Psychopharmacology (2004) 171:306–321 DOI 10.1007/s00213-003-1579-7 ORIGINAL INVESTIGATION B. E. H. Sumner · L. A. Cruise · D. A. Slattery · D. R. Hill · M. Shahid · B. Henry Testing the validity of c-fos expression profiling to aid the therapeutic classification of psychoactive drugs Received: 25 March 2003 / Accepted: 21 June 2003 / Published online: 10 September 2003 # Springer-Verlag 2003 Abstract Rationale: Different stimuli, including pharma- cological stimuli, induce different neuroanatomical pro- files of c-fos expression. Can these profiles be used in classifying psychoactive drugs and predicting therapeutic utility? Objective: To test the validity of c-fos expression profiling to aid therapeutic classification. Methods: Anx- iolytics, antidepressants, antipsychotics and psychostim- ulants were compared. (i) A meta-analysis was performed and profiles compiled from literature reports of changes in c-fos expression in rat brain regions, measured by in situ hybridisation histochemistry or immunohistochemistry, after acute injection of psychoactive drugs. (ii) Male rat brains were profiled for changes in c-fos mRNA expres- sion induced by acute injection of psychoactive drugs. Results: (i) The meta-analysis showed that anxiolytics activate few (mostly stress-related) brain regions; antide- pressants activate more regions, including the central amygdaloid nucleus; antipsychotics activate more regions still, including the nucleus accumbens and striatal areas; and psychostimulants activate the greatest number of all, including the most cortical regions (especially the piriform cortex). Profiles also varied within drug classes. (ii) Our experimental profiles confirmed and extended meta-analysis profiles, showing more downregulation. (iii) Sites activated by mirtazapine (an antidepressant not previously profiled) matched those of the antidepressant imipramine. Conclusions: (i) Differences between drug classes support their classification by means of c-fos profiling. Differences within classes may reflect mecha- nistic variations. (ii) Greater downregulation in our experiments might be because of inclusion of low, clinically relevant, drug doses and fuller coverage of brain regions. (iii) The agreement between mirtazapine and imipramine increases our confidence in the validity of c-fos expression profiling to aid drug classification and predict therapeutic utility. Keywords c-fos expression profiling · Rat brain · Anxiolytics · Antidepressants · Antipsychotics · Psychostimulants Introduction Psychoactive drugs are usually classified first on their clinical and therapeutic effects and, second, on their mechanisms of action, if known (Cookson et al. 2002). Based on their chief therapeutic uses, most psychoactive drugs can be classified as anxiolytics, antidepressants, mood stabilisers, antipsychotics, sedatives or hypnotics, antidementia drugs or psychostimulants. Subdivisions of these classes often describe pharmacological action, but may also (or alternatively) describe chemical structure. For instance, selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are a sub-class of antidepressants and benzodi- azepines are a sub-class of anxiolytics. Drugs of plant origin may be grouped together, as in the case of the opiates. Other criteria for classification have also been investigated, including the analysis of drug effects on electroencephalogram (EEG) profiles recorded during animal sleep. This has now been developed as the automated classification of sleep organisation (ACSO), which involves quantitative comparison, by computer, of drug-induced perturbations of EEG profiles (Ruigt et al. 1989, 1993). Pharmacological magnetic resonance imag- ing may lead to a further method of classification (Leslie and James 2000; Preece et al. 2001). The method of classification evaluated in the following report relies on comparisons between drug-induced patterns of expression of an immediate early gene (IEG). B. E. H. Sumner ( ) ) · L. A. Cruise · D. A. Slattery · D. R. Hill · M. Shahid · B. Henry Department of Pharmacology, Organon Laboratories Ltd., Newhouse, Lanarkshire , ML1 5SH, Scotland, UK e-mail: [email protected] Fax: +44-01698-736336 D. A. Slattery Psychopharmacology Unit, School of Medical Sciences, University of Bristol, University Walk, Bristol, BS8 1TD, UK

Testing the validity of c-fos expression profiling to aid the therapeutic classification of psychoactive drugs

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Psychopharmacology (2004) 171:306–321DOI 10.1007/s00213-003-1579-7


B. E. H. Sumner · L. A. Cruise · D. A. Slattery ·D. R. Hill · M. Shahid · B. Henry

Testing the validity of c-fos expression profiling to aidthe therapeutic classification of psychoactive drugs

Received: 25 March 2003 / Accepted: 21 June 2003 / Published online: 10 September 2003� Springer-Verlag 2003

Abstract Rationale: Different stimuli, including pharma-cological stimuli, induce different neuroanatomical pro-files of c-fos expression. Can these profiles be used inclassifying psychoactive drugs and predicting therapeuticutility? Objective: To test the validity of c-fos expressionprofiling to aid therapeutic classification. Methods: Anx-iolytics, antidepressants, antipsychotics and psychostim-ulants were compared. (i) A meta-analysis was performedand profiles compiled from literature reports of changes inc-fos expression in rat brain regions, measured by in situhybridisation histochemistry or immunohistochemistry,after acute injection of psychoactive drugs. (ii) Male ratbrains were profiled for changes in c-fos mRNA expres-sion induced by acute injection of psychoactive drugs.Results: (i) The meta-analysis showed that anxiolyticsactivate few (mostly stress-related) brain regions; antide-pressants activate more regions, including the centralamygdaloid nucleus; antipsychotics activate more regionsstill, including the nucleus accumbens and striatal areas;and psychostimulants activate the greatest number of all,including the most cortical regions (especially thepiriform cortex). Profiles also varied within drug classes.(ii) Our experimental profiles confirmed and extendedmeta-analysis profiles, showing more downregulation.(iii) Sites activated by mirtazapine (an antidepressant notpreviously profiled) matched those of the antidepressantimipramine. Conclusions: (i) Differences between drugclasses support their classification by means of c-fosprofiling. Differences within classes may reflect mecha-nistic variations. (ii) Greater downregulation in our

experiments might be because of inclusion of low,clinically relevant, drug doses and fuller coverage ofbrain regions. (iii) The agreement between mirtazapineand imipramine increases our confidence in the validity ofc-fos expression profiling to aid drug classification andpredict therapeutic utility.

Keywords c-fos expression profiling · Rat brain ·Anxiolytics · Antidepressants · Antipsychotics ·Psychostimulants


Psychoactive drugs are usually classified first on theirclinical and therapeutic effects and, second, on theirmechanisms of action, if known (Cookson et al. 2002).Based on their chief therapeutic uses, most psychoactivedrugs can be classified as anxiolytics, antidepressants,mood stabilisers, antipsychotics, sedatives or hypnotics,antidementia drugs or psychostimulants. Subdivisions ofthese classes often describe pharmacological action, butmay also (or alternatively) describe chemical structure.For instance, selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors(SSRIs) are a sub-class of antidepressants and benzodi-azepines are a sub-class of anxiolytics. Drugs of plantorigin may be grouped together, as in the case of theopiates. Other criteria for classification have also beeninvestigated, including the analysis of drug effects onelectroencephalogram (EEG) profiles recorded duringanimal sleep. This has now been developed as theautomated classification of sleep organisation (ACSO),which involves quantitative comparison, by computer, ofdrug-induced perturbations of EEG profiles (Ruigt et al.1989, 1993). Pharmacological magnetic resonance imag-ing may lead to a further method of classification (Leslieand James 2000; Preece et al. 2001). The method ofclassification evaluated in the following report relies oncomparisons between drug-induced patterns of expressionof an immediate early gene (IEG).

B. E. H. Sumner ()) · L. A. Cruise · D. A. Slattery · D. R. Hill ·M. Shahid · B. HenryDepartment of Pharmacology,Organon Laboratories Ltd.,Newhouse, Lanarkshire , ML1 5SH, Scotland, UKe-mail: [email protected]: +44-01698-736336

D. A. SlatteryPsychopharmacology Unit, School of Medical Sciences,University of Bristol,University Walk, Bristol, BS8 1TD, UK

In the mammalian nervous system, including the brain,induction of an IEG is one of the first signs of a genomicresponse to a stimulus (Sheng and Greenberg 1990). Thebest known of the IEGs are the proto-oncogene transcrip-tion factors, of which c-fos is a prime example (Beck-mann and Wilce 1997). IEG induction can bedemonstrated in cells or regions of tissue sections by insitu hybridisation (ISH) histochemistry or immunohisto-chemistry (IHC), which show mRNA or protein, respec-tively, in precise microscopic locations. With theseimaging techniques, c-fos expression has been extensivelystudied in the brain and elsewhere, and has becomewidely regarded as a mapping tool for sites of cellactivation (Herrera and Robertson 1996; Hoffman andLyo 2002; Kaczmarek and Robertson 2002).

Among the many stimuli that induce genomic re-sponses are pharmacological stimuli. Acute injection of adrug elicits responses which may include induction or,occasionally, downregulation of an IEG in the brain(Herrera and Robertson 1996). Do the patterns of IEGexpression betray the class of drug employed, and, if so,can this be used to aid the classification of novelcompounds and predict their therapeutic utility? Beck(1995) investigated antidepressants to find out whetherthey displayed a common c-fos induction profile anddiscovered that the central amygdaloid nucleus was theonly brain region activated by all the antidepressantstested. Robertson et al. (1994) investigated antipsychoticsto discover a means of recognising those that wereatypical. They developed a formula based on c-fosinduction profiles (see Discussion) and noted that all theantipsychotics tested activated the nucleus accumbens.However, there have been no comparative studiesbetween different classes of psychoactive drug to findout whether the different classes are easily recognisablevisually, at a glance, in a comparative map of their c-fosexpression profiles.

A drawback, for mapping purposes, is that there aresubpopulations of neurons and certain brain regions inwhich c-fos may not be either basally expressed orinducible, so any drug profile will be deficient in theseareas (Labiner et al. 1993; Chaudhuri 1997). For instance,c-fos expression is said to be not easily inducible in thesubstantia nigra (Dragunow and Faull 1989; Labiner et al.1993), although it has been activated in this region inmonkeys (Wirtshafter and Asin 1999) and after haloper-idol or caffeine in rats (Bennett and Semba 1998; Cochranet al. 2002). A further consideration is that c-fos is notequally inducible through all types of input or intracel-lular pathway (see Discussion). This might prove to be adrawback resulting in an inadequate map, or an advantageresulting in better discrimination between drug profiles. Athird consideration is the transience of c-fos expression.Activation of c-fos mRNA occurs within 30–60 min of anacute challenge with fluoxetine, or stimulation with light,and returns to baseline in most brain regions after 90 min(Torres et al. 1998; Zangenehpour and Chaudhuri 2002).The protein product, Fos, may peak between 2 h and 6 hafter an acute challenge, and be back to baseline well

before 24 h (Kaczmarek and Robertson 2002; Zangeneh-pour and Chaudhuri 2002). A comparative mappingproject, therefore, has to catch these windows of peakexpression.


While being alert to the limitations of the c-fos mappingtechnique, our hypothesis was that different classes ofpsychoactive drug would elicit different c-fos expressionprofiles in the brain, by which the different classes couldbe recognised.


The first aim of this study was to carry out a meta-analysis of the c-fos literature to find out whether ourhypothesis was supported. The second aim was to makeour own experimental profiles of c-fos expression in adultrat brain using imaging technology for c-fos after acuteinjection of well-known psychoactive drugs. This willgrow into a reference database against which new drugscan be compared to establish and validate their class andcharacter, and predict their therapeutic utility. It wasdecided to start the latter process by profiling mirtazapine,an antidepressant not previously studied in this way, andcomparing its profile with that of other psychoactivedrugs to find out whether its character as an antidepres-sant would be confirmed.

Materials and methods

c-fos meta-analysis

The first step in the meta-analysis was to carry out full Medlinesearches (all years) for literature references in the combinedcategories of IEGs (or proto-oncogenes or c-fos) and drugs (namedindividually or in classes). We selected psychoactive drugs that arewell known, and for which there is a c-fos literature. Four majorclasses were chosen: anxiolytics, antidepressants, antipsychoticsand psychostimulants. The drugs in each class were as follows.


– Diazepam [benzodiazepine, increases gamma-amino-butyricacid (GABA)A receptor transmission, inhibits hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis; Salminen et al. 1996; Cookson etal. 2002]

– Chlordiazepoxide [CDP, benzodiazepine, increases GABAAtransmission, inhibits corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH)transcription; Imaki et al. 1995; Cookson et al. 2002]

– Buspirone [antagonist at dopamine (DA) D2 and D3 receptors,partial agonist at 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)1A receptors;Palacios et al. 1996; Cookson et al. 2002].


– Imipramine [tricyclic, inhibits noradrenaline (NA) and 5-HT re-uptake, increases available 5-HT and NA; Cookson et al. 2002]


– Desipramine (tricyclic, strongly inhibits NA re-uptake, slightlyinhibits 5-HT re-uptake, increases available NA and, to a lesserextent, 5-HT; Beck 1995; Cookson et al. 2002)

– Fluoxetine (SSRI, increases available 5-HT; also induces CRHtranscription; Torres et al. 1998; Cookson et al. 2002)

– Citalopram (SSRI, increases available 5-HT; Cookson et al.2002)

– Nortriptyline (tricyclic, inhibits NA re-uptake, increases avail-able NA; Beck 1995; Cookson et al. 2002)

– Tranylcypromine (monoamine oxidase inhibitor, MAOI, in-creases available NA, DA and 5-HT; Beck 1995; Cookson et al.2002)

– Buproprion (inhibits mostly DA, but also NA, re-uptake;increases available DA and NA; Beck 1995; Cookson et al.2002).

Antipsychotics (typical)

– Haloperidol (primarily a D2 receptor antagonist; Miyamoto etal. 2000; Cookson et al. 2002)

– Chlorpromazine (primarily a D2 receptor antagonist; Robertsonet al. 1994; Cookson et al. 2002)

– Raclopride (primarily a D2 receptor antagonist; Robertson et al.1994; Cookson et al. 2002).

Antipsychotics (atypical)

– Clozapine (broad spectrum antagonist acting at D1–5 receptors;also antagonistic at 5-HT2A and 2C, NA-alpha1 and 2, histamineH1, and acetylcholine M1 receptors; Miyamoto et al. 2000;Cookson et al. 2002)

– Risperidone (broad spectrum antagonist acting mainly at D2 and5-HT2A receptors, but also at 5-HT7, histamine H1 and NA-alpha1 and -alpha2 receptors; Miyamoto et al. 2000; Cookson etal. 2002)

– Olanzapine (broad spectrum antagonist acting at D1–4, 5-HT2A,2C, 3 and 6, NA alpha1, histamine H1 and acetylcholine M1–5receptors; Miyamoto et al. 2000; Cookson et al. 2002)

– Sulpiride (antagonist at D2 and especially D3 receptors; Preeceet al. 2001; Cookson et al. 2002).


– Amphetamine (inhibits DA and NA re-uptake, increases DAand NA release and transmission; Badiani et al. 1998; Cooksonet al. 2002)

– Methamphetamine (inhibits DA and NA re-uptake, increasesDA and NA release and transmission; Umino et al. 1995)

– Cocaine (inhibits DA re-uptake, increases available DA andenhances DA transmission; Johansson et al. 1994; Mach et al.1997)

– Phencyclidine [PCP, antagonist at N-methyl-d-aspartate(NMDA) receptors; also increases available 5-HT, and affectsACh receptors, DA, NA and GABA; Nakki et al. 1996; Martinet al. 1998]

– Ketamine (antagonist at NMDA receptors; Duncan et al. 1998)– Dizocilpine (MK-801, antagonist at NMDA receptors; Gao et

al. 1998)– Nicotine (agonist at nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, stimulates

DA neurons; Mathieu-Kia et al. 1998)– Caffeine (antagonist at adenosine receptors, also inhibits

phosphodiesterase, causing a rise in cyclic-AMP; Cookson etal. 2002; Singewald et al. 2003).

From these initial searches, every reference that used ISH tomeasure c-fos mRNA or IHC to measure the protein product, Fos,in drug-treated compared with vehicle-treated animals was scruti-nised further. Chronic studies and studies of all species other thanrats were rejected, and the final analysis was carried out on studies

of c-fos expression in sections of adult rat brain after a single acuteinjection of drug or vehicle. Eighty references met our criteria (seeAppendix for full list). From the data given in each quantitativestudy, the percentage change in c-fos mRNA content (ISH) or Fos-positive cell numbers (IHC) was calculated for each brain regionthought to be involved in mechanisms of stress, anxiety, depressionor psychosis. The list of brain regions was compiled from thoseimplicated in the relevant literature. Many authors had notsubdivided the nucleus accumbens and the striatum, but somehad, and had found differences between the different subdivisionsafter different antipsychotic treatments. In our list, these regionswere listed both whole and subdivided, so that data from paperswith different approaches could be adequately entered and assessed.A table of percentage changes for each drug (at each dose) wascompleted for each reference, and then entered into a combinedtable of results for each drug from all the references. An overallmean percentage change was calculated for each drug (at its mosteffective dose range) in each brain region and assembled into anoverall table so that expression profiles could be compared.However, the percentage changes obtained from different refer-ences were so diverse that it was decided this calculation of overallmeans was not useful. It was considered more useful to tabulateoverall increase, decrease or no change in c-fos expression in eachbrain region for each drug. This latter approach enabled us toinclude semi-quantitative studies, in which responses were gradedsubjectively, as well as strictly quantitative studies with detailedmeasurements. It also enabled us to make visual comparisonsbetween drug profiles at a glance.

Experimental c-fos profiles

Animals and drug treatments

In pursuit of our second aim, adult male Sprague-Dawley rats(Harlan Olac, UK; body weight 200–250 g) were calmed by dailyhandling and weighing for 5 min each day for 5 days before drugtreatment, to ensure a low basal expression of c-fos mRNA (Hess etal. 1995). All animals were injected i.p. with either a psychoactivedrug or vehicle (n=6 per group). Drugs and doses includedfluoxetine (5 mg/kg and 10 mg/kg), imipramine (15 mg/kg),haloperidol (0.05 mg/kg and 0.5 mg/kg), clozapine (2 mg/kg and30 mg/kg) and amphetamine (5 mg/kg). The higher doses for thesewell-known drugs were based on those used for c-fos expressionstudies in the literature. The lower doses were related to those usedclinically in humans (VanderSpek et al. 2002). Mirtazapine has notbeen profiled before. This drug, a NA and specific serotonergicantidepressant (NaSSA), was used at 2 mg/kg, based on previousexperiments in male rats (De Boer et al. 1994). The vehicle was 5%mulgofen EL-719 (GAF, Ltd., Manchester, UK) in sterile 0.9% w/vsaline. All the animal experiments were carried out according to theAnimals (Scientific Procedures) Act, 1986, Home Office, UK.

Tissue collection and processing

The animals were euthanased by excess CO2 45 min post-injection,and their brains were removed, frozen in iso-pentane cooled to�35�C by dry ice, and stored in sealed polythene bags in a freezer at�80�C. Serial coronal sections (20 mm) from bregma 4.7 mm to�10.3 mm (Paxinos and Watson 1997) were cut in a cryostat at�18�C, thaw-mounted three-per-slide on positively charged, nucle-ase-free slides (Superfrost Plus, VWR) and stored again briefly at�80�C. The slide-mounted sections were fixed in 4% paraformal-dehyde, acetylated, de-lipidised and stored at 4�C in 95% ethanoluntil required for in situ hybridisation (Wisden and Morris 1994).

Probes for c-fos mRNA

Two 48-base antisense oligonucleotide probes were designed totarget different, non-overlapping sequences of rat c-fos mRNA


(NCBI GenBank accession number: X06769). Probe 1 wascomplementary to bases 1001–1048 (probe sequence: 50-GGCTCC CAG TCT GCT GCA TAG AAG GAA CCA GAC AGGTCC ACA TCT GGC–30). Probe 2 was complementary to bases141–188 (probe sequence: 50-ACT GCA GCG GGA GGA TGACGC CTC GTA GTC CGC GTT GAA ACC CGA GAA–30). Usingthe NCBI Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST; Altschul etal. 1990), both the sense sequences were checked for homologywith other sequences and found to be specific for the c-fos gene.

ISH histochemistry

For ISH, the probes were 30-end-labelled with 33P-dATP (specificactivity: 92.5TBq/mmol; Amersham Biosciences, UK) and used ata concentration of 0.5 pmol/ml ’maximalist’ hybridisation buffer(Wisden and Morris 1994). Once specificity had been confirmed foreach labelled probe separately (see below), the labelled probes wereused together in the same hybridisation mixture thereafter, in orderto increase the hybridisation signal and reduce exposure time.Sections, which had been fixed, acetylated, de-lipidised (FADLd)and stored in 95% ethanol at 4�C, were air-dried at roomtemperature and then hybridised for 18 h at 42�C. After hybrid-isation, all the sections were taken through a series of washes ofincreasing stringency to remove unbound and non-specificallybound probe. These consisted of a brief rinse in 2� saline sodiumcitrate (SSC), two washes for 30 min each in 1� SSC, first at roomtemperature and then at 55�C, and, finally, a 10-min wash in 0.1�SSC at 55�C. Following the last wash, the sections were dehydratedin 70% and 95% ethanols for 2 min each and air-dried.

Specificity controls

Specificity of the probes for RNA was checked by hybridisation ofcontrol sections with 33P-labelled probes after RNase pre-treatment,which abolished all signal. To check the specificity of the probesfor the desired mRNAs, control sections were incubated inhybridisation buffer containing both 33P-labelled and unlabelledversions of each probe, the latter at 100-fold excess to compete withthe labelled probe for specific mRNA. Competition was successfuland no signal was found in the resulting autoradiographs. Probespecificity was also checked by comparing the distribution of signalin the autoradiographs with that found in the literature (seeResults).

Autoradiography and image analysis

The slides of dry sections were apposed to Kodak Biomax MR-1film together with a radioactive standard (14C-microscales, Amers-ham Biosciences, UK), and exposed for 2–3 weeks to obtainautoradiographic images. The films were developed for 3 min inKodak GBX developer/replenisher (20% aqueous), rinsed briefly inwater, fixed for 5 min in Kodak GBX fixer/replenisher (20%aqueous), and washed for 5 min in tap water. The slides removedfrom the film were stained with cresyl fast violet, haematoxylin andeosin, or pyronin to check histology. For each identified brainregion, the optical density of the autoradiographic image wasmeasured using an MCID image-analyser (InterFocus, Ltd., Hav-erhill, Suffolk, UK). The optical densities were converted toradioactivity values by means of the standard scale, in order tonormalise densities from film to film. Quantitative results fromdrug-treated and vehicle-treated rats were compared statistically byANOVA and Dunnett’s post-hoc test. This enabled us to identifybrain regions showing significant changes in c-fos mRNA expres-sion. Significant increases, decreases, and no changes in expressionwere tabulated in the same way as for the meta-analysis so thatinstant visual comparisons could be made between drug profiles.


The results from the meta-analysis are shown in Table 1.Compared with other classes of drug, anxiolytics havehad the least investigation in the kind of study requiredfor inclusion in our survey. Analysis of three drugs in theliterature showed that they activated c-fos expression invery few brain regions, and displayed no cortical activa-tion at all. Buspirone activated the nucleus accumbens,lateral septum and dorso-lateral striatum; diazepamactivated the paraventricular nucleus and central amyg-daloid nucleus; and chlordiazepoxide failed to activateany of the regions measured in our survey.

Antidepressants have had more investigation and, onthe whole, they activated more brain regions thananxiolytics. These were mostly limbic regions, but threeof the seven drugs in our survey gave some corticalactivation also (desipramine, tranylcypromine and bupro-prion). Tranylcypromine and buproprion activated thelateral habenula, and these two drugs and desipramineactivated the locus coeruleus. All the antidepressantssurveyed induced c-fos expression in the central amyg-daloid nucleus. There were decreases of c-fos expressionin the nucleus accumbens (by imipramine and citalopram)and in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus (byfluoxetine).

Antipsychotics have generated many more papers, butmost of these have been devoted to haloperidol andclozapine, as examples of typical and atypical antipsy-chotics, respectively. Our survey included three typicaland four atypical antipsychotics (see Materials andMethods), but the c-fos expression profiles compiledfrom all the papers surveyed showed no clear differencebetween these two categories unless the nucleus accum-bens and the striatum had been subdivided (Table 1). Inpapers that recognised subdivisions of the nucleusaccumbens, it was reported that clozapine and sulpirideactivated c-fos in the shell but not the core, whereashaloperidol activated both shell and core. Studies inwhich the striatum was subdivided found that haloperidolactivated the lateral, especially the dorso-lateral, striatum,whereas clozapine and sulpiride gave little or no activa-tion in this region. As a class, antipsychotics induced c-fosin more brain regions than either anxiolytics or antide-pressants. All the antipsychotics surveyed induced ex-pression in the nucleus accumbens, and striatal c-fosexpression was also activated to various degrees. Four ofthe seven antipsychotic drugs analysed induced activity inthe medial prefrontal cortex, three of these four alsoactivated the anterior cingulate cortex, but only one ofthem, clozapine, activated the posterior cingulate (retro-splenial) cortex. In the parietal cortex, c-fos expressionwas decreased by clozapine and sulpiride. Sulpiride alsodecreased expression in the cingulate cortex and olfactorytubercle.

Psychostimulants induced c-fos expression in morecortical regions than antipsychotics. All activated thepiriform cortex. There was a delayed activation of theposterior cingulate (retrosplenial) cortex by the NMDA
























antagonists at high drug doses. The nucleus accumbensand striatum often showed activation also. Of all the fourclasses of psychoactive drug examined, psychostimulantsactivated the most brain regions. No decreases of c-fosexpression were found in the literature on psychostimu-lants.

Results from our own experimental c-fos expressionprofiles are shown in Table 2. We have not, as yet,investigated any anxiolytics. In agreement with the resultsfrom the meta-analysis, the antidepressants activated thefewest brain regions (in the absence of any anxiolytics),the antipsychotics were the next most effective (at thehigher doses), and the psychostimulant amphetamineactivated the most brain regions, including the mostcortical regions. Among antidepressants, the profileobtained from mirtazapine was similar in sites ofactivation to the profile from imipramine. The antide-pressants in our experiments all activated the centralamygdaloid nucleus (where measured) and both antipsy-chotics at the higher dose activated the nucleus accum-bens (although with clozapine only the shell wasactivated). Compared with the results from the meta-analysis, we found more downregulation of c-fos expres-

sion by antidepressants, especially in thalamic regions,but also in hippocampus, lateral septum and severalcortical regions. Clozapine also decreased c-fos expres-sion in more regions than reported in the majority ofpapers surveyed for the meta-analysis. At the lower,clinically relevant, dose used for clozapine (2 mg/kg), allthe responsive sites were sites of downregulation; therewas no significant activation. For cingulate cortex, lateralseptum and lateral striatum, this meant a switch fromactivation to downregulation between doses of 30 mg/kgand 2 mg/kg. Haloperidol and amphetamine agreed withthe literature in showing no sites of downregulation, andthe amount of c-fos activation was approximately similarto that in the literature for these two drugs.


c-fos meta-analysis

For meaningful results, it is essential to compare like withlike. This is not easy in an analysis of the literature.Different studies have different aims and focus, and use

Table 2 Results from our ex-perimental c-fos expressionprofiles


different neuroanatomical terminology, groupings andsubdivisions, different drug doses and different tissue-processing and data-processing routines. To reduce thevariation between studies and make them more compa-rable, we only selected those papers that met certaincriteria (see Materials and methods). By this means, wewere able to carry out a comparative survey of psycho-active drugs according to their c-fos expression profilesand enter the consensus profiles into a table that could bevisually assessed at a glance. Nevertheless, dissimilaritiesbetween studies still remained. These were particularlyevident in the field of antipsychotics. Some authorsrecognised subdivisions of the nucleus accumbens and thestriatum, and analysed them separately, but others anal-ysed them as a whole. To overcome this problem, weincluded both whole and subdivided categories in our listof brain regions, and entered the data from the papers intothe appropriate category. In a survey of animal and humanstudies of antipsychotics, it has been shown that the drugdoses employed in animal studies are usually higher thanthose used clinically, and that the doses chosen fordifferent drugs may give different DA D2 receptoroccupancies, which make them difficult to compare(VanderSpek et al. 2002). For psychostimulants, authorswho used a range of drug doses in their animalexperiments found that low doses, which producedlocomotor effects, were ineffective at inducing c-fosexpression, and only the higher doses activated c-fos (forexample: Bennett and Semba 1998). In our survey, thetabulated results were drawn up from the most commonlyused and effective dose range reported for c-fos studies inrats for each drug. These dose ranges were high whencompared with dose ranges used in humans. In the usablereferences, IHC studies outnumbered ISH studies by 7 to3.

The consensus results suggest that there is variabilityin the c-fos expression profile between different drugs inthe same class. Nevertheless, there is an overall profile foreach class, which differs between classes. These differ-ences are not only in the nature of the brain regionsactivated, but also in their number. For instance, all theantidepressants in our literature survey activated thecentral amygdaloid nucleus and all the antipsychoticsactivated the nucleus accumbens, as had been found alsoby Beck (1995) for antidepressants and Robertson et al.(1994) for antipsychotics. Our survey, which is the first tomake comparisons between four major classes of psy-choactive drug, found that the number of brain regionsactivated tended to increase in the series from anxiolyticsto antidepressants to antipsychotics to psychostimulants.In addition, although we found strong striatal induction byboth antipsychotics and psychostimulants, these classesdiffered in that psychostimulants excited c-fos in morecortical regions than antipsychotics. Of course, to someextent these results reflect the focus of the papers in theliterature, which is usually directed towards the mostlikely brain regions to give positive results, based on theneuroanatomical distribution of the drug targets and thepathophysiology of related psychiatric illnesses. Unless a

brain region has been measured and definitely foundunresponsive, there is always the possibility that it mightbe responsive, but overlooked. Furthermore, negativeresults are not reported as often as positive, and mostpeople are seeking sites of activation. However, theliterature as it stands at present, incomplete though itmight be, supports our hypothesis that different classes ofdrug display different c-fos expression profiles whichenable the different classes to be recognised, after acutedrug administration.

What is the basis for these class differences? Evidencefrom experiments of drug action on stressed or anxiousanimals suggests that anxiolytics target stress mechanismsof the HPA axis, which are centred in the paraventricularnucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus (Imaki et al. 1995).Even in unstressed animals, diazepam has been found toexcite c-fos expression in the PVN and amygdala(Table 1). CDP, however, failed to have any effect inunstressed animals. In stressed animals, CDP reducedboth the stress-induced c-fos expression and the stress-induced increase in transcription of CRH in the PVN,which would, in turn, reduce the stress-induced increasesof other hormones of the HPA axis (Imaki et al. 1995).Buspirone gave no evidence of HPA activation, butactivated restricted areas relating chiefly to DA. Buspi-rone was originally developed as a possible antipsychotic,but was found to be effective as an anxiolytic and is nowclassed as such (Baldessarini 1990; Cookson et al. 2002).It is also used in antidepressant treatment regimes (Menzaet al. 2003). The antidepressants surveyed all activatedthe central amygdaloid nucleus, which is a recognisedcentre for emotional processing, especially for negativeemotions such as fear and anxiety in rodents (Alheid andHeimer 1996; Davis and Shi 1999) and humans. Sustainedprocessing of negative emotions and even enlargement ofthe amygdala feature in human depressive illness (Siegleet al. 2002; Frodl et al. 2002). The chief neuroanatomicaltarget for antipsychotics, the nucleus accumbens, isassociated with dopaminergic psychomotor processingin rodents and humans, and with the positive symptoms ofschizophrenia in humans (Deutsch and Duman 1996).Schizophrenia may result from excess of DA andcorresponding DA hyperactivity (Palmer et al. 1997).Typical antipsychotics, which also activate the dorso-lateral (DL) striatum, are liable to cause motor sideeffects in humans, and the DL striatum is also a site of DAdepletion, with associated motor dysfunction, in Parkin-son’s disease (Deutsch and Duman 1996). The nucleusaccumbens and the striatum are particularly rich in DAreceptors. The D2 receptor is a common molecular targetfor antipsychotics, as has been confirmed in humanstriatum by positron emission tomography (PET) afterantipsychotic treatment (Seeman 2002). PET and mag-netic resonance imaging have also shown effects onregional blood flow in the striatum and the cingulatecortex after antipsychotic treatment of schizophrenicpatients (Miller et al. 2001). Activation of the medialprefrontal cortex by atypical antipsychotics may berelated to their successful treatment of the negative


aspects of schizophrenia in humans (Deutsch and Duman1996; Robertson and Fibiger 1996). Ohashi et al. (2000)have suggested that the action on the medial prefrontalcortex and on the locus coeruleus by atypical antipsy-chotics may involve the noradrenergic system and beta-adrenoceptor mediation. The cortex, often accompaniedby the striatum and nucleus accumbens, is a major targetfor c-fos activation by psychostimulants, and this agreeswith their capacity to heighten mental and psychomotoractivity and create euphoria in humans (Cookson et al.2002). The action of many psychostimulants results in anincrease in available DA and an enhancement of DAtransmission in humans, monkeys and rodents (Volkow etal. 1996; Mach et al. 1997; Ruskin and Marshall 1994),but chronic doses may cause a state resembling psychosis(Hamamura et al. 1997). The delayed activation of theposterior cingulate (retrosplenial) cortex by high doses ofNMDA antagonists is thought to be a toxic effect leadingto extensive cell death in this region (Fujimura et al.2000a).

Within classes the variability of c-fos profiles betweenindividual drugs probably reflects their different mecha-nisms and outcomes of action, and the different neuro-anatomical distributions of their molecular targets. Theremay also be differences of effectiveness by differentpathways. The literature suggests that, although neuronalc-fos is widely inducible by neurotransmitters, hormones,neuropeptides, growth factors and drugs, it is not equallyinducible through all types of input. For instance, amongthe antidepressants included in our meta-analysis, thosethat include increase of available DA in their action weremore effective at eliciting a c-fos response than those thatonly increase 5-HT or NA. Thus, buproprion andtranylcypromine (Beck 1995) activated more brain re-gions than the other antidepressants (Table 1). Not onlydoes the type of neurotransmitter affect the c-fosresponse, but also the receptor subtype that mediates theaction. Drugs that increase DA release and favourtransmission through D1 receptors, such as amphetamineand cocaine, are effective inducers of c-fos (Table 1), butagonists at D2 receptors are ineffective (Herdegen andLeah 1998). Antagonists at D2 receptors include the well-known antipsychotics of our study, which increased c-fosexpression in regions rich in this DA receptor subtype,especially the nucleus accumbens and striatum (Table 1).Several authors discovered differences between typicaland atypical antipsychotics in the profiles obtained fromdifferent subdivisions of either the nucleus accumbens orstriatum (Fink-Jensen and Kristensen 1994; Robertson etal. 1994; Fink-Jensen et al. 1995; Sebens et al. 1995;Hiroi and Graybiel 1996; Hurley et al. 1996; Semba et al.1996, 1999; Vahid-Ansari and Robertson 1996; Guitartand Farre 1998; Ishibashi et al. 1999; Fujimura et al.2000b; Werme et al. 2000). For instance, haloperidolinduced c-fos expression in both core and shell of thenucleus accumbens, whereas clozapine and sulpirideinduced it in the shell but not the core. Haloperidol wasa strong inducer of c-fos expression in the dorso-lateralstriatum, whereas clozapine and sulpiride were not.

Robertson et al. (1994) claimed that typical and atypicalantipsychotics could be distinguished on the basis of anindex obtained by subtracting the extent of induction inthe dorso-lateral striatum from that in the nucleusaccumbens. If the index was negative, the drug was atypical antipsychotic, and, if positive, an atypical anti-psychotic. These distinctions may reflect differencesbetween the action of haloperidol (which is predominant-ly a D2 antagonist) and clozapine (which is an antagonistat all DA receptors, D1–D5, and at 5-HT2A and 2Creceptors, and with action also at histamine H1, acetyl-choline M1 and NA-alpha1 and -alpha2 receptors; Cook-son et al. 2002; Miyamoto et al. 2000). Guo et al. (1995)have suggested that the action of clozapine on c-fosexpression in the nucleus accumbens may depend on D3receptors, but Hurley et al. (1996) disagree. Sulpiride ispredominantly a D2 and D3 antagonist, but again Hurleyet al. (1996) found no evidence that D3 receptors wereinvolved in the drug action on c-fos. Amino acids mayexcite electrical activity in neurons through AMPA,kainate and NMDA receptors, but IEG induction ismostly through NMDA inputs (Herdegen and Leah 1998).NMDA antagonists can also induce c-fos, as was foundfor PCP, ketamine, and MK-801 in our meta-analysis(Table 1). Not only are inputs important, but alsoHoffman and Lyo (2002) have pointed out that there aredominant intra-cellular pathways of c-fos regulation,which are more likely to induce a response than otherpathways. The most effective are those that involveincreases of calcium ions or cAMP and action through acalcium response/cAMP response element (CaRE/CRE)on the c-fos gene.

Experimental c-fos profiles

Compared with the c-fos expression profiles compiledfrom the literature, our own experimental profiles showedapproximately similar extents of upregulation but, inaddition, more extensive downregulation. Some of thisdownregulation was found at very low drug doses,especially in the case of clozapine, which showed noactivation and only downregulation at a low, clinicallyrelevant, dose (2 mg/kg). But the higher doses, whichresulted in downregulation, were similar to those used forc-fos studies in the literature. A possible explanationmight be that our experimental profiles were basedentirely on ISH results and the literature contains manymore IHC studies than ISH studies (70% in our meta-analysis). Methods for ISH using radioactively labelledprobes are more sensitive than IHC methods relying oncoloured reaction products. Downregulation might bemore easily spotted in an ISH preparation. Moreover, ISHmight show changes in mRNA which are not translatedinto changes in protein. However, neither of theseexplanations wholly fits the case. Over half the down-regulation reported in the literature is from IHC studies. Amore likely explanation is that downregulation is moreoften overlooked, whether ISH or IHC is used. Basal


expression of c-fos is often low, and downregulation maybe slight and easily dismissible in the search for sites ofactivation. In addition, most papers in the literature focuson a few brain regions rather than give a whole profile.The profiles in the meta-analysis were compiled frompapers of different focus. Few of these included thethalamus and hippocampus in their analyses, and much ofthe downregulation in our experimental profiles ofantidepressants is in these regions. Fuller coverage ofbrain regions in our experiments might also explain someof the downregulation found more anteriorly in our ISHpreparations.

Mirtazapine is an example of a newer type ofantidepressant, a noradrenergic and specific serotonergicantidepressant (NaSSA). This drug blocks NA-alpha2autoreceptors resulting in increased release of NA fromNA terminals, and also blocks NA-alpha2 heteroreceptorson 5-HT neurons, resulting in increased release of 5-HT(Cookson et al. 2002). The increased NA increases thefiring of 5-HT neurons by action through NA-alpha1receptors, thereby further enhancing both NA and 5-HTfunction. Mirtazapine also antagonises 5-HT2 and 5-HT3receptors, but not 5-HT1A. The net result is increased NAand 5-HT1 transmission. The older drug, imipramine, is atricyclic antidepressant, which increases available NAand 5-HT by blocking re-uptake (Cookson et al. 2002).Thus, both drugs increase available NA and 5-HTalthough their mechanisms of action are slightly different.It is interesting that the similarity of outcome results insimilar c-fos activation profiles for mirtazapine andimipramine (Table 2). Not only does this confirm thecharacter of mirtazapine as an antidepressant, but also itincreases our confidence in the validity of c-fos expres-sion profiling as a tool to aid the therapeutic classificationof new psychoactive agents.

Further developments

The expression-profiling basis of drug classification couldbe developed to include mapping of other IEGs. Forinstance, c-jun is an inducible transcription factor geneoften associated functionally with c-fos (Herdegen andLeah 1998). However, although its protein product, Jun,dimerises with Fos protein and induces transcription bybinding to AP-1 sites on DNA, c-jun can also actindependently of c-fos, and shows increased expression attimes of apoptosis or regeneration after injury, whensynaptic rearrangements are occurring (Dezhi et al. 1999;Herdegen and Leah 1998). Synaptic changes are thoughtto occur during the development of, and recovery from,depressive illness. Furthermore, there is prolonged in-crease of c-jun expression in the basolateral amygdalaafter olfactory bulbectomy, which is a recognised animalmodel of depression (Wrynne et al. 2000). Antipsychoticsare already known to increase c-jun (Herdegen and Leah1998). Krox-24 (zif268, NGFI-A, egr-1), although classedas an inducible transcription factor gene, has a high basalexpression in unstimulated animals (Herdegen and Leah

1998). This IEG has been found necessary in mechanismsof long-term potentiation and synaptic plasticity inmemory formation (Jones et al. 2001) and is inducibleby antidepressants (Morinobu et al. 1997). Krox-24 is alsosaid to have a lower induction threshold than c-fos inresponse to antipsychotics. Arc is an example of aneffector IEG, reported to be involved with synapticplasticity and regulated by 5-HT (Lyford et al. 1995; Peiet al. 2000). This IEG might be affected by depressiveillness and recovery, and might be sensitive to antide-pressants. Mapping of these IEGs in addition to c-foswould extend the basis of comparison with new com-pounds.

It could be argued that a better way of determining theclass of a supposedly therapeutic agent would be tomeasure its effect on IEG profiles induced by a conditionsuch as anxiety, depression or psychosis. This functionalapproach has been used to investigate the mechanism ofaction of anxiolytics, as cited above for CDP. It has alsobeen used to subclassify antidepressants. For instance, theforced swim test, which is a recognised model ofdepression and despair in rodents, induces an increaseof c-fos expression which can be reversed by somechronic antidepressant treatments (Duncan et al. 1996).The antidepressants that were effective were those thatmainly blocked NA uptake, namely imipramine, desipra-mine and nisoxetine, while fluoxetine, tranycylpromineand mianserin were ineffective. However, this approachto drug classification is limited by the difficulties ofmimicking psychiatric conditions in animal models.

The techniques of genomics and proteomics, in whichthe effects of drugs on multiple genes and proteins can bemapped simultaneously, will doubtless lead to newmethods of classification. For precise neuroanatomicallocation using these methods, precise microdissection ofbrain regions is necessary. Neuroanatomical resolutioncan be increased even to the cellular level by laser capturemicrodissection (Bonaventure et al. 2002; Wittliff andErlander 2002). The challenge will be to discern a patternamong the detail! Imaging methods, such as 2-deoxy-glucose for metabolic mapping (Sharp et al. 1993;Komisaruk et al. 2000) and BOLD fMRI for mappingblood flow (Leslie and James 2000; Preece et al. 2001),could be developed into methods for drug classification.In addition, behavioural and neurochemical paradigmscould be further explored to extend the criteria fortherapeutic classification.

Novel compounds

Although there are limitations to the c-fos mappingapproach, our analysis has shown that usable maps foraiding the classification of new psychoactive drugs can becompiled. These maps would also aid therapeutic predic-tion. If a novel compound were developed with a newmechanism of action, therapeutic classification andprediction would be assisted if some part of the actionaltered c-fos expression. The mechanism might involve


direct action on neurons expressing c-fos, or indirectaction, through other neurons connecting via circuitry toc-fos-responsive neurons. As shown by our meta-analysisof the literature, particular brain regions are characteris-tically involved in mechanisms of anxiety, depression,psychosis and psychostimulation, and the novel com-pound might ultimately target some of these regions. If,however, the novel compound were to act through amechanism with no effect on c-fos expression, anothermethod of therapeutic classification and prediction wouldhave to be used. It remains best to approach thetherapeutic classification of novel compounds by morethan one method, so that a balanced judgement can beachieved despite the limitations of the different methods.

Summary and conclusions

Our meta-analysis of the c-fos expression profiles ofpsychoactive drugs in four classes found that the profilesvaried between individual drugs, most probably accordingto their different mechanisms and targets. Nevertheless,there was an overall profile for each class, which differedbetween classes. Therefore, the meta-analysis supportsour hypothesis that different classes of drug displaydifferent c-fos expression profiles that characterise theirclasses.

Comparison of the c-fos profile induced by mirtaza-pine with those induced by well-known psychoactivedrugs confirmed the character of mirtazapine as anantidepressant. It follows that it is valid to use c-fosexpression profiles of well-known psychoactive drugs asa reference to aid the classification of novel psychoactiveagents, and to predict their therapeutic utility.


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