TG-DTA ANALYSIS OF SEWAGE SLUDGE, COAL, BIOMASS AND THEIR MIXTURES Authors: Agnieszka Kijo-Kleczkowska, Magdalena Szumera, Katarzyna Środa ("Rynek Energii" - 10/2015) Keywords: sewage sludge, biomass, hard coal, co-combustion, TG-DTA of fuels Abstract. The paper presents the thermal analyses TG-DTG-DTA of sewage sludge, coal and biomass and their mixtures in different proportions, tested in air. Due to problems regarding the use and application of sewage sludge, which are associated with increasingly restrictive legislation regarding the need for sewage sludge storage in Poland beginning January 1, 2016, and because the waste has a gross heat of combustion greater than 6 MJ/kg d.m., its thermal disposal (combustion and co-combustion with other fuels: coal or biomass) is extremely important. High combustion efficiencies can be achieved provided that the combustion process is properly designed taking into account the properties of the fuel. Co-combustion of sewage sludge with coal leads to an increase calorific of fuel and co-combustion of sewage sludge with biomass reduces CO 2 emissions. 1. INTRODUCTION Coal upgrading processes generate large quantities of fine and ultra-fine coal particles, usually in the form of coal-water slurries. Thermal utilization of these wastes is a preferable option to their neutralization [8]. Similarly is with utilization of sewage sludge. Combustion of sewage sludge and their co-combustion with other fuels (coal, biomass) is the best option in their utilization. High combustion efficiencies can be achieved provided that the combustion process is properly designed to take into account the unique properties of the fuel. Because biomass is considered as a carbon-neutral fuel, co-combustion of coal with sewage sludge and biomass may cause lower the CO 2 emission and decrease the cost of electricity. Sewage sludge can be a full-valuable energy fuel. Earlier, sewage sludge must be subjected to appropriate treatment: dewatering, compaction and drying. Tables 1 and 2 show the characteristic of installations drying and combustion of sewage sludge in Poland [16]. Table 1. The characteristic features of the sewage sludge drying plant in Poland [16] Characteristic feature Unit Value The total number of installations - 19 The total efficiency Mg d.m./year about 80 000 The range water evaporation Mg H20 /h 1 9.15 The range of the drying process % d.m. 18 - 95 The range of heat consumption rate kWh th /kg H20 0.75 1.3 The range of electrical energy ratio kWh el /kg H20 0.06 0.085 The range of obtained availability % 30 - 90 Energy product - natural gas, biogas, fuel oil The range of the cost of energy product PLN/Mg d.m. 550 900


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Authors: Agnieszka Kijo-Kleczkowska, Magdalena Szumera, Katarzyna Środa

("Rynek Energii" - 10/2015)

Keywords: sewage sludge, biomass, hard coal, co-combustion, TG-DTA of fuels

Abstract. The paper presents the thermal analyses TG-DTG-DTA of sewage sludge, coal and biomass and their

mixtures in different proportions, tested in air. Due to problems regarding the use and application of sewage

sludge, which are associated with increasingly restrictive legislation regarding the need for sewage sludge

storage in Poland beginning January 1, 2016, and because the waste has a gross heat of combustion greater than

6 MJ/kg d.m., its thermal disposal (combustion and co-combustion with other fuels: coal or biomass) is

extremely important. High combustion efficiencies can be achieved provided that the combustion process is

properly designed taking into account the properties of the fuel. Co-combustion of sewage sludge with coal leads

to an increase calorific of fuel and co-combustion of sewage sludge with biomass reduces CO2 emissions.


Coal upgrading processes generate large quantities of fine and ultra-fine coal particles, usually

in the form of coal-water slurries. Thermal utilization of these wastes is a preferable option to

their neutralization [8]. Similarly is with utilization of sewage sludge. Combustion of sewage

sludge and their co-combustion with other fuels (coal, biomass) is the best option in their

utilization. High combustion efficiencies can be achieved provided that the combustion

process is properly designed to take into account the unique properties of the fuel. Because

biomass is considered as a carbon-neutral fuel, co-combustion of coal with sewage sludge and

biomass may cause lower the CO2 emission and decrease the cost of electricity.

Sewage sludge can be a full-valuable energy fuel. Earlier, sewage sludge must be subjected to

appropriate treatment: dewatering, compaction and drying. Tables 1 and 2 show the

characteristic of installations drying and combustion of sewage sludge in Poland [16].

Table 1. The characteristic features of the sewage sludge drying plant in Poland [16]

Characteristic feature Unit Value

The total number of installations - 19

The total efficiency Mg d.m./year about 80 000

The range water evaporation Mg H20/h 1 – 9.15

The range of the drying process % d.m. 18 - 95

The range of heat consumption rate kWhth/kg H20 0.75 – 1.3

The range of electrical energy ratio kWhel/kg H20 0.06 – 0.085

The range of obtained availability % 30 - 90

Energy product - natural gas, biogas, fuel oil

The range of the cost of energy product PLN/Mg d.m. 550 900

Table 2. The characteristic features of the sewage sludge combustion plant in Poland [16]

Characteristic feature Unit Value

The total number of installations - 11

The total efficiency Mg

d.m./year about 160 000

The range of capacity of sewage sludge combustion plant Mg

d.m./h 0.2 – 7.9

The range of the dry weight of sewage sludge subjected to the

furnace % d.m. 33 - 90

The range of obtained availability % 0.06 – 0.085

Development of ash / residue from flue gas cleaning - storage - solidifying

Type of furnace construction - grate (4) + fluid (7)

Type of exhaust gas cleaning system - dry with sodium


In the paper [20] the authors highlighted, that the water content in the sewage sludge depend

on the dewatering process in the wastewater treatment plant. They stresses that the high water

content in the fuel is adverse for the combustion in a cement kiln, because:

temperature in the cement kiln may fall to temperature limit of cement clinker creation.

The result is a decline in the quality of the product;

large amount of evaporated water increases the flow of flue gases, which can overload the

installations for cleaning emitted gas, and ventilators.

Author of the paper [2] points out, that in 2011, participation of the co-combusted sewage

sludge, with respect to the alternative fuels, in the firm (cement group) “Cemex”, was only

1.5% (in total mass). Table 3 shows the amount of sewage sludge subjected to the co-

combustion process in the cement group “Cemex”, in the years 2009-2011.

Table 3. The amount of sewage sludge subjected to the process of co-combustion in cement group Cemex,

in thousands. Mg, in 2009 [2]

2009 2010 2011 other

Cement plant „Chełm” 1719 5522 6251 13492

Cement plant „Rudniki” - 1047 1406 2453

The authors of the paper [21] highlighted that co-combustion of sewage sludge with other

fuels is the ideal solution, which uses the existing industrial facilities for disposal of the waste.

This solution brings a lot of benefits arising from the need lack of construction of costly

installation. The authors of this paper analyzed the addition of sewage sludge to coal, in an

amount of not more than 1%. This solution is the most promising way of using municipal

sewage sludge in the near future.

According to [15], the addition of sewage sludge to coal should be strictly controlled. In the

case of the co-combustion processes, an increase of participation of sewage sludge in the fuel

mixture, may cause increasing emissions of sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides.

In the paper [14], authors analyzed the mixture of sewage sludge and sawdust, in a ratio of

80/20%. They observed, that the increase of moisture in the mixture reduces the content of

nitrogen, sulfur and chlorine in analyzed sample.

In the paper [22] authors suggested, that by mixing of dried sewage sludge with biomass can

be improved energy indicators of biomass as fuel. The study indicated the possibility of the

co-combustion a pine bark and sewage sludge, in the proportion of 20% to 40% (for biomass).

Sewage sludge is characterized by a high moisture and a high content of ash, low calorific

value and a significant content of harmful substances for environment (chlorine, sulfur,

metals) [5]. It follows that the sewage sludge combustion process is not indifferent to the

environment (emissions of CO, SO2, NOx, dust, PAHs, dioxins and furans and the existence

of heavy metals in ash). In the case of biomass, during combustion are emitted, mainly: CO,

HC, tar, PAHs, CxHy, coke particles, nitrogen oxides, heavy metals, dioxins and furans [18].

However, in the case of the coal combustion process additionally distinguished solid products

of combustion - slag and ash– Fig. 1 [12].

Fig.1. Emissions during fuels combustion [12]

Combustion of coal, biomass and sewage sludge, depend on the characteristics of the fuel, as

well as emission of different gases into the atmosphere. Note, however, that the proper

organization of conduct of fuels combustion and co-combustion ensures reducing of pollution

emission and allows you to optimize the process, and especially utilisation of waste like

sewage sludge.

In Poland, from 1 January 2016, a total ban on the storage of sewage sludge about a heat of

combustion above 6 MJ/kg d.m. will be implemented [17].

Choosing an appropriate method for sewage sludge disposal should depend on the properties

of sewage sludge. The physical, chemical, sanitary, and technological properties of sewage

sludge are important and change depending on the type and method of sewage treatment.

Because of its unusual properties, sewage sludge is different from coal and biomass. Sewage

sludge combustion is different because it includes incineration drying, devolatilization and the

combustion of volatiles and char, which contain an average of 50% mineral substances [10].

In contrast with the combustion of coal, the combustion of sewage sludge char is shorter

stage. This finding potentially results from the relatively slow thermal decomposition rate of

the waste and the small portion of coal in the sewage sludge char (approximately 10%).

Undoubtedly, this factor favours rapid char oxidation and sediments with high porosities [25].

The paper [9] presents combustion of sewage sludge, coal and biomass. It has been found,

that unlike coal and similarly to biomass, the course of combustion of sewage sludge is

determined not only by char combustion, but too by the step of devolatilization and

combustion of volatiles (Fig.2).




Fig.2. Course of change of surface and centre temperature and mass of the briquette of: a) hard coal, b) sewage

sludge, c) energetic willow (I-heating and evaporation of moisture (1), II-devolatilization and volatile

combustion (2-4), III- char combustion (5), ash (6)) during combustion and visualization of process (research

stand: combustion chamber; t=8500C)

Increasing the amount of sewage sludge in Poland and the increasingly stringent legal

regulations in the field of environmental protection causes, that the combustion of sewage

sludge and their co-combustion with other fuels are very forward-looking and they should be

further studied.

The aim of this paper is a comparative thermal analysis of various types of fuel-mixtures, with

respect to the basic fuels (biomass – energetic willow, sewage sludge and coal), in an air.

The thermal analysis of different fuels was analysed, among others, in papers


It has been found, among others, that biomass and sewage sludge demonstrate the specificity

of devolatilization. According to [23], thermal decomposition of wood already starts at the

temperature of approximately 2200C, while its particular components decompose in the

following temperatures:

hemicellulose: 220÷3200C,

cellulose: 320÷3700C,

lignin: 320÷5000C.

Qualitative difference between the thermal decomposition of hemicellulose (cellulose and

hemicellulose) and lignin was noticed - the first one undergoes "deeper" thermal

decomposition, producing more volatile products, while lignin gives more coke residues.

With regard to the TG/DTG measurements of sewage sludge, it is worth paying attention to

the paper [7]. Samples of three types of sewage sludge were heated in neutral atmosphere

with constant velocity 100C/min. The measurements made it possible to distinguish three

basic fuel degassing stages. It has been stated that initially the sludge loses its moisture, and

then there is a two-step degassing process of volatile parts, with various speed of their

separation. The first stage of heating, from ambient temperature to ca. 1100C is related to

separation of analytical moisture, included in the studied sewage sludge samples. In the range

of temperatures 130-2100C all the studied types of sludge demonstrated further sample mass

loss that can be interpreted as loss of water chemically related to fuel [1]. Some people

emphasise that drying fuels can be slightly delayed due to high heat of water vaporisation

[26]. Then, it is possible to observe sludge organic matter decomposition. In the scope of

temperatures 200-3300C the thermal decomposition of lignin and hemicellulose components

begins. In the scope of degassing temperatures 330-4000C cellulose decomposes [3]. In the

next stage the organic matter is decomposed, being the product of active sludge operation [4].

The most intensive degassing is observed in the temperature range of 210 to 4100C. In this

temperature range, cellulose undergoes decomposition, which originates from waste paper

and plant matter contained in sewage. According to [6] cellulose may constitute twenty to

thirty some per cent of sewage sludge dry mass. Therefore, it may be concluded that the main

component of the studied sludge are substances created in initial sludge. In this scope of

temperatures curves have a very similar course. The maximum peak finishes before the

sample reaches the temperature of 4000C. The next temperatures range (410-550


corresponds to volatile parts decomposition arising during active sludge operation on sewage

[3]. This stage indicates the greatest share in the sample of components arisen during active

sludge operation. It should also be emphasised that the sewage sludge contains clay minerals,

whose main component is kaolinite, whose decomposition to the so-called metakaolinite takes

place in the range of temperatures 450-7000C and involves dehydroxylation and water

separation [19]. The next stage of sludge decomposition takes place in the scope of

temperatures between 670 and 7500C, with maximum at 710

0C. This peak is certainly the

responsibility of calcium carbonate decomposition contained in the sewage sludge, added to

the sludge as part of hygienisation [1,3]. On this basis we can speak about the quantity of lime

added to sediment in different treatment plants. Samples of fuels subject to higher

temperatures demonstrated further mass loss. At this stage such significant peaks were not

observed, however, high processes temperature indicates that there is further decomposition

of mineral substances of the studied sewage sludge.

From the point of view of thermogravimetric studies, in the literature there are no research for

three-component mixtures and their comparison for basic fuels and two-component mixtures.


The basic fuels applied in research were: sewage sludge, hard coal and energetic willow.

Sewage sludge was created in wastewater treatment plant, which served large urban-industrial

agglomeration. Sewage sludge was made from a technological process in which after

compaction, activated sewage sludge with preliminary sediment goes to an anaerobic

fermentation chamber and is subjected to a stabilization process. Then, sewage sludge was

mechanically dehydrated and dried to form granules with a moisture content of less 10%.

All fuels were ground in a laboratory mill, and then they were sieved below 100 µm. Then,

mixtures given above were prepared according to the mass proportions.

The composition of the fuel mixture was so chosen so as to investigate the impact of each

component on the combustion process. The following basic fuels and their mixtures were

used in research:

sewage sludge,

energetic willow,

hard coal,

energetic willow + sewage sludge (50%/50%) - effect of the addition of sewage sludge to

energetic willow on combustion process of fuel,

hard coal + sewage sludge (50%/50%) - effect of the addition of sewage sludge to hard

coal on combustion process of fuel,

hard coal + sewage sludge + energetic willow (50%/25%/25%) - effect of the addition of

mixture of sewage sludge and energetic willow to hard coal on combustion process of


hard coal + sewage sludge + energetic willow (45%/10%/45%) - effect of the addition of

sewage sludge (10%) to mixture of hard coal and energetic willow on combustion process

of fuel,

hard coal + sewage sludge + energetic willow (37.5%/25%/37.5%) - effect of the addition

of sewage sludge (25%) to mixture of hard coal and energetic willow on combustion

process of fuel.

2.1. Characteristics of fuels used in researches

Table 4 presents the proximate and ultimate analyses of sewage sludge, hard coal and

biomass. It should be noted, that the content of volatile matter and carbon in fuels, and their

calorific value significantly affect on the combustion process.

Table 4. Proximate and ultimate analyses of basic fuels used in studies (d.m.)

Sewage sludge Energetic willow Hard coal


Moisture W % 4.94 7.42 10.08

Volatiles matter V % 51.44 69.65 28.91

Ash A % 36.44 2.23 11.07

LHV Q kJ/kg 12 574 16 828 23 488


Carbon C % 30.77 44.65 59.89

Hydrogen H % 3.92 6.12 3.62

Nitrogen N % 4.26 0.69 1.17

Oxygen O % 18.23 38.83 12.89

Total sulphur S % 1.44 0.06 1.71

2.2. Test stand and measurement methods

The research was conducted by means of STA 449 F3 Jupiter device by NETZSCH, being the

property of the Department Thermophysical Research Laboratory of the Faculty of Material

Science and Ceramics of the AGH University of Science and Technology, enabling

simultaneous thermal analysis with the use of two research techniques: Thermogravimetry

and Differential Thermal Analysis (TG-DTA), in relation to one sample (Fig. 3, Table 5).

Fig. 3. Test stand (STA 449 F3 Jupiter of NETZSCH)

Table 5. The measurement parameters

Type of the crucible / cover Al2O3 / no

Atmosphere // rate of gas flow Air // 40 ml/min.

Program of temperature 21-1400°C

The rate of heating 10°C/min.

Weight of sample before measurement: mg

Sewage sludge 50.0

photo: dr G. Grabowski

Biomass (energetic willow) 50.0

Hard coal 50.0

Energetic willow 50% + sewage sludge 50% 50.0

Hard coal 50% + sewage sludge 50% 50.3

Hard coal 50% + sewage sludge 25% + energetic willow 25% 50.1

Hard coal 45% + sewage sludge 10% + energetic willow 45% 50.0

Hard coal 37.5% + sewage sludge 25% +energetic willow 37.5% 50.2

2.3. Experimental studies results

Figures 4-11 illustrate the results of fuels thermal measurements TG/DTA performed in the

air atmosphere. In Tables 6-9 authors presented an analysis of process and the behaviour of

fuels at various stages of the process. Process start from 210C (0 s). Curves TG/DTG/DTA

have some peaks, the first - endothermic. The first peak indicates the fuel evaporation. After

the first peak it can be observed a sudden drop in fuel mass. The fuel is ignited by volatiles

matter. The final stage of the process is the char combustion. Combustion of volatiles and

char combustion are the exothermic reactions. The maximum rate of weight loss (DTG) is

connected with the peak of temperature (DTA), indicating the highest fuel reactivity. Fuels

with a high content of volatile exhibit high intensification of the devolatilization. For fuels

with a high carbon content, the dominant phase in the combustion process is a char

combustion. Sewage sludge and energetic willow have two peaks during devolatilization,

which demonstrates the specificity of process in case of these fuels.

Fig. 4. Curves TG-DTG-DTA for the sewage sludge combustion: a) with respect to the process temperature; b)

with respect to time of the process

Fig. 5. Curves TG-DTG-DTA for the energetic willow combustion: a) with respect to the process

temperature; b) with respect to time of the process

Fig. 6. Curves TG-DTG-DTA for the hard coal combustion: a) with respect to the process temperature; b) with

respect to time of the process

Fig. 7. Curves TG-DTG-DTA for the combustion of mixture: energetic willow 50% + sewage sludge 50%: a)

with respect to the process temperature; b) with respect to time of the process

Fig. 8. Curves TG-DTG-DTA for the combustion of mixture: hard coal 50% + sewage sludge 50%: a) with

respect to the process temperature; b) with respect to time of the process

Fig. 9. Curves TG-DTG-DTA for the combustion of mixture: hard coal 50% + sewage sludge 25% + energetic

willow 25%: a) with respect to the process temperature; b) with respect to time of the process

Fig. 10. Curves TG-DTG-DTA for the combustion of mixture: hard coal 45% + sewage sludge 10% + energetic

willow 45%: a) with respect to the process temperature; b) with respect to time of the process

Fig. 11. Curves TG-DTG-DTA for the combustion of mixture: hard coal 37.5% + sewage sludge 25% +

energetic willow 37.5%: a) with respect to the process temperature; b) with respect to time of the process

Table 6. Percentage change of fuels mass, analyzed at intervals of time at 20 min

Fuel Time of process, min

0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100 100-120

Sewage sludge Δm= 9.4% Δm= 29.7% Δm= 22.03% Δm= 2.12% - -

Energetic willow Δm= 7.02% Δm= 62.21% Δm= 26.5% - - -

Hard coal Δm= 2.56% Δm= 6.02% Δm= 37.28% Δm=



20.71% -

Energetic willow 50%

+ sewage sludge 50% Δm= 8.95% Δm= 45.95% Δm= 24.13% Δm= 0.01% - -

Hard coal 50%

+ sewage sludge 50% Δm= 4.97% Δm= 18.68% Δm= 29.06%


25.06% Δm= 0.04% -

Hard coal 50% + sewage sludge 25%

+ energetic willow 25% Δm= 5.46% Δm= 25.56% Δm= 31.94%


25.48% Δm= 0.01% -

Hard coal 45% + sewage sludge 10%

+ energetic willow 45% Δm= 6.2% Δm= 33.81% Δm= 33.73% Δm=21.15% - -

Hard coal 37.5% + sewage sludge

25% +energetic willow 37.5% Δm= 6.45% Δm= 35.15% Δm= 32.60%


18.25% - -

Table 7. Percentage change of fuels mass, analyzed at intervals of temperature at 2000C

Fuel Temperature of process. oC

0-200 200-400 400-600 600-800 800-1000 1000-1200

Sewage sludge Δm= 8.21% Δm= 28.17% Δm= 24.34% Δm= 2.49% - -

Energetic willow Δm= 6.44% Δm= 59.29% Δm= 29.99% Δm= 0.01% - -

Hard coal Δm= 2.71% Δm= 3.66% Δm= 35.14% Δm=

31.05% Δm= 23.72% Δm= 0.01%

Energetic willow 50%

+ sewage sludge 50%


8.06% Δm= 43.62% Δm= 27.07% Δm=0.29 % - -

Hard coal 50%

+ sewage sludge 50%


4.46% Δm= 16.81% Δm= 27.92%


27.23% Δm=1.39% -

Hard coal 50% + sewage sludge

25% + energetic willow 25%


5.11% Δm= 23.32% Δm= 30.75% Δm= 27.9% Δm= 1.37% -

Hard coal 45% + sewage sludge

10% + energetic willow 45%


5.89% Δm= 31.21% Δm= 33.05%


24.73% Δm=0.01% -

Hard coal 37.5% + sewage sludge

25% +energetic willow 37.5%


6.08% Δm= 32.80% Δm= 31.99%


21.86% - -

Table 8. Parameters values of combustion process


Mass rate of







DTG max.evap.


TDTG max.evap.





TDTG max.








Sewage sludge 0.45 75 774 0.7 112












willow 0.82 59 613 1.03 98









Hard coal 0.49 100 1018 0.32 103 2.23 562 1.15





willow 50% +

sewage sludge


0.69 60 624 1.13 104 5.95 307 1.32




Hard coal 50%

+ sewage sludge


0.49 82 844 0.48 100







1.35 499

Hard coal 50%

+ sewage sludge

25% + energetic

willow 25%

0.56 81 832 0.61 93 3.05








Hard coal 45%

+ sewage sludge

10% + energetic

willow 45%

0.61 79 810 0.78 96 4.23








Hard coal

37.5% + sewage

sludge 25%


willow 37.5%

0.61 77 795 0.81 96 4.52








Mass rate of combustion= (m fuel – m ash) / comb.

where: m fuel – initial mass of fuel [mg], m ash – mass of ash [mg],

DTGmax.evap..- maximum evaporation rate of fuel, mg/min.,

Tmax.evap.- maximum temperature of fuel evaporation, ᵒC,

DTGmax. - maximum value of DTG, mg/min.,

TDTGmax.- temperature of maximum value of DTG, ᵒC,

DTAmax- maximum value of DTA, μV/mg,

TDTAmax - temperature of maximum value of DTA, ᵒC,

comb. – time of fuel combustion, s,

Tcomb. – temperature of fuel combustion, ᵒC.

Table 9. The change of rate of fuel mass loss to maximum value

Fuel Change of the fuel mass, reading from the curves TG/DTG Steps of combustion

Sewage sludge

t1 = 194oC

τ1 = 17.25min


t2 = 282.4oC

τ2 = 26.05min


∆t = 88.4oC

∆τ = 65.98min

∆m = 10.45%


volatiles combustion

Energetic willow

t1 = 193oC

τ1 = 17.16min


t2 = 281.46oC

τ2 = 25.95min


∆t = 88.46oC

∆τ = 8.79min

∆m = 13.44%

Devolatilization, volatiles


Hard coal

t1 = 264oC

τ1 = 24.21min


t2 = 562.01oC

τ2 = 54.02min


∆t = 298.01oC

∆τ = 29.81min

∆m = 31.45%


volatiles combustion,

char combustion

Energetic willow 50%

+ sewage sludge 50%

t1 = 190oC

τ1 = 16.82min


t2 = 307.02oC

τ2 = 28.51min


∆t = 117.02oC

∆τ = 11.69min

∆m = 21.86%

Devolatilization, volatiles


Hard coal Sobieski

50% + sewage sludge


t1 = 208oC

τ1 = 18.57min


t2 = 561.57oC

τ2 = 53.98min


∆t = 353.57oC

∆τ = 35.41min

∆m = 38.36%


volatiles combustion,

char combustion

Hard coal Sobieski

50% + sewage sludge


+ energetic willow


t1 = 201oC

τ1 = 17.91min


t2 = 317.01oC

τ2 = 29.52min


∆t = 116.01oC

∆τ = 11.61min

∆m = 12.18%

Devolatilization, volatiles


Hard coal Sobieski

45% + sewage sludge


+ energetic willow


t1 = 200oC

τ1 = 17.82min


t2 = 318.05oC

τ2 = 29.61min


∆t = 118.05oC

∆τ = 11.79min

∆m = 16.88%

Devolatilization, volatiles


Hard coal Sobieski

37.5% + sewage

sludge 25% +energetic

willow 37.5%

t1 = 207oC

τ1 = 18.52min


t2 = 316.03oC

τ2 = 29.41min


∆t = 109.03oC

∆τ = 10.89min

∆m = 17.64%

Devolatilization, volatiles


t – temperature, 0C τ – time, min

Based on Fig. 4-11 and Tables 6-9 it can be concluded that:

The intense change of the mass of sewage sludge in the initial stages of the process (0-40 s,

0-4000C) based on the fuel evaporation and devolatilization.

The rapid mass loss of energetic willow in the next stage of the process (20-40 s, 200-

4000C) is due to the high content of volatile compounds in the fuel.

The intense change in the mass of coal in the range (40-60 s, 400-6000C) confirms that the

combustion of the fuel determined by char combustion.

The addition of sewage sludge to energetic willow accelerates the first stage of the process

(0-20 s, 0-2000C) in relation to the pure energetic willow, but slows down the next step

(20-40 s, 200-4000C) and leads to a slight prolongation the total time of the process.

The addition of sewage sludge to hard coal intensifies the initial stages of the process (0-40

s, 0-4000C), in relation to the pure coal and causes shortening the process time.

The addition of mixture (sewage sludge 25% + energetic willow 25%) to hard coal

intensifies the process in the initial stages (0-40 s, 0-4000C) and leads to a reduction in

combustion time, compared to coal.

The increase in the share of sewage sludge in a mixture of coal and willow, from 10% to

25%, leads to the intensification of the initial stages (0-40 s, 0-4000C) and slightly

reduction of combustion time.

In the case of sewage sludge and energetic willow can be seen more than one peak in the

DTG curve, demonstrating the specificity of devolatilization of this type of fuel.

The maximum rate of mass loss of sewage sludge, energetic willow and hard coal takes

place, respectively, at temperatures: 2820C (devolatilization and volatiles combustion);

2810C (devolatilization and volatiles combustion) and 562

0C (char combustion).

The addition of sewage sludge to energetic willow leads to an increase of the temperature,

at which occurs the maximum speed of the process, in reference to energetic willow.

The addition of sewage sludge to coal decreases the temperature, at which occurs the

maximum speed of the process, in reference to hard coal.

The addition of mixture (sewage sludge 25% + energetic willow 25%) to hard coal

decreases the temperature, at which occurs the maximum speed of the process, in reference

to hard coal.

The increase of sewage sludge in a mixture of hard coal and energetic willow: (hard coal

45% + sewage sludge 10% + energetic willow 45%) to (hard coal 37.5% + sewage sludge

25% +energetic willow 37.5%) decreases the temperature, at which occurs the maximum

speed of the process.

The increase of carbon in the basic fuel causes an increase of temperature, at which the

DTA reaches a maximum value.

The addition of sewage sludge to a mixture of energetic willow and hard coal (hard coal

50% + sewage sludge 25% + energetic willow 25%) decreases the temperature, at which

the DTA reaches a maximum value, in reference to hard coal.

The increase of sewage sludge in a mixture of hard coal and energetic willow: (hard coal

45% + sewage sludge 10% + energetic willow 45%) to (hard coal 37,5% + sewage sludge

25% +energetic willow 37,5%) decreases the temperature, at which the DTA reaches a

maximum value.

The change of rate of fuel mass loss to the maximum value, in case of hard coal, takes

place during the char combustion.

The addition of sewage sludge and energetic willow to hard coal causes that, the change of

rate of fuel mass loss to maximum value takes place during devolatilization and volatiles



The Polish energy sector relies on hard coal. However, other biomass or waste fuel solutions

are needed, including sewage sludge.

The experimental studies performed for this study resulted in the following conclusions.

1. A high volatile content in the fuel intensifies combustion process.

2. The addition of the sewage sludge to energetic willow accelerates the first stage of the

process in relation to the energetic willow, but slows down the next step and leads to a slight

prolongation the total time of the process.

3. The addition of the sewage sludge to hard coal intensifies the initial stages of the process,

in relation to the coal, and causes shortening the process time.

4. The maximum rate of mass loss of sewage sludge and energetic willow takes place during

devolatilization and volatiles combustion and the maximum rate of weight loss of hard coal

takes place during char combustion.

5. The increase of sewage sludge in a mixture of hard coal and energetic willow, from 10% to

20%, decreases the temperature, at which occurs the maximum speed of the process, and at

which the DTA reaches a maximum value.


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Słowa kluczowe: osady ściekowe, biomasa, węgiel kamienny, współspalanie, analiza TG-DTA paliw

Streszczenie. W pracy zaprezentowano porównawczą analizę termiczną TG-DTG-DTA osadów ściekowych

oraz węgla i biomasy, a także ich mieszanin w różnych proporcjach, przeprowadzoną w atmosferze powietrza.

Ze względu na problem wykorzystania i zastosowania osadów ściekowych, związany chociażby z

zaostrzającymi się przepisami prawnymi dotyczącymi składowania tych odpadów o cieple spalania powyżej 6

MJ/kg s.m., od 1 stycznia 2016r., niezwykle istotna staje się ich termiczna utylizacja (spalanie i współspalanie z

innymi paliwami: węglem czy biomasą). Odpowiednio zaplanowany przebieg spalania paliwa, uwzględniający

jego właściwości, gwarantuje uzyskanie wysokiej sprawności procesu. Współspalanie osadów ściekowych z

węglem prowadzi do wzrostu kaloryczności paliwa (w odniesieniu do samych odpadów), a ich współspalanie z

biomasą powoduje redukcję emisji CO2.

Kijo-Kleczkowska Agnieszka, dr hab. inż., prof. nadzw., Politechnika Częstochowska,

Wydział Inżynierii Mechanicznej i Informatyki, Instytut Maszyn Cieplnych, e-mail:

[email protected]; członek Sekcji Spalania Komitetu Termodynamiki i Spalania PAN;

działalność naukowa: badania mechanizmu i kinetyki procesu spalania oraz współspalania:

paliw węglowych, biomasy, mułów węglowych oraz osadów ściekowych, w strumieniu

powietrza oraz w warstwie fluidalnej; termodynamika; wymiana ciepła; ochrona środowiska.

Szumera Magdalena, dr inż., adiunkt, Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. St. Staszica,

Wydział Inżynierii Materiałowej i Ceramiki, Katedra Ceramiki i Materiałów Ogniotrwałych,

e-mail: [email protected], działalność naukowa: chemia ciała stałego, badania nad

materiałami dla ochrony i kształtowania środowiska w aspekcie otrzymywania, poznania ich

struktury oraz właściwości.

Środa Katarzyna, mgr. inż., doktorant, Politechnika Częstochowska, Wydział Inżynierii

Mechanicznej i Informatyki, Instytut Maszyn Cieplnych, e-mail:

[email protected], działalność naukowa: badanie właściwości i spalania

osadów ściekowych, współspalanie osadów ściekowych z paliwami węglowymi i biomasą,

ochrona środowiska, energetyka.