================================================================== Language in India www.languageinindia.com ISSN 1930-2940 Vol. 14:5 May 2014 ================================================================== Resyllabification of English Words by Urdu L1 Speakers Mazhar Iqbal Ranjha, Ph.D. Scholar Muhammad Kamal Khan, Ph.D. ==================================================================== Abstract This paper investigates the resyllabification of English words by L1 Urdu speakers. This qualitative-exploratory research tries to explore the difference between the template/s of original words and the template/s used by the L1 speakers. For this purpose, three different TV recordings of public interviews have been taken as a sample. The results show that most of the words undergo a change when are uttered by the speakers. As every language puts some constraints and restrictions on the syllabification of words so does Urdu. Urdu has different templates from that of English. The study reveals that only CVC template remains stable. In resyllabifying process, Urdu follows templatic method of syllabification. The V and VC templates have been found the most unstable templates. The /ɒ/ sound has also been replaced with long vowel /ɑ:/ and /ə/ sound with neutral and central vowel /ʌ/. 1. Introduction The process of dividing a word into its constituent syllables is called syllabification (Bartlett, Kondrak, & Cherry, 2009) and every language has its own principles of syllabification (Hays, 2011, p. 251). Urdu has the capacity to absorb new words and has a handsome vocabulary of English words. However it has its own principles of syllabification. Contrary to English, Urdu is Language in India www.languageinindia.com 14:5 May 2014 M.I. Ranjha and M. K. Khan, Ph.D. <261-280>

Resyllabification of English Words by Urdu L1 Speakers

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Language in India www.languageinindia.com ISSN 1930-2940 Vol. 14:5 May 2014


Resyllabification of English Words by Urdu L1 Speakers

Mazhar Iqbal Ranjha, Ph.D. Scholar

Muhammad Kamal Khan, Ph.D. ====================================================================


This paper investigates the resyllabification of English words by L1 Urdu speakers. This

qualitative-exploratory research tries to explore the difference between the template/s of original

words and the template/s used by the L1 speakers. For this purpose, three different TV

recordings of public interviews have been taken as a sample. The results show that most of the

words undergo a change when are uttered by the speakers. As every language puts some

constraints and restrictions on the syllabification of words so does Urdu. Urdu has different

templates from that of English. The study reveals that only CVC template remains stable. In

resyllabifying process, Urdu follows templatic method of syllabification. The V and VC

templates have been found the most unstable templates. The /ɒ/ sound has also been replaced

with long vowel /ɑ:/ and /ə/ sound with neutral and central vowel /ʌ/.

1. Introduction

The process of dividing a word into its constituent syllables is called syllabification (Bartlett,

Kondrak, & Cherry, 2009) and every language has its own principles of syllabification (Hays,

2011, p. 251). Urdu has the capacity to absorb new words and has a handsome vocabulary of

English words. However it has its own principles of syllabification. Contrary to English, Urdu is

Language in India www.languageinindia.com 14:5 May 2014 M.I. Ranjha and M. K. Khan, Ph.D. <261-280>

right to left language and imposes some restriction on its syllabification. It does not allow more

than one consonant on onset position and maximum two on coda where as English allows as

many as three on either side. In English non-vocalic sounds also behave as nucleus while Urdu

never permits any non-vocalic sound at this position. When foreign words like that of English

are spoken by Urdu Pakistani speakers, sometimes they either delete some sound/s or add

epenthesis. For example station /steɪʃɘn/ as astation /Ɂɘsteɪʃɘn/.

This study aims to investigate the change of templatic syllabification of English loaned words

and the phenomenon of deletion and insertion of epenthesis in the resyllabification process.

1.1 Statement of the Problem

The aim of this research is to study deletion or addition of some sounds in English words when

spoken by Pakistani Urdu speakers and try to deduce some mechanism of re-syllabification

involved in this process.

1.2 Significance of the study

This study will not only help to understand the reasons behind the re-syllabification of English

words but also provide a base to the researchers. This study will be a source for the students and

scholars to encourage and motivate them to step forward and research further.

1.3 Research Questions

What kind of sounds are deleted and when epenthesis is used?

Which templates remain stable?

Language in India www.languageinindia.com 14:5 May 2014 M.I. Ranjha and M. K. Khan, Ph.D. <261-280>

1.4 Objectives of the Research

• To find the mechanism involved in the resyllabification of English words by Urdu


• To know when and why do Urdu speakers sometimes insert or delete sound/s in the

resyllabification of English words.

• To know what kind of loaned words (words with what syllable structure) have stability in

their templates

1.5 Research Methodology

This study is qualitative and exploratory in approach. As this study aims to observe the changes

made by the Pakistani Urdu L1 speakers while speaking the English words, so the best way to

observe the speakers is in their natural way. For this purpose, the recordings of three different

TV programs of public interviews from Karachi, Lahore and Sialkot were selected. The

difference between the syllabifications was observed.

1.6 Limitations

This study revolves around the three recordings from three cities because of its limited scope and

time constraints.

2. Literature Review

In the widening horizon, changes are taking places in the every aspect of life. Daily

interaction of people of one region to another has not only influences their physical appearance

but also their mental approach. In the same way, the lexicons of all languages undergo

considerable changes. Urdu is one of the languages with the capacity of absorbing words of other

languages. Urdu has its own syllabic structure and puts some restrictions in the syllabification of

loaned words. Before we start to explore syllabification of Urdu words, let us have a review of

syllabus structure and its theories. Kenstowicz (1994) defines syllable as “an essential concept

Language in India www.languageinindia.com 14:5 May 2014 M.I. Ranjha and M. K. Khan, Ph.D. <261-280>

for understanding phonological structure” (p. 250). It is an essential unit of language but there is

controversy in its proper definition. Different linguists have defined it differently (Ranjha,

2012). Ladefoged (2000) says that although everybody can identify it, nobody can define it. A

syllable is the smallest possible unit of speech and every utterance definitely contains at least one

syllable (Ladefoged, 2000). It has been considered comparatively easy to identify perhaps, that is

why no serious attention has been paid on its definition (Ranjha, 2012). To McMahon (2002)

“every speaker has an intuitive notion of how many syllables each word has. It is easy for

speaker to reflect consciously on the internal structure of a syllable” (p. 105).

2.1 Syllable structure

Though for a native speaker of any language, it is easy to identify how many syllables a

particular utterance has yet it is not easy to give a suitable definition which can clearly define its

phonetic and phonological character. To define a syllable, it is divided in its components. Every

human speech consists of vowels and consonants so it is easy to discuss it with reference to

universally (by most of the phonologists) accepted syllable template. A syllable is denoted by

Latin symbol σ (sigma). A syllable consists of Onset and Rhyme and rhyme is further bifurcated

into Nucleus and Coda.

Figure 1 A syllable structure


Onset rhyme

Language in India www.languageinindia.com 14:5 May 2014 M.I. Ranjha and M. K. Khan, Ph.D. <261-280>

Nucleus coda

An onset is a consonant/s that precedes rhyme. It is an optional part of syllable. Rhyme is

further divided into two parts: nucleus (vowel) and coda (consonant/s). Nucleus is an obligatory

part of a syllable (Hayes, 2011). Nucleus of syllable may be a vowel or diphthong or a vocalic

part (Ladefoged, 2000) functioning as sonority peak. The coda and onset are optional parts of a

syllable. Onset, nucleus and coda are also called constituents of a syllable.

2.2 Syllabification

Syllabification is an analytical procedure of grouping or dividing a syllable into its

components is called. Bartlett et al. (2009) write that “technically speaking, syllables are

phonological entities that can only be composed of strings of phonemes”. Citing Goldsmith

(1990) as stated in Akram, 2002) calls syllable structure a process that involves a linear string of

segments. Kabir (2002) writes it as an important component of any TTS (Text to speech) system.

He also writes that in many languages, the pronunciation of phoneme is a function of their

location in the syllable boundaries. He further says that the location in the syllable also has a

strong effect on the duration of the phoneme, and is therefore a crucial piece of information for

any model of segmental duration. Before we proceed further it seems more suitable to have an

over look on syllabification theories or principles.

2.3 The Legality Principle

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According to this principle “a syllable is not allowed to begin with a consonant cluster

that is not found at the beginning of some word, or end with a cluster that is not found at the end

of some word” (Goslin and Frauenfelder, 2001 as in Bartlett et al., 2009, p.309). Let’s have

example of an admiral / ˈæd.mɪ.rəl/. It can be written as /ˈæ.dmɪ.rəl/ or /ˈædm.ɪrəl/ or

/ˈæ.dm.ɪrəl/. According to this principal /dm/ is not allowed in English at the beginning of a word

so syllable/s starting with /dm/ is not legal in the place of onset in English.

2.4 Maximal Onset Principle (MOP)

This rule states that maximum consonants are preferred in the onset position (Trask,

1996) allowing only one consonant in the coda position (Goldsmith, 1990, as in Akram 2002). It

means that we extend a syllable’s onset (Kahn, 1976 as in Bartlett et al, 2009) leaving no

consonant/s except for the final coda consonant in a word. Let’s have an example of the English

word glockenspiel /glɒk. ə n.ʃpiːl/, according to MOP it will be pronounced as /glɒ.kə.nʃpiːl/

leaving only /l/ sound in the coda position of the word whereas rest of the clusters have been

included in the onsets of the syllables of the word.

2.5 Maximal Coda Principle (MCP)

MOP prefers maximum consonants in the onset position whereas MCP prefers maximum

in the coda, except for the word initial position, no consonant is allowed in the onset position

(Akram, 2002). Let’s see an example of the English word disappointment will not be

pronounced as /dɪs.ə.pɔɪnt.mənt/ but as /dɪs.əpɔɪntm.ənt/ and the Urdu word /Ɂərz.mɚď/ as

/Ɂərzm.ɚď/, in these words, according to MCP, the /d/ consonant will be in the onset position of

Language in India www.languageinindia.com 14:5 May 2014 M.I. Ranjha and M. K. Khan, Ph.D. <261-280>

first syllable and all the rest consonants will occupy the place of coda and in the same way

second word has glottal stop at the beginning of initial syllable. The pronunciation of English

word is not acceptable by the English speakers not does Urdu speaker use the /Ɂərzm.ɚď/


2.6 Sonority Sequence Principle (SSP)

This is the principle followed by most of the languages of the world. According to this

principle, syllabification will be done on the sonority based sounds. The sonority will rise to the

nucleus and will fall to the coda position making a bell shape (Bartlett et al., 2009)). According

to Crystal (2003, as in Bartlett, 2009) the sound sonority is based on its pitch, loudness and

duration. While uttering a vowel, the vocal tract is more open than consonant. For example

/ədva:nti/ will be syllabified as /əd.va:n.ti/because /ə/ is more sonorant than /d/in the coda of

first syllable. Again /a:/ is more sonorant tan /v/ and /n/. In case of consonant clusters, the

proceeding consonant will be more sonorant than following one. For example, /dɪs.ə.pɔɪnt.mənt/

is consists of four syllables. The third and forth syllable have of /nt/ where /n/ is more sonorant

than /t/ sound. If we syllabify it as /dɪs.ə.pɔɪn.tmənt/, it will be wrong as sonority sequence order

has been reversed.

Figure 2 Sonority hierarchy adopted from Goldsmith, 1990, p. 111)


Low vowels

Mid vowels

Language in India www.languageinindia.com 14:5 May 2014 M.I. Ranjha and M. K. Khan, Ph.D. <261-280>

High vowels








According to Goldsmith, this is “necessary condition for basic syllabification and is universally

accepted with few exceptions”.

2.7 Templatic Syllabification

Templatic syllabification is another method of syllabifying a word. It means to divide a

word into syllables on the basis of its templates. According to Hogg and McCully (1987), a

syllable template is an abstract tree structure which provides a base to fit all syllables onto it, in

order to be recognized as acceptable syllables in a particular language. CV is considered to be

the most common and basic type of syllable (Napoli, 1996). The earlier studies reveal that the

syllablic templates of any language are the best and easiest way to understand of the

phonological properties of that language. The templatic syllabification permits a simpler and

Language in India www.languageinindia.com 14:5 May 2014 M.I. Ranjha and M. K. Khan, Ph.D. <261-280>

more successful analysis of a language. “Templatic syllabification may need some revision”

(Kenstowics, 1994, p. 276) but it still stands valid for elementary syllable inventory like Arabic,

Urdu and Punjabi. Urdu has four CVC, CVV, CVCC, CVVC templates found at every position

in a word i.e. word initial, middle and final position; CV at word initial and middle; CVVCC at

word final position; and V, VC, VV, VCC, VVC are derived templates.

2.7.1 Nucleus Projection Method. According to this method, nuclei of a string are searched and

then consonants are attached to these nuclei. Then MOP and SSP are applied respectively to the

transcribed string. For example /ďılʧǝsp/ (interesting) is comprised of two syllables as it has two

vowels to work as Nucleus i.e. /ı/ and /ǝ/. According to MOP, /lʧ/ should take place of onset of

second syllable leaving the coda of first syllable vacant thus:

Figure 3 Nucleus Projection Syllabification Method

σ σ

Onset rhyme onset rhyme

Nucleus coda Nucleus coda

ď I ……… l ʧ ǝ sp

Language in India www.languageinindia.com 14:5 May 2014 M.I. Ranjha and M. K. Khan, Ph.D. <261-280>

On applying SSP, we find that / lʧ / cluster violates it as / l/ is more sonorant than / ʧ / and

according to SSP, it should vice versa. So / l/ takes place of coda in first syllable to make it


Figure 4 Nucleus Projection Syllabification Method

σ σ

Onset rhyme onset rhyme

Nucleus coda Nucleus coda

ď I l ʧ ǝ sp

2.7.2 Templatic syllabification method. Another method for syllabification, perhaps more

suitable for Urdu (Ranjha, 2012), is templatic syllabification. Urdu is right-to-left language i.e.

its templatic syllabification takes from right-to-left after it is transcribed. Let’s once again take

the above given example of /ďılʧǝsp/ (interesting) with CVCCVCC templatic structure and can

be syllabified as CV.CCVCC or CVC.CVCC. The first best possible template in the right side is

CVCC leaving CVC for the first syllable as CCVCC is not possible in Urdu. In the same way

Language in India www.languageinindia.com 14:5 May 2014 M.I. Ranjha and M. K. Khan, Ph.D. <261-280>

another complex word is /gʋzaʃţni/ with CVCVVCCCVV templatic structure having cluster of

three consonants. It may be syllabified CV.CVV.CCCVV or CVC.VVCC.CVV or

CV.CVVCC.CVV. According to templatic syllabification, the best possible template on the

right side is CVV. The next available template is CVVCC because Urdu prefers one consonant

in the onset and there remains only one CV to constitute the first syllable of the given word.

Hence the correct syllabification of /gʋ.zaʃţ.ni/ is CV.CVVCC.CVV.

Every language has its own system of syllabification. The best way of defining an Urdu

syllable is to describe it according to its templatic form. A syllable templatic is formulated in

terms of sequence of consonants and vowels (Nazar, 2002). Urdu is moraic language where a

mora is defined as a short syllable and it functions as a weight unit (WU) and a unit of timing

(Ladefoged, 2000). According to a moraic concept, a consonant and vowel in Urdu are mono-

moraic and are denoted with C and V respectively. Whereas a long vowel is a bi-moraic and is

donated as VV. When a word from any other language like English is borrowed its structure is

re-syllabified according to templatic method. But it has been observed that sometimes a

borrowed word is merely re-syllabified by adding /ə/ or other vowel and other times a complete

templatic is added. The aim of this study is to try to find if there is some specific mechanism

involved in it or there are special sounds which invoke some addition or deletion to be part of

this language. For example hospital /hɒs.pɪ.təl/ becomes /Ɂəsp.taal/, Canada /kæn.ə.də/ becomes

/ka.neɪ.da/, office /ɒf.ɪs/ becomes /Ɂa.fis/, etc. Before proceeding further, let’s have a look on the

different templatic structures possible in Urdu and English.

Table 1

Language in India www.languageinindia.com 14:5 May 2014 M.I. Ranjha and M. K. Khan, Ph.D. <261-280>

Templates Found in Urdu

Syllable Template Position allowed

CVC All three positions (word

initial, middle and final)





CV Initial and Middle

V Derived

VC Derived

VV Derived

VCC Derived

VVC Derived

Table 2

Templates Found in English







As we have seen above, there is lot of difference between the templatic structures of the two

languages. When a word from English is borrowed, it is resyllabified according to its templatic

structure. There are seven (Usman, Ali, & Masood, n.d.) rules which apply to the

resyllabification of English words when used in Urdu. The current study aims to do some further

exploration regarding the resyllabification of English words and changes in their templates.

Language in India www.languageinindia.com 14:5 May 2014 M.I. Ranjha and M. K. Khan, Ph.D. <261-280>

3. Research Methodology

The present study is qualitative and explorative in approach. In order to analyze the

resyllabification of English words, three different recordings of two television channels with

interview of public from Karachi, Lahore and Sialkot were observed. The rationale behind the

selection of television programs was to observe the usage of words in natural atmosphere. Had

the recording been done after intimating the participants or had the written words been given to

them, the result would have been unauthentic as this would have made the speakers conscious.

The English words spoken by the different speakers were transcribed by the researcher and

observed the difference in their syllabification and templatic forms of the original words and the

spoken by Pakistani speakers. Twenty three English words having one to three syllables were

used by the Urdu speakers.

4. Results and Discussion

The study aimed to know what kind of changes take place when The English words are spoken

by Pakistani speakers or what kind of sounds are deleted and to check the stability of templates

of English syllables.

4.1 Consonants

4.1.2 Monosyllabic words with CVC templates The syllables with CVC structure were found

stable. In some cases, a vowel was replaced with long vowel (VV) making it CVVC. For

example, /ʃel/ (CVC) became /ʃeɪl/ (CVVC). The diphthongs were also replaced with long

vowel. However, most of the words with CVC templates were found stable.

# CV(diphthong)C # CVVC Rule 1

Language in India www.languageinindia.com 14:5 May 2014 M.I. Ranjha and M. K. Khan, Ph.D. <261-280>

4.1.3 Bisyllabic words As Urdu is right to left language and its syllabification follows the

templatic method. As mentioned above, the best possible template comes on the utmost right

side. The words with CVC.VC were changed to CV.CVC templates. For example, /sɪv.ʌl/ was

uttered as /sɪ.vʌl/ and /kɪl.ər/ as /kɪ.lʌr/.

# CVC.VC(C) CV .CV(C)C Rule 2

If a bisyllabic word has .CVC cluster in the end, a long vowel may be added in the first syllable.

For example, /pə.lɪ:s/ is uttered as /pɔ:.lɪ:s/.

If a bisyllabic word has CVC.CVC cluster, it remains stable. In some cases, a vowel or

diphthong may be replaced with a long vowel.

# CVC.CVC CV(V)C.CV(V)C Rule 3

In RP, /r/ sound in the coda position is not uttered; however, Urdu speakers utter the /r/ sound.

For example, /wɜ:.kə(r) is uttered as /wʌr.kʌr/ and /tɒ(r).gɪ/ as /tɑ:r.gʌt/.

# CV(r).CV(r) CVr.CVr Rule 4

4.1.4 Trisyllabic words The behavior of Urdu speakers towards trisyllabic is of mixed nature.

If a trisyllable ends with .CVC, last template remains stable; however, some changes occur in the

preceding templates. For example, /hɒs.pɪ.təl/ becomes /hɑ:s.pɪ.tʌl/.

In case of ending with .CVC.VC(C), the last template becomes .CV.CVC(C). For example,

/kɒz.met.ɪk/ becomes /kɑ:s.me.tɪk/. This is again the repletion of CRule 3 and VRule 1.

Language in India www.languageinindia.com 14:5 May 2014 M.I. Ranjha and M. K. Khan, Ph.D. <261-280>

If a trisyllabic word ends with .CCVC, as CC is not allowed on the onset position, so an

epenthesis is added between the two consonants i.e. .CVCVC. For example, /mɪn.ɪ.stər/ becomes


# CCVC(C) # CVCVC(C) Rule 5

In some cases, trisyllabic word is reduced to bisyllabic word, if there is a syllable with VC

proceeded by a syllable ending with VCC. For example, /dɪf.ər.əns/ (CVC.VC.VCC) is

pronounced as /dɪf.rʌns/ (CVC,CVCC)and /gʌv.ən.ment/ (CVC.VC.CVCC) as /gɔ:r.ment/.

.VC.VCC .CVCC (vowel is omitted) Rule 6

.VC.CVCC VC is Omitted Rule 7

Some trisyllabic words remain trisyllabic but some internal changes take place. If there is single

vowel in the middle position and have C in the preceding syllable, it will either become .CV(C)

or V will be omitted. For example, /pɒl.ə.si/ (CVC.V.CV) becomes /pɑ:.lɪ:.sɪ:/ (CV.CVV.CVV)

and /mɪn.ɪ.stər/ (CVC.V.CCVC) becomes /mɑ:.nɪs.tʌr/ (CV.CVC,CVC). As mentioned earlier,

Urdu is right to left language, so it prefers CVC or CVV in the last or next to last syllable.

# CVC.V.CV CV.CV(V).CVV Rule 8

In case of .V.CCVC(C), the first consonant of final syllable will become coda of the preceding

syllable as Urdu prefers only one consonant in the onset position. For example, /mɪn.ɪ.stər/

(CVC.V.CCVC) becomes /mɑ:.nɪs.tʌr/ (CV.CVC,CVC).


Language in India www.languageinindia.com 14:5 May 2014 M.I. Ranjha and M. K. Khan, Ph.D. <261-280>

If there is .VC. in the middle of trisyllabic word proceded by CVC and followed by a syllable

with CC cluster on its coda position, it is omitted completely making the word bisyllabic. For

example, /gʌv.ən.ment/ is uttered as /gɔ:.ment/ and /dɪf.ər.əns/ as /dɪf.rʌns/.


4.2 Vowels

4.2.1 Open syllable As in Urdu, a vowel in an open syllable is always long so open syllables

with diphthongs with CV templates were replaced with CVV templates. For example, /noʋ/ (CV)

was uttered as /no/ (CVV). As Urdu is moraic language where a mora is a time unit equal to a

short vowel and long vowel is equal to two vowels. So diphthong (still controversial whether

Urdu has diphthong or not) and long vowels are considered bi-moraic (VV). The speakers

changed /oʋ/ with long vowel /o/.

# CV(diphthong) # CVV Rule 11

4.2.2 Open back vowel local speakers prefer fully open and back vowel /ɑ:/ to not fully back

vowel /ɒ/

/ɒ/ /ɑ:/ Rule 12

4.2.3 Neutral vowel /ʌ/ Urdu, basically, is not a stressed language, so the weakest vowel /ə/ is

replaced with central and neutral vowel /ʌ/.

(vowel rule)

Language in India www.languageinindia.com 14:5 May 2014 M.I. Ranjha and M. K. Khan, Ph.D. <261-280>

/ə/ /ʌ/ Rule 13

4.2.4 Trisyllabic words Some trisyllabic words remain trisyllabic but some internal changes

take place. If there is single vowel in the middle position and have C in the preceding syllable, it

will either become .CV(C) or V will be omitted. For example, /pɒl.ə.si/ (CVC.V.CV) becomes

/pɑ:.lɪ:.sɪ:/ (CV.CVV.CVV) and /mɪn.ɪ.stər/ (CVC.V.CCVC) becomes /mɑ:.nɪs.tʌr/


.V. Omitted Rule 14

If, in a trisyllabic word, there is /ə/ sound with any consonant (VC) in the middle position of a

word and there is CVC template in the initial position and (C)VCC cluster in the final position,

then /ə/ sound along with consonant thus making the word a bisyllabic word.

CVC.VC.(C)VCC .VC. Omitted Rule 15


The current study reveals that the words of English undergo different changes when they are

spoken by the Pakistani speakers. Urdu has different templatic system than English. English has

as many as seventeen templates whereas Urdu has only six templates. Though eleven templates

have been mentioned by different researchers yet my study reveals that two derived templates V

and VC are not used by Pakistani Urdu speakers. The other three templates also need

confirmation. The other results show that CVC template has been found the most stable template.

In case of diphthongs, a long vowel has been used by the Urdu speakers. Urdu is right to left

language and follows templatic method of syllabification so it resyllabifies the English words

Language in India www.languageinindia.com 14:5 May 2014 M.I. Ranjha and M. K. Khan, Ph.D. <261-280>

accordingly. Urdu is also strict to CC clusters on the onset position; therefore, it either adds

vowel in between the two clusters, if it is in the word initial position, or shifts initial consonant to

the coda of the preceding syllable. The study also reveals that VC template in the middle position

is least stable and /ə/ sound is also not preferred by the local speakers. The local Urdu speakers

prefers open fully back vowel /ɑ/ sound to /ɒ:/ sound and central vowel /ʌ/ to /ə/ sound which is

least preferred. This study revolves around the three TV recordings of public interviews, so the

results need to be confirmed by taking a larger sample.


Akram, B. (2002). Analysis of Urdu syllabification using maximal onset principle and sonority

sequence principle. Centre for Research in Urdu language processing, 1, 160-166.

Bartlett, S., Kondrak, G., & Cherry, C. (2009). On the syllabification of phonemes. Paper

presented at the Proceedings of Human Language Technologies: The 2009 Annual

Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational


Goldsmith, J. A., (1990). “Autosegmental & Metrical Phonology”. Basil Blackwell, Cambridge


Hayes, B. (2011). Introductory Phonology (Vol. 32): John Wiley & Sons.

Hogg, R. and McCully, C. (1987). “Metrical Phonology: A Coursework”. Cambridge

University Press, Cambridge.

Language in India www.languageinindia.com 14:5 May 2014 M.I. Ranjha and M. K. Khan, Ph.D. <261-280>

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(English words used by the Urdu L1 speakers during their interviews)



Word English


Template Urdu



1 No /noʋ/ CV /no/ CVV

2 Go /goʋ/ CV /go/ CVV

3 Area /eə.rɪ:.ə/ V.CV /Ɂɪ:.rɪ:jɑ/ CV.CVV.CVV

4 Police /pə.lɪ:s/ CV.CVC /pɔ:.lɪ:s/ CVV.CVVS

5 Shell /ʃel/ CVC /ʃeɪl/ CVVC

Language in India www.languageinindia.com 14:5 May 2014 M.I. Ranjha and M. K. Khan, Ph.D. <261-280>

6 Road /roʋd/ CVC /rɔ:d/ CVVC

7 Media /mɪ:.dɪ:ə/ CV.CV /mɪ:dɪ.jɑ:/ CVV.VC.CVV

8 Fail /feɪl/ CVC /feɪl/ CVVC

9 Killer /kɪl.ər/ CVC.VC /kɪ.lʌr/ CV.CVC

10 People /pɪ:.pəl/ CV.CVC /pɪ:.pʌl/ CVV.CVC

11 Party /pɑ:.tɪ/ CV.CV /pɑ:r.tɪ:/ CVVC.CVV

12 minister /mɪn.ɪ.stər / CVC.V.CCVC/ /mɑ:.nɪs.tʌr / CV.CVC.CVC

13 hospital /hɒs.pɪ.təl/ CVC.CV.CVC /hɑ:s.pɪ.tʌl / CVVC.CV.CVC

14 cosmetics /kɒz.me.tɪks/ CVC.CV.CVCC /kɑ:s.me.tiks/ CVVC.CV.CVCC

15 government /gʌv.ən.mənt/ CVC.VC.CVCC /gɔ:r.mənt/ CVC.CVCC

16 Budget /bʌʤ.ɪt/ CVC.CV /bʌ.ʤʌt/ CV.CVC

17 Meeting /miː.tɪŋ/ CV.CVC /miː.tɪŋ/ CVV.CVC

18 Youth /juːθ/ CVC /juːθ/ CVC

19 Target /tɒ.gɪt/ CV.CVC /tɑ:r.gʌt/ CVC.CVC

20 Civil /sɪv.əl/ CVC.VC /sɪ.vʌl/ CV.CVC

21 Society /sə.sɑɪ.tɪ/ CV.CV.CV /sɔ:.sɑ:ɪ.tɪ:/ CVV.CVV.CVV

22 Difference /dɪf.ər.əns/ CVC.VC.VCC /dɪf.rʌns/ CVV.CVCC

23 Policy /pɒl.ə.sɪ/ CVC.V.CV /pɑ:.lɪ:.sɪ:/ CVV.CVV.CVV

Language in India www.languageinindia.com 14:5 May 2014 M.I. Ranjha and M. K. Khan, Ph.D. <261-280>