CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION Food poisoning results from eating food which is contaminated with large number of pathogenic organisms. Foods that are contaminated with these germs can be very harmful to the body as a result of this food should be prepared in a clean way before eating in order to avoid infection. Poison may be introduced accidentally or deliberately into the food due to the fact that man is ignorant of food poising bacteria. Food that is contaminated with germs may be normal in appearance, odour and taste, so the food handler may not aware that the food is contaminated already. There are some naturally occurring substances in plants such as cassava which can be very fatal to the body in some cases; it can lead to the death of the consumer. Thus, food handlers should be very careful when handling food, to prevent contamination infection, in order combat food poisoning the causes and types of bacteria that can cause food poisoning and the conditions that favours their growth or multiplication should be put into consideration, so as to guide against them. Food poisoning can therefore be viewed as the result got from the consumption of food in which poisonous substances have been deposited Nelson’s New compact Medical Dictionary (2006 7 th Edition 2005) also defined food poisoning as the “acute gastro-intestinal distress caused by injection of food 1

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Food poisoning results from eating food which is contaminated with large

number of pathogenic organisms.

Foods that are contaminated with these germs can be very harmful to the

body as a result of this food should be prepared in a clean way before eating in

order to avoid infection.

Poison may be introduced accidentally or deliberately into the food due to

the fact that man is ignorant of food poising bacteria. Food that is contaminated

with germs may be normal in appearance, odour and taste, so the food handler

may not aware that the food is contaminated already.

There are some naturally occurring substances in plants such as cassava

which can be very fatal to the body in some cases; it can lead to the death of the


Thus, food handlers should be very careful when handling food, to prevent

contamination infection, in order combat food poisoning the causes and types of

bacteria that can cause food poisoning and the conditions that favours their growth

or multiplication should be put into consideration, so as to guide against them.

Food poisoning can therefore be viewed as the result got from the

consumption of food in which poisonous substances have been deposited Nelson’s

New compact Medical Dictionary (2006 7th Edition 2005) also defined food

poisoning as the “acute gastro-intestinal distress caused by injection of food


containing toxic bacteria or chemical residues”. This is by production of toxin

from micro-organism causing food intoxication, however, food intoxication to be

present in large numbers in order to product the toxin by the association of their

activities. So, food infection results from the ingestion or consumption of food

with large numbers of disease causing organisms.

We can now define food as “anything either solid or liquid which enter or

when ingested and absorbed into the mouth or body system will provide energy,

supply materials needed for growth, repair and protect the body against disease

and I’ll health.

The oxford Advance leaner’s Dictionary (8th Edition 2008) also defined

food” as that which can be eaten by people or animals used by plants to keep them

living and growth.


There are combinations of six (6) main substances which constitute food.

They are carbohydrates, proteins, fat and oil, mineral salts and vitamins.

Carbohydrates provide energy for the body proteins supply energy and he

material for growth and repairs of body tissues. Fats and Oils provide heat and

energy. Mineral salts and water help in the building up of bones and teeth, which

is the responsibility of calcium, salt and phosphorus. They also act as solvents for

digestion, absorption and general metabolism of food. Vitamins contribute a great

deal to the maintenance of our health; their absence in the body can increase the

surface area for infection or to suffer certain deficiency diseases. Vitamins also

help to regulate all body processes.


The foods chat are susceptible to food poisoning are meat, dairy product

(milk, fresh cream, cheese, and egg, salads, fruits and vegetables, fish and other

seafood, bread and mayonnaise etc.

Food containing high amount of sugar, acid and salt may allow the survival

of certain bacteria but will not support their growth, when conditions are

favorable, they will grow Raw or uncooked food such as salad can be very

harmful to the body. It is contaminated with food poisoning bacteria there are

various micro-organisms which can survive high or low temperature, although

they will not growth but when such conditions are favorable they will multiple.

Thus, every raw food that is to be eaten raw should be properly washed before


In order to prevent food poisoning food handlers should practice good

personal hygiene i.e. cleaning of the body and cleanliness of the preparation and

service area the utensils and equipment used.


The Greek Philosopher with Aristotle as their champion believes the

worms, insects, fishes and frogs are formed in the filth and most soil. To the

scholars of the middle-ages spontaneous generation was accepted facts. But

shakespare character in Julius Ceaser Hamlet, Anthony Cleopatra cells of animals

arising fully formed from mud, hide and fresh warm by the sun.

Many generations had to pass before the possibility that life did not arise, it

spontaneously enters into mans mind. The Italian physician Francisco Redi (1626-

1997) was the first to challenge the motion of spontaneous generation and in 1688


a book describing the result of simple experiment hygieneously designed to

determine the origin of maggots which arose matter.

Although, there is nothing vindictive or purposeful in bacterial anymore

than the growth of gross in a fertile field an infectious disease may, for

convenience of discussion be regarded met euphorically as a struggle between an

attacking force and a depending body, the bacteria representing the invaders both

sides have their means of offence and defense.

We shall first consider the struggle from the side of the bacteria.

Bacteria may gain entrance to the tissue of the body and grow in them and

producing symptoms, when this happens, it is called an infection. The word has a

very broad meaning and is used or conditions which vary greatly in severity. Some

infections are so mild that they cause discomfort, others are fatal.

A pimple for exam is a serious and often fatal infection of the blood,

intestine and other organs.

There are certain routes or a pathway by which bacteria enter the body and

cause infections, the particular route in a given instance depends on the kind of

bacteria involved.

The most important of these pathways are through the skin, the respiratory

(nose, throat, tencils) and lungs, the mouth and gastro intestinal tract and genitor

urinary tract. Any small cut or abrasion or sometimes perhaps even very thin and

delicate membranes such as the conjunctive, may serve as portals entry for



How, bacteria in food may enter the body through the ways discussed

above, parathyroid bacilli are particularly frequent as causes of food infection

important among these are salmonellae typhi and salmonella enteritidis.

Food poisoning by bacteria is due to the growth in food of an organism

called clostridium botalium which secretes an exotoxin into the food this germ

will be discussed later.

Cases of food poisoning are very much rampant in this present day in

Nigeria there are cases of a whole finally of six found dead after eaten a cassava

flaked prepared food in the eastern region.


In recent times there have been different cases food poisoning in Nigeria

associated with water borne disease and illness like: -

Stomach Ache

Vomiting and abdominal Pain

Illness through water borne disease

Eschrichia-coli organism of present in foot it will cause diarrhoea

Salmonella will enter the foods which are of animal origin such as

meats, poultry and raw products.

Lack of vigilance in

Imported Food

Home produce food







My aim of writing this project work is to find what food poisoning is, when

it was discovered as food poisoning, which first discovered it as food positioning,

and how solution and limitation could be derived to prevent the rate at which is


Thereby informing homemakers and appropriate food industry

representatives of the circumstances that caused the out breaks and by suggesting

ways in which they corn avoid recurrences in future.


The purpose, need and significance of this study is simply to enlighten the

possible means educating the general people on outbreaks of food poisoning.

Such teaching requires knowledge of all the facts so far as they are known

because the incidence of food positioning can be reduced or stopped only when

preventive measures are applied in all fields known to contribute to the sources of

the causal agents.


This study covers the effects of food position on human health and also

discusses ways which they cause disease on human, source of infection,

contamination and general method of controlling them and also maintaining

standard hygiene.



Commensalisms: - Is an association between a parasite and its host in which the

parasite derives some benefits while the host is neither benefit nor harmed

Strepto: - Chain

Saprophytic: - These are bacteria, which live on dead or decayed organic matter:


Staphylo: Cluster

Symbiosis: - It is the association in which both the parasite and the host benefits

from one another. They both depend on one another.

Cocci: - Sherical shaped bacteria

Parasitism: - It is the association in which only the parasite derive benefits from

the host which the hoist suffers harm e.g. Taenia-Solium in human intestine

parasites may be divided into two (2) groups which are: -

a. Ecto-external Parasites: - These are the parasites which live on the surface

or outside the body of their host e.g. dermatobius, tick.

b. Endo (Internal) Parasites: - These are the parasites which live inside the

body of their hosts ground worm, tapeworm.

Agar: - A gum derived from certain mosses and seaweed of the orient

Parasitosis: -This is the term used; if a parasite is this is the term used, if a

parasite is potentially pathogenic but does not harm the host.

Aerobe: - Organism that requires oxygen


Chemosynthetic: - Organism that gets their energy from the chemical process,

which proceed in the dark.

Autotrophic: - These are bacteria which live entirely on inorganic matter such as

salt in sea water, oxygen and nitrogenous compound.

Pathogenic: - These are organisms which give off poisonous substance which can

cause injuries or diseases.

Mesophilic: - Bacteria that grow in temperature which ranges between 200 and


Psychorophilic: - It is the term used for the organisms which grows best in the

temperature near to freezing (40c to 100c).

Thermohilic:- The term used for the bacteria which grow only in high

temperature (450c to 750c)

Toxins: - These are poisonous substances formed to living things.

Toxicity: - Poisonous

Endotoxin: - Toxin produced, which remains enclosed within the cell membrane

Exotoxin: - Toxin produced, which diffuses outward through the cell membrane.

Gram: - A unity of weight equal to half to the weight if a ten percent pieces.

Virulence: - This is regarded as a combination of Aggressiveness and toxicity.

Vibries and Spirilla: - Curved or wavy bacteria.




Food poisoning has been described by different books in many ways: -

Food poisoning occurs either by chemical substance or as a result of toxins

produced by bacteria, or infection or pathogenic organisms.

A.I Ihekoronye and P.O Ngoddy (1985) state that food born disease

produced micro-organism fall into two classes: - food infection and food


In food infection, the disease organism are carried to the host through

foods, and there they multiply in the intestinal tract intoxications are those disease

in which the causative organism grows in the food it produce a chemical

sustenance in the food which is toxic.

According to Nelson’s new compact medical dictionary defined food

poisoning as the acute gastro-intestinal distress caused by ingestion of food

containing toxin bacteria or chemical residue.

Griswold (1970) views it that food such as cooked meat, cream filled,

pastries, potato salad, that have been contaminated with these organism often by

handling are allowed to stand without proper refrigeration the organism form a

toxin that causes nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.

Morse, Frobisher and Robbin (1942) said it has been found that certain

species of staphylococci grow in food especially hams milk custards and cream


fillings and produce powerful exotoxin (conterotoxin) which cause food


O.F.G Kigour states that food can became contaminated at their source of

supply. Farm animal raised closed together under intensive monoculture condition

can infect one another through salmonella species infection. Similarly vegetable

and folust can be contaminated with soil bacteria of the clostridium species. Also

slaughter of farm animal may result in contamination of meat carcass by intestinal

bacteria of salmonella or soil bacteria clostridium.

Furthermore, staphylococci can pass from septic cut and skin infection of

slaughter house worker and butchers hands to infect exposed meat. Further

infection of exposed food may occur in shops and bakeries and it should be noted

that when food are exposed, infector can be easily transmitted to human being

either by infected handles, impure water or milk, contaminated by animal or

human faces.

According to B.A. Fox and A.G. Cameron, said food poisoning may result

in some micro organisms or the toxin they produce are harmful to being and if

food contaminated by the m is eaten.

Also, H.M Renkin and E.M Hildreth said if seeds of fruits containing

alkaloids, such as dead might shade and aconite, or prussic acids in bitter almond

may occasionally be eaten and cause poisoning food poisoning may also occur if

food is stored in cadium plated vessel.

Cameron, said, if we eat food that has gone bad or been infected in some way, we

may suffer food poisoning is intake of any substance that can injure your health or


cause death when it get into your body and many food taken in our daily life may

be poisonous. There are also poisonous substances in plant and animal we take.

Similarly, Dr. Allan in health care magazine volume 13 (2009) state that

food poisoning can make you feel anything from a bit off colour to be seriously ill

that you will need medical attention, of course, most of the time we eat in that any

ill effects, but it is important to be on your guard and to take a little extra care so

that you and your family enjoy your food safely.

According to Dr. Nikita A.H in Mahjuda magazine of health care she states

according to her laboratory test that food itself might contain some harmful

bacteria which make it poisonous. She went further by saying that the medicine

use to plant some food (plant) can make the food poisonous, if it is not allow to

reach the appropriate harvest time.

She also said tin food like milk, can food can be poisonous if the organism

use in preparing the food is contaminated or when the food is not well processed.

She made mention that the effect of human health by saying that the effect is so

serious that it can take one’s life.

According to the following scientist Sir. S. Davidson R.O. Pass, J.F. Brock

and A.S Tins well (1975) “They said poisoning occur by convention applied to

certain infecting organism, which is present with an acute gastro-enteritic

development some hour (up to 48 hours) after consumption of unwholesome food.

Many of pathogens are present in feaces or urine is transferred to human food by

human hand, by flies or rodents get access to foods and detectable or urinates on



C.H Robinson said food poisoning frequently results from the ingestion of

food in which bacteria toxin has been produced. The performed toxin is

responsible for the symptoms are apparent from one to six hours following a meal.

He also said that type of food poisoning may result from ingestion of food that has

been contaminated with large number of bacteria.

Mahjuda Magazine volume 13 (2009) state food poisoning occurs if contact

parts are not of condition of use. If they are not smooth and have porous and small

crevies where tray particles of food and micro organism may be harbored. Also if

the food contact surface are not accessible to manual cleaning and inspection by

visual means.

Also if part of the product through equipment has mechanical obstruction

and if welding of food contact surface did not have continuous surface in contact

with food are not arranged in such as way that they are self and raining. They may

get in contact with the food and cause food poisoning.

It also stated further that some house hold materials like fluid, insect

sprays, bleach, glue, pair and rat poison can cause food poisoning. It is also

believed that bacteria may gain entrance into the body and grow in them. Injure

them and producing symptoms, when this happen as a result it cause an infection.

The world has a very broad meaning and is used for conditions which may greatly

in severity.

Some infections are so mild that they hardly cause any discomfort, others

are fatal.


Pyke (1976) also said that all kitchen personnel and everyone involved in

the preparation and handing of food should wear freshly kindred or disposable

head covering when cooked food has to be kept for use later on, it should be

cooled as rapidly as possible so that it passes through the danger zone between

10000 + (380c) and 970 + (360c) in the maximum period of time. Food that is to be

exposed cold for service in the kitchen or more particularly in the cafeteria should

be set out on refrigerator cold table or in a refrigerated cabinet of keeping

temperature below 450c (7.20) the prompt washing of dirty dishes followed by a

sterilizing role allowing them to dry immediately is good sanitary practice.

Parry and Pawsay (1981) viewed that soil and soil dust may contain sores

of clostridia Welchi and salmonella organism and these in particles of soil present

on vegetable and be spread to other commodities. They discovered that there are

number of plant which if consumed can cause illness for example henbane, deadly

night shade laurel leaves, hemlock and poisonous fungi and that the susceptible

food are meat and poultry fish and that the susceptible food are meat and poultry

fish and fish products, eggs and eggs product, milk and diary product.

Dr. Lawson also said that the storage life of any food commodity will

depend on its nature and composition, on the extent of contamination and on the

temperature and storage condition. Food describe as perishable provide suitable

media for growth of pulceging organism and are liable to undergo rapid

decomposition spoilage of food can be reduced by limiting the numbers of

organism introduced through contamination and by restricting their growth and

multiplication contamination which could be reduced by enforcing cleanliness and

hygiene in the handling of food.



Bacteria in food may cause disease in three ways as described by Morse, Frobisher

Jr, and Robin

Paratyphoid bacilli are particularly frequent as causes of food infection as

causes of food infection, important among these are salmonella typhi

murium and salmonella enteridities, salmonella schottmuelleric and

salmonella choloraesuis may also be food.

True food poisoning by bacteria is due to the growth in the food of an

organism called clostridium botulium which secretes an exo toxin into the


Certain putrefractive, saprophytic bacteria such as pseudomonas acruginesa

(bacillus pyocyaneus) certain streptococci of the virridans group,

Eascherichia coli and others may also grow in food and decompose, it

given to put refractive products.

In addition to what is said above, Hobbs (1974) mentioned the eight group

of bacteria associated with food poisoning which are staphylococcus,

salmonella, clostridium welchi, Escherichiacoli, clostridiumbotulinum,

streptococcus, bacillus cereus and vibro paralle molyteclus.

Parry and Pawsey (1981) discovered that there are a number of plants

which if consumers can cause illness, for example, henbane, deadlynightshade,

laurel (leaves, hemlock and poisonous fungi.


Cameron (1978) in Addition, stated that if we eat food that has gone load or

been infected in some ways, may suffer from food poisoning the air we

breathe, the things we touch and the food we eat all contain manure organism

called bacteria.

Roberts (1981) recognized that botulism in a serious, often fatal disease

caused by the action of a proteinaceous neurotoxin elaborated clostridium

botulinum. A botulinum toxin is generally regarded as the most potent poison

in the world.


The disease occur in three forms

a. Traditional food borne intoxication

b. Wound botulism and

c. Infant botulism which may result from consumption spores of

the bacteria food.


When food is no longer attractive or sale to eat it is said to be spoiled.

Therefore food spoilage can be defined as “Any change in the flavour

aroma, texture or appearance of the food”.

This renders it undesirable or unpalatable. Before food can be spoilt, it

must have undergone certain conditions, which will result to its spoilage.

Food spoilage can be cause by:


Physical Damage: food can be damaged during transportation storage and

results in change in texture such as bruising.

Insects, Rodents or Other Animal Activity: The activities of insects and

animals can cause damages to our food. Insects and rodents cause damage

and disease to plants which in turn is consumed by human beings. If the

damages are too severe, it renders the food unfit for consumption.

Chemical breakdown or chemical contamination results in deterioration in

the quality of food.

Autolytic enzymes catalyze Reactions: within the food which result in

texture breakdown and the food becomes soft and pulpy.

Micro-organism: These are very important in food spoilage and they are

yeast (fungi) moulds or bacteria.

Yeast (fungi) occurs on soil and on the surface of fruits they tolerate quite

low PH, high salt or sugar concentrated and the absence of oxygen. As long as

food has these conditions yeast can invade such food, which will result to food

spoilage because of their activities.

Moulds: Moulds are multicellular organisms and they tolerate oxygen and

grow or are found on the surface of foods such as cheese, meat, sweet foods. They

grow at PH of 4-6 and a temperature of about 300c.

Bacteria – These are single organism. The commonest food spoilage organisms

are mesophilic bacteria. They grow at temperature of 30 - 400.



Water Content: - Food with high water high water content is perishable

and likely to spoil for example” tomatoes, eggs, milk, orange, raw chicken,

salman and so on.

PH: - Food may ice spoiled by the growth of a wide range acid producing

organisms whose effect is to alter the flavour, texture and appearance of the

affected item the same time pare the way for the growth of micro-organism

(acidophilic organisms) manufactured foods by fermentative process may

lee destroyed by contained acids.

Nutrients: - Foods that contain carbohydrate (pasta jam, flour bread etc)

are attacked by fermentative organism such as yeast; fasts are attack by

hemolytic organisms while protein foods such as eggs, meat fish are

attacked by preteolytic organisms such as members of the general

pseudomonas, flavour bacterium achromabacter.

Temperature: - Organisms are divided on the basis o their temperature

preferences into rough categories, psychrophles, mesophiles, thermophiles.

Moulds and yeast tend to grow best at room temperature and below sugared

and salted food with high temperature can spoil rapidly.

Gaseous Condition: This also favours the growth of some micro-


Texture: - Solid foods tent to spoil from their outside surface in wards,

these being the first surface to become contaminated semi solid foods such

as timed fruits, meat, stews, can spoil, fluid food spoil rapidly because the

organisms can easily spread throughout the food by means of their own


motility or conduction currents time taken for food to spoil depends on how

organisms penetrate.

Oxygen: - Most micro-organisms oxygen to survive but a few grow under

little oxygen total absence of oxygen. The amount of oxygen that is

available in any substances is controlled to some extent by his nature and

the availability of oxygen in any substance is required as its oxide reduction


Based on oxygen requirement micro-organism can be grouped as follows: -

Aerobic facultative Escherichia coli strictly e.g. most bacilli.

Anaerobic facultative Escherichia coli

Micro-acrophobic e.g. clostridium, botulinum, clostridium sputro genes it

needs little oxygen e.g. lactobacilli.


With modern research it has been discovered that there are different types

of food poisoning.

Bacteria Food Poisoning: - They are poisoning and can be classified into 2

namely toxic and infective food poisoning.

Toxin Food Poisoning:- Some bacteria produce toxic while they are growing and

Multiplying in food. If the toxic are release from the cell they are called exotoxin.

These exotoxins are poisonous substances which are able to mixed freely with the

surrounding and be separated from the bacteria cell.


The exotoxin can be destroyed by heat but some are a bit resistances to heat

therefore, even the food is heated sufficiently to kill the bacteria exotoxin may still

be present in the food would cause food poisoning when eaten. Examples of

micro-organisms that can cause this type of poisoning are gastro entities bacillus

ceres. Some symptoms of this type of food poisoning are abdominal pains,

diarrhoea, stomach cramp, dizziness and double vision.

Infective Food Poisoning: - This infective food is caused by living bacteria. The

bacterium grows and multiply in the food they do not produce a toxin outside the

bacteria all. However, they have endotoxin which is present within the bacteria

wall and is poisonous when release in the body, while food contaminated with the

bacteria is eaten the bacteria establishes itself in the digestive tract but no ill is felt

unit as sufficient large number of bacteria have died and released toxin which

intake the stomach and bowels.

The incubation period with infective food poisoning is normally longer

than toxin food poisoning examples of this type of bacteria that causes this type of

food poisoning are salmonella, Escherichia coli, vibrio-cholera, symptom include

fever headaches, diarrhoea and vomiting.

Chemical Food Poisoning: - This food poisoning occurs when chemical is been

accidentally introduced into the food e.g. Arsenic Acid used in spraying fruit.

Lead Food Poisoning: - This food poisoning occurs from using water that has

come into contract with lead pipes in drinking water and if the water is also used,

food poison may occur.


Zinc Food Poisoning: - This food poisoning occurs if food is stored or cooked in

poor quality enamel container the reaction of the poor container on food can cause

food poisoning.

Enzymes: - There are a number of enzymes produced by different raw food they

are regarded as endogenous enzymes (prematurely produce in food) examples are

Alpha any case, beta amylase which are found in some grains such enzymes will

remain alive and can become active during favourable condition they can bring

about undesirable change in such food which may lead to spoilage.

Micro-organism: - If raw food are not sterilized they often contain micro-

organism this include bacteria, yeast, mould food thus bringing about changes in

their colour, taste, texture or disflavour which may render them in acceptable for

consumption. Raw milk, raw material poultry are highly perishable that is, they

could be spoiled by micro-organism.

If prepared foods are also not sterilized they often contain micro-organism

or their spores which are capable of causing spoilage under favourable condition

such conditions may be provided during improper storage.

Insects, Rodents or other Animal Activity: The activities of insects and

animals can change and cause damages to our food insect and rodent cause

damages and disease to plants which in torn in consume by human beings if the

damages are too severe it renders the food unfit eating.




Clostridium Botulism (Botulism): It is a food borne disease, caused by

consumption of foods that contain botulism toxin botolen, formed previously in

food during the growth of clostridium botulism. This disease may be found in soil

because it can produce spore which are resistance to ash climate condition, also

the spore can be resist any to high climate temperature.

Symptoms: it is characterized by vomiting, constipation paralyses of the high

mosaled, double vision, difficulty of eye movement, difficulty in breathing and

swallowing, death may occur in extreme cause. Food commonly involve are

improperly canned foods, savage and preserved meat.

Prevention: -

a. Inspection of canning and bottling plants

b. Ensure adequate heat treatment during coming

c. Through cooking of savage and other meat products.

Staphylococcus Aures:- The organism is a grain positive spherical organism

coccus. The organism produced a number of enzymes and toxins staphylococcus

toxin com withstand boiling at 1000c but not in pressure cooking staphylococcus is

commonly found round in the mucus membrane of the nose threat and

occasionally on the skin on the skin of man and animal.

Foods commonly associated with staphylococcus intoxication are cooked

meat, poultry, meal cake, milk containing food such as custard cream cheese.


Symptoms: - It include vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and great body

weakness, illness usually develop within 2-6 hours after eating the contaminated

food and it does not usual for more than 24 hours.

Prevention: -

a. Food should be thoroughly cooked or reheated

b. If food are to be stored, it should be kept either hot (about 630)

c. Cleanliness of kitchen environment it need to prevent dust and dirt from

contaminated cooked food.

Salmonella Typhi: - This is a positive short robs. It does not from spores. The

organism is found naturally in the alimentary canal of man other animals.

Although the organism has an optimum temp of 370C, it can grow at cower

temperature food involves are inadequately cooked meat temperature especially

from sick people and animal insufficient cooked eggs (especially drink eggs) and

egg containing food unpasteurized milk.

Symptoms: - It can cause abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and

general weakness of the body. The onset illness is between 6-24 hours it may

cause death to the victim or due to fast treatment the victim may recover


Prevention: -

a. Thorough cooking of food

b. Supervision of food handlers

c. Hygienic preparation of food

d. Protect against Flies, cockroaches and rats.


Bacillius Cereus: - This is a gain positive aerobic spare forming bacterial. The

organism is mesophilic and row at 350c it produces a toxin which is responsible

and commonly found in cereals.

The spore of the organism are commonly found in cereals and other foods

rive commonly contain spores of bacillus cereus, a number of food dishes like rice

“(boiled and fried rice) Vanilla source etc has been bound to cause bacillus cereus


Symptoms: Nausea vomiting diarrhoea and abdominal pain the intoxication may

not last for more than 24hours.


a. Food should be cooked well in advance of consumption especially rice and

other cereals.

b. If foods are to be stored it should either be kept hot about 63 c or quickly

cooled and refrigerated.

c. Cleanliness of kitchen environment is needed prevent dust or dirt from

contaminating cooked food.

Escherichia Coli: This is gram negative short rod it does not produce spores. It

is readily destroyed by heat the organism been found in such food such as milk,

soft drink, custard and cheese, untreated and improperly treated contaminated

water may contaminated water may contain the organism, the organism cause

infection when ingested.


Symptoms: It usually appears between 12-24 hours after the consumption of the

contaminated food. It also includes stomach pain, diarrhoea and sometime



a. Food handler must wash hands before and after handling food and after

using conveniences.

b. Only clean water should be used for cooked and the food should not be

under cooked.

c. Attention should be given to kitchen hygiene.

d. Cooked food should be cooked promptly and should not be stored for

hours in warm condition

Staphylococci: These are small gram positive spherical organisms they are round

and occur in clusters, optimum temperature they do not do better in the presence

of air but can live and grow without it. Staphylococci produce toxin or poison in

the food, before it is eaten (it is powerful exotoxin and enter toxin) which cause

food poisoning, the toxins of much heat-resistant, and occur one hour or six hour

to the time.

Thereafter, the incubation period may be as short as to hours which the food

was eaten and from 4 to 6 hours boiling for three minutes and ordinary

disinfectants such as tinctor or iodine 0.5 percent phenol or one percent crysophy

will kill all staphylococci.


The cocci may be classified according to their straining reaction as follows:

Gram-positive cocci

Staphylococci albus (white pigment)

Staphylococci aures (Yellow pigment)

Staphylococci haemolyticus (correctly bet alpeheamolyte)

Staphylococcus viridians (correctly called alpha-type haemolyte streptococci)

Indifferent or Non-haemolytic

Diploccuus pnuemoniac (of the called pneumoniae)

Streptococci (correctly called gama-type streptococci)

Gram-Nehative cocci (all of these are diploccocci)

Neissena gonorrhea (of the called gonococcus)

Neissena intraceltluans (often called meingococcus)


Before any bacteria can grow and multiply, there are certain conditions that

favour them which are PH, temperature (worm) food, moisture and time.

PH: The PH growth of growth medium depends on the type of bacteria. There are

some bacteria that grow and multiply in high PH while others grow best in a low

PH. The optimum growth PH of most micro-organisms is approximately T.O with

a general range of 6.6-7.5


Temperature: There are some bacteria that grow best at low temperature or at

room temperature while others grow best in high temperature. They are divided

into psychrophiles, mesophiles, thermophiles.

Psychrophiles: Psychrphiles are bacteria that grow in best temperature near

freezing between (40 to 100).

Thermophiles: These are bacteria that grow best in food containing high amount

of sugar, acid, salt, proteinous food are attacked by certain pathogenic bacteria and

some prefer or grow and multiply best in acid foods, while others in alkaline


Mesophiles: Pathogenic organisms like bacteria growth in moisture as well as

other micro-organisms, the level of water can inhibit their growth.

Time: Before the growth or multiplication can occur in any bacteria, it requires


Gaseous Environment: Several bacteria require no oxygen for growth while

others require it this is divided in to which are aerobic these require oxygen for

growth while an aerobic grow in the absence to oxygen.

Growth and Multiplication:- Bacteria are single celled organism which

reproduce by binary fission. They divided into two (2) every 20 minutes, thus one

cell can be become over two thousand in few hours. When bacteria are actually

growing and dividing they are said to be in vegetative state and as vegetative cells

they cause food spoilage and sometimes disease.








Incubation Duration Main






slice cooked

meat pies,

fuck eggs,


cream, ice

cream shell




1-8 days Abdominal










-22 hour 12-24





3.Staphylococcus Meatpie, slice

Meat gravy


Cream, ice-


2-6 hrs 6-24 hrs Salivation,






the low body






processed can


Vegetable and





within a

week or






Change of








Rice com,

Flooe meat


2-15hrs 2 yrs Abdominal



Since micro-organisms grow and multiply when conditions necessary for their

growth is supplied in an environmental, it become obvious that if such conditions

are not encouraged, it limits the number and types of micro-organisms.

Hence, the condition have to be created in which the harmful organisms are

destroyed or activities severely in habited.

There are generally five methods of food preservation which are:-

a. Control of moisture (drying).

b. Storage at low temperature (cold storage)

c. Use of high temperature.


d. Treatment with radiation.

e. Use of chemical preservation.

Drying:- This is by exposing food to the sun, in which if the surface is exposed to

the sun will no longer support bacteria, yeast or mould growth. In modern times

commercial drying is usually carried out under controlled conductions of

temperature relative humidity and air flow, the process is called dehydration.

Dehydration cannot be relied upon for sterilizing, yeast, mould survives in

long period state or meat can be dried.

Use of Cold storage:- Food can be kept for several months in frozen state

to prevent grow and matriculation of micro-organisms. Food to be

preserved is rapidly frozen such that freezing of the food is accomplished

within 30 days, for example fish and meat can be frozen.

Use of High Temperature: - Although high temperature kills micro-

organism but the use of it in preservation of food is determined by the types

of food being preserved food must not lose its palatability or consistency.

The various temperature include: -

i. Pasteurization: - 1000c e.g. milk

ii. Canning a process whereby the food to be preserved is filled into the

can and sealed and hear immediately.

The type of heat applied depends on the type of food preserved. If acid

foods can is immersed on boiling water for few minutes, while in non-

acid foods, the can is heated under pressure 116-1210c for a period of

one (1) to 2 hours.


Radiation: - The use of ultra violet rays in food industry has met little

success because it sterilizes only been used in experimental preservations

but it is expensive.

Use of Chemical Preservations: - Salt is used in preservation of many

foods because it reduces the moisture in such food so as to inhibit the

growth and multiplication of micro-organism, fish, heat, and so on, sugar

(i.e. high sugar content) which is 55-80% make possible the preservation of

syrups, jelly, honey, jam but poor sealing or opening of containers of those

foods allow slow growth of mould osmophilic high osmotic pressure

leaving yeast occasionally grow in honey and produce Co2 (carbondioxide)

and bust the jar chemicals can also be used.

Some chemicals which includes formal dehyreboric acid benzoic acid, has

been used in the plant, but their use is now either eradicated or abolished because

they are harmful.


Hygiene is the science and practice of preserving health, it is further described

as the study of health and prevention of Germs in and on the body which could

transfer into anything that come in contact with it.

Personal Hygiene

Habit: - There are certain bad habits which should be avoided. The unguided

sneezing couching from nose, month or throat disperses bacteria in droplets which

are suspended in moisture. The habit of linking fingers of pick up paper or turn


over the pages of book is bad particularly when the paper contaminated with saliva

is used for wrapping food.

Nose picking fingering the nose may leave staphylococci and other harmful

organisms on the finger. The body should be clean and kept tidy by means of scarf

or cap because hair and dandruff can spread staphylococci from lesions the crap.

Smoking during preparation of food should be prohibited when preparing food

since many smokes contaminated their finger with saliva when removing or taking

the cigarette from the mouth which is then passed into the food.

Food Hygiene

Food Hygiene: Food should be prepared in a clean way so as to prevent food

poisoning hygiene should be improved on forms, market slaughter houses and in

factors. They should be kept in hygiene condition so as to keep away bacteria and

other food poisoning or spoilage organism.

Kitchen Hygiene

The Kitchen should be kept clean and tidy, hardware floors and wall should be

provided in the kitchen and it should be easy to clean, also the kitchen should have

enough space and all items used should be stored in the appropriate place.

Materials in the kitchen should not be those that can absorb moisture and also the

junction between the wall and the floor should be rounded to prevent

accumulation of duty.

The materials in the kitchen should not be littered or affected by food residues,

the kitchen should be provided with ventilation and prompt washing of duty dishes


followed by a sterilizing rinse and allowed them to dry immediately is good

sanitary practice.

Environment Hygiene

The surroundings of the kitchen or food production and service and service

area should be kept clean bins must be covered always all refuse should be well

disposed. Toilet should not be situated near the food preparation and service area

and toilets should be kept clean and disinfectants.



Food poisoning bacteria can be prevented or controlled by the following ways.

Improve hygiene production in the house, on farms, in markets, slaughter

houses and in factories

The treatment of food liable to contamination by radiation, by heat,


Keep food cold during storage particularly cooked, dishes trifles and


Wash hands frequently and particularly after visiting the toilet, and before

handling food and after handling certain food.

Keep food away from nice, rats, cockroaches and other pest.

Cook food thoroughly, especially those that are known to habour food

poisoning germs, For example egg and eggs product (either hen or duck

eggs and whichever) meat, poultry.


Water proof and well laundering dressing should be worn and burns, cuts

should be covered with water proof dressing.

Tongs and spoons should be used to hold food items while processing and

after processing

Use of sterilization during washing up and correct refused disposal system.

Food handlers should undergo medical test either annually or biannually, an

infected sick person should not be allowed to handle food.

Food can be stored in the refrigerator on a high temperature on a long-term


Reduce the number of peoples small working areas, so as to prevent

overcrowding which can cause cross infection through sneezing coughing


Sanitary facilitates and other amenities must be available, washing

arrangement for food and equipment and for the use of the staff must be

available, sanitary conveniences as well as ventilation in the working area.

Equipment in contact with food should be kept clean and in good condition

and permit through cleaning to minimize risk of contamination.





Name: Mr. Olayioye Ogooluwa Date: 03 - 08 - 2015

Address: Tanke Area City: Ilorin State: Kwara

Zipcode: +234 Phone Number: 07011671315

Age: 38 Sex: Male Occupation: Mechanical Engineer

Email: [email protected]

(Other question as needed)

What time did you eat? ____________________________

How many drinks with ice did you have? ______________________________

Any drinks with ice did you have? ____________________________________

(Let me ask you about the meals you have taken over the few days)

All times you ate before visiting the place or before effect took place

Breakfast: Amala and Ewedu Soup Time: 12 Noon Precisely

Lunch: _______________________ Time: _______________

Dinner: _______________________ Time: _______________

All items you drank

Breakfast: Water Time: 12 Noon

Lunch: ___________________________ Time: _______________


Dinner: ___________________________ Time: _______________

Have you attended any organized Events?

Yes No if yes specify or No

Do you know any one that was ill? Any specific information

Name: _______________________________

Address: _____________________________

Phone No: ____________________________

Let me read you a list of symptoms for each one give Yes or No.

Yes No Time Occur



A friend’s marriage in 2010

I don’t know these

people, but about 30

people have the same

problem on that day.



Vomiting 2 hours

immediately after


Muscle Aches

Abdominal Creams

Unusual Fatigue

Diarrhoea 2 hours

immediately after


Blood in Stool


Any other noteworthy symptoms? N if yes specify



When did the sickness started? After 2 hours of eating the food

Time? 2:00 clock

How long do you feel sick? Specific Days and hour

I feel sick just for that day because I was only able to get to the hospital myself

and immediate medication is provided.


Not really





Did you? Miss work or school If Yes how many days _________

Give a stool specimen To whom ___________________

See a physician/HCP If yes who __________________

Visit Aner If yes who __________________

Get Admitted dowering If yes specify ________________

What drugs are been prescribe?

I don’t think I can remember

Any general comments? _____________________________________________

Causative Agent: The Ewedu soup was later checked on that day it occur that the

water use in preparation is unhygienic

People’s Comment:




Doctor’s Comment: After diagnose the test form the doctor specify clostridium

botulinum, the Ewedu food was identified as the real cause.

2nd Interview

Name: Mrs Odedele Oluwaseyi Date: 05 - 08 - 2015


Olutayo Hospital

Address: Sango Area City: Ilorin State: Kwara

Zipcode: +234 Phone Number: 08161377570

Age: 35 Sex: Female Occupation: Staff of Unilorin Teaching Hospital

Email: [email protected]

(Other question as needed)

What time did you eat? ____________________________

How many drinks with ice did you have? ______________________________

Any drinks with ice did you have? ____________________________________

(Let me ask you about the meals you have taken over the few days)

All times you ate before visiting the place or before effect took place

Breakfast:____________________ Time: _______________

Lunch: _______________________ Time: _______________

Dinner: _______________________ Time: _______________

All items you drank

Breakfast: __________________ Time:_______________

Lunch: _____________________ Time: _______________

Dinner: ______________________ Time: _______________

Have you attended any organized Events?


This happen in Lagos

some few months ago

where i attended a

graduation party

Rice and Fish Night

Water Night

Yes No if yes specify or No

Do you know any one that was ill? Any specific information

Name: _______________________________

Address: _____________________________

Phone No: ____________________________

Let me read you a list of symptoms for each one give Yes or No.

Yes No Time Occur


Any specific information?

Not really






Vomiting 2 hours

immediately after


Muscle Aches

Abdominal Creams

Unusual Fatigue

Diarrhoea 2 hours

immediately after


Blood in Stool


Any other noteworthy symptoms? N if yes specify



When did the sickness started? Third day

Time? 2:00 clock

How long do you feel sick? Specific Days and hour

When I was admitted in the hospital and I use not more than two (2) days there




Did you? Miss work or school If Yes how many days 4 days

Give a stool specimen To whom ___________________

See a physician/HCP If yes who __________________

Visit Aner If yes who __________________

Get Admitted dowering If yes specify Unrecognized

What drugs are been prescribe?

Metronizole, tetracycline

Any general comments? The whole scene seems so much unpleasant, I never

belief such thing can occur especially on my way to Ilorin right inside the bus

Causative Agent: I can never identify how/get contented because on that faithful

day, I ate a lot of food

People’s Comment:




Doctor’s Comment: I ate a highly contaminated food the doctor called the

infection clostridium

3rd Interview

Name: Mrs. Adejoke Date: 08 - 08 - 2015


Address: G.R.A City: Ilorin State: Kwara

Zipcode: +234 Phone Number: 08109536580 Age: 38

Sex: Female Occupation: A final year student of Unilorin

Email: [email protected]

(Other question as needed)

What time did you eat? ____________________________

How many drinks with ice did you have? ______________________________

Any drinks with ice did you have? Only water was taken

(Let me ask you about the meals you have taken over the few days)

All times you ate before visiting the place or before effect took place

Breakfast:___________________ Time: _______________

Lunch: _______________________ Time: _______________

Dinner: _______________________ Time: _______________

All items you drank

Breakfast:_________________ Time:__________________

Lunch: ____________________ Time: __________________

Dinner: ____________________ Time: _________________

Have you attended any organized Events?

42 Visit my grandmother in her village



Yes No if yes specify or No

Do you know any one that was ill? Any specific information

Name: _______________________________

Address: _____________________________

Phone No: ____________________________

Let me read you a list of symptoms for each one give Yes or No.

Yes No Time Occur


I don’t know these

people, but about 30

people have the same

problem on that day.







Muscle Aches

Abdominal Creams Some minutes after

drinking the water

Unusual Fatigue

Diarrhoea 2 hours

immediately after


Blood in Stool


Any other noteworthy symptoms? N if yes specify



When did the sickness started? Just about to drop the drinking cup

Time? After drinking the water, the stomach disorder started

How long do you feel sick? Specific Days and hour

Two days precisely

Did you? Miss work or school If Yes how many days A week

Give a stool specimen To whom The first doctor




See a physician/HCP If yes who UITH

Visit Aner If yes who __________________

Get Admitted dowering If yes specify In the village

What drugs are been prescribe?

The doctor prescribe some drugs, by not I don’t think anyone is remembered but I

can still remember (Buscopan)

Any general comments? _____________________________________________

Causative Agent: I think I have carelessly drank water from a drinking cup which

was not rinsed

People’s Comment:

Though I did not complain of diarrhea, but only abdominal pain after taking the

water my family just kept saying it was change of environment until the stomach

ache became strong that I had to collapse

Doctor’s Comment: The medical doctor diagnosed it to be amoebic dysentery.

During the test, the doctor noticed that the abdomen is tender along the cause of

the colon in the rigid side due to the contaminated water.



From the above three (3) interviewed personalities; we can see that there are

generally food poisoning all round, directly or indirectly taken in unsuspected.

From Mr. Olayioye Occurrence we understand that it may be from the food

handlers who carry this micro-organism in their body, or it may be that the

Ewedu soup is contaminated already by pathogenic organism or chemical

substances in the field, which later result in diarrhoea and vomiting to the

victims and which they all later end in the hospital.

With Mrs. Odedele who developed diarrhoea after a party. It is noted that

some salmonella has been introduced into the fish she ear at the party

because she ate less food but took more of fish and which fish is one of the

food that is commonly affected by this organism, she does not feel the

poisoning until the third day, this is possible because the incubation period

of this organism is 12-36 hours, with this her feelings covers the incubating

period but unfortunately on this third day she has no appetite at all but later

in the noon she get better after some rest without even taking any drugs,

that’s incredible, but to our own knowledge by then the organism must

have circulated the whole of her stomach which is known to her and she

thinking its just a normal body weakness which later resulted in her

collapse in the bus and being rushed to the hospital.

According to Mrs. Odelele she later became normal after 2 hours in the

hospital meaning the organism has spent about three days reacting in her body

and we know that duration of salmonella in the body is eight days, age was

able to get herself back before the eight days duration because of the treatment

and that is why the symptoms does not persist more than that.


In the case of Miss Adejoke, the reason for her problem is that the

people did not know or do not follow proper method of personal

hygiene. The people to not have latrines in such localities, so they use

general field with these those soil around the home and the village are



Conclusion and Recommendations



Food poisoning causes, disorder in the body and makes the body not to function

well. Necessary precaution needs to be put into consideration so as to be able to

fight against food poisoning caused by bacteria. Some people are ignorant about

the food poisoning. Bacteria involved in the process and so they handle food

anyhow and may not even prepare the food in an hygiene way thus, they become

infected and the infection may produce or cause disease symptoms in their body

and as many as partake of such food will become infected. Though it may produce

any effect on all of the consumers but they will serve as the carriers of germs

causing the diseases.

Furthermore, there are some naturally occurring substances in plants such as

cassava which can be very fatal to the body, in some cases it lead to the death of

the consumer therefore, food handlers should be very careful when handling food,

to prevent contamination or infection.

The foods that are susceptible to food poisoning should be well preserved in the

refrigerator also, food that contains high amount of suger, acid and salt may

enhance the survival of certain bacteria but will not support their growth, when

conditions are favourable they will grow.



I will recommend that notices should be displayed to indicate the side effects of

preparing food in an unhygienic way.

People should be taught about food poisoning by the public health inspector and

welfare nurses. That is, by giving educational talk on hygiene and how it is done.

World Health Organization should ban any food service area or catering service

areas that are situated in dirty places or enforce them to practice hygiene. The

government also has to play a role. The government should provide for sanitaries

facilities such as sufficient water and adequate refuse disposal should be provided.

The government should also ensure hygiene on farms and in market places and in

slaughter houses. Also, government should ensure that public health inspector

check before they are sold to consumers.



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