Theoretical Population Biology ] (]]]]) ]]]]]] Stoichiometry and food-chain dynamics Lothar D.J. Kuijper a, , Bob W. Kooi a , Thomas R. Anderson b , Sebastiaan A.L.M. Kooijman a a Faculty of Biology, Institute of Ecological Science, Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1087, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands b Southampton Oceanography Centre, Waterfront Campus, University of Southampton, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK Received 10 November 2003 Abstract Traditional models of chemostat systems looking at interactions between predator, prey and nutrients have used only a single currency, such as energy or nitrogen. In reality, growth of autotrophs and heterotrophs may be limited by various elements, e.g. carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous or iron. In this study we develop a dynamic energy budget model chemostat which has both carbon and nitrogen as currencies, and examine how the dual availibility of these elements affects the growth of phytoplankton, trophic transfer to zooplankton, and the resulting stability of the chemostat ecosystem. Both species have two reserve pools to obtain a larger metabolic flexibility with respect to changing external environments. Mineral nitrogen and carbon form the base of the food chain, and they are supplied at a constant rate. In addition, the biota in the chemostat recycle nutrients by means of respiration and excretion, and organic detritus is recycled at a fixed rate. We use numerical bifurcation analysis to assess the model’s dynamic behavior. In the model, phytoplankton is nitrogen limited, and nitrogen enrichment can lead to oscillations and multiple stable states. Moreover, we found that recycling has a destabilizing effect on the food chain due to the increased repletion of mineral nutrients. We found that both carbon and nitrogen enrichment stimulate zooplankton growth. Therefore, we conclude that the concept of single-element limitation may not be applicable in an ecosystem context. r 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords: Ecosystem modelling; Food chain; Multiple nutrient limitation; Dynamic energy budgets; Nitrogen; Nutrient enrichment 1. Introduction Food-web models in which a set of ordinary differential equations describe the dynamics of trophic groups are ubiquitous in theoretical ecology. They have been commonly used to study the stability and potential coexistence of species assemblages and predict ecologi- cally realistic phenomena, such as the competitive exclusion principle and the ‘paradox of enrichment’ (Rosenzweig, 1971; Fussmann et al., 2000), where high nutrient provisions cause an equilibrated food chain to become unstable and oscillations to occur. Furthermore, these models may predict the occurrence of multiple stable states and associated hysteresis loops, which have been shown to occur in nature as well (Scheffer et al., 1993). Over the past decades, global change has drawn attention to the understanding of environmental carbon and nutrient cycles. These involve the transfer of matter through the trophic niches within ecosystems. A proper understanding of element cycling involves a modelling strategy in which mass balance of all elements is satisfied, such that the whereabouts of elements can be precisely followed. Traditional models are however simplistic and they do not always correctly handle mass balance (Kooi et al., 1998). Furthermore, they usually focus on a single currency, mostly energy, rather than a spectrum of potentially important elements, such as carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous and iron. In this study ARTICLE IN PRESS www.elsevier.com/locate/ytpbi 0040-5809/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tpb.2004.06.011 Corresponding author. Fax:+31-20-44-47123. E-mail address: [email protected] (L.D.J. Kuijper).

Stoichiometry and food-chain dynamics

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Theoretical Population Biology ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]


Stoichiometry and food-chain dynamics

Lothar D.J. Kuijpera,�, Bob W. Kooia, Thomas R. Andersonb,Sebastiaan A.L.M. Kooijmana

aFaculty of Biology, Institute of Ecological Science, Vrije Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1087, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The NetherlandsbSouthampton Oceanography Centre, Waterfront Campus, University of Southampton, Southampton SO14 3ZH, UK

Received 10 November 2003


Traditional models of chemostat systems looking at interactions between predator, prey and nutrients have used only a single

currency, such as energy or nitrogen. In reality, growth of autotrophs and heterotrophs may be limited by various elements, e.g.

carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous or iron. In this study we develop a dynamic energy budget model chemostat which has both carbon

and nitrogen as currencies, and examine how the dual availibility of these elements affects the growth of phytoplankton, trophic

transfer to zooplankton, and the resulting stability of the chemostat ecosystem. Both species have two reserve pools to obtain a

larger metabolic flexibility with respect to changing external environments. Mineral nitrogen and carbon form the base of the food

chain, and they are supplied at a constant rate. In addition, the biota in the chemostat recycle nutrients by means of respiration and

excretion, and organic detritus is recycled at a fixed rate. We use numerical bifurcation analysis to assess the model’s dynamic

behavior. In the model, phytoplankton is nitrogen limited, and nitrogen enrichment can lead to oscillations and multiple stable

states. Moreover, we found that recycling has a destabilizing effect on the food chain due to the increased repletion of mineral

nutrients. We found that both carbon and nitrogen enrichment stimulate zooplankton growth. Therefore, we conclude that the

concept of single-element limitation may not be applicable in an ecosystem context.

r 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ecosystem modelling; Food chain; Multiple nutrient limitation; Dynamic energy budgets; Nitrogen; Nutrient enrichment

1. Introduction

Food-web models in which a set of ordinarydifferential equations describe the dynamics of trophicgroups are ubiquitous in theoretical ecology. They havebeen commonly used to study the stability and potentialcoexistence of species assemblages and predict ecologi-cally realistic phenomena, such as the competitiveexclusion principle and the ‘paradox of enrichment’(Rosenzweig, 1971; Fussmann et al., 2000), where highnutrient provisions cause an equilibrated food chain tobecome unstable and oscillations to occur. Furthermore,these models may predict the occurrence of multiple

e front matter r 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


ing author. Fax:+31-20-44-47123.

ess: [email protected] (L.D.J. Kuijper).

stable states and associated hysteresis loops, which havebeen shown to occur in nature as well (Scheffer et al.,1993).

Over the past decades, global change has drawnattention to the understanding of environmental carbonand nutrient cycles. These involve the transfer of matterthrough the trophic niches within ecosystems. A properunderstanding of element cycling involves a modellingstrategy in which mass balance of all elements issatisfied, such that the whereabouts of elements can beprecisely followed. Traditional models are howeversimplistic and they do not always correctly handle massbalance (Kooi et al., 1998). Furthermore, they usuallyfocus on a single currency, mostly energy, rather than aspectrum of potentially important elements, such ascarbon, nitrogen, phosphorous and iron. In this study

ARTICLE IN PRESSL.D.J. Kuijper et al. / Theoretical Population Biology ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]2

we aim for a model, which traces the trophic flow ofnitrogen and carbon through a simple marine foodchain, using a mass-balance formulation.

The co-occurrence of multiple currencies requiresrules for merging multiple resources into biomasses.When homeostasis for biota is assumed, biomass has afixed elemental ratio or stoichiometry, while the avail-ability of substrates may be variable. The classicapproach here is to apply ‘Liebig’s law of the minimum’(Liebig, 1840; Huisman and Weissing, 1999; Loladze etal., 2000; Huisman and Weissing, 2001; Grover, 2003).This law states that the availability of the limitingelement determines the rate at which a populationgrows, exclusively. This implies that at some point in theavailability of nutrients, limitation switches from theone nutrient to another. This switching behavior isgenerally modelled using a minimum operator in thedescription of the growth rate (Tilman, 1982). Simula-tion of a minimum model can be done withoutexperiencing any trouble; however, if one is interestedin a bifurcation analysis, this approach leads to elementsof discontinuity in the Jacobian matrix with respect toparameter values associated with resource availabilitywhere limitation switches from one resource to another.To circumvent this problem, so-called synthesizing units(SUs) can be used (Kooijman, 1998). Their dynamicsrelate to classic enzyme kinetics. The latter mapsubstrate concentrations to product fluxes. In contrast,SUs merge fluxes of substrates, rather than concentra-tions, into biomass and by-products. The SU productionrate is a smooth function of substrate availability and amaximum production rate.

Many models dealing with multiple nutrient limita-tion assume homeostasis for total biomass for eachspecies (Elser and Urabe, 1999). Although this assump-tion is convenient for many purposes, the elementalcomposition of biomass appears to be dependent on thenutritional conditions for many species (Kooijman,2000; Boersma and Kreutzer, 2002; Villar-Argaizet al., 2002; Cross et al., 2003). Organisms may storenutrients that are provided in excess quantities, hencetheir nutritional value to the next trophic level maychange. Quota models (Droop, 1983) allow for suchdeviations of whole-body homeostasis, by dividingbiomass into permanent (structural) and non-permanent(reserve) components, each with their own composition.Although both components themselves obey home-ostasis, total biomass composition need not be constantas reserve densities may vary over time. The implemen-tation of this biological detail comes at the cost of anextra ODE for each reserve pool in the model, whichmakes numerical analysis more time consuming. How-ever, current computer power compensates for thisdrawback. Grover used a quota model on Liebig Lawprinciples to analyze effects of stoichiometry onpredator–prey systems.

Muller et al. (2001) abandoned the Liebig approachand used synthesizing units in the context of a dynamicenergy budget model (DEB, Kooijman, 2000) toinvestigate the effects of stoichiometry on the dynamicsof a producer–consumer system. DEB provides consis-tent rules for the uptake and use of substrates and canbe applied to all organisms. In DEB, assimilatedmaterials are passed to reserve pools, which aremobilized for metabolic processes such as maintenanceand growth. The SUs govern these processes in whichmultiple types of substrates may figure, and the fate ofcompounds which are in excess provision for metabolictransformations, i.e. non-limiting substrates, can beconveniently determined. This facilitates the formula-tion of a mass-balance model, in which storage andrecycling are implemented.

Recently, Kuijper et al. (2004) demonstrated that amultiple reserve DEB model, employing SUs, couldadequately predict egg-production and metabolicmineral release in the copepod Acartia tonsa, while asingle reserve model was unable to do so. Essential tothis study was the dual role of nitrogenous organicreserves that could be preferentially used as buildingblocks for egg-production, or for energization ofmetabolic processes. Here, an SU-complex with rulesfor preferential use of substrates determines the fate ofreserves. This approach substantially increases themetabolic flexibility imposed on the consumer modelin a physiologically plausible manner.

We expand on the work of Muller et al. (2001) bydeveloping a DEB model where the producer andconsumer both possess particular reserve pools forenergy and nutrients, where Muller used a single reservefor the producer and no reserve for the consumerspecies. The model in this paper considers a simple foodchain of copepods and diatoms in a chemostat, a setupwhich lends itself in principle for experimental testing.The diatom population, modelled after Thalassiosira

weissflogii uses nitrogen (DIN), carbon (DIC) and light,which are supplied to the chemostat at fixed rates. Inturn, the copepod population, Acartia tonsa, feeds ondiatoms. Dead biomass and fecal pellets are stored innitrogenous and non-nitrogenous detritus pools, fromwhich they are mineralized. These recycled minerals,plus the minerals excreted by the copepods and thediatoms themselves can be assimilated again by thediatoms. The volume of the chemostat is constant, andall constituents are washed out at a fixed rate. We studythe combined effects of resource enrichment andrecycling in this setup on the qualitative behavior ofthe food chain and compare them to predictions oftraditional food chains.

We are aware that taking the step from very simplestoichiometric models to biologically detailed onescomes with a few drawbacks. For instance, it becomesincreasingly difficult to assess the effect of any particular


Table 1

Interpretation of symbols

Symbol Interpretation


A Producer

C Consumer


C Mineral carbon

DH Carbohydrate detritus

DP Protein detritus

Ezx Reserves x of species z

H Carbohydrates

N Mineral nitrogen

P Proteins

X z Structural mass of species z


A Assimilation

B Catabolism after maintenance

C Catabolism

E Excretion

G Growth

H Mortality

I Ingestion

M Maintenance

R Rejection

L.D.J. Kuijper et al. / Theoretical Population Biology ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 3

model parameter on model dynamics when there aremany candidate parameters that can be varied simulte-neously. Moreover, one requires more biological knowl-edge and experimental data to validate a more complexmodel. On the other hand, traditional simplisticstoichiometric models have been unable to correctlycapture element limitation in zooplankton production(Anderson and Hessen, 1995; Muller et al., 2001;Kuijper et al., 2004), while a DEB-based model could(Kuijper et al., 2004). One can question whether simplestoichiometric models are able to adequately describefood web dynamics if their use in population studies islimited. We address this question by comparing resultsof a stoichiometric multiple-reserve DEB model usingsynthesizing units with results of models following atraditional approach.

The paper is organized as follows. The next sectionholds a detailed introduction to the modelling frame-work, in which we motivate our modelling decisions. Inthe section thereafter, we present a summary of thechemostat model as used in this study. In the resultssection, we present a bifurcation analysis of the model,in which we vary the availability of resources. In thediscussion, we will compare the model results to classicstudies and point out the implications of this study.


f zx Scaled functional response of z feeding on x

jzx;y Flux of x in process y of species z

kD Decomposition rate of organic matter

kzE Reserve mobilization rate of species z

kzH Mortality rate of species z

kzM Maintenance rate of species z

rz Structure-specific growth rate of species z

ypx1 ;x2

Mass coupler x2 ! x1 in pathway p

D Dilution rate

½E�zx Reserve density x of species z

L light

Izx Maximum specific ingestion rate of species z on x

Kzx Half-saturation value of species z utilizing x

kz Fraction of unused reserves directed back to reserves

of species z

ys1s2fraction of SUs in state s1; s2

rpx SU binding probability of x for pathway p

fx C:N ratio of compound x

czx;y Transformation efficiency of x in process y of

species z

2. Modelling framework

2.1. Primary producers

2.1.1. Assimilation

For simplicity’s sake, we assume that the producersmay only be limited either by light, mineral carbon ormineral nitrogen. While iron has been shown to be apotential limiting factor in phytoplankton (Schareket al., 1997; Erdner and Anderson, 1999; Erdner et al.,1999), this currency is not included in the basic structureof the model. Iron limitation can be implementedwithout loss of consistency, but this makes modelformulations considerably more complex, thereby com-promising the aim of this study. For now, we assume adlibitum availability of iron.

In addition to structural volume, we assume tworeserve pools for the diatoms, one consisting of non-nitrogenous organic materials (hydrocarbons) and oneconsisting of mineral nitrogen. Assimilation of mineralsinto these reserves follows the biochemical reaction

N ! EAN ; (1a)

C þ light ! EAH ; (1b)

where N and C stand for inorganic sources of nitrogenand carbon. Autotroph inorganic nitrogen and organiccarbon reserves are represented by EA

N and EAH ;

respectively. The notation is summarized in Table 1.

Algal acquisition of minerals and energy is a complexprocess, and we simplify the modelling thereof con-siderably to maintain a certain degree of simplicity.Firstly, we assume a spatially homogeneous environ-ment, which implies that the model does not allow forlight gradients, caused by photon-scattering and self-shading, which occur in natural aquatic ecosystems.However, our focus is on the effects of more metabolicflexibility, and this can best be studied in a spatially

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homogeneous environment. This is due to the metabolicmemory; in a spatially heterogeneous environment thetravelling path of individuals then becomes important.Secondly, we simplified the speciation of non-livingresources in the environment to a large extent. As forcarbon uptake, we omit the complex carbon chemistryof marine systems, and its impact on diatom production(Morel et al., 2002). Instead, we use a single carboncurrency (DIC).

We use a type-II functional response to model theassimilation of inorganic nitrogen. Although lightimpacts on the enzymatic activity of nitrogen reductase,which is important in the assimilation of nitrogen(Berges and Harrison, 1995), it appears that nitrogenuptake rates can be described by a simple saturatingfunction (Eppley et al., 1969). Carbon assimilation ismodelled by a complementary SU, which requires bothlight and carbon. The formulation of SUs for biochem-ical reactions can be found in detail in Kooijman (1998).Data from Riebesell et al. (1993) show that, providedthat pH is constant and CO2 is therefore a constantpercentage of total inorganic carbon, carbon assimila-tion can be described with a saturating function of DICavailability. For the mathematical derivation of SUdynamics, we refer to Kooijman (1998). The assimilatedfluxes, scaled to structural biomass, are

jAN ;A ¼ IA

Nf AN ¼ IA




; (2a)

jAH;A ¼ IA

Cf AC ¼ IA

C 1 þKA













; (2b)

where IAN ; I

AC are the maximum structure specific

assimilation rates of mineral nitrogen and carbondioxide, respectively, f A

N ; f AC are the corresponding

scaled functional responses, in which KAN ; KA

C are thehalf-saturation concentrations of minerals, KA

L is thehalf-saturation flux of photons, and jL is the photonflux.

2.1.2. Growth

We use an extended Droop-model (Droop, 1983) withtwo reserve pools for the diatom species, by which weassume that costs associated with basal metabolism arenegligible. The transformation of reserves into biomassand by-products is described by the following macro-biochemical process:



H ! X A þ yN ;X A N þ yC;X A C; (3)

where EAN ; EA

H are the autotroph’s nitrogen and carbonreserves, respectively, X A represents autotroph structur-al biomass and C and N are minerals excreted into theenvironment. The coefficients y couple substrates andby-products to structural biomass stoichiometrically.

Their values are determined by using the maximumattainable production efficiencies per substrate and onthe C:N ratios of the compounds involved in thetransformation. Here,




; (4a)

yEAH;X A ¼


cAH ;G

; (4b)

yN ;XA ¼1 � cA

N ;G

fX AcAN ;G

; (4c)

yC;XA ¼1 � cA



; (4d)

where f’s refer to the C:N ratio of the particularcompound and c’s are production efficiencies on thecorresponding substrate.

A fundamental principle of DEB-theory is thatreserves are mobilized as a first-order process in reservedensity. Hence, reserve dynamics are described by


dt½E�AN ¼ jA

N;A � kAE ½E�AN ; (5a)


dt½E�AH ¼ jA

H;A � kAE ½E�AH ; (5b)

where kAE is the turnover rate of reserves. Throughout

this paper, bracketed variables indicate that the asso-ciated compound is expressed in units per unit ofstructural biomass. The structure-specific fluxes ofmobilized reserves amount to

jAN;C ¼ ½E�ANðk

AE � rAÞ; ð6aÞ

jAH;C ¼ ½E�AHðkA

E � rAÞ; ð6bÞ

in which rA is the structure-specific growth rate1

X Addt

X A: The two reserves are merged to form biomassat a complementary synthesizing unit. Biomass-specificgrowth equals

rA ¼yEA










N ;C þ yEAN;X A jA





Note that jAN;C and jA

H;C now figure in both the left-handside and right-hand side of Eq. (6), by which thebiomass-specific growth rate, rA; is implicitly definedand must be solved numerically. The growth SU differsfrom the assimilation SU which merges carbon andphotons, in that growth is not bounded by a maximumtransformation rate, such as IA

C in Eq. (2b). Rather, thegrowth rate is limited by the boundedness of the reservefluxes, mobilized from the reserve pools.

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2.1.3. Excretion

Excreted materials are recycled back into the envir-onment, from which they become available again to theproducer population. Metabolic by-products are ex-creted in mineral form, so that they become directlyavailable again. Organic materials must be decomposedbefore they are available in mineral form, and they arestored in organic detritus pools.

Growth comes with overhead costs. The evolution ofby-products amounts to

jAN ;G ¼ yN;X A rA; ð8aÞ

jAC;G ¼ yC;X A rA: ð8bÞ

Imbalances between supply rates and growth require-ments may result in rejection of the non-limitingsubstrate at the SU. Excess substrates are only partlyexcreted and partly returned to their original reservepools (fraction kA). This enables non-limiting reserves todam up within the algae, which affects the total biomasscomposition, and the associated nutritional value to thenext trophic level. The biomass-specific fluxes ofexcreted NH3 and DH are

jAN ;R ¼ ð1 � kAÞðjA


� yEAN;XA rAÞ; ð9aÞ

jADH ;R ¼ ð1 � kAÞðjA


� yEAH;X A rAÞ: ð9bÞ

The total amount of excreted compounds by theproducers is

jAN ;E ¼ jA

N;G þ jAN;R; ð10aÞ

jAC;E ¼ jA

C;G; ð10bÞ

jADH ;E ¼ jA

DH ;R: ð10cÞ

2.2. Consumers

2.2.1. Assimilation

Food composition for consumers can be expressed interms of structural volume X A; nitrogen reserves EA

N andcarbohydrate reserves EA

H of the diatoms. The produ-cer’s structural mass X A comprises proteins, carbohy-drates and unassimilable materials. Homeostasisdictates that each of them has a fixed contribution tostructural mass. The consumer species can assimilate thestructural proteins directly with efficiency yEC

P;XA : It is

known that low C:N-foods enhance copepod production(Checkley, 1980; Kiørboe, 1989). In the model, thereserve densities largely determine the C:N of diatoms.We assume that the producer’s nitrogen reserves can, inconjunction with carbohydrates, also be transformedinto protein reserves, thus modelling a positive copepodresponse to ingesting low C:N diatoms. The associatedcarbohydrates derive from either the producer’s reservesEA

H or structural components X A: The biochemical

transformations involved are


P þ yH;XA H þ yDP;XA DP þ yDH ;XA DH


EAH ! H (11b)

H ! yHEC


ECH þ yH

C;HC; (11c)







C;HC; (11d)

where H is the hydrocarbon precursor formed fromautotroph structure and reserves, and DP and DH

represent nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous detritusformed, respectively. The coefficients y balance thetransformations stoichiometrically. We base their valueson assimilation efficiencies of carbon and nitrogen, suchthat

yECP;X A ¼ cC




; (12a)

yH;X A ¼ cCHX ;A 1 �


fX A

� �; (12b)

yDP;XA ¼ 1 � cC



fX A

; (12c)

yDH ;XA ¼ 1 � cCHX ;A

1 �



� �; (12d)



¼ cCHE ;A

; (12e)

yHC;H ¼ 1 � cC

HE ;A; (12f)







; (12g)



¼ cCHE ;A

; (12h)

yNHC;H ¼ 1 � cC

HE ;A: (12i)

We assume that unassimilable producer structure isegested as pellets, which contribute to the carbohydrateand protein detritus pools, DH and DP; respectively. AnSU governs transformations (11c,11d), which occursimultaneously, i.e. carbohydrates may be used forproduction of either carbohydrate or protein reserves, ofwhich the latter occurs in association with the diatomsnitrogen reserves. The SU resembles the production SUof Kuijper et al. (2004) (cf. auxiliary SU as introduced inKooi et al., 2004). When carbohydrates bind to anempty SU, reaction (11c) takes place and carbohydratereserves are produced, while reaction (11d), and theassociated production of protein reserves, occurs whencarbohydrates bind to an SU that is already saturated

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with EAN : Net assimilation of copepod reserves is

jCP;A ¼ IC


P;X A þ yNH

ECP;HðyH;X A þ ½E�AH ÞyÞ; ð13aÞ

jCH;A ¼ IC


ECH;HðyH;X A þ ½E�AH Þð1 � yÞ; ð13bÞ

in which ICX ;A is the maximum copepod ingestion rate

with respect to diatoms and y is the fraction ofassimilation SUs saturated with diatom nitrogen reserves

y ¼½E�AN

½E�AN þy





: (14)

Furthermore, f CXA ¼ XA

KC;X AþXA ; and this models the

functional response of copepod feeding on algae.

2.2.2. Maintenance and growth

For maintenance and growth, we employ the modelfor Acartia egg production by Kuijper et al. (2004).Reserves can be transformed into structural biomass inone of two production routes. We will name a P-route,in which proteins are processed exclusively, and a PH-route, where merging of proteins and carbohydratestakes place. The transformations are





H ! X C þ yPHC;X C C; ð15aÞ



P ! X C þ yPC;XC C þ yP

N;X C N; ð15bÞ

in which the stoichiometric couplers are defined in termsof maximum growth efficiencies and C:N ratios of thesubstrates


P;XC ¼


fX C

; (16a)


H;XC ¼




fX C

; (16b)


1 � cC;PH


; (16c)


P;XC ¼



; (16d)

yPC;XC ¼

1 � cC;P


; (16e)

yPN ;XC ¼





: (16f)

Analogous to the modelling of Thalassiosira, thecopepod reserve dynamics are


dt½E�CP ¼ jC

P;A � kCE ½E�CP ; ð17aÞ


dt½E�CH ¼ jC

H;A � kCE ½E�CH ; ð17bÞ

and, accordingly, the catabolic fluxes are

jCP;C ¼ ½E�CP ðk

CE � rCÞ; ð18aÞ

jCH;C ¼ ½E�CHðkC

E � rCÞ: ð18bÞ

Maintenance and production require building blocksand energy to meet the associated costs. Protein reservesserve as building blocks, whereas carbohydrates arethe preferred substrate for respiration to avoidwasting proteins. However, when the supply of carbo-hydrates is short, the copepods may respire proteinsinstead. Costs for maintenance are proportional tostructural volume. Biomass-specific costs for mainte-nance are subtracted from the catabolic flux by anauxiliary SU. For an elaborate derivation of SUdynamics, the reader is referred to Kuijper et al.(2004). Maintenance costs are

jCP;M ¼ kC



P;C þyPH









jCP;C þ





; ð19aÞ

jCH;M ¼ kC







jCP;C þ





; ð19bÞ

where kCM is the maintenance rate coefficient. The r’s

stand for the probability of binding a substrate-molecule that is directed to an SU, rP

P is the probabilityof protein binding to an empty SU and rPH

H isthe binding probability of carbohydrates to anavailable binding site on the SU. The remainder of thecatabolic flux after maintenance is paid is the growth-directed flux

jCP;B ¼ jC

P;C � jCP;M ; ð20aÞ

jCH;B ¼ jC

H;C � jCH;M ; ð20bÞ

and these two fluxes are used for biomass production.The SU which governs the associated transformationsresembles the maintenance SU in that it completesexactly the same transformation; however, the produc-tion rate is not fixed here; and the growth rate dependson the availability of proteins and carbohydrates(Kuijper et al., submitted). The biomass-specific growthrate amounts to

rC ¼ jCP;B







jCP;B þ jC





jCP;B þ






with rPHP as the binding probability of protein reserves

on SUs that have already bound carbohydrates. The

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associated use of reserves is

jCP;G ¼ jC









jCP;B þ jC








jCP;B þ jC


; ð22aÞ

jCH;G ¼ jC










jCH;B þ jC


: ð22bÞ

Reserves unable to bind to the growth SU are partlyrestored into the corresponding reserve pools withfraction kC : The fraction 1 � kC is excreted as minerals.

2.2.3. Excretion and defecation

Fecal pellets and the dead biomass contribute to thedetritus pools. Egestion of pellets, i.e. unassimilatedmaterials, amounts to


¼ ICX A f C

X A ð1 � cCP;AÞ



; ð23aÞ

jCDH ;A ¼ IC

X A f CX A ð1 � cC

H;XA Þ 1 �fP


� �: ð23bÞ

The overhead of assimilation quantifies as the differencebetween ingestion and assimilation (Eq. (13)) and fecalproduction (Eq. (23)). The associated biomass-specificexcretion of minerals is

jCN ;A ¼ IC



fX A

þ ½E�AN

� ��

jCP;A þ jC



; ð24aÞ

jCC;A ¼ IC

X A f CXA ð1 þ ½E�AH Þ � jC

P;A � jCH ;A � jC

DP;A� jC

DH ;A:


We assume that all metabolic products of the consumerspecies are in mineral form. The excretion of main-tenance products is a weighted sum of the products ofthe P and the PH-route

jCN ;M ¼



; ð25aÞ

jCC;M ¼ jC

P;M þ jCH;M : ð25bÞ

Growth overhead giving rise to excretion quantifies as

jCN ;G ¼ jC






rPP jC








jCH;B þ jC


; ð26aÞ

jCC;G ¼ jC






rPP jC

P;B þyPH












jCH;B þ jC


: ð26bÞ

To our knowledge, copepods do not excrete organicsubstances. Therefore, excretion as a consequence ofrejection at the growth SU is also assumed to be inmineral form. It amounts to

jCN ;R ¼

ð1 � kCÞðjCP;B � jC



; ð27aÞ

jCC;R ¼ ð1 � kCÞðjC

P;B þ jCH;B � jC

P;G � jCH;GÞ: ð27bÞ

The total excretion of consumers amounts to

jCN ;E ¼ jC

N ;A þ jCN ;M þ jC

N ;G þ jCN ;R; ð28aÞ

jCC;E ¼ jC

C;A þ jCC;M þ jC

C;G þ jCC;R: ð28bÞ

2.2.4. Death

For simplicity, we assume that the consumers have aconstant death rate. Death results in the production ofdetritus species. Biomass-specific contributions to thedetritus pools amount to


¼ kCH


fX C

þ ½E�CP

� �; ð29aÞ

jCDH ;H ¼ kC

H 1 �fP

fX C

þ ½E�CH

� �: ð29bÞ

2.3. Decomposition and recycling

Excreted minerals are in the form of utilizablenutrients for the producer species. However, organicmaterials must be decomposed first. For reasons ofsimplicity, we have chosen to model the biodegradationof detritus as a first-order process.

2.4. Model summary

The structure of the complete model is


dtN ¼ ðjA

N ;E � jAN;AÞX

A þ jCN;EX C

þ kD



þ DðX r;N � NÞ; ð30aÞ


dtC ¼ ðjA


A þ jCC;EX C

þ kDðDH þ DPÞ þ DðX r;C � CÞ; ð30bÞ


dt½E�AN ¼ jA

N ;A þ kAðjAN;C � yEA

N;XA rAÞ � kA

E ½E�AN ; ð30cÞ


dt½E�AH ¼ jA

H;A þ kAðjAH;C � yEA

H;X A rAÞ � kA

E ½E�AH ; ð30dÞ


dtX A ¼ ðrA � DÞX A � IC

XA f CXA X C ; ð30eÞ


dt½E�CP ¼ jC

P;A þ kCðjCP;B � jC

P;GÞ � kCE ½E�CP ; ð30fÞ


dt½E�CH ¼ jC

H;A þ kCðjCH;B � jC

H;GÞ � kCE ½E�CH ; ð30gÞ


Table 2

Parameter values

Parameter Value Units Reference


0.36 h�1 Zonneveld et al. (1997)


0.1 h�1 Kuijper et al. (2004)


0.008 h�1 Takahashi and Ohno (1996)


0.0041 h�1 Kuijper et al. (2004)

kD 0.005 h�1 Fujii et al. (2002)


0.01 h�1 Riebesell et al. (1993)


0.01 h�1 Davidson and Gurney (1999)


0.06 h�1 Kiørboe (1989)


750.0 mM After (Riebesell et al. (1993), Burkhardt et al. (2001))


210 mmol m�2 s�1 Zonneveld et al. (1997)


2.5 mM Eppley et al. (1969)

KC;XA 20.0 mM fitted after (Kiørboe et al. (1985))

kA 0.98 — Kooijman (pers. comm.)

kC 0.5 — Kuijper et al. (2004)


0.66 — Kuijper et al. (2004)


0.66 — Kuijper et al. (2004)


0.95 — Kuijper et al. (2004)

fP 3.7 #/# Vollenweider (1985)

fX A 10.0 #/# Strzepek and Price (2000)

fX C 5.9 #/# Kiørboe et al. (1985)


0.881 Anderson (1994)


0.8 — —


0.553 — Anderson (1994)


0.8 — —


0.688 — Anderson (1994)

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dtX C ¼ ðrC � D � kC

H ÞX C ; ð30hÞ


dtDP ¼ ðjC

DP;Hþ jC

DP;AÞX C � ðkD þ DÞDP; ð30iÞ


dtDH ¼ jA

DH ;EX A þ ðjCDH ;H þ jC


� ðkD þ DÞDH : ð30jÞ

The currencies for structural biomasses are X A andX C ; however, carbonous reserves also contribute tothe C-molar volume of biomass. Total C-molar bio-masses are

A ¼ X Að1 þ ½E�AH Þ; ð31aÞ

C ¼ X Cð1 þ ½E�CH þ ½E�CP Þ: ð31bÞ

Table 1 lists the model notation, and Table 2 holdsreferenced parameter values as used in the model.

3. Model dynamics

In this section we analyze the model’s long-termbehavior. We will concentrate on the influence of thenutritional conditions, on the role of increased meta-bolic flexibility with respect to variable nutritionalconditions, and on effects of recycling. To facilitate

the analysis, we follow a stepwise approach in which wedeal with subsections of the model before we analyze thecomplete model as given in Eq. (30j). We start with theanalysis of the resource–producer system, in which theconsumer level is absent. We continue with the analysisof a producer–consumer system, in which both thecomposition of the producer species and the supply rateof producers act as input parameters, i.e. in thisanalysis, the dynamics of the diatoms are not modelledexplicitly. In this way, the model effectively becomes astatic model, comparable to that of Anderson andHessen (1995) and Kuijper et al. (2004). We concludethis section with the analysis of the resource–produ-cer–consumer system. To study the effect of recycling,we will compare results to analyses, in which we omittedthe recycling of nutrients.

As default environmental conditions for the system torun, we chose an inorganic carbon (X r;C) and nitrogen(X r;N) supply concentration of 2 mM and 10mM;respectively. These are realistic values for the upperlayers of those marine waters where nitrogen is likely tobe the limiting factor. Both minerals are supplied at afixed throughput rate of D ¼ 0:001 h�1: The default lightflux (jL) is set constant to 600mmol m�2 s�1; at whichlight is abundant. This simplification has been done tofacilitate the model analysis. The default recycling rate

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for organic matter, kD; was set to 0:005 h�1 (Fujii et al.,2002).

3.1. The resource–producer system

Fig. 1 contains the analysis of the resource–producersystem. This system is a subsection of system 30, wherethe consumer is absent (X C ¼ 0). The diatom biomass isplotted against resource density for the resources light,inorganic carbon and inorganic nitrogen. Recyclingeffectively complements the resource supply, so thatbiomasses are lower when this process is excluded fromthe model (Fig. 1, lower row). For the same reason, thereserve densities of non-limiting reserves are also higherwhen recycling takes place. The qualitative behavior ofthe model does not depend on recycling.

The effect of light is shown in the left graphs of Fig. 1.When light intensity is too low, the producer populationcannot survive. There appears to be a threshold intensityat which the population suddenly reaches a considerablebiomass. Although the sharp angle in the curves (Fig. 1,left panel) might suggest a switch in survivability, lightdependency is continuous. When light intensity isincreased further, the total producer biomass increases,although the structural biomass is seemingly unaffectedby light enhancement. Increased light intensity facil-itates carbohydrate assimilation through higher photo-synthesis rates. However, excess carbohydrate reservescannot be used for production when nitrogen is scarce,so that they will effectively dam up.

Carbon dependency is shown in the center diagramsof Fig. 1. Carbon limitation occurs at supplies roughlybetween 100 and 500mM; below which the producerscannot survive and above which further enrichment has

Fig. 1. Algal total biomass (A; dashed line) and structural biomass (X A) as

nitrogen supply (right) when excreted compounds are recycled (upper row) or

the photon flux is 600mmol m�2 s�1: Biomasses, as well as the densities of the

no effect on the structural biomass density of theproducers. This result is similar to the predictions ofLiebig’s law. When carbon is limiting, the associatedreserve density is small, as carbon is then efficiently usedfor growth. However, further carbon enhancementcauses carbohydrate reserve accumulation and theassociated growth of total biomass.

The diagrams on the right-hand side of Fig. 1 showthe effect of nitrogen on diatom production. Over thewhole plotting range of X r;N nitrogen is the limitingnutrient. The relative contribution of structural biomassto total biomass decreases with increasing nitrogenprovision. This is due to a decrease in carbohydratesreserve density. The reduction of carbohydrate accumu-lation with increasing X r;N can be attributed to the lesserextent to which nitrogen is the limiting factor.

3.2. The producer–consumer system

In the analysis, the effect of the diatom’s compositionon the copepod’s growth is investigated. For this reasonwe left out the explicit modelling of producer dynamics.Inert producers are supplied to the chemostat, whereconsumers feed on them. This corresponds to anexperimental setup where a two-stage chemostat is used(Boraas, 1983) and compares to the theoretical ap-proach followed by Anderson and Hessen (1995) andKuijper et al. (2004). Here, algae are grown undercontrolled conditions in one vessel and then supplied toa second vessel, in which grazers are present, at a fixedrate. In the associated model, the density of diatoms inthe supply to the second chemostat, as well as theircomposition in terms of reserve densities act as modelparameters.

a function of light intensity (left), inorganic carbon supply (center), or

not (lower row). When kept constant, X r;N ¼ 50mM; X r;C ¼ 2 mM and

non-limiting reserve are higher when recycling is included in the model.


Fig. 2. Contourplots of the consumer’s structural mass at variable algal structure concentrations and reserve densities are ½E�AH (left) and ½E�AN (right).

Contours are in mM carbon in consumer structure. The density of the alternative reserve is kept at zero, which corresponds to severe limitation of the

associated nutrient. The contourline marked zero indicates the invasion boundary of the consumer species. High producer reserve densities facilitate

consumer persistence. This effect is stronger for nitrogen than for carbohydrate reserves..

Fig. 3. Contourplots of the consumer’s structural mass when the

structure-specific density of total producer reserves is held constant at

0.5, while the quantity of producer structure (x-axis) and the

composition of its reserves (y-axis) are varied. Contours are in mM

carbon in consumer structure. A properly balanced composition of net

producer biomass facilitates survival of the consumer species.

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Fig. 2 gives contourlines of consumer densities whenproducer supply rates and either of their reservedensities are varied. It is to be expected that the densityof the reserve associated with the limiting nutrient willbe generally low. Therefore, the density of the reservethat does not appear on the vertical axis is kept at zero,thereby simulating limitation of the correspondingnutrient. The contourline marked zero indicates thesurvival boundary of the consumer species. Higherdiatom reserve densities facilitate invasion of thecopepod, more so for nitrogen reserves than forcarbohydrate reserves.

Fig. 3 shows the effect of balancing the producersreserve densities. Here, the total reserve density is keptconstant at 0.5 (in molar ratio to biomass). The graphgives contourlines of copepod densities, and the zero-contourline indicates the consumer survival boundary.The figure shows that a relatively even distribution ofproducer nitrogen and carbohydrate reserves promotesconsumer survivability (EA


H Þ 0:6). Produ-cers are generally low in reserves that limit theirproduction and high in reserves that are non-limiting.As a consequence, an even distribution in reservedensities is only achievable when the producer speciesexperiences proper nutrition. It appears that grazersprofit from a proper nutrition of the primary producers.

Consumer biomass densities as a function of suppliedproducer structure are presented in Fig. 4. Here, fivescenarios are compared, in which diatoms of differentcompositions, in terms of reserve densities, are suppliedto the copepods in the chemostat. The diagrams showthat the composition of the producers significantlyaffects the consumer density. When producer reservesare both high, the consumers can persist at a lowersupply of food, and their population size is largest.Nitrogen-limited diatoms ðN�;HþÞ lead to lowerstructural copepod biomasses than carbon-limited onesðNþ;H�Þ: When both producer reserves are evenly

abundant, ðN;HÞ; consumer biomasses are higherthen when producers are limited by either resource,which again suggests that copepods may benefit from awell-balanced nutrition of the lower trophic level. Themodel predicts that the total biomass of copepods, livingon nitrogen limited algae, exceeds that of copepods,living on carbon limited ones. This can be attributed tothe damming up of carbohydrates in the copepodsthemselves.

3.3. The resource–producer–consumer system

Here we analyze the complete food chain, where boththe diatom and the copepod species are modelledexplicitly. The result so far predicts that under ambient


Fig. 4. Biomass densities of consumers (left: structural only, right: structural + reserves) when producers of different nutritional quality are supplied.

Nþ;Hþ: EAN ;E

AH fixed at 1; N�;Hþ: EA

N ¼ 0 and EAH ¼ 1; Nþ;H�: EA

N ¼ 1 and EAH ¼ 0; N�;H�: EA

N ;EAH fixed at 0; N;H: EA

N ;EAH fixed at 0.5. The

producers benefit when both producer reserves are abundant ðNþ;HþÞ: The absence of both reserves results in a significant growth reduction

ðN�;H�Þ: The ðN;HÞ-curve is always above the ðN�;HþÞ and ðNþ;H�Þ-curves, which indicates that a proper balance in the presence of the

producers reserves facilitates growth. The ðNþ;H�Þ-scenario results in higher structural biomasses than the reversed situation, ðN�;HþÞ: However,

the total biomass of the ðN�;HþÞ-scenario increases faster with increasing food supply. This can be attributed to the damming up of non-limiting

hydrocarbon reserves.

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conditions, nitrogen is the model’s limiting factor fordiatom growth. Therefore, we concentrate mainly onnitrogen supply as input parameter.

Fig. 5 contains a one-parameter bifurcation analysisof the food web, when the concentration of the nitrogensupply, X r;N ; is varied. The upper graphs concern thebiomass densities of producers and consumers in theabsence of recycling. All excreted and decomposedorganic matter is lost from the system, which is acommon feature of traditional models (Rosenzwig,1971; Oksanen et al., 1981; McCann and Hastings,1997; Kuijper et al., 2003). In the graphs in the middlepanel, the recycling rate, kD; is held at the ambient valueof 0:005 h�1; and the bottom row contains graphs of thefood chain when recycling of organic matter is infinitelyfast. The vertical lines indicate values for X r;N where thequalitative behavior of the system changes, i.e. bifurca-tion points. Table 3 gives the nomenclature of thebifurcations involved. The transcritical bifurcationindicates the invasion boundary of the copepods.

When nitrogen enrichment is increased beyond thevertical line indicating the Hopf bifurcation, the stableequilibrium of coexisting producers and consumersbreaks down, and limit cycles originate. The amplitudes(maxima and minima) are indicated in the bifurcationdiagrams, dashed curves represent unstable states andsolid curves are stable states. The model’s behavior athigh nitrogen inflow resembles Rosenzweig’s ‘paradoxof enrichment’ (Rosenzwig, 1971) in that it leads todestabilization of the system. However, this phenomen-on is usually associated with the occurrence of asupercritical Hopf bifurcation. Our model predicts thatin the absence of recycling, or when the recycling rate issufficiently low, the system’s destabilization is caused by

a subcritical Hopf bifurcation. Here, an unstable limitcycle originates, which forms a separation between twostable states, a limit cycle and a steady state. Theubiquitousness of multiple stable states in complexsystems has been pointed out by Scheffer et al. (2001),and our model demonstrates that it is possible even in asimple short food chain.

There is a range of nitrogen provisions at which theproducer and consumer can coexist in equilibrium. Theexploitation ecosystem hypothesis (EEH) predicts thatover this range the producer species should have aconstant population density (Oksanen et al., 1981). Thisresult is, however, debated, as primary producerbiomass has been shown to increase with nutrientenrichment (Hansson, 1992; Brett and Goldman,1997). Our model predicts an increasing mass of theprimary producer with increasing nitrogen availability.Grover (2003) links such an increase to the resourcereplenishment associated with recyling by the consumerspecies. Indeed, the slope of the producer population issteeper when recycling is implemented. However, in theabsence of recycling, the slope is still positive (left uppergraph), so that the effect cannot be attributed to nutrientrecycling exclusively, and must be attributed to themetabolic flexibility of the consumer species.

From Fig. 5 it appears that the occurrence of multiplestable states depends on the recycling rate of organicdetritus. Fig. 6 presents a two-dimensional bifurcationcurve in which the nitrogen supply X r;N and thedecomposition rate kD are varied simultaneously. Theposition of the Hopf bifurcation decreases with increas-ing X r;N : This implies that the stable regions of thesystem become smaller with increasing kD; and thus,increased recycling rates may destabilize the food chain.


Fig. 5. Biomass densities of producers (left) and consumers (right) as a function of nitrogen provision when recycling is absent (upper row), ambient

(middle row) or infinitely fast (lower row). The consumer’s invasion boundary is marked TC. At a supercritical Hopf bifurcation (H�), the stable

steady state becomes unstable and a stable limit cycle originates. However, at a subcritical Hopf bifurcation (Hþ), an unstable limit cycle originates,

which marks the separation between a stable limit cycle and a stable steady state. The region in which these two stable states co-occur is bounded by

the subcritical Hopf and the saddle node bifurcation (T).

Table 3


Symbol Type Interpretation

H� Supercritical Hopf Stable equilibrium becomes unstable a stable limit cycle and an unstable equilibrium originate

Hþ Subcritical Hopf Unstable equilibrium becomes stable an unstable limit cycle originates

T Saddle node Stable and unstable limit cycle coincide and disappear

TC Transcritical Unstable and stable equilibrium coincide and exchange stability properties

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The dashed curve indicates the position of the saddlenode, or tangient, bifurcation. The distance between thetwo bifurcation curves gives the region where multiple

stable states exist. At the point where the saddle nodeand the Hopf bifurcations intersect, the Hopf bifurca-tion switches from supercritical (lower part) to sub-

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critical (upper part). This point is called a Bautin pointand above it, the system’s behavior follows the classicalparadox of enrichment.

Fig. 7 contains the one-parameter bifurcation dia-grams of the food chain when the inorganic carbonsupply, X r;C (left), and the light intensity, jL (rightpanel), are varied under otherwise ambient conditions.When the light flux or the carbon supply is low (i.e. farbeneath ambient conditions) the system oscillates in aregion bounded by two supercritical Hopf bifurcations.When light figures as bifurcation parameter (rightpanel), the invasion boundary of the copepod almostcoincides with the Hopf bifurcation, although closeinspection revealed that the two bifurcation points donot intersect. The cycling behavior is caused by therelatively high supply of nitrogen in this region of the

Fig. 6. Two-dimensional bifurcation diagram which demonstrates the

influence of the recycling rate of organic detritus in conjunction with

nitrogen enrichment. At the Bautin point, the Hopf bifurcation

changes from subcritical (low kD) into supercritical (higher kD). In the

region bounded by the subcritical Hopf curve and the saddle-node

curve, there exist multiple stable states. These are a stable steady state

and a limit cycle.

Fig. 7. Biomass densities as a function of inorganic carbon provision (left) a

dashed lines are used for the copepod population. The two supercritical Hop

low resource inputs. When light is used as bifurcation parameter, the Hopf a

transcritical bifurcation point for the invasion of the consumer is omitted in

parameter space. The paradox of enrichment is usuallyassociated to absolute values of nutrient concentrations.In contrast, our results suggest that food-chain destabi-lization may also follow from imbalances in the relativesupply of particular resources. From Fig. 1 it can beobserved that the diatoms are limited by light (jLt30)or carbon (X r;Ct500) in only a small region of theanalyzed parameter space. However, Fig. 7 shows thatthe copepod population continues to increase withincreasing light and carbon supplies. This implies thatthe limitation of the lowest trophic levels does notnecessarily restrict the production of higher trophicniches.

We conclude our analyses by studying the effect ofvarying resources supplies simulataneously. Fig. 8 showsthe two-dimensional bifurcation diagrams from whichthe pairwise effect of nitrogen and carbon (left),nitrogen and light (center), and carbon and light (right)can be studied. The unchanged resource supply is fixedat the default value. The solid curves mark the invasionboundary of the copepod species, which can invade theregions to the right of this curve. When nitrogen andcarbon or nitrogen and light are varied simultaneously,the food web persists in steady state in the regionbetween the transcritical and the Hopf bifurcation. Thisregion generally becomes larger with increasing carbonand light. This supports the hypothesis that a properbalance in the provision of nutrients may facilitate food-web persistence. However, the range of X r;N ; where thesteady state is stable is largest at very low carbon inputs.In that region, the potential for nitrogen to destabilizethe food chain is small, whereas a small enhancement incarbon provision will make the system cross the Hopfbifurcation and become unstable. When carbon andlight are varied simulataneously there is a regionconfined by two supercritical Hopf bifurcations, inwhich the food chain is unstable. To the right of thisregion, the food chain is stable, but this region becomes

nd light (right). Solid lines denote the diatom population size, whereas

f bifurcations mark the region where oscillations occur, in this case at

nd transcritical bifurcation almost coincide. Due to limited space, the

the left diagram.


Fig. 8. Two-dimensional bifurcation diagrams illustrating coupled effects of resource provision (left: inorganic carbon against nitrogen, center: light

against nitrogen, right: light against carbon). When crossing a solid curve, representing a transcritical bifurcation, from left to right, the consumer

species can invade and persist in equilibrium. Regular dashed curves mark a supercritical Hopf bifurcation, while the irregular dashed curve in the left

panel marks a saddle-node bifurcation, originating at the Bautin point. In the region held between the saddle node and the Hopf curve, multiple

stable states can occur. In the region to the right of this Hopf curve the system’s attractor is oscillatory. In the center panel there are three regions. To

the right of the transcritical bifurcation, the copepods can persist, but when the Hopf bifurcation is crossed to the right, the system’s equilibrium

becomes unstable and oscillations occur. In the right panel, oscillations occur in the region bounded by the two Hopf bifurcations. To the right of this

region, the system is in equilibrium.

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smaller when X r;N is increased. This is not shown in thediagram, but it follows from the X r;N -jL and the X r;N -X r;C plots, where nitrogen enrichment in the vicinity of aHopf bifurcation promotes food-chain destabilization.

4. Discussion

We investigated the effect of resource availability incombination with metabolic flexibility on the dynamicproperties of a marine microbial food chain, in which wemodelled stoichiometry explicitly. Furthermore, weassessed the effect of recyling by decomposition andexcretion of non-limiting nutrients and metabolicproducts by living biota. We used the SU construct formodelling stoichiometric requirements as an alternativefor classic Liebig models. Although the model holdsmore biological detail than traditional stoichiometricfood-chain models, it produces, to a large extent, similarresults. This finding can be used as a validation of simplemodels in most cases.

SUs have a range, rather than a point, over whichlimitation changes gradually from one nutrient toanother. This range may be very small, in which caseresults of an SU-model resemble results of Liebig’sminimum law. Indicated by the kink in the associatedcurve (Fig. 1), switching from carbon to nitrogenlimitation in the resource–producer system is verysimilar to Liebig limitation. However, numerical bifur-cation analysis did not cause any problems, as it may inminimum models.

Liebig’s law does not dictate what happens to non-limiting resources. We used a mass-balance model,where it is inevitable to explicitly model the fate ofany compound. SUs mathematically translate substratefluxes into product fluxes and rejected fluxes. Therejected fluxes comprise non-limiting elements, of whichthe fate can be addressed conveniently to model mass

balance, which is a necessity for assessing effects ofstoichiometry in food webs (Loladze et al., 2000;Grover, 2002).

The model predicts that, under default conditions,nitrogen and not energy, limits diatom production,although our model does not include other nutrientssuch as iron or phosophorous. Moreover, while ourfocus was on the effect of an increased metabolicflexibility, we modelled potentially limiting nutrients in avery simplistic manner and neglected effects of carbonspeciation into HCO3 and CO2; as well as the effect ofself-shading, which may influence light versuselement limitation. This may explain why there is avery small parameter range for light inputs where thisresource is limiting the resource–producer system.Nevertheless, our findings with respect to nitrogenlimitation are in agreement with Graziano et al. (1996)and Tomasky et al. (1999). Carbon enrichment results incarbohydrate accumulation in the diatom, but thestructural biomass remains unaffected in the absenceof copepods. A detailed representation of inorganiccarbon dynamics and light gradients was beyond thescope of this paper, but may be included in future work.This omission causes limitations in the applicability ofthe model.

When copepods are present in the system, theirstructural density increases with both the inorganiccarbon (Fig. 7) and nitrogen supply (Fig. 5) to thesystem. Copepods thus benefit from enhancement ofminerals, which they cannot assimilate themselves. Theeffect of nitrogen enrichment on copepod productioncan be understood, as it stimulates diatom growth,which in turn, will have an effect on the copepodpopulation size. However, while carbon is non-limitingto the diatoms, carbon enrichment also effectivelypromotes the copepod population growth (see Fig. 7).This effect can be attributed to the change in diatombiomass composition following carbon enrichment, i.e.

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the accumulation of carbohydrate reserves in diatoms.This leads to a change in their nutritional value tocopepods. Here, the effect of multiple reserves forthe description of population dynamics becomesclear. As both carbon and nitrogen stimulate the growthof the copepod population, it seems that these animalsare not limited by either element. Non-linearities in thedescription of trophic interactions make it difficultto predict how enrichment with nutrients that arenon-limiting to the lowest trophic level will affectthe dynamics of larger systems. Our results demonstratethat nutrient limitation as applied to single organismsmight not be applicable to whole ecosystem functioning.Metabolic flexibility leads to efficient use oflimiting resources and allows for sloppier use of non-limiting ones. As each trophic level has its own mode ofresource acquisition and use, it is to be expected thatwhole ecosystems will generally comprise multiplelimitations.

In our results, copepods influence the dynamics of thediatom population, a property commonly featured instoichiometric models (Elser and Urabe, 1999; Loladzeet al., 2000). EEH predicts that grazing effectivelynullifies the effects of nutrient enrichment on theproducer population size (Oksanen et al., 1981; Oksanenand Oksanen, 2000). However, our model predicts thatin the presence of grazers, nitrogen enrichment stimu-lates the diatom population, while light and carbonenrichment cause a decline in the producer’s populationsize. Deviations from the EEH may be caused by storagestrategies of herbivores (Grover, 2003). According toGrover, the sequestration of resources by a consumerspecies may cause a reduction in primary productionwhen the associated nutrient is enriched. In our model,diatoms have a high C:N when nitrogen is limiting, dueto the damming up of carbohydrates. When copepodsingest carbon-rich diatoms, they will use nitrogen moreefficiently, as transformation (15a) will then prevail overtransformation (15b). Consequently, less DIN is formedand excreted as by-product of a biomass synthesisprocess, which corresponds to lower recycling. Enrich-ment with nitrogen causes exactly the opposite effect.The C:N of diatoms then becomes lower and copepodswill be less efficient with respect to this mineral, therebyrecycling it more efficiently and promoting algal growth.Our results are therefore in line with Grover’s observa-tions.

We found that nitrogen enrichment can destabilize thefood chain (Fig. 5), which is in agreement with theclassic results of Rosenzweig (1971). The classic resultconcerns the crossing of a supercritical Hopf bifurca-tion, so that the stable internal equilibrium becomesunstable and a stable limit cycle comes into existence(Oksanen et al., 1981; Rosenzweig, 1973; Abrams andRoth, 1994). The same happens in our model when therecycling rate of organic matter is sufficiently high.

However, many of the classical studies do not take intoaccount the recycling of any nutrient. Another impor-tant difference between our study and classic studies onnutrient enrichment is the use of SUs for the descriptionof biomass production, rather than Holling’s discequation. Muller found a richer repertoire of dynamicbehaviors for simple food-chain models due to the use ofSUs (Muller et al., 2001). In the absence of recycling,our model predicts the existence of a subcritical, insteadof a supercritical Hopf bifurcation, an effect that can beattributed to the use of SUs. At a subcritical Hopfbifurcation point, a stable equilibrium becomes unstableand an unstable limit cycle occurs, forming theseparatrix between the stable steady state and analternative stable state. When the recycling of organicmatter is set at a biologically plausible value of 0:005 h�1

(Fujii et al., 2002), the multiple stable states still exist,although the parameter range at which they occur isnarrow. Scheffer et al. (2001) have shown that multiplestable states are common in nature. In correspondenceto the results of Muller et al. (2001), our results suggestthat they might also occur in food webs as simple as aresource–producer–consumer system.

In addition to high nitrogen input, low carbon inputor light availablity can also destabilize the food chain inour model. This suggests that destabilization can also becaused by imbalances in the availability of essentialresources, as was also found by Loladze et al. in a simplestoichiometric model. This result corresponds to thefinding of Muller and co-workers (2001) that a high levelof nutrients reduces persistance of the consumer.Indeed, when nitrogen levels are high, the model ismore stable when light and carbon are also high. Thiscan be observed in Fig. 8, where the range of values atwhich a stable internal equilibrium exists becomes largerwith increasing light and carbon. In real aquaticsystems, nitrogen enrichment can cause algal blooms(Paerl, 1997), which, in turn, reduce light penetration inthe water. The combined effects of reduced light andenhanced nitrogen may promote the destabilization ofaquatic ecosystems, which corresponds to the findings ofLima et al. (2002).

Recycling appears to be a destabilizing factor in themodel. With higher decomposition rates, equilibriadestabilize at lower nitrogen provisions. This result goeswell with the findings of Kooi et al. (2002). However, aword of caution is needed here. Decomposition innature is a complex process in which different organicmaterials are decomposed at different rates. Further-more, the role of bacteria in the breakdown of dissolvedorganic matter is significant. As our main interest was inthe application of SUs for the modelling of ecologicalstoichiometry, we simplified the decomposition processto a large extent, i.e. we assigned only two detrituscomponents and we chose not to explicitly modeldecomposer species.

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5. Conclusions

We designed an aquatic food-chain model, capable ofassessing effects of organismal metabolic flexibility withrespect to ecological stoichiometry, modelled accordingto the Dynamic Energy Budget theory using synthesiz-ing units.

With the parameters used in the analysis, the modelpredicted that the lowest trophic level is limited bynitrogen. The model confirmed the paradox of enrich-ment, although the repertoire of dynamic behaviors isaugmented with the presence of multiple stable states forbiologically plausible decomposition rates. Our resultsshow realistic responses of population densities inresponse to nutrient enrichment. However, the modelincorporates nutrients in a simplistic manner, and inforthcoming work, a more detailed description ofnutrient chemistry is recommended.

While working well for single species, we found thatthe concept of single element limitation may not beapplicable when used in an ecosystem context, becausethe consumer population benefits both from carbon andnitrogen enrichment. The model demonstrates that notonly nutrient enrichment but also an improper balancein the availability of essential resources may destabilizethe food chain.

The model shows that accumulation of non-limitingresources on one trophic level may affect populationdensities of other trophic levels. It is therefore to beexpected that on the ecosystem level, where multipletrophic levels coexist, multiple resource limitations mayoccur simultaneously.

Finally, our results suggest that recycling, whichreplenishes minerals, thereby enriching the nutritionalstate of the system, will generally be a destabilizingfactor in food-web dynamics. We conclude that ourapproach allows for bringing more ecological detail infood-chain models, while still being numerically tract-able.


Tom Anderson is funded by the Natural EnvironmentResearch Council, UK. The authors would like to thankTineke Troost, Cor Zonneveld and Herman Verhoef fortheir valuable discussions and comments on the manu-script.


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