


SNEEDEN BROS.Breeders of


Hereford Cattle


Duroc -Jersey



















*Barber, Harry T Pittsfield R 7

*Barton, Beach Nebo R 3

Bauer, Leonard G Pearl R 1

Bauer, Ray E Pittsfield R 7

Boren, Ab. W Pearl R 1

*Boyle, William C Nebo R 3

Calvin, Thos. J Pearl*Chamberlain, Vincent . . . Nebo R 1

*Colvin, Mrs Carrie Pearl R 1

*Cooper, Geo. D Pittsfield R4*Corim, Chas, L Barry R 3

Cory, Martin C Baylis R 3

*Cory, Walter S . Baylis R 3

*Cosgrove, Mrs. CatherinePittsfield R 2

Grossman, Virgil Nebo R 3

Deam, Wm. E Rockport R 2

Draper, Elmer Pearl R 2

Draper, Joshua Pearl R 2

*Dreon, Geo. C Pearl R 2

Dreon, Roy F Pearl R 2

*Durbin, Albert . Chambersburg R 1

*Easley, Wm. F. ...New Canton K 1

*Ellis, David C New Salem R 1

Ford, Clyde B Nebo R 3

Franklin, Esther NeboGaines, S. S Kinderhook R 1

*Goodale, E. T BarryGourley, Aaron Pearl Star Rt.

Graham, Herbert E. .. Pittsfield R 1

*Grammer, Morris Barry R 3

*Greiwe, Dennis M PerryGrieve, Wm \'ersailles R 2Hack, Harvev Nebo R 1

Hack, John N Nebo R 2

Harpole, Albert Nebo RHarpole, Marvin R Nebo R

RHarpole, Wm. H NeboHatcher, Chas. W. .^.... Pearl R 1

*Hayden, Arthur Pittsfield R 7

*Hayden, James Clay .. Pittsfield R 1

*Heavener, Hugh Pittsfield R 7

Hubbard, Jacob Nebo R 1

*Irick, S. George Pittsfield R 4

*Jibbins, Geo. J. ...New Canton R 2

Joslin, Ivy Nebo R 1

Kallenbach, Frank CChambersburg R 1

Keys, Charles Pearl R 1

Keys, Samuel PearlKiser, Fred Wm Pittsfield R 3

Landress, Perrv S Pittsfield R 4*Langfahl, Albert E

New Canton R3McGlaughlin, Harvey

Pittsfield R 1

Miller, Roy Pearl R 2

Mink, Eugene Pittsfield R 6

North, Harry ....Pleasant Hill R 1

*Parke, Irvin Pittsville R 7



Cal Sitton Live Stock Commission Co.OFFICE, HILDRED JACKSON




F., O. JOHNSON Kinloch, St. Clair 189





Ransom, Arthur Nebo R 1

*Read, Chas. E Pearl R 2Reeves, John W. . . . Griggsville R 1

Rhoades, Emmett A. . . Pittsfield R 3*Sedwell, John Nebo R 2Slavens, Geo Rockport R2Smith, Earl C DetroitSmith, Elmer Nebo R 1

*Smith, George W Pearl R 2Smith, Jessie C Pearl R 2

*Smith, J. Wes Pittsfield R 1

Smith, S. J Kinderhook R 1

*Sneeden, Dean E Pittsfield R 4^Sneeden, Wade E Pittsfield R 3Springe, Frank Nebo R 1

Turnbaugh, Alfro Pittsfield R 7

Turner, Dolph PearlWaggner, VVm. A PearlWheeler, Geo. W PearlWillard, Loren E Pittsfield R 7

*Willard, Murrv M. ...Pittsfield R 7Willard, Ora L Pittsfield R 7

^Willsev, Chas. L Pittsfield R 5

Yaeger, Wm. F Pittsfield R 7

*Yokem, Solomon O Nebo R 1

*Yokem, Wm. H Rockport R 1

Zumwalt, Ched N Nebo*Zumwalt, Claud F Nebo R 2

Zumwalt, William H Nebo R 2

POLLED DURHAMAtor, Earl E Pittsfield R 4Bower, Mrs. Elizabeth ..Barry R 1

*Bridgwater, Oscar Barry R 1

Deitert, Herman Barry R 1

Dixon, Thomas Versailles R 2*Dorsey, John W Perry R 1

Fenton, Roscoe B..New Canton R 1

Hart, Thos. O Barry R 3

*Hofmann, Fred H..New Canton R 3

*Hoskin, George & SonPittsfield R 4

*Hoskin, H. I Pittsfield R 4*Hoskin, Isaac A Pittsfield R 4

Kennedy. John A Pearl

Melton, Churchill C Nebo R 3

*Reeve, Wm. H Barry*Staff, Peter Sr New Canton R 2

Staff, P. T Barry

RED POLLEDFrench, Herbert Pearl R 1

Renond, Lloyd Pittsfield R 1

SHORTHORNApplegate, Sylvester Nebo R 3

Bacus, Harvey M Nebo Rl*Baldwin, Fred H. ..Griggsville R 1

Blackketter, Thos. F NeboBlackwell, John B Nebo

*Blake, E. O Barry R 1

*Borrowman, Virgil Pearl R2Bower, J. G Barry R 1

Boyle, Geo Nebo R 3*Bridgwater, Oscar Barry R 1

Brower, Herbert A. ..Pittsfield R 1

Browning, HarveyChambersburg R 1

Browning, Russell HChambersburg R 1

Capps, James E Nebo RlCroslev, Elmer A Nebo R 2

*Criss, \Vm. R Pittsfield R 4Cunningham, Chester W. .Barry R 4*Cunningham, Frank D... Barry R 4Dixon Bros Versailles R 2

*Dixon, Wm Chambersburg R 1

Doane, Bert Baylis R 2

*Dorsey, Glenn H PerryDulaney, Bert Pearl R 1

*Elliott, AX'arren L Hadley R 1

Emery, Tohn W Pittsfield R 1

Fields, Wm. H Pittsfield R 2

Fudge, Clarence F. ..Pittsfield R 4

Gay, Wm. H Rockport R 2

Gillings, Harrv ...New Canton R 1

Guthrie, Henry E Nebo R 3

Harpoole, Ivy L NeboHoerlein, T. L Griggsville R 1

Hoover, E. W PeaH R 1



Hoover, John A MiltonHoover, Leslie H

Montezuma Star R.Hopkins, Benj. B. . .Griggsville R 3

Hovt, W. H Barry R 3

Huff, Perry L ^Barry R 2

*Hurst, Thomas J. ..New Canton R 1

*Hurt, Leon J Barry R 2

Kallenbach, WesleyChambersburg R 1

Karsten, Wm Barry R 1

*Lane, Harry E Pittsfield R 2

*Langfahl, Albert ENew Canton R 3

Likes, William Barry R 3

Lindsey, Thomas M.. . Pittsfield R 1

Long, Ransom A Pearl R 2

Martin, Bennie H. Pittsfield R 1

McCarl, Mrs. Leon Barry R 1

Milhizer, James Barrv R 1

*Moyer, Wm. H Nebo R 1

Norton, E. G Pittsfield R 7

Oetker, Albert Barry R 3

Rainwater, John Pittsfield R 7

*Reel, Harvey H Pittsfield R 6

Roberts, Geo Pearl R 1

Sapp, John M Rockport R 2

Schemel, Geo. D Pittsfield R 7

Shaw, Owen W Pittsfield R 1

Shelby, Clyde Nebo

Smith, Henrv Griggsville R 1

Smith, Luther E Nebo R 2

Smith, Samuel H Nebo R 1

*Sowers, A. G Baylis R 1

*Stark, Chas. N Nebo R 2

Stark, Claude C Nebo R 2

Stickman, Fred Rockport R 1

Stirnaman, John E Nebo R 3

St. John, Thomas E. .. Pittsfield R 2

Stuart, Wm. A Pittsfield R 5

^Thornton, James A Pittsfield

*Thornton, Wayne ....Pittsfield R 2

Thurnon, Howard Pearl R 1

Wells, Claude Pittsfield R 2

Yelliot, Geo MiltonYelliott, Wm. W Milton*Yockey, Edward C Perry


*Kemner, Charles A. .. Pittsfield R 7

GUERNSEY*Butler, William Pittsfield

*Hower, John A. ...Griggsville R 2

Kingery, William S MiltonLipcaman, Walter ..Griggsville R 1

Naple Drive Hereford FarmsL. C. KING. Proprietor

Herd Headed By CLARK DISTURBER—=— No. 703831===By the CELEBRATED DISTURBER 4th, No. 364835







Dairy hien^ A ttention


I am a home institution. I help you to keep all soil fertility on the

farm, except the rich cream I produce, and that you should

ship to


One of the well-known concerns of Central Illinois, who have built

up an enviable reputation through the manufacture of "Corn Belt" and

"Pioneer" Butter.

The Pioneer Creamery Company will give you top prices and quickest

returns on your shipments.

I have been producing cream for them for the last 18 years and find

there is none better than the old reliable Pioneer Creamery Co., Quincy, ill.

Your friend,




Neese, Philip H Nebo R 3*Simpkin, Thos Griiigsville R 3

HOLSTEIN*Alfs, Herman New Canton R 2Applegate, Allie N Nebo R 1

*Davis, Rufus M Griggsville*Dun, Frank Pittsfield R 7

Franklin, Fred Pearl R 1

*George, John S Griggsville R 3Graham, Guy Pittsfield R 1

Guthrie, Thos. H Nebo R 1

Haukins, Sarah E Pearl R 1

Hermens, Geo Pearl R 1

*Hofmann, Fred H..Nevv Canton R 3

*Hoyt, Roscoe D Barry R 3

Kallenbach, WesleyChanibersburg R 1

McWorter, Francis ....Hadley R 1

Motley, John W Rockport R 1

Neese, David M Nebo R3Payne, C. O RockportScott, Clarence W. ...Pittsfield R 7

Shaw, C. M Nebo R 3

*Turnbaugh, Homer Nebo R 1

*Underwood, William HPittsfield R 5

Walk, Chas. W BedfordWoolfolk, Clarence R. Pittsfield R 5

JERSEYAndre, R. L Barry R 1

Boniheld, Eldon E Barry R 1

Bonifield, H. A Barry R 1

*Boothby, G. Walter. . Pittsfield R 4Boren, Homer T Pearl R 1

Brayman, Virgil R PearlBurbridge, Floyd ....Pittsfield R 7Burbridge, Ross T. ..Pittsfield R 7Calvin, Will PearlCunningham, Horace L. ..Barry R 1

Cunningham, Loren L PittsfieldCurless, Jesse R. ..... .Pittsfield R 7Deitert, Rudolph B Barry R 1

Denison, Thos. H PearlDennis, J. R Baylis R 3Edwards, Everett E PearlEdwards, Oscar Baylis R 2Fisher, Truman B Beecreek

*Fletcher, Robt. W Kinderhook*Frazier, Frank L Pittsfield R 5

Fruit, J. Louis Beverly R 2

Goldhammer, A. GChambersburg R 2

Graham, Geo. W Pittsfield R 7

*Hall, Frank A Pittsfield R 1

Heavner, Bert L Pittsfield R 7

*Hierman, A. O Barry R 4Hoerlein, J. L Griggsville R 1

•»!IIIH!IIIBIIIinilllinillHIIIIHIIIIHIIIIil IIHII iiiBiiriiHiiiininiiiiiaiiniBiii

THEO. BATESBreeder of

High-Class Registered Jersey Cattle

Registered Prolific Big Type Poland China Hogs


Barred Plymouth Rock Chickens

Registered Scotch Collies

(These Dogs Are Natural Heel Drivers)





S: Chas. E. Harding Telephone Yards 489 Spencer D. Greene ^

Clias. E. Harding & Co.I



= ^1 For Good Results _

IShip Your CATTLE, HOGS and SHEEP to |


i Drovers National Bank Rooms 144-150 Exchangc BuiWing E= Chicago Union Stock Yards =~ Western National Bank /^xxr/^ a y^/^

"= Hereford, Texas CHICAGO S


Howard, John S Pittsfield R 2

Huntley, Misses M. & J.. Barry R 4James, Joe A Pittsfield R 2

Kelly, Ralph Barry R 4Landess, Levi Pearl R 1

Lindsey, Newton J. ..Pittsfield R 1

McCarl, Mrs. Leon Barry R 1

McCartney, Frank VV. ...Barry R 2

McCartney, Roy W Barry R 2

*Metcalf, Mrs. Geo Barry R 1

Meyers, William Barry R ;!

Mink, Clyde Pittsfield R 4*Monroe, Wm. T Pittsfield R 7

Muller, U. F Pearl R 1

Mullins, Clarence E ValleyMyers, Douglas Barry R 3

Nichols, Oren H Pittsfield R 7

Oliver, Wm. H Pittsfield R 1

Ottwell, Thomas Pearl R 2

Perry, Mrs. Mattle Barry R 1

^Robertson, Fred Barry R 1

Rose, James A Pittsfield R 3

Schuhardt, Henry G Barry R 1

Schultz, Harvey Barry R 1

*Scranton, J. M Nebo R 2 .

*Scranton, Leroy B Nebo R 2

Scranton, Newton W NeboSmith, Elza L KinderhookSmith, J. C Barry R 4*Spencer, Warren S Barry R .]

*Stauffer, Chas. F Barry R 2Strubinger, Fred M Barry R 4

*Tholen, Frederick H. ...Barry R 1

Watson, Tames M. ...Pittsfield R 1

Wells, Floy Barry R 1

Wheeler, Dola Pearl R 2Wike, Joseph R. ..New Canton R 1

*Wil]sey, Wm. R Pittsfield R 5*Yokem, Solomon O Nebo R 1


*Clark, Frank Kinderhook

CHESTER WHITE*Alfs, Herman New Canton R 2

Antery, Geo. W Nebo R 3Bickerdike, Edw. . . . Griggsville R 3Bickerdike, Robt. ..Griggsville R 3Bradshaw, Emmet C Hull R 2Carroll, Edward J Barry R 3

*Cooley, Floyd E Barry R 4Craven, John GriggsvilleCummings, Mrs. Margaret

Baylis R 2Dennis, Jas. O. .Chambersburg R 2Dober, Harry A Rockport R 2



*Dorsey, Cecil T. Chambersburg' R 1

*Dorsey, Glenn H Perry*Dorsey, Isaac F. Chambersburg R 1

*Dorsev, Tohn W Perry R 1

Douglas," A. M. ...'.. .Pittsfield R 1

Dulaney, Bert Pearl R 1

Edwards, Oscar Baylis R 2

*Goodale, E. T Barry*Hall, Mrs. Nannie Pittsfield R 6Hofmann, Fred... New Canton R 3

Iftner, Harry Pittsfield R 6

*Jibben, Geo. J New Canton R 2

*Johnson, Edgar ..New Canton R 2

Lackscheide, Simon Perry*Lyman, Chas. P Baylis*McCann, \'ester Pearl R 2

*McCarter. M. C. ...New Salem R 1

*McDammel. Wm. M. Barry R 4

Mink, Ray C Barry R 3

^Patterson, John L Barry R 4*Robertson, Fred Barry R 1

Rtible, Harry MiltonSanderson, Floyd DetroitSanderson, Harry Pearl R 1

Schedel, Theo Pittsfield R 5

*Scranton, Leroy B Nebo R 2

*Spencer, Mrs. Lila Hadley R 1

*Spencer, Warren R. ...Hadley R 1

Stauffer, Arthur M BeverlyStaufifer, Tohn W Bavlis R 3

Wells, Robt. N Pittsfi'eld R 2

DUROC JERSEY*Adams, Terrv G Rockport R 1

Akers, Ray L Pearl R 2Ammerman, Franz S Pearl R 1

Annett, Otis S Hadley R 1

Ator, Elmer E Pittsfield R4Ator, Floyd Pittsfield R 2

Austin, Mrs. Nora ...Pittsfield R 6

Baker, Henrv R Pittsfield R 3

*Ball, Frank Pearl R 1

Ball, John Pearl Star RBallenger, Tames Pearl R 2

*Barber, Harry T Pittsfield R 7

Barton, Howard E Nebo R 1

Batley, Archer T Pearl R 1

Bauer, Leonard G Pearl R 1

*Baughman, Geo. C. ..Pittsfield R 2Bennett. John B Pleasant HillBergman, R. K Baylis R 3Berry, Frank S. . . . Gr'ggsville R 1

Billings, Geo Rockport R 2Bissell, Alfred E Nebo R 1

Blauser, Wm. I Hull R 1

Bolkman, Alfred A DetroitBoUman, Arthur Pittsfield R3Boren, Clyde Pearl R 1

*Boren, Ray C Pearl R 2Braymean, John T PearlBrokaw, Albert J.. Pleasant Hill R 2Brookes, Archie J

Chambersburg R 1

*Brown, Andrew J. ...Barry Star RBrowning, E. A Rockport R 2Burbridge, Artluir ....Pittsfield R 7Burbridge, Floyd ....Pittsfield R 7

Burbridge, Robt. E.. . .Pittsfield R 2Burbridge, Ross T. ..Pittsfield R 7

Burgner, Walter G Baylis R 3

Cannon, Rev. Wm. HPittsfield R 2

Carroll, Geo New Salem R 2

Cassity, Thos Rockport R 1

*Casteel, Chas. R Pittsfield R 3

^Chamberlain, Louis W. .El Dara R 1

Chandler, Wm. J. ...Milton Star Rt.

*Chenoweth, Percy G PerryClark, Abner M Barry R 1

Collins, Sherman ..Pleasant Hill R 2

Colvin, Alva C Pearl Star R*Conroy, Earl Pittsfield R 3

*Coultas, Jacob Isaac HadleyCory, F. C Griggsville R 1

Cox, John W Pearl R 1

Crawford, Eli Pittsfield R 1

Crosby, Elmer A Nebo R 2Cunningham, Loren L

Pittsfield R 7

*Cunningham, Robt. E. ...Nebo R 1

*Daigh, H. L Griggsville R 2



Pure Bred Duroc Jersey HogsSow by Cherry Chief. Also BREEDING EWES for sale at all times



*Daigh, Joe F PerryDeam, Homer Rockport

*Dimmitt, Gordon F. .Pittsfield R 4Dinsmore, John Pittsfield

='Doane, Bert Baylis R 2

Dolbow, ]\Jarvin W. . . Pittsfield R 3

Donohoo, Geo. M Pearl R 1

*Drean, Geo. C Pearl R 2

Drean, Roy F Pearl R 2

*Duduit, Wm Pittsfield

*Duflf, Virgil A Pearl R 2Dunham, Bert E New Salem*Dunham, D. T New Salem R 1

Dunham, S. K New Salem R 1

Dunham, W. Fred New SalemDunston, Wright W Pearl R 1

Dye, Ora E New Salem R 1

Eagle, Jacob E Pittsfield R 3

Ely, Jas. B Hadley R 1

Ewers, Alpha Pleasant Hill R 1

Fields, Wm. H Pittsfield R 2

Foreman, Winfield S Pearl R 1

Franklin, Fred Pearl R 1

Franklin, Gus Pearl Star RFudge, Clarence F. ...Pittsfield R 4Gaines, S. S Kinderhook R 1

Galloway, Elza .Nebo R 2

Glenn, Wm. A Griggsville R 3

Gourley, Aaron Pearl Star RGraham, Guy Pittsfield R 1

Graham, John J Pearl R 1

*Greiwe, Dennis M PerryGrimes, Geo. M NeboHagen, Garret Nebo R 2

*Hall, x\irs. Nannie Pittsfield R 6Ham, Henrj' . . . . Chambersburg R 2Hannant, John R Baylis R 3

Harlow, John W Nebo R 2Harpole, Albert Nebo R 1

Hatcher, Chas. W Pearl R 1

Hatcher, Wayne Pearl Star R*Hayden, Arthur Pittsfield R 7

Hazelrigg, Hardin MChambersburg R 2

Heavner, Bert L Pittsfield R 7

*Heavner, Thos Pittsfield R 1

*Heightman, Chas. H. .Pittsfield R 5

Hemphill, Aaron Nebo R 1

Hermens, Geo Pearl R 1

Hill, T. T Hadley R 1

Holmes, Bert B New Salem RHook, John Sr New Salem R 1

Hoover, Fred G Pearl R 1

Jackson, James PearlJames, Thos. F Pittsfield R 5

*Johnson, M. A Baylis R 2

Johnson, Oscar PearlJohnson, Ora Star RKallenbach, Frank C

Chambersburg R 1

RAY- McNEILEY- MADDENLive Stock Commission Agents

Salesmen of CATTLE, HOGS and SHEEP

OFFICEE. L. Ballard

G. D. Gillespie


CATTLE DEPARTMENTAndrew McNeileyThos. Madden


All consignments via River given special attention.

Jake McNeiley in charge of River Yards—Bell Telephone—Bridge 439

Phones—Bell-Bridge 1905—Kinloch-St. Clair 1099.




CHAS. EHRENGART, Jr., Pres. HY BOMZE, Sec. and Treas.

R. D. Haber Commission Co.

General CommissionMerchants


Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Calves, Wool, Hides, Furs, Roots

and Game.


817 N. Third Street ST. LOUIS, MO.

Keith, J. H Rockport R 1

Kellum, Eugene Barry R 4*Kellum, Harold E Barry R 2

*Kelly, Ray A Pittsfield R 1

Kemner, Chas. A Pittsfield R 7

Kennedy, C. HenryChambersburg R 1

Kennedy, John A Pearl R 1

Kerp, Chas Pearl R 1

Kessenger, R. O Pearl R 2Kirtright, John ...New Canton R 1

Kiser, Fred Wm Pittsfield R 3

Koon, Arthur Pittsfield R 1

Kramer, Theodore ...Pittsfield R 3

Lacev, Wm. H Pearl Star R*Lane", Harry E Pittsfield R 2

Landess, Allie Pearl R 1

Landress, Jesse E Pearl R 1

Landress, Perry S Pittsfield R 4Leahr, J. Frank .Chambersburg R 2

*Leeds, Thane Griggsville R 3

Lightle, Horace G.. .Griggsville R 1

*Lindsey, Thos. M Pittsfield R 1

Lipcaman, E- E., Chambersburg R 1

Lippencott, Calvin ...Pittsfield R 5

Long, Bell Pearl R 1

Long, Henry E PearlLong, Ransom Pearl R 2

Lowe, Ed Pittsfield R 3

*Lowe, Leland S Pittsfield R 3

Alanker, Chas. W Pittsfield R 3

Manker, J. A Pittsfield R 3Martin, Bennie H Pittsfield R 1

*Martin, Frank C Baylis R 3

*McCann, Robt. W Pearl R 2

McCleery, Chauncey M..Hadley R 1

*McFadden, Geo Nebo R 1

McGlasson, Guy E. ..Pittsfield R 5

*McGlasson, Wm Pittsfield R 5

Metz, John Chambersburg R 1

Metzger, J. F New Salem R 1

Miller, Frank H Pearl R 1

*Monroe, Wm. T Pittsfield R 7

Aloore, G. E Griggsville R 1

Muller, W. F Pearl R 1

Myers, Chas. H Rockport R 1

*Nash, John C Pittsfield R 6Neese, Philip H Nebo R 3

Neese, Scott Nebo R 3

Nelson, Cecil E Griggsville R 1

Nestric, Geo KinderhookNichols, Oren H Pittsfield R 7

Norton, Erastus G. ..Pittsfield R 7

Oliver, William H. ..Pittsfield R 1

*Orr, Gregg Hull R 1

Parke, Irvin Pittsfield R 7

Peer, Frank J Pittsfield R 2

"Penny, Nathaniel Baylis R 1

Penstone, Herbert WGriggsville R 3





Remember, Mr. Farmer, bear in mind a truthful chicken weigher 1ji

is hard to find. mWhen you find one good and true, don't change the old for the [n

new. K

Highest casli prices paid for your Poultry, Eggs, Cream, Hides, nJ

Furs and Junk. ffl


^Petty, Barney Pittsfield R 2Petty, Marion Pearl R 1

Powell, Tas Bavlis R 1

Powell, t. R Baylis R 3Ransom, Monroe ....Pittsfield R 7

Ransom. Warren G. .. Pittsfield R 7

Reade, Harry M Nebo R 3Reads, Delmar H. ...Pittsfield R 3

*Reed, Floyd R Hull R 2Reeder, Elmer Pittsfield R 5

Reel, Harvey PI Pittsfield R 6Reinhardt, Mrs. Anna

Kinderhook R 1

Renond, Charley PearlRenond, Richard Pearl R 1

Renond, Loyd S Pittsfield R 1

Rhoades, Emmett A. ..Pittsfield R 3

Rhodus, Jas. M. ...New Canton R 1

Riddle, Henry Pearl R 1

Rieman, Frank Pearl Star R*Rigg, Fred E Baylis R 3*Rigney, W. O Baylis R 2Roberts, Geo Pearl R 1

Roosa, Ernest L Rockport R 2

Sapp, Jno. M .Rockport R2*Saunders, W. Percy. New Salem R 1

Schemel, J. A Pittsfield R 1

Schu'Dardt,. Henry Barry R 1

*Seibert, Geo. W Detroit*Shraw, James T Pittsfield R 1

Shelby, Clyde NeboShelton, Jesse C Nebo

*Sibert, ]. A Baylis R 2

*Sidwell, John Nebo R 2

*Sittern, W. R Pleasant Hill R 1

*Slaughterd, Lloyd J Baylis R 2

*Smart, James W DetroitSmith, Elmer Nebo R 1

Smith, Elza L Kinderhook*Smith, Frank Pittsfield R 1

*Smith, Geo. W Pearl R 2

Smith, Granville Pittsfield R6*Smith, Isaac S Pittsfield R 4

Smith, James Curtis ..Pittsfield R 2

Smith, Melvin Pearl R 2

Smith, S. J Kinderhook R 1

*Smith, Wm. L Hull R 2Smithers, Chas. E Pearl R 1

Smithers, Otto Pearl R 1

*Sneeden, Dean E Pittsfield R 4*Sneeden, Wade E Pittsfield R 3

Sowers, F. A Pearl Star RStark, Claud C Nebo R 2

*Stauffer, Chas. F Barry R 2

Stauffer, E. K Barry R 2

Stauflfer, John E Barrv R 2*Stellpflew, John H. ..Pittsfield R 4Stinebaker, Elmer

Chambersburg R 2

Stocklefer, Chas Pittsfield R 5

*Stone, Napoleon B. ..Pittsfield R 2

Taylor, Wm. P Griggsville R 2

*Thornton, Tas. A Pittsfield R 2

*Thornton, Wayne O. .Pittsfield R 2

Troutner, Enos J Pearl R 1

*Turnbeaugh, Ray W NeboTurner, Dolph PearlWackerman, Loyd L. .Pittsfield R 4Waggoner, Wm Pittsfield R 7

Walpole, Clyde . . . .Griggsville R 2

Ward, Ernest ....New Canton R 3

*Wasson, M. F Hull R 1

Waters, Alfred Griggsville R 1

*Watson, Claude I Pittsfield R 1

Watson, James M Pittsfield R 1

Weaver, Hiram Pittsfield R 3

Weeks, Harry E Pittsfield R 3

Wheeler, Violando Nebo R 1

Williams, C. F Pittsfield R 3

Wills, Fred H Pittsfield R 5

Wills, L. B Pittsfield R 3

*VVillsey, Chas. L Pittsfield R .^

Willsev, W. Bert Summer Hill

*Winans, Fred L Pittsfield R 6*Winans, Isaac N Pittsfield R 6

Wittner, Louis R RockportWomble, Alfred F. ..Rockport R 1

*Yaeger, Wm. F Pittsfield R 7

*Yockey, Edward C Perry*Yokem, Solomon O Nebo R 1

*Zimmerman, Hermes ...Hadlev R 1

*Zumwalt, Ched Nebo R I



Zumwalt, Claud F Nebo R 2

Zumwalt, Humphrej' A. ..Pearl R 2

Zumwalt, Wm. H Nebo R 2

HAMPSHIRECliambeflain, Marselles ..Nebo R 3

*McWorter, Arthur Hadlev R 1

*Oitker, Albert Barry R 3

Pierce, Jesse Perrv*Shinn, Claude Pittstield R "S

*Smith, John VV Pearl R 1

Usherwood, Thos Pittsfield R 2

*Walker, W. S Gri^gsville R 2

Wilkins, L. E Rockport R 2

MULE FOOT*Hack, Albert D. ..New Canton R 2

POLAND CHINAAkin, Russell Griggsville R 2

Allen, Robt. P Grigt?sville R 3

Allen, S. B Baylis R 3

*Allison, Emerson E Nebo R 1

*Allison, William M Pearl R 2

*Anderson, O. C Pittsfield

Applegate, H Nebo R 1

Applegate, Sylvester ....Nebo R 3

Ator, John W Griggsville R 2

*Bacus, Harvey M Nebo R 1

*Baker, Logan Pittsfield R 2

Baker, Walter C Barry R 1

^Baldwin, Fred H. . .Griggsville R 1

Barnett, S. Thruman Milton*Barton, Beach Nebo R 3

Bauer, John- A Pearl R 1

*Bickerdike, Chas. J. .Griggsville R 2

*Binns, Campbell A. ..Pittsfield R 6Blackketter, Thos. F Nebo

*Blake, E. O Barry R 1

Blake, Tas. P Kinderhook R 1

*Bonifield, Earl Barry R 3

Bonifield, Mrs. Elizabeth . Barry R 1

Booth, Bert Nebo R 3*Boothby, G. Walter ..Pittsfield R 4Boren, Ab. W Pearl R 1

Boren, Homer T Pearl R 1

*Borrowman, Chas. D Pearl R 2

Borrowman, Roy R Nebo R 2

*Borrowman, Virgil Pearl R 2

Borthwick, James Barry R 1

*Bower, Mrs. Elizabeth .. Barry R 1

Bower, J. G Barry R 1

Boyle, Geo Nebo R 3

Boyle, William C Nebo R 3

Bradshaw, S. W. Chambersburg R 1

Branson, Walter C Nebo R ?,

*Brawley, B. Willard Barry R 4*Bridgwater, Oscar Barry R 1

Brooks, Joe E. ..Chambersburg R 1

Browning, E. A Rockport R 2


Browning, Harvey.*. Chambersburg R 1

Browning, Russell HChambersburg R 1

''Bruns, Wm Griggsville R 1

Buchanan, AndrewChambersburg R 1

Burbridge, Virgil V Nebo R 1

Butler, Geo. W Pittsfield R 2Butler, Henry E Pittsfield R 2Call, John Barry R 2

Calvin, Thos. J PearlCamp, Orlando RockportCapps, James E Nebo R 1

Carnes, Ed Griggsville R 1

Carnes, Emmett ....Griggsville R 1

Carnes, Fay R Pittsfield R 6Cassity, Thos Rockport R 1

Casteel, Frank H Pittsfield R 3

Casteel, John Pittsfield R 3

Chamberlain, Bert ....Pittsfield R 2

^Chamberlain, Vincent C. .Nebo R 1

'Chapman, Harry W. ..Pittsfield R 6

^Childress, Fred B Barry R 4^Clark, Fred A. ..Griggsville Star R''Clark, Frank Kinderhook''Clark, Kenneth W GriggsvilleClement, Loyd Baylis R 3

''Conboy, Roy J Pittsfield R 1

''Conroy, Earl Pittsfield R 3

Conroy, Geo Pittsfield R 3

Cook, Chas ValleyCooper, James M Pittsfield R 2Cory, F. C Griggsville R 1

^Cory, Walter S Baylis R 3

Couch, Alex A Nebo R 1

Couch, John W Nebo R 1

Cox, Robert U Pearl R 1

Grossman, Virgil Nebo R 3^Crim, Chas. L Barry R 3

^Criss, Elmer M Pittsfield R 6^Criss, Wm. R Pittsfield R 4^Ci>nningham, Frank D. ..Barry R 4Cunningham, Horace L. .Barry R 1

Davis, Hatton H Pittsfield R 6

^ Davis, Rufus M Griggsville

^Dehart, Henry T. Griggsville Star RDeitert, Herman Barry R 1

Dennis, Jas. O. .. Chambersburg R 2

Dillon, Jas. E MontezumaDinsmore, Hiram ....Pittsfield R 3

Dinsmore, John Pittsfield

Dixon Bros Versailles R 2

'Dixon, Wm Chambersburg R 1

Doane, Raymond ...Griggsville R 1

^Doil, Robert O Nebo R 3

^Douglas, M. L Pittsfield R 6

Draper, Elmer Pearl R 2

Draper. Joshua Pearl R 2

Draper, Wesley Nebo R 2

^Duflf, Hugh H Hull R 2

^Duff, Vincent H Pearl R 2

*Dugan, Fritz K. .. Chambersburg R 1

*Dun, Frank Pittsfield R 7*Dunhani, Lewis O. .Griggsville R 1

*Dunham, N. K New Salem R 1

Dunham, W. Fred New Salem*Duran, Ira A Pittsfield R 4*Durbin, Albert ..Chambersburg R 1

Durbin, Thos. M Pittsfield R SEdmiston, R. Emmet ...Baylis R 2Edwards, Everett E Pearl

*Ellis, Elmer C Griggsville R 2*Ellis, Geo Griggsville R 2*Emery, John W Pittsfield R 1

Engelmann, Wm. F Bajdis R 3-

Fantz, Wm. J Kinderhook R 1

Fenton, Franklin M. ..Pittsfield R 3Fesler, Mert Rockport R 1

Fielder, Albert HPleasant Hill Star R

Fife, Geo Griggsville R 1

*Fisher, Truman B Beecreek*Fitch, Owen L Barry R 3Fletclier, Robt. W KinderhookFlick, L. A Barry^Foreman, Arthur H Pittsfield

Fournear. Mrs. Mary .... Baylis R 1

Franklin, Esther NeboFranklin, Mike W Pearl R 1

*Frazier, Frank L Pittsfield R 5French, G. M MontezumaFrench, Herbert Pearl R 1

Fuerstenan, Ed Rockport R 1

Fulmer, Chas. L Montezuma*Gant, Frank Pleasant Hill R 1

Garrison, John G. .......Pearl R 2Gerard, Roscoe C

Chambersburg R 1

Glazebrock, Frank MontezumaGleckler, C. A New Salem R 1

Collier, Henry J Pearl R 2

Graham, Geo. T Pearl R 1

Graham, Herbert E. ..Pittsfield R 1

Gresham, Delia A Nebo R 3

*Grigsbv, Elmer E. ...Pittsfield R 3*Grimes, Lee Nebo R 1

*Grimes, Walter C Nebo R 1

Gully, Joe R Pittsfield R 2

*Gully, Louis Barry Star RGuthrie, Elza H Nebo R 3

Guthrie, Jeremiah Nebo R3Guthrie, Robt Nebo R 1

Hack, Harvey Nebo R 1

*Hack, Henry A Nebo R 3

*Hal!, Chas NeboHall, Lewis A Nebo R 2

Hammitt, Forest F. . Griggsville R 1

Hammond, Henry Barry R4*Hanks, Fred ....Chambersburg R 1

Hannant, D. Floyd PerryHannant, John R Baylis R 3

Harpole, Wm. H Nebo R 2

*Harshman, Oscar Hadley R 1





IKnowledge Is Power

The knowledge of explosives makes the de-struction of a mountain a comparatively safe,

simple and easy matter for the men who under-stand their use.

The knowledge of live stock marketing andour daily contact w^ith the various buyers, w^atch-ing their ways and what they buy and how muchthey buy—keeping in constant touch with supplyand demand—gives us an understanding of sell-

ing live stock that puts the BEST PRICES in ourShippers* pockets.



Hart, Thos. O Barry R 3 J ackson, Jesse Pearl R 2

*Hatch, C. Page . . . . Griggsville R 1 James, Joe A Pittsfield R 2Havird, Orlando Barry R 2 *Johnson, Albert S Pearl R 2

Heavner, Frank P^earl Star R Joslin, Ivy O Nebo R 1

*Heavner, Hugh Pittstield R 7 *Kallenbach, LouisHenson, Alex Griggsville R 2 Chambersburg R 1

Hobson, Frank Valley Karsten, W'm Barry R 1

*Hoerlein, John J Perry Kenadv, Merle . . . . Kinderhook R 1

*Hoos, Frank C Pittsfield R 6 *Kendan, Raymond E Barry R 3Hoover, Mrs. Ed. A Kendall, Reese Barry R 3

Montezuma Star R Kendall, Wm New Canton R 1

Hoover, John A Milton *Kenyon, Ross A Pittsfield R 3

Hoover, Steve Pearl R 1 Kessinger, Peter S BeecreekHoover, Wm. H Milton *Kleinschmidt, Henry .Pittsfield R 7

Hopkins, Benj. B., Sr *KleinscIimidt, Lee P. .Pittsfield R 7

Griggsville R 3 Klinge Bros Barry R 3

*Horton, Scott Nebo R 1 Kopps, Fred Griggsville Star RHoward, John S Pittsfield R 2 Lacy, Chas. A Pearl R 1

Hower, John A Griggsville R 3 *Lane, Harrv E Pittsfield R 2

*Hoyt, Roscoe D Barry R 3 Lane, Wm." H PearlHoyt, W. H Barry R 3 Laugh Bros Griggsville R 1

*Hubbard, Jacob Nebo R 1 Laux, James A Pearl R 2

Hudelson, Geo. B Leach, Frank E. . . .Kinderhook R 1

Chambersburg R 1 *Ledgard, Wm. AHuflr, Perry L Barry R 2 Chambersburg R 1

Hyde, Loren S Griggsville R 3 Lemons, Bert MiltonIngalls, C. M Bavlis R 2 Lerch, Andy ...Chambersburg R 2

Inskip, Ray Pearl R 2 Liddle, Orlando Pittsfield R 7

*Irick, Jacob Hadley R 1 Liggett, Douglas F. Kinderhook R 1

Irving, Wade H. Chambersburg R 2 Lightle, Horace G. .. Griggsville R 1



Likes, Scott Barry R 3

Lipcaman, Walter . . Grigesville R 1

*Lister, Raymond Pittsfield R 1

Long, Harry M Pittsfield R 5

Lord, Frank ^ Pittsfield R 2

Lowderman, Chas. BGriggsville R 2

Lowe', Ed Pittsfield R 3

Main, John H Nebo R 3

Marksbury, Thos Barry R 1

*McCallister, Gaston ..Rockport R -

McCarl, Stephen ..Kinderhook R 1

McCartney, Roy Barry R 2

McCaughey, Mrs. Anna C ....

Pittsfield R 4

Mcbavid." 'John Barry R 1

*McFaddin, Rebecca ......Nebo R 1

McGlasson, Loyd D. --Plttsfie d R*McGlauphlin, Harvey Pittstield R 1

*McWorter, Francis Hadley K 1

*Mellon, Tas. A Barry R 4

Metcalf, Mrs. Geo ... ^. .Barry R

*Metz, Clarence .Chambersburg K 1

Metz, Fritz R. ..Chambersburg R 2

*Metz, Sherman L Chambersburg K --

Meyers, Douglas ••;••• -^^"^ J i'

Meyers, Louis ....New Canton R 1

Myers, Wm Barry R 3

Milhizer, James ^ruonMiller, James A W '

^l""']Miller, Ray ...^ -Pearl R2Milligan. Thos. E. .

..Barry R 4

Mills, Earl G Griggsyi e R 2

Moore, Clifton Griggsyil le R 1

*Moore, Richard J...Gngesville R 3

*Moyer, Orville A. .. .Hadley R 1

Nelson, Cecil E. . ..GnggsviHe R 1

*Newman, Welcome J _.. • • • .- • • •

Griggsville R i

Nicholson,' Geo Griggsville R 1

Noble, Harvey G. ...

Chambersburg R 1

Norris! Mrs. Nettie . . ^. • • •• -Hull

Norton, Chas. W Pittsfield R 7

Norton, James W Pearl R 1

Orr Claude Chambersburg R 2

Ottwell, Jesse E Pearl R 2

Parks, Virgil T. .Montezuma Star KPenstone, Chas. H. .Griggsville R 3

Penstone, E. G Griggsville R 3

Penstone, Herbert W. _....... •

Griggsville K o

Perry, Wm. 'Pearl R 1

*Phillips, Roy A Griggsville R 3

Pierce, Jesse -•' ; '

;f^-X^hPyle, Guy N Pittsfield R 2

*Read, Chas. E -^^Pearl R 2

*Reel, Fred New Canton R i

Reese, Herman C. Griggsville Star R*Reeve, Wm. H ••. .-Barry

Reeves, John W. ...Griggsville R 1

Riley, Albert Pittsfield R 2Riley, Clarence A

Chambersburg R 1

Roberts, Geo Pearl R 1

*Rcyyalty, Otis Hadley R 1

Sargent, Fred Griggsville R 3Sargent, Harry Griggsville R 1

*Schemel, Geo. D Pittsfield R 7*Schlieper, Edward Pearl R 2Schmidt, John P Baylis R 2Schmidt, Wm Pittsfield R 6Schuhardt, Ernest B Barry R 1

Schutz, Harvey Barry R 1

Scott, Clarence W. ...Pittsfield R 7*.Sc_ranton, J. M Nebo R2*Seibert, Geo DetroitSeigle, Julius G Pittsfield R 6Seybold, J. E Perry R 1

Shaw, Fred Rockport R 2Shaw, Owen W Pittsfield R 1

Shive, Claude Nebo R 1

Sidwell, James H Pearl R 2Slaughter, J. W. ...New Salem R 1

*Sleight, Chas. W. Griggsville Star RSmith, Jessie C Pearl R 2Smith, Luther E ...NeboR2Smith, Ross Griggsville R 2Smith, Samuel H Nebo R 1

Smithers, Otto Pearl R 1

Sowers, A. G Baylis R 1

Spaulding, Albert M Pearl R 1

*Staflf, Peter Sr. ...New Canton R 2Stafif, P. T Barry

*Stark, Chas. N Nebo R 2Stickman, Fred Rockport R 1

Stirnaman, John E Nebo R 3St. John, Thos. E. ...Pittsfield R 2

*Slocklefer, Chas Pittsfield R 5

Stone, Geo. D Nebo R 2*Stout, Andrew W. ...Pittsfield R 2Straus, Paul Baylis R 3

*Strubinger, Edwin T El DaraStuart, Wm. A Pittsfield R 5

Stumborg, D. R Hadley R 1

Stumbourg, Ernest W. ...Pearl R 2Sublett, Richard. Chambersburg R 1

*Sutton, Neal NeboSweeting, Arthur R Perry*Thompson, Archie A

. Chambersburg R 2

Thompson, Irving GChambersburg R 1

Thurman, Howard Pearl R 1

Turnbaugh, A Pittsfield R 7

*Turnbaugh, Homer Nebo R 1

Turnbaugh, Lycurgus C. .Nebo R 3

Turnbaugh, Otho T Nebo R 3

Turner, Jas. E Hull R 2LTnderwood, Wm. H. .Pittsfield R 5

Valen, Geo. W. ... Pleasant Hill R 1

'^Vaughn, John W Pearl Star RVose, Frank W. Perry



Wade, Arthur W. . . Griggsville R 3*Wade, E. C Perrv*Vyalker, Robt. L. ...Griggsville R 1

Walker, Russell ....Griggsville R 1

*Watkins, John F. ..Griggsville R 3*Watson, Claude I Pittsfield R 1

Watson, Dexter E Barry R 1

*Webel, Geo. J. . . Chambersburg R 1

Webster, John T. Montezuma Star RWellenreiter, Wesley

Chambersburg R 2Wells, Floy Barry R 1

Wendling, Victor EChambersburg R 1

Wheeler, Ben M. Montezuma Star RWheeler, Geo. W PearlWhite, Wilbur G. ..Griggsville R 1

Willard, Loren E Pittsfield R 7

*\Mllard, Murray M. ..Pittsfield R 7

Williams, Henry M. . Griggsville R 1

Williams, Preston Barry R 4*Willsey, Chas. L Pittsfield R 5

Willsev, Curtis Rockport R 2

*\'Villsey, Wm. R Pittsfield R 5

Winans, Chas. S Pittsfield R 6

Wolf, Fred ....Pearl R 1

Woods, T. Carl ....Griggsville R 3

*Woodruflf, Chas. H Barry R 2

Woolfolk, Clarence R. Pittsfield R 5

Yaeger, Fred Pittsfield R 1

*Yaeger, Howard Nebo R 1

*Yokem, Wm. H Rockport R 1


*Ewers, Alpha Pleasant Hill R 1

Sutton, H. F Pleasant Hill R 1

FRENCH DRAFT*Parker, Geo. A\' Griggsville R 1

Reynold Bros Griggsville R 2

HACKNEYClark, J. R Baylis R 2

MORGAN*Eddingfield, Fred Hull R 1

PERCHERONAdrain, Geo. S Pittsfield R 2

*Alfs, Herman R. ..New Canton R 2*Bacus, Harvey M Nebo R 1

Bauer, John A Pearl R 1

Brandstetter, E. R. ..Rockport R 1

*Bridwell, James Pittsfield R 5

Coulter, Tohn R. Jr" Pleasant Hill R 2

*Criss, Elmer M Pittsfield R 6*Criss, Wm. R. Pittsfield R 4*Dunham, Lewis O. .Griggsville R 1

*Enis, Elmer C Griggsville R 2

Englemann, Wm. F Baylis R ;j

*Freeman, Cliester Pleasant Hill R 1

Gay, Wm. H Rockport R 2*Giger, Floyd W Pittsfield R 7• Hoyt, Roscoe D Barry R 3*Jibbins, Geo. J. ...New Canton R 2•Keys, Oscar Pittsfield R 7Lane, William H Pearl

*Langfahl, Albert E *.'.'.

_ New Canton R 3^Lasch. Chas. A Pittsfield R 5*McWorter, Francis Hadley R 1

*Meserve, Harrison ...Pittsfield R 2=^Meyer, Andrew Pavson Star RMotley, John W Rockport R 1

""Parker, Geo. W Griggsville R 1

*Penny, Nathaniel E Baylis R 1*Reel, Harvey H Pittsfield R 6*Richards, Samuel„ Pleasant Hill Star RSeybold, Chas. E. ..New Salem R 1

Shmn, Claude J Pittsfield R 5*Smith, Geo. G Pearl R 2*Smith, John W Pearl R 1

*Sneeden, Chas Pittsfield R 3=^Taylor, L. S Rockport R 2^Wallace, Enoch \\\ ..Rockport R 1

STANDARD BREDBauer, Levi Pittsfield R 7

*Hickey, John E Pearl R 1

*Jordan, John H Pittsfield R 6*Keys, Oscar Pittsfield R 7Lane, Clarence Pittsfield R 5

*Langfahl, Albert ENew Canton R 3

*Lasch, Chas. A Pittsfield R 5Meserve, Harrison ...Pittsfield R 2

*Reed, Floyd R Hull R 2Reynold Bros Griggsville R 2

*Smith, Tohn W Pearl R 1

Westlake, C. H Pittsfield

JACKS*Barton, Beach NeboBauer, Levi Pittsfield

*Bridwell, James PittsfieldCoulter, John R. Jr

Pleasant Hill*Freeman, Chester

Pleasant HillHillig, Lawrence G. ..Pittsfield

*Keys, Oscar Pittsfield*Langfahl, Albert E

New Canton*Lasch, Chas. A Pittsfield

*Parker, Geo. W. ...Griggsville*Reed, Floyd R HullSaylor, Henry Hadley



Seybold, Chas. E. ..New Salem R 1

*Smith, George G Pearl R 2

Smith, John W Pearl R 1


Akin, M. B Griggsville R 1

Allen, T. B Baylis R 3

*Brown, L. G Barry R 4Cooley, W. W Baylis R 3

*Dunham, N. K New Salem R 1

Seybold, C. G Baylis R 3

WELCHHarshmee, H. V. ..New Salem R 1


^Taylor, L. S Rockport R 2

WhiU, Wilbur G. ..Griggsville R 1

OXFORDBauer, Leonard G Pearl R 1

Boyle, Geo Nebo R 3

*Casteel, John Pittsfield R 3

*Field, A. B Pittsfield R 3

Lapp, John M Rockport R2*Schlieper, Edward Pearl R 2

Seigle, Juline G Pittsfield R 6*Sheppard, Robert W Pearl R 1

SHROPSHIREBagby, C. E Pittsfield R 7

Branson, Walter C Nebo R 3

Burbridge, Ross T. ..Pittsfield R 7

*Call, John Barry R 2

*Colvin, Mrs. Carrie Pearl R 1

Cooper, James M Pittsfield R 2

*Crim, Chas. L Barry R 3

*Cunningham, Robt. E. ...Nebo R 1

Dieterle, Roy H Baylis R3*Dorsey, Cecil T

Chambersburg R 1

*Dorsey, Isaac FChambersburg R 1

Flick, L. A BarryFrench, G. M MontezumaFulmer, Chas. L Montezuma

*Guthrie, Henry E Nebo R 3

Harshmee, H. V. ..New Salem R 1

Miller, Wm. P Pittsfield R 2

Schedel, Theodore Pittsfield R 5

Seybold, Chas. E. ..New Salem R 1

Stickman, William H. Pittsfield R 1

*Thornton, Tames A. ..Pittsfield R 2

Harrison NeserveTakes this opportunity to extend to all friends

who admire and love a fine horse a cordial invi-

tation to visit his select stable of Pure-bred

horses, believing that their quality and superior

breeding will appeal to the most fastidious.

Mr. Meserve has been actively engaged in

handling horses at Pittsfield for over thirty-

three years, and his stables consist of the follow-


Direct Gentry, 2:05^, Two Full

Blood Percherons, Pascal No.63,858 and Diavola 102,194, a

good son of Heir-at-Law 2:05-34

and a mammoth Jack TaxpayerIV.




Wassell, George D. ..Pittsneld R 5

William, Robert A. ..Pittsfield R 1


Lane, William H Pearl


*Ryan, John T Kinderhook R 1

FOX TERRIER*Stauffer, Chas. F Barry R 2

SCOTCH COLLIERenond, Steve Pearl R 1

West, Anna B New Canton R 3


Capps, Geo. W. , Pittsfield R 2

BLACK BRAHMAHoover, Wm. H Milton


Chambersburg R 1

*Dudnit, Wm PittsfieldHopkins, Benj. B. Sr

Griggsville R 3^Johnson, Calvin Hadley R 1

*Kallenbach, LouisChambersburg R 1

*Moyer, Floyd E Hadley R 1

*]\Ioyer, Raymond Hadley R 1

LANGSHAN*Bennett, Geo Baylis R 2Brown, Geo. H....New Canton R 2

*Cory, ALirtin C Baylis R 3

*Cunningham, Frank D. ..Barry R 4*Dail, Robert O Nebo R 3Emery, John W Pittsfield R 1

*Fox, Walter W. ..New Canton R 3

*Grammer, Morris Barry R 3

Grimes, Geo. M Nebo*Hackman, W'm. E New CantonHarpole, Albert Nebo R 1

*Hayden, Arthur Pittsfield R 7

Hoerlein, J. L Griggsville R 1



*Johnson, Albert S Pearl R 2

Kendall, Reese Barry R 3

Kurtz, S. F New Canton R 3

Lowderman, Chas. BGriggsville R 2

*Moyer, Wm. H Nebo R 1

*Rush, Cyrus D Griggsville R 2

Shelby, Clyde NeboSmith, Geo. W. ..Pleasant Hill R 1

*Sutton, Harvev ...Pleasant Hill R 2

Sutton, H. F Pleasant Hill R 1

*Sutton, Neal NeboSweeting, H. W. ...Griggsville R 1

BUFF LEGHORNMcNary, Frank ..New Canton R 1

Nestric, Geo Kinderhook

BROWN LEGHORN*Allison, Emerson i-', Nebo R 1

Branson, Walter C Nebo R 3

'''Brown, Geo. F. ...New Canton R 3

Casteel, John Pittsfield R :;

Daunn, Allen Pearl

*Deam, Rhea E Griggsville R ::

Dillon, Jas. E MontezumaDouglas, A. M Pittsfield R 1

Edwards, Oscar Baylis R 2

Elliott, John Pearl R 2

Ellis, Bert El Dara*Fulton, Wm Hull R 1

*Grimes, Lee Nebo R 1

*Grimes, Walter C Nebo R 1

Guthrie, Benj Kinderhook R 1

Guthrie, Eliza H Nebo R 3

*Guthrie, Henrv E Nebo R 3

*Heavner, Lee Pittsfield R 2

Hill, Harvey V Nebo R 3

Hinds, Harry Kinderhook*Horton, Otis New Canton R 3

*Houseweart, Jas. L ...Pittsfield R 4

*Houseweart, Mary ...Pittsfield R 4

*Houseweart, Rachel ..Pittsfield R 4

Tohnson, Albert S Pearl R 2

joslin, Ivy O Nebo R 1

^Kendrick, John ...New Canton R 2

Kuhlman, Frank G Barry R 1

Lane, Charley S Pearl R 1

*McGlasson, Wm Pittsfield R 5

Milby, Geo. W Griggsville R 2

Miller, Samuel R Baylis R 2

Norton, James W Pearl R 1

*Read, Chas. E Pearl R 2

Scranton, Thos. J Nebo RlSeymour, Eugene L

Pleasant Hill R 2

Sharp, Elmer C Baylis R 3

Smith, Edwin Pearl

Smithers, Otto Pearl R 1

Stickman, Wm. H. ...Pittsfield R 1

Thompson, Elmer Barry R 1

Turnbaugh, Lycurgus ...Nebo R 3


Wholesale Dealers in

Poultry^ Calves, Eggs, Roots,Nuts, Junk, Hides, Wool,


Barred Rock Chickensa Specialty

We always pay from one to five

cents over the St. Louis marketfor straight coops of PlymouthRock or Rhode Island Redchickens.Also our Mr. J. A. Mann is

considered the best live calf

salesman in the St. Louismarket.Paper and metal tags furnish-

ed free on request.

Price lists at all times by re-

turn mail.

715 North Third Street

ST. LOUIS, MISSOURIiiniiiiiHiiiiHiiiiHiiiniiiiiniiiiHiiimiiiinmiiiiiBiiiiii

Turnbaugh, Ray G Nebo R 2*Webster, Geo. H Pleasant HillWeddington, Clyde E

Kinderhook R 1

*Whiting, Joseph W Hull R 2*Yaeger, Howard Nebo R 1

Zumwalt, Humphrey A. ..Pearl R 2

WHITE LEGHORN^Bancroft, Harry L. Kinderhook R 1

Bickerdike, Edw. ..Griggsville R 3Bonifield, John M. Kinderhook R 1

*Boren, Ray C Pearl R 2

*Borrowman, Chas. D Pearl R 2Bravnien, John T Pearl

*Bro'wn, L. G Barry R 4Calvin, Thos. J PearlCockill, J. C Griggsville R 2

Crater, Harry Pearl Star RCrim, Chas. L Barry R ?>

Dorsev, Eugene L. .Griggsville R 1

Ducy," Mike J Pittsfield R 6*Dutcher, Stephen A

Xew Canton R 2

*Ellis, Geo. H Pittsfield R S

*Frazier, Frank L Pittsfield R .^

*Galloway, Verdie .Pleasant Hill R 1

*Gard, Eugene Kinderhook R 1

*Greiwe, Dennis M Perry*Griggs, Geo. V Perry



Hatcher, Waj^ne Pearl Star R*Houseweart, Mary . . . Pittsfield R 4

*Kendrick, Edward JNew Canton R 2

Kennedy, Jas. AI. . . Griggsville R 1

Laux, Jas. A Pearl R 2

Leahr, Wni. F Griggsville R 2

Lessig, Jeremiah New Salem*Manton, Mrs. L. T. .Griggsville R 2McClintock, Geo.'W. .Pittsfield R 2

Metz, Fritz R. . . Chambersburg R 2

Miller, Clvde Pearl Star R*Mullins, J. C Griggsville R 2Nelson, Cecil E Griggsville R 1

Noble, Harvey GChambersburg R 1

Ottaw^a, Louis E Pearl R 1

Otwell, Milt C Pearl*Phillips, Roj' A Griggsville R 3

Quinlan, Phillip Pittsfield R 5

Renond, Richard Pearl R 1

Rhoades, Emmett A. .Pittsfield R 3

Robb, Wm. W Versailles R 2

Sapp, Arthur E Griggsville R 3

Schuhardt, Ernest B Barry R 1

Scott, Clarence W. ...Pittsfield R 7

*Sittern, W. R Pleasant Hill R 1

Smith, Granville Pittsfield R 6*Smith, Wm. L Hull R 2Snyder, John RockportStevenson, J. Ross Baylis R 3

*Tholen, Fred H BarryWalker, Robt. L. ..Griggsville R 1

*Webel, Geo. J. ..Chambersburg R 1

Wheeler, Violando Nebo R 1

*Whiting, Joseph W Hull R 2*Yockey, Edward C Perry*Yockey, Roy C Versailles R 2Zimmerman, Hermes ..Hadley R 1

Zimmerman, Wm. ...Versailles R 2Zumwalt, John A Nebo R 2

MINORCAMover, Orville A Hadley R 1

Yaeger, Wm. F Pittsfield R 7

BUFF ORPINGTONAllen, John VV Pearl R 2Allen, Robt. R Griggsville R 3Anderson, Bert A HullBatley, Archer T Pearl R 1

Binns, Campbell Pittsfield R6Braymen, John T PearlConkright, I. S New Salem R 1

Dalton, Abraham ...Griggsville R 3Dillon, Wm. B Milton Star RDixon, Wm Chambersburg R 1

Edmiston, Marv Barrv R 4Ely, Jas. B. .

." Hadley R 1

Ely, Jesse E Hull R 1

Fesler, Harry El Dara R 1

Freeman, W. S. ..Pleasant Hill R 1

Gray, Martha New Salem R 1

Howard, Tohn S Pittsfield R 2Hoyt, Roscoe D Barry R 3Inman, John W Barry R 3Kellum, Eugene Barry R 4Leach, Frank E. ..Kinderhook R 1

Lipcaman, Henr}- ...Versailles R 2Lipcaman, Ralph Barry R 4Aladdax, Samuel Barry R 4

McCleery, Chauncey ...Hadley R 1

McConnell, HarveyPleasant Hill R 1

McWorter, Francis ....Hadley R 1

Mink, Grover S Pittsfield R 6Morey, Harry L. ..New Canton R 1

Muller, W. F Pearl R 1

Oitker, Albert Barry R 3

Orebaugh, Jas. H Barry R 2Ottawa, Louis E Pearl R 1

Powell, D. H Baylis R 1

Rile3% Frank ...Chambersburg R 2Rose, Jas. A Pittsfield R 3

Ryan, John T Kinderhook R 1

Sanders, O. J Hadley R 1

Smith, B. F RockportStaff, P. T BarryStrickhost, Edward W. ...Hull R 2

Varner, Roland C Pittsfield R 5

Wagner, Fred WChambersburg R 1

Welbourne, Melvin C. ...Barry R 3

Woods, T. Carl ....Griggsville R 3

WHITE ORPINGTONBancroft, Lewis Z KinderhookBradshaw, Emmet C Hull R 2Gunlock, Carl ....New Canton R 2Kerr, Wm. H Hadley R 1

Lacey, VVm. H Pearl Star RMills, Earl G Griggsville R 2Mink, Katy S New Salem R 1

Secrest, Nathan FChambersburg R 1

Sheppard. Robt. W Pearl R 1

BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKAllensworth, D RockportAllison, William M Pearl R 2

Altmiller, Mrs. Lizzie .Pittsfield R 4Ammerman, Franz S Pearl R 1

Annett, Otis S Hadley R 1

Applegate, Sylvester Nebo R 3

Arnett, Roy E Hadley R 1

Ayers, Henry Pittsfield R 4Bacus, Harvey M Nebo R 1

Baker, Leslie H. .Griggsville Star RBaker, Walter C Barry R 1

Barton, Abram D. Pleasant Hill R 2

Battershell, John C Nebo R 3

Bauer, Tohn A Pearl R 1

Berry, John F. ...Pleasant Hill R 2Birch, Arland E. ...Griggsville R 1



Birch, Elmer J Griggsville R 3

Black, Albert L Griggsville*Blacketter, Wm. ..New Canton R 2

*Bonifield, Earl Barry R 3

Bonifield, Eldon E Barry R 1

Bonifield, Mrs. Elizabeth Barrv R 1

Bonifield, H. A Barry R 1

Boren, Homer T Pearl R 1

*Borrowman, Chas. D Pearl R 2

Bowen, C. E Pleasant Hill R 2

Bower, T. G Barrv R 1

Brace, James E Pearl R 2

*Bradshaw, William T Hull

Brawley, B. Willard Barry R 4

^Bridgwater, Oscar Barry R 1

Brokaw, Albert T. Pleasant Hill R 2

Brower, Herbert A. . . . Pittsfield R 1

Brown, Henry R. ..Griggsville R 1

Browning, Russell HChambersburg R 1

Burbridge, Arthur Pittsfield R 7

Burbridge, Virgil V Nebo R 1

Burgner, Walter G Baylis R 3

Butler, Mrs. Ellen .Pleasant Hill R 2

Butler, Geo. W Pittsfield R 2

Butler, Henry E Pittsfield R 2

Butler, Russell L. . . Griggsville R 1

*Butler, William Pittsfield

Cadwell, Mrs. Amanda_........

Griggsville R ^

Call, John Barry R 2

Callender. John H Pearl R 1

Cannon, Rev. Wm. H. Pittsfield R 2

Carlen, Chas New Canton R 1

Carnes, Fay R Pittsfield R 6

Carroll, Geo New Salem R 2

^Chamberlain, Lewis F. ...Nebo R 3

Churchill, Fred Kinderhook*Clark, Kenneth W Griggsville

*Coates, Lloyd E...New Canton R 2

Cohenour, Mrs. Marv .Pittsfield R 6

*Conry, Dennis M Pittsfield

Cooper, James M Pittsfield R 2

Cory, Harvey L Baylis R 3

*Cosgrove, Mrs. CatherinePittsfield R 2

Cox, Hubert I Pittsfield R 7

Cox, Robert U Pearl R 1

Crawford, Eli Pittsfield R 1

Creech. John H Pittsfield R 7

*Croxville, Wm Hadley R 1

Criss, Elmer M Pittsfield R 6

*Criss, John C Pleasant Hill

Criss, Wm. R Pittsfield R4Cummings, Mrs. Margaret

Baylis R 2

Cunningham, Horace L. ..Barry R 1

*Daigh, Joe F Perry

*Dehart, Henry TGriggsville Star R

Denison, Wm. ..Chambersburg R 1

Dennis, Jas. ©...Chambersburg R 2

Doane, Ezra New SalemDoane, Ralph Baylis R 3

Doane, Raymond C. Griggsville R 1

Doil, Chas. W Nebo R 3

Doil, James F Nebo R 1

*Dolbeave, Clarence SNew Canton R 3

Doran, Geo. L .Barry*Dorsey, Cecil T. Chambersburg R 1

*Dorsev, Isaac F. Chambersburg R 1

*Dudnit, Wm Pittsfield

*Dufif, Asa C Pearl R 1

*Duflf, Ruth H Pearl R 2

*Duflf, Vincent H Pearl R 2

*Duflf, Virgil Pearl R 2

Dugan, Fritz K. .Chambersburg R 1

*Dun, Frank Pittsfield R 7

*Dunham, Lewis O. ..Griggsville R 1

Dunham, Roy A Baylis R 2

Dunstan, Wright W. .....Pearl R 1

Durall, Lee Pearl R 2

*Easley, Arthur O. .New Canton R 1

*Eckelberger, Henry H. .Hadley R 1

*Ellis, Geo Griggsville R 2

Engelmann, Wm. F Bavlis R 3

*Ewers, Ernst Pleasant Hill R 1

*Ewers, John Pleasant Hill R 1

Fast, Willie K Pittsfield R 5

Fenton, Roscoe B. New Canton R 1

Fesler, Mert Rockport R 1

Fields, Wm. H. ._..... Pittsfield R 2

Fitzpatrick, James ...Rockport R 1

Foreman, David Pearl R 2

Foreman. Ray Pearl R 1

Fortune, Jobie R Pittsfield R 5

Foster, Frank Barrv R 2

Foster, Robt. J Pittsfield R 4

Fournear, Mrs. Martha R 1

Frank, Chas. F. ...New Canton R 1

Frank, Lewis W El Dara R 1

Franklin, Geo Versailles R 2

Franklin, Henry Pearl R 2

Franklin, Mike W Pearl R 1

Franklin. S. G. ..Pleasant Hill R 1

French, G. M MontezumaFrench, Mabra E Milton

Funk, John Barry R 4

Fusselman, Chas. A Hull R 1

Gard, Henrv Barry R 3

Gav, T. A Baylis R 3

Gerard, L. W New Canton R 1

Gleckler, C. A New Salem R 1

Gleckler, Harrv P Barry R 3

Godfrey, Andrew L Baylis R 2

Graham, Geo. W Pittsfield R 7

Griffith, Ray Pittsfield R 6

Grigsby, Elmer E Pittsfield R 3

Hack, Arnold G Nebo R 2

Hack, Dan Kinderhook R 1

Hack, Henrv A Nebo R 3

Hack, John N Nebo R 2

Hall, Chas. A Pittsfield R 3



























CLEVER stunts and slick tricks are very poorhelp in selling live stock. The buyers are too


Honesty, good service, knowledge and exper-

ience are the tools used by our tactful salesmen.

They can be depended upon to get the full

Market Value every day in the year.

Shipments at the River Yards will receive mypersonal attention.



Hall, Lewis A Nebo R 2 Hoyt, W. H Barrj- R 3*Ha]l, Mrs. Nannie ...Pittsfield R6 *Hubbard, Jacob Nebo R 1

*Hanlin, Ellwood . . . Griggsville R 2 Hund, Joseph . . . Chambersburg- R 2Harlow, Claborn El Dara R 1 *Hurst, Thos. J. ...New Canton R 1

Harbow, Elijah El Dara *Hurst, W. Everett ...Pittsfield R4Harper, Amos J. .Pleasant Hill R 2 *Hurt, Leon J Barry R 2Harpole, Marvin R Nebo R 3 Hyde, Loren S Griggsville R 3Harpoole, Ivy L Nebo Iftner, Harry Pittsfield R 6Harshman, Oscar Hadley R 1 Inskip, Charley Pearl R 2Harshmer, H. V. ..New Salem R 1 Inskip, Ray Pearl R 2Harter, Wm Pittsfield R 5 Jackson, James Pearl

*Hatch, C. Page ....Griggsville R 1 *Jibben, Benj New Canton R 2Hatcher, Chas. W Pearl R 1 Johnson, Chas Hadley R 1

Havird, Orlando Barry R 2 *johnson, Edgar ...New Canton R 2Heavner, Frank Pearl Star R Jones, Stanley ..Chambersburg R 1

*Heavner, Hugh Pittsfield R 7 Kaeser, Mrs. Emma J. Pittsfield R 5

*Heightman, Henry . . Pittsfield R 5 *Ivallenl)ach, WesleyHickman, Jos. Baylis R 1 Chambersburg R 1

*Hierman, A. O Barry R 4 Kassinger, Olen Pearl R 2Hillerbranner, Henry .Pittsfield R 6 Kaylor, A. Newt Baylis R 2Hofmann, Fred ...New Canton R 3 *Kemner, Chas. A Pittsfield R 7

*Hofmann, Fred ...New Canton R 3 *Kendall, Raymond E. ...Barry R 3

Hook, John New Salem R 1 Kendall, Wm New Canton R 1

Hoover, Mrs. Ed. A *Kendrick, Sam G New CantonMontezuma Star R Kessenger, John A Pearl R 2

*Horton, Scott Nebo R 1 Kessenger, R. O Pearl R 2*Hoskin, Clarence Pittsfield R 4 *Kiser, Fred Wm Pittsfield R 3*Houseweart, Jas Pittsfield R 4 Klitz, Chas. P New Canton R 2

*Houseweart, Mary . . . Pittsfield R 4 Klinge Bros Barry R 3

*Howard, J. L. New Canton Kopps, Fred ....Griggsville Star R



*Lane, Harry E Pittsfield R2 Metcalf, Mrs. Geo Barry R 1

^Ledgard, Wm. A Metz, Geo. S. . . Cliambersburg R 1

Cliambersburg R 1 Mink, Clyde Pittsfield R 4-^'Leeds, Thane Griggsville R 3 *Mink, Eugene Pittsfield R 6

Lerch, Henry ...Cliambersburg R 2 *Alink, Katy S New Salem R 1

Eightle Bros Griggsville R 3 Mink, Ray C Barry R 3

Lightle, Horace G. .Griggsville R 1 *Minton, Loyd R. ..New Canton R 2

Lindsey, Newton ]. . . Pittsfield R 1 *Motley, Geo El DaraLong, Alvin C. . . . Pleasant Hill R 2 *Moyer, Parviu El DaraLong, Bell Pearl R 1 *Neal, Henry Hull R 2

Long, Henry E Pearl Neese, Philip H Nebo R 3

Long, Mary A Nebo R 1 Nelson, Cecil E Griggsville R 1

Lord, Curtis Jr. ..Pleasant Hill R 2 Nettleton, Mrs. MarindaManton, Thos Griggsville R 1 , Griggsville R 3

Martin, Joseph C Barry R 1 *Ney, Jas. M Barry R 4*Mays, Henry F Pittsfield R 5 Noble, Harvev G. Chambersburg R 1

-''=iMays Sisters Pittsfield R 4 Norton, J. B." New Salem R 1

*McCallister, Gaston ..Rockport R 2 Norton, Winfield C. ..Pearl Star R*McCann, Vester Pearl R 2 O'Connell Bros Pittsfield R 6^=McCann, Robt. W Pearl R 2 Odossa, Frank M Rockport R 1

McCartney, Frank \V. ...Barry R 2 Oliver, \\'illiam H. ...Pittsfield R 1

*McFaddin, Geo Nebo R 1 Orr, Fannie Griggsville R 1

*McFaddin, Rebecca Nebo R 1 Parker, Geo. W. ...Griggsville R 1

*McGinley, Michael M. .Pittsfield R 2 Parrick, Rav T Barry*McWorter, Arthur Hadley R 1 Parrott, S. T Pittsfield R 5

Mellon, Harry W Barry R 2 *Peck, Harrv Nebo R 1

Mellon,Jas. A Barry R 4 Penny, I Barry R 3

Mellon, John W Baylis R 3 Penstone, Chas. H. .Griggsville R 3

Melton, Churchill Nebo R 3 Peterson, Dean ....New Salem R 1

*Meserve, Harrison ...Pittsfield R 1 Peterson, \V. H Hadley R 1


Swanson, Gilmore & CastenholzCommission Dealers in Live Stock

Our patrons are our best advertisements, as a word from a satis-

fied customer has more weight than all we could say.

Market Reports Furnished on i\pplication

References: Drovers National Bank, Chicago; Live Stock National

Bank, Sioux City.

Cattle Salesmen—C. L. Swanson, C. J. Castenholz, A. J. Labarthe.

Hog Salesmen—A. Gilmore, W. N. Mahoney.Sheep Salesman—Geo. Sutton.

Correspondence Solicited

Exchange Building STOCK YARDS, CHICAGO, ILL.

Branch House Sioux City, Iowa.




















SELL CAHLE, HOGS AND SHEEPLet us buy your stockers and feeders, feeding sheep

and stock hogs. We buy the kind you want.

We want your live stock business.

You need our GOOD SERVICE.

A special department for every phase of the live stockindustry, managed by highly trained and

experienced men.






Scotten & CompanyWholesale Dealers and Shippers

Poultry, Eggs, Butter and Hides

Furs and CreamA Fair Test and Deal to Everyone. Checks Mailed Promptly.

Reference: First National Bank, Barry




Petty, Barney Pittsfield R 2

Phillips, Rav M. . . .Griggsville R 1

Pickup, Mrs. Ella ....Pittsfield R 6

^Pierce, W. H Barry R 2

Pine, T. A Baylis R 2

Pothast, J. N Hull R 1

Potter, John C Barry R 1

Powell, Tas Bavlis R 1

*Pringle. Geo. H Pittsfi'eld R 6

Rader, John W Griggsville R 3

*Read, Chas. E Pearl R 2

*Read, John Baylis R 3

*Reel, Fred New Canton R 1

*Reeve, Wm. H BarryReeves, John W. ...Griggsville R 1

Remner, C. A Barry R 2

Renond, Charley Pearl

Renond, Loyd S Pittsfield R 1

"Richards, Alden Barry R 3

Rilev, Joe Pittsfield R 6

Robins, Chas Pittsfield R 4

*Rose, Jas. A Pittsfield R 3

*Royalty, Otis, Hadley R 1

*Royalty, Wayne V. ...El Dara R 1

*Sanders, Herman C. ..Pittsfield R 3

Sargent, Harry Griggsville R 1

*Saunders, W. Percy New Salem R 1

*Scott, Harvey F El DaraScott, James M Rockport R 2

Shanow, Taylor Pearl R 2

*Shaw, James T Pittsfield R 1

Shaw, Owen W Pittsfield R 1

Sheppard, I. H Nebo R 2

*Sidwell, John Nebo R 2

*Simpkin, Thos Griggsville R 3

Sleight, John W. ...Griggsville R 2

Sleight, Robt. N. ...Griggsville R_2Smith, Bryan Pleasant Hill

*Smith, Chas. L. ..Pleasant Hill R 1

Smith, Elza L ".. Kinderhook

Smith, Granville Pittsfield R 6

*Smith, Isaac S Pittsfield R 4

Smith, Jessie C Pearl R 2

*Smith, John W Pearl R 1

Sneeden, Arthur E. ..Pittsfield R 1

Spaulding, Albert M Pearl R 1

*Spencer, Mrs. Lila Hadley R 1

Stauffer, Arthur BeverlyStauflfer, Geo. E. Jr Baylis R 3

Stauffer, John E Barry R 2

Stauffer. "lohn W Baylis R 3

Stevens, S Pearl R 1

*Stone, Napoleon B. ..Pittsfield R 2

*Strubinger. Chas. M. .. Pittsfield R 4

*Strubinger, Fred M Barry R 4

*Strubinger, Wm. A. ..Pittsfield R 4

Stuart, Wm. A Pittsfield R 5

*Tate, Howard A Hull R 2

*Tavlor, A. G El Dara*Ta'ylor, Calvin D El Dara R 1

Test, C. J Griggsville R 1

*Tliiele, Gustave Griggsville




Moody Commission Companysold more cattle, hogs and sheep during the past few months than any

other firm at the

National Stock Yards, Illinois

demonstrates the confidence of the shipping public in their ability to

render satisfactory service.

CATTLE DEPT. HOG DEPT.W. A. Moody James MoodyC. W. Callison Chas. Pharis

O. P. Atkinson Jno. D. Sutter

J. A. Moody Olen Callison

Chas. Boothe J. M. MoodyDarwin Callison, Dewey Pile


OFFICET. G. Callison

Chas. D. Egley

W. Maddux

*Thomas, Philip W R7Thompson, Jesse M. ..Pittsfield R 2*Thornton, Jas. A Pittsfield R 2^Thornton, Wayne O. .Pittsfield R 2*Tittsworth, Fred ..New Canton R 1

*Tittsworth, J. FrankNew Canton R 1

Tolbert, Channccy RChambersburg R 2

Turnbaugh, T. A Nebo R 3

Turner, Dolph Pearl*Vaughn, John W Pearl Star R*Waggner, Oscar Pleasant HillWaggner, Thos. M

Pleasant Hill R 2*Waggoner, Geo. C. ..Pittsfield R 5

Walker, M. H Hadley R 1

Walker, Russell, . . . .Griggsville R 1

*Watkins, John F. ..Griggsville R 3*Weaver, Frank Nebo R 1

*Wells, Claud J Pittsfield R 2

Wheeler, Angelo F Pearl R 2

Wheeler, Violando Nebo R 1

Wheeler, Wm PearlWhite, Wilbur G. ..Griggsville R 1

*Whiting, Joseph W Hull R 2

Williams, Arthur EPleasant Hill R 2

Williams, Luciaii ..New Canton R 2

Williams, Preston Barry R 4

Wills, L. B Pittsfield R 3*Willsey, Wm. R Pittsfield R .^

*Wilson, Frank C Barry R 4*Wise, Wm. T Barrv R 4Woolfolk, Clarence R. Pittsfield R 5

Wooslev, Albert Barrv R 2Wright.' Chas. E Bayli's R ?>

Yacivley, Joe W Pittsfield R 6Yaeger, Fred Pittsfield R 1

*Yokcm, Wm. H Rockport R 1

Zimiwalt, Andrew PPleasant Hill R 2

Zumwalt, Wm. H Nebo R 2


.^mith, Jasper F El Dara

BUFF PLYMOUTH ROCKAkers. Chas. F Pearl Star RAkright, John Baylis R 3

*Bower, Mrs. Elizabeth ..Barry R 1

*Clark, Fred A. ..Griggsville Star R*Dorsey, B. J Griggsville R 2*Hoerlein, lohn T PerrvJohnson. M. A." Baylis R 3

Marksburg, Thos. W^. ...Barry R 1

Moore, Marcus M Baylis R 2Neese, Scott Nebo R 3

*Orr, Gregg Hull R 1



Pierce, Frank Barrv R 2

*Reed, Tolm T Pittsfield R 4*Sheppard, Robt. W Pearl R 1

Walk, Chas. W BedfordWalpole, Clvde . . . .Griggsville R 2

*Whiting, Joseph W Hull R 2

WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCK*Alfs, Herman R. ..New Canton R 2

*Bacon, William C. New Canton R 2

Barnett, James E El Dara*Baughman, Geo. C. ..Pittsfield R 2

Clennons, Daniel E. ..Pittsfield R 1

Draper, Elmer Pearl R 2

Edmiston, R. Emmet . . . . Baylis R 2

Goodwin, S. M. ..Pleasant Hill R 2

Ham, Henry A. .Chambersburg R 2

*Hoskins, Emery Pittsfield R 4

*Houseweart, Rachel ..Pittsfield R 4Henry, James W Nebo

*Irick, Andrew Pittsfield R 4*Lvman, Chas. P Baylis*LVnch, Mrs. G. D. ...Pittsfield R 2

McCarter, M. C. ...New Salem R 1

Metz, Fritz R. ..Chambersburg R 2

Metzger, J. F New Salem R 1

^Rainwater, E. John. ... Pittsfield R 7

*Sheppard, Robt. W Pearl R 1

Stearns, jas. A Barry R 4*Wike, T. Carson ..New Canton R 3

Willsey, James G Pittsfield R 5

*Winans, Henry Hadley R 1

*Zimmerman, Hermes ...Hadley R 1

RHODE ISLAND REDAdrain, Geo. S Pittsfield R 2Aiken, Augustus Baylis R 2

Akers, Chas. F Pearl Star RAllen, T. B Baylis R 3Ator, Flovd Pittsfield R 2Bagby, C. E Pittsfield R 7

""Bancroft, Ahnon C Kinderhook*Bickerdike, Chas. J. Griggsville R 2

*Binns, Campbell A. ..Pittsfield R 6Birch, Charles W. ..Griggsville R 3Borrowman, Roy R Nebo R 2*Borrowman, Virgil Pearl R 2Borthwick, James Barry R 1

*Bov(l, Bert H Barry Star R*Bovle, William C Nebo R 3

Bray, Arthur Pleasant Hill R 2

*Brown, Carson .. ..New Canton R 3

Brummell, Nancy ....Pittsfield R 2

Burbridge, Virgil V. .....Nebo R 1

Butterfield, Geo. C. .Griggsville R 3

*Ciiamberlain, Vincent C. .Nebo R 1

Clennons, Daniel E. ..Pittsfield R 1

*Conbov, Roy T Pittsfield R 1

Craig, S. A."..".. ..Pleasant Hill R 2

Grossman, \'irgil Nebo R 3

Mr. Shipper, Read This!

If you want a square deal ship to me. I guarantee you the

Highest Prices. Possible for your produce. A trial shipment

will convince you. I solicit the following produce:

Eggs, Poultry, Wool, Hides, Rabbits,

Apples, Calves, Furs, Roots

I will gladly furnish metal tags for calves. Write me what you have.

Geo. Wurth Commission Co.

7 1 N. 3rd Street, St. Louis, Mo.



Curless, H. Ray Piltsfield R 4Dimmett, Leroy Detroit

^Douglas, M. L Pittsfield R 6Draper, Wesley Nebo R 2

*Dreon, Geo. C Pearl R 2Easley, Wm. F Barry R 3

*Easley, Wm. F. ..New Canton R 1

Eichman, Herman Baylis R 1Emery, John W Pittsfield R 1

*Ewers, Alpha ....Pleasant Hill R 1

*Fenton, Franklin M. .Pittsfield R 3Fesler, Dock New Canton R 1

*Field, A. B Pittsfield R 3Fisher, Harlan D Pearl Star R

'^Fisher, Truman B Beecreek*Fletcher, Robt. W KinderhookFranklin, Gus Pearl Star RFranklin, Taylor B Pearl R 1

*Funk, J. Ralph and Sisters

_ Barry R 2Games, S. S Kinderhook R 1

Gallaher, Mathew Barry R 2Galloway, Cliflford E. .Pittsfield R 2

*Gant, Frank Pleasant Hill R 1

*Greenstreet, James Nebo R 3Gunlock, C New Canton R 2

*Gunlock, Edward ..Kinderhook R 1

Guthrie. Bolden, Nebo R 2*Hack, Chas. E Kinderhook*Hall, Chas Nebo*Hanks, Fred ... Chambersburg R 2

Hanlin. Clarence S., Griggsville R 3

Hannah, Hugh Barry R 3Hart, Thos. O Barry R 3

*Hazelrigg, Edgar S. . . . Hadley R 1

Hill, Geo. S Baylis R 3Hoover, John A MiltonHower, John A Griggsville R 2Huflf, Perry L Barry R 2Ingalls, C. AI Baylis R 2

*Irick, Jesse Hadley R 1

Jibben, Geo. J. ...New Canton R 2Johnson, Oscar PearlJohnson, Una Pearl R 1

Jones. Jennie Nebo R 3

Kabrick, John J Barry R 1

Kenady, Merle ....Kinderhook R 1

Kennedy, John A Pearl R 1

*Kenyon, Joseph G. ...Pittsfield R 7

Kingery, Wm Milton*Kinnaman, Geo. E Nebo R 1

Knight, Peter W Pittsfield R 2

Laird, Wm. H Griggsville R 1

Lindsay, Thos. M Pittsfield R 1

*Loyd, Edwin H Pittsfield R 4Lyons, Alonzo ....New Canton R 1

Martin, Geo. L Barry R 1

Mayes, M. S Kinderhook R 1

McCallister, Elmer ...Pittsfield R 4

McCallister, Ernest ..Rockport R 2

McDaniel, Wm. M Barry R 4

Metz, Clarence .Chambersburg R 1


A.M.Robinson&Co.Ship Us Your



Our Guarantee "A Square Deal to the Shipper"


7 1 4 N. Third Street, St. Louis, Mo.



^^^^^^t% t^» t » t » • * • • > * * <


SPECIALISTS ON CALVES and POULTRYD A RnrT« Why sell at home when you can ship to us and u7/-i/-»r

Hwis "^«'^« ^hat extra profit?^^^gL

Reference: United States Bank of St. Louis. Have Your Banker Look Us Up.

813 N. 3rd STREET ST. LOUIS, MO. k

Milhizcr, James Barry R 1

Myers, Douglas Barry R 3

Neese, David M Nebo R 3

Niemeier, Henrv .Pleasant Hill R 1

*Offenbacker, Otto . . . .Pittsfield R 3

Orr, Jesse MiltonPayne, C. O RockportPerry, Mrs. Mattie Barry R 1

Powell, S. T. Baylis R 3

Powell, T. R ; Bavlis R 3

Reade, Harrv M Nebo R 3

Roberts, P. D. ...Pleasant Hill R 2Rushworth, Chas FlorenceSanderson, Harry S Pearl R 1

*Scranton, J. M Nebo R2Seaborn, R. E Baylis R 3

*Sedberry, Wm Pittsfield R 4Shaw, C. M Nebo R 3

Shelton, Jesse C NeboShelton, Nancy V Pleasant Hill

*Shuhart, Anton ...New Canton R 2

*Shuhart, Frank ...New Canton R 2

Slaughter, Lloyd J Baylis R 2Smith, Anthony Barrv R 4Smith, Frank ." Pittsfield R 1

Smith, James Curtis ..Pittsfield R 2Smith, Nelson Pearl R 2Smith, Sylvia .Pittsfield R3Smith, S. J Kinderhook R 1

Smith, Wm New Canton R 2

Sneeden, Dean E Pittsfield R 4

Stark, Chas. N Nebo R 2Stark, Claud C Nebo R 2

Stillflew, Frank L Barry R 1

Stinebaker, ElmerChambersburg R 2

Stout, Andrew W. ...Pittsfield R 2

Triplett, Albert W Barry R 2

Tucker. John W. . . .Griggsville R 1

Turnbaugh, Alice Nebo R 3

Turnbaugh, A Pittsfield R 7

Turnbaugh, Homer Nebo R 1

Turnbeaugh, Ray W NeboTurnbull, Fred W. ..Griggsville R 3

Watson, Dexter E Barry R 1

Weaver, G. N. .. ..Pleasant Hill R 1

*Weaver, Hiram Pittsfield R3Whitaker, Sylvester B

New Canton R 3William, Robt. A Pittsfield R 1

*Williams, C. F Pittsfield R 3Willsey, Scott Pittsfield R 5

*Winans, Chas. S Pittsfield R 6Winans, Fred L. .....Pittsfield R 6Winans, Isaac N Pittsfield R 6

Yokem, Solomon O Nebo R 1

Zumwalt, Ched N Nebo R 1

*Zumwalt, Claud F Nebo R2BUFF WYANDOTTE

Barton, E. T Pleasant HillReed, John T Pittsfield R4Stauflter, Chas. F Barry R 2

COLUMBIAN WYANDOTTEMcCallister, Edwin GriggsvilleOliver, Geo. H Kinderhook R 1

Wilson, J. T Kinderhook R 1


Vose, Frank W Perry

PARTRIDGE WYANDOTTE*Nichols, I'.dwin F. .New Canton R 2

Webster, Geo. H Pleasant Hill


Davis, Rufus M Griggsville

Deverger, Clififord .Kinderhook R 1

*Moyer, Orvillc A Hadley R 1

Richey, Marion E. ...Pittsfield R 5

WHITE WYANDOTTEBauch, Gilbert O. ...Versailles R 2

Chase, Elmer W. ..New Canton R 1

Clark, Frank KinderhookCooley, Clyde W. ...Versailles R 2

Crater, Harry Pearl Star RDorsey, Glenn H Perry



Established 1873

F. W. Brockman Commission Co.

Wants your shipments of

Poultry^ Eggs^ Butter

Calves^ Etc.We handle everything raised or shipped from the

farm. We furnish metal tags free for shipping



*Dorsey, Tohn W Perry R 1

Ducey, Hugh W Pittsfidd R 6*Ellis, Elmer C Griggsville R 2

*Evans, Frank A Barry R 3

Hack, Albert D. ..New Canton R 2

Tefifers, Mrs. Lottie Baylis R 2

*Langfah], Albert ENew Canton R 3

Mart, R. L Baylis R 3

McCarl, Clifford L. .....Barry R 4

McCarl, Stephen ..Kinderhook R 1

McTucker, John M Barry R 3

*Miller, Wm New Canton R 3

*Moyer, Orville A Hadley R 1

Petty, Marion Pearl R 1

Preston. Thos Barry Star R*Reed, Floyd R Hull R 2

*Rush, Cvrus D Griggsville R 2

*Smith, Geo. H PerryStraus, Paul Baylis R 3

*Turner, James Hull R 2


^Guthrie, Bolden Nebo R 2

*Kenvon, Joseph G. ...Pittsfield R 7

*Schnepf, Wm. I. .....Pittsfield R 7

Scranton, George A Nebo R 2

*Scranton, Leroy B Nebo R 3

ENGLISH CALLER*Hatch, C. Page ...Griggsville R 1

INDIAN RUNNERBagby, C. E Pittsfield R 7

*Boyd, Bert H Barry Star R*Cox, Isaac B Pearl R 2

Davis, Marion M Nebo R 3

*Elv, Jesse E Hull R 1

*Fulmer, Geo. N Bedford*Gunlock, Carl New Canton R 2

*Neese, Geo. F Nebo R 1

Simpkin, Thos Griggsville R 3

Winans, Wm. M Pittsfield R 5

MALLARDCrater, Harry Pearl Star R

^=Doil, Robert O Nebo R 3

MUSCOVYAtor, Floyd Pittsfield R 2

*Chamberlain, Wilson A... Nebo R 1

Curless, Jcrisc R Pittsfield

*Losch, Chas. A Pittsfield R 5

*Neese, Geo. F. Nebo R 1

*Turnbeaugh, Ray W Nebo


PEKINBollman, Arthur Pittsfield R 3

Booth.Thos. J Pearl R 2

Bruns, Wm Griggsville R 1

•^Conboy, Roy J Pittsfield R 1

*Crawford, Robt Griggsville

*FuImer, Geo. W Bedford*Hack, Arnold G Nebo R 2

*Hatch, C. Page ....Griggsville R 1

^McLaughlin, W. R Baylis

Parker, Geo. W Griggsville R 1

*Turnbeaugh, Roy W Nebo-^Zumwalt, Claud F Nebo R 2


Graham, Geo. W Pittsfield R 7

Kessenger, John A Pearl R 2"^Sharrow, Taylor Pearl R 2

Willard, Murray M. ..Pittsfield R 7

EMDENBoyle, Geo Nebo R 3

Boyle, Wm. C Nebo R 3

"^Burns, Wm Griggsville R 1

*Cunningham, Robt. E Nebo R 1

*Doil, Robert O Nebo R 3

*Ely, Jesse E Hull R 1

Gheen, Glenn H Nebo R 1

*Hoskins, Emery Pittsfield R 4

*Munroe, Wm. T Pittsfield R 7

Newman, Edd Griggsville R 1

Parker. Geo. W Griggsville R 1

Peck, Victor H Hull R 2

Scranton, Leroy B Nebo R 2

*Stark, Chas. N Nebo R 2Troutner, Henry Pittsfield R 7

Williams, Artliur EPleasant Hill R 2

*Yokem, Solomon O Nebo R 1

GRAYApplegate, H. B Nebo R 1

*Boren, Ray C Pearl R 2

*Goodin, Wm. J Beecreek*Hack, Henry A Nebo R 3

Hermens, George Pearl R 1

*Ivemner, Charles A. . . .Pittsfield R 7

Kessenger, John A Pearl R 2

Neese, David M Nebo R 3

Read, Harry M Nebo R 3

Scranton, Geo. A Nebo R 2

*Turnbeaugh, R. W Nebo*Zumwalt, Claude F Nebo R 2

SPOTTED GEESEAntery, Geo. W Nebo R 3



APPLES Our Specialty

Large Handlers of POULTRY. CALVES, LAMBS, HIDES, EGGS,FURS and Produce of all description.

Mr. Wurth personally supervises all sales.

OUR MOTTOPrompt Returns and a Square Deal to all Patrons

809 North Third Street St. Louis,



TOULOUSEBickerdikc SistersFortune, Jabie R.Hanlin, Ellwood J.*Hanlv, Thomas L.*Hatch, C. Page ..

Holmes, Bert B. .


'^Houseweart, MaryOrr, Fannie*Rush, Cyrus D. ..

Sleight, Robt. N. .

Smith, Anthony .


Tucker, John W.

. . Griggsville


. .Griggsville...Pittsfield

. .Griggsville.New Salem

. . ..Pittsfield

. .Griggsville

. .Griggsville

. .Griggsville

Barry. . Griggsville


Allen, John W Pearl R 2*Vaughn, John W Pearl Star R

BOURBON REDCarroll, Edward J Barry R 3

Kurfman, Raymond A. . . .Baylis R 3McLaughlin, Ralph .Griggsville R 1

*Nichols, Edwin ..New Canton R 2

Smith, Henry Griggsville R 1

BRONZEArnett, Roy E Hadley R 1

Bonifield, Eldon E Barry R 1

*Borrowman, Chas. D Pearl R 2*Chamberlain, Wilson A. ..Nebo R 1

Frank, Guy . . . .Chambersburg R 1

*Goodin, Wm. J Beecreek*Hatch, C. Page Griggsville R 1

Hoyt, W. H Barry R 3

*McLaughlin, W. R BaylisNorton, E. G Pittsfield R 7

*Rush, Cyrus D Griggsville R 2

*Sharrow, Taylor Pearl R 2

Sitton, W. R Pleasant Hill R 1

*Stark, Chas. N Nebo R 2

*Troutner, Henry Pittsfield R 7

Waggner, William Pearl

*Yokem, Solomon O Nebo R 1

*Zumwalt, Ched N Nebo R 1


Thomas, Philip W. ...Pittsfield R 7

^Zumwalt, Ched Nebo R 1

Peterson, Turnbull & Co.





58-60 Exchange Building(Union Stock Yards)

CHICAGOPhone Yards 910 : Stewart 4385

Hyde Park 4812

REFERENCES:Drovers' National Bank, Chicago

Speer State Bank, Speer, 111.

First National Bank, Granville, 111.

When Shipping Give us a TrialSpecial attention given to buying

Stockers and Feederson orders WM. TURNBULL



JASPER& SELLMEYER : Cemmission Merchints


Poultry, Eggs, Calves, Hides and Country Produce. ConsignmentsSolicited

Also Wholesale Dealers in Fruits, Produce and Vegetables, SeedPotatoes, Grass Seeds, Cow Peas, Etc. When you want quality

order from us.

835 North Third Street ST. LOUIS. MISSOURI

BEESGray, C. T Baylis R 2

Halbauer Bros New Salem R 1

Hook, John New Salem R 1

Hyde, Geo. S New Canton R 1

Hyde, William ....New Canton R 1

.Lyman, Chas. P Baylis

Moore, Ray New SalemRisley, Geo Griggsville R 1


Balzer, A. ^4 Baylis R 3

*Burns, Wm Griggsville R 1

Moore, Lee S New Salem*Nichols, Edwin ...New Canton R 2

Seybold, C. G Baylis R 3

*StaufiFer, Chas. F Barrv R2


Hack, Albert D. ..New Canton R 2

YELLOW DENT= Fox, Walter W. ...New Canton R 3

Reinhardt, ]Mrs. AnnaKinderhook R 1


Dry Matter Mineral Digestible Nutrients inin 100 Lbs. Matter Carbo-

Protein hydratesCorn .,., 89.1 1.5 7.2 77.8Oats 89.0 3.5 10.7 51.0Wheat 89.5 1.8 11.9 72.4Barley 89.1 2.5 9.3 70.0Rye 88.4 2.0 11.3 73.8Buckwheat 87.4 1.0 7.1 49.2Millet 86.0 1.0 8.9 45.0Potatoes-. ....21.1 0.8 0.9 16.3Sugar beets 13.5 1.0 1.1 10.2Mangels 9.1 1.0 1.1 5.4Turnips 9.5 0.8 1.0 7.2Pumpkins 9.1 0.8 1.0 5.8Alfalfa hay 91.6 7.0 11.0 39.6Red clover hay 84.7 7.0 6.8 35.8Soy beans 89.2 5.0 29.6 22.3Cowpeas 85.2 5.0 18.3 54.2Tankage ....93.0 15.0 55.0 4.0Oil meal ......90.0 6.0 30.0 32Wheat middlings 87.9 4.1 12.8 53.0Rye middlings 90.7 4.0 11.9 45.1Red dog flour 90,3 1.7 13.5 61.3Bran 88.1 5.8 12.2 39.2Gluten feed 92.2 1.3 20 4 48.4Gluten meal ..91.8 1.0 25.8 43.3Kafifir corn ...84.8 1.6 7.8 57.1Skim milk ,.9.7 0.8 Z.6 5.1

Buttermilk 9.6 0.8 3.6 0.5

100 Lbs.



1900 1919




MY ONLY HOBBY:A Breeder for Pleasure as Well as Profit

RIGHT WITHIN ARM'S REACH you have hogs with BLOODLINES EXCELLED BY NONE. Improve your herd by buying

a SHAW BRED PIG. They are winners, and will help stretch

your dollars. Buying the right hog, at the right price, is NOTMONEY SPENDING,—it is a dividend paying investment, andwhen you buy one from SHAW, your investment is the very best

you can make. It will pay you to visit this herd, of from 300 to

500 head, when purchasing a Herd Boar, or when looking for a

GOOD sow or gilt. They go from SHAW'S HERD into EASYMONEY on Pike County farms.

Hogs are a live issue these days, and my herd contains ASGOOD ANIMALS AS CAN BE FOUND IN ANY HERD,so say the best Fieldmen. You are cordially invited to visit myherd at any time, and attend my sales in October and February

of each year. These sales are held in the Warehouse at Pitts-

field, regardless of weather, with seats for 1,000, lights and

heat. Write for catalogue, prices and description. Better yet:

Come and SEE,—if you see them, you'll want them.

NOTHING IS EVER SETTLED until it is settled RIGHT!Settle your hog problem RIGHT with a SHAW BRED PIG.

G. R. SHAW1900 1919



Calhoun County Breeders' DirectoryThis list includes all farmers in Calhoun County who own one or more pure bred animals.

Star (*) indicates farmers who raise breeding stock for sale.


Bunn, Andrew W Nebo R2Bunn, Dola E Nebo R 2

Hartman, Joe M Hamburg R 1

Johnes, Louisa Batchtown R 1

Long. Ernest Nebo R 2

Willard, Floyd R Nebo R 2

BLACK POLLEDFonck, Michael J .... Batchtown R 1

HEREFORDBorrowman, James Nebo R 3

Elledge. Albert N Nebo R 2

Farran, Joseph D. Pleasant Hill R 1

Guthrie, Will A Nebo R 3

*Herter, John A.. Golden Eagle R 1

Jennings, Clarence VPleasant Hill Star Rte

Jennings, John WPleasant Hill Star Rte

Kinscherff, Band JPleasant Hill Star Rte

Kuck, Henry H Hamburg R 1

*Retzer, John ..Kampsville Star RteSchleeper, Geo.. . . Meppen Star RteSchleeper, John B. Meppen Star RteSidwell, Claud O Nebo R 2Sidwell, Roy E Nebo R 3

Sidwell, Sam E Nebo R 3

RED POLLEDFields, H. E Nebo R 2Hunter, Alonzo Hamburg R 1

SHORTHORNByrd, John H Hamburg R 2Fields, H. E Nebo R 2

Fowler, Wm. F..Belleview Star Rte*Frank. Wm. ... Batchtown Star Rte*Freesmeyer, Floyd .. .Hamburg R 1

Freesmeyer, John. .. .Hamburg R 2

Illinois Dairy Company



Write Us for Prices SPRINGFIELD, ILL.



J. W. ALCORN, President H. E. WALDT, Secty. and Treas.

J. F. D. SCHIERBAUM, Vice Pres.

McLain-Alcorn Commission Co.Established 1884—Incorporated 1900

Our specialties: Calves, Lambs, Poultry, Eggs, Game, Hides, Tallow, Wool, Fur,

Junk, Seeds of all kinds. Hay and Straw in car load lots or anything you may have to

ship. We fill County orders for anything you may want. Write us for tags and anyinformation you may desire. Metal tags for shipping calves, furnished upon request.

701-703 North Third Street ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI

*Freesmeyer, Retger ..Hamburg R 1

Long, Geo. HPleasant Hill Star Rte

*Long, G. Cleve Hamburg R 1

Long, VernePleasant Hill Star Rte

Mendons, Joseph C.Clarksville, Mo.Nimerick, J. O HamburgQuiller, Leo Hamburg R 1

*Schultze, Albert.. Golden Eagle R 1


Killebrew, Douglas Nebo R 3

HOLSTEINFiedler, Henry W. .Batchtown R 1

Fowler, Wm. F..Belleview Star RteFunk, Raymond H.. Batchtown R 1

*Hadley, Albert BatchtownHanks, Lee Nebo R 2

Hanks, Martin A. D Nebo R 2

*Hasty, F. M HamburgHayn, Val. S HardinHowdeshell, Jesse A.. Hamburg R 1

Linkogle, J. T HardinRoth, Adam Hamburg R 2

Snyders, Carl P. .. .Batchtown R 1

Titus, John G Batchtown R 1

Woodeard, John S Nebo R 2

JERSEYBarry, Edward S Hardin R 1

Blacicwell, Stephen C. .. .BatchtownBolde, William. .. .Meppen Star RteBull, Arthur Pleasant Hill R 1

Etter, Alfred Batchtown R 1

Foiles, Geo. A Kampsville R 1

Franke, Herman A Hardin R 1

Gates, Geo. W Hamburg R 1

Harlow, Carl L Pleasant Hill

Holzwarth, Chas HardinJohnson, Evan Nebo R 3

Long, Geo. W Nebo R 2

Nevins, Geo. T Hamburg R 1

Saunders, Will L BelleviewZumwalt, Sam D Hamburg R 1


Titus, John G Batchtown R 1

CHESTER WHITELyons, Lewis Hamburg R 1

Mager, Henry G Batchtown R 1

*Schumann, Frederick MKampsville R 1

Vetter, Mrs. Rosa. .Kampsville R 1



Big Type

Poland China







DUROC JERSEYBangenberg, Wm. .. .Hamburg R 2

Barry, James O HardinBeaty, Luther M..Meppen Star RteBell, Elba C BatchtownBenz, W. Albert Nebo R 1

Berrey, M. O Winfield Star RteBlackwell, Stephen C. .. .BatchtownBrangenberg, Joseph

Kampsville R 1

Byrd, John E Hamburg R 2

Carrol, John W HamburgCasselton, John W. .Batchtown R 1

Cloninger, James L Nebo R 2Cunningham, John W

Batchtown R 1

Farran, Joseph DPleasant Hill R 2

Fiedler, Henry W. .Batchtown R 1

Fonck, Michael J. . .Batchtown R 1

Franke, Henry L BatchtownFuller, Jeff Meppen Star RteGant, Robt. G Nebo R 2Gates, John C BelleviewGoewey, Abraham A Nebo R 2Hanks, Martin, A. D Nebo R 2

Harlow, Carl L Pleasant Hill

Hartman, Joe M Hamburg R 1

Heavner, Newton T.. Hamburg R 1

*Ingersoll, Harry C. Batchtown R 1

Killebrew, Douglas Nebo R3^Kinder, H. F BrusselsKraut, John H Batchtown R 1

Kuck, Henry H Hamburg R 1

Long, Geo. W Nebo R 2Long, G. Cleve Hamburg R 1

Long, John Meppen Star RteLong, Verne

".Pleasant Hill Star RteMarsching, Michael. Kampsville R 1

*McDonald, Charles JHardin R 1

McDonald, Frank Hardin R 1

Mclntire. Wm Pearl R 2Nolte, Henry J.. Golden Eagle R 1

Quiller, Leo Hamburg R 1

Sanders, Sharion TMeppen Star Rte

*Schleeper, Frank, Sr.... Hardin R 1

Schleeper, Henry Hardin R 1

Schulte, Anton Batchtown R 1


Sevier, Albert, Jr Hamburg R 1

Snyders, Otto C Batchtown R 1

*Surgeon, Wm Hardin R 1

HAMPSHIRE*Hasty. F. M Hamburg*McNelly, Rinnie Hamburg R 1

Mortland, John BatchtownRetzer, John. .. Kampsville Star Rte



DIRECT TOiilliiiliiililliiiiiillilillijilillllilllli




507 N. Fourth Street, SPRINGFIELD, ILL.




A. L. HEREFORD, Vice President


Springfield Granite and Marble Company



Bell Phone 2334

We carry the largest stock of Monumentsto select from that you can find in Illinois.

Come in and see them., Ask your Bankabout us.

Factory and General Offices, Third and Monroe Streets, SPRINGFIELD, ILL.








D. M. YOUNG, Manager Telephone 217

Pike CountyLumber & Supply Co.

We Sell and /the Following


RecommendTriple-G Goods:

Lumber, Lath, Peerless Premium Shingles, Red Ring Cement,

O. K. Plaster, No-Sag Gates, Beaver Board, Neponset Wall Board,

Paroid Roofing, Neponset Shingles, Curtis Woodwork and Building

Materials of all kinds. Plans and Estimates cheerfully furnished.

We pay the Ferry Fee across the River


Corner 4th and Tenn. Streets LOUISIANA, MISSOURI



Weaver, John W. ... Hamburg R 2

Wineland, Leslie Nebo R 2

POLAND CHINABailey, R. H Hamburg R 2

Baker. Charles Batchtovvn R 1

Barnes, Robert Alozier*Barry, Edward S Hardin R 1

Barry, James O HardinBaumann, John Hamburg R 2Bell, Joseph C BatchtownBersman, Wm. ..Meppen Star RteBolde, William ..Meppen Star RteBooth, J. R Hamburg R 2

Breden, Chas. F Hardin R 2

*Bunn, Dola E Nebo R 2

Burge, Daniel M Hardin R 1

Cardiff, Lish Pleasant Hill R 1

Carroll, John W Hamburg R 2

Churchman, Chas. CKampsville Star Rte

Davis, Henry A Nebo R 2

Dixon, J. D HardinDixon, Leonard M BatchtownElledge, Albert N Nebo R 2Elledge, Francis M Nebo R 2

Fiedler, Anna Batchtown R 1

Fiedler, Joseph C Hamburg R 2

Fields, H. E Nebo R 2Fleming, John

Pleasant Hill Star RteFoiles, John T Hamburg R 1

Fowler, A. D HardinFowler, Wm. F..Belleview Star RteFranke, Herman Hardin R 1

*Freesmeyer, Floyd ..Hamburg R 1

Freesmeyer, John Hamburg R 2

Funk, Carl J Batchtown R 1

Funk, Raymond H. Batchtown R 1

Gill, Arthur SPleasant Hill Star Rte

Gill, Gilbert BelleviewGodar, August Hardin R 2

Grigsby, W. M Hardin R 1

Guthrie, Will A Nebo R .3

*Hadley, Albert BatchtownHalsey, Fred J Nebo R 2

Hanks, Lee Nebo R 2

Hayn, Val. S HardinHeavner, Oliver BelleviewHerter, John A.. Golden Eagle R 1

Hill, O. M Golden Eagle R 1

*Howland, Harry Hamburg R 1

Humphrey, Albert NHunter, Alonzo Hamburg R 1

Hunter, Chester C. .Kampsville R 1

Batchtown R 1

*Inman, Allen Brussels Star RteJohnson, Evan Nebo R 3

Kiel, Barney MeppenKinman, Samuel

Kampsville Star RteKinscherff, Band J

Pleasant Hill Star Rte*Klaas, John Golden Eagle R 1

*Klunk, Frank, JrKampsville Star Rte

Klunk, Mike, Sr MichaelLaird, E. T MozierLong, Ernest Nebo R 2

Long, Geo. H. Pleasant Hill Star Rte*Long, Henry N Nebo R 2*Lorsbach, Adolph H. Batchtown R 1

Lumley, George, Jr. Kampsville R 1

McDonald, J. C Hardin R 1

*McNelly, Rinnie Hamburg R 1

Mendons, Joseph C. .Clarksville, Mo.Mortland, Geo. T Hardin R 1

Moyers, John M Nebo R 2

Oettle, Albert H Hardin R2Oettle, F. W Hardin R 2Oettle, P. W Hamburg R 2Osterman, Henry Belleview

*Peters, Rutger Batchtown R 1

Plummer, James P.. Batchtown R 1

*Pohlman, Henry MeppenPregaldin, A. J Hardin R 2

Quiller, John P MozierRamsey, Lacken L Belleview

Rhoades, Maud S Hardin R 1

Rose, W. W KampsvilleRoth, J. J Kampsville R 1

Ruyle, Oscar. ... Belleview Star Rte




GAME, FEATHERS gOur Motto—Honest Weights and Prompt Returns. k]

711 North Third Street ST. LOUIS, MO. ffl





Harpole (Si CrosbyCASH BUYERS OF


A Fair Deal and Top Prices to Everyone.Blatchford's Milk and Egg Mash


Ruyle, William HBelleview Star Rte

Sachman Estate . . . , Batchtown R 1

Saunders, Will L BelleviewSchleeper, Geo. . . .Meppen Star RteSchleeper, John B. Meppen Star RteSchneider, John T

Kampsville Star Rte*Schultze, Albert. Golden Eagle R 1

Sidwell, Claud O Nebo R 2

Simpkin, Will RPleasant Hill Star Rte

Simon, Andrew Batchtown R 1

Sivier, John B.... Meppen Star RteSmith, Mike Hamburg R 1

Snyders, Albert Batchtwn R 1

Snyders, Antone ....Batchtown R 1

*Squier, W. G Hamburg R 2

Suhling, John P. .. .Kampsville R 1

Thomas, Wm. H Mozier*Topmeyer, Anton. Golden Eagle R 1

Twichell, Carlton AAleppen Star Rte

Wallendorff, J. AGolden Eagle R 1

Watson, Amasa Hamburg R 2

Weaver, John W Hamburg R 2

*Weeb, Grant BelleviewWillard, Floyd R Nebo R 2

Wilson, Roy E Hamburg R 2Wilson, Wm. S Hamburg R 2

Wirth, Geo. J Kampsville R 1

Woelfel, John W Hardin R 1

Wood, Chas. H Nebo R 2

Zipprich, Joseph Michael

TAMWORTHFiedler, Henry W. .J3atchtown R 1


Fluster, John Hardin Star Rte

PERCHERON*Becker, J. L Kampsville R 1

*Gansz, August Kampsville R 1

Hartmann, F. H Kampsville R 1

McGuire, Phillip E Hamburg*Nolte, Joseph. Golden Eagle Star RtePeters, Rutger Batchtown R 1


Simon, Andrew Batchtown R 1

OXFORDBaumann, John Hamburg R 2Foiles, John T Hamburg R 1

SHROPSHIREFoiles, John T Hamburg R 1

Guthrie, Will A Nebo R 3

JACKS*Killebrew, Ivy Nebo R 3*McIntire, Wm Pearl R 2*Waldheuser, Ed

Kampsville Star Rte


Foiles, Thos. A Kampsville R 1

Shireman, Frank. .. .Kampsville R 1

Wood, Uly C Kampsville

WHITE BRAHMAFonck, Michael J ... Batchtown R 1

Mielke, Wm Michael

LANGSHANBreden, Wm. H Hardin R2Bunn, Andrew W Nebo R 2

Guthrie, Will A Nebo R 3

Long, Verne. Pleasa,nt Hill Star RteMcConner, Josephine ....Nebo R 2

Sevier, Chas. H Hamburg R 1






IVTTYTX^t 822 N. 3rd Street



Hay, Grain, Seeds and other Farm Products'

REFERENCES: United States Bank, Commercial Agencies


BROWN LEGHORNElledge, Albert N Nebo R 2

*Herter, John A Golden EagleSimpkin, Will K

Pleasant Hill Star -Rte

BUFF LEGHORNFoiles, Wm. I Kampsville R 1

WHITE LEGHORNAndrews, Thos. . .Golden Eagle R 1

Bracksieck Bros HardinCrader, Alex Hamburg R 1

Gill, Arthur SPleasant Hill Star Rte

Hasty, F. M HamburgHolzworth, Chas. J HardinMcNelly, Plinnie ....Hamburg R 1

Pellikan, John Hardin*Retzer, J. J Kampsville Star RteRoth, J. J Kampsville R 1

*Smith. F. C Golden Eagle R 1

BLACK MINORCA-^Jewsbury. Joseph Hardin R 1

BUFF ORPINGTONBarnes, H. C Hamburg R 1

^Gerard. Rev. L. F.... Hamburg R 1

Grover, Lawrence ABelleview Star Rte

*Hadley, Albert BatchtownLong, G. Cleve Hamburg R 1

Ringhausen, Chas C. Hamburg R 1

WHITE ORPINGTONFoster, Watson Hamburg R 2*Long, Chas. W

Pleasant Hill Star Rte

YELLOW ORPINGTON*Hirst, William Hamburg R 1

BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKAnderson, Wm. T HardinBarry, Edward Hardin R 1

Baumann, John Hamburg R 2Baumann, J. L Kampsville R 1

Bellon. Frank MichaelBenz, C. F Kampsville R 1

Benz, Stephen A Nebo R 2Blackwell, R. O Hardin R 2Blackwell, Stephen C. ... BatchtownBreden, Chas. F Hardin R 2Carnes, Harry HamburgDavis. Henry A Nebo R 2Degerlia, Stephen ....Hamburg R 1

Dixon, J. D HardinFarran, Joseph D

Pleasant Hill R 2

IGeo. Yuede Commission Company

n Established in 1890


[]Egg & Poultry Exchange. PHONES: OHve ;]232, Central 2S5:!

3 718 North Third Street Two Stores ST. LOUIS, MO.




CHAS. I. BEASON, Pres. P. E. MOORE(Not Incorporated)


^ \\'e buy and sell Cattle, Hogs and Sheep on Commission and we are

prepared to transact all business intrusted to us in a thorough and up-to-

date manner. At all times our service must be equal to the best. A trial

on your part will convince you that we know our business. Financial

standmg as good as anybody's. References: Any person or banker with

whom we have transacted business. Market literature furnished on ap-


^ We prefer to be known as the best commission house, rather than

the largest. Our aim is to do many things for a few customers, rather

than a few things for man}- customers. Telephone No. Yards 41

Union^Stock Yards CHICAGO, ILL.

*Foiles, Elba L Kampsville R 1

Franke, Herman A Hardin R 1

Funk, Henry Batchtown R 1

Funk, Raj'mond H.. Batchtown R 1

Gant, Robt. G Nebo R ^

Godar, John A Hardin R 2

Goewey, Abraham A Nebo R 2

Hausmann, A. J KampsvilleJones, Lewis L Hamburg R 1

Keehner, F. A. .. .Brussels Star RteKillebrew, Douglas Nebo R 3

*Klunk, Frank JrKampsville Star Rte

Klunk, Willie MichaelKress, Walter C. .. .Batchtown R 1

Likes, William S Nebo R 2

Long, Ernest Nebo R 2

*Long, Henry N Nebo R 2

Madison, Sam Hardin R 1

Miller, John and Martha.. Nebo R 2

Oettle, Albert H Hardin R2Oettle, F. W Hardin R 2

*Peters. Rutger Batchtown R 1

Pohlman, W^illiam ADeer Plain Star Rte

Pregaldin. A. J Hardin R 2

Retzer. John. .. Kampsville Star RteRobeen, Andrew. .Golden Eagle R 1

Rose, W. W KampsvilleSquier. W. G Hamburg R 2

Tolbert, L. R Hamburg R 2Vetter, John H Kampsville R 1

Watson, Amasa Hamburg R 2Weishaar, Joseph . Golden Eagle R 1

Zimmerman, GodfreyGolden Eagle Rl

WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCKAndrews, Thos.. Golden Eagle R 1

Degerlia, Stephen ... .Hamburg R 1

*Klemme, August. Golden Eagle R 1

Zipprich, Joseph Michael

RHODE ISLAND REDBarry, Edward S Hardin R 1

*Bunn, Dola E^

Nebo R 2Clendenny, Geo. W

Belleview Star RteDegerlia, Stephen ....Hamburg R 1

Dierking. Fred R 2 Nebo R 2Fiedler, Chas. H .... Batchtown R 1

Foiles, Asa D Hamburg R 1

Hanks, Lee Nebo R 2Hatfield, Eugene Hamburg R 1

Heavner, Newton T.. Hamburg R 1

Holzworth, Chas. J HardinHouseman, Will Nebo R 2

Johnson, Evan Nebo R 3

Johnson, Marion L Nebo R 3



Jones, J. V Hamburg R 1

*Killebrew, Ivy Nebo R 3

*Kraut, John H Batchtown R 1

Long, Geo. HPleasant Hill Star Rte

Long, Harvey G Hamburg R 1

Lumley, Geo., Jr. . . Kampsville R 1

Norton, Will B Nebo R 3

Osterman, , Henry BelleviewQuiller, John P MazierRhoades, Maud S Hardin R 1

Sidwell, Claud O Nebo R 2

Sidwell, Roy E Nebo R 3

Suhling, John P KampsvilleTitus, John G. Batchtown R 1

Wilson, John S. .Belleview Star RteZumwalt, Alonzo Nebo R 2

SILVER WYANDOTTEJohnson, Louis C Nebo R 2

WHITE WYANDOTTEAnsell, Bert Kampsville R 1

Bracksieck Bros HardinFoiles, Elba L Kampsville R 1

Howdeshell, Jesse A.. Hamburg R 1

McDonald, J. C Hardin R 1

Nolte, Henry J. .Golden Eagle R 1

Twitchell, Carlton, JrMeppen Star Rte


Ahizer, Austin H Pleasant HillClendenny, Geo. W

Belleview Star RteHarlow, Carl L Pleasant HillHowdeshell, Jesse A.. Hamburg R 1

Swearinger, James L.Hamburg R 1

Twichell, Carlton, JrMeppen Star Rte

INDIAN RUNNERBarnes, H. C Hamburg R 1

Simpkin, Will KPleasant Hill Star Rte

MALLARDFoiles, C. A Kampsville R 1

Kastner, Chas Kampsville*Long, Chas. W

Pleasant Hill Star Rte

PEKINBarnes, H. C Hamburg R 1

Bolde, William. .. Meppen Star RteBoth, Geo. A MozierHausmann. A. J. .. .Kampsville R 1

Howdeshell, Jesse A.Hamburg R 1


WALTER BROTHERS B^BEstablished 1888

88 and 90 Exchange Bldg., UNION STOCK YARDS, Chicago

Thirty Years of Success. TRY US I We buy on orders and sell Cattle, Hogs and Sheep.When Shipping to Sioux City, consign to W. H. Walter. When shipping to South St.

Paul, Minn., consign to Walter Brothers, Walter Bros., Chicago



CATTLE DEPARTMENT HOG DEPARTMENT SHEEP DEPARTMENTCatr W. Smith Malcom h . Smith Harry P. Smith Geo. E. Nichols Dan Collins

R. F. Smith, Wm. J. Grainey. R. A. Post OFFICE. D. C. Smith. Miss Birdie Powers




Bell, East 1250 Kin. St. Clair 1628-L Carr Smith. Bell. East 74 M. F. Smith. Bell East 1966REFERENCES: National Stock Yards National Bank, Drovers National Bank

Johnson, Evan Nebo R 3

Sternes, Tom J Nebo R 2


Bunn, Andrew W Nebo R 2

Cardifif, Lish Pleasant Hill R 1

Dirksmeyer, Albert W^ . . Hamburg R 1

Wirth, Geo. J Kampsville R 1

Zumwalt, Alonzo Nebo R 2

ENGLISHBarnes. H. C Hamburg R 1

GREYBooth, Geo. A MozierGill. Arthur S

Pleasant Hill Star RteRoach, Emmit F Hamburg R 1

Titus, John G Batchtown R 1

TOULOUSEPellikan. Tohn Hardin


Hausmann, Fred Hamburg R 1

BRONZEAndrews, Thomas

Golden Eagle R 1

Hausmann, A. J. .. .Kampsville R 1

Hausmann, Fred Hamburg R 1

Holzwarth, Chas. J HardinZumwalt, Alonzo Nebo R 2

BEESArnold, Frank Deer PlainBenz, Joseph Kampsville R 1

Foiles, Geo. A Kampsville R 1

Guthrie, Forrest E Nebo R 3

Klaas, Geo Nebo R 2

Malone, Mike Beecreek


Freesmever, John ....Hamburg R 2

FOX HOUNDSBanghart, John Michael

SCOTCH COLLIE DOGS'Retzer, John. . .Kampsville Star Rte


Twichell, Carlton, Jr., Meppen Star Rte


Pepper, Charles ....Kampsville R 1

Retzer, John. . .Kampsville Star Rte


Heimer, Wm Hamburg R 1

KILLING RATSFrom Prairie Farmer.

Saturate cloths large enough to fill the

entrances of the holes with carbon-di-

aulphide, perhaps a large teaspoonful to each

cloth. Poke the cloth down as far as

possible, then fill in with dirt. This gas

is very heavy and when it evaporates it

settles into the bottom of the holes, killing

old and young. This gas is also very sat-

isfactory in killing gophers and woodchucks.



BARRY SEED CO.Field Seeds in Bulk

All kinds of Clover Seed and Grass Seed, Timothy, Soy Beans,

Cow Peas, Millet, Cane, Rape and other field seeds in season.

We specialize in


Garden Seeds in Bulk

Get our quotations before you sell ^-^our seeds.

Office and Warerooms, South Side Square


SESSEL'SThe only clothing firm in Pike County that has no store rent

and no clerk hire to pay. That's why we can save you money.

Thirty years in the same location, growing all the time. Our pur-

chasing power for five stores means a saving for you.




Pike County Business Directory

ATLASBrown, J. C Concrete Builder

Brown & Royalty ....General Mdse.Hillman, W. J General Mdse.Marion, W. U Painter

BARRYAlexander Lumber Co

Building MaterialBaird, Ellis Stock BuyerBarnes, Jacob RestaurantBarnett, O. S Tailor

BARR & SPARROW, Poultry HouseBarry Adage NewspaperBarry Milling & Grain Co., ElevatorBarry Record NewspaperBarry Sand & Gravel Co.BARRY SEED CO.BARRY STATE BANKBartholomew Bros. ...Poultry HouseBeavers & Kuntz, Drs PhysiciansBEHRENSMEYER, HARRY, DrugsBlair HotelBradshaw, Theo MeatsBRIGHT, L. F Dry Goods

Buffington, Geo GroceriesBullock, Jack TailorCalloway, Lloyd UndertakerCalloway & VanCamp GarageCampbell, Byron, House FurnishingsCentral Illinois Public Service Co.

Light and PowerClark, A. M Shoe RepairingClough-Reihm Garage ..AutomobilesCollins. Dr. M. V PhysicianDavis, Dr. C. T OsteopathDAVIS HARDWARE STOREDwyer, Geo Stock BuyerEvans, L. D GroceriesFarmer, Lula DressmakerFIRST NATIONAL BANK-Freeman, W. C JewelryHayes, Ed RestaurantHAYS, C. J AutomobilesHazelrigg, J. R Hay BuyerHolmes, C' M BlacksmithHoyt, L. W Mule DealerJohnson, Dr. C. A PhysicianKaylor, Dr. J. M VeterinarianKaylor, Dr. T. D Physician


FA R M K R Sdoing business with this bank find it both convenient and profitable to

take advantage of our special facilities for handling their accounts bymail. Deposits can safely be made by mail, by endorsing all checks,

drafts or money-orders to our order. Banking by mail saves a great deal

of time on the road and it is absolutely safe.

Safety Deposit Boxes in our Safety Deposit Vault, for Rent.



CAPITAL $50,000.00. SURPLUS $45,000.00

J. O. Strubinger, President

Jno. Weber, Cashier

John McTucker, Vice President

Bessie M. Stearns, Ass't Cashier





We have for sale at all times good clover, corn and wheat farms

in the Valley, and fine upland stock and grain farms in both Pike

and Adams County.

If vou want to SELL see us. If you want to BUY see us.

Office First National Bank Building


Keller, Edw Undertaker

Kern & Cunningham Barber^

Lewis, Ray Milhnery

Lippincott, John W -^Main, Dr. R. H Physician

McKinney, Dr. G. B Dentist

McKnight, Lida Dressmaker

Miller, W. H ;;• "

-^'"T^Tr"Mitchell, Jas Notary Public

Nations, G. W Hardware

Nobis, C. A Seeds

O'BRIEN, T. F •;•,:.•.Implements and Plumbmg

OWisiBY, HAYS - •

Gents' Furnishings and Shoes

Penner, E. L Jewelry

Phenneger, D Blacksmith

Pioneer Creamery Co.

Powell, John E • • • •

Cigars and Ice CreamPowell, W. B Cigar Mfg.

REDMAN, G. NReal Estate and Insurance

Retallic & Co., T. A MonumentsSCOTTEN POULTRY HOUSESederwall, Chas Blacksmith

Seggelke, P. W Feeds

SESSEL, J. & CO Clothiers

SIEPKER, R. B LawyerSpaun, Dr. L. P Dentist



OF NEW YORKOrganized 1843

Ask for information on $10,000

which pays $20,000 in event of

accidental death.

If permanently disabled your

premiums are waived and 10%of policy paid for life and face

of policy at your death.





Stagg's Barber ShopStrubinger GarageTooniey, S. D Shoe RepairingUppinghouse & McAtee BarbersVarney, Dr. F. G Dentist

VOLBRACHT, WMFarm Implements

Vonwihl, John BakeryWakefield, Harry BakeryWALTHERS, ROSCOE

Light Plant AgentWare, G. L •. StationeryWatkins Meat MarketWatson, W. W. & B. B., InsuranceWendorff & Co

Groceries and Furniture

Wendorff Dry Goods Co.Wendorff, Lou GroceriesWhite, Edw. F DrugsWike, Geo Insurance

BAYLISBarr & Sparrow

Poultry, Eggs and HidesBaylis Elevator Co GrainBoyd, J. A General Mdse.Dunson, R BarberEvans, H. Col AuctioneerFaris, C. W General Mdse.Farmers Bank of Baj'lis


We SeUandl"the Following

RecommendTriple-G Goods

Brown Shoes, Carleton Shirts,

B. F. Goodrich Rubber Goods,Langenberg and Stetson Hats,

Triangle Collars, Ironclad Hose,Peerless Overalls.

The and StoreOWNBY & OITKEN, Proprietors


Modern Sanitary PlumbingHeating, Pumps, RepairsWater Systems for Country Homes

LetUa Figure with You on YourFARM HOME COMFORTS


I. H. C. Line Implements

DeLaval Cream Separators

Titan Tractors

hicCormick Binder TwinePattee Cultivators

I. H. C. Line of Plows, Discsand Cultivators

°ABRT T. F. O'BRIEN "-""ois




WM. VOLIvBRACHT, President




WM. VOLLBRACHT CO.(Est. 1895—Inc. I91.-i)



Seeds, Grain, Harness, Farm Implements

Wool, Fence, Wagons, Buggies

Carriages, Furs, Hides, Etc.


Fee, D. C ... Harness McConnell, Dr. R. J Physician

GATES, DR. CHAS. W Mclntyre, F BarberVeterinary Surgeon Aloore, A. , Feed Mill

Goodin, L. E Restaurant Pearson, T Blacksmith

Grammer Co Pioneer Creamer}' Co Station

Ha'rdwaVe' and' Ymple'meiits Ramsey, S. & Son Blacksmith

Grammer & Kern Restaurant SEABORN, H., Garage and Batteries

Haines, Geo General Mdsc. STONE BROS.,Hooper, R Insurance

LaCROSSE LUMBER COHardware and Furniture

Taylor, W Painter

LiTr^beT^nd' Paints ,^VallinK^ Mrs. M. E. . . . . .Millinery

T , ,,r XT n \A itham & Co General Mdse.Laughery, W. H GarageLAWSON, GEO. C BEDFORD

Real Estate and Insurance Daniels & Dugan Groceries

Bright's Dry Goods HouseDry Goods, Carpets and Rugs

Cloaks, Notions, Etc.




Salzman, Fred Restaurant

Walk, C. W General Store

BEECREEKFisher, T. B General Store

CHAMBERSBURGConrad, Clyde BlacksmithDennis. Jas. H General Store

Farmers' Exchange BankHobbs & Dennis

Furniture and UndertakingHobbs, S. J General StoreMetz, E. R Meats and GroceriesPool. J. ^I. & J. J

Elect* ical Supplies, Hardware andImplements

Smith, C. W ConfectioneryTodd, Samuel Hotel

DETROITKendall, Harry BlacksmithScarborough, V. D General StoreSeibert, F RestaurantvShriver, H. P General Store

EL DARAFesler, Carl BlacksmithGarner, J General StoreStrubinger, E. T. ...... General Store

Davis Hardware Co.Dealers in


Stoves, Ranges and Furnaces,

Silver and Aluminum Ware,

Tin and Enamel Ware.

AMERICAN WIRE FENCESteel Posts and Gates

New Perfection Oil Stoves.

Plymouth Binding Twine

MYERS HAY TOOLSAll Kind of Steel Goods.

Sharpies Cream Separator

INCUBATORSPoultry Supplies

Paints, Stains and Varnishes


LaCrosse Lumber CompanyEVAN ANGLE, Manager

Where quality and service are paramount.

Everything in the building line from the foundation to the roof.

We Sell and s"^^^ \ recommend

the Following MM^^̂ Triple-G Goods

Cornell Wall Board, Atlas Portland Cement, Can't-Sag Gates, RoweStock Racks, Vulcanite Roofing and Shingles, Acme Plaster, Martrn-

Senour Paints and Varnishes.

Complete stock of lumber and building material on hand at all times.

Plans and specifications furnished on request.





Illinois Bottom Lands a Specialty

Missouri Farms. City Property. Farm Loans at Regular Rates.

Fire, Lightning, Tornado and Auto Insurance.


GRIGGSVILLEAllworth, Dr. E. C PhysicianAthey, Chas BlacksmithBall, Thos AutomobilesBrierley, Arthur Bus LineCadwell, G. F. & Son OrchardistCarey, Dr. Ben DentistCommercial HotelConroy, Dr. G. E DentistCrawford, Jas. A. ..Justice of PeaceCreasey, Minnie MillineryCunningham, W. O InsuranceDuane, F Feed and CoalDUNNIWAY, F. D AutomobilesGRIGGSVILLE AUTOMOTIVESALE CO Tractors

Griggsville Hardware Co.Griggsville Mercantile Co.


Hall, F. C GroceriesHanner & Son GroceriesHatfield, C. L. & Co PoultryHEINE, H. F

Farm Implements and AutosHildebrand Bros BarbersHitch, Dr. T. S VeterinarianHoyt, E. S Insurance

Stone Brothersof Griggsville, Illinois, suggest

their store as the best place in

the county for the purchase of



of hardware including the


We are anxious to prove to you

that it pays to do all your

trading at

Stone BrothersTelephones Number 7 and 237






We Sell and /the Following

RecommendTriplc-G Grods

Bridge Beach Ranges, Illinois Heaters, Renovoc Oil Stoves, Neponset Linoleums, CrusoeCream Separators, B. P. S. Paints and Varnishes, Myers Hay Tools and Pumps, Ameri-can Fence, United States Tires, Way Sagless Bed Springs, O. V. B. Tools and Cutlery,Sellar's Kitchen Cahinet, „ . _,_ .,„ .,., ^ _-»,^,™Favorite Incubators. BAYLIS. ILLINOIS




;! J. H. SAWDON, President

li E. C. WADE, Vice Pres.


W. O. CUNNINGHAM, Asst. Cashier

IGriggsville National Bank


A All business transactions treated as strictly confidential. We accord•j* careful consideration to all our depositors, whether large or small.

j* Interest Paid on Time Deposits. GRIGGSVILLE, ILLINOIS

Hull, C. W Tailor

HUNTER LUMBER COBuilding Material

ILLINOIS VALLEY BANKIndependent Press NewspaperIreland, J. M GroceriesKneeland, Chas. H General StoreKneeland, W. E General StoreLasbury, Vincent JewelerLightle, Clarence BlacksmithLytle, I. T BlacksmithMcCARTY, C. H VulcanizingMcHose, George RestaurantMcHose, H. A Meats

NaPier, W. C GroceriesParker, L. W UndertakerPIKE MILLING CO

Flour and FeedRoach, J. U Shoe RepairingSargent, Wm InsuranceSeeds, E. B Poultrj'-

Shoemaker's Basement ...Restaurant

SHOEMAKER'S STOREDrugs and Hardware

Skinner, Dr. W. O Physician

STONE BROS General StoreStone, C. F. . . Gent's FurnishingsTomkins, Rex D Book Stnrc

3IUtn0t0 l^ll^g l&mxkSTATE BANK

Capital, Surplus ^Undivided Profits

$78,000.00ABEL DUNHAM. President JAMES A. FARRAND, Vice President

F. H. FARRAND, Cashier



The Shoemaker Co.The Rexall Store


the Following


Triple-G Goods



A. W. BUTTERFIELD, ManagerBreeder of

Pure-bred Big TypeAberdeen Angus Cattle Poland-China Hogs


W. H. McKEOWN, Manager JNO. F. HELLER, Superintendent

Pike Milling CompanySpecialist Millers


"Mess Call" Kansas Hard Wheat Flour

Ideal Production Soft Winter Wheat Flour






j STATE BANK 0/ HULL |I W. H. LEASE, President F. M. EDDINGFIELD, Vice-Pres. |i J. F. LACY, Cashier MI : II CAPITAL $25,000.00 SURPLUS $10.000.00 |M —


—M Safe, Sound, Conservative. We are here to assist you m any way =


to further your interests and our own



Walker, Anne Millinery Churchill & Barber Restaurant

AValker' Packing House . . Orchardists DePue. F. J Barber

Watson, Dr. T. M Physician DINNING & SON C. AWilliamson, E. E Garage , Poultry House

HADLEY Enterprise Hull NewspaperGRAY, CHAS. & SON . .Hull Garage

Gibson, J. VV General Store Hull Elevator Co. ..Grain and CoalXichol, R. C. & VY. J., General Store Hull Lumber Co

l_l|T|f Lumber and Building Material"*-'^^

Hull, W Live Stock BuyerAlthoff, C. H Drugs Kellum & O'Conner .. General Mdse.Brickey, A. L Blacksmith Kennedy, L. H Real EstateBrinkman, F Contractor Kuhlman, J. WCrader, Dr. L. C Physician Hardware and Implements

Hull lumber co.|| Rockport lumber co.


Lumber, Millwork, Building Material

and Cement

A full line of Building Materi.als on hand at all times and fully

equipped to handle the needs of Pike County Farmers.

We Sell and fj^^\ Recommend

the Following ^^^^ Triple-G Goods

Valdura Asphalt Roof Paint, Cornell & Beaver Board, Red Ring-

Cement, Acme Plaster, Asbestos and Asphalt Shingles, Hard WoodFlooring, White Cedar Fence Posts, Slate Roofing.


Come and See The

Alamo Electric UnitFor Farm Lighting

'X'HE Alamo Electric Unit is just what you* have always had in mind— a safe, com-

plete, economical, trouble -proof, simple,

compact electric light and power plant.

I^owadays^when labor is §hort and every

minute counts^ the Alamo Unit

will save its cost in actual work.

All the Light andPower You "Need

The Alamo Unit will supplyyou all the Electric Light you needabout the house, barn and out

buildings. And plenty of powerto run all light machines, suchas the churn, the separator, thewater pump and other conveni-ences.

Let UsDemonstrate

We want to show you theAlamo Electric Unit and ex-plain its exclusive featuresto you whether you are readyto buy or not. At least seeand learn about it.


Vesta Battery Service Station





Bottom Lands in Pike County a Specialty. Farms of all Sizes and

Prices. Located 25 years in Hull.

1 HULL — _ _ _ _ ILLINOIS

iiiinii' iinii

Lawrence, G. W. & SonGeneral Mdse.

LEASE, W. H Real Estate

Maple, A. L General Mdse.McRae, J HotelOrr, W. R Groceries

REDDEN MOTOR CO GarageReynolds, Dr. W. F PhysicianShepard, E BarberSTATE BANK OF HULLWaters, C. M BlacksmithWaters, L. F ImplementsWeir Bros General Mdse.

KINDERHOOKBell, Mrs. D.-M RestaurantBrooks & Son BlacksmithBurrs, G. W Tin ShopChasteen, L. ..Groceries and MeatsClatterbuck, T. B ConfectioneryClutch, D. S." BarberColvin, J. A

Hardware and FurnitureDechow, Dr. P. H Phvsican

JOHNSON, SAM COLAuctioneer and Real Estate

Kinderhook Rolling Mills

Flour and GrainKinderhook State Bank

LIPPINCOTT, C. V GaragePiper, R. T General Mdse.Preble, G. T Confectionery

MAYSVILLECarrel, J. L General StoreDunham, N. W General StoreLaird, Wm. II Grain

MILTONAdamson, Frank

Groceries and HardwareBoren, W- E Harness RepairingBrown, Herbert DraymanChandler, Dr. W. J... .VeterinarianCheek, M. M. & Son BlacksmithClemmons, Costen GroceriesDoss, Dr. J. I Physician

Farmers Mutual Telephone Co.

Franklin, Mrs. Mary HotelHolden, John Wood WorkerHoover GarageHumm, K. D

Publisher Milton BeaconJohnston, Ed Contractor

Johnston, Dr. Frank Physician

Lemmon, Clyde Painter

McEver, Pearl Trained Nurse3i[ilton Exchange Bank








fl We will gladly name you price for ALL material needed for the ^construction of your Home, Barn, Implement Shed, Garage, Poultry gHouse or in short any building which you expect to erect—NO SEXTRAS. mfl We handle Lumber, Millwork, Windows. Doors, Mouldings, Hard- ^wood Floors, Shingles, all sorts of Prepared Roofings, Built-in gIroning Boards, Built-in Buffets and Kitchen Cases, Atlas Portland ^Cement, Acme Wall Plaster, Lime, Brick, Drain Tile, Sewer Pipe, ^Can't-Sag Gates, Beaver Board, Hog and Stock Racks, Tracks and gHangers for Sliding Barn Doors and Garages, Ladders, Silos, Etc. g^ It will be a pleasure for us to help you with your Building Prob- ^lems. Our Architectural Department is at your service without ^charge. g

Hunter Lumber Co. IPhone Xo. 18 GRIGGSVILLE, ILLINOIS m

Moore, W. C. & SonGarage and Blacksmith

Pfinninger, Jacob ButcherPike County Telephone Co.Scarborough, Virgil ...General StoreSmith, Dr. G. M VeterinarianSmith, J. Wes UndertakerThurman, Dr. Edw PhysicianTood, L. W RestaurantYelliott, J. E., Drugs and Groceries

MONTEZUMALytle, Mrs. £,dna

Grocery and ConfectioneryMcEvers, X. D General Store

NEBOApplegate, F Poultry HouseBorrowman, J. W General Mdse.Bush, C. H InsuranceCanine, Dr. H Dentist

incy Photo Supply Co.E. G THOMPSON, Proprietor






Chaisson, Dr. T PhysicianCity HotelClaire, M Grist Mill

Collard Produce CoPoultry and Feed

Dimsmore, Dr. W. J PhysicianElmore & Lemon ..Grain and CoalFirst National BankFranklin Bros

..Hardware, Implements and AutosGuthrie, J. W Blacksmith

HARPOLE & CROSBYPoultry, Eggs and Feeds

Harvey & GantFurniture and Undertaking

Haydon, L. P Harness ShopLucht, Chas BakeryMelton, Fred General Mdse.Minier Bros LumberMinier State BankNebo Banner NewspaperNebo Rolling Mills . .Flour and FeedPollock, Dr. J. R PhysicianShaw Bros RestaurantSpringer, Chas General Mdse.Steinmetz, C. P DrugsTerrell, Miss Elsie MillineryTravelers Home Hotel

Turnbaugh & Craig ...General Mdse.Turnbaugh, E. E RestaurantUnglaub, E. B General Mdse.Wall, A

..Hardware, Autos and ImplementsWhite, W BlacksmithYocum, F BarberZumwalt, Fred Photos

NEW CANTONAlexander Lumber Co LumberBarry, Dr. O. H PhysicianBennett & Bennett ...General Mdse.Blachter, J LiveryBrown, W. G GroceriesCollins HotelCollins, M. G AuctioneerDudley, R. A AutosEasley, J. R Notary PublicFoster, Wm BarberFuller HotelFuller. M RestaurantFUNK, R. A Delco Light Plants

GILBERT, DR. G. APhysician and Druggist


Seed Dealers

Feeds That Produce the Utmost In Results

Almost everyone knows about PURINA FEEDS for all livestock. PURINA FEEDSare made by the largest organization of its kind in the country. Thousands of farmers,

dairymen and livestock owners in all parts of the I'nited States agree that Purina Feedsare the most productive feeds made.

Purina Feeds are manufactured on a scientific basis, balanced to meet the particular

requirements for the purpose intended—they contain no cheap by-product fillers or other


are made to produce the utmost in results. There is no guesswork about Purina Feeds. From the guaranteed Purinachicken feed to the wonderful milk producing Purina CowChow you are assured of the very best that modern knowledgecan produce.

If you want to know more about Purina Feeds writedirect to us.





Make Your Home Modern

With Deico Light

H. Koeller New Oan,ton, 111.

Chas. Klitz New Canton, 111.

C. T. Bennington Hull, 111.

Klarner Bros Barry, 111.

Oscar Hoyt Barry, 111.

Mrs. P. H. Burns Barry, 111.

Mrs. S. K. Strother, New Salem, 111

Fred Kiser Pittsfield, 111.

County House Pittsfield, 111.

W. R. Willsey Pittsfield, lU.

W. C. Bacon New Canton, 111.

Bert Riley Pittsfield, 111.

Bert Willsey


House, Barn and other buildings.

Electric Power for HouseholdAppliances and Farm Machinery.

An Electric Water System for

the Home.

Below are a few Owners of

Delco-Light in Pike County.

Peter Staff New Canton, 111.

J. A. Bauer Milton, lU.

Albert Johnson Milton, 111.

Donohoe Bros Pearl, 111.

A. Wall Nebo, 111.

John Berry Pleasant Hill, 111.

Claude Shinn New Hartford, 111.

Charles Shinn New Hartford, 111.

H. L. Anderson Summer Hill, 111.

Carter Bros Rockport, 111.

A. K. McCarter Baylis, Hi.

M. M. Funk New Canton, 111.

. Summer Hill, 111.

We can furnish anything in the line of accessories to be used with

Delco-Light Plants—such as Electric Irons, Washing Machines, VacuumCleaners, Motors, Fans, Power Stands, Electric Fixtures, Etc..

DELCO WATER SYSTEMS (Write or phone for information)


Pike and Adams County Representative




Herdloff & Rose Grain and Coal

Hopkins, C. L Xolary

KENDRICK, ELLIS...Hardware, Implements and Silos

King Elevator Co. ...Grain and Coal

Koehler, H., Hardware and Furniture

Laird, C. T Stock Buyer

McComas, Dr. G. W Physician

Minton, Harvey Blacksmith

New Canton Press Xe\v>paper

New Canton State BankParks, John Blacksmith

Robb, C. P Real Estate

Rose, J. C. & Son, Cement Contractor

Seymour, ^Irs. Chas. ..General r^ldscj

Sighsworth, W. ^Sl HarnessStaf¥, Geo. ..Jeweler and ImplementsUppinghouse, B. F BarberUppinghouse, E Poultry HouseWheeler, W Stock Buyer

PEARLBagby, W. G BarberBeach, P. O OptometristBlair. M. L General Md'se.

Blair, T. F Poultry and FeedC. & A. Stone QuarryChidlow. Dr. H PhvsicianColninger. J. W BlacksmithCrowder, J. S General Mdse.Donohoo Bros

General ^sldse. and CoalFoiles, C. M Live Stock BreederFranklin Hardware Co

Hardware and ImplementsGarrison Bros DrugsGarrison, S. C GroceriesHanks. C. C. Poultry and UndertakingHeavner, B General Mdse.LaCrosse Lumber Co LumberLewis, Wm General Mdse.Long, H. E BarberLucas, Geo GroceriesMcCann, Theo HotelMiller, A. L GroceriesMINIER BROS Bankers







We Sell and £

the following

RecommendTriple G Goods

Sherwin-Williams Paints andVarnishes, Dr. Hess StockRemedies, Sal-Vet, Pratt's

Poultry Remedies, Nyal Reme-dies.

Special attention given to

mail orders.


Pearl Stove Co General Mdse.

Rader, John Barber

Retzer, Otto Grain and FeedThurmon, Dr. F. M Physician

PERRYAllen, C. H Barber

Baker, J. C. ..Publisher Perry Citizen

Belford, John DraymanBRADBURY & HARRIS

Dry Goods and UndertakerBrim, R. L General StoreCarey, Dr. G. B Dentist

HEIDLOFF & ROSEEstablished 187:i

GRAIN AND COALUnited States Food Administration License No. 132882

We Respectfully Solicit the Opportunity to Bid on Your Grain



B. C. YOCKBYInsurance and Real Estate


Daigh BrosHardware and Implements

DANIELS, DR. JOHNVeterinarian

Day, Grace Millinery

Doane, Geo Lightning RodsDUNN, DR. B. B Physician

Gerard, G. M Barber

Hardy, Mrs. J. H Millinery

Heine, Geo. L HardwareHiggins, Jas Jeweler

James, Dr. Ray Veterinarian

Jones, Frank GroceriesLiehr, Chas

Groceries and RestaurantLiehr & Zimmerman ; . . . . GarageMarshall, Edw BlacksmithMcLaughlin, A. J Groceries

Mercer, F. K DraymanMorton, Francis UndertakerNighswonger, C. L GarageNorris, L Shoe Repairing

Perry Light & Power Co.

PERRY STATE BANKPerry Telephone Co.

Minier Brothers-Bankers









CAPITAL - - $100,000.00

Twenty-Six Years of Successful


The Perry State Bank is essentially a farmer's and stock-

man's bank and our facilities are ample to care for the needs

of the farmers and stock men of the surrounding community




F. D. WHITTAKER, Vice Pres. FRED W. SMITH, Asst. Cashier



Drugs, Sundries, Kodaks, Printing and Developing, WallPaper, Paints, School Supplies and Stationery,

Toilet Articles

We Sell and />^P^°s Recommendthe Following ^^^ Triple-G Goods:

Dr. Hess Stock and Poultry Foods, Mound City Paints and Varnishes

Kodaks, Security Calf Foods, Ferry's & Webster's Seeds.

Prompt attention to mail orders.




Afraid to Cut



Once upon a time an old lady who had cured a number of hams cut

into one of them when she had threshers for dinner and was heartbroken

to discover that the ham which looked so tempting had soured and was

unfit for use. She left the others hanging in the smokehouse and whenasked why she did not cut into one of them once in a while replied, "I'm

afeered I'd find it spoilt."

The old lady's reluctance to court a second disappointment is

closely related to the attitude of a great many live stock shippers.

Choosing commission service at random was never a business-like wayof getting the best. When you hear a stockman remark that "all com-

mission firms are alike" and that "there is mighty little difference in the

service rendered," you may reasonably conclude that he has made com-

parison of his returns from two or three random shipments. He is

"afraid to cut into another ham," because those which appealed to him

in the first place proved none too palatable.

The main trouble with a shipper of this type is that he does not

know that the best cured and the soundest ham in the lot still remains

hanging in the smokehouse of commission service. It is stamped plainly

with "Sales that Suit" and full measures of actual Merit and Experience

were used in the curing process. Whenever you find yourself in a doubt-

ful frame of mind we suggest that you look for the brand, "Sales that

Suit," and bill your shipment to Clay, Robinson & Co.





M. W. SUTTONMen's Furnishings, General Merchandise, Dry Goods

Shoes and Groceries


Pike County Mutual Life Ass'n

Sharer, W. L DrugsSIMS & HOERLEIN DrugsSix, Harvey InsuranceSmith, Raymond TinnerSommer, W. C RestaurantStone, F. J Blacksmith

SUTTON, M. W General Store

Sweeting, Geo GroceriesThompson Bros Meats"Townley, Dr. Wm VeterinarianWhittaker, F. D General Store\Vilkins, R. F General StoreWood, Mrs. G. C Cottage HotelYOCKEY, E. C Insurance

PIKE STATIONKing Elevator Co Grain

PITTSFIELDAber, C. L BlacksmithAlexander Lumber Co

Building MaterialALLEN, PERRY

...Insurance and Talking MachinesAmerican Railwav Express Co.ARGUST, MRS. WM

Dry Cleaning and DyeingBARBER, J. H. & CO Drugs


Office Hours: 9 to 12 A. M. and 2 to 5 P. M.Only Saturday evenings 7 to 9 With Crispin

Shoe Co./—— "X PHONE 403

729 Maine St.,QUINCY, ILL.

Bartholomew Bros PoultryBATES, MRS. THEO Millinery

BENSON, ELMER GarageBERRY, DR. E. B DentistBodine, C. H RestaurantBodine, Dan BarljerBoun-Mill Mfg. Co.BOWERS, HENRY

Insurance and Real EstateBRADBURN, MARK LawyerBROOKS, ROSE H InsuranceBrown, A. M GroceriesBrunswick, Sam H. & BroWholesale Cigars and TalkingMachines

Harris BradburynRY GOODS, SHOES and

^ Men's Furnishings

Funeral Director and Embalmer

Lady Assistant







The largest of any bank in the state in a community of 2500 people.

Asks to be judged and compared with other banksseeking your account.

By comparing the capital, surplus and undivided profits." " Length of public service with our 54 years." " Experience of its officers with ours." "

Tts record with service to the patrons and the nation." "

Its motto, "In doing business study the welfare of thepatron rather than the question of profit to the bank."

Then say if its $1,600,000.00 assets does not make it the best possibleto care for your banking interests.

OFFICERSHarry Higbee, President L. D. Hirsheimer, Vice President

R. T. Hicks, Cashier F. A. Hicks, Ass't CashierClark Armentrout, Asst Cash. M. S. Barber, Asst. Cash.

Bookkeepers, Miss Velma Loveless and Miss Ada StonerStenographer, Miss Sadie Heightman


The Northwestern MutualLife Insurance Company

of Milwaukee, Wis.

No home is safe against the wreath on the door.

Life is a tragedy of worries for the family without Father or

Funds. Death of the Breadwinner takes Father and Mother from the

home unless there is a dependable income.

The best company is that which is best for Policy Holders.

The Northwestern Mutual is that company.

HENRY BOWERS, District Agent




Capps, W. S....Farmers Mutual Insurance Co.

CAREY, DR. A, B. Jr Dentist

Chamberlain, E. J Engineer

CRAWFORD, A. G LawyerDavis & Shadel MeatsDavis, T. T HorseshoeingDickey, Dr. W. W Dentist



LawyerDrew, Geo Tailor

Dulaney, FrankLawyer and Insurance

Griefe, Karl W Groceries

Grimshaw DrugsGrimshaw, BenPlumbing, Heating, Furniture andRepairing

Griwatz, A. W Millinery

GROTE, PAUL F LawyerHaplin, Geo. S TombstonesHansen, Mrs. Geo Florist

Hatfield Poultry Co.

Heck Bros. Variety StoreHeck, Sam Shoe Repairs

Helkey, C. A County Clerk

Hesley Barber Shop






Office. Court House PITTSFIELD, ILL.


Dunham, Herbert Restaurant

EDDY, N. L UndertakerENGLISH, HARRY ....Dry GoodsErwin, Gran Gardener


Foreman, W. S Cigar Mfg.

Fortune, Dr. H. C Physician

Fry, J. F FurnitureGicker, O. D InsuranceGraham, L. T Lawyer

liesley, Harry GroceriesHess, J. D LawyerHigbee, Judge Harry ..Circuit JudgeHiggins, John AuctioneerHillerbranner, Wm Livery BarnHirsheimer, Ben Dry GoodsHirsheimer Cigar Store

HOOPER, CHAS, A InsuranceHough, Mrs. xLaura ....News StandHuseman, Aug Bricks and TilesHuseman, Ed Bricklayer

INGALLS, DR. C. B Physician





" it AJxiAtik^ .CLTtd .(it<yti^ MdeCt'^


For House


and All Farm



Installed OWENFor Farm and Home


For Running




Flat Irons



WILL JOHNSON CO.Electrical Supplies and Contracting





"GOOD" to be sure

"BETTER" to be insured

"BEST" to be sure your Live Stock is insured in the Hartford"

under the same management as the Indiana and Ohio Live Stock In-

surance Co. Insure Horses, Mules, Cattle and hogs against death

from any cause. Pioneer in its line in Pike County, 111. Been writ-

ing this class of business since 1903 and have paid in full every death

claimed, not one unpaid, not even a postage stamp taken from the

loss when death comes. "That is Protection." Also I am a repre-

sentative of the old Aetna Insurance Co. of Hartford, Conn., and in

this grand old company I write all my Farm policies, which include

dwellings, household furniture, barns and all other farm buildings;

hay, grain, vehicles, implements, horses and cattle, hogs, sheep, goats,

silos and all other personal property on the farm. I also write city,

village and town property of all kinds at reasonable rates in the com-

panies known all over the U. S- as dependable companies, viz.—Aetna

Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford, Conn., American Insurance Company of

Newark, N. J.. The Franklin Fire Ins. Co., of Philadelphia, Pa., The

Hartford Live Stock Ins. Co., of New York, The Aetna Life Ins. Co.,

and its affiliated Aetna companies. Thousands of dollars paid to

policy holders for losses which have occurred in my agency. Strong,

Prompt, Dependable, Millions of dollars back of my agency. Lookme up, write, call at my residence. Phone me at my expense, as I

am at your service. SAFETY FIRST.


THRESHING MACHINE INSURANCEin the Security Insurance Company of New Haven, Conn. One of

the strongest and oldest companies in this country. Let me explain

this splendid policy.

HARRY C.MILLERGeneral Insurance Agent

Pittsfield - Illinois



X yX . y\ All systems of heating


I Hot Water, Steam, Vapor, :?;

:!: Hot Air. I

I My specialty—Hot Water :?;

X heating.J:

y ... *t*

*|* Plumbing in all its branches X

X —None but the best of ma- k,»*. , yK\ terials used. %X XIjl Farm Lighting Plants with :<:

the Famous Edison Storage \

% Batteries. Plants Guaran- %y% teed for five years. XX k\ "Leader" Water Systems \% Have running water in your X••

X home. J:

k ^ -^y tX *^

:»: My motto: Not how cheap J:

J: but how good. *4

y y*f tV

Telephone 152 PITTSFIELD, ILL.



NTT "17 "Tk r^'V • Art Pictures and Picture Framing• M^» MZiU MJ ± •

Public Chapel

Funeral Director

and Licensed



Telephones: Office, 2 on 275, Residence, 275


JEX CARRIAGE & HARNESSCO Harness and Buggies

JOHNSON, WM Electric ShopJOHNSTON, EDWIN LawyerKesterson, Delmer BarberKIBLER, H. C ContractorKIBLER, DR. O. L DentistKientzle, Henry ShoesKING, L. C Hereford Cattle

KING MILLING CO., Flour Mfg.Klemme, L. Jr InsuranceKOEPPING, F. A

Restaurant and BakeryLACY, DR. L. S PhysicianLeonard, Alonzo LoansLewis, F. M. & Son

Warehouse and GarageLOYD HARDWARE CO

Hardware and ImplementsMAIN, FRANK A JewelryMansion House HotelMarshall, A. W Cigar Mfg.McGary, P. T Shoe RepairsMcGuire, John Poultry HouseMILLER, HARRY C InsuranceMullady, Teresa SeamstressMUMFORD, WM. & BARRY.... '


Harrison and


Garage andRepair Shop


Both Phones






Xo changing of sharp pointed needles—Xocutting or ripping of the records.

All Kinds of InsuranceFarm Insurance a Specialt}'.

Make j^our headquarters here while in

the citv. You are always welcome.

Telephone 157 or addressNorth Side Square PITTSFIELD, ILLINOIS

Jex Carriage and Harness CompanyMANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN

High-Grade and Reliable Vehicles and Harness

Buggies, Surreys and Harness of All Kinds

Farm Wagons


All Kinds of Garriaiie aud Harness Repairing and Auto Top Workand A Full Line of Harness and Vehucle Accessories.

We have on hand at all times a number of Rebuilt Buggies. Our

prices and terms are always right. CASH OR CREDIT




Murphy, E. O Contractor

NELSON, C. H Garage

Newport & Lovell Groceries

Niccum, Bert Restaurant

NIEBUR, N. O Shoes

Nighbert, Dr. J. D Veterinarian

Nighbert, Dr. Maynard, Veterinarian

North-Side Bakery and Restaurant

Peacock, Dr. S. B Physician

Peters, John Barber




NewspaperPITTSFIELD BOTTLING WORKSPITTSFIELD HOUSE HotelPlatner, R. D UndertakerPratt, Melvin R RestaurantRaftery, Edw

Jewelry and Watch RepairingRansom, John M DecoratorRuyle, T. A Chevrolet Cars



Books, Stationery, Kodaks

and Kodak Supplies

Developing and Printing

Promptly Done

North Side Square

PITTSFIELD, ILLINOISiiiBiiiiniiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiBiiiiiHiiiniiiiiiiiiiin!iiii



Fire Tornado — Automobile Insurance a Specialty.

ONLY THE BEST COMPANIESrepresented and all heaviest losses settled promptly. The best place in

Pike County to Insure.


Office: West Side Square PittsHeld - Illinois






Phone 169

South Side Square PITTSFIELD, ILL.


I The

INorth Side Bakery

Iand Restaurant

11 F. A. KOEPPING, Prop.


Pure Foods7'^ "Quick 'Service, _"Reasonable pribes. A 'Special Jinvitation is extended ^ to .th© ^Farmers of Pike County to ^visit our New R^^taur^t;/SpCMcial attention to out of town gparties. |

|o">onj^\.xSFiMS;^y5^ I






JMlMijK— »K««:t*Itt:tt:««;«»>K*«H**K»*K*«X**X»*X«*H«*>






We Sell and ^/^^\ Recommend

the Following ^^^k" Triple-G Goods

Stetson Hats, Beacon Shoes for Men, E. P. Reed Shoes for Ladies,Athena Underwear, Wilson Bros. Neckwear and Sox, Lion Brand and RedTop Shirts, Bissel's Carpet Sweepers, Rugs, Linoleums and Carpets.


Schimmel-Miller Co HardwareShastid, Prof. Jos Studio

SHASTID, DR. W. E PhysicianShaw, Ross, Hardware and GroceriesShinn, H. S PhotographerSHRIVER CLOTHING CO

Men's FurnishingsSiegle's Jewelry StoreSiegle, John LoansSittler, E. W BarberSmith, Emmet CarpenterSmith, G. M Real EstateSmith, Mark E

Real Estate and InsuranceSmith, Dr. R. O PhysicianSny Island Drainage Dist Office

STRAUSS BROS Dry GoodsTippetts, Jas. D BlacksmithTroutner, T. N

Contractor and CarpenterTROUTNER, WM. D

Machine ShopTURNER, F. G

• Plumbing and HeatingUsherwood, John GardenerVETREES & CO

Books and StationeryWaiters, C. E Groceries


Bottling Works




and EL PORTOAre the



Manufactured at




LAMBERTVILLE (Snag Proof) MENZ ''Ease"

Rubber Footwear Work Shoes

For Tender Feet


For Children



Harry EnglishDRY GOODS

We SeUandi

the FcUowing

RecommendTriple-G Goods






North Side Square




We Feature the

Following Nationally

Advertised Goods

Having a Reputation

" Recommend

Triple-G Goods:

South Bend Watches, Ingraham Clocks,Arlington Ivory, Conklin Pens, LaTusca Pearls, Rockford Silver, Sim-mons Chains, Icy-Hot Thermos Goods,Columbia Grafonolas, Columbia Re-cords.

Careful Attention given to all kinds of

Watch, Clock and Jewelry Repairing.



The H. C. Kibler Planing Mill4 Blocks East on Washington Street

Pittsfield - Illinois

Poors, Sash, Door and Window Frames. Screens, Mouldings, OddMillwork, Cabinet Work of All Kinds, Furniture Repairing, Porch Work,Stair Work, Exterior and Interior Finish, Etc.

We Handle Plate and Window Glass, A Guaranteed Brand of Slate Sur-faced Asphalt Roofing, Sanitary Chemical Toilets, Etc.

All Kinds of Electrical Wiring Material, 'Fans, Irons, Fixtures, Lamps,Etc., For City and Farm Lighting Current. Get Our Price On WiringYour Farm Home For Electric Lights.

Metal Weatherstripping

On Your Doors and WindowsWill Save a Shovel Full of Coal

a Day and Make Your HouseMore Comfortable. Cet Prices.



We Sell and />^^\ Recommendthe Following ^^^^ Triple-G Goods

Kuppenhelmer Clothes, Stetson Hats, Wilson ShirtsMunsing Underwear

PITTSFIELD, ILLINOISiiiiniiiiHiiiiniiiiHiiiiiiiiiiniiiiHiiiiHiiiiniiiiHiiiiniiiiniiiiiBiiniiiiniiiiniiiiiBiy^^

Weaver, Geo. C LawyerWells, Dr. F. X Physician

Williams & Austin MeatsWilliams, C. M Variety Store

Williams, Victor E GarageWILLIAMS & WILLIAMS

LawyersYakley Bros GardenersYates, Edw LawyerZIMMERMAN BROS Garage

PLEASANT HILLBaker, E ClothingBillings, Chas PainterBrandt & Wells Real EstateBrinker, A BarberBurbrid'ge, Dr. C. Veterinary SurgeonCITIZENS BANKClare, S. H DrugsCraigmiles, Mrs. Annie HotelCraigmiles, C. J Real EstateCraigmiles, W. H General Mdse.Elmore & Lemon ...Grain and CoalFortune, Dr. H. D Physician!Galloway Bros. & Jennings

Hardware and ImplementsGant Bros

Furniture and UndertakingGoodman, Dr. J. E PhysicianGuthrie, Miss Minnie .... MillineryHARTSOCK, HARRISON &HAPPY Garage

KENNEDY & FOILES GarageKe^terson & Todd

Meats and GroceriesLaDow, J. N Feed MillLewis Bros. General Mdse.LeWork, Mrs MillineryMcClimens, R BlacksmithMinier Bros LumberModern Garage GaragePlayford Mfg. Co SilosPleasant Hill Messenger, NewspaperRoberts, F. A Auctioneer

Shive, G. L. & Son ProducersSitton Bros

Hardware and ImplementsThomas Bros

Groceries and ShoesThomas & Shive RestaurantWells, Dr. R. R PhvsicianWindmiller, C. F General Mdse.Windmiller, W BarberWinsor. John Blacksmith

ROCKPORTAtor, Claud Harness ShopBauer, Herman Bakery










L. A. PETERS. Proprietor

Food Administration

License No. 2.'!:i7~.

Sanitary in every degree.



Good to the last crust.

Prepared to ship to any place in

Pike County.




fl For 50 years the names CHAPMAN and KING have been identified

with high class food products, and CRYSTAL GEM has represented the

best that is obtainable in Soft Wheat flour.

q Our slogan has always been QUALITY and UNIFORMITY and this

is the paramount idea throughout our plant.

^ A full and very complete line of commercial live stock feeds always

on hand, at lowest prices consistent with the high quality of the pro-

duct offered.

N. D. King Milling Company, Inc.





"Manufacturers of HI'GH QUALITY Wheat flour for Half a Century"


This Bank has always endeavored to assist the farming community in

every way possible, realizing that the stock raising industry, and the

development of our agricultural resources, represent the foundation and

success of this locality, and the prosperity of its people,



? Pleasant Hill Illinois iy




The Best Place In Quincy...FOR...

Mens and Boys' Clothing

Furnishings, Hatsand Caps

124 N. 5th ON THE 124 N. 5th


Brokaw & Petty General Mdse.Dinning, C. A. & Son, Poultry HouseFerguson, C. W

Garage and BlacksmithGay, Dr. Mrs. Emma Physician

Gay, Dr. Fred PhysicianHaines-Rupert CoGeneral Mdse., Autos and Imple-ments

King Elevator Co., Grain, Coal, FeedLowrey, Chas BarberMartin, W. E Insurance

MINIER BANK OF ROCKPORTOgle Bros General Mdse.Rockport Lumber Co

Lumber and Building MaterialSmith, L. M. ..Insurance and Silos

Welch, Dr. J. H PhysicianWells, Joe Blacksmith

SUMMER HILLBolin, Harry BlacksmithCarlton, L. W General StoreGreen, Wm. W General Store

VALLEYGasaway, John Groceries

Roberts, C. E General StoreRoberts, Geo. R General StoreWade, J. W GroceriesWatson, C. A. & Son FruitsWroughton, G. T General Store

A live store managed by a

progressive merchant is

worth a good deal to anycountry town or countrycommunity. When you find

such a merchant, encouragehim with your friendship andyour patronage. By doingthis you will help make yourcommunity a better place to

live in.






in the



we rep



Whenor see

talk it

best line companies. Fire,

ing, Tornado, Live Stock—

from any cause.

LIFE INSURANCEresent the Northwestern and

Life, Health and Accident,

Tractor and Silo.

INSURANCEin need of Insurance, call

us and we will l)e glad to

OAcr with you.





Rot Proof Staves



50 Years

Wind Proof Anchoring System.Champion Steel Door Frame.

Champion Combination Latch andLadder.

Champion Red Wood Doors.On Hand for inspection.

L. M. SMITH, Dealer


Minier Bank ^j/^Rockport



We are here to assist the Farmer in carrying on his Farming operations

and improvements.

WHEN YOU have money, we want it. When you want money weHAVE IT.





Jul. Petersen Com. Co.

Wheat, Apples, Seed

Eggs, Poultry, Hides,Wool

Furs, Grain, Flour, Feed

709 Carroll Street St. Louis, Mo





following table shows the lowest and highest cash prices for cash contract wheat in th«market for the last 50 years and the months in which extreme prices were reached:

Months theLowest PricesWere Reached. Yearly Range

February $ .78

August 1.55November 1.04^December 76^April 73]4August 99V2November 1.01

September 89October 81 J^February 83 KJuly 83August 1.01^October 77January 81^August 86^January , .95f^December 69%October 90December 69March 73}iOctober 69 JiAugust 605^April 71^June 75 J4February 74%July .85October .69J^July 54September 50January 48)4August 53








\.3\Va.84.>i94 34




Months theHighest PricesWere Reached,

NovemberMayJulyAugustJulyFeb., April, Sept,AugustJulyAprilAugustDecemberMayAprilDecemberJanuaryOctoberApril and MayJuneFebruaryAprilJanuaryJuneSeptemberFebruaryAugustAprilFebruaryAprilAprilMayNovember




Professional Directory


SURGEONSpecial Attention to the Eye,

Ear, Nose and ThroatSpectacles Fitted

Phone Office and Residence

42 310 N. Monroe St.

Hours: 9 to 12 and 1 30 to 5


L. S. LACY, M. D.


Office—327 W. Fayette St.

Phone 202


DR. F. WM. RUNDEPractice Limited to

Eye, Ear, Nose and ThroatSpectacles and Eye Glasses Fitted

Hours 10 to 1 and 3 to 5

OFFICE 705 OLIVE ST.Central National Bank BIdg.. Rooms 602-3-4


Olive 3674, Central 5647 and Grand 3307 J


DR. J. DANIELSAgainst Contagious and

Infectious Diseases

VETERINARIANCalls Answered Day or Night

Phone on Either Central


B. B. DUNN, M. D.





Offices—Bush Block


Office 66, Residence 3 on 66




At Griggsville on Mondays,

Wednesdays and Fridays



Special Attention to Vacina-tions

Calls Answered Day or Night

Phone Baylis BAYLIS, ILLi





Professional Director v



Loyd Hardware Bldg.

Telephone 111



Telephone, Office 245, Res. 67

Office—Clayton Building

West Side Square



Phone 69

Office—West Side Square



Office, Farmers State

Bank Building



Over Shriver Clothing Store

Telephone Green 222

West Side Square



Phone 254

Office—Court House



Telephone 370

Office over Kientzle's ShoeStore

West Side of Square



Master in Chancery

Notary Public

Valuable Farms for Sale






Professional Directory

Wm.Elz. Williams A. Clay Willi«m. WILLIAM AND BARRY








Corporation Counsel andCity Attorney

Telephone Notary Public

Barr Building




for a Lower Price

Is One of the Reasons for OurSuccessful Operation Since 1867


Inducement to Buyers of

Pianos, Player-Pianos

and Talking Machines

Write for catalogs

and prices, also

our bargain list of

used instruments.

Parks Musicli^'- f '"ft

4ii :Mu House Co,

Established 1867

Write for

Our Beautiful


Hannibal, Mo. Louisiana, Mo.





Bank of Calhoun CountySTATE BANK


Capital Stock - $50,000.00

Surplus and Undivided Profits



President Vice President

ELMER E. WILLIAMS, WM. M. FISHER,Cashier Asst. Cashier

. PHILIP ADERTON, Ass't Cashier

ASSOCIATE BANKSUnder the Management of Elmer E. Williams

BANK OF KAMPSVILLE WM. F. SUHLINGKampsville, 111. Cashier

BANK OF RICHWOODS J. F. TRIBBLEBatchtown, 111. Cashier

BANK OF BRUSSELS P. M. ZIGRANGBrussels, 111. Cashier

I The above associated Banks are fully equipped to handle the =i general Banking Business of the Farmers and Orchardists of Calhoun mI County. I[ LET'S KEEP OUR MONEY AT HOME |I We have all prospered together. Let us continue to do so. B





Calhoun County Business Directory

BATCHTOWNBailey Bros General Store

Bank of RichwoodsBerry, Isaac S DrugsChurch, G. W ConfectioneryKritz, N General Store

Springstun & KritzBlacksmiths, Implements and AutoRepairs

Wilkinson, Chas. C HarnessZigrang, A. G General Store

Zigrang, W. HGroceries and Notions


Groceries and HardwareFoiles, C. H General StoreGill, T. S WagonmakerMerida, S. J TelephoneSudbrack, Wm. F General Store

BRUSSELSBank of BrusselsBenken, A. C. & Co. ..General Store


Bernt, Geo. H ConfectioneryBimslager, Barney ImplementsBopp, Herman

Blacksmith and Auto Repairs

Carpenter, P. L General Store

Eichhorn, Chas. General Store

Imming, Herman R. ..General Store

Kamp, John Jr GarageKulp, H. F Groceries

Wittmond, Chas. A. ..General Store

DEER PLAINDinkier, Chas General Store

Eichhorn, Chas. F General Store

GOLDEN EAGLEBapp, H. M .Auto RepairsBehnen, Henry LiveryDepper Bros.... General StoreGreathouse, Martha J

Grocery and MeatsHalemeyer, Hy.,

Groceries, Grain and FeedHaug, Adolph & Co., General Store

King, Philip Autos and Garage

Hardin Furniture Co. 1R. C. INGERSOLL, Prop. H



We Sell and eJ^^J Recommend re

the Following|^g^^ Triple-G Goods ffi

DeLaval Cream Separators, Buck's Stoves and Ranges, Heintz KStoves and Ranges, Bridge Beach Stoves and Ranges, Blue Bell Oil


Stoves, Puritan Oil Stoves, Simmons Oil Stoves, Simmons Tools andf(]

Cutlery, Shapley Tools and Cutlery, E. Z. and One Minute Washing ]£\

Machines, Ford Automobile Parts, J. B. Sickles Harness and Repairs, n\

Ten Star Batteries, Mansfield Tires and Tubes, U. S. American Field HFence, Straube, Kimball and Werner Pianos and Player Pianos, Can't


Sag Springs, Arlington Mattresses. K






The Kimball andThe Straube

Two world-famous PlayerPianos that have stood the

test for over sixty years. The

name is a guarantee. Music

makes happy homes. Nohome is complete without it.

Keeps the young folks at

home. Turns weary hours into

pleasant hours. We have a

piano for every home.Write or phone us for what you want. Let us have your bond or

your old piano in exchange for new pianos. Pianos right.

Prices right. Terms right. Service right. A word to

the wise is suflficient.

The Kimball PhonographThe Best Phonograph for the Home

Plays All Makes of Records

Prices and Styles to Suit Anyone

Expert Piano Tnning




High -Grade Holstein Cattle

Herd Sire: Fairweather Pontiac Fayne Boy, No. 273104



{Cholera Immune

Heavy Laying fWhite Wyandottes

Pure Bred I Barred Plymouth Rocks

McDonald bros.HARDIN :: ILLINOIS

]\Ianies, Chas. H General Store]\Ioses, Daniel Jr

Blacksmith and ImplementsSchulze, Albert A Nurserj^Seiferman, Chas General StoreSherman, Wm General Store


Hardware and ImplementsBank of Hamburg-Buchanan, E HotelCorbett, John MeatsDeLong, Dr. W. A PhysicianFerry, A. J Blacksmith

Fisher, H General Aldse.Fisher & Hughes ..Cooperage PlantGoltz, Dr. A. B PhysicianMeyers, G General Mdse.Morris, L. R General Mdse.Nelson, W. J. & Son ..General Mdse.ROSA, C. L Garage and AutosTavernier, Louis Luml^erWhite, Jake General Mdse.

HARDINAderton, Geo. L General StoreBailey, Elza Blacksmitli

BANK OF CALHOUN COUNTYCampbell & Greathouse ....Printers


n\ STEAMER AlyABAMA operates between St. Louis and Quincy, leaving St. Louis

Jj]Tuesday and Saturday at 3 P. M. and Quincv Wednesday and Sunday evening.

S CALHOUN COUNTY SHIPPERSnj .Besides the bi-weekly service of the Steamer Alabama, we also operate the

Jn Steamer Powell between St. Louis and Hamburg. The Powell makes three trips a

[n week and together with the Alabama gives almost daily service to all Calhounru County points.

fil For further information as well as for the facts about our famous TENNESSEELn RIVER EXCURSION TRIP write Jno. E. Massengale, Traffic Manager, Wbarf-Ln boat. Foot Pine St., St. T.ouis, Mo.



Cooke, C. EImplements and Vehicles

Corbett, Batty Jr MeatsDegorlia, Anton RestaurantEberlin, H. J....Lumber and Building Materials

Fisher, Morris E General StoreGodar, Chas CooperGraham, Mrs. Mae ....PhotographerHardin Electric Light & Power Co.

Heidercheid, C. Autos and GarageINGERSOLL, R. C

Furniture and HardwareKingdon GarageLamar, Chas. H PublisherMcNabb, Wm DrugsMottoz, Mrs. Nellie

Groceries and ConfectioneryOettle, Albert H CooperParker, Mrs. Nora BakeryRoth, Frank A GroceriesSchleeper, Mrs. M.... General StoreWilliams, Mrs. G. A Millinery

Williams & Schreiber Garage

KAMPSVILLEBank of KampsvilleBenniger, G. F ConfectioneryBroadway Garage Autos

Deal, E. H BlacksmithGetz, G. M HardwareHayne, Jos HardwareKamp, J. A General Mdse.KAMPSVILLE GARAGELeistritz, Edw

Blacksmith and ImplementsLumley, Art General Mdse.Oberjohann, Leo General Mdse.PATTON, H. A Mfg. ChemistReiss, Val MeatsRitter, Mrs. J. M General Mdse.Rose & Son

...General Mdse. and ImplementsSidwell, Dr. E. L.,Veterinary SurgeonSkell, Dr. W. A PhysicianSutter, Mrs. B. & Son, General Mdse.THARP, O. J

Pianos and PhonographsTillotson, S. I GarageWalton, Dr. F Physician

MEPPENDroege, Henry B General StoreKlaas, J. W General StorePohlman, John B BlacksmithPohlman, John H General Store














f] jj at one end the farm; at the other

the country town. Each depends

on the other, and both prosper together.

When broad-minded merchants and the

progressive farmers work together for the

good of the community, then you have a

community worth living in.




I Announcement—Look—Read |


I The World's Best Pianos and |

I Player Pianos |Always Bargains in E

Used Pianos E



WEILERS I122 N. Fifth Street E

Quincy's Leading Piano EHouse E

Write Today for Prices and =Catalogs. E

Souvenir Free to You. E

^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiEiiiiigiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif?

MICHAELKlunk, Frank LumberMielke, Wm

Blacksmith and ImplementsStelbrink, John General Store

Zipprich, Henry M....General Store and Harnesses

MOZIERClendeny Bros General Store

Clendeny, L Confectionery

Foiles, L. B General Store

Hasty, Mrs. A. E HotelHasty, F. M General Store

Smithrisger, J. A Blacksmith

When you do not know whatmerchant sells the merchandiseor machinery you are in the

market for, consult the "BuyersGuide Index" of this directory.

in nearly all cases you will beable to locate the merchant in

your county who sells what youwant.



Mail Orders Promptly Filled.

Everything in the Drug andy^

Kodak Line. •:



Let us Develop and Print your ^J*

Pictures, Prompt Service. *:*

Ed DeGaris I

325 Broadway




THE ALLEN :: Series 43w

LEADING SPECIFICATIONS4 cylinders, 3j^ bore by 5 in. stroke,

Electric control on in-

ENGINE—Allen L head type. Detachable Head.3 bearing crankshaft of heavy construction.

STARTING AND LIGHTING—Auto Lite two unit system.strument board.

IGNITION—^Connecticut system with automatic circuit breaker. Champion spark plugs.

CARBURETOR—Stromberg with hot air connection, superheated intake; air controlon instrument board.

COOLING—^Thermo-syphon, Mayo honeycomb type radiator.

LUBRICATION—'Pressure-splash system. Gear pump operated by end of cam shaft.

CLUTCH—10-in. Borg & Beck Dry Disc clutch.

TRANSMISSION—Allen selective sliding gear type. All gears Y% in. wide across face.

Gear ratios between motor speed and rear wheels. High 4.6 to 1 ; second, 7.9.5 to

It Low 14.8 to 1. Reverse 18.5 to 1.

STEERING GEAR—-Worm and full gear type. Adjusted by eccentric bushing. Wormoperating against ball thrust bearings. 17-in. steering wheel with corrugated rim.

DRIVE— Full Hotchkiss drive. Hollow propeller shaft with 2 '"Detroit" ball bearingvmiversal joints.

AXLES—^CoIumbia. Front: one piece I beam type. Beck roller bearings in hubs.Rear: Full floating ring gear and pinion with spiral teeth. Bower roller bearings.

CHASSIS SPRINGS—Alloy steel, oil tempered, semi-elliptic. Rear underslung, 56 in.

long, front 36 in. long.

FUEL SYSTEM—^Stewart vacuum fuel feed system. Square tank at rear, 16 gal.

capacity, equipped with gasoline gauge.

WHEELS AND TIRES—Wheels artillery type. Tires Miller geared to the road tread,straight side Z2 in. x 4 in. WHEELBASE— 110 in. width of tread, standard 56 in.,

road clearance 10 in. TOP-—One man type, high grade waterproof material. Plateglass windows in rear.

INSTRUMENT BOARD—Pressed steel over wood, black enameled mounting electric

control. Stewart Speedometer, ammeter, carburetor air control, automatic ignitionindicator, electric lamp and pressure oil guage.

FINISH—Body dark blue. Hood and fenders black. Wheels cream colored.

STANDARD EQUIPMENT—Starter, double bulb headlamps, tail lamp. Klaxon Horn,Stewart Speedometer, extra tire rim, ventilating windshield, robe rail, foot rail, tool

kit, repair kit, lire pump. Jack, Instruction Book.

C. J. HAYS : Barry, Illinois




Pike County Automobile Owners' Directory

(This list includes Farm Automobile Owners only.)

Name Postoffice MakeAdams, Geo. S., Rockport Rl SaxonAdkins, Spencer, Hull Ford

Aiken, Jas. G., Rl Ford

Akin, M. B., Griggsville Rl Ford

Alfs, Herman, New Canton R2 Overland

Alford, Warren, Kinderhook FordAllen, Ira, Baylis R3 FordAllen, J. A., Baylis R3 FordAllen, John W., Pearl R2 OverlandAllison, Emerson E., Nebo Rl FordAllison, William M., Pearl R2 DodgeAlsup, Marion M., Baylis Ro FordAnderson, Bert A., Hull Chevrolet

Anderson, O. C, Pittsfield NashAndre, R. L., Barry Rl MaxwellAnthony, James A., Griggsville R3....FordApplegate, H. B., Nebo Rl OverlandArnett, Roy E., Hadley Rl FordArnett, Thos. H., Hadley Rl FordAtor, Albert, Pleasant Hill R2 OverlandAtor, Floyd, Pittsfield R2 FordAtor, Roy E., Pleasant Hill R2. ... OverlandAustin, Mrs. Nora, Pittsfield RG Ford

Bacon, Wm. C, New Canton R2. .Studebaker

Bagley, C E., Pittsfield RT FordRaker, Logan, Pittsfield R2...Krit aufl Ford

Name Postofiice MakeBaldwin, Fred H., Griggsville Rl. . OldsnobileBall, Frank, Pearl Rl FordBall, John, Pearl Star Route FordBallinger, Harry, Pittsfield R3 FordBarber, Harry T., Pittsfield R7 FordBarker, John E., Baylis R3 FordBarley, Wilson, Pittsfield R4 FordBarnes, J J., Pleasant Hill Rl FordBarry, James H., Chambersburg Rl


Barton, Abram D., Pleasant Hill R2 FordBarton, Dr. Beach, Pleasant Hill RL.FordBarton, Beach, Nebo R3 FordBarton, E. T., Pleasant Hill

Ford and Ford Delivery TruckBarton, Howard E., Nebo Rl Ford

Barton, Stewart, Pleasant Hill Rl Ford

Bass, Fred, Pleasant Hill Rl Ford

Batley, Archer I,., Pearl Rl Ford

Bancroft, Almon C, KinderhookHupmobile

Bancroft, Lewis Z., KinderhookHudson and Ford

Bauer, A. F., Pittsfield R7 Ford

Bauer, Ben L-, Pittsfield R2 DodgeBauer, Isaac, Pittsfield R7 Dodge

Bauer, John A., Pearl Rl Ford

Zimmerman Bros.' Garage


Earl G. Zimmerman—Guy F. Zimmerman


''Everything for the Automobile''

Machine Shop, Oxy-Acetylene Welding, Lathe and Electrical Work

Storage Batteries Repaired, Storage Room, Gasoline, Supplies

Oils, Service Station Willard Storage Battery

Goodyear Tires, Silvertown Cord Tires

Phone 343

118 N. Monroe Street, East Side Square, PITTSFIELD, ILL.



McCarthy'sTire Repair ShopC. H. McCarthy, Prop.

TIRES REPAIRED, VULCANIZED AND RETREADEDRetreaded Tires Guaranteed 3500 Miles. The best material used.

It will pay you to investigate our work.

North of Ireland's Store GRIGGSVILLE, ILL.

Name Postoffice MakeBauer, Levi, Pittsfield R7 FordBauer, Leonard G., Pearl Rl BuickBekcnholdt, Walter, Rockport Rl FordBennett, Charles, Griggsville R2, ChevroletBennett, John B., Pleasant Hill FordBennington, C T., Hull Rl FordBergman, Fred B., Griggsville R2 FordBergman, R. K., Baylis R3 FordBerry, Frank S., Griggsville Rl FordBerry, John F., Pleasant Hill R2 OverlandBickerdike, Charles J., Griggsville Kl'

StudebakerBickerdike, Edward, Griggsville R:].... DodgeBickerdike, Robert, Griggsville R3.... DodgeBickerdike, William A., Griggsville R3..FordBiddle, Roy I., Valley DodgeBillings, George, Rockport R2 MaxwellBillings, Wallace, Pittsfield R.~) DodgeBirch, Arland F-, Griggsville Rl HudsonBirch, John D., Griggsville R3 DodgeBlack, Albert L., Griggsville FordBlacketter, Edward L-, New Canton R2. . . .


Blake, James P., Kinderhook Rl. ... MaxwellBlake, Lee R., Barry Rl FordBlake, Richard, Baylis Rl FordBlake, William J., Baylis Rl FordBlauser, William I., Hull Rl FordBolin, John W., Barry R3 OverlandBonifield, Eldon E-, Barry Rl DodgeBonifield, John M., Kinderhook Rl, Chevrolet

Booth, T. Henry, Pleasant Hill R2, MaxwellLoothby, G. Walter, Pittsfield R4, Hupmobile

Name Postofifice MakeBorrowmau, Charles D., Pearl R2 FordBorrowman, Orville, Pearl R2 ElcarBorrowman, Roy R., Nebo R2 FordBoulware, Elmer C, Barry R2 FordBowen, C. E., Pleasant Hill R2 FordBower, William Payson, Star Route. . .DodgeBowman, A. B., Baylis R3 FordBowman, G. W., Siloam Rl FordBoyd, Bert H., Barry Star Route FordBoyd, Harley, New Canton R2. ... Chevrolet

Boyd, Louis, Pittsfield RC FordBradburn, Charles T., Pittsfield Rl, OverlandBradbury, Homer L-. Chambersburg Rl, FordBradshaw, Emmet C, Hull R2 'Maxwell

Bradshaw, Thomas L., Hull R2 Overland

Brammel, George H., New Canton R2Overland

Brawley, B. Willard, Barry R4 FordBray, James E., Pleasant Hill Overland

Brewer, Anthony, Rockport R2 EmpireBricker, George, Pleasant Hill Rl FordBridgwater, J. T., Hull Chevrolet

Bridwell, James, Pittsfield R.j FordBrinkman, George F., Kinderhook Rl


Brooks, Joe E., Chambersburg Rl. .. .Oakland

Brown, Andrew, Pearl Star Route ....Ford

Brown, Arthur, Pittsfield R7 Studebaker

Brown, 'Carson, New Canton R3Ford and Dort

Brown, Everett, Kinderhook Rl FordBrown, L- G., Barry R4 FordBrown, William G., Hull R2 Ford


We Sell and Recommend the

Following Triple - G Goods: g

Chevrolet and Overland Autos,

Willard Batteries, Fordson Trac-

tors, Goodyear, United Stales gf FiresloneTiresCalls Answered Day or Night




Name Postoffice Make hJBrowning, Asa I,., Chambersburg Rl *•

Chevrolet yBrowning, Harvey, Chambersburg RL.Ford YBrowning, Melvin H., Perry Ford ,t.

Browning, Russell H., Chambersburg Rl.. »^.

FordBrummell, William, Pleasant Hill R2, Ford yBuchanan, Lester, Nebo Ford YBuchanan, Louis, Pleasant Hill Rl....Ford ,^»

Buchanan, William H., Chambersburg Rl.. *White y

Buchanan, William W., Griggsville Rl.. Dodge yBurlbridge, Robert E., Pittsfield R2 Ford %Burgner, Walter G., Baylis R3 Ford ABurke, A. L., Baylis R3 Ford ^j*

Burland, George E., Griggsville R3, Studebaker yBurlend, John, Griggsville R2 Ford *^

Buchanan, Marion, Perry Hudson Six Jt,

Bushfield, Fred P., Chambersburg R2 Ford *^»

Bushmeyer, Fred, Hull R2 Ford yBushmeyer, William, Hull R2 Dodge ^j*

Byers, F. M., Rockport R2 Maxwell «!

yCallwallader, Clarence, Kiiiderhook Ford yCallwallader, John, Hull Rl Ford *t*

Cadwell, Earl C, Valley Stutz XCadwell, George A., Griggsville R3.... Saxon yCallender, John H., Pearl Ford %Camp, Orlando, Rockport Chevrolet i*

Cannon, John E-i Nebo R3 Paige yCapps, Arthur S.. Pleasant Hill R2 Ford XCapps, Custer H., Pittsfield R2 Overland »Jm

Redden Notor Co-




We Sell and/the FoUoviring

Vesta Batteries,

Willard Batteries

Columbia Batteries

Ajax-Kelly Springfield andFirestone Tires, Mobiloils


Recommend yTriple-G Goods Y



Hodson Super-Six, Essex and Overland Motor CarsAMERICA'S GREATEST SERVICE CARS

Auto Repairing, Lincoln Highway Tire«, Firestone Tires, Mo-biloils, Complete Line of Accessories

F. D- DUNNIWAYGriggsville, 111.



NELSON'S GARAGEDistributors for


Havoline Oils, Goodrich, United States and Standard Four Tires and

Tubes. Columbia Storage .. First class Service on all Cars Sold.



Name Postoffice MakeCapps, Frank, Pleasant Hill Star Route..

MaxwellCapps, George W., Pittsfield R2 MaxwellCapps, James E., Nebo Rl FordCapps, Lester W., Pleasant Hill R2 FordCarries, Emmett, Griggsville Rl HudsonCarnes, Fay R., Pittsfield R6 Chevrolet

Carnes, Richard, Baylis R2 FordCarney, John, Pittsfield R4 Ford

Carney, Joseph H., Pittsfield R4 Ford

Carrel, Thomas J., Pittsfield R4 Ford

Carroll, George, New Salem R2 Overland

Carter, William H., Rockport, Ford and Carter

Cawthorn, Albert H., Griggsville R2 Ford

Chamberlin, Aaron, Pittsfield R4 Ford

Cliamberlin, Bert. Pittsfield R2 Ford

Chamberlin, IvOuis W., ElDara Rl Ford

Chase, Elmer W., New Canton Rl Ford

Chase, Orlando E-, New Canton RlOverland

Chenoweth, Alec, Perry Maxwell

Childers, William H., Hadley Rl, Chevrolet

Clack, Forbe W., Rockport R2 Buick

Clack, Grover, Rockport R2 Overland

Clark, Edgar H., Griggsville Chevrolet

Clark, Fred A., Griggsville Star RouteChevrolet



C." " Kinderhook Mitchell

Clark, Kenneth W., Griggsville

Hudson 0-Chevro1et

Claus,' Frank,' 'Ro'c'kport Rl Maxwell

Cline, Ruben E-, Barry R4 Ford

Clinging, Walter C, New Canton Rl, Ford

Name Postoffice MakeCockill, J. C, Griggsville R2 DodgeCollins, Sherman, Pleasant Hill R2 FordConboy, Roy J., Pittsfield Rl BuickConnour, Peter T., Hull FordConroy, Earl, Pittsfield R3

Overland, FordConroy, George, Pittsfield R3

Ford, OverlandCook, Charles, Valley FordCooley, Charles A., Baylis R3.... Grant Six

Cooley, W. W., Baylis R3 Ford'Cooper, Charles H., Pittsfield R2 FordCooper, George, Pittsfield R4 Buick

Cory, Harvey L,., Baylis R3 Ford

Cory, James E., Baylis R2 Ford

Cory, Martin, Baylis R3 DodgeCosgrove, H. D., Hull Rl Ford

Coulter, Charles S., Pittsfield BfJ Ford

Coulter, John R. Jr., Pleasant Hill R2, Ford

Courtney, William N. HullHupmobile, Halliday

Cox, Hubert, Pittsfield RT Chevrolet

Cox, John E., Hull R2 Maxwell

Craig, S. A., Pleasant Hill R2 Ford

Craven, John, Griggsville Overland

Criss, William R., Pittsfield R4 Mitchell

Crowder, C. F.. Pleasant Hill Star RouteFord

Crowder, Franklin W., Pittsfield Ford

Croxville, William, Hadley Rl Ferd

Cummings, H. Wallace, Cbambersburg R2Dodge





Established 1880 SCylinder Reboring and Repairing. Expert Repair Work on Automo- Cbiles, Tractors and Gasoline Engines. With our Oxy-Welding [JMachine we can repair your Broken Machinery and save you money.

[>Cast Iron a Specialty. It will pay you to investigate our work.


Name Postoffice Make Name Postoffice MakeCummings, Hayden Ford Dexter. Thomas S., Pleasant Hill Rl . . . . FordCunnmgham, Robert E.. Nebo Rl. .Oldsmobile Diamond, Roy, Hadley Rl FordCurfman Sam W., Perry Buick Dieterle, Roy H.. Baylis R3 Grant SixCurless, H. Ray. Pittsfield R4 Overland Dillon. James E., Montezuma Ford<_ur]ess, T. D., New Salem Ford Dillon, William B., Milton Star Route, Buick

.Demmitt. Gordon F., Pittsfield R4 Ford

Daigh, H. L,., Griggsville Rl' Chalmers Dinsmore, Hiram, Pittsfield R3 BuickDaigh, Joe F.. Perry Ford Dinsmore, John, Pittsfield FordDavis. Clarence, Barry Rl Hupp. Distlehorst, H.. Hull Rl ChevroletDean, Homer. Rockport Saxon Dixon Bros., Versailles R2 HupmobileDean. Rhea E., Griggsville R:j Chevrolet Dixon, Sam. Pittsfield Rl OverlandDean. Wilham E., Rockport R2. .. .'Maxwell Dixon. William, Chambersburg Rl FordDean, W. G., Rockport R2 Ford Doame, Alfred R., Pleasant Hill R2, OverlandDeitert, Herman, Barry Rl Ford Doame. Ralph, Baylis R3 EssexDell. O. H., New Salem Rl Ford Doame. Raymond. Griggsville Rl Staver

MORRIS'ADLER C. H. MOLLERGeneral Manager Vice-President

Morris Adier-Moller CompanyInvites you, when in Quincy, to make

your headquarters with them

Always Open


Tires and Accessories of all KindsWe Repair all Makes of Automobiles

223-225 North 6th Ave. Telephone 222




Loyd Hardware Co.j$i!$^ Hardware, Implements, Stoves

and Furnaces, Titan Tractors

Wagons, Paints, Autos

The Overland Motor Car

We Sell and

the Following

: Full Line of Auto Accessories




Triple-G Goods

Porter Barn Equipment, Deering Binders, Mowers, Rakes and Hay Loaders, Black-

hawk & Peters Corn Planters, Sharpless Cream Separators, Avery Cultivators, Caloric

Furnaces, Stover Gas Engines and Windmills, Thomas Grain Drills, Square Deal Fence,Superior Stoves and Ranges, Champion Washing Machines, I. H. C. Spreaders, Mas-sey-Harris Mowers, Mound City Paints, Oliver Plows, Buckeye & Milboum Wagons.



Name Postoffice MakeDober, Harry A., Rockport R2 FordDober, Louis, Rockport R2 SaxonDodge, James, Pleasant Hill R2. .. .OverlandDolbear, Christopher C, Hadley Rl

Ford, Carter CarDolbeare, James C, Hadley Rl FordDolbeare, Rozel C, ElDara Carter CarDorsey, Cecil T., Chambershurg Rl, Mitchell

Dorsey, Eugene L-, Griggsville Rl, StudebakerDorsey, Glenn H., Perry SaxonDorsey, Isaac, Chambersburg Rl.. Mitchell

Dorsey, John W., Perry Rl FordDouglas, A. M., Pittsfield Rl BuickDraper, Elmer, Pearl R2 FordDraper, Joshua, Pearl R2 FordDraper, Wesley, Nebo R2 FordDreon, Roy F., Pearl R2 FordDucey, John P., Pittsfield R4 FordDuff, Hugh H., Hull R2 Chevrolet

Duffield, Isaac J., Pleasant Hill R2 FordDuffield, James H., Pittsfield R2 FordDugan, Fritz K., Chambersburg Rl .. Chevrolet

Dunham, Andrew, New Salem Rl.. Grant Six

Dunham, Bert E., New Salem OverlandDunham, David C, Griggsville Rl, Chevrolet

Dunham, George N., Griggsville RlHudson Super Six

Dunham, Lewis C, Griggsville Rl FordDunham, Nathaniel, Griggsville Rl. .ChevroletDunham, N. K., New Salem Rl., Ford CoupeDunham, S. A., Baylis R2 OverlandDunham, S. K., New Salem Rl


Name I'ostofhce MakeDurben, Albert, Chambersburg Rl FordDurham, Charles, Rockport R2 Chevrolet

Dutcher, Stephen A., New Canton R2. .Haynes.

Eagle, Jacob E., Petersburg R3 Ford

Earley, Charles C, Barry R3 Allen

Earnest, George, Barry R2 FordEasley, William P., New Canton Rl, Overland

Ebbing, Joe J., Chambersburg R2. . .Overland

Eckman, Henry, Hull R2 Ford

Eddingfield, Fred, Hull Rl Chevrolet

Edmiston, R. Emmet, Baylis R2 Overland

Ellis, Bert, EIDara Ford

Ellis, Charles, Detroit Fo""*!

Ellis, David, New Salem Rl Ford

Ellis, George H., Pittsfield R5 Buick

Ellis, John W., Detroit Ford

Ellis, Peter J.. Tittsfield R3 Overland

Ely, Jesse E-, Hull Rl Ford

Emerson, James, New Canton R2. . Ilupmobile

Engel, William, Hull R2 Chevrolet

Engelmann, Baylis R3 Buick

Erk, J. W., Hull Rl Chevrolet

Evans, Frank A., Barry R3 Ford

Evans, J. W., New Salem Rl Ford

Ewers, Albert, Pleasant Hill Rl Ford

Ewers, Alpha, Pleasant Hill Rl Buick

Ewers, John, Pleasant Hill Rl Ford

Fantz, C. F., Hull Rl Ford

Fantz, E. C, Hull Rl Chevrolet

Fantz, William, Kinderhook Rl ... Chevrolet



ENSON'S GARAGEVesta Battery and Tire Station

^ All makes of Storage Batteries repaired andrecharged. Rental Batteries for all makes of cars.

Tires and Tubes vulcanized. All work first class

and guaranteed. General repair work.


Name Postoffice MakeFenton, Franklin M., Pittsfield R3

Moline KnightFenton, John M., ElDara FordFenton, Roscoe B., New Canton Rl FordFesler, Harry, EIDara Rl Clievrolet

Field, A. B., Pittsfield R3 FordField, Glenn H., Pittsfield Rl FordFife, George, Griggsville Rl ChevroletFisher, Truman, Beecreek FordFletcher, Robert W., Kinderhook . . . BuickFlick, L. A., Barry Buick and FordFlick, John, Barry R2 BuickFord, Clyde B., Nebo R3 ReoForeman, Arthur H., Pittsfield, Ford and ColeFoster, C. K., Hull Rl OldsmobileFoster, Robert J., Pittsfield R4 FordFowler, Charles, Griggsville Rl ... .Chevrolet

Fox, Walter W., New Canton R3 FordFrank, Lewis W., EIDara Rl FordFrazier, B. William, Pittsfield R2.. OverlandFrazier, Frank L., Pittsfield R5 FoniFreeman, 'Chester, Pleasant Hill Rl....FordFrench, Mabra E-, Milton Chevrolet

Froneybager, Clarence W., EIDara. .. .Ford

Fruit, J. Louis, Beverly R2 Buick

Fudge, Charles E,. Pittsfield R6 FordFudge, Clarence F., Pittsfield R4 E. M. F.

Fuerstenau, Ed., Rockport Rl MaxwellFurgeson, A. F., Pleasant Hill Star Rte.


Gaines. S- S., Kinderhook Rl FordGallaher, Otis, Barry Rl FordGallowav, Clyde R., Pleasant Hill Rl, Ford

Name Postoflice MakeGalloway, Joseph F., Pleasant Hill Rl

., Grant SixGalloway, Mayo L-, Pleasant Plill

Ford Truck, (Oldsmobile

Galloway, Mile, Pleasant Hill OaklandGalloway, S. H., Pleasant Hill R2.. MaxwellGalloway, Verdie, Pleasant Hill Rl FordCard, Cyrus P., Barry R.". FordGard, Henry, Barry R3 ChevroletCard, William, Barry R3 FordGarner, Herman and Bru. W. F,, NewCanton Rl Ford

Gay, Elmer, Rockport R- SaxonGay, Herman, Rockport Rl MaxwellGay, Hy H., Rockport Rl! MaxwellGay, Irving W., Rockport Rl Carter CarGay, Lawrence O., Rockport MaxwellGay, Wm. H., Rockport R2 FordGeisendorfer, L- and F., Pittsfield R7, DodgeGerard, Archie, Hadley Rl FordGerard, Clay, Pittsfield R2 ...FordGerard, L. W., New Canton Rl ...FordGheen, R. L., Nebo R3 FordGillum, Floyd, Hull R-' OverlandGlecker, John A., Baylis R3 EmpireGleckler, Harry P., Barry U3. .. .Chevrolet

Godfrey, Andrew, Baylis R2 FordGodwin, Homer, Pleasant Ilill R2...HackettGoldhammer, O. G., Chambersburg R2....

MaxwellGolmer, William, Hull R2 FordGoodin, B. F., Pittsfield R2 FordGoodin, Robert H., Pittsfield Ro Chevrolet

XHe Star Garage^fiST^


"Costs Less per Month of Seruioa"

Phone Baylis

All kinds of Expert Auto Repair Work.Vesta Battery Service Station. NewBatteries for sale. All makes of Batteriesrecharged and repaired. Rental Batteries

A specialty on Tractor Repairing.





Name Postoffice MakeGoodon, Evert, Kinderhook Rl .'Chevrolet

Gossard, Charles, Pearl Star Route Ford

Grafford, John F., Pittsfield R2 Maxwell

Graham, George W., Pittsfield R7 Ford

Graham, John J., Pearl Rl Ford

Grammer, Morris, Barry R3 Case

Gray, C. T., Baylis R2 Ford

Gray, Martha, New Salem Chevrolet

Gray, Richard R., Griggsville Rl Ford

Gray, Warren F., Barry R3 Willys-Knight

Green, Philip G., Hull 1^2 Overland

Greenstreet, H. E., Pleasant Hill RL.FordGreenstreet, James, Nebo R3 Ford

Greiwe, Dennis M., Perry Ford

Greiwe, Ernest H., Versailles R2 Ford

Grieve, William, Versailles R2 Ford

Griewe, Wm. Jr., Versailles R2 Ford

Griffith, Roy, Pittsfield R6 Ford

Griggs, Aley T., Hull R2 FordGriggs, George V., Perry, »

Hudson Super Six

Grimes, Lee, Nebo Rl Ford

Grimes, Walter C, Nebo Rl Ford

Gully, Joe R., Pittsfield R2 Ruick

Gunlock, Carl, New Canton R2 Ford

Gunlock, C, New Canton R2 Chevrolet

Gunlock, Edward, Kinderhook Rl Ford

Guthrie, C. F,. Pleasant Hill Rl Ford

Guthrie, John W., Pleasant Hill Star RouteOverland

Guthrie, Neal, Pleasant Hill Star RouteChevrolet, Elcar

Guthrie, Samuel, Nebo R2 Saxon

Hack, Albert D., New Canton R2 DodgeHack, Chas. E-, Kinderhook Hupmobile

Hack, Dan, Kinderhook Rl Ford

Hack, Everett, Kinderhook Rl Buick

Hack, Fred W., Kinderhook Rl DodgeHackman, William G., New Canton ....Ford

Halbauer Bros., New Salem Rl Comet

Hale, John S., Griggsville Rl Ford

Hall, Charles O., Pittsfield R3 Studebaker

Hammerton, Peter R., Studebaker

Hammitt, Cyrus, Griggsville Rl Chevrolet

Hammock, Jacob W., Rockport RlBuick, Ford

Hamner, Pilana, Nebo Rl Ford

Hampshire, J., Hull Rl Dort

Hannant, Chas., Perry Dodge

Hannant, John R., Baylis R3 Chevrolet

Haney, Thomas, Pittsfield R4 Ford

Harlow, Clayborn, El Dara Rl Ford

Harlow, Harvey, Pleasant Hill R2 Ford

Harper, Francis, Griggsville R3 Ford

Harpole, John B., Nebo R2 Oakland

Harrison, Eugene G., Rockport Maxwell

Harshmee, H. V., New Salem Rl Hudson

Harsman, G. McClelen, Hadley Buick

Harter, William, Pittsfield R5 Ford

Hatch, C. Page, Griggsville Rl Ford

Hatcher, Chas. W., Pearl Rl Ford

Hathaway, Henry, New Canton R2Hupmobile

Hattenbach, Charles A.. Pleasant Hill R2Ford

Haskins, Geo. L., Hull Rl Ford

Havird, Orlando. Barry R2 Buick


We Sell and i~

gthe Following

Recommend"Triple-G Goods

Wallis Cub Tractors, Chevrolet

Autos, McCormick Harvesting

Machinery, Alamo Lighting

Plants, Hays Com Planters,

Michelin Tires. Ajax Tires.


Name Postoffice MakeHayden, Claude, Pittsfield Rl.. StudebakerHayden, James Clay, Pittsfield Rl. .StudebakerHayden, S. C, Pittsfield Rl FordHayden, W. W., Pittsfield Rl Carter CarHazelrigg, Edgar S., Hadley Rl FordHeavner, Bert L,., Pittsfield R7 BuickHeavner, Lee, Pittsfield R2 FordHelm, Jesse, Pittsfield R4 FordHemphill, Joseph, Pleasant Hill Star Route

FordHenderson, John H., Pittsfield R7 FordHenry, James W., Nebo FordHenry, Malcolm, Pittsfield R3 FordHenson, Alex, Griggsville R2 FordHenthorn, Wm. H., Baylis R3 Grant SixHenthorn, Wm. H., Baylis R3 FordHierman, A. O., Berry R4 ChevroletHigdon, James D., Valley FordHiggins, Wm. H., Kinderhook ..Pan AmericanHill, Geo. S., Baylis R8 FordHill, Elizabeth S., Baylis Rl FordHillerbranner, Henry, Pittsfield R6 FordPlinds, Harry, Kinderhook FordHobson, Harvey, Valley Chevrolet

Hoerlein, John J., Perry ChalmersHoerlein, J. L., Griggsville Rl FordPlofmann, Fred, New Canton R3. .HupmobileHolt, Frank E., Kinderhook Rl ... .Maxwell

Holt, S. M., Pittsfield R6 Overland

Hooper, Ed. S., Rockport R2 SaxonHoose, Frank C, Pittsfield R6 FordHoover, Steve, Pearl Rl Ford




FOILES & KENNEDY, Proprietors


Tractor Repairing, Ford Accessories and Parts, Mobiloils, Battery-

Service Station, Champion Spark Plugs.


Name Postoffice MakeHorton, Otis, New Canton R'-i MaxwellHose, Albert, Pittsfield R3 OaklandHoskin, George & Son, Pittsfield R4, OverlandHoskin, H. J., Pittsfield R4 OverlandHoskin, Isaac A., Pittsfield R4 FordHoskin, W. F., Pittsfield R4 FordHoskins, Emery, Pittsfield R4. . . .StndebaKeiHouse, Grover C, Rockport R2 FordHouseweart, James I., Pittsfield R4 FordHoward, New Canton FordHoworth, Oscar, Hull Rl' FordHoy t, Roscoe, Barry R3 FordHubbard, Chas. G., Nebo Rl FordHubbard, Wnx.,_New Canton R2. .. .Chevrolet

Hudleson, Geo. B., Chambersburg RL.FordHudelson, Henry C, Chambersburg Rl, FordHuflF, Perry L., Barry R2 MoonHull, Cyrus B., Baylis Rl FordHull, Fred, Baylis Rl FordHunter, Merrel J., New Canton Rl. .Chevrolet

Hurt, Leon J., Barry R2 FordHusband, Sam'l A., Valley FordHyde, Geo. S., New Canton Rl FordHyde, Wm., New Canton Rl Dodge

Tftner, Harry, Pittsfield R6 Moon,Inman, Bradford, Barry R2 Ford TruckInman, John W., Barry R3 OverlandIrick, Albert, Pittsfield R4 FordIrick, AndMw, Pittsfield R4 OverUadIrick, Jacob, Hadley Rl StudebakerIrick, Jesse, Hadley Rl FordIrick. S. George, Pittsfield R4 Maxwell

Name I'ustoffice MakeIrick, William, Pittsfield Rf, OverlandIrving, Wade H., Chambersburg R2

Apperson and Saxon

Jackson, Uilie, Baylis U'.i FordJames, Chas. R., Pittsfield Ho FordJeffries, C. K., Hull Rl ChevroletJibbens, Geo. J., New Canton R2 FordJobe, John H., Griggsville R:>. ... ChevroletJohnson, Albert S., Pearl R2 FordJohnson, Chas., Hadley Rl BuickJohnson, Chas., Baylis R3 SaxonJohnson, Edgar, New Canton R2 FordJohnson, Edward, Baylis R3 FordJohnson, F. Ray, Hadley Rl FordJohnson, Geo. P., Barry R3 FordJohnson, John, Baylis R3 FordJohnson, Lee, New Salem Rl FordJohnson, Malcolm, Hull OverlandJohnson, M. A., Baylis R2 ChevroletJohnston, Allen, Pearl Rl

Ford and Ford TruckJohnston, Otis, Milton FordJohnston, Tom J., Pearl Rl FordJones, Geo. L,., El Dara Ford (2)

Jones, Stanley, Chambersburg Rl Ford

Kaeser, Edward, New Salem Rl . . . .StudebakerKaeser, Mrs. Emma J., Pittsfield R5, ....

StudebakerKallenbach, Frank C, Chambersburg Rl..

FordKallenbach, Louis, Chambersburg Rl....Ford

The continental AUTO INSURANCE:: ASSOCIATIONfurnishes automobile insurance at cost. We have an agentin practically every tovi^n in Pike-Calhoun and adjoiningcounties. Consult our representative in your nearesttowrn or for full particulars address

G. C. ROCKWOOD, Secretary

5th and Monroe Streets SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS




Name Postoffice MakeKallenbach, Wesley, Chambersburg Rl....


Karsten, J. A., Kinderhook Rl. ... Chevrolet

Karsten, Wm., Barry Rl Mitchell

Kasinger, Oliver, Pearl R2 Overland

Kassinger, Henry, Pearl R2 Ford

Kaylor, A. Newt., Baylis R2 Chevrolet

Kelsey, Frank, Pittsfield R3 Ford

Kelly. J. B., Pittsfield Rl Oakland

Kelly, 'Ray A.. Pittsfield Rl Studebaker

Kelly, Wm., Pittsfield Rl Ford

Kemner, Charles A., Pittsfield R7 Dodge

Kendall, Josana, Rockport Chevrolet

Kendall, William, New Canton Rl Ford

Kendrick, Ellis, New Canton Ford

Kendrick, Harry, Barry R3 Chevrolet

Kendrick, Jas. W., Hull Rl Chevrolet

Kendrick, John T., New Canton R2 Ford

Kendrick, Samuel G., New Canton, Ford

Kennedy, Delbert, S., Griggsville Rl, Hudson

Kennedy, Wilev P., Kinderhook Rl Ford

Kern, Edward"

M., Pittsfield R7 Buick

Kern, Fred, Pittsfield R7 Overland

Kern, William H., Hadley Rl Ford

Kessenger, R. O., Pearl R2 Maxwell

Keys, Charles, Pearl Rl Ford

Kimler, Deri, New Canton R2 Reo

Kimler, Ole E-, New Canton R2 Ford

Kingery, Wm. S., Milton Buick

Kinnaman, Geo. E., Netoo Rl Ford

Kinnaman, H. C, Nebo Rl Ford

Kirgan, Arthur, Versailles R2 Maxwell

Kirk, Jack A., Pittsfield R3 Ford

Kiser, A. L Pittsfield R3 Ford

Kiser, Dan K., Pittsfield Rl Hudsoni

Kiser, Fred William, Pittsfield R3 Hudson

Kiser, William C, Pittsfield R3. .. -Overland

Kistner, Geo. W., Baylis R3 Studebaker

Klarner Bros.. Darry R2 Chalmers

Kleinlein, Henry, Chambersburg R2 Ford

Klinge Bros., P. & D., Barry R3, Chevrolet

Knight, Chas. E., Hull R2 Overland

Knodel, Wm., Kinderhook Rl Page

Koon, Arthur, Pittsfield Rl Dort

Krutmeier, C. E., Hull Rl Ford

Kuhlman, Geo., New Canton R2 Ford

Kuhlman, Harry W., Barry Rl Chevrolet

Kund, Wm., Hull R2 Overland

Kuntz, Chas., Barry Maxwell

Kurfman, E. D., Baylis R3 FordKurfman, Raymond A., Baylis R3 Ford

LaDow, Sydney, Pleasant Hill R2 FordLane, Fred, Pittsfield R4 Chevrolet

L,andess, Allie, Pearl Rl FordIvandess, Stewart E., Pittsfield R3 FordLanders, Wm. P., Pittsfield R3. . .OldsmobileLasbury, John, Griggsville R3 HudsonLaugh Bros., Griggsville Rl FordLawher, Joseph, Pleasant Hill ChevroletLeahr, Valentine, Chambersburg R2....FordLedgard, Wm.. A., Chambersburg Rl FordLeeds, Daniel M., Rockport MaxwellLegan, Louie, Pearl Rl CadillacLemmon, Ross B., Rockport Rl

Ford and International TruckLemons, Milton, Milton FordLewton, Asher, Barry Rl Chevrolet

C. V. LIPPINCOTTProprietor








We SeU and /the Followin

RecommendTriple-G Goods

Goodyear Tires, Goodrich Tires,Champion Spark Plugs, PolarineOils, Enarco Oils, Mobiloils,Tungsten Spark Plugs, Ever-

ready Batteries.


Name Postofiice MakeLewton, Frank, Barry Rl FordLewton, H. B., Hull FordLieher, David, Perry FordLeiher, Edward, Chambersburg Rl, ChalmersLeiher, Ernest J., Perry ChalmersLieher, Fred, Chambersburg Rl. ... ChalmersLieher, Henry, Versailles R2 ChevroletLieher, John, Chambersburg Rl. .. .OverlandLieher, William, Chambersburg Rl FordLightle Bros., Griggsville R3 ChevroletLightle, Walter, Griggsville R3 FordLiggrett, Douglas, Kinderhook Rl FordLikes, R., Hull Rl Nash and DodgeLipcoman, E. E-, Chambersburg Rl....Ford.Lippincott, E., Kinderhook Rl. .. .Chevrolet

Lippincott, Harry, Barry Rl Chevrolet

Lister, Raymond, Pittsfield Rl FordLong, Richard H., Rockport R2, Willys-Knight

Lord, Frank, Pittsfield R2 Ford'

Losch, Charles A., Pittsfield R5Moline Knight

Love, Charles E-, Baylis R2 FordLove, J. Arthur, Baylis R3 HupmobileLowderman, Charles B., Griggsville R2

MaxwellLowe, Edward, Pittsfield R3 FordLoyd, Edwin H., Pittsfield R4 Overland

Loyd, Raymond T., Pittsfield R4 FordLyon, J. F., Kinderhook Rl SaxonMain, John H., Nebo, R3 Ford

Manker, Charles W., Pittsfield R3 FordManker, J. A., Pittsfield R3 Chevrolet;



SPECIAL ATTENTION!When you ship us your

APPLESWe have been handling Calhoun County Apples with satisfaction to

our many friends in Calhoun and Pike County.

We also handle Poultry, Eggs, Calves and general country Produce.

Metal Calf Tags furnished free upon request.

For Satisfactory Selling Service Ship to

Progressive Commission Co.We Guarantee Satisfaction

819 North 3rd Street ST. LOUIS, MO.

Xame I-'ostoffice MakeManker, Walter H., Pittsfield R7 FordManton, Elmer E., Griggsville Rl FordManton, H. A., Griggsville Rl FordManton, Thomas, Griggsville Rl FordMarshall, Pearl F., Pittsfield FordMartin, Frank C, Baylis R3 FordMartin, Fred, Griggsville Rl FordMartin, W. T., Baylis R3 FordMcCallister, Edwin, Griggsville

Saxon anil FordMcCallister, Gaston, Rockport R2. .Chevrolet

McCallister, James, Pleasant Hill RL.FordMcCann, Vester, Pearl R2 FordMcCarl, Stephen, Kinderhook Rl ... Chevrolet

McCarl, Clifford L,-, Barry R4 FordMcCarter, James K., New Salem Rl

Grant Six

McCarter, M. C, New SalemFord and Overland

McCIintock, Humphrey, Pittsfield R4 FordMcColIock, Alex, Pittsfield R4 Allen

McCollock, Samuel, Pittsfield R4 FordMcDanniel, William, Barry R4 Chevrolet

McDavid, John, Barry Rl ChevroletMcFarland, Joseph, New Canton FordMcGreevy, William, Pleasant Hill FordMclntire, Harry, Kinderhook R2 FordMclntire, L,. Edw., Barry Ford TruckMcKenna, Charles H., Pleasant Hill R2..FordMcLaughlin, Ralph, Griggsville Rl, ChevroletMcLaughlin, R. O., Griggsville Rl, ChevroletMcMillen, Isaac, Rockport R2 FordMcNary, Alfred C, New Canton R2, Maxwell

Name PcstoflSce MakeMcNary, Charles, New Canton R2.. OaklandMcNary, Frank, New Canton Rl FordMcNeal, F. M. & C. A, Doyle. Barry, .BuickMcSorley, John, Pittsfield Rl FordMegehe, Charles, New Canton R2. . ChevroletMellon, John W., Baylis R3 For.lMercer, Max M., Pearl Rl ..FordMetz, John, Chambersburg Rl ChevroletMeyer, Andrew, Payson, Star Route 1, FordMeyer, Fred, Kinderhook MitchellMilhizer, James, Barry Rl FordMiller, Charles, Rockport R2 !!!FordMiller, Elizabeth, Pittsfield R7 '.'.'.Dod^eMiller, Homer C, Rockport Rl MaxwellMiller, M., Baylis R2 ChevroletMiller, Samuel, Baylis R2 Chevrolet^Miller, Silas, Siloam Rl FordMiller, Frank M., Baylis R2 Grant SixMiller, William B.. Barry Rl FordMilligan, Thomas E. Barry R4 FordMills, Earl G., Griggsville R2 FordMink, Grover S., Pittsfield R6 FordMitchell, Irvin, Summerhill FordMoore, Eee S., New Salem ChevroletMoore, Newton A., Griggsville Rl.. Hudson,Moore, Richard, Griggsville R3, Hudson, FordMoore, Ross, Pittsfield R6 ChevroletMoore, S. E., Griggsville Rl Grant SixMorey, Harry, New Salem DortMorgan, Henry, Pearl R2 KirtMorrissey, M. J., Pittsfield R4 .\ppersonMotley, George E., ElDara OverlandMountain, Alby R., Siloam Rl Ford



Name Postoffice MakeMountain, W. T., Baylis R3 Ford

Moyer, Charles, Barry Star Route FordMoyer, Floyd E., Hadley Rl Ford

Moyer, Orville A., Hadley Rl DodgeMoyer, Parvin A., ElDara Ford

Moyer, Raymond, Hadley Rl Ford

Mulford, J. H., New Salem Rl FordMiillins, Clarena, Valley Ford

Mullins, J. C, Griggsville R2 Chevrolet

Murphy, J&hn B., Detroit Ford

Musgrove, Charles W., New Salem Rl..Ford

Myers, Mrs. Charles, Griggsville Rl' Ford

Myers, Douglas, Barry R3 Ford

Myers, William, Barry R" Ford

Nation, J. H.. Pittsfield R4 Ford

Neal, Henry, Hull R2 Ford

Nelson, Cecil E., Griggsville Rl, Studebakor

Nestrick, George, Kinderhook Chevrolet

Newingham, Isaac, Chambersburg Star

Route Liberty Six

Newman, Edd., Griggsville Rl, Hudson, Ford

Newman, Levi E., Griggsville R2 Hudsoni

Newman, Welcome, Griggsville Rl, Chevrolet

Nichol, Walter, Hadley Rl Ford

Nichols, Harry, New Canton R2. .Hupmobile

Nichols, Norman, New Canton Ford

Niemeyer, John E-, Hull R2 Overland

Noble, Harvey G., Chambersburg RlChalmers

North, Harry, Pleasant Hill ReoNorton, Charles W., Pittsfield R7 DodgeNorton, James W., Pearl Rl Pord

Name Postoffice MakeO'brien, William, Hull R2 FordO'Connell Bros., Pittsfield R« FordOffendbacker, Pittsfield R3 DodgeOgle, Augustus, Rockport Rl MaxwellOitker, Albert, Barry R3 . . ._ Chevrolet

(3itker, Cloyd, Barry R3 Chevrolet

Orebaugh, George, Baylis Rl FordOrr, Gregg, Hull Rl FordOrr, Lee, Griggsville Rl FordOrr, Ralph, Baylis R3 FordOrre, Claude, Chambersburg R2 FordOrville, George .A, Pleasant Hill R2

Ford (2)

Dwnby, Otis O., Hadley Rl FordOvvnby, William B., Hadley Rl. .Chevrolet

I'arke, Irvin, Pittsfield R7 FordParks, Virgil T., Montezuma Star Route..

FordParrish, Little B., Hull R2 OverlandPatterson, James W., Pittsfield R2 FordPatterson, John L-. Barry R-t Maxwell

Payne, William E.. Rockport Rl . . . .'Maxwell

Pearson, C. R., Pleasant Hill Rl Ford

Pearson, Elliott, Pleasant Hill Rl Ford

Peck, Harry. Nebo Rl Dort

Peck, Victor H., Hull R2 Chevrolet

Pelican, Charles I,., New Canton. .Chevrolet

Penny, J., Barry R3 FordPenstone, Charles H., Griggsville R3..BuickPenstone, E. G., Griggsville R3. .Studebaker

I'enstone, Her'bert W., Grigg<;ville R3..Ford


LALLEY- LIGHT"Always Runs and Runs Right"

ELECTRIC LIGHT ANDPOWER FOR EVERY FARMWe install the plant, wire your

buildings and furnish electric fixtures

complete. Installed by expert

mechanics and service guaranteed.


Since the first Lalley-Light Plant was sold down to the present time, we do not

know of one that has worn out in normal service. We do not know of a single

dissatisfied owner. It has proved its low cost, its absolute safety, its reliability

wherever it has gone. Write us today for complete detail and cost of plant.





Sales Rooms:

419 Hampshire St.

Quincy, Illinois

114 North Third St.

Hannibal, MissouriBarry, Illinois

Macomb, Illinois



Service Stations:

18th and BroadwayQuincy, Illinois

114 North Third St.

Hannibal, MissouriBarry, Illinois

Macomb, Illinois


Full Line of Chevrolet Repairs


Chevrolet Autos—Republic Trucks—Firestone Tires—GoodrichSolid Truck Tires and Willard Storage Battery Service



Name rc«toftice ?ilake

Penstone, ^^'. E-, Griggsville R3Ford and Ford Truck

Perry, William, Pearl Rl Ford

Peters, William, Hull R2 Overland

Peterson, Dean, New Salem Rl Ford

Peterson, James, Pittsfield R7 FordPetty, Barney, Pittsfield R2 DodgePetty, Warren T., Rockport R2 Ford

Phebus, Charles M., Pittsfield R4.. Overland

Phillips, Roy A., Griggsville Ro.... HudsonPierson, Shirley G., Pittsfield R4.. Grant Six

Pool, Ed. E., Chambersburg Rl. .. .Chevrolet

Porter, John C, Pittsfield Rl Buick

Pothast, C. E., Hull Rl Overland

Potter, John C, Barry Rl FordPotter, Newman, Baylis R2 Chevrolet

Potter, W. P., Baylis R3 FordPowell, D. H., Baylis Rl MaxwellPowers, Samuel O., Griggsville R3.. HudsonPogor, Mrs. Rachel, Pittsfield R4 FordPurell, Edward T., Hull R2 Grant Six

Pyle, Bert, Pittsfield R3 DodgePyle, Guy, Pittsfield R2 FordPyle, James, Valley FordRader, Wallace, Barry R4 FordRaftery, Frank, Hadley Rl Chevrolet

Raftery, Joseph, Pittsfield R4 FordRaftery, William, Hadley Rl Ford

Rainwater, E. John, Pittsfield R7. .Oldsmobile

Rans, Warren, Pittsfield R7 Ford

Ratcliff, Samuel, Barry Rl Ford

Read, Charles E-, Pearl R2 Ford

Read, John, Baylis R3 Stutz

Name Postoffice MakeRood. Alexander, Hull R2 Overland

Reed, Charles, Hull R2 Chevrolet

Reed, Charles E-, Hull R2 Chevrolet

Reed, Floyd R., Hull R2 Chevrolet

Reed, Harlow, Hull R2 Overland

Reed, John T., Pittsfield R4 Ford

Reel, Fred, New Canton Rl Ford

Reel, Harvey H., Pittsfield R6 Ford

Reese, Ed., Baylis R3 Carter

Reese, Herman C, Griggsville Star Route..Chalmers and Ford

Reinhardt, Mrs. Anna, Kinderhook RlMitchell

Reinhardt, John, Pittsfield R4. . Grant Six

Reinhardt, Mary, Baylis R2 Ford

Renond, Charles, Pearl HupmobdeRhodes, Daniel E., Pittsfield R7 Hudson

Rhodes, Emmett A., Pittsfield R3 Ford

Rhodus, Jas. M., New Canton Rl 'Maxwell

Richards, Alden, Barry R3 Buick

Richards, Marion J., Barry R3 Ford

Richev, Marion E., Pittsfield R5 Ford

Ridenour, John, New Canton R2, Hupmobile

Rigg, Wm. R., Baylis R2 Case

Riley, Albert, Pittsfield R2 Oakland

Riley, Clarence A., Chambersburg RlFord and Dodge

Riley, Frank, Chambersburg R2. .Grant Six

Riley, Joe, Pittsfield R6 Ford

Riley, Mary, Chambersburg Rl Ford

Roberts, Geo., Pearl Rl, Hupmobile and Ford

Roberts, James F., Pittsfield R2 Overland

Roberts, John S., Pleasant Hill Rl Ford



-READ IT FIRST IN THE WHIG"The Whig Co., Published Every Morning Except Monday. Established May 5, 1838






MAIL SUBSCRIPTION RATES:Year $4.00—6 mo, $2.50—3 mo. $1.25—In States of Illinois,

Missouri and Iowa. Otherwise $7.00 per Year.


Name Postoftice Make Name Pi'stoffice MakeRobertson, Robert I., Rockport Rl..Maxwell Sanderson, Frank J., Pittsfield R3....Buick

Robins, Charles S., Tittsfield R4 Ford Sanderson, Harry S., Pearl Rl FordRogers, Allie, Hull k.:: Chevrolet Sanderson, R. V., Pittsfield Rl FordRoosa, Ernest L., Rockport Rl' Saxon Sanderson, William A., Pittsfield R3....BuickRose, James A., Pittsfield R:i Chevrolet Sapp, John W., Rockport Rli FordRoyalty, C. Otis, Hadley Rl Ford Sargent, Harry, Griggsville Rl ... .Chevrolet

Rush, Cyrus D., Griggsville Rli Ford Saxbury, Frank P., New Canton R2, Overland

Rush, Otis. Detroit Oakland Saylor, Harvey A.. Pittsfield R7 FordRush, Robert E., Pittsfield R'". Scarborough, V. !>., Detroit

Ford and Studebaker Buick, Reo TruckSchemel, J. A., Pittsfield Rl Buick

Sackett, Dan'l W., Baylis R2 Ford Schemel, William. Pittsfield Rl FordSalke, Robert S.. Pittsfield R2 Ford Schlieper; Ed., Pearl R2 MaxwellSanderson, Fayen, Detroit Buick Schlieper, Otto, Pearl R2 Ford

Cash Clothing CompanyCHAS. S. BROTHERS

Larger Stock, Luwer Prices IN CLOTHING ANDBetter Selections MEN'S FURNISHINGS

5% Discotint on All Purchases.

107 North Main Street HANNIBAL, MISSOURI



Name PoiStoffice MakeSchmidt, Tohn P., Baylis R2 Ooverland

Schmidt, Wm., Pittsfield R6 Chevrolet

Schuhardt, Ernest B., Barry Rl Ford

Schuhardt, Henry, Barry Rl Ford

Schultz, Harvey, Barry Rl Fori

Scott, Harvey J., El Dara Ford

Scoville, Orville, Hull R2 Ford

Scranton, Henry, Barry Rl Ford

Scranton, Henry, Pleasant Hill ReoScranton, Thomas, Nebo Rl Saxon

Scranton, Wm. T., Plea? iiU Hill, RenSeaborn, W. K., Baylis Rl Overland

Secrest, Nathan. Chamuer'-ourji Rl, Chevrolet

Sedberry, Wm., Pittsfiild RlDodge and Ford,

Seibert, Geo. W., Detroit FordScybold, Cha";. E., N-'w Salen Kl . .Cheviclet

Seyboid, C. G., Baylis R3. Grant Six

Seymons, James, Nebo R2 Ford

Shaw, Fred, Rockport R2 Buick

Shaw, Orven W., Pittsfield Rl FordSheppard, S. H., Nebo R2 DodgeShubart, Anton, New Canton R2 FordShupart, Frank, New Canton R2. .. ChevroletShinn, Clarence, Hull R2 FordShinn, Claude, Pittsfield R5 AppersonShinn, G. W., Hull R2 Chevrolet

Shinn, Mrs. W. D., Pittsfield R.j

Reo and FordSiegle, Julius G., Pittsfield RO FordSimpkin, Thomas, Griggsville R3. .. .OverlandSimpson, Carl L., Pleasant Hill Rl FordSimpson, James, Pleasant Hill Rl Ford


and PIASAFirst Class

Passenger and Cargo Service


on ,


Operated by

EAGLE PACKET CO.Incorporated 1878

General Office,

Vine Street and River


Dr. B. F. CornelFs

ElectricBarbedWireLinimentIs one of the best remedies on the market for Sore Shoulders, Sore

Necks, old sores of all kinds on man or beast. On the market 42 years.

Go get a bottle today. Keep it in the house all the time. There is

nothing like it on the market. Every bottle guaranteed. Do not wash

or bandage sore.

Manufactured and Guaranteed by

Dr. B. F. Cornell Manufacturing Co.

Sold Everywhere




Name Po'Stoffice MakeSims, Dave J., Rockport Rl i'ord

Sinclear, Ashley, Hull R2 FordSitten, F. J., Pleasant Hill FordSitten, W. R., Pleasant Hill Rl FordSitton, Fred, Pleasant Hill FordSkinner, Harvey, Griggsville R3 FordSleight, Charles W., Griggsville Star Route,

DodgeSleight, John W., Griggsvville R2 DodgeSleight, Robert N., Griggsville R2 DodgeSlight, Thomas, Griggsville R" Chevrolet

Sloan, Nathan, Detroit FordSmart, James W., Detroit FordSmith, Charles E., Hull R2 Overland

Smith, Charles E., Baylis R3 FordSmith, Earl C, Detroit, 111 BuickSmith, Elza L,-, Kinderhook FordSmith, George W. G., Pearl R2 'Elcar

Smith, Harvey D., Pittsfield FordSmith, Henry, Griggsville Rl FordSmith, Isaac S., Pittsfield R4 FordSmith, James, Pittsfield Rl FordSmith, Jesse C, Pearl R2 ReoSmith, John C, Hull DodgeSmith, John M., Pleasant Hill Rl MaxwellSmith, John W., New Canton R2. .HupmobileSmith, Euther E., Nebo R2

Ford and Chevrolet

Smith, Melvin, Pearl R2 FordSmith, Robert, New Canton Rl FordSmith, S. J., Kinderhook Rl Allen

Smith, Wm. I,., Hull R2 Ford

Name Postoffice MakeSneeden, Chas., Pittsfield R3 OverlandSneeden, Chas. Sr., Pittsfield R3. ... OverlandSneeden, Dean E-, Pittsfield R4 OverlandSneeden, Emmett, Pittsfield Rl FordSneeden, Lewis, Pittsfield R3 OverlandSneeden, Wade E-, Pittsfield R3 OverlandSnyder, John, Rockport MaxwellSnyder, Wm. W., Rockport MaxwellSowers, A. G., Baylis Rl HudsonSowers, John G., Pearl Rl GrantSpalding, Howard A., Hull R2 OverlandSpencer, Mrs. Lila, Hadley Rl.... Carter CarSpencer, Warren R., Hadley Rl.... Grant Six

Staff, Peter Sr., New Canton R2 BuickStaff, P. F., Barry FordStauffer, E. K., Barry R2 FordStauffer, John E., Barry R2 FordStauffer, J. C. Sr., Baylis R3. .. .HupmobileStauffer, John W., Baylis R3.... Grant SixStephenson, Geo., Pittsfield Rl FordStevenson, T. Roos, Baylis R3 FordStevenson, W. A., Bayis R3 FordStewart, A. W., Pittsfield Rl FordStickhost, Leslie, Hull R2 OverlandStickhost, Walter, Hull R2 Overland

Stolle, Albert, Hull R2 FordStolle, Henry A., Hull R2 Ford

Stolle, Walter A. , Hull R2 Ford

Stone, Napoleon, B., Pittsfield R2 DodgeStone, Mrs. Phoebe C, Pittsfield R2


Stone, Jame A., Pittsfield. .. .Chevrolet (2)


Plant food and the correction of soil

acidity. We are producers of High Car-

bonate Pulverized Agricultural LIME-STONE. The kind and size recom-mended by Dr. Cyril G. Hopkins of the

University of Illinois. Price and samplefurnished on application.




Name PcL-^toi'iice MakeStraus, E. A., Baylis K^ FordStraus, Fred T., Baylis R:J FordStrickland, Ud. W., Hull R2 FordStroheker, F. L,., Hadley R1 Ford

Stroheker, Wm. ?I., Barry Rl' DodgeStrother, Daniel W., Hull R2 DodgeStrother, S. K., Griggsville Rl Buick

Strubinger, Edwin T., El DaraNash and Ford

Strubinger, Harry J., Pittsfield R4. Ford (2)

Strubinger, William A., Pittsfield R4Ford and Carter Car

Sullivan, Mary Riley, Pleasant Hill R2. FordSutton, Neal, Ndbo Ford

Sweeting, Fred M., Griggsville Rl' DodgeSweeting, H. W., Griggsville Rl ... .Overland

Syrcle, J. Henry, Griggsville Rl Hudson

Tate, Horace H., Hull R2 SaxonTaylor, Calvin D., El Dara Rl Chevrolet

Taylor, L. S., Rockport R2 Ilupmobile

Taylor, Wm. P., Griggsville R2 FordTedrow, Rose, New Salem Rl

Ford and Grant Six

Test, C. J., Griggsville Rl FordThiele, Gustave, Griggsville FordTholen, Frederich H. .Barry Rl OverlandThomas, Philip W., Pittsfield R7 FordThompson, Archie A., Chambersburg R2, FordThompson, Elmer, Barry Rl FordThurman, Howard. Pearl Rl FordTipton, Wm. W., New Canton FordTimmon. Adam T., Hull Overland


W. A. SMITH, Proprietor





317 Georgia Street





X Agencies for the celebrated Monogram Stoves, Weir Furnaces, Republic Xt» Tires, Standard Four Tires, also carry a complete line of HARDWARE 't*


k Corner 7th and State Streeti*



For ''Those Better Shoes'' Try

L W A ¥Cash Store, Cash Prices

E t t E mWe Refund 10c on Each $1.00

105 N. Main St. HANNIBAL. MO.



Better ShoesBetter Service

Footwear for the entire

family and for

every occasion.

We fit your feet.

OGAN'^ Your Shoe Store s


205 Center St HANNIBAL, MO. 121 N. Main St.

Name Poistoffice MakeTittenwoith, T. T., New Canton Rl Moon

Toland, Wm. D., Baylis R2 Ford

Tolbert, €arl B., Chamberslburg R2Chevrolet

Tolbert, Chauncey R., Chambersburg R2. .


Torrens, Robt. M., Barry R4 Studebaker

Traitwein, Albert M., New Canton Rl, Ford

Treaster, Joseph S., Hull Maxwell

Triplutt, Albert N., Barry R2 Ford

Turnbaugh, Alice, Netoo R3 Ford

Turnbaugh, Frank, Pleasant Hill Rl Ford

Tnrnbaugh Otho S., Nebo Rl? Ford

Turner, Chester, A., Pearl Star Route, Ford

Turnbull, Fred, Griggsville R3 Dodge

Turner, James K., Hull R2 Dodge

Underwood, William H., Pittsfield R5...Ford

Varner, Roland C, Pittsfield R.i Ford

Vaughan, John W., Pearl Star Route.. Buick

Vaughan, Ray J., Griggsville R3. .. .Chevrolet

Vinernt, Samuel, Hull R2 Ford

Vinernt, Samuel J., Hull R2 FordVonConnour, C, Hull R2 FordVose, John P., Perry Studebaker

Wackerman, Loyd L., Pittsfield R4....FordWade, Arthur W., Griggsville R3, Carttr CarW^agner, Fred W., Chambersburg Rl....FordWalch, Charles A.. Hull Rl OverlandWalk, Chas. W., Bedford FordWalker, €has., Griggsville Rl Ford

s. a s.

SHEPARD'S OPTICAL SHOPfor eyes in distress

New Glasses on New Lenses in

the shortest time.















Name Postoffice MakeWalker, John A., Bany R2 FordWalker, Russell H., Griggsvillle Rl FordWallace, Joseph, New Canton R3. .. ChalmersWalsh, W. E., Kiuderhook Rl FordWard, Ernest li., New Canton R3 FordWard, Geo. F., Pleasant Hill R2 FordWard, Harry, New Canton H2 FordWard, Thomas J., Rockport R2 FordWarton, Geo. H., Griggsville R8 Esse.x

Wassell, Fimer, Pittsfield R-5 OverlandWasson, M. F., Hull Rl FordWatson, Dexter E-, Barry Rl FordWatson, William W., Barry Rl DodgeWeaver, Frank, Nebo Rl FordWeaver, G. N., Pleasant Hill Rl FordWeaver, John, Nebo Rl F'ord

Weaver, Orion, Detroit I'ord

Webel, George J., Chambersburg RlWillys-Knight

Wellenreiter, Wesley, Chambersburg R2. . . .

ChandlerWells, Floy, Barry R] FordWelty, Jacob A., Detroit Ro FordWestlake, Geo. W., Pittsfield Rl FordWetzel, Henry, Griggsville Rl Ford~Wheelan, James, Barry R3 ChevroletWheeler, Ben M., Montezuma Star Route

FordWheelock,- Dexter. Hull Rl DortWheelock, John PL, Hull R2,

Chevrolet and WhiteWhite Bros., New Salem Rl StudebakerWhite, Charles C., New Salem Rl, Chevrolet

Name Postoilfice M,ake

White, Emmett, New Salem Rl. .. .Chevrolet

White, William G., Griggsville Rl, Overland

Whitmore, Qrville, Baylis R3 Overland

Wike, Joseph R., New Canton Rl Ford

Wike, Lewis A., Barry R3 Chevrolet

Wike, T. Carson, New Canton R3..Grant Six

Willard, Charles W., IMtsfield R7 Ford

Willard, Murray M., Pittsfield R" Ford

Willard, Ora L,., Pittsfield R7 Overland

William, Robert A., I'ittsfield Rl, Studebaker

^^'illiams, Charlie M., Baylis R2. .Hupmobile

Williams, C. F., Pittsfield R3 Ford

Williams, Harry F. Rockport Maxwell

Williams, Henry M., Griggsville Rl.. Dodge

Williams, Isaac N., El Dara Ford

Williams, Leland, Detroit Studebaker

Wilken, Joseph W., Pittsfield K3, Chevrolet

Wilkin, L- E., Rockport R2 Ford

Wilkin, S. W.. Baylis R3 Ford

Wills, Fred II.. Pittsfield R5 Ford

Willsey, Charles L., Pittsfield R.5..E. M. F.

Willsey, James G., Pittsfield R5. .Studebaker

Willsey, Scott, Pittsfield R5 Grant Six

Willsey, Wm. R., Pittsfield R5Studebaker and Grant Six

Willsey, W. Bert, Summer Hill. .Studebaker

Wilson, A. B., Griggsville Rl Ford

Wilson, Bradford, Rockport R2 Ford

Wilson, James, Baylis R2 Chevrolet

\\'itty, James M., Nebo Rl, Ford and Dodge


O. H. BORGER. ^ JewelerHeadquarters for Diamonds, Watches,Cut Glass, Silverware, Expert WatchRepairing. We carry the Big Ben


South Side Square




Name Po-stofiice Make JWinans, Charles S., Pittsfield RG.. Grant Six ^<

Winans, Fred L., Pittsfield R6 Fordy^

Winans, Isaac N., Pittsfield RG Ford.|,

Windmiller, Alvin, Pleasant Hill Rl VOverland *;'


Windmiller, Loren, Hadley Rl Ford ,Wise, Wm. J., Barry R4 Ford


Wittner, Louis R., Rockport Ford *t'

Witty, Mary F., Pleasant Hill Rl Ford.j^

Wolf, Edward, Payson Star Route Ford yWolf, Fred, Pearl Rl Grant XWomble, Nathia H., Rockport Rl, Overland .-

Wood, Edward, New Canton Rl Maxwell *t]

Woodward, Newman A., New Salem Rl.. »|i

Chevrolet iWoolery, J. G., Barry Ford *t]

Woosley, Albert, Barry R2 Maxwell XV

Yaeger, Fred, Pittsfield Rl Ford YYaeger, Howard, Nebo Rl Ford %Yaeger, John G., Nebo Rl Ford .|.

Yaeger, William F., Pittsfield Rl Ford :'

Yockey, Ed. C, Perry Ford XYokem, Solomon O., Nebo Rl Ford v

XZimmerman, G. J., Versailles R2 Ford


Zimmerman, Ross R., Perry Ford *Zimmerman, Wm., Versailles R2 Ford *f

Zumwalt, Claud F., Nebo R2 Ford *t*

Zumwalt, James H., Pleasant Hill RL.Ford

aan E.






lilllBI iiei!iiiiiiiiiH:!ii»:iiiBiiiiiBiiiiiniiiiBi;i iiiBuiiiBiiiiiniiiiBiiBuiiHiiiitniuint


Established Over 50 Years







I f


j» When a customer comes into your store and does not ask for *}

|« the article wanted by brand name, it is a good thing to ask, !»

j» "What brand did you buy last?" or "What has given you the best

j* satisfaction in the past?" Xo article has ever been made that '^

|' suits everybody. What you are sold on may not please your *^

! customer. Even if you do not carry the brand that has given i*

j* your customer satisfaction in the past, you are better able to ;*

j* please your customer by having a standard to go by. Further, by •j'

j* getting the customer's ideas, you carry the thought that your aim {

Y is your customer's satisfaction. Such an atmosphere breeds re- vV Yy peat orders. y

I IX XA Xy y

To the People of Pike County:You are invited to visit our store, we sell



If we have w^hat you w^ant, w^e w^ill be pleased to serve youThe Price, Service, Quality and

Appreciation w^ill be right

CHAS. H. BURCHThe Furniture Man

305 to 307 North Main Street HANNIBAL, MO.





Distributor DORT MOTOR CAR '- Caihou„

ror the — County

Repairing on All Makes of Autos Under Competent Mechanics

M Tires and Tubes Vulcanized Satisfactorily

Battery Recharging and Repairing

_ Auto Accessories

I Goodyear and Firestone Tires, Pennant Oils


|hAMBURG ILLINOISmaitiinHiiniiHiiniiiniiiiHiiBiiiinniiHuiiniiiiiiniiiiniiniiiBiiiiiii^

-. .- -- -^^^^^ ^- .^>>A fc*-* "*'"*'^^^-^-.-^--^.-^.^^^^^^.-^.-^..^^^-^^^ ^^ -^^^ j^^^^



A Roberts Tire & Rubber Co.

I Im/M Largest Stock of Tires and I

Tubes in CarroUton

X Vulcanizing and Retreading of Tires Under the Latest Dry Cure Process >;

*^* EVERLAST RETREAD makes your old Tires like new. Tires %% all sizes—new and second-hand. It will pay you to investigate our *t|

Y prices on Tires and our work. Everything fully guaranteed. ^^* Special attention to Calhoun and Pike County business. At '^


It.„tV., ...V«VU..V, ^VVt.«.5, .,*«.«„MV« «..« «uvujv«*


I Tires and Tubes |

*l CARROLLTON : : ; ILLINOIS X!. .*•****.**.* ****•*•*••• >*


Miller, Firestone, Sterling, Brunswick and Goodyear


Calhoun County Automobile Owners' Directory(This list includes Farm Automobile Owners only.)

Name Postoffice MaKCAdcox, B. 1,., Hamburg Rl FordAnderson, Allen L.. Hamburg R2 ReoAnderson, Wm. L,., Hardin OverlandAndrews, Thomas, Golden Eagle Rl ReoAnsell, Bert, Kampsville Rl ReoAnsell, Tom E., Kampsville Rl FordArnold, Frank, Deer Plain Velie

Arnold, John A., Golden Eagle Dodge

Baalman, Henry, Golden Eagle Star Rte, KingBailey, R. H., fiamburg R2 FordBaker, Chas., Batchtown Rl FordBaker, Joe, Batchtown MaxwellBalke, Henry, Meppen OaklandBarry, Edward S., Hardin Rl KingBaumann, John, Hamburg R2 FordBaxter, Claud, Grafton Star Rte DodgeBeach, Harriet, Kampsville Rl ....OverlandBehnen, Henry, Golden Eagle Rl FordBehnen, Walter I.., Batchtown Rl.... DodgeBehrens, Herman. Meppen Star Route, BuickBeisman, Carl, Batchtown Star Route, BuickBellm, Frank, Michael ElcarBellm, Stephen, Michael ChevroletBenz, John B., Nebo R2 FordBenz, Stephen A., Nebo R2 Ford

Nanie Postoffice MakeBenz, W. Albert, Nebo Rl FordBersman, William, Meppen. Star Route, Foril

Bess, Norman E., Kampsville Rl FordBess, P. M., Kampsville Rl ElcarRimslager, Barney, Golden Eagle Rl

Chevroletniackorby, Delbert, Kampsville Rl For.i

Blackorbv, Zelmar, Kampsville Rl FordBlackweli, R. O., Hardin R2 Fordr.lackwell. T. W,. Batchtown Kl Ford

Bolde, Wm. J., Meppen Star Route ....BuickBonner, George, Meppen Star Route. ... FordBopp, Herman, Brussels Star Route. .Metz

Bopp, Jacob. Deer Plain Star Route. .Ford

Bracksieck Bros., Hardin Chevrolet

Bradbeck, Henry, Batchtown MaxwellRradbeck, T. P.. Batchtown Chevrolet

Brangenfeerg, Val., Kampsville Star Route..Ford

Breden, C. F., Hardin R2 Ford

Breden, Wm. H., Hardin R2 Ford

Breer, Herman, Meppen Star Route. .. .Ford

Brinkman, Wm., Meppen Ford

P.urch, Paul. Hamburg Rl Ford

Burge, C, Kampsville Rl HudsonBurge, Frank, Kampsville Rl Ford


I CUT GLASS WATCHES |1 SILVERWARE 1I DIAMONDS 1g We carry the Big Ben clock. gs Every article that you buy in this gS store is absolutely guaranteed

609 Maine Street



tiery Service Station



EIGHT MONTHS504 Jersey Street Tel. 711




mill iiinii tIBIIHII


M Tire Vulcanizing and Repairing. The only vulcanizing Station in Cal-

g houn County. Expert Auto Repairing on all makes of cars. All workGuaranteed. Auto Accessories and Ford Parts.

1 We Sell and

= the Following

United States Tires, Havoline Oils,Recommend Bartlett & Sweeney Oils, PrestoliteTriple-G Goods Storage Batteries—Size for every car.

KAMPSVILLE, ILLINOISiiniiiiHiimiiiiiBiiiiffiiiiiia iiiiniiraii iiniiiiiniiiii iiiflii

Name Pcstoffice :\LakeBurns, Joseph M., Hamburg Rl FordByrd, John E., Hamburg R2 FordByrd, John H., Hamburg R2 Studebaker

CampbeH, H. P., Hamburg FordCampbell, Wm. W., Hamburg RU FordCappel, Henry, Brussels Ford TruckCarnes, Cyrus, Hamburg R2 ReoCaselton, Wm. M., Batchtown Rl ... .MaxwellCasselton, John VV., Batchtown Rl....BuickChurchman, Charlie, Kampsville Star Route

FordChurchman, F. B., Kampsviile Star Route

FordCorbett, Francis, Hamburg Rl FordCoughlin, Henry, Batchtown Star Route. .

MaxwellCoughlin, Martin, Batchtown Star Route..

MaxwellCrader, Grover, Hamburg Rl OverlandCrader, Herman H., Hamlburg R2 FordCrater, Henry T., Hamburg R2 Ford

Darr, Mrs. Sarah, Hamburg Rl FordDavis, Geo. W., Hamburg R2 FordDierking, Fred W., Nebo R2 FordDirksmeyer, August, Kampsville Kl....FordDickson, Chas. R., Golden Fagle Star Route

DodgeDixon, Harvey S., Batchtown Rl KingDixon, Leonard M., Batchtown BuickDroege, Barney Sr., Brussels Star Route


Name Postoffice MakeDroege, Frank, Brussels Star Route. .. .ElcarDroege, Henry B., Meppen DodgeDroege, Henry H., Brussels Star Route, ElcarDroege, John, Brussels Star Route Elcar

Eageny, John, Batchtown IlupmobileEberlin, Henry, Golden Eagle FordEdwards, Chas. M., Pleasant Hill FordEichhorn, Chas. F., Deer Plain. .Ford TruckEihrman, Wm. C, Batchtown Grant

Etter, Alfred, Batchtown Rl Chevrolet

Ewen, Chas., Hamburg R2 Ford

Farnback, W. B., Kampsville Rl FordFarran, J. D., Pleasant Hill Rl FordFarrow, Alvie, Kampsville Dort

Fester, Chas, Golden Eagle Rl ReoFester, Henry, Golden Eagle Rl BuickFiedler, Chas. H., Batchtown Rl Buick

Fiedler, Henry W., Batchtown Rl.... Buick

Fields, H. E., Nebo R2 FordFischer, John, Hamburg ReoFleming, Herman, Hardin Rl FordFleming, John, Pleasant Hill Star Route

OverlandFoiles, Asa D., Hamburg Rl Chevrolet

Foiles, Dennis W., Batchtown Rl. .Studebaker

Foiles, Elba L,., Kampsville Rl MaxwellFoiles, Geo. A., Kampsville Rl DodgeFoiles, Thos. A., Kampsville Rl Ford

Foiles, John J., Hamburg Rl Ford

Foiles, Joseph, Kampsville Rl DodgeFoiles, Leslie, Kampsville Rl ..... .Overland

If you are a careful d "iver y<n\ can carry your insurance in the V

Continental Auto Insurance Associaticn— ?



with other careful drivers. The co.st is very low.

If there is not an Agent in your town write

C. ROCKWOOD, Secretary

for full particulars





We want everybody to have a copy of our Seed Catalog. Write

us now and we will mail you our Fall Bulb Catalog and Spring Seed

Catalog. They are free.

EVERYTHING FOR THE POULTRYMANOur new Poultry Catalog will give you an idea of the latest and

best poultry accessories. A copy will be mailed to you on request.





411 M Washington Ave.

Name Postoffice MakeFoiles, Siegel, Kampsville Rl BuickFoiles, Wm. L,., Kampsville Rl MaxwellFord, Harley M., Nebo R3 BriscoeFowler, A. D., Hardin BuickFrank, Wm., Batchtown Star Route, BuickFraake, Henry L., Batchtown AllenFredrickson, Chas., Golden Eagle Star Route

FordFreesmeyer, Floyd, Hamturg Rl ReoFreesmeyer, John, Hamburg R2 FordFreesmeyer, Retger, Hamburg Rl ReoFriedel, Paul, Golden Eagle Rl DodgeFriedel, Albert W., Hardin Rl . . . . ChevroletFunk, Carl J., Batchtown Rl Chevrolet

GansE, J. H., Kampsville GrantGeeding, Egbert, Golden Eagle Rl

Ford and BriscoeGehihausen, Herman, Kampsville Star Route

lordGodar, August, Hardin R2

Ford anfl OverlandGodar, Francis, Hardin R2 FordGodar, John A., Hardin R2 DodgeGoetz, Aloys, Kampsville Rl Velie

Goetze, Chas., Golden Eagle Rl ... .MaxwellGoltz, Charles L., Nebo R2 FordGotway, Otis, Hardin R2 Briscoe

Graham, Walter, Hamburg R2 FordGresham, Henry, Hardin Ford

Gress, Pete L., Michael DodgeGrigsby, Aaron, Hardin Rl Maxwell

Guthrie, Oscar C, Nebo R3 Ford

Name Postoffice MakeGuthrie, Will A., Nebo R3 Ford

Hagen, Felix, Golden Eagle Rl MaxwellHagen, Gerhard, Batchtown Star Route, I'ord

Hagen, Herman, Batchtown Star Route, Ford

Hagen, J. T., Golden Eagle Rl DodgeHalemeyer, Chas., Golden Eagle Rl


Halemeyer, Henry, Golden Eagle Rl.. DodgeHalemeyer, H. P., Brussels Star Route....

MaxwellHanks, Lee, Nebo R2 Ford

Haper, Geo. A., Batchtown Rl FordHaug, Christian, Golden Eagle Rl FordHadley, Albert, Batchtown BuickHayes, Henry, Golden Eagle Rl AllenHayn, John S., Kampsville Rl GrantHayn, V. S., Hardin FordHayn, V. P., Kampsville Rl FordHazelwonder, F. L., Hardin FordHazehvonder, Michael, Hardin R2 FordHefner, H. A., Batchtown Rl FordHegger, Geo., Meppen FordHerkert, Joseph, Michael FordHerter G. G., Goldeni Eagle Star Route. .

HudsonHetzer, Geo.. Brussels Star Route FordHill, O. M., Golden Eagle Rl Grant

Hillen, Harmon, Brussels DodgeHowdeshell, Jesse A., Hamburg Rl FordHowland, Harry, Hamburg Rl Ford

Hughes, E., Hamburg ReSHughes, John, Hamburg Ford




I Kespohl-Mohrenstecher s[

= Quincy's Oldest Yet Most Progressive Dry Goods Store =

Specialists fSuits, Coats, Dresses, Waists, Skirts, Under-muslins, Underwear, Hosiery, Silks, Dress

L Goods, Table Linens, Curtains.m

First ( Service, Courtesy, Efficiency, Quality,

In \ Style, Variety and Value.

5 Wedding Outfits Receive Special Attention S

I QUINCY ILLINOIS |liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiEiiiiiiiiiiiir;


Nitro- Phos- Potass- Phos-Material gen phorus ium Nitrogen phorus Potassium Total

Fresh farm manure 10 2 8 $1.50 $ .24 $.48 $2.22Barnyard manure 10 3 8 1.50 .36 .48 2.38Corn stover ... 16 2 17 2.40 .24 1.02 3.66Oat straw 12 2 21 1.80 .24 1.26 3.30Wheat straw 10 2 14 1.50 .24 .84 2.58Clover hay 40 5 30 6.00 .60 1.80 8.40Cowpea hay 43 5 33 6.45 .60 1.98 9.03Alfalfa hay 50 4 24 7.50 .48 1.44 9.42Raw bone meal 80 180 12.00 18.00 30.00Steamed bone meal 20 180 3.00 25.00 - 28.00Acidiated bone mea! 40 140 6.00 16.80 22.80Raw rock phosphate 250 ' 7.50 7.50Acid phosphate 125 15.00 15.00Wood ashes 10 100 7.20Complete fertilizer 33 88 33 (?) (?) (?) 23.00 (?)

About two tons of fresh farm manure are required to produce one ton of common barn-yard manure six months old, with losses as indicated.

This is the average composition and the average selling price of twelve brands of so-called"complete" fertilizer offered for sale in Illinois. Only 70 pounds of the phosphorus is guar-anteed available, 18 pounds being insoluble. The cost of this 88 pounds of phosphorus in rawrock phosphate would be $2.64.

Cyril G. Hopkins, "Soil Fertilitv and Permanent Agriculture."




Established 1865


Incorporated 1916 =

Carte^Shepherd Nilling Co. I


Hannihal Eaglef— Flour— I

Write for Prices Satisfaction Guaranteed




Name Postoffice MakeHumphrey, Albert M., Batchtown Rl

OverlandHunter, Alonzo A.. Hamburg Rl FordHunter, C. C, Kampsville Rl Chevrolet

Ingle, B. L., Golden Eagle Rl FordIngle, Columbus, Golden Eagle Rl Ford

Jacobs, Henry, Golden Eagle Rl Elcar

Jennings, Clarence V., Pleasant Hill Star

Route FordJennings, Harry L., Pleasant Hill Sta Route

FordJennings, J. E.. Pleasant Hill Star Route

OverlandTannings, T. W., Pleasant Hill Star Route

". FordJennings, W. S., Pleasant Hill Star Route

OverlandJohnson, Marion L-, Nebo R3 FordJohnson, Timothy P.. Xebo Ro DodgeJones, Frederick, Golden Eagle Rl....KingJones, J. v., Hamburg Rl Ford

Kamp, A., Golden Eagle Rl MoonKamp, Michael, Kampsville Rl OaklandKeehner, Albert L., Deer Plain Elcar

Kiel, Barney, Meppen Chevrolet

Kiel, John, Meppen Chevrolet

KiHebrew, Douglas, Nebo R3 FordKillebrew, Ivy, Nebo RS FordKinder, August L., Brussels Star Route....

DodgeKinder, Chas., Brussels Cole




Name Postoffice MakeKinder, Ed., Golden Eagle Rl FordKinder, Henry, Golden Eagle Rl. .. .OverlandKinder, II. A., Brussels Star Route FordKinder, H. F., Brussels DodgeKinder, J. H., Brussels Star Route. ... FordKinder, J. J., Golden Eagle Rl

Ford and ImperialKinder, \V. C, Golden Eagle Rl FordKinman, Samuel, Kampsville Star Route, ReoKinscherff, Albert, Kampsville Rl GrantKinscherflf, Bernard and John, Pleasant Hill

Star Route Dodge (2)

Klaas, Geo., Nelbo R2 FordKlaas, John, Golden Eagle Rl GrantKlaas, Mary, IMeppen Star Route FordKlockenkemper, John, Batchtown Rl

IlupmobiieKlank, Frank Jr., Michael Ford' TruckKnese, Andrew, Meppen DodgeKnese, Mrs. John, Hardin Rl FordKoenig, Joe, Kampsville Rl FordKrause, Henry, Brussels OverlandKraut, John H., Batchtown Rl DortKreschel, Herman J., Batchtown R1....FordKuanable, Herman, Golden Eagle Rl . . . . FordKuanable, John, Golden Eagle Rl FordKuaschel, Frank, Batchtown Rl. .. .MaxwellKuck, Henry H., Hamburg Rl Dodge

Lewis, John M.. Batchtown Rl. .. .Chevrolet

Linkogle, John T., Hardin BuickLong, Chas. VV., Pleasant Hill Star Route,







!»I Carpets, Rugs and Draperies, Ladies', Misses' \i

% and Ciiildren's Ready-to-Wear Goods %Y • yjt* The Most Complete Stock in Northeastern Missouri. Do your Shopping 'j*

|» in Hannibal. We Rebate your Railroad Fare. If you can't come ^j-

A in person, write us, our Mail Order Department will *X take care of you. 3C

I SONNENBERG & SON |•j* 118-120 North Main Street HANNIBAL, MISSOURI *:*

Name rosiofficc AUke Name Postoffice MakeL,ong, Earl F., I'leasant Hill Star Route Macauley, Thomas, Golden Eagle Rl..Ford

Maxwell Mager, H. G., Batchtown Rl FordLong, G. Cleve, Hamburg Rl Dort !Mairn, Eaura, Deer Plain FordLong, G. H., Pleasant Hill Star Route Manies, Wm., Golden Eagle Rl. .. .Chevrolet-

Briscoe Marshall, F. W., Grafton Star Route, Briscoe

Long, Harvey G., Hamburg Rl .... Overland McDonald, J. C.. Hardin Rl FordLong, Henry N., Nebo R2 Ford Meridan, Samuel J., Belleview Star RouteLong, John E-j Hamburg Ford HupmobilcLooper, Louie A., Nebo R2 Ford Meyer, Amalie, Deer Plain Cole

Lorsbach, A. H., Batchtown Rl Grant Meyer, August, Kampsville Rl Pullman

Lorsbach, H. J., Batchtown Rl King Miner, L. J-, Nebo R2 DodgeLorsbach, Pete, Hardin Rl King iMoreline, Mary, Golden Eagle Rl, Ford (-')

Ludwig, Henry, Golden Eagle R1..R. C. IT. Moses, Daniel, Golden Eagle Star Route

Lumley, George Jr., Kanipsville Rl CommonweallliChevrolet Mossninn. Frank, Golden Eagle Rl Grant

THE FAMOUSLargest Stocks, Best Selection of Millinery Ready-

to-Wear Apparel for Women and Children




Your Neighbors andFriends are SavingMoney on their

Clothing and Shoes


This is the Store that al-

ways gives

"A little bit more for

a little bit less"

Name Postoffice MakeMossman, George, Golden Eagle Rl, HudsonMossman, Louis, Golden Eagle Rl ....Grant

Mortland, G. S., Hardin Rl BuickMortland, J. J., Batchtown Chevrolet

Mottaz, A. C, Hardin Dort

Moyers, J. M., Nebo R2 PordMiller, Emil, Hamburg Rl. Buick

Nevins, L. E-, Kampsville Rl GrantNimerick, Jas. E., Hardin R2 ReoNimerick, J. Q., Hamburg HudsonNimerick, Ralph, Hamburg R2 FordNolte, August F., Brussels FordNolte, Chas. H., Brussels Star Route, Elcar

Nolte, Henry J., Golden Eagle Rl FordNorton, W. B., Nebo R3 Dodge

Oettle, Albert H., Hardin R2 Chevrolet

Oettle, F. W., Hardin R2 FordOettle, P. W., Hamburg R2 OverlandOrtleb, Geo. J., Golden Eagle Star Route. .


Osterman, Herman, Belleview FordOsterman, Wm., Belleview Ford

Pepper, Chas., Kampsville Rl Dodge

Name Postoffice MakePeters. A. A., Batchtown Rl FordPeters, Frank, Pleasant Hill Star Route..

FordPohlman, Barney, Brussels x ord

Pohlman, John H., Meppen JacksonPraul, Raleigh R., Kampsville Rl Ford

Pregaldin, A. J., Hardin R2 Ford

Ouiller, John P., Mozier DodgeQuiller, Sarah M., Hamburg Rl Ford

Rapp, Chas., Kampsville Rl Ford

Reed, Arch, Kampsville Rl Ford

Retzer, Otto, Kampsville Star Route, Oakland

Retzer, Wm., Golden Eagle Star Route, Kissel

Ringhausen, C. C, Hamburg Rl Reo

Ringhausen, Chris, Hardin... King and Ford

Ringhausen, G. Frederick, Golden Eagle RlBuick

Ringhausen, H. W., Hamburg Reo

Ringhausen, L,ouis, Hardin King

Roady, Nathaniel A., Hamburg Ford

Robeen, Andrew, Golden Eagle Rl Elcar

Robeen, John, Golden Eagle Rl Elcar

Rodgers, Chas., Golden Eagle Star Rte.,Ford


The New Modern Home of

The W. T. Duker CompanyQuincy*8 One Price Store

This beautiful, i^ew, eight-floor building, the

most modern in the middle west, equipped

with every convenience for service, in the newhome of the W. T. Duker Company.Come to this store for Quality Merchandise in

Dry Goods, Ready-to-Wear Garments, Coats,

Suits, Dresses, Infants' and Children's Wear,Rugs, Linoleums, Draperies, China and Glass-

ware, Household Needs, Victrolas, Millinery,

Furniture and high grade Piaros. It pays to-

trade at DUKER'S, Maine and Sixth Streets,


W. T. DUKER CO."The Best Place to Shop, After All"





MILTON STRONG DRY GOODS CO.Established over 60 years.


Write us for samples

102 and 104 N. Main Street HANNIBAL, MISSOURI

Name Postoffice MakeRoentz, Fi-ank, AFichael FordRosa, Carl, Hamburg, DortRose, W. W., Kampsville MaxwellRoth, Adam, Hamburg K'J KeoRoth, Peter ^r.. Michael OaklandRoth, Tony, Michael FordRuyle, A. D., Hardin R2 Ford

Sackman Estate, Patchtown Rl. .. .Chevrolet

Sagez, Benjamin, Golden Eagle Rl FordSagez, George F., Hardin R2 FordSaunders. Sharion T., Meppen Star Rte., BuickSchleeper, Frank Sr., Ilardin Rl Ford.^chleeper, George, iMeppen Star Rte. .Buick

Name Postotfice MakeSchleeper, Henry, Hardin Rl DodgjSchleeper, Henry, Hardin Rl MaxwellSchleeper, John B., Meppen Star Rte.. BuickSchleeper, Wm. Jr., Golden Eagle Rl, PullmanSchneider, J. T., Kampsville Star Rte, DodgeSchobernd, J. M., Golden Eagle Rl FordSchultze, Albert, Golden Eagle. .... .MaxwellSchulze, August, Deer Plain Star Rte., HudsonSchulze, Clarence, Golden Eagle Rl....FordSchulze, Fred, Golden Eagle Rl ReoSchuman, Christ, Kampsville OverlandSchuman, F. M., Kampsville Rl BuschSchuman, Henry. Kampsville DodgeSchuman, John M., Kampsville Rl ..Maxwell

Has Stood the Test for 55 Years



Name Posloffice MakeSchumann, Wm., Kampsville Rl Grant

Seidler, Wm., Golden Eagle Rl FordSeiferman, Chas., Golden Eagle Rl ReoSeiferman, Jos., Golden Eagle Rl KingSevier, Albert Sr., Hamburg Rl. .. Chevrolet

Sevier, Casper, Hamburg Rl FordShandrow, Geo., Golden Eagle Star Rte.

MaxwellSibley, Youngs, Beecreek Star Rte


Sidwell, Ray E., Nebo R3 MaxwellSidwell, Sam E., Nebo R3 MoonSiemer, Henry M., Brussels Star Rte....


Siemer, Nicholas, Batchtown RlReo and Ford

Simons, Andrew, Batchtown Rl Elk

Simons, John H., Batchtown MaxwellSimpkin, Will K., Pleasant Hill Star Rte.

OverlandSimpson, Benj. H., Meppen Star Rte


Simpson, Elias, Hardin Rl FordSmith, F. C, Golden Eagle Rl Chevrolet

Snyders, Albert, Batchtown Rl MaxwellSnyders, Andrew, Batchtown Rl MaxwellSnyders, G. K., Golden Eagle Rl FordSquier, Carl A., Hamburg R2 MaxwellSquier, W. G., Hamburg R2 Buick

Steinberg, Henry P., Nebo R2 FordSurgeon, John D., Hardin Rl, Scripps BoothSurgeon, William, Hardin Rl. ..... Chevrolet

Sutton, Will E., Nebo R3 Ford

Swearinger, J. L., Hamburg Rl Flanders

Topmeyer, Anton, Golden Eagle Rl . . . . ReoToppmeyer, Barney, Deer Plain Cole

Turner, 'F. L., Hamburg R2 FordTurpin, Melvin, Kampsville Rl Chevrolet

Twichell, C. A., Meppen Star Rte Ford

Ufer, Adolph, Batchtown Rl Ford

Varner, Sterhng, Haniburg R2 FordVetter, Henry, Kampsville Star Rte


Wallendoriif, Golden Eagle Rl FordWatson, Amosa, Hamburg R2 OverlandWebster, Francis M., Hamburg R2 ....FordWeigel, Henry C, Golden Eagle Rl ColeWeigel, Jacob, Deer Plain Star Rte., PaigeWeiner, Ernest, Hardin Rl OverlandWeishaar, Joseph, Golden Eagle Rl King^^'eishaar, Julius E., Golden Eagle KingWieneke, Charles, Brussels ElcarWieneke, Henry, Brussels HupmobileWildhagen, Fred, Nebo R2 ChevroletWilkinson, Edwin O., Hardin Overland^^'i!son, Wm. S., Hamburg R2 ReoWieth, Geo. J., Kampsville R] KingU'ood, Uly C, Kampsville Overland

Zigranz, P. M., Brussels MaxwellZmmerman, Albert A., Golden Eagle Rl..

ChevroletZipprich, Adam, Michael FordZipprich, Frank. Kampsville Rl DodgeZipprich, Peter J., Michael Ford


= A Fine Monument E~ is a E

E Lifetime Investment =

I Let Us HelpYou |= Sofve the Problem E= You can select your came- EE tery work from our salesrooms EE with the assurance that the =E goods are exactly as we repre- 13

E sent them and at the very low- E= est possible price that can be E= made for work of highest EE quality, =




E It will pay you to call, Write Es or Phone E




The Cleveland Tractor


Why are so many farmers buying the tractors with treads instead

of wheels? Because they see the advantage of having a tractor that is

on top of the ground all the time and isn't wasting power by pushing

the dirt ahead of the wheels. Also they know that the soil can't be

packed with only 5/4 pounds pressure per square inch, which is all that

the CLETRAC has.

We are selling the Cletracs in good numbers now but we want to

see more of them out for the summer plowing. Ask the man who owns

one and satisfy yourself that he has a real machine.

Write or call us for a demonstration or a catalogue at once.

A complete Service Department on all our Tractors.

Griggsville Automotive Sales Co.

Child & WadeDistributors of Cleveland Tractors, for Pike, Scott and

Brown Counties.




Pike County Tractor Owners' DirectoryName Postoffice Make

Bacon, Wm. C, New Canton Rl'

l.S-;U; Illinois

Barton, £,. T., Pleasant Hill, 10-20 FoidsonBancroft, Almon C, Kinderhook


Bauer, John A., Pearl Rl Fordson:

Bekenholdt, Walter, Rockport Rl FordBickerdike, Charles J., Griggsville

16-20 MolineBower, William, Payson Star Route

12-20 FordsonBradshaw, Emmet C. Hull R2. .S-l:j MolineBrower, Herbert A., Pittsfield Rl.... MolineBrown, 'Carson, New Canton R3

14-28 AllworkBuss, William L., Rockport Rl

15-30 Plowman, 10-20 Bull

Byers, F. M 10-20 International

Cadwell, George A., Griggsville R310-20 Cleveland

Cassety, Thomas, Rockport Rl... 10-21 ^ ordCraven, John, Griggsville 10 20 FordsonDavis, 'Clarence, Barry R4 MolineDoame, Raymond, Griggsville Rl


Name Po'stoiilice !MakeDorsey, Eugene L,., Griggsville Rl

9-18 MolineDuff, Hugh H., Hull R2 10-20 Bull

Ebbing, Joe J., Chambersburg R2, 3.5-40 MogulEddingfield, R. R., Hull R2 FordsonFantz, William, Kinderhook Rl .. Reeves 20

l-~inegan, Richard, New Canton RO20-40 Buckeye

Fritz, George, Rockport Rl.. Bates Steel Mule

Fuerstenau, Ed., Rockport Rl Cleveland

Golner, \N'illiani. Hull R2, 10-20 International

Ham, Homer, Chambersburg R2Titan, Avery

Hammock, Jacob W., Rockport Rl10-20 International

Hartsock, Edward, Pleasant Hill R210-20 Parrott

Higgins, Floyd, Kinderhook Rl10-20 Internationa!

Higgins, William 11.. Kinderhook10-20 International


That is the record made by Oscar Bruikholter with his Leader 12-18 Tractor. Heplowed ani acre an hour, using only 148 gallons of distillate (cost 10c per gallon) in plowing160 acres. How long would it take to plow 160 acres with horses.' With a four horseteam and gang, it would take forty days, and the cost would be much more.

Leader Tractors are Made in Two Sizesthe 12-18 which pulls two to three plows,and the 18-36 Crawler type which pullsfour to six plows and will travel almostanywhere over soft ground an<l muddyroads—or o\er rough stony ground TheCrawler adapts itself to the ground over

w h l1i it tra\ els.

Dayton-Dowd Co.

You owe it to yourself to find out howLEADER TRACTOR will increase your

farm profits. Write us today for the cata-log, or better still, come to Quincyand see how Leader Tractors are madeand find out what they will do for

you. We are right near, where you canalways get prompt service and repairson a moment's notice.






I Use Electric Steel Wheels= on your farm wagons

E Made to Fit Any Running Gear

I Durable - Efficient - Low Priced

E They lessen draft. Reduce high lifting

Low Wheel Farm Trucks, Wagons and Wa^on Boxesfor Farm Work. Made to suit every requirement.

I ALLWORK KEROSENE TRACTOR =— Numerous machines doing profitable ivork in Pike and Calhoun Counties. Write us or ^~ visit our factory and let us show you the merits of the AJ/uiorIc Tractor. —

I ELECTRIC WHEEL CO., Box 4G, Quincy, 111. |




Name Pcstoffice MakeHoover, Steve, Pearl Rl Bull

Hoover, Wm., New Canton 10-20 AveryHopkins, Ben B., Griggsville R3, 8-20 Parrott

Howorth, Oscar, Hull R2 Fordson

Irving, Wade H., iChamlDersburg R2Avery and Waterloo

Joslin, Ivy O., Nebo Rl, Emerson Brantingham

Kendrick, I^llis, 'New Canton... 8-16 Peoria

Kimler, Ola E., New Canton R2, 9-18 Moline

Knight, Chas. E., Hull R2 8-16 MogulKnodel, Wm., Kinderhook Rl, 12-24 Heider

Kopps, Fred, Griggsville Star Route12-20 Emerson

Lasbury, John, Griggsville R3, 10-20 I. H. C.

Lemmon, Ross B.. Rockport Rl, 20-40 Wallis

Lerch, Andy, Chambersburg Rl Bull

Liehr, Ernest J., Perry Bull

Likes, R., Hull Rl MogulLowe, Geo. W. Hull R2 S16 MogulLumberg, Daniel W., Hull Fordson

McFarland, Joseph, New Canton14 2S Allwork

McWorter, Francis, Hadley Rl RumleyJNIeyers, Fred, Kinderhook 8-16 MogulMoore, Richard, Griggsville R3

10-20 Titan

Motley, John W., Rockport RlMoline Universal

North, Harry, Pleasant Hill Rl.10-20 Titan

O'Brien, William L., Hull R210-20 International

Name Poistoffice MakeRead, Alexander, Hull R2 FordsonRead, Charles E., Hull R2 10-20 TitanReed, Harlow, Hull R2 10-20 TitanReinhardt, Mrs. Anna, ,Kinderhook Rl....

10-20 I. H. C.

Roberts. Geo., Pearl Rl Walerbo BoyRush, Cyrus D., Griggsville R2. .. .Fordson

Sleight, Chas. W., Giigfcsvilie Star Route20-25 Parrots

Smith, John C, Hull 8-16 Molin«

Snyder, John, Rockport 10-16 MolinjStickhost, Walter, Hull R2 8-16 MolineStolte, Joseph J., Hull R2

Fordson and 10-20 Titan

Stolte, Walter A., Hull R2 ForJsonStrother, Daniel W., Hull R2 8-16 Avery

Uteck, Ernest, New Canton R3Cultivator Jim Dandy, 12-25 Allwork

Wheelock, John H., Hull R2 Allwork

Willard, Ora L., Pittsfield R7. .International

Wills, Fred H., Pittsfield R5 9-18 HeiderWillsey, Jame's G., Pittsfield 10-20 Titan

Willsey, Scott, Pittsfield R515-30 International

Willsey, William R., Pittsfield R510-20 International, Titan

Wolf, Edward H., Payson Star Route8-16 International

Womble, Alfred F., Rockport Rl12-25 Avery

Womble, Mathia H., Rockport Rl12-25 Avery

Woodruff Charles H., Barry R2 ReevesYelliot, Geo., Milton Plow Boy

Peck, Victor H., HuU R2 . . . . 12-25 Fordson Yelton, Richard W., New Canton, 12-25 Bull

Halbach-Schroeder Co.QUINCY, ILLINOIS

The Big White Store

The greatest department store in

this section of the country, the

largest buying power; therefore,

lowest prices on finest quality

merchandise in Furniture, DryGoods, Rugs, Draperies, China-ware, etc.

^^^%^r,.^j{^ WE PAY MILEAGE

XT' *?

iii i^^ Jll ^1>1,r*'^











Many times you have read an advertisement in Prairie Farmer of

something you would like to buy, but you did not know where to find

the store that sold it. You decided to look for this article when youwere next in town andyou tried several stores without finding it. Then

you gave up in disgust. A two-cent damp or a postcard addressed to

the manufacturer saying "Please advise me who handles your goods in

my town. If you have no dealer in my town, give me the name andaddress ofyour nearest dealer", would get you accurate information by

return mail. Try it. It works and saves time.

-OUR CONVENIENT LOCATION in the "heart of Hannibal's

business district" allowing you maximum time to shop and

compare values, together with our advantages of the "CASH"system in the pricing of merchandise should be considered by

you in arranging your next trip to Hannibal.

Willmann^ Son"The New Dry Goods Store"108 N. Main : Hannibal, Mo.


Jones & MeredithCentra/ I//mois FARM LANDS Boug/it and Sold


506 Myers Building :


Springfield, Illinois




Calhoun County Tractor Owners' Directory

Name Postoffice MakeBailey, R. H., Hamburg R2 FordsonBaumann, Martin, Kampsville Star Rte....

8-l(j AveryBaxter, Claud, Grafton Star Rte

Happy FarmerBellm, Frank, Michael, 12-24 Waterloo BoyBolde, Wm. J., Meppen Star Rte. .. EmersonBrinkman, Wm., Meppen Rumley

Carroll, John W., Hamburg R2, 8-l»> MogulCrader, Herman 'H., Hamburg R2. . . . FordsouDixon, Harvey S., Batchtown Rl, 10-20 Titan

Droege, Herman, Brussels Star Rte Advance

Eihrman, Wm. C, Batchtown Rl HuberEtter, Alfred, Batchtown Rl Cleveland

Fester, Chas., Golden Eagle Rl Case

Hagen, Felix, Golden Eagle Rl, Waterloo BoyHartman, J. M., Hamburg Rl, International

Hasty, T. M., Hamburg 10-20 MogulHayn, John S., Kampsville RL.o-lO Moline

Hefner, H. A., Batchtown Rl Cleveland

Jones, Frederick, Golden Eagle Rl.... Avery

Keehner, Martin, Deer Plain ...10-20 Moline

Name Postoffice MakeKiel, Barney, Meppen FordsonKlunk, Frank Jr., Michael

10-25 Waterloo Boy

Marshall, 'F. W., Grafton Star Rte, 7-20 Bull

Meyer, Amalie, Deer Plain 10-20 Bull

Nimerick, J. Q., Hamburg R2 5-10 MolineNimerick, Ralph, Hamburg R2

12-24 Waterloo Boy

Ortteb, John, Golden Eagle Rl.. 25-50 Avery

Ringhausen, Chris, Hardin. .. .10-20 ClevelandRoth, Tony, 'Michael Fordson

Schleeper, Frank Sr., Hardin Rl. .. .FordsonSchultze, August, Deer Plain Star Rte....

12-20 EmersorfSchuize, Fred, Golden Fagle Rl, 10-20 MolineSidwell, Ray E., Nebo R3 MolineSquier, W. €., Hamburg R2 12-24. Bull

Weigel, Jacob, Deer Plain Star Rte25-45 International

Weishaar, Julius E., Golden Eagle Rl....12-24 Keck Gornerman

Wilson, Wm. S., Hamburg R2 Fordson

Established 1875 V. D. ORCUTT, Local Manager '^'


General Office Kansas Oity, Mo.

Retail Lumber Yards in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Kentucky


W.-'^iaaT^*^ „ T^ ,Atlas Cement, Perfection Gates, Beaver

„ 0.11 ^r,A i^ MB^ ° Recommendc Sell ands J^^^ % ^ . , _ ^ ^ Board, Creosoted Fence Posts, Johns-Man-

the FoUowing-^^^'Tnple-G Goods^.j,^ Roofings, Acme Plaster.^^^ HANNIBAL, MISSOURI





Heavy Hardware and

Farm ImplementsWhen building a silo, why not build with

permanence, Use the Lansing Vitrified glazed

tile with the ship-lap joint, Ship-lap block is su-

perior owing to its construction which meansstrength and durability. Lansing's Silos are everlasting. Guaranteed against Silage pressure, Windor fire.

Fairbank jMorse Gasoline En-gines, Knapheide Wagons, Buck-eye Incubators, Diamond Automo-bile Tires. Dexter Double TubWashers, Deering Binders, JohnDeere Reliance Buggies, Deereand Hayes Planters, PrimroseCream Separators, New Peoria andMoniter Grain Drills, John DeereLow Down Spreader, I. H. C.

Spreader, Wenzlemen StrawtTjj^ Spreader, Cow Boy Tank Heater

and Electric Wheel wk. TractorWe want your business.

the Following

Triple-G Goods

A furnace with no pipes. Thinkof it! Stands in the cellar directly

under the register and pours heatup through all the house, warmsthe farthest corner and maintainsa temperature there, but two orthree degees less than in the roomwhere the register is. Very econo-mical too. Positively guaranteed to

save at least one third of your fuel

—coal, coke or wood.


3 a 2


Pike County Silo Owners' Directory

Name Postoffice MakeAdrain, Geo. S., Pittsfield R2 Tile

Alfs, Herman R., New Canton, R2 Tile

Alford, Warren, Kinderhook Wood StaveAmmerman, Franz S., Pearl RL.Des MoinesApplegate, H. B.. Nebo Rl Springfield

Arnett, Thos. H., Hadley Rl StaveAtor, Mack, Rockport Wood Stave

Baker, Leslie H., Griggsville Star Route, Tile

Barber, Harry T., Pittsfield R7 BoardBarkley, R. D., Barry R4 Hinge-doorBarnes, John R., Barry R4 Stave

Barton, E. T., Pleasant Hill

Tile (1) Concrete Block (1)

Barton, Stewart, Pleasant Hill RlConcrete Block (2)

Bass, Fred, Pleasant Hill Rl Tile (2)Bauer, John A., Pearl Rl IndianaBauer, Ben L., Pittsfield R2 HurstBauer, John A., Pearl Rl IndianaBelts, John W., Barry Star Route

Wood Stave 2Berry, John F., Pleasant Hill R2 Tile

Bonifield, Earl, Barry R3 StaveBoren, Ab. W., Pearl Rl StaveBower, J. G., Barry Rl StaveBoyd, Bert H., Barry Star Route. .Wood StaveBradshaw, Vodra, Barry R4 StaveBreckenridge, Thomas H., New Canton Rl

Wood StaveBrown, Albert R., Pearl Star Route

Wood StaveBrown, Andrew, Pearl Star Route StaveBrown, Andrew J., Barry Star Route

Wood StaveBrown, Carson, New Canton R3

Tile and Wood Stave

Brown, E. G., Barry R4 Stave

Browning, Harvey, Chambersburg Rl, Stave

Browning, Homer C, Rockport R2Wood Stave

Browning, Russell H., Chambers:burg Rl..Stave

Burbridge, Thomas, J., Pittsfield R7Pleasant Hill

Buchanan, Marion, Perry Tile

Name Postoffice MakeCad well, George A., Griggsville R3

Wood StaveCarr, William S., New Salem Rl StaveCarroll, Edward J., Barry R3 StaveCarter, William H., Rockport, Wood StaveChamberlain, Aaron, Pittsfield R4, Wood StaveChamberlain, Louis W., El Dara Rl

Wood Stave (2)Clark, Abner M., Barry Rl StaveClark, Kenneth W., Griggsville TileClement, Loyd E., Baylis R3 TileCline, Ira W., Barry R2 StaveConroy, Dennis M., Pittsfield, Vitrified TileCooley, Charles A., Baylis R3 TileCooley, E. L., Baylis R3 Wood StaveCouch, Alex A., Ndbo Rl Pleasant HillCrim, Charles L., Barry R3 Wood StaveCunningham, Chester W., Barry R4 StaveCunningham, Frank D., Barry R4 Tile

Dean, Rhea E., Griggsville R3 TileDean, William E-, Rockport R2..Wood StaveDeitert, Herman, Barry Rl StaveDeitert, Rudolph, Barry Rl StaveDoane, Ralph, Baylis R3 KalamazooDober, Harry A., Rockport R2,Wood Stave (2)Dober, Joseph, Rockport R2 Wood StaveDober, Louis, Rockport R2 Wood StaveDorsey, Eugene L-, Griggsville Rl TileDraper, Elmer, Pearl R2 iChampionDrummond, Othel H., Barry Star Route..

Wood StaveDustin, Mrs. Emma, Rockport R2

Wood StaveDutcher, Stephen A., New Canton R2. . . .Tile

Ellis, George, Griggsville R2 Wood StaveErke, J. W., Hull Rl Wood StaveEwers, Alpha, Pleasant Hill Rl

Concrete Block

Fesler, Harry, El Dara RlTile and Wood Stave

Fletcher. Robert T., Kinderhook. .Stave (2)

Fitch, Owen L-. Barry R3 StaveFlick, John, Barry R2 Tile


*l*Reed's Yellow Dent, Johnson and Boone County White, Mortgage Lifter

% and Western Plowman.







Corner Main and Center Streets HANNIBAL, MO.

Name rnstollice MakeFlick, L,. A., Barry Tile (4)Foster, Frank, Barry R2 Tile

Foster, Robert J., Pittsfield R4, Wood StaveFranklin, Henry, Pearl R2 Pleasant Hill

Frazier, B., Pittsfield R2 Wood StaveFrazier, Frank L.. Pittsfield R5..Bent WoodFudge, Clarence F., Pittsfield R4, Wood StaveFurness, W. F., Barry R4 Stave

Galloway, Joseph F., Pleasnnt Hill RlConcrete Block

Galloway, Mayo h-, Pleasant Hill

Concrete BlockGard, Cyrus P.. Barry K3 Tile

Gard, Henry. Barry R3 Stee'

Gard, Robert, New Canton R2....Wood StaveGard, William H., Barry R3 Tile (2)

Garner, Herman and Bros., New Canton RlWood Stave (3) Concrete (1)

Gay, William H., Rockport R2 ConcreteGeorge, John S.. Griggsville R3. . . DesMoinesGilllngs, Harry, New 'Canton RL.Wood StaveGodwin, Homer W., Pleasant Hill R2. . . .

Cement BlockGoodin, B. F., Pittsfield R2

Indiana, Wood Stave

Gossard, Charles, Pearl Star RouteWood Stave

Gourley, Aaron, Pearl Star Route . . . Stave

Griggs, George V., Perry Tile

Griggs, Samuel, Baylis R2 ....Wood StaveGrimes, Lee, Nebo Rl Pleasant Hill

Grimes, Walter €., Nebo Rl. .Pleasant Hill

Name Postoffice !MakeGuthrie, John W., Pleasant Hill Star Route

Concrete BlockGuthrie, Neal, Pleasant Hill Star Route 1

Concrete Block

Hackman, William E., New Canton. .. .Tile

Harris, Everett J., Barry R4 .Stave

Hayden, James Clay, Pittsfield Rl, Des MoinesHayden, Ora H., Griggsville R3

Tile and Wood StaveHeightman, Charles H., Pittsfield R.5

Wood StaveHenry, Macolm, Pittsfield R.5

Indiana Wood StaveHierman, A. O., Berry R4 Wood StaveHiggins, W. H., Kinderhook Tile (2)

Hines, J. S., Pittsfield R4 Wood StaveHolmann, Fred, New Canton R3. .Wood StaveHoover, William H., Milton Des Moines.Hoskin, George and Sam, Pittsfield R4..TileHoskin, W. F., Pittsfield R4...Wood StaveHoyt, Roscoe D., Barry RB StaveHubbard, William, New Canton R2

Wood Stave and Tile

Hull, Ninnis E., Kinderhook Rl StaveHuntley, Alonzo, Hadley StaveHunter, Merrel J., New Canton Rl Tile

Hurst, W. Everett, Pittsfield R4 Tile

Irick, William, Pittsfield R6 Tile

Jibben, George J., New Canton R2Wood Stave (2)

iiniiiHiiiiHi iiniiiiHiiiHiiiiiHiumniiiiBiiHii

II.G.GARRELTS & SONS :: Wall Paper, Paint, Brushes |Don't let Time and Weather Rob you of what you've got. Protect it. g

INSURE IT BY USING GOOD PAINT MLook over your Buildings and Implements and see if they don't need paint, then ttiink fhow cheap the best paint is against' new lumber or new implements. =

Write today for a free copy on Home Decorations and color cards.

When you think of Paints think of Garrelt's. s.o"^^'' Saniflat Wall Paint', Pratt & Lambert Varnishes

We Sell and / j(B^ \ Recommend Effecto Auto Enamel, Carter & Hammerthe Followingm


" Triple-G Goods White Lead, Benjamin Moore's Paintsand Varnishes

813-815 STATE STREETiiiiiniiiniiiiniiiiiniiiiii







Make our yard your headquarters when in Hannibal.

Cruikshank Lumber £? Coal Co.Everything in Building Material and Fuel.


!iiiwiiiniiiiiBiiiiniiiiniii {niiiiini! imiiiHiiiimiiini Mil

i Mid-West Live Stock Insurance Co»






Name Postoffice MakeJohnson, George Pine, Barry R3 Tile

Johnson, M. A., Baylis R2 Wood Stave

Joslin, Ivy O., Xebo Rl Pleasant Hill

Kabick, John J., Barry Rl Sia/e (2)

Kaeser, Mrs. Emma J., Pittsfield R5Vitrified Tile

Karsten, J. A., Kinderhook Rl, Wood StaveKendrick, IJdward T., New Canton R2. . . .


Tile (2)

Kendrick, Harry, Barry R3.... Wood Stave

Kendrick, Jack, Barry R3 Wood Stave

Kerr, William H., Hadley Rl, Wood StaveKinder, Henry, Kinderhook Rl, Wood StaveKirtright, John, New Canton Rl. . . . . . .Tile

Kopps, Fred, Griggsville Star Route. .. .Tile

L,aDo\v, Sydney, Pleasant Hill R2Concrete Stave

Landess, Allie, Pearl Rl TopazI,ewton, Asher, Barry Rl Stave

Lewton, Frank, Barry Rl Stave

Liggett, Douglas T., Kinderhook Rl... Stave

Lindsey, Thomas M., Pittsfield RlWood Stave

Ivipcaman, Ralph, Barry R4 Stave

Ijippincott, E., Kinderhook RlWood Stave

Long, George P., Rockport Rl, Wood Stave

^.lartln, Albert, Pleasant Hill Rl Tile

McCalHster, Elmer, Pittsfield R4,Wood Stave

McCallister Gaston, Rockport R2 TUe

Name Postoffice MakeMcCallister, Hughie, Rockport R2 NactoMcCallister, Louise, Rockport NactoMcCann, Vester, Pearl R2 DesMoinesMcCartney, Frank W., Barry k2 Stave

.MdCollock, Alex, Pittsfield R4, Wood StaveMcFarland, Joseph, New Canton

Steel and Wood StaveMcGlassan, William, Pittsfield R5

Quincy Wood StaveMcNarv, Frank, New Canton Rl, Wood Stave^IcNeal, F. M. and Doyle C. A., Barry, Tile

Metcalf, Mrs. Geo., Barry Rl StaveMetz, Fritz R., Chambersburg R2.... Stave

Meyers, Fred, Kinderhook Wood StaveMiller, William, New Canton R3 Tile

Moore, Richard J., Griggsville R3Wood Stave

Morey, Harry L-, New Canton RlWood Stave and Tile

Meyers, Louis, New Canton Rl Tile

Nichols, Harry, New Canton R2Steel, Wood and Tile

Niemeier, Henry, Pleasant Hill Rl.... Brick

Oitker, Albert, Barry R3 Stave

Orrill, Charles H., Pleasant Hili R2 ".

Concrete Block

Ownshy, Otis, Hadley Rl ,...Wood Stave

Ownsby, William B., Hadley Rl, Wood Stave

Parrick, Rov T., Barry Tile

Perry, Mrs. Mattie, Barry Rl Stave C^''



Miller-West Shoe Company |


Highgrade Shoes for Each Member of the Family



Name Poistoffice Makfe

Petty, John C, Rockport R2....Wood Stave

Pierson, Shirley G., Pittsfield R4, Wood Stave

Pool, Ed. E., Chamlbersburg Rl Stave

Fothast, C. E., Hull Rl Cement Block

Rader, John W., Griggsville R3Wood Stave (2)

Reel, Fred, New Canton Rl ..Wood Stave

Reeves, John W., Griggsville Rl Stave

Renond, Charley, Pearl Indiana

Richey, Marion E., Pittsfield R5, Wood Stave

Riddle, Henry, Pearl Rl Indiana

Rusk, Geo. C. Barry R4 Stave

Roberts, Geo., Pearl Rl Wood Stave

Robertson, Fred, Barry Rl Stave

Roosa, Erpest h-, Rockport R2. . . .Wood Stave

Ruble, Edward, Pittsfield Rl. . . .DesMoines

Rupert, Henry, Rockport R2....Wood Stave

Sapp, Jno. M., Rockport R2, Wood Stave (2)

Schlieper, Edward, Pearl R2 Illinois

Schuhardt, Ernest B., Barry Rl Stave

Schuhardt, Henry G., Barry Rl Tile (2)

Sealock, Edward, Rockport R2Wood Stave (2)

Secrest, Nathari F., Chamlbersburg Rl, Tile

Seymour, Eugene L,., Pleasant Hill R2....Concrete Block

.5haw, James T., Pittsfield Rl Indiana

Shuhart, Anton, New Canton R2 Tile

Shuhart, Frajnk, New Canton R2 Tile

Shim. Claude J., Pittsfield R5, Wood Stave (2)

Sidwell, 'Charles, New Canton Rl, Wood Stavg

Simpkin, Thomas, Griggsville R3, Wood Stave

Sleight, Harvey L,., Griggsville Star RouteWood

Smith Creed R., Pittsfield Rl Indiana

Smith, George W. G., Pearl R2 Indiana

Smith, Jessie 'C, Pearl R2 Indiana

Smith, J. Wes., Pittsfield Rl Stave

Smith, Luther E-, Nebo R2, Pleasant Hill

Smith, S. J., Kinderhook Rl Stave

Snodgrass, Thomas, Hull Rl Tile

Spencer, Warren S., Barry R3Wood Stave (2)

Staff, Peter Sr., New Canton R2 Stave

StaufFer, E. K., Barry R2 Stave (3)

Name Poistoffice MakeStauffer, G. M., Baylis R2 Wood Stave

Stauffer, J. C. Sr., Baylis R3 Wood Stave

Stevenson, W. A., Baylis R3 ..Wood Stave

Stickman, Fred, Rockport RL.Wood Stave

Strohecker, W. H., Barry R2 Stave

Stroheker, F. I,., Hadley Rl Stave

Strubinger, Edwin T., ElDara..Wood Stave

Strulbinger, William A., Pittsfield, Wood Stave

Sutton, A. F., Pleasant Hill RlConcrete Block

Taylor, L,. S., Rockport R2 Tile

Tholen, Frederick H., Barry Rl Stave

Thornton, James A., Pittsfield R2 Crane

Tittsworth, Fred, New Canton Rl Tile

Triplett, Albert W., Barry R2 Stave

Tucker, John W., Griggsville Rl,Wood, Stave

Turner, John, New Canton Rl Wood

Venable, Albert, Pleasant Hill Star Route 1

Concrete Block

Wagner, Fred W., Chambersbug Rl....Tile

Walch, Chas. A., Hull Rl Wood Stave

Wallace, Joseph, New Canton R3, Wood Stave

Walsh, W. E., Kinderhook Rl, Wood Stave

Ward, Isaac, Barry R3 Tile

Watson, Dexter E., Barry Rl Stave

Weddington, Clyde E-, Kinderhook Rl, Stave

Wells, Floy, Barry Rl Tile and Stave

West, Apna B., New Canton R3, Wood Stave

Wheelan, James, Barry R3 Wood Stave

Wheeler, Ben M., 'Montezuma Star RouteIndiana

Wikes, Joseph R., New Canton RlWood Stave

Williams, Morris, New Canton Rl Stave

Williams, Preston, Barry R4 Stave

Wilkins, h- E., Rockport R2 Wood Stave

Wills, Fred H., Pittsfield R5 Stave, TaborWills, S. B., Pittsfield R3 DesMoinesWilty, James M., Nebo Rl Illinois

Windmiller, Alvin, Pleasant Hill RlCoacrete Block

Wood, Edward, New Canton Rl, Wood, Stave

Yokem, Solomoq O., Nebo Rl. . . .DcsMoinei



Calhoun County Silo Owners' Directory

Name Postoffice MakeAnsell, Bert, Kampsville Rl....Wood Stave

Barry, E. S., Hardin Rl Wood Stave

Baumann, John, Hamburg R2, Wood Stave

Baumann, Martin, Kampsville Star Rte....Wood Stave

Bellm, Frank, Michael Wood Stave

Bellm, Stepken, Michael Wood Stave

Carnes, Cyrus, Hamburg R2 Wood Stave

Fester, Louis, Golden Eagle Rl, Wood Stave

Fischer, John, Hamburg Wood Stave

Frank Wm., Batchtown Star Rte Stave

Hagen, Felix, Golden Eagle Rl, Wood StaveHalemeyer, Henry, Golden Eagle Rl

Wood Stave

Hartman, J. M., Hamburg Rl Stave (4)

Hasty, F. M., Hamburg Wood StaveHerter, J. A. Jr., Golden Eagle Rl Tile

Hetzer, George, Brussels Star RteConcrete Pit

Hetzer, Henry, Golden Eagle Rl, Wood Stave

Inman, Allen, Brussels Star Rte., Wood Stave

Jacob, Dietrich, Golden Eagle Rl., ConcreteJones, Frederick, Golden Eagle Rl

Wood Stave (2)

Kinder, H. F., Brussels Cement

Name Poistoffice MakeKulp, Charles, Golden Eagle Rl, Concrete Pit

Long, G. H., Pleasant Hill Star Rte., Concrete

Nolte, Henry J., Golden Eagle RlConcrete Pit

Xolte, Joseph, Golden Eagle Star RteWood Stave

Retzen, J. J. Jr., Kampsville Star RteWood Stave

Ringhausen, C. C, Hamburg Rl, Wood StaveRinghausen, G. Frederick, Golden Eagle Rl

ConcreteRoth, J. J., Kampsville Rl ....Wood Stave

Schultze, Albert, Golden Eagle RlWood Stave

Seiferman, Chas., Golden Eagle Rl.. ConcreteSidwell, Ray E., Nebo R3 StaveSidwell, Sam E., Nebo R3 Stave

\\'eishaar, Joseph, Golden Eagle RlWood Stave

\N'e:shaar, Julius E-, Golden Eagle RlWood Stave

Zimmerman, Albert A., Golden EagleWood Stave

Zimmerman, Ernest, Golden Eagle RlConcrete

Zipprich, Peter J., Michael. .. .Wood Stave


i FUNK BROS. SEED CO.= Incorporated


s The Largest Seed Corn Growers in the World. 25,000 Acres in ourSeed Farm. TURKEY RED WHEAT, ALFAUFA and more than

H 30 other varieties of Farm Seeds. Write for our catalogue and prices.




Miller-Helhake Shoe CompanyQUINCY'S LEADING SHOE STORE

The Home g/^ Satisfactory Shoes

506 Main Street QUINCY, ILLINOIS




Don't buy cheap, unadvertised goods, but protect yourself when buy-

ing by insisting on getting from your dealer only


y/Guaranteed By\i^

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When the local dealer says in his advertisement:

"We Sell andRecommend the Following

TRIPLE-GuaranteeGoods"as in any advertisement in Prairie Farmer or in this

Directory, it gives you this TRIPLE-Guarantee1st That the manufacturer of the goods stands back of them.

2nd That the Prairie Farmer stands back of them.

3rd That the merchant handling the goods stands back of them.

©TRIPLE-Guarantee Goods"© 1918

Are the best value for the money.Safest to buy.

And Satisfaction is absolutely insured.



What Are "TRIPLE-G'LGoods?<S' 1918

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This is PRAIRIE FARMER'S FAIR PLAY POLICYwith its readers. We ba.ck up every advertisement in

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No humbugs , swindles or cheap substitute goods (that are

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anteed satisfaction because all goods we advertise are

TRIPLE-GUARANTEED GOODSpr igtc Guaranteed by the Ma:.\utacturer, the Dealer and She Publisher,





PopulationNumber of all farms

Color and nativity of farmers:Native whiteForeign-born whiteNegro and other non-white . ,

Number of farms classified by size:

Under 3 acres

3 to 9 acres10 to 19 acres

20 to 49 acres

50 to 99 acres

100 to 174 acres

175 to 259 acres

260 to 499 acres

500 to 999 acres

1,000 acres and overApproximate land area

L,and in farmsImproved land in farmsWoodland in farms


Other unimproved land in farms acres

Percent cf land area in farmsPercent of farm land improved

Average acres per farmAverage improved acres per farmAll farm property value dollars

Land dollars

Buildings .dollars

Implements and machinery .dollars

Domestic animals, poultry and bees .dollars

Percent of value of all property in

LandBuildingsImplements and machinery •

Domestic animals, poultry and bees

Average values:All property per farm dollars

Land and buildings per farm ..dollars

Land per acres . dollars

Farms reporting domestic animals .

Value of domestic animals » .

Cattle:Total numberDairy cows ,

Other cowsYearling heifers ,

CalvesYearling steers and bulls ,

Other steers and bulls

Value .dollarsHorses


Total numberMature horsesYearling colts

Spring colts

Value dollars

Mules:Total numberMature mulesYearling colts

Spring colts

Value dollars

Asses and burros:NumberValue dollars


























Swine:Total number 104,052Mature hogs .• 59,114Spring pigs 45,838Value dollars 722,058



Total number 39,344Rams, yews and wethers 23,271Spring lambs lt>,073Value dollars 108,036



Number ,. . 3g2Value

. dollarl 1,654Number of poultry of all kinds 316,166

Value . dollars 163^648Number of colonies of bees 3 5f>4

Value. dollars '7!856

Number of farms operated by owners o 167Percen t of all farms 61.1

Land in farms acres 288,408Improved land in farms ' acres 232,821Value of land and buildings dollars 20,574,137Degree of ownership:

Farms consisting of owned land only 1,648Farms consisting of owned land and hired land 519

Color and nativity of owners:Native white 2.048Foreign-born white 110Negro and other non-white f)

Number of farms operated by tenants 1,356Percent of all farms 38.3Land in farms , acres 177,745Improved land in farms acres 148,194Value of land and buildings dollars 12,645,372

Form of tenancy:Share tenants 873Share cash tenants 226Cash tenants 107Tenure not specified 150

Color and nativity of tenants


Native white 1,331Foreign-born white 20Negro and other non-white 5

Number of farms operated by managers : 21Land in farms acres 10.567Improved land in farms acres 4,238Value of land and buildings dollars 635,650

Mortgage debt report:

For all farms operated by owners


Number free from mortgage debt 1,237Number with mortgage debt 908Number with no mortgage report 2*^

For farms consisting of owned land only:Number reporting deht and amount 611Value of their land and buildings dollars 5,040,114Amount of mortgage debt ; dollars li355i954Percent of value of land and buildings 26.9

LIVESTOCK PRODUCTSDairy cows on farms reporting dairy products number 6,092Dairy cows on farms reporting milk produced number 6,437Milk produced . .gallons 1,736,956

Sold gallons 40,028Cream sold gallons 19,288

Butter fat sold^

pounds 37,682Butter produced .pounds 447,973

Sold pounds 200,872Cheese produced pounds

Sold .poundsValue of dairy products excluding hom« and use of milk and cream.. ..dollars 121,294

Receipts from sale of dairy products dollars 71,140Poultry raised .number 447,955

Sold ..number 145,644Eggs produced , dozens 1,301,595

Sold .dozens 8.53,789Value of poultry and eggs produced ..dollars 425,919Receipts from sale of poultry and eggs ..dollars 216,633



Wool, fleeces shorn ; number 21,478Mohair and Goat hair fleeces shorn number 248Value of wool and mohair produced dollars 42,313Honey produced pounds 13,6(57

Wax produced pounds 552Value of honey and wax produced dollars 1,870

DOMESTIC ANIMALS SOLD OR SLAUGHTEREDCalves sold or slaughtered number . 1.507

Other cattle sold or slaughtered number 20,070Horses, mules, asses and burros sold number 2,64.")

Swine sold or slaughtered number 09.120Sheep and goats sold or slaughtered number 14,270

Receipt from sale of animals dollars 2.4fi2,.543

Value of animals slaughtered dollars 174,(i2S

VALUE OF ALL CROPSCereals dollars 3,576,0.i5

Other grains and seeds , dollars 33. .".OS

Hay and forage dollars 520,877Vegetables dollars 13-5,.527

Fruits and nuts dollars 125.374All other crops dollars 177,700

SELECTED CROPSCorn .acres 11(1.154

bushels 4,7f>fi.3fi7

Oats .acres ll.f)02

bushels 275,.sr.S

Wheat acres fi3,S.50

bushels 1,042,003

Emmers and spelt acres 21bushels 301

Barley acres 5fJ

bushels 1,034

Buckwheat acres 2bushels 30

^ye acres 325bushels 3,742

Hay and forage:All tame or cultivated grasses acres 44,703

tons 55,898

Timothy alone acres 21.S9r

tons 27.893

Timothy and clover mixed acres 1 5.2( lO

tons ^5-21'^Clover alone acres 7,331

tons 9.2S2

-Alfalfa acres l*i2

tons 493Millet or Hungarian grass acres 113

tons 154Other tame or cultivated grasses acres

tonsWild, salt or prairie grasses acres 100

tons 08Grains cut green acres 21

tons 21Coarse forage acres .5^1

tons 770Special crops:

Potatoes • acres 1 .278

bushels 101.401All other vegetables acres 1,000Maple trees number 3f5

Maple sugar (made) , . .poundsMaple sirup (made) sa"ons 10

MISCELLANEOUSLabor—farm reporting 2.101

Cash expended .dollars 375.150Rent and board dollars 68,733

Fertilizer—farms reporting 51

Amount expended dollars 1 ,S8.t

Feed—farms reporting , l,-557

Amount expended dollars 32(5,594Receipts from sale of feedable cropi «•«.. dollars 435,807





Population 8,01(1

Number of all farms 1,049Color and nativity of farmers:

Native white ,9.")"

Foreign-born white 92Negro and other non-white

Number of farms classified by size :

Under 3 acres3 to 9 acres 3."

10 to 19 acres L'7

20 to 49 acres 14350 to 99 acres 250100 to 174 acres 349175 to 259 acres 158260 to 499 acres 71500 to 999 acres 141,000 acres and over 2

Approximate land area acres lfi3,840

Land in farms acres 142,098

Improved land in farms arre'^ 79,lfiS

Woodland in farms acres 5fi.837

Other unimproved land in farms acres 6,093Percent of land area in farms 86.7Percent of farm land improved 55.7Average acres per farm 135.5Average improved acres per farm 75.5All farm property value dollars 7,233,195

Land dollars 5,326,332

Buildings , dollars 997.655Implements and machinery dollars 166,334I>omestic animal, poultry and bees dollars 742,874

Percent of value of all property in

Land 73.6Buildings 13.8Implements and machinery 2.3Domestic animals, poultry and bees 10. .3

Average values:All property per farm dollars 6,895Land and building per farm dollars 6,029Land per acre dollars 37.48

Farms reporting domestic animals 1,025Value of domestic animals drllr.rs 697,04.5Cattle:

Total number 4,874Dairy cows 2^183Other cows 573Yearling heifers

, .'in4

Calves 721Yearling steers and bulls 462Other steers and bulls 341Value dollars 125,222



Total number r^ jy^Mature Horses 3'414Yearling colts !.'!.'.'!.'. '3];)Spring colts ,


,, ,


. dclVai-s 364,,S:UMules



Total number~"

oinMature mules !!!!!.!!!.! RO"Yearling colts '.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'..

rVSpring colts ......................].[[ '>e



••'•"••• ' idoilars 83,.5i!.l'Asses and burros: 00, .-. p




VaS" ^°"-^ 3,160




Total number 17,444Mature hogs .• 10,381Spring pigs 7,063Valu€ .dollars 97,993



Total number 5,874Rams, yews and wethers 3,469Spring lambs 2,405Value dollars 20,847



Number ,• • • 474Value dollars 1,424

Number of poultry of all kinds 90,266Value .dollars 42,366

Number of colonies of bees 1,314Value ..dollars 3,463

Number of farms operated by owners 677Percent of all farms 64. .>

Land in farms acres 93,192

Improved land in farms acres .50,530

Value of land and buildings . dollars 4,032,.537

Degree of ownership: _Farms consisting of owned land only oli

Farms consisting of owned land and hired land 163

Color and nativity of owners:Native white 609Foreign-born white .' 77Negro and other non- white

Number of farms operated by tenants 362

Percent of all farms 34.5

Land in farms acres 44,813

Improved land in farms acres 26,.8.33

Value of land and buildings .dollars 2,136,350

Form of tenancy:Share tenants


291^'""^ '•^"""'-' -inShare cash tenants ^^Cash tenants

^^Tenure not specified 1'

Color and nativity of tenants:

Native white 347Foreign-born white 15Negro and other non-white

Number of farms operated by managers: 10

Land in farms . acres 4,093Improved land in farms .acres 1,805

Value of land and buildings .dollars 155,100

Mortgage debt report:

For all farms operated by owners:Number free from mortgage debt 380Number with mortgage debt 294

Number with no mortgage report 3

For farms consisting of owned land only:

Number reporting debt and amount 202

Value of their land and buildings dollars 11,956,100

Amount of mortgage debt . dollars 373,951

Percent of value of land and buildings 3.1

LIVESTOCK PRODUCTSDairy cows on farms reporting dairy products number 1,988

Dairy cows on farms reporting milk produced number 1,960

Milk produced ,gal ons

'^^^'Z~lSold ..gallons 16,o45

Cream sold".'.'. gallons 12

Rutter fat sold '. pounds

Butter produced •-pounds

^^'tilSold • .pounds 26,8(8

Cheese produced •-pounds 50

Sold •-pounds 20

Value of dairy products excluding home and use of milk and cream. .. .dollars^|'Jn2

Receipts from sale of dairy products ..dollars 8,698

Poultry raised •-""-be 12o,764.number 43,302

Eggs produced":::::::::::..: .<..dozens mm

^gj^jj .dozens 283,216

Value of poultry and eggs produced ..dollars^^^oVai

Receipts from sale of poultry and eggs ...dollars 6^/yj



Wool, fleeces shorn number 2,423

Mohair and goat hair fleeces shorn number 33

Value of wool and mohair produced dollars 4,314

Honey produced pounds ^^'^^'^

Wax produced pounds o21

Value of honey and wax produced dollars 1,398

DOMESTIC ANIMALS SOLD OR SLAUGHTEREDCalves sold or slaughtered .number J54Other cattle sold or slaughtered • • . .number 1,554

Horses, mules, asses and burros sold , . number _ 410

Swine sold or slaughtered .number 15,773

Sheep and goats sold or slaughtered number \'^Receipt from sale of animals dollars -r?'^?^Value of animals sold or slaughtered dollars iO,-o-

VALUE OF ALL CROPSCereals dollars

^-t'tllOther grains and seeds ,


Hay and forage dollarsIq^oa

Vegetables -dollars 49.4-4

Fruits and nuts •-do ars 130,564

All other crops ,

dollars rfo,»Hy


Oats acres

Barley acres

Buckwheat acresbushels

All tame or cultivated grasses acrestons

Timothy alone acres


bushels 712,483

acres l.slii

bushels 23,75018,811Wheat acres

.>-o mcbushels SoO.OIfi

oEmmers and spelt ,

acres "

(bushels 'ig

bushels 80

Rye • ,acres ^bushels *0


tons 3,815612693


Timothy and clover mixed acrestons

Clover alone acrestons 3,79b

Alfalfa acres 13

tons 29

Millet or Hungarian grass acres 18

tons 26

Other tame or cultivated grasses acres 24

tons 23Wild, salt or prairie grasses acres 14

tons 23Grains cut green acres 270

tons 450Coarse forage acres 1.008

tons 2.061Potatoes

, ..acres 649bushels 48,069

Sweet potatoes and yams . .acres 3

bushels 259All other vegetables acres 281Maple trees number 12Maple sugar (made) poundsMaple siruj) (made) gallons 6Broom corn acres

poundsMISCELLANEOUS f^ W ' ' ' ' ^' '


Labor—farm reporting 632Cash expended dollars 66,705Rent and board dollars 16,095

Fertilizer—farms reporting '.'.'...'.'.'.'.', 74Amount expended .1 .\. ....... .\.\...\ .][] I .'dollars 1.322

Feed—farms reporting 345Amount expended dollars 22,287

Receipts from sale of feedable crops dollars 39,204



Pike and Calhoun Counties.Buyers' Guide


Recommended to the Prairie Farmer Readers—Ask Your Dealer for Them

Abstracts of Title 269


Allen - 294

Buick 295

Chevrolet 296, 302, 307

Dodge 297

Dort 316

Essex 297

Grant 298

Hudson 297

Oakland 295

Old smobile 298

Overland 296-297

Studebaker 298

Automobile Accessories

Ajax-Kelly 297-302

Bartlett & Sweeney Oils 318

Battery Service 317

Brunswick Tires 316

Champion Spark Plugs 303-304

Columbia Batteries 297-298

Diamond Tires 332

Edison Storage Batteries 272

Enarco Oils 304

Ever-ready Batteries 304

Firestone Tires 296-297-307-316

Ford Auto Parts 289-297-303-318

Goodrich Tires 298-304-307

Goodyear Tires 295-296-304-316

Havoline Oils 298-318

Lincoln Highway Tires 297

Mansfield Tires and Tubes 289

Michelin Tires X^Z

Miller Tires 316

Mobiloils 297-300-304

Pennant Oils 316

Folarine Oils 304

Prest-o-!ite Batteries 318

Racine Tires 303

Republic Tires 311

Silvertown Cord Tires 295

Standard Four Tires 298-311

Sterling Tires 316

Ten Star Batteries 2<S9

Tungsten Spark Plugs 304

United States Tires 254-296-298-318

Vesta Batteries'.


Willard Storage Batteries . . .295-296-297--307

Bakery 279



Barn Equipment

Porter 300


Deering 300-332

McCormick 251

Bottling Works 277


Deere 332

Builder Supplies

Acme Plaster 253-257-260-331

Atlas Portland Cement 253-260-331

Asbestos and Asphalt Shingles 257

Beaver Board 240-257-260-331

Creosoted Fence Post 331

Cornell Wall Board 253-257

Curtis Woodwork 240

Hard Wood Flooring 257

Johns-Man ville Roofing 331

Xeponset Shingles 240

Neponset Wall Board 240

O. K. Plaster 240

Paroid Roofing 240

Peerless Premium Shingles 240

Red Ring Cement 240-257

Slate Roofing 257

Vulcanite Roofing and Shingles 253

White Cedar Fence Posts 257

Cleaners 276


Armour Plate Hosiery 278

Athena UnderwearBelding Bros. Silks 278

Broadhead Dress Goods 278

Carleton Shirts 251



Cloth Craft 277

Foster Waists 278

Goodrich Rubber Goods 251

Hart, Schaffner & Marx 277

Ironclad Hosiery 251

Kuppenheimer 279

Langenberg Hats 251

Lion Brand Shirts ' 277

Munsingwear 278-279

Niagara Maid Gloves 278

Peerless Overalls 251

Red Top Shirts 277

R. & G. Corsets 278

Stetsen Hats 251-277-279

Triangle Collars 251

Wilson Bros. Sox 277

Wilson Shirts 279



Corn Planters

Blackhawk & Peters


Hayes 302

Cream Separators

Crusoe •

DeLaval 251-


Sharpies 253-

Cameras and Supplies

Kodaks 260-265-275-293-













Avery 300

T. H. C 251

Pattee 251

Disk Harrows

I. H. C 251

Farm Implements

I. H. C 251

McCormick Harvesting Machinery 302

Myers Hay Tools 253-254


Hess, Dr 265

Purina 261

Security 265

Fence and Gates

American Wire Fence 253-254

No-Sag Gates 240

Perfection Gates 331

Square Deal 300

U. S. American Field 289


Crystal Gem 280

Hannibal Eagle 321

Ideal Production 256

Mess Call 256

Foot Specialist 267

Fruit Trees

Stark Delicious 155

Funeral Directors 267-273


Caloric 300-332

Weir 311


Arlington Mattresses 289

Can't Sag Springs 289

Sewing Machines 289

Way Sagless Bed Springs 254

Garage 273-295-296-301-303-304-316-318

Gas Engines

Fairbanks Morse 332

Stover 300

Grain Dealers, 263

Grain Drills

Moniter 332

New Peoria 332

Thomas 300

Harness and Vehicle Accessories 274

J. B. Sickles 289

Hay Loaders

Blackhawk & Peters 300

Hotels 3

Household Supplies

Bissel's Carpet Sweeper 277

Neponset Linoleums 254

Rugs 277

Sellar's Kitchen Cabinet 254

Incubators and Brooders 253

Buckeye 332

Favorite 254



Lighting Plants

Alamo Electric Unit 258-302

Delco 262

Owen 270

Lalley-Light 306

Limestone 310-354

Columbia 8



Live Stock


Live Stock Commission Merchants



Live Stock Remedies

Cornell, Dr. B. F 309

Hess, Dr 256-263-265

Hog Tone 4

Pratt's Poultry 263

Salvet 256-263

Loans and Investments 254-259

Machine Shops 295-299

Manure Spreaders

Deere 333

I. H. C 300-332

Monuments 30-240-325

MowersDeering 300

Massey-Harris 300

NewspapersQuincy Whig, The 308

Opticians 312-314


B. P. S 254

Carter & Mammer White Lead 334

Effecto Auto Enamel 334

Martin-Senour 253

Moore, Benjamin 334

Meund City 265-300

Pratt & Lambert 334

Saniflat Wall Paint 234

Sherwin-Williams 256-263

Valdura Asphalt Roof 257

Pianos and Organs 287-293-354

Kimball 289-290

Straube 289-290

Werner 289


I. H. C 251

Leader 327

Oliver 300

Plumbing 251-272


Dentist 284-285

Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 284

Lawyer 285-286

Osteopath 284

Physician 284

Veterinarian 284

Produce Commission Merchants211-212-219-220-227-229-230-231-232-233-235-


PumpsMyers 254

Real Estate




Seeds 248-319

Alfalfa 337

Ferry's & Webster's 265

Funk's Seed Corn 337

Johnson & Boone County White 333

Mortgage Lifter 333

Reed's Yellow Dent 333

Turkoy Red jj/

Western Plowman 333


Beacon 277

Brown 251

Educator 2''7

Grover Soft 27/

Lambertville 2/7

Menz 277

Walk-Over 277


Champion , 282

Lansing 332

Steamer Service

Alabama 291

Golden Eagle 309

Piasa 309


Book 275

Builders' Supplies 260-278-335

Clothing 248-281-308-311-323

Department 156-267-323-329

Drugs 256-263-265-293

Dry Goods.... 3-252-254-267-320-322-324-330-333

Furniture 315-356

Hardware 253-256-300-311-313

Jewelry 278-312-313-314-317-354

Millinery 276-322

Musical Instruments 287

Shoes 311-312-314-323-336-337

Stoves and Ranges

Blue Bell Oil 289

Bridge Beach 254-289

Buck 289

Heintz 289

Illinois 254

Monogram 311

New Perfection Oil 253



Puritan Oil 289

Revonoe Oil 254

Simmons Oil 289

Superior 300

Talking Machines

Columbia 278-354

Kimball 290

Pathe 274

Victrola 287

Tank Heaters

Cow boy 332

Tools and Cutlery

O. V. B 254

Shapley 289

Simmons 289

Tenk's Clipper 324


Allwork 328

Case 295

Cletrac 326

Electric Wheel Work 332

Fordson 296

Leader 327

Titan 251-300

Wallis Cub 302


Republic 295-307

Vulcanizing 296-316-318

WagonsBuckeye & Milbourn 300

Knapheide 332

Washing Machines

Champion 300

E. Z 289

One Minute 289

WheelsElectric Steil 328


Stover 300

VIABILITY OF GARDEN SEEDSIn his book, Productive Vegetable

Growing, Prof. John W. Lloyd, of theUniversity of Illinois horticulture de-partment gives the following as thelength of time seeds may be expectedto retain their vitality:

Years YearsAsparagus 5 Mustard 4Bean 3Beet 6Cabbage ....... 5Carrot 4

Cauliflower .... 5Celery 8Corn. Sweet. ... 2Cress 5Cucumber 10Eggplant 6

Endive 10Kale 5Kohlrabi 5Leek 3Lettuce 5Muskmelon .... 5

Okra 5Onion 2Parsley 3Parsnip 2Pea 3Pepper 4Pumpkin 5Radish 5Rhubarb ...... 3

Salisfy 2Spinach 5Squash 5Tomato 4Turnip 5Watermelon ... 5

It is always safest to test seeds that

have been kept more than a year be-

fore planting, because they are notalways kept under the best conditionsand if not will deteriorate faster than

is indicated in the foregoing table.




N037 N0.38 N0.39


NO.l NO. 2 NO. 3 N0.4

N0.7 NO. 8

t7J\ TON

NO.ll N0.12

NO.l 5 N0.16

N0.19 N0.20

/J^ /TTl /tT» /n\

NO. 21 NO. 2 2 NO.23 NO.24

/»! /O, /r!> /jj>

NO. 25 NO. 26 NO. 27 NO. 28

/CT> /Jl\ /!>, ,0»

N0.29 N0.30 NO 31 Na32

<::r:^ <X:^ ^^tt^ <:r:T:7

Litter Mark Chart.


N0.33 NO. 34 N0.35 N0.36

<::;r:^ <^rx^ <::^r:^



AVERAGE WEIGHT OF LIVESTOCKThe average weight of cattle at Chicago for months mentioned was as followi:

191S 1914 1913 1912 i911 1910 1909January 1,027 996 1,002 1,018 897 1,019 1025February 1,041 1,013 1,006 990 1,031 1,019 1*042March 1,055 1,012 929 991 1,030 995 i'o22April 1,089 1,036 1,040 999 1,068 1036 I'oSSMay ...1,075 1,021 1,040 994 1,080 1,024 1*482June 1.076 1,008 1,069 999 1,036 1,006 1*092July 1,032 1,000 1,037 1,003 1,017 980 r074August 1,050 999 1,021 958 995 939 I'o^'September 1,047 981 992 953 985 949 '994

October 1,024 958 980 951 966 947 974November 1,017 1,015 1,011 957 889 990 995December 1,037 1,003 997 980 972 995 999

Year 1,046 1,002 1,008 981 997 ~990 1,036

The average weight of calves at Chicago for month mentioned was as follows:1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909

January 142 141 140 154 156 180 169February 129 137 132 137 148 155 151March 131 119 123 124 125 146 138April Ill 113 111 112 114 116 117May 117 119 114 116 119 127 117June 122 123 127 128 134 138 129July 136 136 136 139 ' 147 170 154August 149 151 153 161 161 176 178September 155 173 176 177 190 204 220October 160 165 169 170 203 219 220November 159 160 157 171 170 204 206December 149 152 154 157 168 183 191

Year 134 135 134 145 153 168 165

The average weight of hogs at Chicago for months mentioned was as follows:1915 1914 1913 1912 1911 1910 1909 1908 1907

January 223 216 226 212 226 210 203 215 223February 224 224 230 217 230 213 204 212 222March 231 233 240 218 239 218 206 212 228April 233 233 242 227 241 227 212 219 234May 233 236 242 232 242 239 216 218 23SJune 231 237 244 235 236 242 219 217 236July 238 244 243 23,9 233 246 225 222 240August 246 248 233 240 239 255 232 224 250.September 235 242 222 235 224 259 232 219 253October 204 229 209 226 212 253 227 207 2^5November 187 218 207 222 208 232 225 213 209December 190 226 213 223 213 224 214 211 214

Year 219 231 228 226 228 235 218 216 231Lightest on record.

The average weight of sheep and lambs at Chicago for months mentioned was as follows:'IS '14 '13 '12 '11 '10 '09 '08 '07 '06 '05 '04 '03

January 82 81 87 82 90 83 84 85 86 86 86 93 88February 81 81 85 82 88 82 83 84 86 83 89 89 86March 82 84 84 84 86 82 84 86 86 82 88 87 82April 83 83 85 82 85 80 84 84 85 82 89 88 87May 81 82 82 80 84 82 81 85 84 82 87 86 85June 72 74 11 76 75 80 n 82 81 80 82 82 80July 73 76 76 75 1(> 80 IS 79 81 80 82 83 80August 79 76 78 73 78 80 80 79 81 79 79 82 81September 75 73 75 11 72 79 79 79 82 78 78 78 77October 78 71 73 78 73 79 80 79 80 79 75 78 79November .81 83 78 82 78 82 81 81 81 80 80 85 82December 82 83 80 85 83 81 79 82 84 85 84 88 87

Year 19 78 79 79 79 81 83 82 83 81 83 84 83

AVERAGE WEIGHT OF STOCKYearly average weight of livestock at Chicago for seven years:

1915 1914 1913 1912Cattle. 1046 1002 1008 981Calves 134 135 134 145Hogs 219 231 228 226Sheep 79 78 79 79





President Woodrow Wilson

Vice-President Thomas Marshall

Secretary of State Robert Lansing

Secretary of Treasury Carter Glass

Secretary of War Newton C. Baker

Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer

Postmaster General Albert S. Burleson

Secretary of Navy Josephus Daniels

Secretary of Interior Franklin K. Lane

Secretary of Agriculture David F. HoustonSecretary of Commerce William C. Redfield

Secretary of Labor William B. Wilson


Governor Frank 0. LowdenLieutenant Governor John G. Oglesby

Secretary of State Louis L. EmmersonAttorney General Edward J. BrundageTreasurer Fred E. Sterling

Auditor of Public Accounts Andrew Russell


Illinois Senators Lawrence Y. Sherman

Medill McCormickCongressmen-at-Large William E. Mason

Ritchard YatesCongressman Twenty-first Dist. (Counties

of Macoupin, Christian, Montgomery,

Sangamon) Loren E. Wheeler, Springfield


(Counties of Pike, Calhoun and Adams)

Senate Chas. R. McMay, Ursa,

House A. Otis Arnold, Quincy,

Henry Bauers, Pittsfield,

Rolland M. Wagner, Quincy.





m "Replenish the earth and subdue it." Genesis 1:28.

i TEN MILLION TONS OF LIMESTONE NEEDED ONI ILLINOIS SOILS ANNUALLYB How long would your bank account last, Mr. Farmer, if you never

g renewed it?

M No more can you expect to draw on your soil account without youB replenish it. Nature is both bountiful and patient, but she will not be

g denied. Write for prices today—do not delay, but again—write today.

I The Black White Lime Co., Quincy, 111.

Mid-Smnmer Clean-Up Sale of Pianos, Player-Pianos, Fhonegraphs Now On

Our prices the lowest and our Pianos and Talkingmachines the best makes.

Free demonstrations daily of Players and TalkingMachines.

HANNIBAL MUSIC CO.Opposite City Hall, 321 Broadway


Step In and Look Around— WHEN IN —

Louisiana, Missouri

Diamonds Cut Glass

Watches SilverwareJewelry Novelties

Kodaks and SuppliesSEND US YOUR MAIL ORDERS:




INDEXAutomobile Owners' Directory of Pike County 295-314

Automobile Owners' Directory of Calhoun County 317-325

Breeders' Directory of Pike County 201-235

Breeders' Directory of Calhoun County 237-247

Business Directory of Pike County 249-288

Business Directory of Calhoun County 289-293

Farmers' Directory of Pike County 3 1-1 54

Farmers' Directory of Calhoun County 157-199

Silo Owners' Directory of Pike County 333-336

Silo Owners' Directory of Calhoun County 33 7

Tractor Owners' Directory of Pike County 327-329

Tractor Owners' Directory of Calhoun County 331

General Information:

A Selling Hint 315

Average Weight of Livestock 351

Binder Trouble and Adjustments 12- 17

Buyers' Guide 346-349

Composition of Common Hog Feeds 235

Corn Planter Adjustments 18- 21

General Farm Data for Pike County 340-342

General Farm Data for Calhoun County 343-345

Gestation Table of Farm Animals 353

Horses, Common Unsoundness of 26- 29

Killing Rats 247

Labor, Value of 25

Litter Mark Chart 350

Livestock Farmer's Medicine Chest 22- 25

Pike County Farm Bureau 9- 11

United States Officers 352

Viability of Garden Seeds 349



We Invite Your Inspection of Our Complete Stock

of Up-to-Date

Furniture, Stoves, Rugs& Draperies


Schultz Furniture & Carpet Co.

317-319 Broadway HANNIBAL, MO.



J. T. HOLME, President J. J. CRUIKSHANK, Vice President

F. T. HODGDON, Cashier T. R. SCHOFIELD, Asst. Cash.

J. A. SYDNEY, Asst. Cashier '


When you go into a store to buy shoes, say to the clerk, "I want apair of^ shoes". Don't say, "I want a

pair of shoes" . If you name a brand of shoes you know will give yousatisfaction, you not only say you want shoes, but you know aboutwhat you want. A clerk will always give closer attention to a customerwho knows what he wants. It is human nature. The clerk will bemore likely to give you satisfaction, even if he does not have the makeof shoes you ask for, because he will know better what to show you, if

you are willing to consider another make.



The Keynote of Prairie Farmer's Protective Union is to Serve andProtect Prairie Farmer Readers

The greatest service rendered by Prairie Farmer's Protective UnionIS in investigating investment schemes, swindles, etc., and giving ourmembers full information about them. Do not invest in any proposition,however attactive, until you have written us about it. If an agentcalls on you with any scheme, with a new variety of seed, with a live-stock remedy, or with anything else about which you are not fully in-formed, write us before investing any money or signing any papersSend us all the printed matter about the proposition that you can get,and we will make a full and impartial investigation and report promptly.

This service has already saved members of the Prairie Farmer's Pro-tective Union thousands of dollars. We want to serve you, and theservice will save you money.

If you have subscribed for Prairie Farmer and for the Directoryyou thereby become a member of Prairie Farmer's Protective Union.There are no other dues or charges.

Your certificate of membership is printed below. It entitles you tothe full service of Prairie Farmer's Protective Union. Make use of thisservice freely by writing us whenever you want help or information.

This certifies that

is a member m good standing of Prairie Farmer's Protective Union, andis entitled to the full service of the Union without charge for the periodof his paid-up subscription to Prairie Farmer. All communications andrequests for service should be addressed to

PRAIRIE FARMER'S PROTECTIVE UNION223 W. Jackson Boulevard Chicago, Illinois

m\ m







Incorporated 1889

Consign your cattle to a firm that

y\^lways gets full market value and

The best fills possible to obtain.

that's the kind of service we give.


encourage you to give us a trial.

Heavy shrinkage can be avoided by

Our systematic method of handling.

Get one oe our good yard fills, and

See how it increases your proceeds.

Selecting a firm to sell your sheep

|-|as a lot to do with your success.

EvANS-SNIDER-BUEL COMPANY'S METHODEntitles every shipper to a profit.

Price list sent free upon request.




The Ricker National BankFOUNDED 1858


Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits


Deposits Over $5,000,000.00

Under U. S. Government Supervision.


Edward Sohm, President

J. R. Pearce, Vice Pres.

H. F. J. Ricker, Cashier

Joseph J. Fischer,

Asst. Cashier

B. Awerkamp,Asst. Cashier

J. H. Vanden BoomFrank J. Penick

Thos. S. Elliott

Geo. McAdams

This bank trans.-cts only legitimate banking in all its branches.

Commercial as well as Savings. It operates along safe and conservative

Hnes. Its first aim is to invest its deposits safely, thereby protecting its

depositors. Your business is solicited and we extend to all depositors

the same considerate and courteous treatment.

fo Interest Paid on SavingsSafety Deposit Boxes for Rent $2.50 Per Year and Up