CIRCUS BILLPOSTERS Volume XVI. No. 9 CINCINNATI. FEBRUARY 27.1904 Price. 10 Cerxts. Per Yeer. S4.00

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Volume XVI. No. 9 CINCINNATI. FEBRUARY 27.1904 Price. 10 Cerxts. Per Yeer. S4.00



On the Reports of Managers Who Always Play

to Packed Houses. By Harry Ward.

\Vi- plajiMl oiii- night at Oran. Mo., and the 1 oiisn uaa |>a<'k<-<l with haj uiii-n the ailvame agent arrived, (inr new tan i>v<-rc<>ata eaine In lliat iiii>rnlng. 'llie.v i<>st .'S.'.tHi eaeh. and we had to use tnetii for eiinif<ii|.i on the l«-ds that night, .IS the waiters hail to iiw tiie shtsds lor taldeeloths on our pahKe ear wliieh eosl ^oo.- iHNi. The house was sold when we arrived in town. The sheriff had s<dil It to a livery stable man for $i>ii. so we pushed two buggies ilown liy the stage on eaeh side aud mdd seats in liietu for lioxes. There was ;fti7.s!i.">.20 in the house that night. The bunker who ubs.onded the next inorniug was tliere and hud all the liank possessisl In his jss kets. itill Jones, the town eiiss, laughed In the wrong place, and John ^ely.ini, the village constable, threw him out. He says he •'don't allaw no denied ap- idaiidiiT in thet theatre." (Inr agent came back to the show last week for a visit. He hud his trousers on wrong side to. and an Klk |dn on the wrong side of his overcoat. His Slirlner's idn was in the middle of ills sweatc, and he stated that we would undoulitedly have a stuffed lioiise at .''ikestoii. as the Wtiodinen of tile Wot id would inia-t us at the train on ar¬ rival. I Inr agent is a regular cuss on Imlges.


The reipilreinents proinulgated for the Chi¬ cago theatres are;

Itaseinent i'nder Stage— 1. One stund|iiiie on each side of the stage,

witli reel of hose mnnei-ted theri-to. 2. .\t least two isMtalde tire extingnishi'rs or

hand pumps. Stage riisir - 1. Koiir tire department axes. 2. Two twenty-tive t<»it idke |sdes. two fif¬

teen fiH.t pike poles, and two ten foot pike |.ides.

Tour casks full of water, with two buckets to each cask, painted red and la-aring the words "i se for fire only."

4. One standpipe op eacli side of the stage, with hose eonnei'ted thereto.

."i. push bnttoti. or an electric device of some kind, at tiie llremeii's station, being that opiMisite tiie sw itehlKiard, for the |iuriaise «f giving an alarm of tire at a point near the liox .dtiie; and in addition tliereto a regular fire alarm Isix connected with the city fire alarm lelegrapli. to be hs-ated somewhere in front of llie lliiatri'.

d. .tpplianees for operating the ventilators alsive the stage, with one switch at the elec- trieian's station and anotiier at tile firemen's station on the opisisite side.

first Fly Oallery— 1. Four fire department axes (two on each

side). 2. Six pike poles of the sizes alsive given

I three on either side). .'!. 'IVo iKirtable hand piim|is or fire extin¬

guishers (one on either side). 4. 'Two standidis's with iiose iMiinected there

to (one on either sldei. Sis-ond Fly Gallery- - 1. Same provisions as for first Ily gallery. Kigging Isift— 1. Two hand pumps or lairtable fire extin¬

guishers. 2. «)ne staiididiie on either side with hose con-

neeted. This stand|dpe shall lie connected with ^ tank uiMiii the roof, and in turn with a power pump. .\11 Isirder lights shall he hung with w Ire rope.


.loiin R. i^i his'ffel will manage Nance O'Neill for a term of .vears.

Edmond Rostand's new drama has for its heroine Jeanne d'Arc.

The I’unkin Husker wiF be put out next sea¬ son under another title.

IVmthitt and Jones' A Ihirniwed Wife Com¬ pany reiHM-t S. U. <). the third night out.

it is reiairtisl that the Gertrude Roberts Com¬ pany has itsirganlzed under a new name,

.Sir Charles Wyndham ami Mary Moore will make a tour of the Cnited States next season.

(jnincy Adams Stiwyer will begin a World's Fair engagement at Crawford's Theatre .May 8.

The King-i’erkins Company is booked for twfnty-five weeks of one-night stands in Iowa.

I’arsifal without the music is said to lie In is>ntem|ilatlon for next sea.son bv Richard Mans- tield.

Rola-rt j:. Hell died at ().ik<“S' Home. Denver. Col,, of I'ons’imption Feb. 14. at the age of 37 years.

It is said that (Tiester I>e Vonde will have six new scenic prisiuctlons on the road next sea-on,

'Tile play. In a Woman's I’ower. hap bi-en sold by E. .1. Cai’iienttr to the Kempton Comedy 1 'oinpan.i.

’Th<' Ruling I’ower. by F.lw.vn Ramm. will soon lie iirisliiceil in the (Tarrlck Tlieatre, New York city.

Daniel .Sutly's com|>a4i.v was smiwlsiund at Emerson. .Man., Canada, and reached Winnipeg one day late.

Tin- Geisha's is-rformance at St. I’etersburg was alirttptly closed leb. 12 on account of hos¬ tile manifestations.

W. C. Rusco, of Rusco iSc Holland, has left the For Her .Mother's Sake Compan.v to Join his mltistrel show.

contract has bis>n signed by the terms of which .Mr. Samuel Rlair will star the RusbcH Brothers for five years.

Amelia Bingham was late in arriving at Fal¬ con, N. y., Feb. 17. and it was nine o'clm-k lie- fore the curtain was rung up.

Mr. J. A. Fcltz. formerly of .Mack A Armour’s Comedians, is now ^ivance agent for D. B. Levis’ T’ncle Josh Spruceby.

William B. Gross, of the Sag Harbor Com- pan.v. Ig said to bear a remarkable personal re¬ semblance to King Bldward of England.

John it. Palmer, the New York manager, is in Louisville, Ky., getting together a dramatic lompany to take out on the road shortly.

Mrs. Le Moyne will appear again this 8<-ason In New York in PIppa Passes, Browning’s psy- cliological play, which has never had a produc¬ tion.

.Millie James was married in New York City Wt the Hotel Savoy to Edgar Stacbelberg on

Feb. l.*i. It wilt iirobably end her short stage cal eer.

Nellie Follis. late of The Rillioiiaire Company, has joined the coiuiiuiiy |irescnting .Mutiier Goose at the -New .tiiisterdani Theatre in New lork City.

Ito.x 1 eltiis closed with Whitaker A Nas..'s Not Guilty Cotiiiiany at Detroit and has Jidncd thiir .»o. 1 .Vt I ripple Creek (.oiniiaiiy as busi- iics.s nuxnager.

W. A. Flack has ni-eiitly jiut the Zig Zag .\llcy Ciiuiiiuny out of .New lurk, starring the Damni Rrotiicis in the part loiiucrly jila.M-d liy /.i4> and Zarrow.

W. it. Patton wil- star next season in The laist Ros*' of .Summer. .Mr. I’alton is tne author of this jiiece, also of 'The .Minister's Sou and The l.ittle Homestead.

.Vsa l.ee Willard, who recently toured the West as John Storm iu George 1.. Raker s pro¬ duction of 'The Christian, is now in -New lork with a new proiluction.

.Mine. .Meta iliing .oerzbach will ajiiicar with an English speaking coiupan.i under a .xew lork niutiager at St. laiiiis, and other .luierican citi.'s during the coming spring.

Charles E. lilauey has wrlt.en a new play which wlli shortly be produced and tour the Stair A llavlin Circuit, it is cuHihI She is .ilore to lb* I’itled 'Than Censured.

Ylola .lileu had to undergo a serious oiiera tioii at the Eye and Ear Hospital at .New York, leb. 111. Its delay would liave proven fatal to her. Slie Is now i-onviib'scing.

The State (Iowa) I’liinibei's’ Coiivenliou at¬ tended the performaiiee of liver Niagara Falls at Dubuipie, Feb. HI. in a bisly. a isirtion of tne liaripiette ladiig reservi-d for them.

Edwin Varrey, the veteran Shakes|H“nreau actiH'. has bis-n engaged for tne supiHirting coiii- liaiiy of E. H. Sitiiern and Julia .Marlowe when they u|i|H'ar as joint stars next season.

'The Colwell-Chiciiuet Comisiliy of nine peopl,- has been organized at Ft. liodge. Iowa, to play Western dates. Ed Hoiiper, formerly with i’aine's C. T. C. Co., Is the business uiaiiager.

Solliday, of Kiaix. Ind., is sending sam|i.es of Very neat letterheads which are tne right kiiil mid the rignt prlci*s. He makes a spcci..ity of tliis class of iiriiitiiig. and is |ire|iared to fill orders at once.

Synney Roseiifeld sis-ured the Rijou Theatre, .Manhattiifi, for tiie Century Comiiany, until June. 'I’lie first jierforniance was given Feb. 2ii, when a "isietli- allegory" and .Miicu .Vdo .VImhiI .Mitiiiiig was jiresented.

Julia Marlowe will begin her tour in When Kiilghtinaid Was in Flower Feb. 2ll, and after a week ill each of the larger cities she will go to New lork in Ingoiiiar. .V strong compiiny is iieiiig organized to siiiUHirt her.

Contracts have been signed by Harrison Grey Fiske and C. .11. S. lli la-ilan C’Hugh Morion "i. by the terms of wliich Mr. Fiske secures the .linericiin rights to and will in due time pro¬ duce a new and reiiiarkahle drama by .Mr. .'Ic- ladlan.

Frederick Hartley, a mentlMT of 'The Ninety and .Nine Comiiany. was recently taken id with pneumonia at Troy, N. 1., and he was place^ in the hospital in tliiit city. The phy¬ sicians in charge consider his condition very si-rlous.

Swts't Kitty Bella it's is reimrted to be crowd¬ ing the Relasco Theatre in .New York City at each performance. 'I'he advance sale is said ’o Ik* increasing to such an extent that it may i>e neccessary to ciMitiniie the attraction through the summer.

Florence Roberts underwent a serions fuinting spell at .Missoula, Mont., Feb. 12, after the first act. .Manager Curtis disufissed the audi¬ ence, and U|K>n a dia-tor's examination it was found that she had heart trouble. Her date at Helena, 13, was canceled.

Miss .Minnie Vlctorson, who has made a hit In ITider Southern Skies for several seasons’ past, ig to make her debut as a star next season in a iday especially written for her by a well- known authoress. She will go out under a well- known and established management.

The first production on the Pacific Coast of .Mistress Nell, the romantic costume play In which Henrietta Crosman starred so success¬ fully ill the East, is to be given by the Raker 'Theatre Company. .ounager George L. Raker is preparing to give the play a magniiiceiit staging.

The Walker Whiteside Company has lieen strengthened by the joining of Robert .MeWade, Lewis Nelson Hall and Richard Raring. .Mr. MeWade, who made a great success in Rip Van Winkle, 1.S to play I’olonius in .Mr. Whiteside's produciion of llamlet, which he is alternating with We Are King.

The Over Niagara Falls Compan.v that has been playing Iowa closed at Dubuipie and the members of the company left for the East. The usual two-weeks' notice was given and sal¬ aries were paid. The management found the business did not warrant continuing tbe (Xira- pany on the road longer, hence this step.

Salem, Albany and Eugene were visited by the Raker Theatre Company during the occupa¬ tion of George L. Raker’s liouse at I’urtland. Ore., by the Pollard I.llliputlan Opera Com¬ pany, and at each of tlie cities pla.ved the re¬ ception given the favorite theatrical organlzi- tion of the Pacific (.'oast was most enthusiastic.

Joseidi Arthur, the playwright, is ai'rlously ill with pneumonia. .Mr. AVtliiir’s condition has liei'n critical. He was stricken with wliat was first thought to be an attack of grip almut fif¬ teen days ago. At his home it was said that the physicians were sanguine of .Mr. Artliur's ultimate reisivery unless unexpected complica¬ tions develoisd.

Wilton laickaye. It is hinted, will be seen In a great production of Othello after The I'lt has run two seasons, though negotiations are iw>w pending between .Mr. P.rady and Doiibleday I’age and ComiMiny for the dramatization of The Octopus, in which event the first novel of the Norris "'Triology" will be put upon the stage In dramatic form.

In seven weeks more the Baker Theatre Com¬ pany, of Portland, Ore., will tie taken on its annual tour by .Manager George L. Raker. The first stand will be Seattle, after which a jump of many hundred miles will lie made for Ixis .Ingeles. where the organization ia liooked for the Burbank Theatre. At tbe end of the Los Angeles engagement, the Baker Theatre Com¬ pan.v will move to San Francisco.

The benefit for tbe Actors’ Fund will take place at tbe New York Theatre, Maobattan,

March 1. iliider the allspices of the Twelfth Night I'liib. when Tb*' Hollidays, written espe- cia ly for the club by (Jrant Stewart, will be presented. .Itnong tliow* who will take part in the performance are: Miss Elizabeth Tyree. Mis-s .May Robson. Miss Dorothy Donnelly. .Miss Isiiiise Galloway, .Miss Itui Hammer. Miss laiulse dosser and .Miss .Mice Flschw. each of whom will represent an American holiday.

While Oregon la noted for Its rain the pre¬ cipitation never prevents natives from attend¬ ing the linker Theatre at Portland, and filling that house to capacity at every )>erformance. Jerry Simpson, the former sockless statesuiau from Kansas, while seeking shelter from a flood of rain a few weeks ago. entered the Raker 'Theatre at the conclusion of the first act of .It the White Horse Tavern. As he saw the play¬ ers on the stage sitting under umbrellas with water pouring down tiiion them, he exclaimed: "Great .Ncott. eWs it rain in this conntr.v so bad that actors have to work in mackintosh and rubber Issits'*”

.Mrs. .liinie Yeamaus has brought suit against I.iebler A Company, the managers of New Y’ork, to recover til,2()0 due her on a contract with that firm to apiiear in Edward Karrlgan's sup- imrt. Mrs. Yeamans claims she was engaged for 20 weeks to play in the piece I'nder Cover at a salary of Sl.'it) a week. The piece only

♦ ’t’ ♦ ♦ 'I- ♦ ♦ ‘I* ♦ THE OPEN-AIR AMUSEMENT ♦

^ SPECIAL EDITION OF "THE BILL¬ BOARD," wbcih will be edited

i in the interest of out-door amuse- T mentt of every character, Circus. ” Fair, Street Fair. Parks, etc., will

be issued March IS. dated March 19. It will be of exceptional advertising value to Street Fair people in all branches; Circus proprietors, agents, and bosses; Fair secretaries and Fair managers; Park managers; vaudeville performers who play resorts, etc. THERE 'WILL BE NO INCREASE IN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE OR IN AD¬ VERTISING RATES.

liisti'd twelve weeks, when I.iebler A Compiiny I'liiM'd It. .Mrs. Yeamans maintaiiis that there was no two weeks' clause in her i-ontract and that she will hold the firm for eight weeks’ sal.r.y. eoverli.g the time canceled oy them, .'laiiager Tyler, for I.iebler A Company, says that t.:e contract contained a two weeks' clause and that the matter will be easily adjusted.

That stork i-ompanles bring out stars is u weil kno vn fact. An evidence of this was given when the Raker 'Theatre I'ouipany was playing .1 Felehrated t'ase in I'ortiaiid, Ore., recently. John .MaGiiire. the veteran theatrical manager, known from one end of the ciKiiitry to the otUi'r, was witne-slng a performance of the play with .Manager George I.. Raker. .Is George .Alison, Williani Bernard. William Dills. Frederick Es- nirltoii, Charles E. Inslee, Howard Russell, Ben¬ nett Southard, .Mliia Croliiis Gleason, Esther Eyoii. Oza Waldrop, and other niemliers of the Raker Theatre Company appeared in the various roles. .Mr. .MaGuire became reminiscent. "1 played .V Celebrated Case with my stuck com¬ pany at the old New .Market 'Theatre, iu I'ort- laiid. years ago." said MaGuire. "In the com- |iaiiy were James O’Neill, of Monte Christo fame: I.ewls .Morrison, of Faust; James A. Hearne. whom every one knows: Forbes Robeit- soii. now starring In Kipling's I-ight That Failed: F. F. .Maekay, now dead; .Arthur For¬ rest. Harry Brown and W. H. Fitzgerald, form¬ erly of the Bostonians; the celebrated Mrs. Farrou. Belle Douglass. Nina Verlan. Ro«“ Wood. .Mollle Ravelle. Louise Silvester and .Maude .Adams. .Since that far off time every uiemlier of tbe iximpany who lived either be¬ came a star or else very near It. If I could get that comiiany together now 1 could charge W.’i a ticket on Broadway."


A new theatre is being talked of at Green¬ ville, Ind.

'Tulsa, ind. Ter., will have a new opera house in the early spring.

New llieria. I.a., will probably have a new playhouse for next season.

The Raker Grand, at Natchez. Miss., will nin all summer and is now booking.

The .Aladisoti Sipiare Tlieatre, New Y'ork City, may remain permanently closed.

The Central Opera House at .Martlnsburg, W. Va., has Iwen supplied with a fire escape.

'The .McDonald Theatre of Montgomery. Ala., has passed Into the control of Jake Wells.

“Crowded to the limit of the law" now suc- cecils the old reiiort. "Crowded to the doors.”

Will S. Raker assumes the management of the Green Front Theatre. Denver, Col., Feb. 'J!i.

Vast improvements are being made on the Sweeney A Coombs Opera House at Honstoii, Tex,

.A summer stock compan.v will open in Keith's Rijou Tlieatre, IMiiladelphia, I’a., in a few weeks.

T. H. Gardner and M. L. Eppeteln are uow each half owners in Denison (Tex.) Opera House.

Tbe front and side walls of the ruijis of the Audulsin 'Tlieatre, New Orleans, are to be de¬ molished.

'The aiitlioritli's have instructed the Toronto theatres— I’rincess, .Majestic and Star—to make alterations.

.Marshall Grover will sp<*nd several thousand dollars in Improvements on the opera house at Greensbiirg. Ind.

It is predicted that F'ort Scott, Kan., will have a new ground floor playhouse within the next twelve months.

.Mr. George I. Adams, of the (Yystal Tlieatre. at Denver, ('ol., will ojM'n another houae at Clieyenne. Wyo., shortly.

John W. Terrell has dispos<*d of his interests In the Terrell Grand Theatre at R.luffton, Ind., to John Schott for fl0,(X)0.

On account of the gallerli*s of the Chicago tlieatrea Is-iiig elos(*d the prices hav« been raised in other parts of the houses.

The death of .Mra. .Mary J. Kassoti, of Glovers- vllle, N. A'., neccsHltates the cUising of the Kasson OiK'ra House indefinitely.

Tlie management of the Walnut Street Thea¬ tre. Cincinnati, has dei'lded to give Tuesday matinees for the balance of the neasoti.

«)n account of the excellont Idislness at the Empire Theatre. I>ondon, Englajid, the new ballet has been postponed until a. later date.

Harry Burk, doorkeeper at Mewauley's Thea¬ tre, Uiuisville, Ky., has his luin.ds full getting ready to open his new house at Ilawaon Springs,

A ll.'i.OiNi vaudeville IsMiae Is to tie built by Sid Graiinian, of the (Traiiraan Circuit sod Som lavrerich. of the Novelty C.lrrult, at San Jose. Gal.

The receipts for Feb. 8 and 1» of the .Academy of .Music, at Baltimore, .Md., wi*re given to the fire sufferers. 'Tliat Man aud 1 was tbe attrac¬ tion.

.Martin Reck, of the Orpbeum Circuit, has ulsiut coiicluilcd the renewed negotiatkiiis for the lease of the Grand Opera House in New Orleans.

•Mr. C. W. Maxwell has become manager .if the Grand Oiiera House at Steub«*nville, Ohio, succeeding .Mr. I.ipps. .Mr. .Maxwell ia from Tipton, ind.

.Manager G. D. Neal, manager of Neal's Opera House at Uantoul, III., lias o|M>ned a skating rink in liis Iwinse, and also one at Clark's Ojiera House at I’axtOD.

Tbe re{sirt that the Star Theatre, of St. Raul. .Minn., will tie moved to itobert street, between Seventh and Eighth, has tM*en confirmed by tbe luaiiagement of that house.

Mr. Edwin S. .MaoFadden. tr*>a8urer of tbe •Ampbiou Theatre, Rruoklyu, N'. was married receutiy to .\Ilsa Mary A. Joyce, a member of tbe Four Cohaus Compamy.

Otis laiurelle and Kalacratia have opened a new hotitio ou tbe tVystal Circuit in Clieyennr. W.vo. For bookings write F. A. Bradstreet, Crystal Tlieatre, l>enver. Col.

•Architect Fretl G. Sbaw is at work on plans for a new theatre at Augusta, Gs. He stated that -Mr. Jake Wells ia not behind the enter¬ prise. hut Bbiladelpliia parties.

The •Miiji'stlc ia the us me selei'teii for the new theatre to be built in Butler, Ba. Geo. N. Burckhaller ia the head of the enterprise. I'orter A Galsford are the arebitecta.

According to a re|Kirt of tbe commissioners apiKiinted liy tbe mayor of Philadelphia, Pa., ail fire scenes are to Ik* eliminated from all future attractions playing tbe theatres of that city.

.Manager A. B. Beall, of the Sioux Cllv (Iowa) Grand, negotiated for a new lea.se of that theatre, but failed to secure one. He an- iHiunees be will build a new theatre for Soo City.

'The Star Theatre of Plilladelphia. Pa., which r(*centl,v went into a btirlesiiue house, has been lt*ased by .M. W. Taylor, of Camden, N. J.. wlio will reopen tbe bouse f<ir melodrmatie plays.

Tlie Verbeck Construction Company, of Dll City, Pa., has <x>mpleted all arrangements for tlie erection of the new ground fioor tlieatre at Tiffln. Ohio. Work will eominenee In a few wet'ks.

M. C. Donald baa been made stage manager of Sb(*a's Empire Theatre. Clevelniid. Ohio, lie Is a Springfield, Mass., Ihi.t, and is said to un¬ derstand bis hnstness and a liright ixKiservattve fellow.

.V three-lni'li standpipe and Are extinguishers liave been plaeeii iu Neal's Opera House at Rantonl. Ill., and five firemen will be stalioneil iu different parts of the house during a lier- fornianee.

■Manager Joim Cort, of the Grand. Seattle. Wasli., is out of town, visiting the theatres at Walla Walla and other Eastern Washington and Eastern Oregon cities, and reports the stsiw business good.

.Mr. Gns Bernaird. who was formerly business manager of Payton's Fulton Street TYiestre. Brooklyn. N. A'., is now business manager for Mr. Frank A. Keeney, who has leas»*d this lionse fiw a term of years.

The management of the Alhambra Theatre. Ixmdon. England, recently gave an exhibition of tbe tininflamniable material used in tbe cos¬ tumes and iMiraphernalia of tbe grand lia|lel. •All the Y'ear 'Round.

The management of Keith’s Theatre at Bos¬ ton are distribnting costly programs which are greatly prized as sonvenlra by the many pat¬ rons. They contain no advertlaements except for the Keith attractions.

Harry K. Rickee, assistant manager of tbe MetTO|K>Iltan D|>era House, at St. Paul, Minn., underwent an operation last week. He la pro¬ gressing very nicely and his many friends hope to see him at bis desk soon.

The Montauk Thestre, at Btxoklyn, N. Y’.. was donated for a performance of Candida, by Arnold Daly and Company, for the benefit of the Brookl.vn Free Kindergarten Soi’lety on Tuesday afternoon. Feb. 16.

Ma'iager Douglas Cox of the Alhsmbra Thea¬ tre, Ixmdon. England, died Feb. 2. Mr. Cox was very iiopnlar among theatrical people of his city. Death was due to a fractured skull, which wag caused by falllug from a bus on Jan. 1.

The Fulton Opera House at Lancaster, Pa., will be offered at public sale in that city March 8. The heirs could not agree regarding the remodeling of the place and (leelded to sell In order to elos<* the estate of Blaslus Yeeker. It is tlie only theatre in the city.

It is rumored that the mapiagement of tbe Cniiiue 'lYieatre, at Wluiilpeg, Man., has pur¬ chased a theatre at Duluth. .Minn., and are also taking over one at Grand Forks. This will make a nice little oirenit. They are also In¬ tending to build at Winnipeg this spring.

M. K. Klee, who made a lot of money out of the Two Merry Tramps attraction several sea¬ sons ago, baa been managing bit bouse at Hunt¬ ington, W. Va., with great success. Mr. Rice announees the early publicBtion of the “National Opera House Keporter,” a paper for "managers only.”

A. J. Wayne has held the manag(»rlal reins of the New Central Tlieatre at Hurley, Wls., for three years and has increased the patronage of tbe honse to a wonderful extent. With the aid of Miss l/cons Doane, Mr. Wayne ppoilnced a one-act play Jan. 23, entitled An American Ixird.

The ease against Theo. L. Hays, manager, and Thomas .McCormick, assistant manager of the Grand Opera House, St. Paul, Minn., for overerowdlng theatre by s<‘Ring standing room during a jK’rformance of Foxy Grandpa, was (xintlnned for thirty days. It It doubtful If anything further will be done in the matter.

Tlie Olympia Opera House. Sesttle, Wash., has been leased by W. S. Reaney and S. R. lUaney, of Tacoma. Tlie theatre has been con- duetetl by A. H. Clirlstopher, with varying sui'- eess, for the last two years, when Christopher foreclosed a mortgage and took the pro(K*rty from the former owner and bnllder, John Mil¬ ler Murphy.

The plans and specifications of the Andltoelnm at AabcTllle. N. (5.. have been accepted by the directors and the execntlvs committee Instmct- ed to advertise for bids on the new bou'*e. which will take the place of tbe Anditorluiii burned last fall. Tbe new building will stand eza<;tly where the other wae burned. It will bo completed by Sept. 16, next.

Ada Behan’i brilliant aucceaa In New York


imu an MtunUblDMit p«at reooTar.T to tboae *tM wrrt pre<UotlDC tbat the actrvas would draw onl; her former loyal Daly clientele. Aa u matter of fact, the entragefflent of herself aud Otia Skinner was one of the few auccessea <if the season In the metrupolla. The Joint atara hare alao been highly aueceaaful In the S4>uth.

During the performance at the Urand Upera llou.«e. St. Paul. .Minn., Peb. 17. a defective calcium light liegan to splutter, and the audi¬ ence lie<'ame panlc-atrlcken. Some 2UO or more, including many women, made a ruao for the exits, but the theatre einplo.vea aud the local tlrem'en. who had been summomsi. succeeded in calming the frightened (>eople and all emerged from the theatre in safety.

.k.nong the plays lm>ked for the tlrand 0|>ci'a llouae at Clnclnuatl arc: Mr. John Drew. fJrace Van Studdlford. .Vniia Held. Frltil S<dielT In Italartte. Miss .Marie Tempeat. Frank Daniels. Miss Annie Russell In Tlie Younger Mrs. Dar¬ ling. The Karl of Pawtucket, Rlancbe Bates, Richard Mansfield. Francis Wilson, The Prince of Pllsen. Tlin>e I-Ittle Maids. Ibuters Brothers In London, rhe<'kers. and Mias Kthel Barrv- m<»re.

Charles Frohman is thinking of using a new exit lighting scheme In all his theatres. It embrsces a contrivance of Iron over each exit drtir In the theatre, bearing l e words ‘'Kxlt No. 8.” or whlchevt-T It hapjiens to be. This Is Illuminated Interiorly by electricity so thsi It can be seen from every part of the main auditorium. In the center of the Inmwork's base Is a bull’s-eye lantern supplied with non- exploslvc oil. At all times this sheda a bright light on the exit door below. Tims In a panic (be audience would have no difficulty In fludliig a way out of the theatre.

Mr. B. F. Keith has purchased the .\Ivln Theatre, at Pittsburg. P^.. from Nixon A Zim¬ merman. His investment In the theatre and real estate Is said to total upwards of |l,00o.- UM>. The Alvin Theatre was formerly owned by (Tibs. L. Davis, better kiKiwn as ".Alvin Jos- li'n." Mr. Keith takes possession In -April and will remoilel the house to corresjiond w-lrh his other theatres and turn same Into m vaudeville theatre. Mr. Keith’s original plan waa to n<e his .Mh .Avenue purchase for his vaudeville theatre, as announced In last week’s Issue of "The BilllKmrd.’’ but he may hold It a.s an in¬ vestment.

The Teck Tlieatre, of Buffalo. N. Y., which has recently been remodeled, redecorated aud refitted and made Into one of the finest the¬ atres In the state. Is, on Feb. to be<-ome the high class theatre of that city. Mr. J. It. Stlrlltig. manager of both the Star and the Tts-k. announces that the Star will liecome _a |K>i>ular priced bouse, playing to 2.’>, So ami TS cent seats. 'ITie ebauge would have been made ls*fore, but Mr. Stirling says the bookings of the two bouses prolilblted tlie change. I'nder the new luatidgcment the Star will open with The ITinny Mr. Iksiley, and Miss Fay Davis, n AVbltew ashing Julia, will o|>en the Teck, to lie followed by .Miss Virginia llaruetl.

Tue forbidding the mie of a ap<d light in Sir Henry Irving's production of The Bells was the occasion of a curtain spe«*ch on Feb. 14 In (."hlcago. Ill. He said. "1 trust that you will not misunderstaiid me If 1 refer to the recent fearful, lamentalde disaster wTihh wcurred here—a disaster which was the result of panic. Panl(^s arc' always terrible, and the disasters they ppiduce are always terrible. That which occurred casts no reflection on your city or on theatres of your city, for It could have occurred In any other cit.v In the world, and in a cathedral. In a I'hurch. or in a railway atathm. Just aa easily as in a theatre. But It has prmiuced .t panh-— a panic among your officials. .And I would like it to l>e thoroughly understoiMl by you that sometimes much Injustice may l>e done by Jacks in office. .And I would earnestly lieg of you to "xert all your Influence to allay the feeling of ]ianlc which at present exists among the otfi <ials of your great city.”

Tffie theatrical managers of New- York have formed a iwrmanent organlsatloii for the dis- cuivskHi and settlement of questions that arise in their dealings wltli each other and for cvhi- • erted action in matters affecting the business Heinrich OoorM, of the Metropolitan Opera Ibaise, was elected president; Frank McKee treagurer. and H. B. Harria secretary. The '-ommlttee on organization Includes Marc Klaw. • •scar Hammersteln. Joaeph Brooks. E. F. Al¬ las-. of Keith’s; (Tiarles Buiiniam and .S. .8. .Shub»-ri. line of those present said that the meeting b>rmed an organization to meet crises like tliat followtnit the Iroqnois Theatre fire In fhlcagiv. when the mayor told certain local managers to "fix up or close up.” The the. atrlcal men want to be In a position, it was said, to oppose the city’s arbitrarily dosing tlie houses the safety of which had been cer¬ tified to by the city’a own officers when the Ih-ense was granted, and to try to get some standard of construction of theatres adopteil by the city wlilch will afford them security from changes of admlnlstragloo.


Patti was taken ill with a cold In -Atlauta. Ca.. Feb. 10.

The French Opera Company has starltsi on its .Northern totir.

The t’tainly Chairman rrached Its loOth |>er- formance Feb. 16.

The .Atlanta concert of Adelina Patti pleas.-d the Atlantians mightily.

Frank Danlela flgurea that The Office Boy will last him nearl.v three aeaaona.

Mme. Patti’s engagement at Richmond. Va.. was cancelled owing to a alight IndlspiailfIon.

It coat Patti’s managers something like $7.-i0 for her non-appearanee In Spokane and Butte.

The McCoy Sistera have closed with the .Anna Held Company and Joined The Medal and the Maid Company.

Mrs. Jennie Houghton Edmunds was the solo¬ ist for the midwinter carnival In Walla Walla. Wash.. Feb. l!i to 21.

Madame (lence will take the prinelpal part In the new ballet to be given at the Empire Tlieatre, Ismdon. England.

Ethel Johnson rejoined "Tlie Tend»*rf<a>t Cotu- Ijsny at Erie, Pa., taking her old part of Patsy. She has regalne<l her health.

Bi-sldes the $4<10,ist0 that Mnie. Patti will have when she retires from America will be a slneere determination to n*tnrn.

Walter Daraimseh haa not accepted the Invl • »il<iii to take Vletor MerN'rt’s place In the Pltlahurg Orchestra as condnetor,

•V. H. Knoll’.s Orehewtra at the Majestic Ilo- !, • *?*** Springs. Ark., Is making a aiiccess Air. Knoll la a very clever comet player.

• 'tiarles FrotiDiun will next aeaaon establish a musical organlxatlon at the Herald Squan* rlieslre. It will, of isinrai-. lie a first class •sirapany.

'.Madame Nordtea will glre a aeries of AVagner

recitals at Ornegie Hall. Buffalo. In March. In conjunction with Walter Damrosch and the .New York Symplioiiy Orclu-stra.

'Tlie West has another Beggar I’riui'e ojiera eoiiipany, one haring organized at l>>s Moines Iowa, by •’harles Pearl. It gave its Initial p»‘r- forniance there on Feh. LI.

■Mr. I.sale •Juiuhlner, of I/ear.-nwortli. Kaii.. forinerl.v a uieuilK-r of the P.lueU-ard Company, joined "The Isle of Spice Co.. It*. Mr. •luiiihiner Is sal to |H>ss.-„s a strong liw-s voice.

.Adelina Patti will, on leaving Ainerlca, visit the principal capital clli.-s of Kuroia-, and make lier farewell ap|>earance in lamdon. She will sing in AA’ashlngtoii hefnre leaving thl~ country.

Next s»-ason New A'ork will have four Ixindoii miisleal comedies under Charles Krohmaii’s man agemeiit—The .Selnsvl 'llrl. TTie Karl aixl the fllrl, .Madaui Sherry and The Duchess of Dant- *l(f-

The maiiageineiit of The Teiiderf<s>t •'’oinpany has receiill.v instituted suit against the Penn sylvanla Uallwa.v Couipany for ^le-ai, for failure to put them In Evansville. Iiid.. on time fur a matinee.

The .Agiiew Music puh. Co., of Dcs .Moines, la., are iiulilishers of .Nappy la-e. the (lopular two-step, hy J<a‘ .Iordan. This niimlter has made a hit ag the start and its is.pularlty cou- tinues to grow.

Mrs. Curiiella D-giMid Tyler, a prominent Washington and New York soeietv woman, has comideteil a isunic oie ra. .A Vi-netlaii Uomunee, whh-h Frank K, I’erlev will pnsliice lii Niw Y'ork on Faster Moinlay.

The Miisteal IIollir<Miks inoiirii the loss of their father, who died Feh. 11. at Sherliorii, Mass. Tliey were called from Cohoes, N. Y'.. where the lbs- SltH-k were playing on Feb. 0. They will again rejoin the company.

The FreniSt Opera Compaii.v, of New Orleans. I.a., have taken the r<«id f<ir a short time. It ai>|M*ars that omtlletlng dates at their lionie theatre III .New •Irhai's made s.ime change In the closing of their season at that [dace.

Fa- Temideton i>ro|s>ses to star in Id»dy Teazle eveutilall.v. llowi-ver. she has signed with Klaw A Erlangcr for the summer season In a musical hiirlesapic to U- |>ut on at the roof gar¬ den of the New .Anisterilam Theatre.

Rolwrt (Iran’s next venture as a manager after that of Mine. Calve will likely be that of Mme. A’era Ihivid. lie is claimed to have a I'ontraet with her for ’J.-ai concerts, to be given within the space of two years in all parts of the world.

The AA'aehsiier Comiiaiiv resiiiiieil Its Sunday evening isTforinanees Sunday. 14, at the Illinois Theatn-, Chicago. III.. i«re<entliig In w-elss-n Ibs-ss'l. 'Ilie lainiiiaiiy will [day six Sundays at the IIIiiHds and will then return to Powers’ Theatre

The Mummy aud the Maid will he produced June 12 at the tlarrh-k Tlieatre. •iilcago. for the first time on any stage. Tlie coni|>any will number over fVl iwaiple. Mr. Ibvhert Hood Bow¬ ers. the (simtsiser. will la-rsonally dirts’t the rehearsals, which will begin In the near future.

Helen May Butler's Baml will not return North March 1. as was the original Intention, hut will play the South until .April 10. Florida has pnivetl a money maker contrary to expecta¬ tion. It is Mr. Spahu’s atiihltlon to keeii out his hand of .'si ladles a« long as he has the smaller ones. The band has hid only nine wei'ks at iHiiiie since V'eh. P.a'2.

Tlie isMter of the A’lrglnla Karl Ot>era. Com paii.v reada as follows. Miss A'liginla Karl. Ks- telle AA’entworth. ('arrie K Perkins. Grace Bii mont. Nellie KmeraM. Kthel l.lovd. Aietori i Stuart: Messrs. .Innie Mci'ret. Ilarr.v Ston.'. Svlvaln l.anglo|s, G«-o. K. Mai-k. Ilarr.v Braha ii, W, •'. Berts. .Albert Parr. <’ha«. llenwick. J. .A. Fnr-y. iTias. J. (;,»»|e. Mar. .Anderson and •Iisi. I,. Shrady.

Tlie piHler of the Kortune Teller Com|iany Is as f.dIow« Kdward S. Metcalfe. Robert la-ft. Plill. Bronson. Grafton Baki-r. Merman Mlrsh- IsTg. Grace Orr Myers. May Kinory, Bertie Dale. .laiims Ke*>ney. Harry Turpin. .Ada Gifford Marguerite Ulordsn Katherine Giordan. Karl lleiihani. Bohhv Newcomb. Russ,-!! AA'akefiti I. • Ulle Blvei-s B.-rtle (lillds. Nellie Brow-n. K I- win .A. AA'ebli. II .A. Dnnean and Kdna Bronson.

In Sjsikaiie. AA'ash., ’Tlie Boatonlaiis prodne-d a new otiera. ralh-<i The Queen of I.aughter. The music is hy William Brady, of Cincinnati, and the l«»>k and lyrics are hv Miss Ysola-I Kapliii. also of Cincinnati. The lsK>k deals with a king and a niythleal kingdom Henry Clav Barnaliee has a gis>d part as King laiehryins. Max Krt-einan siagtal the proilii'-tlon, h.ivlcg l>een with The Bostonians sln'-e their Chicago engagement In lieeemher.

Kdward KIgar’s latest oratorio Tlie .A|>oalI.s was iHTfortinsl. Keh, 0. hv the ••raforlo S<v.-lcty at •'arni‘gie Hall for the first time In America. "Tile work was first heard at the Birm'ngham • Kng.l Festival of last <><-fob«‘r. ami. therefore Its lntro.lnctk»n Into the new world has he.-n ■teconitdlshed spe>sllly. 'Tills achievement must be attributed to the profound Imiiresshm wroneh hy the revelathvn of Klgar’a genius In his Dream of Geronflns.

.s-lg. Caruso sailed from New ''k-rk Feb 11 and m.ade his farewell aprs-aram-e at the M-t- n<|H.||tnn the night fmfore. i'he tenor has niaile a hit In New Y'ork Cagnso al»> made .i farewell sis'«>cli In Fnellsh to hIs frlcmls at a farewell dinner In New Y’ork last week. Me was ahsolntelv fon-efi to sav something. Stand liic on a chair at last, and snrvevlng hIs Ani- erlnin admirers, he »«hl: •'G.svda nioriiemi-.'. Caruso Brfnnhswy. dthank eeyon. wan hondred feeftee Fisrtl’t’ strlt. .Amarh'B, gooiT eveneeng. gissl.i night.’’


Tom Powell Is principal .•ontcdlitn with AA'ard .A- Wade’s Minstrels.

MeCIsIn .A- AA'arreii are featiirlng their mnsiesl speelnlty with AA'ard A AA'ade’s Magnitl-ent Min¬ strels

.lohn AA’ A’ogel. of the P.lg MlnstieN. savs

that Ills laonedlsn. "'ronniiy niaki-s Ilav.n while the sun shines.” ami Toininy llivyea Is of the same oidnlon salary day.

(’rawford A Finning furnish fun freelv In theli- eomialy musical act. a star featvire of the seiaiml part of the ppsllglous program of .lohn AA’ A’ogeTs’ «lg Minstrels.

.lohn AA’ A’og.'I. of the Big Alliistrels. Is a wholesale dealer In mnsle this season. ’’The Best by Test” boasts of a silver comet band of twentv'-onc nieces, led hv Proft-ssor James I Finning; a ilonhlp syrnnhonv orchi-stra nnmlwr- Ing tifteen and the coronation octette snpidy the Tocal nnmtx'rs.

I 8. Potts, general niaiiigcr of .lohn AA’ A’ogcTs Mlnatrel* writes’ Wc opened nnr Western tour at Greensbnrg. Pa.. Feb. Otl. hav¬ ing isivereil the entire Fsstern and N.'W Eng¬ land Slat'S. A’.’e are mis ting wl*h great sne- la-.ss. having throughout the |iasf thn-e we-ks Iilnved to pickeil houses In zeiai wciMicr Aft.-r s tour of the Mlihlle AA’est we will go to t!:.' Pacific Coast.

Dim- Waddell, general agent Fanat’s MliistreU. writes: ’’Piittle. the Southern uightiugale. one of our tenor singers, waa the guest of honor at a swell dinner, the arrangement of his pronii- nent relatives, at -AleKlniiey. TeX. The KIks theic eiitertained th" entire euuipuiiy. .At Brow.i- wismI. ’I’e.x.. the Mi-thislist and Presh.vieriaii Churches had thi* Herald .Sipiare Quartette ;is giicsis .Sunday. Keh. 14. The ipiartette t<s>k part In the choir at the r»'gnlar ehnreh services, ilie Iss.king for next season Is most exedh-iit.”

The AA’ard and AA’ade .Minstrel Company has Iila.vcd every night since July 14. Bsi.’!. and are proud to say that they will not i los,. until th 'v have tinisheil forty-five weeks. The manage¬ ment is contemplating a California trlii after the.v have (ilayisl the Xorthweateni territory, and should the.v go to the Golden State their season will last a solid year. Mr. AA’ard has improved ixmslderahly In health, hut Is not able to attend to stage duties. Tom Powell ig ably handling his end for him. George AA’ade D handling the hnsInesM hack with the show. In which he U abl.v assisfeil by Tlieo. Mnri>liy, Mr. AA’anl’s old paiiner. Marry AA’ard and two as. sistants. inclndlng Frtsl Maytlehl. are attemll.ig to the work in advance of the isnnpanv. Tlic.v are well on tln-lr way to the Paclfli- Coast.

”Tb* Stage .Aaplraut.” a magazine eillted in the intereat of amateura by John AA’lllIani Si-limidt at New Y’ork, has auspeuded pnhlica- lion as a losing propositiou.

The Jesse Slilrlej Company gave a iH-iiellt performance of I»orig Keh. l;;. In Portland, tire It t'lok place in tin* Cordray Theatre in aid of the House of the Good Shepherd.

.Asliestos. as a mannfai-tnreil commodity. Is now practically contndh'd hy the Standard Oil ('ompaiiy. 'Hiat isirisiration has contracted for the entile output of the iintario Sshcsioa mine-, from which comeg all i M ept a small jier cent, of tlie aslg-stos of the World.

'nie following talent funilslied the entertain- im-nt at the Klks’ Bazar, Keh. s t,, i;; i„ city bull at .Alcrideii. Conn.: The .Savoys, in comedy sketch; Hastings A Klim. In Mugh comeily sketch; Glorinc, the clectricul dancer; the .Millman Trio, tight wire artiats.

Iloliert E. Bell, founder of the Home for (,'on- sumptiveg In Ih-nver. Col., died from isnisnmp- tioii. He was born In Ihs-helle. Ill., iilrty five J earg ago. He Ig-givi hU stage career early in life, and for a uniiilH-r of years he played with Frank DUulels. .Air. Bell wiig the founder of a theatrical schisvl In Denver. A whKiw survives him.

TAtJDEVILLE. 'liic Cherry Sisters have ns-eiitl.v J-ilii,s| a

eoii'paiiy in Denver. The Gn-at Gay. the Ilaiidcnff King. Is stir

ring things nji In Texas ..rdliig to reports. ■IiH‘ Burke, a former treasurer of tlie Grand

at Kvaiisvilh-, Ind.. will ,'liter vaudex-ilh- In the Fast.

Baker A Fonda r*s*»-iitl.v '-1os*'d a snee*'ssfnl fourti'cn weeks’ engagement at the .X'aeazar Tlieatre. iK-nver. Col.

AIlss Florence Piper Just lioged thlrt.v sne- I e-sfnl wts'ks th.'-ongh the AA’est ami Is Isstking Fast for the summer.

SeiMir ami Si-nora Kraneeliia have time Isiokwl solid till .Inly 2.">. 'I'hey are at present nutting In two we<-ks at the .Ah-azar 'liieatre Ib-nver. Col.

Tlie llnssell Brothers. .Tames and .lohn. |>rae th-al1y coneliided a eontraet on Keh. 17, to star nmh r the niaiiageiiieiit of Samuel Blair for five years.

K. G. I’estkont Is playing <inh dates through- ■ lit lows. Illimvis ami .Mis.s4inri. The KeMmiis

playing parka through the tummei . months thould advertiae in the Spe- V cial Park, Fair and Street Fair Num- ♦ her of "The Billboard.” which will

be isiued March 15. dated March 19. It ia the beat means of procuring the heat dates.

are a.ss<H'iat>'d with him. and they arc meeting with snci-ess. B. G. Ihsvkisit was formerly known IIS Raymond Zel.

Manager Harvey has eiitereil a new Held for laimlon. Can., in putting on a high-elass vainl,'- vllle show at the Is>ii on ••|>era House. K the (■atronage Jnstifiee It, the vaudeville will isni- tliiiie tile halam-e of the smison.

Seiior ami S»'m>ra Fram-ella. wlm are playing II extended engagement at Ib'nver. Col., writ'',

among other things: “AA’e think ’'The Bllllioard” Is the real thing to advertise In. having laam able to Imh* In the time s,,lii| till Jnl.v

Sparling A Burk, of Ilaiiinion<l, Ind.. have gained <|uite a r«i>iitation for their sketclies ami songs for high class vamlevlHc. Many of their priMlnctloiis are being plavisl hy h-a<ling iir^e fesshnials throughout the entire country ami making a hit. Give them a trial.

The Sr. Joe (Mo. < "Gazette.” Keh. I.A, IM>t>'a that Casail A DeA’eriie weri' the fo|diners at tlx' Crystal Theatn- last night. Their aet is the best musical oonnslv act that has ts-eii se-n In St. Joe for years. I>overs of fun and iiinsle shoilhl m>t miss s<'elng (’asad A DeA’eriie at the •'rystal.

Manager LnlK-iskl. of the Novelty Tlieatre, iH-iiver. (’ol.. was k''i>t hnsy isnintlng the she¬ kel- w>s'k of Feh. S, h|s |si|inlHr little aiiiilse- ineiit re-ort breaking all re<a>r<ls in isiiiit of attemlam-e. Tlie famous Clx-rry Slslers serv.-d to iiac'- the m>w- mxeli talkeil of .N.iveliy to the di«>is SIX t'ines daily.

Kalai-ratns, the well known Juggler, and Ijiinrell". < f the Txvo Kanrelles. have h-a-ed the Cheyenne (AA’vo. i Djiera llotise for a term of years, ami will ojh-ii same Feh. ’."J as a ■ suitmin'iis vanileville thi-atre. The hmise will be known as The Crystal, and extensive Im- I>rovements will be made to make It one of the prettiest theatres of Its i-Ia-s In the AA’est.

Harry I.aMore. of the I.aMore Brothers ami the 'I'riangle Trio. aiTohats and aeriallsts. and for the t>ast five wlnt«-r s<,asoiis physical m- strU'-tor at the Y', M. ('. .A , IVnver. ('ol.. put on a v,'r,v sm-i-essfni ainatcur minstrel jM-r- forniance In the ass.M’latlon hnililing F>'h. Id .Among the professional artists win* ap|i«‘ared wer,' Bartelnn-s fisq Inggler. ami Bartine. wire tierfornx-r. Prof. IziMore has sigm-d with /eb ,A- Zarrow’s Zlg Zng Tow-n for s«a<on of lOtl.’i. to on'seiit the I,aMi>re Trio In an original ae.x- hatle ai't.


Frank Baum, the author of Tlx- AA’lzard of Oz. has finished a new- extravaganza, enflfh-d Ills Majesty ami the 'Seare«-row. for Montgomery ami Stone.


AA’.it-on’s CozT ('orner Slm-k Com|*any i*res«'nr- eil a ix'W bnrles<ine, enlitb'il .Mr. Pei'Wi-e. at ■•ester. Mass.

Tlx* Star ’Tlx-atre, ■■f Pliiladelphia, Pa., has left hnrles<iix- aixl will pla.v inehsiramatte at- tr.'cthms In the f'lture.

.loe AA’ats^m Is on his tw^'nfv.fourth sn.'.-ess- fnl week with Siini T Jack's Bnrlcs^iners, and Is nx-etliig with kiml fax^>r thnnighont the ■•onntry.

The slm k bnrh-s^tiic iiipany miw at Fischer’s In San Franclscsv will sl^a-tly h'avc P>r a lon-z tour of .Australia. st<>ppliig for a fortnight at II■>m>Inln.


Tlie nnarantlne at Newi*oniersti*wn. O., has In-i-ii raised, and Alanager ('rater will ri-open the oimra house Mari'h 1.

i1i»fn'r* f'baney black fai-e artist this season with tin- Ib-Pi* Sliew Is visiting his holm- In I b-t-ii’. loil.. for a G-w days.

r \ ’I’lxlTer has i-losed a- agi-lit I'f the Man • o Man ■•oinpany ami J«’>lm-il Cl.sy Clenn-iit, In The New Pi>nilnlou. as bnslm-s* manager.

.A Jersey City wi>man, while recently atten l- ing a theatrical iierformance, became so Inter- ■•sled In the .show that she fell from her chair over the orchestra railing Into a big ba-s drum. She was a large woman, aud they do say that the drum was only a hollow iins-kery so far as its usefulness was i-om-ermsl shortly after It In-- gau to feel thi- strain. .After she hail edgtsi out of the drum the lady went to the Im.x offiee aud demanded 1-.'’s), as her dri-ss hail Ih-cii mined. The manager tmid it, then i-hargcd her the saun- li.'iO fur the drum. Ikith charges were paid ami everyUnly was sstLsfied.

.A stieclal matinee performance of Dolly A'sr- dcR was given st the .Alvin . Theatre <mi AA'eilnesday afteriHKiii. Feh. 24, for the In-m-fit of the Pittsburg Pre.ss ('luh. .Miss Kiiln Glaser, who is claimed as a Pittsburg girl, and hnig a favorite there. was tendered an niinsuul i»a-eption during the play, and plans wen- forward for an enti-rtaiiiment wlihh will 1x3 niiiiiue in its extra attruetioiis. A cupyrighteil souvenir program, ■-ontaiiiiiig |sx-ms, sketi-lx-s and stories from hx-al newspaper men and car¬ toons hy Pittsburg artists, were dlstrihuteil. It was u magnificent .sixalmeii of the printer's art.

Charles Barascalo, an eight-year-old taiy. who lias some lm|K>rtant llm-s at the o|M-iiing of the second act of Tlx- .S«-cret of PollchliieTlo. m»w running at the Ni-w York .Aladisun thinare. caused a stage wait of ten miiinti-s one sfler- iHNiu lust wi-ek thnaigh idle and rcprclieiislhlc curiosity. During the intermission he wander,-il out of the stage ■ksu* ami half a hhx-k ilowii the street. There he met an organ grinder, and in listening to those entram-lng tnix-s he forgjt that lie hud to act that uftermiun. The stagi- mamiger searched all over the theatre for him. the orchestra played two or three overtures and cvcrylMxiy was on Ihi- verge of prostration when the property man spied the ymiiigster ilown the stri-et ami .vanktal him hack to his duties.

(»wcu AA'istcr and KIrke Is- Siiellc have estab- lishi-il a new standard hy their thrilling third ,X't of The Airgiiiian. In this act nut a woman is liitriHluced. ’I'hcre are cowlaiys, ami the plai-e Is u wild sjiot In AA'yomlng. .A party of cuttle rustlers have hhldcn In the depths of a w-Mi^l fri>iii a party which bud Ix-eii on their trail for iluys. Tlx- |>nrsnliig (sisse break in on the camp of fugitives suddenly, xvlth plst->ls ilrawii and the terse comniami, "Hands n|>.” The A'irgliihin is ■■tie of the pnrsners. He fimis ill the cattle thieves’ party his dearest frh-ml, Steve. In a few nioim-iits prepuratioiis for th<- lym-hliig. whh-h all know to lx- inevitable, arc ■ '■■mpleted. and Steve, with om- of his <siiu- panlons, is led away to Im hanged. 'The painful Intensity of this whole act Is Imicscrihable. It is only when the curtain has fallen, and th-- |H-ut-U|i excitement of tin- amllence finds relief in long ■s-ntinin-il applause, that It occurs to one that there wer<- no women In the act.


I’lnero's la-fly Is !■> tie withdrawn aft<-r its I’J:-,! |K-rf(irimima- in Kondon.

Tin- l.ove Birds was revivi-d at the Sav->.\ 'llicatrc. Ia>mlo:i. Kng.. Feb. (>.

I'mnz voii A'ci'zcy. the joiing violinist, will ap|iear in lanxhin. Kng.. early in April.

Ciptaln HibmI's new i-o'mi-ily. laivi- In a Cot tage. Is beln-g prmliu-ed in Terry’s Tlieatre. laimktii. Kng.

Tlie Perils of Flirtation, hy Walter Frith. Is a new four-act play which, first liearil In Glasgow, was seen in lanidou at a single jie ■ formanee.

Oil aeeoiint -if the Illness of Marie Gis>rge. tlx- blossom of the Drury Kane Theatre llzimlon. Kng. • pantomime. .Miss .Alaltel Izive takes her part In the performance.

Madame Butterfly, an opera hy Giacomo Pn?- elnl. was prXKineed for the first time at the Si-ala Theatre, Milan, Feb. 16. It was reeelveil rather ctddly. the jniblle thinking the niusie was tiai reminiscent of other works by the (MUi- IKBu-r. Tlie critics, however, say the score eontaliis certain iiassages of high exi-elleni-e.

Y'vette Gnlllx-rt Is party to a aiilt liefore a Parisiaii ClVil Court, brought by the German publishers of her hook. Ka A'eilctte, for breach of contract, on the gmund that Mile. Gullbert did not writ- the tsiok. but paid -Arthur Byl .XTlki to do the writing, thereby depreciating the eomnierelal value of the book.

'Ilie lavnilon Ibilly .xews says that Felix Moltl has been ■lefinltely ap|N>inted principal conductor at the Mnnleli ojiera. In the place of the late Ib-rmann Znm|x'. Tlie engagement has been In- ■lorsed by the prince regent, and Mottl will tak,- up his duties as soon as he returns from .Amer lea. He will he the leading eomlnefor of th-- annual Wagner fi*stlval at the Munich Prim-- Regent Theatre next year.

Mme. Blanvelt i-elebrated her return to Ism- ■Ion by giving a ballad exMieert last im^nth at St .lames’ Hall. She was assisted! t>T several bril llaiit artists. 'The amllem-e w.as large an^l_ sin gnlarly iinenthnsiasth-. says the Ibilly New- Alme. Blanvelt m.x^le her app<-arance In Ihwsliil - I'na A'^H-e. whh-h she sang ac^-nrately em>ngli. but without the easy charm which ah>ne ■•an make his t1--rl(] music ae--eptahle. She xxMs mor.- sin-^-essfnl In I.lza la-limann’s fanciful M-'ll.v s Spinning Song.

The report ■•ahled !■> this mxintry a few w^---k- ago that Mr. I'a-h-rew ski ha-1 hist all h:s im>m-' thniugh the bad liiv»-stun-nts ma-h- for him h.i ■■ frh-nd Is now <h-nh'-l in the !h-rlln--r Tiig--hlatt. .A corresp-*n-lent In l’■*sen declar*s that while the pl.anNt niav have h>st money, he U t<Ml.-iy still one of the’ larg--st st-x khol.h-rs -if th.- gr.-at.-st lx.tel In W--st Riissi.a the Hotel Bristol. In AA'arsaw. It t- h.ngs :■■ a s*.s k .s.iiipanv lh..t ■ ■IM-rales iiiHiiv tx-t-'l-. I.a,\s high .llvhleixls. -o I is .Ml a s..li.l tin.im lal Ka-ls. Air. Pa.ler.-wskl U also the owixt -'f s*-xeral eatut**s lu Galh'la.


CORRESPONDENCE NOTICE.—The Billboard deeiree a corretpMd^t m

erery city and totm m Ik* CniUd StaUi lekich i* not here repr**ented.


Muiituuk (Kraiik M Hoyt, Msr.)—week oin-iied at tlif elite tlieatie of Brooklyu with The Karl of i'awtm ket. Mr. I.awr**uce It'ttrsay ii|ilH-are(l lu the title role and waa supi>orted hy the entire New York eoiuiiau.F. Hualuesa was ixoellent all tlie week, aa tiie attraction was a strong drawing one. Next, Marie Teiupest, in The .Marriage of Kitty, which opens with a matinee Waaiiington's Birthday.

tirsnd (La-w I'urki r, .Mgr.)—.Mr. Ralph Stuart suii|a>rted by a th>t-claa.s company, was seen in By Right of Sword. lYie play was a gi>od one and .Mr. Stuart maile a great hit. The production was magnillcently staged and drew g<Mid iiouses. Next, Kehey and Shannon, In Sherks’k Holmes.

K<dly tBennett Wilson, Mgr.)—Mr. Joe Weh’h, In The I’eddler, Is tlie attraction. The <x>m|iany is gissi, pnsluction al)Ove the average and the spei ial scenery ia-autiful. The pli •’ l>lcture« the life in the tlhetto district of the lower east side in .New Y'<«k City. The attrac¬ tion |>roved to he a strong drawing card and a prolitatile wa'ck's imsiness wag done. Next, Soldiers of Fortune.

.Ympiiion tS. 11. Cohen, .Mgr.)—The Virginia Karl t»)iera Company presented S«‘rgeant Kitty w«-ek of Ifi. The attraction played to big busi¬ ness all tlie week. .Next, Tlie I’rlnce of lllsen.

Fulton Stris't Tic-atre (Frank .V. Keeney. Mgr.)—Tills house opened l.'i to a packed house, and a very strong vainlevllle bill was given. <;«s)rge His-y. Roliert Klllott and Marguerite Fields in Wliat's Uie .Matter With Boston? was the lieadliner. Tile oilier star acts were 11. V. Fltr.gerald, Sisters .Meredith, Shorty and Kil¬ lian He Witt, llisy and las'. Maud Kennedy, St. John and Ke Fevre, the Vitascojie, and, as an extra attraction. The Four Rianos. A coni- plete eliange of Idll will be made weekly and a Sunday afteriKNin unci evening concert will oe given, 'rhe orcliestra at this houst* is a special teature. ug it is one of the bt-st In Brooklyu. .Mr. (ills Bernard is business manager fur Mr. Keeney.

Hark (Nick Norton. Mgr.)—If Women Were Men was given for tlie tirst time in Brooklyn l.'> to a well lilli-d house- and met with aiiproval. Tile iday was well staged and costumiKl and tile coiiiiiany was fully up to the standard. Tliere wi-ri- many stirring situations In the play, which is one of tlie liest of the melodramatic class sei-n liere for some time. Next, Wedded Blit No Wife.

(iotham Kliirlics Williams, Mgr.)—.Yl. W. Martin's Fiicle Tom's Cabin (Kastern) Is a niagniliceiit one and the corapnny tirst-class. Tile attraction played to record-breaking busi- nes.s. Till- .Siinilay concerts were well patron¬ ized. Next, Her First False Step.

Columbia (Have .V. Weis, .Mgr.)—Nellie Mc¬ Henry, in .M’l.lss, was the olTerlug for week of I.'i. Tlie coinpa'iy was a good one and tlie 'isMiery and in irveloiis tnechanioal effects were wonderful. Scvi-ral up-to-date sis'claltles were given. Business was very gmal all the week, end Inislness eontiinn-s to liicn-ase every week at this house-. Kate Claxton, In The Two Hriilians. next.

Bijou (Will M.-.\llistcr, Mgr.)—"nie Siiooner StcK-k Cotniiany iiri-sc-nti-d Bonnie Scotland week of l.'c. Tills house (snitinues to draw the usual liackisl bouses and tin- season promises to lie a recsird-lircaker. .Next. .V itoniaii-e of Old Mex- ii-o. tiy tile BtiH-k csiniiiany.

Hyde A Bchni Ill's i.Vrc-lile H. KllLs, Mgr.)— The bill at this lions<> this week was a very good one and Inisiness was excellent. The headliners, .Mr. Clayton White and Miss Marie Stuart. pr*“scnti-d Haris, and were warmly re- eelvcil. (Iiai'li-s Ki-nna was 8«>en in Ills novelty ski-tcli. The Fakir. Crawford and Manning, the isiniedliins, got their share of the applaus*.'. The Four Bards presentc-d the strongest acres bath- act seen at this house in a long time. Issiiia Tliurber and Ic-r pickaninnies scored as ii'iial. Kelly and Kent's songs and Jokes went well. Four Kmis-rors of .Music entertained with their new act. .kisti-rs ilausch did a clever •siullllirlstlc iic-t. Cccl. iilisitt Kipple presented his gun spinning a.-t. anel. as an extra attrac- tiein. <illlcttc-'s .Miisii-al Heegs. Tin- Sunda.v night e-e>nci-rt was well iiatronlzesl. .Next week the Idll will be-. Tile Connte-ss Biaima !)<■ Jaueiipe, Ware! anel Curran. Hemahiie and .Nichols, Fred¬ eric Itoud A Co., .\giie-s .Mahr. Saileir and Bar- liarettei. Bellman anel Moore. 11. M. Barker's Celeiirateil Ikies. Siste-rs Klnkald, and, as an extra attractieiii. (Jiiarti-tte- Basejue.

Hrptieiiui il'e-re-y (1. Willlanis. .Mgr.)—A well iialance‘d bill of vaueieville novelties was leut leirw.-ird by .Manager Willlanis this wieek. The usual large bilsim-ss (-oiitiniie-s at tills house* and the tlieatr<--ges-rs of Bresiklyn have learneel tlie Oridieum's motto: ".Vlways a good sliow." Tlie lilll Inclueli el (Jesi. c. Beiniface and Be-rtha Waltzinge-r. In lln-ir musical ski-te-h The Woman M'lio Hesitate-s is Ween, wlde-li was well re- e-eiveel, Rais.li. juggle r, did some clean work. Will West anel ills e-iglit picks niaele a Mg hit. tVatre-n and ItlaiK-liard won much applause. Howard's Honiesi were very good and slioweel sonic e-levcr training. Brun anil Russell we'C stp-n In a comeily singing and ilain-lng act. Cole and Jolinson wen- hchl ov.-r for a si-i'on 1 week and sang in-w s.uigs. The Baltimore lire was shown by the Vltagraph. The extra .it- tractioii was Harry (Jllfoll. the famous charai- ter comedian. Tlie Sunday night concert was well patronized.

•Novelty (Havld Rexhinson. Mgr.i—Hatrlci- makrn her sei-ond aiiis-arance In Brooklyn In Hriven from Home. The- coni|>any was a gisel one. BiLsiuess continues excellent, wlilch is iliie- to the careful liookliig of goisl attractions. .Next, Hearts -Ydrlft.

I'hilliii's Lyceum (Fouls Hlillllps, Mgr.) — The Lyceum Stock Company presente d Hin-he-ssi Hu Barry wrek of ITi. Tlie production was well given and beautifully staged. Busine-w was good all the week.

Hayton's I.<*-e .\venue Tlieatre (Fred H. .kii drews. Mgr.)—The Stock Company presented Between Ix)ve and Hut.v. The scenes sliow .i-.i old plantation In Ceorgla. The story follows the dramatic care<-rs of two brothers, who bave- iieen born on this plantation and have lieen ieil by conscience to follow two different sides -if tlie rebellion. .Miss Florence Gear was the wi)n'an whom these two brothers love. The two brother* were played by Kirk Brown and Ar fUur Ever*. .Miss Grace Fox and Rlcbari! 11011011 helped develop the comedy. Ylr. Law¬ rence Barbour w-a# *»‘en a* General Sherman and the other member* of the company were

aeen In suited [lart* -A band of plckanlunle* was also a comedy feature. Buslneas was ex- | ccllent all the week. .Next. l>ora Thorne.

Watson's iW. B. Watson. .Mgr.)—Watson's ('ozy Corner Stock Comiiany presented the bur- lesi|ue Mr. IVewee. Tlie burb-aque was ne.v and original, and It went well and receiveii much applause. The olio was an IntercsHiig one and Included the following well-known art¬ ists: James and Sadie L<“onard. In a skit, Tlie Wrong Till; Fredo and Hare, musical comedians: I'rnsk and Gladden, the clever dancers: Marlon and Hcarl. in a clever comedy sketch: tlie Three Rio Brothers, acrobats, and the Kmerald Trio. In Hogan's Happy Horae. Business Is excellent and the S. R. <). sign has l«*en placed In active service several timii* of late. The Sundav concerts are well patronized.

Ga.v'ety (James Clark. Mgr.)—The Kentiickv Belles came over from the Star Tlieatre for a week's stay. Biisiness is very gooil, the lioU'O ts-lng packed twice dally. Next. Cherry Bloa- soiiis Burlesquers.

Star (E. M. Gotthold. Mgr.)—Tlie Clierrv Blossoms Burlesquers were the attraction for the week of ITi. The usual good show w.is given with many vaudeville acts. The coinpanv drew giMid houses. N<“Xt. The Harlslan Widows.

Fiilque (Frank B ('arr. Mgr.)—Tlie attrac¬ tion this week was J. H. Barnes' H.iln’y Farce Burlesquers. xvho presented the usual gisnl shev Pile house was packed on the oiM‘nliig nig -t and business should lie gissi all the week.

Manager .Yrchle H. Kills anmuiiices that Kd- dle Foy will be the headliner for week of 'Jb at Hyde A Behman’s .\dams Street house.


The siipisisitlon was that a* soon aa the the¬ atres reopened business would be tirlsk. *iUt as jet such has not been the case. While there has lieeu what might be termed good bouses <n several occasions, the attendance has not been up to the standard.

Illinois—It Is due to the rare and peculiar quality of Mr. Irving's art that one rarely sees him without feidlng that he la witnessing his Is-st Impersonation. One who see* him In WaterliHi. In which he opened bis last wt*ek In the Illinois Monday night. Is very likely to be Impressed with the feellngg that It la one of the linest character studies to be seen oii the stage. Next: Maxine Elliott.

Garrick—Miss Paula Edwardes and her large and sightly company opened the seisuid wiH'k of Winsome Winnie, and the clientele of tin- house was out In force and obviously enjoyed the merry, tuneful and showy performance in every jiartlcular. We are sometimes toM that tile days <it musical comedy are iiumlsirtHl, Imt these audiences do not look much that way. .Next: Francis in Ermlnle.

McVlcker’s—Miss Blanche Walsh began her -a-iauid and last week of Resurrection Sunday night and again tilled the house to permissible limit. .\s liefnre remarked, the nnwt note¬ worthy imiiit In her lniiH“rsonatlon of Maslova is the extent to which she has given It touches of rcflneiiieiit. and thereby made It less rep'd- l.ant without having sacriticed any of Its real strength. Next: t'harh-s Warner In Drink.

Grand—The Hurling of the Goils was made known to (Tilcago theatre-goers Tuesday night. Tlie cast is very large, and the fine, intelligent training given' It is conspicuous. Its team work Is admirable. Miss Batia* plays with a •incerlty and a certitude of touch that Is an -igrceahlc surprise. The audience was a lltt'c alow to take hold, but grew enthusiastic lone before the close.

Studebaker—With a steel curtain and all els- required by the new city ordliiaiice. the Stiide- haker rta)|a-ncd Monday evening with The Prince of Pllsen. Notwithstanding that the present engagement la the third in Chicago, it was evident fn>m the size of the audience that th-- Plxley and I.udcrs' conii>osltlon was still cher¬ ished' In the hearts of lovers of lighter musical entertainment. Jess Handy now plays the role of the (Inclnnatl brewer and manage* to get a gnat deal of amnsi-ment out of the part.

Columbus—I/en Grover's Tlie Minister's Itaugh- ter risqieiicd the Columbus Sunday and drew a crowd that w.vuld have gone to the old S. R. O. dimensions, but the manageraeiit was reluctant ly forced to refuse to sell any more tickets long iM'fore the demand was over. Matlnei-g will Im- given dally. Next: I'nder Two Flags.

Bush Temple—Ivan, the Terrible, was pro- -liici-d by the sbK'k company Sunday to large .-ludicnces. Grace Reals and Joseph Sullivan stirred the enthusiasm of the audiences, which showed growing Interest just at this time In things Russian.

Havmarket Vaudeville—The Great Lafayette. Ellis Nowlan Trio. Tlie Bride of Thibet. Lynn Webber. Jerome Meredith A Co.. Martha Mon tre. The Travesty Band, ...anlla Quartette. Gertrude Si'hott. (I'Ri-urke Burnette Trio, Ge-i. .Viistln. ('has. Gloss and Son. Schiller Brothers .iiid Sully A Phelps.

Chicago Opera House (Vaudeville)—Fran¬ cesca Redding A Co.. Howard and Bland. Taf fray's Dogs. Wesson. Walt<T« and Wesson. Rea and Brosche, I/Oali Russell Cisik and Hon. Wl'ls and Hasson. Agni** Nells<»n. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hum. I'at Toiihey. Flehls and Whallen, Signora KI Salto, and Camdl and Clark.

Trocadetxi—The attraction for the week In the Troi-adero Is the well-known Ctoplans. This conipan.v Intixaliices genuine conied.v to take the place of horse-play. The opening Cabaret du Mon Is full of fun. mush-al nuinbera and gooil comedians, .\mong the specialties are Joe Mad¬ den and John W. Hess, .Mexander and Kerr Emmons Emerson and Emmons. McRae and Wyatt. Rice and Coy. Gisirge H. Diamond, and Belle Harvey. The closing of the show. Hotel t'[i«-and-D<>wns. a satire on the modem hotel, calls for the strength of the entire company.

NOTE.—Gn account of Isdng unable to oiicp the galleries, the Chicago Opera House and Havmarket lave raised the price* of admission to the other fioors. H. HART.


Business last week was falrl.v good. All ef our theatres gave extra performance* on Lln- lailn's Birthday. Imt bnslnes* was not very large at any of the hoiisi-*. Business fell off in the early part of this week on account of the Intensely c<dd weather. Election day <-n Ttn-sday. Feb. Hi. helpt-cl business some, but the net results for the week were not encouraging. ,\a Is'iit always makes business fall off some In this city we can look for a Rhrlnkage In busi¬ ness for the next five or alx weeks.

Tlie newspapers and thetitrical managers have settled all their differences and are now at peace The only advantage gained hy the news- jiapers was the cutting out of all advance no¬ tice* of coming attraction*. Aa they ar* far more liberal In the crltlcismi this doe* not

affect the combinations playing here very much. The ma.vor has not as yet laaued the licensaa for the year to any theatre, but the war over the fire sc-are has dwindled to iiothing. and there wii. lie no further trouble for this season. The commlssloncra apisilnted hy the ma.vor have handed In a voluminous reiiort’ with suggestions as to the proper method of conducting all tlieatr*“s. If all the suggt**tloiia tlie.v make arc adopted It will reipilre a millionaire to build and run a theatre. One of their strongest ple.is was that all finqinsif scenery should Ik* used. This Is to apply to all house scenery and to the scenery carrleil hy traveling companies. The ma.vor has mit as yet stated whether he will put Into effect any or all of these suggestions. Fire scene* are to lie eliiiiinatiKl from all future productions and the standing room order Ig to Is* ki-pt In existence.

The Star Tlieatre has changed hands again. Tlie season of stock luirlesipie and vaudeville Inaugurated here a few weeks ago has been abandoned and the bouse has be«>n lease*! by M. W. Taylor, of Camden. N. J.. who. afti*r making some alterations, will reoiien the house as a mehMlramatic house.

Every house In the city will give a sp)>el.il matinee on Washington's Birthday, and as tbit Is always a g*K>d day for buslnesa gisKl rt*«ults are looki*d tor.

Chestnut Street Opera House.—The Rogers Brothers in liondoti have lM*en packing this house to the disirs at every performanc-e. and more isiuld get In If It were not for the onlcr

(> THE OPEN-AIB AMUSEMENT . p SPECIAL EDITION OF “THE BILL- ,, BOABD,” which will be edited P ^ in the interest of out-door amuie- , p menti of every character. Circus, I p Fair, Street Fair, Parks, etc., will ,, bo issued March 15, dated March 19. , p It will be of exceptional advertiiing ^ r value to Street Fair people in a.l ^. branches'. Circus proprietors, agents,

and bosses; Fair aecretaries and Fair managers: vaudeville performer* who



prohibiting standing room. The same attrac¬ tion will continue for week of Feb. 2.

Chestnut Stre»*t Theatre.—Marie Tempest, in The .Miirriiige of Kitty, ig doing fairly well on this her second week, and will ti® succeeded 22 by The .Meilal and the .Maid.

Garrick Theatr**.—Fritzl Scheff has made an enormous hit with Babette and will (Xintiuuc next week and iwrhaiig a fortnight longer.

Broad Street Theatre.—Fay l»avl«. in White¬ washing Julia, hail a fairly pMS|K*rous weei; and will ixiiitinue wi*ek of 22.

Walnut Street Theatre.—Charles Grapewin In The .VWMkeiilng of Mr. I’lpp. only did falrl.i well wei*k of lo. and will be followed by .Yu drew .Mack.

Auditorium.—.Yrizona had a gisid week 11. and for '2'2 the (lopular favorites. Ward aii-I Yokes, will lie seen lu -Y Fair of Finks. .Ys they are warm favorites here business will 1..* large.

(irand Opera Hous«*.—Buster Brown, very much Improved, drew well we»*k of l.'i, anil George Monns* will give a revival of My Aunt Bridget next.

Bark Theatre.—Our New Minister opened well on the l-'i and Imslnesg was excellent all we«*k. Tile same Idll will be I'outinued wwk of 22.

National Theatre.—.Y Midnight Marriage has drawn very well this week, and for 22 Jo“ YY'elch. in The Fe<l<ller. la announced.

I'lsqile's Tlieatre.—The YY'orst Woman In Isindon ig pleasing the regular patron* of this hiaise tills week and drawing many new ones to this house. For wwk of 22 the funny Mr. H<«dey Is announi'ed.

Kensington Theatre.—Busin**** Is very good at thlg house this week with The Eleventh Hour, and for 22 Tlie Fast Mall will 1h* the attraction.

Columbia Thi-atre.—.Yt Cripple Creek Is the bill for this week, ami for 22 .YI. W. .Martin's I'ncle Tom's Cabin will Ik* the bill.

Forei>augh's Theatre.—The Stock (Yimpany >s doing excellently, pnsluclng The Hunchback cf Notre Dame this week, and for 22 tbi-j an nonnee Tlie Fledge of Honor.

Standard Tlieatre.—Business 1* splendid at this house and the stock company 1* winning new favorlti** every day. The Deserted Brlde wlll lie followei) b.v To Be Burled Alive.

Eleventh StriK*t OiH*ra House.—Dumont's Min¬ strels continue to attract big audiences and do not have to change the bills often.

Keith's (1i**stmit Stre«*t Tlieatre.—Refined vaudeville (xmtlliu*** to draw crowds to this house.

Keith's Bijou Theatre.—BusInes* has l>e«*n vt*ry g<KKl lately and the patron* se*‘m satisfie*! with vaud<*vllle of the bett**r kind. This style of «*nterlalnment will Ik* ixmtlnuml for a few more wt*cks and tln*n a summer stock will >** put in.

Bostock's .Yrena.—Business kei*pg ver.v goml at this place and the idace will be keirt op**n until May.

Lyc<*um Tlieatre.—Burlesipie contlnne* to at tract good crowds. Watson's .Ymerli*an Bur- li-sipiers this wei-k and for 22 the Bon Tons.

Trocadero Theatre.—Tlie Trans .Ytlanttc Bur- l**Ri|uera are <l*diig a nlci* business at this house

Yluseuin.—Y’liudevllle and curios continue to attract paying crowd*. The name attractions will continue for the balance of the season.


Jam*** K. Hackett will play a week at the Academ.v of Mn«lc, opening 22. He rent* the housi* and <1**** all his own work.

Tlie advani'e sale is ver.v fair so far. Patti will give a matlni*e at the same honse on Feb. 24. BOB WATT.


Olympic Theatre—E. H. Sothem opened for a wi*ek's stay on Monday night to a ver.v entlin- slastlc audience. A Proud Prince proved to be a massive prfidnctlon. well acted and Intensely Interesting. Mr. Sothern Is probably better In this than hi* past few efforts, and his company Is At. It Is gorgeous In scenery snd every didall In costume and accessory Is cor¬ rect. making It one of the season's event* In St. Ixiiils. Buslnew* goiKl at advance prlc***. Henry Irving next.

Tentury Theatre opened Monday with Grace George In Pretty Peggv. an excellent attraction Miss Georg' Is strong as well ss captivating In th' title part and more than pleased. It

ki In all OM of tbaa* pleasliiC hfta of aoUug that one remembers after It has (oo*. Tbv company Is strung and contalus sumo people exceptkiuully good. Tlie staging has been given must careful attention. Business good. The Red Feather next.

Grand Oi>era lluuse—Isabelle Irving, In The Crisis, is the same seen here last season, only this time at popular prices, and Is just as In¬ teresting and as well put on. -Miss Irving is capital in her role of Y'IrgInIa Carvel. Com¬ pany guud; business gootl. Captain Barrington next.

Crawford Theatre—One of the best attra.-- tlotis of the Crawford season 1* on this week. It Is Jane Keniuirk. In Fiider Two Flags. This same tompany ap|H*ared here last season at the Century. The company give* an Ideal per- furmance. Tlie staging and iximpany present¬ ing are gooil and griKitly plt*aaed. When Knlght- liiKid Was In Flower next.

Havlln's Theatre—At the Old Crossroads 's this week's bill at Havlln's. It Is a stirring iiicliKlrama with much to commend It. One of the features of the |K*rformntice 1* the singing of the American Four, a quartette par excel¬ lence. It* scenic effects are goiKl and well put on. Company giKKi and buslnesa good. Tbe Fatal YY’eddlng next.

Columbia Theatre—Bobby Gaylor Is at the Columbia this week and is creating a* much laughter a* ever. He Is only one of a very giKHl list of talent that i‘ompris«'H tbe followLig act*. Hall. Stephens A Co.. Quaker City Quar¬ tette, John T. Tierney, Ramsey Sisters. Mr. and .Mr*. Nello, Four Welson Troupe. Mon*. tUvette, Adair A Dabn Mason, Ket*ler A Co., Phil and Carrie Russell and the KliKMlrom'. Bnslness good.

Standard Theatre—Rentz-Santley'a Burlesquers is the attraction at the Standard this week, ojienlng Sunday to iiaeked hous«*s. Tlie com¬ pany Is com)M>sed of most clever pi*o|ile an-l pliKises. Two barh*sqaes that are well cos¬ tumed and produce much merriment open and close. Among the olio are charle* Hotiglass, Griiett A (Truett. Threi* Connolly Sisters. Yama¬ moto Bto*. and McCabe, Sabine A Vera. .Y giKKl cborua Is one of the features. Business gisKl. Bohemian* next.

Imperial Theatre—Tlie Smart Set, a eoloreil tronpe of well costumed «nd well drilled col¬ ored people. Is the wtiek’s attraction here. They give a clever and pleasing iierformsnee. Some giKKl voire* and KOihI dancers are with the com¬ pany, and plenty of entbuslasm Is brought In^u the performance. Bnalness satisfactory. You Y'onson next.


Creatore and bis Band will play the Ode*>ii Feb. 23.

Madame Si'humann-Helnk's coiu-ert on tbe l.'i was a hnge success. Played to standing room.

Harry S<*amon's two children are to appi*ar at the Columbia Tlieatre week of '29. They are said to be very clever artists.

Burton Holme* lectures have proven a sin-- (•p8* financially here and were most inter<*stlng a* well as artistically presented. The seats for the last two lecture* here are *i*Iliiig well, and a good attendance Is assureiL



The great excitement attending the irreat conflagration haa subsided. The sltuatliui Is very culm and quiet. TTie (s-ople tre now more dn-erful. Many of the homeless mer¬ chant*. financier*, businees ainl pnifes*lonaI men have found temisirary quarter*, where they f.re all prepared for renewed tuislnes* aetivi- tie*. Hundreds of contract* were made dur¬ ing the past week for the const ruction of new bullillngs. which will be ereeteil as sism as It la possible. Tbe ma.vor baa aiqMilnted an ad¬ visory committee. comp»s«*d of prominent citi¬ zen*. who will assist the city oillclais In mak¬ ing plans for many mnch neiibsi publb* Im¬ provement* In the burned dL'trb-t. When It was announced that the fire was under con¬ trol and while tbe ruins wife still liot. Iiiin- -Ired* of men began to pull down dangensis walls and clear the debris from the principal street*. The city was crowded all week bv thousands of sightseers and the remaining hotels are taxed to their utmost. The raP roads made no preparations for the crowd sf visitors; In fact, they were anxbms to dl** •■onrage the possible visitor* to the elty. How- ever, the Incoming trains are bringing tlioii- ■iand' of people. The national guardsmen are tiusy keeping the pisiple ont of the fire lines. No one can enter the line* without a iiags from the police eonimisalois-ra. Many parti*'* of distinguished person* from YY'asblngton vis¬ ited the min* Siitnrilay and Sunday. A re¬ markable feature of the gmat I'onflagnitlon waa that no live* were lost, although maii.v firemen were badly wounded. Some isKipIe have been able to open their vaults and sufe*. In many instaneoa Hie contacts were found Inta't and In good condition, and In others they were completely ruined and destroyed. In the latter eaae a few of the largest firms have suffered and have decided to discontinne their business Rffalr*. The hank vaults were found intact and the contents were removed to tei*- iiorary ipiarlera. The legal holiday period ha* iKK-n extended to I>b. 23 hy reqnest of hank¬ er* and financial men. Oiitsble of the hank* and merchant* there were very few resident* In the devastated diBtrIct. Tho*e few »re now tielng eared for by charitable societies. A committee ha* been organized to look after (he ne-da of the vxat armv of emploves wbo were deprived of their (sisitpins b.v the fire. Tlie printing business snfferesl considerably. There are now only three large cylinder presses In operation In the city. The plants of all the dally newspapers were completely destroyed.

The thestrlcsl bnalness suffered greatly In the early part of the wo<*k. hut toward* the latter part the size of the audiences wa* quite encouraging. A* soon aa the situation becomes more settled, the theatre* will sssnms thslr activity a* under normal conditions. Tbe amusement* will aerve to divert the public mind from the calamity. The Odeon Theatre wa* the only one dentroved. The Holliday street and Monumental Theatre* barely es¬ caped destruction. Roth honse* were xvlthln the fire line*, and Minager Keman made ar¬ rangements to allow the houses to open snd bnslnes* was resumed Monday evening. On Monday all honse* were closed ont of sym¬ pathy for the fire sufferer* and resnmed busi¬ ness Tnesday evening. Owing to the deatme- flon of the big power honse. the street car line* did not resume hn*lne** until Wednesday. Some line* are In operation while other* bare not been able to obtain a enrrent. The fsM that nom* of the principal atreeta mn thraagb the bnm^ district will cause a sertons Incon¬ venience to people going to thewtraa. TTie


ari can not mn throach tboa* atrecta natU tlj* debrla la cleared away. Tbn ennaerratlTe loaa la eetlmated at $tl0,0U0,(a)0.

TUo following attracttona appeared durlni; the week of 8:

Ada Keh.m and Otla Skinner appeared at


Theatre ilujal—The pantomime. Bold Bobln Hood, contlnuen Ita aucceaatul run at thla the¬ atre and wUl probably tie the aiuactloo until r.a«ter.

I’rlnceaa Theatre—The Forty TUlevea atiU

li e handa of Diew and t'anipl>«ll. the preaeat Wsaeee el the tiiar Theatre, the borne u( Inir- U'ib|Ue. The Ooluulal will Iw a lairu-eipie houf' I'T high clasa hnriea<tue attractioua. The Mil for th.a wet'k .■ a pretty guoti one, IikIiiiIi.i. JaUK-e J. Corbett, In a uuiiiue uiuuolugue. Jai Aua iweu.tAi I'riuceee aueaire-^tue roriy auievtv a^iu . ^ , —,—• " ,

Ford'a Oi»era Houae in The .Merchant of Veu- i.outluue their depredatlona at thla house, and ! -'■•»r»orih la ala., h.-re and d.nvera a good Ui..no-

let*. TImj School for SottUihil npid The TauilQiX ii;iiJihwuio IhlcTt** they urt*. Tuey we speciiu*‘iis 1'%^**. rh** hill *111 UiroUp,h hi Uiie. of the Shrew. The pUys were Ix^autifulL ft.*iiiluiue who auccceil lu aitractiuK L>i*t'Uiii.—lu olU Kcutiicky u iliawiiii; to faaa* staged aud tlie stars were well aupportid. I'l.f utteiidaiK'e was fair.

Mlsa Fay Uavla. in Wldtewaahing Julia, has

their masculine aduiiiei's every iiertormauce. to the Increase ol tl.e boa olUce receipta.

MUcen'a Tneutre—Mr. Flanagan a uiaguUlceut

paeity hou.ses, and It Is pronounced a aucccaa in every respect.

The Ualety—Thla theatre la oi'cupled by Mr. Oweii liaxter'a company lu Wueu We Were Twenty-one. It Is a dainty story of every day life aud is iuterestiug from the hrat act to the last. It la well staged.

St. James Theatric—.Messrs, liottridge and laiugdoiTs eompauy lu The King of Crime draws Imuienao audiences on their return vialt.

The I'ulace Theatre—The program here Is a capital one aud eoutaiua several good numbers. -Marie Duma, a fainoua soprano, gives aeveial songs and la the reeipieut of loud applause. ,\u amnalng turn la giveu by tbe tlolbama lu

abort, smart sketch. Other turns are lu- eluded lu tiie eutertslumeut.

Tivoli—pleasing program here incluil<.e two favorite artists, t auuy Wentworth, in musicai

a nice play which was preseuti-d at the Acad- | revival of Uichard 111. isiutiuues to draw ca- emy of .Music to small audiences. 'The com- I any pleased immensely.

The 'Two Ur|>hans was jiresented at Chase's Tlicatre hy the tl.s.rge Fawcett Stock Com¬ pany to fair business.

Ward ii Yokes, lu A Tuir of Tluks, app<>ar- ed at Ibe .Maryland Theatre. 'The company Iileam-d Immeiiae.y ami business wias unu-sually good.

For Ills Brother’s Crime, with .Montgomery Irving aud .Mabel Bardiue, was presented at llolllday Street 'Theatre to good atteuduue'e. .Mlsa Bardiue was formerly leading lady of Ibe IXMiiard Scarlett Stock Company lu this city.

Clark'a Runaway Olrla appeared at the Monumental Theatre. Tbe comiiauy la lyulte goial aud attracted fairly good business.

The l>euver Express was presented at the Bijou by a compi-tent comfiany.

Kiord's Upera House (Mr. Cbaa. E. Ford, Mgr. I I’eggy from I'aria was presented by au excellent coui|>any. 'The production Is handsomely staged; coetumiw and scenery l>eautlful: cast excellent and pleasing; clionu largi* and pri-tty.

.\cadem.v of .Mualc I Messrs. Nixon A '/Am- merman. .Mgra.) Robert Hilliard, In That .Man and 1, is aupiairted by au excellent com- [lany, with .Maude Feuly as leading lady. Tbe receipts of .Monday and Tuesday evenings will I e glvi-n to the Ore sufferers.

Chase's Theatre (.Mr. J. Albert Yoong, Mgr.) Tlie Ceorge Fawcett Stock Company gave a sumptuous pneluctlon of I'nder Two Flags, with I’ercy Hsawell as Cigarette. The pro¬ duction was presented with appropriate scenery anil coatumea. The other members apiatired to advantage.

Maryland Tlieatre (Mr. James L. Kernau. Mgr.) T^e Show Uiri, with Stella Msybew was presented by a large rom|>any. Tbe cast was fairly good and tbe choms was pleasing. Tbe costumes and scenery are quite beantiful.

Holliday Street Theatre (Keman, Rife Houck. Mgra.) t^een of the Highway was {ireaented by a competent company. diar- otte Severson, with a large company, appear

In tbe production. The performances were satisfactory and pleasing.

The Bljon (.Mr. Fred Willson, .Mgr.) An Orphan's t’rayer was presented by a competent company In a satisfactory manner with elab¬ orate stage effecta.

Monnmental Theatre (Mr. James L. Ker- nan. Mgr.) Roee IHITa CnglUb FoBy Com [■any ap|>eared. The Baby Trust and Th, Slippery I.lfe Insnrance Company were thi comedies presented. Tbe company contains tome kcnmI comedians and pretty girls, wbo pleafed Immensely.



SPECIAL EDITION OF ’ THE BILL- T BOARD," which will be edited in the interest of out-door amuae- menta of every character. Circus, ran. Street kair, Parka, etc., wi.l be issued March 15, dated March 19. It will be of exceptional advertising value to Street 1 air people in ail branches; Circus proprietoia, agents, and boaaet; Fair aecretariei and Fair managera; Park managers; vaudeville pertoimers who play resorts, etc. THERE WILL BE NO INCREaSE IN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE OR IN AD¬ VERTISING RATES.

hii-iiicas u’ld is quite u fuvorlte here. hu.iii„ been aceu liere a uuuibi r ot limes berctotoie. Bt-aaie Burriscaie is u good .Madge; J. W. Cope wou much favor. The <-ouipau> throughout L u prett.i good oue and all aoure lu the applaua,- of appreelulive uHdieiK'es.

Cleveljud.—^'The Mluih of ijuilt Is UrawTug good audieui-ee. 'The eouipuny is a goo.i o.,e lor melodramatic work. 'I'here are a uumher of compllcatioua all of an excitiug v..riet>, the piece lieiug well proilueed, ueatly alaged. and with many realistic scenes.

Star.—CimmI business a.s usual here. es|i,'rially with uuy .Muuehesler allows. 'They are of ttie burlesque type ill every .seusc- of the word. ul»ays earryiug a good company of iirelty girl.i aud giasl comedians. 'Tuis is no exception. The hurlesi|Ues are g's>d and the olio very 111- ter-stlug. I’lllL. FKANKEL.

White made a lirilliant Imiirewaloii as Wlllle Astorbllt.

Cailonlal Theatre.—Tlje Three I..rile Maid* Is still playing to splendid hu>in> lec.


The Alhambra—The ballet. All tbe Year ’Round and vaudeville still continnea. Mr Monl, chairman of the Alhambra, gave a highly Interesting demonatration to tbe press, patroa- and players of tbe Ore-reeistlng qualities and tbe non-lndammable nature of tbe dressing and

• ketches aud Florrie Uallimore In catchy songs. They are warmly ro-eived by crowded bumu-s.

Tlie Grand—Au excellent turn is given here by tbe Langdons, styled tbe American Song Illustrators. Madame Florence, a clever gloin- walker, is also on tbe program.

'Tlie Regent—Dave .Markin's company ap|H>ars In a musical absurdity, entitled A .Moving Day, wltb success.

-Metroiaile—Zertlio. the clowu. and his per¬ forming dugs are featured at this popular home of amusement.

Dottrldge's Royal Theatre—Taul Martinettl and Uls popular trunpe. In .V Terrible Night, and Maude Courtney, an .\merlcun voc-allst. proved very big attractions at Mr. Dottrldge's House.

Edward Ransley’t act, Leap for Life, at Ueiigler's Circus is a must daring performance, is a drawing card witbuiit tbe other items in¬ cluded In tbe program. VKKi'T.VB


Teek I Sterling A Oomell. .Mgrs.)—Monday night uiiened the second week's eugagemeut cf the Savage i>iiera Com|iuuy at this palace thea¬ tre. 'Taniihauser was given au admirable repre¬ sentation. Gertrude Reunysoii aud -Mr. Goff

enery of the new grand ballet, AU the Year I estieclully dlatluguished themsedves in tiiD ’Round. I’be canvas, linen, gauses, cotton wool-paper, dress fabrics and battens prepared In BOlnUon suect-ssfnily passed tbe ordeal of lire.

The Empire (H. J. Hltcbena, Mgr.) Bu«l ness at llie Empire is at present very great. doubtlcH greatly due to the attractions of .Mr Rarlier’s sensational looping throngb sp.ice and tbe wonderful vocal p«Tforniance of Miss K<IUb Helens. The dln-ctors hsve temporarily delayed

piece. .Messrs. l.«iwrence, Henderson, Fattou and Fulton al-so dtil exceptionally tliie lu tb rule of minstrel knights. The work of th chorus was Indeed very good. ITalse is also due the orchestra fur Its excelleut support, bad very good business, aud music lovers will

gret bis departure. Next: Everyman. Star iJ. R. Sterling, -Mgr.)—Frances Wilson

and an all star cuiupany presented Ermine to very g-KHl houses I."* IT. The whole |>h>ce score!

the pn-paratkiiis for the d«‘W lii^llet. Wheu this I ““ emphatic a^ success as If it w..s its llr>t is proilueed. It will be found that tbe act'on takea |dace In one set. as suggested by .Mr George Kdwardes. The scene represents the hall of a i-oontry honse on a winter’s afternoon, with tlie guests returning from varlons sports They dis|>erse to dre* for dinner, after which an Impromptu dramatic performance take# pmce on a temisirarily arranged stage. Madame Senee wlU take the principal part, supported by other talented artists.

The plays at the other balla have not been changed.

Drury Iwine—Pantomimp, HnmptT Dumpty, Dan I/eno, Harry Randall. Herbert OamplH-II George Bartow, H. J. Ward, Arthnr Conqmwt. Mallei Ix)ve. Isiuiae Wlllla. ilutli l.ytton. Etb"l Negrettl, The Btseras and the Gregolatls.

His Majesty’s—The Darling of the Gods con tlliuea.

Ilaymarket—Joseph Entangled and the Widow Wooe atUl contlnoe.

Adeipbl—The Earl and the Girl Is atlU run ning.

Ualety—The Orchid. St. James—The Professor’s laive Story gave

way to Old Heidelberg this week. Wyndbara’a—Little -Mary la stlU tbe attrac

tkm at thla honae. New Theatre—Alice Through the I>ooking

Glass Is still the attraction. Strand—No ehange. The fhlnese Honeymoon Vaudeville—The Cherry Girl atUl holds the

tajMrds. Court—Tlie Court has closed, the last attrac

tlon being The Wuestlon aud the Bobemos. It will o|ieii Feb. lb with Romeo and Juliet.

Royal Court—Snowdrop and Brer F’ox and Brer Rabbit. '

^yalty—I.apfenstrelcb still U the attraction

production. Coming: .Vmelia Rliigham. Olynipe, lS-2t>; .Mrs. Leslie Carter, lu Du Barry,

.Veademy (P. C. Cornell. Mgr.)—lH‘Serted At the Altar, a four-act melodrama of very stir ring type, drew S. K. O. hous»-8 at thla i>oiiuUr family theatre. The scenery earrled by the cuDipany b the b-st on tbe road. W. E. Kuiter Held iloes excellent work as Frank Creighton Mbs Ethel Milton as .Millie Dorsey b very ac

ptable. TVie entire company b comtios^ of excellent talent aud Manager WUllania reports very good business. Next: Why Women Slu

Shea's—Anybody wbo has a mania for “Elks” ■ould have found all be wblied to see at Shea’s Theatre on Monday night, on the occaskin of the Elkt’ Ben. lit. They filU-d the boxes and owned the bouse. Blind Tom was given au ovation by the Jolly crowd that made him see new laurels. They fairly raised the roof with applause In resiamse to bis own selectiou. The Buttle of Manas.sur. Mr. Shea bad an extra gtsMl hill on and Is doing big boslnees.

I.afayette (C. K. Bagg. Mgr.)—Bob Man cbeeter’s Cracker Jack Burltsiquers are certain ly tbe ta-at collectkm 8«a-n Tu tbb bouse In man.v wta-ks. Tbe skits at each end of the lierfin-niance were well acted by the entire (ompaiiy. The usual moiKHonoua borae-play feature was entirely eliminated, and the relk-f of the bouse was apparent. In the olio are Ed Howard and Frank North. The Wangdoodlc Four. Held aud Trimble, and The Jacksons. All are good. Next. Vanity Fair.


Oi<era House.—Forties Robertson and Ger trnde Elliott present one of the most interest.

_ _ ____ lug and one of the most Important dramatic Prince of Wales—TTie School tilrl atUl ho'da I events of the seas«m here In Cleveland. Ham

tlie boards Lyric—'Itis Duchess of Dantxig. AtioUo—Madam*' Sherry, imperial—.Monsieur Beaucalre.

let was the 0|>eulng play, and .Mr. Roberts.in |M>rtrays an excellent modem Hamlet. The supiiort ta a goo<Uy lot of capable actors, and

A Qusen’s | while the opening performance was greet.sl


.Mason Ol>era Hou.se (H. C. W'iatt. l.e»aie A Vlaiiuger.j — I'he ultractioii at the hlg Broad¬ way jilayhouse thb week i» A Chinese Houe.v- UMuiii. Ihe i-oiupuiiy iiuiiiIhts lot) people and tlie play is well c-uat and mounted.

Durlwiik Tlieatre tOllver .Mor/sco. Leasee A .Manager.)—Nancy A Co. is the name ot the couieuy preaeuled hy James Neill and his eo’o-

iiy. The action «*( the play is brisk and en¬ tertaining. .VII m<'mlH'rs of the eouipany are aat in eoligeiiial roles aud uie playing to well

packell houses. Casino theatre (J. E. VVuldeck, Is-ssee A

.Manager. )—Hurly Burly has made paying bu.d- ne-s at the t'asino and wi.l he continued an¬ other week with the aihlition ot /uxa. .Vs tiii-- IS Raruey Raruaru'a litst w»-»'k large returns are lisiked for. .Manager iValdts'k has iM-eu having a "wveiling out' in his chorus, einleavor- lug to replace with suhstahtial live material all who are found below hrst grade staiidanl.

Graud l)|iera House (Clarence Drown. .Man¬ ager.)—IxMt River is tile offeriug here this week by Uie same coiu|iauy that presented It to good advantage last year. They carry a iiiimher of accessories that add greatly to tbe rural charm. This display always takes well here.

Urpbeum (Clarence Drown, .Manager.)—On tbe program are a sketcli by .Monroe, .Mack A Lawrence, eijuillbrUits of renown, aud Stiiarl Uarues. iSoiuetbiug novel Is tbe act of RuliertUs and Wllfredo, rublier ball maulpulatora. Toe Rays wUl stay amitber week, us will also Cor- dua and .Maud. Duffy, Buwietle and Duffy, aU'l Holden aud Florence.

Chutes Park aud Theatre (Henry Koi-h, .Man- ager.)—Ellery a Great Rovai Italian Baud com¬ bined wltb tbe Fidelia Gerinau Singing Socieiy in graud double loneerta. .ilLs .V. .V. Siepueus. the tiaud's tavonte soprano, sli.,.8 .Vve Haiii aceoU-paiiiisI by tbe organ quart- 'c. Cii,:i<>i Ferullo, the uoted otsa- player, reinl'is a lag- (Ime tride coiniiosed by himself wnieii vi.is well received, aud Signor Di .Mltris, the woiiderfu trumiH-ter, plays a beautiful romaiiza of bl¬ own oomiKisitiou. .Vu exceptionally' tliie pro¬ gram is rendered by tlie German singers. In ibe open air a grand loiii'crt is given by the utlre Ufty uiemlsTs of the baud. Broadway Theatre (.\. .Morganstern, Is'ssee

A -Manager.)—A gi«id i>ipular-prieed bill l.s promi.sed for tbe isnuiug week. 'I'he Empire Trk) has bi-en re-eugageii, the la*e Cullilrru ai*- pear in songs aud dauces. Cole and Cole give ail aerial act that takes well, Holyurd Grant presents a musical sketch; Stautleld has some new im|M'rsoiiatlous. and .Montgomery, tde bari¬ tone, a new wt of lliuat/ati'd songs. .\ coni pletc list of new moving pictures oiuipletes the program. D. W. FEitOI SON.


-Veademy.—The rbauhou.-er Stock ('onip.iiiy . lii Rip Vau Winkle, .s, made a hlg hit to cuovded hoii.-es. l.ce I’nker iu the role of Rip was ver.v good. Tlie other members lEd sall-f.iclorii.v, although they didn't have very much to do, all having small parts. The seeni-ry was good an 1 the electrical effect.') were handled iu hrst-elass order.

t ry stal.—.Vll.-is I.onis Levy and her vlollu arc pleasant featuH'S of the hill at the Crystal. .V Comedy of Errols Is given liy the Westons, and proves a very Interesting sketch. Nellie Ruvell. monologue artist, and Juggling .Mathleus did nome gooil work.

Davidson.—O. W. Woodward’s prodintloii of l iider I'uo I'l.igs was seen at the Davidaou. Jane Kcniiark's success as Cigarette could uot he questioned, as her acting was very gianl The huluiice of the company was fair. .V Idll of rehiii'd vaudeville was given 14 ami drew a crowded house. .V comedy l>y .Mr. and .Mrs. Drew was one of tlie strong features of tue MU. Gi'orge R. Austin, in a comedy wire act, |ire- M'liteil some novel ami dillleiilt feats. .Meebiiii'a |H'rforiuing dogs were well tr.iliied and gave a very liiteiestliig performance. Next. .Vmia Held.

Bijou.—A large and callable coiiipaii.v In Foxy Grandpa was seen at the Itljou and Judging from the laughter It pleased the atiiUeiice which packed the liouse. Joseph Hurt aud Carrie De Mar are still the principal fun makers, and laitb handle their parts very well. The chorus Is a good one and the ai'eiiery is up to tlie standard of nitisii-al laimedii'g of popular prices. Next, Joseph .Murphy.

Alhamliru.—Rudidph and Adolph was seini at the .Vlhauihra, and if one may Judge hy the slse if the audience .Mason and Mason have tirnily stuhlished themselves lu the favor <)f .Milwau¬

kee theatre-goera. The elioriis is gtaal and the (sistumes are better t..an that of the average IHipular priced attractions.

Star.—Two giaid burlettas and a giaal olio Is what patrons of the Star saw when the lllga ilollers 0|iened for the wei'k. In the olio Hows and Scott arc good: also the Tliree Armstrongs In a bicycle act. 'The chorus U a fair one.


Romance will be pi^uced next montli by Lewis I with a slim crowd, yet the appreciation for tbe Waller.

Garrick—The OIcket on the Hearth. work rendered was very consplcnoos.

Shea’a Empire.—.Vn excellent bill of vaude- Daly’s—On Saturday night. Jan. »). Mr. Oeo. vllle la It that is holding forth here this week.

IMwardia’ great musical comedy success, A l^muud Hayes A Co., in A Wise Guy, scored Country Girl, made Its final bow to Its many tremendously. Ethel l..evy, late of the Four admirers at Daly’s, where it had been ruunlng Cohans, has a bright and anappy singing stie- • ince Jan. 18, 1902. The preparation of a new daily. The 11 Nelaona. acrobats, afford much Cingalese musical play which will succeed the amusement. "Tlie Bluebeard Pony Ballet are a •vmely country laaa Is well advanced and Its set of hardworking girls, who produce a fine - - up-to-date act In singing and dam-lng and rope

jumping. Price Kokin It an expert Juggler aU'! Juggles In the spirit In which his own i-oontrv is at tbe present fighting. The rest of the bill affords much pleeaure and Is pretty good.

(MonUL—TsmoerlUe is reig&lnc hen tad

spiieeiraoce may lie looked for In two or Uinw Weeks* time.

Duke of York—-Mr. Chat. Frobman announces that the last performance for the present of ^tty will be given at the Duke of York Iliea- tn on Feb. B. It will be followed by Mr. Aa- , --- „ thooy Uope’o pUy Gsptaia Dieppe, which Ii 4l'> will bo for A few non week*, at whleh ttiM reedy In rehMroal. BA^VT SAMUBL. this boose M expected to ehao tad ptM Into


Hollis Sirt'ct Theatre. Monday nlgbt Mr Charles Frohuiau preta uted .Miss .Maude .Vdam^ aud coni|>auy iu The Pretty Slater of Joa*'. .Mi Henry Aluley, au Eugllab actor, aud l•'at]illg man. was new to Boetoii. .Maude .\datiia w.i' as always magnetic, sincere and delighted a theatre filled wiUi her friends.

Keith’s Theatre.—.\u Innovation at Keith’s la the giving away of new aud costly programs which will be greatly prized as aouveuira. It i-onalsta of eight page*, and U artistic ami l>eaii tlful iu the extreme, brightened with gold aud color. There la no advertising save of the Keith attractions and It is in keeping with the Keith standard. 'Ihe leading act thLi week la Rousby’s electrical ami seeuic novelty lu ParD, which portrays some of the Ix-st features of tae famous exposition. Tbe ijuartette Basque, one of tbe best vocal orgaulzatkine ever beard on tbe variety stage, (he Sisters Delmore, and others. Cliarles Dieksou preseuted a sketch called A Pressing .Matter, In which he was supported by PauUue Ktlliuga.

Majestic Theatre—Kellar, the well-known magician, opened bia annual engagement 1; Boston and gave for the first time 'The I.evita tlou of Princess Karnac. This Is tlie susiieiision of a body In midair, with no visible means of support.

Columbia Theatre.—A D«'sperate Chance. Grand l)i>ers House.—Through Fire and Water

was giveu a hearty greeting. This Is an ex- ceptioiially strong play with a comhluatlou of love, villainy aud heart-interest. The scenic effects are most elaborate.

Tremont Theatre.—I>ew Dockstader’s Min¬ strels are playing to packed houses at nlgbt. while Nance U’Nell is giving a series of mati¬ nees. Tills young woman’s genius Is lielng acknowledged, and .Mr. John It. tichoeffel. tbe man.'iger ot the Tremont Theatre. Is so certain Ilf her snccew that be will manage her for a term of years.

Hub ‘Theatre.—Her Marriage Vow, by Owen Davis.

l.yi-eum.—Bryant A Walilron’t Trocadcrog la the attraction this wi.H>k, and It Is one of the tieat that have lieen at this home of burlesque this season. They have a pretty closing bur¬ lesque. railed Hlawatba.

Park Theatre—William Collier entered upon hla second week In The Dictator. This play gives .Mr. Collier the best opiiortunlty which he baa yet bad and is playing to splendid business.

Boston Tlieatre.—Way I>own East entered upon Its 8e<'«nd and last week. This well- known play has not lost any of Its popularity and seems destined to fall in the f<M>tatep« of Denman Thompson’s Old Homestead. Pbosbs Davts still plays tbe part of Aunt Moort, the part which she created.

Globt Thfttrea—The BhrfoiBMter hefu tt» eactfeneat fit th« Globe thle week. Buth

TORONTO, ONT.—Prince** (O. B. Sheppard, .Mgr.) Mrs. I^-slie Carter delighted big audi- encfs In Du Barry week of 15. Next: The Country Girl.

.Maswy Hall (S Honston. Mgr.) Hie great English entertainer, George Grossmlth, In hla weird entertainment, amused good sized audi¬ ences 18-211.

Shea’s (J. Shea, Mgr.) Harry Lee and hla ■ompany was tbe attraction wei-k of 15. Elfls Fay. Sherman A De Foriwt. Chai<. R. Sweet, 'i’alhot A Rogers and others formed an average bill. Good business.

Star (F. W. Stair. .Mgr.) Tlie Brlga.ll.T Uurlesquers did well 15-2o. Coni|>aiiy is a good >iie and drew bumper bonws. Next: Cracker-

Jacks. .Majestic (.V. J. Small. Mgr.) When Women

laive, 1.V20: ()n the Bridge at .Midnight. ’22-27. Grand (Snia'l A Stair, .Mgrs.) .Mwii of tbe

World. I.V21). .Ne.xt; Ig)ver’» I.ane. J. A. Gl.MSON.

CAMBRIDGE. O.—Colonial Theatre (11. H. Marston. Lesm-e A Mgr.i: Miss Bob Wlilte. 11, I plea.sing performance to S. It. O. Coming: \s Vou I.Ike It. 17: Al. G. Field’s Minstrels, 2(): The Silver Sllppi-r. 22.

Hammond’s Oi>era Honse (Roht. Hammond, Mgr.). Poultry Show, 11 El, was well attend- <nl; exhibits were large. Coming: Shore Acres, 20. AUTHI U U)VE.

VINCENNES. IND.—McJiiic-ey’s Theatre (F. UriM-n. .Mgr.)—Wilbur Mack Stock Co.. 1.5-’20, opened to packed honse. They play I’nder a Si'.ailow, A Prisoner of War, .\ Gay Bachelor. The Uwt Heir. Shallows of Greater New Y'ork. Tile Cooi^.v Jinlge. The Girl I Ixive. and Ijiat Lvnue. (.\>mlng. A Run t>n the Bank. 24.

ANNA U)VE. JOHNSTOWN, PA.—Cambria Theafrs (I. C.

Mlsliler, .Mgr.) I'ncle Tom’a Cabin, l.'l. to gis'd business. Ethel Barrymore In Cousin Kate. l.Y, gave a fine iiertormanee to S it. t). Coming. Bennett-Moalton Co.. l«-2o; Tlie Game Keeper. 27: Wealth and Poverty. 2:5; Shore Acres, 21, The Fatal Weildliig, 2r>; Rose Melville. In Sla Hopkins. 26. HARRY PH1LLH>8.

WELLINGTON. KAN.—W’ood’a Opera Hooae (M. 11. Kirk. Mgr.) The Goblins. 16, to fair house: paper gooil: flue line siieclaltles. Com¬ ing. Fred Andrews. 26; Piair Mr. Rich. 2.

The Open Air Amnsement







This Handsome Special Edition will b« Issued March 15, Dated March 19,

This Handaome Special Edition vvill be issued March 15, dated 19. The great¬ est editorial skill and aatiduity will be exercised for the purpose of giving to “The BiUboard’s’’ patrons an ixaue which for educational infl'jence and ad- Tcrtising value can not be azoelled.

The issue will be profusely illustrated and space is yet open for a limited num¬ ber of photographs and articles of an educational nature pertaining to out¬ door amusements.

U$t Advertising Form ClosBS March 12





3| .T- E


Itemi of Intereit from Over the Sea. Ix>ud<>u, Feb. U, I'JUl.

CousMerliig the hnauclul coudltiou of the lieople, caused by the heavy taxea lucideiilal to the late IVer War. it la wouderful ho» show husliiebs ia prositeriiiK ill Great ISrltuiu. Where the euteitaliiiueiit oflered ia up to the standard theie are no eouiplaluta. 1 lioiiestly believe that the ilriiish puolle ia the greatest show-golug people lu the world. The only fail¬ ure that has eoine to luy notice waa the Siiorts- uieu'a Show at Olympia, which waa attributed to a i>oor allow at high prices. The World’s Fair, under the management «f Mr. F. Uecd, opened at Kojal Agricultural Hall Itoxing day, l>ec. 110. aud chares touight, Feb.b. 'FUey pre¬ sent a tirat class circus |»erformance iu addition to llosl'K’k's superb menagerie, for Ud. This ia not our own Frank C., but hU brother, E. 11. Ilostock, who ia etiually euterprLsing, having, lu addition to a permanent hliiirodrome and g.uo at Ulasgow, several traveling e-vlilbltloua, one of wliich is doing well In South Africa.

As lne'~ltoyul .\gricultural Hall ia a large building in a g-aid liHation and the show a good ..lie, business has la eu big since the opt uing. The -Meers tamily of etjut-strians, well known lu the Statis. contribute to the excel.euce of the program. .\nother s< nsational number Is that of Iteile Stone, Bpital asccnslonlst. After mya- terioHsl.v ascending to the top of the atdral, .Miss Stone o|ieus the globe, makes her ai)iH‘ur aiici* and stands uji, then re-enters and de.scends, to the bewilderment of all beholders. 'The Sei- grist-Slllstn t'ieiinesr* T'roupe r'lose the show with their Intrciiid aerial lllghts, us presented with the liarnum it Halley Show last season. They retuni to the Stales at the close of this engagement.

1 had a long talk with Sol Stone a few days ago, and he Informs me that he and his wife will’ probably return to America very shortly. They have done wonderfully well over here, but having been absent from the States seven long years, they are getting homesick. Nu- meiams siile shows, carousels, etc., add to the Interest as well as the revenue of the fair.

Jan. do was a gala night at Olympia when Hackenschmidt, the Uusslau lion, beat .Madralli. the Terrible 'Ihirk, lu forty-hve seconds, for u purse of .E2,000 ftlO.OOo). Cliarles S. Wells, an American press agent. Is responsible for g.‘..0oo people paying from Uve shillings to twen- ty-hve iiounds to witness the contest. Well, Wells did his work well.

ITie Showmen and Van Dwellers’ Association held their annual meeting at Itoyal Agricultural Hull Jan. 27. aud Uird George Sanger was re elected president for the ensuing year. The meeting was largely attended by showmen from all imrts of the kingdom, end close*! with ' grand supi>er aud bull.

Gharlea Diamond, harp soloist, famous In .tmerlia as the .Milaues** Minstrel, and Mile. Deatrlce. saxaphoue solidst, who have been over here since are doing liuely in the mu.sic halls. They go on tour with the Buffalo Bill Show in April, after which they are booked for a thirty weeks’ season lu Australia with Harry Bichards.

Fred B. Hutchinson, general manager of Buf¬ falo Bid's Wild West, arrived from America Jan. 27, looking hearty and happy. The Wild West will tour Scotland, Wales and parts of England that were omitted last year, commenc¬ ing ubout April 25.

liooplug the loop via the topsy turvy rail¬ way, is billed eileusively at the Crystal ralS'-e as "tile latest example of -American sensation alism.

Gridin & Octavla, American conjurors, have returned from I’aris and are back at the Bun galow (Hindoo Hall of .Mystery), making their fourteenth wek at this establishment.

At Bostock’s Hil>l>odrome. I’arls, new features are: Eph Thompson’s elephants. Osco. snake eater, and the Hindoo fakirs. 'I'his is the lirst Introduction of the Bo.sco act In Europe, and it created a sensation. 1 do not think, however that it could be shown iu England.


Wolf & Co., of Greenville, O., are making a new dU-fool round top witli liO-foot middle piece tor W’aLsh Sisters Show.

From all rc|iorts received from Florida, the John H. Sparks Show has been getting the money down there tills winter.

.M. F'. Gules, the Brookl* u (N. Y.) manufac¬ turer of circus lights, is doing big business for the shows that o|h'u in the spring.

.Noble's Koyal 'i'ent Shows will o|K‘n its se.i- .om .Man'll 7 at Itinggold. Va., with a brand new outdt from stake to bale ring.

Ihe Three Ulo Brothers, acrobats, are lilay- ing at Watson's Theatre, Brooklyn, this week.

heir act made a more than usual hit. 'The Stumou family band and orchestra ha.-i

lieeu re-engaged with the Thos. Hargreaves Big It. It. Shows for the coming season.

'Thompson A liundy have engaged several good circus acts for their three-ring circus located iu Euna I’ark, Coney Island, Xew York City.

Hugh G. .Muccollam has ^gned for the tent¬ ing season with Frisliee Bros, as singing and talking clown and to do his vaudeville siiccialty in the concert.

Mr. I’. J. Muudy o{>ened his trained animal ziH> at the auditorium, Houston, Tex., Feb. Is. Five large exhibition arenas were erected for that pui'iKise.

Kal|ih Emerly, Ed Brewster, Chas. Krousc, Geo. Boblnson aud Ed Evans, all first class drivers, will return to the Ulugliug Brothers' Show tills season.

Frank & Albright have been re-engaged the coming season with Walter E. Main’s Fashion I’late Shows. Their entire outfit will be new and iH'tter than ever.

Mr. Fred Thomiisou has returned from Euroiie here he has been looking for novelties for


“The Billboard’’ has started a subscription list to Biipiilemeut that of the liosses with the John Boblnson Show for the purisjee of buy¬ ing a tombstone for the unidentified victims of the Wallace Sliow wrei k hurled at Durand Mich. As a large amount Is not riHiulred, we deem It advisable not to accept subscriptions larger than Jl.Oo.

Amount previously reported .$374.1X1 E. E. Brannan . l.Ud


Jimmie Hugo has Joined the Juggling John sons.

.Manager Hugh Harrison wag In Chicago sev eral days last week.

-Mrs. Jennie Stumon has fully recovered from a five months’ spell of sickness.

Miss Merle Mogle will play tuba with the Stumon family band and orchestra.

I. C. Shljdey will have charge of the prlvl leges with the Floto Shows this Si-ason.

Walsh Sisters Show wants a clever sketch team that can double in band: a'.-o organist

The .Aurora Zouaves will Join the Forepaugh Sells Shows about April lu fur a thirty weeks season.

The Donaldson Elthographlng Company has been doing the printing fur the Burnum Bailey Shows.

C. L. Hagen writes that blx Death Trap Is not engaged with the Hulburd Shows, as re ported recently.

Mr. Chas. I’arkg hag lieen engaged to pi baritone and violin with tiie Stumou family tiic coming season.

Julian’s Winter Circus closed Feb. 13, on ac count of {>oor business and dlssatisfuctioii among the jierformers.

Barnum & Bailey open their si-ason on Sat¬ urday, March 19, at .Madison Sifuare Garden. .New Y’ork City.

Bogtock’s Arena at Philadelphia. Pa., Is re- portiKl to be making good, and same will he open until May.

Frank Bobbloa, general agent of the Santellc Shows, was the guest of Mr. Main severs! days In Geneva, Ohio.


TEE OPEN-AIR AMUSEMEN T SPECIAL EDITION OF “THE BILL¬ BOARD,” which will be edited in the interest of out-door amuse¬ ments of every character, Circus, Fair, Street Fair, Parks, etc., will be issued March 15, dated March 19. It will be of exceptional advertiaiag value to Street Fair people in all branches; Circus proprietors, agents, and bosses; Fair secretaries and Fair managers; Park managers; vaudeville perfotmert who play resorts, etc. THERE WILL BE NO INCREASE IN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE OR IN AD¬ VERTISING RATES.

the ciri ug purt of Thompson & Dundy’a Euna Park, Xew A'ork City.

George Arstiugstull, animal trainer and form- ■I'ly elephant keejier with the Forepaugh Shows, lied ill la’uchdule, Pu., aud wag buried in I’ark- -rsbiirg, W. Va., Feb. 9.

Mr. \V. B. Musgat. who Is at present man¬ aging the tour of Gideon's Camp .Meeting to will again go out in the advance advertising car for Sells-Downs this season.

AVllliam G.lmau writes tliat he will he with the opposition brigade of the Walter E. .Main Shows this coming season. This makes his second season with the Main Shows.

The Great Ea Fleur is presenting his sensa¬ tional novelty acrobatic act at the leading vaudeville houses. 1-ast week be made a great hit at the Orpbeum, Brooklyn, X'. Y.

The cases of Annie Oakley against the Scraa- ton Truth and the Wilkesbarre Xew a. for al leged slander, will come up this week fur tri.il iu the I'nited States Court at Scranton, I’a.

Sixty eleiihauts are e.\i>ected to arrive lo New York City about -April I from Bombay, India, consigned to Thompson A Dundy for their ele phant farm at Coney Island, Xew York City.

-M. B. Knnkely, of DiO South Street. New York City, U very busy making new canvas for several of the large shows. He has Just com¬ pleted the new canvas for Slg. Sautellc’s Shows.

Dan Budder, a trap drummer, who la resting at Ills home In Chamliershurg, Pa., after a long and busy engagement covering two years, bus signed for coming season with the Walter L. -Main Circus.

.Mr. Arthur T. Pri’scott, of U;c loop-the-loop fame, will present a new thriller with the Barnum A Bailey Show, opening at Madison Square Garden. 'This act will be called Cyclln, the Aerial Arch.

Thos. J. Hall, of Avoca, Tex., hat Just re '■elved a new lot of healthy snakes of all kinds aud Is prepared to ship them well boxed on sliort notice. He also deals In prarirle dugs and horned toads.

W. U. Montgomery, of Boone. Ia., wag caller at the olhce of “The Bllllioard’’ FVb. 8 .Montgomery Bnis. will this season put out the (ireat 'Texas Bill Wild Wi-st, a six-car show playing the extreme West.

Billy Clay Searle, wire performer and sing Ing clown, recently left his wintering place in Coshocton, O., to go to Cleveland, where he will practice up for his tour with Knight' Twenty-live Cent Circus this season.

Frank D. Berst. the well known bandmaster has been engaged to load the hand wllb the Bard Bros, show for the coming si-ason. This show Is to be three times as large as last year. It opens at Beading. Pa., early In April

The museum and ethnological departmen .s at

Blngllng Bros. World's Greatest Sliows, unde: the management of I>*w ’ir.iham fo- the coming season, contain a numiier of f r?.gD freaks and other attractions that are entirely ui w to ti United States.

The Beall Family, three in number, have signed with the John liobiuson Ten Big Show for season of 1904. Howard and Dora do tbeir heavy weight lifting and cannon ball act and Hattie Beall to do singing and dancing special¬ ties In the concert.

The Slg, Suutcile Sliows will oi«‘n at Court- land, X'. Y., .April .3*1. Everything Is moving very nicely at the winter (juarters. and the work is further advam-ed than usual. .Mr. F. •A. Bohhina recently visited Oie winter quarters on his return from Erie, Pa.

•M. E. Clark’s wagon shows are In winter qiiartera at Alexandria, Eii. Tliey are toning up everything In first claxs style, and nsxt season will tsk«e the road a* ■ railroad show, oonsihtliig of fifteen cars. Afr. Clark Is a Urge real Instate owner In AlexandrU.

Dannie Fltsgersld, last season ssaUtant man¬

ager for Walter Main, wrltsa friends lu Geneva, Ublo, from Phoenix, Arizona, where he was com¬ pelled to go for his health, that bis cuudltlou has improve’d greatly, and be boiK's to be able to troop again the cumljg season.

The Barnum A Bailey Bhow will go into .Madison Square Garden early In March, and It is I'urlher udviiuced fur the new s^-asoii than ever before. Work will begin on March 7, and by the opening date. March 19, the tierfurmauce will he given complete in all respects. . Col. .M. 11. Welsh, of the Welsh Bros, Show, met with quite a serious accident at winter quarters Feb. 12, which will coutiue him to Hie house for several weeks. He was oil the second Hour lookiug after some repairs to lie made on the building, when he accidentally fell through an open hatch.

The large barges of tlie -American AVater Circus, owned by W. V. Xewuian, are hi a pre¬ carious iKisltiou behind the government iders iu the local liiirlior at Iroutou, O. Eight feet of ii-e has diifted under the boats and falling water will leave them stranded. 'The boats were moored for the winter.

.Mr. J. A. (Juinn, manager of (JuiuiTs Park. Pryor Creek. I. T., writes; 1 don't think the World’s Fair will injure the show businc.-s through this section. 'This country is fast fill¬ ing up Willi good farmers, which will swell the crowds at gatherings, etc. The prosiiects fur gvod croiig and a good season are bright.

I’reparations are on foot by tbe S:, lauiis Showmen's Club for a grand masque ball, to be given March 17 at Bamhriek Hall. Kith and Choteaii .Ave. Balph Eiuerle, .Arthur Sliainlrew, John Dalton, Ed Kennedy and Chas. Krou.se are the committee having the arraiigciiienl.s iii charge, and a grand lime is promis'd all who attend.

The Benevolent Grder of -Atuericuu Tigers held their regular meeting on Sunday. Feh. 7, iu Emcll's Hall, BrldgetHirt, Conn., with Presi¬ dent Stovks presiding, and 3tt memliers present. A very warm debate took place, three new uiemU'rs went through the torm of InitiatiLii, and two applications for uiemberslilp were re¬ ceived.

Hugh Hoffman, of Hoffman Bros.' Prihtliig House. Jersey City, X. J., has been lu Geneva. Ghlo, for the past week completing the minor details iu tbe issuing of the Walter E. .Main "Boute Book and Eighteen Year History of the Main Show.” Mr. Hoffman promises to issue the most artistic as well as interesting circus route book of modern times.

Jack Case, a former privilege treasurer of the •Main Show, is now engaged lu dispensing re¬ freshments lu the Haley cafe iu Aslitabiila, Ghlo, where he liaa attained great (lopularily. By the way, Mr. Haley, the cafe's host. Is an old circus man himself, being none other than he who conducted the cook-house with tbe Bing ling Show aud Main Show fur years.

.Mr. F. A. Bolihlus recently visited tbe Erie Printing Co., xt Erie, Pa., aud purchased twen¬ ty-four horses, formerly the property of the Fore|>augh-Fish Wild West Show. These horses are for the Sautelle Shows, and same have been snipped to the w-lnter quarters at Homer. X. A'. ’The.v will make a handsome addition to the lot of horses owned by this show.

-A member of the Virginia la-glslature by the name of Garrett recently lutroilueed a measure iu the august body to prolilhlt traveling elr- coses from advertising wUat they fall to show in the performance. Perhaps It would have lieeu more to the point had they made the clause read “to prohibit Idle legislators from lobbying what the.v fall to show In their recorils.”

Tbe following shows have, up to this time, signed the agreement Ix'tween the circus man¬ agers aud tbe Alliance: Barnum A Bailey. Itlng- ling Bros.. Forepaugh-Sclls, B. E. Wallace. John Ilublusun, Walter E. Main, Buffalo Bill's Wild West. I’awnei* Bill’s Wild West, Encky Bill’s Wild West. Noble’s Tent Show. McDon¬ ald Bros. Show, F'. B. Hubln United Show and Buckskin Bill’s Show.

A huge ilussian wild boar escaped from the winter quarters of John Boliinsou's Shows st Terrace Park, O., and Col. John offered a re¬ ward of $2.5 for Its return. The laiar la very valuable. The Busslan and German gover i- meiitg have stopiied Its exportation, as even there It is beconiliig very scarce. After a four days' liunt his iMiurship was found by a farmer near Terrace Park.

The Brooklyn (N. A'.) representative of “The Billboard" writes; I called at the offices of the Bariiuni A Bailey Greatest Show on Earth, located at 2.5-27 West Thirty-fourth Street. Xew A'srk City, and this was on a holiday (EIncolu’g Birthday), and found every one. from Mr. James A. Bailey to the office boy. hu.<y. Flvery man was at his desk. Judging from the hustle and the sound of t.vi>ewrlters. this office Is one of the busiest Just imw In the city of New A'ork. .A staff of g'ntlemen and coiirteoiis showmen has brought togeth.T at the Barnum A Bailey head olfleea.

l*tione 286 !• I’.MabllAbed

Thomson & Vandiveer MANUFACTURERS OF


230-232 E. 3(1 St., CINCINNATI, 0.


CIRCUS CANVASES, I’oles ami Stakes, sl'i.A’I’s, rin^rs, Ktc.

BLACK TENTS Kor .TIovIiik I'lelure \%'ork.

SIDE SHOW PAINTINGS. Froiitn and llaiiuera lor Mreet Fairs.

.Agents for KIDD’S PATENT CIRCUS LIGHTS 11 North Ann St., CHICAGO, ILL. Take I-ake St. Flevated any where ontlie

loGP. Ann St. station fourth stop over the river- live minutes ride from centre of ollj’.


Indianapolis Tent & Awning Co. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.

SHOW TENTS Eq.'al lo any In workmanship, shape andqua’'.y Gei our pUces before tiuying Agents for Kidd's '.'gilts and Baker’s T' lX'hes. Black tents for moving pictures. Good second hand tenis from .3.5x50 lo V/fti 9i»i, at Bargains. BAKlIt A l.in'KWooD. Succes¬ sors lo U. J. Baker, 415 Deikware htrect, Kansas City, Mo.

CANVAS The World Over And you will find

LUSHBAUGH Nothing too large or too small TENTS for our shop. A.l the Big s a.n . • Shows use tbe best tents aud we make them Ba - loons and sporting tents of e\crv descilptlon n.ade to order. 'Jd-hand tents for sale. Write for part’cu'.am

W. H. LUSHBAUGH. Tka Prictical Tentnaker. COVINGTON, Rl

Maniimctiirerw of All Kliida of Teitla. Miow f 'HiiVHM N S|N>«'iHll}. Illitek'renin to order. Neeoiid-liHiid 'reiiln boiiirlil and aold, J4>aaN aa.\NL.a':%, Terre Haute, liid.


AWNINGS, TENTS, FLAGS AND COVERS. Yacht Satis a Specialty. Tents and Covers for hire. Old Canvas Covers for Sale or Hire. We have experienced Show Tent Men in our employ. 212 Light Street, Bsltlmors, Md.

SHOW CANVAS On short notice. 'Write for particulars. Illustrated catalogue free. Can mildew pnaif tents built by os U small coat. Send us your Inquiries.


Detroit Bag & Mfg. Co. Suoc’t’ssi) t) Tiiu T. W. Noble Co.

129-139 Fourth St., OotroN, Mich.

CIRCUS CANVASES And Tentx of all kinds. HO foot Tops and under carried In atock. Tenu, rented to slate and County Fairs.

SideShow Paintings SIEGMUND BOCK,

62 Blue Island Ave., • Chicago, III.


WM. ARMSTRONG lUnur&cturfTa of Show Cadvm, B4II0ODO, Partchutoo, Blftok Tonta and all O^traa Oooda. Offloo, 6100 Mlohifan Aveaua, Chicago Telephono OarSaid 1096.

Scenery and Show Paintings! J4IIIV lll-.ICFI If I'll,

No, XI 8:1 II.MMie 8t., 4 l>4 l%N%TI, 4.


GEO. TAYLOR, : ; 97 Cliff Street, New Yorn

JiwriBW JiHIdfOl” sofciM awoown'Rf 4Mil. BiUboarO’'whtnan$u/$rUtff a<U



One of tUe iiHMt luten>6tiu« at well a* must tiijallfylug fealuTi-a of tlie l ike U Uiat of Ui« l ijatal I'alace Couceaalou Couipaujr, wLlcli U to be kDowu aa the ••Crystal Ma»e." Althuagb llie uauie la oltl. the exhibit Itaelf la an eutire- iv uew «lei>uriure lu the making of a luun". U couaiaU of about loo I'reuch iilateU uilrrora nijd an eijuai number of diaturtiiig mirrora, ►et ao aa lo give the mjat abaurd. grotesque letleetioua. Aiqiearlug like ordinary minora, the etfeeta ate fuuuy in the extreme, lu ton- Ftructiou these mirrora are more dilhcult than auytblug yet attemi>ed, aalde from beiug en¬ tirely new lit design. The mate ia dark, ao ua lo yi-rmit of eleelrieal daueea. such aa the moon, auu, atara, elouila, llovvera, and ali the fauioua hre dunces, cauaiiig a moat weird aur- tvuiidiug of reaiiatlc and mysterioua vulcanic tire. lielng aafelj eacoiTed towards the exits, yuu will bud yourself lu a luiig grotto, aixtieu feet in width, with an iudeuulte appeurli.g length. This IS eaiied the Hall of l.aughter. and coiuiirlsea from oO to tio distorting mir¬ rors set lulu grotto walls, with reilections of light thrown ut>uu them so that they redect tiie most freaky as well as must ahaiieleas dc- foruiltlea to tne visitor. These concaved and convex mirrors were eapvH-ially designed auu are considered the Inat collection of i>att«rua In the world. Aside from this wonderful ivl- Ici'tiuiia of mirrors, there are such features as the .Mystic Boltouilesa Well. String of .Mirth etc. Toe lobby at the eutrniice cuutslus an orchestral uigaii, which (iroducea the music of sixty musicians and having taken the goTI medal at the late Tarla Kvisisltlou, Its quality Is assured. lielng lu a (irumincut lucatluu on the Tike, and the masslveuesa as we.l aa the exquisite design of toe exterior of this con- cession, the visitor la at once attracted and mystlbed with its beauty. lu cuucluaiua. it might be said that nothing on the I'ike will attract mure attention tham tbla.


.tt least S.tXMi birds will l>e on exhlbltluu at the Tlttaburg I'oullry Show.

llvausville, lud.. will have Its second aiiuu.il horse show lu .May. Wm. L. Swuriustedt 1< se<'relary.

It. 11 Cosgrove, of Mluucai>olla. Minn., has I is-u offered the yiuslliou of manager of the In¬ terstate Fair next year at Simkaue. Wash.

The L'uiun Jack Club aksiiug fete aud lee carnival took (dace Iti ljuudou recently aud l-roved the moat successful aucial event of the x-asou.

Ihe trustees of the Cumlwrland County (Me.I .Vgrlcultural Society recently di-clded to ho.d lut ;r annual fair S»'pt. O-s. aud preliminary arraugemeuta were made fur the occasion.

S. li. cMll. of Springbeld. .Maas., manufacturer of the Link the Link puule, a new- novelty, ha.i rxecived many large orders for this amusing puzzle. It is Just the thing fur streetmeu aud novelty dealers.

The directors of the Auglaize County (tiblol .tgrlcultural Asauclatiuii have decided to hold ti.elr fair the last four days In September, aud have already bt-guii to make extensive Improve¬ ments on their grounds.

IVutlaud 4 Co., of Hetrolt. Mich., are offer¬ ing mens, ladles aud boys watches at a prl.e within the reas'b of all. They have solid coin sliver cases. New York standard works, and ali are w arrauted. tiiee sd. on another page.

"The Schemer.” (•ubllsbed at Alliance. O.. is a 41-(>age agents' monthly. It la blhsl with the leading agency, advertising, mall order and all other schemes. T'hey offer three months* trial at a siieclal j>rlce. S»-e other page for ad.

The Ueorgla State Agricultural Society has • hosen Macon fur the next state fair. The exhibition w ill be conducted liy the Ytacon ITilr .tsHuclatIun, which will use every means to add to the already great assurance of success.

The d>-ath of Charley .Mallory, a young bicycle rider, at the Coliseum, .Vtlaiitu, tia.. on the (air grounds, .\ug. itli, IDUil, h.>s resulted ki a dauiuge suit being bled against the Interstate Tair .Yssvs'latlou, Jack I’rluce, liobby Wallliour biid tiua Castle.

The Newman Mfg. Co.. SI Woodland Ave.. Cleveland. O., have ad<h-d somclulng entirely new in Shanirocka for St. Patrick's Hay. They furnish samples at wholesale rates. 'Their as¬ sortment of these gootls is very large and prices the very lowest. Catalogue fr«-e.

K. It. WishI, ;t2.')!» .Monroe Street. Toledo, O.. Is the manufacturer of the ceh-lirateil l(e<l Itose Chewing (ium. lie makea a s|>ecialty of this famous brand, which ia unrivaled fur purity and delicacy of ffavor. Orders are pruiu|>lly niled at the lowest (siseible (irlcrs,

.Vrmltage, llerschell Co., North Tunawands. N. Y'., are the Inventors aud the original niauu- faeturers of Tonawanda Steam illding Oallery. 'Tills la an Improvement on the merry-go-runnd, ami fortunes are to Im- made by oia-rallng tbls everlasting amusement riding gallery.

I’lans for Ib-nver's tCol. i si>ring race meet are now- nearly matured, and already a nninber of candidates for the light harness events have arrived. These horses will tie worked dally from now on. so when the racing season in Colorado oimiis Uiey will be fully acclimated.

The Klngery .Mfg. Co., Clm-liinatl, H.. Htl I’earl Street, east, have a great attraction In the way of their antoniotdie peanut roaster. Tlielr handsome catalogue, which fully descriism this machine ran be hail for the aakliig. They also carry a very large line of rotary (voiK-orn lopiwra and Ice cream freeitira. The recl(>«> f'T their crystal bake, tliat celebrated article tint la used so extensively for ire cream, can !"• had free.

'Ir. (ialloway, chief of the bureau of plant liiilustry of the .tgrlcultural He|>artmeiit, makea • he statement that that department ta not In I ■ IomIiicss of dlstrllvutlng oeeda to falra. If FUi li Were the rase there would be a btsH) of sppileatlons from all over the country. The only seeda distributed are through the simatora ■ »d representatives. Mr. Ualluway eCatea that such retsirta make enemies fur the deiuirtment and costs thousands of dollars to deny.

At tile .MassaehuM>tts agricultural lax-ird meet¬ ing Hr. O. .M. Twitchell (ireseiited a very chv'er- fiil view of agricultural pr<si|>ecta. He believes that "the utillisik for New Kngland agriculture uniat be |Mtali|ve. Here are the markets, here the Industries are multiplying rapidly: here ia to lie the great distributing renter for manu¬ factured products; hers are the acre* which

will yield larger crops than prairie or planta- tlou, aud here a climate adapted to the grow¬ ing of a vasit variety of food for man and

of a quality unexcelled u[>uu the face of the earth. lu the constructive work for a more aggres,slve agriculture, the studeut. pro¬ feasor aud worker have U-fore them Ihe great¬ est o|>p<irtuulty of their lives. 'The coudltions are favoruhle, the times are auspicious, the tide ia setting toward New England, and the currents of thought are centering here.”

President Tlioniis< P. Hanley, of the Irish exhibit at the World'a Pair, has apiioiuted .Myles T. .Muriiby, of New York, as manager and director. .Mr. Murtdiy It at present direct¬ ing the tour of the Ibibt. Emmett Co. iu aud around New Y'ork. One of the leading featurea of the exhibit will be au Irlsb national theatre devoted to the |>roductlou of the best Irish play.i. Tbla |s>rtiou of the enterjirlsc akiue would Im' reason enough for the ai>l>ointment of .Mr. .Muiphy, If noiblng else. In this s{>eclal Work be stands alone. As a producer and pur¬ veyor of bue Irish plays he won bia spurs lung ago, and it has been an axiom amon^ theatre¬ goers of this country that any pruducliou which had Mr. Murjihy's name attached to it might be ilas-ed as clean and wbelesome. HU atm lias always been to (iluce the Irish stage on a high plane of excellence, and much of the im- liroveiuent In the tune of thU class of (days dur¬ ing recent years may Ih- directly traced to bis efforts. It Is the Intention of Ylr. .Murphy to pn->i lit In the theatre of the exhibit a nauiU-r of biie iiOMliictkins. aiiioiij; which will be su.-h plays us The Hea-tucr Pkld, by Iklw'ard Mariyii; t'athlecn N1 Houiihun. The Put of Itroth. The la>nd of lleart'a Heslre, by William Uiitlcr Yeuts. and some of the choicest works of ItoU- clcault and other IrUh iutbors. A sto«'k com¬ pany, carefully selected from among the best Irlsb-Amerlcan players, will be engaged to pre¬ sent the various (decea, which will be mounted In an elaborate manner aud with some very handsome lighting effecta.


Mra. Ituasell, who U to exhibit at the World'a Pair, lost two trick crocodiles on the voyage over on the steamer ‘'Ylauitou” from IXHidun recently.

Suit w-aa brought In the Clrcnlt Court at St. Ixiuls, .Mu., recently In the name of former Judge it. II. Haughton to restrain the Jeru¬ salem Exhibit Com|>any from allowing Mansinau A .Mlnikns to erect and operate a cyclorama of the Temple of Svilounm at the World's Pair and exhitdt pictures rciireseutlng scenes In and about Jernsalem. It la alleged that Hangbtun, who rejiresenta other jiersons. ot>tained a con¬ tract from the Jerusalem t'ouii>aiiy to erect and I o|a-rate exclusively a cycl-rama of the Temple of Suluni<.iu and of tlie Hebrew Tabi'niacle at the World's Pair aud to give sterjsqiticon views similar to ones which. It U alleged. Mutism in 4 Mlnlkus pru(iose to give. A diagram of the World's Pair U made part of the petitkm fur the (luriHise of showing the location of the con¬ cession. Judge Planter granted an order citing the defendants to sliow cause why an iujuuctluti should iHit be issued, a tem(H>rary restraining order to prevail lu the meantime. j

iBtrwtFairs&Carnivals THE HANDSOMEST EVER

Will Ba the Special Street Fair Number of I "The Billboard.”

On the l.'db of next mouth the publiabera of "The liUllaMtrd” will lasue their regular an¬ nual outdoor amusement s|>eclul.

The Street Pair and Carnival Number ef this Journal la always looked forward to with great luterest by our readers and (lat'uns.

The Spi-clal 0(ieu Air Amusement Number of "Tlie ltlllta>ard'' la always a model of typrog- ra|>ty and a criterion of editorial excellence.

The (luhllsheri are this sx-asou i>rei>arlng to surpass all (Mist efforts to give to their readers an liBiue of tnxom|>arahle value from the edi¬ torial point of view, and to their advertising (latrona an edition In which the space is worth many times tlie regular rale at which It sells.

The Issue will he co[ik>usly lllustratt‘d and tlie HUhJext matter will bx- coutrlbutcd by many of the mi»t prominent iHvpIe In the oi>eu-alr amiuxcment husltu-as—men with many years of ex|K‘rienre to xlraw u|>un.

It will be the biggest and the handsomest ever.


TtixTe are other Influences that militate more pAteutly against the snexa-ss of atrxvt fairs than will tne x-xuiiiiig WxM-ld'a Pair at Ml. lauiis. If. therefore, stxqis arc to be taken to elimin¬ ate thx‘se deletcrlxiua influx-iicxw, in as far us |m>shIIi|i>, there la no logical rcasxin why tiie x-ximlng atn-x-t fair ax-asxui should nut be t>ettxr than tlix* last.

Tlie time will probably never come when chx-ap proinxxiers with elastic Imagtnatkuia an.l viH'ahularics well stoi-k*'ii with supt-rlallve ad- Jxs'tlvxst will nx>t mlare|irx-seut the shows with which they are ideiititlid. Towns that baxx l>eeu so gullx-d are praotk-ally dxstd. at least their Tltsllty In resjH'ct to the strex-t fair pruiKisItloii has rearhext sui-b a k>xT elib as to la* InqixTcxxpllide. They are dead to the uii- merltorious shows.

Hut an Intelligent sx-crotary of commlttexc man la always aiixtxms tx> retrieve hliixself In the eyes of bla coustltuenta and will go coun¬ ter to their Instructions If he Is coufldent of Ilia gxiod Judgiux-nt In oo dxiliig. The first pro¬ moter that ran prove by recviumenilatUnui and eudxxrseuients from othxxr x'ommlttees that his show a deliver the gxsMls, w ill get a contract, tract.

Apropxia of this subject, ‘'Tbe nilllH«ard” H frexjucntly In rxvelpt xf letters frxxiii prxsxpx-x-- livx' street fair committx'ea requxxalliig Infxxr- inatlon how to get Into cx>mmuiiloatU>u with rx’s|Minslhle managers of carnival comininies.

'Thx'se towns are alt oim‘u. Tln‘y far ont- nuuilH'r the towns that dxm't want carnivals or that are already closed. Carnival managers will <lo wall to wsteb out fur them.


T. J. Uauuou ia no longer connected wP.b Huteb-Adatua.

The Eagles' Carnival will be a big one at Evansville, lud.

Colllhau's Perris wheel will bx; with the Lot'a Carnival Company.

I'rof. Hurry Cxioke will exhibit hia City xif Jerusalem with the Hulch-Adums Compauy.

•Mr. Joyce Lloyd has hx-eu engaged as master of traus()x>rtutiou with the Lotta Carnival Com¬ pany.

The Itx-d .Men were the auspices under which the Tulhot-Whituey Carnival Co. played Alex¬ andria, La.

Hilly Hyer and wife will put iu the halunci* of tne xvlutx-r at Evansville, lud., aud can he addi'cssx-d ait that place.

.Messrs. White and Armstrong, ovvuera of the Imtiu Carnival Compauy, are in New York huy- mg a uew merry-go-round.

ylauuger Kerns, of Uie Lotta Carnival Com¬ pany, has ?lo8x-d a contract with the committee of Ecll|ise i'ark, at bt. Luula,

Cxjoke's City of Jerusalem, 'The Victouii.is Hiudxju Troupe and Tebhill's Lunette have closx-il with the llatxh-.Adams Carnival Company .

Will H. Hill, the high wire arllat, who will open at Luna 1‘ark. New York, as a featm'e attraction, .May 1-1, Is wintering iu Eorest City, l*s.

J, Prank Hutch and Prank 1’. liohlitz are on the road taking care of tne front of the Hatch- Adams shows. Hatch will Invade Cauudlau territory sxnou.

The Two Hewitts, well known ixxlling globe act, are doing exceptioually well play ing vaude¬ ville dates. Last w'xre- they were at the .Vvenue, Hetrolt, Mich.

J. U. Wilson has Just received at Sx-uttle au uui'aiig-outuug from Hung hung, which uud a thirty days' voyage to America. It is a rc- miirkalile "missing link.”

Ed H. ituhiusou has sold uu- bia Interest iu the Huldiiswu StxK'k Cx>. aud is now cuuuected with Mr. Uastuu Akuuu's .Mysterious Asia cuu- cessiou at the Wx>rld'u Pair.

'The New York Carnival C'omiiauy, under tbe management of J. SteveDS, la meeting wilu sucxesa, aud will give Its exhihltiou lu the lead¬ ing cities of New Jersey aud I'enusylvaula.

l.ew Nichols writes that the Street Pair ar¬ ticle lu the P. U. E. Itule Hxiok should he re¬ sented by showmen who sre Eaglx-s aud the attention of the Supreme Lxnlge callxrd to it.

Ebeuezx-r Cliamhers, the oldest dwarf lu the wx>rld, dixxd in Wlnsiuu-Salem, N. C., Peh. 15, at tbe age of Ttt. He was shout thrx-e feet tall and welghcsl, wheu lu gxKul health, about 4U (juunda.

St. Lxmis Buttou Co.. 62u Broadway, St. liOuis, Mu., are pre|>aged to bll orders uu abort uolice fur buttuiai of any deacrlptiou. Tbey make them lu auy quantity fur conventluua, guthxxrings, etc.

Herbert Hxise. a glass blower, died Feb. S at IxxwrytuwQ, I'a., aud was buried Id at Sbenau- duah by the IxK'sl aerie of Eagles, of which be WHS a member. The deceased was abowlug lu the coul-tlcld towns of Eastern I’euuaylvania.

Hick C. I'ultoD has settled bis suit against the Wabash Kallway Co. for |550. His suit against the Lexiugtuu Street Uallruad comes up in cxNirt atiuut P'eb. 21!. Mr. Pulton was en¬ gaged us lecturer-manager fur C. W. Barker .Ymusement Co.

The Trip to tbe Moon show with tbe Dixie Carnival Company, at El Paso, Texas, aoid 2.IIU0 tickets their opening night, instead of, as re(ixirted, that number ou tbe week. T'hey sold uu the wx*ek IM.UUO tickets at 25 cents each. K. K. Blitz was the manager, aud not Prank Butz.

Col. W. E. West waa one of -ue anfurtauates of the recent Baltimore Hre. z-e had started lu that city 8evx‘ral stock boxx's containing show pru|ierty valued at more than $1,5UU, which were destroyed by he fire. The Ixws la ef s|H'cial coiisexiuence to him, aa it was proiierty which be wx^d have usx-d at the St. Louis Pair tbe coming season.

American Class Specialty Co., Monaca, [‘a., have Just addx>d a Lew line of mby and Ivory glass, dexvratx'd with fiu'- era and shield fur glass engravers. Tbe sbitid can be easily en¬ graved with name or any other apiirupriate de-

I sign. They also have a large variety of other novelties, and would be pleased to forward their catalogue to auy one Interested in this line.

Chas. Rxws. Laredo, Tez., manufacturx-a a special line of Mexican fillgrxxe made from gen¬ uine Mexican silver coin, all the metal being carved out with Infinite patience from between the letters aud leaving the coin but a skeleton tracery in fine silver lines. This fob U one of the mxHxt beautiful pieces Imaginable. They make si>eclal prices fur agents and streetmeu.

Mrs. Hattie S. Campliell, better knxiwn as Muuxer of tbe Midway, received a fall owing to a defective sidewalk at Beaumont, Tex., aud ia suffering with a badly spralut^d arm auil uUier bruistxe. and Is being cared fur by her frieiixl. .rs. Plorence Goodwin, better known as Hrlnx'ess Ixeuglu, also of tbe UaskMl-Mundy Car¬ nival Cximiiaiiy. Mr. Campbell has bx^n win¬ tering In Bx-aumonL

•Mr. T. J. Cannon, of the Ilatcb-Adams Car¬ nival Co. last year, has resigned from tbla <>r- ganizatk-n and ia at present cunalxlerlug several xiffirs from othx'r carnival com[>aniea. He has also undx-r consideration plans tur putting out a allow xxf Ills own. aud Is now figuring with tlix> firm xxf Hxslrick 4 Pawley. He left Sa. laiuis fxir till- East Peb. 15 and will have some thing ilx'HnIte x>n bis return to that city.

Mr. .\. 11. Berkley, general agent and con¬ tractor for tbe PettersoD 4 Brainerd Carnival I Cximpany. was in Bt. Louis a few days week Ixx-fore last, the guest of Jack Benson. Mr. Barkley was ou business for bis company. Ue says, regardix-ss of tbe World'a Pair and presi¬ dential electixin. be ex|K‘cts to do a nice bnsl- neas. as the cx>m(>any gxxx-a oat larger and bx-tter i‘i)iiil>l>eil. with all new wagon fronts and gooxl. x-lx-aii, moral shows.

The Harry Wright -Ymusement Company opi-na at Evansville, Ind.. In May. with one of tbe nuist complete carnival companies In exist¬ ence. Twx-nty-tvvo large gold trimmed wagons Slid other |iaraphemalla will require ttftex-n (iti.foot cars to move the outfit. Mr. Wright Is a past master in this buslnx-ss and bolds a repu- tatlxxn of (luttlug befxvre tbe public a clean auil higb-class show. Ue has Just receivexl a laugh liig gallery and Is still on tbe lookout for high- class shows.

Tlio ‘ hattaiKxoga (Tcnn.l Spring Peatival .\s- sxK-latlon rx-ceutly held a mx-etliig for the pur- (Kisx- of raising funds for the event. 'The finance commlttie maile Its re|iort, suggx'sting thre-- metlixHls of raising the funds to conduct tin- festival. The first auggx-atloii was tbe usual methxxd of aecurlng a guarantee fund. Th ■ sex-ond was to sex-ure cash aubax-riptluns. what part was not nsed to be refundx-d to the tub- acrlber. Tbe third was to sell coupon ticket

books. Tbe different metboxla suggested were discussed, and It waa decided to use all three of them, aud letters will be sx-nt ont asking fur a guaranty, a cash subsx-rlptlon aud offer¬ ing the Coupon ticket books for sale.

Notes from the Jabour Caruiyal aud Amnse- ment Compauy, with headquarters lu New Y'ork City. Tills company has taken a puce that will surprise the knowing ones when they open May 2 uu the Eastern circuit. The fronts for the many shows are well under way aud will be an innovation in the midway front line for carnival cunipaulx‘s. Everythlujj (loaslhle will and la be¬ ing done to de(iurt fiVm the stereotypx-d Idea of former carnival companies. Mr. Jaliour baa securexl some Euro()x-au novelty acts that, as far us sensations go. will astonish the show-going public. 'The eighteen cars that comiKwe our special train will have tbe most elaborate dex-x>- rutions, both outside of the living roaches and inside of the same. When tbe baking In the Eastern country that baa bx-en secured by Steve \. Wuoxls Is made public the wise ones can lux-ditate aud figure out the outcome of this grand and colossal aggregation.

Nxxtea from the Tallxott-Whltuey Carnival Co.: Since uur opening Uct. ID last we have gone steadily on through New .Mexico, 'Texas auxl In¬ to Louisiana without a Ixising wx-ek, which U saying a great deil, lu view of the fact that other carnival and theatrical cxjmiiaules of all kinds went to the wall all around us, but It has hx-eu the simple merit of the shows offered which has done It. All cximmittei s where we have pTiyed are loud in tin ir praise nf tbe shxiws aud the ladix-s and gentleiueu with them. The (lersuuuel of tbe company has changed hut little sliice our opening, as the (vexiplx- have only words of commenxlation fur the managi-nii-iit. .Mx-ssrs. 'Tallsitt aud Whitney. Tills couipaiiy Is isxrrex-t- ly termed tbe tamily show. T'x> an niit.slder the extreinx'ly pleasant manner In vvlileh every xme gets along w ith every one el.se mak-s us appx ar like one big family. Extensive preiiaratiuns are beiug made by the management for next seuBoii. uew fronts of style and beauty aa well as iliira- blllty diffx-rent from any evx-r pnt out will make our midway a very pretty aud uxxvel feature. Three big frx-e acts have bx-en engaged. We will travel entirely In the passenger aervlce. which will be appreciated by tbue« who have lieeu up against spx-x-lal sx-rvk-e and other freight train movements. Messrs. Talbott and Wbltuey


SPECIAL EDITION OF "THE BILL¬ BOARD,” which will b« edited in the interest of out-door amuse¬ ments of every character, Circus, Fair, Street Fair, Parka, etc., will be issued March 15, dated March 19. It will be of exceptional aOvertiiing value to Street Fair people in aii branchae; Circue proprietors, ageutt and boaaea; Fair aecretaries and Fair manageri; Park managers; vaudeville performers who play resorta, etc. THERE WILL BE NO INCREASE IN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE OR IN AD¬ VERTISING RATES.

\===z==Jf are now doing their own promoting and booking, and with Diamond Have Frex-muu lu charge of privileges, 1 rank Willard of Midway and E. V. BIL 3 of transportation we will be a fairly large small compauy carrying eight ahows, Ferris wheel aud carrousell. \Ve all Join in wishing our friends with other comi>anies gox>d success and early and (xrosperous openings.

Notes from tbe winter qnarters of tbe Nat lleiss Southern Carnival Co.: In response to s call Issued to me through the New York oiflce of the big Nat iteiss Boutberu CstdItsI Co. fxxr me to procx-ed to Albuquerque, N. M., and start tbe bull aud fireworks moving fur tbe season of ItKH, 1 Immediately left El Peso and arrived here, eager to get into hamxw again. Pro- ceding to the ExiMwition Hall ou the Btate Fair Grounds, which baa been used by our compauy as a winter quarters. 1 could hardly repress an exclsmatiou of surprise at tbe scene that con¬ fronted me. A small army of carpentiuta, (Mint- era, decorators and electricians were swarming like bees throughout tbe big ez(>oeltlon ball and were all hard at work In the constmctloD of wagon fronts^ stages, etc. Espying my old friend. Fee Kennett, who Is In charge of all the constnictiun work, 1 started across tbe hall after him, but bxxcame hopelessly entanglxHl In the maze of lumber, plate glass, gold leaf, (xalot (xots and electrlcial wires and trappings which confronted me. At last 1 succeedxid lo clearing tbe mass aud In reaching him, and Immediately got down to talking about old timee, as well as tbe work on band. There are now nine fronts in varkius stages of completion, Mr. Kennett remarked, and when completed they will lie second to none In the United States, If I do say It mysx-lf, and aside from their Individual beanty, the electrical work that has been de¬ signed for them la entirely new, and when lit up. these fronts will present a mxMt dazzling ap()earauce. We will carry tbla season seven¬ teen paid attractions and five big feature free acts; travel by special train of twenty-one cars and will carry our ow-n electric llgbt plant. We u|iea at Albnqnerqne, N. M., April 4, for one week, and after playing El Paso and Phxxonlx, we go straight to tbe Coast, where, owing to

I tbe very efficient work of tlie king of them sll, Hsrry Leavitt, we are booked solid for the season, playing nothing but the “big ones." aud as this la our second season on the Coast, and with the enviable reputation we made there last season, Tbe Nat Re Isa Southern Carnival Co. will have things pretty mnen all their own way aud will nndonbtedly make this thxlr record season. Harry Leavitt, tbe king. Is at present on tbe Coast, and In connerlion with Chas. A. Doyle, one of our old prxxmxxters, are making things bum with tbe prei>arat(xry work of promotion and pnbllclty. 1 will start tbe ball rolling here st Albuquerque Feb. 5. and after promoting tbls town tborxxughly, will leave for the Coast to Join them. We are all await¬ ing tbe arrival of our genial manager. Mr. N'at llelas and bis charming wife, who are ex()e<'tt-d here on or about Feb. 1 from New Y'ork Cl:y. as w-ell as our genial businxxss manager, Mr. J. G. Fenn, who is eX()ex'tx-d about the same time. The varkxus shows and x-oncx-sslons (lexx- ple will commence (siurlng In abxxut the Isst of February, and every on-,- Is e.x(>ectantly await¬ ing tbi- opening of tbe seasxxn.

The editor reapectfnlly solioita contributlena for tbe special Fair and Street Fair Number ef "The Billboard.” whiob arlU bo Isauod Marob 15 sad datod Marak It.

8 the: billboard

TKe Billboard. pruiasHKn weekly at

4'!4dn\ Str««t Cincinnati, O.. V. S. A.

Loiik’ Iilstanc Telephone Main 11079 II.

Address all eonu "nlrafloris for ti e editorial or l)Usi» .*ss deiiartiiieiil s to

I he Billbotird Publishing Co.

<1 I ISC ri [It ion. ft.00 a Year; tinios-.f'.'.OO: 3 mos.. (I.UOiii advance.


Ten renlB per line atrate measurement, ttriintc liKjre Til); half pajte »aj; (juaMer paKe. »17J0. No iremtuiii ou [uisliluu.

'i’ar /li/ltiiwinl U/ttr nu/e on att tmin^ anti nrtrf-fttind$ ^hrcnghttHi thf 1'nitt‘d Staten and t.'anada, irhich are etpnlied liy the Avterirun fieirt I'u. and tin brumdien.

not an nate pleane notijy thin ojfiee. The. liilibotird in nrtid iw I.ondtm at J.otr'n r-xchangen^

>7 Ijharring (.Vonn. and at Anieriran Aditrtining Nrirs- ftnper A leitcu. Trafalgar Unildiugn, Sorlbttiiiberland Are., It'.C'. In I’arin at Ureulaiio'n, S7 Are. de T itftera. The trade tappited bg (he Aniericau Arien Cv. and itn branrhen.

Heiaiitanee nhnnid be made hij j-oni ajbee or expreen m meg arder, nr reginhred b iter addrenned or made pay- yltle to the Hillbnard I’rib. Co.

The editor canntd nndertaVe to retnrrt vnntdicited minaneriptI rorrenpnnd.enln fhnnid teep ropy,

VThen it in meeeenaru to vire nn the innlructionn tad copy for adrertinemenln. great earing in the matter u. telegraph toll* may be had by recoume to the iJunaltlntm Vipher Code.

Sntered an Second-Clam Hatter at Pont Office a- tAir •toaofi. Ohio.

Mr. Ilotisla* Cox, the popular manager of th* .Mtiamhra Theatre. Ixradon, Ent:., died, Feb. 2. front a fraetuieil skull received Jan. 1 while alltthtlDK from a boa.

Herbert Hose, a Rlasa blower, died at lowrv. town. I’a.. on Keb. 8. His funeral was taken In eharge by the F. O. E.. of which he was a iiiemher.

GeorKC .\. Vleldlnjr. formerly with Tlie I'lor- ence itoberts Co. and the Paul Gilmore Co., shot himself at S|)okane. Wash., Keh. 10.

Owen F. Fawcett, the veteran comedian, dl- d Feb. 21. of P.rltrliCs disease at his home in Flat IhH-k. .Mich., aped 06 years.

■m-ianil'ilieaeti,., A

LETtEii^BOX ji/


Sa.tvirdav, Februivry 27. 1904.


Suifera in Chicago Hotel Fire. In a tire which destroyed tlie Alliamlira Hotel

and Apartment Honst* at State, Nlneti-enth and Areher Sts., Chleapo. early In the monilnp of Feb. 22. the Alhambra Theatre, around which the hotel was built, suffered great damage.

The house la owned by the Stalr-Havlln Syn¬ dicate. It had Just b<‘en put in condition to comply with the new theatre ordinances and had not yet be«‘n reopened.

MAEHIAOU. MUlle Jamiie wap married to Edgar Stacbel-

berg at the Hotel Savoy, In New York, on Fob. l.’i. Mrs. StaehellierK Is the daughter of Louis James, and she has met with great success In her short career. She began In Ixjvers’ Lane, and was later the star of Tlie IJttle Princess. Her friends say that h<T marriage would end her stage eare<‘r. Mr. Stacliellx'rg is a cigar mamifaclnrer.

ilr. Edwin S. McFadden, the popular treas urer of the Amphlon Theatre, at Ilrooklyn, N. Y’.. and .Miss Mary A. Joyce, a memlier of the Fonr Cohans Company, were recently married In New York.


Roliert E. Bell, one of the most noted char¬ acters among theatrical people, ag well as the most magnanimous, has pas.sed away after a lingiTing Illness of many years. The deceased died at Oake's Home. In Denver. Col.. Sunday night, Feb. 11, In which place he had been eompsdled to remain for some time past. As an actor he established himself highly among the prof(>aslon; ag an Instructor he led others to follow In the Shakes|>earean way to uplift his fellow men, and as the originator of the Idea to found a sanitorlum for those of the profession suffering from tnherenlosl.s, he nn- donbtedly laid the foundation for one of the greatest Institutions for those who have spi-nt their lives through their devotion to art. Mr. Bell wag born In Rochelle. Ill., on July 4. ISfiti. He began his career at the early age of 13, end though meeting with hardships and mis¬ fortune that would have tumeil many from the evwer he had chosen, he endured th.» humllli- tlon attending big early appiamtlceshlp, and by constant study be was enabled to establish himself as an actor. Time went on, and he advanced himself by degrees. He played In many traveling companh“s and became known aa an actor of mncli versatility. He played with Frink Daniels for a time, hut broke down In ISD.Y, exhausted by overwork. He went to Denver, C<il., with the hojie ef regaining his lost health. Mr. Bell founded the Broadway Theatrical School of that city, which school he siieceasfnily conducted until the time of his death. He became prominent In several eom- panles of Denver, and In time seemed to regain hla health. In 1S!)6 he was married to Miss Mayme E. Alkire. of that city, and she alone ■urvlves him. Mr. Bell's life work and the event whleh will mark him aa a benefactor waa the eoneeptlen of the plan to ereet the Bell Sanitorlum for Consumptive Actors. .Al¬ though his work was not finished during his life, his untiring energy and sincerity In In- dnelng others to take an Interest in the pro.|e-t w-ill endear lilm to the memliers of the pro¬ fession. and his proleet will undoubtedly be Snlshed by those In close touch •vlth hig work.

"Urandpa” Hawley, known by every one In the theatrical profession who ever frequented Cincinnati, died Friday, Feb. 19. at hla home In the Highlands near Fort Thomas. Ky., at the age of 73. He was a pioneer stationer and newsdealer and continued an active interest in his business until alsmt a year ago. Hla place wag a rendezvous for the profession, and hN passing will tie deeply regretted. Many stories can be told of his kindliness. It was through his Instrnmenfality that Sol Smith Russell be¬ came an actor. Russell had answered an ad¬ vertisement of his for a boy, hut had arrlveit Just too late. Swing the disappointed look on the boy’s face. Grandpa Hawley tisik him along with him and secured him a position aa pro¬ gram boy at one of the local theatres.

Geo. Arstlndale. who was for many years an elephant trainer with Barnnm A Balley'a shows, and In Deafy Gaylord's employ, died on Feb. 11 at T,esebdale, Pa., and waa bnrled at Park- MWbnrg, W. Va.

George Arstlngstall. animal trainer and for some years In charge of the Forepaugh Show elephants, died in Leaebdale, Pa., and was bnrled In Parkersburg. W. Vs. on Fsb.

Tbs fstber of the Musical Holbrooks, of tbs Rot Stock Cospssr. died Feb. U tt Sbsrbon, Mtee.

Ahlsitt. J. T. Abuuld, Salim Atlsuis. Frank Adams, R. Adkins, K. C. Alton, Tb>ai.

Attkeu. Uco. \V. Aladdin, Jr., Big

Spectai'Ular Co. Aldeu. Harry T. AlexBUiler .v1.

Allen A UaslieliB Allen, E. T. Allison, W. J Allhigton. LeoDard .Yuderaou, Chat. Hcti

klah AiiilersuD, Una Andrews Car <Vi K Arnold, Chas. .Yrnohl, W. 11. Asmneker, Earl Atkinson. A K

(Dr. Needle*) Aner, Tony Austin. C. M. Bailey, tfm. Baker A Co., A. H. Baker, Col. \Vm. Bauett. J. C. Banker, Geo. Banter. Arthur Banter, Ead Baruea, WIU H. Baron. Joe Barrack. Geo. (Glass

Blower) Barrett, M. J. Ilarriek. Geo. F Barrlll. Herman J. Bartrum, Guy Bartley, Chas. Bartlett. Jsmee Basay, James Beach, Geo. Beach, Mr. Beal. Merritt F. Bear. Jno KoItoD Horn Beck. J. C. Beckley. Geo. B. Beechele. Geo. Beechele, Henry Belhoru'g Show, Herr Benard. Mr. Bennett. F. K. Beno, BenJ.

P.ensley, E. Will Billings, Sanford Billings. W. C. Black Billy 1). Blake, Prof. R. J Blitz, Geo. W. Blitz, Charley Blitz. Welter A. Blitz. H. R. Blue. Chas. C. Bohannan. J. W. Roncttl. Prof. Borders, Joe (Arthur

Morelia) Boultluguonse, J. K. Bowden. Roy Boyette, Jos. W. Boyles Chas. Briggs. Floyd R. Mgi Brink, John Bronson, C. L. Brose's Comedians.

Ben Brown. W. H. Brown, Jess Brown. Samuel Brown. Clair (Band

I.eader) Brown. T. J. Buckeye State Cam. Biielow, H. V. Biindy. Jack. Burch, T. H. Bnrk. A. Byron. C. Cake, E. M.

Call. A. B. Calver, Vic Camp Cam. Co. C. H. Camptiell, Mr. and

Mrs. Canary, Dan Canele, N. H. Caraway, W. B. Carlisle, Balph Carpenter. Dr. L. D. Carreras, S. E. Carroll. A. W. Carter. Bert O. «;asey. Henry Cassell. Jack Cassloy, James Caster's SnsJs* Show

Ike Castleton. E. Dreze'..

Mgr. Canfman. Gny (Tlismplon, J. O. Chapman. Wm. Charlie. Colorado Charter’s Hlnbio ('Ir¬

ens, M gr. Qielew, Alfred Chester. Oeo. Chnreh A Killian CTark, C. A., Agent Clark. Geo. Clark, J. B., Treaa. Clark ft Klssenger ClsetOB, J. W. aiF«u, w.

Coffmaii. JiH‘ » ole A iji Marr Cole. A. R. Coliiintius Carnival

Co. t omar. Juggler Conklin. Roy V. Cuntlueutal Cam. Co Cisik. Ijawrenee Copeland. A. A. Coquet. E. E. (.'oHsage, Qeo. Coia.i. Bert Cotter. J. J. Craig. E. .M. Craig. It. J. trose, Tom (Colored) Crow. Dr. J. J.,

Iqitkiau CnlUgan's .Mlnstxels Cnnipson, John K. Currie. W. K. Curtis. W. M. Cusiiman A St. Clair C. W. (cure Warren

Cook) D'Asta, Capt. Dacoma Family, The llano, Ross A. Darling’s. 1). A P.

Show. .Mgr. Dariiall, John F. Davis, Geo. C. De Ball. Alf. Uegurmo. Geo. De Kr«‘ko Bros (Iner) Delgaiiau A Rogers Dellesa, Mr. Flora Uelmore. H. O. De laiug. Dr. Emil Demtng. Tom Demlng, Bill Denton, Jack C. Depew, Wm. A. l>e Schiller, Bert Dickinson, Harry Dless. Steward E. Dillard. M. J. Dlllinger, A. R Dlttgen, Oeo. A liobhins, J. H. Dee. Tommy Dohlgrel, L. Dobyns, Oeo. L. Dolan, James or Jake Dolan A loinharr Ihild. Shorty Donaldson, C. H.

(Showman) Donovan. Sam Dorsey, Harry Donning, W. W. Downer, Wm. liulTey. Mike Durlnston. E. Draper, Gny A. Duffy, wm Dnrnlng, Jos. (Par¬

son) Dwyer, F. A. Eagan. Albert Eckles (Kid) Elsenbarth, Mr. Ellery. Dr. W. H. Ellta. O. EIIU, H. I. Elmendorf, W. C. Elton, Doe (Front Emmett A Kane Emidre Stock Co. Enoch, Prof. 1-h'wln. Roht. II. Eelienhnck, PblUp

Estes Stock Co. Evena. CaBoon Everette, Chas. Fairground Show Falk. Harry Fanlk. Eugene Felnlierg. Chas. Fetters, C. A. Flcher, Joe Flek. Edw. Fields. Harry Fields. Clyde FI ter. Jack Fitzgerald. Gerald Fitzgerald, D. J. Fltzhinrh, Earl W. Fliimant. James Fleming, Jack Florida. Geo. A. Ford. 8. J. Fordham. Artbnr Foster. Dr. J. C. Foster. C. J. Forster. John Fox's Dog and Pony

Show Francelllas. Th« Frend. Max Frick. B. H. Frlehls, Joe Fronds, B. F. Gaines out* Galbraith. Ted Garapp, H. E.. Mgr. Geard. Shelby Oeltiertson. Henry Gerhach, Charley GIbtions, Bernard Glhson Sliow, Howard Gibson. J. H. Gibson, (jbss. Olgllo. Jsmes Olflsttt Bbows, 0. U. Olrtflsr, Ow.

Gobadon, Henrice Gold, Jose|>h L. Goldi'ii, 1. R. Goress. Dr. Franz.

C. A. Gorman, W. II. Gorman. J. A., Mgr. Gray, John II. Gray'a Wonder Work¬

ers. Dr. Great American Cam.

1 o. Great Oriental Cam.

t o. Gredella. Earl Gri-eu, Harry Greene, t’. D. Grula-r, Art -'I. Giialaiio, P. Gulse|i|ie, Balzo (Cor-

uettu) Gump. Abe Hallday. G. V. Haller, Sum HauiewooU. Harry Hundley, W. W. Hauer, Frank Huiiigau, Pat Haiipuck, W. A. Hurdiiia, L. B. Har<‘. James E. Hurkineas, i . G. tiaiuia, i*. J. Harris and Ulues Harris, Wm. Harris, Ell Harrison, S. A. Harvey, Chas. Hasty, 1. N.

Heffrun, Ed Ueuig, L. Heulej, Clifford

tSlim) Henry, Chat. Herman, Dr. Carl

(Meto Remedy Co) HerUrt Stuck Co. Heme, Earl Hertz. A. Hewitts. The Two Hicks, Frank Hlcka. Chau. .M.

Hildreth, Frank Bill, Gus UUl. J. P. Hill. Percy H. miliar. W. J. Hllllar. The Great Hilliard, W. Hilliard, Jack Holliday, V. Holmes, Ben Homand, Henry Hupklus, Capi. JuUn Hopkins, Harry Hupklus, W. J. Hopkins, Jim Hopper, L. C. Hopper, Doe Horan. Eddie Hoss. Bert Howard, Tom .M Howard, Jack hnffmiD. Geo Hunter, E. Ilurlhut. B. W. (Mu-

■IcUn) Hushrook. Will 11. Inifierlal Cam. Co. Indiana Carnival Co. International Car. Co. International Shows Jackson. Dr. J. T. Jacobi. Burt Jabn. A. Jahn A McFarlan Jalllet A Guldls-rg James, W. H. James, R. E. Jameslatn, J. F. Hsie Jeffers, Jack S. Jewett, Everett A. Johnson, Robert Johnson. W. V. Jutinson, M. B. Jones, Edward Junes, F. E. Junker. W. A. Kune. H. H. Katool Animal Show Kelioe. Clias. Kelley H. Kelley, Geo. Kelso. M. Kelton, Eddie Kemp, Prof. J. T. Kennedy Co., Ibe Lil¬

lian Keno, Welch A Mel¬

rose Kibble, Wm. Kiglitllngcr, C. J. Kilwy, S. R. Kimball. Geo. (Trom¬

bone Player) Kings. Two King's Glass Blowers Kiser. Geo.

Knight. Harry 8. (Arizona Harry)

Knight. W. .M. Knowles. Elmer E. Kohler. Anton Koplln. Albert La Belle, Mr. Lacy. Robert A. l-a Uardo, C. (Buck¬

skin Charlie Med Co Lamb. W. K. Lamb. W. W. Lamtiert. Clay La liace, .Mons. I.s Rosa, Frank Latham, Wm. II. Lavardo I>awaun, I. S. I..eavttt, Daniel L. I-elgh. J. W. lA>lghmHn, Henry I.e (Jlon. M. A. I>>on, Girard laonard, Eddie Ite Roy I<eater, D. E. Levella. Mr. la-wla. A. H. Lewis, M. T. \jfi Zara, Panldla Ls Zelle Bros. Liles, (Thai. W. Lind, Prof. A. Edw. LInson Bros. Lltebfleld, Ylr. A Mrs.

NeU Littleton. Emmett Lmbio Turtle Boy,


Livingstone. W. E. IsH'ke, Jos. J, A. Is>gan. ilarry F. l.ogcu, Frank Luralne, Jack lorenzo, Chas. lotto. Wm. louisville Cam. Co. lairelund Family, Thi l.owamle, Alex l.uckie, Lawrence l.iilty, Edmund U. Lyons. A. N. .Mti'alte, Dan McCaiiu, L. S. Ylct lure, Juliii F. McDade, David .MelKiuahl, J. .\l. •McDonald. Walter J .McDowell. Wm. ■M. IAv.n. C. T. Mi-Guwen. C. .\. .McGrath, E. J. McGrlff, Harry ■McGuyre. G. F. McGuire. C. L. McGuire, lid. McHenry, Itaall .McHvaln. Walter .Mc'lntusii. Fred .Melntlre. W. J. .McKinney, Arthur R. .MoMuuuway, Chas. It. •Mc.Nalr, John .Mack. J. F. .Mack. Billy R. Mack, lUiUt. \Anlmal

Trainer) .Maclean. Joaeph Malm. Horai-e .Maiigehs, Kid (High

Diver) .Murettu Sliows, .Mgr. .Margulia. Pruf. Murkaduut. Henry .Marks, S. A. Ylarks. Tom .Muruettu, Wm. .Marsu Bros. Marshall. Warren .Martin. Billy .Martin, K. K. Martin Amusement Co Martino, F. Maauu. Cliff Maatelle. Karl Matney, Fred •Mattrau A Sayed Matts, 1. J. .Maxwell A Skoeeh Maynard. Charley Melsner, Bert MerrlOeld. Keaben Merton, Jack Metcalf, Arthur Metzger, J Meyers, Gus E. .Miles, Dr .Miller, J. T. Miller. T. M. Miller. W. C. .Miller, C. B. Mltohel, Lala .Mohamed. Hadji Monroe Co.. Trixie .Monumental .Ymnae

ment Co., The Majoney, James E Moore. Lou W. Mtaqman, A. S. .Moran, BenJ. J. Morley. W. J. .Morogan, Wm. U. .Morrenzo. Monte .Morris. Folle Morris. Ned Mos«»s. loe

Builder) Mossman, Stevens

Shows -Mulvey. 11. G. Munro, Wallace Miird<H-k. Jos.. Mgr. Miirohv. .tos. A. A. Morray, Jon. Nalim. Simon Nance, Sam K. Nelmeyer. Chas. Nelss. Victor 1. <elBon lK)g and ...Mon¬

key Sho.v. Jno. G. Newman. J. D., Mgr. Newton, A. New York A Ix>ndou

Carnival Co. Nlckuls, lx)ne Norris, James Norton Bros. New

State Shows. .Mgr. Novelty Carnival A

Amuaement Co. Nye. T. F. 0'la*ary, J. J. O'Nell. Frank Opiieiibelm, H. 0|i|H-nbrlmeg, L. Oiqienhelnier, Jo*- Oriiiahy, Wm. Oatiome A Daly Otttng. Frank Parish, Frank Parian, A. Parlatle, Chas. , Parmeter, Asa. Parnell, T. J. Paul. C. B. Paulsen, A. T. Pearson, R. J. Perkins, King Perrlne, Dave W. Peters, L. P. Pflfferllng. W. M. Phllll|>8, Tliomaa Phillips, Chas. W. Picket. Dave Pilgrim, Jos. A. Pitt. Warren Pitts. Walter H. Plltz. Ben Polk. I). G. Porter, Wm. Potts, Chas. Prall, C. H. Price, Ylaiiager (Julnn, John Ragah. Ssyd Rainey Bill (Colored) Ranger. A. L. Rawson'a CIrena Raynor. Edw. B. Rea. Boh. Miia Dir. Heed. C. H. Keh ft Say Reid, Harold Bemlngtoa, Wa. BIc*. Myron Blc*. J. ■.

Rlee'a I/Steat Bensa- tkm

Rice, Edgar W. Klcliar<ls. Allan Riggs, Wm. Riley. Slim Robert. P. J. Ihdieits. Walter M. Robinson, J. .M. Rodgers, Ilarry Rocseke, Fretl Rogers. Ed and

La-teplia Rubs, H. A. IhaMevelt. Izxils Root, .Master John Roscoe. K. II. Rose. Geo. .M. Rosen, J. Rosa. Wm. Ihws. W. It. Rothman. .Maz Rough. J. C. Rubl. J. H. (laiop

ilhler) I{us.sell. Rube

(Juggler) Russell A Fore|iaugii Russell Family Show

TYie .Saasarta, Chat. J. ShIzow Morris Sohrllier, Steve Scott, A. P. S*-ott. .Yb Seabitxike, Toney Seliasflan. Ed.. Jr. Seaman, A. .•iellKTt, Geo. SelJey. A. T. seufer. Will T. Sascum. p. V. Seth, I1lnd<K> Hart-

eband Shannon, Gen. Sliarpe. I.oke Shepherd. G R Sheridan. Kid SberrIlL W. L. Shields, W. .M. SUImlhelm, G. Shortsleeve. Earl H. Shouat, Jumea Silling. F. L. Silvers. Chas. Simonsen. M. Simpson, L. Slnen. Edgar L. Singer, A. Sttttpo, La itoe Slanaky, F. Sleezer. N. O. Smiley. CoL B. Fin¬

ley Smith, A. Beverly Smith, Emery H. Smith, Solly Smith, T. C. Smith, Ivan Smith. F. W. Smith, Johnia Smith, Jaa, Barton SmlUi, Frank W. Smith, Al. E. Sohler, ilr. (Novelty

Man) Sontbem Belle Shows Spalding, Charley 8. Spalding. B. Speedy. K. P. (High

Diver) Spencer. Alvin Springer, J. L. Stafford, Chas. Stanford, Roht. Stanghter Bros. Steaveni. Art. Stephens, Ira B. Stephens A Hickman Stevella (Cuntortlou-

Ut) Stevens, W. C. Stlner Co., Anatln SiluKOD. Phil. Sturkoda, la>ne Stone. Ben W. .store Show Stranger from loiidon,

A. Strebig. 1. V. Strickland, W. C. String, Richard Styner, lYios. Sullivan, S. .'>ulllvan. Jack Sun Bros. No. 2

Shows, Mgr. Sutton. J. B.

Bacbelder, Jolla Barker, .Mr*. Ger¬

trude (1 at l-ady) Bamea, Ullve Reach, Goldie Bird. Mrs. Hattie

Eagle Bonuey, Grace Ureuoer, Dorothy Brown. Mamie Cannon. Mra. EtUt Campbell, Mr. and

Mrs. Carlhile. .Mamie Carlisle, Maud Cat tie, Dolly Chaney, Emma Clay, FI. Anderson

Mae Cole, Mrs. H. L. P. Collins, Hattie Croft, Mra. 11. P. Davenport, May Davenport, Lnlu Dugan. Mra. May Duller, llattle Duray. Kit Ewen, Mrs. B«lna Evans, Llzsle Faulkner, .Mlaa Eva Francis, Frankie Fry, Mra. KIrdIa Garland, Mollle flamwey, Mra. Frank Harris, Mra. Signs Hastlnga, Mabel Hayward, Mrs. Eliza Held Freda E. lierrman. .Mias Nelda Hill, .Manda IllUIard. Blanche Howard, Beosle Hogart, Marlon Ireaan, MIm Isa, The Aaarlcai

Olrl KaUagi, Mft. W. R.

Sntton. J. R, Swain. W. I. Swain. .Maxwell H Sweeney, Ed. (Osay) Swickey. Jack Talsun. Charlie Taylor. Enoch E. Twta Bros. Terry. Leonard Thomas, Gus Tliumas. Erwin Th*iuipson, A. 11. Tlioiii|>soa. Edward Tlmuions, Jonah Tlniiey, Chas. II. Tinsley A Brown's

C<itisolldated Shows Tohln. Wm. J. Trautner, Frank I'liriier. W. Y'.

■rnrnslal. B. Tyler, Ed Pnlveraal Amnseiiieui

Co. Vati, Billy (.\etor) Van Allen. E. W.

(Eddie Demar) Vatider Werp, Geo. Vernenllle. A. .N. Vlrden. Lew Vogt. Edward Volker. Bert Vrouiiian, J. H. Wadell. F’red (Club

Juggler) Wagner. S. Walker A Welsh Wallaro A Von Lears

Show Ward. Dr. A. M. Ward. Joe Warden. F. W. Warner. Harry Warren, Arthur J. Warren. Fred Waahhum A Wren Webster. D. Q. Wells. Jake Westcott. M. B. Wheeler, A. B. Wheeler. Oeo. Whlttomb, H. W. White, Charlie White. Dolph White. Dick Whitehead. Frank

McK. Whitehead, Henry K. WbltUer, H. B. WIgtun, Don Wllbnr. Harry C. Wilkina. Geo. WUlUms, Oeo. (Ut-

tle George) Wllllama, Wallace Willlama A Ox. W. C Williams, A. T. WillUms, J. B. Wllllama. Martin E. Wllllama. Gi-o., No.

K. K. Shows WlUiams. H. B. Williamson. John P. Wills. John Willy's Cbemleal Oe. Winslow, W. S. Winslow, Mr., and

Wife Wluuloger, F'rank.

Mgv. Winter, D. E. Wiseman. J. Clint Witt. Marion A. W<x>d Bros. Shows,

Mgr. Wood. Hr. (Wizard

and VentrUo<ialati W*tedcome, Chas. A. W(x>da A Briggs Wocxlward, Chas. Worland. Chas. E. Worth, J. B. Wright, Harry F. Wright, Fred (Max.) Y'oung. Lew Yonng. Fred Grant Y’ontnrkey Zaky, Alle Zarell Zeb A Zirrow Zeda A Elder (Coutor-

tlonleta) Zello and The Quinn

Bros. Zimmerman, Chrln. Zlncaro, Uaitano Zlugarrl Rep. Ce.

Kellogg, Carrie Keneedy Co., Lllllaa Lane, Bnma Lapoloma, Myrtle Bell Laruw, Etta La Vonle, Marie Lawrence, Mamie B. Leonard, .Masle l^nard, Mrs. May Lewis. Mra. Bdltk Lockbeart Slaters LltchOeld. Mr. ft Mrs.

Nell Ixtrrimner. Mamie Lynch, LIUle McElligott. Mrm P i McNaught, Grace Melville, Luclell Mitchell, Mra. Agnee Moore, Mra. Ella .Myers, Mrs. Carrln Oliver, .Marie Pauline, .Madame A. I*ete, Mrs. Frankie Peters, Mra. U. Phillips, Etta Prospetto. Mile. Kobertaon, L. Rouse. Mra. C. .Mae Royal. Mrs. Kate Satterfield, .Nola Sellea. La Belle Sharmon. Mioe L. Shaw, iiary Shepperd, Nellie Shirkle, Isbella Blnelalr Slatere Smith. Mrs, Mary Bpaalillng. Rebeeea Sutherlalne, Pearl Townley, Mm. r. Valleelta Waltem, Olive Weeee, Jennie Del Weetea, LeU




I'ib. BilltHfril fortrartit mall to all iirolrMioMaU/raa Hf eiiargt. .Vcmfxr. of the proftuiong ore inritod tthila on tha rood to karr thrir moii uddremrd to cur« Tkt BUlltoorti ami U uUI bo promptly JoruariUd,

XISWAT OOMPAHISS. BBOWN'S Aiunaemeot Uu. (SoutBeru; E.

Btuwu, Mgr. r—Buitlrup, Tex., I'eb. Zt-2i; Ann- tiu ;S*-.Mcti. 5.

BROWN’S Amaaement Co. (Weatern; E. Browu, Mgr.)—StNith McAlnter, Ind. Ter.. Feb.

. Wagoner, 2U-Mch. S. BAKKOI'T A Fanat Carnival Co.—Macon, Ua.,

l eb. ai-.Mcb. 5. C08.M01*0MTAN Carnival Co.—Lake ProvJ-

ilenre, l.a.. Feb. 22-27. DIXIE l^arulval Co. (Dana Ttiomiwon. -Mgr.)

—Tucaou, Arlz., Feb. 22-2S; Pboeiilx. 'Jb-Mob. 4. IDEAL Amuacment Co. (J. K. Anileraon, Mgr.)

—laike rrovlUenoe, La., Feb. 21-27. .MILLER Family Amuaemeiit Co. (Harry .Mil¬

ler. .Mgr.)—Durant, Mlaa., Feb. 22-27. MOXl'MEXTAl. Carnival Co.—AblH-vllle, Ala.,

Feb. 2;{-27; Headland. Mcb. 1-5. NEW York Carnival Oo.—New Bniuawlck, X.

.1 . Feb. 1» .Meb. 3. TALBOTT-Whltney Carnival Oo.—.Alexandria,

La.. Feb. 2t>-27. W.ALSH’S Cryatalplex Carnival (M*. Henry

M'alab, .Mgr.)—|tlddefurd. Me., Feb. 22-27; Bath .-J-Mcb. 5.


A poatal card addreaaed to ’’The Billboard” will bring you a aupply of mailing carda whicn only require to be flU^ out and atamped with a one-cent atamp In order to have your route appear regularly and accurately in our eolumna.

ALLEN, I<eon and Bertie—(Harris’) McKees- |a>rt. I’a., Feb. 22-27.

ARNl.M it Wagner—(Grand) Indianapolis. Ind.. Feb. 22-27.

AlKflE'S Llon»—(Poll’sj Hartford. Conn.. Feb. 22-27.

AVOI.uS. ’Die—(Keltb’s) New York City, F.b. 22-27.

AStXiTT Sl Eddie—(Keltb’s) Providence. K. 1., Feb. 22-27, (Keltb’a) I’-oatun, .Masa., 2J- .Mcb. 3.

AHEilNS. The—(Fallson) Seattle. Wash., Feb. 22-27; (lalbain) Everett. 29-Mch. 3.

ALLEN, Searl A VloleC—(.Avenue) Detroit. Mleb., Feb, 22-27; (Colonial) Cleve.aud, U.. 2.)- Meli.

.ALDItlCII. <Tiarle*—(Pastor's) New York City, leb. 22-27.

.Al.l. Hunter & .All—(Weast’s) Peoria. HI.. Feb. '22 27; <() iiigliau's) Springfield, 2!*-Meb. .*>.

.VHElt.N A Baxter—(Gem) Sioux City, la.. Feb. 22-27.

ADA.MS. Ju*. R.—(Proctor’s) .Alluiny, N. Y'., Fel.. 2!* Mcb. .*>.

.ADDISD.N A Livingston—(Novelty) Denver. Col,. Feb. 22-27.

BEHM.VN Show—(Empire) Newark, N. J., Feb. 22-27.

B.VKEK A Fomla—(Green Front Theatre) Ib-adwOHl, S. D., Indef.

BELI..\r.\N A .Moore—(I>nque«ne) Pittsburg. I’a.. Feb. 2l)-Mcb. 3.

ItritroN A Brookes—Newark. N. J.. Feb. 22- 27; Italtlmore. .Md., 29-Mcb. 3.

BEANOS. The—(.Arcade) Toleilo, ().. Feb. 21- ‘27: idniheum) Terre Haute, lud. 2tl-Mcb. 3.

BKI’NS A Nln.v—Springfield. Ill., Feb. 22 27; St. louts, .Mo., 29-Mcb. 3.

BIBMIKS Brothers—(Pastor’s) Now Y'ork City Feb. 22-27.

BKGI'T A Felix—(Bl>}a) Oshkosh. Wls.. Feb. I. linlef.

BUNKER. The Great—(Orpbeum) San An- t.uilo. lex.. Feb. 1.V27.

BATES. Nora—(Keith's) Boston. Maas., Feb. •22-2;.

BINNS. Blnns A Blnns—(Proctor’s ‘23d St.i New York City, Feb. 22-27.

BRYANT A Savlllt^(.Maln St.) Piorla, 111.. Feb. 22-27.

BCBTli.N A Burton—(Memphis) Memphis, Tenn., Feb. 13-27.

BI'RSON, Arthur—Dublin. Tex., Indef. COLBY' A Way—(Sheedy’s) New Bedford,

Mass., Feb. 22-27; (TXent) Triton. N. J., 29- Mch. 8.

CARTER. Mr. and Mrs. Carl—(Crystal) St. Jomph. .Mo.. Feb. 22-27.

CLIFI'ORDS. 'The—(Green Front) Leadwood. S. D., Feb. 1-27; (Novelty) Denver, Col., 2t»- Mcb. 2C.

CARLIN A Otto—(Orpbeum) San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 2S-Mch. 3.

CARMEN. lai Troupe—(Keith’s) PhBadelplila. Pa.. Feb. 22-27; (Keith’s) Providence, R. 1., 29-Mcb. 5.

CRANE. Mr. aoid Mrs. Gardner—(Keith’s) New Y'ork City. Feb. 22-27.

CARI.Y’I.E. .Miss Gladys—(Empire) Seattle, Wash.. Indef.

CI^AY’To.N. White A Stuart—(Chase’s) Wash¬ ington, D. C., Feb. 22-27; (Keltb’s) New Y’ork City, a*-Mch. 5.

CRISWELL. W. P. (Bicycle BUD—Stockton. Cal., 1‘eb. 22-27; Sacramento, 29-Mcb. 3.

CLARKE A Temple—(PoL a) Brldgeimrt. Conn.. F'eb. 22-27.

CONROY A Pearl—(Proctor’s) Newark. N. J. Feb. 22-27.

CAPIT.AINE. Alelde—(Proctor’s 23d St.) New York City, Feb. 22 27.

CARMEN Slaters—(Shea’s) Toronto, Can., Feb 22-27.

CARR A Crowley—(O. H.) Decorah. la., Feb. 22-27.

CARSON A WllUrd—(Empire) Hoboken, N. J. . Feb. 22-27.

CHERRY A Bates—(Boston )IiOwell. .Mas.-)., Feb. 22-27.

('LIFFORD. Billy Single—(Orpbeum) Omahu. Neb.. Feb 22 27.

CRESSY'. Will. A Dayne. Blanche—(Circle) New York City. Feb. 22-27.

CA8AD A De Verne—(Weast’s) Pt>orla. 111.. Feb. 22-27. (Orpbeum) Davein>ort, la.. 29-Mch.

DR.YNE. Sam—(Casto) laiwell, Maas., Feb. 22 27.

DOY'LE. Patsy—(Casto) lowell. Mass., Feb. 22 27.

DEVFAI', Herhi-rt—(Keith's) Salem. Mass., Feb. 22 27: (Keith’s) Portland. 2t)-Mch. .1.

D.WIS A Macauley—(Orphenin) Brooklyn. N. Y’., Feb. 22-27; (Circle) New Y’ork City, 29- Mch. .8.

DICKSON, CharU'S—(Keltb’s) Boston, Mass , Feb. ’22 27.

DEREND.Y A Orevm—Academy of Music) Pittsburg. I’a.. Feb. 22-27.

LltNCAN. A. O.—(Orphenm) New Orleans. I.S , Feb. 22-27.

DCPRERS—(Odeon) Baltimore. Md.. Feb. 22-

DARltUW, .Mr. sud Mrs. Stuart—(IXs'kstad- er's» Wilmington, Del., Feb. 22-’27.

Daly, Eddie—(O. U.) Uaverblll, Musa., Fen. 22-27.

.,V,- -YICTHS, The—(Arcade) Toledo, ()., Feb

ELDRI'DGE, Press—(Colon S<iuare) .New Ymk City, I'eh. 22-27; ll>u<|Uesne) 2t»-.Mch.

EVANS Trk)—(Star) Humlltou, Can.. Feb.

EDWARDS Sam. A Oo.—(Trent) 'Trenton N. J., Feb. 22-2i.

E.ARLE. Harry—En route \ Kentucky Ju¬ venile Mlhstrela.

EI.DoR.V A N’orluc—(Ne aon) SprliigUt Id. Masa., Feb. 22-27.

E. MPIRE City guurtette—(Lyceum) Phl'adcl- |ibla. Pa., Feb. 22-27.

F. VI.KE A Semou—(Avenue) Pltt^burg. Pa , Feb. 22-27.

F-YDEITE’S Orchestra—(Kelth'a) I’rovlden. e, R. I.. Feb. 22-27.

Fl'rZGHtllo.N .McCoy Trio—(H. A B.) Brook lyn, N. Y.. Feb. 2’->-27.

FOY, EddltJ—(Chaae’a) Waahliigtun, D. C., Feb. 22 27.

1 It.V.NKI.lN, Irene—(Proctor'a 12.'itb St) New York City, Feb. 22-27.

FitEY A Fields—(Howard) Boston, Maaa., Feb. 22-27.

KERGISoN A Mack—(Orpbeum) New Or¬ leans, La., Feb. 22-27.

1 ISHLlt, .Mr. and .Mrs. Perkins—(Pastor’s) New York City, I'eh. 22-27.

FEDDEr^S.VS, Great Gay A Elece—En route with Kinplre Comedians.

FoRTI NE. Ro.v—Camden, Ark., Indef. T'LETCHER, Charles L«-ouard—Isinduu, Eng.,

Feb. S-S«-pt. s. FR.k..CELLV. Senor and Seoora—(Alcaxar)

Denver. C<»1., Feb. 15-.Mrb. 3. FREY' A Fields—(Howard) Roatou. .Maas.,

Fc)). 2’2-27. GOD) REY', Hal A (Y).—(Poll’s) New Haven.

Conn., Feb. 23 27, (Poll’s) Brblgeport, :!9-.Mch. 3.

G. MtDE.NEK Children, Three—New Bedford, Muss.. .Mch. 7-12.

(illgiO.N. I»ttle, and Billy Hart—(Park) Wor¬ cester. Mass.. Feb. 22-27.

GKN.YRO A Theol—(Empire) I.lverpool, Eng., Fell. 29-.Mch. 5: Notlngham. 7-13.

GOTTLOB, Fred and Amy—(Keith’s) New Y'ork City. Feb. 22-27; (Keith’s) Providence. R. I.. 29-Mch. 3.

GR.VNT. Syduey—(Colonial) Cleveland. O.. Feb. 22’27; (11. A S.’s) New York City, 29- Mch.

G.VY', Gn-at—(Standard) Huuaton, Tex.. Feb. l.'i 27.

GOLDSMITH A Hopjie—(Atlantic Garden) New Y ork City. Feb. 22-27.

—•,.\Li> A Errol—(Frlti's) I’ortlund, Ore Feb. 22’27.

GREtiSoNS. 'The—(Keith's) Paw'tucktt. R. !• Feb. 2’2 '27.

HODGE. Hel A Co.—(Empire) Hoboken, N. J.. Feb. 22-’27.

HL’GHLS A llazeltou—(Lyceum) Philadelphia Pa., Feb. 22’27.

HI’.ME. Rots a Lewla—(Cook’s) Ko-heuter, N. Y.. Feb. 2-2-27.

HATHAW.kV A Walton—(Proctor’s 2:;d St.) New York City, Feb. 22-27.

HliRit.M.YNN. .Vdeialde—(Poll’s) Waterburv. Conn., Feb. 22-27.

HI’NTI.NGS. Four—(Shea's) Toronto, Can., Feb. 2*2-27.

HERRMANN. The Great (Ed riiurnaer. Mgr.) —Worcester, .Musa., Feb. 22-2t>; Hartford. Conn.

HOLDEN A Florence—(Orpbeum) Denver. Col.. Feb. 29-Mch. 3.

HASKELL. Isiney—(Orphenm) Omalia, Neb.. Kell. 21-27; (Orpbeum) Di-nver. Col.. 2'>-.Mch. ."i.

lIE.xrH A hlxcela—(I’nlijne) Stockton. Cal.. Feb. ’22-’27; (Granman) Sacramento, 2i*-Mch. 5.

HINES A Remington—(H. A R.’a) Brook-yn, N. Y.. Eeb. 29-Mch. 3.

Hobbs, The ’Two—(Hub) Woonsocket. It. I.. Feb. '22 27; (TlvolH Buffalo. N Y.. 29-.Mch. .V

HENMAN’S, The Thrit—(O. H.) Du Itola. P.i.. Feb. 22-27.

J.VMES A Davia—(Standard) Houston, Tex., Feb •2’2-27.

JEN.NIN’GS A Jewell—(Empire )Wi-stmlnster, B. C.. Eeb. 22-27; (Emidre) Vancouver. 2‘J- Mch. 3.

KI.EIN’-Ott Brothers A Nickerson- (P.srk) Y'oungstown. O., Feb. 22-27; (.\ venue) I’lits burg. Pa., 29-Mch. 3.

KENO. Walsh A Melrose—(Fulton St.J BrooY- lyii, S. V.. Feb. 22-27.

KELLY’ A Kent—(Boston) Lowell. Mass.. Feb. 22 ‘27.

KEOI'GH A Ballard—(Grand) Indianapolis. Ind.. Feb. 22-27.

KK.ATONS, ThO'e—(Mechanics) Salem. Mass.. Feb .’22-’2T; (Keith's) Pawtucket, K. I., 2'.i- .Mcb. 3.

KENN’.Y. TTi.arles—(Dminesne) I’lttsburg, Pa., Feb. 22-'27; (IVrtland) Portland. -Me.. 29-Mch. 5.

LE tTalr. Harry—(Bljon) rblladelphia. Pa., Feb. 22-27.

L.\ Toska, Phil—(Orphenm) Riverside. CY>1 , Fell. 22 27.

I..VWRKN’OE. .\1.—(Olympic) Chicago. 111.. Feb. ‘22-’27; (llaymarket). 29-Mar. .8.

LINTON A laiwn-nce Sisters—(.\venue) Pitts¬ burg. Pa.. Feb. 22-27.

LATIMORE A Ia*lgh—(O. H.) Port Huron. Mich.. Eeb. 22-27; (Grand) iluskegon. 29-Mcli. 5.

LITCIlFIELi:. Mr. and Mrs. Nell—(Orphenm) Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 2S-Mch. 5.

H’KEN’S. Fonr—(Poll’s) Bridgeport. Conn.. Feb. 22-27; (Watson’a) Brooklyn, N. Y'., 29- Mch. 8.

LA TOPK. Irene A Zsis—(Proctor’a 23d St.) New Y’ork City, Feb. 22-‘27.

LITTLEFIELD. Marlon—(Keith’s) Philadel¬ phia. Pa.. Feb. 22-27.

LI.OY’D, Herbert—(Keith’s) Boston. Mass.. Feb. 22-27.

LANE. iTirla—(Howard) Boston. Mass., Feb. 22-27.

I.A VEEN A Ossa—(Howard) Boston. Mass.. Feb. 22-27.

I.ACENTRA A De Vere—(People’s) Iiowell. Mass., Feb. 22-27.

L.VXGlxiN, Hardle—(Park) Youngstown. O.. Fell 22-27.

LEONARD. Gns—(Caato) Lowell, Mass . Feb.

LEE. The Myatic—En route with Ferguson Stm'k Co. See Dramatic Routes.

LAMON’TS. The—(Keith’s) Boston. Maas. Feb. 22'27: (Jeffers) Saginaw. MIeh. 29-Mch. 8.

MAilTINETTl A r.roaal—(Keith’s) New York. N. Y’.. Feb. 22 27; (Keith’s) I*piivl(1pnee, R. 1.. 29 Mch. 8.

MAOINI.EYS, The—(Keith’s) Providence. R. 1.. Feh. ’22-27; (Keith’s) Boston. Maas., 29 Meh. 5.

MORRIS A Bowen—(Orphenm) S; u Frsuelsoo. O. I., Feb. n-Mch. 5.

.Ml.’itl’HY .Mr. and .Mra. Mark—(Orphenm) rtlca. N. Y., Feb. 22-27, (Empire) Hoboken, N J.. 29-Meli. 5.

'le.tVoY. Dick and A11<h»—(.V venue) Pltti- burg. Pa., Fell. 27-Mcb. 3.

.M.M'K. Eddie—(Keltb’a) PUlladelphla, Pa., Fell 22 27. 1 Keith’s) Boston. .Maaa., 29-.Mch. 5.

■Ml .SIC’.AI. Dale—Toronto, Can., Feb 22-27; .Montreal, 29 .Mch. 5.

^Y|AY A -Miles—(Grand) Newjiort, R. 1., Feb.

.Ml SIi'.VL Simpsons—(Star) Brooklyn. N. Y.. Fell. 22-27: (Gaiety) 29-Mcb. 8.

.M.VV .Morris—En route with Fergoaon Stock Co. S.e liraiiiatic Routes.

MARTINI A .Max Mlillan—(Keith’s) Philadel- plila. Pa., Feb. 22-27.

-MAILSH A Sartella—(.Main St.) Peoria. lU., Feb. 22-27.

-Ml’RPHY A Willard—(Trent) Trenton. N. J.. Feb. 22-27.

.Ml'itTH.A, IJIlian I^eroy—(Caato) Lawrence, Mass., Feb. 22-27.

.MARINKLI,.\.S. The—(0. H.) London, Can.. Fell. 22-27.

.MARI.IIWE. Plunkett A Co.— (Keith’s) Bos¬ ton. .Mass., Feb. 22-27. ^■'^■CORD' Lewis—(Shea's) Toronto, Can., Feb.

.ME.VIFEE, Johnstone A Co.—(Empire) Cleve¬ land. O.. Feb. 22-27. ^N^ DGE, Eva—(Empire) Hoboken, N. J., Feb.

-MrSICAI. John-stons—(Lyceum) Pbiladelpbia, Pa., Feb. 22-27.

N.VWX. Tom, A Co.—(Pull's) Hartford. Conn. Feb. 22-27.

N'EI.T.V, Ruth—(Doi-kstader’s) Wilmington Del.. Feb. 2*2-27.

NEWELL A Xlblo—(Co'umbla) Clnolnuatl, O. Feb. 22 27.

-NEW York Comedy Four—(Gaiety) Broolilyn, X. Y'.. Feh. 22-27.

NTGENT. J. G.. A Co.—(Columliia) Cliieln- natl. O.. Feb. 22-27.

ORVILLE A Frau:—(Watson’s) Brooklv 1 8 Y. . Feb. 22-27.

URI’HECS Comedy Four—(Dmiuesne) Pitts¬ burg. Pa.. Feb. 22-27.

OWi:XS. .Mamie—En route with Kentuik' Juvenile .Minstrels. _^1’ELI)T—(Keith's) Philadelphia, Pa.. Feb. ’J-J-

PREN’TICE Trio—(O. H.) Purtsmuntb, X. H Feb. 22-27.

PAT. Tlie Genie—(429 .\. .-i^ud St.) West Plilladeipbia. Pa.. 29-Mch. 8.

Pl’CKS. ’Two—(Sbeedy’s) New Uedfurd Mass. Feb. 22-‘27.

P.YItODY’ Lee—En route with Fergus >n Mis k Co. See Dramatic Routes.

i’ETERS. Phil, and Nettle—(Colonial) Cleve- land. O.. Feb. 22-27; (Orpbeum) Itlca. N 29--Mch. 3.

PIERCE A Malzee—(Shea’s) Buffalo, N. Y., Eeb. 22-27: iSlies'sl Toronto. Can.. 29-Mch. .'1.

P.\S.Sp.VRTS. The—(Shea’s) Toronto. Can.. Feb. 22-27; (Empire) Cleveland, <)., 2i»-Mch. .'i.

REID A Gllb«‘rt—(Peo|ile’s) ‘.'iii •ii.ii > ;i, (1., Feb. 22-27.

ilIO Brothei-». Three—(Columbia) 2iiiiliiiinl O.. Eezb. 22-27.

RICH.YRD.si. Three—(Orpheumi RrooMvn. N. Y.. Keb. 22-27.

RrsSEI.L, Phil, and Carrie—(H lyn; irlte') Chicago. 111.. Feb. 22-27.

Rl’S-SELL A Dunbar—(Ixmdon O. H.) lamdon Can.. Feb. 22-27; (S(ar) Hamlltor., 29-.Mch. .’i.

ROBERTS, Four—(Coos d’A'ene) Spikane. Wash., Feb. 22-27; (Ballard) Bi-llsrd, 29-.Mcb. 8.

R.YNDOI.PHS. The — (Crystal) Colorado Springs. Col., Feb. 22-27.

R. XMZ.Y A .Vrno—(H. A S.’s) New York City, Feb. 22-27.

ROS.MRE—(Keith’s) New York City, Feb. 29- Mch. .-1.

RICH.YRDS. Three—(Orpbeum) Brooklyn, N. Y.. Feb. 22-27.

REYNARD. Ed. T.—.St. Paul. .Minn.. Feb. 22-‘27: MInneapills. 29-Meh. 5.

SNY’DEil A Bnekley—(Orphenm) Ia>s Aiigidos Ci»l , Feb. 22-Mar. 8.

SHERM.XN A De Fewest—(Empire) Cleveland, O.. Keb. 22 27.

SISTEILS Gausoli—(Chas(‘’s| Washington D. C . Feb. 22-27.

SYLVESTER. La wrence—(Criterion) Tampa Fla.. Feb. 22-Mcb. 19.

SHEit.M.VN A IN- Forest—(Empire) Cleveland. O.. Keb. 22-27; (Grand) Indianapolis, Ind.. 29- Mch. 8.

SMIRL A Kessner—(Pastor’s) New York CPy Keb. 22-27.

SMITH A Powell—(Keith’s) PhUadelphla, Pa. Feb. 22-27.

SCLLY’ A Phelps—(Colnnibla) St. lamls. Mo., Feb. 22-27.

SW.X.N A Ramliard—(Empire) Hoboken, N. J. Feb. 2C-’27.

SWK’K.YRD. Mr. and Mrs.—(Palace) Bristol. Conn.. Feb. 22-27.

S. vrXDERS Cbsnik—(Portland) Portland, Me.. Feb. 2-2-27.

STEW.YRT A Fltzglbblns—(No. 2 W. 29th St.) New Y’ork City, Indef.

sn.VWS, Aerial—(Garden) Canton. O., Feb. 18-27.

Sl'ElN Eretto Family—(Orphenm) New Or¬ leans, l a.. Feh. 22-27.

SEMON Children—(O. H.) Cblcsgo, Ill., Feb. 22 ’27: iCoInmlda) St. lavnls. Yto.. 29-Mch. 8.

T. M.BOT A Rogers—(Empire) Cleveland. O. Feb. 22-27; (Columbia) Cincinnati. O.,' 29- Mch. .V

TROt’BADOl’R Four—(iloyal) Montreal, Can. Feb. 22 27.

THORNE. Mr. ami Mrs. Hairv —(Poll’s) Bridgepwt. Conn.. Feb. 22-27; (Poll’s) Water- bury. 2!»-Mch. 5.

V.YLMOilE A Horton—(Empire) Cleveland O. Feb. J-27; (Grand) Indianapolis. Ind., ’29- Mch. 5.

WHITE A Slmmona—Kanaas City. Mo., Feb. aK-.Mcb. 3.

WlLLl.Y.MS A Melbnrn—(Jacuuea) Waterbuiy Conn., Feb. 22-27.

WARTEN’BKRG Brothers—(Temple) Detroit, Mleb., Feb. 22-27.

WEST, John A.—(Empire) Toledo. O.. Fab. 22-27.

WEXONA A Frank—(I’loetoi’s) Newark, N. J., Feb. 22-27.

WILSON A Davia—(Howard) Buatun, Masa., *»h

WIIAlER, Marshall P.—(Orpheumi Brooklyn. N. Y.. Feb. ‘22-27.

WIXSCHEK-MAN’S Bears—(H. A .S.’s) New York City, Feb. 22-27.

WKS^r A Van Siclen —(Welsoii) Springfield, Ylass., Feb. 22-27; (Hurtig A Seaiuoii’s) .New York. N. Y., 29-.Mch. 5.

WHITNEY, Anna—(Keith’s) New York City, Feb. 22-27; (Keltb’s) Providence. It. I.. 29-Mcb.

YOUNG, Ollle and Brother—(Haymarket) Chicago, m., Feb. 22-27.


A alDDEN Crime (J. M. Ward, .Mgr.)—BaiU- more, Jld.. Feb. 23-27; New York City, 29- Jlcb. 3.

A BitE.YK for Liberty ( J. M. lacoos. Mgr.) —Sbeuaudoab, Pa., Feb. 23; SUamuklu, 29; -Mabaiioy City. 27.

AR1/.UNA (J. 11. I’aLser, .Mgr.)—Newark, N. J., Feb. 22-27; .New York City, 29-Mch. 3.

A MESSENGER Boy ((ieo. D. Sweet, .Mgr.)— Girard, Kau., Feb. 2ti; Joplin, Mo., 27; Webb City. 29; Oswego, Kau., Mch. 1, Cheloiis, 2. Fredoiiia. .Mo., 5.

AUR.U1-NA-POGLE (Davis A Uuttertleld. Mgrs.)—Lawrence, Mass., Feb. 23-27; Wor¬ cester. 29-Mcb. 3.

.YLLEN, Viola (Cbas. W. Allen, .Mgr.)—New York City, Feb. S-.Mch. 19.

ARE You a Mason') (Julius Csbii, .Mgr.) — Great FuRs ..Mont., Feb, 2."i; Anaconda. 2(1. Helena, 'Ji'; Fargo, N. D., 29, Cruuksluu, Mcb. 1; Grand Forks, 2.

.Y Royal Slave (Harry Gordon, .Mgr.)—Jean¬ nette. I’a.. Feb. 2.”i. Greeusburg, 2ti, Irwlu. 27; .Muuuiigahela City, 29.

A rtloRuUGHBRED Tramp (Harry Darling¬ ton, Jlgr.)—.Marietta, O.. Feb. 24. Pleasant City, 2U; Wuodstleld, 27; Vuuugstuwu, 29, SteulK-uville, .Mcb. 1; Newcastle. Pa., 2. East I. iveriiool, o.. 3.

.\T the Old Cross Roads (.Vrthur ('. Alston. •Mgr.)—ludiauapuli.s, lud.. Feb. 22-21 .Mancie. 2.i; (Soldiers’ Hume) Dayton. O., 2ti; Lexiug- tuii. K.V.. 27; laiuisville, 2.v-.Mcb. 3.

-VI BKEY StiH'k Co. (Eastern; Win. Davlilge, Mgr.)—Yonkers, N. Y., Feb. 22-27; Newburg. -"J-.Mib.

ARIZON'.Y (No. 1; F. B. Raymond, ilgr ) — laiulsvllle. Ky., Feb. 2-2-27; Lexlugtun. 29; Frankfort, Meb. 1; Richmond, 2; Hillsboro, 3. WasbiugtuD C. 11., O.. 4; Nelsonvllle, 5.

.Y R.YGGED Hero (Fielding .Amusement Co.. .Mgrs.)—Woodstock. Can., Feb. 2.-1; St. l-bomas, 2ti; London, 27; I'liatham, 29; Blenheim, .Men. 1; Port Huron, .Mleb., 2; Bay City, 3; Saginaw.

.Y LITTLE Outcast (Geo. E. GUI’s Eastern)— Camden, N. J., Feb. 2.'>-27; Richmond, Vs., 29- •Meb. 3.

A MILLION.YIRE Tramp (Elmer Walters’)— Beatrice. Neb., Feb. 2.’i; Lincoln, 20-27; Ntola, la., 2.'v; Des .Moines, 29-.Mcb. 2.

AMERICAN HoIh> (W. D. .Newall, .Mgr.)— Cosboetoa. O., Feb. 23; Massillon, 20; Canton.

.YIJING the Kenebec (C. B. Reno, Mgr.)— Piostou, Mass., Feb. 22-27.

-YlBilEY’ Stuck Co. (Carl Brebm. Mgr.)— Kingston. Out.. Feb. 22-27; l.oiiilmi. 29 .Men. 3.

A BUNCH of Keys Co. (Gus BotUuer, .Mgr.) —Milton, Pa., Feb. 2.’i; Puttstuwii, 20; Norris¬ town, 27; Trenton. N. J., 29; Columbia. Pa., Mcb. 1; l.ewlslmrg. 2; Witliams|iort, 3; Harris¬ burg, 4-3.

AN .Yrlstocratlc Tramp (Will Kllroy, Mgr.) —Delphos, O., I'eb. 24; Ft. Wayne, 20; Ander¬ son. liid.. 27.

AD.YMS, Maude (Cbas. Frobman, Mgr.)— Boston, Mass., Feb. 13-27; Portland, .Me., 29; Worcester. Mass., ilcb. 1; Siirlnglield, 2, Provi¬ dence. K. I., 3-3.

BRKCKENilHiGE Stock Co. (Boyd P. Jo.i, .Mgr.)—Yates Center, Kan., Feb. 22-27.

BENNirUT-Moulton (Will A. Partello, Mgr.) —Orange, J.. Feb. 22-27; IU(d Bank, 29- Mch. 5.

Bl’RGLAR. The (Wright A Haight, Mgrs.) — Marshal). .Mluu., Feb. Z‘i; Tracy. 20; Canby, 27; Garretson, S. D., 29; Dell Rapids. Mch. 1; Flandrlan, 2: Madison. 3; DeSmet. 4; Miller. 3.

R.YTES, Blanche (David Belasco, Mgr.)— Chicago. 111.. Feb. l.'i, indef.

B.YLDWIN-Melvllle Rejn-rtory (Walter S. Baldwin, Mgr.)—New Orleans. La.. Indef.

BEN Hur (Klaw A Erlunger, .Sigrs.)—I,ei- Ington. Ky.. leb. 22-24; Dayton. O., 23-27.

BI STER Brown (Hruadburst A Currie. Ylgrs.) —Sandusky. O., Feb. 23; TVdedo. 20-27; Gr.vud tluplds. .Mleb., 2s-Mcb. 2; Kalamazoo, 3; Lan¬ sing. 4; Benton Hartatr, 8.

BOY D. Archie, In Joshua Whlti'omb (Kllpst- rlck A Burnlston, Mgrs.)—Boston. .Mass.. Feb. o2.*>7

BE.NNETT A Moulton (F. C. Twltcbell. .Mgr.) —Gloversvllle, N. Y., Feb. —-27.

BOWERY After Dark (Sullivan. Harris A Woods. Mgrs.)—Fall River. Mass., Feb. 2.’’>-2i.

BLOODGOOD, Clara (CTias. Frobman, Mgr.) —Baltimore, YId., Feb. 22-27; Pblladeli>bla, Pa.. 29-Mch. 3.

BELCHER'S Comedlan.s—Springdale, Ark., Feb. 22-’27; Rogers. 29-Mch. 2; Beutonvllle. S-.l.

BUNTING, Emma (ITarl Burgess. Mgr.)— Chester. Pa.. Feb. 22-27; New Brunswick, N. J. . 29-Mch. 5.

B.YBRY.MORE, Ethel (Chas. FtxMjman. Mgr.) —Evansville, liid.. Eeb. 24; Lexington. Ky., 23. Knoxville, Tenn.. 20; Chattan<s>ga, 27; New Oi- leana. La.. 29-Mcb. 8.

BENNETT A Moulton (A. P. Reed. Mgr.)— Ashland. Ps., Eeb. '22-27: Hazleton. 29-Meh. 3.

CCKTS Dramatic Co. (M. H. Curts. .Mgr.)— Hays. Kan.. Peb. •2’2-’24; KllLs. 25-27.

CREED’S CMniedlans (CTiss. K. Cr*‘«sl, Mgr ) —Jackson, O., Feb. 23-27; Middle|>urt. 29-.Mch.

CDOK-Church Stm-k Co. (H. W. Taylor. Mgr. t —Newcastle, Ps. Feb. 22-27; Shair>>n. ’29'.Mch. 8

CONROY A Mack’s ComiHlians (P. P. Craft. Mgr.)—Phllllpsliurg, Pa., Feb. 22-27, York. 29- Moh. 8.

CARROLI. Ctomedy Co. (Ion C.iiTolI. Mgr.)— l-nfollette, Tenn.. Feb. 22-27. Jelllco. 29-Mcb. 3.

CLEMENT, nay. In The New Dominion (J. C. Isvgan, Mgr.)—Colnuibus O.. Feb. 22-24; Hamilton. 28: Richmond, lud., 26; Logansport, 27; Marion. 2S.

COGHLAX Riiae (Jules Murry, Mgr.)—Oreaa- vHle. Mis#.. Feb. 28; CUrksdale. '26; Memphis. Tenn.. 27; Jackson, 29; Nashville, Mcb. I;


ColamMd, 2; Faj-etU?rIll«>, 3; Ohattan^nga, 4; KnoxTllle. 5.

Cl-AXTON, Kate—BrwAl.vn, N. Y., Feb. 22

CR.VNE, W. n. tCliiiB. Krohman. Mgr.)— rtav Cltv, Mich., Feb. 2". Saginaw 2b; ToleJo, O..’ 27: Ib trolt. .Mich., 2!t-Mcb. S.

rOI.KIKil, M'llllani (Cliaa. Frohraan, Mgr.) — Phllailcliihla. I'a.. Feb. 2.'-Mcb. 5.

OAKI’F,.\'TKil, Frankie (Jerc CJrart.v. Mgr.) — Paterson. N. J., Feb. 22-211; SVllmlngton, Hel.. 2S-Mcb.

l'|{< »SM Henrietta, In Sweet Kltt,v Hel- lalra (Darlil Hclaaco, .Mgr.)—New York C'il.v, iiuief.

CAitTF.I!. Mrs. Ix'slle iHiivbl P.clasco. Mgr. i — HulTalo. N. Y.. Feb. 22-27; Syracuse, 2t)-Mcb. 1; IbH'heater. 2-^.

CT’TTEU & WlIllaniH Stock Co. (Cutter &

Wlllluina. Mgrs.)—Grafton, W. Va., Feb. 2St- Mcb. r..

CLARK Stock Co (Mile* Berry. Mgr. 1—Tay- lorvllle. 111., Feb. 22-27: Sprlngflebl, 20-Mch. Ti.

1>K Vos.s Flora Co. (No. 2; .1. B. Kotnour, Mgr.)—Hamilton. la., Feb. 2.7-27; Hours, 2.t Mcb. 2; .Marshalltown, 3-5,

HAVIS. Fay (Cbas. Froliman, Mgr,)—Pblla- belpbla. Pa., Feb. 15-27; P.uffalo, N. Y., 2U- Mcb. 5.

HOIMIE, Sanford (Sanford Hodge. Mgr.)— West Pofiit. Neb., Feb. 2«; David City, 27; York. 21); Central Cltv. Mcb. 1; lloblrege. 4.

DlLC.Kll-Cornell Co. (W. E. Cornell, Mgr.) — Harlctou, Pa., Feb. 22-27; Norristown, 29- Mcb. 5.

DENVER Express Co. (C. IT. Holden. Mgr.) —Wilmington, Del., Feb. 25-27; Washington, D. C.. 2'(-Mcli. 5.

I).\ilKEST Hour (Lincoln J. Cbirter’s)—Fall River. Mass.. Feb. 29-Mch. 2; 'lYoy, N. Y.. 3-5.

DAVIDSON Stock Co. (Frank S. Davidson. Mgr.)—Galva, Ill., Feb. 2.5-27; Aledo, 2')- Mcb. 2.

D.WID Ilaruin (.lullns Calm, Mgr)—Superior, Wis.. Fell. 25; Duluth. Minn.. 2Ci27; Ash'anl. M’ls.. 29: Bessemer. Mich., Mcb. 1: Calumet, 2; Hancoi'k, 3; Ishpemlng. 4; Manpiette, 5.

DAVID Harum (.lullus Cahn, Mgr.)—Topeka, Kan.. Feb. 25; St. .losepb, .Mo.. 2ti; .Mexico, 27; St. louis, 2S-Mch. 5.

DAVIDSON Stock Co. (A. E. Davidson. Mgr.) —IViwaglac, Mlcb., Feb. 22-27; Coldwater, 29- Mcb. 5.

DANIELS. Frank (Cbas. B. Dllllngbam, Mgr) —Washington. D. C., Feb. 22-27.

DREW. John. In The Second In Command ((Sas. Frobman. Mgr. I—Cincinnati. O.. Feb. 22-27; Springfield. 2!); Ft. Wayne. Ind.. Mcb. I; Grand Rapids. Mich., 2; Toledo, O.. 3; Csilum bus. 4; Wheeling, W. Va., 6.

D'ORS.AY, laiwrence (Klrke Igi Shelle, Mgr.) —New Haven, Conn., Feb. 21-25; Worcester. Mass.. 26-27.

DE VONDE. Chester, Stock (Phil. lovy. Mgr) —Elmira. N. Y., Feb. 22-27.

DESERTED at the Altar (Percy G. Williams. Mgr.) — Cleveland. O.. Feb. 22-27.

heath Watch (Will M. Cressy, Mgr.)—Bal¬ timore. Md.. Feb. 22-27.

DESPERATE tdianee (Eastern; I. M. Mltten- thal. Mgr.)—Baltimore. Md., Feb. 22-27.

DOWN Bv the S»‘a (Phil. Hunt, Mgr.)—Port¬ land. Ore., Feb. 22-27.

. DARE Devil Dorothy (Berger & O’Neill. Mgrs )—Albany. N. Y.. Feb. 25-27.

EMERALD Stoi'k (I. F. Bartlett, Mgr.)— Moravia. N. Y’.. Feb. 2.5-27.

ETERNAL City (Lleliler & Co., Mgrs.)— Siiokane. Wash., Feb. 26-27.

EIGITT Bells—Winfield. Kan.. Feb. 25: Gui.i- rle. O. T., 26: Fort Worth. Tex., 29; Dallas. Mch. 1: Greenville. 2; Shreveport, I>a., 3; Vicks¬ burg. Miss.. 4; Jackson, 5.

EMMI-TT. Robert. Co. (J. Wesley Rosenqnest, Mgr.)—Brooklyn. N. Y'. Feb. 29-Mch. 5.

ELEVENTH Hour (Lincoln J. Carter’s) — Washington, D. C., Feb. 22-27; Wllkesbarre. Pa.. 29-Mch. 2; Scranton. 3-5.

EDESON, Robert. In Ransom's Folly (Henry B. Harris. .Mgr.)—New Y'ork City. Indef.

FAVFRSHAM. William (Hias. Frohman, Mgr) —Washington, D. C., Feb. 22-27.

FOUNT.MN. Marie, Tlieatre Co. (Bobby Foun¬ tain. Mgr.)—Hot Springs, Ark., Feb. 22-27; I.Ittle Rock. 29-Mch. 5.

FACTORY’ Girl (fTias. H Wuerz, Mgr;)— Toledo. O., Feb. 25-27; Cleveland. O., 28- Mch. 5.

FERGt’SON Stock Co.—Peebles. O.. Feb. 24- 27; Mason. 29-Mch. 2; Morow. 3-5.

FRAWLEY’. Daniel (I-elgh D. Bnickhart. Mgr. I—Dunedin. N. Z., Feb. 13-27.

FERRIS' Comedians (Harry Bubb, Mgr.)— Duluth. Minn., Indef.

FISKE. Mrs. (Harrison Grey Fls’o. Mgr.) — Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 22-28.

FRENCH. Irving (Don Macmillan. Mgr.)— Hot Springs. Ark.. Feb. 26-27.

FAT.AL Wedding ((’’entral; SulHrtn. Harris * Woods. Mgrs.i—St. lonls. Mo.. Feb. 21-27.

FROM Rags to Riches (M. H. Meyers. Mgr.) —Minneapolis. Minn.. Feb. 21-27.

FOR Her fTilldren’s Sake (Sullivan. Harris A- Woods. Mgrs.)—St. Joe, Mo., Feb. 25-27; Kansas City. 28-Mch. 5.

FOR Ills'Brother’s Crime (Phil. Niven, Mgr.) —Providence, R. L, Feb. 22-27; Boston. Mass.. •t9-Mch. 5

FRENCH. Irving. Co. (Don McMlllam. Mgr.) —Hot Springs. Ark . Feb. 25-27; Little Rock, 29-Mch. 2: Newport, 3-5.

FATST (Porter J. White. Mgr.l—Winchester, Va.. Feb. 21; Gettysburg. Pa., 25.

FOER (Vihans—New Orleans. La.. Feb 21-27: .Tackson, Miss.. 29; Memphis. Tenn.. Mch. 1-2; Vicksburg. 3; Natchex. 4; Baton Rouge. Ha., 5.

FAST Mall (T.lncoln J. Carter's)-Philadel¬ phia, Pa.. Feb. 22-27; Harrlsbii'- 29; Northum¬ berland, 2; Carlxmdale, 3: Plymouth, 4; Pltts- ton, 5.

FOR Mother’s Sake (Wm . Pottle. .Tr.. Mgr.; —Omaha. Neb., Feb. 25-27; Connell Bluffs. la.. 28.

FISKE Stock Co. (Flake * Stock. Mgrs.)— Derby, Conn., Feb. 22-27: Meriden. Mch. 1-5.

FENBERG Stock Co. ((bm M. Fenberg Mgr) —New Bedford. Ma.ss.. Feb. 22-27: Brockton, 29-Mch. 5.

FOR Her Children’s Sake (Western; F.d. H. Ijester. Mgr.)—Marlon, O.. Feb. 24; Lancaster. 25; Clrclevllle. 26; (Tillllcothe. 27; Washington O, H.. 29: Xenia. Mch. 1;. L’rbana. 2; Cellua. 3; Trov. 4; .Middletown. 5.

FLEMING. Mamie (W H. Gracey. Mgr.)— Carbondale, Pa., Feb. 22-27; Binghamton, N. Y.. 29-Mch. 5.

FOB Her Sake (.Toseph Pilgrim. Mgr.)—Sails, bnrv Md., Feb. 26; Dover, 27; Philadelphia. Pa.* 29-Mch. 5.

FR.ANCIS. Marlon (Geo. K. Robinson. Mgr.) —Woonsocket. R. I.. Feb. 22-27; Lynn. Mass, 2n-Mch. 5.

GILLE'TTE, William, In Tlie Admirable Crich¬ ton (Cbas. Frohman. .Mgr.)—New York City. Indef.

GREAT White Diamond (Waiter Fessler, Mgr.)—Chicago, lU., Feb. 21-Mch. 12.

GIRL from Ka.va ((Tlias. Frohman, Mgr.)— New Y'ork City, Indef. i

GL.M) of It (Cbas. Frobman. .Mgr.)—New York City. Indef.

GAGNON'-Pollock Co. (Be-t C. Gagnon. Mgr , j Key Wi-st. Fla., Feb. 8 Mch. 31. ■

GIL.MOKE. Barney (Ilarrv Montgomery, .Mgr) -CbliHgo. 111.. Feb. 21 '27.

G. AML Ke*‘iHr (11. Conrad, .Mgr.l — San Inn- cisco. Cal.. Fob. 21 27; Siierameiito, 2s: .Mo- desta. Mch. 1; Fresno, 2; BakersficM. Ixss , .\ngclcs, 6-12.

OOl !■ Belle. In ('.durado W .il W. | Cross. .Mgr.)—Chanute. Kan.. Feb. '2.5; Ft. Siott '■ 2ti; Springfield. Mo.. 27; Joplin, 2s; Pittsburg, j Kan., 29; Nevada, Mo., .Mdi. 1: Sdlalla. 2; ; Biaiiivllte, 3; Molierlv, 4: louisiana. 5.

GRIFFITH, Jolin (John M. Hickey, Mgr.) — .Tefterson City, Mo., Feb. 25; C<ilumbia. 20: Sedalia, 27; Clinton, ’29; Nevada, .Mcb. 1; Ijimar. 2; Carthage, 3; Webb City, 4; Aurora. 5.

GARSIDE, Condit & Mack (.las. S. Garsldo. Mgr.)—(.Yielsea, Mass., Feb. 22-27; Haverhill, 29-Mch. 5.

GIL.MORE, Paul (Jules Murry, Mgr.)—Wal¬ lace, Idaho. Feb. 25; Mlsaoula, Mont.. 26; Helena. 27; Rutte. 2.8-29: Anaconda. Mch. 1; Great Falls, 2: Bozeman. 3; Livingston. 4: Billings, r,.

GLASER. I.ulu—Pittsburg, Pa.. Feb. 22-27; New York City. 29-Mch. 5.

GRANTLEY. Helen (Jas. R. Delcher. Mgr.l— Angiista, (la., Feb. 25; Columlda, S. C.. 26: Greenville. 27.

GODDING Comedy (O, M. Cotton. Mgr.) — Manitowoc. Wls., Feb. 22-27.

H. VI.I,. Don C.—Oraptge, Cal., Feh. 22-27. H.ANFORD. CTiarles R. (F. Lawrence Walker.

Mgr.)—Canon City. Col., Feb. 25; I./eadvillc,

THE OPEN-AIR AMUSEMENT SPECIAL EDITION OF ’ THE BILL¬ BOARD." which will be edited in the interest of out-door amrso- mena of every character. Circus, Fair. Street Fair. Parks, etc., will be issued March IS. dated March 19. It will be of exceptional advertising value to Street Fair people in all branches; Circug proprietors, agents, and bosses: Fair secretaries and Fair managers', Park managers; vaudeville performers who play resorts, etc. THFRE WILL BE NO INCREASE IN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE OR IN AD¬ VERTISING RATES.

26; Grand Junction, 27; Salt Lake City, Utah, 29-Mcli. 2; Ogden. 3; Ixigan, 4; Pocatello. Idaho. 5.

HER Only Sin (Tdncoln J. Carter’s)—Manch Ouink, Pa., Feb. 25; Mahanoy City, 26; Free¬ land, 27; Scranton, 29-Mch. 2; Wllkesbarre, 3-5.

HIMMELEIN’S Stock (Mr. Ilimraeleln. Mgr.) —aireator. Ill., Feb. 21-28; Galesburg. 29-Mch.

HOW.XRD-Dorsot (Geo. B. Howard. Mgr.)— Crawfordsvllle. Ind., Feb. 25-27; I,ebanon. 2s- Mch. 5.

HE.ART of Maryland—Jackson. Mich., Feh. 25; Battle Cre«‘k. 26: Grand Rapids, 27; Fort Wayne, Ind., 29; I.afayctte, Mch. 1; Terre Haute. 2; Indianapolis, 3-5.

HOY'T’S Comedy Co. (H. G. .Yllen. Mgr.l— Hattiesburg. Miss., Feb. 22-27: Tuscaloosa, Ala.. 29-Mc!i. 5.

HEAD Walters—I.Ittle Rock. .trk.. Feb. 25; Jonesboro. 26; Poplar Bluff, 27: Springfield. Ill.. 29; Bloomington. .Mdi. 1: Decatur, 2; Danville, 3-4.

H.AWTREY’. Charles (C3ias. Frolim.sn. Mgr.) —New Bedford. Mass., Feb. 24; Providence. R. L. 25-27: I’liIIadelphIa, Pa., 29-Meh. 5.

IIARCOI'RT ComiHly Co. (Cbas. K. Harris. Mgr.)—Malden. Mass.. Feb. 22-27; North Ad- ■ims. 29-Meh. 5.

HILI.I.MID. Robt.. in Tliat Man and I (Frank L. Perley. Mgr.)—New Y'ork Cltv. Indef.

HENDRICKS. Ben (Sidney R. Kills. Mgr.)— Helena. Mont., Feb. 25; .\naeonda, 26.

H.VLL, Howard (Henry Pierson. Mgr.)— Trenton. N. J.. Feb. 25-27.

HERRMANN. Ixvin (Edw. Thiirnaer. Mgr.)— Worcester, Mass.. Feb. 22-26; Hartford. Conn.,

“‘ilCNT Stock Co. (M. A. Hunt, Mgr.)—St. •Tolms. Mleh., Feb. 22-27.

HOEFFLFR Show (.lack Hoeffler, Mgr.) — Pana. HI.. Feh. 22-27.

HOW.XRH .Stoek (Harry Howard, Mgr.)— Watertown. S. D.. Feh. 22-28.

IIOOSIER Girl (Gns Coh.m, Mgr. I—GallRiolls. G . Fell. 25; Pomeroy, 26; Parkersburg, W. Va.. 27.

HEARTS .Adrift (Speneer A- Aliorn, Mgrs.) — Rrooklvn. N. Y’.. Feb. 21-27.

HER Marriage Vow (Vanee A Snlllvan, Mgrs) —Hartford. Conn.. Feh. 22-27.

IRVING. Sir Henry (Chas. Frohman. Mgr.)— St. lyinls. Mo.. Feh. 22-27; Clnelnnatl. O., 29- Mch. 5.

IMPERIAL Stock (Col. Geo. Hamilton. Mgr i —Little Roek. Ark.. Feb. 21-27.

IN (Ud Kentnekv (Jaeob Lltt’s)—Plttslinrg. Pa . Feb. 22-27.

IN the Shadow of the Gallows—Holvoke, M. nss.. Feb. 25-27.

.TE.WONS. Irene, Stoek (Tlu'o. Jeavons. Mgr.) —Cameron. W. Va., Feh. 22-27.

J.AMES Rovs In Missouri (Frank Gazzolo. —Wllkesliarre. Pa., Feb. 25-27.

.T.AMES A- Warde Co. (Wagenhals A Kemper, Mgrs.)—Ogden. I’tah, Feb. 25; Provo. 26; Law- renep. Kan.. 29: Qnlnc.v, HI.. Mch. 1; .Tackson- vllle. 2: Keokuk, la.. 3; Burlington. 4; Jo.iet, Ill.. 5.

KING Dramatic Co. (F. F. Gleckner. Mgr.)— Sharon. Pa.. Feb. 22-27; McKeesport. 29-Mch. 5.

KY'RLE Rellew. In Baffles (Llebler A Co., Mgrs.)—New Y’ork Cltv. Indef.

KINGSLEY-Rnssell Go. (F, R. Russell, Mgr.i —Marvvllle. Mo.. Feb. 22-27.

KELI.ER Stoek Co. (A. M. Keller, Prop. A Mgr.)—Parsons. Kan., Feb. 2-5-27.

KENNEDY, James Co—Meadvllle, Pa., Feb 21-27; 011 City, 2S-Meh. !f.

KERKHOFF Dr.imatle Co. (Ivan Kerkhoff, Mgr.)—Ostiorne. Kan.. Feb. 22-28.

KEYSTONF Dramatic (McGill A- Shipman Props.)—I,ewlstnn. Me.. Feb. 22-Meh. 1.

KET/'EY. Herbert. A F.ffle Shannon (Daniel V. .Arthur. Mgr.)—Brooklyn. N. Y’.. Feh. ‘J2-‘J7.

KING or Detectives (Sullivan. Harris A KARR01,L. Dot (.1. C. Walsh. Mgr.)—Ijiw-

renee. Mass., Feb. 22-27. Wciods. Mgrs)—Cincinnati. O.. Feh 21-27

LOCKES, The (Will H Ivoeke, Mgr.)—Man hattan, Kan., Feb, 22-27.

bOLD BT ALL GOOD DRUGGISTS. Cold in the Head, Sore Throat. Sore Ches*, and all throat troublea are instantly relieved by the use of Paracamph. It stops the tickling, coughing, and soothes the inflamed membranes. A been to singers snd speakers.


LlGHTHlU'SE by the Sea (Vance A Sullivan, Mgrs.)—Norfolk. Va., Feb. 22-27.

LITFLE Chnreh .Around the Corner (Vain--' A Sullivan. Mgrs.)—Ixiulsvllle, Ky., Feh. 21-27.

LriTLE Homeatiuid (Win. Macauley. .Mgr.)— Henderson. Ky.. Feb. 21: Slielhyvllle, 25; Frank- ford, 26; Winchester, 27; Paris. 29: I.extiig(oii, Mch. 1; Ironton_.0.. 3; Ashland, Ky., 4; I’ol'it Pleasant, W. Va., 5,

LA M.AUR, Harry, In New England Folks— Elwood. Ind., Feb. 24: Rlrhmond, 25; Green* caatle. 26; Hartford City. 27.

LEG.ALLY Dead (The Shannons; Harry Shan¬ non. .Mgr.)—Gallon, O.. Feb. 21: Plymouth. ’25, I. isll. 27; Chicago, 28; Minerva. Mch. 1; Sallne- vllle. 2: Fast I.lverixiol. 3.

IA)ST River Co. (.Iiileg .Murry. Mgr.l—Trini¬ dad. Col.. Feb. 26; Riv-ky Ford, 27; Denver, 2.8.Mch. 5.

LANGTRY. Mrs. (Chas. Frohman, Mgr.l — Milwaukee, Wls., Feb. 22-27; St. I>iuU, Mo.. 29-Meh. 5.

MILLER-Bryan Co. (F; F. Miller, Mgr.) — Imwton. (I. T.. Feb. 25-27; Geary. ■J9-Mch. 1.

MYERS ’ Will IL. Stoek (Sim Allen. -Mgr. )— Wasliington. Pa.. Feb. 22-27.

M.ARKS Rpothers (R. W. Murks. Mgr.)— Rarrle. Vt., Feb. 22-27; Rurilngton. 29-Mch. 5.

.MAJESTIC Tlieatre Co.—Sedalia, .Mo., Feb 18-27.

MY Ijidy Molly ((Thas. Frohman. Mgr.) — New Y'ork Cltv. Indef.

MANTKLL. Robert B.. In The Light of Other Days—New York City. Indef.

MFRi’HY, Joseph (Westfall A Kimny, Mgra.) -Milwaukee. Wls.. Feb. ’22 27.

.MASON-Keeler Co.—Clilcago. Ill.. Feh 22-27. ' McDonald stock Co. (G. W. McIkmaUl.

Mgr.l—Brookhaven, .Miss., Feb. 22-27; Lexing¬ ton. 29-Mch. 5.

MOREY Stork Co. (I-e Comte A Flesher, Mgrs.)—Independence. Kan.. Feb. 22-27.

MYRKLE-Harder Stock (V>. (Eugene Hall. Mgr)—Port Huron, Mich., Feb. 22-27; Muskegon 29-Mcli. 5.

MlSSOl'ill Girl (Eastern: Fred Raymond's: II. J. Singer. Mgr.)—Ware. Mass.. Feb. 25; We-stlteld. 26; Pittsfield, 27: Great Barrington. 29: New Milford. Conn.. Meh. 1: Torrlngton, 2; Naugatuck, 3: Bristol. 4; Danbury. 5.

MISSOURI Girl (Fred Raymond's Western: Harry S. Hopping, Mgr.)—Danville. HL, Feb. 25; Crawfordsvllle. Did.. 26: I.«fa.vette. 27; Montlet'llo, 29; Renssalaer. Mch. 1; Knox. 2; Michigan City, 3; Joliet, HL, 4; Crown Point. Did.. 5.

M.AN to Man (Davis A Butterfield. Mgrs.)— Troy, N. Y.. Feb. 25-27; Ixiwell, Mass., "29- Meh. 2; Ixiwrence. 3-5.

MOONSHINER'S Danghter (R. A. Hanks, Mgr.)—Elizabeth. N. J., Feb. 25-‘27: Manch Chunk. Pa.. 29; Mahanoy City. Meh. 1: Shamo- kln. 2: R<>ading. 3; Phomilxvllle. 4: Trenton, N. J., 5.

MYRKLE-Harder Stock (W. II. Harder, Mgri —Kingston. N. Y., Feb. 22-27; New Ixnidmi, (Yinn.. 29-Mrh. 5.

MORRISON, I>ewl8 (Jules Murry. Mgr.) — Rirmliigham. Ala.. Feb. 25; .Meridian. Miss., 26; Jackson. 27: Vicksburg 29; Y'azoo City, Mch. I; Clarksdale. 2; .Memphis. Tenn., 3; Jackson, 4; Nashville, 5.

M ANNERING. Mary (Frank McKee. Mgr.,— Kansas City. Mo., Feb. 25-27; Top«‘ka. Kau., 29.

MASON A Mason. In Rudolph and .Adolph (Rroadhnrst A (Yirrle. Mgrs.)—loeansfiort. Ind. Feb. 24; Ft. Wayne. 25; T’nion Cltv, 26; .Munele 27; Louisville. Ky.. 28-.Meh. 5.

MRS. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch (Llebler A Co.. Mgrs.)—Baltimore, Md.. Feb. 29-Mch. 5.

MELVILLE, Rose (Sis Hopkins; J. R. Stir- ling. Mgr.)—Steubenville, O.. Feb. 25; Johns¬ town, Pa., 26; Altixma, 27; Philadelphia, 29- .Meh. 5.

MAKTINOT. Sadie (Jules Murry, Mgr.l— Dallas. Tex., Feb. 24-26: Sherman. Denison, 2!i; I'ort Worth, Mch. 1; Waoo, 2; Hillsboro. 3; Temple, 4; Ssn Antonio, 5-6.

MACK. Andrew (Rich A Harris, Mgrs.)— Philadelphia, Pa., Feh. 22-27.

MFRRAY A .Mack (Ollle Mack. Mgr.l—Port¬ land. Ore., Feh. 26-27; Seattle. Wash., 28- ■Mch. 5.

Me.AFLIFFF Stmk (Jere Me.Aullffe, Mgr.)— North .Adams, Mass . Feh. 22-27.

MYi:U.8. Irene (Will H. Myers, Mgr.)—Allen¬ town. Pa.. Feb. 22-27.

M.ACK A Armour’s Comedians (Chas. Drew Mark. Mgr.)—Jamesport, Mo., Fob. 21-26; Novlnger. 27-29.

MONTANA Outlaw (Warner A Altman’s; C. F. Fawrenee. Mgr.)—Freejiort. III., Feb. 25; Janesville, Wls., 27.

MY’ Friend from Arkansaw (Robert Sherman. Mgr.l—Wellston. O.. Feb. 25; Shawnee, 27; Glouster. 29; Roseville. Meh. 1; Ramesvllle, 2; Plasld City. 3: Urlchvllle, 4.

NATIONAL Stoek (H T. Gllck. Mgr )—Moilt- gomerv Ala., Feh. 22-27; Troy, 29-Mch. 5.

NINETY' and Nine (O. J. Ashman. Mgr.)— Jersey City, N. J.. Feb. 22-27; Boston. Mass., 29-Mch. n.

NEII.L. James (Chas. Astor Parker, Mgr.)— Victoria. B. C., Feb. 29; Vancouver, Meh. 1-2; New Whatcom, Wash.. 3; Everett, 4; Tacoma. 5. I

NEILL-Morosco (fTias. Astor Parker. Mgr.) — Ix>a .Angeles. Cal., Feh. 2I-Meh. 26.

NEW Y’ork Da.v by Day (Geo. W. WInneft. Mgr.l—Syrsense, N. Y’., Feb. 25-27.

NORTIIFIEI.D Bank Robberv (Percy Ilerliort. Mgr )—Massillon. O., Feb. 27.

NEXT Door (Royer Brothers: Basil MeHenry. Atgr.)—Jersey Shore. Pa.. Feb. 26; Bellefontc. 27.

OLD Arkansaw (Fred Raymond’s; Geo Bedee Mgr.)—Bethany, Mo., Feb. 25: King C3ty. 26; Jami-sport, 27; Cameron, 20, Gallatin, Mch. 1;

.Sallsburv, 8. .Alare«'llne, 3; Macon, 4; Mobeily

OCR New Mlnlater (Miller A Conyers, Mgrs.) —I*1iilHdel|ibIa, Pa., Feb. 15-27; Brxsikhn N Y.. 29Mch. 5.

OLCO’I'T, Chauncey (.Angiistus Pltoii, .Algr.) — Psislon. Mass., Feb. 21-Mch. 5.

OX the Bridge at Midnight (Frank Gazzolo. Mgr.)—Toronto. Can.. Feb. 22-27.

(|RPH,AN"S Praver (Fdw. DeCouris'v. Mgr.i Hols.ken. N. J., Feh. 25 27.

P.ATUICE. In Itriven from Home (W. D. Fltz- gerild. Mgr.l—Springfield. Mass.. Feb. 25 27; Provldenoe. R. L. 29-AIch. 5.

P.AY'TON'S. Corse. Comedy (J. T, Alaeaiilev Mgr.)—Lancaster, Pa.. Feh. 22-27; Readtn.; 29-Mch. 5.

P.AY'TON'S. Corse. Stoek (David J. Knmagc Mgr.l—River Point. It. L, Feh. 22-27; KIteh burg. Alass., 29-Mch. 5.

P.ATTON. W. B. In The Minister’s Son (J M. Stout. Mgr.)—Paris. Kv., Fth. 2»; .Ashland 25; Ironton. O.. 26; St. Marvs. AV. Va.. 27 AA’eston. 29.

P.AY''roN Sisters Co. (Col. Frank Robertsoi Mgr.)—Augusta, Ga,. Feb. 22-27; .Athens. Meh. 5.

I’lIEL.AN. E. V. Stoek (Ralph A. Ward. Algr. i Jamestown. X. Y’,. Feb. 22-27; Elmira. 29-Mch. 5

PHEL.AN Stock Co. (Ralph .A. AA’ard, Mgr.)— Jami-stown. N. Y’., Feb. 22-27.

I’rDDL.AU (Sullivan. Harris & Woods Mgrs i —Phlladclplila. Pa.. Feb. 22 27.

QFFFN of the AA'lilte Slaves (.A. M. Woods Algr )—New Haven. Conn.. Feb. 2.5-27.

QCINCY’ .Adams Sawyer (Eisternl—Moline. HL. Feb 24: Kewanee, 25; Clinton, 27.

QCiNCY’ Adams Sawyer (Western; W. G. Snelllng. Algr. i—Lexington. Alo.. Feb. 25: Car- rollton. 26; Cblllleotbe. 27: Trenton. 29; Kirks- vllle, Meh. 1; Macon. 2; Moberly. 3: .Alexlco. 4. Fulton. 5.

REA'EilE. Panl--South Framingham. Alass. Feb. 25; Marltsiro. 26; Fltf'hbnrg. 27; Snring- field. 28; Waterlmry. Conn., Mcb. 1; .Allddle- town. 2: Bridgeport, 3-5.

RORSON, Eleanor In Merely Alarv Ann (I.leb- ler .A- Co.. Algrs.)—New Y'ork City. Indef

ROBERTSON * Elliott (Klaw A Erlanger. Mgrs.i—lonlsvllle. Kv.. Feb. 24-25; Indlanatwv 11s. Ind.. 26-27; Nashville. Tenn.. 29; fTiatfa- nooga, Mch. I: .Atlanta, Ga . 2; Birmingham. .Ala.. 3; Montgomery. 4: Mobile. 5.

ROGERS Brothers (Klaw A Erlanger. Mgrs ) —Phlladelpbla, Pa.. Feb. 8 27; Plttsbnrg. 29- Meli. 5.

UFH.AN, Ada. A Otis Skinner (T.lebler A Co Algrs.)—New Y’ork Cltv. Feb. 22-27; Newark. N J . 29.AIch 5.

RFSSELL, .Annie. In The Y’onnger Airs Dar¬ ling (Hias. Frohman. Mgr.)—Xexv York Cltv. Indef.

ROBER'TS. Florence (Fri*d Belasoo. Mgr.) — Sjilt I.ske Cltv, I'tah. Feh. 25-27

BY.AN. Daniel B (AV S. Bat.>s. Mgr.) — Brockton. Mass.. Feh. 22 27.

ROBFR, Katherine (I<«i Brandon. Mgr.) — Ijiwrenee, Mass.. Feh. 22-27.

BOE Stock (C J. AA’. Roe. Mgr.)—Na»hiis. N. 1. Feb. 22 27

SHEA. Thomas E. (James Wall. Mgr.i—Wil llamsfiort. I’a. Feh 22-27.

STAIN of (inllt (Cbas W. D.inlels. Mgr.)— Detroit. Allch.. Feb. 21-27.

S.ANDY' Bottom (Hampton A Hopkins. Mgrs i —I os Angeles. Cal., Fe\ 21-27.

SOTHERN, F. H (Da^el Frobman. Mgr.) — Clilesgo Ill . Feh 22 At eh. 5.

SNEIDER’S Wife (Geo ,A. O’Rrlen. Algr.I — Tlnm-eanoe. (),. Feb. 26-27.

SHADOWS of a Great CMtv—Montreal Can.. Feb. 22-27.

SPOONER Dramatic Co. (F. E. A Allle; W. DIek Harrison. Mgr.)—Galveston. Tex. Fell. 26-28; Sour Lake. 29.Mrh. 5.

SI.AVFS of the A!|ne (C S. Callahan Mgr )— Aberdeen. Wash.. Feb. 25; Olvmpln 26: (Cord- ravs) Portland. Ore.. 2S.Mrh. 12

SOFTIirRN Stofk Co. (C. G Hamilton. Algr) -I.Ittle Roek. Ark.. Feb. 21-27; Texarkana. Tex , 28.Afch. .5

KOI/DIERS of Forfiine (Henrv B. Harris. Algr. 1—Brooklvn. N. Feh 22 27' .lersev Cltv. N. J.. 29-Alch. 5.

SIGHTS. Panllne. In Reperforv (.1. W. Sight*. Mgr.)—Pierre. S D Feb. 2J.27; Miller. ’JO Aleh 2' Highmore. 3 5.

ST. I.OT’TS .Teff (W. J. Caapers’l—Benton Mo., Feh. 25; Clayton, 26 East St lonls. HI 27; Beleber-Bafb. Mo., 28.

SWEET Clover ( A. A. Ttiaver Atgr )—Gsl- veston. Tex.. Feb 25; Houston. 26: Austin. 27 Waeo, 29; Hillsboro. Afeb 1 • Coraleana 2: Greenville. 3: Dallaa, 4- Fort Worth. 5.

SIGN of the Crosa (Fred G. Berger Atgr. I Washington. D. C., Feb. 22-27; Philadelphia. Pa . 29-A!ch. 5.

SHORE Acres (Branch O’Brien Acting Algr ) -Pittsburg. Pa.. Fob 22 27; Washington. D. C.. 29-Atch. 5.

STANWELI, Dramatic Co. (Chas A Win tors Algr )—Alerlden. Conn.. Feb. 22 27,

SIGN of the Cross (PasKwn; Fred G Berger. -Tr., Algr.)—Oil City. Pa., Feh. 2»: TItnsvIlle. •’5' Bradford. 26.

SEAA’.ARD Show (Arthur .7. Chlsam. Mgr.) — (Tismnalgn. Ill., Feh. 22-27.

' TEN Nights In a Bar Room (Brownlee A Reed’s)—Weedsport. N. Y’.. Feb. 25; Raldwlns- vllle. 26- Fnlton 27; Oswego, 29.

TEN Nights In a Bar Room (Belcher A S»sn ley’s; Walter .1. ATrD«>nn1d. Mgr.)—<BTastiear. Afo., Feh. 25; I,a Belle, 27; Canton 29; Atom phis, Meh. 1; Ksboka. 2: Monroe Oty. 3; Han¬ nibal. 4: Perry. .5.

TO Die At Dawn, with Elsie Oesev (J. At Ward. Mgr.)—Rochester N. Y.. Feh. 25-27 Bridgeport. Conn., 29 Mch. 2; New Haven, 3-5,


TOO Prond to Beu (P. W. Kimball, Mfr.)— Oatoa and San 3; Redwood City and Stan- .'4ilro. 111., Feb. 23; Ceiitralla, 2«: Alton, 27; ford rnlaeralty, 4; Stockton, .I; Sacramento, ti.

BLUE Ribbon Co. (Jas. Hyde, Mgr. i—iBoeton, " -- . • • . I Bnckakln Blll’a

St. I»nl». .Mo., 2.H-Mcli. ,1. KINO -o«Jo (Henry W. Savage, Mgr.)— THI'ilSTON, Adelaide (Frank J. ft Claxton Atliena. Oa., Feb. 2.1; .Macon, 2«»; Jackitoiivllle. I Pa

.Miiae.. Feb. 22-27. - _ _ BON Tons (Ed F. Hnah, Mgr.)—Pblladelphla Bnlielo BllFi Wild West..Stroke-on-Trent, Eng. I.. Feb. 22-27; Baltimore. Md., 2J-Mch. .I. Bnsby Broa.Pant, III BOHEMIANS (Tom D. Miner. .Mgr.)—St. .Tipton, la.

.Dee Molnea. la.

..fort Worth, Tet.

Wllatach. Mgn».)—Kalamaww. MIcb., Feb. 2*1. THKOlCH Fire and Water (James H. Wal-

lIck'Hl—Pri>vldeuce. It. 1., Feb. 22-27. TOI.SO.N Stoi-k t’o. (T. D'vlglit Pepple Mgr.) .MISS Bob White (Nixon ft Zimmerman. Mgr*) ter. .N. Y., Feb. 22-2S;'.\lbany, 2U-.Mch. 2; Troy, onarter's Hindoo Circus .En route.

—.Moiitleello. .trk., Feb. 22 2s; Hot S|irlnga, —Charleroi. Pa.. Feb. 2.’>; ConnelUvIlle. 27. 3-.^. Clark’s (M. L.) .Alexandria, La. .\rk., 2.t-Mch. 8. .MCBR.VY ft Mack (Ollle Mack. Mgr. I—Port- CRACKER Jacks (Robt. Manchester. Mgr.)— Colorado Grant .En routs.

Tl'RNER. Clara (M. B. Miller. Mgr.)—Read- land. Ore., Feb. 2«27; Seattle, Wash., 2s- Toronto. Can.. Feb. 22-27; Ko«hester N. Y.. P*” ■"<! Shows.Fonda. La. Ing. Pa., Feb. 22-27; Shainokin. 2t-Mch. 5. .Meli. .'. 2lt-Mch. 5. Darling’s Dog and Pony Show.En route.

rilO.MPSD.N. Denman—San Francisco, Cal., NASHVILLE Students (Joe Becker. Mgr.)— CITY SiKirts (Phil. Sheridan, Mgr.)—Ix)als- Washington Bros. .Danville, HL Fell. ‘2!t-Mcli. .'i. Medford. O. T., Feb. 2->; Enid. 21!; Kingfisher, vllle, Kv., Feb. 21-27; Indlanaiadla Ind.. 2»- D^^’s. Sam .Frederlcksborg, Va.

TEMPEST, .Marie (Chas. Froliman. Mgr.)— 27; El Reno. 2!»; .MInco. 1. T.. Mcb. 1; Anadark.) M. h. .V' Dulaneys Shows.New Marttnavllle. W. Va. Brtsiklyn, N. Y., Feb. 22 27; Boston, Mass., «». T.. 2; Apacha. ;t; Lawton, I. T . 4; Chick- CHERRY Bheisoins (Butler JacoI« ft Low rr. ^Oc. Shows.Tower City, Pa. •2i»-.Mch. .’>. ushaw 5. Mgra.)—Brisikh n. N Y. Feb. 22 27; Newa-k Hot® 8 (Otto) Shows .Dallas. Tex.

TWO Little Walfa (No. 1; Lincoln J. Car- PRINCE of PlUen (H. W. Savage. Mgr.)— N. J. ’Jlt-Mch. 8. Forepangh-Sella Brofc .Columbus. O. ter'a)—(Juebec, Can., Feb. 2.")-27; Toronto, 2I»- IlriNiklyn. N. Y., Feb. 22-27; New York City, DEVERE'S, Sam (Sam Devere Mgr.)_Bos- Show .Terrs Haute, Ind. .Mch. 5. •J’.i-Mch. 5. ton. Masa., Feb. 22 27; New York Cltv 29- Bros.’ .Shows .Detroit. Mich.

TAYLOR. Alliert, Stock Co. (Altart Taylor. PRINCE of Pllaen (Western: 11. W. Savage. Mch. .8. Gentry Bros.’ No. 1 .Bleomlngton. lad. Mgr.)—Mena. Ark., Feb. ’J.'! 27; Fort Smith, 29- .Mgr (—Chicago. Ill., Feb. lo-.Mch. .8. DAINTY Ihichesa (L. laiwrence Weln-r Mgr.) ^(““try’s No. 2 .Bloomington, Ind. .Mch. 4; Shawnee. O. T., 8. ROGERS Brothers (Klaw fc Erlanger. Mgrs. t —’Frov. N. Y. Feb. 2."i-27; .Montreal, Can, 29- "fotry’s No. S .Bloomington, Ind.

FNCLE Hex Co. (Frank Adams. Mgr.)— -Philadelphia, Pa.. Feb. S-27. Mch. Gentry Bros.’ No. 4 .Bloomington. Ind.

MEDAL and the Maid (John C. Fisher. Mgr.) I.aiuls. .Mo.. Feb. 21-27: Kansas CltV 2S-.Mch. 8. Campbell Bros. -New York City, indef. .. BRIGADIERS (Harry .Martell. Mgr.)—Itoches- /

.Falrbnry. Neb. BRIGADIEK.s’(Harry .Martell. Mgr.)—Itoches- ('•rmen'a D. and P. Show-Labette. Kan. r. .N. Y., Feb. 22-2S; .\lbany. 2U-.Mch. 2; Troy, ^■fter s Hindoo CIrens .En route.

THO.MPSO.N, Denman—San Francisco, Cal., N.VSHVILLE Students (Joe Becker. Mgr.) — Fell. ‘2!t-Mcli. 8. Medford. O. T., I'eb. 2.'i; Enid, 2(’i; Kingfisher.

TE.MPEST, .Marie (Chas. Froliman. Mgr.)— 27; El Reno. 2.1; .MInco. 1. T.. .Mcb. 1; .Vnadark.> IlixNiklyn, N. Y., Feb. 22-27; Boston, yiaaa., (». T., 2; .4pacliu, ;i; Lawton, I. T., 4; Chlck- •29-.Mch. .8.

TWO Little Walfa (No. 1; Lincoln J. Car- usluiw 8.

PRINCE of PlLaen (H. W. Savage. Mgr.)- ter'a)—Quebec, Can., Feb. 2."i-27; Toronto, 29- IlriNiklyn. N. Y., Feb. 22-27; New York City, .Mch. 8.

TAYLOR. Alliert, Stock Co. (ARart Taylor. •J9-Mch. 5.

PRINCE of Pllaen (Western: H. W. S.avage.

Ilarrlaliiirg, Pa.. Feb. 2(i; York, 27; Philadel¬ phia. 2.1-Mch. 8.

SILVER SlIineT (Jolin FWher. Mgr.)—Denver. Col., Feb. 22’27: Victor. 2^: Pueblo. 29; Colo

I'.NDER Two Flags (W. M’arren. Mgr.)—(8il- rado Springs. Mch. 1; Leadvllle, 2; Salt Lake cago. Ill., Feb. 21-’27; Ciilumhus. O.. 2>-.Mch. .8, City. Ftah. 3.

FNDER Southern Skies (Eastern. Harry Doe| Parker, .Mgr.)—N<irwlch, Conn.. Feb. 2.8; New Isiiidon. 2t>; Westerly, R. L, 27.

FNCLE Josh Spruceby (C. A. Morrill. Mgr.)

SCHI'.FF. Frltrl (Chas. B. Dillingham, Mgr.) 2'>Mch. .8.

E. VGLES. ’The (Sullivan ft Kraus Mgrs.)— S!***^' Olympic Shows.WapakoneU. O. U. I., Feb. 20-Mch. C»iaii»oo<E «, Alex., Shows.LodictIow, T«x.

F. VY Fiwter Co. (Joe Opiienhelmer. Mgr.)— .Baraboo, Wla. Indianapolis. Ind., Feb. 21-27; St. I>ouls. Mo.. Shows ..Bridgeport. Oonn.

—Philadelphia. Pa., Feb. 22-27; Brooklyn. N. Y. 29 )tch. .8.

GR.\SS Widows (Robt. Fulton. .Mgr.)—New Orest American Water Circus.Irouton, O. Great Buffalo Wild West.MIswiola, Moot.

STFDDIFOItl). Grace Van (Florence ZIeg- Mch. .8. York City, Feb. 22-27- Paterson N J *29- International Shows... .Kansas City, .Mo. Meh. .8. ' ’’ Orest Eastern Shows .LeComte, La.

I'.NDEB Southern Sklea (Western; Harry Died SFLT.V.N of Snlii (Henry W. Savage, Mgr.)— (’leveland, O. Feb. 22-27; Buffalo, N. Y 29- ^-i Jl).Evansville, Wla. Parker. .Mgr. I—Marlon. Ind., Feb. 28; Kokomo. Cleveland. ().. Feh. 22-27. Mch. .8. ’ ’’ Harrington’s Shows .Evansville, Ind. 2(i; Elwooil, 27. STORKS, ’The (W. W. Tlllotson. Gen. Mgr. i— IRWIN’S Big Show (Fred Irwin. Mg-.)— fj*'’*'** Nickel Plate .Valdosta, Ga. 2(i; Elwooil. 27. STORKS, ’The (W. W. rillotson. Gen. Mgr. i— IRWIN S Big Show (Fred Irwin. Mg-.)— Mokel 1 late .Valdosta. Ga.

VERNON Stock Oo. (BenJ. B. Vernon. Mgr.) Knoxville. Tenn., Feb. 28; Chattanooga, 2'!; (Tilcago. Ill. Feb. 2<»-Mch. .8. Hargreaves Show .Chester, Ps. —Clean. N. Y., Feb. 22 27; Port Allegheny, Atlanta, (is., 27. KNICTvERBOCKERS (IxMiIe Boble. Mgr.)— <Cspt. C. D.) Shows ........Bn route Pa.. ‘29-Mch. 8. SH.VNNO.VS Band—(Manhattan Beach) New Cincinnati O., Feb. 21-27; Iionlavllle Kv 2S- * Shows ....Atlantic City. N. J.

VAN DYKi; ft Eaton (Ollle Eaton; F. Mack. York City. Indef. Mch. .8. ’ ‘ Hiilhnrd s Wild West .Philadelphia. Pa. .Mgr.)—Fairmont, W. Va., Feh. 22-27; Clarka- TORE.XDOK (.8. E. Morgan, .Mgr.)—New York KENTFfTvY Belles (Whallen Bros.. Mgrs.)_ Indian Bill’s Wild West.Cllften Ferge. Va. Mgr.)—Fairmont, W. Vs., Feh. 22-27; Clarka-1 burg 29-Mch. 8.

VOLI N'rEER Organist (Harry Msntell. Mgr.) —Indlana|a>lla, Ind.. Feh. 22-‘27.

WEIX'll. Jim* (Snlllvan, Harr's ft Woods. Mgrs.)—Phlladel|ihla. Ps.. Feb. 22-27; N'e.v York City. 29-Mch. 8. ,

WAINWIIIC.HT. Marie (Jnles Mnrry. Mgr.)- —Winona. Minn.. Feb. i>; Faribault, 2»i.

TORE.XDOK (.8. E. Morgan, .Mgr.)—New York KEM Cltv. Feb 22.Mch. .8. Newark,

TELEPHONE Girl (Edmund Plohm. Mgr.)— Mch. .8. Texarkana. T* x.. Feb. 28; Paris. 2d; Bonham, I.ON’D 27 Sherman 2(; Gainesville, Mch. 1. —M .li

THUEE Little Maids (Clias. Frohman, Mgr.) l/)ND —Beaton. Mssa., Feb. .S-Mch. .**. Cnrtln.

8'.81.1 EY OiM>ra—Svraciiae. N. Y.. Indef. tndt, 8' WIZ.8BD of Oz (FreJ R. Hamlin. Mgr.)— MOB?

Newark. N. J.. Feb. 22-27; New York Cltv 29- .Clifton Forge, Va. .i; Kellogg • Grt. So. Shows.Alexandria, Ia.

I.tiNDON’ Gaiety Girls (CIKT W. Grant. Mgr. i .Perry. Okla.

’; Mankato. 2!*: AIlM*rt Lea, M. h Anatin. I'e-c.. I8|>. 2.8; San .8ntonlo. 2d-27 1; .Mason City. la.. 2. Charles City. 3; Decorab, WEARY Willie Walker (Harry Dull)—New 4; Imle|>endence. 8. .811>.-ttiv. Ini.. I'cb. 20; West Baden, 2S.

8VILLS. Nat M.. In A Son of Best (Broad- WII.I2V Comedy Co. (Wtr hurst A Currie, Mgrs.)—New York City, Feb. Catherines Out.. Feb. 28-27 •22 Mch. .8. -

IVlNNINCiEU Bivthcrs (Frank Wlnnlnger. _ Mgr.)—Fairmont. Minn.. Feb. 22-2^. IDIfSTMn.

WIEDKMAN’S Big Show (Willis Bass. Mgr.) DOCKSTADER’S (James 1

WII.I2V Comedy Co. (Wm. Gray. Mgr.)—St. New York Cltv, Feb. 22-27; Jersey City N. J.. itherincs. Out.. Feb. 28-27. 29-Mcb. .8.


DOCKSTADER’S (James H. Decker, —Vacaville. Cal., Feb. 22-’27; Napa. ’JH-Mcb. 3. x,.w York City. Feb. 22-27.

W.8 8' lv>wn F.aat—I.lncidn, III. Feb. 21; Can ton. 28; .8Iaconil>. ’2t). Princeton. 27.

FIELDS. Al. O. (.1. M. J. Kane. Mgr.) — .8drlan. Mich., Feb. 28; Jackson. 2(!' Lansing.

—M .letown. Pa.. Feh. 2-8; Greenshnrg 2<?. r**?'k.?**«^* -Lamar, Mo. l/)NI)0\ Belles (Riwe Srilell’s; Camnbell ft .9’

Cnrtln. Mgrs.)—Chicago. III.. Feb. 2127; De- J'“"I* ■ I Showa .Beldlng MIch. frolt N!Irh S Isamhrljfsrer«, Gus .OiTTlUe, O.

MORNING Glories' (Scribner ft Drew. Mgrs.) ***^"* . ’2;. —.Icrsev Clt.T. N. J., Feb. 22-27; Brooklyn, N. r .J9*’ Y. 29-8fch 8 Lees ((Tiss.) Shows .Wllkesbarre, Pa.

^K^N-LkSh-T Maids (Dave Krans. Mgr.)— Leopold Show* .N'orrlsto^. Pa. *\v York Cltr Feb 22-*^• JeriWT Cltr V J I•w)nar^le^ Broa. Clrcoa .Portland, Or#. Mcb 8 • • ’ l-«’<’P"ld (Frank. Showa .Morrlatown, Pfc

M.AJrs-flCS (Fred Irwin. Mgr.)—Providence. " i-."*?** L. Feb. 22-27: Boston. Mass.. 29-Mch. 8. {-o^ndes (Toney) ....En route Sonth America

MERRY Msldens (Bntler. Jacobs ft I>owrv. Showa .Shenandoah, Pa. grs.>—Detroit, Mich.. Feb. 2t-27: CTevel. nd. J.Qnenenh). Kan.

29-Mch. 8. Mains (Walter L.) .Geneva, O. NEW York'stars (Gns Hill. Mgr.)—BnffaK * .Ot^lln, O.

MAJFSTICS (Fred Irwin. Mgr.)—Providence. af* “ R. L. Feb. 22-27: Boston. Mass.. 29-Mch. 8.

MERRY Msldens (Bntler. Jacobs ft I>owrv. J Shows Mgr.)— Mgrs.)—Detroit, Mich.. Feb. 2t-27: CTevel. nd. T''

1^ 'lain a i tv alter L.) •«

WAUn A Vokea IF!. U. Stair, Mfirr.l—Phlla- Kapt*N. Kal.imaxno. 2^; B.ittV Feh. 22-27; Toronto. Can.. 29-Mch. 8. Maretta Shows

ilelnhla. Pa.. Feh. 22-27. CTeek. Mch. 1; South Bend. Ind.. 2; Cioehcn. 3; _Vew Bedford Xfass . Feh. 22-27. ’ ’2.--- - .Hnutlngton. W. Va. WILBl’U Mack (V. (8V111 Stamford. Mgr.)— M.irlou. 4: Richmond. 8. NIGHT on Broadwav (Harrv Morris. 81gr.)— C.lJ’®**’ Downle.Show.. Medina. N. T.

New Albany, Ind.. Indef. FAl’ST. Ted E. (G. D. Cunningham. Mgr.)— St. Panl Minn.. Feh’ 21-27''CTilcago Ill 2S. '•^‘■'^nrne. The Great Clrcua-Hebron. Wla. 8VAUREN. Rebecca (8Vllson S. Rosa, Mgr.)— PenNon. Tex. Feb. 28; Dnrant, 1. T.. 2»’>; South 8jch. 8. ' " Montgomerys Pavilion Show .Boone. la.

CTeek. Mch. 1; South Bend. Ind., 2; Goehen, M.'irlou. 4: Richmond. 8.

NATION, cirHe, Vandevlile (Ciirk Ball. M^) ^ J*' _Vew Bedford Nfaaa Feh 2‘***'7 MciV'nald Bros.TTnntlnxton. W. Va.

NIGHT on Bro'adwa> (Harry "M'orrls. Mgr.)- N. T.

Worcester. Mass.. Feb. 22-27. WILLIS Stock—Ubiiemlng. Mich.. Feb. 28-:

Mc.xlcsfer. 27; Krebs. 29. GOItTONS Minstrels (C. C. Pearl. Mgr.

WAY of the Transgri-ssor (8V. C. Cunning- stev. ns Point. WU.. Feb. 2*’.; Grand Itaplils, 27

ORPHET’M Show (Martin Beck’s)—St. Panl. .Tonring Flc I—( xtinn Feb * Morgans (J. n.) .fAxlngton.

ham. Mgr.)—Boston. Mass.. Feb, 22-27. xierrtll WHY Women Sin (M W. Taylor. Mgr.)— 1;,,^. e,

BiitTalo. N. Y., Feb. 22-27. II.8V

Minn.. Feb. - *. PARISIAN Widows

'b-rrlll. 2.); Wansan. Mch. 1; Appleton. 3; Gre*-n Mgr )—Brooklvn N Y.. I’lv. 8. REEVES.’ Al.; Co. (Al

(L lAwrence Weber M.) Big Tent Showa-Tipton. la. Feh *^107 , NVol’a t’nlted Showa .Beloit. Kaa.

'a1 IteevAi Mgr')—New ’•.Jlanvllle. Va. itTalo. N. \.. leb. 22-27. ^ „ H88ERL8’S (88. F. Rlhy. Mgr.)—Blrmlng- York CTtv. Feb. 22-27: Philadelphia. Pa. 29- C- , * d *“7 P. ” * i’*’1 ” Wl’-San J^, Cal. WHITE Slave (Robt. Campb*-’.!. Mgr.)—Bos- |r,.t,. 2.3; Knoxville. Tenn.. 24: CTiat xtch 8 Norton Broa. .New State Shows.En route - --- ~* n- _ -V „ I ■ ‘ J'- • !- ^ Orrln Bros.’ Clrcua. ton. Mass.. Feb. 22 27. Iiin<»>ga. 28; .Athens. Ga., 26; Macon. 27; S.)

WHEN Women U>ve (Frank W. Nason. Mgr.t vannah. ’29; (Sarlestop s’c.. Mch. 1 Montreal, Can., Feb. 22 27. KEBSAND’S. Blllv (Smith ft

ROSE Hill Co. (Rice ft Barton. Mgrs,)—Wash- i nr.on*. ah,,. Ington. D. C.. Feb. 22-27; Pittsburg. Pa., 29- ?7®“.“

—Montreal, Can., Feb. 22 27. KEBSAND’S. Blllv (Smith WORST AVoroan In Ixindon (R. O. Craerln. , -B.irnesvllle Ga.. Feb. 2:

Mgr.)—Baltimore. Md., Feb. 22-27. QT’INt.AN ft Wall’s (Dan Qii WAS She to Blame? (Jed Carlton. Mgr.)— XenIa O. Eeb. 2.8; Olumbus 2

'Thompson. >tch. 8,

Orrln Broa.’ Clrcua.City of Mexico Orion’s (Miles) Showa .En rout# Pan American .Dodson, Mo. Pawnee BlH’t Wild West .Carnegie. Pa.

Kalena. la.. Feb. 2.8; Wellman. 26; Ottumwa. M,Tr,«6, Id.' 29. ■J7; SIgourpey, 29; \8’ln(leld. Mch. 1; Fairfield, BICTIABD .t-

Mers ( -B irnesvllle. Ga.. Feb. 2-.; Rome. 27. ROY AT S (Peter Clark. Mgr.)—Pltt«bnrg. Pa . m* . w 8 * ' W V'''o I’ QT INt-AN ft Wall’s (Dan Quinlan. Mgr )— Feh 22 27- CTnclnnafl. O.. 2S-Mch. .8. p!^rl> r.’'**®’V

Xenia. O.. Feb. 2.8; CV.lnmt.ns, 26; Dayton. 27; REXTZ-Santley Co. (Abe I-eavltt. Mgr.)— p!™ V’

RICH ARD .8- Pringles (Rnsco ft Holland. REII.LY ft Woods (Pat Reilly. Mgr t—Mon- /'vi* aV- Mgrs,)—P...atelIo. Idaho. Feb. 28; logan. Ctah. treal. Can.. Feb 22-27; Worcester. Mass., 29- lP!*} ®“”.

Kansas City. Mo,. Feb. 21-27

WALSil. Blatiche. Co. (Wagenhals ft Kemper o,;. Ogden. 31 Mgrs.)—Keokuk. la.. Feb. 2.8; Ijiwn nce. Kan.. 26: Wichita. 27; Denver. C’olo., 29-Meh. 8.

Z.8ZELLE ft Vernon’s Comeillans (11. P. Hill. Mgr.)—’Troy. N. Y.. Feb. 2.8-27; Syracuse. 29- Mch. 2.__


RL.8CK Patti’s Troubiidoura (Voidckel ft No¬ lan Mgrs. (—Roanoke, 8 a.. Feb. 2.8; Lynchburg, 26; Peteraburg, 27.

BOSTON l,adles’ Orchestra (Gertrude .Malt- lanil Hall. Director)—North Adams. Maas.. Feb. 22-2S; Newjiort. IL L. 30-Mch. 5.

SEN’S. Gus. .American (Gns Sun. Mcr.) — Park CTtv. I’tah. Feb. 2.8; Rock Springs. W.vo.. M^s;)—MHwank’ee. w'ls.,’Feb.' 2l"27: 'Mlnn'eap<i. 27' 20. Ij, Minn 2^Mch A AlToru § (Southern). .Stonewill, Ml#s.

STAFFORD Bros. Minstrel. (Fred S. Stafford. TRANS' .A'tlantlr^s (Hurtlg ft Seamon, Afgrs ) iLl’’. Mgr.)-Nacad<*ches. Tex.. Feb. 2^ Carthage. —Baltimore. Md.. Feb. 22-27: Washington. D. ^ -^ Ti wi*’

Mcb. 8. iUCE ft Barton’s Gaiety Co. (Rice ft Barton

Perry ft Preeely .Webster City, la. Preseott ft Co.’e .Rockland. Me. Pnhilonee’ (No. 1) .Havanna, (?nba Publlonas’ (No. 2) .Touring Cuba Reed’s (A. H.) Show.CTjllIleothe. O. Reno ft Alvord’e (Northern) ....Kankakee. IlL

26: longvlew. 27; Henderson. 29; Tyler, Mich., p 20-Mch. 8. .parsDoo. wis 2: .Athens. 3: Kanfman. 4; Dallas. 8-6. TROCADFROS (Brvsnt ft Waldron M"ts )_ 5 P. ”.'’9'^" .Mnncle. Ind.

8’OGEL’S. .Tohn W. (.Tohn W. Vogel. Owner x«^ 8 ork Cltv^ F^ ^29^tch 8 ^ - . ^blnson a <H»PPJ Bob) .Bald Knob, Ark ft Mgr.)—Morgantown. W. Va^^Feh 28: Browns- TnoRnEGHBREDS “(Frantt B Car-. Mgr.)— n ' a.''« *- vine. Pa.. 26; CTtarlerol. 27: Wheeling. \V. Tnilladelphla. Pa.. Feh. 22-27. Scranton. 29-Mch 2l7.riil'V Juie*)' * - A'a . 29: New Martin.«vHle. Mch. 1; SIstersyllle. o; Reading 3-8. .^.Komer, N. T 2 St Marys. 3: Parkersburg. 4. TIGER Lllleli (Scribner ft Drew Mgrs.)— .Wt^o^, Wle

’’Kcr-s.'"’ - Washington. D. RirgringB;^^T.^

TROCADFROS (Brvant ft Waldron. Mgrs.)- ^Ko!L^''i“Tn.*n,'nT*. 'w 8 ork Cltv, Feb 29-Mch. 8. . TnOROrGHBREDS (Frantt B Car-. Mgr.)— ' BhV-' lllsUelnhls P« Poh oo.nT ■ gccunt.^n . . . . HoOetOB. TeX.

St Marys. 3: Parkersburg. 4. WHO 88’hat When (L. M. F

Selbel Broe.’ Shows .Watertown, Wle. Sells-Downa .Topeka. Ran.

AVesson. Miss.. Feh t) (L. M. Borer, Mgr.)—j Vew York Cltv Feb oo.n-. Phiimtclnbla Pa ^ll»-Uowns ...Topeka. Ran. 28; McComb City. 26; Can- ^ Vch. 8. ‘ " ^'"haffer ft Spry Bros.* .Portsmouth. O.

B.8BES In Toyland (Hamlin ft Mitchell. Mgrsi o-. p„r^i,t, 29; Wi'st Point. Mch. 1; Abcr- ETOPl'.AXS. The (T. W. Dinkins Mgr.) —New York CTty. Indef. „ _ .. de«-n. 2; Birmingham. .Ala., 3; Ensley. 4; La- Phlcngo ill Feh Bl.**?- MllwanWcc wts "s

Shelby (Jas.) Show SIlTcr Broe.’ . n r*nii«m Alvri- -’ Birmingham. Ala.. 3; Ensley. 4; La- (-hlcago. HI.. Feb. 21-27; Mllwankee ' Wls.. 2S- olJTtf 5^®*’,oJ.’..

BERGOM.ASTEU (88 m. P. Cullcm. Mgr.)— grange. 8. Mch. 8. - SIpe a^ New Snowa . Ibistnn. Mass., Feb. 18-27. WARD ft Wade’s—Salt Lake City. Etah, Fen,

BROOKE’S Chicago Marine Band (Bert .A. n^. ogden 27 Brigham. 2S-29; Logan. Mcb. 1; Hall. Mgr.)—A'hloago. HI., • b. 2’J. lnd«^. Poc.xtello. Idaho. 2; Boise CTtv. 3; Baker City.

CASTLE Sunare 0|>era Co. (Henry 88. Sav- ^ age. Mgr.)—I’olninbna. O., Feb. ‘J8-27; Ixiult- vllle. Ky.. —-Mch. 8.

('HINESr. Honeymoon (Shnbert Broe.. Mgrt.) FAltCZ (XJITEDT. —Pncblo. CoL. Feb 26; Odorado Springs, 27: ,1,,^;. p,,, Chenet, Mgr )—Kan- Kansas City. Mo.. 29-Meh. 5. PMt. Mo,. Feh. 21-27; St. Joseph. 29.’J>).

CHAPERONS (Kingsley ft 88 elty, Mgrs.)— pj,iij|p,Mhp Mch 1; Ismlsl.ina. 2; Jacksonyllle.

xx-AWT r» x(>/.v w..—\ Sn.yder Bme. 4 Dowker’a

.Lextairton. Oa.

.Acme, Mich. .Kokomo, Ind. .Buckstowu, Pa. .Grata. Pa. .Brighton, III. WORT.D Besters (Rohle ft Mack Mgrs.)- ■ .

Paterson. N. J.. Feb. 22-27. ^^p^rk^"(Po'hn S

KISOEIXAirXOVS. Steyena Mossman .8t. Louie, Mu. Stewart Family Show .Ft. Wayue. Ind.

8Jck»bnrg. Miss.. Feb. 28; Jaekwm. 2«; Natchez. sprlntfleld. '4; Alton. 8. 27; New Orleans. Iji.. 2S-Mch. 8.

COLON'LVL Comic Opera—lowell, .'la def.

AI.PHOXSE ami Gaston (Gus Hill’s)—Pen- I Fort Pierce 29: Delray, Mch. 1; Miami. 2.

ANDREWS. TTvpnotlst (W D Andrews Afg-) Jollan Broa. OL Am. Shows, Philadelphia Pa Marlon. Ala . Feh. 26 27: Selma 29. Stu Bros.’ No. 1 .Norfolk. Va.

BOWMAN’S Big Cltv Show—Tl’nsvMle FIs.. Bros.’ No. 2 .Bn route Feh. 28; S.*hast|an. 26; West Palm Bcarh. 27; Tanner Bros.’ R. R. Shows .Llneolu. Neb.

Tinner’s Hippodrome .Urstna. Pa. yer. (V>1.. Feb. 22-1

FOX8' Grandpa (Joseph Hart and Carrie De I Mer i—Mobile. .Ala.. Indef ROSTOCK’S Animal Arena (Mart Weller. I . Fu route

COCNTY Chairman (Henry W. Sayage, Mgr.) ^ Bradr. Mrr.)—Chicago, IlL. —Vf»w Nork Inacf. 22-27: Detroit. Mloh. 2!>‘Moh. Jl.

DAVIS’ Mnsli^l Extravaganza Co. (R-^Wade "ppKM.AN I.llilpnllana (J. E. Tschudl.

DE COREM’S J. F.. Novoltv Elrcus—Denve-, Col Feb. 21 27.

Tsets Bros.’ .En route Triple Plate Shows .Lock Haven. Pa. Tuttle’s Olympic .Unneevtlle, Pa.

Diivls. Mgr.)—88’altham. Mass., Feb. 26-27. —Peru. HI . Feh. 28; Marseilles, 26: Morris, I Indef DANIEIJV, TVank. Opera t’o. (C^IL Dllllng- np. Rr',ldwood. Mch" i; Brace-

FDWARDS’ Zoo (No. 1)—Memphis. Tenn.. Aden’s (W. J.) Wild Weet.Flannlgan. HI. def. I Vranken’i Shows .Knox. Ind.

ham. Mgr.)—Baltimore, Md.. Feb. 22-27.

ENGLISH Grand «i>era (Henry W. Savage Mgr.t—tVilurabus, O., Feb. 28-27.

E.ARL of Pawtucket (Klrke Iji Shelle. Mgr.) peg. —Bntoklyn. N. Y.. 28-Mch. 8. V8’e«t Supi-rlor, Wls.. 3; Ashland. 8. HAGFNBFCTv’S. Carl. Trained Animals (

FLORODORA (Flalier ft Uyley. Mgrs.)—New H ANS Hanson (Jas. T. McAlpln. Mgr.)— Ij*® Williams, Mgr )—St. Joe. Mo.. Mch 6-12. Orb-ans. Ij^ Feh. 1^-27: I-ako Charity 29; t^jharleston. IlL. Feb 2« Grj^nnp Newton. KNOW! FS. Ilvpnotlsts (Flmer F KnowR Beaumont. 29: Galveston >Ich. I; Houston. 2!)^ • Inev. Mch^ 1I airfield. ^ Alt. 8 ernon. ... Atgr. i—Wilmington. Del.. Fob. 22-27. San Antonio, 3: .Austin, 4; Waco. .V IRISH Pawnbrokers (Jos. W. Spears. Mgr.)— v-./err...«. «... « . .

vllle. 2' Pontiac. 3: Pekin. 4. H.APPA' Hi'x.Ilgan (.Al Itolson. Mgr.)—Grand

Forks. X. D., Feb. 28; (b-ookstown. 26: Winni¬ peg. 27; BOmark. 29; Tbilnth. .linn.. Mch. 1-2;

FT.INTS. nvpnotlsts—Slonx CTtv. Ta.. Feh. 23 27; Hastings. 29-8Ich. 2: Lincoln. 3-8.

Wallace Shows . Walsh Sisters Show. Wsrd’s Shows ..

.Pern. Ind.

.Ohio Cltv. O. ..Plymouth. Maas.

HEWFTT. lllnslonist—Pond CTcek O. T.. Welsh Bros.* .Ijincaster. Ps. Feb. 28-27: Medford. 29-Mch. 1; Kingfisher. 4-8. Wheeler’a (Al F.) Shows_Schenectady. N. v!

HAGFNBFCTv’S. Carl. Trained Animals (C Williams’ 8'andevllle Clrcns-Nashville. Tenn. *o Williams, Mgr )—St. Joe. Mo.. Mcb 6-12. Winston’s (W. E.) .Pacific Grove. Cal. «r v/xxt-T x-Q Ti lafa v* iVlutermute Bros. .............. Hebron, vV Is.

San Antonio, 3: .Austin, 4; Waco. .V IRISH Pawnbrokers (Jna. W. Spears. FOR’TENE Teller (Milton ft Sergeant Aborn. /.nnesvIDe O . Feh. 28; Canal Dover. 27

KNOWTFS. Ilvpnotlsts (Flmer F Kmmles. w vom B^. • .v^iZ Mgr. .-Wilmington. Del.. Fob. 22-27. w|i:i“pr!^' ShVw,*

Mgrs. I—Pittsburg. Pa.. Feb. 22-27 JEST Struck Town (lawrence Williams. Mgr.t I Bob. 23-29. NICnOT.S’ Old Plantation Show—Port Arthur I Woodford’s (fhas) D ft P Show Sngar Grove Pa

itl.ORIA Glittering (Fisher ft Klley. Mgrs.)— I —CTiannte, Kan.. Feb. 2'; Fmporla. 26: Toiu-ka. Zlck ft Darrow Shows..Sprlngel. York Co.. Pa.

New 8’ork City. Indef. GILMAN. Msbelle. In Dolly 8’ardcn (Shnbert i

Bros., Mgrs.)—liondon, Eng., Indef.

r- Leavenworth. 29. K ATZFN.TAMMFR Kids (Blondell .V Fennessy.

QEAKER FnterLalnersfDr Horatio. Mgr.)— Zelmer Show .St. Louis, Mo. Shlckley. Neb.. Feb. 22-27: Ong. 29-Mch .8. ■

SHIPP’S Winter Clrcns (Fdw. Shipp, Mgr.) —

GIRL from Dixie (S 8. Shubert. Nixon .k (Don, 27 Mgrs.)_^F.*storla. O.. Feb. 28; Marlon. 26; Ham- Topeka. k.an.. Feb. 29-Mch. 5.

Zimmerman. Mgrs.)—New York City. Indef, McFADDFN’S Flats (Thos R. Henry. Mgr.)— HELD. .Anna (F. ZIegfeld. Jr., Mgr.)—.Allnne- Buffalo. N. Y., Feb. 22 27; 8’onngstown, O.

apolla. Minn., Feb. 21-27. 29-Mch. 8. HOTTEST Coon In Dixie (Eugene Spoffor.l. sT PInnkard (.T. C. T,ewls' Jack Sawyer. Mgr. i




American Amnsement Co.Cincinnati. O. Billie Robinson Amnsement Co.. .Lonhiyllle, Kv.

The following IlsT gives the winter quarters Blink Carnival Co..CTilcago’. HI. HOTTEST Coon In Dixie (Engene Spoffor.l. sT PInnkard (J. C. T-ewls' Jack Sawyer. Mgr.t of the yarlous tent ahows. clrcnaes and Wild CoL W. D Westlake's Camlral.New York

Mgr.)—8’ankton, S. D.. Feb. 26; Sioux Falla. —Carllnvllle. III.. Feb. 28; Jersey vllle. 26; West combinations. In manv Instances (but Exeelstop Carnival Co.Norristown, Pa. 27-29; PI|>estone. Minn.. 29; Mankato, Mch. 1: .Alton. 27: St. CTiarles. Mo.. 29; Fayette. Mch. not all) the address glyen Is also tbs permanent Fatima. La ^He .Minneapolis. Minn. Austin. 4 ... 1 1 Clinton. 8. address. The list Is reylsed and corrected Flak Showa .Mobile. Ala.

HIAIMELEIN’S Ideals (John A. HImmeleln. Mgr.)—Si'henectady. N. 8’., Feb. 22-27; Sara¬ toga Springs. Mch. 1-8.

HOPPER. De Wolf (Eyerett R. BeynoliW. RTTRLESQUB.

’reekly. Gaskl11-Mnndy-I.ey1tt Carnival Co Honston, Tex Bailey’s (Mollle E.) Sons.Houston. Tex. GrayhlH’s Csmlval Co.Nortistoxru. Pa. Barlow’s Shows .Sonth Milford. Ind Hateb-Adams (Nimlval Co.Washington. Ind.

Mgr.)—Springfield, Mass . Feb. 28; Hartford. |np r, jvh. 28 27; New York City. 29Mch 8 AMERICANS (W. B. Watson. Mgr.)—Read- Barnnni ft Bailey .Bridgeport. Conn, i International Ex. Co.Kansas City. Mo.

Eonn.. ’Jil: New Ilayen. 27. (New York Offlees, 28-27 W. 84th HL) Jones CamlTsI Co.Norfolk. Va.

JAPANESE Nightingale (Klaw ft Erlanger. ton. Mass . Feb 29 Mch.' 8. AESTRAll ANS (Harry Bryant. Mgr. I—Bos- Bartlnes Shows .Connersytlle. Ind C. W. Parker Amnsement Co.Abilene. Ksn

Mgrs.)—St. louts. Mo.. Feh. Bernard’s (Sam) Shows .Elmhurst, Cal I Patterson ft Bralnerd .Kansas City. Mo.

KILTIES Band (T. P J. Power. Mgr.)—San m,„ 22 27; Boston. 2»-Mch. 8 BiIA'ANT’S (Harry Bryant. Algr.)—lowell. i Beyerle’s Burk Tom S)>ows.Lincoln Nsb. I Pierce Co.223 W. Front St.. Camden. N. J

Boiler’s (W. F.) New rnlted...St. Joseph. Ho. | Schweitzer ft Craft Show_Wheeling. W. Vs. Francisco. OaL. Feb. 23-29: y®''*"*?**'’ I BOWERAT Bnrlcsqners (Hnrtig ft Seamon. I Bouheur Bros.Angnsta. 6. T. ! Southern Camlral Co. ... .*.*. Alhnquerq^ N. M. Crux, Mch. I;’ Berkeley and Oakland. 2; I-®* | Mgrs.)—New York City. Feb 22-Mch. 8. Brown’s Combined Shows .Newport. Ark. 1 Western CsmlTsl Oo.Roanoke. Va.





Or«»nv111e—Frnnk Prame. Vuukuui—C. C. Tribble.


I’.lllefl. IJ —II. I. Sbott.


l*ralrl.’-.!ii-t'bleii—K. .V. rampbell


Tlie bilHioardH have beeu the targets lor Uie uews|(aiH-r» for mauy years. They have' been eryiiig out “The Itlllboard Nuisance,** ainl they bave succeeded to the e.\tent In many places of really creating such a public dislike for bllllK)ard8 that laws are enacted restrain¬ ing their universal erection, and to that I>e<)- ple v\here the laws have Usm passed the blll- tsiards have reallv be<smie a nuisance. It can Im- imagined tliat' If the same direction weie given the good sides and [saints of billlsaard.- by the ne\vspu[>ers for an espial number of years that their hp|>earance on tlie clndct-st bit of gns-n hillside would offend no oue*8 aes¬ thetic nature, but rather would lae the recipient of marked apiiroval as an ex|iression of the typical enteriirlse and energy of the American lHs,|(le. Every one knows the [leoide do not tlilnk. A few <lircct their thoughts ba< kwards and forwards, upwards and downwards. Thej make a nttisaitce not a nuisance^ and not _ a nuisance tliey make a nuisance. The petite messenger the newapaia-rs soiuetlines send fortli lit tiie dead of file nlglit may l>e small and hard to see. but he Is surely mighty bard not to hear. However, the newslK>y*8 cries Jar all day. Is this a nuisance? .No; there Is not sutliclent |M»|Uilar dlsllkt* for tlie noise to find laws on the statute liooks against it, aid lienee witli us the sight of tlie bllltioard Is sometimes a nuisance, yet the Hiiiiids that penetrate the chambers of the nervous, tlie sick and the dj liig and bring actual hurt and pain are not nuisances. Why la this? It is because the [a'oplc’a attentiun has not been dlre<-ted that way. It Ig evident a crusade against such sounds would not be the work of years to create a poiiular dislike against them and to tin-1 eventually laws enacted In restraint of them. In l*arls, for one man to [lalnt his house yellow, and his nelgliNir bis black, and another nelghtair hla house red. and so on, with all the garish colors. Is a nuisance. It hU'ts their aesthetic sense, and a [aipular dislike has la-en created, so as to make It now a nuisance. Hence In Paris all buildings are [tainted gray. In .\nierlc.a It is not a nuisance. It will not be II nuisance until we dwell on It and turn It over and over, and sometiody kee|is shouting (tlie news[paperst; “lt*s a nuisance! It*s a nuisance!** and some day the [io[iular dislike will lind expression In restraining laws. tk). too. In Paris no buildings are allowed to be erected over six stories in height. A twenty- two storv sky scraper is not allowed to have a two-story iielghlair. There must be uniform¬ ity. Tile sky scra[iera hence are a nuisance. A change can be Imagined where a [M)|iular dis¬ like wouM make the uniformity a nuisance, and no two buildings would l>e allowiHl to be mil form In height. The conclusion then Is th.it there Is ms-d for a class paper like “Tlie Bill laiard" to present continually the strong argu luents in favor of the bllllNiards and to direct the attention of the “kiaa-kers** to actual mils ances, such as is nndoiibtcdl.v the noisy new*s- boy. and dissl[iate concetitkina which are re a[K)nslble for artlUclal nuisances, such as bill boards arc sometimes conceived to be.


New iKMtrds have teen lately erected by J. C. Fish, of Ihiuisutaw ney. Pa., at Walston, Anita livrl’ Him and 1'1<h‘.

‘The Parkersburg Blll[iostlng Company, o^ Parkersburg, W. Va., has been Incorporated with $1(1.00(1 ca[iltal.

Mellinger Brothers, liillposterg of Cumberland, Md., have every available Inch of space on their billlsiards In nse.

At Hot Siirlngs. .\rk., a number of new lioardg on the main street W(>re recently erected by the Hot Springs Idlliaistlng Com[iary.

'ITie Toledo. <»hlo, Theatrical Billers* Masque Ball took place Feb. 11, In Idtierty Hall, and It Is reiKirt(‘d that the hall was iiaeked.

.M. Mitchell & Coin[iany are building a plant at Tellnrlde. Col., and everything Is In readiness for the opening of the canipalgii In their city

Fred K. Corbett, Emporia. Kaii., lias on hb tioards at present Paracamiih. field Dust Sodeii's Flour, Douglas Shoes. Dr. Pierce*8 Item edles. Sweet 10 tlnni. and Fonrella Cigars.

The Superior Billivwtlng Company of Su[MTl<>r Wis., wag lncor[iorated. with «c.0(i0 capital, dl vlded luto 60 shares of $l'i0 each. Lyman T Powe,., Henry L. Deforest and L. Hanson were the Incorporators.

The Fltz[iatrlck Bllliiostlng Company, of Hel ena .\rk., have received contracts from the Paracam[ih Co.. Isiulsvllle. Ky., Dr. Earl Slrti n. Poston, .Mass., E. E. Sutherland Medicine Co.. Paducah. Ky. Mr. F'ltzpatrlck*8 plant is a credltiible one.

Mr. R. E. Fisher, manager of the Falrmount (W. Va.) Advertising Co., writes that there Is no truth In the rumor that hls tsiardg were to lie sold at [■nbllc auction. He states that be Is still In business at the old stand and la ready to take care of any and all business he may receive In the same honest and prom|it way as In the [last.

Hiram H. Tliomas. city bllliiogter and dlstrll utor at RrownwoiMl. Texas, bad plent.v of (>oni merolal work this year. He is Improving liis plant all the time. He lias posted up to date Blaine Cigars. Duke's Mixture, Pride Soap tlold Dust, Was She to P.Iame Co., .\rgaln Sfoc Co., Ted E. Faust Minstrels, and Runaway Tramp Co.

.Mr. Alex Clark, manager of the New York Bllliiostlng Company, and Ills friend, Mr. Fos ter, were tenden'd a dinner In Ixindon, Feh. !» at which John Moore. Hiram long. .loe Bruton and Mr. Richards, manager of Wllllngs. were present. The party also made the theatres for thre<‘ nights, after which Messrs. Clark and I'oster left for Paris.

Onr corres[K>Tidpnt at Natchez. .Miss., writes: Mike Irwin, stage manager of the Paker flraiol and general manager of the City Itlllpoetlng Company, lias his plant In A1 sha[ie. He has over 2,0(N1 rnntiiiig feet of stsndard space. The plant la In good standing. It Is the first time In the history of Natchez that we have had a first-class plant.

Frank A. fJreeley writes fr^ira Webster City. Iowa: 1 have pnrehased the entire Webster CItv Blllpostlng and Distrlt luing plant. I am gre'atl.v Improving same; also erecting a num¬ ber of new boards, so at the present tlitie I have as fine a plant as any town of 20.00<) can boast oi I am giving the business my [lei- sonal attention.”

A bill was Introduced In the I.oglslature of New Jersey Feb. !t [irovldliig a tax of five dol¬ lars per square foot per annum for each and every bllllioiird erected along the railroads In that state, the aniount to be colU'cted by the municipal or private owner of the land on which the boards are eri-cted. The bill was Insidred by (rovenior Muirby's recent message. .V titter of laughter was noticed at Its Intro¬ duction !>ecause of Its very absurdity and Im- laissllilllty. ^

J. C. Fish, of the Jefferson County (Pa.) Bill- [Histlng and Dlstrlliutliig Comiiany, has the fol¬ lowing pa[R‘r on hls iKiards: t'sH sheets o|iera house, two shows; 12 S-sheets local; 33 8-sheeta. g(*cond month showing, (Jold Dust, through Mahln ,\dvertlsliig Com[>uny. Tills showing tHk(>8 In five of hls outside towns, where he had [ilaeed S-sheet lioards early In the s[>rlng. He is going to place 8-sheet boards In a few more outsiiie towns so be oa^i place from 40 to o') S-sheets. iM'sldes the 1 and 2-slieets. He will have a No. 1 country route, taking In 2.'>.000 |iO[iulatlon within elglit miles. In towns from

.(kSI to 3.(XKi [lopulatlon.


Advfrtt*em«nU muder thu heading trill be publMac teeeklv at the unif orm rate <tf ten cent* per wme, or |4.(JI per pear.


Fir* destroyed the Printer* Exaluiug* Ralld lug At MInnea[iolla. Mlnii., entailing a Uws au Geesaman & Muriiby, show printer* of $*Jo.oo<i. and a loss to .Monarch I.ltbo. Co. of $;i0,i)(K).

E. Is'opoldt. reiiresentlng W. J. Muyau •V Co., of Cleveland. ()., will attend the meet¬ ing of the Board of Directors of Tlie AsscK-latcd ltlll|iOsters at San Friinelsi o. In a i-ei-i-it colii- iiiunlcation to "Tlie BllllHiard" Mi. l.eo[ioIdt says lie has found buatness ver.v giNxI In the West. In some town# even belter thin laat year.

has Seamon as agent for Tlie

Brown, which la booked until


E. K. K >pf. of liocal No. .. . B. B Igned with A. Q,

Beal M .aow June 2*^.

Charles Prevnlsky, agent Cncle Josh Spruceby Eastern Company, and a charter memlier of I»oal No. 1. will close Ills season about April 1) He will go In advance of the Forepaugh-Sells Bros, this season.

The following shows bave, np to this time. Igned the agreement between the circus mana¬

gers and the .Alliance: Biirnum & Bailey, Blng- ling Bros., Foreimugli-Sells. B. E. Wallace, John Robinson. Walter L. Main. Bnffalo Bill's Wild W(>st PawntH* Bill's Wild West Lucky Bill's Wild West. Noble's Tent Show. McIKinald Bros Show. F. B. Hubln fnlted Show, and Buckskin Itri Show.



Hiram H. Tliomas dlstrlhuted at Brownwood. Texas, Thaclier .Medical Co., Chattanooga, and Indian Boot Medicine Co.

Fred B. C!orlM‘tt, Em|iorla. Kan., distributed Paracamph. I.ava Soap and Kondon Catarrh .Telly samples. Pernna booklets, and has Make Man advertising matter on the road.

A. H. Baumgardt, at Altuany, N. Y., distrib¬ uted for W. H. Hill Co.. 70(1 Cass Ave.. Detroit. Mich. 2!b(Kai samples; H. H. Kane. M. D., 13s W. 34th St.. New York City. 2(i (kiO .Men Only; E. C. DeAVltt A Co.. 2ii3 laiSalle .Ave.. Chicago. n.dOO house to house In Cohoes; Chen,-y Medicine Co.. Toledo. (».. 4.(i0(i housi- to lions-e In Cohoes New Jersey Mfg. Co., Jerse.v Clt.v. N. J.. 3,.Mh house to house In Coiiot»a. Samples for W. H. llbl Co. were (llstrlhuted by him In AlUiny, Cohis's, Wat(*rvlelt and Green Island. Mr. Ranmgardt has another shipment of 23.0(10 for same places (from same firmi ready to start on In a few days; and also 4..''>0o liookleta to dis- trlhute In Coho*-* for Isiuls Dandelln Co., Wor-


Advertitrmenin under Ihii Heading wd He jnMUktd teeekly at the uniform rate <tf ten cents per ieeue, or |4.(U p«r pear.


Dothan—J. E. Wise.

ARKANSAS. Bstesvllle—Coomh* Adv. Agency. ■onway—J. F. Clark. Box 92.

Cotton Plant—Boon A Echols. Helena—Fitzpatrick B. P. Co. S|>rliigdale—TIte Saunders Co.


Stiiruford Rswley 0.,flnger,


Pocatello—George Dash, Box 272.


Bloomington—Clt.v B. P. Co.. CVillseum Bldg. Charleston—T. G. Chanihera. CTilcago—A. Davis. 233 W. Van Bnren St. Dixon—George Bohertson. Macomb—C. F. Smith.


Brownstown—E. O. Shepard. Michigan City—J. L. AA'eber & O).


Deg Moines—W W. M(¥>re. licensed distributor.


Ellsworth—Wm. L. Gaston. Nickerson—John E. Miller, B. P. A Dlst.


Remldjl—.A. T. Wlieelock. .Minneapolis—Gibbons Bill Posting Co.


Bllhngs—A. L. Babcock.


P.riKiklyn—H. J. SInken. 734 Metropolitan Ave. Caldesklll—Edwin F. Wentworth.


Statesville—Rowland Advertbilng Co.


•Middletown—Anthony H. Walhnrg.


•Altoona—Charles Edmund Grnhh. 827 6th Are. .Toiiiistown—Johnstown B. P. Co. PhoenlxvlUe—George K. OUerholtzer. Newcastle—The J. G. Uiving C. B. P. Co.




Gainesville—Paul Gallia. C. B P. A Dl»t. Carthage—A. Burton.


Conwiiy—J. F. Clark. Box 92.


Enieks—W. 11. Mathews. 636 2nd St.


.Atlsiitn—M. P. Rongliton. Box .iriA.


Chleago—John .A. Clongli. 42 River St. East St. lyouls—W. n. Deemar. Mattoon—Melherson Bros.. Sol N. 12th St.


Huntington—Benjamin Miles. 8 Everett St. lndlHtia[>oI1s—Cnlveraal Adv. Co. Indianapolia—Indianapolis Adv. Co.. 91.1 Stev

enson Bldg. tndlana[Milis—Cnlveraal Adv. Co. Marlon—John L. Wood. 3‘JO S. Branson St. Michigan Clt.v—J. L. WelsT Co. Mnncl(>—Mnncle Advertising Co. Terre Haute—O. M. Bartlett.


Des Moines—Dea Moinra .Advertlalng Co. Donda—I'nlon B. P. A Adv. Co. Mason City—Henry Diehl. Des Moines—W. W. Moore (licensed).


Boise—il. O. S|iaulding.


Atchison—City BUI Posting C!o. • Ig.awatomle—E. P. Flaher.


Beaton—Cunningham A Gourley. Brockton—John V. Carter. 288 Belmont St,


Jaekaon—AV. R Solomon.


Morris—George R. Ijtwrence, B. P. A Dlst.


St. I.oula—S. A. Hyde. 2136 Eugenia St.


Falrlmry—Robert J. Christian. Schn.i ler—Bus A Bolman.


Albany—A, H. Baumgardt. Dgdenahnrg—E. M. Bracy. Potsdam—Edson Taylor. 20 Waverl.T St. Si'heneetady—Chas. H. Benedict. 121 Jay St. Syracuse—.Tames Molonghney. Courier Bldg.


Statesville—Rowland Advertising Co.


Cincinnati—J. J. Mnrphy A Co. Columbus—S. A. Hyde. Foatorla—W. C. Tlrrlll A Co.. 116 W. Tlfflu S Martin's Ferr.v—J. F. Rlnmeuberg. Youngstown—M. Geiger.


Carlisle—Wm. M. Melo.T. Box 49. Du Bols—CL FT. Barlow, .3 S. Brady St. East York—Richard it. Staley. Johnstown—George E. I'pdegrave A Co. Pho«>nIxvlll(>—George K. Oberholtzer.


Colombia—J. C. Rlngley (at Charleston). PhoenlxvlUe—C. C. Tribble.


Harriman—Harriman B. P. A Adv. Service. Cordele—P. D. MIngledorff. Freatio—F. H. Bancnift. Opera House Bldg. .Memphis—Ward-McCanley.

TEXAS. Amarillo—J. L. Summers.


West 8n[>erlor--C. A. Marshall. Weat Sur>erlor note!.

CANADA. A. F. Morris. Mgr., Hastings St., Vane

B. C, Montreal—C. J. T. Tliomaa. Box 1129,

The L.-igoon at CIncliiniitl will o|»-n Its about June 1.

Hyatt Park. Chlambla, S. C., will pat on vaiiilevllle tills aeaaon.

Harry .A. Hawn will again managt* the laike- slde Park Casino at Akron, Ohio. Mr. Elmer Gault has secured the privileges.

Oak Summit Park, at Evansville, Ind., will again he maiiageil by the [lupular Mr. Charles Siittou, who la at present with The Beauty Doctor Co.

Contracts will sism be let for a $10.(100 sum¬ mer theatre at 8hreve|s»rt. La. W. B. Jacob* ami the Shreveport Traction Company are be¬ hind the enter[irts«>.

The Iowa State Military Band ha* contracted with the management of the Ingersoll Park, at l>es Molne#, la., for a series of eoneerts during the park season.

Northwestern Balloon Co., of Ctiieago, Ill., have something lm|iortant for balhamLsts, an(i It will he to their advantage to write them at once. See their ad. on anotlier |«age.

Clinton and Wilson, song Illustrators, are at the Electric Theatre, Stillwater, Minn. For the





THE OPEN-AIR AMUSEMENT SPECIAL EDITION OF “THE BILL¬ BOARD," which will be edited in the interrat of out-door amiue- menti of every character. Circus. Fair, Street Fair, Parka, etc., will be iasued March IS. dated March 19. It will be of exceptional advertising value to Street Fair people in all branches; Circus proprietors, agents, and botsea; Fair secretaries and Fair managers; Park managers; vaudeville performers who play retort*, etc. THEBE WILL BE N(S INCREASE IN SUBSCRIPTION PRICE OR IN AD¬ VERTISING RATES.

Adrertieemente under thie heading trill be pnbliehed treekip at the uniform rate gf ten rente per iuae, or |4.UU per pear.

American Ihow Print. Milwaukee, Wl*. Bell Show Print. Sigourney, la. C. H. Buck A Co., Itoston, .Al**a. Calvert I.ltbo. Co.. Detroit. Mich. Central Ptg. A Eng. Co.. 140 Monroe. Chicago. ITilcago Show Print Co., fith Ave.. Chicago, III. Ikxialdsou I.ltbo. Co., Newport. Ky. Enquirer Job Printing Co., Cincinnati, O. Erie Show I’rlntlng (>)., Erie. Pa. Gt. Amer. Eng. A Ptg.. R Beekmin St.. N. Y. Great W. Printing (V>.. R13 Elm St., St. I>oat*. Greve LItho. Co., Milwaukee. Wls. liennegan A Co.. 127 E. 8th St.. Clnrlnnstl. O. Sam W. Hoke. 6.30 W. .R2d St.. New York City. Home Show Printing Co., AtiAilson. Kan. Starr Show i’rlntlng O).. Maaon City, I*. Morrison Show Printing Co.. Detroit. Mich. Motor Show Printing Co.. Milo, I*. Penn Ptg. A Pnh. Co.. Philadelphia, P*. Planet fftow Ptg. Co.. Chatham. Ont., Can. Clarence K. Rnney. 220 W. I.lberty St., Cln. O. f. S. I.ltho.. Buaaell-Morgan Print, Norwood. O. Volunteer Printing Co., ReynoIdsvIUa, Pa.


Hinrch Prlntliig Co.. 422 Elm St., (Tlu., O. Nonpareil Ptg. Co., 48R Kim St., Cincinnati, 0.

coming aummer season they will add a moving picture machine, and bave already hooked aume good park*.

The .Moline (HI.) Intemrhan Railway came Into [lOHseaslon of Campliell Island on Feb. R. and will turn It Into a summer resort. prep((red to fill order* on short notice.

West Heights Park at Evansville, Ind., with Harry Stinson, manager, will be improved and new attracUoni add^, as last year proved a money maker. Francis Rogers a'tll manage the vaudeville shows.

Lincoln Pub. Co., 1.37 R. 8th St.. Clnclnuatl. O., are the publishers of a 04 double column [lage book, a’hicb contains valuable Information concerning money-making secret#, li will place you on the road to a competence.

Mr. George C. TII.tou. the owner of Steeple- rhase Park. Coney Island, N. Y., has projected and organized a new fli^et of twelve steamboats to carry passengers from New York City to SteepliK'Iiaso Park. Coney Island.

Every park manager who wants attractions or who wants to sell bis privileges and eou- ceeslons should advertise In the special Fair, Street Fair and Park Number of “The Bill board,” which will be lssn(>d March IR.

Mr. Fellz Selffert, [iro[irletor. and Harry Ijiw. rence, manager, expect to have the best amuse¬ ment center In Anthem Indiana at Cook's Park. Many new shows and Its usual high class vaudeville will lie opened In May.

J. A. (Jninn Is now the sole owner of the City Park at Pryor Cnn-k, I. T.. and In future It will be known as Quinn's Park. It will h« opened April IR with a two night'a stand by the Morris Comedy (A>. A ten piece brass band and orchestra will be carried during the sensor..

It Is imssihle a summer resort will be made of the thirty-three aerrti of forest laml. between Sllverton and Deer Park, near Cincinnati, O.. pnrehased by the Rapid Railway. The capital¬ ist* Interested In the Infernrban Railway Ter¬ minal Company are Interested In the plana pro- [smed.

Mr. Frederick Thompson, of Thompson A Dnndy, has returned from Euro|ie and North .Africa, wliere he has been In search of novel- tleg for l.iina Park. One of the many novelties secured Is a herd of twelve plunging ele[ibants that dive Into a pond of water from a chute fifty feet In length.

The Folks Amusement Csi.. Hiram, (>., arc manufaetnrers of the Mystic Chnte on the line of the famous old chute the rhntes and the old mill. Comhlnatlon of great atfractlvenesa and earning capacity, with a running eiptmae too small to speak of. Tills la one of the great coming smnsement devlf^.

The S[M>clal F'alr. Street Fair and Park Nnm- lier of “Tlie Billboard.” which will be Isaned March IR (dated .March 19|. will be by long odds the bandaomest edition the piibllahera have ever put out. To park managers this s|>erlal nnmher will offer exceptional advertising op¬ portunities, with no Increase In rates.

Captain John B. Peoples has leased the Woolworfh Roof Garden, Scranton, Pa., for the coming season, and Is liooklng attractions for the summer. It la the Intention of the management to make the bnllding perfectly safe In evix-y respect, and work ha* been commenced. The season will open May 2.

Weldon. Wllllamt A I.lek. Ft. Smith, Ark., are printing two colored tirkets for parks, fairs, theatres, etc., which ran not he easily counterfeited. They nse a number one stork, thus allowing tickets to be Died over several times, which Is a great aavlng for the small riHiort wbleh does not rare to have an extra supply printed each day or week. They are


List of Distributors Tkit ii*t it dutributort in go^d sinnd-

tng. tinmtt imtrttd retry ittut for $4.00 prt

t timtt m month /or $3.00 ptr year, every

ttker week nM Hr year, once m month $1.00


IMiwnU—rhoenlx B. P. Co.. 104 N. Center Bt.


•ani<>en—L. T. A*ee. CALCTORVIA.

lot AnKelee—Ix* Angflee Bill Poetlne Co. >«kl:ind—W. K. Bll»», I>l!*t. ARency. 4il Bill 8t. ^aii PranclBoo—Owens. Varney & Green. Santa .Monica—I.os Angeles BUI roatlng Co.


A. P. Morris, manager. 10 l.efeuTre Block. Van- coUTer, B. C.

Ottawa. Out.—Alex. Jacques, llfl Osgood St.


ivnver—Curran Co.. 1728 lAwrence st. Pueblo—Tbe Curran Co.. 114 Santa Fe axe.


New Hartford—.Arthur Cadoret. New llaxen—New' Haven B. P. Co.. 140 Meadow. Norwalk—J. P. Buxton.


Washington—.M. H. Gaff. 040 Plckford PUeo. N. E.


Atlanta—Joia*|ih L. Alford. 271 Cooper st. Savannah—J. K. Cam|>os. 220 Whitaker st.


Aurora—It. Marvin A Son. Belleville—I.. E. Tleman. .VW S. High st. t'entralla—J<»s. E. Helfter. 100 E. Broadway. Centrallu—Jos. E. Helfter. l$d E. Broadway. IVcutur—William Mutton. K!6 Colfax st. Evsnstoii—American B. P. Co. (Chicago). Lincoln-W. K. .Maxwell. 113 KIckapoo st. Metrotaills—William E. Ware. Normal-Dillon * Pogle 195 Towns. Pttutlac—Lee ('olllna, 112 E. Reynolds st.


Bloomington—L. E. Krenger. 100 College avs. Coryilou—Wm. Boose. Jr. Crawfordavllle—11. .M. Mclntlre, 704 Fremont st. Elkhart—D. B. Cart>enter. .525 8. Main st. Ft. Wayne—W. H. Case. 24 N. Miner st. Oreencaatle—John W. Cooper. 24-26 8. Indiana. lAfayette—Lafayette BllI|>oMtlng and Dlst. Co. Ixifiivette—tlpera House Bill Posting Co. Laporte—W. C. Miller, 620 Main st. Madison—James A. O'Donnell Box 644. Marh.n—E. L. Klnneman Bill Posting Co. Mitchell—W. M. Munson. Jr. Muncle—Gt-o. W. Vansyckle. Room S. P.O. Bldg. Peru—ATiss. W. Stutesman. P. O. Box 114. Plymouth—Opera House B. P. and Dlst. Oo. Portland—Geo. D. Sebrlng. South Bend—J. N. Schwarti. Box 80®. Shelbyvllle—T. F. Chaf*-e A Son. Terre Haute—Jas. M. Dtehon. 29 8. Fifth st. Cnlon City—Ed R. Tlmrston. 124 N. Walnut st.


Purc-ell—O. W. Brown. IOWA.

Council Bluffs—C. W. Nichols. 16 N. Main st. Des Moines—Chas. W. Orris. 15.52 E. Des Moines Elkader—iT. F. Falkenhelmer. le-.Mars—Wm. O. Light. Wlnterset. Madison Co.—Arthur Gordon.


Clay Center—0. L. Blade. Harper—C. H. Thompaun. Box 186. Junction City—Herman Delker. Ix>avenworth—C. B. Hathaway. 1012 Osags. Wichita—E. L. Martllng. mgr. Opera House.


Frankfort—Geo. W. Reock. 334 Conway st. I.ebanoo—K. L. Nesbitt. Owensboro—Owensboro Bill Posting Oo.


Donaldsonvllle—lAndry A Israel. Box 281. Shreveport—Ed U. Seaman.

MAINE. Bangor—Thomas W. Burr. 47 Haminond. Bath—Edwin L. Emmons, 33 Lincoln st. Ellsworth—Ellsworth BUI Posting Co. Mechanic Falls—Jordan Adv. Co.. Box 41.

MARYLAND. Baltimore—John J. Sterner. 1741 E. Lombard. Cumberland—Floyd 8. Ix>ng. 8 N. Lee sC i:aston—John R. Thompson.


Attleboro—Abel W. Gilson, 12 Holman st. Beverly—Luther Cahoon. 44 Cabot st. Boston—J. iHmelly's Son. 67 Warrenton st. Boston—R. D. Leonard. 228 Tremont st. Brockton—W. F. Gurney. 12 Elbrldge Place. Fall River—Chas. A. Page, llPl Plymouth. Lawrence—1. 8. Worcester, 246 Essex st. Salem—Th<>s. Stevens Kingsley. Taunton—A. B. Whlt^ 45 lV>hanet st. Taunton—Lincoln A Fields Advertising Co.


Albion—W. C. Eslow. AI|M-na—R. Nolan, 1^ White st. Ann Arbor—Chas. Strong, ‘J08 E. Huron st. Cheboygan—A. J. Finn. M Duncan avs. Jackson—W. R. Solomon. 115 Michigan st. Kalamaxoo—J. E. McCarthy, 108 Portage. Otsego—Frank M. Denel. Owoaeo—B. F. Darling. Distributing Agency.


Austin—P. H. Zender A Co.. 406 MOl st.


Elmira—Chas. F. Berry, 160 BulUvan st. Fulton—Wm. Cook, I>ock Box 41. Gloveravlllo—Olln 8. Sutllff, 62 Orchard st. Glens Fulls—A. M. Cheesebro. 91 South st. Hudson—Robert M. Terry, 8()5 Warren st. Jameatown—Caatner A Co. Middletown—Tbos. Kaln, 88 8ontb at. Niagara Falla—Mrs. C. Clayton. 21 Thomas st. Oneida—Allen G. Stone. IbH-lieater—Frank 1. Flak. 67 North st. Rochester—J. E. Stroyer. 278 E. Main st. Salamanca—C. R. Gibson. Syracuse—Geo. 0. Caatner. 221 Montgomery. Tonawanda—Wbltmler A Fllbrlck. Yonkers—W. L. Mlldmm A Co.

NEVADA. Virginia City—John H. Dunlap.

NOBTK CAROLINA. Elizabeth City—R. E. Black. Box SS.

OHIO. Akron—The Bryan Co.. 125 S. Main st. Bellefontalne—In Ion Adv. Co., 116 8. Main St. Rowling Green—A. H. Yonker, 13 W. Wooster. Bucyrua—F. R. Myers, 2:16 N. Spring st. Canton—M. C. Barber, Grand Opera House. Circlevllle—Baughman Br<«. Colnmbua—F. Altman A Son, 640 B. Main st. Dayton—The Bryan Co., 126 EL Fourth st. Delphds—(.’has. A. Hood. Findlay-P. B. Oliver. Ironton—H. C. Croesley. Iii9 N. Fifth st. lamdon—W. F. Kelley. Manafteld—E. R. Endley A Co., 232 W. E5)urth. Martin's Ferry—A. W. Bader (Wheeling, W.

Va). Portvmonth—R. W. Ixalwlck. 118 W. Third st. Toledo—The Bryan Co., .525 Huron st. Tnlfdo—L. H. Matthes A Co. Crbana—C. O. Taylor. 125 E. Court st. Wioater—Geo. Kettler. 88 W, I.arwtll st. Zanesville—England Bros., 21 N. Fifth st.

OREGON. Corvallla—G. W. BIngam. Main. Box 183. Portland—Northwest B. P. and Diet. Co. Roaeburg—Adv. Agency. H. (}. Householder.

OKLAHOMA TERRITORY. Klngffaber—Wm. A. Northrop. 313 8. Main st.

PENNSYLVANIA. .Allegheny—Twin Cities Diet. Agency. Pittsburg. •Allentown—N. E. Worman. 5,32 Hamilton St. Bradford—M. K. Walker, ISO Mechanic st. Carlaindale—J. O'Hearn. 15 Main st. CarlNle—Wm. M. Meloy Co., Box 49. Carlisle—Geo. Cramer, 1.33 W. Pomfret st. Columbia—Jas. M. Sbnlts. 210 Union st. Connellsville—Clowes Adv. and Dlst. Co. ..oyleatown—Richard 8. Heffner. Box 288. Kmlenton—W. L. Pierce. 110 Main st. Franklin—Alexander Bradley. 4 13tb st. Greenville—Jas. L. Laird. 42 Mercer st. Harrisburg—Arthur C. Young. 18 N. Third st. Indiana—Harry K. Apple. 700 Philadelphia st. Lancaster—Howard M. Soders, 137 CTiurcb st. Mineravllle—Rotiert 8. Kear. Natnma—E. L. Russell. Natrona—G. W. Blake. (MemN'r I. A. D.) Newcastle—J. G. Ix>vlng. City B. P. Co. Pottstown—J. E. Araole. Pottsviile—Chas. L. Weiss. 40 E. Bacon st. Beading—Reading Distributing (V>. Titusville—1. H. Thomas. 1.30 N. Brown st. Wllkesbarre—M. H. Bnrgnnder. WILLIAMSPORT. PA—GEO. H. BCBB. CTTY


RHODE ISLAND. Pawtucket—J. E. McMahon. 43 Summer st.

SOUTH CAROLINA. Columbia—R. 8. Marks A (}o.. 1423 Oates st. Sumter—B. M. Jones. Sumter—Young A Berry.

TENNESSEE. Ahattanooga—H. 8 Holmes, 16 E. Seventh st. Columbla-^as, Y. Helm, lelllco—Thos. Bell. Box 78. Pulaski—A. M. Notgraasi Union City—Oscar R. Oews.

TEXAS. Beaumont—Welcome Rollins, Box 2T4. Brownsville—Valle A Bro. Advertising Co. uonaton—Morgen A Ixidtke, 801 Capitol ave.


Pennington—Henry DIetel, 223 H Depot st. Burlington—P. 11. Ward, 131 Maple st. Barre—Central Vermont B. P. Co. Walt's River—O. C. Croxford.

VIRGINIA. .Alexandria—C. D. Wright. Washington, D. C. Charlottesville—F. J. Paoll. 210 N. Fourth st. Newport News—Henry H. Hari)er.

WEST VIROINIA. Clarksbnrg—W. L. DIeson. Pike end Third sts. Fairmont—Fisher B. P. and Adv. Co. Msrtlnsburg—F. C. Baker. 246 (jueen st. Msrtlnsburg—Horner's Cnlque Adv. Co. Wht-ellng—A. W. Rader. Ninth at. and Alley O.

WISCONSIN. Fond du Lac—P. B. Haber, leke Geneva—W. H. Parmalee. Oshkosh-^. E. Williams. 24 High st. Racine—W. C. Tlede. 825 Main st. West Superior—J. W. Palmer, 2002 Ohio sve.

WYOMING. . I..aramle—H. E. Root. Opera House,

j WABHINOTON. I North Takinma—Bryson A Hanser, Box 611.

LOUISIANA. MO.—Park’s Thestre (B. A. Parke. .Mgr. > Sweet Clover. 1; excellent per- form.ince; good bonse; well pictsed sndlence. They will retnrn. having been requested to do so. Oldeiin's Camp Me«‘tlng. 3; fair perform¬ ance: fair house. Percy and Harold, In A Rnn on the Bank 3; fair performsncs; go^ bouse. Katzenjammer KIda. 13. matinee and night: g<«>d show; small but appreciative audience. Coming: Romance of Coon Hollow, 26.

ABB'MORRIS. Corinth—W. E. Patton, Box 164.


Kansas City—Jos. Reid. 14 B. Missouri avs. Blsnberry—H. iSitterson. Box SOL


Lincoln—F. C. Zehrnng. 1143 0 st. NEW JERSEY.

Camden—Rill Posting Sign Co. Haekensack—llackensnrk BUI Posting Co. Hoboken—Hoboken Bill Posting 0>. Newark—E. M Slocumh. .380 Market st. Paterson—Paterson BUI Posting Co.. 3 Rampo.

NEW YORK. Amsterdam—Amsterdam Advertising Co. Brooklyn—The Americsn B. P. and Dlst. Oo. Buffalo—Whitmler A Fllbrlek. 200 Washingtm. Cortland—Wallses Brou.

PORTSMOUTH, OHIO.—Grand Opera Hoove (11 C G»>rdon. Mgr.): The Chaperons to an $.800 audience; best of satisfaction. The come ■Hans are clever and the leading chararters all that could be di'stred. Clomlng: Shore Acres. 19; Thoronghbn'd Tramp. 20: Blnck Patti’s ■rronbaiVuirs. 22: Qnlnlan A Wall's Minstrel*. 2.3. Bnsin.-sa at the Grand has l>een spltndld. The theatre Is adequately equipped with exits and places of egress and the management haa conformed with the state Iswg In this regard.


0L0VER8VILLE. N. T.—Darling Thsstre (Will E. Oaut. Mgr.) Why Girls Lesvs Home. 9; well 6U*d house: good 'performance Com¬ ing; Parsifal, 16; Herliert Kclcsy and Hffl# ihansos In SherWk Bolmss. 20; Beunotk- Moulton Co, ?t-2T


PARKS. No t/ort it apornf to keep thit litt reliahU and up-

lo-aaU, Beadert wilt oblige m by bringing any error* ■r omiMcosj to our noHce.

AKRON. 0.—Lake Side Park. Harry A. Hawn, manager.

AKRON, 0.—Randolph Park. Harry A. Hawn, manager.

AKRON, O.—Summit Lake Park. Menebes Broa. mauagera.

AKRuN, 0.—The Gorge. Harry A. Hawn, man¬ ager.

ALBANY, N. Y.—Lagoon Island. John F. Weber, manager.

ALBANY. N. Y.—KInderbook Park. ALBANY, N. Y.—Weber'a Park. ALBANY. N. Y.—Electric Park. E. M. Bold-

son, manager. ALBANY, N. Y.—laland Park. F. Bernstein.

41 S. Pearl St.. Albany, N. Y., manager. ALLENTOWN, PA.—Durney’a Park. F. 8. Klu-

aey. manager. ALLEVroWN, PA.—Central Park. ALLENTOWN. PA.—Rlttersvllle Park. .ALLENTOWN, PA.—Manhattan Park. ALLENTOWN. PA.—Willow Grove Park. ALLIANCE, O.—New Park. Mark Elec. By. ALLIANCE, O.—Lake Park. L. P, Amusement

Co. managers. ALT<)ONA, PA.—Ijikemont Park. AI.TOON.A. P.A.—WopsoDouock Park (near .Al¬

toona). Wopsononock Park and Hotel Co., 713 Drexel Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa.

AMITYVILLE. L. I.—Lyceum Theatre. ANNISTON, ALA.—Oxford I-ake Park. Aonia-

ton Electric St Gaa 0>., managers and owners. ANSONIA. CONN.—Bine Bock Park. ASHLAND. KV.—Clyffeslde Park. Nat 8

Bmltb, manager. ASIHIVILLE. N. C.—Riverside Park. O. E.

Clifton, manager. ASHEVILLE, N. C.—Electric Park. C. W. Rex.

manager. AilNOI.D PARK, lA.—Ben O. Tnpper, manager. ATCHISON. KAN.—Forest Park. J. A. Bi-n-

dnre. manager. ATHOL, MASS.—Brookalde Park. Mr. Smith,

manager. ATLANTA. OA.—Piedmont Park. Frank Weld¬

on. manager. -ATL.ANTA. O.A.—CTiattaboocbe River Park.

The Georgia Ry. & Electric Co. .ATL.ANTA. G.A.—Ponce De I.«on Park. The

Georgia R.v. St Electric Co. .ATL.ANTA. O.A.—Fast I-ake Park. The Geor¬

gia Rt. Sc Electric Oo. ATLANTA. OA.—Lakewood Park. T. M. Poole,

manager. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.—Fortescue Theatre.

James E. O’Brien, manager. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—Tllyou’s Steeplechase

Pier. .ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.—Doyle’s Pavilion The

stre. Frank Goldie, manager. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.—Helns'a Pier. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.—Ouvernator’s Pavilion.

H. J. Larkins, manager; Sid Fern, busluesa manager.

.ATl.A.NTIC CIT3'. N. J.—Inlet Pavilion. J. Mehrer. manager.

ATl.ANTIC CITY. N. J.—American Garden. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.—Columbia Garden. ATLANTIC CITY. N J —Japanese Tea Garden. ATLANTIC CITY. S. J.—Virginia Beach. ATL.ANTIC CITY. N. J —A'onng’s Pier. J. L

Yoong. proprietor: J. A. Willard. Gen’l Dir ecior- Harry D’Eata. theatrical representative.

ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.—Steel Pier. Mr. Both- well. manager.

ATI ANTIC CITY. N. J —Andltorlum Pier. Geo. 'niyou. manager.

ATTLEBORO. MA88.—Tnlaqnega Park. E. M. Bevins, mtnsger.

AUBCRNDALE. MA8S.—Norumbega Park. Carl .Alberte. manager.

AUGCSTA. GA.—I-ske View Park. AUOrSTA, G.A.—Monte 8ano Park. George H

Conklin, manager. .AUBt)R.A. ILL.—Rivervlew Park. Mr. W. C

Bralthwalte. manager. AUSTIN. TEX.—Zoo Park. AUSTIN. TEX —Watter’i Park. .AUSTIN. TEX.—Hyde Park Theatre. Besserer

St Griffith, m.'inageru. BAB5 LON. I.. L—Lyceum Thestre. BAl.TIMOilE. MD.—Hollywood Park. Schan-

berrer Sk Irwin, nianagers. BAI.TIMORE. MD.—River View Park. Jaa. L.

Keman. manager. BALTIMORE. MD.—Hotel I-exlngton Roof Gar¬

den. „ _ BALTIMORE. AID —Pabst Gardena. K. E.

Sternberg, manager. BALTIMORE, MD.—Prospect Park. Grant

Stockhsm. secretary. BALTIMORE. MD.—Electric Park. L. H. Bnk. r,

manager. RAI.TIMORE, MD —Goeller’e Back River Park.

Frank Emmett, manager. BALTIMORE. MD.—Tolchester Beach. Tolches-

ter Co., managers. BALTIMORE. MD.—Kirby's Park. John E.

KIrbv. manager. BALTIMOftE. Ml).—Kline's Park. BAITIMORE. MD.—Stoddard’s Park. BALTIMORE. MD.—Herman’s Park. BALTIMORE. MD.—Weber’s Park. BAI.TIMORE, MD.—Owynn Oak Park. United

Rail wav Co., managers, BALTIMORE. MD.—Lakeside Park. United

Railway Co., msnsgers. BAI.TIMORE. MD.—Reliohoth Beach, near Bal¬

timore. vis Qii(«en Anne’s Railroad. B.AI.TIMORE. MD.—Ferry Bar. George Kahl.

manager. R.ALTIMonE. MD.—Bohn’s Summer Garden. BAR HARBOR. ME.—Athletic Park. C. E

I.lndall. manager. BATH. ME.—Merrvmeetlng Park. New England

Popcorn Co.. lessees. BXITIF. CREEK. MICH —laike View Park. BAXTER SPRINGS. KAN.—Reunion Park. C.

E. Collins, manager. BAY CITY. MICH —WInons Beach Park. L.

W. Richards, manager. BAYONNE. N. J.—Bergen Point. Chas. Kantor.

manscer; J. J. Franks, proprietor. BEAVER FALLS. PA —Junction Park. W. B

MrCtlInn). manager. BEt I OWS FAI.IJ4. VT.—Barber Park. John E.

Bresnahsn. manager. BF.LVA. W VA.—Beech Glen. BET.I.VH.LE. H.L.—Fair Ground Park. Dr.

Wm Eorgo. manager. BERKSHTBE. MASS.—Berkshire Park. Street

ilallwav Compsn.v. managers. BERWINDALE. PA—Mariposa Park. A. L.

Pierce, managi'r. BTDDEEORD. ME—Old Orehard Bark. Mr.


J. P. B.

P. E.

BINGHAMTON. N. T.—Cesino Park. Clark, manager.

RINGHA.MT(i.N. N. T.—Elm Garden. BINGHA.MTON, N. Y.—Ross Park. J.

Clark, manager. BIR-MLNOHAM. ALA.—Lake View. Jake Welto.

manager. BIRMINGHAM. ALA.—East Laks Park. Jaks

Wells, m.mager. BOISE IDAHO—Riverside Park. BOONE. lA.—Whitcomb Park. Q. J. Prescott,

manager. BOSTON. MASS —Point of Pines. BOSTON. MASS.—City Point Pavilion. W. H.

O’Neil, manager. BOSTON. MASS.—Nornmbega Park. C?srl Aberte,

manager. BOS-niN. MASS.—Charles River Park. BOSTON. MASS.—Crescent Park. W. H. O’Neill,

manager. BOWI.ING GREEN. KT —Massey’s Springs. J.

Massey Sc Son. managers. BOWLING GREEN. KY.—Cabmeleon Springs.

Mr. Kluxer, manager. ROWI IXO GREEN, KY.—Chal.vbeate Springe.

Messrs. Mitchell A Gossom. managers. BRADFORD. PA.—Clarksdale Park. RilADEORD PA.—Rock Cltv Park. BRANTFORD. OXT. CAX.—Sherman Park. BRIDGETON’. S. J —Tumbling Dam Park. H.

I.. Trier, manager. BRIDGEPORT. CONN—Avon Park. BRIDGEPORT. CONN.—Plesanre Beach. A. G.

Mctlahon. manager. BRUtGE HAMITON. L. I.—Atlantic Hall, BRIGHTON. P.V.—Junction Park. Beaver Val¬

ley Traction Co., managers. BRISTOL. TENN.—Parthenon Park. BBISTOL. TENN —Cllffalde Park. BillSTOU VA.-TENN.—Clifton Park. Oliver

Taylor, manager. BROOKLYN. N. T—Brighton Beach Mualc

Hall. W. T. Orover. manager; Henderson Mnsic Hall. Coney Island.

BROOKLYN. N. Y.—Ulmer Park. BROOKLYN. N. T.—lagoon Island. John E.

Weber, manager. BRUNSWICK. ME.—Merrymeeting Park. L. B.

* B. By. Co. BRYAN. TEX.—Kemoll’s Park. BRTANTVH.I.E MASS.—Mavffower Grove. BT’CKEYK LAKE. O.—Buckeye Lake Park.

Will D. Harris, manager. RUCYRCS. O.—Seccalum Park. Harry Bbnnk,

manager. RUFEAI.O. N. Y.—r.elne Park. RT'EFAl.O. N. Y.—Eort Erie Beach. William

Wharton. Fort Erie. Ont.. manager. BUvr.^LO. N. Y —Crystal Beach. J. E. Reb-

xtock. general manager. RUFEAI.O. N. Y.—Elmwood Park. BUEFAI.O, N. Y —Woo.Ha.vn Beach. RUilLINOTON. lA.—Ebnev’s Park. Chas. Eb-

ner. owner and manager. RURLINOTON. lA —E.rrla Wheel Park. BURLINOToN. lA.—Madison Avenne Park. P.

W. Boblen. manager and proprietor. BUTI ER. PA.—Alameda Park. Frank Mellvllle.

hooking manager. New York City; W. H, Pspe. superintendent: Tom Kershaw, resident man¬ ager.

BUTTE. MONT.—Columbia Gardens. (Jeo. Eor- STthe. manager.

CALUMET. II.I-.—Houghton Company Street n.ilIwsT Park.

CAMBRIUG'' MASS—Charles River Park. Frank I.. Howe, manager.

oamBBIDGE SPRINGS. PA.—Hotel Rider Sum¬ mer ITieatre.

CAMERON, cor..—Pinnacle Park. CAMOEN N. J —Electric Park. M. W. Taylor,

manager. CAMDEN. N. J.—W<KXllTnng P.irk. Jacob Wei¬

ner. manager. CANTON. O.—Ebrefs Garden. A. Ehret. 2502

W First St., manager. CANTON. O—Meyers lj«ke Park.

bangh manager anmmer thestre. CkiltlSIE PA —Cave Kilt Park. CARTHAGE. MO,—Mldwav Park. 'tARTHAOE MO—I.skeslde Park. CEDAR POINT. O.—Psrk. CEDAR RAPIDS. lA.—Athletic Park.

B. othrock. manager. CEDARTOWN. OA.—The Snmmer Theatre.

C. Knight. Jr., manager. ceI.INA O.—Edgewater Park. E. A. Winders,

manager. CENTER MORICHES. I.. I —Senlx Hall. cFVt.GN o.—Knggles* Reach. C. 8. Rnggle«.

miinager. CHAM PA ION. II.L.—West End Park. Mat.

Kna<dl manager, rare Oarrb'k Theatre. Chl- cugo. Ill. . ^

CHAIM FSTON. S. C.—I.atta Park. Fred D. Sampson, mansger.

CHARI cstoN. S. C.—Cblcora Park. CHARI ESTON. W. V,\.—Beecbwood Park . CHARI ESTON. W. VA.—Electric Psrk. Fran-

els Wilson, manager. Norfolk. Vs. I'HkRIOTTE N. Y.—Ontario Reach Park. CHARI.OTTE’. N. C —Letts Park. John S. El-

bnrg. manager; Fred Sampson, mgr. theatre. cn.\TT\NOOGA, TENN.—Olympia Park. Jas.

A. Dakin, manager. CHATrANOOGA. TENN—Oxley Zoo. 0. V.

Brown, president. CTIESAPEAKE BEACH, MD—(Tieaspeake Psrk. cn*’STyn. va —Bock Springs Psrk. I. H.

Maxweli. manager. CHESTNUT nil.I.. PA.—White Marsh Valiev

Park. Prof. I.lngermsn’s Palace of Amnae- mMt.

CHICAGO, II.L.—Bismarck Park. CHICAGO, II T..—Water Chnte Company. Wil¬

liam Strickler. mansger. (T3ICAGO. IT.I,.—Masonic Temple Roof Garden.

J. J Mnrdoek. manager. CHICAGO II.L.—Mason’s Park. CHICAGO. II.T,.—Sans Soncl Park. Alfred Ru«-

aell. manager. CHICAGO. II I,.—Snnnvalde Park. CHICAOO IT.I,.—Hllllnger’a Garden. CHICAGO II.f,.—Manhattan Beech. CHICAGO. ILL.—Sharpshooter’s Park.

Bnsh. manager. CHICAGO. II.L.—Collaenm Garden.

Spalding, manager 135 Adama St. CHICAGO. II.L.—Knhn’s Park. Eugene Pixlen.

manager. _ nvClNN.ATI. O. — Blennerhassett Bathing

Beach. _ . CINCINNATI. O.—Relchrath’a Park. Frank

Relchrath. manager. rtyrtWATI O.—vtanhattan Beach. CINCINNATI O.—Elkwood Park Gna Rlelag, Cincinnati! O.—Krollman’a Garden. CINCINNATI. O—Chester Park. 1. M. Martin.

manager. _ , « . CINCINNATI. O.—Zoologleal Garden. Sol Ste-

Tcna. mansger. Clnclnn.afl Zoological Cs., proprietors. _ —,

C1NCINN\TI. O.--0ncen City Bathing Beaeh. W E Kroger manager.

T. K. Al-

O. L.


J. W.


roBT«>iittnBatt*ii*,nt. |joal*B«ttoiir««l Cwmlvwl flnttoD*. *$• leoaUllaUwnCo


Island. W. B.

E. P.


CINCI.NNATI, O.—Ooner Clark, manager.

CINCINNATI, O.—surer Grore. Fred Basse. maaagfr. Address Ft. Thomas, K7.

CINCIN.NATI. O.—Woodsdale Island Park. Mr. Frank White, rtoom tCt. Carvw Bid*., Mgr.

CINCINNATI, O.—The l.agoon. J. J. Weaver, manager, I.ndlnw, Ky.

CCAUKSBCBO, W. VA.—Union Park. Ion Oar- roll, manager theatre.

CI.KAllKIEl.U. PA.—Clearfield Park. E. H. 81uiw, seoretarj.

CLKAB LAKE, lA.—Whitaker’s Covered Dock. Isaac Whitaker, proprietor.

CLEVELAND, <).—Garden Theatre. Chas. La- marche. manager.

CLEVELAND. O.—Edgewater Park. W. H. Ford, manager.

CLEVELAND, ().—ITaltnorth’s Gardena. CLEVELAND, O.—Scenic Park. CLEVELAND. O.—Euclid Beach Park. Hnmph-

rev Bros., managers. CLEVELAND. O.—Herron’s Pond. Messrs. Sa-

len. Mint* & Tate, managers. CLEVELAND, ().—Forest City Park. Bomplirey

Bros., managers. 01>EVEIAND. O.—Manhattan Beach. O. B.

Goodyear, manager. Cl.EVELAND. O.—Chippewa Lake Park. W. A

L. E. B. IL; John Klngaborough, manager. CLINTON, lA.—Sana Soucl. Messrs. Water* A

Hein, managers. CLYDE. O.—Cedar Point Park. COHOES. N. y.—Slop Street Park. COLUMBIA. 8. C.—Kyatt’s Park. Smlthdeal

A Brown, managers. OOLT’MBl’S. OA.—Court House Park. COLUMBUS. OA.—Wildwood Park.

Springer, manager. COLUMBUS. OA.—North Highland

Peterson A Springer, managers. COLUMBUS, O.—Schaefer’s Garden Theatre.

Frank Schaefer, proprietor. COI.I’MBUS. O.—Zoological Garden*. O. M.

Williams, secretary. COLUMBUS, O.—Collin’s Garden. Philip Col¬

lin. manager. , „ „ COLUMBUS. O.—Olentangy Park. J. W. Du-

senbnry, manager; Frank Burt, circuit man-

OONCf'lBD. N. H.—Ooontocock Blver Park. H. A. Albln. manager. .. .. w

CONNEAUT. O.—Lake View Park. McMahon A D«‘. Amusement managers.

CONEY ISLAND. N. Y.—Steeplechase Park George C. Tll.von, manager.

CONEY ISL.VND. N. Y.—Chutes Park. CONEY ISLAND. N. V.—Sea Beach Palace.

Frank C. Bostock. manager. CONEY ISLAND. N. Y.—Luna Park. CONNEAUT L.kKE, P.k.—Exposition Park. COBNINO, N. y.—Bronson Park. COilNINO N. Y.—Painted Post Park. COUNCIL BLUFFS. lA.—I^ke Manawa. W. S.

DImock. manager. COBTLAND. N. Y.—Columbia Gardens. C. E.

Svkes, proprietor and manager. COBTLAND, N. Y.—Trout Park. Jack Boone,

Syracuse. N. Y.. manager. CUMBEBLAND, MD.—Narroti* Park Pavilion.

Wm. McCray, manager. CUBTIS BAY, MD.—Flood’s Park. Jack Flood.

manager. ... CUBTIS B.\T. MD.—^Flood s New Park Theatre.

W. L. Fltrgerald. manager. DANBUBY. CONN.—Kenosla Park. F. A. Shear

manager. . _ . _ . DANIFKSON. CONN.—Wildwood Park. People*

Tramway Co., managers. DANVILLE. VA.—Electric Park Casino. C. W.

Bex. manager. D.VBTTOBD. WIS.—Terrace Park. DAVENPOBT. lA.—Prospect Park. D.WHNPOBT. I A.—Schentxen Park. DAYTON O.—Lncss Grove Park. DAYTON. O.—Falrvlew Park. Larry H. Belst,

manager. , . DAYTON. 0.—Lakeside Park. James A. Kirk,

manager. DALLAS, TEX.—Oak Lawn Park. DALLAS. TEX.—Cycle Park and Family The¬

atre. C. B McAdams, manager. DABTFORD. WIS.—Terrace Beach. DAYTON. KY.—Manhattan Bathing Beach. DEC.ATUB. ILL.—Falrvlew Park. 0. H. Lewis.

proprietor; Harry McCoy, manager theatre. DEDHAM. MASS.—Westwood Park. J. W. Gor¬

man, manager. DEFIANCE. O.—Island Park. DELAWARE. O.—Stratford Park. Hatch and

Doughty. fV)lomhn*. O.. managers. DENNISON. O.—Internrban Park. F. J. Mc-

Ptonongh, manager. DENISON. TEX.—Woodlake Casino. DENNISON. O.—Island Park. Smith ft Me

nellan. managers. DENVER. CklLO.—Manhattan Beach,

trean. Cornell ft Co., Kalamaroo. managers. _

DENVER. COL.—Union Park. Wm. Thompson, manager ...

DENVER. COL.—Rocky Mountain Lake Park. DENVER. COL.—Elltch Gardens. J. F. Ixtng.

manager. DERBY. CONN.—Hnosatonlck Park. DES MOINES. lA.—Ingersoll Park. Fred Bu¬

chanan. manager. DETROIT, MICH.—Palmer* Park. Emil Imhoff.

manager. .. „ DETROIT. Mim.-Stock’s Riverside Park. DETROIT. MICH.—l.agoon Park. B. H. Roth-

well. manager. Address bOl-2, Chamber of Commerce.

DETROIT. Mien.—P.elle Isle Scenic Railway Park. tl. V, Bnelow. general manager.

DETROIT, Mien —Boiler’s Riverside Park. DETROIT. MICH.—Bennett Park. DIXON. ILL.—Godney’s Park. W. W. Jones,

manager. DIXON. ILL.—Pleasure Park. J. E. Parsons.

Pelle- Mlch..

manager. DIXON. ILL.—College Park. J. B. Dllly, man¬

ager. DOVER. N. H.—Central Park. New Hamp¬

shire Traction Co.. Haverhill. Mass.; E. C. Hnlse. attraction manager.

DOWAOIAC. MICH—Silver Beach. Drake ft Wallace. Props.; Frederic E. Howe, manager.

DUBUQUE. lA.—Stewart’s Park. DUBUQUE. lA.—Rhomberg Park. DUBUQUE, lA.—Nutwood Park. DUBUQUE. lA.—Union Park. Union Electric

Companv, managers. DUNKIRK. N. Y.—Central Park. W. B. Me-

Onllum. manager. EAST AUBURN, AfE.-Lake George. EAST AUBURN. ME.—I-ake Anbnm P.ark. Ar¬

thur Cleetham. manager. BAST LIVERPOOL. O.—Rock Springs Park. .1.

H. Maxwell, manager; W. B. .McCallnm, man¬ ager theatre.

EAST HADDEM. CONN.—Maplewood Resort. Fann Saxon, manager.

W»«rp VTSMPTOV T,. T —Clinton Hall

Advertleitg Buttons, St« liouls Button C«

EAST HAVEN. CONN.—Mooaquln Park. Ja*. A. Blake, manager.

EASTON. PA.—Oakland Park, J. O. Honecker, mans get.

BASToN, PA.—Bnahkll! Park. Northampton Traeton Co., proprietors. Tom Hay, Pres.

EASTON. PA.—Island Park. .AST ST. LOUIS. ILL.—Exhibition Park. W.

at. Sanvage, manager. EAST ST. LOUIS. ILL.—Prlester’s Park. EAST ST. LOUIS. ILL.—Central Park. EAST ST. LOUIS. ILL.—Edgemont Park. P. H.

Trahand. manager. EAST TILTON, .N. H.—Gardner’s Grove. J. D.

Lindsey, manager. EATON. IND.-Riverside Park. Mnnele, Hart¬

ford ft Et. Wayne By- Co., managers. EATON, INU.—New Park. Harry Clifton, man¬

ager. ELGIN. ILL.—National Park. ELGIN. ILL.—Street Railway Park. ELIZABirrn, N. j.—Ellders Park. Henry Hnea,

manager. ELKHAKT. IND.—Island Park. F. S. ’limmons,

seeretar.v. Main StreeL ELMIRA. N. Y.—Rorlek’s Glen. Henry D. Dixie. ELMIRA. N. Y.—Eldrldge Park. Enoch Little,

manager. ELMIRA. N. Y.—Qneen City Gardens. M. L.

Sullivan, manager. ELMWOOD. N. Y.—Elmwood Park. KVANSVir-LE. IND.-West Heights Park. EL PASO, TEX.—Washington Park. Peterson

A- Land, liOssees and Director*. ENDICOTT. N. Y.—Casino Park. J. P. E.

Clark, manager, per ad. Blnghsmton. N. Y. ERIE. PA.—Grove House Park, Four Mile Creek.

H. T. Foster, manager. ERIE. PA.—Waldameer Park. Thomas Malony.

manager. EUREKA SPRINGS, ARK.—Andltorlnm Park.

O. V. Hallldav. manager; care The Billboard. EVANSVII.I.B. IND.—Mesker Park. Frank Bnrt.

Toledo. O., manager. EVANSVILLE, IND—Glen Park. EVANSVILLE, IND.—Lake Island. EVANSVILLE. IND.—West Heights Park. Chas.

B. Stinson, lessee; Francis Rogers, manager. EVANSVILLE. IND.—Cook’s Park Theatre. Fe¬

lix J. Sleffert, proprietor; Harry Lanrance, manager.

EVANSVILLE. IND.—.Street Car Park. H. D. Moran, manager. I

EVEI ETH. MINN.—Ely Lake. EVEI.ETH. MINN.—Bass lake. F.VELETH. MINN.—Miller’s Pavilion. FATRMOUNT. MINN.-Hand’s Silver lAke Park. FAIRMOUNT. W. V.V.—Falrmonnt Park. FAIR 0.\KS. VA.—Fnlton Park. Fnlton Park

Amusement Assn., msnagers. FAI.L RIVER, MASS.-Mt. Hope Park. FAI.L RIVER. MASS.—Lincoln Park. FINDI-AY. 0.—Bet-ves Park. F. W. Adams,

manager. FI’miRURG. MASS.—Wlialom Park. W. W.

Sargent, manager; Tom Whyte, manager the¬ atre.

FLINT. MICH.—Thread Lake Park. Camphell ft Ingersoll. managers.

FORT DODGE. 1 A.—Riverside Park. FORT ERIE. ONT., CAN.-Beach. Wm. Whar¬

ton. manager. FT. MADISON. lA.—Ivanhoe Park. D. A. Mor¬

rison. manager. FT. SMITH, ark.—Mcl/ond’s Park. FT. WAYNE. IND—Rohinson Park. The Fort

Wayne Traction Co., managers. FT. WORTH. TEX.—Gmenewald’s Park. P. C.

Gmenewald, manager. FT. WAYNE. TEX—Tyler’s Lake. FOS’TORTA AND FINDLAY. O.—Reeves’ Park.

Mr. Went*, manager. FREDERICK. MD —Athletic Park. FREDONIA. N. Y.—Central Park. H. M. Clark,

manager; R. A. Hilton, manager theatre. GAT.TON. O.—Seccalnm Park. Frank Burt, cir¬

cuit manager. GAI.T CAN.—Idlewyld Park. GATT. ONT.. CAN.—Galt Park. GANANOQUE. ONT.. CAN.-Park ’Theatre. GARDNER. MASS.—Crvstal Lake Park. GATESVII.T.E. TEX.—Confederate Park. W.

TT. Johnson, secretary and treasurer. GI.ENS FAI.TJ*. N. Y.—McGregor Park. John

Donahne. manager. GT.OUCFilTER. N. J.—Empire Pavilion. James

E. O’Brien, manager. GI.OVEBSVir.I.E. N. Y.—Mountain Lake Park.

Jeremiah Wood, agent. GI.OVEBSVTI,LE. N. Y.—Sacandaga Park. C.

H. Ball, manager. GOFF’S FALI.S. N. H.—Devonshire Park. Man-

ehester 'Traetlon Co., manager*. GOOD GROUND. L. I —Union Hall. GRAND 1ST,AND. N. Y.—Elmwood Beach. W.

Ziegele, manager. GRAND T.EDGE. MICH.—The Seven Islands. J.

S. Mndge. proprietor. grand rapids. MICH.—Ramona Park. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.—Reed’s T>*ke. grand RAPIDS. MICH.-North Park. grand rapids MICH —.Tohn Bnll Park. GRAND RAPIDS. MICH.—Godfrey’s Park.

Chas. Godfrev, manager. GREAT FALIJt. MONT.—Black Eagle Park.

Great Falls Street Railway Co., managers. GREEN B.AY, WTS.—Hagemehter Park. Gna

A. Walter, manager theatre. GREEN BAY, WIS—Street Rnllwar Park. GREENPOBT. L. I.—Andltorlnm Theatre. GREENBURG. PA.—Oakford Park. W. B. Mc¬

Callnm. manager. GREENSBORO. N. C.—Llndley Park. Edward

Wertl^v. manager. HAGERSTOWN. MD —Pen Mar Park. Prof.

White, general manager. HAMILTON. O.—Woodsdale laland. Frank

Witte, manager. HAMILTON. O—IJndenwald Park. John W.

foster, manager. HAMILTON. ONT.—.Sherman Park. Wm. B.

Sherman, manager. HAAHH’ON. N. H.-’The Casino. Hamnton

Beaeh. New Hampshire Traetlon Co.. Hav¬ erhill Mass.; E. C. Hnlse. attraction manager

HAMPTON. VA.—Hampton Park Casino. HAMPTON. VA.—Bnckroe Beach Park. J. V.

Bickford, manager. HAMPTON. VA.—Bnekroe Bench Casino. C.

W. Rex. manager. HARRISBURG. PA.—Paxtang Park. F. M.

Davis, manager. HARRISBI-RG. PA.—Midway Park. HARRISBURG. PA.—F<Kervolr Park. HAR’TTORD. conn.-Werders Park. HARTFORD. CONN.—Charter Oak Park. E. M.

Stalker, secretary, eare Fasle-Llpton Co., Madison Square Garden. New York.

HARTFORD. CONN.—Capitol Park. P. F. Shea —ft Co., proprietors; P. .T. Cssev, mknager. HAVERHILL. MASS—Pine* Park.

HENDERSONVILLE. N. C —Picken* Park. HTGHWOOD ILL.—Fort Sheridan Park. H.

Badee Buttons. St. Eionla Button Co.

HILTON, N. J.—Hilton Park. Ionia Schnlts, managsr.

HOLYOKB, MASS.—Monntaln Park. William R. HiU, manager.

HOT SPRINGS. ARK.-Kentucky Clnh. llors.\TONIC, CONN.—P. O. Lwyer’t Park. HOT SPRINGS, AilK.—Whittington Park. U.

O. Price, manager. HOUGHTON. .MICH.—Highland Park. J. H.

Oakley, manager. noCKTON, TEX.—Magnolia Park. T. D. Caaey.

manager. HOWELU IND.—Glen Park. HUNTINGTON. L. I.—Opera Honte. HUNTINGTON, C'ONN.—Pine Rock Park. J. K.

Sewell, manager. HUNTINGTON. W. VA.—Camden Park. HUNTINGTON. W. VA.—CT.'^ffealde Park. Nat

O. Smith, Casino manager. HUNTSVILLE. ALA.—Park Theatre. J. M

Gast, manager. Hl’NTSVlLLK, ALA.—Summer Theatre. W. W.

Kpi>erson. manager. HURON. 0.—Rye Beach Resort. Wm. Bmns.

manager. INDIANAPOLIS. IND.—Falrbank Park. Wil¬

liam ’Tron. manager. INDIANAPOLIS, IND.—Klasell’a Garden. Fred.

Kissel, manager. INDIANAPOLLS. IND.—Oval Park. Mr. Newby,

manager. INDIANAPOLIS. IND.—Falrvlew Park. Citi¬

zens St. R. R. Co., managers. IBONTON, O.—Beecbwood Park. Allen Tbnma.

manager. IRONTON, O.—Clyffeslde Park. Nat 8. Smith.

ITH.CCA. N. Y.-Benwlck Park. H. A. Ntcboll. manager.

lUKA. ILL.—Bose loke Park. J. J. School- field. manager.

JACKSON, MISS—Livingston Park. JACKSON. TENN.—Highland Park. Woemer ft

Tuchfeld. managers. JACKSONVILLE. FLA.—Phoenix Park. J, Satch-

well. anperintendent. JAMESTOWN. N. Y.—Celeron Park. Jnle Del-

mar. mana^r. JEANNETTE. PA.—Oakford Park. W. B. Mc¬

Callnm. manager. JEFFERSONVII-I.E. IND.—Olenwood Park.

Lonlsvllle ft Southern Indiana Traction On.. JEFFERSONVILLE. IND.—Forest Park. Sam

Cnnningham. manager. JEFFERSONVILLE. IND.—Warder Park. JEFFER.SONVILLE. IND.—Silver Grove Park.

Jeffersonville ’Traction Co., managers. JERSEY CITY. N. J.—Jeniev Citv Park. .TOHNSTOWN. N. Y.—Mountain I-ake Park. JOHNS’TOWN. N. Y.—Sacandago Park. JOLIET. ILL.—Rook Ron Park. I.iem Northam,

manager. JOLIET. ILL.—Joliet Driving Park. F. E.

Fisher, manager. JOPLIN. MO.—Grand Falla Park. Chas. E.

Hodkins. manager; W. H. Van Etten, man¬ ager theatre.

JOl'LIN. MO.—Olympia Park. KAI.AMAZOO, MICH.—Lakevlew Park. Sam

Mittenthal. manager. KANKAKEE. ILL.—Electric Park. Charles W.

Bnrrlll, msnsger. KANSAS CITY. MO.—Falrmonnt Park. .Metro¬

politan St. Ry. Co., managers. KANSAS CITY. MO.—Troost Park. KANSAS CITY. MO.—Forest Park. .John D.

Hopkins, general manager; Lloyd Brown, resi¬ dent manager. Independence Ave. and Har desty SL

KANSAS CPTY. MO.—Electric Park. Sam Ben- Jamlne, manager.

KENOSHA. WIS.—Central Park. Peler Strln heck, manager.

KENT. O.—Electric Park. I. Bnchtel Moffatto. manager.

KEOKT’K. lA.—Huhriger’s Place. KEOKUK. lA.—Casino Theatre. Edmund Jae¬

ger. Jr., manager. KILI.INOLY. CONN.—Wildwood Park. Wor¬

cester ft Conn. Eastern Ry. Co., managers. KINGSTON. CAN —I-ake Ontario Park. D. P.

Rrnnigan. manager; McMahon ft Dee, amuse¬ ment managers.

KINGS’TON. ONT.—liong Island Beach. KINGSTON. ON’T.—Long Island Park. Jo*. J.

Brophy, manager. KNOXVILLE. TENN.—Chllhowee Park. Engene

R. Roherts. manager. KOKOMO. IND.—Athletic Park. Kokomo Ran-

way and !<. Co., managers. LAFAYETTE. IND—Woodland Park. LAKE MASSABESIC. N. H.—Lake Massabeslc

Park. LAKE MONONA. WIS—Park. LANCASTER. PA.—Rocky Springs Park. H. B

OrllBtha. manager. I.ANCASTFR. PA .—Conestoga Park. LANCASTER, PA.—New Woolworth Roof Gar¬

den. Oapt. J. B. Peoples, manager. LANSING, MICH.—Grand I^^dge Park. LANSING. MICH.—I^dlev’a Park. LANSING. MICH.—Haslett Park. LAPORTB. IND.-'Tuxedo Park. J. C. Christ¬

man. manager. T.AREDO, TEX.—I>oma Vista Park. C. F. Yes-

ger. manager. LAWRFNCE. MASS.—Glen Forest. B ft N.

Rv. Co., managers; J. Flvnn, manager theatre LEAVENWORTH. KAN.—Electric Park. LEBANON, PA.—Peniwylvanla Park. A. M.

Patch, manager. LEBANON. PA.—Mount Gretna Park. Ira M.

Rntter. manager. LEXINGTON. KY.—Woodland Park. James it.

Bants, manager; Jake Wells, clrcolt manager. LIMA. O.—MeCnIlongh’a I-ake Park. G. M. Mc-

Cnllongh, proprietor and manager. LIMA, O.—McBeth’a Park. L. H. Cnnningham.

manager. LINCOI.N, NEB —T.incoln Park. B. C. Hnbbell

ft Sons, leases and managers. LITTI.E ROCK. ARK.—Clnh Park. LITTT.E ROCK. ABK.--Glenwood Park. Cha*.

T. Tavlor. Box 1S2. manager. I.OCK HAVEN. PA.—Ayer* Park. Joe Rath

garber. manager. LOGANSPORT. IND.—Cedar Island. Sol. D.

Brandt, manager. r/lNDON. ONT., CAN.—The Park. A. E. Carr,

manager. T.ONDON. ONT.. CAN.—Sprlnghank Park. T/>NDON. ONT.—Queen’s Park. LONG BRANCH N. J —Pleasure Bay Park. O.

S. Starling, 14311 Broadway. New York City, N. Y.. manager. .

LORAIN, O.—Century Park. W. O. Hochateln. manager.

I/OS ANGELES, CAL—Smith ft Cooper’s Sum¬ mer Garden.

I/OS ANGELES, CAT,.—Chute* Park. Theatre Midway and Zoo. Henry Koch, manager.

LOUISVILLE. KY.—Woodland Groye. Ered Stephens, proprietor; Billie Rohtnion, manager, (Mr *• WonHiz-Iri- St

< I St. Fair Button*, St. iKtuI* Button Co.

LOUISVILLE, KY.—Jockey Club Park. Matt. J. WluD, manager.

LOUISVILLE. K\.—Boulevard Park. Louisville Amiisenieut Co., managera.

UIUISVILLE. KV.—Fountain Ferry Park. Tony laudmilcb, manager; U. U. Uackstadt, amnie- meni manager.

LOUISVILLE, KY.—PlioenU Hill Park. Win Zable manager.

LOUISVILLE. KY.—Rlvervlew Park. Col. Lum Simona, proprietor.

IxtClSVIl.Lk. KK.—Kammer’a Park. Casp-r Uammer, manager.

LOUISVILLE, KV.—Niuaweb Park. Snmmrra Bros., managera.

LOUISVILLE. KY.—Lion Garden. i/OUlSVlLLE. KY.—Zoo. Jake Wells

mauager. LOWELL. M.ASS.—I/tkevlew Theatre. J. J

Flynn, manager. LOWELL. yiASS.—WUlowdale Park. LUDLOW, KV.—Lagoon. J. J. Weaver, man

ager. LUDUtW PALLS PARK, MUml County. O.—

K. U. Ihirnas, manager. LYNCIlBUiUl, V’A.—W»*stover Park. LYNCllBUKU. VA.—Oak Grove Park. LYNCHBURG, VA.—City Park and Zoo. E. C

llamner, au|>erUiteDdent. LYNCllUURG, VA.—Ulvermoot Park. Jake

Wella, manager Casino; K. D. Epperson, mau¬ ager.

LY.N’.NFIELD. MASS.—Sontag Park. R. O. Stowell, manager.

McKEESIMlRT. PA.—Versailles Park. McKeesport, pa.—OlympU Park. John P.

Ilarrls, manager. MACON. GA.—Crump’s Park. Meaars. Conquer

ft Brown, leasee* and managers. MADISON, ME.—Lakewood Park. H. 8. Sweett

manager. ’ MADISON, IND.—Beech Grove Park. C. B.

Johnson, manager. MADISON. WIS.—Lake Park. Prof. F. W.

Kebl. manager. MADISON, WIS.—Oak Park. O. V. HkUlday,

manager; care Billboard. MANCHESTER. CONN.—I.aarel Park. MANCHESTER, N. IL—Pine Island Park. MANCHESTER. N. IL—Lake Park. J. Hnslle

Smith and Joa. Flynn, managera. MANISTEE. MICH.—Orchard Beach Caaluo.

Sebutter ft Williamson, lessees and managera. M.ANISIEE, yilCll.—Orchard Beach Park. Koa-

aell Br;M., managers theatres. MANSFIELD, O.—Sbtrmun Ilelneman Park. E.

R. Endly, manager. MARBLElfEAD, MASS.—Seaside Theatre. MARCUS HOOK, PA.—I.lndentborpe Park. J.

Prout Williams, manager. MARIE’TTA, O.—Buekvye Park. Capt. E. W.

Webster, mtuager, MARION. ILL.—Electric Park. Matt Kua-ll.

manager. MARION. O.—Cedar Point. MARLBORO. MASS.—Lake Channccy. J. J.

Flynn, manager. MARINETTE. WIS.—Lakeside Park. Msrlnett*

Electric I.lgbt Co., managers. MARSHALL. .MICH.—SL Mary’s I/*ke. Mr.

Cpo«by. manager. MAYSVILLE. KY.—Electric Park. .MEADVILl.K. PA.—Oakwood Park. Metdvllle

Traction Co., managers. MEDFORD. MASS.—Boulevard Theatre. J. W

Gorman, manager. MEDFORD. MASS.—Combination Park. Hlcka

Broa.. managers. ME.MPHIS. TENN.—East End Park. MERIDF.N. Ck)NN.—Hanover Park. W. P, Brl«

tol. manager. MERIDIAN. .MISS.—North Park. Meridian

l.ight A Ry. (>>., managers. MICHIGAN CITY. IND.—Waahlesron P*«k

Albert Cook, Secy. South Sbo-e Airuaemei.t Co

MIDDLETOWN. CONN.—Lake View Park Charles H. Chapman, manager.

MIUDI.LTOWN. N. Y.—Midway Park. Wool & Manners, managers.

MILFORD. .MASS.—.Mendon Park. B. W. Qoaa. manager.

•MILFORD. MAS.S.—loke NIpmne Park. B. W. Goaa, manager.

MILLVILLE. N. J.—Union I-ak# Park. H. L Tyler, manager.

.MILTON. INI).—Mnnlove Park. Richmond St. Ry. ft Interurban Co., managera.

MILWAUKEE. WIS.—Pabat Park. Theo. ’Ihlel- gea. manager.

MILWAI’KEK. WIS.—Blat* Park. Theo. Thiel gea. manager.

MILWAUKEE. WIS.—Schllt* Park. MILWAI’KEE. WIS.—National Park. MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.—Inter-Urban Park,

Temple ConrL MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.—Minnehaha Park. Jacob

Barnet, b-aaee. MINNE.CPOLIS. MINN.—Lake Minnetonka. MISHAWAKA. IND.—Century Park. MOBILE. ALA.—Monroe Park Theatre. Mike

McDermott, manager. MOLINE. ILL.—Pro*pect Park. J. F. Laldner.

manager. MONROE. I..\.—Summer Garden. A. 8.^Knhn,

manager. MONTGOMERY. ALA.—Highland Park. MONTGOMERY. AI,A.—Pickett Spring* Park.

Major E. E. Winters, manager. MONTGOMERY, ALA.—Rloem Fountain Park.

O. R. Jamea, manager. MONTGOMERY. ALA.—Calhous Park. MONTMORENCY. QUE.. CAN.—Montmorency

Falla. J. W. Baker, manager. MONTPELIER. IND.—Pyle Park. MONTREAL. CAN.—Rlverelde Park. Max Bach-

mann. manager. MONTREAL. CAN.—Sohmer Park. Levlgne ft

I/ajote, managers. MONROE. MK'Il.-Johnaon’s Island Park. Geo

J. Nahl. manager. MT. VERNON, O.—I.ake Hiawatha Park. E. T

Sellg, manager; W. N. Severn, manager the atre.

MU. SCATINE. lA.—Citizen’s Railway Park MT’SKEGON. MKXl.—I-ake Michigan Park

Mnakegnn Tracflon ft Lighting Co., proprle tors; W. R. Reynolds, manager.

NAHANT. MASS.—Rath Point. Relay House. NAHA NT. MASS.—Shay’s Summer Titeatre. J.

J. Shay, manager. NANTASKFT POINT. MASS.—Bnrkhardt The-

atre. Michael J. Wogan, manager, Boston. Maas.

NAIW’ASKET POINT. MASS.—Coney laUnd of the East. Jamea Jeffrys, manager.

NASHVILLE. TENN.—Natural Park. NASHVII/LK. TENN.—Shelby Park. NASHVILLE. TENN.—Glendale Park. Y. C.

Alley, manager. NATCHEZ. MISS.—Concord Park. Natche*

Amnaement Co., manageis. NEVADA, MO.—I/Ske Park Spring*. H. H.

Ot^ttmnnd manffrer theatre

Fair Buttons, St. Louis Button Co.


XKWARK. N. J.—Blectrtc Park. O. A. Uun- Up, roanasfr.

.VKWAUK. U.—Idlewlld Park. Will D. IlarrU. DiaDaser.

XKW BKDFOKD. MASS.—Pope Bearb. Jamei- Smith. mana(cr.

.Ni:\V IIKliKoUI». MASS.—Marine Park. John J. Sliannon. oiaoeger.

.\1-;W ItKUHiUl*. MASS.—Lincoln Park. 1. \V I'licipa. maiiaFcr.

.NKW HKUKoKlt. MASS.—Lake 81<le Para Iti'orktoii, .Ml(l<lli‘N>ro A Nc«v Bedford Stre>‘i Kalina;, managers.

NKW UKITAIN, t'OXN.—Kentchler’a Park. J '/AS and Wm. Ilipp. managrra.

XKW Bi’.ITAIN. fOXN.—White Oak Park, r L. Terr;, manager.

XKWHKKO. N. Y.—Olenwood Park. Charle> KUber, manager.

NKWHIRYPOKT. MASS.—SalUbar; Bi-ach Cltlsena’ Electric St. K;. Co., managers; b. K. Shaw, anperlntendsot.

XKWUKRYPORT, MASS.—Plom Island. CItl Zens' Kleetric St. B;. Co., proprietors; R. K

Sliaw, superintendent. XKW CA8TI.R. PA.—Caacade Park. Penna;|.

Tsnla and Mahoning Valle; R;. Co., mans gers; Frank Mellsllle, booking manager.

NEW IlAVE.X. CONN.—The Rock. James A Blake, manager.

XKW BRI'XSWirK, N. J.—Rlrerslda Park Bninswick Traction Co., managers.

XKW Oill.KAXS. LA.—CM; Park. Park Com mlasPmera. managers.

XKW nULRAXS. I.A.—West End. James J (Vichran. manager.

XKW OKt.KAXS, LA.—Andobon Park. Park Commlmtoners. managers.

XKW ORI.KAXS. LA.—Athletic Park. XKW PMILADKLPKIA. O.—Baaa laland Park XKW PHIt.Al>BI.rHIA. O.—Rammel's Orose

Ihirk. Toscarawaa Traction Co., leasees; Wm. Akins, manager.

NEWPORT, R. 1.—Freebod.T Park, P, Sbeed;, manager.

NEWPORT, R. I.—F/ston's Reach. XKWPtMtT XKWS. VA.—Warwick Casino. O.

F. Adams, manager. NEWPORT NEWS. VA.—Llrerpool Theatre.

Mrs. K. Pwrer. manager. NEWPORT NEWS. VA.—Ocean View Casino.

Jake Wells, manager. NEW r.OCIIELl.K, N. Y.—Olen Island. J. H.

Starrin. proprietor: M;ndert Starrln. mac- ag(>r: James W. Price, amusement manager

NEW ROCHELLE. X. Y.—Dillon Park. 1). J. W.rmore, general manager; M. J. Leonard, amusement director.

NEW YORK. N. Y.—I.Ion Palace Roof Garden. XKW YORK CITY. X. Y.—.Manhattan Casino.

Rth and Central Are. NEW YORK CITY. N. T.—St. Xlcholr.s Sum¬

mer Garden. (Wth St. and Colnmbna Are. NEW YORK CITY. X. Y'.—Terrace Garden. Ni;w YORK—Glen laland. Jas. W. Price, man¬

ager. XKW YORK CITY. N. Y.—Bergen Beach. Ber¬

gen Reach Amnaement (V>., managera. NORFOLK. VA.—Ocean MIdwa;. J. II. I trlng-

aton. manager, 211 Cltlzena Bank Bldg. NORFOLK. VA.—Pine Reach. J. 11. LWIngton.

211 Cltlzena Bank Bldg., manager. .NORFOLK. VA.—Rnckroe Beach Caalno. Chat.

W. Rex. manager. NORTH ADAMS. MASS—Hooaac Valle; Park.

W. R Mead, manager. NORTH BEACH. S. Y.—Jnplln'a Caalno. XORTHPORT. U 1.—I'nlon Opera Honae. NORTON. KAN.—Elmwood Park. Geo. Mool-

ton. manager. OAK HARBOR. O.—Ix)cnst Point Grose. R. B.

Soncrant. manager. OAKLAND. CAL.—Oakland Park. (HTBAX CITY. MD.—Caalno. W. F. Tomas,

csre <%ase's Theatre, Waahlngton. D. C.. manager.

OCEAN CITY. X. J.—New Ocean Pier. OCEAN VIEW. VA.—Pleaanre Pl.-r. J. H. Ll»-

Ingaton. Norfolk. Va.. manager. OCEAN VIEW, VA.—Ocean View Park. Jake

Wella. manager. OODE.N. ITAIL—Glenwood Park. C. H. Klrcn-

ner. manager. OIL CITY. PA.—Monarch Park. W. B. McCsl

Inm. manager. OIL CITY. PA —SmUhson'a Park. O. H. Ver-

back. manager. OKLAHOMA CITY. O. T.—Colcord Park. Col

O. F. Colcord and Meaars. Marre and Slno- ponlo. Props.; Oscar N. Nix. manager the.ntre

OKI.AHOMA CITY. O. T.—Rlrerslde Park. OKLAHOMA CITY. O. T.—Delmar Garden. T.

C. Bergeron, manager. OI.OOTT. N. Y.—Olcott Beach. International

Traction Co.. Hair; O. Feiren. manager. OI-D ORCHARD BE.ACH. ME.—Seaside Park

Maine Inreetment Oo.. t.td.. proprietors; Wes. ler G. Smith, treaa. snd general manager.

GLEAN. N. Y.—Blrerhnnit Park. C. C. Morlan. manager.

OMAHA. NEIB.—King's Park. W. W. Cole manager.

OMAHA. NEB.—MnIBn's Park. OMAHA. NEB.—OoortUnd Beach. Offlee. 21s

First National Bank. OMAHA. NEB.—l.ake Manasra. Ofllce. 21*

First National Bank. ONTARIO BEACH. N. T.—Caalno Partlloa.

Jamea Reardon, manager. ORANGE. MASS.—Brookalde Park. Orange St

R;. Co., managers.

The balance of the Park Hat la omitted Ibis week on ai'count of the press of adrertlalng. It will he publlF’nv* next wffk.



BELLEFONTE. PA.—Centre Count; Fair. Oct. 4-7. Inelualre. 1*04. John I. Olewlnc, Pres.: D. O. Stewart. Sec;.

CIIANDTB. KAN.—Channte Fair. Aug. .10- Sept. 2, inclnalre. HKH. A. E. Tlmp.sne. Sec;.

roH'MBCS. O—Ohio State Fair. Aug. 2?*- Sept. 2, InclnalTe. 1904.

D.AYTOX, O.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 5-0, InclualTc, 1901.

EATON. O.—Eaton Fair. Sept. I.S-IT. Incln¬ alTe. 1904.

EI'REKA. KAN.—Eureka Fair. Sept. LTHl, Inclusive. 1004. X. W. Robbins. Sec;.

FREDERICK. MD—FriHlertck Fair. Oct IS- 21, InclualTe. 1904. J. Roger MeSherrr. Secy.

FREDONIA. KAN —Agrl. Fair. Aug. 23 2rt. inclnalve. 1904. T. J. Cooper, Sec;.

INDIANAPOLIS. IND.—Indiana State Fair. Sent. 12.m. InclnalTe. 1004. John C. Haines

BiiUons, All Kindst t,ontn Button Co

Prea.: J. W. I..aKraiige. Treaa.; Chaa. Down¬ ing, S«-c.r.

lOW.t •'I'TY, I.\.—Johnson Connt; Fair. Sept. Ti-S. InclnalTe, 1904. J. (i I>>iiaure, Sec;.

KE.NTOJC. O.—Hardin Count; Fair. Ang. 2:!- 27. Tnijnslve, 1904.

lAlXDOX. O—.Vgrl. Fair. Ang. 2:5-29. Incln- alre. lUM.

MARYSVILLE. O—Marjayllle Fair. Sept. 27- Orr.VWA. KA.X—Ottawa Fair. S*‘pt. 6-0, lu-

clnalye. 1904. (Urey M. Potter, Sec;. Oct. .7 Inelnslve. 19(V4.

POINT PLEASANT. W. VA.—Maaon (Unnt.v Fair. .\ng. 24-'J6. liieliisive. 1904. J. F. P.urdelt. Prea.; K. G. .Miisgrave. See;.

UICHWOOD. O.—Agrl. Fair. Oct. 4-7. Incln- alve. 19i>4.

SPUIXGFIKI.D. O.—.Sprliigtleld Fair. Aug. 16- 19. IncliwlTe. P.*il.

TOPEKA. KAX.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 13-16, In elusive. I'.HM. D. H. Ebler. Sec;.

TROY, O.—Agrl. Fair. .Sept. 20-23, InclnslTc, 1904.

l’RP..V.XA. O.—Agrl, Fair. Ang. 0-13, InclnalTe. 19IH.

WASHIXOTOX C H.. O—.Igrl. Fair. Ang. 9- 13. IneluHlye, 19<>l.

XKXl.V. O.—.\grl. Fair. .\ng. 2-3. InclmriTc, lUH.

List of Fairs COLORADO.

PI'KBl.O. COLO.—Colorado State Fair. Sept. 23 28. IncInatTe. 10o4.


AI.EDO, ILI.-—Men-er (10001; Agrlcultnral So- elct;. Se(>t. 20-23, InclnalTe. W. D. Emer- aon. Sec;.

BCSIIXELL. II-L.—McDonough Count; Fair. Aug. 16-19. InclnalTe, 1904.

CAMIlRIDGK. ILL.—Henr; Connt; Fair. Ang. 22-26. InclualTe. 1904. Theo. Boltenatern. Sec;.

GALKSnCRG. ILL.—Oaleaburg Fair. Ang. 30 ^'pt. 2. InclnalTe, 1904.

GRIGG8VILLK. ILL.—Illlnoli Valle; Fair Aaan. .tug. 2-5. InclnalTe, 1904.

MACOMB. ILL.—Macomb Fair. Aug. 23-26. In¬ clualTe. 1904.

MOX.M()rTIl. IlI..—Warren Count; Fair. Sept. 6-9, InclnalTe. 19(M.

MT. STERLING. ILL.—Brown Count; Fat. Aug. 9-12. lucIualTe, 1904.

QCIXCY. ILL.—(Julnc; Fair. Jiil; 26-29. Incln¬ alTe. 1904.

WYOMING, in..—Stark Connt; Agrl. Society Fair. Aug. 30-Sept. 2. IncliialT*. llkM. J. W. Smith. Prea.; O. R. MacCl;ment. 8<'c;.


DECATCR. IXD.—Great Xerthem Indiana Fair. Ang. 20.S<'pt. 2. li.elnalTe. 1904. J. D. Nldllnger, Prea.: C. D. Kuukle. §€c;.


BRITT. lA —Hancmk County Fair. Sept. 13- 15. InclnslTe. F. B. Rogers. Prea.

BCRLIXOTON, lA.—Burlington Fair. Sept. 13- 16 InclnalTe. 1904.

('OI.CMBCS Jl’XCTinX. lA —Agrl. Fair. Aug. •lO-Sept. 2. IncUiaUo. P.>04.

DOXXEI.SOX. lA.—lee County Fair. Ang. 23. 26. InclualTe. E. P. Arnkneteh. Secy.

ELDON. I.\.—Big Four District Fair. Sept. 6-9. InclnalTe.

ELKADER. lA.—Elkader Fair. Ang. 23-26. In¬ clualTe. 1904. Jos. I.amm. Prea.; A. J. Car- (s'utcr. Secy.; J. A. Kramer. Secy.

FAIRFAX. lA—Prairie Valley Fair Aaan. Sept. 6-9. tncloslTe, 19(V4. E. H. Knickerbocker,

FaYkfIEI.D. IA.—Jefferaon County Fair. Sept. 13-16 InclnalTe. 1904.

GRKEXFIET D. IA.—Aerl. Fair. Sept. 6-9. In¬ clualTe. 19m. H. B. Bates. Prea.: M. B. Stewart. Treaa.; W. W. nnrrell. See;.

MT. PI.EASAXT, IA.—Agrl. Fair. Ang. 16-19. InclualTe.

OTTCMWA. I.\.—Ottumwa District Fair. Ang. 1-4. InclnalTe. L. A. Meeker, Hedrick, la..

SIWX CITY. I A.—Interstate Fair. Sept. 5- 10. InclnalTe. F. L. Wlrlck. Secy.

WFST LIBERTY. IA.—West Liberty Fair. Ang. 16-19 InclnalTe. 1904.

WFJ’T POINT. IA—West Point Dlatrlct Fair. Sept. 6-9. InclualTe. John Wal1as|>er. Secy.

WIXFIEI.D IA.—Eaatern Iowa Dlatrlct Fair. Ang. M-25. InclnalTe.


NORTON. KAN.—Norton Fair. An?. 30-S«'pt. 2. InclnalTe. 1904.


MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.—Minnesota State Fair. Ang. 29-S<'Pt. S, InclnslTe. 19i>4.

WINONA M'NN.—.Southern Minnesota Agrl •fair. Sb'pt. 6-9. Inclnslve. 1!<04 John Von Rohr. Prea.; Frank Lemme. Treaa.; John Rose. Secy,


TRENTON. MO.—Agrl. Fair. Sept. 6-9. Incln¬ alTe, 19(V|. H. C. Smith. Secy.


GREAT Sept. Secy.

FAI.IA MONT.—Caacade 26 29. InclnalTe. 19<M. C.


County Fair. E. Hnbbard,

CHATHAM. N. Y—OMnmhla Connty Fair. Ang. 3<>-Sept. 2. InclualTe. 19<M. W. A. Dardesa. S<H’T.

DRYDEN. N. Y.—Dryden Fair. Sept. 13-1.5. InclnalTe, 19(V4. S. G. Snpton. Prea.; D. T. Wheeler. TTeaa.: J. B Wilson. SeoT.

HORNEI-I SVII.LE, N. Y —Fair and Races. Ang. 2»-Sept. 2. InclualTe. 1904. CTyde F.. Sehnita. Secy.

JOHNSTOWN N. Y.—Fulton Connty Fair Sept. 5-9. InclnalTe, 1904. Elmer J. Dorn, Scot.

LITTT.E VALLEY, N. Y—Caftaraneua Coniitr Fair. Sept. 6-9. InclnalTe. 1904. C. B Rhoades. Prea.; E. L. Campbell. Traae.; J. H Wilson. Secy.

POI’GHKEFrSIE. N. Y.—Dnfcheaa ConntT Fair Sept. 13-16, InclnalTe. 1904. R. W. RWera. Prea • A. B. Gray, Treaa.; J. M. Booth. Sees.

WATERTOWN. N.’ Y.—Jefferson Aarl. Society Fair. Sept. 20-28. Inelnalye. 1904.


LINCOLN, NEB—Nebraska State Fair. Aug. 26-Sept. 2. InclnalTe. 1904. Robt. W. Fnrnaa. RrownaTllle. Neb.. Secy.


RALEIGH. N. O.—North Carolina State Fair Oct. 17-22. InclnalTe. 1904. A. Home. Prea.; riande B Oenann Treaa • .Tea f Pesne <»ee.-

Photo Buttonsy Rt« IkzuIo Button Co<

ROUND CONFETT •Ylexlran Canes, Ked. White and Blue atraieht and erooked handle Canea.

Kxplodliiic f anes. Paper flats, KIbbon and Hat Bands. Send lor Clnular and Prices.

THE NATIONAL FLAG CO., 1012 Flint St.. Cincinnati, O.

Latest Novelty Out!

Artificial Peach men and Canvasers. Send for prices. Sample bv

mail, 10c. WM. BECK SONS CO., 10-12 Garfield Place, Cincinnati, 0.


•VKRON. O.—Summit Connty Fair. Oct. 4-7, InclnalTe. 1904. John F. Moore, Pres.; O. J. Swlnebart. Secy.

BELLEFONTAINE. O.—Id)gan Connty Fair. Ang. 16-19, InclnalTe, 1904. E. P. Cbamber-

CHAORIN FALLS. O.—Cuyahoga County Fair. Sept. 6-9. InclualTe, 1904. B. C. Foote. Prea.;

CINCINNATI. O.—Hamilton County Fair. Ang. 16-19. InclnalTe, 1904. D. L. Campbell. 340 Main St., Secy.

LEBANON. O.—Warren ConntT Fair Aaan. Sept. 20-23, Inclusive, 1904. Geo. W. Carey,

OTTAWA. O.—Pntnaro Connty Fair. OcL 4-8, InclnalTe. 19(VI. A. P. Sandies. Secy. MANSFIEIJ). O.—Mansfield Fair. Sept. 20-2:5.

InclnslTe. 1004. II. R. Hoard, Secy. RIPLEY. O.—Agrl. Fair. Aug. 0-12. InclnalTe.

1904. J. C. Newcomb, Prea.; L. H. WIlllHms. S*'CT.

SARDINI.V. O.—Kennedy's Fair. Aug. 22 26. 1904. J. Kennedy, Prea.; J. W. Camptiell. Secy.

SI1)XEY. O.—Shelby Connty Fair. Sept. 6-9. InclnalTe. 19o4. J. C. Itoyon, Pres.; J. E. Riiaaell. S»'cy.

WAIWKONfTTA. O.—Anglalze County Fair S«‘pt. 27-30, Inclnalve. 1904.



W rite for Catalog.

For Amusement Parlors, Arcades, Halls and Public Places v* ^


READING. PA.—Great Reading Fair. Oct. 4-7 Inclnalve. 19(V4. Jaa. McGowan. Prea.; Ml'- fnrd N. Ritter, Treaa.; H. I.eldel Throm. .'>.30 Washington St . Secy.


NFW M VRTINSVIT.T.E. W VA —Wetzel Conn- ty Fair. Ang. 2'J-26 Inclnalve. 19<M. J. K. ITiom. Secy.: L. J. Dulaney. .\aat. Secy.

WHEELING. W. VA.—West Virginia State I Fair. Sept. .5-9. Inclnalve. 1904. A. Bey- : mann, Prea.: Geo. Hook. S-Ty.


IRON’ RIVER. WIS.—Bayfield CV>nntT Fair. S”pt. 7-9. Inclnalve. 1904. Thoa. O'Toole, Prea.: R. A. Steckhaner. Treaa.; Geo. W. Ripley. Secy.

Mf'WArKEE. WIS.—Wisconsin State Fair. S.i>r. .5-9. InclnalTe. 1904. John N. True. Madison, Wla., Secy.

New Street Fairs


rOFFEYVII.LE. KAN.—Street Fair. May lo¬ ll. InclnalTe, 1904. Parker Amnaement Co., attractions.

MAfXJN. G.A.—Street Fair. Feb. 29-March InclnslTe. 19(Vt. Barkont A Faust Carnlvil

attraction*. MERIDIAN, MISS.—Street Fair. Feb. 22 27.

Inclnalve, 1904. Barkont A Fanst CarnlTzl Co., artractlonii.

NORWICH. CONN.—Elks’ Fair. April 4-9. In¬ clnalTe, 1904. W. A. Gallagher. Box 2»!2. Mgr.

S.kRNl.A. ONT.—Street Carnival. May 23-28. Inclnalve. 1904. Manley A Fountaine. Secya.. P O. Box .327.

STT.I.IVAN, IND.—Merchants’ Free Street Fair. May 9-14, InclnslTe. 1904. Wright Amnso- meiit Co., attraction*.

BEATTMONT TEX.—Eagles’ Carnival. Feb. 21-26. InclnslTe. 1904. United Statea Car¬ nival CV>., attractions.

BELLEVUE. O.—Fall Feetlval and Free Fair. Oct. 16-22, InclnalTe, 1904. T. U. Parkinson.

BI^llNGHAM. ALA.—Spring Festival. Dates •ot set. F. Nelson. Secy.

BRIDGETON. N. J —Carnival. June 20-25. In- clnslTu, 19»>4. CThaa. Reeve, Pre*.

CEDAR R.\PIDS. IA.—8th Annnal Carnival. Oct. .3-8 Inclnslve. 19<V4. O. K. Barton, Mgr.

EVANSVILLE. IND.—Military CarnlTsl. Feb. 'J2-27. Inclnalve. 19(V4.

GERMANTOWN. KY.—50th Year Golden Jubi¬ lee. Aug. 24-27, InclnslTe, 1904. John R. Walton. Secy.

HOUSTON. TEX.—United Charity Indoor Car¬ nival. Feb. 22-27. Inclnslve, 1904. Deacon Del more, Pnimoter.

ST. LOUIS. MO.—World's Fair. May l-Nov. 1. 1904.

WINONA. MINN—Southern Mtnn. Street Fair, and Agrl. Fair. Sept. 6-9, Inclnalve. 19<G. John Roae, Secy. *

CONVENTIONS Reunion*, Conclave*, A**emblie*

The Convention List I* omitted this week <« account of lack of S4>ace. It will be published next week.

Kagle Button*, St, houl* Button Co.

Special Prices to Agents.

The Caille Bros. Co.

1427-1457 Woodward Ave.


CANES and WHIPS Toy Whips and Walkiiif Canes.


Larfcst .Wfrs. in U. S. Eslab. 1845. Catalogue furnished on application.


Show. Feb. 21-27, 1904. G. C. Latch. 4 dla SL. Secy. ^

aub Uf.

HORSE SHOWS. CINCINNATI, O.—Horae Show. March 28. 1904.

.Mr. Shinkle. Chairman. LAKESIDE. O.—Lakeside Chaotanqna Aaaembly.

June 17-Ang. 31, 1904. John S. Oram. Clave- bmd, O.. Pre*.; H. C. Hopkina, Dayton. 0„ Treaa.; Rev. W. C. Badly. Elyria. O.. Sacy.; C. W. Taneyhlll. Lakeside. O., Snpt.

OTTAWA. ONT., CAN.—Central Canada Spring Home Show. March 7-11. 19<>4.

TORONTO. ONT.. CAN.—Canadian Spring Stal¬ lion Show. March 2-4. 1904. H. Wade, Secy.


Club Show. March 30-AprU 2, 1904. Thoe. H. Terry. Secy.

BUFF.AIX). N. Y.—Bnffalo Kennel (Tlnh Bench Show. .March 15-18. 1904.

CHICAGO. ILL.—Chicago Kennel CTInb Shonr. March 10-12. Inclaatve, 1904. Harry Caaeady, 173 Adams St.. Prea.; Phil. HenrlcL Jr.. Tress.: Ssm Snmmerfleld. Secy.

DENVER. COIA>.—Oolorado Kennel (Tlnb Show, April —. 1904. E. D. Davis. 1035 16tll SL. Pre*.

LAWRENCE. MASS.—Bench Show. March 1-2. 1904. Albert Mitchell. 263 Essex SL, Secy.

MII.WAUKEE, WIS.—Kennel Show. March 8- 9. 1904.

NEW BEDFORD, MASS—Bay State Co-Opera¬ tive Bench Show. April 1.5-16, 1904. ^as. W. Barney. Boaton. Maas.; Geo. W. Lovell, CTias. Lace, New Buford. Mass., Judges.

PITTSBURG. PA.—Dnqnesne Kennel Club of Western Pa. Show. March 2-5. 19(4.

ROCHESTER. N. Y —Rochester Kennel Club Show. March 9-12. 19(4. C. J. Kingston. Corona Kennela, Secy.

CHAVTAVQUAS- BE.ATRICE. NEB.—BeaU'lce (liantangna A*-

aemhly. July 7-21, IwH. F. B. Sheldon. Secy.

BIG STONE CITY. S. D.—Big Stone T-ake In¬ ter-State Chnntanqna. June and Jnly. 19(4.

BOUI.DER. CXIIAI.—Texaa and Colorado Chan- tanqna Aaaembly. Jnly 4-Aag. 14. 19(4. Br. Ira W. De Long. Secy.

CLARINDA. IA.—Cbantaoqna Aasembly. Ang. 10-19. 19(4. Earl Peters. Secy.

CLIFF HAVEN. N. Y.—Catholic Summer School of America. Jnly 4-Sept. 2. 19(4. Warr«n B. Moaher. SO E. 42d St.. New York City, N. Y.. Secy.

DANVILLE. ILL.—Vermillion Oninty (fiaatnn- qna Assembly. Ang. 12-31. 19(4. Rev. iL E. OaiT, Mgr.


DAVID CITY. NEB.—DtTM City Chantaaqaa Awembly. Joly (last week), 1904. Bee. H. K. Hannon, 62 Mechanic St., Columhna, Ind., Mgr.

DB FUNIAK SPRINGS, FLA.—Florida Chantu- qna. Feb. 10>April 4. InclaaiTC, 1904. lion. Wallace Bmce, 267 Stnyveeant Are., Brook¬ lyn, N. Y., Free.; Kenneth Bmce, Supt.; N. CoWer, De Fnulak Springa, Fla., Secy.

DEVIL'S LAKE, N. D.—Cbaataoqna Aaaembly. June 25-Jnly 18, 1904. Edgar La Boo, Secy.

EAGLES MERE, PA.—EagKa Mere Cbautau- qoa Aaaembly. Jnly 12-Sei)t. 6. 1904. E. iL Kioaa. UngbeaTllle. Pa., Cor. Secy.

FT. DODGE. lA.—Cbantanqna AaBcmbly. July 18-26, 19(M. J. F. Monk, Sc>cy.

FORT SMITH. ARK.—Fort Smith Cbantanqna Aaaembly. Jane 24-Jnly 4, 1904. E. T. Ed¬ monds. Pres, and Mgr.

BEDDING, N. H.—Uedding Cbantanqna Aaaem¬ bly. Dates not set. Bee. E. C. E. Dorlon, Su|rt.

JEIFFERSO.NVILLE. IND.—Jefferaonrllle Cban- tanqua Aaaembly. Ang. 4-14, 1904. Dr. J. H. Baldwin, Pres.; J. E. Taggart. Secy.

MADISON, IND.—Cbantanqna Aaaembly. July 10-27, 1904. Bey. Edward Ellla Carr, Dan- TlUe, Ill.. Mgr.

MARINETTE. WI8.—Marinette Cbantanqna As¬ sembly. Jnly ^Ang. 8, 19<M. O. W. Hanly,

OTTAWA. ILL.—Chantanqua Aanembly. Aug 12-21. Inclusive. 1904. W. H. Klgtiy. Secy. OWENSBORO, KY.—Seven llllls Cbantanqna

Assembly. Ang. 14-19. 1904. E. E. Owsley.

PALMER LAKE. COLO.—Rocky Mountain Cbau- tanqua Assembly. Jnly 14-Ang. 8, 1904. C. P. Camtnc. Secy.

ROME CITY. INI).—Western (bantauqua As¬ sembly. July 20-Ang. 12. 1904. M. F. Owen, Auditor; W. A. Williams, Treasurer; H. G.

SMITHVILLE, O.—Point Breeze Cbantanqna Assembly. Ang. l»-28, 1904. J. B. Eberly, A. M.. Prop, and Mgr.

SPRINGDALE, ARK.—Seventh Annual Spring- dale Cbantanqna Assn. Assembly. July 24-81, Inclusive. 1904. Chas. ll. Renner, Secy.

SYCAMORE, ILL.—Sycamore Cbantauqua As- aemblv. Aug. 12-22, Inclusive, 1904. W. F. Sell. ^y.

TALLEDEGA. ALA.—Alabama Cbantanqna As¬ sembly. July 1-20, 1904. Wellington Vandi¬ ver. Oanl. Mgr.

TAMA lA.—Central Iowa Cbantauqua Assem¬ bly. June 26-July 4, 1904. C. E. Fleming,

WJ^IENA. KAN.—Chautauqua Assembly. Aug. 18-21, 1904. G. W. KInkead. Pres.; G. A. Dnbach, Troas.; A. W. Tliemanson, Secy.

WINFIELD KAN. — Chautauqua Assembly. June 14-24, 1904. W. H. Somermler, Secy.

FOOD Slows. BCFFALO, N. Y.—ButTalo Retail Grocers’ Asaii.

Food Show. April 11-23, 1904. A. Ho«-gt I. 272 Pearl St., Secy.


factured and Agricultural Exhibition. Iisi5. CAPE TOWN. CAPE COLONY, S. A.—Exposi¬

tion. Nov., 1904-.May, 1905. A. B. P. Baker,

CEIDAR RAPIDS. lA.—Exposition. Oct. 3-8, 1904. G. K. Barton, Mgr.

CITY OF MEXICX), MEX .-Exposition. 1906. Address Jose I.«ndero, City o( Mexico, Mex.

MILAN, ITALY—Exposition. 1905. Signor L. Sabbatlnl, Mt. Sunapee, N. 11., Secy.-Gen.

MILWAL'KEE. WIS.—Expocsltion. Sept. —, 1904. A. Trumptt, Secy.

PORTLAND, ORE.—Portland International Ex¬ position. 1905. Henry E. Reed. Director.

ST. LOUIS. MO.—World's International Exposi¬ tion. April 30-Dec. 1. 19o4. Ex-Gov. D. R. Francis, Pres.

VIENNA, AUSTRIA.-Exposition. April 16- May 28, 1904. N. Gewerbevereln, Eschenbacb- gasse No. 11, Vienna, Austria, Mgr.

WHEELING. W. VA.—West Virginia Exposi¬ tion. Sept. 5-9, inclusive, 19o4. A. Rey¬ man, Pres.; Geo. Hook, Secy.


Show. March 8-10, Inclusive, 1904.


Guard Armory. April 4-9, Inclnslve, lie 4. L. D. McLean, Chairman; Wm. Hooper, Secy.

JUNCTION CITY, KAN.—Tournament of the Kansas State Si>ortsmen's Assn. May 8-5. In¬ clusive, 1904. E. L. Wetzlg, Secy.

NEW YORK, N. Y.—National Easter Flower Fair. .Mtrcb 21-Aprtl 2, inolnsl/a. 19o4. A. Cbaaseand, Herald Square Exhibition Hall, New York City. 8*-cy.


There never was a Sunday In the history i Cincinnati in which so many people were kept at home and Indoors as that of the 21. Tlie snow of a few days previous had been turned Into Ice, and all day a rain fell uiion It. The comblnaticn was the acme of slipperyness. Tlie temperature was about 30 degress, which pre¬ vented the lee from thawing. The weather was a hair line between a freezing and non-freezing condition. However, the evening booses were 6Iled to the present limp of the law.

Grand Opera House (lialuforth & Havlin, Mgrs.) John Drew, In The S*‘cond In (.'ommand, appeared at the Grand for the first time In sev¬ eral years, and In this four-act comedy he has not been seen here. Mr. John Drew Is a fin- Isbed actor of the old Daly scbriol, and he main¬ tains bis old reputation. Next: Henry Irving, in repertoire.

Wslnot Street Theatre (M. C. Anderson. Mgr.) Fred E. Wright's York State Folks Is duplicat¬ ing Its success of last season by playing to Im¬ mense audiences. The play will retain Its popularity in this city as long as the company remains at Its present high standard. Next; Royal Llilputlans.

Columbia Theatre (M. C. Anderson, Mgr.) Marcel's Tableanx, a series of artistic [sisings a ancceas last week, has be<-n retained. Tlie Niebols Sisters, In a black face act, held tlie tndlence In a spell during their striking Imper- •oiMtlon of the darkey character. The acro¬ batic port of the program Is of the beat, and Iti^IndM old favorites, the Four Nelsons, tu;n- blera and comedians, and the well-known RIn Bros. The rest of the Mil Inclndes Newell & Nlblo. In a musical turn; a sketch hv J,

Photo IVlrron, St. lioals Button Co.

Nugent and Mtoa Jessie Cliarron; Werden 4 Gladdlah,. In Illustrated songs, and Joe Flynn, In his funny talk, all of whom contribute their share to a very entertaining show.

At the Lyceum Theodore Kremer's King of Detectlv<-a ojK-ned, to be followed by the Kat- zenjamnier Kids.

The Smart Set was the attractions at Rob¬ inson's. Next we<-k Tlie Volunteer Organist.

People's offered Boble's Knickerbockers, to be succeeded by Clark's Royals.






Melvin G. Winstock, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offices. 140 Naissn 8t,, New York City. Mr. Walnstook gives special attention to all matters apix'i'Caluhig to Amnsement Enterprises, Copyrights. Str-et Ccrnlvals, and Is the agent for a numlx-r of attractive plays and vaudeville acts.


A Thoroughbred Tramp




Advertisements (for exchange) under this head are published absolutely free of charge. No for sale ads are admitted, however, no matter how cleverly they may be worded.

M. B. CAL.L.! k ha . CLUB ROOn & FAIR GROUND MANAGERS AND AGE.NTin. ILLUBNI0NI8T. Per. address The BUlboard. “1”^, lescrlption: aloe lOo vartetle#

___—___ Macblues. Send for raUlogne befeiw

J. M. J, KME Mf-'ISf.’ .. della hicks o.db. . SS”..'obmoo. Pf^Ffnmnent Rddroftn Th« RlllhoArd rHnT»ln I'^rytone Solotst, compower of the popular eoni;. nltTo ^ The Billboard, Clncln ..-mp Newsboy’s Story,” Invites offers. No. 415 MACHINES—For ealc cheap. GEORGE

W, Sth St., CINCIMITATI, 0,__ **• SCHOENER. Shenandoah. Pa.

JfaMton BOBbdwl” wtm wmw»mim§ s<i. JfaUion “TtmBiUboard" wJum aMtwtrimgad$. MentUn “77m BiUboarOr vhen an*^»trinaadt.

buying. Address OGDEN A CO.. M to. It., OHIOAOO.

SLOT MACHINES—For ealc cheap. GEORGE M. SCHOENER, Shenandoah, Pa.

MAGICIAN'S ENTIRE OUTFIT, consisting of trunk, tables, magical apparatus, stage Il¬ lusions, magical books, etc. Will trade same for a go<al Edison or Lubln stereoptlcon and moving iilctnrp outfit, or small printing office outfit. EARL P. BURK, Wash. Ave., Evans¬ ville, Ind.

HAVE A TROUPE OF EDUCATED PIGE¬ ONS that do a twenty minute act, of gtHsl stuff, quick workers; also troupe of marionettes. 2*2 Inehes in height. In gisal shape. Will ex¬ change for monkeys. i>erformlng ilogs or magic of e<iual value. MRS. HELEN BROWN, in care of Brown’s Shows, Newport, Ark.

ONE E-FLAT TUBA, BRASS, goo.1 as m‘w; used thrp«* weeks; also one E-ttirt alto (Conn) In fair condition, to exchange for slot machine or picture machine or stereoptlcon and song slides: also one circus outfit, complete. Includ¬ ing 40xSO tent. 7 lengths of new seats, lights, stage stakes, poles, roi>es and blo<'k8; also trick hon.se, for large diamond. PROF. FRED J. PAUL. Garrett, Ind.

A GOOD SET OF SWISS BELLS or a good, small hand organ, to exchange for a s«*t of Gale or Kidd lighta or a moving picture ma- phine. Address WIXOM BROS., Bancroft, Mich.

. ONE-EIGHTH HORSE POWER ELECTRIC MOTOR, capable of running organ or ahootlng gallery, to exchange for snake eater banner or anything ua<'ful. MORRIS J. GOLDMAN, General Delivery, Chicago.

ONE No. 6 PARKER MECHANICAL CHOOT- ING GALLERY, <*perated with one horse [siwer gasoline engine; also 48 hammer cylinder piano which plays 10 tunes. In goo<l shaiH*. running at 416 Bonham St., Paris. Tex., to trade for miniature railroad, steam swing or anything that can be put in a tiox ear and transported. Address W. S. MOONEYHAN, Paris. Tex.

BRASS BAND INSTRUMENTS; also one tele¬ scope folding organ, one piano, one S. l.ubln make stereoptlcon and calcium light: also negro wigs. wardrot>e. clown snlts, torch light, dating outfit, set of marionettes. All of thLs stuff is In extra good condition; to exchange for set of side show magic and Inqmlcment knives, battle axes or Punch outfit. Address GEO. W. DEL- TINO. rare of ‘ The Billboard.”

QUEEN BESS, the great bucking donkev. to exchange for 12-foot side wall. .Address ANDER¬ SON'S DOG AND PONY SHOW, Rochester, Ind.

STEAM BIDING GALLERY of 24 galloping horses. 4 carriages, engine complete, to exchange for gasoline launch. Reason, old age. Address PIERCE & LEWIS. I620>4 Third Ave., Moline, Ill.

FIRST-CLASS HORSE RACE AND W'h*:EL COMBINED, with “pinch.” for good, up-to-date "Jewelrv striker.” Address 0. C. W., Box 833. Warren, Pa.

MAGICAL APPARATUS, complete outfit. Will exchange for mummies op anything I can nae. Write what yon have. JOHN W. STELT- ZER. Magician, McCook, Neb.

TEN PUNCHING OR LIFTING MACHINES to exchange for diamond stud or ring. Address MILLER. 808 Market St.. Sandusky, 0.

ACT to trade for prlvllgfe with a carnival or stnH't fair company. My act Is the best spin¬ ning. Juggling act In America. Have the best of an outfit and costumes the fineet; made espe¬ cially for carnival work. Managers write. We may make a trade satisfactory to ns both. Ad- dess ED HANLEY, 762 South Main St., South Btnd, Ind.

ONE 8. LUBIN MAKE STEKEOPTICON, one calcium light, one set of six marionettes, one folding organ, one piano; can be used for halls or home use; one alto, nickel finish; one baritone, brass finish; one bass, brass finish; one Eagle riot machine, one cigar vendor slot machine, one lot of wardrobes; lot of small stuff, torch lights, dating outfits. In first class condition. Will exchange for magic outfit for side show use; conjuring apparatus. Punch out¬ fit or anything that can t»e used for concert or aide show acts, moving picture machines, slot machines, etc. GEO. W. DELTINO, oare of “The Billboard.”

DECATUR, ILL.—Power’s Grand Opera TTonse (J. F. Given, Mgr.) The Silver Slipper, 2; exceptionally good p«>rfopmance; largest house of the season. They had one of the best cho¬ ruses and most elaborate effects of any musical comedy this seaaon. .lames Speed, 5. pleased a fair honse. Happy Hooligan. 6. pleasf^ good houses. Two Sisters, 8, canceiled. Mrs. Flake In Mary of Magdala. 9. pleased a good house. Iroquois Club .Amateur Minstrel Show, Iff. cleared about $500. Isabel Irving, In TTie Crl- als. 11. pleaaed an exceptionally good honae. Reno Ravllsa Welltonrn. 12. pleaaed a good house. Way Down East. 13. gave universal sat¬ isfaction to a remarkably good house. Mr. .Tollv of .Toilet 15. cancelled. Coming; 2r,. Pretty Peggy: 24. Creatorc’a Italian Rand; 25, SI Plnnkard: 27. .T. H Stoddart In ‘The Bonnie Brier Bush: 29, Jack Hoefller Co.


TRAFALGAR. 11.8-117 Bast Kth It, Naw Vsrk near TTaton Square. Roams B9e., Tla. tl $1 no day; ft M tn $a waak. W. S. HAV- wrnAW Pros Pkmia 4M6.





Manager’s Notice! -An ATTRACTION For-

Carnivals, Fairs,

Expositions, and

Pleasure Resorts

The Largest Spiral Tower

Combined with a

Gigantic See^Sawjs a Feature A s<‘nsatioiial act. iH-autifulIy eosturued

and artistically performed. PHii n Spiral Tower illuminated at nleht by l:ii

Colored Incandescent Electric Llirbts. Th«

act closes at niirbt with a t>eautiful display

of Fireworks, the performer idescendliia en¬

veloped In a shower of tire.



Regards to Friends.



All kinds of Acts, particularly a Family ot Acrobats. Can use a Troupe jf Japs. All Acts must be the best in their respective line.

A<Idr.-a8 THOS. UAROREATES, Cheater, Pa. All Side Show peopio miid Inside ticket aellera

AddreMs B. L. BOWMAN, Avanue Hotel, Spring Orove Ave., Cincinnati, 0. ti>. S- and lO-Horse Urlvers Addn-ea ED (WHITTY) LYKINS, 4238 Dane St., Cincinnati, 0.

Canvaaman and Meatmen Addrew CHET BALDWIN, Cheater, Pa,

LlUHT.nKN Addreoe WM. COX, 321 E. Second St., Peru, Ind.

ANi.nAL.:nKN AdOrese WM. CARDONA, Chester, Pa.




nEN AND UO.TIKN FOR SPEt'TACl LAH Addr.«s ALFRED HINKSON, Chester, Pa. There is a good position for a tlrst-class. steady Master of Transportation


Fifteen acre* at Main South Entrance Attraction* wanted. Term*. $.v<)0; caah on

aigninx contract and 2.*> per cent, of gros* receipt*. Eighteen Hundred Feet of Midway,

bealdee Seven Acres of Trees. Contracts made contingent upon forty attractions as minimum;

will probably reach •eventy-flve. Apply at once to

819 Wkinwright Building, St, Louia, Mo.

These conditions will not be altered for space on Main Midway SOxl.M); more or 1.

space deslnsl will govern conditions |M»tHir-thmately.

QUICK. SOBER. RELIABLE MAN to train ponie* for coming aesnon. Must be a thoronghly experienced man, or I don't want him. Have had two would-be trainers already. Work the year round to th.- right man. Name low.-st teriiu>. .\ddr< se A. D. MePHEE, Medina, M, T.

FOR SALE. AO Spotted Shetlacnd Ponies

From 2S to 40 Inches high; not broken. $Ti each: F. O. B. here. Also Complete Dog and i’ony Show; SO ponlee. So ilogs, '2.', cage*, ha ml wagon, minl.itnre stage coach, SO foot round top, two 40-foot, with .io-fisit middle piece. Entire ontSt 12.000. all ready fur the road.

HAVE 1800 SPECIAL PAPER ON HAND; have ISO-fiMt double deckers, aide show paintings, and four branil-new aide show tents. Wanted manager who can fumlab cap¬ ital to pnt a two-car Uncle Tom's Cktbln Show. Swellest on the road. No angel wank'd. If yon mean bnsineas




Besden of newspapers and dealers In news* paper Information. Undertakes commissions from business or professional people who want to keep posted on what Intertvste them la the public prints of the country. )acee at Roston, New York dc Denrer*

CHIVES—(Triok Knives) Greatest Short Money Store in existence; |S.90 for this week only. Specinl Sals. PXni CUTLERY CO.. Norfolk, Vs.

Wanted... ...Wanted for THE DIXIE CARNIVAL CO.

Now touring CALIFORNIA STRATE raoccssca*

ratk BOW BuiLMsc. Nrw vorb. ( Ooa. SQUARt INCH-MINIMUM 90cts'

Just the thing for tacking t'n and card board sign* Every distributor •honld have one. Prices, will double exten«lop handle, W Inches long, each. a2.i» triple extenoton handle*, i'i Incho* long, each, kl-V Send the money with the onler. None »ent C. ii. I' The l^naldsoii Llthu Co., Newport* Ky ONE MORE GOOD SHOW. Must he moral and clean; aI*o a few more privilege people to Join

Monday, Feb. '29, nt I’heoiilx, Arizona. Thoee who waait the goods WIRE QUK^.

Adilrees STREET FAIRS Engravers-Ruby Glass DANA THOMPSON Carnivals, Celebrations and Conventlen*—BnV

tons and Novelties. B2 page lUnstrated eata-

logne mailed tree. ST. LOUIS BUTTON 00..

St. Louis. Mo.

And Ivory Olaas, decorated with Flowers sad Shlsld. on which shield the nam# can bs easily engraved. Other novelties.


Txjcson, Ariz.. Feb. 22. 27. Phoenix. Ariz., Feb. 29.—MoLreh 4. San Bernardino, Cal., March 6.— II.

A PRESENT FOR YOU. A beautlfal Scarf Pin and a Punch and Judy WhL*tle glvsn ta any one sending nams aud addreas for onr, big bargain catalogue. H. C. BUCHANAN A 00., Dept. Q, SS Vesey St., New York.


WANTED for SEASON I90A FIRST-CLASS STREET ENTERTAINERS. Salcry no object if yon can deliver the goods. Itoiner*. niaaber* and kiuH-ker* save atamp*.


SELLS AT SIGHT! sample. S|H-clal IndncemenU to aali-aaen. Ad¬ dress WESTERN NURSERY CO., Lawrenoe, Kan.

STATUE TURNING TO LIFE; Flying Lady. Wax Figures, VentrlkKinlst Figures, Wax Flg- urea, are the beat pay lug show for Carnival companies, etc. Mats for stamp. W. H. J. SHAW, Victoria, Mo.

NOTICE. Any one knowing present address of one M.

L. OILDIE will please communicate at one* with bis motber.kiu. A. SUOARMAN. XM Byenmore St., Petersburg, Va.

NOTICE—Park Managers and others, have alx weeks more only to get a Oalatea: $300 to 8300 every week at parka this summer. In¬ vestigate at once. Price |1S0. Send etamp for clrcnlare. CHARLES £. WESTON, US

WANTED—Orienttl Dancers, Acrobats, Aarlal

Acta, Turkish Musicians for La Bella Fatima

ShowB. Addreee JOE EPSTEIN. Oea. Deliewy,


^trOOt nf qII Notinncl Building, covering 15 acres of ground space. Olluul Ul Qll llQllUIIOi Located outside of World's Fair grounds, one hundred feet from Convention Entrance.

WE will entertain proposition from reliable Concessionaires for shows and privileges for World’s Fair period. None but legitimate proposals will be considered.

WANTED Cossack Riders. ■ Norris Amusement Co., RICHARD NORRIS. Managfer. Suite 312 Century Building. ST. LOUIS. MO.


A Success Unparalleled! To Circus and Carnival Managers. At Liberty Loop theloop ELECTRIC PARK, Newark, N. J.

NcwarkSsPleasureResort I’an Im» securod fur tbe schsuii of UH»4 liy any i«K|>oiu)llile ranilviil <-oui)iany or circus at a price that Is unusually attractive. IxK)|' can be carried ou one waftou and erwted In two bour. and taken down In one hour. We have riders, “paper” and everything complete. Write for full particulars and we will demonstrate bow our Ixx>p la far supcrier to auytliiiig of Its kind.

amusement Co. TO RENT CONCESSIONS Of all kinds for fhe SEASON 1904.

Competent Kallroad Contractor; Close General

Contractor (especially atrunit on Lleena)**), or

Klrsl-Cla*8 Carnival Promoter. N. B.—Am or-

copying front seat on ‘‘W'ater Wagon.” AddrcM

D. F. DAVIS, 1440 Fair Ave., Columbus, 0.


5a- W. 86th St., New York City, N. Y.

Buftons of Every Descripfion FOK <'ONVK>TIONS UATHFKINGN, NHOYVN

We in ake them in any qu antltlet Fill orders on short notice aixJ beat any firm In ttie West on Srice. Npeeial Dealsus to cr-

er. Let us hear from you.

St. Louis Button Co., Lools, Mo.


Especially wanted a Good illusionist, Lau^hin^ Parlor, Glass Blower, Picture and Slot Machine Par¬

lor, Roller Coaster or Figure Slide, Gyi)sy Camp, Fer-j ris Wheel and other big attractions. This is A Golden Op¬ portunity and you should not miss it as we have 500,000 people who can reach this Park for a 5c. car fare. Season opens May 28th. Address quick


Made fraa. tannine Meileain Mlva. eoina. all the metal baang carved oait with inOnite patience from between the lettera and deaign, leaving Uia coin but a akrietoo tracery la One ailvm linen

THIS IXiB, catnpoaed of two flvca, a ten and a twenty-five rent piece, la one of the mart delirate and Deautifnl piecca of jewelry imagina¬ ble PRICK O.NLY *100 ^nd for one to-day. You'll be delighted


CHAS. ROSS, LAREDO, TKX. (t)n the Meiican border.l

We Give Bank Guarantee NO CUKK NO 1»AV

All Blood and Skin Diseases Cured Permankntlv where everything else has failed, no matter how old or how bad. Write for testimonials and particulars. Lopez Remedy Co. Dep't D. Michita, Kan.

H. DUNLAP, Presidtnt and Gan. Manager-

Leopold SKows ... WANTED ...


Leader, with I'p-to-Dute Music Seat Man. CTian-

deller Man. State salary In first letter. No

railroad fare advanced FRANK LEOPOLD, Nor-

rlatown. Pa.

PATENTS guaranteed under *20,0(.<0 Bond. Tka Xeyatona Law and Patent Co., 510 Bets Bldg., Pblladeipbla, which is the only bondetl Patent Agency In the world, offer to make a guaranteed search of the Patent Ufflee Becorda (not merely their opinion) free of charge to readers of this Joornal who will aend a sketch, BMtdel or deacrlptlun of their Invention. Tliey will alao give a certificate of pataotablllt., which will be of great aaelataace to an In¬ ventor In ralalng capital. Patenta procured and told on easy terma B. B. WILLIAMBON, Proa.

FOR SALE-BIG BARGAIN Complete I>>g and Pony Show. Everything

^up to date and ready for the road. Ten Trained Shetland Ponh-s, Three Riding liogs (none bet¬ ter), Three Tents, Thirty l^eiigtiis Seats, IJghts. Props., King Ham(>88. etc. 'This show only on the road five weeks. Kverythlng g<Kl as new. Keaeons for selling, old age and isior health. Write for i.artlculars. W. J. CONNOR, M. D., La Bette, Kan.


FEATURE ACTS for Roman Coliseum Circus, Musicians for Band.

2 more Novelty Midway Shows, will furnish Wagon fronts and Tents. Privilege People of all kinds. All privileges SlO each. No exclusives. Show opens Washington, Ind., May 2nd.

Address HATCH-ADAMS CARNIVAL CO., Washington, Ind.

All (lersons who desire information concern-

lug a gigantic theatrical and amusement en¬

terprise, to be located at New Y'ork City, upon

applying by letter or postal card to Melvin G.

Wlnstock, Attorney-at-Law; ofllcea, 140 Nas¬

sau Street. New York City, wUl be very cheer¬

fully and gladly Informed as to the nature and

will be supplied with a prospectuu of the pro¬

jected enterprise.


Ferris Wheel Brand'iiew, with all Itu latest lasprove- nients. Am open lor proposition from far- nival fo.'s lor this season. Address

N. S. MOONnHAH, Pirit, Tli-

8 L. O T A C H I N E 8

Settond-haiid LEGITIMATE & GAMING. A(ldreu.‘< Uo.x lit. SANIiUl-KY, O,

WANTED—RELIABLE PROFESSIONAL, making one-ulgbt staiids. to carry our Hue of ad¬ vertising fans. Sold to Druggists. Shoe Itealers, Hardware Men, General Merchandise Dealers, etc. Convenient to carry; no trick to sell. Three dollars per day can easily be made by giv¬ ing the buslnesa a few boars each day. Write for propositlun now. GEO. H. JUNO A CO., Cincinnati. 0.

FOR SALE One Thirty Foot Merry-Go-Round, sixteen

horses, two cbsrlota, with 3V4 horse-power gas oline engine; good organ, price *70o; or If taken within fifteen days, *6o0. Other business com- pells me to sell. Machine newly painted. A. B. White, Oen. Delivery, Danville, Ill.

WANTED... ALL-BOUND MEDICAL PERFORMER, one tli.it does Moslcal Act and other spei-luliles. Mu.st play organ. Make salary low and tell all tiisi letter. No tickets; others write. GERMAN MEDICINE CO., Greene Co., Fayette, 111.


If yoo want an UivtoDate CARNIVAL COU- PAyr that la moral and refined, urite Th. WflPld’a Fair Midway and Carnival Co.. R. C. LEBURNO, Manager. 1483 N. Sarah St., St. Louis, Mo. Conceiaionaires please write.

Moniiom “77m BMboard” whon ant^orintf aJt

St. Patrick’s Day \A/ I Q SHAMROCKS ..I..argeBt line In tbe United States. SOME¬

THING NEW, Shamrocks from 75c. a gross

np. Illustrated price list free. Complete sam¬

ple line 50 cents. One cent stamps taken.

The Newman Mfg. Co., 81 Woodland Ave., Cleveland, Ohio


CHA8. I. 30 W.

1.1 ETZ, 28th 8t., New Vork.

‘Work Storerooms*

Wanted at Once! A1 COMEDIAN AND SOUBBETTE MUSICAL ACT OR SERPENTINE DANCE. Others write. All first letter. Join on wire. Always for first-ciass specialties. ORAY'S AMUSEMEN’T CO., en route.

WirA N T E D! For Summer Sc,.«.ii. TWO SKETCH TEAMS. TWO COMEDIANS AND ONE PIANO OR OR¬ GAN FLAYER. All men to double In band. State wbat you do and lowest salary In fliwt letter. Address W. T. WALTZ. Buslnesu Mgr. and Contractor of Walts Sisters Sjmcialty Show, Ohio City, 0.

BLACK TOPS with Psieu and KIde Wall

FOR 8At.E-^

Northwestern Balloon Co., ^'tTHlcAGo^''*


New| House New Dice, Cards, Inks, Spindles, Drop Oases, Sporting Goods and Clob Room Furniture of Every Description. Send for New Catalogue.

D. Miller Mfg. Co. LjfCMimBldc., Kansas City, Mo.

Tills Is a confec¬ tioners’ machine for u.se Id Show Win- diiws. Store lb>oms. Parks, Resorts, etc. Clears more money than Investments re¬ quiring large capital and extensive prep- aratlou.


Springfield • • Obis.

WANTED--To buy an Inters-st lu StriH‘t Fair or Carnival Snow. 1 am a g<y)d worker. .\!l write. N. K. CUNNINGHAM, 930 W. 12th St., Erie, Pa.

^ Pop Corn Crisp MoLchines ^

SONG SHEETS. fJ .V) p<T HxiO; Song Book.s, $1.00 per I'S); lots of KSK). ft Til). Samides 10c. CARTER BOOK CO., 311 S. Broadway, St. Louis, Ho.

CABINET PHOTOS „ » . Send in your negative to print from, or a

plioto to copy. Fntura Bosband or Wife Pbo- tos, white, black, vielbla or Invlelble. S3 per l,t)0o. Send for aample. WXMDT. Photo. ey^Snn. M. J,

ifentton “ TKe BiUboard ’* whto. tmtwerina adt Uon>' " T'A. tu i-" a»sws-tno oo.

WANTED g CO. For G. A. R. Reunion


One of llie best locations In Kentucky, thirty- four mll<« cant of la>xlngtoii. A good company ought to ilrsw from 8.(»0i) to 10,000 people. I'rlvllcgcs of all kinds for sale. Address RAT¬ LIFF BROS., Balt Lick, Ky.


OO-BOUND, In gtaal ounditlon. For Bale, Cheep,

to quick buyer. Also an tWO U.‘neral Electric

Motor. CaU or addresa THE INTEB-STATE


..Sell Seeksonakble Goods.. Our Detachable Ice Cri-ejier U the money

maker now. Sample and terms, 20 cents. FI L. MUNDLE & CO.. 403 Seneca bidg.. Buffalo.N.Y.

Mention “ Tht Billboard " wKm <mttvmim§ ad*.



SPINDLES, 4 Combination

$3.'Jf$35.“ NEW SET frOC SPINDLE

Race Wheel $35 DICE and CARDS.

Counter ^|C Magnats

DEANE, 1057 Ciitril Are. Cincinnati,O.

I GRAND I To the Professional I

For Sale or Lease Riverside Park,

BOISE, IDAHO ttwliiB to Other bnuliiew Intermts of owner,

ri'SiioiHlhle party can wcure thia Itllt e<l|te proia-rty of ten acre* of beautiful grove, three ccris of water, formliiK a private park. Situ¬ ated almoat In the heart of the city; entrance to Park only four blo<-k» from Main Street. IUKel>alI Gnainds and Grand Stand e<]ual to any In the West. Alao Dancing PavilUm. Bar. Cafe, etc., the Uncut In the West. Vaudeville Stage i-omplete; a«'atlng capacity for over l.tatO. Park has laam otieu and run two aeaaoiia anc- ce'afnllv. ItoNe la one of the best cltb-a In the \Ve«t. 1‘opnlatlon, l.'S.ixa), Plenty of money. HIght man can land fortune, .\ddreva for (mrticniara W, K. K1V£TT£, Boise City, Idaho.

Ferris Wheel AT LIBERTY Conderman with Cano¬

pies. Address for Terms

J. C. SHERIDAN 248 31st Station, : : BELLAIRE, O.

I Carnival AND Jubilee I I LAKE VIEW PARK,Terre Haute, lnil.l I May 15th to May 21st 1904. I

Wright's Amusement Co. FURNISH ATTnACIIONS. v> PRIVILE6EST ot all kinds FOR SALE.



Privileges addre.ss


Shows address



UNIQUE Tkealin Giicnit

Can give twenty weeks’ engagement to perform¬

er* who can make go..*!. Write for dates, stat¬

ing o|.en time and loweat salary Urst letter.

All corresiwndence answered. Address Head,


Seattle, Waab.

Wanted at Once! GOOD OUTSIDE HAN for (11) Grotesque Act.

G.hii) LiuilsT Kicker. .Must do some Acrobatic

or Cuutortiou work, citi.er frout or back. Stuta

helgbt. Weight, etc. P. S. —Cau use gutsl

1.11111 tcur. Address

HOWARD ORLO, 67 Breckenridge St.. DETROIT, MICH.


Manager to handle dUtrlbutora In New York Pity and vicinity Immediately. .Must l>e ex. lK*rl.-Dced. a hard worker and give all bis per. M.nal attention to details. Permanent. Stale salary wanted; give references. laANAOER, P. 0. Box 470, Chicago, ni.

Throe GREAT Parodies

Bedelia, Always In the Way, Sunny Africa.

All Tliree for She. and Stamp, .\ddress MR.

g60DS, No. 626 Bedford Are., Brooklyn, N. T.


IN THE SOUTH. 300,000 TO DRAW FROM. Mechanical devices given preferences. Nothing too

big or too small if it is the best. Have three buildings for

good things. Address

P. 0. Box 60, Atlanta, Ga,




412 E. Shori StrMt, • . INDEPENDENCE, MO.

<h^ll souueniRS ^va ^Itvll Sell Like Hot Cakes You moke 100 to 300 per cent profit. KREK llluolrateil Catalisgue of over loo varieties.

T.N.MOTT,415 Dearborn SL,Chicago.


Want to book OLD PLANTATION and STATUE TUENINO TO LIFE, on per cent. lOlS E. 15tb St.. KANSAS CITT, HO.


Addnws JAS. A. HTNE8, Box 994.



JOHN ZAPPA. SS8 Indiana St.. Chicago. Ill.

WANTED—liy the Melville Dramatic Com¬ pany, Plaiilat, doubling cornet in band; all Unit letter. Salary numt be low aa It la aure; mwer cl- -le. SiH-retariea of county fairs needing goo-I bi'tid. when- cum|iany can play opera bimxe nlgbls. write na. Five ladle* In band. Itan-I *"-■ company Al. HANAOEB HELVILLE DHAHATIO 00., BayrUle, La.

SUbaoni" Max PFUMla.




Manager. V

a 312 N. Broadway,



VAUDEVILLE ACTS. 6 SHOWS DAILY. Have aome Space for Conceaaiona Pereentage only.

State your Lowest Salary when writing. Cannot use Aerial Acts, Female Impersonators or Contortionists,




“ UNSURPASSED, " This Office

Professional Letter-Heads We will print buu Theatrical Letter Ueads

In purple ui black iuk, with your picture on (we furulsb cut), fur only a2.5u. Oo^ Enough for Anybody, No other printer in the United Slati-s cau equal our work at our prices. Will C, Sites says; ”I have patrvui»-d all kinds of printers and paid all kinds of prices, but yours ure the best AT ANY PRICE.” i^mples for ten cents; none free. LEONARD O. LEWIS, Albert Lea, Hinn.

AT LIBERTY fur Tenliug Seusou lt>o4, an

experienced Small Show Agent; know bow to

handle a small show, advance and make the

same good money; ten years’ cXiH-rlence; prefer

wagon show, but cau make good anywhere. Wife

is a generally useful woman arouud lot. Joint

eiq(ugemeut prefertc-d. Address ’’AGENT,”

Boone, la.

HAAG SHOW CALL! All People Engaged For SEASON 1904 Report at SHREVEPORT, LA., MARCH 7.


MOVING PICTURE MACHINES Edison Exhibition, latest mo<lel, Uausch aol

IsKimb special .\1. I*, and Stereoptievu Lenses, right aiqtle electric lamp; no broken or lost purls; used oue week, glKi. Lubiu’a Exhlbltlou .iludei (uew, complete), got). Latest Uptigraph and Sterevptlcou (new). Latest Wonder Gas uuttit (new ), gdo. Song Slide Sua|>e; Films from tic. a foot u|-. R. C. Taylor, 809 South 19th St., Omaha, Neb,

WANTED... A GOOD WAGON SHOW AGENT; also Two IXiruet i’layers and Tuba fur Hand; a Gootor- ikNiisl, a Ciuwu and other good jiertormers lor big abow. Address WIKOH BROS., Bancroft, Michigan,

Sketches, Songs, Comedies, Dramas and ewery dMcrtption oF theatrical work W'RITTEN TO ORDKR at l.O'WENT K.ATFN. Ouly the b«'Bt original work I'urulahed to proleaalouala. Kel'ereneea by the hnndred. Katabllahed 1S7W. bend lor estimate.

BOB WAU, S” BOB Walnut Street, Philadelphia^ Pa.

AVON PARK, Youngstown, Ohio,

Will open on May T, 1904. High Class Vande- vllie Acts and Good Stock Companies wanted. Nulbing but the Best played in this I'ark. Ap¬ ply to JOSEPH W. WESS, Hanager.

At Liberiy for HotsI WEST'S ORCHESTRA. Vlollu. Clarionet, Cor- uet. Trombone and I’lano. Will furnish smaller of larger combination if desired, and all double in Iwtud. Address V7. C. WEST, Cassadaga, New York.

AN INVESTMENT THAT PAYS. Managers of Fairs or any Out-door Amusement that are looking for such an investment will HIT THF NAIL ON THE HEAD by engaging THE ROSE FAMILY of JOLLY JESTERS, the World’s Greatest Grotesque Comedy. Acrobats and Trick House I’antomlrae Artists. 7 Feature Acts. The liest What Is. Address

rOL. O. H. KONK, hock Kox 1»3, KO< HKNTKK, N. V.

Sketch Team Wanted For H. C. LONG’S PALACE SHOWS.

To work In Concert; lady to handle anake In Side Show; man and wife preferred; alao t Hlllpoatera Must lie ready to join on receipt of wire.

Adtlri-aa H. C. LONO, Box Ith, Okelona, Hiaa. State loweat salary In first. Show op4 Harch 8.

Jfaiku **nu wkm mda. JVimligw “Tkt JtTBattI” wKm —iwriiif

ONE LARGE SIZE ORGAN, In good condlUon and hue, loud tone. 84U takes It if sold at once. .Vino twelve luxl2 Store Show Bauners (Wolf), at 43 each. R. O. HARRIS, 319 Brambieton Ave., Norfolk, ITa.

MERRY-OO-ROUND MEN—If you want Toar macLluea painted by an experWuced mao. or if you are going to boy, call or write, sa I can put you next to something good. H. MiLEHAH, 104 N. Niagara St., Tonawanda, N. Y.

WANTED TO BUY No. 6 PARKER SHOOTING GALLERY, In ki»m1 shape. .Must be cheap. J. B. SUNESLtY, 1109 Franklin St., Tampa, Fla.

WANTED—.\t once, a Coim«lete Outfit of Side Show Magic. GEO. W. DELTINO, cars of •'Tha BiUboard.”

ifgntfon “rVg BUlboard" i» hat* oMteoetng otia



HOME OFFICE, Room 21, Bodman Bldg.

621 Main St., • CINCINNATI, 0.

CHARLES HARKINSON, Official Representative.

SAM JOSEPH, Cien. Agt. & Dir. of Publication.

BEN COOK, rigr. of Advertising Depart.

At Liberty Can be engaged for the

Circus Business, shouid

any one desire my ser¬

vices. Yours truly . . .

T. J. FORD, - Geneva, 0.

MANAGERS At Liberty for

. Season of 1904 lIENA, that woDdi^rful .roman (a atronf;.

allfut. mind-readlni; act): DA2t BREWXR. Aniiounecmcnta, I.ccture« and Magic.

JOE CHISWELL, Door Talker. l.«cturer. All above exce|>lIonall}' atrong, aolxT and experi- piici'd hard workera. Will manage aide ahow If suitable. Wanted to Imv Aluminum Chlmee and Organ Bella. DAB BREWER, Hemphia. Tenn.






...WANTED... An Operator for Knife Rack



WANTED For FRANK ADAMS ’SOUTHERN SHOW, two or three good performera. Must do at leaat two aota each; man and wife preferred. Also I want a good, common cook, three or four canvaamen. 1 want people that are uaed to amall ahow. Op«‘u here March 20, Alderaon, Isd. Ter.

GET Ricton’s Book On How to be the World's GREATEST JUG¬ GLER. $1.00 a copy. Great for lieglnnera. Address RICTON, the Greatest Ball Juggler on Earth. 681 Carlton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.

P, 8.—Registered Letters.


PICTURES. AND ARCADE MACHINES', also Freaks fur Show and Arcade under canvas. Want machines on per cent. What have >ou goo<i for aneb show? AddressC. F. THORNTON, $619 N. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo.

FOB BALE—Troupe Trained Doves, Trained Goat, ObX'lo and 1mx26 Tents; two Hand Or¬ gan, one Street Plano, Concert I’hoiiograpb outfit. Will exchange for Magic or Films. Wanted—People (2 or 3 turns) for Small Wa¬ gon Show; Somersault Dog. PROF, HARRY SMITH, OraU, Fa.

PERFORMERS—$1 gets the only guaranteed "To Make Good” 18-Mlnute Burlesque Magic Act In the bnalnees. Complete with Patter, iu- structlOHa, etc. Dollar back If It don't make gMMl. 0. A. SICE, 4 Underwood 8t., Auburn,

ATHLETIC PARK : New Orleans, La.

EAST LAKE PARK Bitmingliain, Ala.


Norfolk, Ya.

And Several Other High-class Southern Summer Amuse¬ ment Resorts.

Management • • JAKE WELLS.

lJu A t || ment Devices, HUh

nANItU , Unique NoTeltiaa,

and all aorta of Modem Summer Retort At¬


W« will buy outright or leaae apace on ahar-

ing terms. The management bai spent a eon-

aiderable aum In permanent ftzturea, and Ita

deeire is to install the latest and moat popu¬

lar amuioment daTiees.

Space will b« granted to booth and stand

people, and conoeaalona fer ground rights can

be tecured.

These parka are located directly on splendid

street car systems, furnishing excellent serrioe.

Military Bandi for open-air concerts and or¬

chestras are located at each place.

The teaaon starts about May I6th.

Wells Amusement Co. RICHMOND, VA.


Indians Wanted a® WORLD’S Fair.

Long Haired Indians that can do an Act on STAGE in


Famous Meier Family.^g- ' CHILDREN Baby Minnie, 6 === SCIENTiriC AQUATIC EXPERTS - =-

Open for propositions for season 1904. Tank or open water work. Either as free Attraction or percentage show with good company.

Address THOS. J. Q. MEIER, In care of THE BILLBOARD,

or Winter address: 1102 S. Alamo St., SAN ANTONIO, TEX.

THE CLIFF DWELLERS. 517 Odd F.llowt Bldg., ST. LOUIS, MO. \S. VlAl KICK TOBIN, .Vlauacer.

Famous Maiar Famiiy.

Base Ball Park and Concessions to Let AT LAKE PARK, NEAR ALLIANCE, OHIO.

Boating, Bathing and Park Amusement Concessions to Let on Percentage Basis. Address ::::::

Lake Park Amusement Co., - Alliance, O.


AND — -


For Sale In One of Coney Island's Greatest Enterprises.


SHAMROCKS For St. Patrick's Day, March 17

‘’’"Vk! Per Gross silk Wuvun Shamrock!, with Ol OC n.,

Celluloid .rCi DiUdS

JI.25 Per Sross All goudr Two I>o*en un a dlipliy card, one

groas in a box.

If .von want t<> be in the push, you will have to burry with your ordem.

We are the obeaiieat hou«e in the United State! On Shamrock!.



322touth 16th It., - - . OMAHA, NEB.

Wanted •— Concessions! fm Percentage Raila. All kind* fur

... NEW PARK ... Near tlnclnnatl; 5c. fare; thirty-one acres. I.urge Pavilion, .VlxlOD feet; 400.iai0 to draw

from; S.OoO to 10.W10 dally. Open Snnday. Beat

localkn; near Cincinnati. .A<ltlre«!

MONARCH, N. N. Cor. Secoid ind Milo Sts., CINCIMIATI, 0.

Race Horse Wheels

Jewelry Bptnd.ea. 'lure* Bpindlaa. Complete Sets; Morocco Drop Case, Thrrw Combination Trick Knieva. Chi Tea.


1234 Tina St., Cincinnati. 0.

Streetmen—-PAtent Automttie ButtOR Solid Bone Back; one doi. on

J card. - 5 gruna lota. p«T groMs.. $1.00

( iUm 1 growl lou, |ier groaa.. .91 20 gnaw kita. per groaa, . .96 Money must accompany order.

''Tlmhucktoo*' S.«rf Pin (World's Fair 8«>u venir). per gross. $10.00.

C. B. M. CO., 402 Baird Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.


THB BILLBOARD On 50 Envelopes For 20c.



QENTLEnEN:-Enclose find 20c. Send me 50 Envelopes with my

Permanent Address, care of The Billboard, Cincinnati, O. SEVEN

DAYS from date my next stand will be


CHURCH PRiNTING GO., 422 Elm Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Miint Ih* Urtcp biar and |c<mm| tall(«*r: do btiozpr or clirar«‘tt4* nRKikpr. No nl*:bt w<»rk. AiMrena W. Pe NEEDHAM, 100 ^utb Sixth Avmiu#. La Oranfa, lU.

Bear for Sale One Cinnamon and One Black Bear, one year

old. For price wrd«


A BARREL OF MONEY. Fur une dollar we will send tu any addnss furiiiula and full In- stnic'tluiiN for making Ih-aiitlful Artificial IValt, I’caches Pears. Aiqiles, etc. Ilie latest n<>T- elly ami a gr,-at seller. Write Ualay. AGENTS SUPPLY HOUSE. 41 Market St., Boebeater, New York.

ATTRACTIONS WANTED—Now Bank Tha- atre. Rudolph, 0. Center Ohio oil fields. Mumy pb'Uly; goial op«>n time. March, April Slid May. Giwsl, anialt r<-|M‘rt<>lre company for three nights we,‘k and stands. Write quick. Sure «f giae, business. A. W, STAFFORD, Mgr.

FOR SALE- -A Set of Shadowgraphs, $4.Oil, 8 fiarures; alau a Wheel of Fortune. For fall desci'lptkm address H. BROWN, 1414 Oeuae- tlcut Bt., Lawrenoa, Kan.

jfenMo<a«*rk« INW>oae<r*mk«wa«a«aiMr4M««<la MtmMm **Tk0 HflBWkMd** latym «Mutw4ittf ada MbnttoH Jiillheard’* vihm atmimino adi gnnnrftif rfl

rnc 21

WANTED.... ....WANTED Workingmen in all Departments and Assistant Bosses for .

WORLD’S RINGLIN6 BROTHERS’ SHOWS liiromp.r.blT Fur.mo.l Aiiiii.rmrut lii.tltiitlon, .o pmi tlr.l lu It. Kqiiipiiirnt and F.r.pb.rumll. and .u pfTirrtly .>.teniaIIzed lu all depart¬ ment, that It appeal. parlleularijr to urkluKnieu. t'aiup and kle.ptUK Ae« eoiiiniodatloii. the very beat.

Address Applications as Below:

DINING CAR MEN. Adiln-Mn WK. FAT, Baraboo, Wii.



Addrem BOBT




RING STOCK MEN. Addreaa ROBT. MEEKS, Baraboo. Wia.



Addrena WM. JINKST, Baraboo, WU.


COOK-HOUSE and CAMP MEN. .tddn-aa A. L. WEBB, Baraboo, WU.

Addreaa JOHN JENNINGS, 1720 Loyan Ave., Harriabury, Pa.

ELECTRIC LIGHT MEN. Addiraa H. P. MOSS. Baraboo. Wit.


WARDROBE MEN. Addresa WM. ANDREE. Baraboo, WU.







for PARKS and SUMMER. RESORTS A new InTCotlon on the line of tbe fa moat old Shoot the t'bntea and the Old Mill.

A combination baring their great attractive iieMa and earning capacity, with a running expenae too small to speak of. Waa a great aucceas laat season at Pittsbnrg, Pa., and Toledo. Ohio, where tbe flrat two were bull t.

Partlcnlars of


The National Amusement Co. WILL OPK^ THK LAST W KKK IN .71AV.

to hear from several good free acts; also sev¬ eral good clean shows.

Absence prevented m.v answering letters previously received from last year’s people. Please write again. Address

r. T. MVEKN, Leal HIver, III.



Twenty acres of Concessions of all kinds to let on percentage basis. I WANT Roller coaster, laucjminq qal- WANT I

I LEI^Y. FERRIS WHEEL. MINIATURE ■ j RAILROAD, ILLUSIONS, and other Legitimate Attractions. A] Chance of a Life*time. What have you got. Write at once.

HASHAGEN'S AUDITORIUM, 2235 South Broadway, St., Louis, Mo. Largeat Free AdmlaaluS Fark In the \%oria'a Fair City.

THE JOHN CHAPMAN CO. In Clnrlnuatl and Suburb*. Telephone 2314. 17 Opera Flaee. t'hapman**

Bulletin Service. Oontrartora lor BlINFoatlug throughout the irulted State*.

Cuba and Canada. Fopiilatlon : tlty, 325,902; &H Suburban Town*, 78.<M>0.

BILL POSTERS Have the beat board*

and greateat location*

WANTED A First'class Carnival Co. FOB THE


Want nothing but the best. Write at once. J. B. SEXTO.N, Secretary, RICHIVIOND, KY.




Great Offer to New Subscribers $7.50 for $4.00.

»'ou can have The Bill¬ board every week for a year and one of tht*^e celebrated Unexcelled Bill Poster*’ Brushes, both for S4 00.

Tbe rnexcelle<l Brush is copper iHUind and st.'el ri¬ veted. It Is iua<le of the bestotaska bristles, and l.s warranted to be the most durable anJ lasting brush made. It retails for (1.50 each.


The Billboard, one year S4.00 One Nine-inch Brash 3.50

BOTH FOR $4.00 TKIa offer la an exceedingly low one, end therefore Is strictly cash. No Attention will be paid to subscriptions unless accompanied by the cash.

I ‘

i The Billboard Publishing Co., 424 Elm st.. Cincinnati, Ohio.

(lentlemen:—Enclosed please find $4.00. for which send me THE BILLBOARD for one Year, and one of your nine«inch Paste Brushes.


County. Stele.

Q JfenMee • Ttta Millb»mr4”

5 Send This Coupon.


I am a reader of The Billboard; send me a DATE BOOK. Enclosed find 5 cis. to cover cost of mailing.

'•db M0ntion"Tht Billboard" tBhmatwwinaadM. KaMigw **Tk$BiUboard" wbm amwariwyadt. MmUloH "Tk$BiUbomni" wkm ■u—neyadi.


WANTED. Send 10c. for samples and terms. Just the thing for Streetmen or Street Fairs.

S. B. CALL, 244 Main St.. Springfield. Mass.

Managers, for Open Time Write . . .

M. J. Creighton, Treasurer Opera House Asso¬ ciation, Hili City, Kansas.

Free Circus Privileges to Good Companies.

ATTENTION, DOCTORS & MED. PEOPLE Why handle rocky fooda, when yoa cas han¬

dle goods that will aell themaelTeaT BIAO- TUC BELTS from fl par dot. to 94S. Large

„ rarlety to aeloct from. Come In handaom# ear- toona. ELEOTBIO n- BOLES 87Ho. tm tea. ELECTRIO JABS, Tie. per doa.. Oaa third oaah roaoirad. HOT ■ 9 SPRINOB. BTTLnCVB 80AP, ya.io par graaa. Illnatratad prteo Uat,

I.ectare and Ctrcalar for 2c. atamp. iMal order will eoDTlnca. Largest Belt Mfgr. In U. 8. Capacity 23,000 par day. Eatahltohed 1878 THE ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO. Ino., Burl¬ ington. Kansas.



...Red Rose Chewing Gum... Best on earth. Sold hy all dealers. Manufae- tured by E. B. WOODS, 3258 Monroe Street, Toledo, 0,




12 FOR 60c The Billboard Publishing Co.


.%< OI NTI4 lA'M ANI»

THEATRIOAL AROHITEOT Theutres, Opera Houses,

Auditoriums Halls. Open Air Stages and Casinos for Parks a Specialty.

Address 805 Commercial TribuneBuilding, riN< INrS.STl, OHIO.

Theatrical Car 0<km1 T.Vfoot Car, fifteen double berth*. tw<i

»tatero.ini*. kitchen, dining room, obacryatloii room. Ilaker heater, steel tired wheel*. Show Cara Stored, Bought and Sold. HICKS LO¬ COMOTIVE & CAR WORKS. Chicago. HI.

liiS. Si Marked Cards,

liika. l*err<‘iitaKr lllrr, Spliidira, striker* Orop < !*■(>• and Games of all

'v Winds. Finest HoUI-out made. Send for Catalogue.

J. James Mfg. Co., - Ft. Scott, Kan.

Address all communication's for Fisk Syndicate of Shows — —

Col. I. N. Fisk, u.VJVmotki., Birmingham, Ala.

Until March I, IQ04.

Iron Slot Weighing Scales Big money-uiukera. Prtee. each, SSB-OO. Worth $60.UO. 1904 Jeffertea Wooden I'uueblng Ma- ehltiea. I’rlee, each, $2.3.00. Slot Picture Ma- 'Mnea, $18.00 each. They are beauties. No l^tal card* answered.THE BOOERS MEO. CO.. 622 Locust St., Bt. Louis, Mo.

WANTED MUSIC1AN8 WANTED Tl..... I... Ck...... CARNIVAL The Largest FacUtry of its kind in tin* world. We issue Illustrated To tend for descriptive cirrniar of the Bolton

nOOQ UpMn lima lOr bOOQ OnOWS ajrtk/E'f -riK't I-eaflet in Colors showing Novelties we uriKluce. with Manufac- C/omet and the "Holt'm Speclel” Slide Trom- , . . ., ou . ^ .... . ni V IL L, I I IL,a. turers prk-e. which will lie sent you U|>on rtsjuest. They ere conceded bw mntlclans to he

Nothing but A1 Shows wanted at Clearwater, „ ^ FRANK HOLTOS 70 K. Madletn Neb. H. M. 8TOCKWELL. Manager._ ST. LOI. Ik <> ONFKTTi 4 0., I'Z 4:onimereinl Nt., NT. L.4>l'iN, .'»i4». Chicago. * MOLTOM. 70 K. MaSlMa

MmUion “ The Billboard " when arawering ad$, MerUiom “ The JiUlboard" when mnewertmo ode Mention “ The Billboard " when anetuering ode, Mentiem *' '"he HtUboard" when mnewerina ode

And Songs For High Class Vaudeville Production* only. Prices right. A Sure lilt. SPABLING A BURK, Hammond, Ind.

k|l |k I I N'KW littTKL.

NIC Bosler Sr7bS., 2$« & Jefferson St. LOUISVILLE, KY., All New But NIC

Good Open Time for Good Shows Nothing but A1 Show* wanted at Clearwater, Neb. H. M. STOCKWELL. Manager. j

....THE LONDON....

MUSIC HALL Is the ns-ognlzed organ of Vaudeville Artists throughout the world. Americans visiting London will And a friendly welcome at 401 Strand.



Compare this effect with any that you have seen; but, better still, write to any of our branch jobbing houses (list of which is given below) for prices, particulars and plans for ‘'LAUGHING GAL¬ LERIES/*

We Manufacture these mirrors Complete; make the glass, bend, silver and mount them.

Our superior Facilities enable us to furnish Laughing Mirrors Promptly in any Size, Shape or Quantity, and at Prices that you cannot afford to overlook. Do not purchase elsewhere, and discover your mistake later, but write us for information before buying.

The effect shown here is but one of many, and the others will please you as well, or better.

There is HONEY to be made in “LAUGHING GALLERIES.”

PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS CO. NEW YORK. HudM.i and Vandam Sti. BOSTON. 41-49 Sudbury St. CHICAGO. 442-452 Wabash Ave. CINCINNATI. Broadway and Court Sts. ST. LOUIS. 12th and St. Charles Sts. MINNEAPOLIS. 500-510 S. Third St. DETROIT. 53-59 Lamed St.. E. KANSAS CITY. Fifth and Wyandott Sts. PITTSBURG. 101-103 Wood St. MILWAUKEE. 492 494 Market St. BUFFALO. 372-4-6-8 Pearl St.

BROOKLYN. 635-637 Fulton St. GREENSBORO. N. C.. Loan A Trust Co. Bld|r. PHILADELPHIA. Pitcairn Bld(., Arch and

11th Sts. DAVENPORT. 410-416 Scott St. CLEVELAND. 149-51-63 Seneca St. OMAHA. 1608-10-12 Harney St. ST. PAUL. 349 351 Minnesota St. ATLANTA 32-34 8. Pryor St. SAVANNAH. 745-749 Wheaton St.

Attention Streetmen

WE are the only eioluslve Streetmen’s Sup¬ ply House west of the MUsIss'ppl KIver. We save you lime, express cbarKes. and

In many Instances sell you Roods cheaper than our eastern com|>etltors. We handle everythlnir sold by Street Merchants. N ovelty Men. BadRe Peddlers. lllRh Pitch or Flat Joint Workers, and carry stix-k of everythInR used on Novelty ShootInR tiallerles. Uum Joint PIckoiits. Juice Joints. Fish Ponds. Tivoli Ranies. Spindles, Knife Kscks, and all other prize Ranies, Pen Uutnts. Jewlery lots, etc. Flash rod.u. Slum and a full line of Novelties and Rubber Goods sold at htreet Fairs. County Fairs and Carni¬ vals. Send at once for our


INGE. TODD CO. 617 N. 4tK St. ST. LOVIS, MO.

Quftn City Carroussfllt Company Manufacturera of Flying Horse Ra- chinea. Flying Dutchmen, Flying Jennies, Flying Swings, C a r r o u- saellea or Platform chinea. Merry-Go> Rounds, etc. Write for Catalogue. .

P. 0. Station r. CINCINNATI. O.. U. 8. A.

..JUGGLING GOODS.. CInbs. Rolling Globe, Moop, Batons. Guns.

WRa Walkers* apparatus and Novelties. Stamp for catalog. EDW. VAN WYCK, CiMtnnati, 0.


TVE carry in Stock, the Largest ocnd most corn- ^^pleto assortment of Pictoral Paper in the World.

U/fe Donaldson Litho. Newport. clNciR'ATi Kentucky.

Posters & Hand Bills


We Will Do Your Print ing “Q\iick 99 And

Always On Time

DOLLAR DATES. 4 FOUR SHEETS....! 50 HALF SHEETS ... ^ 100 EIGHTH SHEETS \ For $1.00 U/>e Best in America, in Polrxt ^ Display Arrangement

too three sheet descriptlves.. For $6.00

POULTRY Wa have Juat completad an eetirsly navr 'iaa of poatera and window hangsra aoitahla for advertiaing poultry and pet atook shows. It

AII nlain is the fineat and haat lisa In tha world. Notb- \HMW\ ing as oompleta has avar boon aaan. WIIUIIU II SAMPLES FREE.

We can also FvimlsK Paper Suitable for Advortlslrvg


The Tonawanda

steam Riding Callery MADE BY

ELK’S Minstrels, Concerts, Lyceum, Balls, Bazaars. Every Sheet ^ our Paper is Made to

=Pull 6b Draw= Catchoy Deslgrts. fine Coloring and Artistic Work.

TShe Donaldson Litho. Co.

Armitage-Herschell Go. North Tonawanda, N. Y.

Tba Invantors sad Orlglaal Maanfaottnats.

Show Printing Stock Hangers, Poatera and Cuts on hand (or

advertising every branch of the AmosemeDt Business. Send for Catalogue (U) of Dramatic and Shoi” Printing of all kinds; Catalugne 1C) Fair and Carnival Prlutlng; Catalogue (B) Bill Poatera, Commercial Posters. Flrat-class print¬ ing of all kinds.



PLAYS For stock Companies, for Repertoire Companies, for Amateurs LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE WORLD. IVk.ks for Home Amusement. Negro Plays. Paper Scenery. Mrs. Jarl-Vy's Wa.x Works Catalogue Freel Free! Freel

SA.lll'KI. FHKNCH, 16 Weat *Z'.ind St., New? York.

St. Louis Calcium Light Co. ■aUbUahag im.

Oxygen and Hydrogen Gas tnmlabed la taaka for StereopttcoQ and Moving Picture Machlaea, All ordort to any part of tho United Staua tilled promptly. .16 Elm 8tr«ot, Bt. Mo.. V. 8. A.

Shooting Gallery Supplies LATEST NOVELTIES. Write for Illnetrated Catatogue. WM. WURFFLEIN, Mgr.

208 N. Second 8t.. Philadelphia. Pa.

RlinKST PM0T05I TIP TOPI dead •tamg wMMAO . fo, Sealed Circular.

a COMROT, lai Park Bow, Mew York.

M0ntion'*T^ Millboard" whtnanMwmrii^mda, Mimtimm P«UAoarv<’»w>Aew wdbi JMaR<ioH“7Tka MilibonrJ," vibtm mntwmrimamtb.


The ACKERMANN-QUI6LEY 1904-5 Line ot Show Printing is a Big Money Saving Proposition! PASTELLE PICTORIAL WORKll THOusAr'ms of dollars saved on lithographing


1000 P&stelle Pictorial Three Sheets, Three Colors 1000 Psstelle Pictorial One Sheets, Three Colors 1000 Psstelle Pictorial Half Sheets, Three Colors $185


SPECIAL OFFER! Our Pastelle Pictorial Work, French Pictorial Work, Engravetl Block and Type Work_


First Orders Can Be Placed in Small Quantities at Very Low Prices.


Write for Samples. Same Pictorial on each size.



Block and Type Work, Heralds and Dates for Summer Attractions, Circuses, Tent Shows, Street Fairs, Parks, Summer Stocks, Base Ball Parks.



Amusement Arcade Opera House Bldg.,

PITTSBURG, PA. With entra.nce from Fifth Avenue

aLi\d DiaLmond Street


openrAwlrol isi. The Wedding Cake con nnn OO expended 0ZUiUUUi-= in making it the

finest place of the kind in America.

WANT to hear from Manufacturers of all

kinds of Slot Machines and Novelties.

To Let 20 Booths. Size 10x10 feet,

orv certainty or percentage.


Battery and other legitimate concessions

Want Address all Communications to

HARRY DAVIS, Proprietor. Grand Opera House, Pittsburg, Pa.

“PARSIFAL BEST MONEY MAKER. ^ Now Before The Public.

Wagner's Life-History, Festival, Theatre and the Story and Play of “PARSIFAL.” BeHiitlliil illUMtrated with inR P'ctur®s


Csn be profitSLble used anywhere, but specially adapted for


Room 511, Knickerbocker Bldg. | y NEW YORK CITY PARSIFAL PICTURE & LECTURE GO.

ii The Nat. Reiss Southern Carnival Ce. ii WILL KE-OFKN AT

ALBliQUEROLE, N. M., April 4th, 1904. }


Booked Solid In The W e s t.

NAT. REISS, ♦♦i ******************4 *

winter tgiiarters,

Alliiigiiergue. N. Yl.



Featured at the Horse Show, Chicago. Immense Hit. Professional Copy, 10c. Orchestration, 15c. Positively no Free List.

H. F. NEILSSON, 913' Commercial Ave., CHICAGO. ILL


PRE-EMINENT in Equipeinent, PRE-EMINENT in Management, PRE-EMINENT m Originality, PRE-EMINENT in Organization, PRE-EMINENT In all that sustains the business and builds

continuous successes in Cities and Hamlets tliat paves the way writli rich rewards that makes it possible for others to exist. The .standard of tlie world for ('elebration Amuse¬ ments. I’ullman car service en transit for tliose desiring it. Ufaiijcn Sea.son of r.«)4 commencing .\pril intJj at San Iff AN I Ell .\ntonia, Tex., reliable i>eople. ,\ll week stands. Ckjmedy acrobat.s, sitigle or double feature acts, musicians, novelty bally-hoo people, midgets (male and female, animal people. No ordinary worn out Street Fair spaves wanted. Ladies and gentlemen of strict disc-lpline only can bold posi¬ tion w ith this ('ompany. Have group of Leopard.s, group of Pumas, group of Leopards and Lions, group of Hears, Pumas and Lions that can be handled by lady. UfAMj Lady Rider for Ixiopthe Loop. Must have tine ap- flARI pearance and look tlie part of a pt*rformer. Will sciiool this act successfully to any lady wlio lias the courage, commencing with tlie incline at a ten foot rise. Will guar¬ antee protection and rider against accident by taking care of rider for one year In case of (lamage in learning this act.. Our loop is under the directions of Mr. W. II. HANNAH who schooled NIcholasf'hefalo,Irving Mayers,C. N. Peters and lias never liad a serious accident; Nichohust'liefalo riding our loop the entire sea.son of witiioiit mishap. If you ride the incline properly and to our .satisfaction, we -saj go through the loop the chances are t/cn to one, you’r “It”. Salary no ob¬ ject for the lady that looks the part. Special one .sheet, eight and ten sheet litnographs Immediately on learning the act. Training school at Winter Quarters, San AntGnio, Tex.

(’an use one and onlv one novelty show on ivercenta^e. 1 can furnish this show with finest gold carved front in the world.

Will purchase spot cash large orchestrial organ. Nothing too gotxl worth the money.

Address all communications to FRANK W. GASKILL. Gen’l Mfr.. GASKILL CARNIVAL CO., Sm Aatonlo, Tn.

Mmtior\*‘Tht Billboard'’%ekmi tmmeering adt. Mention,*'MiUboar4" whenatuaering €4d$.\Mention "The Billboard’'when aniworing tuU. Mention* The MiUkomrd*'when anewerinom^e.