The Social Status of the "Primary School" Teacher as Reflected in Talmudic and Midrashic Literature David J. Schnall, PhD, Dean David Z. Moster, B.A., M.S. Candidate Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education

“The Social Status of the Jewish Elementary School Teacher During the Talmudic Era,” coauthored with David J. Schnall, PhD, delivered at The 15th World Congress of Jewish Studies,

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The Social Status of the "Primary School" Teacher as Reflected in

Talmudic and Midrashic Literature

David J. Schnall, PhD, Dean

David Z. Moster, B.A., M.S. Candidate

Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education


S An overview of primary school teaching from its beginnings, with a special focus on the Talmudic period

S How, according the Talmud and Midrash, were the school teachers viewed by their peers?

S Why were those teachers viewed that way?


S “Primary School” Teachers

S MethodologyS Located and analyzed passages in the

Talmud and Midrash that mention school teachers

S Read through the relevant secondary literature on the topic


I. When did school teachers first emerge?

Biblical Period

S Learning definitely existed

S Schools are not mentioned

Mishnaic Period

S Post Temple

S Josephus

S Mishna and early baraitot

Early Schools

S “Yehoshua ben Gamla came and enacted that [local authorities] should install teachers of children in every district and town, and they should bring in children of ages six or seven [to be taught].”

S B. Baba Batra 21a

Quickly Established

S R. Meir and “Acher”

S R. Shimon bar Yochai


II. Primary School Teachers in the Amoraic Period (220-

550 CE)

Who would teach?

S Rabbinic Scholars

S No formal training

Who/What would be taught?

• Scripture (children ages 6-11)

• Mishnah (children ages 11-13)


S Israel SBabylonia

Teaching Conditions

SHours SClasssize


SDiscipline SGirls


III. The Teachers’ Social Status



Am ha’aretz



“Gardens by the Riverside”

• The word gardens in as gardens by the riverside (Numbers 24:6) refers to teachers of children in Israel, teachers who in their hearts cultivate wisdom, understanding, knowledge, and insight so that they teach children to do the will of their father in heaven. Hence teachers are spoken of as gardens by the riverside

– Seder Eliyahu Rabbah ch. 19


• Our Rabbis taught [in a baraita]: Let a man always sell all that he has and marry the daughter of a scholar. If he does not find the daughter of a scholar, let him marry the daughter of one of the great men of the generation. If he does not find the daughter of one of the great men of the generation, let him marry the daughter of the head of synagogues. If he does not find the daughter of the head of synagogues, let him marry the daughter of a charity treasurer…


• If he does not find the daughter of a charity treasurer, let him marry the daughter of a school teacher, but let him not marry the daughter of an am ha’arez …

• B. Pesahim 49b

Place of Residence

S It was taught [in a baraita]: A scholar should not reside in a city where the following ten things are absent: a court of justice that imposes flagellation and decrees penalties; a charity fund collected by two and distributed by three; a synagogue; public baths; a restroom; a mohel; a blood-letter, a notary; a slaughterer and a school teacher.

S B. Sanhedrin 17b

R. Shemuel bar Shilat

S It was taught: … And they who lead the many to righteousness will be like the stars forever and ever: this applies to the schoolteachers.

S [It was asked:] Such as who? Rav said, ‘Such as R. Shemuel bar Shilat.’ For Rav once found R. Shemuel bar Shilat in a garden, whereupon he said to him, ‘Have you deserted your post?’ He replied, ‘I have not seen this garden for thirteen years, and even now my thoughts are with the children.’

S [It was asked:] And what does Scripture say of the rabbis? Ravina answered: They that love him shall be as the sun rising in his might (Judges 5:31)

S B. Baba Batra 8b


S If people live in a courtyard and one of them desires to become a mohel, a blood-letter, a tanner, or a teacher of children, the other residents can prevent him.

S B. Baba Batra 21a

“Go outside and read!”

S R. Hanina [the bible teacher] once sat in the presence of R. Yanai when he said, “The Halakha is in agreement with R. Elazar ben Azaryah.”

S [R. Yanai] said to him, “Go outside and read [your biblical verses]! The Halakha is not in agreement with R. Elazar ben Azaryah.”

S B. Ketubot 56a

A Teacher’s Question

S [R. Mana] said to him, "That is the question of a bible teacher!”

S Y. Berakhot 4:1(7c)


IV. Contemporary Insights

Max Arzt

S Subject matter

Eliezer Ebner

S Level of education

S Financial situation

Cultural Context



Teacher Conditions



Am ha’aretz

Societal Position

Plausible Explanations

S Subject matter

SLevel of education

SFinancial situation

SCultural milieu


Questions for Modern Day Educators

Questions for Modern Day Jewish Educators

S What has changed? What has stayed the same?

S Do we, today, truly respect our teachers, or do we merely praise their noble profession?

S Is there tension between the status of today’s primary school teachers and those at more advanced levels of teaching?

Questions for Modern Day Jewish Educators

S Does the status of secular teachers influence our view of Jewish studies teachers?

S Does the financial burden of Jewish education alter the way we perceive our teachers?

S Do these sources still influence Jewish educational philosophy? Should they?