| I N D E P E N D E N T | C H I N E S E | G L O B A L | THE ISF ACADEMY GRADUATES 弘立書院畢業生 2020


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| I N D E P E N D E N T | C H I N E S E | G L O B A L |


University Offers for the Class of 2020 2020屆畢業生獲得大學錄取的名單

American University

ArtCenter College of Design

Arts University Bournemouth (2)

Babson College

Baylor University

Berklee College of Music

Boston University (5)

Bournemouth University

Brunel University London (2)

Bryant University

California State University, Los Angeles

Cardiff University (4)

Carnegie Mellon University

Chapman University

City, University of London (3)

Claremont Mckenna College

Clark University

Dartmouth College

Durham University (6)

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Emmanuel College Boston

Erasmus University Rotterdam (2)

Escape Studios

Florida Institute of Technology

Fordham University (4)

Goldsmiths, University of London (4)

Harvard University

Illinois Institute of Technology (2)

Imperial College London (4)

King’s College London (10)

LaSalle College of the Arts, Singapore

Leiden University

London School of Economics and Political Science

Loughborough University (2)

McGill University (3)

New York School of Interior Design

New York University (4)

Northeastern University (4)

Norwich University of the Arts


CLASS of 2020 | 2020屆畢業生

IB Diploma Results 國際文憑大學預科項目成績The ISF Academy’s nineth Grade 12 cohort graduated in May 2020. A summary of the results of the past five cohorts can be found in the table below. A total of 60 ISF Academy students will sit for the IB Diploma Programme® examinations in May 2021.


* The award of a Bilingual Diploma will be for either:• Completion of two languages selected from Group 1 with the award of a “3” or higher in both; or• Completion of one of the subjects from Group 3 or Group 4 in a language that is not the same as the student’s nominated Group 1 language. The student must

attain a ‘’3’’ or higher in both the Group 1 language and the subject from Group 3 or 4.# The full set of worldwide data for 2020 will be published by December 2020.

* 獲得雙語文憑,學生須符合以下其中一個條件:• 完成第一組別的兩門語文科學習,兩科均須獲得三分或以上的成績;或• 與第一組別修讀的語文課不同的語言,完成第三或第四組別中的一門科目學習。並且學生必須在第一組別修讀的語文課及第三或第四組別選讀的科目獲得

三分或以上的成績。# 2020年的全球數據根據慣例可於2020年12月或之前公布。

The ISF Academy 弘立書院 Global 全球

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2019#

Average Score平均分 38 36 39 37 39 30

IB Diploma %獲 IB文憑百分比 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 78%

IB Bilingual Diploma %*獲 IB雙語文憑百分比* 68% 79% 72% 71% 76% 24%

No. of Students Entered應屆畢業人數 31 19 36 46 50 86,826

University Matriculations by Country 應屆畢業生升讀大學的地方








1No. of Students 學生人數


CHENG, BRIAN HAN-CHEN 鄭瀚真Harvard College and Berklee College of Music Dual Degree Programme in Economics and Music (Boston, Massachusetts, USA)

Throughout my 12 years at ISF, the school has supported and guided me in all of my musical endeavors. As part of the orchestra, the jazz band, and later my own rock band, I had many opportunities to perform live at school events, including assemblies, Jam Days, open days, and music competitions. We even went abroad to participate in music festivals in Beijing and Shanghai. The school offers high-quality private lessons for students, and loans us instruments and equipment to learn, practice, and record.


DP Subjects:Higher Level:Economics, English Language and Literature A, Mathematics

Standard Level:Chinese Language and Literature A, History, Physics


CHAN, ALEXANDRA 陳頌禮The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA)

ISF encourages students to push themselves in all aspects, including leadership. With the support of my teachers, I have taken on various leadership roles, with each role having successively more responsibility than the last. In Grade 9, I was the Homeroom Representative; in Grade 10 the Grade Level Leader; and in Grade 11 the Deputy Head Girl. From these learning experiences, I pushed myself beyond the walls of ISF in my final year and created MARE, a non-profit organization that aims to educate Hong Kong’s youth about ocean sustainability through organizing week-long programs to Lizard Island Research Station on the Great Barrier Reef.


DP Subjects:Higher Level:Chinese B, Economic, Mathematics

Standard Level:English Literature A, Latin, Physics


FONTAINE, KIRA 方賢雅Dartmouth College(Hanover, New Hampshire, USA)

Many schools believe there is a trade-off between academic and athletic excellence; ISF is not one of them. As a competitive netball player, when I voiced my concerns regarding my ability to undergo a rigorous training regime and compete in international tournaments, alongside the demands of the IB curriculum, I was met with support from my teachers, Heads of House and Grade-Level Leaders. Their guidance provided me with the tools I needed to excel in both areas, allowing me to be a member of the US Netball Team and maintain my academic standards.


DP Subjects:Higher Level:Chinese B, Economics, English Literature A

Standard Level:History, Mathematics, Physics


LAU, MARCO 劉卓恆Engineering, University of Cambridge (Cambridge, UK)

At ISF Academy, our education is not limited to the classroom. In Grade 10, through the Experiential Learning Program, we traveled to Thailand to teach primary students English and refurbish their school. We had the opportunity to experience the life less fortunate children are living. The experience has helped me become more aware of global issues, such as poverty, and inspires me to be a responsible global citizen. 


DP Subjects:Higher Level:Economics, Mathematics, Physics

Standard Level:Chemistry, Chinese Language and Literature A, English Language and Literature A


WONG, JADE LOK YU 王樂瑜Architecture, University College London (London, UK)

Design Technology was one of my favorite classes. The course content provided insight into various manufacturing techniques, user considerations and more. It allowed me to use my skills in drawing and expression to ideate. I particularly enjoyed my internal assessment project, where I applied the content and skills learnt to explore how a simple household product could encourage composting. The practical and challenging nature of the subject appealed to my interests, inspiring me to pursue architecture in university.


DP Subjects:Higher Level:Business Management, Chinese B, Visual Arts

Standard Level:Design Technology, English Literature A, Mathematics


LI, JOHNSON 李嘉辰Engineering, University of Cambridge(Cambridge, UK)

Leading up to my first university application deadline of October 15 for Cambridge, I was feeling very apprehensive. I can still vividly remember spending two solid hours in Mr. Yau’s office one late afternoon going through every single personal detail and each paragraph of my personal statement. The same care and guidance from the counsellors continued throughout the entire application season, until all the universities made their decisions. Without the strong support provided by the entire University Guidance Counselling team, I wouldn’t have made it this far.


DP Subjects:Higher Level:Economics, Mathematics, Physics

Standard Level:Chemistry, Chinese Language and Literature A, English Language and Literature A


WOODS, WILLIAM 趙澤林Visual Effects for Film and Television, University of Hertfordshire (Hatfield, UK)

I first gained an interest in Visual Effects in a Design class at our school. This subject introduced me to 3D modelling and the Design Cycle. My teachers always encouraged me to be imaginative and I very much enjoyed the creative process. When it came time to selecting a university, choosing Visual Effects as the course to pursue was an easy decision as it allows me to use my creativity to bring realism to the movies.


DP Subjects:Higher Level:Chinese B, Design Technology, Visual Arts

Standard Level:Business Management, English Language and Literature A, Mathematical Studies


HUANG, JENNY 黄鈺涵Environmental Policy with Economics, London School of Economics and Political Science (London, UK)

One of my most enriching experiences at ISF was the opportunity to participate in The ISF Academy Needham Research Institute summer program at Cambridge, UK. Under the supervision of the Shuyuan instructors, I conducted extensive research in the history of global economic development. This furthered my interest in this field and cemented my decision to read economics at university. I genuinely enjoyed my time in Cambridge as I was able to experience university life while immersing myself in a friendly and supportive learning environment.


DP Subjects:Higher Level:Economics, English B, Geography

Standard Level:Chinese Language and Literature A, Mathematics, Physics


DP Subjects:Higher Level:Chemistry, English Literature A, Psychology

Standard Level:Biology, Chinese Language and Literature A, Mathematics

WONG, YIK LOK 黃益樂Life Science, University of Toronto(Toronto, Canada)

I had the opportunity to present my findings on the water quality of aquatic habitats around Hong Kong at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting in San Francisco. My experiences at the AGU Meeting opened my eyes to the global scientific community and how scientists and academics interact and share their discoveries with the world. A recurring theme of the convention that I noticed was the impact the various findings had on humans and I realized that scientists will always be leading the battle against climate change and other current issues.

我去泰國清邁的旅行是我第一次以服務為目的的旅行。 在這段時間裏,我最享受的經歷是與當地孩子的互動,並試圖了解他們的處境,同時希望讓他們意識到英語學習的重要性。但是,一到兩次的互動不足以產生持久的影響,因此這啟發了我從事旨在為英語教育提供可持續援助的計劃。


SAUNDERS, JADE 孫玉丹Economics-Accounting, Claremont McKenna College (Claremont, California, USA)

I am grateful to have spent the past 12 years growing up within ISF’s tight-knit and supportive community.  I am thankful for my friends and classmates who were always there for me, teachers who believed in me throughout DP, and ISF swim coaches for their unwavering support and encouragement.

Fond memories created on ELP trips to Dunhuang, Cambodia and New Zealand will always have a special place in my heart.  From camping in the desert to bungee jumping, completing rewarding service work, teaching and interacting with children in rural villages… ELP’s were always a highlight of my school year.


DP Subjects:Higher Level:Biology, Business Management, Chinese B

Standard Level:English Language and Literature A, Geography, Mathematics


IP, MARCO 葉柏熹Biotechnology, Imperial College London (London, UK)

The ISF Academy has given me many opportunities to discover and pursue my academic interests. I remember having no idea what I would like to do at university when I decided to participate in an American Geophysical Union (AGU) conference.

I worked with a Hong Kong start-up company to conduct research on how the chemical composition of lithium-ion batteries affected their lifespans. At the AGU conference, I had discussions with working scientists about my findings. It was inspiring to see how the scientific knowledge I acquired in classrooms could be applied to make the world a better place and I became fascinated with this field. I am thankful that ISF does not limit student learning to textbooks and classrooms, and instead extends our horizons to become open-minded learners. 



DP Subjects:Higher Level:Business Management, Chemistry, Mathematics

Standard Level:Biology, Chinese Language and Literature A, English Language and Literature A


ZHAO, MANDY 趙敏辰Sociology, The University of Chicago (Chicago, Illinois, USA)

The ISF Academy is an institution that has not only fostered my intellectual curiosity and academic goals but also my artistic and creative capabilities. Ever since primary school, I have been exposed to a diverse range of art courses and extracurricular activities, ranging from afterschool Chinese calligraphy ( 書法 ) and painting ( 國畫 ) classes to weekly drama lessons. The experienced and supportive arts faculty at the academy has shaped me into the person I am today, and for that, I am extremely grateful.


DP Subjects:Higher Level:Economics, English Literature A, Theatre

Standard Level:Biology, Chinese Language and Literature A, Mathematics


DP Subjects:Higher Level:Biology, Chemistry, Chinese B

Standard Level:English Language and Literature A, Mathematics, Psychology

SAUNDERS, BRENDAN 孫博丹Medicine, University College Dublin(Dublin, Ireland)

I am thankful for having been privileged to spend 12 years at ISF, a school made special by its safe and supportive environment. I am grateful for science teachers who guided the discovery of my passion for medicine, Chinese teachers who taught me the value of hard work and drama teachers who provided me with unforgettable opportunities. I still remember the feeling of breathless elation, pride and unity as we, the cast of ISF’s Aladdin Production, stood in front of an admiring audience. I was then only in Grade 5, and was fortunate to replicate those euphoric feelings six more times at ISF. 



LEE, JOHN 李丞鎮Interior Design, Pratt Institute(New York City, New York, USA)

Since Grade 9, I have had the pleasure of working with the most compassionate and supportive University Guidance Counseling (UGC) teachers as they walked me through the journey of learning about and applying to universities. Specifically, during the UGC sessions on US universities, the counsellor taught me how best to approach and answer the various online application questions and how to ensure my application was cohesive and complete. Knowing all the university requirements of the US universities I was interested in enabled me to receive an offer from my dream school.


DP Subjects:Higher Level:Business Management, Chinese B, Design Technology

Standard Level:English Language and Literature A, Mathematical Studies, Visual Arts


WONG, WAYLON 王煒樑Mechanical Engineering, University of Bath (Bath, UK)

Math is a subject that can open a lot of doors when one excels at it, but at the same time, it is also challenging to most students. The course covers a lot of content, a lot of new concepts which are hard to get our heads around. At ISF, our class discussions and activities not only make math learning more interactive, students are also encouraged to share ideas and assist each other, allowing us to grow cohesively as an academic unit.

學生越接近中學生涯的結束越會對自己的將來有種種的擔憂。我們學校的UGC團隊陪伴學生在高中這繁忙的時期中度過報大學的這個難關,幫助學生找到一組自己既喜歡又可以升讀的大學。其中,UGC不僅提供香港本地大學的資料,也會舉辦一些外埠大學的講座,幫助每位學生找到心儀的 大學。

DP Subjects:Higher Level:Economics, Mathematics, Physics

Standard Level:Chemistry, Chinese Language and Literature A, English Language and Literature A


WONG, GABBY SUM YIN 黃琛然Commerce, University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada)

ISF is home to an incredibly supportive and welcoming community. It is where I met lifelong friends that I have laughed, cried, and grown up with, teachers who always take the extra time and effort to answer our questions, and other faculty members who always strive to better our daily school life. I am extremely grateful to ISF and its community for igniting my passion for learning and for shaping me into the individual I am today. 


DP Subjects:Higher Level:Business Management, English Literature A, Psychology

Standard Level:Biology, Chinese Language and Literature A, Mathematics


FUNG, SCOTT 馮鉦翔Architecture, Rhode Island School of Design(Providence, Rhode Island, USA)

Design technology is by far my favorite subject in secondary school. I will forever be grateful to ISF’s amazing teachers who nurtured my passion, helped me grow as a learner, and enabled me to develop a solid foundation in this field for my future as an aspiring architect. The school has always embraced a collaborative culture where students can help each other, a skill that is essential in creative fields. I also loved the school's resources that allowed me to pursue and build even the most ambitious projects.


DP Subjects:Higher Level:Business Management, English Language B, Visual Arts

Standard Level:Chinese Language and Literature A, Design Technology, Mathematics


LE, SIWEI 樂思維Human, Social, and Political Sciences, University of Cambridge (Cambridge, UK)

Theory of Knowledge (TOK), one of the core requirements of the IB diploma, was one of the most challenging courses for me. I am not a philosophical person and initially struggled to grasp the essence of TOK. However, over time and under the guidance of my teacher, I found myself subconsciously linking content from other subjects to theories from TOK and started to see the overall implications or the big picture. Looking back, I realize that TOK has provided me with a very much needed skillset.


DP Subjects:Higher Level:Business Management, Chinese Language and Literature A, English Language and Literature A

Standard Level:Biology, History, Mathematics

Ontario College of Art and Design University

Parsons School of Design

Pepperdine University (2)

Pratt Institute

Providence College (2)

Purdue University

Queen Mary University of London (3)

Queen’s University (2)

Rhode Island School of Design

Rice University

Rochester Institute of Technology

Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI)

Royal Holloway, University of London

Ryerson University

Sarah Lawrence College

Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD), Hong Kong

School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) (2)

SOAS University of London

Syracuse University

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The Courtauld Institute of Art

The George Washington University

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (6)

The University of British Columbia (7)

The University of Chicago

The University of Edinburgh (5)

The University of Hong Kong (12)

The University of Manchester (6)

The University of Sheffield (3)

Tufts University (2)

University College Dublin (2)

University College London (11)

University of Amsterdam

University of Bath (10)

University of Birmingham (2)

University of Brighton

University of Bristol (6)

University of California, Berkeley

University of California, Davis (5)

University Offers for the Class of 2020

University of California, Irvine (3)

University of California, Los Angeles

University of California, Riverside (2)

University of California, San Diego (2)

University of California, Santa Barbara (2)

University of California, Santa Cruz (4)

University of Cambridge (3)

University of Colorado Boulder

University of Denver

University of East Anglia

University of Exeter (7)

University of Glasgow

University of Greenwich, London

University of Hertfordshire

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

University of Kent

University of Leeds (5)

University of Michigan (2)

University of Nottingham (2)

University of Oregon

University of Pennsylvania (2)

University of Portsmouth

University of Rochester

University of San Francisco

University of Southampton

University of St Andrews (3)

University of the Arts London

University of Toronto (15)

University of Warwick (11)

University of Washington

University of Waterloo (3)

University of Western Ontario (2)

University of Westminster (2)

Wentworth Institute of Technology

Wesleyan University

Wheaton College

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

York University, Canada (2)


1 Kong Sin Wan Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong


+852 2202 2028 [email protected] academy.isf.edu.hk