Qf the Reformation of The. Ch LL Rc H Scotland - Forgotten Books

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I S T OQf the

R E F O‘


CH ll RC H


Containingfive 73001“

To getherwith fo meTR 8ATIS E S co nductingto theHziflo ry.

Publifh ed‘

byAuth o rity.

5 a re 1 1 . 5. x

qe to andfia tho r ow the fire d: a}Jerufalem a'

fl' e now and kn ow andfi‘ek jn theéraadplace; thereof if ye canfinde a man, if ther e 6: an] ex

‘ecuteth?udgement that

f aker/7 theTrmb, and 1 Willpardon if .

2 C o n . 1 3 . 8.

For we can do nothing ‘againfl theTru th, 6”for the Tr ut/r.


Prmtcd by Km art/7 , fo r Geerg‘

c T17554074 and 0 5741 1 11471 Pal/m , and areto be {o ld at thefignc o f theKo fe in Paul: Church yard;

M D C XL I V .

éhhfi ghhfitieteteefieseeteewt seetee

To the:Reader.

ChrifliartReader,e I pref mt unto thee a Ptete, Ia’

arepromzfi,wort@ of thyreatl‘

ihg 5whereth thott ha]? a trueantlplatn R elation fi‘lthwtlt dtfg ttt

fiflg of manymemerahlePet/fag “ happened t'

n the Chttr eh ofGoa',and [thewzjefltm

‘e notahle one: tn the State of the K ingdom of S co c

land,from the veryfirjlfetling of State arealChurch In that Cezert‘

trey. Bttt h omely, and chiefly, thanha]? here rela tedwhat prtflet

fillyyaf fed in Church and State on tht'

t ottr Cottntrey during the great W ork ofytttrg zng theChurch from the Snperflztton! and Idolatry andfreezztg hoth Churchand State from the Tyranny and S[aw ry bf Popery h att/l the oomtng of KingJames , our late Sovereign , to the Crown of Sco d and . Farther, hefiele the trueandfitithfttll Relation ofmany Occurrences that fell otet m the/e daye; in Sco tland; thou haflunfildedmete thee, andmadeplain the { bong Reafom ,

anrlneeeffiry,Goufes that moved the/emenwho are here named,althettgh infirm andweako

tn themfizleues g o undergo thegreat W ork of Reformatioto W zth thefol/d Ground:”port which they went on with thtk weightyBnfinefi wtflz

ng lyand cheerful/yJnot» ,

with/lantltng thegreatw ho anddzffitttltiet theymet witha/l through the he/p amtafizjlanee of God who hythem,

meanfnftrttmetttt , hrottght thmgt toote/fe, tn a’o

jptghtof themalice andflratagems of Sathan, with his agents,for thegoodof htltPeople, and the[etlzng of hie Chttreh t


n PetrityandL therty.

V411 theft things arefit‘


hlyandfimply infam tltar anti homelyL atigttag e 5Tet/b, that they mayhe with to]? apprehended and tender/toot!hy any one .From what theyho t? here wr ttten in the?Volume although there were no‘o therW riting: in thie leino'e extant thott mayo/lfie ta/t


ly hy what meam thegreat(My-fieryof lnimezty, from the veryfir/lRtfé, hath heen [et afoot > and tonflah tly,everfinte, hath heen carried on 5 to wtt By

ettnmng Dew eet , tmpea'em Lyet ,

continued and craftyPlot: nntlerflreeiom Pretextt analopen Oppr efs'


fly, andCr tteltt'

et , wtthzn Sco tland, ttlltheyeer of Chr ift I 56 7 . / 1fter whichtim e, the


enemiet of God, analof he? People . , have not heenjleeotag'

t1 /1 thtapre~

T‘fl’nt , more then formerly. W herefore, for thygood,Chrifiian Reader , I havethonghtfit in thisplace to poznt at‘

fom e main Occurrence;from that n e wtillnow.

theMeyer/airy: of Truth and Gooda e/fi’ tender the [Pet totee F ree

Qg een Mary t o her L zher ty, and of re her no fall[ole Power did a'zfqazet and tr otthle hoth Church areal State in

nd , heth with open F ort e, antlftthti/l Plots for/omeyeer s , that it to theeer. Beet findmg that all thetr finaler taletngt antler thle‘prétext, provedw ho, andwzthoy t/aeeefle: antlflantlzng to thezr mam Defigae. o


3 Rel;


To theR eader .

To theReader .

the §Cuntort were invited to doheifchief . Then the Teacher; hytheir had infiru



i on, did corrupt, namely inTheologie, allfoundDofl'

rine . Andfor thte' urpo/E,theearnefljludte of the Old.

Te/lrment tn the Or ig inall Heérew wac crye downe,a t hefeemzng rather men of the Synagogue then thafa of the Chm/li onS choolt .

L i kewzfe the Greek of the NewTc/lamentmu/l not he readwith dzlzgence,for fiar

of firoyltng the eleg ancyof the Creole Language which a to hefiund in profane(A uthors . So they withdrew the Students from thefludie of Scripture; tn theOr r

g tnall, o rd recommended to them the reading of humaneWritings, particularlyin Theologteahe Booles of theAncientgwhich are commonly called Fathers L ikewifi

" was recommended itntoyoungmen thefludze of the S ophittryof the d umb ,

at of Th omas and S co tus namely, with their E xpofitor s . True it it That ify ungmen were wed in/lrue

‘i’ed inTheologie from the Scripture: and taught the

true Principle: of Phi lofiiphze in afitled courfe hyfinite yudtczoua and diligentPr ofeflhr , they m ight reade all the/bBoole: and other: in their hinde withpleafitre andbenefit. But alaa

, young men not knowing the rudiments of Theologie,n or the fir/lElementt of ‘

Phtlofophie, are let loofe unto themfelvet , andfit hyreading thefi’ Boo/e: having nofir e ~

ground fo‘llic'k to learn onelyto douht, and putg nomes ,yea , o the veryPrinciple; of allfound knowledge hath Divine and E umane . Thus ting hrought to waver and douht they are eafilyled, what hyinter eft, what hyweakne/fi

, to emhra’

ceahad Opinion or at leajl, to holdalluncertain,aa


the ancient Sceptick s , not heing ahle to re/olve Tea,douhting it come to that


,in the opinton of many he to the hravejlfellow andwi ttie/l that


can rat/e mojlQueries, an/wer themwhowillor can Andfit W it it hugely cryedup , which it hutmeerfroth 5andpoorfoltd W ifedom it notfitmuch at named or

thou ht on.

Tghen thofe of the '

richerfort, havingjptui fome time idly and loofilyat the line'vcr/itzet ,go heyind S ea, particularlyto Italy,forfooth, either upon their own trujl,or

flwhich u li ttle hotter , tfnotwork manyof thofewhogo along wi thyoung men,to

advifeand dzr ei i them,have at much need of onefor theirguide, ac the young men

themfelvet ; having neotherflazdnefle,dtfiretton, norprohzty.So that if there wereayufl account caft up of allthofewho either have heen hred in the univerfittet , org eneheyond Sea thefimanyyeer t , Iwilljpealewithin compo”? That of twenty youjhall hardlyfinde one who is improved in vi rtue hy this Breeding for thegood of“

the Church and State, whereof theyaremomhert , andperhaps confi It too iftheywerewzfis andgood. A t thicpr efent hath Church and Statefinder to he true


hywofull experience, namely, ' in the Clergi e,Gentry, andNohtlzty.

Now thefi:evil; have not heen in E ngland alone for S cm lafid, according todi sprop ortion, in com/rage of Bounds numhert of people, provi/ion of means , andin a i d:[lancefrom Coart, hath i ttfull/hnre of allthe evzl Forfirfi , the School:of hreedtng young p eople at home were hecome verycorrupt and many tn theirtravelling ahroad

,have eithermzfi


ar r ted,or little henefited themfelvet Thefruitwe havefound;namely, in our corrupt Clergie,yea, and tn fame of our infatuatedGentry and Nohilzty hut hlefled he God, things are now in a hetter pojlureand con~flztutzon there, then theyhave heenformerly5 Godg rant wemay have occefion tofly the ls he of E ngland . f or R eligion found knowledge, and true wifedome,w i thprohztyh aveheen fit neg let

‘led and contemned there to the ia nominy and

repro ach of chr iflzanity, that in theft times, there we havefeen thedol'

efullef etl tof want of


Religion,and of thefieother vertuet . But to return to the Court.


To theReader.

credit at C0”? t yet theyhe great D ffigne;[o longnot he certain So Princeuntimely death wan taken

then,we mullamnion} in

Pope, direc‘t'lyheen caft

‘of ,


have not heenfleeping nor idle namely, in our neighhonr Conn‘treye

where when th eyhadmade things up for a comhu/lzon of W ar hytheircraflyflrec

z/h ng divifions and corruption: in life andDoc7r ine of men of place,

theykindle thefir e witnefi'

e the hufinefle of Barnevelin the L owCountreyt, i ntheyeor 1 6 1 9 . And not long thereafter the trouhles

rather! in F rance ag ainjhthe Mfr/pr; of the Truth 5 then in


Germany [thew/fie having all thingsr eadyfor a W ar , wa theywere thin/ting tha t the two Hoitfis of Saxe to wit


Weymer ien, and the now E letlorall waa‘moflfit and ea/ie to he emlr oyled, hyrea

fin of the emulation of the W eymer ian again]? the other, for the E leélora/lwity, takenfrom it, andgiven to the other But convenientlyfor their puthe E lie’lo r Palatine ha ng made K ing of Bo hem ia the great agent of thethe Houfit of Aufiria, take: occafion to


makeW ar agatnfihim leaving theof Now to come home again .



ing James by this time it turned ahout and hit afefl zon [o much cooledand turnedfrom the Prote/lantpartydijlre/fed, thatfor allhelp orfirpplyto the Pr o‘


of France he [ends complement: hy Emha/fadour t withfi ndfor his fitn - rn - L am with other Protejlantt hie adherents in G erm any he

didf lrttlemore ; [o fen/ele/Te n he of the fuyfering t of‘

Jaco b and unmrndefir/lhf his own inter ejl hyfirfir tng tho/e in France and G erm anyto pert/h, who notonelyd

'dfo much honour him ,hut s theyheing pr eferved, made him the mofi r edotehf

ed and confiderahle Prince tn Chr tjlendom . To [peak nothing of his tye hynatureunto hit own children .


’hen contradi l‘

t’ing hie ownpuhli/hed Dittates he met/l

fiele after a Poptjh w:ftfor hiefin ; and, to ha/z’en the the yhung Pr ince

mu/l hefent into Spl it] where he had two men hywhom he waa then advrfed f


who , although they did not love one another yet they did agree among themfelves ,To hetraytheir oldMaj/er with their Countr ey; and their y!a reg lull/ltd”m thei r company whom they thett counfelled to emhr acePopery antlhy writ ingengage him/elf unto the Pope . Thu it upon Record. At lafl, the Prince com ethhome without i the wife which we: never really intendedfbr him howfioeew

x"I - thtng :

things wereg enten oat, not thflana'ing all thepain: if theyotong Prince and the

earne/lfitlltoztttele of the Father , wtth thecompli anceof ho th'

. If it hadm; heenfor thehatred to the PalatineHonfi: andfear of it: advancement to the jm



of theft Dominican s , thePr ince never hadfleen the; Iflanelagain, hut in a W ay.

Howfitever K ing James h g lael to have hh fon fafe returned And at length,

feetng clearlyhoe:hehad been int/Zealandgalleel hethznh: bimfl/f t amendhh' former nezflaleet and errour o g ha t alaa, i t that too late for “ he 31144 7514; N,”

The[k neeyeor of thedeath of thelate Kmg and of theMar rtage ofSover eign, therewas an E xpedttog

‘n mule again/i the Spaniara

W ithout anyr eal!

i ntention to do harm at appeartimhy theflaeh

tgerformanee of theWar and hy

thejhanoefallPeaeemade thereafter . Themain ifeof theft nndertahing wae,firji’


To try how readythep eople monld‘

he to endnre Souldi er s i n the Countrey whichtheyhad notjeen fir a long time 5 and how willing theywould he to underg o a

War , at the command of the corrupt Court anduphold it with Suppliesq"heenand moneys . Next Theremaflhe an Expedi tion again/i Francc, antler pretextto h elp the thendzflrefled Pratt/lento there which reallymao intendedfor the ha.

fleeting of thei r wine and enereafi of their defilation andlaitprovedalthough the main and chief undertaker wae prevented, hydeath, to [eetof hi; intents . The other end of this undertakingwas To have Forte: atwithmated

,hathHorleanalFoot, hy Lanol and awell- pr ovidedNameat Sea for the

enjlafuing of thepea le toflairttnall and tempera/lBondage 5 whi ch in allhttnwupr ohahelttyhad no t een olefin /e to tfi


ee‘tnate then

, fitehwae thejheztpi/hfih’tfidfl


h‘and knafut/hhafeneffe of manymen tn the

-[e Domini on: of all ran J‘, oonditiont ,


ton: 5 ae alfo thennprepar edneffie of themtfir and hetter Patr iots andMemher s of the Chareh, to wi th/land thiemzfehief if God inh is merey hy thetenexpefieddeath of the Court—ruler , ana' ehtef ag ent i t: thehafinefle, haahmtpntin a Remo ra and lett A t which time if men had r eturned unto God, amendingthei r lives inprw ate , and had expre/fed their true z eal then to thegood of theChtireh andCottntreywhereof theyaremembers according to their fiverallrank:and condi tions thedeheneof the common enemyhail heenfuflydie/ht: But God

in hit wifedom hath heen plea/Ea!to keep to:“

yet a while longer tender the rod oftryall, to[he if wewih




ttnto him at lat}. TheBerni/ltparty, although Aflontjhedandfierprtfealat thedeath of thei r Eng ine anelntain Inflrnment hereamongon

, g ive: not over hat continue: the greatDefigne, without‘inter tni/Vton, alhett

not wi thfitehgreed ae formerly g, for tho/e to ivhofitcareprincipallythehafinelfewarcommitted, and in whofi

' hand; themanag ing of matter: hadfelt’en hytheoleath

of the late Fnc to eum , were notfo phwerfallto ohtain, wi thout r efafitll, what theypleaflfd, at theKtng t hands nei ther were they in[nth opiaten and reputationwith

.mferionr s , to makethem g o on in themorhfit ea/rneflly5whenfit

rethe flattenmnflhehronght now of neoe/fzty to take upon her the,main cart

, and to obtain

from theK ing whatfieefver way oonelnte and farthee thehot/ine/fe, and taho ”m


theyW ill (r eafoneel the/efor their chief men of

Stateareei ther altuallyat Court, or p rovided toplate: in theCountreyfr om Court,at lea]? theyean


no hufinejfe ofmoment, wi thout thefire/ our of the Court. A t thte'

tune theelm/out and relig ious Pr elate, with the N]? of their good Clergie are not

onelyin allearne/lneflehentfor the worlt according ,to thei r fivera/lplaeet in the

Churehghut alfit theyover - [wayallhu/ines in State,W hei efitre,without dzffieultym:

willcompajfeour mazn De/ignethor ow‘


ZeDominions (faielthey. Analtrue/yfa

theyhad, in allli kelihood, a wemayfeehyt ewofuh'

carr iage ofhufinejfe, anelfit illmanag ingfogooela Caufein Englandfinee But God had, i n his mercy towarklt u:‘all,orelatned otherwife, And iftheSoot: (faythey [hould hefit mad aa to refufe theeommaneltfrom theCourt,ana

’thinhupon refiflanoe, they[hallhe made oheytheholyMandate wi th aVengeance,


faythei r prayer: wi th a rod for wejhall over - run

thei r Countrey[peeeltly,oneifitha'ue them

,ne poor ,filln norant fitolt , deflitute of all

mean:for W ar,towit , wifeelom ,with r efilution, not having hr eeeltng , andpr efled

downwi th poverty to undertake and undergofueh a hu/inefle at War 5 and moneyandArm: tog o on in it 5for the S oylbeing harr en,and the Haven: had, theycannot

have theadvantage: of a fertileCountrey furntjhed withgooa'

Harhouro,andCom »

manrler: or Leaders , to managea W ar their Mi li tarymen hoing ahroaa', who willnot eafilyquit the honorahle analhenefieiafl Employment: theyhave inforreigneCountrey: and come home to fuf er want, wi th loffe of credi t. But God whola ugh;from aho fue at thefooltjh Counfelle of m en men in the? particular hathmade uefee That hehath an over - ruling power over the afiairt of men makingli ttleand contemptihle one: ologreat thing s , and hr ing to nothi ng theundertakings

of themightyandwife of thit world.

Bytheirtime the new Prayer - Booh,defigneelat Romc ,andperfeilealat Lo ndo n

itfent John into Sco dand Adfter [done li ttle r eluit‘anty it h reeei fueel hythe

Countellthere, themayorpart whereof thenwereeither Chureh men ,or their addt~

fl edfiienelt . Then it is [cut to theChurchet ,to heput inufiandprae‘h ee .

~8ut anex a

peéieolandunloolteelfor , it it oppo/i elhyinferioitr people fr omwhence the opphfieiou r ifeth to tho/it of higher ranks : w


hei'eupon Peti tion: aredrawn up , andkm to the'

K tug;to [itpplttateH ie W aje/ly, in alldue re/pefl ,tofree theChurch of Sco d and

fr om this newPrayer - Boohgwtth theHighX“ K“

2 To

to g o to Cour t, for the ttme at Barwickg atnflthem , wer e

-flopped hy thei r fr i on

Cant t .u dfter thi ngs in a leinde calmed ther e the King , not fufiered hyhis Caren/ellto

g e inteEdinburgh to fettle thing s fully he [ends Departes thither , and returnsto Lo ndo n . A t has return, the Scots Comm /fizoner s are impr zfiined at Lo ndo n


again/i their Safe Conduct and theAg r eement wi th the Scots is h'

urntpnhlzhely,hythehand of theHang man and a newExpedi tion wi thmore canning and

firing th then the fo rmer , is undertahen again/l the Scots Wheretf the Scotsdtoely adver tzfed judg ing it not to he[aft t o play alwayes after -

games fettlethei r Conntrey, malee fare theflr ong Holds , whi ch theyhad delivered, in [impli cityof hear t, unto the K i ng at the late Agreement and come i nto Englandwith[ri ch an Army that theymade thei r enemi es retire. upon thtapoint of necefii ty,the K ing aflemhled diver s of theNohles hywhom he ts advifed to call

‘aPar li amentgwheeh n gr anted,althoughwi th dtfficnlty

‘. A t the overture of the Parliament,

having gained allthepartypo/s‘thle

,the K ing is made to demand aft/lanceto repel!

theScotsfr om England, and chajlife them 3 hat to no pterpofe wherefore the Parli amen t may? payfor i t e

,and to this purpo]e the E nglt/h A rmy afoot mufl he

ht onght to Lo ndo n, under fomepretext . This Plotfaili ng , anddtfeovered, theScots mufihe tempted under g reat of ers no le/fi:then theplunder of Lo ndo n,and thepr op r iityof the adjacent Counti es to thei r Conntrey. TheScots not onelyrefit/ id thefi:g reat ofler s ht tt alfltg ive advi ce of them to the Parli ament . Then


Scots.met/Z hehajlened home,,and the Kmg muji g o into Sco tland, underpre‘

text tofettlething s there, hut really tomaheaparty, viewing hythe waythe ScotsArmy land temake[ar e of fame men dif - afified to the D efigneTheft}thing s notfitcceedtng , to [mooth a li ttle thejhamefn/lhufinejfe,near , and Penfions aregiven tomanyW hiletheKing it i n Sco tland the Rehelli on r tfeth in Ireland, having its

influencefromtheCourt ,whether hyjealed Patents , or otherwife, Iwillnot enquirenow (more then of theSpanifl)Navie) hut certain it a, it had i ts r iftfr om Court .S ome dayes after the Rehelli on hegun in I reland, the K ing mas? return i n allh eedto 'Léndo n

,underp reteiet to c onfrtltwi th the Parliament how to r epre/fe this odi

otos Rehelli on hut r eally, to he reveng ed of the Parliament,for not afitfling agatnjithe agents of theScott/h.party,wi tneflethefat



i o



t e'

the(Queen had made i n the Ci ty dur i ng the K i ng s ahode i n Sco tland to divide

the Ci ty and Parli ament and the demanding of the Li l/[ emher t of thhHoufizs

gg ainflmd Law, upon accufli ti on of Treafitn 5wher eof n the chi ef andmai n pointwas ; To havefavourQed the Scots Af ai r s i n E ngland ag atri/lvexprefie Ac

‘tsof Ohlivton of hoth Parliaments of Sco d and and England . A s for the reprefjing of theRehelli on i n I reland, i t tiffo li ttle taken to hear t , that theK ing feldomg oes to the h

’oufie andha ng ther e yji eales hut li ttle of the hufineflé . L/ tfter a

whi le wi thmuch ado the Pepi/l) Ir e/h i n Arm s are declared Rehells , when theyhad ruinedmanyfam i li es , and hit/ledmanyof the i nnocent Proi ejlants But of theK ing s Declaration the;e were hutfew Copi es Pr inted , and of the fewhardlyanydi/perfed 5 when the Scots , hefore theyhad gathered anyHead , we

r e? Prelaticallyexcommuni cated

,andcurjed thor ow allthe Par tlhes of England, and declaredRe

hedt everywhere hypr i nted Paper s W ho,as they i ntended no i ll, [o ,hle[fed heGod,

never menof W in i n a Countreydidle/feharm then theScots didY ea,which is more,

allthegood intenti ons of hoth Parli ament and Ci ty wi th the r eadyoyfir s of the

Scotsfor thefpeedyhelp of thepoor Protejlants aga i n/l the hloody Butcher s i n [refland

,M 5delayed, deluded,yea, almos‘tput of , hyth. Court

,and the corr iptMem

hefs of hothHoufl' s,whohni t have[hewed themfelves openlywhat theyar e, i n push

liheAf a i r s . But the/eDefgnes fai ling of apprehendi ng theMemher s ,and ofding the Ci ty

‘and Parli ament, ac waojeen hythe accompanyi ng theMemher s to the

Hon/es again, the K ing muttleave Lo ndo nHereheforeweproceed anyfurther , we[hallg o a li ttlehat /e.When thef rit undertak ing waa againft the Scots allthings within the/é Do

mini ons hoing diflrofird for the hejlfurther ing of the mar k the holy ConclaveZfRomcfor'

eca/Z i ng allchances andfear ing that Englandwouldnot altogether e

[bfbrward to contr ihute much unto the dejlrut‘li on of Sfo d énd wherefore the


n mu]? he affured of fameg oodfr iend ahr oad, and notfo r of ,who mayhelp in

a ]? of need None is thoughtfofit ao the Pr ince of O range hoing ahle to helpwi thMoneys , Arms andMenfor command He mu]? heg ained, hyoffering himfor hit S on one of the K ings Daughters 5 who, notwi th/tanding hie high m inde,would haveheenglad of a lower W atch. Now

‘did onelylook to have theficondDaughter i n d ue

rupt Court of S co zlandfiir the2 mm Voyage into


Ho lland

hathhrought upon her [elf hyi t,after the[ending the thenyoudg

France .


on,wi thout

T6 the Reader .

not onelya chief man hut a main Injlrument to makeW ar for the L i herty andRelig i on of the Countreywhere he liveth again/l the unyufi opprejh on of thei r

Sovereign 5 as his r enowned Br other andmoflvertuoua Father didhefore himand ac he intends to make hie S on tifter him


,witnefie the reverfion of his Place

he hath ohtained, unto him from theStates . If the K ing of Spain“

byneceffityhath heen con/[rained to acknowledge the uni ted Provinces free, i t it nothing fortheyufticeof their taking Arms to defend thei r Relig i on and L iher ty And if hehadpower , theywouldnothelongfree, wi tnefl? the[ceret Plots to divide them,and

over - reach them. F arther,he u veryjhie in his Wr i ts , to callthem Free, at every

man lenows .

TheQueen of Bo hem ia moi/lnot onelyhenegleé'


ed andfirm lofe all thatjheand hers can claim for their own, hutjheand her s muflhe jérvi ceahle to thofiwho

have undone them To this end/hemujlhavePeopleahent her ,namely,Court - Chaplaw s

,to difguifirhufinelfe unto her , andfitmake her havea had concepti on of tho/e

who are her heftfriends , towit the true Pr ofefor s of theTruth, andgood Patr iots i n thefeDomini ons . Next her eldeftfiin after a long and g reat negleé



ofyeelding him anyhelp for the recovery of hos

‘own ik betrayed at our - c or ruptCour t

,when he itput i n awayto dofitmewhatfor his own reflor ing , &c . And


ter this,hythefameCour t he tofilli ci ted to takeA rm s hereagai nt the onelymen,

who reallyand conjlantlyhaveexprclfedunto him and hit, true afi'

eefi‘ion 5

‘hut they

htingfloppedhythe Court, could notmf ec’

iuatemuchhytheirgood will. Heinwifdome refufeth tofight agai nfl his fr iends . Si nce hewill not , his two next Brother s muji heemployed 5 the elde/l whereof tit releafizdfrom prifiin to that ej i e?And[a they haKard their lives , andjpend their hlood tofin ethepartywho hathundonethei r Fortunes , and nowflrives to undo their perfitns .TheKing having lefl Lo ndo n after hehad heen i nfiverall places retire:

to Y o rke, whore he heg ins toraifemen agai nflthe Parliament. TheScots feeingthis’ [end to himthi ther to intreat him to lay afideallfach intentions , and of “

their [Ervi ce hyway of Medi ation hetwixt him and theParliament, to titheaway adlenown mi /iakes .

The Scots C0mm1fi10fl 87‘5 were not fiif ered toproceed anyfierther then



in thehufinefle andwerefent hack , heyond the expetlati on of men . After a long Pen

~s ki rmdhi ng on hoth [ides u f rmies are leavied manymen ki lled

and taken at diver s t imes on eachfide 5 yea, afet Bottollfought, wherenumher s of

To theReader .

W ord

and hr ing a”untojlavery. and England fly,5 and Sco tland likew

‘ife , accordi ng to its gen ius [peak

all c‘lofit up all with two or th ineni men among s

’t the

Clerg i e tojhewclearlyhow t theProte/lants .

rdi nall Po o l in an Orati on

To theReader .

refo lutio n , with the haz ard‘


o ur lives

t the bufineffc being already well begun it i§ im

po flible that:ehe E p glifh c an do any th ing to fio p owr Defigne o r

mo unt xc. l

Let zbc’fefiW‘Paflagesf/ztéffie for {My I wifi) tbat

‘tbm mazflr edp form

benefit lof 13 wrztten herefir thygoodu

S o , praying fo r yofir ha'


I ref};

O H N K N o x waa~ borne in G iffo rd


d ingto u , in L o th ian , theyeer of Chr ifi,I 50 5

of hanefi Par entage H i s father wa r a br other r

fon of the Honfe of Ralfiferlie which is a n an

c iejzt'

gF amily of Gentlemen in the W eft. W henheleft the Gramma r S chaole in the Conntr ey, he


waefent to the“Univer/i ty Of S aint Afid reW s

,to[indie unn


’ M5J o hnMa ir,who in thofe clayer was veryfamon/yfor h ie L earning,whi f l) particula rly eli clconfifl in the


erg otie o r elijhiitativep art ofPbilofophy, and in S chool Div in ity, whereinfo rmerly,for manyd eer; together,almo§i allL earning were placed.In a very[hort time,e

J9 1mK n o x hecamefnch a Proficient, that in this hinde'

of knowledge wherein h

isMafi‘er mofiexcelled

,hefnrpaflhd him 5and he

i flg yet veryyoung , wae thought wo rthy of -Degreer in the S cho ol

Mo reover , hefirre the time ordinar ily allowed by the Canonr ,he ent reti in Church Ordere . Thereafter , laying afia

’e the idleD iflmteei

and Sophiflry of the. S chool,he hetook himfeh"to the reading of the


flnc iente g‘

na mely, of Augufi' in e w i th whofe W r itingr he ,m e

much taken , by r eafon of their p la innefle andfoliclity. p at of all,he heto ok himfelf to the earnefifindy of the holy S cr ip turef ;wherein bav in found the Truth of God concerning the falvation ofMankin efully revealecl he zngoo olearnefi cli elembr ace it and

fr eelyp r ofeflEd It 5yea,made it h is main war /{ to make i t known toallin en , an

d helieveelby them 5 in which wo rk- he were very aéi ive

analv ig ilant, at home’

an clabroad, tianzely,at home. F o r theCa ttfeof theTr uth hefafiereclverymuch by S ea and by L and, in minole

and in heely 5amongfo r raigner r and among/i h is own Conntreymen as yemayf

e e in this Hiflory of theChurch, which now here

p refent nntoyon t ich Hi ft'o ry namely,fo much of zt I

mean,as fo rmerly wae pnhli/ hed hath gone commonly under h is

a name,

e is theman of whom moji isflhole-en tho r owout t hewhole Hf i

‘o ry as bei ng a moflearnefi and d i ligent agent in the

rmatzon 272 the Chu r ch Next becaufe he hathp enned w i th h is own hand

,o rflzohen by wo rd ef month themofi

p ar t of the nwgii

~ r emarkable analmefi ufef nll thing s fo r Pofiler ityin the Hifio ry. Y h i rclly, the

wholeHi §to ry is gather ed o ut of h isPap er s a ndManufc r zpts b i ndfoyefee why


tt is generally r eciiv eil to be of J o hn Knbxf

. B i’

tt to retu rnto h is L ife.

H e being confir a ineclf ona time to leave h is Co untr ey, by r eafonof thel

erj’ecution razfeelin S eo tl_and,by the then

the p r ofefibr s of theTruth, he came in to E nglan d,wher efo rfomeyeer s he was beefied, in p r each i ng the .

E vangeli of Chrtfi,

w ith a

g rea t elealof c ontent analbenefit to thofe that‘haalthe hapj

p inefle to

hea r him:

abo cle wan in Berw ick Newcafile and

Lo ndo n This was in the clayes ofiK ing E dward thefixth,w itw hom he w as in g r eatfaveur nnelefteem By whom being oj

‘er e

a B i/hop r icke he n o t one!y refufed and rej eéieel it, butw ith

g rav e jan clfeverefi'eech declar ed

,Tha t the p r o udTi tle of L ord:

fbiphnelth S tate, was not to befufier eclto be in theChu rch

of Gael, as qu ide o mmun e eumAnt‘ichrifio that is,



hat common w i th4 ntz'

chrfil. K ing E dw ard bei

ti on of l‘vlary made him leave


E ngland wj


o cllyMin i§ler s ,who went beyond S ean, F i r/l, jo hn KnOX‘

w eizi to F r an k fo rd wherefbr a‘

time hep reach ed the'

Gojlbel tong

regatzon ther e 5 F r om whenee he w r o te the

mon iti on to E ngland“

But being'

molefieolthere, partly by open’

Papzfls , anclp rethr en,was confirazneel to reti re

fl n clfr om thence he went to G eneva fr om whence he wr ote h is

L etter toMaryRegent‘

of Sc o tland, his z ippealto theNobi lity ofSed tlan cl

,andfl a

’mon itwn to theCommon s of Sc o tlan fl

ze F r om

G eneva,afterfomeyeer s abode there he was called home to h is

own Countrey, theyeer of Chr ifi 59. which was the { 4 t of hi sag e, by theNoble

- men, and o ther s who had‘

taken upon them the

g enerallRefo rmation of theChu r ch of S c o tland 5where, howfoonthat the refo rmed Chur ch had any li ber ty, he was fetleglMinift


clin lsu rgh, wher e he‘

continueilexer ezftng his Min z§leryto h is(lying clay 3 but n ot witho ut in ter r up tion ‘

by reafon of the Civ ill(lifo reler s thatf

ellout 272 thofe (layer .

The L ife o f fohnl ox.

theTown, reading to h is audi tor s the hifio ry of the Pafli on

which, hefaid, it was his defire tofiat/ h and clofe his Mint/tery.

Thus he continued Preaching , though w ith much weakneflé,two

moneths andmo re,after th is r etiring Andfo refeeing that he wasn o t to r emain long w i th them,

he was inflan t w ith the Conn/ ell oftheCity to p rov i de themfelves of a wo r

‘thyman tofucceed in his

Place . Mafier Jame s L aufo n who at that time p rofefli clPhzlofophy in the

‘Univerfity of


Abe rdene bei ng commended

fo r a good Preacher, Commifli oners w ere d i reéiedfiom the B odyof theChur ch of E d inbu rgh andfr omMafier J o hn Kn o x inparticular , to defire him to accep t of theCharge. To the L etterthat the Commiflionhr s car r ied, afier that he had fet his hand, headded this Pofifc r ip t, Accelera mi fra ter, alioqu i fer o veniesMake hafie

,B rother

,o therw ife ye/hall come too late Meaning,

That if he made any flay hej h ouldfinde him dead and gone.

Thefe lafi wo rds movedM. Lanfo n to take journey themar row

thereafter . li’

hen he was come to theTown ,and had p reached two

feveralltimes , to thego od liking of thé‘people, o rder was taken by

the Ruler s '

of theChur chfo r his admifli o'

n,and the day appointed;

at which day Jo hn Kn o xhimfelf would n ot onely beprefent, butalfo p reach though he could[car ce walk onfo ot to theChayre 5which he did w ith fuchfer fvency offi

'i r it that at no timebeforewas he heard tojpeakw

ithfuchgreat power and more contentjto

the hearers And in the end of theS ermon calling

God to wi t-2

nej e,That he had walked in a good ,c onfcien ce amongfl them,



pleafemen norferv ing either h is own,o r othermehs

bu t in allfin’

cer ity and t ruth p reached the.Gojpél



ithmoflg rave andpi thie wo rds , he eschewed them to‘

flandfafi in the Fa i th they had received And having innceiveda z ealous Prayerfo r the continuance of Gods blefii ng

‘antfing them,

and themultiplyingof his Sp i r it upon the_Preacher who was thento be admitted, hegave themh is lajifa


re s well. The people d idconvey him to h is lodging, and could not be drawnfr omwere they to departfrom hini 5 and he thefame day


no on was for ced to take bed. Dur in‘

the time he laywas not long he was much v i/i ted‘ y allfo rts bf perfonswhom hejpahemoficomfo r tably Amongftothers , to the E arle ofMo rto n , who came to fee him,

he was heard/ ay,MyL o rd,G o‘



ha th given yo u m anybleflings 3 he hath g iven yo u W ifdo m,

Ho no ur, h igh Bir th, R iches many go o d and great fr iends ,and is n o w t o p refer yo u t o the G o vernmen t o f the R ealme

(the E arle of Mat t.

late Regent being newly dead In h i s

Nam e I charge yo u ,That ye w illufe thefe blefiings be tter

in t ime s t o c o me then yo u have do n e in t im e s paf’t In

all yo u r afiio ns feek firft the glo ry o f G od,The fur ther :

ance o f his G o fpel The ma in ten an ce o f h is Chu rch and

Min if’tery ; and n ext Be carefull o f the K ing, t o p r o cu reh is go o d, and th e W elfare o f the R ealme . If yo u {halldoth is

,G o d w illbe w i th yo u, and h o n o ur yo u If o therw ife

ye do it n o t he w illdep r ive yo u o f all thefe benefits and

yo u r end (hall be fh ame and ign o m iny. The/Effie“ hes the

E arle,abou t n ineyeer s after , at the time of h is E xecuti on , called

to minde,[aying,That he had fo und them t o be true

,and him

ther e in , a Pr o p het .

A day o r two before his death,hefentfbrMa/ierDavid Lihd:

fay, Mafier James Laufo n and the E lder s and Deacons of theChur ch to whom hefaid,The t ime is appr o ach ing,fo r wh ichIhave lo ng th irfied

,w here in I {h allbe relieved o f allcares


and be w ith my Savi o u r Chr ifi fo r ever And n ow,G o d is

myw itneffe , who m I have ferved w ith myfp ir‘

it,in the


G o ;

fp el'

o f his So n That I have taught no th ing bu t the t rue

and fo lid D o ftrine o f the G o fpel 5 and that the end 1 «

p ro

p ed in allmyD o firine,was

,To infiruét the ign o ran t, To

c o nfirm ‘theweak To c o mfo r t the c o n fc ienc es o f th o fe that

were humbled Under the fen fe o f the ir fin s and bo rn downW ith the th reatn ings o f G o ds Judgemen ts Su ch as we re

p ro ud and rebellio us ,I am n o t ign o ran t thatmanyh ave blamed and ye t do blame my t o o great r igour and fever ity ;But G o d k n

‘0 vveth

,That in myhear t Inever ha ted the


p er


ns o f t -h o fe againfi who m I th‘

undred G o ds Judgement s ;


did o n‘

elyhate the ir fin s and labo ured acc o rd ing to mypow er

,t o

ga in themt o Ch r ifi Th at Idid fo rbea r n o ne, o f

W ha‘

tfo ever co nd it io n 5 I d id it o u t o f the fea r o f my G o d,

wh‘o ha th placed me in the Funé’tio n o f h isMin ifiery and I

k n’h'

ww ill‘

br ing m e t o an acco un t . No w bre thren fo r

yo ur {elves I have n o m o re t o fay, bu t t o warn yo u Th ata

L} yo u

yo u take heed t o th e Flo ck o verw hich


G o d ha th plac edyo u

Overfeers , wh ich he h a th redeemed by the Blo o d o f h is o n e“

ly bego tten S o n . And yo u, Mafier L aufon fight a go o d

figh t , do the W o rk o f ,the


L o rd w ith co u rage and w i th a

W illing m in de And G o d fr o m abo ve bleffe yo u and the

Chu rch whgr e o f yo u have ch arge Againfi' it (fo lo ng a s i tc o n t inue t‘h in thc D o c9tr ine o f the Tr uth the gates

o f hell 1[balln o t p reveiihThisfitoken , and the E lders and the.

Deacons dimitted,he cal


d the two Preacher s unto him andfaid ,There is o ne th ing

t hat gr ieveth me exceedingly ;Y o u have fo m etimes feen the

c o u rage and co nfiancy o f the L a ird o f O r ange in the c aufe

o fG o d s and that mo lt un happyman hath calt h imfelf awayIw illp ray u tw o t o t ak e the p a in s t o go un to h im and

fay fr o m‘m e Tha t unlefs e he fo rfak

e that W i ck ed c o u rfe

where in he is en tred n e ither '

(hall the.

R o ck in wh ich hec o nfide th defend h im , n o r t he ca rhallw ifedo m o f tha t man

wh om'

he c o un te th half a go d (tbis was youn‘

g L ethingion)yeeld h im help 3 .

bu t fhamefully h e {h all_be\

pulled o ut o f

that n eft,and h is ta rk a'fe hung befo re the Sun meaning


Caflle he di d keep againfi the K ing s Autho r ity Andfo ztfiellout theyeer nextfollowing 5fo r theCafile

was taken and he,was

publihely hanged and h is body hung before the S un) The fo ulo f tha t m an is dear un t o m e g var


id,i f it be phflible I c o uld

fa in have him t o be faved . Theywent, as he had -



confn r red a longjhare with G range 5but w ithi

it could

he be di e/ erred from h is courfe ‘



cb hei he took,mofl, heavily.

. Tet G range at his death

“r ep en tancefo r his fin s .

The n eict day, hegave o rderfitr making h is Coflin,w herein h is

day as thorow all “ the timeof5 Swee t

thyhands I a s ked byatiended him red


t eli eem that a p h inifi


e nd o f alltr o uble a nd beg inn ing o f petern allJ o ye s . Oftent ime s

,afierfime deep meditati on s he bur/ifo rth in

thefe w ords)


O ferve theL o rd in fear,and death fhalln o t be tr o ublefo i


i mt o

e Hl

G o d,that br o ugh t t o my

tho se that thou haii no t received P

God in me W ith wh ich,he is go n e away afham ed

,and {hall

nomo re re tu rn e And n ow.I .am (a re my Bat’

tell is at aft

end '


a i id thutwitho u t p a in o f bo dy ,

‘o r tr o uble o f fp ir it,

I {h allfh o r’tly change th is m o rtall and , m iferahle life w i thand imm o r tall ,w


h ich fh allgn eve r have an end;

difcou rfe , a Praye'

r‘w as fai

‘d neer his , bed wher e he

is being ended, it w as as ked, If he heard the Praye rd '

,W o uld t

o G o dftha t ye had heard itfwith fuch

an ear and hea rt as I have do ne 5'

Addi ng,“

L o rd je fa rece ivemy Sp ir i t. 17Vi th which w o rds

,w itho ut any


mo ti on pf hands o r

fieet,‘gs onefalling afleep , r ather then dying, he ended h


is life.,


was faman endued w i th many excellentg ifis



dwith -

a veryg reat meaf ure of the Spir i t God i azfed him up to be a ‘


ll/ ork of Refo rmation . The Co u rt c

r man bo rn wha dj'dmo re hear t i ly r evea

ae“ M “

n o r obey m’

o r e w i lli ngly the‘lawfulbs c onn

concern ing the s zll

co r r eéi the co r r up‘tion br ought in by the

war s ,abu/ing the fimplic ity and deb

bnarztie of

Th e L ife Of fobn [Qi on

thofe whom God has'

plac ed i a Autho r ity, maketh them inconji derd,5ie to r ebelbwtlfuliymid apenly aga in/l ,

G od and h is S on d

tur n allthings'

up—fide the poor p eople bf Gad,fbr

whofegood andfaflty theyar iaplag édfiah i gh. L ikew ife were andar ed o th ii. day the p r oudPrelats and idle belly


ed wi th hisDo cfi r zneqbncern ingChur ch- Governmentmlthougflh he

i ntended'

no other thing but thepulling-down of szintichr iflian -


and chiiing alltyranny a rid Idlenefli’ (out of the "HoufeNe tt i? was a manmore obfe


rviint of the true and'


o rd of God,and p raéi i r inzitiv e times . He a lwayes u rged

the people . to thefaithful]Pafior sAltho ugh

'he was both learned a nd

not muc h apply h is'

minde to campafe litewas w ont tofay, That G o d had called


himthe ign o ran t , c o m fo r t the re s

and c o nfirfn‘the weak living in h is t ime,

then to mak e Bo o k s fo r age s to co me . Never thelejfe, he w r ote

feverallgood‘Pieces 5fo r befides what we havejpoken of already,

namely, he lefti

thefiz A learnedTr eatife aga in/i the blafphemonsd nabap ti iis ,Two Treatzfes againfi theMagi , 0ne,of the E uchar iii S ome S ermons upon G enefis S ome alfo up on the Pfalms ,An Exho r tation to all affiiéi ed Chu rches An Advice in time oftr ouble

,The firfl blafi of theTrumpet, ch i c .

He died,Ann o D o rm . I 57 2 and of . h is age, 6 2 H is body

was int'

er red at S . G ile s,w itho ut the Chur ch . To his Bu r ial!

afli fiedmanymen of allHauling. among others , the'

E arle'qfMo r

t o n,who being neer to the g rave,

‘as the Co rp s was put in faid,

by way of Epitaph Here lie s the bo dy o f him, who , in h is

life t ime,never feared the face o f man .



He S c o T s,by the rh o fi judic iolfo}V

and by tho lewho have m o ft d iligen tlyflu

d ied their An t iqu i ti es are ack n owledged

tb ;be am o ng:the firfi who embraced the

Fa i th o f Chrift yea; they are fa id t o be,"by fo me, o f the veryfirft- fru i ts o f the G

alte ri

ithe ' Afcenfio n o f our Savi o ur"es and D ifciples being c o nfira ined


to '

dea by reafo n of the

cco rding to t

o h'

o f the All- w ife G o d,wen t up and do wn th

(p eak ing to ieveryPeo ple in the ir o wn Language decla red

tinto them the glad Tydings o f Salvat i o n in Ch rifi Jefa s .

S cott M a,”Th o fe wh o came into Our No r thern Pa rts

,t o w it

,in t o S cot rule Jo annis

land andfirfi made lgn o’

wn u nto o u r Fathers theMyfier ieéfighting

o f Heaven,were o f the difc iples o f fa1mthe Apo file . ggf



S o me yeere thereafter , t o w i t in theTeco nd Perfeéu tio n Multi fxBri'


‘rifiian s ,manyB r itene Pro vinc i

‘als o f the

ng theName o f Ch r ilt, leftthe ir ovVn c o un m um “ in

t rey, and=wen t



o S cotland,fo r Ih elte r fro m the gene rall

c tim com

Malfacre then execu ted tho r o w o ut the,wh o le E mpire

th a t blo o dyButche r Domitian 5and'


o enjoy the freedbrri o fr“ “MM “


vi ta mtcgritete

the G o fgel which

they k new t o be r ece ived them in S cot121

271 1;c futcram.

land. Amo ng thefe fi‘

rgitive B r itonr'

there Were f undrylearnb ed

e d ai



p i'

o us men,wh o flayed in S cotland the Perfecutio n

bnded)Pro pagat ing the Fa ith o f Chr ift there by’

their PreaTh is w e have rela ted un to u s by the Hilto r ian s o f


eft trufi. W e


have n o t then fro m the Sea o f Rome o u r firfiInfti


tu t'

ion in the Chr ifiian Fa ith 5yea , w'

e a ref o far fr o m itthat



fo r manyyeers to ge ther , we ha rdlyh ad any c o mmuni:c a t io n w ithfi ome a t all. Palladiu/s W as the


firlt fo me yeer safter the beg inn ing o f the fifth Age , wh o m ade our acquaint an ce w ith Rome ; altho ugh the gen eral]cu rr en t of the R0

m ilh W r iter s g ive o ut Tha t the G o fpel was firlt plan tedam o ngft u s in S cotland bythe mean s o fVi tto rBifho p o fRome.

Y e t Baroniu r,th

‘at ren o wnedChro no lo ger, albe i t he W o uld

fa in have the Sc o ts o we th is Obligat io n un to Rome,difi


:la ima

e th th is o p'

io n o f h is Pa r ty,a s un true, and difagreeingw i ththe belt Antiqu i ty.

i i i i

Tertullian, who lived in the feco nd Age, and -Wro'

teB o o lt sdive rs ye e rs befo re the endt here o f and {0 was {b neer the

planting o f the Chriftian Fa ith amo ngfttheNat io n s that




zninamanner he maybe {aid to have been an eye

QWitn efi'

e un


2:nto it, in his Bo o k againfi the Jews {peak inghow theL ight

Wigwam ,“ o f theG o fp el was fp read th o row the who le wo rld

, Tai th‘

KW “thu s The

‘Euangelwas difl



into all thepart; of the world,w e: uunquam

E uaugcliunz


izgmr. andim‘

a thatpar t of the Iflandwhereunto j he'

. co n~ V

t i‘ir



uilxo s .

newer p i er ce . By theic lafi wo rds , o f Ter;Anmnim"

tu ition , a re meant the inhabitan ts o f that par t o f the [HandPiu s Britaunos 0 0

vim, awmuro wh i ch lleth beno rth the walls , firlt built byAdr i an,t efii icio flimBdrm ,

Antoninue Pin/y, th irdlybySw erue 5and'

thefe were the Sc o ts'

dueaj umap . bynam e F o r the R o man s pu t walls be t xt'

them and theI


mm per tranf Sc o ts Bowe - men , a s‘o ur Po e t exp reffeth_i

verfam tn/ii lamduéfo, ut



Adriarru s mi?“

rumprimm du And Cld udld ll ‘

,m any hundred yee t s bf fbfe tl’lts M

gzflggjggp o er ,‘fpeak ing


o f the Leg io n wh ich the n wa s called fr o mm e

, w nas - i ts‘


arr ilbn o n the afo refi id walls,fa i th thus

,The L eg ionSpartianus .


Venit e f exzrg came, whi ch was placed before the utmofh Br ztan r and whichmixto zo pra. ‘

tcmdgrttannie, br i dled fierce S cat

LQua S camdatfirana frucr‘

, ,z'

d cf}, oppofita S coot;a


eorurt furorem 4 Brita in? pr opeflem mimem o limiter Britannia”?Swim

,at exotica: Bucha n. Lib. l . h

Romafag itti ferns p ra'


a S cott'

s .

L ucius

Th en Erafmua fmelled o ut the fam e fault inj er ome hi s E p ifii




to Ctefiphon, aga inl’tPalladiue and his difc 1ple Gaflei im,


thefe w o rds ,B r i tannie andthe S cote Nation s had no t then knowl


Mo fes and the Propheto E rafmue find ing S cyth t c ce he changed 1 t in to S cotica .

L uc iu/r S eneca,a bo u t an hundred '

yee rs befo re tF lorM ,

that 1 3 abo u t fo urty yeers afte r Chr ili , n o w 1 6 0 0 yeer s

fince,i n h is Sa tyre upo n the de a th o f Claudine , mak es men

t 1o n o f the Sc o ts in the c omp o fed wo e r, as

s ta tero o m thu s fo llowe th f He z . e . Claudius heBr i ~ultra 7101 1



m pomi U» tans beyond the known S ear and the blue S eoto Br igantes , tofuhmit their c f to theR oman Cha ins . This wo rd abo ve n am ed.

Roo mm ate hath puz zled manyo f the Cnitick s h ow to r eade 1t , i o thata righ t mean ing o r fenfe might‘be had o f thefe line s w i ththe true m ea fu re o f theVerfe,fo me read ing i t oneWay,fo mean o ther way t illat la'ft, the le arned fofiph Scaliger co rrcét~ed it as yo u have i t here giving to the wo rds a plain and

k eep ing the law; o f the Ve i fes againftdid‘faile ; ~And to th i s Co rreftio n o f Sea



i , ted many learnedm en x zf ye t fo me , p artlyS z

ilmafius m theNa t io n o f whom is here fp o k en , p ar t

P in ium .

E x com m ly fo r van i ty w ill fiand o ut agamfi the tru th Tbecaufe o f”W W W W

the au th o rity o f th is COrreé’t io n , at who fe great and mops3 80 w ec erula a

dczcaa o or pn rare L earn ing they a re o ffended , as the fo rmer are at anyf“

advan tage tha t theNano nwhom thefe ~wo rds do th c o ncern

m ay. h ave . The Sco ts are called Cerula i , o r blue , be

c i ufe theyufed much hluc in the 1r G armen t s and fo do th

th e old Sc o ts t o th i s day, witnelfe the i'

r Pla ids , wherCOfthe belt fo r t 0 1 d1nar ily ba th the

gro tindblue a s alfo the irMamertinus blUéC3 P3 cMamertin, 1 11 h is Panegyrick t o Maximinian, tells us

, Thata it, Brztones

bebmjfe befle the Br itan s had W ar, with the Sco t s and PiCis , befo re 7uliu/scontra S cotos

(a Pifios , m : Cafar entered in to the Ifland. So,by the fe Tefiim o n ie s

, ye


fw fee h o w i nju r i o us they are unto the Sco ts , tha t W 1uHO t have

Ew ratm ’m the i r name k n o wn , t illmanyyeer s , yea ,m e hundredyee rsbi ratores [ap t/Aa Britannia after the en tryo f the Rom an s in to the Ifland.

The R o m ans having le tled themfelve s in the Ifland theyBrzzonesquamB ro o m nomi d ivided the who le in to two par ts : The ir par t, Or the So u thnatur. Bc a.

P1 “l o

par t, theyg alled Bcitanniafi zajo r; and -fuper i our 5 and the ir

(Pi o vingialls W en t mofi


co mmo nlyunder the name o f Br ita?

ng;,altho ugh,fo me times under the n ame o f‘Br itannigbu t n o t

to oft a nd they,W ere fubfdivided’

zinto feverall Peo ple s . Nom m m

filihe o therflpa rt ;o f the Iflandw i tho ut the R oman Pro vin ce, lf




fbthat mas calledBr itann iam inor, and in , be,qujeziilifietioii r ,


NO.W all t he inhabi tants o f t his np nthern p ar t, Zfi



who were in eo ri t i'

nunlLBick er ings and W a rre’

w ith the R oI


or/ til

ti n

g ,mans indxtheir Pro vinc ialls , wcrqcalled S oofi fo metime 52



Trnnfnzaninljb fo m etime p reignemj 5 a nd theyd1d co nfilt o f


yvo gh ief Peo ples , to wi t, Br igantee, andP ifiig w h ich bo th mod


ided in to feverall leffer Peo ple s o f wh ich we i ihiéii mm

eak . at th is t ime. S o the name o f Scoti was a t jggf


gggi .fi rfi appell


t ive,and given t o m o re then to:o ne Peo ple 5bu t gz

tesqui ex.

infueeefie t ime,

a pp ro priated ta Onc e 1 ,

A nd th i s is n o t zi iaiZiil



fi ngular in th is name ,s lo t the p ro p ér n ame s

. ofldivers Peo =

mm in

p ie s at. firfi,hath be en appellat ivo and thereafter app r o p r i f

Brw m i vm

a te to'

o n efalo ne“

Iw ill:infianc e lo n ely in'

bne fo r b revityiii/i?6

{akg wh ich is th is n he,name- 11

7ranck o r F rench a tfirfi wa s

c ommo n to all tho fe’

that flo o d o ut t o gether ,fOr Fran chife

the R o man s abo u t the Rhyne,’

and o ther

5 But at length it. bec ame peculiar un t o

o ne peo ple , ,as w e fee it is at th is day. Mo reo ver th a t the

n ame p fi'

Scptiwa s appella‘t ive and given t o m o re then o ne

pe o ple yo u may. c1,

ee rlyfee by the o rd in ary exp refii o n of

anc ien t W r i ters in the plu ral]number, thu s , Sco to rnnzgentes ,S coti c cegentes 5"when ,

'c erw ife allmen o rd ina r ily bo th.

byw o rd and w r iting, have ever u fe d,and t o th is day‘

ufe the fin

gula r number,{peak ing o f o nep eo ple ga s gene, n o t gentes 5,

p op-

fi lm,n o t populi 5nat i o n , n o t na t i o n s .

A s all thefn o r thern pe 0 ple . o f the m ain Land o rCo n t i

n en t,bo th in E urop

e and an c ien tly under “ theAmway

nam e o f Scytha ,wu nefi

e Straho,1n thefe wo rds , The anc ients $3723}w e

c ommonly cal/eelthe northernpeople Scythe s .. And in an o ther 5322252.place he fa ith The an cient: did callby one name of Scythe s all

theknownplacer towa rdu heNo rth . Hemean s,in the Co n t i i


n en t,o r main Land .

»‘So the n o rthern pe o ple o f Britannie


r W in n

which is ano ther li ttle wo rld were o f o ld 3951 to th i s dayb 3 are

are called S c‘

oti . The tw o‘names S cytha and S cotna do fig


n ifie o n e and the fame th ing,1to w it

,an Archer

,o r Bow - man 5

in L at in,Arcnar im 5in


G reek Toio'

fms: The anc ien t W r i ter s

t ellu s That the S cythes w e re mu ch given to A rchery,~and

t o Hun t 1ng 5fo w ere an c ien tly and t o th is dayare the oldS cot: Bo w - men 5In Hebrew,

K efhnt, fr o m 13 3563;Bow . And fo yo u have the fign ifica tio n o fS cytha and S eo tm ;

wh ich are tru ely o ne and the fam e,w i th lit tle Change , m o re

in Lat in then in G reek 5 fo r the o ne is w r itten Z ia /97h, fo a t

firft the o ther was w r i tten qyég , wh ich afterward theytu rn ed in to E nn is Th is is the t rue o r igin e o f then am e S co

i ns It c o mes n e ither then fro m the fabulou s S cota n e itherfr o m the fo o lifli ly

- inven ted Bacon '

s, d ark n efI


e 5Fo r if the days

be as lo ng in fumme r , a s the n igh ts are in W in ter,W hy fhduld

the Co un treybe called S cotia, fr o m S agan}, rather then Ph'



fro m (p55, l ight P Alfo the B r i tan NVr iter s life o ne andand the fame w o rd

,when theyfpeak o f S cyth and S cot t o


w it y S cot 5”

a s likewife th e L o w Germ an calle th them bothS chntten

Fr o m the Hebrew nip ? t et,‘

we have the vulgar

fchnt and fchot . No w th is E tymo lo gie o f Scot a s it

i s true,(0 it is c afie, by the tran fp o fitio n o f a let ter ; to w it,

by pu t t ing‘p behinde fig 5wh ich is o rd inary, n o t o nely in the

der iva t io n o f wo rds fr o m o n e L anguage in to an o ther bu t

alfo o bvio u s in o n e and the —fame L anguage in c o mm o n

d ifc o u rfe . L et th is o n e E xample fat i s he fo r all to be fll o r t,Is n o t o n e and the fame w o rd bo th W r itten and p ro n o un


c cd ,a cco rding t o the wr it ing thirty

‘a‘nd thr ity in o ur

vulgar To ngue A s the n am es o f Scyth and S cot do fign i

fie one th ing 5 fo the p eo ple, in many th ings , m ay be la idt o


be lik e o ne an o the r 5 as fo r E xample 5 The S cyther in

the Co n t inen t,

generallywere o f tw o k inde s 5 t o w it,E u

r opean, and Afiatick : So the Sc o ts in'

B r itanie W ere o f two

fo r ts in generall5 to w it , the B riganter , and Piéi’i . Next


S cythc did n o t t ill th e gro und, but feeding cattelland (beep,h ad a Cufio me to r em o ve fro m o n e place o r fo litude t o

an o ther Of o ld, fo d id all the Sc o ts ; and to th is day the‘anc ien t o Sco ts do . The S cythes d id live much up o nm ilk an o ur o ld Sco ts . The

S eythee, n o t k n ovVingthe

the ufe o i ~ r iches , 3. id n o t defire them and fo it is w i thmany 41,

o f o u r o ld Sco ts . The Scythes were n ever vanqu ifl‘i ed by

F o rre igner s fo the Sc o ts w ere n ever u tterly o ver thro wn,

alth o ugh theyh ave fuffered verymu ch‘

by the ir enemies at

feverall times . The‘Scythe


s w ere hard fo r to yling and

W ar 5 fo are o u r Sc o ts , as is k n o wn to all,(we.

W e


have fa id , Tha t the In - dweller s“

o f the n o rth par tof the Ifland were n amed S coti 5 and tha t bya general]Di

vifi o n theywere o f two k inde s , B rigantes , and 1Pi5'


i No wenqu ire wh o are Br

‘iganterfi nd who Pi fli 5 where

theybo th lived ,and fro m when ce they came. And

,I to

beg in a t Piéi i , They inhabited the E afi‘fide o f Bri tannia

minor, wh ich is the belt and fo r the mo fi’



o f the anc ien t n at ive B r itons 5 o f who m ,(it dry o f o ld, be

fo re the,

en try o f the R o man s in to the “land, had drawn

themfelves No rthward, t o have mo re e_lb

ovva r o o‘

m fo r their

co u rfe o f‘

life, Wh ich was , To feedCattell and to hunt,r em o ving fro m o ne place t o ano ther, whereun ti) largeneifeo f Bo unds is required. Thén o thers o f the o ld Br itons fiy


ing fr o m theTyranny o f the R o m an s, up o n grieva



e,wer1 t

fro m t ime to '

t ime No r thward,beyo nd the Limi ts o f the

Emp ire, t o the ir anc ien t co rn - Patr io ts . ‘NeXt came in to thefeNo rth B ritanr


a t‘divei s t imes


verallCo lo n ies o fNo rthern peo ple fro m beyo nd Sea . Hence


is,that fo me late Au tho rs have W r it ten , Tha t the inha ~

bitan ts o f the Bali fide o f Britann ia inzn'

or came fr om S can-7

die.,The Ni nth B ritai n having received thefe th eir co rrie

fro m beyo nd Sea, . into the ir S o c ie ty,{aii d b‘e ing jo ynedwi th

them,made up a Peo ple, called the Rain ans and South Bri

tonr'Pi cSi i be caufe they co n t inued theCirfi om


o f pa

the ir bo dies , o f o ld in ufe'

amo ngcufi o me the So uth B r itons left o ff , no w

be c o me Pr o vinc ialis o f the Emp ire;was firftc alled Albion


5 o f wh ich we {h aw illing,Then Bye


w B r itannia,Wh ich fign ifieth"

a wo odyCo nn-

Zt rey 5 fo r o f o ld it. was M athew“ . Sylfwir obfita, enver


w ith W o o ds,<as S trabo te rms it. And, to th is d


ay,W e fee that?




x, km £71

wfli .

S u dan ads21173 ! d:

M4 (91 61


S o a mane: in

o ifla Britannia Scous .

G en: Iabm'


The Y’reface.

p a r t o f the c o un tr ey o pp o fite t o the Co n t inen t,full o f

W o o ds and Inclo fures . W e finde ln anc ien t A ii tlio r s,the


Pen infule o f Italy ,next S icili e

,where o f Rheo innz aW a s the

Metro p o lis , called Bpee’

ha and com/ 1a. fo r the lame reafo n,

becaufe it was xocqvldpvfl'

gd S o S traho n ame s it alfo . The O ri

gine o f the w o rd 1 3m: ba r- ar,wh ich fign ifie th fevei allk inde so f trees

,F i r

,A/h,Cedar, 691 .


The I’

iéi'i had d iver s p eo ple under them ,

whereo f the

ch ief were Caledon i i 5 by wh o fe n ame , fomet ime s all the

F iéi s w ere n amed,alth o ugh Caledoni i p ro perly w ere tho fe


o f the F iéi s wh o dwelt am o ng the leffer h ills 5 o f wh ichh ills , fo me .are called Ocelli monter , in vulgar language Ochellh ills . The coun tr ey o f the Caledoni i did beg in a t F o rth


and wen t No rthwa rd beyo nd Tay ,where the i r ch ief City

w as Caledon,n o w Dnnkell, by a t ranfp o fitio n In th is c o un

t reywere the W o o ds calledfaltm Caledonin s o rfylrxdon ia . The r o ck ie : and h illie p art o f fE tolia in Greece


wa s .called by the fame name and there was there a To wn

o f th is name, yea, and a F o rrefi fo mu ch fp o ken of by the

o ld Po e ts . True i t is , That the fec o nd vo w el!i s n o w and

then , ,changed,wh ich m ak es n o d 1fierence fo r m wo rds the

c o n fo n an t s are m a inly regarded . S traho,L ib:1 o . calleth the

o n e and the o ther c o un trey h illie and

fio n ie o r r o ck ie the n ame c o meth fro m ‘m‘NB: Galen i an

wh ich is as much a s BSV057pooxvg, tnmnlm'

aflaer ,a ro ugh ,

little h ill.Ben o r th the L imi ts o f the E mp ire in th is Ifland ,


p eo ple befide the Pié'

ts were called Br iganter ,wh ich

imp o r te th as mu ch as In dweller s o fMo un tain s,o r h igh

bills 80 yo u have the B r igantes n eer the Lak e of Con

fiance in ~ dwellingMo un ta in s .yo u have B r igantinnz Br ianfon the E nr ope.

The Br iganter o f‘

Spain ,a s tho fe o ld did

inhabiteMo un ta ins 5 and fo did 0 is I‘flandf

ma inly k eep u po n the Mo un ta ins . Th e name co meth’

fr o m B r i oa,B r ica

,% o r B r ia

,as 1 t lS d 1verflywr i tten : It {i gn i

fie th an h igh place'

; o rMo un ta in Our .

vulgar hath 1n

terp re ted lr Bray 5 hen ce we haply:.

‘call o ur Br



The(Preface .

Bray- m en

,vvh o m vve c allo the rvvife H igh - lan

ders,o r H igh

land - m en . S trabo tells u s Tha t hr ia,amo ngfi the Thraei

fins,do th fign ifie a To vvn

,o r Ci ty. And fo the vvo rd Bria

Inu it n eeds c o m e fro m the Hebrevv PW! hira To w n o r

Palac e,bythe tranfp o fitio n o f a le tter 5 w h ich is o rd in aryin the der iva t i o n o f vv


o rds 3 13 w e have fa id a li ttle befo re .

Here;fo r fu r ther p r o o f o f the? t ranfp o fit io n o f a le t ter in

a der iva t iye vvo rd, tak e th is example o n ely,Dnmharton,fo r

L‘mnhriton .

04 144175a h isO

No tes u p o n Strabo , tells u s , fr o m Hefychi ‘wfltfifé"

m,Th a t hria figmfie th a Vi llage o r To w n upo n a h 1ll So ma; m a;

br ia {i gn ifieth n o t (imply aT o w n o r Village,bu t fuch a lo nea s is bu ilded upo n a h ill. ‘And t ruely in the m o lt an c ien t 21275’

322u5ft imes

,To vvn s o r Villages vve re , fo r the m olt p

ar t bu ilded9

u p o n high pla ces . 5a s anymam tha t hath tak en the p ain s


t o

r emark , e ither ,byHili br'ie s o r by c o n fi der ing t he



m ayhave feen , k n o vvei h . 180 then Br igantes ar e men inha

b it ing the hills ,o rhaving the ir To vvn s,Ci tie s

,Villages up o n

the h ills . Y ea,in old t ime s w hen they had n o t ye t fixed


the ir ab o de cer ta in theywere wo n t t o rem o ve fro m h ill t oh ill,as

we have fa id fo rmerly 5 and to s day fo m e o f o u r

H ighlanders do w i th in the ir o wn exten t and lim i tsThe Briganter in the Co n t in ent n am ely, were fo g iven an‘

c ien tlyt o t ak e awaygo o ds fro m the ir en em ies w ith a li r o ngh and

,that by fu cceffe o f t ime

,all th o fe that o p enlyd id r o b

and p lunder ,w e re c alled Br igantea And the Fr en eh ha s fro m

hen ce der ived the ve rb,Br iganeler , t o r o b


o r plunder. Next,there is a k inde o f A rm o u r called Br igantine ,

the rife and

m anner where o f is bo rr o wed fr o m the Br igantef 5 it is lik e aMale - Co at . L afily, there is a k inde o f Sh ipufed at the Sea ,c alled Br igantine, o f the m iddle {i z e as be ing m o lt pr o per

fo r W a r a t Sea . Thu s much fo r the n am e o f Br iganter .

The Br igantes o f th i s Ifland c ame h ithe r fro m Ireland ,a t

d ive rs t imes,and up o n diver s o c cafio n s . The Brigantes m Ire

land,byPtoletnie, are placed w ellS o u thw ard But tho fe tha t m i Tabulam

are c o me afte r Ptolomee Imean th o fe o f neerer An t iqu i ty,fihlmd

li':have placed them m o re No rtherlybym anym ile s 5a s ye m ay

in temm



c e eafilyby lg o k ing up o n Ptolonzee hisMap s 5 and Ortelina vek m.

(2 his

111}cum revt o

h isMaps o fG e o graph ic o f the A n c ien t s . So ye lee tha t thh

B r i e anter , a t the i r firft c o m ing t o Ireland fr o m Spain .. 5 fo r

th en ce they c am e,w ith m any o th er inhab i tan t s o f tha t

Ifland , dw elt 1n the S o u th pat t s bu t by degrees di ewNo rt

hw a 1 d,fo r c o nven ien cy t o th e ir w an dr ing


c o u rfe o f life, ti”z

k eep ing ca ttell,and hun ting,and to r fre edo m fro m the tro u

ble o f t o o n e e r n e ighbo r s . Theyw en t,byfuccelfe o f t ime


farNo r th,t illa t length , having co me t o th e p a i r next un to

B r ztannie,they cam e h i ther

,and p o lieffed themfelve s o i the

li t tle Ifland s an d h ills n ext u n t o Ir eland 5 and finding themfelves fi t ted i n th is n ew - fo un d Land fo r th e ir pn rp o fe ,acc o td ing to the ir m inde , theym ade the ir abo de there

,and drew

daylym o re an d m o re c o mpanyu n to them,t illat length they

m ade up a great Bo dy o f p e o ple 1 11 B r itann ie,and by li ttle

and lit tle c ame allalo ng the W eft fi de o fB r itann ie,k eep

ingthe h ills

,t illthey c am e t o the R iver Belifana, th at i s , h het


in L aneafhire, and frm 1 thence w en t fi ra ight E aftward ,t ill

th ey came t o the m o u th o fAhne no w Hum/yer .

The No rth B r itanr w e re glad to give them way, c o n ten t

ing themfelves w ith the E afi fide o f Br itanni a mi nor wh ichindeed wa s

,and 1 s the belt ) and were glad alfo to have them

fo r a R amp


art aga infi the ir enem ies in theSo u th ,o r in majoreB r itannia . The B r igantef w ere

, great en em ies t o the R 0

m an s,w i th w h o m they had d ive r s Bick er ings 5 bu t at


theyw e re c o mp elled t o go No r thw a rd,an d we re hemd in

e w allbu ilt by the R o man s,be tw ixt thefin o eTina

,no w

o n the E aft fide,and Itr ina

,n o w E den 1n Cmnherland

, o n

the W efi fide . A lth o ugh theyle ft the Co un trey befo u th th isw all

,ye t the R o m an s c o n t inu ed there the n ames o fBr i aaneer 5yea,fo m e o f the B r igantes ,allu red by the bo un ty o f the So y ,


d id chu fe ra ther t o fubm it t o the R o m an yo k e , thenchangethei r abo de

,alth o ugh i t wa s w i th th raldo m e . Then

,a fte i

m any va r i o u s en c o u n ter s w i th the R o m an s,they we re ye t

c o n li t ained t o ye eld m o re gr o u nd un t o the R o man s,w ho

h edged in bo th them and rbh

c F i fty n o r thwa rd w i th a W all,

be tw ixt B odotr ia,o r F o rth

,1 11d Clotta

,o r Clyde . A t lali

,th e

R o man s, by cun n ing, ra i led jealo u li es be tw ixt the Br iganteii

a nd Pi flr,an d fo no t o n ely w i thdraw s the F i fty fr o m the}

The Trefi ce.

o f the anc ien t Briganter . Th at the an c ien t n ame o f a wh o legreat Co un t rey, a s

th is Ifland is,fh o uld be c o nferved in o ne

c o rner , o r a little p o r t io n ther eo f , may n o t feem firange,I have th o ugh t fit t o tellyo u Tha t yo u have the lik e ino ur n e ighbo u r Co un trey, o f o ld called Ganle , n ow F rance}where the an c ien t n ame o f Ganle

, am o ng the vulgar , is

o n elyc o nferved in a li ttle Co un trey lying abo ut S ens,o f

o ld, S enones th is lit tle Co un treyis called Pays Ganlo is , andNomcn i ii/Lila is d ivided in HanteflfiVbafl} Ganle. So it w as jud ic io uflyfa id

by the Hifio r io grapher The n ame o f the Ifle Albion is deSwm w ild in r ived fro m Albe

,and rema in s in S cotland

,as it were in its Na

natalz olo


rr ive So yl.

B“ ch ' Of Alp‘

e,o r Albe

,li gn ifying h ill,o r h igh place yo u have

the in - dweller s the reo f lome time s named Albani a s in Afia,

Dalmatia Italy, and No r th B r itannia‘

5 and the ir Co un t reyAlhania

,fo m e t ime s Albici , Albigo is in L angneilock , an d the ir

Co un treyAlbinm o r Albi in vulgar language fo metim es

Albini,o r Alp in and Albienfeo as the in - dwellers o f our

Albion,who t o th is day callthemfelves as they have do n e o f

o ld,&c .wh ich n ame is o ne and the fame w i th Brigantes . Here

le t us remark That as the Pr o vin c i’

alls o r , In - dwellers o f

B r itann ia fuper io u r fubjeé’t t o the R o man s are o rdinar ily,

c alled by the W r iter s Br itoncr 5 lo the o ther s ben o r th the

E mp ire , h ave been called by the W r i ters Br itanni peregrini,69“ tranfnzar ini , firanger s and beyo nd

~ Sea - m en a s if theyh ad been o f an o ther Ifland . And truely if it were n o t fo r

the Str a i t be tw ixt the R ivers .afo re - n am ed,w h ich did ferve

fo r Bo rder un to them ,. theywere in an o ther Ifland. Hen ce

E ngland is fa id to be interqu atuo r mar ia .


. Btolomeis , Tacitus ,and S eneca tellus That the Br igantes

mifizcfii inh ab ited Albion wh ich when they w r i t,W as th at par t o f

ca . the Iiland beyo nd the R o man Emp ire . Therefo r e the Bri

ganter were then Albini, o r Albani .

Brim “ , c5m Mo reo ver,the Br iganter abo u t E bo racum,

no w Torlrxe,we reE borm m fuc o f the Sc o ts

,.who c ame fro m Ireland, a grea t and mightyrum S cotzcz ge

71er1ir,magna (9’


valzda natzo.

s uch . j ohn Fo rdon, in h is S coti Chroni con, wr ites , That the Sco tsc ame fo far S o u th a s Humber,an d p o flefied Lands there . Alfo


The Treface.

the Ifle o fMan was fo r a lo ng t ime u nder the Cr own o f S cot

land 5wh ich Ifle is as far So uth, a s the Co un treyabo ut Yo rke,alth o ugh it be W efiw ard

,and in the Sea . And thefewere

the Br igantes we n o w have fp o k en o f. The Br iganter at

the ir firfi‘c o ming into Albion came,a s we h ave fa id

, w ith

o ut any certa in o r fetled w ay o f G o vernmen t but be inggro wn t o a c o nfiderable number o r Bo dy they fem: into

fo r F ergna the firfi,to be the i r K ing 5wh o fe with

a n ew Co lo n ic ) c o m ing into Albion IS reck o ned to be

a bo u t Alexander the Great h i s t 1me 5that is , abo ut three hm]

d redyeers befo re the Bir th o f Chr ilt.The a cer ta in t im e

,byfo me have

b een called Dalrendini alth o ugh th is n ame did n o t Jaft BairdMu

fflo ng ) fro m the K ing Renda, wh o br o ugh t in t o Albion the gopuii iii


n i

fec o nd remark able Co lo ny fro m Ireland after F ergm ,

berm” ”d”

rum, undema

abo ut 1 80 yeer s, befo re Chrifi 5that is 5ab0 u t 2 20 yeers after giggl


?,F ergna And Dale

,wh ich fign ifieth Coun trey and Province, ru ling;

,a s is kn o wn t o this day There i s a cer ta in p lace in theW efi QuznreCaledo

o f S cotland, called to th i s verydayRidfdale'


Z ?“

germ at”

- W e have heard That the pep ple b eno rth the R oman

e mam “

Pr o vince,up on the Bali fide ,were o riginallyBr ita inf ,whenc e

theywere called Br itanni Piéli5and fo m times Br itanni Caledo

n i i,fi'

o m o ne o f the ch ie fpeop le 5fo metimes fimplyPiéiz’

,o r

Caledonii . Alfo we have heard,That the p eo ple ben o r th the

Pr o vin ce, o rntheW e ltfide

,were com e from Ireland,and cal

,led Album 5yea,fo r a t imeDo lrendin i . Lik ewili:

we have he ard, Tha t all the peo ple ben o r th the E mp ire, bya enerallAppellat io n , were called S coti where theywere

allfp o k en o f to gether bu t when t hey.were fp o k en o f a »

p ar t, th o fe o f the Bali were c alled S co to - br itanni Th o fe o f

theW eft w ere called S coto - br igantes as we have heard o u t

o f S eneca .

1 Mo re o ver, byp

r o gréffe o f t im e,the


Irilh cam e t o go uh

‘d er the name 0 Sco ts

,w ith tho fe o f Britann ia minor , o r Al~

bi on,wh o fro m them had help , fupply, and recruire s , in the ir

W W “

171 1 714mm€ coti

W ar again l’t the R o man s and Bri tan s Pro vin c ialls . Thus iZ fi

7‘di‘t 5

O O n‘


.n ammg the Ir 1lh by the n ame o f Sc o ts , beganfo me hundredI?

has obfervavl:

yeers afterChr ifi 5 tha t is , to wards the m iddle Age s . A ndc 3 abo u t

abo u t that t ime Irelandwas called by the n ame o f S ootia,

Abraham» : Ortelin/s ha th remarked ,

in « thefe W o rds 5 Ihave obfer t/ ed Ireland to be named

' S cotza,bj tbe W

r iters of tbcmiddleAge. And lb it hath been o bferved by the lea tn ed,Th at anc ien t Auth o r s did n ever n ame Ireland S cotia 5 as yo u

Vide/‘s er m ay fee by tho fe wh o have exaéi ly reck o n ed up the o ld

“ 13m “n ames o f Ireland

,o u t o f the anc ien t and Clafii ck ‘Au th o rs

Barbalum in3 Q

t um, (9

’ S o rt w as n o t fald mu ch am lfle by o n e Th at th i s n am lng o f

3532122.aIreland by the n ame o f S cotland

,wa s titfi: abo u t B eda h is

t im e,wh o lived in the beg i nn i ng o f the e ighth Age . S oalz"

ger t ells us , Tha t the w o rd S o ot is n o Iriflr wo rd,bu t B r i

s wzm amn that is n o t u fed in Ir eland ,bu t in B r itannia W ha t is


women H i berni

(m p /64 3 53the o r ig ine and fign ificat i o n o f the w o rd

,we have heard

reuniram. befo re .0

A s the Irilh began to be called S co ts fo the Pig s left o ff

t o be (0 named 5n o w w i thdraw ing them fe‘

lve s fr o m the Br i

ganter ,o r Albini ,a‘nd fi rik ing in wi th the ir en em ie s the Irilh


byvthe W r i te rs were c alled S coti Hibernienfer , and the Albina

were called S coti Albienfer :And Irelandw a s called S cotia ma

jo r becau fe Albania . o r Albion in thofe dayes wh ich theyc alled S cotia mznor wa s o f lefTe extent . Bu t th is name

o f

S cots was n o t fo rany lo ng t im e given t o the Ir ilh 5 So that

a t length the n ame o f S cots becam e p eculiar to the Albinr o rB r igantes alo ne.

L ali lyi

,the Albin s having. fubdued the Pifir


, andmade

th em n o m o re a Peo ple c o mmun ica ted in ton ew ly c o nquered byt hem ,

the‘n am e o f S o oti ii,a s o n e COun

ft reyw i th Albin ia 5and (0 all the in - dwelle r s there,iwere c alled S cots ,w i th the Albins a s o n e peo ple w ith


them,and lo

2they a re to th i s day.

.No w the Albinr o r .Br igantes b e ing the o nely Mali‘e r s

.o f

Britann ia tn inor ,cam e to be called S coto - B r itanni5a s the Past;

h ad been o f o ld,an d are upon o cc afio h called lo to

~th is day,t o difiingu ilh th em fr o m the So u th B r itons , o f w ho m, fo me

are c alled Cambro—bri tanni,therefi,

Anglo- britanni .

rA lth o ugh'

the anc ien t B r igantes w e re c alled?by fo rreign‘


S eo ti,n amely;by the Bri tonr

Pro vin cialls , and the R o m an s,

yet theydid n ever name themfelves'

fo r

,b y th is name ,

S coti 5

ne i ther

n e i the r do the Iligh lan der s t o th is day in the i r o wn lan

gu age c all themlelve s S COi J‘, bu t Albinr . S o S cal’

iger had

jun: re afo n tolay ,

That S c oti w a s n o r an Ir ifh n am e . A s

the Hellenes d id neve r n am e them felve s G r eeks,altho ugh

theywe re {0 c o mm o nly c alled by the fm re igner s And the

Mzfi(2l d id n o t c all th emfelves Egyp tian s , alth o ugh fo r

re igne r s n amed them fo .

The S cots n o w adaye s a re d ivided i n Highlan d m en,and

1,Lowland me n : The Highlander s are the t 1 u e Pr o gen ie . o f

the an c ien t B i zgante r, o r Albinr , f0 1 the m o fi:p a i t l fay, b

can1c fum e a te c o m e in‘la ter t imes h o m o th er Co un tr eys .

And t o th is lc ay o u r Highlander s , as the B r igan ter o f o ld,

mak e s m a in ule o f the i r Bowe s a n d A r r o w s,in the i r wa r


n am ely, w hen they a re am o ng the h ills 5 fo whenth eyp ra ileo ne fo r aMili tarym an

,they fay,He IS a go o d Bo we man


B ray- m an 5wh ich tw o E p ithites w e re exp refled by the an c i

eh t s 1 11 o ne c o mp o led w o rd S coto B r igantes .

Th e L o wland men are m ade up o f d iver s Nat io n s fo r a

few o f them a re a li ttle xe rn nan t o f the ancien t Pietr 5o therfew are defcended fro m the an c ien t Albins wh o le avingt heh ills

,after the defe at o f the Piélr

,did be tak e themfelves to

the L o w Co un trey. Dive rs fr o m the S o u th p ar ts o fBritan

n ie,h ad fled th i the r fr o m the Tyranny o f the


S axonr,Daner ,

a nd No rmanr a s they did o f o ld fr o m the Tyranny o f the

R o man s . Then the E nglilh , be ing fo o ft in S cotland w iththe i r A rm ie s

,h ave left d ive i s 1 11 the Co un t rey. A llo Mar i

r iag s,and o the r p r iva te o cc afio n s , h ave draw n fundrym en

o m E n o land in to S co tland . L afily ,lim d ry o f the L o w

Co un t r ie p eo ple a re c o m e fr o m beyo nd Sea s ,a s fr o m F r ance,Germany, Hungary, Flander: Ireland, O r c . o f la te daye s : S o

allbe ing reck o n ed they are bu t few in the L o wCo un treyc o m e o f the o ld rlbinr

,Br igantes , o r o ld l

iei r

J The iL o w Co un t i eym en c alls the High lande ts Ir i/Z ,lo mu ch fo r the ir an c ien t defcen t

,as fo r the i 1 language , o ne - i

ly d iffer ing fro m the lr ilh bydialeéi 5 and fo r th e ir ivayes o fliving n o t m uch u nlik e : ye t o n e m a in d ifleren ce 18 to be feenin the aftivity o f the Sc o t s ,and the la z inefle o f th e lr ilh . On

the O the r fide,the Highlanders calls the Lo w Co un treym en

S axon s“

,n o t fo mu ch fo r their de fcen t (altho ugh m any o f

them ar e c o m e fro m the So u the rn p eo ple a s w e h ave la id,wh o a re a Pr o gen ie o f the S axony as fo r the langu age

wh ich'



th o nely by d ialer? fr o m the language o f the

S o u th,wh ich ack n o wle dge th the S axon la ngu age fo r its m o

the r To ngue and fo r the way o f living n o t fo d iffer en tfave that the Sc0 t s a re harder bred, and c o nfequ en tly, m o re

fitted fo r t o yling a t W ar n am ely, then the E nglifh a re 5fo r

w e fee the E nglifh to have p a in t o t o yle and endu re W ar s,

a t the firfi go ing t o the F ield by reafo‘

n o f the ir tende r andlo ft breed ing . The langu agc o f the So u th - B r iton r o f o ld


w as n o t mu ch d ifferen t fr o m that o f the Ganlr,fro m when ce

th ey cam e in to Albi on 5W itn efle Tacitna , in Agr ic ola his L ifeIn no Lam

The Gaul: th en d id (peak a cgrrup t G reek,fo r they are c o me

s urge a” the

o f the G reeks . Befides,m anyw o rds o f the old Gan/o ils the

G reek Autho rs to well phrafe and c o nfi rma are t o th i s day 1 11 the F r en ch lanwm ed’ ” ln


gu age k ept 5wh ich do th fign ifie that o f o ld the Creek wa s .

fp o k en in Ganle,alth o ugh c o r rup t gr o flyby ign o ran t m en

w ith o t1 t learn ing,who n e ither c o uld reade n o r w r i te . Y e t

in the So u th par ts o f Ganle n eer the Medi ter ranean“


where in the G reek Iflands ar e, the’

G reek e w as fp o k en and

taught, a tMarfeillesi nam ely. The an c ien t langu age o f th eBr itons fumed a great change by the R o m an s

,and o ther fo r

r e ign er s , wh o bro ught in am o ngft them the ir te rm s o f Law


o f d ivine Service , o fW ar,and o fPo lic ic, w ith the n am es o f

d iver s Co mm o d it ies,and the n ame s o f d iver s Trades .

W hen the S axonr and Danes came in to the L and theyc o nfined the remn an t o f the an c ien t Br itany un to the W elt

Co un trey, w ith‘

the ir language , fu ch as it was left un to them

bythe R o m an s,and o ther fo rr e ign er s o f o ld,and w i th them

felves p lan ted the language wh ich is fpo k en in ,

allE ngland

n o w adays ,w ith fo m e alte ra t io n and change . The firfi:n o ta

ble change happ en ed by the No rmanr , _

in Who le language the

L aw hath been adm in ifired,&c . The n ext change is fro m the

La tin in wh ich langu age d ivine Service hath been fo r m any

yee r s Ofli c iated .

‘Then the E nglilh langu age ha th bo rr o wed

fro m alln e ighbo u rNa t i o n s manyVvo rds , w i th o ut anygreatt hange 5(0 that the E nglifli langu age is laid to be the qu in t



Tbe Treface .


en ce o f all n e ighbour Languages F r o m i t the Sco tifli

To n gue d iffers bu t i n dialeéi a s w e have fa id. The Highlande r s L anguage, a s ha th been fa id lik ew ife , is Irifh,wh i cho f old was a co rrup t G reek alfo fo r the Ir ifli c ame 1n to Ire

land fr o m the No r thrp ar t s o f Sp ain ,wh o fpak e a c o r 1up t

G reek,as tho fe o f

‘Ganle did 5ffo r the an c ien t in dweller s o f

theNo r th part s f zo f Spain came alfo fro m the G reek Iflande;

s o, that .o f . o ld,the Language o f the an c ien t B r itons wa s not

alto ge ther firange unto the B r iganter'

o r


Alp inr 5yea, in th i s

t ime where in we live ,n o tw ithl’tanding the grea t changes

that bo th the L anguages have fuf’tained by t ime

,and Co m

m erce o f fo rreign Nat i o n s , theyh ave m anywo rds wh ich areo n e and the fame , fign ifying the fame th ing.

eThu s much I have w r i tten o f the beg inn ing, n ame s,way

o f living, and Langu ages o f S cotland t o m ak e k n o wn t o all,

h o w unjul’t and 1nju r io u s un t o us are fo mem o dern An t iqua

r ies o f o u r n e ighbo ur Co un treys 5 who firli: th ink theycann o t p ro ve the i r o wn peo ple t o be fuflicien tly anc ien t ,eXz

c ep t they tak e fro m the ir ne ighbo u r the ir jufi r ight o f go o dAn t iqu ity. Next

,they c o n ce ive they cann o t fe t fo r th fully

en o ugh the greatn efle o f the ir o wn Co un trey, excep t they,m ak e the ir n e ighbo u rs n o p eo ple at all o r at leafi


c o nfidcrable. Th irdly they imagine ,That they cann o t

sexto ll and t magh ifie the glo ry o f the ir Co untrey. h ighlye n o ugh;unleffe theyn o t


o nelydep refi’

e and extenua te th e irn e ighbo ur s n am e

,bu t alfo a t tr ibute u n to themfelves th e

advan tage s o f the i r ne ighbo u rs . Bu t if thefe An t iqua r ie s h adc o nfidered w ith the eye s o f men

,Tha t there i s en o ugh t o

be fa id fo r the c red i t o f the ir o wn Co un trey ,w itho u t

w ro nging o thers , theyhad n o t (0 f’tufi’

ed their Bo o k s W ithm ifiak en and m if ap plied Allega t io n s o f go o d an c ien t Auth o r s

,no r with Co lleéi io n o f fabulo u s a nd lying Mo n k s

tales , where in fo me o f them do fanfie Learn ing m a in lyto c ohfifi. Bu t o f th is en o ugh .

F o r th is place ,IW i llo nly adde th is . A s the Sc o t s,altho ugh

theybe n o t o f the greatefi p e o ple , ye t they are t ru ely o n e

o f the m o lt an c ien t Peo ple 1 11 E urop e 5 So I dare be bo ld to

fay That G o d(to wh o le p ra ife be i t fpo k en) i n his(I

ne ife t o wa rds them hath raifed Up 61“

them,an d amo ngft

t hem,fo manyexcellen t and ve rtuo us men ,

in Chur ch and .

S tate, in Pi etyand L earn ing, 1 11 Po licya ndW ar a t ho m e

and abro ad, o f .o ld an d lat e, that flew Nat io n s,an c1e i1 t

o r m o derne ,altho ugh o f gi ea>te 11 bo unds c an c o mpare

w ith them ; fewer equall them ,and h ardly any(a t allgo be

yo nd them i n th is 5 fo r whi ch we p rajfe G o d, Wh o o f the

belt things h a th given u s rhebefi m eaffu re 5 and faywith theTerm wrorumHifio r ian That the L ond is mor efer tile of goodme n then offorti umqucmfrugumferaoior g

Bu t n ow,f n ce allfo rme r walls o f fep arat io n and d ivi

fion,bo th anc ien t andmo dem

le,Civilland E cclefiafiicall


a re in a great meafure tak en awaybyG ods blefling and

lo many refpefts th e S c o ts and E ni flr are fo'


Due u n to an o ther,a s we h ave fa id : Bu t above all , fin


t heybo th are member s o f the true Chu rch and pu re Sp o ufe

o fChr ifi]efi1 s ,to the upho lding o fwho feTruth ,and purgingo f 1 t fro m uncleann efle theyhave n ewlybo und themfelve s

t ogether a s o ne Pe o ple, yea, as o ne man,Let them then


in G o ds Name,laying afide alle xcufes , enwes g ealo uf


e s and

by ends,as feeling members o f o ne arid the fame Bo dy, co n

cu r unan im o ufly, w ith the ir mu tuali and belt endeavours ,t o fet tle the true W o rlh ip o f G o d in a ll true pu r ity ,


qu iet allth ings fpeedily w ith w ifedo m ,t o the go o d o f the

pe o ple , w ith due o bed ienc e t o o u r lawful]So vere ign under

G o d,a s we a re t aught by the L aw o f G o d

,the Law o f

Natu re,theLaw o f Nat io n s an d theMun ic ipali Laws o f

o u r feverallCo unt reys . Bu t to return to the Church .

The Sc o ts , altho ugh they rece ived am o ngfi them the

ligh t o f the G o fpelwith the veryfirfi o f the G ent ile s,as we

have fa id, ye t had theyn o t the E vangel fo un iverfally p ro

fefiied tho r o w the who le Co un t rey t ill t o wards the firfi:

yeers o f the th ird Age 5 that 18, t ill Donald the firfi ; w ho

n o t o nelypro fefié d the Fa ith o f Chr iPt h imfelf, w ith h is Fam ily but did his bePt to taf

’t o u t Ido la try who lly fro m his

D o m in io n s,and t o fe t tle theMin ifieryof the G o fpel i n eve

ry co m er thereo f : But th is relig io us K ing c ou ld n o tbr ingt o

Chu rch to the h o n o ur o f o ur Savio ur , which 1 11 fo llo w ingt imes

,by c o r ruPt io n s

r was calledLFa a um odoreafe ,fo r S ores

m afia, the w o rd o r igin all ls o wfrfi'

p . Hence theTo wn n ce r the

Church was called Sadar‘a, as Mini’ter 1 in o u


r vulgar Ian

from the‘fo llicitude io

themfelve s to divin e S erant , c o mfo r t the weak ,

peo ple ,and t o tra in up


No vices arid 1Dilciples ,: ro d e thefam e fe rvi ce 1n thei r due t ime . Thefe vmen , fo r afiheir I 1]gle

and re t ired life , were called 11910937, ,o rMo nks, .byabbrevifit io n5 and fo r the ir t ravelling alt o ge the r 1m G QdStW o rlhipand Service,: were c alled Calide


, o r Ca ldera." I .

Culdei w e " hefeCnldeer were fo given to the .exe rc ife Inf devo t ion;[blxtariam tan

[i nan im bye the m edi tat ing theMylteri es o f. theJK ingdo'

mfizfHeaven,PM “ “PM

and by P rayers , t hat 1the very Cells ravh eremlto they hadc o merwxerunt,

m iti fum‘fo‘ ind o léd and feparated themfelves from th e Wo rld , safter


Celia in

Templa quum the ir death were repu ted 16 (m any Temples"

o r Chappels”mmrem Ta afide fo r D ivin e Service , lién ce » to :th is day Calla i s tak enmde confirctudawad rejic fo r a Chu rch am o ng the an c ien t Sco ts

,as yo u mayfee 1 11

nu n/21, 111 przfiiJ‘rorz Temp“ thefe co mp o fed name s

,K elmarnoc, Mamie his Church, Cel

w ‘” ”W ”,p at l

rfic Patri ck h is ChurchBuch .

Vc‘e mm‘o‘

The Culdeer thus fe t'

led a s we have feen did chefe o ut

mofidflerm ele o f themfelve s fo me em in en t m en in p re ty k n o wledge3 ’ ”m “ b“

and w ifedo m ,t o o verfee the refi , and to k eep them to

non /1071071 5Cf

difcharge o f the ir du ty t o wards the Pe o ple, and t o wards0 rt

71a i nter cor ocr theD ifc iples w ith an o rderlyand dilcreet carr iage o f eachfizzy? “

o ne t o wards an o ther,in thei 1 feverallfo ciet ies , and 1 11 their

“ W W W, p r ivate . Thefe Ove rfeer s o r Sup er in tenden ts cho fen 0 5

1 b



olivzne themfelves , an d by them felves did difcharge theDutles

32555551? o f the ir Func‘h o n ,ind ifferen tly every where, tho ro wo ut,the


532;who le K ingdo m , w i tho u t refirain ing themfelves to any

m5cum nondum cer ta in place


o r L o rd ing o ve r the ir Brethren , o r anypart333213 17117o f the Flo ck o fJefus Ch r ift,n o t at tr ibu ting un to themfelvesquefluarm. any part icular difiin cfi: h o ly o rder fro m the tell

,belo ngB uch.


W ei-gi rtfim


o n ely ,to them a nd to be. £0 11e c o nferred by, them;

Th is W ay o f infiruéting the'

Pe o ple and go vern ing theQhaggh byCulda r,d id co nt inue fio h many/yeers,unde r ,G o ds

mar-Cy),theMirrifieryo f .G o ds Church,a sye t, n o t beingbe i

come abnfi'

nefiexo f g ain,a nd o f iivo rldlyp o mp aind i‘

p ride}and .Overlhers 91 7 o thers , zh adt nb o ther

emula£j9n15b utao frweldo ing cn o r fir



,bu t to advance

t rh e fgiet ie and‘g


éarn ing:i TheO verfEerS '

o r Supe r :

i n tenden ts o f the Caldear'

,w ere c o


mmo h ly'

c alled b

o f~tho fe dayes , aS cotomné'

Epifcopi w ith~

Out ianytdefinii i'

o rr o flplac e, o mp reem inen ce'

of o n e iabove

ano ther .,Bu t t o treturn t o Crath



ntb,Who t illhis dyihg day;whithw as ab

‘eilt the y

121. yeer, l'

d id c o nfian tly e’

o n tinue t o

advance , the'


gdo m .bf 'Ch riPtr, as' li


lt e'


h is fuccefl'

o r

F iaeowizac 5 -, 11nder who fe d aye s the G o fp e


l ‘did flo urifh siqPuritieand imPejaee 51 1h;d ied i abo u t;thezyeerl 58. Aften

thedeath o fi S eat;

Lied;rfelluing reat difo rder iand t r‘o hblés , i‘B’


d o n'iefiick id ifa(wh om


and fafiio ris /fo r fo rfieyeers.‘TheR

‘o man'

Lieitte s


,>cim Ieeing the in tefiine trouble s o f

‘Saotland, Th e - i


layhdldrtlp o n the Oc cafi

‘o fi. F irfi

,he fomen t s the ir

ext,no t o nelyhe i zvithdrativs under

biltralfo o bta ins help o f th e Pi


é’t’r to mak e W ar gai


ft the

Sc o ts , and fo t o‘defeat them

,wh ich he did effeé’tua te indeed

in a ‘battell fo ugh t ,W ith mu ch blo o'

dlh ed o n . bo th fide s

at ;the ,

W a ter o f Dmt, in Garrick , wher e in theKing E wenw as k illed this

,defca t fell o u t abo u t 3 80 . in theyeer


o f

Ch rifi) the m o lt part‘o f the No bilitie ahd numbers

o f .Pe0 ple o f tho fe. that efca


ped fo me fled int o the weftIfles fome i nto .

Ir eland,and other s to theNo rthern par ts

o f Germany .o r S‘


a ; fom e’ Iubmitted themfelves to th e

w ill and difc retio n .o f the Co nquer'

o ur,W ith

away, was E tbocffhe K ings BrOtho f theNo bilitie un to S candia


d ivers yeers , and fro m whence


cret a ttemp ts up o n Scotland , w ith the help 61 1 1 111 11 51 0 .

d 3 threh

th ren ret ired in to thefilflands but t o fin all

effea i

c , Nowas the -fac e o f'

the p o lit i ‘State

‘‘o f xthe (30 11

w as,g u ite alte red a nd undone “ the co n


d it iChu rch


a lfo gwa s much:d ifo rdered and t he



c o nfira ined to w ithdraw, an d . feek‘fhelten up and do wn;where they co uld finde


any; namely, they.freturned iinto

the Ifles , and into tIreland laft fthe Pic per ce iving byfeverallattempt s madeby the ex iled Sco t s , t o return ho me,and t e - ef

’tablilh the ir S tate (altho ugh w ith little fucceffe,as

we have faid tha trthe Sco t s -we re fully refolv'

ed to befiirrethemfelves c o n t inually , t ill. they weremejf

’to red '

,a nti fre

efiablifhed- in t'

he ir an c ien t Inheritan ces 5the ZPz'

511 themfelves'

beingmo ved t h the gro an ingm ifer ie s o f their ne ighbou rp o o r p eo ple . o f S co tland , m owunder the ' tR o man

yo akchieflyby th ir mean s 5

. and'

tak ingft o the irh ow fo o lifhly they. - had fufi

ered t hemfelve s b'

éfb‘farre i ci f :

éumven ted a nd deluded by t he R o mans , a s‘

tO f -c o



rihuteti the ru ine o f the i r o ld friends 5


byiwho iri

,fma inly i11 fo r- i


time s,theyhadWithfio o d the comm o nenemy did’

n o t‘

o nelyc o mfo r t the po o r o pprelied rema iners o f the Sc o ts'

a t

h o me,bu t

alfo did invite thefe that were in exile to return,

p r o m ifing un t o them the L ands wh ich they‘had

o f the irs,

hem w ith allthe ir firength and c o un fell, inf the ir wh o le S tate from the R o man


Tyran ts sThe ex iled Sc o ts under the


chuduét o f F ergmt the fec o nd,

fo n t o E tbod,beyo nd Sea ,

5gathered . all theyc o uld,

" bo tho f the ir o wn p eo ple, and o f the irfr iends from the places

o f the ir ex ile n amely, fromS candie, and fro m Ireland lik ew ife

,and c ame in to S cotland ,

fr o m .whence theychafed

away the R o man s,by fir o ng hand with the help o f the

Pi é'

lf who m ade go o d the ir p ro m ife unto them bo th in

afiifiing them in the actio n o f W arre and in refio ring nu

t o them the Land that theyhad ,

been p o fi'

elled w ith by theR o man s . The Aux iliar ies fro m Irelandflayed fiill


in Scot

land,and had allo wed un to them .the Co untrey o f Gallo

way fo r the ir reward 5 and be caufe theywere o f the anc ien tB rigante o f Ireland l fo me o f '

the late W r iters have faid,Tliht

Tha t the B r iganter of Alhion ,had the ir . abo dein Galloway.

N,o foo ne r is F ergm


Cr o wned in the fatallCha ir, and fetledin hi s K in gdo m but h e ta ke s to h is firfi:care,to réfto re the

pu r itieo f Divine Service which had'

been eclipfed in thcfc

b o und s fo r fene rall Nye er s g s a nd ‘t o this efihfl‘ he "


fo me o f the di fp erfedCn ldeer o fh is Co unt ry,whom he ferri e s

in t heir ant i 'en t abo des ; n amely, in the ,Me o fElana Where

he fu rn ilhed theIn Witll a‘L ibr ary o f “ Boo k s which he h ad

ga thered beyon d s ea , .as the 18to rytells u s .

Th is re turn o f F ergus ' in tOJS cotland , (o n

ther t o“

late ? Ewen 1 fell o ut .a bo u t s the yee r 42 0 . iz‘i‘EhCr egain ing 1331 1 113 .Seo ts or thei rs nat ii ieCo untreyc ommand o f Fergm the fec o nd willn os:feem {isnange



t hem,who have read iwh at they,di d unde r the f

commands o fi



am Wallace, an'


h o wamder the c o ndu

theyrecovered the ir liber ty from theli hra

E wen,

" ifo n t ergnn'

the fec ond zby the (10 11 11d’

an d ayd'

o f fhis G ran df ather ivy -his Mo ther Gr im e s'

u did

n o t o n elyke ep h is Fa thers'

anc ien tK ingdom alfo gdid"

e nlarge the L im its : thereo f 1havii1 g p affedi

the next ’W allo f the Roanan


r wh ich by6 1‘i ivas pulled down“

in m any

places hence it is called Gr antee Dyk e ; and he p o fiefled

h imfelf,and the Pie}: with


abl the Lands lying an hundredmile s So u thward that is


-Tyne, and k ep t themtillthe en try o f the S axony into the Ifland. Next 1

, he ro o ku nto his c are n o t

‘o nely it o feek .o u t the Cnldeér fug itives ,

wh ich had not ye t re tu rne d, under hiS ' Fa ther b ut alfo h e

fen t fo r o thers in to th e n eighbo ur’

Coun treyflof Britaine ,and afiigned un to them c o nvenien t places fo r ztheir abo de ,w ith a m o dera te c omp etency o fmeans fén ance

,that they iho u ld be z in n o wayes

the peo plefi,

‘n o w lo o k ing t o have fo me refp ité fromtheir

prelfure s and grievances » And fuch’


o f théfee dayes , that a veryten t the Church - men fet t ingeo nfc io nable difcharge o f the i~

lireaching G o ds W o rd careful


firuéi ing the fie o ple‘in thefear ro f.G od and fo .g’

ain ing t he ir

to theirfMakerJand R edeem er .

Byt h is the ir c arr iage,atheyagained


much refp e& am ong the , p ebple w'


zh o n o u red them a s Fathers ;In fi ruéi er s and i G‘

u ider s t o

He aven ,under G o d ; w as

tli ez‘

feco ii da ryc au fe o fi t'

h is goo d behavro u r fo fChurch - men,

awh h’by, h isla h tho nityik ep t them in o rder .and by. his o wn

example taugh t them t o

and live difcre tly ; zBilt fo fo o'


as theflc ivill ~Magifira te left

t iiei‘

hfelves v, then i


they negleéting .the i r c allingminde up o na mbitio n a nd avar ice, andc o nfequem f



o n all o fan o thing zleiTe then o f that

t heyweretealled to alI 1 . . r

i f“ 8Herewe areto obfe rvé That a3 '

the Sc o ts did cc o nfian t~



thfia nd the a néien t R o man s,

and; k ep t themfelves .fo

frée o f they. nieither'

ac k nowledged their

Au tho r ity,n o r rece ived anyLaw fr o m them ,a

'lrli o ugh itwas

fi idtzwith o ut gre atkf‘tmgglingiand haz ard,yea,almo ft to the ir

iuit er ru in '


as i t fell o u tmndc r - E nim'

the firfl:5 bu t after

er s ,‘the Sco ts uii de


rhthe co ndua'

o f F ergm the7fecond, fe '

co nd mo t :on ely . rega in ed whatlo fiby

- the‘R o mans and Bifir

,,bu t - alfo c o nq


eal. o f gro und beyo nd'



ir Iafi L im i ts,a s we have

So the C hu rch affa irs fo r m any-


to gether, .h ad n o th ing to do w ith the Bifh o P of Rome,n ei ther m ade they


a c‘

knowledgem en t un to bim ' in anywayrn ei ther did theyfreceive anyL


aw s fro m h im 5 fo r as theyhadt he (Gofpelplan ted am o ng them w itho u t h is h elp to wit,by

i t he'

D ifc iples o fiSa in t yobii mhe . Ap o file , ,(0 they k ept



un to the .Co nftitu tio n s andT

Cano n'

s , fe tledb ythefame fi rft

Plan ters o f the G o fp el‘am o ngft them; b u t

byifucceffér o f . t ime they became t o ,be infefted by the i rn e ighbo urNat io n s w ith the p o yfo n o f the Pelagian Here ~



ne‘then Bifh o p o f Rome

,t ak er o ccafio n t o fend

un to the Brita'

m a zlearned man‘

calledf allczdim‘t o help

theOr tho d o x B r iton‘


t o c o nvin ce t he Herefi‘



o f Pelag im ,

then fp reading i t Leif am o ngfi them wh ich ‘

wa s do ne

acco rd ingly7

‘T/oe Trifl e

E wen the fé c o nd ,K ing o f Sco ts hear ing how the

B rztom ,by the help o f Palladim‘

,had r ep reffed the Pela o z


ifme be ing m o lt defiro u s to purge the Church o f his K ingd o m alfo ,

where th is Pelag ian e r ro urhad c rep t in , fends fo rdim wh o w i th fmall d 1fl

cultyafiil’red theOrtho do x


t o d 1fabu fe tho fe wh o had been carryed away byPelagzan


thereafter i n a very111 61 1 t im e, byfubtill infinua ti‘

o ns,



a ined fo far up o n the w ell- mean ing Sc o t s that theyc o nf

ented to tak e n ew G o ve rn o ur s o f the ir Chu r ch,who

we re to have a Degree and Pre em inen ce abo ve the ir brethren to w it

,the Prélat - Bifho


p s . H itherto the Chu rch

o f S cotland had been go verned byMo n k s and Pr ief’ts,w ith

o u t anyfu ch d ign ity o f po mp . I callthe ir new G overn o u i s ,Prelat Bifho p sgt o d 1fi1ngu 1fh them fro m the ir fo 1mer Over

fee r s and Superin tendent s o f the Caldeer ,‘Who are fo met ime

byVVt ite rs c alled BilliOps , a s they w e re indeed "

; bu t theyh ad n o Pre eminence o r rank o ffifl ignityab o ve the reft


n e i

fiinét Order from the refi o f theirBreth ren . Th at at


this was bro ught m to

S co'

ilaail ihefew

new k inde ppears by the r e



ns o f theAu tho r s foB11 zc l g.ln E ugen .recdituii

Pall d i Emade Biflio p s (

‘that i s ,

‘o f th is new o rder) 11 1 0152225522;fiz


223:in S cotland , fo r t ill then the EM“

p14 per Monacbor regebanmrwere vwitho ilt Bifli o ps ,go verned byMo nk s s minoréqutdm cum fafln o


externa pompa, fledmalorcfim~

w ith leffe van ity truely and o u tward roman ce 51 1 3 n

p omp , but h greater Pmpl1C1tyand h o

lineffe .1 1 1 1 .

Befo re h Cap.Palladins primzos ommum

qui fizcrum miter S oaras egere

Magiflra tum,’

t fimmoPomzfic'


Epi/i apus creams ,quum dfltCL



zr exMonacbis .

1 3

7013 11Mazr fpeak s thu s , B efo rePalladzm'

,l ib : “ P.2

by Pr iejir and Monkr W i thout iB iflJ op r ,‘tloc

S cots wer e inflm ffedm thefaz’

tb. c1


in E ugenio a . fa ith th i s, Among 144 (Sc o tS)Apud no: ”onm]? Mame/70 mm

gym, dcfigmbtn were onelyde/Zgized by thefuf rageof Mon/<5 .

15114 441 11 . ”im part ,

1 701912 o f Fordoa, in his’

Sc o ts Chro n icle,ladu adventum babebant S cott fa i th

,Befbre the in - comiflg of Palladius ’

thefidez doflom , ac S acramento

rumadminifirm m Prefbrtm s S eo i r badfor Teacberr of the F aitb, . andMifilm modo

,vetMonaebor, rim

Mum “ 51 1 1414”Mm“ , mfierr of tbe Sacramentr , Prerbyterr onely, orMon/(g , following ibeRiter or Cujio


mr of thePrimitie/ eCharo/9. 3 Mark the later W o rds 5fo r acc o rding t o th i s Paying g o es the judg -


m en t o f the heft D ivin es who w r ite the1 l a Decrm

,Di £718 . 93 .

afiojicg ma .

fin Prim truth W i tho ut anyr cfp efit. W ho fe mmde


va 131 1 1111


yc j ohn S emeca declareth thus ,

Irz tbefirfl Prium 4C” 0‘


rg‘nonfiu erammztw e Church the Oflice of Bz/bop r and

mama :





M k:Przefir waa common to the one and the other

fid Co wgirls dzflins uico

' mm and both the names were commou,aizd theOflicéM <9) 0 ml’commongp one am!the other But in tbefircoizdPrimi tiweChurch the -

tim er and theOfli cerbegan to be di/i ingni/bed .

i”11 5 S M ”, ”mt /mBalm o f the B r iton wr iters , Befo rePc

ala 3 mm c a e

pifeopomc Mini/in sh

ex ladins the Scots bad thei r Bz/ bopr and Mi nes



1 4‘

fiery,accordi ng to theMmzfierze of the facred

[ed 1m Romany Afiano W ord,cboferz by tbeficfiageof tbep eople,after

aforibm 71011

of Afia : But tbojef bmgrtbe Romam who hated the

Ad t unam 424. S cot? pri -Baronim in hls Ann alls faith th is The”W “ Cd efim S cotr gat their firfi B ijbop from Celefilneacocperum.

Ad m m 435. Ad S cam is Chro n ic. The Pontif Cc”PM”Cd‘fi‘m"Pand ” mzto the S co tr Pallad ins


to be

Ad S ector inCbrifium cre

dence: ordznatur a PapaCele

iiino Palladins , (f primue E


Item ,

‘Unto theS cot t ther; heliee/ itzg in

- Chrifl Pallad in s is ordo itied by P ope Celefiin e

,imdferzt thither thefirft

'Bi/hop .

ifio ry o f England ,Palla

din s mmfifltfirflfiij hop unto the Scots ,by

Celefiine, Pomif bf theRemo teChurch.

See the Bre

ware o f the

Prelats by

Huntley. 1 63 7 .


m ak e k n o wn un t o G o ds pe o ple the pu re lighto fh is G o fp el,the o rd in a rymean s

o f falvat io‘n 5 and c o n lequen tly, fo fa rre

as in them li'

e th,by thu s fiarving the peo ple o f th is heavenly

F o o d , fend them t o hell. Su ch were thefe Sp i r i tu al]Lo rds 5“

w h o , a s theyhave’

en c r o ached up o n the Sp ir i tual] L o rdlh ipo f Ch rifi:Jefu s o ver h is Flo ck


and u fu rped h is Au tho r i ty5ye a an

d o pp o fed it flatly u nder the n ame o f Sp ir itual]Au tho r i ty and Ji lt ifdiéi iO i i 5 lo have they bo ldly and cun

n ingly invaded the Pre ro ga tive of c ivil] Magil’trate s by

the i r Co ur t s and R egalit ie s with in the D o m in io n s o f Pr in 1

ce s whe re theylive Y ea,in fundryplaces theyufurp the full

Au th o r ity o f Pr ln ces and in o ther s they flatly Oppo fe it .

And allth i s h ath been do ne, n o t o nely o f o ld, by th o fe wh ow ere called R o m ilh Bilh o p s , bu t alfo in o u r dayes by Bi

(ho p s ; wh o in fo me th ings m a k e a lh‘ew that they di

fcla im

the ir Fa ther the Pontif Roman wh o m in the ir heart theylo ve and refpeét, a s the i r afiio n s do w itnefle .


A lth o ugh byPalladim Prelacywa s bro ught in the Church

o f S cotloml, and by that means the G o vernm en t w as changcd 5 and there after immed iatelyby degree s o ther alterat io n sc rep t in to the Church ,

ye t tho fe t ime s after Palladim t illthe fixth Age,Im ean

,t illAujgufline theMo n k

,may be fa id

t o‘be go lden t ime s and pu re in regard o f the fo

dayes , Whe re in Chu rch - m en w i tho u t any refi ra in tdo n ed then rfelve s to amb it i o n avar ice

,and lufi

,n egleéting

alto gether the ir Funft io n'

5 fo r in t hefe fo urth and fifth

Ages theywere m any godlyand learned men ,wh o .were diligen t in difcharging the t rue Du ty

o f a Pafio r a s Colomhe,L ihtho c

,E thermm

, fir e . Then K tiito'

gerzze _wh o

n am e w a s calledMango ;,be caufe h isMafie r rS er rw’

on fp eak ingun to h im

,nied o rd ina r ily th is e xp refli on , ll/IOiZ go wh ich in

c o rrup t French is a s m u ch t o fay, asMy boy.c 1

Po llodizos having bro ught in to the Chu rch o f S cotlandHier


archie,a s weh ave fa id tak e s t o his , next» ca re:t o p ro vide

fo r the m a in ten an ce o f th is n ew Degree and Order .5wh ichwa s o bta in ed w ithou t grea t d ifiicdlty,

*bo th. o f Pr ince and

people, under p re tex t o f. Piety bu t w ith i bad‘fuccefle as

by the w o fullexper ien ce o f fo llo w ing t imes We have'

fo un d;


Thefe n ew Bilhop- Prelats , having p retty well fe tled

the ir o wn c o nd i t io n fo r ma in tenan ce,wh ich altho ugh it

did exceedmu ch the allo wan ce o f fo rmer Ages t o Church

m en ye t it w a s verym o derate in regard o f the fo llo w ingt imes :Next , they o btain ed grea t Lands and R evenu es fro m

Pr ince and Peo ple, fo r o ther Presbyters a ndMin if’ter s , whofo rm erly had been very li t tle bu rdenfo me t o the p eo ple ;

fo r by t he ir o wn 1 ndu fi ry and w o rk o f the i r hands , d idp ro v

ide fo r themfelves ,1 n eceffaries fo r the m o lt par t ; byth i s mean s

,the Prela ts t ie the o ther Pre sbyters andMin ifiers

t o them and fec o nda rilybr 1ng 1n ,~bylittle and little, idle p

n effe,and flack ne ffe in difcharging the ir calling,fr o mwhencea re r ifen

allthe evills we have feen fin ce in the Church .


After the beginn ing o f the fifth Age t o w it, 52 I . yeer s ,

in th i s Ifland began (th e o ld S o turno lzo‘

o f Rome wh ich W asfitfi ' k ep t in h o n o u r o f S omme 5 bu t by the Su ccefl

o r s o f

yulim zsfo r it was o rda ined t o be k ep t to the"

mem o ry o f

h im,and Wa s called to be celebrated un to the ho n o ur

o fiChr ifis Birth , in the '

later end o f December . The o cca

fio n was th is , Arthur that ren o wn ed Pr ince w in ter ing a t‘

Yo rk (where o f, he n ewly had m ade‘

h imfelfMafi er) w ithh is No bles

,betho ught h imfelf w ith them

,t o p affe fome

daye s in ,the dead o f w in ter in go o d cheat and m irth

wh ich wa s d o n e fo rthw ith, a s it is given o ut fo r devo t i o n t oChr ilt altho ugh tha t then t rue Devo t io n wa s very littleregarded ; fo r as thefe men did exceed the R o man s du r ingth is Feali in Ryo t and ' L icen t io ufn effe.; S o they c o n t inuedthe Feafi do uble the t ime that the E th

n ick R o man s we‘


w o n t t o k ep t it 5 fo r- the R o mans k ep t it o nely five daye s ,

bu t thefe k ept it ten daye s w i th their new devo t io n 5‘

ye a

th o fe o f the r icher fo r t in t ime fo llo w ing have k ep t, i tfifteene dayes . Thus was the beginn ing o f the p ro phaneidlen effe and

‘ryo t o f Chr ifima s n o w k ep t twelve

dayes w ith fo o lifh excelle and ryo t. A s thefe Ch r ifimas

k eepe i s d id' m il’tak e ‘the w ay o f h o n o u r ing Ch rif’ts Bir th


this k inde o f fo lemn ity 5 fo did theym ift'

ak e the t imeof his B irth 5 fo r the m o lt exaé’tCh ro n o lo ger s tells lis ,‘thatCh r ifi w as born in 08 ober, and n o t in December . 6 .

¢ 3

The Sc o ts r e ta in {till the o ldi

name 711 1171 , o f th is p rep o flero u s - ho lyr Fe al

’t fo r they c all it c o rruptly Al.

th o ugh theyn eve r k ep t it o f o ld n o t be ing fubjeét t o theR o man s .

The Fren ch and Italian s,in th i s

,are n o th ing beh inde

w ith u s 3 fo r befide, That they(ha re w ith u s in thefe S aturfl d lid

, j ulio o r Ch r ifim a s 5 Theygo beyo nd u s in ryo t and

fo o le r ies in the i r Bo ccho zzolio ,wh ich they callCarno t/ a! o r

Marcligrao befo re Len t ; wh ich in o ld t ime was k ep t" t o theh o no u r ' o f Bo cchm .

Bu t ‘the c o rm p t io n s that we re bro ught in o u r Churchfro m Rome in the fo u r th and fifth Age ,

were n o th ing t ow ha t w as bro ught in in the fixth and feven th Age , fo rthen w as R eligio n tu rn ed upfide down ,

and fo changedin t o Su‘

pe rftitio us Cerem o n ies and . Ido latry au th

z ed by falfe m iracles that there w as hardly left any trace

o f true R elig io n amo ng m en in thefe daye s : Palladim wasthe firft tha t acqu a in ted u s w ith Rome a s we have fa idth at bro ught in Prelacy am o ngl

’c u s

,a little after the

g inn ing o f t he fo u r tdegree s br o ught un to a great he ight , bo th in wo rldly p o mpand mean s (fo r the t ime s)

by the inc o nfidera te, debo n

n ar ty o f the Pr ince, and~fimplicitie o f the peo ple but n o tw i th o u t ftruggling and refi ftan ce by pio u s and w ife m en

fo r m anyye e rs 5 it was the wo rk o fChurch - men,fet a fo o t

by Palladiw fo t ill thefix th Age that is , up o n the mat ter,

two hundred yee r s t o t a ife themfelves t o Po wer,and

A u tho r i ty, andMean s,whereun to ‘they c am e

' infenfibly ,

fo .m u ch the rather , becaufe they were fp ar ing fo r thefedayes t o

inver t the m a in D o éi r ine o f the tru e'

R eligio n .

The Pe o ple andMagifi ra te fee ing their R eligio n remaiiiingin its ma ine

,w ere

,w i tho u t g rea t d ifficulty, drawn '

o vert o give w ay un to the greatn elfe o f the Chu rch - men 5. But

when thefe gallan t fello ws had w ro ught the ir!o wn “

endstheyd id (hew pla inlywhat was w i th in - the i r hear ts 5fo r t hen


theydeclared themfelves to be enem ies bo th t o G od and

t o Man by the ir virio n s liVe s , c o ntrary to the Laws‘

o f G o dand m an The ir falfe B o étt ine , c o n trary to G o dswo rd 5

the ir

the irTyrannicalldom ineer ing o ver the p eo ple ; and w ith -Idraw ing them felves fr o m due o bedience un t o the lawfull

Magifirate . In a Wo rd , bydireétly o pp o fing G o d,abu

fiugmen to‘

their u tter m ine o f fo uland bo dy ,and fett ing


up the ir o wn invent io ns fo r the Laws o f G o d, and m en,

theywere a br inging th is he ight o f i n iqu i ti e.to paffe, abo ut

the matter o f two hundred yeers lik ewife , to w it,the

fixth and (eventh Age , altho ugh thewo rk ers o f in iqu i tydida t lafibring their m ifchievo us defigne to an end, by the Perm illi o n o f G o d

,irritated againftmen fo r theirfins , who n o t

adhearing un to h im,were abando n ed fo that they he.

came a p reyunto Satan and h is infiruments to fo llo w all

in iqu ity ; yet,fuch 4was themercy o f,G o d t o wards m en in

thefe m o fi e o rrup t t imes , that the devil] and h is infi ramen ts wen t rio t fo l cleerly o n w ith the ir w ick ed bufin effe ,bu t theyhad no w a nd then fro m t ime to t ime remo raes

and lets in it by tho fe who mGo d railed up to b ear w itneffe to _ h is , Trueth 5 and in ,

thefe dayes , fundry of theS co ts D ivines were veryflo u t in the k eep ing o f the anc ientTen ets and R i te s wh ich theyhad received fro m the irfirfi:A


p o files,D ifciples to Sa in t 705m aeeo rding to the Church

o f the E af’t 5 W itnefle the great firugling they had about

the k eep ingo f Pafcbep r E ag er -d ay5 fo r till then, the Sc o tshad k ep t the day o f Pajcha, up o n the fo urteen day o f the

Mo o n whatfo ever day o f the week it fell o u t o n 5 the

R o man i’

fis called tho fe that k ep t fo this day guartadetimbm

,and eo ndemned them as Heretick s , and they k ep t the

day co nfiantly upo n the next Sundayfo llowing and no tup o n awo rk ing day s at laft . the Sco ts were co nfin ing ; toyeeld in th is

,as in o ther R ites , un to Rome.

” 01;d iv’

ers o thers Seo tifh

R oman ifis inthe p oi ntthat theycho fe it be ing given to the ir cho ice, e i ther to qum rim Re

fubmit unto Rome ; o r to quit the fetlings theyhad in theN


o rth o f E ngland , rather to lo fe the ir Benefices , then to

ye ild . So fiandingfifafi to theCufio mes o f the Sec ts Church,

where in they had been bo rn andbr ed theyreturned hometo S cotland.

Abo ut

Abo u t the en d o f the feven th Age men fro m S cotlcmd

g iven t o amb i tio n and avar i ce,



wen t frequen tly to Rome

fo r p refe rm en t in the‘

Chureh ; and‘

feeing it lay-much that

w ay then , theydid the ir befi~t0 ~advancé the defigne o f the

R o m ilh Par ty, where in all the s k ill o f wo rldlymen was em

Plo yed,bo th in Rome,& am o ng th‘

e Sco ts Cf that Pa r tygmanym en wen t to

‘and fro be tween


Rbme and S cotland t o br ing‘

the Sc o ts to a full o bedience un to Rome,5and c o nfo rm itie


there was o ne Bo n'

ifizee(cut fro m Rome to S cat‘


a gen t fo r Rome in thele affairs 5 bu t he was Opp o fed

o by feve rall o f the Sc o ts Cztldeer,

. o r D ivines 5namely, byClemeizr , and S amfcin,who to ld h im freely Th at

h e,and tho fe of h is Pa t ty fi


ud ied to ‘br ing men to the

f ubjeErio n o f the Po pe , an dflavery o fR ome , w ithdraw ingthem fro m o bed ience to Chr if’t ;(and fo


in pla in termes , theyrep ro ached to h im and to

‘hi s aflifian ts ; were

co rrfup ters o f Chrifis Do ctr ine“


fefiablifll ing a'


o vereign tyih‘the'Bifho p o f Rome a s the o nelyfu

ceeffo ur of the,Apo - r

files exclud ing o ther Bifli o ps , 5' d and c o ml

manded Cle r icallto nfur'

e 5 That Pr iefi sMart i -3a ge , exto lling Celibat 5 That theyCauled Prayers to be

made fo r the dead and erec'

ted Im ages in the Churches ;to hefh o

r t,That theyh ad intr o duced in the Chu rch many


,R i tes andCeremo n ies ‘

unk n o wnc to wthe anc ien tand pure t imes yea

,c o nt rary:t o them . F o r : the wh ich,



h‘e like the fa idClemens



tho fe ithat'


c o nfiant

t o the Tru th; w ith him we ré exc ommun icatedu t Rome a sHeretick s as yo u have

in the th i rd -Vo lum e o fa the'

C‘o rzcels'

altho ugh the tru e rea‘

fo n s o f th'

e‘irexcommun ica


t io n be n o t‘



he e ighth Age the .p o o rjpeo ple werefo blindly in - J

ila’Ved a

nd‘i i i t o xica t w i th ‘the’

Cup‘o fiKome that they

thought it ga tr uelyho ly Martyrdo me{ to fufferffo r the in ;

teriefi bf Rome; yet,’ altho ugh m o lt m en t had left od


w o rlh ip the Beall,

~in thefe d ayes G o d'

ea t‘

L ight‘

s in o hurch,a



ifeiple, yalm S cot, and Claudia”Clemen s . Inv

this we lhall"

remark e the co ufian t go o dn elfe o fG o d t o wards ihis peo ple,J x l l h W IIO

who made h is L ight lh ine in fo me meafure tho ro w thegrea t .

efi and thick ei’t dark nefle by raifing up thefe men who

did bear w itnefie to‘the T


ru th bo th bywo rd and wr it1ng 5

~ (0 that G o d did n o t alto gethe r leave o ff h is p eo ple .

The Bilh o p o f Rome caufed t o declare Alm in (fo r his Bo o ko f the E uchar ifi) many yeers after h is death an Heret ik e .

S o Rome perfecutes the Sa in ts o f G o d even after the irdeath;

In the n in th’

Age bo th Pr ince and Peo ple , by do lefu llexper ience, did hude the idleneffe , p r ide, ambit io n , avar iceand ryo t o f Church

- men o ccafio ned by the indulgence‘

o f

Pr in ce and Peo ple 5 wherefo re, at Sdone under K ing ConflkzzzJt ine the feco nd there w as had a

,c o nven t io n o f State s fo r

r efo rm ing the d ifo rders in the Church . In th i s Affemblyi t was o rda in ed That Church - men {h o uld‘refide up o n the ircharge 5 have n o m edling w i th fecular affa ir s 5 that theyfno uld infiru

ét the peo ple d iligen tly, and be go o d example sin the ir c o nverfa t io n s ; that they {h o uld n o t k eep Hawk s ,H o unds andHo rfes

,fo r the ir pleafu re 5 that theyfli o u



carryn o W eap o n s , n o r be pleader s o f c ivil]Caufe s , but livec o n ten tedwith the ir own p ro vifio n s : in

cafe o ffa iling in theo bfervance o f thefe p o ints 5Fo r the I ,t ime,theywere to paya pecuniarymule? o r fine 5 fo r the 2 , theywere t o be dep r ivedfro m Oflicio and Benéficz


o . Thu s yo u fee , in thefe m o lt blindeand c o nfufed t ime s That refo lute Pr inces and Pe o ple dido ppo fe m an ifefi


ly the Po pe s o mn ipo ten cy'

,and higheft

S o vere ign ty. In the later pa r t o f the fame Age K ingGregorywa s mo lt indulgen t t o Chu rch - men 5 he was fo farre


m curbing and keep ing them under,that he gran ted them

m any th ings theyhad n o t had befo re . .Then in a c o nven

t io n o f State s ho lden at Forfime, it was o rda ined That allChurch - men fho uld be


free o f p aying Taxes and Imp o fi

fro m k eep ing watch , and go ing to warfare .

{h o uld be exemp t fro m allTemp o ralljudicatuMatrimo niallCaufe s were g iven o ver t o the judgemen t o fChu rch - men 5 as alfo Tefiamen t s

,Lega t ive Actio n s


all th ings depending up o n fi nlple fa ith and p ro mife . L ik ew ife

,the r ight o f Tithes , w i th liberty t o mak e Lawe s


Can o n s,

Cano ns , andC'

o nfiitutio n s 5 to try w i tho u t the aflifiance

o f, the temp o rallJudge Heret ik e s .Blafphemers Perjur ed Perfo n s ,Magic ian s ,&c . Lafily, it was o rda ined

, That

all K ings fo llo w ing ,a t the i r Co ro nat i o n

,{h o uld fwear

to ma in ta in Church - men in thefe the ir L ibert ies and

PriviledgIn thefe dayes lived a Learned man , called 70h” S cot


firnamed E rig ieno ,becaufe he was bo rn i n the To wn o f .

Air s 5 he p‘

ublilh ed aTrea t ife, De co rpo re émfo izg


u ineDomini

in S acramento , where in he m a in tained the o p in io n and doéirine o f Bertram ; whereby he « o ffended h ighly the Sea o f



In the,ten th Age things grew w o rfe and wo rfe


Church - men d id fo ,blinde the K ing Con/lmztm e the th ird

That theyperfwaded h im to qu i t the R o yall Cro wn and

t ake the Cler icall To nfure o f a Mo nk ,which he did at

Sa in t Andr ews 5 There were fo me Pr ieli s in thefe dayes ,who

did firive,t o have liber ty to take law full W ives , bu t

in va in .A little thereafter ,therewere new difpu’

te s fo rPriefis

m arr i age 5 .one Bernet a Scots Bifho‘

p ft o o d much fo r that

c aufe in a‘

n at io n allCo nncoll In th is Age, altho ugh thatavar ice and ambiti o n , had co rrupted,and p erver ted R elig i o ngenerally, ye t the re were c o nfian tlyfo me go dlymen , who

albe it they co uld n o t Openlyfl o p and o pp o fe the t o rren t

o f thefe time s g iven to Ido latryand Su perfiit ion d id i n

firuft and tea ch the people , 5Tha t Chrifiwas the o nelyp ro

p itiat io n fer fin. 5 and that‘

Chr ifis blo o d o n elydid walh u s

fro m thegu ilt o f fin .

In the eleventh Age"Malooine gave away a part o f the

Cro wn L ands amo‘

ng h is No bles , fo r their'

go o d fervice

againlt the Danes 5 the No bles .ih r ec o mpen ce thereo f ,did grant unto the Cr o wn the ward o f thefe Lands , w i ththe ,

ben efit ithat was, to ar ife by the marr iage o f the He i r .

U n tillthe later p ar t o f th i s Age ,the Biflmp s o f S cotland

altho ugh they had raifed their O rdi

e r un to agrea t p o we r.

and r iches 5 . yet they ,were n o t difi inguiilhed in D io cefles

fo t illthen ind ifferen tly whe refoeve r theycame,theyd id

Minifirate the ir Funétio'

n w i tho ut lo rding'

o ver o ne pqrt i cu ar

o r by ch o ice,o r byCo nquefl was c alled ‘

the ed o fthe L o rd, becaufe they h ad the th ing fign ified 3 ap

p o i ntmen t, no tw ithfia ndingt heyW an ted the figne ,


t o w it,

the Oyn tmen t h

Fu r ther we {hall o bfe rve here,Tha t n o t o nely tho fe whom.

G o d h a th fet afide t o be K ings be called the An o yn ted o fthe L o rd 5bu t alfo the peo ple who m he hath fe t . afide o r

apart fo ra peculiar end S o the .Pr o phe t fp eak ing o f thePe o pleo f Ifrael in G o ds Name

, ufe th thi s exp refli o n ,Tom /znotmirzéAnoyzzted Fo r tbs irfake 1 ba t/ e rep roezed K ings ,

Mo reo ver n o te Tha t as the p eo ple fe t afi de byG o d are

{aid to .be h is,An oyn ted to they are alfo c alled

,A Royall

Pr ieflbood,K i /¢g r and Priefir . No t tha t every o ne o f the po o- s

ple i s a’

K ing o r a Pr ief’t,thefe be ing p ar t icularCallings , n o

mo re then they were an o yn ted 5 bu t becaufe they are fe t .

afide byG o dha s Pr iefis t o offer da ily .unto him the Sac r i

fice o f R ighte‘

o ufneflfe, -

C. a And 51 3 K ings were r an o yn ted

With Oyl‘~to fignifi

‘e the ir Pe tt ing -


afide fo r th e ir pieculianOffice 5 fo every


o ne o f u s , be ing an oyn ted in Bap t ifme

thejh o ly Spir i t, is fet afide to ,do juftice 62m as a K ing in

o n .

muc h have I,in fe

vxtw o rds , fp o k en o f K ing s an

dynting,“and h o w th e p e o ple a re fa id to be an o yn ted ,

o r:

to hePr iefis iandK in g s , becaufe in the beginn ing o f the ' fifs


th Age, fundryfwere c o ndemned as heretick s , fo r fly ing,That -

everym an is a Pr iefii n‘fo me k inde 5 and tha t the -

ah - r.

oyn ting o f K ings is n o w n eedle- fie, be ing an inven t ion,o f

Rome,t o ii ibjefi Pr inces un to it .

r yeer s after the beg inn ing o f the twelftt gc K ingDavid ,

befid e the Bifli'

o prick s fo rmerly eret‘led

,did ereétr

the ~Bilh dp r ick o f Rafi},B reache/z B anhel, andDmnélane;

Th i s debo n a ire Pi' ince w as fo pro fufe to wards Church - men,

that heg'

avevthem a go o d]p Bat r imo hy o f

fthe Gro'

wnzzS o he and h is ecefli ta ted to"

layTra ites an d,Imp ofih p o n gthe pw ple m o re then fo rmer

lygg to thér h a'

rm o f :the Inz- th is alfo heWm nged theChu rch

“ fo r the Clerg ie being r o w e r~


unfl io n and gave themfelves oy er to alln o t

th is“

Paft o r o r o f the

W h ile r iches d idund in the Church Chu rch - menk ept


mo re c on

the d ifchar'

ging o f the ir place s .

In th is twelfth Age, the Sc o ts , alth o ugh theyhad Bifli o psever fince Palladim

,who fo r a lo ng t im e did d ifcharge the

Funétio n indiff'

eren tly in every place where they. came t o

And a lth o ugh they had o f later t imes diftingu ifli ed the lim it s o f the bo unds where in theywere to execu tetheir Calling, byD io c e ile


s 5ye t in that Age I fay they were n o t‘

c o me to that he igh t, t o have Pr imates,Me tro p o li tan s and

A i ch - bifh o p s . W herefo r e‘

the ir n e ighbour the A rch - bi:

t p o fTo rhe, havingga ined the co nfent o f the Pe pe, befrirred h imfelf '

ve ryearn efily, byth e aflifiance o f his . K ing, t ohave the Sc o t ifli Bifli o p s ac kn o wledge h im fo r theMetro p o

litan e 5 whe reunto the Ito uteft o f the Sc o tilh Clerg ie.wo u ld


n o t co nten t ;. bu t they. wo uld depend immed iately


Up o n t he Po b

e and to th is efi'




were fen t fro m:Rome to S cot andgwho be ing come h ither,and fee

ing the r efo

Iu t io n o f the‘

Sc o t ifh Bifh ops no t to fubm'

it to theArchbifho po f

‘Torhe 5 and find ing the i r own benefit thereby theydid

‘exempt and free theS

co ts Clergie'

,fro m the tr o uble o f t he

A rch - bifl mp o f To fkg’.

‘There was o ne Gilbert Bifho p o f Cat.

ner a grea t' ftr

ugler fo it this bufi nefl

e .



Abo Ut the later end o f th is Age"

fundryPriefis were putfr o m the i r Ofli ce

,becaufe theyhad tak en O rders Up o n Sun ;



In that‘

t im e there W a s a Syn o d in Perth o f D ivinesfuchheywere who dec reed That Sunday


fh o uld be k epth o ly fr omallw o rk

,fro m Sa turday a t m id

- d ay, o r twelveo fthe


ck,tillMundaym o rn ing.


Im be th after thebeginn ingtherebo tl

and,fo rmerlynu

beenk ep t , w e fee in o u r dayes .

Next, theMo nk s OTfever allk indes gave themfelves lo toBegging tha t th e peo ple W ere much eaten up by them

the p o o r his p o rt io n wa s w ithdrawn wh ich o ccafi'

b ned a

greatiinu rmu re am o ng the Co mm o n s . Upo n th is , ther e w as

a Dec ree m ade then,That onely the

Carmelita ,andHenn itr of S Augu ftine fbonldlJa o e liberty to

beg : W hen ce th ey are called ,The few Mend ican ts 5 L e!

attainsMendianta .

To wards the end o f th is th ir teen th Age fell o u t thatgreat defo la t io n o f the S ta te o f S cotland, o ccafio ned bytheC6 n tr oVe rfie fo r the Su cceflio n o f the Cro wn

,be twixt Ba

lie! and Bruce Baliol be ing c o nfirained by the States o f

S cotland to break the pro m ife he had made t o E dward o f

E ngland To fubjeéi th e Cr o wn o f S cotland un to h im,fo r

judging the cau fe o nh is fide . Mter much tr o uble andmi

fery o f W a r,the S tate o f S c otland rece ives Robert B ruce


come o f the fe‘co nd 8 1 anch fo r K ing recalling all the (ub

jeiftio n and Allegiance that theyhad given t o Baliol, bec aufeo f h is unW o rt

hinelTe to Re ign who,befide unfitneffe to

bear t ithe o v'

e r a Military‘Peo ple ,

had bafely c o ndefcend

ed to enflave o who in their L ibe rtyhath be{0 dear to th i it

, and the pur i ty o f trne R elig io n , which bo th , byG o ds mercy they n o w enjo y ,

theyhave w illingly and c hee rfully unde rgo n e all 1ha z ard o f lifea nd m ean s judging Th at if theyqe red thefe tw o tw in s


L iber ty and R eligi o n e i ther to be infr inged, o r~ta k enthem

,theyhad n o thing left them , whereby they m ight be


called m en .

The rem ark ableHif’to ry o f K ingland

,fitte t

and at h is iarr i

figh t fo r the AUiaye o f S c otland ,

t he E nglifhi Up o n th is , the K ihg o f E ngland mo ves K ingfain ter ,

j dmef ,i

wh o rn he had tak en alo ng w i th h im to wr i te untothe Sc o ts

,an d to charge them,up o n the ir Alleg ian ce n o t

to draw the ir'

Sw o rd again’

fi the p ar ty whe re he the ir Kingw as in p erfo n . The Sc o t s anfwered


’ ’

Tha t t heywere len t

in t o F rance t o aflifi the ir Alliayr againft the c o mm o n ien ez

my A s fo r h im wh o w r i t un t o them,tim e he was a p r i

timer, and n o t a free m an,

they n e i ther o wed h im Alle

gian ce In o r w o uld they g ive h im any , (0'

lo ng as he wa s

in pr il‘

o n g f bu t if he w ere fe t a t liber ty , and were livingam o ng them , theywould o beyh im a cco rd ing t o the Laws

o f the Co un trey ; li nee the Cro wn was fe tled Upthe c o nlen t o f the States and lo they did 5

K ingdo m s we re go verned in h is name ,w i th o u t any c o in

mun icat io n w ith h im,dur ing the t ime o f h is imp t ifo m

m ent ,wh ich wa s verylo ng 5bu t when he wen t h o me , be'


r ece ived an d o beyed a s K ing . Fr o m th is Pr in ces maylearn

that although peo ple do fubm it themfelves to the i r G o vern;

m en t ; the—

refi gna tio n is n o t fo full as to develi themfelves

o f allp o w er in fucha way That the Pr ince may d ifp o fe o f

them as he th in k s r ight o r wro ng‘,he o rd in ar ily be ing

m illed and k ep t capt ive , by th o fe tha t are abo u t h im 5 wh ofo r the m o fi par t Have n o regard to the publik e gdo d, n o r

t o the c red it and efieem o f h im,t o ~who m in {h ew they

p ro felfe themfelves To addié’

ted 5 the pe o ple have c o n


tan tly refe rved even un to th emfelves by the c o n ten’

t o f all

m en, yea ,o f. the grea teftCo u rt


parafi tes and

Pr ince s tha t the Pr ince canno t, n o r o ugh t n ofubjeét the pe o ple to any Fo r re ign Po wer 5 and whfiigflPr ince s by Pufillan

imitie and illco u 11 fell, have efl'

ayed 6 1- 1

a t tempted fuch a th ing theyhave finarred fo r it witnefie

Baliol,w ho n o t o n ely wa s excluded h im felf fr o m the

Cr o wn but allo his Po fter ity andri cwa s fe tled ugo n then ext Branch


,to wit

,Robert Bra ce

,w i th h is dcfcenden ts ,

where it c o n t inue s to th is daybyG o ds p r o v idence . Then

fince the pe o ple have referved th is p o wer'

in themfelves , to

flo p the Pr ince t o pu t them under any F o rre ign yo ak o r

flave ry ; i s it p o liible Tha t th t refe rved a po wer.t o r ight themfelves fro m do m intefi


ine flavc ryé


The Treface.

and m ifery, flave rybe ing ever o ne and the fame F o r what

i s it t o me bywh o m I fufler evil o f o ne and the fame k indeand degree, whe ther it be bya n e ighbo ur o r a fi ranger a

fo rre igner, o r a co n- c i t iz en yea, when I fulfe r byhim who

fho uld be myfr iend a nd Fraud fo r the fame Freedo m w ithme

,myfufier ing is the greater


To th is purp o fe yo u have a mem o rable Fa llage o f W illi

am the No rman 5 who alth o ugh he had invaded E nglandw i th the Sw o rd

,and by it had defeated him wh o did Opp o fe

him fo r the Cr o wn,w ith allh is adheren ts and p ar ty, and in


o nfequen c ie o f th isViélo ry, had c o mm itted many o u t - t a ;

ges w ith a'

fir o ng hand 5yet the fame W illiam co uld never

a lfur‘

e himfelf no r“

his Po lter ity o f the Allegeance o f the

People , t illhe h ad fwo rn fo lemnly (according to the R i teo f the t imes )

fo r h imfelf and his , To go vern acco rd ing tothe go o d and appro ved Law s o f the Land, a s the heftK ingsbefo re him had d o ne .

Then the Co unty o f Kent, in its o wn name,and in the

n ame o f the who le K ingdo m, declared That n e ither K ent,

n o r any o ther o f the K ingdo m ,was co nqu ered

,bu t in

a -

peaceable waydid fubm it t o W illiam the No rman upo n

Co nditibn,and w ith Pr o vifo l

,Tha t all the ir L iber t ies

,and *

free Cufio m s in ufe and praélice , fho uld be ' k ept . If th iswa s n o t acc o mplilhed afterwards , it was fillineffe o f the Peo

p le that fufiEred themfelve s t o be abufed and the fault o f

m illed Pr in ces,that did n o t k eep the ir p ro m ife whereun to

theywere tyed : And f undry, fo r the breach o f this p ro m ife,h ave had o ccafio n to rep en t, when it hath been to o late .

we {h alladde o ne examplem o re,which is , o f Henry the

e ighth 5who ,'

anno 1 525, the feven teen th yee r o f h is R e ign ,by the advice o f h is Co uncell

, p u t a Tax up o n the peo

p le ; wh ich the peo ple did no t o n ely refufe to pay bu t de

clared ~That the th ing was unjufi and unlawful]. - W ithall,

wherever theymet tho fe wh o m the K ing had emplo yed fo r

the, gather ing the m o n ey theyufed them fo k indely tha t

they d id n ever'

c o me twice to o ne‘

place fo rthe p aymen t

o f the Tax. The K ing feemg th is,he d ifc

‘laims the lm

p o fitio n o f theTax ,and fo do the No bles that co nvened

a t L ondon;byhi s Co mmand, fo r that purp o fe and layes allthe fault up o n illco unfell, namely, up o n W olfiy


. Th is wa sHenry c o nfira in ed to do n o tw ithfi an ding h is refo lu ten effe

againfi allfo rre ign en emy ch iefly the Po p e, W 1th h is (h ave s

lings . By th is inltan ce, Hen ry ack no wledged h is p o wer t o

be lim ited, and n o wayes arbitrary Aga inlt the do élrine o f

o ur n o w Co ur -

parafite s

f No w if thePeo ple have th is much p o wer‘

in them a s to

fr‘and fo r the ir Temp o rallL iber ty,bo th aga inf’t fo rreign and

do m eli ick flavery5 far m o re may they and o ught they to

defend the,Sp irituall Freedo m ,wh ich Chr ift h aving pu r

chafed w ith h is Blo o d hath left them as‘

Member s o f h is

Church . But all th is defence o f L iberty and R eligio no ugh t


to be made fo , tha t it be w i th o ut by- ends,fin if’tr o u s

refp eéts , o f ha tred,malice,amb it io n

, C/fl

‘r o . The o n elyfc oPe ,

and m a in dr ift be ing To have G o ds glo ry, in the L ight ,

o f

h is G o fpel, fe tled and m a in ta ined The Peo ple a t qu iet,The Pr in ce o beyed, in

G o d,and fo r G o d (11 a ) acco rding to

the Law o f G o d, Natu re , Nat io n s and the Co un trey o r

K ingdo m ,fo far as p o fiibly can be . Th i s be ing lo o k t t o


refully ,there is n o gap o pened to R ebellio n 5 wh ich is a

fight ing again ft G o ds O rd inance and no t the juft and n ec eifaryOpp o fing o f the ,

abufe and c o rrup t ing o f the go o d

O rd in an ce o f G o d.

Bu t he re aCo urt - flave willfay ,If th ings be (a there 18

n o-

abfo lu teneffe inMo n archs'

and Pr ince sTo anfwe r th i s

,we mufi k n o w what is to be mean t

byabfolnte,o r abfolnten

ea 5whereo f I finde two m a in fign ificatio n s .

firlft, abfolnte fignifieth p erfeé}, and"

abfolnienefle perfedtio nHence we have in Lat in th is éxprefii o n Perfeflnm eflomni‘

o ur vulgar L anguage W e fay,d when it i s perfeéily go o d .

cc fro m tye o r


bo nd 5 wh ichNo w

,fayI, if yo u tak e abjblnte fo r

Magifirate i s m o fi:abfo lu te that is

ft pe rfeé}, who go vern s m o lt abfo lutely;o r mo lt perfeét;

The abfo luteneffe o r perfed io n o f G o vernmen t co nfifi s‘

ts co nfo rmityto the perfe&,Rule Which is wr i tten in the



L aw o f G o d, p r in ted in the hear t o f m ain ,rece ived gen e a

t ally o f all w ife Peo ple ,

‘an d in p raélice by allp art icula r

well- p o lifhedCo m’

mo n - wealths . Next, I fay, if yo u tak e

abfolnte fo r free fr o m tye o r bo nd Th at n o Pr in ce‘n o rMa

giflrate is free 5 fo r everyMagifira te o r Pr ince

,as well as

the p r iva te m an,is bo un d to k eep the Law o f G o d

,o f Na

ture , (fi e . n o t o n ely in p ar t1cular th ings fo r h is o wn (i ngular car r iage , bu t alfo in publik e bufinefl

es,fo r the go o d and

fo c iety o f men,o r o f the p eo ple fo r G o d

ha th g iven .h is

L aw,andNa tu re ] her D id ates to all to the o bfervan ce o f

wh i ch all m en a re tyed . Y ea, farther , they are n o t o nely

bo und in the ir feverallCo nd i t io n s and tyed t o .the p erfo r

m ance the re o f in the ir o wn perfo ns 5 bu t alfo are bo und t ofu r the r it w i th all th e ir m igh t, and tak e away all thi ngs that

maylett and fio p th is p erfo rman ce,o r de terre and W 1 thdraw

m en fro m it . R ead L ee/ it . 1 9. 1 7 . where every m an is

c o mmanded to rebuk e h is n e ighbo ur , and fro p h im fro m

finn ing. R ead Dent. 1 7 . 1 whe re the K ing is c o mmandl

ed to‘

h ave c o n t inually the C0 p ie o f the L aw before h imfo r h i



R ule and G u ide . W h a t i s in 1 .S am. 8. is what

a K ing is lik ely to do and n o t wha t he o ught o r {h o uld d o .

Th is is cleer 5 fo r in the place n ow‘

n amed in Deuteronomy,the K ing is t o ld what he o hght t o do

5bu t that he is fa id todo in S amuel, is c o n trary to the O rd inance Of G o d . Co nfe r

the plac es , and y o u w illeafily‘fee th i s t ru th . Next a Pr in ceis fa id t o be abfo lu te

,tha t is

,n o t in any k inde fubaltern

t o an o ther ” an d who fe fuhjeéi s ack n o wledge (under G o d)n o o the r bu t h im . Hence yo u may fee ,

That the , P0 pifh

K ings and Pr in ce s are n o t abfo lu te 5 fo r, befide the great

number o f p eo ple w ith in the irDo m in io ns who are immedi -1

a te fw o rn vafl‘

alls t o the Po pe ,I m ean the Shavelings 5

The Pr in ce h imfelf tak e s Oath a t h is R ecep t io n ,.To up

h o ld the o ver - ruling G o vernm en t o f the Po pe ,under. the

m a s k ed n ame o f Sp ir ituali ty 5 and the fimpleabufed Pr in ce{hallhave fo r a rewa rd to mak e up all

,a lit


le fh o ly Oyl

t o an o yn t him ,and bear theTi tle o f m o fi Chril’tian o r Ca


th o lik e Princes . Fa r ther, I fay ,That the Pr ince , wh o al

tho ugh in fo me things hath c alt o ff the yo k e o f th is godUpo n

t o rule and go vern ac co rd ing t o the L a’

w o f G o dHo fNatu re

o f Na t io n s ,zj

andMun ic ip allL aw s o f th e Co un trey and the

Pe o ple rs bo und t o o bey h im a cc o‘

rd iugly : but if the Pr incec o mmand any th ing againfi th efe

,h is c o mmands a re n o t t o

be o beyed G o d be ing o n ely he ,t o wh o fe commands

Obed ien ce is fimply due ,an d t o be g iven 5 bu t t o m en,o n ely

o bed ien ce w ith lim i tat i o n ,and in exte rn all things , ac

c o rd ing t o the L aw s fo o ft abo ve n am ed a t the leaPc n o t

aga inli)

them ,o r Opp o fite t o them . The Ch im rer


a,o r

r a the r So laec ifme in reafo n o f paflive Obed ien ce, i s n o t to beth o ugh t o n am o ng ra t io n allmen it be ing the in

Co urt -

pa rafites a meet no th ing ,o r non ens

d icnce co nfifie th in aéi io n,a s all o ther ver tues do

in f utfe r ing . Far ther whofo ever fo r n o t

w ic k ed c o mm and o f a Sup er io ur ,i

‘fuffere th ,if

i t,o r {hu n it , is an en emy t o h is o wn beiirg ,

where in heo ffends again ft n a ture 5 fo r yo u fee every n a turall th ingfir ive th t o c o n ferve it felf againfiwhat ann o ye th it 5 then

h e fin s aga infi the O rde r o f G o d, who 1n va in ha th o rda i

n ed u s fo m any lawfu llMean s fo r the prefervatro n o f o ur

Being,ifwe fulfer it to be defir’

o yed, having p ower t o help it.Bu t then it w ill be demanded 5W hat, is there n o

abfo lute -


n efle in human e Au tho ri ty 2 I anfwer,

fimple abfo lu te

n elfe the re is no ne un der G o d 5 Fo r allhumane Autho r i tyis lim ited by the L aws afo r efa id



and extends n o far ther

then externall th ings 5 yet c o mpara t ively hum an e Au

Read “ m th o rity rs fa id t o be abfo lute , when it is free fr o m anyF o rfi fe:W f ltfefl m reigne Sup er io u r Po .w e r So when Henry the e ighthL ati no , 1 546 .

and dcdrcated having capt o ff the R o m ifh yo ak ,and puttrng do w n t he


n vaffallage o f thefe h is D o m in io n s un to the Po p e , caufed

J en/bu De é‘u dive rs Bo o k s t o be wr itten o f the abfo lu te Emp i re o r Au

premo (f abfaluto Prmcipia tho r ity o f the PPr ince 5 altho ugh, after the free ing h imfelfI erio



Zfid MM "fro m the Po pe ,


he had n o t,n o r did n o t pretend t o have

W rath “ his anym o re abfo lu te p o wer o ver the pe o ple, then he had beTreatrfc, cal

lcd the Romifi; fo re 5 bu t albe it th is Pr ince did much fo r the rega in ingF ox , written

111 13 115111 andthe abfo lut- e Au tho r ity t o the Cro wn again in chafing

dedicated to away the R o milh Po ntiff n ye t, he:d id rt n o t f ully ,i n fo

KingHenry, farre as he k ep t fiillthe R o milh R ites and theH ierarchyO l

The “Preface.

o r P rclacy ,w here in the R o m ilh F o x lurk ing, ha th k ept

h imfelf in thefe Co un treys u n t o th is day 5 and n o w havingafl ed the f o x lo ng en o ugh he is aa ing the W o o lf by de

defiro ying the pe o ple o f G o d ; if the Sueceflbrs o f K ingHenry had n o t k ep t in the R o m ifli Sup erfiitio u s R ites and

H ierarchy, . they, and we allhad had better t ime s,then we

h ave alltafied o f. Altho ugh K ing Hen ry fo r h is Vices , beblame w o r thy to allp o fier ity, yet Imuft fay, in allhuman e

appearan ce,Thatif the Prela t - Bith o p s , t o wh o m he t rufted

the refo rm ing o f the abufe s o f the Chu rch h ad been a s

fo rwa rd,as he w a s w illing there had been a bet ter R efo r

mat io n then wa s in h is t im e w itn efie this infiance The

freedome to read t


the S cr ipture the then

this unto the People. W hereup o nthe K ing,

waqs pet iti‘

o n ed in the n ame o f the Peo ple the K ing gran t sthe ir Pe t it io n 5 the Bifho p s hear ing o f the K ings gran t , thu slim it it n o t dar ing t o deny it fla tly That all Gentlemen

fhonld have liber ty to rend'

the S crzp tnre, finee it were the K ing s“

p le'

nfnre 5 bu t fo r o thers the p erm iflio n w as Pro pp ed A s if

Yeo men andTradefmen , h ad n o t a s much in tereft in G o ds

W o rd a s G en tlemen “ Then r emark e all tho fe that were

put t o death fo r thet eft im o ny o f the Truth in Henry the

e ighth his daye'


, .W ere p erfecu tecl by the Biflmp s o f the

t ime,alth o ugh the blame lie th upo n the Pr ince .5 fo r albe it

they had in c o mpliance to the K ing reno un ced the Po pe byw o rd o f m o u th

, ye t in efleét theyk ep t up hrs tyranny, byh is

d o étrine (w i th fin allaltera tio n changed) h is R ites and Ce ,

r em o n ies Can o n s and L aw s Prelac ie o r Hierarcli ie m a inr a ined And Peeing the K ing fo o p po fi- te to


the Pe p e theyc o ndefcended that the K ing {h o uld bear the blafphemo u s

Title o f the Po pe ,Head of th eChurch ,

altho ugh w ith t e

lufitan cy and (0 it p ro ved 5 fo r n o twithftanding all the’


tntes that we re made in’

favo u r'

o f th i s Ti tle tak en fro m the

e,and a t tr ibu ted to the K ing the Bit p s w i th cunn ing

fubtillpro ceedings , k ep t a fo o t the p owe r o f the Po pe 5

and (0 fo o n as they faw,the o ccafio n o f Queen Mar ie her

R eigne ,they freelya nd eafily bro ught all back aga in to

Rome,wi tho u t Mask e o r L im itat i o n and ever fince ,

the ir

the ir fire‘

ce ffo r s,a ltho r

1gh by the c au rfe o f alfa ir s (they)havebeen o bliged to d ifcla im the Po pe h is au tho r i ty, yea,,and h is


d o éi rin e in fome nieafure 5 yet they, ever finq’e , to th is day, ‘

h ave e stpr efled the ir inclinat io n s , and d o n e thei r endeavo urst o retu rn th ither again , a s w e all k n o w by dole full e igp er i ,

ence . Bu t here i tm aybe demanded W ha t drift o r po lic iec an it. be in


the BilhOp s , to defir e to be fubjeét t o Rome,ra ther then to the ir Pr in ce ;and L aw s


o f the Co un trey ?

The anfwer is , The pr o penfitie o f u s all,to fo llo w cvill

r ather then go o d, is k nown , namely, W hen the evillha th


mas k o f w o rldlydign itie, p o mp , p o wer, and pleafure ,wh ich h inders it t o be feen in its o wn c o lo u rs . No w the

B iflmp s and allthe r abble o f that c o rrup t Cle rgy, are gi'


to Temp o rall h‘

o w fo ever unlawfull advan tages , as the iramb it io n avar ice

,and luft fro m the very beginn ing

hath fhewn 5'

wh ich exo rb itan t p afli o n s lead men head -f

lo ng w itho u t meafure when o nce way is given un g

ro ' th'

eul unlelfe theymeet w i thm e lett o r fio p ,.which_

is bo th leffer and flo wer,when it is a far re o ff

, namely,

when it c o me th fro m o ne wh o is puffeffed w i th the flame'

d i,

Prempers , and h imfelf o f the fame o rder o f nren w i th theDelinquen t 5 and fo the Biflmp s o f th i s Ifland, . had ra ther

h ave t o do w i th the Po pe , then w ith the Pr ince .

F ir fi,Becau fe of mu tuall in firm i ty the Po p e pr o veth m o th.

indulgen t then anyPr ince .

Next The Pr in ceis t o o n eer them'

,and fo i t is bef’t fo r

them t o be fo free o f t he Pr in ce “

h is Jur ifdiéi io n that t heym aybe able n o t


o ne to n eglefi h im ,bu t

alfo t o‘

o pp o fe

h im . Fo r all , let that example o f the - Canterbury-


fe rve 5wh o m ade theKing fo r the ,t ime to h o ld the S t irrup

when he gar up up o n his h‘o rfe . The S to ry is k no wn .

I called a li ttle befo re the Ti tle o f Head '

of the Church,u fed by the Po pe ,

and then given to Henr

To lay afideallo ther th ings tha t may be/ alijeadged againfi:

th is Ti tle I [hallo nely fayth i s 5’

TheChurch is the Sp o ufco f Chrifi {

' No Sp o u fe can be faid t o have any o ther

bu t h im wh o fe Sp o ufe (he is “ No w if the Chu rch.

flro uldackn o wledge her (elf to be the Sp o ufe

‘o fi



o ther bu t of


Chr ifi,{h e were a p r o fefi

ed W h o re and A dtrlterefie . Byn o mean s then a Pr in ce is t o be c alled

,The Head of the

Chnreh : F o r alth o ugh the c ivillMagiftra te rs o bliged, acc o rd ing t o h is ran k and place , t o fee theMin il’ter s o f theChurch do the w o rk o f the L o rd

,t ruely, d iligen tly, and

carefully, and to mak e them do it ac c o rd ing t o the W ill o f "G o d declared in h is W o rd 5ye t fo r all th i s , he is n o th ingbu t a fe rvan t

,o verfeer

,o r gr aff , and n o t the Head

,wh ich

i s a Title belo nging o nely t o Ch rift 5 wherefo re , Prin ces o rMagrPtra tes tha t byflavifh flat terer s had th is Title g iven um~

t o them at the firfi,had dohe well t o rejeét it , a s the ir

Su ccelfo rs,wh o have fo llo wed , had do ne well lik ew ife


(acco rd ing to G o d his W ill) if theyhad n o t fuffered th isTitle to have been c o n t inued un to them

,namely, in the

publike p raye r s , where the t ime fervinginc o nfidera te Min ifi er p raye th , in the n ame o f the Church

,fo r her Head ;

if the Head o f the Chu rch needs to be p rayed fo r , then the

influen ce s o f the Head, up o n the Church ,w illbe bu t p o o r

arid weak ,&c . Bu t o f th i s en o ugh fo r th is place.

Mo reo ver,The flattering Preacher s , un requ ited in the

p ublik e p rayer s‘in the n ame o f the Chu rch c all the Pr in ce

fo rfo o th ,The B reath of ourNoflr zlr

,tak ing fo r h is gr o und,

theWo rds o f fererny, in h is Lamen tat io n s,Chap .”4 exerf. 2 0 .

W h ich wo rds,by the Cu rren t o f the An c ien ts

,and Sep

tuagm t , are to be underfl o o d o f Ch rif’t Jefa s 5 True i t i s ,

The Rabbinr have i n te rpre ted the w o rds o f o n e o f the K rugs

o f 7ndah ,to wit , faji aaj, o r Z edekjaa 5 and hence fo me o f

the late r E xpo fito rs have expla in ed thefewo rds , Thatfirfland literally theymayhe applyed to one of the K ing

‘r of Judah ,

who were allfigures of Chr ifi to'

come but pr inc ipally ,and

ma inly the words are to he nnderfiood of Chr ifl j efna‘,bythe

confirm of 411 5 So t o a ttr ibute thefe w o rds t o any Pr inceear thly, cann o t bi:w ithout o ffence toChr if

’t 5 F o r who can

be fa id p ro perly, and well, To he the Breath of our Nofir ilr,

but he‘,who infp ire th into u s life

,tha t 1 3 G o d. In lik e

manner , the 1nco nf derateMin ifi ers o f the G o fp el, abaf ri gthe Text o f the e igh t ieth Pfalnz , which , bythe co nferir o f

all,is underflo o d o f ChriPt truely and o f Dar/ id, as a figure

o f

o f_Chr ifi

hand,th is n o wayes , w i th o u t Blafphem ie, can be at tribu

ted un to anyear thly Pr ince 5 fo r n o ne is to be fa id a figu re

o f Chrifl,a s David

,and h is Succeflo rs were by a p ar t icular

d ifpenfa tio n . But i f mifapplying, and m iflak ing o f Textso f Scr ip ture w illdo bufin efle

,fiu ceMagift rates are fa id t o

be go ds , yo umayas‘

well callthe Pr ince go d , as the Roman

E mpero u r was o f o ld by fo me (0 called,and n owthe Po pe

by his Co ur t-

parafite s wh ich Ti t ile o f go d , n o Pr in cew ill fufler to be

given un to h im 5 Surely ,

as it is a very

great c r ime,no t to g ive ..due refpeéi , reveren ce and o be

dience u n to him, wh o m G o d hath fet o ver u s fo r o u r go o d,

acco rd ing t o his w ife O rdinan ce ; fo o n the o ther fide,i t

is a huge ]fin t o Ido liz e the Pr in ce,m ak ing him a go d, a


h e i s bu t a weak,and in firme m an

,fervan t o f Th i s

feco nd fault i s c o mm i tted ch iefly by the Syco phants and

Parafi tes,who have no o ther Church, n o r Chappell , but

the Co u r t,and mak e Pe t it io n to n o ne

,bu t t o the K ing ,

who m to pleafe ,they wh o lly fiudy, tha t theymayca tch

fo mewhat to fat isfie thei r in o rd inate def re s And the fiiPt

is co mm itted,n amely ,

by the ir prela ticall Clergy ,wh o

w ithdraw froin the Pr ince a great par t o f h is due,when

theyRudy to exemp t themfelves fro mh is Obedience ,and

tak e fro myh im any infpeétio n up o n them ,

n amely, c o n cer

n ing the difcharge o f the ir calling ,altho ugh byG o ds O r

_dinance it be a m ain part of h is O ffice ,to fee G o d

_ ,fcrved

32dwo rfli ipped, acco rd ing to his W illrevealed in h is facredo rd .

W e have a little abo ve feen,h o w th a t b

ythe flatteryo f

fome Co urt -


,the cufio mc is br o ught in to the

Church,t o g ive un to the Pr ince ,

n o t o rimfwelling, butblafpherii o us Titles in the publikePrayer, that i s made bythe Minifler i n the name o f the Church 5 bu t alth o ugh,th i s be to o grea t an evill, and requ i reth R efo imat io u

, yet

the flattery o f fo rne Preachers ha th no t flayed here 5 fo r

they,acc o rding to the ir enflo me,having addiéted themfelves

t o any o ne, who m theyco nce ive may help them to prefer~


men t fl ick no t in the pulp it, where all relat io n {ho uld bela id


la id afide , fave that o f aMin ifle‘r


o f G o ds W o rd,to publilh

them felves , yea , in the ir Prayers t o be varle ts t o th i s man,

o r that man 5 and,what isw o rfe ye t, in the Prayer they call

the ir Mafte rs and L o rds ~Ve rtu o u s Pio u s,and R elig io us ,

when it is k n o wn to all That fo r the m o lt par t theyhave

li t tle .Vertue,le ilePiety, and n o R elig i o n a t all. To have

p o in ted. at thefe th ings (h allfuflice fo r th is place . If anym an w ill be c o n ten t io u s fo r thefe p ractice s I


anfwer h imi,(

That the wel- R efo rm edChu rche s have n o fuch Cuflo ms 5fo r

amo ng the o the r abu fe s whe reo f'

theyhave been pu rged, bythe care and d iligen ce o f the fa ithfullVine -


dr effer s under

G o ds blefling theyhave been p runed o f,

th i s r o t ten Bud o fflavilh flat tery a s a c o rrup tion m u ch o pp o fite and c o n t r aryt o the d ign i ty and powe r o f the G o fpel. Bu t le t u s re turn


a fter th is lo ng D igrefli o n .

In thefe dayes that is'

,in the th i rteen th Age)livedMi ;

c haelS cot, ren o wned fo r his Learn in g in Phyfick , A‘flro n o

my, fi e. He is rem embred byPicks Miranduh ,and 'Com aJiu/s

Ag r ippzz very h o n o urably. A lfo then lived . 7 71 0751244 Len

mouth, c o mm o nlycalled The Rythnier 5 who'

fe Prediéi io nsa re extan t to this day :But n o w ife man

‘canmak e any th ing

o f them,m o re then


o f Merlin his Pr o phefi es , wh o lived lo ngbefo re h im 5 alth o ugh fundryhave pleafed their fanfi c s w i thidle E xp o fi tio n s o f thefe two m en s dreams .

To wa rd s the end o f th is th ir teen th Age ,‘the go o d R o man

Po n tif Boniface the e igh t,mak ing ufe o f the havie m o ans an dc o mpla int s tha t fo me o f S c otlaizd, n am ely, o f the Bifli o p s ando ther Clerg ie - men w ith’

the ir clien t s made‘


a infl K ing o pe B onifaceE dward o f


E ngland, who then did cruelly 3 111151 the Co un “ S I- “ femKin E dward,t rey cla1ms a ~ r ight un to the Cr o wn o f S co tland

,a s re 2nd

gto theBi

fho o f 6 471 1flgned un to h im by the S tates And up o n th i s he w r i te s an m g, fo r ,“infulting Letter ,andfiill o f threa tn ingsmn to E dward,tha t he "ma in


f o/mPardon his S cawa s fo m alapert a s to do anyw ro ng to h i s vaflalls and fub

jefis,whe re he had the Bifli o ps, and Shave

lin '

gs , w ith the i r clien ts . W hether the Clerg ie d id m ak e th i so ffer o f fubjeétio n un to the Po p e o r whether he d id


falflywe canno t tell

,bu t i t is be tw ixt the Po p e

and h is fhaved c reatures 5 fa ch mafi e r f uch men .

Le t th i sh teach

tz- Cbrorffon.

t each u s, ho w the Po pes a t e f

,fand have been and ’w ill be

eve r co nflan tly readywatching a t'

allo cc afi o ns to - d raw all

th ings'

t o the ir Cr o fie. Bu t th is o wn ing o f the Sc o ts by thePo p e fo r h is peculiar. pe o ple d id n o t laft lo ng 5 fo r in a very(ho r t t im e there afte r n o twi thftan

‘drng the g rea t igno ran ce

o f thefe dayes , the Sco t s~fl1e ed them felve s refraci ar ies to

h is h o lyO rders 5and he , in revcnge ,d id thunde r the fire

bo lt s o f h is E xc o mmun icat io n ag a in ft thefe rude fe llt‘


put t ing them t o the to fm allp u rp o fe

‘f 5

fo r bythefe Bo lts theywere bu t ve ryli ttle dalhedW e have heard ho w th a t in fo rme r

‘t ime s the Chu rch o f

S cctland was ferved by. Culdee s and they ruled by the ir

Pre s byte r ies o r E lder s having a Mo de rato r,o r Prefect

o f themld ves and o f the ir o wn'i ‘chufin g

r: Th i s w as fo r m a

nyyeers . W'

hen Palladin/s br o ugh t in Prelac ie ,a


new h o

lyO rde r,in t o the Church ’

o f S cotland,

unk n o wn t o the

p reced ing Ages it Was w i th th is R efi ra in t Tha t Bifho p s

{h o uld ‘be ch o fen


by the Culdee s , .an d o f them Bu t when

Bilh o p s had o nce go t ten cer ta in Dio ce ifes and L im i ts alo tt ed un to them ,

they, .fet up a n ew.Pre sbytery o f the i r o wn,

o r Co uncell o f Can o ns o r Regulars , wh ich they c alledChap te rs 5 bywh o m they in tended t o be ch o fen in fo llo w ingt im es . Th e Culdees fee ing th i s

,did Oppo fe it w ith the ir

m am Ptrength , namely ,under K ing Dav id

,wh o did tak e

u p the bufineffe thus (be ing carried away by the Pr elats)Tha t fo m any o f the Culdee s a s w o uld be Can o n s

,fho ulcl

have hand in the chufing of the‘Bilh o p s :

But the Biih Op s ,t o elude th i s O rdin an ce o f the Pr ince , o bta ined aManda te

fr o m the Po pe That n o Culdee (ho uld be rece ived .in the

Co nven t o f Cano n s,bu t by the c o n fen t o f the Pr io r


and m o ft part o f the Can o n s . By thefe m ean s the Culdees

were k ep t o u t , and dep r ived o f"the ir vo yce in chufing o f

the Biflmp .. In the t ime o f the t ro ubles o f Balioland B ruce


o ne W illiam Cumin, Prefeéi o f the Culdees , th ink s it fit fo n t o

befl ir h imfelf,to t r ie what he c o uld rega in Up o n the Ca

n o n s 5 and fo he o ppo feth the E leétio n by the Can o n s o f

o ne,

W illiam L aniberton t o the Sea‘o f S .Andrcn>r : The bufi

ne ile being c o me to a grea t he igh t , byAppealwas drawn

‘Tloe (P reface.

Du r ing th i s fo renam e‘

d Sch ifme,m an .y(tak ing o ccafi o n o f

the o p en n efie o f the t imes began bo ldly and freely t o fpealr

againfi: the bad D o étr in e ; G o vernme n t and L ives o f the

Chu rch—m en,and tha t n o t o nly in p r iva te d ifco u rfe ,bu t they

alfo p reachedit .publik ely. , a s j ohn


i cklif e in E ngland

j ohn Hw and female o f Prague. in B ohemia, wh o fp o k e befo rethe p eo ple freely o fth e Tyrann ie c f theG o vernm en t o f the

Cle rgie the c o rrup t io n o f.the ir D o ftr in e,an d .w ick edn eifé

o f the ir lives . In th o fe day es alfo there were fo me in S cotland,

who feared no t to m ak e k n o wn lt o the p eo ple the Truth o f

G o d,a s n am ely7mmn fierby and f an!Cram (am o ng o th

er s)w ho fufie redMartyrd o m


fo r th e Tr uth . Abo u t th is t ime theCar thufian s

were bro ught fro m E ngland in t o Scotland , and

h ad bu ilt un to them aMo n afte r ie a t Perth . In th i s Age theUn iverfitie o f Sa in t Andrews was fe t up ,ch iefiyby the mean s

o fHenryWardlaw Bifh o p o f the place tha t in fo me k indethe Scho o ls o f Le arn ing m ight n o t bee altogether wan t

i11g,~which fo rmerlyhad flo u rifhed fo r fo lo ng a t ime am o ng

th e"Cnloléqr ,a nd _o f later yeer s had qu ite decayed 5th is go o d

did Wavclla'

iv As his , Predecelfo r William Trail had bu iltthe Ca li lego f the fame City:5

S o h is Suc ceffo ur 7am“ K ai

no oly bu ilt the o ldCo lledge lik ew ife ,called8a in t Sale/ ato r h is

Co lledge 5Pat r icQGrabanzeg ha t c am e after h im,wa s the m an

that br o ugh t in to S co tland the Title o f Pr imate ,Me tro p o li

ta n e,and A rchh it p,byBullo fS extn/r gnartm . Fro m the firft

Preach ing of the G o fpel, t illPalladins g, the Chu rch o f S co ti

land w as happyw i tho u t Billi Op s f ro mPallaclzu/i‘t o K ingMalr alnae h is days the B‘

ilh o ps h ad n o d ift infi D io celfes o rParifnes

fro m K ingMalcolme: t illPetr ickaGrahame theywere w ith o u tA rchbiih o ps 5 th i s Title and ’

h igher ran k o f Au tho rit1e d id

n o t fuccee-d wellw i th Gr ahame fo r the o th er Bifltop s c o uld

fulfe r n o Sup er io ur under the Po pe,n amelyfo n eer them ,h i


e‘r to having r

ejeéted allthe p retent io n s o f the A rchbifli o po f Tork 5wTh e in feri o rClergi e alfowere afraid o f the inc reafeo f the Au th o r i ty o f theMan


who m they c o nce ived aufiere

and r igid and fo by the Fafl io n o f the’

eo r rupt Co urt and

d ifo rde redClergy po o r Grahame lo ft theTi tle he had p ro‘

cured,w ith the Benefice

,and o n e S iam ese go t h is fp oyl5and


what a fwee t Bird Sher/ ea, was,the S to r ie s o f th at t ime do e

fufli cien rlym an ifelt.

Robert Blacater fee ing the Bifho P o f Sain t Andrews n o w a

Metro p o li tane and A rchbilh 0 p ,o bta in s fr o m Alexander

the fixt a Bull,wherebyhe is m ade A r chbilh o p alfo , and hee

h ad unde r biim the Biih o p s o f Galloway Argyle and Ifler 5

wh ich n ew dign itie angred theA rchbifh o p o f Sam t Andrewr ,abo ve the lo fle o f hisValfals 5 fo r to h ave a Co mpan io n i n

equalld ign i ty fe t up befide h im w as hard 5bu t he muf’t digeft

the Pill, fin ce the Po p e w illhave it fo .

Lafily Dd 'Z / id Benton bro ught in the Title o f Cardinall

in to S cotland, who hath beene the o n e]ym an that ha th bo rn

that Title in th is Co un trey, and h o w 1 t did fp eed w i th him ,

the fo llo w ingHift o rie w illtellyo u .

A s 1n the beginn ing o f the fifteen th age the Sch ifme fo r the

Papac ie o pened tho r o w Chr ifi endo m m anym en s mo u the s,

and buf ed the ir Penn es to fet fo rth the c o r rup t i o n o f the

Chu rch , and the V ices o f the Cle rgie 5 even fo in the beginn ing o f the fixteen th age tho fe tha t fo ugh t fo r the Bifli opr ick '

o f Sa in t Andrews by the ir diffen tio n gave o ccafio n t om any in S cotland to fpeak in publik e arid p r iva te o f the co r

r upt io n o fChu rch men s L ives,G o vernmen t and D o étr in e in

S cotland wh ich c o m ing to the Po pes ears , p refen tlyhe fen tun to the K ing, fame: the fo u rth , a Swo rd, w i th theTitle o fPro teélar of the Fart]? 5 a s if allCh rifl iaii Pr inces were n o tin du tie bo und t o p r o teéi the Fa ith in Ch r ifi 5bu t the Fa i thwh ich the Po pe wo uld h ave the K ing to p r o teét, was h is err o n e o u s Do étr ine

,and Tyrann icallAu tho r itie .


So me few yee r s after th is Henry the e ighth was declaredby the Po pe ,

Defender of theFaztl) and h ad the Swo rd lik ew ife . 7amer the 4. o f S cotland be ing dead ,

n o w by the c o r

rup t Co u r t i ers the yo ng 1nc o nf derate K ing74171 1” w a s made

beleeve,That the c o n ferr i ng o f th 1 s n ew Title by the Po p e ,

did br ing un to him a grea t prehem inen ce 5yea ,theCo u r t Sy~

c o phan ts d id n o t Prick to c all 1 t,A newRoyaltie,when in effeét

it was n o th ing elfe bu t a new n o te o f h isVaffallage to Rome 5‘

and hy the accept ing o f the Sw o rd he did engage h imfelf to

mak e warre fo r Rome 5 and fo he did indeed , fo r fundrym en

h 3 after

after th1s , du r ing h is lh o r t R eign ,were pc rfecu ted,and fuffe‘rl

ed dea th fo r the Tru th o f Ch r ili . Th is is the feco nd re

m arlt able Badge o f flaverypu t up o n o u r Pr inces by the‘

Po p e 5the fo rmer was the i r An o in t ingby h im a s wee have

feen befo re.

Here he pleafe d wi thme t o remark

,That o f all the BIfl‘lOPS

o f S cotland befo re the R efo rmat io n n amely fince theyW e re m ade Lo rds o f cer ta in p laces and had p ar t icularD i no celles

, yo u can n o t finde o ne wh o had any c are o f the t rue‘

Charge o f Pafto r 5 fo r the ir ,who le ftudie w a s

,t o t a ife the ir

p o we r and to encreafe the ir mean s fo r the uph o ld ing o f

t he ir p o we r and t o effeélua te th is m o re eafily and fully,theyk ep t bo th Pr in ce and p eo ple in dark ign o rance o fG o ds

W ill an d W o rd . BUt becaufe theymuft feem to do fo mwhdtfo r the n ame fak e o f Bifho p s they c aufed t o bu ild walls o f

Temples and Chapp'

els,fe t up images and p it

‘lures r ichlydrelfed

,to c o n tent the eyes ,

‘and bro ught in to the Chu rchInfi rum ents o fMufick and a


r tific iall S ing ing w ith gre a ts k ill t o c o n tent the ear 5 Alfo


theybr o ugh t in fweet p er

fume and incenfe fo r the frriell 5, fo the .m o l’t fubtill fen fes

W ere thus fa t isfied . And,


to m ak e a fhew t o k eep under the

fen fes wh ich are m o re gro lle , there mull be fo me k inde o f

F alling enjoyned to the p eo ple and ehaft eneffe t o the

Chu rch- men . Bu t how1,


and t o what pu rp o fe thefe two

laft have been k ep t allm en k n o w . Bu t k ep t o r n o t all is

o ne all thefe O rdin an ces wh ich the Bifh o p s fet up fo r R eli ,g io n , have been difco vered byG o ds mercy to be n o t o n elyw i th o u t W aran t in G o ds W o rd but pla inly c o n trary t o

the fame . Of all the Billio p s o f S cotland in t ime o f R efo r

m ati o n there was o nely o ne o r tw o wh o embraced the

Truth,all the reftw ere e ither p ro feffed perfecu to r s o fG o ds

Ch ildren, and o pen enem ies o f the Tru th

,o r elfe theywer e

given alto ge ther fo to fat ishe the ir bellies and lufis,tha t they

had no care o f R elig io n 5 w itn effe George Creicbton in the

n ame o f all the refi Bilbo p o fDnnltgll, wh o eo nfeffed truly,That he had lived a lo ng t ime Bifli o p and never k n ew anything o f the Old o rNew Te ftamen t .

Imp ietie, Ign o ran ce andW ick edneffe came to fach h e igh tamo ng

am o ng the Chu rch- m en o f all ran k s

,degrees and p r o fcff

0 11 3 , tha t G o d be ing, a fter ft) lo ng pat ien ce ,in a m ann er

vexed w i th them ;d id {li t r e up the peo p le t o chafe them

fro m the fervice o fh is Ho ufe and t o pu t o ther s in the ir pla ~

c es,a s yo u w illfe e in thi s fo llo w ingHili o rie whe reun to I

referre yo u . An d I {h allcl‘o‘fe up th is d ifc o u rfe w ith o n e o r

two paffages , w o r thy t o be k n o wn 5'

whe reby yo u m ay fee

the le a rn ing o f the Church - D o cft o r s in th o fe daye s , and h owthey did imploy the k n o wledge they had to abufe the

p e o ple . The firli Fallage is th is On e Ri chard Ma

Pr i o r o f the Blackefrierr a t Newca/lle in England , preached inS a in t Andrews Tha t the Pater - n ofler lh o uld be fa id to G o d

o n ely, and n o t t o the Sa in t s The D o é’

to rs o f Sa in t Andrews o ffended at it made a G r ayfr zer , called Tottis , p reachaga inltMar/ballh is Ten e t 5wh ich hee d id thu s ,Text o u t o f the fift o f Sain tMatthew ,

E lfi n!ar e

fpirit)See ing we fay, Good day, F ather , t o any o ld m an in theS treet w e maycalla Sain t Pater

,wh o is o lde r then any

alive 5An d fee ing theyare in Heaven , w e may.

fay to any o f

them ,Ou r F ather whi ch art in. hear/ en A nd fee ing they a re

ho ly we mayfay to any'

o f them Hallowed bethy name

Andfiu ce theya re i n the K ingdo m o f Heaven,W e may fay,

Thy kingdom come And fee ing the ir w ill is G o ds W ill w e

m ay fay t o any o f‘them

,Thy w ill he done. Bu t when the

G rayF ryer p reach ing c ame t o the fo ur th Pe t i t io n Gi t/ e ns

th is day ou r dayly br ead ,he was h illed a t and fo wa s c o n

firained n o t o 1imto le ave o ff Prea ch ing hu t alfo t o leave

the Ci ty fo r fli ame . Y e t amo ng the D o élo rs then alfem~

bled,the D ifpu te c o n t inu ed abo u t the Pater 5f0 t fo in e w o uld

have it fa id t o G o dfo rnzalzter and to the Sa in ts mater ialiter 5o ther s

,to G o dp rincipaliter ,to the Sa in ts in inna p r inc ip alzter 3

o thers p r imar zo to ,G o d

, fecnndar io to the Sa in t s 5 o the rs

would have it faid to G o d tak ing it fir iélé, and to the Sa in tstak i


ng it laté : No tw ithftanding all- thefe D ift in é’rio n s , the

Do éi o rs c o uld n o t agree up o n the bu fi n efle. A fello w,cal- r


ledToni, fervan t to the Sub

- Pr io r o f Sa int Andrews o n e

dayperce iving h is Mailer mu ch t ro ubled w i th fome bulin elle

,and a s he co nce ived weighty, fa id to him;


S i r win d


The Treface .

is thematter of thicyon r:trhitble .9 TheMafter an fwe-red We s

cannot ag ree about thefaying of the‘Pa ter . The fello w repli ed

To whomjlaonld it befaid , but to God alone .c" The Ma iler an

fwer s aga in , Whatjhallwe do then w ith the S aintr s" The fel

lo w duplie s Give them Ave’

s andCredo’

s enough that may

fagire them,and too welltoo . If th i s w as go o d D ivin ity, G o d

k no w s . The fecond p affage lik ewife is very Well w o r th‘

the k n o w ing and to th is pu rp o fe veryfit wh ich .fell o u t

abo u t the fame t ime w i th the fo rm e r,th at is

,abo u t the f ull

beg inn ing o f the Refo rmat i o n . A li t tle befo re the de a tho f George s chard

,the re cam e h o me fro m Rome a fellow

charged w i th verymanyh o ly R elique s and new th ings o f

g reatver tue , a s h e gave o u t 5 but the th ings were n o t t o behad, n o r anyben efit by the fight o r to uching o f them ,

w ith


u t m o n eys . No w upo n a ho lyday, in a village n eer Hadzngton

,th is R o m ilh Pedler, did o p en h is pac k , t o try if he


eo uld

ven t any o f h is W ares amo ng .theCo un treyp eo ple Am o ngo ther commo di ties the go o dMerchan t did {h ew un t o the

p eo p le there was a Bell o f much value , byr eafono f its greatvertue 5 wh ich he gave o u t t o be th i s That if any


tw o

p art ies had anyd ifferen ce,wh ich c o uld n o t be o therwife d'


c ided but byO a th,the tru th o f the O ath wa s t o be m ade


k no wn by th is Bell fo r d he) when any o n e fweareth ,“

laying h is hand o n th is B he fwear true,he {hall afte rthe O ath fwo rn rem o ve h is hand e afilyfro m from the Bell,Wi th o u t any change ,

t o the Bell But if he that fWeare th‘

h aving h is hand up o n'

the Bellfweare th falfly his hand willfl ick t o the Bell, . and the Bell“ w ill r ive

afunder . Now,wqm ull tellyo u That already there

'was a r ift in.


Bell,which th is R o m ip e te did affirm had happ ened by a

O ath o f o ne tha t had fwo rn h av ing h is hand up o nA t th is tale the p o o r fimple p eop le we re afio n ilh ed


in adm irar1 o n . Bu t amo ng them was o ne F ermer , wh o hadfo me light o f the Truth o f G o d 5 he draw ing



er the R 0

m ilhMerchan t, defired to have the Bell in h is hand

it n ee‘

rly. Th i s defii e w a s gran ted unt o h im. Then he

the Bell , and lo o k s o n it exprefling great admirat ifirfi5 but i mmed iate]y th_ereafter,he ask ed at the R o m

if he w o uld f ulfer h im t o (w ear 1n p 1 efen c e o f the c o mpany,having h is hand up o n the Bell , fo r h e h ad m inde to tak e an

O a th up o n a we igh tybufinefle . Theman c o uld n o t refufe

l1 i11 1 . Then (a id the Farme r t o the c o mpany Friends ,h efo re I lwea1

, yo u fee the r ift that 1 3 alre ady 1n the’ Bell,

a nd h o w big 1 t is and tha t I h ave n o th ing up o n myfingers

,t o m ake them h ic k to the Bell. W i th th is he lh ewe th them

h is hand o pe n then laying his h and up o n the Be ll,he did

(wea r th is Ifwear , in thep refixa ee of the liv ing God ,and be

fore thefegoaelpeople‘ That the Pop e of Rome 15Aa tzehr ifi,


that allthe rahhle of he:Clerg ie,1Car olz'

fzallr,Arehhijhap s ,B ifhopr


P r ieils ”Monk; with the rail of the crew,ar e L oeufls , c omefr om

hell,to delude thepeople},and to w i thdraw themfr om God . Mo re

over,Ip 1 0mzfe,Theywzllr eturn to hell.In co nt 1nen t he lifted up

h is han d fr o m the Bellbefo rethem all andfin d S ee,fr iemlf


,that I have lifted up my handfreelyfr om theBell, and lo ok. untothe r ift m the Bell

,it one and thefawe , w ithout change 5 thts

fheweth, a ccosrd mg ta thefayizzg if th isMerehaaet ,'

1 7 hat I have[worn truth . Then th is po o r fello w wen t away, and neverwas m o re feen i n S eo

tlzmd,n o r any o the r o f his k ihde ,


bro ught Reliques , o r o thenlik e to ye s fro m Rome.

- 1 Manym o re o f th is k inde m ight be alleadged but le t

thele fufiic'


to deni o nfirate th e m iferable ign o rance fro m

W t l'lG o d 111 his mercy ha th delivered u s 5 To wh o m he

p ra ife and glo ry, fo r th i s and all o ther ben efits .

W i th th 1 s I end the Preface ,that youm ay co me t o the

ll iflo ry i t felf‘


( a .

The Treface.

was three and twen ty yeers .

ed. After h is dea th, h is br o ther

721mm Hamilton o f L evin/ton w as accufed l1k eW 1fe 5

K ing did caufe t o c o nveyhim fecretly o ut o f the way. AlfhK atherine Hamilton

,h is filter , was accufed ,

and be ing quelfiio n ed up o n W o rk s 5 [h e anfwered

,That none was fa

‘z/ed byhis wo .rh_s Then 7ohn Spencer fp ak e to her o f the

w o rk s o f cong rno and condigno 5 to wh ich {h e an-lwered

W o rhhere, wo rhthere what kinde of wo rki ng is all this P no

w orks canfa cveme,butCh rifi s . A t th is

,the K ing ,

be ingp refen t , laughed and after c o nveyied her away fecretlyOne HenryF arefi aMo nk o f the O rder o f Benet andCollet


a s theyfpo k e the n , was alfo accufed o f. heref e 5 bu t w itho ut fu fh cien t pro o f. Theh he was fen t t o li

alter Ange ,‘

(who m Bnehanan, i n his Satyre againfi the G rayFr 1er s called L angz


ns ) t o be c o nfefled 1 z L angzn r l1av1ng a s k ed h im,

byway o f c o nfefiio n , What he thought of Patr ick Ham ilto n ?H e anfwered ,

Th at hewas ago od man and that his Articles

w ere to hemazntazneol. L ange d 1fc o ver s th i s fimple man s co n


0 11 5 and th is co nfefii o n being tak en fo r a fuffic ien t p 1 o o f,the p o o r man was co ndemned t o be burn t

,and fo hewa s

,i 11 1

m ed iatelyafter theyhad degraded h im ,1 acco rd ing to their

Cuft o m . A s theywere leading him to the E xecu t io n place,he co mpla ined o f theFryer who had be trayed h im ,

and fa idL et no man trnfl thefizlfe F ryer s , after me 5 they are elejhiférs ofGod, and decei t/ err of men . They bu rn t h im a t the No r th

Style o f the AbbeyChu rch in Sa int Andrews , that theHere'

t ick s o f Angus m ight lee the fire

On e AndrewOliphant a ccufed wi th h eat Walter Mill,an

anc ien t man,and fo rmerly a Pr iefi,

and fa id to him ,be ing

a t his devo t i o n Rife up , S i r Walter . He anfwered , when

he had ended his p rayer, My name is ”f alter I have‘been toolong one of the Popes K n ights fo r allPriefis are S ir s .drew Oliphant fa id to h im ,

Thou hy pe/lmy L othezefbre haile. He anfwered ,


1 mnfi ohey

L ib . 1 .



P O K‘

M /J T I O

W ith in the R ealme Oii'

S C o 1_L a ND


yeer 1 4. 2 2.Ti ilthe o . dayo f Angufi. 1 56 7 .

TH E F I R S T B o 0 K .


N the Reco rds o f’

Glofqo rvis fo und ment io n o f o ne R05”;who fe name was 1165551 , an E nglifliman by third.

Birth , S cho ller to‘

Ww/élzfi; He was accufed as an K4 3 2 9Herei ik e

,by o ne L awrence Lindon in S cot/4112.7, and

burnt fo r having faid , That the POpe was no r

theVicar o fChrifi, and that a man o i wic ked lifewas no t to be ack no wledged fo r Po pe. Th is fello ut

,Anno 1 422 . Furt her o ur Ch ro nicles m

mentio n That in the dayes o f K ing $ 4172“ the the

6 1 11 , abOur the yeer o f G o d 1 43 1 . Was deprehended in the univerfityfifflg

o f S aint Andrew s,o ne named Paul Cram a B oheme wh o was accufed 1 4 3 I

o f Herefie, befo re fiich as then were c alled Do éi o rs o f Theo lo gie. His PM CW ”

b 1 W i th a

accufat i o n c o nfified princ ipally That he fo llo wed 930521 Ha y and c k 531111

0 5qfl’

é197,in the o pinio n o f the S acram ent ; W ho denied that the fubfiance o f to h i s mowhl

B read and W ine were changed byvertue o f anywo rds O r thaf Co nfefiio n fho uld be made to Priefls ;o r yet Prayers to Saint s departedW hile that G o d gave h im grace to refifl therri, and no r to c o nfent to theirimpiety ; He was c o mm itted to the fec ularJudge fo r o ur Bi

lowing Pi late. wh o bo rh did co ndemne and alfo wafh h i s hac o ndemned h im to the fire , m the whi ch he was c o nfhmed in the (aidCityo fSaint Ana

’m vr,abo ut the t ime afo re written . And to dec lare them ~

{elves to be the g enerat io n 0 £ S atan, who fro m the beginn ing hath beenenemy to the Truth and he that defi reth the fam e t o be h id from thek no wledge o fmen Theyput a ball o f Brafl

‘e in h is mo uth , to the end

{ho uld no t giveCo nfefli o n o f h is Fait h to the pe0 pl neither yet 1theyfli o uld underfiand the defencewh ich he had againfi their unjufi ac

c ufation and c o ndemnatio n . BOth thefe go dly men Reréy and Cr ow,fuffercdMartyrdo me fo r Chrifi:his Truth by Henry W ard - [aw B ifh o po f Saint Andr ews ,whom the Prelates place amo ngfttheir W o rth

ies .


their 1V1CA' ed p ratftife d id no r greatly advance the ir K ingdo m o fne ither yet w 1 3 it able utte rly to exrmgutih the Trueth ? fo r al

m ’be it that in the daye s o f K ing 1 the féc o nd and th i rd

,we finde fmall

_o Pe rfo n s ac

o f t he Tm th

a t t h e 111 11 15

, gm nmgo f the

Re fo rm a l fc n

w ere callCd i n

o u r Ha nd Lo!

lJ l df fro m o n :

adl m an

1511 11115 ”1 ‘e

n am ed

o ne (1 1

t he 6 111Teach

e r s o f the

Tructh : what

o ther nam es

they I.at! elic

wh re , e the

H rlb i ry of the

Alhrqozs, Li b. 1 .

1 Religi o n m o ved within this Realm yet in the time o f K i ngm the fi xth yeer o f h i s Reign , and in the twenty two

5 age, ivh ic h wa s in the yeer o f G o d 1 49 4. were f umm o ned

b i ih o p 0 1

were Georg Adam“ Reade o f Bar rhymhg ,

Helene Che/mar Lady Poke/li e


1 .zhe/Ie Chamhrrt,Lady S tar/ s .


l hefe we re c o iled the Lo llards on Ze,theywere accufed o f t heArticles

fo illo wrhg,

as we have teceived them o ut o f

1 1: 1t . 7 ho t [fin ger are not to hehad 1 11 the

Rel/greet of are not to hewar

3 .

”h o t L ow: 0“ Ore/mance; ofmmyvaryfr om tu ne to time

,and that «54

1 the

Th 11 i t is n0 t law full to figh t for the P a th , n or to define/ the F azthSwo rd , if we be no r driven to rt bynecefli

5 1 hot Chm/i gavepower to Peter , as alfo not to

opeh i s pr etended Quote/[01m to hzhdeand loThat (1 17i ordazrtedno Pr ieflr to

15 7705 4 »

8 Erole/i ttjlzeo /lmo hair theywere then called,to wit who/

,Iy but a part to the po o r,w ido w,

o r tdfi phan s ,840 th“ pio us ufes .

That Chrzjfat his (mung hathwkon awaypomer from t g t

t riele we do ubt no r to be the veno m o us accufatio n o f the enem ies ,

who fe praétife hath ever been to m ak e the do é’tr ine o f Jcfii sto K ings and Rulet s As if G o d thereby wo uld depi ive them o f

Ro yallSeats , W hile o n the c o ntrary no th ing co nfirm s the po wer o f

gifirates mo re then do th G o ds Truth . E uro

1 0 the Articles .

1 0 That ee 'eryfazthfit/t’

no rmand women 15 a Pr iejl, in that fence that theythe Apo file Saintgfohn, t / Ipoo . 1 . 1 0 . 2 0 . 6

1 1 heunfifon of K ing s , t ea/ed at the comingSof Chr ifl ,

and truely i t

was but late fi nce K ing s were ano inted ,714172e 172Sco tland,for E dgarwee

thefirfl (wormed King to S c o tland , abo ut the yeer 1 1 0 0 .

1 2 That the Pope to not thefiteeeffoar of Peter, but wherehefo ld , C0541 177613me Sexton .

(lulgeh ter .

1 4. That the thofedayes were [41 61 to he in

20 . T hat the E xeorrzih ttm'

eatron of‘the Kyrk it not to he feared, if there beno


caufe fo r it .

2 1 That 1 11 h e cafe i t {5 iamf afltofivear , .to wig - idly, rafl1ly,and m vam .

2 2 That I’m /ft mayhave ire/fire

s,areordmg tothe eoaflztatwn of theLate, and

o f thePrim itive Chrifiian Churc h .


23 That tree Chnfitam r et ri eve the hoa’

ybf are/"

m Chrtfl everydayhyF azth.

24. That afterMatr imonyhe committed . and eoafizmmate the Kyrk maymake

no Dw oreemrnt .

25 That E xeommanieatton hma’et h at,if unjufl.

2 6 . That"

the Popeforg tfvet trotfiat , hat onelyGoa


2 7 . That F artht a’h ot heg ro w toMzraelet ,to fuch namelyas the Romillt


were then , and are to th is day.

28 That wefltoald notpr ayto thegh r iom IfzrgmMary, hat to Goa’oaeYy, fincc Atthuzg


he‘o nelyhears us , and can help

us . Templebefua

29. Thatwe areno m or eheated to pray in the Kyr /e then in other placesPM


” d‘w"firmee


3 0 . That we ar enot hoarta’to heleefue all that D ofio


r; of the It’

zrh havewr itten . are notfittitdta

3 1 That [aah'

aa war/hip the S acrament in theKyr /e (we fuppo fe the Sacral “ Mam e t/ac

ment o f theAltar)rommttt Idolatry. iifimi'fte3 2 That the Pope ts thehead of the K tr /e ofiAntzchrzfi. Roma/21 11101 111

3 3 That thePopeand 11 15Mm zflert aremttrtherer t offinely,

11m m to be, dc

3 4. That they“

whi ch are called Pr im e: andPrelates m theChurch;are Theem 20


32?and Rohher t .


for whef tfict 'er

Bythefe Articleswhich G o d o f his merciful]providence caul“

ed the cne t


: g1m “!

m ies o f h is truth to k eep in their regiflers , may appear howmerc ifullyG o dhath lo o ked upo n this Realm retainingwithin it fome (park o f h is lyght,

‘f’W dfiafwt

even in the time o fgreatefidark n'


e . Neither o ught anyman to'

wo nder al pzzxfi’

gbeit that fome things be obfcurely,and fo me things do ubtfully fpo ken . But 1m m ?at:rather o ught allfaithfull td

’magnifie G o ds


mercy who witho ut "m ”

B o a r’


gave fo great light. And further,we o ught to co nfider that feeing0 mm“

that the enemies o fj efus Chrifigathered the fo refaidArticles ,thereupo n toac cufe the perfo n s afo refaid, that theywo uld deprave them eaning o f G o ds m mfervants (0 fat as they co uld as we do ubt no t but they have do ne in the

heads and o fMatrimo ny": In the wh ich ”k ?”t

it is no do ubt but th e fervants o f G od did damné the abul'

e o nly, and mm theto {w arm

right Ordinance o f‘G o d : fo r who kno ws no t that the E xcommunicatio n

‘W ffmfle lb!

in thefe dayes was alto gether abufed That Swearing abo undeth witho ut 1m m"


p unifhment o r remo rfe o f co nfcience :And that Divo rcements was made,fo rfut h caufes as wo rldlymen had inven ted . But to o ur Hifio ry. Albeit that b "“W NW:

theaccufatio n o f the Bit p and o f h is Co mplices Was verygrievo us yet’



G o d (0'

allifted his fervant s partly byinclining the K ings heart to gentlemam Iame s

m ile (fo r divers o f them were h is great familiars ) and partlyby giving gandm 'fl




bo ld and go dly anfwers‘

to the1r Accuf’

aro rs,that the enem ies in the end

W ere fruftrate o f their purpo fe . Fo r wh ile the BilhOp in mock age (aid to m m fi‘ffifl mAdam Reade Of Bar thelmiag Re

aa’e,beleeve ye that G o d is in heaven


anfwered ; No t as I do the S ac raments feven : W hereat the Bilh'

o p think baldDo ugh;ing to have triumphed, faid ; S

ir,lo he den ies that G o d is in heaven e M ’Mf A ' s us '

W hereat the Ki ng wo ndrmg, (aid , Adam Reade W hat fayyef The Otherfigfim


anfwered Pleafeth yo urMajefiyto hear the endbetwixt the churle and me 1 married /oHen -


and therewrth heturned to theB1£ho p and (aid 3 I neither think no r bCICCVc’ U Smart

, Lord5Mcffcb.

B a as


T/Je H i/Zorie of t/ye(

Reformation L ib d

as tho u think eii that G o d i s in heaven 5 but I am mo i’t aiTured,

that he is ne to nely in heaven , but alfo in the earth BUt tho u and thy factio n declare byyo ur wo rk s , that either ye think there is no God at all . o

r elie that he i s {0'

fet up in heaven ,that he regards no t what is do ne upo n the earth ibr if tho ufirmlybeleevedit that G o d were in th e heaven , tho u iho uldeitno tm ak e thy

Adm Rmde,hu {elf check - mate to the King and alto gether fo rget the charge that Jefusbo ldand godlyan i

W t r.

1 v3 2 7roxhers (o n totamer Hamilton

Earle o fAmwm

‘d Efler s [o n

0 lab» S tuart

Duk e o f AI


Chriit the S o n o fG o d gave to h is Ap o files , wh ich was ,To Preach his G of el

,and no :to play the pro ud Prelates ,as all the rabble o fyo u do this day

find now,S ir

,faid he to the King judge ye whether the BiihOp o r Ibe

leeve beit tha t G o d‘

is in heaven . W hile the B iiho p and his band co uld no rwellrevenge tli em felves and while m any taunts were given them in theirteeth . The K ingwilling to put an end to further reai


o ning, laid to the faidAdam Reade ; W i lt tho u burn thybill

r He aniwered 3 S ir, the Biihop and

yewill. W ith their: and the li k e feo ffs the Bifllo p and his band were- fo

dai hed o ut o f co untenance that the greateit part o f accuiatio n was turnedto laughter. After that D iet we finde alm o il: no queilio n fo r m atters o fReligio n , the (p ace neer o f thirtyyeers 3 fo r mm lo ng after to wit in the

yeer o fG o d 1 50 0 . the {aid Biiho p B lakmr departed this life,go ing in h is fua


perititio us devo tio n to affrufalcm Unto whom fuccceded Mailer 334mmBefw e, {o n to the Laird o f Balfor in F zfi who was mo re carefull o f thewo rld, then hewas to Preach Chriit o r yet to advance anyReligio n, butfo r the faihio n o nely, and as he fo ught the wo rld it fled him no t Fo r itwaswellknown that at o nce he was Archbiiho p o f S aint Andrew; Abbo t o f~Ddflfcrmelz


ng , Aberbrot/ae, Kylwmnizzg , and Chancello ur o f S cotland : Fo r afa

ter the unhappyfield o f F lowdoflnc in thewhich periihed King {firmer thefo urth ,with thegreatei}part o f the No bility o f the Realm the faid Be~

mimewith the reit o f the Prelates had thewho le Regiment o f, the Realm;

And by'

reafo n thereo f held and travelled to h o ld the truth o f G o d in

thraldome and bo nda e till that it pleafed G o d o f h is great mercy in the

yeer o fG o d 1 527. togaii'e up h is i'

ervantMailer Patrzck Hammzlton,atwhom

o ur Hiito rydo rh begin : Of who fe pro genie, life, and eruditio n becaui'


men o f fame and renown have in divers wo rk s written 3 we omit allcurio us

repetitio n fending fuch as wo uld k now further o f him then we write to

F rance L ambert, Ffobr‘z F rztb and to that n0 table wo rk lately fet fo rth by

{fa/ mF ox, E ngliih man o f the lives and death s o fMartyrs within th is I ilein this o ur age .

This ié rvant o fG o dMailer Patr ick Hamih onb eing in his yo uth pro videdto i

‘eaio nable ho no urs and living hewas intituled Ab t o f F em as o ne

hating thewo rld and the vanitie thereo f left S cotland and paiied to the

Scho o ls in Germany5 fo r then the fame o i the Univerfitie o f '

W zttmberg ,


greatlydivulgate in allCo untreys where by G o ds pro vidence he became

familar with tho i'

e ligh ts and no table fervants o f Chriil:Jefus o f that time,Martin Lat/fer

,P/azlt Mel/171 15751570 a


nd the (aid F rancis L am‘

ém,did (0 gro w

and advance in godfyk nowledge joyned with fervencie and integrity o f

life, that hewas in adm iratio nwith many. The zealo f G o ds glo ry did fo

eat him up that he co uld n0 t lo ng co nt inue to remain there but returned

to his co untreywhere the brigh t beam s o f the true light wh ich byG o ds

grace was planted in.his heart, began m o itabundantlyto buritfo rth ,as wellin publike as in fecret


7fo r hewas(beiides his go dlyk nowledge)welllearned

“ 1

L ib. i . vOf TV/ig ian in the‘Realme Of SCo tland.

in Phylo fo phie he abh o rred So phiéilrie andwo uld that the Text o fA r ie

fiat/e ih o uld have been better underi’cOo d

,andm o re ufed in the

‘Scho o ls than

then it was 5 fo r SOphii’trie had co rrupted all, as wellin Divinit

ie, as in hue

manitie . In ibo rt pro ceife o f time ,the fame o f h is reafo n s and Do étrine

tro ubled the Clergi e and came to the ears o f Biiho p f ame: Berowra o f

wh om befo rewe have madementio n,who being a co nJured enemy to Chriit

Jefus , and o ne that lo ng hath had the who le regiment o f th is Realm bare

impat iently that anyt ro uble iho uld be m ade to the K i ngdom o f darkneife

whereo f W ithin th i s Realm he was the head . And therefo re he (0 travelled

w ith th e (aidMailer Patr zke that he gat h im to Sain t A ndrews where afterthe co nference o f divers dayes he had h is freedom and liberty. The faid

B i ihOp and his blo o dyButchers called'

Do éto urs feemed‘to approve his

Do ftrine and to grant that many things craved Refo rmatio n in the Eccle

fiaii icallregiment . .And amo ngit the ref}, there was o ne that fec retly c o n~

fentedwith h im almo il in all things , named, Frier A lexander Cam adhaman ADominica;

o f go o d wit and learning but yet co rrupt by the“

wo rld as a ter wew illFm"

h ear : when theBiiho p s and Clergie had fully underflo o d the minde and

judgement o f the (aid Mai‘ter Patr i ck ,

and fearing that by h im their k ing\do m ih o uld be endamaged they travailed with the K ing wh o then was

yo ung and alto gether addict to their c ommandment that he ih o uld No te how

paiie in P ilgrimage to Saint Datbeflc in R ifle , to the end that no intera Church men 1

c efii o n iho uld be m a de fo r the life o f the inno cent fervant o f G o d who

fufjpea ing no fuch c ruelty as in their hearts was co nceived remained ilili, Prince.

(a ambe amo ngit thewo lves )tillthat upo n a night he was intercepted in h i sc hamber ,aud b the Biih o psBand was caried to theCaitle,where that n ightheWas k ept,an upon them o rrow after bro ught fo rth t0]udgement,hewasc o ndemned to die byfire fo r the teiiim o nyo f G o dsTruth .The A it ieles fo rthe wh ich he fuii

ered,were but o i P ilgrimage, Purgato ry, prayer to Saints

and fo r the dead,and fuch trifles . Albeit that m atters o f greaterimpo rtan ce

had been inquei’tio n, as his Treatifewhich in the end we have added, mayw itneife. No w that the c o ndemnatio n o f the {aidM. Parrzke ih o uld have

greater Autho rity,they caufed the fame to be fubfcrib‘

ed by all tho ie o f anye i’timatio n that w ith them were prefent 3 and to mak e their number great,they to o k the fubfc riptio n o f ch ildren , if they were o f t heNo bility; fo rthe E arle o f Gaff/ Ila , which laitdeceaied in F rance then being but twelve

o r thirteene yeers o f age, was compelled to fubfcribe his death , as h imfelf

d id co nfeii'

e . Imm ediatelyafter dinner thefirewas prepared befo re’

the o ld

Co lledge , and he led to the place o f Executio n, andyet men fuppo fedvthatallwas do nebut to give unto him ret ro ar and to have caufed h im to have

recanted and have beco me recreant to tho i'


blo o die beai’ts ; but G o dfo r his own glo ry fo r the comfo rt o f his fervant

,and fo r manifeilatio n


o i

their beaiily tyrannie had o rherwife’

decreed fo r he fo ii re'

ngthned hi s

faithfullW itneife, that neither the lo ve o f life, no r yet the fear o f that t ruelldeath co uld mo ve h im a j o re to fwerve fro m the truth o nc


e pro feifed .

-At the place o f executio n he gave to his fervant who had been chamber

lain to h im o f a lo ng time, his G own , h is Co at, Bo nnet, and fuch like gar

merits,faying Thcfewillno r pro fit in the fire, theywillprofit thee, after

this , o f me thou canii receive no comni o ditie except the example o f a,»

B 3 death ,


or) l of theReformation L ib. 1 .

A 11 11 0death ,which Lp raythee bear in m in,

fo r albeit it be bitter to the fle'


and fearfullbefo re men , yet is it the e trance unto eternallli fe, wh ich no ne

ili allpo lleife that denies Chriitj efus befo re th is“

wick ed generatio n . Theinnocent fervant o f G o d be ing bo und to the ilak e in the m idil o f fo me

c o ales fo me timber and Other matter appo inted fo r the fi re a traine o f

p owder was made, and fe’

t o_u fire

,which gaveto the bleifedMartyr o f G o d,

a blaife , and fco rched his left hand and that fi de o fh is face,but neither k intiled the wo o d not yet the co ales and fo rem ained the appo inted to deathin to rment t ill thatmen ran to theCaitle again fo r m o re Po wder

,and fire

w o o dm o re able to tak e fire,wh ich at laftbeing k indled with lo ud vo ice ,

cried L ord f cfaa r ecew c my (ptr it ; How long [ball dark/tcffe overwhelm tlm

Realmo t / I ttd bore long wzlt tboa fifer tit /c tyraame of m eta .9 The fire was

flow,and therefo rewas h is to rment the m o re : But mo it o f allwas hegrie

ved by certainwick ed m en,amo ngilwho m Campbelthe black Frier(o fwh omW e ipak e befo re ) was principall who c o ntinuallycryed Conver t Ho m e


Call upon our L ady, fay, SalveRegma fif e. To wh o m he anfwered Depar t,aad tr oaolemenot, tboa mejfeag er of S atan. But While that the afo refaid F rier{hill rao red o ne th ing in great vehemence he faid unto h im , c l’ed mart


tlao it know/lt/ac contrary and the contraryto me that;lea/l coafifli d I appeale t/yee’

befor e the tr zottrtall feat of Clar tjl Z’

f efrtr . After wh ich ,and o ther wo rds ,

which well c o uld no r be underflo o d no r‘

mark ed becaufe o f the tum ult, and

vehemenc ie o f the fire TheWitneife o f Jefus Ch rii‘t g

ate victo ry ,after

lo ng fufferance, the [aft o fFebruary, in the yeere o f G o d I s a 7 . The faid

Frier departed th is life within fewdayes after in what eitate,we referre to

the manifeitatio n o i the generallDay; But itwas plainlyk nown, that he

died in Glafg ow in a phrenz ie, and as o ne defpaired.

No w that allmen m ayunde'

riland what was the iingular erudition and

go dlyk no wledge o f the faidM.Patr ilreHamiltort,we have inferted this his lit

tle p ithieW o rk 5 c o ntaining his Aii’

ertio ns and Determ inatio ns,c o ncerning

the Law,the O iii ce o fthe fame

, co ncerning Faith ,and the true Fruits there

o f; firit by the (aidMailer Patrtkc co llected in Latine and after tranilateal

into vulgar Language.

of tlrc Lair .

He Law i s a iDo é‘trine that b iddeth go o d, and fo rbiddeth cvill, as the

Co mmandments here co ntained do fpec ifie .

Tloe ten Commandment}.Ho u i


haltwo rihip but o ne G o d . 2 . Tho u i halt’

mak e thee no Imagoto

_wo rihip it . 3 . Tho u(halt no t fwear byh i s Namein vain . 4 . Ho ld

the Sabbath dayho ly. 5. Ho no ur thy father and thymo ther . 6 . Tho u

ihalt no t k ill. , 7 . Tho u i’halt n0 t co mmit adultery. 8. Tho u{halt no r ileal.

9 . Tho u ihalt bear no falfe witneii'

c. t o. Tho ufli alt ne t deii re o ught that

belo ngeth to thy neighbo ur .

He that lo veth‘

G o d and his neighbour, keepeth alltheCommandmentso f Go d . L ove theLord tlayGodmoth all.flameheart;with a”tby[ital andwi t/y

4 11 th mural: rimzatbefir]? and g reat Commandment. T[at fremd tit lt/ec unto

11 071 6Myneighbor";as tlryfizlf tot tire/c two Commandment:bang alltlze Laniand Prop/i etr . He that lo veth G o d lo veth his neighbo ur If any martfay,I loveGod

,analyst [rater/r let

s migbloar, li e is a lyer He tlzat low tli not 1972; bur


or am

Ch riflwafht us with his Blo o d . mfgA [111 0Chrilt came into the wo rld to favefinnei s .Chriit came into this wo rld to takeaway o ur fin

‘s .

t hriftwas thePrice that was given forus and o ur fi ns.Chrifiwas made Debto r fo r o ur fins .

Chriii hath paid o ur Debt, fo r he died fo r us .

Chriilhathmade fatis faaién fo r us, and fo r o ur fins .

Ch rift is o ut Righ teo ui’



Chriit is our W ifedom .

Chrifiis our Sanfl ihcatio n .


Chri il is o ur Redemptio n .


hrifi is our Satis faa io n .

Chri ft is o ur G o o dnefi'

e .


Chrifl hath pac ified the Father o f Heaven.

Chrifi is Ours , and allHis .

Chrifl hath delivered us from the Law,fro m thedcvill

, and hell;

The Father o f heaven hath fo rgiven us fo r Chrifts fak e .

Or anyfuch Other as declare unto us the merc ies o f G o d;Thenature of theLaw, and of the Gofirel.

Sheweth us o ur fin .

Sheweth us o ur c o ndemnatio n .

The Law Is the wo rdo f ire.”

Is theWo rd o f‘defpair .

Is the wo rd o f difpleafure.

us a remedyfo r

Sheweth us o urRedemptio n:

ffhe G o fpel Is the“

W o rd o f G race.

15 theW ord o f Comfo rt.Is the W o rd o f Pea



theLawand theGofpel

The Law faith,

The G o fpelfaiart fayed .

The Law faithW ith I hce.

W here is thy righteo ufneflé,go o dne{fe and fati faéi io n«3

Tho u art bo und and o bliged unto me, the devils

and helll





?i iafo r thee.

C tifi,at ac i e h imwith his Blo o d.The G o fpelfalm’ Chrift is thyprighteoufneffe, go o dneffe


Chrifihath delivered thee from t hemy bf f aith .

to believe G o d,like a s Abraham heliw ealGod, and itwas counted“

r ighteoufmjfe. He that believed G o d,believed his W o rd . To

im,i s to believe his W o rd

,and accompt it true that hefpeak etil:e


f theReformation .

'L ibJ

Pro phet'

s tohim béar witneffe, Th'

at who fo ev'

er believeth in h im,fliall‘

haverem ifIi o n of their (in s


. W hat nut/ Mdo that Im ayhgafued .

9 theApo file'


fivereth , Belte've in théL ord gam e /”4; and tho u alt be faved . If th'

o u'

ack nowledgewith thymo uth that Jerus is the Lo rd, and believe in thineheart

,That G o d raifed'

him up from the dead,

tho u { halt be fafe . He thatbelieveth no r in Ch rifi ' fhail

be co ndemned . He that believeth nm the(on

,{ hallnever fee life;but the ire

‘o f G o di abideth upo n him . The h o ly

_Gho ft fhal repro ve the'world o ffin,heeanfi(faith‘C.hrifi)theyhelzw enot in me.

’They that believe inJefusChrififi re fo n s o fGod .Y e are allthe fo ns o fGo d,

becanie y'

e b elieve In Jefus Chriit’

. He“

that believeth , in Chrifl the {o n o fG o d, is fafe . Peter faid

,Thou art Chm/i thefin of the Ira/mg God. Jefus an

five red and Grid unto him , Happyart thou, Swho”the[on of f anaa, forflejh andhlood hath not opened unto thee that hatmyfather ivhteh ta tn heaven . W e havebelieved and k nown that tho u art Chrifl

,the fo n o f the living G o d . I be

lieve th'

at tho u art Ch'

rifl:the fo n'

o f'

the living G o d which iho uld co rrieinto the wo rld . Thefe th ing s a


rfew ritten that ye m ight believe that JefusChrift i s -the fo n o f G o d and s that in

‘believing ye

m ight have life . I believe that Jefus is the

’fo n o f


the living G o d .

He that believeth G o d ; believeth the Go fpel. He that believeth G o d; believeth his W o rd and


theG o fpel i s h is W o rd . T herefo re he that believeth G o d believeth his G o‘fpel. As Chrifl is the Savio ur o f


wo rld, Ch rifl i s o ur Savio ur Chrifl;bo ught us with h is

Blo od, Chrifiwafli ed us with h is Blo o d, Ch rifi o ffered’h imf


elf fo r us,Ch riftbare o urtfin s upo n hi s back . He - that believeth no r

the b pel, believeth not G o d 5 he that believeth no r Go ds W o rd belie'veth (30 ? himfelf ,

and the G o fbel is .G o ds .W o rd . E rgo, He that believeth"

tint th'

eCo fpel,believeth no tG o d himi'

elf. And co nfiequently they thatw


believe no t,as is

‘abovewrittenaa nd fuel: Other, believe n0 t Go d .

'He thatbelievéth the, ,G o fpel

f{hallbe fave'

d Goye into it”the worldGofpel



o e'

fhery creature, he that'

halie'veth and it haptt’

z ed,flmd heft:' that halted /eth


not,Z jhaflhe eohdeinned.

Is the ro o t o ff-'

allevill,Incredulity Mak eth thermdeadly

Bringeth them afunder.,

Allthat pro ceedeth from Faith pleafeth Go d .

Allthat pro ceedeth from Incrcdulit difplcafeth Go d. n;

Faith onely'


aketh a man go o d andyrigh teo us ,

Incredulitymak eth him unjuft and cvill..i

k, TheMember o f Chrift

,s . .

Faith o nelym‘

aketh ama The Inherito r of hEavenf

The Servant or Go d.

7 h? Hi/Zeig of thefReforntation i L ib.i.

Anno G o d .Ho pe reEeiveih h is reward Charitylo o keth unto her neighbo urwith

Qflll t. s o

Matti! 3

a glad heart, and thatwi tho ut any refpea p f reward ,f aith pertaineth to

G o d o nely ; Hope to his revvard ; andCharity to_her’

neighbo ur.

of good Worhr .

O manner o fwo rk s make us righteo us 5Webel‘eeve that aman(hallbe’

uii ified‘witho ut wo rks . No


man i s jufiifie’d By the deeds o f the


lhut by the Faith o fJefus Chriflfl ,3nd we beleéve in Jefus Chrifi,that

wemaybejuflified bythe Faith o fChrxlh andp c t bythe deeds l

o f the Law.

If righteo ufneffe co me by theLaw,vain That no man


i s jufi ified by the Law it i s m ahifeil fo r a righteo us '

man liv‘

eth by his

Faith , but the Lawis no t o f Faith . Mo reo ver, {inceChril’

t the mak er o f

heaven and earth and allthat therein is behoved to die fo r us W e are

com cllcd to grant thatwe”

were 16 far drowned in fins thatneither the

dee 5,no r allthe creatures that ever_G o d ,


o rmightmak e might helpus o utOf them E rgo No deeds no r wo rk s canmak e,

us i igh'

teo us : No

Wo rk s make us unrighteo us ; fo r ifanyl

wo rk made us unrighteo us , then thec o ntrarywo rk s wo uld ri




us righteo us .


Bur it is proved that no wo rk scan t


h ake us righteous E rgo, No wo rk s make us unrighteo us .


rhrmahe h e neither goodnor efv'

ii .

I proved that Wo rk s neithermak e us righteo us no r unrighteo us .,E rg o,

work s neither.make us go od,no r evil fo r righteo us and go o d are o ne

th ing,and unrighteo u'

s and evil, ano ther.‘G o o dwo rk s make no r a go od

hiah ” no r evilwork s an evilman . But '

a go o d man maketh go o dwo rk s ;and anevilman

evilwo rk s ; go o d fruitmaketh ne t the tree go o d no r evilfriiitthe


reeevil.)But ago o d tree bearethg o od fruit, and an eviltree evil



Ago o d rhah'

cannOt do evilwo rk s no r an evil man go o d work s ,'

fo r'


eviltreecannét bearg obdfruit; uqr - a go o d tree evilfruit. A go o dman is go o d bé


fo e hedo go o d wo rk s and an evilman is evilbefo re he‘

doevilwo rk s fo r the tree is go o d befo re it bear go o d fruit, and evilbefo re itbear


evilfruit. Everyman is either go o d o r evil either mak e the n ce

go o d, and thefruit go o d alfo'

, o r elfemake the tree .evil5 and the frtiitlikes

wife ev‘

il. liverymans wo rk is either go od o r evil, fo r all fruit is eithergo o d o r evil. E ithermake the tree go odj and the fi uit alfo o relfemakethe tree evil

,and the fruit o f it


ikewifi:evil, A go odman is k nown byhiswo rks , fo r a go odman doth o o dwo rks and anevil

,evilwo rk s 2

,Y e {h all

k now th'

em by their fruits fo r a o od yt reesbringeth fo rth go o d fruit; and

aneviltree evilfruit. Aman is li enéd'

to the tree and h iswo rk s to thefruit o f. the tree. Bewareof falfe Prophet: whith tome unto you in [haz

e eloa;

thing hut inwardly they are ravemng 313431q yeflmll know them _7 their


j ,t

Ti s.proved that no wo rk s make us ei ther righteo us o r unrighteo us , go o d:

o r evil: but fitfiwe arego od‘

befo re that iwe do go o dwo rks EV“


c wer I

o /igion'


tilefilled/meof Sto tlancl.

befo re we do evilwo rk s . E rgo, No Wo rk either faveth '

lis no r eo ndcim'


u s} Tho uWilt_fay Then maketh it no matterwhatwe do a"I anfiVEr

thee Y es . Fo rif tho u do evil it is a fure argument that thouart evil, New.

andwanteft Faith 3 If tho u do“

go o d it,

is an argument th at tho u-

art g o o d,and hail Faith 5 fo r a


go o d'



ebeareth g‘

o oxd fruit ,and an evil

Y et go o d fruit mak eth nm the tree go o d, no r evilfruit the t re‘e evil So that

man is go o d befo re he do go o d'

W o rk s ,and'


vilbefo re he do evil

man is the tree -

,the we ihs are thefruit . Faith maketh the go o d tree 5 i nc re


dulitythe eviltree Such a tree fuc h a fruit, fuch man wo rk s . Fo r allthat

i s do ne in Faith pleafeth G o’

d and are go o d wo rk s 5 And all that is do newitho ut Faith d i fpleafeth G o d, and arf eVilwo rk s a W ho fo evér th ink ethto be faved byhis wo rk s , denieth thatQhrii

’r i s o ur Savio ur, and thatChrifl

d ied fo r h im , and finally allth ings that belo‘ngetht o Chriii , For howis

he thySavio ur, if .tho u m ightii (ave thy felf with thyW o rk s 5’

O r to what

end iho uld he have died fo r thee if anywo rk s o f thinemight;have faVed/thee W hat, is this to fayChriil died fo r thee

f: Is it '

no t that thou flio'


dfihave died perpetually andwhat Chrlfi to deliver thee fromdeath di 'ti

d fo i’

thee,and changed thyp‘erpe


tualldeath into h is own death6 fo r tho


umadeathe fault

,and he fuifered the pain and that fo r the love he had to thee


fo re ever thou waftbo‘

rn,when tho u hadildo neneither go o d no r evil. No w

fince he hath paid th debt ,'

tho u dieli no r, no tho u c‘

anfi no r, but ih o uldcfi

havebeen damned,i his death were no rl But finceheWas punifhed fo r thee’

tho u fli alt no rbe puniihed . F inally,he hath delivered thee'

frdm co ndemna; NW

t io n,and.defi reth no thing o fthee,but that tho u ih o uldeit acknowledge


whathe hath do ne fo r thee and bear it , in m inde and that tho uwo uldefi‘help


Others fo r h is fak e b0 th inwo rd and deed, even as he hath helped thee fo r

no ught,andwitho ut re'

ward .

0 how readywo uld we be to help o thers if

w e k new h is go o dneffe and gentlenelfe towards us «3 he is a c oaland a gentle

Lo rd, and he do rh all things fo r no ught . Let us ,.Ibefé echyou, follow his

fo o’

tliep s ,whom alltheWo rld o ught to praife andwo rihip. Amen;

Hethat thinker}: to oefiw cd bitm i kr, cafla bbimfelfeCh i/f.Or he calleth h imfelfe a S avio ur which app

ertaineth to Chriilo nely.

W hat i s a Savio ur ? But he that faveth . And tho u fayeil, I fave myfelfe;which is as much to fa as

,I am Chrifi fo r Chriit


is o nely the Savio ur o f'

theWo rld . W e iho ul do no go o dwo rk s to the inteitt to get the inher' itan


o fheaven Or t‘emiflion o ffin s thro h them .Fo rwhofo ever beleev

‘eth to


the inheritance o fheaven, o rr'



o n o ffins thro ugh wo rk s , heb’

é leéveehno c to get that io rChrifis fake.An

d theywho beleeve thattheir fins are no t

fo rgiven them 5and ,that they {halln


o t be faved fo r Chriils fake they"


leeven0 t theG o fpel fo r the G o fpelfaith , Thou ih'

alt befaved fo r Chriii s’

fake S ins are fo rgiven yo u fo r Chrifis fake; .He that beleeveth do r theG o fpel beleeveth net G o d : And cdnfequently., theythat beleevqto befaved by their wo rk s 5 o r to a ct rem ifli o n o f fins by their own deeds,héleeve n0 t G o d but acco unt him a


liar,and (0 utte'

rl denyhirri to beG o d .

Tho u wilt fay,Shallwe then do no go od Wo rk se Inno


t ia But I lay,weih o uld do no go o dwork s to the intent to


get the k in dom'



heaven o r’

“ million o f fins fo r , if we beleeve to'

get the in critane'

e of . heaven

C 3 thro ugh


‘771 oHi/Zoi' ie of theReformati on


L ib , 1

n thro u h o edwo rk s then webeleeve ne t .to get it thro ugh the ro m ife o fA nneG o d.

gO r

gi f we th ink to get rem iiiiqn o f our fins

,bygo o d wo rk s ,§ve believe

ne t that theyare fo rgiven .us byChrift,and(0 we c o dnt G o d a liar5fo r G o dThou (h alt have the inheritance o f h eaven fo r m Son s jfak e. Y o u

is, ne t fo , but IWillgain it thro ughmine own we t 5. So I co ndemnno r go o dwo rk s but I

co ndemn the falfo. t ruft in anywo rk s fo r allthen

w o rk s that aman putteth confidence therewith into xicate o r impoyfe ued, and bec o me evil. ,

W herefo re do”


o dwo rk s ; but beivare tho u dothem ne t to get anygo o d through them

ffo r if tho u do tho u received theo ed, ne t as the gift o f G o d , butas debt unto thee ,

and mak eft thy fclf'



fewwith G o d,becaufe tho u‘wilt tak e no thing‘fro m h im

“ fo r ndu lit . W hat?'

needeth he any th ing. o f thine,who giveth allth ings;and is ne t t e po o rer


Therefo re do ,n o th ing to h im, but take o f h im,

fo r h e is a gentle Lo rd , and

w ith agladder heartwillgive us allthings thatwe need then we tak e it o f

h im; Sqtbat ifwewant anyth ing,let us blame o ur fel’

ves . P refl'

e ne t then

to the inheritance o f heaven, thro ugh prefumptio n o f thygo o d wo rk s 5 fo rif tho u do eft,

‘th o u

‘ce unteft thyfelf ho lyand equali unto him,


fe tho u'

jwilt take no thing o f h im fo r no’

ught 5 And fo {halt th o u fall as L ucifer fellfromheaven fo r his pride. Thus endsM.Patr zcler Articles . And fo we return

to o urHilto ry. W hen the fe c ruellw o lves had(as theyTuppe fed)c lean de"

ve nted the ptey,theyfo und themfelves in werfe cafe then theywere befo re

fo r thenwithin S .Aodm w,yea,almo ltwithin thewho le Realm (who heardo f that faet)therewas no ne fo undwho began ne t to inquire, wherefo reM.

Verified, can"

: ParrzleeHaimltonwas burnt, andWhen h is Articles were rehéarfed,wefiio n

was ho lden, if fach Articles lwere nec‘efl


aryrd be beleeved,under the pain o fdamnation . And fo with iln iho rt,fpaée, manybegan to

callin do ubt that

which befo re theyheld fo r a certain verity,‘infomuch that theLlh iverii ty o f

S .Andr ews and S .Z eommis Co lledge;piinc ipallyby the labo urs o f'Mailer

6 4 11717) L ogy, theNovifes’

o i theAbbey,and by the _fiib -

Prio r,began to fmell

fomewhat o f theverity,an'

d toefpiethevanityo f the ieéeived Superfi itien 5yea within few yeers after began bo th black and


gray Frijers publikely toMunk s Preach Preach againft the

fpride and idle life o fBifho ps and a


gainlt the abuies o f“ mi nd“ ices thewho leE cclefia icallcitate 5amo ngltwhomwas :o necalled W i l d fi rbe


who in a Sermo n preached inzb‘aodze ak e fom


ewhat ru'

o re liberally'



ainftthe licentio us life o f the BiihOps ,then tligéyc o uldWellbear; He fpake fur

ther againitthe abure'

o i curfing and o fMi racles :'

The Biflaop'

o fBrcobdiir,

having his Parahtes'

and Jack -men in the Towne‘,Ebufi


eted the Frier andcalled him The Frierimpatient of the in jar received part to

M. Yold if, S . t/ Indmb: and did communicate theheads


p f' hi s germo nWi thMailer:$ 22,m Mair who fe wo rd thenwas ho lden


as an' Oracle, in mattets o f Kelila

havefitc. He gio n 5 andbeing allured o f hini, that fuch DoGtrinem ight wellbedefend;ed

, and, that he'

w o uld defend it,fq

r itfeatained no Herei’

i e. ThereWas'



dayappo int‘ed to the fafid Frier,to mak e repetitio no f the

-fame Sermo n : andadvertifementwa s given to allfuch as was offendedat the fo rmat, to bepre:feet; And fe in the Pariih Church of upo n the day


tainted,appeared the laid Frier .and .had '

amen it'his A uditors M, 976 or Mair ,

M. Gt orgc L ot /m t, the Abb’

o r o f Gambia mirth;M.-Patriote He to m


Frieeof. Saint d odrew , with alltheDeéteurs;indMalters of the niveriities .


(elf befo re the peo ple, (aid Carle,th o u (halt no t know myw ife. The AUIIO

faid Alexandre? an(wered,MyLo rd,ye are to o o ld but w ith the grace o fG o d I (halldrink with yo ur daughter o r I depart and thereat Was (m ilingo f the bell and lo ud laughter o f (o me fo r the BiihOp had ,

a daughter

marriedwith AndrewBalfour in that Town . Then the Bilh Op bade awayw ith the carle . But he anfwered, Nay, Iwillno t depart th i s h o ur, fo r Ihave mo re to (peak againfi the vices o f Priefis than I can expreffe th i swho le day. And (0 after divers purpo (es , they co mmanded h im to burnh is B ill. And he demanding the caufe, they(aid, Becaufe ye have(po k enthefe A rt icles whereo f ye are accufed . His an(werwas ,The great dcvillbeare them away that firftand lafi(aid them and (0 he to o k

‘the Billgand

chawing it,he (pat it inMailer AndrewOlyplmntr face,(aying,No w burn ito r drown it ,whetheryewil,ye hear no m o re o fme .But I mull have (o mewhat o f ei

ery o ne o f yo u ,to beg in mypack againe which a Priefi and

myw ife, a Priefts who re,have(pent . And (0 everyPrelat and r ich Priefi,

glad to bequit‘o f h is cvill, gave him (omewhat and (o departed he (o r

he underflo o d no th ing o f Religio n . But (o fearfull itwas then to (peak

any thing againfiPriefis that the leali wo rd fpo ken againfi them


albeit it was ipo ken in a man s fleep , was judged Herefie, and thatwas p ra&i(ed upo n Rte/74rdCarmtcbefl, yet living in Fyfe, who beingyo ung and

S inger in the ChappelRoyalo fS terelin, happened in his fleep to (ay,The

devilltak e away t e Priefis,fo r theyare a greedy pack . He therefo re ac

c u(ed by S ir GeorgeClapper ton , Dean o f the (aid Chappel,was co m elled

fo rtht to burne hi s B ill. But G o d fho rtlyafter raifed up again , them'

firo nger Champ io ns Fo rA lexander S eton,a black Frier

,o f go o d learn

ing and efiimatio n, began to blame the co rrupt do ctrine o f Papifiry. Fo r a black Pu er

the (pace o f a who le Lent, he taught the Co mmandment o nely,ever beating in the ears o f h is audito rs , That the Law o f G o d had o f manyyeers

n0 t been truely taught formens Tradit io n had ob(cured the purityo f it .Thefewere his accufiomed Pro po fi tio ns 1 . Chrifi Je(us is the end and

perfeétio n o f the Law. z .There is n o fin,whereCo ds Law is no rvio lated.

3 . To fati sfie (o r (ms , lies no n:in m ans power but the remiflio n thereo f

c ometh by unfained Repentance,and byfai th apprehending G o d the Fathermercifullin Jefus Ch rifih is S o n . W h ile o ftent imes he put s h is aud ito rs ih m inde o f th i s and the likeHead

s , hemak eth n o ment io n o f Purgato ry, Pardo ns , P ilgrimage , prayer to S aint s , no r o f (uch trifles . The

dumb Do éto rs and the refi o f that fo rfwo rne rabble began to (ufpeél:h im

,and yet (aid the no th ing pub

li‘REIy,tillLent W a s ended . And he paf

(ed to Dyndzc An then o ne in h is to that purpo (e,o penlyco ndemned the .

who leDo étrine that befo rehehad taught . W h ich c o ming to the ears o f the (aid Frier

‘A lexanderg lhen being in b andze, witho ut

delayhe returned to Saint Andrew s , caufed immed iately to to ll the Bell,and to givefignificatio n that hewo uld p reach ,a s that he did indeed,iri the

wh ich Sermo n he affirmeth(and thatmo replainly than at any' Other t ime)

whatfo ever in allhis who le Sermo ns he had taught befo re the who le

Lent pafi adding That wi thin S cotland there were no true Bifh'

o ps‘


that Biiho ps iho uld be known by(uch no tes and ven ues as requiresinBifho ps . Th i s delatio n flewwith w ings to theBifho ps ears ,wh o with

D o‘ut

T/JeH ifior ie of t/yeReformnlzbn L ib 5 1

o ut further delay(em fo r the (aid F ri ar A lexander wh o began {h arply to

accufe that h e had (0 {landero ufly(po k en o f the di'

gnitie o f Bifho ps , as to

(ay,That it beh oved a B it p to be a Preacher—

,o r elfe he were but a dumb

do g, and fed n o r the flo ck , but fed his o wn bellie . Th e man being w i ttyand m ind ing that wh ichwas his m o lt affured MyLo rd ,

The repo rters o f (uch th ings are manifefi liars .- W hereat the B iih o p re

jo yced, and (aid, Yo ur anfwer plea(erh me well Inever c o uld th ink o fyo u that ye wo uld be (0 fo o lifli as to affirm (uch th ings W here are the'

k naves that have b ro ught me thi s tale 5’

W h o co mparing and affirm ingthe (ame that theydid befo re, he (till replyed, That theywere liers . But

wh ile the witneffes were mult iplied, and men were b ro ught to attentio n ,he turned h im to the Blfllo p, and (aid, MyLo rd, ye may hear and c o nfi~

der,what ears thefe Affes have

,wh o c anno t di(cern betw ixt P4nl, £ fny,24

f lurry, andMal/zany, and Prier Alexander S eton ; In verydeed,My Lo rd I

(aid,That Pnnl(artt behoveth a Bifh o p to be a Teacher g

Efizy(aid,Thatthey that fed no t the flo ck are dumb do gs andZ nelmryfaith They are

idle Paflo rs I o f m ine o wn head affirmed no th ing but declaredwhatthe Spirit o f G o d befo re pro no unc ed :At who m ,

myLo rd, if ye be no to ffended

, jufilyye canno t be o ffended at m e . And ' fo yet again ,myLo rd,I(ay,That they aremanifefiliars that repo rted unto yo u that I (aid,Thatye and Others that preach no t, areno BiihOp s but belly-

go ds . Albeitafter that the Bifhop was h ighly o ffended, a s wellat the (co fi

e and b itterm o ck as at the bo ld liberty o f that learnedman, yet durf

’t he no r haz ard ,

fo r that pre(ch t, to execute h is malice co nceived .Fo r no ugh t o nlyfearethh e the learn ing, and bo ld (p irit o f the man but alfo the favo ur t hat hehad as wello f the peo ple as o f the Prince

,K ing56mm : thefifth , w ith

who m he had go o d c redite (o r he was at that t ime h is Co nfefl'

o r andhad exho rted h im to the fear o f G o d

‘to them edi tat io n o f Go ds Law,

and unto pur ityo f life . But the (aid Bifho p , w ith h is co mplices , fo re(eeingwhat danger m ight c ome to thei r cfiate if (uch fam iliarity(ho uldco nti nue betw ixt the Pr ince and a man (0 learned and (o repugn ing totheir affeétio ns , lab o ureth by allmeans to


mak e the (aid Frier A lexandero dio us unto the K ing, and eafily fo und the means by the grayPriers(whoby thei r hypo c rifie deceived m any) to traduce th e inno cent as an Here;t i‘ck . Th i s accufatio n was eafilybelieved o f the yo ung Prince whobeingmuch given to the lufis o f the flefh, abho rred all c o unfellthat tepugned thereto . And becaufe he did


member what a terro ur the adm o n it io n s o f the (aid A lexander was unto h is blinded co nfcience wi tho ut refifiance he (ubfc ribed to the ir accufatio n affirm ing that he k newm o re then they‘

did in that matter . F o r he underflo o d welleno ugh thathe (melled o f the new Do étrine , by(uch things as he had flaewed to himunder Co nfefii o n . And therefo re he promifed that he ih o uld fo llowthe co unfello f the Bifli o ps inpunifhing o l

- h im,and


o f all o thers o f thatSea . The(e th ings underflo o d by the (aid Alexander , as ~well by the

info rmat io n o f his friends and fam iliars , as by°

the firange co untenance'

o fthe K i ng untoh im ,p ro videth the next wayto avo id the fury o f am ifledP ri nce and (o in h is habi t he departeth the Realme 5 and c oming


Ber zvzekg wro te back again t o the King his Complaint and Ada mIMHO“ 5

have departed and that th o ri'

mayll know‘

the truth thereo f,if fear o f the

jufinefle o f myCau(e o r dread o f per(ecurien fo r the(ame, had mo'



me to depart, I co uld no t (Q pleafantly revert,o nely difirufiwas the cau(e

o f my departing.

Pardo n the £ 9"(ay thatA

vVh ich lieth,to thyMajeflies

c harge .

‘Tho u art bound bythe‘Law o f G od ((uppo


fé they falflylie,(aying It pertaineth


no t to thyMaljei tie to interm‘

eddle with (uch matters) toCau(e everyman in anycafe accuf


ed o fhi s lif e have thei r juftdefence 82:their ac

culers pro duced conformto their“

own law. Theyblinde thy,

Ma“ °

eyes ,‘th at k nows noth ing o f th


y'law bu


'if I pro ve nét th i s o ut o f'


theirown law,

I o fferme to the death .


Mam therefo re byexperience,maydaily learn((eeing theyneitherfear the K ingo fHeaveh‘,a5t heir '

1ives teffifie

,neither thee theirNaturallPrince

,as their ufurped power in theiraar

o n s fhew s wh‘


thyHighne s'iho uld be


o lo nger blinded . Thoumai it‘

c o nfid’

er that theypretend no th ing elfe,but"

o nely the maintenante and uph o lding


o f their b 'arded mules ,augmenti'


g o f their infatiable'


co ntinuallo verth ro wing and (wallowing up thy p o o re (ubjeéts neitherpreach

ing no r teach ing o ut o f the Lawo fGo d (as theyt uld the rudeigno rant peo ple, but co ntendwho mayb




in ofi h igh , mo lt r ich ,and necrefithyMaiefiy5to put thyTemporalLo rds andLieges ,

o ut o fthyco u'



and favo ur who iho uld be and aremolt , tender (ervants to thy'Maje

fiy in allt ime o f need;to the defence o f the;and thyCrown Andfwheretheydefire thyMajefly to to put o ut thyTemporalLo rd s and Liege


s ,becaufetheydefpife

‘theirvitio us life, W h



t,elfe intend they, but onely thy

death and defiruétio n,’

as tho u triaifl‘


perCeive_:‘(uppo(e they


c o lo ur

their falfe intent‘and m indewith the purffiit o f herefiegfo r whenth Ba

ro ns are put downe;W hat art thou but the‘k ing o f Land,and no t 0 men ,

and theno fneceflitymufi be guided bythem and there(no do ubt)whereablinde'man is guldcmufi be a


fallin them ire. Therefo re let'

thyMajeflytake bo ldnes and autho rity wh ich

tho u haltOfG pd and_(uffe

r no t


cruellperfeaitionto proceed,with o ut ‘audienc



given to‘hihi

that is




nd jufiplace o f defini te :'

and £hen,no do ubt,tho ufli alt'


ave thy(ubjea s hearts , an


allthat th ey'

can o rmaydo in time‘

ofneed, tranquiliLty jufiiCe, and


, a'

nd finally, the Kingdom of the heaven'

s . May itpleal


eyo u to g iveone:Co pyof Ehis to theClergie,andkeep theOriginaland-

thyMajefiie (hall have if I go aga infi o newo rd‘


have (po ken . I {halldailymargin hearty:deVOtio n fo rmyMajefiie,atidfo r the pro fp

erity andwelfareisf'

t ybodyand foul. I do ubt no r‘but thy


ms Highnefl'

e will‘

o ive ‘ahl

wer io this Letter ,

"unto the


o f it tinto u hy'

Highne e, mike ‘by t

Orafo r.

s s iefidfcfibfiar ,Meagan er S et‘on.

who after lo ng im‘

rifOnment in the (aid Tower o f S .IAndrenbr W as ad

j udged to thefire, y the (aid Bifho f ame: Brianneandhis Do é

‘té ilg fo rfno

o ther c rime, but becaufe he had a w Tefiaine'

nt in Further o f

that Hiflo rywe have‘no t

,except that hed ied c o nfiant ly,andwith greatp


t iencea t S . A ndrews . Afterwho fe death the flame o f Perfecui io n cearee,t illthe death OfM.Norman Garlaiv, the (pateOf


ten Fo r to rec"

no t that the blo o dybeafts ceafed by allmeans to (appreife the lyg‘

ht OI:

itzffifgfim m

G o d and to tro uble (uch as in any(O'

rtwere(ufpeéted to abho’

rre their0

c o rrupt io n 5 but becaufe the Realme in thefe t imes was tro ubledwi th ina


e and c ruellwarre z, in’

theWh ichmuch blo o d was flied , firfi’




e, betwixt the D omgldr and Bdlclenc/ g in the y'

éereo f Gb'

d 1 526 . the24.

dayOf July : Next at Lvn‘

lytbeow betwiXt theHainz’


s and the_Ea


rle o f

L enox who was filters (o n to theEarleOfC/ Ir ran where'

the (aid E arlew ith manyOthers lo ft his life the tbirteenth day


fiberdn thegamereere And lafi,betwii

<t the ing h im,&lfand the io réfaid Domg la fi ho m

he banifhed the Realme and held him in'

eaile during h is whole dayes .

Byrea(o ri o f the(e, We lay, and o f Othert'


les theBifiio p s and theirblo o dybands Co u


no r finde‘

the t ime (0 faWO’

uraBle unto them as'

theyrequired, to executetheir

‘Tyrannie .


In th i s middle time, (0 did thewifedomeOf Go d provide, that'


enr) g’

;the eight K ing of E ng land ‘did abo lifhfrom

h is Realmet hename and i 53 8.

autho rit Of the Pope Of Rorne, commandedareBib‘le

to be readi n E’

nglij b,’Tbe efvilmath

(upprefl'Zd the Abbeys and Other places o f Ido latry W ith their 'Ido ls ,523


53” rm“

wh ich gave great ho pe to (liver? Realities that (Ome godlyRefOrniatiOn flo ck ra w},

(ho uld thereo f haire en(u‘éd : .{Yr

rd therefore from thi s Our-Co rin t‘


didd ivers learnedmen‘

,and Others that


lived ihfeare o f Perfeeutio n repaire‘

to that Realme o ivherealb'

eit‘theyfound no t (uch p

ur'ity -a s they


(and therefore divers o f the‘

rri‘fé u


gh t Othere'

Ountreys yet theyrefea

pedthe tyrann ie o f m

ercile iTe men fandwe'

re réfeived to better times , thae

theymigh t frué’

tifieWithin his}Chui ' ch in d ivers plac’


s fa'

nd parts , and in“

d ivers vo catio n s . Alexan'


Seto‘nne remained in E ngland and publik ely C"

(w ith great praife andCo m fo rt Of'm'

any taught the Go fpel in allfi nce - J

r ityCertain yeers . And albe’


tjthe craftinefle o f Gardner‘BifliOp o f Win

tbeflt’r and o f the (aid Alexander , (0 that theyclaréfed'

to h is o r2



Machabens ,


of theReformation ,L ib i

their o wn,place .

1 5 3 4°

This yeers wasLewes made

againfithe Re d ivers 0 th€

fo rmatio n, the Header/braPo pehaving(cut to 6 (attend

the Abbey.

I Leger the vthQr JBlllS'

yeere before.

6 Accul'

cd fo r

TheHi/lory of the(

Reformation L ib . 1

S o did the Bifho ps and men called Religio us blinde the peo ple , and

perlwadePrinces and Judges to perfecutc fuch as pro fefl


e Ch riltJefa s h isblefl


ed G o fpel. Th i s plain ("

peaki ng fo inflamed the hearts o f all that

bare the Beafis mark , that theyceafed nOt t illthe faid Friar I s llor and

w i th him Frier Beaverege, S ir Duneane Symfon , Rohert F orejler Gentleman ,andDeane Thonnu F orrar, Channo n regular, and V icar o f Dolour a man

F o ure burnt. o f upright life who alto’

gether were c ruelly murthered in o ne fire upo n

the Cattle h ill the lafi o f February, in .the yeere o f o ur Lo rd 1 53 8. Th i sc ruelty was ufé d by the afo refaid Cardinall, the Chancello ur, the BilhOpo fGlafgow,and the incefiuo us B iIhOp o fDumhlane. After that th i s crueltywas ufed in E dznhurgh upo n theCafile h ill, to the effeét that the refi o f the

Bifli o p s m ight ibew them felves no l'

effe fervent to fupprelfe the lyght o f

1 5 3 9 .G o d,then he o f S . Andrew;was , were apprehended two o f the Dio ceffe I

o f Glafgow, The o ne named f eronzmtu Ruflbll, a grayF rier, a yo ung man,o f a meck e nature,quicke fpirit, and go o d Learn ing , And o ne A lexander

K ennedze,who pafled n o r eighteen yeers o f age , o ne o f excellent wit in

vulgar Po efie . To affii‘t the BiihOp o fGlafgow in that c ruell judgement


o r at leal’t to dip his hands in the blo o d o f the S aints o f G o d were fent

Mallet {fohn L owder ,Mafier AndrewOlyphant, and FrierMeitman , fervantso f Satan , apt fo r that purpo iie ; The day appo inted to the cruelty appro ached The two po o re Saints o f G o d were prefented befo re tho le bloo dybutch ers , grievo us were the c rimes thatwere laid to the i r - charge : Ken

nedzeat the firfi‘

was faint , and gladlywo uld have recanted bur wh ile theplace o f repentance was den ied unto h im ,

the fp irit o f G o d, wh ich is thefpirit o f allco mfo rt began to wo rk in him 5 yea the inward comfo rtbegan to burfi fo rth as well in vifage as in to ngue andwo rd fo r h is

c o untenance began to be cheerf ull,and with a jo yfullvo ice upo n h is k neeshe fa id 0 eternallGod howwonderfull 125that loveandmercythat thou hear t/funto manhinde

,and untomethemojl t aztife and m zferahlewrai th ahan e ad other:

F or , even now,when Iwould have dented thee and thyS on our L ord {fie/u:

Chrgllmy onelyS aviour andfit have ta]? my elf into overlayin g damnatzonThou hythzne own hand hafl pulledme fr om the veryhottome of hell andmade

me to fetle that ,heafuenly comfort whi ch take: from me that un adlyfeare

wherewi th hefore Iwaa opprejfed. Now I defiedeath, do whatyeplea]?5 IprazfemyGod I am ready. The go dly and learned ifer onzmua railed upo n btheic go dleffeTyrants , anfwered Thu it your houre, andpower ofdarlene e;

Nowfitye as f udge: .

andwe [landwrongfullyam t/2d and morewrongfullytohe condemned hut theday[hallcome, when our innocent ze[ha/l apytare, and thatye/hall feeyour own hlzndnefli


,toyour everla/tzng‘

eonfufion . Go forward and

fulfillthemeafitre of your inequzty. W h ile that thele fervants o f G o d thusbehaved themfelves , a variance ariferh betw ixt the Biflmp and


th e beafisthat came from the Cardinall Fo r the Bifl1 0 p faid I thznlee tt hotter to

fpare thefi:men then to put them to death W hereat the idio t Do cto rs o ffended

,faid W hat wzll yedomyL ord wi llye oondernne all that my L ord

Carelmad and the other Bt/hopt andwehavedone If [ayedo, ye {howyour felfeenemyto theChurch and on ,

and[0 wewt/l reputeyou, heyeaffur ed. At wh ichwo rds , the faithleffe man afraid, adjudged the inno cents to die, acco rdingto the defire o f the wicked. The mecke and gentle {Peronimus Rut/Tell

comfo rted

L ibJ : o Tie/glen in the {Rea/meof Sco tland .

c omfo rted the Other with many c o mfo rtable fentences o ft faying unto

h im , Br other , fear not moren htyis he that t} tn na than he that am the

world the



that wejha/lfityfer it fltort, and[hallhe light ,hut our joyand con

folatzonflra lnew a have end and therefoi e let to: contend to enter in unto our

Naffer and S avi our , hy thefamefirettwaywhich he hath taken hefor e na Deathcannot deflroy tot for it a deflr oyed already hy himfor whofe fahe we fit, er .

W i th thefe and the lik e c omfo rtable fentences theypaffed to the place o fexecut io n , and c o nfian tly triumphed over death and Sathan, even in the

m idli:o f the flam ing fire . And thus did tho fé c ruellbeafts intend n o thing‘

butmurther in allthequar ters o f th i s Realme : fo r fo far had theyblinded and co rrupted the inco nfiderate Prince that.h e gave

- himfelf to o beyihe tyrann ie o f cho fe blo o die beafis and he m ade a fo lemneVo w


n o ne fho uld be fpared that was fufpeet o f Herche yea, altho ugh it wereh is own fo n . To preil


e and puih h im fo rward in thi s h is fury, he lack edilo t Hatters en ow fo r m any o f h is Min io n s were penfi o ners to Prieh s :

Amo ngfiwh om ,o lw er Synclare,yet remaining enemy to G o d,was p rinc ipall. And yet did n0 t G o d ecafe to give that blinded P rince do cumentsthat fo me fadden pun iihmentwas to fallupo n h im,

if he did ne t repent

and amend h is life and that‘

h is own m o uth did co nfeffe F o r after that

S ir 93am ; Hamzltonwas beheaded (juftly'

o r unjufilywe difpute ne t th i s s'

ir 14m m

Vifio n came unto him,as to h is fam iliars h imfelfdid declarg)the faid Sir N W faid

f ame: appeared unto h im ,having in h is hands a drawn fwo r w ith



R?fi t"

wh ich he fi ro k e from the K ing b o rh the arm s , faying to him thefe wo rds , iiimho thi

rtiesTahe that, tillthou reccw e afinallpayment for all thy zmpt


ety. Th i s Vifio n Cau(e,

he had

w ith fo rrowfulco untenance,he fliewed o n themo rro w, and {ho rtlythe re ffcx




after died h is two fo n s , bo rh w ith in the lp'

i c'

e o f 24 hours ,yea, fo me‘

fay K uggc favour.with in the fpaee o f fix ho urs . In hi s own prefence George S teel],his great:

blW u“

ch flatterer,and.greatelt enemyto G o d thatwas in hi s Co urt, dro pped o ffNW"

h is ho rfe,and died “

no r faying o ne wo rd that fame day, that in aud ienceo f many, the faid George had refufed his po rtio n o f Ch riits K ingdom ,


the prayers o f theV i rgin Mary iho uld no r bring him the’

reto . w terrible aVifio n the laid Prince fawlying in L tltghtow that n ight that Thomac S cot, Jufiice Clerk , died in E dtnhurg h, men o f go o d credite can yet



po rt : Fo r afraid at m idn ight , o r after , he called alo ud fo r To rches , andraifed allthat laybefide h imin the Fallace, and to ld thatThomas S cot



dead fo r he had been at him w i th a co mpanyo fdevills ,and had faid un

t o him thefiewo rds 5 0 wo to the daythat ever I hnew thee or thyfirm/ ice fir

fir fuing of thee, again/lGod, again]? hu‘

fervantt , and agatn/t’

Tf u/ltce I am ad

judged to endle/fitorment . How terriblevo ycés the faid Thoma; S cot prono unced befo re h is death



o f alleftates heard and fo me that yet livec anwitnefl


e hisVo iceever was , ”

f uflo D‘




judzczo condemnatua[um that i s,

I am co ndemned byGo ds juftJudgemént . Hewas molt o ppreffed fo r thedelatio n and falfe actufatio n ,

o f _fuch as pro fel’

lcdChrifts Evangel, as M.

Thomac‘Mair torzhancket

,andM.Heus R ig ,

theri advo cate s did co nfeife toM.HenryBalnaetes who fromthe faidThoma; Scot c ame to h im ,

as he and

M.Thomat Ballenden were fitting in Saint t er Church ,and ask ed him fo r'

g iveneffe o f the faidThomat . N o ne o f thefe terrible fo rewarnings c o uldeitherEbange o r alter the heart o f the info rtunate andmilled Prince but



TheHiflory of theReformation L ib 1 ,

[tillhe did pro ceedin h is accul

’tomed wayes . Fo rin the midfio f thefe

evils , h e c aufedjto put hands o n that no

tableman M.GeorgeBuchanan to

whom fo r h is fingular eruditio n and ho h eitbehavio ur was co mmittedthe charge to infirut

‘l fome o f h is naturallch ildren : But by the mercifull

pro vidence o fGo d he efc aped (albe itwith great difficulty) the rage p f

rho fe that (o ught his life , and remaines alive to thi s dayin theyeere o fG o d 1 56 6 ; tqthe glo ry o fG o d, to the great ho no ur o f th i s natio n and

to the comfo rt o f tho le that delight in letters andvertue . That fingular

W o rk e o f Dawdt Pfalms in Latin Mccter and Po efie befides many'

Others canw itnelle the rare grace s o f G o d g iven to that man wh ichthat Prince bymitigat io n o f the gray

- Friers and o f h is Other flatterers,

by‘h‘: Km? “

wo uld alto gether havedevo ured if G o d had no t provided remedy to

c mmand,thcfl

a ngrywith the h is fervent byefcaping the k eepers being afleep he W ent o ut at the W in

333333“dow )Th is c ruelty and perfec

uti o n no twrrhflzanding the mo nfiers and

gamfl them,hypo c rites , the gray- Fri e ts ,daybyd aycame farther i

n co ntempt,fo r no r

gm? (hereafter o nelydid the learne

d efp ie and detefl their ab ominable hypo c rifie but:

“ m3 “ a“

alfo men inwho mn o (uch graces o r g ifts were tho ught to have been,be(l’lCII' peace

w ith theK i ng, gan plainlyto paint the fame fo rth to the peo ple. As th is Ryme wh ich

W W “ "0‘b" h ere we have inferred fo r th e fame purpo fe made by Alexander E arle o f(d b

hgfrzgwiiiim Gleo earneto th i s day 1 56 6 alive canwrtnclle, inti tuled, An

whom the k ingfrom theholyHermiteofLarites ,to his Br ethren theg ray- F rtorr.

gave o ver to

fhcrr impo rtu.

N‘Y and (0 he I Thomas Hermzte tn L arttewas P‘“ i"Pd‘

S aint F ranc i s ,hrother hearti lygreet



Befizechtng you with firme zntent

To hewatehfnlland dzlzg entF or thtr Lutherans r tflen of newOnr ardour daylydothpnrfewThe]? [mat /ts do fet their whole intTo read this E ngls

newTq‘t’arnentAnd fayth we have them cleane

Therefore in hafie theynut/i he[lop];Onrflatelyl

hy oer ifie theypryfeAnddo hlafp emew on thzérwzfi:S aying thatwe

ar e heretzlts

ki nd falfe loud lytng m atin tyher

Cnmnzerers andqnelle‘r s of Chr i/ts Ky leS neh la/iefeemlert thatlwillnotw


tr /e


dlelyour living winnes


ng W olfiinto Sheepe- tltinne:

Harkland ivzth hntdt into our nee/e

W ith Judas h’

unde to Jowcke andBekS ee/(mg God5 people to devo

t e

The overthrower s of Gods glareProfefior: of hypoertfie.

D oé'


or t in Idolatr t'eF t/hear s wtth thefeyndt netteThe npelofer s of heaven gate



TheHi/i‘orie - of the



d s heefe,meale hatter and thee/eOr what el/e you havethatyoupleafeSendyour brethren an

d ha‘


A: nownot elt hut rvalete 1

BeTho mas your hr other at commandif Culrunekethed throughmanya land.

After Go d had g iven unto thatmii - info'

rmed Pr ince‘fiifli c ient do cu

m ents , that h is warring againfihis ble iied G o fpelih o uld no t pro fpc ro uf.

ly fncc eed. He raifed up againfth imW artes a s he did o f o ld againl‘t di

vers Princes thatwo uld no r hear his vo ice, ,

ia the wh ich he lo fthimfelf,as we ih allhereafter heare .

The o ccaii o n o f theW arre was th is H a N R Y the eighth , K ing ofE ngland had agreat defire to have goo/ten W ith


our K i ng ,and i n thatpoint tra

fuelled [0 long all that he g at afill profit /[e made to ho} Amhafladour , L ordW illiam Ho ward : The plate of meeting war appointed Yo rk e , whi ch the

K ing of England kept wzthfitehfolemnttie and preparations as never for

fai th a purpo/e wan [eene in E ngland‘

hefore. Great hruteof that Journey and

fame preparati on for the famewas made i n Sco tland : But in the end , hyper

fwafion of theCardmzt/lDavid Beto n andbyother: of hit fact i on that journeyivaa


flayed, and theK ing s promifefalfifiedt W hereupo n were lh arp Letterso f repro ach fent unto the K ing, and alfo unto his co unfell. K ing Henryfrultrate returneth to L ondon, and after his ind ignatio n declared beganto fo rtifiew i th men his fro nt iers toward Slot/and. There was fent to theb o rders

,S irBohert Bower, the Earle o f Ang lia, and his b ro ther, SirGeorge

Dowglaa . Upo nwhat o rhér triflingquefiio ns as fo r the debetable land

and inch)theW arre brake up,we omit to write . The p rinc ipallo ccali o nw as the falli fying o f thepromifes befo remade .0 ur K ing p erceiving that:W arre wo uld rile,as ked thePrelats andChurchtrien,What fuppo rt they,

we irldmake to the fufiaining o f thefame : fo r rather wo uld he yet lat ifh e the deli re o f h is Uncle,then hewo uld haz ard warrewhere he law no t:

h is fo rce able to refifi . Theyp ro mifedmo untains o fgo ld(as Satan theirfather did to Chrili Jefus ifhe W o uld worih ip him)fo r ratherwo uld theyhave go ne to hell then he iho uld have met with K ing Henry fo r then

tho ugbr they,F arewe/lour K ingdomMAhhot onhné‘e. Andflrewe/l,tho ught

TheCli uYCli o'

:the Cardinall,hia credit andglory in France. In the end,theyp romifed fifty

men ingagc

theKing totho uland cro wns byyeere, to bewellpaid lo lo ng as theW arre lalled

m m ,gnna and further, That th e ir fervants and o ther thatappertained to them, andh i sUncle. were exempted from commo n fervice, ih o uld neverthelefle ferve in time

o f necefli ty. Thefe‘

vain promifes lifted up in“

pride the heart o f the unih appy k ing,and lo begins theW arre. The Realme Wasmattered and

men were laid in j edhurgh and Kelfii Allmen(fo o ls we mean)braggedo f viéio ry, and inverydeed the beg inning g ave us a faire th aw Fo r at

the firfiW ai‘

denReade wh ich was made o n Saint Bartholomew: day in

the yeere o fo ur Lo rd, i 54 : was theW arden SirRohertBowenh is bro ther4R ichard 80t Captain: o fNorhame, S i r I/VzllzamMameheryKnight,a BafiardS onnc o f the Earle o fAngus and 3 34m“ Dowglne o f Bar /ahead then Re

bels ,with agreat number o f Bo rderers Souldiers and Gentlemen takenh

" H “ W “ “ w “ m


L i l) . 1 . Of RC’llgtonm theTied /me of Sco tland. h as t

The Reade was termed Ho lderig . The Earle o f Ang eli: and Sir GeorgieAnndh is bro th‘

er, d id narrowlye fcap e. Our Pap ilis and Prelats ,pro ud o f th i svié

‘to r

y, enco uraged the King, (0 that there was‘

no th ing heard burAllit

our} TheyhehntHerefieke: tf wehe 4 thbnfiznd and theyten thonflznd, theydare a

notfiglt ; Franceflmflenter znto onepart, andWethebtheh and [0[ballEngland he528331213

33?eonqngfl ’

wzthzn n yeere. If anyman was feene to fmile at fuch vanitie; he caufe lt re

was no mo re buraTray’


ur and an Herericke . Andyetby thefemeanes gm ccd “ w

men had greater liberty then thty had befo re 5 as c o nce rning the irc o nfcience fo rthen


ceafed the perfccutio n. The W arre co ntinued t illmidde September } And then was (em do wn the

o ld Dul’

te o f Norfolke,w ith fuch an Army as a hundred yeeres befo re had no r c o meinto



land. Theywere in gathering the i r Fo rces , and letting fo rward o f theiiP reparat io ns andMunitio n s wh ic h were exceed ing great , t illmiddeOéto ber and after. And then theyMatched from Bortvtoh and tended to

thewafi,ever ho ld ingTweld upo n the i r 0 wn fide

,and}never camped treml

that‘R iver the {pace o f a m ile , during the who le time they co ntinued

in S cotland , wh ich was ten o r twelved ayes . F0 ces Were l‘ent up and

d own to Sena/lame, S tichell, and fu'

ch plates neere a o ut , butmany fnap

pets theygat fome C o rn theyburnt, befides thatwh ich thegreat ho l’cc o nfumed but fmail bo o tie they


carried away. The K ing afletnbledh is Fo rces at Pal/owe (fo r he was advertifed that they had promifed to

c ome to E dtnhnrgh ) and to o ke theMufiers allat an ho nre,two dayes befo re Hallowe even . There were fo undwith him eigh teen tho ufand able Anw owW316men : Upo n the Bo rders that awaited upo n the E nglifh Army,were ten’

rho ufan'

d go o d menwith the Earle o f Huntlie , Lo rds E rntzn Seton, and

Home; Thelewere judgedmen ancuh to hazard Battell,albeit thé o therwere efieemed fo

urtytho ufan‘

d. W h ile theK ing layat F allowe, abidingu po n theCones , and upo nadv



ement from theArmy.


The Lo rds beg an to remember how the K ing had been lo ng abufed byhis flatterers,and princ ipallybythe P


enfio ners o fthePrelats . Itwas then concludedthat theywo uldmake(ninenewremembrance o fLender lrz


g ,to fee if that

wo uld fo r a feafo n lomewhat help the Rate o f theirCo untry.But becaufethe Lo rds co uld no t agree amo ng th


em{elves upbn the perfo ns that dc;

ferved punifhment(f0 r everyman favo ured his friend)thewhole efcaped,and thepurp o fewas o pened to theKing,and byh imto the co urtic rs ,


t illtheycame to Edinburghflo o d in no little fear : but that was fuddenlyfo rgonas we {hallafter hear .;W hile time is thus p ro traétedahe E nglt/baremy,fo rwant o fvi&uals(as was bruted)retired overTweid inthenight,andfo begin to s kale dezfunderswhero lthe K ing advertifed,defired the Lo rdsand Baro ns to aflilth im to fo llow them into E ngland who fe



w ith o ne co nfent That to defend hok. perjen and Realme they wait/d haz ardTheLo rdw ig


melwhat/be'ver theyhad Bnt towo nder England ,


netther had they [0jay? 2223 3132

a theydefired neither yet could theyheahle to db anything to the hnrt ofE ngland eonfia

’ering thot they had long before heene ahfen

t from their honfer,theer prove/ion were [pent thei r horfet wearied and that whzeh tone greater? ofall the tents of theyeere d1d utterlyreclaim . Th is their s h iwer feemed tofatis fie the K ing : fo r he inwo rds praifed their prudent fo refight andw ife c o unfell. But the e fTav made to h is Co ur ti n g e m! t h an new

Halder igRead.


“TheHz/lorj of the(

Reformation L ib ].

A repo lie o f h is deli re s given to him in h i:OW HCli ce , lo vxo unded his h ighn”9

lto mack e (fo r lo ng h ad he rum e as lt imlelfe liile d .) th at he dec rec th a.

nomblc revenge , w h ic h no do ub t h e h rd n o r fa i led t o h i“ e executed if

G o d by h is o wne hand h ad no r c a t the dayes o f h is lyte . He re turnes to

E a’

znhnrgh, t he No b ili ty, Baro nsfi entlemen,andCo mm o ns , to the ir ha

b itatio ns . And th is was the feco nd and th ird dayes o f N o vember.W i th o ut lo nge r delayat th e p alac e o fH.zlyrnd

- hon[eWas a new c o uncell

afiemblcd a c o nncellwe meane o f h i s abulers where inwere acc ufat io ns layd againit the mo lt p art o f the No bilir ie , S ome were Heretzthy ;

S ome fat/ onrer s of England ; S omefr i ends to the Do wglas and fo c o uld

the re be no ne fa i th full to the King in the ir o p in io n i The Cardinall and

Prelats cait fago tts in the fire w ith allthe i r fo rce and find ing the Kingwho lly addicted to the ir devo t io n delive red unto h im a fc h ro ll c o n

taining the names o f fe ch as they in tle ir inqaifitio n had co nvié’t fo rHeretick s . Fo r th i s was the o rde r o f Juflice wh ich thefe h o ly Fathersk ept in c o ndemn ing o f inno cent men s W no fo everwo uld accufe any o f

Herefie,he was heard, no re fpeét no r c o niideratio n had, what m inde the

ac cufer bare to the p erfo n ac c ufcd s W h o fo ever was p ro duced fo r wit.

nelle,we te adm itted, ho w fulp it io us and infamo us (0 ever th eywe re , if

two o r th ree had p ro ved anyp o int that by their Law was ho lden He rc e

li e, that was anHereticke The re relied no mo re but a day to be affixedt o hi s co ndemnat io n and to the exec r

rt io n o f the ir c o rrup t fc nren'


W hatman c o uld be inno centwhere Inch Judges we re p ar rre , the wo rldmay th is day c o nfider . True it is , by falfe Jadgement and falfe W it

nefles have inno cents been o pprefled from the beg inning . Bur th is freedo me to fli ed inno cent blo o d go t never the Dc llbut i n the K ingdom :

o f Antich rifi 7 hat the znnoeent/ honld (lee, ,andneetherhnowam t/er , noryet the

m tneflethat teflzfieth againfl heen . But ho w lh r ll theAntich rittbe k no wne,if he (hall no r be c o ntrar io us to G o d the Father and h is S o nneChrift

jelus , in Law, Life,and Do a rine‘

. But th is We o mit. The fame fch ro llh ad the Cardinalland Prelat s o nceprefented to the k ing befo re at that

time when he returned fro m the Navigatio n abo ut the lfle s , in the yeere1 3 3 4. But then itwas relufed b the prudent and flout co uncello f the

Laird o i Graenge who o pened cieerely to the K ing the praétices o f theP lelats , and the danger that thereo f m ight culue W h ich c c nfidered bythe K ing (fo r be ing o ut o f his p allio n he was traa able ) gave th is ahfwer in the palace o f Halyrael

- hoofe to the Cardinalland Prelats gafter thatthey had uttered the i rmalice , and lhewedwhat p ro fitm ight arife to the

An3nrwcr Cro wne

,if hewo uld fo llow their co uncellt Poolte yon

Tfnglerr , g

et yon toa

year Ct ef Md reforme your owne liver , and he not znflrmnentr Of zit/cord 56’By this anfwe; "t myNohzlztz


e andme ; Or el/e, I'n owto God

,I[ballreformeyon not no the







isK i ng Of Denmark c hyznzprzfitnment doeth , _netther yet ar the [fl ag of England

m g had bindoth hyhang zng and heaa


zng : hat 1 final!reproove you by [limpe pnnfltments , ifi



lzhc cgt

érch. ev


er I heare [aah motton of yon ag ath e. The Prelats dafhcd and afl o nilh ed

ca l-i





t es ; W i th thrs anl'

wer ceafed fo r a feafo n to attempt any Further by rigo urabufedhtm.

again“ theN o b ility. But no w being info rmed'

o f all p ro ceed ings bythe i r Penli o ners

,o lw er S eneler Roj e La ird c f Cragze and Others who

were to them taithfullin _allthings 5they co nclude to hazard o nce againi “

7 their

‘TbeHi/Zov of the(


reateil number that ever appeared o r appro ached befo re the


fiiii§e pailno r th ree o r fo ur hundreth m en, and yet theymade ho :

as in their own gro und, i

n (uch feat s as theyare m o ltCxpert,

W hen fires were k indled, and almo fi flackned o n every

ht t ime to ihew h is glo ry and (0 inc o ntinent was dif

K ings Banner , and he upho lden by

two Spears , lift upupo n men s {bo ulders there w ith fo und o f Trumpet was pro claimed

Generall L ieutenant , and all men commanded t0 ~ o bey h im ,as the

Lo rd F lemyoqand manyOther Lo rds Baro n s and Gentlemen o f L o

rhame, F ife,Hogan ,andMeoro er. In th i s Mo untai n did the s k i rm i fh

c row ho rter than itwas befo re, {ho uters were heard o n everyl

‘fide fome

geo rd fh - men were firicken down fo me no r k nowing the gro und we re

mired and lo ft their ho rfes Some E ngliihHo rfe o f purpo fe were let

lo o fe, to provo k e greedie and imprudent men to preife at them as many

did,but fo und no advantage . W h ile


fuch diforder rifes mo re and mo re

in theArmy, every'

man c ried alo ud,MyLo rd LiCVtenant, W hat willye

do 6,Chargewas G

iven thatallmerr fho uld ligh t and go to Zarray in o r

der, fo r theywo uld figh t Others cried'

,Againfiwho m w illye fight


yo nder men willfight no ne Otherwayt s than ye fee the

m do if ye will

{land here wh ile them o rrow. New purpo fewas taken, That the F o o t

men (theyhad there with them certain Bands o f S o uldiers ) iho uld fafelyretire towards Scotland, and theHo rfe - men iho uld take theirHo rfeagain

and (0 fo llow in o rder. Great was the no,

fe and co nfufio n that was

heard,while that everyman calleth his own uggards the daywas neer

fpent, and thatwas the caufe o f the c reated fear. The Lo rdMoxwe/lper

ceiving whatwo uld be the end o f fuch beginn ings flo o d upo n h is feet

w ith his friends who being admo nifhed to tak e his ho rfe and providefo r h imfelf, anfwered Nay Iwl rather ohm

’e here the chance that it fli rt/l

pleofeGodrof mdme than tog o home , and ther e he hanger!5and fo he re

mained upo n his fo ur, andwas tak en wh ile the multitude fled and to o ke

the greater ihame. The enem ies perceiving the difo rder increafed in

c o uragef Befo re they ih outed,but then theyfiro ke theyfho r Spears , and

dagged Arrows where the Companies were ,th ick efi 5 fome enco unters

were made,but no th ing availeth ,the S o uldiers callfrom them thei r Pik esandCulverings , and o therW eapo n s fenc i ble ; the Ho rfe—men left theirSpears , and fo witho ut judgement allmen


fled. The Seawas filling, and(o rbitwater madegreat [to p 5but the fear was fuch , - as happywas he that

m i c ht get a taker Such as paired the Water, and efcaped thatdanger, no :

we lacquaintedwith the gro und fell into the flimy mo fl'

e the entrythereo f was pleafing eno ugh, but as they pro ceeded all that to o k thatway, either lo ft their ho rfe o r elfe themfelves and ho rfe bo rh . To be

i bo rt a greater.

fear and difco mfiture with o uqcaufe, hath feldome b eenefeei n

gfo r ru s faid That where the men were n0 t fufficient to tak e the

Ban s o f prifo ners Some ran to ho ufes , and rendered themfelves towomen

n lggion in the“

Rea/me of Sco tland 33

women . S to ut Dim er was w itho ut fi ro k e tak en fleeing fullmanfully.And An[10fo was his glory(fiink ing a


nd fo o lifh pro udneiTe we ih o uld c allit)fuddenly turned to c o nfufio n and ihame . In that difcomfiture w ere tak en the

two Earls afo refaid, the Lo rds F leming , S om m e/l,and OlyPham

‘,and ma

nyOther Baro ns and Gentlemen, befides the great multi tude o f fervants .

W o rldlymen fay,Thatallthis c o m e but bym ifo rder and fo rtune,as theyterm it : But who fo ever hath the leaitfpark o f the k nowledge o f G o d,

may as evidently fee the wo rk o f his hand in th i s d ifc o mfiture as ever

was feen in any o f the Battells left to us in Regifier by the ho ly G ho ii Note.

Fo rwhat mo re evident Declarat io n have we that G o d fo ught againftBenhadad, K ing o f A ram , when he was difc omfited at S amar ia , than now comm,

we have, that G o d fo ughtwith his o wnArm againfl S cotland in th i s fo r red to Bentw

mer difco mfiture 6 There did two hundred and th i rty perfo n s in the fizgga’m “

Sk irmifh, w ith feven tho ufand fo llowing them in the great Battell, put to mfg.fligh t the faid Beahaa

’ael W ith th irty K ings in his Co mpany. But here

there i s in th i s ihamefulldifco r‘

nfiture o f S cotland very few mo re than

th ree hundreth men , w itho ut k nowledge o f any Back e o r Rattellto fo llow, put to flight ten tho ufand men, w itho ut refifiance made . There did 3°g37

°fl 122°everyman reco unter his marrow till that the two hundred and thirty

m g “ x

flew (uch as matched them : Burbe'

re, witho ut [laughter themultitudefled. There had tho fe o f S amaria thePro phet o f G o d to comfo rt , to

,infi ruét , and to promife V icto ry unto them But E ag laarl in that pura

fuit had ii Oth ing , but as G o d fcc retlywro ught by h is p ro vidence in the

men that k new no th ing o f h is wo rk ing, neither yet o f the caufeo f, mo re then the wall that fellupo n the rei

‘t o f E enhadadr A rmy k new

what it did . And there fo re yet again we fay, That f uch as in“

that fud o

a den’

dejecftion beho lds no t the hand o f G o d fight ing againfl pride fo r

freedome o f h is own little Flo ck injufllyperfecuted do th W illinglyandfmalicio ufly o bfcure the glo ryo fG o d;but the _end thereo f i s yetmo re notable . The certain k nowledge o f the difco mfiture c oming to the K ingsears (who waited upo n new s ar Loohmahan he was fi ricken w i th a fud o wl-May, “

den fear and afldnifhment , (0 that fcarcely Co uld he fpeak , o r had pur

p o few ith anyman The n ight co nPcrained h im to remain where he was 5 mi};and fo went to bed

,but ro fe w itho ut refl

,o r quiet {leep His c o ntinuall fearwas aivm ,

c o mplaintwas , Ofled Glover tit Olzver taken Ofléd Oliver And thefew o rds i n h is melancho lly, and as itwere carried in aTrance, repeated befro m t ime to time to theveryho ur o fdeath . u po n the mo m , wh ich wasS aint K atherme: day, returned he to Edmhutgh, and fo did the Cardinallfro mHadmgtoa . But the o ne being aihamed o f the Other,thebrute o f the i rcommunicat io n came no t to publik e audience . The K ing made Inventoryo f h is Treafure, o f allhis Jewels , and o ther iubfiance. And thereafier afhamed to lo o k anyman in the face , _fecretly

—d eparted to s e,

and com ing to , Hallz azrdet was humanely received o f the ‘Lady o fGrange, an anc ient and go dlyMatro n (the Lai rd


at h is co m ing was abfent. In his c ompany was o nely wi th h im W ill/ am K irha/dy nowLaird o f Grange and fome Other that


waited upo n h is Chamber .The Lady at Supper erceiving him penfive beganne to c

‘o m

~Fo rt him and willeth‘

im to tak e the W o rk o f G o n in go o d

part .

n ffle N411.

Levit J z .

Reg!) cxilm,

TheHi/lorgyof theReformatzon L ibJ ;

orlol12;[hor tj br I W 1 11 not hewzthyoufifteendayes . Hi s fervant s repai ring unto h im, a s k ed where he w

o uld have p ro

vifio n made fo r Chrifim as , wh ich th en appro ached he anfwered W i th a

difdainfullc o untenance,I cannot tell, chnfeyoo theplace


5 hat the: I cantell

you Or Chrzfimat dayyou willhema/t‘erleffe, and the Realme met

hont a K ong .

Becaufe o f h is di fpleafure no man duritmak e c o ntradiCtio n unto h im .

S o after that he had vifited the Caflleo f Car a] . pertain ing to the Earle o f

Cra ivfitr a’e, where the faid

Earles daugh ter,“

o ne o f h isMifi reifes was he

returned to F alkland, and to o k bed. And albei

part : Myporti on , faid he, af thia to

HenryBalfour , a Priefi,

co rd ingly, but invain .

latelybefo re deliveredfaid,W elcome

,myL ord,


ture , divers men are

any fo n (he


ic all Law














£ hewas no Jew, and therefo re in that ih e o ffended n0 t . The

1 {la0


t e each o f K i ng 55am“ divi ilgate, who'

departed th is life the3 Y O December » m the yeere o f G o d 1 542 aforelaid the hearts o fmen began to be difclo fed . Allmen lamented that the Realme

was left

w ith o ut

TheHi/Zorie of theReformation L ib . f

K ings po c ket afterh is death did w itneffe ; Thefe two th ings to gether

0w ith an Op inio n thatmen had o fh i s fimpllClty, bowed the hears o f many,

unto h im in the beginn ing who’

after,W i th do lo ur o f hearts

,were co m

pelled tochange their o p ini o ns :

bur hereo f we W i llafterfpeak . The va

r ietyo f matters thato ccurred we a s the o rder tak en fo r

k eeping o f the yo ung (mea t , o f the pro vifio n fo r the m o ther , the c al

ling home o f theDooglne ,and Other,fuc

h as appert ain to aUniverfalHillo o

ryo f the time . Fo r, as befo rewe have faid,we m inde o nely to fo llow the

p ro greife o f the Religio n , and o f the matters that canno t be fevered

from the fame.

The Earle o f Arran thus being ellablifhed in the G overnment go dlymen repaired unto him ,

exho rted him to c all to m inde fo r what end G o dhad exalted h im to be G overno ur o ut o f wh at dange r he had delivered

h im,he being in the blo o dy Scro ll, as we faw befo re ; and what ex

peetatio n allmen o f ho nefiyhad o f him becaufe they law him a (b it

m an , theyco nceited go o dnefl’

e o f him . At thei r infiant fuit, m o re than

o f his own mo tio n , was Thom/oi a llzeme , a black Frier , called to be

Preacher. The manwas o f fo und judgement,o f reafo nable lettei s (as fo rthat age) and o f a prompt and go o d utterance. His D o étrine W as who l

fo me,Witho ut

, great vehemency againft fuperfiitio n . Preached alfo

fometime f ohn Rough, (who after fo r thever ity o f Chrifi j efus fufieredin E ngland) albei t no r fo learned yet mo re fimple, and m o

‘re vehement

againft all impiety. The B o ett in‘e o f thele two pro vo ked againfl them

and a‘

gaini‘t the G overno ur alfo , the hatred o f all fuch as m o re favo ured

darkneffe than light ,and the ir own interei‘t,m o re than G o d . The gray

Priers (and amo‘ngfi the reil Fr ier S oot who befo re had given himfelf

fo rth fo r thegreateftPro feifo r o f Ch rifiJefus W ith in S cotland, and underthat co lo ur had difclo fed and fo endangered many.) Thefe {laves OfS athan rowped as they had been Raven s yea rather they yelled and

ro ared as devills in hell Herefie, her efie, Gui /[tame and Rough well6 47 7] theGovernour to the devil]. The To wne o f E dznhnrgh , fo r the mo lt part,was devo ured in fuperfiitio n . Edward Hope yo ung W z/lmm Adamfon 51

Lyndfay, Patri/eeLyndfey, F ranco'

s A thn'

mn And in the Canno n d ate,

J ohnMac/earn, andNt futen Browne,w ith few0 thers,had the buri t o fk now

ledge in thefe dayes . OneWzlfim, fervant to the Bit p o fDonehe/l, whoneither knew new Teftament no r theo ld , made a defp igh tfullrailing Ballad

,againll thePreachers , and againi

’t the G o verno ur, fo r the wh ich he

narrowly efcaped hanging. The Cardinall m oved bOth heaven andhell to tro uble the G overno ur to {lay the Preach ing but yet was $13 3Bartell {lo o tly fo ught fo r a feafo n fo r he Was taken and pue firi’c in


Cardinal Dalheyt after in S eaton . But at length by Bribes given to the faidLo rd


Swim,and to the o ld Lai rd o f L ethmg ton , he was refio red‘0 5mm Vf fldfl ’wcf from whence he wro ught all m ifchief as we

{hall after heare. The P A a L 1 A i i 5 it 1 appro ached wh ich was befo re E {f S 7 15R , there beganquellio n o f the abo lifhing o f cer‘

taineqTyranni call A C T


S made befo re at the Devo tio n o f thePrelates

afo r (11° maintaining Of their K ingdome o


f Darkenéfle‘



‘(f hie

‘ligion in the Sco tland.




‘That under patne afHere/Ze, no man /hould \

r eadfi

e anypart of the S or t/7 .

tar e: tn the‘Vulg ar Tong ue netther yet anyTr afl atehr E xpofitton of _


of S cr ipture Such Articles began to co me inquefiio n ave fay ,And




to .enquire If it we re no t lawful]


to men that underflo o d no Lat/ rte,

to li fe thewo rd o f thei r Salvat io n in theTo ngue they underflo o d as it

w as fo r the L attnem°

en to have it in L atine Cr ot tant o r Hehr ewr to have it

in the i rTo ngues . ItWas anfwe'

red,Th at the Church,he mean s the P re

lats , firil had fo rbidden allTo ngues but the three ,


z . Hehrewfi r eeig andL arrue. But men demanded when that Inh ibit io n was given , andW hat

Co unfellhad o rdained it c o nfidering that' in the dayes p f Chryfit/Zonte, he

c o mplained That the peo ple ufed‘

the Pfa/rn es and Otherho lyBo o k s intheir owne To ngues :And -ii ye w illfay theywere Gr eeks , and underflo o dthe GreekTo ngue W e anfwere;Thai ChrifiJefu


s commandedt

his wo rd

t o bePreached to allNat io ns 3 now if it Ought to bePreached to allNa

t io n s , it mull be Preached in the To ngue theyunderfland . Then if it be

la ullto Preach, and heare’

it Preached in allTo ngues W hy iho uld it

nOt be lawfull to reade it, and hear it read in allTo ngue s to the end that

the peo ple may trythef zrztr,acc o rding to the c o mmandment o fthe Apo

file . Beaten with theé)

and Other Reafo ns they denied - no t but it m ightbe

read in theHulgarTo ngue , provided if theT‘

ranilatio n were true . Itwas demanded,W hat co uld be reprehended in it


’Andwhen much féarch

ingwas made,n0 thing could be fo und : But that L ove fay they was put in

the place o fChar tty 3 W hen the(fi eflio nwas as k ed,W hat d ifference was

betwixt the o ne and the other 5 and if they underflo o d the nature o f the

G reek term dyotn riahey were dumb . Reafo ned fo r the partyo f the feculars,The L .Ruthmen

,father to him that prudently gave c ounfellto g

tak e juil pun iihment upo n that k nave Dara/d, fo r thath e abufed the unhappy K .HenryS tuart

,in trio cafes


then o’

ne,a flo ut and a difc reet man in the caufe o fGOd,


,an o ld pro fefl


o ur . Fo r the part o f the Clergy,o ne

Hay,Dean o fL aflarr t’

h,and certain o ld Biih ops with him . The co ncluii o n

was ,TheCo mm ifli o ners o f Br ougher ,and a partOf theNobility, requ i redo fthe Parliament

,that it m ight be E naét





t jhould he lawful!to eve-zryman to ufe the hen

efit of theTr an/latton whzeh then theyhad of the Old andNemTcfiament, tog ether tru th the henefit of other Tr eatifet conta ining wholfomc.D ofirme, unttll futh t1me/u the Pr elats and other Chur oh -

‘tnen [hould g tve and

fitfor th unto them a Tran/lam a more t orrete'

. The Clergie hereto lo ng te

pugned. But in the end c o nvinced byReafo n s and by m ultitude,o f I 54 3 .

vo yces in their co ntrary, they alfo co ndefcended And fo by Aer Of An AnarPa'


it was made free w a llmen and w omen to read the Scrip "mm “

t ures in their o wne HulgarTo’

ngue and fo were all Afts made to the gitigffgf‘

co ntraryabo lifhed:

Th i s was no fmallVifto'rieo f C H R I,S T J E S U. 3 , fight

ingagainfi the co njured “

enem ies o f h is Veritie No fm all c omfo rt tofut h as befo re were ho lden in (rich bo ndage that they durit nOt haveread 5 The Lo rds Prayer The ten Co mmandments no r The A rticle


s o f thei r Faith in the llulgar To ngue but they i ho uldhave been accufed o f Herefie . Then m ight have beene feene the Bzhle lying almo fl:upon everyGentlemans Table. TheNewTefiament was bo rne abo ut

F 3

No tewell;


TheHi/ZoU of theReformation L ib i .

in manymens h ands . W e grant that (ome (alas p rOPhaned that blel


f.“ 5M ?“ m it

the cheelte W i th it and fa Th i h h ly u C OP thei r fdm iliars o n

Y r5 at yne under my beds feet thefe ten

£6 6 1



0 th

?“ w

puld glo ry 0 ho w o ft have I been in dange r fo r th is

( m


i 0



















‘glfe a

ltm idnight to rea


de up

y o ur thereby Fo r all men efieerzied the (go ven

riiqo sr



fig’ ar

id Curryfa

them o l‘t Fervent Pre tefiants that was in E urope. Albei t



6 6 1




0 “ Of

ny abufed that libertie o ranted o f G o d m iraculo ufl

we ay t at m ?

the kn o wledge o f G o d WD

OndCi OUflyincreafe and G 21, yet thereby d’



i i: to fimplemen in great abundance Thenwere fo

fgave h i s holy {P1‘

o‘wne To ngue befides tho fe that came fro m B i


jrth W o rk s


m o ur

t lo fe the pride, the craft the tyrannie and b {71g 4” I

that d id dlf'

ohm/l. The fame o f o ur>

G overno ur wa

as f r


C 3es

(pf that Romane Amt

manypraifed G o d fo r h im , K ing Hear tlfe e?





c o ufltf¢Y5, and

b t lfl‘

ddo ur M. m dul who lafin E al

t e

gt unto h im h i s Am

Summer, h is Co mmi ii-i o n and li c e Oti£1220 “ W il




berg a great part o f the




bet‘gixt B ’g‘fd fl fl

iand Sf or14751. The o ccafign













o ere t at to man

a 0

h is go o’

d plcafure in {ligfl





1 “a he had declared




death o f Q eene Kather


tm and o f










ma e isMarri’a e fuf 6’

‘g t ave

fed mem o rys elderfoggylexis






flgdm rd the fiXth Of blef

(mem e,as befo reWe have heard; Th i s wb




and unto us was left a

caufed men o f greatelt jUdO ement to em9 Cr




idPro videncx;o f G o d

felves W hether thatwithb

go o d co nfc ie




mo lp Itan o n W i th t hem




ssfires o f theKi ng of England, co nfide











c arre m iO h t be cut 0b

a 0 CC3 10 11

Fealme . Th


e o flfer s o f {gaggfijfizsc










1t rinfli





o th i s

o nable that all that l

e an 5 0 f ea

were lent Fro m the Parlighle













gcm therewi th There

L ermoat, andM‘”a”? Bdlneeutar who

glo n

o r); in. O

Omhli ili o n S “ f d 'm f

vailed that allth ing s co nce'

rniii the Mg i





m E ”? a‘fo “ 1

andMary(meen o f 39

m :was agreged upo n


égcgezt te


g t £ 41






ance to the cufio d o f

ime 0 er e iVCf

wh ich head, werg,






ffn the

frfinall c o nclufio n '

o f the

Glrntar o e and S ir GeorgeDom/{ 1.35 t o whmml romers W zllzam Earle o f

{i o n and go o d InfirUétio ns . in S chtla d0m


was gt

advertifements pa& (0 frequentlybetW2


liberally were ano inted befides Otlfo me rec eived,


free upo n pro m

w itnefTe . But

the Og eene, an

the Abthe per

fire fo r

Balnw er , M. Thoma; Badenden and Sir David L indejay o f the Mo unt

Men bywho fe labo urs hewas pro mo ted to h o no ur and bywho fe co un

cellhe lo ufed himfelfe af th e beginn i ng, that theobedi ence g iven to h imwas no th ing inferio ur to that o bed ience that anyKing o f S cotland o f manyyeeres had

befo re h im ea,in th i s i t did furmo un t the co mmo n o be

d ience, in that it pro ceededrom love o f tho fe vertues that was fuppo fed

to have beene in h im . Of the number o f thefe that were threatned,

were M. M'

chael Durham M. David Borrhrtrhe Dari/ rd.

F orn jfl? 3 and

David Bothwell who co unfelled h im to have i n co mpanyW i th h im,men

fearing G o d,’

and nOt to no ur'

iih wickedmen i n thei r i niqui ty albei t theywere called h is friends , and were o f h i s furname : Th i s co unfell underflo o d bythe afo refaid A

bbo r, and by the Hami lton: (wh o (ll-C2repaired

to the Co urt, as Ravens to the Carrio n ) in plainewo rds i t was faid, MyL ordGovernour nor hitfr iendi



vtllnever heatqazetneffe tr”4 doz en of the/Eknafver that ahnfieto Grace hehan ed. Thefewo rd s were fpo k en in h i s o wn

prefence, and inthe prefence o lome o f them that had better deferved


then to have beene fo ufed the fpeak erwas allowed fo r his plain andbo ld fpeak ing . And fo thewicked co unfellfo llo wed ho nell and go dlymen left the Co urt and him,

in the hands o f fuch as by theirw icked co unfell led him fo far from G o d that he falfified his pro mife dipt hihands in the blo o d o f the Saints o f G o d and bro ught th is Commo nwealth to theverypo int o f utter ruine. And thefewere the fin} fruits o ftheAb t o f Par/layhis co unterfe it G o dlineii


e and Learu ing Bur hereo f

wewillheare mo re. Allho neftand go dlymen banilhed from the Co urt,

the Abbo r and his co unfell beginneth to lay befo re the inco nfiant Co

vermo ut , the dangers thatmight enfue the alterat io n and change o f Religio n. The power o f the K ing o f F rance the co mmo dity that m ightcome to him and his ho ufe byretaining the anc ient Leaguew ith F rance,and the great danger that he bro ugh t upo n h imfelfe, if in o ne j0 te h e faf.fereth the autho rityo f the Po pe to be vio lated o r called in do ubt with inth is Realme Co nfidering that thereupo n o nelyflo o d the fecurityo f h is

pretended right to the fucceiii o n o f theCrowne o f th i s Realme : Fo r byGo ds wo rd co uld no rbe go o d the divo rcement o f his father fro m B lue .

Hume,filter to the Lo rdHame,his lawfullwife, and co nfequentlyhis mara


ge w ith Beton,Neece to f ame: Beton,Bifhop o f S .Andrcm (E li

a eth Hams being alive ) mull be null, and he declared Ballard . Caitlin:fpak e PrOphefie andyet will:no t what he fpake F o r at that ti e therewas hardlyanyman that truely feared G o d that m inded anyfue


l'ith ing,butwith thei rwho le fo rce wo uld have fo rtified him in the place that G o dhad given unto him, andwo uld never have called inqueftio n th ings do nein time o fdarkneife. But th is head we pail


e by t ill G o d declare his willtherein . Ano ther praetifewas ufed : As fo r the Cardinall,he being fet atlibert

_ie(as befo rewe have heard ceafed n0 t to traffiquewith fach o f the

Nob ility as hem ight draw to his faétio n o r co rrupt byanymeanes to

rai fe a pan ic againil the faid G o verno ur and againfi fuch as flo o d fall atthe Co ntraét o f Marriage and Peace w ith E ng land. And fo affembled atLynlytquom, the faid Cardinall, the Earles A rgyle, Hantlze, Bothwefl, theB ifli o ps and their bands .And thereafter theypaired to Str ife/elm, and to o k

wi th

G overno ur;fathomlaw All th is was

t hen raid byG ranzdf‘atheF

theCard inall,was bo rnebyMaryS tuar t fullhusband Pemrautbem


d was yet alive nely retendfidfi‘”beto be lawfullynext to the Crowne , as the late K ing ? m e: ehe f’fiih dido ften declare ,

That if he died Witho ut heite' male ,he {wo uld fettie the

Crowne upo n him ,bUt alfo lawfullheire o f theE arledo rnc QfArrm

as being defcended fromMaega n Homelron ,home to Mar] Steer


t G omer

after the death o f Tbomaa Boyd her fo rmer hus band (now

fiant E ar'

e (i f A r ran had g iven h im felfe who lly to


e Cardinali)The Cardi nallfartherpmthe E . o fL enox in vain -h o pe that

theQ ieedD o wager iho uldmarr

yh im .He bro ugh t W i th h im fo me m o ney

and mo re be after received at the tands o f Laor ofi. But at‘length perce i

ving h imfelfe fruilrate o f alleXpeé’tati o n that he had, either byF rance, o r

yerby the promife o f the Card inall3 h e c o ncludet

h toleave F r ance,and to

feek the favo ur o f E ngland : And fo began to draw a fati’tio n againft t

G o verno ur,and in hatred o f the o rhe

r s' inc o nflancymany

favo ured him in

thebeginning : Fo r t

here affembled at Chrrilmas in the I o wn o f / Iyr e;

Earles o f The Lo rdMam /lfi he Lai rd o f Dam

lam /g;The Sheri ffe o fAyr e,Campbell W i th all the force that theyand the

Lo rds that remained co nfiant at the o pinio n o f E ng land m igh t mak e , and

afterChriflmas they came to light . The G overno urand Card inallw ith

their fo rces k eptE dinbnrg/o(fo r theywere flack lypurfued ,Men excufed the

Earle o f Lenox in that behalf


e and laid the blame upo n fo me thath ad nowillo f the S teward: Regiment . Ho wfo ever i t was

,fuch an appo intme



was made, that the (aidEarle o f L enox was difappo inted o f h i s purpo fe,

and narrowlyefcaped, and h i llgar h im to Glafgow and after to Dambar

tone; - S irGeorgeDongle; was delivered to be k ept as pledge . The Earle his

bro th

erWas in the Lent after taken at the fiege o f Glafg om. It was b ruted,that bOth thebrethren, and Others with them had lo ft thei r head if by

the pro vidence o f G o d the E ng ltfl) Armie had no r arrived in t ime . A f

ter that theCardinall had go tten the G o verno urwh o lly additfi to his de

vo rion,and had o b tained his intent ab ove a part o f his enem ies He beganto praétife , ho


w that fuch as he feared, and therefo re deadlyhated,fho uld

be fet bythe earesy'

o ne againl’t ano ther fo r in that th o ugh t the c arnall

man p ut h is greatei’t fec uritie ) The Lo rd Ratbmen he hated by rea

fo n o f his knowledge'

o f G o ds ‘W Ord . The'

Lo rd Grayh e feared be

caufea t that tim'

e .he'

ufed the c o mpany o f. f uch as pro fe i'

fed go dlineffe

and bare fmall favour. t o theCardinall. Now thus reafo ned the wo rld

lywife ‘

man, IfI can put enmitybetwiXt thefe two ,I {hallbe rid o f a great

number o f uhfriends fo, Fo r theme lt part o fthe Co untreyw illeither ali i ftthe o ne


‘r the fo willthey


be otherwife o ccupied,the‘

n to watch

fo r mydifpleafure.I' JHe finds the mean s wi th o ut lo ng pro ceffe fo r he la

h o urs with ”

T'obnCbartlerone aman o f flo ut co urage and

many fr iends )t oaccept theProvo firieo f S . yobnflon, wh ich he purchafed to h im

t io n o f '

the G overno ur,with ac harge

to the {aid To wne, to o bey h im as

theirlawfullProvofl W hereat no t o nely the faid Lo rdfi ntbwenfiur alfo

theTowne being o ffended, gave a negativeanfwer alleadging that fuch


i o n o f men to . o ffi ce was hurtfull to’

their priVile'

dige and freedomwh ich granted unto them . free eleélio n o f rtheir Pr ovolt from y




yeere,at a certain timeappo inted, h ich theyco uld no t no r wouldno t an~


"H ereat the faid f obnmffended , faid T hat he wo uld take thato ffice by fo rce, iftheywo uld h0 t grant it unto him o fbenevo lence . And10 departed and c ommuned the matter witht he Lo rd ,Gray ,0

w ith Norman{at/li e,and W ith Others his friends , whomhe eaiily perfwaded to aiiiil h im1" that Puffin“ Becaufe he appeareth to have t he: G <>ve rno urs right?,


The E i/laU af t/76 Reformation Lib.r.

a f cred That th meantno th ing lefle, fo r theycame at h is G ra‘A”no t






i riiv





yo have kept the bo ure in Beadle appo inted

by him which becaufe theyfawp revented and knowing tt ardr

nailto be their friend, theyco uld no t but fufpeé’e their unprovidedcom

inn fo rth o f theTo wne, and therefo re they put themfelyes in o rder,no t



invade, but to defend, in cafetheywere invaded. Thrs anl'

wer repo r

ted, was fent to the Bifhop o f Saint Andrew s, the Abbo r Of P Mi“

{ter Dav/dFewer, the Lairds o f Haldane/1 and Coldmknpnre: to defire cer;

rain o f the Other company to talk with them 5 wh ich theyeafily o btain “

ed (fo r theyfufpcacd no trealo n. After lo ng c ommunicati o n i t Was

denianded,lf that the Earle and Lo rd, andMailerHenryaforefard,wo uldno t be co ntent to talk W i th the Governo ur. providedthat the Cardinalland his company were o n the place Theyanfwered That theGovernourmight c ommand them inallthings lawful}.Butthcyhad no willto be in the Cardinals mercy. Fairpro hnifes enowwere made fo r theirfecurity. Then was theCardinalland his Bandcommanded to depart,as that he did,acco rding to the purpo fe taken.TheG overnour remained,and a certainnumber wi th him To whom came witho ut company,the (aid Earle, Lo rd,andM. Henry. AftermanyfairWo rds g iven to themall, to wit,



hat hewo uld have them agreedwirh theCardi’

nall,and thathewo uld haveMallet HenryBelm fves the wo rk er and infirument thereo f,he drew them fo rwards with them to wards Saint lobe/Ion whereto the

Cardinallwas ridden. Theybegan to fufpefi(albeit itwas to o lare)audtherefo re thry defired to have returned to their fo lks , fo r putting o rderunto them But itwas anfwered, Theyih o uld fend back fromthe town,but theymutt needs go fo rwardwithmy Lo rd G overno ur and fo ,partlybyflattery, and partlybyfo rce, theywere c ompelled to o bey andas fo o n as theywere in theTowne, theywere apprehended and o nthemo rro w fent allthree to theBladeNelfe, where they remained as it plcaf.ed the Card inals gracelefi


e Grace, and that‘

was tillthe Band o f Named,and o f fervice, fet fome o f themat liberty. Andthus the Card inalwith ,

his craft perfwaded o n everyfide fo that the Sco ts Proverb was true i n

him So long refine: theF ox, 4: befutelrer. W hether itwas at this jo urney,o r at ano ther

,that that blo odybutcher executed his crueltyupo n the in

no cent pcrfo ns inS . lob/effort,we canno t aifirme neitheryet therein fludywe to be curious , but rather we travellto exp reffe theverity whenfo cver i twas do ne

,than fcrnpulo uflyand exaaly to appo int times wbich

yetwe omitno t, when the certainty o ccurres . Theverityo f that cruellA woman,

and fa il 15“1 15;At 3 . PM: day,befo re thefirit burning o fE dmburgb, came toSh



if: S. lo/mjlon the G overno ur andCardinall, and there;upon envio us delari

c aule the pa ywere a g reat number o f honeltmen and women called befo re the


3131° Cardinall,and accul

‘ed o fhe relic . And albeit they could be co nvinced

rs 1 o f no th ing but o nelyo f iufpitio n that they had'

eatenaGo o fe uponF r idayf o nrmenwere adjudged to be hanged,and awoman to be drown~cd 5wh ich cruellandmo i’t unjul’r fentence ,


was witho utmercyput in executi o n the husbandwas hanged and thewife, having a fuck ing babeUp o n h“ btefi

,was dro wned . 0 L ord,the L and r


e not yet purgedfromfirthberg/Hycruelty, nertlzer lat/7 thyjujlvengeanceyerfir ielcen allthat were cr iminal!ofitbear

Lib. r. y'

fi ltgion in t/ye'


Qm/me of Sco tland.,



their blood. But the dayapp ro acheth when that the punifhment o f that AHUOc ruelty, and o f o thers , w ill evidentlyappearg. The names o f

"the men

thatwere hanged were,”

f ame:Hunter, W lzam Lambe, W i lliam f i nder/9» ,lame:Rem it,E ntgelfe o f S aint fobnflon. At that fame timewere baniihed, S irHenryE ldar , Io/mE ldar, W alter Piper L aurence Par/lar w ith diverso thers , who fe names come no t to o ur k no wledge . That fwo rn enemyto Ch ri itJefus , and unto all inwh om any fpark o f knowledge appeared;had about that t ime in prifo n divers s amo ngfiwho m was Rog er a IobnRogcr,a

black Frier, go dlyand learned, o ne that had fruitfullypreac hed Chrifi “mks

?c u3 ,t0 the comfo rt o f manyin Angus andMcarraes wh o m that blo o dy

mu“ re

man canfed to murther in the gro und o f the SeaTo wer in S .Andrcw5, and

then caufed to call h im over the wall, fpreading a falfe brute That thefaid 101mfeck ing to file, had bro ken h is own neck . Th is ceafed no r S a

thanby allmeans to maintaine his k ingdome o ff



e and to.

{upp reife the light o f Chrifis G o fpel


. Butmigh ty i s he againltwhom theyfight : fo rwhen the w ickedwere ingre

ateftfecurity then began G o dto {how h is anger. Fo r the th ird day o f May, in theyeer o f o ur Lo rd1 544. yeers ,witho ur knowledge o f anyman in Scot

land,(wemean o f fuch p , 44,

as iho uld have had the care o f the Realme ) was feen a great!

Navy o fSh ip s arriving to wards the Fyrtb. The Po lls came to theG o vernour andCard inali (who bo th were in E dmburgb)whatmult i tude o f Ship s werefeen,andwh at co urfe they to o k . Th i s was o n the Saturdaybefo re no o n .

Quefiio n was had,W hatih o uld theymean6 S ome faid It is no do ub t

but theyare E nglifh - men, andwe fear that theywill land. The Card inall s k ipped, and faid Ir is the .lfland fio te

, they are co me to mak e a

ibew, and to put us in fear. I {hall lo d c all the men o fW arre in mine TheE ngllfheye, that fh ailland in Scotland. S till 1tteth theCardinallat his dinner


eating as rho ugh there had been no dan er appearing .

‘,Men allembled “ m m

to gaz e upo n the Ships ,'fome to the


Cafe e h ill, fome to themo untains,

and o ther places em inent . But there was no‘quefiio n,W ith what Fo rces N0”.

(hallwe refill if we be invaded, So o n after fixo f the clo ck at n igh t,were arrived, and had caftAnko r in the Ro ad o f Lettb mo re than two

hundred Sail. Sho rtlyafter, the Admirall(ho:a flo tt Bo at, wh ich fromGrmm Ii i/Is , tillbyBait La t/7, fo unded the deep , and (0 returned to herS h ip . Hereo f were d ivers o p inio ns ; men o f judgement fo refaw whacitmeant, butno c red it was given to any that wo uld lay,Theyminded toland, and fo

pafled everyman to his reil,as if the Ships had been aguard

fo r the ir defence. Upo n the p o int o f day upo n Sunday the fo urth o fMay addreffe they fo r land ing and they o rdered the Sh ip s fo , that aG alley o r two laid their fno uts to the h ills the fmall Ships c alledPinnaces and lightHo rfe - men, appro ached as neer as they co uld . The

great Sh ip s difc harged the ir So uldiers into the fmallerVeffels , and theybyBo ats fet Upo n dryLand befo re ten o f the clo ck , r 0 0 0 0 men, as was

judged, andmo re. TheG overno ur andtCardinallfeeing then the thingthat they co uld no r, o r at leaft theywo uld no t believe befo re, after theyhadmade a brag to fight, fled as fallas hor fe co uld carry them 5 fo thatalter they app ro ached no r w ith in twenty miles o f the danger. TheEarle o f M fig lfi , and Sir GeorgeDotvglm were that night freed o f W ard

(th ey

7 71 6 HifiOrie[of t/96(

Reformation L ib t

in Blacke r o The faid SirGeorge inmerrinelle , faid, I t/Jaazlzeifgz

ynfrii;aadmyg e

grlieMafler so f E ngland. The E ngliih Army betwixt

o ne and two o f the clo ck entered into Lea /7, fo und th eTable s cove red,the dinners p repared, fuch abundance o f wine andVi

étualls , befides the

o ther fub'

flance , that the like richest wrthm th e like b o unds was no r to

be fo und ne ither in Scotland no r E ngland. Upo nMunday the fifth o fMay,

came to them from Barn acle and the b o rders two th o ufand Ho rfe- men,

wh o being fomewhat repo fed, the Armyupo n theW ednefdaymarched

to ward theTo wn o f g diaétrrgb fpo iled and burnt the fame and (0 did

they the Palace o f Halyrarl- looafe. The Ho


rfe - men to o k theHo ufe o f

Crafg s /Cr , and gargreat fpo’

ils there in 3 fo r it be i ng Judged the flro ngeft

Ho uie neer the‘

To wh e, after the Gah le o f Eamoo rga,

and allmen fo ught

to fave the ir mo veables there in. But the fioutneffe o f the Laird gave ito ver,w itho ut (ho t o fHackebur, and fo r h is reward was c aufed to marchupon h is feet to L oaa

’oa He is nowCaptain o f Dambar and Pro vo fl o f

amon g /z. The E nglifh- men f c ing no rehfiance, hurled byfo rce o fmen

Canno ns upo n the fireet, to the Butter tro ne , and above, and haz arded aiho r againfi the fo re - entry

o f the Cattle but that was to the ir o wnp ains ; Fo r theylying wi tho utTrench o r Gab i o n,we re expo fed to the

fo rce o f thewho le Ordnance o f the(aidCafile,which ih o r,a_nd that no t

allin vain, fo r theW heeland Axletree o f o ne o f the E ngli ih Canno nswas bro ken , and (ome o f theirmen flain, and lb theyleftwith fmallho‘

no ur, that enterprife taken rather o f raihneffe,than o f anyadvifed co un

fell. W hen the mo ltpart o f the day they had fpo iled and burnt , to

wards the night they returned to L oot/9 , and upo n the mo rrow returned

to Edmlargb and executed'

the rell o f Go ds j udgements fo r that time.

And fo when they had c o nlumed bo th the To wns , they ladedt he Sh ipswith the fpo iles thereo f, and they. byLand returned to Barwiclz ufingtheCo untrey, fo r the mo flpart, artheir o wn pleafure . Th i s was a parto f the puniihmentwh ich G o d to o k up o n the Realm fo r the infidelity o ftheGoverno ur, land fo r the vio latio n o f his fo lemne Oath . But th i s was “

no t the end 5fo r theRealme'

was d ivided into two faaio ns s the o ne favo ured F rance

,the o ther the League lately co


ntraa ed w ith E aglaaolThe o ne did in no th ing s c redit tho ro wly the o ther fo that the

Co untreywas inextreme c alamity : fo r to the E ngliih - mén were


deliveredd ivers Strengths ,fuch as and L ang

- brim the mo fl:

part o f the Bo rderers were co nfederatewi th E ngland And albeit‘

at An

1 54 4.H omemare in F oéraary, in the yeer o f Go d 1 544. was S ir RafeE war t withmany o ther E nglilh

- men flain, and the yeere afterwere fome o f thep faidfirengths reco vered,yetwas it no twitho ut great loflb and de triment o fthe C o mmo n - wealth : Fo r in the mo nth o f Ianaary in the yee r o f G o d1 543 Morifiw r do Large with Bands o f men o f W ar, came fro m F ram e

,fo r a dcflwamfl to Scotland Fo r upo n their b rag was anArmy raifed ,fo rwards theygo to wards W or/ac even

in the m idi} o f harvelt. TheCard inalls Banner was that day difplayed and all h is Files werecharged : to be under itmany had befo re p ro m ifed but at the


p o int;i t was left lo bare that w ith flaame it was (but up into the po ck ngarue,and fhc)’ after a fhew returnedwi thmo re {hamé t0 theRealm

,then hurt

“ I“


Hiflorj of t/reReformation L ib



h i s mellcn o er {hallno t pre ferveyo u fromtro uble , but it


fhallbring yo uFo r G o d ili i llf end unto yo u meffengers wh

o W ill ti o rbe afraidinto i t :


o f burn i ng , no r yet fo r bani fhment. l have o ffe red unto yo u the.wo rd o f

Salvan dn, and i th the haz ard o f myli fe I have remained am o ngfiyo u.

M. "fw d No w

tye yo ur felves refufe me, an

d therefo re mufi I leave my Inno cenc ieh i s wo rds in

[ 0 be eclated by my G o d If it be long pr ofpt’r oelf wi t}! J

’M 1 4779 not

led urn /9 tr'oe So n : of Tr ial) . But if tro uble unlo o k ed fo r apprehend yo u,

ack nm'

vledg e the caufe, and'

turne to G d . Fo r he i s me rc i full but i f ye

turne “Qt afthe firming willvificyo u ith fireo

and fwo rd. fe wo rd s

pro no unced he came do wne from the Preach i ng place . In the Church

p refent was theLo rdMar/75.117, and diver s no ble men,who wo uld have had

t he faidM. George to have remained o r elfe to.

have go ne W i th them into

the Co‘

untrey. But fo r no requeltwo uld he ei ther tarry i n the to ivne o r

o n that tide o fToyanylo nger . Butwith po li ible expedi ti o n pail to the

W eft- land where he began to o ffer Go ds wo rd wh i ch was o fmany

gladlyreceived t ill that the B i lli o p o f Glafgow, Dumber by infiigat io n

o f theCardinall, camewi th h is gatherings to the To wne o f Ayre to mak e)refifiance to the faidM. Georg e, and didfirft take the Church . The Earleo f Glenoo rrze being thereo f ad


verrifed repaired with hi s friends to theTownewith di ligence , and (0 did divers Gentlemen o fKyle (amo ngfl:whom was the Laird o f Lefnorrifi'

, aman far di ffe rent from him that no wliveth

,in the yeere o f o ur Lo rd I 5 in manners and Religio n) of

Who m to th i s dayyet manylive and have declared themfelves alwayes

z ealo us and h o ld in the cattle o f G o d as after willbe heard . W hen allwere alfembled, co nclufio nwastaken that theywo uld have the .Church ,W hereto the fa idM. George utterly re


pugned ,Let fi rm(alone, by

Sermon mar/r lmrt 5 L etMgo to theMarket And fo theydid,where hemade (0 no table a Sermo n that theVery enemies themfelves

TheHill top: were co nfo unded , The Bifl30 p Preached to h is Jackmen and to fomeS ermon.o ld Boffer o f the Townes y

Thefum o f all h is Sermon was , Theyfay wejboold Preach , W /oynot Better latethrew t/rerzm fver

t/rri 'ue Hold no j h/l

for your Brflrop ; andwe [boll provm’ehotter tire next time. Th i s was the be;

ginning and the end o f the Btifllo ps Sermo n W hO'

with hafte departed

the To wne but returned no t to fulfillhis rom ife. The faidM. Georgeremained W i th the Gentlemen in Kyle tilfthat he gat fure k nowledge o fthe efiate o f Dondzé. He Preached commonl atthitChurch o f Gofionm ,

and ufedmuch in theBarre, He require to come to the Church o fM4oblync , and (0 he did But the Sherifl

e o f Ayre caufed _to man theChurch fo r prefervatio n of a Tabernacle that 'was there beautifull to

the eye . The perfo ns that held theChurch Was GeorgeCampéefl ofMore,g o rfw‘

ood, that yet liveth Armo r 56 MangoCompoe/l o fBrooufyde;Georget ool in B omb/[mg the Lairdof Tempo/14134.

Some zealo us o fthe Parifliiamongitwhomwas Hug/zCainpéefi'

o fK rogorcloirrb, o ffended that theyihould hedebarred their F arifli lChurch , co n.

cluded by fo rce to enter. _But the [aidM.G eorg ewithdrew,the faid E ag le,

and faid unto h im Brother ; ,Clon’

{fefw 13 44 nit/gloryupon thefield: t o infireCho re/r ; And Ifind: that be from elf


after f reoologd /Je p efirt at tbefeqfide, and otbcr place: judgedproplmngtbm bedog!inthe1with of Jerufalcm


Lili a ..



ltgion in the.

‘Reo lme of Sco tland , 49

i loeword of Ifeo oe that God fend: byfire Tlre Hood of noman[be/léefli ed A [1ndfor the: Provi so/71g of rt.


d fo w ithdrawing the wh o le peo ple;ame to a ditch in aMo re - edge, upo n the S o uth

- wellfide o fMo ck /yore;upo n the wh ich he The who lemultitude flo o d and fate about

G o d gave the day pleafant and ho r he co ntinued in Preach ingmo retli en th ree h o ures : In that Sermo n


God wro ught fow o nderfullywi th him ,

that oneo f the m o fiwick ed men that was in thatc o untrey,na~

med Lor erkceMach o, Laird o f Slyelol,_was co nverted . iT-he tear'

es‘ran from

h is eye’

s in‘fuch abundancefi hat allm en wondered, His c o ii


verfi o n wasW ith o’

ut hyp o crili e,fo r h is _li fe and co nvet fatio nwitnel'

fed it in allt imes to‘c ome. W h ile th i s faithfullfervant o f G o d was thus o ccupied i n Kyle,'

wo rd to fe , that the Plague o f Peflilencc t o fe in Darrel/ o wh ich beganlo ure dayes alter that the flaidM. Georgewas inh ib ited Preaching,and wasTo vehement , that it paired almo il credibility, to hear ho w, many departed'

every fo ure and twentyh o nres. The certaint unde’

rflo o d,the faidMailer

(Georgeto o k e h is leaveo fKyle, and thatw ith t e regrate o fni any: But no

requel’t co uldm ak e h im to remain 5His reafo n was , fl'

lreyo r e room 1 75tr oroéle,

mod tlri’y need comfort Pen /Jam e t/rio 174ml of God will mo le t/Jerrr 1701512 to ‘W‘I‘fwagnrfieand rever ence that mom

’wh o}; defore (for tire fezzr e of mm ) tbey[i i

to g m (091m

at lrg r’ot p ri ce. Coming unto


b ond/ e the'jo y


o f t he faithfullwas exceed ing great . He delayed no time, but even upo n thezm


o rro w gave fign ifi

c ati o nthat hewo uld Preach .‘And becaufe the


m o l’rp artwere eitli eijli ck ,’b r ellewere in company with tho fe


that were li ck,he cho o fd the shead o f

theBall po rt o f'

the'TOW ne for ' his Preach ing place and lo the who le

fi o o d'

o r fatwith in the li ck and fufpeéled' fwiiho ut the Po rt o r gate. The

‘Text upo n thewh ich his firfls ermo n was m ade,he took fromtheHundred


a nd feVenth Pfalme 9, The S entence thereo f , He [em 1713 W ar ?!droid ba iled


gAnd therewith jo ynefi

dt hefe wo rds;Ir z'

a‘mitlrér berEe nor p


zofier 0~L ord, out flayWord ballet/r all. Inwhich S e


n hemoflcomfo r tably didfi

e ntreat'

o fthe digniiy8c Utility


of Go ds wo rd, the’

pttn i'

flam‘en t that co mes

' fo r the'

c omempt o the fame theprompt itude o f'

G odsm'

ercy to fuch ast ruly turn to

_h imo

, yeagthe great happinell'

e o f themlwhom

‘G o di tak


eth“from th i s mifety


,even in h is o wn gentlevifitatio n Rwhich t he malice o f

man can neithermend no r pai r.

"By the

'which Sermo n he’

fo railed up theh earts


o fallthat heard h im ,that they regarded no death;but judged themmo re happy that ffli o uld depart,

then fuch a s fho uld'

remaiti behinde.Gonfia

d ering that they- k new n o tif 'they {lio uld have

fuch a comfo rterjwith thema t allti thes . He fpared no tto vifit them that lay in thevery



k o mfo‘

tted thertlas h e‘co uld .being fuch a multitude He cau'


dminiflera ll th ings neceilary


to thoTe that c o uld'

uie m eat ordr ink,and in that po int

d y as theTownwo n'

dero us bénefic iall fo rt he po o rewas no m dize negleélr'

e d’


was the rich : W hile helwas fpen'


ng h‘is

,life t c o mfo rt t he afz

‘fl i étedp the Devilltealied no r to [Hi up hi s owné fo n ji be Cardinall‘again ,

lw ho co rrupted bym o ney'

a defperate Rriefl;n‘amed S ir55d» ; i f)

1«llaythe (aidM. George who do cbk ed no tt'

o h imfelfe in all‘th irigs lfo c ir


péélly as wo rldlym enw o uld have ufed .



d iupo n ,

a day t he Sete rno n


ended and ith'

e‘peo ple departingmdman:fufpeelingd angé


and there

{fo retibiaheéding tl‘fe faidMeGrorge;ThePriefl;thatwas co rrupted flo o d

H waiting

TheHiflorj of t/yeReformation L ib‘


W aiting at the fo o r o f the fieps , his go wne lo o fe, andh is dagger drawnc in

h i s hand under his gowne. The faidMafier George as that he was mo ll:

fh arpe o f eye andjudgement marked him and as he came meere he

raid ,Myfriefld, wi mtwort/Jyoti;do 9 And therewi th he clapped h i s hand upo n the Priefis handwherein the daggerwas ,wh i ch he to o k fro m h im .Thc

Prieft abafhed felldo wn at h is feet and Openlyco nfefi'

ed the verityas itwas . The no ife rifing, and co m ing to the eares o f the lic k e . Theyc ryed,Deliver the troytor to w ,

or elfemeWi lltakehim éyforce And fo theyburfi inat the gate ButM. George to o k him in h is armes ,and faid, Wloofize

fuer tr ou

io/er bzm [73411 trot/oleme for be batbhurt me in notlying but be [mt/9doizeg reat

wmfort to you andme, to wit, [at loo t/7 let my to tinderflona'oat/mtwemayfeare, in

t1me: to comewewi ll,match éettcr And fo he appeafed b o th the o ne part and

the Other,and faved the life o f him that fo ught h is . W hen the Plague was

[0 ceafed that alm o ft there was no neficke, he to o k e his leave o fthem ,and

faid I lla!“

God h e] alm o/t put an end to lkat éattell. He fo und himfelic

called to ano ther place.The Gentlemen o f theW ell had written unto h imthat he i ho uld meet them at E dznéurglz fo r theywo uld require Difputafrioho f theBiflmp s ,and thath e ih o uld

be publikelyheard ,whereto he willingly agreed. But firfi he paffed to Montrofle t o falute the Church there,where he remained, o ccupied fo metimes in Preaching ,burmolt part in fec retMeditatio n In thewh ich hewas fo earnefi that n ight and dayhewo uld c o ntinue in it

,wh ile he was fo o ccupiedwith his G o d, the Cardi

nalldrew a fecret draught fo r h is flaughter 5-He caufed to write ,unto h im

a Letter,as it hadbeen from h is mo lt fam iliar friend, the Laird o fKitmeir ,

defiring himwith allpo iiible diligence to c ome unto him,fo r he was fit ic

k enwith a fadden ficknEfl’

es in themean t ime had thet raito rp rovided 6 0me nwith Jacks and spears to lie in .Waitwith in a m ile .and halfe to thetown o fMontr offefo rb is difpat


c hJTheLettbr c o m ing to h i s h and,hemadehafieat firfi fo rt heboys

'h adb r‘o ught a ho rfe ) and fo .with fqme‘

h o nefl:men heipaffed fo rth o fthe

'Town .but fudd‘en


lyhe flayed and mufing afpaceaeturned back nvhereat theyw o ndringnhe faid, Iwillnotgo, I flmfor‘

hidden ofGoa'

,I am aflured t/me zk treofim5 L etfowe ofyou, fa ith

- he, g o togon


der placem d tellme robot yefinde. D iligence m ade,They fo und the Tacai'


a s i t was , which Be ingfli ewn wi th expedit io n to M.Geoxge h e anfwered,I know tbixt Iflmll 'c




in that élood- tibzrflz


bondfi , boot i t wellnot 5c blo t/7 13: manner . The t ime a ppro ach ing that he ‘had appo inted to

meet ithe .Gentlem’

en at iE dméut‘gfa >he to ok e his .leave atMontroffe andfo re ageim

‘i the [judgement o f . the Laird .o f 'Dane entred o n h is j ourney and (0 returned to Dundee) . B ut remained no r” ;but .paffed to theh o ufe o f a rfaithfullbro ther named yam :M ijan who .dwelt in


Imter6 9W “

,dlflant from othe faid ToW net W o h rileé,’ '

and that n ight (aszinfo rum atro nwas given to os , hy


am Spadznfan'

d f dlonW at/on bOth rmfifl Ofg o o d c red itihefo re dayhe


paifed fo rth into 'aya rda‘he - faid W illtamfic 33050

fo llowed pr ivily and to o ke heedwhat hedid,w hen he

had go neaip andd own‘m‘an

‘alleya reafo nable fpae é , withm anyf obs and deep grant s ; hefellupo n h i s knees,.an

‘dfitting thereo n ,h is gm ne s i ncreaslied Andfrom hisk nees he fellupomh is face . And then the perfians afo renamedh eandaweep

"18 and as i t andigefi fo und inf /prayers ; in ithe which heco ntinued

TheHt/lflty of theReformati on L ib. I,

{aid publikely,I knowthat myLordGovernour . a nd f 51 1 -0751 5717 631774”[ht/1

hear thatIhaveheen at this preaching" fo r theywere t. e

_11 3 515dwhm’

gb S ay

unto them,That Iwella fuow tt and onelymaznt

azn theDo o'

Z rzne that Ihaveheard, hut alfo theperfon of the Teaoher Ht o the nttermoff of mypower ;

W hich wo rds greatly rejo yced the peo ple ,

and theG entlemen then .p re

fent . One th ing n0 table in that Sermo nwe canno t paffe by 1 Am o ng}

Others,there came two grayF riers ,and{landingm the entryofit

-heChurc -h

do o r , theymade (ome whifpering to (uch as camein wh i ch p erc eived ,

the Preacher faid to the peo ple that flo o d neer them, I heantolyp rayyou to

make room to thofe twomen, itmayhe that theyhecome to learnt . .A nd unto

them he faid, Comeneer (fo r theyflo o d in the very entryo f t he do o r) (”


1 4mm?youye[ha/lhear theW ora’of ver ity,whiah[halleitherfealinyon this fame

dayyour fal'vatton or condemnati on . And {0 pro ceeded hem Do étrine ,.


p o fing theywo uld havebeen quiet But when h e perceived them {lillt o

tro uble the peo ple that flo o d neer them (fo r vehementwas he agamfi the

falfewo rfli ipping o f.G o d) he turned unto them the _feco nd t ime and

wi th an irefullco untenance faid 0 Sergeant: of, Sathan and decei t/ere ofthefoal: of men W allye neither hear eGoat

's Tr ztth nor faj fi

’r other : to,hear t

rt ,Depart, and take that foryonryortzon, God/hallfltortly confound and a


yoa r .hypoerzfiewzthzn that Realme yeflaall heahontinahle ttnto

tnen and your

placks and hahztatzonsflaa/lhea

’efolate. Th is Sentence h e p ro no unced w ith

greatvehemencyin the m idil o f the Sermo n And turn ing t o the peo

ple, he faid, Tonwee/zed menhaveprovoked theSpirit of Godt o anger . And

fo he returned to his matter, and pro ceeded to the end . The dayes tra

vellwas ended, he came to Lang zna'r ze

,and th e two next Sunda s preach

ed inTranent, with the lik e grace, and lik e co nfluence o f peo pliit . In all

h is Sermo ns after h is dep arture fro m Aagny he fo refpak e the fli o rtneife

o f the time that he had to travell and o f h is death the day whereo f

appro ach ed neerer than any wo uld believe . In the latter end o f th o re

dayes that are called the h o lydayes of Chrzfimaa pafi he , by c o nfent o f

the Gentlemen, to Haa’

mg ton, where itwas {uppo fed the greatef’t co nflua

ence o f peo ple ih o uld be bOth'

by tea/fo r! o f the Towne and o f the

Co untreyadjacent . The firl’cday befo re no o n , the aud ito rs were t ea

lo uable, and yet no th ing in co mparifon o f that wh ich ule d to be in tha t

Church . But the afterno o n, and the next dayfo llowing- befo re"

no o n,the

audi to rywas fo flenderg hat manywo ndred . The cauie'

fwas iiidged to'

h ave been That the Earle'

Bothxeell wh o in th o fe b o unds ufedt o have

great credi t and o bedience,bypro curement o f the Cardinall,“

had given

i nh ib i ti o n as wellunto theTowne as unto theCo untrey, that they

ih o uld no t hear him,under the pain o f his difpleafure . The firfi n ight

he layW i th in theTowne, with David E orrefl, nowcalled the Generall, a

man that lo ng pro fefl'

ed the truth,and upo nwhom m any in t hat t ime dea

Pended i The feco nd ni c ht he lay in Letht’

ng ton , the'

Lairdwhereo f wasCV“ CM“ , albeit no r perl

givaded in Rehgio n The da fo llowin g befo re

the (aidM‘Georgepail to the sermon thereea e to him a h o,

w ith a

Letter from theW eflland h:

h2 m Y

2 bKnox who h 1

a W 1q received and read he called o r"

f a n

t 5“ wai ted upo n h im carefully fro m the t ime he came to L owtharae, wi th whom he began to enter into purpo fe Th at h e weariqd 9 f



Lib. r. of fi ltgi onm the‘

neo lme of Sco tland .

thewo rld fo r he iperceiveth t hat men began ,to be weary .o f G o d. The AHHO

caufe o f h is c o mplaint was0

,The G entlemen


o f the W ell had written

unto theyc o uld no e k eep themeeting at'

olmho rghI he laid J o .

Knox wo nder ing thatth e de‘

fi red to'

k eep any-

pufipo fe befo re Serm o n (“fo r

that was n o e‘his ac cufiomed ufe befo re) feud,

‘S zr , the tun e of S ermon etym o

theth , IW i ll leaveyoufor the lore/em,toyoo r m eelzto teon. And (0 he cto o k - the

B illc o ntain ing the purpo fe

afo refaid , and left h im the (aid Mafier Georgewalk ed up and down beh inde t he «h igh Altar m o re «th an

‘half an h o u


r e.

His wearyc o unten ce and village declared the grief and alteration o f his

m inde . At lafihe palletli t o the Pulpi t ,but theAudito rywas fmall, he

i ho uld have begun to«have treated

o f th e feco nd Table o f th e Law‘: bue

t hereo f in that Se rmo n'

fpake heve rylittle. He began o n this manner ,

0 L om’ How long [ho /let hethat

-7h holyW ord/hellhedefpz/ied and men jhalln ot r egard thezr owote[olvo tzon I w e heorelof thee, Hodmgtofl , That in thee

would haveheen , at anyam mo Clo t he Ploy two or three thoofoom'

people 5 emd

now to hear the Meffeflger of the E ternollGod, of alltheTowne or Po r tfl), t ootfl ot hemtmhr eo

’one hundr ed perfim: S or e o h dfeo rfiall /hzzlltheplague:he, that

flmllere/ac upon of this th contemp t, wzthfire omlfio orol/holt thou he plaguedTee

,thouHo olmgtorzmfit

yet zo ll fireog em/ho

llpojfi/fe thee, m olyott the pre/Em Vengeanflc 3‘

inhahztonttj holl ezther m hom'og e {Ew eyour eo emzet

,or e

'l/e yefimll he ohafedH“ "


from ye w own ho hetatzom 5 and thot heooiefiye hojve mt'

X'tooeone, nor n ull .ozot

b eam the time of Godr tmereefitllwfitotzon . In {Tuch vehemency and threat

n ing co ntinued that {ervant o f G o d near an ho ur and an half 3 in the

wh ich he de clared allthe plagues that enfued as plainly, as aft er o ur eyes

131W them perfo rmed . In the end ,hé faid , Ihavefiwg otten my(elf , welt /ac

matter thot Ifl‘oula’ have treated of we let thefi: my {off wo rds sc oo t emwg

yell/flee Preaching'


h m yottr m ettle: tell that Goelfenel.yoo new comfort .

Thereafte r he made a flgo rt Paraph rafe upon the fec o nd Table with an

E xh o rtatio n to p atieuce, to the fear o f Go d,"

and unto t hewo rk s o f mer

cy, and {0 ended , as it were mak ing his lo ftTefiament, as the iH'

uedeci a

red i ully.

‘The Spirit o f Truth and o f true Judgement were bo eh in h is

heart and mo uth fo x- that famenight was he ap prehended befoue midfn ight , in the h o ufe o f


omzeflon,by the E arle Bo thmell made for m o neyMaflee lfi

butcher to theCardinal]. T emanne r o f hi s taking was thu s :De'

parting fro m t

het o wne o f Hadzngt ott, he ,to o k .his go o d night, as it were, fo r

ever, o f allh is acquaint ance, efpecially from“

Heme Dmvglao o f '

Izetnqi fieelm . Iohn Kh ex preffing to have g o ne with the faidMailer Geo rge,



N4] , r etorne to yaw thtldren, one!God hleffeyou ; one o fitffieieh tfor w eS oér z ”s mear “

five. And (0 the faid ifohzt Knox albeit unwillinglyo beyed, and returnedGm P:


w ith HemeDomglase o h L ong tno'rie .George hay i ng to acc ompany

him the Laird o f 0m “ on afohn , S aflolelono’es

o f Golder yo ungerz, the

Laird o f Brazen/ton an Others with their fervant s paired upon' £o ot

(fo r it was avehement Pro fi-

to Orm e/lm .

"A fter { upper he heli bg rnfo rtable purpo fe o f G o ds cho fen children and merr ily(aid Me thwhethat I eicht e eo rfl ejllyto fleep And th erewith' h e faid

,S hellairoflaga Pfilm ?

And(0 he appo inted the One and fiftieth Pfalme,whichwas pm in Sc0 t

t ifh Meeter , and began thus H ome more] on one new g ood L or'

el after thy,

great neere}, fie. W h ich being ended, he path to his Chamber,and fo o nerthen

TheHi/lorie of ther


then h i s c omm o n'

d iet,was to pafi


e to bedwith thelewo rds ,Andg r antquiet re/l. Befo rem idnight th

e place was befet abo ut , that no ne c o uld el



to mak e advertiliement . The E arle Bothwellcame and called fo r the Lai rd,

and declared the purpo fé and (aid *That i t was but i n vai n to.

mak e

h im to ho ld h i s ho ufe fo r the G o’

verno ur and the Cardi nall W i th all

their power were c oming (and indeed the Cardinallwas at E lphzn/lon,nOt am ile diflant from Ormejlon But if he wo uld deliver the man to

h im hewo uld promife upo n his Ho no ur That he iho uld be fare


that it iho uld pafl'

e the power o f the Card inall to do h im any harme o r

h urt. Allured with thele wo rds , and tak ing co unfellwith the faidMai’rer George, (who at the firlt wo rd laid Open theg etter, the hleffed wall ofmyGod he done.) Theyreceived in the E arle Bothwell hm felf, W i th fo rge

Gentlemen with him To whom MailerGeorge (aid Iyra'

rfe myGod,thatfit honourahle aman (rayon, myL ord , retei fveth me this ntght tn thepre

finte of the/i: nohlemen F or now I am aflured That foryour Honour s fake,ye wrllf ufier nothtng any waye: to he done to me hut hy the order of L aw.


I am not rgnorant that allthei r Law is nothing hut corruptton , and a t loahe

to jhed thehlood of the Saratt . But yet I le/fefear to dre op enly than fecretly to he murthered . The faid E arle B othwell anfwered I find! notonely prefer rue jour hodyfrom all 71 1 016726 6 that jhall he purpofed


you agatnjl order of L aw ,hut alfo I promtfe here tn theprefinoe o thefe

Gentlemen That neither jhall the Governour nor the Cardinall have theirm llof you But I[hallr eturnelyoutnmzne ownehands , and in m m:ownehon/e,till that either ] [hall maheyoug


ree or elfif r eylore you in thefame placewhereI receive ryou. TheLairds a o refaid,faid

,MyL ord , Ifye n ull do (65 you

havefpohen and an me thzn/eeyour L ord/hip will do , then do we here pro

untoyour L ord/hip That not onelyme our felvet jha/l [m e you all the

of our life , hut al/b we[hall procure the whole pr ofefihrt wrthin LO¢

than to do thefirm And upon ezther the prefir fvatron of thrlf our hr a

ther or upon hu delta/ try agame to‘our hand: we ht ing r eafonahly ad

vverttfed to r etem o hzm,That rue in the name and hlhalfe of our frzendt ,

jhall delzfver to your Lord/hip or anyfilfllt‘ient man that ]hall deluver to no

agazne this fervour of God"our Band of Manred in manner requifite.

And thus promife made in the prefence o f G o d and hands firick enupo n bOth the parties fo r o bfé rvatio n o f the promife ,

the (aidMailerGeorge was delivered to the hands o f the {bid E arle Bothwell 5 who imm ediately departing with him came to E lphin/lon where the Cardinall was . W ho knowing that Calder Young er , and Bran/ton , wereW i th

Tfohan Cothurne Laird o f armeflon , fent back w ith expeditio n to

apprehend them alfq. The no yfi: o f Ho rle- mén being heard ,

the fenV3 11 “ gave adVem feme- nt .That mo re then departed o r , W as

there befo re,were


returned. And wh ile that they difpute W hatfho uld be the


m 0 tive the Cardinalls G arrifo n had feiz ed . bo rh‘

“ 1 9 0m“ and inner Glo fe . They called fo r the Laird and fo r theLan d o f Calder who prefenting them felves demanded W hatthc


" C 0 M M 1 s s 1 0 N was . To bring”

yo u two and theLai rd o f


Brouneflon to my Lo rd G o v n R N o u a . Theywere n0 thmg co ntent as they h ad no cauié and yet they


The fi t/log of the(

Re/ohnta tton L ib , r

P reachermight have been faved1,The Other, fo r feare that he { ho uld have

let h im at liberty again, to the co nfuli o n o f the Bi lli o ps . {But wher eGod i;left a; he hadyla /nely renounced h i nt hefore) what can

‘e‘ottnfi’ll or judg ement

o uo rlo 7 How the fervant o f G o d was dealt withall and W hat he did

fro m the daythat he entred within the lea Tower o f S . c/ ffldrerw , wh ich

I 54 5,was


in the end o f j anuary ,in the yeere o f G o d 1 unto thefirfi o f

March the fame yeere when he fullered we canno t certai nly tell except

we underfland he wro te fo mewhat in prifo n bur that was fupp refl'

ed byt he enem ies . The Cardznalldelayed no time, but cauled allBzflaopr, yea,allthe Clerg ie that had anypreheminence to be called to S . u f ndxemr;againll the {even and twentieth day o f February ; that co nfultatio n m ight:

behad in thatquellio n ; which in his m inde was no lelle refo lved , their


ri lls death was in the m inde o f Gaza/ohm . But that the reft { h'

o uld bear

the lik e burden with him he wo uld that they {ho uld befo re- the wo rld

fublc ribe whatlo ever he did . In that dayW as wro ught a wo nder no t

unli ke that wh ich was at the accufatio n and death ofiJefus Chrifl when

Pi laie and Her od ,who befo re were enem ies ,were made friends by co n

finring o f them’bo rh to Ch rifis c o ndemnatio n 5 dillers no thing 5except

thatMatt and Her od were brethren under th eir father the Dew /l'

in the

ellare called Tengoora/lg And thele two (if whom we a re abo ut to (peak e,were bie thren fon s o f the fame father‘th


e'Dew ll in the refiate E eelefia

fizeall. If we interlace merrynell'

ewith ea’

rnefim atters pardo’

n us go o d

Reader, fo r the fai r is lo no table that, it deferveth lo ng remembrance.


s k nowne pro ud lg'

land Dnmhar A rchbi’

fli o p o f Glafgemwas k nowne a glo rio us fo ole , And yet becaufe fo metimes he wascalled the K i ngs Mailer, he was iChanCello ur o fS cotland. The Cardinallco meth even the fame yeere, in the dad ofiharvefi befo re to


Glafg ow, upo n

what purpo lewe omit i Bai t iwh ile theytemaine to gether, the o ne in theTo wne

,the Other in theCafile ; (memo ir rifet


h fo r bearing o f their

afo h‘o f his Cardinallh ip,

and within Scotland , in‘ thek ing the prehem inence,


that h i s but that all'

o‘it iho uld

o nely be d'

Gnhflorte Glaleflene , theafo relaid t / { rehhz/hoy lack ed ' no reafo

ns as he tho ugh t fo r maint’


ce o f his glo ry. Hewas . anA‘



hbifho p in h is o WneDio ceile,and inhism

vne CathedrallSeat and Church and therefo re o ught to give placeto no man; The power of the Cardinallwas butbegged fro m Romemndappertaineth but to h is own'

perfon ,and no“

t t o h is Bifho priCRfOI‘it m ight



t his fucc'

elfo hr ih o uldnOt beCardinall, bat h is d ignitywa'

s, annex

ed W i th his o fli ce 5.

and did appertain’

e to allthat eVer iho uld be Bifho ps o fG


Howfo ever thele do ubts were;re folvedibyfthe Do é‘

to rs of DiVin i tyo f .b0 th thePrelats yet the decifio nw as as ye {hallheare o

, C om - J

m ing fo rth ge t go ing in,alli s o ne)at theQueergdo o reo fGlafg ory ,Church ,

‘begrn s

’flrm‘ng fo r.Ptate that fro m glo uming.

theycame to fli o tildring, and (0 fro m ihouldring s they'

go to buflfets and


from dryblo ws: nefl’

aling , and th en fo rtcharities fak en they c ry;D zflterfit5144"1040 0 153 5, find ellaywh ich o




W as Lfinellmettallglwhich,


L ibJ .



ltgion in the fR‘


e of Sco tland .

fiaffe W as ilrongeit andwhich Cro iie'


rer co uld belt defend bi sMa

{let s p’

rehem inence, and that there iho uld be no fuperio rity, in that behalf,to the gro und go bo th their Cro ifes . And then began no li ttle fray but

yet amerrygame;fo r ro ck ets were rent , tippets were to rne, cro wn s were

k napped ,tan‘d fide gown s m ight have been feen wanto nly to wagge fro m

the o neWall to the Other Manyo f them lack ed beard s , and that was th emo re pity,and therefo re co uld no t buck le Other by the brife

s,as bo ld men

wo uld have do ne; But fie o n the j ackmen , that dia t their duty : Fo r

had the o ne part Of them rec o untred the Other,then had all‘

go ne right-



the SanétuaryW e i i ipp o fe lav'

ed the lives Of'

m any: Ho w m errily (0 ever

this bewritten ,ir was bitter m irth to theCardinalland his c o urt . It was

m o re then irregularity, y ea ,it m ightwellhave been judged alafiemaje/té to

the io n Ofperdi tio n,the Po pes own perio n yet the Other in h is fo lly;a s pro

‘ud as a

,Peaco ck e

,w o uld let the Cardinall k now that hewas 2!Bi‘

fho p ,when the Other but Beton ,befo re he


gat the Abbey o f Aherhr oth.Th is

enm itywas judged mo rtall, and Witho ut allhOpe o f reco nc iliatio n .

theblo o d o f the inno cent fervant df G o d buried in o blivio n '

all that

bragging and bo ail. F o r the ArchbiihOp o f Glafg orv was the firit unto

t m the Cardinalle te,fignifying unto him what was do ne , and ear

neillyc raving o f him,that he wo uld aii


i il' with h is'

prefence and c o'


h ow that luch an enemyto their eitare m ight be f uppreiied . And thereto

was no r the Other flow, but k ept time appo inteddat nexr to the Cardinall;waited and fubfcribed firii in rank e , and lay o ver the Ball blo ck - h o uie

w ith the faid Cardinall, till theMartyr o f G o dWas co nfumedwith'


fo r th is wemay now That all thefe beaits co nfented in heart to the

{laughter o f that Inno cent. So did they appro ve it with their prefence,having the W ho le o rdnahce o f the Callie o f 5. Andrew

,bent towards the

place o f executio n

,wh ich was neere to theCai


tle ready'

to have ihOt , if

anywo uld havemade defence o r refcue to G o ds fervant . The manner o f

h is Accufatio n P ro celle,and Anfwers fo lloweth as we have re



y ed from certaineReco rds , which we relate truely as neere as po iliblyxve can . i

U po n the lait o f Februarywas fent to the prifo n where the fervant o fG o d lay, the Deane o f theTo wne

,by the c o mmandment o f the Cardmall

and h is w ick ed cOunfell, and there fummgned the faidMailer Georg e, thath e iho uld o n the m o rrow fo llowing appeare befo re the Judge then and

there to give acco unt o f h is {editio ns andHereticallDo ctrine . To W homthe faid Mailer George anfweréd o

, W hat needeth (faid he) the'

Cardinallto fummo

nme to anfwer fo rmy,

Do ctrine Openlybefo re him un

derwho fe, power and Dominio n I am thus itraightlybo und in iro ns

Mayno r‘he co mp

ellme to anfwer , o f h is exto rt po wer r: O r'


he that I am unpro vided to'

render account o f my Do ctrine c’ To mani - z

leftyo ur ielves what m’

en ye are it i s Well do ne that ye k eepeyo ur OldCeremo nies and Co nilitutio ns made bymen . U po n the neat mo rrow

the Lo rd Cardinall caufed .h is fe'

rvants to addreilc themielves in thg‘


mo ilwarlik e array,with Axe;mo re feem

l fo r the war then fo r thePreaching o f the truewo rd o f G o d . And when

thefe armed Champio ns , "

marching in warlike o rder had co nveyed the

I Biih‘






W ho was i

learned man

and heart ily

favou red the

In"? “wh o", was divided into fo ure parts .

dq‘iomo ,


co nt inen-Jy they fent fo r M. George,

d tinto the find Church by the Captaine o f theCail‘e,

and the number o f an hundred men , addreiied i

n manner afo relaid , lik e a

Lamb led theyh im to the fac rifice. As h e entred in at the Abbey- Church

do o re,therewas a

‘po o re man

lying vexed W i th great i nfirmi t ies

,as k i ng OE

h i s almes , to whomhe"

flung h is puric

,and when he came

befo re theCar

dinall byand bythe Sub -

p rio r of the Abbey called Deane

Tf ohn Wm

rame,ilo o d up inthe Pulpit

andmade a Serm o n to allthe c o ngregati o n

there then allembled, tak ing h is matter o ut o f Matth. 1 a. W ho le Sermo n

The firilwas ,A iho rt and briefe declaratio n

o fthe Evangeliil. Thefeco nd o f the interpretatio n o f th

e go o d feed

And becaufe he called the W o rd o f G o d the go o d {Eed and Herche the

evrl feed , he declared'

what Hereii ewas and h ow it iho uld be k no wne .

He defined it On this manner 5 Herqfle ia a falfe Op inzon ,

defended wi th


u clearely rey‘agnzng the W ord of God. The th ird part o f h i s

Sermo n was ,The caufe o i Hereii e w ithin that realm ,

and allOther realm s .

The caule o f Hereiie (faid he is the igno rance Of them wh ich have the

cures o f men s fo ules to whom it neceifarilybelo ngeth to have the true

No te d “ czurc underllanding o ftheW o rd OfG o d, that theymaybe able to w inne again

ofHerefic. the falieTeachers‘

OfHereii es , with the fwo rd o f the Spirit

,wh ich is , the

wo rd o fG o d and no t o nely to W in again, but alfo to o verto me

,as faith

Paulto Timothy, A hzlhop mn/hhefaultlefl’

e, do’ heeometh themint/ter of God, not

finhhorn, nor angry, ahdranlcard, nofighter , not .gw en tofilthy latre, hut harhe

r om,.onethat lovedgoodngqfe,flther holy, temperate, andfioeh

as elea fueth unto thetrueWord That he mayhe ahle wzth wholfleme

learntng and to zmpngnethatwhzoh theyfayagain/l hem . The fo urth part o f

hi s Sermo nwas , how Hercii es ih o uld be k nowne ; Hereii es (quo th he)

The Pro ofe of be k nowne o n th is manner ; As the Go ld- fm ith k noweth the fine go ld


bythe undo ubted To uch—h o ne

,that is

W o rd o rG o d . At the lait he added, That Heretick s ih o uld be'

put down

m the unpeifit, bythe‘to uch . ilo ne SO lik ewii

e maywe knowHe relle

The true, fincere, and undefiled

in this prefent life. To which Pro po fitio n, the G o fpel he ,treated o f .ap


peareth no t to repugne Let them hath gr im t?) the har 've/l. The bar

veit is the end o f thewo rld,nevertheleii'

e he affirmed ,That they iho uld be

put down by the c ivillMagiilrate,and Law. And when he ended h is Ser

mo n,inco nt inent theycaufedM. George to afcend int

o thePulpit, there to

heare h is Accuiatio n and Articles , fo r right again i’t him h o o d o ne o f the

fat flo ck ,.amo niler, gfohn Lan der , a Prieli , laden fullOf'



rfings Wri tten

in paper o f the wh ich bet o o k o ut a ro ule, bo th long, and alfo fu

llOf o uta

rages , threatnings , maledia io ns , andwo rds o f de‘

viliih fpite andmalice,

faymg to the inno centM. George fOmanyc ruelland abominable wo rds ,

and h it h im fo fpitefullywith the Po pes thunder,that the igno rant peo p


dreaded lcil the earth then wo uld have fwallowed h imup quick . No rf

W ithfiancling he ilo o d ilillwith great patience, hearing their layings , m e

o nce m ovmg o r changing h is co untenance . W hen that th is fat fOW had

read tho rowo ut allh is lyingmenaces , h is face running downwith fWeat,

and fro athmg at them o uth likeabo are ; He fpate atM.Georger face, faying,WI? “ ”‘m ”W to thefefaymgs ? Thou rnnagate,traitonr,th5


The firfiArticle .

ThoufalfizHeretic/cc,Rzehneg ate, Tr aytor

andThief ,

elem/(flthe Chur ch and m[the cafe comemnes myLor

r zty. And the} weknow of f arety,

W e charged bymy Lord Goverheers Attthority ta defifl s

,never theleflie

watt/def}not ohey hut perfi

fuered m the [m e And therefore the hzjhop of

Breachen cur/ed theeand delzfvered chee znto the Dee d: hand

andgewe thee

then Commandment That there[heuldeflpreachnomore 5yetnotrwthfleh dmg than

t he]? ccntzmteohflmatcly.

The Anfmer .

MyLo rds ,I have read in the A675 of the Ape/Hes ,

That it is no t lawi

full, fo r the threats andmenaces o f men to defifi from the p reach ing

o f the‘

Go fpel: Therefo re it i s written, W e [ha/1 rather ohey Go

cIthete men.

I have alfo read the Pro phet Malachze ; I [hallcarp:your hlefs c

ngfr, andhleffe

your curfingt , fattheLon i. Believing firmly That hewo uld turn yo ur

curfings into blefli ngs .The feco ndArticle.

Thowfalfe hereticlzdid/Zfizy That a Preeflflmdeng at theAltar flyiflgMdfl? ’

Wet! lzkc a F oxwagging his {4116 173 July.

TheAa cr.

MyLo rds , I faid no t fo . Thefe weremy fayingsThe moving o f

the bo dy o utward, witho ut inwardmoving o f theh eart,is no ught elfe

hut the playi ng o f anApe, and no tthe true ferving o f G

o d . Fo r Go d

i s a fecret (catcher o l mens hearts . Therefo re who will truely ado re

and ho no ur G o d hemull in {p irit andverity ho nour himaccufcr [towed hi s mo uth with ano therArticle.

The thirdArticle.

Tbo"f“lfif heretickc Preeche m the Secret 5 4 1 That therearenot

fiver:Sacraments .fl43 fl ”m” fig,

Lib.zoomtheRealmeOf Sco tland .

MyLo rds, It i s no t lo byyo ur pleafures J taughtnever o f the numbero f the Sac raments whether there were feven o r eleven : fo manyas are

infiituted byCh rrfi, and’

are fho wne to us bythe G o fpelJ pro lelle Open

ly.Excep t it be the W o rd o f G od

,Idare afii rme no th ing .

The fo urthArticle .

‘Thonfalfeheretiche hat? openly taaght That Attricalar Confifeion it not a

hlefjed Sacrament and than[at]? Thatwefltonld onely confej e to: to God , and to

no Free/l.

The AnfiaerMyLo rds, I fay, ThatAuricularCo nfefi


i o n fee ing that it hath nop romife o f the G o fpel truely it c anno t be a Sac rament Of theCo nfefli on to bemade to G o d, there are many tefiimo ni es in Scr ipture as

when David faith I thought that Iwould acknowledgemtae znzqn1_tyagain/l myfilf unto the Lord, andheforgave thetrefpa/fer of myfins . Here co nfefling fignifieth the fec ret knowledge o f o ur {ins befo re Go d . W hen I exho rted

the peo ple o n th i smanner, I rep roved no manner o f Co nfefli o n And

farther, Saint lama: faith , / 1clenomledgeyonrfine one to another ,aadfo letyotehavepeace amongyonrf

elfvetlHere the


Apo file meaneth no rh ing o f AuricularCo nfefli o n but thatwe ih o uld ac kno wledge and c o nfefl


e o ur(elves to

beho ners befo re o ur breth ren, and befo re th ewo rld, and no t to efleemeo ur (elves , as the G ray Friers do th ink ing them(elve s alreadypurged .

W hen that he had faid thefe -wo rds,the h o rned BifhoPs and the ir c o m

plices c ryed and gyrnedwith the ir teeth , laying , S eeyenot what colonrs hehath in halt[peach], that hemayhegtnlemy, and[ednce on to his optnzon ,


The fifth Article .

heretick d1d/lfayopenly That zt rim necefftzryfbr everyman to knowh e Bayou/me whzch tr contraryto Genera/lConncelr, and theEjlater

TheArt/aver .

MyLo rds , I believe there be no ne (0 unwife here , that w illmakeMerchandife with anyFrench - men o r any o rher unknowne firanger,except he k now and underlland firft the co ndi tio n o r ’

promifemade bythe French - man o r Granger. So lik ewife I wo uld that we underflo o dwhat th ing we promife in the name o f the Infant unto G od in Baptil


me .

tThen(aidM. Peter Chaplzn, That he had the dcviilw ith in h im and the

fpirit o f terro ur. Then anfwered h ima ch ilde laying ,7 he dehxl5427110?

{peahfitch words anyonder man dothflora/re.

The fixth'


ticle .

falfi Heretic/to Traytor , and Thie/fa,than [a/d , That the Sacrament

of theAltar roar hat a piece of hread hahen rayon the afloat , andcno other thing

TheHi/lorie of thet

ReformationL ib , 1

elf: and allthat to there done it but af aférfittions E

tte,agatnflthe Command

men! of God.

The Anfiver .

(phemiesn he Scripture do th

Oh Lo rd Go d 1 fo manifeft lyes and bla

no t teach yo u. As co ncerning the Sacrament o f

the Altar (myLo rds)Scripture the which l (h all by

I never taught anyth ing againitthe

G o ds grace ) makemanrlett th i s day

lberng rea

death . The lawfullufe o f the Sacrament

ismo lt accepta

But the greatabufe o f it, is verydetefiable un

to h im Butwhat o ccafi

I th all fho rtlythewyo ur Lo rd

when I was fayling upo n the

(hips . Io nce c 0


f h im,W hat was the caufe o f h is pert i

o nfidedng

hwere fpo k en o f h im to be

that theyhadfeen

fulfilled Mo reover, t f the ScriptureI witneiled to h im,


allthings an

Fathers, as ye do 5

get amonglt yo u , ye

But amo ng&uslower, t

Seco ndarily, ' Ir is fo rb iddenby the Law to fain anyk inde o f Imag ery,

fed here but the layings o f a Iew, whrcThen theBilh o ps (bo o k the ir heads ,

, and fpi'

tted o n the gro und 5 - and

what he meaned in thism

The feventh Article.

Thoafalfeheretiche didftfay,Th

at extrememoltenwas not aSacrament.


MyLo rds , fo rfo o th Inevertaugh t 0

tim e,whether itwas a Sacrament o r no .

The eighth Article .

Thoafalfeheretzckedzdfifay That holywater to notfitgoodat

like. Thou contemneflconyartng, andfityefl ThatholyChurches

MyLo rds ,as fo r ho lywater, whatfirength it i s o f, Ifl

hyDOCtrme . Co nyurrngs and Exo rcifms ,

i f theywe

t eW o rd o fG o d,lwo uld c ommend them ibu

t in as muc

able l‘nt'O G o d . S o that a cr

fai thful]man . But to the far

prayer o fthe

Wo rd o f G o d .Afte

the Billi o ps with thei r co mplices

h im,hath he no t here o penly

fpo ken blafphem ie .3

The twelfth Article.

e [lion/d not pray unto Saints , hat to:

Goal073e 3 S aymhether thon

of no, fayfltortly.

fiver .

For the weaknelfe andinfirm ity o f the hearers, he faid , W i tho ut do ubt

plainely;That Saints i ho uld n0 t be ho no ured ,no r c alled upo neMyLo rds

(faid he ) there are two ‘things wo rt

hy o fno te. The o ne is


certainea and

It i s fo und pla inely and certa

in to Scriptures, Thatd ho no ur o ne G o d acco rding to the faying o f the

Hi ll Co mmandment Thon jhalt onely'

tvor/hlp and honour thyLord God wzth

all thineheart . But as fo r praying to , and h o no uring o f Saint s there i sgreatdo ubt amo ng


tmany,whether theyheare o

r no the invo cat ion madeunto them .

Therefo re

I exho rted allmen equallyin myD o étrine‘ That

they ih o uld leave theunfure way and fo llo w the Waywh ich was taught

us by o urMailerChrilt. He is o nelyo urMed iato ur, and maketh interceflio n fo r us to God h is

Father. He i s the do o re by the wh ich we mul‘t

enter in : He that entreth nbt in byth i s do o re, but .climeth ano therway,

i sa th iefe and amurderer . He is theverltie and life : he that go eth o ut o f

the way, there isno do ubt 'he {hallfallinto the m ire : Y ea, ver ilyhe is fal

len into it already.Th i s is the falh io n o f myDo étriue, th e


wh ich I haveever fo llowed .

Verily that wh ich I have heard and read in theW o rd o f

G o d I taught o penlyand in no co rners and now ye (h allw itheffe the

fame,if yo ur Lo rdih

ip s willheare me : Except it (land bytheW o rd o f

G o d I dare no r be fo ho ld to afli rme anyth ing. Theft: fayings'

a he re s

hearfed divers t imes.The th irteen

ThonfalfeHerettehehajl Pr eachedi hff e ”0 Purgatory 4743!

that i tn afained thing , for anyman“ Walked 1”“ (WNW a

My Lo rds , as I have o ftentimes faid hereto fo re 3W i tho ut exprelTewit:

neffe and tellimo ny o f Scriptures ,Idare afli rme no thing . I have o ft, and

divers times read o ver the B ible , and yet fuch a terme fo und I never no r

yet anyplace o f Scripture applicable thereto .Therefo re I was afraid

ever to'

teaeh o f that th ingwh ich I co uld no cfinde in Scripture .Then laid

he tp M.


f ohn Lander his accufer If yo u have any tefiimo

ny of the

S cf lpwfie by thewhichyo umayprove anyfuch place {hew it now be

fo re th i s audito ry. But that do lt had no t awo rd to fayfo r himfelfe but


was as dumbe as aBeetle in thatmatter.



/tgion in thefRea /me of Sco d and .

The fo urteenth Arti cle .


oa fal/Z’ Her etic/re hafltaughtplainlyagatnfl the [f ame of W onhr , Fr iert ,

Nana, ana’Fr ee/ls faytng: That who/bever hound to [ ooh likeVow: they

vowed them/elves to the [late ofdan mation.3 m oreover That wfnhl

for Pr tefls to marrywe'ver, and not to lz


The al e/550 .

2'Of th i s,myLo rd 's I have read in .the Go fp


el That thereare thréek inde o f chaflemen,fo me are '

gelded fromthei r mo ther’

s womb fo me are

gelded bymengafid fo me havei o eldcd the infelves fo r


the k ingdom bf heavens fake, Verily I fay, thefemen are blefied by the Scripture o f G o d .

But as manyas have nOt‘the gilt o f c‘hafiity, not


yet fo r the G o fpel have

o verco me the c o ncupifcenc'

e o f . the,

Hell], and have"

vo wed chafiitys ,‘ye

have experience, altho ugh I ih o uld h o ldmy to ngue to what inco nveni

ences they have vowed themfelvés . W hen he had faid thefe wo rds , theywere alldumb,thin


lting it'

bettert o have ten co ncubine'

s then‘

one .Cvifef

The fifteenth Article.

Thon falfeHer etiehe, andm‘

nnagatefayefl,.That thonwtlt notoheynap

t allor Pt ovtnt‘tafl Connj i’llr.

My Lo rds , whatyo ur geii erallCo unl’

ells are,I kito ‘

w not; Iwas ii éVerexerc i

‘ed in thEm , b

ut to the pure W'

o rd of G o d ,H I -gave my labo urt

i.Read here yo ur generallCo unfells , o r elfe giveme a ho o k y,wherein theyare co ntained, that I may read them i f theybe agreeablewith theW o rd

o fG o d, Iw illno r difagree: Then the raven ingW o lves turned unto mad

nelle, and faid W herefo re letwe h im fpeak anyfarthert Read fo rth


‘r eit

o i the Articles,and itaynbtuponthem; Ambhgfl tho fe c ruell -Tv

g ers , therewas o ne falfe hypo crite aledu'

cer o f the peo ple called goat» ; .This tu na.Scot, h anding behinde {fohn Lan der}backe bah in him to reade the tell


o f the Ar ticles : and w t to tarry'

upo n h is w ittie an go dly anfwers Fo'


we mayno r ab ide them quo th he no mo re then the devilmayabidethefigne o f the Crofl


e, When ii is named.

The fixteenth Article.

ThonHeretiel’efiryefl , That it it vai n to hmld to the honour of Goa’

Churches feei ng that'

Goei remaineth not in’






j et canGod he‘

tn lzttle[paoef'

at hetnaxt theFree/tr hands .I

am z'


MyLo rds , Salomon fai th, If that theheaven of heart tompfehendth


ee,3 honi

‘mneh leflh their hottfe whi ch Ihav


e hneldedfi i'

A tid ”

f oh'

co nfchtedt o the fame fentence faying Seeing that he is Highcr


théhEas/ ens,

therefo rewhat canfi tho ubuild unto h im he is deeper then‘


hell,- rhett

h ow {halt tho u k now him ,he is lo nger then the earth ,and bro ader thén'

the(ca (0 that Go d canno t be comprehended in o ne place,who i s infinite.

K Thefe

‘I heHi/tor) af t/y

eRefininationL ib I


o o f theW o rd o f Go d and the lawfullufe o f the Sacra.

t ruc PrCfiG m o

tedlythere i sG o d hitii felfe g So that bOth thefe fayings

canno rbe comprehended in anyo ne place : And

th ree gathered in his Name, there is he préfcnc in

his .accufer If tho u th ink'

eit any

o therwife Then I fay, Shew fo rth thy reafo n s befo re th is , audito‘


and could no t anfweraW o rd.

r ipt re“


MyLo rds 1 , thatfo re I were a flanderet o f i f I c o ntemned fa ng. And

no t fo o nely but I have lea ienlce that Failing is go o d fo rthe h ealth andconfervatio n

But G od o nely knoweth who

falteth the true Fall.

Thon falfe Henet tehe hale: of men

Ml [k ept t o thelatter,

ohtatneleft immortal!

Witfl llrtbf'e

The u tnfmet‘.

God full'

o f mehcyand go o dnefle fo rgive them ’


hae fa’

y fuch th ingso f rmt .

I viro c and knowfir-rely bythe W o rd o f G o d th at,

h e wh o

hath begun to have the Faith‘o fj efus Chrifi , and t o beleeve ifi rmely

in him, I lgnovwfutelyI lfayg,‘tha t the.

fo ule o f th at man {halllln eVEr

{leecpe but ever (hall livean immo rtall life the wh ich life fro m day

to ayis renewed in G racerand augmented no r ylet lhalleve? ri ih ,

o r have an end ,but {hallever live

hnmo rtallwi th Chr ifi the he?) a To

thewh ich life all that beleeve in h im {hallcome and relt in eternall

glo ry. Amen

Hen that theBilhops wi th the it co mpliceshad» accufedthis inflo

centman, inmanner andte rmeafo refaid,.infconttnentlythey cm;

dcmned h im to be burnt as anHereticke nOt having refpedt to h is go dlyan

‘fwcrs and true reafo ns wh ich he alle'adged no r

yet to the ir own co n t

Terencos Th inking verily that they ihould do to‘

G o d 0 0 d

co nfo rmablet o tthe fayings o f Jefas Chrilt inthe b PCIOf 5the 1 6 . Oha ter

‘They iflu lluncomm on you 5M» .

W ’dW”

w a s that whichhalter}:your,fiwllt htlnhe .thact /heha'

thM to

in thi s li fe ; and (o ret ired tdhis Chamber .Immed iately after came to

h im ((ent from the Cardinall) two executi o ners ; o ne bro ugh t h im a

c o at o f L innen . died black , .and put ‘i t upo n.

h im ; The Other b ro ught

(o me baggs full o f Powder wh ich}they t i ed t o ,(everall‘parts o f h i s

bo dy Thus havingdreffe


d him theyb ro ugh t h im to an o uterRo o me,

neere to the gate o f theCafile Then the fire was made ready add the

Stake at‘theW eftpo rt o f th

e Cattle ; neere to the P rro ryaOveragainft

the place o f executio n , the Gafile W

indows were hung Wi th rich hang~ings and Velvet Cuih io ns t , laid (o r the Cfii dmall and

P relat s wh o

from thence'

did feed their eyes with the to rmen'

t s o f th i s mno gent man.

The Cardinalldreading that'MafierGeorge , {h o uld have been taken away

by h is friends Befo re . ha'

d co mmanded to bend all the o rdnance o f

theCafile right againlt the place o t execut ion ;'

rand c ommanded all his

Gunners to be ready, and’

fiapd befide their G unnes

,unto (uc h time as he

was burnt . Alli

this being do ne ; they b o und Matter Georg e his handsbehinde his backe andwith fo und o f T rumpet ; 'led him fo rth w ith theSo uldiers , from the Caitle to the plate o f thei r c ruellandwick ed exe

cutio n. As he came fo rthio f theCafile gate therem et him certainbeg

gars ',asking o f him almeSrfo r Go ds fak e ; To whom he anfwered


; Iwantmyhands , wherew

ith Iwas wo nt to g ive yo u alme s But themer

c ifull. Lo rd o f his benignity and abundant grace that‘

feedeth allmen,

vo uchfafe to giveyo u necefl


aries bOth unto yo ur bo dies and (o ule‘

s . Thenafterward met him two fall

e F ienda,(‘I iho uld (ay Friers ) (ayipg M.

George p ray to yo ur Lady that {he maybe aMediatrix (or yo u‘re ; her

So nne To whom he anfwered meek ly ;

'Ceafe, tempt me ne t, I intreatyo u.

After th is he was led to the fire ,with a r.o '

peabo ut h is neck ;

a cha ine o f i ro n abo ut his m iddle ;

W hen that he came to the fire he (at downe upo n'

h is k nees and tofe

againe ; And th rice he(aid the(ewo rds o'

thotoS W MW‘of the world, have

mercyon mu Father of hoo t/en I eomro'tendmy [pirit mto thyholyhands .

W hen he had made th i s Prayer he turned him to the peo ple ,r and (aid

the(ewo rds having o btained leave to (peak a little I befeech yo u Chri;th an brethren and filters that ye be n0 t o ffended at the.W

o rd o f God,(o r t he ath itftio n and to rments wh ich ye (ee‘ already -

prepared (o r me.

But I exho rtyo u that‘

ye lo ve the W o rd o f G o d fo r yo ur (alvati o n,and



et patiently andw ith a c omfo rtable heart fo r the W o rds (ak e,wh i ch 15 yo ur undo ubted (alvatio n ,


and '

everlalting c omfo rtJ ; Mo re»

o ver3I prayyo u ibew mybrethren and fifier



;wh ich have heardmeo ft befo re that theyet al


e no r, no r leave o ff to learne the wo rd‘

o f G od

wh ich I taught them after the grace g iven unto me fo r no perfecutio n sno r tro uble s i n th is wo rld

,wh ich laftno t And fllewu rito them that my

Do e‘trmewas no wives (ables

,after the co nfiitutio ns madebymen And

i f I had taughtmens do étrineJ'

had go rrenG reater thank s bymen ..But(o r


(Wo rds fake and true G o fpel,


wh ichwas given tomebythe grace o fCO I fuflizr th i s daybymen, .n0 t (o r

‘rowfully, butwith a glad heart and

minde. Fo r th is caufe I was (cat,That I (ho uld (ufl‘er th isfire‘

fo r Chrifisfake .

L ib . 1 . af lieh'

gioo o i theRea/me af'Sc



(ak e. Co nfideri

arid beh o ld in vifage , ye (li allno t (ee me chan e m co

lo ur :Th i s gr im (i re H ear no rizind (o I prayyo u fo r to do, if thaiianyy

perA 0 0 0

(ecutio n come unto yo u fo r the W o rds fak e;and no r to fear them that flaythe body, and have, no power afterward .

to Hil

ly the fo ul. S ome have Note.

(aid o f tmc That - I taught that the fo ulo fMan i o uld (leep untill'

the lafi


But l know furely and my faith is (uch That myfo ul(hall(upw ith my Savio ur th i s night, "ere i t be (ix ho urs fo rwho m I (ui’fer th i s .Then herprayed fofi



which accufed him , (frying ,I hefi’

eoh theFatherof? heaventof orgw ethem that have of

‘ztny ignorenee,

or elfif of any ow l minde

forged lies nyonm3"

; {lflrg tftte them with allnty heart

‘I hefieeh C

’hnflfirn ve

them that how condemned the to death their dayignorantly. And lafi o i' ’

all, he

(aid tfo the people'

on‘th is manner ; I belé ech yo u brethren and filters to '

exho rt your Prelats to the learn ing o f theW o rdio f

G o d,

that they mayhe afhamed to do eiril,


an_d learn to do go o dJ,And if ' they will no t co n

trett thein'

felves from the irwicked erro ur there (hallhafi ilycome'

upo n

them thewrath o f G o d, wh ich they(halln0 t efizhew .

'Many faithfullwo rdsda id he


in themean t ime, taking no heed o r care o f the cruell to r

ments wh ich were then preparedlfo r him . Then the Exec utio ner thatwashis to rmento r , fate down upo n his' k nees , and (aid, S tr , I



fmyyonfergw e

me, for I onenotgutltyofyonr death. To whom he anfivere Co me h ithert o me W hen hevwas co me to him,

he k iflied his cheek, and (aid , Lo herei s a to keir that ' I fo r'


thee my heart do thyOflic’

e And then by“



nd hythe T rumpet (o unding , hewas tyed to the (take, and the fire kindled.

“ TheCaptaino f the Cafile fo r the lo ve he bo re to M. s eharde,

drew (o nee'

r to the fire, thatthe‘

flame thereof did h imHarme ; hewifli edM. s ohorrle to be o f go o d co urage and to beg from Go d the fo rgiveneffe o f h i s (ins to who mM. W /feho rde anfwered thus ; The}fire tormentsmyhody,hnt nomayor hhnte: any/pin t. Then M.s eh4rrle lo o k ing toward stheCardinall, faid,

‘Hewhom[nth/late, from that htgh


pleee feedeth hheyes moth

.mytormentlr, withinfewdayes/hall he hanged out at thefamem eadow,

to he een {tooth d ! much agnontiny,a: he now lenneth ther e tnpr tde. Then w iththj the E xecutio nér draw ing théCo rd , (to


pt h is breath prefently after,the


(ire be ing great , hewas c o nfutii ed to po wder . The Prelats wo uld

ne t (ufFer any p rayers to be made fo r h im acco rding to their Cu(tome . .

«After‘the death o fMafier W ifirhor

de,the Cardinallwas cryed up

byh is fiatterers ,‘and allthe rabble o f the co rrupt Clergie, as the o helyDefender o f theCatho like Church and p



nifher o f he'

retick s megle


ting the autho rityo fthe (luggifh Go verno ur And itwas (aid by themThat of thegreat Fr elater 0 letter dryer , hath at home and t hread, had heen fhfloat and z ealono of the ore tt bf theCntholzlte Church they had not onely floppre ed allheretteht , httt alfo kept u nder the L oy- men who weréfo froward and

fl hornet On theOther (ide whén that the peo ple beheld the great to rmenting o f that inno cent they co uld no tw i thh o ld from pi teo usmo urning, and co mplaining o f the inn o cent lamb s (laugh ter . After the death :

o f th i s bleffedMartyr o f Go d began the peo ple in plaine (peaking to

damne an'

d dete it the cruelty that was u(ed yea, men o f great b i rth and .

efiimatio n and ho no ur at o pen tables avowed, That the blo o d o f theMafier George(bo uldbe revenged, o r elfe it


fho uld cofl:life fo r life and .

K 3 th at

A nno


Hi/Zorj of therReformatio


n s L ib , r

o t time the (ho uld be li ke ho g‘s - hept fo r Eflaug

h ter’

by thi s






l’giefi, and wich’

edMo nlier , wh ich nei ther minded G o d,no r c ared

Amo no fi tho l'

e that (pakeagainftthe-Cardmalls c ruelty, 7 01”

r to the Earle o f Rather was ch ief; wi th-h i s:Co z en Norman


who had been a great fo llo wer

o f; theCardinali, andyer'

yaa iye

(o r him but a h ttle befo re fell (0 ro ule warh h im ,that the

(ycame to

h igh repro aches o ne w ith ano ther . The , o ccafionco f,the i r ailing

was a private bufineffe wherein Norman

'L efley (and Ji g-man s wrp nged by

the Cardinall:On“

the Other (ide, the Cardinall(Zaidf-he -wa s


no tewu h re

(peét u(edbyNorman L efley

h is infierio ur. The (ad $ ohn Lefley'

in all,

Companies (paredn o t to fay,-That that fame dagger e th h i s

dao o er) and th at (ame hand (bo uld be put in t

he Cardinalls b reh}yThe(ebrL




CS came to theCa’

rdinalls ears but he tho ugh th im(e1fefio ut enough

fo r-

allScotland ,Fo rm Bahylon, that is , in h is new , £ look

(ure, a3~ he tho ught:,

and upo n thefields be'was able to match all;hi s ene ~

mics And to (peak the truth the mo frpart o f theNo b ilityo f a torland

had either given ,unto h im their Bands o f:Manr ed o r el(e were into o nfe d

deracy, and promi(ed am itywith h im , and(0


he gen/ e his bafiardf eldefi

daugh ter, Marriage' to the Earlo f Crawford h i s eldeft(on and herr and

c au(ed th e 'W edding to be celebrate with (rich State as if (hehad been .

a Princes lawfulldaughter. He o nelyfeared them' inswho fe hands G o dv

did deliver him, and (o r them helaid h is nets (0 (ecretly (as that'he‘made

a fullcompt) that their feet co uld nOte fea'

pe, as we (hallafter hear; And

(o mething o f his fo rmer praétices wemay recompt . After ,E afler, he

came to E dmhargh‘

, to ,ho ld theSeingnye(as thePap

ifts termed then theirunhappyAfiemblyo f Baalr


fhaven (o r-

t i lt was br'

uted that (o mething

was lpurpo fed againlt himat ,

that day ,by ,

the Earle o f Angaaxar‘id his

friends , whom hemo rtally feared, and who fe defirufitio n he (o ughtbutt

it failed and (o returned he to his (‘trength yea, to his go d and o nely

comfo rt, as wellin heaven asin earth and there he ,

remained W itl‘lo mt

all(ear o f death , promifing to h imfelf no lefl

‘e plea(ure then

did the richman o f whom ment io n i smade byo urMailer in the G o fpel


, fo r ,

he did

n o r o nely fay, E at and be glad,my(o ul, (o r th o u hafigreat riches laid up

in (lo re (o rmanydayes but he(aid,Tnjh, afiggefor thefooler, and it hatton

for the hraggzng of heretteker and their afitflante zn St o tland Is not my

Lord Governour mine rvztneffe his eldeflfan in


ytledg e at my tahie. Have

.I not the2 1687! atmyownedevoti

on he meant o f the mo therMarythathowr56 6 raign s) Is not Francemyfrzend,and I

amfr iend to France: Whatdanger

flmald Ifear e .9 And thus in van ity the carnallCardinalldelighted him

(elf a little befo re h is death .,BUt yet he had d

evifed to have cut o ff (uch

as he th o ught might tro u

ble h im Fo r, he h ad app o inted the wh o le G en

tlemen o f Fyfe to havemet h im at Falkland theMunday;but hewas (lainupo n the Saturday befo re; His treafOnable purpo (e wa

s no r underflo o d,

” d {t was th is 0

,ThatNorman L e/Zey, Sheriff o f F vfl’

,and apparent heir

to h i s Father the Earlo fRather -the fo re(aid93079» L efley,Father bro ther to

Norman 3 the Lairds o f Orange, elder and yo unger 3 Sir 173mm : L eo rmwd

o f Darhe and P rovo fi o f Saint Andrew s and the faithfullLaird l

o f

Raft/z, (ho uld either have been (lain, o r el(e taken, and after to have beenel rt ired

L ibJ ;

x o f go ld under co ales that we re lai dm a (ecret c o r

ner . At length he a s keth , W i llyefa fuemylife9 The faid ’


obn anfwered,

It maybe {bat we n ull. Nay(faith the Card i nall) Swear nnto me byGaol:

dm nd. wounds , and I 317l‘openyon.


Then anfwered lth e faid ft lb“ W fl filid,’

u unfo ld and fo c ryed, F 1 76 , lire, fo r the do o

re was very liro ng and fo

was b ro ugh t a ch imleyfullo f burn ing co ales ,wh ich perceived, the Car

d inallo r his Chamberlain (it is uncertain)o pened the do o re,and the Car‘

r he c ardim h dinallfat down in a chai re, and c ryed, 1 47” 4 fi le/l; U 7”4 Pr zejl,yem y? ”

(layme. The (aid gi obn L e/lze acco rding to h i s

fo rmerVOW S h im

firli o nce o r twice, and lo did the faid Peter . b ut 954m l? ! Melvin a {nan o f

nature mo i’t gentle an

d mo'

l’r mo'

deit perceivmg them bOth i n cho ler,

w ithdrew them ,and faid, Tbnwork ondyndgement of Gorl altbozigb it be [e

eret ) ongbe to be alone a nt/o g reener gravi ty!

And prefenting un to h im the

The h a and point o f the fwo rd faid Repent tbee of tbyformer rewired life, bnt e/peem/ly

1m “ ofrbe [heel/l/ ng of tbeblean’of tbo t notablemflwment of God M . G eo rge W i f

charde, nil/ robalbei t tbeflnme offire confirm?

qeaneenpon tbee,nnn’wefrom God are[ent to reveng e F or berebeforemyGod,

[ pron/l, s rt neitber rbe barred of t /flyperfon , tbe love ofMyr iebes , nor tbefear:

of anytrouble tbon oonlolfl bwedone tom e zn iyartrenlar , move

d, or movetbme to

fir / lee tbee Bo t onelybecnnfe tbon loo/lbeen and remnznejl rm ob/lenote

Again/lCbrz/l554m andbis boly G



pel. And (0 ,he {tro ke h im twice o r

thrice tho rowwith a h o g {wo rd 3 And fé he fell, neverwo rd (heard o ut o f

fzc c fl

zdtnfls his m o uth ,but Iem 4 Przejl, fie,fie, all 125gone.

W h ile theywere thus bufied W i th the Cardinall the frayto fe in the

ToWn, the Provo fta'

ifembles the Commo n '

alty and c o mes to the h o uie


ying a rbo t/ eyedonemztbmyLordCarelznnll .9 W bere myLord

Carel'nall .P' Hoveye flo in my Lord Carelznoll They that Were w ithin an

fwered gentlely Ire/ln,werefor you to returnto your airn

bonfir for ebemen

ye call tbe'C/zrolznnllbo t/o received be}:rein/1rd and en bx: ownyerfonwzlltrouble

tbeworld nomore. But then‘m o re inr


agedlytheycry W eflmllnever depar t

trlltbotmcfee bzm . An‘d fo was he broug


ht to . the Bali block h o ufe head,

and (hewed dead over the wall, to the i'

aithleiiemult itude wh ich wo uldn0 t beleevebefo re they faw and lb they departed witho ut Requiem xter‘

mm, requiefcrzt in po re, fung fo r h is fo ule. Now becau'

fe the'


was h0 t fo r it was inMay, aaye have heard and h is funerals could no'


{riddenlybe prepared , it was tho ught belt to keep h im from (link ing to

g ive h im great falt eno ugh a co pe o f lead and a co rner in the bOtto rri o f

the feaTower(aplacewheremanyo f G o ds ch ildren had been imprilOnedbefo re to awaitwhat exequies h is brethren the .Bifhops wo uld prepare

fo r h im . Thefe th ings wewrite merrily but wewo uld that the Reader

iho uld o bfervc G o ds initjudgemer'

rts,and h owthat he can deprehend the

wo rldlyW i fe in their ownwifdom make their table to be a fnare to traptheir own feet

,and their own pur‘po fcd


firength‘to be their own defiru

Ch o u . Thefe are thewo rks o f o ur G o d,Wherebyh ewo uld admo nifh thetyrants o f th i s earth , that in the end . heWillbe revenged


Of theircrueltie,what {trength fo ever they make in the





ut fach is . the blindneffe o f man (as David faith) that thep o itéritylieps o f theirwicked fathers and principallyin their imp iety; Fo r h ow


Cardinallh ides a bo

L ib. 1 . Of KBligion in tbeL

Red /me of Sco tland.

little d iffers the”crueltyo f that baitard, that yet i s called Biiho p o f S . An

drews,from the c ruelty o f the fo rmerwe w illafter heare .

The death o f this aio refaidTyrant, as it was pleafing to fo me to W i t,

to tho fe'

who had received theRefo rmatio n o f Religio n fo r they were

m ight ilyafraid o f h im ,and alfo to fundryRomanifis whom he kept underas {laves fo o n the Other fide it was do lo ro us to the Priel‘ts , do lo ro us tothe G o verno ur do lo ro us to the (Lueenc Dowager : fo r in h im perilhedfaithfulneffe to France, and the co mfo rt to allGentle - wo men and



c ia’

lly‘to wanto n wido ws : His death mufi be revenged. To the Co urt

again repai res the Earle o f Ang ora and h is bro ther S ir George ; lab o ur is

made fo r theAbbacie o i Arbrotb and a grant was o nce made o f the fame

in memo rywhereo fGeorgeDowg lm ,bailard fo nne to the faid Bai le,is yet

called I’ofinlont .) But it was mo re p ro per (th ink the Homiltonr) fo r the

G overno urs i tch ing then fo r reward to the Dowglaffies ; And yet in ho pethereo f, the (aidEarlennd Sir George his br0 ther,were the


firft that .vo ted,

that the Cafile o f S . u lndremr iho uld be befi eged D ivers Gentlemen o fFyfewent into the Cattle, and abo de there with the L e/Zm during the firlt

fiege , and {fa/on Rongbwas Preacher to them . TheB it p, to declare the g igging:z eale that he had to revenge the death o f h im thatwas his predeceifo ur giadfi nayc.

(and fo r his riches he wo uld n0 t have had him living againe ) {till blew made lumfclfcthe co les . And firfihe made fumm o n s

,then he deno unced accurfed at

lalt rebels , no t onely the firi’centerprifers , but allfach alfo as aft er did ac the Cardi nal].c ompany them . And laft o f alla fi


egewas c o ncluded,which began in theend o f Augui

‘t (fo r the 2 3 day thereo f departed the So uldiers fro m E dm

burgb and co nt inued neer to the end o fj anuary. A twhat t ime,becaufe

they had no Other ho e o fw inn ing o f it, bUt by hunger and thereo f alfo

theydefpaired fo r t eywith in had bro ken thro ugh the E ai’t wall and

m ade a plaine paffagebyan i ro n gate to the fea ,wh ich greatly relieved thebefieged, and abafed the befiegers fo r then they faw that they co uld ne t

Pt o p them o f vicituals , unleife that they iho uld be mafiers o f the fea and

that theyclearlyunderflo o d theyco uld n0 t be fo r the E ngliih Sh ips hado nce been there,and had bro ught W i lli am Kirlemkliefrom L ondon,and w ithmuch difiicultie (becaufe the (aid gate was n0 t then prepared ) and fo me

lo iTe of men . had rendered h im to the (Jaille againe ; and had takenwiththem to the Co urt o fEngland {fobn L eylre, andMaiterHenryBo lnover , fo rperfeéting o f allCo ntracts betwixt them and K ing Henry"

, who pr'




to take them into h is prOteétio n upo n Co ndit io n o nely that th ey‘ihpuld

u? “ “ ’h“

co nditio ns0. i

k ecp the G overno urs fo n my Lo rd o f Am ine , and (land friends to the K ing HenryCo ntraét o fMarriage, whereo f befo re we have madement io n . Thefe (0 0 k the s afllc

th ings clearlyunderflo o d(W Cfay) bythe G o verno ur and his Co unfell, ffi'


ifiiifithe Priefis and the {haven fo rt theyco ncluded to m ake an appo intment, th a n.

to the end, that under Truce theym ight either get theCaflle betrayed,,o r elfe fome princi allmen o f the co mpany taken atunawares . In wh ich Thefirfi liege'

dreffmg W 115 [ht b t Of.Dunfermelzng princ ipall and fo r that pur u


po fe had the Laird Of Momlflbdnie (who was m o lt fam iliar with tho ft o ftheCaltle)labo ured with fo o :and hand,and pro ceeded fo in his‘tnaflique,that fro m entring in daylight , at his pleafure he gat licence to c ome inin the n ight, whenfo ever it pleafed him . But G o d had no t appo inted (0

L many

The [i i/for} of t/re(

Reformation L ib“;

many to be betrayed albeit that hewo uld that they i ho uld be punilhed,A nno

and that juflly, as hereafter we lhallheare.

The Heads o f the co lo ured appom tment were 5

I Tfrat t/rey[boa/d keep tireCd e of S Andrews[ii/l, wbzle that tbe Gover

t they thei r fiends fomzliarr andforearms ,and oz/oerr to tlrem

pertaining [Maid nefver 5c pflrfned in Lona by antnarzty for tireflangbter

nfor efnzd. But tlmt tloeyflwnld enjoyoommodzrzer, [fora g e/lor temporall, urn/rt

foet ter flee): page/fed éeforet/re fore!flonglrter , even o r of of bed never beene com

rnztred. T/azzt theyof tire(Jo/ Heflionld keep floeEarleof Arran fl) long no t/rem

Pledges were keptAnd fuch like Articles liberalleno ugh for tbeynever mzno’ed to keepword

oft/fern , n; tire 1mma’za

’declare. fife/mKong/7 left theCaftlefeeing he co ulddo li ttle go o d upon tho fe thatwereWith in, fo addi é


ted were theyto thei r

c ellwayes , h ewent into England to P reach G o ds W o rd there .

The appo intment made allthe go dlywere glad fo r fo me h o pe

had that therebyGo ds W o rd iho uld fomewhat bud as indeed fo itFo r i onn Kong /r (who fo o n alter theCardinals {laughter entred w ith in theCafile and had c o ntinued in it during thewho le fiege)having left theCa



e he co uld do lit tle go o d upo n tho fe thatwere w ith him ;(0 ad;

dietedwere they to their evilwayes , began to Preach in the c i tyo fS .An

dreivr . And albeit he was no r the m o ftlearned,yet was h is de ine with

o ut co rruptio n, and therefo re wellliked o f the peo ple. At the E afier after

Anno 1 547:came to the Callie o f S . Andrews , 550”Knox,who Wearied o f

removing fro m place to place,by reafo n o f the perfé cutio n that c ame upo nhim by the BilhOp o fS .Andremr ,was determ ined to have left S eotlnnd,andto have vifited theScho o ls o fGermnny(o fE ng /and then he had no pleafurebyreafo n that altho ugh thePOpes namewas l



ed,yet hi s laws co r

ruptio ns remained in fullvigo r .)But becaufe he had the care o f(ome G entlemens ch ildren ,whom certain yeers he had no urifhed in go dlinell


fathers fo licited him to go to S .Andrewe, that himlElfc might have the h e r

h eri t o f the Cafile , and their ch ildren the benefi t o f h is Do ctrine . And Po .

we lay) came he the time afo rel'aid to the(aid place and having in hisc o mpanyFrancis Doing /no o a ngnidrie, Georgehis bro ther, andfi lmm a kerCokburne, eldelt fo n then to the Laird o fOrnate/ion, began to exerc ife them,

after his accultomed manner . Befides the Gr ammar and Other bo o ks o fhumane Learning,he read unto them aCatcchifme, acco unt whereo f he can;fed them give publikelyin theParilh Church o fS .Andrem .He readmo reo ver unto them the Go l


pelo fgfolon, p ro ceedingwhere he left at h is departure from L angmdr le, where befo re his refidence was , and that Leélure heread in the Chappellwithin the Cal'tle at a certain ho ’

ure . They o f the)Placeb llt (pec iallyMf lenfi olnw es 8:

Tf obnxonglo Preacher,perceiving the

manner o fh i s Do etrine,began earneftly to travel!with him


,that he wo tiid

take the Funeti o n o f Preacher upo n h im but he refuled,alleadging thathe wo uld n0 t runwhere Go d had no t called him

, meaning , that hewo ulddo

"I heHi/lory of theReformation L ib 1 .

au to in the dayer of the t / Ipo/ller then war the Church of the fiewer from the

Ordi nance g iven byMofes when they confinted to the innocent deathqf' J a s u s

C u a r s r . Thefe wo rds were (po ken in the o pen audience o f the

Parilh Church o f SaintAna'rewer , after the (aid Dean ffohn hadfpo k enwhat it pleafed him and had refufed to drfpute . The peo ple hearingthe o ffer c ryedw

ith o ne co nfent, We cannot allreadeyour wri ti ng s , butwe

can all hear your Preaching Therefore we requi reyou i n theName of Godf hat,

b 6 (t b. ye let to;heart the approbation of that whi ch ye have affirmed F or if i t he

f li—

k c


,Lang true, wehave beene m/[erably deceived. And [0 the next Sundaywas apo f warm , po

inted to the (aid j ohn, to exprefl'

e his m ade in the publike Preach ingh‘iilhi


ghfmh place : W h ich dayappro aching the (aid gfohn to o k the Text written inat 3 .Andrew .

Dani el, the feventhCha ter beginn ing thus 2, And another K i ng/ hall r ifeaf.ter them and hejhall thefir]? and he[hall[ubdue threeKrug s , andall eahmordr a ain themo Hz h and [balloon/lame the Saint: of the mofl[high/[jand thin/eh



he canjhhanfge Times andLawer Andthey[hallhe g iven

unto hie hands untzlla time and inner, anddividing of timer , (he. In the be

ginning o f his Sermo n he fhewed the great love o f G o d towards h isChurch , who m he pleafed to fo rewarnc o f dangers to come (0 many

yeers befo re theyc ome to paffe . He briefly treated o f the {late o ft he

Ifraelites , who then were in bo ndage in Babylon, fo r the mo lt part, andmade a ibo rt d ifco utfe o f the fo ur Emp ires,The Babylonian,The Perfian,That o f the Creeker , And the fo urth o f the Romano: 3 in the dcfiruaio nwhereo f, to fe up that lafl Beafi ,

~which he affi rmed to be the Roman;Church


fo r‘to no ne Other power that ever hath yet beene do all the

no tes th’


tG o d hath fhewed to the P ro phet appertain,except to it alo ne 5And unto it theydo (0 p ro perly appertaine ,

that fuch as are no t mo re

then blinde , may elec tly fee them. But befo re he began to o pen theco rruptio ns o f defined the - true Church fhewed thetrue no res of it, whereup on itwas built, whyitwas the P illar o f Ver ity, and why it co uld no t erre s to _

Wit, Becauflezt heard the voyce of the onelyPaflor , Ia s u s C ou t I s r would not heare aflranger m other would be

carried W i th every wi nde of Doc‘i rzne. Every o ne o f thefe heads fufli ci

entlydetlared he entred to the co ntrary and upo n the no tes g ivenin h is Text , he {hewed that the Sp irit o l_G o d in the '

new Teftament

gave to this Kingo thet newsnameS s to wit, Theman of flu , The'


ch m/l, TheWhore of Babtlon . Hé‘fhewed That th i sman offin ,o r Anti g

thr ift ; Was no t to be refirained to the perfo n o f anyone man o nely,0 0 mo re then


by the fo urth Beafi , was to‘

be underflo o d the perl'

o n

o f any o ne i pewur . But by[inch names the Sp irit o f Go d wouldfo rewarne


h is chofen o f a body and a miiltitude ,h aving a wickedhead wh ich ih o uld no t o nelybe finfull‘himfelf ,

‘but alfo iho uld be

o cca to n o f (i n, to allthat (ho uld be lubica unto h im { a s ChiifiJefas

i s the ca‘ufe o f Juliicezto all theMembers o f h is Bo dy)


and is'

called theA ntwb



that i s to fay, One co ntrary to Chrift, becaufe that he‘is co n‘(a‘Yfflo him 1 0 L tfij, Doflrine,

‘Lawer and Subjerfir .

‘rAnd there thegan

to dec ipher the lives o f divers Popes and the lives o f,


fo r the mo lt part : Thei rDoa rine iand t awes , he lainly'

proved to tePUBHCdi ffifily to theB oa rine “

and Lawes o f God)


C ri

L ib. i. o

‘ReItgim ifl t/ee fi elmt ffis m lmd 77

ChrifiJs fus his So n. This he p roved by c o nferring the Do étrine o f A llflOJJfilfiCQIlOD exprefled in the S cr iptures wh ich teach that man is juflifiedhy F azth onely. 5 That the hlooa

'of Iefna Chri/l purgeth wafrom allour finnes .

And the Do étrine o f the Papifls , wh ich attribute Jufiificati o n to the W M?"

w o rk s o f the Law ,


yea to the wo rk s of mens inventio ns as Pilgri

m age, Pardo ns and o ther fu‘

ch baggage. That the Papiflicall lawe s (a n .

repugned to the Lawes o f the G o fpel, hep roved, by the Lawes madeo f o b Fervatio n o f dayes abfiaining from meats and fromMarriag e,wh ich

Ch rifilefus made free 5 and the fo rbidding whereo f , Saint Paulc alleth the doe

Zrzne of dowels . In handling th e nutes o f that Beafig ivenin theText , he willed men to


co nfider iti


e no tes (There[ha/1 anotherrefit, nnlzheto the having a moathfpealezng g reat theng s andhlaflrhemom )c o uld be ap plyed unto any O ther ,bur to th e Po pe and his k ingdome

Fo r if thefe (faid he) be no r great wo rds and blafphemo us TheHead of The grc'



~rno_/l holy mojl


’d,that cannot erre That

oan make r ight ofX°fdt



‘wrong .andwrong of r ight ; That of nothing can mahefomewhat 5And that had

m" l

all werzty {a the Shr ineof half hrejl; yea, That had power of all, and nonepower

of hzm .-Nay, no t to fay That he doth wrong although he drawten tho/e

j and'

Mz/lzons of [only wuh hs elf to hell. If thefe~(lard he ) and manyOther

,eafie to be fbowne in h is own Cannon—Law be no r great and

_blafphemo us wo rds , and fuch as never mo rtallrnen fpake befo re , legthewo rld judge . And yet (faid he) is there o nemo lt evident

o f all, to

wit, Iohn in h is Revelatio n (aye s That theMerchandife o f that Babylo nianHarlo t; among other ther/gr , flgallhe the hadzer and[only of men . Nowlet veryPap ili s them


felves judge If any befo re them, to o k upo n them

p ower to relax the pains o f them that were in Purgato ry , as they af

firmeto the peo ple that daily they do , by the‘merits o f the ir Maff



and o f their o ther trifles . In the end he (aid , If anyhere (and thereI b x


h dwere p ie


t Mailer IohnMaire,theu niverfity, the Sub

- Prio r, andma bign§figplgnyCanno ns with fome Friers o f bo th the O rders )thatwillfay,That in hi s firfl:I have alleadged Scripture Do éto r , o rHifio ry Otherwife then it is fi

re ”b"

wr itten.let them come unto mewith fufficient witnefl'

e and by co nference I (halllet them fee, n0 t o nely theO rig inal]wheremy Tefiimo nie s.are wr itten, but I1h allprove, Thatthe W rite rs meant as I have fpo kenaOf th is Sermo n

, which was the firfi that eve r IohnKnox;made in pub,lik e, was divers brutes : Some (aid, He no t o nely hewes thebranches o fP ap ifiry


, but he firikes .ar the ro o talfo t'

o defiro y thegwho le. Others

faid, i f the Do dto rs f




flri nofir i, defend no tno w the Po pe and

h is Autho rity wh ich in their own prefence is fo'

manifefily impugned,thedefvzlljmayhavemypart of him,

andof he'

s Lawe:h'



Others (aid,MalletGeorgeVV/fo'harde fpake never lo plainly and yet he was burnt even / ft)W illhe be . In the end o thers (aid, The


Tyranny o f theCardinallmadeno t his caule the better, neither yet the fufi

ering o f Go d s fervantmadeh is caufe the

wo rfefi And therefore W e wo uld cOunl'

ellyo uand them to

p rovide betterdefences thenfire and fwo rd , s fo r itmay be that elleyewill be dilappo inted men nowh ave


o ther eyes then they had then.

Th is anfwer gave the Laird o f.Nydrie aman,fervent andzupright inRé

~ igio n. The bafiard Bifho p g whtiyetwas no t execrated co nlcc ra


3 F ey


7 heHi/Zor) of theReformation .

(he S ub - Prio r o f S . Andrews who (S ede vacante ) was Vicar Generall,That he wo ndered that he fufi


ered fuch.

Hereticalland Sch i fmatrcallDo

ctrine to be taug ht , and not to o ppo fe h imfelfe to thefame . Upo n th i s rebuke, was a c o nvent

io n o f gray—Friers , and black - F iend s appomted) wi ththe (aid Sub - Prio r Deane §Cohn t rame

,‘rn S . L eonard; Y ard whereunto

was firft c alled yohn Rough and certain Arti cles read to h im . And

thereafter was"

f ohn Knox called fo r. The caufe o f thei r co nventio n


why that theywere called, is expo unded . And the Articles were read,

wh ich were thefe .

1 No morta/lman‘

ean he thehead of theChnreh .

2 The Pope it an Antiehrz/l, and[o itnomemher of Chri/Zt myjlieallhody,

3 . d efan maynei ther mahe nor dew/fe 11 Relig i on that it acceptahle to God,ha tman it hound to ohferve and leeep theRelig i on thatflow God it r eceived

, wi th

oat chopping or chang i ng thereof .


4. TheS acrament: of theNemTe/lament onght to hemini/ heelat theywer eiflfiflmed hyc hm/lf eftot , andp raélefed hyhit -Ap o/llet , nothing ought to he addedunto them , nothing ought to hedzmtnt/hedfiom them.

5 TheMa/fe 13 ahominahle Idolatry, hla/phemotot to thedeath of Chri/Z , anda pr ophanatzon of the L ords S tepper .

6 . Ther e it no Purgatory, in thewhich the fonlet of men can either he p inedorpurged after this lift) . Bat heaven r efleth to thefaithfnh

,and hell to the r e

prohateand nnfaithfnll.7 . Praying for thedead5vain, and to thedead8. There it no s hop except

'he Preach eve without anyS tthflittttu .

9 TheTythes hyGod: L awdo not appertain ofneeefl’

ztyto theChurch - men.

Thefirangeneffe (faid the Sub - Prio r o f thefe Articles wh ich are gathered fo rth o fyo urDo é’rrine have moved us to call fo r yo u, to hear yo uro wn anfwers . Iohn Knox faid I fo rmypart praiflemy G o d, that Ifec foh o no urable and apparantlyfo m o delt and quiet an Audito ry : But be~caufe it i s lo ng fince that I have heard

,that ye are o ne that is no r io no rant

o f theTrueth, I maycraVe o fyo u in theName o f G o d,yea, and Iappeal

yo ur co nfcience, befo re that fupreme Judge ; That ifye th ink anyA rticlethere expreffed,co ntraryunto .the Truth o fGo d, Thatye o ppo fe yo ur [


cplainelyunto it,and fuller no r the peo ple to be therewi th deceived .But o nthe o ther fide, if in yo ur

co nfcienceye k now the Doctrine to be true,then

W ilLI crave yo urPatro c in ic thereto 5 That byyo ur autho ri ty the peoplemay be m oved the rather to beleeve theTruth, whereo fmanydo ubts,byreafo n o f yo ur tho ughts . The Sub - Pr io r anfwered I came no r here as


aJudge, but o nelyfamiliarlyto talke and therefo re I willneither allowno r co ndemne. But i fye lift, I willreafo n.

The Seth- Prior .

W hymayno r theChurch (faid he)fo r go o d caufes devifi: Ceremo niesto deco re the Sacraments ,and Other Go ds Service

Iohn Knox .0


thc Church o n l o Jo



0 ght to do no rhmo hat tn F ai th and on ht not to ohefore, hat it hound tofollowthew in of thetrnia

l’aflor .

g g

re Go ds Rand o wn eyes . .

The S h h- Prior .

Fo rgive me, p ake it but in m owes

,and I was dry. And now fat

(faid he, to the Frier ) fo llow the argument ye have heard what I h‘

(aid,and what is anfwered to me againe .

I {hallprove plainely that Ceremo n ies are o rdained byG o d ,

fiohn Knox .

Such as Go d hath o rdained we allow,andwith reverence Weufe them

But thequeitio n is o f tho fe that G o d hath o rdained, fuch as in Baptifrn efpittle, fair, candle except it be to k eep the barne from the co ld

and the refi o f the Papifiicall inventio ns .

Arhdehill.I W illeven prove tho fe that yedamne to be o rdained o f G od, (


j ohn Knox .

The Prgo fe thereo f I wo uld gladlyhear.

ghill.Sarth no r Saintfit

nl that ano ther fo undatio n then s Chrill mayno man lay. But upo n this ndatio n, S ome build g lver, and p i ec io ns Ho nes , fome hay, {_tubble, and wo o d. The go ld, filver, and the precro us fio nesfare the Cerem o es o f the Church , which /do abide the fire


and co nfumeth no r away, Sec . Th is place o f S cripture is mo lt plaine,fayeth thefoolzjhfiend.

gfohn KnI prarfi:myGo d th ro ugh Jefus Chrifif o r l finde his promife fuie,true,(table . ChriftJelus bids us no r fear when we {hallbe called befo re

men to give co nfefli o n o f s Trueth,fo r he pro mifeth that it {hallbe gi



unto us in that ho urewhat we {hallfpeak . If I had fo ught thewho leS criptures I co uld no t have.pro duced a place m o re pro per fo r


purpo fe, no rmo re po tent to co nfo undyo u . Now to yo ur Argument . TheCeremo nies o f the Church layye are go ld,filver, and prec io us fto nes ,becaufe theyare able to abide the fire . But Iwo uld learne o fyo u,

W hatfire i s i twhi ch yo ur Ceremo n ies do abide 0: And in themean t ime

,wh ile

yebe advrfed to anfwer I w illthewmyminde andmake an Argumenta

gamftyo urs , upo n the fame Text . And firfi I fay that I have heard

t 18Text adduced fo r a pro o fe o fPurgato ry, but fo r defence o fG eremonies, 1 never heard no ryet read i whether e underi’tzind



finde o f the Apo llle o r no t gument an

yd fay That

W 1C can ab ide the fire can abide G o d 5 But yo ur Cerem o nies canno t abide the W o rd o f Theycanno t abide the

(yifieligion in theW e of . Sco tland.

upo n Jefus Chrifl: tried,


then G o d d his

th in the S criptures are called fire , and I fhallco rreel

Jilrhttghzll.I {land no t thereupo n, but I denyyo urMino r to

‘wit That o ur Cc

remo nies mayno t abide the triallo f G o ds W o rd.

gohn Knox.1

I prove, That abides no t the triallo f Go ds W o rd ,wh ich Go ds W o rd

c o ndemnes But Go ds W o rd co ndemnes yo ur Ceremo n ies 3 Therefo retheydo n0 t ab ide the triallthereo f. But as a th ief ab ides the triallo f thea uefi

,and thereby is c o ndemned to be hanged, even fo mayyo ur Cere

m o n ies abide the triallo f Go ds W o rd but no t elfe . And now in few

w o rds to mak e plain that‘

wherein ye mayfeemto do ubt,to wit

,that Go d s

W o rd damnes yo ur Ceremo nies it is evident'

: Fo r the plain and firait

C o mmandment is Not that thing that appear: g ood i n thi ne eye: [halt thott do 0 6m. 4.

to the L ord thyGodhntwhat theL ord thyGod hath commanded thee,that do thou,addenoihing to it, drmini/h nothing flow it . Nowfunleffe that

ye be able top ro ve that G o d hath c o mmanded yo ur Ceremo n ies


th i s his fo rmerCo mmandment willdamne bo th yo u and them .

The Frier fomewhat abalhed'

what firll to anfwer while hewandersabo ur in the mill, he falls in a fo ul



\Fo r alleadging that wemay no t

be fo bo und to theW o rd,he affirmed, That the Apofiles had n0 t received

theHo ly G ho llwhen theydid wr ite their E ifiles ,but after they receivedh im ,

and then they'

o rdained Ceremon ies ew wo uld have tho ught that

fo learned aman wo uld have given fo fo o lifh an anfwer,& yet it i s even ast rue as he did bear a grayCo ull f ohn Knox, hearing theai i fwer,l



faid, If that he true, I have long heen in an er ronr ,and I think I[ha/ldi etherein .

The Sub - Pr io r faid to h im,F ather

,W hatflyye .

9 Godforhtd thatye affirmethat , for then far ewellthe ground of our fai th. The Frier affo nied


thebefl fhift that‘

he co uld to co rreét h is fault,but it wo uld n0 t be.


f ohnKnox bro ugh t him o ft again to the gro und o f theArgument .But hewo uldnever anfwer direétly,but ever fled to the auth o rity o f theChurch:whereto the-(aid ¥ ohn anfwe

red o fter then o nce That the Spoafe of Chrs hadnei ther yotver nor authorityagain}? the ,Word of God. Then faid the Frier,If /b he , yewid letrve tot no Indeed

,faid the Other , in David I

r eade that there ie aChurch of theMalignants ,'

for hefaith Odi E cclefi am P516

m alignantium ThatChnrth yemayhavewrthon‘


theW ord,and doing tha

ny thing ; dzreétlyfighting ag ain/Z‘

the W ord of God . Of that Church tfye W i ll he I cannot hinder yore. But at for me I m il he of none otherChur ch, except of that whi ch hath

Tf’efna Chrt to he Pa/Zoar which hear: his

Fvoioe, and n ullnot heare aflranger . In th i s Difputatio n m any.Other thingswere merrily s k o ft o ver : Fo r the Frier after his fallco uld. fpeak no th ingto any purpo fe. Fo r Purgato rie

‘he had no better .pro o fe , but theM autho rity

TheHiflory of theReformation'

L ib , 1

t r rl in the fixrh o f his E neiads 5and the paines thereo f toA [1 11 0 figsgiyasgzztinfi. Iohn Knex anfwered that,and many Other th ings as

m ar/ i he h imfelfwitneffeth , in a Treatife that he didwrite i n the Gallies c o n

p roofc o f Pan min ing the fum o fh is D o ctrine, and the c o nfefli o n o f h i s Fai th and font

gmq‘it to his fam iliars in S tat /and, W ith his exho rtat i o n,.That theyfl’OUId COH‘

t inue in the Truth ,which theyhad profeifed, nOtW i thftanding anywo rld;

The t aufe o f lyadverii ty that m ight enfue thereo f. Thus much o f that di fputa‘ti o n

‘hc m fcm g °F have we inferred here, to the intent that men mayo

fee h ow Satanever tra- vclleth to o bfcure the Light and how G o d by h i s power wo rk ing in h is

weak velfels , c o nfo unds the craft, and di fclo feth the darkneife o f Satan .

After th i s the Pap ili s and Fr iers , had nogreat heart o f further difputat io n o r reafo ning, but invented ano ther fhi ft, whi ch appeared to pro ceed

The Pram“ from go dlineife and it was th is Every learned _man in theAbbey,and



in the Univerfitie iho uld Preach in the F arifli Church h i s S undayabo ut .ncfle ih ould The S h h—Pr i or began fo llowed the official! called Spittall Serm o n s


;b“Md “

was penned to o ffend no man,fo llowed all the reft in their rank s . Andfo John Knox fmelled o ut the craft and in his S ermo n s . wh ich hemade upo n the W eek e - dayes , he prayed to G o d that t hey fho uld be

as bufie in Preaching when there iho uld be mo re want o f it, then thereThe pro refia


was then . Alwayes (faid he) I praifi:G o d thatChrifiJefus is Preached,"b"

and no th ing i’s faid publihely againl’t the Do c

‘trine that ye have heard . If

in myabfence they {hall fpeak any thing wh ich in myprefe nceno r 5 I pro reft that ye fufpendyo ur judgement till that it pleafehear me againe.

G o d fo'

affified his weak So uldier,and fo blefl'

ed his labo urs that no co nely allthefe o f the Callie, but alfo a great number o f theTownopenlyprofeffed byparticipat i o n o f the Lo rds Table ,in the fame puritygthat now

i t is minifired in theChurches o fSootland,with that fame Do é'

trine that heM. tame: ta had taught unt o .them . Amo ugh:whom was h e that now e ither rules

,o r

elfemifrules Seotland'

ao wit,Si r [antes Balfour (fometimes calledMJ ames )Ehmc


h, in; the chiefe and principallPro tefiant, that then was to be fo undw ith in th is

d id Pro fel’

fe all Realm . Thi s wewrite becaufe that '

we have heard that the - faidMailerW

{ antes alleadgeth, that hewas never o f th i s o ut Religio n, but that hewa sKnox. bro ught up inMartin Luther: Opinio n o f the Sacramen t and therefo re he

canno t communicate with‘

us . But his own co nfcience, and two hundredw itnelfes befides

,know that he lies

,and that he was o ne o f the ch ief (if

he had n0 t been after his cups )thatwo uld have given his life'

,if rrten m ight'

c redi t his wo rds fo r defence o f the do étrine that the {aid lohn Knoxtaught . But albeit that tho fe that never were o f us as no ne o t nqt,hammy! ho ufe have _ihewed themfelve s to be ) depart from u s i t‘i s no i


s fiww wo nder . Fo r i t i s pro per and naturall, that the children fo llowthe father ,

Pand let the o dlybeware of that race and pro genie,byefchewing it . F o ri f in them e either fear o f G o d

,o r love o f vertue further then the

Th f hprefent commo di tie perfwades them men o f judgement . are . deceived;But to return to o ur Hifio ry. ThePhi-ed s and

Biiiho ps'

enraged‘at allthefe

9mm Preach . Plo ccedmgs that were in Saint Andrews ran now tipomtheGo verno nr,

325351“ “ OW upo n the. (h em e now upo n the who le Co unfelh and there

m ight havebeen heard complaints zandc ryes,W hat arewedo ing t’


Hi/Zorj of t/yeRefirmo tion


r Via o r (the firft twenty daye s they had many p ro fpc r


gfiznce s ) h};lamented , and ever (aid They(aw no rwhat he {aw

when theybragged o f the fo rce and th i c kneflie o f thei r walls , helaid

theyih o uld be but egge

- fli ells . W hen theyvaunted E ngland W i ll re

(cue us , he faid Y e {hall no t fee them 5


but ye {hallbe delivered into .

yo ur enemies h ands , and (ballbe carried i nto ao

firangeCo untrey.

Upo n the nine and twent ieth o f My at


night , was the O rdnance

planted fo r the Battery th irteen Canno ns ,whe reo f fo ur were Canno ns


Henryo fRo yall, c alled do

uble Canno ns , befides o ther Pi eces . The Battery _


E izifld bf ms gan at fo ur o f the clo ck in the mo rning 5and befo re ten ho urs o f the day,

“ 33 “the who le S o uth q uarter, betwixt the fo reTo wer and the Bail Blo ck

ho ufe , was made i'

altable . The lower Gallery was fl o pped , diversflain in it g and the E al

’t Blo ck - ho ure was iho t


o fl'

from the place . Be

twixt ten o f the clo ck and eleven, there fella {hower o f rain, that -

co n

t inned nt er an ho ur, the lik e whereo f had feldome been feen it was {0

vehement , that no man might abide w itho ut a h o uie . The Canno nswere le ft alo ne . S ome within the Caille were o f judgement,

that men

Ih o uld have illned and p r e “ in the hands o f G o d . But becaufe that

W z/lrom Kzr/toaldze was co ming w ith the‘Prio r o f Capone , who had the


i o n o i that lourneyfrom the K ing o f F rance , no th ing was enterpvrifed. And(0 appo intment made, and theCafile r endered upo n

S aturday the laft o f h oly. TheH s ads o f the Appo intment were- s Thatthe lives of all with in the Cafile iho uld be faved , as well E ngliih


a s

Scots , that they iho uld be fafely tranfp o rted to F rame. And in’


that upo n co ndit io ns which bythe K ing o f F rance iho uld o ffered unto‘

The Caflle o f them they co uld no rbe co ntent to romaine.

in fervice and freedome

there, they iho uld upo n the King o f F rance hi s expences be fafely co n




my veyed to what Co untreytheywo uld, o ther thenS cotland. W ith the Go

m trcu W i th ruorrrour tbeywoo l/Ilmfuc not/ring ado, neither wit]: my Sco ttifh

- man, fo r theyhad alltraytero ufly betrayed them_(which, (aid the Laird o f Grange el

cruelty o f h i s der, a 7mm [imp/e and o f mo ft {to ut co urage .I am affured G o d {h all revenge it o r it be lo ng . ) The Galleys well fur


nifhed wi th the fpo ile o fliléfififiéo i the Caftle afo refaid after certain dayes returned to F r ame , and c icahgs w fi" the

ped a great danger (fo r'

upo n the back’

o f the Sands they allcho cked )theyarrived at F elcam in November and thereafter pafled up the watero f Sequane, and l’

aybefo re‘

Roon where the p rinc ipall Gentlemen wholo o k ed fo r freedo mc

,were difperfed, and put in fundry p ri io ns the re it

were left in the Galleyes and there miferabiy ufed. Amo ngfiwhomthe fo refaidMalt‘er lomes Balfour was w ith h is two breth ren, DIM/ If,andGlider: s wh ich wewrite,becaufe thatwe heare that the (aidMatter Ionics ,p rinc ipallmifguider no w o f Scotland


denies that he had any thingto dow ith the Caftle o fSaintAndrewes p r yet that ever he was inthe Gallcy samo ng o thers , IolmKnoxwas in the Galleys all theW inte r. Then wasthe io y o f the Papii

’ts, bo th o f S cotland and o f F rance , even in fullpet

feéi io n ; fo r this was the ir fo ng o f triumph :Przeflr contentyou now, Przejis contentyou now,

F orN o rman and 1mcompanyhavefill’

a’i /yeGallzes forv

The Po pewro te Letters to the King o i'

F rance and fo did he to theCover

ed inthe

perpetuall prifo n And the ungo dly fudged,rift Jefus iho uld never t riumph in Scotland.

ng we canno t pafie by Fro m S cotland was fent a fam o us Clerke

(laugh no t Reader)M. f aint Hammzlton o f (Wtzlénrnt, w ith c red it to the

K ing ,o i F rance and unto the Cardinall o f

‘L oraine (and yet he had

neither French no r Latine and fo me'

fay his Sco rilh to ngue was no r

very g o o d . ) The fum o f h is Nego tiatio n was That th o le o f the Ca.

file (h o uld be lli arply handled In the wh ich Suit he was heard with

favour and was difpatched fro m the Co urt o f F rance wi th Letters ,and great c redit , wh ich that famo us Clerk e fo rgate by the way. For

palli ng up to theMo untaine o f Dnmbartane , befo re hi s letters were delivered, he brak e h is neck

,and fo G o d to o k away a pro ud igno rant

cnémy But now to o ur Hifio ry. Thefe things againlt pro mife (forPr inter ba fve no F idelity fur tner t/J en fo

r tlmr omne advantag e ) do ne

at Roan ,the Galleys departed to Nantes in Brztanze. W here , upo n

the water o f L ora theylay thewho le W inter. In S cotland that S um ~

m et was no th ing ‘but m irth fo r allwent with the Prieits even at their

o wn pleafure .

TheCafi le o f S . Andrew :was razed to the gro und ; the

Blo ck - h o ufe thereo f cafl do wne, and the walls ro und abo ut dem o lilh ed .

,W hether this


was to fulfilltheir law,wh ich commands that places where

Cardinals are flainf o to be ufed 5 o r elfe Fo r fear that E ng land(ho uld havetak en it, as after theydid

BrontbtleRach we remit to the judgement o ffitch,

,a s were o fco unfell.Th i s fame yeer , in the beginning o f S eptemécr ,

entereth S cotland anArmy o f ten tho ufand men fro m E ngland by Land and fo rm Ship s

PM"? “ M !"

w ith Qrdnance come by Sea. The G o verno ur and the Bifli Op hereo f

advertifed gathered to gether the F o rces o f S cotland and aHEmluledat

E drnlmrg lz. The Pro reéto r o f E ngland, w ith the E arle o f W armwl’e and Duke ar s on

their A rmy, remained at Prajlon, and abo ut Prafion Panes fo r they had”JV/“ 9

c ertaine Offers to p ro po fe unto the No bility o f S cotland , c o ncerningthe prom ife befo re ,

made by them , unto the wh ich K ing Henry befo re h i s

death gently required themto {land fall And if theywo uld fo do ,o f

h im no r o f his Realme theylh o uldhave no tro uble , but the helpe,and

the co mfo rt that he c ould mak e them in allthings lawfull. And hereupo n therewas a Letter directed to the G o verno ur and Co uncell 3 wh ich

co m ing to the hands o f the Biiho p o fSain t A na’rem s

,he tho ught it c o uld

n0 t be fo r h is advantage that it ih o uld be divulgate ; and therefo re By h is

c raft itwas f upprefléd . Upo n the F r za’aythe i


eventh o f the

a lifli Army marched towards L a t/7 , and the Sc0 tilh Army‘


ed‘fro m h amburg /7 to E nner


nu . The who le S co tifh Army was nOt t


, and yet the s k irm ifhing be gan 5 fo r nmhihg was c o nc luded

butViéto ry ,with o ut li to k e . The PrOteéto r, the E arle o fWarm a


lze,Thefecurityo f

the Lo rd Gr ay, and allthe E nglilh Captaines were playing at the ,Di'

ce .

No menwere flo uter then the Priefi s andChanno ns with their'

fliaven Zt


M 3 crown s ,


Fr idays chafe.

theymight n0 t annoytheHo lt.

the S co rilh - men gave back , and fl

tinued far, bOth towards the Bali

manywereflain, and he that now

o ccali on that theCafile o fHamewas after furrendered to the E ngli fh‘

men .

The lo lle o f thefe men neither moved the G o verno ur,no r yet the BilhOph is baflard bro ther, bragging,That theywo uld revenge the matterwélleno ug h upo n the mo rrow fo r they had hands eno w (no wo rd o f G od)the57n beretzclf s had no facet , tbeywon/d not ah a

’e. Upo n the S aturday

the Armies o f bo th fides all to Array. The E nglilh Army takes the

m iddle part o fmafia, b; 1, having their Ordnance planted befo re them,

and havmg their Ship s and two Galleys bro ught as neer the Land, as wa

ter wo uld ferve . Th e Seo rifhArmy flo o d firft in a reafo nable firength,and go o d o rder, having betwixt them and


the E nglilh Army the watero f E rk Otherwil


e calledAla/filénrgbwater ) But at length a charge wasgiven in the G o verno urs behalf , with fo und o f Trumpet That 3 11men ih o uldmarch fo rward, and go o ver the water. Some fay thatwas pro cured by theAbbo t o f Dnnfirmelzng andMailerHemRigp refervatio n o f Caréarr ie. Men o f j udgement li k ed no t the jo urneytheytho ught it no wifedo m to leave their firength . But c ommandmentUpo n commandment and charge upo n charge was given which urgedthem fo

,that unwillinglythey o beyed . The E arle o f Aug


n: being in theVant -

guard had in h is company the Gentlemen o f Fyfe o f Ang ina ,Nearnet

, and theW ef’tland,with manyOthers , that o f love refo rted unto

h im 5 and-

efpec ially tho le that were pro felfo rs o f the G o fpel fo r theyfuppo fed that E ngland wo uld n o rhavemade great parfait o f him . He

paired Erlt tho row the water,and arrayed h is Ho l

’t, direét befo re the enc e

m ies : Fo llowed the E arle o f B rantley,with h is Nortélandmen Laircomethe Governo ur

,having in his c om any the E arle o f Argyle, with h is o wn

friends,and the Bo dy o f theRea me. The E ngliih

- men perceiving thedanger, and how that the Sco riih - men intended to have tak en the to p o fthe h ill,made to prevent the perill. The Lo rd Gray was c ommanded to

give the chargewith his men at Armes which he did, albeit thehazardwas veryunlikely. F o r the E arle o f Angus Ho lt flo od even


as a wall,and received the firll afl


aulters, upon the po ints o f their Spears (wh ich

were lo nger then tho le o f the E nglifli- men)fo rudel that fiftyHo rfe and

men o f the firi’t rank lay dead at o nce,witho ut any urt do ne t0 t he Sc o tnlh Armie except that the Spears the fo rmer two Rank s werebro ken . W h ich Difcomfiture receiv


ed the tell o f the H o rfe - menfled yea fome pall


ed beyo nd F arr/7d: HI”5 the Lo rd Gray himfclfe was hurt in the m o uth and plainly denied t o chage againe 5fo r he raid, It was alike t o ' run Qaiuft a W all. The Galleye s



T/JeHi/Zorie of t/96 Reformation L ib .1

to F rame there was re ared aNavie and Army. The Naviofl fl IlO $ 233 as never was (em to e

po nfe fro m F rance fo r the fuppo rt o f S cot

land fo r beiides the G allies,being twentytwo in number

,theyhad three

fco rég reat Ship s , befides Victuallers . How fo o n {0 ever they to o k the

plainTeas , the red Lio n o f S cotlandwas di(played, and they ho lden as te

bels un to F ranco (fix/7 palm s 125- 720 fal/lmodm Palm er fo r go o d peace

flo o d betwixt F ram e and E ngland. And the K i ng o f F rance app ro ved

no th ing that theydid. The ch iefemen to who m the c o nduéting o f the

A rmywas appo inted wereMmfiear Dandelott Moafiw r dcTermer and

Item Stray . In their j o urneythey made fome harflnp upon the co afi o f

E ngland, but it was no r great . Theyarrived i n


S corland in May in the

1 s 49 . yeEre o f o ur Lo rd 1 549 . The G allies didVlfit the Po rt o f Bragg /me,but d id no mo re at that time. Preparatio ns were made fo r theli ege o f

E ddi ng ton, but it was an0 ther thing , that theymeant, as the iffue declared .

The who le bo dyo f the Realm allembled the fo rm o f a Parliament was

fet to be ho lden there, to wit, in the Abbey o fHaa’

mgton . The princ ipall

head was theMarriage o f the Princel‘f

e (by the S tate befo re c o ntracted

to K ing E dward) to the King o f F ram e ),and o f her prefent deliverie, by

reafo n o f'

the danger {he fio o d i by the invafio n o f the o ld enemies o f

E ngland. Some were co rrupte with buds fome deceived byflattering

promife and (o me fo r fear were compelled to co nfent , fo r the F rench

S o uldiers were the o fficers o f Arm s in'

that Parliament . The Laird o fBalrleucly a blo o dyman with manyG o ds - wo unds fwo re Tbe}

! tlyat

wouldnot confirm, lboald do warfe. The G o verno ur go r the Title o f Duke

o f Chattelbemald, with the o rder o f theCo ck le, and a F enfio n o f 1 20 0 0

115m m . with a fulldifcharge o f allintermifli o ns , with K ing f ame: thefift his treafure and fubfiancewhatfo ever,with po fl


elli o n o f theCafile o fDaméarmno till that ifTue ih o uld be feen o ftbefi and other cohdztwm [food he

cofltmt to fillo wn hands which in the end willbe h is defiru

let no man wo nder,(h

mer ingratitude. Letunto him w ith hearty repentance then G o dwillPurelyfio p

‘the fire that

no w co mes from her,byfudden changing her heart to _

dealfavo urablyw ith h i s peo ple o r elfe by tak ing her away o r byflo pp ing her to go o ni n her co utfe by(uch meanes as he 1 think meet in h is wifdo m fo r hehavmg allin h is hand d ifpo feth o f all,o wn w ill

,m m wh ich wemufi nOt

fed W i th it, fince it is abfo lutelygo o d,

Hiflo rywe are taught to do (0 .

7fo r in

L ib.r . of

‘liefigion in t/oéQiéd lméof Sco tland .

been railed up by h is hands to punilh h is peo ple But wheh theyturnedunto h im w ith hearty repentance ,

.he either turned the heart o f the Prince

to deal k indlywith his peo ple Or elfe did tak e h im away , . o'

rat leafl did

{lo p his vio lent c o ur’e agai

nfi his .pe'

o p le.

' iOf f this the examples are fofrequent that we finale to name them heere. But to returne to o ur

Hillo rie.

This co nclufio n,That o ur (b eene wirho’

urf urther delay ihouldbedelivered to F rance. The li ege co n

- inned, great (hOOtin

g;but no a‘aultz o f

ing,and yet they had fair o ccafio n o fiféred un to them. Fo r'

the Bhg lifly- imn

appro ach ing to theTo wn , fo r the com fo rtingo f the befieged , w ith pow.


tuals,and men

,lo llan Army


o ffix tho ufand men? S i r Rober t Bower Tuerdsyaimwas taken and the m o l

‘t part o f the bo rderers were taken o r (lain. And Ch'fé “ M"

(0 m igh t the Town j'

uftly have defpaired> o f anyfurther fucco ur to havebeen lo o ked fo r . But yet it


held go o d fo r the fro nt'

co urage'

and pruden t

go vernment o fS ir55mm : did (0 incp ur‘

age thewho le

Captain s and S o uld i ers ,that they determ ined to“

die upo n theirwalls . But

fro m the time that the F r ench - mm had go tten the Bone f o r the wh ich the

D og lm kedmhe purfurt o ftheTo wnwas flo w .The liegewas railed'

,and the

(b een {he was c o nveyed bythewell feas to F rance,with'

4Gallies 8c fo’


,S hip s And (0 the Cardinall o f I mmunego r hér’

inb is keep ing,'

a mo rlEll

I allure yo u meet fo r h is o wn m o nth . W e Io m it‘manvth ings that b e ,

c urred in th is t ime,as the fitt ing do wn o ft he S hip;called,The


Ca rdinall

(the fairell Ship in F rance betwixt S . Colmé: 1 77c and Cr amond,without

any o ccafio n except negligence, for the“ day


vvas faire and weather calme .

G o d wo uld lhew , that the Co hntrey o f S cotland can be are no Cardinals . In this time alfo was there a Co mbat betwixt the Gallies and the«E n lz/l: Sh ip s . They(h o t frank elyawhile.

'An E nglzjbShip to o k fire, o r

cl e the G allies had c o me {ho rt home and as it was ,


thcy fled witho utm ercy tillthat theywere abo veS . Colmer Incl) . TheCaptaines left the.G allies and to o k a Fo rt , made. in the Inc/1


“ fo r t heir defence. But

E ng l/fli Ship s made no purfuit . except'

that . thev burnt the Cardin


all where (he lay) and lo the G allies and the Galley-men did bo the cape.

Order was tak en that the.next s eptember fome Calliesalh o uld remain

Scotlo hol,and that thetell {h o uld return’

to F u nerals they‘did all, except


o ne’

thatwas taken byan E nqlzflifShip, byan E nglt/l) Ship,'

o ne we lay.)as theywere palling betwixt Dover and Calroo .n l”

hatwinter remained Mon/[eat dé:Arfie in'

S cotlaml with the band s o f56 Theyfortified E m e

xcs k, t o {lay (hould

n o r invade Edméargb'

and L'

eytlf i b me s k irmifltes there'

were betwixtthe o ne and the Other

,but no norabléthi

‘ng do ne exceptthat the P i ano!»

had almo fi taken Hodmgton The o cc'


o nwhereo fWas thisx The


I-‘rencl; mm th ink ing theml


elves mo re ' the‘n maflers ln allparts dfis cotlm d and in Pdmburglr principally th o ught they co uld



'wro ng to no S cam/h m”. F o r. a certaine F rench- mars delivered a C0 11

vering to George Tod S cotti/b- mon to be (lo cked who‘b ringing rit

tho row the li tt er ano ther F rench- man claimed it and wo uld have

taken it from the (aid Georgu but he refi lled alleadging that t he


F r ench- man didwro ng : Thus began part ies to all


emble,as wellto the

Seam/b- man as to the F reml) fo that two o f the F rea k - meg:were firi ck cn

do wm,and the.refl chafed from the Cro lle to Nad m- mma

’ealzeod. The P


m a

vo ll being in the fireet, apprehended two o f the F rom /1 , andwas carrying

them to theTo lbuith ,but fromMoflfieur de Efires lo dging, o r c lo fe ill'


fo rth F rench - men , to the number o f threefc o re perfo ns , w i th drawn

from five o f the clo ck till after fevcn'

at night

Cannongate, as to their’


tacle and refuge .

'ThewholeTown , yea the G overno ur andNo bili tyc ommoved at the

unwo rthinelle o f this bo ld attempt, craved Jufiice upo n the malefaéto urs,o r elfe theywo uld take jullice o f the who le . The (Luech craftilyeno ugh ,Monfieur o

'e Efize, andMonfiear D ofarl, labo ured Fo r pac ificatio n


,and prom ia

fed That unlelle the F reer/gamer:bythemfelves alo ne, (ho uld do fuch an

a& as might-

r ecompence the wro ng that they had do ne, that then they(ho uld n0 t relul

e,bur that jufiic e (hould be exec uted to the rigo ur . Tbefi

flaremom’s pleofid ourflob ,

and (0 were the F ree r}; bands the h eart night d i

reeled to Hoolmgtoh,to thewh ich theyappro ched a little aftermidnight fofecretly, that theywere never él

pied tillthat the fo rem o flwerewithin the

o uterCo urt,,and the wh o le Co mpany in the Church


yard n0 t two paire

o f Buts length dil’t


ant fromthe Town . The So uldiers E agle/la me”Wereallafleep except the w


atch ,t'hewhich was fiender ,and yet the fho utarifes ,

Bower 4a E lle,Bower

and 821: s wh ich is fignificatio n o fextreme defencg toavo ide the prefent danc er in allTo wns o fwar . Theyaffrighted aril



po ns that firfi came to handferve fo r the need . One amo ngfimanycameto the E afl- f

gate, where laytwo great peeces o fOrdnance and Where theenemies were k nown to be and cried to hi s fellows

,that were at the gate

mak ing defence. Bewarebefore and lo fires a great peece, and thereafterano ther ,which G o d lo co nducted; that after them was no furth er purfuitmade:ho t the Bullets redounded from the wall o f the F rier Co mo/mo thewallo fS . Kather ine:Chappell,wh ich flo o d direéllyever it, and from thewall of the (andChappellto the (aidChurch wallagain, fd o fr, that therefellmo re then an hundred o f the;F ree r/9at tho fe two lh o rs o nely. Theyiho to ft g but the F rench retired with diligence, and returned to E dinburgbW itho ut harme do



xcept the defirué‘tio n o f fome drink ing Beer

emhichlawn the Sands ,Cha pell,and Church . . And this was fatis faétio n mo reth ems no ughfio r the aughter o f the fo nel


aid captain, and Provo fl,and fo rthe fla



o f fuch asthe F rench fruits .

were {lainwub them Th “was the beginning Of


f Gr.Ama t) a

0”(5le 771 6 not 3 4 Jewel! o ccur/ed, and therefor e Iwi llnot

Patro n and the Arguifen with two Officers , having thechie

matters , faid, Thou[halt handle i t and fo they Vio lent

the Ido

Jerem. [O

t he Gallies ,

that theGallies returned to Scotland, the (aid John Knox being (0 extt

m mmm lyfick , th at few ho ped his life , the [aidMa‘fier lame; willed h im to

the Land,and as ked if he knew it 1’ who anfwered , Tm ! known


fo rcfaid Iohrz fet h is feet in

W zl/mm Kerkoaldz'

e, then o f Grange x'

o unger, Peter Cormiohell, Roher t andW I/lmm L eflies W h o were alto gether inMo un

ance o f themfelvc s . He was themo re earneflin g iving his co unlell,‘be

c aufe the o ld Laird o fGrangeand Others rep'

ugned to the ir purpo fe s fear

ing k it that the efcap ing o f the o thers ih o uld be an o ccafio n o f their

‘xvo rfe entreatment. W hereunto the [aid Iohn anfwe red,Th at fuch feare

p ro ceeded no r from Go ds Spirit,but o nly from ablinde love o f thy felf,

and therefo re that no go o d purpo fe was to befiayed for thing s thatwerein thehands nndpower of God. And added,That in o ne iufiant, G o d delivered the wh o le company into the hands o f unfaithfullmen but fo wo uld

h e no t relieve them : Bur fome wo uld he deliver by o nemeans , and at

o ne time and o the rs mutt abide fo r a feafo n upo n his go o d pleafure. g;

This _co unfell in the end was embraced upo n the K zng r even when i nfill?F rench men commo nly ufe to drinke liberally. The afo refaid fo ur pe r ertent lc oy

fo ns having the help and co ndufiing o f a boy o f the h o ufe, bo und all 50m

that we re in theCafile,put them in fundry ho ufes ,lo c ked the do o rs upo n ofil


them,to o k the Keys fro m the Cap tain,and departedwitho ut harm do ne Mahatma

to the o erfo n o f any o r witho ut to uching o f any thing that appertain gf (“he £6,22ied t o the King ,Captain,o r the h o ufe . gimbubcfi,

G teat fearenwas made tho row the who le Co untrey fo r them. But it

was Go ds go o d pleafure fo to c o ndué‘

t them,that they efcaped the hands

o f the faithlefle albeit itwas with lo ng travell, and g reat pain‘and po

verty fufiained 5 fo r the French bo yleft them ,and to o k with h im the

{mallmo ney that they bad : And [0 neither having mo ney no r k now

ledge of theCo unt rey.And farther,fearing that the boy iho uld difco ver

them(as that in very deed he did)theypurpo fed to divide themfelves , to

change their garments ,and to go in fundry p arts .The two breth ren,W z/l.

and Hobi e/lie who now are become,the .faid Rohert efpec ially,enemies toChrifiJefus ,and unto allvertuc)camc toRonnst l.Kzrho oldze,and Peter Cor

mzehe/l, in beggars garment came to Conquer5and by the {pace o f r z o r r 3week s they travelled as p o o rMariners , from Po rt to Po rt, tillat length

theygat a French S h ip , landed in the W ell o fSootlond and fro m th ence

c an e to E ngland,where theymet befo re them the [aid Io . Knox,wh o that

fame W inter Was delivered, and Alexander Clerk in his c ompanyJ’

he faid

John was tfirfi appo inted Preache r to Bo r row/z, then to Newoojl/e,laft he wascalled to


London ,and to the So uth part of E ngland,where he remained t ill

the death o f King E dward the fixt. W hen he left E ngland, he then patfedto Geneva and there remained at his p rivyfiudie tillthat he was c alled

by theCo ngregatio n that thenwas aflembled at F ronohfom'to be Prea

c her to themzwh ich Vo catio n he o beyed(albeit unwillingly)at the co mmandment o f that



o rable fervant of G o d,Joh n Colt/ tn At F ront /«fordh e

rcmained,till that fo ine o f the learned(who fe names wefupp refle)mo re

g iven to unpro fitable Ceremo nies , then to fin cerity‘

o f Religio nbeganto quarrellw ith the faid Iohn and becaufe they defpaired to p revail be

fo re theMagiftrate there, fo r the eflablifh ing o f their c o rruptio ns ,theyTo am,Mm

acéufed him o f treafo n committed againft the Empero ur and againft lS t‘Ontamed



the ir So veraigne(E g

a nMary 3That in h is Admo n itio n to E ngland he cal» affix? “

led the o ne little interio ur to Note, and the Other mo re crue llthen lfizhe/l m ired rm:5,TheMagiflrate perce iving their malice and fearing that the faid


Io /m Fh'




‘fii ould fallinjthe hands o f his accurato rs , by o ne mean o r by o th er gave w e”.

N 3 adver

TheHi/lor) l of t/yeReflrmation L ib I

advertifement fec retly to h im to depart theirQity fo r they co uld no t

fave h im, if he were required by the Empero ur, o r by the (Men o f E ng .

land in the Empe ro urs name .And fo the fard Io/on returned to Geneva, from

thence to Dzep,and thereafter to Scotland; as W C111 3“ after h ear.

The time and that W inter that the Gallies remained i n Scotland were

deliveredMJ an mBalfour his two brethren,Darwa’and Gzlbert,Io/m Ana/71n

lel',Io/m S zbala


,IolmGray e lzam Gntrie and S torm s Bell. The Gentlemen

that remained in p rifo ns , were by the p ro curement o f the (k een Dowager,

to theCardinallo f L orazne,and to the King o f F rance, fet at liberty in th er 55 0 mo nth o f Italy, anno 1 550 . who {h o rtly thereafter were called to S cotland,

their peace pro claimed, and they themfelves refto red to thei r land s in

defpight o f their enemies. And th

atwas do ne to hatred o f Duke Hamil:

ton becaufe that then F rance began to have theRegiment o f Scotland in

their o wn hands . Ho wfo ever itwas , G o dmade the hearts o f their ene

mies to fet them at liberty and freedom . There relied a number o f c om

m o n fervants yet in the Gallies , who were all delivered upo n theCon

traé‘t o f peace that was made betwixt F

rance and E ngland,after the takingo f E ra/1m and to was the who le co mpany fet at liberty no ne pcrifh ing(no no t befo re thewo rld) except lame:Melvin who dep arted from the

mifery o f this life in theCattle o f Brefl inBr itazgne. This wewrite,to letthe p o fieritie to come to underfiand how patentlyG o d wro ught in p re

fervrng and delivering o f tho fe that h ad but a fmallkno wledge o f h is

truth,and fo r the lo ve o fthe fame haz arded all. That if eitherwe now

in o ur dayes having g reater light o r o ur p ofieritie that (ballfo llow us ,

{h allfee a fearful]difperfio n o f fuch as'

Oppo fe themfelves to imp iety,o rtake Upo n them to punifh the fame o therwife then laws o f men willperm it :It we, faywe,o r they, ih all fee fuch left o f men, yea, as itwere defpi fed and punilh ed o f G o d,yet let us no t damne the perfo ns ,that punifhvrce(and that fo r jufi caufe no ryet defpair but that the fame Go d


dejeéi s (fo r caufes unkno wn to us )wrll ralfe up again the perfo ns dejeéted


to his glo ry 35 their comfo r t. And to let the wo rld underfiand in plainterms whatwe mean that great abufer o f th is Commo n

i wealth that

pultro n, and vile knave Dan ie, was jufilypunilh ed the ninth o fMarob, ,in

the yeer o f o ur‘

Lo rd 1 56 5. fo r abufing o f the Commo n wealth,and fo rh is e thervillanies

, which w e lift ne t to by the co unfell andhands o fIamerDowglaa E arlo f JJ ortonn, Patrzek Lo rd Lmd/ay,and the Lo rd.Rutlm cmwith Other afli fters in the company,wbo allfo r their jufta&,

andmo ltwo rthyo f allp

‘raile, are now unwo rthilyleft o f alltheir brethren,

and fuller the bitternes o fbanilhment 8e exile. But th is is o ur how in themerc ie s o f o ur G od ,That th is fame blinde Generatio n whether i t willo rno t

,fln llbe compelled to fee, That hewillhave refp efi to them that are

i nwfily purfued ,That hewillpardo n their fo rmer o ffences ,That he willre {lo re themto the liberty o f theirCo untry and Commo n - wealth again;And that he wrllpunifh in defpight o f man)the head and the taile, th atno w tro ubles the juft,andmaintaineth impiety. The head is kno wn, the

T“ 0‘tarlhath two branches . The tempo rallLo rds’

thatmaintain fuch abominati o ns as we fee

,8c flattering co unfello rs o fState,’

blafphemo us Balfour,no w called clerk o fRegiflcr,SmolarcDean oqlarr fg,and B

’o fBreoloen,blinde

L ib.r.

upo n the Bible . It becometh yo u faid he) to“

fpeak m o re reverently o f

G o d,and o f his bleffed W o rd i f the Judgewere unc o rrupted he wo uld

punifh yo u,fo r yo ur blafphem i

e. But to yo ur (Luefti o n, I anfwer Thatalbeit ye and

I,and Other five tho ufand W i th i n th i s Realm iho uld read the

B ible and (peak o f it what G o d fho uld to fpeak we

m o re to the Bit ps to do then either“

theyW illdo o r can.

do . Fo r

we leave to them publikely to Preach theGo lpelo f Jefus Chr ifi and to

feed the flo ck,wh ich hehath redeemed byh is

‘o wn blo o d, and hath co m

manded the fame to alltrue Pafto rs . And when we leave this jm to them ,

me th ink s ,«W e leave to them a henvic burden And that we do unto them

no wro ng altho ugh we fearch o ur own falvatio n where it is to be fo und


c o nfidcring that theyare but dumbDo gs , and tort/Em orySalt, that hath al

to gether lo l‘t the feafo n . The B i


fli o p s herea'

t o ffended (and,W hat p ra

t ing is this6 Let hi s accufatio n be read. {And then was begun, ,F alfi:Tr ixie

tour , Herettehe ; Thor; Bapti z ed/l thtr'

te amt Chzlrle Thate[Ea rl]? Ther e tit no

That toprey to .

S ezintf omelfer thedeed(he. W hat fayeit tho u to thefe things . He an -


fwered If I bo und to anfwer,Iwo uld require an upright and

an indi iferent Judge . The E arle o f Huntly difdainetully faid , Fo o liflfman

,W ilt tho u defire anyOther Judge then myLo rd Dukes G race, gi-


G o vernour o f Scotland 5 and my Lo rds the Bifho ps , and the Clergie here



W hereto he anfwered o

, The Bifh0 p s can be no Judges to me,

fo r they are o pen enemies to the B o éttine that I pro fefl‘

ef And as fo r myLo rd .Duke

,I canno t tellwhether he hath the k nowledge that ihOuld be in

h im that iho uld judge and difcern betwixt Lies and theTrueth ,the Inven

tio ns o f men and the truewo rihipping o f Go d; I deli re G o ds W o’


(.andwith that he pro duced the Bible ) to be judge betwixt the Bifli 0 p§and


me and I am co ntent that ye allhear ; and if by this Bo o k e I { hallbe co nvinced

,to have taugh t , fpo ken , o r do ne in matter s o f Religio n,

anything that repugneth to G o ds will, I ref ufe am to die . But if I canno r be co nvinced (


as I am affured byG o ds W o rd I 111 3 1]nOt then I ln'

G o ds name defire yo ur afiiltance That malic io us men execute nOt upo nme unjuftTyrannie . The E arle o f Huntleyfaid , W hat a babling fo o le is

th is Tho u {halt get no ne Other Judges then thefe that fit here. W hereunto the faid Adam anfwered The go o d w ill


o f G o d be do ne'

: But be

ye alfured myLo rd with fuch meafure as ye mete to Others with thefamemeafure it {hallbemet to yo u againe . I k now that

,I fha

‘ll die;but be

ye alfured thatmyblo o d {h allbe required at yo ur"hands . A lexo tta

’er ,

P t M fE arle o f Gleneam e, yet alive, faid to the Bit p o f Orkney, and Others that

eng i ne

‘s? fate n igh h im, Take heed allyo u myLo rds o f, the Clergie, fo r

'here I pro

G im m e: tell,fo r mypart, that I co nfent no r to h is death : And fo

witho ut fe’

areprepared the land Adam to anfwer . And firlt to the Baptiz ing o f h is o wnCh ilde

, ht fi ld, Itw e and 13 he lawful! to me for [ache of 4 trueMini/ hr , toBapti z emyow eChi/dc M 1174!”wet to Abraham to Ceretmieifi:h i; fimIf-


and hatfami ly. And forfor Purgatory Prdyirtg to‘

S tunt:‘

and for the


3I have oft reed fixed he hath theNew and éld Te/iementr but I ”cl- v

t or could find: W W W ”a rear eman ate of them And therefore I heleefve thattheyare hutmeercmwmtom of mm dear/feelfor oow toitfneffefake. W ell;I l

quo th the Bifli o p ye hear this my Lo rds . ,W hat fayeit’

tho u o f the

M21 1”

e,fpeire s the Earle o fHuntly He anfwered, I fay, m Lo rd,as my

Lo rd Jefus Chrifi faith Thatwhich 55 in g reatefi e/ltmation efbremm t:

ahhommation heforeGod. Then allc ried o ut , Here/ie, Herefic. And fo wasthe fimple fervant o fG o d adjudved to thefire

,wh ich he patientlyf uilain

ed that fame dayat after- no o n upo n the Cafile - hill.

And fo began they again to po llute the land which Go d had lately

plagued,-fo r yet their iniquitywas no r come to fullripenefl


e,as that G o d

wo uld that theyiho uld be maniféfied to th is who le Realme (as th is daythey are) to be Fago ts prepared fo r everlaitin fire 2, and to be men wh om

neither Plagues may co rrect no r the light 0 G o ds W o rd co nvert from

their darkneii'

e and impiety‘.

The Peaceas is (aid, is c o ntrac'

ted. The Og een Dowager paft by feato F rance, W i th G allie s that fo r that purpo fewere prepared,and to o k withh er d ivers o f theNo bilityo f S cot/arxd f ,

The E arles Huntley,Glertcarne,Mer

fltell,Cafitlec :

\The Lo rds Maxwell, F leimmg , Sir GeorgeD owglat , to gether

w ith allthe late K ings naturallfo ns and divers Baro ns r,

and Gentlemen

o f E cclefiafiicallefiate ; the Bifho p o f Galloway, and manyOthers , w ith

promife that they iho uld be“

richly rewarded fo r their go o d fervice . W hat

they receivedwe canno t tell but few weremade rich at their returningTheDowager had to practiié fomewhat with her brethren the Duke o fGtvtfe, and the Cardinali o f Loraine. Th eweightwhereo f the G o verno ur

after felt , fo r lho rtly after her returne,was the G o verno ur depo fed o f

the government jufilybyG o d, but mo ltunjufilybyman)and (hemadeRegent, in the yeer o f o ur Lo rd 1 554. and aCrown put upo ri her head,as feemly a fight (if men had eyes ) as to put a S addle ct on the hachc ofan unruly Cont. And fo began {he to prat

‘l ife praétildupo n practife,How F rancem ight be advanced, her friends mad e rich and the bro ught

to immo rtallglo ry Fo r that was her commo n talk S o that Imayprocurethewealth and heaoar of myfiiendr and a g ood fameunto my filfc , I r egardnotwhat God


do after wi th me. And in very deed in deep diiiimulatio n to

bring her owne purpo fe to effect, {he pafl'

ed the commo n fo rt of Women,as we willafter heare . Buryet G o d to who fe G o fpel {he declared her

felfe enem ie, in the end frui’crated her o f allher devices . Thus did light

and darknei’fe firive within the Realme o f Scotlarid The darknefl'

e ever

befo re theW o rld fuppref fing the light fro m the death o f that no table

fervant o f G o d , Mailer Pa‘tr t

cheHamzlton untill the death‘o f E dward

the fixth themo ltgo dlyand mo ffvertuo u'

s King that had been knownto have reigned in E ngland o r elfewhere thefe many yeeres by pait,who departed themiferies o f this life the fixth o f July, Anne 1 553 . Thedeath o f this P rince was lamented o f all the go dly with in E aroye fo r

the races given unto him o f G o d,as wello f nature

,as oferuditio n and

go lineife pafied the meafure that accul‘tomably is ufed to be given to

Other princes in their greateit perfeétio nmnd yet exceeded he ac t 1 6 yeerso f age. W hat G ravity, above age t

’ W hatW ifdom,wherein he pafl


ed all

underfianding o r exp ectatio n o fman6 Andwhat Dexterity in anfwering

in allth ings prOpo iéd, were in that excellent Prince.

1 TheAmbafl'


o urs

o fallCo untries (yea,fome thatWere mo rtali enemies to h im,and to h is

O Realme,

fi e Eli/lav of the(

hie ormation l s i

Ka la“, amo ngll whom the Qgeen D owager o f S cotland was n o r the

lcafi c o uld and did tellifie : Fo r the faid(b een Dowager return ing fro m

F rance thro ugh E ng land, 6 0 31 a d W i th bu“ 3 5length , and gave reco rd

(he cameto th i s Realme That { he fo und m o re lVld me and fo lide

jLICln ent in yo ung'

K ifl g E dward , thenmewo uld have lo o k ed fo r m anythree Princes that were then in E ar opc. HIS liberallty toward ; the go dlya nd learned that were in Other Realm s peri

izcuted was fiich as Gormaw,

F rench Spam/1M!» Poloaeam ,andHfémw bo rn


can yet give f uffic ient do cument . Fo r how h o no urablywas Ma ma Bacer ,Beter r‘aartyrfl

fd mA lafco ,£ maae elGaalterwa nd‘manyOthers upo n h i s pub ,

llk c:flipends entertained, their parent s can W i tneife and they themfiflve s

during the i r lives wo uld never have den i ed . After the death o f th i s mo lt

vertuo us Prince o f who m the go dle ife peo ple o ffing /and (fo r themo fl:

P3 ” were no t wo rthy, Satan intended no th ing lelfc then the light o f Je:f us Chr i li utterly to have been exti ngu

lfli ed W i thin the W h o le Iile o f Beemm . Fo r after him ivas raifed up in G o ds ho t difpleaft

‘i‘re,that Ido latrefi


andmifchievo us Mary o fthe Spa/W ed; blo o d, a cruellperk cutrix o f G o ds

peo ple as the o f her unhappyr elgflfi? can fufh ciently W itnefi


e. And

in Scotlaad that fame time as we 11 aveheard reigned,that c rafty praéi i~

Maryo f L orame then named Regent o f Scotland W ho bo und to the

devo tio n o f her two breth ren,theDukeo f Ga: e,and Cardinallo f L or a/‘

m ,

did o nelyabide the o ppo r tunityto cut the thro at o f all tho fe in W hom

ihe fufpeé’ted anyk nowledge o f G odto be within the Realme o f S cot.

land, And fo tho ught Satan that his k ingdome‘o f darkneife was in

quietneife and { ell as well in the one Beelineas in the Other . Bur that

p ro vident eye o f o ur eternallG o d who. co nt inuallywatches fo r p i efer

vatio n of his Church~,did_fo o rder allthings ,that Satan f ho rtly after fo undh imfelfe,

farre difappo inted o f‘

his co nclufio n taken Fo r in that cruell

perfecutio n ti fed byOgeenMaryo f E ag lajediwe re go dlymen di fperfed ihto divers natio ns o fwhomit pleafed the go o dneffe o f G o d to fend fo meunto us fo r o ur co m fo rt and infirue

‘tio n. And fir ii came a fimpleman ,

W illem Harlaiv,who fe eruditio n , altho ugh it e

-xcellno r , yet fo r his wh o le

and diligent plainneffe inl JOcStr- ine, is he to this daywo rthy o fpraife, and

remaines a fruitfullmemberwithin the Church o f Scotland. After h imcame that nombleman[aha W elloc/ee as o ne that had fome Commi ifi o nto the(b eenRegent from theDuteheffe o f f eede r. But h is princ ipallpurpo fe was to eilaywhat G o d wo uld w o rk e byh im in his native co untrey. Thefe two did fometimes in fever allcompanies affemble the bre:thren , wh o by their exho rtatio ns began greatly to be enco iiraged,and did“1 6W that theyhad an earned thirfi: o fgo dlineife . And lail:came Ioha Knoxin the end o fthe harvei

‘t,Aea o 1 555a.who firilbeing lo dged in theh o ufe o f

that no tableman o fG o d fame: Some, began to exho rt fecretlyin that famho ufe

,wheretmto repaired the Laird o fDam, Daw d F orrr e/fe, and fome cer

tamPCl’fO'lfiges o ftheTown,amo ngi

‘t who m was E loz i aherh Adana/

foe , then

{po llfé £ 0 lame: Barrow Burgeffeo ffidmhargh, who by reafo n that (he hada troubled co nfcieh cedelighted much in the c o mpany o f the find Ioha ,

becaufe thathe,acco rding to the grace given time him ,

o nedmo re fullythe Fouutaine o f Go dsMercies then did the common o rt o fTeachers



TheHi/loriesof the’


ma tion Lih,1

payhis vo wwith Others .Th is ,we fay, and o ther th ings , were fo fully ant .

fwered, that W i ll/ amMatt /and co ncluded,faymg, [fife veryperfeélly that ourtr vzll er fue nothtn he or eGod feeing that theyhand are i nfo [mall/lead he





fe them

fThe 21115

5 lyohn Knox to the lo ft o f Paal and to the com

m andment o f 504m : was 3 That Pan]: fact had no th ing to do with their

go ing to Mafl‘e . Fo r to payVo wes .

wa s fometimes G o ds Co mmand

ment , as was never Ido latry : But the i rMaffe from the o rigi nall was ,and

remained o dio us Ido latry Therefo re theo


twas m o i’eunlik e. Seco n

darily, faid he,I greatlydo ubt whether ei th er f ame: h i s co mmandment

o r Pan/r o bedience , pro ceeded o f the ho lyGho fi W e know their c o un

felltendeth to this That Paulwo uld Ihew himfelfe.o ne that o bferved di~

lio cntly the veryfmallpo ints o f the Law,

to the end he m ight purchafe to

h tu

mfelf the f avo urs o f~the Jews ,who were o ffended at him , by reafo n Of

the bruites thatwere fprcad, That he taugh t defeé‘tio n

fro mMofer . Now

wh ile be o beyed their c o unfell

,he fellinto them o lt defperate danger that

ever he fufiained befo re 3 wh ereby it was evident That ad appro ved

no r that mean o f reco nciliatio n , but rather that he plainely declareth ,

That eviliho uld nOt bedo ne that go o d m ight co me o f it.‘

Evil it was

fo r Paul to c o nfi rme‘ tho fe o bfiinate Jewes in their Superfiitio n byh isexample 5wo rfe it was to h im to expo fe himfelfe and the Do é


befo re he had taught to {lander andmo ck age .

,And therefore co ncluded

the (aid ffohn,That the tacit o f Paul, and the fequellthat thereo f fo llowed,appeared rather to fight againfi them that wo uld go to theMaire , then togive unto them anyaflurance to


fo llow\ h is exampleo

,unlelfe that they

wo uld that the lik e tr o uble fho uld infiah tly apprehend them, ,that appre

hended h im fo r o beying wo rldly- wife co unc ell. \After thefe and like

reafo nings theMalfe began to be abho rred o f fuch a s befo re ufed it fo r

the fafh io n and ayo rding o f {lander (a s then they termed it ) f ohn Knox,at requeft o f theLaird o f Dan fo llowed h im to his place o f Dan , where

he remained a m o neth,daily

exercifed in Preaching, whereunto refo rted

the principallmen o f that co untrey. After th is returning his'


was mo lt in Calder ,whither repaired unto h im ,the Lo rd E r s k rn ,

the E arle

o f A rgyle,then Lo rd o fL orne, and Lo rd f ame) ; then Prio ur io f S .Anolr en;af,

and after E arle o fMar rey,where they heard,and fo appro ve db i'

s D0&rine ,that theywiihed it to have been p ublike. That fameW inter ,he taughtc ommo nly in E dmhargh and after Ch riftmas by the Co nduft of theLaird o fBar , and Robert

Caonphello f K ing zeanelenoh, he came to Kyle, andtaught in the Bar, in the ho ufe o f the Came/l, in the K rng ieanelenoh

in theTo wn o fM ir , and in the ho ufes o f ughzltrz


e and Gathg irt’

h, and in fo rm

o f them he m in ifired the Lo rds Table. Befo re E afier the E arloflGlenearnefent fo r h im to his place o f

Fynla/lon where after Serm o n ,he alfo mini

i‘tred theLo rds Table. W hereo f befides were partakers


, h isLady, two o f his fo ns , and

certaino f rhi s friends . And (0 retu'


edhe toCalder ,where d ivers from E arnhnrgh, and from theCo untreyabo ut affembled , as wellfo r the B oarine

, as fo r the‘righ tme of the Lo rds Table,

wh ich befo re they had never p raé’tifed. Fro m thencehe


departed the fec end t ime to the Lai rd o f Dan and teaching then in greaterliberty theGm‘l‘mc" requi red

a .That ,he (h o uld minifier likewife unto them


- cf‘

Religion hr theRealmo of Séhtland.

Table o f t

tlemen o f

main in the fame doctri neVVh IChrefufed allfo cietywith Ido latry,theirpo wers to maintain the true Preaching o fthe G o fpelo f

as G o d (ho uld o ffer unto them Preachers and Oppo rtunit ie. The bruite

h ereo f fpread .(fo r the Friers from allquarters flo cked to the Bilho p s

the faid’

Tf ohn Knox was fumm o ned to appear in the Church o f the blacke

Priers in E a’znhnrgh, the fifteenth dayo fMay which day the faid f ohrt

dec reed to keep and fo r that purpo fe’

f ohn E rs kin o f part5 with diversOther G entlemen affembled to theTown o f E elmhrtrgh. But thatDiet held

no t . Fo rwhetherthe Biflao p s perceived info rmali tie in their own pro

c eedings , o r if theyfeared danger to enfue up‘

o n

their extrem ity it is uh

k nown unto us . But the Saturdaybefo re the dayappo inted theycult their

o wn f ummo n s , and the faid’

Tf ohn, the [Time dayo f the fummo n

s taught inE dznhnrgh in a greater audience


then leverbefo re he had dOne .in


Town . The place was the Bifho p Qt tflhcl/efg h is great lo dging, where hec o ntinued in Teach ing ten dayes 3 , befo re and after n oo n . .The E arle o f

Glenearne allured the E arle o f W afrehell, who with HenryDrammond) hisc o unfeller fo r that time heard an exho rtatio n (but , it


wa s in the nigh t )who were fo wellc o ntented with


it,that theybo rh willed the(aid


f ohn tow rite unto the (meen Regent fomewhat that . m ight m o yé her to hear . the

W o rd of G o d . He o beyed their defire and e te thatwh ich aft‘er waspublilhed wh ich we have caufed to be Printed at the end o f th is Bo o k

and is called The L etter to the Qg een Dowager , W hich was delivere

unto her own hands by the faid Alexana’enE aile o f Glenf amou W hich

Letterwhen {he had read within a day o r thvo {he delivered ritfto ‘the

p ro ud Prelate Betone, B ifho p o f Glafg otv, and faid in mo ckage , .Plea/é yonmyL ord to read a Pafqazll W hich wo rds coming to the_ears o f the faid

f ohn was the o ccafio n that to his Let ter ,hemade his additio ns as


may be feen . A s co ncern ing the threatnings pro no unced'

againlt er

o wn perfo n and the mo lt princ ipallo f her friends 5 let thefe very flat

ref ers fee what had failed o f allthath e had written .

W hile gi’

ohn Knox was thus o cc upied in Seotlana’L etter s came to hirri'

fro m the E ngliih Church thatwas'

affembled at Geneva (“ which was fepaJ

rated from that fuperfiitio us and co ntentious company-thatwas at Pharaoh :

ford ) commanding h im in Go ds Name as he that Was'

thei r cho feh Pa:3,

{to ur t o repaire unto them fo r their co mfo rts . Upo n the which the faid

yohn to o k h is leave from us,a

‘lmofi in

,every congregatio nwhere before

he had Preached an‘

d exho rted us to Prayers to,Readxing o f the Sc rip

tures , andmutuallco nference“

,untillfuch time as G o d iho nld give unto us

greater libertie. And hereupo n he fent befo re himto D eep his mo ther

in Law E lzz aheth Bowmand his wifeMarjoryaWith no’

fmalldo lour o f their.

hearts and o f manyo f us .‘He h im felfe by ro curement and labo urs o f

Rehert Campell o f Kmgz'

eaneleneh,‘remained be


nde in S otitla‘nd, and paffed

to the Earle o f Argzlu who,thenwas in the cailleCamphell, Where



taught certain dayes . The Laird o f Glen'


hay which yet liveth‘

) being o ne of his audito urs , willedqhe faid E arle o f Arg ilep ”

to m aiflc








O 3 i




TheHi/lory of theReformation'

l J

flill, but he refo lved o n h is’

o urne wo uld ne t at that time iiay fo r no teAnnoqueit,a?lding, That ifG o d b



ho fe fmallbeginn ing s , and if that theyc o ntinued in go dlineife, whenfo ever theypleafed to co mmand h im

, th eyi ho uld finde him o bedient . He faid That o nce hemult needs viii t that

little flo ck which the wickedneife o f men had c o mpelled him to leave.

And fo in themo neth o f j ulyhe lefeth isR ealm , and pail to.

F rance;andfo to Geneva . Immediatelyafter , the BiihOp s fummo ned


hrm and fo rnon—appearance burnt h im in eihgie at the Cro ife o f E dinhnrgh m

thex555. yeer o f o ur Lo rd ”55. from the wh ich unjuit Sentence the fard

Tf ohn

made his appellatio n and caufed to Print the fame and di reét i t to theNote. No bilityandCo mmo ns o fS cotland, as yet maybe read . In the W i nter

You W illfinde that the faid 51°

ohn abo de in S cotland,appeared a Co met the co urfe

Eb" whereo f was from the So uth and S o uth - W eit,to theNo rth and No rth

fffofzfirf eail. It was iéen the mo neth s o f November,December, and January 3

bo o k. It was called-

,Thefir tehofltm . S o o n after d ied Chr i/i terate K ing o fD enmark,

and W ar aro fe between S cotland and E ng landaheCo mm iii i o ners o f bOthRealm s were diiiappo inted,

who almo ft the fpace o ffix mo neth s had been“

upo n the co nditio n s o f Peace,and'

wete upo n a heere po into f co ncluii o n .

W ' f flgainfl The Qaeene Regent w ith her Co uncell o f the F rench faétio n decreed,figf


‘zgrW ar at NewBattell witho ut giving any advertifement K} the Co mmif

QgcenRegenr. ii o ners fo r the part o f S cotland.

Snch is thefidelttte of Pr inces ,guided h’

Prie/lr,whenfitever theyIfeehetheir


t‘zon: to he fam ed. In the end 0"that next hatveitwas een upo n

the bo rders o f E ng land and Sco tland a firange fire, wh ich defcended fromtheh eaven and burnt divers co rnes in bo th the Realm s

,but mo ii id ling

land. There was p refented to the (ween Regent, by Rohert Ormejt‘one a


A “ Kc W k" Calfe,havingtWo .heads whereat ihe s k ipped, and


faid,Itwao hat a com‘

mon thzng . TheW arre be‘

gan inr the en'

d o f the hatveit as is faid andco nclufio n was tak en be aiii eged . The Army andOrdnance pailfo rward to MaxwellHeweht. The(Lueen Regent rem ainedin the


o f Hume and th ink ing that all things were in aifurance,Mon/{ear Dofizll, .then L ieutenant fo r F rance, gave charge that the Cano ns

ihould be tranfpo rted o ver thewater o f Twezd which was do newith expedi tio n (fo r the F rench in f uch faéts are expert )


but the No bilityo fScotland no thing co ntent o f ,

fuch pro ceedings , after'

co nfultatio n am o ngil:themfelves pail to the Pavilio n o f Monfienr D ofell and in his o wn:face declared

, That in no mayo;would theyinvade E ngland. And therefo recommanded the Ordnance to be- retired And fo it was with o ut further

delay, This put'

an affray inMonfienr Dofells breeches and k in‘


d fuch'

:a fire in the (b een Regents ito mack e as was n0 t W ell {lacked Ltillherbreath failed . And thus was that enterpriie frufirate. BhtyetW arre c o n


tmued,durmg thewhich , the Go fpelo f Jefus ChriitBeganw

o ndero uily(0 flo urxih . Fo r m E dznhnrgh began publik elyto exho rt W zllz'

ant Harlow,

yak”Dowglfl W 11 9 had (being with the E arle o f A rgyle» Preached


inLU”? and fom

‘etrmes exho rted in E dinhdrghn Panl 'Meaf en beganf


3 :Emma li kely to Preach in D ttndtu and fo did divers Others if] Angna‘ah the’

wh i m “ ,acorn

?! And laii

,at G o ds go o d pleafure arrivedafohn W illocleeahe feco ndj1m ,

t ime rom E mdm, who fe returne was fo fjdyfullto the brethren, that their 1

The commando fthe Biflmp

Ima° e°

The a i fwer o f Jflflffor

Edinburgh 2p W hereapealcth from

the fe n tcncc o fthe Bi lho p of8 . Andrew .

ro tten Papili s , with

And who was‘there

with allher fhavelinand cometh downe t

The down ca And fO [3 6Ring o f fif‘Ck gan

theo ut delay i t w

di fcomfirurc o f thefirfl blltBcal:Priclh .

L ih , 1 , of Religion in thefRea/me’

Of Sco tland.

th o ught he wo uld adde fo m e merrinelle to the matter and lb c ried he Annoo ver the fiaire and faid


e upon you whorfom whyhaveyou hrohen order ,

down thefirm theyfizz/fedm away andmzthg reatmzr th whyflee the vi llai ns

now W i lhwét order tum aadjlrzlte'

everyman afiroltefor thehonoar'

of ht“

; Goal5

fie cowardsfie ye jballnever he yuolgeel wor thyof your wage: againe ) . But

exho rtatio ns were then unpro fitable Fo r after that Bell had bro ken

h is neck e , there was no co mfo rt to h is co nfufed Armie . The (Mem e Note.

R egent laid up th is amo ngl’t her Other inventio ns , till that {he m ight

h ave feene the time pro per to have'

revenged it . Search was made for

the do ers bUt none co uld be deprehended Fo r the'

brethren aifembled

themfelves in fuch fo rt in compan ies finging'


almes and praifingG o d , that the pro udefi o f the enem ies were afio nifhed. Th i s Tragedie o f

S aint Gyle:was fo terrible to (ome Papil’ts that Dltrie, fo met im


es c alled

fo r h is filth inefie Ahhot S tottzlem and then intituled , B ilh0 p o f Galloway,left his Riming wherewith hewas accufto med and departed this life

even as he had lived. Fo r theArticles o f h is beleefeWere . I referre. D e

carteyou. Ha,ha, the/foamKmg ; and allworld . F rom Francewe thought to how

4 Cohoohiu . W ith fuch Fat

TheHifiory of the(



plate or not . W hile the Other did exh o rt him to call to m ade the prom i

fe s o f G o d, and the vertue o f Ch t ilts death He anfivered,‘Nd}my L ora’


let me alone, for you and 1 never agreed tn our life, and I thtnhewe/ha/lnotagree”011? at mydeath, 1 prayyou therefore let me alone. Thefaid Lo rd 934m ; depart»

ed to h is Lo dging, and the Other: {hortly after departed th

lS‘llfC; whi ther


the g reat day o f the Lo rd W illdeclare.

W hen the wo rd o f the departing o f (0 m anyPatro n s o f Paprflry,

and o f the m anner o f their departing came unto the Queene Regent,

after allo n ifhment andmuhng, {he laid ; What [ha/lI

/[aypffilU/J men ? _They

left m e at hea/lt and a t hen/ls theythe Gael zit not moth their: nei ther n ut/7

that whi ch theyenterf r zfe. W hile t hefe th i ngs were in do ing'

i n S cotland

and F rance, that perfect hypo cri te Mallet j ohn Synelare thenDeane o f

L e/larrzge and now Lo rd Prefident and Brfho p.

o f.

Br ee’

htn began to

Preach in his Church o f L e/larr ige, and at the beg inn i ng held h im felfe (0D eanof Leflar indi fferent, that many had Opinio n o f h im , That he was not

far fro m t he"at WW “ K i ngdom o f G o d . But h is hypo crifie co uld no t lo ng be clo ak ed :fo r whenbeg” to

he underflo o d that fuch as feared Go d began to have a goo d o pinio n

h im,and that the Friers and Others o f that feetbegan to wh ifper That if

he too k n0 t heed in time to himfelf and unto his Do étrine he would be

the defirué‘tio n o fthewho le flatée f the Churc

h zTh is byh im underflo o d,

he appo inted a Sermo n in the Wh ich he pro mifed to give h is j udgementupon all fuch heads as then .were in c o ntr o verfi e in

thematters o f Relia

gio n The bruit hereo f made his audiencegreat at the fijrit But that dayhe fo handled h imfelf that after that no go dlyman did c redit him : fo r he

no to nelygainfaid the Do c'

trine o fJ ufiificatidn and o f Prayer,wh ich be;

fo re he hadtaught , but allo h e fet up'

andmaintained Papif’tryto the utter - s

mo lt prick , yea, Pardo ns were o f

fuch vertue in h is co nceit That without them he‘lOOd ‘

nOt to be faved .

In th is mean time theClergymadeM- w id PM M. David Panter , which -themlivedter: ccunfell to

h is fo rfwo rnetherefrom

brethren the were bOthBtlhOPS.

ren the Preachers“

;and1Y fo‘

ught agalafi the enemies o f G ods‘f‘Letter i s this s

An no fa ithfu“ bro ther, which madementio n that a new co nfultatio n was

appo inted fo rfiuall co nclufi o n o f the matter befo re



po fed s and

willed me therefo re to abide in thele parts tillthe determi nati on of the

fame . The o ther Letter was direaed fro m a G eptleman to a friend


with charge to advertifeme, That he had communed W i th alltho fe that

feemed mo ltftanke and fervent in the matter ; and that in no ne'

d id he

finde fuch bo ldnefie and co nfiancy as was requifite fo r fuch an enter

p rifc ; but that fome d id (as hewriteth) repent that ever any fuch thing

was mo ved : S ome were artly alh amed , and o thers were able to de~

ny that ever theydid co n em to any fuch purpo fe, if any tryallo rquea

(lio n ih o uld be taken thereo f, (Ste. W h ich Letters when I had c o nfi

dered, I was partly co nfo unded, and partly was pi erced with anguilh

and lorro w. Co nfo unded Iwas , that I had lo far travelled in the mat

ter mo ving the fame to themo lt go dlyandmo lt learned that th is day

we know to live in E urope, to the eflfea


that I might have their j udgements andgrave co unfells , fo r allurance a

s wello f yo ur co nfciences , as

o f mine, in all enterp rifes . And then that no thing ih o uld fucceed o f

{0 lo ng c o nfultatio n, canno t but redo und either to yo ur th eme o rmine.

Fo r either it rh ali appeare that Iwas marvello us vain, being lo fo licited,where no ne


cefli ty required 3 Or elfe that fuch as were mo vers thereto ,lacked the ripeneile o f j udgement in the ir firfi Vo catio n: To fome itmayappeare, a fmalland lightmatter, that I have call o ff, and as itwereabando ned,as wellmyparticular care ,as mypublike Office and Charge ,leaving my ho ufe and po o r familydefiitute o f allhead fave Go d o nly,and co mmitting that fmall (but to Chril

‘l:dearlybeloved)flo ck ,o ver the

which Iwas appo inted o ne o f theMinilters to the charge o f ano ther.

This , I fay, to wo rldlymen mayap care a fin allmatter : But to me it

was and is fuch , that mo rewo rldly ubfiance then Iwillexp refl’

e, co uldno t have cauledmewillingly to beho ld the eyes o f fo many g rave men

weep a: o nce fo rmy caufe, as that I did in taking my lalt go o d nightfrom them : To whom if it pleafe G o d that l returne , andquefiio n bedemanded, W hatwas the im ediment o f my purpo fed j o urney judgeyo uwhat I {h all anfwer. T e c aule o f mydo lo ur and fo rro w G o d i s

mywitnelle ) is fo r no thing pertaining either to my corpo ral] co ntentment

,o rwo rldlydifpleafure but it is fo r the grievo us pla ues and pu

nilhmeiits o f Go d,which affuredly{hallapprehend, no t o ne yyo u, buteveryinhabitant o f thatmifetable Realm and Ifle

,except that the power

o fGo d,bythe liberty o f h is G o fpel, deliver yo ufrom Bondage. Imeanno t o nelythat perpetuallfire and to rment prepared fo r the devil,and fo rfuchas d enyingChrifiJefus , and his knowneVerity, do fo llow the fo nso f wickednefle to perditio n (which mo lt is to be feared) but alfo thatth raldome and milery that fhall apprehend yo ur owne bo dies yo urCh i ldren » fubjca s , and pofierity , whom y

e have betrayed (in co n

ference 1 can except no ne that beare the name of fNob ility andPTCfefltly fight to betray them and yo ur Realme to the flavery o tfl “W in s . TheW ar begun (altho ugh Iack nowledge it to be thewo rkOf GOd


) (hall be yo ur defirha io n unleffe that betime remediebe PTOVldCd Go d o penyo ur eyes , thatyemayefpie and confi deryo ur

o wac

o wn m iferable ei’tate. My wo rds fhallappear to fo me, (harp, and undifl Annoe rectlyfpo ken . But as charity o ught to interp ret allthing s to the belt,

lo o ugh t W i fe men to underfiand That a truefr zend cannot he ft flatterer .

E fpecially, whenthequeltio ns o f falvatio n bo rh o f bo dy and fo ule are

m oved and that no r o f o ne, no r o f two ,but as it were o f awho le Realm

o rNat io n . W hat are the fob‘

s , andswhat is the aflis éi io n o f my tro ub

led heart, G o d {hallOne day declare But this will I adde to myfo rmer

rigo ur and feverity, to wit, If any perfw

ade yo u fo r fear o f dangers that

m ay fo llow,to faint in yo ur fo rmer purpo fe be he fo wife and friendly,

let him be judged o f yo u bOth fo o lilh , and yo urm o rtall enemy Fo o lifli,

fo r beeaufe he underflo o d no th ing o f G o ds appro ved wifedo me 5 and

enemy unt o yo u betaufe he labo ured to feparate yo u from G o ds favo ur,

pro vo k ing h is vengeance and grievo us plagues againfi o u : becaufe he

wo uld, That ye fho uld

fp refer y‘o ur wo rldly refitto G o 3 praife and glo

ry and the friendlh ip o thew ick ed, to the falvatio n o f yo ur brethren .

I am not Ignorant thatfiorfitlt troahlesjhellenfiteyour eagerprzfi: (M 1 72myfor La thell’apiiismer L etter : I elm!figmfie untoyou . Bat 0 joyful!and eomfortohle are the trou thcmfclves

hits and adverfitter, whteh mm fu/tam ethfor d eeomflzflvment of God's W i ll r e I

f?“ fif




vealed hyhos word 1 F or how tern h/e[bever theyappeare to the judg ement of the

”atom /1man , yet ar e theynever ahle to devour , nor utterlyto eonfume thefufi r pro ceed

er r F or themwfihle andm fvinezhlep osver of Goa'

fil o im th andprefer fbeth arearding to hzs pr omzfe d /lfioeh M W i thflmplzcity do ohey him. The filbtill

c raft o f Pharaoh many yeers jo yned w ith h is bloo dy c ruelty was n0 t

able to defiro y the male ch ildren o f (fr ee!5neitherwere thewaters o f theRed Sea, m uch leffe the rage o f Pharaoh able to co nfo und u

’Vlofir,and the

c o mpanywh ich he co nducted and that becaufe the o ne had Co ds‘


mife that they iho uld m ultiply and‘

the Other had h is Co mmandmen t to

enter into f uch dangers . I wo uld yo ur wifedo m s iho uld co nfider that

o ur G o d rein ainethfo nemnd is immutable 5and th at the Church o fChrilt

Jefus hath the famép ro mife o f promotio n and defence, that Ifio el had o f The f'u fyo f

multiplicatio n : An dfarther That n o leffe caufe have ye to enter into

yo ur fo rmer enterprife thenMofes had to go to the prefence o f Pharaoh

(fo r yo ur vaffalls , yea yo ur brethren are o pprelfed, their bo dies and fOulsh o lden in bo ndage, and

G o d fpeak eth to yo ur c o nfciences , (unleffe yebedead with the blinde w o rld that ,ye o ught to hazard yo ur o whe lives

(be it againfl:Kings o r Empero urs ) fo r their deliverance . Fo r o nely fo r

that caufe are ye called Princes o f the peo ple . Andye'

receive o f yo ur The 1m , [OQ

B rethren , Ho no ur, Tribute, and Homage, at G o ds Co mmandment no r byn egligen ce

byreafo n o f yo ur Birth and Pro genie(as the m o lt part o f men do falfly3 “ “ W M“

fuppo fe ) but byreafo n o f yo ur O ffice and Duty, wh ich i s to vindicate

and deliver yo ur fubjeéts and breth ren from allvio lence and o pprefli o n

t o the uttermo ft o fy o ur po wer. Advife diligently, Ibefeech'

yo u, with

the po ints o f that Letter which Idirected to thejwho leNobility 5and leteveryman applythe matter and cafe to h im felf ; fo r yo ur c o nfcience (hall

o ne daybe co mpelled to ack nowledge , That the Refo rma .io n o f Religi

o n,and o f publik e eno rm ities , do rh appertaine to mo re then t


o the Cler G o dgrant that

g ie, o r chief Rulers called K ing s . Them ightyS p irit o f the Lo rd Je hihficme



fus rule and guide yo ur c o unfells to yo ur eternallglo ry , yo ur eternall deinanyd.

P 3c omfo rt,

comfo rt, and to thec o nfo latio n o f yo ur brethr

en. Amen. From Drapethe z 7 o f o ftoher . t 557 .

tret s received and read, to getherwith o thers di reéted to the







lfility and fome to particular Gentlemen as to the Lands o f

Dun and Fetarrom, new co nfultatio n was-

had whatwas befi to b e do ne ;

and in the end it was co ncluded That they wo uld

fo llo w fo rward

their purpo fe o nceintended, andwo uld

committhemfelves and what:

fo ever G o d had given them,into h is hands , rathe r then they wo uld faf


ferIdo latry fo manifefilyto raigne and the Subjeéls o f that Realm;

fo to be defrauded, as lo ng as theyhad b

een o f the o nely fo o d o f thei r

lo uls the true Preaching o f Chrifis G o fpel. And that every o ne

ih o uld be themo re affured of o ther, .a commo nBo ndwas made, and by

fo me fubfcribed The teno r thereo f fol‘lnowethr;

Jim, f ullF romzfizh

taffeta“ thefe .

A /gyle the Era Prefeuts . o 1 s 57 . G od called

mau in thi s to Wita fCo“ W m " S iefiohf mhztur . z:

A .E arle o f Arohiholdl o rd o f L orne.

Gleneurne. Iohu E rr/tin o f Dun,

Mor touu.E t extent .

A~little befo re that this Bo ndwas fubfcribed by the fo re- Written,and

many o ther Letters were diret‘ited again to Io . Knox from the faidL o rds ,

to getherwith their Letters toM. Cola/ in,craving o f h im,

That byh is au

tho rityhe wo uld command the faid Iohu o nce again to vifi te them.Thefe

Letters were delivered bythe hands o f M. Iohn Gray, in the Mo neth o f

Novemher , onno 1 558 .who at that fame time pafi to Rome fo r expeditio n

o f the Bowes o f the B". o f Ito/fie, toM. HenrySiuolor .

s. Immed iatelyafter the fubfcriptio n o f this fo refaid Bo nd _the Lo rds and Baro ns p

ro fef

fing Chrilt lefus , co nvened frequently in co iinfell in thewhich thefe

Heads were co ncludes zrflJ t z: thought expedieutfldvtfedfluu'




1 1 2. TheHi/Zorie if theReformation L ib 1

Go/fiel andVer ittu under that colour fitteth forth S ch: melt arid DAHDO

m theholy Church of Goal wtthHeretica/l Pr opofitzom , t

fhmhtng tha




hfizim '

his mamtemmce and defettce to mfec‘l thta Countr ey weth Herefio er

fwaa’mg myfazelL ord and other: htlt chzla’

r en amlfivefl a’;3

”74, ad he

jpeaheth uScreptttre, aha

’conform thereunto, alhet


t thatmany of ht: Pr opa‘



a r emany yeer tpajl'

condemrtea’hygeneraflCotmceb ,and thewholejlate ef Chri

fitart peo’

plu .

4. F oetr‘thly, Tojhem to my'

L ord ho'

wpertllotet their tit to ht? L ord/ Zip and /122;

and eleca thereof,m ca t that authortt jhao la'he ar and c

rm hath toys w/land C

inemand alfoyo

yttr ownMthhhcgoalllag











5. t thly, tofltetvhtit L ordjt howwoe Iwould he ezther to how fee b.

Imam anydi/fileafi'

tre that o ught come to hem/t ild e» , or anyofhzéthaufear



d fand ejpea a/Iym hie own tw o anda

’ayes .


cxImlat how great dW/eafitre 1 b}


now to hear great and owl hrmtetof him thatjhottldm h it ola

’ltge 4 m m


'varyfr om hafazth,ana’to healtered therittwhen the time it that he7hoald hehigh

[are andfirme therein.

L ih . 1 , of fieltgion in theRea/me of Sco tland.


‘To thofi

’fuch infitmam’

fer/om with fetch few er/Zed Daflr ine withinmyDime/fet ,and this Realme hyreafimgfimyLegacie and F remacze Whi fb 1 have ther ather

faflaiaed and long fuyfired for the g reat love that I had to your Lard/hip andPoflcmy and your frtefldi and your haufe A :heleevirtg [Ei re/yyour L ord/hip swifedome jlt‘lmld not havemaintained andmedled wi th fach thing: that might domedijboaoar or dzfltleafitre, canfidering that Ihavehm readytoputgood order thereto

alwayes , hathavemoddl?

ahflained, for the love of your Lard/hip andhoafeafore

filth: that Iheare tro ely5 r owing andfiemg thegreat harm,anddz/haaottr ,and lack

apparatatlythatmight come therethrottgh, m cafe_yaar L ord/ht remedi e not thefime

baflzly,wherehywemighthath hequiet of alldanger;which aahtleffewillcome apartto: hath, If Iafi:notmyOffice or that hehe called while that he i s nowwith



Lardflttp, aadanderyaar Lard/hip:pratec‘lzoa .

” Subfc ribed againe .

S‘amt Aadrewa.

By theic fo rmer Infirué‘tio ns tho u mayeft perceive (

G entle Reader

what was the care thatthis Pafto ii r, o r rather Impo fto ur, with his Com

plices to o k tofeed the flo c k comm itted to their charge as theyalleadge )

and to gain- {land falfeTeachers . Here i s o ftmentio n o f o f

Herefie, 8e fach Other term s that might fray the igno ran t, and deceive the

fimple . Butwe hear no c rime in particular laid to the charge o f the ac'


fed,and yet is he co ndemned as a fo rfwo rn Apo fiata . Th is was myLo'


c o nfcience, wh ich he learned o f his fathers the Phariié es,o ld enem ies to’

_ChrifiJefus ,who co ndemned h im befo re theyheard him . Butwho ruled

myLo rds co nfcience,when he to o k his co nfi ns wife,the

‘L adyGi ltaaECo nfi

der th o u the refi o fhis peifWafio ns , 8c tho u (halt clearly fee,That ho nour,ef’timatio n,love to 11 0qand friends,is the belt gro und that myLo rd Bii

Tho p hath whyhe iho uld perfecute Iefils‘

Chrilt in h is members . .W e

tho ught go o d to infert the anfwers o f the faid E arle, which fo llow.


Mémo randum,This prefiat W r it to maheanfwer particularlyto every

cle, dtre'


my. L ord of S . Andrews,tame hyS i r David Hamilto n


whechfiArtic/ee ar'

e in namher nine ; and heere repeated and anfwered j ag Itrufl,

to has L ard/hip:'

cor tehtmeat.

. 5 \

e firft Article putteth'

me in remembrancefof the antiqdift'yo f'

the'blo o d o f,my manyE arles , Lo rds , and Knights

hath been thereof 5.how manyNoble- men defcendedb f'

the fame,

ho ufe,’

h owlo ng it co ntinued true to G o d and the Prince, with'

out (pot, in th eir:

dayes , in'anymanner


o f fo rt . t 0

Aafwer , Trueit is ,my,Lo rd,that there is Well o fmy

ho ufe;byGo ds providence and benevo len‘ée o f o ur Princes 'whom we

have fertved , and {halls ferve truely men to G o d . And the“

lik e chef.G o ds and o ur

Prihtes remaineth with us‘

yet 65r ather

better; praifed be the Lords Name ) neither knowwe‘


(pc t towardsfo ur Princefi


e, and her due o bedience. A ird if there be,

offence tqwar'dsG o d

, he“

is mercifull to remit o ur o ffences . Fo r hewi llno t the death o f'

afirmer; Like“

as itfian'

deth in his Omnipo mnt power to make up ho ufes ,to’

Q ,Co ntinue

‘TheHi/lory of the(

Reformati on‘ L ibJ

co nt inue the fame to alter them,to make them fm allo r great, o r to exrin

guiih them acco rding to h is o wn infc rutablewrfdo m . Fo r m ea altmg,de

prefiing, and changing ofh o ufes , the laud and prarfe mufi be given to that

o ne eternallG o d, in who fe hands the fame fiandeth .

2 The feco nd Article be areth the great affeétlo nand loveyo ur Lo rd.

{hip beareth towards me and myh


o ufe,and o f the ardent defire ye have o f

the perpetuall {lan ding thereo f in hono ur and fame W i th all them that are

coming o f it .

fl afw. Fo rfo o rh it is yo ur dutie to wnih goo d unto myho ufe, and unto

them that are c oming o f the fame n0 t o nely fo r the faithfulnefl'


and fo c ietythat hath been between o urfo refathers but alfo fo r the late

c o njunétio n o f blo o d that is between o ur faid ho ufie i f It beG o ds plea;

fure that it have fuccefi'

c . W hich iho uld give fufli crent o ccafio n to yo ur

Lo rdih ip to will) go o d to my ho ufe and perpetuity with G o ds glo ry,

witho ut wh ich no thing is perpetuall unto whom be p raife and wo rfhipfo r ever and ever. Amen .


3 Th irdly, Yo ur Lo rdlh ip declareth how di fpleafant i t 15 to yo u thatI iho uld be fedneed byan infar

ned perfo n o f the Law,and by the flattery

o f a fo rfwo rn A’

po flata,that under pretence o f his giving fo rth, m aketh

us to underfiand, That he is aP reacher o f the Go fpel, and therewith r ai »

ferh Schifmes andD ivifio ns in the who leChurch o fG o d : And byo urmaintenance and defence wo uld infect th is Co untreywith Heretic



lead ing that to be Scripture which thefe manyTyee'

res pal}, hath been

co n emned as Herefie by the g enerallCo uncells and who leeltate of

Chrifiian peo ple.

‘Aafiv. The G o d that created heaven and earth , and allthat zis t herein,

preferve me fromtfeduc ing : fo r I dread o thers - n1'

any undert he rco louro f go dlineffe are feduced and think that they do G


o d apleafure’;when

they perfec tlte o ne‘o f themth at pro feffe hi s Namezr W

hat 'that man o f

the Law is,we k now no t 3 we hear no ne o f h is flattery, h is erjured Oath

o fApofiafie is‘unk nown unto us zBut ifheh avem ade‘anyh nfawh illffilath;co ntraryto G o ds commandment, it werebetter t o vio late i t,

“thehs to o bferveit . HePreaches no thing to us but the G o fpelgifih ewo uldxdt


s‘o t her

wife,we wo uld n0 t beleeve h im no r yet an'Angel

7off lheaxiten'f: “(5


eh im fowe no Sch ifmes no r D ivifio ns but fuch as may {land with G o dsW o rd,wh ichwe


ihallcaufe him t o m illing»andthe Clergy, when ye require us thereto .


And as Emit'rhat'

11a beenco ndemned


by‘generallCo uncels , we trufltyo u

'k no wlwdldfl hdt alluhe’



Co uncels have beenatd iverfity, am'

Ong themfelrves‘

,zeand newe


ntwoo fthem univerfallyagreeing in allpo ints , in fo

'muoh a s aheyfarero fmemBut the Spi ri t o fVeritythat bears téflim

onyco f o urL o rd'

Jéfus ,haihth0 t,nei ther can erre.Fo r heaven 85earth fh

al,periflmretone jo t df ifberifh . EBB—5

yqnd this ,myLo rd,neither teacheth he ne it he r'willwe i mpart/rumbathatwh ich aerees W i th the W o rd o f G o d,fct férthby{he

’ffatriamkg i h onIX‘C‘S

s APOMCS, and Evan‘

gelifis , left to b ur’


eWM“ :

1:nd fo anyLo rd,to c o ndemn the Do étrinéxnonexamha




s nflbrequiredf:OF' WVhe- fl

.yo ur Lo rrdih ip rpleafeth'

eo hear (the e tmijefi‘ro mofaihatman

sFaath themanner o f 'h ie tDo ékrine”which tagr


eeeh ivhith'

t héG o fpel'


Je us

Anfiv. W hat is h is firname Ik now n o t buthe c alleth h im felf Dan?

gm , fo r I kno w‘

neither his father no r h i s mo ther I have heard h imteac h no Articles o f herefie but that wh ich agreeth W i th G o ds W o rd .

Fo r Iwo uldmaintain no manin herefie o r erro ur. YourLo rd(h ip regardsyo ur c o nfc ience in t

he punifhment thereo f : I prayG o d thatye d o fo ,and

exam ine wellyo ur co nfc ience . He preacheth againfi Ido latry ; I remitto yo ur Lo rdfh ips co nfc ience,ifit be herefie o r no rH e p reacheth againl


adulte ry and fo rnicatio n, I refer that to yo ur Lo rdflup s co nference . He

p reach e th againfi hypo c rifie I refer that to yo ur Lo rdflup s c o nfc ience .

He p reaches againft allmanner o f al afes , and co rrup ti o n o f Ch r ifis fin

cere Religio n I reier that to yo ur Lo rdlh i ps co nferenceaMy Lo rd I


rt yo u , inChrifis Name to weigh all thefe affairs in yo ur c o nfc i;

enc e,and co nfider i f


it be yo ur duty al‘

fo, \n0 t o nelyto fuffer th is , but in

li k emanner tO' do the fame. This is all, myLo rd, that I vary inmy o ld\age,


and in no o ther tli ing;fbut that I


ew no ethefe o ffences to be abo fm rnable to G od and no w - knowing h is will bymanifeftatio n o f h is

W o rd, abho r' them .

7;The feventh/A

rticle defireth me to“

we igh thefematters inm‘o l’t hearty

manner and to tak e them inbeltp‘a


rtfid r theweale o fbo th o ur co nfcien

c es,my ho ure, frie


nds and'

ferVant’ s and put fuch aman o ut o rmyc om

pany, fo r fear o f the rumo ur and brute that ih ould fo llow thereupnn, byrea


fo nhe is delat'


o f fund'


: And thatyo urLo rdfhip Wo uldbe

fo rry to hear any, o f yo ur fe‘

rvants delate’

d o r bruted fo r fuch a caufe,o r fo r ho lding o f any f uch m

‘en and that ywat Lo rdfh ip wo uld under

flarid mine aa c r hereunto , o r any fummo ns paired thereupo n.

mafia . l thank yo ur Lo rdfh ip g reatly, that ye ar‘

e fo fo lic ited fo r the

weale o f me and o f myhbufe’

, and are fo humane as to g ive me adver

tifement, befo re ye h ave fummo ned,‘o f yo ur owne

gb o d will and benevo lence . I have weighed thefe matt


rs as h ighly as my judgement c an{erve me, b0 t

‘n fo r yo ur Lo rdfh ip s ho no ur and mine . And when that I

h ave reafo ned allthat I can d o with my'

felfin it s I th ink it alwayes bel’t

to ferve Go d, and o bey his manifet’tW o rd, and no t be o bftinate inthe


c o ntrary and to g ive their due obedience to o ur Princes Rulers , and

Magifirates , and to hear the vo ice o f Go ds Pro phets , d eclaring h is go o dp romil

e to them that repent, a'

nd threatning to o bfiinate wicked do ers ,everlafting defiruétio n . Y o ur Lo rdih ip k no ws welltheman ,

he hathfp o ken w ith yo ur Lo rdfhip I

tho ughtyo u co ntentwith him I heareno o ccafio n o fo fi’

ence in him,I canno twellwant him,o r fome Preacher:I canno t put awayfuch aman,witho ut _I knew h im an o ffender, as [k no wno r s


fo r I heare no th ing o f him, but fuch as yo ur Lo rdfh’

ip s felf heareso f h im and fuch as he yetwillpro feffe inyo ur p refence, whenlo everyo ur Lo rdfll ll’ rsquires . Such aman thar is ready to p refent h imfelf toJudgement, ih o uld no t beexpelled witho ut knowledge o f the caufe g -fOI'

like as I anfwered befo re in ano therArticle when yo ur Lo rdfh ip pleafCth

athat all thejSpirr


tualland Temp o rallmen of eflate in Scotland be“EffmlflCd, 1 {ball caufe him to renderan acc o unt o f h is belief and Doa rm? 1“ YOU? pre


fences,then if he deferves punifhment and co rreétio n,

k t him fO fuficr 5i f he be fo und faithfull, let h im live in his faith


Relig ion in ther


Q’alme of Scotland.

8 . The eight Article pro po fe s to me _That yo ur Lo rdflrip lv

ro uld

tak e the labo ur ro germe a man to infiruétme inyo ur Catho like Faith ,and to be myPreac her,fo r wh o fe Do étrine ye wo uld lay yo ur [o n], thath e wo uld teach no th ing , but truely c o nfo rm to yo ur faith .

AnfivG o dAlmighty fend us many o f that fo rt,that willp reach truely,an

‘dino thing but a Catho like o ru niverfallChrifiian Faith -

,andwe High

land rude p eo ple have miile o f them . And if yo ur Lo rdfli ip wo uld get

and p ro videme fuch a man, I(ho uld pro vide him a co rpo rall Living , as

to my felf, with great thank s unto yo ur Lo rdfhip : Fo r t ruely, Iand ma

nymo re have greatmiffe o f fuch men . And becaufe I am able to fuitain

m o re then o ne o f them ,I requeftyo urLo rdfli ip earneftly, to p ro vide meaman as ye wro re ; for tbebd rm/i zs g reat, hat tige labourer s;arefew.

9 . The laft and ninth Article putteth me in remembrance to confider

what murmure yo u‘r Lo rdflrip fuffers and

v g reat brute , at manymens

h ands , bOth Spiritualland Tempo rall,and at theQueens hand,and o the rwell given peo ple fo r no r putting o rder to thefe affairs 5 and that

yo ur Lo rdfh rp ha-th abfiained from executio n hereo f , fo r love o f my

Ho nfe and Po fierity, to the efi'

et‘athatmy felf {h o uld remedy it, fo r fear

o f the difh o no ur thatmight co me upo n us bo rh fo r the fame :which be

ing remedied, m ight bring us o ut o f all danger .

,dafw. My Lo rd I k no w well what murmure and indignatio n yo ur

Lo rdflrip fuffers at enemie s hands o f allel’rates

, fo r no r purfuing o f po o r


Ch riftians : And I k no w,That if yo ur Lo rdfhip (ho uld ufe the ir

c o unfell, who wo uld byb lo o d- fhedding and burning o f p o o r men to

make yo ur Lo rdfhip’

ferve the ir w ick ed appetites ; Y e t yo ur Lo rdf hipk no ws yo ur o wne duty, and ih o uld no r fear the danger o f men, as o f h im

who mye p ro feffe . And verily;myLo rd, there is no rhing thatmay be

to yo ur Lo rdlh ips'

relief in this behalf , but I will ufe yo ur Lo rdfhip sco unfellthe re in, and further the fame ,G o ds ho no ur being firftp ro vided,and theTruth o f h is eternallW o rd having liberty. And to abflain

fo r

my love fro m purfuit, as yo ur Lo rd{h ip hath fignified I am indebted to

yo ur Lo rdfh ip , as I h ave written d ive rs times befo re . But the re is o ne

above, fo r who fe fear ye mull abftain fro mblo o d- (bedding , o r elfe my

Lo rd ,’

k no ck in yo ur eo nfc ience . [ all o f all, yo urLo rdfh ip p leafe to

cbnfider h ow defiro‘us (o me are to have fedition am


o ngit friends 5 h o w

mighty the devillis to fo w difc o rd s h o w that manywo uld defire no bet~

tergame , but to hunt us at Other. I p ray yo urLo rdfhip‘

beg uile them,we willag ree upo n allpurpo fes w ith Go ds pleafure, (landing to h is g in


ry.There are divers Ho ufes in Scotland neer us ,that p ro felTe the fame G o d

fecretly gtheydefire but that ye begin the bargaine at us and when it

begins at us , G o d k no ws the end the ro fiandwh o (h allbidetth e next put.MyLo rd c o nfider th is ; mak e no Preparative o f us :Le t no t the vain

exho rtatio n o f them that regard little o f the weale and firength o f

bo th o ur H o ufes ftirre up yo ur Lordlh ip as theywo uld to do againlt

G o d, yo ur o wne c o nfc ience and the weale o f yo ur pofierity fo r ever .

And therefo re no w in the end I prayyo ur Lo rdfhip we igh ,

thefe things

wifely; and if ye do o therwife RG o d is Go d , was and (hellbe G o d,whenallis wro ught thatman canwo rk .


(I beHi/lov of t/acK

Roformutiort L ib , r

the Bifho p and his complices fo und them


fo mewhat d i fappo intedfo r the B it p s lo o k ed fo r n

o th ing lefl'

e then

fo r fuch Anfwers from the E arle o f A rgyle and therefo re they m ade

them fo r their extreme defence, that i s , To co rrup

t , and bybuds to flirre

up theween Regent againft us as in the feco nd Bo o ke we {hall mo re

plainly heare . Sho rtlyafter that, G

o dcalled to his mercy the faid E arle:

o f L/ I rgyle fro mthe miferies o f this li fe whereo f the BrlhOp s W ere

o lad fo r theytho ughtthat their great enemyw

as tak en o ut o f the wayb


but G o d difappo inted them Fo r as the {aid E arle departedmo lt c o nfian t

Jefus Chrift, with a plain reno unc iatio n o f allImpie

Ido latry fo he left it to h is S o n in h isTeftamenr,'

fet fo rward the publike and true preaching o f the

G o fpelo f Jef us Chrift, and to fupprel

’fe all Superfiitio n and Ido latry to

the uttermo lt o f h is po wer.In wh ich po int fmall


fault can be fo und

with h im unto this day. t o Mon , Vanna 1 56 8. G o d bemercifullunto,

o ther o ffences . c/ Imcn.

The Blinde,Cro o ked, Lame,W idow s,Orpharls ,

and all Other

po o r fo vifited bythehand o f G o d as canh o cwo rk

Th is an fwer received

o o o o " I t "i

f o o I

To allthe flo ck o f Friers W i th in th i s R’

ealme, we wrlh relh tutro n o ts

wro ngs pail, and refo rmati o n in times

coming, fo r Salvatio n.

YE yourfilm ; are not ignorant (and tbougb yewouldbe) it is now (tbunbr

beto God welllenon’ne to tbe wbole world by bio mojt I

Tbot tbeBentgnttyor Alma of allCbrifizunpeop lcp crtuim tb to our alone mbi ch

ye, being wbole of bodic,fironn urdic, and able to work,wbut under pr etence of

poverty(ond yotnevertbclcfl}pom/ri ng mofl eu/t


lyull abundancero bo t tbr ougb

clolccd andbidden bumtlity tbougbyour p r oudneffe is kuomnc) and wbutfittned

boltncflc (robtcb now tit declar ed to beS uperflition and Idolatry) bow tbcfcmanyyeer s ,cxpre/lyagain/l God: W ord

,und tbcprufl icc of bi: bolyAp o/iler,to our g rout

torment (ulna)moflful/Zyfiollenfrom”I . And 46 yo bow byyour falfedo itr tncandmrefling of Gods W ord [co rned of your fo tbcr Sorbon induced tbe u bale

people, bigh and low, into 4 fure bop:and belief, Tbut to clotbc,feed,andnourtjb

you, to tbc onely mo]? acceptable Alrmallowedbefore God 3 and togw e 4 penny,

or api eceubreud once in 4 ni ce/e is cnougb for w . E wenuye but/ e pcrfwodcdtbem to butldyougroutHofpzto ly, 4ndmuzntuinyou tbcrcin by tbeirforce,wbtcbonelypertains nowto to: by allLow

,t o bui lded undgzvcn

to tbepoore of wbofenumber ye arenot, nor can be reputed, nettbcr bytbe L aw of God, nor


yet by no

otbcr Lawpr oceeding of Nature, Roufou, or Civill Policy. Wbcrefor cfeeingour number Ufi) great,fo i ndig ent, nndfit heavilyoppre/fod byyour fol/i:mounts ,tbar none tulrctb co re of out mzfcry And rbat i t is better .for to provide tbcr cour Impotent member s wbzcb God boobg iven no to oppofc toyou in p lum con

;Vé 'vt’ffte tbcn to toyou bereufter 44yo bow done afore) fled /8from w 015?

3 and our elfver in tbe meane time to pcr i/b and dtc for want of tbt

fitmu . W ehave tbougbtgood tber efore arewe enter wztbyou in tbe‘



fto n am eyou in tbeName of tbs g r eat God


,bytbtlf publlltc

’writing . 4]?l 77!

A nno

TheHi/lorie (f theReformation , (9°C.

the BlfllOpS and Priefls . She practifed o n this manner ; Te may clear ely

fee that I cannot do what Iwould wi thi n that Realrne for thefe Her ettchr and

Confederate: of E ngland are[abanded tog ether , that theyflop allgood order . But

h ullyebe avour able untome tn that futt of the W atrrrn onrallCr owne to be

g ranted to mydaughter:hutband, Thenflaall toejeehero I[hallhandle thefeHere

tu be: andTr artour: ere i t be long . And in very deed in thefe her prom ifes

{ hemeant no deceit in that behalfe. U nto the Pro tefiants {he faid ; I amnot unmrndfu/lhow oftye have [olzcttedme for Reformati on in Relig ion and


ladl would I confent thereunto , but ye fee the p ower and craft “

of the s hop offi. Ahdrews , together W i th the power of DukeHam ilto n and of Church - wen

ever to bebent again/l rne tn allmyproceedzng r fit that Imaydo nothi ng , unle/jethe


fu/lauthor i ty of thu Realm bedelivered to the Ktug of France whi ch can

not be, but bydonation of theCrowneMatr imoniall, whtth thing , if yemtllbr i ngtopage, then devzfe yewhatyepleafi:tn matter s of Reltg tomand they[hallbeg ranted. W ith this Co mmifli o n and Credit, was Lo rd 554m“

,then Pri o r o f

S . Andr ews , directed to the E arle o fA rgyle, with m o e Other pro mifes then

we h it to rehearfe . By fuch difiimulatio n to th o fe that were fimple and

t rue o f heart , inflamed {he them to bemo re fervent i he Petitio n thenher felfe appeared to be. And fo at the ParliamentEOIJCH at E dinburgh,in the m o neth o fOe

tober, in the yeere o fG o d I 558. itWag clearelyvocd

,no man reclaim ing (except the Duk e fo r his interefi and yet fo r it

therewas no better Law pro duced, except that there was a fo lemneMalfeappo inted fo r that purpo fe in the Po ntifical]. Th is head o btained,whereat F rance and {he princ ipally t t what faith {he k ept to the Pre tefiants ,in this o ur fecond Bo o k ihall

‘be declared. In thebeginningwhereo f

we may'

mo re amply rehearfe fome things that in this

o ur firfi are fummarily to uched.

The end o f the firfi Bo oke‘


L ib. 2 .l 2 1

. lO F

T H E t’

H I S'


R YTh ings done in b e 0 T I. a net)


Ti eginning in the j eere of our Lord god

5 s 8.

Ur purp o fe was to havem ade th e beginning o fo ur Hifio ry , from theth ings that were done,from the yeere o f G o d1 55 8. till , The Re New.

And now info rmatio n o f Religion, s h

areprc r days

3 i t at.pleafcd“

wh i ch o f G o ds mercy £3

0333nand yet In Do ftrme and s umm er 's

and Pr imitive

o f admnnfiratlo n o f Sacraments 33112313?Church of

W hile that the (meen Regent praétifed w ith the Prelats , howthat Gh fifi Jefas blelled G o fpel m ight u tterly be lupprelled

w i th in Scotland Go d fo blelfed the labo u rs o f hi s w eak fer

vants , that no fm all parr o t the Baro n s o f thi s Realm e began

to abho rre theTyrannyo f the Bilh0 ps : G od did fo o pen their

eyes , by the light o f h is W o rd that they co uld electly dill

cerne betw ixt Ido latry,and the true ho no uring o f Go d Y ea}

m en alm o l’r univerfally began to do ubt w hether they Co uld

(G o d ne t o ffended) give their bo dilyprefence to theMalle o r

yet o ffer their ch ildren to the PapillicallBaptifme. The do ubts

Thc fmfld when the m ofigo dly and the m o ll learned in Europe had an,

fwered bo th byw o rd andW r iting affirm ing That neither ofboth we might do , without per il! of ourfimls w e began to be

o re tro ubled Fo r then alfo began m en o f ellimatio n,and tho



that bare rule am o ngfl us to exam ine thetnfelves co ncerningtheir duties as w ell tow ards Refo rmatio n o f Religio n, 3 ; tow ards the jul

’t defence o f their brethren m o fl c ruellyperfecuted.

And[0 began diversqueflio ns to be‘m oved to w it If that”with

[ale i onfiiencefuch as were f ridges , Lords , and"Ruler: of theiPeople,mightfi

'rve the higher fPower s in maintaining of Idolatry imperfe

cut incg their Brethren, and in[upprefiing Ur i/it Truth Or

,W he.

ther they towhom God infome cafe hath committed theSword of j u[lice mightfufli r the


Mod of their 4B r ethren to he[hed in their pre

jence without any declaration that [rich Tyranny difiileafed thehr.

By the plain Scrip tu res it w as fo und That a livelyfaith requireda plaine

-Confifiionwhet}Chri/it Truth i s oppugned That nor onelyare theyguiltythat do evil hut alfi they that con/ i nt to evil, And


it is,That theyco nfirm to evil

,W ho leeing in iqui tyo pen?

lycomm itted, bytheir file—nee teem to juflifie and arrow W hart

fo ever is do ne.

Theft:things being refo lved and Fuffic ien'

tly roved byewe

dent Scriptures o f Go d,’

w e began every man to o h. m o re diligcntly (0 his Salvatio n o r the Ido latry andTyranny


o f theClergy(called theChurch- men w as and is fo manifefi thatwho fo ever do th deny it , dec

la‘rethi himfelf igno rant o f God


and enemy to Chril’r Jefus . W e therefo re , w ith humble c om

fellio n o f o ur fo rmer o fiences w ith Falling a nd Supplicatio nunto Go d began to feck (ome remedy in

fo prefent a danger.


3L ib. 2 .

Andfirfl it w as i co ncludcd That the(Brethren iii everyTowne at

certaine t imes [hould ajflmhle tog ether to Common”Prayer: to ex.

er c‘

ije, in reading of the Scr ipturet , tillit/h ouldpleajeGod tog ive thecgift o/ ExhortattonbySermon unto/ owe, [or the Comfort and In/lrEi ion


of the t ell.

And this our w eak e beginning Go d did fo blefl'

e that

w ith in a few Mo neths the hearts o f many w ere fo firengrh

ned that w e fo ught to have the face o f a, Church am o ngl


us,and o pen


crirnes to be punilhed w itho ut ,

relpeét o f per

fo ns z - And fo r that purpo fe bycommo n E lectio n w ere E lders

appo inted, to w ho m the w ho le Brethren prom iIEdObedienceFo r at that tim e w e had no publik e Miniflers o f the W o rd

o nelydid certaine zealo us m en am o ngfiw ho m was the Lairdo f Dan David

,Forrefle , Maller


lk ohert Lot/than ,Mallet (Ra.

her t Hammilton , W i lliamHar ian a,and Others ) exho i t their

Breth ren acco rding to thegifts and graces granted unto them.

Bur(h o rtlyafier did God {lin e up his (E rvant 'PaulMethuen his

latter fall o ught n o r to deface the w o rk o f G o d in h im) w ho inbo ldnelle o f fpirit began o penly to Preach Chril

’t Jefus inDandie,

in divers parts o f (guy s,and in file , and fo ‘

did G o d w o rk e

w ith him that m anybegan o penly to reno unce their old‘

ldolatty and to

fubm it themlelves to Chril’t Iefus and unto h is

blclfed O rdinances Infomuch that the Tow ne o f Dun‘

die be.“

gan to ereét the face o f a Publik e Church Refo rm ed in the

w h ich the W o rd w as Openly Preached‘and Chril’ts Sacra-


ments truelym inifired.

In thi s meane time did Go d fend to us o ur deare Bro ther

j ohn W illoc/c , a man go dly learned and grave , w ho after his

lh o rt abo de at Dundie,repaired to Edinburg h , and

there no tw ithllandrng his lo ng and dangero us fick nefle)did(0 enco urage the Brethren by go dly E xho rtari o ns that w e

began to deliberate upo n fome publik e Refo rmat io n t Fo r

the c o rruptio n in Religi o n was fuch that w ith_l

ale co nfci

encew e c o uld no lo nger ful’taine i t Y et becaufe we w o uld

attempt no th ing w itho ut the k nowledge o f the facrcd AUIhOa

rity, w ith o ne co nfent after the deliberatio n o f many dayes ,it was c o ncluded

,That by~

our publike and commo n Sup

plrcauo n,

do left that b o ur co ntinual] filcnce we {hallfeem to juftifie the cruellA [1 11 0tyrdnnic o f thob;men

,wh ich do th n o r o nelydifpleafe us : but

.yo ur Ma

jeflie s w ifdom emo lt prudentlydo th fo refeethat for thequAi et ing o f this

intefline d i ffqntio n, a publi ke Refo rmati o n , as welli n the Religi o n , as inthe tempo rallgovernment wenem o ft n

eceffary. And to the perfo rmance

thereo f,m o lt gravelyand mo ltgo dly (as we are infOrmed ) ye have ex

h o rted as well the Clergie as theNo bility to 1m loy thei r fiudre d ili

genr e, and care . W e therefo re in co nference are no r anylo nger dif

femble i‘

n fo weightyamatter wh ich co ncerneth the glo ry o f Go d, and

o ur falvatio n : Neither now dare we w ithdraw o ur p refence o r co unfell,o r Petitio ns left that the adverfaries hereafter fho uld o bject to us That

place was granted fo r Refo rmatio n


and yet n o man fued fo r the fame

and fo fhall‘

o ur filence be prejudiciallunto us in time to crime . And thcrc~

fo rewe kno wing no o rder placed in th is Realm e, but yo urMajefiie, and

yo ur grave c o unfell, fet to amend as wellthe difo rder E cclefiafiicall


the defaults in the tempo rallR egiment , mo l'

t humbly pro firate o ur felves

befo re yo ur feet, as k ing jufiice ,

and yo u'


grac io us help , againfi them thatfalflvtraduce and accufe us , a s that we W ere Heretick s , and Schifmatik es ,under that co lo ur feek ing o ur deftruétio n ,

fo r that we feck the amendment

o f their co rrupted lives and Chrifis Religio n to be refio red to the o riginallpuritie. Further we c rave o f yo ur Majefiie w ith o pen and patent

cares t o heare tho fe o ur fubfequent reguefts and to the joy and fatis fa{ tio n o f o ur tro ubled co rrfciénces , ho


tintifully to grant the fame unlelfe

by G o ds plaine W o rd any be able to prove that juftly they o ught to

be denied. I

The Petition .

Herebeginneth the particularDemands .

Ir/Z‘, Httneblywe a s k , Tbat at we leave byt


beL aure: of t/etaRealmo,debate obtazned to r eade tbeboly Boole: of tbe 0 ld andNewTe/lament, in oar

Vulgar Tongue na’ Sptr ztna/l food to oar fin der fit fiom bentefor tb zt may

belawful! tbatwemay meet pnblzkely or pr ivately to our Common - Prayer s tn

o urVttlgar Tongue to tbe end tbat wemay ent ree/ Zr andgr owtn knowledg e andbe «

endured byfervent a Pr ayer to r'


mmend to God tbc bo/yunw erfaflCbnr tb

,tbeQteene oar S overe igne, ber bononrableandg



tbeabtlztze of tbezrfiteeeffzon, yonrMa]e/tt


eRegent, tbeNobzlztie, andwbole Stateoftbos Realme.

S ef ofld/tt lf ztjballbappen in our [aid entering: anybardplate of S tr iptureto ber ead, of tvbtob,wetbont explanation, bard/ycan ar t/e anyprofit to tbcbewem tbfl

i tjba/lbe lawful!to anyqualzfiedperfions tn knowledge, ba ng prefent, to interpretand open up tbe fazd bardplates , toG odt


glor and to tbc‘

profit of tbc Andztory.

L/ Ind If any tbznlce tbat tbzéf lzbertz’

e fbonl be oteaban of Confnjz'

on Debate,

or Herefio we.

are content tbat it be provided tbat tbc find Interpretatzon


1‘bat tbe bo

ly S acrament of Baptzfmebraybee fed in tbeVolgarTongue that tbc God- fatbert and W ztneffes maynot onelyunder/land tbe potnttof tbe L eague and Contrat



madebetto txt God and tbc Infant ; but alfo tbat'



a/fentbled moregravely may be informed and znflmfied

Rof fifigt

on in tbeKoulme of Sco tland.


F ourtbly W edryi re tbat tbeboly Sacrament of tbeL ords Suppér or of bitbleffed Body and Blobd may [time/[e be miniflr ed unto _ u: i n tbc VulgarTongue. ) and m botbbinder , according to tbe plaine In/ htution of our Savi o ur Cbr tjlgtefua .


a nd lajtly Wemojfjtumbéyrequire Tbat tbewicleed, flanderoua ,

reliable life of Prelats , and of t eflute E cclejiitjtit‘afi,3W ] be r eformed tbat tbe

peoplebytbemjta‘venot occafion (ter of manydayes tbeybavebad to contemne


zrMini/ler ie, and tbePreacbing’

, wber eof tbeyjbould beW efl'

eng ert l"


if tbey ufpett tbat we ratber envying tbei r bo’

nour t or covering tbei r rie'


and p o efi'

zont,tben { ealouflyde/irzng tbeir amendment and falvatzon, do travel!

and labour for link Reformati on We are content tbat not onely tbe Rule; and The o f t- t.

Precept: of tbcNewTe/lament but alfit tbc W r iting ; of tbe ancient F atberr,

and tbe g odlyand approved L awes’

of J Juftinian tbc E m eraur decide tbc,con

troverfiebetwixt to; and tbém . And If i t ”M”befoun rbat ettber malevolent

ly or ig norantly'

we {tobemore tben tbefe tbree forenamed bave r equi red and

conti nually do requzre of able and true Mini /ter: tn Clare/b; Cburcb we‘re/tuft}

not corret‘li on a your Mayejlie wrtb r igbt judgement [ball tbznb tutet._ But

if alltbc forenanied [ballcondemne tbat robicbwe condemne and appr ove.


wbzcbwe requi re 5 Timeareme]? earndlly befeecbyour Majejlie rbat notwi tb

flandi ng tbe long cufiomewbicb tbeybave bad to live at tberf lujl tbat ebeybe

compelled eitber to dejijt from E cclefiajtzcalladminijtration, or to dtfcbarg e tb'


duti es , at becometb trueMin i/lent . S o tbat'

tbeg rave andgodlyface of tbe Pr imi tiveCburcb reduced 5



nce Intay be expeded 5 TrueDefirzne and goodManners mayonceagaineapp

eare in tbcCburcb in tbu‘Realmo . Tbefi' tiring:

we, at mojl obedi ent Subje r,r equir eofyourMajejlte in tbe 'Name of tbs eter

nallGod, andof bit S on Cbr tjlf efue,’

tnprefinceof Wbofi Tbronejudiciall,ye,’

and all otber tbat beere in eartb bearetb autbortty [ball give‘account of your

temporallr eg iment. Tbe [pin t of tbc L ord {fefue (nave yourMajejt‘ie: beert to


Tfuj hce and Equity. 5

Thefe Our Demands being prepo fcd the State E cc‘

lefiafiicallb e

gan to fi0rme and to devife allmanner o f lies to deface the equitie o f Thewaif“ ?o ur caufe . They bragged as that theywo uld have publike Difputa

5m "

t io n wh ich alfo wemo ll earn‘

ei‘tly required two things being provi Difputation:

ded 5 Firft, That the plaine and written Sc riptures o f _G o d iho uld dec ide"k “ “ MW "

all Co ntroverfi es : Seco ndly'

, That o ut brethren, o fwhom fomewerethen exiled . and by them unjufilyco ndemned, might have free arfceife tothe faidDifputatio n,

1 and fafe - to nduét’

to return to their dwelling laces

no rwithfianding anyPro cefl'

e which befo re had beenlaid a'

ainfi t em in

matters co ncerning Religio n . But thefe beir‘rg by them utterlydenied (fo r

no Judge wo uld theyadmit , but themfelves , their Co unfels , andCano nLaw)Theyand their faétio nbegan


to draw certain Articles o f reco nciliaTl”J "

tio n,promifing unto us ,Ifwewo uld admit theMaffe to {land in’

its fo rmerthe “ Pm

reverence and efiimatiqn5Grant Purgato ry after this life5Co nfefl'

ep rayerto Saints and fo r the


dead and‘‘

fuffer them to enjo y their accuftomedRents ,Pofl


effio n, and Ho no ur That then theywo uld grant us to pray,S and

TbcHi/lorieof tbeReformation L ib , z,

and bapti ze in theVu lgarTo ngue, fo that itwere do ne c etly,

‘and no r in

theopen aliembly. But the gro fenelfe o f thefe Articles was fut h that

w ith o ne vo ice we refufed them and c o nfiantly c raved yulh ce o f the

Qg eenc Regent and a reafo nable anfwer p f o ur'fo rmer Petitio ns . The

Queen s then Regent , awoman crafty,diliimulate, and fallb thmkmg to

The grant o f make her to ht Qf‘bOth parties ,gave to us perm i f fio n to ufe o ur felyes go d

the (me me lY, aéco r ing to o ur deli res pro vi ded,thatwe fh o uld no r mak e publike af


Mm"femblies in E dinburgb no rL zetb5and did pro

m i feher affiftance to‘

o ur Prea

chers -

,untillfome unifo rm o rdermight be eflablrfhedby

‘a P

,arliament .To

thém (we mean the Clergie ) (he quietlygave fignificatio n o f herminde,

promifing that how fo onany o ppo rtuni ty

-mo uldfirve {he(ho uld fo puto rder to thefe matters that after they fli ouldh o t be tro ubled 3 fo r fo me

fay, theygave her a large purfe 4o o o o .l.


Turn . o r~S cott gathered by the

Laird o f E arleybale. W e no thing fufpeé’cmg her do uhgen

eife no r fallhoo d,departed fully co ntente

dwithher anfwer and did'

ue o ur felves foquietly that fo r her plealure we put filence .to afobn

p awg laa who publik elywo uld have preached in theTown o f L ietb 5 fo r ih


allth ings we fo ught

the c o ntentment o f her m inde fo far a s G o d flrould no t be o ffendedagainfl us

,fo r o beying her in th ings as we th o ught unlawfull,

Sho rtlyafter thefe things that c ruellTyrant and unmercifull hypo'

c rite,falfly called, -Bilho p o f S .Andrew‘

r,apprehended that blelfedMartyr

Thm prchm o fChriflc us,


man o fidecrepite age whommo ltcruelly56 ° mumandmo lt uniufily he put to death by fire


in Saint Andrews the twentyeighth day o f April, in theyeere o f God .1 s 58 , W hich thing did fo

1 558'

highly o ffend the hearts o fallgo dly, that immediatlyafter his death , hegan a newfervenc ie


amo ng thewho le peo ple , yea, ,even in theTowne o f

Saint / Intimate: began thepeo ple plainelyt o c o n’

demne fut h unjufl c ruel

tie, And in tefiiflcatiqn that theywo uld his death .1fli o uld abide in tecentm emo ry there ,


caft to gether a great heap o f {to nes in the

placenwhere he was burnt. The Biflao'

p and P‘r iefls thereat o ffended,

caufed~o nce o r twice to remove the fame with denunciatio n o fcurli ng,

if any man iho uld there lay any flo nes . But in vaine was thaj; 'W inde

blgwne fo r {tillwas the heape made, tillthat the Priefis and Papifis did(teale away.by night the fiqnest o build theirwalls, and to other their privateufes .

{Petting no rhing,

that the (b eene Regent was confenting to thefo rename murther mo i’c humblyd id;c omplain


o ff uch uninfi;“

crueltie,requi ring that jufiice in fuch cafes flioul


beminifired,with greater indii

ferencre. She as awoman bo rn to difl‘

emble, and deceivel, beganwith usto lament the cruelty o fthe Biiho p ,


ufing henfelfe as inno cent in thatcaule fo r that the fentencewas givenwitho ut her knowledge . f. Becaufetheman fometrmes had been a Prieft 5 therefo re the, Bit ps Officialldidpro ceed upo n h im witho ut any comm

’ifiion o f the vCivillauthority , ex

”fl a t , as theyterme it. W e yet no thing fufpeétingiherfalfho o d; requif¢d fome o rder ts), be tak enagainfl;fuch eno rmities wh ich

flle prom ifedbefo re

gBut [pecan

-(e lho rtlyaftertherewas aQPa rliament to be h o ld¢flz fo r certain

affalfes p ertaining rather. to theQueens.profit particular,thcn

1tp .the C0m

.m0d1tyt~.o f the.Common- W ealth , fwc thought

go o d to

expo fe

TheHifiorj of the‘Reformd tlm

[Mm/ m pg the [m e to the par tte accttfizd a/i igm'

flg unto him / i com.

etent terme

to .m/wcr to thefirm ,after he hd th talten [ujjficzmt cqh tzon . De in 1 0 0 filtr.

Thi rd! W e r equi re That alllawfa ll defi’ttces he greeted to the perfimacm

fid , 44 , If hehe ahle to prove that the n ame/fer heperfom ttmhle hy L aw to tejlz

m that then thei r Accttfizttoh s and Dep nall,accordmg to


tt’ltcc.1 JItem,

Thatplacehe g ranted to theparty eccufi

'd to explo ih e and interpret his

ownemmde andmeaning 5which confe/rzon werequirehe refin ed 1 71 ph hlzke A575,and he preferred to the depo/Zttott of any m tmffe , feeing that no ne o ugh t

to fuller fo r Religio n that is no r fo und o bfiinate in his damnable

ni o n .OPI

L a/l W er tqttirethot our hrethren he not cor demr edfor her eticher tmqe hytheman/[

ehWord of God they he convinced to have erred from that faith mhzchheholy Spir i tm tncjfeth to he flccefiaryto Solvo tton L/ { nd tf [b they he, we t e


not hat that theyhepom/lied dCC'

O/ dlflg to Jujlzce sunit/ff:hyWholefi'meadmom j .

013 theycan he reduced toa hetter mmde.

The/c thmg s ‘r eqm re we to he con/Zdered of hyyou who are in the Place of

the E ternal!God who {25,God of Order and Truth oven to f uch fort for ye

W illarfmer mpr efence of h itThrone ttdtcio /l Requzrtngfitrther , Thatfzrvottrahly’youwould have refpec

l to the tender‘

nef]e of oar con/cm :ctr and to the trozthlewhich

appeareth to folloro m thh Common - wealth if the tyranny of thePrelater, and ofthetr adherent : henot hr ttlled hyGod andjttjl L ower . God moveyottr hearts deeplyto confider your owrzedunes , and ourprefeh t tr ohhler .

Thefe o urDemands didwe firfi prefent to the (b een Regent,becaufethat we were determined to enterp rife no thing with o ut her kno wledge ,m o lt humbly requiring her favo urably to afli lt us in o ur jufi actio n. S he

{pared no t am iable lo o k s and go o d wo rds in abundance . But~alwayes

{ he k ept out Petitio n clo fe'

in her p o c k et. When we required'

fec retly o f

herMajefiy that o ur Petitio n iho uld be pr0 po fed to the who le Afiem

bly She anfwered That {he tho ugh t no r that expedient fo r then

wo uld the who le E cclefiafiicall Efiate be co ntrary to her pro ceeding s ,which at that time was great Fo r theMatrimo niallCrowne was as ked ,and in that Parliament g ranted . But faid {he h ow fo o n o rder can be

taken with thele th ing s which nowmaybe hindrcd bythe Churchmen ye {hallknowmygo o d minde . And in themeane time whatfo evet I can grant unto yo u (hallgladlybe granted . W e yet no thing {uf

peéting her falth o o d, were co ntent to g ive placelfo r a time to he r plea

fure and pretended reafo n. And yet tho ught we expedient fomewhat to

p ro tefi,befo re the dilfo lutio n o f the Parliament Fo r o ur Petitio nwas

m anifefilyknowne to the who le Affembly as alfo how that fo r the

Queens pleal’

urewe had ceafed to purfue the uttermofi. Out Pro tefiatio nwas fo rmed in manner following .

The F orm:of the Protej/lationmode in the Parliament holden at E dinhttrgh,Anno 1 558

ITis no t unk nowne to this Ho no urable Parliament,what co ntro verfie_i s nowlatelyri fen betwrxt tho fe that will be called the Prelats and


L ib.z . of Religion inthefll nte 0f ~SCOtlanCl

Rulers o f theChurch, and a great number o f us theNo bilityand Communalty o f the Realmo , fo r the true wo rfhipping o f G o d fo r the dutyo f Mi nil‘i ers

,fo r the right Adminifiratio n o f Cht ifl Jefus ho ly‘

S acra- flments . Ho w thatwe have complained by our fupplicatio n to the % en

Regent That o ur co nfc iences are burthened with unpro fitable Ceremonies And that we are c o mpelled to adhere to ldo lary Tha t fuch as tak eupo n them the Office E cclefiafiicall difcharge no part thereo f as bec o me th trueMinifi e t s to do 5and finally Th at we and o ur breth ren arem o lt injurio uflyo pp relled by their ufurped autho rity . And alfo we f un

p o fe it is a thing fufli c iently k nown That we were o f minde at this p riefent Parliament to feek redreffe o f fuch eno ‘

rmities but co nfidering thatthe tro ubles o f the time do no r fulfer fuch Refo rmatio n as we by G o ds

plainW o rd‘do require we are enfo rced to delay that which mo lt ear

nefily we defire : And yet left that o ur filence iho uld give o ccafio nt oo ur advertfaries to thinke thatwe repent of o ur fo rmer enterprifers


wec anno t ecafe to pro teft fo r remedy againfl: that mo lt UnJUfl: tyrannywh ic h we he reto fo re have mo ltpatiently fultained.

And firfiwe p ro tefi,Thatfiezng we cannot ohtain ajujlReformation according

to God; Word that i t he lawful! to no to ufleourfilfveo in matters of Relig i on andconference, at wemufl anfwer unto God untofitch time at our ado erfitries he ahleto .

prove themfelfuet the trueMint/Zero of Chr tjlt Church and toput themfelfue: of

f i ch cr ime: 45wehave already laid to thei r charge, ofiiering our fififif to pr ove the

flamewhenfittm r the[acr ed Authori ty leafe tog ive to: audi ence.

Seco ndlywe pro tefi,That netthlhr we, noryet anyother of thegodly that h it

to joyn W i th no in the trueF aithwhich is grounded upon the inw nczhleW ord ofGod,[halli ncur anydanger of life or lands , or anypolztzcallpain for not ohferving [uched it; an heretoforehavepit/fed infavour of our adfuerfizriet nei ther yetfor rin ela

ting of fit ch Ri tes an man wi thout God: Commandment or W ord hath com


W e thirdlyp ro tefl, That if anytumult or aware/hallarifiamong[2themomher: of thtk Realmefor thedw erfity of, Relig i on ; and if i t jhall chance that ahufes Let the P3hevi olentlyr eformed , that the crime thereof henot imputed to to: whomajZ hum Fifis o bfcfvcc

hlydo nowfee/e allto he reformedby anOrder . But r ather what/oewer'


encejhallhappen tofollowfor lack of Order taken that mayheimputed to thofe thatdo refufe thehunt . a

And laftwe p ro tefl,‘That thefeour rrqueflo,procecdzngfiom confciencje, do te nd

to none other end hut to the reformation of the ahufet i n Relig ion onely Mojlhumhlyhefeechtng the[acred Authori ty to talee teafatthfu/l and ohedtentfithyefit intoprotec

‘ltoyr again]? our _

adfucrfar ier, and to[howunto cu fuch lfldtfih’f fflhj in our moft

yuflPeri zon,an i t hecometh


Gods L i eutenant: to do to tho/2 that in hi}Namedo callfor defence, againjlcruelloppreflitrc, and blo o d - thitfiyTyrants .

‘This o ur


Pro teftatio n publikely read,we defired it to have beeninfer~ted in the co mmo n Regiflerb ut thar,by the lab o r o fenemies , was denied

unto us . Neverthelefle theQueen Regent faid Mewillrememher what it

mote/led, andme[hallputg ood order after that to allthings that nowhe in cont'ro'ver

fie. Andfithus after lh e by craft h ad o btained her purpo fe, we departed

ed, in go o d ho pe o f her favo ur praifing G od ino ur hearts , that { hewit


S 3 o


T/JeHi/ZOU of t/9c”Reformation L ibz f.

fo well inclined toward s go dlinelfe . The go o d Op inio n thatwe had o f

her fincerity caufed us no r o nely to fpend o ur g o ods

,and haz ard o ur

bo dies at her pleafure but alfo byo ur publike Letters wri tten to th at

excellent fervant o f G o dfi lmCalvmewe did p raire and c ommend her,

1 m m fo r her excellent knowledge inGo ds W o rd and go o d wrllto wards the

“ W "advancement o f h is glo ry sqUiTiDg Of h im a That bxhi? grave co un

fell, and go dlyexho rtatio n he wo uld animate herMajelh e c o nfiantly

to fo llo w that wh ich go dlily ih e had begun. W e did farther fharply

rebuk e bOth bywo rd andwr iting, allfuch as appeared to fufpeét in heranyvenom o r hypo crifie

o r that were co ntrary to that o pini o n wh ich

we had co nceived o f her go dlyminde . But ho w far we were deceived

in o ur o pinio n , and abufed byher cra

ft did fuddenlyappear : Fo r ho wfo o n that allth ings pertaining to the co mmo dity o f F rancewere grantedby us , and that

Peacewas co ntracted betwixt K ing s hp and F rame, and

E ngland and us , {hebegan to fpue fo rth, and d ifclo fe the latent venom o f

be? do uble heart . Then began {he to fro wne, and to lo o k frowardly toallfuch as fhe knew did favo ur the G o fpel o f Jefus Chrift. She com

manded her ho ulh o ld to ufe allabominatio ns at. fin/ hr 5 and th e firft her

felf,to give example to o rhers ,d id communicate to the Ido lin Open ah di

CHCCgfli Cco ntro lled her ho ulh o ld,and would knowwhere that every o ne

received ther Sacrament . And it appeared,That after that day thatma

lice too k mo re vio lent andfiro ng po flefli o n in her, then it did befo re ; fo rfrom that dayfo rward {he appeared

alto gether altered infomuch that

her co untenance and faa s d id declare the venom o f her heart Fo r in

c o ntinent ihe caufed o ur Preac hers to be fummo ned fo r who mwhen

we made interceifto n, befeech ing herMajefiyno t to mo leit them in the irMiniltry, unlelfe anymanwere able to co nvince them o f fall


e Do ctrine ,fhe c o uld no t b ridle her to ngue from o pen blafphemy, but p ro udly {lie

Blafpht faid, Indefpigbt of you,andyourMzm


jler s bad) , they[ballbe bum/bed out of ScotNW“ [and albeit theyprmched ra truer“ ever d1d Saint Paul. W h ich p ro ud and

fitffiféfiififf; blafpemo us anfwer, did greatlyaf’to nifh us : and yet ceafed we no t mo lt

theCardinall. humblyto feck her favo ur and bygreat dilig en ce , at leftwe o btained

fg‘flfiimc that the Summo ns at that time were delayed Fo r to her were fent A A

o f Lowdonc, lexander E arlo f Glenclam e, and SirHues Campbell o f Lowdom Knight, SheChm ccllo r rifi

o f Azr , t0 reafo nwith her, and to c rave fome perfo rmance o f her

fififlmgm “

manifo ldpromifes to whom {he anfwered It becomes notflbjefir to5137717673thei r Prime:wztb promifes further than ztplea/ed them

‘to keep thefiner. Bo th

theNo blemen faithfully and bo ldlydifcharged thei r duty, and plainlyfo rewarned her o f the inco nveniences thatwere to fo llow wherewith{he fomewhat afio nied, faid(hewo uld advife.


In th is meant ime did theTown o f Pertb called Saint fo/mjlon, em- J

brace theTruth,wh ich did provok e her to a new fury s inWh ich lh e willed the Lo rd Rutbuem Proveft o f thatTowne, to fuppreffe all fuch Relig ionthere . To thewh ich whenhe anfwered, That he co uldmake thei rbo dies to come to herMajefly, to pro firate themfelve s befo re her, tillthat{h ewas fully fatiate w ith her blo od :but to c aufe them to do again&thei r conference, he could no t promife . She in fury did anfwer That


The Hijlor)'

of tlae(


wh ich extremity erceived bythe faid Laird o f Dan he prudentlyw ithdrew h imfelfe o r Otherwife byallappearance he had nOt efcaped impri

fo nment .) Fo r theMailer o f cMaxwell a man zealo us and (to ur in Go dsGaufe (as then appeared ) under the c lo ke o f ano ther fmallc rime was

that fame day co mm itted to ward h eeaufe he did bo ldlyalfirme That

Note. t o the uttermo ft o f his power, hewo uld airli ftthe Preachers and the (So n‘

in th is timegregatio n, no rwirhfianding any fen


wh i ch unjufilywas , o r (ho uld be‘h"”ME "p ro no unced againfi them . The Lai rd o f Dan co m i ng


to S . f ob /lo» ,f rhe G o f Cl

svere calledpthc expo fed the cafe even as i t was and d id co nceal no th i ng o f the (Meens

Cons f ss u im c raft and fallh o o d W h ich underflo o d themulti tudewas (0 inflamed,

that neither co uld the exh '

o rtat io n o f the"Preachers no r the c o mmand

m ent o f theMagifirarefiaythem fromdefiro ying the places o f Ido latry.

The mannerwhereo fwas The Preachers had declared befo re how o di

Thm k,“o us Ido latrywas in Go ds prefence : W hat commandment h e had given

down o f flu. fo r the defirua io n o f the m o numents : thereo f W hat Ido latry andFric rs m 3m “ what abominatio n was in the Malfe . It chanced that the next day,"M“

wh ich was the eleventh o f May after that the Preachers were ex‘ iled


that after the Sermo n wh ich.

was very vehemen t againlf Ido la;try a certaine Prieli in co ntempt wo uld go to the Maife and to

declare h is malapart prefumptio n hewo uld o pen up a glo rio us Tabernaele, wh ich flo o d upo n the h igh Altar : There flo o d befide,certain go dlymen, and amo ngli Others , a yo ung boy who c ryed with a bo ld vo ice,Ti m is mtaleraéle, thatwhen God 5y1mW ord 11 4thplainelycondemned Idolatry,weflm/l/larzd and fee 1:”fed”: de/pigbrl The Priefi hereato ffended gavethe ch ilde a great blow whO'

in anger to o k up afio ne,and c

afiing at thePriefl

,hit theTabernacle,and brake down an Image:And immediatly,



who lemultitude threw ilo ne'

s,and put hand s o n the fa id Tabernacle, a nd

o n allOtherMo numents o fIdo latry W h ich they difpatched befo re thetenth man in theTown were advertifed (fo r themo lt part were go ne tod iner ) wh ich no ifed abro ad,


thewho lemult itude affembled, no r o f theGentlemen

,ne ither o f them thatwere ear


neitPro felfo urs , but o f the rafs

callmultitude who finding no thing to dd in that Church ,did r un with - s

o ut deliberat io n to the Gray and Black - F r ier: and nOtwithfianding thattheyhad with in them veryfirdng guards kept fo r their defence yetwere

_their gates inco ntinent burft up . The fitii invafio n was upo n Ido latry,and thereafter the commo n peo ple .began to feek fo m


e fpo ile. And inverydeed the Gray

- F r i er:was a placeTo wellprovided that unlelfe ho ~

neflmen had feen the fame,


wewo uld have feared to have repo rtedwhat

{he an,firm pro vrfio n theyhad, their lheets , blankets beds , and co verlets were fuch,PM "

that no Earle in Scotland had better : Their naperiewas fine,theywere but8

gerfo ns i n the Co nvent

,and yet had they8 puncheo ns o f falt Beef(c o n


li er the time o f the yeere, the eleventh o fMay ) wine, beere, an'

d ale,be

fide {lo re o f viétuals belo nging thereto .


The likeabundance was no r inthe Black Friers , and yet therewas mo re then became men pro fefling poVt fl y. The fpo ilewas permitted to the po o re : Fo r fo had the Preachersbefo re threatned allmen That fo r covcto ufneffe fake no neiho uld putthei r hand to fut h aRefo rmat


io n,that no ho neflman


was inriched thereby the value Of agro ar. Their co nfcience (0 moved them ,

that theyfufl



A nno

Lib.2. ry

f flQl

lzgion in of Sco tland .

fuffered th o fe hypo c r ite s to tak e awaywhat they co uld o f that wh ichwas in the ir places . The Prio r o f the Charter - boufewas perm itted to tak e

w i th him even as much go ld and filver—as he was able to c arry. S o w ere

m en s c o nfc iences beaten w ith theW o rd,that they had n o refpeét to

their o wnparticular pro fi t but o nely to abo lifh Ido latry, the place s andMo nument s thereo f, in wh ich theywere fo bufi e, and fo labo ri o us , . that

w ith in two dayes thefe th ree arrear places Mo numents o f Ido latry to

wit,the Black and G rayTheeves and Charter - bodeMo nk s (a budding

o f wo ndero us c o il and greatnefTe ) was fo defh'

o yed , that the walls o nelyd id remain o f all th o fe great ed ifices . W h ich repo rted to theQueen,{he was fo inraged,That {he did

vo w utterly to deflro yS . afo/mffon , man ,w o man

,and ch ilde, and to c o nf ume the fame by fi re and thereafter to

fa lt it,in figne o f a perpetualldefo latio n .

_ W e fufpeé’ting no th ing f uch

c ruelty bu‘

t th ink ing that fuch wo rds m ight efcape her in cho ler wi th o utpurpo fe determ ined becaufe {he was a wo man let o n fi re by the co m

p la int s o f tho fe hypo crites wh o fio ck ed unto her as Raven'

s to a catio n .

W e (we fay ) fufp‘

eflmg no th ing fuch beaflly c ruelty,returned to o ur o wnh o ufe s : leaving i n S . J oly/from 3501772Knox to initrué

’t the peo ple,becaufe

they were yo ng and rude in Chrifi . But fhe ,fet o n fi re partly byher o wnm alice

, partly by c o mm andment o f her friend s in F ram e , and no r a

li ttle byb r ibes ,wh i ch fire and t/Monfimr D ofell received from the Bi

fli Ops and the Pr iells here at ho me, did co ntinue [till in herr age . And firllfhe fen t fo r all theN o bili ty, to wh o m {he c o mplained; That we meanedhOthing bUt Rebellio n She did grievo uflylamen t the deflrué

‘tio n o f



/7zzrter becaufe it was a K ings fo undat io n and‘there was the

to mbe o f K ing the Brit "

and by fuch Other perfwafibns {hemadethe mo l’t pai r o f them


gran t to‘purf

ue us .‘ “And then inc o ntinent

{he fo r her F rench,m en Fo r that. was and eve r hath been

to fee Scottifh men dip one w ith ano thers blo o d . No man‘was at rthat

t ime m o re franke again'

ftus then W as Duk e Hamilton led by that c ruell beafl the Bit p o


f s aint L/ I fldr ews ,‘and by tho fe

-that yet abufe

the Abbot o f K d rumming , andMattbewHam i lton o f Molérfr‘


,two 0enem ies to the Duke



t o his who le h o ufe but in‘

fo far as thereby theyheleandfiich,


Cf' pefli ilen


co nti‘nually (c rying F o r?»

th i s Realme o f them . The

to o ur knowledge fo me o f us,tepaired

‘tb frhe

two and twentieth dayo fMay'


f‘ah d theré

‘d i


W here after In‘vo‘cat io n df“


wn and o ur {Elves in fuch l‘trehgth


juildefence . And becauie we did



ns fay‘o


ur,we caufed to fo rme a Letter to her

Majefiie, as fo lloweth .

To the (Mem es Majeftie Regent , all humble o bediencef


and dutie'


prein ifed .3 0:3 G f

wit/7 jeopg rd of our'

livor andyet“

with h ull/mg


beam we[fie/ e

aurborim of S co tland and your Méje/Iie now Regent w ith}

$ 1



A godlyVOWo

The complaintof the


Qg eene

R egeny.

{h allexcufe yo u in Go ds prefence,who commandeth no ne to (offerdeatht illthat he be Openly co nvinced in j udgement to have o ffended againfi

G o d,and againfi his Lawwri tten ;wh i ch no mo rtallcreature i s able to

p ro ve againfius : fo rwhatfo ever we have do ne, the fame we have do ne

at Go ds commandment,who plainly commands Ido latry,and allMo nu'

r lu o nam ments o f the fame to be deflro yed and abo li lh ed.

Our c ru nch and lo ngrequ s fi 0‘"W

reque i’t hath been , and is , That in o pen AiTembly i t may be di fputed, inOf

prc lcncc o findifferent audito rs ,W hether that thefe abominatio ns na

m d the e tlrnt Pa 1 5,Religio n wh ich theybyfire and {wo rd dc

fehdfybe thféiflrue Relig


o n o f ]efus Chrifl o rno tf.

’ Now th i s humble tequelt denied unto us , Ollr lives are fo ught i n mofi cruellmanner And

theNo bility(wh o fe duty is to defend inno cents and to b ridle the furyand rag e o f w ic kedmen,were i t o f Pri nces o r Empero rs ) do no twithHanding fo llo w the i r appe tites , and arme yo ur {elves againf

’t us yo ur

brethren, and naturallCo untrey- men yea, againfius that be.

inno centand jafi , as co ncerning allfuch crimes as be laid to o ur charges . If ye

th ink that we be c riminallx, b’

ecaufe thatwe diffent fromyo ur Op inio n,co nfider,we befeech yo u, that the Pro phets under the Law , the Apo

files o f Chril’t Jelus afte r his Afcenfio n, his Primitive Church and ho ly

Martyrs , did difag tee from the who le wo rld in their dayes . And willye denybut that the ir aé


tio n was Juli , and that alltho fe that perfecutedthem were murtherers befo re G o d 1

’ May. no t the like be true th is day 6W hat .afiilrance have ye th is day o f yOur Religio n which the wo rldthat dayhad no t Of theirs e

, ye have amultitude t hat agree with yo u,and(0 had they :y


e have antiqui ty o f time . and that they lacked no r yehave Co unfells Laws and men o f reputatio n that have efiablifhedallthings , as ye fuppo fe but none o f allthefe canmak e anyRelig io naccep table unto G o d,which o nelydepended upo n his owh e will,revealed to man in his mo lt facredW o rd . It is no t then awo nder thatye fleepin/ fo deadlya fecurity in the matter o f yo ur o wac falvatio n 3 c o nfidering that Go d giveth unto yo u fo manifefi to k ens ,that ye and yo ur leade rsare bo th decli ned from G o d. Fo r if the

‘tree {hallbe judged by the fruit

(as Chrii’t Jefus afii rmeth that it mullneed s be)then Ofnecefli ty it is ,Thatyo ur Prelats and the who le rabble o f the ir Clerg ie be evilltrees Fo ri f Adultery, Pride ,Ambitio n,D i unkennefl


e,Coveto ufneife,1nce&,lln

thank fulneffe, Oppreilio n ,Murther, Ido latry, and Blafphemy be cvill

fruits , there canno ne o f that,

Generatio n wh ich claim to themfelves thetitle.o fChurchmen,be judged to be go o d trees o r allthefe pefiilentandwicked fruits do they bring fo rth in greatefiabundance . And if theybeeviltrees (as ye yo ur felves mullbe compelled to confefl


e theyare advife prudentlyW ith what c o nfciences ye can maintain ,

them to dccupythe room and place in the Lo rdsVine -

yard. Do ye no t co nfider that inTo do ing ye labo ur to maintain the fervants o f fin in the ir filthy co rrupt i o n

, and fo co nfequentlyye labo ur that the devillmay raigne , and (tillAgm nfuch abufe th is Realme by all iniquity and tyranny and thatCh riflJefus andiiut



iifho ,

h is blefic o fpelb;fuppreiled and extihgulih ed. The name and the“

m ypu rm ue clo ke o f the autho ri ty wh ich ye p retend w illno th ing excufe yo u inthe i r brcthi cn Go ds prelence, but rather[hallye bear do uble co ndemnat io n, fo r thatye


L ib ,z . of

‘Relig ion inthewelfareof Sco tland.

burden God, as that his go o d Ord inance s were the caufe o f yo ur iniquiry AllAutho rity wh ich G o d hath efiablifli ed , is go o d and perfeét, andis to be o beyed o f allmen, yea, under p ain o f damnatio n . But do ye no r

underfiandfi hat there is a g reat difl'

erence betwixt the Autho ritywh ich Drfié rcn‘

cc be

is G o ds Ord inance, and the perfo ns o f tho le wh ich are placed inAutho Fm “ the Per

o n and themy; the Autho ri ty and Go ds O rdinances c an never do wro ng fo r i t “ m ay,

co mmandeth that vice and w icked men be punii'

htd,and ve rtue wi th ver prim .

tuo us men and j ailbe maintained . But the co rrupt perlo n placed in th i sAutho rity, may o Eend,and mo ftcommo nly do rh co ntrary to th is Antho rity and is then the co rrupt i o n o f man to be fo llo wed by rea

fo n that it is c lo thed with the name o f Auth o rity f.’ O r fhall tho l


e that

o bey the wicked commandment o f th o fe that are’

placed inAutho rity,be

excufable befo re Go d No rlo , no t fo , but the plagues and vengeanceso f G o d tak en upo nK ings the ir fervants and fubjeéts do witnefieto us

the p lain c o ntrary. , Mama/awas a K ing,and had his Auth o rity o f G o dwho commanded h is fubjeCts to murther and to rment the Ifraelites , andat laft mo lt c ruelly to perfecute their lives Butwas their o bed ience(blinde rage it ih o uld be called) excufable befo re Go d ‘1' the Univerlall

plague do rh plainly declare That the wick ed Commander, and tho lethat o beyed,were alike guilty befo re G o d . And if the example o f Pim

[h allbe rejeéted, bec aufe he was an E tbm’

cke, then let us co nfider the

facts o f S aul Hewas a K ing anoynted o f Go d , appo inted to raign o verh is peo ple ;he commanded to perlccute D .w zrl


becaufe (as he a lleadged)“ 1 6 53 5? o f

Dar/ 1dwas aTrayto r, andUf urper o f the Cro wne And likewife c omK"‘3

mandedAlfimelerlz theHigh F ric ti and h is fello ws to be fiai ne But did

G o d appro ve anypart o r th i s o bed ience eevident it i s

,That he did no t .

And th ink ye that G o dwill appro ve in yo u,thatwhi ch he did c o ndemnein o thers a’ be no rdeceived ;W ith G o d there is no fuch partiali ty. If ye

o bey the unjuft commandments o f wick ed Rulers ye (h all luffe r G o dsvengeance and jufipunifhmentwith them . And therefo re

,as ye tender

yo ur o wne falvatio n, wemo ilearnefily require o f yo umo derat io n, and

t hat ye flayyo ur felves , and the fury o f o thers from perfecuting o f us ,t illo ur caufe be tried in o pen and lawfullJudgement . And now to yo uE

n “



who are p erfwaded'

o f the jufiice‘o f o ur caufe , who fometimes har e pro fight;

felled Ch ril’

i leius with us and who alfo have exho rted us to th is enter Note,

p rife and yet have left us' in o ur extreme neceili ty at leafi lo o ke

,o ut

tho ro wyo ur fingers in th i s o ur tro uble as that the matter appertainedno runto yo u, we layfl


har unlelTe(allfear and wo rldly refpeéi s fet afide)

ye j oyu yo ur (elves wi th l

us that'

as o f.Go d ye are reputedTrayto rs , fo{hallye be excommuni


cated from o ur S o c iety,'

and from allpartic ipat io n'with us in the Adminili 'ratio n,

o f Sac raments"the glo ry o f th isViero ry

which G o d {hallg ive to h is Church , yea, even in the eyes o f men {hall

no r ap


perta in to yo u,“

t the fearful judgement whic h apprehended Am b Ifl i rt/f

,and his wife {h allapprehend yo u and yo ur pofierity. Y e


may perchance co ntemn and defpife the E xcomunicatio n o f the Church ft ' hFLlUdé

now by Go d s mightypo wer ereé’ted amo ngflus , as a thi ng o f no fo rce 323


333623Butye t do ubt we no rhing,but that o ur Church, and the trueMinillers o f the ciure o fthe fame

,have the fame powerwh ich o urMailerChrifi lelns granted to the inm ccms

T 3 a h is

o rds , W hofcfimye[ha/lflrg i

fe hallheforg r'v‘


and that becaufe theypreac h, andh i s Apo f’tles in therew

is c o ntained in h is m o lt ble- {fedwho/i:fim ye[hallref/tin, [hallhe r ec/inred,

we beli eve the fame Do é‘trinc wh ich


W o rd and th erefo re , except that ye w ill c

o ntemneChrifiJefus , ye nei

ther can defpife o ur th reatning, ne

ither yet refufe us calling for your juil

Prom whence defence . Byyo ur faint ing, and byextract i

ng o fyo ur fnppo rt,the enem ies

that they {hall hude no refiftance in wh ich

thi co u ra ci P”are enco uraged th ink ing

d 3 fo r i f theywereten th o ufand ,did (”W ed

de rmis d id po int, G o d W illing, they ih allbe dece ive

“ I“and we but o ne th o ufand

they {h allno rmurther thele

al‘to f o ur b rethren,

but we G o d alfifting us ) {hallGrit co mm i t o ur lives i nto the hands o f

defence But th i s {hallaggravateyo ur co ndemnatio n,fo r ye

bo rh Trayto rs to theTruth o nce pro feffed and mur~

whomye w i thdraw yo ur dutifull

and pro m ifedf uppo rt .

wh om yo ur o ne

m igh t preferve fro f G o d but to the fo rce

and firength o f man 3 when the number is mean

to refiftthem ,then rage theya

s blo o dywo lves but a part equall o r ableh b ridle the ir fury.

Exam ine yo ur o wh eto reli ft them byappeara

nce, do t

that Sentence o f o urMafier Chri i’t Jef us ,faying,

c o nfc iences , and weigh

er denieth we, or is aflmmed of me hcforcw en

Now is the day o f h is Battellin th i s Realm ,

ifye deny us yo ur

r h is Names fak e ye do alfo .denyh im,

as h imfelfebreth ren , fuffering fo

do rh w itneife, in thefe wo rds , W hotfocfuer ye did to any of thefizl


ttlc ones ,

fe lzttle ones , that yed d not tothatyedid to

me,andwhatyed1d not to

one of the

me If thefe fentences be true as co ncern ingmeat, dr

ink , clo ath ing, and

0 t be li kewife true in thefef uch th ings as appertain to the

bo dy, ihalltheyn

th ings that appertain to the prefervatio n o f the lives o f th o ufands ,who fe

blo o d is no w fo ugh t , fo r pro feflio n o fCh ril’tJefus



’ And thus fli o rtlywe

leave yo u ,whofometimes have pro fefi


edChr iftJefus with us , to the ex

am inat io n o f yo ur ownc o nfc iences . And yet o nce again o f yo u wh o

blindedbyfuperfiitio n , perfecute us W e require mo deratio n t ill o ur

caufe maybe tried wh ich if ye w illno r grant unto us

fo r G o ds Gaufe,

yet we defire yo u to have refpeét to the pre

fervat io n o f yo ur common

Co untrey wh ich we canmo fo o ner betray into thehands o f firangers ,

then that o ne o f us deftro y and murther ano ther . Co nfider o ur Petiti o

o ns , and c allfo r th e fpirit o f r ighteo usjudgement .

gan to reafo n W hether inThefe o ur Letters being divulgate ,fome beg

c o nfCience theym ight invade us ,o r no r, co nfidering thatwe o ffred due 0

bedi ence to theAuth o ri ty,requiring no rh i ng,but libertyo fco nfcience,ando urReligio n and

fad}to be tri ed by theWo rd o fG o d . Our Letters came

W i th co nvenient expedi ti on to the h ands o f o ur brethren inCronmghmioc


Kyle,wh o affembled at theChurch o fCiaggz

e where after fo me co n

trari o us reafo ns , Alexander Earle o f Glencam e,in z ealburli fo rth inthefe

wo rds,L et w arymanfer fvehi s cohfcimce Iwill, hy,

G0d!gm “ , f “ myIThe E arle o f

c h um “ ;threnm S . Jo hnfto n Terr, albei t newer man jhoald accompanyme, y


rt folutio n. £ 0, dfld zf i t were hat 4 Pi keupon mylhoalder ,for I had rather di e wrih thab

company, then love after them. Thefe wo rds fo enco uraged the refi, that

alldecreed to go io rward as that they did fo fio utly that When the

Lyo rr

W hofowmj F ather .

The Ht/ZOU ‘


Re/ormation L ib, L.

Annowere fet Up againe. F or tho/2that wer e then aflim h


,dtd not [0 c

h hope ofwi t

—hwyhythetr o

wn fir ength, no hythe power of hzm,whofe I/


er ztyt eyp r ofe/fed,and began o ne to comfo rt ano ther t i llthe wh o le mult i tude was erected

in a reafo nable hOpe . The day after that the Lo rd Ro th/ten departed,Spe akers (onto which was the fo ure and twentieth o fMay, c am e the Earle o fArg yle,Lo rd

"Y‘hf ff'

fm c

43am“ Pr i o r o f S .Andr ews , and the Lo rd S ent/718, direcfted from theQJCCnm s “ ! "I“

Regent, to enquire the c aufe o f that Co nvo cati o n o f L ieges there . To

who m when it was anfwered That it was o nely to refill the c ruelltyran

n ie deVi fed againfi that po ore To wne‘

and the inhabi tants o f the flam e.

Theyas k ed if we m inded no r to h o ld that To wne again ii the autho ri ty,and againii the Regent . To thew hich (meftio n anfwered the Lai rds o fD an and Pi tar ro w i th theCo ngregatio n


o f Angns andMem es theMafier o f L dfay, the Lairds o f L oady, Bahvarde, and Others Baro ns o f Fyf},

That if the Q'

ieenesMajeflie w o uld f uffer the Religio n there begun to

p ro ceed and no t tro uble thei r breth ren and li fters that had pro feffed

Chrili Jef us wi th them That theTowne, they them felves , and whatfo :

ever to them pertained, iho uld be at theQueen s c o mm andment . W h ichThe fall


e liig anfwer underflo o d ,'

the Earle o f Argyle and the Pr i o r who bo th werethen PrOtefi ants ) began to mufe and faid plainly That theywere far

Q “°Cn

Otherwife info rmed hy‘the Qg een, to wit Thatwemeant no Reltg


on hat

aplazne Rehe/lzon . To the wh ich whenhe had anfwered fimply, and as thetruerh was

,to wit

,That We Co nven

ed fo r no ne o rhenpurpo le, but o nelyto affi fi o ur breth ren, who then were m o ltunjufilyper


fecmed, and there:fo re we defired them faithfully to repo rt o ur anfwer and to be intercellfo rs to theQueen Regent That fuch ‘

cruelty iho uld n0 t be ufed againfi

us ic o nfidering that we had o ffered in o ur fo rmer Letters as wellto the

(Qeen sMajefiy,as to theNo bility,o urmatter to be tried in lawfulljudgem ent . Theypro mifed fidelityin that behalfe, wh ich alfo they k ept . Theday after, wh ich was the five and twen tieth o fMay befo re that the faidLo rds departed , in themo rning giohn Knox deli red to fpeak wi th the fam eLo rds wh ich granted unto him , he was co nveyed to their Lo dg ing bythe Laird o f Balfuam'c and thus began,

The Orat io n o ff ohn Knox to the Lo rds .

He pre/emtroubles , honourahleL ords , ought to move thehearts not onelyofthe true firvants of God hat alflt of allfitch aa heareanyfo fvonr unto W "

Countreyandmoto rallConntrey men to defcend wi th/n themfelfues land deepely toconfidcr what jhallhe the end of this pretended tyrannie. 7 herage of Satan[effeth thedeflrtcc

‘lionof allthofe thatwtthtn thos Realme pro/fey]? Chm]?


f efm"

, 4774theythat i nflame the ”

(Janene and you theNah/er agazn/hm;, v regardnoti‘who pre

w zle, pr ovided that theymayaha/e the world and love at theirpledfW eiM here

tofore theyhap e done yea , I feare that fameflelenothingmore'




efitfio”of .S i ottljhhlood ,i to the end thdt tha t“ profit/i rons may he

more patent 10 lit/76”Bnt hecanfé that thtlt is not the principallwhich

'I have to - fieahmm fl iflg fl”firmto he confidered, bythewrfa

'ome of tho/e t owho» : the careof theCommon wealth ap


t Imo/Z hamhlyrequireof yon myLords , inmyname to


flyto the255460 76egettt,

L ih . z . of TQJ


on in the“

Realme of Scotland;

Reg ent, That we tn whom /he 1 7) her hltnde rage clothperfecnte, are Godsfier'vants


fai thf ul! and ohed/ ent.

S zthjefis to the anthorztze of that K onlwe That that Re

lig i on whrch [he pr‘etendeth to mazntazne hyfire and fword is not the true Re

lig ron of Chrt/l’

f efms hnt ts expr eflecontraryto the fame a nperflttton'


ed hythe hrazne of mani whtch I oyfer myfelfe to prorva agarnfl all that wzthzn t e‘t the Pa

S co tland mi llmazntazne the contrary lther tyof tongue hetng gr anted unto me,P“"b



”Ta;and Gods wrz


tten W ord hetng admzttedfor judg e. l

2 I far ther r eqnir e your hononr s tn myname to fayanto the ,Qnten , That as

oft hefore [ havewr i tten;[0 now I'

fay That this her enterprzje[ha/l notpr ofpei

r onflyfitcceed tn theend, and alheztfor a t1me[he tronhlc the S a intsqodi, forjhe

fights not agaznfhman only,hnt agatn/lt he eternallGod, and his znwznczhle,Ver tty,

and therefore the end[ha/lhe her confer/ion ,anlefl? hetzmes j he r epent anddefy}.

Theft thi ng s I r equi r e of you tn the .Name of the eternallGod , ao fkor'

n my

month, to [tiyttnto her d d aje/Zze, addzng ,T:hat I haveheen '

,andam a more afln

red fizend to herMaye'

flth, then they, that eitherflatter i ng her ,aafier fvants to hercorrupt appetrtes , or elfe inflaméher aga i n/l to: whofireh nbthzng hnt Gods gloryto he advanced cc to hefi/pp refled andVerttte to hemai ntdrrte'a'zn tha poor i:






They- all

three did pro m ife to repo rt. h is wo rds,(6 far as they'ép uld,

wh ich afterwards we '

underflo o d t hey did the L o rdi S empz/l lrim

felfe , aman fo l-d un to {i n cnem ic to G o d and all gbdlineffe did yet’

m ak e f uch -repo rt,That the Q\ ueen was fo mewhat o ffended"

,that anyman

iho uld ule fuch libertie in her prefence. She , fiill pro éee'

ded in her ma s

lice fo r immediately thereafter {be fent her L io n Herald w ith Letters ,firaitly charg ing allmen to avo id theTowne under the


paine o fTreafo n .

W h ich Letters,after he had declared them to the chiefe th en o ftheCo n

gregatio n he publik ely pro cla imed the fame upo n Sunday the 27 o f.May. ln th i s meane t ime came fure k nowledge to the (Meen to Duke

Harm /ton, and to W onfienr D ofiell, That the Earle o fGlencarne the Ldrds

uchzltr ze and Boyde the yo ung S heriffe o f A zr the Lairdé o f Craggy,W allace, S efnocle, Carnell, Bar , Gairgir th and ihe who le co ngregat io n o f

Kyle and Canmghame appro ached fo r o ur reliefe and in verydeed theycame in fuch diligence and fuch a number That as the enemyhad j ullc aufe to fear fo have allthat pro feffe Ch i ili Jefas juflmatter to



G o d fo r thei r fidelityand Ro ut co urage in that need Fo r by theirp re

fencewas the tyrann ie o f the enemyb ridled . Their diligence was fuch,The diligencethat albeit the paffage byS terlzn and fixm i les abo vewas llOppedCfo r there glifafniz


jfjlay the (Qeen w ith her hands .and caufed the Bridges to be curupo n the o f the bre thren

waters o f F or th‘, Cody, and Ttzth, ab


ove S terlzn) yet made theyfuch expo“


d itio n th ro ugh defert and mo untiaine that they prevented the enemy, $255:.and



ached w i th in fixe miles o f o u r Campe wh ich then lay'

with o ut'

theTowne awaiting upo n the enemy ,befo re that any alfured

kno wledge came to us o f their c o m ing . Thei r '

number was judgedio twentie five hundred men whereo f th ere was twelve hundredHo rfe


men . (The (mem e underflanding how the fa id Earle and Lo rds,

with their company appro ached caufed to befet all waye'

s that no

advertifement iho uld c ome to"

us To the end Thatwe defpairing o ffuppo rt,might co ndifcend to fuch appo intment as (be required . And fent

V firfi

I46 The t /Zorie of theReformation L ib z

A HHOfirll to requi re that fo m e difc reet men o f o ur numberwo uld comefand

fpeak toDukeHam /[ton and (MOflfiCflr D efe/l, who then W i th thei r Army

layat A thtererdoeh ten m iles from S . $ ohnflon) to the end,that fo me rea

fo nable appo intment m ight be had. S he had perfwaded the Earle o fA r

ge and allOthers That wemeant no th ing but Rebelli o n andtherefo rehad he pro m ifed unto her That in cafe we wo uld no t {land c o ntent witha reafo nable appo intment he wo uld declare h imfelfe.

Open enemy untqn o twithflanding that he pro feffed the fame Reli gi o n with us . From

us were (cm the Lai rd o f Dan ,the Laird o f Inaerquhartye and Thomae

S oot o f c/ Ihhot/ha/l to hear what appo intment the (Lueene wo uld o ffer .

TheDuk e and (MOflfiefl r D ofell required, That theTowne iho uld bemade

patent , and that all th ings iho uld be referred to the Qieenes . pleafure.

To the wh ich they an fwered That nei ther they had co mm ifii o n fo to

pro mife ,neither durfi theyin , co nfcience fo perfwade their brethren

Bat if the Queene wo uld pro m ifé That no inhabitant o f the Town(ho uld be tro ubled fo r any fuch crimes as m ight be alleadged againft

rendering o f them fo r the late mutat io n o f Religio n and abo lilhm‘

ent o f Ido latrie,

5 “W 0”and fo r do wn - calling the places o f the fame 5 If

lh e wo uld fuffer the Re

ligio n begun to go fo rward and leave the Towne at her departing freefrom the G arrifo ns o f French S o uldiers , That theywo uld labo ur at thehands o f thei r breth ren that theweene iho uld be o beyed in all things .

Monfiettr D ofe/l perceiving the danger to be great , if that a fudden ap

p o intment iho uld be made and that they‘were no t able to execute their

tyrann ie againfius,after that the, Co ngregat io n o f Kyle o fwho fe com

m ingwe had no advertifement ) iho uld be jo yned with us with go o dwo rds difmiffed the faid Lairds to perlwade the brethren to quiet c o nc o rd . To the wh ichwe were allfo wellm inded, that with o ne


vo ice theycried Cnrfea

'he they thatfire/e ef nfion of hlood L et m pomtfl? Chr i/l$ efm ,ana


the henefit of hit Gofpel and nonewzthm S co tland [ha/1he mor e ohedtent t -v

jetty then roe/hallhe. W i th all expeditio n were fear from S terlm againc

(after that the c o m ing o f the Earle o f Glenearnu was k nowne ,fo r the

cnemic fo r feare quaked ) the Earle o f A rgyle and Lo rd”

f ame: afo re

faid . And in their c o mpany a craftyman Mailer Gao z’

nHamzlton , Ab

bo r o f Kzlwmnzng ,who were fent by the (b een to finifh the appo intment

afo refaid. But befo re that they came was the E arle o f Glenearne andh is ho no urable company arr ived in the To wne and then began allmento praife .Go d fo r that he had fo merc ifullyheard them in theirmo lt extreame neceflitie and had fen t unto them fuch reliefe as was ablew itho uteffuli o n o f blo o d to {lay the rageo f the enemie . The Earle o f u l rgyltand Lo rd {rf amer did earnefily perfwade the agreement to the wh ich allmen were w illing but fome did fmellthe craft o f the adverfary to wit,That theywerem inded to keep no po int o f the promife longer then theyhad Obtaim d their ifl tf fl t W ith the Earle o f Glenearne came o urlovingbro ther {fohn W alloeh,i ohn Knhxwas intheTo wn befo re .Thefe two went

The anfwcr of to the Earle o fArgyle and Lo rd5tamer,accufing them o f infidelityfin fo far



;as theyhad defrauded their brethren o ftheir dutifullfuppo rt,and Comfo rt1“ the“ greateftnecefli ty. Theyanfwered bOth,Th


at their heart was co nflant with thei rbrethren and that theywo uld defend that Gaufe to the


TheH i/lor) l of theReflrmaft’

on L ib z.

te m any0 themhzch ,the whole Cong regatton aforefata

’have ordained and

AHHOago / rated

fthe Nohlo rnen and perfont under -wr i tten to [tthfcr zhe thefe

Prefentt .

S ic f uhfcribitur,A rch A rgyle, R . Lo rd Boia'

,Lo rd W chzltr ie


f ame; S teward, MatthewCamphellof Tarmganart .


The 29 o f Mayentred the theDuk e,Mo nfieur d

Ofi/I .and the

f rench - men , who in difcharging their Vo lleyo f Hacquebutes di


?“ mark the ho ufe o f PatrzheMarray a man fervent mO

Rehgro n and that(Men a rd bo ldly had fufiained alldangerm that tro uble againftwho fe fiayr theythe

‘l’f s fl clr d i reaed fix o r (even Sho r even againfi the faces o i tho fe that were there

men 'lying allmen efcaped exc ept the (o n o f the fo refaidPatrrhe a boy o f

ten o r twelve yeers o f age 3 who being flam'

was had to the (meen s prefence :but {he underfiandingwho fe fo n hewas laid inm o ck

‘age, It leper}:

rt chant ed onthefon, antlnot on thefather hiltfi’é’lfig thatfo it hr chanced

nieIdo latrym a cannot he agamfl fortune. Th i s wa s h er happy ' entry in Saint afohnflon,“ J ”film“ "W

and the great z eal{he bearet‘hrto Jufiice . The {Warme o f Papjfi s that en’Wmmmcm'

t i edwith her, began {i raight to make p rovifio n fo r thei rMail'

s 5 and be

caufe the Altars were no r fo eafie t o b erepaired again, t heypro videdTablesnvhereo f fome befo re ufed to ferve fo rDrunkards

,D icer s

,and Card:

ers , but theywere ho lyeno ugh fo r the Priefland h is Pageant . The ueen

began to rage againfi allgodly and h on ell men thei r rho ufes were 0 p


fed bythe French , the lawfullMagiflrates ,as wellPro vefi as Baylies ,were unjuftly and witho ut allo rder depo fed from their Auth o r ity a

wicked man,vo id o f Go ds fear , and deftiture o f allvertue the Lai rd o f

Irzlfan: was intrufied byher,‘

Provef’t o f the To wne : W hereat allho

nefimen o ffended, left their Owh e ho ufes , and with thei r w ive s and ch ildren fo ught amo nglt thei r breth ren fo me refiing place fo r a t ime, \


to o k o rder that fo ur Co lo urs o f the S o uldiers ih o uld abide in the To wnto maintain Ido latry, and to refill the Co ngregat io n . Ho nefi and indiffetch tmen as k edwhy{h e did in manifeftlyvio late her pro mife r She ah

lwered, That[hewan heated’

to keep nopromzfe to heretichr And mo reover,

That i he pro mif’

ed o nely to leave theTowh e free o f:French So uldiersS


indm fwc ' wh ich (faid the) { he did becaufe that thefe that therein were left were


S co trl'

hmen . But when it .was reafo ned in her co ntrary That all tho fethat to o k wages o f F rancewere co unted F rench S o uldiers , (he anfwered,Przncet m ttflnot he flraztly hottna

'en to keep thei r prom /fet Myfelfi’


(faid lhe)would make li ttle confczene


e to takefrom all that[or t thetr lover and tnher ztance,The dcpm m

If Im ight do it weth an hone/lan ex tnfi. And then flae t left th e To wne iho f the em” ; extreme Bo n

‘dage : After that her ungo dly PrenchLmen had m o lt cruelly

flagem‘ ufed themo lt part o f tho le that remained in the fame,the Earle o f A rgyle,{M tt ucm

and Lo rdname; fo refaid perceiving in theQueen no th ing butmeet tyranc cnt. flyand falfho o d m indefullo f their fo rmer pro m ifes made to thei r bre

thren ,‘dr

d fecretly co nvey themfelves ,and thei r C o mpanies o f theTown,and W i th them departed the Lo rd .Rathaen , o f whom befo rement io n i s

rh ade ;

m ade - then theE arle o f Mentor/1 ; and the Laird o f ,t /lyéo relm'

who 'inG o d s prefence did co nfederate and binde them felves to gether faithfullyp ro m ifing


o ne t o aii ifi and defend ano ther againfi allperfo ns that'

wo uld

purfue them fo r Religi o n fak e 5 and alfo that theyw ith thei r who le fo rceand po wer wo uld defend the b rethren perfecuted fo r the fameCaufe .The

(h een h ighly o fl‘ended at the f udden departure o f thep erfo ns afo re faid,fent charges to them to return


‘under the higheftpain o f her difpleafure .

B utt h eyanfyvered,That w i th fafe co nfcience theyco uld no r be partakerso f fo man ifefi tyrannyas was byher c o mm i tted, and o f lo great iniquityas theyperce ived devifed by her and her ungo dlyc o unfé llthe


Prelat s .

Th i s anfwerwas given to ber the firit day o f {fave and immediatelyahe

E arle'

o f A rgyle, and Lo rd”

f ame: repaired tow ard S . d rummer , and in

thei r Jo urney gave advertifement bywriting to th e Lai rd o f Dan to the

Laird o f Peto rrom, to the P ro vefi o f Dundee, and Others, pro feffo rs in Ane

gm ,to vifite them - in S . u f ndrewe: the fo urth o f 56m” for Refo rmatio n

t o be made there wh ich day they k ept, and bro ught in the ir c ompany$ 017”K nox, wh o thefir it day after his c om ing to F yfe did preach in Cor



f eel, the next'

day in Anfl mtber m ind ing the th ird day wh ich was theS unday, to preach in S . u lmlrews . The Bifho p hearin g o f Refo rmat io nto be made in h is Cath edrallChurch

,tho ught t ime to flirrep r elfe never ,

and therefo re affembled h is c o lleagues , and co nfederate fellows befides

h is Other fr iend :, and cam e to theTo wne upo n the Saturdayat n ight , acc o mpan ied w ith a hundred Spear s o f minde to have flo pped $ 0367?K nox fro m Preac h ing . The two Lo rds and Gentlemen afo re faid wereo nelyacco mpan iedw ith the i r quiet h o ufh olds , and therefo rewas the

fuelden co m ing o f the Biiho p the,

m o re tearfull fo r then wa‘

s theQleen andhe r French - men departed fro m Saintyoke/lamand were lying in F o lk /o od,w ith in twelvemi les o f 5. Andrew: 5 and theTo wn at that t ime had no rg iven pro fefli o n o f Chnift and therefo re c o uld n o t the Lo rds be affuredo f th eir friendihip .

« Co nfultat io n being had, many {were o f m inde thatth e P reach ing (ho uld be delayed fo r that da and efpec rally that


Tf o .Kfl ox

i ho uld nOt preach ,fo r that did the B ifl‘lo p a rme that hewo uld no t futfer


c o nfidering that byh is Co mmandment the P icture o f the faid513017”wasb efo re burnt . Hewilled therefo re an ho nefi Gentleman RobertCalm /lo f Clam”

,to fay to the Lo rds , That in caie f elon Knox p


refented h im felfeTt

‘ih s

to the P reach ing -

place, in h is Towne and princ ipali Church he (ho uldgoe dmlndi


mak e h im be faulted w i th a Do z en o f Culvering s whereo f the mo lt wardfl fl'


part ih o uld light upo n h is mo fe. After lo ng deliberat ion had the faid K'W ‘

{fa/mwas called that his o wne'

udgement m ight be had hen many

p erfwafio n s were made that he. iho uld dela fo r that t ime

,and great ter

ro urs given in cafe he iho uld enterp rife fucha th ing as itwere in c o n

tempt o f the Bil’

ho p he anfwered 13 mime/fee float I never p rearlzetlClorzft Iefm m contempt of any may; amber inmde I at any t1me to p r efem‘Ya’wii m bfs

myfe/fe to thatp lo oe lmrvmg ci t/oer r e/jaefl to my mime pr ivate commodi ty, ifl







zfieeztl/ er yet to the W 0? lollylm rt of anycreatur e But to delay to pleat/1 to mor ref}nelhe bre,r ow anlege tbe body lee w olently w

rt/z - bo /a'en I cannot m eon/H ence mm"

F or 1 71 tin; Towne one!Char o/7 began God fir/l to call me to tired/gh / ty of 4

Proo f /fer from thewir e/7 1 Wet:‘

reft oy the tynmnyof France, dzzdyrocarement .

V 3

The anfwer o fthe Earle o f

‘I heHijloo rof the

Aeformatioit L'

ib l .

of flops , at yewellenon h know ,

howIan I continued r i

ment ] [aflo tncd tn the Gal/ref, and what were‘t

ghe[oht of my




;time to recite. Tht


o one/yI cannot conceal: whtch more then one haine heard we

flywhenmyhodymac ahfcntfrom S co tland

7 54!my aflnred hope W att en 0


andtcnce to preach m SazntAnd i cwes , befor e Ideparted thte ltfe. And



(faid he) myLord: feetng that God a

hofue the cxpefiatton of manyhath hrou0



te te the [ante placewhere fir/l Iwao (ft/led to theOffice Of a Preacher

g 5!from thewhtchm o]? nnynflly I wee removed [ he/tech your Honours not



mefr omprefcnttng my[elfe unto my Breth

ren t/ i nd rot for thefear e‘

of da01!

thatmaycome tome li t no man hefoltctte,for my ltfi

’ [c an the ca/lo'

dyof him if”

gloryIfeel , and therefore I canno

t[o fear/ then boa/lnor

‘tyrannte , that t/l

m aft

fr om dozng myduty when of hit mercy he ofereth the occa/ion . I defire th hu fd

andmeapon of no man to defendme onelydo I cra've andtence whtch zf




h ifmed here unto me at that t1me I nut/l fee/t far ther where i may hat/ eh Pi


the fe wo rd s the.Lo rds were fully c o nte nt that he (ho uld


o c c

t .



place, whic hhe did up o n S unday

t ae t enrh o f I nc and did

Upy t e

thaqefi mn of the hnyer s and the [diet s fer th of the Temple o f J w





at Of

a s i t i s written in‘the Evangelifis Matthew and j ohn and fo he

” J a



the co

o rrugpzi o n th at w

as then to t he c o rrup t io n th a’

t is in P‘


app led

C a n ifs fafi to the dut o f th‘o f

d pl ry : and

y e to wh o m G o d g iveth pc r and 1

the i em ,that afwell theMagifi ates ahe Pro veftand Baylies as th

t ea 6

munalty fo r the mo lt part w ithin the To wne did ag ree tr; m

c Lom

Mo numents o f Ido latry , wh ich alfo -they (1161 W ith ex ed'

r ? o ve all

Bit p adverti fed hreo i , departed that fame day to tt

iuo n . The

laywi th her French- men , as is faid , in F alkland Th E

m? who

the Bi ih o p did fo kindle her c ho le t (and ye t the love “



Ot fury Of

betwixt them ) th at w i tho ut far ther delay co nclufi5 very COM

i nvade Sain A dr

o n was tak en , to


20 , the e“

t n ewes , and the two yo ung Lo rd s afo refaid h






iigfdf i rgyx then were ve

ry flenderly acc o mpan ied. Po d s were fent f

w o

Qg en W i th all d i ligence to Cowp‘er

,d i ltant o ne] fi 1

to m the

Andrew“ , to p rep are Lo dg ings andVic‘tualls fol







i 'jfro m $ 2t

French - men .Lo dg ing s we re alhgn


ed,and F ' rriers wg







and h er

fo re . W h ich thing under ito od c o unfe ll was g iven to the L




mat ch fo rward , a‘ld f" p revent them be fo re t h ey c ame to d” s to

glt h they'


id, givmg advertifement to allbre t h ren w ith all


“ W N W “ .

e expedit io n to repair to wards them wh ich the lf d


dP0 31

fuch d iligence , th at in the ir Affembl hVA 0 1 " W i th

G o d might have been cf i d F

xc t c wo ndero us W o rlte Of

to Cowper theP e o r when at fl ight the Lo rd s came

wh om théLodd an hut

adrefdHo rfe , and fo rms few Po o p meh

fo re the next da m ug t mm the Co aft fide and ett be

their number d


gSt 0 0 0 0 (which w

as Tuefday the th irteenth June)p e three tho ufand men wh ich b G

came unto the Lo rds from L owthtane h,

Ly o ds pro vi dence

Hutton,Lejlarr zg , and Coliton who






ald Of Ormejlon , Calder,

patting from their o wh e h o ule s no fuchlt


undcrfim d at the ir de







o o d c ounfell very c omfo rtable that d ay






rom Sai nt’

Tf ohnflon w ith

‘fome B o rf

o r Rift nen

Earle o f ROt/Jc’flk Sheriff o f P fce men W ith h im The

t 3 came W i th an ho nefi Company.


The Hi/Zorj of theReformation

That if they c o uld finde the meane that we and o ur b reth ren m ight befree from the tyrann ie devifed againfl u

‘s that they i ho uld rcafo nably de

fire no rhi‘

ng wh ich iho uld be denied fo r o ur part. Th i s anl'

wer received,

theDuke and tfl t onfienr B efell, having Co mmiffio n o f the (k een Regent,requi red, That Allurance m ight be tak en fo r eight dayes to the end thatind i fferent men in themean t imem ight co mmune upo n (o me final!agreement o f tho le th ings wh ich -


were then ' in contro verfie. Hereto did we~

fullyc o nfent, albei t that in number and fo rce we were far fuperio ur andfo r tefiificatio n hereo f , we


Tent unto them o ur hand writs ; andwe like .»

w ife received thei rs ,with pro mife That w i th in two o r three dayes (ome


d ifcreet men ih o uld be fent to us to 8;A ndr ew: w i th further knowledgeo f the(Meens minde . The teno ur o f the afl


urancewas this .


VVB James not}:of Cbattellerault;Earle ofArrane, L ora'Ham ilto n;and myL ord Do fell, Z ientenant'

for the K tng zn thefie part: for one

felt/ er, our (fizflt rter, and par tahers ,'

hezng pr efentlyW i th to; en company. Bythetenor hereof pr omztr faithfully gn honour to myL ord: A rch ibald E arle of Argyle, and James , Commendater of the Pr i oryof S . Andrew


s to thezr ajfz/Zants and partaher: being prefentlywzth them tn company

‘I hatwe antl‘onr t orn

panyafirefind, [ha/[reti re tntontinent to Falk land

,andjha/ln uth a

’tltgente tranf

p ort theF renchm en and our“

other fol/ee'

t now prefentlywi th. no and that noF ren

‘thmen or other S onla

'zer s

, of oar s [ha/ly

renzazne n ntht’

n the hound: of Fyfe,hat fomanyas befor e the razfing


of the'

lay? A rmylay zn Difert, K irk caldie,andKinghome and theflame to h em the[ameflaees onely ifwe[77411 thzn/eg ood.

And thio‘to havemf eétfor the [have of etéht dayes following thedate her eof ex

elnfifue That zn themeane t1me certaineNoble- men, hytheaa’w ee of theg ri m :

and ther e/t of theConneellmayeon fvene to talk offiwh thing s , at maymakeg oodorder andqazetnejfe amongfz‘the2 mm : L zeger . And fur ther W e nor none

af our dfiljiefl 58mg pr efent wtth w jhall invade tr onhle or dzf are: thefaid L ords nor thei r afiz/Zerr dnrzng thefind fpaee. And that 10 62170618 andohlzge m 1417077 oar [oj d i



n e and honour , to ohferve and keeper in everypoint ahove- wrztten wzthont fiann

or gut/u .In tonne/flwhereof , W [MW

pre/2m; with oar own hands ; At Garlebank c the 1 3


day of


f ame: Hand/ton .

W eneitr, Deflvll.

perceiving her c raft and dething d ie but to co nvey hcr




L ib. z . oflK lzgion in theKwalmeof Sco tland .

the water o f F orth to o k c o nfultatio n what (ho uld be do ne fo r deliveringS

. f ohn/Ion from thefe ungo dly S o uldiers and how o ur b reth ren exiledfro m their own ho ufes ,m ight be relio red again . It Was co ncluded,That

the brethren o f Fyfe, Angua , W erner , and S tratherne ih o uld Co nvene atS .yohnfion the fo ure and twent ieth dayo f June fo r that purpo fe and inthe mean time Were thefe Letters written bythe Earle o fArgyle and Lo rdf ame: to the (ween then Regent .

Letter s to the (b een Regent .

MAdarne,after our hear tycommendati on: offer 'wce, thtIt/ hallhe to[heir your

Ma]e/lze,That upon the x3 day of f ungwewere informed hythem thatwereCommuner; hetwixt the Duhu Mo nfieur Do fell and no That welhouldhave ohen unrefverently ofyourMayeflze,whtch wehe/éechyour Mayeftz

e, fbr the

true[efli'vt'ce thatwe havemade, and ar e readyto malee at alltime: toyourMajcfite,

That o f yo ur'

go o dnefle yo u w illlet us know the fayers thereo f ,"


jhalldo theduti e of true Suhyet’

h,to defend our own innocency A :we takeGod to

wttnefle, of theg ood Z ealeand L oveweheare towards you tofirm you wi th truehearts , and all thatwe have, at wellland: a g ood; 5 defir tng no other thzng forour fervzce, hut the lzhertyof our conference tofirm our L ord God (I! we[ha/lan

[wer to heyn , whi ch yourMayeflze ought and [hould g r ue WI unr equzred . Moreover ,plea/eyourMa]ejlzu That the Duke and the‘Nahle- rnen hetng tn S ter lin forthe t1me, hyyour Majefim advzce, [eli ci ted at topref]? theCong regatzon afi


at theTown of Perth , to CommuneofConcord, wher eweded our exa if? dzltgence,and hrought tt top at”e,at yourMajejlie know . a nd ther e it a

lyfee it not ohferved to we whzchu That no So uldier iho uld remain in theTo wn alter yo urMajeflies depart ing . Andfuppofe itmayheinfer red, That itwaajhol

’en of F rench S ouldtert onely3yetwetool:rt otherwzf ehe at wedoyet,ThatS cottzjh- men, or any other Nation, taletng wagct of the -Keng of France, are r epu- Z

ted and holden F rench S ouldi er s . Therefor efleeing we of good we‘d andminde

hr ought that matter to yourMa]ejlie: contentment rtwillyleafeyour Majefize ofyour g oodnejfit to r emove the S ouldiers and theirfi aptaim .with other: that hh've

g otten charge of theTown,That thefame mayheguided andr'


eely;na it'


hefore hytheBallye: andCounfellconforme to their infeof mejtt;g iven to then},hythe amend andmo]? excellent K ing: of tea Realme, to elee? and chufe their officer: atMichaelmas , and theyto endur efor theflaw of oneye


er e,confornte to the

old Rtte andCujlome of thzt Realme whi ch heing donehyyourMajeflze, wetrufithe hetterfitcceflejhaflfollow thereupou


to your m ajefliet content at thehearerwelldeclareatmore length toyour W ale/lie , WhomGod prefer fve.To Saint yohnfton w ith the Gentlemen befo re exprelled didCo n

vene the Earle o f W onteith the Laird o f Glaneurquhair andd ivesOthers who befo re had n0 t prefented themfelves fo rd éfent e o f


theirb rethren . W hen thewh o lemultitudewas Co nvened .a vTiruinpet was

(en; hythe Lo rds co mmanding the Captains and theirBands ,To avo idtheTowne and to leave it to the anc ient ‘

Libertie,and ,jul

’t I nhab itants

o f the fame Alfo commandingthe Laird o f K ilfawnetalpui in Provefl:by the (b een with the Captains afo refaid To p penrthe gates f


o fathe'

Tbc fummon

Town,and make the fame patent to allo ur So veraign s ‘lieges ,to


the effea ,

That as welltrueReligio n nowo ncebegun therein maybem aintained,X and

‘TheHi/lorie of theReformation L ib;'


d Id latr utterly (u relied ,as alfo the faid To wnm ight enjo yandA [1 0 0




io o k fheirhncient t ail};and Liberties , unOpp refled bymen o f W ar , ac

c o rding to thei r o ld Priviledges ‘grantéd to them bythe anc ient Princes o f

th i s Realme, and co nfo rme to the pro vifio n co ntained ‘i n the Co ntraero f

Marriage, made bythe No bilityand Parliament o f th i s Realmo W i th the

K ing o r F rance, bearing namely That o ur o ldLaws o r L ibert ies ih o uldn0 t be altered : Adding thereto If theyfo o lilh ly refilled and thereinhappened to co mm it murther, _That theyiho uld be treated as murtherers .

To the wh ich they anfwered pro udly That they’W o uld k eep and defend

that To wne, acco rding to their pro mife made to theQi een Regent . Th i sanfwer received ,


preparatio n was made fo r the S i ege and alfault . Fo r

amo ng il all it wa s co ncluded that the Towne iho uld be fet at liberty, towhat danger fo ever the

ir bo dies iho uld be expo fed . W hile preparat io nwas in

mak ing cam e the Earle o f Huntly, the Lo rd E r i hzn, Mailer afchnBallenden Juflice Clerk requiring that the purfuit o f theTo tvn i ho uld

Communing at be delayed . To (peake ro ' them were appo inted the Earle o f Argyle,Lo rd f ame; and Lo rd Ruthuen wh o perceiving in them no th ing buta drift o f time witho ut any allurance that the fo rmer w ro ngs iho uld beredrelled gave unto them a fho rt and plaine anfwer That theywo uld

n0 t delaytheir purpo fe an ho ure and therefo re w illed them to certifiethe Captain s in theTown 5 That if bypride and fo o lilhneffe theywo uldkeep theTown,and in lo do ing flayany o fthei r breth ren ,that they iho uld


d ie as murthe‘rers . The Earle o f Huntly difpleafed at th is an

and was h ighly o ffended that he co uld no r drelfe fuch an

appo intment, as’

tiho uld:have"c tented theweeneand the Priefis . Aftertheir‘departing ’

therjfownwao agxain fu'

mmo ned but the Captai nes f upa

po ling that no fuddled purfuit iho uld bemade and lo o k ing fo r reliefe tohave been fent {ram thqeen abo de in their fo rmer Op in io n . And (0upo n Saterday

‘the nine and twentieth o f j une, at ten o f the clo ck at n ight,

c‘omrnanded thezLOrd Ruthuenwho befieged the wePt (h iartento (ho o r thefirfi

'Volley, .which being'

done, theTOwn o fDuna're did the like who le

Ordnan c e laybe thecallfi’


o f the‘


ridge . The Captaines and S o uldiers wi thin theTown pereeiVing that they were unable long to refilt,re ui red allurancet illtwelv



h‘oures Upo n themo rrow 5promifing,That if

he o re that ho ure there came unt o them no relief from theQueenRec ent ,thattheywo uld render theTo wn : Provided that theyiho uld be fufieredto departt he To wn with E nfigne dilplayed . W e th i‘rjfiing the blo o d o fno man, and (ed iting onelythe libertyo fiour b rethren 3


3c0 ndefc‘ended to



re s albeit thatwe‘might h aveexecuted ag

‘ainft them judgement

W HhOUt mefCYgl‘o r

,that they had refufe


d o ur fo rmét favo ursnnd h ad {laino ne o f o ur brethren; and hurt two in

thei r re'fil'

tance ,

‘o an d yet we fufl


eredthe?“ fYPCIY to depar twithotit


any furthef'

mo lefiatiOn .


The Town beingdeliver

ed fromfl ie ir th raldommp


on Shndaythefixand twentieth o fj tine“

‘i afl kW ”greento




d for this great b enefit received , .

and co nfultatio nwasPik e“ What was\further



to Bejd'

o ne . In this meane t'ime zea



‘o ud and defpigh tfull,

~ theTh




iaintép ofM‘W ’tfmy

‘had h’

o‘w he had th reatned the Town

Ne w br h is sS o uIdiersa nafriend‘s'

who layi n'Soone ,

h Abbe and Palace appo inted to Sacc age ,in do ing whereo f they.

Anno t


k no lo ri'

g deliberatio n , but comm itted the who le to the me rcrement .

of fire . W h ereat no fmallnumber o f us were (0 o tfended,that pat ientlywe co uld no r(peak , to any that were

o fDundze o r S aint fella/i on . A poor ».agedmatro n fee

ing the flame o f fire to paiTe up ol'

o m ighti ly. and percer

Speak ing o fan ving thatmanywere thereat o fi’

ended In plai n and fObC? manner o f

anc ientmatrun (peak ing, faid NowIfeearid underflaad that Gadrjadgememr arejnfl and than

:ifflufifg no man 1 ; abletofirm when bewellpnmfl) fiercemf eememfrmce the: place bar/9been ”gri nng

lelfi:6a!4 Den of 1441 076 manger: It z: zncreeleble to éeleefvebow we:

flyrvzfve: have éeen


adulremte and virgms deflowreel 5] tirefilthy deaf}: wi ne/9,haveMy:foflered m elm den ; 17a: efiem /Iyby that wit/ted men w/Jo is called weBi/bop


. if allmen(meme: 777116d I theywouldprazfirGod , ami no man would

be efi‘emiea

. This 'woman dwelt in the Towne nigh to the Abbey. At

w ho fe wo rds weremanypac ified, affirm ing w ith her That itwas Go dsj aitJudgement. And alfuredly if the labo urs o r. travell o f any manco uld have -favedthat place, it hadno r been at that t ime defiro yed fo r

meno f g reateftefiimation labo ured.wi th alldiligence fo r the fafety o f

i t. W h ile thefe th ings were. do ne atS aint Iolmflqn, the (k een fearingwhat(ho uld fo llow,

determined to fend certain Bands o f French - S o ul

d iers to Sterlm , - o f purpofe to flo p the pafiage to us that then were upo n theNo rth fide o f F ort/z. W hich


u nderfio o d, the Earle o f A rgyleandLo rdframes departed feeretly in the night and with g reat expeditio np reventing the French they to o k thefI

‘owne (befo re who fec o ming

the rafcallmultitude put hands.o n the th ieves , I iho uld fay Friers places ,and utterlydefiroyed them ) whereintheQueen and her Faaio n


no t a

little afrayed W ith alld iligence departed from E dméurgb to Dumber .

And (0 wewith reafo nable diligencematched fo rward to E dméurgb fo rRefo rmatio n to be made there ; wherewe arrived the z 9 o f June. The

Lo rd Sharon: Provefi fo r that time, the Lo rd See n» ,

*amanwitho utGo d,witho ut h o

nefiy, and o ftentimes witho ut reafo n had befo re greatly tro ubled andmo lefied the breth ren, fo r he had takenupo n him the pro tectio n and dc.fence o f theBlack and GreyP r im ; and fo r that purpo fe did no t o nelylieh imi


elf in o ne o f the Co lledges every night , but alfo co nfirained t hemo ltho nefi o f theTowne to watch tho remo nfiers , _

to their great grief

The coming o fand tro uble . But :hearing o fo ur fudden c oming he abando ned h is

the Co ngrega charge, and left the fpeyl to thepo o r,who hadmade havo ck o f all fuch‘9 “ WW/b things as was moveable in tho le pla‘

ces befo re o ur coming and left nothing but barewalls s yea, no t(0 much as do o r o rwindow wherebywewere the lefi


er tro ubled in putting o rder to fuch places . After thatwe had deliberate certaindaye s whatwas hell: to be do ne , and whato rderwas to be taken fo r fupprefli ri

gallMo numents o f Ido latrywithin

thatTowne and the places next a jacent determinatio nwas taken tofend(omeMefl‘

age to the (MenthenRegent. Fo r line had bruted as

heraccufiomedmanner was -byadvic'

e o i her co unfell ever to fo rgelies )thatwe fo ughtno thing buther life and a plain revelrmem from thelawful!obediencedueto our Sovereign: fm

‘Ant/7M}, as by theTeno ur o f thefeLetters maybeKeen.

The th - rd

Letter to the

LeafsyourMajcfi‘ze to he ad'vm ifi

’d, That i t o come to our knowledg e'

that your

PMayeftiehath etforth hyyour Letters openlyproclaimed,That'

we,co ledhyname,

The Co ngregat io n, under pretence and colour of Religi on‘confuene together to no

t enttegem.

Pufpafe, hat to if» ? our S e

rve/ aignes u tnthi rity, and to’

i nw deyour perfim,re

The craftines

o f theQ teen

Rege n t ma‘


yet be c fpied.

Prefintiflg thei r : at t to’

pre/ i nt. Which thing:appeareto have proceedeitlof fimflermfirmattonmadetoyourMa]effiehyour enem ies , con/idcring thatwe never mi nded

fuch thing hut onelyour m adeandpurpofewe? and to , Topromoteandfitfirth.the

gloryof God Maintain anddefend the truePreacher s of hi s .Word

,Andaccordeng ,

to thefameaholzjh and put away IdolatryMd.

fdlfl’dhflffi whi ch maynot

fland W i th}.

thefindWord of God. Befeechingyonr Mayeflze to hearepatientlytherewi th and

interpofe your u futhority to thefur therance of the finite at itthedutyof everyChrtflt

an Prince, andgoodMag iflratc. For no to the ohedtonceof our SowerazgnesAuthor ity tn allCz

‘Ut/landPoli ti c/tmatter: weare andjha/lheno ohedi ent no anyotheryourMaje/lterfuhyefie within the Realme.

~ And that our convention refer nootherpurpofe, hut tofive our Preacher: and their audi torrfro in the in]uryand two»

lenceof our enemies Which [hould hemoreamply declared hy [once of we inyourMfll‘T/b“ prefince if yewere not accompaniedwithfiich ac hafvepurfued our li ves ,andfiiight our blood. Thin weprayAlmightyGod tofineyour [f ighter


gre tieoneter

nit/(tuiti on.


At E dinburgh the 2 of faly, I 559 . a “ I

And fo r further purgatio n hereo f, .it was t ho ught neceli'


ihouldfimplyexpo fe as wellto herMaiefiy,as to thewho le people whatwere o urkequefis and jullpetitio ns :And fo r that purp


o fe after that faferCo nduétwas purchafed andgranted we d irected unto her


two grave

men o f co unfell, to wit the Lairds of Pittarrow andCaninghawehead to


we gave commifii onand power, firfi to exp’

o fe o urwho le purpo feand intent,which was no o ther theybefo re,at alltimes we had requiredto wit, Fitlt,Thatwe

‘might enjoy the liberty of confciencet


J Seco nd‘

ly,ThatChrifiJefus might be truelyp’



and h is ho lyS'acraments

r igh tlyminifired unto us . Thirdly, That unableMinilters might be temoved from E cclefiafiicall Adminifiratio n

And that o ur Preachersmightbe relaxed from the Horne,atidpermitted to execute the ir:charges ,w itho’

utmo lefiatio n unto fu'

ch as eitherbya generallCo uncelllawfullyc o n

vened o r by aParliamentwith in the Realme the co ntroverfies in,

Religio nwere decided. And fo rdeclarat io n that herMajefiieWas hereto w illing that the Bands o f French - him ,


then were'

aburden intolerable to theCo untrey, and to us fo fearfull,thatwe durli no t in peaceable and quietmanner haunt the places


where they did liedhonld befentto F rancetheir nat iveCountrey 5 W hich th ing s g ranted H erMajellieih ould have experience o f o ur accultfomed o bedience. re f thele Heads{he did anfwer at thefitfllo pleafantly;that fire putabo th o urCommiflio ners in fullefperance that allihould be granted,andfo r that purpo fe ihedeftred to fpeak with fome

o fgreaterAutho rity pro mifingfl‘hat if they

wo uld allure her o f their dutifullo bedience,that {hewo uld de ny’no thing

o f that which was required: Fo r fati'

sfaétio n o f he r '


fent again theE arle o f Glencarne, the Lo rd Ruthwen, the Lo rdMchzltr te,

and thefi nd Lai rd o f Putarrow, w ith the fame Commifii o n as befo re . But then{he began to handle the matter» mo re c raftily complaining that the


after fo ma

ever /liema

herMajefiie in plainewo rds to fignifie unto us W hat h o pe we m ighthave o f her favo ur towards the upfetting o f Religio n t

' W e :rlfo required

, That fhewo uld rem o ve her French - men,who were a feare to us


a burdenmo ll grievo us to o ue untrey, and that {he wo uld p ro mi’



us in thewo rd o f a Pr ince That {he wo uld pro cure no man to be tent in .

And then (ho uld we no r o nelyfuppo rt to the uttermo fi o f o ur. powers to

furniih Sh ip s andViétuals fo r thei r tranfpo rting but alfo upo n o ur hono urs iho uld we take her bo dy into

‘o ur pr0 te6tio n . And iho uld pro

mife,in the prefence o f G o d and thewho le Realme to ferve

‘o ur Sove- a

raighe her daughter, and herMajeflie Regent, as faith fully and as o bedientl as ever did we K ings w ith in Scotland. That mo reover


we (h o uldand e o ur Preachers give reafo n o f the ir Do ctrine in her audience to anythat pleaf


ed to impugne anyth ing that theydid o r taught . F inally,Thatwe ih o uld fubmit o ut

’ felves to a lawful]Parliament . Provided ' that' the

BifliOps , as the partieacculEd and o ur plaine enemies ih o uld be removedfrom judgement .

‘To no po int wo uld (he anfwer direé

‘tly but in

allth ings {He was {6generalland (o ambiguo us that her craft appeared to allmen. 3;She

' hadgo tten allured knowledge that o ur c o mpany


was (t attered fo r her:

French - menwere dailyamo ngfius witho ut m o lefiatio n o r hurt do neunto them and therefo re {he began to difclo fe her m inde and faid The

Co ngregatio n hath reigned there two rrio neth s pa’

ft Memy felfe w’o

uldrei ne now Other two . Themalice o f her heart being


plainelyaperceiive deliberatio n was had whatwas to be do ne. Itwas ThattheLo rds

,Baro n s , and Gen


ame in E almburgb that who le W inter,'

fothere . And becaul


e itwas fo und, That by t

immo derate gaino n o f the .who le

of ]! eligion in theRealmeof Sco tland.

to Dambar . In th i s mean t ime came affuredwo rd . firfi, That the K ing o f AnnoF r ancewas hurt, and after that he was dead: W hich albeit it o ugh t tohave put her in m inde o f her o wn efiate and w ick ed enterprifes : fo r he The dei th o fthat fame t ime in thefulnet e o f h is glo ry (as (he her felfe ufed to fpeak ) if?”n


had determ i ned m o fl: cruell perfecurio n againft the Saint s o f G o d in“mm

m m ) , even as (he her felfewas here perfecuring in S cotland and yet he

fo p ertfhed in h is pr ide That allmen m ight fee that G o ds jufivengeanced i d (lrik e him,

even when h is iniquitywas co me to fullripeneffe . Albe itwe fay That th i s wo ndero us wo rk o f G o d in his fudden death o ught

to have danted her fury, and given unto her adm o n it io n , That the fameG o d co uld no t fuffer her o b(tinate malice againfi h is Truth

,lo ng to be

unpunifhed Y et co uld her indurate heart no th ing be m o ved to Re

pentance;7 fo r hearing o f the (laying o f the P rinting yro ns (he raged

m o re o utragio ufly then befo re and (ending fo r allfuch as we re o f her

faétio n'

,expo fed her grievo us complaint aggravat ing the fame with 0

manylies , to wit That we had declared thatwh ich befo re (he (ulpeé‘ted

Fo r what co uld we meaa elfe but ufurpatio n o f the Cro wn when we Ziffmgdurfl put hands to the Co in ing- h o ufe wh ich was a p o rtio n o f the patrim o n ie o f the Crown . She further alleadged That we had fp o iled the

Co imng- ho ufe o fgreat fum s o f mo ney. To the wh ich we anlwered,

b Oth byo ur Letters fent to her and her Co unfell, and bypublik e Pro clam at io n t0 the peo ple That we wi tho ut u furpatio n o f any fuch th ing,jufllyappertaining to the Crown o f S cotland, dtd (lay thePrint ing yro ns ;Anfwcf to if“


co nfi deratio n that the Commo n - wealth was greatly hurt by co rru t“ m m"

ing o f o ur mo ney.

And becaufe we were bo rn Co unfellers o f t isRealm fwo rn to procure the pro fit o f the fame we co uld do rno lefl



o f dutie and o f co nfc ience then to (laythat fo r a t ime wh ich we (awNa e, Now“ ,

fo abufed That unleffe remedywere fo und (ho uld turn to the urter de

t riment o f the who le bo dy o f th i s Realme. And as to her falfe accu

fation o f fpo rl we did rem it us to the co nfc ience o fM. Roéer t c befim;mafi er o f the Co in ing - h oufe, who from o ur hands received (i lver

, go ld,and merrall as wellCo ined as un - Co ined fo that wi th us there did no r:remain thevalue of a Bawbee or Farth ing . Th i s o ur Declaratio n ahdpurgat io n no


twithflanding ,(he , partly byher c raft and po lic ie and

partlyby th e labo urs o f the Bit ps o f Saint Andr ews and Glafgow pro

cured thewho le number that were w ith her , to co nfent to purfue us

w ith all c ruelty and expeditio n , b efo re that we co uld have o ur c om

pany (wh ich then was difperfed fo r new furniih ing ) affembled again .

The certaintie hereo f coming to our knowledge the Saturdayat ni gh t,being the z ; o f July we did what in us lay to give advertifement to

o ur b rethren : but imp'

onibleitwas that the W alt, t/ I flgua, (Memes ,

S traztbem e o r Fyfo in any number co uld come to us . Fo r the ene

m ieMarched fro m Drlmbm‘upo n the Sunday and appro ached with intwo m iles o f us befo re Sun ~ rifing up

o nMunday. F o r theyverilyfufed to have fo und no refifiance being affured that the Lo rds o nelycertain Gentlemen remained with their pr ivate ho ufes : calling upo n (50 dfo r co unfellin that (traight we fough t what was the




ext defence. W e

migh t have left theTown, and might have retired o ur felves witho ut anyY danger;

T/JeHi/lorie of t/ye(

Reforma tion

w as fo d

fo to do .

VOUl' USo fth part theydid faith fullykeep. The

I t'

ll/’ieft us the fame k ept no r the lik e fideli ty. Fo r when

we were up o n the field march ing fo rward fo r their fuppo rt (fo r theF rench marched n igh to them ) theyrendred themfelves W i th o ut further


eli i‘tance . And th i s theydid a s i s fuppo fed by the treafo n o f fome

w i th in themfelves , and byperfwafio n o f the Laird o f L eflarrz’

g who be

fo re declared h im felfe to be o ne o f us , and no rwithfianding that fame

day rendred him felfe undefired to W on/leaf D ofill. Thei r unp rovidedand (udden defectio n aflo niihed many and yet we retiredquietly to the(idei o fCragmgate wh ich place we to o k fo r refifiing the enemy. In the

m ean time d ivers mediato urs pafl'

ed betwixt us , am o ngfiwhom the Lo rdRzitbuen fo r o ur part was princ ipall. c / I lcxana

'er E rr/em did much travell

t o (lay us and o ur So uldiers , thatwe (hOuld no t j o yne w ith them o f L ezt/J,

t illthat they, as is faid, had rendred them felves to the French . The faidAlexander did o ft promife that t

he French wo uld (lay, pro vided, Thatwewo uld n o r j oyne w ith tho feo fL a t/1 . But after that they were rendred,we heard no th ing o f h im but th reatning and difco m fo rtablewo rds . Be

fo re it was eigh t o f the clo ck in themo rning, G o d had given unto us bo th’

c o urage ,and a reafo nable number to withfiand thei r furie . TheTo wne o f

fidmlurgly fo many as had fubjeét themfelves to difc ipline and d iversOthers befides them ,

behaved themfelves bOth faithfullyand (lo utly. The

Gentlemen o f L owtbiah e efpec iallyCalder Harlan,and Ormq/lon were

very co m fo rtable as wellfo r their co unfell as fo r theirwho le aliifiance.

S ome Gentlemen o f Fyfe prevented the French - men , Otherwere (to ppedby reafOn that the French had paffed

'L ezt/J . Alwayes the enemy to o k

fut h a fear That they determ ined no r to invade us wherewe flo o d but

to o k purpo fe to havepaffed to E clmburgb by the'

o rher (i de o f the water

o f L ei f/1 and that becaufe theyhad the Cafile to their friend‘

,wh ich was

to us unknown , fo rwe (uppo fed the Lo rd E rrkin, Captain o f e fame,ci

ther to have been o ur friend o r at leafi to have been indi ent . But

when we had determ ined to figh t he fent wo rd to the Earle o f w ha le,to Lo rd93mm : his fifiCtS fo n and to the o ther N o ble~men That hewo uld declare h im felfe bOth enemy to


them and t o the Town andwo uld (ho o r at ,bo th , if theymade anyrefifiance to the French - men to emfter into theTown . Th i s h is treafo nable defiance fent us

,by the Laird o f

Ricarton did abate the co urage o f many fo r we co uld no t fight, no r (to pthe enemy but under the mercy o f the Caftle and who le Ordnancethereo f. Hereupo n was co nfultatio n tak en and in co nclufio n , it was !fo und lefl


e damage to take an appo intment albeit the Co nd it io ns wereno t fuch as we defired then to hazard battell betw ixt two fuch enem ies .After lo ng talk ing, certaine heads were drawn by us ,wh ich we defired to a

be granted .

Item Thefl eets [had not tnterpofe her Author i ty to mole/l or tr ouhle thePreacher s of theCong reg ation, nor theirMini/fry to them thatpleafe to ufi: thefitme nor no other of the [aid Cong r egation in thei r hodi cs


lands, g oods ,

or po/fefs ions , Penfions or whatfoefver other hinde of g oods theypoflejfe 5 nor yet

fityfer theClerg ie, or anyother either Spi r i tual! or Temporafl f ur t[dzc7 i on totrouhle them in anymanner of for t, pr ivatelyor openly, for the can]? in

“Relig ion,

or any other aéi‘ton depending thereupon to the [aid tenth day of ff annarywithin wr i tten and that everyman inparti cular [w etn themean time accordingto his own conference.Item That no men of War French nor Sco ts he Iatd tn dai ly

within theTown of Edinburgh , hut to repair thereto to do ths tr lawful!and thereafter to retirethem to their Garrtfons

Thi s alterat io n in wo rds and Orderwas madewuho ur k nowledge and

co rvfent o f ch o fe who le co unfellwe had ufed in all fuch caufes befo reFo r(o me o f them perceiving we began to faint and that we wo uld ap

po int w i th unequallco nditio n s , faid God hathwonderouflyafiifiea’

tea in our

g reate/ldanger s He hathjlr icleenfear in thehear ts of our enemies , when they

fifipofed themfilfues mojlajfured of Vifl ory Qur cafe it notgetfitdefierate, that

weneed to g rant to thing s unreafitnahle andungodly 5 whit if wedo , it a to hefear ed That thing s[ha/1 notfoyrgheroujlyfueceed at theyhave doneheretofore.W hen allth ings were c ommuned and agreed upo n bymid perfo n s , the

Duke,and the Earle o f Huntlie,wh o that daywere ‘againfi us , defired tb

fpeak ew ith the Earles o fArgylga‘nd Glencarne, the Lo rd $ 4mes ,and Others

o f o ur party 5who obeying their requefis met with them at thewar

tellho les betw ixt L ei th and,E dinburgh who in co nclufio n prom ifed to

The pfomlfc o ur Lo rds,That if theQ eenb rake to us any o ne jo r o f the Appo int


:n ment then made,that they iho uld declare themfelves plain enem ies to her,Handy. and friends to us . As much promifed theDuk e that he wo uld do , in cafe

that (hewo uld no : rem o ve her French o men at-

a reafo nable day ; fo r theo pprefli o n wh ich theydid was manifeft to allmen . Thi s A o intmentmade and fubfcribed by the Duk e,Mo nfieur B ajelland the Bail;o fHumlie, the 25 o f July we returned to the Towne o f E dtnhurgh wherewe remained t ill the next day ar ' no o n when after Sermo n d inner


and Pro clamatio nmade at theMark etCrofi'

e in fo rme as fo lloWeth, xwe

departed .

F orme of theProclamations .

F0 R A S MuCH at it hn hfleafid God that a ppointment it madetwixt the

,Queen Regent and us the L ords Proteflants of this Realme


hfhoughtgood to[ignifie unto the chi ef Heads if theAppomtment



e t e e

Frrfi That no memher of theCongregation[hall he trouhled in lifeg oods or poflefiions bythefl eet ”, hyher Authority nor hy any otherwithin theirRealme for anything done in this late Innovati on tt/lthat[lament hath decided thing s that he in controverjie.Seco ndly,That Idolatry[ballnot he trailedwhere it it nowat

L ib .z . of’

Religiott in the(

lieu/me of .Sco tland.

Th irdly That thePr eacher s andMini/ler s jhall not he tr ouhléd tn them int?

fir ati on wher e theyare alreadye/lahlt/herl nei theryetji opped‘to Preachwher e

foefuer theyjhad happen to travellwi thin this Realme.

Fo urthly, That no Bands of men of Warjhallhelaid in Gar'

rzfitn within theTown of EdinburghThe ch ief Heads o f appo intment co ncern ing the libertyo f Relig io n;

and co nfer'

vario n o f’

o ur b rethren Wetho ugh t go o d to mo rlfie unto yo u

bythi s Pro clamat io n ; that in cafe wro ngo r injurybe do ne byany o f the'

c o ntraryfixatio n,to anymember o f o ur Bo dy c o mp laint may be made

unto us , to who m we promife, as wewillanfwer to o ur Go d,o ur fafuppo rt, to the uttermo fi o f but powers .

At th i s Pro clamatio n,made with fo und o f Trumpet , Were o ffended allthePap il

i s fo r firfi they alleadged Itwas do ne in co ntempt o f‘Autho

rity. Seco ndarily,That we had pro claimed mo re then was co ntained inthe Appo intment . And lali , Thatwe in o ur Pro clamatio n had made nom entio n o f anyth ingK

romifed unto them . To fuch murmure‘

s we ah

fwered That no jufl nth o rityco uld th ink it felf co ntemned becaufe

that the truth was by us made manifeft unto all, who o rherwifi: m ighthave pretended, igno rance. Seco ndly That we had pro claimed no th ingwh ichwas no r finally agreed upo n inwo rd and promife betwixt us andch o icew ith whom the Appo intment was made whatfo eve


r the S cribeshad after wr itten who in very deed had altered bo rh inwo rds and fentences o ur A rticles , as theywere firfi co nceived And yet if their owne

writ ings were diligeurlyexam ined the (elf- fame th ing {hall be found infubfiance . And lafi, To pro claim any th ing. in their favo urs ,we tho ught:it no enecel



ary, knowing that in that behalf theythemfelves wo uld be diligent eno ugh . And in th i s wewere no th ing deceived, fo r w ith in fifteendays after, there was nm a S haveling in S cotland, to whom Tenth s,o r anyo rher Rents pe

rtaineth but he had that Article o f the Appo intment byheart ,That théChurch- men

‘jhould heanftvered of Tenths Rents

and ahlother

duties and that nomanjhbuld‘trouhle or molett them. W é ' departing

E dtnhurgh the‘z 6 o f July, cani e firfi to L inlithqow‘

,and after to S ta li n,

where after co nfultatio n the Band o f defence,and maintenanceo hReliA

g io n, and fo r mutuali defence everyo ne o f the Other was fubl’

c ribed o f

allthatwere there prefen‘

t .

The teno ur o f the Bo ndwas thusE fore/Peeing the craft and[leight of our Adverfaries ,who tr ie allman .

nor of wayes to ci rcumvient its , and hypriqiymean'

s intend to afl'

ayle efve

ryone of m parttcularly hyfair heights andp romtfes , ther ethr ough tofiparateone of us from another

,to our utter ruine andde/lrult


ton . F or remedythe‘r eof,


fa ithfullyand truelyhi nde tea in theprefen’

ce of God, and at Wetender them i‘tini

tenanee of trueRelig i on,Thitt none of‘tosjhallin timecoming We to the .


Dowager;to tal/e or communewithher , fbr anyLetter orMe g tfent hyhenuntoue

,or yet to hefentmi th confent of the‘re/h,or common confitltatton ther eupon and,

howjbon that ei ther Meyfage or W r iting[hould comefrom her‘unto us ,totthalldili

g encewe[hithlnotzfie thefameone to another'

; fit that nothing/hallpr ooeed thi


without common confent of. us all. At Sterlin thefirji day tf’

A ttg tt/l, 1 559.

hY 3 T is”

Anfwer to thecomplaint of

the P‘Pins o a

The thirdBo nd o f trium.

allfdefencgaeS tétlt

‘I heHi/lory of the

Reformatioft L ib l .

PiTh i s B i nd fubfc ribed and we fo refee ing that the (meen and Bifli Ops

n h omeant no thing bu

t deceit , th o ugh t good to feck ayd and fuppo rt o f all

W M Ch i ill i an Pri nces againft

her tyrannym Cafe we i ho uld be m o re lhar ply

purfued . And becaufe that E ng land w

a s o f the fame Relig io n and lay

next un to us ,it was judged exped ient fi rf

t to pro ve them 3 wh ich we did ,


engers , as hereafter in it s o wne place, { hal

lbe mo re

amplydeclared .

After we had abided certaine dayes in S terlin,the Earle

arred to G/afgow and becaufe - he was no depart'

to h is o ivne


h who m all‘

o paffed theLo rd games ). to pac ific fo me tro u

ble, which byther ra

ft o f theQ leen was rai fed in h is abfence he requi

red the Earle o f Glencarne, Lord B oyd,

Lo rduchcltr ie, and o thers o f Kyle,

to meet there, fo r fome o rder to be taken that the b rethren ih o uld no t be

ti ppreifed wh ich with o ne c ontent theyd

id and appo inted the tenth o f

September fo r the next co nvent i o n at S terlin .

W h ile thefe t h ings were in do ingat Glafg om Letters and a fervant ,

Inis ggc o f ,

came fro m the Earle o f A rran, to theDuk e h is father fign ifying unto

f him, That bythe pro vidence o f G o d he had efc aped the French King s

”ff 5 ' k “ f hands ,whomo lt tr

eafo nablyandmo ltcruelly had fo ugh t his

li fe ,.Qr_at

"fthe leaft to have co mm itted h im to . perpetua

llprifo n Fo r the fame time

the faid French King feein o he co uld nOt have the Earle h imfe


, caufed

put h i s yo unger bl


ler , a ch ilde o f


futh age as c o uld no ro f’fend

,in (trait

prifo n ,.where heyet re

mained , to W i t, in theMo nth o f O é’

to ber, the yeer ,

o f o ur Lo rd 1 559. W hich th ings were do ne bythe powe

r and craft o f

the (ween Do wager, at the time that theDuke and h is friends weremo lt

readyto fet fo rth her caule . Thefe Letters received ,

and the efiate o f"

her two fo ns knowneo f wh om o ne was efcaped, and the Other cait in

vile pr ifo n , the Duke defi rcd‘c ommun ing with the faid Earle o f _A rgyl_c ,

who par tlyagainlt the will o f (om e that lo ved h im rid unto the Duke»

from Glafgoivto Hamn nlton'

,where ab iding a night, he declared h is judge


meri t to theDuk e,, ai-:d to h is fri ends efpecially to Mailer GawaneHam

mzlton . TheDuk e reqi


i ired h imand the Lo rd 334mm: to write their fr iend"

loy- and comfo rtable Letters to .

his fo n which they mo lt w illinglydid,

and thereafteraddreffed themt o their j o urney. But thevery d ay o f their

depart ing ,came o ne B

ontanconrt (fro m the (k eenRegentwith Letters , as

was allead o ed)from the K ing and (ween o f F rance to theLo id j amer,

wh ich he delivered with a b ragging co untenance and many 1 thrcatning

wo rds theTeno ur o f his Letterwas th i s

TheK ingh is Letter to the Lo rd Iarm:

2’ Con/in I have greatly marvelledwhen I underflooc

l the .tronhler that

arehappened in the/eparts .And yet Imore mar t/elf , ,Thatye ,



I had‘

whole confidence iandwho has the Honour to hefit neer thefi géen myW ife,

and has'

received front/ the lateKing .

my F ather from theQueen mywzfe , and


fr om me fuch grace: andfiwonrs that yeflvonld he fafirgetfull ac. to malte

your felfe the Head ancl‘on


e of the principali. hegz'

nnerr and noun /her; oft

the tumult; and‘

fedztions that are [ten there ,The

nrhich heez'

wfe‘i tt it (be,

flrange to me andfofarre againfl theprofifizon thatye at alltimes«have mafia ?


1 6 8



My conference perfwadet me i n t he]? p r oceeding s to havedonénothing aga i nff

God,not thedutifullohedi ence towa rd:your e flt aytyiy and the ‘c en myS ove

naigue. Otherwi/e i t/hould not haveheen to he r epented and ulja amended alr eady accordntg to your Mayefli er expec


ati on ofmu . But your Mayejlze ht ingtruely informed and perfwaded That the thing whi ch we have done. )

maketh for the advancement of God: glory W i thout any “

manner of der og ati on to yourMayefli ei due ohe

dtence Q W e douht not hut your Maje'

jli e[hallhe W ellcontentedwi th our pr oceedings whi ch hoing grounded upon the commandment

of the eternallGod:we dare not leave‘

the fame unaccompl/jhed onelywi/hmganddefir ing , yaitr Maye/li edid know the fame truth thereof , at we

wer e per/waded in our conference: and all them that are truly ih/lruc'

led in the

eternallW ord of our God upon whomweca/l our care fi om all dang er s thatmay

followtheaccomplx/hrn ent of hu eterna lwi ll, and to whom we commend your Ma

je/lze hefiechi ng hrm to i lluminate your heart wi th the Gofpel of hi): eternall

Truth, to know your Maye/li et duty towards your poore Suhyellt God: cho/en

people , and what you ought to crave yujlly of them aga ine for then we jhouldhave no occa/ion to fear e your Mayefltet wrath and i nd ignati on nor your Ma


tyl‘zer [u/fii t fon in our i nohedi ence. The fame God have your Mayeflte in his

eternall [aveguarth AtDunbartanc the 1 2 of Aug ie/l I 559 .

Th i s anfwer dii’eéted to the(meen o ur Soveraigne, and F rancis her huf

hand, the (h em Dowager received, and was bo ld upo n it as fhe m ightwelleno ugh fo r it was fuppo litd That the fo rmer Letters were fo rgedhere at ho me in S cotland. The anfwer read byher, { he faid, That fo p ro udan anfwer was never g iven to K ing, P rince, no r P rinceife . And yet lnd ifferent men though t that he m ight have anfwered mo re {harply and

mm have tranfg relfed m o de i’ty p o r trueth : Fo r where they burden h im

w i th the great benefit s which o f them he had received, if in plain wo rdshe had purged h imfelfe , affirm ing _That the greatelt benefit that ever herece ived o f them ,

was to fpend in thei r fervice, that wh ich G o d byOther shad pro vided fo r him no ho neli man wo uld have accufed h im and

no man c o uld have been able to have c o nvinced him o fa lye ; But Pr ince:

muji hepardoned to yeahwhat theypleafu . i

Fo r the co mfo rt o f the brethren and co nt inuance o f the Church inE dinburgh , was left there o ur deare b ro ther yoha llocle who fo r his

faith full labo urs and bo ld co urage in that battell defe ives‘

immo rtall

p raife .

Fo rwhen itwas fo und dangero us that'

f ohn Knox who befo rewas eleéted

Min ili er to the Church,(ho uld .co nt inue there : the brethrenrequefied the {b idafohn W zlloch to ab idewith them left that fo r lack o f

Minilters,Ido latry(ho uld be ereéted up aga in. To the wh ich he fo glad

lyco nfented , That it m ight evidentlyappeare, that.he preferred the co mfo rt o f h is brethren and the co nt inuance o f the Church there to h is aownlife . One part o f the French - men were appo inted to lye


in G arifo n'


L eith (tl‘ntwas the firft



efit wh ich theygate fo r their c o nfederacieW i th them ) the Other partwere appo inted to lye in the Cano n -

gate the

Queen and her train abiding in theAbbey. Our b ro ther ”

John W i lloc/e theday:after o ur departure reached in S . Gi lt?! Church , and fervently exho rted the brethren to {tan co ultant to theTruth wh ich they had pro feifed.


L ib . 2

A t th i s , and fo me o ther Sermo ns was the Duk e and diver s e ther o f theQ een s faetio n . Th is liberty o f Preach ing and refo rt o f all peo ple

thereto did h ighlyo ffend the(k een and the Other Papifis . And firfi theybegan to give terro ur s to the

’Duk e,affirm ing That hewo uld be reputed

as o ne o f the Co ngregatio n if he gave h is prefence to the Sermo n s .

Thereafter they began to requi re That U ll a/[e m i ht be fet up again inS . Grier Church and that the people (h o uld be et at liberty to cli ufewhat Religio n theywo uld . F o r that faid theywas c o n tained i n the ap

po intment That theTown o f E dtnhurgh (ho uld chufe what Religio ntheylilled . f or o btain ing hereo f were fent to the To wn theDuk e the

Earle o fHu'

ntly, and the Lo rd S eaton to fo licite allmen to co ndifcend to

the (Liceus m inde, wherein the two laltdid labo urwhat they co uld, the

Duk e no r lo ,but as a beho lder, o fwho m the brethren had go o d ho e,and

after manyperfwali o n s and threatning s madeby the faid Earle an Lo rd,

the brethren fio utlyand valiantly in the Lo rdJef us gain - fa id their m o ltunjufi Petitio ns . Reafiin ing That as in c o nfc ience theyfmight nOt fuf

fer Ido latryto be credited where Ch rifl Jefus was t ruely Preached , (0c o uld no : the (meen no r they i


equire '

any fuch thing, unlelTe (he and theywo uld plainelyVi o late thei r Faith ,and ch iefe Artic le o f the appo intmen t .

F o r it i s plainelyappo inted That no memher of the Cong r egatzon jhall hem ole/led fit anythtng That at thedayof the appointment theypeaceahlypoflemd.

But fo it was That we the b rethren and Pro reliants o f the To wn o f

E dtnhu'

rgh , with o urMinifters the day o f the a po intment did peace

ablyenyo Saint Gzler Church ‘

appo inted us o r Preach ing o f Chrifist rue G o pel and r ight mlnl

llII' SUOHOf h is h o ly Sacraments . Therefo re witho ut, m anifefi vio latio n o f the appo intment yo u carino r remo ve us therefrom untill a Parliament have dec ided the Co ntro verfi e. Th i s anfwer g iven,

the who le brethren departed and left the

fo refaidE arle and Lo rd S eaton then Proveft o f E dznhurgh; [till in the


W ho perceiving that they co uld no r prevalle in that man

ner began to entreat that theywo uld be quiet“

,and that they wo uld fo

far co ndifcend to theQueen s pleafure ,as that they wo uld chufe them

an0 ther with in the To wn, o r at the leaftbe co ntent that W age (ho uldbefaid, either after o r befo re their Serm o n . To the wh ich

,anfwer was gi

ven That to give place to the devil(wh o was the chiefe Inventer'

o l the


e ) fo r the pleafure o f'

any creature, theyco uld no r. They were in

po lfellio n o f that Church wh ich they co uld no r abando n neither yetc o uld theyfuller Ido latryto be erea ed. in the fame unlelfe byvio lencethey ih o uld be c o nfi rained fo to do . And then theywere determ ined tofeck the next remedy. W h ich anfwer received the Earle o f Huntlydidlovingly intreat them to quietneffe , faithfully prom ifi ng , That in no

fo rt they'


o uld be m o lefied fo that theyW o uld be quiet and mak e'


farther upro are . To the wh ich theywere mo ltwilling, fo r theyfo ughto nely to ferve G o d as he had c o mmanded and to k eep thei r po ffef{i o n

acco rding to the appo intment wh ich byGo ds grace they did,tillthe mo neth


o f N o vember, n o rvyithfianding the great bo afling o f the

enemy. Fo r theydid no r o nelyc on'

vene to the Preach ing, dailyfupplica:t io ns and adminifiratio n o fBaptifme,but alfo theLo rds Tablewas m in i

‘iZ fire

‘The [i i/lot} of the‘Re/orma tion L ib.2.

fired ,even in the eyes o f the very enemy to the great c o mfo rt o f ma

nyaflli tfted c o nfc iences and as G o d did firo nglywo rk W i th h i s t rueMi:

n i fters , and with h is tro ubled Church : fo did no r the devilceafe to inflame the malice o f the (Meet), and o f the Pap il

’t s with her . Fo r that af.

ter her co m ing to the Abbey o f Halyrud - houfe ,(he caufed Maffe to be

faid firft in her own Chappell and after in the Abbeywhere the Altarsbefo re were call down . She d ifcharged the Comm o n - Prayers , and fo rbade to give any po rti o n to luch as were the princ ipal]yo ung men whoread them . Hermalice extended in lik emanne r to Camhm henneth, fo r there{he d i fcharged the po rtio ns o fus m any o f the Cano ns as had! fo rfak en Pa

piftrv: She gave co mmandment and inh ibi tio n

,that the Abbo t o f Lyn:

dor r (ho uld be anfwered o f anypart o f h is living in the N o rth becaufehe had fubm itted h im felfe to the Co ngregat io n , and had put lo me Befo re

matio n to h is place : Byher c o nfent and pro curement was the Preachers

Chai re bro ken in the Church o f L ezth and Ido latrywas ereéted in the

fame,where itwas befo re fuppreffed . Her French Cap tains , with thei r

S o uldiers in g reat co mpanies , in time o f Preach ing and Prayers refo rt

ed to Saint G’

zler Church in E dznhurgh , and made thei r c o mmo n dermbulatio n therein w ith fuch lo ud talk ing as no perleét audience co uldbe had And altho ugh theMinif’terwas there- thro ugh o ft t imes c ompelled to c ry o ut o n them Praying to G o d to rid them o f fuch Lo cults ,theyneverthelel


fe co nt inued (fill in theirw ick ed purpo fe devifed and o r.

dained by theQ een, to have drawn o ut brethren o f Edtnhurgh and themin cumber

,fo that {he m igh t have had any co lo ured o ccafio n to have

b ro k en the Leaguewith them . Y et byG o ds grace theybehaved themfelves (0

,that {he co uld finde no fault in them a

'beit in all thefe th ingsbefo re - named

,and in everyo ne o f them {he is jufily ac co unted to have

gaine - fitid the faid appo intment . W e palTe o ver the o pprefling o f o urbreth ren in part icular wh ich had been fuffic ient to have proved the,appo intment to have been plainlyvio lated .


Fo r the Lo rd S eaton w i tho ur any o ccafio n o ffered unto h im

,brak e a chafe upo n Alexander t t/aw,

as he came fro m Pr e/Ion acc o mpan iedwith M. t liam Knox towardsE dtnhurgh and ceafed no r to purfue him t illhe came to the Towne o farme/lon . And th i s he did, fuppo fing that the laid (A lexander had been{fohn Knox . In allth i s mean t ime and wh ile thatm o e French - men arived


they are no r able to p ro ve that we brak e the appo intment in any

jo re , except that a ho rned Cap was tak en o ff a p ro ud Priefts head, and cuti n fo urqua rt



rs,becaufe he faid, He wo uldwear it in defp ight o f the Co n

gregati o n . n th i s m ean time,the (meenahen Regent, k no wing alluredly

what fo rce was fho rtlyto come unto hei ceafed n‘

o t byall‘meanes po f


ble to clo ke the iii - com ing o f the French and to inflame the hearts o fo ur Co untrey- men againftus . And fo r that purpo fe fhe firflwro re untoDukeHamzlton, in fo rme, as followeth .

The (h een Regents falfe flattering Letter to DukeHamilton.



Lord and Con/in after hearty commendation: We are informed thalt 6 Lord: of the Wcjl- land Congregation intend to ma,“ 6 CMW W M


TheHijlorjl of theRe orma’

tion L ib 21

come after w ith Mo nfieur dela Br e, and w ith theAnno

who arrived the n ineteenth dayd?S eptember fo llo wThe m y," beenAmbaflado urs But what was theirNego riario

fishefi c fl ch clare, and they themfelve s co uld no r lo ng co nceal fo r by bo th to ngue

and pen‘

they uttered, That theywere lent fo r the exterminatio n o f alltho fe that wo uld no r p ro feiTe the Pap iltieallRelig io n in allpo ints . The(Mg ens p raa ile and c raft c o uld n0 t blinde the eyes ‘

o f allmen ne itherye t c o uld her fubtilty h ide her o wne lhame but that many did efpy he:dece it , and fo rne fpared no t to lpeak theit yudgemeni s liberally who

fo refeeing the danger , gave advertifement requiring th at p ro vrfiunm ight be fo und befo re that the evil ih o uld exceed o ur wiiedome and

firength to put fit remedy to it Fo r p rudent men fo refaw That ihe'

p r'

etended a plain co nquefi 3 but to the end that the peo ple iho uld no rfuddo nly fli t , (he wo uld no t b ring in her fullfo rce at o nce (as . be fo re is

faid)but by‘

co ntinuall traffique purp o fed to augment he r A rmy, (0 t h at

in the endwe iho uld no r be able to refill. But the gu ard? part o i the N0 ?biliiy, and many o f the peOp le,were lo enchanted by her treafo nable (cklic ire rs , that they wo uld no thear no t c red it the truth plainly (po ken.

The French then after the arriving o f their newmen,began to bragzthenbegan they to d ivide the Lands and Lo rdlh ips acco rd ing to the ir o wne

°ffantafies s fo r o ne was (

filed Mo nfieur de A rgyle ano ther Mo nfieur lelands by the Pr i or , the th ird,Mo nfieur dc Rnthwen s yea theyw


o reaflutied ,l in th i t

French o wn o p inio n, to po fl'

efle whatfo ever theyh ired ; (0 that fo me as k ed fo r

the Rentalls and Revenues o f divers mens land s to the end that theym ight chufe the belt And yet in th is mean time [he was


no t alhamed to

fet o ut aPro clamatio n in th is fo rm

A Proclamationfitforthbythe 621-166”Regent :to blinde thevulgar People.


much as W e underfiand that certain feditio us perlo ns have o fmalice invented and blownabro ad d ivers rumo urs and evill brutes ,

intending thereby to (lit up the hearts o f the peo ple and (0 to {to p all

manner o f reco nc iliatio ns b'

e twixt us and o ur fubjea s being‘o f the num

ber o t the Co ngregatio n, and c o nfequently to k indle and n'

o urilh a co n:tinuallfirife and divifio n w i th in th i s Realme to the

‘manifefi fubverfio n

o l'

the who le State thereo f ; And amo ugfi:o ther purpo fes have m alic io uflydeviled fo r that effea ,

and have perfwaded to o many {That W e

have vio lated the Appo intment lately taken,in (0 far as anymo re Frenchmen fince came in and that we do m inde to draw in great Fo rces o fmeno f W ar fo rth o f F rance, to fupp refl

‘e the L ibe rty o f th is Realmmpprelle

the inhabitants thereo f,and make up firangers w ith their lands 6c go o ds ;W hich repo rts are all(Go d kno weth)mo ltvain


, fained,and untrue : Fo rit is o f truth

,That no thing

'hath been do ne o n o ur part(race the faid App o intment, whereby it m aybe alleadg ed that any part thereo f


co ntra

vened no r yetwas at that time any th ing co mmo ved o r co ucluded toPrep the fend ing in o f French

- men as may clearly appear by infpeaio n

o f the faidAppo intment, which the Bearer hereo f hath p relent to ibew.

W hat

L ibl . ti k/tlgion in the“

Red /meof Sco tland. 175W hatfo ever number o f men o f W ar be arrived,W e have fuch regard to AnnoOur h o no r,andquietneffe o f th is Realm,

that in cafe in the ro om o f everyF rench - man that is in S cotland there werean hundred at o ur c ommand


yet fh o uld ne t fo r that anyjo r that is p ro mifed be bro ken,o r anyalterati o

o nmade by o ur p rovo cation, but the faid Pro clamatio n truely and furely L em ma,

iho uld be o bferved in every po int . If the faid Co ngregatio n W illin like o f Amiam Le t

manner faithfully keep theiapart thereo f No r yet meanwe to tro uble F

em “

anyman in the peaceable po efli o n o f their go o ds ,& ro o ms No ryet to fi icfil


enr ich the Crowne, and tar lefie anyfirangc rs , w ith yo ur fubftance r fo r fen ce _c ci

Our dearelt(o n and daughter the K ing andQueen,are byGo ds p ro vifi o n “ "W flc “3 "

placed in the ro om where allmen o f judgement maywellco nfider theyh ave no need o f anymans go o ds . And fo rOur Self,we feeking no th ingbut dutifullo bedience unto them,

fuch as go o d fubjeets o ught to g ive to Co nf mifi,the ir S overaigne,witho ut diminutio n o f yo ur liberties and p riviledges , with o ur t imei.o r alterat io n o f yo ur Laws . Therefo reW e h ave tho ught go o d to no tifie unto yo uOur g o o dminde fo refaid, and defire yo u no t to g ive ear no rc red it to fuch vain imag inatio ns ,whereo f, befo re G o d no part_entered

in o ur co nceit, no r fulfer yo ur felves be therebyled fro myo ur due o bedienc e,


affuring yo u,ye fhallever fiudewith U s truth in pro mife,and amotherlylo ve to wards allyo u behaving yo ur [elves as Out o bedient fub P w da a


jea s . But o f o ne th ing W e g ive yo u warning That whereas (ome .f, accrlffthPreachers bf the Co ngregationin their publik e Sermons fpeak irr


eve ths m h d ’


flandero ufly, as well'

o f Princes‘

in general] as o f Our Selfeth '“

in particular, and o f the o bedience o fhigher Po wers ,iuduc ing the peop le by that part o f the ir Do tftrine, to de fea io n from the ir duty 5 wh ichpertaineth no th ing to Relig io n, but rather feditio na nd tumult ; th ingsdireCt quite co nt rary to Relig io n. Therefo re W e defire ydu to take o r

der inyo urTo wns and bo unds thatwhen the Preachers repair th ither,they ufe themfelves mo re mo defilyin thefe behalfs , and in th e ir Preach.

ing no r to meddle fo much w ith ClvillPo licy and Publike Government, no ryet nameU s

,o r o ther Pr inces , but wi th reverence o therwife

it W illno r be fufl’

ered . And feeing o n have prefently the Declaratio n_o f Our Intentio n,W e defire likewi e to kno w what {h all be yo ur part to

u s , thatW emay underfiand what to trufifo r at yo ur hands whereo f

we defire a plain Declaratio nin wr iting with this Bearer,withom delay.

Ar E dméurg/J the 28 o f Augufi,r559.

Th is Pro clamatio n {he(cut by herMell'

engers tho ro w allthe Countrey, and had her fo licito rs in allparts , who painfully travelled to br ingmen to her o p inio n ,amo ngftwho m thefe were the p rinc ipall S ir


m , Jufiice Clarke,Mafier f ame: Balfour , Officiall o f L owrbian ;MailerTbomau andMaftere lz


am Scots , fo ns to the Laird o f Balwerie ; 'S ir Ro

tierrCarneg ze, andMailer Gamm Hrmmzlton who fo r fainting o f the brethrens hearts , and draw ing many to theQagens factio n againft their nativeCo untrey, have declared themfelves enemies to G o d, andTrayto rs

f ame: Balfour ,Offio ld pro feifo g

is be

hemer o fhis eternalVeri

A nn0Verity, againfi h is k nowledge and c o nfc ience , feck ing to betray h isb rethren and native Co untrey into the hands o f a c ruelland unfaith fullN3 5,

t io n . The anfwer to this fo rmer Pro clamatio n was made in fe rmc as

fo llo weth .

To theNobzlzty, Burgcfllj, and Common] of dark Realmc af Sco tland, theL ordr,Baromhmd tit/7:75Bret/mmof t/7c Congrcgationfl ljbet/Jn ut/7 advancement of thegloryof God,and of theCommon - wealth.

He lo ve o f o ur native Co untreyc raveth ,the defence o f o ur ho no urs

requireth, and the fineerity o f o ur co nfc iences c o mpelleth us (dearb rethren) to anfwer in fome part to the lafi W ri ts and Pro clamat io nsfet fo rth by theQi ne

gentmo lefl'

e to make-

o s and o ur Gaufe‘

o dio us ,then

to abufe yo ur fimplic ity,and to wo rk yo urfinalldefiruaio n,co nfpired o f

o ld, and now already put to wo rk . And firlt,where {h e alleadgeth,’



certain feditio us perfo ns have o f malice invented and blo wn abro ad d ive rs rumo rs , tend ing thereby(as fire alleadgeth to [lit up the hearts o f

the peo ple to feditio n by reafo n that the French - men are c rep t in o f

late in o ur Co untrey. True it is (dear b rethren)that allfuch as bear naturalllo ve to theirCo untrey, to yo u their brethren inhabitants thereo f;to o ut houfes ,wives , childrenfi he efperanc e o f o urp o flerity and to be

ibo rt To o ur Commo n wealth .and to the anc ient Laws and Liberties

thero f, .canno t butin heart lament,andwith mo uth tears complain,the

mo lt c rafty aifaults devifed and p raé’

tifed, to the utter m ine o f all thefeth ings fo renamed. Th i s is fo manifefilygo ne to wo rk that even in o ut

eyes ,o ur dear brethren, truemembers o f o urCommo n - wealth,aremo lt

c ruelly o pp refled byfirangers 5in(0 far, as fome are banifhed their owh eho ufes fome ro bbed and fpo iled o f their fubfiance purchafi by the irjuif labo urs in the (wearo f the ir brows lome cruelly murthered at the

pleafure o f thefe inhumane fo uldiers , and alto gether have their lives infuch fear and dread, as if the enemywere inthe midfi o f them 5 fo that

no rhing can feem pleafant unto themwh ich they p o liefl'

e in the bo wellso f their native Co untrey ; fo neer judged every man (and no t witho utjuficaufe) the praétife ufed Upo n the ir brethren to appro ach next untothem, theirwives , ch ildrens , ho ufes , and fubfiances , which alto getherare callat the feet o ffirangers men o f W ar

,to be bythem thus abufed at

their unbridled lults defire .Now if it be feditio n (dear brethren)to complain, lament and po ur fo rth befo re Go d the fo rrows and fo bs o f o urdo lo r

o us hearts , crying to him fo r redrefl'

e o f tho fe eno rmities whi

chelfewhere is to be fo und)wh ich alto gether do pro ceed o f the unlawfullho lding o f firange So uldiers over the heads o f o ur breth ren.

If th isto complain be feditio n, then indeed(dear brethren) can no ne o f


as b e

purged o f that crime ;fo r as invery heart we co ndemne fuch inhumane

TheHi/Zorie of t/ye“

Reformation L ib 2,

on at,Km borne

,K zrl- caldze, D 1 ert w ith the depauperate fo uls that

A HHO Sfizn

dafdwell{gherein can tefiifie . V

[Vho fe Opprefli o n as do ubtleffe it is

cut ted in befo re the Jufiice - feat o f G o d fo o ught it jufily to m o ve o ur

hearts to have p ity and compafli o n upo n thefe o ur po o re b rethren, and ato ur power s to p ro v

ide remedie fo r the fame . And albei t her (ha ngers had‘


been garnifhed w ith mo ney as yo u k no w well theywere nOt ) yet


here lying be no wayes but m o ft hurtfull to o ur Co mmo n - wealth,

feeing that the fertilityo f th i s Realme had never becn'

fo plentifull that it

was able o f any co nt inuance to fuitain it felfewitho ut (uppo rt o f Fo rraigne Co

untreys far le(fe able befides tt o fultain tho ufands o f (i rangers wherewith it is burthened to the dearth

ing o f allvictuals , as the murmure and co mplaint o f E dméargly th i s day

do th tefiifie. But to what elfeét the Co mm o n - weale is thus burdened,

the end do th declare. Fo r (ho rtlywere theyb ro ught to the fields againft

o ur So veraigns true L ieges , even us yo ur brethren , who G o d k no weth )fo ught no th ing elfe but peace o f c o nfc ience, under prOteé

’tro n o f o ur S o

veraigne, and Refo rmat i o n o fthefe eno rm ities , fo r no Other caufe but thatwe wo uld no r reno unce the G o fpelo f Jefus Chrift, and fubdue

‘o ur neck s

under the tyranny o f that wickedMan o f (i n, the RamaneVi ew /waftandhis fo rfwo rn Shavelings who at that t ime m o fl tyrannically o pprel


o ur fo uls wi th hunger o f Go ds true W o rd and reft o ur go o ds and fub

(lances , to wafie the fame upo n their fo ule lufis and (link ing harlo ts . But

(0 clear brethren) th i s was no r the ch iefe pretence and finallfc o pe o f her

p ro ceedings (as thefe dayes do well declare fo r had no t G o d given ino ur heart s to withftand that Opprefli o n with weapo ns o f m o ltnut defence tho u 0 Saint gtolmflon and Dram/z? had been in no better (latethen yo ur filter o f L eft}; is th i s day. Fo r th o ugh

‘we in verydeed (G o d i s

witne ile ) meant then no th ing but in the fimplic itVo f o ur hearts the

maintenance o f true Religio n , and fafetie o f o ur b rethren Pro feifo urs o f

the fame yet lay there ano ther (erpen t lurk ing in the brell o f o ur adver(aries

,as th i s day praife to G o d is plainelyOpened to allthat lift to b e

ho ld,to wit

,To du ng you 4mm: hot/7 under the perpetual!ferw


tude offirm

gm . Fo r we being appo intedgas ye k no w ,to uch ing Religio n to be rea

fo ned with allin the Co uncell,at the day afl‘ixed, and no o ccafio n made tobreak the fame o n o ur (ide as is wellk nown yet co me there fo rth w ri

t ings and complaints ,That th i s dayand that daywe were prepared to ihvade the (meens perfo n when in very truth therewas never fuch th ingtho ught as the verydeed hath declared .) But becaufe (hewas befo re deliberate to bring in French - men to bo rh o ur defiruétio ns

,that yo u(bo uld

n0 t (tir therewith , (he made yo u'

ro underfiand That th o fe Bands cameo nely fo r fafetyo fher own perfo n . O craft

,brethren l- O fubtilty But

beho ld the end : They are come (yet no r fo many no no r the fixrh partthat (he defired and lo o k ed fo r ) and how,

no r o nelywith weapo n s to defend her perfo n but with w ives and ch ildren to plant in yo ur nat ivero om s a s they have alreadybegun in the Town o f L eith, the princ ipallPo rt and S taple o f th i s Realm . The gernalland furn iture o f the Co unc ell

,and feat o f JufiiceA nd here will theydwell, t illtheymay reinfo rce

them felves with greater number o f thei r fellow- S o uldiers to fubdue


L ih . z .of

Religion in the‘Realm

e of Sco tland.

then the reft, if G o d w ithfland no t . And yet herMajeftie feared no r (h amed no r to write if theywere a hundred French - men fo r every o ne o f

them that is in S cotland yet they(ho uld harme no man . Tell th o u now The mute or

L eltl) if that be true If th i s be no r a c raftie entrie to a mamfefico nquefi the F rench

fo re—th o ught o f o ld judge yo u deare bieth ren Thus t o fo rtifie our $fl’

jflmdTo wns ,and even the principallPo rt o f o urRealm ,

and to lay fo (i ro ngG a children.

r ifo n s o fGrangers therein, no r o nelyw i th o ut anyco nfent o f theN o bility

and Co uncell o f th i s Realm ,but a fo expreffe againft their m inde (as o ur

W rit (em to her Majefiie beareth '

reco rd if th i s be no r to o ppreffe

the anc ient Lawes and L iberties o f~

o ur Realme , let allw i fe men fayto it .And further to tak e the Barne -

yards new g athered the Gernalls te

pleni(hed and to (i t down therein and by fo rce to pur the ju(t po lfef(o urs and anc ient inhabitants there- from

, w ith thei rwives , ch ild ren, andfervants to (hift fo r themfelves in begging if they haveno


0 thermean s,

theybeing true Sc0 tti(h - men members o f o ur Co mmon- wealth and

o ur deare b reth ren and fifters bo rne fdfired and bro ught Up in the

bowels o f o ur co mmo n and nativeCo untrey, if th is be no r the manifeft

d eclaratio n o f thei r o ld pretence andminde to wards'

thewh o le Sca trifhN at io n let yo ur o wne be j udge herein . W as

allL a t/7 o f the Co ngregat io n 6 No I th ink no r yet were allalike ferved . Let th is m o therly care then be tr ied by the fruits rhereo f: F irfi,

by the great and exo rbi tant Taxat io n s ufed upon yo u and'

yet ten times

greater p refled at as ye k now. Seco ndly , the urter depravat io n ofo ur Co ine to purchafe therebymo ney to entertaine (h angers F rench

S o uldiers upo n yo u and to make them (trong ho lds left yo u"


fo metime expell them‘'

o ur o f,yo ur native r o omes . Th irdly,

by the

daily te - info rc ing o f the (aid French S o uldiers in (trength and'


ber w ith w ives and ch ildren ‘plantin in yo urbrethrens h o ufes and

Indeed herMajeli ic is an hath been at all t imes carefullto pro cure byher c raft o f fai r wo rds o f fair pro mifes and fometimes

o fbuds to ,allure yo ur (implic ityto that po int, to j oyu yo ur felves to her

S o uldiers to daunt and o pprefle us that yo u the remnant (we being cuto ff)maybe an cafre prey to her fléights :W h ich G o d o f his infinite go o dneffe hath now difco vered to the eyes o f allthat h it to beho ld . B


ut cre

d it thewo rk s deare b rethren if yewillno r c redit us , and lay the example o f Fo rreign natio ns , yea,

even o f o ur b reth ren,befo re yo ur eyes , and

ro cure no t yo ur own ruinewillingly.If yo u tender true Religio n,yo u fee

liow herMajefi ie beareth her felfe plaine enemy thereto , and m aint'


the tyrannie o f tho fe idle bellies the Bifh o p s againfiG o'ds Ch urch : IfReligio n be no r perfwaded unto yo u yet caftyo u no rawaythe care yo u

o ught to have o ver yo ur Co mmo n - wealth wh ich yo u feeman ifefilyandvio lently ruined befo re yo ur eyes : If th i s w illno rm o vey


o u,



bet yo ur dearew ives ch ildren and po fierity yo ur anc ient heritages andho ufes , and th ink well thefe (trangers w ill regard no mo re yo ur rightthereunto , then theyhave do ne yo ur breth ren o f L eif/z, when ever o ccafio n (hall(erve . But ifyo u urpo le (as we do ubt no r but that all

tho fethat

either havewit o rmanho od)

willdeclare and prove indeed ) to bro o k yo uranc ient to omes and herit


ages , co nquered mofivaliantly;and defended byA a yo ur

The Hi/Zor) of ther

Reformation L ib.2.

yo ur mo fi noble Pro gen ito

rs , again it all(trangers , invaders o f the fame,as the French pr


etenderh plainly th i s day if ye willno r be (laves untothem

,and to have yo ur lives , yo urw ives , yo ur ch ildren yo ur fubftance,

and whatfo ever is clear unto yo u cafi at thei r feet to be ufed and abufed

at thepleafure o f (trange So uldiers as yo u fee yp ur breth rens at th i sday befo re yo ur eyes .

If yo uwillno r have experience fo me dayhere

o f in yo ur own perfo n s (as we fuppo fe the lcaft o f yo u allwo uld no t

gladly have ,but rather wo uld chufe with h o no ur to die in defence o f

h is o wn native ro ome then live and ferve fo (hamefulla fervitude ) thenbrethren let us joyn o ur fo rces and bo rh with wit andmanh o o d refifi theirbeginn ing s o r elfe o ur liberties hereafter (hallbe dearerb o ught . Let us

furelybe perfWaded when o ur neighbo urs ho ufes be o n fire,that we dwell'

no rwitho ut danger . Let no m an w i thdraw himfelfe herefrom , and if

anywill be (0 unhappy and m ifchievo h s as we‘fnppo ie no ne to be )

let us alto gether repute ho ld and ufe him (as he i s i n deed fo r an ene

m ie to us,and to h imfelfe and


to h is Co mmo n - weale . The eternall and


poterzt God'

the trueand onelyrevenger of the oppr efifeo’,he our comfort and

Pr oteflour again]? the fitr ie and rage of theTyrzmts of the wor ld Vl adrial/yfiom thcmfiztiahle oovetoajh ej e of theCllfdlfld”of Guyfe and the H4

w h om . Amen .

Befides th i s o ur publike‘Letter fome men anfwered certaine headso f the (h i eens faid Pro clamatio n o n th i s manner.

If rit be fediti‘

o n to f cak the trueth ' in all fobriety and to co mplaine,when theyarewo


nde o r to callfo r help againft unjufi tyrann ie befo rethat their thro ats be cut, thencan we not den ie butwe are c riminalland

guiltyo f tumult and fedit io nv. Fo r we have faid That o ur C o mme ntweale i s Opprefi

‘e'd that we and o urb rethren are hurt by th e tyrann ie o f

(irangers and.that we fear bo ndage and flaverie feeing tharm ultitudeso f cruellmurthrerers are daily bro ught into o ur Co untrey with o ut o urco unfell k nowledge and co nfén t. W e


difpute no r fo much whether‘

the bringing irr'

o f mo e French—men be vio lat ing o f the appo intmentwh ich theQtleen and her factio n canno t deny to be manifeftly bro k enby them in mo e caufes then o ne.) as that wewo uld k now,

if that the hea

ping o f (trangers upo n (trangers , above us , w i tho ut o ur co unfell o r co n(i nc

,b e a th ing that may h and w it h the

‘L iberty o f o ur Realme , andwiththe profit o f o ur Commo n - wealth . It is no r unknown to allmen o fjudgement That the fruits o f o ur Co untrey, in the mo fl'

commo n yeers ,be no mo re then fufli éient reafonable to no urifh the bo rn inhabitants o fthe fame. But tnow feeing we have been vexed with -wars , taken upo n usat the pleaiure o f F rance by the wh ich the mo fi


fruitf ul!po rtio n o f o urCo untreyin Co rne hath been wafied . W hat man is tfo blinde,but that hemay fee That fuch bands o f ungo dly and idl

‘e S o uld iers can be no th ing

elfe but an o ccafio n to famiih o ur po o re brethiren . And in: th i s

, po int werefufe no r(wh ich is the ch iefe)the judgement Ofall)haturallr SCOttifh - mc rl.The (ween Regent alleadged That altho ugh . there [was an hundredFrench - men fo r one that is in Scotland , yet (he i s no tminded to tro uble

TheHiflory of theReformation L ih 2 ,

content theCard/nall of Lo raine 6 Analmay i t not [theortfe he tr ue that theCareltna/l t; [a cor rupt that he tetlladm i t no Relzg ton whtoh doth not eflahltjh thePope in 11 15 l' tngelorn e .

9 Btttplant i t zit , That the Pope £5 L tetttenant to Sathan, and

enemyto Chr tjl §5efna and to ha perfeo? Req/ ott . L et men ther efor e confiderwhat dang er theyfiana

’tn if thei r fizlvatzon[halldepend up on theQg eem fazth

and Re113,w”. F ar t we never heard anyof our Pr eacher tfieak of the‘QZMEflR eg ent, ”(fiber nor pr tfuately.

W here her'Majef hedeelar eth, It W i llnot


'that our Prereher r neea

’elle wtth Pol. ty or jpeah of her or of other

Pu nt er,hatweth rever ence me anfmer That a t wew/ lljnfltfie and defina


thing tn ou r Pr eacher : nth/ eh wefinale not Goalto have jtt/lefietland allowed 1 7: hot

Mefleng ert hefor e thorn fawedar enot forhrrlthem openlyto r epr ehend that whteh

the 5pm : of Goa’

s jjheal'

tng tn the Pr ophet: and a lto/ Hes hath rep r ehended he

for e them . Heli as dtdperfitna/ly rep r ofveAchab and Jefibell of idolatry of

The Pro phets d rumme,of mur ther ) (mea


/itch [the E faias the Prophet Cd llt’d t‘hé’ Id ag'

t/Zr d tt’s ofifffigfi


fi‘d Jerufalem i n her time’, compani ons to theeves f r zneer of So do me , hr zhe- taher t ,have rc pmiqd and mttrthe


r er t he complained that thei r filver wad turned :nto dr oflitfi hat thei rtheGW UPLOHS iv/ne 11 144 m end ed nrtthwater and that f nflteewa s honght andfold. Jerem ie(“ m a

fu thfl'

hat thzhone: ofK tng Jeho iakim [hottldm ther mtth the S un . Chr t/lyeftot eaflea’Hero d a F ox ganolPaul calleth the hzgh Pr ie/l a pa inted wall,anet'praye

eth tento Goa’that he/honloljlr the hint , hetaofi: that ag azn/lj tt/ h e he commanded

h rn to hefin rtten . Now tf‘the [the andg r eater) t or rnpteont he tn theworld this

o’ay, W ho dar e enterprrfe to put tofilenee the Sp tr zt of Goa

Jwhi ch Wellnot heflh


Z to the appeti te: of mtjled Pr zneer .

W e have faid befo re, That the tenth o f S eptemher was appo inted fo r aThe coming c o nvent io n to be ho lden at Sterlzn to the wh ich repai red the m o ltpart

o f the Lo rds o f the Co ngregatio n At that fame time arr ived the Earlemam ain ; o f A rrannvho after he had faluted his fath er, came w ith the Earle o f A rto smng w ith gyle and

‘Lo rd '

f am e: to S terlzn the faid c o nven ti o n in wh ich d iversgo dlymen c omplained o f the tyrann ie uf


ed againfi their b reth ren . And

efpec iallythat mo re F rench - men were bro ugh t in to Opprefl'

e the i r C o nntry.Afrer the c o nfultatio n o f certain da'

yes , the p rinc ipall Lo rds W ith myLo rd‘A rr /tn

,and the Earle o fA rgyle pafi to Hammilton fo r c o nfultatio n to

be taken with the Duke. And in th i sthe F rench - men had begun to fo rtifie L f’tth) ;wh ich th ing, as it did m o reevidently difco ver theQteen s c raft (9 did it deeplygr ieve the hearts o f


all the No b ility there wh o w i th o ne co nfisnt agreed to write unto theQueen in fo rm as fo llo weth .

u !t Hammz'

lton the z 9 day of Septemher .

Adame,weare orea'zhly informed that your A rmy of F reneh—rn en

‘jhottlrltnflantlybegin toplant in Leith , and tofortific thefitme, of n n


nde to expel!the anezent znhahzta

nts thereof ,ottr hrethren of the Cong regatton ,

whereof wemarvel!not a ltttle

,thatyour Maje/tze


[17o fit mantfe/ l hrealte theAppointment made at . Le ith mtthont any provocatton m ade h} w and our hr ethren.

u f ndfeezn the [ante it done m thout anymanner of t onfent of the Nohzlztteand f ortnfel of the; Realme we e/teem the fame not onely opprefrzon of our

poor ebrethr en , analtat - dweller s of the foul Towne , hut alfb furryprejndtetallto the Common- wealth

,andplatn contrary to our anci ent Lam and L ther tz


er .


L ibl . of ReltLgion in theQalme of Sco tland. 1 8 1.

W e therefor edefireyourMajeftie to can]? the ame tvorh enterprifed to heflayed and AI]HOnet to attempt[o rafhlyand [omanzfefllyagave/lyour Ma]eflzes pr omtfi,

agazn/l theCommonw ealth, the ancientL aws and L zherttet thereof whi ch thi ng s , hefider the

g lory of God, aremoff clear and tender to us , and one ourp retence other rvtfe affu.

rzng your Maye/ltc, wewtllcomplain to thewholeNohtlzty and Commonalty of tea

Realme, andmqflearnefilyfeehfor redreffe thereof . u l nd thua recommendzng our


ceuntoyour Highnefie whom wecomm it to the E ternall Protec’

lzon ofGod


’lzng earne/llyyour anfwer . At Hammtlton the day and yeer afo refaid Byyo urMajtfiies humble and o bedient fervito uxs .Th is Letterwas fubfcribcd w ith the hands o f the Duke

,the Earles o f

Arran,Argyle, Glencarne, andMenteth by the Lo rds Ruthwen uchzltr te,Boyd,

and by d ive rs O thers Baro ns and G entlemen. To th i s reqnefi {h e wo uldno r anfwc r by wret but W i th a Letter o f c red it lh e fent S irRohert Carnegze, andMailer Dantd Borthwzlte two ,wh om amo ngfimany Others , {heabated , and byw ho m (be co rrup ted the hearts o f thefimple . They travelled w ith the Duk e, to bring h im again to theQng en s Faétio n : Labrag?and the Bilh o p o f Am iant were ih o rtly befo re arr ived and , as it was

bruted,we re direficd as Ambafl


ado urs , but theykept clo fe their who leCo inm ifiio n 5 they o nelymade largd promifes to them that wo uld be

The p atth eirs

,and leave the Co ngregatio n.Thc (E g an did grievo uflyc o mplain, o f 14That we had intelligence w i th E ngland,and the co nclufio n o f the itCo m

m illi o n was to fo lic rte the Duke to put in all in thewea rs W ill, and

then {he w o uld be g rac i o us eno ugh . Itwas anfwered That no h o nefi Tl“ “MW “

mc n dutfi c ommi t themfelves to the mercy o f fuch th ro at - cutters as {he

had abo ut her ; who m 'if {he wo uld remove, and joyo to her a C o unccllo f naturali Sco rilh - men perm itting the Relig io n to have free pallage,t h en ih ould no ne in Scotland be mo re w illing to ferve her Maiefly then

ih o uld the L o rds and Brethren o f the C o ngregat io n be . At the fametime the Duke and the Lo rdswro te to my Lo rd E rr/ an Captain o f the’

Gahle o f E dtflhurgh, in fo rm a s fo lloweth ;

Letter to the Lo rd E rr/t in .

TLord andCo ufin after our hear tycommendationt , thi;prefent tit to adverttfeyou Thatwe are credzhly informed that the A rmyof French - men new

in th eRealme, t hout anyadvzceof theConncollor Noht'

lzty, arefortifying or elfeflyor tlytntendeth toforttfie the Tomne of Leith and expe/lthe anczent znhahztantrthereof , wherehytheyproclaim to ad thatwzllopen theer ear: to hear '

, or eye: tofie,what u their pretence. Andfeemg thefaithfulncffe of your anteceflitr t , and e/pe.ciallyof your Father of honourahle memory who was [a recommended and dearto the Eflates and Councellort of that Realmo, through ayj’iv‘t‘tou theypercetved tn

hem toward: theCommon - wealth thereof , that theydouhted not tog tve tn eakeeping the key, aa ztwe

re,of theCouncell of the i nflict: and Policyof tht

t Realme,

theCeyllet of Edinburgh and S terlin we cannot hut helteve ye mz/l rather augment thehonourablefavour of yourHoufehyfledfitftfavour and loyaltyto our Com

mon wealth then through the fithtzll [ma/i ons of fame whzch care not

what after [hall cometo you andyour li eu/h“

:at thcprefent would ahufityou to the

performance of their wi cked enterprzfes andpretences again/l our Common - wealth)A a 3 utterly

TheHi/lorj of the(

Reformatim l .2

utterly de/lroytheflame. L/ Ind hereforefieezng wehave wr i tten to theg r een to de

fiflfrom that enterpre/e, otherwzfe thatwewi llcomplain to theNohi li ty and a m

monaltyof theRealm ,andfeeh retire/Tethereof ;W e li kewifi:hefeech

you aa our ter der

friend, hrother andmemher of thefizmeCommon - wealthwi th us that in now/fi'


meddlewi th, or affent to that ungodlyenterpri/Ieagaznjl the Common wealth A nd

[thew/[e thatyewouldfiweyour hotly, and theyewelt of that Countrey (077279251l to

your: andyour predeceflorr loyaltyandfidelitytowards your native Conner tyandCommore—wealth, tf ye thin/t i to hereputed hereafter one of th efirm A nd thatyewould

rather hehrother to no then toflrangerr for'

me dogather'

hythe eyfefi‘r, the fecrett

mens hearts,otherwzfe unfearchahleunto us . Thue we wr i te not that we are

in douht of you hut rather towarneyou of the danger in cafeye fit/feryour [elfeto he enchantedwi thfatr prom iflzr, and craftyCounce/lor s F or let no manflatter

hs elf ; wedefire allmen to know5 That though hewere ourfather fiezng Godhath opened our eyes to[ee hit W i ll if he he enemyto theCommon wealth> whi ch isnow affair/ed, andwe with i t, andalltrue memher t thereof, hejhallhe lenowne ahd

no he or indeed enemyto tax, to our lever, our hanfE’


,heri tager, and whatfitefver

it contained withi n thefame For at the Shipper t/lung W hat can hefafe that itwi thin .

9 S o the Common wealthhting hetrayed, W hatparticular memher can love

i nq’uzetne/ fi. And ther efore in[0far at thefazd Cafile: are committed toyour credi te, wedefireyou to [hewyourfiti thfulneffe andfloutneffi

, alt ye tender na, andwhat

fltefver appertaineth to no . Andfiezng weEtre aflitred ye wi ll he a/jayled hath wi thcraftandforce, at newhywarning wehelpyou again]? thefirfl [o again/l the loftyefliall notmay} in allpofithlehafle to have our afizttance onelyto [hewyour [elfe aman . Son eyour perfitn hywifedome,/lrengthen your fielf againjlfierce A nd the

A lmighty God afi/jlyou inhoth that one ayd theother and open the eye: of yhurng to fee andpercei

fve the craft of Sathan and hot fuppoflt . A t Ha

milto n the z 9 dayof S eptemher a559 .

Byyo ur Brethren .

TheDuke and Lo rds underfianding that the Fo rtificatio ns o f L eah

p ro ceeded, appo inted their who le Fo rces to c o nvene at Sterlin the 1 5day o f Otto b . that from thence theymightmarch fo rward to E dtnhurgh,

Thc tyrm rfo r the rcdrelTe o f the greatelt eno rmities wh ich the French did to the

o f the Frcnch . who le Countrey wh ich bythem was lo o pprefl‘ed, that the life o f all

ho ri c h men was b itter unto them. In th is mean time the -Lo rds direfiedthe ir Letters to divers parts o f theCo untrey,mak ing mentio nwhat danger did hang o ver allmen, if the French iho uld be fufi

eted to plant inth is Co untrey at the ir pleafure . They made mentio n farther Howhumbly theyhad befo ught theQueen Regent,Thar {h e wo uld fend awayto France her French - men who were a burden unpro fitable and gr ievo us to th i sCommo n - wealth and ho w that {he no twithflanding diddaily augment their number,bring ingwives and ch ildren, a plain declarati o n o f a plain co nquefl.


TheQueen Regent perceiving that her c raft began to be efp ied by


‘allmeans po ffible travelled to blinde the peOple ;And firfi {he (


cut fo rth

“m m , her pel‘hlent Po ll fo renamed, in allparts o f the Co untrey, to perlwade

allmen , that {he o ffereth all things reafo nable to the Co ngregat io n ;and

TheHi orie of theReformation L ib 2,

To th i s Letter and Credi t the (aid Lo rd 95am“ anfwered»

as fo lloweth .


IRecetved your Highneffc W r it , and have heard

the credtt of the Bearer,and finding thehufine/fe of fuch tmpor tance that dang er our tt wer Z

’ tog zve


anfwer . t / I nd alfo your Demand: arefitch,That wzthmyhonour I cannotan wer them rtvatelyhymyfelfe , I have thought g ood to delay thefame tillthaft I mayhaze the Judgement of thewholeCouncell. F or this petnt I wzllnot

conceale fiomyour W aye/lte That amongft M ther e {a afolemned Oath that

none 0 to: alltra ue wtth our e/MaJe/i‘ie fecretly nei theryet that any ofue

fliall tjjeat £3dealefy


qr htmfelf

le parttcularly W htch Oath for mypar t I

purpofi:to keep unviolated to the end. But when the r eji of theNoble - m ien jha/lconveene I [ ha/l leave nothtng that lyeth an mypowerundone that maymake

for thequzetne/fe of thu poore Realme Provtded, That theg loryof Chr tfl”


fut he not htna'ered hy our concord . t /

‘Ind tf your m ayeflt

e jha/l he‘

found [ittratE

‘ahle at nowye oyfer Idouht not to ohtaz

ne of the r e/l of myhrethren fach

favour toward: yourfirvt’

ce at your d elay/ he [ha/lhave all occttfion to fland

content F or I takeGod to r ecord That tn thtt afl ton I aave netther finaght ,nezther yet flee/eany other thtng then to incr eafeGod5g lory and theL ther tte ofithi s pooreRealme to hemaintazned .


F urther I have jhewed unto your Mcf .

finger what thtng t have mzjlt/eed me an your proceedzng s , even fiom fiteh



heart a t Iu nfit to God you knewfully, and allmen And thzs,

‘wtth hear ty ,

commendation of fervzce to your u’wajeflze I heartzlycommttyou


r H1 hnej]? totheeternall protetlton of the om

nqt otent. A t S aznt Andrews thi firft‘of .

Ofioher .

Sic fiiblcr' ibitur. t

1 our W ajeflz


er humhle and ohedtent

S ervttour .


. S t .


Th i s anfwer rece ived, {he raged, as hypo crifie ufeth when it is prick ed,and perce iving that {he c o uld no r wo rk what (he wo uld at the hands o fmen particularly, {he fet fo rth a Pro clamat io n univerfally to be pro claimed

,in the teno ur as fo lloweth

TheQ ueue Proclamation.

Or(0 much as it is underflo o d by the (meen that the Duke'

o PChattellawralt hath lately direé

‘ted h is Millives into allparts o f th i s .Realm,

mak ing mentio n that the French - men late arrived w ith their wives andch ildren, are begun to plant in L etth, to the w ine o ftheCommo nfweale,wh ich he and h is partakers willno t pafl


e o ver with patient beho lding, defiring to k nowwhat willbeeverymans part . And that the fo rtificatio no f L etth is a


purpo fe deviled inF rance and thatt herefo re ‘Monfieur de [3‘Brojfe, and the B ilho p o f y m

ient arec ome to th i s co untrey. 3 A th ing (9vaine and untrue that the


cio htrart hereo f i s k how‘n'

e to allmen o f freejudgement . Therefo re the(meen willing that theo ccafio ns wherebyherMaJefiywas mo ved lo to do , bemade patent , andwh


have been herp ro ceedings fince theappo intment lafi made o n the L ink es befide L eith.


L ib. 2; cf Religion in the‘Realmo of Sco tland;

To the.

ef’feht that the trueth o f all th ings being made manifefi , every AHIIOmanmayunderflan d how unjuli ly that a defire to fupprelfe the liberty o fth i s Realm is laid


to her charge ,we have tho ugh t expedient to make th i s '

d ifco urfe fo llowing. Pirli,although after the faid appo intment di

vers o f the faid Co ngregatio n and that no t o f themeanelt fo rt hath

vio lentlybro k en the po ints thereo f , and made fundry o ccafio ns o f new

cumber . The fame was‘in a partw ink ed at, ,and o ver - lo o k ed in ho pe

that theyin t imewo uld remember their‘dmy, and abfiaine from fuch evilbehavio ur wh ich co nverfio n herMajefiie ever fo ught r ather then any

punifhment w ith fuch care and fo licitude byallmeans and in the mean

t ime no th ing was pro vided fo r her o wn fecurity; Bur at laft by theirfrequentMelrages to and fro m E ng land , thei r intelligence then was per E livbeth wu

ceived yet herMajeflie trailedthe Queen o f E ng land let t them feck as

theypleafe ) w ill do the o fficeo f a Chr'

ifiian Princeife,in time o f a land the yeers

fwd ne Peace ,thro ugh wh ich ,

fo rce was to her Mayeli ie ,feeing fo “ 0



defefi io n o f great perfo nages‘to have r ecour/Z' to the Law of Nat/ire.

dm 0 my.

And lik e as a im allB ird, being purlued w illpro vide fome neit fo her

Mayeflie c o uld do no leffe in cafes o fpurfuit, but pro vide fo me fure retrae‘tfo r her felfe and her co mpany, and to that effeé

’t cho fe the To wn o f L en‘h


as a place co nvenient'

therefo re :becaufe it ivas her dearell daughters pro

p etty and no Other perfo n c o uld claime Ti tle o r Intereffe thereto , and

alfo becaufe in fo rmer t imes it had beenfo rtified Abo ur the fame timethat the feck ing f uppo rt o f E ng landwas mademanifefi,

arrived the Earle’

o f u f rrane. ) and adjo yned himfelfe to the Co ngregat io n upo n fur Palfe lying

ther prom ife then the pretended quarrell o r Religio n thatwas t o’

be fet'

mflg“ God

up by them in auth o rity and (0 to pervert the wh o le obedience and '


fome o f the Co ngregat io n at the ,

fame time had pur into thei r hands;and taken theCallle o f B rochtzu put forth


the k eepers thereo f;5:Im i

mediately came from the faid ‘Duk e to herMajefi ieunlo o k'


d fo r,wW iit,

befide r'

nanyOthers complaining o f the fo rtificatio n o f the faid Town ofL ezth , inhurt o f the anc ient inhabitants thereo f , brethren o f the


faidCo ngregation whereo f he thenpro feffe

d h imfelfe a Member '

r And

albeit that the Bearer o f the .faid W rit was an unmeet Meffenger ia

a muta n t“

fuch co nfequence yet her Majeftie ,


eéted to him two

perfo ns o f go o d credit and reputat io n ,w ith anfwer ; Offering ,

If zhe

wo uld cau'

fe amend'



o be made fo r that wh ich was co mm itted againftthe Lawes


o f theRealme .to do further thenc o uld be craved o f reafo n .

And to that effeét to‘d raw (o me co nference wh ich by h is fault and his

Co lleagues to ok c


end , nevertheleffe theyc o nt inually fince c o nt inue win theirdo ings ufur


ping the autho rity c ommanding and charging free"

53 th purBo ro u héto chufeProvefis and dfhcers o f their nam in and to alli ft to 5

“ h'sm l’l‘.g

.o f that falfe

them in the purpo fe theywo uld be at and that they wi ll n 0 t

be bro ughtfo r fuftentatio n o f hetMajeli ies ho ules ; wArgreaoem

fo plainely fet afide all reverence '

and htim ’anitie

, wherebyn mayk now;That it is no matter o f -Religio n


,but a plaine ufut


o f the autho rity : and no do ubt but fimple men o f go o d Z eale

in fo rmer t imes , therewith falfly have beefi deceived.” LE LIU as ' to z the'

g geens part G o d who knoweth the fecregs o f allhearts wellkndweth


B an

The Hiflor) of the(

Reformation l J .

thew o rld {hallfee by experience ) that the fo rtificat io n o f L ezth wasdevrfed fo r n o Other purpo fe but fo r reco urfe to her h ighneflé and


c ompany in cafe theywere purfued . W herefo re as go o d Subjeéts

that have the feare o f G o d in their hearts willno t fuffer themfelves byfuch vaine perfwafio ns to be led away from their due o bedience butwillaflifl in defence o f thei r So veraigns quarrell agamfi allfuch as {hallpuriue the fame wro ng fully. Therefo re herMajefiie o rdaine


th the o fficers o fA rm s to pafle to the Mark et - Cro ffes o f all the head Burro ughs o f thi sRealme and there byo pen Pro clamatio n c ommand and charge all andfundry the Lieges thereo f , that no ne o f them tak e in hand


to put themfelvcs in arm s

,no r tak e partwith the faidDuke o f h i s ali iltaries , under the

pain t:o f Treafo n .

ThefieLetters being divulgate the hearts o f manywere fiirred, fo rthey judged the Narratio n o f the (lucen Regent to have been true, Ot‘h


underl‘to o d the fame to be utterlyfalfe. But becaufe the Lo rds dc ll‘Cd

that allmen (ho uld judge in their caufe theyfet o ut the Declarat io n fubfequent .

The D E C L A R A TI ON of the L ords,again}? the

ftyrmer P R O CL



E are compelled unwillingly t'

o anfwer the grievous acculatifo ns mo fl unjufily laid to o ur charges bythe (meenRegent, and

her perverfeCo unfell who ceafe no r byallc raft and malice t o make uso dio us to '

o ur‘dear


eft breth ren naturall S co u ilh —men as that we preterided


no Other. thing’

but the fubverfip n and o verthro w o f all jufi au

tho ritie'

, when G o d k no weth we fo ught no th ing ,bur That fuch

autho ritie as G o d appro veth by his W o rd,be efiabliihed

,ho no ured


o beyed amo ngfi'

us . True it i s that we have c o mplained and co nt idually mul

’t c o mplaine t ill G o d fend redrelfe ) ‘That o ur,

co mmo nCountrey is o ppreffed wi th firanger s That th i s inbri'ng ing o f S o uldiersw ith


theirwiires and ch ildren and planting o f men'

o f W ar in‘o ur free

Townes 5 app'

eareth to us a readyway to co nquefi.' And wemo lt ear

nefilyrequire all ind ifferent perfo ns to be judge betw'

xt us and the (meen

Regent in th i s caufe to wit,W hether o


ur complaint e jufi o r ne t 6 Fo r,fo rwhat Other purpo fe (ho uld (he thus multiply {h angers upo nus buto nelyin refpeét o f co nquelt; W hich is a th in o f late _

devifed by,her and

her avaritio us - ho ufc. W e are n0 t igno rant t at fix yeers ago ,theqtie

o f purpo fe deviled in ' F rance, and that fo r ' that purpofc ‘were,

(MM/3m;dela Brofle , and -


Bifhop o f u fmt'

ent fent to t his Co untrey ; IS‘

ath i ng {0 vaine and untrue . that the co ntrary‘t herep f

'is nOEbi US toallmen o f free judgement . .

BUt evident i t’

is whatfo e‘

ver the alleadged,Thatrfince their arrivall '


eith was begun‘to be fo rt ified . S he alleadged,That ' fhc fecmg the defeétion o f great Perfo nages

was compelledto

TheHi/Zorj of t/yeReformation L ib L;

W e heartilypraife G o d, who moved th e heart o f. the Earle o f:44mm to

jo yn h imfelf w ith us h is perfec nted breth ren; But ho wmalicio us a lyei t is ,That we have prom ifed to fer him up in Autho r i ty the ni ne {h all

dec lare : G o d we take to reco rd That no fuch th ing hath entred intoo ur hearts , ne ither yet bath the faid Earle, ne ither any to h im appertaining , mo ved us unto anyfut h matter :wh ich if they(hould do , yet are weno r fo (lender in judgement,that inco nfideratelywe wo uld pro mife that,w hic h after we wo uld repent . W e fpeak andwrite to the praife o fGo dsglo ry5the lcaff o f us kno weth better

what o bedience i s due to a lawfullAutho ri ty, then(he and her c o unfelldo th p raa ice the Office o f fuch as

wo rthilymayfit upo n the Seat o f Jufiice : Fo rwe o ffer, and we perfo rmallo bedience wh ich Go d hath c ommanded ; and we deny ne ither To ll,Tr ibute, no r Fear, to her no r her Officers we o nely bridle her blinderage in the wh ich th e wo uld erect andmaintain Ido latry and would

murthe r o ur b rethren, who refufe the fame But {he do th utterly abufe

the Autho ri ty efiabliflred by G o d {h e p rOphaneth the Th ro ne o f hisMajefiie o n earth, mak ing the Seat o f Jufiice wh ich o ught to be the

S anctuaryand Refuge o f allgo dly andvertuo us perfo ns unjuilly afflict

cd,to be a den and receptacle to Thieves ,Murtherers ,ldo larers ,W ho re

mo ngers , Adulterers and o f Blafphemers o f G o d, and allgo dlinefl'


It is mo re then evidentwhatmen theyare and lo ng have been whom

{ he by her po wermaintainerh and defendeth ; and alfo wh at hath beeno ur co nverfatio n, fince it hath plealed Go d to callus to his knowledge,whom now in her fury ihe c ruellyperfecuteth . W e denyno r the tak ingo f the ho ufes o f Brocbm and the caufes be ing co nfidered, we think thatno naturall Sco rifh man W illbe o ffended at o ur fact. W hen the afl


uredk nowledge came to us that the Fo rtificatio n o f {Z en/9was be uh every

caufe um man began to inquire ,W hat dangermight enfue to the relt o theRealm,Mg if the French ih o uld plant in divers places and what were the places

thatmight anno yus . In co nelufio n itwas fo und,That the tak ingo f: the‘

faid ho ufe by French men, ih o uld be defirua io n to Dumb: and hurtfull

to S . Iobnjlan, and to thewho leCo untrey ; and‘therefo re it was tho ught

expedient to prevent the danger, as thatwe did, fo r prefervation o f o urbreth ren and c ommo nCo untrey. It is no t unknownwhat enemies tho fetwo Towns have and howgladlywo uld fome have allgo o d o rder and

po licyo verth rown in them. :The co njeétures that the French -menwere /o f minde iho rtlyto have taken the fame place, were no t o bfcnire : b


whatfo ever theypretended,‘we canno t repent



we (as faid is .) havep revented the danger s andwo uldG od that po


wer'had been in the fameLn all men manner to have fo reclo fed the ir enterprife ar—Lezt/z Pct .Whatltro ublieJudge th i s po o r Realm ib


all endure before that tho fe ~murtherers and unjull:p o ffeifo rs be removed fro m the fame, the, ilfne will declare:: If her‘


cufat i o ns againfithe Duke, and tharw e refufed conference;be trulyland

fimPlY fPOkCO we willno t refufe the judgement:o f tho fe’

very(men.whom ihe alleadgeth to be o f fuch repurario nm .They knowtthat theDuk e dtd anfwer That ift he Realme ih o uld be fet at liberty from theb o ndage o f tho femen o f W ar,wh ich p refentlydid Opp reffe iqand was[0 fearfullto him

,and to his brethren,that theywere compelled to abfent


3 5 tak en.

them felves from the places where {he and theymade refidence That he ADHOand the who le Co ngregatio n i ho uld c ome and give alldutifull o bedi ence.

to o ur S ovei aigne her daugh ter,and unto her, as Regent fo r the time :,Butto enter into c o nference fo lo ng as fhe k ept abo ve h im and h is brethrenthat fearfull fco urge o f c ruellflrangers he tho ught no w i feman wo uldc o unfellhim . And th i s h is anfwer we approve, addi ng further Th efirecan make”a no prom/ewi ne/7[be can keep , nor we can eredzt,[a long (a;fire it forrealnut/7 tbejlreng t/J, and ruled éy elfe ear/fife”of France . W e are not ignorant

t/ mt Pr i nces Mink ztg oodpolzeyto éetmytberrfuhefis bybreak i ng if f romberkey neverfifalemp ly made. W e have no r fo rgo tten what c o unfell {he

andMo nfieur D ofillgave to theDuke,againft tho fe that fine the Cardi

nall, and k ept theCafi le o f S . Andr ew s,wh ich was thi s , That what pro

m ife theylift to regui te ih o uld be made unto them but as fo o n as the

Cafilewas rendre and th ings bro ught to fuch paife as was expedientthat he ih o uld cho p the head s fro m every o ne o f them . To the whichthe Duk e anfwered

,That hewo uld never c o nfent to fo treafo nable an act


but if he prom ifedfidelity, hewo uld faithfullyk eep it. Mo n

faid in m o ck age to the (meen in French That is a go o d fimple nature,but I k no w no Other Pr ince thatwo uld (0 do . If th i s Was h is j udgement

fmallamatter,what have wet o fufpeét in th i s o ur Gaufe t

"Fo r the

queftio n is no r o f the {laugh ter o f o ne Cardinall, but of the jull abo lithing o f alltyranny wh ich that Ro mane Antichrifth

ath ufurped abo veu s 3 o f the fuppreffing o f Ido latry, and

o f the Refo rmat io n o f thewho leReligio n, bythat verm ine o f (havelings utterlyc o rrupted . Now i f the

{laughter o f aCardinafl be a fin irrcmiflible,‘

as they them felves afli rme 5and if faith o ught no r to be k ept to heretick s , as thei r o wh e law fpeak eth ,W hat promife can {he that is ruled by the co unfé lland cpmmandment


o f

a Cardinall,mak e to us that can be fure r 'W here {he accuferh us ,That'we Efviiig gff ,

ufurpAutho rity to‘

command and ’charge free Bo ro ugh s


to chufe Pro and the Ca rli e

veils and O fficer s o f o ur nam ing , &c . W e w illthat the who le Bo rough s eff- garb "o f S cotland tefiifie in that cafe, W hetherweshave ufed


anyk inde o f ,vio

lenc e , b'

ut lo vinglyexho rted fuch’

as as k ed o ur fuppo rt to chufér

fach~iiiOffice, as had the fear o f G o d befo re their eye s , lo ved equit a


nd jufliceg,’

and were no r’

no red with avarice and b ribing . Bur wo ndbr it i s jwithwhat face {he can accufe us o f that, whereo f we are inno cent and fhe fd

Openlye i iminall, that thewho le’

Realme k no weth h er iniquity. :.cIn”tfhatmfgh ath


(he no t‘

compelledt he To wne o f E éz'mbizrg /y to i retaine d man The w as “ .

to e their Pro velt m‘

o ft unwo rthy o f any Regiment‘in


a well- ruled mn unvfo rthy

.Commo n - wealt'

h' f! "Hath (be no r enfo rced them to "tak e Bayliffes o f

“ Rem ? “

her appo intment "3 and fome o f r them fo meet fo r theirrO ific e in, ,this t :

t ro ublefome time,as afainter '

zlr tofiy/e a in aflormy day. She com:

plaineth that we w illno r fulfer pro vifibn'

to be made fo r her ho ufe;:“ In

verydeed we u'


dly repent thei r befo reth i s we to dk no r better'

o rder

that thefemurtherers and Oppreffo rs who m {he pretendeth to nourifh fo r

o ur defiruc‘tio n had no r been d i fapp o inted o f their great provifio n o f

Victualls which {he and theyhave gathered , to the great h urt o f ,the

who le Co untrey But as G o d {hall aififi us in t imes coming we {hall

do diligence fomewhar to frullrate tl

heir devillifh purpo fe . W hat bo


B 3 e

TheHi/Zory of theReformation L ibJ ,

A[1 11 0 what {he mid we pretend , vs e do ubt no t but


G o d (wh o canno tfuffer theabufe o f h i s owneName lo ng to be unpuni ihed ) {hall o ne day declare,

mm and unto h im we_fear nm to c omm it o ur Gaufe .

.Neither yet fear weJudge lf G o d j in th i s p rcfent day, that againfi us {h emak eth a mali c i o us lye,where thath ath no t ewe“

{ he faith , That it is no t Religio n that we g o ab o ut’

, but' a plain nfurpatijadzcmen t to

t h e dlfpleafurc o n of Autho rity. G o d fo rbid that fuch imp iety(ho uld enter,“

in o ur“ fd’c if “cm “ hearts that we ih o uld mak e h is ho lyReligi o n a clo ke and co verto ur o f

o ur in iquity F ro m the beginn ing o f this co ntro vcrfie it i s evidentlyk nownewhat have been o ur requefis 3 whi ch if the tell o f tt No bilityand Co mmo nalty o f S cotlandwillcaufeto be perfo rmed unto us , if thenin us appear anyfigne o fRebellio n , let us be r

eputed and punifhed as trai

to r s . BUt while firangers arebro ught'


to upp relfe us o ur commo n,

and po fierity ; wh ile Ido latryi s m aintained, and ChrifiJefus h is .

ligio n defp ifed,wh ile idle bellies and blo o dy tyrants the Biih o psntained and Chrii

‘t s trueMefl


engers perfecuted { wh ile finally,vertue is contemned

,and vice exto lled , Wh ile thatwe a great part o f the

NObllityand Comm o naltyio f th i s Realme aremo ltunjufily perfecuted,W hat go dlyman


can be o ffended that we {hallfeck Refo rmatio n o f thefeeno rmities (yea,

‘even byforce of (A rms feezng that otherm j er it 125denyed

The caules o nto an we are ai’

f ured that neither G o d,neither nature, neither anyjuft





‘hc Law fo rbiddeth u'

s . God“

hath mode to: Cottheellor r bybirth of thtér Realme,(bf:{12 [0 Nature bindethm to love our owneCountrey and Jeff L am command as toflopo ppo re the o r thtt

r brethren unjufilypnrfaeal yea the o ath thatwehavemode to be trueRegen” to this Common - wealth eompelleo

’ns to haz ard rvhatfoefver God hathgw en as


before that wefee the mzfemblem ine of the fame. If any th ink e it is no t

Religio n wh ich no w we feek ; w'

e anfwer , That it i s no th ing elfe but theThe f m, zeal o i ' the true Religio n wh ich m oveth s ius to th i s enterprife : Fo r as them inde fqmam enemy

'doth craftily; fo refee Ido latrycanno t univerfallybe main“"m‘day‘rained,unleil

‘e thatwe be utterlyfupprelfed S o do we co nfider that the

true Reli io n '

(the puritywh ereo f we o penly require)canno t univerfallybe etee

‘te unleflefirangers be removed

,and th i s p0 0 r Realme purged

o f t ho fe pefiilences wh ich befo re have inleéted it . And therefo re in theName o f the E ternallG od and o f his So n ChriftJefus wh


o fe Gaufewe fufiain


we requ ire allo ur brethren naturallScdtifh - men prudently to

co nfide’

r o ur Re‘quefis and with judgement to difcerne betwixt us and


en Regent‘

, wi th her fafiio n and nm to‘

fuffer themfelyes to beabu


fedbyher c raft Sand deceit , That to'

lift their weapo ns agalafi their,

brethren w ho feck no rhitigb ut Go ds glo ry O r yet ,to eXtraét from us

T'fiS PrOmifcdtheir jufi an


d dutifullfuppo rt, feeing thatwe hazard o ur jlives fo r prefers31,3232"d vat io n o f

them and us and o fzus and'

o ur po fierity _to - c ome Affuring

plagued. fuch as'

fhall declare themfelves ' favourers o f her,Faaio n and enem ies

rm", unto us , Thatwe {hall repute them whenfo everQG o d {hall put the

ped fo rvifio ry Swo rd o f Jufiicef in o ur hands wo rthy o f fugh punifhment as _

is duem fo defrcrm fo r fuch as fitrdy to betray, their Co untreyes into

the hands o fdany‘s '

Ptrangers .

‘TheHi/torie of theReforma tion L ih , z ;

him .In D o udie ter man words beta nxt him andme I aid That



t diver sfimfl” r eportfjhdd beenymade of me yet did I never {let /tire any

C'vldffl l toleen of hatred nor enmi tyagaznjt your Maje/lze. F or if it be the officeof a true fiiend to g ive true and fai thful!coun/ell to them whom he feeth run to »

deflr irli i on for lack of thefame I could not be p r enfed enemy to your Maje/lze,but rather afiiend unfitgned. F or what counfell I had g i ven to yourMajeyiie,myWr i ting s , d o we

llmyL etter andAddi ti on to thefame, nowPr i nted, as divers

others nth/ ch Imr otefiom S . Jo hnfio n may te/l’tfie. I further added

, Thar

futh an enemywas I unto you that my tongue did both perfnrade and obtaine,


That your authorityand Regiment fhould be obeyedof us in allthing s lawfud, ti ll

you declare your filfeopen enemyto this Common- wealth as now

,alas , yehave

done. This Iwi lled him moreover to fay to your Maje/i‘te That rf yefollowing the coun/2

711 offlattertng men , _hafwng no Godbut the? world and thetr belly,

did p r oceed in your mali ceagain]? Chri/l{fefuo his Relig ion, and trueMi nt/ters ,

that ye[bould do nothing elfe but accelerate and hadcnGods plague and venge

anteupon your felfe and thofit that followeth you. And,that ye if ye did not

change your purpofe ha/ltly j houldbr rng your [elfe i n fuch extreame danger ,that when yewould fee/e r emedyi t flrould not he fa ea/i e to befound as i t had

been before. This i s the ef te‘t'

and [um of all thin Ifind at that time and

tr illedhim if he plea/Zed to communicate the fame to yourMajdim ,a nd the

agnine Inotzfie unto your Maje/ttebythus myL etter wr i tten and fubr tbed at Edinburgh , the 2 6 dayof o ttober r 559

S ic fubfcribitur.I ourMajefltes to command in allg odlinefle,

Jo hn Kno x}


Godmoveyour heart yet in time to con/ider , That ye fight not again;men


but agaznfl the eternallGod,and again/lhis S on ffefus Chr i/l t e onely

Prince of the K i ng s of the earth;

At wh ich a’

nfwer, the faidM. Robert was fO o ffended that he Wo uld .

nOt deliver h is Letter s‘, faying That we were ungo dly, and injurious totheween Regent, ifwe fufpeéted any craft in her . TOthewh ich itwasanfwered byo ne o f the Preachers {That t ime ih o uld declarewhether heo r theywere deceived, if {he iho uld no t declare her felfe enemy to the trueReligio n wh ich they pro feffed if ever (he had the upper hand, then theywo uld be co ntent to co nfeife, That


theyhad fufpeéled her finceritywithOUt jufi caufe. But if {h e fho uld d eclare her ma

‘lice no lefl


e in t imesc omm ing then {he had do ne befo re theyrequired that he ih ould be mo rem o derate

,thento co ndemne

them who fe co nfcience he k no weth no t, andth i s was the end o f his travellfo r that


time . After that he had tro ubledthe c o nfcience o f manygo dlyand quiet perfo ns .


tFo r he and Others whowere her h i red po fies , ceafied nm to blow in the‘

eares o f allmen,That the(meen was heavilydealtwith .Thatthe required no th ing but o bedienceto her I.That {he was


co nt'

en t t hat thettrue Religio n iho uld go

N o te howca fo rward,and that allabufes (ho uld beabo lifhéd and by th i s mean they

lumnic’Pru/ all b ro ught a o rudge and divifio n am o ng o ur felves . Fo r and Ourupon thc wo rld b 6 h C p hfau na“ .

r t r n 0 ”W! 14”Cp CJdlly began to murmure That we‘fo ughtano ther

ano ther th ing then Re igio n and lo ceafé d to affifius certain da es‘, after

that we were come to E dtnhurgh‘wh i ch we did acco rding t0 t e fo rmer

D iet the 1 6 day o f Oéito ber . Th i s grudge and tro uble amo ngfi o ur (elveswas no r raifed by the afo refaid M. Rohert o nely but bytt e

pefiilentswh om befo re we have exprelled, andM. $ amer B alfioureefpecially,who levenemo us tqngues againl’t G o d and his true Re‘ligio n , as theydeferve pun ifhment o f


men (o {h alltheyno : efizape Go ds vengeance , unlell'

e thatfpeedily theyrepent .After o ur c om ing to E dinhurgh the day fo renamed we afl

‘embled in

Co unlell, and determ ined to g ive new advertifement to the(h een Regento f o ur c o nventio n and in fuch fo rt, and 10 with commo n co nfentwe lentunto her o ur Requefi,

as fo lloweth

Thefecond a dmonition to theQueenRegent.

Adamo Yo urMajefiie may callto m i nde how at o ur laii Co nventio n at Hamilton we required yo urHighnelfe in mo lthumble

manner to defifi from the fo rtifying o f theTo wn o fL ieth,then enterpril’


and begun, wh ich ap cared to us (andyet do th)an entrie t o a c o nqueftando verth row o f o ur L i et ties and alto gether againft the Lawes and


CuHomes o f th i s Realm,

feeing itwas begun,and yet co nt inuethwithe rit anyadvice and co nfent o f the N o bility andCo unfell o f th '

s Realm . W here

fo re now , as o ft befo re ,acco rding unto o ur duty to o ur Commo n - wealth,

wemo l‘t humblyrequire yo urMajefiie, to caufe yo ur Strangers and So ul

d iers whatfo ever, to depart the faid Town o f L ieth , and mak e the—


patent, no t o nelyto the inhabitants but all'

o to allSc0 ttiih men o ur So

veraign Ladies Leiges alluring yo urHighnef'


e,That if refufing the fame,

ye declare thereby yo ur evil m inde towards the Commo n - wealth andL ibertyo f th i s Realm,

we w ill(as befo re)m o ve and declare the caufers unto thewho leNo bilityand Comm o naltyo f th is Realm. And acco rd ingt o the o ath wh ich we had fwo rn fo r the maintenance o f the Commo nweale

,in allmanner o f th ings to us po ffible,we willprovide remedythere

fo re,requiring mo ft humblyyo urMajefiies anfwer in hafiewith theBearer ,

becaufe in o ur eyes the ad: co nt inuallypro ceeds , declaring yo ur determinat io n o f co nquefi, wh ich is prefumed o f allmen and no rwitho ut caulk .

And thus after o ur co mmendat io n o f fervice we prayAlmighty G o d tohaveyo urMajeftyin his eternalltuitio n .

Thefe o ur Letters received o urMefi'

enger was threatned , and withh o lden awho le day thereafter he was difm ifl

‘ed 5 witho ut anyOther

fwer,But that {hewo uld fend an anfwer,when the tho ught expedient . In

th i s mean t ime,becaul"

e the rumo ur ceafedno t,that the Duke ufurped the

autho rity hewas compelled w ith the fo und o f trum cc at the MarketCrofl


e o fE dinburgh to ‘mak e his Purgatio n as fo llowet ,

the I9 o f o fl oher :

ThePurgation of the Dulce) .

Orafmuch as the Duke o f Chateflarault underfianding the fall'

e te

po rtmadebytheic abo ut the (ween Regent againfl:h im,That he and

fo n the Lo rd Am ine) iho uld pretend ufurpatio n o f the Crown andCc autho rity


The Hi/lorj of the(

Reformation L ib.z

A HHOautho r i ty o f th i s Realm when in verydeed h e

,Qi o r his faid fo n never

o nce hath m ade any {h ew o f any fuch th ing ,but o nely in fimplic ityo f

No w theDuk c heart m o ved parlybythe vio lent purfui t agam ftRelig i o n , and true Profelfo urs thereo f p artly by co m pafli o n o f the Co mm o n - wealth and

po o reCo mm o nalty o f th i s Reg lme o pprefled wi th {i rangers 5 he joyned

I’ro rc fh m par h imfelfe to the refi o f the N o b i lity, W i th allhaz ard, to f upp o rt the c o mtr gto w “ to ns , m o n Gaufe o f the o ne 8: o f the o rhcr5and hath th o ugh t expedi ent to purgeh e o nce m

c hangeth (if; h im lelre and h i s faid fo n in prefence o f yo u all,a s he had do ne i n prelence

p ro fcfli o n o f o f the c o unfello f that faid c rime o f o ld,even by Summ o n s laid to h is

charg e the feco nd yeere o f the Reigne Of o ur Soveraigne Ladie : VVlliCll

w h o mPro accufatio n hath c o ntinued ever againft h im as guilty o f that crime ; hetefiam s , as therefo re nowOpenlyand plainlyPro refieth , That nei ther he no r h i s {andfir o ngell. fo n fues no r feck s anypreem inence ei ther to the Cro wn o r autho ri ty,

but as far as h is puiflance may extend lS ready, and ever (hallbe and his

fo n alfo , to c o ncurre w ith the reft o f the N o bility h is b reth ren and allO thers who fe hearts are to uched to mai ntai n the co mm o n caufes o f Reli

m am: gio n ,and L iberty o f thei r native Co untrey plainlymvaded bythefind

c o uql’

e o f the Regent, and h er faid S o uld iers who o nely do fo rge fach vain repo rts , to”my“ Md"

W i thdlaw the hearts o f true Sc0 ttilh - men from the fucc o ur they owe o fb o unden durie to their Co mmo n - weale Oppreffed . W herefo re exho rtingallmen, thatwillmaintain the trueReligio n o fG o d, o rwithfiand th i s



preiii o n o r plain c o nquefi enterprifed by firangers upo n o ur native Sc0 trifll - men

,no r to credit fut h falfe and untrue repo rts . But rather co ncurre

w ith us and the refi o ftheN o bility to fet o ur Co untreyat liberty,expelling (trangers therefrom , wh ich do ing, ye {hall{hewyo ur felves o bedientto the o rdinance o f G o d wh ich was eltabliihed fo r m aintenance o f the

Co mm o n - weale and true members o f the fame.

The a t o fOétob. came fro m the (k een RegentM.Rohert F orman, L io nK ing o fArm s , who brought unto us a W r it ing in th i s Teno r and Credit.

AF ter commendations ,W ehave receivedyour L etter of Edinburgh , the I9of this tn/lant, whi ch ap


peareth to in , rather to havecomefiom a Pr i nce’


his Suh)eé'


s ,thenfr om s uhjeoi s to them that heare author i ty. F or anfwer whereof,wehaveprefentlydzr eé



edunto you this Bearer , L ionHerald K i ng af f i rms fuflficzently injlrutfledwi th our minde towhomye[ballgt ev'

e credence. u !t Lei th,Oéi oh. a


t . I 559 .

S ic lubfcribitur.

H is Credit is th is .

THat theQueenwonder s howanydur/Zyrre/umeto command her in thatRealm ,

which needethnot to heConque/l hyanyforce,conjidertng that it was alreadyConqueflhyMarr iag e. That F rench omen couldnot jufllyhe calledfird tzgtf f s f “

i ng that theywereNaturaliz’ed , and therefor e that [he would nei ther make that

Tom”Mm”, ”eitheryetfend anymanaway, hut asflaethought ex edient. Sheacicu/ea


the Duke of vi olating his prom: e. 5 hemade long Prote ation of her lovetowards theCommon - wealthof s co dand, and intheend commanded,That underthe pain ofTr eafon alla St ar tes


to theDulceand unto us ould de art om theTown of Edinburgh .

f f} fl) P fi

196‘I heHtfiOtj} cf theRefitrmo tion L ib .z .

o ur hearts next

Anno due unto o iir So v'

eraigne .

Seco ndly That if we depo fed the fad (Mgen Regent rather o f ma


Sfim lice and P[ivatc cnvig then fo r the prefervario n o f the Co mmo n - wealth ,

d incurable,Thatwe ih o uld no t efeape Go dsends , and by and fo r that her fins appeare

wares .do any jut}punilhment, ho wloever that {h e had deferved reieéti o n fr

om ho no rs .

th ins hi m “And th irdly, be required, That no

fuch fentence ih o uld be pro no unthei r mince.u nder p rawn“ ccd againfther, but that

upo n kno wnand

open repentance,:and upo n her

W W W “c o nverfio n to the Commo n - wealth an fubmiflio n to the No bility,

place ih o uld be granted unto her o f regreffe t0 the fame ho no urs from

the wh ich fo r jultc aufes {he juli lymight be dep rived.

e Vo tes o f everyman particularlybyh imfelf requi red, and every

man c ommanded to .fpeak as hew

o uld anfwer to Go d,what his co nfc i

encejudged in tha

tmatter , there wasno ne fo und amo ngfi the who le

number, who did no t byh is to ngue co nfent to her deprivati o n. There

after was her le‘ro celfe committed to W riting and regiltred as fo l

loweth .Q

Article: ogomjlthefl eet:Regent.

I 559TE diehu/rgh the o ne and tw

entieth day o f Otlober, 1 556 . theNo .

bility,Baro ns andBurgefles co nvened, to a

dvife upo n the affairs o f

the Commo n- wealth , and to ayd, fuppo rtand fucco ur

‘the fame , pe r

ceiving and lament ing the enterprifed deltructio n o f the ir faid Co na

mo n - wealth, and overthrowo f the liberties o f thei rnativeCo untrey,

by the means o f theQueen Regent , and certain {tranger


s her privie

Co unfello rs ,plain co ntraryto o ur Soveratgn Lo rd and Ladies mind, and

d irect againfithe co unfello f theNo bility,to pro ceed by little andlittle,even unto the uttermo ltm ine 5 So that the urgent neceili tyo f theComm o n - wealthmayno lo nger fufferdel

ay and earneli ly craveth o ur fup

p o rt . See ing therefo re that the faidQRegent tabufing and overpafi


o ur S overaigne Lo rd and Ladies Commifii o n given and granted to her

hath in allher p ro ceed ings purlued the Baro ns and Burgeffes within this

Realme, with W eap o ns and Armo ur o f firangers ,witho ut anyPro celle

and o rder o f Law they being o ur S overaigne Lo rd and Ladies trueL ieges , and never called no r co nvinced o f any

crime byany judgement

lawfull. As firfi, at S .

‘Iohflfion, in the mo neth o fMay, ihe affemble’

dh er

Army againi’t theTowne, and the Inhabitants thereo f, neverc alled no r

c o nvinced o f any c rime o nely becaufe they pro felied the true W o t.

£h ip o f G o d, co nfo rmto hismo ltfacred W o rd. 9 .And likewife in the

mo neth o f June lalt,w ith out anyo rder o r calling go ing befo re, invadedthe perfo ns o f fundryN o ble - men and Baro ns with fo rce o fArmes

,co n

vened at 8. Andreas , o nely fo r Gaufe o f Relig ion as is no ro rio ufly

kno wn. theyneverbeing called no r co nvinced o f anyc rime. 3 ;A

g ain,

laidGarrifo ns the famemo neth _upo n the Inhabitants of the faidTown,o ppreiiing the l

iberties o f the Queens true L ieges Fo r fear o f wh ichh er Garrifo ns a great part o f the Inhabitants thereo f fled from the

Towne, and durltno r refo rt again unto their ho ufes and heritages , untilltheywere refi


o red byArms 5 theyno twithfianding never being called

no r co nvinced o f anycrime . 4.Further, at i

that fame time did thrufi inupo n

upo n thaheads o f the Inhabitants o f the faid Towne,Provelt and Bay AHIIO

liifs againftallo rder of E lea io n, as latelyin th i s mo nth o f September

{he had do ne in OtherTo wn s o fE dmhnrgh and gfedhurgh, and divers O therplaces , i

n manifefi o pprelli o n o f o ur L ibert ies . 5 declaring her evil!m inde toward s the N o bility Co mmo nalty and wh o le Natio n (he,

h ath bro ugh t in fitangers , and dailypretend s to bring in greater fo rce o fthefame , pretending amanifelt Co nqueft o f o ur native ro o m s and Co nnt rey, as th

e deed it felf declareth in fo far,as {he having bro ugh t in the

faid flrangers with o ut any advife o f Co uncellandN o bility. and c o ntra

ryto their exprelfe m inde (emto her in W riting, hath placed and p lanted

her faid fir'

angers in o ne o f the princ ipali Town s and part s o f the Realm ,

fending c o nt inuallyfo r greater Fo rces willing thereby to fupprefl’

e the


mmo n - weale, and liberty o f o ur nat iveCo untrey, to make us and o ur

p o fterityflaves to firangers fo r ever ,Wh ich , as it is into lerable to Comm o n - wealth s and free Co untreys fo it is very prejudiciall to o ur So vea

raign Lady and her Heirs whatl'

o ever,

‘ in calé o ur So veraio ne Lady deceali:w ith o utHeirs o f herPerfo n . .And to perfo rme the e her w ick edenterpriles , co nceived (as appeareth ) o f inveterate th alice againf

’t o ur

who leCo untreyand Natio n, caufed (witho ut any co nfent o r advife o f

the Co uncelland N o b ili ty) to co yn leadMo ney fo bafe, and o f f uchquant ity, that thewho le Realme fhall be depauperate and all Traifiquew ith fo rraigneNat io ns everted thereby. 6 . Again, (he fo placeth andmaintaineth againll the pleafure o f the Co uncello f th is Realme, a (trang er in o ne o

f the greatefiOffices o f c redit in th i s Realme, that IS in k eeing o f the

GreatSealthereo f, wherein great perills may be ih gendredthe Commo n - weale and L ibertythereo f. 7 . Further

,lately fent the

G reat Sealfo rth o f th i s Realme by the faid fi ranget, againl’t the advice o f

the laidCo uncell,to what elfeét,G o d ltnoweth . 8. And hath alfo‘

by th i smeans altered the Old Law and Cuftome o f th i s o ur Realme, ever o bfer

ferved in the G races and Pardo ns granted bo o ur S o'

veraigns to all the irL ieges being repentant o f their Offences comm itted againli their Maje~

fl ies , o r the L ieges o f theRealme . And hath intro duced a new capt i o ns

{tile and fo rm 0 the faid Pardo ns and Remifii o n s co nfo rm to the pra

a ices o f F rance, tending therebyto draw the faid L ieges o f th i s Realmbypro celle Of t ime, into a deceivable fnare, and further {hall

creep in the

who le fubverfio n and alterat io n o f the remanent Laws o f th i s Realme,c o ntraryto the C o ntents o f the Appo intment o fMarriage . 9 . And alfo

Peace being acco rded amo nglt the Princes retaineth the great Army o f

(trangers after c ommandment f mt bythe K ing o f F rance to ret i re thefame mak ing excufe that theywere retained fo r the fupprefling the art

tempts o f the L ieges o f thi s Realme albeit thewliOle fubjeéts thereo f o fallellates , is and ever hath been readie to


give alldutifullo bedience to‘

their Soveraignes , and their lawfullm inifters pro ceeding by Go ds Ordinance : And the fameArmyo f {trangers nOt being paid in Wages was

laid byher upo n the neck s o f the po o r Commo naltyo f o ur native Co untrey,who were compelled by fo rc

e to defraud themfelves their wive sand ch ildren , o f that po o r fubfiance wh ich theym ight purchafe with thefweat o f their brows , to fatisfie their hunger and necelli ties , and (fuit the

C c 3 fame

Annofame to fuflain the idle bellies o f her li rangers 3 th ro ugh the wh ich in

allparts t o fe fuch heavy lamentat i o n and co mplaint‘

o f the Co mmo nalty, ac c uli ngtheCo unfelland No bili ty o f their flo th, that as the fam e Opp relli o n we do ubt no r hath entred in befo re the Jultice S eat o f G o d fo

hath i t m o ved o ur hearts to p ityand co mpalli o n . And fo r redreffe o f the

fame,w ith O ther great o ffences c o mmitted againlt the publike weale o f

th i s Realme,we have co nvened here as faid is a nd as o ftentimes befo rehave mo lt humbly and w i th allreverence defired and requi red the faid(Lueen Regent to redreffe the faid eno rmi ties and efpec ially to rem o ve

her firangers fro m the neck s o f the po o r Co mm o nalty,and to defili from

enterprifi ng o f fo rtificatio n o f Strength s w ithin th i s Realme, againft theexprelfe w illo f the N o bility and Co uncell o f the fame yet we beingc o nvened the mo re {tro ng fo r fear o f her fi rangers who we faw prefume

n o o rher th ing but with Arm s to purfue o ur lives and po ffelli o n s Be

fo ught her to rem o ve the fear o f the fame, and make the Town Parent toallo ur S o veraigne Lo rd and Ladies L ieges . The fame in no w ife wo uld(he grant unto ,bUt when fome o f o ur c ompany in peaceable manner wentt o view theTowne, therewas bOth great and fmailMuni tio n lho r fo rthat them . And feeing therefo re that neither acceli


e was granted to be ufed,n o r yet {he wo uld j o yu her felt to us to co nfulr upo n the Affairs o f o urC o mm o n - wealth as that web e bo rne Co uncello rs to the fame byanc ient Laws o f the Realme : But fearing left the judgement o f theCo unfellwo uld refo rm

,as neceliity required,

theafo refaid eno rm i ties, {he reinfeth

allm anner o f alfifiancewith and byfo rce and vio lence inte‘

ndeth to

prelfe the L iberties o f o urfiomm o n - wealefind o f us the favo urers o fthe fame . W e therefo re

,(0 m any o f the N o bility, Baro n s , and Pro vefls

o f o ur Bo ro ugh s as are to uched wi th the care o f the Co mmo n - weale

(unto the wh ich we acknowledge o ur felves nOt o nely bo rne but alfofwo rne PrOteCto rs and Defenders , againfi allandwhatfo ever invaders o fthe fame ) and mo ved by the fo refaid pro ceedings no to rio us and w iththe lamentable co mplaint o f Opprefli o n o f o ur Commo nalty, o ur fel

lo w m embers o f the fame . Perceiving farther, That thep refent necefii tyo f o ur Co mmo n - weale mayf ulfer no delay, being co nvened (as faid i s )p refently in E dmherg hf o r fuppo rt o f o ur Co mmo n - weal

,and ripelyc o n

fulted and advifcd, tak en the fear o f G o d befo re o ur eyes , fo r the caufesfo refaid, wh ich are no to rio us ,with o ne co nfent and c ommo n vo re . Eve

rym an in o rder h is judgement being required, in the Name and Autho rity o f o ur S overaign Lo rd and Lady, fufpend the faid Comm illi o n granted by o ur faid So vcraigne to the faidQueen


Dowager, difcharging hero f allAdminiftrario n o r Authority ihe hath, o r mayhave thereby unto

the next Parliament to be fet by o ur advice and co nfent And that be

caufe the faid (meet), by the fo refaid faults no to rio us , declareth her felfeenemy to o ur Commo n- weale

,abufing the Power o f the faid Autho rity,

t o the defirué‘rio n o f the fame And lik ewife we difcharge allmembers

o f her faid Autho rity fro m thencefo rth and that no Coyn be c o ynedfrom thencefo rth

, witho ut expreffc co nfent o f the faidCo uncelland No

b i li ty, c o nfo rm to the Laws o f th i s Realme wh ich we maintain Ando rdamc th is to be no rified and pro claimed by Ofli cers o f Arms in al


7 796 Hijtoric of t/yeReformation ”L ib 2,


The J.”followmg‘nwfimzmofied tireTown

of Leith by theflwfld ofTrumpet in forme 44 fol/ametb.


Require and ch arge in the

name o f o ur So veraign Lo rd and Ladie,l and o f the Co unfell prefently in E

dinburgh That all Sco ts and

F rench - men o f wh atfo ever ellate and degree they be depart o ut o f

the Towne o f L zetb with in the fpace o f twelve h o ures and mak e the

fame patent to alland fundryo ur SoveraigneLadies Leiges Fo r feeing

we have no futh hatred at e ither the o ne o r the O ther that we thirft theblo od o f any o f the two fo r the o ne is o ur naturallbro ther bo rn, nou

r ifhed, andbro ught up w

ith in the bowels o fo ne commo nCo untrey, and

with the O ther o ur nat io n hath c o nt inued lo ng am ityand allie, a nd ho peth

that fo {h alldo fo lo ng as they ufe us as friends and no rfirive to mak e

flames o f friends wh ich th i s ftrengthening o f o ur To wns pretendeth ,And therefo re mo fiheartilydefire that o ne and the Other to defifl fro

fo rtifying o r maintain ing o f th i s Town , in o ur So veraignes and the i r faid

Co uncells name, requiring them to mak e the fame free with in the fpace



twelve ho ures .

Defiance given ,

there was s k irmiih ing w ith o ut g reat flaughter,

preparatio n o f Scales and Ladders was made fo r the Alfault wh ich

was co ncluded by,

co mmo n co nfent o f theN o b ility and Baro ns . The

Scales were appointed to bemade - in Saint Giles Church ,

{O that F reai

ch ing was negleaed wh ich did’nOt a little gri eve the Preachers , and

many go dly with them . The Preachers {pared no r Openly to fay,

That they feared the fucceffe o f that enterprrfe (ho uld nOt be pro fpe

ro us , becaufe the beginning appeared to b ring w ith it fo me co ntempt

o f G o d and o f his W o rd ; Other places faid they had been mo re .

apt fo r fuch Preparat

io ns , then where the peo ple co nveaned to Comr

mo n- Prayers and un‘

to Preach ing. In.

very deed the audience was

wo nderfully tro ubled allthat t ime ,wh ich (wi th Other difo rder efpied

amo nglt us 5 gave o ccafio n to o ur Preachers to affirme That G o d

co uld ac t fufier fuch co ntempt o f h is W o rd and abufes o f his G race,lo ng t o be unpunifh

ed. The (meen had amo ng& us h er alfured efpies ,

wh o d id nOt o nelyfignifie unto her what was o ur efiate : but alfo what

was o ur co unlell ,'

purpo fes , and devices . S ome o f o ur own com

panywerevehemently fufpeéted to be the very betrayers o f all o ur ii:

erets , fo r aboy o f theOffic ials o f Lam/aim ,Mailer f ame: Balfimr , was

tak en carrying a W rit wh ich did o pen themo filfecret th ing that was

Trcaron among devifed in theCo uncell, yea, tho feveryth ings wh ich were tho ught t o

them o nk “ have been k nown but to very few . By fuch] domefiicall enem ies were

nOt o nely o ur purpo fes frufirate ,but alfo ~o ur determ inat io ns were

o ft t imes overthrowne and changed. The Dukes - friends gave unto

an“,Duke ,“

h im fuch terro urs , that he was greatly tro ubled ,and by his feare,

fi lth fn ends were tro ubled many Others . The men o f W arre for tbe mo]? par;mm)“ were men without God or bonefty) made a mutiny ,

becaufe theylacked a

S oul“ , part Of thei r wages . They had do ne the fame in L inlitlyquom befo re,wheree

- Z OL

A HHOE lf/”510 g“

to PurchafgOfithe Lo rds o f the Co un‘cell L e

nfe t o i’


and (Ped k ith us wh ich we granted after that he h ad Omife‘di'T-hat

Trigfifi rfi in the mead t im e he (ho uld neither hurt‘

us , no r yet anyto us appertaining,“ rs “

t ill that he iho uld write h is anfwer again ,1W hether that hewould j oyne

w ith us o r nOt . He gave us farther .to‘underfiand That;


he1wo uld

d ifcharge himfelfe o f theweene and thereafter W o uld affifi us .


yet in th i s meane t ime he'

cvuelly a'

nd . trai tero ii fly h urt and fpo iled t heN o ble - man afo refaid. Albeit that the de arture


‘d co unfell o f


Earle o f t / I rranu and.Lo rd53am“ with t eir companyvery‘udden and fec ret yetwas the Earle. Botbwefl

,Jthén -

jbeing '

in ACr ti p

ion advertifed and fo efe’

aped with'

the money’

wh ieh =he to o ke“ ith

h imfelfe j as the Captaine'

o f h is h o ufe f ob” S om eday (‘Wh ic‘

h Was

tak en witho ut lo ng purfuit co nferred and affirmed ;' Beeaufe that t he

No ble - men that,fo ught redrefi


e fo ught rather his fafe tie and

liatio n then _deflruaio nand hatred . They co mm itted his hqufe to ' th



cullo dic o f a Captain to wit , Captain F orbeflé. To whom,an'

d to all

S o uldiers there left was'

g iven'

a That allth ingsfo undwi th in the faid ho ufe


o f Cry /mm(which‘were put

in .prefence o f the Lo rds ) ih o uld be kept till .thatflthe Earle'

m dmei ho uld g ive anfwer -

,W hether hewouldmake refi iiutiOn o rnot'

tirne o f

advertifment was granted unto h in'

i,thewho le

t illgo ingdo wn o f the fun? ,

In abfenceo f the faid Lo rds and'


rfementhe fame day that theydepar‘ed "- whi chi<vvas ithelafiudf 0 6165614V'


Provenand To wn o f b andi t, :t'

g un manfome S ouldiers;pairedfo rtho f the 'Town o fEdinburgb ian

‘d carrie


dWith t herri fomefgreat‘Ordnance,

to fli OOt at Leztb. i - él'

heDuke the E arléo f’

Gleflc t { and therref? o f the

N ob le - menwere go ne to thePreach ing,'

where they'

co ntinued almdil‘

til]n o o ne . The French being advertifed by o ne named


k (W hO’

after‘wasapprehended that: o ur ho rleifienwere abfent and that th e who le eoni


parrywere at dinner, if’fued.; andwith g reat expeditio neame to:the t

pl_aeewhere o ur O rdnancewas laid. :The I QWmOf Dab



vvith a few3o ther


refined a wh ile ;as Wellwith the Ordnance as hakh tits , but bein‘



byo ur ungo dlyand feeble S o uldiers who

fledwitho ut firo ke o ffer “O'



ven,theywere compelled to giveback5anilfo to leavetheOrdnance to -



enem ies ,who further purfued the fugiti'

ves tbw it, to themidfl‘r iie crueltyo f Mitigate, and to the fo o t o f L eif/gwindei f



r crueltyibegan'

thento dif‘lwF‘m‘h

c o ver it felfe,fOr themaime’


he aged;the'WOmen'


greater favo ur in their, fury,(Hen did‘réfifiance.

Itwas veryapparant,that amo ng o ur felve‘o thereWas lfo rhettj


fb n. { For

when upo n the firfi alarme allmen reliefeo f theirfbrethrenwhomin verydeedwemight ihave favediand lat leafBWem ighthaveravedtheOrdnance and have kept the.Cminongztefi


om danger:l ' Fo rjwe


Wereo nce marched fo rward with '

bo ld co urage , but/ themKWe fay”


Was in{ho ur raifed amo ngfi o urxfelves Go d

will difclole thei traitourfi”one

day) affirm ing That the whole French {Company at

upo n o ur back s. W hat lelairi o ur a‘nddifordeiddid' th en{ud

denlyari fe ,we liftnm to expreflewith multiplicatiOnJO‘

fewo rds‘.The


ho rfimen,and fom

e o f thofe that o ught to haveput o rdefr to t -h'

ers ;Over - r

lqdet i t


TheHi/lomt‘of tlae'

fieformation L ib .z,.

themfelves and their friends .The fame they did to the EarleMyrromwho

p romifedto be o urs , bu}di

d no t plainlyjo yn . They ent iced the -Cap tain

o f (heC3ftle to denyus fuppo rti n cafe we were purfned. Andfinally,

the co unfello f fome was no lefl'

e peftrfero us againftus then was the

c o unfello f c/ { cbiropbelagainftpaw d

,and h is difcomfited fo uldiers . (Ren

der Lord to tive awe/ced areanlmgto tlmr mali ce.) Upo n Munday the fi fth 0

November did the French ihne o ut o f L eirbbetimes in the mo rningk eep ing o f theVititualls wh ich iho uld h ave come to us we be ing tro ub led amo ng o ur felves , and as faid i s

dwided an o p inio ns were neither

c ircumfpeétwhentheydid itfuemerthe

r yet did we fo llo ww i th f uch exi

peditio n as had beenmeet fo r them thaewo uld have fo ught o ut advana

rage? Our fo uldiers c o uld fcarcelybe'

drrven fo rth o f theTo wne : The

Earle o f A rum,Lo rd ”

f rames , and certai n W ith th em,made hafle ; many

h o nef’t men then fo llo wed and made fuch diligence that they caufed

the French o nce to retire fo mewhat afl'

rayedly. The tell that were in

L ezzl) perceiving the danger o f their fellows ,iflued o ut fo r thei r fucco ur.

The Earle o f Arran and Lo rd f ame: afo refaid, be ing mo re fo rward then

p rudent andc ircumfpeé

‘t,did co mpell the Captains , as is alleadged to

bring theirmen fo nigh , that e ither theymullneeds have haz arded bat

tellwith the who le French - men (and th at under themercyOf their Can

no ns alfo ) o r elfe theymuttneedsretire in a very narrow c o rner Fo r

o urmenwere appro ached neer to L ejlarrz

g The o ne part o f the French .

were upo n,theNo rth toward the Sea, the o ther partmarched from L ezrb

to E dméargb andyet theymarched fo , that we co uld have fo ughten

w ith neither Company befo re that they iho uld have Joyned W e to o k

purpo fe therefo re toretire towards theTowne and that in hafie left

that the fo rmer Company o f the French (ho uld“

e ithe r have invaded theTo wne befo re that we could have c ome to the refcu


e thereo f , o r elfe

have cut us o ff from the entry o f the Abbey o f Halymd—laoafif ; as appa

rantlythey had do ne, if that the Laird o f Grange, and AlexanderV


Vlaztlaw,with a fewHo rfe - men had ne t flayed bo th the irHo rfe o men and Fo o t

men . TheCompanywh ich was next us perce iving thatwe retired,wirhfpeed fent fo rth the

ir s k irmilhers to the number o f three o r'

fo ur hun

dred who to o k us at a difadvantage befo re us having the m ire o f L e

flarrzg betwixt us and them andwewere dnclo fed by the Park ditch, foth at in no w ife we co uld avo id the ir (h o t . The Ho rfe o men fo llo wed

upo n o ur heels , and fine divers . Our o wn Ho rfe -

men o ver~ro de o ut

Fo o t- men s and fo byreafo n o f the narro wneffe o f the place,there was

no tefifiance made. The Earle o f u l rrzm and Lo rd954m: in great

danger lighted amongtt the Fo o r- men exho rting them to have fo rne

refpeét to o rder and to the fafety o f their brethren, whom by the ir flying they expo fed to murther and fo were c riminall o f the ir death .

CaptainAlexander Halybumeroan, aman that feared G o d, tarriedwith certain o f h is So uldiers behinde and made refiftance, till that he was firh



then taken 5but be ing known,th‘bfe


cruellmurtherers wo unded

h im in divers parts to the death,andyet as itwere by the pOW er o fGo d


he was brought in to the Towne where in few but yet mo lt plainewo rds he gaveCenfefii on o f his Faith tefiifying That he do ubted

no thing

L ib ,z ,

of‘Religion in


tbefiffl mlme'

of Scotland.

n o th ing o f G o ds mercy, purchafed to him by the Blo o d o f Ch ril’t Jefus , AHHO

neither ‘

yet that he repented that it pleafed G o d to mak e him wo rthy to

fhed his blo o d and (pend his life in defence o f (o jufi a Cafife , And

thus , w ith the do lo ur o f'

many he ended h i s do lo ur and did enter (we Ma m" H4 .

do ubt no r) into that blefled Immo rtali ty, w i th in two ho ur s after o ur de IlbllrmonCap .

p artnre . There were {lain to the number o f twenty fo ur o r th i rty men ,

“ f“

the mo lt part po o r . There was tak en the Laird o f Pzrmzllre, the Laird o f

s trmeyo unger, theMafier o f B orne/mare George Crowel! of Dyna’zc and

fome Others o f lo wer rank 7' 75olmDuméo r L ieutenant to Captain Mot/ er,

Captain Dafwd W army had his ho rfe‘flain and himfelfe hurt in the

le o e .gEew dayes befo re o ur firft departure,wh ith was upo n Alhallow Even, How, and why

W i llmmMart/arid o f L et/magmayo unger,Secretary to the (b een , per'

ec i MW “ Mt”?

[and left Leer/7.vrng h im felf

.n0 t o nely to be fufpeéted as o ne that favo ured o ur part, but

alfo to {land in danger o f h i s life, if he (ho uld remain am o ngfi fo ungo d

ly a company fo r whenfo ever matters came inqucftio n , he fpared no t tofpeak h is co nfc ience wh ich li bertyo f to ngue and g ravity o f judgement

,the F rench did h ighlydifdain . W h ich perceived byh im ,

he c o n

veyed h im ielf away in them o rn ing, and rendred himfelf to M. [(mteal~

dieLai rd o f Grang e ; who co m ing to us , did exho rt us to c o nft'



r ing us , That in the (b een there was no th ing but c raft and _deceit . He

travelled exceedingly to have retained the Lo rds to gether, and m o lt p rudentlylaid befo re thei r eyes the dangers that might




fue their departingfromtheTowne : but fear and do lo ur had fo feiz ed '

the heartS /df all,that

they c o uld adm it n o co n fo latio n . Th e Earle o f C/ l r r'

rm and the Lo rd”f ame: o ffered to abide

,if any

"reafo nable co mpanyw o uld abide wi th

them 5but men did fo fiealaway,th at thew it o fman c o uld n0 t Pray them

yea, fo me o f the?greateftdeterm ined plainly,That theywo uld no rabide .

The Captain o f the Cattle, then Lo rd E rr/em,'

wo uld prbmife unto'

u s’

no The Lo rd

favo ur but faid He muft needs declare h im felf fr iend t o tho fe that E f‘i ’mlf‘dm d

h rmfelf enemywere able to fuppo rt and defend h im . W h ich anfwer given to the Lo rd (“ he Co ngre

Iamer,difco uraged tho fe that befo re determ ined to have abidden the ut natio n.

termo li rather then- to have abando ned the Towne fo that the Calliewo uld have {to o d their friend but the co ntrarydeclared everyman to o k

purpo fe fo r h imfelf. The c omplaints o f the brethren wi th in theTo wneo f E dznéurgb was lamentable and fo re the wick ed then began to fpue

fo rth the veno me wh ich then lurk ed in thei r cank red'

hearrs The’


dly,as welltho fe thatwere departed, as the inhabitants o f the To wn were

fo tro ubled that fo me o f them wo uld have preferred death to life at

Go ds pleafure . F o r avo iding o f danger it was co ncluded; That theyiho uld depart at . m idn ight; TheDuk emade prqvifi o n fo r hi s Ordnance ,and eaufed it to be fent befo re but t he reftwas left tb the care o f the

Captain o f the Cattle who received it as wellthat wh ic’

h appertained

to the L o rd Iamer ,'

as that o f B undze. The defpightfull to‘

rigye s o f thew icked rayled upo n us ,calling‘us Trayto rs andHeretick s { everylineprovo ked Other to call fio nes at us :One c ryed, Alas if I.might fee ano therdefie given 3 Give advertifem ent to the French - men

,that theymay come, The dcrp ight

and we fli allhelp them nowto'

cut the th ro ats o f t hefe rheretick s . And

D d 3 thusO E Mg"

20 6 TheHi/lor} of theReformati on l g, ‘

thus , as the fwo rd o f do lo ur pafl


ed th o row our hearts , fo were the co girat io ns and fo rmer determ inat io ns o f many hearts then revealed F o r we



l/ V‘

fi wo uld neder have believed that o ur naturall Co untrey- men and wo men

IC W 0 !

nut ya come co uld havewifhed o ur defiruetio n fo unmercifllUY and have {0 rejo yced"P0 " 0 “ in o ur adverfity G o d m ove thei r hearts to repentance ) fo r elfe we fearmm

that he who fe Gaufe we f ufiain, (halllet them feelthe weight o f theyo k eo f cruell(h anger s , into who fe han

ds theywifhed u s t o have been betrayed . W e flayed no r, tillwe came to S t

erlrn wh i ch we did the day after

that we departed from E dznéargb fo r it was co ncluded that there co n

f ultat i o n (ho uld be tak en W hat was the next remedy in fo defperare a

m atter . The nextVVednefday‘

W h ich was the 7 o f November J ohnKnox preached


(f olan W zllock was go ne into E ngland as befo re he ap

p ointed ) and treated o f the 5, 6 , 7 , and 8Verfes o f the 80 i lno


a d, in the perfo n of the aflliéted peo ple o f G od , fpeak erh th i s in the

fo urthVei‘fe


The Sermon o f f onn Knox in S terlzn, in the grearefi o f

o ur tro uble .

0 than the eternall, fleeGod of Hofls , [vow long/7m]: tnon éeagain/lMafi a,”

of flaypeople

5. Tloan loo/lfed on with tive dread of tears and lanjl g iven tom tenrr to

dr znitc nogreatmeofnre.6 . l on Ion/lmadew aflr ifennto oar nezgnbonrr, and our enemies long /7; m

tofoornenmongflthemfelves .

7 ; 0 God of Hoflr tnrneno ogaine, mo ire in}faceto fl: andweflmfl 5;J

Th i s Pfalme had the faidyok e begun in E dznbnrglz, as it were fo relecing o ur calam ity o fwh ich in very deed he did no t o bfcurelyfpeak , buche pla inly did adm o nifh us , That he was afl


ured o f tro ubles fuddenly toco m e, and therefo re he exho rted allmen to p rayers .

He treated the firfi

threeVerfes in E dznbnrglo, to the comfo rt o f many.

The a rgument of one 80 a lntu .

He declared theArgument o f the Pfalme,afii rming fo r his j udgement,That it was made byDavid himfélf, who in the Sp irit o f Pro phefie fo rellaw the miferable eitate o f Go ds peo ple, efpec ially after the ten


Tri beswere divided

,and departed from the o bedience o f fo r it was no r

(faid he w itho ut caufe,that giofepb,p


,Benjamin , andMann 5was

efpecially named,and no rWeld to wit Becaufé that theycame fit to

calam ity, and were tranflated from thei r o wn Inheritance wh ile that{finaleyetp

ofleifed the Kingdome. He co nfeifed that jnfily they were

pun i fhed o r Ido latry committed 5 but hefifiirmed That amo ng ft themthe re remained fome true wo rfhipper s o f G o d fo r who le comfo rt we rethe Pro phets fent , as wellt o rcall them to repentance, .as to affi ne them o fdeliverance

,and o f the promifes o f Go d to

'be perfo rmed unto them

w ello f the malice o f the Dcvillagainft Go ds people a s o f the marvel

lo us wo rk o f G o d in p referving h is little flo ck byfarre Other means thanman can efpie .

In explan ing thefe w o rds , Haw long / halt than he ang ry, 0.

L ordngafnfl the

pr ayer of thypeople 5he declared how do lo ro us andfearfull It was t o figh t

agamft that temptatio n

,that G o d turned aw

ayh i s face fro m o ur prayers ,

fo r that was no th ing elfe than to c omprehen and c o n ceive G o d to bee

armed to o ur deftruc'

tio n wh ich temptat io n no flefh can abide n o r o vercome

,tinlefie the m ighty Sp i ri t o f G o d interpo fe h im feli f uddenly.

The example he gave,The impaciency o f Sanl

, when G o d wo uld no r

hear h i s prayers .

The d ifference betwixt the E leétand Repro bate in thatTemptat io n ,heplainlydeclared to be, that the Elect fufiained. by the fecret power o fG o ds Spi rit, did {tillcallupo n G o d albeit he appeared to c o ntemne theirp rayers wh ich -(faid he) is the fac rrfi lce m o i

‘t ac ceptable to G o d and is

in a manner even to fight w i th G o d and to overcome him as Iacohdidin wraitling wi th h is AngellB ut the Repro bate (faid he ) being denyed o f their requefis at G o ds

hand do either ceafe to prayand co ntemne,G o d who firaightlie co minandeth us to call upo n h im in the dayo fadverfit


ie, ,o r elfe they

at theB evill,thatwh ich they fee they c anno t o btain byG o d.

2 . In the feco nd part he declared how hard it was to th i s co rrupt na

ture o f o urs n0 t to rejc e and put co nfidence in o ur felves when G o d gi

veth via o ry and therefo re h ow neceflary it was thatman byafflictio nf ho uld be bro ught to the k nowledge o f his o wn infirmitieJeafl that he being puffed up with vain co nfidence, hemake an Idollof his owneflreng th,asdid K ihg Nehttohaa

'nez z ar .

He did gravely difpute upo n the nature'

o f'

the blindewo rld wh ich inallages had info lently rejo yced when G o d did chaiten his o wn


ch ildren ,

who fe glo ry and h o no ur becaufe the Repro bate can never fee, therefo rethey defpife them and the wo ndro us wo rk s o f G o d in them . And

yet (faid he) the joy and rejbyc ing o f the wo rld is but meer fo rrow,

becaufe the end o f it tendeth to fudden deflruéto n,‘

as the rio to us banquett ing o fBaltafar d eclareth ,applying thefe heads to the t ime and perfo ns (hefaid)ifno ne o fGo ds ch ildren had fuffered befo re us the fame injuriesthat prefentlywe fitfiaine thefe o ur t ro ubles wo uld appear into llerable,f uch is o ur tender delicacie, and felfe - love o f o ur owh e fiefh . That thefeth ings wh ich we ligh tlypaffe o ver in Others ,

”we can greatlie co mplaine

o f, if they to uch o ur felves .

I do ubt n0 t but that fome o f us have o fter then o nce read thi s'



as alfo thatwe have read and heard the travell and tro ubles o f o ur anc ient Fathers . Butwh ich o fus either in reading o r hearing the ir do lo ursand temptatio ns did (0 difcend into o ur fe

lves that we felt'

the bitterneifeo f their pafiio ns e I think no ne . And therefo re hath G o d bro ught us tofo rm experience in o ur own perfo n sBut yetbecaufe the matter may appear o bfcure, unleffe it

'be m o re pro

Perlydpplyed , I canno nin co nfqience but ufe fuch plainnefle as





L ibi . of Religion in the‘Realme of Sco tland ,

{h allgrant unto me. Our faces are th is day c o nfo unded o ur enem iest r iumph, o ur hearts have quaked fo r fear,and yet they remain o pp refledw ith .fo rtow and lhame Butwhat (h allwe th ink to be the verycfaufe thatG o d hath thus de jected us 3 if I th all fay, Our fins , and fo rmer unthank “If? ”

fulnefrle unto G o d , I {peak the truth, but yet I fpeak mo re generally thenmm

the p refent necefii ry req'

uireth : Fo rwhen the fins o f men are rebuk ed ingenerall, feldome it i

s that man‘

defcendeth w ith in himfelf, accufing andc o ndemning in himfelf that wh ich mo ltd ifpleafeth G o d 5but rather hedo ub teth that to be a caul

e, wh ich befo re G o d is no c aufe indeed. Fo r

example The Ifraelites fight ing againft the Tr’ebe o f E ffijdmm were

twice d ifc omfited w ith the 10e o f 40 0 0 0 men . Th ey lamented and be

wailed bo rh firfiand lafi 5 but wefinde no r that they c ame to the k no w

ledge o f their o ffence and fin wh ich was the caufe that they fellby the

edge o f thefwo rd ,but rather they do ubted that to have been a c aufe o f

thei rmis fo rtune, wh ich G o d had c ommanded ; fo r theyas ked, Shallweg o and fight anymo re againfi o ur brethren the fo nnes o f Benyarmn. By

wh ichquefi io n it is evident, That they fuppo fed that the c aufe o f theiro verthro w and difco mfitewas ,Becaufe they had lifted the fwo rd.


their brethren and naturallCo untrey- men : And yet the exprefle Com

mandment o f G o d that was g iven unto them, did deliver them from all

c rime in that caufe . There is no do ubt, but that there was fome caufe inthe Ifraelites that G o d gave them fo over into the hands o f thefewi ckedmen, againfiwhom he fent them byhis o wn expreffe Commandment,to execute his Judgements . Such as do wellmark the Hifio ry and the

efiate o f that peo ple , mayeafily fee the caule why Go d was o ffendedAllthewho le peo ple had declined from G o d, Ido latrywas maintained LC.m ama

bythe commo n co nfent o f themult itude, and, a s theText faith Every y

er tak e heed


man did that which appearedgood in hie main eyes . In th is mean t ime thé Levi tec omplained o f the villany thatwas do ne unto himfelf,and unto his wife ,wh ich o ppreffed by the Benjamin; o f Gibeah, died under the i rfilthylufis

wh ich h o rrible faa enflamed the hearts o f the who le peo ple to take

vengeance up o n that abo minat io n (and there in they o ffended) but in

th is they failed That theygo to execute judgement againfi the wickedw ith o ut any repentance , o r remo rfe o f co nfcience o f the i r o wne fo rmero fl


ences , and defect io n fro m G o d . And farther B‘ecaufe they were a

greatmultitude, and the o ther were far inferio ur unto them They truff

cd in their ownfirength,and tho ught themfelves able enough to do theirpurpo fe, W itho ut any invo catio n o f theName o f Go d But after that

theyhad twice proved the vanity o f the ir ownfirength ,they failed and

rayed ; and being humbled befo re Go d , they rece ived amo re favo urable anfwer,and alfured p romife o f theV icto ry.The likemaybe amo ngftus albeit fuddenlywe do no t efpie it And to the end that everyman

may the better examine himfelf , I willdivide the who le co mpany intotwo fo rts o f men . The o ne are tho fe that from the beg inning o f thistro uble have fufiained the commo n danger w ith their brethren The

o ther be thefe wh ich be jo yned to .o ur fellowfh ip . In the o ne and in the

o rbet I fear that juft caufe fh all be fo und why Go d iho uld thus have

humbledus . And albeit that this appearfirange at the firlthearing,yet if


The H i/Zorj of the‘Reform


zztion L ib z,

A 0everyman { hall exa

m ine himfelf , p eak as rhar his c o nfc ience dytethnn

h im,I do ub t no t but he {hall fubfc rrbe to my fentence . Let us beg in

at o ur felves who lo ngeft hath c o nt inued in th i s Battell. W hen we were

a few number in c o mparifo n o f o ur enem ies , when we had ne ithe r E arleno r Lo rd (a few excepted) to c o mfo rt us , we c alled up o n Co d,and to o k

h im fo r o ur Pro tefto r , Defence , and o nely Refuge . Amo ng ft us was

hea rd no b ragging o f multitude, no r o f o ur li reugth no r po licy we did

o ne f0 b (0 G o d to have refpca (O theqlltyOI OUI‘Gaufe , 20 d [0 the

c ruell purfuit o f the tyrannicalle nemy. But hut e that o ur number had

been thus multiplied, and ch iefly finc e the Dukew ith his friends havebeen jo yned w ith us

,there was no th i ng heard but ,


Th:a L on! ni l/l

hrmg the/é many hundr ed Spa res This man hath the credit: to perfivade thisComm -

y5 If thzr E arle he m ay areman mfrxch hound; ni l/l tron/hie a t . And

thus the befi o f us all, that befo re felt G o ds p o tent h and to o ur dew

fence , h ath o f late dayes put Flelh to be o ur Arme . Butwherein yet

had the Duk e and h is friend s o ffended f.’ It may be, That as _we have

trufied in them , fo have theyput to o much c o nfidence in their owh efireng th . But granting it be no r fo I fee a c aufe mo fi juit , why the

Duke and h is friends ih o uld thus be c o n fo unded amo nglt the refi o f

the ir b reth ren . I have no t yet fo rgo tten what was the do lo ur and ahguifh o f my owh e heart , when at Saint —Moarc

, ,and

d ahargh Crazg s , tho fe c ruellmurtherers that no w hath put us to th isdifli ono ur th reatned o ur p refent defiru


aio n s The Duke and his friendsat all the th ree Journeys was to them a great comfo rt, and unto us a.

g reat difco uragement Fo r his name and autho rity did m o re afio niih

us , then did the fo rce o f the o ther 3 yea , witho ut h is afftflance , they.

c o uld°no t h ave co mpelled us to appo int with the Queen upo n fo nu

equall Co nditio ns . I am certaine , if the Duk e h ath unfainedly te

pented o f that h is aififiance to tho fe murtherers unjuftly purf uing us

yea , I am certaine ,if he hath repented o f the inno cen t blo o d o f

Ch rifi s bleifed Martyrs wh ich was fli ed by his fault But let it be ,that fo he hath do ne (as I hear that he hath co nfeifed h is o ffence be

fo re the Lo rds and Breth ren o f the Co ng regatio n ) yet I am affured ,

he That ne ither he

,neither yetrhis friends , did feelbefo re this time the ah

,cmigbcrgig guiih and grief o f hearts wh ich we felt when their blinde fury purfued us 5 and therefo re hath G o d jufily permi tted bo th them and us to

fallinto th is c o nfufio n at o at-e , us , fo r that we put o ur trnfi and co nfi

dence in man s and them o

gf 'b ecaufe that they ih ould feel their o wne

hearts , how bitt’

erwas the cup Wh ich they made, o thers to drinke befo re them . Refteth that bo rh they and we turn to th e E ternall o urG o d(who beareth down to death , to the intent that - he m ay tai fe up againto leave the rememb rance o f h is wo ndero us deliverance, to the praile o fh is o wneName ) wh ich if we do un fainedly, I no m o re do ubt but thatth i s o ur do lo ur

,c o nfufio n and fear fli all be turned into jo y,

h o no ur ,and bo ldneffe then that I do ubt that G o d gaveViéto ry to the Ifiaelzfeso ver the Benj am in : after that twice

wirh ignqm ir'

iy they were repulfedand dr iven back yea whatfo evcr {hallbec o me o f u s and o ur m o rtallc arkalfes I do ubt n0 t but that thi s G aufe (in dcfpight o f Sathan) {hall

p revail

I ii ii)

m.arlo nfi a


l rfg it‘iwj nth n .

. riqr t- in ir i “with



T H E - T H I R D B 00 1:





TheRealme of S c 0 TL 4 N 75

Fter th i s o ur do lo ro us,departing fro m

dizzhurgh the f ury and rage o f therench increafed

,fo r then durlt nei

ther man no r woman that pro felfedhrilt Jefus within theTown be feen .

he ho ufes o f the mofi ho nelt men

were given by the (mee'

n to Frenchménfo r a part o f thei r reward .

-TheEarle Bot/1m ]! by fo und o f Trumpet

againflflua fl

Pro claimed the Earle o f A rm /reTrai “ AW "

to ur, with Other defpightfull wo rds ,

wh ich all was do ne fo r t he pleafure,and by the fuggeftio n o f theQueenie

Regent who then tho ught the battellwas wo nne witho ut further te

fifiance. Great p raélifing fhe made fo r o btaining o fqtheCafile o f E dinburgh. TheFrench made thei r fago ts w ith o ther preparatio ns to affaultthe faid Cattle, eitherbyfo rce o r elfe byTreafo n But Go d wro ught fomight ilyw ith the Captain, the Lo rd E rs kin, at that time that neither the(b eenbyflattery, no r the French by treafo n revailed. Adverti fement

with alld iligence pail;to theDuk e o fGui]? w 0 then was King'

o fF r imgc

(as co ncern ing power to command) requiring h im to make expeditio n, i fhe defired the fullc o nquelt o f S cotland 5 W ho delayed no time, but W i tha newArmie fent awayhis bro rher (Mar micDalhwf, and in his Companym a xim“

, promiling that he, himlElI



e ould fo llow. But the rightgpu

se o


Tbe Hi/Zorjj of t/acReformation L ib. 3

G o d w ho in mercylo o k eth upo n the afflié’rio n o f tho fe that unfainedly

(o b un to him,fo gg

h t f o r us byhis own o ut—firetched arm F o r upo n one

Themm ngn ig ht upo n the c o

afi:o f Holland were drowned o f them e ighteen E nfignes ,o r the French. (0 that o nely relied the Ship in the wh ich were two p ri nc ipals alo rel


,Dar- i sm pmt uba ,

wi th thei r Ladies ,wh o vio lentlydr iven bac k to Deeper, were c o mpelled toc o n Felle, TharGodfong /Jrfor the defence of S cotland .

Fro m E ngland returned RoéertMelvi n who mil in co mpany tow ith the Sec retary, 3 little befo re Clarzflmaa and bro ught unto us certainA rt icles to be anfwered as by the co ntract that afterwas made mo re

plainely {hallappeare . W hereupo n the No bility affembled at S terlm,

and returned anfwer w ith diligence W hereo f the French advert ifed they marched to L inlztbquow,

fpo iled the Dukes ho ufe ,and Wa

{led h is lands o f K inneill and after came to S tar /in,where they te

m ained certain es o f t / I rgylc and

Earle o f Arrane and Lo rd .

Mfg- d

id h )enclo fedEh h is chamber but frequented themultitude, and





rbemw ith his preié nce an diyco mfo rt.Thefe and the like

fentences to o k thefaid Earle to be en in repro ach o f h


k e t h imfelf mo re clo feand fo litarythenmany

menwo uld haVewiihed .

Aller thefe th ings , determinat io n was tak en,That the Earle o f Arranu ,

with men o fW ar, and fome Companies o fHo rfe - men


lie to wait upo n the F rench to flo p them

fro m deilroying the Sea- co ail, as they

intended utterly to have do ne.Thc

faid E arle,and Lo rd {farms did as theyWere appomted, albeit theipCom

panywas very imall5

andyet theydid lo valiantly, th

at i t paifed alrr'

ro il:

c redit 5 fo r twenty and o ne dayes theylay in thei r elo rhes theirBoe rs

came never g ii They had s k irmiihing almo ile

very day, yea, fome d

from mo rn ing to night. TheF rench were fo ur th oufand S o uldiers

{i des their favo urers and faélio no f the Co untrey. The Lo rds Were

ver to gether five hundredHo rie- men Wi th an hundred S o uldiers and

cat the held the French fo buii e that fo r every ho rfe

was {laid to the

Co ngregatio n theylo i‘t fo ur F rench S o uldiers ; W illiam


K i rleqa‘ldie o f

Grainge, the dayafter that h is hOufe was t ail

down 'fent h i s defiance to

Mo nii cur'

D ofell andfinto the reil, declari ng that to t

h i s ho ur he‘

had ufed

the French favo urably, yea he hadlaved thCIr 'llVCS


, when that hem ight

and Lo rd 334m“ ,

iho uld go to s ert and there

Mo nfieur B efellhe faid He k new that he iho uld no’

toget him in

s k irmiih ing, becaufe he knew hewas avery coward

but it might that he

iho uld quite h im a commo n either in Scotland, o r elfe in F rance, T

W illiam K i rkealdie and theMailer o f Lindfay efcaped many dangers;

The Mailer had h is ho rfe ilain under. h im 5 and W illiam was ai

m o ilbetrayed in his ho

ufe at(Ialyardr. Brit yet they never ceaiied fOr

night and d

ay theywaited upo n the French They laid themfelves in a.

fecret place with fome Gentlemen befo re the day to wait

Upo n the

F rench ,who ufed c ommo nlyto iifue in Compan ies to feek their prey

Arid fo came fo rth o ne Captain Batu with h is hun

dred ,and began to

fpoyle whom the _Mailer _

after Lo rd Lindfay and W illiam

fui’fered witho ut declarat io n o f themiélves o r o f their Co mpany,

till that theyhad them mo re thenam ile

from Kingherne, and then began

the h o rfe - men to break 5 wh ich perceived the French alto gether drew

to a place called Glam: h o ufe,and made fo r debate 5fo rm to o k the ho

o th‘

er defended the Co urt and Y ards The hazard appearedveryunlike

ly, fo r o urmen had no th ingbut Spears , and were compelled to light up

o n their feet The Other were wi th in ditches , and everyman had aCul

verin 5the iho twas fearfullto ma'

ny,and d ivers were hurt,amo ngilwhom

was RobertHamilton, andDavid K irkealdie, bro ther to thezfaidLaird,whobo rh were fuppo fed to have

been ilain the faid Laird perceiving men to



and begin to recule, faid, Pie, let are newerlineafter thi: day that we

fliallm alefor F rench[cyhalds and rafcali . And fo theMailer o fLindjayand

heburi‘t in at the gate, and Others fo llowed . The Mailerfiruck with h is

Spear at la Barta, and glaii ng upo n h is harneil


e fo r fear ilumbled upo n

h is knees 5but recovering fuddenly he failned his Spear and bare the


faidCaptainbackward,who beeaufe hewo uld no rbe tak en,was ilain,and AHHOfiftyo f his CompanyW i t

h him .Tho fe thatwere in the h o ufe, with fo meo rhers ,were faved, and fent to Dandieto be kept . Th i s m ifchance to the m )

F rench - men,atade them to bemo re c'

ircumfpeél in ilraying andwandringab ro ad into theCo untrey,and fo the po o r peo ple gat fome relief. To fur Captaizx



n iih the French withViélualls ,was appo inted Capt .Calan,with two ih i s , 11“ B‘N"who travelled betwixt the S o uth iho re and K inghorne fo r that urpo e

Fo r his wages he ipoyled K i ng /agent , K ir/wdlq’ze, and lb much 0 s ert as

hem ight . Fo r remedywhereo f, were appomted two Sh ip s from Dnnrli e,Vi ndmvSands , avery ilo ut and fervent man in the Gaufe o f Relig io nwas the principall. Th i s lame time arrived W artieher

, who witho ut dclaylanded hiiri

felf,theCo i’fers , and the principallGentlemen that


fwith h im,arLeith leaving the reil in the Sh ips t ill better 0

po rtunity

But the faidAndrew and his companyilrik ing Sayl and mailing as they Notewolild cailAnk o r hard befide them bo arded them bOth and carriedthem to in them were go tten fome ho rfes and much harneii



w ith fome Other trifles but o f mo ney we heard no ugh‘t . Hereat the

F rench o ffended, avowed the deilru élio n o f Saint u l ndrem andDnna’re,

a nd fo upo n aMunday in the mo rning the th irteenth o f f anaary theym arched from Difert , and ai


fed the water o f L eerla ever keeping the


C o ail,byreafo n o f their 5 ips andViélualls , as faid is :abo ut no o n theye


fpied Sh ips (wh ich W ere feen thatmo rn ing by us thatwere upo n the

land but were n0 t k nown ) Mo nfieur Dofillaffirmed them to be French

S h ip s , and fo the So uldiers triumphed,ili o t their Vo lleyfo r a falve and

marc hed fo rward to Kingeraig , fearing no reii ilance. Bur iho rtly after,

{he E ngliih Sh ip s metw ith Captain Galen and feiz cd upo n him and h is

S hipswvhich made them a little to mufe. Then fuddenly cameM.

antler W oide,who had been upo n theAdmirall,and aifuredMo nii eurthattheywere E ngliih men ,and that theywere the fo rwarners o f a great Thc an


o f

e r number that fo llo wed, who were fent fo r fuppo rt o f theCo ngregation . th e E ngliih

Therem ighthave been feen pulling o f beards fo r anger, an d m ight have ShlPs

b eenh eard fuch defpight as cruellmen ufe to fpue fo rth'

when G o d,

bri Nate.

d leth their fury. W earineiie and the n ight c o nilrained them to lo dge

there They fupped fcarcely becaufe their Sh ips were tak en in the

wh ich were theirviélualls and Ordnance wh ich they intended to havep laced in S

aint Andrews . They themfelves duril no t i lray abro ad to‘

feek , and the Laird o f W erner carriages , wh ich likewife was coming withfurniihing unto them,were ilayed. And therefo re betimes in the mo rning theyre

t ired towards K inghorne, andmade m o re expediti o n in o ne dayin returning then they did in two in march ing fo rward . The ilo rm

wh ich had co ntinued neer the fpace o f a mo neth brak e in the t ime o f

their return ing,wherebymany tho ught that they ih‘


uld have been {laycd

,t ill that reafo nable c om any

i m ight have been aii'

embled to have

li o ughtenwith them. And o r that purpo fe did W illiam K rrleealrli e ,cut


the Bridge o f Tallihady But the French; expert eno ugh in fuch feats,Tbeb idec o f

to o k down the Ro o f o f a Pariih Church, and made a 'Bridge over theT i W

water called Donane, and fo they efcape‘

d, and went to S tar /in, and

after to Lei'

th 5yet in their returne theylo il divers amongilwho inB e 3 there

‘T/JeHf/lov of the‘Reformat wn l gz

there was o ne’

who fe m iferable end we may rehearfe. A s the French

fpo yled theCo untrey'

in thei r return ing, o ne Captaine o r S o uld ier we

canno t tell, buthe had a red' Clo k e and a giltMurriow,entred upo n a

p o o r woman th at


dwelt in the wh ite fide , and began to fpo yle. The

p o o re woman o ffered unto him fuch bread as {he had ready prepared

But he in no‘w ife therewith c o ntent wo uld have theMeale and a lit

tle falt Beef wh ich the po‘

o re woman had to fufiain her owne life and

the lives o f her po o r ch ildren , ne i ther co uld tears , no r pitifullwo rds ,m it igate the mercileffe man but he wo uld have


whatfo ever he m ightcarryf The po o re woman


perceiving h im fo bent , and that he {lo o ped dOWne in her .Tub fo r the tak ing fo rth o f fuch fiuife as;was within it

‘firft co ped and turned up h is heels fo that h is headwent do wne..

And thereafter,

-whether byher felf , o r if any Other company come

t o help her , but there he endedhis unhappy life, G o d fo punifhing hisc ruellheart who c o uld n o t fpare am iferable wo man in that

extrem ity.

receirvefacb reward, 0 L ord, feeing flag;tlzagi onelyan we,revenge)

“of tbc oppr c/fid.

And how'

, becaufe ihat from th is time fo rward frequent mentionwillbe made o f the comfo rtable fupp o rt that we in o ur greatefi extremity,

received byG o dsjp ro vidence from o ur neighbo urs o f E ngland , we

th ink e it expedient fimply to declare by what infiruments that mat

ter was firlt mo ved ,and by what means it came to paffe that the

ween andCo uncel o f E ngland,fhewed themfelves fo favo urable unto us JAs Knox had fo re—warned us by hi s Letters fro m Germ / 4

,o f all

dangers that he fo refaw to enfue o ur enterprife 5 (0 when'

he came to

D ezpo ,mindefullo f the fame ; and refo lving with h imfelf , what te

medyG o d wo uld pleafe to o ffer he to o k bo ldnelle to write to,

S ir W il—x

114m Ciczl Secretary o f State in E hglm cl, with whom the faid51501772 hadbeen befo re fam iliarly acquainted intending therebyto renew acquaintance

, and fo to Open further o f h is m inde. The teno r o f his firftLetterfo llows




f udgement,mfldomc, and Sanélifimtiofl , Imy}:armyou, 67 {fefm


S I have no ple'

afu ugwriting to tro ubleyo u(RightHo no o

rable)who (eminde I know to betak en up with mo ftgrave matters ,fo 1 m inde n0 t greatlyto lab o r bylo ng Preface,to co nc iliate yo ur favo rs ,wh ich I fuppo fe I have already(howfo ever rumo rs brute the c o ntrary)asthe favo ur it becometh o ne member o fChrii‘t s Bo dyto have o f ano therThe c o ntents therfo re o f myprefent -Letter {h allb


e abfo lved in a po ints tIn the fo rmer I purpo fe to difcharge in few wo rds my co nfc ience to

wards yo u And in the o rher,fumwhat muft I fpeak ,fo rmyown defence,

and in defence o f that po o r Flo ck o f late affembled in themo ltgo dly refo rmed Church and C ity o f thewo rldfimefva To yo u,Sir,I fay,that asfrom G o d yo u have received,life,wifdom,

ho no urs , and the prefent efiarei n thewh i ch yo u nowfiand

,fo o ught yo uwho llyto applythe fame to the

advancement o f h is glo ry,who o nely i s the autho r o f life,the fo untain ofwrfdom



mo lt affuredlydo th andwilho no’

r 5: glo rifie them tha


2 t o 7799Hi/Zoric of t/reReformation L ib? )

A nno


have requel‘ted fuch Priviledo es as Turk es commo nlydo grant to men o feveryNatio n 3 to wit That liberty iho uld be granted to me freely to

page thro ugh E ngland to the end that with greater expedi t i o n Im ight

rep i ire to wards myo wne Co untrey, wh ich now beginneth to th irll fo r

Ch i ills Trueth . Th i s reqnell I tho ught fo reafo nable that almo ll I hade ntered the Realme,wi tho ut licenfedemanded andyet I underli and thati t hath been (0 rejeéted, that the fo licitcrs thereo f , did hardlyefcape imp l if onment , and fo rm o f that p o o re

‘flo ck e I heare to be fo extreamely

h andled That th o fewh o m o lt rudelyhave {bed the blo o d o f Go ds mo ltdeare Ch ildren findes th i s dayamo ngllyo u greater favo urs , then theydoAlas , th i s appeareth much to repugne to Chriflian Charity : fo rwhatfoever hath been mine o ffence th i s I fear no r to affirme in their caufe Thati t any that hath fut

-”feted exile in tho fe mo lt do lo ro us dayes o f perfecu

t io n,deferve prailieand commendatio n, fo rPeace Co nco rd fo het and

quiet living it i s they. And as fo rme h ow criminall t hat ever I be inG o ds prefence, fo r the

mult itude o fmyfins 5 yet befo re his Juliice- iéatI have a teltimo nie o f a cleareCo nfcience That fince myfirltacquaintance w ith E ngland, willingly I never o ffended pcrfo n with in it exec t in

OpenChaire, to repro ve thatwh ich Go d co ndemneth can be j udge Ofs

fence : but I have (fayyo u ) written aTreafo nable Bo o k againfithe re

giment and Empire o f women If that be my o ffence the po o re flo ck

i s inno cent (except fuch as th i s daydo fallefi cryTreafo n ) Fo r S ir (inG o ds prefence I do write with no ne in that companydid I co nfult befo re the finilh ing o f the fame. There fo re in Cbrills

' Name I require,That th eblamemaybe upo nme alo ne. Thewriting o f that Bo o k I willnOt deny,but to prove itTreafo nable,I th ink it {hallbe hard fo r S ir,No

mo re do I do ubt o f theTrueth o f myPrOpofitio n, then that I do ubt thatth i s was thevo iceo f Go d, wh ich li tli did pro no unce th i s penaltie againfi:

women 3 Indolour /7:41:thoulam rly It is bruited, Thatmy bo o kis , o rfli allbewritten againll, o r anfwered If fo be S ir , I greatly feare,That flatterers {hallmo re hurt ey wo uldfeem to maint confined


bybetter auth eere may and

do change I left that

in fo do ing, Ithe mutabiliti

L ib .5. Of Religion in ther

Reel/meOf Sco tland .

o fmen Then I am affured,That as fuch fo o lilh prefum

‘ptio n dOth h ighly

o ffend, Go ds f upreameMajefiie (0 do I greatly feare , That her ingrat itude {h allnOt lo ng lac ke punifhment . And th i s in the name o f the er


nallGo d and o f h is S o n Jefus Chrift (befo re who m bOth yo u and I{hallh and to mak e an acco unt o f allco unfell we give ) I requi re yo u to

fign ifie unto herMajeflie in my name Adding That o nely hum ilityand defertio n Of her felfe befo re G o d, { hallbe the firmeneffe and li abilityo f theThro ne wh ich I k no w {hallbe affaulted m o


wayes then o ne . If

th i s yo u co nceale fro m herMajefiie I willmak e it paten t to the wo rld,

That th us farre I have commun icated with yo u ; having alfo further

fpeak ,if myjudg

ement maybe heard; Alas S ir , is my o ffence (al

th o ugh in that t ime , and in that matter , I had wri tten ten Bo o kes ) fo

h aino us , that I cann o t have Licence ,,by Preaching o f Chrift lj elus ,

t o refreih tho fe th iflrfiy fo ules , wh ich lo ng have lack ed the W ater o f

Li fe NO man Will I prefently’

accufe , but I greatly feare That tlre

L epr orn have no g rew pleofnre to beloold fnzre fo re; zn elenre g lam, Let

n o ne be afraid that I requi re to frequent the Co urt o r yet to temaineanylo ng t

im e in Eng land but o nelythirfls in pafiing tho row to my na

t ive Co untrey ,to c ommunicatewi th yo u ,

and fo me Others , fuch th ingsas willingly I lift mm to comm it to Paper , neither to the C redit andk nowledge o f many. And then in the N o rth parts to o ffer Go ds favo ur s to fuch as I fup po fe do mo urne fo r their defertio n . And th i s Itruft {hallbe no lclfe p ro fitable to theween and to all go dlywith infi ng lnnd, then it (ho uld be pleati

ng to m e in the flelb .

Th i s i s the th i rd t ime th at I have begged L icence to vifire the hungryand th irftie amOngfl:yo u ,

wh ich if now be denied,as befo re G o d


h ave a tefiimo n ie that I feck no r fo r my felfe but the advancement o f

Ch rifis Evangell, and the‘

co mfo rt o f fuch , as who m I k no w ai Cted

fo {hallthe go dlyunderlland that E ngland in refufing me refufeth a fr iend,h o w fmall that ever the po wer he. The m igh ty Spi rit o f the Lo rd Jefus

,mo ove yo ur heart deeply to co nfider yo ur durie unto .G o d and

the d ime o f that Realme in wh ich byhis appo intmentyo u now ferve.

From Decpc, the t o Of

c / Iprzl I 559 . Tour: to oonnnnnd z'

n godlzneffe,

f obn‘

Knox .

To th i s Letterwas no anfwer made : fo r {ho rtly the faid f onn Knoxmade fo rward to Scotland by fea,when he landed the th ird OfMay,and hadfuch fuccelfe,as is in the feco nd bo o k declared . The


faidafolrn bei ng inAndrews after Conf er

- Moore entred in deep difco urfe with the LanderGrang e , the danger is very

evident,but the f uppo rt was no r eali e to be feen .

Aftermanywo rds f olno Knox burft fo rth as fo ll'

o weth If E nglahd woald

s refee tlyerr own commodi ty yen,

if tbey would confider the danger ,.

rvli erezn

tbemjelfues jlond rkeywould not f nfi’r on to pen/77 in tlanqnnrre/ll ,

F rance bo t/7 no [elfe decreed the tongue/l of England Men of Sco tland.ter lo ng reafo ning , it was c

o ncluded b



wixt them two That fupf

po rt



AndAufwei s

TbeHi/lorj of the(

Re/ornaation L ib. 3

po rt ih o uldbe c raved o ffi ng /and : And fo r that purpo fe the faid Lai rd

o f Grang e , firft e te to SirHenry Pereie , and after ro de from E dzn .

bargb and fpak ew ith h im 5 to who m he made fo plai ne demo nflrat i o n

o f the danger appearing to E ngland , that he to o k e upo n h im to wri te

to Sec retarie Ceorl who w ith expeditio n returned anfwer back again,g iving him to underfiand That o ur tenterprife alto gether m ifliked no r

the Co uncell albeit th at they defired further refOluti o n o f the

c ipall Lo rds . W h ich th ing underflo o d i t was co ncluded to wri te

to him plainely o ur who le purpo fe. The teno ur o f o ur Letter wasthi s

T/yefirfl L etter to S zr W illiam Cccill, fiom tlre L ord;

of tbe Congr igation .

THe co ntents o f a


Letter direéted by yo u righ tW o rihipfull) to S ir

HenryPerrie , was no rified unto us byMailer K zrkcaldze o f Grangeth is Sunday the 2 6 Of July By the wh ich we perceive that the faidLaird o f Grang e , o f zeale


and faithfull heart wh ich he beareth to thefurtherance o f th is o ur great, and befo re the wo rld, dangero us enterprile,hath travelled w i th yo u ,

as w ith an unfained favo urer o f Chrifis true

Religion and o f the libertie o f o ur Co untrey fo r k nowledge o f yo ur

m indes to wards us , in cafe thatwe be affaulted byanyfo rraigne invafio n,o r greater power then we be wellable to refift. Yo ur co mfortable anfwer t o th i squefiio nwe have co nfidered to o ur jo yand com fo rt, as alfo

yo ur mo tio ns and what yo u demand 5 To wit W hat th e PrOteflanrs

w ith in th i s Realme do purpofe 5 To what end we mean to d irect o ur aerio n s 5 Howwewill and ho w webe able to accomplifh the fame 5 W hatdo ub ts we have o fanyadverfarypower 5Andfinally, in cafe that fuppo rtiho uld be fent from yo u , W hat manner o f am ity m ight enfue betwixtthefe two Realmes , Sec . To the wh ich , in b riefe,we anfwer 5 That o urwho le and o nelypurpo fe as G o d k noweth ) is to advance the glo ryo fChriftlefus , the true Preach ing of his G o fpelwithin th i s Realme. TOremove fuperfiitio n ,

and allfo rt o f exrernall Ido latry to bridle to o ur

powers the furyo f tho fe that hereto fo re have cruellyibed the blo o d o fo urrethren 5 and to o ur uttermo fi

,to maintaine the liberty o fth i s o ur Co un


fro m the tyrann ie and thraldome o f firangers as G o d {hall allifl:us . How we be able to accomplifh thefe premife5 i s ~to us unk nown,One o ur ho pe is go o d , That he that hath begun th is goo d wo rkein us and hath by his power to th i s ho ure co nfo unded the faces o fo ur adverfaries will perfo rme the fame to his glo ry , ,which chiefly wefeek in this o ur enterp rife. Becaufewe fuppo fe That neither o ur prefentdanger neither yet thewarlike preparatio n wh ich F rancemak eth againfl:US a are hid from yo u ,

no r from the co unfell, .we om it that part. .A sto uch ing the affurance o f a perpetuallamity

to [land betwixt thefe twoRealmes As no earthly ,th ing o f us is mo re defired ,


fo crave .we o f(3051 to make us the

,infiriiments , by


wh ich th is unnaturall debatewhich lo ng hath co nt inued betwixt us may o nce be co mpo fed to thep rai fe o f Go ds‘Name,and to the comfo rt o f the faithfullin bOth R

TheH i/lory of theReformation

AnnoyohnKnox his feco nd Letter to M.Cecile fo r the deliveryo f o ne

e ther to the Queen.

5 I R

F ro;myhnn'hle commendation: plea/Eeyore deliver this other enclo/E’d to the

Qg een It contameth a few andfimplewords of myConfifion what Ithink ofher V1 nthorzty, how it is jnjl, andwhatmaymake i t odrona zn Godryrefencc. Ihearthat there it oneConfetation[ct for th agai n]? thefirjl hlajf ; Godg rant that thewriter s thereof haveno moreflinghc thefarm er s of thi s pre/ent world, no le/Tethegloryof God, and the_{lahleg ood of hn Conntrey then hewho enterprzfid in thathlafl toafter he confcience. W hen I {ballhave time which now isfirmewhatpreciom unto

me) topernfe thatwork, Iwi llcommunicatemyJncofzementwcthyon.

The time 13 now S i r , that all who ei ther thir/ffor Chrzfl to raigne in this Ifle,oryet theheart: of the Inhahitants heyoynecltogether in love nnfarned, ought ratherto

.[ladyhowthe famemight he hronghr topa/fe thenvainlyto cravedfor themamrenanco of that whereof alréadywehaveflea thedanger andfeelthe[mart Ifthemofi part of women he wi cked, and {nch an wzllznglywewouldnotjhonld r aigne

over an A nd If themodgodly, and/rich are have raregraces heyetmortall,we

o ught to take heed lefiin eflahlz/hzng of one judged godly, and profitahle to herConntrcy wemalee an Intern]? andTi tle to many3 hywhom not onelywilltheTrnrb

he cmpngned, hat alfo walltheCountreyhehronght into hondage. Godg iveyon and

other favourer: of yonr Countreyeyes tofie andwifedome to avoid thedanger: apear zne .PBydiver s L etter s Ihave requiredlicenfe to have rui/ited theNorthparts of Eng

land, hat foryet I havereceived nofawonrahle anfwer . The longer , S ir, that i t he

delayed , the lif e comfortm l!thefaithfnd there receive 5 yea, theweaker wi ll the

Qneemfafvonr he If Iwerenot an nnfarnedfr iend to herMajefizc, Iwould inhamlyhog [och lzherty5which tome, 1 know;willneither heproficahle norpleafing in the

fleflr. The common thing s here, Idonhtnot you [enow firme. thing s Ihave no often times I havewr itten whi ch gladly Iwould communicate h

commi t them to Paper and Inke ; finde therefore the mean: that I may[pea/re wi thfach a one as yonwillcr edi t zn allthing s .

The grace o f the Lo rdJefus Chriflrefiwith yo u.

Ihear tilyhefiechyen to havemyfirvice recommended tocling ,Thatwhoflrefuer maketh meodione togloryof God, andhernedfrzendrfrom, (he.

The Letter fentfrom the faid f ohn to - the(MmeMajefiieof England,being enclo fed in the fo refaid,

M..Ceci le: Letter.

To the 'vertuona andgodlyEliz abeth hy theGrace ofGodJohn Knoxdqfirerh theperpetual!tomfbr t of hie


As ayo urMajefiies difpleafute againfime , mo l

’t unjulily c o nceived

hath been and i s to mywretched heart a burden grievo us and ala

mo lt

L ib .5. ofRelz'

giorz in the‘Realmmf Sco tland .

mo lt into lerable , fo is the tefiimo ny o f a clear co nfcience to me a [layand upho ld, that I finke no t in defpair ho w vehement fo ever the temp .

ratio ns appear Fo r in Go ds p refence my c o nfcience beareth me te

c o rd,That malic io ufiy, no r o f purpo fe, I never o ffendedyo urMajcfly,

no r yo ur Realme : And therefo re h o wfo ever I be j udged '

o f man Iam fure to be abfo lved o f h im who o nely kno weth the fec rets o fh earts . I canno t deny the writing o f a Bo o k againft the ufurped Authotho rity, and unjuit Reg iment o f W omen s neitheryet am I m inded torecant, o r callback any p rincipallPo int o r Pr0 p ofitio n o f the fame


truth and verity do further appear . But why that yo urMajefly, o r anyfuch,who unfainedlyfavo ur the liberty o f England be o ffended at theAutho r o f fuch a W o rk , I can perceive no ‘ jait o ccafio n Fo r firfi myBo o k to uchedno tyo urMajefiies Perfo n in fpeciall, neither is it prejudiciallto anyL iberty o f the Realme, if the t ime o f mywriting be ind ifferently co nfidered . How c o uld I be enemy to yo ur Majefiies Perfo n, fo rdelivery whereo f, I did mo re(indie, and undertake further,thenany o f tho re who no w accufeth me f


’ And as c o ncerning yo ur G o vernm ent

,How co uld o r can I envy that e wh ich mo lt I have wiihed fo r;

and fo r wh ich (as myweak memo ry will fuffer ) I render thanks unfainedlyto Go d, to wit,That it ha


th pleafed h im of his eternali go o dnefl‘


to exalt yo ur head (wh ich fometime was in danger)to the manifet’tatio no f h is glo ry,and exti rpatio n o f Ido latry. And as fo r my o fl

enc e,whichI have comm itted againfi England e ither by writi ng that Bo o k o r by‘any o ther wo rk I will no r refule that mo derate and ind ifferent menjudge and difcerne betwixtme, and tho fe that accufeme, fuzz; W hethero f the parties do mofi hurt to the L iberty o f E nglzmd I , wh o aifirme

that no womanmaybe exalted abo ve anyRealme, to make the L ibertyo f the fame thrall, and fubjea to aatange pro ud and c ruell Natio n

O r they that approvewhatfo ever pleafeth Pr inces fo r the time. If Iw ere as welldifpo fed to accufe as ibme o ft hem to their o wn ih

ame)h ave declared themfelves I no th ing do ub t , but that in fewwo rd s Iiho uld let reafo nable men underfiand That fome that this day lowlyc ro uch and bow to yo urMajei‘tie, and labo ur to makeme o dio us in yo ureyes , did inyo ur adverfity ne ither thew themfelves faithfullfriends to


yo urMajeiiymeirheryet (0 lo v ing and carefullo f the nativeCo untrey,a s they wo uld be eiteemed . But o mitting the accufatio n o f o thers , fo r

my owne purgatio n, and yo urMajellies fatis faa io n, I fay, That no th ingc o ntained in mybo o k, is o r can be prejudic iallto yo urMajeflies inflRe~g iment, pro v iding that yo ube no t fo und ungrate unto G o d, ungrate yo uwillbe pro ved in the p re- fence o f his Thro ne ho wfo ever that flatterers

juitifie yo ur faa) if yo u trans fer the glo ry o f that ho no ur in wh ich yo unow fiand,to anyo ther thing,then to the difpenfatio n o fh is mercy,which

o nely maketh that lawfullto yo urMajefiie,wh ichNature and Law denieth to all

‘women,to co mmand and bear rule o vermen. Neitherwo uld

I that yo urMajefiy ih o uld fear,That this yo ur humiliation befo re G o dih o uld in any cafe infirm o rweaken your Majefiies jui’t and lawfullAutho rity 5 Nay Madame fuch unfained co nfeffio n

‘o f Go ds benc - f

fits receive‘

dnvillbe the efiabliihmt

ent o f the fame,no t o nly to yo ur fill


P 3 Lit

A rmo

T/JeH ifloiy of t/fieReformation L ib . 5

bur alfo to y o ur feed and Po fle i ity W here c o ntrariW ife, a PYOUd $ 0 3

c eit, and elevat io n o f yo ur feif , w ill be the o ccah o n th at yo urRaigneW illbe unflable,tro ublefome,and fli o tt . G o d is witnelfe;That lmfalo cd

ly Ibo rh lo ve and reve rence yo uMajeftie s yea, I p rayrl’lat yo ur R3 18“

may be bOth p ro fpero us andquiet and that fo r thequietncffc t ch

Ch riflsMem bers , befo re perfecuted, have received underyo u But yet

i f I ih o uld flatter yo urMajefiy, I'

were no friend, but a deceivable trayto r ; and therefo re in co nfc ience l am co mpelled to fay ,


That nei ther

the co nlent o f the peo ple,the p ro c t ife o f time no rmulti tude o f men,

c an eli abliih a Law wh i ch G o d { h illappro ve 5butwhatfo ever he approi h by h is E ternallW o rd that ih allbe app ro ved, and (lay co nfiantly

firme i and whatioever he c o ndemneth, {hallbe co ndemned, tho ugh all

men o n earth i ho uld travellfo r the jufiificatio n o f the fame . And there

fo re,Madame the o nely way to retain and keep the benefits o f G o d,

abundantly o f late dayes p o ured up o n yo u and yo urRealme i s unfain~

edly to render unto G o d , to h is mercy, and undeferved grace,.

the who le

g lo ry‘

o f this yo ur exaltatio n ,"fo rget yo ur B irth and allTi tle wh ich

h ereupo n do rh hang and co nfider deeply , How fo r fear o f y o ur lifeyo u d id decline fro m G o d,and bo w to Ido latry go ing to Marie under

yo urfifierMaryher perfecutio n o fG o ds Saints :Let it no t app ear a fmallo ffence in y o ur eyes ,That yo u have declined from Chrifilcms s inlhe dayo fyo ur Bartel:Ne itheryetwo uld I thatyo u iho uld efieem thatmercy tobe vulgar and commo n Wh ich yo u have rece ived 'vz{ . That G o d hathc o vered yo ur o ffence, Hath preferved yo ur Perfo n,whcnyo uweremo ltunthank fulls And in the end has exalted and railed yo u up not o nelyfrom the duft

,but alfo from the po rts o f death, to rule abo ve his peo ple,

fo r comfo rt o f h is K irk . It ap pertaineth to yo u therefo re, to gro und thejufi ice o fyo ur Autho rity,ndt o n thatLaw,which from yeer to yeer do thc hange,but upo n the eternallpro v idence o fhim,who c o ntrary to the o rdinary co urfe o f Nature , andwitho ut yo ur deferving , hath “ 3 1d yo urhead : If thus in G o ds p refence yo u humble yo ur lelf ; as inmyheart Iglo rifie G o d fo r tha t refi g ranted to h is afllidted Flo ck withinf nglzmd,underyo u a weak Infirument 5fo will I wi th to ngue and pen jufiifie Yo ur,

Autho rity andRegiment as the h o ly .Gho it hath jufiified the fame inD eborah, thatblefledMo rher in Ifr rrel. But if you neglcfi (as 6 0 61 fo rbid) thefe things ,and {hallbeg in to brag o f yo urBirth,and to buildyo urAutho ri ty and yo urReg iment upo n yo ur o wn Law 5 flatteryo uwho lOli li eth ,yo ur felic ity (hallbe (h o rn Interp retmywo rds in the bellpart,as wri tten byh im, who is no enemy to yo urMajefiie. By divers LettersI have requi red to vifite yo urRealme, no r to feek


myfelf,neitheryetmyo wn cafe and benefit which if yo u now refufe anddeny me,lmull remitmy c aufe to Go d adding th is fo r co nelufio n that


c ommo nly it is feen,T/mrfiat/1 m rcfiifc thecomfe/


of tbefizztbfl /Happmr it never [ea/harp)d ire compelledIofo/Iorvthe deter:of flattererr to t/mr obnperdztzon . Themighty Sp irit o f theLo rd lefus mo ve yo ur heart to underfiandwhat is faid,and giveunto yo uthe di rea i o n o f h is Sp iri t

,a nd in rule yo u in allyo ur actio ns and eute t

P that in yo u G o d may be glo rified h is K irk edified, andyo u yo urfelf,as a livelyMember o f the fame,may be an example o fvertuc go d


lineiie o flife to all o rhers ,S o be it. affirmed 893d) ; 559 . Thefe

228 t TheHiflorie of t/yeMom m a”‘

L ib . 5

hereafter to co me hither , I wiih yo u furniih ed with go o d Credit , and

power, to make go o d refo lutio n . Altho ugh myanfwer to the Lo rds o fthe Co ngregat io n be fomewhat o bfcure yet upo n further underftandingye { hi llhude them

at ter plaine . I nced to wiih yo u no m o te p rudencie

then G o ds grace, whereo f G o d lend yo u pleuric . And (0 I end,

From Oxford the S ic fubfcribi tur .

28 o ffi ly. 1 559Tours an nmeméer of the[Irmabody

172Clmfi,(M . Cecill.

Albeit the faid Sfolan received th is Letter at Bnrwirlr yetwould he

anfwer no th ing till that he had fpo ken with the Lo rds who m he fo und inS terlzn and unto whom he delivered the anfwer fent fro m the Co uncell

o f England (fo r u l lexander W /mlo nr to o k fickneiie betwixt Barm an and

E dinénrg/a, and was tro ubled by the Lo rd Seaton as in the fo rmer Bo o ke

is declared the anfwer fen t by Mailer Ceczll was fo generall that m anyamo ngit us defpaired o f any

co m fo rt to come fro m that Co untrey. And

therefo rewere determ ined t at theywo uld requeilno further . $ 0572Knoxlabo ured in the co ntrary , bur he co uld prevai le no further , but that heih o uld have licence and libertie to write as he th o ught be-fr And {b ro o k

h e upo n himto’

anfwer fo r all, in fo rms as fo lloweth.

Anfwer to twi n/ m Cec ilswritzng .

TW O caul


es hindred me (R ight W o rihipfull to viii t yo u in anypart in Eng land. Befo re this n o fignifi‘

catio n o fyo ur m inde and pleafurewas made un to me,

fo r o rielydid S irHenryPerm willme to co me and

fpeakewith h im ,which c o nveniently at that time I co uld no r do , by rea

fo n that the F rench - men (wh ich was the feco nd caufe o f my flay ) didthen mo it furio uily uri


ue us wh ile o ur company was difperfed and

then dur i’t I no r be a fent fo r d ivers inco nven iences neither did I th ink cmy prefence w ith yo u greatly neceifary c o nfidering that the matter

(wh i ch I mo ii defired ) was o pened and pro po ied . To the which Iwo uld havewifhed That amo re plaine and efpeciallanfwer iho uld havebeen made . Fo r albeitMaREr W i no/an: by his C redit Mailer Kirkmldzeby his Letter and I

,bo rh by Letters and by that which I had received

from S ir {flames Croft: did perfwade yo ur go o d m iudes yet to uld no rthe co uncellbe o rherwife perfwaded but that th is alteratio n in F rancohad altered yo ur fo rmer purpo fe . It is no r uhk own what go o d w illwe ,

three do beare to England And therefo re I wilh, That rather yo ur Pen,

then o ur Credit,o r any th ingwritten to anyo f us , iho uld affure the Lo rds

and Others,o f yo ur go o dmindes who are now in number bdt five hun

dred. ) Unleife that m o ney be furniihed witho ut delay to pa theSo ul-M

d iet s fo r their fervice pail and to retaine ano ther tho ufan foOta-men,W i th three hundred ho rfe - men tillfome flaybe had in this


danger, thefeG entle - menwillbe compelled to leave the fields . I am aifuréd do

fle/hmayor offlcfl), .That fome of themwill take avery hard life befo re that


L ib.5. off

Ret ion in thefi zz/me of Sco tland.ever the c om o fe

,eitherwith the (Lucen Re ent , o r w ith F rance but

this I dciie no rpp romife at all, unleife in they

gfee greater fo rwardnei

fe .


To fuppo rtus , willappear exceiiive and to break prom ifewith F rance,w ill appear dangero us . But the lo ife o f expences in m ine o pinio n,o ugh t no r to be

eileemed from the firll payment neither yet the dan~

ger from the firil appearance . F rance i s mo il fervent fro co nquer usand avoweth , That againil us they w ill fpend the C rown fo did

m ine own ears hear Batten Court bragge But mo il ail'

uredly I kno w ;That unleiTe by us t hey th o ught to make an entrie to yo u that

they wo uld no t buy o ur po verty at that price. They labo ur to co r

rupt fome o f o ur great men by mo ney (‘and fome o f o ur numberare p o o re as befo re I wro te, and canno t ferve w ith o ut fuppo rt ) fomethey threatned and again il

‘o rhers they have up o ne party in the ir o wh e

Co untrey. In th is mean time, if ye lieby as neurralls ,what willbe theend

, yo u mayeaii lyco njeélure . And therefo re ,

Sir , in the bo wells o iChriilJef us , I require

yo u to make plain anfwer W hat the Gentlemen

h ere may trui’t to ,

and what the Majeilie willdo maywitho utlo ng delay be put in executio n. I reilin Chriil Iefus . Of Saintf ohnflqn the day o f, 85C.

Anfwer with great expeditio n was returned to th i s Letter , deii ringfo me men o f credit to be fent to the Lo rds to Bnrwiclre, fo r the receiv ingo f themo ney fo r thefiril iuppo rt,with promife That if the Lo rds o f

the Co ngregatio n'


rno o therwifé then befo re they‘had written rind

if theywo uld enter into League w ith ho neil Co ndition s , they iho uldneither la


ck me‘n no rmo ney to their juilCauiE s . Upo n th i s anfw’

é r ‘was

direé‘ted fro m the Lo rds to B drwiche Mailer HenryBnlnnw s a


man o f

go o d cr edit in bo th theRealmes who fuddenly returnedwith fuch a f umo f mo ney as fervedall the publike affairs tillNovember next -


f ohn'

Coelrhnrne o f arm /i on fent fo r the feco nd fuppo rt , and receiving thefirme unhappily fell into thé

‘hands O


f ' the Earle Bothwell was‘

w o unded taken and fpoyled o i a great Sum : upo n wh ich mifchance ,

fo llowed a ll the tell o f the tro ubles befo re rehearfed. In the feco ndBo o k preceding , we have declared ho w Secretary L ee‘hington was direéled


to England -

_iBUt o ne th ing befo re we have paifed by In that

o ur g reateil dejeélio n ,this o rderwas taken ; That the Duke, the Earle

o f Glenearne , Lo rd Boyd ,Lo rd unhilrrie , and their friends , iho uld re

maine to gether at Gin/gain fo r comfo rt o f theCo untrey”

,and fo r giving

o f anfwers as o ccaii o n iho uld require 2, and that the «Earle o f Am ine;

the Lo rd glow s , the Earle o f Rothefle , the Mailer o f Lind/Zr] ,and


adherent s ih o uld co ntinue to gether within Fyfi’'

fo r the fame cau

fes that adverti iements m ight go fro m the o de to the Other,as need

required . In the Nego tiatio n o f the Secretary L crhz”ng ton w ith the

(k eenandCo uncell o f Eng land (in thewh ich he travelled with no leii'


wifedom and faithfulneii'

e,then happy f uccefl'

e ) many,

things o ccurred

that requi red the refo lutio n o f the who le L o rds .

A fter that the (ween and Co unc ell o f England had co ncluded to ' fend

their A rmy to S cotland‘io r expelling of}the French , the


Duke o f Norfolk:

g was

was lent to Karmic/z with fullinfirué’tro ns

, power and Co mmifli o n to do

in allth ings co ncerning the prefent afi‘aires o f Scotland as theQ een and

Co uncell in their own perlo n s had power to do . Hereupo n the faid Dukerequired fuch a part o f the Lo rds o f Scotland , as had power and Com

m ifli o n fro m thewho le to meet him at fu’

ch a day and place as pleafedthem to appo int. This advertifement cameHi ll to Glafig

'm by themeaneso f theMafier o f ti l/taxman! W hich read and co nfidered by the Lo rds ;c o nclufio n was taken that they wo uld meet at p a ler! and that was the

ro curement o f the faid 'Mafier o f Maxwell fo r his cafe . Hereupon wereetters direCted from the Lo rds being in Glafigow, to Lo rd95m m requi

r ing him with all po fiible expeditio n to repaire towards them fo r the

purpo fe afo refaid . W hich Letters read and advifed upon, commandmentwas given to afar/an Knox to make the anfwer . Fo r it was appo inted atdivifio n o f the Lo rds that he iho uld anfwer fo r the part o f tho fe thatwere inwe , and M. HenryBelnzw er fo r the part o f them that abo de atGlefiqow. The faidfi

fe/an anfwered a s fo lloweth .

To tireDuke, and themixer Lord: at Glafgow.

AF ter humble commendatio n o f my fervrce Albeit I have writ”ten m o re then


o nce to Mailer - Henry Balmwee what things havemiflik edme in yo ur flowyro ceeding


s , as wellin. luppo rting yo ur brethren, who many dayes have fuftained extreame danger in thele parts as

ia_making pro vifio n how the enem iemight have been anno yed who lay

few in number nigh to yo urQuarters in Sterlin . And in mak ing likew ile pro vifio n ” . ho w the expeaatio n

a o f o ur friends , who lo ng havewaited fo r yo ur anfwer m i

ght have been fatisfied. Albeit I fay)

that o f thefe things I have be o re complained yet , in co nfc ience, I

am c ompelled to fignifie unto yo ur Ho no urs That .unlefl'


o f th ereand o rher eno rm ities I {hall feem e redrefle , I am allured

' That theend {hall be fuch as go dlymen {hall mo urne that

‘a go o d Gaufe {hall

periflv fo r lacke o f,W -ifdo me and Diligence In my lafi Letters to

Mailer HenryBalneves I declared That yo ur ef'peciall friends in E ngland wo nder ‘

that no greater expedit io n i s made , .the weight o f thematter being c onfidered . If the fault be in the Duke and his friends ,I wro te alfo , That the greateft lode,

iho uld be,his


and theirs in theend. And now I canno t .ceafe , borh ao wo nder and. lament , Thatyo ur,who leCo uncellwas lo defiitute o f .W ifdom


e andDifcretio n as toc harge th i s po o reman the Primer , to come to yo u to Glafg ow and there«after to go to Carleil

,fo r fuch afl

aires as are to be handled; W as thereno ne am o ngftyo uwho did fo refée what inc o nveniences might enfue hisabfence from thefe parts '1

’ I ecafe to fpeake o f thedangers by the enem i e . Yo ur friends have lyen in yo ur Haven now

fifteene dayes pail,(whatwas their fo rmer rravell it is ne t unknowne ) they have never teceived comfo rto f anyman him o nely excepted ) more thenif,

they hadlyen upo n the co afi o f their mo rtallenemy. Do ye no t co nfider,That fucha' p ompany


fhall ne ed comfo rt and pro vifio n fro m t ime to time e Remo veh im

a and who abideth there who carelTully will travell in that o r any‘


Hi/lory of tbe'

Re o‘



' hen I fhallhave o c cafio n to write hereafter. G o d the Father o f o urAnno Lo rd Jefus Ch rifl affrflyo uwith the Spirit Ofw


ifedom and fo rtitude,t-hat

to h is glo ry, and to yo ur Lo r

dih ips co mmo n Co mfo rt ye mayperfo rm e

that [h i llg wh ich go dlily was o ncebegun ,Amen . F r om Saint t / I na’remes

lbe é o F eérnar Inna e, 1 559 .f 7 flS ic fubfc ribitur,

r otor L ord/lap: to command in gorilzne/je, J K

Ipo n the receit o f this Letter and co nfultatiOn had hereupo n a new

cOuclufi o n was taken ; to wit That they wo uld vifite the (aid Duke o fNorfolke at


Barwwkewhere he was . Thus far we have digreffed fro m the

text o f o urHif‘to ry, to let the Po llerity.

that {half fo llow underfland bywhat inflruments G o d wro ught the fam iliarity and friend

fhip that after

we fo und in England. No w we returne to o ur fo rmer Hiflo ry.

The part s o f F yfe (et at freedom from the Bo ndage o f the(e blo o dyw o rm s , (Olemne thank s were given in 8 . Andr ew: unto G o d fo r h is m igh

tydeliverance . Sho rtly after the Earle Of t / { r rane and Lo rd 55am“ apo

prehended the Lairds o f W erner , S eafield, Bawg ony, Dan e, and’

o rhers, that


afli fled the French ,- but they were fet fho rtly at freedom upo n (uch c ot io ns

,as they m inded never to keep fo r (uch nien have neither faith no r

h o nefly. Mailer55am“ Balfour ,wh o was the greatell praélifer and had

drawn the Band o f the Balfoar r , e(caped . The E nglifh Ships daily mul

t iplied till that they were able to keep the wh o le Fyrth , W hereat theF rench and (b een Regent enraged, began to execute their tyranny upo nthe parts o f L owtbzane that layn igh to E dznbnrgb. Let M. D afuzd Bert/1wzoleewitneffewhat favo ur h is w ife and plac e Of 4 drjlon fo und Of the

French,fo r allthe fervice that he did to the (k een Regent .

In themidfl o f F ebruarywere d ireéled to England fro m the Duke andthe C o ngregatio n, the Lo rd f arm s

,Lo rd Ratnnen , theMafl Of Maxwell,

theMailer o f L indflzy,Mailer HenryBalnaver ,and the Lai rd Of Pzttar r ow ;wh o with their ho nefl c o mpanies and Co mmiffio n departed by Sea all,except theMailer o f W axwell, to Barmz

elee 5 W here theremet'

them the

Duke o f Norfol/w, L ieutenant to theQu_een o f E ng /anal andwith h im a

g reat co mpany o f the Gentlemen o f the No rth with (ome alfo o f theSo uth

,having fullpower to c o ntract with the .N o b ility o f S oot/and as

they did,upo n (uch Co nditio ns as are in the fame Co ntract (pecified andbecauie we have heard the malic io us to ngues Of w icked men make falferepo rt o f that Our


,we have faithfully and truely infé rted in th i s o ur

H iflo rythe (aidCo ntraél, as wellthatwhich was made at L en/7,during

the fiege , as that wh ich was firfl made at Barwzoke,that the fmcmo ry

thereo f may ab ide to o urPo llerity'

,to the end that they may judge w ith

indi fferency, W hether that we have do ne any thing p rejudic iall to o ur

C o mmo n - wealth o r yet co ntrario us unto the dutifullObedience whichtrue fubjeéls o we to their Superio urs who fe Autho rity o ught to defendandmaintain the L iberty and FreedomOf the Realm s co mm itted to their

Charge , and no r to o pprefl'

e and betray the fame to flrangers . The Teno ur o f o urCo ntraél fo lloweth

TireContr o l? at Barwick .

AME S Duke of Chattellarault E arle of Artane L orolHam ilto n,and other; of the Councell, No brlzry, and principallStates of Sco tland To

all anal

fnnelryw/rofe knowledge tlrefi:prefer”: firall come , Gr eeting . W e6.

have well co nfi dered, and are fully perfwade‘d in what danger,'


latio n, and m ifery the lo ng enm ity with ,the K ingdo m o f Eng land hathbro ugh t o ur Co untreyhereto fo re : h ow wealth ie and flo uriihing it {11 3 11become if tho fe two Kingdom s ; as they are joyned in o ne Ifland by

Creatio n o f the W o rld fo they maybe k nit ‘

in a c o nftant and alfured

friend(h ip . The co nfideratio ns gro unded upon a m o lt infallible Trueth,

o ught no lefle to have .mo ved o ur Pro genito urs


and fo refathers then us .

But the prefent danger hanging oVer o ur head s by the u’

njufl dealing o f

th o fe o f whom we have alwayes belt deferved, hath.

caufed us to weigh

them mo re earnefily thenthey did . The m i sbehav io ur o f the French(Mon/lean ,

I had almo fi faidMo nfiers,here , hath o f late yeers been (6

g reat . The o p‘

prefli o ns and c rueltie‘

o f the So ’

uldiers,the tyrannie and am

,b itio u o f their Superio urs and Rule rs fo grievo us to the peo ple, thevio »

lent fubverfio n o f o ur liberty and c o nqueft o f the land , W hereat theyh ave by mo lt crafty and fubtill mean s c o ntinually prefled hath been I

jay fé into llerable t o us all that at lalt when we c o uld_no r o btain re;

d reffe by humble fults and earneft fupplicat io ns prefentcd t o the (b een

D owager wh o bo th fo r duties fake, and place, (he do th o cc upi'e o ughtt o have been m o lt careful] o f o ur fiate

,we have been by3verynecefli tie

c o nfirained n0 t o nely to affay o ur own Fo rces, but alfo to implo re the(meensMajefiie o f E nglanel: aide and fupport ,

‘wh ich

,herMajefiie hath

m o fiwillingly granted upo n certain c o nditio n s fpec ified in aTreaty pail:at Barwiok, betwixt theDuke o fNorfolk , L ieutenant to her,Maje{lie,o n theo ne part and certain o urCo mm ifli o ners o n the other part whereo f the

Teno ur fo lloweth . At Barwiele the 27 dayo f February theyeer o f o urLo rd G o d 1 s 59 yeers It is appo inted,and finally Contracted, betwixtthe no ble and m igh ty,Thomae, Duke o f Norfolk Earle Marfhall o f E ng;land and L ieutenant to theQueens Majefiie o f the faid Realm in the

Name and behalf o f her Highneffe o n the o ne part ; and th e R ight Hon o urable Lo rd “

f ame: Stewart Patr ze/e Lo rd Rat/men S ir gfo/mMaxwello f

qregley, Knigh t W zllzamMaztlanelo fLetning ton yo unger, s céaraleo f Pzrtarrorv, andMafier HenryBalnzwes o f Hall/ 1 11 , in name and behalf bftheN o ble andMighty93am : Duke o f Cbattellaranlt o f Saarland and theLo rds o f the C o ngregatio n joyned to gether in th is Gaufe fo r - mainremance and defence o f the anc ient R ights and_

~Liberties o f their Co untreyo n the Other part , in fo rme as after fo lloweth t That is ,to fay That



(ween having futficientlyunderflo o d as wellby info rmatio n fent fromthe No b ili ty o fS eotland,as by the pro ceedings o f the French , that theylntend to co nquer the Realm o f Scotland fuppreffe the liberty thereo f , and

unite the fam e unto the Crown o f F rance perpetually,co ntrary to the Lawso f the faidRealm ,and the Pa&s ,0 athes ,and Pro mifes o f F ranee.And be

ing thereto mo lt humbly and earnefily required by the faid No b ility; fo r,and in the name o f thewho le Realm (hall accept the faidRealm o f S cor

G g 3 lane!

TheHi/Zorie of thefReforntation

land the faid N o bility and fubjea s thereo f into her Majel’ties pro tectio n

and maintenance, o nely fo r prtéfervatio n o f the fame in their o wn free

dom s and liberties , and from c 0nquell, during the time that the Marriagefhallc o ntinue betw ixt the (meen o f Sc0 ts and the French K ing and a

yeer after :And fo r expelling o ut o f the fame Realme o f fuch as prefently and apparently go eth abo ut to prac

tice the faid Co nquefi, her Majefly{hallw ith allfpeed fend into S cotland a convenient aide o f men o f War,

bo th Ho rre and Po o r, to joyn with the power o f Sc0 tilh men, with A r

t illery,Munitio n,and allOther Infiruments o fW ar meet fo r that purpo fe,as well by Seaas by Land, no t o nely to expell the prefent Power o f theFrench with in that Realme o pprefling the fame, but alfo to flo p as far as

c o nvenientlymaybe, allgreater Fo rces o f French to enter therein 5 fo rthe like purpo fe, and ilaallco ntinue herMajefiies ayd to the faid Realme,N o bility

,and fubjeéts o f the fame, unto the t ime the F rench (being ene

m ies to the faidRealme) be utterly expelled hence and {hallnever tranfat} ,

c o mpo fe, no r agree with the French , no r co nclude anyLeague w iththem

,except the

Sco ts and the French {hallbe agreed that the Realme

o f Scotland maybe left in a due freedom bythe French 5 no r lhallleavethe maintenance o f the faid No b ility and fubjeéts whereby they mig htfallas a prey into their enemies hands , as lo ng as they {h allacknowledget heir So veraigne Lady the Qi een and {hallend eavo ur their felves tomaintain the liberty o f theirCo untrey, and the State o f the Crowne o fScotland. And if in cafe any Fo rts o r Strength s wi th in the Realmewo n o ut o f the hands o f the French at th i s prefent o r at anytime beafter by herMajellies ayd, the fame {hallbe immediately demolilhed bythe Sec tilh - men , o r delivered to the faid N o b ili ty afo refaid at theiro ptio n and cho ice gflClthCl’ flanllthe power o f Eng land fo rtifie with in theg ro und o f Scotland, beingent o f the bo unds o f England, but by the advice o f theDuke, No b ility, and States o f Scotland . Fo r the which caufes

,and in refpeét o f herMajeli ies m o lt gentle clemency , and liberall

fuppo rt, the faid No b ility as wellfuch as be joyned~ as fuch as {hall

hereafter joynwith them already joyned fo r the defence o f the libertyo f that Realme, {hallto the uttermo ft o f their power ayd and fuppo rt herMajefties Army againftthe French and their partakers w ith Ho rfe - menand Fo o rrmen, andwithViétualls , by Land and Sea, with allmanner o fo ther ayd,to the belt o f their power,and fo {hallco ntinue during the timethat herMajeflies Army {hallremain in Scotland.

Item,They fhallbe enem ies to allfuch Sc o tifh men and French as {hall

in any wife fhew themfélves enemies to the Realmo f E ngland, fo r theayding and fuppo rting o f the faid No b ility in the delivery o f the Realmeo f Scotland from Co nquefl. Item They, {h allnever afient n

o r perm itthat the Realme o f Scotland i'ballbe co nquered, o r o rherwife knit to the

C rown o f F rance then it is at thi s prefent o nely‘byMarriage o f the

Q ieen,

their S overaign to the French K ing, and it be ruled by the Lawsand L Ibert S 'Of the Realme as it o ught to be. Item In cafe theFrench - men fhall at any time hereafter invade o r caufe to be invadedthe Realme o f Eng land, they {hall furnilh the number o f two tho ufandHo rfe- men and o ne tho ufand Po o r- men at the leafl, o r fach part

o f

her husband and head that during the marr iage (h allno t tend to the f ub

verfi o n and o pprefii o n o f the juft and anc ient Liberties o f the ("

aid Kingdom o f Scotland. Fo r p refervatio n whereo f , bOth fo r their So verargnsh o no ur, and fo r the c o ntinuance o f the Kingdom in its ancient (iate,theyack no wledge themrelves bo und to (pend their G o o ds , Lands , and L ives .

And fo r perfo rmance o f th is prelé nt Co ntraéi: fo r the part o f England;theQueen s Majeflie (hallc o nfirm the fam e and allClaufes therein co n;rained by her Letters Patent s unde r the G reat Sealo f England to

’ be delive red to the N o b ili ty o f Scotland , upo n the entrie o f the Pledges afo refitid, with in the gr o und o f England. In W itneflfe whereo f , the faidDuke o f Norfolkc hath fublcribed the(e Po ints , and thereunto affixed hisSeal

,the day, yeer, and place afo refaid . W h ich Co ntraé’t we finde ho

ncll and reafo nable and that o ur faid Co mmiii i o ners therein hath co nfiderately refpee

‘ted the Co mmo n - weale o f this Realme o f us

,and o ur

po flerity ,And therefo re do ratifie, allow,c o nfirme and appro ve the fame


with all ClaulE s and Article s therein c o ntained by thefe Prefents . In

W itnelie hereo fwe have fubfcribed the fam e with o ur Hands and fealedwith o ur Seals o fArm s in fuch caul'es acc ufio ‘

med are appended. exI t tloe

Camp éofore L a t/r tloe tentbdayof m ay, tn:year of God 1 56 o yeerr .Fo llow the Subfc rip tio ns .

The Subfcriptio n s .

TheDuke o f Cbatttllaranlr. Earlo f Argyle.Earle o f A rranu . Earle o f Band it .Earle o f Glcncarne. Earle o fMorton .

Earle o ffl atbed}. Earle o fMa ttie.

Lo rd Og ilbyLo rd f ame: Steward:A lexander Gordon .

Lo rd ‘Boyd.

Lo rducbiltr ie.

Gd iv/inHarm /ton o f [fl/winning .

Abbo t o f Calrojfe.

Tloc Inflrnél‘ionrg iw n, m m:


IN the fi rll place if

it (hallbe as ked o f yo u by the Duke o f Norfolk,and by Other the (meens Majefiies appo in tedCommifii o ners ,1 fyour

Pledges be in readinefl’

e ,ye (hallanfwer,That they are and in SaintAndr ew the 25o f th i s in(iant,and (halbe ready to be delivered inHo llage fo rfecurrty o f our promifes and part o fthe c o ntra&,

they o ffering and makingfecuri ty fo r their part by the (LueenesMajellies Subfc riptio n and G reatSeal, and delivering the fame unto yo u. P roviding, That they cho o fe andmake their eleé'tio n o f the Pledges as is commo ned .

a . Seco ndly, If the (aidComm ifli o n

enterprife the Army o f England (h alltake

Lo rd Bot/mike.

Lo rd o f Sam: f aint .Lo rd f olmAbinbr otlzol' .I

grd S zmmcrwazlc.

krd Roé

gr t S ta


bo r 0 Kynl c.

all.4 e}Stewart o f SairitColn m

L ib .5. W eigh t: in tbeQuintaof Sco tland.Y e (h allanfwer in g eneral] The expulfio n o f the French So uldiers cm o f

th i s Realme and Erfiand in efpeciall, o ut o f the Town o f Leit/t leeingtheir great Forces are there.

3 . fi lm, If. “ (hallbe as ked o f yo u ; At what place o ur friends andbrethren o f England (hallbe met e And at what day

e W hat number of

And ,W hatNo ble- men in company f Y e (hall reiet te all thefe things totheir eleétio n andc ho ice.4 . Item

,If it (hallbe as ked o f yo u,How theArm ies (hallbe furniflted

withViétuals , and efpe‘

cially the Ho rfe - men e Ye (hall anfwer Thatwith their adv ice fuflicient o rder (hallbe taken therein .

5. Item if it berequired How theMunitio n (hall be carried ando xen furnifhed to that t ried}«3 Y o u(hallanfwer,as we have g iven in Commifli o n to L etloington, wh ich we ratifie.

6 . Item If it (hallbe as ked, W ho (hallbe L ieutenant to the Army ofScotland Y e (hallanfwer,TheDuke o fCnattollaranlt.7 . Item , If it (hallbe enquired,W hat number o ur who leArmy extends

to Y e (hallanfwer , Theyw ill- .be,Go d w illing , five tho ufandmen .

8. Item , If it (hallbe asfed , W hat manner o f way

'Leitb fltal' be affaulted Y e (hall deli re al preparatio ns to be in readineffe, and the advice to be taken after the placi ng o f the Armies , and view o f the(irength(ho rtl

9 .

}i tem If it (hall be as ked co ncerning theCafile o f Edin‘argl: If

they will(land friends o r no t e Y e fltalldeclare o ur diligencemade , andto be made (ho rtly .herein ; but fo r the prefimt we can affure them o fno thin

r o .

gltem If it be as ked In cafe theGame be enemy

, W here theArmie (hallbe laced f


’ Y e (hallanfwer , Fo r the firfl in Mn/cbilérouglr‘




nt andtho fe parts till the Batterie and all preparatio ns be ind ine e.

1 1 . Item In cafe it be enquired o f allby- lyers and neutrals , and ine(peciall o f thg Lo rd o f Huntley and theNo rth 6 Y e (hall anfwer 'ln

generall A go o d ho e is had o fthemo ltpart thereo f : And to uch ing theLo rd o f in efgeciall Y e (hall(hew ho w he hath fentW rit ings tomyLo rd o fAr rane, w ith a fervant o f credit, to affirmhim o f h is alli li ancc;And fo r that caule hath defired Letters o f fufpenfio n o f the Qgee




wager:Commifli o n to be(“

cut to h im to be ufed in tho fe parts 4 and OtherLetters to arrefi the Clergies Rents andHires , bOth in tho fe parts W ithPro clamatio ns to caufe allmen to be in readineilfe to paii



fo rwards fo rmaintaining o i theReligio n, and expulfing o f (hangers . The No b ilityhath written to h im

,That he maycome to him in pro per perfo n W here

o f the anfwer is no r returned as et



1,1 . Item

,If it (h allbe as ked


the placeandmanner o f meeting o f o urfo lk s

,o r o f us and them, in c'

afe S terlin'

be kept e W e refer the anfwer hereo f to yo ur difc retio n s ;1 3 . Item, If it (hallbe as k ed, That their leadenmo ney (hallhave par


age fo r their necefli ties é Y e (h all reafo n the commo dity and difcommodit y‘thereo f with theCo uncell.

at Pio ners (hallbe hadt'Y e(hallaa cr;H h the

the number beingexprefl'


d and mo ney in readinelle to (0 (o ld o r‘pay

them,T[76] [77411 brw

e fufficieflcé .

1 5. Item If they (halldefii e That we declare o ur cauf'

es unto the

P rince s o f'qlmdigneand the K ing o fb émmti k o r Germany defiring their

alli llance 3 Y e (h a'

llanfwer, 7 124:wethink tbéfttmtg ood, afldjba/lj‘beedtlytalc?order tb

eh n‘


l 6 . Item,

IF it (h allbe defired o f yo u to co nfirme’

fo r us and in o ur

name the things pail and granted by o ur fo rmer c omm iflio ncr,‘theyo ungLaird o fL etMrgtM‘: Y e (hallin allpo ints for us and in o ur name c


o n z

firme the fame (0 Faras it (hallmake’

either fo r thewealeand co nju‘nélio n

o f theiwo Realms or th is préfent Cau(e o r yet fo r the (ecurity‘

o f o ur

part fo r fulfilling o f the fame . And as ye (h allaccept their o li'



rs tendin

to the fame end , and fuch (ecurityo n that part as yemaypurchafe an



pec ially(uch as We have hereto fo re ei prelle'

d G iven at Glafgont the 1 o .

o f February 1 559 .

t 7 . Item,W e give and grant yo u fullpower to augment‘o r diminfh the


hidHeads and Articles ;as ye think t heweale o f thé

caufe‘(hallrequire in

a omts .PSic (ubl



yolmE rr/tin o t m.

lyafie‘r were o ur


rrall o f theNavife, that ca‘m'

e to

A lexander Gordon .

A lexatlalerw ry /e:c lem ent ) ;urbtltr ze.

934mm“ H

es delivered toMafierWinterofgreat honeflie



' TbeHillary of tbefliefornmtion L ib . 3.

(l c and uttrfl li h t all th at was fo und therein . The W atch was neA nno

ligentlylkeptfl n (0 were the Succo urs (low and io ng in coming

the Frenc h'

,b efo re that any refiitancewas made unto them app ro ached

h ardt o the greatOrdnance : But then theHo rfe- men tro o ped to gether,

and the Po o r- men gat themfelves inAray , and (o repulfed the Frenchback again to “

th e To wn s but the'

flaughter was'

great (ome fay it do u

ble exceeded thatwh ich the French received the firit day. And th isw as the fruit of their fecurityand o urs , which afterwas remedied Fo r

the E ngliih menmo ltw ifely c o nfidering themfelves no t able to befiegetheTo wn ro und abo ut, devifcd to makeMo unts at diversquarters o f it,in the wh ich theyand their Ordnance lay in as go o d firength

, as theydidwithin thETo wn : The commo n fo uldiers kep t the Trenc hes and

had the(aid mo untains for their faveguard and refuge , in cafe o f any“

greater purfuit'

then theywere able to (uftain . The patience and (to utcourage o f the Englifh men, but princ ip ally o f theHo rfe - men, is wo r

thy o f all p raife Fo rwhere was It ever heard , That e ight tho ufand(they never exceeded that number that lay in Camp ) (ho uld befiege(o ur th o ufatid,


o f themo ltdefperete thro at cutters thatwere to be foundand to lie nigh unto them in daily sk irmifhing the (pace of

th reemo nethsfa'

nd { TheHo rle -men nigh tand daykeptW atch,and did (o valiantly behave themfelves , that th e ,

French gat no advantage , from that daybachro the day o f the affault , whereo fvve (h ailflio i tl h ear.‘ In th is meah time was this o ther Band made o f all theNo bi ity, Barons , and Gentlemen pro felling ChriftJefus in tScot/anal, and

o f divers Others that joynedwith us , fo r expelling o f the French a,

lno ngfiwhom the Earle o f'

Hnntlie was a prime man; The Band fo l;

TheIn]!Band at Leitb.

T Edznénrgb the (even and twentieth o f April5 the yeer o f o urLo rd r 56 0 yeers Wewho fe names are under- written have pro

mifed and ob liged our,(elves faithfully in the prefence o f G o d and by

the(ePrefents do promife’

,That we to ether in general! and every

one o f us in (pec iallbyhimi’

elf,with o ur o dies , go o ds , friends , and


that we cando ,(hallfet'

forward theRefo rmationo f Relig io n, acco rding to Go ds W o rd andpro cure by all means po lfible that the Trutho fG o ds W o rdmay have free pa(Ta e with in th is Realme,with dueAdm iniltratio n o f the Sacraments , am?all things depending.

upon the (aidW o rd

,and(uch like ; deeply weigh ingwith o ur felves themisbehavi

o ur o f the FrenchMiniiters here, the into lerableopprefli o n committedby the French men o f W ar Upo n the po o r (ubjefis o f this Realme bymaintenanceo f theQueenDowager under co lo ur and pretence o f Autho rity The tyranny o f the ir Captains and Leaders , andmanifefidanin o f Co nquelt, inwh ich th is Co untrey at th i s prefentfiandeth byeafo n o f divers Fo rtificatio ns upo n the Sea - co alt, and o ther noveltieso f


late attemp ted by them 5 promifing , Thatwe (h all each o ne withano ther, allo f us , to getherwith the (meet: o f E ngland:Army, prefenbly come in fo r o ur deliverance effectually co ncurre , joyu in o n



ta C

L ib .5 bf‘Reltgien in the


mlmeof Sco tland .

fake and ho ld o ne plain part fo r expulfionOf the (aid(h angers oppteffo rs o f o ur L iberty , fo rth o ur o f th is Realme and recovery o f o ur an

cient Freedoms and Liberties to the end that in time coming we mayunder the o bedience o f the K ing and cacen o ur S overaigns be o nely~ruled by the Laws and 'Culloms o f theCo untrey, and bo rnemen o f theLand ; And that never o ut o f us (hall have p rivy intelligence by writing,meilage, o r communi catio nwith any o f o ur enemies o r adveri


in th is Cau(e, but by adv ice o f the rcit (at leait o f five) o f the counfell;Again , Thatwe (halltender the commo nCaui


e, as if itwere the caufe

o f every o ne o f us in p articular And that the caufes o f every o ne o f

us nowjo yned'

to gether being lawf nlland ho neit , (hall be all o ur caufes in generall; And that he that is enemy to the Cau(e afo rei

aid,(h all


enemy to us all, in(0 far,That what perfo n fo ever will plainly refiitthe(e o ur go dly enterp rifes , andwillno t co ncur as ago o d and truemember o f this our Commo n- wealth, we (hallfo rtifie the (aid Autho rity o ftheCbunCell to reduce them to the ir duty like as’we (hall fo rtifie the(aidAutho rity o f the Councell in all th ing s tending to the furtheranceo f the (aidCauies . And if anyparticular debate,quarrel], o r controy ethe (hall arife, fo rwhati


o ever caufe that is pai’

t, prefent o r to

c ome,

betwixt ahyo f us (as Go d fo rb id ) in that cafe , we (hall (ubmit o urfelves , and o ur faidque itio ns , to the deciiio n o f

f the Co uncell o r to

A rbitrato rs to be named by them See . Providing always That th isbe no t p rejud ic iallto the o rdinary Jarifdi&io n o f Judges but that men

may purine their Aa io ns byo rder o f Law, C ivilly o rCr im inally, as itp leafeth


them .

Th is Co ntrafi a'

nd Band came no t o nely to the ears but alfo to the(i ht of theQueenDowager whereat(he ito r

tued no ra little and faid,Themaledtfiton of God Ig tw unto them that rbnnfcllcalme tr) petfirttle the Prat , £c t “ he m a

then , andto r efit/i: thePetztz'

om of thehellpm if the trnefnhjefirof their Realm . « 3 5a “ ,ye;Itwas (aid to me ,

That the E ngliih Army co uld no t co ntinue in Sqot mak e ufc o f

land ten dayes ; but now they have lienneer a mo neth , ahd are mo re like ‘h 's ’

to remain , then theywere at the firit daythat they came . They that So h ow the

gave info rmatio n to theQueen,fpakeas Wo rldlywifemen, an as th ings EZL‘ES

EZ (heappeared to havebeen 5 fo r the Co untrey being almo it in ai , the parts K ing co ncern

thereo f waited, theViCtuals next adjacentto Lezth '

, either brbu'

ght into ing the Sco ts

the ir Provifio n, o'

r elfe deitroyed s theMills , and o ther places , as befo re"m mg1m “

is faid, being caitdown, it appeared that the Camp could no t havfebeenfurniihed(except it had been by theirOwn Ships 5 andas that c o uld no thave been o f any long co ntinuance lo (hould ithave been little townfo rtable . But G o d co nfo unded allwo rldlywifedom,

and madehisown Benediétio

‘n as ev idently to appear

,as if in a manner he had (ed

the Army fi om above Fo r all llinde o fViétuall thetewas more a

bo undant andatmo re eaiie prices in the Camp allthe time that itlay’


after that eight dayes were pail then either they have been in'


any o f two yeers befo re, o r it hath been inthis Towneto th is day,0 o fMay, Anne I 56 6 .


rie of theReformation L ib . 5

The peo ple o f Scotland fo much abho rred the tyranny o f the

French that they wo uld fhave g iven the fubftance that they had to

have been rid o f that chargeable burthen which o ur finnes had p ro

vo ked Go d tqlay- upo n us in delivering and grvrng i nto the hands o f

awoman who m o urNo b ility in their fo o lilh neffe fo ld unto firangers ,andwith her the Liberty o f th is Realme . Godfor hu greot mereyfirleeprc

[ew e myet fromfurther Bondage, m whi ch we are[thetofall zf he pr ovide notremedy for ourNohilztyxvi /{yet remain hlma


eflr/l one!well follow thezr afi


on, comeafierwhatfo may. But to returne to o ur Hrflo ry. The Camp abo unding in allneceffaryProvifio n, o rderwas tak en fo r co nti nuatio n o f

the S iege ;and fo theTrenches were drawn as neer theTown as pofliblythey might. The greatCamp remo ved from Ldlam g to the W ell (i de

o f thewater o f Leah ;and (0 were the Canno ns planted fo r the Battery, and did lho o r at the So uthwell wall But by reafo n all was earth,the Breach was no tmade (0 great upo n the day but that it was fuffieiently repai red upo n the night whereo f the E nglifh

-men beg inning tobe weary, determined to give the Breach an Afl


ault, as that they did up

o n the feventh day o f May, beg inning befo re the day light, and c o nti

nued tillitwas nigh leven a clo ck . And albe it that the E nglifh and Sco tt ilh with great (laughter o f the So uld iers o f bOth were repulfed yet

was there never a fharper affault g iven by (0 few hands ;fo r theyexceeded no t a tho ufand men that affaulted the who le twoquarters o f theTo wn

, and yet they damned the who le Blo ck - ho ufe, yea, they o nc e‘

putthe French clean o ff theirW alls ,and were upo n bo th the Bait andW eft

Blo ck- ho ufe, but they lack ed back ing fo r their Scales lacked fixquarters o f the jufi he ight ; And fo wh ile the fo rmer were compelled to

fight upo n the to p o f thewall, the ir fello ws co uld no t j oyu to fupp o rtthem, and lb were they by multitude driven back again , when it waso nce tho ught that the Townwas wo n. S ir

f ame: Crofts was blamed o fmany fo r no t do ing his duty that day fo r he was appo inted with a

fic ient number o f the mo lt able men to have alTaulted theNo rthweft

quarter upo n the Seafide , where at a lo wwater (as at the time o f the

$331“ dd"

affault itwas the paifage was c afie. But neither be no r his ap pro achedto theirquarter appo inted . He had befo re at the firfic oming in, fp o kenw ith the (1 15m Regent at the fair Blo ck - ho ufe o f theCattle o f E dinburgh W hether {he had enchanted him o r -no t

, we knowno t butbyfufpitio n o f that dayinwh ich be deceived the expea atio n o f many ,and fo farre as man co uld judge , was the caufe o f thatgreat repulfe sfome afcribed the lho rtnel

fe o f the Ladders to him , but that omittedwh ich might have pro ceeded o f negligence h is abfence from the purfuit o f his Quarter was the caufe that fuch French as were appo intedthere to defend, feeing no purfuer came to the

‘relief o f their fellowes ,

and fo they two joyning to gether, with great flaughter gave the repulfeto o ur Company. The French - mens harlo ts , o f whom themo lt partw ere Sco tifh who res did no leife c ruelty then did the So uldiers eFo r befides that they charged the ir Pieces , andminifired unto themo ther weapo ns fome c o ntinually cefi (to nes fo me carried Chimneyes o f burning fire , fome bro ught T imber and o ther impediment


TheHi/lory of the“

Reformation L ib 5

lifewith in two h o ures after . The o ther was Alexiznder [ oehat t bro therto the Laird o f Bar ,wh o rafhly difco veriag h im felfe in the Trenche s ,wasfli Ot in the head and immediate] thereafter departed th is life. W hile

the S iege thus co nt inued a fad en fire chanced in Leith , ‘wh ich devo n

red many ho ufes , and much Vié’

tuall , and (0 began G o d to fight

fo r us , as the Lo rd E rr/tw in plaine wo rds faid to theQ reen RegentMadame quo th ,

he ) I can fee no mo re , but feeing that men mayno t

expell unjuft po ffeifo urs fo rth o f th i s land ,G o d h imfelfe wo uld do

it Fo r yo ur fire is no r kindled by man . W h ich wo rds o ffended the

Q ieen Regent no r a little who fe fickneffe daily increafing ) greatc raftThe ufed That W onfieur B efell m ight have been perm itted to

have fpo k en w ith her , belike (he wo uld have . bidden him fare- well,

fo r their o ld familiaritie was great ) but that denied {he W rit, as

it had been to her Chyrurgeo n and ApOthecarie fhewing her li ck.nefle ,

and requi ring fo me Drdgs . The Letter being prefented to theLo rd Gray ,

he efpied the craft , fo r fewr ls ines being written abo ve , and

fo much W hite - Paper left , he faid , Dro gs are abundant and frefher inEdinburgh then they can be in Leith. There lurk eth here fo me Other

fo he began to try and by ho lding the Paper to the fire,

he perceiv‘

eth fomewriting appear, and (0 began he to read 3 but what itwas no Otherman can tell fo r immediatelyhe burnt the Bill, and faid totheMelTenger Albeit Ihave been her Secretary,yet tellher, I [hallkeepher c o uncell; Bur fayto her, Such W ares willno r fellt illa newMarket.The anfwer received , the was no thing co ntent and then travelled [heearneflly ,

That {hem ight fpeak with the Earles Argyle, Glcnoarne,Merflmfl andwith the Lo rd974m”. After deliberatio n it was tho ught exped ient that they (ho uld fpeak with her , but no r allto gether , left th atJfo me part o f the Guifiam pract ice had lurked under the co lo ur o f fuch

friendflrip .

[o foolzjhly, at thattheir am ? Sat came

L ib }, of‘Re/zlgion in tbe


Z’Q'ezlme'pf Sco tland.

I 5 6 o . The G uito the peo ple


themfelves , and to them that fo llowed them ,

o f June after (Q:death o f the (Lueen Re.

fieur an with him the Bifho p o f.m e to ne

go t iate a Peace : From England

there came S ir W illiam Gecill,chiefe Secretary and Do cto r W/zzttm .

Their nego tiatio n. was lo ngfo in e fo r bb th i E ngland and we fearing de No te eChan

ccit fo ught by allmeanes that the co ntraétlho uld be fure. And they ficr Of POPAlh ‘

ly addicfiedW ho meant French o fficertY€2

,W hlle of Stater

o f the Incl)thVit‘luals ,

Tbc a rticle: Trmfleted and agreed by Jo hn'

Bifiie; of Valance 7

4714Mon/few Randam, Deputies to theKmg and2 1m”of SCOtland ape”?

tbematters p refented to tbem, bym yom tim , forMeyer:of NoézlitieAnd people of Sco tland.

IN thefirfi

,Upo n

the Complaint and Petit io n o f the faidNo bilipy


and t he peo ple'

o f th is Countrey ,and the number o f men o f War u

Itained by theirMajefiies in thefe’

p arts in the time o f‘Peace. It is hum

bly remo nfirated to the faidzDeputies , that they would pro v ide - g o nven ient remedie thereun


to fo r the comfo rt and reliefe o f the Co untrey.

:The faid iDe’

putie‘s co nfiderin

g. the faid udefires to b e jufi and co n

fo rmable to reafo n and filmed 'That. theK ing and (Lueen zlhtxuld pro cure no French Men o f W arre , no r no

Othernatio n to come to thele part/s intimec omm ing . But if f’trangerswo uldpp



tend to J. enter into /this Realmé 'with aNavie o rArmie to o c



me ' Iri'

thewhich '


aufe provifio n fb'

allbe tnade by theirMajeflies ,

~1the judgement"

and c’

o unfell o f the’

S tates" ‘o f‘- th

e Realme beingbad thereto

,and that,the FrenchMeh o f W arre ibeing now in the 'Town

o f Leiti; lhallbe lent to F rance‘the:fame t ime that t he Navie and Ar

m ie OKE nglifli‘men and s ec ttilh - men b

e {battered and « departed bOthby feavand land thewh ich {hallbe do ne in the beltmannermaybe as at

mo re large co nfideration {hallbe had thereupoii , and as to the bands o fI i Sco rrilhf


S c o rtifh men o f W arre, beingfat‘the faid place, they{hallbe bro ken, and

the men o f war licenl‘

ed to departa Mo remfer, a s to theW p m ”,

and Imbaketb that there (hallr emain in them an 1 2 0 . Freh chmen o fwar

o nely, which [hall be parted and diflributed in thefe , two ph ages , and

there {h all remain no m o re in Dumber , but th reefeo re men o f warm fo

it be alfirm ed by t he Cap tains ch olera fr o ‘

that effect :by bOth th e'

parties ,that fo r the keeping o f the fitm e

,a greater numbe

rr fi s n o t ineedfull: alib

to depar t when the States o f the Realm -

eanfinde any go o d and fture re

medie updn the exp ences madetm the {aid places , to keep the

famc from

perillo finvafio n o r ruine thereo f from t hem thatwo uldpretend ter/o ccu

pie thef ame, they {hall immediatly fhe'

wthe flame unto t eir Maje’

fiies as

hafiilyas maybe done and inthe meantime the number o f the tfaid men

o fwan {hall no r be'

augmeuted.‘fiondljn lilac m


anner it {halflno t be

lawfullto the faid tmen o h‘varre; t o do any

‘injuries i i o anype


rfo ns, no t

yet to maintain and defend any Sec ttiih men , .o f'

whatqualities fo evfl

they beb flagain’

fi thewillandmnh or iuiemh heMag ifira'

tes o f the Realm;n o r to rec eive them in the (aidplaces that theMinifier


o i j ufiiee mayno r

put hands o n . them no r , et (hall 'intro'

m it ina ny manner o f way,with thequarrels anddifc o r o f the Lo rds , and other particular'men o fth is R ealm dam:they

‘themle‘ltves flamll

'be bo und inlca' fe s of anyquarre l‘l,t o beapunilhedafteir the L


and o o nfiimtio ns of this Realm ,

‘ahd t o an;

,fwer fo‘r


themfelves befo reeh eljudgeS fOudinapi'

es o f the‘ifame. Lair o f

all, that from hencéfaruhmeyabenm c o rrrpelled to take o n '

c redite ;t hey{hall- be revel

rymem eTatis fied'

o fttheiriwages ,ffOt haft ttwO Seo rrifhLords

cho fen by the W apo nflrawing andmatterso f the faid men o fwarre, and alfo to vifit the (aid Fo rts , to fee if thenumbpro f th


emtbeliked, andfitflfhaill'

mo t gbe‘

xlawfiall to thefa id men o fwarto take anyviéiuals fo r theirfufim atio n o rfo r '

m unitio n o f the {are la

ces,but bypaimeuto f r ea

diemo neym imeraee, and wi th rhe ap lea ures

o f them that delivereth the‘figureunto t hem And therefo re the faid

Lo rds o bliges themfelve s to give them fo much as is needfullunto them,

they having to ,aythereforefl




Item, upo n ft eo peti'

tio n prél'

elnted unto t he laid Lo rds'

Deptwres ,anenfl:the demo litio n ofithe fo rtificatio ns , t he (aid Deputies '

c o nferir agreeand allureth

,that the fo rtificatio n of b emblhallb e de rrio hiflied,»and that

two,th re


e,o r fo ur Captains flaalllbe


choPen 'by bo th t he rpames rte ViewtheCafile o fDumbd r i; and ifiit be fo uhd abyi them ,

i that t hereparatio n,amplifieatio n, .and fo rtifyingmade the '


w a fterrthepeace greaternumber o fmen to therk eepirig rthereofibe required,thereparatiohandfo idt ificatio n thereo f iballbe abo liihed , fo fo o h as may


lb efio ne‘

,:and {hell

temaine o nely unto uched that '

thingwh ile’we rmaymakeuhe

faid Caltellm o re fure, and inlelTe danger


from inVafio n'

y Pro viding (ro utineMo thern o greater number


o f .men :there in bea cquired ifo r zkeep ing‘o f the fame:No tc hOW th eyMo reo ver, in times ro omming ftfhe flfin

itdrCQeenefirallm akemo i theellmlt the


newFo rts wit‘h in this rRealm., fi nd lm eaUgmefntalhemfl




refielfcmade; no r


fhall zrep‘ain them than taredeino liflréd W ith“ ?


COW‘fcnand ?c o ulent o f t h e E fiates trio r


yet ibal‘l ‘tlfhfi


fpb lfé t o flth

‘dfie parrs',iaa


nyJAra tillery , Munitio n bf .W arre , Po del' '


r fVifiuaIls - fibut fO much 3 5’


TheHi/loryof t/yefiéfltmdtion L ib .5.


caufe, the‘

King andQleén fhallchufe o ne“

and the States ano ther 5,

and (0 was this Article agreed under c o nditio n, that is to fay That the‘

fame be no préjudice in times coming to theK i’


d and h em,and R ights

o f theCro wn.

'And the faid Deputies '

o ffere their bo uts to make

mediatio n to the K ing and (ween fo r maintaining Penfi o ns and E iti

penfes o f thefaid G ouncello r

s , and o tdinafyOfficer s o f the faid Co uncell

,to be

pro vide'

d o f theRents and Revenues o f theCrown.

Item u pon the Pet itionmade'

to the faid Deputies ane‘nfithe Officers


of th is Realm, they’

c oh fented and at‘co tde‘d,ate. That in time to

c o me the King andQueen {hall no t depute any { hanger in the adminiaflratio ri o f theCivill and Gottimon fin‘d li'k‘

éwife in t he "Of- a


e of Chancery Keeper o f the Scale”


rér, Controller, andevery like O ificés and (ball no t ufi: them but {hall be b

o utent withtheir o wn

e fubjea s bornein the Realm" Moreo ver, It (hall '

no t be

lawfull to put'

theOfficeo f T‘


y,Co ntroller,into thehands of any

Church -man orOther Wh ileh are'

n0 t ableto exeréile the faid '



wh ich Treafure’

r and Co ntro ller '

iball be r‘

o vide'

d o f fufiic‘iént

Commif fion to arethefaid Office'

s : Bfit'

it than e lawfull to theiri to

difpo fe o r fill W ards o f marriages‘o r other c



s o r any otherth ings whatfoe

‘ver theybe, pertaining to their Cfl'i

‘ces Without adv ice

and confen'

t at the he GQUhc'

ell as the thee}: that the c anteenmayknowthat allth ing

s beeeri eto the pro fit'

o f th e K ingAnd yet theywill no t incl? o r ear-aim the K ing o rQueen to th is Articl

‘e,that theymayno t give‘wh en they think expedient.


Item ,They acco rded That in the firfi Co nvention ahdParliament

o f the States o i this Realme,

th ére’





Efiablifhe'd, ah Aét ofb blivio n,which afterwards (hallbe

‘mnfirrned Bythe K ings and (h it

- ens Majefiies by‘

theWhich thei


e atbearing Armo ur , and other th ingswhith have been done Iballbe b‘


et ied and fo rg o tten, fro m the fixth dayof themoneth o f ti ll /itch, in the

yeer of o urfic td (god 1 558lyeers And bythe fameAer they' w


hichhaVe contravened th


Laws‘o t the Retlme fhallb


é exc uféd and flea?of all

‘pai’ns Co ntai ned therein;evento as if it had neverbeenfcontra'


ned . Pr0vidii‘1g, That the Pliviled' '

of the laid Aft be no r éii it


fto themWhich the States o f t e Realme {hall judgeguhwor


fhyt ereo

Item , I‘

t is agreed and contl'

uded 3 That in the faid Convention o fParliament the States o f theRealfiie, as the c ationi c is , and ord inari~lyi s required [hall h e called ; intheWhich all they that Have ufied toc o nvene and to be prefén'

t,m yhomewithoutallfea


r ,or fortedo ne, at

to be do ne to them by”

anyperibn fo that the faid S tates thano bligethem. Th at where in time

éé ifiing‘



ditipn , or gathei irig o f.meno f W ar {hall happen to be W ithout command of theCo uncell, beingo f the number o f twélve, the Realme a’

nd Countrey {hall rEputé the;caufers -

thereof, and they that convene ,


as Rebells ,and ,ihall


them as fuch like,th 3 t theymaybe‘punifhed bythé Laws o ftheRealmf o

that the K .an'


allnot becompelled intime coming t6 fend anyth eir9

21W ar { hangers in thefeparts ,fo r ob tain ing due obed ience o ftheir fub

1e 5.

Item ,They Offered, Acco rded , an



eed , That'

th‘e re {hall be


generallpeace and reco nciliationamo ngftallLo rds and fubjea s ‘o f th is

Realm,fo that they that are called o f theCo ngregatio n, ahdt hey wh ich W V;

are no r o f the fame {hall layn‘o repro ach to Other s fo r the things which

are do ne from the faid fixth day o f Marc/1 ,Item The , Offered Acco rded and Affirmed , That the K ing

and (meen {ha ln0 t purfiie, revenge , not make anyperfe'

cuticSn fo r'


th ings that have been do ne '


o ryet {halltheyfurier the fame to be timeby their fubjea s French - men bur {hallhaveall things in Oblivio n,asif the fame had never been done. And fuch like the Lo rds o f thi s Realmo f Sebtlémd {halldo inallb



e betwixt them and the H enchm‘eh o n

their. And if byfinifter info rmatio n ,Or a‘


‘yo therdccafic

m the’


jéftie s have co nce ived‘

cvill op inion again their fubjérft'

s they {hallutterly fo rget and change the fame No r {hall they '

deprive any of

them no'

r talt'

e fromthem any o f them their Subjeéts , the Offices ,Benefic



o r E fiates wh ich they have broo k '

ed and en jo yed in the

faid Realm befo re ,by reafo n '

o f any th ings . they m edled‘with;

from the faid fixth day o f 58. further , {hallmake no ‘



i o n o f deprivatio n no r depofihg o f them by any ,

o therdo lo ur With


juficaufe , but rather they (hall,efieem

and ufe'



in t ime c om ing as go od andy

obedient fubjeéts . Providing, That thefaid Lo rds , and Other fubje'a s, o n their part , make to



all Obedience fuch like as O ther faithfulland naturali fubjeé’

ts owe totheir Soveraigns .

w in It is Atto rdé'

d andAgreed That it Ihall be lawfullto”

n o neof

th e Lo rds andNo b ility of s tanza, b r att y o ther , to make c anyon;t ionof men of W ar but in theo rdinarycaofe


approved by th e Lar’


and Cufio tfie o i theRealme And none o f fth‘ém than t i ara anyareaof

W ar {i rahgers to come to their arts 5 and'

ll’ltj‘cll le’


fliallatteinpt to‘

do any th ing againfi’

thf: K ing an Queen, o r againl’m he Authority o f


Co unttll, and otherMag‘iftrates o f the and theyWh ich

have pr’

efented the Petitio n{hallbe bo und,

thereunto ; And in eat: anyOf them, o rOthers , finde o


c cai n to invadé or takeArrhehr'


gainfianyman as he pretendeth, after that hehath communicated thematterWiththe

%o uncell o f the Realme5 he the ir

Maje ies andgenerally they{hall 3,to

do‘the th ings Wh ich pertaintth






ility o f their

at ,‘

o r OtherChui’ch‘é

A nn oItem It is Acco rded, &c . That the laid Lo rd‘

s {hall binde them to

o bi'

erve and caui'

e to be o blErved all and fundry Po ints and A rticlesagreed in this Treat 3 And if it happen that any o f them o r any Other

ih o uld gainfay the (time the remnant Lo rds and reii due o f the who le

peo ple, { hallbe enem ies to h im,and (hallpurfue h im tillhe be chafinedf

and punifhed acco rding to h is demerits .

Item, It is Co ncluded, 36C. That allthewho le Realmmay know that

the K ing and tween are no rwilling to keep any remembrance o f flu?t ro ubles and difi'

erences pail and (0 far as co ncerns theNo b ility and

o ther fubjee‘ts o f th is Realme 2, That thei rMajeflies defire is to ufe them

humanely, and to be favo urable unto them the faid Deputies have promifed and acc o rded, That the Duke o f Cbattellam i dt and allOtherNo

ble - men o f Scotland,{ballbe refiaured and fetled again in alltheir go o ds

and benefices , wh ich they had enjo yed‘in F rance 7, That theymaybro o kand enj o y the fame , in the fame manner as they did befo re tho le debates ,ihe faid fixth dayo f MA M/7, and yeer afo refaid even as the faid co ntro

verfi es had never chanced. And alfo that allCapitulat io ns and Articlesagreed upon in times pail, andefpeciallytho fe that were appo inted in the .

King and (h een s Contraa [hallbe o bferved and k ept as wellfo r the,

part o f theirMajefties ,as fo r t he part o f the N o b ility and people o f

Scotland And as co ncern ing'

Dm d , (o n to theDuke of Clyartgllaraulr,

from the

mo ry, tofed in to t

have the

taken fo rfo re , and two fo r the part o f the K inn o ice and v iew the fame afo re


the Sh

be fent to theirMajef’ties wh ich

i ballexpo fe to theirHighneH’

es tho fe th ings that {hallbe tho ught needfullfo r the (late o f their bufines ,and fo r the fo rementio ned and_

o rherArticlesandP oint s undec ided by the Deputies , to the efl‘ea - theymayknow theirMai lleS intentio n go o dwilc o ncerning thofe things wh ich fhal/be ex- fipo fed from


the Co untry the which alfo {hallhave ith them af o nfirmati o n rat ificatio n by the fiates

o f theRcalm ,

’ of tho fe arti cles which areco nco rded

,&c .by theDeputies 3to whomalfo t



fame time oir befo re (itals be

be given and delivered and like Co nfirmatio n and Ratificatio n made

by their Majeities , . fo being that thefirid“

8 ta t’

es fen’

d ztheir Ratificatio nfo relai


Troclamation of the A


tbingm laow - Wrztten,

the 8 of i d] , in tbe j aaregf God 55 0 .

gloryof the andt o t irec omfortaf a ll

Cbr i/fiam the and {Pr inceffey' a'

ndrmoflCbrifli anKing

God, King and9356”[but fibr incefle E liz ab

France , and Ireland


Thefe th ings tranfaaed ,'

and thePeaeeil’s o olaimed;as is faid;fudderi .provifion

‘was madef o r tranfporting o fthée cn


ch tow / $ 50 .1 wh omxhc

mo ltpartwere put in t he Engliflafibips ;vrwahb alfil carri edWith them th e

who le Fpo ilc o i Leith a nd thatwas iuhe fecond ibendfit'

whrigeh whey»recei :ved of their late promifed liberty,the endwho'reo i is no tyet; TheE ngliihArmy departedby’

lland the. 1 6 ,dayo f July int hewyieéne of G od‘t 96 0 2

Themo ltp art o f‘

o urN o bilityProtefianes ; ho nourabl conveyedehem(as invery deed they h ad well deferved But Lo rdgem : two iuld n ot

leave the Lo rd Gray-w ith the otherNo ble‘mon o f f ragrant! t iil.t tatt heyentred into Barm

elz: After who fereturning,thefOo uncellbe'

giin to lo o kas wellupo n the afi


aires '

of athe‘Commo n - wealth , a s stpon thematters rthatmightp o ncs rncthefiabtlirymtReligion

‘As sbefo r'

mwe rhavefheard'


P arliament-m as co ncluded to .begint ltect enth o f July,\

andt o‘be cont inued

tillthe h ilt o f Angeli next .and therefnre ahe :Lo'

rds m ade theLgrcm r

hafie and :diligence ,’

that allt h ings lihouzld be put iii ic o nvenient i o'

rder;[But befo re .

allthings thePreachers exho rted them (f o r then inE lfmeretho mofi

jiart o f stln


e ohiei :Minifie rs ofl the‘Realmery to b e him ull“

lilo Gmt



am pro videnhatrtheMiitiilers as

t _e nee _t

ountreyrequired . 4A day'wias oi W at

th ewho leNo bility, hand thegreatefiparuof t he fCofii



8~Gi fts. Church infl dinéurgb where after theSermianiin ade fi rlthat

:Purpoleb ‘cpublike thank s swew givm


unto 6 6d for’his tnereifullcd'

elitierfo rime as fo lloweth ..

r. r . . i41



Hereafter were the Co mmifii o ners o f Bo ro u hs with i'

ome o f theNo b ility and Baro n s , appo inted to fire the e

gpall iilributio n o fMiniilers

to change and trani'

po rt as the mo il part o uld think expedient.io


was J ohn'

Knox appo inted to Edinburgh , Clorijhplvcr Goédmon (whothemo il part o f the tro ubles had remained in Aj f U ) was appo inted to

Saint Andrews , Adam Her iot to Adm ire» : Mailer {fa/m Row to Saint(to whomwas no in then knowne ) to

Daw '

d F o rge/on to Dunfemnelin andto were . no m inated fo r Superinten

dents , and that allth ings in the Church iho uld be carried withOrder and well, Mailer 53017”Spott

frfmood fo r Lamb/


in, Mailer groin:


yrow fo r Fyfl ,

’ Mailer ’

f olmW olloci' Or Glofgow the Laird o f Dim fo rAnew and 3 1 647 7265, Mailer f ol)”Carfmtll fo r Argyle and the liles . Theicto be eleaed at the dayes appo inted , unleflfe that the Co untreys wheretotheywere to be appo inted co uld in the mean time finde o ur men mo reable and fulficient o r elfe ibew fuch cauies as mi ghtdifable them from

that implo yment .'

The Parliament appro ach ing due advertii'

ement was made by the

Co uncell to all fuch as by Law and anc ient Cuilome had o r mightclaime to have T itle therein . The aiTemblywas great nOtwithi



andingi nth e, as wello f tho fe that be called Spirituallas Tern o rallLo rds

,co n

temptuo uflydid abient themfelves . And yet the chic Pillars o f the Pa

piilicallChurch gave their prefence, fuch as theBiiho ps'

Of Saint Andrew,

Dumb/4m, unite/1,with Others o f the inferio ur fo rt, befide tho fethat.Openl pro feil


ed Jei'


s Chriilwvith its,

Galloway .the A bo ts o f H ydro/fa Cid/700i;- lSaint

II, Hdlyrudaboafi, the Prio ur o f Saint Andrea’s ; Col

Ile, the Sub -

prio ur o fS .Andrgm and divers Others ,no r. At the fame t ime o f Parliament goon Knox

K l: publikely

A nno


N o ]

the(hallno r

firmitie as w And albeyet Others were go dly mo ved who did ac mbler to co nfult what th ings were to bep

mpo l‘

ed to thatAnd after deliberat io n , was thi s iu iequent fuppli

catio n o ffered.

T/zeBarony, Gentlemen, Bargeffer , nod other tree Snow}: of floor Ree/m,

p rofefimg t/oe Lord fife/m wit/yin the fizmu .

ToMeNob/ litieand Stem of Po r/iomentprefimlj ojfimbledwit/1m tbefizidRealm, def/ireGrace,

Mercyand Peace,fiom God the F or/yer af ourLordfiery/or Cbrs ,

nut/1 Ibe increofe of be}holys r it.

Leafe yo ur Ho no urs to callto remembrance h ow d ivers and fundrytimes we with fo me o f

‘. yo ur fe’

lves ) mo ithumbly Petitio ned, atthe feet o f the late(b een Regent , for freedom and liberty o fCo ni'cience


with a go dly Refo rmation o f‘abuies wh ich' by themalice o f Satan and

negligence o f men, are crept into the Religio n o fG o d, and aremaintainedby inch as take upo n them thename o f Clergie . And albe it that o ur go dlya nd

‘mo fi reaio nable fuit was then difdainfullvrejeéted whereo f no

fmalltro ubles have enfued as yo urHo no urs wellknow yet feeing thatthe fame nec efli ty yet remaineth that then mo ved us 5


And mo reo ver,

that Go d o f his mercy hath nowput into yo ur hands , to take fuel] o rderAs G o d thereby maybe glo rified ; Th


is Commo n - wealthquieted 5 Andthe Po licy thereo f eitabliiheda W ec anno r ceaie to crave o f yo ur Hono urs the redrefl


e o f fuch eno rmities , as manifclllyare and o f lo ng timehave been comm itted by the place - ho lders o i theMiniiterie, and Otherso fthe Clergie with in th i s Realm . And

firil, feeing that Go d o fh is greatmercy hath by the light o f h is W o rd manifeiled to no fmall number o fthi s Realme That theDo arine o f the . Romane Church received bythe (aid Clergie and maintained thro ugh their tyrannie byfire andfwo rd c o ntained in it iélie many peilife


ro us erro urs wh ich'

cannOt butbring damnatio n to the fo uls o f inch as therewith ihallbe infeéted inchas are theDo ctrine o f Traniubllantiatio n o f the

“Ado ratio n o f Chriilsthe fo rm o fBread

,as theyt er


me it 5 o f theMerits o fW o rks,

and j ufiificatio n that they alleadge commeth thereby, to etherwith theD o ctrine


o f the (PapifiicallIndulgences Purgato iy Pi grimage ,

andPraying to Saints departed wh ich allteither repugne to the plain Sc ripcures

, o r elfe have no gro und in the .Do étrine' o f .o ur Mailer Jefus Chriit(his Pro phets and Apofiles

x W e

Th is o ur Supplicatio n being read in audience o f the whole Afl‘er



d ivers menwere o f divers judgements 5 fo r as fome there were that upr io htly fa

vo ured the Caufe o f G o d 5fo were there many that fo rwo rldly


relc ts abhorred a perfeétRefo rmati o nlfo r how many W i th inScotlandwho h ave the name ofNo bilityt and are nujailp o il

‘ellors o f the Part imo

ny o i theChurch and yetwere the Baro ns andMinilters called and

c ommandment g iven unto them to d raw i nto plain.

and feverallHeads

the(um o f that D o fi rine wh ich they wo uld mai ntain, andwo uld defire

the p refentParliament to e ilablilh as wholefome t rue , and o nely h e ?

c eiTary to b e beleevcd , and‘

to befi

rece ived W i th in the Realm W h ich

they w illingly accepted 3 and wi th in fo ur daye s p refenred thi s, Co nfettio n


as it fo llo vveth, witho‘uta lteratio n o f any o ne fentence.

Fayre/fled and heliefveolhy the

Protejlantr wzthin the Realmeof Sco tland pnhlz/hed h] them in Parliament and hy the Ejlates thereof Ratzfied and Approved , for wholefome and

found Doélrtne,grounded apontthe infa/lzhleTrath of


r r H 2 4.

And their glad Tydingr bf the'

Kengdomflea/Z he preached thorowoat the wholeWorldfor aW ztnefl? onto allNattam and then[halltheend come.

The Treface .

The S tate s o f Scotland , with the Inhab itants o f the fame pro feflingCh riit Jefus h is ho ly G o fp el To the ir naturaliCo untrey - men, and

unto all Other Realmes and Natio ns p ro fefling the fame Lo rd Jefusw ith them, W illi G race,Mercy, and Peace 5 from G o d the Father o fo ur Lo rd Jefus Chriit .with the Spirit o f righteo us Judgement , fo rSalvatio n.

LOng havewe ther/led clear Brethren to havenotifiedunto the world the

[am of that Doélrznewhich'

wepr ofefle andfbr thewh ichwe harvefnjlainedinfamyana

'dattger. Bat fach hath heen therage of Sathan againjlm ,

and again/lChrtjl

f efm halt Eternal]Verzty latelynowngaen horne'

among/l to: that totht'

c dayno t1mehath heengr anted anto an to clear oar conferences , at maflgladlj wewouldhavedone F or howwe haveheen to/fed a inhaleyecrpeyl, themo/Zpart of Euro pe


at wedo[up ofiz doth tinder/land.


Batjeetng that of the in nitc g oodne/fe ' of4

our G0d w a never fitfi’éreth hi; a/fflze

led a lterly to heconfounde aho 've expt’ffd r

tron have we-

ohtaznedfomere]? and lzherty wecould not hutfetforth their hrzefeand

L ib .5 of Reltgt'

on in theRealmeof‘

SQQ‘cland .

and plain Confi/t'

zon of filt hDohi'riheat it propofi’d tenth tea


pro/emf , partlyfirfattkfie’

i ion of our Brethr en who/e heartt , wedeahenot, haveheen ,

andyet are wottndedhj the defoigh'

tfitll ray/erg of fitch for yet havenot leara

ned to [pea/ewell And partlyfor flopping the month: of impudent hlafphernerr,who hold!) condemne that whzch theyneither heard nor nnderfiohd Not that we

judge that thecanlzred malice of [116t ahle to he cared h] that flint/e Confe/lthnNo , weltnow that the[weerfavour of the Gofpel it and [ha/lhedeath mm the

(f perdttton. Bat we have chi ef refitel? to our weale and Brethren to

when;weworld commnnz'

cate thehottorn of our heart; lejl that they he tr ofthled orcarried awayh] dearer/it) of m om en t whtch Sathan fpreadeth agatnflM , to thede

feating of the; our m‘

oflgodly enterprt'

fe ; Pr ote/llng That cf any man wi ll not:

tn the ea r ConfeK/ on any d rtr’

clet orfentence repugnan t; to God: holyW ord that at,

,wouldpleafeheen of htétg entlentflh, andfor Chr i/lean char i tierfal’

e,admontfi) to; of


thefame in writing andwe noon oar Honorary andfidelttydoprowl/ennto hzmfizttfn


ltonfrom themouth of God that z'

t,f}ont he}holyScr ipture; or elfeReform

ation of thatwhi ch hejballprove to he ameffe. For Godwe talee to Record are one

confiiencer That fr o'

nt oter hearts weahhorre all Sell; of Herefie, and all teacher s

of er r oneont dollr t'

ne 5 And thatwtth allhttnztlztywe emhrace theparztyof Chm/l:Gofpel, whzch h theonelyfood of


our fin der ; and therefore[opred ator unto M that

wearedetermined toft'

efer the extreme/i of worldlydanger , rather then thatwewell

figfer attrfilo /e; to hedefrauded of thefitme. F or hereof we[

aremo]? certatnlyper

fwaded Thatwho/better denieth Chr tjl §Ceftot or it a/hamed of hem in pr tfi’nce

of men j hallhedentedhefltretheF ather and hefbre hlt holyAng eli . A nd there

fore h] thedfiI/ld flt‘f of themightySt i r / t of the[atoneonr L ord j e

t/tea wefirntlypur a

pofi’ to ahtde to the end in theconfifiton


of thtlf ottr F ai th,

E co nfefie and acknowledge one o nely G o d to whom onelywemull cleave, whom o nely we mullW o rfh ip and in who m

o nely we mull put o ut trull 3 who is Eternal] Infin ite , u nmeai’


lncomprehenfio le,Omnipo tent, Invifible, o ne in Subfiance, andyet d i

h ma into three Perfo ns ,The Fathe r,Th e S o n, And the ho ly G ho lt byw hom we co nfefl


e and believe allthings in heaven and earth,a s wellVlfiblc as Invifible, to have been Created to be Retained in the ir be ing ,

and to be Ruled and G uided by h is infc rutable P ro v idence, to (uch end

as his eternallW ifedom, G o o dnelléand Juflice hath appo inted them, to

the manifeh atio n o f h is own Glo ry .

E co nfede and acknowledge th is o ur God to‘h ave Created

man (to wit,'

o urfirfiFatherAdam ) o f who m alfo Go d fo rm}

man, to his own Image and S imilitude {To vhhom



gave i

Lo rdfli iPaJuh ice,free- W ilLan


d clear Knowledge (if himfelf ; Co l- 3 4m

K 3

A nnofo th at in the w h o le N ature o f man there co uld be no imperfeétio n

F ro m which Ho no ur and Perfea io nMan and W o man did bo th fall 3 theW om an

,be ing dec eived by the Serpent s andMan o bey ing to the

Vo ice o f theW oman, b o rh c o nfpiring againfi the S o veraigne Majch yo f G o d

, who in exprelfe wo rds had befo re threatned death, if they prefumed to ear o f the fo rb idden Tree.

I I I.

of Ortg tnallS in.

BY which tranfgrei

li o n , c o mmo nly called Originall Sin , was the

image o f G o d utterly defaced inMan and he and h is Po ltetity o fN ature became enemies to G o d, llave s to Sathan, fervants to S in, infomuch that Death everlafiing hath had, and “1 1 11 have po wer and domin io n o ver allthat hath n0 t been, are no t, o r fhallno t be regenerate fromabo ve 5 w h ich Regeneratio n i s w ro ught by the p o we r o f the h o lyG ho ft

,wo rking in the hearts o f the E leCt o fG o d an allured Fai th in the

Pro mifes o f G o d revealed to us in h is W o rd 5 by wh ich Fai th they app rehendChriftJefus ,with the G races andBenefits p romifed in him.

I I I I.Of the Ite

fvelatton of thePromzfet

Or this we co nflantlybelieve, ThatGo d, after the fearful]and ho r;rrble defeétio n o f man from his o bedience , dtd feck Adam again, c all

upo n h im, rebuke his fin

,co nv ince him o f the fame and in the end made

unto h im a joyfullPromife, to wit, That theSeed of theW oman /hould hreahedowne the Serpent: head ; that is He iho uld dellro y the wo rk s o f the dev ill wh ich Promife as it was repea ted and mademo re c leer from timeto time

,{0 was it embraced w i th joy,andmo ltc o nflantly retained o f all

the faithful], fromAdam to Noah, fro mNoah to Ahraham,and from Ahra

ham to Davzd,and fo fo rth to the Incarnatio n o f Jefus Ch rift 5 who all

(we mean the faithfullFathers ) under the Law, did fee the joyfulldayeso f ChrifiJefus, and did rejoyce


TheContinuance, Encreafe, andProfane/ alien of hit Church.

E mo lt co nflantly believe , That G o d Preferveth , Intimac th Multiplieth , Ho no ureth z, D eco reth ,

and fromdeathc alled to Life h is C hurch in all Ages , from Adam , tillthe c omingOf C H n r s r J ! s u s in the Picfll Fo r Ahrahatn he Called fromh is fathers Co untrey , him he infiruaed his Seed h e multiplied ,

the fame hem arvello ufly preferved and mo re marvello ufly delivered from

‘the Bo ndage o f Pharaoh ; to wh om he gave his Lawes Co n 1

firturio ns and Ce remo nies . Them he po lfeffed in the Land o f Canaan

, to them after Judges , and after Saul , h e gave Darwd _to be K ing s

to whom he made p ro mile ,That o f the fruit o f his Lo ynes ih o uld

o nefit fo r ever up o n his RegallSeat. To th i s fame peo ple from time totime

‘ThftHayley of the fRefbr’

mation L ib 3

A Owhatfo everwe have lo ft in Adam i s refto red to u s again . And fo r this

III]caufe are we no th ing afraid to callG o d o ur Father, no r fo gnuch in that hehath c reated us (which wehave c ommo n with the repro bate as fo r that,

R om that he hath given to us his o nely So nne to be o ur Bro ther, and given unto1 9 us grace to imbrace h im fo r o ur o ne]yMediato ur, as befo re IS faid. It be

h o ved further theMefli as and Redeemer to .be very G o d and veryMan,

becaufe he was to f uifer the punifliment due fo r o ur tranfgrefli o ns and to

p refent h imfelf in the prefence o f h is fathers judgement, as,in o ur perfo n .

t o fufi'

er fo r o ur tranfgreffto n and difo bedience,' bydeath to overco me him

thatwas Autho ur o f death. But becaufe the o nely Go d - head co uld no c

fuf’fer death neither c o uld o nely the Man - ho o d o verco me the fame , hejoyned bo rh to gether. in o ne perfo n, that the imbecrli tie o f the o ne fho uld

3 d 6 ' fufier and be fubjeéi:to death (wh ich we had deferved ) and the Infinite"N9? and Invinc ible power o f the Other towit o f th e Go d - head iho uld tri

umph , and purchafe unto us lite, libertie and perpetuallViéto ry : and (0we co niefiie, and mo ft undo ubtedlybeleeve .

Chri/it Death, Pvt/flan, Retrial/1, é-o .

a “M om” ,Hat o ur Lo rd Jefus o ffered h imfelf avo luntary Sacrifice unto his Fa.

w a r. ther fo r us 5 That he fuffered co ntradiétio n o f finners 5 That hewas ,

$5:3; wo unded and lagueri fo r o ur tranfgrefiions ; That he being the clean '

andVMm }, isfii . inno cent Lami e ORG O D was c o ndemned in the p refence o f an earth


Dcum o - z s . ~.lyJudge that we m ight be abfo lved befo re the Tribunal!Seat o f o urG o d Th at'

he fuifered no r o nely the c ruelldeath o f the Cro fl’

e (wh ichLuke i sm , was accurfed by the fentence o f God but

alfo , That he fuffered fo r a feaMg‘h wé s fo n the wrath o f h is Father wh ich finners had deferved. But

= yet we

i; avo w,That he remained the o nely'

welbelo ved and blefied SOnn f hisH ebh ci s . Father '

,even in themidfi o f h is anguifli and to rment ; wh ich he ufiiered

A. in bo dy and fo ule, to make the fullfatisfaé'tion fo r thefinnes o f his peo ple.

After thewhich,weco nfeii'

e and avow That there remains no Other fa~crifice fo r fiunes 5 wh ich if anyaffitme,we no rhing do ubt to avow,


eyare blafphemo us againi

’tChrifis Death,and theeverlafting purgati on

an fatis fa€tio n purchafed unto us by the fame.


fim .


E undo ubtedly beleeve,That in fo much as itwas impo fiible that

the paines o f death iho uld retain in bo ndaget heAntho ur o fthat o ur Lo rd j efus Crucified Dead and Buried who defcendedhell

,did rife again fo r our Jufiificatio n and defiroying him who Was the

auth o ur o f death bro ugh t life again to us that were fubjeét to death,and5‘1agl



to the bo ndage o f the fame W e know that his Refurreaio nwa'

s co nfin3, “ 7 .

med by the(

tefi imo ny o f h is very enemies . By the'

Refurreétio n o f theBuke aq. u . dead who fe fepulchres d id o pen and _they did arife and appeared to

manywith in the C ity o f f’fierufo lem. It was alfo c o nfirmed by thetefti

mo n ie o f Angels , and by the fences and j udgements o f his Apo flle s ando thers who had to nverfatio n and did eat and drink with him after h isRefurreé’ciom’


E nOthing do ubt , but that the felf- fame rBo die, wh ich wasb o rn o f the Vi rgin was Crucified Dead and Buried and

iwh ich did rife again, did afcend into the Heavens , fo r acco mplifhment o f.allth ings : W here, in o ur names , and fo r o ur co mfo rt he hath receivedrallpower in heaven and in earth : W here he fitteth at the right hand o f

{the Father enthro nized in his K ingdome , Advo cate and o nelyMedia

‘to ur fo r us wh ich glo ry , h o no ur, and prero gative, he alo ne amo ngft theB rethren {h allpo ffefl

e,t ill that allhis enem ies be m ade h is fo o r ito ole



as thatwe undo ubtedly beleeve they (hallbe in the finall judgement,t o

the exec ut io n whereo f,we certainly beleeve that the fame o ur Lo rd

Je ius { hall vifibly and apparantly returne as th at he was feene to

afcend . And therewe firmelybeleeve that the time o f refrefli ing and re

,ftitutio n


o f all th ings {h allco me info much that tho fe that fro m the

.beginning have fuifered vio lence, injury and wro ng fo r righteo ufneffefhall inherite the blefl


ed immo rtality promifed from the beginthe fiubbo rn , ' cruell ,ino bedient, o pptelfo rand all fo rts o f un


thank full men,{hall be

ter dark neffe where their m tmc {hall not

o nelyHead o f the Church,

gh Priefi,Advo cate andMediato r. In

an o r Angeli prefume to intrude them;

we utterly deteftand abho rre them as blafphemo us to o ur S'


eG overno urChrifi Jefus .

x I I.

F orthm theHoly s hy}.

is o ur faith and the affurance o f the famepro ceedeth no t fromm no naturali powers withWhomwe co nfefl




who fanétified us ;

The Htflov of the i'

ieformation L ib. fAHHO

neither we can feel when we were pricked, '

fee the light when it lhineth,n o r affent to thewillo fG o dwhen it is revealed o nely the Spirit o f theLo rd Jefusquickeneth that wh ich i s dead, rem o veth the darkn

effe from

o ur m indes , an‘

d boweth o ur {lubbo rne heart s to the o bedience o f his

bleffedwill, and fo as we co nfeife tha t G o d the Father created us whenwewere ne t, as h is S o nne o ur Lo rd Jefus redeemed us when we were

enemies to him S o alfo we c o nfefie that theHo ly G ho ftdOth fanétifie,

mo re plain wo rds ,glo ry o f o ur o wn Cratio n and fanétificatio n , fo r o ffelve s

we are no t fuflicient to th

go o d tho u0 h t but he who hath begun the g o o dw o r

'k in ushe that co ntinueth us in the fame, to the praife and glo ry o fh is undved grace.

X I I I.

The t au/b of good works .

SO that the caufe o f go od W ork s we c o nfefl'

e t o be no r o ffreeW il

but the rit o f o ur heart s by tfaith , repared fo r us

ho rre filth ie pleafures to gro ane in G o ds prefence fo r deliverancthis bo ndage o fc o rruptio n, and finally to triumph o ver finnereigne no t in o urmo rtall bo dies . Th is battaile have n0 t the

2 Tim m e,men,

.being defiitute o fGo ds'

Spirit,g reedmeife, andwitho ut repentancelufis do prick them . But the So ns o ffin

,do fo b and m o urnwhen they pe

(Y, and i fthey fall, they rifeagain w


‘Theperfefiion of the Law, and the imperfifizon of mart.

He Law o f G o d we co nfeiie and acknowledge m o ftjufi,mo ii equm o ft h o ly and m o ft perfeét c o mmanding th ofe th ing s , which

ing wro ught in perfectio n , were able to give life and to bringeternallfelicity . But o ur Nature i s -fo c o rrupt

,fo weak and im

that we are never able to "

fulfillthe wo rk s o f theeno[in evena ftcr we are regener

of God ot notm tor . id there

hend Ch riflJefus w ith j ufrice and Satis faétio nco mpli ihmen t o f the Law to allthat believe


liberty, that the curfe and m alediétio n o f the La

we fulfill n o r the fame in allpo ints : Fo r G othe Bo dy o f h i s So n Chri i’t , Jefus

ere perfeét and r o vered o ur wo rksfpo ts W i th the Juftice o f h is S o n


. W e

Luk - i 7 .l o at liberty that ‘

we o we no o bedience to the Law (fo r that befo rehave

plai nlyc o nfeiIed ) but th is we affirm , That no man in earth (Ch

Jef us o nely accepted ) hath given , giveth o r (ball g ive in wo rk, to bedien ce to theLaw, wh ich the Law requireth But when we h

do ne all th ing s , we m ufi falldown and unfainedlyare unpro fi table fervants . And herefo re who fo ever bo ail:themerits o f their own wo rk s o r put their truit in the wo rks o f Superero gatio n , they bo ail themfelves o f that which is no r and put

their truili n damnable Ido latry .


S webelievein G o d the Father, S o n and ho ly Cho fl: fo do wemo fi

earneiily believe That from the beginn ing there hath beeneno w is

,and to the end o f the wo rld {hall be A Church thar


i s to fay’

A Co mpany andMulti tude o f men ch o fé n o f G o d,


who rightly wo rihipand embrace h im by true faith in ChriftJefus , wh o is the o nely Head o fthe fame Church ,which alfo is the Bo dy 35 Spo ule o fChriii Jefus ,wh ichChurch is c atho lik e,that is ,U. niverfal

,becaule it containeth the eleét o f all

Ages , allRealm s ,Natio ns andTo ngues , be they o f Ehe Jews , o r be theyo f the G entiles

,who have Communio n o r So c iety with G o d the Father


and with h is S o n Chrifi j efus thro ugh the Sanétific'

atio n o f h is ho lySp irit and therefo re it is called C ommun io n (no r o f pro fane perfo n s )

EPt e - la but o f Saints,who are C itizens o f the heavenly ffemfizlem, have the fru

irio n o f the mo lt ineflimable benefits to wit,o f o ne G o d, o ne Lo rd Je

fus , o ne Faith ,and o ne Baptifme 5w itho ut'

the which Church there is neither life n o r eternali felic ity : And therefo re we iuttérly abho rrethe blafpherny o f th o fe that affirm ,

That m en that live ag‘

rding to equity andjuftice {hallbe faved what Religio n


fo ever th‘

gfifive pro fe ifcd Fo r as

witho ut

Apo c.7 8.

L ib .5.‘

Of fRe/tgiofl in theRealme of Sco tland .

witho ut Chrifi jefas there is ne ither life no r falvatio n fo {h all there AHHOno ne bee partic ipant thereo f, but iii ch as the Father hath g iven unto

h is S o nne Chrifi Jefas , and tho fe in t ime to co me to h im, avow his M 1

do a rine and beleeve in h im we co mp rehend the Children, w ithfl,“




the faithfull 'Parents ) Th is Church is invifiblykno wn o nely to G o d, ” mi

“ ; 3w h o alo ne kno weth it , who m hee hath c ho fen

, and co mprehendcthIo hn x; x4.

as well (as is faid ) the E leét that be departed commo nly calledE




lio .

the C hurch t riumphant) as tho fe thatyet live, andfight againfi fin and c d w

S arban, ’

es {halllive hereafter;

XVI I.The tmmortalztt


e of the S ottlet .

He E leél:departed are in peace , and re il from their labo urs no t ap ocd as t g.that they fleep , and co me to a certai n o blivi o n (as fome faun a a.

fl ick heads do affirme ) but that they are delivered fro m all fear , all £1 6 4 7 .

to rment and alltemptatio n the wh ich we and allG o ds E leétare fub

jea unto in this life , and therefo re do e bear the name o f the Church I fafi6 .z+ .

am ilitant . A s co ntrary alwayes the repro bate and unfaithful]departed




have angui ih , to rment and paine, that canno t be expreiTed fo that nei Luk e 23 43 .

ther are the o ne no r the o ther in fuch fleepe that they feele no t joy o r “ k c ’6 ’ 1




to rment, as the Parable o fChriflJefus in the fixmenth o fLuke, his wo rds

to the Theefe , and thefewo rds o f the lo uls c rying under the Altar 0 APO“ 9 1 0

L ord themthat art r ighteotta and]raj}, howlong/halt thetanot revenge our blood topottthemthat dwellupon the earth, dOth plainly tefiifie .


of theNote:hythewhich the trueCharoh‘


a dz[retriedfr om thefa!ea

andwho/hayhef udge of theDoétrme.f

BE caufe that Sathan from the beginnig hath labo ured to deck hi s Gm “ ,

pefiilen t Synag o gue with thé Title o f the Church o f G o d, and G en . z 1 .9 ,

h ath inflamed the hearts o f cruell murtherers to perfecute,tro uble andflew ? “

mo left the true Church and Members thereo f , as Cam did u thel 107 Io lifiz



mael, lfizac, Bpm , giamh

, and the,

who le Priefiho o d o f“

the 95cm : c iisCh tilt himfelf, and his Apofile


s after him. It is a th ing mo ft requiii te, 1°’m u are

that the true Church be difcerned from thefilthy Synago gue, by cleereand perfecftNo res;leftwe being dece ived , rece ive and embrace to o ur

Asta na “.

o wn co ndemnatio n the o ne fo r the o ther . TheN o tes , S ignes , and affu 17 ’s “

redTo kens whereby the Immaculate Spo ufe o f Chrift Jefus is knownc Pn1 48.i, 2 ,

fro m the h o rrible Har-lOt theChurchmalignant we afli rm’

, are ne ither Matantiquity , title ufurped, lineall_defcents , place appo inted, no rmultitude 1 0 h" “ v

o f men app ro v ing any c i rc ut Fo r Cain in age and title was preferred £2525;to Ahel and Seth . Ierufltlem had p rero gative abo ve all places o f theearth , where alfo were the Priefis lineally defcended fro m Aaron and Io hn mm .

g reater multitude fo llowed the Sc ribe s Ph‘arifees and Priefls

, Iohnt hen unfainedly believed and approved Chrilt Jefus and his Do étrine ;

and yet (as we fuppo fe ) no man o f who le judgement will grant r e ga in .

L l 3 that

TheHi/iorie of theReformation

that any o f the fo re named we re the Church o f G od: TheNo tes there

m lo re o f the t rue Church o fG o d , we‘beleeve, co nfeffe

,and avo w


x c o r i t he li ra the true preach ing o f the W o rd o f Go d ,inwh ich G o d


23 vealed h imfelf to us a s the writings o f the Pro phets and Apo files do e




fg.”declare . Seco ndly , the right adminifiratio n o f the Sacrament s o fChrifl

Rom aa t c us, wh ich maybe annexed to the wo rd and p ro mife o fG o d to feale


and c o nfiime the fame in o ur hearts . Laflly E cclefiafiicall difcipline

L o n i t . uprigh tlyminiftred, a s G o ds W o rd prefcribeth whereby vice is t eirh'ill



r p refied , and vertue no urifli ed wherelo ever then thefe fo rmerN o tes are- p t . l

A5}, 6 (can, and o f any time c o ntin‘

uall(be the niirnber never fo few abo ve two18. o r th ree ) there w ith o ut all do ubt i s the true Church o f Chrifi

, who

acco rdin0 to h is promife is in the midlt o f them ; no t o f that univerfall. t o 1 7 ,&C. D

Jo hn‘

z c 3 1 (o fwhrch we have befo re fpo k en ) but parti cular futh as was inCo2,


?1 6 x7 rzmt Galatza

,Ephefiao , and o ther places i ii wh ich the Minifterie was

planted by Paul, and were o f h imfelfe named t he Churches o f G o dand fuc hC hurches we the Inhabitants o f the Realm: o f, Scotland profello w s o fChrifiJains c o nteile us to have in o ur Cities , To wnes , and

afl‘places refo rmed Fo r the Do ctrine taugh t in o ur Churches , is co ntainedin


the writtenW o rd o fG o d , to wi t, in the Bo o ks o f theNew and Old

Tei‘tamentS , in th o feBo o ks wemeane, '

wh ich o f ancient have been re

puredCano nical], in the wh ich we a

ffirme that all th ings neceffary toJo hn 559. h e beleeved fo r the falvation o f man


k inde is f ul’fi


cientlyexpreifed The

interpretatio n;whereo f,we c o nfefle neith er appertaineth unto any pri.vate no r publikeperfo n ; neither yet to any Church fo r any ptehe


nco ce o r prero gat ive perfo nall o r lo ca‘

ll,which o ne hath above ano ther,

but appertainet h to the Sp i r it o fG o d by the wh ich alfo the Sc ripturewas written. W hen co ntro verfie then hapneth fo r the right underfianding o fanyplace o r'feutence o f Sc ripturei, o r fo r the refo rmat io n o f anyabafewith in t e C hurch o f G o d we o ught no t fo much to lo b ke what

men befo re u yelaid and do ne,as unto thatwh ich the Ho ly Gho l‘t unifo rmly fpeak ethawithin the bo dy

o fth e Scriptures ,and unto that wh ich

ChrifiJefus himfelf did, and commanded to be do ne . Fo r th is is a th inguuiverfally granted,That the Sp irit o fG od ,wh ich is the Sp irit o f unitie,is in no th ing co ntrary to himfelfe . If then the interp retatio n,determinat io n o r fentence o f anyDo éto r,Church orCo uncell,repugne to the plainW o rd o f G o d

,written in anyo ther place ofScripture, it is a th ing mo ltc ertain that there is no t the true underfianding and meaning o f the Ho lyG ho ft;fuppofing thatCo unfels , Realms


and Natio ns have appro vedand rece ived the fame . Fo r we dare ne t receive and admit alhyInterpretatio n

,wh ich direétly o ppugneth to anyp rincipallpo int o f o urfaith, to

anyOther plain‘

text o f Scripture, o ryet to the rule o f charitie.‘



tie of theSorzpta'


Ndwe beleeve and c o nfeffe the Scriptures o fG o d fuflicient to in?firufi ,

and make the man o f G o d perfec’t, fo do we affirm and avo wthe Autho rrtre o f the fame to be o f G o d , and ne ither to depend o n


34 6 1 77

A nn'


Rom .6 .

Gala .z 7 .

l uke 1 4 51 .

1 are.

Bphcf y.go .

Matth .z7 . s o .

Mam e;r


$ 34 4.

(1793 Hi/lory of tlat?lRe/ bm

’mtion L ib 3

(0 we acknowledge and co nferre,Thatwe now in t ime o f the Go fpel,havctwo Sac raments o nely, infiituted by the Lo rd Jefus and co mmanded to

be ufed by alltho le thatwillbe reputed to be Members o f h is Bo dy 5 tow it , B


ptifme , and, The Supper , o rTable o f the Lo rd Jefus , called


The Co mmunio n of his B o dy and Blo o d .

wello f the Old as o f theNewTeflament )o nely to m ake a vrfible difference betwixtwerewitho ut h is league but alfo to exe‘r-c rle the Faith o f h is children ,and by partic ipatio n o f the fame '

Sacraments to feale in their hearts theatTurance o f his rro mife and o f that m o ltblelTed Co njunétio n U nio n,and S o cietie which the E leéthavewith theirHead Chril’cJefus . And

thus we utterly co ndemne the vanity o f tho le, that aflirme Sac raments tobe no th ing elfe but naked and bare lignes No we af furedlybeleeve,That by Bap tifmewe are ingrafted into Jefus Ch ri it to be madepartak ers o f h is Jufiice , by the which o ur finnes are c o vered and rem itted .

And alfo , That in the S upper rightly ufed Ch riflJefus is fo joynedw i thus

,that he beco meth the very no urilhment andfo o d o f our fo ules . Ne t

that we imagine any Tranfubfiantiatio n o f Bread into Chrifis naturallBo dy ; and o f W ine into h is naturallBlo o d (as the Papifis have pernic io uflytaught, and damnably beleeved ') but th is Unio n and Co mmunio n wh ich we have w ith the Bo dy and Bloo d o f ChrifiJefus in the rightufe o f the Sacraments is wro ught by o peratio n o f t‘he h o ly G ho fi, who

bytrue Faith carrieth u s abo ve all things that are vilible c arnall and

earth' y and maketh us to feed upo n the Bo dy and Blo o d o f Chrift

Jefus which was o nce bro ken and lhed fo r us Wh ich no w is in the

heaven,and appeareth in the prefence o f his Father fo r u And yet r1 0 t

withflanding the far difiance o f place wh ich i s betwixt h is Bo dy no w glorified in the heaven and us n ow m o rtall


in th i s earth : Y etwe mo lt afl'


redly beleeveffl'

hat the Bread th atwe break is the Communio n o fChrifisBo dy and

,TheCup wh ichwe blell'

e , is"

The Commun io n o fh is Blo o d.

80 that we c o nleflfe and undoubtedly beleeve That the faithfull in the.

right ufe o fthe Lo rds Table fo'

do eat the Bo dy and drink theBlo o d o fthe 'Lo rd Jefus ,That he remaineth in them , and they in him : Y ea,Thatthe are lo made flelh of h is flefh,and b o nes o f hi s b o nes , That as the eternal

‘G o d - head hath g iven to the fleflr


o f‘Cht ifi Jefas (which bf the .

owne co nditio n and nature was mo rtall and co rruptible ) life and immo rtali tie fo dOth Chrifl Jefas Flefh and Blo o d eaten and drunken byus give to us the fame prero gat ives 5 wh ich albeit we co nfefle are neither g iven unto us at that o nely t ime neither yet by the pro per powerand vertue o f the Sacrament s o nely , yet ‘

we. afli rmle fl

hat the faithfull1 11 the right ufe o f the Lo rds Table hath fuch conjunctio n with Chrifi


Jefus as the naturall man canno t c omprehend : yea and further we af

fi rme That albeit the faithfull 0 p reli'

ed‘by negligence , and manlyi nfirmi ty

,do th no t pro fit (0 much as t ey.wo uld at the very infiant ac

‘tio n

Of the 541519“ yet {hallit after bring fo rth fruit as lively feed [owne ingOOdgrQund fo r the ho ly Spirit wh ich cann ever be divided f rom the1” mmwfl o n Of the Lo rd Jefus , w illno t frufirate the fai thfulll

,o f the

(“ mOf that myfitcallafiio n ; ‘but all th i s ave'

fay cometh by true Faith ,wh ich

in the(

Realme of Sco tland.

wh ich apprehendeth ChrillJefus who o nelymaketh his Sac raments ef An [10feétuallunto us , and therefo rewho fo ever flandereth us as tho ugh we

affirmed o r beleeved Sacraments to‘

be o penly naked and bare fignes doinjurie unto us and lpeak againltamanifefttruth . But this li berally andfranklywemull co nfefl'e Thatwemake a d i flinétio n betwixt Chriftj e{us inhis natur allfubfiance

,and betwixt the elements in the Sac ramen

tall fignes . S o that we will neither wo rlhip the fignes in place o f

that wh ich is li gnified by them neither yet do we delp ife and interpretthem as unpro fitable and vain but do ufe them with allreverence


m ining o ur felves diligently befo re that (0 we do becaule we are all'


ted by the mo uth o f theApofile , that fuch as eat o f that Bread and

drink o f thatCup unwo rth ily are guilty o f the B o dy and Blo o d o f t heLo rd Jefus .

xx 1'


of theright admiral/ batten of the Sacraments .

THat Sacraments be rightly minifired , we judge two th ings requifite The o ne that they beminiftred by


lawfullMiniflers who m

we affirm: to be o nely they that are appo inted to the P reach ing o f the

W o rd o r unto who fe m o uthes G o dhath pur fome Serm o n o f Exho rratio n they being men o f lawf ull ch o ofing thereto by fomeChurch .

The o rher,That they beminifired in fuch elements ,and in fuch fo rt as Gddh ath appo inted . E lféwe afii rme, That they ecafe to be r ight Sacramentso fChrifiJefus .And therefo re it is,thatwe flee the fo c ietie with the Pap ifiicallChurch , in partic ipati o n o f their Sacraments Firfi becaufe theirMinillers are noMinifiers o f Jefus Chrifl yea,which is mo re ho rriblethey ful’ferwomen whom


the ho ly Gho ltwillno r fuller to teach in the

Co ngregatio n, to‘Baptiz e. And feco ndly becaufe they have fo adulte


,bOth the o neSacrament and the Other w ith their own inventio n s

that no part o fChrifis actio n ab ideth in the o riginallpurity,fo rOyl,Salt ,Sp ittle

,and fuch like in Baptifme are but mens inventio ns Ado ratio n


Veneratio n bearing thro ugh Streets and Townes and keep ing o fbread in B o xes are pro phanatio n o f Chrifis Sacraments , and no ufe o fthe fame : Fo rChriftJefus faid Takeand eat

, évc. Do ye the: in remem

hnmee of me. By wh ich wo rds and charge he fanétified Bread and W ineto be the Sacrament o f

_h is Bo dy and Blo o d 5 to the end that o ne ih o uld

be eaten,and that allihould drink o f the Other and no r that they fli id

be kept to be wo rlhipped and ho no itred as G o d,as the blinde api fls

have do ne hereto fo re ,who alfo have comm itted Sacriledge


fiealingfrom the peo ple o ne part o f the Sacrament ; to wit The blelfed Cup



Mo reo ver, that the Sac raments be tightlyufed it is required ; That theend and caufewhy the Sacramentswere infiituted

,be underflo o d and ob

ferved as wello f theMinifier as the Receive’

rs : fo r if. the o p inion bechanged in the Receiver , the rightufe ceafeth : which is ’

molt ev identby the r'

ejeétio n of the facrifices (as alfo if the teacher teach falfe Do

a rine ) which were o dio us and abhominable unto G o d (albeit they werehis own o rdinances ,

becaufe that'

wicked men ufed'

them t'

o ano ther

Mm end

Pa ifiicallChurch, in which we affirm the who le aeftio n o f the Lo rdJefusto e adulrerare as wellin the externall fo rm

,as in the end and Opin i o n 5

W hatChrillJefus did ,and commanded to be do ne, is evident by the threeEvangelifis who fpeak Of the Sac rament,& by S .P:ml-,what the Priefido that h is Altar,we need no r to rehearl


e . The end and caufe o f Chrifis infiifun io n, and whythe felf- fame ih o uld be ufed, is expreffed in thefe wo rds ,

f c o r , u , 1 5, Do yethis in rememhnmeeofme, 44 aft mye/ ha/Ient of thie Bread and data »? of1 6 thzlf Cap, yen/hall[hem forth


(thari s exto l-l P’

reach and magnifie ) theL ord; a


a tfh ti llhecome. But to what end, and in what Opinio n the Priefisfaytheir

-Maffes let thewo rds o f the fame their o wn Do éto urs and W ri

tings witneffe to wit That they are Mediato urs betwixtChri ft and hisReb.9.a7,t s Church to o ffer unto G o d the Father

,a Sac rifice prOpi tiato rie fo r the

finnes Of thequick and the dead W hich Do étrine as blafphemo us to

ChrifiJefus and mak ing‘dero gatio n to the fufl‘iciencie o f . h is o nely Sa

crifice Once Offered fo r pmo atio n o f all tho fe that (ballbe fanaified , we

utterly abh o rre,detefi, an reno unce.

XX I I I.Towhom Sacraments appertaine

Com, m , E co nfeit’

e and ack nowledg e That Baptifme appertaineth aswellto the infants o f the faithfull, as unto tho fe that he of age

and difcretio n And fo we co ndem e the erro ur o f the Anabaptifis ,whodeny Baptifme to appertaine. to ehildl‘en, befo re that they have Faith andunderfianding . But the Sn per of the Lo rd we co nfelfe to appertaineo nely to fuch as have been .0 the ho ufho ld o f Faith, can try and exam inethemfelves a s wellin their Faith as in their duties towards their neigh

uCera gmg. bo urs . Such as eat at that ~h<j>1yTablewitho ut Faith o r be ing at differiti o n and diVifio nwith their brethren do eat unwo rth ily . And therefo reit is that in o ur Churche s Minifiers tak e publike and part icular examina;tio n o f the kno wledge and co nverfation o f fuch a s a re to be admitted tothe Table o f the Lo rd Jefus .


E co nfefl'

eand acknowledge Empires Kingdomes ,‘

Dominio nsand T itles to be difiinficd and

Ordained by G o d the po wersand autho r ities in the fame be it OfEmpero ur s in thei r Empires p fK ing si n their Realms , Dukes and Pr inces in their Domin io n s , o r o f OtherMagifirates in freeCities ) to be Go ds ho lyOrdinance o rdained fo rmaantfefiatto n o f h is owne glo ry , and fo r the fingular pro fit and commodi tie o f mank inde . SO that who fo ever go eth abo ut to take away o r

to co nfo und the ho ly (late o f CivillPolicie s , now lo n eftabliihed W eaflirm the famemen nOt o nely to be enemies to mank in c,hut all


1Y to fight againfiGo ds exprefl'

ewill.“ ~W e further co nfefl'

e and acknowledge That fuch perfo ns as are placed in autho rity ,

arc to be loved,ho noured,

Rom.x3 .z .

‘I heHl/ZOU of the Fefhrotntion L ib . 3


A give to ferve the devill in allabominatio n . But fuch as c o nt inue in ‘


do ing to the end,bo ldlypro feiIing the Lo rd Jefus ,to who fe glo rified Bo

dyall hisElect {hallbe lik e ,whcn he {hallappear againc to Judgment,and

{ hall render up the K ingdom to G o d his Father who then {h allbe , and

ever (hallremain All in All th ings G o d bleiTed fo r ever To wh o m ,

w ith the S o n , and w ith the ho lyCho h be allHo n o ur and Glo ry, no wand fo r ever . t/ Imen .

t / f rzfe, 0 Lord, one!let thine enemies he confinnoleel 0

,lot themfltefrom

thyprefenoe that hatethy holyNome Gi ft/ e thyfirvantrflrength to fpeohW ordU2hold/refit , and let allNo tion: arrow to thytrue knowledg e.

Th is w Thefe A61 5 andArticle s were read in face o f Parliament 8nd’


li rri red,1 56 7 . hy the three S tates o f th i s Realm,at E elznhnrgh the 1 7 day o f


thc mu rmthe yeer o f o ur Lo rd 1 56 0 .

liam e . t o i’

[ d o or 6 held by [l‘c BaileMto ray, and allAR3 in anyPa

' liament befo re whatl'

c ever,againil the truth,abohlh cd,

TM “ ; 0 5h, Th i s o ur Co nfefli o n was publik ely read, firlt in audience o f the Lo rd s3

. o i the Articles and after,rn the audience o f thewho le Parliament,whereCo mm i tme n t

u whereo f m were prefent no r o nely f uch as pro fefledCh riftJefus but alfo a greatto :me: t’nnes ,

th ere rvu er ' h t number o f the ‘


aries o f o ur Religio n fo ch as the fo renaméd B i

(ho p s , and fome o ther o f the Tempo rali State who were c ommanded inChurch in t o ,

who wew callcd Go ds 'Name to o bjeet, if they c o uld fayanyth ing againilthat Do étrine .

L o rds , and e igh t

Co mmo n s : 50 S ome o f o urMiniflers were prefent [landing upo n their feet r’

eadVtofro m the greate r

pa - t they w e have anfwered in cafe any wo uld have defended Papifiry ,and


im"W M “ ,

pugned o ur aflirmatrves . But while that no o bjea io n was made therea nd o f the Artic les , Bccaul


c allwas a dayappo inted fo r co ncurrence in that and OtherHeads . OurCo nA l dnigh tma re to fefiio n was read every Arti cle by i t felf o ver agai n as theywerewri tten93m”

in o rder, and the vo ice o f everyman was required acco rdi ngly . Of then‘c n a re fi rftbrw h r to them , Tempo rallState,o nelygave their vo ice o n the co ntrary,the Earlo fA thol,u ho h aving d ifeniTed t hem, the Lo rds Simmermmle and Borthwitlze And yet fo r the ir difafl


en ting,they pro duced no better reafo n , bur W e willbelieve as o ur Fathe rs be

W “ W '“ m lieved . The Bit ps (Papifircall _wemean ) fpak e no th ing . - The le ft o fH rflo nes c alls



kl o r

ps o r th ewho le three States by their publikeVo tes ,afhrmed theDo étrine and

33:3 f the rather, Becaufe that fain the Biih o 5wo uld, bur duril fayno th ing o n

The E arlethe co ntrary fo r th is was theVo re o the EarleMarihall It is longfio oe

h i atfhallh i s I have hodfomefw our onto theTruth and hnoc that I have hadnfoflution of


?vo yce 1"the PaptflioollRelig ion. But If rom:myGod W/M 447 hath fl”) refolfveol

“r “me"t’

me in the one and the other Forfleeing that theBZhopt whofor their learnznq

can andfor their z eal that. theyjhottlelhear to t ,eVerity ihould, o r [flip off ,

haveg o info id anythong that o'iretlly repogneth to theV


erity of God. Seci I

fay thes hops hereprefers:[pooh nothing in the contrary of theDofirinehropoffed, I cannot hut hold i t for the furryTruth if God and the contrary to hedeterrunhleDofirtno . v !no

therefore[ofo r no nomelieth, I approvethe(me, and tondamne the other And dofo rthor as k of Goo

'That not onely I ho t 41t oh

myp o/ler ity mayenjoythe oomfbrt of theDofirine that thh‘day Mr (”I 1747 ”

heard . L/ fndyetmore I mnjlVote, no itwort hymayof Protejlotton That ifanyperfon E colefiofii oollflmll after thh

opp ofl’ dye

?l to thé

‘OW COflfif:

{ion that they that have no plot e'

nor iorezlzt t on/i rmg that they/ M‘Uif’g

r [M3a tlfvt’r ttfcment andfull knowledg e of thi; our Confiftion none it no t finno


in lawfu/l, fr ee, andqui et Par /lam ent to oppofe thorn/elves to that mhzch we pr ofeffe And therefor e if any of their Gener ati onp r etend to do i t after ther , Ip r otc/lhe he reputed r ather one tha t lot/ eth her own commodi ty, and the g lory of thewor ld, then theTr uth of God, and thefield/ an on of n uns fouls .

After theVo rih g and Rat ificat io n o f th i s o ur C'

o nfeflio n by thewh o leB o dy o f th e Pfitrliament , there were filo pro no unced two Ae‘rs ; the o neagainfi theMall

e,and the abure o f the Sac ram ents and the Other againfl;

the Supremacy o f the P o pe . TheTeno ur whereo f fo llo weth .

An A c’

l aga infi theMaff‘

e and the Sayers and

Heat ers thereo f.

N the Par ltarn ent holden at Edinburgh the tenth of ifu/y the yeer of God,1 56 0 . Thefettd Parli am ent hoing contznned to the firfl of Ang e/flnext ther e This A6}


fo/lmvtng t h'

contrnuatzon of daye: upon the tio cntyfour th day of the P-"flw’mlt

fetidmoneth of A non/l, the thr ee State: then hezno prefi'ntg The1131t day, for fig


fflhefontuch a; God hyhe} nroff true and h/efled W ord hath declared the Pa rliamen t‘Refver cnco and Honour‘ioh/ ch fli ou/d he g i ft/ £ 71 to hzrn and hy hce S on griffin;

“ "

fs r f flm




Chr zll hath declar ed the true ttfif of the Sacramen ts , to r/li ng the [ant e to he ufed 2211335313

accordznr to her ”f i ll and W ord Bythe mhrc'

h at a notorzon; and perfectlyknowne I Th at the Sacrament: of Bapttfrn e, and of the Bodyand Blood of ’

f c

[ue Chr t'

fh hath'


thés long t1me pa/l, cor rupted hythe Papz/Z / ca/l Chur ch,and hythezrMme/ter s . And at thé pr e/

tar t1me un earth/landing the Reform :

ration alreadymade acco rdzng to God; W ord 3 yet neverthele/fe, there or fam e ofthe {k nee Popes Chur ch that fluhhornly perfirver eth tn thetr to rched Idolatry,

f ayzng Mafle and BaptzKI/ ng confor rn to the Pope: Chur ch p r ofan/ ng ther e

thr ough the Sacrament: afor efatd inqutet k oret places ,r eg ardtng thereon

dam /yer God nor hos W ord

Therefor e rt ta Decr eed and Ordained z'

n the’

r p rcfent Par lzanrent That noamanner of perfon or perfons tn any t1me contzng, adnrrnrflratc any of the

S a i‘

crament:fecretly, tn anymanner of may hut they that ar e admztted and ha t(wag power to that effeé? o

,NorfayMaffe nor yet heare Majfe , ‘

nor he pr ef ,

[ent thereat under thepo rn of confifcatzon of allthezr g oods and punt/hing ofthei r hodres at the dzfcr etton of theMag rflrater forth/ n who/2gfur zfdzétzon fach


happeneth to he appr ehended for thefir/lfault hunt/lungr out of tho

Realme for thefecond fault and chafltfing hy deathfitr the thtrdfanlt . J ud

Ordatneth all Sher rfi} S tentardr Baylret and thezr D eputtet , Pr ovofi;and d llfi} of Bur t ought , and otherf udg e; W i thin the}Realm , to mahedzlrgene

fute and -1nquzfitton m/ thrn theer Bounds , wher e anyfa ch ufurpedMintflry ti ufed,Maffe -fitytng , o r they that he pr efent at the dozng thereof, r a trfiung ,

pr ofvzng the fizrne, and take , and apprehend them, to the that thepatnt

aho fvewr i tten mayhe executed upon them .

Extraaum de Libro Parliamenti , perm e,&c ;

S ic Subfc ribitur .

The Hi/lory of the Reformation

TheAct forthe aboliih ing o fthePo pe2and hi s u furpedAuth o rity in

S C O T L A N D .

N the Parliament holden at Edi nburgh the tenth ofJ uly, theyear of GodI 56 0 . a nd thereafter continued to :the day of Augufl: next thereof .

terfollowing, tr i th contznttotzo‘

n of dayes upon the 24 of the find tj l/toneth ofAugufi,

the three State: then heingpr tfi'

nt,underfiandtng that t

and Author i tyof the Bzfltop of Ro me, called the Pope, ttfid in tht’

t Realm in time;

pafihath heenevery hart/owe and prejudicial! to our S overaign: A uthor i ty and

Camni on - weale of t/hie Realm . Thereforehathdecreed and ordaznedfl'

hat the Btfltopof Ro me hath no f o rrfdzéli on 'nor Authority in this Reo lr


n in time: comm i ng .

And that none af earfitzclSover aign; t jefig clatm , and ale/ire in anytime her ofterti tle or r ight by the find Ii i/hop of Ro me or his feet: to anything W i thin thisRealm,

under thepo int of Bar o tr ie, that i f to fizy, Profcriptton hanz/hment and

neyer to hrooh andenjoyhonour ffice nor digni ty W ithin that Realm and the

contravene” her eof to he called h‘

efitre the tf ttflzce, or hit Deputi es or hefire the

L om': of the S efi



’therefore, confirm to the Lam of this Realm


andthefarm/hers of themwithfinance ofmoney and purchofer: if their title ofr ight, or

maintainers or defender: of them,flu /1 incur the fame PAH ”,

And thatno Bt/hop, nor other Prelo t of thtit Realm ufe anyf art/J illian in time: to come,

hythe[k idBtflaopqomes Author i ty, under thepain aforefixid.


tum dc L ibro ParliamentiJ perme



Thefe and o ther th ings o rderlydo ne in lawfulland free Parliament, W‘e

d irected to F rance to o ur So vereign S ir “

f ame: S ondelondes Lo rd o f Saint3


,wi th the Act s o fthe faid Parliament, that by them they m igh t be

ratified,acco rding to the pro m ifes o f the irMajefl- ies Co mmifli o ners madeto us as by the Co ntra& o f Peace mayevidentlyappear . But ho w the

faid Lo rd o fSaint - fi lmwas received and uled we lift no r to rehearfe

But alwayes no rat ificatio n bro ugh t he unto us ,bt1t thatwe little regarded,o r yet do regard fo r allthat we did, was rather to ibew o ur dutifullo bea

dience then to beg o fthem anyfirength to o ur Religio n wh ich fromGo d hath fullpo wer and needed no r the fqragc o f man but in To faras man had need to beleeve it if that ever he {hallhave participati o no f the life everlafiing . But fo mewhat mull we anfwer . to fuch as

imce hath whif'

pered that it was but a pretended Parliament a prrvre

Co nvent io n and n o lawfullParliament . Theirr

reafo n s are, The K ing and(Lucen W ere in F rance,there was nei ther S cepter ,Swo rd, no r Cto wnbo rn,§cc. And (o me Princ ipallLo rds were abfent . W e anfwer

,That we rather

W i fh the Pap ifis to be quiet then to o curio uflyto travellin that Po intzfo r itmay be, wh ile they think e to hurt us they g ive the Cut ene and her

autho ri ty

TheHijlozy of the‘Reformo tion L ib 5


Oimaginatio ns was termed in their m o ckage Devo ut imaginatio ns . The

r mcaui

e we have befo re declared fome was licent i o us fome had greedilym

griped the po ffelii on

s o f theChurch 5 and o thers tho ught that theywo uldn0 t laclt


he ir part o f Chrifls Co at yea, and that befo re that ever hewasCrucifieda


, as bythe P re achers theywere o ft rebuked . The ch ief greatman that had pro feiied Chrifi


Jefus and refui'

ed t o fubfcribe the Bo o k o fWh

at blefli ngs D ifcipline,was the Lo rd E rrhm . And no wo nder fo r beiides that hehath bee"fin“ had avery evillwo man to h is wife i f the P o o

‘re the Scho o les

,and the

Minifierie o f the Church had thei r o wne h i s K i tchm wo uld lack twoknowhefi. parts and mo re ,

o f that wh ich he unjuilly now po lTeifeth . Alluredlyfo me o f us hath wo ndered how men that pro feiTe go dlinefre co uld of fo

hreatnings o f G o d againii theeves and againit .

themfelves guilty, in fuch th ings as were Open:lyre

ever had rem o rfe o f c o nfc ience, neitheryet intend fio llen and reft.

The the po o reMin ih ers thenwere they wh ich had greateft ten ts o f theChurches . But in

that we have perceived the o ld P roverb to be trite , Nothing can office 4w orth. And again, Thehollyhot/7 no 84785. Y et the fame Bo o k o f B ile iplinewas fubfcribed bya great part o f theNo b ility ; To wit,TheDuke,

the Earle o f Ammo, the Earles Argyle, Glam or”,Mar/hell, Mantel/7 ,Mor ton ,

Rotheffc, Lo rdgtomes after Earle o f W arm ly, Lo rds Tea/ler , Boyd, uohzlm'


Maiter o f tMoxwefl Lo rdmmdfiiyelder and theMailer after Lo rd Barrons, B ran/am igo, L othiflgm if, Garln /fe, Borg /my,Mailer Alexander GordonBilh o p o f Galloway, (th i s Biiho p o f Galloway, as he reno unced Po pery, (0did he Prelac ie,witnefl


e his fubi’

criptio n o f the Bo o k’

o fDii'

cipline, as the

reito f thePrelats didwho did joyne'

to the Refo rmat io n exi lexandcr

Camphefl Deane o f Mormy with a great '

number m o e fubfc ribed and ap

proved the {aid Bo o k o f Difcipline in the To wn - Ba ith' o f Edinburgh, the3 7 dayo f January, theyeer


e o f o ur Lo rd G o d 1 56 0 . by their approbatio n 5 In thefe wo rds


E which hare[uh/crzhed the/é pre/ants , having advifedwiththeArticles her tinfpecified, and as it abate- mentioned

theheg inning of this Book , think: thefitme cgood and con

[orme toGod: Word in all points conform to theNotes and Additionsa‘gfjéh

'm“Ifthereto, as ked, and protozfi to fet the



forward atO

the utt’



g,of our powers .

‘Provzdtng that theBt/hops ,Ahhots , ~Prtors ,nnd otherthe truth, an Probate: andBeneficedmm whichelfe haveadjoy

neilthémfilheu o m,hr ookethe revenues of thezr Beneficer during their flife. timer the)it, yet it was

and ”P Mi nd’s"? andMo t/h" , M u ba refl wu'd cnior m fpeafied for . of the Ward andMitzi/ hitheit rents fo r

crametmtheir lives . 0

W hat be the co ntents o f thewho leB oo k and howthat thi s p romil‘


was illuded from t ime to t imewe ihallafter heare.Sho rtly

of k eligien in tba“

Realme of Sco tland. 2 79

Sho rtl yafter' the faid Parliament were rent fro m the Co uncellAmbaf AHQOfado urs to Eng land, the EarlesMor ton and to gether with W z/Imm

dMi lt/4nd o c t/zing ton, yo nger . The chief po in t o f th e irCo mm ifli o n wasW

eath efilyto crave the co nfiant aflifiance o f the QueensMajeih e o f E neIanfl, againftallfo rraigne invafio n and comm o n enemies .

That fame timewas the Caflle o f S ample hard befieged and taken .

Becaufe the Lo rd thereo f difo beyed the Lawes and O rd inances o f theCo uncellin many th ings , and efpec ially in that that he wo uld maintain the Ido latrie o f theMaire ,

and al fo,that he bef


et the way to theEarle o f d rum: with a great gathering as he was rid ing w ith his ac

cufio med co mpany . The Pap ifis were pro ud fo r they lo o ked fo r a

new Annie fro m France at the next Spring, and thereo fwas no (mal l appearance, if G o d had no r Otherwil


e pro vided . Fo r France utterl y refu'



the co nfirmatio n o f the Peace co ntraaed at L eitb, wo uld ratifie no part o fo ur Parl iament difmilled the Lo rd o f S aint witho ut a refo lute anfwer , began t o gather new Band s o f thro at - catters and to make greatpreparatio n fo r Sh ips . They further (eat befo re them certain p raa ii


crs ,

(amo ngflwhom the Lo rd S enton who had departed with the French o ut No te men to

o f La t]: was o ne ) to raife up new tro ubles with in th i s Realme. Andmi c? “

allthis came partly o f the mal i ce o f the ho ufe o f Gaffe;who had avowed to revenge the difpleafure o f thei r l i fter bo th u o n

E ng/and and S a n

land , and partly by infligatio n o f pro ud Baton , lglfly' called Bi ih o p o f


ifgm o fDar;Abbo t o f Dnnfirmcling ,

and S ayl/e: S a tan, and Mailer'

Tfo n S inclair Deane o f Rc/lalrig c. ) w ith fuch Others o f the Frenchfactio n who had openl y (po ken That they had refufe

‘d all po rt io n o f

S cotland unleil'

e that it were under the go vernment o f'

a French - man .

Retompence them 0 L ord a tbon know/Z mtg/l expedient for tbme owne

glory, andfor tbe crpetunllflmmeof allTraitant s to t/m'

r Common wealth . Thecertain knowle ge o f all there th ings came to o ur eares

, whereat rnanywere afraid and divers fufpeéted that E n [and wo uld no t be fo fo rwardin times to come co nfidering that their o rmer expences

‘were great .

The princ ipall comfo rt remained with the Preachers fo r they afl'

u- f’





red us in G o d s Name that G o d wo uld perfo rme in all perfea io n that

,wo rk e ino ur hands . The beginning whereo f he had fo m ighti lymaintained becaufe it was no t o urs but his own . And therefo re exho


ted us ,Thatwe iho uld c o nfiantly ro ceed to refo rmallabufes ,and to planttheMinifieryo f the Church, as y Go dswo rd wem ight jufiifie it ; andthen commit the(need le o f allto o ur G o d,inwho re power the difpofitio n

p f Kingdoms fiande‘

th . And (0 we began to do'

,fo r tro ubles appeari ng,

made us give care to the admo nitio ns o f Go ds fervants . Andwh i le that"

wehad fcarcely begun again to implo re the help o r o ur G o d and to thew

foinefignes o f o ur o bed ience unto h isMefl'

engers ,and ho l yW o rd,Lo



mighty hand o fG o d from abo ve fent unto us awo nderfulland mo lt )o yTh a; h fC I t 0

kfulldel iverance Fo r unhappy Francis husband to o ur S overaigne fud

(heyo ng K ing

1 denly'

periihed o f amum care. But'

becaufe the death o f that yo ung man o f pmm huf

was "Ot Oficlythe caule o i‘joy to us in Scotland but alfo ‘by it were the band to o ur‘

faithful l inTrance delivered as it were fro m the


death . W e th i nk (E m

expedient to (peak o f the fame lbmewhlaltmo re argely;


The‘H ijlory of theReformation L ib 3

Thefe crue l l and co njured enem ies o f G o d and o f allgo dlineffe theDuke o f Garfie the Cardinallo f L orarne, and their faétio n who then at

their o wne appet ite plaid the Tyrants in F rance had determ ined thedeilruetio n o f all that p ro feffed the true knowledge o f Jefas Chriitw ith in that Realme . W hat tyrannie late befo re they had ufed at Am

hovfe theHifio ryo fF rance do th witne in Orleance in the m o neth

o f N o vember co nveaned the King ,unhappy F ranck , the (meen o ur

S o veraigne and the Qleen mOther o f the King , the Duke o f and},w ith allhis faotio n : The King o f Navarre, and the Pr ince o f 'Conclze

, hisb ro ther .

S o that great .was the co nfluence o f theNo bilitie but greater was

the affembly o f the murtherers , fo r there was no t a Hang- man in all

F rancewhich was no t there . The prifo n s were ful l o f, the true fervantso f G o d : The King o f Navarre , and the Prince o f Gondzo were co nfii?

tured Prifo ners . The Sherifl‘e ,o f Orleance

,a man fearing Go d , was

taken and fo were many Others o f the To wne . Briefly,therewas no ne

that p ro fefik d G o d o r go dlinei'

fe within thatTo wne that lo o ked no rfo rthe extrem i ty fo r theW al les and Gates were n igh t and day’

k ept withthe G arifo ns o f the Guyfians , miferablem en were dai ly bro ught in, tofuller judgement but no newas {uffered to depart fo rth , but at the devotio n o f the Tyrant

And fo they pro ceeded ti l l the tenth o r twelfth o f December whenthat they tho ught time to pug their blo o dy c o uncell in executio n , andfo r that purpo fe co nclufion


was tak en That the King iho uld depart o uto f theTowne, andlie at


acertaine place 5 wh ich was do ne to th is intent,


there iho uld no fuitebemade t0 t he King fo r the fafetie o i anyman slife,whom they tho ughtworthy o f death . And (0 was the K ings


h o ufein e eancebro kenup his beds , co fers , and tapiflriefent away, h is o wnebo o tes put on, hefitting at theMalfe immediately hereafter to ,

have deparered

,and fo their

‘tyrannie to have begun.

W hen allthings ,we fay were in th i s readinefi'

e to {bed the blo o do f inno cents the

,eternall , o ur G o d who ever watchethfir

_thc prefer

vatgon of hi; owne began to wo rke and luddenly did .put his own wo rkin executio n for.as the ~faid King fat atMalfe was firddenly [fricken with an Apo fihume

,in that deaf ear that neverwo ul d hear _

the Truetho f G o d,and fo was he carried to avo id and empty1ho ufe, laid upo n a pal

liafie unto fueh time as a Cannabywas fa up unto him, where he laytill

if. Deécmbc'

r thefifieenth dayo f December , inthe eere o f God t 5_6 o .

W hen his-1


56 o .

glo ry perifhed , and the pride o f his {in bo rne heartvan‘

iihed in fmok eAnd fo was the fnare bro ken The Tyrants difappo inted o f their cruel;tie Tho fe that was appo inted to death _


d as 5; Were o ut o fthe ir graves And we,who by o ur fo oliflmefl

‘e hadmade o ur felves flaves

to {l



were reflo red againe to freedome n nd libertie‘of a flee

Rea me.

0 that ”th at! heartt'

detpcly to canfider whatarethywopd‘


ogap ork:Lord ) thatwemight p raifc thee in the


nfiolff of the} inoflohfiinate’

gnd wicked

generation , and leave theniimoriallof theflame to.

oar pqlefitjef { which alter,we feareflrall forget thefethyinejlimahlcjh

enqfits .

TheHijlorie of theReformation

q E drnlnrglo the fifteenth dayo fgianuaryfo l lowing , -


in the wh i ch the Bo o k"L nh o

o fdifc iplinewas perufed newl y o ver againe , ,fo r fome p retended igno

rance, by reafo n that they had ,n0 t heard ir.


,In that aflembly was

Ma{terAlexander Anderfim,

Subprinc ipall, and u nder- Mailer o fo ne o ftheS ch o o l s o fAberdeen amanmo re fubtilland c raftie than either learned o r


,cal led, who rcfufed to d ifpute anent h is faith abufing a p lace o f

Term/[ram to c lo ak ’h is igno rance . It was anfwered unto h im .ThatTerm/hon fho ul


d no t'


reJudge the Authoritie o f the Ho ly Ghofi who

by the mo uth o f Peter commandeth us to g ive reafo n o f o ur faith to eve

ry o ne that requireth the fame o f us 5 It was farther anlWered, theft weneither required him ne ither yet any man to difpute in any po int co ncerning o ur faith.whi ch was gro unded Upo n Go ds W o rd , and ful lyex~

p refi'

ed in‘his h


o ly Scriptures fo r allthat we beleevedwitho ut co ntro L

verfie . Batwe required o f him, as o f the tell o fPapifis , that theywo ul dfiiffer the ir and Oeremo nies to come to triall.And principal ly, that theMail

‘e and the o p inio n thereo f by them taught

1unto the peo ple,m ight be laid to the lfq‘ua

re rule o fGo ds W o rd,an‘

d un

to the right Infiituriono fJefus Chri k ,That theymightunderfiendwhether that th eir Preachers o ffendedp r no t, in that, that they affirmed .The

Aetio n o f theMaile tobe exprefly repugning unto the lait Supper o ftheLo rd Jefus .The layer o fit to commit ho rrib le blafphemie in ulurping uph im the Office o fChriit,The hearers to commit damnable IdOlatly, andthe Opinio n o f it co nceived to be a derogatio n and as itwere a dif

anulling o f Chrifis death . W hile the faid MailerAlexander den ied that

the Priefito o k upo n h imChrifis o ffi ce, to o ffer fo rfin, as he alk aged, a

Mafia:bo o k was pro duced , and in the beg inning o f the Canonwere thefew o rds read S ta/cope Sanlla Trmrtao bane oblationcmqcoa


m eg o indigniaa peccafor 017270 tobe


fv/ fuo Deo 89» new, propeccam noel}, progeccam totiocc E cclefia exi

mm,”(54 mortmom. Now faid the reafo ner, if to 0 t r fo r the finnes o fthe

who le Church ,was no t the Ofli ce o fChril’

t Jerus , yea that Office thatto him o nely migh t andmay appertaine, let the Scripture judge . And

i fa v ileKnave,whom ye cal l Priefi, pro udly taketh the fame u o n him,

let yo ur o wn Bo o ks witnefie . The faid Mr. Alexander anfwere Chril’to ffered the pro p itiato ry, and that co uld no ne do but he ; butwe o ffer theremembrance . W hereto itWas anfwered,W e p raife Go d that ye havedenyed a facrifice p repitiato rie to be in the MaiTe ; and yet

we ofl'

er to

pro ve,that in rac e than a ,

hundreth p laces o f yo ur PapifiicallDoao rsth i s pro pofiii

o n i s affirmed,TheMaffees [aid to lo a Sacr ifice propitz'

atory. But

the fécond part, where ye alleage thatye ofi'

er Chriftin remembrance ;we as k firmu nto whom

do ye o ffer h im: and next bywhat autho rity are

ye affured o fwe l l - do ing e,In G o d


the Father there fal leth no Oblivio nAnd if yew i l l (h ift and fay,

thatye o ffer it no t as Go d, were fo rgetful],but as wil l ing to app ly Chriii s merits to his Church .W e demand o fyo u,W hat powe r 8c co mmandment have ye fo to do W e knowthat o urMailerCbriflJefus commanded his Apofiles to do that wh i ch he did in remembrance of ham , But plain it is that Clarzjl too/ebreadg afve t/yanl' rj rakebread,andg ave z


t to In:dzfczples , crying ,Taéeyexateyefloir is mybodywh o}: is br o/eenforyon,do elmzn remembranceof me,étc.Here we finde a commandment, to tak e.

fo r

No te this wel


ligion in theRealme of Sco tland.

to eat,to take and to d rinke 5but to o fferChrifts B o dy e ither fo r remem

b rance .o r applicatio n , we'

finde '

nOt t And therefo rewe fay To take Up.

On yo u an Office wh ich i s ‘

not g iven'

unto yo u is unjufi ufurpatio n , andno lawfullpo wer . The faidMailer Alexander being mo re then aflo nifhed,wo uld have fhifted 5but thent he Lo rds w illed him to anfwer directly ,whereto he anfwered That he was better feen in Philo fo ph ie then in


was c o mmandedM. gfobn L e/Zz'


(who then was Parfo n o f Line, and now Abbo r o f L ondon and after was made Bifh o p dfRolfe) to anfwer to the fo rmer A rgument 5 and he with great gravity began to anfwer If ML LMdflér have


notbing tofityto at, Ibat/ enotbzng 5for Iknow natbzng but t/1 c Cannon L ain


And tbeg reate/l. reafon tbat ever I conldfinaletbere,tr,No lumus andVo lumus ,andyet weunder/land rbat now"bea tbeonelyPatron of five W a



B itt it is nontar fvell, forme ander/land rbat be or a

Free/ls g et andBafiard,and tbereforewej ltorcld ;not wonder



t tbat tbe old

traanVerfie be true‘

Patrem fequitur fua pto lé s a The. N ob ility hearingthat neither the o ne no r the o therWo ul d . anfw

er diref’tly. faid W e bavc

beenmeferablydelete/ ed beretoforeg for if. tibeMagi: ne'



t obtazne remcfiion offins to thequi ck and to tbe dead’

; l ereforewere all tbe c/ Ibbttt /b r icblydatedand'enclowcdnab oar Temporalllandf:J


Thusm uch wethought go o d to i nfiert here becaufe that fo'


a re no r afh amed now to affirm,That they w ith their reafo n s co uld hever

Be heard, but that allwe did, we did by mee r fo'

r cei5'when that thewho leR ealme kno weth , That we ever required themtto lpeak thei r j udgement sfreely

,no t o nely pro

mifing unto .them p ro re'

étio ri a'


rd rdefence but alfothat we iho uld fubfcribewith them

,r if th ey byC o ds


Scriptures co ul d'b ’

lfute us , and by the fameW o rd ef’rablifhrti

li eir'

affeiitio ns . Batmbo can



tbc lea/ing; of f acb 4a in alltbzngrjbew‘tbene


tbe[om of tbc F atber ofall her . Prefer fue no , L ord , fr om tbat perv


éiffi' andmalicious Generatzon .

At th is fame Affemblywas the Lo rd“

f ame: appo inted . to go to F rance

to the (meen o ur S o veraigne and a Parliament was appo in ted to beginthe 2 0 o f Maynext fo l lowing 5 fo r at that timewas the returne o f the faid

Lo rd {Fames lo o ked fo r and fo was that Conventio n diffo lved,W i tho ut

anyOther th ingo f impo rtance'

cdncluded .IThe faid Lo rd 95mm : prepa

red him fo r his j o urney(fo r albeit he pafl in thepublikeaffairs,h e f ulfained the charge o f h is own expence s 5 and yet there never paft fromth is Realm


e in'

the company o f Oneman [0'

m any and (O h o nefl tho .

row England to France. ) Befo re he departed ,Lhewas fo rewarned as

wel l o f the danger in F rance, as o f theQi een s craft (no r thatwe then ful

peéted her nature but thatwe underflo o d the mal i ce o f her friends he

was p lainly prem o nifhed That if ever heco ndefcended that fhe iho uldhave Maffe publik ely o r privately with inf thea Realme o f S cotland , that

then betrayed he the Gaufe o f Go d, and expo fed the Réligio n even rd

the utterm o fi danger that he co uld do . That { he (ho uld haveMaffe pub

l ikely , he affirmed that‘

he wo uldn’

ever c o nfent But to have it fecretlyinher Chamber,W ho co uld flo p her 6 The danger was fhewir, a nd fo hedeparted .

No te Lcfl-

‘j hls


Thar ls ,x56 6 whenth i s bo It was

W ritten .

No te that librahry o f the

E ar leMurray.

No te this dilié

gent ly.

‘I laeHijlor) of t/yeKefirtnation

The Fam eandOrder of the E legion of the Supermtendent , and all other Mini/let s at E dinburgh March the 9;1 56 0 . Jo hn Knoxbeing tben Preacher .

Irft was made a Sermo n_in thewh i ch thefe Heads were handled

f Firfi, The necefli tyo f Min ifiers and Superintendents o r Overfeers .

The feco nd, the crimes and vices thatm ight unable them o f theMinifiry.

Th irdly ,the ve

rtues required in them . Fo urth ly and laflly, W hetherfuch as by publike co nfent o f the Church were cal led to luch O ffice


m ight refufe the fame.

The Sermo n finifhed it was declared by the fameMiniller,maker

thereo f , That the Lo rds o f the SecretCo uncellhad g iven Charg e andP o wer to the Churches o f L am/ flan

,to to chufeMallet '

f obn Spottzfwood Superintendent o r Overfeer 5 And that fufii c ient warning was

made by publike E d ia to the Churches o f E elznbarg /y L inlietlzqnow,S lef llfl Tranent,Hadzng ton, and Dnmlar as al fo to the Earles Lo rds

,Baro ns , Gentlemen, and o thers,that have

,o r thatmight claim to haveVo re in E lectio n to be preIEnt that day ,and that fame ho ur. And

therefo re en airy was made W ho were refent,andwho Were abfent .

After was ca led the (aid goon who anllj

vering theMinilter, demanded If he knew anycrime o r o ffence to the faidMallet33a” that mightunable h im to be cal led to that O ffice 6 and that he demanded thrife .

Seco ndly queftio n was mo ved to the who le multitude If there was

any Otherwhom they pur in E leétio nwith the {aid Mallet

goon The

peo lewere asked , If they wo uld have the faidMallet go a Superiaten ent o r Overleer 5' If they wo uld ho no ur and o bey himChrifis Minifier , and comfo rt and affifi h im in every th ing pertainingto h i s Charge

They anfwered

unto bim [nob oh dienee, no beeometb Sheep to"


ax be remame

Tne anfwers o f the peo ple and their co nfent received thequellio nswere pro po unded to h im thatwas to be elefied.


Seeing that ye hear the thirltand defire o f . th i s peo ple ‘5 Do ye no r

th inke yo ur lélfe bo und in co nfcience befo re G o d to fuppbrt them thatfo earneftly cal l fo r yo ur comfo rt, and fo r the fruit o f your labo urs


wer.If lay thing were inmeaéle to aria e tbeir ole re , I a in '

l cle I ebound to obeyGod eaflt


ng by tlmn .

f fi fi 5 on e 5 myfif

The Hi/lorj of theRe/ormation

W i l l ye no t then c o ntaine allDo ctrinewith in the bo undso f th is fo undat io n e W il l ye no rfludie to promo ve the fame as wel l byyo ur li fe as by yo urDo é

‘trine W i l l ye no r ac co rd ing to the graces

and utterance that G o d {hal l grant un to yo u pro feffe , infirua ,andmain

taine the puritie o f the Do a rine co ntained in the fac red W o rd o f G o d,

and to the uttermo fi o f yo ur po wer f.’ W i l l yermOt gain- {land and co n s

‘vince th e gain - layers,and the teachers o fmens i nventio ns e


That do I pron nfe in the prefence of God , and of his Congregation heere '

grate/lion .

Know ye no t that the excellenc ie o f th i s Office to the wh ich Go dhath cal led yo u requireth that yo ur c o nverfatio n and behavio ur be fach,as that ye may be irreprehenfible

, yea even in the eyes o f the un

go dly

Anfwer.acknowledge, and theChnroh of God topraywithno


tflanderono to t of Chrtji‘git/w .

d flion.


e yo u are a man c om aired with infirm ities wi l l yo u no r charitably


and w ith lowlinel’fe o fpirit receive admo nitio n o fy o ur bre

thren c’ And it ye {hal l happen to Hide o r o fl'

end in any po int , .wil l yeno t be fubjeé

‘t to theDifc ipline o f theChurch ,as the reflo l


yo ur brethren.

"1"he Ahfwer of


theSuperintendent orMinijler to bed efied.

I '

achnhwledg emy [elf a man[ith]oiled to infirmity and one that hath needcorrellron ahd admoni ti on and therefitre Imo/Z wallingly [nbjeo‘l my felfe towholfome D ifcijrltneof the .Chnrch yeh, to theD ifctfli


ne oftheflame Churchbywhich I am now coded to this ofiice and Charge, ont here. in God5.pre

fince and your: do promife obedience to all admohn iont ['

ecretly or publikelyg iven 5 o nto which , rf I he found inobedtent Iconfeffe my[elfemo]? worthyto berejefi

‘ed, not onelyfiom thi); honour


ld lfi) . flow the[bri ttle of thefaithfioll

in ca]? of myflnhbornneffe F or thevacation of God to ,behre



chargewi thin his ,

Church maketh not men Tyrant; nor L ord: bnt afpoihteth .them

Watchlrnl’n, andPajlorr to theflock . r

“ Pig' i lThus ended ,quefiio nmull tillthe (multitude.

o o



f ate/li on.

M’ l


equrre ye anyfurther o f this yo ur L


uperintendent o rOverfieer andrnr er.


L ib .5. Of R‘




Koo lmeof Sco tland.

W illye no t acknowledge this yo ur bro ther fo r theMinif’

ter- o fChrifl

j efus ,- yo urOverfeer and Faito ur W il l ye no r reverence the W o rd o fG o d that pro ceedeth fro m his mo uth ? W i l l y

e n0 t receive o fh im the Serm o n o f Exho rtatio nWith patience 5 .no t rcfufi ng the who lfomeMedic ineo f yo ur fo ules, altho ugh it be bitter and unpleafi ng to the flefh W il l yeno t final lymaintainaand comfo rt him in his Minifierie and watch ing o veryou againit all fubh as wi ckedlywo ul d rebel l againftG o d and his ho l yO rdinance f.’

The peo pleanfweredY

W e a nd no wewillanfwer tit theL ord f ella: whohath commanded hieMr}nijler; to behad tn reverence an his t/ { rnhafladourr} and an men that caref ullyivo tchf

or the filtrati on of o ur faults .


L et theNobzlztie'


éurgedwith tho}.

Y e have heard the dutie and pro fefli o n o f th i s o ur b ro ther by yo urco nfent s appo inted to th is charge as alfo the durie and o bedience wh i ch"

G o d requireth o f us towards him heere in hisMiniflerie. But becaufe

that neither o f bo rh are able to perfo rmi:an th ing w itho ut the efpec iallgrace o f o ur G o d in ChriflJefus who hathpromi fed to bewith us pre.

a t even to th e c o nfummatio n o f thewo rl d with unfained hearts let usc rave

‘o f him his benedia io n anda fi ifiance in thiswo rk begun, to his glo

ry, and fo r the comfo rt o f his Church;

Lo rd to whom all power is given in heaven and o n earth tho u

that artthe eternal i Sonne o f the eternall Father , who hail no to nely l o ved thyChurch that f o r theredemptio n and purgatio n

o f the fame;A

hail humbled thy felfe to the ignom inio us death o f the

Cro fle, and thereupo n hailfhed thym o ltprecio us and inno cent blo o d , to

p repare to (Iii), felf a Spo ufe witho ut fpo r ,

but alfo to reta in this m o ltcxc

cellent bene t in recent membry, haltappo inted in thyChurch,Teachers ,Pallo urs ,

and Apofiles , tb inflruét comfo rt , and adm o nifh the fame ,

Loo k upo n usmercifii lly, O Lo rd, thou that o nely art King, Teacher, andh igh Priefl, to th ine own flo ck : and fend unto th is o ur Bro ther,whom inthyNamewe havec harged w ith thech ief care o f thyChurch with in thebounds o f L . fuch po rtio n o f thy ho ly Spirit as thereb hemay rightlydivide thyW


o rd ‘to the infirua io n o f thy flo ck , an to the co nfuta


n o f'

pernicio us erro urs and damnable Su erfiitions .~Give unto h im ,


o o d Lo rd a mo uth and wifdome, where y the enem ies o f '


maybe co nfo unded, th eW o lves expel led and driven from thyFo ld, thySheep maybe fed in the who lfo me F ailures o f thy mo lt ho ly W o rd ,the bl inde and ignorant may be il lum inated with thy true knowledge,

0 0 Final ly,

TheHifiory of theReformation L ib 5Final l y that the degrees o f Superfi itio n and Ido latry wh i ch now refleth

w ithin th is Realme,being purged“

and rem o ved ,we mayallno r o nel y haveo ccafi o n to g lo rifi e thee o ur o nely Lo rd and Savio ur but alfo daily to

g ro w in g o dlinefl'

e and o bed ience o f thymo lt ho ly wi l l to the defirai‘ftio n o f ihe bo dy o f fin , and to the reflitUtio n o f that image, to thewh ichwewere o nce created and to the which after o ur fal l and defectio n we arerenewed byparticipatio n o f thy ho ly Spirit wh ich by true Faith in theewe do p ro feffe, as the blef

’fed o f thyFather o f whom the perpetuallin

c reafe o f thygraces W e crave, as by thee o ur Lo rd,«K ing and o nely Bi

fli o p we are taugh t -

to pray . Our Father, é c.


The P rayer ended , the refl o f theMimfiers , i f anybe, and E lders o fthat Church prefent, in figne o f the ir co nfent , fhalltake the elected by thehand . The ch iefeMinif’ter fhail give the Bened ictio n, as fo l lo weth 5

G o d the Father o f o ur Lo rd JefasChrift who hath commandedh is G o fpelto be P reached to the comfo rt o f his Elec

t and hath cal ledthee to the O ffi ce o f a W atch - man o ver his peo ple multiply his graceswith thee il luminate theew ith his ho ly Spirit 5' c omfo rt and firengthenthee in allvertue 5 go verne and guide thyMinifterie to the praife o f h is

h o ly Name to the pro pagatio n o fC hrifls Kingd om to the comfo rt o fh isChurch 5 and final ly to the plaine difcharge and allurance o f th ineowne co nfcience in the dayo f the Lo rd Jefus 5 to who m with the Fatherandwith the ho ly Gho i’t, be allho no ur, praife, and glo ry, now and ever.S o be it.


E xhortation to the elel'



TAke heed to thy felie and unto the flo ck comm itted to thy cha rge,feed the fame carefully,n0 t as itwere by compulfi o n ,but o f very l o ve

wh i ch tho u bearefl to the Lo rd Jefus . W al k in fimplicityand purenefl'


o f l ife, as it becometh the true fervant and the Ambaffado ur o f the Lo rdjefus . U furpe n0 t dominio n no r tyrannic allautho rity o ver thybreth ren,be no r difco uraged x

in adverfity, but laybefo re thy fell the example o f theP ro phets , Apofiles and o f the Lo rd Jefus who in their Minifieryfuh ained co ntradictio n, co ntempt, perfecutio n, and death fear no r to te

buke thewo rl d o f S in Juflice and Judgement . If any th ing fucceedp ro fpero uflyin thyVo catio n ,be no r puft up with pride, neitheryet flatterthy(elf, as that the go o d iuccefl


e pro ceedeth fro m thyvertue, indufirie o rc are; But let ever that fentence o f theApo flle remainin th ine heart;W hatha]? thanwhich thou ha]? not received r

’ If thou have recew edwhygloriejf’


Comfo rt the afflicted fuppo rt the po o re and exho rt Others to fuppo rtthem . Be no r careful l fo r th ings o f th i s l ife but be fervent in prayer toG o d fo r the increafe o f h is ho ly Spirit . And final l y

,b ehavethy fclfe in

th is ho l y vo catio n with fuch fo brietyas G o d may be glo rified in thyMinifiery. And fo fhalt tho u fho rtly o btaine theVicto ry and fhalt tecerve the C rowne pro m ifed, when the Lo rd Jefus fhallappeare in his glory, wh o fe omnipo tent Spirit afIifi thee and us to the end;

A nno

TheHi/iorie of the(

Reforma tion L ib . 3

o ccfi ho n that they that fame night made a mutiny k ept the Gates o fthe To wne , and i ntended to have p urfued (o me menwith in the i r owach o ufes ; But that Upo n the refiitt i i o n o f their Swo rd s and E nfigne was

flayed . And yet they ceafed no t to mo left as we l l the Inhabitants o fE a

’mhargh,as d ivers Co untrey- men, tal< ing fro m them mo ney,and th reat

n ing fume w ith farther injuries W herewi th the Mag if’trates o f the

To wn h ighly o ffended to o k mo re di l igen t heed to fuch a s refe rred tothe Town , and fo appreh ended o ne o f the p rincipall o f that difo rder

named Baler: a Sho o ' mak er wh o m they put to an Affi z es s and beingco nvinced (he co uld no r be abfo lved fo r he was


the chief man that

fpo yled j ohnMahraj o f ten Cro wns o f the Sun) they tho ugh t to have exccmcd Ji dgement up o n h im,and fo e teéied a G ibbet benea th the G ro fie .

(W he ther it came by Paifltio n w i th the Provefiand fo me Other, o r by inii igatio n o f the C rafts - men who ever have been bent to o much to “

m aintain fuch vanity and i iOto ufneiTe, we fully kno w no t ) but (riddenly there did arifé:a tumul t

,the To lbuith was b ro ken up and no r o ne ly

the {aid Baloa who befo re was co ndemned , was vio lently taken fo rth,

but a l fo all o rher malefaé’ro rs were fet at freedo me the G ibbet was

pul led d o wne, and de lp igh tfully b ro ken . And the reafter as the Pro

vefi , and fo rm o f the Co uncell, a fiemhled to the C lerks Chamber fo rc o nfultatio n . The who le rafcallbanded to gether with fo me k no wneand ho nefi Crafts - men and intended invafio n o n the faid Chamber ;w h ich perceived , the Pro vefi , and fuch as it are in his co mpany , pafi to

the To lbuith , fufpeéi ing no th ing that they wo ul d have been fo enraged ,to make new purfuit, after that th ey had o btained the ir intent : But theyw ere fuddenly dece ived fo r fro m theCaftle billthey came with violence, and with f’ro nes , Guns , and fuch o therW eapo ns as they had


began to aflault the faid To lbuith ,tan at the do o r o f it,tillthat partly byfip nes card fro m abo ve

,and partly by a Pifio ll ih o r by Roher t Norm /l


(wh ich hurt o ne Taea'

y) they were repulfed fro m the do o r . But yet cea

fed they no t to c all and (ho o t in at the windo ws , threatning death to all

that were with in. And in very deed the mal ice o f the Crafts - men, who

we i e fufpeé’ted to be the o ccafio n o f that tumult bare no ! go o d wi l l

to divers o f tho fe that were with the Pro vefi. The Arguments that theCrafts - men were the caufes o f thatup to re befides the ir firftd ifOtderthat they h ad ufed befo re in taking Sander/one from the executip n o f

punifhment, are two . The fo rmer, A rchzhaldDkeware , F arm /re Shdilgz ze,

w ith o ther fixDeaco ns , came to {fohn Knox and wi l led him to fo licitethe Pro vefiand the To wne to de la the execut io n . W ho did anfwer,’

That he had fo o ft fo lic ited in the i r a toms,that h is own conlc ience ac

cufed him,That they ufed h is labo urs fo r no Other end but to be a Pa

tro n to the ir impiety 5 fo r he had befo re made interc c iiio n fo r W i/lzamHarlaw


Tf ohn F r z/je/I and o thers that were co nv inced o f the fo rmer tu

mult : They pro ud ly faid,That if itwas no t flayed bo rh he and theB ayliffs ih o uld repent it. W ho anfwered .H ewo ul d no r hurt h is c o nfc ience fo r the fear o f anyman And fo they departed ; and the tumult,as faid is , immed iate l y thereafter d id ari le . The feco nd Argument i sThe tumult co ntinued from two at afterno o n , til l after eight at night.


L ib, 5. of flofigion in theRea/me of Sco tland .

The Crafts - men were rquired to aliemble themfelves to gether fo r del i ADIIOverance o f the Pro vefi but they pafi to thei

‘rfoar honrr pente , o r after~

no o ns Pinte, and in their jefiing , faid, Theywz/IheMag /i r ate; alone, let themW M

rate the multi tude alone. And (0 co ntrary t o the Oath wh ich they hadmade ,they denied their affi fiance,co unfell,& comfo rt to the Pro vefi andBayliifs


,which are arguments very p ro bable that the faid tumul t to fe

by th eir p ro curement . The end thereo fwas,Th at the Proveftand Bay

liffs Were co mpe l led to g ive the ir hands writs that they iho uld neve r

purfue any o f tho fe that were o f that tumul t , fo r any c rime that was

do ne in that behal f. And th is was p ro claimed at the Cto ife, after n ineo f the clo ck at n ight and (0 was that tro uble quieted But theNo b i l ityvo wed That they wo ul d no t fpare it no r fo rget it s and fo agreat

number o f that faa io n were abfent fro m the To wne til l the arrivall o fthe (M96 3 .The wh o le mul titude were ho l den exco mmunicate, andwereadmitted to no participatio n o f the Sacraments unti l l f uc h t ime as theyfatis fied theMag ifirates ,and made humble fuit unto the Church . Of the

death o f theQueen Regent , we have heard befo re fpo ken ,but o f herB uriallwas no rhing heard . And it may appear That fuch matters areunwo rthy o f remembrance : And if allthing s ih o uld be rightly weighed

,we fhai l perceive Go ds initJudgements , how feeretfo ever that they

be . Befo re we heard the barbaro us inhuman ity that was ufed at Letthby the French , who expo fed the naked cark affes o f the (lain as it were

in a fpeétacle de fpighting G o d . W e have heard that the Qij en Regentrei oyced at the figh t, but het jo ywas f udde


nly turned i nto i o rro w , as

w e have heard . Thequefiio n was mo ved o f her But’

iall The Preachersbo ldly gainfio o d, That anySuperfiztzona R i te:flier/1d he afied ivz


thzn that Rea/no , o f the (MMwhzeh God of his mercyhegan to repugne. And fo co nclulio nwas taken,That c ents death.

her Buriall iho uld be deferred ti l l farther advertifement and fo was {h N0“

w rapped in a Co ffin o f Lead , and kep t in the Cattle fro m the ninth o f

f arm , unti l l the 1 9 o fOc? oher ,when (be by Pyno urs was carr ied to a Sh ip ,and fo


carried to F rance what po mp was ufed the re we ne i ther heard,no t yet regard : But in it we fee, That fhe that del ighted tharo th ers laywitho ut Bur ial], gat it neither fo fo o n as (be her felfe (if { he had been o fthe


c o unfell in h er l i fe)w o ul d have required it ; neither'

yetfo ho no uréble in th i s Realm,as fo me times (he lo o ked fo r . A;men de,jhtheyreceive.

The Papifls , a l ittle befo re the Parl iament, tefo rted in d ivers Bands tothe Town, and began to brag , as that they wo uld have defaced the Proteii ants : W h i ch th ing perce ived the brethren afTembled and went

in fuch Co mpanies , and yet in peaceable manner , that the Bifho p s andthe ir Bands fo rfo o k the calfay o r fireet . The B rethren undetfiandingwhat the Papifts meant, co nvened in C o uncellin the To lbuith o f E t hnhnrgh the feven and twent ieth o fMay the yeer o f G o d 1 56 1 . and after

c o nfultatio n,co ncluded,That an humble Suppl icatio n ih o uld be prefented unto the Lo rds o f the SecretCo unfell, and unto the who le AfTetnblythatlthen was co nvened , in thewh i ch iho uld thefe fnblequent Heads berequired , and aLaw to paffe thereupo n .

O o 3

TheH’flOU of t/”eRefo’mhtion L ib . 5.

[1 11 0r F rr/l, That Idolatry, and allMonument: thereof [honldh


cfitpprejfed thorowW M

eat thewhole Koolme That thefayere hearer; matntazner s and hanterr of the

Mayo, [hoaldhepant/bed accordtng to theA6? of Parliament, aafazd of .

2 That[pecza/land cer tainprovtfion he madefor themazntenance of theSaf er;

zntendentt , t flers,Exhorter s andReaders That Superintendent: and Mtfll'

fieryfliotcld he planted where none age/e Thatpnnz/hment/honldhe appointedfor

fitch na d/[bhfj t’d or contemned the Snperzntendent:m then F anc‘t'zon .

3 . Thatpant/ hmentmayhe apporntedflr theahnfer: of the Sacraments,andfir

the contemner t of thefirme.

4 That no Lotter t of the S cj s’


on, or W arrantfrom the55ndge, hegm en to an

fwor or payto any per/on of thezr Tenth: n nthont efpecza/lprofuzfion that the Pa


onerr‘r ctazn fitmach zn thei r owne hands , are a appoi ntedfor them azntenance of

theMtnzflry And that a/IficchM areelfeg / fven he called tn and dz/charged 5And[theme/e tha tno Sher /fl}gave Precept; to that efiéfi‘.

5. That nezther the Lord: of S eK/ on nor anyother {'

fndger proceed upon

jfirth Precept; or W armng s pa]? at the in/Za / tce of them that of late have ohearncdfavor of Vtcaragec and F ar/on:Manfes , and Church-

yard; And thatfix alter srf [omtcchtherehe of the Gleehe ) he almayer refer re/ ed to theMantfler


to the appointment of theBook of t cz'


6 . That no L etters of Sefizon nor other W arrants ta/eeplacewhtle theflipendscontained tn the Booleof s ciplznefor maintenance of theMtntfler: hefirjt con

figned tn thehand: at thelea]? of the Pr inczpals of the Parz(hzonert .

7 . Thatpant/hment he appotnted ag atnfl allfirth roc’

pnrchafit, hrc'

ng home, or ex

ecntewzthzn thteRealmo the Pope: Bulls .

The Tenour of theSnyplicationmac the

PLeafe yo ur Ho no urs , and the w ifedoms o i fuch as are prefently co n e

vened w ith yo u inCo uncell to underfiand , That by many arguments we perceive what thepefiilent generatio n o f that .Romane Antic h rrft with in th is Realme p retendeth , to wit That they wo uld o f

new ereét their Ido latry , take upo n them Emp ire abo ve o ur co nfcience, and [0 to command us , the true fubjea s o f this Realme, and fuchas G o d o f h is mercy hath (under o ur So veraigne ) fubjeét unto us , inall th ings to o bey their appetites . Ho nefiy craveth,and co nfciencemoveth us to make thevery fecrets o f o ur hearts patent to yo ur Ho no ursin that behalfe wh i ch i s th i s 5 That hefire ever tho/e Tyrants and damhdogge: E mpzre aho

fve m , and ahove [nth no God hath fuhjet‘ted canto m ,

thatwe the Baron: and Gentlemen profefiz

ng Chm/l gfefna wzthtn thtk Realmo are

fully determined to haz ard ltfe andwhatfoefuer we have received of God in

Temporall thing s . Mo lt humbly therefo re befeeching yo ur Ho no urs ,That fuch o rder may be taken , that we have no t o ccafio n to tak eagath e the Swo rd o f jufi

Defence into o ur hand s , wh i ch we haveW i lllngly (after G o d had g ivenVia o ry bo th to yo ur Ho no urs and~US refigned o ver into yo ur hands i To the end that Go ds G ofpel


may be publikely Preached w ithin th i s Realme The true

Minifiers thereo f reafo nablymaintained ,Ido latry fupp


reffed, and the

The [1q0q' tlyea‘Reformdtjon L ib ;by,witho ut m oving o f hat to any thing ,

that was there,theyhad fubo rned,

fome to c ry Hygonots and (0 callfio nes . But G o d difappo inted theirenterprile , fo r the (aid Rincgmw with OtherG entlemen being wi th theLo rd ”

f ame: rebuk ed the fo o lilh multitude and o ver - ro de fome of the

fo rmofi and (0 the reftwere di fperfed.

e(caped and came with expedi ti'

o nito i

L o rds and affemblywere to gether’to th


hearts , and to no li ttle afio nilhment o f th

o ur S overaigne‘

he bro ugh t Letters to therainqti ietneffe and tO

f ufl'

er no rh i

o f Peace which was made at L en /7 ming and

furier the Religio n publik ely'

efiablifhedg‘to go fo rward,&c . W hereup

the {aid Lo rds gave anfwer to the French Amballadour‘,a Negative

everyo ne o f h is

sThe Lo rds Anfwer to theF rench Ambail'

ado ur.

77341" France Imd not'


cfizw éd at Meir 174ml: thatemera


in an

L ib,5, J Rehfgion in the(Realme of Sco tland.

In the Trearie o f Peace co ntrac’

ted at Leith, therewere co ntained certain Heads that required the Ratificat io n o f bo thweens . The (Qeen o fE ngland, acco rding to her Promife, Subfcriptio n, and Scale,W i tho ut anydelayperfo rmed the lame, and fent it to o ur So veraigne by her appo int~ed O fficers . But o ur S overaigne (whether becaufe her o wn c rafue na

ture thereto moved her o r that herUncles chiefeCo unl'

ellers to wo uld,we know rim)with many delayes frufirated the expec

‘tatio n o f the (k een

o f E ngland ,as by the C0 pie o f a Letter {em fro m the Ambaffado ur o f

E ngland to‘bis S overaigne wemay underfiand.


ado urs Letter .


S ent S ommer to theQycen of Sco ts for attdzent e,who appointed me to

cometo her thefizme dayafter dznner, whzth Idid. To her I dtd r ememheryour Maje/ltes hearty commendation; and declared o nto her your a ll ay/h eslike gladfirmneffe of her recover ie fromher latefithnefl


e,who e want of health,

at itmat g rzefvom o nto your ‘

tfl /toJejlie [o I told her dz you cong ratulate,

and g r eatlyrejoyceof theg ood termet o eolth jhewar in for the pre/ent . After thefi:office: of oivilztie , I put her zn rememhranae agazne what had paffed

flow theheg tnning in thematter of yottr Majejlies demand of Ratt'

fitatzon, ae

eordin to theTenour of thefaid Trearie at wed h] we at the fir/t at aftera

‘vard 1 myL ord of Bedfo rd, at his

“ hting here and flflotvedfithent e againhyme in open audience and bymyL etter to her ha ng in Lo raine, addzng here’9 yourMajejliet further commandment, and r e

- charge to meagain p refently tor enaetheflamedemand, as heforehad heen donu .

At Par t'

a the 2 3 o f June 1 56 1 .

madeanfwer at followeth.

fo r th i s gentlevifitatio n and co n

and tho ugh I be no t yet in perfefi:

d cafe,and way o f ,


Annothat unto her fro m me, that I truit(hall fuffice her. Bywhom Iwillgive

m ,her to underl

‘tand o f my Jo urney i nto S cotland, 1 mean to embark e at Ca

That w l s a re . 11 68. The K ing o f F rance hath lent me certain G alleyes and Sh ip s to co nveyme ho me

,and I intend to requi re o f my go o d S ii

’ter tho fe favo urs

She m eant {he that Princes ufe to do in tho re cares . And tho ugh the termes wherein we

ygfignfizg‘have flo o d hereto fo re, have been fomewhat hard, yet I trufi that from

:évcm uu


m hencefo rth we (hallacc o rd to gether a s Co fin s and go o dNei hbo urs .atI

ni t- mayne w mean(quo th th e)to retire all the F renchmen fo rth o f S corlani who hadg iven Jealo ufie to the (b een mySil


,and difco nrent to my Sub

lf l‘tanet’wo ald jeéts (0 as I w illleave no th ing undo ne to fatisfie allparties , trufiing the

Queen my go o d S ifterw ill do the lik e , and that from hencefo rth no ne

no t yet depat o f mydifo bedient Suhjeéts (if ther e be anyfuch) {hall finde ayd o r fug"a



1 t a p o rt at her hands . I anfwered, Th at I was no r defiro us to fallinto r e

difco urfé h ow tho fe hard termes firfi began, n o r bywhatmeans theyThe A sm s o f we


re no urifhed,becaufe therein I mufi charge ,fo me party w ith injury,

and perillo ffered to the (meen myMifirefle, wh ichwas the verygro undr d.u W e

o f tho fematters . But Iwas wellallured there co uld be no better o ccafio n o ffered to put the fo rmer unk indne

lle i n fo rgetf ulnefl'

e then byratifying the Trearie o f Peace

,fo r that i ho uld repay all i njuri es paft.


e,quo th I , where it pleafed yo u to fufpend and delay theratificat ion ,

untill yo u have the advi ces o f the N o bles and S tates o fyo ur Realm the(fl een myMifireffe do th no rhmg do ubt o f their co n



s fo rm itie in th i s matter,becaufe the Treari e was made by their co ureurs .

an o urs aVC

Pmm edm dThe (b een anfwered, yea, by(o me o f them, but no r by all, i t wi llap

{1111Pf’fi 'ffi' at. W hether they be o f the fame m inde

gm"? {h

o f th i s I allure yo u, Mo nfieunLamam verydefiro us to have the perfeé


E ng/and to the,

mygo o d filter and w ill ufe all theth ink that I mean it indeed . I an

I thml. fh zfaidfn o t amulle. l] Cthe

The (0 3e

of ds hgr.G o d in n e

li r art o f E lmano t C“

was difo bedl (0 t ill“ )e nc e ro curftd

h erbal.

Note.G ad giveth his

l aw as welltothe Pr ince as

matters o f ReliO io n'

. And ttomm b’ea“

trary Religio n ub


to me then uld thethat Subj



s fli o uld give“


‘vto their 5

ter s o f Religio n which I feare quo thhand (anfwer fo rthe part o f S cotland, ae(caped G o ds heavie

indignatio n Wh icho ver th is Realm


r the Ido latry,and Otherfame wh ich {h allno'

t ceafe tillthat'



, o ur Realme is in no neOthercafe atth rOUg Chrifiendome are TheRealm . Ahd yo u fee what:great di

truelymak e declarat io n o f all that fhe faid unto me , unto yo u r Majefh e and trufied that {h ewo uld (0 fatisfie yo urMajeflybyMo nfieur D o

[all in allth ings as I ih o uld hereafter have no mo re o ccali o n to t reat

w i th her o f anyth ing bllt o f the encreafe o f Am i ty ,o f wh ich there

iho uld be no want o n her behalf. Th i s is the eflcet‘} o f theQ\ u_een o f S cotland; anfwer to yo urMajefiies demand o f her faidRatificatio n, and o fmyNeg o t iat io n w ith her at th i s time .

Thefe advert ifement s fomewhat exafperated the (ween o f E ngland,and no t alto gether witho ut caure fo r the Armes o f Eng land were befo reuf urped byo ur S overaigne and by her hus band F ranc”, and E liz abeth(meets o f E nglandwas o f the Guy/24m rept

Jted li ttle better then a BallardIt was appo inted that th is t itle ih o uld be renewed . But hereo f had o ur

illc o unfelled and milled Q\ ueen no plealure, and efpeciallyafter that hehus band was dead 3 fo r, tho ught (h e, the { hew o f E ngland (h allallure ma

ny fuiters to me. The Gmfiam ,and thePap ili s o f bOth Realms , did no

a little an imate her in that purfuit The effec‘twhereo f will fo o ner appear

then the go dlyo f E nglandwo uld defire. ween E lwabetbme fay, o ffend‘

edwith the fo rmer anfwer,wr0 te unto theN o bili ty and S tates o f Swtlmdin fo rm as fo lloweth .

I beween of Englands L etter to 117: Smm rf Sco tland.

nh t Trufiy andRight—entirelyBelovedCo ufins W e greet yo u.

W e do ubt nOt,but as o ur meaning i s , and hath alwayes been fince

o ur Raigne,‘in the fightOf AlmightyG o d .

firaight and diredttowards

advancement o f his Ho no ur, andTmth inReligio n 5and co nfequently,top ro curePeaee,andmaintainCo nco rdb etwixt b o th thefe Realms o f E ng =

[and and S cotland So alfo o ur o utward acts have welldeclared the fame

to thewo rld, and efpecially to yo u,being o ur neighbo urs , who have talied and proved in thefe, o ur friendfh ip and earnefigo o dwill,mo re then weth ink any o f yo ur anteceffo rs have ever received fro m hence yea, mo re

then a great number o f yo ur felves co uld wellhaveho ped fo r o f us all

fo rmer examples beingwellweighed and c o nfider And this 'we have

to rejoyce o f,and fo mayye be glad, That where in the beginn ing o f thetro ubles in that Co untrey, and o f our fucc o urs mean t fo r

yo u, thejealo ufie,o r rather themalice o f divers ,b0 th in thatRealme and in o therCo un


t reys was fuch , bOth to deprive bOth us in the yeelding, andyo u in re ui

No “.(m,we

r ing o ur ayd,that wewere no ted to have meant the furprife o f that Re m ,

lye , and fee

how It anfwers

t o the calum

n ie s o f theicdayes .

bydepriving o f yo ur So veraigne the (b een o f her Crov‘

vn 5and yo u, o r

the greatefi part o f yo u, to have intended byo ur fucco ur the like s and cither to prefer fome Other to theCrown o r elfe to mak e o f that Mo narvch ie a Commo n - weale ,

matters veryflandero us and faife. But the endand determ inatio n yea thewho le co urfi: and pro cefl

‘e o f the aé


tio n o n

bOth o ur parts have manifelled bo th to ‘

the flanderers , and to allOthers ,That no th ingwas mo re meant and prOfecuted then to ellablilh yo ur50veraigne the (ween

,o ur Co ufinand S ifter in her S tate and Crowne the

po ffefli o n whereo fwas in the hands o f firangers .And altho ugh no wo rdsc o uld thenwellfatisfie the malicio us ,yet o ur deeds do declare That no


th ingwas fo ught , but the'

refiituti o n o f that Realme to the anc ient Liber AHBOt

,and 3 5k were to redeem it from Ca tivit Of thefe o ur

ur o fes anddeeds

,there remaineth amo ng Other arg

pumerifs go o d tellimo


bya fo Tm .


lemneTi eatyand Acco rd made the laft .yeer at E dméurgb, byCo mm iifiandCo '

n n fi

o ners fent fro m us,and fro m yo urQg een ,with full Autho ri ty in wri ting

at ub.

under bo th o ur Hands , and the great Seals o f bo th o ur Realm s in fuchm anner as Other Princes o ur P ro genito rs have always ufed By wh i chTreatyand Acc o rd, ei ther o f us have fai thfullyacc o rded wi th O ther, tok eep Peace and Ami tybetwixt o ur felves o ur Co untreys and fubjeéts .

And in the fame alfo a go o d Acco rd is made, nOt o nelyo f ce rtain th ingshappened betwixt us but alfo o f fome d ifferenc es betwixt theMiniflerso f the late French K ing yo ur S o veraigns husband and yo u the S tates o f

that Realm fo r the alterat io n o f Law s and Cuflom s o f that Co untreyattempted by them . Upo n which Acco rd there made and co ncluded ,hath h itherto fo llo wed, as yo u know furety to yo ur S overaignes S tate,

quietneife to yo ur felves , and a better Peace betw ixt bOth Realms then

everwas heard o f in any time pail. Nevertheleffe ho w it happeneth we .


k no’

w no t(we can,fo r {he in her c o nceit th inketh her felfe (ween o fibOth)'

That yo ur Soveraigne either nOt know ing in th i s part her o wac felic ity;o r elfe dangero uflyfeduced byperverfeCo unfell whereo f we are mo lt Ma nyPrldCés:fo rry 5 being o f late at fundry times requi red byus acc o rding to her li

me “ gar“

Bo nd w ith us figned w ith h er o wn Hand and fealed w i th the great“ at“

S ealo f that Realme, and allo wed byyo u, being the S tates o f thal ame,to ratifie the faidTreaty in lik emanner as we bywriting have do ne ,andare ready to deliver it to her who mak eth fuch delato ryanfwet s there

unto , as whatwe{hall judge thereo f weperceive by her an fwer Th at

it i s fit fo r us to require o f yo u F o r altho ugh {he hath alwaye s anvrer

ed fince the death o f her husband , That in th i s matter {he wo uld firfl:underfland the m indes o f c ertain o f yo u, befo re that(he wo uld m akean

fwer . And(0 having n ow o f lo ng t im e fufpended o ur expeétatio np in

the end .nOtwithfiand ing that { he hath had c o nference bOth‘byM



gets , and byfome o f yo ur felves , beingwi th her, yet {he flilldelayed ig‘

alleadging to o ur'Ambalfado ur in F rance who faid that th is Treatywas

made byyo ur co nfents itwas nm by co nfent o f yo u all5 and fo’

wo uld

have us to fo rbear untill{ he {hall returne into that herCo untrey. And

n ow feeing th is wher anfwer depended as it (ho uld feem by herwo rds ,upo n yo ur o p inions we canno t but plainlylet yo u all underfiand

, That:

th i s manner o f .aa e r, witho ut lome mo re fruit , c anno t lo ng'

co ntent

us W e have meantwellt o o ur fi lter yo ur (b een in t ime o f o ffence g iven to us by her W e did plainly, witho utd ilfimulatio n, charge her in

her o wn do ubtfull‘ltate : wh ile firangers po ffeffed her Realme, we Pray

ed it from And no w having pr’

o rn ifed to k eep go o d Peace

w ith her, and w ith yo u her fubjeéts , wehave o bferved it 5 and { hall befo rty if either {he'

o r yo u (hall give u s c o nt rary caufe . In a matter fo Anw er is

p ro fitable to bOth th e Realmes we th ink it firange that yo ur Qieene if:hath no better advice And therefo rewe do requii e yo u all be ing the the Saates have

S tates o f that Realme,uponwhom the burden refieth to co nfider th i sm;“ he?

matter deeply, and to mak e us anfwer, whereunto wemay trufl. And if No te this;

P p 3 yo u

yo u (hall think meet (he (hallthus leave the Peaceimperfeét, by break ing

o f her fo lemne promife, co ntraryto the o rder o f all Princes we (hall

be wellco ntent to accept yo ur anfwer ,and (hallbe as careleife to (cc the

Peace, as ye (hallgive us caufe And do ubt no r , by the grace o f G o d,

but wh o fo ever o f yo u (hallincline thereto (h all fo o nefi repent . Y o u

mullbe c o ntentwith o ur plain writing . And o n the Other (ide, i f yo uco nt inue allin o ne minde, to have the Peace invio lably k ept, and (hall(0byyo ur a

dvice pro cure the Qtleen to ratifie o

it we alfo plainlypromife

yo u, That wewillalfo co nt inue o ur go o d‘difpofition to k eep the fame in

fuch go o d‘termes as now it i s : And in fo do ing, the ho no ur o f Almigh

tyGo d (hallbe duely fo ught and promo ted in bo th Realms TheQ een

yo ur S overaigne (hallenj oyher S tate with yo ur furety and o ur (elves

p o ffelfe thatwhich ye have with tranquility 5t o the encreafe 0 yo ur Fa

m ilies and Po fieritie'

which by the frequentW ars hereto fo re yo ur antec eifo rs never had lo ng in o ne (rate To co nclude, we require yo u to advertife us o f what m inde yo u be fpecially if yo u all co ntinue in that

m inde,that yo umean to have the Peace betwixt bOth the Realmes perpetuallyk ept : And if yo u (hallfo rbear anylo nger to advertife us , ye (h allg ive us (ome o ccafio n o fdo ubt, whereo fmo re hurtmaygrow then go o d.

F rom , tif f

- Thefe Letters received andp erufed, albeit the States co uld no rbe co nvened, yet did the Co uncell, and fome Others alfo in particular,return anfwers w ith reafo nable diligence. TheTeno ur o f o ur Letters was th i s

MA D A M 13,

L tafeyour'

tfl /[ ajcflic that withjudgementwehave c'

onfidcrodyourMajdliesL etter s And alhezt thewholeS tate: could notfuddcnly he uflcmhlecl, yet we

thought exycdzcnt tofignific fimcwhut of ourwinder untoyourMajej hu . F o r

he itfr om no, that either we takeupon at ,That infamyhrforetheworld,or g rudgeof . confoccnco hcfore our God, thatwcjhould lightlycflm n the ohfir ezatzon of thatI’cacc lately contracted hctwixt thefe two Rcaloncr. Bywhat motives our S ow .

r azgn‘cdelayed theratificatzon thereof, wecannot tell But of on (of no

, wefay,u

ld adamc that haveprofit/tedfidelity in our promijé herMajq/z‘y had none.

Y our W aycflz’

c cannot he ignorant, That in too Realme therearemany enemies 5and arther , That our Soveraignehath Councellor s whofc judgements /he in all

[uc caufes preferred to ours . Our ohcdzcncchindeth cu nogonclyrcverently to[peak andwr ote of our S overaigne hut alfo to judge andthqthc Andyetyour


s/lie mayhewellaj ured, That in on [hallhenoted noHam , of that Peacc ‘he

not rotzficd toyourm ayo/lies contentment F or God 12:withcfliz That our chiefcare in this earth , next theg loryof God, if ,


‘hot con/hint Pcaccmayremainho

twixt thefe two Realm“ ,whereof yourMajcflic andReohncylzallhavcfim: exper iencc,filong 44 our counfcllor vote: may/toy: the contrary. Thehenefit that m:

Now (11 e Sco tshavereceived c

rfo recent thatwecannotfioddcnlyhury 1: inflroctfidmfl}. WeV l

acknowledge woulddepreyourMayefiyrather to hcycrfwadcd afl oat, Thatwe to onrpowm wi llm m fludze to leave It in rcmcnthrancc to ouryqlcrity. a nd :thm wot/1 lawfull and

humblecommendation of our fervic e, we commit yourMajcjlyto theProtot'

fionoftheOmnipotent. of Edinburgh thefixtccnth dayof ‘

Tfuly, 1 56 1


TheTrogreje andContmuance trueReligionwithin S C0 TL N D .

N the fo rmer Bo o lies Gentle Reader )tho u mayefi clearly (ee ho w po tentlyo d hath perfo rmed in the(e o ur laft

and wicked dayes , as wellas in the agesthat have pafl


ed befo re us the prom i(es that are made to the (E rvants o f

G o d by the PrOphet lfa r

ah , in the(e1

wo rd s , 1 hey that mart upon theL ord[hallr enew thezr [lreng th they[ha/l m ount upw '

th wing: an Eegg/er , they[hallrunnnd nothe weary theyjhall anal/e and notfi tnt.

Th i s promife ,we fay ,

fuch as Satan

hath no t utterlyblinded may fee'


fo rmed in us,the Pro feffo urs o f ChrifiJefus w i th in th i s RealmeOf S cot A"fl ew

knowledgmentland,w i th no leffe evidence, then itwas in anyage 5that everpaIfed befo re o f mm ,m a,“

us . Fo rwhatwas o ur fo rce 6 W hat was o ur number 6 Y ea, what wi('

u tik , tb thc

do me o r wo rldlypo lic ie was in us to have bro ught to anygo o d end (0 5232322145

great an enterprife6 o ur very enem ies can bear witnefl


e . And yet in how then, to ha th Ugreat purity G o d did e(

‘tablilh amo ngfius h is true Religio n as well in


bccn ifl thi s

D o étrine as in Ceremo n ies TOwhat co nfufio '

n and fear wereIdo later s , (fof

fikm ‘

adulterers , and allpublik e tranf'


o urs o f Go d s Co mmandment s W i thin

fromtime bro ught, the publi k e O rders o f the Church,yet



c i o f G o d prefcrved and the pun ifhment executed againfl malefaaOurs ,‘

c an tefiifie unto he W o rld . Fo r as to uch ing the adminiflrat i'

o n o f the

S acraments u(ediinOur Churches we arebo ld to afii rme That there is

no Realme th i s dayupo n the face o f the earth that hath them in greater puritie yea we can (peak the Trueth whomfo ever we



there is no ne (no Realme I meane ) that hath themih the like purit



TheHi/lor) of theReformation L ib 4

A HHOfo r all Others h o w (i ncere that ever the Do c

‘trine be that b m e i s

tauO h t , retain in thei r Ch urches , and in theMin rller s thereo f ome fo o t -ll“

m m ) D o oA s ntwas then, fieps o f Ant i ch

ri l’

t, and dreg s Of Pap rfiry But we (all prai fe to G o d


“ by alo ne) have no th i ng W i th i n o ur Churches that ever flowed fro m thatmanelt s v n f



Nimo n.o f S in . And th i s we ack no wledge to be the (i rength


given to us o f G o d,becaulewe

elleemed no t o ur felves w ife in o ur Ow'


eyes ,but unde‘


d in .Our o wnw ifedo me'

to be but meer fo o li‘

lh nefl'

eBefo re o ur God,laid

it ame and fo llowed o nely that wh ich we fo und approved byhim

In th i s po int c o uld never o ur enem ies caufe us to faint fo r o ur firfl Pe

The “ ,Pa iut itio n was That


(rever end face of the firfl Pr imitive and Af oflolr'


tio n o f the Chur chjhould he reduced again to the eye: and knowledg e of,

men . And in that

Pre teflants o f po int (we fay)o ur G o d hath firengthned u‘

s , till that the W o rk was finifh“ mam”

ed,as the wo rld may fee . And as co ncerning the fupprefling

Of vice,

yea and o f the abo lifli ing o f all (uch th ing s as m ight no uri(h Impietyw ith in the Realm,

theAéts and S tatures o f the princ ipallTowns refo rm

Lm his b: no ed , willyet tef’rifie Fo r

‘what Adulterer

,what For

nieato r, what known

t e d i o r exam Maffe—rn o nger o r peltilentPapifi durli have been fee‘nin

‘publik e w ith in

Pl“ anyRefo rmedTown wi thht this Realmo , befo re that th eQueenarrived a'And thi sVie‘to ry to his W o rd and terro ur to allfilthylivers , did G o dw o rk by (uch as

yet live,and temainewigaeg'

es—ewheeher theywillo e no t)o f the afo refaidwo rk s Of G o d .

“ Ii

W e fayo ur G o d fuffered nOne o f theft“

; Whidrfi iheh flf f illed to fhé

Bartellto peri(h o r to fall, the wh ile thatghemade thérfi‘Vi‘éiOrs (if thefrt5 : Fo r even as G o d fuffercd no ne

‘of tho fe whom he c

alled from'

Egypt to peri(h in the Red Sea howfEarfullthat Ever th e“

danger apv

peared fo fuflfcred he no ne Of us to be approvedmo r yet to be taken fromth i s life, tillthat now the Pharaohr, then One, was dro wned and We fet

at freedom W itho ut 'all‘danger o f o ur enem ies


; to let bOth us and

o ur Po fierity’underlland That fuch as fo llow the? Co nduéting Of 6 9d,

canno t pet i(h alb'

eit theywalked in the very (hado w o f death . But


whence (alas ) co meth th is miferiible difperfio n Of Gods pe‘le

w ithin th i s Realme this day inMay 1 And what i s thecanfs(

shatnow thejult i s compelled to k eep filence

, go o dmenare banilhed Murtherers , and fuch as are knowne unwo rthy o f cOmmo n S o c iety) if Jux(licewere put in extent io n ) bear thewho le Regiment and (way with in

Th ? r fth is Realme f

.hfn fififi W e anfwer Becaufe that fuddenly them o ltpart o f us declined fro mwithin


s totlaad, the


purity o f G o ds W o rd5“

and began to fo llow thewo rld, and(O againeg


am? “(bake hands with the devill,and with Ido latry, as in the fo urth Bo o k we

who (cemed to W ill heare .




,F o r wh ile that Papif


W ere fo co nfo unded that no ne with in the°g° Redlme durli mo re


avow the hearing o r faying o f Mafl'

e,then the

theeves o f Tiddz/dale durli: avow thei rfio uth o r (’tealin in theprefencco f any upright j udge - r No v

vare Pro rel’t’

ant s fo und,0‘are no t alba

med atTables , and Other o'

pen places , to as k e ,W hy maynot thefe menhave their Met/fl? and; the forme of thei r Relig ion f What can thathurt on , or our Relig i on And fro m thefe two , Why and What, at laft


‘T/aeHifiorie of t/yeReformation L ib .



F rance,w ith o ther Gentlemen o f inferio ur Co nd it i o n, beli des fervants

and Officers . The very face o f the Heaven at the time o f her Art ivall, d id manifefily (peak what co mfo rt was bro ugtrey w ith her (to wit ) S o rrow, Do lo ur, Darknefl


Fo r in the memo ryo f man, that day o f the yeerwas

d o lo ro us face o f the Heaven then Was at h er A rrivall

dayes after did lo co ntinue Fo r befide s the Surfac e W et

t io n o f the Ayre , theMilt was (0 th ick and dark th at

anyman efpie ano ther the length o f two payre o f Burrs

no r(een to th ine two dayes be fo re , no r two dayes after

warning gave G o d unto us 5 but alas the m o lt part we re bllfldC.

the fo und o f the Cann o ns , wh ich the G alleye stude b eing advertifed ,

happy was he o r [he that firfl

p refence o f~the Queen s the Pro refiants were no t the flo wel

‘r And

therein theywere no r to be blamed. Becaufe the Palace o f Hdlyma'.

no t tho ro wlyput in o rder (fo r her c oming was mo re fudden then many lo o k ed fo r ) {he remained in La t/z, tilltowards the evening , and then repaired thither . In the way betwixtL a t/J and the Abbey,met her the Rebells the Crafts - men, o f whom we fpake befo re ; to W i t,

Tho fe that had vio lated the A615 o f the Mag ifirates and had befieged

the Prow s . But beeaul’

e fhewas fufii c iently infiruaed that alltheydidwas do ne in fp ig

‘nt o f the ir Relig io n theywere eafily pardo ned.

Fi res o f joywere fet fo rth at n ight and a Company o f mo fiho

menw ith lnltruments o fMufick and with Mufitians gave thei r S alutatio ns at herChamber W indow 5 TheMelo dy as (he alleadged) liked herwell; and {he willed the fame to be c o ntinued fome nights after with g reat d iligence . The Lo rds repaired to her from all Quarters : and inwas no th ing underflo o d butmirth andquietnefi


e t ill thenext Sunday, wh ich was the 24. o f Ange/I W hen that preparatio nsbegan to be made fo r that Ido llo f theMall


e to be [aid in the Chap ell

W h ich perce ived the hearts o f all the go dly began to be embo dencd 3 andmen began o penlyto lpeak S im/[war Ida/Ibe fufii



again to tales

place witbzn tin); Realme ? Itflmllnot. The Lo rd Lind/ti)! (then butMallet)w ith the Gentlemen Of Fyfi, and o thers , plainlyc ryed in the Glo fe o rYard ;TIva Idolatram Priejls flwuld dietiredeaf/J , accordmg to God: L aw. One

that carried in the Candle was cvillaflrayed but then beganHell] andblo o d fully to ibe


w it felf. There durfl: no Papifl: neither yet anyL (”m y

that came o ut o f F rance, whifper But the Lo rd515477765, themanwhom"mam a allthe go dlydidmo l

’t reverence, to o k upo n him to keep the Chappell

inglfis fgrmcr do o r h is beltexcufewas Thathewo uld Rep allSco rilh

- men to enter

$ 315?2n in to theMarie ; But it was and is fufficiently known That the do o re


t h was k ept that no ne (ho uld have entry to tro uble the Priefi; who after


afii‘ifi" theMari e was ended was c ommitted to the p ro teé

’tio n o f the Lo rd

3 0514 o f Coldmgbam and Lo rd Rober t o f Halym d- boufi'; who thenwere

bo th Pre tel’tants and had Co mmunicate at the Table of the Lo rdBetwi them two was the Priel’c co nveyed to h is c hamber. And l



A godly« to . the go y departed wi th gr ief o f heart, and after no o n repaired to theAbbey in great companies . and gave plain fignificatio n , That “1 6



cc o u


(a lug/(bi e

of fl efigion in theRealmo of Sco tland.

co uld no t abide that the Land wh ich G o d byhis po wer had purgedfro m Ido latry , ih o uld in thei r eyes he p o lluted ag ain W h ich underflo o d there began co mplaint upo n complaint . The o ld Dnnteho


o thers that had lo ng lerved in theCo urt , and ho ped to have no remif[i o n o f fins , but byvertue o f theMalTe c ryed Theywo uld away to

F rance w itho ut delay, They co uld no t live witho ut theMalle : the fameaffirmed the (Qt


ens u ncles . And wo uld to G o d that they all, to getherw i th theMaire , h ad taken go o dnigh t at the Realme fo r ever : fo r (0 hadScotland been rid o f an unp ro fitable burthen o f devo uring firangc rs ,and o f themaledic

tio n o f G o d that hath firicken andyetwill {trikefo r Ido latry.

The Co uncellalfembled difputatio nwas had o f the next remedyPo liticke heads were (ent unto the Gentlemen with thele and the likeperfwafio ns Why, 4145, W i llyott cho/e our S otjeratgnefrom too .

9 She ran/l incon

tznentlyretnrne to her Gallcyes andwhat then[hall all Kenlme:fit] ofwenot [af ar her a li ttlewhi le Idonht not httt [he W ill leave it If we were nota M’

t’a’that [hemight hewon wejhonldhe alfo no great enemzes


to her

ye can he. Her uncles will depart r'

wd then [ha/lwe rule a/l at our

W ould notwe ihe dlfl; [any to hart theReligion ar myof you would he .9 W ith

thefe and the like p erfwafio ns we lay ) was th e fervencyo f the Breth ren q uenched. And an Adi was framed , the Teno ur whereo f fo l.

loweth .

Apud E dinhttrgh 25d algttjitt 156 1 .

h an the t eens Marie/lie ’hath finder/load the

at inconveniences through the'


ij i cn picyintly flan

this Qealme for the diflhrence in matt fr s of R eligion,ith herMajeii ie is mo/i defirom


to / ee pacified

g ood order, T0 the Honour of God, and Tranquility of her

and means to take the fame , hy Advice of her States , j o /oon aa

conveniently may he, to their [er iotta Con/ ideration. And le/Z thatherMajeflies (godly R efolutions therein may he cgreatly hindered, incafi: an) Tumult and Sedition he rai/ed awang/i the Lieg e; if anyAlteration or Innovation he

(Pre/fiat or Attempted hefore that g oodOrder mayhe Efio hli/hed Wherefore, for the efchewing of the[aid

v Inconveniences her Moja/liefl rdain s Letter s to he Direfled , to

Cbarge allandfitndryher Liegés , hy open Wroclamation at theMarket - C

rofle of E dinburgh ,and other Places need/ all That the) ,

and every one of them contain themfelves in allQietnefile, keep’Peace andCivill Society among /lthem/élves in themean time,

n hile

the States - of the R ealm may hefi

/ f/femhled and then her Mair/liehaw taken afinallOrder h] their Advice




pahlike Con/ entt Q


3 which

TheH i/lory of theReformation L ib ,4,

Annowhich herMay


s/lie hopes [hallhe to theContentment of all the Law

bidding That'

none of them j hoald take in handprivately or openly,any Alteration or Innovation ofthe/late of (Religion, or attempt anything again/l the fame which her"Maje/lie found h nhlik ely and

Univerfall) [landi ng at her Maje/iies .Arrivall in this her

under .

‘Pain of Death. W ithCer tification That if any S

theRealme jhallcome in the contrary Thereof, he [hall heand


holden a Sedition:rPer/ on and R a

fame P ain firallhe izxecnted upon h

ample of others . f ind herMaje/lithe S ecret Conncoll Commands a

none of them take in handt oMaleDome t ic/(e Servants ,

in herCompanydt this time inW ord,Deed, or (bantenance,

Can/ft whatfitever either within her 'Palace or without,or w e

any. aflanlt or inva/i on upon an) of them under what/better Coloor

’Pr etence , under the[a id Pain of fl eath. .A’

lheit that herMajgflie


hefizfliciently perftaaded That her Good and Lovingwould do thefame,for theReverence they hear to her

(Per/2manotwith/landing nofuchCommandment



Th is A& and Pro clamationPenned, and put inFo rme byfuch as befo re pro fefl


ed Chrifi ]e(us (fo r in the Co uncellthen had Pap ifis ne ithep ower no r vo yce It was publikelyP

o f E dtnhnrgh upo nMunday the day afo refaid . No man reclaimed no t

made repugnance to it , except the Earle o f Arrant o ne]y 5who in o pen

audience o f the Herald, p ro tefied That hedzfir/jented that anyProtct‘i zon or

The L o rd A7. Deflncej hoaldhe made to theQueens Dome/titles , or to anythat camefrom F rance,ram flo ut and to ofi

fend Gods Majeflze

,andto vi olate theL aws of theRealme, more then anyother


izihn t jet’

i t F or God: Lawhadpronounced death to the Idolater s and the Lawes ofthemi sfit s theRealmehad appointed pnnz/hmentfior firyers and hearert of the Mag? 5 which,

faidhe I hereprote/l, heuniverfally 5 and that nonehe exempted, anti/l

firth timea: a Lawalfitpnhlz/eelymade, confinant to theL aw ofdzfiznnnlled theformer . Hereupo n he to o k Do cuments and A615 as the

Teno ur o f th i s his Pro tefiatio nwitnelfeth.

N [0 far as by th i s Pro clamatio n it is made underflo o d to the Churcho fG o d

,andMembers thereo f, That theQueen is minded that the true

Relig io n and W o r’

flrip o f G o d already efi'

ablifhed, p ro ceed fo rward,

that i tmaydailyenc reafe u nto the Parliament, that o rdermay be thenfo r exti rpatio n o f all Ido latry o ut o f th i s Realme. W e render mo fl:heartycgh ank s to the Lo rd o ur G o d fo r herMajellies g o o d m inde, ear7h efily p raying that itmaybeenc reafed in herMajefly To the Ho no ur ,

and Glo ryo f his Name, and W ealo f his Church within th is RNA


The Hi/iorj of t/ac“

Reforma tion L ib.4'

The neitt Sunday, f ob” Knox inveighing againlt Ido latry fh ewed

what terrible plagues G o d had tak en upo n Realmes and Natio ns fo r the

me and added That o neMaffe there w ere no m o re fuffer‘

ed at firfi)

$ 5012"?i

twas m o re fearful] unto h im then if ten th o ufand armed enemies were

“ p ian i s t- tuf landed in any part o f the Realme , o f purpo fe to fuppre i’fe thewho le Re

fu mgOf tbs ligi an 5fo r (faid he ) in o ur G o d there i s firength to refill and c o nfo und

m ultitudes , if w unfainedly depend upo n h im whereo f hereto fo re

we have had experience : But when we joyn hands w ith Ido latry , it is

no do ubt but bo th G o ds am iable prefence and co mfo rtable defence ,willleave us 5 and what {hallthen bec ome o f us c

' Alas,I fear that expe

rience wul teach us , to the grief o f many. At the fe wo‘

rds the guiderso f the Co urt m ock ed, andplainlyfpake ; That fuch fearwas no p o int o ftheirfairh ; itWas befides his Text andw as a veryunt imely Adm o niti

o n .

But we heard the fame ifolmK nox ,in the audience o f thef e fame

men, recite the fame wo rds againe in the m idi‘r o f t ro ubles ,

‘and in the

audience o f many, as k ed G o d m ercythat he was no t mo revehement and

up righ t in the lupprefli ng o f that Ido llin the beg inni ng F o r (faid .he)No te diligent albei t I fpak e that wh ich o ffended fo me which this day theylée and feel



fm to be true) yet did I no c that which I might have do ne fo r G o d hatha rc rfnanaken no r o nelyg iven unto me knowledge and to ngue to mak e the imp iety o fo fw to ph y that Idoll k no wne unto the Realme , but he h ad given me c redit with


manywho wo uld have put in executio n G o ds Judgements , if I wo uldKaoxdo th ac o nelyhave c o nfen ted there to Bat fo carefull was I (laid he ) o f that

:“W k dg‘ co mmo n Tranc

cpiility, and fo lo th was I to have o ffended tho fe o f whomm ’ I had co nceive a go o d o pinio n ,

that in {eerer co nference W i th dearefl:and zealo us men I travelled rather to m itig ate , yea to fl- ic ken that fer

veney that G o d had k indled in Others then to animate o r enco urage

them to put their hands to the Lo rds W o rk wherein I unfained‘y ac

k nowledged my felf to have do ne m o ft wickedly ,and fro m the bo t

tome o f my heart do as ke o f my G o d g race and pardo ne ,fo r that



did no r what in me lay to have fupp reffed that Ido llinthe beginning .

Thefe and many Other wo rds d id mahy heare h im fpeake in publikein themo neth o f Deceméer 1 $ 6 5. when fuch as at theQleenes Arrivall o nely maintained theMaife were exiled the Realme, fummo n


upo n Treafo n , and decreit o f fo rfeiture intended againfi them: But to

returne from whence We have digrefled.

Themnm W hether itwas byco unfello f others o r o f'

the (weens owne defire,

fo n,

nng hctw-Xt weknow no r,but the(h een fpakc with f ob”Knox,and had lo ng reafo n

’"Jed With him

,no ne being p relent, except the Lo rda

faeneiawo G entlemenflo o d in the o ne end o f the ro om . The fum o f their reafo ningwas thisTheQueenaccufed h im,That he had raifed a part o f her fubjea s againfl:herMo rher and her lelf That he had written a Bo o k againfi her jull:







at Autho rity ; (fhe meant the Treatife againfl the Regiment o f W omen)

£0 ,c :gfmnwhich lhe had and wo uld caufe the mo lt learned in E urope to .wri te

Gods fetvanu agai nfi it ; That hewas the caufe‘

o f great feditio n and great {laughteri n E ngland , And that it was faid to her , That all that he

'did was byNec romancy. To the which the faid 9501772 anfwered Madame , itmaypleale yo urMajefiie patiently to hear myfimple anfwers : And firlt (flu




but (hall co nfeffe mine erro ur and

things affirmed in thatmyW o rk,than anyten in E urOpe fhall be able to

c o nfute' it.

Y o u thinke faid {hee that I have no jufi Aurho ritie Pleafe

yo ur MajePtie (faid he that learned men in all age s have had theirj udgements free , and mo fl; c o mmo nly difagreeing from theCommo njudgement Of the wo rld Such alfo have they publifhed , bo th with

Pen and to ngue nOtwithfianding they themfelves have lined in the

c ommo n S o cietie with Others , and have bo rne patiently with the er

ro ur and imperfea io ns which they c o uld no t amend . Hate the Philo

fo pher e te h is Bo o ke“

o f the Commo n wealth in the which hee

c o ndemnes many thing s that were maintained in the wo rld ,and re

quired many things to have beene refo rmed And yet nOtwithfiand

ing he lived under fut h Po litick s,as then were univerfally received

with o ut farther tro ubling any S tate Even fo Madame am I co ntent

to do in uprightneffe o f heart , and with a tefiim o ny o f go o d COnfcience , I have c o mmunicate my judgement to the wo rld ; if the

.Realme findes no inco nveniencies in the Regiment o f a wo man ,that

which they appro ve , {hall I no r further difallo w,then within my


e brefi,but (hallbe allwell

co ntent , and (hall live under yo urMajellie, as Paul was to live under the Roman Empero ur And myho e

i s that fo lo ng as ye defile no : yo ur hands with the Blo o d o f t e

Saints o f G o d ,that neither I no r that Bo o k e {hall either hurt yo u

o r yo ur Autho ritie , fo r in very deed Madame that Bo o ke was writ‘ten mo ltefpeciallyagainft thatwick ed tfl

ffary o f E ngland.

But faid {hee yo u fpeake o f wo men in generall ; m o lt true

it is Madame faid the Other ; and yet plainly appeareth to me ,

that wifedOme ih o uld perfwade yo ur Majellie never to raile tro u


R r o r


TheHzflou of t/yeReformation L ib 4

fo r that which th is day hath nOt tro ubled yo ur Majeflie ne ither in

perfo n n o r in anxietie . Fo r o f late yeeres many things which befo rewere ho lden. S table have been called in do ubt yea ,

they have been

p lainely impugned . Bur yet , Madame I am allured That neitherP ro cefiant no r Pap ill (hall be able to pro ve That any fuch (me

(lio n was at any timemo ved,in publik e o r in private. No w , Ma

dame (aid he i f I had intended to tro uble yo ur S tate becauf‘c

yo u are a woman I m ight have chofen a time m o re co nvenient fo rt hat purpo fe th en I can do no w when yo ur own prefence is with in theRealme.


But now'

,Madame ,

(ho rtlyto anfwer to the Other two accufati

o n s , I heartilypraifemyG od th ro ugh Jefus Chrill that Satan the

enemy o f mank inde.

, and the wick ed o f the W o rld have no Other

c rimes t o lay to my charge then fuch as the very W o rld it ("

elfek noweth to be mo fl: falfe and vaine. Fo r in E ngland I was refidento nely the (pace o f five yeeres . The places were Barge- ride where Iabo de two yec i es S o lo ng in New

- twig »

, And a yeere in L ondon .

Now Madame i f in any o f thefe places during the time that I wasthere

,anyman (hall be able to prove , That

there was either Battell,Seditio n o r Mutinie

,I (hall co nfede , That I my felfe was theMa

lefaéto ur , and (hedder o f the blo o d . I am am aflaamed further to affirme That G o d (0 blelfed myweake labo urs then in Berm

el' (where;

in then comm o nly ufed to be (laughter by reafo n o f quarrells thatufed t o arife am o ngfi So uldiers ) there was alfo great quietneife,’all the time that I remained there as there is this day in E din

éargAnd where they {lander me o fMagick , Necromancie o r o f any

Other Art fo rbidden o f G o d I have witneffe befides m ine owne

co nfc ience ) all the Co ngregatio ns that ever heard me'what I fpeak ,

bo th againfi fuch aa s and againfl .tho fe that ufe fuch impietie But

feeing the wick ed o f the wo rld(aid That myMailer the Lo rd Jefaswas po li



ed with Beelz ebub , I mull atientl heare ; Albeit that I,

wretched (inner, be unjufilyac cufed o tho fe t at never delighted in the

cra ne .

But yet (faid (he ) yo u have taught the peo ple to receive ano therReligio n then the ir Princes can allow : And .how can thatDo é’trine beOf Seeing that G o d commandeth Subjea s to o bey theirPrin

ces . Madame faid he as right Religio n to o ke neither Original]no r Antiquity fro m wo rldly Princes but from the eternall Go dalone So

are no t Subje ,

bo und to frame their Religi’o n acco rdo

ing to the appetite o f their rinces ; Fo r o ft it is that Princes are themo lt igno rant of allOthers in G o ds true Religio n , as we may readein the Hifio ries as wellbefo re the death Of CH R I S T IE 8 S,as after : If all the feed o f t/ Ibralmm (ho uld have beene


o f th e Reli

gio n o f Plume/y to whom theyh ad beene a lo ng time Subjeéts , I prayyo u Madame ) what Religio n (hould there have been in the wo rld e

O r i f all men in the dayes o f the,Apo files (h o uld have beene o f

theReligio n o f,the Romane Empero ur s W hat Religio n (ho uld have

‘TbeHiflorie.of theReformation L ib .4

Annoit is he that f ubjeéts the peo ple under Princes and caufe s o bedience to be

given untO them yea, G o d craves o f K i ngs That theybe , as i t were,

F o ller - Fath ers to the Church and commands (b een s to beNo uriihers '

unto h is Peo ple . And this fubjeétio n (Madame) unto G o d, and to h is “

tro ubled Church , is the greatefl; d ignity that fleih can get upo n the face

o f the earth , fo r it (hallcarry them to everlafiing glo ry.

Y ea (quo th (he ) but ye are no r the Church that I will no uriih

I willdefend the Church o f Rome , fo r I think it is the true Church o f.

God .

Y o urwill(quo th he)‘Madame, is n o reafo n,neither do th yo ur tho ught

make that Romane HarlOt to be the Immaculate Spo ufe o f Jef us Ch rifi.

Andwo nder no t,Madame, that I c allR ome an Harlo t fo r that Church '

i s alto gether po lluted with all k inde o f SpirituallFo rnicatio n ,as well.

inDo ctrine , as inManners yea , Madam I O ffer myfelfe further top rove That the Church o f th e Jewes who c ruc ified Jefus Ch rifi,

when that theymanifefllyden ied the S o nne o f G o d, was nm (0 farre

degenerated fro m the O rdinances and S tatutes wh ich G o d gave by Mo

fes and Aaron unto h is Peo ple as the Church o f Rome is declined and

m o re then five hundred yet t s hath declined from that Purity o f Reli

s tmng Irma? gio n wh ich the Apo ltles taught and planted . Myco nfc ience (faid (he)

m u o pmncd i s no r fo .-Co nfc ience, Madame (faid he ) requires k nowledge 3 and I

aim “ fear that o f righ t knowledge yo u have but little. But (faid (he) I havebOth heard and read. S o

,Madame faid he did theJewes tha t c ruc i(ledCh rifiJefus , reade bOth the Law and the Pro phets , and heard the

fame interpreted after theirmanner. Have ye heard(faid he)any teach ,bur fuch as the Po pe and hi s Cardinalls have allowed t

’ And yo u m aybe a(Tured

,That fuch willfpeak no rh ing to o ffend their o wne (late . Y e

interpret the Sc riptures (faid (he in o ne manner, and they in an o ther .


W ho m (h allIbelieve , and wh o (hallbe Judge t“ Believe(faid he) G o d,that plainlyfpeaketh in h is W o rd And further then the W o rd teacheth

yo u ye (hallneither believe the o ne no r th e Other . The W o rd o f Go d

i s plain in it felf And if there appear any o bfcuri ty in o ne place , the

h o lyCho il, wh i ch is never co nt rario us to h imfelf,explains the fame

m o re clearly in Other places S o that there can temaine no do ubt , butunto fach as o b(linately wi


l t emaine igno rant . And now,Madame


(faid he)to take o ne o f the ch ief Po ints which th is day is in c o n tro verfiebetwixt the Papili s and us

,fo r example . The Papifis alleadge , and

bo ldlyhave affirmed That theMaiTe i s the O rdinance o fG o d and theInfiiturio n o f Jefus Chrift and a Sacrifice fo r th equick and the dead .

W e denybOth the o ne and the Other,and afli rme That theMaife as

it is no w ufed,i s no rhing but the Inventio n o f man 3 and therefo re it

i s an Abo m inatio n befo re G o d andno S ac rifice th at ever G o d commanded. Now (Madame) who (h all judge betw ixt


us tw o thus co n?tendingc

' It is no r reaio n that either o f the perlo ns be further believedahenth ey are able to pro ve byinfufpeéi:witnefii ng Let them lay


do wne theBo o k o f G o d and by the plain wo rds pro ve their affirmative s and we(hallgive unto them the play granted. But (0 lo ng a s theyare h o ld to

afli rme and yet do pro ve no thing we mufi fay ,That albeit all the

wo rld

Lih , 4. af fi l

/igion in tbeKeri /me of Sco tland.

w o rld believe them , yet believe theyno rG o d but do receive the lyes

o f men fo r the Truth o f G o d . W hat o urMafier Chri fl Jefus did we

k no w by h is E vangelifts W hat the Priefls do at theMaffe,thewo rld

feeth . No w dOth n0 t theW o rd o f G o d plainly affure us , That Ch rift

J e fus neither faid, no r yet c ommandedMafle to be (aid at h is lafi S upper,i eeing that no (uch th ing as the Maffe i s made mentio n o f within thewh o le S c riptures . Y o u are o ver - hard fo r me (faid the ween ) but ifth eywere here who m I have heard theywo uld anfwer yo u . Madame,(laid the Other ) wo uld to G o d that the learnedefi Papifi in E urope andh e that yo u wo uld bell believe were prefent w ith yo ur Majeflie to fu(iain the argument 5 and thatyewo uld abide patiently to hear thematterreafo ned to the end fo r then I do ubt no r,Madame, but that yo u (bo uldh ear the vanity o f the Papifiicall Religi o n ,

and what fmall gro und ithath with in theW o rd o f G o d. W ell faid (he )ye may perchance getthat fo o ner then yo u believe . Affuredly(faid the Other)if ever I get thatin myfelf, I get it (b o ner then I believe fo r the igno rant Papificanno t

patiently reafo n and the learned and c rafty Papiflwill never c o me in

yo ur aud ience (Madame) to have the gro und o f their Religio n fea‘

rchedo ut fo r they k now they are no t able to maintain any argument exceptbyfire and (wo rd

,and their o wn Laws be j udges : S o fayyo u(quo th the

Queen and I believe it hath been to this day. (me th he)fo r h o w o fthave the Papifis in th is and in Other Realmes been required to c ome toco nferenc e,and yet co uld it never be o btained,unle(fe themlelve s were adm itred fo r Judges :and the refo re I muff yet fay again, That theydare n ever difpute, but where themfelve s are bo th judges and party. And when

yo u (hallletme fee the co ntrary I (hallgrant my felf to be deceived inthat Po int . And W i th this the (b eenwas called unto dinner fo r it was

afterno o n . At departi ng ,

fro/mKnox faid unto her, I pray G o d,Madame

that yo umaysbe alfo ble(fed within the Co mmo n- wealth o f S cotland (i

i t be the pleaf ure o f G o d)as everDeéoro /J was in theCo mm o n - wealth o f

Ifr o el. Of this lo ng c o nferen whereo f we o nely to uch a part were

d ivers o p inio ns The Papifts grudged, and feared thatwhich theyneeded no s: the go dly think ing at leafi,

That (hewo uld have heard the


jo yceed but t heywere utterly deceived, fo r (he co ntinue in hera

, and defpifed, and quick lym o ck ed allexho rtatio n .

Knox his o wne j udgement being by fo me o f his familiars de [oimnaxmgm anded what he tho ught o f the (meen faid

, If there be no r in her a j idgemcnr o f

p ro udm ind,a c raftywit,and an indurate heart againfiGo d and hisTrUth ,judgement faileth me zand this I faywith a grieved heart,fo r the go o d ever (nice.

if w i(h unto her, and by her,to theChurch and State .

W hen the who leNob ilitywere co nvened, theLo rds o f Privie Co un The (b een:

t t“ !

_were cho fen

,where were appo inted the Duk e

,the E arles o f Hantley,

fir“ Pru—ad h

A rgyle,Vi da l/l, W ortoi m, Glenoornr, £714er/bell, Botbwe/I Lo rds A ri kcmc,‘and Lo rd 354m“

,after E arle (fi lurrdy and thefewere appo inted as certain

t o wait upo n the Co urt by co urfe : But thatOrder co ntinued no r lo ngD4 ke d

Aaw /le returned with the G alleyes to F rame. The (mew curred

in her Pro g reffe , and in the Mo neth o f S eptember travelled from E dm

éargb, Lmlit/Jg ow Sterlin S . f oli o/foil}, Doodle S . t/ Ino'roer 5 all thefe

R r 3 parts

New this .

1 beH iflory of theKeformo tion L ib

parts (he po lluted w ith the Ido latro us Maffe : Fire fo llo wed the Co urtvery c o mmo nly in that lo urney the To wns p ro pined the { men liberally, thereo f we re the F renc h enriched .

Abo u t the beg inni ng o f o fiooer theyreturned to E dmburgb; and at the

dayappo inted t heQ. was received in the Cattle «where- ar p reparatio ns

we re in ide fo r her ent ry into theTo wn,in Farces , inMas k ing , and o ther

Pro d igali tie s fain wo uld o ur fo o ls have c o unte rfeited F rance W h at

fo eve r m igh t fet fo r th her glo ry that (h e heard and g lad ly beheld .

The Keyes we re delivered unto h er by a p rettyBay. de lcending, as it

were fro m aClo ud : TheVerfes o f her o wn Prai le(h e heard and (mi

led 5But whenthe Biblewas p re fented , and the Praife thereo f declared(he beg an to (rowne s (o r (hame (he co uld no r refufe i t , but (he d id


bette r, fo r (h e gave it to the mo f’t pettilent Papiflwith in theRealme to

w it,TO Arthur Ar i /tome. E dmbarglo fincc that day have reaped as they

fo wed :They gave he r fo me talte O i th e ir Pro d igality And becaufe the‘Liquo r was hath licked o ft o f '

th at Ba rr o r B ix o n ,“ then

twi ce (ince . Allmen kno w W h at wemean ; ,Thc (E gen cannOt lac k,and

the Subjeéts h ave .

In E dinburgh it hath beenan ancient and laudableCuflome,That thePro vefls , Fayli ffs ,and Co uncell,after their E lefi io n, wh ich uled to be atMi oborlmaa


ed publik . lyp ro claim the S tatutes andOrdinances o f the

N om i“ , dug, To wn {And tnc re io re A r t bbald Dowgleo P ro vefl,E d Hope,Aa'am F u/lor toim


gently. (ar e. Bayl’ffs

,c aufed p ro cla im acc o rding to the fo rme r S tatutes o f the

To wu,Th at no Adulte re r no r Fo rri icato r, no 11 0 t Drunk ard

,r.o Malle

rno nger, no o bltina tc Pap ifi th at c o rrupted the peo ple, (uch as Paiefis ,Priers and OLhCH

‘Ol th at fo rt , (h ruld be fo und w ith in 4 1 ho urs tlie re

af er,under th e Pa ins c o ntained in th e S tatute s W h ich blo wne in the

Queens ea rs the re beg i n p r ide and m alic io ufi‘


e to (h ew it (elfe ; fo r

W itho m furt he r co gitat io n o f the caufe was the P ro ve it and Bayliffe s

ch arged to W ard i n the Caitle and immed iately was Co mmandment

given. Phat Othe r Pro vefis and Bayliffs (h o uld be eleCted .

So me g ainlto o d fo r a wh ile The new E leétio n alleadged , That'

the Pro velt and Bayliffs wh o m they had c ho fen, and to whom they had‘

given the ir Oat h had co mmi tted no o ffence ; there fo re that juflly theymig ht be dep rived . But wh ileCharge was do ubled t p o n Charge , andno man fo und to o pp o fe h imfelf to impiety the m iflr d Q =eens Letterand wicked w illis o beyed, as jufiLaw . And (0 was M. Thomas Mokolrmcho fen Pro vefi fo r the Other. Theman no do ubt was bOth difc reet,and {UIfiCIi nt fo r that Charge.but the depo fitio n o f the Other was againfl:allLw . G o d be merc ifullto (o me o f o ur o wh e, fo r theywere am allblameleffe , that theQueens unreafo nable willwas (0 far o beyed .

A co nt raryPro clamatio n w as publik elymade, Th at theTo wn(bo uldY“ in the Pm

be patent to all the QLeens Liege s And (0 MurthererE, Adulterers ,li am ent h o lden ThCCV¢S(W ho res ,D runk ards

,Ido laters

,and allMi lef aa o rs go t p ro

3 3i ea io n unde r theQueens w ings under co lo ur that they were o f her

fo r Pufidhmg And (0 ge t the devillfreedo me againe, where that befo re he





ly durft no t have been feen in daylight upo n the common firccts . Lordde



d t (i s

age A8: 74lw er mfrom t/m Bondageoffir}.


51 8


Divifio n between the

The Eli/for} of t/ac“

Reformationo f

Hal/j rud- boufe and o f Golding /mm k ept the W atch

by c o urfe

Sk o uts were fet fo rth ,and Sent inels , upo n pain o fdeath,were c ommandedto k eep the ir S tat io ns . And yet theyfeared where there was no fear, nei


yet c o uld ever anyappearance o r fufpit io n o f f uch th ings be tried .

S ho rtly after the returning ofthe Lo rd 554m : there came from the

Q ieen o f E ngland , S ir Peter m emes,w i th Commifli o n to requi re the

Ratificat io n o f the Peacemade at Leith. Her anfwer was,even fuch as we

have heard befo re,That {he beho ved to advife,and then {he ih o uld anfwer .

In p refence o f herCo uncell {he k ept her (elfe grave fo r under the mo urn

ing weed'

and apparell {he c o uld difi'

emble in fullperfea io n zbut h ow fo o n

that ever the French peo ple had her alo ne they to ld her Th at fince (he

came to Scotland,{he faw n o th ing there but gravi ty wh ich repugned alto gether to her b reed ing fo r {hewas bro ught up i n j oviality, fo tearmed{h e her Danc ing, and Other th i ngs thereto belo nging.

The general]Allemblyo f the Church appro ached, ho lden in December

, a fter the (Meens arrivall,in the wh ich began the rulers o f the Co urt

t o draw themfelves apart fro m the So c ietie o f thei r brethren and beganto firive and g rudge That anyth ing (ho uldbe co nfulted upo n w ithouttheir advices Ma


fier W ood who befo re had {hewed himfelfe veryfervent in theCaufe o f G o d and fo rward in g iving o f h is co uncell inalldo ubtfullmatters

,refufed to affifithe Alfemblyagain whereo f many

did wo nder , TheCo urtiérs drew unto them (ome o f the Lo rds and

L o rds and thewo uld no r c o nveanewith thei r Brethren , as befo re theywere accuftomed,Minifiers . but kept

‘themfelves in


the Abbey 3 The princ ipali Co mmifli o ners o f theCh urch

,the Superintendent s,and fomeMinifier s , paftunto them , where

theywere aliembled in the Abbo rs Lo dging with in Hallym d- Iyoufe bo rhthe parties began to Open their griefes , The Lo rds c omplained, That theMinifiers drew the Gentlemen into fecret



held Co uncellwitho ut the irknowledge : TheMinifi ers denied That they had clo ne anyth ing in féc ret , Otherwife then the co mmo n O rder co mmanded them 5 And accufedthe Lo rds (the flatterers o f theQueen wemeane ) that they k ept no r theCo nvent io n w ith their Bre th ren co nfidering,That theyk new theOrder ,and that the famewas appo inted by their own advice ,

as the Bo o k o fD ifc ipline fubfcribed w ith themo fi part o f

‘their o wn hands wo uld wit

neffe fome began to deny, That ever theyk new fuch a thing as the Bo o ko f Difc ipline : And called alfo in do ubt , W hether it was expedient,thatrfuch A ifemblies iho uld be o r no r : fo r gladly wo uld the Queen andher fecret Co uncellhave had allAiTemblies o f the go dlydifcharged Thefeafo ning was {harpe andquieke o n either fide The QJeen s Faétio n alleadged, That it was fufpicio us to Princes , that Sub jects iho uld affemblcthemfelves , and k eep Co nventio n s witho ut thei r k nowledge.

It was an:

fwered,Thatwitho ut k nowledge o f the Princes,the Church did no th ing,

fo r the Princes perfeétlyunderflo o d Thatw ith in th i s Realme was aRefo rmed Church , and that theyhad their


Orders and appo inted times o fCo nvent io n . And (0 witho ut k nowledge o f the Princes they did no

th i ng Y ea(faid L etbing ton) theween k new,and k noweth welleno ugh,

But the(l igflio n is , W hether that theQueen alloweth fuch Co nvent io nsItwas anfwered If theLibertie o f the Church

‘iho uld {land -

upo n the


L ibfi4, of F eligion jn ther

Realme of Sco tland . 3 1 9

Qi eens allowance or difallo wance, we'

are affured,no r o nely to lack e Af Anna

femblies but al'

fo to lack e the publike Preach ing o f the Evang ell that

affirmat ive was mo c ked, and the co n traryaffi rmed, W ell (faid the Other )No w the L i“

rzmcwzllzrj rloe trurlg Bur to my fo rmerwo rds , th i s I w ill adde 5 Take gu m)”

flow for floofieedomes of afleméh er and take fiom m the E vangell5 forout ammo/m loom [ball good order and unityin D ollr inc5c kept It is no r to

be (uppofed That allMinifiers (hallbe (0 perfeét but that they (hall

need admoni tio n , as wellco ncerningManner s as Do étrine : A s it maybe

,that(o me be (0 (liffe - ne ck ed , that theyw ill no t adm it the admo n i

tio n o f'

th e fimple 5 As alfo , it may be that fault may be fo und W i th

Minii‘ters‘with om juft o ffence co mm itt ed And if o rder be no r taken

bOth w ith the Co mplainer , andwith the perfo ns complained upo n : Itcanno t be avo ided but that manygrievo us o ffences (hallarife 5Fo r remedywhereo f, o f necef fity it

i s,That generall A((emblies mullbe. In the

wh ich , the judgement s and gravitic o f manymayo ecurre to co rreét o r

reprelfe the fo llies o r erro urs o f a few . Hereunto co nfented the m o (t

part as wello f the N o bili ty as o f the Barro ns , and willed the reafo nersfo r theQueen to befent to herMajeflie if that (he flo o d in fufpitio n o f

anyth ing that was to be handled in their affemblies , that it wo uld pleafeherMajefiie to (end fut h as hewo uld appo int , to hear whatfo ever was

pro po unded o r reafo ned.

Hereafter w as the Bo ok o fD ifciplin’

e pro po fed and ' defired to have

been rat ified by‘

the(Lueen sMajefiie, bur it'

was fi0 pped,and the (Q'

éfiio n


manyo f tho fe that fubfcribed to thatBo o k wo uld be fub

jeét unto it Itwas anfwered,All


the go dly :W illthe Duk e,faid L etbiflg No te thi s din

ton If hewillno t, anfwered the Lo rduobzlir ie I wo uld that hejwere Ema)"fc raped o ur,n0 t o nelyo f that Bo o k ;but alfo o ut o f our number and Com :


y5 fo r what purpo fe (hall labo ur be taken to'

put the Churc’

h in,

o r - t

der,and to what end (hallmen fubfc ribe, and then never mean

to keep a,

wo rd o f that wh ich they p romife f.’ L etbing ton anfwered,Many(ubfcrib'


there infide Parentum,as Ch ildren are bap ti z ed . One

,to wit

f olm.

Kaox,anfwered, Albei t ye th ink that fc o ffe pro per, yet as it i s mo ltuntrue , fo

it is mo lt impro er That Bo o k was read in publikeaudience 5and by the N om i,“ itfpace o fd ivers ayes , the hearers thereofwere refo lved, as allthat herefit (age.


knowwelleno ugh, andyo u your (elves cahfiOt de’

ny; S o that no jmanwas re aired to fubfcribe that wh ich he unde '

rflo o d n0 t Stand co n

tent (laid o ne that Bo o k e will no r be o b tained - Let G o d ((aid

the Other ) re uire the lack and wantwh ich th i s po o r Co mmo n - wealth

(hall have o f t e th ings therein contained,from the hands o f fuch as

(to p the fame.


mza Borrow: perce iving that the Bo o k .o f di(‘ciplinewas refu(ed, pre


rented unto the Co unc il]certai n Articles , requi ring Ido latry to be fapp refled their Churches to bep lanted with




rs , and fame certain pro po fitio ns to be made fo r them acc o rding to equitie andCo nfcience, fo r unto thar time th e mo fi part o f the Minifiers had lived upo n

the benevo lence o f men 5 fo r many had into thei r owne hands thepro fit s that the Bilh o p s , and Others o r that S ea: had befo re abufed,and (o (ome partwas befiowed upo n theMiniflers

S f


TheHijlor) of theReformation L ib 4But

when the Bifli o ps began to gripe again to that wh ich mo lt unjuftly theycalled their own fo r the Earle o f t / I rmm was difcharged o f

Saint Andrews and Dumfermlmg ,whe rewith befo re byvertue o f a Facto ryand Commif fi o n he had intro m itted and medled And fo were m anyOthers . Therefo re the Baro ns required That o rder m ight be taken fortheMinifiers , o r elfe theywo uld no m o relcaufe Rents to be paid unto any,

that fo rmerlybelo nged to the Church~men ” no r fufl‘fer any thing to bec o llected fo r the ufe o f anywho fo ever after theQueenes arrivall then

that theydid befo re 5 fo r theyverilyfupp o fed that the (meensMajefliewo uld k eep pro mife made to them ,

wh ich was , Not to alter their Religio n,

which co uld no r remain w itho ut Minifters 5 andMinilters could no r:livew ith o ut pro vifio n And therefo re they heartilydefired theCouncellto provide (ome co nvenient o rder in that behalf. Th is fomewhat movedtheQ ieen s flatterers , fo r theRo d o f impietywas no r then firengthened inher and their hands . And fo began theyto praétife how theym ight pleafetheQ reenfind yet feem fo mewhat to fatisfie the faith‘full5 And (0 deviledthey , That the Church - men (ho uld have intro rn ifii o n'

and medlingw iththe two parts o ftheir Benefices 5and that the th i rd part (bo uld be gatheredby hereto (ho uld be app o inted fo r fuc h afes 5 A s in thfub tAéts aremo re fully exprefled .

1471 770 I § 6 Ie

THewh ich day5 Fo rafmuch'

as theQgeensMajelti'

e,by the advice o f

the Lo rds'

o f her fec retCo uncell fo refeeing the imm inent tro ubles ,wh ich apparantlythreaten to arife amo ngfi the L ieges o f th i s Realme fomatters o f Religio n ,

to (lay the fame and (hun all, inc ommo dit ies th atm ight thereupo n enfue _having intercommuned and fpo k en w i th a part o ftheClergie,o r State E cclefiafiicall,wi thwhom then

,rea(o ning being bad,

It was tho ught go o d and expedient by her Highnefle That a generall


embly (ho uld be appo inted, the 1 5 day o f December in(‘tant, W hereto

the reft o i the S tates m ight havie appeared : and by the advice o f Lawyers , o ne reafo nable o verturebemade ,

and o rder tak en fo r fiayin o f

theappro ach ing tro uble, andquieting o falltheCo untrey. 5wh ich Algernbly, beingby.herMajefiie appo inted, and fundrydayes o fCo unfellk ept 5and the(aid E cclefiafiicall S tate o ft - t imes required , That

the(aid Orderm igh t be tak en and overturemade fo r (laying o f the tro uble, and quieting,o f the Co untrey. Lafi o f all

,in prefence o f the (MeénsMajefiy,and

Lo rds o f theCo uncellafo refaid,and Others o f theN o bilityo f th i s Realm,

compeired, Arch - bi(ho p o f Saint Andrews Patr ick Bi(ho p o fMurlmy Henry Bifho p o f Rolfe ) and Roéort Bifllo p o f Dunkcld And fo rthemfelves refpedtively o ffered unto the Qi eens Majefiie to be co ntentw ith the two parts o f theRents o f their Benefices 5 and the th ird art to

be imployed as herMajeftie tho ugh t expedient . And becaufe t e cer

taintie thereo f was n'

o t k nowne n0 t yetwhat‘

fufufiaine the‘Minifiery and Miniflers o f G oRealme neither yet how much was necefi



y t

TheHi/loirie of tloo fReformd tion

A fruits o f the (aid Benefices (by her Majeflies o wnyearlyRent) to ennno

terrain and (et fo rward the commo n affai rs o f this Realme againfl the

(aid z aday o f j ammy next co ming that it may be p ro ceeded in the

(aid matter,allparties fatis fied and the who le Co untrey and Liegesthereo f (er inquietnefie.

Apud L inlztlzgow 24 f onzmrz'

i , dyo .

O rafmuch as the Queens Majelly with the advice o f the Lo rds o fher Sec retCo uncell, direSted her Letters , c ommand ing alland funArch - biflto p s , Bi & c . and allOther Beneficed men


to appear befo re herHighneffe andere it (bo uld happen them to be for

the time, (0 many as dwells upo n th is tide o f thewater befo re the 2 4day o f g

ianaaryinilant s and them that dwells beyo nd the water, the 1 0

o f F ebruarynext coming , that the jailvalue o f the ir Benefice s might beknowne 5 fo that hereafter her Highncfl

e th ey take o rder fo r the S ullen

ration o f the Minifiry o f the Churc h, and the publike bufinelle o f theRealme. And becaufe theQueensMajefly is prefentlybufied w i th o theraffai rs andmayno r her felf attend upo n the receip t o f the (aid Rent,therefo re herHighnefl


e hath g iven and g ranted and by thefe Prefents

g ives and grants fullpower andCommifli o n to Mafier 934m :Mookgz’

ll o fE arle/[or nether,Clerk o f the Regiller , Sir f ob” Zia/lender: o f A rc/mendl,Knight,Jeilice Clerk to theTreafurer, Sec retaryo f S tate, Advo cate o f,the Crowne, and Laird o f Pitror row to call befo re them within theCity o f E dinburgh alland fundryPrelates , andBeneficedmen, which arec harged byvertue o f the faidLetters , nowprefently being in E dinburgh,o r (hallhappen hereafter to repair thereto , their FatS

’to rs o r Farmers ,

and there enquire o f them t heRentalls o f their Benefice s and receivethe fame from themto the effect afo refaid. And likewife that the faidC ommifii o ners caufe warne all Seperintendents , Over- (eers , Minifiers .Elders and Deaco ns , to g ive unto them the names o f all theMiuiflers o fth is Realme, that the jufl Calculatio n be ing made and co nfidered by the(”

aid Commifli o ners o f the value o f the (aid Beneficc s , theymay repo rtthe fame unto theQgeens Majefly that - her Highnefle

-may take o rderherein acco rding to the jufl:Teno ur of the (ith Ordinancemade thereupo n ,

Amid E dzflérorglo, r 2 F ebruary, Il

t a


afmuch as by _Statute and Ordinancemade bythei K ensMajefly,’

and Lords o f the,SecretCo uncell, and her .Highne7(Ie;Lctters direéted thereupo n , all


and (undryArchbifho ps , Bifli ops , Abbo ts , are. ando ther Beneficed men , were ch arged to pro duce the Rentalls Of theirBeneficeSr befo re herMajelly


and Lo rds afo rcfaid 5 in mannerfollo w1mg . that is to fay The faid Beneficed men dwelling on this (ideo f the W ater, befo re the fo ur and twentieth o f 5Cantmry lailpail :And,

o n the Other fide o fg the W ater , befo re the tenth.

o i February in(lant s,to

L ib. f wfigion in theRed /nae of Sco tland.

t o the effeét that o rder m ight be taken therin to c o nfo rm to theOrdinance;W ith c erti ficat io n to them ,

that if they fayled, the (meen s Majeflie and

Co unfellafo refaid, wo uld tak e o rder therein,

as the fame Ord inancebear s . No rwithftanding o f the wh ich the (meens Majefiie ,

and Co un~

fell, and Others appo inted fo r receiving o f the faid Rentalls , have c o n

tinually(i nce the faid 24 o f gfzmuaryafo refaid wai ted upo n the rec eivingo f them ,yet a veryfmallnumber o f them have pro duced thei r Rentalls ,thereby nOt o nelyco ntemn ing herMajeilies O rdinance and Pro clamati

o n afo refaid but alfo her (elfe and her Autho ritie as theywere Princes and n o t Sub jects exp i el


fe again(‘r Equitie, Reafo n '

,and Juflice;

Fo r remedywhereo f the weene Majefiie o rdain s w ith advice o f the

Lo rds o f her fecret Co unc il], That Faéto rs ,Chamerlains o r S tewards beeappo inted to intromett, gather, uplift and receive to o ur S o veraign Ladies ufe

,alland fundrym a illes

,tythes o r tiends , (armes , rents , provent s ,

emo luments fruits, pro fit s , and due t es o fwharfo ever benefices ,where

o f the Rentalls are no r pro duced co n o rm e to the faid O rdinance . Andif anyRetalls already pro duced bears no t the jufi value

,but is Fraudu

lently made to intro met and uptake as much o f the pro fits and fruitso f the faid benefices , as are o m itted fo rth o f the faid Rentalls


the In -

givers o f the Rentalls , and Pro feffo rs o f the Benefices thereo f,

(h allnever have aa io n to claime,

c rave o r receive from the Tenants

and Oc cup iers further then is co ntained in the fameRentals alreadypro~

duced by them 5 and theTenants and Po lTefio rs (hall be ho lden to payn o mo re than is c o ntained in the fame Rentalls ,already pro duced,as afo reafaid : And the faid Chamerlains and Facto rs to be

_appo inted by the

O\ ueenes Majef’tie (hall have fufficient po wer to intrOmjtt, and uptake

the fruits and pro fits afo refaid,in fuch fulnefle as

_if fpec ia

lliLétters o f

Facto ry and_Chamerlanc ie were granted to them thereupo n and o r:

dains the Lo rds o f the SeiIi o n to di rect fo rth Letters at the faid Facto rsand Chamerlaines in(tanc ie s either o f hom ing o r po ynding , as (hallbeth o ugh t exped ient , fo r caufing o f them to bee anfwered

o f fruits o f

the (aid Benefices to be fo rth - co mmanded to the (mes hes Majeities behalfand ufie

,while further o rder be taken therein . r

Apud E difléurge, 1 5.


F e6r tmry 1 56 1 .

Or as much . as the (mem es Majef’tie by the advice o f



Lo rdso f her fec




COuncell and O thers divers o f the No bility had o f

befo re the two and twent ieth day o f D ecemféer laftpafi o rdained, tha


if the fo urth part o f the fruits , and Rents o f all the Benefices w ith inth i s Realme were no r fufli cien


e fo r the'

Suppo rting o f her Majefiiesprefent wants , and the particula r Charges under - written ,

neceffaryto be bo rne fo r the weale o f the Co untrey ,

than the th i rd o f“

the{aid fruits mo re o r leffe (hould be tak en up to the effects afo refai d;

and o rdained Letters -

.to be direéted charging all and fundry Benefi

c cd men o n th i s (ide o f the W ater,to pro duce the ir Rentalls befo re

the fo ure and twentieth day o f gammy laft pail. And the tenth o f

5f 3 F ebruary

A nri o

TheHiflor) of t/y‘


F ebruaryiufiant,were prefixed by the faid Letters , fo r the b ring ing in all

Rentalls o f the Benefices beyo nd the water 5 w ith cert ificat io n,That

who pro duced no r the faid Rentalls at the dayes afo refaid refpeé‘tively,

themeen sMajefty and herCo uncellwo uld pro vide remedy:acco rdingto the wh ich Certificat io n , her Highnefl


e W i th advice o f her Co uncellafo refaid, hath O rdained That theywho have no r p ro duced their Rentalls wh o le and full, intromilli o n (hallbe had o f their frui ts , by them

who m herMajefly (halldireét thereto And who have'

nOt g iven theirjuftRentalls , whatfo ever part o m itted fo rth o f their faid Rental]

, (hall

be introm i tted in lik emanner.And further, havrng co nfulted righ tly, andd iligently advifed upo n the c o mmo n affairs and neceifi ties

co ncern ingtheQg eensMajefly, and charges to be bo rne fo r the Co mmo n - weale o f

the Realme, and fultentatio n and maintenance o f the Preachers and Readers

,co nfo rmto the faid O rdinance made thereupo n o f befo re, hath Or

dained andDeclared thewh o le th ird part o f allBenefices o f the wh ichRentalls arepro duced, to be tak en up by the perfo n o r perfo ns to be no

m inated by herMajelly and to begin upo n th is la(tCro p o f the yeer o fG o d 1 56 r .the fame to be employed to the effeé

’t afo refaid :To getherwi th

the who le Profits o f the Benefices whereo f the Rentalls are no r pro du

c ed 5And alfo ,’

allthat is o m i tted o ut o f the Rentalls p ro duced And

that o rder be direa ed bythe (Meens Majeflyto the Lo rds"

o f the Sefli o n,

That the o ld Po lfeffo rs may be anfwered o f the remnant frui ts o f thefaid Benefices 5pro viding,That the th i rd part afo refaid, be fulland who letak en up by


thep erfo ns to be deputed to the tak ing thereo f 5 And th i sO rder to co nt inue and ftand, wh ile further o rder be taken by the (meens

Majefty,‘with the advice o f the S tates . Mo reover

,herHighneife, w ith

the advite Of‘the Co uncellafo refaid,hath S tatuted andOrdained, That

Annuells , Marles and Duties w i th in free Burrough s , o r OtherTo wneso f th i s Realme“

,as wellpertaining to Chaplanries Prebendaries as to

Friers , to gether w ith the Rents o f the F riers Lands , where - ever theybe,fetting and d ifpo fing thereupo n, be intermedled wi th, and taken byfuch

as herMajefiy (h all depute thereto fo r emplo ying o f the fame by her

Highneffe to Ho fpitalls Scho o ls and Other go dly ules , as (hall feeme

befi to her H ighnefle, with advice o f her Co uncell. And k nowing thatno th ing is m o re c omm o dio us (o r the fo refaid Ho fpitality then the pla

ces o f Fr ier s that are yet undemo lifhe'

d 5 and alfo to the entertainment o fS cho o ls , Co lledges , and Other ufes afo refaid, o rdain s the Pro vefis andBayliffs o f Aberdeme, E lgmm , Glzifg om, and Other Burro ugh s o f th i s Realme, where the fame are no r dem o lifli ed, to entertainand upho ld the faid Friers places (landing in the faid Townes, upo n .the

Co mmo n go o ds thereo f , and to ufe the fame to the Commo n weale

and fervice o f the (aid Townes , untill the (me mes Majefiy be furtheradvifed

,and take finall o rder in fuch th ings '

,vno rwithfianding o f any

Gift,Ti tle, o r E ntryes , g iven to .whatfo ever perfo ns' o f the faid places ,

w ith their Yards and Orchards, and Other Per

‘tinents , byo ur So veraign

Ladyo f befo re.

Tbe Hi/Zorj of ther




ztion L ib.4

o f their po verty itwas difdam fully anfwered o f fo me,There aremany

Lai rds that have no r lo ,much to fpend , when men did reafo n, that theV0cat io n o fMinifiers c raved


o f them,bo o k s ,quietnefl

e fludy and travell

to ed ifie the Church o f - wheti imany Lai rd s were waitingUp o n thei r wo rldly buli nelle 3 and therefo re that the fiipends o f Minifret s , wh o had no Other indul

‘try but to live upo n that wh ich was ap

po inted o ught no t to be mo llified acc o rding to the living o f Otherc o mmo n men, who m ight and did daily augment their Rents by fo meo ther induflry. W hen fuc h reafo ns were laid befo re them , theygo t no ne

Other anfwer but The (meen can fpare no greater Sum s O ft was it

c ryed o ut in the ir ears , 0 bappyferw ntr of tbeDew /l, andmtjerableferw msofgcefm

‘Cbrzjl ifofter tbo}lefe tberewer e nor Hell nor Heaven Fo r to the

Fervants o f the Devill,thefe dumbeDog s , and ho rr id Bit p s

1, To o ne o f

tho fe idle bellies I fay, ten tho ufand was n0 t eno ugh but to r

vants o fCh rifi,that painfully

preach his Evangell,a hundreth willfufli ce,h ow can that h e f ufiained f}One day in reafo ning o f th is _matter,the Secretaryburfl o ut in a p iece o f

h is c o llo r, and faid, TheM‘inifiers have thus much payed unto them by

year,wh o ever yet faid to the (meenfi rand merc ies fo r it 6 was there ever

aMimfier that gave thank s to G o d fo r her Majefties liberalitie towards

them t’ One fingled, and anfwered, AffuredlyJ th ink , that fuch as receive

anyth ing gramo fthe (b een , are unthank full if theyacknowledge it no r,bo rh in heart andm inde B urwhether theMinifiers be o f that rank o r

no r, I greatly do ubt g ra te} am fure they receive no th ing , and whether

they receive anyat all from theQueen, wife men m ay reafo n I am afih

red, th at neither th ird no t two parts ever appertained to any o th er Prede

c efTo rs wi th in th i s Realm thefe tho ufand years lairpalt neither yet haththe (meen s Flatterers better t itle to thatwh ich {he ufurpes , be it in -

g ivingto Others , o r taken it to her felf, then the fo uldiers who c rucified JefusChrifih ad to d ivide h is Garments amo ngfi them . And if the truth maybe fpo k en, {he hath no r fo go o dTitle as theyhad,fo r fuch fpo ile o ught tobe the reward o f f uch men . And in that po int the So uldiers were mo regentle than the (mem es Flatterers

,fo r theyparted no r the Garment s o f

o ur Savio ur,tillthat he himfelfwas hung upo n the

‘Cro fl


e 5but her Flatteters do part the fpo ilwhileflthat po o rChrifi is yet reach ing amo ngfl

yo u . Bur thewifedo me o f o ur G o d taketh tryall o fPus by th i s meanes ,

k now ingwelleno ugh what theECo urt faa io n have purpo fed to do zLet thePapifis , who have the two parts , fome that have their th irds free,and fomethat have go tten Abbeys , and few Lands , thanke the Queen and King,F latebo Domine the po o re Preachers willn0 t yet flatter

,fo r feeding o f

their bellies . Thefe wo rds were judged pro ud and into llerable,and ingendred no {malldifpleafure to the Speak er .

Th i s we put inmemo ry, that the pofierityto come mayknow that Godo nce made h is truth to triumph , but becaufe fo me o f o ur felves delightedm o re in darknefle than in light G o d hath reflrained o ur freedom and

put thewho le bo dy in b o ndage, yea,the greatelrFlatterers have‘no r efca

ped fo free as theyf uppo fed yea, the latter plagues appear yet to be Wo rfethan the firft. Be mercifullunto us ,(0 Lo rd)and dealw ith us no r acco rd-f


Lib.4. of‘Religion in tbe

‘Kealme of Sco tland. 527

ing to o ur defervings , but lo o k tho u to the equitie o f the caufe wh ichtho u hath put in o ur hands , and fuffcr n0 t iniquitie to Oppreffe thyTruethfo r thy o wn names fake

,O Lo rd .

.In th i s mean wh ile, to wit, in F ebruary, 1 56 1 . was Lo rd gfamer, firfi The marr iage

m ade Earlo f Murr ay, and then marryed o ne Agnes K eleb, daughter to the°f thc 53 “ ‘f

EarlMarfhall. The marriage was publik e in the Church o f E dznburgb ,at the blefling o f the marriage they bo th go r o ne admo n itio n to behavethemfelves m o derately in all th ings Fo r faid the Preacher to him , TheChurch o f G o d hath received comfo rt byyo u, and byyo ur labo urs nuto th i s day. In the wh ich ,

if hereafteryo u (hallbe fo und fainter then yo uhavebeen fo rmerly, it willbe faid, Thatyo ur W ife hath changed yo urnature. The greatneffe o f the Bankquet , and the vanitie ufed thereat


,o fi

endedmanyG o dly , There began theMas k ing, wh ich from yeer to

yeer, hath co nt inued fince . Mailer Randolfib, Agent fo r the (k een o fE ngland was then, and fo metime after in no fmailcfleem w ith o urQg een

f o r h is Miflris fake, {he did drink to h im in aCup o f G o ld, wh ich he

p o lfeffedw ith great jo y,mo re fo r the favo ur o f the giver, then o f the gift,andvalue thereo f

, and yet itwas ho no urable. The th ings that then were.in handling betwixt the two (meens ,whereo fL etbington, SecretaryCeezll,and MailerRandolph, were Minif’ters , were o f great weight, as we . w illafter heare .

Th i s W inter the Earlo f Botbwell, theMarquis D ’

albufl”,and Lo rd f obn

o f Coldzngbarn c o mm itted ryo t in E dmburgb, and difo rdered the who le

Town brake Cutbbert Ramfeyes Gates and Do o rs,fearched h is Ho ufe

fo r h is Daughter in law,AlzfirnCrazge. And th is was do ne in dcfpight o f

the Earlo f Arrune,who was fufpeéted to have been in lo ve with the faid

A lzjon, the ho rro urs o f th i s fact , and the veritie o f it h ighlycommovedallgo dlyhearts . The Affembly and alfo the No bilitie fo r them o fi

partwere in theTown 3 and fo they co ncluded to crave jufiice and fo

theydid, as by th is fubfequent fupplicatio n do th appear .


To tbeQueens Majejlee, 'Her feoret' Councell, Her Higbnefliifaitbfulland

obedzent S nbjeflr , Tbepr ofiflor s of Cbr zfl f ella ,an 17o

E vangell, eve/btbe Spm : of r ig / neon:judgement.

He fear o f Go d conceived o f his ho lyW o rd '

the naturall and tin

netic wh ich we o we tothreatnings wh ich ourin thewh ich

ho rrible7

ds wrath '

. againit th i so le Realm .


Th e impiety by them c o mm itted,is (0 hayno us



ho rrible,That as it _is a fact m o lt vile and rare to


be heard o f

bin th is Realm and princ ipallyw i th in the Bowels o f th i s Citie ,_fho uld 'we th inke put felves guiltie o f the fame , if '

negliT t gently,



No te thi s dili


The Hijlorj of t/9cReformation L ib.4

gently,o r yet fo r wo rldyfearwe pur it over w ith filence3and therfo re yo ur

Majef’tie may no r th ink that we crave any th ing ,wh ile thatwe c rave OpenMalefacto rs co ndignly to be pun ifhed But that G o d hath commanded

us to crave,and alib hath c ommanded yo urMajeftie to give to every o ne

o fyo ur Subjects , fo r byth is Lynk hath G o d kn it to gether theLPrinceand peo ple, that as he commands ho no ur, fear and o bed i ence to be givento the powers efiablifhed byhim fo do rh he in expreife wo rds command

and declarewhat the Prince oweth unto the Sub jects,to wit

, That as he

is theMinifier o fG o d bearing the fwo rd fo r vengeance to be taken on

evilldo ers , and fo r the denfence o f peaceable andquiet men fo o ught

he to draw the fwo rd w itho ut partialitie, fo o ft as in Go ds Name he is tequired thereto . S eeing {b i t is (Madame) that th i s crime fo recentlycomm itred

,and that in the eyes o fthewho le Realm now publikelyaffembled,

is fo haino us , fo r who- he reto fo re hath heard w ith in the b owels o f E din

burg /7, Gates and Do o rs under filence o f n ight bro ken, Ho ufes rippedo r fearched, and thatw ith ho ftillity,feek ing a woman,as appeareth to 0 ppreffe her . Seeing(we fay)that this

c rime is fouhaino us that allgo dlymen

fear no r o nely Go ds difpeafurc to fallupo n yo u and yo ur who le Realmbut alfo that fuch licentio ufnefl


e breed co ntempt and in the end fedi t io n

,ifremedie in t ime be no r p rovided, whi ch in our judgement is pofii

ble if fevere punifhment be no r executed fo r the crime c omm ittedTherefo rewe m o lt humblybefé ech yo urMajefiie


that all affeetio n feafide yo udeclare ‘y

o ur fell fo uprigh t in th is cafe that ye maygiveevident de


mo nftrarto n to allyo ur Subjetfts that the fear o fGo d jo ynedwith the lo ve o f co mmo n tranquility , hath princ ipall feat in yo ur Majefiies Heart . Th i s


,in co nfcience we fpeak That as


yo ur Majefiy in Go ds Name do th crave o fus o bed ience , wh ich to ren

der in allthings lawful]we are m o lt willing , fo in the fame name do e

we thewho le Pro feffo rs o f Chrifis Evangell w ith in th isRealme crave o fyo u and o f yo ur Co uncell Tharp puncrime . And fo r perfo rmance thereo f

,that w itho ut delay the m o lt

p rinc ipall Aa o rs o f th i s hayno us c rime ,and the perfwaders o f th i s

publik e V illany'

, maybe called befo re the Chief Iufiic e o f tltiS'Realm

to fufl’er an Afli fe

,and tobe



hed acco rding to the Laws o f the fameand yo urMajefties Anfwer mo lt humblywe bcfeech .

Thefe Suppli'

catio ns as prefented by diverS':Gentleinén the Flat

tcrers o f the Co urt at firfifio rmed , and as ked who’

durft avo'

w it f.’

m Hi/lorie of tbeReformation'

L ib 4

A HHOto the Earle Botbmell , That if he fli rted fo rth o f h is Lo dging, he ,and allthat aififih im

,(ho uld refill h im in the face. W ho le w o rds did fo m¢what

beat do wn that blafi. The Earles o fMurr ayand Huntleybeing in the Abbey, where theMarquellewas came w i th the ir c o mpany fent from the

(Qeen,to {lay that tumult 5 as theydid fo r Botbme/land his were co m

m anded under pain o f Treafo n , to k eep thei r lo dging s .

It was .wh ifpered bymany,That the Earle o f Murr ay’

s difpleafure was

as much fo ught,as any hatred that theHarri /li ons did bear againl’t the Earleo f Barbivell

,o r yet he againfl them . And in very deed e ither had the

Duke very falfe fervants , o r elfe byHuntleyand the Hamzltom the Earle o fMur r ay

s death was o ftener c o nfp ired then o nce 5 the fufp ition whereo f

burll fo rth fo far, that upo na day the faid Earle being up o n ho rfe to havec o me to the Sermo n , was charged by o ne o f the Dukes o wn fervants


turn and abide w ith the (ween . The fame whereo f fpread o ver all

W hat gro und it had, we canno t fay5but ih o rtlyafter,theDuk e,and fo me


o f the Lo rds remained at Glak ow 5 their c o nclufio n was no t k nown .

The Earle o f e/ { r rane came to E rlenbnrgb where the Earle Borbwe/I lay.

The(h een and the Co urt were departed to Fyfe,and remained fometimesin S . Andr oer

,and fo rnetimes in F alkland.

The Earle Botbwe‘

ll, bymeans o f f ame: Barron Burgeife, and thenMer~chant o f E dznbnrgb, defired to fpeak w i th

f obn Knox fec ret ly 5wh ich thefaid {fa/mgladlygranted and fpak ew ith him upo n a n ight firll in the

_The E arle o f faid 55am : his lo dging and after in his o wn S tudy : The fum o f alltheirBMW "! c o m c o nference and c o mmun icat io n was 5 The faid Lo rd lamented h is ino rdia

nate life 5and efpecially,That he was provo k ed bythe enticements o f thei 5a . (meen Regent to do that


wh ich he fo re repented ,as well againlt the

Laird o f Ormeflonn, wh o fe blo o dwas fp ilt, albei t no r byh is faults But

h is ch ief grief was ,That he had m i s behaved himfelf to ward the Earle o fA rrane

,wh o fe favo ur he was m o ltw illing to redeem if pofiible it were

that (0 hem ight : Fo r (faid be) if Imigh t have myLo rd A r r anes favo ur,I wo uld ayewait upo n the Co urtw ith a Page and a few fervants , to fparemy expence 5 where n ow I am c ompelled to k eep fo r my o wn fafety a

number o f w icked and unpr o fitable men , to the utter dellrue'

tio n o f my[late that is left . To w h ich th e faidfi lman fwered, My Lo rd, wo uld toG o d that in m e we re Co unfellland Judgem ent that m ight c o mfo rt andrelieve yo u 5 fo r albei t that to th i s bo nt ir hath no t happened to me to

fpeak W i th yo ur Lo rdfhip face to face, yet have I bo rn a go o d‘

minde to

yo ur ho ufe 5 and have been fo rry at my heart o f the tro uble that I haveheard yo u to be invo lved in 5 fo r my Lo rd my great G randfather,G randfather, and Father , have ierved yo ur Lo rdih ips Predecelfor s andfo me o f them have died under thei r fianders and thi s i s a part o f theObligatio n o f o ur Sc0 tiih k indenelfe but th i s is ne t the ch iefe 5 But as

G o d hath made m e h is publik e Mcfl'

eng er o f glad Tydin'

gs , fo it is myearnel’t dcfire that all men may embrace it

, which perfeétly they can—r

n 0 t , fo lo ng as there remaineth in them rank o r,m alice

,o r envie : I am

fo rty that yo u have g iven o ccafio n unto m en to be o ffended with yo u :But m o re fo rro wfull That yo u have o ffended the Majeii y o f G o dwherefo re he o ften punilheth the Other fins o f man And therefo re

In);co un el

if yo u enter into pet. Anndthe hearts o f men to

o ntinue in g o dlinelle, NOtc dili

any that ferves yo ur

wo uld w e the Earlec o ntent to accep t h im in his favo urfo earneftly he t ravelled


in the matter sand itwas o nce bro ught to fuch an end, as all the faithfullpr aifed G o dfo r fuch agreement : The g reateftflay flo o d upo n the fatis faétio n o f theLaird o f Orrnefloane, (who befide his fo rmer hurt, as i s befo re declared,w as even at that t ime o f the c oming , purfued by the faid Earle Botbive/I,and his fo n Mailer w ilexander Corkbarne was taken byh im and carriedby him to Bermreke, but c o urteo uflyeno ugh fent back again. The newtro uble fo g reatly difpleafed

f obn Knox, that he almo it gave o ver further t ravelling fo r am ity But yet upo n excufe o f the faid Earle , and

upo n declaratio n o f h is minde, he t e - entred into labo ur, and [0 bro ugh tit to pafie ,

that the Laird o f Orrncyfonn referred his fatis faétio n in all

th ings to theJudgement o f the Earles o f A rrane and Murray, to who mthe faid Earle fubmitted himfelfe in that Head And thereupo n deli

vered h is h and w riting g and [0 was c o nveyed byvertue o f h is friends ,to the Lo dg ing o f the Church o f F ield, where the Earle o f A rrane was Reconciliationwi th h is friend s and the faid Iobn Knox w ith h im , to beare witneife g


?“ the

and teltificatio n o f the end o f theAgreement. As the Earle o f Borbwe/lentred theChamber , and wo uld h ave do ne tho leHo no urs that friends o f Barrier.

had appo inted, Mallet Gabriel Harm/ton, Abbo t o f K zlwznnz’

ng , and the

Lai rd o f Rzebardton , were the chief friends th at c ommuned the faidE arle o f Arraaegentlypallunto him embraced him and faid, If theh earts be up rig ht few Ceremo nies will ferve and c o ntent me .

The faid Iobn Knox,in audience o f them bOth ,

and o f thei r fr iends ,faid Now,

my Lo rds G o d hath bro ught yo u to gether by the labo uro f fimple men, in refpeét o f fuch as wo uld have travelled therein : Ik no w my labo urs are already taken in cvill part 5 but becaufe I have

the tefiimo ny o f a go o d co nfcience befo re G o d That wh i tfo eve t I

have do ne , it i s in his fear , fo r the pro fi t o f yo u bo th, fo r the hurt o fno ne, and fo r the tranquility o f th i s Realm : See ing therefo re thatmyc o ufc ience beareth witneife to me what I have fo ught and do co ntinually leek , I the mo re patiently beat the mifrepo rts , and wro ngful!judgements o f men. And no w ! leave yo u in Peace , and defire yo u!

who are the friends to findy that Am i tymay encreafe, allfo rmer ha

trod fo rget. The fr iends o n e ither party embrac ed o ther 5 and the

two Earles departed to awindo w'

,and talked by themfelves a reafo n

able fpace. And thereafter the Earle o f Botbwe/I departed fo r that

n ight, and upo n the next day in the mo rn ing returned w ith fo rm: o fh is ho heitfriends and came to the Serm o n with the faid Earle,whereatmany tejo yced . ButG o d had ano therwo rk to wo rk then the eyes

o f men co uld c ipic . TheThutfday next they d ined to gether and

thereafter thefaid Earle Bothwell, andMatter Gabri elHamilton,ro de to theDuke , who then was in Barnell what c ommunicatio n was betwiitt

Tt 3 them,

‘I /fleHi/lory of t/yeReformation L ib .4.

them,it is no r certainly k nowne 5 bur by the repo rt wh ich the {aid

Earle o f A rr ane made to the Qaeen , and unto the Earle o f Murray;by h is writing s fo r upo n the th i rd day after


their Reco nc iliatio n ,

th e S ermo n be ing ended the faid Earle o f A rrane c ame to the h o ufe

o f the faid yamKnox and b ro ught w ith him Mallet R ichard S trange,andAlexander a brze, to wh om he o pened the grief o f h is minde befo rethat John Knox was called fo r he was bulae, as c ommo nly he ufed to

b e after his S ermo n , in direfting o f w rit ing s : W h ich ended, the faidEarle c alled the three to gether , and faid lam reafo nably betrayed,and wi th thefe wo rds began to weep Iobn Knox demanded ,My Lo rd,W ho hath betrayed yo ’

u One [11d o r Other (faid h e) I k no w it is butmy life that is lo ugh t I regard it no t. The

Other fa id , My Lo rd,I unde rfiand no fuch dark manner o f fpecch if I (hall g ive yo uany anfwer , yo u mull fpeak mo re plainly. W ell (fa id be ) I tak e

yo u th ree to witnelle That l o pen th is unto yo u ,and I write it un

t o theQueen An aét o f Treafo n is laid to my C harge . The EarleBotlzwe/l h ath ih owne to me in Co uncell That he Ib all take thc (b een

and put her in my hands , in the Cal’cle o f pnmbar tane ; And that he

lh all flay the Earle o fMa rray L etbz’

nlon , and o thers that now mlf

guide her , and (0 (ball he and I rule all. But I k no w th is i s devifedto accufe me o f Treafo n 3 fo r I kno w he will info rme the Queen o fi t : But I take yo u to witnefl


e, That I o pen it here unto yo u And

I w ill pafle inco nt inent and write to the % ens Majefly , and unto

my Bro ther the E arle o f Murray. IobnKnox d emanded Did yo u c o n

fent (my Lo rd ) to any part o f that Trealo nf.

’ He anfwered No .

Then faid he ) in my judgement h is wo rds altho ugh they were

(po ken c an never be Treafo n to yo u 5 fo r the p erfo rmance o f the

Paét depends upo n yo ur w ill whereunto ye fay ye have difaflented s

and lo (ball that purpo fe vanifh and die o f i t (elfe ,unlelle that yo u

wak en it 5 Fo r it is no t to be fupp o led That he w ill accule yo u o fthat, which he himlelfe hath devifed, and whereunto yo u wo uld no t

c o ulent . Oh (laid he ) yo u underfiand no t what c raft is . ufed againlt

me : lt is Treafo n to co nceale Treafo n . My Lo rd (faid he ) ' Treafo nmufi impo rt c o nfent and determinat i o n wh ich I hear o n ne ithero f yo ur parts : And therelo re (myLo rd ) in my judgement , it willbe mo re fure, and mo re Ho no urable unto you


,to depend upo n yo ur

yo ur Inno c‘

ency , and to ab ide the unjult accnfatio n o f any o ther (ifany fo llow thereo f ) as I thinke there {hall no r ) then to accufe , efpec ially after lo late reco nc iliatio n . I kno w (faid he ) That he w illo ffer the Comba te unto me , but that wo uld no r be fufl


ered . in F ranceBut ill do that wh ich I have purpo fed. And fo he departed , andto o k with him to his Lo dg ing the faid Mallet Alexander Gntlar ze , andMallet Rw/mrd Strange from whence was wri tten and end ited a Letter to theQueens Majefiie , acco rd ing to the fo rmer purpo fe wh ichLetter was direéted w i th all d iligence unto her Majefiy, who thenwas I!) F alkland. The Earle himfelfe ro de after to Kmnez/l to his Fatherthe


Duk e but h o w he was ufed we have but the commo nbruit. But from thence he wro te a Letter with his owh e hand in


TheHi/lorj of the‘Reform

‘htion L ib . 4

o f th i s T'

ext,And now render/land 0 ye K ing r , and he loarnea

’yc that judge the

E ar th he began to taxe the ign o rance, the van ityand defp ite o f Pr inces ,againfi allvertue , and againf

’t allth o fe in

‘who m hatred o f vice and lo ve

o fvertue appeared the repo rt hereo fmade unto the (meen, the (aidafohnThe recena

‘Knox was fent fo r,Maller A lexander Cohhnrne,who befo re had been h is

mmmunms o f Scho llar, and was veryfam iliar w ith him,was the meffenger who gave


W i th theWueen .

h im fome knowledge, bo rh o f the repo rt and Of '

the repo rters . The

(b een was in her -Bed - Chamber, and w ith her (befides the Ladies and

c ommo n fervants )were the Lo rd $ arner, the EarleMor ton Sec retaryL o- r

thing ton, and fo'

me o f the Guard that had made the repo rt,hewas acculedas o ne that had irreverently fpo ken o f the (mem e, and that travelled tobring her into hatred and co ntempt o f the peo ple and that he had e

rrc eed

ed the bo unds o fh is Text 5 and upo n thefe three heads made theweene

a lo ng O rat io n 3 W hereto the faid ’

Tf ohn anfwered as fo lloweth , Madame,

N°tc diligmdyth is i s o ftent imes the juft reco mpencewh ich G o d g ives the l’tubbo rn o f

the wo rld that becaufé theywilln0 t _hear G o d(peak ing to the c o mfo rt o fthepen i tent, and fo r amendment o f thew ick ed , they are o ft co mpelled toh ear the falle repo rt o fOthers , to their great difpleafure. I do ubt n0 t bu:that it


came to the Ear s o fHerod, that’

o urMailer Jefus Chrift called him a

F ox,but they to ld h im no t how o dio us a th ing itwas befo re G o d to mur

ther an Inno cent ,« as he had latelydo ne befo re, caufing to beh ead Iohnthe Baprifi to reward the danc ing o f an Harlo ts daughter Madame if

the repo rters o rmywo rds had been ho nellmen, theywo uld have repo rted mywo rds and the c ircumfiances o f t he fame 3 but becaul

‘e theywo uld

have credit in Co urtyand wanting‘

vertuewo rthy thereo f, theymull have

fo mewhat to pleafe ,yo urMajefiie, if itwere bur flatteries and lies : Butfuch pleafure (if


anyyo ur Majeltie tak e in fuch perfo n s willreturne toyo ur everlafiing difpleafure fo r(Madamej if yo ur own Ear s had heardthe who lematter that I treated ,if there .be in yo u anyfpark o fthe Sp iri t o fG o d, yea, o f ho neltie and wifedo m

e, yo u wo uld no t jufily h ave been o f

fended with any th ing that I fpak e . And becaufe yo u have heard their report, pleafe yo ur Majeflyw hen my felf rehearfe the fame fo near as mem o rywillferve; it was even upo n the mean day after that the Sermo n

was made MyText(faid heXMadame was th is u l nafnong,‘

0 K ings ,under/land, he learned ye


f oot/g et of the E ar th’ After(Madame faid he)that I

had declared the dignityo f K ings and Rulers the ho no urwherein Go dhath p laced them, the o bedienjce that is due unto them being G o ds L ieu~tenants I der

nanded th i squeflio n , But o h (alas ) what acco unt {hallthemo lt part o fPrinces makabefo re that Supreme Judge, who feTh ro ne‘

and Auth o ritie lo manifefilyand {hamefully they'

abule '

,the co mplaint

o f S olomon is th is day mo lt true to wit That violence and oppreffion‘

do ooenpre theThroneof God here in th e E arth 5 fo r wh ilefi that murtherers ,blo o d - thirfiymen o pprejlfo rs and Malefae

to rs dare be h o ld to prefentthemfelves befo re K ings and P rinces , and that the po o r


Saints ‘o f G o d

are ban ifhed and_exiled

,what {hallwe fay, but that the Dcvillhath taken

po fl‘

ef fro n in the Thro ne o fG o d,wh ich o ught to be fearfull to allwick ed

do ers , and a refuge to the inno cent o ppreffed .and h o w can it Otherwrfi:be

,fo r Princes willno t underfiand, theyw illno t be learned , as G o d


L ib .4. off

Relig ion in the‘P\ealme of Sco tland, 35;

c ommands them but G o ds Law theydefpife, h is S taw tes and Ho ly Or

d inances they will n o r underfiand fo r in fidling and Hm ing they are

m o re exercifed than in reading o r hearing G o ds m o ltblelle W o rd 5 andF rdler s and Flatterers (wh ich c o mm o nly c o rrupt the Yo uth ) are m o re

p rec io us in thei r eyes thenmen'

o fwifedo me and gravitie,whobywho lefo m e admo n it io ns maybeat down in them


fo me part o f that vani ty and

p ride wherein we allare bo rn but in P r inces tak e deep mm and firengthby cvilleducatio n .And o fdanc ing Madame)I faid,Thatalbe it in SCI’ IPtures I fo und no praife o f it, and in p ro phane W ri ters , thatMs termed the

gefiure rather o f tho fe that areMad and in phrenfie,then o f fo ber m en 3


do I n0 t utterly co ndemn it pro viding that two vices be avo yded;the fo rmer

, That the princ ipallVo catio n o f tho fe that ufe that exerc rfe,

be no r neglected fo r the pleafure o fDanc ing. Seco ndly, That theydancen o r as the Ph iliftin s their Fathers , fo r the pleaf ure that they take in the No re diligently

'difpleafure o fG o ds peo ple,fo r if they do thefe,o r either o f them ,they {hall

receive the reward o fDancers,and that willbe to d rink in Hell unlefle

theyfpeedily repent ; fo fhallG o d turne their n’

rirth into fadden fo rro wF o r G o d W illno r alwayes afflict h is peo ple neither willhe alwayes w inkat theTyranny on rants . If any(Madame,faid be)‘wi li fay that l fp

ak e‘

m o re, let h im publik ely accufeme, fo r I th ink I have no r o nely t o uchedthe lumm e

,but the very wo rds as p ak e them . Many that flo o d by

did bearw itnefi'

ew i th h im,that he had rec ited thevery wo rds that pub

lik elyhe fpak e .

TheQreen lo o k ed abo ut to fo me o f the Repo rters and faid Yo urw o rds are lharpe eno ugh as


yo u have fpo k en them but yet they were

t o ld me in ano ther manner , I kn'

o w {aid (h e ) that my Uncles and yo u

are no r o f o ne Religio n and therefore I canno t blame yo u to have no

go o d o pin io n o f them , bur ifyo u hear any th ing of myfelfthat'

m illikes

yo u, c ome to my felfand tellme, and I {hallhearyo u. Madame quo thh e ) I am a ifured

,that yo ur Uncles are enem ie s to G o d

,and unto h is S o n

Jefus Chrifi and fo r maintenance o ftheir own po mpe and wo rldlyglo Let Princes

ry, that theyfpare no : to fpill the blo o d o fm any Inno cents and there “ W e “ m

f are I am allured, that thefe enterprife$ (hall have no better fuccell’


thanOthers have had, that befo re them have do ne as theydo e no w . But as to

yo ur o wn perfo n, Madame ) I wo uld be glad to do e all' that I c o uld to

yo ur Majeflies co ntentment pro viding that I exceed n o r the bo undso fmyVo cat io n I am called Madame ) to a publik e funa io n w i th inthe Church o fG o d and appo inted byGo d to rebuk e the vices and fins

o fall o

, I am ne t appo inted to co me to every man in particular to fhew

h im h is o ffence, fo r that labo ur were infin ite , ifyo urMajefiie pleafeth tofrequent the publike Sermo n s ,then I do ub t ne t but that yo u {hallfullyunderfiand bOth what I lik e and as well in yo ur Majefiy, a s in all

o thers O r ifyo urMajefty w illalfigne unto me a certaine dayand h o urewhen it w illpleafe yo u to hear thefo rm and f ub ftance o fDo étrine, wh ichi s

,p ro po fed in publik e to the Churches o f th i s Realm , I w ill m o lt gladly Let C m.

wait upo n yo urMajefties pleafureaime and place, but to co me to wait up ChaplffwMo n yourchamber do o r

,o r elfwhere, and then to have no f urther

liberty un tb~ifrs o f

but to'

whifpet mym inde in yo urMajellies‘earep r to tellyo uwha t o thers :Efs

‘m ’

VL! think


556"The Hi/lo

rj of the(

Re/armation L ib ra,A l



th ink and fpeak o fyo u,neitherwillmy the vo catio n where.

to G o d hath'

called me,fuffer rt5fo r albeit at yo urMajeffies c ommandmentI am here now yet I canrio r tellwhat o ther menw illj udge o fme, that atth i s t ime ofthe dayI am abfent frommybo o k,and waiting at the Co urt .Y ouwillno r alwayes (faid fhe ) be at yo ur Bo o k e , and fo turned h erbac k 5 .And the faid John departed w ith a reafo nable merry co unte

nance 5 W hereat fome P ap'


s o ffended faid , He is no t afraid5wh ichheard byh im he an




W hy fho uld the pleafant face of a Ladyafray me I have loo ked in the faces o f many

angrvmen , and yet

have no t been'

afraid abo ve méafure 5 and fo left he the'

Cmeen and the

Co urt fo r that t ime .

In th is mean t ime the nego tiati o n was great betwixt the (Elem o f

i ng /and and o ur S o’


rargne, Letters , CurriOurs and Po lls ran

quent, great bruit there


was o f the int'

erviewe and meeting at Yorke,

and fome preparat io n was’

made therefo re in bo th the Realmes 5 but

that failed upo ri the part of’

E ngland , and thatby o c afi o no f the t'

ro uo

bles m o wfed in F rance , ('




alleaged 5) wh ich cau’

fed the Qg een‘e

of E ngland, and the Co unc illatten'

d upon the So uth parts o fE ngland, fo ravo y



g of Iriconven ie'


. . This"SUmmer the re came an Embafl'

ado ur from the King o f Sweden ,requrri ng marr iage o f



r S o veraigne to h is Mailer the ,

K ing'

5 His en

tertainment was Ho no urable 5 but h is Petit io ns liked'

nOt o ur‘


o ne wh it,fo r as yet {h e co uld no t refo lve to be W i fe to the. K ing

o f Sweden having been lately (Meen o f F rance And yet lhe'

refufedThe no r o nemuch inferio ur to


a Soveraigne K ing . The E arle o f L ennox

and his W ifewere committed - to the Tower o f London , fo r rrafli .



cd in thequing r

with‘Pap ifis j the yo ung Laird o f Barre was a firck ler in that

“ WW W ” bufrnefl'

e and was apprehended with fome Letters , wh ich was thedon fo r trafii


n irh caufe o f hrs - and thei r tro uble .

grub The E arle‘i o f (Murraymade a private j o urney to Hawieke ,

upon the

Fayre day thereo f , and apprehended fifty Theeves , o fwhich numberwere . fi:ventecn drowned ,

Others were executed in Iedhnrgh the prin‘

c ipall were bro ugh t to E dinhurgh ,and there fuffere


d, according totheir merits upo n the Barron Mure .

The Qreene was no whit c o ntent o f the pro l'

peritie and go o d' fuc



e that G o d gave to the E arle of (Mtffl'ly in allhi s enterprifes , fo r

{he hated his upright dealing and the Ima e


o fG'


d that eiiidentl'

ydidappear in him 5 but at that t ime (be. co n! ,no t well have b een feryedwith o ut him .

The afl‘embly '

o f the Church at Midfomme‘

r the fo ur ,

and twentiethday o f lane

, 1 56 2 . appro ached ih '

thé which were many no tableheads handled co ncerning go o d 6 rder to be kept in the Church, and


dfo r the Papilla , and fo r the Ido latryo f thewhen wh ich t ro ubleth thep reac mg, “ 5

to o k him “ ,e mer go o d o rder 5 S ome Minrfiers

,fuch as Maller l

lohn Sharpe , hadthc u ws‘. left thei r charges , and entered into Other

, Yo catio hs'

,mo re pro fitable

fo r the belly againfl who m were.

Aéts made , altho ugh th is day theyhave ne t put them in executio n . o ur o f the $ upplicatio n , readin Open audience, and approved by thewh e Alfembly, to be prefentedto theQieensMajelfy, was th i s :


TheHiflorie of theReforma tion L ib 4.

o f G o d ; And that yo urMajcfiyfinding it to h ave .no gro und no r fo un

datio n in the fame ih o uld h ave g iven th at‘glo ry unto G o d : that yo u

w o uld have p referred his TlLIEh to yo ur o wn p reco nceived vain o p in io n

,o f what antiquityt hat ever it hath been, whereo f we in part no w

d i fcharged,c an no lo nger k eep filence,unle{fe we wo uld mak e o ur felves

c riminallbe fo re G o d o f yo ur blo o d pe tifh ing in'

yo ur o wn iniqui tyfo r w e plainlyadmo nifh yo u o f the dange r to c o me.

The fec o nd th ing that we require ,is , Puni fhment o f ho rrible vices ,fuchas are Adulzery, Fo rnicatio n, OpenW ho redo me, h lafphemy, Co ntempto f G o d, o f h is W o rd and Sac raments ; W h ich in th is Realme do even

fo abo und,th at fin is reputed to be no (in . And therefo re , as we fee the

p refent fignc s o fG o d s w rath no wmanifefily. app ear,fo do we fo rewarn,that he wrll [trike ere it be lo ng ,

if h is Law with o ut punifhment be per

mitred thus manife itly to be c o ntemrled . If any o bjeét , That puni ih .

ment canno t be c o mmanded to be ex'

ecuted w i th o ut a Parliament ; weanfwer , That the E ternali Go d in h is Parliament , hath pro no unceddeath to be the pun ifhment o f Adultery ,

and fo r Blafp hem ing : who feAa if we put no r in executio n(feeing that K ings are but h is Lievrenants ,having no p o wer to g ive li fe , where h e commands death ) as that he

w illrepute yo u ,and

all o thers'

that falter vice , patro ns o f Imp iety,fo w ill he no t fail to punifh yo u , fo r neglecting the executio n o f h isj udgements .

Our th ird requefi c o ncerning the p o o r, who he o f three fo rts The

po o r labo ure rs o f the gro und the po o r defo late Boggers Orphans ,W ido ws and S trangers , and the po o rMinif

’rers o f Chrrtt hi m his h o

ly Evangel; wh ic h are fo cruelly ufed by th is laft p retended O rder ta

k en fo r fuli entatio n o fMinilters ,that the ir lattermife ty farre furmo unteth the fo rmer ; fo r nowthe po o re lab o urers o f the g ro und are fo o p

p refli

ed bythe c ruelty'

o f th o fe that pay the i r hire , that they fo r the

mo lt part enc ro ach upo n the po o re , in whatfo ever they pay unto the

Queen, o r to any o ther. As fo r the very indigent and po o r , to whomG o d c o mmands a luficntatio n to be p ro vided o f the Tenths they are

fo defp ifed, that it is a wo nder that S un g iveth heat and light to the

earth where G o ds N ame is fo frequently called upo n ,and no mercy

(acco rding to his Co mmandment ) fho wne to his Creatures . And ala

fo fo r the Minilters the i r L ivings are fo appo inted that the mo ltpartfhalllive hut a Beggers life : And all c

ometh o f that imp iety , that the

idle bellies o f Ch rilts enemies , mullbe fed in thei r fo rmer delicacy.

W e dare no t c o ncealfrom yo urMajeltie and ho no urs o ur co nfcience,wh ich is th is That neither by the Law o f Go d ne ither yet by anyjufiLaw o f man, is due unto them, who now mo lt c ruelly do exact

o f the po o r and r ich ,the two parts o f the ir Benefi ces as they call

them. And therefo re we mo lt humbly require , That fome Other Order maybe takenw ith them that theybe no r fet up againe to emp ireabo ve the peo ple o f G o d fo r we fear that fuch ufurpatio n o f the ir 'fo rmer flare W illbe ne ither in the end pleafant to themfelves , no r pro

- Zfitable to them thatwo uld place them in thatTyranny. If any th ink thata competent L iving is to be afligned to them we repugne net, p rovided


L ib, 4, of fi’

figion in the-Realme of Sco tland.

t hat the Labo urers o f the gro und be no t o pp reffed , the p o o r be no t

u tte rlyneglected and the Minifiers of the W o rd lo hardly ufed as

n o w they are. And finally , That tho fe idle bellies , who by Law can

c rave no th ing , {h allco nfefl'

e , that they rece ive theit iufientatio n andm aintenance , no r o f deb t , but o f benevo lence . Out humble requefl:is therefo re , That in every Parifh fomepart o f theTythes may befigned to the fufientatio n and maintenance o f the po o r wi th in thefame And likewife that fome publike relief maybe p ro vided fo r thep o o r w ith in Burro ugh s that Co lleei o rs maybe appo inted to gather 5And that firiStAcco unts may be taken , as wellfd r their Recepts , as'

o f the disburfements . The further co nfideratio n to be had o f o urMiniflers we in fome part remit to yo urwifedoms , and to the ir particularc o mplaints .

Our fo urth Petit io n is fo r the Manfe - Yards and Gleeb s jufily appertaining to the:Minillers , w i tho ut the wh ich it is impo ffrble unto themq uietly to ferve their Charges s and therefo re we defire that o rder be tak en w itho ut delay.

Our fifth co nce rns the difo bedience o f certain wick ed perfo ns who

no r o nely tro uble and have tro ubled Minifiers in their Funa io ns,

but alio d ifo bey the Superintendents in the ir.Vifitatio n wherefo re

we humbly c rave remedy s wh ich we do ubt , no t (0 much fo r the

feare th at we and o urMinifier s have o f the Papifis , but fo r the love

thatwe bear to the commo n tranquilit Fo r th is we canno t h ide fromyo ur Majeiiy and Co uncell

, That i the Papifis th inke to tr iumphwhere they may , and to do what they h it , where there is no t a parry able to refill them that fo r-me w ill thinke , That the go dly muttbegin where they left, who heretofo re have bo rne all th ing s patiently , in ho pe that the Lawes ih o uld have br idled the w icked where

o f if they be fruflrate albe it that no th ing is mo re o dio us to them

then Tumults , and domefiick Difco rd ) yet willmen attempt the ut

termo fi,befo re that in the ir o wne eyes theybeho ld the ho ufe o f G o d

demo lifhed,wh ich with travelland danger Go d hath within this Realmerected by them .

S ixthly we defire That fut h as receive releafe o f their Th irds,be compelled to Iuflain the Minifier s with in their Bo unds o r elfe we

fo rewarne yo ur Majefiy and Co uncell, that we feare,That the people{h allretain the who le in


their hands untillfuch time as theirMinifiersbe fui

fic iently provided .

Seventhly, we defire the Churches‘to be repayred acco rding toan an fet fo rth by the Lo rds o f the Secret Co uncell befo re yo urMajefiies Arrival] into th i s Co untrey That Judges be appo inted toheare the caufes o f D ivo rcement ; fo r the C hurch can no lo nger fufiainthe burden , efpecially, becaufe there is no puniihment fo r the o ffendersThat fayers and hearers o fMalfes , p ro phaners o f the Sac raments fuchas have entred into Boucfices by the Po‘p

es Bulls and fuch o ther trauf

ga llo n o f the Lawmade at yo urMaje ies Arrivallwith in th is Realme,maybe feverely punifhed s fo r elfemenwillthink there is no truth meant


in mak ing o f ruch Laws .11 u 3 E 1 ghtly,


TheHzfiorj of the‘Ke/



Jr}, {THO

,E '

ghthly,W emo lt humblydefire o f yo urM- ajeftyand yo ur ho no urable Co uncell

,a refo lute anfwer to eve ry o ne o f thefe Heads afo re - w

ritten that th e fam e being kno wn we may fomewhar fatisfie fuch as be

g r ievo ufly o ffended atmanife it i niqui ty no w maintained at, Opp teli i o n,unde r p re text o f Law,

do ne againit the p o o re , and at the rebelli o usd ifo bedience o f manywicked perfons , againfiGo ds W o rd and h o lyO rd i nance .

G o d the Father o f o ur Lo rdJefas Chrif’t To rule yo ur heaits andd i rectyo urMajefly and Co uncels judgements by the j udgement andillum inat io n o f h is h o ly Sp i rit, that yo umay anfwer fo , as yo ur o ffences


may be abfo lved in the p refence o f that rig h teo us J i dge the Lo rd Jefus , and then we do ub t no t but yo ur felve s {hallfinde felic i ty, and th isp o o r Realme that hath lo ng been o p prt ffe


d bywicked men, {h i llenjoy tranq uili ty and refi, t hxhe true kno wledge o f Go d.

Thefe th ings read in publike Aflemblyas alo refaid, were appro vedo f all: And fome wifhed that mo re ih arpneffe had, been ufed, becaufethat the t ime fo rc puired . But theMinio ns o f the Co urt and S ec reta



L ethzngtm abo ve o rh‘ers c o uld no t abide fuch hard fpo kenwo rdsfo r Who ever {h allwrite (faid he ) to a Pi ince

That G o d wo uld [tr ikethe head and the rayle 5 That if Papili s do wh at they li ft men wo uld

beg in where they left But abo ve allp thers , that was mo h o fienfive

That the Cint emwas acc uled, as that {he wo uld raife up Pap ili s and Pap ili ry again 3 To p ut that in the peo ple heads , was no leffe


then Trea

fo n yea ,Oathes was made , That The never meaned fuc h thing . Towho m it was anfwered That the Pro phe t Ifimih ufed fuch manner o ffpe ak ing ; And itwas no do ubt but that he was acquainted in the Co urt,fo r it was fuppo fed that he was o f the K ing s S to c k : but ho wfo eve r i twas , h is wo rd s make manife fi that he fpake to the Co urt

,and to the

Co urtiers , to judges , Ladies , Pr inces and Priefis s and yet , fai th he,The L ord/hellf ireawaythe head /ind the tayle é w

‘. And fo [aid the fitfiwri


r ,

1 fmde that fuch p hrafe was o nce ufed befo re'

us And if th is o ffend yo u, that we fay Men muft begin where they left in c afe the Pa:

p ills do as theydo , we wo uld defire yo u to teach us no t fo much ho wwe {h allfpeak but rathe r what we ib all do w hen o ur Minifiers arefiricken o ur Superintendents difo beyed ,

and . a plain Rebellio n dec re

ed‘againfiallgo o d O rders . C omplain, faid Lethmgtofl . To who m

faid the o ther .

T0 the % en,faid be . Ho w lo ng (ballwe do fo q uo th

the Other . Till that yo u get remedy faid the Jufi ice Clerk e Give.

me their names , and I {h all g ive yo u Le tters . If the Sheep , faido ne , {hallcomplain to the W o lfe

,That the W o lfs whelp s have


devo ured the i r Lamb s the Complainer may {land in danger, but the o ffenderW C? fear, (h all h ave leave to hunt afte r his p rey. S uch Co mp arifo ns

(fa id L ethmg tow) are very unfavo ury fo r I am alfured That theQ ieen w ill no t erea no r maintaine Papiftry. Let yo ur aifurance (faidthe o ther ) fe rve yo ur felfe , but it c anno t affure us 5 fo r her manifefl


The Ii i/300 g"theReformation '

L‘ib 4

A O W hilefl:th ings was lo'

wo rk ing in the N o rth the Earle o f BbthmellI'

ll] b ro k e h i s prifo n ,and came fo rth o f the Caflle o f E dznhargh the e ight and

Emm a twent ieth dayo a ga/l 5-I'

o me fayhe bro k e the S tancheo urs o f the W inbrak c th c ward do w 5 Others wh ifpered,that he go r cahe paflage by the gates o ne th ing

is certain , to wit,The (b een was li ttle o ffended at h is efcaping . There

pailed with h im a fertvant o f the Captain s , named”

f ame: Por terfielal. Theland Earle fli ewed h imfelfno r verym uch afraidf o r h is c o mmon refidencewas in L oathazh . The B ifho p o f Saint e/ I aalr ews and Ab t b rofiainell


“ N b"k ept fec ret co nvent i o n thatfame


time in Par/lay, to wh om refo rted d iversliza



gmthfa Pap ifis 5 yea, the faid Biflmp fpak e to the Duk e unto wh o m alfo came

the Lo rd Gordon fro m the E arle‘o e mtly, requiring h im to fiirre h is hah t



in the So uth , as he ih o uld do in theN o rth , and lo it ih o uld no r be Kn‘


c rying and preach ing that ih o uld fiaythat. purpo fe : Th e Bilho p ,be he

never (0 clo feuco

‘uld no r alto gether h ide h i s m inde

,bur at h i s o wn Table

faid, The (meen is go ne into the N o rth belik‘e to feek di lo bedrence, lhe

mayperchance finde the th ing {he leek s . It was co nl’cantlyaffirmed, Thatthe Earle Bothn

‘ae/I and the faid Lo rd Gordon fpake to gether , but o f their

purpo fe we heard no mentio n .

That fame year, and in that fame i nfiant t ime were app o inted Comm illi o ners by the GenerallAllembly to Car r zch and Caamngham 5Mafier GeorgeHaj, who w i th great pro fit preached the {pace o f a mo neth in“

allthe Churches o fCarrzé/e. To Kyle and to the parts o fGa/lowa] was appo in ted {Fohh Knox ,

wh o befides the do étrine o f the E vangell fh'

ewne to


co mm o n peo ple, fo rewarned fo me o f theNo bi li tre and Barrows , o fthe dangers that he feared and thatwere appearing ih o rtly to fo llow5and exh o rted them to put themfelves in fuch o rder, as that they m igh t beable to ferve‘

the autho ritie,and yet no r to fuller the enem ies o fGo ds truth

to have the upper hand : W hereupo n a great part o f the Bar on: and Gentlemen o FKy/e, Cannmgham and Carrzrh

, pro felli ng the true do étrine o ftheEvangell, aflembled at Ayre ;and after th e exho rtatio n made and c o nference had fubfcribed th i s Bo nd, the Teno ur whereo f fo llo weth

E whryeNames meander - Wr itten,do promifir in thep

afGod, and in theprefince of his San,“

aur Lordj e/w Chri/l,them e and every one of m , [hall and will maintain theof his holyE rrangell now of his mercy ofi fqd and

cgrantedR ealm and al/h will maintaine theMini/ltrs ' of thefizme

flyallhurt, trouhleato thewhole exceptthat the of enderto theGabernment (f theChurch now

L ib ,.

4, of‘Relzlgion in thewalme of Sco tland.

we do, aa we defire to he accepted andfavoured of theLord] e w, andacceptedWor th] of credit and hone/l); in the pre/ence oftheg odly A t

the Burgh of d ire the fourth day of September , in theyea r of God,1 552. Suhfcrihed byallthefizwith their hands , as follolbetb

TheEarle Gleneairne, Lord Boyde Lord Uchiltrie aridFailFurd,Mathew Cambello/ Low do une Knig ht,AllaineLordCathcart, Cap ringto n elder andNari.

cgtr , Cuuinghameheid Ro w allan, W aterflo n,

Craigie,Lefno reis ,Achinharvy Middleto n ,Ma

fler MichaelW allaceTrave/l of Ayr, with

more of the handle/l flange/fer of that Toume.Ma/ler of Boyd ,G raitgirth, Barr, Carnell, Dregho m e

,Heli e l

,Sk eldo n,W o lflo n



h ill, Po lqnhairne, Stair, Bark s kyning, Kingane‘

lech,with a hundredmare Gentlemen ofwor th 5 Io hn

Dumbar o/ Blan tyre, Carleto n andhis hrother ,Halr ig Ccrs ,Kirckm iehael, Dalyaro ich Cro fclayes;Ho rfclench Carbillo n

KelW o o d 5 Tarmga;

Hefe th ings do ne at Aye , the faid“

f a/m paired to Nithfdaill, andA

Gallamay,where, in c o nference with theMallet o fMaxwell,aman

j udgement and experience 5he co mmun icated with h im fus h th ing s as hefeared , who by h is mo rio n e te to the Earle o fBothweflto behave h imfelfas it became a faithfullSubjecft, and to k eep go o dquietnefTe in the placescomm itted to h is charge , and that his c rime o f b reak ing the W ardwo uldbe the mo re eafilypardo ned. 5foha Knox wro te unto the Duk e

,and earnel


exho rted h im neither to g ive ear to the B ilh o p h is Ballard bro rher,no ryetto th e perfwafio ns o f the Earle o fHeatly5fo r ifhe did, he all


ured' h im,that

h e and hi s ho ul'

e ih o uld co me to afudden ruine .Bywh ich meanes was theS o uth parts k ept in reafo nablequietnefl


e dur i ng the t ime that t he tro ubleswere a brew ing in theN o rth 5and yet the Bilho p and the Abbo t o f Cofr aynelldid what in them layto have railed fo me tro uble 5 fo r , befides thefearfullb ruits that theylpearced abro ad ,(ometime that theQ een was ta

k en fometimes that the Earle o fMar rayand allh is were {lain and fome

t imes that the (b een had given her felf to the Earle o t mtly5befides fuch

b ruits the Bilh o p to break the Co untreyon le,wherequietnelle then was

g reateft, railed the Crawfordr, againft the Ra dar fo r the pa ment o f the

Bilho p s Pafchfynes 5but that was pac ified bythe labo r o f in ifferent men,who favo ured peace.The Ab t o fCofraimllrequi red d ip tatio n o ff ohnK nox fo r maintenance o f theMam, wh ich was granted unto h im “ and the

difpute held inMayhall th ree da es The Abbo t had the advantage that here uired

,to wit ,he to o k in han to pro ve , That Melchifedee o ffered Bread

allW ineunto G o d5wh ich was the gro und that theMaflé was built uponXx to

34- 4The Hi/Zorj of the


Reformation L ib.4

Annoto be a Sac rifice,&c . But in thewo rk o f th ree dayes there could no pro o fcbe pro du


ced fo r wee/chtzedeckt Oblat io n as in the difputat i o n,(wh ichLI NN

was afterwards Pr inted) clearly may appeare . The Pap i li s lo o k ed fo r arevo lt , and therefo re theywo uld have fo me brao o f reafo ning 5the Abbo tfurther prefen

ted himle'

lf to the Pulpit,but the vo yce o fMalier'

Gcorg eHayfo affrayed him ,

that after o nce hew as wearied o f that exerc il'e.

After that the (meenewas fo mewhat fatisfied o f hunt ing and Otherpallimes , { he came to Ahera

’ein, where the Earle o fHuntlym et her and

h is Ladies,with no fmallTrain , wh o remained in Co urt andwas fuppo

fed to‘have the greatel

’t c redite

,departedwi th the (Qeen to Bachan met

her againe at Rothemay lo o k ing that { hee ih o uld haVe palled w ith h imt o S trahogy5but in the j o urneycertain wo rd came to her,thatfi hn Gordonh ad b ro k en '

pro m ife in no t re- entring in ward 5 fo r his Father the Earle


p ro mifed , that he ih o uld enter againew ith in the Callle o f S terlm ,

and there abide the(brew s pleafure 5but whether w ith h is Fathers k no w:ledge and co nfent, o r w itho ut the fame we k now n0 t 5 but he refufed

to enter : which lo o ffended the (Lueen, that {hewo uld no t go to S traho

gy,but paifed tho row S tratthla to [M em e/fa, where theCafile thereo f wasdenyed unto ,


5 the Captaine was c o mmanded to k eep it , and lo o k

ed fo r relief 5 fo r (0 had’

Tf oha Gordon p rom ifed 5 but being thereo f




,the Calliewas rendred

,and the Cap tain called5Gordon was executed

up o n the place, the tellwere co ndemned,and the hands o f fome bo und


bur:efcaped .

Th i s was the beginning o f further tro uble fo r the Earle o fHandythere

at o ffended,began to allémblehis Fo lk es and fpared no t to {peakthat

‘he wo uld be revenged 5 But alwayes h is W ife bare a faire co unte

h anc‘

e to the (E 6 6 0 ; and it i s verilyfuppo fed, that no Other harme thenthe (b een her fellco uld eafily have flo o d co ntent with ,wa s meaned untoh er


own perfo n . But th ewho lematter layup on the Earle o fMurray Se‘c re

taryL ethzag toa and the Laird o f Pittaro 5 yet the weene began rtObeafraid

,and by Pro clamat io n, cauf


ed to warn S terlmg Sh i re, Fyfe, Ang o la,ti l/terms , and Strathem e charging allfubflantiallmen to be in u l her

déin thefifth dayOf o fl oher there to temaine the [pace o f twenty dayes 5In her return from [m em e/fl lhe required the ICafile


om later , wh ichwas likewife denyed and fo was

Anchna’owne 5 which mo re angred the

(ween . The Earle o fHtmtlywas charged to caufe deliver the faid ho ufe,

under the pain o f Treafo n 5 to (hew fome o bedience,he caufed the Keyeso f bo th to be prefented ,

by his fervant Mallet Thoma: K eir 5 But befo rehad the (meen fentyo ungCaptaine Stewart , fo n to ames

,who to th i s

day hat h ne ither been flo ut,happy, no r true)with _ xfco re to lye abo ut

th e places o f Peal/d er . They lo dged in Calm no t farre difiant fromthe faid place . But upo n a n ight f ohn Gordon came with a c ompany o f



o rle

gi en

, to o k the Captain, flew certain o f the So uldiers , and difarmedt e re

Th is faét do ne as theQueenalleag ed)under'

trufl,fo inflamed her,thatallhopeo f reco nc iliat io nwas pail 5and (0 the Earlo f bluntlywas char edunder the pain o f putting him to theHo rn

,to prefent h imfelfe,and the aid

55017”befo re theween and Council]with in lixdayes 5 which charge hedifobeyed,

Annodanger efpie

d, the Laird o f Pttta'

r r ow (a man bOth ilo ut , and o f a readywit) w ith theMallet, after Lo rd Lyndfify, andTuco r o fPittur , faid, L etwca/ldown Spear s to theforewaft, and let them not comeweamong/l at: 5for there itno doo ht hilt thh flying tit ho tTr eachery And fo theydid lo that they that

fled o f Huntleyfeeing theVaunt -

guard Hie, faid unto h is Co mpany Oar

fr iend: are hem/lmen , théyhave [rcptprom fe 5 L et are now encou‘

nter the my}.And fo he and hi s , as lure o fVia o ry,

marched fo rward. The Sec retaryin fewwo rds , made a vehement O rat io n 5 and theywilled everyman to

c allupo n his ,G o d, to remember h i s duty and no r to fear the multitude :

And in , the : end c o ncluded thus 0 L ord than that '

mlejl the heaiven and the .earth look upon thyfem/amt, who/ehleoa


thi; day it'htofl unja/l

ly[ought dad to man: judgement, ahefold and hetrayea’

, our refuge is now‘



‘afld om‘hope t:m thee afadge thou, 0 L ord


hetwixt at and the E arle ofHuntlie

,and the r e/l of oar

enemzer If ever we haveja/llyfiught hit or thei r

dtylrttdtton andHood let It! fall on the fword. u f p d;0 L ord, cf they know]?oar


inaoecacy,maintain thou andp refer fue at , for thyg reatmer cierfahe.

Sho rtlyafter the fpeak ing o f theft: and the like '

wo rds5 the fo rme



Rank rejoyced'

5fo rHam/let Companymade great hafie Theywere re - 5

pulfed by theMallet o f Lyadfizy5and the Co mpan ies o f Fyfe’

and Angus;fo me o f them that had fled


,and fo llowed the Earle o f Mztrrayj

but gave no’

flro k e, t illthat Heather Companygave back . In the From

there was {lain eighteen o r four and twentymen 5 and in the flying therefell t o o . Therewere taken r o o

. and the refiwere fpared The Earlh imfelfe was tak en alive 5 h is two fo ns ,

f ohn afo refaid,and AdamGordon,

were taken w i th him . The Earle, immediatelyafter his tak ing, departedth i s life,without anywo und o r yet appearance o f any llro ke whereo f

death m ight have enfued And fo , becaufe it was late, he was'

caft o ver?

thwart o r upo n a payre o f Creilles and fo was carried to ad herdez'


andwas laid in theTo lbuith thereo f , that that wh ich his wives W itcheshad given,might be fulfilled 5 who all affirmed (as the mo ltpart fay)That fame n ight he i ho uld be in the Towne o f Aher


,wi tho ut any

wound upon his bo dy. W hen his Lady go t knowledge thereo f, the

blamed her principallW itch, called Ianmtt 5but (he llo udydefended herfelle (as the devrllcan do and affirmed That‘{he gave a true anfwer


albeit {he fpake not all the truth 5 fo r lhe k new that he iho uld be there

dead , but that co uld no t profitmyLady; She was angry and fo rry fo ra feafo n But thedcviil, theMalle

,and W itches have? all great credit

w ith her,

th i s day the tivelfth o f Jane I as theyhad {even yeersa o e .


gThe Ea

‘rle o fMurrayfent aMefl


age unto the (meta , o f themarvello usViéto ry 5 and humbly prayed her to ibew that o bed ience to Go d5as pub~likelyto co nvene w ith them to give thank s unto G o d fo r his 5

n0 tabledeliverance. Shegl

omed and frowned bo rh at theMeffage“



at t he

Requeit,and fcarcelywo uld give a go o d wo rd,o r blythe and merryco untenance to anythat (he k new earnefi fav

o urers o f the Earle o f W armly;who fe pro fperitywas , and '

yet is a very venome to her bo ldned heartF o r many ,

dayes (he bare : no better co untenance 5 whereby it m ighthave been eafily efpied That {he tejo yced no r greatlyo f the fuc



o f

t i at

Lih .4. of‘ZQ'hgiou in theRealme of Sco tland.

that matter 5 And albeit lhe caufed to execute John Gordon,and divers

Other s , yet it was the dellruc’

tio n o f Others that (h e fo ught.Upon the mor ro w after the difcomfiture , the Lady F orht/fe , awo

man bOth wi fe , ’and fear ing G o d, c ame

,amo ngltmanyOthers to vili te

the Co rps o f the (aid E arle 5 and feeing him lie upo n the co ld (to nes,

having o nely Upo n h im aDo ublet o f Canvas a payre o f Sco rch rayHo le ,

and him c overed w i th an Arras wo rk . She fa id,What [loh


The Lady

jhullwejttdge to he in the}wor ld .

9 Ther e lreth he that ye/l’era'uy in the mom :




ing um e/Zeemeel the wife/l , the r iehejl , out! man of g r een /l power thatw r

we! wrthlu Seat/end. And in verydeed {he lyed n o c 5 fo r in m an s Opi~

n io n,under a Prince therewas no r fuch a o ne thefe th ree hundred yeers

in th i s Realme pro duced But felic ity and wo rldlyw ifedom fo blinded Let o thers ,

h im,that in the end he perilhed in them as { hallalltho le that defpight

"m yer “V6

Co d ,and w e in themfelves .

““ r

lohu Cordon , at his death , co nfelfed many ho rrible things , deviled byh is father , byh is bro ther, and byhimfelf. There were Letters fo und inthe Earles po cket, that difclo fed the Treafo n o f the Earle . o f S utherland


and o f divers Others . MalletThonour K err who befo re W as the who leCo uncello r o i the faid Earle difclo fed whatfoever he underlto o d

m ight hurt the Gordon: and their friends and fo Treafo n plainly difclofed 5wh ich was That the Earle o f W arm] (ho uld have been murthercd in S trugohie the (meen (ho uld have been taken and k ept at the de

v0 tio n o f the faid Earle o f Huntley. Thele things we fay, revealed,theQueen left the N o rth and came t o Duhdze



Iohh/lou, S terlm,

and then‘

to E dmhurgh The Earle . o f' Huntley;bo dy was . carryed abo utin a Boat ; and laid witho ut Buriall in the Abbey o f Hulyrud- houfe ,

t illthe day o f 'h is Fo refalto r , as after {hall be declared. The Duke ap‘

p rehended theLo rd Gordon h is (o n in Law


‘e that theQueen had


itly commanded h im fo to do if that he‘

repaired with in h is bo unds .

Befo re that he delivered him the Earle o f Murray labo ured at the


hands fo r the fafetyo f h is life, wh ich hardly was granted 5andfo was he '

deliveréd w ith in the Callle o f E u’

znhurgh , the eight andtwentieth day,

o f Novemher . 1 56 2 . where he remained t ill the eighth'

dayo f F ebr‘uary5 when he was put to

anAlli fe,accufed and co nvinced

o f Treafo n but was rello red againe firlt to the Caflle alo refaid,and thereafter


was tranfpo rted to Dumhur , where he remained prifoher tillthe mo neth o f Augu/t, in the yeer o f G o d r5 as we willafter

In '

themean time the tro ubles were h0 t ia r tmee

in all men s mo uthes 5fomewo uld

fo me the Empero urs Bro ther , fo me Dukerumm agement o f the

yguelled at th e Lo rd B arley.. r0 3 0 mm ,n age.



at Lethiugtom Credit was W e know no r 5

.there began much to be talk ed o f the Earle o f L euox

Xx 3

Meaning o f

TheB el/200 ,of theReformationth e Lo rd Der ley. It was faid that L ethiug tou fpake to the Lady Marg aret,D owglur 5 And that Rohert Melw ll received a ho rfe t0 the S ec retaries ufefro m the Earle o f L euox , o r fro m h is w ife . Ho wfo ever itwas

, MalletF ort /[er fervant to the faid Earle came with Letters to the (Mem e, by,wh ich Licenfe was perm itted to the Earle o f L enox to come to S oot-5loud

,to travellin h is lawfull bulinelfc . That fame day the (Meens L i

c enfe was g ranted the Sec retaryfaid'

Th i s day I have tak en upo nthe deadly hatred o f all the Hamilton: with in S cotland and have doneunto them no lelfe difpleafure,thcn if I had cut their thro at s .

5The Earle ‘

B ozhrvell who befo re had b ro k en W ard,fearing apprehenfio n o r tak ing,

p repared to paffe to F rance 5 but by flo rrn o f W eather was driven intoE ngland, wherehe was flawed andwas o ffered to havebeen rendredbythe (mee


n o f E ngland But o urQ i een s an fwer was , That he wasReheil and therefo re {h e requelted that he i ho uld have liberty to


e wh ither he pleafed h And thereto L eth/ug tou helped not a li ttle,

fo r he travelled to have friends in everyfactio n o f the Co urt.And fo o htained th e faid Earle Lincenfe to palle to P reece.

TheW inter after the death o f the Earle o l Huntley , the Co urt re

mained ‘

fo r the mo lt part at E elmhurgh. The Preacher s were wo ndro us

vehement in reprehenfio ni o f all manner o f V ice , wh ich then beganto abo und and efpecially Avar ice ,

.Opprelli o n o f the po o rer

, Ex

celfe RyOto uS' Cheer 'Banquettin‘g immo derate Danc ing and

W ho redome , that thereof enfues . W hereat the Co urtiers began to

{to rme and to p ickquarrells againll the Preachers , alleadging that all

their Preach ing‘Was turned to Rayling 5 whereunto o ne o f them gave

anlwer as fo llo we’

th 5 It'

comes to o ur cares tharfwe are called Raylers ,whereo f


albeit we wo nder,, yet we are no t alh amed feeing that the

mhfl wo rthy fervants o f G od that befo re us have travelled in this V0 ,

cati o n have fo been {tiled But unto yo u do I lay , That the fameG o d who from the beginning hath punilhed the Co ntempt


o f his

W o rd and hath po ured fo rth h is Vengeance upo n fuch pro udmo ck ers ,fhall no t fpare yo u 5 yea, he lhallno r fpare yo u befo re the eyes o f th isfame w ick ed Generat io n fo r the pleafure whereo f ye defpile allwho le?fome Admo nitio ns Haveyo u no r feen greater then anyo fy o u fitt ingwhere prefentlyye fit

, pick h is nayles and pulldown h is Bo nnet o verh is eyes , when Ido latry, W itchcraft, Murther, Opprefiiont and fuchVices , were rebuk ed : W as no t th i s his c ommo n talke W hen thefe

Knave s have rayled their fill then 'will they ho ld their peace'

: Haveye ne t heard it affirmed to his owne face That “God (h o uld

revengethat h is Blafphemie , even in the eyes o f fuch as were . witnelfe toh is iniquity.

3 3Then was the Earle o f'Huutleyaccufed by youIdo latry,

and o nely h inderer o f allgo o d Ordersn ilhed

,even acco rding to the threatnings that his

and byyo ur hands hath G o d executed his Judgem ent can be


efpied in yo ur: Ido latrywas never in greater quiet '

Vertue and vertuo us men were never in mo re : co ntempt 5 V ice wasf



'TbaHi/lor) of tbe’ ‘Reformntion

fiude, but alleaged her felf to have been f upprefl'

ed late in an Even ing 5thefaid Paul c o nfiantlyaffirmed h imfelf inno cent, and wo uld have given h ispublik e purgat io n5but becaufe his Accufato rs had tak en o n them to pro ve

ther a‘ccufati o n thatwas denyed, manywitnelfes were pro duced, o fwhom

fome depo fed fo clearly, that the Commifli o ners fufpeéted that theyhadbeen f uh o rned, and therefo re theyrequired to have infpeétio n o f the pla

c es where fo me laid they faw and fome faid theyheard them in the veryaét o f iniquitie. The fight and c o nfideratio n o f the plate augmented

g reatly the fufp itio n 5 but o ne th ingwas mo lt fufp itio us o fallOther fo r

{heW ife o fthe fad Pnnl (an anc ientMatro n .was abfent fro m him the

fpace o f eigh t o r n ine week s in Dnndte 5 wh ich time‘

(o r at leafi a great part

thereo f ) they fufpeéted, and he lay n igh tly in o ne ho ufe witho ut Otherc ompanythen aCh ilde o f feven o r eight yeers o f age. The Judges , norwithflanding thefe fufpitio ns , having a go o d Op i n i o n o f the h o nefiie andgo dlinelfe o f theman, travelled what t

heyc o uld c o nfc ience no r hurt) to

p urge h im o f the {lander But G o d who wo uld no r that fuch aVillaniefho uld be clo aked and co ncealedwi th in h is Kirk ,0 therwayes had decreed,fo r he bro ught the bro ther o f the guiltywo man to theTowne

,having no

m inde o f fuch matters,who being pro duced bythe Accufato rs ,as o ne that

was privy to the fa€t5and knew the veritie o fallc ircumfiances 5 th i s witneffe

,we fay, (wh ich co uld no rbe lufpeéted)being pro duced made the

matter {0 plain and clear,that allfufpitio nwas removed fo r be itwas thatc o nveyde thewoman away,he it was that caufedthe Ch ilde to bebaptifed,alleaging it to be h is own 5he itwas that carried frequentmelfage betwixtthem

,and fro m Paulcarryed mo neyand clo thes divers times : How fo on

that ever the faid Paulfaw that man pro duc’

ed a‘

s W itnelfe,hewithdrew

h imfelfeiand left theTo wn , by thatmeans plainly tak ing upon him the

C rime 5 And fo the Comm ifli o ner‘

s with full info rmat io n returned to

Dnnolze,and n0 tified the fame unto the K irk e,who caufed publikelyto f um

m o n the faid Paulto hear the fentence pro no unced 5who no r appearing inthe end, fo r h is o dio us Crime and co ntumacy, was publikely excommu

micated , and was deprived o fall functio ns with in the K irk e o f S cotland ,

and (0 left the Realme . Fo r two caufes we infert th i s ho rr ible fadt and

the o rder k ept in punifh ing o f the fame the fo rmer to fo rewarn fuch as

travell in that Vo cat io n that acco rding to the admo nitio n o f the Ap ofile

,Snob bro /land, takebead le/l theyfall. No man in the be inn ing o f the

Evangell, was judgedm o re fervent andmo re upright 5 an yet we have

heard how far Sathan has prevailed againl’t him 5 G o d grant that wemay

hear o fhis repentance5neither yet (ho uld th i s falldo any th ing to prej udicethe Auth o ri tie o f the D o étrine wh ich hetaught, fo r the Do étrine o f G o d

hath its autho rity o fno c reature, but hath the affurance o f G o d h imfelfe,howweak o r imperfect fo ever the Infiruments be bywho m it pleafeth

G o d to publifh the fame.The treafo n o ff ad“ , the Adultery o fDw io’,andabnegatio n o fPeter did dero gate no th ing fro m the glo ry o fChrii

’ts Evan

gell, no r yet theDo firine wh ich befo re theyhad taught 5but declared theo ne to be aRepro bate and the Other to be Infiruments in wh om mercymufi furm o unt judgement . TheOther caufe is , that theW o rld may feewhat difference there is betwixt the uprightnefl

‘e o f the K irke o f G o d, and

L ib,4. of‘Relelgion in tbcRealme of Sco dand. 3g 1

the c o rrupt i o n that teignes in the S nao o o ue Of Sathan the Pa ifi icallrabble 5 fo r h owmany o f that fo rt



hbeen and Gilli

remainepo pcnly

Annok no wnc W h o rem o ngers , Adulterers ,Vio lato rs o fVirgines yea, and

Mc omm itters Of fuch ab om inatio n s as we w illnOt name 5 and yet are theycalled and perm i tted to be B ilh o ps , Archbiih o p s ,Cardinalls and Po pesthemfelves : Fo r what finnes can unable the fwo rne fervan ts o f Symome

,and Of their Father the Dcvill Fo r bragg what they lift o f

Chrifi,o f Peter , and o f Paul

,their lives and c o nverfatio n bear wit

nefle to wh om theybelo ng . But we return to o ur Hifio ry o f th ingsdo ne in Co urt .Amo ngfi the Meniz o o ns Of the Co urt there was o ne namedMo n

heur Clzattelet a Frenchman , that at that time paffed all Others in c re

dit with theweene : In danc ing o f the purpofe fo terme'

they that

dance , in the wh ich m an and w oma’

n talk eth fec retly, wife men wo uldjudge fuch falh io ns no t agreeable to the gravity o f ho nefiwo men . In


th i s dance the ween cho o fe Chan c/er and Cbattelet to o k the (k eenfo r he had the befi dreffe . All th i s winter Cbattelet was (0 fam iliar w iththe Queen that the No bilitie being by th i s mean s flo pped to havefofree acceffe a s they tho ught fit and due unto them

, were h ighly Offendcd 5 at length Chanc/er having co nveyed h imfclfe p rivately under the(meen s Bed but being efpied ,

was commanded away The Brui tarifing , the Q eene c alled the Earle o f M urray and burlling in awo manly affectio n , charged h im,

that as he lo ved her , he ih o uld fla EMQC



Clyatelet , and let him never fpeak wo rd. The Other at the firl’t mad);in



p ro m ife fo to do e 5but after calling to m inde the judgement o fG O Dp ro no unced againfi the (hedders o f inno cent blob/d , and alfo that n o ne

ih o uld die W i tho ut the tefiim o nie o f two o r th ree witncffes , return

ed and fell upo n his knees befo re the (k een , and faid,Madame


I befecch yo ur Majefi ie caule no t me to take the blo o d Of th i supo n mc 5

Yo ur Majeli ie hath ufed h im (0 familiarlie befo re,


yo u have o ffended all yo ur No bilitic 5 and now if he {hallbe fecretlyflain at yo ur o wn


e c o mmandment , what {h all the wo rld judgeI ih all bring him to the prefcnce o f Jufiice

,and let h im fuffer by

Law acco rding to his dclerving . Oh, faid the (b eene yo u {hallm e

let h im fpeak e. I {hall do e faid he )Madame what in me lycth;to give yo ur Majeftie fcoment . Po o r Chan c/er was bro ugh t back fromK ingorne to Saint M ada m

,exam ined , put to an A iliz e , and fo

beheaded the two and twentieth day Of F ebruary Anna Dam . t 56‘

2 .

He begged licenfe to write to F rance the caufe o f his death 5 , wh ichfaid he , in h is To ngue was. Pour eflre troufve en


1m: trap fafiefi 5 that

i s,Becaafe I ma found in a place too mac/afifiefi‘m’

. At'

the place Of

Execut io n when he fawthatlthere was n o


remedie,but death



‘a go dl co nfefiio n ,

and granted ,that h is declin ing fro m the

truth o f G o and fo llowing o f vanitie and impietie ,’

was jufi ly_



p ayed unto h im But ,‘in‘the end hc b c o ncluded lo o k ing unto the

Heavens w ith thefe .wo rds , a cm e/[e Dame W hat that complaint iml

p o rted I leave it to c o njeéiure 5 and fo received Cbattelet the reward o fhisdanc ing fo r he loft his Head ti

?“ his

To ngue iho uld nOt'



352.The Fi t/307)

‘of t/a

eReformation L ib.it

A fll’lO the fec rets o f o ur Ch ice


n 5deliver us ,O Lo rd from the rage o f fo ino rdi a

nate a C o urt .The punifli The yea

‘r O fG Od, 63 3 there was a

‘un iverfall death i n all S cot

mem o p d lane! but in theN o rth where (the Hatveit before ) .

the Queene had


,there W as a great f amine o f wh ich may d ied i n that Co untrey.

the are/fa; the dearth was great o verall,but the Fam ine'

in theW heat, the Beare o rdeath afld fi Barley, the

'Meale, the G ates , BEefe, M'

utto n,8cc , were exceeding dea


rmm ’

and fc ant'

5_yea, all th ings appertain ing to the fuflentatio n Of man in

triple} and mo re ac c’

ufiomed prices . And fo‘did G o d

ac c o rd ing to the threatning Of the Law pun ifh the Ido latry o f o urw ic o

k ed’

Rulers and o ur ingrat itude that f uifered them to defile theLandS/Vith that ab ominat io n ag


ain that' GOd fo p o tently had purged by

the p o wer o f his W o rd 5 fo r the rio to us Feafiing and excellive Ban

quetting ufed ilu C ity and Co untrey wherefo ever that the pro pha


C o urt repai re‘d pro voléedG o d to Perilté the Staffe o fBread, and to give

h ismaledietions upo n th°e


fr.uit s o fthe ear th . But’

alas , wh o lo o ked, o r ye

lo o k s to the true caufe o f o ur ICalani'



i‘d hzzigrafzwa


s abfent (as b’efo re W e have heard) in

‘th e (meen s affai rs ;

the Papifis at that i'


divers parts Of the Realm ,had ercei

edthat WhomtheB'

ifh .o f S :Aaa’r ewr

,theP rio r Oi‘

gaff/mafi a,with diver s othe s’

o f that facftio n wo uld av'

ow it . Befides the

h‘dd Let’




pafi in the contrarywith certificatio nOf

ldeath to


f,1t B




Lrnivei fallyOfi'

ended and efpying that the (méen‘e byPjrbclfiamation

did but delude them determ ined to pur'

to their ownhands;iihfd to pun

‘iifh fOr example o fOthers 5and fo fo mePriefis in theW éfl - Land



ereapprehended 5 Int imationmade imto Others'

,as to the Ab t o fCof

ragga ,the Parfbn o


f S aflgolyar , and fuch , that theyi'

fho uld neither com“

laineto thelfimeene no r COuii’

fell, ,but (h o uld ex


ecute thé‘





t G o d has appo inted to Ido late‘

rs ‘iri h



Law y‘fuch means as they

might ,where‘

ever theyih ould be’

apprehcnded . L A

TheQueen ito rin ed atfii ch‘


om Of fpeak ing,btft {hecfo uld‘r'



it,fo‘r the Spirit o fG o d,o fb oldnefl


c, iaiid o fwildo méha


d no t'


ft th‘é ri

‘i o i’r

part o f fuch as G o d hadmadeInftrument s'

in thebe’

ér‘nning, theyWere df

oneminde to maintaine the truth , and tOfupprel’fc‘I



‘ho r divi





and therefo re c o uld no r theBevill work ing in theC ourt, and ih


Papifis , dO'

then what theywo uld,are}therefo re'


Co s t;

beganto inventa new c raft 5The advifed,i o‘

fend fbr {filmk hoa‘

atolike nox fent m

fo r bfthe Ome to herWhere {he lay, at L ocblevmgShe dealtw‘i th—him earriéli l two

hodres . befp‘re‘figppér thatheWo uld beihe warding-mto perfwa e ' th‘e

peo ple, and pri‘hcipallymeGentlemenbf théW efifiio t to qput hand

to punifh a




r the their ieligiOns as pleafed them.

Theo ther perceiving her cr'

aft w illed li’


'Majeitie top u‘

nilh Maléfaéto rsacco rdin

‘g to


the Laws , and he durfipro‘in i fe‘'

uictnfef’fe u ,


‘the part o f

allthem that e

‘oilaaid‘5B tlfhe

rMajefi iethppght to d

’e ride the Laws ,he faid, ,

héfe‘ared fomeviaduld l'e‘t th

e PapifisReafomns be

undei'flahd that without puniih rriénthheyihOuldhi) b

efuffered fo man i“

1755358311" felt'

fyto Olléh‘d'


GOds M‘ajefiie.Will


yc quOtli {he ”allow thht 'tlie



TheHi/Zorie of t/aeR eforma tion Lill e].b ut g ro pe and go wro ng , even as


d ark neil’

e c a rryed us ; but i t he feareno r G o a no w

,he dece ives many mo re then me And yet faid he ,

Madame,I am aflured , G O 1) willho t fuffer h is C n u x c H to be [0

(ur i c dece ived As that an unwo rthy man (hall be E leéied , wherefree E leétio n i s , and the

S p irit Of G O n is earnefily called upo n , to

dec ide betwixt the two W ell/

faid (he, do as ye w ill, But that manT i c (mem e is a dangero us man , and therein was na the Queen dece ived , Fo r

he had c o rrupted the ‘mo fi p art o f the Gentlemen no t o nely to

no m inate him,but allo to E leéth im, wh ich perce ived by the faid f o/m,

Co mm if fi o ne r , delayed the E leéi io n, and le ft i tw ith theMailer o fMax

ir e/1,Matter Roérrr Pom,

who was put in E leftio n (with the fo refaid B i‘(hOp) to the end t hat h is DO

”trim and Co nverfatio n m ight be the better

t ryed Of the(e that h ad no t kno wn him befo re 5 and(b was thi s Biih o pfru ii rate o f his purpo fe (o r that prefent 5 and yetwas he at that time theman th at was mo fl fam iliar W ith the (aid f ob”in h is hOufc , and at Table .

But no w to the fo rmer c o nference , W hen theQueen had lo ng talk edw ith f o/mKnox, and he be ing o ft willing to take his leave, (he faid,Ihaveo ne o f the greatc fi matte rs th at have to uched me (i nce I c ame in th i s

The L ady Realm,to Open unto yo u, and Imuft have yo ur help into it. And (h e

A ’s”? W W " began to mak e a lo ng di(c o urfe o f her S ifier, the LadyA rgz'

le, ho w that


(he was um (0 c ircum fpea in allth ing s , as (h : wifli td her to be ; and yetthe r eac aw fa id (h e, my Lo rd, her hus band wh om I lo ve

,ufeth her no t inmany

th ings (0 ho ncfily, and (O go dlily,as I th inke ye yo ur(elf wo uld requireMadam fa id he, 1 have been tro ubled w ith thatmatter befo re

, and o nce

I put an end to it (and thatwas befo reyo urMajcftic s arrivall) that bOth

(he and herf riend s , (eemcd fully to Rand co ntent ; and (he her felf p ro

mifed befo re her ifricnds , That (he wo uld never'

complain to any C reature , t ill than l (h o uld firft underii and the c o ntro verfie by her o wn

mo uth, o r elfe byo ne afl'

uredMelfenger : Ino w have heard no th ing o fher part 5 and therefo re, I th ink there is no thing but co nco rd : W ellfaidtheQ leen, it is wo rfe then ye beleeve but d o th i s much fo r myas o nce again to put them atUnitie and if (h e behave no t her(elf

,fo as

(he o ught to do , th e (h allfinde no favo ur o f me ; but in anywife faid (he,let my Lo rd kno w ,


Ehat I have x requtfied yo u in th i s matter ; Fo r Iwo uld be very fo rty to Offend him in that, o r in any Other th ing . Andnow faid (he , as to uch ing o ur reafo ning yeficrnight, I promife to do asye requ ired. I (h allc aufe to furnmo n allOffenders , and yee (hall k now

that I (h allm inii’i er Judice . I am affured then (aid he, Thatye (hall

pleafe G o d, and enj oy refiand tranquilitic w ith inyo ur Realm, wh ichto yo ur Maje ii y is mo re profitable, then

,all the Po pes pOWer can t .

And thus they departed .

Th is Co nference we have inferred, to let theW o rld fee how deeplyMaryQueen o f Scotland; can di(femble ; and how that (h e co uld caufemen to thinke , Th at (he bare no indignatio n fo r any co ntroverfie in

Religio n wh ich that yet in her heart was no rhing butvenome, anddefi ruétio n as (ho rtly after did appeare . fro /m Knox departed, and

prepared himfclf fo r his j o urney appo inted to Daafreis .f


to n

fro m Glafg om acco rding to the Queen s Commandment , he wro te thi s AnnoLetter to the Earle o f A rgyle, the Teno urwhereo f fo llo ws .

He Lo rd comet/7, mid /71411 71”tarry. After co mmendatio n o f my fet »

vice unto yo ur Lo rdflu p : If I had k no wn o f yo ur Lo rdflaips fudden

depart ing the lafi t ime it chanced me to fee and (peak W i th yo u ,I had

o pehed unto yo u fo me o f my grief But fuppo fmg that yo ur Lo rdflrip(ho uld have remained (tillwith theween I delayed at that t ime to utterany part o f that wh ich now myco nfc ience c o mpelleth me to do . Yo urbehavio ur towards yo ur w ife i s very o ffenfive unto many go dly Her

complaint i s grievo us That ye alto gether withdraw yo ur c o nverilatio n

fro m her : If (0 , ye have great need to lo o k \well to yo ur own (late 3 (o r

albeit that ye with in yo ur felf felt no mo re repugnanc ie then any flefh

th is dayo n the earth yet byprom ife ,made befo re G o d are ye debto ur

unto her in alldue benevo lence . But if that ye burne o n the o ne frde,

(albeit ye do no wo rfe ) and (he in‘

yo ur default- o n the Other ye are no r:

o nelymen fwo rn befo re G o d, but alfo do th what in yo u lieth to k indleagainfl yo ur felf h is wrath and heavie di(pleafure. Thewo rds are (harp,and G o d is w itnefl


e in do lo ur o f heart I write them But .becaufe theyare true, and pro no unced by G o d h imfelf, I dare n0 t but admo niih yo u,p erceiving yo u as it were (leep ing in (i n. The

, pro ud (lubbo rnnelfewhereo f yo ur Lo rdfhip o ft c o mplained, w ill no th ing excufe yo ub efo reG o d 5 fo r if ye be no t able


to co nvince her o f any fault ye o ught

t o bear with her imperfectio ns , as that ye wo uld (he (ho uld bearwith yo ulikewife. In the bo wells o fChriPt Jefus , I exho rt yo u,myLo rd, to haverefpe



t o f yo ur o wn falvatio n'

,and no r to abufe the leni t


yand lo ng- inf

fet ing o f Go d 3 fo r that i s a fearfull treafure that ye heap up upo n yo ur;main head wh ile that he calleth yo u to repentance and ye o b(linately,

co nt inue - ih yo ur own impiety (o r imp iety it is that ye abfiraét yo ur:

c o mfo rt and c ompany fro m yo ur lawfullw ife . I write no th ing in defence o i her m i sbehavio ur to wards yo ur Lo rdfhip in anyfo rt but I fay,

If ye be no r able t o c o nvince ,

her o f anyfault co mm itted (ince yo ur lafltreco nc iliatio n wh ich ‘

was in my prefence that ye can never be excufed

befo re G o d, o f th i s rude and (lrange ufage o f yo ur wife . And i f byyo u

fuch imp ietybe comm itted as is bruted, then, befo re G o d, and unto yo ur

o wne co nfcience'

, I fay,That ,


every moment o f that filthy pleafure,(hallturne to yo u in a yeers difpleafure yea it (h all be the o ccafio rtand c aufe o f everlafiing damnat io n unlefl


e fpeedilyye repent ,

and re

pent ye canno t,except ye defifl

from that im piety. Call to m inde,my _Lo rd ,

That the fervant k no wing h is '

maflers wrllr , and do ing the

c o ntrary, (hall be plagued with many plagues . S in , myLo rd is fweet

in drink ing , but in drgefting , mo re bitter then ‘the . gall. The Eternal!

m o ve yo ur heart earnefily to co nfider how.

fearfull a th ing it is ,‘evert o have G o d to be enemy. In the end, I prayyo urLo rdfhrp no r to be

abfent from E dmburgb, the 1 9'

o f th i s inftant, fo r (uch caufes as I w illno rw r ite . Thus much o nely I warne yo ur Lo rdihip, that it w illn o rbe prohrable (o r the commo nquietnefl


e o f th i s Realme that thePapifts bragiY y 3 an

an zlIuIlice be m o c ked that day. And thus I ecafe further to tro uble yo urL o rdih ip , who m G o d afli fl.

Inhafte from Gin/g ore , the 7 o f (May, 1 56 3 .

Yo ur Lo rdfh ips to command in go dlinefl'


Szcfiobforzhzturi, J o H N K N o x.

His Letterwas no rwell accepted o f the (aid Earle and yet did he

utter n o part o f his difpleafure in publik e ,but co ntrarily (hewed

h imfelf mo fl fam iliarwi th the faid 5006”Knox He kept the Diet and

fate in Judgement h imfelf, where the E iflrbp, and the refl o f the Papifls ,were accul

ed as after fo llows .


The Summo ns were directed againil the‘MafI


e- mo ngers w ith expedit i o n, and in the limited forme

‘z Thed ayWas appo inted the 1 9 o f May,

a day o nely befo re the Parliament o f Po pes Kn ights appeared. The

B iflrOp o f Saintv i no/r oof , the Prio r o f fl int/pom s,the F arfo n o f 54793 7!

lmir ,Willi /rmHamilton o f Camrkenetb fi lmGordon o f Barr/each w ith divers Others . The PrOtefiants co nvened who le, to crave fo r j ufiice

. The

Qi een as k ed c o uuféllo f the Bi(h 0 p o f Roy}, and o f the o ld Laird o f L eabgng ton (fo r the yo unger was abfent and (0 the Pro reflants had fewerfriends )who affirmed,That (hemufifee her Laws k ept, o r elfe (hewo uld

reparatio ns made fo r their accufatio ns .

cc to enter befo re

who now (leep s w ith theo ffe bo re befo re him ’


dwere no r a little ofi'


theux currant in S cotland


The JudgmentOf fomc.

MIi i/lav of t/ye fReformzzti on L ib 4

Thi s Letter and difcharge was fo pleafing to the Flatterers o f the faidEarle , that they triumphed o f it and were glad to have go tten their o cc afio n ; fo r fo me envyed, that fo great fam iliaritie was betwixt them 5

and therefo re fro m the t ime theygo r o nce that o ccafio n to feparate theyceafed no t to cafl 0 e in the burning Flame,which ceafed no r to burne,tillthat G o d bywater o f afliié

tio n began to flacken it, as we {hallafter heare .

G od lt nowes if Bucleaft that they ihould alto gether have been feen to have fo rfaken Go d,o ur t imes bebetter.



as in verydeed bo rh G o d and his W o rd was veyfarre from the hearts

o f the m o ft part o fthe Co urtiers o fthat Age, a few excepted) theybegana new Sch ift, to wit

,To fpeak o fthe punifliment o fAdultery, o fW i tch

c raft, and to feck the refi itutio n o fGleibeds o r Manfes to the Minifier o f

the Church , and o f the reparatio n o f the Churches ; and thereby theyth o ught to have pleafed the Go dly thatwere h ighly o ffended at theirflack neffe.

The A6 :o fOblivio n pafl'

ed, becaufe fo me o f the Lo rds had entreifebut theAa s againfi adulterie

,and fo r theManfes and Gleibes were fo

m o dified ,that no Law

,and fuch a Law m ight {land in toda ixyredimmento;

To fpeak plain, no Law and fuch Acts were bo rh alik e The A615 are inP rint let wife men tread and then accufe us if witho ut caufe we

c o mplain .

In the pro greffe o f this co rrupt io n, and befo re the Parliament diffo lved,

f almKnox in his Serm o n befo re themo ltpart o f the No bilitie be

gan to en ter in a deep difco urfe o f Go ds merc ies wh ich that Realme hadfelt,and o f thafingrat itude wh ich he efpied in the wh o lemult itude wh ichG o d hadmarvello uflydelivered from the bo ndage and tyrannie b o rh o fbo dy and fo ule : And no wmyLo rds , faid he) I p raife my Godgh ro ughJefus Chrifi that in yo ur own

prefence l m ay p owre fo rth the'

fo rrowso fmyheart

‘; yea, yo ur felves {hallbewitneffe if Imake any lie in


b -

pafi from the beginn ing o f Go ds m ightyW o rk s with in th i s RealmeI ave been withy o u in yo urm o ltdefperate temptatio n s . A s ke yo ur o wnCo nfciences , ahd let therri anfwer yo u be fo re G o d if that I no r I



G o ds Sp irit by“

me ) in yo ur greatefi extrem itywilled yo u no rever to de.

pend upo n yo ur G o d, and in h is Name promifed unto yo u viéto ry andprefervatio n from yo ur enem ies , fo that o nelyyewo uld depend upo n hisp ro reétio n , and preferre his glo rybefo re yo ur lives and wo rldly c ommo

d irie in yo ur mo ltextreme dan%er l have beenwith yo u 5 Saint j ohn/201m

Cowper- More and the charges 0 E dméargb ,

are yet recent in my -heart 5yea, that dark and do lo ro us n ight wherein allyo umy Lo rds

with fhameand feare left th i s Town

,is yet in my m inde, and Go d fo rbid that ever I

fo rget it : W hat was (Hay)my Exho rtat io n unt o yo u 6 and what isfallen in vain o f all that ever G o d promifed unto yo u bymy mo uth,ye yo ur felves live and tefiifie . There is no r o ne o fyo u againfrwhomdeath and deitruéi io n was threatned, periih ed in that danger ,m any o fyo ur enem ies hath G o d plagued befo re yo ur eyes fhathe thank fulneffe thatye (hallrender unto yo ur G o ds’ Tob etrayhis Gaufewhen ye have it in yo ur o wn hands , to efiablilh it as yo u pleafe The(meen fayes


yo u w ill no r agree with us 5 as k e ye o f her that wh ichby G o ds W o rd ye may juflly require , and if {he willn0 t agree w ith

yo u in G o d , yo u are no t bo und to agree w ith them in the Dcvill;AnnoLet her plainly underfland fo farre of yo ur m indes and Realno r from

yo ur fo rmer fio utnelfe in G o d and he w ill pro fper yo u in yo ur en

terprifes But I can fee no th ing but a recalling fro m Ch rif}c us , thatthe man that firft and mo lt fpeedilyfleeth fro m Chrili s E nli gne,ho ldethh imfelfe mo fi happy 3 . yea I hear fo me fay , That we have no th ingo f o ur Relig io n Efiablifhed neither byLaw no r Parliament Albei t Tin- s peakerthe malic io us wo rd s o f fuch can neither hurt the truth o f G o d


yet us that thereupo n depend , yet the fpeak er o f th is Treafo n co m°f “M IG

m itted againflG o d,and againfl th i s po o re Commo n - wealth

,de ferves

the Gallows , fo r o ur Religio n being co mmanded and fo eftabli lhedGo d is received with th i s Realme in publik e Parliament . Andey will fay , That itwas no Parliament , we mull and will fay,

and alfo prove , That that Parliament was alfo as lawfull as ever anythat paired befo re it w ith in th i s Realme. I fay, if the K ing then li

ving was K ing and the Queen now in th i s Realm b'

e lawfullQ een,

that Parliament canno t be denyed, 1

And no w my’ Lo rds to put end to all

,I hear o f the (meens mar

xiage , Dukes B rethren to Empero urs , and K ings {i rive all fo r the Ioa m lm

belt gain : But this my Lo rds w ill (I fay) no re the day , and beamw itneffe after


'W henfo ever the No bilitie o f S cotland who p ro felfe thel o rd j efus , c o nfents that an Infidell (

and all Papifls are Infidels ) (h allbe Head


to o ur S overaigne , ye‘

do,fo farre as in yo u lyeth to ba

a ifh Chrifi j efus fro m th i s Realme , yea, to b ring Go ds vengeance up.

o n the Co untrey,a plague upo n yo ur felves , and perchance yo u {hall

do fmallcomfo rt to yo ur S overaigne.

Theft:words and thi s manner'

o i fpeak ing was judged into llerable‘


Papil‘ts a d



PrOtefiants were bOth o ffended ; yea his mo fl familiarsd ifdainef h im fo r that fpeak ing Placebo“ and Flatterers po l

‘ted to the

C o urt,


to g ive (

advertiiEment , That“

f ai n Knox had fpo ken againfl:

the (Meens Marriage. The Proveff o fGlenclndnn Doug las byfi rname,o f Dramldngr ig was the man that gave the charge That the faid

iho uld prefent h imfelfe befo re the (Lueen Wh ich he did immed iately after D inner. The Lo rd mi n/m e and divers o f the faithfullbare him co mpany to the Abbey ,

but n o ne pafi in to theQueen Wi th

h im in the Cabinet but"

f a/97: An kh: o f Dun then fuper- inten

dent o f

a ng er andMem es .


I in a vehement fume began to crie o ut,That neverPrincewasufed as {hewas ,I have(faid ihe)bo rn w ith yo u in allyo urrigo ro us mannero f fpealting ,b0 th againfimy felfe , and againfi myuncles , yea, I have

fo ught yo ur favo urs by all po ffible means 5 .I o ffered unto yo u pre

fence and audience whenfo ever it pleafed yo u to admo nifh me and

yet I canno t bequit o f yo u ; I Vow to'

G o d I fhall be o nce reVenged and with thefe wo rds fcarce co uld W arner/re

,o ne o f her Pa

es , get Handk irch iefs to ho ld her Eyes drie , fo r the Tears and theho wling befides womanlyweeping flayed her Speech . The faid ‘f obn did

pat iently abide allth is fume, and atOppo rtun itie anfwered True it is Madame

,yo urMajefiyand I have been at divers co ntro verfies ,into the wh ichZ z I never

I never perceived yo ur Majef’tie to be o ffended at me but when it

{hall pleafe G o d t o deliver yo u fro m tha t b o ndage o f dark neffe anderro ur

,wherein ye have been no urilhed fo r the lack o f true do c’tr ine 5

yo ur Majefi ie will finde the libertie o f'

my to ngue no th ing o ffeni ive 5

w i th o ut the p reach ing-

place (Madame‘)- I th ink e few have o ccafio n

to be o ffended at me 5 and there (Madame )'

I am no r Mailer o f myfelfe

, but muft o bey h im who co mmands me to fpeak plaine , andto flatter


no flefh upo n the face o f the Earth .


BUt what have yo u to do (faid (be)w i th my marriage f.’


it pleafe yo ur Majeftie (faid he ) patiently'

to ts h ear me

, I { hallf hew the truth in plaine wo rds . I grant yo ur Majeftie o ffered unto mem o re then ever ,I required bur my anfwer was


then as it is no w,

ThatG o d hath n0 t fent - me to awaite upo n the Co urts o fPrinces,

‘o r


upo n the Chamber o f Lad ies , but I am fear to preach the E vangell

o f Jefa s Chrift to fuch as pleafe to hear 5 i t hath two po ints , Repentance and F nztb Now (Madame) in p reach ing repentance , o f ne~

ceili ty it i s that the fi nnes o f men be no ted, that theymay k nowwherein ,_they o ffend . B


ut fo it‘

is that the mo lt part Ofyo ur-No bilitie

,are fo

addieted to yo ur affectio ns , that ne ither d 3 W o rd no t yet theirCommo n - Wealth are tightly regarded 5 and therefo re it becometh met o

lpe/ak e that they m‘


Iyltnowtheir durie.

W hat have yo u to do'

(aid fhe)wlthmymarriage,o rwhat areyo uwithliii theCo mmo n - wealth f.’ t

A fubjeé’r,bo rnewithi n th ’



fame, (faid h ee ) Madame 5 and albeit Ibenei ther Earle , Lo rd , no r Barro n with in it


“ '

yet hath G o d made

me how ab jec’t that ever I be in “

yo ur eyes ),

a pro fitable and ufefull

Member with in the fame 5 , Y ea Madame, to me it appertaineth no

leffe to fo'

rewarne o f fuch’

th ings as may'

hurt It, »

if I fo refee them;then it do rh to any o ne of the N o bility 5 fo

r b o th my Voo n and Office craveth plain

neflb b f me and therefore Madame ) to

your felfe I fay thatwhich I fpake in publiclg , W henfo ever theNo”


bilit i'

e of th i s Realme {hall ,


c o ntent,and co nfent that yo u be fub


t‘o an unlavvfull hus band


they do e as much as in them lieth to


unce Chrii’c , to banifh the truth to betray«

the freedo rrie o f th i sRealme , and perch



ihall in the end do e fmall cbmfo rt z

At thefe wo rds howling was heard and teares might have'beene


in greater abundance then’

the matter r uired' “

f ob: u i rrkino f Dan an o fmeeke and gentle fp


irit fio o‘

befide, and did whathe c o uld to m ittigate the anger, and gave unto her many pleafant


wo rd5,Of h


er Bo unty, o fher Excellencie, and how that allthe Princes in E uropewo uld be glad to feck her favo urs 5but all


thatwas to cafiOyl into theHal.

m ing fi re . The faid f ain/4 flo od fi ill

,Wi tho ut anyalterat io n o fco untenance

fo r a lo ng i ime ,wh ile,

that the (meets-

gave place to her ino rdinate palli o nsand in the end he faid ,Madame,in Go ds p refence I fpeak51 never delightei n the weep ing o f any o fG o ds C reatures yea I can fcarcelywellabidethe teams o f m ine o wn Boyes , when my own hands co rrects them 5 muchlefl


e can I rejoyce in yo urM'

ajeftiesweep ing 5 b ut feeing I have o ffered


The fi t/$00 (f tbeReformation L ib .4.

Annoto o much ferving thew ens affectio ns againft the Commo n - wealth

And therefo re“had he as o ne that lacked no r wo rldly wifedome

made p ro vifi o n bo th in E ngland and S cotland 5 fo r in E ngland he trayelled fo r the Freedome bf the E arle


Bot/mell, and bythatmeans o btainéd pro m ife o f his favour s He had there alfo tak en o rder fo r the ho mec o m ing o f the Earle o f L enox,

as we fhall after hear . In S oot/4nd he

jo yned with the Earle o f‘A tboll him he promo ted ,

and fer fo rward inCo urt and fo began theEarle o f Murray to be defaced And yet to the

faid Earle,L etbing ton at alltimes fh ewed a fair co untenance . The tell; o f

that Summer, theQi eer'

i fpent in her e greffe tho row the W eftCo nn

trey, where in allTo wn s and Gentlemen s places fhe had her Maffe 5

wh ich co ming to the ears o f {fa/yr) Knox , he began that fo rme o f prayerwh ich o rdinarilyhe fai th after thank s -

giving at his Table (i D elta/ er

w , 0 Lord, from the éondage of Idolatry. (L ) Pr ofit/ rue and leery m from tbe

tyranny of jlrong err . (3 Continue to:mPeace and Concord among/Z ourfelt/ er,If theygoodpleufurebe, 0 Lord, for afenfon . W h ilfitha

t divers o f the fain iliars o f the faid “

f aint as ked o f him , W hy be prayed fo rquietneffe toc o ntinue fo r a feafo n

,and no t rather abfo lutely, thatwe fho uld co ntinue

inquietnelfe His anfvver was Tlmt no durjlnotpray, but znfo z'

t/o 5 and

fea t/t on God;Word u/fured loim That con/lamquzetzdfle would not continue in

tbo t Baulme, wherein Idolatryloadbeenfupprej fid a tben waspermitted to be

tr otted againe ) .

F rom theW eftCo untrey, the (Ltleen paff into A rgyle to theHuntinand after returned to S terltn . Th e Earle o f Murray, the Lo rd Robert o f


Hulyrud- bouje, and Lo rd f ont: o f Golding / um paff to the No rthlands ,

NM d‘l'gmtlywhere Juffice Co urts wereho lden. Theeves and Murtherers W ere pua

h ifh‘

ed Two W itches were burnt'

45the eldeftwas fo blinded w ith the devill

,that fhe affirmed

,That no j udge had po wer over her . The fame t ime

Lo rd gfonn o f Golding /Jam departed th is life in Innerne; Itwas affirmed,

That he c ommanded fuch as were befi de h im to fay to the(meen Thatunleffe fhe left her Ido latry, God would no r fail to plague her : He ask edGo d mercy that hehad fo far bo rn with her in her imp iety and hadmaintained her in the fame 5 and that no o ne th ing did h im mo re

then that he h ad flattered,fo fiered and maintained i n her fury againfl:

G o d and h is fé rvants , And invery deed, greateaufe had he to have lainent

ed his wick ednefl'



Fo r befides all his o rher infirmities he in theend

,fo r the (meens pleafure became enemyto vertue, and allvertuo us

men,and a patro n to impiety, to the

uttermo ft o f h i s po wer 5“

yea, h is ve

no mewas fo k indled againf‘tfl o d and his W o rd ,that in his rage he burft


fo rth thefe words D o Ifile t/sen een: tMujefiyZo tr oulvlazlwz


tlr tlre r o i ls“

ing of tbefi:know s'

I /lmllleave the be]? isf’


mj fit'

ed in '

tneFulpit. W h i t.further villanyca


e for th o f his ftink ing thro at and mo uth,’

mo def’ty-will

no r fuffer us to write whereo f if he‘had grate iunfainedlyto frepent, it is’

no man do cument o f Go dsmerc ies Bur. h owever G o dwro ught withh im

,the (Luc ien regarded his wo rd s


as Winde,o relfe


tho ugh t‘

tliem to have

been fo rged by o thers , and ne t to h ave pro ceeded’

from him'

felf 5 and affirmed plainly,Th eyWere invented


by the Laird'o f Pitturrow


f oli o Wood bOth wh om(he hated «b‘

ecaufeerheyflattered h er n o r in herdancing

L ib .4. of(

Religion in theRealmo of Scotland . 553

nc ing, andOther th ings . One th ing i n plain wo rds (he fpo ke That A ll

G o d to o k alwayes fro m her tho fe perfo n s in who m {he had greateflplea

(are ; and that {he repen ted . Bur o f farther fins no mentio n .

W h ilfi theQueen lay at S terlzn, w i th her Ido latry in her Chappell inthe Palace o f Halyrnd

- hoafe,were left certain Dnntzhern, and Others o f theF renchMenz ie, who railed up theirMaffe mo re. publikely then theyhad

do ne at any time befo re : F o r upo n the fame Sundayes that the Church o f

E dznhargh had theMiniftratio n o f the Lo rds Table , the Papil‘ts in a g reat

number went to the Abbeyto their Abo m inat io n W h ich underffo o d,d ivers o f the Breth ren being fo re o ffended co nfulted how to redrelle

th at eno rm ity And fo were appo inted certain o f the m o lt z ealo us,and

mo lt upright in Religio n, to wait upo n the Abbey, that theym ight no refuch perfo n s as refo rted to theMalfe 5 and perceiving a great number toenter into the Chappell, fome o f the Brethren thrufi jn a



W hereat

the Priefi and F rench Dames being afraid, made the Sho wt to be fent totheTown andMadame Boylze Miftris to the(Meen s D onntzhares

maids that Co urtwo uld n0 t then wellbear) p o lled o n w ith alld i ligenceto the Comptro ller the Laird o f Pittarr ow, who then was in Saint Ger/lsChurch at the Sermo n, and c ryed fo r h is aflifiance to fave her li fe


to fave the(Lueens Palace W ho , w ith greater hafie then need required,o beyed her defire, and to o k with h im the Pro vefiand Baylies , and a great

part o f the faithfull 5 bur when they came where the fear was b ruted tQ

h ave been, theyfo und all th ings in quiet, except the tumult they br ught

w ith them felves , and peaceable men talk ing to the Papi li s fo rbi dingthem to tranlgreffe the Laws . True it is a z ealo us b ro ther named Pa

tr io/c Cran/lon , pall int o the Chappell and finding the Altar c o vered,and the Prieli ready to go to his abo minableMaile , faid


I hefifteentMa

jeflyis not here 5 Howdareyou thenhefir malapert at openlyto do again/l the,L aw 3 No furtherwas do ne o r faid and yet b rute hereo f was po lled to

the (k een w ith f uch info rmat io n as the Pap ili s co uld give W h

fo und fut h credit as their hearts co uld have wilhed fo r ) wh ich was foh aynb


us a crime in her eyes , that fatis faaio n fo r that fi n was there no ne,

w ith o ut blo o d And therefo re witho ut delaywere fummo ned t / Indr oéA rmflr ong , and



rle Cranfion to findc furety to under - lie the Law

fo r fo re - tho ugh t Fello ny, having madevio lent invafiqn into the (mew s

P alace, and fo r fpo liat io n o f .the fame . Thefe Letters divulgate, and theextrem ity feared , the few Brethren that were w ith in the To wne, co n

:fulted upon the men remedy and in the end c o ncluded That yohn'

Knox (to who m'

the charge Was given to mak e advert ifements , whenfofo ever d anger (ho uld appear ) (ho uldwnte to the Br ethren in allquarters , iving info rmatio n as thematterfio o d,and requi ring their afli llance,rwhic he did, 'lnmanner as here enfueth .

M‘Roh F ont


Hi/lorie of theReforma tion

The Superfcription.

I’Vher efoe'vcr two or threearegathered tog ether zn no]Namu ,there am I in the

m ldfl of them .

Is no r unknown unto yo u‘

dear b reth ren ) what c o mfo rt and tranquilityG o d gave unto us in t imes mo lt dangero us , by o ur Ch riflian

A ffemblie s , and go dly Co nference , as o ft as any danger appeared to

anymember o r members o f o ur own Bo dy 5 And how that fi nc e wehave neglected , o r at leali n o t f

requented o ur Co nvent io n s and Afiembh e s , The advcrfaries o f Ch rifiJefus h is ho lyEvangell, have enterprifed and bo ldned themfelves publikely and fecretly to do many th ingso di o us in G o ds p refenc


e,and mo lt hurtfull to the true Religio n now

o f G o ds great favo ur granted unto us The ho ’

y Sacramen ts are abu

fed bypro phane Papili s 5 Maffes have been , and yet are faid Openly,and m ainta ined The blo o d o f fome o f o ur dearefi Minili ers h ath been

"W W" ”' t (li ed,w itho ut fear o f punifhment o r co rreé

tio n c raved byus . And nowh e ad W ith a

we apo n byCap - Lawdfr.

laft are two o f o ur dear Breth ren 5 Patr ick Gr an/i on ,and c/ Indr oe A rm

jlr ong , fummo ned to unde r- lie the Law in the To lbuith o f E dinhargh thefo ur and twent ieth o f th i s infiant o f o ttoher

,fo r


a fo re - th o ugh t Fello ny,

p retendedMurther, and fo r invading o f the (l ueens Majefiies Palace o f

Ha/yrird- hoo fe, w ith unlawfull co nvo cat io n Sec . Thefe terrible Sum

m o n s are d i reé’red againl’t o ur Brethren becaufe that they with two o r

m o re , paffed to theAbbey, upo n Sunday the five and twentieth o f A o

gn/l, to beho ld and no te what perfo n s repai red to theMalle . And becaufc

that upo n the S undaybefo re (the (meen being abfent) there refo rted to

that Ido lla rafcallmultitude, having o penly the leali devillilh Ceremo ny

(yea, even the c o nj ur ing o f their -accurfed water ) that ever they had inthe t ime o f greatefl blindenelfe But be


caufe (I fay) o ur faid Brethrenpafi ,and that in m o lt quiet


,to no re fuch abufers

,thefe fearfull

S umm o n s are direéted againlt them to mak e,no do ubt a preparat io n

up o n a few,

that a do o re‘may be o pened to execute cruelty upo n a

g reatermult itude .

'And if fo it come t o paffe G o d no do ubt hath

juflly reco mpenced o ur fo rmer negligence and ingratitude towards h imand his benefits in o ur owne bo fomes

. G o d gave'


a melt no tableVié‘to ry o f h is and o ur enem ies he brake their firength , and i o nfo unded thei r co unfells 5 he left us at freedome and purged the



the mo f’cpart, o f o pen Ido latry 5 To the end that we,‘evermindefull

fo wo ndro us a deliverance , fho uld have k ept th i s Realme cleane from

fuch vile filth inefl'

e and damnable Ido latry. Butwe ,alas , p referr

the pleafure o f flelb and blo o d to the Pleafure and Co mmandmentG o d , have fuffered that Ido lltheMaffe publi k ely to be erea ed againeAnd therefo re juli ly fuffers he us no w to fall in .that danger That tolo o k to an Ido later ”

go ing to h is Ido latry ,(h all be repured a crime

li ttle inferio ur to Treafo n 5 G od grant that we fall no r farther. And


TheHi/Zory of the‘Refbrritation L ib .4

In the meane t ime the Earle o fMurray returned from the No rth to

whom SecretaryL ething ton o pened the matter, as bell pleafed him . The

Mailer o f unar med after made Lo rd Her ir ) gave unto the faid '

f ohnas it were a difcharge o fthe familiaritie wh ich befo re was great betwixtthem, unleffe that hewo uld fatis fie theQueen at her ownwill.Thc anfwer

o ff ohn Knox was that he knew no o ffence do ne by him to the (meensMajellie,and therefo re he knew no rwhat fatis faélio n to make .No o ffence,

(faid he ) Have yo u no rwritten Letters defiring the brethren from all

parts to co nvene, to Andr e Armjlrong and Patrick Gran/ion: That I grant,(laid the Other ) but therein I acknowledge no o ffence do ne byme. No

o ffence faid he )to co nvo cate the(meens Leidges . No r fo r a jull caule(faid the Other-)fo r greater th ings were reputed no o ffence with in thefe twoyeers . The t ime (


faid he is now Other fo r then o ur Soveraigne

was abfent, and now(he is prefent . It is neither the abfence no r the pre

fence o f the (meen faid he that rules my co nfcience but Go d plainlyfpeak ing in h is W o rd 5what was lawfullto me the lall yeer,is yet lawfull,

becaufe my G o d is unchangeable.

W ell faid theMaller) I have given yo umyco unfell, do e as yo u lill,but I th ink yo u fh allrepent it ifyo u bow no t unto theween .

I underlland no r faid he what yo u meane 5 I never mademyfelfe anadverfe partie untb the (meen s Majeflie, except in the po int o f Religio n,and thereunto I th ink yo uwill no rdeli re me to bow .

W ell faid he) yo u arewife eno ugh but yo uwillno t finde that men

w ill beare wi th yo u in times to come as they have do ne in timesb all.ylfG o d h andmyfriend, faid the Other ) as I am alfured he o f his merz .

cyw ill, lo lo ng as I depend upo n h is promife, and preferre his glo ry to‘


and wo rldly profit, I little regard ho w men' behave themfelves to

wards me, ne ither yet k now I wherinto anyo neman hath bo rn with me int imes by-

pall, unlelfe it be that o fmymo nth theyhave heard theW o rdo fG o d, wh ich in t ime to c ome ifthey ref ule my heart willbe perfeél,and fo r a feafo n I willlament 5but the incommo dityw ill .be their owne.

And after thefewo rds (hereunto theLaird o fL ochinvar was witnelfe)theydeparted,bur unto th i s day, the feventeenth dayo fDecember , I 57 x yea,never in th i s lifemet they in fuch fam iliarityas befo re.

The b ruit o f the accufatio n o ff elon Knox being devulgate,Mafler f ohn'

Spence o fCondie Advo cate, aman o fgentle nature, and o ne that pro felled

the do élrine o f the Evangell, came as itwere in feetet to Knox,to en

uirc the ennfe o fthat great bruite 5to whom the faid f elonwas lain in allt lugs , and lhewed unto him the do uble o f the Letter 5 wh ich card andc o nfidered

,he faid, I thank G o d I came unto yo u with a fearfull and

fo rrowfullheart, fearing that yo u had do ne fuch a Crime as Lawes mighthave punifhed, u h ich wo uld have been no fmalltro uble to the heart o fallfuch as have received the W o rd o flifewh ich yo u have p reached ; butI depart greatlyrejoyced, as wellbecaufe I liteyo ur o wn comfo rt

,even in

the midll o f th e tro ubles , as that I clearlyunderlland,that yo u have co mm i tted no fuch Crime as yo u are bruited w ith 5yo uwillbe accufed (faidhe )but G o d willaffillyo u 5and lo he departed .

The Earle o fMurrayand the Sec retaryfent fo r the faid Ionn to the Clerk A 'ao fthe Regifiers h o ufe, and began to lament that he had fo h ighly o ffended the (greens Majeilie, fo r thewh ich they feared (ho uld c ome a great in 1&5:dc o nvenience to h im , if the bufinefl


e were no r wifely fo refeen 5 they fhew difdamed nq':

what pains and travelthey had tak en to mittigate her anger,but they c o uldh”

finde no th ing but extrem ity, unleffe that he himfelfwo uld co nfeil'

e h is o f.u c '

fence, and put him in herMajeilies'

will. To which Heads the faid Io/manfwered, as fo llows

I praife my G o d thro ugh Jelus Chrifl, faid he ) I have learned no r to ”7”Km his

c rie Co n juratio n and Treafo n at every th ing that the go dlefl'

e multitude “ rm "

do th c o ndemn, netheryet to fear the th ings that theyfear 5 I have ihe tefiimo ny o f a go o d co nfcience,that I have g iven no o ccafio n to theQreen s

Majeflie to be o ffended with me, fo r I have do ne no th ingburmyduty,andfo whatfo ever fhallthereo f enfue, mygo o d h o pe is ,that myG o d willgiveme patience to bear it 5 but to co nfeffe an o ffence where myCo nfc iencew itnelTeth there is no ne,far be it from me .How can it be defended(faidL etlozngton)have yo u no rmade aCo nvo catio n o f theCmeensLeiges c' If I have

ne t(faid he)a juftdefence fo rmy fa&,let me fmart fo r it. Let us hear(faidthey)yo ur defences , fo r wewo uld be glad that yo u m ight be fo und innoc ent. Nay,(faid the Other)I am info rmed bydivers ,that even byyo u my N


Lo rd Secretary, I am already co ndemned,andmycaufe prej udged, thereRep y“

fo re I m ightbe reputed a fo o l,if Iwo uldmakeyo u rivie to myDefences .At thefe wo rds they feemed bOth o ffended,and (0 t e Secretary departed

but the {aid Earle remained ilill, andwo uld have entred into further difc o urfe o f theRate o f the Co urt with the faid Iobn 5



Vho anfwered ,

“ My,

Lo rd,I underflandm o re then I wo uld o f the {late o f the Co urt,aud there

fo re it is no t needfullthat yo ur Lo rdfhip tro uble me with the reco u‘

nting TIM-w ad,”thereo f 5ifyo u {land in go o d cafe,I am co ntent,an


d ifyo u do no r,as I fear are time the

yo u do no t already, o r elfe yo u fhallno t do it ere it be lo ng, blame no r me, f”

? “To!

yo u have theCo uncello rs wh om yo u have cho fen my weak judgement 152,Emma .

bOth they and yo u defpifed I can do no th ing but beho ld the end wh ich’the Parliament

I prayG o d it be Other thenmytro ubled heart fearetli.W ith in fo ur da es the faid Iolmwas called befo re the(meen and Chuh rib: Knox cal

cell, betwixt 6 an {Even a Clo ck at n ight (are feafo n of the year was theledMm ths

midfi o fDccemécr 5the repo rt rifing in thew nefi hat LK'

nox was fent fo r S‘Eue


bythe(b een . The Bre thren o f the To wn fo llowed in fueh number’

,that Dem o- 1 56;the inner Clo fe was full, and allthe Staires even to the Chamberdo o rwhere the (ween and Co unfell fate wh o had been reafo ning amo ngffthemfelves befo re, but had no t fully fatilfied theSecret

aries m inde .

Ajndfo was theQ

\ueen retired to her Cabbinet and the Lo rds were talk ing

o ne with an0 ther , as o ccafio n ferved . But up he entry o f Iobn Knox

theywere defired to take thei r places as they fittingas Co uncello rs o ne againfl ano ther. t


Duke acc o rding to his dign ity began the onefide upo n the

Other fi de fate the Earle o f (A rgc and co nfequently’

fo llowed theEarle'

o f tMar ray the Earle o f Glencarne the Earle.

o f W ar/ball, : the

Lo rd Rat/aw n, the commo n Ofiicers,Pittaro then Co ntro ller the

" Jarilice Clerk with Mailer Iclon Spence o f Comic: Advo cate and d ivers



A aa‘

o thers

The Hi/Zorj (f t/fier

Refrigeranttion L ib.4

o thers flo o d by5 removed fro m the Table fate o ld L etbz’

ng ton fa

ther to th e Secretary,Maiter Henry S im /ar e then B iih o p o f Rafe and

Mailer 93am ; W akg illClerke o f the Regiiler .

Th ings thus put in O rder the (Lieen cam e fo rt h and that w ith nolittle wo rldly pompe was placed in a Chaire having two faithful}S uppo rters the Mailer o f tMac E upo n the o ne To rre and Sec re o

tary L etbzngron upo n th e Other To rre o f the Chaire whereo n hee

waited d iligently 5 at the t ime o f theAccufatio n fo metime the o ne was

{peak ing in her E are and fo metime the Other Her pompe lack ed no

th ing o f an wo manly gravitic fo r when ihe faw Knox

(landing at the Other end o f the Table bare - headed , at the firil ihe i'


led and after gave a guaf o f laughter ; whereunto her Placcoox gave

their Plaadztc aifenting w ith like co untenance .

Th i s is a go o d beginn ing ihe faid but k no w yo u W hereat I laugh if

Y o n man caufedme to crie, and (bed never aTear h imfelf5 I will fee if Ic an caufe him to grieve. At

thatwo rd the Secretary wh ifpered her in

the Hare and ihe him again, and with that gave h im a La wn , after theinfpeé

’tio n whereo f, he direéled h is vifage


and fpeech to Knox in

th i s manner .

The (MeensMajeily i s info rmed That yo u have travelled‘

to tai fe a

Tumult o fher Subjeéts again i’

t her 5and fo r Certificat io n thereo f, therei s prefented to her yo ur o wne Letter , fubfcribed in yo ur name Y et

becaufe herMaieiiyw illdo no th ingwi tho ut go o d advertifemeng ihe hathco nvened yo u

befo re th i s part o f theNo bilitie, that theymaywitnei’fe be~

twixtyo uand her. fl

Let h im acknowledge (faid ihe ) h is _owne hand - writing ,and then

{h allwe judgeo f theCo ntents o f the Letter 5 and fo was the Letter i'



fromhand to hand to §CobnKnox who tak ing infpeélio n o f it ,‘

faid I ack no wledge this to bemyhand

- writing ; and alfo I remember, that I inld ited a Letter in the mo nth o f‘


, g ivingfignificatio n to the Brethrenin diversQqarters , bf fuch things as difpleafed me 5 and fo go o d o pinio nh ave I o f thefidelityo f the Scr ibes thatwillinglythe wo uld ne t adul

teratemy o riginall; albeit that I left d ivers blank s fuh cribedwith them .

And fo I ack nowledgebOth the'

Hand -W ri t ing, and theD iélatement .i

Y o u havedo n'


rho re faid Leaning ton)then I wo uld havedo ne.Charity(faid the


Other)is no rfufpitio us . W ell,well, (faid the(lueen) readyour

own Letter5and then anfwer to fuch th ings as ih all be demanded o f yo u.

I fhall do the beii I can(faid the Other and fo with a lo ud vo ice he beganto reade, as befo re is expreifed . After that the Lett

érwas read, itwas pre

fentedagain toM.Iobn Spenceher Advo cate fo r the (k eencommanded

h imto accufe,as he did$but verygently._Afterfwe fay.) that the Letter

was r’

ead ,theween beho lding the who leTable,faid,‘Heard yo u ever (my

Lo rds )a mo re difpigh tiullandTreafo nable Letter ? W h ile that no mangaveanfwer,

Letbzng ton addrei'

fed h im ié lf to Iobn faid,M.Knox,


are‘yo u no t fo rry fro m yo ur



anddo yo u no r répe'

ht that fach a Letter hath paii


ed yo ur Pen, and fromyo u'

hath co'

me '

to thek nowledge o fo fhers e I . Knox anfwered,MyLo rd s ecretary, befo ire} re t

I muil betaught o f my o ffence .

Offence (faid L ookingm'


_if t etc‘were {10




TheHiflorj of t/J oReformation

A ll i‘lO

n o d o ub t , a preparat io n upo n'

a few that a do o r may be Opened to exe

c ure c rueltyupo n a greater multi tude . Lo rd (find theQueen)W hat fay

yo u to that a’ W h ile m any do ub tedwhat the faid yobn iho uld anfwer, he

lard unto the (k een, Is it lawfullfo r me ,Madame,to anfwer fo r my felt


O r {h all I be co ndemned befo re’

I be heard,Saywhat yo u can (faid i he)

fo r I th ink e yo u h ave eno ugh ado . Iwillfiril theu deii re (faid he ) o fyo urMajei

’t i e


‘Madame and o f th i s Ho no urable aud ience W hether if

yo urMaJeilie k no ws no t that the Obilinate Papiils are deadly enem ies toall that pro feife the Evangelo f Jefus Ch riif 5And that they m o ft earnefl

ly deii re the ext irpati o n o f all them and o f the true Do ctrine that i s

3“ "film

taugh t w i th in th i s Realme c’ The (b een held her peace 5but allthe Lo rds

of;if,Effie w i th co mm o n Co nfent and vo yce, faid, G o d fo rbid that ei ther the li fe o ffl m w

‘m b e the faithfull, o r yet the ifaying o f the Do étrine flo o d in the power o f .

“Mthe Pap i ils 5 fo r j uil experience hath taugh t us what c ruelty is in thei rbean s . Imui‘t pro ceed then (faid gf obn Knox ) feeing that I perceive that

allw i ll grant That it were a barbaro us c ruelty to de ilro y iuch a multitude as pro fe ifed the E vangello f Jeffis Chri il:w i th in th i s Realme5wh ich


Oftner then o nce o r twice they attempted to do by fo rce as th ings do neo f late dayes do tei

tifie W hereo f th eybeing(by Go d s p ro vidence)d ifap po inted, have invented m o re c raftyand dangero us p ratftices to w it


TO m ak e the Prince party,under co lo ur Of Law 5and 10 ,what theyco uld

nOt do by Open fo rce they ihall perfo rme by c rafty decei t: F o r whoth ink s (myLbrd s ) That the infatiable c ruelty o f the Pap iii s (w i th inth i s Realme Im

ean ) iha'llend in .the nu mbering o f tho fe two no w

unjuilly f ummo ned , and mo re unjuiily to be accufed t’ I think e no man

o f j udgement can fo ’efieem but rather the direft c o ntrary 5 that is ,‘

By this few number , they intend to prepare a way to thei r blo o dy en

terpri fe again il thewho le . (Madame) c ail up when yo ulift the Aé’c

s p'

f yau‘


Parl iaments ;'


have o ffended n o rh ing'

againitthem 5 Fo r I ag o he not inmy Le


erzyo urMajeii ie, no r yet yo ur nature,“

o f cruelty But ll

'affiiimyEt iagain That the peililent Papiils , wh o haveenflamed yo ur Majefi’tiejwath

omf‘catife againii thefe p o o re men at th i s‘

p refent, are the fons Of -


dcvill , ,ahd therefo re muff Obey the deii resOf their f ather

°wh o hath tbfleene a'

Murtherer from the beginn ing . Y o u

fo rget yo ur felfe'

(fald o ne),yo _u are nJOt in the Pulp i t. I am in the place(faid the Other )fiwherel ammmanded in my c o nfc ience to fpeak thetruth 5 and tlr

‘erEfOre the t ih th l i p


,impugne it who fo liils : And

hereunto I adde Madame‘

)that honeil, meek e and gentlenatures in ap

pearance )byw icked and c o rrup Co uncello rs may be changed andaltered to the d ireét c

o hn aryA3: xample we have o f Nero , ,

whom in thebeginning o f h is .Emp iréwe finde,h aving fo me naturali iharr


5 but after that h i s flatterers lfad enc o uraged him in all impiety, alleadging thatn o th ing was ei ther unho neii , or yet unlawfull in his Perfoh whow as E mpero ur abo ve ,

0 ther s W hen he had drunk en o f th i s Cup (If ay) to what eno rmies he

fell}, the Hiifo ries beare w itneiie.


no w Madame,to fpeak plain , Papii


fs have yo ur Majeifies ear patentat all t ime s affure yo urMajeilie, they are dangero us Co uncello rs , and


{ h i t yo urMOLhér'

found . As th is‘was faid L et/J ington ii ngled ,




L il} 4. ”(Religion in the



e of Sco tland . 37I

fpak e fec retly to theQ ieene in her eare, W hat it was

,that the Table APHO

h eard nOt But immedi ately ihe addreifed her vifage and fpeech to {fa/m u

Knox and faid, W ell, yo u fpeak fai r eno ugh here, befo re my Lo rds , but

the lo ft time I ipak e w i th yo u fec retly , yo u caufed me to weep manytears , and faid to me ii ubbo rnly, Y e c ared no r fo r my weep ing . Madame,

(faid the Other)becaufe now the feco nd t ime yo urMajcilyhath burthenedme w ith that c rime, I muil anfwer, le it fo rmy ii lence I be h o lden gui lty :If yo urMajeilie be ripely rememb red .

the Laird Of Dan vet livmg to

tei’crfie the truth ,

was p refent at that t im e whereo f yo ur Maje ily c o m

plaineth . Yo urMajeiiyaccufed m e, That l had i rreverently fp o k en o f

yo u in the Pulp it . That I denied . Y o u f rid W hat had I to do to fpeako f yo urMarriage W hat was I , that I iho uld m eddle W


Itl} fuch m atters c’

I anfwered, A s t o uch ing Nature,Iwas a w‘

o rm o f th i s earth 5 and yet

a fubieet to th i s Co mmo n - wealth But as to uch ing the Office whereinit hath pleafed G o d to place me I was a W atch - men bOth o ver th e

Realme, and o ver the Church o f G o d gatheredw i th in the fame 5by reafo n whereo f, I was b o und in co nfc ience to blow the Trumpet publi kely,fo o ft as ever I faw anyappearance o f danger either Of the o ne o r o f

the Other . But fo i t was that a certaine brute affirmed'

That a Traf

fique Of Marriage was betw ixt yo ur Majei’tie and the Spaniih t / I llia .

W hereuntO I faid Th at i f yo ur N o bilityand S tate d id a‘

gree ,unleiie

that bOth yo u and yo ur husband i ho uld be ilraitlybo und, that neither o fyo u m i Oh t hurt the C o mm o n - wealth

,no r yet the po o r Church o f G o d

w ith i n th e fame in that cafe I ih o uld pro no unce That the c o nfenters

were tro ublers Of the Co mmon - wea-lth and enem ies unto G o d , and nu t

to h is Truth planted w i th in the fame. At th efe w o rd s Ig rant yo ur

Majeilie (fo rmed, and burif fo rth in an unreafo nable weeping :whatm i tigatio n the

Laird o f Dan wo uld have madé,. I fup‘

po féyo urMajeify hath

no t fo rge t : But wh ile that no th ing _was .able to itay yo ur weep i ng I

w as c ompelled to fay I take G o d to w itneife, I never to o k pleafure to

fee yo urMajefiie m ak e fuch reg ret Q‘

But i eeing I have o ffered to yo ur

Majeilie no fuch o ccaii o n , I m uff rather fulfer yo urMajeilie to take‘yo ur

o wn pleafure then I dare c o nceale the truth and lo bOth betray the,

Church , and the C o mm o n - wealth . Thefe were the m o lt extreme w o rds“a

Mo re Pailow

to preferve yo u

they appear to yo ur

ear,and ath taught us in what

perplex1 6Mat

iler o f u’Maxwe/l, were t §Cobn

Knox being departed, theient were demanded

no r o ffended the

they co uld finde no o ffence (the pail to ‘her Cabinet .)' The

flatterers Of the Co urt (and Lerhingron raged . .The'

(b een was bro ught again and Chay'

re And they‘co m

mande d

7792:Hifloriebf tlaeReformation L ib .4.

m anded to vo re o ver again W h ich th ing h ighly o ffended the w ho leN o bili ty ,

and began to fpeak in o pen audience W hat t' (hall the Lai rdW W

o f L et/u ngwn have powert o c o ntro ll us «3 O r fhall the prefence o f a

w o man caufe us to Offend G o d and to c o ndemne an inno cent againfto ur c o nfc iences fo r the pleafure o f any c reature


’ And fo the who le

No te diligentlyN o bility abfo lved Knox againe, and praifed G o d fo r h is mo dellie,and fo rb i s plain and fenfible anfwers . Y et befo re the end

,o ne th ing

i s to be n‘o ted to wit , That am o ngfi (0 many Placeéoer (we mean

the flatterers o f the Co urt ) there was no t o ne that plainly durlt co n

demne the faid po o re man that was ac cufed 5 G o d ruling thei r to ngues ,that fometimes ruled the to ngue o f 134144774 when gladly he wo uldhave curfed G o ds peo ple .

Th i s perceived theQ ueen b egan to upbraidMailer Henry S incldr o ,

then B ifho p o f Ro/fe and faid (hear ing his vo re to agree with the refl)Tro uble nm the barue , I pray yo u ,

tro uble h im nm,fo r he is newly

wak ened o ur o f h is fleep 5W hy‘fh o uld nm the Old fo o l fo llow them that

p ailbefo re h im 8 The B ilho p anfwered c o ldly Y o urMajeflymay c o nfider, T hat it is ne ither affec‘tio n to the man n o r lo ve to h is Pro felTi o n


that mo ved rue to abfo lve h im ,bur the fimple truth (wh ich plainly

appears in his defence ) drawes me hereunto albei t that Other s wo uldhave co ndemned him and it . Th i s being faid the Lo rds and who leAllifiants aro fe and departed . That n ight was nei ther danc ing no r fid

ling in the Co urt, fo r o ur So veraigne was difappo inted o f her purpo fe 5wh ich was , To have had '

f obn K nox in her will byvo ice Of her N o bility. 5506”K nox abfo lved by the greateft part o f theN o bili ty from

the c rime‘

intended againfi him even in the p refen‘

ce o f the (k een,{he

raged and her Placeéoes flo rmed And fo began new affaults to bemade at the hands o f the faid Knox

,to co nfeire an Offence

,and to

put h im in the (h een s w ill,and (h e (ho uld pro m ife That h is reateft

p unilhment (ho uld be But to go wi th in the Cafile o f li d/ 7251145 and

immediately to returne to h is o wn ho ufe He anfwered G o d fo rbid

N hthat my co nfefli o n (h o uld c o ndemne thefe N o ble - men ,who in their c o n

0 521113 5124.fc ienc e, and in difpleafure o f the (mem e

have abfo lved me 5 And fur

ther I am affured, yew ill nOt in carnell defire me to co nfeffe an o ffence,

unlelIe that therewith yo u wo uld defire me to ecafe from PreachingF o r ho w can I exh o rt Other s t o Peace and Chrifiianquietnelfe , if Ic o nfeff


e my felf an auth o r and mo ver o f feditio n .

The generallAfl’

embly o f the C urch appro ached wh ich began thefive and twentieth o f Deceméer , 1 5


3 . But the jult Petit io ns o f theMin iflers

,and Commifli o ners o f Churches were defpifed at thefirll and

that w ith thefe Wo rds 5 A s Minifiers w ill nOt fo llo ur co unfell fo

what fpeed theyc ome. But then the wh o le Affem n wila t


mull 5fo r bOth th i rd and two partso ur Tenants . If Others faid o ne )and the Pap ills {hall complaine as , lo ng. as o ur

do ne . At thefe wo rds,the fo r er {harpnefl


e was c o lo uredthe Speaker alleadged That cc meant no r o f all Minifiers


TheH i/Zo if

j of t/ac(

Reformation L ib 4

A HIIOledge, o r nayno us murther co mm itted in the Co urt, yea no t far from theQueens Lap ; fo r a French - woman that ferved in the Queens Chamberhad played the W ho re w ith the Queens o wn Apo thecary ; the womanc o nce ived and bare a Ch ilde whom wi th c o mmo n co nfent the fatherand themo ther murthered ; yet were the c ries o f a new bo rne Ch ildeheard

,fearch was made the Childe and theMo ther we re bOth app i e

h endt d,and (Owas bOth the man and the wo man c o ndemned to be han

ged in the publik e S treet o f E dinburgh. The punilhment was no tablebecaufe the C r ime was

~haino us . But yet was no r theCo urtpurged o f

W h o res and W ho redoms , wh ich was the fo untaine o f fuch eno rmities ,fo r it was wellk no wn, that fh ame hafiedMarriage, betwixt {fobn Sempz/i called the D i nt er, andMoryLermgffon Ii i


named the Lufiy what bruittheMom : and the refi o f the Dancers o f the Co urt had, the Ballads o fthat age didwitnefl

‘e,wh ich we fo r mo defiies fak e omit,but thi s was the

c ommo n c omplaint o fallgo dlyandwife men,That i fthey tho ught thatfuch a Co urt (h o uld lo ng c o ntinue, and if theylo o ked fo r no better lifeto co me , theywo uld have wifhed their So ‘

nnes and Daughters rather toh ave been.b ro ught up with Ftdlers and Dancers , and to have been exerc ifed inflinging upo n a Flo o re . and in the reil that thereo f fo llowes


then to h ave been exerc ifed in the company o f the go dly and exer

c ifed invertue, u h ich in thatCo urt was hated and filthinefl'

e no t o nelymaintained, but alfo rewarded switneffe the Abbacie o fAoer oone,the Bat o ny o fAnobvermaobtie and divers Others pertaining to the Patrimo ny o fthe Cro wne given in heritage to Sk ippers and Dancers and Dalliersw ith Dames . Th is was the beg inning o f the Reg iment o fMaryQueen o fS cots , and thefewere the fruits that fire bro ught fo rth o fF rance. L ord lo.1:upon our mifi

’ries , and d dzw r 144from thewickeda eof dark corrupt Court for 111;

own Namesfikc.

Go d fro mHeaven, and from the face o f the Earth did declare, that hec ommitted with in th is Realme ; fo r L


o u

there fellrain in great abundance, wh ic‘in

but a {ho t o f Ice ;

Banquetto thewho le Lo rds have the Duke amo ng it the refi.

It beho ved th em to and (0 did banquetting co ntinuet illLent ever after. (ters were mo cked, _

and reputed

TheMinifiers perceiving allth ings to tend to m ine difcharged theirc o n fc iences in publik e and in private, but they received fo r thei r labo urhatred and indignat io n ; and am o nglt Others , that wo rthyfervant o f G o dMailer550571 Craig {peak ing againft the man ifo ld c o rruptio n that then

(w itho ut fhame o r fear declared it fell faid, S ometim es was Hypo cri tesk no wn by thei r no red habi ts and we had men to beMo nk s , and

wom en to beNun s 5 bur now allthings are changed, that we canno t difcerne the Earle fro m the Abb o t

,no r theNuh ne from h im that wo uld be

efteemed the N o bleman thatwe have go rren a new o rder dfMa es

andNunnes 3 Bur faidhe feeing yo u are no r alhamed o f that unjul’t

p ro fit,wo uld to G o d that yo u had therewi th the K owll the Vaile and Cum/1m .

theTayle joynedw ithall, that fo yo u m igh t appear in yo ur o wn co lo urs .

Th i s libertie did fo provo k e the ch o ler o fL etbmg trm, that in Open aud ience he gave h im i

elf to the Devil], If that after that dayhe (ho uld regardwhat became o ftheMin ifiers , but he wo uld do what he c o uld that h iscompanio n ih o uld have a {harewith h im And let them bark and blo w(faid he as lo ud as theyhit. AndTo thatwas the fec o nd time that he hadgiven defiance unto the fervants o f G o d .

W hereupo n aro fewh ifperings and complaints , altho ugh the Flattererso f the Co urt c o mplaining that men were no r charitably handled,mightno r fince be reproved in generall albeit men were no r fpec ially taxed ,

that all thewo rldm ightk now o fwhom the Preacher fpeakes ,whereuntowas th is an(wermade Let men

be aihamed publik elyto o fi‘

end and the

Minifiers fhallab i’tain from fpec ialit but (0 lo ng as Pre teltants are

no r afhamed manifefilyto do againfi Evangell o f Jefus Chrifi ft)

lo ng canno t the Minifiers o f G o d cc 0 crie,that G o d wo uld be aven

ged upo n fuch abufers o f his h

- Thus had the fervant s o f

o ne fide againft the Ido latryned by the Co urt 5 an



o f fuchlars o f the Church w ith inwas fearfull but the Co urt tho uno tm ifcarry.

Theween after the Banquetring,k[

$ t (MOHfiCUf L it/"f iea French;man ,

le battaile fighting upo n theo f the abom inat ionsmentiopart againii the unthankebeen eiteemed the ch ief Pil

e . The tbrearnings o fPreac hersfelf in fach fecun ty,th


at it co uld

376 The Hi/Zorj (f t/ye(

Reformation , ,L ib.4


,who had been acc ufiomed with her maladybefo re, being her Playh

L/ Y \ Jrim ) and therefo re ihe fo r the {E co nd t ime m ade her pro grefie i n the

N o rth and c ommanded to W ard in theCafile o f E dmburg /a the Earle


mgh" o fCart/mes fo r a Murther committed byh is fervants upo n theEarleMf r:cgr nmc ,

_[lmlr men 2,he o beyed,but h

ewas fuddenly relealied 5 fo r fuch blo o d - th irfiymen, and Pap ifis (fo ch as he is are go o d fubjea s ath o ught at Co urt .Thy K ingdom c ome (0 Lo rd ) fo r in this Realme is no th ing amo nglt

fuch as ih o uld punilh vice andmaintain ve rtue, but abo m inatio n ab o unding with o utBridle .The Flatterers o i theCo urt did da ilyenrage againl

‘c the

p o o r Preachers happieftwas he that co uld invent the m o lt bitter taunts ,and difdainfullm o ck ing o fthe Minifiers ; and at length they began to

j eli at the Terme o f Ido latry affirm ing that men k new no r what theyf ak e when theycalled the Malie Ido latry ; yea fo me p ro ceeded fur


tlier , and feared no r at Open Table to affirme That they wo uld fufraine the Argument that theMafi

e was no Ido latry. Thefe th ings c om ing to the ears o f the preachers , they were p ro claimed in publi ke Pulp itn

dmbugfa w i th th i s c o mplaint , direéted by the fpeaker to hisG 0 2


OLo rd,how lo ng ibalthew ic ked prevailagainfithe jullt' h ow lo ng w ilt

thou fu‘

ffer thySelf and thy blelied E vangell to be defp ifed OFmen f.’ O fmen (we fay) that bo af

’r themfelves Defender s o f the truth ; fo r o f thy‘m aniieft and k nown Enem ies we c o mplain no r, bur o f fuch as unto who mtho u haft revealed thy light ; fo r no w it cometh to o ur Ears that men

(no r Prielts we fay but ch ief P ro refiants w ill defend the WT? to

be n o Ido latry, if it (0 were , miferably have .

I been deceived,an

ferably alas O Lo rd} have I deceived thypeo ple wh ich tho u k no wel


t, O Lo rd ) I have ever mo re abh o rred then a tho ufand death s . Butfaid he ,(turn i ng his face towards the Ro o m where fuch men as had (0 affirmed

,fate If I be no r able to -

prove theMafia to be the m o lt ab o m inableIdo latry that ever was ufed fro m the beginn ing o f the wo rld


I o iiermy {elf to furi

er the punilhment appo intedby G o d to a falle Preache r .

_And ir appeareth unto me (fai th the Preacher that t he Affir

~mers (ho uld be fubjeét t o the fame Law , fo r it i s the truth o f G o d,

t hat yo u perfec ute as a blafphemy»

,and i t is the i nvent io n o fthe De

Vill , that o bfiinarel rd yo u mai ntai ne W hereat albeityo u now flute and allw inde , yet am

e Iliveth

, ThatL et the wo rld the



llti'l and t


ififi:powred fo rthto p afi :,o r no t,what hath M are by yo u mai ntained.

Albelen Ence that from the CYCS o f fo mc , yettim

mo ck ingmanner,faid, W emufiers are angry.

The generallail'


whicha great part o f theNo b ili t i e hat are called Pro reflants )ned , fo me fo r afiiltance o f the and fometo ac cufe them,

as we


Th i s ‘


was no t g iven w ith o ut t aufe"

fo r no,fmall travell was

made,t o have drawn fo meMinifiers to the iaétio n o f the Co urt iers


to have fuftained thei r Argument s and Op inio n s : But when it was co nc eived by th e


m o ft p o litick am o ngft them That they c o uld no t travellby thatmean s , theyprepared the matter in Other termes , purging themielves

, That theynevermeant to divide themfelves fro m the S o c iety o ftheir Brethren

,but becaufe theyh ad certain Heads t o c o nfer with certain

Minifiers . But theAlfembl d id {till reply That fec ret Co nferencewo hld they no radm it, in tho e Heads that iho uld be c o ncluded bygenetallVo ice . TheLo rds promifed That no Co nclufio n iho uld be tak en,ne i ther yetVOte required t ill that bOth the PrOp


ofitio n s and the Reafo ns

fho uld be heard and co nfidered bythe who leBo dy and upo n thatt on

di tiOrr were di rected unto them with expreiie ch arge, TO co ncludeno thing witho ut the knowledge and advife o f the Affe


Theerintendent o f Vi ag ra ,

the Superintendent'

s Of L otham


ohn Row, Ma iler Iohn s g , W i lli am Chrzflc m,Ma

lMiniflers w ith the Reéto r o f Saint Andru s, andMaOfGlafigow Mafier f ohn - Wa/lorlt was

d upo n th e Scr ibe 5 And (0 were theyappo i

nted t o‘

fit w ith the Breth ren And yet becaufe the p rincipallcom~

plaih‘t to uched 5739775,Kflbx he was alfo c alled fo r .

Secretary L ethz’

hgtofxbegan theHarangueg izhich com ained thefeHeads

we are indebted unto.

G o d by who fe providence weh ave liberty o f R



nnunder the’

Qaeens Majeitie albeit that {he ish o t perfwaded in the fame . S eco ndly, fHown eceii

‘arya thing it i s , That

the (h i eensMajeli ie byallg o o d O ffices of the part o f the Church fOfpake he) and of theMinifiers rprinc ipally iho uld

be retained in t hat co n »

fi a’

nt o pinibn ,~that theyuniainedly favo ured her advancement , and “

ro cu

ned he r‘

fub je é‘ts s t

o have '

a goo d o pinmn o f her. And flafi,

Ho w anger;

(ho uld be ho ted o ne to difagr’

eef rom

ajeftie And in thefe two/lat}Heads

umfpetfl:'But efpecially.

to moderate yo ur felfe,:asw e'

ll in

yo u pro :

th i s faid

And sfinally, if

o ve'

r - rflOweth thew itho ut punifh en we on to


rejo yce andprarfe G o d : But if thefe and Go ds vengeanceagainfi Realm s and Natio n s thego dlywith in

S cot


h erMajeiiy, land againli

clamatio n.o f therefiOf


ye can pro ducethe


: Tim z.

TheHi/ZOU of theReformation L ib 4

have nOt invented that ph rafe o f fpeech but have learned it o ut o f Go dsSc riptures fo r thefe wo rds I finde fpo ken unto Pan], Behold I[end theenato theGenti les , to open thei r eyes , that theym

aytnrnefr om a'

arha efle unto lzght,ana

fr om thopom r of S arhan unto God. Mark thew o rds , myLo rd, and itirren o r at the fpeak ing o f the h o lyG ho it. And the fame Apo iile writing to

h i s S ch o ller Tzmothznr; fayes , Inflrnc‘twi th meehnefle thafathat are contrary

mzna’ed,if that God at anyt1me ro t/1n ue them repentance that theymay[enow

the truth and come to amendment ont ofthe faare of theDew /l which are taken of hzm at hilt n ull. Ifyo ur Lo rdih ip do rightlyc o nfider thefe fentences ,

yo u fli allnOt o nelyfinde mywo rds to be the wo rds Of the ho ly G ho i’t,

but alfo the co nditio n wh ich I ufe to adde to have the aii'

urance o fG o dsS criptures .


But theyfpeak no th ing agam ihK ings i n Scri pture i n fpec iall (faid L e

thzng ton) and yo ur c o n tinuallc rying i s ,The (mecns Ido latry,The (met-

an s

Mag? willpro vo k e G o ds vengeance .

In the fo rmer fentence (faid the O ther)I hear no r rngs andQ een s ex

cepted, but allunfaithful-lare pro no unced to fraud in o ne rank , and to be

in bo ndage to o neTyrant the B evill. But belcevo me,myLo rd,yo u little

regard the itarewherein they itand , when yo u wo uld have them 10 flatter

ed, that the danger thereo f ih o uld neither be knowne ,neither yet declaredto the peo ple.

W herew illyo u finde(faid L ethzngton) that anyOf thePro phets did fOufe K ings ,(meen s

,Rulers o rMagiitrates .

In mo re places then o ne, (faid the Other c/ Ihahwas a K ing and le

{ ahelaQueen and yetwhat the Pro phet E li a; fa id to the o ne, and to the

O ther I fuppo ie yo u are no r igno rant .

That was no r cried o ut befo re the peo ple,(faid L ethzngtonfio mak e themo dio us unto their fubjeéts .

That E has faid D oggy/ halllit/e thehlooa’ofA hah,(faidf ohn Knox) and

eate the‘

fiejh off ez ahell, the Scriptures aifures me, but that it was wh ifpered in thei r E ares , o r in a G o rnet,I read no t bur the plain co ntraryap

ple and the Co urtunderiiOOdwellcno u 0

,fo r {0 W itflCiié d {fehn after that

p irit OfG o d faid L ethz’

ngton )and

decei 'vedme fo r Saint Paultnrcr thefameis

arned S erzhc

Pro ph‘


their did

unto o ur age, I neitheBut no w to put an

G o d have n o r fpared

peo ple and f ubjeéts ;

L ib,4, of‘Reltgion in thefi zz/me of Sco tland. 3

I to doewtth thee g et thee to the other Prophet: of thy weather ,fly ,“ theL ord of Holler Izveth , i”whofe fight I[land tf it were not that I r egard thep re/ mee of $ ehofaphat the K ing c


,I would not have looked toward

thee, ner[eeri e thee .9 Plaine it i s , t at the Pro phet was a Sub ject in the

Kingdome o f Ifrael and yet how little reverence he g iveth to the K ingwe heare


f eremy the Pro phet was commanded to Cry to the K rag and

,Qtf eerte, and tofay, Behaveyour elves lowly, execute jttjlzee, and judgementé e. or eljé yottr Caroaffe: [hall e. taflen to the heate of the day, and rmto th;fro/lof the night. Unto Comae S ttllt


m , and Z edehiae he fpeaketh in

fpeciall, and fhewes to them in his publike Sermo n s their m iferableends ; {and therefo re yee o ught no r to thinke ftrange my Lo rd (faidhe) albeit the fervants o f G o d, taxe thc vices o f K ings and Queenes ,

even as wellas o f Other o ffenders and that becaufe their finnes bemo reno yr

fome to the Commo n - wealth ,then are the finnes o f inferio ur

er o ns .PThe mo ll: part o f th i s reafo ning, Secretary L ethiogton leaned upo n

the Mailer o f w taxwe/I: Breafi, who faid I am almo ft weary I

w o uld fome o ther wo uld reafo n in the ch ief head wh ich is yet unto uched.

Then the Earle o f W ortoarte, Chancello r , co mmanded MailerGeorge Hay to reafo n againfi

‘f ahrt Knox in the head o f o bedience

due to Magifirates , who began fo to do e ; llnto whom J ohn Knorefaid, Bro ther, that ye fhallreafo n in my co ntrary, I am well co ntent ,becaufe I know yo u to be bOth a man o f learn ing , and o f mo defiybut that yo u flrallo ppo fe yo ur felfe unto the Trueth , whereo f I fuppo fe

yo ur o vs ne co nfc ience is no lefTe perfwaded

‘then is mine I canno t

well approve ; fo r Iwo uld be fo rry, that yee and I (ho uld be reputed

to reafo n as two Scho llers o f Pythag orae , to {hew thequickeneffc o fo ur wit , as it were to reafo n o n bOth parts I pro refl: here befo reG o d

,That whatfo ever I fufiaine, I do e the fame in co nfc ience ; yea,

.I dare no m o re fufiainc a pro pofitio n,knowne to my felfe untrue ,

then I dare teach falfe Do firine,in the publik e plac

e And there

fo re Bro ther , if Co nfcience move yo u to o ppo fe yo ur felfe to that

Do ctrine wh ich yee have heard o ut o f my mo uth, in that matter, doe

it bo ldly it fhall never o ffend me , But that yee iball bee fo und to

Oppo fe your felfe unto mee yee being p

erfwaded in_the fame

Trueth , I fay yet againe ,it pleafeth me nu , fo r therein may be

greaterinco nven iency , then either yee o r I do e c

o nfider fo r the


, The faid MailerGeorgeanfwered, That I w ill n0 t 0 ppo fc myunto yo u , as o ne w illing to impugne o r c o nfute that Head o f Do

a rine wh ich n0 t o nely yee, but many Others yea, and my felfe

have affirmed farre be it from me fo r (0 iho uld Ibe fo und co ntrario us to myfelfe , fo rmyLo rd Secretaryknows my judgément i rt


Marry ,faid the Secretary, yo u are (in my o p in io n ) the worll-

hfthe two fo r I remember that yo ur Reafo ning when the Queen was

C e c.

584 :' The [i i/tor) of theReformation L ib.4

A 0 0 0W ellfaid Iohn Knox , feeing Brother G o d


hath made yo u o ne to fill

the chaire o f verity5 wherein I am afl'

ured , we agree in allpr inc ipallLI NN Heads o fDo étrine 5Let it never be faid,That we agree no t in dip tatio n .

Iohn Knox was m oved thus to fpeak e, becaufe he underflo o d m o re o f the

c raft then the Other did . W ell (faid L ethington) I am fomewhat betterpro vided in


this lafiHead,then I was in the Other two : Mailer Knox


faid he, yefierday we heardyo ur Judgement upo n the th i rteenth to the

Romano: 5 we heard the m inde o f the A‘

po file well Opened 5 we heard ,

the caufes why G o d hath e(labli ihed powers upon the earth 5 we heardo f the necei

fit ie that mahk inde hath o f the fame and wee heard the

d urie o f Magifirates fulh ciently declared 5 But in two th ings I waso ffended, as I thinke fo ine Other mo re o f my Lo rds that were prefentwh ich was , Y e made difference betwixt theO rdinance o f G o d, and the

perfo n s that were placed in Autho ritie And ye affirmed,'

That men

m igh t refufe the perfo n s , and ye t nOt o ffend againft G o ds Ordinance 5,This i s o ne, theOther yee had n o t ime to explaine 5 but th i s me t tho ught

ye meant , That Subjeé’ts were h Ot bo und to o bey their Pr inces , if they

c o mmand u nlawfull th ings , but that they m igh t refufe their P rinces 5and that theywere no t ever bo und to (o ffer.

In verydeéd,faid the Other, ye have rightlybOth marked my“

wo rds ,and underflo o d ~

mym inde 5“

fo r ‘o f that -

fame Judgement I h ave lo ngbeen , and yet fo t emaine .

Le t th i s be no

(ed diligently.Howwill


ye prove yo ur divifio n and difference (faid L ethirtg tongi


that the perlbn s p lac éd‘in Auth o ritie,


maybe refifled , and theO rdinanceo f G o d nOt tranfgreifed,

feeing that the Apo file faith,He that refijleth,

‘refifleth theOre hnanoe of


My Lo rd faid he, The plaine wo rds'

o f theApofilemak es the d ifference, and the faéts o f thany a pro ved by G o d, pro ve my affirmative.

Firfi the Apofile aflirnies , T at the powers are o rdained'

o i G o d , fo r

the prefervatio n o f quiet and peaceable men and fo r the punifhmento f malefaeto rs 5 whereo f it is plaine, Th at the O rdinance o f G o d andthe power given unto man

,i s o ne

‘th ing, and the p erfo n clad


with theAutho r i ti e, lS ano ther 5 Fo r Go ds O rdinance is the co nfervatio n o fmank inde, Thep uniihment o f vice, and the maintenance Of vertue, wh ichin i t felf

,i s ho ly, jufi,

co nfiant, fla‘ble

,and perpetuall5 but men clad

w ith th e Autho ritie are co mmo nly ‘pro phane a nd unjufl 5 lyee, theyare mutable‘; tr


anfito ry and fubjeét to’

co rruptiOn, as G o d threatenet'

hPram » . byh is Pro phet Davzd, laying ,

I have [aid yee ar e gods , and everyoneofyon the[0a of themojlhtgh 5 hatyee/had dyeas man, and thePrinoei


fls allfallli ke other f .

‘lHer‘e I am affured, Th at the perfo n s ,

cc fo ule and bo dyarethreatned W i th death 5 I think that [O yewill '

no t ahirm is the Auth otho rrty the Ordinance , and thePower,wherewith G o d endeued fuchPCffOfl S 5

’ f9 1‘(ZSThave faid it is ho ly, { o is the'

permanent will o fG o d.

And now, myLerd, that' the Prince in aybe


refilled and


nance o f Go d no t vio lated : . It i s evident that the peo ple refified fid flls

No tcthiSo when he had {wo rn {by the living G o d that from“


fho uld die 5 Thepeo ple (I fayfr


fwo re in the c o ntrary,”and delivere d gfonathan fo that a

,h apfo f h i s head fellnOt Now Saal

nwas the Anoynted Kir g and they


A HIIOwithout any


Inhahttant, (fie. The Princes hearingthe Up to re, .


me fromthe K ings ho ufe , and


fa te do wn in Judgement in,

the entry o f the new

Gate o f the Lo rd s Ho ul‘e And there the P riefls and Pro phets , befo re

the Princes ,‘

and befo re all the peo ple intented thei r Accufatio n inthefe wo rd s 5


s‘rnan u


- worthy to di e 5 fo r he hath pr ophefied agaznft

this Ci ty, rindyour cares”

hiliy e heard.

’f oremtah


anfwered Thatwhatfo

ever he had from'

G o d 5 and therefo re faid he 5 A sfor mo hehold , .I. and tn

your hands , dowi th me at'

ye thtnhe oad and r ight

But knowyefor certaine/ b Th‘d t if JIe




to yeflfflfilr tly hr tnfzi nnocent hlood iu



fioujes , anduponthat Crttu ,

and upon theinhabi tants

F or of a truth, theLord hath[ent me unto you to [peahe all thefe )NOW , my

Lo rd if the Pr inces and the wh o le peo ple iho uld '

have heen‘


of tlie . Prophets blo o d Ho w iballye, o rn Oth

ers bejudged inno cent beIQre G o d ,

if e iball fuffer the blo o d o f fuch '


h ave no t deferyed their blo o d to ihed when'

yé may fave it . The’

4, c aufes were


novthing alike (faid L ething ton. And I wo uld learn (faidthe Other ) wherein the dii


fimilitude ' ilands . Eiril (faid L ethzng tonthe K ing had nOt g o ndemned h im to death 5


And next, The falfe Pro

phets , the Prieils , and the Peo ple accufed h im‘

with o ut a caufe,and

therefo re they. co uld no t be guilty o f his blo o d. Nei ther o f thefe

(faid f oha nox fights‘

againll m'


argument Fo r albeit the K ingwas ne ither prefent , no r lyet had co ndemned h im , yet were thePrinces and chiefe Co uncello rs there fitting in Judgement ,wh o reprei



ed {the K ing s Autho rity ,hearing the

accufatio n laid unto the'


o f the Pro phet 5 And therefo re he fo rewarns them o f the danger , as‘

befo re is faid 5 to wit , That in cafe he iho uld be co ndemned,and (0 put’to death , That the K ing,


the Co uncell, and the who le C ity o f {fernfo leur iho uld be guilty o f his blo o d ,

becaufe that he had c omm i ttedn o crime wo rthy o f death And if ye think e


that they all fli o uld‘

have . been criminall o nelybecaufe that they a ll accufed h im,the plain

Text witnefl'

eth the co ntrary 5 fo r the Princes defended h im , and PO

(no do ubt ) d id a great patr o l the Peo ple and yet he b o ldly affirm

c o d t um or. eth - That they iho uld be all guilty o f h is blo o d ,

ir he fli o uld'

be putu s . That we to death . And the Pro phet E z ekiel gives a reafo n W hyall are guil

ty o f c ommo n co rrup t io n Becaufe (faith he ) I fought a Man among/liniquity,

them,that jhould maize up the hedg e, andjland tn the gap hefoteme for the. )

L and that Ifli ould not deflroy it hut I found none ; 5 Therefore have I

p oured forth my indignation upon them . Hereo f, my Lo rd, (faid

he) it is

plain That G o d c raves,nOt'

o nelythat m ah iho uld do no in iquity inh is o wne ‘perfo n 5 but alfo that he

‘o ppoTe h imfelf to all iniquity ,


farre as in him lieth . Then w illye (faid L ething ton make‘

fubjetlsto co ntro ll their Princes and Rulers“


‘And what harme (faid the o ther)iho uld the Commo n - wealth ~ receive

,if the co rrupt aifedlio ns o f igno


rant Rulers and fo b ridled by the wifedome anddifcretio n o f go dly fubjeél s

, that t hey iho uld do no wro ng ,no r no

vio lence to any man . A ll th is reafo ning faid L ethmg ton ) is o ut o f‘

the purpo fe 5 F o r we reafo n as, if the ween i ho uld become luch an


enemyto o ur Relig io n , that ihe"


iald perfecute it ,5and put inno cent ;


L ib.4. Of‘Kelligion in theRealmo of Sco tland.

men to death 5 while I am afl'

ured {he never tho ught“

,no r never w ill

do 5 Fo r if I ih o uld fee her begin at that'

end yea, i ffI t uld fufpeé'


any fuch th ing in her l ih o uld be as farre fo rvvard in that‘argument


as ye , o r any Other with in the Realme; But there is n o f uch thingOur Q efiio n is

, W hether that ye may fuppreffe theQueen s Maire,

o r, W hether that her Ido latry fhallbe laid to o ur charge: W hat ye

may (faid f ohn Knox by fo rce I dil‘pute n ot But what ye mayand o ugh t to do by - G o ds exprefie 1C0 mmandment


, th at I c an tell

Ido latry o ught nOt o nely to be fupprefl'

ed ,lbuti he Ido later alfo o ught t o

d ie the death : But bywhom«3 By the peo ple OF




d (faid the Oth er)fo r the Co mmandment was given tOWfiael ye may


reade HearqIfiael , (fayes the Lo rd ) the S tatnta


and the Ordinance: of the L ord thyGod , é

ee. Y ea a Commandment is g iven that if it be heard that

Ido latry is c o mm itted in any o ne C ity, inquifi tio n iball be tak en and

it it be fo und true That then the who le B'

Ody o f the Peo ple ariie

and defiro y that C ity , (paring in it nei ther man,‘wom an

,no r

But there i s no Co mmandment laid the S ec retary)(g


yen to puniilitheir K ing . If he be an Ido later , I finde no privile

ge granted un

to K ings (faid the Other ) by G o d mo re'

then unto the peo ple , to'

Offend G o ds Majeitie. I grant (faid L ethzngton ) but yet the peo ple’

may no t be j udges to thei r K ing to punifh him ,albeit hebe an Ido

ter . G o d (faid the O ther ) is the Univerfall Iudge as‘well unto the

K ing as to the Peo ple SO that what h is W o rd command s to be

puni ihed in the o ne,i s m e to be. abfo lved in the


o ther . W e agree

in that (laid L ethtng ton But ' the peo ple‘may n0 t~execute

_G o ds

Judgements , but mfi leave it unto h imfelfe wh o‘will ei ther puniflt


by Death ,by W arre by Imprifo nment

‘, o r by (ome Other k inde

Of his‘

Plagues .


k now (faid ’

f ohn Knox ) the lail part o f the r'

eafo n to be tru

BUt fo r the firfi, That the peo ple , yea ,

o r a part Of‘the peo ple,

may no : execute G o d ’

s Judgements mgainfi thei r K in'g ,

‘ being an OF


r ~I am afTured ye have nO’

OthCl' W arrant eacept yo ur o wn‘

imaginati o ns , and the Op in io n o f fuch as mo re fear to Offend thei r Prin~ces then G o d.

W hyfayye (O (faid Lethm toton ) I have the j’

udgemen t o f themo ft

famo us men in B atapu , and o f fuch as yeyo ur f elfe xvillcOnfeil'

e bOth

go dlyand learned .

And wi th that he '

called fo r his Papers wh ich pro duced byMafler W d lf/dfld

,’ he began to reade with great gravi ty the . ]udge

meri ts o f L ather , m elanfihon,themindes o f Baeer , Mitfrttln r, and Ca!»

«i nn, howChrifiians ih o uld behave,

them felves in tim e o f Perfecutio n 5yea, the Bo o k Of Barter was no r Omitted w i th th i s eo nclufio n

,The gal

thering o f tho fe th ings (faid he) hath co ltme mo re . ti'

aVellthen I th inkethis {even yeers in reading Co mmentaries .

The m o re p i ty (faid the Other ) and yet wha you

your o wn c aufe let Others judge .. But as fo r m

affured yo it have infirmed it in no th ing 5 fo r yO

fpeak againfi the Anabaptiii s wh o deny that Ch riflian s i ho uld be

Cc c g .

TheHijlory of theReformation

A HIIO _fubjeé‘t to Magifirates 5 o r yet that it is lawfull fo r a Ch rifiian to be a

Magiflrate : who fe Op in io n, I no leife abho r , then ye do ,o r any Other

that liveth ; The O thers fpeak o f Chriliians fobica'

to Tyrants‘


,fO difperfed, that they have n o Other fo rce but o nely tOTo b

{into G o d fo r deliverance,that

fuch (indeed) i hould hazard any further ythen thefe go dly men w ills them ,

I canno t bafi'

ilybe o f c o unfellmyargum ent hath ano ther gro und 5 fo r I (peak o f a peo ple affenibledin o ne Bo dy o f a, Co mmo n - wealth

,unto wh o m G o d hath gi

ent fo rce, no t o nelyto refill , but alfO tO f uppreffe allk inde o fLarry And fuch a peOple yet again I


affirme ,are bo und to

Land clean and unp o lluted. And’

{i rang e unto you, ye f hall underfi

(A hfahanz and Of h is Seed when he and th

grim s in Egypt - and Canaan and ano ther th ing requi red he o f themthey were delivered from the Bo ndage Of Egypt and the pOHefli

o n Of the Land Of Canaan granted unto them The firfi,and during the

t ime Of thei r Bo ndage, G o d craved no mo re but that Ahraham fla'

o faldno t defile h im felfeiwith their Ido latry 5 nei ther was he, no r h is Po fierityc o mmanded to


defiroy the Ido lls that were in Canaan, o r in Egypt ButwhenG o d gave unto them po ifeli i o n o f the [.and he gave ,

unto themthi s [trait Commandment Beware that thou make not L eagne


or Confideraote twth the inhahttantr of th e Land g i

've not thyfonnat nnto their danq'


ter; nor yet gw e thy daughter s unto thezr former ,é'o . Bttt

thtlf yejhafldo unto them ,

Cttt down thetr Grover de 07 thatr Imag es , hreake downu f

their a ltar:"

and leave thort no kinde o remembr ance of thefe u f homip a.

tions whi ch the Inhabi tants of the L and ufed heforu 5 for thou art a holyPeoq,

file nnto the L ord thyGod 5 defilenot thyfelfe ther efore mtth their g odsTo th i s Comm andment , I fay are ye, myLo rds and allfuch as have ,

pro feffed the Lo rd w ith in th i s Realme bo und 5 f o r G o d hath wro ughy;wn o leffe miraculo uflyupo n yo u bOth Spiritually and Co rpo rally thenhedid unto the Carnall S eed hr aham Fo r in what Rate yo urBo dies , and th i s po o r Realms were with in thefe feven yeers , yOUr felvesgcanno t be igno rant 5 yo u,

and rt were bOth in the .Bo ndage OFa firange?

Natio n ,and whatTyrants did raigne o ver yo ur c o nfc


, Go d perchance may yet again let yo u feel becaufe thai ye do no r


rightly ace


k nowledge and eiieeme '

the benefits received ,

'when o ur po o re Bre':

threm that were befo re us gave tip their b o dies to the flames o f}fire, fo r the Tefiimo ny' o f Go ds Truth . And when fcarcely co uldbe fo und ten in a Co untry that rightly k new Go d it had been fo o liihacne to haye craved, either o f the N o bility. o r o f themean Subjcfis ;the fupprefling o f Ido latry5 fo r that had been no thing but to haveeitpo fed the fimple Sheep in a p rey to the -W o lves : ’

Butfince that G o dhath multiplyedknowledge ,yea,and hath given thevia o ry to h is Truth,even in the hands o f his fervants if yee fufl

‘er the Land again to be

W hether this qcfircd yee, and yo ur Princes (hallbOth d rink e the cup o f Go ds indig .

ha th come to

p aife o r no t,natio n . TheQueen ,fo r .herObfiinate ab iding inmanife it ldo latryfin th is

It ! the wo rld great light Of the E vangello f Jefus Cht ifi; And ye;fo ryo ur permifli o n,

yudgc .

andmaintaining her in the fame . L tthingtoa that po intwe. w illneveragree. And

Hiflory of t/98Reformation L ib 4

No w (faid he)here is the faét o f a Pro phet , that pro ves , that Subjectswere c o mmanded to execute Go ds


judgements upo n thei r K ing andm Prince . There is eno ugh (faid L et/zing ton) to be anfwered thereto ; Fo r

53 th ;was a K ing befo re he put anyth ing in executio n . And befides, That

the fact is extrao rdinary, and o ugh t no r to be Im itate My Lo rd (faidthe O ther) he was a meere Subjeét, and no K ing, when the Pro phets fervant came unto h im , yea, and albeit that his fellow Captaines hearingo f theMeffage, blew theTrumpet, and faid, aft/mis K ing yet I do ubtne t

,but gfez abel bOth th o ught , and faid, that hewas a Trayto r , and fo

did manyOthCi‘

S that were in Ifrael, and in S amaria .

And as to uch ing, That ye alleadge, that the factwas extrao rdinary,and is no r to be im i tate I fay, That it had the gro und o f G o ds o rdinaryj udgem ent , wh ich commandeth the Ido later to dye the death . Andtherefo re , I yet againe affirme, That it i s to be Im itate o falltho fe that prefe rres the true Ho n o ur o f the trueVVo rfh ip and Glo ry o f


G o d, to the

affectio n o f flefh, andwick ed Princes . W e are no r bo und (faid Letbington) to fo llo w extrao rdinary examp les , unlefl


e we have the like comm andment and afiurance. I grant(faid the Other)if the example repugneto the Law As if an avaritio us and deceitfullman wo uld borrowS ilver


Rayment, o r Other necelfaries fro m h isl

Neighbo ur, and w ithh o ld th e

fame alleadging, that fo hem ight do , and no r o ffend Go d becaufe theIfraelztes at their departure fo rth o f Egypt, did fo to the Egyptians . Theexample ferved to n o purp o fe, unleffe that theyc o uld pro duce the likecaufe, and the like commandment that the If melzter had , and that be

caufe their fac’t repugned to th i s Co mmandment o f G o d, T5011flmlt no:fiealé :3Butwhere the example agrees with the Law,

and is as itwere the

executio n o f Go ds judgement, expreffed w ith in the fame I fay, Thatthe example approved o f G o d, {tands to us in


place o f a Co mmandment ,F o ras G o d in his Nature

,is c o nf’tant and immutable

,fo can he nOt co n

demne in theAges fubfequent,thatwh ich he hath approved in his fervanisbefo re us 5 bur in his fervant s befo re us , he by his own wo rd co nfo undsall fuch as c rave further appro batio n o f Go ds w ill,


then is already ex

p reffedwith in his Scr iptures Fo r t / Ibrabam faid,'

Theyhave W afer andthe Pro phets whom if they w ill no t beleeve neitlier w ill they belceve

,albei t that anyo f the dead ih o uld rife . Even fo (I fay)my Lo rd,

that fuch as w ill no rbe taught what they o ught to do bythe Co mmandment o f G o d o nce given, and o nce put in praétife, will no r beleeve no r

o bey albeit, that G o d t uld fend Angels fro m Heaven to infiruét that

Do firine.

Y ee have pro duced but o ne example

L PJ NI zg: (faid the o ther ,) but yet G o d be praifedwh o le peo ple co nfpired againfi AmafiabKturned away from the Lo rd, and fo llowedand to o k ”a xial: and anno inted h im

peo ple had nOt alto gether fo rgo ttenw as made betwixt their K ings and th is Father to wit , That the K ing and the Peo ple

o f the Lo rd, and then iho uld theybe h is faithfull

L ib, 4. of ? eligion in the(

lien/me of Sco tland . 59 l

wh ich Co venant when firf-i the Father, and after the fo nne had declined, ADHOthey were bo th punifhed to death, 1046 by his own fervants , and Amtr

fizza by the who le peo ple .

W hen (heI do ubt(faid L ethmgton) whether they did well, o r no t . p ane, do c,

It fh allbe free fo ryo u(faid the o ther ) to do ubt as yo u pleafe but is " e G o d Fn

where I finde executio n acco rding to Go d s Law, and G o d himfelfe no r iii;to accufe the do ers I dare no t do ubt o f the equi ty o f the ir caufe . li k e,and harh

And farther it appeareth to me that G o d gave fufli cient app ro batio n“ m


?and allowance o f the ir fact, fo r he bleffed them with via o ry, peace andp ro fperity the fpace o f fiftie two yeers after . fu redlY they

But pro fp erity (faid L ethmgt on) do es no r alwayes prove that G o d ap Eggf‘fififfi

ffizp ro ve s the faéts o fmen . faac

in thefe

Y e s , (faid the o ther)when the fafis o f men agree w ith the Law o f 01


filbcr o f

G o d and are rewarded acco rd ing to his o wne promi ie exp reifed in

h is Law ; I fay ,that the p ro fperitie fucceeding the fat} , is amo rfi ia in


lu s p'

co prc,

fallible affurance that G o d hath appro ved that fact . No w fo it is

That G o d hath p ro no unced in his Law , That when the peo ple fh all o bcy(3 03m ,

exterm inar and defitoy fuch as decline from h im , that hee will to fcc hxmhleife them and multiplie them as he hath p romifed unto the i r Fathers . li nt fo it is that Mafia!) turned from G o d (fo r fo the Text do th 2 Fatal 25

w itneffe , and p laine it is the peo ple flew thei r K ing ; and llltCplain L en gt h“ ?it is , that G o d blei’fed them Therefo re yet againe c o nclude I , plyed to the

that G o d h imfelfe'

appro ved their fact , and fo farre as it was do ne “w



acco rd


ing to his c ommandement , it was blefl‘ed acco rding to h is


romi e .PW ell, (faid L ethz

ngtqn ) I th inke no t the gro und fo fure , as I dutfibuild my Co nfc ience thereupo n .

I p ray.G o d (faid the Other ) that yo ut VCo nfcience have no wo rfe

gro und _then th is is whenfo ever yo u iball begin the likewo rk which

G o d in yo ur owne eyes hath already bleifed. Andnow; myLo rd ,(faith hee ) I have but o ne example to p ro duce and then I w illput


ah end to my reafo ning becaufe I amwearylo nger to Itand .

mandment was g iven that he iho uld fit downe but he re fufed,'


faid , Mel'

ancho lly reafo ns wo uld have fome m irth intermixed Mylaft example (faid he my Lo rd is th is , new }; the K ing no r c o n

tent w ith h is RoyallEfiate,malapertlyto o k


upo n him to enter within the Temple o i the Lo rd to burn Incenfe upon the Altar o f In:cenfe ; and t/ { z ar iah the Priefi ,


in after him ,and w ith h im

fo urfco re Priefis o f the Lo rd , valiant men ,‘ahd

t hey withfio od 1423,h net mite thee

, (Uz z iah) to hun tthe S onne: of Aaro n , that ar e )

the Sanfi ttary for their hzi/Z trait]:Hereo f my Lo rd s ,alfo ought to ,


e a thi that"



Law,o r ho ly




ry 0g“j


ng (‘

faid L tthifigwfl were no tfirnpl’

e fub

f the Lo rd and figures o f Cbl’ifii


D d d fuch

I392, TheHi/Zor) of theReformation L ib .4

Ah l‘ld fuch Priefis have we no ne th i s day to withi’tand K ings if they do e anywro ng .

That the High P riefi was the figure o f Chr ifi (faid the Other Ig rant , bur that he was nOt a fubjeét , that I der


Kfo r I am affured


that he in h is Priefih o o d had no Prero gat ive abo ve t o fe that paffedbefo re h im , no w fo it is that u l aroa was fubjeét to (fit , and called him h is Lo rd , Samuel being bo rh PtOphet and Prieft , fubjeétedh imfelfe unto S aul after hee was inaugurated o f the Peo ple

‘, S adat

b owed befo re David , and A hmthar was dep o fed fro m the Priefiho o dby S olomon ,

wh ich all co nfeffed themfelves fubjeéts to the K ings , albei t therewith they ceafed no t to be the figures o fChrilt. Andwhereas yo u fay, we have no fuch priei

’t s th i s day , I m ight anfwer That

nei ther have We fuch K ings th i s day as then were anno inted byGo dsc ommandment

, and,

fate upo n the feare o f David,

and were no leifethe figure o f Chrifl: Jefus in their juft adminifiratio n , then were the

Priefi s in their appomted Oflice , and fuch k ing s (I am afl'

ured ) wehave n o r no w no tmo re then wee have fuch . Priefls fo r Chrift

Jefus being anno inted in o ur nature o f G o d his Father , bOth K ing,P riefi and Pro phet hath put end to all externallunctio n . And yet Ithinke yo u will no r fay that

,G o d hath

now diminiflted h is gracesfrom


tho fe whomh e appo ints Ambaffado urs betwixt him and his peo

ple then he do th fro m K ings and Princes and therefo re whythe fervants o f Jefus Chrif

’t may nOt alfo jultly withfiand K ings and

Pr inces that th i s day no leffe o ffend Gods Majefi ie then ”m at did,

I fee no r unleffe that ye will no r fay ,that we in the brightnelfe o f

the Evangell; are no r fo firaitly b o und to regard G o ds glo ry , no r‘

h is Co mm andments as were the Fathers who lived under the dark {hagdows o f the Law.

W ell faid L ething ton ) I willdip no farther in that Head but howrefi lled the Prielts the K ing, theyo nelyipake unto him witho ut furthervio lence intended .

That theywithfio o d him faid the o ther)theText alfures me but thattheydid no th ing but fpeak ,I canno t underfiand,the co ntrary, to wit, That theycaufed him haitié‘tuary, yea, and that hewas compelled to depart

ing I am aflured) in theHebrewTo ngue, impo rtethmo re then exho rting,

TheHi/ZOU of theKefbrtnntion


A o lo cfie o fMn dehnr h and w illed him to reade the names o fA llIIOthe M

‘inifitejrs who

ghad f

gubfc ribed the defence o f the To wn to be a

m o l‘t juli defence and therew ith added That to refi ll a m illed K ing ,is no r to refill G o d, no r yet his O rdinance

, Sec . W ho when he had read,

he Ro uped an d faid Hemmer ohfonrz. The Other anfwered Dei tawen

firfuz. And L ethzngton aro le

,and faid My .Lo rds

, ye have heard the

reafo ns upo n bo rh parts 5 it becomes yo u no w to dec ide and to put ano rder unto Preachers

,that theybe unifo rm in Do éi rine. Maywe (th ink

ye)tak e theQueen sMaffe from her ‘3

W h ile that fo me began to g ive, as it were, thei r Vo tes (fo r fo mewereppo inted, as it were , leaders o f the tell yohn Knox faid 5My Lo rds , Ifuppo fe yo uwill nOt do c o ntrary to yo ur Lo rd(h ips promife made to thew ho le Affembly, which was , That no th ing ih o uld be vo ted in fecret ,t illthat fi rfl: allmatters (ho uld be debated in publik e and that then theV e tes o f the wh o le Affembly ih o uld put end to the co ntro verli e. Now

have I o nely f uflained the argument and have rather fhewn my co nfcien ce in mo fi fimple manner then that I have infilted upo n the fo rce andvehemencyo f any o neargument And therefo re I fo r my part Utterlydi fallent fro m allvo ting unt illthewho leAll


emblyh aveheard the Pro

p o fitio n s and the Reafo n s o f bo rh parties 5 fo r I unfainedly ack n

ledge , That many in that company are mo re able to fufiain the argument then I am .

Th ink ye it reafo nable (fa id Lethington That f uch amultitude as arenow c o nvened , (ho uld reafo n and vo te in fuch heads andmatters that

c o ncern s theQueensMajefiies o wn Perfo n and Affairs .

I think (faid the Other ) That whatfo ever(ho uld binde the multitude,the multitude iho uld hear it 5 unlefl

e theyhave refigned their po wer to

Comm ifii o ners,wh ich they have no r do ne, {0 far as I underfiand 5fo rmy

L o rd Jul’rice Clerk heard them w ith o ne y o yce fay That in no wife


wo uld theyco nfent that any th ing there iho uld be vo ted o r co ncluded .

I c‘

annOt tell(faid L ethingto’

n) if myLo rds that be here prefent and

that bear the burthen o f fuch matters iho uld be bo und to their willW hat fayye, myLo rds ,(faid he) willye vo re in th i s matter o rwillyeno rvo re r


lo ng reafo ning, fo me that weremade fo r the purpo fe, faid, W hy

grayno t th e Lo rds vo te and then ibew unto the Church whatfo ever iso ne

That appears to me(faid {fohn Knaie) nOt o nelya backward o rder buta tyranny ufurped upo n the Church Bur fo r me do as ye lill(faid he)fo r as I reafo n fo I e te 5 et pro refi ing as befo re


That I difafl‘


from allvo ting , till that thew o le Aflemblyunderfiand as wellthequellio ns as the reafo ns .

W ell(faid Lethzng ton)that canno t be do ne now,fo r to o much time is

fpent 5And therefo re,myLo rd Chancello r (faid he)as k ye thevo tes , andtak e ever

, o ne o f theMm iliers , and o ne o f us .

And fo was the Rec'

to r o f SaintVi ndmer co mmanded firfi to (peak his 1

co nfc ience W ho faid, I refer it to the Super intendent on fe, fo r I thinkwe arebOth o f o ne judgement and yet (faid he ) if yewillthat p g






L ib .4. of Religion in theRealme of Sco tland ,

firfl, my co n lc ience is th i s , That if the (meen o ppo fe her {elf to o ur

Religio n (wh ich is the o nelytrue Relig io n that in that cafe the No bili~ty and States o

f th i s Realme, p ro fefl'

o rs o f the true Do é’crine, mayjufily

Oppo fe themfelves to her : But as co ncern ing herMaire, I kno w it is [do g

latry, but I am no t yet refo lved W hether byvio lence we may tak e itfrom her, o r mm . The Superintendent o f Fyfe faid That fame i s myc o nfc ience And fO affirmed fo me Of the N o bility. But Others vo tedfrankly, and faid That as theMaffe i s abo m inable, (o it is ja il and rightthat it (ho uld be fupprelfed 5 And that in fo do ing, m en did no m o re hurt

to theQ\u,

eensMajefiy then they that iho uld by fo rce tak e from her a

p oyfo ned cup ,when (he were a go ing to drink in it: Lafi Mailer ffohn

Craig , fellowMinifierwith giohn Knox in the Church Of E dznhnrgh was

required to give h is judgement and m m 5who faid,Iwillgladly ibewuh

to yo ur Ho no urs what I underfiand 5 but I greatlydo ubt , W hether myk no wledge and co nfcience fhallfatisfie yo u,feeing yo u have heard {Oma

hy reafo n s , and are fo littlem oved by them But yet I willno t c o ncealefrom yo umyjudgement,adhering firfi to the PrOtel’tatio n o fmyBro ther,to wit, That o ur vo ring prejudge no r the L iberty o f the GenerallAffembly. I was (faid he)in theUniverfity o f Bonnonio ,in the yeer o f o ur Lo rd1 554. where, in the place o f theblack - Friers o f the fameTown I {awin the time o f their Generall Affembly th i s Co ncluii o n fet fo rth 5 the

fame I heard reafo ned, determ ined and co ncluded, to th i s fenfe‘.

Co ncluli o n .

L l Ruler s , hetheySn m ne or Infer ionr mayand ought to he refirno'

rd or,

hrza’led (to [peak mo eretely) bythem hywhom theyare chafen confirmed

o r admitted to thei r Office, [0 oft no theyhreo /e tho tp romzfizmadehy o ath to thei recnnfe that thePr ince is no leffe hound hy0 4th to thefithjcéi s , then are,to thei r Pr ince: 5 v f nd therefore bttght it to he


leept and r eformedaccording to Law and Condi tionc the Oath '

thtzt is n ma’e of ti the)


Th i s Co nclufi o n (myLo rds ) I heard fufiained and co ncluded ,as I

have faid, in am o lt no table Audito ry. The fufiainerwas a learned man,‘

MailerThom/oi cz'eP inolo ,Reé’to r Of theLlniverfity, aman famo us in that

Co untrey : MailerVincentinr a’e Placentin affirmed theCo nclufio n to be

mo lt true and certain agreeable bo th with the Law o f G o d and man .

The o ccafio n Of th i s difputatio n and co nclufio n was a certain difo rderand tyranny thatwas attempted bythe Po pes G o verno urs

,who began to

make Inno vat io ns in theCo untrie againl’t the Law s that were befo re effa

blifhed, alleadging themfelves no r to be fubjeé’

t to fuch Law5 by reafo n

that theywere nOt infiituted by the Peo ple but by the Po pe who was

K ing o f that Co untrey And therefo re they having full Co mm ifii o nand Auth o rityo f the Pe pe, mayalter and change S tatutes and O rdinances o f the Co untrey witho ut anyc o nfent o f the peo ple . Againfl th i sufurpedTyranny, the learned and the peo ple Oppo fed themfelves And

when that allreafo ns which the Po pes G overno urs co uld alleadge Were:

D d d 3 heard,

Annoh eard and c o nfulted, the Po pe him felf was fain to take up the matter, andto prom ife, nOt o nely to keep t

he L iberty o f the peo ple but alfo that he

ih o uld nei ther abro gate anyLaw no r S tatute, ne itheryet make any new

Law ,w ith o ut their owne c o nfent And therefo re, my Lo rd, (faid he)

myVOte and my Co nfcienc e is That Princ es are no t o nely bo und to

Nozedil'gently k eep Laws and Pro m ifes to thei r fubjeé‘ts Bur. alfo That in cafe they


’tlym aybe b ridled : Fo r the Band betwixt the Pri nce and the

People is rec ipro call.

Then (tart up a claw- back o f that c o rrupt Co urt, and fa

what ye fay5 fo r ye tellus whatwas do ne i n Bononio 5we a

and they are a Commo n - wealth .

MyLo rd,(faid he)myjudgement rs ,That every K ingdoiho uld be a Commo n - wealth , albeit that everyCo mmo n

difputed to the uttermo ll 5and then in theendwas co ncluded That theyfp

ak e no r o f fuch th ings as were do ne in d ivers K ingdom s and Natio n s ,byTyranni


e and negligence o f peo ple Butwe co nclude (faid they)what Ought to be do ne in allK ingdo m s and Commo n - wealth s ,acco rdingto the Law OfG o d,and unto the juli Law s o f man :And if by the negligence o f thepeo ple, bythe tyrannyo

f Princes , co ntraryLaws have beenmade,yetmay that fame peo ple o r thei r pofierity, jufily crave allthingsto be refo rmed acco rding to the o riginall infiitutio n o f K ings and Co mN°te “ 'n m o n - wealth s 5and fuch as willnOt [0 do , deferve to eat the fruit o f theirOwn fo o lilhneffe

M. $ 4merMarl-goat, then Clerk o f the Regifier,fperceiving theVows to

be different,and hearing the bo ld plainneffe Of the o refaid liervant o fG o d,

faid I remember that th i s famequeli io n was lo ng debated o n befo re inmyho ufe 5and there , by rcafo n wewere no t allo f o ne m inde, it wa s co nc


luded,ThatM. Knox in allo ur


names,iho uld havewritten to

fo r his jugement in the co ntroverfie. Nay,(l'

aidM.Knox)myLo rd Secreitaryw o uld nOt co nfent that I ih o uld write,alleadging That the greateli:weight o f the anfwer flo o d in the Narrative 5an_d therefo re promifed,thathewo uld wr ite , and that I ih o uld fec it But when divers t imes I requiredh im to remember h is prom ife,I fo und no th ing but dela


y. W hereunto the


rue it is ,I pro mifed to wr ite 5and true it is ThatM.

Knox required me fo to do 5 but when I had ripelyadvifed and dee lyco nfidered theweight o f the matter I fo und mo re do ubts then I did e

fo re And th is is o ne, amo ngfiOthers 5How durlt I, being a fubjeét, andthe (h i eensMajefiies Secretary tak e upo n me to feck refo lutio n o f co ntroverfies depending betwixt her Highneife and her fubjcCts , witho ut herown k nowledgeand co nfent .Thenwas an acclamatio n o f the claw - back s Of the Co urt, as if l palla

hadgiven h is Rcfpo nce : Itwas wifelyand fai thfullydone.


Of llI Elt n O

C H u R C H Of


N the nextMo neth,wh ich was the

Queenwent into A rbole to the Huntingand fro m


thence {h e madeh er Pro greffeinto W arm] , a nd returned to Fyfe inS eptember . Allth i s whtle therewas agpearance o f love and tender friendfhipbetwixt the two Qg ecn s g Fo r there was

many Letters ,fnllo fC ivilityand Complements fent from either Of them to

the Other,in figne Ol e Am ity 5 befides

co fily Prefents fo r To kens . And inthe mean ‘time the‘Earle o f Lenox la

bo ured to co me home fo rth Of E ng land,and in the mo neth o f ofiober he arrived at Holym dfi oafe where he was

3 namely, W hen he had p re

Of E nglgnd her Letters wri tten in h is'

favo ur : And

not be refio red to h is Lands witho ut AétOf Parliam ent therefo re there was a Parliament pro cured to be ho lden at E dznburgh the 1 3 day o f December But befo re themeen wo uld caufe to

P ro claim a Parlia

was banilhed'

and fo rfeited by theHamzltonr ; when theyhad the rule.

E e e 2 There

TheHi/Zorie of theReformation Libs ,


AUHOThere were fo me Art icles given in by theChurch ,efpecialfy '£o r the abo

lifhing o f theMalle univerfally, and fo r punilhment o f vice 5

‘~b there

was li ttle th ing granted, fave that it was S tatute , That fcandalo us'


{ho uld be punifhed firit byprifo n, and then publikely ihewne unto the

peo plewith ignom iny5but the fame was no t put i n execut io n . In the end

o f th i s m o neth o f December the generall Affembly o f the Church washeld at E dznbnrgh, many th ings were o rdained fo r fetling o f the affair- cgo f the Church .

In the end Of f annary the (meen pall to Fyfe and Vifiting the Gentle - 3

m en s ho ufes , was magnificentlybanquetted everywhere, fo that fuch fuperfluitywas never feen befo rew ith in th is Realme 5 wh ich caufed the

w ilde Fo wl to be (0 dear, that Partridges were fo ld fo r a c rownA t th i s time was granted byan AftOf Parliament ,

the c o nfirmthe Fewes o f Church Lands , at the defire Oi divers Lo rds where o f theEarle o f ti l/farm] was ch ief. During the (fi een s abfence the Papifi s

o f E dinburgh went down to the Chappellto hearMail'

e 5and feeing there’

was no puniihment they‘waxed mo re bo ld fo me Of them th ink ing

thereby to pleafe the (k een,upo n a certain Sunday in F ebruarytheymade

an Evenfo ng Of their own fett ing two Priefis o n the o ne (ide Of the

(Mire, and o ne o r two o n the Other fide w ith S andy S tefvin Menflrall.

(Bapti z ing their ch ildren , and mak ingMarriages )who wi th in eight daafter co nvinced o f Blafphemy, alleadging , That hewo uld give no in

c redi t to the NewTellament, then to aTale of Robzn - Hooa’

, except it were

co nfirmed by the Do cto rs o f th e Church . The faid fuperfiitio us Evenfo ng was the o ccafio n o f a great flander,fo r manywere o ffended with it 5wh ich being bythe Breth ren declared to the Lo rds Of the Privycell, efpec iallyto the Earle o f (1 11 1 07 49 who lamented the caufe to the

Qi eens Majeitie , ' fhewing her what inco nven iency iho uld come, if fuchth ings were fuffered unpunilh ed And after lh arp reafo ning it was prom ifed That the lik e (ho uld nOt be do ne hereafter The (meen alfo al

leadged,That theywere agreat number 5 and that ihe co uld nOt tro ublethei r co nfcienée .

Abo ut the ad o f th i s mo neth arrived at E dinburgh,HenryStem rt,Lo rd

B arley 5from'

thence he pail:to F fe And in the place o f W a rner he was7adm i tted to k ilfe the (h ieens hand 5whom


lhe liked fo well '


lhe pre

ferred h im befo re allOthers As iballhereafter, G o d willing, be declared . S o o n after

,in theMo neth o f March

,the .E arle Bothwell; arrived o ut

Om n



5whereat the Earle o fMurraywas highlyIo ffended,becaufe o f theevil repo rt made to h im o f the Lo rd Barbara]! 5 And pafii ng immediatelyto the (b een sflMajeflie, demanded o f her if


irwas her will,o r byher ad


,that hewas co me home 5and feeing hewas his deadlyenemy, either

he o r th e Other iho uld leave theCo untrey and therefo re‘defired that he

m igh t have Jullice . Her anfwerw as,

That feeing the Earle B othwellwasa N o ble- m an

,and had do ne her fervice

, ihe co uld no r hate him .Nevertheleffe {he wo uld do no th ing that m igh t be prejudic ial] to the Earle o fMnr rayb ut defired that the matterm ight be tak en away: with in few daysIhe caufed fummo n the EarlBothwell, to anfwer to the c o urfe o fLaw the zOfMdy, fo r theCo nfp iracywhich the EarlOf

L ib s.

fo r that the Papifi s purpo fed to fet upt heir Ido lat E afler fo llo wing, in allplaces 5wh ich was to be imputed to the flo rh fulnelfe and wan t o f go dlyz ealOf the Pro felfo rs :Ttherefo re theyadm o nilhed the Breth ren to [irivet o avert the evil in time 8c no r to futfer fuch wick ednell

e to c o ntinue andenc reafe

,left that G o ds heavie wrath c o m e upo n us unawares li ke a c o n

f um ing fire . By thefe Letters m anyB reth ren were an imated,and thei r fpi

r it s wakened ,m inding to pro vide as GOd ih o uld g ive them grace:And firll:o f all, hythe advice o f the m o lt learned in E di nb. there

‘was a Supplicatip

o n m ade,and g iven to the (MeensMajeli ie by the SUpClt na t o f L ow‘

thzan,co ntaimng in o iled}, That the Church in generallo f the Realme hadd iveis t imes mo lt humbly c raved o f herMa)elly That comm itters o f

A t this time Adultery(ho uld be pum ihed acco rding to the Law o f G o d, and the Aa sm “ s lew " o f Parliament,nevertheleffe they co nt inued in the ir wick ednes 5and (hep a



p ills o f o bllinate malice pretended no th ing elfe but to ereétand fet upfamili arirywnh their Ido latryand Superfiitio n5and efpec iallyatE afler dayfo llo wing they“he (ly e- "

t“ intended to put the fame in pra&ice,which the Brethren and Pro fello r s o f“ m im e was

theEvangelco uld nOt fuffer 5Therefo re wiihed herMajefiie to tak e heedn o thing do nc

wubo u t hbm . o f thematter .

'Th is Supplicatio n the Sec retary received o f the hands o f the Superintendeurs o f L omfhtan and Glofgom,

and to ld them in theOg eenes Name,

That there (ho uld be f uch provifio n made as iho uld ferve to thei r co ntentment : And fo r the fame purpo fe the (Qeens Majeflie writ to all

fuch places as were fufpeéted , efpecially to the B i lh o p o f Saint A ndrew s

and u f herdezne(as was faid)no r to ufe anyMall'

e 5 And that they (ho uldno r do any fach th ing as was feared by the Pro rellants o r co nvene anyCo uncell, and thereto co mmanded them . No w the Commun io n wasadm inifired in E dznhnrgh thefirli day Op r zl

,1 56 5. A t wh ich time


caufe it was neer E a/ler- the Pap ili s ufed to meet at the irMaffe And as


me o f the Brethren were d iligent to fearch fuch th ings they havingw i th them o ne o f the Baylifls , to o k o ne Sir {farm s Carver riding hard, as

hehad no w ended the faying o f theMaffe,and c o nveyed him to gether

with theMailer o f the ho ufe, and o nc'

o r two mo re o f the affifiants to

theTo lbuith , and immediately revelled him with allhis Garments up o nh im

,and lo carried him to theMark et - Cro ffemhéretheyfet him On h igh,

b inding the Chalice in h is hand, and him felf fafi tyed to the faid Cro ire,W here he tarried the fpace o f o ne ho ur 5 Dur ing wh ich t ime the boyesierved him w i th h is E a/ler egges . Th e next dayfo llow ing , the faid Carw t

, w ith his alh flant s , were .accufed and c o hvinced by an Alli z e, acco rding to the A61 o f Parliament And albeit fo r the fame o ffence he defer~ved death yet fo r all puniihment , he was let upo n theMarket - Cro ife fo rthe fpac e o f three o r fo ur ho urs , the hang

- man (landing by and k eep ingh im

,the bo ye s and O thers were bufie,With egges calling 5 and fo me Pa

p iils there were, that ROpped as far as they co uld And as thepreaffe o f

peo ple enc reafed abo ut the G ro ffe , lt‘

here appeared to have beene fo metumult . The Proveft

,A rchi bald Domg lnr , camewith fomeHalberdiers ,

and c arried the P riefi fafe againe to the To lbuith . TheQueen beingadverti fed and having rece ived

,huilier info rmat i o n


that the PrieftVf

’fl?dead iuddenly tho ught to have ufed and infliéted fome extreme

puni lha

punilhment, fo r {he th o ught that allth is was do ne in co ntempt o f her, ando fher Relig io n and it was affirmed That the To wne (ho uld have beenefack ed,and a great number executed to death 5 ih e fent to {

‘uch as iheplea

Ied, commanding them to co me to her at E dinburgh fuddenly w ith theirwho le Fo rces 5 and in the mean time {he fent her Advo cateMailer Spenceo fConelze to E dinburgh, to tak e a fure triall o f the matter. The Pro vcfi

andCo uncellwro te to the (k een the truth o f th ematter as it was,defiring

h erMajeflie to take the fame in go o d part, and no t to give c red it to fallerepo rts 5 and therewi th fent to herMajeflie the Pro ct ife and enro lm ent o fthe Co urt o f the Prieff Co nviet .Thus thewea rsMajeltybeing info rmedo f the truth byher faidAdvo cate,fent againe and flayed the faid meetingOfm en,and fent to the Town a grave Letter,whereo f theC0 pie fo llo weth .

TheQueensLetter to th e Pr o vefl,Bailiffe,

andCo uncellOfE dinburgh .

Rrovefl,@aylifie and Councell of our Citie of E dinburgh W e

your Letterfrom our J dvocate , and under/land by thisoak rho/lay theTumult in the late difirrwhereinpwyoudidj our duty infuppr tzfakemgoodpart, nor thinko our/ Elf/ Zzthonteertainfedition;per/ons ,who werewithout theMagi/irate: a uthor itie, he

ra/hnefle andmisbehaviour;for

their olbne

Lam and

(and that

t not onelyr

tapuni/bit,and relievem on


ourpart,remitting therelltoyour diligence and ex:cution,


no reafimwillpermit .

Subfcribedw ithOur Hand at Srm tm;this 24Of/ lpril,

‘Anna 1 56 5.

Y th is manner o fwriting and h igh th reatning,maybe perceived howgrievOully theQi gens Majelliewo uld havebeen o ffended if the faid

Tarhot and d re am- manger had been handled acco rdingto h is demerite , being nOt o nelya Pap ill Ido later,bur a m anifellW ho remaller and a comm o n Fi ghter and blafphemer 5 neverthelelfe with in few dayes theQueenc harged the Provelland Bailiffs to fet him at libertie commanding themfurther

,That no man iho uld tro uble no r mo lellhim in anyfo rt fo r whatfo

ever caufe and fo o n after rewarded him with a Benefice, and lik ewil‘e h is

Alii llers‘Tf

ohn L owand f ob» Kenneelie fer at libertie in the famemanner . Atth i s E a/ler—Tyde in Sterlzn the (b eenmade her domellick {Ervants ule Pa

p illicallR ites and Ceremo n ies , and m o re, lhe perfwaded Others by fairemeans to do the fame,and threatned th o le that were mo ll c o nflap t at theEarle o fCa/fels Ho ufe. Upo n the feco nd dayOfMay r 56 5. co nveened at

E dznbargh the Earle Oa rmywith h is friends . in great numbers to keepethe dayo fLawagainllthe Earle Bothwell,who being called, appeared no t,o nelythe

zLaird o f E irleerton prOtel

’ced That the perfo nall abfence o f the

Earle Bot welllho uld no rbe p rejudiciallto him by reafo n that fo r jull:fear

,whichmight happen in the heart o fanyman, li nce he had fo po tent an

enemyas the Lo rd off

afnrray,who ,nexr theQueen sMajellywas o fgreatell.ellimatio n and Autho rityo fanymanw ithin th is Realm , to whom afli lledat thi s prefent dayOf Law, feven o r eight hundred men wh ich Fo rce hec o uld nOt refill, . andth erefo re had abfented himfelf 5 wh ich Pro rellatio nbeing made, tho fe that had been Sureties fo r h is appearance were Our

lawed . The faid Earle Bothwella few dayes after pall into F rance,'

after he

h ad b een in L iddefelale, where fufpeéling almo ll everyman, hewas no r ing reat all


urance o f his life no twithllanding he was nOt put to theHome ,

fo r the (E con co nt inuallybo re a great favo ur towards him and k ept him‘

to be a S o uldier, as appearedwi th in lelle then half a year 5 fo r ih e wo uldnOt fuller the L o rdMorton no r my Lo rd A r ie/t in my Lo rd o f Marrayer

great friends to k eep the day5There alli lledmy Lo rd o fMarray, the Earleso f Argyle, Glenearne, and Crawford , w ith great numbers , andmanyLo rdsand Baro ns who fo r the mo lt part co nveened the fame Afterno o n to

Treat and Co nfult fo r themaintain ing OfReligio n 5 where fome Articleswere devifed, and delivered to the Lo rd o fMnrray to be prefented

to the

QueensMajellie and privieCo uncell,wh ich Articles were enlarged at thegenerallall


emblyfo llowing, as fhallbe declared. In themeane time,as

theywere info rmed in Co urt o f th is great AlfemblyOf peo ple in E dinbar h

,theywere alfraid, fo r naturallytheween hated and fui


peeled allfue Conventio n s as were no t in her Own prefence ,and devifedbyher felf.The ch iefCOunfello rs in the Co urt were the Earls o fL enox and“


TheQueenwrit inco ntinent fo r allthe Lo rds to co me to S terlin lo,lo o ne

a s (h e was advertifed that theyhad Tteatedin E dinburgh OfReligio n 5 SheW rit likewife fo r the fuperintendants and Other learned men who wentth ither, and being there theycaufed to k eep the Po rt


s o r G ates , andmakego o d W atch abo ut theTo wne. The fpeciall caufe o f th i s Co nventio nwas to g ive to the Lo rd Darley Title o f Ho no ur openly and fo lemnly,W i th co nfent o f theNo bles , befo re themarriage. The fo urth day


o fM1417

t e

773 51H i/Zoigy-

of theReformation L ib 5‘

Ido la'

tro us m ay} and Super’

fiitio na bo liflred fho rtly it was c oncluded,That they(ho uld c o nveneagain to S aint5fobn/i


,where the (ween pro

m ifed to tak e a'

fina llo rder fo r’

Religio n . The daywas app o inted,to wit,the lafiOfMayat Par t/9,myLo rd OfL/ I rg ile c ame to o late . The (meens


jefiie c o mmuned w ith the .Lo rds ,whO were veryplainw ith her,{aying,Except theMaffewere abo liihedahere (ho uld be noquietnei’fe in theCo un

t rey. The twelfth da'

yOfMaythe Lo rd D arlcywas Belted,(that i s ,Created)Earle Of RoffeMit h great fOlemn ity, a Belt o r Girdle being tyed abo ut h isw afie o r m iddle 5 and albeit all


k inde Ofpro vifio n was made to mak e h im

Duk e o f aRotlrefayy et at that t ime it came no r to effeé mlbeit the C ro wn and

RObE- Ro yallwereprepared to him fo r the fame . Fo r the entertainment Ofth i s Triumph there were manyKn ights made to the numbero fmy. Thenext day,wh ich was the 1 3 OfMay the (Qeen called fo r the S uper

- inten


30W W i llocle, 950i)”W inram and Spatfwooa

’,who m ih e

cherilh ed with fair wo rd s ,affuring them that {he defired no th ing mo re ear;

nefily then the glo ryOfG Od and fatis fying o fmens c o nfc iences and th

go o d Of the Co mm o n - wealth 5 and albeit ihewas n o t perfwaded in any,

Relig io n but in that wherein {h e was b ro ugh t up5yet {he pro mifed to themthat ihe wo uld hear Co nference and D ifputatio n in the Scrip tures And

li k ewife i hewo uld be c o ntent to hear publike preach ing , but alwayes o ur

Of the m o uth Of fuch as pleafed herMajel’tie 5 and above allo ther s (he faid


wo uld gladly hear the Superintendant o f Angus (fo r he was a m ildeand fweet natur

d man)with true h o nefiy and uprightneffe . ‘S ir A r iakm Of

D zm.So o n after theQueen paft to Saint'

Tf obn/fom ,

after that {he had direét

edMai‘ter {PalmHayP rio r o fMammw k to pafl'

e to E ngland, who fped at the

(mea t o f E ngland: h and even as fir Nacholaa Tbroa/em‘

orton did in S cotland.

Befo re the day wh ich was appo inted fo r the meeting at Saint ga n/rmmyLo rd OfMarray mo lt carefullOf the main tenance Of Religio n , fent toallthe princ ipall Churche s , advertifing them Of the m atter, and defiringthem to advife , and fend the m o ltablemen in Learn ing and Repuratio n ,tok eep the day 5 but thei r c raft and dili imulatio n appeared, fo r theDean o f

R cflalrzgge'

who latelyarrived o ut OfF raace, w ith Others , fuch asMayo/mL c/leyParfo n o fVure, afterward Bifli o p o fHoffa caufed the (b een to un

derfiand th at th ing whereo f ihe was eafily perfwaded, to wit, That thereo ught to be g iven to allmen libertie o f c o nfc ience, and fo r th i s purpo fe to{bun o r put Offthe firfiday appo inted 5 The (meen writ to the N o bility,that becaufe {he was info rmed that th erewas great meet ings o ut o f everyS h i re andTown in great number 5 and then the Other partie fo termed

ihe the Papifis) were m inded to gether to the faid Co nventio n wh ichiho uld apparentlymake tro uble o r (editio n , rath er then any Other th ing 5therefo re ihe tho ught it expedient, andw illed them to flay the faid meeting s and to deferre the fame t illfuch a day that lh e ih o uld appo int withadvice t erCo uncell. At th i s t ime there was a Parliament pro claimed to be held at E a

zaéargb the twent ieth day Of stuly. Bythis'Letter,

fome o f the PrOtefiants hav’ ing bei

’t judgement tho ugh t themfelves

fulfic iently warned Of the Inc o nveniences and tro ubles to'

come . Nowher Co uncell at th i s t ime was o nely the Earles Of Lm ox and A

shale the Lo rd Rut/rm but chiefely Davi d Riz io the Italran ruled all


A r mo

b ib- 7 of Qltgion in theRealme of Sco tland.



et the Earle o f Ro/jealready in greateft c red it and fam iliarity. TheicLetters were fent o ut to the Lo rds abo ut the eight and tweritie th day o f

May ,and with in twelve dayes thereafter , lhe direaed newMifiives to

the ch ief Of theNo bility,de(i ringo r, c ommanding them ,tO come to Saintff ohn/lon the three and twentieth day o f f orm fo llow ing t o co nfult upo n

fach th ings as c o ncerned Religio n,and Other th ing s as herMajelty(ho uld

p rOpOfe 5 W h ich day was even the daybefo re that the generallAffembly (ho uld have been held in E dtnhitrgh. Th i s lairLetter uttered the cffeé

‘t Of the fo rmer 5fo that the Pro reflants tho ught themfelues fufl‘ic iently

warned . Always as the Earle o f Murraywas pali ing to Saint gi ohn/lon tohave k ept the faid day, he chanced to fall hek Of the Fluxes in L ochlevtn ,where he remained tillthe (b een came fo rth o f Saint '

Tfevhn/lon to E di n

hiergh, where the generallAilembly o f thewho le Church o fS cotland washeld

,the fo ur and twent ieth day o f f illy. The Earls o f A rgyle and Glen

cam e allified the Church with a great co mpanyOf Lo rds Baro ns and

Others : It was there o rdered and co ncluded That certain Gentlemen ,a s Commifii o ners from the Church Natio nal

,ih o uld paffe to the ueens


Majefiy,with certain Art icles to the number Of fix defiring her mo lt

h umblyto ratifie and approve the fame in Parliament . And becaufe the

faid Articles are o f great weight , andwo rthy o fmemo ry,I tho ught go o dto infef t the famewo rd bywo rd .

Mprimis That thePapi/lica/landBlafpentotta'


e with all Papijlicad Idolatry, and Papa/155W tjdtl7i on , henniverflt/ly[Zipprefi and aholtfht thorontotttthis

Realme, not onelyin the t jefit hat alfit in the i ntent own Per/on, mtthpttttz/h’

tnentag ainjlallper/on: thatjhonld he deprehended to tranfg r effit and'

oyfend itt the

flame And that the jinett e Word of God and Chrtflt tr ite Reltgton nowat that

prefint received hepnhlz/hed, approved, and ratified, therm ont thewholeRealm,

atwell in the,Qg eent omne Per/on ,

ac tn thefichjefit And that the people he to

refitrt upon, the Snndayet at the leajl to the Prayert , and Preaching of Gods’

W ord even'

aa theywere before to the Idolatrotot Mag? And thefe Heads to he

provided hyAll of Parliament, and ratifiedhythe aQt’teenr

Seco ndly Thatprovi/ion he madeforfitjlentation of theMini/h y, at well

for the timeprefent at thetime to come And that[nthperfims ac areprefentlyadwitted ot theMini/la y mayhave their L iving: afrtgned unto them, in placer

where they travell in their Calling , or at leajlnext aclyacent thereto Andthat the'

Benefices new vacant or hath heen vacantjince the Moneth of March 1 5'


he that hereafter [hall happen to he vacant “

he dtfpofi’d to'

qualified and learned

perfltnt ahle to preach God5 W ord, and dz/i harge theVocati on concerning the

Mintflery hyTtyofl and Admifiton of the S o crintendentt and . Overfeert'

And that no Beneficeor L iving having many-

C arches annexed thereunto he)

dtjpofl’d altogether in anytime to come, to any man , ho t at the leafl the Churches

thereof he feverally dtfpofid and that to feverall per/hm So that every1

man having Charge may[erve at hit owne Church according to hit Voca - jtion And to that eyfel? lthentifi: the Gleeht and the Manfet he g iven to

theMiniflcrt, that theymaymake refidencyat their Churches whetzchy theymayFff z

"a dtfi

Lafily Thatfame order hedevtfhd and e/lahlzlhed for cafe of thepoor L ahourerr of theGr ound, concerntng the r eafonahlepayment of theTythet , who are

of theTythetfet over them head: without thetr own con

The perfo ns who were appo inted by the Church to carrythefi:Articlesand prefent them to theOg een sMajefiie,were the Lairds o fCunninghamHead,Lundie,Spot and Grange o fAngua ,and(fame: Baron fo r the Bro ugh sTheic five pafi from E dtnhurgh to Saintg

fohnjlon where they prefentedthe faid Articles to the g reens Majefiie,defiring and requi ring herHighneiTe mo lthumblyto advife therewith , and to give them anfwer. Thenext day, ere theywere aware, the (k een departed to Dunkeld, and immediatelythey fo llowed 5 And after theyhad go tten audience, they defiredtheQgeens Majefiie

‘mo lt humbly to g ive their di fpatch ; She anfwered,

That herCo uncellwas nOt there prefent, but ihe intended to be in E dmwithiti eight dayes, and there they iho uld receive their anfwer. Atme time, as the generallAifemblywas ho lden in E dtnhurgh,the Bre

threa perceiving the Papifis to brag, and tro uble like to be theyalien» ,

bled themfelves at Saint L eonard Cragg ,where theyco ncluded theywo ulddefend themfelves 5and fo r the fame purpo fe,ele€ted e ight perfo n s of the





, two o f everyQrartcr, to fee that theBrethren iho uld be tea:


And when thefiveCommilli o ners abo ve named hadwaited Upo n theCo urt fo ur o r five dayes after herMajefiies com ing to E dtnhurgh therethematterwas prop o fcd in Co uncell And after lo ng and earnefi realbnmg upo n thefe Articles , at length itwas anfwered to the Commifli o nersbythe Secretary,That the (meansMajefiies commandwas ,That themat. ,


TheHi/lorie of the‘

fReformation L ib5:

hand: Neverthelefle her Mayejli e'

it well pleafed That confideration being had of her owne necefii ty And what may be [afficient for the rea

[enable [it/lentati on of the Mi ni/lor s a firewall Affignati on be made to themi nf lat e!mofl commodi ous and meet W i thwhi ch her Maye/ly [ha/lnotmeddle,bat [infer the fame to cometo them .

To the th ird Article it is anfwered That her Maje/li ej ba/l do ther ein a:fhall be ag reedbytheState}i n Parli ament .To the fo urth Article Her Mayejlier liberali ty toward: thepoorejhafl41 .

wayes be [0far extended at can be r eafonably r equi r ed at her hands .

To the fifth and fixth Articles HerMayifiy will refer the taking order

therein, unto the S tates a/fembled i n Parli ament .

A s theQleehs Majeltie came‘

from Saint ’

f ohnflon ,o ver F or th to

the Callender lhewas co'

nveyed to‘theW ater fide o f F orth wi th two

hundred Spears :i’

Fo ra t that t ime it was b ruted That there was fo me

lying in wai t rat the Path o f Dron . In the mean t ime the Earle o fw ith h im . Nowthe (Lueens MajeF o r h is LadywasMinifier made the

ardr Craig: and therefo r the fame pur

And w itho ut any. Tryall

,o r {cut to the Pro veft and

apprehend Alex

adr ow S later,and

lh io n o f pro ceeding feemed to be

very flrange And becaufe perfo ns were' no r apprehend

ed (he (cut the next day a Charge to the Provell and Bayliffs and

to her o wh e‘

great -Treafurer,

. to palfe to the ho ulies o f the faid fo uremen and lik ewife to their~Bo o rh s o r Sho p s , and there - to take Inven

to ryo f all their G o o ds and Chattells 5 And co mmanded the faidTreafurer to tak e the Keyes of the faid,Ho ufes and Bo o th s to gether withthe faid Invento ry5 which wa s eatecuted in effefi ,


efpecially~ upo n the

faid A lexander Gathrieh is wife ,he being then commo n Clerke ,


o ne o f the greateft‘in efiiin




tio n with in the Towhe his . w ife and ch ildren were lhut o ut o ftheir h


ofife " and'

compelled to feel: fome Otherlo dging in t


By th i s manner o flprbéeeding ,

the hearts o f .all men o f fpirit andj udgementwerewonderfullyabafhed andwo unded,feeing and_perceiving


ef R'

elig ion in the‘Reetlme Of Sco tland .

thefe th ings fo furio ufly handled upo n {i nifler and wro ng Info rmatio n,men never called to thei r anfwer no rh eard no r any triali tak en therein .

Immediatly thereafte r as {he cam e to E dinburgh, {he called to co unfellfucha s pleafed herMajeftie, and there co mplain s o f the faidmatter alleadgingit to be aCo nfpiracyand manifefi Treafo n . And ano ther matter lik ewifiewas complained upo n , That the Earle o fA rg ile as the (k een was furelyinfo rmed)was riding w ith a great A rmy to invade the Earle o f A thole andhis Lands . F o r the firftmatter it was co ncluded by the Co uncell Thatdiligent inquifitio n ih o uld be made in thematter and to that purpo fe app o inted the(Men s Advo cates M. 5cm Spence o f (Sandi e, and M Rah”:Crichton to examine fuch as they wo uld and when the


faid Advo cateshad called befo re them

,and exam ined a fufli cient number and thei r dc

po fitio n s fubfcribed and delivered to theQ een,there was n o th ing fo undwo rthy o f death no rTreafbn 5 at length the faidafo ur perfo n s were fum;

m o ued to anfwer at Law .

Fo r thematter,That theQueensMaiefiy(ho uld fend to the Earles o fA rgyle and c/ I thole fome o fher Co uncello r fam iliar feryants to tak e o rderto uch ing it . And when the Secretary th


e .qti‘cé filerlee and Lo rd o fS aint Colme had pail to the {aid Earle o fA‘rg .they

fo und no fuch th ing 5but in Athole therewas great fear c o me o f a i‘udden fray fOr after manyPro clamat i o ns , the F i re- Crag? (wh ich theymade ufe o f in lieu Of Beecons )was raifed in A thole.

Now as the dayOf the Parliament approachedi theLbrds p retending toco nfult befo re ,what iho uld be do ne as we'

llinrRelig io n ,’

as fo r theCo mm o nwealth

,thefifteenth day o f

s tlytheic o o nyehned at:S ter lzn the Duk e,t he Earles o fArgyle andMurray, Kathie, and O ther Lo rd s '

and Baro ns andas theywere devrfing and c o nfulting the (hgeen

s Majel’ty tak ing theirmeeting in cvillpart fent her Advo cates Mafier'

Zia/en Spence and Mailer

Cr ichton to them at S ter /tn requi ring the caufe o f t eir mee ting 5 theyanfwered That the fpec i allo ccafio n o f thei rmeeti no was fo r the caufe o fReligio n and the aff urance thereo f, acc o rding as they had latelywr ittento theQueen sMajefty in S eatan from the town o f E dznhnrgh, theydefiringthen to p ro ro gate the day.

F inally, when the faid Advo cates co uld by no means perfwade them toc o me to E dmhnrgh, they returned again to {Edinhitrg h ,

and declared to the(meen sMajefi ie acco rd ing as theyhad fo und.


In the m ean time theParliament was pr’

o ro gated at theQueen sMajefliesc o mmand to the firfl: o f S eptemher next after fo llowing fo r it W astho ught That the leafi part and .princ ipali o f the chiefe No bilitybeing abfent, there co uld no Parliament be ho lden at the ti me time the(meens Majeftie perceiving that thematter wag alreadycome'

tyand ripenelfe, (0 that the m iudes and'

fecrecy o fmen s hearts muffneedsbe difclo fed, {he e te to a great number o f ~L o rds Baron‘

s Gentlmenand Others that were neareft in Fife‘

, :A flg’


L owthzen’

Mere Tevimdale:Perth, L ithgow~Clidfdall,and Others to refo rt to her,in thi s fo rme o f wordshereafter fo llowing .

The Eli/for) of theReformation

The (meens Letter.


fr tettd W egreetyou well weare g r ieved indeed he thew illhrm’


[pr ead among/lour L teg et at that wejhott/d havemo/efled any man in theaifing of hh

Relig i on andConferencefr eely a thing whi ch nefuer entred i nto our

ntznde yet fince we per ceive the too ea/ieheleem ngfttch r ep or t: hath made themc arelelfe andfowe think i t hecomes in to he careftt /lfor thefafetyandpr efer fvate


on afour flare , wherefor e we p rayyou mofiayfeti‘tonately,That wzth all poffihle

.ha/Z (after ther eceipt ofthe our L etter ) yon W i thyour kindred, fr iend: andwholeF orce

,wellfarnt/hedweth Arm; for War r e, hepr ovidedfor fifteen dayes afier

your coming addrejfeyou to cometo tie tomatteand attend upon M accordingto our expeé


ati on and tr io/l inyon, at yon well ther ehy declare the g ood ayfeé’

h on

yon hear to themaintenance of our Anthorttie, and wi ll doe ao’

therein acceptahle

ferw ee.

Oar Hand at E dinburgh,thedayof j uly, 1 5 6 5.

Herewas lik ewife Pro clamatio n made in E dinburgh, That the (weenm indednOt the tro uble,no r


alter the Religio n,and alfo Pro clamatio nsmade in the Sh ires abovem entio ned

,fo r the fame purpo fe That allFree r

holders andOther Gentlemen ih o uld refo rt (in the afo refaid manner )io E21 'nhronth, where the Earle o f Ref]? was madeDuk e o f Rothefay w ithg reat triumph ,the 2 3 dayo fyaly. The fame afterno o n the (h een c hm

p lained grievo ufly upo n the Earle OfMar rayin Open audience o f all the

L o rds and Baro n s and the fame day the Bans o f the Earle o f Roy]? and

Duke o fRothefay‘

, and the (Licen sMarriagewere pro claimed. Ab o ut th i st ime the Lo rd A rt /een was made Earle OfMar re. In the mean t ime therewere diversMefl


ages fent from the (fi een s Majeftie to the Lo rd o fMarray,firi’t , Mailer Rohert Cr ichton to perfwade h im by all meanes po fli ble to

come and refo rt to the(Meen s Majei‘t ie h is anfwerwas That he wo uldbe glad to c ome to her felf acco rding to h is bo unden duty, yet fo r asmuch as fuch perfo ns as were mo lt p rivie in her company,were his c ap ital!enemies

,who a

lfo had co nfpired hi s death he co uld no wayes come folo ng as theywere in Co urt .S o o n aftermy Lo rd E r s kin and theMafierMaxwellpail to

him to

drewt , rather fuffered and perm itted by the (meen then fent by her Highnelfe,after them theLaird o fDun

,wh o was fent bythe means o f theEarlo f

Mar,but allth i s did no t prevailwith h im ; and when allho pe o fh is co ming

was pafi , an Herald was fent to him ,charging h im to come to the (b een:

Majefiy, and anfwer to fuch th ings as ih o uld belaid,to h is charge with in

eight and fo urtyho urs next after the Charge under pain'

o fRebellio nand becaufe he appeared no : the next dayafter the e igh t and fo rtyh o urs ,he was deno unced Rebell and put to the Hom e. The fame o rder theyufed againfithe Earle o f Argyle fo r the (ween faid [he wo uld ferve h im

‘The Hifiorj of theReformation L ib ;Hamzlton

,the E arles A rgzle, M urray, Gleflmr ne, Rathefle, the Lo rd Boyd,

and Oehzltrze, w ith divers Baro n s and Gentlemen o fF rfeand Kyle wheret hey co nc luded to be in readinelTe with their who le Fo rces the {o ur andtwentieth day o f Ange/i . But the K ing and (Meme w ith great cc

ri ty prevented them fo r the irMajefties (ent tho row L owthzarrf zfe, Angm , S trathem e

,Ti fvidazleand Chiddzfdatle and Other Sh ires m ak ing their

Pro clamat io n s in th is manner, That fo rafmuch as certaine Rebels who

(under c o lo ur o fReligio n) intended no th ing but the tro uble and fubverfiN nm his fo r o n o rthe

‘Commo na wealth

,were to c o nvene w ith fuch , aS theym ight

o ur rime .

In an fweriu

perfwade to alli lt them therefo re they charged all manner o fmen under

pain o fLife, Lands , and G o o ds , to refo rt and meet aherrMajelties at Lmlithgew the 24dayo fAugufl.

Th is Pro clamatio n was made in L omthiafl the th ird pay of the raidm o neth . UponSunday then inteenth o fAugu/lnh e K ing cameto the h ighK irk e o f E dmhrrrgh, where

f ohn Knoxmade the Sermo n 5his Textwas tak en o ut o f thefix and twentieth Chapter o fE/hyer h is Pro phefie, abQUt theth i rteenth Verle where in the wo rds o f the Pro phet, hefaid 0 L ord our

God, other L ords then therehave ruled ever a . W hereup o n he m ake o ccafi~

o n to fpeake o fthe government o fw ick ed Princes ,‘who fo r the finnes o f

the peo ple are fent as Tyrants and fco urges to plague them And amo ngfiOther th ings he laid That G o d fets in that ro om (fo r the ofl

‘ences and

ingratitude o f the peo ple Boyes and women . And (0 Otherwo rdswh ich appeared b itter in the K ings ears as That G od jufily punilhedAhab and h is Po fierity, becaufe hewo uld no r take o rder w ith that Harlo rIez ahel


. And becaufe he had tarried an ho ur and mo re lo nger then thetime appo inted, the K ing fitting in a Thro nemade to r that purpo fe was

{0 moved at th i s Sermo n , that he wo uld no r D ine and being tro ubled,

twenty Mafier

He anfwered That he had fpo k en no th ingbut acco rding to his Textand ifthe Church wo uld command him either to fpeake o r abfiain hewo uld o beylo far as theW o rd o fG o dwo uld perm it him.

fo ur dayes after, the K ing andween lent to theCouncello fcommanding them to

'depo l'

e Archzheld Dowglar and to re~

ceive the Lai rd Creigmz/ler fo r their Provelt wh ich was p refentlyo beyed .

s {0 “W ild G o d in his )ufiicc make her an Infirument o fhis m ine ; and.


o it fello ut in a very(h o rt timebut theQgeen being incenledwith thele wo rds ,fello ut inTears,and to p in k her IebaKnot mullabfiain from preachingfo ra time.

Libs . of i‘iefigionm theWhi z/me of Sco tland.

The five and twentieth o f A egujl the K ing and (meens Majeftie s p afifro m £ dfnhnrgh to L irrlzthqom, and from thence to S terlm

,and from S ter

lm to 0 143 0717 . At the i r firfl arrivall,thei r who lepeo ple Were nOt c o me,

The neat dayafter their arrivallto GlafgomnheLo rds came to‘

i Zey,whereth ey remained that n ight, being in c o mpany abo ut p ne th o ufand ho rfes .

On the mo rrow they came t o Hami lton ,k eep ing the h igh paffage from

Pe i/Icy hard by Glafgmv,where the K ing and (meen eafilym ight be

h o ld them . The n igh t fo llow ing , wh ich was thcpemilt o f A aga/l, theyremained in Hami lton with their Co mpany 5 but fo r divers refpeets mo .

vin them they th o ugh t it nOt exped ient to tarry efpecially, becaufe


arle o f A rgylewas nOt c o me 5 fo r his D iet was n0 t afo re the , fe

c o nd o f S eptemher fo llo wing, to have been at Harm /rm ., F inally they

to o k purpo fe to c o me to E dmhargh , the wh ich theydid'

the next day.

And albei t Alexander a fres h ”,Captain under the Lo rd h is bro ther,

cauled to {h OOt fo rth o f the Cattle two S ho t o f Canno n , they beingneer the

'To wne 5 And lik ewife that the Laird Crazgmzller Pro vel’t, didh is endeavo ur to h o ld the Lo rds fo rth o f the To wne , in caufing the

c ommo n Bells to be rung , fo r the convening o i theTo wne, to the efi

feet afo refaid yet theyentred eafilyat the W elt Po rt‘o r Gate

, wi tho ut any mo lel

’catio n o r impediment , being innumber, as theyefieemed

themfelves o ne tho ufand three hundred Ho rfes . Immediately theyd ifpatc

‘hedMeffengers S o uthward and N o rthward to allift


them 5 but all

in vain : And immediately after theywere in their Lo dgings they cau

fed to firik e o r beat the D rum defiring allfuch men as wo uld rece iveW ages fo r the defence o f the Glo ry o f G o d That they ih o uld refo rtthe day,

fo llowing to the Churc h where they fho uld receive go o d

Pay But they pro fited little that .way 5neither co uld they in E dm

hurgh get anyc o mfo rt or fuppo rt, fo r no ne 0 refOf tedu nto them

yet they go r mo re relt and fleep when theyW ere at E dmharg h then

they had do ne in five o r fix n ights befo re;The N o ble- m en o f th i s Com pany were , The Duk

W arm] Gleaezzm o and Kathe/fe z ; The Lo rds Boyd anThe Lai rd s o f G range, Cunnmgham

- head’

, Baleamze,’and

Tuto r o f Pa cer »

,The Lai rds o f Bar r





the Laird o f Pi ttaro» Co mptro ller went w ith them : Some faid merir ily , That they were come to k eepe the Parliament fo r the Parii~

ament was c o ntinued t ill the firlt day o f S eptemher ,

u po n thewh ichday they wro te to the K ing andQg een s Majeltie s a L etter, containingin elici t That albe it they were perfecuted m o l’t unjullly ,

whichthey underflo o d p ro ceeded no r o f the K ing and (Meen s Majeli ies o wnN ature but o nely by evil Co unfell yet no rwith ftand ing they

fuffer acco rding to the LawesReligio n o f G o d m igh t be eftablilhed,‘n be likew ife refo rmed Befeeclring

But o rherwifej f theirenem ies wo uld feek thei rdear bo ught . They had writtentw ice, alm o ft to the fame effefi ,

to the

K ingand‘Cmee-nsMajefiies , aftert heir palfing from E elzaharg/g 5 {g r the

G gg z Laird

TheH iflory of'


f i llfl O Lai rd Of Pre/loo prefented a"Letter to


th e K ing andQii een s Majeii ie, andwas therefo re im pr i fo ned , but foo n after releafed


5 neverthelelfe they gOtno anfwe r . The fame diay that



departed o ut o f Hamzltorz, the K ingand (k een s Majellies ilfued o ut o f Glafigom in the m o rn ing bet im es And

pulli ng towards Ham i lton ,

‘the A rmymet theirMajefiies neer the B ridge

O i’

Caala’cr A s theymuftered

,theMafler o f u

lf axarell fate do wne upo n

h i s k nees,and made a lo hg O rat io n to the (ween

,declaring what plea

fure {he had do ne to them , and ever laid the w h o le burden upo n the Earle sMurr ay. S o o n after

,they m arched fo rward in Battellaray : The Earle

o f L eaox to o k theVan -

guard, the Earle o f W om an the m iddle Battell}fand the King and (meen the Reere The wh o le numberwe re abo ut five,th o ufand men

,whereo f the greatefi part were in theVan -

guard .

As the K ing and (meensMajellies werew ith in three m iles o f“

Haw /tea ,th eywere adver ti fed th at the Lo rds were departed in the mo rn ing 5 but

where they'

pretended to‘be that n igh t, it was uncertain Alwayes fo o n

af ter their returne to 6 14 gen? the K ing and'Cmeen were certainlyadvert rfed Thatt heywe re all to E rlzahargh and therefo re caufed immedi

ately t o warne'

thewhoheArmy to paffe w ith th em to E a'zahargh the next

day 5wh o earlyin th e m o rn ing , lo ng befo re the Sun was rifen began tom arch B ut there aro fe fuch a vehement Tempefl o f w inde and rainefrom theW ell

,as the like had nOt been feen befo re in a lo ng t ime 5 fo

that a little b ro o k turned inco nt inent into a great River and the raging{to rme beihg

in thei r face,‘

with great difficultywent they fo rward And

albeit the m o f’t’

part waxedweary , yet the (meen s c o urage enc reafedthan - like fO much tfhat

flie was ever w ith the ' fo remo lt. There was

divers perfo'


drowned tha t day in the water o f Carrerz 5 and am o nglt

O ther s , the K ing s Papift, wh o fo r the z eal he bare to

eMall'e lc‘



abo -ut h is“

neck a ro und go d o f b read, wellclo fed ino uld nOt ferve h im .

there came a po ll to the (g em s Majefiie,O declared , That the Lo rds were in there wa


s a'


‘o f inno cent perfo n s ;

e (ho uld S he co mm anded inco ntinent rhar ibe iho uld return again to the faid Alexander , and


h im,in her name

,That he {heuld lh o o r


fo lo ng bs'h


e had either Powder0 1

‘and. mm fpare fo r anybo dy.

At n ight, the K ing and (Lueen came wellwet'

to the Carl/ended wherethey remained that n igh t and abo ut eigh t ho urs at n ight, the ' firllo fS ep temher, the Po ll came again to the


Caftle and repo rted the (memes

Co mm and to A lexander A r es km , who inc o ntinently caufed to ihOOtfix 0 1‘

leven (hOt Of Canno n,whereo f the:mark s appeared having irefpeét


no realo n,but o nely to theQueens Command .

The Lo rds perceiving that they co uld get no fuppo rt ih E dmharg h,no r S o uldi ers fo r m o ney»

,albeit they had travelled all that theyaco uld 3an

L ib

At the fame t.me the Duke , the Earls o f Glencarne and A rgyle , theLo rds Baya

’and ucbzltrz

e w ith the Lo rd o f Canningbam- lzead and the

refi,were charged to come and p refent themfelves in S . u ndrew: be

fo re the K ing andQueens Majefties to anfwer to fuch thing s as fh o uldbe laid to the ir charge, w ith infix dayes , under the pain o f Rebellio nAnd the daybeing exp ired and they no t appearing , were deno unced


Rebells , and put to the Ho rne .

A s theQueen remained in Saint Andrew} , the i nhabitants o f Dlmdlc’

being fo re afraid becaufe o f fo me evil repo rt made o f them to the

Queen, as if theyhad tro ubled theQg g en, in feck ingmen o f W ar, and

d fome to be raifed in the irTo wn fo r the Lo rds s fo r there wasno th ing done in Drmrlze but it was revealed to the Qg een efpec iallythat theMinil

ter had received a Letter from the Lo rd s , and deliveredthe fame to the Brethren perfwading them to aflifi the Lo rds s wh ichbe ing granted by theMinilier theQigen remitted it. After great travelland fupplicatio n made by(ome N o ble - men

,at length , the K ing and

Q een be ing in the Town theyagreed fo r two tho ufand mark s , fiveo r fix o f the principallleft o ut,with (ome Others , that were put to thei rfii ift. After the King andQueen he

‘d remained two nights in the To wne

o f Dandze,they came to S .Amlrewr ; and(c o n after,they came o ver F orrb,

and (0 to E dinéurgbb uring th is t ime, theMatter OfMaxwellwro te to theK ing andQueen, mak ing o ffers fo r and in the name o f the Lo rds .The next day after the K ing and Queens coming to E dméargb there


was a Pro clamatio nmade at theMarket - Crofl'

e And becaufe the fame‘

is veryno table, I tho ught go o d to inlett it herewo rd bywo rd, albeit itbe fomewhat lo ng.



E nryandMary By the G race o f G o d King and Queen o f Scots ;To alland fundryOur Lieges and Subjea s wh om it may co ncerne, ,

and to who fe knowledge thefe Letters {h all come, G reeting .

Fo ralmuéh as inthis Upto re lately raifed up againfius by certaine

Rebels ;and their affifiants the autho rs thereo f to blinde the eyes o fthefimple peOple)have g iven them to underfiand

,That thequarrel]theyh ave in hand is onelyRelig io n think ing w ith that clo ke to cover the irungo dlydefignes , and lb under that plaufible argument, to draw after

them a large train o f igno rant perfo ns cahe to be feduced. Now fo rthe p refervatio n o f o ur go o d Subjea s ,who fe cafe were to be p itied iftheyblindely iho uld lufi


er themfelves to be induced and trapped in (odangero us a fnare it hath pleaf


ed the go o dneffe o f G o d, by the utterance o f their ownmo uthes and writings to us to d ifcover the poyfo n

that befo re lay hid in the ir hearts , albeit to allperfo ns o f d eer judgmentthe fame was evident eno ugh befo re :Fo rwhat Other thing [is this , but tadim/rue thewholePolicy, and in 4manner to invert thew ryorder mightmovethe principal raifers o f th is tumult to put themfelves in Arms againfius (0unnaturally,upo n whomwe had bello wed (0 many benefits 513m:that theg reat ho no rwe did them,

rhey be ing thereo f unwo rthy,made themmifk now themfelves ;and the ir ambitio n c o uld no t be fatisfied with heap ingriches upo n riches ,& ho no r upo nho no r,unlefl

e theyretain in the ir hands

L ibg . of‘Réligion in tbe


Quinta of Sco tland.

us,and o urwho le Realme to be led, ufed and di(po fed at their plea(ure .

Butt his'

co uld no r themultitude have perceived if G o d (fo r di(clo fingtheir Hypo crifie)had no r c o mpelled them to utter thei r unrea(o nable defire to Governe , fo r now by Letters (ent fro m them(elves to us whichmak e plain pro felfio n, that the efiablifii ing o f Religio n w ill no r c o ntentthem ,

burwe mufi:be fo rced to govern byCo uncell,(uch, as it (hallpleafe asthem to appo int us 5 a th ing (0 farre beyo nd all meafure thatwe think e

the o nelyment io n'

o i (0 unreafo nable a demand is (utficien t to mak e’

the irnearell K ins fo lk s theirmo ltmo rtallenemies , and allmen to run o n themw i tho ut further(cruple, that are zealo us to have their native.Co untrey to

remain h illin the flare o f a Kingdome : Fo rwhat Other th ing is thi s , butto dili


o lve thewho le po lic ie and (in a manner ) to invert the very o r

der o fnature,to mak e the Pr ince o bey and Sub jects command . The

like was never demanded byany o f o ur mo ltN o ble Pro gen ito rs . hereto

fo re yea, no r o fGo verno urs and Regents but the Prince’and (uch as

have filled thei r place cho fe the irCo uncell o f (uch as they tho ught m o i}:fit fo r the purpo(e. W hen we o ur (elves were o f lelfe age, and at o ur firft

return ing into th i s o ur Rcalme, we had free ch o ice o f o urCo uncellat o urplea(ure, and now when we are at o ur fullmaturity, fh allwe be bro ughtback to the (late o f Pupills , and be put underTuto ry 6 S o lo ng as (omeo f them bo re thewho le(waywith us , th i s matterwas never


c alled inquefiio n but nowwhen theycanno t be lo nger perm itted to do and undo c allat their pleafure, theyw ill put a Bridle into o ur mo uthes and g ive us a

Co uncellcho fen after thei r fantafie . Th i s i s thequarrel]o fRelig io n Eli 'eymade yo ubeleeve theyhad in hand Th i s is the quarrell fo rwh ich th eywo uld haveyo u haz z ard yo ur Lands , L ives and go o ds , in the company o fNov. diligently

acerrain number o f_

Rebels againfi yo ur naturall Prince.'

To (peak'


go o d language theywo uld be K ings themfelves , o r ar theleafileaving tous the bareName andTitle and tak e to them(elves the credit and who leadminifirario n o f theK ingdome .

W e have tho ugh t go o d to mak e publicatio n hereo f, to ibew th at yo u(o ffer no ryo ur (elves to be deceived under pretence o fReligio n , to fo llo w

them who prefering their particular advancement to the publik e tranquilitic and having no care o fyo u, in refpeéi o f them(elves wo uld(ifyo uwo uld heark en to their vo ice)draw yo uafter th


em,to yo ur utter defiruéti

o n . Afi‘uring yo u that yo u have hereto fo re go o d experience o f o ur clen

mency and under o ur W ings enjoyed in peace'

the po liefiio n o f yo ur.

G o o ds , and lived at liberty o f yo ur Co nfcience, (0 mayyo u be in fullaf.furant e o f the like hereafter, and have us alwayes yo ur go o d and lo vin g


Princes to (0 many as fhallc o ntinueyo ur (elves i n due o bedience, and dothe o lfice o f fai thfulland naturallSubjeéts .

Given under our Sainta‘aarew s

userem/5ofDecember , and R figurethefirfiand twentie

tbreeyears . r 56

NOw the Lo rds defired, next the eftabliihing o fReligio n That the(mew s Majefiy,in all the Affairs o f the Realme and Co mmo n

wealth ,iho uld ufe the co unfell and advice o f the N o bility and anc ientblo o d o f the fame 5 whereas in themean time the Co uncello f David andF ram ifoo the Italians , w ith F owler the E nglifhman, andMailer97mm ; Bal

four F arfo n o f F la/e, was preferred befo re allOthers , (ave o nely the Earleo f Arbole,who was tho ught to be aman o fgro fl


e judgemenrb ut nevertheleiTe in all th ings given to

fplea(e the (b een . It was no w finally come to

th i s po int that in {lead 0 Law, Jufiice and equity o nely W ill ruled inallth ings 5therewas tho row allthe Co untie (er o ut a Pro clamatio n in theK ing and (meens names

,co mmanding allper(o ns to c ome andmeet them

at Srerlm the firll day o f ofioéer fo llowing with twentydayes provifio n,under pain o flife, lands and go o ds . Itwas uncertainwhether theirMajeflies intended to pafi


e from S rerlm o r no r, and I beleeve the rincipallmenk new no rwellat that t ime 5 fo r a repo rt was , That byreafdn the Caftleso fHami lton and Draf ter were k ept Fo rtified andViétualled at the Dukesc ommand,that theywo uld paffe to fiege the (aid ho ufies ,& give them (ome{ho r o fa Cano n 5

' Others (aid,Theywo uld pafl'

e towards myL .o f

who had his peo ple alwayes armed , whereo f h is neighbo urs weree(peciallythe Inhabitants o fA thaleand Lmox but at length it was co n e

cluded that they(ho uld pafi'

e to Dumfr eix, as {hallbe declared.

During th i s t ime there were PrOpofitio n s made co ntinually to the Kingand (ween

,by the Lo rds , defiring alwayes theirMajefiies m ofi humbly

to rece ive them into their hands : Their Articles tend ed co ntinually to

theft:two Heads , «we . To abo lifh themy}, ro o r o ut Ido latry, and Ellablilh the true Religio n , And that they and the affaires o f the Realm ih o uldbe go verned by

the advice and co unfiall o f the true N o bilityo f the (ame;o ffering themfelves and their caufe to be tried bythe Lawes o f the Co untrey.Y erno th ing co uld be accepted no r taken in go o d part, albeit theMailer o fMaxwelllabo ured byallmeanes to redrefl


e thematter, who alfo en

retrained the Lo rds mo h ho no urably in Damfrezk fo r hehad the government o f allthat Co untrey. But he him(elf incurred the (Mew s wrath

(0,that hewas (ummo ned to prefent himfelf and appear befo re the K ing

andQieensMajefiies , after the fame fo rm that the refi o f the Lo rds werecharged with and al(o commanded to give o ver the Ho ufe o f Lorlmab

6m and theCaflle which he had in k eep ing fo r theQgeen . And albeitbe o beyed no r, yetwas he no r pur to theHome

, as the tell. Neverthelefi'


therewas no man that do ubted o f his go o d will and partak ing with theLo rds , who in themean t ime(ent Robert W elezin to the (b een o f E ngland

,and declared their {late to herMajefiy, defiring (uppo rt.

Now the ch ief care and (o licitude thatwas in the Co urt,was , whatmeans theym ight come to havemo ney fo r no rwithfianding t great

preparat io n fo rwarre and em inent appearance o f tro uble et were theydefiitute o f thefinewes o fW arre albeit the Treafurers

,an now Comp

tro ller to wit, the Laird o fTzlbarrliri had disburfed many tho ufand55yet there was no appearance o f payment o f(o uldiers ,no r(carcelyhow the

King andQqeens Ho ufes and pompo us Trains ih o uld beupho lden 5therewas

TheHifloo oj"tlae




A [1 11 0 Thefirft dayo f o fiobrr met in E dinburgh the'

Superintendant o fLotbz’



wi th all the Minifiers under h is charge acco rding to their o rdinarycufiome 5


fo r everySuperintendant ufid to c o nvene the who leMinifiery,and there it was co mplained o n,That they co uld get no payment o f theirfiipends ,no t o nlyabo ut theCity,but tho row the who le Realm .Therefo re

after reafo ning and co nfultatio n tak en,theyframed a fupplicatio n direéted

to the K ing andtmi een,and immediatelyprefented the fame to their Ma»

jefiies byM. ¥ obn Spottfivood Superintendant o fL otbzafl , andMafier D d ’Uld

L ind/27Minifier o fL eft/7 5 it c o ntained in effeé‘t,That fo rafmuch as it had

pleafed the K ing and(Meen sMajefiies w ith advice o f thePrivie C o uncell to grant unto theMinifiers o f theW o rd their ftipends to be tak en o ftheTh irds o fthe Benefices , wh ich S tipends are now detained from the

faidMinifiers byreafo n o fthe tro ubles and changing o f the Co mptro ller,wherebytheyare no rable to live 5 and therefo re m o lt humblyc raved theK ing andQ leensMajefiy to caufe them to be paid. Thei r anfwer was


That theywo uld caufe o rder to be taken therin to thei r co ntentment . S o o n

after the Lo rd Gordzoa came to E dinburgh, and left themo lt part o fhis peo

ple at S terlm With h is carriage 5the K ing and (k een fo r h o pe o f his go o d

fe rvice to be do ne,teflored him to h is Fathers place to the E arledo me o f

Him/ey, the Lands andHeritage thereo f. 0 5060 8. the K ing and (meene

marched fo rth o fE dmburg /a to wards Damfrezk, and as theypaffed from the

F allace o f Hal/yrad- boafe allmenwerewarnedwith Jack and Spear . The

firfinight they came to S terlin , and the next to Craford 5 the day after the

Lairds o fDranlaar z’

cleand L ochinvar ,met the (k een,albeit they had been

w ith the Lo rds fam iliar eno ugh .The Lo rds perceiving,ihat allh o pe o f reo

c o nc iliatio n was pail they ro de to E dnam where they remained t illthe(a came to Damfiezk

,and then theypall:to Carlile. No w theMailer o f

Maxwell, who had entertained the Lo rds fam iliarly and fubfc ribed withthem ,

and had fpo ken as h ighly againfi their enem ies as anyo f themfelves ,and had received large mo nyby that means ,to wit , r o o o .l. to taife a Bando rTro up o fHo rfmen 5and that the fame day the K ing and (lueen came toDamfreio 5the th ird dayafter their co m ing he came to them ,

co nveyed bytheEarle Botbmell,with divers OtherNo blemen .At length the Earles o fAtbole andHintleywere Sureties fo r h im and all things pafi remitted

,upo n

c o nditio n,that he iho uld be a faithfulland o bedient fubjeéi:hereafter. Thefame day they madeMufiers the next day

is Realme, who alfo were

E ng landS o on after thethe reft o f the Lo rds aiMurr ay ih o uld have beethat he iho uld have ge t

beyo nd h is expeétatio n , he c o uld get no audience o f the (meet; o f England But bymeans o f the French Ambailado ur , calledMo nfieur de F our ,

h is true ' friend, he o btained audience . The (b een w i th a fair c o untenance, demanded , How he, being a Rebell to her fi lter o f S cotland durft

tak e the bo ldneife upo n him to c o me w ith in her Realm f Thefe and the

lik e wo rds go t he, infiead o f the go o d and co urteo us entertainment exo e‘

cited . F inally, after private difco urfe, the Ambaifado ur being abfentffherefufed to give the Lo rds any fuppo rt denying plainly that ever (he had

No tc dlligen tlyp rom ifed any fuch th ing as to fuppo rt them ,

faymg, S he nevermeant any (E E lcazbelb,fuch th ing in that way 5 albei t her greatefi fam iliars k new the co ntrary.

In the end, the Earle o f t i l/[arrayfaid io her, W adamu ,wbaf/befuer tbzng

yourMaje/lzemeant 1 71 your bear: weare tbereof ignorant 5 but rbaa mac/o me

[enow aflirr ea’ly Tbat arebad latelyfaitbfu/lpromzfi; of ayd andfupport byyour

MMa/jbdour , andfamzliar fer 'vancs , inyour . name A ndfur t/yer we loave

your owne band- wrztzng ,

confirming tbe [41ap r omifer . And afterward heto o k h is leave and came N o rth - ward from L ondon ,toward s Nero

ca 123 .flAfte

r the Earle of Murrayh i s departure fro m the Co urt, the Qi ee'

n Hefcm’i k eh

fent them fome ayd ,and writ unto the(Lueen o f Scotland in their fa (

“mf g“ 2

tu n, o r

vo ur W hether ihe had pro m i fed i t i n private to the Earle o f Murray, a great mcon

o r whether ihe,

r‘epented her o f the harfh receptio n o f the Earle o f “W Y'


At this t ime D a fw’

d Rizjo Italian, began to behigher exalted, infomuchas therewas no matter o r th ing o f impo rtance do ne w itho ut h i s advice .


this time,the faithfull wi th in th i s Realme were in


fear,lo o k ing fo r no th ing but great tro uble and perfecutio n to be {ho rt

lyl Y et‘

Supplicatio ns'

and Intercefli o ns were made tho rowo ut all the

Co ngregati o n s efpec ially fo r fuch as were afflidtcd and banifhed , That

it wo uld pleafe G o d to g ive them pat ience , co mfo rt,and c o nflancy 5

and th i s efpec ially was do ne at E dmburgb ,‘


f obn Knox ufed to

call them that were banifhed'

, The belt part o f the N o bili ty Chiefe

Members o f the Congregatio n W hereo f the Co urtiers being ad;

vertifed 5 they to o k o ccaii o n to revile and bewray h is fayings , al

leadg ing , He prayed fo r the Rebels , and defired the peo ple to prayfo r them lik ewife. The Lai rd o f i etbzngton ch ief Secretary,

in pre{{k nee o f the K ing and (meen s Majefiies and Co uncell co nieil


ed t hat

he heard the Sermo‘

ns,and faid, There was no th ing at that time lpo ken

by theMinifier, W hereat anyman need to be o ffended And further,de

elated plainly , That by the Scripture it was lawfull to pray fo r all

men .

In the end o f November ,the Lo rds with their complices were funi

mo hed to appear the fo urth dayo f F ebruary fo r Treafo n,and la


efe Ma

je/ he But in the mean time , fuch o f the N o bility as had pro felled

the Evangeli o f Ch rifi and had co mmunicate W ith' the Brethren at

the Lo rds Table ; were ever lo nger themo re fulpeéted by the (Mean,who began to declare her felt in theMo nths o fNovember and p a nacea ?

be maintainer o f the Papiii s 5 fo r at her pleafure, theEarles o f L enoir;t l g A lba/e,

TheHijlor) of theReformation

and Caflizlmvith divers Others,witho ut anydillimulatio n kno wn ,

went to theMane Openly in her Chappell :Y et neverthelelfe the Earles o fHuntleyand Bocbwcll went no t to Malfe albeit theywere in great favo urw i th the (b een . A s fo r the K ing ,he pall h is t ime in Hunting andHawking, and fuch Other pleafures as were agreeable to h is appet ite, having inh is co mpanyGentlemen w illing to fatisfie h is willand aifea io ns .

Abo ut th i s time , in the beg inn ing o f as th e Co urt remained atE di nburgh the banifhed Lo rds by allmeans po llible byw ri tings andthe ir friends , made fuit and means to the K ing and (meens Majefi ies , tobe received into favo ur .

At th is time theAbbo r o f Kylmz’

nning came from Newcafl‘le to E din~

burg /7 , and after he had go tten aud ience o f the K ing and (weenmith greatd ifficulty he go rPardo n fo r theDuke

,and h is friends and fervants upo n

th i s Co nditio n ,That he iho uld paile into F rance5which he did fo o n after,The five and twent ieth o fDecember co nvened in E dznburgb the Co m

m iflio ners o f the Churches w ith in th i s Realme fo r the generallaffemblie,There allilled to them the Earles o f t/Vor ton andMar re the Lo rd L ind

fay, and SecretaryL etbing ton ,w ith fo me Baro ns and Gentlemen . The

p rinc ipallth ings that were agreed and co ncluded were That fo raf

much as theMaffe, with fuch Ido latry, and PapillicallCeremo nies , wereilillmaintained

,expreflyagainflthe A& o f Parliament , and the Pro cla

m atio n s made at theQueens Arrivall5And that the (b een bad promiféd

that {hewo uld hear Co nference and Difputatio n {That the Church therefo re o ffered to prove by the W o rd o f G o d That the Do ctrinepreachedw ith in th i s Realmewas acco rding to the Scriptures 5 and that

theMalfe, with allthe Papillicall Do ctrine was but the invent io n o f

m en , and meer Ido latry.

Seco ndly, That by reafo n o f the change o f the C omptro ller , whohad put in newCo lleélo rs , fo rbidding them to deliver any thing to the

Minillry, and bythefe means the Minillry was like to decay and fail,

c o ntrary to the O rd inance made in the yeer o f G o d 1 56 2 . in fa

vo ur and fuppo rt o f the Miniii ery. During th is t ime as the Papili sflo cked to E dinburgb fo r mak ing Co urt, fo me o f them that had been Friers

,as black L/ Ibercrommyand Roger , prefented fupplicatio n to theQueens

Majelly defiring in effect. That they m ight be perm itted to preachwh ich was eafilygranted . The noyfe was further That they o fferedD ifputario n : Fo r as the Co urt flo o d, they tho ught theyhad a great ad

vantage already, byreafo n theyknew the K ing to be of their Religio n, aswella s the Q i een

,w ith fo me part o f theN o bility ,

who w ith the K ingafter declared themfelves Openly : And efpecially the (meen was go verned by the Earls o f L enox and u r n/vole bur in matters m o li weighty, ando f greatel

‘r impo rtance by David Riz eo the Italian ’

afo re ment io ned,wh o went under the name o f the F rench Secretary 5 by who fe means


allgrave matters , o f whatweight fo ever, mufi paffe 5pro viding always ,That his hands were an oynted . In themean t ime he was amanifell enemy to the Evangell, and therefo re


a greater enemy to the ban ifhed Lo rds .

And fi t‘this time, th e princ ipall Lo rds that waited at Co urtwere d ivided

i n o p i ni o ns 5 Fo r the Earle o f Morton Chancello r ,wi th the Earle o f

Mar r,


T/aeHi/Zorie tf t/aeReformati on L ib ,7.

luch erro urs 5 the Truth being tryed by d if utatio n, that the m i c h t beA HHOk nown to be abufe

rs fubmitting them felges alwayes to thi;W brd o fG o d wri tten in the Scriptures . To th i s it was a nfwered by the (b een


That lhe'

was alwayes m inded that theMinii’ters iho uld be paid thei r S tipends 5and if therewas any fault there in the fame came by fome o f

thei r Own fo rt,mean ing the Comptro ller Prttar ow, who had the handlingo f theTh i rds : Alwayes by the advice o f her Co uncell lhe (ho uld caufefuch o rder to be tak en there in that no ne ih o uld have o ccafio n to co m

plain . A s t o the fé co nd, Shewo uld no r jeo pard her Relig io n upo n , fuch

as were there prefent 5 fo r (he k new well eno ugh that the Pr0 tefiantswere m o re learned .

The Min ifters and Commiflio ners o f Churches perceiving nOthing'


bur delay, and driving o ff t ime, in the o ld manner,went home every

o ne to their o wn Churches , wai ting upo n the go o d pro vidence o f G o d,

c o ntinually m ak ing Supplicat io n unto Almighty G o d ,that it wo uld

pl‘e afe him o f h is mercy to rem o ve the apparant plague. And in the

mean t ime the(meen was buli ed with Banquet ing abo ut with fome o f'

the Lo rds o f. the Selli o n o f E dy /burg h and after wi th all men o f

having co ntinually in her c ompany David Rzz ia ,


who fate atneer to her felf , fometimes mo re privately then became a man o f h isCo nd it io n fo r

,his oyer -

great familiaritywas already fupeéted 5 and i‘r

was tho ught ,That byhis advice alo ne the fharpnelfe and extres

m i tytowards the Lo rds was maintained . I

In the end o f'

f ammry arr ived an Ambalfado ur from F rance, named

Mo nfi eur Kamila/let, havingwith him abo ut fo urty Ho rfe in Trayn ,whocame tho row E ng land He bro ught w i th him the O rder o f the Co ck lefro m the K ing o f F r ance to the K ing who received the fame at theMafie , in the Chappell o f the Palace o f Halymd,

17042. There;aflifiedthe E arles o f L enox , Atbole, and Eg lmg ton, w ith divers fuch Other Papifisas wo uld pleafe the (h teen who three dayes after caulEd the Herald to

c o nvene in Co uncell, and reafo ned what Armes iho uld_

be giVen to the

K ing 5 fo me tho ught he ih o uld have the Armes o f S cotland 5fo me Othersfaid

,Seeing itwas no t co ncluded in Parliament that he ih o uld have the

Cro wnMatrimo niall, he co uld have Armes but o nely as Duk e o f Rotbefay, Earle o f Roms ,(y r . The (b een bade g ive him o nely his due 5whereby it was perceived her love waxed co ld to wards him . Finally,his Arm swere left blank 5and theQreen caufed put her o wn name befo re her hufband s in allW rets and thereafter ihe caufed to leave o ut his namewho l

ly And becaufe fo rmerlyhe had figned everyth ing o f anymoment, {hec aufed to make a Seale like


the K ings andgave it to Darwd Riz zo, who

made ufe o f it by the (meens Co mmand ,alleadging,That the K ingbeingat his Pafiime, c o uld nOt alwaye s be prefent .

Abo ut the fame t ime the Earle o f Glem ame came from B drwicku

to h is owne Co untrey. S o o n after,the Earle o f Bot/J ive]! was married

unto the Earle o f Huntley h is fi lter . The Qleene defired that the

Marriagem ight bemade in the Chappellat theMalfe 5wh ich the EarleBot/awe]!wo uld in no wife grant . Upo n Sunday the th ird day o fMar c/z,began the Falling at E dméargba The feventh day o f W an k the


(meen came from the F allace o f Ha/lzr ttd- ltoufe to theTo wn in wo ndro us

go rgio us apparell albeit the number o f Lo rds and Train was no t veryg reat . In the mean time the K ing accompan iedw ith feven o r eight h o rfe ,went to the L eith to pafl


e his time there fo r hee was n o t lik e to get theC rownMatrimo niall.In the To lbo o th was devifed and named the Heads o f the A rticles

thatwere drawn againft thebanilhed Lo rds 5 Upo n the mo rrow and Sa

turday fo llowing , there was great reafo ning c o ncern ing the Attainder 5fome alleadged That the Summo ns was was nOt wellL ibelled o r D ref

lied5Others tho ught thematter o fTrealo nwas no t fufli ciently proved5andindeed theywere fiill


feek ing pro o f, fo r there was no Other way but ,the

(meen wo uld have them allattainted albeit the tini ewas very fho rt 5 the

twelfth dayo f ti l/tan k lh o uld havebeen the day


wh ich was the Tuefdayfo llowing .

Now the matter was flayed byamarvello us Tragedy fo r by the

Lo rds upo n the Saturday befo re;wh ich was the n inth o fMai cb abo uc

S upper- t ime) David Rzz ao the Italzan,named the F ranc!) S ec’

retarymas {lainin the Gallery belo w Stairs (the K ing fiaying in th e ro om with the(meen


to ld her,That theDefignewas o nelyto take o rder wi th thatVillain)after

that he had been tak en vio lentlyfrom the(meens prefence, wh o requeliedm o lt earnefily fo r the faving o fhis life 5 wh ich ad:was do ne by the Earleo fMorton,the Lo rd Rutbvcnahe Lo rd Lina


fitytheMafier OfRutbvcn w ithd ivers Other Gentlemen . They

firfi purpo fed to have hanged h im , and had”

pro vided Co rds fo r the fame purpo liz5bur the great hai’ce wh ich they had,


m oved them to difpatch h im with W h ingers o r Daggers ,wherewith theygave him three and fiftyfiro k es . Theyfent away and put fo rth allfuch'

perfo ns as theyfufpeéted.

The Earles Botanic/l andHnntlcy hearing the no ife and clamo ur came

fuddenly to theClo le, intending to have made wo rk if they had had a

partie firo ng eno ugh 5 but the EarleMorton c ommanded them to paffeto their Chamber o r elfe they iho uld do e wo rfe : A t the wh ich wo rdsthey retyred immediately, and fo pailfo rth at a back W indow theytwoalo ne, and with great fear came fo rth o f the Towne to E dmijlonc o n



and from thence to Cr ichton .

Th is David R i z io was fo fo o liih that nOt o nely he had drawne untoh im themanaging o f allAffaires , the K ing fet afide, but alfo his EquipageandTrain did furpaffe theK ings 5 and at theParliament that was to be,hewas o rdained to be Chancello ur 5 wh ich made the Lo rds c o nfpire againfih im : Theymade a Bo nd to fiand to the Religio n and L iberties o fCo untreys , and to free themfelves o f the flaveryo f theV illain David Rif go The K ing and his father fubfcribed to the Bo nd fo r theydurft no ttrufi the K ings wo rdwitho ut his S ignet .

There was a F rench Pr ieli (called f aint Daniot'

who advifed Dd‘vld Riz



o to mak ehis fo rtune,'

and be go ne fo r the S cot:wo uld no r fulfer himlo ng . His anfwerwas

,That the S cots wo uld bragg but nOt fight 5 then he

advilé d him to beware o f the Ballard . To th i s he anfwered, That the Bafiard iho uld never live in S cotland, in h is time he meant the Earle Mar3

my) but it happened that one GeorgeDouala: Bafiard fo n to the Earle o f

Ang ie


to R ing the commo n Bell, o r, S onncr le tok/ain, (as the F rench fpeak s andfiraightwaypail to the Palace having abo ut fo ur o r five hundred men in

warlikemanner 5 and as theyfio o d in the iitter Co urt,the K ing called to

the Proveft, c o mmand ing h im‘

to palfe ho m e w ith h is Company faying,The (k een and he

were merry. But theProveli defired to h ear theQieen

fpeak her felf5 W h’


unto itwas anfwered by the K ing Pro veii k now

yo u no t that I am K ing 6 I,

co mmand yo u to pall'

e h ome to yo ur h o ules ;and immediately they reti red.


The next day ('wh ich was the feco nd Sunday o fo ur Fafi in E dinhargh

there was a Pro clamat io nmade in the K ings Name fubfc ribed w i th hishand, That allBilh o ps , Ab ts ando o ther Pap ili s iho uld avo id and depart the Town wh ich Pro clamat io n was indeed o bferved, fo r theyhad aF lea in thezr Hofe.There were Letters fent fo rth in the K ings Name“

,and f ubfc ribedwith

his hand,to thePro vefi and Bailifl‘s o f E dinburgh,


the Bailiffs o fL eith andCannogate c ommanding them to be ready in Armo ur to alii ltand his Company, and lik ewife Other p rivate writings direétedLo rd s and Gentlemen, to comewith allexpeditio n .

In the mean t ime the (ween being‘

abovemeafure enraged,ofi’

ended andt ro ubled as the ilfue o f the matter declared fo metime railing upo n theK ing, and {ometime crying o ut at theW indows ,defired her fervants to fether at libertie 5fo r {hewas highly


o ffeii dedand tro ubled .

T h i s fame tenth o f u’

l/larch the Earle o f Murray, with the refi o f the’

Lo rd s and N o blemen that werewith h im,having received the K ings Let

ter,fo r after the Bo nd, abo ve named,was Subfc ribed the K ing W ro te

unto the ban i ihed Lo rds , to retuiin into thei rCo untrey, being o ne o f the

A rticle s o f the faid Bo nd ) came at nigh t to the Abbey being alfo co n

vo yed by th e Lo rd Home and a g reat company o f the b o rderers to the

number o f 1 0 0 0 ho rfes . And firi‘t ,

after he had prefented h imfelf to the

_K ing, the (l ueen was info rmed o fhis fudden co ming and therefo re fent

unto h im,c o mmanding h im to come to her and he o beying . went to

her,who with afingular gravitie received him,

after that he h ad made his

purgat io n and declared the o ver—great affeétio n wh ich he bo re c o ntinuallyto herMajefiie. The Earles o fA thole, Garho or and Sutherland dep arted o ut Of theTown, w ith the Bifh o ps , upo n theMunday,the th i rd dayafter the {laughter o fDavza

Riz o’

o . The Earles o f L enox Murray, Morton,and Rather, Lo rds t thven , L indfay, Boyd and Ocheltrte fitting in Co uncell, defired th eQueen That fo rafmuch as the thing wh ich was do nec o uld nOt be undo ne,that lhewo uld fo r avo iding o f greater inco nveniences ) fo rget the - fame

,and take it as go o d fervice,feeing therewere fo ma

nyNo blemen refi o red. The(E gen dilfembling her difpleafure and ind ignatio n, gave go o dwo rd s , neverthelelfe lhe defired That all perfo nsarmed o r Otherwife (being w ith in the Palace at that t ime iho uld remove

,leaving the Palace vo id o f all, faving onely her domel

‘rick liervant


T e

e to E dmhtorgh,Of 80 0 0 men 5,

whereo r. The To wnfinally, co ming

w ith in the Town in mo ltawfullmanner they caufed to place their meno fW arw ith in theTown and likewife certain F ield - Pieces againfi their

Lo dging wh ich was in them iddle o f the To wn o ver againl’t the Salt

Tro ve Now a li ttle befo re the (Lu' eenes entrance into the To wne,all

that knew o f her cruellpretence and hatred towards them, fled here and

there 5 And amo ngli Others ,Mafierfif amcs Mag i /lthe Clerk Regilier, theJ uf

’cice Clerk , and the commo n Clerk o f the To wne The ch ief Secre~

taryL ething ton was go ne befo re 5 likewife J ohn Knox pail W ell to Kyle

Themen o fW ar lik ewife kept the Po rts o r Gates . W ith in five days after

thei r entry,therewas a Pro clamat io n made at theMarket Gro ffe, fo r thepurgat io n o f the K ing fro m the afo refaidflaughter 5 wh ich made allunderllanding men laugh at the palfages o f th ings , fince the K ing nOt o nelyhad given h is co nfent,but alfo had fubfc ribed the Bond afo re- named 5and

the bufineflewas do ne in h is name,and fo r his Ho no ur,ifhe had had wifedome to know it . Altef


th i s Pro clamatio n the K ing lo ft h is creditamong allmen, and fo his friends , byth i s his inco nfiancyandweaknelfe.

And i n the mean t ime’

the men o f W ar comm itted great o utrages inbreak ing up do o rs , thrufiing themfelves into every h o ufe And albeit thenumber o f them wereno t great et the who le Town was to o little forthem . S o o n after the K ing an (meen pall to theCafile and caufed

to warne allfut h as had'

abfented themfelves byOpen Pro clamat io n, toappear beio re theirMajefi ies and the Pr ivyCo uncell w ith in fix dayes ,

under pain o f t Rebellio n 5 wh ich pract ice was devifed in the Earle o fHunlleys caie, befo re the Bartello f Cor

richy And becaufe they appear

ed nOt , theywere denouncedRebells and put to theHom e and immediately thereafter

,their E fcheats given o r tak en up by the Treafurer.

Therewas a certain number o f the Townf- men charged to enter them~

{elves prifo ners in theTo lboo th and w ith them were put in certain Gentlemen : W here, after they had remained eight dayes they were c o n

voyed do wn to the Palace bythe men o f W ar and then k ept bythemeight dayes m o re : And o f that number was Thomao Scot Sheriff deputeo f Sfiohnflon, who was co ndemned to death ,and(executed cruelly5to wit,hanged and quartered, fo r k eeping the (meen in prifo n , as was alleadged,alth o ugh it was bythe K ings commandzAnd two men likewifewere co n

demned to death,and carried likewife to the Ladder fo o t 5But theE . Both

io ellprefented theweens R ing to theProvefi,which thenwas Juftice, fo r

fafety o f their life .The names o f tho fe two were {fo MohrayMerchant,andW i ll. Har lowSadlerlAbo ut the fame t ime, nOtv


Vithlianding allth i s hurliburly,theMin iflers o f theChurch ,and pro feffo r s o fRelig io n ceafed no tfo r the peo ple, theyco nvened to publike prayers preach in g with b o ldneife 5yea,a great number o fNo ble - men afii l’ted likewife, The E .Bothwe


had n ow,o f allmen, g reateii acceii


e and familiarity wi th the (Queen ,fo that no th ing o f any great impo rtance was do ne w itho ut him 0

,fo r

he ihewed favo ur to i i tch as lik ed him and amo ngii Others to the

Lairds o f arms /lop , Hawton , and Calder , wh o was fo reconciled unto

h im that byhis favo ur theywere relieved o f great tro uble .

The Earles o f A rgyle and Murr ay at the Queens Command pail

to Vi rg ilio where, after they had remained abo ut a Mo neth they,were (em fo r by the (b eene and co m ing to E dméurgly they were

received bytheweene into the Caiile,and banquetted , the Earles o fHuntley and Bothwell being p refent .At th i s t ime the K ing grew to be co ntemned and difeileemed fo that

fcarcelyanyHo no ur wa s do ne to h im 5and his Father likewife .

Abo ur E o/ler the King pail to S ter /m , where he was Shriven after

the Papiii manner : And in the meane time , at the Palace o f Halyrud

boufe in theChappell, there refo rted a great number to the Maire al

beit the (k een remained ii ill in the Cai'

tle , w ith her Prieils o f theChappellRo yall, where they ufed Ceremo nies after the POpiih manner .

At the fame t ime departed th i s life Mailer“

f a/mSmolor , Biiho p o fRolfe, and Dean o f c lam g , o f whom hath been o ft ment io n , Preiidento f the C o lledge o f Juilice, called the Seiiio n 3 who alfo fucceeded in

the faid Office andD ign i ty after the deceafe o f his bro ther Mailer {folms molo r , B iihOp o f Rojfiz , Dean o f Glofgow who departed th is life at

Par is , abo ut a yeer befo re They were bOth learned in the Laws,and

g iven to maintain the POpiih Religio n and therefo re great enem ies tothe Pro reiiants A little befo re diedMailer Aoroéom Crltlflor) who hadbeen Prefident likewife now in thei r ro om s .The Qg een placed fuch as ihe pleafed and had do ne her fervice .(alc

wayes very unfit ) ThePatrimo ny o f the K irk Biiho prick s , Abbeyes ,and fuch Other Benefices ,were difpo fed by theQteen to Co urtiers , Dan


c ers and Flatterers . The Earle Bot/m ull who m the (b een p referred

ab ove allOthers , after the deceaie o f Daw d Riz zo had fo r his part Mel:r offe, Hading ton , and New Battell 2, likewife the Cafile o f Dame/tr was gi

ven to h im w i th the p rinc ipallLands o f the E arldome o f Mi crobe )wh ich were o f the Patrimo ny o f the Crown .

At the fame t ime the Superintendents , w ith the Other Minii’ter'

s O

the Churches , perceiving theMiniitery like to decay fo r lack o f paymento f Stipends


toMinii‘ters , theygave th i s Supplicat io n at E dmémfgb.

TheSupplzcotion of tlyet fil inijler: to the2 4mm) .

uNtOyo urMajeiiynnd yo ur mo il ho no urable Co uncel,mofi humbly,

and lamentably c omplains yo urHighneife po o r Orato rs the Super

intendents , and OtherMinii’ters o f theRefo rmed Church o fG o d, travel:

ling th o rowo ut allyo ur HighneifefRealme , in teaching and initrua ing

yo ur L ieges in allQqarters , in the k nowledge Of G o d and ChriilJefush is So n 3 That where yo urMajeilie, with the advic e o f theCo uncellandNo bili tyafo refaid, m o ved by

: o dly z eal, co ncluded and determ ined,

That the travelling ,

Mjniii ery t o ro wo ut th i s Realme iho uld be mainrained upo n the Rents o f the Benefices o f th i s Realme o f Scotland

I i i z and


TheH illary of theKefilahation.

and fo r'

that caufe yo ur Majeily W i th the advice o f the'

Co uncell andN o b ility afo refaid, upo n the 1 5day o f Decemlor 1 56 2 . in lik e mannerc o ncluded and determ ined ,

That if the faid part o f the Rent s o f the.wh o le Benefices E cclefiailicallwith in th i s Realmewo uld be fuflic ient tom aintain the Miniilers tho ro wo ut the who le Re alm , and to (uppo rtyOurMajeilie in th e fetting fo rward o f yo urco mmo n affairs i ho uld be em

p lo yed acco rdingly :Failing thereo f, the th i rd part o f the faid fruits , o rm o re to be tak en up yeerly in t ime c o m ing untilla generallOrdertak en therein as theActmade thereupo n at mo re length bears : W hbeing afterward co nfidered byyo urMajeily, the who le Th irds o ffrurts iafo refaid were pro po unded to the ufes afo reiaid, byAel o f Co

c ell. And we yo urMajeilies po o r Orato rs , ut in peaceableOf

‘the part aii igned by yo urMajeilie to us , y the fpace

o r thereabo uts ,which we did enj oywitho ut interruptio n 5ing all th i s , now .o f late we yo ur Majeilies po o r Orato rs afo refaid,are put wro ngfullyand unjuilly from thei refaid part o f the abo vefpecified Th i rds , by yo ur Majeilies O fficers , and thereby bro ught tofuch extreme

penury,and extreme diilreiie , as we are nOt able any

lo nger to maintain o ur felves . And albeit we have g iven in d ivers andfunldry c ompla ints to yo urMajeilie herein , and have receivedifes o i redrei’i


é, yet have we fo und no relief : Therefo re we

aii igned to us , wh ilen was rat ified bythe


eelrlyallowance Of yo urMajeilies Exchequers accompt,That yo urMao

jeily‘wo uld grant' us Letters upo n the afo refaid Act and O rd inance pailthere


up o n ,aga inil allintrometto rs and medlers with the afo refaidTh irds ,to anfwer and Obey, acco rding to the afo rei

‘aid Aél and O rdinance o f o ur


o iTeii i o n proceeding thereupo n 5 And likewife that we mayhave Let -5te rs , if need be


, to arreil and ilay the afo refaid Th irds in the po ii'

ei’fo rs

hand s ,while and unt illfuflic ient cautio n be fo und to us ,fo r o ur part afo refaid . And yo ur anfwer mo il humblyWe befeech .

oThis Supplicat io n being prefented”

by the Superintendent Of L owlian, an



f ohn Craig , in the Caille o f E dinburgb, was gracio ufly received by the (meen who promifed that ihe wo uld t ak e fufficient

. o rder

therein, fo fo o n as theN o bilityand Co uncellm ight co nvene.

The 1 9 o f f rom ,the (ween was delivered o f am


an—ch ilde‘

i the Princeinfthe afo reiaid Caille) and immediately (ent into F rance and

E ngland

h erPo ils , to advertife the neighbo ur Princes and to'

defire them to fend

G o flips o r W inteifes Of the Pr inces Baptifme.

In the mean time there was jo y and tri umph made in E dinburgb, andfuch to ther places where it

'was k nown,after thank s and praifes g ivento . G o d

,w ith Supplicat io ns


fo r the gbdlyEducat ion o f the Princeand princ ipally, wiihing that. he ihOuld gb


e Baptized acco rding to the



ner and fo rme Obfer'


ih the R'

eformed Churches with in th i sea me.

Abo ut

was new Chancello r, fi nce the (laugh ter o f Da fvzel 1?o and had fo r h isclawbac k the B iih o p o f Hoffa,Mailer


fro/mL e/ley, o ne o f the chief Co um

cello r s to theQ g en : Bur o f allmen the Earle Botani c/l was m o il in the

(meen s favo ur , fo far, that allth ings pailbyhim 5 yea, by h is means them o il part o f allth o fe thatwere partak ers in the (laughter o f David Ri zaogOt remiifi o n and relief. But fro m that dayhe was no r prefent at anySerm o n , albeit befo re he pro feifed the Evangell by o utward fpeak ing,yet he never jo yned t0 the Co ngregatio n . But th i s t ime the Earle o fGaffe/ls was c o ntraéled with the Lo rd o f Glane: fiiler bywho fe perfwa{i o n he be came a PrOteilant, and caufed, in theMo neth o f A ag a/l, to tefo rm his Churches in Garr et /e and pro mifed to maintain the DoCtrine o fthe Evangell.

Church 5my Lo rdw e!was flaine 5and fo finally, h

tered .

The K ing being now co ntemned o f allmen becaufe t heween carednOt fo r h im ,

hewent fo metime to the L enox to his father and fo m

to S terlzn, wh ither the Prince was carried a little befo re :Alwayes hdeilitute o f fuch th ing s as were neceii


ary fo r h im having fcarcely fixho rles in Trayn . And being thus defo late, and half defperate, he fo ughtmeans to go o ut o f theCo untrey: And abo ut the fame t ime by the ad.

Th"inwfl vice o f F orlzjlaCagets , he e te to the Pope, to the K ing o f Spain and to

the K ing o f F ranco , co mplain ing o f the ilate Of the Co untrey, wh ichclared h imfelf was allo ut o f o rder allbecaufe thatMaile and Po perywere nOt againe

g" “‘f ’

PF“ :ereéled, giving thewho le blame thereo f to theQueen as nOt managing

"23; the Cath o lik e’

Caufe aright Byfome k nave thi s po o r Princewas betray,

Band : A nd ed,and theQueen gOt aC0 pie o f thefe Letters into her hands , and there

f°“ h° fo re threatned him fo re 5 and therewas never «after that any appearance:Papiil '. And

as he left G o d, Of love betwixt them .

(0 hc wfis lcft The Churches o f Geneva Borne and Bafill w i th Other Refo rmedChurches o f Germanyand

F ranee, fent (Qthe who le Church o f S cotland,

the fum o f theCo nfef fio n Of their Fai th, defiring to k no w if theyagreedin Un ifo rm i tyo fDo elrine, alleadging , That the Church o f S cotland wasdiifo nant in fo me Articles fro m them W herefo re the Superintendents ,wi th a great part o f the Other mo il qualifiedMiniilers , co nvened in Sepa

tember in SAM/ ewe 5and reading the faid Letters , made anfwer, and fenuwo rd again, That theyagreed in allpo ints wi th tho fe Churches , and dif’


feted in n o th ing fromthem Albeit in the keeping o f fome Feilivalldays ,o ur Church aii cnted nOt fo r o nely the Sabbath daywas k ept in S cotland.

In the end of th i s Mo nth the . Earl Bot/no el! r iding in purfuit o f thetheeves in L zoldzfa


t ,was illhurt, and wo rfe terrified, bya thief5 fo r he

believed furely to have departedi o rth o f th i sto theQueen s Majeily, who fo o n after pamirage, tQvifite h

im and g ive h im comfo rt

of Religion in the‘Realrhe (f Scotland .

after {he to o k fid tneffe in a mo ltextreme manner,fo r {he laytwo ho nres

lo ng, c o ld dead,as it werewitho ut breath , o r anyfigne o flife at length

The revived byreafo n they had b o und fmall Co rds abo ut her {hack lebo nes , her k nees and great to es , and fpeak ing .veryfo ftly, {he defired the

Lo rds to'

pray fo r her to G o d, {he faid the C reed in E nglifh'

,and d


myLo rd o fMurray, if ihe ih o uld chance to depart that he wo uld n

Ot be

o ver extreme fuch as was Of herRelig io n 5 the Duk e and he (ho uld havebeen Regents . The bruitwent from gfedwarr in themo nth o f 0 67060 3 1 56 5.

that the (b een was departed th i s life,o r at leaft {he co uld nOt live any t ime,wherefo re therewas c o nt inuallyprayers publik elymade at the Church o fE dmbargla, and d ivers Other places fo r her c o nverfio n to wards G o d


amendment . Manywere o f o pinio n , That {he (ho uld come to the Preacl»

ing,and reno unce Po pery5But allin vain,fo r G o d had fome Other th ing to

do e byher . The K ing being advertifedn‘id Po ll from S ierlm to gfiea


where he fo und the(k een fo mewhat co nvalefced but {he wo uld fcarce

fpeak to h im,and hardlyg ive him prefence o r a go o d wo rd 5 wherfo re he

returned immediatelyto S terlin, where the Pr ince was and after to Gla/f

com to his Father.

There appeared great tro uble over thewho leRealm and efpecially in

theCo untreys neer the bo rders iftheween had departed at that time.

as {he began to recover, the Earle Bot/mac]!was bro ught in a Charrio t from»

the Herm itage to f edbarglr, where hewas cured Of his wo unds 5 in who fe’

prefence th e (k een to o k mo re pleafure then in allthe refiOf thewo rld 5al

Wayes by his meanes m o ltpart o fallthat were o ut- lawed fo r theflaughter

OfDafuid Rzz io go t reliefe, fo r therewas no Othermeanes but allth ingsmul

‘t needs pafle by h im 5 wherefo re everyman fo ught to h im,

where im-f

m ediately favo urwas to be had, as befo re to DavidRizaio.S o o n after, the (Lueen palling alo ng the bo rders ihe came with in the

b o unds o f Barwick ,where (beviewed theTo wn at her pleafure a far Off,be~ingwith in halfaMile and leffe5alltheOrdnancewithi n Barwzek wereDifcharged The Captain came fo rth with fo urfco reHo rfes bravelyarrayed,t o do her h o no ur, and o ffer her lawfullfervice . Then {he came to Craigmz

ller,where lh e remained in November t ill lhe was adverti‘fed Of the c o

m ing o f the Ambaffado rs to the Baptifme Ofthe Prince5and fo r that purp o fe there was great prepa

rat io n made, nOtwitho ut the tro uble o f fut h as

were fuppo fed to havemo ney in fto re, efpecially o f E dméargla fo r there’

was bo rrowed a go o d ro und fumme o fmo neyfo r the'

fame bufinelfe. All

her care and fo lic itude was fo r that triumph . At the fame t ime arrivedthe Coame ale Brzance, Embalfado ur o f the K ing Of F rame who had a

greatTrain . S o o n after theEarle Of Redford went fo rth o f E ng land wi thaverygo rgio ns companyto the number Of fo urfco re Ho rfes and palfingt‘o S terlm hewas humanlyreceived Of theQg een s Majefiie, and everydaybanquetted . The excellive expences and fuperfluo us apparell, wh ich wasprepared at that t ime, exceeded farre allthe preparatio n that ever had been

devifed o r fet fo rth afo re that t ime in th i s Co untrey. The 1 7 o n .

camber 1 56 6 . in the great HallOf the Cafile Of S terlin was the Princebapt iz ed by the Bifho p o f Saint Andrews at five a Clo ck at Even wi thgreat Pompe albeit with great paine co uld they fiudemen to beare the

To rches,

Anno To rches wherefo re they to o k B o yes ; The (b een labo ured much ‘with"

the N o blemen to bear the Salt ,G reafe and Candle and fach Other thing s ,but all refiifed 5 (h e fo und at h it the Earls On lmg ton Acbale . and theLo rd S eaton, who alli iled at the Bap tifme, and b ro ught in the faid Trail) .The Coume cleBr iaacd being the F rench Ambaffado ur ) af fi fled lik ew ife .

The Earle Of Bedforclbro ugh t fo r a Prefen t fro m the (k een o f E ngland a

Fo ur o f G o ld ,valued t o be wo rth th ree tho ufand Crownes . S o o n after

the faid Bap tifme , as the Earlewas in co mmuningwith theween who

entertained h im m o lt reverently he began to faymerrily to h er,amo ngltOther talk ing Madame

,I reioyce very greatly at th i s t ime feeing yo ur

Majefiie hath here to ferve yo u fO m any N o blemen efpec ially tw elve

E arles,whereo ftwo o nelyaffi it at th i s Baptifin e to the Superfiitio n Of PO

pery. At the wh ich flying the(b een kept go o d c o untenance. S o o n a fter

theybanquetted in the faid great Hall, where theywanted no pro digali ty.

During the time o f the Earle o f Bedfordr remain i ng at S ter lm,the Lords

fo r the mo lt part waited upo n h im and co nveyed him every day to the

Sermo n , and after to Banquetting.

The K ing remained in S terlm allthat time (never being prefent ) kepth is Chamber hi s father hearing h o w he was ufed , wriunto h im wh o fo o n afterwent w ith o ut go o d - n ightto his Father 5he was h ardly aMile Out OfS terlin whenhad beendo lo ur in

Bliflers brak etheD ifeafe to c ome bypo yfo n

death was expeé’

ted 5'

yet thefi

po ifo n .

During the t ime o f th i s Triumph the Queen was mOPt liberall in all

th ing s that were demanded Ofher amo ngfl:Other th ings {he f ubfcribed

awriting fo r themaintenance Of theMinif’ters in a reafo nable p ro po rtio n,wh ich was to be taken up o f the Th irds OfBenefices wh ich writing beingp urchafed bythe Bifho p o fGalloway, was prefen ted at the generallAffem

blyOf the Church at E dznéargla the five and twent ieth dayOfDecember ,1 56 6 . where were c o nveened the Superintendents and OtherMiniilers i nreafo nable number but very few Co mmifio ners . The firfi matter that

was there pro p o fed, was co ncern ing the faid W ri t ing lately Obtainedand the m o lt part Of theMiniilers being demanded their 0 in io ns in the

m atter,after advice, and pafling a little afide, they anfwered


That itwas their dutyto preach to the peo ple the W o rd o f G o d trulyandand fi ncerely, and to crave o f the Audito rs the th ings that were neceffaryfo r thei r fuftentatio n as Of duty the Paf’to ur might juitly c rave Of theirFlo ck and further it becamethem am to have any care. Neverthelefl



theAlfembly tak ing in co nfideratio n, that the faid Gifts granted by the

(meensMajellie, was nOt to be refufed 5 they o rdained That certainefaithfullmen o f every Sh ire ih o uld meet and do their utmo ft diligenfo r gathering and receiving the faid Co m e and m o ney and likewile appo inted the Superintendent o f L owcbzan , andMallet {FolmRow to waite upo n the BilhOp Of Galloway and co ncurre and aili ff him fo r further ex

pediti o n

TheH i/lory of theReformation L ib

AHHOcannot he ignorant tvhat tenderndfe k m a fcrnpnltm Conference and all that

have knowledge ar e not alt/reperfwaded theConfctencet offime of yonfizr res not,wzth the wear ing of fnch thing s , on the other (idemanythoufand: hothg odlyandlearned) ar e otherwayet perfmaded whofie Confctencet are cont/nna/lyfir ttc/een

tatth thefefentencet W hat hath Chriit to do e w ith Beliall W hat fel

lo lh ip i s there betw ixt Light and dark neffe c’ If S arplzce , Corner - Cap and

Trot/ ct hafveheen the Badge: of Idolater: tn the veryall of their Idolatry what

hath the Pr eacher s ofChr zjl/ an lzhertt’

e,and the Rehn/eer s of Snyerflmon W i th the

dreg s of that Romtfh Bea/l .

9yea W ha t of he that ought not to fear e ither to

t ak e in h is hand o r o n h is fo rehead the Print s and Mark o f that o dio usBeafi : The Br ethren that r efnfe fuch nnprofitahle apparell do nei ther condemne

nor mold?youwho nfefnchTr ifles . On the otherfide, rf ye that nfe thefithzng t ,n ulldo the [the toyour Brethr en wedoaht nor hat ther ei n yon[hallple/ifeGod,


comfor t the Hear t: of many whi ch ar e wonnded to fee extr emztze ttfed ag azn/lthe/egodlyB rethr en Humaneargument: or color/r ed Rhetortclee we nfi’ none to

p er/madeyon onelytn

the F lock ofChr t/l ivhz

of Religion intheRealme of Scdtland .

At the fame time the Bifh o‘

p o f S a int Andrews , bymeans o f the EarleBother/[p ro c ured awr i t ing fro m then ens Ma;efiy,to be o beyed wi thin the Dio ce ffe o f his lurildia io n, in all fuch caufes as befo re in time o ffill

Po pery were ufed in the Co nfifio ry and thefo re to difc harge the new :h cplogrcnams

Co mmifli o ners and fo r the fame pmp o fe c ame to E dtnhttrgh in f anny ] ,5

gga m e,

having a Co mpany o f o ne hundred h o rfe s , o r mo re , intend ing to tak ep o ffefii o n acco rd ing to his g ift lately o btained. The Pro veft be me ycclds unto

i ,g advertifed thereo f, by the Earle o f Murray they fent to the Bifho p tlzjlfzfifiznd,th ree o r fo ure o f the Co unc ell, defiring h im to defifi trom the faid that alfo , that (h e

ter,fo r fear o f tro uble and feditio n that might ri lethereup o n whereby m 's ht bc “OP

he was perfwaded to defi li at that t ime . S o o n after,the (E g en came to

E dtnhnrgh, whe re (he remained a few dayes . In the mo ne th o f gfiannary .defignc o fvcn

fhe was info rmed th at the K ing was reco vered o f the po yfo n g iven h imat S terlzn

,and therefo re th e pall to Glafgorv to vifite h im,

and th ere tar“ (W

r ied w ith him (ix dayes , ufi ng h im wo nderfully k indely, with manyg rac io us and go o d wo rd s 5and lik ewife hi s father the Earle o f L enox ,infot


much that allmen marvelled whereto it ih o uld turn,co nfidering thegreat’

c o ntempt and dryneflethat had been befo re fo lo ng to gethers theQueennOtwithfianding allthe c o ntempt that was g iven h im, with a kno wn dc:

figne to take away his life yet byher fweet wo rds ga ins fo far upo n theu

xo rio us hus band,and h is fac ile father that he went in co mpany w i th

he r to E dznhnrgh, where fhe had caufed to lo dge h im at the Church o fF ee/d

,in a lo dg ing latelybo ugh t byMafier95am“ Balfour Clerk Reg ifier,

truelyvery unmeet fo r a K ing . TheQycen refo rted o ften to vifite him,

and lay in the ho ufe two nights by him (altho ugh her lo dg ing was inthe Palace o f Halyrnd hoofe. Everyman marvelled at th i s rt c o nciliat io n and fadden c hange . The ninth o f F ehraary the K ing was murthercd, and the ho ufe where he lay burned w i th Powder . Abo ut twelve o fthe clo ck in the night 5 h is bo dy was c all fo rth in a yard w itho ut theTo wn walladjoyning clo fe by. The re was a fervant likewife murther

cd befide h im,who had been alfo in the chamber w ith him. The peo

ple ran to beho ld th is (pectacle and wo ndung thereat,fome judged o neth ing , fo me ano ther .S ho rtly there fater, Bothrvellcame from the Abbeywith a company o f

men o f W ar, and caufed the bo dyo f the K ing to be carryed to the nextho ufe ; where ,

after a little,the Chirurgio ns being c o nvened at the

Queens c ommand , to view and co nfider the manner o f h is death 5 molt

part gave o ut to pleafe the Queen That he was blo wn in the Ayrcsalbe i t he had no mark o f fire ; and truelyhe Was firangled. S o o n after,

he was carryed to th e Abbey, and there buryed .

Th i s tragicallend had Henry Steward, afterhe had been K ing eighteenmo neth s . A Prince o fg reat L inage , bo th bymo rh er and father He waso f a comelyfiature ,and no newas like unto him with in this lfland.he d iedunder the Games


and Spo rtandMet ro

K k k z

TheHi/Zor ie of theReformation L ib

AHHO givento w ine and much feed ing, and li kewrfe to inco nfiancy s and p roudbeyo nd meafure, and therefo re co ntemned allOthe rs He had learned

m to diffemble welleno ugh being from his yo uth m ifled up in Po pery.

Thus W i th in tw o yeers after his arriving in th i s Realme he was h igh lyby theQ g en alo ne exto lled s and finally, had th is info rtunateend by herpro curement and c o ulent . To lay allOther p ro o fs afide, h


erMar riagew ith Bot/s well, who was themain executio ner o f the K ing, no tw ithl


ing all the advices and co unfells that the K ing o f F rance andQueene o fE ng landdid earnefily carefully g ive her, as Other fr iends d id likewife ,wrrtrel

’fe anent theirguilt . Tho fe that laid hands o n the K ing to k illhim,

by Boréwels direéi io n,was S irffome; Balflar,Gr/ber t Bolforrr ,l)aw dChalmers ,

black 950W Spear/c, F rommS eéaflzenj o . de Bonr o’em

,and Iofeph the bro ther o f

D o o m!Rzi ro Thefe laft fo ur we re theQg g ens domefirck s and fi rangers .

Thereafo n why the K ings death was fo h afi ened becaufe the affeétio rto r palfro n o f the EarlBozbwellco uld no r bear fo lo ng a delay, as the p ro ,

curement o f a B ill o f D ivo rce required, altho ugh the Romrfh Clerg ieo ffered the ir fervice willingly to the bufrneife, namely, Bifh op Ham /too ,

and fo he came great again at Co urt ; and he fo r the advancement o f theh ufineife, did o o d Offices to inc reafe the hatred betwixt the K ing and

Queen s yea, bme that had been the ch ief infi ruments o f the Marriageo f . the K ing andQueen, o Eered the fery ice fo r the D ivo rce, feeing ho wtheQueens inclinatio n lay : S o unhappy are Princes , thatmen, fo r the irOwn ends further them in all their inclinatio ns and undertak ing s betheynever fo bad o r


def’truétive to themfelves .

The Earle o f L enox in themean timewro te to theQueen to caufe tow ith Barlow /1, with his o ther co mplices , fo r murthering the K ing . Thelem on no t daring o penly to r

ejeéi the Earle o f Lenox h is fo lic itario ng ,

d id appo int a dayfo r the;Triall o f Bot/owe]!by an Afli z e s the memberswhe reo f, was the Earle o f Carbine: Prefident the Earle o f Cof fin

, who

at the firfi refufed, but thereafter, being th reatned to be put in prifo n,and under the pain o f Treafo n, was p

‘refent by the Queens co mmand)


n Hamzlton Co mmendato r o f Aberbrorbo/e, Lo rd Re/fe, Lo rd Semyle,L0 rdBoyd, Lo rdHerero , Lo rd Ohm/mat ; theMailer o f F orbes , the Laird s o f L otlozmmr , L ongtofl ,Coméufidem/oom, Bornéoflge!and Boyne They to pleafe

theQueen, and fo r fear, did p ro no unce Botbwellno t guilty, no twithfland ing themanifefi evidences o f the c ruellfaét commi tted bybefo re theTryall, didmake h imfelf {tro ng bydiver s -means namely,bythe pOffcffio n o f the Caille o f E dinburgh {0 that the accufers durfi no t

appear, no t being firo ng eno ugh . The Earle o f Mo re did retire to S terlm, and had c ommitted to h is charge the yo ung Prince . Allth i s wasdo ne in F eém o ty.

‘J n Apr zlfi otbwe/Z called to gether fundryo f the Lo rds who had co me toE d néurgh to ameeting thatwas there rand jhaving gained fome befo re,made t hem all,what by fear,what by, fair p romifesfirfi o f the ir privateS tate , and then o f advanc ing the Pap ifis Relig io n to co nfent by the ir

ip tio ns to theMarriage with theQueen . Then theQueen go es toS terlm to fee her fo n B


ozlowe/l makes a ibew as if he were g o ing to the

Bo rders to fupprelfeRo bbers ,and fo he raifeth fomemen o fW ar 5wh ichWhen

779"H‘fio”) Wffl’efiefirmm on L ibg .

A h noto the Co uncelagain, and was repro ved,as if he had exceeded the bo unds.o f h is Cal ling . W hereunto he an fwered, That the bo unds o f h is Co mm ifli o n was the W o rd o f G o d right reafo n and go o d Law s againfi

wh ich he had faid nOthing , and by all thele o ffered to pro ve this Marriage to be fcandalo us and infam o us . At this he was [lowed by Bar/me”,

ahd fent from the Co uncell. NOtwithflandmg all th is do ne and [aid byM . Cra ig , and the Oppo fitio n o f m any that w ilh ed wel l to theQ¢1een,andwere jealo us o f her Ho no ur, the Marriage went o n and they were married the r s o f Mn . Th is makes go o d the Latine Pro verb ti l/ £ 414 m:

bimt menfcMam and a Bifli o p mullbleffe theMarriage The go o d P relat was Brlh o p o f Orkney If there be a g o o d w o rk to be do ne, a Bilho p


mufido it . Here mark the difference betwixt this wo rthyMinifierMafierCh u’

g ,and th is bafe Bifho p .

The Earle o f Arbole, immediately after the murther o f the Kingretired ho me , waiting fo r the o ccafio n to revenge the Kings deathfeeing this abo m inable Marriage, he went to Sterlm , where Other ho neltLo rds with h im had a Meeting, and made a Bo nd To defend the yo ungP rince from the m urtherers o f h is father A s al ready they had had o ne

Plo r to cut him o fi’, which G o d in h is mercy did preven t. The No bles

that entred in th is Bo nd were , the Earles o f Argyle, exi t/role,Morton,(Man , and Glencam e ,the Lo rd s Lmdfeyand Boyd. Argyle thereafter , feduced by fo me fair wo rds fel l o ff and Boyd became a great Faétio naryfo r Bot/ywe/l in allth ings .The (Lueen fo o n after the Marriage W as adviIEd to fend abro ad an

Ambaffado ur to acquaint her fo rraigne friends and kind red And this

m ull be a B ifho p It i s pity that anygo o d wo rk ih o uld be do ne witho uta Bifli o p W as me t th i s a wo rthy emplo yment fo r a Pafio r in Go d sChurchB ot/m ull feeing the Bo nd made at S terlin caufé rh the Qaeen to wri te

to fundry o f the No bility : D ivers repaired unto her, where they fo unda Bo nd tendred unto them

,by wh ich they were to binde themfelves to

defend the mieen and Bot/m ull. S o me that were co rrupt,’

did wil l inglyfubfc ribe Others fo r fear did the fame And there was n0 t o ne that went

to Co urt that did refufe,bur the Earle o f Murray 5who refufing abfo lute~

ly to enter into a Bo nd with Botbwc/l, faid , It was nOt the part o f a go o dfubjt 5 Y et {ince he had been made fr iends with h im fo me t ime befo re ,he wo uld keep his pro mife unto the Q

\ueen And to enter into a Bo nd

w ith the (ween,it was needlel


fe and unfit,

fiuce he Was to o bey her in alllawfulland jufi th ings . U po n th i s, he gat leave, altho ugh with great difficulty, to go into France.TheQueen receives now Hamilton Archbif

‘ho p o f S . Andree: into fa

vo ur fince thefe changes who was no leffe a faithful l Co uncello r to her,then he was a go o d Pafio r o fChrifis Flo ck that i s ,Hebetrayed her, anddifo beyed G o d. W ith thi s a Pro clamatio n comes


ou t in favo ur o f thepo o r Pro refiants whereby the(new declares That {he wil l keep andco nfirm allthat lhe had pro m ifed at her A rrival]into Scotland Th i s wasdo ne to (to p the peo ples m o uthes but allin vain,fo r the p eo plewere univerfally

againfi the abo m inatio n o f the Co uru

W ithin few dayes ,Batbmr/Iand theQgeen ,were raili ng men,under pretext to go to the Bo rders to repreffe the Ro bbers there but in efleét

,to go

to S terlm , to have the P rince in their cuf’to dy, that they m ight d i fpo le o fh im acco rd ing to their m inde Then '

a new Pro clamat i o n came o ut,

That the (Meen hereafter wo ul d rule o nel y by the advice o f the No bleso f the L'

and ,as h er belt Predeceffo rs had do ne . The Lo rds at S trr lm hearing o f th is plo t, (l o ves to prevent it and to th is purpo fe they appo in tedwith the Lo rd Hzmzcr to befiege the Caille o f B or t/amz/ee,where theQ een

and Batbwellwas :Bur becaufe the Earl o f A tlaolc did no r co me at the h o ur

appo inted,they had no rmen eno ugh to envi ro n and c o mpaffe the Caille ,fo that Botbwcl having no rice given him o f the bufineffe

,efcaped to Dum

bar , and theween after him ‘

,in mans clo thes . The Lo rds fail ing o f their

deligne at BortbivzlecCafile,went to Edi nburgh whereo f they made themfelve sMafiers eafily,having the afi

eéi io n s o f the peo ple,n0 twithflanding

the EarleHam/ry, and the Archbifho p o f S .Amlraer perfwafio n to the co n

frary Thefe two w ith thei r afTo c iates , we re c o nfirained to retire to the

Cafile,where theywere received by S irf amfi alfoug left there by Bot/marl.The twelfth o f -gfmre, wh ich was the next day fo l lowing the Lo rds

at E dmbargla caufed to publilh a Pro clamatio n whereby they dec lared ,That the Earl B ot/fmall, who had been the p rinc ipallautho r, devifer, andaé

‘to r o f the cruel l murther o f the late King , had fince l aid hand upo n theQ leen s perfo n, and had her fo r the prefent in Dumbar in his power 5 andfind ing her utterly defiitute o f all go o d co unfell

,had. léduced her to .

a diih o nefland unlawful l m arriagewith h imfelf , yea that now he was

gathering Fo rces and [lin ing h im felf to get the yo ung P rince in hishands that he m igh t murther theChilde ,

as he had murthered the F21ther . Th i s wicked man theN o bles o fthe Land refo lved to withfiand


and del iver theQueen o ut o fhis bo ndage 5 wherefo re they did charge allL iegesw ithin the Kingdom that co ul d co me to them ,

to be in readinelfe at

3 h o urs warning to ali i fl them , theNo bles,fo r the freein g o f the Qaeen

from captivity,and b ringing the faid Earle B otbwr/l to a Legal!Triall,andc o ndigne punilhment fo r the afo refaid murther and OtherCrimes .Allfuch

thaewo uld n o t fyde with the Lo rds were by this Pro clamatio n com

m anded to depart fro m E dmburg /awith in fo ur h o urs ,under the pain o fbeing acco unted enemies , &c .

Nowvirhftanding th is Pro clamat io n ,the peo ple did no r jo yn unto ghefeLo rds as was expea ed, fo r fundry o f the No bles were adverfaries to the

bufinelfe,other flo o d as Neuters and withall

,tho fe th at were c o nvehed

to gether were no t wel l pro vided o fArmes _and Mun itio n fo r explo its o fwarre , fo that they were eventhink ing to difl


o lve and leave o ff their E nterpriz e t il l an0 ther t ime and had abfo lutelydo ne fo 3 but G o d had o rdained Otherwayes , as the even t did {h ew(if the(Meen


and B ot/ mallco ul dhave had patience to [layat Dmézb


ar fo r th ree'

o r fo ur dayes w itho ut anyIiirre ) but the (k een and B ot/awe”having gathered to gether abo ut fo ur o rfive tho ufandmen , trufling in theirFo rce (the Q leen being puft up byFlatterers) fet fo rth andMarched toward s L eft/J being come fo rward asfarre as Glazdfmure {h e caufed publ ike Pro c lamatio n againfithe afo refaid

Lo rds,calling them a number o fCo nfpirato rs ,and that (he nowdifce






gTheHi/ZOU of theReformation L ib s

A 0 11 0their inward malice againfi her and her husband

,the Duke o fOr kney fo r

fo no w they cal led Botlawell After they had endeavo ured to apprehendher and her Husband at Brotbwzck and had made a feditio us P ro clamat io n under pretence Oi feek ing the revenge o f the King her late husband;and to free her fro m Captivity giving o ut That the Duke her husbandh ad a m inde to invade the P rince her So nne ; all wh ich was falfe fo r

the Duke her Husband had ufed allmeans to clear h im felf,bo th by


a Le.

gal l way, and by the Offer o f a Co mbate to any that did accufe h im ,as theyknew wel l eno ugh : A s to uch ing her captivity (hewas in no ne

,but was

in c o mpany w ith herHusband unto wh o m {hewas publikelymarried inthe view o f the wo rl d and many Of the N o bles had given thei r co nfentunto th i s her marriage A s fo r the P rince her S o nne

,it was but a fpecio us

pretence to theTreafo n andRebel l io n againfther their naturallS o veraign,and her Po fierity, wh ich they intended to o verth ro w wherefo re {he de

c lared her felfneceli i tated to take Arm s , ho ping that allher faithful l Subj eers wo uld adhere unto her and that th o le wh o were already affembledw ith her

,wo uld with go o d hearts and hands [land to her defence 5and fo r

the reco m pence o f their valo ur they ih o uld have,

the Lands and go o ds o fthele unnaturallRebe l s . After th i s P ro clamatio r


r the Army went o n,and

the (b een that night came to Sw an,where {he lay.

Abo utMidn igh t the Lo rds o f E rlmbarg /ywere advertifed Of theQi eens

appro ach prefent ly they to o k Arm s, and at the Sun rifing they were at

(Mafia/burgh where they refrelhed themfelves with meat and refi. The

(Meens Camp was no r yet fiirring. About M idday the S co uts that theL o rds had fent o ut, bro ugh two rd that the Enemywas March ing to ward sthem 5 prefentlythey put themfelves in two Battal ia’s the firfi ’was co n


d‘by the Earle ti l/tartan, and the Lo rd Hume , th e feco nd by the Earl s

A tbole Glenczzrne the Lo rd s L indfcy Ratbwn,S ample and S ancbarmér ,

w ith the Laird s D rumlanr tckj ullrbardm,Ccsfoord ,and Grazmg e,with divers

Others,their number was almo ft as great as the (Mgens their men better,

being many Of them expert men , that I fay no th ing o f the Gaufe . The

ween had gained aHil l , cal led Garb/m y, wh i ch the Lo rd s (by reafo n o fth e f’teepnelfe Of the ‘

afcent ) co ul d nOt wel l co me at wherefo re t heywheeled abo ut to get a m o re co nvenient place to go to theHil l where

the Enemy was,and to have the Sunne beh inde them in the time o f the

fight . At the firfi theQueen fé eing their thus go ing abo ut did imaginethey were fleeing away to Dal/ml; but when {he faw them co me d irectlytoward s her

,(he fo und her felfe deceived .

The French Ambaffado ur feeing them ready to fight, f’trived to take up

the bufinelTe, and having fpo ken with theween went to the Lo rds,tel

l ing them that the (meene was difpo fed to peace and to fo rgiveand pardo n th is Infurreétio n , wherefo re it was very fit to fpare b lo o dto agree in a peaceable way. The EarleOfMorto


n (in the name o f allred )anfwered, That they h ad taken up Armes , nOt againfi the (b een butagainlt the murtherer o f the King , whom if lhewo ul d deliver to be pun i fhed,o r at leali put from her company , {he ih o uld finde a co ntinuatio nOfdutifullObed ience by them, and allOther go o d fubjeéts Otherwife no



peace Befides,we are no r to ask pardo n fo r any Offence do ne by us . The

Ambaffado ur

TheHi/lory of theReformation L ib s

Qtleen : Thus he kept her Letters, to be an awe- bo nd npo n her in cafeher alfee

tio n iho uld change. By the taking o f this Cab inet many particulars betwii t theCQeen and Bothwell were cleerlydifco vered . ThefeLetters were after printed : Theywere in French 5 with fome So nnets Ofher o wnmak ing .

Few dayes after the c omm i tment Of the (meen , the Earle o f Clemen te

w ith his domel’

tick s , went to the Chappel l Of Holymd- hoofe whereb rake down theA ltars and the Images W hich fa il, as it did‘co ntentz ealo us Pro tei’tants fo it did h igh ly Offend the pOpifhly affected . TNObles , who had fO pro ceeded againfi Bothwell, and dealt fo with t

(Lueen , hearing that the Homzltom had a great number o f men and haddrawn the Earl s OfA rgyle and Huntleyto rheitfide,fent toHomzlton ,defiringtho fe that were there to j o yu with them fo r the redrefl

e o f the difo r‘

ders o f Church and S tate But the Hami lton: th inking now they had a

fair o ccafio n fal len unto them to have allagain in their hand s and to difpo fe o f allacco rding to their ownminde, did refufeaudience to theMel

fage fent by the Lo rds,Upo n th is

,the Lo rd s mo ved the


generallAlfembly then met in E dmho rgh, in the



n o neth‘o f game, to writeto the Lo rds that either were aétu

al ly dec lared fo r the Homzlrom,o r were neuters And (0 feverallLetters

were direé’ted to the Earles Of Argyle, Iiahtley, Go t/mes , Rotheflh, Cr ouford,andMemeth 5to the D rurhmem , Grome, Cothoo rt, Tejler ,

'F le

hoing , L ea nn/lore, S eo ton, Gloomy ,uthiltr ic, Grey, Glyphrmt,Metho w ,Inn


ri eth,and Somer

fvzle 5as alfO'

tO d ivers o ther men Of no te. Befides the Letiters o f theAlfembly, Co mmifli o ner


s were fent fro m the A ll‘

embly to

the Lo rds abo ve - named 5to fwit3 3ohn Knox ,


Tf ohrxD ongle/r,

Tfohn Row


gfohro Cr aig , who had infirua io n s co nfo rme to the teno ur o f the Let

ters , to defire thefe Lord s and Others ,to'co me to E dinhargh, and jo yn w ith

the Lo rds there, fo r thei’

etli‘ng Of G o ds trueW o rih ip in the Church ,and

po l icy refo rmed acco rding to G o ds W o rd , amaintenance fo r theM iniilers, and f u




rt fo rthe po o r Bat neither the Commifli o n '

ers no r the.

Letters did prevai l w ith thefe men 5 they excufed That they co uld no t

repai r to E elmhzorgh with freedo me, where there was fo many armed men,and a G arrifo n lo firo ng But fo r theChurch - affairs

, they wo ul d no r be

anywayes wanting, to do what lay in them .

‘The Lo rds at E dz‘

h hzorgh feeing this ,joyneth abfo lutelyw ith the Allembly(

wh i ch had been p'

ro r'

o‘gated to the


20 o f"


o upo n theOceafio n ofth efe Letters and Co mmifiioners afo refaid) and promifeth


to make go o dall the Articles they tho ug


fit to”

refo lve upo n in theAfl’

emblyzBut h owthey performed their promife

‘s G o d knows alwayes . The Art ic les they

agreed upo n wer'

e thefe

e Adi; of Parliorfl er‘rt holder: at E dinburgh the

Align]? 1 56 0 . toflchz’

ng Relz‘


oh r'

mclaholj/ h irz'

gthe POE? Au thori ty/,y

fhoulclho e/ e thefo rce of a' p-


lee L ow 5andconfequently


l’h io Pa rliament defineled or a lawfullParliament,and confirmed by thefirfl Parliament


atflaqulelhe kep t next .

2 .



of Religion in“

the‘Renlnte of Sco tland ,

That theThi rdr of theTythef , or anymor e rehfonuhlep ro m

cou rfie tu

ken conc ern i ng the exuéling of the thep o o r Luhou rerr .

3 That nonej mould he'

r ecezwed zn the‘Unzvz erf llé

‘J‘ Collcdger

o r S choolr ,fo r infir u


élion of the youth hut ofter due tryallbothcapac ity undp r o h i tie.

4 . That all c r zuzer and ofincer uguinfiGod, j h ould hepun i/heelacco rding to Godf W o rd and that ther ejhould he a L em:made

there un cut, at thefirfl Pa rliamen t to he holden .

5. Arfo r the ho r rible tuurther of the lute K ing, hurhund"

to the

Q een,which 237w hay/n our befo re God and man

,alltruep r o

ffilm: in whatfoever run/{ o r condi tion,di dp ronozfe toflr ive that

fall perfonr flaould he br ought to'

condliguc p uni/hntent , who are

fOundgu ilty of the[m e c r ime

6 . They rill p rorn ifi’d to proteéi

v iolence,lefihejhould hentu rthered w ho

" And theirthe Pr zncejhould he comm i tted t o th r W ife and g odlymen that h)! 4 good E du cati on , hemight hefittedfo r that h igh

to execute one duty.

7 hler,Bar ony

,and athort

,dothp roni zfe to heat down

and nholijh Popery, Ido latry and S uperfiztzon w ith any thing their

may contr ihu te unto it 5Ar ulfo tofet up andfu rther the true li/ o r

fl ip of God, h is Govt/ em in ent

,theChur ch

, and allthatmay c on

cerné the pur i ty of Religion loud life And fh r that to con t/ one

and take Army, if need requi r e.

8. That allPr incér and K 1 71 0 : hereafter onthis Reulni, hefo rethei r Co r onati on ,flmlltake Oath


toma int/tin the true Religion no no

p r ofeflhd i n theChu rch of Sco tland, undfupjtrury to it, and that are not ag reeing iaai th it .

To thefe Articles fubfc ribed the Earles o fMorton , Gleneurne, andMorre,

the Lo rdsHume, Ruthen, S anchur , L i ndley, Gr ume, fuermcth, and light/tr i e,with many Other Baro ns, befides the Co mmiffio ners o f the Burroughs .

Th i s being agreed upo n,the Alfcmbly d iffo lved . Thereafter the

L o rds L iudfeyand Ruthuen were fent to L och /w in to theQgeen , t o pi elErnt

unto her two W rits 5 the o ne co ntained a Reno unc iatio n o f the Ci o wne

and R o yal l Dignity, in favo ur o f the P rince her fo n ,with aCo mm ifli o n

to inveli him i nto the Kingdo me ,acco rd ing to the manner acc ufio med

W hich , after fome reluétancywith tears, {he fub fc ribed, by the advice o fL‘l l 2 the

A nn

TheHi/torie of theReformation, (y e . L ib

O th e Earle o f Athole, wh o had (em to her 5 and o f Secretary L ethmg ton,wh o had (em;to her RobertMelvzllfo r that purpo fe S o there

was a Pro

curatio n given to the Lo rds L ind/21] and Ro t/men, by theQueen,to give ug

and refi gne the Rule o f the‘R


ealme , in prefence o f the S tates .The feco ndW ritwas—


‘o o rdain the Earle o f MurrayRegent , during

the P rinces m ino rity, if hewo uld accept the Charge : And in cafe he refufed

,theDukeChattellarault, the Earles o f L enox ,

Argyle, A thole,Morton,GlencarneandMarre, ih o uld go verne co njoyntly.

Theic W rits were publifhed the 29 o f $ 1413» 1 56 7 . at the MarketCro lie o f E dznhurgh Then at S terlm was the P rince Crowned K i ng ,

where Iohn Knox made the Sermo n The EarlMorton and the Lo rd Hume,to o k the Oath fo r the K ing That he iho uld co nftantly l ive in theProfeii i o n o f the true Rel igio n , andmaintain it 3 And that he iho uld go vernethe Kingd o m acco rding to Law thereo f

,and do Jufiice equal ly to all.

In the beginn ing o f A agu/Z , the EarleMur raybeing fent fo r,“cometh

h ome in allhafie he vifites theween at L och/w in firives to d raw the

Lo rds that had taken part with theHami lton: o r were neuters to j o ynew ith tho fe that had b o und themfélves to fiand Fo r the Kings Autho rityHewasveryearnei

’t'with divers , by reafo n o f their o ld iriendfhip 5 but to

l ittle purpo fe . The twentinth o fAuguji , he received the Regenc ie after

mature and ripe del iberatio n, at the defire o f the (k een,and Lo

that were fo r the King and lo was finblik ely pro c laimedRegent, and Obed ience ihewed. unto him by all

that flo o d fo r the yo ung King .

Th e endOf th e Hifio ry o f theChurch of Scott .

land,tilltheyeer 156 7 . and

'Mo neth o fAugu/l.

A nno

t JO.

M in i[ter andfpare to co m'

o f S cotland, i

that acco unt

me by h im ,

1 did therefo re (as G o d h is m inifier ) duringw ith them (G o d is reco rdand witnefie)truely athegift granted unto me, d ivide theW o rd o f Sto hate (i n, which befo re G o d was and is fo o dic rificewo uld fatisfie h is Jufiice, exce pt the death o f his o nel y Sto magnifie the mercies o f o ur heaven lyFather wh o did no t

fubiiance o f his own g lo ry, but did give h im to the wo rld to

igno minio us and cruel l death o f the Cro ffe , by that means to reco ncileh is cho fen ch ildren to him felf.: te ach ing further, what is the duty o f fuchas do bel ieve themfelves purget f uch a P rice, fro m their fo rmer filth i

m ile 3 to wit, That they are bound to walk in the newneffe o f life, fight

ing againfi thelufis o f the fleib,and Ptudying at alltimes to glo rifie G o d

by fuch go o d wo rks as he hath prepared his peo ple to walk in .

InDo ctrine I did further afl—irm (fo taugh t by myMailerChrifi Jefas)

Matthd o . That who fo ever denieth him, yea o r i s aihamed o f himbefo re th is wic

k ed Generatio n, him iballCh riftJefus deny,and'

o f h im {hal l he be albamed,when he {hallappear in his


Majefty And therefo re Ifeared no r to

afli rm’

, That o f necefli tyit i s , that fuch as h o pe fo r l ife everlafiing, avo idVainReligion, all Superfiitio n ,vain Rel igio nand Ido latry :Vain Rel igio n and Ido latrym ldo law I cal l whatfo ever i s do ne in Go ds Service o r Ho no ur,witho ut the expreiii:

Commandment o f h is o v‘

mW o rd .

Th is Do étrine I d id bel ieve to be fo co nfo rmable to G o ds h o ly Scri .prures , that I thought no


creature coul d have been fo impude‘nt as to haveco ndemned anyPo inr o r Article o f the fame Y et neverthelelfe me

an hereti ck, and‘this Do ttrine, as heretical], have yo ur falfc Biiho psA 56m m

ungo dly C lergie co ndemned prono uncing againft me a Sentenc

pro nounced. death 3 in tefiifigatio nwhereo f, they haVe burned a Pic’ture. Fro m wfalfe an


d cruel l Sentence,and from all j udgement o f that wicked Gen


Appellat io n ratio n , I make it known unto yo ’

urHo no urs That I appeal to a 1.3wff°m °h° “m“

and General l Co uncell, to fuch , I mean as the m o lt ancient Laws andCanno ns do appro ve

,to beho ldenby fuch , as who fe manifefi impietyj s

Th”“ W “ °fno r to be refo rmed in the fame Mo lthumbly requiring o fyo urHono urs;That as Go d hath appo inted yo uPrinces in that Peo ple and by reafo n

thereo f, requireth o f yOur hand s‘ the defence o f Inno cen ts tr‘o ubled in

yo ur Do minion

,in themean time

,and til l the co ntroverli es that th i s day

e in Rel igio n be'lawfully decided ye receiveme

,and f uch o thers as


lgio fi

nufllybytho ft cruel l Bcaii s are perfecuted in yo ur defence and

ro re lOfl .‘

Your Ho nours are no t igno rant , That it i s no r I alo n‘


TheAppellation of jo hnKno x .

eneratio n o f Papifis , bur that the

Helgetza, the King o f Dcnmar /ee,many Other C ities and Churches

T,thatAntichrifi, and m o lt carneft “ affix?cell,


wherein may allCo ntrover

s in Rel igio n be decided,by the Autho rity o fGo ds mofi facred W o rd .

And unto th i s fame, as faid is, do I appeal yet o nce again requiring o fyo ur Ho no urs to ho l d my fimplc and plain Appel latio n o f no leffe valueno r eifeéi

,then if it had been made with greater c ircumfiance

,fo lemnity,

and ceremo ny ,and that yo u receive me calling un to yo n,as’

to thePo wers

o fG o d o rdained , in yo ur p ro teétio n and defence, againfi the rage o f Tyrant s no r to maintai n me i n any in iqui ty , erro ur, o r falfe o pinio n

,but to

letme have fuch equity, as G o d by his W o rd ancient Laws and Determ inatio ns o f mo lt go dly Co uncells , grant to men accufed o r infamed .

TheW o rd o fG o dwills ,That no man {hal l die,except hebe fo und crim inallandwo rthy o f death fo r o ffence comm itted , o f wh i ch hemuffbe

Dmanifefily co nvinced by two o r threewitnefl

es . Ancient Law do permitm 1 7 '

jufidefences to fuch as be accufed(be their crimes never fo ho rrible .)And

go dly Co uncells w i l l s That neither Biiho p no r perio n E cclefiaflicallWhatfo ever, accufed o f anycrime, fhallfir in Judgement , Co nfultatio n,o r Co uncell where the caufe o f fuch men as do accufe them i s to betried .

Thefe th ing s require I o f yo u; Ho no urs to begranted unto me , to W i tThat theDo ctrine which o ur adverfaries co ndemn fo r herefie, maybe tri The p etitio n

ed by thefimple and plain W o rd o f G o d 5 That jufiDefences be admit o f lobe KW

ted to us that f ufiain the Battellagainft this efiiléh t Generatio n o f Ant iéh rift o

,And that they be rem o ved from: geinént in o ur Gaufe, feeing

that o ur accufatio n is no r intended againfi any o ne parti cular perfo n but

againfi thatwho le kingdo m , wh i ch we do ubt no r to pro ve to be a po werufu


rped againft G o d , againfl:his Commandment and againl‘t the O rdi Na m e"

riance o f ChriftJefus efiabliihed in his Church by h is chief Apofiles 5Y ea, we do ubt no r to pro ve the kingdo m o f the Po pe, to be the kingdo mand power o f Antichrif’c. And therefo re, my Lo rds I cahno r c


eafe in

theName o f Ch rifi'

Jefus , to require o f yo u, That themattermaycometo exam inatio n, the S tates o f the,Realme

,byyo ur Autho rity ,

o r o nely to defifi from their eru'

in deteétingin the R o manefuch crimes ashe Flo ck com


Whéther AnfwerI amCo n_

l o TOObjcai .

arebo undo n“

that yo ur Biappertain to


The ripe/lam}; of Jo hn Kno x .

A nno That myAppel lat io n is m o it lawfulland Juli : And feco ndly, That yo ur


The A ppe lla

Ho no urs canno t reiufe to defend me thus cal l ing fo r yo ur ayd 5 fo r i n re

fufi ng , ye declare yo ur {E lves rebel l io us to G o d , mai ntainers o f m urther

ers , and ih edders o f inno cent b lo o d .

Ho w juf’c caufe I have by theCivillLaw (as fo r their Cano n it i s ac

t io n i s n o and c urfed o f G o d) to appeal fro m their unjuil fentence, mypurpo fe i s no r tolawfull. m ake lo ng d ifco ui fe Onel y I wil l to uch the po int s wh ich allmen co n

fe lle to be the jufi caufes o f Appel latio n : firfi La '

wful ly co uld I no t bef ummo ned by them beinglio r th at time abfent from their Jurifdiétio n,charged w i th the P reach ing o f Ch rifis Evangellin

a free City,nOt fub

jeét to their Tyranny .S ec o ndly,To m e was no i ntimati o n made o f their fummo n s but (0

fecret was their furmifed mal ice that the C0 pie o f f ummo n s being required ,was denyed .

Th i rdly, To the Realme o f S cotland co uld I have had no free no r fureaccelfe, being befo re co mpel led to quit the fame by their unjul‘t Tyranny .

And lailly,To me they neither co uld n o r can be competent and indi f

ferent Judge s , fo r that, befo re any fummo n s were raifed againfime,I had

accnfed them by Letters publi ih ed to theQueen Dowag er , and had intended againfi them allcrimes

,o ffering my feif, with h az ard o f life, t o pro ve

the fame, fo r the which th ey are nOt o nely unwo rthy o f E cclefi afiicall

Auth o rity,but al fo o f any fufferance with in a Co mm o n -wealth pro fef

{i ng Ch riih Th ismyaccufatio n preceding their fummo ns'

neither bythe Law o f G o d, neitheryet by the law o f man

,can they be to me co m

petent Judges, til l place be granted unto me o penl y to p ro ve myaccufatio n intended again it them and they be compel led to make anfwer, as c rim inalls Fo r I wi l l plainlyp rove That nOt o nely Bilh o ps but alfoP o pes, have been remo ved fro m allAntho rity,and pro no unc ing o f judgment

,til l they have purged themfelves o f accufatio n s laid againf

’t them .

Y ea, further I wil l pro ve, That Bifhops and P o pes havemo i}jufilybeendeprived from allHo no urs and admin iflratio n, fo r fmaller crimes then Ih ave to charge the who le rabble o f yo ur Bilho p s .

But becaufe th i s is no t my ch ief gro und Iwi l l fland co ntent fo r thisprefent to {hew That it i s lawfull to G o ds Pro phets , and to P reacherso f ChriflJefus , to appeal from the fentence and judgement o f the vifibleChurch , to the know ledge o f theTempo rallMagif

’trate who by G o d

Law is b o und to hear their caufes,and to d efend them from Tyranny .

The P ro phet {fieremywas co mmanded“ by G o d to fiand in the co urt 0

the Ho ufe o f the Lo rd,and to preach th i s Sermo n, in effect That93cm

[rt/em ih o uld bedeli ro yed, and be expo fed in o ppro brie to allNatio ns 0the earth And that a lfo that famo us Tem ple o f G o d iho uld be madedefo late

, l ike unto Sylo, becaufe thePriefi s , the P ro phets, and the peo ple,d id notwal k in the Law which G o d hath pro po fed unto them .neither

w o ul d they o bey the vo yces o f the Pro phetswhom Go d fent to cal l themt o repentance.

Fo r th is Sermo n was”

f etemyapprehended and a fentence o f deathpro n o unced againfih im

, and that by the Prieli s , by the Pro phets, athe Peo ple :wh ich th ings being b ruted in the ears o f the Princes o f

Jeren g8.

TheAppeilation‘of , j ohn,


defca'io n fro

from thewh

my enemiesG o d hat

do l exp

ye thinknegligent i n the defence

at the P ri

quired atfro m the fury o f h is enem ies 5 altio n , andwhy he o ught to have bo f G o d to rebuke their vices




Do étrinewh ich G o d befo re haddefired their co nverfio n to God

bl inde rage and tyranny o f the'

Priefismotwithfianding that they c laimedto themfelves Autho rity to judgeallmatth rs o f Rel igion. And the famed id he when hewas caft in prifo n, and thereafter was bro ught to the prefence o f King Z edeehmr . After , I fay, he had defended hi s inno cency,affirm ing, That he neither had o ffend


cd againfi the King'

, againft h is fervants, no r againi

’t the peo ple '

at lafi hemade intercefii o n to the King fo rhis l ife, faying , But now, myL‘


theK ing , take heed,“

I hefeeth theeprayer fall i nto thypr cfimee, commandmenot to he earn ed again into thJo nathan the IS’

m he, that I dzenot ther e. 4

And the Text w itnefl'

eth That the Kin commanded the pliice o f hisimprifo nment to be changed .


W hereo f f it is evident, That the‘Pro phet

did o fter then o nce feck hel p at theCivillpower 5 and that firitthePrinces

,and thereafter the King d id ackno w ledge, That it appertained to theirO ffice to del iver him fro m the unjuft feh tence wh i ch was pronounced

againft h im . If anyman th ink that'

afereyny did no r appeal , becaufe heo nely declared thewro ng do n


eunto him and did but ciave defence ac:co rding to h is inno cency, let the fame man underli and , Thatno n? Otherwife do Iappealfrom.

thatfalfe and cruel l {enteuce wh ich yo ur Bilh opspro no unced againit me 5 Neither yet can therebe anyjufi caufe o f Appel latio n , but inno cency, o r fufpitio n


td be hu rt, whether it be by‘igno

rance o f a j udge o r by mal ice and co rruptio n o f tho fe,who under the

t i tle o f Jufiice,do exerc ife Tyranny. If I were a th ief



phemer, o pen adulterer o r any o ffender who m G o d s W o rd commandeth to fuifer fo r a c rime committed ,

‘iny‘Appellationwere vain and to


TheAppellation of ]o hn _KnOX.

rejected But Ibeing inno cent , yea, theDo ctrinewhich yo ur Bit p s

have co ndemned inme being God s E ternallVerity have no lel‘fe l iberty

to crave yo ur defence againfi that cruelty then had the P ro phet53m mto feck ayd o f the P rinces and King o f

f eele . But th is, iballmo re plain

ly appear in the faet o f Saint {54111 who after that he was apprehended in

gemfizlerh , did firfi claim the l iberty o f the Ro mane C iti z ens , fo r avo yd a n.

mg to rmenttheCaptain wo uld have exammedrh im byqueltio ns 8‘”5‘

{Thereafter in theCo uncell, whe re no righteo us j udgement was to be hop ed fo r

'he afli rmed that he was aPharifee and that he was accufed o f


tio n o f the dead and lafi,in the prefence o fMew be ap

p ealed fro m allkno w ledge and judgement o f the Priells at gfemfalem,


the Empero ur Of wh ich lafl:Po int;becaufe it do th ch ieflyappertain toth i s my caufe, Iw il l fomewhat fpeak .

Afte r that Paulhad d ivers t imes beeh accufed‘,as in t heActs o f the

Apofiles i s manifefi, at the lafi the chief Priefis and their faétio n came toCefarezt,with F ejlue the P refident,who prefented unto them Paulin Judgement, who m they accufed o f ho

rriblec rimes which n everthelelfe theyc o uld no t pro ve, the Apo l

‘tle maintaining


, ,That he had o flended neither

againlt the Law neither againlt the Temple neither yet againft t he

5 Bart Feltus willmg togmtifie thef ewgfiidte Paul , W elt thou g o up to Jerufalem ,

and there hejudg ed of theft thmg : in'

mj prefe'


ee« But Paulfitm

‘I A35 2 3 '

fiend at thef it/treeSeat of jhe Empereur,Where rt behaveth me to hejudged ; Ihavedammwrong to the 9

3mm , 45 than hett'

er Imm ejl _If Ihavedutiewrijfl hmgfl njttjlly, gr yet eommztteq

’r remewor t/75!of death, I refufinot to dre But tf the


he,nothirtg ,

of thefething; truewhereof theyeteeflfie me .noman maygwemm‘m

51m» . IappealtbCeefar . It may.appear a; the firltfigh t§That Pauldidgfieatinjuryt o f ejha thej udge , and.to thewhele O rder o f the Priefiho o d,wih od id h o pe greater equity in a cruel l tyrant, t_heri in all thatSelli o n ,

and learn

ed company wh ich th ing , no'

do ubt , fife/he: did underftandp ro no uncingthefewo rds ,Haflthey appealed to Caefar f.

’ Thou/haltg o toCed ar . Mir} hewo uld fay, I , as aman wil l ing to underfland the truth , befo re l p ro ndunee a , q:fentence


,have reqilircdp f thee to go’

to {Fem/mm ~wh?ere the- learn'

edo f

t h ine ownNatio n may.hear thyCaulé ,ah dd ifcern in the fame. The co n :

t ro verfie fiandeth inmatters of _Religio n 5 tho uart accufeda s an apofiate

from the Law, as violat o r a tranfgr’

efl‘o r o f , theTra

xditio n s o f their Fathers 5 inwhich matters I an) 3therefo re

jdefire info rmationbytho fe that he learnedi n the fame Religio n where o fd hcquefiion,is -

,and yet,dofi thou refufe famany g®lY1t brS i t6 h oart hy

- caufeg nd idofiappealto .theEmpero r,prefer i ing him allqur j udgments ,‘o fno p urpOfc,belikc,

-ba1t t o .delaytime;Tlhus ,1 faygitmight have appeareed that f etal d id npt o nelyinjuryto


the Judge and to the Priéfts , (But al fo‘,th


at his ennfewas greatly to be\ fo r that he d id refufe the

.jndgement zo f thofe that hadmo ltk nowledge (as allmen flippo fed ) o fGo d s W illand Re lig io n 5. and artly, becaufe be appealed té the £ 11119:ro ur,who

then was at Rome, far a (em fro m $ eruf4hm , aman igno ranto fMo d

,and enemy to allvertue; But the Apofile co nfidenin g the n aphre o f

h is enemies , andwhat things they had inten ded agaiynfi him even fromI Min m 2 the

TheAppellation of Jo hn Kno x ,

theli ril dayhe began freel y to fpeak in the Name o f Chrifi,did no :fear

to appeal fro m them , and fro m th eJudge that wo uld have gratified them .

They had p ro feifed themfelves plain enem ies to Chrili Jefus and to his

blefl‘ed Evangell,

arid fo ught the death o f Paul, yea,even by fact ions andtreafo nable co nfpiracy, and therefo re by no means wo ul d he adm it themeither


s j udges in h is caufe, o r aud ito rs o f the fame,as Fe/lm requir ed 5

But gro unding h imfelf upo n firo ng reafo ns ,to wit,That he had no r o ffen s

ded the Jews ,neither again it the Law,but that hewas inno cent, therefo re

that no j udge o ugh t to give h im into the hand s o f h i s1

enem ies gro und .

ing, I fay, his Appel latio n upo n thefe reafo ns’

,he neith

er regarded the difuPF

’“ W


pleafure o f li e/hos , neither yet the brute o f the igno rantmultitude but

o(b o ld ly did appeal from all c o gno fcance df them,to the j udgement o f the

Paul was Empero ur, as faid i s . By the fe two examples, I do ubt no rbut yo urHo ~nours do underltand, That it i s lawfull to the {E rvants o f Go d, Opprefl

edbytyrannts to feck remedy againlt the fame be it by appel latio n fromthe i r fentence, o r by implo ring the hel p o f CivillMagiilrat

‘es Fo rwhat

G o d hath appro ved in f u nnyand P2741 he can c o ndemne in no ne that arefo dealt withall. Imight alleadge fome B illo ry o f the prim itive Churchferving to the fame purpo fe as o f m NJ/Cand Athtmnfim ‘o f . whom,

the o ne wo uld no r be judgedbut atMi l/on where that his Do ctrinewash eard o f allh is Church, and received and appro ved bymany And theo therwo uld in no wife g ive place to tho fe Co uncells where he knewthatmen co nfpiring againit the Truth o f G od t uld litin Judgementa nd Co nfultatio n BUt becaufe the Scr iptures o f G o d aremyo nely fo undation and allurance in all matters o f W eight and impo rtance Ih avet ho ught the two fo rmer ttfiimbnies fufiicient, as wel l to appro ve myAph.pellatio n reafo nable and juit as to dec lare to y


o urHo no urs Thatwith‘faffe éo nfc ience ye canno t refufe to admit the fame . If anyth ink it arro o

g ane'y o r fo o liihneife in me to co mparemy ielf w i th

f eremyand Po o l, letTha r- aura is t hefame man underfland xThat a s G o d is immutab le , fo i s theVerity o fggg



gjed’ his glo rio us Evangello f e ualld ignity, whenlo ever it is impugned,bc the

p a lm s . members fuffering never 0 weak .

“ W hat I th ink to uch ing m ine ownepeirfo n , G o d wi l l reveal, when the fecrets o f allhearts (h al l be difclo fedi:a nd i fuch aswith whom I have been co nverl

ant can witneliewhat arro l

ganey o r pride they efp ie in me. But to uch ing the Do éi rine’



alf cwhich that adultero us and pefiilent Generatio n o f Antichrifls fetva



(who wi l l be cal led Biih o p s amo ngfiyo u)have co ndemned me, Ineithérfear. no r. ihame to c o nfeife and avow befo re man andAngel, to be theEternali Truth o f the E ternall G o d. And in that


cafe '

I do ubt no r toco mpare myfelf with anymember in who m the Truth hath been impugned fince the beginn ing Fo r as it was the T


ruth wh i ch Ieremy didP reach

,in thefewo rds ThePr iefl: havenot known me (fifth theLord) ho t

the Poflor s have treotheroujlj declined ond fallen hathfr om my . The Pr ophet:Jen ni : havePrephe/Z eelin Baal , and havegoneafter thofethzng g:which cannot helpe) .

ypeoplehave left thefimntnin of [wing W ater and havediggef to them‘

can eontom no water . A31 3"

'As it was a truth That the Pafio rs andVVatch vmen'

in the dayes o‘

fIfaieh, were beco

‘me dumb do gs, blinde, igno rant, pro ud and avaric i o us.


Jeram. z .

1 or(I beflppellat


ion of Jo hn Kno x.

Benefits wh i ch ye recei ve , the Law o f G o d univerfallygiven to all menand theexamples o f m o lt go dly Prinoes , binde and .o b1ige yo u.

My purpo fe is ono t to labo ur greatly to pro ve That yo ur who le liudie‘

o ught to be, To pro mo re the glo ry o f G o d 5 Neither yet w i l l I(i nd ie toalleadge


all reafo ns th t j uilly maybe bro ught to pro ve That ye are ne t

exalted to raign abo ve o ur b rethren as men with o ut care and fo‘lic itudefo r thefe be principles fo grafted in Nature, that very E thnick s have co nfeli ed the fame F o r feeing that G o d o nely hath placed yo u in h is Chayr,

{fhc hath appo inted yo u to be his L ieutenants, and by h is own Seal h ath mar~o nours w i th

Magma,“ ,c k ed yo u to beMagi f’trates , and to rule ab o ve yo ur brethren ,to whom Nas

s e rve o f G o d, ture nevertheleiTe hath made yo u- l i ke i n all pomts fo r in co ncept io n ,

Ol'gh‘t° m0" b irth,l ife and death ye d iffer n o thing from the co mm o nfo rt o f men


G o d o nel y as (aid i s , hath promo ted yo u, and o f h is fpeciallfavo ur hathPre sti g e: h i s given yo u th i s Prero gative,to be cal led Go ds) How h o rrible ing ratitudeR d 'g'm" were it then that yo u (ho uld be fo und unfaithfullto him , that h ath thus

h o no ured yo u 6 And further, W hat am o nfierwe re it that yo u ihould be

pro ved unmerc ifullto them,abo vewhom ye are appo inted to raigne as

fathersabo ve their ch ild ren «3 Becaui‘

e, I. fay, that the very E thnick s havegranted .That the ch ief and firfi care o f P r inces

,and o f fuch as be ap;

po inted to rule abo ve Others o ugh t to be To pro mo re'

the g lo ry andh o no

‘ur o f their Go ds, and to m aintain that Rel igion wh i ch they fuppo

fed to have been true 5 And that their feco nd care was , To maintain anddefend the fubjedts co mm itted to their charge in all equity and iufiiceIWi l l no r labo ur to ibew unto youwhat o ught to be yo ur {indie in maintain ing Go ds true h o n o ur, left that in fo do ing I iho uld ieem to make yo uleffe carefull360 Gods true Religio n then were the E thnick s o ver theirIdo latr- x Butgecaufe Other Petitio n s mayappear mo re hard and d iffic ile to be

granted , Ipurpo fe briefly,but yet freely,t o fpeak what G o d byhi s W o rd

dOth ai’

fure me to be true to wit , firll, That in oo nfc ience'

yo u are b o undto pun ilh m


alefaéto rs ,'

and to defend inno cents imp lo ring yo ur- hel p . Sea

c o ndly That G o d requireth o f yo u t o p ro vide that yo ur fubjeets beright ly infirua ed in his trueReligio n 5 .and that the fame be by yo u re

fo rmed whenfo ever abufes do creep in b y themalice o f Satan and negligence o f men . And lafily, That ye are bound to r emo ve fromHon o ur,and to punilh with death (if the crime fo frequire) fuch a s deceive the people, o r defraud them o f that fo o d o f their fo ul s

,Imean Go ds lively

W o rd . The firft and feco nd aremo ii plain by theWo rds o f5. Paul, thus

naught 5, for

Obed ience to

Theflppelld tion (f Jo hn Kno x .

be g iven to lawfull powers pro no uncing G o ds w rath and vengeanceinli fuch as iball refiii the O rdinance o f G o d 5 fo do t h he alligne to

the p owers their O ffices , wh ich be To take vengeance upo n evi l do ers,To m aintain thewel l do ers, and fo to minilier and rule in theirO tfice,thatthe fubjea s by them mayhave a Benefit , and be praifed inwel l doing .

Now if yo u be powers o rdained by G o d (and that I ho pe allmen W i l lgrant ) then by the plainwo rds o f the Apo file i s the Swo rd given untoyo u by G o d fo r maintenance o f the inno cent , and fo r puniihment o fm alefaé

to rs Bur I, and myb rethren with me accufed, do o ffer no r o nelyto pro ve o ur felves inno cents in allthings laid to o ur charge but al fo weo fferm o i’t evi dentl y to pro ve yo ur Bifli o ps to be the very pellilence, whohave infeéi ed allChriflianity And therefo re by the plain Do ctrine o fthe Apo flle

, yo u are bo und to maintain us and puniih the Other beingevident ly co nv inced and pro ved c riminall. M o reo ver the fo rmerwo rds o f the Apo fi le do reach, How far h igh powers are bo und to their

Ifubjeets 5to wit, That becaufe they be G o d sMiniilers by h im o rdained pgft

gfm ,

fo r the pro fit and uti l ity o f Others , mo lt dil igently o ught they to attend are bo u nd to

upo n the fame. Fo r that caufe ailigneth the h o ly G ho li commanding"W MW “

fubjeéi s to o bey, and to payTribute, laying, F or thzlr doyaup ayTr ihute andT011 5 thar i s , Becaufe they are G o ds Miniflers bearing the Swo rd fo ryo ur uti l ity . W hereo f it i s plain That there is no ho no ur witho ut acharge annexed . And th i s o ne po int I wifh yo ur wifedo m s deeply to co nlider That G o d hath no t placed yo u abo ve yo ur Breth ren rd raigne asTyrants witho ut refpeéi o f either pro fit o r co mmo dity . Y o u hear theh o ly Gho li witnelfe the co ntrary, aflirming That all powers be G o dsMiniiler s

,o rdained fo r theweal pro fit and falvatio n o f their fubjeets ,

and no r fo r the ir del‘rruetio n . Co uld it be laid (Ibefeech yo u)ThatMagifirates inclofing thei r fubjea s in a C ity with o ut allviétualls , o r givingunto them no o therviaualls but fuch as were poyfo ned did rule fo r the {532tml;

Rom. 1 3 .

p rofit o f their fubjeéls f I n unthat no newo uld be fo fo o lilh as fo ro_af

firm5but that rather every difc reet perfo nwo uld bo ld ly affirm,That fuchas fo did

,were unwo rthy o f Regiment . If we wil l no r denys


that wh ichChrifi j ef us affirmeth to be a truth infal l ible 5. to wit That the fo ul i sgreater and mo re precio us then is the b o dy, then fhallwe eali lyefpie howunwo rthy o f Auth o rity be tho fe that th is daydebar their fubjeets fro mhearing o f G o d sW o rd, and by fire and fwo rd compel l them to feed upo nthe very poyfo n o f their fo ul s the damnable Do ctrine o f Antichriii .

And therefo re in th i s po int,I fay, I canno t ecafe to admo nilh yo urHo no rs‘dil igent l y to takeh ced o ver yo ur charge, wh i ch i s greater then the mo lt

part o f men fuppo fe. It i s no r“

eno ugh that yo u abfiain from vio lent m , mwro ng and Opprefli o n which ungo dly men

‘exercife againit their fubjeéts 5 eno ugh that

'but ye are further bo und , to wit, That ye rule abo ve them fo r their weal 5 Ruler s do no to pprefl

’é thei r

wh i ch we canno t do , if thatye either by negligence no r pro viding true fub’ea s.x

p afio rs,o ryet by yo urmaintenance o f li mb as be ravening W o lves , fuf

- fer the i r fo uls to fiarve and peri(h fo r lack o f the true fo o d,which is

Chrifis Evangellfincerely preached It wil l no r excufe yo u in h is prefence who wi l l require accpunt o f every Talent comm itted to yo urcharge, to fay, That ye luppo fed that the charge o f the fo ul s had been

co m;

co mm itted to vo urBifli o p s . No no ,myLo rds, fo ye canno t efcapeGo d sj udgement 5fdr if yo ur Bifli o ps be proved to be no Bifbo ps , butdeceiva

The o rem s ble theeves and ravening wo lves (wh i ch I o ffer my felf to pro ve bylob”wax, and G o dsW o rd , byLaw and Co uncells yea, by the judgement ,

o f all theh i s accri fati o nin tended go dly learned from the prim i tive Church to th i s —day then fhallyo uragai n“. t



c pa '

perm ifli o n and defence be repured befo re G o d a participatio n w ith their13mm“

theft and murther Fo r thus accufed the Pro phet Ifamb the P rinces of5 1j5i,


c rufalcm TbvPr inces (fai th he)are apofiater (that is, o bfiinate refufel‘s

o f G o d) and theyarecompani ons of theeves . Th i s grievo us accufatio n waslaid againft them,albeit that they ruled in that City,wh ich fometimewascal led Ho ly,where then were the Temple,R ites ,and O rd inances o fG o d 5becaufe that no r o nely they werewicked themfelves bur ch iefly becaufethey maintained w i cked men , their Priells and falfe P ro phets , inho no ursand auth o rity IF they did no t efcape th is accul


atio n o f the ho ly Chef];in that age lo o lt ye neither to (cape the accufation no r the judgement

3, o f wicked men 5 to wit, That th e o ne and the Other iballdrink the Cupz}. o f G o ds wrath and vengeance to gether. And leftye iho uld deceive o ur

felves , efieem ing yo ur BilhOp s to be vertuo us and godl y , th is do I a rm,

and o fi‘

er my(elf to pro ve the fame That mo re wickedmen then be thewh o le rabble o f yo ur C lerg ie,were never from the beg inning univerfallykno wn i n anyage 5 yea, Sodom and Gomom zmaybe jufiified in refpea:ofthem 5 fo r they permitted juft Lot to dwellamo nglt themwitho ut anyv io lence do ne to

,his bo dy ,


wh ich that pel‘t ilent Generat io n of yo ur {ha s

ven fo rt do rh no t but mo lt cruelly perfecme by fire and (wo rd the true

members o f Chrills Bo dy, fo rno o ther caufe, but fo r the true fervice andh o no uring o f G o d . And therefo re I fear no eto affirm that

,wh ich Go d

w il l o ne day jufiifie That by yo ur O ffices ye are bo und no eo nely to


efle their tyranny but alfo to punilh them as theeves andmurtherers,Nate. as Ido laters , and blafphemers o f Go d 5 and in their ro om s ye are b o und.

if Powe rs to place true Preachers o f Chrifis Evangell, fo r the infirueftion,comfo rt,

pro wde n

gt and falvatio n o f yo ur fubjeets abo ve wh om elfe fhall never th¢ h0 1¥

if; Cho ft ackno wledge, That yo u rule in juf’tice fo r their profit. If ye p re

je&s , thcydo tend to po ffeffe the Kingdom with ChrifiJel‘us

, ye maynOt take example

333 31

5“neither by the igno rantmultitude o f Princes, neither by the ungo d l y and

fo r thclrpro fib cruel l Rulers o f the earth o f whom(o me palIe their t ime in flo rh, infoleney and ri0 t,withom relpeé

’thad to Go ds ho no ur, o r to the falvatioo f their b rethren 5and Othersmo lt cruel ly o pprefl

e with proudNimrod.fuch as be (ab ject to them . But your pattern and example muft be thepra€tice o f tho fe wh om G o d hath appro ved by the tefiimony o f hisW o rd , as after (hal l be dec lared .

Of the prem ifes it i s evident That to lawfull powers is given theSwo rd , fo r punilhment o f malefaifio rs fo r maintenanceo f inno cents ,and fo r the p ro fit and utility o f their fubjeéts . Now let us co nfider ,W hether the Refo rmatio n o fRel igio n fal len in decay, and punilhment o f£ 1116 Teachers, do appertain

"to the CivillMagifirate andNo bil ityo f any

wim Satan Realme . I am nOt igno rant that Satan o f o ld t ime fo r maintenance o f



‘d h i s darknefl'

e, hath o btained o f thebl inde wo rl d two ch ief po ints The

m ud.

fo rmer, He hath perfwaded to Princes , Rulers , andMagiflrates , Thatthe

Je rem 23 .

Paralip. 19.

a Du al. go .

a Petrol. 3 1

TheAppella tion of JohnK nox.

gfofaphat Kings in afada, finding the Rel igio n alto gether co rrupt, did apply their hearts(faith the h o l y Gho fi)to fer ve the Lo rd and to walk inh i s wayes And thereafter do th witnefi


e That Afa remo ved fro m Hono urs his m o rher (fo me faygrand - mo rher) becaufe {he had comm itted,an d labo ured to maintain Ido latry .


f ofaphat did no r o nel y refufe

{lrange go ds h imfelf, but alfo defiro ying the ch ief Mo numents o f Ido latry, d id fend fo rth the Levi tes to infiruét the peo ple . W hereo f it i s plain


Tha t the o ne and the Other did underfiand fuch Refo rmatio ns to appertainto their duties . But the faéts o f E z echiao and o f

f ofiaa do mo re cleerlypro ve the po wer and duty o f the CivillMagi{i rate in Refo rmatio n o fReligio n : Befo re the Raigu o f EQechtae Relig i o n was fo co rrupt that thedo o rs o f the Ho ufe o f the Lo rd were th at up ,the Lamps were extinguilhed

,no Sacrifi cewas o rderly made : But in the firlt yeer o f h is Raigne, in

the firflm o neth o f the fame did the King o pen the do o rs o f the Temple, b ring in the Priefis and Lev ites, and allembling them to gether, did

fpeak un to them as fo l lo weth Hear me 0 ye. L efvzter and heyefam‘i‘zfieal

now, aa clfané’


ifie alfit theHoufie of the L ord Goalof yottrfather s and car ry

forth allfilthitoojfe he meaneth, Allmo numents and veffels o f Ido latry

for o ur father; have tranflqreflcd, and have committed withedrtejfi’ in the eye: ofthe E ternal!ottr God, theyhave left ham and titrated thei r facetfrom theTaher

teat /o of’theLord ; and ther efore it thewr ath of theL ord come epon j uda and

firmfalem Behold, oarfatherehavefallen h} thefoam ! oar fom ,daughter s ,

and wives arelea!mto Captivity But ”on:have Iparpofed in myheart to makeaCom mentwith the L ordGod of Ifrhel that hem y tam e thewrath of hztfttry,

fr om tot . And therefore’

myfom (he fweetl-yexho rteth ) henotfaint forthe L otti hath chofen you tojlanalin hilt prefmce, and to[ew ehim .

Such as be n o rmo re then blinde e lect ly may perceive that the Kingd o th acknowledge That it appertained to his charge To refo

rme the

Relig io n ,To appo int the Levites to their charges , andTo admo nifli them

o f the irDu ty andOfli ce W h i ch thing he mo i’t evidently declareth


t ing h i s Letters to all Ifftrael'

,to Ephraim and tManajfes and [ent the fame


the hands o f Meffengers , having th i s teno urToto[om of Ifrael, return to the L ar chGod of Abraham , Ifaac, and Ifrael,

and he[halltum to the r eftdue that r e/leth f rom the hand? of Afi’

ur Be not At

your father: and at your hr ethrett were who have tranjgrefliea'agam/lthe Lorri

God of thezrfather t , who hath made them defo late a s y


oto fee. Hold not your

heart therefore, hitt'

g ifveyoatr hand unto the L ord

,return omto hia Sanfluary,

fervehim,and hejha/ljhewMer cyuntoyou toyourflm and daughter: that he in

B ondage for he titpu ffy/l, aged eajie to hemtr eated.

Thus far did E z et’hitu by Letters and Meifenger s pro vo ke the peo ple,declined from Go d to repentance no r o nely in {fadewhere he raignedlawfull K ing,hut alfo in Ifrael fubjerft then to ano ther King . And albe it that by (o me wicked men h is Meffengers weremo cked , yet as theylacked no t their jufi pnniihme nt (fo r within fix dayes after S amar ia wasdefiro yed, and Ifr aelled captive by Sahfl anaa ar fo did no r:the z ealo usKing E z echzat defif’t to pro l


ecute his duty in, refio ring the Rel igio n toGods perfeét O rd inance, remo ving all*abo m inatio n s .The

,fame is to be read o fyoftatmho did nOt o nely refio re the Rel igio n,


TheAppellation,of jo hn Knox.

S tatutes ,andTeflim o nies , with alltheir heart5and w ith tzlltheir

that they iho uld ratifie and co nfirm whatfo ever was written in t

o f G o d . He further commanded Hzlhm the h igh Prieft and the Priefts The K ingo f the inferio ur O rder,That they iho uld carry fo rth o f the Temple o f the “

Em mgfa


Lo rd allthevelfels that weremade to Baal, wh ich he burnt, and did carryPm

their po wder to Bethel.He did further deflroyallr

Mo nument s o f Ido latry,yea, even tho fe that had remained fro m the dayes o fS ol


on he did burnthem

,{lamp them to P owder, whereo f o ne part he featter

‘ed in the bro o k

K ra'r en , and the o ther part upo n the Sepul chres and G raves o f the Ido la

ter s,wh o fe b o nes he did burn upo n the A ltars where befo re they made

Sac rifice no :o nely inyztda, but alfo in Bethe], where f er ohoam had ereaedh is Ido latry yea,he further pro ceeded,and did k il l thePrielts o f the h ighplaces ,who were Ido laters ,and had deceived the peo ple a he did kil l them,

I fay, and burnt their bo nes upo n their o wn Altars ,and fo returned to f er afalem . Th i s Refo rmatio n made f ofiaa and fo r the fame o btained th isTefiim o nyo f the ho ly Gho li , Tha

t neither befo re him no r after himwas

there any fuch K ing, wh o returned to G o dwith his wh o le fo ul,andwithallhi s firength, acco rd ing to allthe Law o f Mafit .

Of wh i ch Hillo ries it is evident , That the Refo rmatio n o f Rel igio n inallpo ints , to gether with the punilhment o f falfe Teachers do th appetrain to the power o f the CivillMagifirate F o r what Go d re uired o f

them,h is jufiice mull require o f Others having the like charge an Autho .

rity what he did appro ve in them he canno t but approve in allOtherswho with l ike z eal _and finceritydo enterprife to purge the Lo rds Templeand Sandtuary. W hat G o d requi red o f them ,

i t is befo re declared , to

wit, Thatmo lt diligently they ih o uld o bferve his Law,S tatutes and Ce

remo nies . And ho w acceptablewere their fact s to G o d, d o th he himfelfw itneffe Fo r to fo me he gave mo lt no tableViéto ries witho ut thehand ,par,o f man and in their mo lt defperate dangers, did declare his efpec iall favo ur towards them by fignes fupernaturall To Other he fo eliablifhedthe Kingdo m that their enem ies were co mpelled to flo up under theirfeet . And the names o f allhe hath regifircd no r o nely in the Bo o k o flife but alfo in the bleifed remembrance o f all po l

‘terities finee their

dayes , wh ich alfo fhall co ntinue til l the coming o f the Lo rd Jefas,who fhallreward with the Cro wn o f Immo rtal ity ]

no r o nely them but

a lfo fuch as unfainedlyfludy to do the w il l and t o prom o re the glo ry’

‘o f h is heavenl y father in the mid il o f th i s corrupted . G eneratio

‘n :

c o nfideratio nwhereo f o ughtyo u, myLo rds, alldelay fe t apart, to'


vide fo r the Refo rmatio n o f Rel igio n in yo ur Do m inio ns,

andB o und s wh ich no w is fo co rrupt that no part o f Chrifts Infiitut io n remaineth in the O riginal!purity and therefo re of neceflityit is ,That fpeedi lyye pro vide fo rRefo rmatio n, o r elfe ye dec lareyo ur felves

N n n z no;


No te well.


of jo hnKno x .

r equire o ffelling Ch riii Jefus in the time o f the G o fpel

taught us by them o uth o f David Pfal. a . ) flying ,Belearned

,:you that

judge the ear th [ of]? theSon ,leflthat the L ordwax angry and that yep erzflt

away. Th is Admo nitio n d o th no t extend t o the J udges under the Lawo nel y , but d o th al fo include alliuch as be prc

tmOted to Ho no urs in the

t ime o f the G o fpel, when Chriit Jefus do rh raigne and figh t in h is

Sp irituallK ingdo m whofe enem ies in that Pfalme be firfimo lt ih arplytaxed, their fury expreil


ed, and vanitym o cked 5 and then are K ings and

Judges , who th ink themfelves free from allLaw’

and Obed ience comm anded to repent the ir fo rmer blinde rage and Judges are charged tQ‘bClearned ,and lafl are commanded to ferve the E ternallGo d in feare,to rejo yce befo re him in trembl ing to k ifl


e the S o n thary

iS , To givehnn mo it humble Obed ience W hereo f it i s evident

,That the Ru

l ers , Magii‘trates and Judges now in Ch rifis Kingdom ,

are no leife


und to Obed ience unto G o d,then were tho le under the Law And

how is it p o flible that any iho uld be o bedient , who defpifé th h is Religio n ,

in wh ich fiandeth the chief glo ry that man can _giv'

e to G o d,

and is a fervice wh ich G o d efpec ially’

requireth o f K ings and Ruler s f.’W h ich th ing Saint A agat/ime plainl y did no te

, writing to o ne B otti

faci ae aman o f W arre acco rd ing to the fame argument and put ofewh ich l lab o ur to perfwade yo ur Ho no urs Fo r after that he hat inthat h is E p ifile declared the d ifference betwixt the hereli e o f the D onatzfls and A rr zam and hath ib mewhat fpo ken o f their cruel ty, he ibeweth the way h ow their fury iho uld and o ugh t to be reprelied and that



i s lawfull fo r the unjui’tly afiliaed to fee k iuppo rt and defence at

go dly Magil’trates fo r thus he w riteth

,Either mot]? theVer i ty he hep;

clofe or elfemit/i their cruelty hefit/fam ed. But if the Verity ih o uld beco ncealed no t o nely ih o uld no ne be faved , but alfo iho uld many be lo ftthro ugh their decei t But if by P reaching o f theVerity their fury iho uldbe pro vo ked mo re to rage , and by .that means yet fome were del ivered


d made firo ng , yet ih o uld fearh inder many weaklings to fo l l owtheVerity if their rage be no r flayed .

' In'

thefe firfi words A rg o/Ewefheweth - three reafo n s why the ai éted Church in th o fe dayes cal ledfo r theh elp o f the Empero ur, and o f go dlyMag ifirates , againfk the fa d

ry o f the perfecuters .'The firl

t The Ver i ty mit/thefpohegt ,~

or elfe. mankzade {hallper t/h in err our . The feco nd, The Verity being plain ly fpo ken,pro vo keth theadverfaries to rage. And becaufe that fo me did alleadge,That ratherweOught to fuffer allinjury, then to flack (uppo rt by man, he


t al fo to live W i thoutand t rue reverence o fefi eem thefe h ifio rie s

Firfi 2 Becaufe yo uno Kings , butr o f bOth can

a th ing mo re

wri teth fo r that Church wh ich pro fefi'

eth theTm th,and d o th fuffer perfec utio n fo r the defence o f the fame ,

wh ich yo ur B ifho ps do no t butrather w ith the Do natil

‘t s and Arriar

is do cruel ly perfecute all fuch asbo ldly fpeak Chrifis E ternallVer ity, to manifefi their impiety and abo l‘

minat io n . But thus;much we have o f Aflgufltfl d That it; appertainethto


the o bedience and fervice wh ich Kings o we to G o d as wel l no w inthe time o f the G o fpel, as befo re under the Law to defend the aflliétedfo r matters o f Rel igio n and to repreffe the fury .o f the perfecuters bythe rigo ur and leverity o f go dly Laws ; Fo r wh i ch caufe

, no d o ubt,

Ifiu ah the P ro phet faith , That K ings iho uld be n0urifl1ers o f the Churcho f G o d that they ih o uld abafe their head s and lo ving ly embrace thec h i ldren o f G o d. And thus I fay, yo ur Ho no urs may evidently fee,That the fame Obed ience dOth G o d require o f Rulers and Princes in thetime o f the G o fpel, that he recg

rired in the time o f the Law.

An anfwer to ' If yo udo th ink that the Re o rmatio n o f Religio n f and defence o f theTam “ 0 h“

afii iaed do th no t appertain to yo u, becaufe yo u are no Kings , but Noblesmand S tates o f a Realme, in two things yo u are deceived Firll, in that 'yo udo no r advert That Dew/ 1d requireth as wel l that the Princes and Judgeso f the earth to be learned and thAt they ferve and fear G o d , as that he

requireth that Kings repent . If yo u therefo re be Judges and Princes ,(asno man can deny yo u to be ) then by the plain wo rds o f D read yo u are

charged to be learned , to ferve and fear G o d 2,wh ich ye cannOt

do if, ye

defp ife the Refo rmat io n o f h is Rel igio n . And thi s i s yo ur firfi erro ur .

The feco nd i s, That ye neither-

k no w yo ur‘dUtywh i ch ye o we to Go d,

neither yet yo ur Autho rity wh ich o f him ye have received,if ye fo r p lea.fure o r fear o f any earth l y man defpife Go ds - true Rel ig io n, and co ntemnyo ur b rethren that in his Name cal l fo r yo ur fuppo rt . Yo ur duty is to hearthe vo yce o f the E ternallyo ur G o d and unfainedlyto (i ndie to fo l lowh is P recepts who , as i s befo re fa id, o f fpec iallmercyhath promo ted yo uto Ho no urs andDignity. H is ch ief and princ ipallPrecept is ,That w ithreverence ye receive and embrace his o nel y belo ved So n Jefus 5 That yepro m0 te to the uttermo fi o f yo ur powers h is true Religio n ,and That yedefend yo ur breth ren and fubjeéts , who m he hath put under yo ur chargeand care. Now if yo ur King be a man igno rant o f ,Go d, enemy to hist rue Rel igio n, blinded by Superfiitio n , and a perfecuter o f Chrifis members, Shal l ye be excufed, if with filence ye pafl


e o ver his iniquity 6 Be

no edeceived,my Lo rds , ye are placed in Autho rity fo r ano ther purpo fe

then to flatter yo ur King in h is fo l ly and bl inde rage to wit That aswith yo ur bo dies , fircngth , riches andw ifedo m ye are bo und to afli ftanddefend h im in all th ings which byxyo ur advice he{hal l take in hand fo rG o ds g lo ry, and fo r the prefervatio n o f h is Co mmo n - wealth and fubjee


ts ; fo by yo ur autho rities , co unfell,'

and admo nitio n '

ye are bo und toc o rreétand reprelfe whatfo ever ye know h im to attempt exprefl


n ing .to Go ds W o rd , Ho no ur and glo ry o r what ye fhall efp ie him to

do,be it by igno rance, o r be it by m al ice againfi h is fubjea s , great o r

fmall Of wh ich lafi part o fyo ur o bedience if yo u defraud your Xi\ng,yecomm it againfi h im no leffeTreafo n,then if ye dide xtraét fro m him yo urdue and promifed fuppo rt,when by his enemies unjufllyhe were purfued .

By .

No te diligently

TbeAppellationOf Jo hn Kn o x .

Bur th i s part o f thei r duty I fear,do a fmallnumber o f the No bil ity o fAUHO

th i s age right ly c o nfider neither yet wil l they underfiand that fo r that

purpo fe hath G o d promo ted them Fo r no w the co mm o n lo ng o f allm en is


,W e


mo /i obeyour n r,be tbeyg ood or badf or God barb commanded

But ho rrible (hal l the vengeance be, that fhallbe po ured fo rth upo n fuchblafphemers o f G o d his ho l y Name and O rd inance Fo r it i s no leffe N°f°dlligentijblafphemy to fay,That Go d hath c o mmanded Kings to be o beyed,wh enthey command impiety then to fay That G o d by his Precept i s autho r and maintainer o f all iniquity . True it is G o d hath co mmandedKings to be o beyed but l ike true it i s That in th ings wh i ch they co mm it againl

’t his g lo ry , o r when cruelly W i tho ut caufe they rage againfi;

their brethren themembers o f Ch rifts b o dy he hath co mmanded no

o bedience, but rather he hath appro ved yea and greatl y rewarded fo chas have o ppo fé d themfelves to thei r ungo dly commandments and bl inderag

e as in the examples o f the three Children , o f Daniel and Abdemelecfii t i s evident . The three Ch i ldren wo ul d neither bo w no r fio up befo rethe go lden Image at the commandment o f the great King Nebuobadnea ar .

D ame!d‘i_d o pen ly pray his windows being 0 en, againft the efiablifhed

Law o fDon na and o f his Co uncell. And Ab emelecb feared nor. to enterin befo re the prefence o f Z edeobz


ar,and bo ldly to defend the caufe and ia

no cency o f’

T’er emythe Pro phet, who m the King and his Co uncell had Jerem gs,

co ndemned to death . Eve ry o ne o f thefe faéts (ho uld th i s daybe judgedfo o lifla, by fuch as wi l l no t underilandwhat G o d do rh requireo fhis ch i ld ren , when his Verity i s o ppugned , o r his g lo ry cal led in do ubt fuchmen

,I fay, as prefer man to G o d, and th ings prefent to the heavenly in

heritance (ho uld have judged every o ne o f thele ftubbo rn in o bedience,fo o liih prefumptio n and fingularity, o r elfe bo ld co ntro ll ing o f the K ingand his Wife Co uncell. But ho w acceptab le in G od s prefence was thisrefiltance to the ungo dly commandments and determinatio ns o f theirKing, the end didwitneffe fo r the three child ren were del ivered fromthe Furnace o f fire, and Danielfrom theDen o f L io n s

, To the co nfufio no f their enem ies,To the bet ter infiruétio n o f the igno rant Kings , and Tothe perpetual ]co mfo rt o f Go ds afliié

ted children . And Abdm eleob in

the day o f the Lo rds Vifitatio n when the King and his Co uncelldi d 13m g”.

d rink the bitter cup o f Go ds Vengeance, did fiude his l ife fo r a prey,and

d id no r fal l by the edge o f the fwo rd when many tho ufands did perilhAnd th i s was . fign ified unto them by the Pro phet h imfelf

,at the c om

mandment o f G o d, befo re that ffcrufilam was deftroyedt This promifeand caufe were recited unto h im in chefe wo rds 1 and bring my word:

upon tbr’

s Czty unto ow l and not untogood bzotmay? aflwedly I [haddelivertbee becaufe tbozo bo tru/fed in me faztb tbo L ord. The rm“: and h o pewhich t/ Ibdemeleobhad inG o d made him felf bo ld to o ppo fe himfelfi,

being but o ne, to the King and to his who leCo uncell, who had cd ndemned to death the Prephet,whom h is co nfcience did ackno wledge to be inno cent fo r thus did he fpeak in prefcnce o f the King , fitting in the Po rto f Bmmmm MyL ord tben ,(faith Abdemelcrb) tbefcm mdo m obedlyinall tbingr rbat tbeybrevedone to Jeremy tbc Propbet . Advert and take heed,myLo rds, that themenwho had co ndemned the Pro phet,were the King ,

h is

A nn 0

No te d illge ntly,

Deu ' a a

Déut z 7 .


Ido latryo ugh t to be

p im lh ~d wi th

o u t refpefi o f

p ei fo u ,

h is P rinces andCo uncell,and vet did o ne man acCufe them allof in iquity,

and did bo ld ly fpeak in the defence o f h im o fwh o fe inno cency he wasperfwaded : And the fame, I fay, is the duty o f every man in h is Vo catio n but ch iefly o ftheN o b il ity , wh ich is jo yned with their k ings , tob ridle and rep i eli


e their fo lly and bl inde rage W hich thing if the No

b ilitydo no t neither yet labo ur to do e as they areTraito urs to their

Kings fo d o they pro vo ke the w rath o f G o d againll them felves and

againii the Realme in which theyabufe theAutho ritie which they havereceived o fG o d to m aintaine Vertue, and to fupprell


eVice . And here

o f Iwo uld yo ur Ho no urs werem o lt certain ly perfwaded, That G o d wil lneither excufe No b ilitie no r peo ple ,

but the N o bil ity leali o f all thato bey and fo l lo w thei r K ings in m anifefl iniquity; but w i th the fam e ven

geance wil l G o d pun ifh the Prince, PeOple,and No bil ity c o nfpiring to geth er againfi h im and h is Ho ly O rdinances , as in the punifllment upo nPbaraob, Ifiael, ¥ uda , and Babylon i s evidentl y to bc feene fo r Rbar aob

was no r d ro wned alo ne'

,bur h is Captains Charets and great A rmy

d rank the fameCup with h im . The K ings o f ffi'ael and f adab were no r

p un ifhed w ith o ut co mpany but with them were murthered the Co unfello rs

,their P rinces imprifo ned and their peo ple led Captive And

why c’ bec aufe no newas fo und fo faithful l to G o d that he durfi'


p rife to refill n'

o r gainfland the m an ifefi impietie o f their Princes .‘And

therefo rewas G o d s w rath powred forth upo n the o ne and the Other . But

the m o re ample difco urfe o f th is argument Ideferre to better o ppo rtunityo nel y at th i s time I tho ught exped ient to adm o nifh yo u,That

’ befo re G o dit fhallno r excufe yo u to alleadge, W e are no Kings and therefo re neithercan we refo rme Rel igio n no r yet defend fuch as be perfecuted . Co nfi

der,my Lo rds that ye are po wers o rdained o fG o d(as befo re is declared)and therefo re do rh the Refo rmatio n o fRel ig io n and the defence o f f ucha s unjufi ly are o ppr


effed appertaine to yo ur charge and care ; wh ichth ing {hal l the Law o f G o d un iverfallygiven to be k ept


o f allmen )mo ltev ident ly declare which i s my lafi and mo lt aff ured reafo n, why(I fay)

ye o ught to remo ve fro m yo ur Ho no urs and to punifh with death fuchas G o d h ath co ndemned by h is o wn m o uth .

After that tflaofier h ad declared what was true Rel igio n, to'

wit,To ho

no ur G o d as he co mmanded ,adding no th ing to h is W o rd,neither yet di

m inifh ing any thing fro m itaand after alfo that vehement ly he had exho rtthe fame Law to be o b ferved he deno unced the punifhment againft the .

Tranlgreifo rs , in thefe w o rds If tby br otber , fomrc daagbrer , wife ornen boar , wbomj bou loft/q? a: tbme own lzfe fol/m ate tbecferret/yL et for g o [carve otber g ods , wbom neztber rbaa nor tbyfatber r bavc kfl owm ,

con/m t not to bzw bear bzw not let not tbme‘

eyefpare bim ,flJ€W brm no i ndul

g ezzcy or favour , bidebzw not bat utterlybi llbzw let tbybandbe tbefir]? aponbzw tbat bemaybefiaz

ne and afrcr tbe band of tbewbole people. Of thefe

w o rd s o f (fi l o/if! are two th ings appertaining to o ur purpo fe , to be no red 5The firf’r is

,that fuch as fo lic itate o n ly to Ido latry,o ught to be punilhed to

dearh,w ith 0 ur favo ur or refpeét o f perfo n ; F o r he that wi l l n o r fuffer

m an to fpare h is fo une, his daugh ter, no r h is wife, but fi raitly co mmandeth puniflimcnt to be taken upo n the ido lato ur s have they never fo n igh

co nj uncti o n

Tbe dpello tion of Jo hnKno x .

Oat was n e o r we ea e e was mar 0 1 t lem an ave t i emA nnoh l L d llpl f d h f d ‘l

,d g l

Deut. 1 ;

Dent 1 8 8: go .


ro ll o n every part , becaufe they fo ught h im with their who le heart and

d id (wear to punifh the o ffenders acco rd ing to the P recept o f h is Law,

w ith o ut refpeét o f per(o ns . And th i s i s it wh ich I fayI wo ul d yo ur Ho

n o urs iho uld no re fo r the firfi That no Ido later can be exempted from

punifhment by G o ds Law.

The feco nd is That the punifhment o f f uch crimes as are Id o latry,Blafpliemy,

and Others th at to uch theMajefly o f G o d do rh no r appettain to the K ings and ch ief Rulers o nely, but alfo to the who le Bo dy o f

the peo ple , and to every member o f the fame, acco rding t o theVo catio no f every man,and acco rd ing to that po li ibility and o ccafio n wh ich G o ddo rh m inifier, to revenge the in jury do ne againfih is glo ry, when that imp iety i s manifefily known And that do thMofer mo re plainl y fpeak in

thele wo rds 5 If in any Ci ties (faith he ) wbteb tbe L ord tby God {givetb to

tbee to dwelltzoi tbem tbott flmlt bear tbtlf brette Tbere ar efome men tbe font ofBel ial paj edfr om tbee andbw efiltezted tbe Cztz'

z em out of tbezr Ci ties bytbefeword: L et ter g o andfirvefir efig eg od:wbtebyou brevenot known 5[earthand cflqnzr e dilig ently and If i t be true rbat fittb abomm o tzm irdom in tbe

med/lof i bee, tbott [belt utterlyflr zbe ebe Inhabi tants of tbat Citywitb tba

Sword tboufltalt defiroyzt , andwbetfitefvtr it t bm tr 5 tbottfimltgetber tbe

fpoyl of it mto tbemzdjl of tbeM arket -

p lat e , tbozt/lmlt 516779 tbet Ctty (with

fire, and tbc[poyl of It to tbe L ord tbyGod , tbzxt zt maybe 4 beep of flame:forever 5 nettber [bet/lit be anymorebedded. L et not/m tg of tbezt exeerattofl elem/ e

to thyband, tbat tbeL ordmayturnfr om tbeetbef eryos k wmtb,4rzd bemoved

towards tbeewetb inward'


lxoo .

Plain it is That W ofes fpeak eth no r, no r giveth charge to Kings Kmlers and Judges ,o nel y but he co mmandeth thewho le Bo dy o f the people, yea, and every member o f the fame acco rding to their p o llibility 5

And wh o dare be lo impudent, a s to deny th i s to be mo ft reafo nable and

jut}f.’ f o r feeing that G o d had del ivered the wh o le Bo dy from B o ndage,and to the wh o lemul titude had g iven h is Law ,

and to the twelve Tribeshad he fo difiributed the inheritance o i


the Land o f Cam eo , that no fa

m ily co uld co mplain that itwas neglected . W as no r the who le and everym ember addebted to co nfelfe and a ckno wledge the benefits o f G o d 3

yea , had it no t been the part o f ever;r man to have fiudied to keep the po ffeih o n wh ich he had received f.’ W h ich thing G o d did plainl y pro no uncethey (ho uld no r do

,except that in their hearts they did fanétifie ‘

the Lo rdG o d That they embraced and invio lably kept h is Religio n efiabliih ed ,and final ly except they did cut o ut iniquity fro m amo ngf

’t them decla

r ing themfelves earnefi enem ies to tho fe ab o minati o ns wh i ch G o d declared h imfelf fo vehementl y to hate

,that flrfi he commanded thewho le

inhab itants o f that Co untrey to be defi ro yed, and allMo numents o f theirI do latry to be bro k en down And thereafter he alfo firaitlycommandeth That a City decl in ing to Ido latry (ho uld fal l by the edge o f



(wo rd, and that thewho le fpo yl o f the fame (ho uld be burned , no po rti

o n o f it referved . To the carnal l man th is may appear a rigo ro us andfevere judgement 5 yea itmay rather fecm to be pro no unced in a rage,then in wi fedom Fo rwhat City was ever yet in which to mans j udge


ment were no r to befo undmany inno cent perfo ns , as infants , child ren,and fo me fimple and igno ran t fo ul s, wh o neither d id no r


co uld c o nfent tof uch impiety And yet we fiude no exceptio n , but a l l are appo inted tothe crue l l death . And as co ncern ing the C ity , and the fpo yl o f the

fame, m an s reafo n canno t think, but that it m ight have been better befl o wed , then to be c o n fumedwith fire

,and fo to pro fit noman But in

fuch cafes Go ds wi l l is ,That allcreatures ii o up,c o ver their faces , 8e defiflfro m reafo n ing, when co mmandment is g iven to execute h is judgement .

A lbeit I c o uld adduce d ive rs caufe s o f fuch feverity,yet w i‘l I learch no neOther then the ho ly G ho fl hath alligned Pirli ,Thar allIfirlzel

,hear ing thej udgement

,ih o uld fear to co mm it the l ike abo minatio n . And fec o ndly

That the Lo rd m igh t turn fro m the fury o f his an ger , m igh t be m o vedt oward s the peo ple w ith inward affec


tio n,be merc iful] untO them


multiply them ,acco rd ing to h is Oath m ade unto their fathers . W h ich

realo ns , as they are’

futficient in G o ds children to co rrea the murm uri ngo f the

grudging Hefh fo o ugh t they to pro vo ke every man , as befo re Ihave faid , to declare h im felf enemy to that wh ich fo high l y pro vo keththe

,wrath o f G o d againfi the who le peo ple : Fo r where Mofes fai th , Let

tbe Ctty (be burned , and let no part of tbe fpoyl cleave to tbybend, rbat tbe

L ordmay returnfr om tbefury‘

of ba ivr atb, é e. he plainly‘dOth fignifie, Fo r the Ido la

That by the defeaio n and Ido latry o f a few,G o d s wrath i s kindled a. mg ;

gainfi the wh o le, wh ich i s never quenched , til l fuch punifhment be taken G od s

upo n the whatfo ever ferved them in their Ido latry, be kindleé agamnb ro ugh t to defirufiio n becaufe that it i s execrable a

nd a‘

ccurfed befo re LT,G o d

,and therefo re he wrllne t that it be referved fo ranyufe o f h is peo

ple. I am no r igno rant that th i s Law was nOt'

put in"

executio n, as G o d

commanded 5 Bur'

what did thereo f enfue and fo l low,h ifio ries declare 5

t o .wit,P lague after plague, til l Ifraeland h ide:were led in Captivity, as

the Bo o ks o f the Kings do witneffe . The co nfideratio n whereo f m akethme mo re bo


d to affirm, That it is the d uty o f every m an wh o deli rech toefcape the plague and punilhment o f G o d To declare h imfelf enemy toI do latry, nOt o ne ly in heart, hating the fame

,but al fo in externallge

fiurc,d eclaring that he lamenteth , if he can do no mo re, fo r fuch abo

minati o ns . W h ich th ing was flt'

ewed to the Pro phet Ez ek i el, when he 15i 3.gave h im to underfiand why hewo uld deftro y lee/4 with If mel and thathewo uld remo ve his g lo ry fro m the Temple and p lace that he had ch o E z eh

fen , and fo po ur fo rth h is wrath and indignatio n upo n the C ity that wasful l o f

' blo o d and ap o fiafie , which became fo impudent , that it durfibeb o ld to fay, Tbc L ord barb left the cart/y ,

4ndfietb not. At this t ime, Ifay,the Lo rd revealed


in vifio n to h is Pro phet,who they were that (h o uldfinde favo ur in that miferable dei

‘t ruéi io n 5 to wit

,That tho fe that" did

m o urn and lament fo r allthe abom inat io ns do ne in the City in who fe

fo reheads did G o d co mmand to Print and Seal Tau,to the end that the def’tro yer ,who was commanded to {i rik e ther efiwitho ut m


erc ho uld not

h urt them inwhom that fignewas fo und . Of thefe prem ifes , I fuppo fe it'be ev ident , That the punifhment o f Ido latry do th no r appertain to Kingso nely, but alfo to the who lepeople 5 yea, to ever y member o f the fame,acc o rding



o h is po fhbility Fo r that i s a thingmo ltafllitedfl‘hat no man

0 0 o 2 can

The A’

ppel/atioa if Jo hnKno x .

can mo urn , lament; and bewail, fo r tho fe things wh ich w il l no r remo vet o the uttermo fi o f h is po wer . If th is be required o f the who le peo ple


and o f every man in his Vo catio n ~W hat fhail be required o f yo u, myLo rds

,who m G o d hath raifed up


to be P ri nces and Rulers abo ve yo urB reth ren who fe hands he hath armed .with the fwo rd o f Jufi ice yea,who m he hath appo inted to be as B ridles t o reprelfe the rage and infoleney o f yo ur Kings , whenfo ever they pretend m anifefilyto tranfgreifeG o ds bleffed O rd inance f If any th ink that th is my affirmatio n to uch ~

ing the punifhm ent o f Ido laters be co ntrary to the practic e o f theApofiles

,who find ing the G en tiles in Id o latry, did cal l them to repentance.

requiring no fuch puniihment , let the fame m an underfiand‘That the

W hy n o Law Gen tiles , befo re the p reach ing o f Chrilt, l ived , as the Apofile fpeak eth ,W “

gig“ ? W itho ut G o d in the W o rld

,d ro wned in Ido latry , acco rd ing to the

gm blindneffe and igno rance, in wh ich they were ho lden as a pre ph ane Nat i

Idolaters . o n ,who m G o d had never Open l y avo wed to be h i s people ,

had neverreceived in h is ho ulh o ld, neither given unto them his Laws to be kept inReligio n no r Po l icy, and therefo re did no r the ho l y G ho fi

,calling them

to repentance , require o f them any co rpo ral]punifhment, acco rd ing to

the rigo ur o f the Law,unto thewh ich theywere never f ubjeéts , as they

thatwere (i i-

angers from the Commo n - Weal th o f Ifrael. But if anyth ink,That after that the Genti les were cal led fro m their vain eo nverfatio n


by embrac ing Chril‘tJefus , were received in the number o f c/ I hrahams

ch i ldren, and fo made o ne peo ple w ith the Jews bel ieving : If anyt h ink,I fay, That then they were no r bo und to the fame o bed ien ce which G o drequired o f his peo ple Ifiael, when he c o nfirmed h is League and Co ve;nant wi th them


; the fame appeareth to make Chrifk inferio ur to Mofe:and co ntrario us to the Law o f his heavenly Father : Fo r

if the co ntempto r tranfgrel


fio n o f Mofer Law was w o rthy o f death, W hat (ho uldw e

j udge the co ntempt o f Chrifls O rdinance to be f.’ (I mean, afterthey beo nce received . ) And if Ch rifi be no t come to dill


o lve'

,but to fulfi l l

the Law o f h is heavenl y Father Shal l the l iberty o f h is G o fpel be an

o ccafio n that the efpec iallglo ry o f h is Father be tro dden under f0 0 t, andregarded o f n o man f.’ G o d fo rbid . The efpeciallg lo ry o f G o d i s ,

The cfpef iall That fuch a s pro feife themfelves to be his peo ple iho uld hearken to his2552551252vo ice : And amo ngfi allthe vo ices o f G o d revealed to the wo rl d , to ucho f. h i s. pet

‘plc. ing punilhmen t o f VICCS , is no ne mo re evident, neither mo re fevere , then

Sam ‘5' i s thatwhich is pro no unced againfi Ido latry the teachers and maintainers

o f the flame And therefo re I fear no r to affirm That the G enti les(Imean , every City , Realm , Pro vince , o r Natio n amo ngli the Gentilesembracing Ch rill Jefus and his true Rel igio n) be bo und to the fameLeague and Co venant that G o d made with h is peo ple Ifr ael, when hep ro m ifed to r0 0 t o ut the Natio ns befo re them , in thefe wo rds ,Beware that

Em L 34thoumakenot anyComefiaat with the Inhahztamr of the


L and, to the which thou

comefl,lr/Z per ohaaoe that thor come in mi ne, that is , he to that 5 ha:

thou j halt (lo/fray thei r A ltarr hr eah thei r Ia'olr and out down their Groves

F ear n o[ima ge Goa’r, nor them,a either yetmaheyou {h ar t/foe to ihem But

theL ord , whi) izo ho‘

rg reatf owcr , awlout—flretched arm hath hr oughtyou


ow of theL aw!of Egypt,fliallyoufear , him/hallyoa honour , him/hallyouwar/hgp,to him


A nno

The Appellation of jo hn Kno x .

Ido latry, the Papilticallab om i natio ns, and h i s uf urped tyrannv, wh icho nce m o fl~jufllyby co mm o n Oath was banilhed fro m that Realm . E m

becaufe Ic anno c at th i s prefent d i fc uffe th is arg ument as i t appertaineth,I am co mpel led to o mit it to better o pp o rtunity g and lb returning to

yo urHo no urs , I fay, That if ye co nfeffe yo ur felves baptiz ed in the Lo rdJefus , as o f nec efli tyye mull co nfeffe, That the care o f Rel igio n do th appertain to yo ur charge : And ifye know that in yo ur hands G o d hath putthe fwo rd , fo r the Caufes abo ve exprefled , then can ye no r deny

,but th at

the punilh ment o f o bfiinate and m alapert Ido laters (fuch as allyo ur Bil{ ho ps be)d o th appertain to yo ur 0 ffice, if after adm o nitio n they co ntinueo bflinatel am nOt igno rant what be the vain defences o f yo ur pro tid Prelats , they claim ,

firfl, A prero gative and p riviledge That they are ex

empted , and that by c o nfent o f Co uncells and Emp ero uts , fro m allj urifdiétio n o f the Tempo ralty . And feco ndly, when they are co nvincedo f manifefi impiety, abufe$ and eno rm it ies , as wel l in their manners , as inRel igio n neither fear no r {hame they to affirm , That th ings fo lo ng efiablifhed, canno t fuddenlybe refo rmed, a

‘th o ugh they be co rrupted 5 but

with pro ceife o f time they p ro mife to take o rder . But in few wo rds,I

anfwer, That no pr ivile'

dge granted againft the O rd inance and S tatutes o f‘

G o d is to be o bferved, altho ugh allCo uncells and men o n the earth haveappo inted the fame : But againft Go ds O rdinance it i s That Ido laters ,murtherers, falfe Teachers , and Blafphemersfli allbeexempted fro m pu

n ilhment , as befo re i s dec lared ,and therefo re in vain it is ,that they claimfo r priviledge,whenG o d faith , Themurtherer flaalt tho u drive from myA ltar , that he maydie the death . And as to the O rder and Refo rmatio nwh ich they promife, that i s to be lo o ked o r ho ped

' lo r,when Satan ,who fe

child ren and flaves th ey are, can change h is nature . This anfwer,I do ubtno t, { hal l fufl


i ce the fo het and go dly reader But yet, to the end that theymay further fee their o wn


c o nfufio n , and that yo urHo no urs maythebet

ter underfiand what ye o ugh t to do in fo manifeft a co rruptio n and dele(t io n fro m G o d, [ as k o f them W hat allurance they have o f th is theirimmunity , exemptio n o r priviledget

W h o is the autho r o f it:’ And whatG ed is m t au frui t it hath pro duced And firiI I fay, That o FG o d they have no all

ut ho r o f anyp rivi ledgegran ted to thePapifiicall

Blfh o p s ,that the)



rance, neither yet can he be pro ved to be autho r o f any fuch privi ledge .

But the co ntrary is eafie t o be feen 3 fo r G o d in eflablifhing his O rders inIfretl, did fo f ubjeétAar on (in h is Priefiho o d being the figure o f Ch rifi)t o Mofcr , that he feared n

Ot to callh im in judgement, and to co nflrain h im

to g ive acco unts o f h is wicked deed in co nfenting to Ido latry , as thefrom the pnw Hifio ry d o th plainly witneffe ; fo r

thus it is written ThenMo lé s tooke r o t the em ll

(wo rd.E xo d.

the Calfe zvhzeh they had imade andho rned t'

twithfire, and the!g t t'

nde at to

powder , and flatter ing zt in the water gave it to drink to the chi ldren ofIfrael dec laring thereby the vanity o ftheir Ido l ,and the abo minat i o n o fthe fame : And thereafterMofe: faid to Vi ew” What hath this

to thee, that thou[houldeflhrthg upon itfit a g reatfinThus;I fay, do thMafia cal l Aar on, and accufe him o f the defirut‘l io n o f

the who le peo ple and yet he perfeétly underflo o d that G o d h ad appo inted h im to be the h igh Priefl, That he ih o uld bear upo n h is {bo uldersand upo n his brefi the names o f the twelve Tribes o f Ifrael fo r who m


.The h‘

ppellation of JohnKno xhe was appo inted to make fac rifice , prayers , and fupplicatio n s . 3 He A rlllOknew h is dignitie was fo great , that o nely he m igh t enterwith in the mo lth o l y place , but neither co uld h is Office no r dignitie exempt h im from The d ignity“

j‘udgement,when he had o ffended . Ifanyo bje&,

Aaron at that timewas n o r A aron did no;

ano inted , and therefo rewas he'

f ubjeé’t to Mofizs , I have anfwered .That



pt him

t flt éfes beihg taught by the m o uth o f G o d did perfeétlyunderfiand tommmdgme“

what dignitie c/ I ar ozzwas appo inted , and yet he feared no r to call h im injudgement, and to compel l h im to m ake anfwer fOr h is w ick ed faét .But if

this anfwer do th no r fuffice, yet iballthe Ho ly Cho ft witnelfe further inthe matter .Sa/omorz rem o ved from h o no ur Ahz

athar being theHigh Priefi,

and co mmanded h im to ceale from allfunétio n'

and to l ive als a privatem an . No w if the ll neti o n did exempt the Priefif ro m Jurifdiétio n o f theCivillMagifiratej olomon did o ffend and inj ured Ahld thd f ; fo r he was An

o inted, and had carried theArk e befo re David But G o d d o th n o r te

pro ve the fac°c o f S olomon neither yet- «d o th Ahzathar claime any, pre

r o gat ive by the reafo n o f h is O ffice but rather do th —the Ho ly Gho ltappro ve the faCt o f S olomon ,

faying ,So lomo n ejeéi‘ed for th Ab iathar ,

that he[hottld root he the Pr ttfi of the L ord , that the word of theL ordmight19 08 7 »

heperformedwhi ch he[pa/re upon thehaufe of Eli . AndV1 hmthar did th inkeI S“ 3 ’

that hee o btained great favo ur , in that hee did efcape the prefentdeath

,which by his Co nfpirac ie he had deferved . If any yet reafo n

That Ahiathar was no Otherwife fubjeét to the j udgemen t o f the King,but as he was appo in ted to be the executo r o f that fentence wh ichG O D befo re had pro no unced as I w il l no r greatly denie that

reafo n , (0 requ ire I that every man co nfider That the fame G o d whopro no unced fentence againfi E l: and h is h o ufe hath pro no unced alfo


”m m “

That Ido laters,VVho re em o ngers , Murtherers and Blalphemers ,fl1 allnei o n 4,

th er have po rtio n in the Kingdo m o f G o d, neither o ught to be permi t ' Tima .

ted to bear any Rule in h is Church and Co ngregat io n . No w if the

u netio n and O ffice faved no r Ahiathar , becaufe that G o d s fentence muff

needs be perfo rmed , Can,

any priviledge granted by man be a Bu‘ckler tomalefacto rs that they fhala t be fubjecit to the punifhm

ents pro no unccd by G o d I think no m an wil l be fo fo o lilh as fo to affirm 5fo r a thingmo re then evident it is That the who le P riel‘tho od in the time of the

Law was bo und to give o bedience to the ' Civill Po wer'

s and if anymember o f the fame was fo und crim inall the fame was fubjeét t o the

punifhment o f the Swo rd wh ich G o d had put into the hand o f theMagi .firate. And th i s O rdinance o f h is Father did n o tChrifidifannull but

rather did co nfirm the fame, command ing Tribute to be paid fo r himfelfarid fo r Peter who perfectly knowing the m inde o f his Mailer ,writeth

thus in his E pifile , S tthmtt yourfelfues to allmanner of Ordinance of man (heexcepteth fuch as be expreflely repugning to Go ds Co mmandment ) for aPen .

the L ords fake whether i t heto theKmg , at to thechi ef Heat! or tth to Rider s ,A8 “ 4“ 7“

at unto them that are [ent hyhtm for p ttnz/hmea t of ow l deer: and for thep ratfe of them that do ro e/1. Thefame d o th the Apo llle Saint Part! mo ltplain l y c o mmand in thefe wo rds ; L et eatery/eel hefahjet? to the S uperior” R omPower s .

~ W h ich places make evident That ne ither Ch rill,neither h is

Apo illes hath given anyaiTurance o f th is immunity and priviledgewhichmen

‘Theflppeh’ation of Jo hnKno x .

A nno

whoflzew r than he

plain ,Chryfojlemeany perro n from o bed ience

and fubjeétio n o f the CivillPo wer yet that he was Autho ur o ffuch exemptio n and privi ledge, as P p i lls do th i s dayclaim . And the

famewas the j udgement and un ifo rme Do ct rine o f the P rimiti ve Churchfo r many yeer s after Chrill.

Yo urHo no urs do wo nder, I do ubt no t, fro mwhat Fo untain then'

didth i s their immun itie(as they term it)andfingular privi ledge lp ring ; I fh allfho rtly to uch th at which i s evident in their o wne Law and Hifio

ries .

W hen the Bifho ps o fRome, the veryAntich rifls h ad partly by fraud , andpartl y by vio lence u

furped the fuperio rtie.

o f fo rne places in'

Italy,and mo ltunjulllyhad fpo iled the Empero urs o f their Rents and po lfelfio ns ,and had

Le t their owp al lo murthered fome o f thei r O fficers , as Hillpries do witneffe then be

gan Po pe after Po pe to p raé’tife and devife

_how they iho uld be exempt


ed from the judgment o fPrinces ,and fro m the equity o fLaws,and in th i spo int they were mo ltvigi lant t i l l at length iniquity did fo prevaile intheir hands acco rd ing as Daniel had befo re prOphefied o f th em ,

r that

th i s fentence was p ro nOUned Neither hy the E mperoar , nei ther hy theGlenTl’f m ull! Of

g ie neither yet hythepeople/hallthe ¥ adge he judged. Goalnu ll {filth Sym

Flats:gm ,ma

ehna) that the caufes of other s hedetermined hymen , hat methane allqrtefiionthings p zflnfl , he hath r efirved the of that S eat (underflanding Rom e) to his own jedge

ment . And hereo fdiverfe Po pes and E xpo fito urs o f their Laws wo ul dxrfir



feeme to cr ive reafo n s fo r faith A gatha A ll the Pr ecepts of theA/zojlolzheS eat areaim ed eta hythe ve

gee ofGoel h/mfelf. The Autho r o f the glo ffe

upo n th is Cano n affirmet That if allthewo rld wo uld pro no unce fenGeod eTranfla tence againll the Po pe yet fho uld his fentence prevail F or (faith he)thePope hath a Heavenlywall and therefore hemaychange thenatnreof thmg: he

mayapply the[ah/lance of one thing to another , and ofnothing hemaymaleefomewhat and that fentenl

‘e,which was noth i ng that i s hyht; mindefalfi:and an»

yin/l hemaymal’

efonzéwhat that it true andynfi for (faith he ) in allthzngsthatpleafizhem

‘t willi s reafon , neither at there any‘

man that mayh s he ofhim W hydocjlthon [h .

9 hemayalrfpenee ahofue L aw, and of in}n/lzee hemay

maltejafizee, for he hath afia/lpower . And many o ther blal‘phe

mo us fentences did they pro no unce every o ne after o rher,which fo r {h o rt

neffe fake I om it til l at the end they o btained th i s mo ltho rrible Decree;That , albe it in l ife and co nverfatio n theywere fo w i cked , and detel


that n o t o nel y they co ndemned themfelves but that al fo they d rew to

No te (Ma,“ Hel l and perditio n many tho ufands vs ith them yet that no ne ih o uld pre

tle o fa m fume to reprehend o r rebuke them . Th i s being'

ellablilhed fo r the Headc ommandmf fl t albeit no : witho ut fo me co ntradia io n fo r fome Empero urs did require


TheApellation of jo hn Kno x .

But if this Anfwer do th ne t fufhce ,then wil l I anfwer mo re lho rtly,

That no go dly E mpero ur finceChrifts Afcenli o n hath granted any fuch

priviledge to anyfuch Church o r perfo n as they (the who le generatio no f Papili s )be at th is day.

I am nOt igno rant that fo me E mpero uts'

o f a certain zeale ,and‘fo r

fome co‘nli deratio ns granted l iberties to the true Church ,ai é

ted fo r their

m aintenance againftTyrants ; but W hat ferveth this fo r the defence o ftheir Tyrann ie e If the Lawmullbe underflo o d acco rding to the m indeo fthe Lawgiver then m ufi they pro ve themfelves Chriits true and af

h iored Church befo re they can claim any priviledge to appertaine to

them fo r o nel y to that Church were the priviledges granted 5 it wil l no tbe their glo rio us Titles , neither yet the lo ng po ffefli o n o f the name that

c an prevail in th i s fo weighty a Caufe ; fo r all tho fe had theChurch o f’

Tf erafalem wh ich did cruc ifie Ch rifi,

and did co ndemne his D octrine .

W e o ffer to pro ve by their fruits andTyrannie,by the Pro phets ,and plainSc riptures o f G o d, what trees and generatio n they be to wit


and ro tten, apt fo r no th ing but to be cut and call into Hel l fire yea,that they are the very k ingdome o f Antich rifip fwhom we are commanded to beware.

Therefo re, myLo rd s to return to yo u feeing that G o d hath armed

yo ur hands w ith the fwo rd o fJufiice,feeing that his Lawmo ltfiraightly

commandeth Ido laters and falfe Pro phets to be punifhed w ith death, andthat yo ube placed ab o ve yo ur Subjeéts to reigne as fathers o ver theirCh ildren 5 and

further fee ing that no r o nely I but w ith memany tho ufand famo us go dly and learned perfo ns accufe y’

o ur BilhOps and the

wh o le rabble o f the PapifticallC lerg ie , o f Ido latrie,o fMurther and

Blafphem ie againft G o d co mm itted It appertaineth to yo ur Ho no urs tobee vigilant and careful l in fo weigh ty amatter f.

’ Thequefiio n i s no r o fearth ly fubflancc

,but o f the gl o ry o f G o d and o f the Salvatio n o f yo ur

felves , and o f yo ur b reth ren fubjecit to yo ur charge 5 in wh ich ifyo u (afater this plain adm o nit io n be negl igent, there telleth no excufeby reafo no f igno rance fo r in

the name o f G o d I require o f yo u That theCaufe

o f Rel igio n m aybe tried in yo ur prefence by the plain and fimpleW o rd

o f G o d.5 That yo ur B ilbo ps be compel led to defififrom their Tyrann ie,

That they be co mpel led to make anfwer fo r the negleéting . o f their O fficefo r the fubfiance o f the po o r

,wh i ch unjul

’tly they ufurp


,and pro digal ly

they d o fpend ; but principal l y fo r the falfe and deceivable Do étrine

wh ich is taught and defended by their falle P ro phets flattering Friers,and Other fuch veno mo us Lo cufis W h i ch th ing if with fingle eyes yeedo

“, (preferring G o ds g lo ry and the Salvatio n o f your B rethren befo reallwo rdlyCo mmo ditie ) then iballthe fame G o d, who

fo lemnl do rh

pro no unce t o ho no ur th o fe that do ho no ur i h im tpo ur h is bene iéftio nsplentiful ly upo n yo u be‘

lh allbe yo ur Buckler, pro teaio n and Captain,

and fhallreprelfe by h is firength and wifdo m ,whatfo ever Satan by h isf uppo l

‘ts fhall imagine again& yo u I am '

no t igno’


‘that greatt ro u

bles {h al l enf ue yo ur enterprife vfo r Satan wil l no t be expel led from the

p o l'

fefli o n o f h is ufurped Kingdo m w i tho ut refifiance BUt if yo u (as i sfaid ) preferring G o ds glo ry to yo ur o wnlives ,unfainedly feek and fiudy


TheAppellation of Jo hnKnOX.

to o bey h is bleffed wil l , then fhall yo ur del iverance be fuch , as eviden tlyADHOi t fhail be kno w n That the Angel s o f the E ternalldo watch makewar andfigh t fo r


tho lie that unfainedly fear the Lo rd . But if yo u refufe

th ismymo l’t reafo nable and juli Petitio n what defence that ever yo u

appear to have b efo re men then fhallG o d (whom in me yo u co ntemne)refufe yo u 5 “

he {hal l po ur fo rth co ntempt upo n yo u and upo n yo ur po Da n. at .

fieri tyafter yo u 5 the fpirit o f bo ldnelfe and wifedo m e {h al l be taken

fro m o u 5 yo ur enem ies fhall raigne, and yo u fh alldie in bo ndage 5yea,G o d i all cut d own the unfruitfulltrees, when they do appear mo lt beautifullyto flo urifh ,

and (ballfo burne the ro o t that after yo u f hallne ither “ 3 5z7 .8<

twigge no r branch again fpring to glo ry . Hereo f I need nOt to add uceunto yo u examples fro m the fo rmer ages , and ancient h ifio rie s F o r

yo urbrethrenthe N o bil ity o f England are a m irro ur and glaffe in the

_wh ich ye may beho l d Go ds jult pdnilhment , Fo r as they have refufed

h imand his Evangell wh i ch o nce in m o uth they did p ro felfe , fo h atho um m ’

h e refufed them,and bath taken from them the. fpirit o f w ifedo m ,

b o l dneffe

,and o f c o unfell 5 they fee and fee l their o wn m ifery and yet they

have no grace to avo id it . They hate the bo ndage o f firangers , the prideo f P riefis , and the m o n flrifero us Empire o f a wicked wo man and yet

are they compel led to bow their necks to the yo ke o f the devi l],to obeywhatfo ever the pro ud Sfid fl ld fdf and m illed (M ary lift to co mm and 5 and

final ly, to h and l ike flaves w ith c ap in hand til l the fervants o f Satan , thé{ haven fo rt, cal l them to Co uncell Th i s fruit do they reap and gather o ftheir fo rmer rebel l io n and unfaithfulnel’le toward s G o d 5 They are leftc o nfufen in their o wn co unfells 5 he, wh o m in h is members fo r the pfure o f aw icked w oman they have exiled perfecuted and blafphem ed

d o th now laugh them to fc o rn'

,fufifereth them to be


p ined in b o ndage o fm o ltwicked men and final ly fhall j udge them to

‘the fireeverlailing;

except that fpeedilyand o pen l y they rep ent their ho rrible Treafo n wh ichagainfi G o d againfi h is S o n Ch rift Jefus and againli the L iberty o f

their o wn native Co untrey they have co mm itted .

The fam e p lagues (h al lfal l upo n yo u be yo u afl


ured,if ye refufe the defence o f h is fervants that

cal l fo r yo ur fuppo rt . My wo rd s are {harp 5but co nfider , my, Lo rds ,that

th ey are nOt m ine, but that they are the th reatnings o f the Omn ipo tent,wh o all




redlyw i l l perfo rm the vo ices o f hi s PrOphets ,ho w that ever carnal l men defpife his admo nitio ns . The Swo rd o f G o ds wrath is al readyd rawn ,which o f necelli ty m ull needs firik e w hen g race


o flh red i s o bfiinately refufed . Y o u have been lo ng in bo ndage o f the

devrll, bl inde Elizanelfe , erro ur and Ido latry, prevai l ing again lt the fimple Truth o f G o d inthat your Realme, in wh ich Go d hath m adeyo uPrinces and Rulers But

n ow do th G o d o f h is great mercy callayo u to repentance befo re he po ur Go d calleth tofo rth the utterm o ft o f h is vengeance He c ryeth to yo ur ears ,That yo ur re pentance beReligio n i s no th ing but Ido latry 5 he acc ufeth lyo u o f the blo o d o f his $2


5,123}tSaints wh ich hath been {h ed by yo ur perm ilfio n , alii li ance and p o wers r i s .

k C

F o r the tyranny o f th o fe rag ing Beal’ts ih o uld have no fo rce,


if by yo urfirength they were n o r maintained . Of tho fe ho rrible crimes do rh

, now fifféqffh


G o d accufe yo u, no r o f purpo fe to'

condem ne y o u,btlt m erc ifull y go

ab“ a “

fo lve and pardo n yo u , as fometime he did tho fewhom Peter accufed to

P p p a have

A nno

TineAppellation of John Knox.

gmmng,eretrck e


Jefus. 5 a P reacher o fh is infal l ib leVerity, inno cent in allthat they can lay to my


charge co n .

cern ing myDo ctr ine 5 and therefo re by them ,being enem ies to Chrril,

Iam unjufilyco ndemned : Fromwh i ch cruel l Sentence I have appealed ,and do appeal 5 as befo re mentio n is made 5 in themean time mo ilhumb ly requiring yo urHo no urs to takeme in yo ur pro reéi io n, to be audito rso f myjufi defences 5 granting unto me the fame l ibertywhich A cbab5 a

wi cked King5and Ifracl at that time a bl inded peo ple5 granted to E lijahin the l ike cafe 5 that i s That yo ur Bit ps 5 and the who le rabble o fyo ur C lergie maybe cal led befo re yo u 5

and befo re that peo ple whomthey have deceived 5That I be no r co ndemned by multitude, cui’tome5byAutho rity o r Law devifed by man 5 but that G o d himfelf maybe judgebetwixt me andmyadverfaries Let G o d, I fay5 1


peak by h is Law, by hisP ro phets , by Ch rifiJefus 5

o r by h is Ap o files , and fo let him pro no uncewhat Religio n he appro veth 5 and then, be my enem ies never fo many 5

and appear they never fo ilto ng and (0 learned, no mo re do I fear victo ry,then d id E lzjalz, being but o ne man5againfithemultitude o f Baal: Priefis .

And if they think to have advantage by theirCo uncells andDo éto rs5this

I further o ffer5 To adm it theo ne and the Other as witnefle s i n allmatter sdebatable

5three th ings (whi ch jufily canno t be den ied ) being granted

unto me : Firii 5 That the m o ft ancientCo uncells nighefi to the Pr imit ive Church 5

in wh i ch the learned and go dly Fathers d id examine all

m atters by Go dsW o rd 5 maybe ho l den o f mo ltAutho rity. Seco ndly,

That no determ inatio n o f Co uncells no r man be adm itted againfi the

plain Verity o f G o dsW o rd , no r againfl the determ inatio n o f tho fe fo urch ief Co uncells 5 wh o le Autho rity hath been and i s ho lden by themequallwith the Autho rity o f the fo ur Evangelifis . And laii

5That to no

D o é‘to r begiven greater autho rity, then Augu/iim requireth to be given to

h is W riting s 5 to wit If he plainl y pro ve no t his afli rmatio n by Go d sinfal l ibleW o rd that then his fentence be rejeaed 5

and imputed to , the

e rro ur o f a man .

Theie th ings granted and adm itted5 Ii hallno mo re refufe the tefii

mo nies o f Co uncells and Do éto rs , then f hall myadverlaries . But and .

if they w i l l jufiifie th o le Co uncells which maintain their pride and ufurped Autho rity 5

and w i l l rejeét tho re wh ich plainly have co ndemned allfuch tyranny

5negl igence5 and wicked l ife as Bit ps now do ufe And

if further they wi l l fnatch a do ubtfull {Entence o f a Do cto r, and reflifc

i s

Petitio n.

The Admonition of Jo hn Kno x,

e ee eeeeeeaeeeeee aeaeee eeee

To h is belo ved Breth ren the Co mmo nalty o f

S C0 TL 1 17N D

j o n n K N o x wzflretbGrace,Mer cy, andPeace 5W ztb tbe Spir it of r ig /MomJudg ement.

Hat I h ave required o f theQgeen Regent, States and“

N o b i l ity, as o f the ch ief Heads (fo r this prefent) o fthe Realm,

I canno r ecafe to require o f yo u (dearl ybelo ved .b reth ren ) wh ich be theCo mmunalty



Bo dy o f the fame 5 to wit 5 That it (nOtwithfiand

ing that falfe and cruel l Sentenc e wh ich yo ur‘


fed Biiho p s have pro no unced againfl me wo uld

pleafe yo u to be fo favo urable unto me 5 as to be in

d iti'

erent aud ito rs o f my j ui’ePurgatio n W hich to do if G o d earnefilym o ve yo ur heart s 5 as I no th ing do ubt but that yo ur enterp rife fhall redo und to the praife and gl o ry o f h is ho ly Name 5 fo am I aiTured, That

ye and yo ur po ilerity {h al l by that means receive mo ltfingular comfo rt ,edificatio n and pro fit : F o r when ye fh allhear thematter debated,ye fhal

eafily perce ive and underi’tand upo n what gro und and fo undatio n is bui ld

ed that Rel igio n wh ich amo ngfi yo u i s th is day defended by fire and

f wo rd .

’ A s fo r m ine o wne c enfc ience 5 I am mo il affuredly perfwaded5That whatfo ever i s ufed in the PapifiicallCh urch5is al to gether repugningt o Ch rifis blelfed O rd inance 5

and is no thing but m o rtallveno me 5 o f

wh ich wh o fo ever drink eth 5 I am afl’

uredly perfwaded that therewith he

d rmk eth death and damnatio n , except by true c o nverfio n unto G o d hebepurged fro m the fame. But becaufe that l o ng filence o f G o ds W o rdhath begotten igno rance alm o ft in allfo rts o f men 5 and igno rance jo yned w ith l o ng c uii om e, hath co nfirmed fuperflitio u in the hearts o f manl ther

efo re5in the Name o f the Lo rd Jefus Ch rifi, defire audience as

wel l o f yo u the C ommo nalty 5 my breth ren ,as o f the S tates andNo b il i

ty o f the Realm 5th at in publike P reach ing I mayhave place amo ngit

yo u at larg e to utter mym inde in allmatters o f c o ntroverfie th is day inRel igio n . And further I deli re

5That yefio neurring w ith yo urNo b il ity


w o uld c o mpetlyo ur BlfllOpS and C lergie to ceafe their tyranny : Andfo

,That fo r the better alfurance and infiruétio n o f yo ur c o nfc ience , ye

wo uld compel l yo ur faid Bit p s and falfe Teachers to anfwer by the

Scriptures o r G o d to fuch Objectio ns and crimes,as (h al l be lai d again il

th eir vain Religio n 5 falfe Do éi rine w icked l ife and flandero us co nver‘

fat io n . Here I kno w that it fhall be o bjeéled That I require o f yo u ath ing mo lt un reafo nable to wit

5 That ye i ho uld cal l yo ur Rel igio n indo ubt

,wh ich hath been appro ved and e ilablifhed by fo lo ng co ntinuance,

and by the co nfent o f fo m anymen befo reyo u . But‘

I {h o rtlyanfwer5Thatneither is the lo ng co ntinuance o f time, neither yet the multitude o fmen a

fufficient appro batio n whi ch G o d w i l l al lo w fo r o ur Rel igio n 5 Fo r asfome o f the ancient W riters do witneife

5neither can lo ng pro ceffe o f time

jufi ifie an erro ur, neither can the multitude o f fuch 5as fo l lo w it


the nature o f the fame 5 But if i t was an erro ur in the beginn ing ,fo is Anfwer to ari

it in the end, and the lo nger that it be fo l lo wed and the mo that do te Oblcfiiom

ceive it 5 it i s mo re pei’tilent

5and mo re to be avo i ded : Fo r if antiqui

ty o rmultitude o fmen co uld jufiifie anyReligio n 5then was the Ido la

t ry o f the G ent iles 5 and now is the abo m inatio n o f the Turks, go o d Religio n 5 Fo r ant iquity appro ved the o ne 5

and a multitude hath received ,and do rh defend the o ther But o therwife to anfwer 5 g o dly men maywo nder fro m what Fo untain fuch a fentence do th flo w that no man

o ught to trie h is faith and Rel igio n by G o ds W o rd,but that he fafely

m aybeleeve and fo l low every th ing wh i ch antiquity and mul titude haveappro ved 5 the Spirit o f G o d do th o rherwife teach us 5 fo r the wifdo me John


o fG o d Chrif’t Jefus h imfelf , rem itted- his adverfaries to W afer and theS criptures to trie by them whether h is Do ctrine were o f G o d o r

no r The Apofiles Paul and Peter command men to trie the Religio n At}wh ich they pre felIe by G o ds plaine Scriptures and do e praife men , p e





fo r fo do ing 5 Saint ¥ oimfi raightly commandeth That we beleeve no t 1 Johnevery fp irit ,but to trie the fpirits whether they be o fG o d, o r ne t. Now

feeing that thefe evident teflimo nies o f the ho ly Gho ftwil l us to trie o ur

faith and Religio n by the plain W o rd o f G o d 5 wo nder it is that the Papills wil l no t be co ntent thatt heir Rel igio n and Do é’crine c o me under thetriall o f the fame. If this léntence o fChrifibe true(as it i s m o lt true,feeing it fpringeth fro m the verity it lelf)W 170 [adailyw illbatetb tbe L tgbrmeitber W I”be come to flat L igbt, It]? that [mwar/er 6cmanifi

’fled and reéaked, then Jo hn 3 ,do o ur Papifis by‘

their own fentence c o ndemne themfelves and their Religio n fo r in fo farre as they refufe exam inatio n and triall, they declarethat they know fome fault wh ich the Light wi l l utter 5 which is a c aufe

o f the ir fear and5why they claim that priviledge that no man difpute

o f their Religio n 5 theVerity and Truth being o f the nat ure o ffine purifi W hy pap iased Go l d dOth no t fear the triall o f the Fo rnace 5 but the flubble and Wnllno r dlfi

Chaffe o fman s inventio ns (fuch is their Re l igio n ) may n o t ab ide the Pil






iiiie '


the flame o f fire. True it i s, that m abomet pro no unced this fentence,That iteligzo n.

no man iho uld in pain o f death difpute o r reafo n o fthe gro und o f his Re Md’W ‘andligio n 5 wh ich Law to th i s day(by the art o f Sathan)is o bferved am o ngfi

theTarkcr, t0 theirmo rral l blindnei’fe and ho rrible blafpheming o f the

G o fpello f Chrii’t Jefus 5 and o fhis true Rel igio n 5 And fro m em it/romeo

o r rather fro m Sathan the fathePo fall l ies hath the P o pe and his rabblelearned th is fo rmer .leifo n 5 to wit Their Re l ig io n iho uld no r be difputed upo n but what the fathers have beleeved that

o ught and muir

theCh i ldren approve 5 and in (0 divifing Satan lacked no r h is - fo refight ,fo r no o ne thing hath m o re efiabliihed t he k ingdome


o f that Roman iaAn

tich ri fl then th i s m o f’t wicked decree 5to wit, That no man was perm it .

ted to reafo n o f his po wer, o r to cal l h is Laws in do ub t This i s m o i’c afthatwhenfo ever thePapifiicallReligio n {hal l co me to exam inatb

o n it iballbe fo und to have no Other gro und then hath the religio n o fMix/yam :5to wit, mans inventio n,device and dreams o verfhaddoWed w ith

TheAdmonition of Jo hn Kno x


fome co lo ur o f G o dsW o rd :And therefo re Brethrenfi eing that the Rel iO io n i s to man,as the flomack to the bo dy, wh i ch if it be co rrupted,d0 thinfect thewho leMembers ,it is neceilary that the fame be exam ined5 andif it be fo und repleniih edw ith pefiilent humo urs, I mean with the fantafi es o fmen )then o fneceffi tie it is ,that tho fe be purged,elfe fhallyo urbo

Note. d ies and fo ul s peri(h fo r ever : Fo r o f th iS I wo ul d yeweremo lt certainlyRefo rmation perfwaded, that a Co rrupt Religi o n defileth thewh o le l i fe o f man

5 apo fRs héMfih

c' pear it never fo ho ly . Neither wo uld I that ye (ho uld efieemthe Refo rma{Effiggfér t io n and care o fRel igion lelTe to appertain‘

to yo u 5becaufe ye are no

h rc cvetlafiing King s , Rulers ,]udges ,N o b les, no r in Autho ritie 5 belo ved Brethren , yeRm “

are Go ds Creature55ereated and fo rmed to his o wn Image and fimilitude,fo rwho fe redemptio nwas (bed the mo lt precio us blo o d o f the o nel y belo ved So nne o fG o d to wh om he hath commanded h is G o fpel] andglad - tydings to be preached , and fo rwhom he hath prepared the heavenl y Inheritance, fo that yew i l l n0 t o bfiinatly refufe,and difdainfullyco n~

temne themeanswhich he hath appo inted to o btain the fame 5to wit5 hisblefl

ed Evangell,wh i ch now he o fl’ereth unto yo u, to the end that ye may


faved Fo r the G o fpell and glad Tydings o f the K ingdome trul yR om - 1 ° preached , i s the power o fG o d to the falvatio n o f every Beleever wh ich

to cred ite and receive yo ur the Communaltyare no leife addebted, thenbe yo ur Rulers and Princes 5 fo r albeit G o d hath put and Ordained d i



éfinii fiinétio n and d ifferencebetwixt the King and Subjects betwixt the Ruto beleeve in let s and the Co mmo n - peo ple in the Regiment and Adm inifiratio n o f C iChf‘fii "m “

vi l l P o l ic ies yet in the h o pe o f the l ife to come he hath made allequali50 51 5. fo r as in Ch rift Jefus theyewhath


no greater Prero gative then hath ftfié“

Gentile, the man‘

then hath thewoman, the learned then theunlearn‘ed


the Lo rd then the fervant 5 but all are o ne in h im (0 i s there but onewayandmeans to attain to the parti cipatio n o f his benefits and fpirituallgraces wh ich i s a l ively faith wo rking bycharitie 5and therefo re I fay,that it do th no leffe appertain to yo u belo ved Breth ren

5to bee ailured

that yo ur faith and Relig io n be'

gro unded and eftablifhed upo n the trueand undo ubted W o rd o fG o d 5 then to yo ur P rinces o r Rulers Fo r as

yo ur bo dies canno t efcape co rpo ralldeath if w ith yo ur Princes ye careo r drink deadly poyfo n (altho ugh it be by igno rance o r negl igence5) foih allye not efcape the everlafiing 5

ifwith them ye pro fefl‘e a co rrupt Re

ligio n 5 yea 5except in heart ye beleeve and with mo uth ye co nfeffe

the Lo rd Jefus to be the o nely Savio ur o f the wo rl d wh i ch ye canno tdo e except ye embrac e his Evangello ffp red ye canno t efcape death anddamnat io n : Fo r as the jufi l iveth by his own faith fo d

o th the unfaithful l peri(h by his infidelitie And as t rue faith i s ingendred , no urifhed,and maintained in the hearts o fGo ds Elect by Chrifis Evangell truelypreached 5 fo i s infidel ity and unbelief fo lleredby co nceal ing and repref(i ng the fame. And thus ifye lo o k fo r the l ife everlafiing 5 ye muft trieifyetfiand in faith , and ifye wo uld be allured o fa true and livel y faith

, yemuitneeds haveChrifi Jefas truly preached unto yo u. And this i s thec aufe (dear Brethren ) that fo o ft I repeat , and lo co nfiantly I affirme,That to yo u it do th nOt lelfe appertain5 then to yo u King o r Princes, top ro vide that ChrifiJefas be truely preached amongfi yo u , feeing that

witho ut

The flolmonitiott of jo lmKnox

A rmothe fame h is co mmo n lo ve to the who le multitude and to cut Offo ccafio ns Of co ntentio n 5

and do ubt s o f co nlc ience5hewo ul d receive no mo re

from the rich , then from the po o r,fo r themaintenance o f that h is tabernacle, by thewh ich was reprefented hi s prefence and habitatio n amo ngflthem . Ifthe rich had been preferred to the po o r 5 then as the o ne iho uldh ave been puffed up with pri de as that he had been mo re acceptable toG o d by reafo n o fh is greater gift 5 lo ih o uld the co nfcience o f the o therhave b een tro ubled and wo unded,think ing that h is po verty wa s an impediment that he co ul d no t fiand in fo perfeéi favo ur with G o d as did theOther,becanfe he was no r able to give fo much ,as d id the rich,to themaintenance Ofh is Tabernac le:But he,whO o fmercy(as i s fai d)did cho o fe his

hab itat io n amo ngli them ,and alfo that belt knoweth what lyeth with in

m an, did pro vide the remedie fo r the o ne,and fo r the Other mak ino themequal i in that behalf, who in Other th ings werem o lt unequall. If the po o riho uld have fo und h im felfgrieved by reafo n o f that taxe,and that afmuchwas impo fed upo n him as upo n the Rich ,yet had he no fmallcaufe o f jo y,that G o d bimfelfwo ul d pleafe to compare him,

d to make h im equall(in themaintenance Of h is Tabernacle)to the mogiich and po tent in Ifm el. If th i s equality was co mmanded by Go d fo r maintenance o f thatt ranfito ry tabernac le,wh ich was bat a fhadow o fa better to come i s no :the lame required o fus ,who nowhave the v


erity,wh ichlis Chrii’t Jefas e

who being clad w ith o ur nature, is made Immanuel that i s, G o dwith us 5W hofiemineral!hoa

y,olhezt it he received into theHa roma,wherehemafl4hz’

de till

w a s ,

Allhe compleat that {afore/poker:bytheProphets ,yet hath heprom’

jed to hepre/entwzthm to the end of theworld. And fo r that purpo fe and fo r themo re allu

rance o f hisPro m ife,he hath eree’ted amo ngfius here in earth the S ignes o fh is own prefencewith us , his fpirituallTabernacle, the true preach ing o f

The fpirituall h is W o rd,and right adminil

‘tratio n o fhis Sacraments5to themaintenance

Tabcm dm d whereo f i s no lefl'

e bo und the fubjee’

t then the P rince the po o r then the

Prcrich : Fo r as the

‘P r ice,which was given fo rm an s redemptio n, i s o ne, (0

G o d requireth Ofallthat fhail be partakers Of the benefits Of the fame a

l ike duty wh ich i s a plain co nfelli o n , That byChrifiJefus alo ne we haver eceived,whatfo everwas lo ll in Adam . Of the Prince do rh G o d require,That he refufe himfelf, and that h e fo l low Chrift Jefas5o f the Subica herequireth the fame . Of the Kings and Judges it i s required,That thei

r k ifi'


the S o n5that i s , give ho no ur,fubje6tio n and Obed ience to h im an from

fuch reverence do th nOt G o d exempt the Subject that fhallbe faved 5 and

th i s is ,That equal itywh ich i s betwixt the king s and fubjeéts ,themo fi ri cho r no ble, and betw ixt the po


o rell andmen o f loweli Ptate ;\

to wit, That asthe o ne is o bl iged to beleeve in heart and with m o uth to co nfeffe the

Lo rd Jefus to be the o nely Savio ur Of thewo rld,fo alfo i s the Other . Nei

ther i s there anyOfGo ds ch i ldren who hath attained to the yeers Of‘

d if;

cretio n)fo po o r, but that he hath thus much to beltow upo n the O r‘


ments andmaintenance o f their fpirituallTabernac le when necefli ty te

quireth5neither yet i s there anyf0 ri ch , Ofwho fe hand s G o d requireth anyI Pa r.z9. mo re :Fo r albeit that D avid gathered great fubflance fo r the bui lding o f

the Temple , t'

hat S olomon with earneli dil igence and incredible expenees

a created and finilhed the fame, That Hez ekiah and f ofiah purged the Reli

glo n,

to the(anemone/t] of Sco tland .

g io n wh ich befo re was co rrupted : yet to them was G o d no further debter in that relpeet, then he was to the mo lt limple o f the faithful l po lierityOf faithful l Ahra

hom fo r their d iligence, z eal and wo rks gave rather tefiim o nyand c o nfeli io n befo


re men what h o no ur they d id bear to G o d 52 a:

what lo ve to his W o rd 5 what reverence to h is Re ligio n then that any 5,

wo rk p ro ceed ing fro m them'

did either efiablilh o r yeeencreafe Go ds 2 PM 29. 2°

favo ur toward s them ,who freely did lo ve them in Ch ri li his S o n


‘befo re

5‘3"the fo undatio n Of the wo rld was laid SO that thefe fo renamed , by theirno tablewo rk s, gave tellimo nyOf their unfained faith 5and the flame d o th '

the po o reff, that unfainedlyand o penl y pro feffeth Ch riftJefus , and do themb race h is glad tyd ings Offered That d o th abho r S uperllitio n , and flie

fro m Ido latry . The po o rell, I fay, and mo ltfimple that th is day o n

earth , in the dayes Of this cruel l perfecutio n firm ly bel ieveth in Chrii‘tand bo ldly dOth co nfelfe h im befo re this wicked generatio n, i s no leifeacceptable befo re G o d neither is judged in h is p refence to have do neany leffe in pro mo tingChrift h is Gaufe, then is the King, that by h is{wo rd and powerwh ich he hath received o f G o d, rOOteth o ut Id o latry


and fo advanceth Chrii‘t s g lo ry . But to return to o ur fo rmer purpo fe ,

It is no lefl'

e required , I fay, Of the fubjeé’t to be l ieve inCh rili , and to

p ro feife h is true Religio n, then o f the Prince and King : And therefo re

I affirm,That in G o ds prefence it fhai l no t


excufe yo u to alleadge, Thatyee were no ch ief Rulers, and therefo re that the care and reformatio n o fRe l igio n did no t appertain unto yo u.

Y ee, dear b reth ren (as befo re i s faid)are the creatures o f G o d c ieatedto h is own Image and firn ilitude 5 to who m it i s commanded ,To hear theMi nk . ti?vo ice o f yo ur heaven ly Father,TO embrace his So n Chrill Iefus , To fliel

fro m alldo arine and Rel igio n which he hath nOt appro ved by h is o wnW i l l

,revealed to us in h is mo ltblelfed W o rd . To wh ich Precepts and

Charges if yee be fo und ino bedient, ye fhallperi(h in yo ur in iquity as tebel l s and li ubbo rn fervants , that have no pleaf ure to Obey the go o dW il lOf their So veraign Lo rd, who mo fls lo vingly do th cal l fo r yo ur Obed ience : And therefo re, breth ren, in th is behalf, it is yo ur part to be careful l and dil igent : Fo r thequefiio n i s no t o f th ings tempo rall, wh ich altho ugh they be endangered yet


by d iligence and pro celfe o f timemayafter be redrefled 5 but it is Of,the damnatio n Of yo ur bo dies and fo ul sand o f the lo ffe o f l ife everlafii ng 5wh ich o nce lofi,can never be r


co ve


And therefo re I fay, That it behoveth yo u to be careful l and d il igent in this fO weighty amatter, left that ye, co ntemn ing this o ccafio nwh ich G o d now Offereth finde no t the l ike,altho ugh that after withg ro an ing and [obs ye languilh fo r the fame . And thatye beno t igno ranto f what o ccafio n I mean , in fewwords I {h al l expreffe it . t

No t o nely I,butw ith me alfo d ivers O ther go dly and learned men

, Thedo Offer unto yo u o ur labo urs , faithful ly to


infiruétyo u in the wayes o f

the eternallo ur G o d, and in thefincerityo f Chrifts E vangell,which th i sh" “ 12°

day, by thepefi ilent Generatio n o f Antichriit (I mean by the Po pe, andRm

by his mo fi ungo dly Clergy),are almo fl hid fro m the eyes o f men W e

o ffer to jeo pard o ur l ives fo r the falvatio n Of yo ur fo uls,and by manifeli:

S criptures to pro ve that Religio n that amo ngl’

i yo u i s maintained byfire(Mm2 and

d dmonitionif Jo hnKnox,and fwo rd, to be falfe, vain and d iabo l i cal]. W e require no rh ing o f yo u,but that patient ly ye wi l l hear o ur Do ctrine , which is n o t o urs , but theDo ctrine o f fitlvatio n revealed to the wo rld by the o ne ly So n o f G o dAnd that ye wi l l examine o ur reafo n s ,by thewh ich we o ffer to pro ve the

An anfwer to

twoquefii ont.

Subje&s maylaw fully te

quire truc°

l’rezd i e rs‘

o f

their Rulers .

Things that

Papil’ticallRel ig io n to be

abominable befo re G o d : And lali ,we require,Th at by yo ur po wer the tyranny o f tho fe crue ll beali s I mean o f Priefisand Fryers) maybe b ridled t i l l we have Uttered o urmiudes in allmattersth is daydebatable in Re l igio n : If thefe things in the fear o f G o d ye grantt o m e

,and unto Others that unfainedlyfo r yo ur falvat io n , and fo r G o ds

o ry require the fame ,I am afl'

ured,That o fG o d ye fhallbeblelfed,what

ever Satan fhall devi ie againl‘r yo u. Bur and if ye co ntemn o r



G o d , who thus lo vingly o ffereth unto yo u falvatio n and l ife, ye fhallneither efcape plagues Tempo rall which {h o rtly iball apprehend yo u, nei


ther yet the to rment prepared fo r the devilland fo r hi s angel s , except by

yo ur fpeedy repentance ye return to the Lo rd , whom no wye refufe, if

that ye refufe theMefl'

engers o f h is W o rd .

But yet I th ink ye do ubt what ye o ught and maydo in th i s fo weigh tyamatter . In few wo rds I w il l dec lare myc o nfc ience in the o ne,and in theo ther :Y e o ught to prefer the glo ry o f G o d, and the pro mo ting o fChrifl:h is E vangell, and the falvatio n o f yo ur fo uls , to allth ings that bein theearth : And ye,altho ugh ye be but fubjeéts ,may lawful ly require o f yo urS uperio urs , be it o f yo ur King , be it o f yo ur Lo rds , Rulers and Powers,That they pro vide fo r yo u true Preachers and that t hey expellfuch as

under the name o f Pafio rs , devo ur anddefi ro y the Flo ck , no r feeding thefame as Chrifl j efus hath commanded Andif in thi s po int yo ur Supe-


rio urs be negl igent , o r yet p retend to maintain tyrant s in their tyranny,mo f

’t jufilyye maypro vide true Teachers fo r yo ur felves Paflo rs acco r e

d ing to the m inde and heart o f G o d by who m yo u may be fed withthat m o lt comfo rtable fo o d o f yo ur fo uls ,Chrifis Evangelltrulypreached Y e maym o reo ver, in a peaceable manner,witho ut (editio n,w ith - ho lcl

the frui ts and pro fits which'

yo ur falfe Bilho p s and C lergy mo lt unjufilyrece ive o f yo u , unto fach time as they (hal l faithful l y do their charge andduties , which i s ,To preach unto yo uChrifiJefas truely,rightlyto min ifier the Sac raments acco rding to his o wn Infiituti


o n and fo to watch fo rthe falvatio n o f yo ur fo uls ,as i's commanded byChrifl Jefus hiby h is Apo files Pauland Peter . If G o d fhallmo ve yo ur hearts in his truefear to begin to prac

ti ce thefe th ings , and to demand ed and crave the fameo f yo ur Superio urs ,

‘which mo ll lawful ly ye maydo ,then I do ubt ne t buto f h is great mercy, and free grace, he w i l l i llum inate the eyes o f yo urmiudes, that h is undo ubted Verity wi l l be a Lantern to yo ur feet ,to guideand lead yo u in allthe waye s which go dl ywifedom do th approve;hewillm ake yo ur enem ies tremble befo re yo ur faces hew i l l eflablifli his Evangel l am o ngfiyo u, to the falvatio n and perpetuallco mfo rt o f yo ur felves ,and o f yo ur pofierityafteryo u. But aud if (as Go d o f

maydraw mm friends , the fearro f yo ur P rinces, and the w ifedo m o f the ‘wo rld draw

back from the

{int en tyo f

Chrifis Evan

s ell.

yo u back from Go d, and from his So nChrifij efus ,be e certain ly perfwaded

, Th at ye fhalld rink the cup o f his Vengeance o many,Imean,as fhallco ntemn and defpife this loving calling o fy o ur heavenly Father,


‘I he J dmonition ff JohnKno x,reprehended the fame. In S odom was no ne fo und that did gainfiand that

furio us and beaflly multitude that did c o mpaffe abo ur and bcfiege the

h o ufe o fL ot N o ne wo uld believe L ot,that the C ity ih o uld be deltro yed;

And final l y, in’

Tf erufalemwas fo und no ne that li nd ied to rep reffe th e ty

ranny o f the Priefl‘

s , who were co njured againfl Chrilt and h is Evangellbut allfainted I except ever fuch as gave w itnelfe w ith their blo o d, o r

the ir flying, That fuch impietydifpleafed them) allkept filencc s by thewh ich allappro ved iniquity, and jo yned hands wi th the tyrannts,and (0were allarayed and fet, as it had been in o ne B o trell

,againfi the Omnim

p o tent and againfi h is S o n Ch riltJefus Fo r who fo ever gathereth ne t

w ith Chrifl: in the day o f h is Harvefi,is judged to {carter And therefo re

o f o ne vengeance tempo rallwere they allpartakers . W h ich thing,‘as be

fore }have to uched , o ught to m o ve yo u to the deep c o nfider i tio n o f yo urduties in thefe lafl andm o fl perillo us t imes .The iniquity o f yo ur Bifho psis mo re then manifefl their fil thy lives infect the ayr the inno cent blo o dwh ich t heylbed , cryeth vengeance in the ears o f o ur G o d 5 the ido latryand abominatio n which o penl y they co mm it and with o ut punifhmentmaintain, do th co rrupt and defile thewho le Land , and no ne amo ngfiyo udo unfainedlyfiudyfo r anyredrelic o f fuch eno rm ities . W il l G o d in th isbehalf ho ld yo u as in

’lno cents 6 Be no t deceived

,dear brethren 5G o d hath

punifhed no t onely the pro ud tyrants, fi lthy perlo ns , and cruel l murthersers ,


but alfo fuch as with them did draw the yo ke o f in iquity , was it byW hat rubjcao flattering their o ffences , o beying theirhnjufi co mmandment s, o r inwinkikall G od Pu ing at theirmanifefi iniquity. A l l fut h , I fay, G o d o nce phnilh ed W i th"m“ “’i‘h 9h

?”the ch ief o ffenders . Be ye allured, brethren, that as he i s immutable o fPrinces .

nature, fo wi l l he nOt pardo n yo u in that wh ich‘

hc hath punilh ed in

thers 3 and now th e lefl'


.becaufe he hath plain l y admo nifhed yo u o f thedangers t o Co me, and hath o ffered yo u h is mercy befo re he po ur fo rthh is wrath and difpleafure upo n the ino bed ient .God theFather of our Lordfifefuac hri/l,who a thefather of g lory,andGod of


ofl, n ueyou thefirm of wifea

’om, art/[open untoyou theknowledgeof

hzrufelf, by themeans of hi}: dear Son , hythewhzthyhmayattai io‘to the typerauce

andhope, That after the tr ouhler of by: traufitory life, yemayhepartaker s of the

glor ious Inheritancewhi ch if r epare forfueh ao ref ufe themfizlfoer , andfight under theBanner of Chr i/f ”

f r m m the dayof the}hee—Battell That in deep confideratzoro of thefame, yemaylearn top refer the inwifihle and eternalljoyes , to the“

vainpleafitre: that areprefent a Goelfur therg rantyou be holys rzt, r ighteouflyto ooufider what I in heirName, haverequzr ea’

of your Nohzlzty,zmd of thefuhjefii'


and abovealltogether[0 to anfwer , thatmyPetztzon he not a tefimoimyof your juflcondemnation,when theL ord f efu

rjhallappear to revengetheMood tf . hir Samtr,and the contempt of hiemoflholyW ord. Amen .

S leep no t in {i n fo r vengeance i s prepared againfi the ino bedient.Fly from Bahyloo , if yewil l nOt be partakers o f her plagues .

GrateheW i thyou.Bewitmfi


c tomyAppellationThe 4. o f fuly, 1 558 .

Tour Brother to command ingoa’h



J o u n K N o x .


A faith full

m ade by


6 true I'


G o fpelofCH R ISTwith in theK ingdomo f €ngldnd. 1 5g

Jo hn Kn o x w i/heth Grace Mercy and Ped eefrom G OD theFather of our L o rdfifefm Chr i]? w ith thep erpetual]Comfb rtof theHoly Ghofito he withyoufbr ever and ever dear B re

i hren,the afiiaedMemberc ofChr ific Church in E ngland .

Aving no lefie de- firc to comfo rt fuch as now be in tro u

ble w ith in the Realm o fE ng /m d (and fpecially yo ufo rmany canfes mo ftdear to me then hath the naturallFather to cafe the griefe and pain o f his deareft

Ch ilde 5 Ihave c onfidercdwith my felfe, what argument o r parcello fG o ds Sc riptures was mo fi co nveni

em: and meet to be handled fo r yo ur c o nfo latio n in

thefe mo lt dark and do lo ro us dayes : And fo as fo r

waé turn ingmyBo o k) I chanced to fee aNo re in the

in Lat ine Vzdeat Anglia, Let England beware 5d co nfidered, I fo und that thematter wri tten in

Thefla’mo nition’

of jo hn Knoxn on flCh dJ Gaelhath tr ea

’or he: Servants awlWar/omen 3 and a!a tr thulerzmA nno éaflCommefllyfol/aweththat Church were Chrzfi{fefue re mo/i


Th isNow was made upo n a place o f Sc ripturewri tten in the fo urteenthChapter o f Saint (Matthews G o fpell; wh ich place declareth That af.terCh til’t Jefus had ul


ed the Apo ltles as Minifiers and Servants to feed(as it had been by thei r hands ) five tho ufand men

,befide women and

ch ildren wi th five Barley Lo aves and two F illi es 5 he ("ent them to theSea commanding them to palfe o ver befo re him to the e ther fide.W h ich

anced th ing as theyattempted to o bey, and fo r the fame purpo fe did travell androw fo rthin the Sea, the night appro ached, the w ind was c o ntrary thevehement and rag ing fio rme aro fe, and was like to o verth row thei r po o rBo at and them . W hen I co nfidered (as do lo ur and myfimplic itywo uldfuffer the c ircumfiances o f the Text, I began to recko n and as k acco unto fmy {elf (and as G o d knoweth n o t w i th o ut fo rro w


and fo b s ) whether at anyt ime I had been fo plain by my to ngue


as G o d had o penedh is ho lyW illand W ifdom in that matter unto me , as m ine own Pen andNo re beare witnefle to my co nfcience And {ho rtly it came to mym inde

,that the fame place o f Scripture I had handled in yo ur prefences

when G o d gave o ppo rtun ity and time fo r yo u to heare G o ds Meifengerfpeak the wo rds o f eternallli fe . W herefo re I tho ught no th ing mo re expedient then {ho rtly to cal;to m inde againe fo ch th ings as then

were to uched 5albeit peradventure neither o fme fo plainly uttered neither o fyo u (0 plainlyperceived, as thefe mofi‘do lo ro us dayes declare thefame to us . .


t lhall nOt bee necefl'

ary to h andle the Text wo rd by wo rd buto f thewho le fumme to gather certain No res .and Obfervatio nsfhallnOt farre dil


agiee from the Rate o f thefe dayes ) it lh‘allbe fuflicient .

Tl“ M!N“And firfi it i s to be o bi'erved

,That after th i s great m iracle that Chtil'thad

wro ught he neither wo uld retainw ith h im felf the multi tude o f pedinewhom he had fed nei ther yet h is difc iples ;but the o ne he fent awayevciryman to returnto h is place o f accufio med refidence

,and the Others lie

as-g fent to the danger of the Seas na as he that was igno rant what fllOuld

chance unto them ,but know ing and fo releeing the Tempefi, yea and ap

po int ing the fame fo to t ro uble them .

Chtifiwar. It i s no r to be judged That the o nely and true Pafto urwo uld removee th Mat his and fend away from h im thewandering and weak lheep 5 neither yet that


o n'

ely pro vident G overno ur andG uide wo uld fet om h is rudeW arr id ifp

e rfed and o urs to (0 great a jeo pardie,w itho ut _fufficient and mo lt jufl caufe .


‘m ub‘cr

d but W hyCh rifi remo ved and fent away from him the peo ple th’

e Evanm

gelifi S aint yohn declareth, faying When’

Tf efm knew that theywere come to

Jo hn 6 . takehzm that theyn ht make him King he”fled [ecretly (o r alo ne to

theMountain.W hereo f it i s plain what c h ieflymoved Chrifi to fend away,the people fro m h im becaufe that by h im they fo ught a carnall andwo rldly libertie, regard ing no th ing his Heavenly Do étrine o f the K ingdo m o fG o d his Father wh ich befo re he had taug ht and declared untothem plainly ihewing them ,

‘That fuch as wo uld fo llow h im m ufi fiiffer fo r h is Names fake perfecurio n mull he hated o fallmen mufl de o

ny themfelves , mul’

tbe {ent fo rth as fheep amo ng W o l

gli nno

t ro uble

I Jo hn a.

To denyo rco nceale the

g ifts o fG o d

we perfwaded o ur felves o f a certaine tranquility,as tho ugh the tro ubles

whereo fmentio n i s“

madewith in the Scriptures o f G o d appertained no

th ing at allto th is agei but unto f ut h as o flo ng t ime are palied befo re usand therfo rewas o ur heavenlyFather compelled to w ithdraw from us the

prefence o f his veritie(who fe vo yce in tho fe dayes we c o uld no t beleeve?to the end thatm o re earnefi ly


we may th i ri’t fo r the fame and with m o reo bed ience embrace and receive it, if ever it fhallpleafe his infinite go o dneife , in fuch abundance to wh om the fame againe.

Imean no th ing o f tho fe that fo llowed Chrift o nlyfo r their bellies,fo rfuch perceiving that theyco uld no r o btain their hearts defire o f Chtifi,

have grudged,and left him in bo dyand heart 5 wh ich th ing their hlaf heo

mo us vo ices fpak e againfihis eternallveri ty,do th witneiTe and dec are .

Fo r fuch (brethren)be ye no t m o ved fo r in the time o f the ir pro fefii o ntheywere no r o f us ,but were verydiffemblers andHypo cr i tes and there

fo re G o d jufilypermitteth that theyblafpheme the Truth , wh ich they never lo ved . Imean no t that ever fuch dii

femblingHypo c rites fhallembracetheverity but I meane fuch as byinfirmitie o f the flelh and by naturali

blindnefle(wh ich in th is life i s never alto gether expelled) then co uld no t

give the veryo bediencewh ich G o ds W o rd required neither no w byweak neffe o ffaith dare o penlyand bo ldly c o nfeife that wh ich their heartsknow to bemo it d ue, and yet lamenteth 85mo urneth, bOth fo r the imperfeétio n by palfed and p refent,from fuch (hallno r the am iable p refence o f

Chri i'

t fo r ever bewi thdrawn 5 bUt yet again iballthe eyes o f their fo retro ubled hearts beho ld and fee that light o fChriii s G o fpell,where‘in themo lt deligh t . W e theMiniilers , who were the difiriburers o f th i s bread:(the trueW o rd o f Go d ) wherewith the multitude with in England wasfed

,lackéii no t o ur o ffences which alfo moved G o d to fend us to the

Sea. And becaufe the o ffences o f no man are fo man ifeft unto me as mineown Iwillo nely cenfuremyfelf.It is no r unknown unto many that I the mo fi wretched was o ne

o f that number whom G o d appo inted to receive that Bread (as it wasbro ken byChrifi:Jefas )to diitribute and g ive the fame to fuch as hehadcalled to th is banquet in that part o fh is tablewhere he appo inted me toferve. It i s no r in'

myknowledge no r judgement to define no r determinewhat po rt io n o r quant ityeveryman received o f th i s bread neither yetho w that wh ich they received agreed with their fio mack s but o f th i s Iam allured

,That the bened ictio n o fChriitJefus fo multiplyed the po rti

o n wh ich I rece ived o fhis hands,that during the banquet(th i s I write to

the prai fe o f h is Name and to the accufatio n o fm ine owne unthankfulneiie)tht bread never failed when the hungry fo ule c raved o r c ried fo r

and at the end o f thebanquet m ine own co nfcience beareth W it

nefie that m ine hands gathered up the crummes that were left in fuchabundance , that the banquetwas fullamo ng the reit. To be plain, mineown

. c o nfc ience beareth reco rd to my felf how fmallwas my learn ing,and h o wweak Iwas o f judgement when ChrifiJefas called me to be h is

wh ich “

ifi n»

:Reward and h o w m ighti lydayby day, and timebyt ime be multiplied


his graceswith me,_ifI iho uld co nceale I were m ofi wicked and un


to the Trofiflbrr af t/yeTruth in E ngland.

ut alas,how blindedwas myheart , and h ow li ttle I did co rili der AHIIO

the dign ity o f that Office and the po wer o f G o d that then multipliedand blefled the bread which the peo ple rece ived o f my hands , th i sd gy m ine o wn co nfc ience beareth w itnelfe to myfelfe. G o d I take to



,“ ‘h"Ml”?

reco rd in myc o nfcience , That Idelivered the fame bread that I recei WE”



ved o f Ch rifis hands 3 and that ]m ixed no poylo nw i th the fame that from th c,“

i s I reached Chrifis G o fpel W i tho ut any m ixture o f mens dreames , d “

devifes , o r phantafies . But alas I did it no r wi th fach fervency , w ith c e y'

fuch ind ifferency"

and with f uch diligency as thi s day I k no wmy dutywas to have do ne.

S ome co mplained in tho li:dayes That the Preacherswere undifcreetperro n s (yea, fo me called them raylers andwo rk ) becaufe they fpak eagainlt the mani

feit iniquity o f men and efpec iallyo f tho le that then

were placed in Autho rity as wellin Co urt as in Other Offices univerfally tho ro wom the Realme, bo th in Cities,To yOns and V illages . And

amo ng Others peradventurem rude plainneffe difpleafed fome, who did

c o mplain, That ralhly I d id peak o f men s faults, (0 that allmen m ightkno w and perceive o f whom Imeant . But alas th i s daymy c o nfc i~

ence accufeth me That I fpak e ne t (0 plainly as mydutywas to havedo ne F o r I o ught to have faid to the wicked man exprelfcly by h is

n ame ,1 19m limit die the dear/z. Fo r I fiude ’

c r gmiab the P ro phet tohave do ne (0 to P i s/hur the h igh Priel’r, and to Z edecémb the King . And

Em h M.

nOt o nely he ,but alfo E lijdb E llflm, cza r/7417 , u !mos , D4mel,Chrifi Jen z o

Jefus himfelf , and after h im his Apo files expreli'


to have named the 3 R‘s - 1 3 u .

b lo o d - thitfiy tyrants abo m inable Ido laters and dili‘embling hypo


cri tes o f their dayes . If that we the P reachers with in the Realme o f a -11 0 3 7

England were appo inted byG o d to be the Salt o f the earth as h is Other 321: z

Meifengers were befo re us .) Alas , W hywith - heldwe the Salt ,where My”:3 '

manifefi c ompunétio n did appear«3 (Iaccufe no ne but my felfe.) The

The “ cach eblinde love that I did bear to th i s my w icked cark afe was the chiefe

caufe that I was nOt fervent and faithfulleno ugh in th at behalfe Fo r I earth a,

had no w illto provo ke the hatred o f allmen againii me:And therefo re foto uched I the vices o fmen in the p refence o f the greatelt,that th eym ight 23 5“

fee themfelves t o be o ffenders (I dare no r lay that Iw as the greatelt

fiatterer .) BUt yet nevertheleife I wo uld no rbe feen to pro claim manife il:W arreagainfi the manifeft wicked : W hereo i unfainedly I as k my G o dmerc

A s}Iwas nOt fo fervent in rebuk ingman ifeft iniquityas it becameme to Preachers

have been S o was I no r fo indifferent a feeder as is requi red o f Ch rifis ggtfimfiflSteward Fo r in preach ing Chrifis G o fpel, albeit m ine eye (as know

I 5 0 c

eth G o d ) was no t much upo n wo rldly pro m o tio n yet the lo ve o f

friends , and c arnallaffeci io n o f fo memen with whom I was mo i‘t fam iliar allured me to makemo re refidence in o ne place then in ano rher,having mo re refpeé’t t o the pleafure o f a few, then to the neccf fity o fmanyzThat day I th o ught I had nOt finned

,if I had‘

no t been idle ; But th i s dayI kno w itwas my dutyto have had co nfideratio n ho w lo ng I had remain‘

ed in o ne place,and h ow manyhungry fo uls were in Other places ,to whomalas no ne to o k pain to break and di(i ribute the bread o f L ife.

R r r 2 Mo re.

Mo reo ver, remain ing in o ne plac e I was no r fo d iligent a s m ine Officerequired bur fometime by c o unfello f carnall friends I fpared the bo dy '


met ime I {pen t inwo rldlybufinelfc o f particular friends 5and fo metimin tak ing recreat io n and paflime bycxerc ife o f the bo dy.

And albeitmenm ay judge thele to be light and fmallo ffences yet I

ackn owledge and co nfeife That unlell'

e pardo n (hould be granted to mein Ch rifls b lo o d, that everyo ne o f thefe three o ffences afo renam ed

, thatto fay,

Lack o f fervency in repro ving fin, The lack o f indifferency infeed ing th o fe th were hungry, And the lack o f di ligence in the executioo n o f m ine Ofii ce, defcrved damat io n .

Tho h ck p f And befide thelE , Iwas afl'

aulted yea , infeaed and co rrupted w ithmo re gro ffe fi ns 3, that is , Mywic ked nature defired the favo urs


ellimat io n and prai le o f men againfi wh ich albe i t that fo metime the Spi rit

feed -flee “ di‘ o f G o d d id mo ve me to fight, and earneilly d id fiir me G od kno weth Ii

fflfif lye no r)to fo b and lamentf o r tho fe imperfeétio ns yet never ceafed they4

to tro uble me when any o ccafio n was o ffred And (0 privily and c raftily‘

d idl

theyenter into my brefi ,that I could no r perc eive my felt to be wo unded , tillvain -

glo ryhad alm o fi gOtten the upper hand

0 Lord nem er cifidl to mygr eat offence and 4154!not W i t/7 me according to

myg reat zmquzzy but af f ording to themaltztude of thymt r czcr r emovefrom me

the hart/7mqf myfin for of parp ofla and minde to 1mm avoided the

plea/ti re of mm ,1 [pared little to ojfind rlJy W flffi

flfCJ o

Th i nk no r(beloved in th e Lo rd) That thus I accufe my felfe w itho utjuli caufe as tho ugh in fo do ing I m ight appear mo re h o ly , o r that yetI do it o f purpo fe and intentby o ccafio nahereo f to accufe Others o f myb reth ren the true Preachers o f Chri li o f like o r greater o ffences No ,

G o d i s Judge to my co nfcience That I do it even from an unfained andfo re tro ubled heart as I that kno w my felfe grievo ufly to have o ffended

theMajefiy o f myG o d during the t ime that Chri lls G o fpelhad free

“ c ru mbles paffage in Eng land. And th i s I do let yo u underfiand That the tak ing

o f there dayes away o f the heavenly Bread and th i s great rempelt that now blowethf o m

g‘h m hc againfl the


po o'

r difc iples o i' Chrif’e wi th in the Realme o f England (as

c om o r t e f

G o ds eleft to uch ing o ur part) c o meth fro m the greatmercyo f o ur heavenly Father,t o pro vo ke us to unfained repentance , fo r that nei ther Preacher no rP i


o feflo r did r ightly c o nfider the t ime o f o ur mercifullVifi tat io nBut alto gether fo we fpent the time as th o ugh G o ds W o rd

.h ad been

P reached rather to fatis fie o ur fantafies, then to refo rme o ur cvill

m anners .


W h ich th ing if we earnefi ly repent , ,then fhallIefus Chrifl

appear to o ur.comfo rt, be the fio rm never for great . Mafia , 0 £ 0714, tday s merfizl' e.

The fer o nd The fec o nd th ing that I finde to be no red, i s Thevehemency o f the

figu ri n e“fear

‘wh ich the d‘i

‘lc iples


endured in that great danger , being o f lo ngero i t hfdrcip ici, co nt inuance then ever theyhad at any t ime befo re.


i i k s In SaintMatt/7m mG o fpelit appeareth That ano ther t ime there.aro fealfoi dgii

lzhm a great flo rmy Tempell and fo re

,to lled the rBo at whereinChril’ts dif

t im e we re c iple s were lab o ur ing : But that was h igh the day ligh t , and then theym ub‘edm had Chrifiwith them in the Ship who m theyawak ed and cryed fo rthe Se a.


himfelf did Preach (and fo merime after his Refurreé‘tio n andAfcenfio n)

againfi whom the vehement flo rrne did no r rage immed iately after

h ad. 1 ,th eyentred into the S h ip o f the i r travelland tribulatio n Fo r the blo o dyfentence o fMama/9 was no t pro no unced again&the feed o f gm when

he firll did enter into Egypt Ne ither was the c ruellco unfelland devilliih device o f pro ud Hanu n invented by and by after Iflnel and

f ndalywere tranflated from the ir po liefli o ns Neither yet in the time o fChrill:Jefus being co nverfant wi th h is Apo files in the flefh , was there ufedany luch tyranny againfi the Saints o f G o d, as lh o rtlyafter fo llo wedin the perfecutio n o f S aint Stephen , and Other difc iples o But all thefein the beg inning o f the ir travellwith a co ntrarywinde, had alwayfomecalme ; that is Albei t they had (ome tro uble , ye t had they no t extreme perfecutio n.

Even fo mo lt dearly belo ved is happened now to the afiiiéiedChurch o f G o d w ithin the Realme o f E ngland At all t ime s the trueW o rd o fGo d fufiered co ntradiéh o n and repugnanc ie .And lo the windeblew againfl us even from the beginning o f th e lateup rifing o f the G ofpelin E ngland, butyet it co uld no rfiOp o ur co urfe,tillno w o f late days ,that the rag ing wmde blo weth w itho ut bridle up o n the unflable Seas , inthemidfiwh ereo f we are in th is h o ur o f darknelTe


The malice o f f To write myminde plainly unto yo u , b elo ved brethren Th is windethat alwayes hath blo wn againfi the Church o f Go d is the malice and


hatred o f the devill,wh ich r ightly in th i s caie is compared to thew inde :Fo r as the winde is invihble and yet the p o o r dilciple s feelthat it tro u ,

1 51 777113 0 bleth and letteth the i r Sh ip 5S o is the pefiilenr envie o f the devillwo rking alwayes in the hearts o f the repro barc lo fubtill andg afty that it

canno t be efp ied byGo ds Eleni , no r by his Meflengers t ill firfi t they.

feelthe blafis thereo f to blow the ir S h ip backward And as the vehe"The Sea canv mentwinde caufe th thewaves o f the Sea to rage, and yet the d eadwateriii:


fy“;aneither knoweth what it dnth,neither yet can it ecafe no r refrain 5(0 that

“ ofit,,13; bo th it is tro ubled by thewinde , ‘and alfo it (elf do th tro ubleChrifis di

gicufly. fc iples in the ir po o r Ship S o by the envie _and malice o i the dcvill, are

w icked and cruell, as well fubjecfts as Princes (wh o fe hearts are like therag ing Sea c ompelled to perfecute and tro uble the true Church o fChrifi s and yet in blinded are they,and lo enthralled under the bo ndageo f the dcviil, that ne ither c an they fee theirmaniiefi iniquity, nei theryet can they ecafe to run to thei r own deflrua io n. And hereo f,E nglnnd,h ail tho umanifellexperience : Fo r in the time o f King Henrythe eighth,ho w thewo lf, thatwicked e befler ,and o rhers ,bythe vehementwindeo f fixblo o dy Artic les (by the dcviil deviled ) intended to have overth rown the po o r Ship and Chrifis difc iples , is evidently known already.

But then‘

hadweChriit Jr lus with us fleeping in the Sh ip who did no tdefp ife the faithfullcrying o f fuch as then were in tro uble But by hismig hty po wer,gracio us go o dnes ,and invinc ible fo rce o f his ho lyW o rd


he c ompelled th o fewicked windes to ceafe ,and the rag ing o f tho fe SeasAquiet calm to he (lilled and calm So that allthe hearts o f Go ds Elea with in them undee s Realme o f E nglanddid wo nder at that fudden change,while that under am”6 °

lamb the fearfulledge o f that devo uring (wo rd was taken from the necks

o f

to theTrofe/fir; of t/reTruth in Englando f the faith f ull and the tyrannie o f tho fe raven ing and blo o d- thi

W o lves Imean o fwilyW inclyejler , and o f fome Other h is Brethren, thefo nnes o f Belial was rep reiied fo r a t ime But yet ceafifd no r: theDevillTheM r

t o blow h is winde,by h is wicked Infirument s ,who fo und themeans , how a n peflrlcrcagainfi nature the o ne bro ther iho uld alient to the death o f the o ther 5buta

nd? thatn

that c o uld no r h inder the co urfe o f the travelling Bo at, but fo rth { he go ethin defpigh t o f theDcvi ii

,wh o then mo re cruelly raged perceiving his K E dvard 6 ,

owh e ho no ur and fervice »

,thar i s , his deteftable tMnjfe to be difclo fed gfiz


and o pened befo re the peo ple, to be damnable Ido latrie,and aifured dam thi biggi enation to fuch as put their truit in it : And therfo re began he m o re c raf. Ch iefwas dif

rily to wo rk , and finding the fame Infiruments ap t eno ugh , who fe labo ursC'0f‘d'

he had ufed befo re he blew fuch mo rtallhatred between two , wh ich appeared to be t

he ch ief p illars under the K ing fo r that wretched (alas)and

m iferablc Nortbnmberlnnd could no rbe fin i s hed tillfuch t ime as fimple

S omerfct mo ii unjuiilywas bereft . o f h is life what the Devill and h is

Members the pefiilentPapili s ,meant by h is away- taking G o d Compel

led my to ngue to fpeak inm o re places then o ne,and fpecially befo re yo u


and in Newrafi‘lc as fir Rober t Bu d/mg did no r fo rget a lo ng time af

ter , G o d grant that hemay underfiand all o ther matters fpo k en befo reh im then and at o ther t imes as righlyas he did that m ine interpretati o no f the V ineyard, vvho fe Hedges , D itches Towres andW ineprefl

‘e G o d

defiroyed,becaufe it wo uld br ing fo rth no go o d fruit

And that hemayremember thatwhat ever was fpo ken by my

mo nth that day is now

compleate, and co me to pafie except that finall dellrua io n and ven

gez‘mce is no t yet fallen upo n the grearei

’t o ffenders as afl


uredly {ho rtly itf hail unleife that he and fo me o ther o fh is fo rt, that then were enem iesto Go ds truth , W illfpeedily repent and that earneiily) their ii ubbo tned ifo bedience. G o d compelled myto ngue (I fay)o penly to declare,Th at This was arthe Dcviiiand hisMin iilers intended o nely the fubverfio n o fGo ds t rue firmed bo th

Relig io n,bythat mo rtallhatred am o ng tho fewh ich o ught to have beene i3r a“,

mo lt alfuredlykn it to gether byChriflian charity and bybenefits recei heroi0

ved and efpec iallythat the wick ed and envio us Papili s by that ungo d

ly breach o f charity d iligentlym inded the o verthrow of him,that to

h is o wn defiruétio n , pro cured the death o fhis inno cent friend Thus I

fay I was compelled o fco nfciencec ftner then o nce to affirm , Tharfuch

as faw and invented the mean s how the o ne iho uld be taken away, faw


iho uld finde themean s alfo to take away the Other , and that all thattroublewas devil


ed by the Dcviil and h is Infiruments to flop and :letCh riii s Difc iples and thei r po o r Bo at 2, but thatwas nOt able becaufe. ihe

was no ryet c ome to thémidft o f the Sea.

Trnnfnbflnnfiatzon the B ird that the Devill hatched by Po peand


ii nce that time fo fiered and no uriihed byallhis

ers,Mo nk s , and Other h is co njured and fwo rn fo uldiers and in thefe [aft


ch ieflyby Step/Jen Gardner , and his black bro o d in E nglandfaflnntiation I fay)was then clearly c o nfuted andm ightilyo verthrown;and therefo re G o d had put wifdom in the to ngues o f h is MiniilersandMeifcngers to utter thatvain vanitie,and fpeciallygave fuch fireng th

to that Reverend .Father in G o d,Tbon w Cr anmer, to cut the kno ts o fDe


Mark well,

52 The erm ine”ofjohnKboxAHHO villiih SOphiitry linked and k n it by the Devils Gardener and h is

blinde Buz zards , to ho ld the verityo f the everliving God under bbn s

dage, that rather I th ink they iballco ndemn his wo rk s wh ich nOtwith{landing fhallco nt inue and remain to their co nfufio n then they fhall en

Thm und godterpriz e to anfwer the fame. And alfo Go d gave bo ldne ife and knowledge

was tak en to theCo urt o f Parliament to tak e away the round clipped Go d, where in3313333;£3, fiandeth allthe ho linefl

e o fPapili s , and to c ommand co mmo n Bread to

be ufed at the Lo rds Table, and alfo to take away the mo lt part o f fui

perfiitio ns ,(kneeling at the Lo rds Supper excepted)which befo re pro phaTh


}: nedChrifts trueReligio n . Then(dear Breth ren)'

was the Bo at in'

the midfl:

iffdfifiho m o f the Sea, and fuddenlyarifeth the h o rrible tempeit mo ft fearfullandw ere revo k ed, do lo ro us 5 Our

Kmg if taken diaryfromw ,a nd the Devillbloweth in fuchfi



O rgan s as alway he had fo und o bedient to h is Precepts and bythem he

mndfl: o fthe enflameth the heart o fthatwretchedand unhappy man Who m I/

judgem o re to be lamented, then hated to co vet the ImperiallCrowno fE ngland to be efiabliihed to his Po fierity and 'what thereupo n hath fucceed

ed,it is no rnow neceifary to be written .


Of th i s fho rt difco urfe (Beloved in the Lord ) yo u may co nfidet and

perceive two fpeciallNo tes 5 5

1 . That thewho le malice o f theDevillhath alwayes th is end,To wis eand overthrowChriits afliiéted Church 5 fo r what elfe intended theDe


h is fervants (the peitilent Papifis) by all thefe their crafty po lic ies , during the t imet hat Chrifis G o fpellwas preached in E ngland , thenthe fubverfio n o f thefame Go fpel], and that theym igh t recover p ower toperfecute the Saints o f G o d, as th i s day in the ho ur o fdark nefle theyhaveo btained fo r a time,to their own deitruétio n . Let no man wo nder tho ugh

I fay , That the c rafty p o lic ies o f pefiilent Papifis wro ught all the

m ifchiefe fo r who co uld mo re eafier and better wo rk e greater m if"

ch ief , then fuch as bare autho rityand rule. Andwho (I pray Yo u)ruled'

the ro fte in the Co urt allth is t ime, by(fo ur co urage and p'

ro udnefl'

e o f(to

W ho mtcd’au mack , but Nortbumberlmd

6 Butwho (I prayyo u) under K ing E dward,bywit under ruled allby co unfellandwit

6 ShallIname‘

theman I willwrit no mo re“MW “ 6

plainlynow then myto ngue fpak e the lait Sermo n, That i t pleafed God

that I iho uld mak e befo re that Inno cent and me lt godly K ing E dwardthefixt and befo re his Co uncellat W efimz

x/Ier , and even to the faces

of fuch as o f whom Imeant. Handling th is place _o f Scripture , Q i

cdzt memm panem fajita/it adm rfw me et leanezrm firm : 5 that is He rim

eater/7 bread witb me,174th lzfr up 1711; beel sigma/Z me. I made th i s aifir~

mat io n That c o mmo nly it was feen that themo figo dly Princes hadhave met}uu O fficers and ch iefCo uncello rs mo i’t ungo dly, co njured enem ies to G o dsté



CW 'P true Relig io n, and Traito urs ~to their Princes , not that theirwickedmam neife and ungo dlinefl


ewas fpeedilyperceived and efpied o ut o f. the faidPrinces and go dlymen but that fo r t ime tho fe c raftie co lo urers co uld

fo clo ke their malice againi’cG o d and his truth and their ho llow heartsto ward the ir loving Mafiers that by v»


ldly wifdome and po lic ie’


length they attained to h igh promo t io n? And fo r the pro o fe o f th i sm ine affirmat io n I rec ited the Hifio r ies o fA cbzrvplyelfibeénaand

f ab / g

o fwhom the two fo rmer had h igh O ffices and promo tio ns w ith greatautho ri tie

"TheAdmbaitian of j o hn Knox’

b ring infirangers to the defirua io n o f th i s Commo n - wealth W h ich o fthe Co uncell I fay) had thefe and greater erfwafio ns againft Maryt o whom now he co ucheth and k neeleth .3 So air the Treafurer. Andwhat intended fuchTrayto ro us and diii


embling Hypo crites by all thereand f uch like craftyHeights and co unterfeit co nveyance f Do ubtleire theo verth row o f Chrrl’ts true Relig io n wh ich then began to flo uriih inE ngland 5 the libertywhereo f fretted the Guttes o ffuch pefiilent Pap ili s ,wh o nowhath go tten the dayes whi ch they lo ng lo o ked fo r but

yet to

their o wn defiruéi io n and ihamef o r in the fpite o f their hearts the plagueso fG o d fhail{trik e them 5 theyfhallbe comprehended in the

fnare wh ichtheyp repare fo r Others fo r their owh e co unfels fhall mak e themfelvesflaves to a pro ud,m ifchievo us ,unfai thfull,andVile Nati o n .


gc C Now to the feco ndNo re o f o urD i fco urfe, which i s th i s 5 Albciz thefie rce,“ Tyrants o f th i s earth have learned bylo ng exper ience, that they are neverNo re. able to prevaile againfi Go ds Truth yet becaufe theyare bo und flaves to

thei rMailer theDevill, they canno t ceafe to perfecute the members o fTN ”

;“m ’

Chr iil,when the B evillblowes his winde in the darkneiie o f the n ight,2332533:


that i s ,W henthe light o f‘Chriils G o fpel is taken away and the Devil

Chfl fis Mem'

raigneth by Ido latryfuperl‘titio n andTyrannie.

hm “

Th i s m o fi evidentlymaybe feene from the beginning o f thi s wo rld tothe t ime o fChrifi,and from thence tillth i s day.

-I[m4el might have per «ceived that he co uld no rprevailagainfi Ifaar becaufe. Go d had madeh is prom if


e unto him as no do ubt Abra/mm thei r father reached to hiswho le ho ulh o ld 5 ,

Efaa likewii‘e underflo o d the fame o f 1 45055 Pbaraoé

E xo d s 6


3 m ight plainlyhave [een bymanyMiracles , that If mclwas God s peo ple8tc.

’7 ’

whom he co uld no t utterly defiroy5and alfo the S cr ibes and PharifeesJo hnM “ r and Ch iefPrieils were Utterlyco nvinced in their Co nfcience,thatChrifis

who le do c‘trinewas o fGo d ,

and that to the pro fit and co mmo dity ofman

,h isMi racles andwo rk s werewro ught by the power o f G o d and

ther efo re that they co uld never prevaile againfi h im And yet as theDe

villfiirred them ,no ne o f tho fe co uldrefrain to .perfeCUte h im,whom they

k new mo fi c ertainly to be inno cent.The power or Thi s I write that yo u fhallndrwo nder albeit nowye fee the poyfo ned0 °d‘W 0 fd

, Papifls ,wick ed Wmc/aefler,and dreami ng Darqe w ith the reft o f the

Faa io n who fometimes were(0 co nfo unded, that neither theydurfi no r

E nak fldfi r cept co uld fpeak no r write in the defence o f theirHerefies nowTo to rage andb

ff‘ge‘;triumph againfl:the eternallTruth o fG o d, as rho ugh they had nevcf af.g M r

fayed the power of G o d fpeak ing by his trueMeiiengers .

Princes are W onderno r herea'

t (I fay)belo ved Breth ren, that the Tyrants o f thi swo rld are(0 o bedient and readyto fo llo w the crttellco unfels o f fuch dif

o us Papifis guifedMo nfiers Fo r neither can the o ne '

no r the Other refraine, becaufemummm nd' bo th fo rts are as iubjeét to o bey the

Devill thei rPrince and Father,as the

unflable Sea is to lift up thewaves When thevehement w inde bloweth upOH IL

It is fearfull to be heard,that the D ivellhath fuch power o ver anyman,but yet the W o rd o f G o d bath [0 infiruéted us . And therefor e albeit it bec o ntraryto o ur phantafie,yetwe mullbeleeve it. Fo r the D ivellis calledthe pr ince and go d o f th i s wo rld,becaufe he r

aigneth, and is ho no ured bytyranny and ido latry in it s Hc

He is called the Prince o f Dark nefi‘e that hath po wer in the Ayr It

is faid That'

he wo rketh in'

the ch ildren o f unbelief, becaufe he li irreththem to tro uble Go ds E leCt 5 as he invaded Salli and c o mpelled h im to

perfecute David 5 and likewife he entred into the heart o f fi rm,and i

moved h im to betray hisMafier. He is called Pr inc e o ver the fo ns o f 3Pr ide and father o f all tho fe that are lyera,and enemies to Go ds TruthOver whom he hath no leife power th i s day, then fo ui etimes be had o ve rL/ { IJIMJ and Comp/ma, wh om no man denieth to have been led and



by the devilto p erfecute ChriilJefus , and h is mo lt trueD o é’trine . And

therefo re wo nder no r I fay) th at no w the devilrageth in his o bedientfervants ,w ilyW im htfltr

, dreaming Drrrefmc, and blo o dyBorzfler , wi th the W"! s

w il/ 121.5454?reft o f thei r blo o dy butche rlybro o d s fo r th i s i s the i r ho ur and p o we r D ' eam tng p a .

granted unto them they canno n ceafe no r aliwage"

thei r furi o us fumes,

“ W afilw dr

fo r the devilthe ir S ire fi irreth moveth and carrie th th s m even at h is

w ill. But in th is that I declare the po wer o f the devilwo rk ing in c ruellh


1tyrants Think yo u tha

t I attribute o r g ive to h im o r to them po weratthe ir pleafure c

'No ,n0 t fo ,brethren,no t (o ;fo r as the devilhath no p o wer om i ttedmhy

to tro uble the Elements , buras G o d {hallfuller, fo hath Wo rldly tym'

ms :h s





(albcit the dcvill hath fully po ii'

eifed the ir hearts ) no p o we r at all to Shifai digi.tro uble the Saints o f G o d , but as rheir br idle lhallbe lo o fed by G o ds PICShands .

And h ere in dear b reth ren, fiande th ar“

comfo rt th is day,when I hear that tho fe blo o dy tyrants wi th in the Realme o f E ngland

d o th k ill murther deii royand devo urman and woman as ravenno us‘

L io ns no w lo o fed from bo nds . I lift up therefo re the eyes o f mineheart (as my iniquityand p refent do lo urwillfuffer) and to myheavenlyFatherwillI fay :

0 Lor d,thoft bra t/ltyrant: areloofied hythyhoard toproo f/honrfirrmcr ing rati The prayer o f


we troff, than rvrlt ri otfaflivtoprevailfor w ar , hut when thou hojl eor‘h c “ mt "

reli ed 145 a li ttle, andIaa/ldeclared unto theworld the tymmry that lurked in their

holdrrca'hrrjfr, ther} wzlt thoa hrmh thezr jo tv- homs at them up in thezr

mares again, that theg eneration ofldpq/ler ityfollow thy holy Naviebefore thy Cong regati on . Amen.

4 .l~

W hen I feelany taiic o rmo tio n o f thefe promifes then th ink I myfelf mo lt happy and that I have received a juli c o mpenfatio n, albei t l ,and allthat to me in earth belo ngéth, ih ould fui

-Fer p refé nt death,knowing that Go d fh allyet lh ewmercy to his afilia ed Church with in E ngland

,and that he (h allrepreife the pride o f th efe prefent tyrants like as

he hath do ne o f tho fe th at were befo re o ur dayes . 5

And therefo re,belo ved brethren in’

o ur S avio ur Ic itts Chrifl, ho ld up Exhdrrzitio n.to G o d yo ur hands that are fainted thro ugh fear,and let

yo ur hearts thathave in thefe do lo ro us dayes flecped in fo rro w, awake, and hear thevo yce o f yo ur G o d, who fweareth byhimlelf , That he willno t fut

-fer g

_h is Church to be o pp seifed fo r ever;neither that he willdefpiie o ur {o bs 321

t0 the end, if we w ilro w and firive againifith i s vehement winde ,5 I The comingnf

mean if that ye will no t run bac k headlo ng to Ido latry then (hallth is [te rm be aiTwaged in defpight o f the devrll;Chril

‘t 3:q{hallc o



with (peed to yo ur deliverance, he fhallpiertc tho rowthe winde and Opener};

SH 23


th e rag ing Seas i bali o bey, and hear his feet and b o dy, as the m aiii e ila

ble and dryland . Be n o rmo ved fro m the fure fo undat io n o f yo ur faithF o r albe i t tha’

t Chrifi Jefus be abfent fro m yo u (as he was fro m hi s

difc iples in'

that great fto rme)by h is b o dily p refence, yet i s he prefen t byh is m ightypower and grace He fiandeth upo n them o untain in fecurityand reft 5that i s h is fleib and who le human i tyi s n ow in heaven, and c an

m um “

fuffer no fuch'

rro uble‘

as fo metime s he did : And yet he is fullo f p ity and

co mpaii i o n, and do rh co nfider all o ur travell,anguifh and labo urs -


fo re it is no r to be do ubted but that,

he w illfuddenlyappear to o ur greatco mfo rt . The tyrannyo f th i s wo rld canno t k eep back his c o m ing,m o re ~

then the blufi eringw inde and raging Seas lett Chrift to c o meto his d ifc iples , when they lo o ked fo r no th ing but prefent ideath . And therefo re yet

again 1 fay, belo ved in the Lo rd Let yo ur hearts attend to the pro m i fes

that G o d hath made unto true repentant huners and be fully perfwaded'

w ith a c o nfi ant faith That G o d is alwayes true and iui’r in h is perfo rm

ance o f h is pro mifes . Y o u have heard thefe dayes fpo k en o f veryplainly, when yo ur hearts co uld fear no danger becaufe yo u were n igh the

land , and the ito rm was [10 11 yet r i fen 5that is Y e were yo ung S cho lars

o f Chrii’t when no perfecutio n was felt o r feen But no w ye are c o me in

t o the m idft o f the Sea(fo r what part o f E ng land heard no t o f yo ur profefli o n f and thevehem ent fio rm whereo f we then almo

it in every Ex

G dh o rtat io n fpake o f

,i s now fuddenly rifen up . But what Hath G o d


ii, b ro ught yo u fo far fo rth ,that yo u fhallbo rh in fo uls and b o dies every o nep eo ple in to p


eriih f.’ Nay, mywho le truft in Go ds mercyand truth is to the c o ntrary.

'hcFo r G o d bro ugh t no r his peo ple into Egypt, and from thence tho row the

h amlet?”pg Red Sea to the intent they iho uld peri(h , but that he in them ih o uld ibewr i ih the re in. a mOftglo rio us deliverance Neither -

fem Chrift his Apo ii le s into the

middeft o fthe Sea, and fuffering th e ito rm to aifault them and their Sh ip ,t o the intent theyiho uld there peri(h, but becaufe hewo uld them o re have

h is great go o dneiie to wards them felt and perce ived in lo m ight ily deli .vertng them o ut o f the fear o f periih ing giving u s therebyan



that he wo uld do the li ke to us if we ab ide co n fiant in o ur pro feli i o nand faith w ith - draw ing o ur felves from fuperflitio n and ido latry. W e

gaveyo u warn ing o f thefe dayes lo ng ago Fo r the reverence o fChrif’tsBlo o d let thefe wo rds be no rcd 5 Thefirm s

‘Truth that fprthc hefor e of thefeMark there dolorooo: dayes , fore/paler? olfiathew orld/ hag 10] pr epar edfor [rich .a flrould con

WOd twee to theand. Th e tro uble is co me 5 O dear brethren lo o k fo r the c omfo rt

,and (after the example o f theApo flle ) abide in refilling th i s veho

ment flo rm a little fpace .

c hair“ me The th i rd W atch is nOt yet ended 5 remember thatChriflJefus camen o t to rimm no r to h is difeiples till it was the fo urth W atch and theywere th en in

no leife danger then yo u be no w 5 fo r their faith fainted , and thei r bo diesmL

were in danger . But Chrifl Jefas camewhen theylo o k ed no r fo r h im 5

and fo fh ailhe do to yo u if yo u W ill c o nt inue in the pro fefii o n that yo uh ave made. Th i s dare I be bo ld to prom ife, in the Name o f h im who li:E ternallVeri tyand glo rio us G o fpelye have heard and receivedzwho alfoputteth into my heart an earneft th irfi(G o d k no weth I lie n0 t)o fyo ur fol,vario n,and fome care alfo fo r yo ur bo dies ,wh ich now I willno tgxp

‘reife .


E xo d s , é , 8tc.

5Reg. 7 .

“ 333 63 7 0

The fldmOfl ithOfl (yr Jo hn Knox 3 }

The caufe hereo f is the dark igno rance'

o f G o d wh ich in every age

hace the beginn ing fo o verwhelmed the wo rld, that fo metimes G o d s yeryE leét were in li ke blin

denelfe and erro umvirlr the repro bate : A s Ahrahamwas an (Mafia was infirué

‘ted in all the .wayes o f the Egyp

tzaas Paula pro ud Pharifee, c o njured againfi Ch rilt .and _h is Do an ne

Andmany in th i s fame o ur age , when the Truth o f G o d was“

o ffered;urr

to them ,were fo re afraid, and c ryed againlt it o nelybec aufe the dark

clo uds o f igno rance had tro ubled them befo re. But th is matter I o m itand let paife, t illm o re o ppo rtun i ty.

The ch ief N o re that Iwo uld have yo u well o bferve and mark in th isprepo flero us , fear

o f the difc iples , is th isThemor e azgh


delz‘ver aat e aadfalfuatz'

en appr oacheth the mere [ hang and

vehement zit the temptatzazx of theChur ch of God. A nd,thefmp r e mgh that

G od; vengeance appreaeheth to the n ut /c

ed themore‘preael t r ite/1,and arrogant

are they. s

W hereby it c o mmo nlyco meth to palle That the veryme {fengers o f

life are judged and deemed to be the autho rs o f allmifehief a And th i s inm anyh ifto ries is


evident . W hen G o d‘had appo inted to deliver the af

fliéted Ifr aelztes by the band'

o i Mefet fro m th e tyranny o f the Egyptz’


andMafiawas fent to the prefence o f Pharaoh fo r the fame purpo fe fuch

was thei r afhré’tio n and anguilh by the c ruelty wh ich newlywas exercifedo ver them ,

that w ith o pen mo uthes they curfedMafia (and . no do ubt inthei r hearts they hated G o dwho fear h im ) alleadging That


Mofei andA aron was thewho le caufe o f their laf’cextreme tro uble .

.The li ke is to be feen in the Bo o k o f the K ings b o rh under E lzjhaand Ifaiah the Pro phets F o r in the dayes fo nne o f A chah,w as Samar ia befieged bythe K ing o f Syr ia In wh ich S amar ia no do ubt’

(albe it the K ing and the mo lt mult itude were wi ck ed ) there was yetfo mem embers o f Go ds E leét Church ,

wh ich were bro ugh t to fuch extreme fam ine, that nOt o nelyth ings o f: fmail price were fo ld beyo nd all,

m eafure but alfo wo men againftnaturewere co mpelled to eat their o wnch ildren In th i s fame C ity E lzlha the Pro phet mo lt c o mm o nly was

mo l‘t co nverfant and dwelt by who fe


co unfelland commandment no

d o ubt,the C itywas k ept { Fo r it appeareth , the K ing, to lay that to his

c harge , when he, hearing o f the p iteo us complaint o f thewoman who

fo r hunger had eaten her o wn (o n ) rent his clo thes,with a fo lemneOath

and vo w,That the head o f B iz/ha iho uld no t Rand upo n his (bo ulders that

day..IfE lzflmhad no r been o f co unfel,That the c ity iho uld have been k ept,W hy i ho uld the King havemo re fumed againfihim , then againfi o rhers a’.

Butwhether he was the auth o r o f the defending theCity o r no r allis

o ne to mypurpo fe 5 fo r befo re thedeliverance was the Church in fuchextrem ity, that the ch ief Palto r o f that t ime was fo ught to be k illed byfuch as ih o uld have defended him .

The like i s read .o f Hez ehzah wh o defending h is C ity gerafalem,

and refilling p ro ud S efmaeherzh no do ubt o beying the c o unfcll o fIfaz

ah, at length was fo o pprelfed with fo rrow and lhame,by the hlaf

phemo us wo rds o f Rah/haheh, th at he had n o o ther refuge bUt in the

Temple o f the Lo rd (as a man defperate andwitho ut comfo rt ) to o pen


to tbs Trofej firy of tbeTruth in. E ngland. 79

the difdainfullletters fent unto h im by that hautyand pro ud tyrant . AnhoBythefe and manyHifio ries mo , it is mo ft evident, that the m o re n igh W U

falvatio n and deliverance appro acheth,the mo re vehement is the temp Nd“ .

tio n and tro uble.

Th is Iwrit to admo niih yo u, that albeityet yo u fhallfee tr ibulat io n foabo und,that no th ing fhallappear but extreme miferywitho ut allho pe o f

comfo rt,that yet yo u decline mm from G o d. And that albeit fo mtimes

ye be moved to hate themeifengers o f life that therefo re ye fhall no rjudge that G o d w illnever ibewmercy after . No , deare Brethren as he

hath dealt w ith Others befo re yo u, fo will he dealwith yo u .

G o d willfufl'

er tribulatio n and do lo ur abo und,that no manner o f co m W hy c oarur

fo rt {hallbe feen inman ,to the intent,thatwhen deliverance c ommeth,the (“ eth tri bula

glo rymaybe h is , who fe o nelywo rdmay pac ific the tempefimo fi: vehe f if;ment.

He drowned Pbaraoband his Army. He {cattered the g reat multitude Exod. 1 4.

o f Bemdad . And byhis Angel k illed the ho fte o f Smmzcbar zb. And fodelivered h is afflictedwhen no th ing appeared to them but utter defiruéi io n . S o fhallhe do to yo u belo ved Brethi en , ifpatientlyye willabide h isc o nfo latio n and co unfell. G o d o pen yo ur eyes that ye may rightly na

derfiand the mean ing o fmywriting.Amen .

Bur yet peradventureyo u'

wo nder no r a li ttlewhyG o d permitteth fuchblo od thirfiytyrants to mo lefl and grieve his cho fen Church I haverec ited fome caufes befo re,and yetmo re I co uld rec ite, but at th i s time Iwillh o ldme co ntent w ith o ne.

.The juflice o fG o d is fuch , that he will no t po urc fo rth h is extremevengeance upo n the wick ed, unto f uch time as their iniquity be fo man ifefi

,that thei r veryflatterers canno t excufe iti Pbamobwas no r defiro yed

Ew k "

t illhis own ho ufho ld fervants and fubjeé‘ts abho rred and co ndemned his

fiubbo rn difo bedience.

ffcfaéeland Arbaliawere no r thruflfrom th i s life into death ,tillallIfraelgam


and Judawerewitnelfes o f their c rue tyand abo m inat io ns .

Tfmi'zza was no r

Md 1 43 ’

hanged t illthe Princes o f the Priefis barewitnclfe o f his Traitero ns Aétand iniquitie .

To paffe o ver theTyrants o f o ld time, whom Go d hath plao ued, let uscome to theTyrants

‘which now arewith in the Realm o fE ngland, whom


G o dwilln o r lo ng fpare IfS teven Gardener ,Cut/75€rtTan/Z4], andButcher GW W F‘WlyBonm r

,falfe Bit ps o fMacbefferp urefmg and o f L ondon,had fo r thei r $523

“ c

falfe Do étrine andTraitero us aéts fuffered death , when they jufblydefer ived the fame then wo uld arrant Papifis have alleadged(as I and O thershave heard them do ) that they were men refo rmable That they weremeet Infirument s fo r a Commo n - wealth ; That they were no r fo obfti E


hpgifc o f

mare andmalicio us as theywere judged, neither that they thirfied fo r the :yfiiiea

,2nd??bloo d o fanym And o f LadyW ary,who hath no r heard That ihe drMary


bcfo rc

was no r fo ber merc ifull and o ne that‘loved the Commo n - wealth o f


E nglandf.

’ Had ih e(I fay.

and fuch as now be o fher pefiilent Co uncell,been dead befo re thefe dayes , then iho uld no :their iniquityand cruelty fomanifefi lyhave a peared to thewo rld fo r who co uld have tho ught,thatfuch crueltyco ul h ave entred into the heart o fawoman a: and into the


AUHO heart o f her that is called aVirgine that {hewo uld th itfi fo r the blo o d o fmm cqnt s s and‘

bf fuch as (by juli Laws and faithfullwitneffes ) can neverbe p ro ved to have o ffended by themfelves .I finde

, that A tbalia thro ugh appetite to Reign murthered ther

Sced o fthe K ings o f

f ruit /9, and that Herodw daughter (at the defire o fawho rifhMo ther o b tained the head o f5505”the Baptifi but yet that ever a wom an firifered her felf to be c alled themo ltbleifed V irgin, caufed fo muchblo o d to be fpilt fo r ef

’tablifhing o f the ufurped Autho ritie o f the Pope I

th ink the lik e is rare to be fo und in Sc rip ture o r o therHifio ry.

I fiade that Steu bel (that curfed Ido latreife ) caufed the blo o d of theP ro phets o fG o d to be ibed and Nabotb to bemurthered unjuftlyfo r hiso wn V ineyard butyet I think lh e never ereéted halfc fo many Gallowsin allIfmel,as mifchievo us Maryhath do ne wi th in L ondon alo ne : But yo uPap ili s willexcufe yo ur ti l/tary theVirgine W ell, let her be yo urVirg ine, and aG o ddelfe meet to entertain fuch Ido laters yet {hall I righ tlylay to her charge,thatwhich Ithink no Papillwithin E ng landwilljufiifien o r defend And therefo re O yePapifls )here Iwilla little turn myPen

A “myPi. unto yo u. Anfwer unto th is (mefiio n, O ye Seed o fthe Ser pent,W o uldem o rMary anyo fyo uhave co nfefl


ed two years ago thatMary your mirro ur ) had{

iii$355n been falfe, difl'

embling, unco nflant, pro ud, and a break er o fpromifes extC C

cept fuch promifes as ihemade to yo ur go d the Pope to the great ihame

and diih o no ur o fher no ble Father I am fure yo u wo uld hardlyhave

tho ught it o fher .And now,do rh ihe no tmanifefily ihew her felf to be an

o penTraito refi'

e to the ImperiallCrown o fE ngland ,co ntrary to the infl

Laws o f the Realme to bring in a firanger, and make a pro ud SpanyardK ing to the {h ame diiho no ur and deftruétio n o ftheNo bilitie , to the

fpo ile o f the irHo no urs , Lands ,Po ifefli o ns , ch iefOffices and promo tio nso fthem and theirs To the utter decayo f theTreafures , Co mmo dit ies ,Navie and Fo rtificatio ns o fthe Realm, to the abafing o f the Y eomandry,

mmK ing fbpall to the {laveryo f the Co mmo nalty, t9 the overthrow o fChrifiianitya nd

b weto the G o ds trueReligio n, andfinally to theutter fubverfio n o fo the who le pub~E”? like cfiate and Commo n - wealth o f E ng land e LetNorfolk and Suf olkedet

her own Pro mife and Pro c lamatio n let her fathers Teftament let the

Citie o f L ondon, let the anc ient Lavi s andAé’cs o fParliaments befo re citablifhed in E ngland, be judges betwixt mine accufatio n and her molt tyranno us in iqu ity.

Firfi,her Promifi:and Pro clamatio n didfignific and declare, That nei

ther ihewo uld bring in neither yet Marryanyfiranger ; Nortbfolk, Sufand the C irie o f L ondon do tefiifieand witneffe the fame. The anci

ent Laws and A61 5o f Parliament pro no unceth itTreafo n to trans ferre

the Crown o fE ngland into the hands o f a fo rraigne Natio n 5 and theOath made to o bferve the faid S tatutes cryeth o ut That all they are

perjured that co nfent to that her traitero ns faét.Speak now O ye Pap ifis and defend yo urmo ufiro usMafiers ,and de

ny, ifye can fo r ih ame, that {he hath no r uttered her felt“

to be bo rne alas

therefo re ) to them ine and defiruétio n o fno ble E ngland f.’ Ohwho wo uld

ever have beleeved I w rite now in bitterneffe o fheart that fuch unnaturallcrueltie ih o uldhave had dominio n over any reafo nable creature r But


The Bo o k o f’

t rue Obed ience

The d dmonition of John Knoxn o urilhed thee f.’ that E ng land hath p ro mo ted thee to riches

,ho no ur add

h igh dignitie Andwilt th o u no w Qwretched Cap tive fo r all thefeman i fo ld benefits received

,be the caufe that E ngland (hallno rbe E ngland?

Y eaver ily fo r fo w ilt tho u gratifie thyFather the Dcvill,and h is L ieu

tenant the Po pe, whom w i th allhis baggage , tho u labo urell no w (witht0 0 th and naile to mak e flo rifh again in E ng land, albeit li k e a diffemblingHypo c rite, and do uble fac ed wretch,tho u being thereto co mpelled by thei nvinc ibleverityo fG o d s Ho lyW o rd wro rel

’t(lo ng a go ) thybo o k ih

t i tuled True Obedzenre; againll thatMo nfiro us W ho re o fBabylon , and herb a tma n “ , falfly ufurped po wer and autho ri ty : bu t no w (


to thy pepetuall fhame)andin E nglifh , tho u returnell to thyVo m i t and art bec o me an o pen Arch - Papal aga

infh all remain t o

thy pe rpetuall

fhame anti com

Furtherm o re , whyfeek edi’t tho u the blo o d o f “Ibo/nae Cranmer o f go o d

fatherHagb L atz'

mer,and o f that m o d learned and difcreet man Do cto r

defamat io n Of d leyr” Do efl tho u no r co nfider, that the len itic , fmcere Do c‘trine

, purethycanltered

Co nference.

Apo calip . r 3.

life, go dly co nverfatio n and d ifc reet c o unfello f thefe three


is no tablyk nown in mo re Realm s then E ng land t

’ Art tho u no t afhamed to feck thedeflrué

tio n o f tho fe wh o lab o ured fo r the fafeguard o f thylife, and o hrained the fame when tho u juillydeferve

‘dfldeath 6 But 0 tho u fo nne o f

E ff/lab, welldeclarel

’t th o u

,that no th ing can m o llifie the c ruellmalice

,no r

purge the deadlyvenome o f him ,in who fe heartwic kednefl


e beareth thedom in io n tho u are li ke to Cam , and fellow to

f ad/a the Traito ur, and

therefo re a nd tho u do no th ing but th i rit fo r the blo o d o f u i bel, and betrayChrili Jefus and his eternallver i tyThus dear b reth ren ) mull the fo ns o f theDevilldeclare their own im

pietie and ungo dlineffeaharwhen G o ds vengeance (wh ich fhallno r fleep)fhallbe po ured fo rth upo n them,

allTo ngues iballco nfeife, ack nowledgeand fay,That G o d is righ teo us in allh is judgements And to th i s end arecruellTyran ts perm itted and fuifered fo r a fpace and tim e no t o nely to

live in wealth and pro fperity, bur alfo to prevaile and o btain viélo ry as

to uch ing the fielh , o ver the verySaint s o f G o d, and o ver fuch as enterp rifeth {o refill their furyat G o d s co mmandment . But now to the fubfequent

,and that wh ich‘fo lloweth .

The Infirument andmeans wherewith Chrifllefus ufed to remove andput away the h o rrible fear and anguiih o fh is D ifciples , is h is o nelywo rd;fo r fo it is wri tten

,But byandbyf efw fpa/re ante tbem, faying , Be ofg ood com

finr, it be not afrazd. The naturall man (that canno t underi‘tand thep ower o fG o d wo uld have defired fome Other prefent c omfo rt in fogreat a danger as

, E ither to have had the heavens to have o pened, and tohave {hewed unto them fuch ligh t in that dark neffe that Chrill: m ighthave been fullyk n own byh is o wn face 3 o r elfe That the W inds and tag ing W aves o fthe Seas f udden

ly ih o uld have ceafed o r fo me OtherMi.racle that had beenfubjeét to allthei r fences , whereby they m ight haveperfealy known that theyw ere delivered from all danger . And truely,equallit had been to Chrifl Jef us to have do ne any o fthefe (o r anywo rkgreater ) as to have faid, It a I, benot afraid But willing to teach us thedignitie and effeétuallp ower o fhis mo ltHo ly W o rd he ufeth n o OtherInflrument to pac ific the great and h o rrible fear o f his Difc iples but thefame h is co mfo rtableW o rd and livelyVo ice ; and th is i s n o r do ne

o nely

to tbeTrafeflbrr (f t/Jr:Trntb in E ngland.

o nely at o ne time ,but whenfo ever h is Church is in fuch firaight per Anno

p lexity that no th ing appeareth but extreme c alam ity defo latio n and

ruine then the firll comfo rt that ever it receiveth is'

by themeanes o f Note.

his W o rd and Pro m ife As ia the tro ubles and temptations o f Abrabam,

Ifaac, f acob, Mofer,Dafuzd and Paul may appear.

To Abra/7am was given no O ther defence, after that he had diicomfited Abra/74m.

fo ur K ings (who re po fierity and lmage no do ubt, he, be ing afiranger ,

g reatly feared)but o nely th i s promile o f G o d made to h im by his ho lyW o rd F eare not u lbrabam I am tbyRetai ler s that is , Thyp ro tet‘l io n Gm ”

and defence .

The famewe fiude o f Ifizac,who flying fro m the place o f h is at euilom mm” 5

ed habitatio n, co mpelledg

the teto by hunger gat no o ther c omfo rt no r

co ndua , but th is p romife o nely, I n ullbe rzzzb tbce.In allthe jo urneyes and temp tatio ns o f

f aeobahe fame is to be efpied ; fifaeob.

As when he fled from his fathers h o ufe , fo r fear o f h is bro ther Efizn, Gem ?

when he returned from Laban ; And when he feared the inhabitants o f 3 5

the Reg io n o f the Canaanites and Perefires , fo r the (laughter o f the S tobemire: committed by his fo ns 5 he rece iveth no ne ether defence, but o nelyG o ds W o rd and Promife .

And th i s inMofer, and in the afflia ed Church under him is mo ltevi

dent : Fo rwhenMafia himfelf was in fuch defpair that he was h o ld to E xo d g.

c hide with G o d,faying , Wbybaff tbonfent me i

’ for fince tbat time I ban ecome to Pharao h, ”fpeakm tbyName, bebatb opprefled tba people Neitber yet

bnflrban delivered tby people.Th i s fame expo fiulatio n o fMafia, declareth how fo re hewas tempt

ed 5yea, and what Opinio n‘

he had co nce ived o f G o d, that is , That G o dwas either impo tent, and co uld no t deliver his peo ple from fuch a tyrants hands o r elfe That he was mutable, and unjui

’t o f h is p rom i

fes . And‘

this fame, and fo rer temp tatio ns affaulted the peo ple Fo r


anguifh o f heart , they bo th refufed G o d and Mofl'

s (as we befo rehave partly to uched . And what meanes ufed Go d to comfo rt them

in that great extremity t’ Did he firaightway fudden]y k ill Pbaraab,

the great Tyrant No . Did he fend them a legio n o f Angels to defend and deliver them t’ No fuch th ing But he o nely reciteth and beat~eth into the ir ears his fo rmer p romifes to them, wh ich o ftentimes theyhad befo re a And yet the rehearfall o f


the fame wro ught 'fo m ightily in

the heart o f Mafia that no t o nely was bitterneife and defpair remo ved

away, butalfo he was enflamedwith fuch bo ldnefl'

e, thatwitho ut fear hewent again to the p refence o f the K ing, after he had been threatned andrepulfed by him .

Th is I wr ite beloved in the Lo rd, that ye k nowing theW o rd o fG o d no t o nely to be that, wherebywere created heaven and earth , but fiffi; r

alfo to be the power o f G o d to falvatio n, to allthat believe 5the brightlantern to the feet o f tho fe that bynature walk in darkneife the life totho fe that by Go ne are dead 3 a c o mfo rt to fuch as be in tt ibulatio n

the to wer o f defence to fuch as be mo lt feeble ; the wi fedo m and great

felic ity o f fach as delighteth in the fame ; and to be f ho rt, Y o u k no wGo ds W o rd to be o f futh efficacy and firength that thereby is {in

Tt t z put:


L uk e 24 ,


The fidmonition of John-"Kno x


purged , death vanquiih ed tyrants fupprefled, and finaUy the devillthe auth o r o f allmifchief, o verthrown and co nfo unded . Th is (I lay)I wr ite, thatye, kno wing this o f the ho lyW o rd and mo ltblefied Go

fpel and voyce of G o d wh ich o nce yo u have heard , I truft to yo ur

c omfo rt mayno w in this ho ur of darknelTe , andmo lt raging tempefi,

th i rit and p ray, That ye may hear yet o nce again th is amiable vo yce o f

yo ur Savio ur Chrifi , Be ef geodwmfirt, zt es 1, fear not. And alfo that

ye may rece ive fome co nfo lario n by that blefled Go fpelwhic h befo reyo u have pro feffed, afiuredlyknowing , That G o d (h allbe no leffe mer

c ifullunto yo u then he hath been to o ther afflicted fo r his Names fakebefo re yo u. And albe it that G o d fpeedily removeth no t th is ho rribledark nefle , ne i ther fuddenlypac ifieth th is tempefi,yet ih s llhe me t futferh is to iled S h ip to be drowned .

Remember, brethren Th at Go ds vengeance plagued no t Pbamob .

the El it yeer o f h is tyranny Ne ithe r did the do gges devo ur and c o nfume bo th the fle ih and bo nes o f wicked f ez aéel, when (he firfi ereét

c d and fet up her Ido latry And ye t a s no ne o f them efcaped due pu

niihment fo did G o d preferve h is aflliéted C h urch in defpight o f Sal

than and o f h is blinde andmo lt wre tched fervants as he (h allno t failto do in th is great tempe ft and dark nefle w ith in the Realme o f E ngland.And therefo re yet again, beloved in the Lo rd, let the c o m fo rt o f G o dsp romife s fo mewhat quicken yo ur

' dulled fp in ts CXCLl C yo ur felves

no w fec retly, in revo lving that wh ich Tomet imes yo u h ave heard o penlyp ro claimed in yo ur ears and be every man now a fai th fullPreacher nuto h is bro ther If yo ur co mmunicatio n be o f Ch rilt, affuredly he willc ome befo re yo u be aware : HlS W o rd is like unto fweet Imelling Oynt

ment , o r frag rant flo wers ,”

wh ich never can be m oved no r handled but

fo rt‘h go eth the o do ur, to the c omfo rt o f tho fe that fiand by s wh ich is

no th ing fo deleétable, if the Oyntment remain with in the Bo x, and'


flo wers {land o r lie w itho ut to uc hing o r mo t io n.

Mark well,dearbreth ren,befo re that Chrifi fpake ,his difciples judgedh im to have been fo me w ick ed fp irit which '

w as to them no deleé‘table

favour ; But when he fpe'

aketh the fweer fo und o f h is vo yce p ierceththe ir hearts ; Fo rwhat comfo rtwas in the hearts o f the difc iples , whenthey heard thefe wo rds , Beof good comfort, z: 13 I .

9 that idge no t that

I am a fpirit c ome to yo ur defiruaio n s no , even I am come fo ryo ur deliverance It is I yo urMafier , yea yo urMailermo fi familiar It is I,who feVo yce andDo étrine yo u kno w fo r ye are my lheep It is I‘,wh o fe wo rk s yo uhave feen ,

altho ugh perfealy ye co nfidered no t theaim. lame It is I ,who commanded yo u to enter into th i s jo urney,and there

fo re am I c ome to yo u no w in the ho ur o f yo ur tro uble and therefo re,be frat nf mzd, th is fio rm fhallceafe

,andyo u fhallbe delivered .

W hat c omfo rt,I lay, dear brethren was in the hearts o f the dila

ples , hear ing Chrifis voyce and kno wing him by the fame, can nei therthe to ngue o r pen o f man e xpreife but o nely fuch, as after lo ng co n

fliét and firife (wh ich is betw ixt the Flelh and the Sp irit in the timeo f extreme tro ubles ,when Chriit appeareth to be ab fent) feeleth at h itthe confo lation o f the ho ly Gho ft witnelfe and declare .

Co d (i mwtimc

The fldm'


on Of John Knox,

heaven o r beneath in the deep 5But fuch was the deadlydc fpair o f him ,

th at alwayes had defpifed G o ds Pro phet s , and had mo Pt abo m inablydefiled h imfelf w ith Ido latry that no c o nfo latio n co uld enter into hish eart,but defperately,andw ith a diITembling and fained excufe,he refufedall the o ffers o f G o d.

And albeit G o d kept to uch with that hypo c rite fo r that t ime wh ichm- W e‘h mm / was no r do ne fo r h is caufe but fo r the fafetyo f his aflliéted Church)yet


to an hypo t n r,lo t the caufe o r

h i s Church

J rcm 3 71 3 8‘

after efc aped he nOt the vengeance o f G o d .

The lik ewe reade o f Z edekiah the wretched and lall K ing o f fifhdzzh,befo re the delirucftio n o f the C ity o f

f emfalem , who in h is great fear,and extreme anguifh , fea t fo r {Per emmh the Pro phet, and fec retlydemanded o f h im Ho w h e m ight efcape thegreat danger that appeared, whenthe Caldean s befieged the C ity. And the Pro phet bo ldly fpak e and commanded the K ing, if he wo uld fave h is life and the C ity to render and

g ive up him felf into the hands o f the K ing o f Babylon. But them iferable

K ing had n o grace to fo llo w the Pro phets co unfell becaufe'

he never

delighted in the faid Pro phets Do arine , neither yet had {hewed unto

h im any friendly favo ur 5 But even as the enemies o f Go d the chiefe

Priefis and fall‘e Pro phets required o f the K ing , fo was the go o d Pro phet

evillyuled {ometim es call into prifo n , and fo metimes judged and co n

demmed to die . The mo lt evident tefiim o ny o f the wilfullblind ing o fwick ed Ido laters ,

i s written and recited in the fame Pro phet f eremmh,as fo lloweth .

After that the C ity -

o f f emfizlem was burnt and defiro yed, the K ingled awayprifo ner,

’h is fo n s and ch ief N o bles flain, and the who le ven~

geance o f G o d po ured o ut upo n the difo bedient 5 yet there was left a

remna nt inthe Land to mak e ulé o f and po lfelfe the fame, who called

upo n the Pro phet 9°

remzah to kno w c o ncern ing them the willand pleafare o f Go d,W heth r they(ho uld remain h illin the Land o f y

adea , as

was appo inted and perm itted by the Celdeam , O r if they(ho uld depart

and Hit: into E gypt To certifie them o f th i s thei r duty theydefire the

P ro phet to prayunto G o d fo r them 1 W ho co ndefcending and grant ingtheir Peti tio n p rom ifed to k eep back no th ing from them

,wh ich the

Lo rd G o d (ho uld o pen unto h im . And theyin like manner tak ing G o dto rec o rd and witneiTe , made a fo lemnVow To o bey whatfo ever t heL o rd ih o uld anfwer unto him . BUt when the Pro phet by the infpira

t io n o f the Sp i ri t o f G o d and al’fured revelatio n and kno wledge o f his

W ill,c o mmanded them to remain h ill in the Land that theywere in ,prom ifing them ,

if they (0 wo uld do , That G o d wo uld there plant them ;

and that he wo uld repent o f allthe plague s that he had bro ught ‘upo n

th em and that he wo uld be w ith them to deliver them fro m thehands o f the K ing o f Kathy/on . Bur co ntrariwife if they wo uld no t

o bey the vo yce o r the Lo rd butwo uld againft his Co mmandmentgoto Egypt , th ink ing that there they i ho uld live in reft and abo undauce w itho ut any fear o f W arre

,and penury o f viétuall then the

very plagues wh ich they feared i hould come Upo n them and tak e

them : F o r (fa ith the Pro phet it fhall come to paii'

e,That allmen that

o b(linatelywillgo to Egypt, there to remain , fhalldie e i ther byfwo rtd,la y

gto the 7’

rofej firt of theTruth tn E ngland.

byhunger o r pel‘tilence : But when the Pro phet o fG o

‘d had declared un Afl l

lOto them th i s plain fentence and will o fG o d I prayyo u what was theiranfwer a’ The text declared it laying Thonfpeahq/l a lze, nezther hath the

L ord oar God(ent thee anto d e, eommandzng that we[boald notg o znto Egpp t, hut Jc rcm.45.

Baruch thefinne ofNeriahpraw heth ,thee again/lm that hemayg ive an znto

thepower of the Caldeet ,that theyntzght hellth ,and leadm p rI/onerr zntoBahylon :And thus they refufed the co unfell o f G o d and fo llowed their o wnefanta fies .

Here maybe efpied in th i s peo ple great o bftinac ie and blindneffef o r no Great 51m m

th ing'

which the Lo rd had befo re fpo k en byth is Pro phet ffererny, had fal

len in vain 5Their own eyes had feen the plagues and miferies wh ich heehad threatned, tak e effed‘l: in every po int , as he had fpo k en befo re 5 yea ,theywere yet green and frefh bo rh in m inde and prefence (fo r the flame

and firewherewith §5ernfalem was co nfumed and burnt, was then fc antlyquenched ) and yet co uld theyno r beleeve h is th reatnings then fpo ken,neitheryet c o uld they fo llow his fruitfullco unfell, g iven fo r thei r g reatwealth and fafeguard. Andwhy(0 Becaufe they never delighted inG o ds Truth , neither had they repented their fo rmer Ido latry but {till

JG,co nt inued and rejoyced in the fame


as manifeltly appeareth in the fo ur A s id'

p ins

and fo rtieth Chapter o fthe fame Pro phet 5and therefo re wo uld theyand W ‘Mh at“:

thei r wives have been in Egypt where allk inde o f Ido latryand Superfiit io n abo unded that they(wi tho ut repro ach o r rebuke)m ight have thei rBellyes fullthereo f in defpight o fG o ds h o lyLawes and Pro phets . In

w rit ing hereo f it c ame to mym inde, that after the death o fthat inno centand m

ofi go dly K ing E dward thefixr,wh ile that great tumultwas in E ng W hat was faid

land, fo r the ellablilhing o f that mo lt unhappy and w ick ed woman s Au whfm


m fi’


th o rity (I mean o fMarythat no w reigneth in G o ds wrath) entreating the was fr

dr filte


fame argument in aTown in Bate/ezngam Sh ire, named Hammer/ham,befo re “ filling o f ?“

a great co ngregatio n , w ith fo rro wfullheart andweep ing eyes I fell into 0th is exclamat i o n 5


0 E ngland, no w is Go ds wrath k indled againftthee h ow hath he be

gun to’

punifh as he hath th reatned a lo ngwhile k byh is true Pro phets andMefibngers he hath tak en fro m thee the Cro wn o f thy glo ry and hathleft thee w itho ut h o no ur as a bo dywith o ut a head And thi s appearethto be o nely the beginn ing o f fo rrows , wh ich appeareth to increafe 5 fo r Iperceive that the heart the to ngue and hand o f o ne E ngli/hman is bentagainfiano ther

,and devifio n to be in thewh o le Realm wh ich is an alfa

red figue o fdelo latio n to come . 0 E ngland, E ngland, do ell tm% t

eo nfider that theC ommo n - wealth is like a Ship fai ling o n the Sea, i f thyMarriners and Governo urs iballo ne co nfume ano ther {halt tho u no r fuf xiii



fer ih ipwrack in ih o rt pro celle o f t ime 0 E ng land,E ng land, alaffe)the(e faylmg c a rp; Q

plagues are powred upo n thee, fo r that th o uwo uldeft no r know themolt 5“

happyt ime o f thy gentleVifitatio n : Butwilt tho u yet o bey the voyceo f thyG o d , and fubmit thyfelfto h is ho lywo rd s

'3 Truly if th o u W ilttho u {halt findemerc ie in h is fight, and the re o f thyCommo n - wealthfhallbe preferved .

But, 0 E ngland, E ngland, iftho u o bflinatelyw ilt return into Egypt,that

i s,If tho u co ntraélMariage,Co nfederacie, o r League with fuch Princes ,


A Commo n .

The ddmonition (f johnKnoxas do maintain and advance Ido latry (fuch as the E mper onr , Who i s no

leffe enemyunto Chrifl then everwas Nero5)if fo r the pleafure and friend~{hip I fay o f fuch Pr inces tho u return

‘eft to th ine o ld abom inat io ns , be

fo re ufed under the Papifirie, then afl'

uredly 0 E ngland ) tho u ih alt be

plagued and bro ught to defo latio n by themeans o f th o fe who fe favo urs

tho u feekelt and bywhom tho u art p ro cured to fallfrom Chrift,and toferve Ant ichrifi.

Th i s and much mo re in the do lo ur o fmyheart,th’

at day,in the audienceo f fach as yet mayhear rec o rd (thro ugh Go ds permifli o n I then prono unced : The thing that I then m o lt feared

,and wh ich alfo myTo ngue

fpake (that is The fubverfio n o f the true Religio n and b ringing in o f

S trangers to reign o ver that Realm ) th is day I fee co me to paffe in mensc o uncels and determ inat io ns 5wh ich if they pro ceed and tak e effeé


t,as by

men it is co ncluded, then fo affuredly as myG o d liveth and as tho fe If

raelites that o bflinately returned into E gypt againe were plagued to the

death fo fh allE ng land taflewhat the Lo rd hath threatp ed by h is [


phets befo re . G o d grant us t rue and unfained repentance o f o ur fo rmero ffences . G o d fo r h is g reatmerc ies fak e (litre up fome Phinies , E liae, o r'

Tf ehn

,that the blo o d o f abom inable Ido laters may pac ific Go ds wrath ,

that it c o nfume(10 1:thewho le multitude. Amen._

E nemies rg ine But to returne to o urmatter 5o f thepremiffes it is plain That fuch as




co ntemne G o ds eternallverityand grace, can neither in their tro ubles teGo ds Me i

fen ceive comfo rtbyGo dsMeffengers , neither yet can theyfo llow the co un

em fello fG o d,be it never fo profitable ,butG o d giveth them over

,and fuf


c go dlyfe


reth them to wander in their owneVanities to their o wne perditio n 5and cho ren of whereas co ntrarywife fuch as beareth a reverence to G o ds mo ltHo lyGod W o rd

,are drawn by the power and vertue o f the fame (as befo re is

faid to beleeve fo llow and o beythat which G o d c o mmandeth be it

never(0 hard, fo unap'

parent o r co ntrary to their affeetio n s : And there3‘fo re as G o d alwayes k eepeth appo intment w ith them fo are theywo n

dero ufl preferved, when G o ds vengeances are powred fo rth upo n the

Gm ” ,difo be ient . And thi s is mo ff evident in Abraham at Go ds co mmandment, leaving his Co untrey, and go ing fo rth he k new nOtwh ithergwh ieh

was a th ing nOt fo cafie to be do ne as it is to be fpo ken o r read. It appeareth alfo in Ahraham, beleeving Go ds promifes , againfiallappearance,and alfo in o ffe ring his fo n Ifaae againfi all fatherly lo ve and naturall

afigétio n . The fame is faid in Mofiet , S amuel,HeZ p/ez’

ah W iehaiah and

o ther o fthe Pro phets ,which at the commandment o f G o ds W o rd,bo ld


red to the prefence o fTyrants and there to them did their mefi'

age,as chargewas given unto them .

But left that fo me iho uld alledge that thefe examples appertaineth noth ing to amultitude, becaufe theywere do ne in {i ngular men I anfwer,W e willco nfiderwhat the power o fGo ds W o rd hath wro ugh t in m

at o ne inflance . After that the Ifraelites hadmade the go lden Calfefo fallen to Ido latry 5 W afer co m ing down from them o untain,~andho lding their abo minat io ns (the ho no ur that theygave to an Ido l)and thepeo ple fpo iled o f their ear - rings and

jewels to their great rebuke andfliame

,was enflamed wi th fuch zeal, indignatio n and

gvrath that fir




Jerem ga.

Maul) . u .

againfl naturall alfeétio n s and againfi evil S tatutes and Co nfiitutio ns ;as alfo That fuch as o bey G o d s fpeak ing by h is Minifi er s , never lacketh j ul’i reward and reco mpence F o r o nelyfuch as o beyed the vo yce

o f the Pro phet , fo und favo ur and grace, to the p raife and glo ry o f G o dsN ame, when h is jufl j udgement s to o k vengeance upo n the di fo bedient .

B at n o w b rieflybyN o res we will to uch the ref} o f Peter: a& ,and Chrifts

m erc ifull deliverance o f him 5 wh ich is the end o f alltro ubles fuflained

by Go ds E leét.And firfl, That Peter feeing a m ightyw inde , was afraid, and fo


h e began to fink , he c ryed, L ardfavemu , are th ree th ings principally tobe.n 0 ted

The Brit, F r om whence cometh thefearqf God5 E let’

i .

The fec o nd W hat is the carafe that th eyfaint aadfallin aa'verfity.

The th ird W hat refieth‘wzth them i n the t1me of that fear and downs

flak i ng .

And firfi,it is plain,That lo ng as Peter had h is eyes fixed upo n Ch riii ,

and attended upo n no Other th ing but the vo yce o f Chriii he was bo ldand w itho ut fear Emwhenrhe faw a migh tyw inde (ne t that the w indewas vifible but the vehement flo rm and waves of the Sea that were

fiirred up and carried by the w i’

ndé were few ) then b egan he to fear,and to realo n; no do ub t ) in h is heart , that better it had been


fo r h im to

have remained '

in h is Sh ip , fo r fo rn ight Ch rifi have co me to h im :But

now the fio rm and rage o f winde was (9 vehemen t that he c o uld never'

c ome to Chrifi , and {0 he greatlyfeared . W hereof it is plain, =That the‘

o nely caufe o f o ur fear that'

have left o ur Sh ip ,and th o row the Ho rms

of the Seawould go to Chrifiwith filter , .is,That we m o re c onfider the .

dangers and letts that are inwo ur jo urt‘ley, then _

wédo the Alm ightypower“

o f.h im that hath commanded us to c o me to himfelf.

'Anfdt hi s i s a finne

co mm o n to all the eleé’t and ch o fen ch ildren‘o f G o d

,That whenfo evet‘.

they fee a vehement tro uble appearing to lett them and drive them bac k '

fro m the o bedience o f G o d,‘

then begintheyto fear and to doubt o fGo dsp o Wer and goo d will.anW ith th i s .fear was A hraham firick en when he ' deni ed h is wifeTh i s fio rme faw Mofer when h e refufed to be

G o ds Meii'

en ger . And

Hez ek i ah; fo re co mplaint declareth That m o re he believed;£ o nfidered,and lo o ked upo n th e p ro ud vo yces , and great power o f S ea

‘aatherzh then

he‘did the promifes o f the Pro phet .Th i s I nOte fo r th i s purpo fe Thai:albei t th i s late and in ofi ‘

ragingif’to rm with in

the,Realme o f E ngland have tak en fro m yo u the prefedce

o f Ch r ift fo r a time fo that yo u have do ub ted whether it was Chr iibwhich yo u And albeit that thevehemency o f th i s co nt rary winde that wo uld drive yo u fro m Ch rif’t ’have

fo employed yo urc ars , that alm o it yo u have fo rgo tten what he was who ic ommanded


you to c ome to hi‘

mfelf , .when thath e cryed, Comeuntome allye that [away{I}?

to thepmfegfoht of theTruth in E ngland .

and arehitr theh eel, and I/hallrefr ejhyew. Fag? from B ahyloh , 0 mypeople, év‘

c ,

Albeit I fay) that th i s ragi ng tempeft have {trick en fuch tear in yo urheart

,that alm o fiallis fo rgo tten , yet dear brethren ) defpair h o r,f uch A M ,3

o ffences have chanced to Go ds E leé‘t befo re yo u . If o bfi inately ye iballP

Not}.nOt c o ntinue, yet {ballyo u finde mercy and grace . It had been yo ur dutyindeed ,and ag reeable to your pro fejh o n, to have lo o k ed to Chu ll alo ne


and to have co ntemned all imped iments ; but fuch perfeétio n i s no r alwaywith man

,but happy is he that feeleth h im felf to li nk .

.f The caufe that G o dt eleétbeginto fain t and to li nk do wn in the t ime o fgreat adverfi


tie,is fear


and unbelief ,’

as in Peter do th appear; fo r (0 lo ngas he nei ther feared danger nei ther miflrufied Ch rifis wo rd fo lo ng a s

thewaves (abo ve, and cantary tO their nature ) did o bey and ferve h is


,as theyhad been the drie fo lid and fure gro und Buefo fo o n a s he “


53 “

began to defpair and fear fo fo o n’ began he to fink : To infiruét us

,Th atmi c" mm

lively faith maketh man bo ld, and is able to carryus tho ro w fuch perils ,i s be uncapable to nature 3 But when faith beginneth to faint , then begin,neth man to fink do wn in everydanger , as in the Hiii o rie s befo re te

h earfed it mayappear , and in the Pro phets it is p‘ai n ; fo r E lma at

G o ds Co mmandment paii ing to the prefence o f K ing u j hah in the

fervency o f his fai th ,

~ o bta ined th e fire to come fro m heaven and to

c o nfume his Sacr i fice bywh ich alfo he was made fo bo ld that in the

p refénce o f the K ing he feared riOth ing to k illh is falfe Pro phets . But the

fame E liaah earing o f the managing and th reatnings'

o f curfed f ez ahel, 3-c 15’

and co nfidering that thewrath o f aw ick edwo man c o uld by no reafo naThe m m

blemeans h e appeafed he faw a fio rme , and feared the fame and fo he a d i n : art:

p repared to fiie , wh ich he dOth no r with o ut fo me {i nk ing do wn fo r he Purl

c with 0 0 3

began to reafo n an’

d d i fpute with G o d wh ich never can be do ne b y thew"mu‘fin’

Creature,witho ut fo o lilh nelfe and o ffence. The famewe finde in steremy,a nd manymo re.

But the (Luefi io n maybe as ked ,S eeing Chr i/i [mew heforewhat jhottld

pen to Peter,ivhydza

’he not hinder him from com ingfr om hi: B oat or elfe,

dza’he not/b confirm him trtfazth, that he[hauld not havedoahted .


To the wh ich may be anfwered , Albeit that we c o uld render no rea Anfnr.fo n o f th i s wo rk o fChriil, yet were the wo rk it felf a fufftcient reafo n5andit were eno ugh to anfwer,That fo it pleafed him ,

wh o i s ne t bo und to tender a reafo n o f allhis wo rk s But yet ifwe fhallmark e with deligence towhat Office Peter was to be called and what o ffences lo ng reli ed with i




h im ,we ibali fiudemo ltjufi and neceffary caufes o f th i s wo rk'

o fChrifi,

and down li nk ing o fPeter . It is plain that Peter h admanyno table vertues , fo r'as a z ealand fervencytowards Clarifi s glo ry and a readinefi


e and fo r Peters vcrmc t

wardnei’fe to o beyh is co mmandment s ; but it is lik e plain That o f lo ng


Thc o ntinuance there relied w ith Peter 3 defi re o f ho no r and wo rldly tell(and 10aléit





that moved h im to perfwade Chrifi that he ihould no r die. There refied W i th Pete'

w ith h im p ride, p refumptio n and a truli in him felf , wh ich prefumpt io n and vain t ruft in h is o wn fi rength unleffe it had been co rrected he

had never been fit to have fedChri its flo ck And fuch finnes can never be

fullyco rreétcd o r refo rmed ,tilltheybe felt,k no wn ,and co nfeffed .Do ubt

leife fo arro gant is o ur nature that neither will it k now nOt co nfe iie the

Vu u z infirm i ty


A nno

Martin i }.


wa s fulfc rctlto

(i nk .

Thefldrrtonitionflf Joh irKnox:


n itie o f it felf,'

unt illfach time as it hath a‘

triall byi


manifelt exp‘



ce 3 Th i s is m o lt plaih byPeter ,lo ng after th i s tempefi,fo r_when Gh riftfaid to h is D iféiples , Theirmght[hag ye allheflande

‘red in th e .

Peter bo ldlyb ragged and faid A lhezt that all/horde!heflam


,and/houldflzefr om thee,

yeeflzallnot I heflandered brrr f em ready tog atoprefer) aha’to a

’zem th thee ) .

Th is was a [fo ld prefiimptio n ,and an arro gant pro m ife fpo k en in co ntempto fallhis Brethren, from wh ich he c o uld n0 t be reduced byChrifts ad.

mo n itio n, but the m o re that Ch i ili lhewed h im,that lie ih o uld denyh im,

themo re b o l’

d was he to affirm the c o ntrary as tho ugh his“

MatterChrift(the Autho r o fallTrueth , yea rather trueth it felf (ho uldmak

e a loud

h e 5 and therefo re o f necefli tie it was that he iho uld pro ve in experiencewhatwas the frailtie o fmans nature and what was the imbecillity and


eak nelfe of faith even in th o fe, that Were his ch ief Apo ltles wh ichhad c o nt inually heard his heavenlyDo étrine feen dailyhis wo nderfullMiracles wh ich had heard themfelves fo many admo nitio ns o f him,

wh ich alfo had fo llo wed and o beyed him in manyth ings . That imbecillit ic and weak neffe o ffaith ifPeter had no r proved and felt it in himfelf,neither co uld he rightly have praifcd Go ds infinite go o dnclfe and imbraced h is free mercy , neither had he been apt and meet to have been a

a Pafio r to theWeak Iheep and tender lamb s o fChrilt, but he’

(ho uld havebeen a s pro udaco ntemner and difpifer o f his weak brethren, as th e - arro

gant Papifts that co htemn and di fpife all go dlyand great learned men,tho ugh theybe a tho ufand parts m o re excellent then they. But to t o t

reét and info rme borh prefump‘

tuo us arro gancy,and fraile imbecilitie and



k nelfe o ffaith ,Peter was perm itted“

o nce to fink ,and thricemo lt {bamefifully


to refufé and denyhisMatter, to the intent that by the knowledge o fh is own weak nefl


e, hem ight be the mo re able to infirué’c Others o f thefame 5 and alfo that he m ightmo re largelymagn ifie G o d s free grace andm ighty deliverance And that Chrift taught h im befo re h is fallingfayih


g,-Wheh thou art converted,flrehgtheh thybrethren As tho ugh Ch


iho uld have faid Peter, yet art tho u to o


pro ud to be a Patter, tho u canfi:

nOt fto o p no r bow thyback down to tak e up theweak fheep tho u ,do cfl;n o t yet k now th ine own infirmitie and W eakneffe, and therefo re canft tho udo no th ing but defpife theweak o nes 5 but when tho u {halt be infiruétedbyexperience o f th ine own felt, what hid iniquitie lurk eth within the nature o fman , then {halt tho u learn to be humble and Ro b amo ng o thérfinners , and alfo lh alt be an example to Others wh ich a ter ih allo ffend


as tho u didlt fo that if they repentas thoudidlt, they need not defpair'


o fmercy but maytruitmo lt affuredly o fChrifi to obtain grace mercyand fo rgivenefi


e o ffins,as tho u didita

Th i s fr‘urr havewe to gather (dear Brethren ) o f Peter: down- link ing

i n wh ich was a fecret k nowledge ah d privi‘t admo nitio n5that he

after iho uld denyChrilt thatwe are affured by the vo ice o fChrilt,if in

the time o ftro uble'

and extreme danger we c riewi th Peter , we fhall belivered as he was 3 and ifwe m o

urn fo r o ur deniall o f Ch i ift as heedid we fhallfiude the fame grace and favo ur at Chrifts hand that heefo und .

.But now let us to uch the th irdNo re,wh ich i s this That with Co deE leCt

TheAdmonition of JohnKno x}:am

o ngfi’

the Lyo n s , To 55mm in theW hales Belly, to Peter in the prifo n,is lik ewife mo ft evidentlydeclared in the ho lyScriptures »


How fuddenlyand beyo nd allexpeétatio n was Dam e!many t imes delivered fro m S ouls

tyrany h is o wn heart c o n felfed and compelled his pen to write and

pum a.'

to ngue to {i ng faying Hefiffl tfrom chow ,and hkth tle/m er ce!me, he hat/1


rlraivrt meforth ofmartywater s .

.Open yo ur ears (dear brethren) and let yo ur hearts underfiand,


as o ur G o d is unchangeable,fo is no t h is grac io us hand (h o rtned th i s day ,

Our fear and tro uble is great, the fio rm that blo'

weth -

againfi us is fo re andvehement

,and we appear to be dro wned in the deep bur ifwe unfainedly

k now the danger, andwillcallfo r deliverance, the Lo rds’

hand is n igherthen the fwo rd o fo ur enem ies .

God flattereth The (harp rebuke that Chrifi Jefus gave to Peter,


teacheth us,

That“ 0‘h" G o d dOth nOt flatter no r c o ncealthe faults o f h is E leé’c, but mak eth them

manifel’i,to the end that the Offendo rs may repent, and that Others may

avo id the li k e Offence s .


ThatCh rifi called Peter o f little faith , argueth and declareth (as we befo re have no ted ) That Peter was not alto gether faithlefie but that hee

fainted, o r was uncertain in h is faith fo r To fo undeth the Greek termec


yém gvs whereo fwe o ught to be admo nifhedfl hat in pafling to’Chrifl:

t h o row the {to rm s o f th i s world, i s mo r o nely required a fervent faith inthe beg inning , but alfo a c o nfiancyto the end 5 as Ch

‘rifi faith ,

He that

contiflaeth to the end, (hellhe[m ed 5and Saint P4141, a man/halifirtfuu

lawfully, hefind!not hecrowned . The rememb rance o fth is o ught to pat us

in m inde 'That the m o d fervent man, and fu'



have lo ng conti nued

in pro fefli o n o fChrifi,i s nOt yet (

we to [land at allh o urs,but that

' he is

f ubjec’

t to many dangers and that he o ught to fear h is'

own frailty, as theApo lile teacheth us faying L et him th atflartdeth takeheed le/t

‘hefa” fo r

ifPeter that began fo fervently, yet fainted e_re he came- to Cbriff what

o ught we to fear in wh o m fuch fervencywas n ever fo und t’ No do ubt.we o ugh t to tremble and fear the wo rd -

,and by the k no wledge o f o ur own

weak neffe w i th the Apo files inceiTantly to p ray 0’

L ord intreafe oarfezth .Ch r iPts demand anddri efi ion,as king PeterZW hydouhte/Z - thoa k o nrain

eth in it felfa vehemency ; as if he (ho uld have faid W hether do ubtefi:

th o u o fmyp ower, o r o fmypro mifes o r o fmygo o dwill f.’ Ifmypo w

er had nOt been fuffic ient to have faved thee then co uld I neither havec o me to thee tho ro w the fi o rmy Sea, nei ther havemade the waters Obeythee when th o u beganf

’t to c o me to me 2

,and ifmy go o d will had no t

been to have delivered thee and thyBrethren , then had I no : appearedunto yo u ne i ther had I called upon thee, but had perm itted theTempefl:

W e hm km, to devo ur and (wallo w yo u up but c o nfidering that yo ur eye (awme pre

p retencc o f cx fent,yo ur ears heardmyvo ice,and tho u Peter efpec ially kneweft the fame,

iiiii“ M W "

and o beyedfimyco mmandment,why then do ubtefi tho u f.’ Belo v‘ed bre

thren,If th i s fame demand andquefi io n were laid to o ur charge,we (ho uld

have lefl'

e pretence o f excufe then had Peter fo r hem ight have alleadged,That he was no t advertifed that any great S to rme iho uld have ri fen begtwixt h im andCh rifi,

which jufllywe canno t alleadge; fo r fince that t imethatChrift hath appeared unto us by thebrightnes o fh isW o rd,and called .

upo n

Luk e 1 7.

upo n us by h is livelyvo yce, he hath co nt inually blo wn in o ur ears , Thatperfecutio n a

nd tro uble fh o uld '

fo llo w the W o rd that we p ro feffedgvh i ch

dayes are n o w p refen t . LA 144 t/yen whydauét we t/Jor ow tin s /farmer tog a to

Cbr zfl .9 Supp ort, 0 L om

,and let wfink no fur ther .

Albeit that Peter fainted in faith ,and therefo re was wo rthym o lt (harplyto be rebuk ed yet do th nOt Chrifi leave

h im in the Sea, nei ther lo ngperm i tted he that fear and tempef

’t to co ntinue, but firft they entr

ed bOth

into the Ship,and thereafter the w inde ceafed and lafi,thei r S hip arrived

w itho ut lo nger delay ,at the place fo r wh ich they lo ng had lab o ured .

O bleifed and happy are tho fe that patiently abides th i s deliverance o fthe Lo rd 5The rag ing Sea fh allno t devo ur them :Albe i t they have fain ted, yet fhallno t ChrifiJerus leave them behinde in the {to r-myS ea but

f uddenly he { hallfiretch fo rth h is m ightyhand ,and f hallplace them in

the Sh ip am o ngl’t thei r brethren that is , He fh allco ndu& them to the

number o f h is eleé’c and afflicted Church , with who m he willc o nt inue tothe end o f the wo rld .

TheMajefi ie o f h is prefence fhallput to'

filence th i s boyfiero us winde, fififf j


the malice and envy o f the dcvillwh ich fo blo weth in the hearts o fPrin ted againflnces

,Prelates , K ing s , and o f earthlymen that

,alto gether theyare c o n Pm. 2

j ured againft the Lo rd and againft h is Ano yned Chrift in defpight o f

whom ,he fafely fhallc o ndua , co nvey, and carryh is fo re tro ubled Flo ck

to the li fe and reft fo r wh ich they travell.‘

Albeit (I fay) that fo metimes theyhave fainted in thei r j o urney, albe - wThe,

“76 6 ? o f

it that weak neffe in faith perm itted them to (i nk yet from the hand o f

Ch rili can'

theyno t be rent3he mayno t fuffer them to dro wn,no r the deep h i s hand.

to devour’


But fo r the glo ry o f h is o wn Name he m ul’t deliver,

fo r theyare comm itted to h is charge,pr0 te6tio n, and k eep ing and there

fo remullhe k eep and d efend fuch-as h e hath received at h is father, from

fin;fromdeath , fro m deviland hell“


f.The remembrance o f thefe


pro m ifes is to mine own heart fuch o ccafi

o n o f c om fo rt as neither can any to ngue no r pen expreffe but yet perr

adven ture fo me there is o f G o ds elee’t that canno t be comfo rted in th istempeft , byany meditati o n s o f G o d s electio n o r definit e

,but - rather

beho ld ing fuch a s fo met'

i‘mes bo ldly have pro felfed Ch riflsVerity no w The temprati

to be returned to their a'

ccuflo med abom inatio ns.

And alfo themfelvesto be o vercome . w ith fear that againfi their k no wledge and c o nference

Clea "ow "1

they {to up to an Ido l, andw ith thei r prefence maintaineth the fame andbeing at th i s po int they begin to reafo n , W hether i t be p o lfible that themembers o f Ch riflzs bo dy may be permitted lo h o rribly to fall to thedenyall o f their Head 5 and in the fame to remain ‘

o f. lo ng co nt in'uan ce . : And 'from th i s reafo ning theyenter in do lo ur and from

' do lo ur,

theytbegtn to'

link to the gates o f hell,and Po rts o f defpair.The do lo ur and fear o f fuch I gran t to be m o lt jult : Fo r o h h ow fear

fulli s it, fo r ~tlielove o f thi s tranfi to rtylife, in the p refence o f man to denyChrifi Jefus , and hi s k nown and undo ub ted Verity f.’ A


But yet to fuch as be nOt o bf‘t inate c o n temners o f G o d and o f all

godline lfe, I wo uld give th i s myweak c o unfell, That rather they(h o uldappeal to mercy then by the fevere judgements o f G o d to pro no unce


Matti), 28,

againf’c themfelves the fearfullfentencc o f c o ndemnat i o n and to co nfi

der that Go d include'

th allunder unbelief,that he may have mercy upo n

all That the Lo rd filleth and g iveth life , he leadeth do wn to hell,and

gfi‘ic‘fi‘fififlyet lifteth up again . But I willno t that anyman th ink That by th

i s myR om. u . co unfell I either jufiifie fuch as ho rr ibly are returned back to thei r vo m it

either yet that I flatter fuch as maintaineth that ab o m inable Ido ll_w i th

their dayly prefence , G o d fo rbid Fo r then were I but a blinde guideleading the blinde headlo ng to perditi o n Onely G o d knoweth the dolo u

r and fo b s o f my heart, fo r fuch as I hear dayly do turn back : But thec aufe o f my co unfell i s That I k no w the c o nfc ience o f fo me to

'be fotender

,that whenfo ever they feelthemfelves tro ubled wi th

fear, wo und

ed with anguifh , o r to have fliden back in any po int, that then theyiudgetheir fai th to be quenched and themfelves to be unwo rthy o f Godsmerc ies fo r ever , to fuch direét I my c o unfell to th ofe, I mean ,

thatTo whom ap rather o ffends byweak nelfe and infi rm i ty, then o f m alice and fet purpo fe.

Permifl fl h the And I wo uld that fuch ih o uld underftand and c o nfi der that all Chrifis[om m m m‘Apo files fled from him and denyed h im in their hearts And alfo I

Martha }. wo uld they fho uld co nfi der , That no man from the beginn ing flo o d in

greater feare , greater danger , no r-greater do ubt then Peter did, when

Chrifts prefimce was tak en fro m h im , yea , no manfelt lelfe comfo rt,no r faw lefle appearance o f deliverance and yet neither ,were thedifc iples rejeé

’ted fo r ever, neither was Peter perm itted to drown in that


gut fome fhall objeét Faith was no r utterly quenched in themtherefo re they ge t deliverance, and were r

elto red to c omfo rt.A rafat That is it wh ich Iwo uld that the afflicted and tro ubled co nfci

ences in th i s age (bo uld co nfider , That neither fear ,neither danger,

neither yet do ubting no r backfliding can utterly defiroy and quenchthe faith o f Go ds eleCt , but that alwayes there remaineth w i th them

Emm i “

hfomemm and fpark

i o f faith h owbeit in their angu’

ifh , they neither feelno r can difcern the fame. Y et fome fball demand How (ball it be

cleftm greatcfl k no wn in whom the fpark and ro o r o f faith remaineth , and in whom nOt,(mgm feeing that all fleeth from Ch rifi and bo weth do wn to Ido latry f.

Hardit is

,and in amanner impo flible , that o ne man iball wittingly judge o f

ano ther (fo r that c o uld nOt E lna/t do o f the Ifraelites o f h is dayes'

) butevery man may eafi lyjudge o f h iml

’elf Fo r the ro o t o f faith is o f that

natuie,that lo ng it W illno t be idle,but o f necefli ty, by pro cefi'

e o f time,it

w illfend fo rth fo me branches that maybe feen and felt bythe o utwardman

,if it remain livelyin the heart ; as yo u heard it did in Peter ,


pelling him to cry upo n Chrift, when that hewas in‘

greateft necefli ty.

W ilt tho u have a triall whether the mm o f faith remaineth ' with theeA tryallof


o r no r s’

(I fpeak to fuch as are weak and nOt to pro ud contemners ' o ffai tbim ro ublc GOd )

Firlt, F ecltfitboti tr'ryfitttlfo t


tttiog irtfo rt/J o r Peter felt 17 13 éoa’yfirtkedoubtin thewater:

Seco ndly, Art t/oortM[ore afraid tbo t tbyfiwleflaortld dr own infra/1, ff tbooconfenteft or oéoycfiIdolatry or Peter W att that Ito


s bodyflaw/d dr own m tbuwafer s .


1 Reg 1 .

Apo cal. x7

Pffil 74za 87.

Jem ima.

The Admonition of fe‘


Co mplaint .


,theheathen are to tt ed into thine Inheritance they have drfilrd thy

holyTemple, and havepr ophaned thy hlt/fed‘Ordinance Inp lace of thy

joyful!figh ts , theyhave crafted thei r ohomtnohle Ida/airy deadly tnp of allhlo/yhern ze n r efloredrngnine to their harlot: hand ThyProphets nr cperfecntcd,and none are permi tted to fpeak thyW ord fr eely The poorjheép of thyyon/h ireare commanded

‘to dr i nk the n enorn onr motor: of men: Trndttionr . Bnt


L ord, than lenonrc’

ji howfore they'

g r iefve tor . But/nth it thc


tyr ttnnyof theft rh o/l"

cruellbenjlr , that‘

plo inlythey'

fizy, Th'

e’y fllall ro o r us o ut at o nce, fo that no

rememb rance fhallrem ain o f us o n earth.

0 L ord,than know /l that we

t/ o reh’

nt‘fle/lt and that arehow


noponrer of our

fllw r to W i th/land thezr'

tyrnnny5 And therefbre, 0 F ather , open the eyer'

of thymercyttyron nr and confirm tha t in to: the‘

W or/e which thine own‘mer cy hath

htgnn; W e acknowledge and confi/fe, 0 L ord 5Tho twe‘arepun i/hellmojlyztjli

ly, h'

cczntfiz' mt lightly regarded

- tho tyranny of our mercifnllVifitntion‘. Thy

hle/fc ojjrel wno in onr cnrr dzhen lo'verr fing'

5 it pltofied nofor n tiwe,huti

4144; our lives did nothing agreewith thy‘

S totnter and’ holyCbmmondzn enti

And thou wk acknowlédge that o‘nr

'iniqnztyhitth‘compelled thy]afflict to takethu '

light of th'


W o’

rd from the'

mholé‘Renlm of England . Bnt‘hc

than mindefullj

O L‘


,that it‘tlt thyTinth


which we‘hlwe'

profi/fed, and that thy‘enrrnier hlaf

yherncth thy holyName ,and our


Profijfrion W i thottt‘Con/h Thyt holy‘(lo/her

tr a il/ed here/it andmolar s.” nccnfizd'

nr tt‘nytor t5fir profit/s ing thtfarno . B e”

rn tr'


t/ltherefbre, 0 L ord, and he-

falw tion untow i n this mm of our nngntfltA lhezt onrfins noon/Z: and condtmno on ,yet do thon according to thine ownN


W e have ofended again/P thee 5 Our fin: ond iniqnz’

ticr are without nunoh‘



and yet‘ort thonvn them id/l of tn

,6 Lord


, nlhett‘tho t tyrant: hear rnle ovar ofir

hodter, yet thirfleth onr '

foo l:for the comfort of thyW ord Carrel? no thereforeho t not int hy


difplenfnre5 fpare thypeople ondpt r rnit not‘thz

ne inheritance

to ho in'rehttlttfor L etfitch 0 L ord '

,as nowaroma/i nfflzlledjy

st once

agnineprint]? thyholyNnrnehcfor e thyCong r egati on E eyor e/ft thepr ide of tho/é


hlood—thzrjly Tyrants 5 confitrnc thorn in thine anger , according to'

the r eproach“

which they have lnzd ngnznjl‘thy holy Nome. Pour forth thyvengeance “hm

than ond let our eye-r hehold the hlood of thy

‘S o zntt required of their hand}

Delay not th‘yvengeontey o z ord‘,hnt let dz th


devonr them in‘hofle E er’

the earth [wallow them up ,and let thorn g o dow nquick to the hell;

ther e a no hope of thei r amendment 5,

'the fear e and rever ence of thy

Name itqtttte ham/had fr om their henrtr and ihcrofor oyet ngni n ,OfL




fttrne them 5 confitrne themin thzno'

onger‘, and let them never hring

thei r Wi t - f

ked connfellrto'

efiféll' hitt no cording

‘to the godly power: let them he token in l

thefno re' wh i ch they how prepnrrdfor thzn} eleli‘L ooienponnt, 0 L ord,with

the eyes of thymercy, and fhenfpity upon na thy weak and [ore oyyr rffid F lockGather no‘yet once again

- to the wh’

oléfiohoe‘tr enfnrer of thytri o/lholy W ord that

openlywemayconfefl? thy hleflied'

No rn ewithinthe‘Realme of England. Grant

thor , 0 heavenly’

n thor,for Chri/lif efno thyfontfohu Amen.

to theprofejforr of theTruth inE ngland .

If o n th i s manner o r o therwife as G o d fh allput in o ur hearts wi tho ufhypo c rilie in the p refence o f o ur G o d (rcfpea ing mo re h is glo rythen o ur p rivate wealth co nt inuallywe po ure fo rth o ur complaint ,co nfelli o n and prayers . Then fo afluredly as o ur G o d liveth , and as we feelthefe p refent tro ublesfirallo ur G o d h imfelf rife to o ur defence, he fh allc o nfo und the c o unfels o f o ur enemies , and tro uble the w i ts o f fuch as

mo fi wro ngfully tro ubleth us .He fhall fend Jefa to execute h is jufi j udgments a

gainfi ldo lato rs ,and againfi fuch as o bflinatelydefendeth ,them .

Y ea, th e chiefe men o f o ur time s fh all no t efcap e the vengeance and

plagues that are p repared fo r the i r po rtio n. The flatte rers and maintaiq

ner s o fh er abom inatio ns fhall d rink the cup o fG o ds wrath. And in

defp ite o f the Devillfhailyet the glo ry o fChrif’t Jefus , and the bright

nelle o f h is co untenance fo fh ine in o ur hearts bythe p relence o r h is

g race,andbefo re o ur eyes by the true preach ing o fhis G o fpel,that alto

gether we fhallfallbefo re him and fay : 0 Lord than art our God, rue/ hallextollthat,andjhallconfiffi:thyName,for than hafl hrottght I

wanderane thi ng s to pa/feaccording to thyc


oanfels ,whtch albert appear to hefarre of ,yet arethey trae andmay?aflared. Than haflh eig ht to ra ine thepalace: of tyrants , and thereforefhall thetaf



edmagnifie thee, and theCi tyoftyrannicallNati ons [hallfear thee. Than ha/l

heen,0 L ord,


ajlrang defenceto thepoor , afireplaceof r efnge to the afi'tt‘ltdm the

time ofhis angatlh.

Th is no do ubt,dear Brethren,fhallo ne daybe the fo ng o f Go ds E leé’t o rGo ds E le&

.w ith in the Réalm o f E ngland,afte r that G o d hath po ured fo rth his ven

geance upo n thefe difo bedient, and blo o do thitfiy


tyrants : wh ich now

triumpheth in all abo m inatio ns , and therefo reyet ag ain beloved in the

Lo rd,Abide pat iently the Lo rds deliverance, avoyding‘

and flying fuch Exbm“

o fl’

ences as m ay féparate and d ivide yo u from the bleffed fello wfh ip o f ti on.

the Lo rd Jefus at his feco nd comming . W atch and p ray,refili thedivell

and rbw againfl this vehement tempefi,and {h o rtlyfh all the Lo rd co me,

to thecomfo rt (ifyo urhearts ,which noware o pp refléd w i th anguilh andcare ,but then fh allye fo

rejoyce,that thro ugh gladnefle yo u fh all fayBehold thia oar Gad,tvehavewai ted npon him,

andhehath[awed tor . Th is is o ur E r; 26 ,

Lo rd , we have lo ng th irfied fo r h is co mming ,no w {hallwe re j o cc,and

be glad in h is'

falvatio n, At’


n. The great Bifho p o fo ur fo uls ; afus’

o ur

Lo rd (0 fitengthen and alli lt yo ur tro ubled hearts wi th the migh ty co m

fo rt o f his Ho lyGhofi,th at earthly tyrants , no rwo rldly to rments have

no po wer to drive yo u fromthe ho pe and expecfitatio n o f that K ing’

do m’


wh ich fo r the Bleél:was p repared from the beginning b y o ur heavenlyPather,to whombe allpraife and ho no

ur,nowand ever,Amen .

Bray 2450

Remember th e(clear Brethren) inyo ur dai lyprayers .’l‘hegrace o f o ur

Lo rd lefus Chrifibewith yo u all. Amen.

Tont o"wzthfar r o infitllheart,

J o H NK N 0 X .

A nno

Th eC0 p ie o f


S CO T L A N D ,


Minifier o fGo dsW o rd, in theyeer o fo urLo rd1 556 . and the reafter augmen ted and explain ed by the

Autho r,in the yeer o fOur Lo rd , 1 558.

To the ntofl E xcellent Fr itz MA R Y,D o w

A o E R

Regent of c o tland .~


A D AME , e

H E caufe which m o ved trie to prefen t thin;mySupplica t io n un t o ybur Maj

ef’tie ,en

larged, and in fo m e place s expla ined (be ingin the R e alm o f S cotland in the Mo ne th o f

May ,1 55 c aufed t o be p refen ted t o

yo u r‘Majefiy is the incredible rageo ffnch

a s beare the Title o f Bifh o p s , wh o , aga infi all jufiicc and

equ itie , have p r o n o un ced againfim e a m o fi c ruellfen ten ce,c o ndemn ing

1 1 L etter of Jo hn Kno x

ferer appear alltogether to he ate i t were) exterm i nate for thers onelydi d the)blood ofAbelcm to God, when pr oaa

' C ain jaa’

g ed all memory of his hr other to

have heereexttngat eel andfir lIfay their fvzc‘i‘ory is m trvéllotee andhowthat

theycan heprefen ted and not hroaght to utter cohfafion the eye ofman portage/ethnot Bat he

,who]epower 15 iafimte, hyficret and hid moti ons teacheth the hearts

of fttch ac to mam judgment hath power to ale/troythem ,with veryptetie and compaf

firmto[avehilt people,a5(in times pa/l)hedeal thehearts of the Egyp tianMidwivee,to prefer e e themen

- chi ldren of the Ifraelzte5,wherz commandwas g iven of Pharao hE xad '

for thei r Theheart of Pharao h s daughter lzhewzfie, to pettyMo fc s in17t young i nfancy expofea

’to the (longer of the water s . The heart of N ahu

chadncz z ar to pre/ew etheCaptives altfve

,and lzhera/ly to near/[h the Chzldrm



apt to Letters Artdfihally The heart c yrus'

tofet at lzher -


tythepeople of Goa’

,after long hortclageand thrala

’ome. And that cloth the in fvifihle



power and love ofqod mamfeflIt felf towards his E lee‘iI fr om time to mm for

Note. two co ttfizs fpeczally. F i r/l , to comfort hie weahe warr i or: in thei r manifold temp:tattow ,

letting them finder/land, That he a ahle to compell[tech at [ometzmet were

enemi es to hi s people, tofight thezr Caafie and to promote thei r deliverance. Aad


to gave a teflzmonyof hhfafvottr to them that hyallappearancea



hefore ae S azri t Paulfieaheth wanting Godm the world a;flranger s fromthe Common - wealth oflfi'ael andwithout the league of h rs merczfall promtfl analfree g race made to hi s Ghttrch F or who would have afli rmed That my ofthe/oper /etas aforettamea

’ hat! heen of that nature“

and clemency before occa/ionswere offer ed a oto them 2 Eat the work; of mer

cie [heated to ' theq‘fl167ml have

left to aa affarance That God ttfeolthem ae fete/felt ofhio'hoaottr . F or pztt



mercze [bowed to Chrzfls afflzfi‘edfloch as they eith er lac/reel reward tempo

fo zf theyhe continued, and he not changed into cracltie,ar e aflared

fo ole: of everlafithg mercy to he received from God who hy hie f i t me,ro eth their heat: to jhowmercyto the people of ol and


His Preface I ufed to gc yo urMajeftic o ccafio n mo re deeply toc o nfidcr what hath been the co nd i tio n o f Chrifis Members from

the . beginning that in fo do ing, ye might fee,That it is no new th ingthat


thc Saint'

s o fG o d be o ppreffed in the wo rd that ye ,moved by


cfi co ntemplatio n o f the fame ,might alfo fiudy rather to fave

them from murder (altho ugh by the yvicked co unccls o f many ye?‘Werc p ro vbkéd to the co ntrary) then to


engagc yo ur fclf to the co r

Clerg ie , who are fervants to fiune and S athan ; who fc fury is


ainfiG o d and his verity But this after fo llo weth in o urLet:which thus pro ceedeth .

m ajejlieperchartce clothwonder to whatparpoféI in verycleeelcannot wonder ertoagh, that occa/ion telofired to me a

worme mqflwretched) to reci te the fameat thiapr efettt ; for I have looked rather:

ft}thefih tettceofdeath, their to havewr itten toyéar'

Mayejflze 1hthefe lat/l hha’mofl


to theTrefiflhrrfof the_Trath in E ngland

wickeddayes , inwhich Sathanfithlindeth thehearts ofmany'

,that innocent: aremydowned, their Can]? never tried.

IEEreo f ye canno t be igno rant F o r



rbefeWh om ye hear fro m

t ime to t ime m o li c ruellyto be murthered in F rance, Italy, Spo raw ,Thf EM“

F landers and no w o f late yeers befides yo u in E ngland ,fo r no O ther $ 3523?2113

caufe but that they p ro fclTe Chrilt Jefus to be the o nely Savio ur o f the daypu rgémt d

wo rld,The o nelyMediato r betW ixtG o d and man The o nely Sac rifice gig}

;ac ceptable fo r the fin s o f allfaithfull and finally, The o nelyHead to h is Ezh


cfiChurch . Belidcs thefe, I fay(o f wh o m ye hear the b rute) ye have beenwi tnefl


c‘, Th at (ome with in theRealm o f S co tland ,

fo r the famec aufe,

m o lt cruelly have been murthered;who fe caufe was never heard with i n a

differenc Buemurthercrs fitting in the Seat o f Iufiice have (bed the

blo o d 0 Chrifis trueW itnell'

es wh ich albeit did then appear to be c o nfumed away wi th fire yet it is refcnt in the prefencc o f h im fo r who le

caufe theydid fufi'

er, and ceafeth no r to callfo r vengeancc,with the’

blo o do f A hel

,to fallupo n , no t o nelyfuch

'as‘were immediate and nexcautho rs

o f that murther,but all


o upo n alltho fe‘that maintain tho fe tyrants in

th eir tyranny, o r that do co nlé nt to their beafilyc ruelty o r'that do no r

fiOp, having the po wer in hand. Take no r th i s as the affirmat io n o f anym an , but hear and c o nfider the vo ice o f the S o n o fG o d 3 F ulfill(faith he)themeafttre of yearfather s , that allthehloodwhich hath heen/hedfince thehlood Matti n g.of Abeltheyet/l, ti ll thehlooelo achar iah ,&c . maycomenpon thng eneratton .

Hereby it is evident, That themurtherers o f o ur time, as well as in the

time o f Chrifl’

, are‘

guilty o f allthe bloo d that h ath been fli ed from the

beginning. Fearfiill,lg rane, i s the fentence ,ye t ir i s mo lt equalland juli

F o r who fo ever lheddetli the blo o d o f:any o ne o h Chrifi Jel'

us h is mem W ho fo evs f

bers ~,fo r pro fcfling o f hi s



co nfenteth to alllthemurther wh ich hath‘fifififiii

beenmade fince the beginn ing fo r that caufe;S o that as there i s“

o ne co m o r Chnas

m unio n‘

o f all'G o ds Elca,o f whomeveryme

mber i s‘particip'

ant o f the g’m


bm fo r

h o lyJ‘

ufiice o faChrifi (0 is there a communio n‘amo ng



e repro b‘are, by

wh ich every o ne o f the Serpents feed arc‘

criminall and guiltyo f all’ini e th tm ho

quirywh ich the W h o le’

Bo dy co mmitteth , ,

bccaufi: they are alio getheragainftChrill


us and againfi h is’

eternall Ver ity every o ne ferving fetedElic iaSathan the


Prince‘o f th i s wo rld in‘

thei r rank , age,deg"

ree andlefiate . The bf s 'mfina

m urtherers o f' theirbrethren wh ich this‘day live, are guiltywith Gain“

o f Note

theBlo o d o f Ahel The K ings and‘Princes wh ich byp ower o pprefle theGm “

peo ple o f‘G o d, and willno r f uffer that the peo ple truelyW o rfhip G o d as

he hath commanded,but willretain them in Egypt, are b rethren and c o m

pan io n s to Pharaoh -The Prelats and PriefiS‘

,Who l

’e h o rrible in iquities and

info lent life have infedred alllRealmes whe'


tliey raigne , have wi th thei rfathers the o ld Pharifees

,taken away the key o f k no wledge ,and have (but

upthe K ingdo m‘

o f‘

heaven befo re men fo -

that neither they themfelves

neither yet willthey fufi‘er Others to en ter into the fam e And

themultitude blinded,fo me b


y igno rance, (o me by fear , and by in(ariable appetite o f their part o fi the fpo yl (fo r Chrifi being c ruc ified

,th e


uldters rparred amo ng&them his garments )are co njured to defend (hog;whi a


nCor z .

d L etter of John Knoxm ur t herers , p ro ud pefiilent Prelats , againlt Chrill Jefas , and againflhis

po o r Flo ck : And therefo re becaufe o f o ne c rime they are all guilty(wh ich is , o f treafo n and rebellio n againl

‘t Chrilt ) o f o ne to rment they

iballalltalle wh ich is Of the fire that never fhall be quenched . Andherein o ugh t yo u,Madame;be c ircumfpeét and careful]; if that ye hopefo r the li fe to c om e Fo r if the co nfent wh ich p ro ceedeth o f igno ranceand blindenefle bringeth deltruétio n and de

‘ath(as Chrift o urMalter do th

witnclle , faying , If the hlinde lead thehlznde, theyjhallhothfall into thedi tchW hat fh allbeco me o f the pro ud and malic io us co ntemners o f Go dsV


rity o flfered 6 But o ur D o étrine, perchance, {h allbe denyed to be theVer i ty W hereunto I anfwer, That (0 was theDo étrifie o f ~Noah

,o fMofes ,

o f the Pro phets , o f ChrifiJefus , and o f h is Apo ltles 5and yet the o riginallwo rld perilhed by water S odome and Gomorra by fire defcendingfro m heaven 5 Pharaoh and his adherents in the Red Sea 5 the C ityo f§te~rufalem,

and thewho leNatio n o f the Jews , bypunilhments and plagues ,no rwithl

tanding that thewho lemult itude c ryed Th is is a new do étrine,

th i s is herefie, and tendeth to feditio n . 0 ur Pet itio n i s That o ur D'


Ctrinemaybe t ryed bythe plainW o rd o f G o d 5That libertybe grantedto utter and declare o urm iudes at large in every Article and Po int which '

no w ate imco ntro verfie W h ich if ye deny giving ear to Chrills enem ies (who c o ndemne h is do étrine fo r herche ) ye fhalldrink theCup


o f.

G o ds wrath with them But how to the fo rmer Letter.




ot hut the rumors which havecometoyourMaia/lies , ear:

fuch, that if allre orttiiveretrue, Iwereunworthyto liveupon the earthwonder i t in That t evoi ces of themulti tude[hauld notfit have enflamedyottrjejlieshear t withyujlhatred of fuch a onem Iam accufed to he, that allaccefle topityfiaould haveheen/

hut up. I am traduced at an herettc/t accu/edna afol/e teacherandfeducerqf t aeyeople, hejt


de: other opprohrtec,whi ch affirmedhymen of worldlyhonour and ejlimayon mayeajily handle thewrath ofMagzjlratet where inno

nocence is not‘


wn. But hleffed he God the F ather of our L ordyee/cu Chri/f,whohy the dewof his heavenlygrace hathfitquenched thefire of dz/jtleafure,ac yet, inyour l

Ma]ejlie: heart whi ch of late dayes I haveunderflood that Sathanisfruflrate of his enterprzfe andpurpofe whi ch tit to my heart nofinal! comfort ;Notfit much Godumywitneffe) for any henefit that I can receive in thi; mtfirahlelife, hyprotec

‘i‘ton of anyearthly creature (for thecup whi ch itbehaveth me

to drink, h appointed by the wifedom of him who/e coun/cl: are not changeahle)a: thatTamfor that henefitwhich 1 am of]aredyour m ajeftieflra/lreceive if thatyecontinue in li ke moderati on and clemency towards other: that mojl unju/lly areand[hall heaccufed, at thatyourMajeylze hath hegun toward:me and mymeg/i de

fperateCan/Z: that tic,If thathygodlywiflzdomeye[hallfladie to hr idle thefuryand

rage of them,who

,fo r themaintenanceof their worldlypomp, regardnothing thecruellmurther ing of fimple innocents . Then [ha/1he who doth pronounce mercytoa pertain to themerczfu/l, andpromifizth that a cup ofcoldwater g iven for heNameseke/ hallnot lack reward,firjlcaufltyour happyGovernment to heyraifed in thi:pre

fint age, and inpofl’er i ttet to come 5 and loft r ecompence your g odlypaint andfludy

wi th thatjoyand ,

lory whi ch eye hath no t feen no r yet can enter into theheart o f mo rta lcreature. Ad

A rmo

A Letter of Jo hnKnox

you hyimprudency take4 Cup which I knew to hepoyfimed, or invenomed, andyetwould not admomfhyou to ahflatnfi

‘om dr inki ng of thefame.

TheRelig ion whi ch this daymen defendhyfir e andfword, if a Cup int/m owed,

of whi chwhofoever dr znheth, (except that hy true repentance, he after drtnle ofthewater of life) drinketh therewith damnation and death.

How,and bywhom it hath heen envenomed 5 if it were no more tediouaebyour

Maje/i ze to _read or hear , then zt [of/painful] to me to wr i te or r ehearfl’ Iwouldnot

flrarethe lahour . Butfor thirprefent,'

1 have thought it fome [charge of oneparlof myduty if I, of verylove, admoni/Z)your tfi/[ajeflyof t edanger 5 which1


‘God oneday/haddeclare, prefirrtng your Ma)e/lter falwttzon, and thef t!

foation of thePeople (nowcommittedthyour charg e hefore anycorpora/lhenefit,that can redound to my

A ddition .

AS Satan bycraft hath co rrupted


them o lt ho ly O rdinances o f G ir ls“

precepts , Imean o f the firfi table, in the place o f the fpirituallhono uring o f G o d, intro duc ing mens dream s , inventio n s , andfantafies .

hath he5 abufing theweaknefi'

eOf man ,c o r rupted the precepts o f the (


e -ic o nd table, To uch ing theh o no urwh ich is dueto Parents , i mdcr whomare comprehended Princes and Teachers . Fo r. no w the devill hath(qblinded the feules o f many, that theycanno t, o r at leaft


-willno t learnwhat -

appertaineth to Go d,andwhat to Unfair .


f,But becaufe the fpirito f

G od hath laid, h o no ur the;King 5 theiefo re, whatfoeher they command,be it right o rwro ngmufib


e‘obeyed 1But heavyfhall


the iu'

d ement be5wch,


apprehen‘d fut h blafph emers o f tGo dsMajeliy, Who are be fo bo ld

as to affirm That G o d hath commanded ,anyCr


eature to be o beyed againflt himl


elf. Againlt G o d it is , That fo r the co rri mandment o f anyPrince,be he

never lo po tent, men fh all'

comm it Ido latry, embrac e aRe5ligio n wh ich G o d hath no rappro ved by his W ord,o r c o nfirm by theirfilencc, wick ed and blafphemo us Laws , m ade againfi the h o no ur o f his

Majeliy. Men I fay, that (0 do , give he) true o bedience but as theyare

Apo ltates fro m G o d ,(0 are they TraYtOt s to the ir Princes


flatterytheyc o nfirm in rebelling,againfiGod 5 o nely,theyWhich to


death refill fuch-w icked laws and decrees , aré acceptable '

to G o d, and

faithfull to '

rhei't Princes; '

As werethe th ree ch ildren in theprefence p f:and David in the dayes o f Dar ia; (the Per/{an Empero’

ur)who le


co nftant and free co nfelli o n,as it glqrifiedjGo d fb‘ '

d‘it no rifieas

wellto tho fe tyrants , as to allages fo llo wing the great blai’

pin the ir rage and furythey co mm itted againftG o d, fro m the Wh ich (byall- appearance neither o f b o rh lo fuddenl‘y.fli éhl"d. have been c alled, it

the three ch ildren had bowed amo ng therefi , and fl amedhad n o r declaredtht‘co ndefli o n Of h is faith 1; W h ich W as , wirh‘W ihdow s ‘o pento praytea;wardsgt erufitlem,

manifefily thereby laringp fl‘

hat he did‘n o t c o nfenlt

tfithe blafphemo us law, and decree, wa

h was efiabltifli ed bythe K ing and

h is Co unfell. Experience hath taughtus what fui

r rh il'

es andblafphem testhe adverfaries o f Ch ril’t Jefus o f his



do ‘invent and de

vi fe againlt f uch as beg in to detect their imp iety. Theyare accufed to be;Autho rs o f (edi tio n, raifer


s o f tumults,vio lato rs o f com irio p‘

I an W e

to theQueenRegent of Sfiotland .

ther yet is every .tumult and breach o f publik e o rder c o nt rary to Go ds

c ommandment5fo r Chrifilelus himfelf c om ing to . tak e the‘


po ilfro m theAflfw.

{tro ng armed wh‘o

' befo ’

re did keop e hi s h o ufe inquie tnelfe i s . no r,Mata] ”a"

c o me to , fend Peace , but atSwo rd and to m ak e a. man d iFaifent fro m' his ,

F ather , &c .

~ His Pro phet s befo re him andA files after him , fearedno r to b reak publike O rders , eliabliihed again G o d

,and in {6 doing

to move(as it were)the o ne half o fpeoples , nati o ns , and c itie s againfithe

e ther and y et i trufi that no ne, except the h ired fervant ofiSathan; wi llaccufeCh rift o f the Apo files o f the trQubling p f Co mmo n Aft”.

wealth s . True it i s , that the mo lt who lefome Medic ine molt tro ublérh(fo r a t imo)the body replenifhed with wick ed and co rrup ted hum o urs tb utthe caufe hereof is k nown to be (10 1: in theMedic ine ,5


theBod ie

fubjeét to Maladie 5 even [0 the trueW o rd o f G o d W hen,


ia cnrrcrhv


figh t where Sathan hat-h bo rn dom in io n (as he {till dOth in the whole

Papilh' ie ) canno t but appear to be o cc afio n‘o f great tro uble .

dame,mo re profitable it is , that the peli ilent humo ur s be Expelled

p ain then that theybe'

no uri fhed to the dili nuétio n of thebo dy.

Pap ifi icallReligio n is a mortallpefiilencc “

whi ch fhail afl'


to death eternali the bo dies and fo uls from this wh ich ir= is, no t putth i s life 5 and therefo re take heed betimes , G od calleth upo n you,bewéfcthat ye {but no rup yo ur ea

rs Judge,no r the matter after thevilenefie o f

mybo dy,W hom God hath appo mted Ambaifido ur andMelienger unto

yo u , but with reverence and fear confiden hi t'

n whofi:Mefiage I bear;I come to yo u in the name o f the E ternallG o d and o fChrifl: Jefus h is

S o n , ,to whom the Father hath committed all POW “ whom he hath

efiablifhcd SoveraignJudge o ver allHell] , befo re. wh o fe Thro neyo umuft

make acc ompt w ith what reverence you hear { itch as he’

lendeth, It {hall

no r excufc yo uto fay Gr th ink , That yo u do ubt whether Ibe fent o f

‘Go d

o r no I ct ic un to yo u,That the.Religio n wh ich the Princes and blinded if:Pap

i s maintainwith fire and (wo rd, 1 8 no t thefReligio n o fChrifi5 .Th'

at z

yo ur pro ud Prelates are none o fChri fi s BilhOpS 5 I admo nifh yo u That

Chrifis Flo ck is o pprcffed by them , and therefore I requi re and that

yet a ain in the name o fthe Lo rd Jelus That with indififerency I maybeh ear to preach, to reafo n , and to di l


pute in that Caufe 5 wh ich if youdeny, yo u declareyo ur(el

f to bear no reverence to Chrifi,no r 1c


to h is

t rueRelig io n.

i s not commi tted tafiMa Afirm mmterm i t ; but Obgca lon.

Y yy z

[hed g and that theydo ezther hywithholdtng from thent the true W ord of lzfeelfe


hycan/ing apejlzlent P ollr one to he taught unto them [itch 44"

nowu taught

the Papi/licallChurcher . Ilenow thatyou°

wonder howthat the Relzg ion whtch ck

uhziferfit/Iyr ecorded, can hefl)amm o/e,“

and corrupted But ifyou confider That

everfrom theheglnning , the rnultztude t th deilinedfrotn'


od ,yea e ven tn thevo l‘4'

people to whom hefpake hyrhu Law andProphet5) ifye[ballconfider the complatnt

of the'

flolyChri/l;comment, thatNatzonr , People, Pu nter andKing: of the ear thhive


raged, mhdeConfptract’

er , andholden Councelt agatnjl the Lord' , and again/lhuAnnozntedChit/Z y

e/[cu f urther f y‘ejhallconfider f the

'quefiion which §Cefuehint/elf doth moo e




W heb the S o nne o fMan iballco me , fhail

he finde faith’

o n the earth And lajlly, zfyour d d ajefltejhallcau/lder themanzfe/lcontempt ab d and ofLtllhz


a holyPrecepts“

,whtch this day t eig newithout

Horn 4. punzflnnent upon theface of thewhole earth ; for an Ho lca complatneth Therea

no thorny There at nomercy There {a notruth thudayantong men, hut lie; perjury


,land opprefiton overflow all andhlood coucheth blood that 75


E 'uery iniquttie



d to anofhér If deep'

ly([fay your'


wtllcontemplate the twit ter/2:5that the}dayreigneth in al

lflaw ,then [hallyourMa]efc

’te ceafl

' to wonder ,That


manyarecalled andfifwcho/en ; andyou [hall'

hegzn to tremhle andfear tofollo


tit themultitude'



1° 7 heuniverfalldéfet‘lton whereof Saint Pauldoth

pro hefie z'

c eafie to heefpzedr, at wel

ltn religton ac in'

rnannerr . Thecorr uption oflj at};eo zdcnt and


Relzg t'

ontc notJudgcdg nor moafured hythe plum W ord of God,hut hycuflome, confuetude, wzll, confetti, ahd de



natzonc of men. Barjhall hewhohathpronouncedallcog itatzonf . ofman:heart to he «vain at all tzmes accept the‘

counfel: and con/ent: of men,fir a Rellgfon pleafiug and acceptahle heforehim f.’ Let

not ourMayeflzehedecei t-zed God cannot lze, God cannot denyhs elf, he hathwttDeu .4 and u


nt/75d from the hegrnning Thatno rehgronpleafeth hzm except that which he 6]has ownW ordhath commanded and c Thever ttte ztfilfi’

pr onounceth thatMN “ 5’

[entence I» w in do théywor/t m‘


, tedchzng datum; thepreceptt ofmen . And al

joiA /lplantation , which myHeavenlyfitthor fl

hath not planted, [ballhe rented out .Be

forethe comming'

ofhu welhelowed S onne in theflejh fiverely hepuni/li ed allfirth,ac durfle


nrerp‘r tle to alter or changeh eCeremome: and S tatutes , at in Saul, z i


, Nadab , Abihu, it to he read : ,u l ndwzllhenow afier that


he hath opened

h it counfellto theworldhyhie onelySon whom he commandeth to heheard, and'

ftcr thathyhis HolySptn t,fpealtz


ng. z'

n hu Apofllct , he hath tjlahltlhed’

the Relig ton;inwhich hewould havehas truewar/lawyers to ahtde unto theend, wzllho,now I[ay)n‘.'


ntmen: tnfventt’

om tn thematter ofRelig ion whzch he reputedfor damnahle [do slatry If men andAngel:would a 1rnt Thathewillor maydo i t his own fuerz



[hallconvtnce them of a he s for t 15 entence he pronounceth No t that wh ichfeemeth go o d in thy eyes , {halt tho u do to the Lo rd thy G o d but that

wh ich the Lo rd thyG o d hath commandeth th ee, that do tho u adde nothing unto itr deminiflmOth iqg from it. Which, fealzng up his New Te/lament

,he repeateth in thcfiwords ,Thatwh ich ye have ho ld t ill I come, &c .

And ther eforeyet againe, z'

t repentethnae not tofay,That in thatpoint, which 15 chief'


nctpall,your'Maje/lymufidzfaffentfrom themultitude of Rulert or elfi:you

canpoffefle nopertion‘wlthChrrfl’

f elm in hi s K ingdom andglory.

A fmo

k i S.

Dem-4. 8: u .


AnnoLetter .

N Orateur and God;Mejenger require ofyou now (hyGodshandpromoted to hzgh digni ty A motherlypineuponyour Ayuflzie

inflexth/eto he ufed agatnflmurtherers and commute oppreflhur s A heart vote? ofavar ice andpartzalzty A minde [ludzous and car efull for maintenance of thatRealm and Common - wealth aho fue whom God

'hath placed you ) aud hy zt hath“

made you honourahle, W i th the re]? of ven ues whi ch not onely Godt Scr iptur es ,hut alfo W r i ter : zl’umznated onelywith the light ofNature requi re in God: Ru iler s . But m an it i t to crafue reformati on ofmanuer s where Relig ion js cor rupted ; for li ke u!aman cannot do the oyfzce of aman tell firfi he have a heeing and

life [o toworleworks plea/ant in thefight of God theF ather can noman do wnh

out the Spi r i t of f efeu Chr i/l whi ch doth not ahide in thehearts of ldolaters Andtherefore themo/lgodlyPr i nces Hez ek iah and jchp faphat feehzngGodrfafvour to re/lupon them and upon thei r people before allthings he an to

reform theRelzg zon ; for i t u a s theflomack withzn the hody which i it e cor

ruptcd of necefiztze zt infifieth thewhole hody And therefore (. often I repeatethat whi ch to hedone i s mojl nece/fary if your Maje/Zze pretend to reign with

Chr zjl5Cefua Then it hehoruethyou to take care of hie true Religion whi ch thi s.

daywithin your Realm it [o dcfirmed that no par ? of Chrzjlt Ordinance: re

mai n eu thet rfz'

rjlflr eng th and or zg tnallpurttie s;whi ch Ipraifé God to one

i s le/fedififrczle toprove then dangerous ‘toflea/r And yet neither the anc hor the

other Ifear ,partlyhecaufi:thelove ef eternalllifequencheth theterrour of ternparalldeath andpartlyhecaufiz Iwouldwith Saint Paul, wifla my[elf dwarfed fromChrifl ar touchzng ear thlypleafure for thefiltration of myhrethreu andillu

mi nati on ofyourMayev/ ka 5 whi ch thmg ,W orh

,and fuerydeed, and not har ewriti ng ,

flmll wztnefle and declare may pyrehnje the hherty of tbngue hut fourtydayet onely.

S tokfim 3 .


Hewife and facundDemocr itut had fometimes a familiar fentence,

that ,Ho neii it was to co mmend fuch wo rk s as werewo rthyo fpraife,but to praife th ings thatwere wicked, co uld no t pro ceed but from a de

ceivablem inde 5 and Themzfliur aPhilo fOpher o f great fame feeing the .

Hall o f {favinian the Romano E mperour replenifhcd W ith flatterers faid,O f the ir manners it maybe efp ied that mo re they wo rlhip the S cepterand the purple then G o d fignify

ing that theylittle regarded wheqther

,the Empero ur were go dly o r ungo dly ,

that they m ight tetain them felves in favo urwith him . Albeit that tho fe were E thnick s ,and ne ither had the k howledge o f Go d as we pretend, neither had g ivenfo plain a co nfeiii o n to declare themfelves enem ies tofall iniquity (as wehave'do ne byBaptifme, and byo urwho le pro feiii o n o fChriitianity)yetdo the i r wo rds condemne no imallnumber o fus and chieflyfuch as bec o nverfant w ith Princes fo r wh o in theic m iferablc dayes judgeth himfellto have o ffended albeit he praile allow and maintain, whatfo everthe Prince


s and upper powers devife yea altho ugh ,it bee to o

f};p re e

to theQueenRegent of Sco tland.

p rel'

fe,and to (po llthe po o r, to pullfro m them thei r very s k in s , and as the A fl l’

lOPro phet layeth To break their bo nes

,and to cut them in p ieces , a s flelb

fo r the Caldro n o r F o r. Y et I fay. That the Prince s {h allno t lack Judgest o c ry, I t i s right , I t i s fo r the Co mmon - wealth

,fo r defenc e o f the

Realm,and cafe o f the S ubjeé

ts , (0 that the (late o f times,is even no w

fo ch,as


when the P ro phet co mplained , faying The Princes as k ,azrd theJudge is readyto give, no r h is o wn , .but the li fe and blo o d o f the po o r .

How fo o n a great m an ha’

th fpo ken the co rruptio n o f h is m inde, he hathh is flatterers ready to applaud and c o nfirm whatfoever he fpeak eth . Andlet the P rinces be o f wh at Religio n they pleafe, that is allo ne to the mo ltp art o f m en (0 that w ith abnegat io n o f G o d, o f h is h o no ur, and Relig io n, theymay retain the friendlh ip o f the Co urt. But alas , ho w mife f


i‘e'ff s af“

rable be Princes that (0 are abufed , and h ow co ntageo us a peflilence be gaff“ Pd

fuch flatterers to C o mmo n - W ealth s , Emp ires , and Realm s , G o d hath

declared even fro m the beginn ing , to pain t o ut the m ii‘

ch ief, .wh ich Fromthem pro ceedeth to


f och as g ive ear un‘tO them

,The anc ient W ri ters

c ompare them to Harlow; to Ravens , and to mo lt raveno us Bealls , and

no t witho ut caufe . Fo r as Harlo ts can never ab ide,that theirilo vers (ho uldreturn to repentance and foberneffe o f m inde, fo canno t flartérers firfiain


that fuch as theydeceive, {hall come to right judgement: -

(And as Raven s

p ike o ut the eyes o f dead catio ns ,and as raveno us Beafis devo ur theffame;fo do flatterers (being m o re cruell) p ike at the eyes o f. livingmen , andblinding the eyes o f their underflanding, and judgement, do expo fe them


to be devo ured in bo dyand fo ul, to Satan . Thi s we have by , pr0 phane

W r iters o nely, but the h o lySp i rit teacheth us th i s infallibleTrueth ,Thatwhere iniquitie reigrre th in a Co mmo n - wealth

,and no ne is fo und bo ldly

and Openlyto reprehend the fame that there {hallfudden vengeance and

deftrua io n fo llow F o r thus it is w ritten and p ron o unced by the Pro phetE z ekiel. s halt thou not judge the Citie of hlood which hath made Idol: 2 E z ck . z a.

W ho/E Ruler s/bed hlood to the uttermojl of thei rp ower They have deg /fed myholything: theyhave dew /Ed inrquitze , and have performed thefame . Thetony/n ation of Prophets , hathgathered up the riches , and whatfite

fuer it precxour,m thin thefame.

‘ThéPr ie/ls vi olentlyhavetorn and r entmyL am. Ihepeople ofthe Land hath Wrought deceztfu/ly. They have opprefled thepoor , and have done

vi olence to the/Iran er wi thoutjudgement and I haveflig ht of.them fa man to

repair the hedg e,ane§to [land i n thegap heforeme, hut I havefound none. ‘There

ihre haveIpouredforth mywrath upon them , and in thefire of myhate iii/pleaGare, I haveconfirmed them. Advert Madam , fo r thefe are no t the w o rds

)f m o rtallman,b ut o f"


G o d, and 'were no t (po k en againlt

Ferufizlem o nely, bur againfl everyRealm and Nat io n,thar

‘io o fi

endeth .


he fins that herebe named are Ido latry in all, avarice and c rueltic in

he Princes and Rulers ,c o njuratio n o f the Pro phets to defend thewick edleceit, fraud, and vio lence i n the co mmo n peo ple 3 and finally, an imi'

t riallfi‘ence o fallmen ,no ne being fo und to reprehend thefe eno rm ities

No uld to G o d that Im ight wi th fafetie o f c o nfc ience excufc yo u, yo ur

Z o unfell, and the Ido laters o f that Realm from any o f thefe crimes 3o renamed . The Ido latry wh ich is comm itted, is mo re evident thenhot it can bedenyed, the avarice and crueltic as wello f yo ur fell, a

;_o f



Jo hn 1 7.

£ 26k .

1 Letter bf John Knoxfuch as be in autho rity, maybe known by the faéts Fo r fame carrieththevo ices o f the po o r (Oppreffed by into lerable taxes ) nOt o nelyw ash ere, in afirange Country , but I am afl


ured ,‘

to theears o f the 6 0d o f

h ofies . The co nfpiracyand co njurat io n o f yo ur fall'

e Pro phets is knownto the wo rld, and yet is no ne fo und fo faithfullto Go d, no rm



yo urMajefiie that freelywill and dare admo niih yo u to repe befo rethat G o d rife himfel


f in judgement. W hen I name repentance I meanno Outward thew o f ho linefl

e, wh ich commo nly is fo und in Hypo critg‘


but I mean a true co nverfion to the Lo rd G o d from yo urwho le heawith a damning o f allfuperfiitio n and ido latry. In wh ich ye haVe beenno urifhed,wh ich with yo ur prefence ye have deco red,

and to yo ur ower

maintained and defended .

LInleffe I fay, that th is poyfo n be purge from

yo ur heart, (be your‘

OUtward life.never fo glifiering befo re the wo rld)

yet in the prefence o f G o d, it is but abom inable. Y ea further, I fay,that where th i s venome o f the Serpent (ido latry l mean)lurk eth in theheart

,it i s impo flible

,but that

at ~o ne t ime o r Other, it fh allproduceefiilent fruits ; albeit peradventure no r Openly befo re men, yet befo rePG o d no leiTe o dious , then the faéts o fMurtherers , Publicanes , and Hera

lo ts ; and therefo re inmyfo rmer Letter, I faid, that fuperfluo us it wasto require Refo rmation o f manners

, where the Religio n is co rrupted.W h ich yet

again I“

repeat to the end , that yourMajefiiemere deeplyt

iny weigh thematter. But now to the raft o f the fame my fo rmeretter.

A» not igaoront daogerom to tireMo ro /1m » ,My thing

" inm itten of Relig ion ; and partly I a m 7 54270

flower W ade» : 13”not fly“, orm oo /ea Reformation p erebdmeWould require.

Bttt if yeer Map / hoflea eoflfider tivedottger and damnationperpetual], whit}: i»eruz

tobleelongate“pot; of”mozfltoiflerr of ofl ifeReiz'


ott t1me[Miltbe g’

redtefldanger eofilydevote


onolfngoflow a? tbefmo ller . If you/lmywofiéer;Thoma/oer.

yemoflferw God to lzfe everlaflmg , or elfeformweWorld”'

dedtlt m ldammtion tbm albeit

,that ogrom and angel[bottld diffmm

’eyou, ye Willebbfé Izfi and

refit e deotb. L/ Ind if further yeflmfl confider, text not verylife coflfifietb it?tire knowledg e of the071e trueGod, and of look Son CMflfritfioe, and that trueMm ledge loo t!) annexedwztl: it, God: true w


orfloip ondbomur , whit!) requiretba

tcfiimony of for? atomWt”,expo


eyed5] In? W ord, Tim[at]: bottom dotbpleafe'



if youdo tai nejllymedztotetioeje tioifig: oforefltia'

tk on albeitye ext/wat tle

[too/dent] wbotycwotdd, yet/holly: not teofe to do y lmtyeway. Your w o of?”commbof hly46d ; Saporj h

tion, and r emovefrom of the;”aprofitable i’a Mrs ,

of whom/peaketlo zek ie]toe Prophet, womb to o publike Reformation ,if requi

fite andmee/fo ry. But zf tbe { coolof God:g loryoeferwm inyourMojeflier heart,yen ull riot bywicked L ori’s anoint

‘m Idolatry, neitherwill fit or tbefoory of

B rjbops to murther and devour 117g)poor Member s of Cora/g:dog, as; in time:

part the] bow he» omflomd ; wbzrb twig , of «Wm 5;Mind ignommeye40g

xReg. 1 4

1 Reg. x6.

refio re to ho no urs and glo ry ,the ,

h o o fe wh ich he beginneth o nce todejet

‘ft, t ill repentance o f the fo rm er sc rimes be fo und , yo u may .per

chance, do ubt what crim es ih o uld have been in yo ur Hus band, yo u, o rthe Realm ,

fo r the wh ich G o d iho uld fo grievo ufly have punifhcd o u.y

I anfwer , The maintenance, and defence o f mo lt ho rrible Ido laitry ,

w ith the fhedding o f th e blo o d o f the Saints o f G o d.


labo ured to no rifie and rebuk e the fame . Th i s I fay, (Other iniquitieso m i tted) i s fuch a c rime befo re the eyes o f his Majefiie , That fo r thefame, he hath po ured fo rth his ext

r eme vengenance upo n K ings , and

upo n their Po fieritic depriving them from ho no urs and d ignitie forever As by theH ifio ries o f the Bo o k s o f the K ings is mo l

’t evident.

To yerohoam it is faid Beoaafe I have exalted thee from the mio’

ji of the

people and have made thee Pr ince oven mypeople,1 I have rent the

K ingdom from thehey/e of David, for Idolatry and have g iven it unto

thee,hat thou hafi not heen a David my form a t Bat thou haji a



iarzoleedly ahosve allthat have g onehefor e thee , F or thou hajlmade to thee other .

g ods d flflmolten images ,toprovokeme aadha/l call me i ehmde thyhat/t ;

Ther tfbre [hall I br ing afilzt’

i iort upon thehoiofe of Jero bo am ,and I[balldo

fir oy to j ero bo am allthat pzffith again/l the Wall (jignifying therehy the

Mile chi ldren and[balleafiforth thePo/ler itie of Jéro bo am, aa daag it eaflfi rth, tilli t he confo rmal.

Th i s fentence was nOt o n'


ertecmed againil th i s Ido later, but alfoagainfi the rei’t o f Ido latersdn that Realm ,

as they fucceeded o ne after

ano ther,fo r to Baafa , who m


Go d ufed as an Infirument to mm o ut

the feed o f f erohoam ,it is i aid : Betoafo thou haji oral/realmthewayof Jero

bo am, and ha/i oaafed my geople tofin that thou/hoaltle/lpr ow heme i n theirfiat ; therefore [hall I eat doomthe Po/ieritie of Baafa, and thepofierityof hishoe/e, ana/koli make thyhoafe ao the hoafe of Jero bo am . He that [ballolze toBaafa in theCi ty, hzmflyalldog s eat5 and he thatflralldie in thefield, hurt/ hallthefo o ls devour O f the fam eCup, and fo r the fame caufe

,drank E 14

andM ohah, yea, and the Pofierity o f :7eha, fo llowing the fo o rfieps o f

thei r fo refathers .

By thefe examples , yo u may evidentl efpy , That Ido latry is the

caufe, why G o d defiroyeth the pofieritieo Princes ; no r o nely o f tho fethat firft invent abominat io ns , but alfo o f fuch as fo llow and defend thefame, Co nfider Madame , That Go d hath begun very fharplywithyo u, tak ing from yo u, as it were to gether, two ch ildren and a hus bandHe hathbegun I fay ,

to declare h imfelf angry, beware thatyo u provo ke no r the eyes o f h is Majefly ; , It w illno r be the haughtylo o k s

o fthe pro ud , the firength o f yo ur friends , no r multi tude o f men thatcan jufiifie yo ur caufe in h is prefence If yo u prefume to rebellagainith im (and againft him yo u rebell) if yo u denymy m o lt humble requellwh i ch I m ak e in his Name ,

and it is th is : W i th the hazard o f m ineown life ,

I o ffer to pro ve , That Religio n wh ich no w yo u m aintain;to be falfe deceiveable

,and abom inatio n befo re G o d ; And that

I fhalldo bymo lt evident teftimo n ies o f h is'

bleffed, ho ly, and infallible W o rd


If thi s,I fay, yo u deny (rebelling againfi Go d ) The

favo ur

d Sermon preachedh} Jo hnKnox.

o f yo ur friends , f halllittle availyo u, when he fhall declare h imemy to yo u. W h ich allure yo ur felf, he w ill {h o rtlydo ,

if yo u beg in to difplay the banner o f yo ur malice againfl h im . Let n o t the p rofperity o f Others , be theyPrinces , ueen s

, K ings , o rBm pero urs , ho lden P 'Pfecrifr fo r

yo u to co ntemn G o d , and his lo ving dmo n itio n . Theyfhalld rink the 253 533“

Cup o f his wrath , every o ne in thei r rank,as he hath appo inted t go o d.

No Realme in thele quarters (except it, that next li eth to yo u) hath he (0 gflk f


m anifefily firick en w i th h is terrible ro d, as he hath do ne yo u, and yo urRealme , And therefo re, it beco meth yo u firft to fio up excep t thatyo u vo unyplagued

willhave the threatning s pro no unced by Ifafah the P ro phet, rat ified unto3‘5m m"

yOu . To wit, That yo ur fudden deftruétio n be as the r0 tten W all,and

yo ur b reak ing, as the break ing o f a Po rfherd, wh ich i s bro k en w i tho utp itty fo that no po rtio n o f it c an be fo und able either t o c arry fire o r

water . W hereby the Pro phet do th fignifie, .That the pro ud c o ntemners

o f G o d,and o f his Admo ni tio ns

,fli allfo perilh fro m allho no urs , That

theyfh allhave no th ing wo rthy o f mem o rial] behinde them in the Earth .

Y ea,If theydo leave any th ing, as it fh allbe unpro fitable, fo f hall it be”W e?

in execratio n and hat red to the eleét o f Go d , and therefo re,

Thus pro Ifai 6


ceedeth myfo rmer Letter.

Letter .

IHOnt dangerotufiefver itjhallappear to thefie/71, to oheyGod and to malesmat-re ag ain/l thedw ell, the prtnce of darkne/fe, p r ide, and[uper/lttton ;

yet if your Mayejlylook to haveyourfilf, andfeed to conti nue tn honour , worldly,and everla/t

‘tng , fuhyeéi your felf hetttneit , ,

under thehand of him that a omni

p otent. Emhracehie W t/l,tle/pife not hi s Te/lament, refufienoth u

Grace: ofitred. E t‘m‘m‘

When‘he calleth uponyou, wi thdrawnot yo ur ear 3 B e not led awaywzth theem n

op ini on, that your Chur ch cannot er re. B e ye mo/l a ttr edlyper/ivaded Thatfitfarre aa tn ‘

ltfe,yefee theno deg ener atefr om Chr i/lo true c/ Ipo/llet , [o tn Relig i onaretheyf ur ther corrupted . L aythe Boole of Godh efore youreyes , and let i t he

judge to that, whi ch Ifay. W htch if ye, wrth fear , and r everence, ohey, at d/d z Par 34.

Jo fias the adm onztiont of the Pr oph etqfe, then [hall he (hy whom K ing s do

r eign) cron’

tnyour Battellwzth douhlehenedtl'


ion,and r ewardyou W i th yvtfe

’dotn e,r tthet , glory, honour , and long life i n that Reg zment temporall, andmtth ltféeverla/ltng when iheK ing of lung : (whofeMemhert now do cryfor your help)theL ord f efue [hallappear tnyudgement accompanied to oth his Angel; hefor ewhomyee[hallm fleeaccompt of your prefint Reg iment when the pr oud and defohedzent[ballcry Mo untain s fall upo n us , and ,

h ide us fro m the face o f

the Lo rd . But then ttflaa/lhe too late, hecaufe theycontemned hilt voice, whenhe lo futnglycalled .

God the F ather of our L ord gi t/Eu Chri/l hythepower of his holyS irit,map ;your heartfo to conflder and accept the thing: that hefatd That t eyhtnot a Tefltmony of your yufl condemnatton tn that great dayof the L ordf efta gtomhofe omntp otent Spir i t, .1 unfainedlycommityour ti b

ia]tfittt .



Tf ere

nt iah the Pro phet at the Co mmandment o f G o d had

w ri tten the S erm o ns,threatn ings ,and plagues , wh ich he had fpo

Ja m 3 6 k en againfi Ifraeland f ade/9, and had commanded them to be read byBa.

ruth h is S c ribe, becaufe h imfelf was exco mmunicated, and fo rb idden to

enter into theTemple by the pro vidence o f G o d it came to paffe,‘


[W i thd ttlh the(o n o f Gernar iah hearin g the faid Sermo n s , paffed toK ings Ho ufe, and did c o mmunicate the matter w ith the reft o f the Princes -

,w ho alfo

,after they had r ead the fame Vo lume o f f oremtah his

P reachings , d id nOt c o nceal the (fi lth fro m’

f ehoiaht’

rn , who then did

raigne in gierufalem . But the pro ud and defperate Prince c ommanding the

Bo o k to be read in h is prefence , befo re he had heard th ree o r fo ur leaves

o f the fame , d id cut it, and caft it into the fire,no rwithfianding that

fo me o f the Princes (I th ink n0 t all) m ade requefii n the c o ntrary. But

the Pro phet was charged byGod to wri te aga in, and to fay to :Fehoialetm,

That fatth theL ord, Thou hajlhurnt thatB ooh fltytn W hy ha/l thou wr ittenin it acc ording to thufi'

ntence the K zng o Babylon [hall come and

fhallde/lroythis land, and_[hallmalee it wood of men and hea/lt .

“Therefore thue

fatth theL ord, of Jeh o iak im theK ing , There[had not he one left alive to[i t in“

fl”S eat of David Thei r car hafer /laallhe cajl to theheat of theday, and to the

fray? of thenzght (whereby the Pro phet‘

did fignifie ,

the m o ft vile death ,and m o lt cruellto rment) and I[hall fvzfite the Inlqtttty of h mfelf, and of an

feed and fervants And I[hallhr tng upon them ,and upon the tnhahttantt of fife;

rufalem ,and upon all {fudah all the calamities which I have fio ohen agatnjh

them : Albeit theywould not hear . Th i s i s n0 t written Madame, fo r thatt ime o nely, bUt to allure us , That the lik e punilhment abideth the lik ec o ntemners , o f what ilate c o nd i tio n

,o r degree that ever theybe.

I did

W rite unto yo u befo re having tefiimo ny v

o f a go o d c o nfc ience, That l,d td it in the fear o f myG o d, and‘

by the mo ri o n o f h is ho ly Sp irit fo r

the requef’t of the fai thfullbreth ren, in th ings lawfull,and appertaining toG o ds glo ry, I canno t but j udge to be the vo rce o f the ho ly G ho ft.) Bu:h o w ye d id accept the fame my fo rmer writ ing , I do no t Otherwife thenby co njeéi ures underfiand whether ye did reade it to the end, o r no r Iam uncertain One th ing I k now, That ye did deliver it to o ne o f yo ur

P relats,faying ,MyLord, t l yer eade

-a Pa/Zyut'

fl As char ity perfwadethme to interpret th ings (do ubtfully (po k en) in the belt fenfe , fo my dutyto G o d(who hath c o mmanded me to flatter no P rince o n the _

earth)c om

pelleth me to lay, That if no mo re ye efieem the ~Admo n it io n o f G o d

then theCardinalls do the fco ffing o f Pafquills. that then he fhall{ho rtlyfend yo umeffengers with who m ye fhallnOt be able o n that manner to

jeff. If my perfo n b'

e co nfidered, I grant mythteatnings are no mo re tobe feared then be the merry fpo rts wh ich fearful! men do fatherupo n s quz


lltu in Rome. But ,

f Madame if ye (hall ,deeply

c o

That G o D ufeth men yea and m o lt co mmo nly th o le that beo f lo weft degree , ari d mo lt abjefi befo re the wo rld ) to be his Mcffengers and Ambalfado urs no r


o nely to n o tifie his will to the fimple

peo ple

,A N T

J E S U S C H R I S T ,

p reach ing o f h is Ho ly E vangell ,ben evo len t Reader , defire th grace and p eac

‘e,w ith

fp ir it o f r ighteo u s judgemen t .

0 n\

der not Chr tfiian'

Reader,that all my [lad/ e andtra

vellwzthtn theS cr rptur—

os of God,thefe twehtyye:r s , 1 havejetfor th nothing tn expoundzng

‘anvpor tion of S cr iptur e,

except this onely rude and zndrge/led Sermon‘, pr eached

hy me 1 71 the puhlthe audzence of theChurch of Edinburgh , thenineteenth dayofAugu/l, Anno r56 5{That Idtd not tn wr zttng communzcatemyj udgement upon thoScr tptur es , I have ever thought my [elf to have my?

juflr eafon for , confidertnqmyfelf rather called ofmyGod to tot/tr oll? the ignor ant, comfor t theforr onrfull, confirm theweak , and rehnlee thepr oud, hy tongue .)

and [r ue/yvoyce, in thefe tri o/l corrupt dayes , then to compofeB ooks for the age to

come feei ng that [o much tit wr ztten t and hymen ofmoflfingular erudttzon )and

yet[0 ltttlewellohferfved 5Idecreed to contazn myfelf within the hounds of that

Vocatton , whereunto [foundmyfilf e/peczally called. Idare not deny [e]? thattn[0 dozng Iflrould he tnjur zoua to theGutt er)hut that (god hath revealed untofelirets unknown to the world and alfo that hehath mademy tongue a Trumpet to

forewarn Realm s Nations,yea,cer tazng reat req/ elatzons of mutations and chan

g et ,when no fuch thtng s were feared nor yet was appear ing a portion wher eofcannot the wor ld deny (he i t, never fl) hltnde ) to he fulfilled ; and the r cflalaa ) Ifear/hallfo/lotvwzthgreater hafle, andenmor





ton then my


To the Reader .

firrowfullhear t defireth Notwith/landtng thefe revelati ons and affarever ah ain to commit any thzng to wr i ti ng contented onelyto have oheyed the

charge ofhz'

m,who commandedmeto crie. If any then willa sk to what purpofit thisonelyS ermon itfitforth andgreater matter s omttted I anfwer to let fuch an

S at/rahhath not altogether hltndedfo , upon howfmallocca/ions , g r eat of cnce i s nowconcert/ ed This S ermon as i t for thewhich from myBed Iwaa calledhefitre theConncoll and afier long reafoning , Iwas hyfome forhtdden to Preach in Edinb urgh [0 long at the K ing andQ oon were in Town 5 Thi s S ermon is at that

fendethfuch a s wouldpleafeCour t and W illnotappear to he enemzer to theTruth,

yet they dare afirm That I exceeded the hounds ofGods Meffingcr I have there

for efai thfullycomm i tted unto wr i ting whatfoever I could rememher might haveheeno where an that S ermon fro the end That .os well the 87767721 65 ofGods truth at the

profeflhrs of thefame,mayei ther noteuntomewherein Ihave of ended or at the leaflcea/e to condemn mehefore theyhave convinced me hy Gods manzfe/l W ord. Ifman thi nk it eafieunto me to mi tigate hy mypen the incon/ider ate flrara /fe of myTongue, and[0 cannotmen freelyjudge of that myS ermon s I anfwer ,‘I hat I am nei

ther fo impudent, that Iwrllfludzc to ahafo theworld in thi s gr eat light nei ther yet

fit «void of thefear ofmyGod, that Iwillarrowa h e in hi s own pre/ence and no legitdo Idieem i t to hea he

,1 0 : denyor conceale that which in hi s Name Ihave oncepro

nounced, then to affi rm That Godhath-poker}, when his W ord aflures menot of the

fizme 5for in thepuhlzlteplace I confult not wzthfle/h andhloodwhat I [hallpropofeto thepeople hut an the Spir i t of myGod, who hathfentme and auto whom Imuflanfwer , mon ethme, fo I[peak 5 and when I have oncepronounced threatning: in hotName how unpleajantfirever theyhe to theW orld I dareno moredenythem,


I dare denythatGod hathmademehis d o e/ finger toforewarn the inohedtent of thei roff/ned A t that S ermon were audi tor s unto me not onelyprofijfor t ofthe truth andfifthatfavour me, hut ran/t Papi/la, difi


emhltng Hypocr i tes and no

fmallnumhcr of covetous Clawhacles of the newCourt ; now I willappealto the con

fgt enceof them all,at theyW i llanfwer tn theprefence ofthe EternallGod, that either

theyhear me record, nowwr iting the truth, or elfenoteunto me the[entencer ofi’n/iwe

then hymepronounced, andnow omi tted in wri ting ,for in Gods pre/knee Iprotejl,Thatfofar a: memorywouldferweme, I havewr i ttenmorevehemently then in the

afl ton p aheandpronounced ; hut of purpofi:I have omittedperfwafions and exhortatront which thenweremade n edam hic dcfunt.


E l'

ay 2 6 .

O‘L ord our God

,other lord: hefidet thee havehad dominion over no ; hut hy thee

onelywillwemakemention of thyName.

Theyaredead, theyfhallnot live 5 theyaredeceafed they [hall not r ifle, therefore hjh/l thou vtfited and de/lr oyed them and made all their memory

to or :

Thou hi]? incr eajod theNation, 0 L ord, thou ha]? increa/ed the? Nation thou art

g lor ified, thou had removed i t farr eunto the end: of the ear th .

L 075, tn trouhlehavetheyvtfited thee, theypowred out a prayer when thychaflen

i ng mac upon them . (y o .


S the cunningMarriner'

(beingMaflcr having his § hipto iled wi th a vehement rempelt and co ntrarywindes ,i s co mpelled o ft to travcrfe left that either y to o

much refilling to the vi o lence o f the W aves h is c i

fellm ight be o ver whelmed o r byto o much liber tie

granted , to be carried wh ither the furyp f the tempcltwo uld

,his Sh ip (ho uld be driven Upo n the (he re and

fo make fhipwrac’

k ; even [0 do th o ur Pro phet

in th i s Te ar,wh ich now yo u have heard read 5 fo r he fo refceing the greatdél

o latio n that was decreed in th eCo uncello f the E ternall againftHi e

r te/alone and’

f ua’ah

,to wit That thewho le peo ple that bare the Name o f

G o d (ho uld bc difperfcd, that the ho lyCitie (ho uld be dcflro ycd the

Temple whereinwas the Ark o f the Co venant , and where G o d had pro ~

m iféd to give h is o wn p refencc, (h o uld be burnt with fire the K ing tak en,h is io ns in his o wn p refcncemurthered , h is o wn eyes immediatly after to

be pUt o ut, theNobilitic,(ome cruelly murdered (ome fhamcfully ledaway

1 0 0 (7SermonTreacheelh] Jo hnKnox.

o f K ings , and in the faces o f Judges and th at fo r the pro fit and c o m

fo rt o f man 5 S o that who fo ever wo uld fiudie tQ deface that o rder o f

Regiment that‘

G o d hath eftablilhed and by h is ho lyW o rd allo wed,and bring in fuch a c o nfufio n

,as no difference ih o uld b


e betwixt the upper

Po wers and the fubjea s , do th no th ing bur evert and turne upfide do wnethe veryThro ne o f G o d which he willto be fixed here upo n earth as

in the end and c aufe o f this O rdinance m o re plainlyfhallappear w hich

i s the feco nd Po int we have to o bferve, fo r the better underftanding o f



Pro phet s wo rds and m inde .

-The end and canfo then , why G o d printeth in theweak and feeble flelb

o f man th is Image o f h is o wn Power andMajefiie, is ne t to puff up Heibin o pinio n o f it felf5neither yet that the heart o f h im that is exalted abo ve

o thers , fh Illbe lifted up byp refumptio n and pride, and fo del‘pife Others ,

but that he fhallc o nfi der, that he is appo inted Lieutenant to o ne, wh o fe

eyes c o ntinuallywatch upo n him to fee and examine

h o w he behaveth

h imfelf in h is Office . S aint Paulin fewwo rds de‘

clareth the end, whe

fo re the fwo rd, is co mm itted to the powers faying , 1: is to thePym/lamentof thewi ckeddeer: and unto thepm zfi:of fuch 44 do well.


Of which wo rds , it is evident That the fword o f Go d is no t com

m itted to the hand o f man, to ufe as ir'

pleafeth h im , but o nely to punifh

vice,and maintainvertue that men


may live in fuch fo c iety,as befo re

G o d is acceptable . And th is is thevery and o nelycaufe, whyG o d hathappo inted po wers in this E arth .

Fo r fuch i s the furio us.

rage o f man s c o rrupt nature That unlelfe

fevers punifhment were appo inted and put in executio nupo n malefa

6to rs 5 Better it were, that man iho uld live am o ng brhte and W i lde Beafis ,

then amo ngmen . But at th is p refent, I dare no t enter in to the defc riptio n

o f th is co mmo n place , fo r fo (ho uld I n0 t fatisfie the Text , which byG o ds grace I purpo fe to abfo lve .

This o nelyby the way, I wo uld that

fuch as are placed in Autho rity, ih o uld c o nfider, W hether they raign

and _ru le byG o d, fo that G o d ruleth them o r if they rule without, be

fides , and againflG o d, o f who m o ur Pro phet here do th co mplain .

ny lift to take tryall o f thi s po int it is net hard : Fo r (Moferin the elec

tio n o f Judges , and o f a K ing , defcribeth , no t o nely,what

perfo n s ih allbe cho fen to that h o no ur, but do th alfo g ive to him that is

elec’ted and cho fen the rule by thewh ich he fhalltryhimfe‘lf,whether

G o d raign in him o r no t'

faying W hen he fhallfit upo n the th ro ne o f

h is K ingdom , he fhall w rite to himfelf an examplar o f this Law , in a

Bo o k by the Priefis and Levites 5‘it fhallbewith h im , and he iball read

therein, allthe dayes o f h is life 21"

bar hemaylearn to fear the Lo rd h is

Go d, and,to k eep allthewo rds o f th is Law, and thefe S tatutes , that he

m aydo them , that his heart be no r lifted up above his Brethren, and that

he turn no t fro m the c ommandment , to the r ight hand, o r to the left .

The fame is repeated to fiflmah in h is inanguratio n to the Regimento f the peo ple byG o d him felf , faying 5 Let ne t the Bo o k o f this Law

depart fro m thym o uth,but meditate in it dayand night, tha t tho umayfl

k eep it , and do acco rding to allthatwh ich is written in it . Fo r then {hall

thywaybe pro fpero us , and tho u {halt do prudently.

Rom , lg.

14SermonTr eached h) John Knox.

The firli thing then that G o d c raveth o f h im that i s called to the Ho A HIIOno ur o f a K ing i s , The knowledg e of htlrWell revealed a t his W ord.


The feco nd is A n upr ight and weflzhg mma’e top ut in executionfilth thing : h

d/S Gozlcommandeth in he? L en? wzthoot declining to the fi ght , or to the left 34333

5212;Ifldfl fl. o r Pr ince.

K ings then have no t an abfo lute Power to do in their Regiment

what .pleafeth them 5 but their Po wer is lim ited by G o ds W o rd zygpfi‘gffgg

S o that if they {trike where G o n hath nOt c ommanded theyare but K ings i s limu,

murtherers 5 and if they fpare where G O D hath co mmanded to (trik e °d'

theyand their Th ro ne are,c riminalland guilty o f the w ick edneffe that

abo undeth upo n the face o f the earth fo r lack o f punifhment .

0 that K ings and P rinces wo uld co nfider what acc o unt fhallbe c ra

ved o f them as well o f their igno rance and m is knowledge o f G o ds

yVill, as fo r the neglecting o f thei r O ffice. But no w to returne to the

wo rds o f the Pro phet . In the perfo n o f thewho le peo ple he do th c o m

plain unto G o d That the Bahzlom'

em (whom he calleth Other lord: he

fider G od , bo th becaufe o f their igno rance o f G o d,and by reafo n o f their

cruelty and inhumanity) had lo ng ruled o ver them in great rigo ur, w ith

o ut p it}? o r c ompafli o n had upo n the anc ien t men and fam o us m a

tro ns Fo r they being mo rtallenemies to the peo ple o f Go d fo ught.

by all meanes to aggravate their yo kp , yea ,utterly to have exter

m inate the memo ry o f t hem , and o f their Religio n, fro m the face o f theearth .

After thefirfipart o f th is do lo ro us complaint , thePro phet declareththe Pm tefiatio n o f the peo ple faying , Nw ezthelefl} in thee [hell we rea

memher thyName ; (.Others reade it,Bet we will r ememher thee onely,

and thyNamu But in the Hebrew th ere i s no Co njuna io n Co pula

t ive in th at lentence . The m inde o f th e Pro phet is ‘plaine to w it,

That nOtwithfianding the lo ng' fuflained aflliftio n g he p eo ple o f G o d

de clined nOt to a falfe and vain Religio n,-but remembred Go d , that fome

t ime appeared to them in his merc ifullprefence 5 wh ich albeit then theyfaw nOt yet wo uld theyfiillremember his Nam e

,that is Theywo uld

«callto minde theDo étrine and,Promife wh ich at fometimes they heard,

albeit in their pro fperity th eydid .nOt fufli c ien tly glo rifie G o d who fome rc ifully ruled in the midfi o f them . The temptation , .no do ubt


o f the Ifraelites was great in ,th o fe dayes 5 They we re carried _c ap

t ives . fro m the Land o f Cona n , which was t o them the gage and

pledge o f G o ds favo ur to wards them 5 for it was .the inheritanc e thatG o d pro mifed to t / I hmh


om, and to his feed ifo r ever . The League andC o venant of Go ds .Pr0 teétio n , appeared to h ave been ,br o k en Theylamentably complain , That they faw no t their _accu


fio med fignes o f

G o ds merc ifull prefence 5 The true Pro phets ,were few ,and the abo .

m inatio ns ufed in Bahylon were exceeding many And fo it m ight

have appeared to them That in vain it was , that they were c alledt hePo f’terity o f w hraham o r that ever theyh ad received the Law io r

F o rme o f righ t Religio n from G o d. That we may the better feel it

in o ur felves ,the temptatio n, I fay,was even fuch ,as ifG o d iho uld utterly,deltroyallOrder and Po licie that tRi

s dayis within his Church that thea a a true


E z ek t o .

2Reg. 1 7.

d SermO'

nTreachedh) jo hnKno x:

t‘rue preach ing o f the W o rd iho uld be fUpp reifed The r ight ufe o f

c ramen ts abo lifhed,Ido latry and Pap iflicall abo m inatio n eree’ted up

again 5 And therew ith, That o ur bo dies iho uld be tak en prifo ners by

Turk s o r Other m anifeft enem ies o f G o d , and o f all go dlinelfe. Such ,I fay, was their temptatio n 5 H ow n o table , then is this their co nfefli o n,that in bo ndage theymak e, to w it, That theyw illremember G o d o nely,

albei t,he hath appeared to turn h is face fro m them , Theywill remember

h is name,and willc allto m inde the deliverance pro

m ifed .

Hereo f have we to co nflder, what is o ur duty If G o d bring us (asfo r o ur o ffences and unthank fulnelfe jufllyhe may} to the li ke extremity.

This c o nfefli o n is no r the fair flattering wo rds o f hypo c rites , lying and

bathing in their pleafures ,“but it i s the m ighty o peratio n o f the S pirit o f

G o d, who leaveth nor h is o wn deflitute o f fo me co mfo rt in their mo lt

defperate calamities . Th is is then o ur duty , no t o nely to c o nfefl'

e o ur

G o d in time o f peace andquietnelfe ,but he ch iefly c raveth , that we

avo w him in the nat o f h is,and o ur enem ies .And th is is no -t in us to do ,

but it beh oveth That the Spirit o f G o d wo rk in 115, abo ve allpo wer o f

nature . And thus we o ught earneftly, to meditate befo re the battell rife

m o revehement , which appeareth no r to be far o ff. But now mufl we

enter in fo mewhatm o re deeply to c o nfider thefe j udgements o f G o d .

Th is peo ple dealt with all, {as we have heard, was the o nely peo ple

Upo n the face o f the E arth , to wh o m G o dwas rightly k nown amongthem o nely l


ere h is Laws , S tatutes , Ordinances and Sacrifices ufed

and put in praétife 5 They'

o nely invo cated h is Name,


to them

alo ne had he p rom ifed hi s prOtet‘Ztio n and aflifiance : W hat then fho uld

be the caufe, that he iho uld g ive them o ver in to th is'

great repro ach , and

b ring them into fuch extremity, as his o wn name, in them ,fho uld



phemed . The Pro phet E z ek i el, that faw th is horrible d efi ruaio n fo re

fpo k en by Ifazah, put in jufi executio n , giveth an anfwer in_thefe wo rds ,

I gave unto them L aws thatwere g ood, in thewhich W hofiretuer [herald walk,jhottld lw e i n them 5 But theywould notwalla inMywayts hat r eheded again]!me A nd ther efore , I have g o tten unto them L aws that are .fl ot g ood, and

gadgemefl ts , m thewhi ch they[ballnot love. TheW riters o f the Bo o k s o f

K ings , and Ch ro nicles , declare this in mo re plain wo rds faying : The

L ordfirm unto them his Pr ophets , r zfing ear ly, defir z'

hg of them to return unto

the L ord, and to amend their mie/zed wayes (fo r he wo uld have fpared h is

peo ple, and~

his Tabernacle) hut they worked his fervants ,and would not

return onto the L ord thei r God to ivalh m his wayes . Y ea, afadah it felf k ept

n o r the precepts of the Lo rd G o d, but walk ed in theManners and Ordinances o f Ifrael5 That is , Of fuch as then had declined to Ido latryfromthe dayes


o f f er ohoam . And therefo re, the Lo rd Go d abho rred the wh o le

feed o f Ifr ael, that i s , Thewho le bo dy o f the peo le, he pro m ifed them ,

and gave them into the hands o f tho fe that fpo iled)

them and fo he call:

them o ut fro m his p refent ed!t

Hereo f it is eviden t That their difobedience'

unto G o d,and unto the .

vo ices o f h is PrOphet s,wa'

s the caule o f their deftruétio n .Now, haveWe

t o tak e h eed ho wwe iho uld Life the go o d Laws o f Go d, that is , his W illrevealed unto us in his W o rd, and tha t Order


o f J aflice, that by h im,


E Z (I(.80

ASermenprezzcbedby JohnKnox.

replcm fhed, (eern to impo rt plain c o ntradictio n, Fo r remo ving o f th i s

do ubt,and fo r better underl’tanding o f the Pro phet s m inde, we m ull un

derlland that the Pro phet had to do w i th divers fo rts o f men ; he had todo w i th the co n jured and man ifelt enem ies o f G o ds peo ple the Calder:

o r even (0 fuch as p ro felle C H a 1 s r J E s u s have

to do e w ith the Tar /re and Sam z em . He had to do e w ith the Seed o f

Abrah am,whereo f there were th ree fo rts . The ten Tribe


s all degenerate

fro m the true wo rlh ipping o f G o D 5and c o rrupted w i th Ido latry as

th i s day are o ur pellilen t Papifis in allRealm s andNatio n s there relied

o ne the Tribe o fyudab atycmfizlem where the fo rm o f true Relig io nwas o bferved, the Law taught , and O rdinance s o f G o d o utwardly k ept 5bur yet there were in that bo dy (I mean in the bo dy o f the vifiblcChurch a great number that wereHyp o c ri tes , as th i s day yet are am o ngus that do p ro fefle the Lo rd Jef us , and have refufed Papiftrie 5 no r a few

that were licent io us livers ,fo me that turned the ir back e to G o d 5 that is ,

Had fo rfaken alltrue Religio n and fo rmthat lived a mo lt abo m inable life,a s E z ek i elfai th in h is vifio n 5 and yet there were fo rne go dly as a few

W heat C o rne s o pprelfed and h id amo ng the multi tude o fChaffe NOW

acc o rding to th i s diverfitie, the Pro phet k eepeth divers purpo fes , and yet

in mo lt perfecfi:o rder .

And fitfi(after the fi rfipart o f the c o mplaint o f the afllié‘ted,as we have

heard in vehemencyo f fpirit he burfieth fo rth againfi allthe pro ud enem

m ies o fG o ds peo ple, againfi all(uch as tro uble them,and againfi allfuc h


mo ck and fo rfak e G o d, and faith ,Tbedead/77411 not lw e,the pr oud Giants

flgzrflrapt rrfir, than Ira/lflatter ed tbrm , and deflr ayed the”memor ial In wh ich

wo rd s he figh teth againfl:'


prelé nt tem ptat io n and do lo ro u s (late 0

(Po ds peo ple, and againlt the info lent pride o f fuch a‘s o


pprefled them 5a

ifthe pro phet (h o uld fay

O ye tro ublers o f Gods peo ple h owfo ever iappeareth to yo u in th i s yo ur blo o dy rage, thatG o d regardeth no t yo u

crueltic , no r’

do nfide reth nOt what vio lenc e yo u do to h is po o r afiliéted,‘

yet fhallye“be vifited, yea, yo ur Carcafes {hallfalland lie as {link ing Car

‘r ion s upo n the face o fthe earth ,ye fhall fallw ith om ho pe o f life o r o fa

bleffed refurreé’tio n 5 yea, ho wlo ever ye gather yo ur fubfiance and aug

in ent'

yo ur fam ilies , ye fhalbe fo (cattered,that‘

ye iballleave no mem o riallo f yo u to the po l

’teri ties to come but that wh ich {hallbe exe


crable andg s

Hereo fhave th eTyrants their admo n it io n and the afflicted Churchi n


imable c o m fo rt 5 The Tyrant s that do'


e . fhall rece ive thefame endithat'theydid wh ic h have palled befo re 5 that i s -Th ey{halldie‘and fall .with


fhalrnemitho ut ho peo’

f rel'

urrea io n , as is fo r elaid, no r,Thatkittyfhallno nar ifei to


the‘ir‘o wn c o nfufio n and full co ndemnat io n 5 b ur


that they fh allnot reco ver po wer to tro uble th e fervants or Go d neithe

5ia fhall thQW i'

ck ed ariil’

efia s Davzd i fa‘ith )Cir‘m h

e (Co umtfell'

o f the j uf’r

No w have the W icked the i r Cbuncells , the ir'

Th ro nes,and lfinally hand

part )to Eallth ings that are upo n t‘h'ezvface o f the earth

b uc the po o rgervants o f G o d arenr ep Uted b upwo rthy o fm oms prefenc eenvyed ,

mo ck ed 5yea;theyare, mo re vile befo re'

thc fe pro ud Tyrants ,then‘iy the

‘veryd ir t andm irenthat is trodden underfo o t : B ut in ‘that glo rious


fl Sermonpre/zc/Jed by Jo hn Knox.


r [ figrefurre6tio n th i s (late fhailbe changed 5fo r th en fh allfuch a s no w by thei r A RGOab o m inable living and c rueltie defiro y the earth and m o lefi G o ds c h il

d ren , fee h im wh o m they,

have p ierced 5 they (hall fee the g lo ryo f f uch A pee,

a s no w theyperfecute to the i r terro ur and everlali ing c o nfufio n . The

remembrance hereo f o ught to mak e us pat ien t in the dayes o f afflictio n,and fo to c o m fo rt us , that when we fee Tyrants in their blinde rage, t readunder fo o r th e Saint s o f G o d, that utterlywe delpaire no r,as i f there werenei ther W ifdo me, Jullice no r Po wer abo ve in the Heaven s to reprelfe

f uch Tyrant s , and to redreffe the do lo urs o f the unjul’tlyafflicted5No bre

thren ,let us be a llured that the right hand o f the Lo rd w ill change the

{late o f th ings that be m o ltdefperate : In o ur G o d there is W ifdo m e and

Po wer in a m o ment, to change the jo y and m i rth o f o ur enem ies,in to


afiing m o urn ing ,and o ur fo rro ws into Joy and gladnelle that (hall

h ave n o end .

Let us therefo re in thele apparent calam ities and marvell ne t that Ifay c alam it ies apparent fo r he that leeth um a fi re begun , that fh allburn'

m o re then we lo o k fo r unlefle G o d o fhis m ercyquench it, is m o re then

blinde, ) no r bee difc o uraged but w i th unfained repentance let us re

turn to the Lo rd o ur G o d, let us accufe and c o ndemne o ur fo rm er negligence and fiedfal’tlydepend upo n h is p ro m ifed deliverance l

‘o (hallo ur

temporall fo rrows be c o nverted into everla’

fling jo y. The do ubt thatm igh t bem o ved c o ncern ing the deflruéi io n o f tho fe who m G o d exalteth ,fhallbe difc ufled, if tirne w illfuller, after that we have paired th o r o wo uttheTer m, now pro ceedeth the Pro phet , and faith 5

Thou be]? ifl crmfed tleNations , 0 L ord, tkon bafl increzzfid theNallam ,$501;Vein s .

artmadeglamour , rbaa ha]? mlarg eclallthe coaflr af t/re ran /7 .

L ordm tr oalleé w. Va l. 16.

In thefe wo rds the P ro phet g iveth co nfo lario n to the aflliéted, alluringthem

,That h o w ho rrible lo ever that defo lario n (ho uld be, yet i ho uld the

S eed o f u f lrabam be fo mult iplied, that it ih o uld replen ifh the m i lls o f

th e earth 5 yea, that G o d iho uld be m o re glo rified in thei r affliério n , thenh ewas dur ing th e time o f their pro fper itie Th is pro mife (no do ubt )w as incredible when it was made fo rwho c o uld have been perfwaded ,That the defiru iftio n o f {ferufizlem (ho uld have been themeanes wherebyt he Nat io n o f the Jews (ho uld have beene inc reafed feeing that much

r ather it appeared, That the o verth ro w o f93rrtrfzzlcm i ho uld have been the"

veryabo li lhing o f the feed o fAlmb/im : But we mull c o nhder to what

end it_was that G o d revealed h im felf to Alm bam

,and what i s c o ntained

inthe pro m ife o f themultiplicat io n o f his Seed, and the benedia io n p rorm fcd t hereto .

F irfi G o d revealed h im lelfto A lmbam,and that by themean s o f his

W o rd 5 to let allflelh after underfiand, That G o d firfi c alled m an and

revealed h im felfunto h im ,that1747) can do agar/m tg lat r réellagam/Z

‘God, fo r 10 113

A ll a/mm (no do ubt was an Ido later befo re that G o d called h im fro m


of the Calder; 5 The Pro m ife was made T/ mt t/7c S eer! of Abrahamfirould éemrrltzplyed 45 the S tar s of lye/ wen , and a s flat) flzml off/re[ea 5 wh ich is

A a a a 3 no :

r1 0 6 ASermon Treo cbed- bj Jo h n Kno x.

A nnono r {imply to be u

nderflo o d o fh i s naturallSeed as th o ugh it was fo mes

Dan. 1 .

t imes greatly inc 1‘

ea:Ed 5 but rather o f fuch a s ih o uld bec o me the fp irituallS eed o fAbra/mm as the Apo llle fpeak eth 5No w i fwe be able to p ro ve,That the r igh t k no wledge o fGo d,h i sW ifdo m ,JufliceJVlelcy and Power,was m o re amp

‘ydec lared in thei r c ap tivity, then ever it was at any time

befo re,then can we no t deny but that G o d even when to man s judge

m ent he had utterly rafed them from the face o f the earth )d id inc reafe theNati o n o f the f em fo th at he was glo ri fied in them and did- extend theCo af’rs o f the earth fo r the ir h abi tat io n . And fo r the better undefiandinghereo f

,let us (ho rtly trie the Hillo ries ,from their Cap tiw tie to thei r deli

verance,and after the fame

,to the co mm ing o f theMefim .

It is no do ub t , bur that S athan in tended by the d ifperfio n o f the9°

ewes ,

fo to have prOphaned the who le Seed o f Alm lmm that amo ng themih o uld nei th er have remained the true k no wledge o fG o d, n o r yet the Spirit o f Sanéh ficatio n 5 but that all (ho uld have c o me to a lik e c o ntempto fG o d Fo r I pray yo u fo rwhat pur


po fe was it that Doweland his

fello ws were tak en into theK ings Co urt,were co mm anded to be fed at theK ings Table and were put to the Scho o ls o f their D ivines , S o uthfayersand Aftro lo gian s


’ It m aybe, tho ught that i t p ro ceeded o f the K ing s hum an ity, and o f a zeal that he had, that they(ho uld be b ro ugh t up in ver

tue and go o d learn ing 5 and I do ub t mm but it was fo underflo o d o f a.

great number o f the f o r ; 5 but the leerer praétife o f the -B evillwas underflo o d o fDomcl, when h e refufed to defile him felf with the K ings m eat


wh ich was fo rbidden to the Seed o fAbr aham in the Law o f their G O D.

W ell, G o d beginneth (ho rtlyafter to {hew h imfelf mindefullo f h is p ro

m ife made by h i s Pro phet , and to tro uble Nolacbt dnez z ar h imfelfe bylhewing to h im a vifio n in his dream

,wh ich did themo re tro uble h im


caufe h e c o uld n o r fo rg et the terro r o f it 5 nei ther yet co uld he rememberwhat theyni o n and the parcels thereo fwere rW hereup o n were called allD ivi nes


Interpreters o fd reams , and S o uth fayers , o fwho m the K ing demahded

,lf th~y c o uld let h im underfland what he had dreamed -

,But wh ile

that they an fwer,That fuch a 'quefi io n ufed no r to be demanded o f any

S o uth fayer o rMagic ian fo r the refo lutio n thereo f o nely appertained to

the go ds , who fe habitat io n was no rwi th men 5 the charge was g iven ,That

they all(ho uld be {lain 5 and am o ngfi the reftDanielwas fo ugh t wh o feinno cencythe B evillenvyed)to have f ullered the fame judgement : He reclaimeth , and as k eth t ime to difclo fe that fec ret 5 I o nely to uch the Hiafio ry, to let yo u fee bywhat mean s G o d inc reafeth his k no wledge)wh ichbeing granted , the vi li o n is revealed unto him he fheweth the fame unto

the K ing, w ith the true interpretatio n o f it 5 adding,That the kno wledge

thereo f came no t fro m the Stars bUt o nely fro m the G o d o fAlm /mm,

wh o o nelywas and is , the true G o d : wh ich th ing‘

underfio o d, the K ing

burlt fo rth in h is c o nfefli o n,faying o f a tro t/7your God zit tk o mo/l excel

lent of allg odr, and be is Lord ofKmgr , andonolyhe rbat ”m o lar/7 flye from”,

feeing tlmt tbou waldo/l op en th efloral . And when Nelaobo o'fl ez z d r,after

that, puffed up in pride by the co unfell o f his wicked No bilitie, wo uld

mak e an Image ,befo re the wh ich he wo uld that allTo ngues and Natio n s ,fubJeét to him, fho uld make ado ratio n, and that Sydro o/e , (Mg/brick and

Aéedo ego

Ann o

1 EM6 .

A Prayer “

1 bermon Trencher!h} jo hnKnox.

o f iff emfalemawere lo ng flayed, fo that theWo rk had many enem ies But

fo did th e hand o f G o d prevail in the end That a decree was made by

D am e: (byh im I fuppo fe, that fucc eeded to Canthifes ) no r o nely that allth ings neceffary fo r the building o f the Temple and fo r the S ac rificesthat were t o be there b ren t, ih o uld be m iniflred upo n the K ings charges 5but alfo , That wh o fo cver (ho uld h inder that wo rk , o r change that decree,rh ilt a balk (h o uld be taken o ut o f his ho ufe

,and that he ih o uld be hanged

thereup o n ; yea, that his ho ufe ih o uld be made a dungh ill5 and thereto,

he addeth a Prayer, laying The God of Heaven, who hathplaced hiltNamether e, root outw aryK ing ,

and People (0 that Kmg: and Natzont /hould tender

fiand) that [ha/l pat ha hand either to chang e, or to httr t thtlt honfi: of God,that is in

f ernfalent . And lo in de fpight o f Sathan, was the Templebuilded, thewalls repai red and the C ity inhabited and in the m o i}:defperate dangers it was preferved tillthat the ti lt efiiaa promifed, theglo ryo f the {Eco nd Temple came manifefied h im felf to the wo rld


fuifered and to fe againe, ac co rding to the Scr iptures And fo, byfind

ing fo rth his G o fpel from 55er ztfalem d id repleniih the earth w ith thetrue kno wledge o f G o d 5 and lb did God in perfect io n en creafe the Natio n, and the fpirituallSeed o f fl hr aham .

W herefo re , dear brethren , W e have no fmall con fo latio n if the Rateo f allth ings be

'this day


rightlyco nfidered 5we fee in what furyand ragethe wo rld fo r themo lt part, is no w raifed againftithe po o r Ch urch o f

Jefus Chrifi unto thewh ich hehath» pr o claimed liberty .after the fear .

fullbo ndage o f that SpirituallB‘ahylonfln thewhich we have been h olden

c apt ives lo nger fpace fhen I/iwael was p rifoner in Babylon it_felf Fo r if

we {hall co nfider upo n the o ne part the multitude o f th o ft that livewh o llywitho ut

Ch ri it 5 and (up o n the Other- part , the blinde rage o f thepefiilent Papi fi

s , W hat fhailW e th ink o f t he fmailnumber’

so f them that

do l

pro feife Chrifi:Jefus ,b‘ut that they are

as ap o o r fheep , already feizzedin the

‘claw s o f the ‘Lyo n f.

yea t hat they, and the t rue R eligio ntheyp ro fe



efitallin a'

moment utterlyIbe co nfumed f:But againfi t


h is fearfulltemptat io n let us be a rmed w i th the Po f Go d


‘ro w it '



That hewillbe the Pro teéto r o f'

his Church 5yea,Thatbew i

‘llmultiplyit , evenwh en to mans judgement it appeareth utterly to

‘be exterm inate.’

Th i s Promi’fe hath o ur G o d perfo rmed , in'

the multiplic at io n o f u


i hrahams S eed in p refervatio n o f it,w hen Sathan labo uredUtterly

‘to have dellro yed it , in deliverance o f t he fame, as weh ave heard,

fro m Bahy'

lon . He hath fent his fo n’

Ch riftJefus clad in o ur flelh , whoh ath tafied of all o ur infirmities (fin


except )w ho hath promifed t o bewith us to theend o f thewo rld He hath

‘further k ep t Pro mife in pub~

licatio n yea ,' in the refi itUtion o f h is glo rio us G o fpel5 Shallwe then

th ink that he‘

willleave h is Church dellitute in th is mo lt dangero us ageOnelylet us Pric k to

h is Truth and ’fludy t o confo rm'

o ur lives to the

fame,and he {hall


multiplyhis k nowledge,'

and encreafe his people. But

now let u s hearwhat the Prc phet Faith mo re.

ivy/[ted thee, {hey perm?!ea; apr dyer when thy

Verf -x5’

i The pro phetmeaneth ,‘that fuch as in the time

ofiquietnefi‘c , did notiightly regard G o d , no r hrs iudgements , were co mpelled by (harp c o r~

i- ceri o ns to feek G o d , yea, by c ryes and do lo ro us c o mplain ts , to vifiteh im .

3. Tgue it i s , That fac h o bedience deferveth fmailpraife befo re men

for who can praile, o r accept that in go o d part, wh ich c o meth as itwere;'

of gmeer co mpulfio n 5 and y‘et rare it is

,that any o f G o ds c h ildren


ddg ive un fained o bed ience, unt illthe hand o fG o d turn them Fo r if gu ietneiTe and p ro fperi ty, mak e them nOt utterly to fo rget the ir duty, bOthtoward s Go d and man , as B anged fo r a feafo n, yet it m ak eth them c are

jefle, ' info lent , and inmany. th i ng s unmindo

eiullo f tho le th ings that G o dch ieflyc raveth o f them 5 wh ich rmperi eé

’tio n efp ied


,and the dang er that

thereo f migh t enfue ,o ur heavenlyPather vrfiterh the (i n s o f h is ch i ldren,but in the ro d o f his mercy by the wh ich they are m o ved to return tothe ir Go d, to accufe thei r fo rmer negligence , and to pro m ife better o bethem e in alltimes hereafter


5 as D wm’co nfefieth



on, ,I wear a/Zmy, hernowwellI keep thySeafarer

Buryet'fo r the bet ter underfianamg o f the Pro phets mmde ,

wemayc o n fider how G o d do th vifite man , and h o w man do th viii te G o d


what d ifFerence there is , betwixt the vifitation o f .G o d upo n the reprobat_e, .zmd his yifitatio n upo n the cho lEBn .

G o d Fo metimes vifiteth the repro bate in h i s ho t drfpleafure, po uringagues fo r thei r lo ng rebellio n as weh ave heard befo re


e p r o ud, and deli ro yed their mem o ry. O ther t imes,

being in aiii iétio n to whom he fendethe, as he did vifite the feed o f f fhrt w z,haryfai th ,

'That G o d had vifited hisf deliverance , when fiche .the Ba rift,vifitatlon s fpeaketh o ur Pro phet ihere,readvto dched, to wit ,when


that G o dc h ildren

,to call them from the wane

that theyfuck no t in o ver-

gran an

do th, as it were, wean thern from

their mo thers Paps , that they may learn to receive o t hcn no urrlhme’i t.True i t i s , That th i s we aning (o r (parting, its we


e it) fro m wo rldlypleai


ure,.i s a th ing {image to the fiefh and ye t i t i s a th ing lo neceffary


G o ds ch ildren ,that unit- {Te theybeweaned fro m the pl, lures o f the

world , they can never feed upo n that deler‘i able Milk o f '

o ds eternalifierrty ; Fo r theco rruptio n o f the o ne, do rh e ither h i nder the o ther to bereceived, o r elfe {o tro uble th thewho le powers o f man, that the fo ulcannever (0 digei

’t the truth o f G o d, as that he o ught to do .

Albe it th i s appeareth hard , yet it is m o t}evident5Fo r what liq’uo r canwe recfeive from the Breali s o i thewo rld

, but that which i s i n the wo rld,

what that is , the Apo file {ifohn teacheth , laying 5W harflaew r if 1 3 them eld,

w 1at ei ther the of the eyes , thi le,/fr of theflej h , tor the pu ae of efe.B b b b

n o 14Sermon Time/Bed I?)

A No w feeing that thele are no t of the Father, but o f thewo rld, ho w c an

“ noit be, that o ur fo uls can Feed upo n chafiitie, temperance , and humility,

LI NN fo lo ng as that o ur {’tomack s are replenilhed with the co rruptio n o f

thele vices t'

Now [0 it is , that willingly, flefh can never refufe thefe’

fo renamedb ut rath er {tilldelrgh teth it felf in every o ne o f them ; yea, i



n all,

a s the examples are but to o evident .

It beh o veth therefo re, that G o d h imfelf f hallvio lentlypull h is ch'


alts , that when theylack the liquo r andvifi te h im , and learn to be no


urilhed ofrinces ih o uld be o pened, that they

m ight fee. with liquo r their fo uls are fed

, while

that the irwho le delight co nfifieth in pride, ambitio n , and lufis o f the

{link ing flelb . W e underfiand then h ow G o d do th vifite men , as well

byh is fevere j udgement s , as by his merc ifullvifitatio n o f-deliveranc



fro m tro uble, o r bybringing tro uble‘

upo n h is cho fen fo r their hum iliati

o n And now it refieth to underfiand h o w man vifiteth G o d Man do thvifite G o d when he appeareth in his pref

ence -

7be it to the hearing o f

his W o rd, o r to the partic ipatio n o f hi s Sacraments , as the'

pe0 ple o f

Ifrael, befides the o bfervatio n o f their S abbath s and dailyi

o blatio n s,‘

were c o mmanded thrice a yeer to p refent themfelves befo re the p‘


o f the Tabernacle, and as we do , and as o ften as we prefent‘

o ur relves to‘the hearing o f the W o rd 5 fo r there is the lo o dlo o l, yea, there is the face

and thro ne o f G o d h imfelf, wherefo ever the G o fpel o f Jefus Chrilt istruelyP reached, and his Sacraments rightly

m in ifired.

But men may o n th is fo rt vifite G o d ypo c ritically fo r a nymayc o me fo r the fafhio n , they m ay bear w ith deaf ears , yea, they mayunderfland and yet never determine w ith themlelves to o beythatwh ich G o d requireth And let fuch men be alTured

,Th*at he (who fearch

eth the fecrets o f hearts) will be avenged o f all luch . Fo r no thing can’

e to G o d mo re o dio us , then ‘to mo ck h im in h is o wn prefencei Letevery tman therefo re exam ine h im felf , with what m inde , and what

purpo fe, he co meth to hear the W o rd o f G o d , yea, with what car heh eareth it , and what tefiimo nyh is heart giveth unto him,

when that G o dcommandeth vertue , and fo rbiddeth impiet


Repinef’t tho u when G o d requireth o edience 6 Tho u heareft to

th ine own co ndemnatio n . Mo ck efi tho u at G o ds threatnings6 Tho u

{h alt feel the weight and truth o f them albeit to o late,when fleflaand

blo o d canno t deliver thee from h is hand . But the vifitatio n whereo fo ur Pro phet fpeaketh ,) is o nelypro per to the fo n s o f G o d who in , thetimewhen G o d tak eth fro m them the pleafures o f thewo rld, o r fhewethh is angry co untenance unto them

,have their reco url


e unto h im,and’

c o nfefiing their fo rmer negligencewith tro ubled hearts ,c ry fo r his mercy.

This vifitatio n i s no rpro per to allaflliétedb ut appertaineth o nelyto G o dsch ildren :Fo r the repro bates can never have acceffe to G o ds mercyin timeo f their tribulatio n , and that becaufe theyabufe as wellh is lo ng patience,a s the manifo ld benefits they receive fro m h is hands , Fo r as the famePro phet hereto fo re faith Let the wick ed o btain mercy yet (hall he



Verfe 1 7 .

Vcrfe i 8,

A’Sermonpreachedhj Jo hnKnox.

theyfo b, and they c ry unto G od fo rmercy (which o btained) theymagnihe - G o ds Name and after declare the

,fruits o f repentance . Let us

therefo re that hear thefe judgements o f o ur G o d, callfo r the ai’

ii li ancc

o f h is ho ly Sp irit,that ho wfo ever it pleafeth h im to vifit us , thatwemayfio o p under his merc ifullhands ,and unfainedly c ry to h im when h e co r

reé’teth us 3 And (0 fhallwe k no w-in experience ,that o ur c rye s and c om

plaints were no r invain.But let us hear what the Pro phet faith further .

L ike a}

amom i n i dith he with ehzld thatdraweth freer the travell, 15m [brrorv

,zz:yrlcryeth fit her pawn/0 havewehem m thyfightp L ord

,rve have concern ed,

we havehem tn ’Ud i fl ,M thoughwejheula'

havehreughtforth thewmd.

Salw twm wer eh e:made ta the earthwezther the!themhahitems of theearthfez/1

Th is is the feco nd part o f the Pro phets complaint, in the which he in

the perfo n o fG o d s peo ple c omplaineth,that o ftheir g reat afliiétio n there

ap peared no r end.Th is fame fimilitudc is'

ufed by o urMafietlefus Ch rit’r,

fo r when he fp eak eth o f the troubles o f his Churc h , he compareth them

to the p ains o f a woman travelling in her child- birth . But it is to ano ther

e nd . F o r there he pro mifeth exceed i ng and permanent joy, after a fo r t,tho ugh it appear tro uble . But here is the tro uble lo ng 8:vehement,albeit

the fruit o f itwas no t fuddenlyefpiedJ—le fpeak eth no do ubt o f that lo ng

and d o lo ro us time o f their captivity, in the which they co ntinually tra

velled for deliveranceb ut o btained i t no t befo re the compleat end o f 7 o

yeres , during the w h ich time,the earth'

,that is

,the land o fawfuda,which

lomtimes was fana ihed untb G o d,but was then given to be p ro phanedbywicked peo ple , go r no help , no r perceiving anydeliverance Fo r the

I nhabitants o f the wo rld fellno t, that is ,the tyrants and o ppreffo rs o fG o ds peo ple ,were nOt tak en away, butGil rema ined and co ntinued h laf

phemers o fGo d and tro ublers o fh is Church . But becaufe l perceive the

h o nres to paffe mo re fwiftly then they have do ne at o ther times , I mindto co ntract thatwhich refieth o f this Text into certain po ints .

The Prophetfir]?fighteth agent/Z thepre/enti

deyfair . e/ Ifier he intreduceth God

hs e


lfeeat/[mg aspen has people. A nd lafl of a/l, he a/fnreth hh Afilzfled that Ged

wz/Ieome,and requzr e account ofa/1 thebleed thzrflyTyhmts of the earth.

F zr/Zfighting Ag ainfitheprej ent tle/pain he faith,Thydeadfha/l my89

dy(or wzthmyhedy[helltheyerzfe,)mvahe and/ing ye that drive/1m the duff5 F or thy'

n'ew zit 44 thea’

ewof herhes .

The P ro phe t he re pie rceth thro ugh allimpediments that nature c o uld

o bjeét ;And by theVicto ry o f faith, he overcommeth , nOt o nly the comm o n enemies

,but the great and l

aflrenemy o



,death it felfe Fo r

this wo uld he fay,Lo rd,I fee no th ing to thy c o fen ,butmifery to fo llow

m ifery,& o ne afli tclio n to fucceed ano ther,yea,in the end Ifee,that death

{h alldevo ur thy deareli c h ildren . But yet, 0 Lo rd,i fee thy p ro mi fe to

be true ,& thy lo ve to remain to wards thy,c ho fen

, even when death ap

peared to have devo ured thes or thydeed/ha!li t/gym not only/7541theyleve,hut

1 17Sermonpreached h] Jo hn Kno x.

my very dear! Cara fe[ ha/1 d r /fe' ; And l‘o I Fee h o no ur and glo ry to

fuceeed th is tempo rali f hame; 1 fee joy permanent to c o me after t ro uble ,

o rder t o fp ring o ut o f th is terrib‘e co nfufio n and finally I fee that life

lh alldevo ur death (0 that death f hallbe deftro yed and lo thyfervants

fhallhave life . Th is (I fay) is thevicto ry o f faith when in the m id i’r o f

death , th ro ugh the ligh t o fG o ds W o rd,the afflicted {he life. Hypo c rite s ,

in the time o fquietneffe and pro fperitie can generally c o nieife ThatG o d is true in his pro mifes , bUt b ring them to the eat rem it ie, and there

c eafeth the Hypo c rite further to truft in G o d then he leeth naturallmean s

whereby G o d ufeth to wo rk : But the true faith f ull, when allhowo f na

turallmeans faileth,then flie they to G o d h im felf, and to the truth o fh is

P ro mife who is abo ve nature, ye who i'

e wa

ges are no t (0 fubyeé

‘t to the

o rdinaryc o urfe o fnature, that whenNature far eth,h lS Po wer and Pro

w ife failalfo therewith .

Legus further o bierve,That the Pro phet here fpeak eth nOt Of alldead

in generall but faith Thydead, 0 Lom’

, flmll [w e In w hic h wo rds,he

m ak eth difference betwixt tho fe that die in the Lo rd , and tho fe that die intheir naturali co rruptio n , and in the o ld Adam . Dye in the Lo rd can n d ne ,except th o fe that live in h im (I mean tho ie that attain to the yeers o f difc retio n ) and no ne live in h im , bur th o le that with the Apo itle can fay,I live

,andyet not I , hat Chr ifl

‘fiefar that dive/[ethm me o

,The l/fe that I new

11 726,I havehythefizzth of the Sam e af God . No r that I mean, That the faith G al 7 "

fullhave at allh o urs fuch {Enfe o f thé'

life everlal’ting that they fear no t

the death and the tro ubles o f th is life ; no , not (0 ,fo r the faith o f G o ds

Children is weak , yea, and in m any th ings imperfea But I mean That

fuch as in death and after death fhalllive m ufl c ommunicate in th is life

with Jefus Chrifi,and m ullbe regenerate by the feed o f life , that i s , by u s e, L

the W o rd o f the everliving God, wh ichwh o fo ever defp ifethnefufetbli feand joy everlafiing . a

The Pro phet tran s ferreth allthe prom ifes o fG o d to h imfelfe ,


E ven mydead hotly(ha/1 ar ife ; and immediately after give th co mmand

ment and charge to the dwellers in the dull that is,To the dead Carc afes

o f tho le thatwere departed (fo r the fp irit and fo ulo fm an dwelleth no rin the drift That theyjhottld awake that theyjhoalet

fihg and rejoyee fo rtheyi ho uld arife and fpring up from the earth , even as theHerb s do ,after theyhave received the dew fro m abo ve .

Time w ill’

n o t futfer that thefe particulars be (0 largely treated as theyo ught to be, and as I gladlyWo uld , therefo re let us c o nfi der That the

Pro phet in. tran s ferring the POWCI

and Pro m ife OF G o d to h imFelf,dOth

nOt vindicate to himfelf any particular prero gative abo ve the people o f

G o d,as that he alo ne ih o uld livean d ar ife

,and no r they alfo ;


But he do th

it to let them underfland’,That he taught a Do éi rinewhereo f he was c



tain , yea, andwhereo f they iho uld have experience after his death : A s if

he (h o uld fay ,Mywo rds appear to yo u no w to be inc redible

,but the

day {hallco me, that I fhallbe taken fro m yo u myCa’rcafe (hallhe inc in

fed in the bo fo me o f the earth , and therefo re fhall ye be led away Capt iyes to Bahy/oh ,where ye fhall remain m any dayes and yeers , as it Were

buryed in yo ur Sepulchres .


B b b b

E z ek . 3 7'

fl Sermon Treo cbed o) Jo hn'K n ox.

But then callto m inde, th at I faid unto yo u befo re hand , that mybo dyfhallarife Even fo fhallye r ife fro m yo ur

g raves o ut o f Babyloo ,

and be ICflIOI‘Cd to yo ur o wn Co untrey, and C ity o f f erztfit lem . This , Ido ubt no c

,is the t rue mean ing o f the Pro phets . The charge th at he

giveth to the dwellers in the dull,i s to exprefi


e the power o f Go dsW o rd 5 whereby, he no t o nelyg iveth life, where death apparantlyhadp revailed ; but alfo by it, he calleth th ings that are no r, even as if theywere . True it i s that the Pro phet Ifo zob faw am the defiruetio n o f’

Tf erufo lem,

much lefi'

e c o uld he fee the refiitutio n o f it with h is co rpo ralleyes bUt he leaveth th i s , as i twere, in tefiamentwith them , Thatwhentheywere in the extrem ity o f all bo ndage , they ih o uld c allto m inde,what the Pro phet o f G o d had befo re (po ken .

And left that h is do é’trine and th i s promife o f‘G o d made unto

them by h is mo uth , i ho uld have been fo rgo tten (as‘

we are ever pro ne and

ready to fo rget Go ds p ro m ifes when we are prefTed with anyfo rrow)G o d railed up unto them , in the m idil o f thei r calam ity, h is Pro phet EQIezel



nto who m ,amo ngmany o rhervifio n s , he gave th i s Toe 194mlof tbeL ord fir/Z ledbt


m m aflo at , raz19c W d/t'

fuflof dry and dtfperfed boo ts . The

quef’tio n was dem anded o f the Pro phet, if thefe b o nes , being wo nd ro usd ry, i ho uld live . The Pro phet anfwered , Th e knowledge thereo f ap

p ertained unto G o d . Charge was g iven unto him,that he (ho uld fpeak

unto .the dry b o nes , and fay ,Tom fatto the L ord God to tbefi: 507m ,

B ebolo' I [ho /Z g ov: you om i t/J , andyou lr ue , Ijhal1n vc untoyou/Zo om ,

flcfl), o o d i km , and youfimfilove. And whi le the Pro phet fpak e (as he was

c o mmanded ) he heard a vo yce , and he (aw every bo ne jo yu in h isMarrow he (aw them c o vered w ith fiefh and s k in albeit , there was nofpirit o f life in them . He was c ommanded again, to fpeak , and to fay,'T/om [o ft/7 tive L ord God, Come 0 fpzn t fr om tbefottrquarter s , and 'blow in thefetoo t o reflo itt

,tbo t tboymay as he pro phefied, the fpirit o f li fe

c ame «Theylived and flo o d, Up o n their feet . Now do th the Lo rd interp ret what th i s vifio n meant , faying 0 S on of man thefe om ; o re the

whole boofiz of Ifr oel. Beho ld,they fay, o ur bo nes are dryed, o ur ho pe

i s peri(h ed ,we are plainly cut o ff ; But beh o ld, faith the Lo rd, I will

op enyour gr oves , I ro t/lbtmg you forth of them, ye[77411 live, ond comeunto toeL oad of_ Ifr o el, o ndye

flmllknow tbo t I am the Lord.

Th i s vifio n'

l fay, g iven to thePro phet, and by the Pro phet preach-3

ed to the peo ple when they tho ught that Go d had utterly fo rgo tten

them , c o mpelled them mo re diligently to advert, what the fo rmer Prophets had (po k en . It is no do ubt, but theycarryed with them ,

bo th thep ro phefie o f Ifoz


ob and930 m ); {0 that the Pro phet E { ekzel is a Co mmentary to the(ewo rds o f Ifomb, where he faith . Tby dead, 0

1m ,o ut]; mybodyth y/77411 ar ife. The


Pro phet bring eth in th i s fimilitude

o f the dew to anfwer unto that part o f their fidelity who can .believen o further o f G o ds pro mifes , then they are able to apprehend by naturalljudgemen t As he w o uld fay , Th ink ye th is impo flible, that G o d fhall

g ive life unto yo u, and bring yo u to an cflate of a C o mmo n - wealth a

gain ,after that ye be dead, and as it were raced fro m the face o f the

earth . But whydo ye no r: co nfider,what G o d wo rk eth from yeer to

yeer ,

I’fal 1 4 .

the verity o f G o d to be imp ugnedth o ritie and finally,when we fha

the z ealo us o bfervers o fthe fame

in thei r heart fat at there is no G o d .Letus then call to mind what havebeen thewo ndero us w o rk s o f o ur G o d fromthe beginning,~that i t is hisp ro per Ofli ce

to b ring fo rth light o ut o fdarkg‘effe o rder o ur o f co ning

o n li fe o ut o fdeath ; and'finally that i t is h_e that calleth th ing s thatare no r

,even as if theyWere as befo re we

, have heard And if in thed ay o f o ur temptatio n (w h ich in my j udgementappro acheth fait wee .

be thus arm ed if o ur incr‘edulity c anno t utterly be remo ved yet {11 3 11it fo be co rreéted that damnable


defpaire o pprefl'

e us n o r. But now letus hear how the t o phet pro ceedeth :

Come fai th he thanmypeople eater 111 / thin thyohamher ,flwt thydoor af.

ter t’

hee hzo/erhy[elf a veryli ttle,whzleamtllthe indtgh atzottpa]: over .

Here the P ro hetbiiingeth in G o d am iably calling upon his peo ple toc ome to h im fel and to reilwith h im

,un t ill fuch time as the

,fury and

{harp plagues (ho uld be executed upo n t he w ick ed and ino bedient . Itm ayappear at thefirfi fi ght That all thefewo rds o f the Pr o phet in the

fo n o fG o d calling the peo ple unto re fi are f o ken in vain , fo r we ner

ther ho de chambers no r reflmo re prepared o r the dearefi, ch ildren o f

G od (fo far as mans judgement can difeern) then there was for the rebellio us and difo bediennfo r fuch as fellno r in theedge o f the fwo rd,o r dyedno r o f pefiilence o r byhunger were either carryed captives unto fiahyla

n o r elfe departed after into _E gypt, fo that no ne o A hr ahamr



ed ,h ad either ch amber o r qu iet place to remain w ith in the and o f Canaan .

Fo r the refo lutio n hereo f, we muff underfiand,That albeit the Chamberswhereunto Co d c alled h is Cho fen , be n o c vifible yet no rwithflandmgtheyare certain and o ffer unto Go ds


Ch ildren quiet habi tation in fpiri t,h o w fo ever the Hell] he travelled and to rmented.

The chambers are then G o ds fli re prom ife s unto theWhi ch G o ds people are c ommanded to refo rt, yea ,wirh in thewh ich theyare c o mmandedto c lo fe them felves in the t ime o f greatefi adverfitie . The manner o ffpeak ing is bo rrowed from that judgement and fo refight , wh ich G o dhath printed in th i s o ur Nature , fo r when thatmen efpie grea t tempellsappearing to c ome ,

willinglytheywill n o r remain unc o vered upo n thefields but {i raigh tway they will draw them to their ho ufes o r ho lds


that they may efcape thevehemency o f the fameo

,and iftheyfear anyene

my to purfue them th the i r do o rs to the end that fuddenlythe enemy(ho uld no t have entry.

A fter th i s manner G o d fpeak eth to his peo ple 5as ifhe ih o uld fay,TheTempefi that fhallco me upo n th i s who leNatio n, fhallbe fo terrible that

no th ing fhallappear but exterm inati o n to c ome upo n thewho le bodyB ut tho umy peo ple (I fay) that hearefh ny wo rd ,


eleeveft the fame,

and tremblefiat the threatnings o f my Pro phets now when the wo rldd o th info lently refill let fach (I fay) enter w ith in the fecret Chambero fmy promifes let them co ntain themfelves quietlythere yea let them


ASermonFranc/Jada} JohnKnbx.


nUt the do o r upo n them , and fufifer nOt infidelity, the m o rtallenemy o f ANYIOmy trueth , and o f my péo ple that depend thereupo n to have free entryt o t ro uble them (yea,farthe

‘r t



murther) in my pro m ife 5and fo fhall theyperceive that my indignatio n (hall paffe, and that fuch as depend upo n


. fh allbe faved .

Thus we may perc eive the meaning o f the Pro phet , W hereo f,



have fi'

ri’c t o o bfcrve ,That G o d ack nowledge


‘them fo r his peo ple 9


that are in greatefi afflictio n yea fut h as are reputed unwo rthy o fm ens p refence ,



yet adm itted w ith in the fecret Ch amber o f G o d .

Let no man th ink that flefh and blo o d c an fuddenly attain to that

c omfo rt ; and therefo re m o lt expedient it is , That we be frequentlyexerCifed in m ed itat io n o f the fame . E afie it is Ig rant , in t ime o f pro fperity,to fay, and to th ink That G o d is o ur G o d, and thatéwe are h is peo ple ;Butwhen he hath g iven us o ver in the hands o f o ur enem ies

,and turned

(as it were) h is bac k unto us then I fay, Ptillto reclaim him to be o ur

G o d , and to have th i s afl'

urance , That we are hi s peo ple , p ro ceedeth.

who lly fro m the h o ly fpirit o f G o d,as is the greatefl:vifio ry o f faith , xlo lm’

f .

wh ich o ver o co meth the wo rld 5fo r increafe whereof,we o ught c o nt inually to pray.

This do ctrine we. f hall no t th ink firange, if we fhallco rifider ho wfuddenly o ur fp irit s are carryed away fro m o ur G o d, and fro m believ' ing h is pro m ife fo fo o na s anygreat temptati o n

-d o th ;apprehend us,

,hen beg in we to do ubt , If'

ever we beleeved Go ds pro mifes , if G o dwill fulfill them to us if we abide in h is favo ur

, if he regardeth and

upo n the vio lence and injury that is do ne unto us and a mult ifuch co g itatio n s , wh ich befo re lurk ed qu ietly in o ur. c o rruptedbnrfi vio lentlyfo rth when we are o ppreffed w ith anydefperate

lam ity. Againfi the wh ich , th i s is the remedy, o nce to apprehend andllto retain , G o d to be o ur G o d, and firmlyto believe, that we are his0 ple who m he lo veth

,and willdefend nOt o nely in aflliétio n, but

en ln the m idft o f death it felt.Seco ndly, let us o bferve , '

That the judgements o f o ur Go d, neverr yet f hallbe . fo vehement Up o n theface o f theearth , bUt thath been and jhall be ,

fome fecret habi tatio n prepared in theo f G o d , fo r ilo me o f h is cho fen where they fhallbe preferved

l the indignat i o n pafi'

e by,and that G o d prepareth a time, th at

may glo rifie h im again , befo rer the face o f the wo rld, that fome

s defpifed them 5 And th is o ught to be unto us no fmallco

efe appearing dangers to,

wit that we be furely perfwaded, That

vehement fo ever the tempefi ‘fhall be that it yet (h allpafi


e o ver

o f us iballbe preferved to glo rifie the name o f o ur G o d, as i s

vices lurk e in th i s o ur nature ; the one is,That we cannot

t Go ds th reatnings , befo re that the plagues apprehend us ,atwe fee caufe mo lt jurt .whythat his fiercewrath ih o uld burn

The Other i s , That wh

C c c c

S oeomoni .lib.g.

[ f Sermon Treat /90d by Jo hnKnox.

To c o rrect th i s o ur mo rtall infirm ity in t ime o f'

quietneffe W e

o ugh t to c o nfider what is the jufiice o f o ur G o d, and h ow o dio us fini s . And ab o ve all o ther h o w o dio us Ido latry i s in h is prefence, whohath fo rbidden it and who bath (0 feverely punifhed i t in allages , from

the beg inn ing , And in the t ime o f o ur afllia io n we o ught to co nfider,

what have been thewo ndro us W o rk s o f o ur G o d ,in prefcrvatio n o f

h is Church , when it hath been in uttermofi extrem ity Fo r never

th all we fiude the Church humbled under the hand s o f Trayto rs , andc ruelly to rmented by them 3 but therewith, we fhall finde G o ds juftvengeance to fall up o n the c ruell perfé cuters , and h is merc rfulldeliverance to be fhewed to the afiliéted And in tak ing o f th i s tryall, W eiho uld nor o nely callto m inde the Hiflo ries o f anc ient t imes

,but alfo

we ih o uld d iligentlymark what no table W o rk s Go d hath wro ugh t evenin th i s o ur age as well upo n the o ne as upo n the Other. W e o ughtno r to th ink that o ur G o d beareth lelfe lo ve to his Church th i s daythen that he hath ,

do ne from the beginn ing Fo r as o ur G o d in h iso wn nature i s imm utable fo remaineth h is lo ve towards his eleét ,

alwayes unchangeable ., F o r as in C n a I s r J e s u s he hath cho fenh is Church

,befo re the beginn ing o f allages , {0 byhimw illhe


and preferv’e the fam e unto the end .

Y ea, hewillquiet the fio rm s andcaufe the earth to Open her mo uth and receive tho fe raging flo uds o fvio lent waters c all o ut by the Drago n ,

to drown and carryaway theW oman wh ich is the fpo ufe o f Jelus Chrilt , unto whom, G o d fo r hiso wn Names fake, w illbe the perpetuallPro teoto r.

Th i s faw that no table fervant o f Jefus Chrifi , u f tbam /z'


words dtd n ot proceed

nOt lo ng after, beingbyh is o wn hand, o r

co nclude no t , But calling his own blo o d againfl theHeaven,Viczfii tandem Galilee

, That is At tbaa Ira/l overcomeS o in def pite, he termed the Lo rd Jefus , and fo perifhed that

h is own iniquity; The fio rm ceafed,and the Church o f God

now comfo rt.

Such (h allbe the end o f allcruell perf c ters Theirfli o t t, thei r end miferable, and the ir name lhallbe left in execratio

Go ds peo ple , andyet fhall the Church o f G o d remain to Go ds glafter allfio rms . But no wfluo rtly, letus come to the lail po int.

to the end that G o d in h is iuit j udgement ih o uld finally co

the wicked 5 fo r h ow ih o uld he .pun ifh the in habitants o f the earth,

if th e i r iniquitie defe rved it no r 5’ How ih o uld the,earth dif

clo fe o n;

blo o d if it i ho uld no r bee unjufi ly fpilt f: W ee mull then co mm ito ur felves into the hand s o f o ur G o d

,and lay do wne o ur neck es


yea , and pat iently furfer o ur blo 'o d t'o bee fhed that the righteo usJudge may require acco unt , as mo lt afi


uredly .hee fhall

,o f all the

blo o d that hath been (bed fro m the blo o d o f A hel the‘

jufi tilltheday that the earth fhall difclo fe the fame I fay, every o ne that {heddeth o r c o nfenteth to fired the blo o d o fG o ds Ch ildreno f thewh

o le S o that allthe blo o d o fGo ds ch ildren fh allc rie vnOt o nelyin generall, but alfo in particular, upo n everyo ne that h ath (bedthe blo o d o f any that unjuitlyfuifered .

And ifany th ink e it firange , that fuch as live th i s day, can be guiltyo f the blo o d that was {bed in the dayes o f the Apofiles

, let them co n e

hder , that the verity it felic p ro no unced , That allthe blo o d that wasfired from the dayes o r


/ the! unto the daye s o f Z achari e , ih o uld comeup o n that unthank fullgenerat io n , that heard his Doétfine and refufed it.The reafo n i s evident fo r as therei s two heads and c aptain s that rule

o ver the Who lewo rld to wit, Jefus Ch rifi


,the Princep fj ufiice and

Peace and Sathan called the Prince o f the wo rld fo are they. buttwo

,Armies that hath co ntinued battelli rom the begi nn ing , and {ballfight unto the end The quarrell is o ne wh ich the Armie o f jefusCh rifido fuflain ,

and wh ich the repro bate do perfecure ,to wit

, Theeternalltruth


o f the E ternall,

G o d and the Image o f Jefas Chrii’t prin t

ted in his Elect , (0 that who fo ever in any age perlEcUteth .


any o ne

Member o f "

f E S HS CH R I S T5 fo r his Truths fak e ,fubfcribeth as

it were,with h is hand,the perfec utio n o f all that have paired beforeAnd th i s o ught the .Tyrants o f th is age , deeply to '

c o nfi'

der,fo r

they fhall bee guilty ,no r o nely o f the blo o d {bed by themfelves ;but

o f'

all (as is faid )that hath been (bed fo r theCaufe o f j efus Chria fromthe bee innin -



i t


i he faigthfull no t

.bee .

if‘co uragedt altho ugh they bee ap o inted

as Sheepe to the S laughter- h o ufe fo r hee

,- fo r


Who i'

e fak e t eyhuffer , fhall no t fo rget to revenge their caufe .


I am no c igno rant, Thatfleib and blo o d w ill think e that k inde o f fuppOrt


o o to o late'

, forwee had rather bee p referved fiill alive , then to have o ar blo o d te

venged after o ur death , and truely if o ur felicitie flo o d in thi s life,


.o r if death tempo rall lh o hld bring unto us anydamage , o ur defire inthat behalfe were n o t to bee difallo wed o r condemned ,fBut feeingthat


death is c ommo n to ,all and that th i s tempo rall life , i s n'


th ing but m il'

et ic and that death do th fully j o yne us wi th o ur G o d,and


g iveth unto us the po lleili o n o f o ur Inheri tance, why(ho uld we think e itfirange to leave th is wo rld and go to o urHead and S o veraign CaptainJef us Ch rift t’


Lafily, we have to opferve th i s manner o f fpeak ing , where the Pro .

p h


n wh ich Wo rds the Annoare (0 unmerc ifullydearei’t Ch ildren o fwho is byGo d apunwillingly i s com

againft any naturall woman as vio lentr Breafis , c ut theThro at o f it in her o wnreceive the blo o d o f her deare Ch ilde inu s wo uld ho ld the fad: fo abominable,

Lthh t the like had never been do ne in the co urfe o f nature ; no leiTewick ednefle commit they that ibed the Blo o d o f Gods Children upo n . the face o f their commo n mo rher the earth as I [hid ‘befo reBut bee o f go o d c o urage (0 little and defpifed Flo ck o f Ch rifl Je ~

(us ) fo r he‘e

that lé eth yo ur griefe hath power to revenge it , Hew illno t ftifier - o ne

,teare o f yo urs to fall, but i t fhallbee k ept and rel


in h is Bo trell , t ill the fulnell'

e thereo f bee po ured downe from Hea

een upo n iho fe that

c ifull G od fay)w ith the earth may

and as it we'

réto fana ifie it 5it and ibew it befo re the faO ther Creaiur

es whatfo ever , {hall


us fio rm

hath ap{to re fOr

wo uld further pleafe himiminiihed it appearnatio n that weemaybewill

,to inc reafe


he num

e may co n

in the wh ich weeIn themean t ime

