Ciencia, 2(2) (1994),553-65 Maracaiba, Venezuela Taxonomic revision of Polymesoda solida (Phili pi, 1846) (Bivalvia: Corbiculidae), a new name ir Polymesoda arctata, the estuarine clam of Lake Maracaibo and other estuaries of the tropical Atlantic coasts of America He'ctor José ~eoereyn*~~, Yajairn García de ~rver~n''~ and Joseph /ay ~wa~' '~aborctio~ de Sistemdtica de Invertebmdos Acuúticos IMSiAI Facuttad Eqmbnentd de Ciencias, Departamenb de Bidogia. La Universidad del Zulh. 2Di&i~n ofMoIlusks. & ~ m f oflnuertebraks. National Musaun ofNattaat Hisloy Washington D.C.. U.S.A. Recibido: 24-03-94 Aceptado: 23- 08- 94 This paper presents a swnmary recent taxonomic findings conceming the estilarine clam Poh~mesoda solida (Phiiippi, 18461, part of a more extensive revision that cwers 147 species of the genus Polymesoda (MInesque. 1820) described between 1750 and 195Q (2). Research was done on collections of the Divtsion of Maliusks af the Uriited States Natioiid Museum of Waturai History. Washington D.C. IUSNM). Additional specfmens, especially vpes, from the British Museum (BMNHJ arid the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Harvard, USA (MCZJ were also reviewed. Non-type speclrnens were also revíewed from other museums. Based on an analysis of 21 sheU charactem and eight anatomical saft body features It is recognizd that at least six form ally d escribed species fall wl thin the taxonomic description of Poiymsoda solida (Philippi, f 8461, the specfes name that prevails because of the Priority RUIP the Internati onal Code d Zaological Nomenclature. A detailed description of the diagnostic features of the Genus and Subgenus to whlch this species belongs. as well as synonyrns. geographíc and ecological ranges, fossil data and a distribution map are presented. Key wwds: BlvaIvfa; Corbiculldae: estuarine: Poiymesoda: taxonomic review. Revisión taxonómica de Polymesoda solida (Philippi, 1846) (Bivalvia: Corbiculidae), nuevo nombre de P. arctata, la almeja estuarina del Lago de Maracaibo y otros estuarios de las costas atlánticas tropicales de América Resumen Este trabajo es un resumen de los hallazgos taxonomicos acerca de la almeja esttiacfna Polymesoda soiida(Philippi, 1846) e1 cual forma parte de una niás extensa revisión que cubrio 147 especies del Genero Polymesoda Rafinesque. 18201 descritas entre 1 750 and 1950 [S]. * Chmponding author: PO. Box 11% Maracaibn 4CCl -A, huela. Revista Cientifica de la Facultad Experimental de Ciencias, Volume 2 No+ 2, July-Decernber 1994

Revisión taxonómica de Polymesoda solida (Philippi, 1846)(bivalvia: corbiculidae), nuevo nombre de P. arctata, la almeja estuarina del Lago de Maracaibo y otros estuarios de las

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Ciencia, 2(2) (1994),553-65 Maracaiba, Venezuela

Taxonomic revision of Polymesoda solida (Phili pi, 1846) (Bivalvia: Corbiculidae), a new name

i r Polymesoda arctata, the estuarine clam of Lake Maracaibo and other estuaries

of the tropical Atlantic coasts of America He'ctor José ~ e o e r e y n * ~ ~ , Yajairn García de ~ r v e r ~ n ' ' ~ and Joseph /ay ~ w a ~ '

' ~ a b o r c t i o ~ de Sistemdtica de Invertebmdos Acuúticos IMSiAI Facuttad Eqmbnentd de Ciencias, Departamenb de Bidogia. La Universidad del Zulh. 2Di&i~n ofMoIlusks. & ~ m f oflnuertebraks. National M u s a u n ofNattaat His loy

Washington D.C.. U.S.A.

Recibido: 24-03-94 Aceptado: 23-08-94

This paper presents a swnmary oí recent taxonomic findings conceming the estilarine clam Poh~mesoda solida (Phiiippi, 18461, part of a more extensive revision that cwers 147 species of the genus Polymesoda (MInesque. 1820) described between 1750 and 195Q (2).

Research was done on collections of the Divtsion of Maliusks af the Uriited States Natioiid Museum of Waturai History. Washington D.C. IUSNM). Additional specfmens, especially v p e s , from the British Museum (BMNHJ arid the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Harvard, USA (MCZJ were also reviewed. Non-type speclrnens were also revíewed from other museums.

Based on an analysis of 21 sheU charactem and eight anatomical saft body features It is recognizd that at least six form ally d escribed species fall wl thin the taxonomic description of Poiymsoda solida (Philippi, f 8461, the specfes name that prevails because of the Priority RUIP oí the Internati onal Code d Zaological Nomenclature. A detailed description of the diagnostic features of the Genus and Subgenus to whlch this species belongs. as well as synonyrns. geographíc and ecological ranges, fossil data and a distribution map are presented.

Key wwds: BlvaIvfa; Corbiculldae: estuarine: Poiymesoda: taxonomic review.

Revisión taxonómica de Polymesoda solida (Philippi, 1846) (Bivalvia: Corbiculidae),

nuevo nombre de P. arctata, la almeja estuarina del Lago de Maracaibo y otros estuarios

de las costas atlánticas tropicales de América Resumen

Este trabajo es un resumen de los hallazgos taxonomicos acerca de la almeja esttiacfna Polymesoda soiida(Philippi, 1846) e1 cual forma parte de una niás extensa revisión que cubrio 147 especies del Genero Polymesoda Rafinesque. 18201 descritas entre 1 750 and 1950 [S]. * Chmponding author: PO. Box 11% Maracaibn 4CCll -A, huela.

Revista Cientifica de la Facultad Experimental de Ciencias, Volume 2 No+ 2, July-Decernber 1994