There is a wide gap in life expectancy between the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CCEE) and the countries of Western Europe (CWE). Around 1990, male life expectancy at birth in Central and Eastern Europe as a whole was almost 7 years shorter than in Western Europe, while female life expectancy was 5 years shorter. This is largely the result of diverging mortality trends in the most recent decades. During the 1950s and 1960s, life expectancy in CCEE rapidly caught up with that in CWE, due to the fact that mor- tality rates declined more rapidly in CCEE than in CWE. During the 1970s and 1980s, however, mortality rates in CCEE remained stagnant or increased, while they declined substantially in CWE. Since 1990 the di- vergence has become even larger. 1–4 Several attempts have been made to investigate the causes of this gap in life expectancy. Most observers agree that it is likely that the higher mortality rates in CCEE are the result of a complex interaction between various factors, including unfavourable socioeconomic circumstances, a high frequency of health-damaging behaviour, environmental pollution and lack of effect- iveness of medical care. 3–8 It is as yet unclear what the relative contribution of each of these factors is. In this paper, we will focus on the contribution of medical care. It is impossible to measure this contribu- tion directly, but cause-of-death patterns do provide evidence of a relative lack of effectiveness of the med- ical care systems in CCEE. Like other researchers International Journal of Epidemiology Vol. 26 No. 1 © International Epidemiological Association 1997 Printed in Great Britain 1111 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2011 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3011 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 4011 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 5011 51 52 53 75 The East-West Life Expectancy Gap: Differences in Mortality from Conditions Amenable to Medical Intervention ANGELIKA VELKOVA,* ,† JUDITH H WOLLESWINKEL-VAN DEN BOSCH* AND JOHAN P MACKENBACH* Velkova A (Department of Public Health, Erasmus University Rotterdam, PO Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Nether- lands), Wolleswinkel-van den Bosch J H and Mackenbach J P. The East-West life expectancy gap: Differences in mortality from conditions amenable to medical intervention. International Journal of Epidemiology 1997; 26: 75–84. Background. Although mortality from conditions amenable to medical intervention has frequently been shown to be higher in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CCEE) than in the countries of Western Europe (CWE), the con- tribution of these mortality differences to the East-West gap in life expectancy is unknown. We have determined the contribution of mortality from nine amenable causes to differences in temporary life expectancy from birth to age 75 (TLE 0–75 ) between 12 CCEE and the average TLE 0–75 for CWE in ca. 1988. Data and methods. Population and mortality data were extracted from publications of the World Health Organization. Chiang’s method was used for constructing abridged life tables, and Arriaga’s method was used for decomposition by cause of death of the differences in TLE 0–75 between each of the CCEE and the average for CWE. Results. Differences in TLE 0–75 between CCEE and the average for CWE ranged between 1.25 and 6.29 years in men, and between 1.09 and 3.44 years in women. After exclusion of early neonatal deaths, for which data were not available in all CCEE, amenable causes accounted for between 11% and 50% of the difference in TLE 0–75 in men, and between 24% and 59% in women. The results for countries where data on early neonatal deaths were available show that inclusion of this category generally raises these estimates substantially. The contribution of conditions amenable to medical inter- vention to the East-West life expectancy gap is of the same order of magnitude as that of cardiovascular diseases, and much larger than that of neoplasms, respiratory diseases or external causes. Conclusion. Although the contribution of conditions amenable to medical intervention should not be taken as a direct estimate of the contribution of medical care to the East-West life expectancy gap, these results suggest that reducing dif- ferences in the effectiveness of medical care may be more important for narrowing the life expectancy gap than has hitherto been assumed. Keywords: mortality, life expectancy, amenable conditions * Department of Public Health, Erasmus University Rotterdam, PO Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Current address: Department of Social Medicine, Medical University, 1 Climent Ohridski Street, 5800 Pleven, Bulgaria.

The East-West Life Expectancy Gap: Differences in Mortality from Conditions Amenable to Medical

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There is a wide gap in life expectancy between thecountries of Central and Eastern Europe (CCEE) andthe countries of Western Europe (CWE). Around 1990,male life expectancy at birth in Central and EasternEurope as a whole was almost 7 years shorter thanin Western Europe, while female life expectancy was5 years shorter. This is largely the result of divergingmortality trends in the most recent decades. During the1950s and 1960s, life expectancy in CCEE rapidlycaught up with that in CWE, due to the fact that mor-tality rates declined more rapidly in CCEE than inCWE. During the 1970s and 1980s, however, mortality

rates in CCEE remained stagnant or increased, whilethey declined substantially in CWE. Since 1990 the di-vergence has become even larger.1–4

Several attempts have been made to investigate thecauses of this gap in life expectancy. Most observersagree that it is likely that the higher mortality rates inCCEE are the result of a complex interaction betweenvarious factors, including unfavourable socioeconomiccircumstances, a high frequency of health-damagingbehaviour, environmental pollution and lack of effect-iveness of medical care.3–8 It is as yet unclear what therelative contribution of each of these factors is.

In this paper, we will focus on the contribution ofmedical care. It is impossible to measure this contribu-tion directly, but cause-of-death patterns do provideevidence of a relative lack of effectiveness of the med-ical care systems in CCEE. Like other researchers

International Journal of Epidemiology Vol. 26 No. 1© International Epidemiological Association 1997 Printed in Great Britain



The East-West Life Expectancy Gap:Differences in Mortality fromConditions Amenable to MedicalInterventionANGELIKA VELKOVA,*,† JUDITH H WOLLESWINKEL-VAN DEN BOSCH* AND JOHAN P MACKENBACH*

Velkova A (Department of Public Health, Erasmus University Rotterdam, PO Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Nether-lands), Wolleswinkel-van den Bosch J H and Mackenbach J P. The East-West life expectancy gap: Differences in mortalityfrom conditions amenable to medical intervention. International Journal of Epidemiology 1997; 26: 75–84.Background. Although mortality from conditions amenable to medical intervention has frequently been shown to behigher in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CCEE) than in the countries of Western Europe (CWE), the con-tribution of these mortality differences to the East-West gap in life expectancy is unknown. We have determined thecontribution of mortality from nine amenable causes to differences in temporary life expectancy from birth to age 75(TLE0–75) between 12 CCEE and the average TLE0–75 for CWE in ca. 1988.Data and methods. Population and mortality data were extracted from publications of the World Health Organization.Chiang’s method was used for constructing abridged life tables, and Arriaga’s method was used for decomposition bycause of death of the differences in TLE0–75 between each of the CCEE and the average for CWE.Results. Differences in TLE0–75 between CCEE and the average for CWE ranged between 1.25 and 6.29 years in men,and between 1.09 and 3.44 years in women. After exclusion of early neonatal deaths, for which data were not availablein all CCEE, amenable causes accounted for between 11% and 50% of the difference in TLE0–75 in men, and between24% and 59% in women. The results for countries where data on early neonatal deaths were available show that inclusionof this category generally raises these estimates substantially. The contribution of conditions amenable to medical inter-vention to the East-West life expectancy gap is of the same order of magnitude as that of cardiovascular diseases, andmuch larger than that of neoplasms, respiratory diseases or external causes.Conclusion. Although the contribution of conditions amenable to medical intervention should not be taken as a directestimate of the contribution of medical care to the East-West life expectancy gap, these results suggest that reducing dif-ferences in the effectiveness of medical care may be more important for narrowing the life expectancy gap than hashitherto been assumed.Keywords: mortality, life expectancy, amenable conditions

* Department of Public Health, Erasmus University Rotterdam, PO Box1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, The Netherlands.† Current address: Department of Social Medicine, Medical University,1 Climent Ohridski Street, 5800 Pleven, Bulgaria.

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before us, we will use Rutstein’s lists of conditionsconsidered to be amenable to medical intervention9–11

as the basis for a comparative analysis of the effect-iveness of medical care in CCEE and CWE. Previousresearch has already shown that levels of mortalityfrom these amenable conditions are much higher inCCEE than in CWE, which suggests that medical careis less effective in the East than in the West.12–16

Unlike others, however, we will not stop at the cal-culation of’ differences between CCEE and CWE inmortality rates for these conditions, but try to determinewhat the contribution of these differences in mortalityis to the East-West gap in life expectancy. Other re-searchers before us have generally concluded that, be-cause of the low absolute levels of mortality from theseconditions, this contribution is likely to be small.12 Weset out to determine whether this is true.

The specific objectives of our study were: (i) to de-scribe the differences in mortality from conditionsamenable to medical intervention between CCEE andCWE; (ii) to estimate the contribution of these dif-ferences in mortality to the difference in life expectancybetween CCEE and CWE; (iii) to compare this con-tribution with that of the differences in mortality fromthe four major cause-of-death groups (cancer, cardio-vascular diseases, respiratory diseases, external causes).

DATA AND METHODSData SourcesNumbers of deaths by underlying cause, age group (�1,1–4, 5–14, ..., 75+) and sex were extracted from theWorld Health Statistics Annuals of the World HealthOrganization.17 We used the data available for 12 CCEEand 16 CWE for 4–7 years in the period 1985–1991(Table 1). Population numbers by age group and sexwere obtained from the same source. Approximateperson-years at risk for the deaths occurring in a givenperiod were calculated by averaging the populationnumbers of the period.

Selection of Causes of DeathWe selected a number of causes of death from Rutsteinet al.’s lists of ‘unnecessary untimely deaths’.9,10 Asothers have done before us we excluded from the studyvery infrequent causes of death, and also some con-ditions for which the control depends mainly on pre-vention and for which effective interventions mainlytake place outside the medical care system (e.g. lungcancer, motor vehicle accidents). 18,19 We were restrictedin the selection of amenable causes of death because oflimited data availability in the source we used (no dataon Hodgkin’s disease, cholelithiasis and -cystitis, asthma).

The analysis included ten causes considered to beamenable to medical intervention and four major cause-of-death groups representing the leading causes ofdeath in the developed world (Table 2). As the avoid-ability of both acute respiratory diseases and pneumo-nia is mainly based on antibiotic treatment they weretreated in the analysis as a combined category ‘acutediseases of the respiratory system’. In order to elim-inate any differences in coding practices for hyper-tension and cerebrovascular disease the data for thesetwo causes were also combined in a broad category.Maternal mortality consists of all direct causes ofdeath related to pregnancy, delivery and puerperium,expressed per 100 000 live births. No data were avail-able on stillbirths in many of the studied countries, andwe could therefore not calculate perinatal mortality. In-stead, we used early neonatal mortality (all deaths in




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the first week after birth, regardless of the underlyingcause), where available.

For the cause-specific mortality analyses an age limitof 75 was set because avoidability of death and re-liability of cause-of-death certification become increas-ingly questionable at older ages.

Methods of AnalysisAge-adjusted mortality rates by sex were calculated forall conditions using the direct standardization methodand the European Standard Population.20 Aggregatedmeasures of mortality for all CCEE and all CWE werecomputed by averaging the unweighted rates of mor-tality for each country. Relative risks of mortality fromcauses amenable to medical intervention in CCEE wereexpressed on the basis of a comparison to the aggreg-ated mortality level of all CWE.

Because of the age limit referred to above, we did notuse life expectancy at birth but temporary life expect-ancy (TLE) from birth to age 75 for the calculation of

the contributions of specific causes of death. This isdefined as the average number of years that a cohort ofnewly-born infants would live between birth and theage of 75, if these individuals would during their lifetime be subjected to the age-specific mortality risksobserved in a given period of time. It is calculated as:

TLE0–75 = (T0-T75)/10,

where T0 and T75 are the total number of person-yearslived beyond the exact ages of 0 and 75, respectively,and 10, is the number of newborns in the cohort forwhich the life table is constructed.

In order to calculate TLE0–75 we constructed abridgedlife tables by sex for each country according to theclassical method of Chiang.21

We applied the method described by Arriaga fordecomposition by cause of death of the differences inTLE0–75 between the average for CWE and each ofCCEE.22,23 First, we calculated the differences in




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age specific mortality rates for the conditions understudy. The contribution of these conditions to the dif-ferences in TLE0–75 was then estimated under theassumption that the contribution in each age group isproportional to the contribution to the difference ofthe total central mortality rate made by the mortalitydifference for each cause of death in that age group.

RESULTSThe differences in mortality from conditions amenableto medical intervention for both genders were examinedby comparison of age-standardized death rates for eachCCEE and aggregated rates for CWE. For all amenablecauses of death the observed levels were higher in al-most all CCEE. Table 3 presents the relative risks (RR)of amenable mortality (age-adjusted) by sex using theaggregated rates of CWE as a reference. The range ofvariation inside Western Europe is also shown in thisTable. The highest RR are found for maternal mortalityin Romania (RR = 24.2), for tuberculosis among men inLithuania (RR = 1 1.), the Russian Federation (RR =10.9) and Ukraine (RR = 10.9), and for acute respir-atory diseases among men in the Russian Federation(RR = 10.2). For many causes of death and many CCEERR are above 2, indicating substantial excess mortalityas compared with the average for CWE. Importantexceptions among the causes of death are acute res-piratory diseases, hernia abdominalis and early neonataldeaths, where RR for CCEE generally are below 2. Anexception among the countries is the former GermanDemocratic Republic, for which most RR are alsobelow 2. Inside Western Europe some countries alsohave levels of mortality more than 2 times higher thanthe average for CWE, which shows that the divisionsare not as sharp as might have been expected.

Table 4 shows life expectancy at birth and TLE0–75 inthe individual CCEE and the average for CWE for bothgenders. The life expectancies of CWE are among thehighest in the world, however, there are significant vari-ations even among them. A female in Western Europecan expect to live on the average almost 80 years, or7.41 years longer than a male, for whom we calculatedthe average life expectancy at birth to be 72 years. Lifeexpectancy at birth for men ranged from 70 years inPortugal to 74 years in Sweden. Most favourable werethe life prospects for women in Switzerland (82 years)and the lowest level belonged to the Italian womenwho at ca. 1988 mortality levels can expect to live76 years at birth. In CCEE the life expectancy at birthfor men was below 70 years. ranging from 69.7 informer GDR to 63.5 in Lithuania. The figures computedfor women in CCEE showed that their life expectancy

clearly surpassed that of the men, as in CWE but moreso. When the TLE0–75 was calculated instead of life expectancy at birth, the relative position of the particularCCEE was in general maintained. The biggest differ-ences with CWE in both life expectancy at birth andTLE0–75 were found for men in Lithuania, the RussianFederation, and Latvia, and for women in Romania,Hungary and the Russian Federation

The contribution to the differences with CWE inTLE0–75 of the nine amenable causes of death is pre-sented in Table 5 If the mortality levels of the selectedamenable causes were reduced to the aggregated levelsof CWE, life expectancy from birth to the age of 75 ofmen and women in CCEE would increase by between athird of a year (former GDR, men and women) andalmost 2 years (Romania, men and women). We werenot able to calculate the contribution of early neonataldeaths to the difference with CWE for all of CCEEbecause of lack of information for the former Sovietrepublics Only seven countries were included in thecomparison after the addition of early neonatal deaths(Table 5). The addition of early neonatal deaths some-times leads to a large increase in the contribution ofamenable causes to the East-West gap in TLE0–75, es-pecially for Hungary, Poland and the former Yugo-slavia where the RR for this cause were particularlyhigh (cf. Table 3).

The contribution of individual amenable causes ofdeath to the difference in TLE0–75 is demonstrated withexamples of two countries—Poland and the RussianFederation (Table 6). It is evident that in Poland bothgenders would add more than half a year to theirTLE0–75 if mortality from hypertension and cerebro-vascular disease as well as early neonatal mortalitywere reduced to the aggregated level of CWE For theRussian Federation. hypertension and cerebrovasculardisease alone accounts for more than half a year dif-ference in TLE0–75 Acute diseases of the respiratorysystem and tuberculosis are also of great importance forthe gap in life expectancy between Russia, especiallyRussian males, and the West.

Table 7 describes the contribution of the four leadingcause-of-death groups to the differences in TLE0–75 Asexpected, for both genders, the major contributioncomes from cardiovascular diseases, where reduction ofmortality to the aggregated level of CWE would addone year on the average for females and 1.5 years formales in CCEE. Malignant neoplasms also are import-ant, especially for the former Czechoslovakia, Hungary’Lithuania and the Russian Federation External causesof death are the second source of TLE0–75 differencesfor men between the former Soviet republics and CWE.and give rise to one-third of the existing differences.




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DISCUSSIONIn the analysis reported above we found relatively highlevels of mortality from causes amenable to medicalintervention in CCEE as compared to CWE Althoughamenable causes of death did not appear to be the majorcontributor to the difference in TLE0–75 between CCEEand CWE, decreasing their levels to those experienced

by West European populations could add about oneyear to TLE0–75 in CCEE, both for men and for women.This is more than we expected on the basis of previousreports, which have argued that the possible contribu-tion of medical care to the East-West life expectancygap is likely to be small.12 Part of the difference withprevious studies may be explained by the fact that most




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of these were based on an arbitrary upper age limit ofamenability of 64, whereas we have applied an agelimit of 74. This is likely to have increased the shareof hypertensive and cerebrovascular disease. Moreimportant, however, is the fact that we have directlycalculated the contribution of amenable causes to theEast-West gap in life expectancy. Although the amen-able causes selected for our analysis (excluding early

neonatal deaths) account for some 20% of total mor-tality in this age group in CCEE, and only between 10%and 15% in CWE, they account for 24% (males) and39% (females) of the gap in temporary life expectancy(Table 5). In fact, the contribution of the group of con-ditions amenable to medical intervention is of the sameorder of magnitude as that of cardiovascular diseases(cf. Table 7).




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This is not to suggest, however, that the contributionof conditions amenable to medical intervention canbe interpreted as a direct estimate of the contributionof differences in effectiveness of medical care to theEast-West life expectancy gap. Such an interpretation ishampered by several circumstances, including possibledifferences in registration of causes of death, differ-ences in incidence of these conditions caused by otherfactors than medical care, and incompleteness of theselection of causes of death.

The utility of vital registration systems depends ongood coverage of events, internationally comparablediagnostic procedures and reliable certification.24 Thecoverage of death events for the European region ofWHO is estimated to he 99%.25 It is difficult to assess

the real coverage of death events registration in theformer Soviet republics but some authors suggest pos-sible underestimation of death rates in the period understudy.26,27

Specific data problems can arise from different prac-tices in registration of early neonatal deaths Althoughthe advice of WHO for registration of fetal and neonataldeaths has been adopted by all member states a sub-stantial degree of underregistration of early neonataldeaths is likely.26,28 Underregistration may be the pos-sible explanation of the reported very low number ofdeaths during the first week after birth in the RussianFederation and Romania although the infant mortalityrates of these countries are among the highest in Eur-ope.29 These registration problems could have causedan underestimation of the total contribution of amen-able causes of death to differences in life expectancybetween CCEE and CWE.

Differences in diagnostic and certifying practicescomplicate both national and international studies ofmortality. Studies comparing international variation indeath certification practices showed that individualcountries in Western and Eastern Europe differ in cer-tification and coding of underlying cause of death.30–32

Thus some degree of over- and underregistration ofmortality for particular amenable causes of death islikely to exist. As misclassification generates mistakesin both directions, using the aggregated measure for allselected amenable causes in the study assures lessbiased results.

The evolution of cause-specific mortality depends onchanges in incidence and case-fatality rates, and a vari-ety of factors outside the medical care system couldhave affected the observed difference in amenable mor-tality between CCEE and CWE. Different economicconditions, nationally specific lifestyle patterns, envir-onmental, genetic or some other variables may be im-portant determinants of variation in the incidence ofamenable conditions. Many of these conditions aremore unfavourable in CCEE than in CWE, and it istherefore likely that part of the differences in mortalityfrom amenable conditions is due to other factors thandifferences in effectiveness of medical care. This mayapply to all causes included in the selection, but is per-haps especially relevant in the case of hypertension andcerebrovascular disease, which is responsible for a dis-proportionally large share of the total contribution ofamenable conditions to the East-West life expectancygap. If the higher rates of mortality from this conditionin CCEE are due to a higher prevalence of risk factorsfor this condition (e.g. dietary habits, alcohol consump-tion, etc), the contribution of amenable conditions tothe East-West life expectancy gap would be a gross




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overestimate of the contribution of medical care. It isunknown whether this is the case. Declines in strokemortality over the past decades in the West are at leastpartly due to improvements in prevention and ther-apy33,34 but that does not prove that the unfavourabledevelopments in the East are due to a lack of suchimprovements. The fact that mortality from so manyamenable conditions is higher in CCEE than in CWEonly provides some indirect evidence that medical caredoes play a role, also in the case in stroke mortality.

On the other hand, this element of possible overes-timation has to be balanced against an element of under-estimation which certainly is also present. Existingdifferences in effectiveness of medical care also in-fluence other causes of death. For example, the declineof mortality from ischaemic heart disease achieved inWestern European countries is likely to be at least par-tially due to improvements in medical interventions forhypertension as well as in clinical disease.35 It is quitelikely that these improvements have not been as rapid




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and as effective in CCEE as in CWE, and by keepingischaemic heart disease, as well as many other causes ofdeath where effective medical care does make some dif-ference, outside our selection of amenable causes wehave introduced an element of underestimation of thecontribution of medical care to the East-West gap inlife expectancy.

The net effect of under- and overestimation of thecontribution of differences in medical care to the East-West life expectancy gap is unknown. Our results sug-gest that the contribution of medical care to the gap inlife expectancy may be not as limited as has often beenasserted. Improving the standards of medical care de-livered in CCEE may be one approach for bridging thegap in health status between Eastern and WesternEurope.

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