U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station New Publications January–March 2022 CONTENTS ROCKY MOUNTAIN RESEARCH STATION .............................................. 2 NEW SERIES PUBLICATIONS RMRS-GTR-429: Assessing pollinator friendliness of plants and designing mixes to restore habitat for bees ......................................... 3 RMRS-RB-36: Nevada’s forest resources, 2009-2018 ................................ 4 RMRS-RN-91: Living with wildfire in Log Hill Mesa, Ouray County, Colorado: 2017 data report and a comparison to 2011 and 2012 data ....................................................................................... 5 JOURNALS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS ............................................... 6 Air, Water and Aquatic Environments ...................................................... 6 Fire, Fuel and Smoke ............................................................................ 8 Forest and Woodland Ecosystems .......................................................... 9 Human Dimensions ............................................................................ 11 Inventory, Monitoring and Analysis ...................................................... 13 Maintaining Resilient Dryland Ecosystems ............................................. 13 Wilderness (Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute) ........................ 15 Wildlife and Terrestrial Ecosystems ...................................................... 16 PUBLICATION ORDERS AND CONTACT INFORMATION ....................... 18

RMRS New Publications - January-March 2022

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Rocky Mountain Research Station

New PublicationsJanuary–March 2022


ROCKY MOUNTAIN RESEARCH STATION .............................................. 2


RMRS-GTR-429: Assessing pollinator friendliness of plants and designing mixes to restore habitat for bees ......................................... 3

RMRS-RB-36: Nevada’s forest resources, 2009-2018 ................................ 4

RMRS-RN-91: Living with wildfire in Log Hill Mesa, Ouray County, Colorado: 2017 data report and a comparison to 2011 and 2012 data ....................................................................................... 5

JOURNALS AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS ............................................... 6

Air, Water and Aquatic Environments ...................................................... 6Fire, Fuel and Smoke ............................................................................ 8Forest and Woodland Ecosystems .......................................................... 9Human Dimensions ............................................................................ 11Inventory, Monitoring and Analysis ...................................................... 13Maintaining Resilient Dryland Ecosystems ............................................. 13Wilderness (Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute) ........................ 15Wildlife and Terrestrial Ecosystems ...................................................... 16




Rocky Mountain Research Station

FORT COLLINSStation Headquarters


Priest River

Deception Creek



Boise Basin








Great Basin




Fort Valley

Long Valley



Tenderfoot Creek


Station HeadquartersLab LocationNational ForestExperimental ForestExperimental Range

The Rocky Mountain Research Station is one of seven regional units that make up the U.S. Forest Service Research and Development organization.

We maintain 14 research locations throughout a 12-State territory encompassing the Great Basin, Southwest, Rocky Mountains, and parts of the Great Plains. The station employs more than 400 permanent full-time employees, including about 100 research scientists.

Scientists conduct research that spans an area containing 52 percent of the nation’s National Forest System lands (54 national forests and grasslands). In the lower 48 States, our territory also includes 55 percent of the nation’s Bureau of Land Management lands; 48 percent of the designated wildernesses; 37 percent of National Park Service lands; numerous other public and tribal lands; and 41 percent of the non-urban/rural private lands.

We administer and conduct ecological research on 14 experimental forests, ranges, and watersheds over the long term, even centuries, enabling us to learn how forests change as climate and other factors change over time.

We also oversee activities on several hundred research natural areas, a network of ecosystems set aside to conserve biological diversity. These areas represent a wide variety of habitats and ecosystems from alpine ecosystems to lowlands and from coniferous forests of the Northern Rockies to semiarid deserts of the Southwest and prairie ecosystems of the Great Plains.

Contact us

Phone: (970) 498-1100 Web: www.fs.usda.gov/rmrs/ Twitter @usfs_rmrs

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New RMRS Series Publications

Glenny, Will; Runyon, Justin; Burkle, Laura. 2022. Assessing pollinator friendliness of plants and designing mixes to restore habitat for bees. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-429. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 54 p. https://doi.org/10.2737/RMRS-GTR-429.

The worldwide decline in bee populations is threatening the delivery of pollination services, thus leading to the development of pollinator restoration strategies. In the United States, one way to protect and restore bee populations is to use seed mixes composed of pollinator-friendly native plants to revegetate federal lands following disturbance. However, we lack information about which native plant species and mixes are best for bees. We assessed the attractiveness and use by bees of 24 native plant species that are standard for revegetation projects (focal plants) on national forest lands in western Montana. Focal plants that had the highest visitation rate, attracted the most bee species, supported specialist bee species, and bloomed for extended periods across the landscape were considered “pollinator-friendly.” Our results suggest that Salix bebbiana, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Lupinus sericeus, Rosa woodsii, Symphoricarpos albus, Erigeron speciosus, Symphyotrichum foliaceum, and Gaillardia aristata could create a seed mix that is effective for pollinator restoration on public lands. Pollinator-friendliness score cards are provided to allow land managers to select plant species to include in restoration mixes that benefit pollinators. Identifying mixes of pollinator-friendly native plant species that are available for restoration will allow land managers to both revegetate disturbed habitats and restore bee communities on federal lands. The methods developed in this project can be used to design seed mixes for pollinator restoration on other public lands.

Keywords: bees; pollinators; restoration; community ecology; Region 1

Online: https://www.fs.usda.gov/treesearch/pubs/63732



Witt, Chris; Pelz, Kristen A.; Goeking, Sara A.; Shaw, John D.; Bakken, Jennifer L.; Menlove, Jim A. 2020. Nevada’s forest resources, 2009-2018. Resour. Bull. RMRS-RB-36. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 115 p. https://doi.org/10.2737/RMRS-RB-36.

This report summarizes the most recent Forest Inventory and Analysis data of Nevada’s forests based on field data collected between 2009 and 2018. Many of the results were compared to those from the 2004-2013 evaluation period. Results show that Nevada’s forest land covers 10.6 million acres, most of which (63 percent or 6.7 million acres) are administered by the United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Land Management. The State’s most abundant forest type is Pinyon-juniper woodland, which covers almost 7.3 million acres. At 1.9 billion live trees, woodland softwoods (principally pinyon and juniper species) make up the largest share of the estimated 2.5 billion live trees 5.0. inches or greater in diameter in Nevada, and this species group is the most abundant by volume and biomass as well. Nevada’s forests contain 6.2 billion cubic feet of net volume in trees 5.0 inches diameter and larger. Nevada had positive annual net growth of all live trees 5.0 inches diameter and larger, at 9.5 million cubic feet per year during the most recent evaluation period (2009-2018). Most of this growth occurred in Pinyon-juniper woodland and ponderosa pine forest types. The bulk of the other forest types in Nevada had negative annual net growth for the evaluation period. The report includes descriptive highlights and tables of area, numbers of trees, biomass, volume, growth, and mortality on forested lands. Also included is a case study that uses the Forest Vegetation Simulator tool to project possible future conditions of the Pinyon-juniper woodlands that dominate Nevada’s forested landscape. Most results are organized by forest type or forest-type group, tree species group, diameter class, or owner group.

Keywords: Nevada; forest inventory; field data; trees; biomass; growth; mortality; projections

Online: https://www.fs.usda.gov/treesearch/pubs/64037



Donovan, Colleen; Gomez, Jamie P.; Falk, Lilia; Barth, Christopher M.; Champ, Patricia A.; Brenkert-Smith, Hannah; Meldrum, James R.; Wagner, Carolyn. 2022. Living with wildfire in Log Hill Mesa, Ouray County, Colorado: 2017 data report and a comparison to 2011 and 2012 data. Res. Note RMRS-RN-91. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 45 p. https://doi.org/10.2737/RMRS-RN- 91.

Over the last decade, a team of researchers and practitioners, referred to as the Wildfire Research Team (WiRē1 Team), has worked with wildfire practitioners seeking to create communities that are adapted to wildfire through an evidenced-based approach. The West Region Wildfire Council (WRWC) has been an integral partner amongst the WiRē Team throughout this time. Together, the WiRē Team has developed a systematic data collection and integration approach (the WiRē approach) that informs local wildfire risk education efforts and allows for monitoring of community adaptation over time. Through this approach, we collect and analyze locally relevant wildfire risk and social science data to enhance the effectiveness of local wildfire risk mitigation efforts. A unique aspect of this report is that the data collection effort was replicated. The results of the 2011/2012 data collection effort are summarized in Meldrum et. al. (2013). In this report, the results of the 2017 data collection effort are summarized first, followed by a brief comparison of the 2017 results to the 2011/2012 data. This comparison is offered to provide context to the 2017 data; in-depth investigation of change over time is beyond the scope of this report.

Keywords: WiRē; Wildfire Research Center; West Region Wildfire Council; risk assessment; survey data; wildland urban interface; social science; mitigation; wildfire risk; community; homeowner; social science

Online: https://www.fs.usda.gov/treesearch/pubs/63688



Journals and Other Publications

External publications written by our scientists and cooperators and grouped by our Science Program Areas. For more information on our Science Program Areas, please visit our web site: www.fs.usda.gov/rmrs/science-program-areas/.

Air, Water and Aquatic EnvironmentsAkin, Idil Deniz; Garnica, Sophia S.; Robichaud,

Peter R.; Brown, Robert E. 2021. Surficial stabilization of wildfire-burnt hillslopes using xanthan gum and polyacrylamide. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering. 38(1): 283. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10706-021-01951-4.

Burns, Sean P.; Frank, John M.; Massman, William J.; Patton, Edward G.; Blanken, Peter D. 2021. The effect of static pressure-wind covariance on vertical carbon dioxide exchange at a windy subalpine forest site. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 306: 108402. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108402.

Clark, David B.; Oberbauer, Steven F.; Clark, Deborah A.; Ryan, Michael G.; Dubayah, Ralph O. 2021. Physical structure and biological composition of canopies in tropical secondary and old-growth forests. PLOS ONE. 16(8): e0256571. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0256571.

Clark, Martyn P.; Luce, Charles H.; AghaKouchak, Amir; Berghuijs, Wouter; David, Cedric H.; Duan, Qingyun; Ge, Shemin; van Meerveld, Ilja; Zheng, Chunmiao; Parlange, Marc B.; Tyler, Scott W. 2021. Open science: Open data, open models, … and open publications? Water Resources Research. 57(4): 157. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020WR029480.

Deval, C.; Brooks, E.S.; Gravelle, J.A.; Link, T.E.; Dobre, M.; Elliot, W.J. 2021. Long-term response in nutrient load from commercial forest management operations in a mountainous watershed. Forest Ecology and Management. 494(80): 119312. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119312.

Fegel, Timothy S.; Boot, Claudia M.; Covino, Timothy P.; Elder, Kelly; Hall, Edward K.; Starr, Banning; Stegen, James; Rhoades, Charles C. 2021. Amount and reactivity of dissolved organic matter export are affected by land cover change from old–growth to second–growth forests in headwater ecosystems. Hydrological Processes. 35(8): 280. https://doi.org/10.1002/hyp.14343.

Fisher, Joshua B.; Keenan, Trevor F.; Buechner, Christin; Shirkey, Gabriela; Perez–Quezada, Jorge F.; Knox, Sara H.; Frank, John M.; Runkle, Benjamin R. K.; Bohrer, Gil. 2021. Once upon a time, in AmeriFlux. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 126(1). https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JG006148.

Gourley, Jonathan J.; Vergara, Humberto; Arthur, Ami; Clark, Robert A.; Staley, Dennis; Fulton, John; Hempel, Laura; Goodrich, David C.; Rowden, Katherine; Robichaud, Peter R. 2020. Predicting the floods that follow the flames. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 101(7): E1101-E1106. https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-20-0040.1.

Kampf, Stephanie K.; Dwire, Kathleen A.; Fairchild, Mathew P.; Dunham, Jason; Snyder, Craig D.; Jaeger, Kristin L.; Luce, Charles H.; Hammond, John C.; Wilson, Codie; Zimmer, Margaret A.; Sidell, Marielle. 2021. Managing nonperennial headwater streams in temperate forests of the United States. Forest Ecology and Management. 497: 119523.

Lew, Roger; Dobre, Mariana; Srivastava, Anurag; Brooks, Erin S.; Elliot, William J.; Robichaud, Peter R.; Flanagan, Dennis C. 2022. WEPPcloud: An online watershed-scale hydrologic modeling tool. Part I. Model description. Journal of Hydrology. 608: 127603.



Lewis, Sarah A.; Robichaud, Peter R.; Hudak, Andrew T.; Strand, Eva K.; Eitel, Jan U. H.; Brown, Robert E. 2021. Evaluating the persistence of post-wildfire ash: A multi-platform spatiotemporal analysis. Fire. 4: 68.

McNulty, Steve; Steel, Ashley; Springgay, Elaine; Caldwell, Ben; Shono, Kenichi; Pess, George; Funge-Smith, Simon; Richards, William; Ferraz, Silvio; Neary, Dan; Long, Jonathan; Verbist, Bruno; Leonard, Jackson; Sun, Ge; Beechie, Timothy; Lo, Michaela; McGill, Lillian; Fullerton, Aimee; Borelli, Simone. 2021. Managing forests for water [Chapter 3]. In: FAO, IUFRO and USDA. A guide to forest-water management. FAO Forestry Paper No. 185. Rome, Italy. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. p. 31-74. https://doi.org/10.4060/cb6473en.

Musselman, Robert C.; Dwire, Kathleen A.; Korfmacher, John L.; Conrad, Mark. 2021. Ecoregion 6.2.14 Southern Rockies: Glacier Lakes Ecosystem Experiments Site (GLEES), Wyoming [Chapter 10]. In: Douglas F. Ryan, ed. Biological Responses to Stream Nutrients: A Synthesis of Science from Experimental Forests and Ranges. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-981. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. p. 233-250.

Neary, Daniel G.; Leonard, Jackson M. 2020. Restoring fire to forests: Contrasting the effects on soils of prescribed fire and wildfire [Chapter 12]. In: Stanturf, John A.; Callaham, Mac A., Jr., eds. Soils and Landscape Restoration. Academic Press. p. 337-360.

Paukert, Craig; Olden, Julian D.; Lynch, Abigail J.; Breshears, David D.; Chambers, R. Christopher; Chu, Cindy; Daly, Margaret; Dibble, Kimberly L.; Falke, Jeff; Issak, Dan; Jacobson, Peter; Jensen, Olaf P.; Munroe, Daphne. 2021. Climate change effects on North American fish and fisheries to inform adaptation strategies. Fisheries. 46: 449-464.

Pierson, Derek; Peter-Contesse, Hayley; Bowden, Richard D.; Nadelhoffer, Knute; Kayhani, Kamron; Evans, Lucas; Lajtha, Kate. 2021. Competing processes drive the resistance of soil carbon to alterations in organic inputs. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 9: Article 527803.

Pierson, Derek; Evans, Lucas; Kayhani, Kamron; Bowden, Richard D.; Nadelhoffer, Knute; Simpson, Myrna; Lajtha, Kate. 2021. Mineral stabilization of soil carbon is suppressed by live roots, outweighing influences from litter quality or quantity. Biogeochemistry. 154(3): 433-449.

Rengers, F. K.; McGuire, Luke A.; Kean, Jason W.; Staley, Dennis M.; Dobre, Mariana; Robichaud, Peter R.; Swetnam, Tyson. 2021. Movement of sediment through a burned landscape: Sediment volume observations and model comparisons in the San Gabriel Mountains, California, USA. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. 126: e2020JF006053.

Sanchez-Murillo, R.; Brooks, E. S.; Elliot, W. J.; Gazel, E.; Boll, J. 2015. Baseflow recession analysis in the inland Pacific Northwest of the United States. Hydrogeology Journal. 23: 287-303.

Stevens, Lawrence E.; Aly, Anwar A.; Arpin, Sarah M.; Apostolova, Iva; Ashley, Gail M.; Barba, Paulo Quadri; Barquín, Jose; Beauger, Aude; Lahcen Benaabidate; Bhat, Sami Ullah; Bouchaou, Lhoussaine; Cantonati, Marco; Carroll, Teresa M.; Death, Russell; Dwire, Kathleen A., et. al. 2021. The ecological integrity of spring ecosystems: A global review. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-821139-7.00111-2.

Sutfin, Nicholas A.; Wohl, Ellen; Fegel, Timothy; Day, Natalie; Lynch, Laurel. 2021. Logjams and channel morphology influence sediment storage, transformation of organic matter, and carbon storage within mountain stream corridors. Water Resources Research. 57: e2020WR028046.



Fire, Fuel and SmokeAger, Alan A.; Day, Michelle A.; Alcasena,

Fermin J.; Evers, Cody R.; Short, Karen C.; Grenfell, Isaac. 2021. Predicting Paradise: Modeling future wildfire disasters in the western US. Science of The Total Environment. 784: 147057. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.147057.

Baker, Kirk R.; Lee, Sang Don; Lemieux, Paul; Hudson, Scott; Murphy, Benjamin N.; Bash, Jesse O.; Koplitz, Shannon N.; Nguyen, Thien Khoi V.; Hao, Wei Min; Baker, Stephen; Lincoln, Emily. 2021. Predicting wildfire particulate matter and hypothetical re-emission of radiological Cs-137 contamination incidents. Science of The Total Environment. 795(11): 148872. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148872.

Bonner, Sophie R.; Hoffman, Chad M.; Kane, Jeffrey M.; Varner, J. Morgan; Hiers, J. Kevin; O'Brien, Joseph J.; Rickard, Heather D.; Tinkham, Wade T.; Linn, Rodman R.; Skowronski, Nicholas; Parsons, Russell A.; Sieg, Carolyn H. 2021. Invigorating prescribed fire science through improved reporting practices. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. 4: 750699.

Krug, Jonathan; Long, Russell; Colón, Maribel; Habel, Andrew; Urbanski, Shawn; Landis, Matthew S. 2021. Evaluation of small form factor, filter-based PM2.5 samplers for temporary non-regulatory monitoring during wildland fire smoke events. Atmospheric Environment. 265(3): 118718. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118718.

Landis, Matthew S.; Long, Russell W.; Krug, Jonathan; Colón, Maribel; Vanderpool, Robert; Habel, Andrew; Urbanski, Shawn P. 2021. The U.S. EPA wildland fire sensor challenge: Performance and evaluation of solver submitted multi-pollutant sensor systems. Atmospheric Environment. 247(10): 118165. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.118165.

Long, Russell W.; Whitehill, Andrew; Habel, Andrew; Urbanski, Shawn; Halliday, Hannah; Colón, Maribel; Kaushik, Surender; Landis, Matthew S. 2021. Comparison of ozone measurement methods in biomass burning smoke: an evaluation under field and laboratory conditions. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. 14(3): 1783-1800. https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-14-1783-2021.

Lutes, Duncan C.; Hardy, Colin C. 2021. Lodgepole pine bole wood density and decay rate 1, 11, and 22 years after felling in central Montana, United States. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. 4: 83. https://doi.org/10.3389/ffgc.2021.687567.

Melnik, Oleg M.; Paskaluk, Stephen A.; Ackerman, Mark Y.; Melnik, Katherine O.; Thompson, Dan K.; McAllister, Sara S.; Flannigan, Mike D. 2022. New in-flame flammability testing method applied to monitor seasonal changes in live fuel. Fire. 5: 1.

Noonan-Wright, Erin; Seielstad, Carl A. 2021. Patterns of wildfire risk in the United States from systematic operational risk assessments: How risk is characterised by land managers. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 30: 569-584.

Salis, Michele. Arca, Bachisio; Del Giudice, Liliana; Palaiologou, Palaiologos; Alcasena-Urdiroz, Fermin; Ager, Alan; Fiori, Michele; Pellizzaro, Grazia; Scarpa, Carla; Schirru, Matilde; Ventura, Andrea; Casula, Marcello; Duce, Pierpaolo. 2021. Application of simulation modeling for wildfire exposure and transmission assessment in Sardinia, Italy. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 58: 102189.

Shive, Kristen L.; Wuenschel, Amarina; Hardlund, Linnea J.; Morris, Sonia; Meyer, Marc D.; Hood, Sharon M. 2022. Ancient trees and modern wildfires: Declining resilience to wildfire in the highly fire-adapted giant sequoia. Forest Ecology and Management. 511: 120110.



Stephens, Scott L; Kobziar, Leda N; Collins, Brandon M; Davis, Raymond; Fule, Peter Z; Gaines, William; Ganey, Joseph; Guldin, James M; Hessburg, Paul F; Hiers, Kevin; Hoagland, Serra; Keane, John J; Masters, Ronald E; McKellar, Ann E; Montague, Warren; North, Malcolm; Spies, Thomas A. 2019. Is fire “for the birds”? How two rare species influence fire management across the US. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 17(7): 391-399.

Valero, Mario Miguel; Verstockt, Steven; Butler, Bret; Jimenez, Daniel; Rios, Oriol; Mata, Christian; Queen, LLoyd; Pastor, Elsa; Planas, Eulalia. 2021. Thermal infrared video stabilization for aerial monitoring of active wildfires. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing. 14: 2817-2832.

Forest and Woodland EcosystemsAsh, Eric; Macdonald, David W.; Cushman,

Samuel A.; Noochdumrong, Adisorn; Redford, Tim; Kaszta, Zaneta. 2021. Optimization of spatial scale, but not functional shape, affects the performance of habitat suitability models: a case study of tigers (Panthera tigris) in Thailand. Landscape Ecology. 36(2): 455-474. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-020-01105-6.

Balla, Amel; Silini, Allaoua; Cherif-Silini, Hafsa; Bouket, Ali Chenari; Moser, Warren K.; Nowakowska, Justyna Anna; Oszako, Tomasz; Benia, Farida; Belbahri, Lassaad. 2021. The threat of pests and pathogens and the potential for biological control in forest ecosystems. Forests. 12: 1579.

Bentz, Barbara J.; Hansen, E. Matthew; Vandygriff, James C.; Stephens, S. Sky; Soderberg, David. 2021. Rocky Mountain bristlecone pine (Pinus aristata) is a confirmed host to mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae). Western North American Naturalist. 81(1). https://doi.org/10.3398/064.081.0102.

Carter, Trevor A.; Fornwalt, Paula J.; Dwire, Kathleen A.; Laughlin, Daniel C. 2022. Understory plant community responses to widespread spruce mortality in a subalpine forest. Journal of Vegetation Science. 33: e13109.

Chiaverini, Luca; Wan, Ho Yi; Hahn, Beth; Cilimburg, Amy; Wasserman, Tzeidle N.; Cushman, Samuel A. 2021. Effects of non-representative sampling design on multi-scale habitat models: Flammulated owls in the Rocky Mountains. Ecological Modelling. 450: 109566. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2021.109566.

Dar, S. A.; Singh, S. K.; Wan, H. Y.; Kumar, V.; Cushman, S. A.; Sathyakumar, S. 2021. Projected climate change threatens Himalayan brown bear habitat more than human land use. Animal Conservation. 24(4): 659-676. https://doi.org/10.1111/acv.12671.

Gandhi, Kamal J. K.; Miller, Chelsea N.; Fornwalt, Paula J.; Frank, John M. 2022. Bark beetle outbreaks alter biotic components of forested ecosystems [Chapter 8]. In: Gandhi, Kamal J. K.; Hofstetter, Richard W., eds. Bark Beetle Management, Ecology, and Climate Change. Academic Press. p. 227-259.

Grover, Henry S.; Bowker, Matthew A.; Fule, Peter Z.; Sieg, Carolyn H.; Antoninka, Anita J.2022. Pelletized inoculation of fire mosses in severely burned conifer forests overcomes initial barriers to Bryum argenteum establishment but does not increase cover. Ecological Engineering. 176: 106513.

Hammond, Darcy H.; Strand, Eva K.; Morgan, Penelope; Hudak, Andrew T.; Newingham, Beth A. 2021. Environmental influences on density and height growth of natural ponderosa pine regeneration following wildfires. Fire. 4: 80.

Hlasny, T.; Zimova, S.; Bentz, B. 2021. Scientific response to intensifying bark beetle outbreaks in Europe and North America. Forest Ecology and Management. 499: 119599. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119599.



Jain, Theresa B.; Abrahamson, Ilana; Anderson, Nate; Hood, Sharon; Hanberry, Brice; Kilkenny, Francis; McKinney, Shawn; Ott, Jeffrey; Urza, Alexandra; Chambers, Jeanne; Battaglia, Mike; Varner, J. Morgan; O'Brien, Joseph J. 2021. Effectiveness of fuel treatments at the landscape scale: State of understanding and key research gaps. JFSP PROJECT ID: 19-S-01-2. Boise, ID: Joint Fire Sciences Program. 65 p.

Jain, Theresa B.; Nelson, Andrew S.; Bright, Benjamin C.; Byrne, John C.; Hudak, Andrew T. 2022. Biophysical settings that influenced plantation survival during the 2015 wildfires in northern Rocky Mountain moist mixed-conifer forests. Journal of Forestry. 2022: 22-36.

Keen, Rachel M.; Voelker, Steven L.; Wang, S.-Y. Simon; Bentz, Barbara J.; Goulden, Michael L.; Dangerfield, Cody R.; Reed, Charlotte C.; Hood, Sharon M.; Csank, Adam Z.; Dawson, Todd E.; Merschel, Andrew G.; Still, Christopher J. 2022. Changes in tree drought sensitivity provided early warning signals to the California drought and forest mortality event. Global Change Biology. 28(3): 1119-1132.

Kim, Mee-Sook; Hantula, Jarkko; Kaitera, Juha; Zambino, Paul J.; Woodward, Stephen; Richardson, Bryce A.; Stewart, Jane E.; Spaine, Pauline; Shaw, David C.; Takeuchi, Yu; Klopfenstein, Ned B. 2022. Recovery plan for Scots pine blister rust caused by Cronartium pini. Plant Disease Progress. 23: 105-130.

Leite, Rodrigo Vieira; Silva, Carlos Alberto; Broadbent, Eben North; do Amaral, Cibele Hummel; Liesenberg, Veraldo; de Almeida, Danilo Roberti Alves; Mohan, Midhun; Godinho, Sergio; Hudak, Andrew T.; et. al. 2022. Large scale multi-layer fuel load characterization in tropical savanna using GEDI spaceborne lidar data. Remote Sensing of Environment. 268: 112764.

Lopez–Marquez, Violeta; Cushman, Samuel A.; Templado, Jose; Wan, Ho Yi; Bothwell, Helen M.; Machordom, Annie. 2021. Genetic connectivity of two marine gastropods in the Mediterranean Sea: Seascape genetics reveals species–specific oceanographic drivers of gene flow. Molecular Ecology. 30(19): 4608-4629. https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.16080.

Lucid, Michael K.; Wan, Ho Yi; Ehlers, Shannon; Robinson, Lacy; Svancara, Leona K.; Shirk, Andrew; Cushman, Sam. 2021. Land snail microclimate niches identify suitable areas for climate refugia management on a montane landscape. Ecological Indicators. 129(1): 107885-. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.107885.

Mohammadi, Alireza; Almasieh, Kamran; Wan, Ho Yi; Nayeri, Danial; Alambeigi, Amir; Ransom, Jason I.; Cushman, Samuel A. 2021. Integrating spatial analysis and questionnaire survey to better understand human-onager conflict in Southern Iran. Scientific Reports. 11: 12423.

Mohammadi, A.; Almasieh, K.; Nayeri, D.; Ataei, F.; Khani, A.; Lopez-Bao, J. V.; Penteriani, V.; Cushman, S. A. 2021. Identifying priority core habitats and corridors for effective conservation of brown bears in Iran. Scientific Reports. 11: 1044.

Oblinger, Brent W.; Bright, Benjamin C.; Hanavan, Ryan P.; Simpson, Mike; Hudak, Andrew T.; Cook, Bruce D.; Corp, Lawrence A. 2022. Identifying conifer mortality induced by Armillaria root disease using airborne lidar and orthoimagery in south central Oregon. Forest Ecology and Management. 511: 120126.

Rue-Johns, Annelise Z.; Crotteau, Justin S.; D'Amore, David V.; Barnard, Jeffrey C. 2021. Biomass regressions for understory species in young-growth Sitka spruce-western hemlock forests of southeast Alaska. Northwest Science. 95(1): 114-124.



Silva, Carlos Alberto; Hudak, Andrew T.; Vierling, Lee A.; Valbuena, Ruben; Cardil, Adrian; Mohan, Midhun; de Almeida, Danilo Roberti Alves; Broadbent, Eben N.; et. al. 2022. Treetop: A Shiny–based application and R package for extracting forest information from LiDAR data for ecologists and conservationists. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.13830.

Stevens, Jens T.; Haffey, Collin M.; Coop, Jonathan D.; Fornwalt, Paula J.; Yocom, Larissa; Allen, Craig D.; Bradley, Anne; Burney, Owen T.; Carril, Dennis; Chambers, Marin E.; Chapman, Teresa B.; Haire, Sandra L.; Hurteau, Matthew D.; Iniguez, et. al. 2021. Tamm Review: Postfire landscape management in frequent-fire conifer forests of the southwestern United States. Forest Ecology and Management. 502: 119678.

Stitt, Jessica M.; Hudak, Andrew T.; Silva, Carlos A.; Vierling, Lee A.; Vierling, Kerri T. 2022. Characterizing individual tree-level snags using airborne lidar-derived forest canopy gaps within closed-canopy conifer forests. Methods in Ecology Evolution. 13: 473-484.

Stitt, Jessica M.; Hudak, Andrew T.; Silva, Carlos A.; Vierling, Lee A.; Vierling, Kerri T. 2022. Evaluating the use of lidar to discern snag characteristics important for wildlife. Remote Sensing. 14: 720.

Sun, Jielun; Massman, William J.; Banta, Robert M.; Burns, Sean P. 2021. Revisiting the surface energy imbalance. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 126: e2020JD034219.

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Maintaining Resilient Dryland Ecosystems

Amonette, J. E.; Archuleta, J. G.; Fuchs, M. R.; Hills, K. M.; Yorgey, G. G.; Flora, G.; Hunt, J.; Han, H.-S.; Jobson, B. T.; Miles, T. R.; Page-Dumroese, D. S.; et. al. 2021. Biomass to biochar: Maximizing the carbon value. Pullman, WA: Washington State University, Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources. 166 p. Online: https://csanr.wsu.edu/biomass2biochar/.

Andivia, Enrique; Villar–Salvador, Pedro; Oliet, Juan A.; Puertolas, Jaime; Dumroese, R. Kasten; Ivetic, Vladan; Molina–Venegas, Rafael; Arellano, Eduardo C.; Li, Guolei; Ovalle, Juan F. 2021. Climate and species stress resistance modulate the higher survival of large seedlings in forest restorations worldwide. Ecological Applications. 31(6): 17117. https://doi.org/10.1002/eap.2394.

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Dobbs, John T.; Kim, Mee–Sook; Dudley, Nicklos S.; Jones, Tyler C.; Yeh, Aileen; Dumroese, R. Kasten; Cannon, Philip G.; Hauff, Robert D.; Klopfenstein, Ned B.; Wright, Sean; Stewart, Jane E. 2021. Fusarium spp. diversity associated with symptomatic Acacia koa in Hawai'i. Forest Pathology. 159(3): 07. https://doi.org/10.1111/efp.12713.

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Dumroese, R. Kasten; Terzaghi, Mattia; Acevedo, Manuel; Lasserre, Bruno; Scippa, Gabriella S.; Baggett, L. Scott; Chiatante, Donato; Montagnoli, Antonio. 2022. Root system architecture of Pinus ponderosa three decades after copper root pruning in a container nursery. New Forests. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11056-022-09904-2.

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Richardson, Bryce A.; Germino, Matthew J.; Warwell, Marcus V.; Buerki, Sven. 2021. The role of genome duplication in big sagebrush growth and fecundity. American Journal of Botany. 108: 1405-1416.

Runyon, Justin B. 2022. Nematode-induced demasculinization of Nearctic Dolichopodidae (Diptera) with five new synonyms. Zootaxa. 5092(5): 545-558.

Ulyshen, Michael; Elliott, Katherine; Scott, Joel; Horn, Scott; Clinton, Patsy; Liu, Ning; Miniat, Chelcy F.; Caldwell, Peter; Oishi,

Chris; Knoepp, Jennifer; Bolstad, Paul. 2022. Effects of Rhododendron removal and prescribed fire on bees and plants in the southern Appalachians. Ecology and Evolution. 12(3): 250. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.8677.

Veste, Maik; Felde, Vincent John Martin Noah Linus; Warren, Steven D.; Pietrasiak, Nicole. 2021. Editorial: Ecological development and functioning of biological soil crusts after natural and human disturbances. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 9: 713584.

Warren, Steven D.; Ruzycki, Thomas L. 2022. Validation of the USPED erosion and deposition model at Schofield Barracks, O‘ahu, Hawai‘i. Pacific Science. 76(1): 43-51.

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Wurzburger, Nina; Motes, Jessie I.; Miniat, Chelcy Ford. 2021. A framework for scaling symbiotic nitrogen fixation using the most widespread nitrogen fixer in eastern deciduous forests of the United States. Journal of Ecology. 99(2): 502-. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.13819.

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Wilderness (Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute)

Carim, Kellie J.; Eby, Lisa A.; Miller, Loren M.; McLellan, Holly; Dupuis, Virgil; Schwartz, Michael K. 2022. Mechanism of northern pike invasion in the Columbia River Basin. Management of Biological Invasions. 13(1): 168-190.



Jennings, Megan K.; Zeller, Katherine A.; Lewison, Rebecca L. 2021. Dynamic Landscape Connectivity Special Issue Editorial. Land. 10(6): 555. https://doi.org/10.3390/land10060555.

Zeller, Katherine A.; Schroeder, Cody A.; Wan, Ho Yi; Collins, Gail; Denryter, Kristin; Jakes, Andrew F.; Cushman, Samuel A. 2021. Forecasting habitat and connectivity for pronghorn across the Great Basin ecoregion. Diversity and Distributions. https://doi.org/10.1111/ddi.13402.

Wildlife and Terrestrial EcosystemsBandoo, Rohan Antonio; Bautista, Joshua;

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Bassing, S. B.; Ausband, D. E.; Mitchell, M. S.; Schwartz, M. K.; Nowak, J. J.; Hale, G. C.; Waits, L. P. 2020. Immigration does not offset harvest mortality in groups of a cooperatively breeding carnivore. Animal Conservation. 23: 750-761.

Cerano-Paredes, Julian; Rodriguez-Trejo, Dante A.; Iniguez, Jose M.; Cervantes-Martinez, Rosalinda; Villanueva-Diaz, Jose; Franco-Ramos, Osvaldo. 2021. Fire history (1896-2013) in an Abies religiosa forest in the Sierra Norte of Puebla, Mexico. Forests. 12(6): 700. https://doi.org/10.3390/f12060700.

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Kraberger, Simona; Serieys, Laurel EK.; Richet, Cecile; Fountain-Jones, Nicholas M.; Baele, Guy; Bishop, Jacqueline M.; Nehring, Mary; Ivan, Jacob S.; Newkirk, Eric S.; Squires, John R.; Lund, Michael C.; Riley, Seth PD.; Wilmers, Christopher C.; van Helden, Paul D.; Van Doorslaer, Koenraad; Culver, Melanie; VandeWoude, Sue; Martin, Darren P.; Varsani, Arvind. 2021. Complex evolutionary history of felid anelloviruses. Virology. 562: 176-189. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.virol.2021.07.013.

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Olson, Lucretia E.; Bjornlie, Nichole; Hanvey, Gary; Holbrook, Joseph D.; Ivan, Jacob S.; Jackson, Scott; Kertson, Brian; King, Travis; Lucid, Michael; Murray, Dennis; Naney, Robert; Rohrer, John; Scully, Arthur; Thornton, Daniel; Walker, Zachary; Squires, John R. 2021. Improved prediction of Canada lynx distribution through regional model transferability and data efficiency. Ecology and Evolution. 11(4): 1667-1690. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.7157.

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Wilcox, Taylor M.; Caragiulo, Anthony; Dysthe, Joseph C.; Franklin, Thomas W.; Mason, Daniel H.; McKelvey, Kevin S.; Zarn, Katherine E.; Schwartz, Michael K. 2021. Detection of jaguar (Panthera onca) from genetic material in drinking water. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 9: 613200.



Yates, Matthew C.; Wilcox, Taylor M.; McKelvey, Kevin S.; Young, Michael K.; Schwartz, Michael K.; Derry, Alison M. 2021. Allometric scaling of eDNA production in stream–dwelling brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) inferred from population size structure. Environmental DNA. 3(3): 553-560. https://doi.org/10.1002/edn3.150.



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