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theYouqgMen Challoner & Mitchell, LIBERALS WILL WIN TO

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ELEY BROTHERS Business Menand will- deal a riiLoaded With ‘tn nniter the gun of M Rr «1

or hr exported US’ tier pa rt lo aBALLISTITE POWDERHudson’s Bay Co.,


tnrntli^^hv h;

Drury. AM. <V'

Tbv Ultra! morrow will b

t*<t- t«> ’g.


a market pla<

Mellor’s PureVOTE FOR


a Ape »% A~-e »xe *•.* #pe »% »% *% *,1

V %'• V V V V V V *i*A*k*

VOL. 37. VICTORIA, B. C., FRIDAV, OCTOBER Ü. 1903. NO. 131.

theYouqgMenTo see our display «/ I »es artful MUmend Bing*. No better display Is found in Wntera Canada, and no lower price*. te-eanwv we Import our gems direct from the cutters. Our large range . f prices Is sufficient to suit nil wise purees, lleeutiful Single Rtone and Chiater Diamond Rings from fi23 to KIÔ.

INtesIbTr the dnr of flnjhi n ppraactio* when voit need a plain g«»t«J ring. We manufacture tb«nu and *• II direct,to you. Only one profit, and yim know Just what you are buying boeanae we tell y*m all about them.

Challoner & Mitchell,JKWEI.IJ-ÎRS AMI OPTICIANS, 47 auO 4» OOVEHMIB.Vf ST.


Reports From All Parts of the Province In­dicate They Will Elect Over Half

the House.

I veiled pructienliy by a!!| litioal tight that three f will b.- elected In Vane ; Garden and probab y >|;i< I with «Martin alwo-»:ire.

tele* in the ik ( 'onverrtftlv

mrer. Ta flow,: 0.1 H i will. wx n It is hard to

pick the.tif:li tinv.i from XV»!m*«, Bowser,, ne Ju k and Baxttr. Tin- Cotiser-I ■___,_ •>yattv**a ure lietting to-duy that TXitlow’ j

will head the poll, ai.d tic Martin wiil RALLY TO BEI lose,; but it i* not p b.tbleth : four t on-

servatives will lie c. .►>.-11, ("uttoti fk.Muns , pretty certain in Kichnt ttd, but has no eittch. Best information h that Mc­Bride* will be defeated in Ik-wdot y. Keary practically certain of e. vet ion in XX'isi- mlndter.



Tito Tim» a has asked it» «-mre-pond- ehta tti rmtgtmur thé prortwrw ta*wemb afr impartial estimate of the probable out- 4«»mê of to-morrow's tight. The result is shown in the following <tt*pn^« he- which teU their own tale. It will bo wen from it tluit the chauve» for the Liberate w tubing' the pruviuev are ex- rvedi ugly bright: , -

'The tield p*ay be oia#a»itit‘d as foàuws:Suie lateral m at* All in, Alte-rui,

Varibvo (1). Chilliwack, Columbia, VomuA, Cowichaii, l *ran brook. Delta, Vale, tirwiiwtkxl, Islands, Kam.uop*. J$aaiiigh, BimUkauieeu, Vancouver «->,X uioriu (2) IV».

l'tui'.ii'.v Conaarratiya wito-^Dttrd uey, X auvouver t2), lira ml hoiks, Ini-

1*1 tbable 8u

Clement lias a fighting rhanee against Rlnhtiti. fisetntM. -and <7eh. A. FTAsirr. < oim-rvative. The latter will proliably

• ■

Tin: i/nvKit i it a s kb

(Si*el^l to the TUuestNew Westminster, Oct 2 Muurti and

I *In New Westminster am] Dewtli.ey. the i>*ue is in doubt. In ILvhmui.d atei tiv copte*! will be v'tww between the two

TOW It’ll AN.

Special to the Times.) -Duncans. Octü.r--Tkv eWtipn here wtll |

be very close. TV>ns“rvatires profess to ,be cock sure. The ^pevtMount Sicker, Clivmaiou» anH 'rôftY»ü. to return eiajoritU * for Mr. ; Evans. ,

• • ; 1 w ill iof course given Skiru.s r a majority. Co Wick an Lake. Cobble II III and Cow- ; ichau station wild bo close, t 'ewivbau is a Conservative sewt, but f the obi party i retajti it Kyans will crowd close op their I

-------—-------------------- H------------------------- -- j

Régulation Affeitiog the Rights of the

Electors With. Resject to Voting To morrow.

-----------— . 1 ■■ ---------------- =I In Rnnuimalt polls will be opened at:

Masunif hnl!, IhcjuinuiLt.Heh-ml hnuse, (Vilwot d.

• Pttb.ie hull. Metehosin. >Charted# hall.--XX’s^t Sooke. ....'b. < »'<!■'. - .1 -a'. .' i K.i-< J . .K. <r-r-!..'f- i , < irt.-r P . :.r.\ i port Ben.

In the city the polls will be ..pen from Oti’clock in the morning until 7-10 in the

In the rural constitnenrfe** the polling hour* will.be from 8 a.m. to j. m. Mach e!e< tor may rotb Yor any 1: umber <>f eandhlnti s not exceeding thp i.imdier of memtiers to t/e chow n.

Milder- sertir.n S of the art of 1Tk)2. polling day in every riiHng is a public holiday, and « very registered t h vtor w.io -s within the riding.on that day and w ho U a workman or employee fw hire

a 1 be allowt-d by his employer to be free fr«'tn his • luph yniei t ,.u tliat day

iaU>t Newvaetlc 1. '

In doubt-—Cariboo (1), . K*«| til mail,1'ernie, New VXcsiiuinvtrr, Rc\t Istskv.UiclUp 'ini. TIcïoria (>). Nelson, Okaita-

- ■ 'Kaaio—lv,________ *.

Ot the foregoing the chaut ca of l-e

•>' »' ►' »' F » »•K K

: A Ticket of

rally in the A. O. V. W. hall. Ti will be uddreseea ilellvercd by the «hh- «Udarê»- n-ptw-fx'.'iting the party*!» this «'1*4*4 »»,H. im¥*{ whom thé pnMp> arc tiw- termrtnd siia 11 wepremn them in the n«*xt legikiaturi. Other speakers also" ^1 !•*" ,lir< *♦.' t at:il short* vigil

'The electorate ar»-: warned aga.t.st te-

inv: mislead tif • the -last moment by re­port* which may he «irvulati-4 f«,r the ptlri* s«' of mb retinrent itig the Ik,:!.-, A

'i- te ftice-theiM. Tiny have an -opportunIfÿ on Saturday to give a des ision in fav« r /.»f‘ clean and yapab'e guverntui : t lli Thls province a* th'e only hope off n British Columbia fromthe financial min which thr.-stetw' it ifJLlloWcui- be th-' T

fo-inorrnw witt be Plf-.-tion day. To-n'eftf tîmm WH ISMW îftw lÎMirr 'Tri r,,i 7I'oll, and .\er> « r w ho r. * ndsagaiusL Utiu provision without' r. avon- tihlc -just ti. .it,, i *h«M be lis1, e' ;-, a

i I enalty of . i than fit*).'

inaflvet f* ntly spoiled a bfilb-t Vim'y rt- turn it to the returning officer and,

ms tei. ■ .i-ri.ving .fluiL th- ball-t -ha*spoilt, .n.rr. !<,.>.ve*fi...new bail -t I ap-u- _de- ‘ Kiered to him.

■ ■■■Saturday’s Bargain■■■■




i Only Grocsrs Not In the Combination.

Coat do more than the erdln arjr peint, but are LAHTINti, therefore cheep.


No. 1 Bating PotatoesWe have now received our own grown Island spuds, guaranteed ripe and good cookers.

Sylvester Feed Co., «?-■» tatbo oTwetiT



• eivc aid, the total sum to be involrwl for British C-oIumbis railway* will cer- i u inly be from 11,500,000 toJf2,0iA>XXA>.

« excioding the C. P. R. ami the <’row-s. J N«wt. wdrieh are trunk hner, amt thw- | fore of exceptional character- Aid this j year will be mu<-h langer tliau 4be aggre- I gate of all aid given, ami all mileage as­sisted since (’onfetleratHUi.

for Brlllth Colombia WIU Amoeot to Nearly Two Million


^Special to the TIhmui.)


Ottawa, Oct, 2.—The railway's sub- •idi*w bill will be kuI» ml tied this w«w*k. British Columbia will, fare well, at least

_8fl0 to -lOO miles of road tedn«e_ fur. Although it cannot be

gtaied fipecificflll/ What roads will y<w

- ^

K. Ranfly, of 8t. I’aui, Is spending a few w.-ehs visiting bis brother, 11. tisntly, of this city. It Is forty-four year* atnee the two hnithers* met before. E. Rantly has llv«-d -In Ht. Paul for many y*-ars. He Is a veteran of the American civil war, and took advantage of tW visit of the <}. A. R. to Man Francisco to come to the Pacifie t’oant. After a trip In California, where another brother lives, became to Victoria to spend two we«-ks with his brother In this city. Mr. Hantly Is acn.mpauled by his wife. '

<»eo. c. H»*lntr.man. of the Helntsmnn A Co. Plano Co.. T<»ronto, I# In the city, and Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kent,

H C. Wette. who was elected 1>y nr- dfimaU.*1!! for Columbia riding, Is In town.

Lite-rals arc tiie.brhier iu ü^quàiMa.t, Slot au, Victoria . 1.2), ib*»».afid, Skeeua,. Nanaimo. Nelwoir and K.i*lo, w'hile they have a good fighting c!iati-l-Tn all IlcF4,1 h»»r M'Jin. "riiLM im Min.. tlmL 1 hey IxMXtia good oppuituuity of testing 24 or 20 members in the next Icgiidatare out of a mcmte rship uf 42.

The rci«.rt* arc a* follows:

TilM IXTKKUJji _i_,____T^p^-tal ti. ÏUe Titiîès.)

Ashcroft, Ovi. li. -h'air estimate» of the probable outcome of to-morrow's election in this and contiguous dlafthrrstre tr follows-------------------- - ■ -...———re:

■—Hr-fterit*»o Jarnr* Muridiy a lateral) is hurt1 of election, li. Junes, ihe utlii-r Lite-ral. will pn.ihatily win also, but the fight wjll be cltMie. with Messrs. Rogers and Adam*.

In, Yale, Stuart Henderson w ill be an easy win her over T. <».. .M oMaimmvii.

In KubIwijm, F.- .1, .'.Deane will have a sharp tight with F. J. . Fill ion, with proi^MN-t* for Ib-anc slightly fhe te-f^.

In UkuiMtgan, the con teat w ill also te- very close, TTW. 8ter!ing efipturiug th * seat by a narrow margin.

IN ATLIN.iMpecial to the Times.) *

Atim. <bi. 2" Tlv^rc will- b • ate-ut 40) Votew p*dl«'4 hero to4mdrrow. Au im- jmrtiai estimate* gives Juhu Kirkland, liberal, a majority of 25. Election will te* done. ••

THE K<M)TENAY8,(HjM'rlal to lh«' Times.|

lUite-lauiL DvL 2- Su tus as ejn .te- jtwlged 4be outlook iu the Ivmtcuiys «* I «twnriir fullowi:—■■—-»—;------------

Xanahiio Meeting. *"Actor ding to mivice» receivt*! 1 o-day-

from X«4harmo ln*t nighr4* iff ig in the interest <■{ Mr. Sheppard wa.-i à « 031- pb-lc triumt H_f r the Labor-liberal , aur didnt«». Tterv «a» a large atteudauee, «fid rh«- most iiileii.-v »:ithus»JMu i > l.-ned. Mr. Shcpt>ard gave » spiendiI, ami created a gratifying impr.-» •• J.H. H.awthoi nth w aire, t|K. s « laV-; i-an-

. - ----- . . . . . . diddle. - f o I ! o «■ ed wih “ aliji ;. j mo Y Tô ii “ îifP-rrmi-T- .McHrid" ''rrrhnr The istior? 'j n- *tf.rfc4.-t. S*»»-te:i%m. -Hc-sa* fv.-r-r-> by nr* of ■ t Ritlpk Smith, M. !*.. a:;,i W U R. Me-of dealing Witir the affair* bé ni.- \ r v limes, who,Ml&df‘Tfifo Mr. ilâTvniôné- ' inc» «h anything bke it stntrmniTttlrp- \ Rtwnite in great «http?: His arguments" mat ée.*. .-I r. ! were tnk« n up, di***.. :e»| and tic» i«-at-

Th,«. s, row, - !» lin ll,e *>'"L mi i V , „ .Uk-h .11 r. 1 -. ,| • I..1V. - I .“I01" "f ti'iir liai fr. .in li,. I'liii-

IT lLi. . in,:,.—it,—in ( *" '• jJ'1-" «,•■'.linn i j .M il .troac Hrbi-h• <%dn:nbia t-xpre^m ,-f c'.ufiden.e in Mr. S.op-

l,»to*d1,enLXt,l*ou f*it nipaign. "Tiv-

N<4*dh. Dit. 2.-4.<iM4iill,M-1-Î, • .,am- paigu In XPtson i*

fwverb h wetivitr mr bn-n - ird-fw.—The Lite-: .il» are working hard and arv very <*-.pfid« irt. a feeling* wii'tch is jnati- fi* d by the v. li de tren-l « V aflfau At the Liter a! rally last night th«r w*« the. ivpr« i«‘dented number of :it>* « lec­tors present, and the"meeting was enthfi- sjastic t.o a degree. XV. A. «ni!!I

holdar, IIill mr saloon* «rr«-s».#n| the çWtorTF .folih II i ;on, s will he d-ieed". Moi st rvativ«* tgndiii c.e, ha - *}ling 1'Ittce*.

■a odor a ►tre« t.

d«i. Methodist < pposite the

A 1.1). < iMETRO*,

j. ». m %n k\.

_ poil will te- heldI Af g ; hull ioiioimg.

A j

Agricultural i Saaul-hton.- ' Si-h. .! tioimt. Royal Dak.* ; te k»*»! h»,«ist», Btdcskiwe r«itd.,* | Schtmt house. <’««dar Hill road.* A'griynltiiral ha A boro Ray rV-ad.

el*«e«I. ^»*isrrvaiiv«* cauomtie, ha - t • • ; verynervous since I . was <'o-up if. 1 t . su»-

, . P* publb'-afiou of hi* ’paper. F» j»L-..A -Li.j • • - te-îdittz u«y—tttretLtfgsr Afr;Tiirr, f. T-, ral.

6 * city ;X ito.!ia^ ’uaui-Ferme. Dr. Kdriff’-te te+ueUv -ei white - T.: T. KmTtlt’ s


‘TÎV i-. et^uaUy #»fwhite

hav-. bien improving .'ai.y. '1»j M »«lo,Hoii. R. «ii« t -i is <jni:«‘ vuf « f it and Mr. RetulinrkV counecti.»u v. irh . .-ad brun* Urtrttitvg heavTtÿ iN hte Tâvôr a guipai ^ the candid::?.. ThesituâtH,» «h a whole i* hejs-fui thé

E’ilH WAtiB («UIIIU04 i\ RiiLMAl AiiMra. m:\TN.

A i ox i,A Railway* aytl <

ng arc « la tine* wnictt wi re Inwrled by <|he lb «»•* * auate lu ttii* eulwitly agrr»‘tiu-ut* iH-rcinafii

«I uriug the year cud lug June 3utt uipiex« <| on <>r about the «*.rk*

entered luto«BeUtb’uetl

. llktl : hereby


•> « bfnS❖ No. laborers shall be<# Vj!L1.,a r,r —° dn Uul "»* rtf idem* Id Viiucia. toivt-te-ntei 9tct~

;-1 i-'-t x-f lh.* ,iuue,v. ^iforr La glrbt-rmt »>r•> r«* « rtmtted extent, «ft!, uld be <i. to p expedient .<3 t-. <h..❖ The uilnltuuiu rate wages to be paid by the < mtra.-tor for 'h ••> lubLr. uf any fvrvmau t t W t*rkraan. or tite niluiuiam F4*i- of hire .foe any , *> team- lu or nbuut tte- work*. »hn!r not te- I. sk‘tbiuTTliié nï v . f \x v-- . •> g. rterHn> « .-vpt,d e» « iirreut fur competent workmen in the same or

Tlii" issm* In Fertile is «teubtful owing ta the pneeence of a third candidate in the field. In a *tmight fight E. C. Smith would easily ib-fcat R«i*s (Conaer- v'aiive), but the Socialtet will secure enough votes to make ibe issue a <loub:- ful one.,cede the ele«*tîon at Dr. King.

In Kfljshh 11 on. R. F. tJreen will beikfLatod._______ _______*_________ -

In Nelson and Yinlr the election will" he close, it bein^ anytexly’a fight.

OÉnmrr* hrrv arr rdightty hr "faror of Macdoubhl, Literal. The latter’s high standing with the labor men and his plear^iit ilcçlnrn tin» nn rbe f^rdwmbfn- * Western land question has more than cminlerhalancetl any prestige whltdi the accepta me «»f a |¥irtf«»li«i has given A. 8. fïoodevc. and there will J,h«|Mifore be quite as sharp a fight between th'e two cumlidete# ns te-tween Messrs. Macin- i-vdi and Mu rtfs in II**).

Sloean is also douLtfnl, both side*claiming a sure majority.

RRVtourroKB.(Special to the Times. )

Revi-lstkikc. Oct. 2.—T. Taylor, Con­servative. will likely wilt this seat, al­though Kellie’s chatH-es are steadily itft proving.

THE BOrXDARY (Rpeclal to the Times.)

Qrectmood, 0<-t. 2.- Both Greenwood and Kimilkameen are safe for the I.ib- erni rantHrlwtcs, J. R. Brown and W. A. Mclx*an.

In Grand Forks the Liberal, XV. II. F.

The Solid Four• hire

t-.'u’g i|arrl«-d on.f teams, respectively,

tote- ~dr-t « ruilticd’^ui «j*


ex-ftuauev ministers, (^irter-Cotlon and J, C. ^Irown.

SAANICH AND THE ISLANDS.Thu èlccilunïoi îlvasïà, TfTUïcf T |QB|

Faterwo» senate le 'te « foregom* concdii- sion in l>oth of them» ridings. In the former prntty- <-’w^rvei tee* -œé fitter voting for Mr. Tanner or ntetritting from voting. whfltw~rm the Island* Mr. I'nitr- '..ii ,i Mir» winter.

ESQI IMALT.In atblitm» to the above, E*«iuimalt

promte-s well for the Liberal candidate, and it will surprise a great number of g«MH| juflge* of the situation if Mr. Dooley is not releguted to private life.

VIÇTOBIA CITY,In this city the Conservative# will re-

celv«i a surprise. Pledge* of stipp >rt are teing pr.*ffcre«l the Liberal candidate», from the most unexpcvte«8 sources, and if these assurance* can be relh*d upon the solid ticket will be retnrned. Con- servative* now e«»ncede that three of the I.ilH-ral# will prolxably be elected.

YA\< i>{ \ i;w

(Special to the Times.)

X’ancouver, B. Oct. 2.—It is coa-

NANAIMt< iBpcc'al to the Tluj'S.)

Nnuhee, (k,. 2.-A(t«T. I.»t night's BIHtihut lius. Lijutiuuk f„i Mr ShctHWt* i* vrrj- hriirhr i n -1 ('■(> it. Tt.< -f U t i uiv i, l *x |,rrwnt on the ,twt* this Aiorning was «H nl, «ml h„ Imliivs nf de..lion are now i xi-ellt-iit.

■ __ IftiltllKItT 8 Wl ïï'KSMllll

(Aswiclatwl I’resa. )bmtli«|*()t't, 2."—The A*s«H-lMtc«l‘ I’rcss Is

In the iMieltlou to state that thr foreign •fflcc has not yet ci-usldeml tb.- question, of * successor to Sir Michael Herbert, as Hrltlah ambassador at Washington, -amt will not .consider It for some time to conn-.

Kuv Tliviiui' Hmth'd.<*hl«-ago. Oft. 2. Kir Thomas Upton

ainllvd when told that S«-uator Kearns had mentioned" the Baronet aw being an Ideal successor to Sir Michael llcrte-rt. He said: “I must max that 1 am not a statesman, and there la .no |>o**lhillty In the. world of my representing tirent Britain at Washing

filr Thomas will lesfiL.for New York to­morrow morning anti will sail next Friday for London. He has almost entirely recov­ered from hhi " flTness. and fai* pb y Klein ns do not anticipate any relapse.

A «nniJiir i t aiI.-m ».i- «-i..«4».m .,f•P tir the district where- the work is«5* «-use «.f dispute by. the minister or other ottce; autliprlxt-4 by him. <*<» Tin- number *f wt.rkhig f»-f fott-amii of workmen .In tteRtbn oc•> week shall te- In uvitadaute will» ibe rostom for the same or s.mILr •>•> class. N t f w.-rk or survive Iu the <1 strict where the w.-.k'l» te-Iug carried;^«> on.- to bv d.tvrmined In «-mo- of disj.ute by the minister »*r other officer <•❖ inthviizcd by him. * ...'> - ilLUte any liBiLiUtit-Xm.llitf liahiir1 uf. «uxy fsr^ te mi. wuxi. mu-u or «•» ^ teborrrr or^rttr *uteam~euipl.r) itl npn jir _1n n *pei t of thr said work',<• or any of thenr remains unpaid, the « nglwter umy u.-tlfy the contract,,- «>

to pay -iirb sum, amt If twe «!»>* dap*, and ti. *x.m b», i p.,sd. H •>, ^ Hairtly may pay:Aiicli Jiuai. and thc_cimtriit t. r «« vtn^nt* wjth hu Mm .>

Jest y to repay, at ou«v. any and every sum so \m id. ,md if the e.,j»trn« t- .><1 -docs not -repay-me same wirnm two Wÿs, Tite-Hâpïïÿ in*> .b»TterVte~^":❖ *«uo»»nt or amounts *«> paid by him from uny *um that ntny then or❖ thereafter te» «>r become due by His Majesty to the <• ntractor.

-♦ No latmrcf ahall te‘ rUtployetT In or ftir thé~wbrlTh<T I y t ôTiTraf t»' Tft>r,❖ wh«* I» a « Itlat. a ,.f any country which, üuposu* r.suKtteiu* yyuu tu» ex»- ^ v

• ;L >


Employers Will R«etiyv XX'age# To-Morrow.

(Special to the Times.)OtLiwu, Ovt. 2. In the Honwp to-dtty

Sir Wilfrid Lnirricj stated to Mr. Clark-, "Toronto, that while the Domini in gov­ernment could tied do anything in the matter, he uuder*to«w) that the workmen- at the Boo would be paid to-morrow.

The Late H, Cargill.The funtral of the lajte Henry Cargl I,

M. I*., look place this morning from the parliament buildings 1er tte Mntett jlc|*of. There was a large .aUenttenoi-, comprising minteter* of the Crown, in­cluding the Premier, senators am) mem­

bers of par Mamin*, and n tiny of the. hading ritisebs ««f Dttaw-t. The pall- bearwq were: R. L. Bor-Ua. U-ndci*«if the opposLt-iou; Mesnrs. Giluiotir, Mc­Laren. Taylor, Monk. Spnotf.c. R . d and


will be taken to Cargill. DnL. for inter- uit-nt. In the Koa.*e to-iiay Sir Wilfrid

and Mr. Borden referret^ fo the f Mr. MargilL


- Mi*k .Gilm< urV weekly class, for in­struction in Miiging* w .1. h-M' first sekoxo’i to-m« rrow m fterrTon ~ai 2"o’clock i*x Emmatiiv 1. R.-y*ji»f halt North Ghathnm str- • E::r training -a :>d sight-


know something f th • method will b© wdcome -dugirg the first lesson. •

VICTORIA DAILY TIMES, FIUDAY, OCTOBER ~2, 1903.inrapah!. of l'hoir .intWrat, ! 'turn to p,,»,7r~”ld tflm>for. w .

’"•''"oVTf VhiwnvhM. .....ht...h». " Pure soapl” Vou'ye heard lll,"h bloit «• »« •>«!»». ««.rei»* a.*ÉÉÎI wl: words! în S u n I iêh t eltowM"1weHNW*--------

We have just received a nice line ot Toilet Soaps which we an. selling at very low figures. A lovely Castile Soap, 3 cakes for 25e; also Crystal Vdvct, for the hath, 75c.

Campbell’s Prescription StoreCOB. PORT AND DOUGLAS STS.

the Wiring Season !I F YOU INTEND using electr!*; Hght during the cmnlug winter, now Is the time to

get quotations for wiring. Call ui up and we will Immediately look lutrequirement*. Our priâ t1*' are reasonable a ud we guarantee our work, kind* of elect rival work and keep a good assort meut of fixtures In »t<N-k. a specialty:

We do all Motor work

a specialty. /

Carse & Metcalfe,95 Fort St., Opposite Philharmonic Hall. Phone 643.

Electric Light Consumers !1899

1903 -

The piilf.ii. know whit h is t'liv tignreei *h<Av.

We an* ' ; for B»V business,

a-Jrfvund ledit, a a the above

I>t UH »l)ppl.V lull.


**k me '/whether I know of n vurV. My 11 newer w ill by «Uwatipuinting; I know of ; «•> cure, but I l^uotv of a I HI Hint Jett. The i l ha» g me too far. You w ill pot get the great «-omnierrlal «aHen* of tivv- world t.. ab null 11 protection. I fear that 1 y«'ii will not got the great *eIf-govmtiu< , colonies to 11 trace Ihv slept which xvw, j without r inotiHtnfuco, permitted the m to 1 tak'*. 1 Mti: ht r thvn*:'i re to reiomnieml | a pa. iactoM which I believe to tie «till po-sihl* ( luleo hoped Mini he!ievc«t In » t^ trade’ tl - ugh.»at the World. What. | iff fact. w. hay * got to deal with in a world where international commercial r« lation* are regulated entirely by treat-, .in; It a* com mon k«mi*c. That,we, the gréa tost c«ii 11 inert ia 1 nation, should ,coni« t «rw:ml and say. ‘We want to arrange treaties with you. but We have to give you nothing to withhold fmui you. u« throw ours Iv. s 4>n your n:« rc> and «-.m sidération.*

"Hid any man ever hear of siuHs^sful nog .tin lion* without a nation hawing

" thill.- t ■ give,' W hi. b. of llwessitN. ifmight withhold? My fuiulamenial-*-and'e^eutial reutiest i„ you. to night Ithe rest of mv speech 1* siihehliary and ac­cidental» H that the people of this emtn-

Jjy *di >uld gtye to its govenuoeht that " of ecgoeleHow-of vetHrf> w biro

Ihs a d' prirvil, t«»t by fnree of eircuui- Hrjin<*t « or by the pressure of .foreign I towers, but by «omet hing I can” only de- sr-rib^ n> onr own pedantry a ml self -twmvit." ■--------- -

I’nsW'htig t-* 4m! with the qmsition of how Hi.- freedom hd <1. tired was to h" «»*< Mr lUlr.mr llh.ucltl thr qiwtioii was rather unreasonable. No mini*t. r could say how the navy was going j

< inn■ on only - iy it .i* jierexsary to have a gr. ti ua v\ m case^of need.

"Iy mt judgment.7’ <nntinu<-d the iîrcxuutr» Vit if. really uinvioury that tiie .'•unfry »li m!»l have «its comma ml of tliov.. Tfiidrum -nt* of negotiations f.,r «hiih I am pleading. The Herman states I lust rate how a fiscal union had pi »*' islcd tyid strengthened a polities! union but as fir as our rolonjea nro 'tinc-rm-il. wv hare been content e«|'to new h- il jib i>i’,ns gtyw ing up. „f uhu h no

\*** of sid'. r judgment can emitemplate-wffWit m-fTTtFtr----------------------- •• —

l*his was n most important and difflvu't orsiH-h of thy pedf!_m. JUi.i tie Ranker

Soap you have the fact.



Ask for Ike Or tag on Ear »jl



Betters Expressed Themselves for New Government, and Unalterably Op­

posed to Old Cllqne. -


! believed Hi it the cri!* . f /uxitaxaima j b.rd hmf I \ gmttated beyond u hat n-i-'I —it a lid logic jiuttfir d. Still, h th night

liât pullin'I at) tiuie»» wrtw not rs{H* for the m\ fieu .f f. ud. Therefore, aw . ad

r~nTi.~t .biting-■tire vti. Ic lifttiuiP of ’• Vl,>*’r **^-*h.» ce nt !*nrti . ha vra* tieimoF

i •'l ug tv!iai;-vvr To liii.d* r a -1.»t.• tit | ‘ ' “f p'actfal |...liti«< ||.. w#things *■» alrwrrltttvly tnnrnsiwtpnt with ]’ ! ’* *‘’ ^ a- g“»eraf tariff trer. hut



Premier Desires ttr Investigate to the Utmost the injury of Histile

/ Tariffs.

- übetdieisi. Ik i. 1.—The-"-Artiikry fvrl-tl hall, iu which I'n-tuicr Balfour made hi> tariff reform «petyU. ' w um packed long before the hour lit which Mr. li t.four was announceil to begin si-eaking. An oi-erfldw meeting in Albert hall w a-> als » crowded, while there were hundreds un­able to gqin mat*, who joined those in- aid • the hall* iu nioging patriotic Mmgs and cheering.

Mr Bail ur errk and w i- givi ». an eathwûâHth

reception. He rose to *i>eak at 8 p.m„ nn.l inmjiiiicvil that .lu» iutcL.il- d to coa-

- fîile his. spes-. rrfo the tariff reform. The r-irifT artacks. he said, could only be met by tariff replies. Thin statement of the Premier was greeted with prolonged

y or the prcirtsiU BUiy- -s>f nffarrx ^lr. -BïTÎfonr Temarked rlRiT'he d1it’'ijrr»r kn iw of ;r cure. The < vi! hud g«>ue too far, but he knew of a puliation. ' A mv ti m depriving itself t.f the p nnir i f Imrgauung. Mr. BaTfour l>oInte.| out. couldnev r make a good bargain. Mr. KnJL four «Ud n»*t think tlo* country wav*. for the taxation of final, but tli - ,‘viU of foofptaxnüon had been cxaggeratnl be-

| :advised tiie (’nioiiMt party that' to tax food Woiihl b. against public «.pinion and

- "- fie lin.l KU MI ll,:. *ii|.i(-TiTsT»fwrth^.iigfrfif

and he was vazly cun vi new l that fib. isdicy hanitotuEed with the iKst tradi­tions of the party, and as leader’of the party, he meant to lead it.

.......Mr- Balfour-uttributtlur promiiienrnof the.fiscal reform mbv. nfe'it to th,- fas * that th ctiuntry was in chiner t web with h--r • •hm -ft as .. r -m t of th- late war. a: I 'th-- i. !!ort»-vf thv m;nUi.*r.n in the

R-j-trCii. -tZHiic M* 4 k.UU‘11- U»*ler~t««twl it - COT few», that when I heard the « ntieieuss

'Hons fo aicoiupii«h their marvellotis pension with protective duties, which must havv thrown a mot*; heavy bords n up.n the confiner. I f.lt that lb«*y have i retort t o w h li l*at ha\ e uii_c^uU._

tc«‘tionii-i*. f hej ha ve cstaldido-d j er* mawent five trad.'* within the limits of the!.:—OKU— ujpiiilt) , _ W here

inrrco*e of Wealth h»W 'tWPi-W ~gtigtSt5r«f by thvir patrioti*m «nd foresight, aid they may well ask us whether o nr viuntol fr.e trade inciude« those great ■velr g vemtllg <• 1 11it-* W'ttM‘h wc proudly b*nst , I.rto be the gnat buttri>.•* .» of our Kmpir • i » the futur-

"Fre.- trad**‘is indeed an empty name ami A vain farta* if tv H n fact that for- ign ration- are xettittg themwdrkw fo

divert our industries, exclude our manu fai-tnrem amt timlT the infcrnatlonaT wup: pl> and demand. There ha* be*,n a tlevel«»|um4it of which (.'obtleu and his wutemiK.nirits never dreamed- the »h

•t*" t.hi. The pin ii'Jmeua is »o new tliat 1 dan- «cart e venture t. pmphv*y what

.may In* gtaadntely stire that in that all!'1 live of Dusts ami tariffs there U a

..g *r to the capital ami ettU rpoge of .

main.y ii|e»n' the enpitaiistt. for he is at . y V»t' to those regions where hi*

industry Vm |*. h,0kcd after, hilt it will !with ir- lieaviest ucigbi u|w»n the *

arf!>au aud Vhe Inmbil cla—ses. * hieh arc

h.‘_ thought '*»'!* might Inform -auy-for- • g*t country that wc thought w-gs treat­ing ih with < itmge.u« nnfairness that

they nmdHi.d ttirfr policy we woir'd tnk with regard to certainartic’j»* *x port «al by th**m.-

< 'O o-oriiing Tile question as f.» whether I

‘.-rrat ,.f lr-.- ...Tl,-nwvwcr was Dial the

(MB was .if it» Int

I Hi"

! •-.ptri.v.T.f Imo « ,1. „f ntnnt ro th. present g to ration, and w as tit

everything ,'*r,y biitoproj r;nfe to Ifktrt. ^>r lutrit thé \ LI1* Tf*.ûL “Our grandfather* fought

th.- battle in view of the ar-tttAl *rmn Hon. 1 n>k the nation to-day f.* follow their example and not b* nifaled by m«*ty. debates^

The stc'-md qnewt Ion 1*: “Do you do- sin* to reVer* and alter th*1 fundamental

Iradiu which has pnnaile.l f,,r '"d* lu r i**l,tl!'''* The answer is, “VV*,

lie prop tm-d t » a*k the «niliitry to t“- vise. annul ami alV-g. ther delete from their imuum* of public «tnwliti.ru» that they must never impose taxation except f r rvv une. In hi* judgment the coun­try sought to stand self-deprived of tliat liberty

quest leu v - . sh.ciM th. > want to ns*unit* this liberty, seeing ho»

rithout t«

A repcvwutwtive meeting of the elect­ors of the Oak Bay section of the Saanich electoral district -wa*# held last evening at tt6#« Foul Bay m h- -dh-.u — The school was well filled, and the *|H*e*du . of the labor*) candidate, 11. TuJttilvr. ami MesgriL- Lug tin, Drury ami Struehan Were liste»t-d to with -intense Inicn-si .and ptiltcltiatt*<l with ai-plaifse.

•} The rihair Vas ovvitpi. d by Mr. Vhand 1er mal the priN'tWiiigs wet» opened by C. li. Lugrin.

Mr. Lugrin. ujivn rising, was greeted witiuapplause. He p.**uie,i out that the electors of Saam* h had. it pinrlhl». a im.rc (mportant dufjr to perform ou Sat, ««111 than any t Hi. r * tort i > ..r tan» *h»o¥«t- F»htnd- in* -the prormn' - ' They were th*- only peopie w ho were given an opl*»rtunity to prooounco ngaiust one of those who had bwa «mumsted with the Coinmtifa A Weaterk «amlal. If ïi oh-wtW gn abroad that the lirrtor* nf,

I Saanich Jiad ts.udoiifd that nefarious I iransSctli-it it would besmirch the fair : t:atm;-of. tim durfrmt and aim a biow at~ igs.d government If f.,r i o other r**a, j sou, Mr. FIktIs k1h.iiid be defeativl be-

the fa*-» that he was triad and dismissed from .iiflce by hi* eolleagm-s bei-itu*." of his côhtith’îttn with'Tah ih- d< f -Ufcdde deal. I Appluilsc.>

M hm Sir Thom.-s Shaughuessy. pn-xi *h*nt of the r.P.11.. was in thg city some •lays ago he ue ask*-*l what the C RH. intended doing in regard to the la ml* in *olv*-l in tin- 4'dumMa A Western iwaiula lie voirehsafed no reply, and

the <MMt. had not given up. it* claim



had brought ~hcfôrc thr Knipire th-.1 qtiv«*i*m of tariff reform; a bo ! « - cause for a long time- prior to the de­velop no uts of the present mhinnt thc/e ha/1 bovli tiiMoiMtivs 'among all parti* s 11 * b> tin* conditions of British trade in relation to tlu* track* aTth*1 world. Mr. Ohnuii.-rlain's h of l„-t ,M.n w .pi,Inot himy had flififtvt ft W iTTi not fallen on peiiansl ground, and If Canada’* effort to *giw preference to the Mother Country had not brought out threat* from at least oik* foreign mut: try in t et filiation. 'Mii* h-d brought

• horn - ft* many th- 1-"If!, -i. - ofCr-ntBritain under such rirctim*tonce* t > meet a situation unexiu-cted and so dang- nur*.. For fifty yyr.ra Kngland. without making a hign. had watched th wall of hostile tariff*, growing up and dividing naHna fr-m iiatioa.-

“And « ur-nwit cnbwrfTÇ,. our own flesh . ami b’oo !. the very sinew* of the grow­ing Empire," pm-M-ded Mr. Balfour, “are building up 'ue of vested interest* after another system of protection, which

it • «*. hard t., export to Hi in as ti, America or the other protective <*oun«

Advise BufFiTing

Women Strougly, to TflkB Poctor

Pierre’s Favorite IVesrripfion.

This advice comes from « wwttxtt who bad suffered all the miseries women can suffer frotr disease, and had bee perfectly and pen

uendy curieff l»y the__of Dr. Iherce’s Favorite IhesvriptioR.

This great medicine for women establishes regularity, dries weak eniug drains, heals fiammation and ulcera­tion and cures female weak ncs*.

Read Mrs. Kempson’s letter and, if you are sick, follow her advice.

Although It h*« Ix-en quits a time since J wryte you " say* Mrs. Fred Kenipso,,. of Cionbru, miludals Co , Mich . fw.x S7

y«ir mrat is a tdessing In our liouse.V i Vh",k H du,r *° ««•« y<** knowthat I nm Mill enjoyihg g«sxi hrslth, inatiki ,|;> you and your • Favorite prr script.,511 • When I think how I was five yvats ago, and then are bow t am now 1 •ay. Ood bless I it. Pierce* works, and »ay he live long to help poor sulfrrini women I have never had any return of my wrakneaa and am well and hearty.

.,ân my.owrt work without any P*1" . Y.yi «wed me from the grave when all others failed. I advise suffering women strongly, to take Dr Pierce s Favorite Pre­scription. as I know it will cure in all caws, if indeed there is a cure?*

Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Petiets are an excellent laxative, suited to the use of delicate women.

j w.*ll the country had proopered wit In | *f*'“ H • repli"d': “My object is

’ the il H*'art < ke injn hosHb1 Tariff* The prop..*,-,! rvuietly witi not helrtaTin &* integrity, bw-àu**^ 1 believe the country will not tolerate alax on food, bat andonbtely it will lieuseful."

Mr. Baifour eU*se«l his speech1-1»

Mr. Balfour <ljd not .«-vcn hint at the eurcmior* in ihe eabhtet tn Mr. fhtiin- beriain. lourd tic- rge Hamilton and Mr.Hit.-hie jj| for I... -|i.t ^ ■c ut ion rhe

I ministerial w sigeatiqn*. lie confined himself stric.lly t « the turiff. a’ml hi*

j speech, which had been heralded a* the | heavy gnu Hi"the fiscal reform campaign,

was. to it large extent, a nqietitinn of argument* contained in hi* recent imm- phlct. .


’ ' ' • to d*? It waa therefore manifest Iy unsafe to r*tuni to <p,iwy- vnc. who had for un rly. Iwn implictuvd in an at* ttnptw^trrjtsjsx tîu»* raiuahto t*: Mr M.-Phillip* had claimed, on behalf of. Iu* lender. Mr. M« Bri«le. tht>,credit f.»r uiwttiug the Columbia A \Y«*stem deal It Wit* to J >hn illiti-r that thU fwfil was .in.- l. irg* :> owing to béa courage and energy the scaiida!* *.f the <’«ilumbia A Western tnnisiu ti m wereeX|*weii. \

"HI* action." said Mr. Lugrin. "wa* imf only creditable, but highly courage * '1*. (Appltus-1.} Mr. McBride, now the bwder of the government ws-king the suffnige «.f lhe ‘cleetavate. wa»* jaot a* re*|Nin*ibl» for the < '«dufiilna * W«n*t#i n

| transaction a* Mr. Rbert». who wa* 41a- I mioawl. If tin* rec«»r*l* were nrfevred

t » it would be fpun.l that he elated that, “w** diwu*MHl this in council many times." Although he wa* 'not iri rhe government at the time the 4*ml was -actually completed, he was ,a* culpabh-

H "W r-rrtril anytheir supiN.ft to a gorernmetg which had hk à lender one who was s#r tm-p!ie*te*| ? He emried those whelrad > it*-.»» the 8?trrrrteh rftflng. a* they bad Vi. opportunity to exprise* in ue uncertain tcruw thrir condemnation of the ex Attorttpy-ttbnvnii. -*•

Itcf* rring to the power* of the British •' T'lllll.m P'VrnilH'nt. Mr. t.nrrtn -.iH

Hi- mille n flnul to the cleitoWin'favor of Mr. Tumû-r.

II. Tanner, the candidate, was greeti-d 1 with chet-r*. He felt somvwhuj. lit a i disadvantage in ’ not being- i»ersaiia|ly i a<i|Uuinb U with tin* residents of the Oak j Bay portion of the Sa a nie h riding. How J ever, be Iio|m*,| to give them the op­

portunity of “nixing him up," and he , hopnl to convince them that ho should j *h* return «si at the poüa^

In m.o*t of the speeches of the cain- paigu questions had Inch dealt with

I whii-h -had rvferem-i'' to the province a* « whole, more than to the city of Vic- loria or the "Saanich district. Ho pro­posed to ileal in hi* remarks with local iiecesMàry improvements.

lie adv«H-at«sl strongly tin* very beat cducarional facilities in Hritioli Colum bin and the stqiply of free text l*.ok* to the public H4-h<H>l*. Referring to Mi- system of taxation, he held that tho one c.t present 4« vogue « as in hrna need of reform, a* it now worked iiani*iirp un tliuw who held land. Ac cqrumg to the prisent regulations, the more improvement* made oh land the heavier the taxation, while wild lands. Unmediatflj adjoining, tbtf value .. t which was larg, ly iner<*awd through int- imrrcmcnts to the former, were taxed •it the original rate. more uniform «.' ait ni " -I- med«d.

Settler*, he held, should Ih* elicouragisl in every way posribjc. An vxellent metb- Tid. th lit* opinion, would !«• the granting of limite*! area* of laud fn*e. He firmlyiM-in-ved that if tiiiw were d..ne tiie-agrti cultural industry would. btx-*»ine que of the must itramnunr of tiut province. He wouiu also encourage tin- grow th of kujuiII fru»t*. Ih the Saanich district alone

This meant thousands of dollar* to fh*- farmer*. Through unfair comiM-titlon the mdawtry had during the pent year *utiered cHisiderahle injur?. Then- was great »Afd of a ntmsnn* for the en- eouragimem of this industry. (Ap-

Both the* Csjhtmlda & Western s* nndal ami tlur matter of civil service * reform were tombed upon briefly, the siM-aker • apiaiuûUf that they had already been diMniMM«*d so thoroughly that he refwirkd from referring to them to any exhent.

. liefantlm*. ««* Si**-iim4s trttir pi*4* eqt system of road itiiprowinents. Iu hi» remarks along this line Mr Tanner exp..*. d Mom* Of tiw meth.oh* being UK* d at |*resent by goreruuient candidates t.» « lire vot.-j*.

Continuing, he *a1d that in canvassing b- had to-én strack with thy greut ad- Ta“to»* »»( Ofo liaA Bay diriri* t, ticularly for r«*wfedentlal purjHiaes. !!► was surpris«-d. however. *t the condition

the roads. Apparently thv district had b«.n some win t iu-g!e<te,r.T,üT hepr-.m

U *i« fio light - iwFlwnr* IKi.ims.*—that he would do everything In his power, if e!e«-t«si. to" see that tb«* <114- Irict got its- ju»t due*. (Applause.)

H L. Drury, one of the city candi­dates, then made a few remarks. After congratulating the previous s|snk«r upon the splendid way he had dealt with im



mi ! «


■ I" I-SMd*z'« mu*. I*f u-luu Hu- upprn rnurt <<t th. picture «« i,„ Itlrl , lUMlbcr . KO I» f-im..| u- Uf Jthe UuU.w. turuieU l.y. ,n ,, the uttW

W A NT KI >-—A ii nppreatl<-e for thé harness trade. Apply ;> 11 road street.

W A XTRI>- -f)fllc*« cleaning. ».r un y active employment, a. 8., Times Office.

WANTED— Experienced ■uleslad)', at Peo- HH DtHiglas Street. Addn-ssple a Store.

1*. O. Box 110.


ItycDowell & fjosieWASTED-A Imy. at The 1'yple's Store,

HH iHfiiglas street ; with sont*- exp*-rienr«. Ii dS, g<Mwle Huotni -K ttddreiw, 1*. <>.

nurehaoe or lease, hall on Fernwoml road. Completely furrn-h. -I. In­cluding organ. Apply 0. hleverte, 1» North road.

®fi JOHNSON BT.■fo- TEL. 497.


■t>BT. Dl MSI )ALK, Ballder .Dd CoD. tnwt»», 48 Third street. Telephone MRft^îTTl#To*tfar,l‘"he<1 tr** ,or bri'k a c*■tone I.eUdlugs.

W ANTED—Falthfql person to c-aII. op r<tall trade and agent» for mafTVfwettiring house; bswl territory; straight salary $30 paid weekly and expense mopey advaueed< prerk>6e experience unuecesoary; pwltion permanent; baM’neee iu<-«es*fuf. Ktn-loee self nddreeæd envelope. Superintendent Travelers. 620 Monon Itldg.. Chicago.

WANTED—All kinds of furniture andstove*; highest cash prlty* paid No delay ■t the (>ld L‘nriiiaUy Shop, ««or. Yates and Blanehard streets, p. O'Connor.

I’nited.Blati - Seunt..r Would-Like Liptou Appointed Amboawnd,

to I'nitcil Stntt**!

Halt l.nkf' Vrtfh, Oct: Tv-"rr King K'lwjird would bring *till vl-wer l*»gether The English,aml American people, and If Im wi.Ujd wehl more firtidy that imri-

.uivreiai iiUer*-»4 exist ing -l>««iw*s»n th«* Hnglish nrrd American people and main­tain the cordial relation*A>f every char- act* r existing, he will make Rir Tboiuan Lipton kta next tHnliussador to the Lulled States.^, said .touted States Senator Thouia-t Kearns toxlny, iu iqwakiug of America and lamenting the death of Sir Michfiel Hi-rberj. uXfr Tie.mas Liptou ha* «lotie m »re during th«^ fifteen month* to i.-H-reasv th,. good -fellowship ami gen­uine friendship existing between the American ami Kuglish people," continued Senator Kearns, “than all of the men and women in the British domain: and he has don.» it without design < r know­ing it, ha* done it altogether by hi* boat

i '"g contest*. Sir Thomas Mp' . i is a t y ideal representative of Krig's*n citixen- ship. If,, j* one of the most polish.-d diplomats I have ever met vnl one of the most Kiteeeswfui hnsiiH'ss men. in tile world. He would make u great stieers* R* ambassador from Kng'ehu. and \ hop*- King 1^.1 ward will n-alix'* im ipisirtu- uify.*’

Wh«o wash) g greasy dishes or pots and pana, Lever’s Dfy Sogp (a powder j, will remove the grease with the greatest «af»,

they were in neb greater than in tit her«•'•tifttrie*. The chief eonimiséioncr of

" is nhîé to refmwi r.flca*«A lends if the applicant a a* not n friend of the government, lie told of how. oadng to the eXAVssire i*iWer of the government, capitalist* were afraid to irrtesl here. There wine greilt need for reform. Mr. Lugrin said, in this direc- tim.

Si*'-nklilg ôr t he financial com!It inn «»f British 4’rdumbin. he pointed out that the **x|»endifure was increasing three times a* fast ns the revenue. It was a de-’ fdoreble state o/'affnir*. S .tm* six year* ag*». in «*onvee*rttitu» with Mr. Tortter. he had askeil for an explanation vf the tiwal |«»U. ? of the government, am! Fite rep!y had been : “We are djswumtmg tho future." Since then the province^ il>4>t had iiM*r*-ased by some jUl.nüü.toiO or fir.nnn.ono. If tin» fmiuey. had Ih><>ii ex-

I pended on puMii* Improvement* som<* ex- j «*»*!*.» w<»uhl exist, but there was very j little to show for it. During the last i two or tht-ee years ih<‘ Expenditure 1te , salaries had hw-renml $89.f)00. Mr. Tat

low, in a speech at Vancouver, said, "The financial condition of Brifiah'T?©- lumhia i* deplorable," mid yet the gov- «■rnme.nt propos, d no remedy. Therefore everyone should make it hi* duty to op-

-t*)*e w.ich a govern me id.A voiceu J'Alld we’ll do il." (A|e

plniiHv.)Concluding. Mr. I,ngrin jnivle refer-

to the government** attitude to­wards fish trap*, lie explained that per mission for t.hese rentcil with the î>»mhv ion government. The local government*, however. Were claiming the right of <-oii- tro! of waters within the three-mile limit.If this contention was sustained by the courts, ns wa,* altogether likely, the Fed-

\i-iisc for votjng for the" granting of the lands mis tlurt «t the- time he did not kTiow their vi!ue. Accepting this ^tate-

* H'unL irdttted ogt tiwr the r-p R kn,’w the value of the land.- and that umler any consideration the deal was irregular, a* the lands in «,fft-*ti..n

-were 'J»»t miles from the railway they were wntffkwif to bonus. Everything «•m-Uered. be asked who were the worthiest -f «ftofoK-ace, a man like John Oliver, who had I,ten instrumental in exposing this scandal, or nu n like 1». M Ebert* or 1L McBride, wh*. were «-ont piieate*l in the deal? So one who had The true- interest of the province at h«*arr «•ould c*»nt«-mplalc with «siualtimiD a repetition -f rh< ,.axt fifyears, and t)u* wee «hat weelfi occur if the Me- Bride government was returueil. The provim-e hod a great future. Northern Britisii C*dtimbia was to be o|H-ncd by the Grand Trunk Fact tic. He waspire*, d to see that the bill had jMtsst-,1 its final reading In the House. There were to be tie Turn! Iiuüu*cs tu W given tire railway. After making a strong pJcff tue Mu, Mum of th,. liberal can­didate for Saanich Mr. Drury took Ins ■ww.

A few remarks were tna«!e by A. Stnirhan and th*- chairman, after w hi< h ftre meeting closed..with ttot eb.s rs.aml a t»ger f«»r the candidate, II. Tanner, am! ^ftod Save the King/*

WANTED- Reliable men to sell* for the Foothill Nurseries, largest and best as­sortment uf stuck. idberai Term* |e workers, pay weekly, outfit free, exclu •Ive territory. Stone k Wellington, To-

T";'Ur*ï<.ATT„KKi‘-«-W Hr.«0 .,r„V

“««*■ * WllITtlNUTOX, IS) Tain 8L a * **!* up toslate machinery and can

—**° w,,r<t to pw advantage. ITmoe 7aq


EHTIMATEF GIVEN on moving bulldlage;-- -- ---» ------*t regionsble urieee.

Johuseu A Vo.. Ill North Pembroke 8L

C ARJtI’TU EUS, DICKSON îfi1 la5. Johnson str*,,, .,llultiI>

aswwnf set brers of show Câre» and ÎÜ*r*#,1,1 hard and soft , wwd; do-

rigns and —limâtes furnished.

HOW KB, «./ uuiu's

WANTED — band furniture andclothing to ship North. F. J. Blttancourt, auctioneer and commission agent, 53 Blanchard streeL Phone BS18 or BT10.

WANTED—Copper, brass, sine, lead, rub prf. rope, bottDs, sacks, e*ml, oil cans.

*lRBÙ*É*B|*RWHiv«»UuuiKa^kww—S.îi? 4u»V'"" Mr. KlB-rt.'. T *** "*

CHIMNEY SWEEPING, BO cents. No mere; smoky chimney# cured; any bind of brick work d«>ne; Jobbing a spe<-lalV3.4 Be»mfhtoH afreet, - '

FOR BALK.I G It KAI.E A comfortable • atxiry

with m«sb‘Mi eon v«-uleii«-eWj newly paint- **d. on a gissl lot, close to Fort strew car: pile.. SLUM) Apply t., HrisU-riuan * «70., 7B Government street.

t GR BALE—The fumitijre «»f a st-veii riMHOed house, complet»-J coat over f#MI, our price Wu). A capital «*p|Nirtunity for l-fGles iH'glnnlng houm-keeplug. The house la thoroughly modern In every re- spew and purchaser .-an have Immediate |Mtaa*‘ssi«»f Apply Ilel«H«-rmau A Co.. 73 Goverumeut street.

VOVKEUKLS. from »to*k bred f»*r great White Leghorns. Blanchard,

wyw.ir, Fogg. Princeae stratus: Buff Grplugfons 1 Bushel’s), Buff Leghorns (Allan's), Barred Itis-k* iBrlght'»). Arthur Htewart, Mount Tolmle P. O.


* wviJwîâ^t* CLEANING AND PUESpiNG 4.<r*,.rurta,u* ma4 Blanket» « specialty. Paul a. lt^u, Douglas strew


*V A1 HcDonaId. Telephone «97. OfficeV,e,^' l'\T' * C° " “ ,0rt '"T*-


“vteüitaHLi' Umtr.uxl .m-i,■ «mi. glrr. l..ss,,ue u, ui*u,,f,.rt.ht»»/»K eud vole- vulturi*.

8H0KTHA.NU AND TÏHKWH1TINO-Privée or otherwise; fall term. El.» per “”!u* •Wvm; pruOrli nvj Iu threeloop too. 1J7 Menxtee street.

BHOKTIIANU Bt UDOL 1.1 Brosd Street BpsUl .Iteutton glveo to bookiuepto*. TlMnHtBk lu.tru.ti. ,u bo.*ker|.lnî

1d' yewrllli,. ». A. M.cmlll^

'«reef^s ^'.v C' U', *’««• » M..„ ■ 1IT11 ** 88 rOX- “Se teacher, same

FOR BALE—C-ow and horse.light farm work; will s*-ll Apply Lu*/aa, TetodwAi

suitable f«»r eU cheap for vauh.

WEs i \i i \ 8TI : ii i : JtBIBmo.V.

Stock the Ib-st Ever Sliown in Hvyul h I'llv»f>#ud* Visit the Fair.

New W.^minstcr, Oct. 1 The s**cvml day of th* \\ estmiiiKtcr exhihttkm wa» attended by a Is mt 4,1**) poodle.

^ Memrffftp tajprems*- tuAtA Tvi-sfinihsTer. jdoying eleven men, d««- re:ti*-,| the Vancouver twelve by eight goals to four, after an Interesting mat. h1 he W est minuter* hav

FOR BA LK- Bricks, cash prices. M. Humber 1st Yard, Douglas street. Tele­phone 627.

FOR BALE—22 breeding doe ■msII ones; also 100 each: all uibst go *> the bualneae; Mho Pandora street.

loe hares and :«*» II rabbi ta at l«c.

is We are going eut of some fine cages. 1«6


TO LET Housekeeping rooms, with i hath. 52 itw street.

MACRlNlSTn.L- HAFEK. C.n.rsl Ms.hlnlst, No. IM

Ore eminent street. Tel. U30.

BIMKaiU and cab rrrraiu.A, * w„ WILSON, Plomber» and Ou Plt-

•m*. Boll Hangers sod Ilasmllhi. tw. —». I» the beet deecrivtluns ot H **d Liwklng Btove», KnngM. ete.i Ses euM-lk-d ot lowest rates.Wreet, Metorls, B.r. Telephone os,Telephone «-all :

rAIWTlhtt, fafmhhabgi.no.

ARMAN LHWift. xrri■ates furnish «Ht. Tel. U20A.

FtJLNJBIlBD HorNKKKKlMNG ROOMS.,'<,*rvvnlem-e*. single re en suite.

130 vanvemrer stn-et.

R«>O.M8 Tt> LET-Wlth or Wl.th««t hoard, electric light and bath. 7,T Ithiw hard •0*8, between Pandora and Johnson.

lo*«sl tilt* defeat. Fredwith.mt a single

Ly tu*U Ndereedi ..... ..... —Baseball foljqwed the lacmsai» and

agam W cm in ii»». tor won. Tin1 score at the cud **f the ninth iiiniug wa-t M>*t- mmster eight ap«l Van«sMivrr Athleticsm e Tlie gaïne was goôaTind «Uku*gkwith |>itellers were hard hit. gore! tic*M- ing saved the situatidn tftore than em-e lire battérim were : Wrethdrodc-r, Stil- WeU ami MaI«*ohiu*«in; Athtotie*. Millet ami Mr I good.

I’he (log show iff going 1,,-he- » big »,lr. «Ivor, r immirv,] .lug. «re on ex,

tU/dtinb, rtft.1 ntm-ng them nr,- bet........tin- Ix-vt on the Coffot. These an- » nnelu-r iiriso-wtenera from Vh t .rta, nnd «llemljr thejr ham got a few Mm- rbilmns.

Tlie Htiilor»* Sport on the streets g«>.s-tenl-ay were watched by large number*, rite «nown* from the Shearwater créat- • l much mirth.

Th.-re are no industrial exhibits from Y'l«*t«(ria in the main building this yetr.* Chilliwack has a very large and exc*1!- l«-nt di.sfri«-t exhibit, as have Burnaby amt fViquitlsm. The experimental farm exhibit is in the usual place, and7better than ever. The exhibits * of pîntto* are unnsTially large, and tho value «if the

—_rtably fu "T eft autre, wtrtr i

I« Fret.

TB I.ET-dlretaurant. with fixtures, com- HHe. Hetslerman A Co.

rrRNTSHED nnnnuKREPi no rooma-AIb*. lKdhK.ro. sitting room and kitchen. “* ground floor. 120 Tcuw-wever street.


J I’Ll l 8 E8T, General Scavenger enc- cvuaor to John Diugberty. Yard» and ceasmsds cleaned; contracts made for re- movlng earth, etc. All orders left wltk i ^***0^* * Co- F.irt street, grocers; John Cot-hrane. corner Yates and Doug-£, ifTrtf|»dbe 130. >

bpholstkk.no and awninos.

•KITH A CHAMPION. 10# Douglas .trraL Lpboleterlng and repairing a sue-in It r- carpets cleaueil aud i*»a i»i,nar 71A

hoiibêb 3a_Mg=Bw«lH«lt.jnM.____Bf*r I-ampeou street, 9 rooms fur-

,n,leM .......... .................................. MO 00Greeu St., 6 rooms ........................... 5 00ii.esîL8tV ^ rmito», furnished.......... 37 00Ft ,Charles fit.. V rooms ’............... S6 00Hjieeil Ave.. 4 rooms ......................... 6 00

Are* ® r«M»nsa, 1 sere .... 10 00 TUB' STUART ROBERTSON CX)„ LTD..

23 Broad Street.


8RWEE PJl’K.- FtivLiV Tit-JC «iMAAixxïvfire olayTFid>w{:u MAnTjfr'hoanTKARJnC°.VAV1MITED* CORN** v'l TuRIt N * A>IX)HA 8TKKKTH»


ROOM AND BOARD—For 2 working men, M «*aeh a week. OR View street.


COURT CAfttlmo. No. 743, 1. O. F.. meets In Caledonia Hall, first aud Third Tue# day, at 8 p. in., each nreuth. T. U. Dee. secretary, 48 Yates street.


WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK of tents for sale or hire. F. Jeune k Bro., prac­tical aall and teat makers, 127% Govern­ment street.

.-rol government might grant lleemo- upon iurftrnnient, ie-ghoat «.KHXsl llee.iffo. but the pnvinelnl government The exhihUff of 1,1,lie-.' wurk_nr« eg..H,«w--r.-n*-r I hem hre/Tertire tty refu«-i effien<. hnt -„me of the e,.„„,elit„r» have ing t,, «II,.», the enn»trut-lien of tm|w. m.t S-wTyed the rule that artielta ah,.wu A" -Mr. MeHrnle h«,l *--lnrfd, himretf '.inre tuhfft not he put in again.u lia 11 era My opphaed to ff»h trap», big re- The fruit ia excvlleut, ami although 1 carry off a share of the prise»

• \ ..

HALF TONES—Equal to any made any­where. Why send to cttlea out of the 1 ro vlnce wfie» you can get your Bug rav­ings in the Province? Work guarantee: prices satisfactory. The B. Ü. Pbote- Engravlng Co., — ~torts. B. C. No. 2ti Broad 8t., Vie-


BUSINESS MEN who use printers’ Ink * need Kograx iu-gx. Nothing re effective ws Illustration*. Everything wanted in thtu !‘n« £■*» by the B. C. Photo Epgrnvlng I.O., 26 Broad street. Victoria, B.C. Cut» for «-sralogncs a specialty.


Cleaning and I*renelag Worha. Lace Curtains aud Blankets a ^Peclalty. Paul’a HRj I>«mglas afreet.the entries of bread are not as large as

ia-<t yean there am * law iHtHtW. |■" • the beat ever wtiuwn here. 1 «_____________

8ome very fin*1 niqxirted stw k from the *1NC ETCHIvNOS -All kinds of Engravlarei (>1«1 Country. iMi«kfr«»m Ontario will llkvlr 111 **“& ** printers, made by the B. & ..... - - - - Photo-Engraving to., 86 Broad 8t vie.torla. Mapa. pl.t,, V,c. Hro*'> ,t - Tl*-





Drifted 8nowPASTRY.

Three MarFAMILY.

The Highest _Grades !

MILLED BYColumbia Flouring

” Mills.ENDERBY. B. C.

R. P. Rithet & Co., Ld.,


Mold bj All e rote re. '

Not often, we advert toe an­other's name, but

tion Brand Boys’ Kniekers

------- —— Hav*- Iwumum» •<» famousthat we make an exception.

------They ha ye double -seat*,, -double'knee*, double sewed -j^mtwIji.

are taped oa the seams, «rbuh JT*ves th« tu :i smooth finish w Ith no rough edges. They re the best made knlekera In Canada

, and rest; no more than the or­dinary kind.

73c, ftl.OO and |t.23 Pair. All sizes

,W. G. Cameron.. Victoria's Cheapest t^ish Clothier,

to JOHNSON #T. ~


Dally Report Furnished by the -Victoria —Matevrulugiva; Departnivut.

Victoria. Oil 2.-5 a. m. —The barometer la comparai lv.-1 > high -along the i.uuat, ami the weather Is generally fair. Hbowers bare occurre«l In this vicinity and on the coast of Washington, and the winds have been light t" moderate in force. The Weather la the Terrltorles and liaaltnha i- mud and showery, while Hi the Vifkon yesterday the t«-ui|»erature. fell to 12 alwve «ero.

Forecast».___..JC®r 86 hour* ending 5 p.m.\ Saturday.

Victoria and flclnltj Light to moderate wind*. Chiefly westerly and southerly, gen­erally fair, not much change in tempera

Lower Mainland Light to moderate*wlad^gprtlx ckeedy, with showers,

at ReportaVictoria Rnmmeier. *29.97: temperature,

40; minimum. 4b; wind. 8 miles W.p rain,-lit: weather, » l».mly. ; ____

New. Westminster Barometer." isTTnFTtemperature. 42; minimum, 42; wind, , 4 mile* W. ; weather, fair.

Kamloops - Ittipnneter. 29.80; tempera ture. 46; mlnlmûm, 36; wind, 10 miles w.. weather, cloudy.

Han Francisco—Barometer, 30.10; tern peratun . 54 minimum, 88;- wlefl, •: mil. « W. ; weather, fair.

• "II ft:. I m ». I Ç ; i ■ture. 34; ' iml, x mil. * N uweather, cloudy.

J. il. fgkvcla'.J—Martin, thy Alii»ri<-nn Jockey, has been suspended from riding frviii October 2nd to October 0th by the steward* of the Kuglhdi Jockey Club for attempting to mrttrtpate the start In the race for the ll<»|H-ful ’ stuke* at the .New

....... ....•t7


Swiss Mil^ Chocolate and

Cowan's Chocolate Cream Bars


Tl|e Cowan Co , Id ,rV TORONTO.



Young Liberal Club’s Smoker Crowning Event of Campaign—Candidates

Sanguine of Snccett.

Young Ivibcrals who have fougliC the battle vf the priweA jpolitieai campaign have every na*vn to fevl vncuitrrtged.\ liwleed they have reuaott to ex peel u crowning vie tory i»n Sat uni u> A eit re­fill cnurasa * of the cleet«»rate lnillciile* this, hut if reawurahee was net e»*t«ry the smoker given in the A. O. V. W. faiftU last night, illltler tlie aUapiee» of the* Young IÀ lierai Ctab, empbasixed It.’ The hall wa* crowded, even to stamliitg room. Wit It the support of those pregaot ami tbetr fnemto. a* AW. ta we mu apUypuV It, the eàndidales «right eu ter I* in do grave agRirelNusiob* The only 'ffrer, ami this is jiot expert e«b might be over- confldence.

The prtNvetMng* were opened with a violin w/U» by Mr. ltwidly. with |4.mo ae companUiH’iit.

V. 3. V. Sprat t. charruiau and presi­dent of the Young IaIktuI Club, iiifr»1*- t*«l encouragement felt ut w.» -largo -an at- tetwianee; The Y«nn^ 1.literal Club hail now -400 of a piemherth’p. and *«.• many present, augured well for .what might be vxpcvU'd L« murrou.

Culling vn It. L. Imiry. that ca tnlhluie thanked all present for their ce-ope ra­tion and *«n>port the candidate* were re­ceiving. He won hi not disitlxs l he , U- toies of the campaign; this would not !*• experte»! of him on an occasion of thi* Ciml. KxprevMiig hi* private eoBvief on, be said that he thought a greet Liberalvictory awaited thjem an Saturday. He th'er and enforce a more thanked all for tficlr support, and the lailou. ’ Tic Young Littéral t’lnh for the enthusiasm ~ 1 " *throw n into their work. He also wi*hed io ouumeisl the chivalrous conduct of do»^e whi* h»ti tmt— rrcehmf snfttob nr fofëa to have their name* itlared on the ticket. 4f the Y^mng lÀbenrt*- main* tainod .the same euthiisia*ui as they have up u> date for the next. AS hours 4k» effoctirp then teg1*laVu.n would >m- intro-

Ity was now being counted. 1Yie (’hlnesequestion was something which the <\m-

!i.3:• >.«« w tonitmajutatot 4u»l vat

7ine i-f'tlie ainïïçni-e vy a Vite it foTknow what the YAberal government lia»! Ame to remedy the trouble.

• • wering Mr. ill Xii. u spoke ofthe in«-T»Nise that had been made it* I he head tax. wIiL-h ^puilV' it did not wholly prevent the Chliiem* iuieiigration was an evideuee of "the g»>o<l intention of ihè government along tliia* Hib*. and tlitre w» re wore otlihr evidcueeg.jof the Haine policy of the pn-wt-nt goyeruittoOt wide If the speaker s|*<Ve‘*of in coutraHt with wiiat the tVnservayve ^a<ty ha»l done.

Mr. MqNlvee then expense»! Jii* ri»-w* along Ifljior subject- He Svwiihl ne#er go fn for ola'sw legislation. -Uut always' v»4t£ for go«sl.- ■ KHund -g«fveru«jntnt for the good*of the country as a w hole.

.A VAty catchy «nmpjiign song Was then, remlw-il- in excellent >manner'^y Mr. (Jrant, xvhiyh Invoked great ytohius of ap-plansi-. • / ..

Hw-hnrd Hall, the next speaker. dliL not' evuie pn'pAed forf a s|**ech, but* lf-vkiiig i>\t‘x the haim>e .iusiinetlvTdy to«»k off his hat; The LtlsTgl camlidates luade.po Claims for .personal distinction; their claim was made on the well kthtwn hnd defined policy."of |hc lb»mn4«m gor- crntm-rit- There were men before him xx ho were giving this election very sx,ti- ook thought. He hxipi*»! all would east * v«lv without any |wr*oRwl prejudice. If this WHS done he xrouhl Is* sutisfi«xil *ith the result. He xvanted to see one side or the other elevtexl with a good lua-

rity. Littéral* aimed at bringing a stability Into the governmeibt. Capital w as l*qulre<l to lie brought IpIO the prq- vinee, but while this was the ease it was a Iso tkwiruble to iu< nsku’e h-gishitioti xx bieh will lnihu’C artisan* ami vth*T>r « to this province. No long as the late étais represented the «doctorate In Ifio bgislatuh» their, aim w«»nk| lu» to culti­vate the rewouwif of tin* province ami u£. N'amaiuicr. Island in ^uirin-ular. ——j

A* Mr. Hall was taking his seat a re­presentative id the lalmr class rune and iraisted on having an answer on the Chinese quewthm. Would the pniHit tax. | of jaot» hafe tlie effeef »»f exehiding the. * Oriel» tu Is, h^ nskexl?

Mr. Hall in reply said l# it del not tlie Lils-ral government xvmili go «till far-

*t rl n g«*iit TrejnK |H*ople of the Host did not

itn3Fer*tii inï rtte question. TTore w as feeling there that lw-«-ans«* of vumrocre ree*n** it wa* unfair to entirely excîud» Hie CMilnese. Hut through tlie effort* «»f the Idler*I representative» at Ottawa tho tax haif been lft»r»qi*ed to $1*in. aii<l then -to yv». If tlihi was not f«»uml

through HrltMi Columbia. iI/#nnL op- plauk’.l ,. . A Atowg -l*y. 3L:. .i«raü4.r v-utca-of 4 hawk* t.» the eiialrnmn a ml cheers f«»r thé Y.ïung IStSraÜ ........g!' (T., *»U. r fo


Junes and Warde In the Kolei of Alex­ander end Perd’c ns—Splendid

Stage Settings-

The James A Wanly Company prewtib eâ “Alexander the fîreat" tn-fure a gtKsf-sixetf house , at the Victoria last night. The performance throughout was exwllvnt, Imhlin* the atteuti<Hi »rf those prt-wnt unduggiilgly from the rise- of the VtiiUain in the tirst act until the utory was playwl out. The production i* the j"int xx.*rk of Rupert yugliv* ami (.’ollih Kqmper, and altbougn It « \iiibirr. ><»im- eonspiruoua-4>nHitiei-k .amL triiuspiiniwiin it affonl* a mtiafnctorjr m i»|w • for the activities of the two stealing actors who heael the orgniiizathw. Tliezatqry of the play has a Iren U y Ihhui told' in theee is.hkttjtis- it i* nuirkedly lmid in «pot» and stretches tlie imagination to a perjb dim tension. At the satin- time it deals with a subject anmud which has Iks-ii woven a vaztt amount of mytltolpflicflL romanr-e, and a* tlna- haij rem<iv«l it pretty well heyiahl the realifi. of inumsli- ate and eiistia! inre*ligntion tlie author* .lULXc.Jiad all sort* of opportunities! to take Htwrtië*. - ■

lYæ title ryle xraa In. the hand* of Mr. James. wImw charmcterisattuû'Nxas on a pur with 1t;s well "known virile standard. If he did uut rise- to the tqdembd heights Victorians love to behold it wax not l*c eau*e of failing powers, but owing; to the liim'tHtioii>-nf Tils juirt. Mri James must In* m»>netvliere in the m-ighborlioc I of 00 y nr* o»^ age. ami yet he gave tu»* audi-.

rfull.v inqiressive picture of the great ^laexslonian cniiqiieror. lit* magnifieentN'oiee and msjeetlc ipresence

mpaire.l by time, and


Twenty-Might Ca*e* I >rqlt With ’Dur-iiiv 'i.'uii, it.t.r iiuk, ;.|

' ' 1 —1 * j that- he is i '“I ( Mr War ^**7 hr ague, gar

wouhl predict a great victory.Jli‘ ilijiiblM-if there, w ould he enungti

brooms in the city to celebrated, the vie-! whi«h w«* folh»wed with an mldress by top-, t I*»ud applansx*.) . Î Mr. TtHlefUm. who hriefiy sit if Hied The'Mr. r»rury here «-omduffeff'bfs fémirk*. ■ r#« «»r»r^lTie fatbén! pgrty. * n

ha ving ♦»» go to Futrl Bay. arrvrdittg >»^ j- 3htr. T4ooopsee Mhtwed with a chirr-4 promise. After seng, which enptivatel the

1 hiring Mr. Drury's remarks th<- oilier *udien«*e.L U ral .candidates entered the hall and <*. 11. Lugriri. xx ho had juat » <»me fn-m were loudly eheen'd. j tlie im » ting at Foul Ray. bn-ught the

The next number on th«k. programme , «‘-ws of Mr. Tanner'* excellent pro*i*s t<* was a Selection by the Young Litter•! : in Saanich. In the •rittmph■jdartette,- wMch.-rexvlved h»u»i applausx». ",1 Saturday it wunld-^-rfue to

a very gr|,fHi iTffitf T*1 r ’And the young men would l*ring about hot trtdy giMsI jhiYernnient here, but

Young mettiu-okl Iho rexoguiiL-d »inl revkuutil with

He *‘i this jirovince, and must he r«s«»gni*e»l lie nod ris'koned on in tlie Domini»*!! g .v-

therv was mg Vue instam’e In hla- work 1 lest night iq wlKeh tin-re wa* evid«-nee

hot as Xlrong a« ever, nie. the other's old-time» cid-

gaxv a fin»- rmpersouarton of tiré eiafty villain 'PcnlU’cakv the prim*- min­ister. The part lias U«u »<impared by the edx-anee manager of tliv » «*iin*atiy to that of liigu. but there is little- analogy hetwetii the two . x«ejrt thatx-both w>n* nn*reih>* *ei»uu»lrei*. Tlie ki famous

At thU junetiîfé tiro. Hi 1er cntefeil the hail and created great amuwment by.carrying.up.da tins pla.tforiu A- well fille l " " *"1 ' •••*••: "sack. This happy by-play at once caught throughout the pr»»vim-e. r-n. and rhr- au-tiencr- simply foargl,

Aid Vameron was then ea-iled bn. did not intend to discuss issues..

ducexl- w hich wouhl jtfoveLunmLlH'-d a tlT.V'tili'.O.p.'.r,

inoet striking stuily »»f iut«-l!« * tual x vjlany ever given U'siite* whose iiMH’hiuat' the w--rk of TinTiir.a* «h* extrein^V

iarwe". Rut the portvwywl by Mr. Want* xx as one of th«- finest *«-eu lien' in many n «lay It was strong an»! finished, ntul alUmiigh. I’enliifg* was as much a devil ns it «** (toMdble for man to Iwonie. the aiiilieiu-v forgot their reppdtathai <d In* rilliauy m tlnor ailniiruilou <rf the talent f the fuaii x(tho n-pn »« ntrsl him. Ttoiw.w*»v -dtwxK"wr4 Wmib -

ation. Tlie her»*. Ah xan«kr. xim »uol«s L-t the pluia of Pcnliccom and tin- lutter L dnukiug hi* own health, the picture ••f t i'H*t**pb. a*. Lhe curiuiu fall*. ' The

could only re itérât*? what.... Mr. l>ruty ( étument. and 1h? woQltt-JMJ thin in th*bad said. He thoroughly nppreciatC'l 1 prwm-e of'-Mr. Riley. H^s-aking along

‘nx hat lia-l liei'n «baie. *mi predicted front I *ki* Him* Mr Lugrlu instamvd wdiat had observation* made in canvassing that ■ h*en acr-ttuipllabed in New Brunswick by gi- .t Literal vi» *ory awaited the Lihopal the young men. It luul Item sai»l that party. He fully ,i|.|»n iat»*l the xxork *h«-re was a very l«»w r- m- of (*»liti»-* in befhg done, atid in tTil* partieiilar ”£«• t Rritiah Columbia. He thought tEere xvished t«* commend especially that car-■{ w'a* reason to believe There was ground

,rie«L on by the Young Littéral Associa* j for tbw tmpre*si»Mi, and in imssing he tion.- There were |h jp!e «-nough pres» at ..menthtne»! the Chimney <’r«*ek itichb-nf. in «itnjunetion. with their eopueetiong to ' But the speaker thougid the young n,«*nflrt ' - election, rod t :........nlje thing { wogkl fight lb* battle of r«*-[N.n-.ii»i.» g-.v-thal- xuuld puMÙtdy be feure«l was over- : ttuuietti in British (xtlumbui and elevate cfttifiih-nee. *“ - *“•••-" *-■*“

After another violin-piano selection.B. J. Perry xva* < a lied. Taking up the subject of the nnti-Mongitliau reaoluÜBD

•• • HI«hK< r«oi*, e«p« ru>H> Alexatwlera fight with assassins Tin- ielttr tiiSfled over one ntHttln-r every time the gnat Mace d*-iiinu shook hi* hea«l at them, ami the whole thing AJtpn.aci.tsr daugeroaaly nejy n t*u»4e*qne Tie *M*ttmg* were superb- The scene in the Himalaya* ipnauuwbly the Himalaya») reprewWiug

1 a snow storm acme, was «sue of the l***t place* of stage craft ever exhibited hV the Victoria, while the acenie armngK- i

■ Mailla wen splendid.The support vn* smnew hat weak. Mis*

ILiimie 8* RoxmaéT and N*»rmau lla« k.- ett a* t’litus t* ing the duly people worthy of mention.

Tin* committee of management of tlie P. A. had a hHig sitting the other

‘Iny to take lut«» eoiisidiTMlÿm the large amount u^xvork that had prêtantn! itself. RejMirts showed that aa tuany a* I wenty-eiglit eases had In’en dealt wkh. Iwing the hirgmt iimnlur that had ever l*en brougtit limier the notice »tf the ^ociidÿ in one nwHifli.

Mi-iulter.s of tip* committee request tluit those who. find ease* xagfe» fi they eaiuddiT Worthy of lnva*»rigatmn to a*eerlwiu whether they are lief Ore requesting the iuterfereiwe of the society.'

Aé a mean* <tf more » fT«-«-nuill)' «h-a'ing xvitfi (he dog ;*d«»Hiinir epidemic a eotn- ™Lttee ^of the society has had many meeting* during the tnoirth t<* exai*rid»*r bow ln*Kt t«. deal with the sale of IHtison*. by placing natrietion* upon tin. present facilities for obtaining then}.

The wHutokt in the city, it wa* rrp<»rt are l**ing supplied regularly with

suitable literature purchased fnun the parx nt *ocle4y in England, ami a scheme i*. in preparation w liieb will I*- pnv«-iit«st to th»* mu nag. ra sud teacher* >4 *»4i.*»l* for consideration, and their as*i*tanee wiJl ite asked to niable the siHriety to gix’e ad«hv**e* and iustru<*tlre h-ctuna tothe ‘•eholars. ------—

Tlie e«tns4«1eration of the aneinaI meet­ing and the detail* of preparing were left entirely in the ha ml* of tin* *rn- tarv. v

Tlie commute* ixprc**e<t regret to tone from It* cifeutire Rabbi M. N. <>>hKK a mem Iter who wa* anxiously de*iroi»a «»f helping ou tlie w<#rk. and wiuam formal letter of resignation follows:

T " «-him. Wiflh.i SepL àÉh, tifcÜÈ f. it. Km-', mm •s"i> i r < a

My lb*ar Hlr:—1 regret very inu»-fa that awing lo heavy prvasore of work cuaiae- quént on my np|*.lutroent here I was pre­vented from writing ere this 1 wiku to tender my re*lgimtiou as member of execu­tive eouiniittec of H. I*. V. A. 1 aui worry that my removal fn-m Victoria ueeewaltates my not Itelng able to take a m«»re active In tereet In the noble work of the society. As a Jew. a meuilier »»f the rellgb-us brotber- hoo<l that teaches kindneas to all. and more so Ut itirnib creatures. I must endorse the excellent wjurlL mkkh the 1L 1». C..Jt^-la e««-»'Utlag In spite of ex^ery Ultfi- ulty and <tb*tac4e. Nay tke s»*-1ety prosper In ttw xx-it-, and, cbempleeed by ti..- fiitMai ••rtl«*er» It ba*. It must au«l shall meet witheucL-e*a. .. ' ---- —— —

every ltest wish, l*-|lcve me,Y «•or* faithfully.


' Kix«; H DAl fiHTKKM

I'rukresM of the I'ouvepiton I’r.-f-euirigs <*r n . V», rdaj a ft. noon

Suits and CloaksNatty Parisian SuitsIn Tweeds, Zebelines and Curl Cloths; Very

Latest Effects with Newest Trimmings,

New Fall CoatsThis Department is complete with all the

Latest European and American Coats. Coats in Broadcloths, Beavers, Tweeds and Zebelines, in Plain Box Effects, with Deep Capes, Triple Capes and Handsome Applique Capes.

—All Styles and All Prices-—



Never Be Behind the Times

Whew yea km determ!n*d upon scqele- »oW • bathtub -aa who wifi not r-don't gat th* anllqeaud painted kind, bet btly a ernderm porcelain lined tub each as we «re pleased to eeH yoe. Tto diffwnoe la luxury more than exceeds the ts


xAVelerday ufteriuH.n > -o-sston ,if the Klhg s Daughters' « <»nrcntion wa* o|tcu«*d w It h\»b‘x «ttlonal |{*v. J. Kvictu \ am! during th»* afternoon k»hni pnpers Were read by Mr*. Ham II and Mrs.


Et- T A N -N E R*—AHÉ0ÉÉM|É|HY1|* euhjc» t 11 »r was*

An Evening With Dickens


politic* to a better tone.In conclusion there wa* one v<*r>- im­

portant subject whii-ii In- wi*Jie»l f«t sp«mk An. It w‘a* tiii*, that sx eonn n* ,

ii:lr»Mtuee»l by the Gouseevativea on the !• a gov« nioi»>nt Was rcnmntl The CVtbuubin j Grand Trunk Pacific contract, fie .*ui<l ! Ac >W*tem laml grant was going to liethat they knew that it would not pass, j brought up. He hml it on esreHeOt. —----- -All knew that Uttig liefore the Introduc- ! authority that the P. R. intended to Anoint cresting KnterprLe Itoumhed in

iN'iqdc lied been saft-gnaiiltSl by what j* j what eoubl l»e exin-cttnl if Premier Mr-kiio'wii hm the fair-wage" el au*»-....The i Brule a pd Id* "parfy" xiVre »le«-t»*l. TlieColonist had made capital out of thi*; j Wfory of tbi« notorion* acmaltil and of

Mr. McBride** Ktaml «»n it, Mr. laigrtn •'•niIt \x it!, iit ahorf lengtli. 11. then de*

not editorially, for they »larc not. but In aijuiblw tn dv« eivt- the workingmen..Why was aiot tho- fair.-wage ciaùae pille lisfied? - Alluding to tlie per* »nriel .of rtte P*»n*4Tvativ«* ticket, Mr. Perry u>k-l what parody of reasoning could Mr, Me- PSiTfipr expect to get into p»»wer. Jfeha-liipido fvT » t Itjt^ëTTiT^" VTTT!' fïï»- fTr^f * fiw’ wuriht ta- ntilf tti-r7rrrr~|TrT77^TrorTc~&fc-*ang lii* own political »1* alhg «Iirgc. J tlremcnt on Kuturday." After briefly He talked and talked and talked. nU<! n’ferring to the record of Messrs. Hay- Mit.l ttotliiug. If the attorney-general j ward. Hunter and Hehurken. "the talke.1-like that in the House -I»cl cottjd : *|>eaker mentioned- the qtntHtic* *»f ea«-h »l»» nothing. The tqieakvr then t-dd of <-f the Liberal candidates, Which be

Tlie I'liiou Kxe*rating Vo., an #«i>' ary 11 the Vietori i I^alntreiV I*roleetixre

I’nion. «•rganixeit for th4* pun*»**1 «f prt-.. . _, . ^ j curing wurk for it* many nietulM-ra xvhov»»te<l some tun*- to each of Hie eandl- .. , , , ___ ... ,,ii.. -n ... m -it. %» -«t - # may he out of enip!»*,xtnent during îbe

.... "Z «h * » A‘ * 1 winter nmuth*. i* laumlMN!. anil all thewhom, nil thjit lu"! Iwva myu mm tji*t . .hw on holH'ot man. ooCh, Th-n ,, - . . . T - ment w hu b tie* general manager re-fhar wtmfd tu- the only « «unionmg tiling , , -, .3 ' ' ”kvtxl-m.-aerk ng imirmingr Lum blue.-

Mi MPhillip*, which lasted for hours, and drove those away who want***! to h

31icfis»*-*i. Mr. Helma ken wa ruan of grave imlloereiion *»f character. Oh softie oecasfohit In the House he was f‘ • 111 m I- voting for and against a measure. The -jH-aker tbélfa It u »le» I to j^ie Mnn'l ptmvlinif- prditi»-?* of—Mr. -Hay war,] A* for Mr. Hunter lie could be easily d<-alt with. He ha»l In-en 15 year?* tY»‘ the Homp, and \x hen he had no p . ! i ;. - - » ! hfa t'»ry, xv hat xx a* the ti-»- >f sim-.i King of his |Militieal future. Then then- was Rihmlrr—M< Brt»T?r "Whole îTîSwT»iifin-' "Iirse in the IL'Ul^e Mr. p»;xry l ii. fiy outlined. He told of hi* failure to . take an amioum-ement of |**l»cy.-—The- Pre­mier had not *a!»l anything »>f what nr- r.ing«>m<iit lie had mafic with Hie (*. p. R. for that rotuFs -support in the e!ee-

"tbHv: tie had amtouneed no policy on» the Grand Trunk Pacific or eny-other of the issue*, except on fish traie», and nceo-d-- im.' t*i hi* declaration mi this subject, British Volumbin wx)ul»l have no fish traps. If the idlu-ral* were elected th'* spi îikrr predicted pcace jad prosperity for the province. Mr. Perry coftcluded hie» remark* amidst prolonged applause.

IJarry S.ilm»»u was called on for a **mg. which was warmly encored. Re-. *|wn«ling. Mr. Salmon sang aimtiiér aje propriute s« lection, which waa gnu-lvd with, uiuvl'i Htiplause.

-I. I « McNiven .w*» theti balled on. A* one of y»»ung Lils fal* he-had a k<*h! xvord to *ay for the old iÀbcrul». yet he felt riiat it wan on the young men the interests of the party - devolved. If<- thanki'»! all. however, for the en- tbttsiaem, etiergy ami spirit manifest!*»I. He hojMKl, however, that all would not

i - -- tpeu oiid -•! h- r* augura u - Il f- r th»1fhtnre *uccv*e of the en4<-n»ri»*«».

S»»m • «lilfU-trity has been « xperlen ed iu pfo- vring pipe from local uiuuufU<>

1 tur< j1»1h it» is |,o|M-d t)iat as *oon as the D. Pott«‘ry <N». U in working or-

! »!er a git hi this difficulty will be over*; » ‘»me. In tbf\ meantime, in onler to.com- | pieté c««*«aet*, tto- nHopany is comts»I- led— t»r- *e«-k elsewhere ~fnr sewer prpr*r

tl ought merited their *up|M.»rt.Mr. Riley was nil 1**1 amhl*f much ap-

nr { plaii*e. Jii the reading r»s>m at Ottawa tlienv were nlmut pajurrs im. file.

ram! he found in looking over these tha.t.1 but otrly it Kgttleienr quantity to tid ■ .»<•>.- tlo* two 1.h-h1 imis-r* «•'Hapare.j w*-H with ,|iffi,-ultie* will be ptirehaMxd. as it is a any of them. He luul been e.harg«*I by j fuiidamen4al principle of the company to < tu* of the*»- txxo pH per* of hriiftring a pat roll ixe borne Indust rh**'"1 "alone? - even vnrelc here, wml -4c-of4er to-whair tluwe 1 tR,aiglt imLter terms can be made vise- present xviiat it'looked -like he brought it 1 vx luue. ‘along, jminttng to the bag- which lay rm j Patrons witt experience no delay In the platform, and wMeK create*L intense j having orders c.mq.l. t««l, as there will ainiiM’tiietit. ! always b<- a large, ton** of experience.Viuelinuing-Alt^Riley aaid that lie had | men on hand tu take tac ikdJ. .l'tofiûng

been *rcpn**enting tlu- province at Ot ' by i-xperiem-c the lompany will uLacrvp ta xx a for about two years, and without '’methods thut .obtain on eori»or*ti«m work, boasting he thought that lie had «lone j Wages **|ual to that j»ai«l by the «T»r|Hir- ns»re Mr the city yum the t«ms*Tva- I ation wUb.be the order, end as. the object lives had done i.u eighteen yea nr. I i*’ to- -gtve .ejnjdy/pient, all xvucking for

fsniu applause and cries of ’‘that i* the compapy will receive the same **»n- true"; “ymi are right, you did.” j sidération. Only those actively em|di

d«*-p st tent hi «**4 »mer**q|*4* sod-optoHoaV,-1 *».« express­’d In « kajoeet la^guuge.

Tin- iuviul.tr* pritoent were um« h laov.sl by the feeHng id Mr* Kwhig „n“The LiuUvida*I lt»*q>d•*f the Orel*-*." "if w<\ wnnt to grew w« mast feed ourielvc*. aiidxrbe «mil eerret <>f spiritual growth Is tV* |M- fed with Mdrltual f**sl." Member* v^re urged to give every day a few ailnut.\in,-dilation aver some Bible vers***. "Tlu-re Xs uotlitug m. dren.tful #■ apathy. If „ue mépitw r Is w*-ary the others are weakened. |^*|\us all Is- Strong We next need union help «-io- another In every way. Il«*w <’f “a have to mourn »»vee l<sH »pp«trtunl tie*? We must ask ‘tiod f«»r that lovely spirit whl.-h **»Ters n mulUlude of sins, lu­st. a.I of a carping, » rltl. sl splHL Mrs. Kw,°g then W|s»ke of how t«> develop the spiritual chanu-ter.

The programme for this afti-rimon fol l««ws: 2.3ft—Devotional exercl*«-s by Iter. K. H. Itowe. J». I».; r**n rail; minut«-s and nomination au.l election ».f «.«Vers and cseent Ire »»»umi1ttf«v reports of spoenu commit t«*n. results of ballot, uiiflLnUhéü t-usluews. final fttiaele» Adjoeenment, afterXX III. h a If»» >X III Ih- II, l,| tn r hr to w , ,-nrnil oltli-e of the King's Dslighter* of Itiitlsh I’ulumhln, at Ange hi «‘ijJh-gc. to whl« h all delegate*, nu mbers and frli^ids »»f the .s-der fire r»>T«llalUr invited.

WH4 Address the Ek-ctiun qf .

Saanich Electoral District

Printed by



Mr. E. S. ... . .

Houses to Let11 roometl house. No. 50 Quebeç »t..

■wderii r. m« r»K-no-,l house- <2 arrest, Laqulmalt

r«»ad. furnished; rent .'.......................... 30roomed bungalow, under construction.Head Ht....................................................... 25

tiler bouses elsewhere.ltKAVMONT HfMIGH.

42 Fort Ht*

TÂëâkrVW.«rl«, h. Krvtrhtir. mm.ue«I by the tidal survey branch of the

Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ot-

h.m. ft | h. m. ft.

you iliit.”Tlière xv.i* wtigT The city wan being ]

*nv<*l in filling in the Jam»** Bay mini j •fiat*; there xyue the city'* rciinbil£»cmctit ! Mr the niainteiHiticç. of Bit* <*binc*«’ U«p- j era a ml1 the $2.000 gold fun*} and otln*r 1 matter* xvliirli woubl1 In- »li*« ti*>«-<l at the I pr«qH-r tkiie. -

II«* notice»!, hoxvpviT, that the Chinese jquestion wa* a very burning «me. Tlie tax luul liern miscij. but lie xi’a* n«»t al- together Hîiti*fi« »! «witji it. Hli* hie* xx‘«»ul«l be to introduce a plan whereby Chiun Klmulit *eml to tlii* rtnintry a man for every Canadian who went there. If this xx a* not a g«>«*I plan then he wouhl tie willing to Listen to a ln-ttur suggestion.

Mr. Riley b«*fore taking hi* *«*nt made n f«-xv remarks on the Grnml . Trunk Pacific, and a*ked if those present did mti tirtok 44«w.t all <’to«*ow -wôubk-md l»e benefitwl-In the expenditure »»f $20,000.-

n lax their efforts to the end. A major- j 000 in the construction of the road

lmt all unemployed Iiteti l.;j^ f*|Uiil o|r|H»rtunity of »»btaiu- ing xx unr IV -‘M» - s. wer « »i»n«-. tiou*. t lie ^conquiny will do-a general »xca vnt- ing bn sin cos, atid It i* eonfiibMitally hi*|M‘»l thftt*Mich work a* is now done by Celeotiala in that line will hi the futur • be jterforined by permn m-nt reyi lent* xx lio hqve inicreat in the welfare, of the. city anil pro vine*-. Patrons désirions» of bating xxork |**rf »nmsl may call up tie urn tin gif. telephone 1N»H* xx ho xx ill give all inforniatiiiM and furtiisli estljuatea.

The »»ffl< «*r»» of the company are .1. K. Murphy, manager; directorate, A. Juhn- at»«,. president : A. Jures. J. T. J«me*. T.

j C*«>x. XV. J. Duncan; J. f\ Mapleton, secretary; j.'GoUMraw, treasurer.

About Hi«| liortu sMck. rs nrriv»«i at Wlpnl peg ..u Thursday’s traîna frm<> the Kast on the Canadian I'aelfle.

. V

,.{851 2.5. .161* 7 t ..il «5 7.2 .. i :*) 7.2

.12 38 7.28 -13 24 7.1 9 52 3.3

-ft-- 1926 4 0in ■ 10 6.7 1 t 110 4 5

.11 11 :t2 5 112 JO 52 3 2 7A1 6.313 . 1 51 2.8 9 28 6 .214

hSU .*4,5» 2.41 14 443 6.817 . '5 47 2.0 13 54 6.918 .16 36 2.1 13 57 7.019 . V 25 7.4 7 22 2.320 . 1 32 7.5 N «16 2 621 . 2 34 7 t 8 «S ,T222 . 13 34 7.3 2» 3.823 4 33 7.1 10 09 4.524 . r. nil (!,« 10 no 5.225 Too 6,7 11 3» 5.926 j4t38 2.4 9 12 6.627 1 34 2.5 11 19 6 828 .12 34 2.6 12 36 7.0-29 :t 33 2.8 13 26 7.230 . . |4 27 3.0 | 13 yo 7.1

TV JH 7.T 15 48 7.07 32 2 . 5 H 10 2.68 43 2.8

h. m. ft. ! h. m. ft.

19 3d 6 .5 15 50 6 9 15 OH ti lt 15 111 7.1 15 40 7.2

ttt ?Ct T ♦ 17 02 7 4 17 ;u 7 6 12 00 i».7 12 13 6.1

16 S3 6.717 54 6.318 58 5.6 14 11 T.18 14 .10 7.414 53 7.715 19 7.815 47 7 »16 17 7.8 Ml 7 7rj ab 6 . 413 .19 6.8 15 24 6.0

23 13 7.120 ON R l20 38 5 .721 I St 5.221 42 4 M22 19 4.3 230ft 4 023 86 3.6IMÔ3 7.7 18.fit 7.719 22 7 7

21 40 7 6 27108 7.5

i» èè 4.it20 38 4JL21 24 3.522 10 3.022 57 2.723 46 2.5

17 :« 7.317 30 7.0


6 PE6RAM.Béat * RV'tdlnt, Bey moor flt.,



Notice to the Public.

As wr are nrilrtng from the coal bui wg ink.' tills apport quit y -■( thanking public f«»r past favors, and' request that a outstanding ae«*ount* be paid nt the ofllee of the undersigned not Inter thnn the 15th October.

JAMES BARER & CO.,' ?3 Belleville Street.



Admission, 25 cents: n-serred seats, 50 cents. Heats reserved at store of Victoria ■B«É ML fiUtkfry Co.


Nendav. October 5th

Harry Miller—AND—


Supported by ThcEr New York mid London Company.

—----——F. RHT T1MK il fell K.-------------- -—


House and Two Lots For Sale, at Oak Bay; Price, $450.

Swtnerton & Gddy,

Zb-ro of above h«*lghts eorrenpond* to 11 feet In Ihe falrwav *»f VJ«-t»»rla hartmf.

The time us«*«l Is pacific standard for the 12ft Meridian west, it 1- counted from 0 to 24 hours, from midnight to midnight. The height Is In feet and tenths of a foot.

For time of high water add 14 mlnittc-t to H. W. nt Victoria.

Kwiulmnlt tat Dry l>oek>—From. observa­tions dnrlhe six month*. May to Oefotu-r, r«itnpsre«l with slmtHtnlicous observation* continued at 'Victoria by Mr. F. N. Deul

Choice Dairv ButterI am now re<'elvlng weekly by refrlger

st«>r car large eonelguments of No. 1 Dairy Butter.

J. CMURfHCa,Commission Merchant.

No. 8 Jubsauu 8L


Frank O. Walsh, retiring manngi-r of the Bell Telephone (’ompany, Winnipeg, was prvsvuud on WcdRcsduy with in g"l«l and an address from the local ôfilelala _ànd employees. r


WAITES BROS 58 Fort -» Street


AFTERMATHPrices. $2.00, $1.50, $1.00, and gajfery, 50c.

vS»-at* on sal»- Friday at VictcrXi B<H*k & Htatiouery _8tore, Governim-nt, street.

.treKRIIICKSON & ELY, Props.

It»-lined'entertainment for ladl«-s, gentle3»men and'children. . _____ ,

< '»tndH«*»u» performaoees.Complete ihafage of programme every

Monday.Matinee dally from 3 to 5; evenings, 7.30

THEORPHEUMMatinees Dally ftwni 3 to 5 p.iu.; Evenings,/.

7.30 to 10.30.

Overture yrrHrg»»1^.... Mis» V»‘tH'l«ud• Ah. I Have) Sighed to Rest Me (lî

1'rovatore) ..................... Harry Du RosaLay ne. aad D’Avra tn ji Laughable Skit

entitled—“A Çaeo of MistakenIdentity ..'.......................... ................

ILI.rSTRATED KONO.Apollo In Ills Vp-to-Datc Novylty Act and— Vnlque Designing.fihe'a Sleeping by the Sllv'ry Rio

tlraBat , v................yB, py B9BL,mhvino

Candy Matinee Saturday,



Cbc Datlv (Limes.Pulillaticil eveo Qui v!S'.vyv»m«9M8i •.*-:*#»n»a<;r.-a|^nge*si-

Times Printing 6 Publishing Co.,jvnn 'cwwn m*a«4tci.

OSeee..........».........V..»*.. *i ltroa,d Streetrelv|.hduv ......... ....................>••••••• Nu. 4uDally, oue to vu tli, by verrier ........ • •• AùDaily, one »e«-k. by earner .................... '*»~Fwlvv a Week Titovs, per auuuiii. .. .’.fl.UU



i* c^uf routed with-1 he- wiltlvfiinf muiiiUbk# of political iHTml.e.-

(the li*t we find that not a single candi- j • tite in thi* broad province exj»ect* to be j defeated. * Ttare nil filled w ith n abounding e^nfidettee- in their chance#, j The Tories are especially optimistic, j

’That, is n special characteristic of the Tory mind, doubtNtiÉôrdaineil for the ante purpoke of guaranteeing the von- J tlnuapctv of the opposition so necessary ynder ouf parlto nient ary instituti«Mw. | obviously, there ii bound to be much j gnaihimt of t.-i'th on Saturday evening. ! Amidmost of the griiuling will done I bv Vonseryatives. We freely concede that yro are likely to be jurat a trifle i»r«*- judiced in “favor of the Liberal party in tliia cyiitesty but we have never lost Sight of the‘fact that we owe something to the intelligence and common sense of our reiidgf* us well a* t«> the Liberal j*iY»y. -Therefore we haw, striven to wimine indevvn tent^ydvic-vs from all por­tion* it thé province in regard t » the pdlHicat'1- situation. IVrhapa it i* not triiige -th^t our inforuuitiou doc# not

<jh«MTWv’t5aevat all w ith the claim* Jt the fiiesnhs of the McBride government. We

too htwrty rtefiwd l|n' laf iH ItoiiW—# jfjy lidrf xdüBhBFllSSFE tînt the Tib-


in rv or Kuci-TousThe question as to#whether Liberals or

Oonttervutivési**shall govern the Province of British Columbia for ttys next four years lias already l*eeu decided. The people have, listened to the pleadings of the rival candidates or have read In the proKs1 the claim# put forward by. the it- presentativi^s of tiro various part pis. and it but repisithi ..for tke ballot^ ,t*> tell the tale of the «-ÏL*ci pr«*dnee<i apou the understanding of thy" community w™Uicn hold* tfie balaht^ in its hand*. - * *

There wilt no doubt J/e-gll kinds' of-4gu*V montent abeurditios Tittered ayti twittte* in the belief th^L Shtf A|lllf inputs* the wavering.an;} midpcîd» fl.vlatliont. - It is not neetisary f" warn^'flip v'.iy-tôrateagnihst ytiçh 'political .hicrics. game is a p.. «fhi vim TL»*tli \isiopa 1 lmw a re

Sous, there is Vasily t«*o much at. stak^ fbrd>-ivi*liti** t«* iultyroop .rifi’Yote.

The ipriWlpee tEi beuzt drifting àhiog in haphazard f.w-bv'D Tor/jipwards, of ;a score.of yVar* w’ltb n^*u >n chargé of -its' -affi^îrs jrtidae chief,»Un was to tide oter one (financial crhfl* after an<Htrois Wbijtf

’our credit remained unimpaired they were content if they could borrow money with which to bribe «oustituem'bw v"ie etmeted ' atvuràiiif' to ordyr /««r the apeciil pnr|M*«e of stifling the will of lht$ people. The machinery -of government was »pecially orgjUUxe^To pocniij of the minority riling- -TUiis.the s|U‘Hal ehar- aCfer.iiticH of TViÿûm wore uxvmiplifiwl utiul" the peopje. become to*» string for their will io>*~rtMaaiu salwervient to-the pari" 'es of the deft hand of the pblftie*!

ÜJlÜJlJljl 41 * j» jl JIJIJI Jtjijtjl ****** *********4y ^* ******* * ******** ********* ** * jS*# ^

Watches! Watches! Î5

w S siIn our large sUx-k arc to l»f ' f oh nil Watches ..f every dew-rip n ^ tlon. and at prle«i to suit all t} -, p.M-keta: • ^*iohl Wat.-be* from. ...|20 to |200 e ^ Gold Filled Watches from..

...................................... # ifl to $35 H «Silver Watehes from. . . .gi\ to •40 » ^ Steel end Guiuuetel W'atehes v ^

from .............. .............. $5 to $30 mNleki-I Watcbee from. to M ^ f.

Mverv Watch guarantetsl to be S^ ^ a good time keeper and to be " « ^ exactly as rriircaeuted. ^ %

%kkk ktik k kk k kkk ll’U jnl\ « OOVKRNMKXT 8T. •fe ^ fv// *- JL . L/%» Kstabllsbed 18U2. Telephone 118. ^ ^

I* kir*,iririrr*rr immrnrr wirinrir nrrinrmr ' k nm-nnrrrrrirririmrrirr nririnriririS

C. E. Redïern. h4.3 GOVBRNMKN'T ST. w ^

Kstabllsbed 18U2. Telephone 118.

tal v party^will '■'‘sweep the proyitH-e.'* »The 4\iiw-n*ntire» always carry thebtpbi^-^ibhyr# the error. Wisdom conies' after, whet) ■' the boasting for perfectly

11 undersbiol puri>»<w‘* ** done. Our advice*- arc that the lu‘st the-.McBride govern nient - iaUi-Uope—f-r in 1 he 'new H*mse is *ixt»H‘U seats. ‘l*be prolnibiiity. we"are sqjy* to s«y, U that they* will hare to be çpntettt with coiikidenibly less,'because- next to a good Liberal gov­ernment the' gteatest nef’ewstty of this province is a strong, aggressive opjkosi- flon in vase it should at any time “gang « ketitiiiT wrang.b which *» quitte unlik ly. Of course our contemporary, after its UMial manner when uttering its "last word,** will tomorrow say that our in­formation i* all wrong. Anticipating

Walter S. Fraser & Co., Ltd.----- 0IAH88 IW-----




Telephone 3. r. 0. Bex 423. Wharf St.. VICTORIA, B.C.

.-the i 4 h«4'. ati wVVrrrw^-tir sny"i^thin■aanli’ulat «nr,peptil ir all will be reflertxwl gi the delib- eratiur* uf <mr legislative /issamBIy.

<dd gang has _ifc£t iv legacy for the ueW government that will cause eomc i-mbairrusHuicnt. The final tiuaux ial crisis is apÂle. Tlivre is r»al work for yhar-T~fnrtner f'o-tte-.—Aft*i t !iprefers the nc<-Ofc it3‘ for the pcdple to make theireei-• ' n wisely. It li.oa tfaMfor wwS* Viet rb dut g t lings or meri of inületêrmiaato character. lH‘eii visit is 1 }>rmahy inii-ertant 1 o lie<The task that confronts the H«mse is «me requiring courage, determination, energy and ability. Many of the candidate# ap­pealing for the suffrage* 6T thé i»éople have ha«l ample opportunity to prove the

. desire for reform. How

vice* are tmUirmeil l*y the- leading fon- . *êrvative paper «»f the ini*-rî«»r as to The j sittiatien there, and that we are mating j due allowance for all possible «ontingeu vie*. M«’Bride is ih>ome«l.




“White Horse Cellar”AfOltH WHlfK.

Jt Twi Old.

W. A. WARD & CO.,Victoria» B. C Sois Agents for B. C


- -they., hjMT« jicq ui'<liU«*:i '«f tho prw;:* oloqnfiUy. It is in

4____ .-Llu our opini-iu thert

tî«™rT!Twîa«3veii'ie 1wTi8t4:b($rWdoc! time for a

ueeewary tv their personal comfort, to can be no radical their bastne*^ pr«>#perity. and perhaps ittf

if the Mc^r^le government is cldentally to >the prosf>t-rify<- ,of their

tnd. Itilhientia! iks.ple from all parts of.) the world. Today we have with us representatives of the Vana«tian Manu­facturers’ Association, one "uf the" most powerful orgauiiatUm* iu the Dominion. One has bnt to hestoV a pawing glanceupon The peih#;TTar^rmr mf&w grtteiv

, mi*ta ii-4k The s<hnhiistration is but the old gi'g :n a n«*w «lisV' " h breorganized it* f »ri«s and dressed its front for the imrpese deceiving the peopl ' and «Hatching ano'CBôr j cnn of offi«s All that remains of the evil* ot fortm r governments is le-hind itt gn<l if the g ivermnent proves eacceHHfnl will In- Ku«t upon the policy of pbunler which has been the undoing of the pnuvince. Proof • It *'i!t b«* f")tnd in the H*t of camluhito* and in the fuel that no coh es it-«» policy has bo«*n put f«>rwrard, hut merely a series of local appeal* sup­posedly ca hula ted to carry individual CUBWhuetreica.------

It is our firm conviction that upon* theLiberal party wiU devolve the duty ofcost: idng British Cmhiftkit - imm...thedepti * of (Piirewsion noiy; threeteoing her. Thai party ha* more than once been calk-d hp«»ii in ju*t such c-ri*ua in other pf6rince* of the pomiiiio Tlië Norquay gererumcht come very near the undoing of Msnitsh*. S»**i*hiW «d the u*o*t *p- palling description bad iimlmnineil ihN»-

^ Uc TsiWgiKnceiBlTBWittghf disent U|wn th'e nttme-of Canada. Mr Greeoway was called in. and in a few y oar* n-stur- e«i credit and renewed confidence and hope. Ijwbfs* was cur*e«! with a number of yeur * • f Tory ru", -. with (he usual reeuH that tip. wily aretrtie of sco|H‘ ap- peertiP- to lie throiigo repiiliatiou of debt. WP*** the-CsHiMTvative party ha* don-- - xxurst its lenders are never «shamed t-. «ngge-at repihMatldn of legal 0blig.ltlolls. Iif the last extremity they wUI t xeh g-» the ImgQi uf ailvocatTng~1' chengç of allegiance; *ueh as an apfe-al (lot -a4iL.i.xativii to the United Stutee. Quel • « xvtfs an w-l.. however, without any wrem h to tht- c»n>tituti »ti, by thecaUlt^


The Imp Soot Destroyer* . —And—

-SillllNSV.jCLEAltiE*. ,Fftee. ^HHrtrwiri

country, and they will not r«-*t until all the-e tilings .have Wen a ble ! to them and to the Dominion. Appearam.*-» arc ! often deceptive. Iu th!a iturtaixx* wvb«-| lieve they are absolutely reliable, an«l they indicate that in aplti? of tb«‘ 6riti>h preference and the "*lttught« ring” pio- peneiitie* of" their Xmeri«-an coinp*‘titors onr mannfactun’rs are doing fatrly well in their bumne**. Not during the wb-de

«; . -.hfort able hxiking. a rnnre prosperous look­ing or a bettor *itis6-d looking act of people visited thin city. They could not present auvli a pleasing apvaram e to the eye- If til- wero- tiot well with- tbs-m« —We admire the manufacturer*, we are envi* «.O' of ttjerr aggrc*sircne*s. vwe hope to profit by their *p:rit of ,>ptimiam and. hupelnlne**, au«l we rojuive iu their pr«.W I>erity. Muy th'-y by up-to-datar methods, by the promptness with, which they note and seize opportunities, capture the. <*nnadi,in market from rlie chilly Atlan- tre to ftre genial i^irtfic, and may ther ami their successor* hold it for all time


WIhv H*r^d • in a tirtgtK betfl--,- it givt* «'ff h«»t « bcnileal fume». These fum--* attack th» *«*»< In. fife chimney and disintegrate* anti dtai»er»e It. ami extUig'ileh It if "ii flr.- L'1«*MB. hnrml.'ss, «ee-espkw No trerng down turtâlbs. No covering np furniture.

Manufactured by GOURMET * VO., L««nd«.n. Kngland. W. J, ANMKKWH. Vic­toria. B. <*., s,.!*. .Agent f«*r Vanada.Bold by the following Hardware Merchants:Nicholla* A llenoef, Cor. Broad aqd Vatas.W Bowwaas, *1 Cov*n>n>e«t St.Shore • Hardware, Cor. 4ohntef| aqd Covern-

In of a Liberal guvermiicut and by th> ad'gftl iu «.f siirii measure#- of economy in tho publie service and honesty in tlio

lBritish < ■-

Tin* tale of pros|H*rity f«>lkiwl,ng tli* «-f tin» i.n urirr g?;vcrnment hn<

oftei been t'-Ul. chapg»» whlcli t«H»kplace after 1MM1 wa* merely the ont ward vxpr« -i ni in «-very ilftfiil of th«‘ Iifof the pi « ,>1«‘ of « oufi«V‘nr-e in tin* integrity and ability f tin g >\• ..t.. So .itwill be-in Ftrdjsli t'olumhia if the p«‘«iple do tlieir duty to-morrow. Tin* Liberal party i* entering upon tfie fight repn» wentcl by men not only pU-ligiNT- in the name of Liberalism, but detem(6ned in­dividually,- to #a?«* the iirovince an«l set It upon the pathway of pn>*i>erity. With oo-oifenuion in. the work* <>f d«-velopment outline«l by a Liberal federal administra­tion the “old gang" will all Imre passed to their reward before auotlier oppor- tnnfty occur* fbr « parry of graft snA ptnnder to attempt onr updoing

agaiu-st all omiwtitor*. " The men of the

earth. There is no climate in the w «rl l' lfett*-r adapt«*d for the pro<luvti«iu of men of the" cou«iuvri«g cLaa* than Uauada. Obviously, therefore, this comgry with its diversified and lncompnrat>lo resour­ce# of u ii para lb-led exletit Ya d«>tin«-d to dominate Jfc,. universe whatever our p lit leal turturç jnax, - be, Tho 4A manufacturera will , play not the least prumineirt part in th<* making yl Uanails May they go forward, to greater triumps than they dre»m ##f ev-en in thi® time « f youthful optimism.

scçywtiw party’» opportunity. Where in the history of the political affair# of the whole wx»rhl can one find a parallel tot such abstneb**, unblushing lust <«f. t*f- ti«-e? It is diagfUeeful. Fortunately the Consefvntiv<* party Î* dmimed to atit^hef period of «lisappointnient. The disturb­ance at the Soo is purely local. The buaineiro -Itiiatioh i:i Canndâ ils. in a mote healthy *tate tlianit ever wa# in before. Th«* ti.le of pfosperTly l* not gi>- ing to turn for a few- year*, 'rite, for­tune# of U»* Conservative party are atilt Nil the \k ■ _ . ' '■

Tlie it>NÙ government of QntitTo has Through t ho" «ITserotlll apon f*irniitg; nur upon th«*


f.iberal party, by it* wnneetion■

Marie. That gxivernmeiit looked after the interest* of the people »o vigilantly that it has been able to *e«*ure the pay­ment of every penny due (he workmen, with ampii* security that the treasury will bw-fulty recouped. A di*penb •*#>*

’anadlan “*n a8rp,uuaU- Iia» been effected for the payment of the employee# vf the Con- sotidalcd Laki> Su^K-rlor C.impany wrlth

T tlie Trailer*’ Imperial and Commercial j Banks, which have arrangtsl t|> advance n quarter of n million for thi* joirpose, on file guarantee 'of the Ontario goveru- ment. H. L. Drayton and F. Fonl.'io-

Onturlu trojisury, will" go"

work wbkdi w«mld have -<i>*t the r more thiati twice % much. The diwtri- bution of the content* of the “*acku will tMlil v.-ry nataitatiy to ti,«-

1tor* .b» not nattily the- effect by puHing- a lot of grafter» in power to personally profit by Ihe opening up of the new

I h» Victoria CJooee rta tiree kt** *et a prorodrnt,, The leader of the party ha* i*»t appi-iih-d upon a platform in the capi­tal ! of |hv proviio v !.. vi.imn thei^Àik‘L_v;-.b.U..gWVvruiueut. Wa* 4uuk a riling < vi-r in-urd of before in^the political TusU»ry Vi C any co u * t i fûTfônaTIy g«Ixvriie<Ucountry ?—A bold leader and timbl lower*, truly!


A couple of sentences in this moriiiag’* Colonist ilhistrate (dutracteriatically the. spirit oi'the (’«mserrative party,* tih’hUL to Hie mrsmanagemont of enterprising bet|incompetent American capitali*t* the

I-peaaed lltîO tliô, lihn«is uf receivers. A lurg»« sum in Wage» was due an army of workmen. The aitaation wa* at one t me aq threatening that the muitary_had to b» called out to pri Hvi ve order. The collapse, anil it* possible ronsequefic *. is reganled by all n« t maddened by po* litieal Idgotry a* a great calamity. This is viewed by tfie Terr pte x h# H mat­ter to. rejoice at an«l to gloat over. Tho Colon lit s»)i “the eihl ia not yet," which, l>ehk*/in(erprete«l, mean* that other fail urea are1 to follow, and that will te a fine <huii«e for the Conservative party,

country baa reaeheil the rl«|ge of

lUïtorï for tlito the “8ooH to.take charge of ttfep paÿ- i*ent of the misi. C. Ilolman, K. VI, 'Wlff hobî'TTT«‘"m«*7Ti Tiini‘ <-tv-iqi1«‘s a* trus- t«.*e. TEe - money a «Ira need wilj he chgrge<l hgainst the larni grant* of the Clergue ti*nipaniç*,**.... IAbfral guvern- ments alWàj «-afegtianted the interests «if those "who nre dependent on tbelr «lgily toil tor their daily bread.

Contents of “Riley^s Hael": One bun-dred and twenty-nine thousand «iolîar* ««n aceount of Objrtme lu a.k t|x. which will keep the sheriff jotit of tiie government building-, until the new government COHN** In to straighten matter* up; ten thou*and'd«dIars to recoup the .cities fur their expenditure* on account of main­taining Chinese leper#: twenty-fire mil­lion dollar* for the construction of the Grand Trunk Vacifie Hailwgy; two mil-

prbaperity, and is about to take a pluugc li°n» and a half of dollars tu assist .the into thé depth* of" dvjirci-Mioi]. T lie du st r y : Twenty to thirty tboiaa ndtemity of the country, then, is the Coe- dollars for filling in the mud flat*, a


¥To tbv Editor: - Please permit mv through your columns to answer the lvttvr #pp«-ar-

Tng TulTiTe lu vrnl hgrs' l ■ * u v «.f ih«* <'ol<«nlei, slgto-d " White I#borer."’

I have been accused of saying one thing amtdotng another. Jt bare n«*t been guilty ut duplt.'lty to iu«- voter» «>r playing the hypocrite. 1 let the Job to repair the roof of the building oeeupted by me to a well known v«Httra<-Vfr. who. by the "way,-to a strong and prominent Liberal-!'ouservatlre, and l am paying him the Usual regulation piiii- fur wift-k uf. that kind, 1 did notknow what men were to be employed by tli«- contractor, and 1 was u«>t aware that Chinese labor was employed"T«>r »urh wort, otherwise t would have made a stipulation t«i the ««uutrsry. Ho far a» I know nt the' prosent time, I am not aarlug by. tl^e em­ployment of Vhlneae l»y the rontractor. The Job was not a competitive oue, and there was no fixed |»rl«-e. He wa* required •to do good work* and send In the account. The wrlt«*r’s w>h? .object Is to Injure me |H»lltbully, ri*gar«lb*ss of ttu* true facta of the case. I did not employ the Chinamen,

j nor do 1 pay them. They are not my ser­vants or employees,

1 «loubt very much whether th<* writer of Th«- sahl letter l* a white lalwer, for frmn my past experience with white, laborer* they are a clan* of men who tlo nt>t-*tah a polltliNil opponent In thv back, <‘r make cowardly attacks under a nom de plume.

Amdher political. trick of the writer of the: letter la to Introduce the name x>f. Abler man Cameruii. I have yet. to learn w«at he or any other Of the Littoral candi­date* have to d«* with the transaction. If I «W wh.l fh' *rrR.r lawf), I 1^, rH..guilty or dupllrlty or hn>o#Tl,y to the workmen of city, l could *gve deferred



We will clean ont the balance of

Boys' 2 aqd 3-Piece Suits To-Morrow

The Week End for

BooksHiitorday i* our buay day in this


Book* at 15c, 25c, 3<h', 50c, fi<)c, V,,-. ami $l.«*i at half thé publi*hvm’

Mantle 1, Department

We h»Ve everything so arningetl that It eomp# re lively eai^r fit a customer to see all that w# h*v-« end to feel at the name time .tint it

-ha# not tteew-the leawt trouble

.Tablei, _ loaded witti Children*» -Jacket*.

Ladi*#' Jacket*, all on rack*, wirteil a* to aise, and àll marked lu plain figures,

ShoesEverybody wants Shoe» now.

Everybody wants to get the best Hhoea at the least coat—that i* the universal instinct hf thrift, the In- atihet that ha* made the Spetu-er 8hoe Store famous hy reason of these great trade movement» in Shoes.

Iu the Ladies’, Boy»' amt Giris" Department jre ha-ve a reputatioa which’ brings the Aame face back

In the .Hen's Department

Our Workingmen*» Sh-.e» and also Shoes at $l.«iô, UJ..*» and$8.00 we. can onjy t«!l you of" the large quantities w# sell.

This season our aim i»-to capture everybody who i» willing to pay $4.00 for their‘Shoes.

1 1 r$4.50 Men’s Shoes,

$4.50This season we ahuw Mail's SL##«

iu six #fyk**, at $4.00.

— Wir know Whrw*» like these itirve— never been sold at the prioe before.

Vici Kid- Shoe», meiiom


M’hk-h will cause quite a stir to­morrow.

LOOO yard* of Pure Silk Riblmn*. all 'solid colora; widtlia 4^ to 5 inches.

Color*: Heliotrope. Pink, Blue. Nile, Grey, Brown, lied* and Yel­low*.

The#»- Ribbon* range in price» from ’JZh U» 4ik . -

Tomorrow the,lot will l>e put on sate at 45e peir yard.

.Mcn*iu_Yelmir JElalL- __ __Men*» Viecslised Sole.

M- ti f Box Calf.

Men’» Dougbla Kill.

Met/e Heavy Slnglcftole Shoes.

FlanneletteUnderwearWe are showing all onr new *tyle«

in thi* department.New Gown*. Drawer*, Chemiae*

ami Cor#et Covers.’ Flann«4ctt«‘ Weay for Infants,

Girl* and Grown-upe.

Department__ Cbidatfna* work., ban «tarte'1) inearnest. All kimi* of Needlework to order. All kinds of maimaU to chooee from. If you wish ’informa- lion a* to the jiopular material, the- correct color# to u*e or any new niMsilework. you will do u* a favor by asking for if at this department.


The Better TailoringThe advent, of “FIT-REFORM" marked a new era in clothing.

The ‘ ready-to-try-on, tailor-made" idea, will always be associated with “FIT-REFORM." It was “FIT-REFORM" alone which gave men this)short cut to economy - this straight road to tailoring satisfaction.

• • >

clothing, and the high prices of custom tailors. It gives men the choicest fabrics in endless variety—the finest tailoring that brains can devise and skilled hands execute—the newest Style creations—at HALF what custom tailors charge.

“FIT-REFORM*1 Clothes come in all sizes to perfectly fit every figure, from the smallest and thinnest to the largest and stoutest men. -

Suits and Overcoats, $12 to $30

Trousers, $3,4,5 and 6the w«»rtc until aft«T tlm «•lertkw. There an* mauy other falwe slat «-ment» I» the letter, each, for taatiioce, the *nl<t work Ingniee putting «iue*tl«in* to me about Chino*«- luhor. which was «ot «tiwnweU with me during my Interview. Another ml*- etatemeut ties been clrc»Ial<-«l to my pre- Jiwtlvc. vim., that I atated on. the floor of the House t^at 12 « day was too much to pay a workingman In thi# province. I never ma«le each a statement, and it la ahaidateljr false-. I defy the man to make

BK’HABh HALL. Victoria, B. C., Oct 2nd, 1808.

—Henry Miller and Margaret Anglin will appear at the Victoria "theatre on Momlny night. Thi* will be the mo»t notable evj?nt of the local theatrical «eaaon. The co-atars ar1 to M'parute after thi* year, >!:#e Anglin going to London to become tie leading woman nt Ohartee Frohmea> principal theatre, aud Mr. Miller resuming again in New York the *ucce»»ful career that ’ baa already won him the highest recognition tii the ito#t«i|>ona.Ur’s artUtk? 8nl»h and wealth oTpemon- ■Mty hare endeared him to » vast unm.

l«er of theatre-goers that range from the immature rank of the matinee girl to the soph lut ica led ami intelligent visa* of student* and critics. Ml** Antiin. a woman of rare charm, la a fit compan­ion-for Mr. Miller.

Winnipeg baker» will adratfre the price ef bread when a dollar will only parefcaae eighteen loaves Instead of twenty. The

^Vidayer. YIL Srri! BHfk »f m»lk kaa aleo been adraeee»,fourteen quarts now being gtv«u Cor • Bolter.



Ne matter how well Nature bas endowed you, It Is necessary to'yse the l«est Tooth fowder and pmrrrstlvp yon ran tad. *lt •doesn’t pay to risk getting discolored a ad onsouud teeth. You should use our

CarbolicTooth Powder, J25c.,Regularly It vies us the teeth and cor­rects bad breath. We hare a very large •tock of Tooth 1$ rush vs to select from.


88 Government St., Near Yates St. PHONES 423 AND 450.

CMV Dews it Brief.

—klolng to Vancouver or Westminster? take vb* Terminal railway at 7.00 a.a. daily. •

—Fall house cleaning. loft are pre- plring for house tlcaning. Prior to the Introduction o( fires and store* can we hare your carpets to clean and alter, and ^t the same time sell you some new goods? \\Vil. r I’.iu>. •

. . At the résidence »>f her Miiltér, MnC Unwin, of this city. Helen Mtrelley. wife of W. P. May kin, paused away thle morning after a long and painful illness. Deceased was. ili the sixty first year of hpr age. She was a native of Derby­shire. England, and a highly esteemed reeiib-nt of Varmanah. Due notice of^ her funeral will be later announced.

—The .Fernwood mission of ifiePresbyterian church ’ prwnpris*'* Ktmx- church on Statfley avenu»», St.- Coin mbs chhreft <»n HauTtàîn stmt anVT Cedar Hill church. The services are com!noted in the three churches each Su:.day by Rev. Joseph MéGoy. Xf. • A., of the British Ooluutbi.i Indies’ College, at Knox church *l l l a.m., »L Cedar Hill church at 3 fKn> . and at St. Colarnb»eUn.rch at 7 p.m. 0

—Those who have heard Dr. ll«d;ind Grant in sermon* and lecture* oh former occasions jvill Is* atad • f -the opportuni­ty to hear him agaitff lie will preach in Calvary Baptist church on Sunday loom­ing amd evening. On Monday evening, in the same place, hé will give his lec­ture entitled ’‘Satan’s Credentials.” in which he depicts with .rare dramatic


Firearms *» AmmunitionJNO. BARNSLEY & CO


2 SNAPSWe are Inetrweted to dispose of two choice

buUdlng altea. one In best part of James Bay aud the ether In the East End. If

(you desire a desirable site at a real bar­gain, that

all early, a* vx*vffer these at prices



GRANT & CONYERS,Successors to I*. C. MacGregor A Co.,


—The local FtwfinSt candidate, J. C. Waiters, nul .Mrs Irene Smith wfU lw the *|H‘akeni at the final rally this even­ing in the "Institute hall, to wjiifh all are invited. Seats for ladies. Questions in­vited and answered.

—The seaeoh for shooting pheasant* and quail .quid j A largenumber went out anti titm* Thirl y bags are. reported. It is said that.the pheasants are .very iinmeroo# .this year, especially in the Saauielv district,

—A harvest festival will l*e he'd irr Semple's hall under the anspiees of the Victoria West Methodist church on Mon­day. (blotter ôth. vtnmcncmg at 0 o'dock. Tea will be served from ti to 7:110, with programme following.‘ Admls: irion, 50 cents: children. 25 cents.

—The Islands Agricultural and Frui-t Growers’ Association < held the eighth annual exhibition on Wednesday at Ga nge- llarbor. Salt Spring I -land.

itf JHtitajT. and the day w . nt off •Very satisfactorily. The show itself, although not having as many entries, was equal to last ydfcr's fair in the quality of the exhibits. Vegetable* and fruits were particularly 'good, and stock was fair. A

't lay Job a I IS forstrVictorian, bht now of Vancouver, and Miss Jennie Helena Newbury, second daughter of Wui, Newbury. w»*r<- nnrted in the hoods , d f matrimony. The cere­mony. which was performed by lit. Uev. Bishop Cridge, took place at the Re­form. -i Episcopal • arc! Miss Hattie Newbury acted at bridesmaid ami A mot Her supported flu- groom. A reception ww aftcrwTmts- heîfb n t the resrdmr.^ of the bridé*-» futhtr. where the intimate friends of the contracting parties to»»k ogcasion to offer wéîl-wishvs and con- grsfnîations. An lit sii| - w isthen partaken uf„"àfier which the happy, couple t<H»k the summer for Vaiunmver. where they will re**i»le. Mr. .and Mr*, Wil»»n were the recipients of a large

slumber of ut*._ --

* —There are oir exhibition in Soper*1*, Government street, a collection of paint­ing», the work of Pilot Thompson. One represent* a scene in California and is

_ 37 _?>r 21 inched in size. _Xxvu. uthor», 27:


by il, eieovr* Unie rock at the. eiltrance of ’Uio Nerita river 'fit high and low water,;t four , 40 by 21 in- -, |a that of a beauty «*x>t at the montic »»f the river, and a fifth, 1!S by 27 inches, « sunset scene at Gapari Island, " Italy. Two »malh*r view* -how a rock in the Kn.g- lish -rluirmH an l Cape Flattery by moon- tight. The whole.collection will lie (X- WtltOil TJTe ctéming faI'r in flu* city, and will demainAcause Of the captain’s. popularity. The «ulfcj** * a.rc all admirable scene*. The cqgtoin never ha,ii»ll»*d the paint brash, . until May fist. although always foed-of, the art His interest in- the work came a lient is thi^t wily. The captain was attending a r**rfornmiic»* in the Kdisott-

.«IP tffglaTast May, andwbTTe there iras forcibly sir nek with the Art of a iiglit-. ■ling aru-t. So effect I rhiy did the_ artist appeal to hi» imagination, tfra t * fie i m-

•ment and set to work. With w hat -ue- ce»s may 1*. seen in the splendid ’paint- Igga -BoW oYt exhibitloA « -


Fine SelectionOf the Latest

Scotch Tweed

SuitingsCall and see these goods and be convinced that they are the latest.

Alex Peden,«G fort fit. Merchant Tailor.


price will again be $7.

—'Hie following il «ma lions 1 nThyflnms •for the Ag*‘d and Infirm for the month of September are acknowledged with thanks by the manager. J. Quagli- otti. newspapers; Mr*. M. M<Keon, clothing: Mr*. Van Tassel, apples and plums: X. Shakespeare, reading matter; Mrs. II. D. Iielmcken. magazines; Mrs Oats, plettires: Mr. Sjwncer lAJert Bay).

church. (Nilw K.drç pi|K-s and tobacco.: Time* ami (Ndonist. daily papers. Through the courtesy of Mr. McFadden, of the Vancouver meat market, any do­nations lej!t _khere will be euiiveycd to i be home. ——— -

—Crowd* nightly attend the Orpln-um theatre to » itn«v* the excellent attrac­tion* offered this week. *’A Case of Mistaken Identity” i* a g->«•<! comedy sketeb when presented by stub clever artists a* Ijayue avuf■ fl1 Avr». Ap«*lb*. the wonderful magician, tuystifiva the audience with his inartPtkxa* Test* of liymiemajn. The rifle bulltL-dUthiBg act, while fraught with danger to th - Iierformer, is*wonderfully executed. “Oh.1 Ha vo Sighed to If* *t Me,’* the )<**«uti- ful selection from “II Tr> va tore." is rrn

Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites

* un. tonic »M bollie*. Pt»M hr

HALL & CO.DlapsaStag Ofiemleta, Ulareoe# Block. Cor.

I -fee and I'wrfM Street!.



It Is Urged That the Prisoner Was Not Responsible for Acts at


—Will this make yon get-your Xmas ptttrfw earh*? The Skene Igiwe srudtu wiM make twelve jMirtrail* on “silk tex­ture platlno,” mounteel on flexible cream boaru* and earn portrait enclosed in Ahumbuune foMer urjnttirh, for $5 ca^i . .__. . ,tUiritnf ttir montit „r Ortutw. h«-«d, «ml had var^lul .v

UMuui. tcnthia. ,ar. fce.atMw«d.

When the Assize court opened this morning .the trial of A. J. Frith for Uxe mmrdcr of F* .1. Bailey was proceetkd with. The case for" the crown havingbeen submitted, the prisoner's defence Was proceeded with.

Mr. Powell,., in opening the defence, said that' at the time the crime was committed that the mind of the accused was so affected that he was not hieixlf, and that he did not n«alixe what he was doing. -Afferteti with a constitution»! weakness which draiueil his vitality and also by a hemorrhage of the brain, which affex’tedi him so that.Se was not really respouaibhr.

lie sakl he would show by the evidence to be prf*ltice<l .that although a tenner father he had <h>ne things which it was difficult to explain. M'ithout wartting he would seize hia wife and violently throw lier t<> tl)e fl*H.r. lie had also on one oc- en.-don put his wife out mi the street, locking the dtfor. »He had also evident *d a dewire to sliovt the whole family, and had held out threats of that kind agahist his friend*, one Instance tx-ing M *. Payne. Afterward» the accused when sj token of atwmt these thing* won Tit aaoW that he <Hd not realise what he f.nd done. Hi* action towards the family had led to his <laughter leaving home.

Ai-cnsed also had been troubled wrt»

necessarily. He thought the nyin might be ineaipabfb that morning of knowing what he waa doiug.

. ( *r; isS-exa ini lied iyr : Mr. MeliCa the*

pear n*»w aujlhlng but normal. A nun might lxe dangerously insane, and yer show no sign* of it. As a rule an (m-

.press was left on a man subject : >, ti* of insanity generally.

Pressed by Mr, McLean for nil answer nw |6. whether a man i ldieted to liquor did not <h> things which resemble»! In­sanity, Dr* Hart, ret arms! that a man urtler those clreuinstaacos was hnhuu? — uh-ohdlie insanify.

In answer to Hi* Loislship the witm*** said that a man might be actuated by an uncoetrotiab4e hnpqUe-to eomtaft au gpu amj yet imptediately afterwards realise thnHxe had done wrung.

The *dng away with the WA‘fig--n u*«*d very zhortly^ after did not indicate very clearly insanity.

The attacks u|»on the wife were not ’such a* a violent temi>erod man und'-r the induçnce of Uquor might not < un- mit. The feeling n child's'lleck with the remark* used, however, indicated *o»n thing nltogiKher different, and looked like an unbnlajiccd mind. Jn^society ns they fourni it in this country' tlfo did nof »‘Xp»* t to find a man who j-umnilttid murder altogether rational. _ L

I»r. Frank Hall, the last wïtnros to 1* called for the defence, having been nwu- ny>rie«i away siul-leuly. Mr. Powell ex­pressed his inability to procêe»| with tiu* rose. If *ii* suggested -that if tbH Jury w ished to visit. the scene of the murder tîiàt it mighf Jh* done.

Tiu* foreman of the jury e*pr»iTO»e»l the desire to visit the place.

The question th*‘n arose as to whether the prisoner would have to accompany them, the jury, and sheriff. After jn- rroflgatioe it was deeifM that' the jury should go in comitauy with the sheriff

A special c*r .was provided for them, and an ad>amiinent taken .by. the court until 2.1M) this afterntwn.

— —■—b



Most Seeteiilel Meeting Held at Metcbwto la Liberal lateresti !

Last Evealrg.


THE WESTSIDEVICTORIA'S POrt'UUL STORE .................................................. HTOBzCR 2. WX




T^• I.

hy the evid«inre to show that the aernwr-vt wn* really not r»**I»onsibIe for his acts,

ALra. Frith was the first jrftSfBî-iD. trotifiei! tiiat in lifiil. about (>hrisiiu.is the acemted hml had a hemorrhag • of the bta4u, and since that time he had had three attacks of fits. The doctor said they wi re epileptic fits. Since that illnews her husband hail acted differently. On two occasion* while reading hi* paper he suddenly rushed upon witness knocking her down and ahk> awear’-ng.

<Ki‘asi<in he showed a rwohrer. andthreatened to kill the family. He had also put her out of doors in one of these■

Another üuw, although he had M i*»tnmhlr with Mr. Payne, he nhowed a revolver,. and threaten»*I (hat he would kill him. Next <hiy, this Iwing ret-alle»! t«> hi* uiiud. he mnemlMTed noth«i / of it. *j

For s»»m»‘ time lie had Slept very poor’y | at night.*. W'lfnew would bathe his head with cold water. Arvnsed WOuM rapfl ' h»T in this. II# would get up and ta»k ftp imaginary prop!»*. For some tilu#* h> had lx‘en «suisinning I bottle of 8co»' h whisk»‘y every niglit, wfiich he brought home. He would get up nlniut every half hour a ml flw down am!' get a drmk- On the night liefore the crime hé was

Advice* from Dwwso» I*c4*y tell of « »sat "press of freight at White Horse,

owing, to the low state of the waterin' the Yukon. It l* believed that a large quantity will not reach it»\ destination this season. Acrtfniing to the statrtiient of the gertéral manager, of the White

■ton* can be shipped befofé the ••!<>*,. of navigation. ■ Tlii* ia not eXpevi»h1 to last much iongér aï Ibeweathef w aa~ get Ting colder. There wetv heavy /r.*rt* nightly. Mining <»|terafi<»n», hownrpf, had m-t l»ern snsp<«nde«l and washing continues during the middle of the day.

MA III NR NOTRfi.The (’«nadian. Australian A Puget

Souud N lea ins hip < «>mi»asp is the uatUf

demi with gr«*at effect l»y Harry Du j drinking as usual. In tne morning he Boss,I the jhqmlar tenor, as i* a»ao the j <*«me in al*uit Kîfii. After breakfast andillu*trat<*l song. “Sin 1- Sleeping by th»- KTlv'ry ‘Rb» Graiub'.*' TTi- irrm-ithr pic­ture* are new, novel and •Instructive. A candy matinee will be given to-morrow afternoon, whop sll attending- will re- eei-Ve. -a- Uux of * a tidy fr**C-.

-----O-----E. B. Williams 1 1

will pn sent “An Evening With THckens” In the Metropolitan church on Tuesdsy evcinng next, ha* fur t!ie- pasi Aftota years made a special study ..f Di. kvn**a lif.- and wrttlngi and baa gathered In hia private library at Toronto the moat complete collection of Dickens literature in Ameiti u. .lie.Li. riM ogniaed -bctir^nT' "Rome ami abroad as^nn authority on th» siibji'ct. In coniteetioh' with hi* enter­tainment Mr. Williamson u*e* a number of Iteautiful stereopticon views, tlie slides for which have been iiiadê frout original* in|hi* possession... Coneeraing hi* work the Toronto Saturday Night say*; "No more charming eiyertainment of a liter­ary character could be itnagined.” ITte Stratford Herald: “More rharr fntcrest- ing—it was enthralling.*' Thé (îucjph Mercury: “It was a delightful etfPr


aft»T sharing Ih* <*aUeil hi* little lmy him. f|» felt Ukc- boy Vueefc. »ml said he had thrown away th*- revolver and would have to cut the l»oy’* throat. ^

Witness said For Own -uk*-. I'r* 1. don't Xlo any thing like that .”

Khc mwtHlei Mr .Huiicy coming to their place after Frith’s <fi*tiii**al. when the latter said !V wa<Till*own FnuTTÏiïfll he was dismissed. She had h*-ard her Imslxand ssytfat If aM men were like Bailey » ml Vu rroll it w«ml*l lw. all rigltL .

Crow-exumine<l by Mr. McLean. wrtVL nt-ss said that she d-id not tell Mr. Payne to be nn his gnard after Frltlt bad

the threat he-dûh—Bhe kept

^PrrtwHMllngw of thg. convention of the King's Daughters were openêî this morning with devotional exercises by Her. II. B. Blylh. A dbenasiott took plain* côBîêfiiiug whéiT a tld where TO' hold ,tbe Convention for 1004. A warm invitation was extends from Duncans.11 wnw moved by Mrs. Day. seconded by- Mrs. Baxter, that while appreciating very milch tin* kind invitation of the

in i 'irdes to hold : he zbbmI • ■

find out .what the «-Xpensex woudl le* of |*ringiiig out Mis* Brown, the Dominion m <*reiary. t<» the convention., here, and, after obtaining all fin formation, if satis­factory. Mi*» Brown l*e invited to come, nml the details ieh to tin- executive aud the f'owichan Circle* t « arrange. A resolution *vns [m**ed that this branch shall hold it» annual convention foext year in 4he month of June. Amendment* to the present constitution were freely discussed ami several necessary changes




England to opiate a line of steamer* ItCtwee*» the jxdnts named. , K* A. Alley, président of the i<mqiany. was in Tv- ronto a few d»yw ago. and ha* fftine jq Rl. Paul td*»-«iuiplet»‘ arrangement* with the.Northern rarific f«»r lisudling f re'gbt.

The British ship Rhrdowie i- reporti*d ha « • arrived -h « -apetow n from * 'he

maiuu*. minus her d»Tekfoa«! of InmlteT, whim was tost on the.why.

SteaiiHT Yosemite w«*it t«> New West­minster this morning instead of Ui" Bithet. to bring «town the exhibit*. fuT- the1 Victoria fair.

Steanor* Ttc* amt tliiven City sailed last night, the former for*Northern Brit­ish Columbia |*ort* and tfie latter for the West Coast.

The seahng schiMHiel (,*arh»tta (*. Cox/ rvturneil from Behring Sea last night with a catch of 474 idfcm*.

Btearner Prim-ess May i* i xpccted.from Skagwny to-inorrow morning.

—Mewr*. 1‘aikanl and" Birks. two of tho iiM-mU-ro of the troroofaenrrer»’ party, will w>uf»r With fhê e&cttgve ot the Y. M. C. A- on nssocintiun work.

h«-r>elf though she had fears that he might carry it out,in answer to Hi* ’Lordship witness

said before this llln»vs her hn*ba»d Was very kind to hia family. He hud been in bed ten days at the time of hif iHnroa in 1901 Tlie fir*t outbn-ak of paaeioo occurred al*Htt two mouth* offer the sickness. Slie thought that the tiinwt concerting Payne was made itt- r hfa* discharge. For nl*ont two weeks before the murder, .he had lH*eu cuDsuming a bottle a night. For .some months l»efore he had been drinking htinvilg.

Mi** Isabel Frith trotifird tfcirt whe- had jfone to Vancouver in January InsL Since bïs ihtiéss In 1001 on one or two oe«-asions her father had acted very -peculiarly. On one of throe lu- asked if

ceTOm gëbTTéTnnn' WRV"cnmW *rto the house that evening, lie showed hi* revolver, and said he wished to shoot both of us. Witness escaped out of the bonne. About a month ‘before *h<* went to Vam-onreg he also expressed a ib'*ire V, L ; ; : them both. Lut >!"• again ewceped. The next morning her father would ap­pear rational. She, therefore, decided to go to Vancouver.

OoKs-<‘xamined by Mr. Mel^ean wri.t-■eel SXid Unit the action of l..-r father was the real ernise of her going to Van­couver. Slie thought it would in* the wis«isV thing to do. Wh«Hi idi£ escaped from the honse she went to Mr*. Camp- heir*. She did not Any anything to Mr*- t'amplH‘11 of why she came there. She often went there. She kept these things from everyone. ^

Dr. Hart was railed to give expert evi-

Mr. Powell laid the clrcuttistanc.-s as ontlinml by the witnesses «» to the actions of the accused, and asked the (kK-tor'e opinion of the sanity of the ac­cused.

Dr. Hart aaid that these fact* w;o»l<l dicate a cwArhr amount of mental

* rangement, otherwise Insanity. It might indicate homicidal mania, but not

—Feed- Beckman: - advaure ngebT-nf "In Old Kentucky," is in the <-iiy-to-»lny. The «umiwiny he re|»c***cnts he *sv* l* *tixmger than ever. ««4 despite- 44»* feet that the mH#*tromw i# to*, year* cTd Ui bold on the Affectiou of the public as strong a» ever.

- The library %retards for ti.. past month show the following^ ‘Book is- *m-d. 1 ,r»l 1 ; to ladi»**. 745; toJp»ntk*m»n. 7<Wi highest number issmsi in one day. 11ll;-sveràge number. 00; now mem! er*. 1ÎS; ladies, Iti; gentinnefi. 12; ad«le»l to library. 1 volume Colonist, -friMii Janu­ary to June. IlkW; 1 volume Times, from Janusry to June, 190R.

—The pot ire record fur ttlF pa*t month shows that there were til» ease* dead with, of which there werêTdT ctmvi<*tlôns and four disrharged. The charge* were

1; causing a disturb*m-e. 1; infraction ofcity by law». 10; drunks. 29; obtaining >•«»*!* under false pretence*. 2: pos*»-s*ion of intoxicants, ,1; robbery with viofbuc*, ,21-snpjdyiug Jataxi»antS-to Imtiims, .4^stealing. 1. In a*Mition t<> tln**c there were 21 |»eople detain»-»! at tlie police station for safe ke«‘ping.

—Hi* Rx«-éllefv.v XFmsignor Sbar- retti. papal ♦lelegnt»1 to Canada, who will ronfi'T the pallium *m- Archbishop Orth on 5hmfhry morning, rrnrhed Vancouver to-day, and will arrive here on the Prince** Victoria this evening- A com­mittee from the local Rmhun Catholic congregation, tinder tin- chairmanship of !,. < 1. MeQnade. x»«ni up to the T«r-

'minnl City to meet the distinguish»*»! pre­late. Otlu*r prominent dignitariro will arrive1 this evening ni>d t.o-m«*rrox» in onier to Ik* present at -the interesting ceremony to he conducted on Sunday

Jl JlJlJlJlvdJlJl Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl Jl J* J* * s.4 JIWT BKrOBE THK B VTTl.E.* ...- *S -THK LIBERAL CAX!>I ,< ,« 1>ATRS WII.L (HVF T1IKIR .* .« 1AST I TO THK W J*.* TOMATE AT THK A. O V. .« 4» W. HALL TO XIOHT

ssssssss *********

A lurg,1 ;iuiMvnrc Ihi n-it at Ui«i .uhlTr hall in Metehowin last night at John Jar­dine'* meeting, expecting a loittie royal between the two candidates. The ladies were very much in evidence.

- The invitation to Mr. Pooley- to be present was rend to the meeting. All j present were aware that Mr. Pooley had no meeting last eW-rdug, a* they had wen the notice of hi* schedule of nno-rtug* in the new-qaiiM-n#. After it wàs demon­strated that Mr. Pooley had txveniy-four : hours’ Botkse »of thw meeting, according to hi* own statement ae given in yrotep- »• day's Col mist, t-v»-rybo<ly without ex cep- i tlon e.uidemned him for hk empty bluff at the Onservative meeting last Hatur- ; day evening in MeUhoein, wherein he »-xpr»-*wd a desire to speak at some of John'Jurdine's meeting*.

Mr. Jardine, in an able speech, in ' whtoh he proved to the elector» present that if elected he would occupy a fore- meat place wit II ibe best buter* in ih«- Haws, taking a* h»- will a UktE* atobk of pra« tb,t^k knowietlgtf of affair* into the councils of tho province, completely refuted to the satisfaction of everybody f the misstatement* of Mr. Pooley" and e of hers la*t Saturday twening. Mr. Jar- din** challenged anyone proseut—and Koiin- of Mr. Pooley'* friends were then* —to produce a circular iwaned by him <*r anjfoui in his interests to say that “the electors must vote for Jardine or not get the flub traps." XVho ha* that ■circular?** wa* the question- passed ( AruUud the- hall. The melting »tticklr find c«»uelusiv«4y saw the point that if such a circular had been •»*tied that on-* of Mr. Pooley’» particular friends ; w«»ul«i not have been the only person to , n-ceive one. “That is a Vanunj nailed," , *]K»k«- Up *4‘veral prewnt, and utter dis- •tppttintment;-and divtrust in Mr:'Pooley p»-rrad«*«l the meeting, in that he woul«l tb*»v«*nd to such unworthy tactics. Htatc- wem" vmrwnmfSTôt Mr: Tôiléy’s at last Saturday night's meeting was sx- plodéil and inaecqraeie* shown up to thé immense enjoyment of nearly all present. Mr. IWleyV few supporter* row him lowered «n the wthnation of all pr»-went, until at the ck«*e of the'«!♦*•<ing, if Mr. ibwdey had any supporters present, they were- not in evidence. mJUJb* GrOJil.1pletejy dlseomfiti-d M r. rliwrtï tlie

Men’s Shirts

75cMru’s Fancy Striped Shirt*, xvlrh starched broom and detachable^ cuffs. Regular value $1.W each SI‘EVIAL 1’Rti’E.

- Men’s UmbrellasMen's Gloria i’mbrelhi*. with extra

atroug strol nwt. In Natural Cherry Wood ami Horu Huudles. Regu­lar values 41.Ml to M 7fieach. sFFriÀr. Fttirr

We can't afford to offer you Men’s Fur­nishing Needs for nothing, but we can and. do make the .prices as low and reasonable nw our buying and selling penult. Our business and reputation grows with the way we satisfy our customers. You'll lie more than satisfied when you see the fol­

lowing lines and the values they represent: ”

Men’s BracesMen's Patent “Chester” Braces, strong aud serviceable, neat de­signs and colorings, per- pair." SPECIAL OCm Cn*THICK*........ ..........COÇ» DUGClosing Ont the Men’s

Wate rproofsRegular Bale

The Raglan . ... The Utiudwuud . . The Newmarket .

Prices. Price*.. .#12.50 » 7.00,. 14 W N-'*> .. 17 25 10 . 5$1.25

Special Bargains-Of Interest to LadiesLadies' Kid Gloves

uT°" French Kid CMo-ro,

these #1.50 Gloves oti BATCRDAY $1.00

Ladies’ Cashmere Hoseladles’ Heavy Ribbed Cashmere

Hosiery, all elero. double heels, knero ami t «s-s. 8PBC1AL Of « PRICK............................ COO


The Hutdiesoq Go., Ltd., Victoria, B.G.iwwaaBWAert»»«aaî.»a8«<*Aaaag^»BaiasawBi«aa«»aa»rAUHi(aaawaa»



We hare just received a new- stock of Table Knives, Xy­lonite handles, $3 to $6 per

dozen, dessert knives, xylonite handle», $2.5» to $5.50; carvers, from $1.75 to $10.00 per set; English and American electro-plate; solid niekelite spo«*ne »ml fork*. $2.50 to $3.50 dofien.

If you want cutlery at low prices inspect our stock at

Sheffield Cutlery Store.78 Government Street

govmiroeet at Ottawa atep» in and tell», tiie companies 1 hat they cin Tïavë ^he privilege of building a ratiway if they cdHieBT to cniidttlon-. ^^'hen the Grand Trunk: Pacific is built*, just watch the rush to get government land along the line of the Grand Trunk 1‘aciSc in pref­erence to C.r.It. lands-.

Mn Helmckvn wndohd and wept copiously nt tin- meeting.la Metdwaiu last Satunlny night b<*:iU*e of the sad

■WWWPfWf- .... .righteous l«fgiarat1oii of the- government : at Ottawa Mr. Helmcken told tb* electors of Afetrhusra thst tin* on‘y rem sfiy WlOirvI^t Conservatives; that so long the Lilwritl* stajvd in power, just so long would M*'t<-hoMn be trampled »>n ifi th** matter. How e’.o- j querçt ‘Arry waxed on the subject! Th»* : elector* w;»*re remind**»! that U. L. ' Borden requested the ( oneervatire A* \ s<H-iati<m* »>f British Vtdnmbia t*> draft 1 n |4an of re*l»*-tril«ui«.n ao far »a Jlritiah . t’o.umbia was coeCeraed. They all re- memtwmt when remimled tlwt the C’on- | servative Association -if Victoria, jof J xx hi- h H 1» $T< in-- ken la ; !. eniiorsed th-- re»iistrilnifion. »

Tin- meeting broke up with <h«'« rs f r ] the King and (he candidat ■ aud singing the national anthem. » .

After the meeting th»»*»- a s «uni Wed re solx*e»t th- m*»*lves Into a committee of tiu; whule- juuLdlsLii'sed Juatter* in„non­ne» •( ion with getting a good-big vot»*

»-p<d!e»l on Sntttrdny. Rrerybody was that Mr. -lardine would cer-

tatnlj a g»od maj rlfy hi Metehosin.


JOHN STREET .................................. 1.MW

2 LOTS AND COTTAGE. OAK RAY AVENUE ........ ....... ........2JM

■■■H other evening at Ct*der Hti'., conviii<*ed every­body that a mistake would b*- made If any of the «»W gang wero sent back Id thw Honse. '11?Tiîfil IS? elwhiri» present that they rarer» digging a deep b»*le in 8aani<-b to bury Mr. Kbert* in, artd n*e the shovel to g^t-d puriK»we. so as to make room t . put Mc. I*t*>ley in the bol» xxiUi Mr Bbveifi» ■ i.-oig Mini «<•»»- tinue»l hi lighter.)

Mr. -Grant .told the elector* of Met- ch«»*in that when Mr. Turner, another of the ol»l gang, first went to Iawi»b»n a* agent-gem*rul for British Columbia, the first object which atlro« t«*d hi* notb-e • wa* a large sign on one of tlie bui’ding*"f a leading flusmia! <*oncern. "Heware of Briti-h Columbia" Wildcat H»*h»*m«*s.M The aurHence could imagine with what fine indignation J. H. Turner saw that romh-nination of hi* cam*r shamAg him »*n h-i* arrival In Ixmd-in. An api»eal to tho high tvimmbnrionrr’s office rmty eiiriri™♦•<1 the comfortable reply. “No man, by your eoAoeetion wijh that Klondike wild­cat *ebeme »<* liwe the workingmen, has done more to be responsible for that sign than yourself." Mr. I*»*t»b-y’« share in thst ee»wm wa«i vivid b» the memory of ali present. Mr. Grant drew the audi­ence'* attention to the fact, in pointing out Lhr Aarxuc gud ubalruitiuu giuired by ; hugeiand grant* to rail ways, that MKDiui-miiir in hi* offer to constrngt a 'railway to the north end of the island AfflUftflltltl WhtfCuy KPSQitS Will

•*” ” xlx,e“' .......... • Re Shown ns Fast as Residy to construct the railway, which fora great part of the di*tan«'e opened up - CCÎVfd.land aln ady b» longing to Mr. Duasmulr. \ ”Who

Stores and Dwellings to Let.Farms for Sul» . ______i

rtrr Tueurauce Written.

P. R. Brown, Ltd.,30 BROAD 8T.

New and StylishMILLINERY




Mr. Dunsmuir was npproarhe»! about ai»l to an alternative railway scheme by way of A the mi, which would also open up a Inrg r tract of Dunsmuir land he alw«dnte|y n*fused to extend aid to It beyond the granting of a beggarly right-of-way. Mr. Grant’* remWing of Mr. i\»ob*y'a assertion that lands were b> Vw giy en to railiiAr* iu ^trofemice to other ai«l in view of Mr. Dun*muit'* position oil the railway question was a bit of the most biting satire ever heard

E HAVE just re­ceived a fine assort­ment of

Ladies’ Blouses, Wrappers aqd

Dressing SacquesAlso a large assortment of


Stevens 0 Jenkins*4 DOUGLAS ST.

Arrang«‘meiit* have boil mn»!*» by thé Tinw** to carry out to-morrow*"night the bulletin servi»*»» which has l*eeh need with such excellent results ia récent poli­tical aud municipal elections. »

The return*, a* thi*y come in. will be t h ro wn ttprur a screen opproitw t Ixe-Tiine» office, so that the rvfruit* can J[»e se«n nmr Twgrr rw~irrwtr------------ ; f

1n Brtti.il Culumhla. ' ? | The return, m.m the cmnlry rMiugs’ Mr. Wtdby-fbMmnm roasted the past : will commencé Ati t#<»me In it is expected

governments of British Columbia, of aia>ut six »»el»K*k. and frtmi that time f»»r-wanl there will la» a constant *«»ryk*e up t»» a-lkuit midnight, as the pr**gr»^s < f the count in the cities will la* thrown upon

which the present is a Hues I descendant, Top fhéîr Hilstfffi tit» geroefil oT The Yrass- !IMirtation qimstion. contrasting the bar­gain ns arranged between th»» (’an a «linn Nortlwcn and the governm«'nt of British L’olumbia with-it* vast bind grant (which Mr. INio'.ey still endorse»!) and large money èulwidy, the /tup»»ndous subsidies both in lands and money t.i the < ' I' It. by the Tories, with the present traus»»on- tinental *»»h<‘m«», the^flrand Trunk Vy» ific, which will l>e constritete»! from Winnipeg to the Pacific coast, without costing the Dominion government or that of British Columbia a single cent or a foot of. land oVer and beyond the right-of-way.

Mr. Bolomon'a rontentkin was that owing to "the great growth of Manitoba and the Northwest Territories that the railw’ay will pey from th»» grass root*, lienee the govemnn»nt will not he called on to pay a sirgl»» cent of internat be­cause of gun rante»cW bomls.

In the past the Conservative govern­ments bad exercised Uo centred over patr- aengvr and freight rate». All this is alter»»»! now. Instead 'oft the rallwtfy corporations b»dng the boss of theagov-

. i-rnment, Itringing in bills framed by ji themselves, from nobody knows where,

»» per notorious “Bill 87,“ the Liberal

the screen every few minuit?».

******** ********* '

* j*, TO-XIGUT'S MEETISU. .<;* — “ ** IlUKiHT, SIIOUT SVKÈCH .** Htt AT THK A. O. U. X\\ .«.« HALL TO-.MOIIT. ** ********* *********

—.Vo’.itU'ai Mt-otisg To-ttight.—In Iiv rtitute bail In-nv Smith, J. C. Wa^ti-pa ami other# *111 apeak. *.

STOMACH "•COWLS."—Bwr n-'tl.r th. ...in* und fnrrowa that *tral Into th. far. „l III, auffrrrr from IndtSMtlon, iiy.|>rp4la aud chroalc etoinarh «Hhi.M.ti.1 Wati-h th, aaaastae brtoik In and th, tin,, vanun whm Hr. Von Stnn'a PlnMippl, Ta'jl.U nr.

•glv.ii n l hanr. to .how thôlr power, on. lady. In writing of lh.tr .Ornty In her enae. cnlln thra "A h«wven horn healer. !» rta. Sold by faction A Co. and Halt * Co.—ISO.


Will skew that so matter what party is returoed to power the


Of the good people of VUtorla will continue to buy thrir Bheet Music and Musical M«»ri ban<Il»e at tln»fi> to-Date Music Store.

Fletcher Bros.I# GOVERNMENT 8T.


i-------^JPgPP—8—iciug An»»»rganlae Friday, Oct. IHth. 11108..- tu I Hull of Music. Alexandra Royal College, Government street, opposite Post Office. During the aeawm claasee will meet Mew- day, Tuesday aud Thursday evenings. Fri­day aud Saturday afternoons. t h ’droD’s claaa will rvsipen Saturday, Oct. 17th, at *2.80 p. m. Adult beginners’ claaa, Tuesday, Oet. 20th. at 8 p. m. Private leseona give». Parti* dead ring instruct l«.u» at own homes

3may he aceemtaodated Far partiea|aae Sa- ulre at Ball, betweeu the hour» of 3 and or 7 ««4 8 p. sa.



Don’t Think They Are Cheap --

BECAUSE THE PRICE IS!B. C. Granulated Sugar, 21 lbs.

• i • • • • •. » $ 1.00Ogilvie:s Hungarian I'lour, per

sack -................. ... $1.35Lake of the Woods Hungarian,

Flour, per sack ... $1 35

IWowat 8 Wallace, unooiriii.



T<> the Sporting Editor I wish yon would plvn- state In your valuable »|*»rtlug vol umti that lu I hr first fight Suallhatu had with Attvii hv should have had the décl ohm. a* he did all the leading add. bit the cleanest blows, while be scored n kuork down In the Pth round. In regard to tua^ crumbing unturned by Snallhaui. Suaitfraui |«l. k-.1 I 111- V|. frein JvfTi I. ', vs tv, fought !

' Champion Bob Fitzsimmons. As to KlcUb* and m- upright fighting, that U* iim>kln<l j of n in ni Snailham Ilk.-K 11 || , M„ j,|.!K.- Ills man better. And I also wish to state | that the reason why Snailham was n<d ag fTMsiv» With Attell was toy kipping him berk. When I dill let him go. what wn* the n stilt? Attell went down in the Kith round. As to mixing It, that Is where Hnailhnin has It on them all at his weight 1 aiu we|| xntlafl. d that we have" it man at laat of Mnallbam'» weight, so as the petple

< <**n See one of the best von tests ever wit-ues~»-d tn y i--fortn.

I also wish to state that Suallham Is in better shape flail ever, ae hî* tfiowr tre ir op against a pretty good man. and also that if he gets beaten be will have nVex-

<'0*“ - However, he experts to e«»me home with the long end of the pans*. He la now down to the nevesaary IM pounds. Any- 4mm]> who wishes to come down aud see blm work i~ entirely welcome, v ■ itllly Hnajlhama Adviser.

r. JOH N STUN H «• fScotty Stewart ").


Vancouver yesterday defeated the Sham rœk team at New* Westminster by a seore cf five goals to three, In one of the rough- cat games of the season. The result was a

Attise, ns mclfcAfcffiB* contest Jhg teams as to the spectators. Ill the first * Quarter the Rustem players did not exert ! themselves, confident In their power* to ■ even rtle - ore atid defeat their opponents ,

-by-*-nurrow margin Inter In the game, in j the first .juarjer thre*. ipuUa - were snored •

1 by Vancouver, and In the second two gtatls j went to each team, while In the following j

I ,w<> quarter*, or In the last half of the gam**, \ nueouver assn mod a defensive attl- 1

1 tn,,‘ H,"l the Shamrocks, to their evident jchagrin. Were Unable t<* score again.

The game comroemvd it :i ii'cloek, and f atarted ..at Quietly. Shamrocks did not play a fast game, but the • *. ancouvei* Imys work.Ni hard from the start. Before i»«»y minutes had elapeet. however, the West- I ern. train had made a scree of three. In the 1 next quarter the Eastern twelve picked up considerably, and put two goals past Nor- mnn. while Vancouver added two to their

In th.- last half the game became rough- —This ifl.jULrlbuUut to the A anrmrror Togm r

tactic*. Satisfied with their wore, prar finally the whole team fell back on the Jlags.^and the ttkauuruek* were unable to; carry out their Intention to even the score I in the latter half of the match. This ' groq^'JhiilurJll Jeellug.

of this rity, refereed, and *>’«*<> l»1» work r ut_PMt.. Scxeral niea .« j

- bôtFteams required medical attention, and «•veil Currie was sent u* the fence.

8am Norman, who waa In goal for Van- ‘ «vouvec. did exeellem work, toff kin g somet beautiful slops. Kavanagh. In the same position for Shamrock*, did not play the game he put up against New Wcsttpluster.After the gume Manager Kearny made theefirr1----------r~—-rf?

The ShaiurtH k- are olT-.-oIor after Tues­day's game, but they give credit to Van rouv.-r f*>r playing a grand game. Theydes. rve.r to win;** -,

years as much as It' has taken Japan ZWl t > accomplish. Then* gre some men in the Knit who Hffevt to rogyr.l this rap­prochement * In*tween Japan and Vhiua with «4anu. as carrying in. it* develop iticuf the menace of a really genuine Yellow Peril.. A member of .up* «.f the h gâtions iii Pekin was emphatic that before htirg Kngland would have cause to regret having entered) 11 to an alliance with Japan, but l could m-t help think­ing the r-f here wav r fWtjr'h of jfrrftousy about this, and that the country- lie was the representative of would only Lave b-Veti pH» pleased to have taken our place. Time alone will show how this Japan.a;* movement .if quiet invasion of China progrès***, and if 1 have exaggerated Its sigtiipcance and importance. If it de­velop*. as 1 « \|s*ct it will, it will have the effect of stopping the advance of the Russians before they reach Pekin, which, judging by their present rate of program*, might Be expected to Le their ultimate goal.**

According to the civil service estimates, the coronation cost £125,006.

OCTOBER 6th TO 10th. 1008,

{VICTORIA, B. C.,Coder the distinguished patronage of Hla

J Honor the Lient.-Governor, Sir Henri Joly de Lolblnlere.

Grand Parade of live StockInteresting, Inviting an.l iuutructlve ex­

hibits In Agriculture. Horticulture, Miner­al». Arts.. Manufacture aud Home. Hoys’ Mauual Training.

3 Days’ Great Morse Racing

Bicycle Meet; Association Foot ball, the Kiirra.-ks <vUâiujdim» of Victoria 1 v#.; Vic t.trlas; Trap HliooNng'; Tug.if-War.SPECIAL EVEN 1 NO ENTERTAINMENTS

AND. CONCERTS.B. C. Amateur » haiuplousblp Boxing.

Mrs. Kdmuuds. Soprano Soloist, from Washington. The Mism-s Hill. Deuces in Charactetiatlc National Costume*. ('omet Soloists. Nanaluio Silver Cornet Baud. Fifth Regiment ItHMd. ' ........

Wallace's Monster Glass(Hass steam engine la opelatlon; glass weaving, with H wonderful features; orUa n».*nts given away free. Punch and Judy Show, to make the «*1.1 and young laugh, and other aide shows being arranged for.

Cheap Excursion RatesA. G. A1 L ANDLESS, Mayor.

President.HOBT. H. 8WINKRTON,

Secretary.No accounts reeognlaed except tb.we or

dere.1 by written r.qulaltlou signed by the S«NTetary.

(In \ lb. and 2 lb. cans.)

The King of Good Coffees.CHASE & SANBORN

Notice. ,Mr. Pooley Will Ad­

dressThe Hectors of Rsqulmalt District at the following places at the dates and tlinea mentioned, via.:

E8QIIMALT, MASON'S UA-LL, Friday. * Oct., at S p. m.

Str. BoscowltzWILL SAIL

Monday, October Sth8 p. m. f.w Naas and Way Porta.

,.Thr ’ "mpany reserve the right to change the date .without nolle*. 6

For freight and passage applyJohn Barnsley a co..


LukeVictoria .. Khuu nlgauDuncan* ........Ladyamlth ...Nanaimo ........Ar. Wellington

ï'ï;J1**# TAUMt NO. 40. SouthlH.und. Nortbboaad.

. 9.00 . .-10.90 . .J LOQ. . . .11.57 ..:.12.40

. .. 1J.M

I Victoria , 7,Shawuigau I/«ike .,


I Nanaimo ..1 Wellington

Sat., Sim^ Smithboundw St Wed. w Arrive.

P. M. P. M.......... 4 7.5»------- 6.17 «.46...... 0.45......... T.S7

. Ar. 7.52- - —a iv murio.v,

r h v ti. I uni ™- Hn 0,1'.“Z 'V'ïf ""r“* *«*• •‘"IthbenM tr.lM.

Arrive.P. M.12.MS 10.40 10.02 » 10 8.20

I.r. IMIP _________ ....v,. 8t, TnROUO-H T,VKET8 Ty «ww


Vi r. THHOVUH TICKET» VICTORIA TO COWK HAN LAKE.w£S?."*KV%e" “"-"O-. W«ln^a„ ,„U K,ld»,A F.r. from


t^E£,mU^W *” *[l *'-Kl «"!-« X-t-rd., »nd »uid„.

GEO. L. COl RINKY.Traffic Manager.

NOTICE • ■ .<------------

.The Annual General Meeting of tne Sharebolderw of the Welllnglen Vidllert Company, Limited, will be held at the Company # office, Victoria, on Wednesday, the 7t| day of October ne*t, at eleven ,o clock In the foremsun.

Vlctorl*. 28th August, ififfil.Oil AS. K. POO LEY,


For Definite

Results in All Kinds of Mining

I ’J JrttJ fi. ♦ v -,-'Î rh£ WT. .Î5»

. i

rrTir oT i v, ah.in

S.S. HAZELTONWill Leave Port kseington v

For HaieltonAad «.7 lUkdlDf, os IM Rmm bit* «m eboet April aftth. lUpliar trip, will M mjd* at 170,11*01 iDtorrsId dwSfftor

OIom eowMoOoo wit, mall----------„ rmmVVtiwIa Mid VMironrer

rvr rote* of poaMn old frrlrbt apply to a. CUN NI NOII AM * BON,

°r a. P, BITS ST * 00.. LID.,


And Soo Pacific Line


made vigorous nlyMENAr* ___*■" slid manly by vm

VAGUVM DEVELOPER. Thus treatment wtil emerge •hruDkrn and undeveloped organe, end remove #13 week •veeee retartre to the grnlte armary system PartU uiaae In Plato eeeied euvetopet Heaith AgpReae* o»,, Me fit DepggR. Rldg.. Seattle.


Are You Going East?Tba® ba sure yoor tScketa read via the



.^nufectyré 1^^ Shoes ^utdCYCLOPS STEEL WORKS.


ROWLAND MACHIN, Can. Agent. Yates St.. Victoria, B. C.

. g”1*1, b7 UickmAn Ty. Hordw.r* On., w. & Frssw A Ofc. NlchoUe *

t>ATENT<î TRADE MARK* r . ° AND OOPÏR1UHTIIToeured la all eoontrteg,

•««rvhea of the iwonrde carefully made aod reporta gives. Gall ar write for la- forma uoa.


(Near Peat Office).


cmgh traîne


the PadAa

Japanese — Mattings !

In All the Popular Designs and Colorings.

J. PIERCY & CO.,Wholesale Dry floods, Victoria, B.C.


F very body


*•» lalnhartaa, Odorless.■vary9tlab m Match Every. Matsk • U|b*.


■a* rueL OO.. NANAIMO, B. C.

New Wellington Coal




.'SM "lMM,IAr WiwlMttaO. ««*ydwr loci i|rat, or write

F. W. PARKER.OouttoI Arenc

1*1 Taler Wej. Mettle

LOWEST BATEE BIOT SERVICE T* •« pointe In Couda end to* United ***!•* TO* feptMt and beat eu nipped trmln rrneoin, to# cuettoeot.



Kmprfwe uf India ...................... Oct! 6Kmpreaa of Japan.................................Noe. ÏÏAf**' ............... Nor. IS

CANADIAN AUSTRALIAN SAILINOS.“"F11* ,................... -...............-................ Sept. 18

“““ ......................................................Dec. UALASKA ROUTE.

For Hkeswey Direct,Princess May ................................. Oct. -4

| A»«r .............................................. occ 10'To Northern British Columbia way pvrte.

every Thursday, 11 p. m. v ! To Westminster -Tuesday and Friday. 7 f Ana.^"-j To Ahouiet and way .pert»-let, 7th, 14th l . ami- -3uli eaeh- nemt-h. vi »r. - nr. j To (juatelno and way p«»rts-7tb and 2Üt») each month, 11 p. m. i To Cape Scott aud way porta—20tb each j mouth, 11 p. to.j r<>r full particulars as to lime, rates, etc.,1 «ppiy to

K. J* COYLE,A. O. P. A., Vancouver, B, C.

U. Ha ABBOTT,W .Government AW Victoria. B. Cr



At StAfnaj. Aleeta, for .White Home ae*IntMeiedUle pointe. ... t ,,, ..[|.rTfr

Owlet the epee eeeeoe of eeneeooe tM . (False connect with the company • etaeae- ■ ara at Caribou for AtJia, Taku and Goidam Date mining campa- at White Here* foe Stewed Hirer, Daweeo. Tenena an other Yahoo Hirer point*.

- For pertloolers applf to the Trille De- part meet. White l’a» A Ynhoe Rente, rencouTM, B. V.

il*? ............. i-.......... SKMIporin*Waehed Not* ................... .........«S ou per ton1/entered to eny pert w-IM, the eatj Holt,



. REST iiiicsf:hold coal.




f^t-rrrgr Lym4i. wrirtner in • tîîï* Nine- ! Ae« nth rVnlnry. erirew a very dear idea 1 «>f the. Jfipniiization of China.. Itis- pro , dhctipn U a* follows;

‘ 1

pire jii-t. u > soon aw tfie Km-.j I»mv:ig«*r <i'n*s. a ml 4 she is now an qld

"wnmnn. In the upheaval of change; If the ivdusfrioits. |Hrsj»t«*ta. fnr-sighted

. efforts of her neighbor* hear fruit, we BJL6J' -.Withe.-H quite il railld transforma. 4mn in the life ùf the Knipire. Ti.at clever <*(»|pqneater. Sen-Yat-Rwt. anid to tin-, tliatv ôiicv the flilndke made up their i SHimU »o (4mtier, they wmrM *4T(*d in 1.1


MATCHESTto— matched are hf far the cheapest and meet economics 1 ef llf on

,u*' “V*'1,, •F',"""*, mete he* hi {he world, made from sen eortr pin* K"1 **T,l*|lf aultahle for domestic nee. Pot np In haht eliding boaee, ,*“r,Lahm0l0ra' 1,1 801 Bbeet *00 matches three bo.ee In

For Sale by all First-Class Dealers.^OOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ̂4

W ood’a PhoMpluMline,Tha Ortal Faftkh krmsjy,is an ohi. well estât* liahed aud reliable preparation. Has been prescribed and used over*!years. All drug* gists in the Dominion

, of Canada sell and recommend a* beioa

lie/ore and After. the only medicine of its kind that cures and

fives universal satisfaction. It promptly and p«r ma m-fitly cures all forms of Acrtosu Weak- west, Kmintiont, fl/xrmatorrhrra, Impotenry, and n U effect# o( a bum ore xcesaea; the excessive use of ToUi/to, Opium or Stimulant», Menltu and lirain Worry, all of which lead to Infirmity, Insanity, Consumption and an Early Grave.

Priee'fl p*r package or six for 15. iMeu ill please, sir will rare. Mailed prompty on re* •nipt of price. Send for free pamphlet- Address

The Wood ( ouepuny.---- tdaor. Ont , Cm ■

le sold la Victoriai

,-^-1 Mantels, Crates and Tiles

f Hl^ VAIL roooREHsive[ ill* I Vl/f CITIZENS! Re Jolce at Victoria a prosperity. Get your âbare^of it by Judlcl oua advertising, t all and In veatlgate one of the beat and moat economical schemes. Only 7Sc. paye the bill.-____.. nr liHiuiu ____ _Printer rnd Schemer of Good

Schemes,111 Fort Street

Victoria Transfer Company.LIMITED. r

Beet Equipped Hack and Livery Stable In the Province.

All rubber-tired hacks and finest livery turnouts. Baggage, furniture and freight handled at reasonable rates and with dis­patch. tm -sr. 23 BEOÜGIITON 8T. TKL.il»».

Yttnc Streets,VICTORIA, B.C

3-transcoi^inental-3v - TRAINS DAILY - UWHEN GUI NO TO

St Paul, Chicago, New Voit or Eastern Canadian Points

Take the

Northern Pacific Railway,*»•> Shiw * em* m a*-—:t.--

Famous North Coast LimitedThe oelj ^-to-date AcaJn n nealim the mm- tloent. Tbie train B made op of eiwent New VMttbu./J Pullman end ToSSl Blewpers, electric lighted and atrwm hr»ted ^Keenmhh, tlcheu ee eel* to Kl I^w>

^ <'*,***P ratP* ene way and round trip

For further infurmatloe apply to — Ae D. CHARLTON. OB LANGA* 'Ll, L' «en erirïgL*,

Friftiaad. Ora. Victoria. B.U.

Atlantic Steamship Sailingst mi ... From Montreal, Que.Ionian -Allan Line ................. <>ct 3Tunisian—Allan .Line .........................Oct! 10Parisian—Allan Line ...........................Oct* 17Lake Erie—Van. Pacific ......................Oct! 1Mount Temple «-Van. Pacific ..............Oct. 16LakeVhamplaln-Van. Pacific . .Oct. 22 «*«mtttiK3Lt* ,l#w^iwi.twè .'.net. YDominion—Domlnbio Line ................. Oct. 10Keualngton—Dominion Line ....... Oct. 17v__„ , . ^ , From Boat on. Mass.New England-Dominion Llue ........Get 1Mayflower —lN>mlolon Line ................Oct. 8Volnmbua Dominion Line ,.xOtfLl&iverura- ruhaf.1 T.rrie™7?!t!t!. «Saxunla - L unard Iàu* . .... «et. 24

From New York. N.Y.Lucan la < unard Line ....................... Oct. 3Etruria—Vunard Line ....................... Oei. 10Vampaula • Vunard Line ...................... Oct 17Arabic White Star Une ................. Oct. 2German 1«—White Star Line ..............ot*t. 7Cedric—While Star Line ....................Oct. VUhioplii Anchor Line ................. . , « *«*t. 3Arirborla—Anchor Line ..................... o<*t. 10Colombia -Anchor Une.............................Uvt, 17

For all information apply to H. II. ABBOTT.

86 Government IM.,Agent for all Lines.

W. P. F. CUMMINGS,fl. 8. S. A .

Winnipeg. Man.


Chicago, Buffalo,New York and

Al«> to BOSTON vi* the impor­tant butine» center, of


For Tim. TeblM. rl. . eddrew ^GEO W. VAUX,

Awt am- rim. * m. Am., u. iiu. mr*M.

—~ 'roxSoutb-Easteni



W. J. ANDERSON’SUrge variety In stack. These whs

contemplate building should select In advance.

Weather Strip* .... _______ ..,railSpecial Dlscounta to the Trade.

SHOW ROOM, (X)R. LANGLEY AND buuLuhton street*.

OFFICE, S LaKOI-ET STREET. - P. O. Be, ». Pboee »

Painting, Glazing,Paper Hanging, Etc.J. ÔEARS.

PHONK 11742.•1-68 Y STEM HTKB10T.

Jas. Dupen,136 Yates St-, Opposite

Dominion Hotel %Gents’ Clothe* Cleaned,

Pressed, Repaired and Altered, At Short- eat Notice.

JfflUff for,»™ln Hawaii, Samoa,

: New Zealand andHHH^Aiiatralia.

B.B. VKNTl’RA. for Auçkland, Sydney, 2 p. in.. ThurwdHy, Oct. 8.1*%- ALAMEDA, tor nattdlulu, Oct If,

S H MARIP08A, for Tahiti, Oct. 26, 11i. u. IPMtilELS A BROS. CO., AeentA

Han FranctwooOt B. P. RITU ET A OO . LTD., VlrtdrtA,





STEAMER MAJESTICSail» dally, except Sunday, at 0.00 a. in.

STEAMER CLALLAMKail* dally, except Sunday, n( J.;to p. m., calling at Part Angeles. Tueadar* Thursday and Hufurdny.

K. E. BLAt K WOO II, Agent,100 Government Street.

The Pioneer Limited

la excellence of equipment, laLu.--a._ 4tUa*~7fcjf itwdf.From MlnheapuHit and St.Paul twfhfcagn tv t, Tttr Train of Trains. It rune via tha

Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry.The feule «tinaid 1,7 the----------

■■■' » umn RTaii‘1 Governmentfor The Fast Mail. Three ether dally train* to Chi­cago via this route. -

R. M. BOYD,Coml. Agent. Seattle, Wn.

For San FranciscoUmatilla. Sept. 1, 16, Oet 1, 16.Queen. Sept. 6, 21, Oct. 6, 21.City of Puebla, Sept. 11, 26, Oct. 11. 26. Steamer leaves every fifth day thereafter.

LEAVE VICTORIA, 6 A. M.Cottage City. Sept. 0. 21, Oct. 8, 15.

LEAVE SEATTLE. » P. M.Cottage City. City of K.attle, or City ot

Topeka. Sept. 2. 8. 13, 14. 20. 26, 28. Oct. 2L Steamers coanect at San Francisco wit*

Company's steamers for ports In California, Mexico and Humboldt Bay.

For further Information obtain folder. Right ta reserved to change at earners or

■antag «He*.R. P. RITI1ET A CO.. Agents. 96 OoTern-

tnent St. and 61 Wharf St., Victoria. TICKET OFFICES, 113 James St., and


4 New Montgomery St.C. D. DUNANX, Gen. Passenger Agent,

10 Market St., San Francisco.



WING ON wonkr Intelligence Bureau


x —4TO—

Vancouver, New West minster, Ladners,

GuichonLeave Victoria dally ........................ 7 a.m.Arrive Sidney ............................ 7.60a.m.Arrive Port Gnlchon ..................... 11.at) a.m.Arrive Ladders (Chariocktkoe).. 11.88 a.m.Arrive Cloverdele ............................ 12.10 p.m.Arrive New Westminster ................1.90 p.m.Arrive Vancouver ........................... 2.46 p.m.

Cheap Week-Fad ExcursionsFor tickets and Information apply to

K. J. BURNS,75 Government Street.

F. VAN 8 A NT.Traffic Manager.

New York Stocks and Grain F. W. STEVENSON.

Orders executed for cash or fature delivery

PHONE 862. 21 J1KOAD 8T.






Leaves Seattle 8.30 a. m. daily to Spokane, St. Paul, Duluth, Chicago, Buffalo, New York, Toronto, Montreal aud points East.

Passenger* leave Victoria 8.S. Clallam 7.30' p. m. «rally' (except Sunday), dr 8. 8. Majestic 0 a. m. dally (except Sunday).

For rates, tickets, reservations and all Information, call at or address A. H. C. DENN18TON,

O. W. P. A., G. N. ft,Seattle, Wash.

K. J. BURNS.General Agent,

75 Government St., Victoria, B. C.

J^jjREATjNdRTHERH76 Gove. tent Street, Victoria, B. O.


irlt* et .• mere u es*Direct connect-.Dorn Beattie.


Japan and Asiatic porta. ^Be J/BURN A General AsmL U


•■ :>„. rr/.'W-^^*fl«e?«9>» ' ‘‘-?~55F* <*(■,,.«•' .-S* ,<?v-^:W?»s#S^&-55



f ATMurvh, of tlic Itoynl Marine Àrfltl .} Wry. «m a «entry at- the from irate »*o

! the morning of -7th Jrtite. Hé told i*f ! fiearing that Bu île) \va* mi wring ifbont i Ihlto <>"vl«H R. The Wmfy of IWiiloy wmk I Jfouud dWout J.1 o'vkX'k. . *'

lattice Sergt. IxiWth saw Hailey mid j Frith together eroding the y an I uls.ut

7.4o mi .the morning of 27th June. Ho l*a«I ufterwurils entered the storeroom

J by a window, the.door being locked and ..irwr.n ' the 'keyuïî»*»iig. Sir had fouijui Hailey #HEARD YESTERDAY body iutrith-. The key • f tlie adjoining.

storehotiae was found in Hailey’s hand.'*In answer to Mr. I*o»«*ll. wrltmw «id

he avti d ,ts n nurse to Frljh in DeronvCrown Prodacss Little in Addition toj’^. "" ,hou,l“ “ r"“' ”ik''1

i Win. Kenny, a first «-Uuw petty officer J of H- M. navy, saw Frith at the naval j pier «n the morning «*f June 2Tih a little i before M o'clock. He was going townrtls

Thit Brought Ont in Preliminary Examination.


u1 Provincial Officer < 'aintdirll ti‘*I.i^ed

. tlfe A court re>iuaing y.-s | that In- had Vet-h imim.it'e with aCeiis^hi« rd:iy Afternoon at 34S a jury wae « ne ( for yesm 11. gave.hie evidence largely panelled to try the .case i:. w'liVl. A. J. ! >rivt*,‘ «» «'*•* preliminary hearing of

Frith in accuse I • f the crime of murder against F. "J. Hailey. {■

In outlining the ease I>« |»ut.v AtUmiey- J store*. Wut

cape. Frith had. t«dd him on the morning of June 27th that -he had killed 1 £uiley owing to *oup* trouble at the

that it w its in self-ilcfepve.

•JB-CSqheuiah* Brewed from Hohcmlsn Mops.rner llccton 4fc Co.


General \l« i.« stated that the pri.....i He had afterward# i.ih. n pari Istood teemed >i U» gfeiftm crime "JJ***1 fôr the deceased, aad had ;mw«*.lknown in tliV law of Knghiud--murder. ' * ^V*1" , . ..

t rosx-examined h.v Mr. l'owell, he said I he qu*s»tiotl of t !i«- gravity .1 the crime he \iiicw Hailey and Frith w cr«‘ friends,

ended U|s'Hjl;.« • .• ! ;jy ....... ;..t - f Flilh uduulltsl 4,0. vv.i; u«. ** uiftci hi*tiiMV connect et I with it. ' In this instance it was mur-h r in the highest tlegree. 1h>- cause there was.- evidence tliatjt was j-rejm-ddated *• hu- time before. It wasf sad ea*e 4ic every n»*i>eet. The mu nier* j»-d man was 01 «• who Jia.l'held a re*|*m- (çibie-iMisitibn. in tin >vrViee- of the crown, having a family 1 depe tub-lit u|*ui him. The accused likewise held a responsible

hnrffe that it-was'Vîs own fault that it resulted. He had acted as a nurse to prisoner at *wie time. There ww* eon*>- j It hag the hatter with i.i- brita. Wit­ness had beetr drinking heavy forabout txvo months. At the time hé ronde t.h«» arrest of prisoner there was a little dis­til** pin as to nixora in tin- family, v „ S« rgt. Murray, of the provincial4»olice, told of Frith living brought to the lira

p..sitioii. and one «Uni one would pot j'«.fficr i„ ■ Victoria, lie wished to moke expect .to do 'U| li. a iLiut . lie lm»l. lo>u ■ . statement fô Siipcrint» n.hiit" If ii'*ey. ever, through C'-tting int-- evil w ay s. |,«- \> l»«* cautioned hint against it; Witnessc«ain' uegligei't <d ids duty ;tud through ; &h«-> cautioned him. but the prisoner pvr- intwnpcrahce had ft. -be diaekargtkl. He «Uted iu making hi# statement. This seenu-d to attribute the dismiss#! to , Maternent wan taken down in his pre- Ha ilct , and tld» rankled-In his-breast. Fence, It was naid in ciuift. and con-

Mr. Melvean recounted the circuiié j ^^ted of it detailed nimnmt of the pri* stanci s. vnrrtng that at « "clock in the • soîw-r’s trouble u i ; h Ha i lev. r«—tilting in im»rnit,g the a reused at an inp made the his having to *h.>"t him in- self-defence, statement that he was coming ba«*k to , The detail* .»f the stntemcut have !*•»•»- settle Bailey. At tii.it time In* hadln given in conius-fion with tip- preliminary bU- i*«ss«-—i.*ii -n rerolvT-r.^ - Ftrr Vrprrty y h» afSlg.- iuuI .it,*. famTIiar to rëmk-nt of AttorueydteurrnI «-«mthrned to trace the 4 fhc Times.

Av ' r <;.-r.|.-f«, 'W ; .V w.-i« ill jailIn cupclnding Mr. McLean said they when the accused was taken there. t«**ti-

Ivad the eviib nee c.f Frith math* to a fek ! fied tliat he had had a conversation with, low prisoner r 11 jit In kitting Bailey he * Frith concerning the affair. Frith a skill -bad got rid-of one of tlu* greatest hypo* him what he thought olnbit k. Witoea* criti*?» Ii*• had ever known. 1 cpli-tl that he did not want tu say wl.iat

Ih-, Ht--«Mart, in charge of the Naval he thought about it. hut 01/ liein* nrgeil hospital at K*i|uimàlt, testified as to the by Frith «id tliat some saM Frith sh«»uhl app«‘arnm of the body of Bailey when have >'.-««* himself after the «b-ed; other#ra1îwrT.T^1-F^ïïirnrnirsTdT»-sldff.':“'TTi'.V...rr; T nm^TT.-~a"nriiT;ir. AceiSST^ir'l**ly was then warm, lying on its face.Tliere wcu* no stave* or cUib of any



OCTOBER 2.Crisp Ten-Minute Talks by

Hon. A. E. flcPhillips, K. C., Chas. Hayward,H. Dallas Helmcken, K.G., Joseph Hunter,

And others,.interspersed with niusiç and songs.Everybody invited. Chair taken at 8 p. m.,

sharp. Chairs received for ladies.. __kOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOO ooooooooooooooooooorwwvti

THE DALLASVictoria's only uvaeMe resort. Strictly first-

THE VERNONL Tourist Headquarters. Cvr. xlvugiss uni

View St reçu




^ Driard1,0161 J“T0N. OOR AND BROAD RTS.

The Only First-Class Hotel In Victoria. Tourists’ Heaoqnarters

dates. gS.00, |4 00 and gfi.iw per day.


▲msrlcsn plan ............ Rate, 93 aad 134»•boated :■ ias avert at tfi# dty. Street

cars w'Lsis one block, passing r-oetiaauuslj* for m parts or the dty. Burner site» !» •'oaeetieo. Phone in every r«**e

St. Ann’s School,QUÀMICHAN, B. C.

î, A Boarding School for girls, with depart­ment for orphans, pleasantly situated at

j three miles from Dnncan e Station -Primary t ami Preparatory KnglUh 4'<tiirw>- ' Com­

petent Instructtrs for piano and needlework, j Cutting and fitting also taught. Board and ! tuition nine dollars a month. For partie»- j la re address

HIHTKU 8UPKHÎOH.Tsonbah-m P. I>.

lUtNIKHKEIKICtllEiThe I ar^eaf. Best and Most Bucceksful Business School

In British Columbia. OFFICE WORK AND BOOKKEEPING taught without teat

"Von loam by doing. " flrogg ahortbabd, easy to learn and fsafest to write.

1 Alexandra Royal College of Music and Art.

Signor d’Aurla, late of the Conservatory of Music In Toronto, has taken charge of the voeai ueparfmeut of the College and can In* consulted every Friday Voiced

l tested free of charge.



Shorthand and TypewritingCLASS WILL COMMENCÉ ON SE1TKM-

BF.lt HMh.For terms apply to KM Govern meat

street.- 1‘bmie B8.

.kind titer»-. The f.iUowing afternoon he examined the b«.«ty. A bullet had enter­ed the l«tick of the bead a little to the right of centre. Jt had passed through the^ skil l. It w as aptmrctrt theMunn had - ecu shot Trom lieiiitul at close» range, as the region of the votaoil waa d

#ai«l that the prisoner suffered, from a • «mdtiturtonnl. weakness, f«»r *hieh he

I ' IjnMM-iMHMyTT 'wlriie*7T sai«i he lia«l

“niTisf*bV‘a liitintier X • 1 wit.in-s* if he look»*! like a lunatic, ale I w ivoe*s nssoreil hint tltat he dill IN»t. Aecttscd then said "that he had merely done I duty by rhhling tin* w«>ri«l of one "f tin- greatest scoundrel* timt ever trial the earth timb-r the ck.ak «*f r»*b- gHHt, ami again asked if be looked like

tro^kâfca1 coovrenatlon with Frith

when the latt* r <-,uu«- l»a« k after tiie pre­liminary hearing. He had a.>ked him

lutd treated idm (*»r sotne-yearn-. - if be fWt iierv*Ht*. attd |»riso«eF replied-to Hi*. htf-Mid tbs - that he tlid uojl but refer ml p.e^Uliiiriy

condtimtir.nnl week tie'* was hernia.. Th«* f to the length of the road. H»*irrg a**k«d •decenwil could not have inflicted the if the revolver had been found Frith *ai«l Wemed I n *?f

Fr- * r 1-,. keeper tentl •' ,v haul to Ere twice itfie»I tti bnvinr received dnatinrtiuna'fromi w«*tiW g», off. and that had lie not ahts

Hailey that morning he would have shot tstUiubvdy elm* in the courue of the «lay. He had, often heanl prisoner iiinnuUng tune* to him*'If. On leaving the jail oh his diwdiarg»* witness had «id to Frith: "I wish you hiek. Frith." A reused eai«l wHnetbing als iH being pr^wr»*! for any-, thing. IV.soiier «ht he did not care much what way jt. went.

An 'adjournnietit was then taken until to-day at 10”tM*l<H*k.


N orthwesternSmelting & Refining Co.



Location of Works:

Crofton. Vancouver Island, B. C. jj


N«»tlce la hereby given, pursuant T«r"tbe , proviehma of Chapter trj <>f the lie vised

Statute* of Canada, that the Canadian Pa- i clfic Hallway Company has maije applica­

tion to the Govern«»r-lu-Council for approvalI of the conetruetlon of a wharf In the hnrtw»r

of Victoria. In the Province ot British Col­umbia, and that plan* thereof and a de­scription of the site -tf the pro|H«s**l wharf have la-en deposited with the Minister of Public Work a. and a duplicate of each In

j the office of the Registrar «If Devils at Vlo- 1 -torja, in the said I*rovlnce.

By order —-----CHARLES DRiNKWATER.

^ — - keorstnry.


All mineral rights are reaerrrd by the Baquimait A Nanaimo Railway < -.uipan wit kin that tract «»f land hounded on the south by the south Imuadary of « dual Dtetrii^. on the east by the Srralta of Ge-irgia, on the north by the Wth pana I let, and 00 the west by the bocuiïlfy of lü* ». * X. Railway I^tud Grant.


20c and 25c Per YardSARD H. Sm^LY

lAD’l Cumzx^Mioi—r-N

T . VICTORIA,-B. C VANCOUVER, B CLARGE ASS O RT M ENT 59 wtart st„ nkptiw, 737. ► mi w*t« at.

Mr. Bailey to provi.le some packing i oasew fi;r accus» «1 xvliom lie nr idem out! - wna leaving for Vancouver* The jmck- ing case* wen- kept In an adjoining nsun to that in which tl.«- lxidy of Hal by wt|#

Gfronn.examine»! hy Mr. Powell, the witness «ii«I He had never had anytrouble will* the accused.__ ■_

f’ha^r. Harris. Naval storehouse man. I having charge of tin- stores' gave eri- J deuce to Hailey t»cing t4u* %eni<»r store- j house clerk.. Tbp wn* under ;the latter Witness had dineharged £• ,Frith on" IDtii June on account of hi* TF baying persistently absented hinwelfi from dotj4, He luhLutVA-r-JiaiitHi any j ■ ■. •

» vimMcliVi t..vx Hi-1- Hailev r.ti the j Ottawa, Ort. 1. -Henry Cargill, Conserva- pwri-of Frith :—14e-4rn4- a t fi est -refuse»!—H*e iwiaWr fw Ka»i- Urue*- »tUsl *u«ldc»|>-

The B. C. Furniture Go,, Ld.J. SEHL, MANAGER.


Stoves !New and Second Hand. •


«.ai gill Died Nifil.T.üTy KTiômy After Delivering Speech In tbA Commoua.

Fri*k4ke ,*riviioe*v of hkvtHg t&b p^-itlnflr: cases ask»*! for on account of the di*- <*hnrge> from tin- s« rviee^. Being pr«>s#v*l tro Mr. Biiiey be had <*onsented after-if1*--

* ixw-fx«mineil by Mr. Powell witness admitted' that Huiler had <*»me to inter-

------codn for Frith, ------------------H. W. Pauline testified to meeting ac­

cused on the morning «ïf 27th June about 7 o’clock 'at the Snip Inn hotel. Frith

\ t-id him gwcTBye. as ViV «a Vancouver Accused *ni«l In that evening. After some further ron venation about hi* leaving, witness s«i»l lie aroul'l ««Hn- hark, some time and "fix him." Accuked SlWtfHoned is. name. He H Hi-it Ec re ft-rrv3 to Bailey onauxumt <-f fv 1 uu-.-r. .

Hi« Loias Bailey’* name was not mentioned." His Lordship nmtb^it plain that this wo* onb" an iiifmrnce the jiiitnl of the

Witnrsrv cn-tt:nnc*d tmiy nceu*cd drew• -#h»V w -Tea-v»kv»»e ■ wnctr fie mfnrroned tin*

circumsiam-e, \<’ros.*-( xanuncsl by Mr, fViwelT~wlt-

n«-<* *ai»l that - li«l* not think'■o<'<;u*»d .find been drinking. He; took on<y<rtrirS VlhHi. he* thought whhdtftv. The f.rbuNuu* fwa* flush--<L add scenic»! exclt»*l *l»a»*e»l tip and down, while talking,

looked As 1 hniigii he had been drink ii the night b. f- re.

AVitnes# ha«i. been In the navy yard about two years mid’nine month* lu-fore when «ecu*»*! *.ha«l a fit. When Iu* sawr him lie wn* lying prime kicking and (go­ing through’ tin- motion of swimming. When the revolver was produced od 27th June he paid little attention to it os he thought it was an act of brava»Vo.

ryntTby- fp- Ib«* oltlcw clerk. uf theHouse, where he Lnullicen r« mi.veïr'"after a sudden atta«;k of heart dlsçgae. sugH-rln- tln« t-«| by 71 bilious atlsek.

Mr. < ’argi-U *i*»ke In the Hmisr to-owy tm~ tlu- Prince Edward Island railroad esti­mates. 41 c ron<,hide«l -his n-morks by tell- tug a humorous .story, «ïï«ï shortly after b-avlng the chamlwr t«*>k a weak turn. Medical attendance was' promptly summon- ed. i.dt despite the efforia <-f half a doses

i going to f pliyalcfiuiH Mr. Ciri^Tf 3l«r«r-at "TTiOflTafterwas going suffering lrit«*nse-agony.

D«*eea.*ed was one of the oldest Conserva­tive member* In the House. His d«*uil«c murks rtie~Third death among the membe<s | of the t ’«mimons since the session opened. The others were Honorable Donald Far- ouhanem ami P. U. Alkrttneau, M<Hitatagay. Mr. Cargill decided a«>uie time ago to n-tlre from (Milltlcs at the conclusion of the prée-

« id pin liameutw

Stoves !

The B. R. Seabroolv Machinery and Supply Go.

B. r: sbabrook. proprietor.Menefirienii- A grots, Apprelwrs, Etc.. Hutu Stsuonery Engln-e (ill types sod cspsdtiss), Iren and Wood Working Mscbin-ry, Hfdrsnllc Machlberj for STS17 service; Iron and Steel Plates, Bare end Shapee; Steel Kalla, Billeta Bloom», Forging», Etc.: Eleradng and Con,eying Machinery; Steam Veeeele Tacbta and Venecia for Brerj Herrlce: Hardware and Engineering Specialties


I The Annual QatWlI M«-«-ting of tkd I Hharcholdefs of the E*|Ulmalt A Naualmo 1 Railway Company will t»e held at the Cons- ‘ pany'a office. Victoria, oaf Wednesday, tne I 7th day of October next, at eleven odock : In the foreu«s»n. ...... »


tk large variety At lowest prices. Fr ee «Wiv.ery.

e. a. d. FLirroN.129 Douglas Street.

Fras Delivery Nearly Opposite City Ha If,> 000000^000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000 C


You Don’t NJindThe Heat

When Foot Elm Cools Your Feet

d Kim relieves that hot, burn big seuSUion. ehe< k* exclusive and offensive pcr*pmitioti of the feet "aml prevents blisteringv swelling ami cha.fing.

It nhitaXtlyeil feet.* soothes sore feet ami make* walking pleasant even in hot days. l*rk*a 25 briita a box of IS i*»w «l»*rs. nt druggists or ox mail. IK V. Stott & Jury, Bowmanville^hit.

DoYou WantYour bouse wired T An electric door bell?

....Ek-ctric burglar alarm rr

Now is the timeTO HAVE YOUR

Furniture Looked After, Needing New Covering !

Or dome of your MA'FfltRSSRS may need picking jrer an«l rofillihg.W«* are again prepared lo attend fuITy bo your wants aA our Kniarged

hoisterhig Fat4<>ry . iWe have * Ibitv a ml «Fleet range of Covering* 4o choose from.Work done promptly and wefl.


Xotfro I» kwny gfv»*h That J Ttitpnd re apply to the Llceusiug Board at its next sitting for a traimf. i from Caroline Fer- Hud«. to me. of Victoria, of tjte license held by her to sell wlttea uud bv relaUois.u the pr.mlsee kmiwu ns the t’ol-.ulal Métropole Hotel, situate ou John sou si'i.et, In the City of VU-torla.

Dated this Itb day ..f Sept., ltttt.SAMUEL J. WALDRON.


A telephone from office to warebouaeT A telephone from bouse to stabled An electric nmtor to' run a sewing lha

chine or to n|N»rate a lathy,?We can supply ymr xrtth anything elec

trlcel.Let na bear from JOB. ---------

Smith G Champion, 100 Pouft|a"..*f'•PHONK. 718.


THE HINTON ELECTRIC CO., LIMITED.300000000000000000000000CÇ

Diamond Jewellery !The public will find our prices 10 per cent, below Eastern houses. Com­

pare our prices with their catalogues,

Stoddart’s Jewellery Store63 end 63 YATES STREET, VICTORIA, B.C.

DURING EXHIBITIONWe invite visitors to call, and inspect our stock of

Root Gutters, Pulpers, Willson & Fleury’s Celebrated Ploughs and Builders’ Hardware

In the matter of an application fur • duplicate of the Certificate of Title to !>«■ Fourt*wn <14>, Fift«--n tlô*. 8lxie«-e «!«>. Seventeen <17». Eighteen (181, Forty «tu». F«>rty-<»ne i41l. Forty-two (42), Forty-three i4.’!t nud Forty-Four (44), <-f Lot .sixteen Hundred aud Niuety-fouv tltiU4i, \ i, i«>rlis C't/

N'ltlc»1 Is hereby gireh that It Is mv In- teiRhui :~al. the * xplraTl«u uf m«»ntkfrom the first publication h«-r«-of to issue a

' Duplicate of the Certltti ut«> pf Title to the ' alsive lands. Issued to Aloxauder NMIhb and PfiSho* I>. Vincent «-h the 2i*th «lay of ScptvmWr, lie#!, and. mm«ber»*l l_'T<«Ja.

s Y. WOOTTOS.-_____ R«-gUui*r-Gc!u.-riiL

Immm* Reirlat/y Office.. Victoria, B.C!,21st Sepfemls-r. likti.

-Municipal clauses act."

Notice' la hereby glv«-n that at the next elttlug of the Board of Llctmslng• t’omtuld- slnners for the City of Victoria we will apply for .-i transfer of 11»«■ llecuse to œil spiritu<.ns and fermented liquors- u;"-n the premfaea known .-«x the "Orient ; Hrtit," Yates street:- In the City of Victoria, toim&m 3r«?em ; *


ExAfUtor* of the Estate .-f lip- late Win.McKeon.

Septeiulier 2tith. 11MJ3.

Nichollcs & Renouf. Ltd.,Oorner Yatee and Broad 8ta., Victona, B.

Xutlcc -U. hereby- glvaut.Xhai- we. Lmi- dtr p«.slti*«l with .Up- Minister <>f Public Works, Ottawa, ami the R«-gl-.tmr Gj'i-. ral of Titles. Victoria. B <*.. plans nud ib-scrip- tloos .of site of w««rks pf««p« *«•«! t«i In- cou* StrucLed by tilt* VUturla ChrmiciU < oiu- pan>. Limitt*4. of Victoria aforv*nJ.d, in V4**»»f4« lmv4M*rr -IwwtedioVely fronting the said Company’s.yrorka: s:vi furthi-r t.ik«* notice that we have, on Is-hnlf of th«* saidA’on>f>Rnkv Rf^tRoal in l.limii-_ell f«*r approval thereof.

I»at«sl nt Victoria, B. C.. this 3Mh day of September.

LANGLEY k MAUT N.00 Govcrtim.-nf Str«‘«-f. "Victoria. R.C..

Solicitor* for the. Applicant*.

ANY OLD AGENT nn wH our nias

au-â ll»4hiey 1

»lv,«. aine teyinh.il l«.k« i*ow* <**• V .wq^vn... Ttwyo&it tin* wi.rt-i"» h««*l rrraifil ikaAarnnÿb «o>"i. ktf aal--a tatId* raria. tTywfiraitM» irvo u* prusikw W* .**»*-•. >«n*l Sfc. f«* |*wl*gc. H : «vwmlwWin »... 91 :e * «t»y ' «-y <•■» ■•»***.• «H«ewlt Fubllak.Sit tsupuNj. UrsaiLnla

CRAVENETTE RAIN COATSSio.oo, $12.00 and .$15.00.


i/1 Boys’ Rain Coats, $5-50, $7-50 and $10. B. Williams 8c Co.,6870 strk-----WATERPROOF OVERCOATS «SSSEE OUR OF


M. A. VIGOR.TITE 401.1» mtluMTY SHOP has mov.-d

from 148 to 15*1 Yates MifH. next to Steam Laundry. Ie prvpan-d to bdy and ■♦•11 all kind* of furniture and stoves wltb- "Ut dvlay^ l.'«U Yale* si root: P.v O'Connor.

YANTED-All kind» of furniture and-

the old « iirHwlty Shop, IS# late* street, next to Steam laundry.


h W*j.p

@$5.»tiBtr$SESS5^BStt VlitOBIA DAILY TOIBa.>11 i DAT. W toBKll ». 190».


Beat English manufacture, bristles fastened In w|tb silvered wire.

We cuarautee this brush to give satisfaction.



H- W. Cor* Yatea and Douglas Streets.


Will Re Held

As Usual on Tuesday,At the City, Auctlbn” Mart, fig Bread 8t„ wb. u * quantity of .




Large Party End Tteir Westward Tear at British Columbia's Capital —

Their Impressions.

Will be sold. No reserve.W. JONES ,

Dorn. Govt. Auctioneer.


“Wy have'come hep» to know you, to 1

link the great .West with lue great L\»$t.NX e aVe all wotxlvrfully impnrsat-d w ith the magnificent wealth and of tills meet kip' uf.wtir rmtttfry." were the* wurils of 1‘resident 1 •ruiitiiHHid, of the Canadian Manufacturers* .\v*.«iaHon to a T\mts n-pr.wntativc at the Urhinl ! this morning. The head of this power* ' fnl, organization of4»usin« ss uieu wti ,u |^aged in writing a few letter* prior to j starting out «ni the; day's itinerary when i approached bv the reporter*

Continuing, lie said they had come here from Tuiuutu Lhi» y <ar ju»i. u> iA>y> i will ivturu W giirm: 1W 'Queen r " ~<-ity last year. They had gone there to learn what the .Maritime Province* hadHt-d what they required. They were here

I thin year to b arn what the l**op!e «if the NX «r*t h*d and what they wanted. They

W i had tToeaed the magnitievnt prairie*, andI Ha e*zf fk L'pe* ! if h»inl to realize that ihe first >kip*

• 1 • ■ 1 1 wlCA IXVI , uu*uL uf wheat had W. n *em_fr..rn thatI portion of tjttX* iHmunioa in l>%77. and

„ -Hss received a .„nSig,u#m-ut. direct from jBg t|„. granary of the Empire.

• the t*yu*\. of * Î'- 'Coming to the maguifieetitr mo mil* ins■ —‘ I "f IV *.'! 1 '"lull 1 i flex nd , v.-r>

: when1. i|s they, traveled, m.-t Cairn

* the time to get n cheap Kaiu.Coat.


Ladles’ and Gents’ Mackintosh Garments

And will offer tlw-ni at priWte-.«ale at bis âoetUm U<»*»Sii ^TgtMlwwfOu ......

FOB ONE WEEKThi s*» an* new good* and will be sold at

•artbird the regular prive. —Booius oi»»u fiv« » a. m. to 7 p. m. wblle

tuls sale is on.

üf, i. hardaker. Auctioneer

continuation of the grand tour aerrms the vact Ibiminiou.

Aft-v dinner M«->.party werwcntemriti' ed, at â TiM vpfinn'in itiP A-e^cinbty trait

i at the parliam -fit buildings. Th«^Ktat«*ly ; pile wa* briUiuutlv iliumuiüteU. and all 1 the department* sere thrown o|eu to tne t~ gueet*. The mtiscmn attracted a great j share of htteiitfim. and many rempli- ] mehtary references to the fine exhibit Vere heard. In the Assembly hall the visitor* were greeted by His Honor the j Lieut.-Governor acdstaff and cititens of

j all ealliiigs. Light refreehmentg wer* j. provhied, and a programme of music i was rendered throughout the evvniug.

■ , i : : ,

morning th oart.v w.! Ksquinialt. where the time wn* pmfit-

abiy spent* in TTr-pectiug the various . works, including the dockyard and other ^ features .1 inten-* This aftt-rmam the j pivgratimie calls fr a drfve ubo yf t be j «‘ity. Thi*.evening will be left open' *o ■ that the memlwts may attend to their j private engagements. A feature of to­

day"* programme will be the trip do'wn the Straits on tin Quadra, which ha*

! been kindly • plai-od tit the disposal of ,\.,v.v Si» tin us by the liotuinion

goverunietlt. ’The guests will <*»usi*t l,rin«-i|#ally of tin members uf the tour­ing . party win's1 homes are in theHotijrishiiijr Eastern irtvivtbee. Thi* lainde:*xl a happy union of the .Bast and West and *h iws h<>w insiguifleant after all is the diktauée" which seiuiniti-s th«t isirla!* ,»f the Atlantic and Pad tic. The steamer left the liarhor at ! o'clock and

Uirn .i !-<.* :••'The n.-ffitFi "f rbr -yftdtorw -have beetr

• Trea<Ty puliTished in thee* columns and repetition is therefore unnecessary.

The president of the asKoidalion. (« *.K, lirummoml. is a prominent figure in the commensal life of Canada. Ins firm, the l>nimmviijl. McCall A Co., of Mon­treal, being well known throughout the

fiintr.v lie i-i :i brother of Ih*. Hrivn mimd. the “habtlant" -port; whose pnr- diMiolLs are n-ad with 11n» kes-nest de-iigtit by all t’nnadian*. Of attra«tive iVrsohality, splendid capacity for work.,

[be jiist the man for the jniiution lo-

■W«l. 1WAT, amp mn-iuaca.

Ralston Health Cocoa........................30c per TinVictoria Creamery Butter..................35c per Lb.

The low dowu prices of Flo ur ami Eugar remain the same w> send In your order» quick *0 as to get the advantage of the W’AY DOWN price».


The Invertavish Nursery, P. Ï. JAMES



3 acre» of bleared land, cher to city limit » nrice

° ir,™ 55R^s>'Sti,.:.r.,r.rî!r- "a ^f l Targe 2 story bouse, with about % an acre of land. <•.»*, *.’• <*»V


......... ÎÎMIU. ... $11.-4)

........... . I1UU Eachwill sell for . . .$Z,7ûO

FOR SALE éSS™Green houefe: Park ltoag.

6u • a .Telepbooee: Store, AftTfi. Nursery. B57S.

Residence: Cor. Park Road

and UumtHddt St.


YES, IT’S A FACTYou get the lx»t of « verytblng by purchasing your requirement» from our •lore. , - 1 J

We b.i>r jii*t received ftr*a^u*lgnmvut of GRAPHS wbhh we are offert*»at a v.-ry low figure.


1 oooooooooooooo<K>ooooooooooooooooooooooo<xwoooodooo Ü

* An wp viea ed the hph-mlid F«vn«»ry of these mount:*ins,” srfid Mr Dmmnumd," «'• fell proini that x,.- shared xxith you thi* xvumlvrfill heritng, . Here one feeh, the clean. KtrcniKiu» life. Clean In.-inse {-by th it U pear to nature, strenuous for from 1 th


Td the. EditorWith reference to the

-thewe mountaiaa and streams xxhirTr an-"~w YPI’ltdT*!,-''fFetfsurr »*rff-frr ■ a■ j-fir’ff.-* Hts>re of wealth which xxlll mak.» Prit.* sipce isli r<dnm».;U ,»f the f. reum-t among j that the proriiipes." j West next year.

Five year* ago tlie^ a<Wiati«H» was i d-iighl.sl .te make organia»»,! with 132 members. To-dn.t i pointed out. how. the.membership was 1UMA. refwesef*tiKg j diltu-uli fur 4 Litit betweerr au.I- Ctiii.immk*) 1'eis !.. iv.ire flo-rinvested rdptiale g xii.g enips yment. to |ui-*' h " ttLil be r thousarid* of Canadians. ("o«v*t < >i.s »

The association, h imreiy non-|u*fHtea4.non-pglitical. It ivj-

hit had a great wtrk ldoing k*h*1 work in getting the peojd*

whi. !. lie has Ixs-n aplHiinted Tlifir has ii some lalk of tin* next

.'•nu.il • Hiivei-t being ln*ld on this < '".1st either in Victoria and* Vancou­ver, When appr, ached on thi* «object

. Titm - t' -day «ev«*ral menilu r* had not' lievti de ided. It lind.

left t«i the exei'Utire by the ronven- *«*frtr?uMfTf?<» RatT-noT -mrf1 ---

They tlimight it JianLy like y the nueting would held in -the

although alt would lie the trip again. They

vT. that it would Lo a dm 1er uf the u^ac

businetw for th- inx . Udired'" if 01:e of t* e he-wetie cf tin» next

Removed to 88 Yates StreetBETWEEN DOI'dr.XS AND RBOAD STHl'ETS.


-------MILLINERY -- -----

É0T850good soil, no roçjk.

B. C. Imnd

good location, within IS minutes of Poet Office, on month­ly Instalment* of $10 each (Interest « pç/rcent. om/>,

and Investment Agency, Ltd.,40 Government Street,

The Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance, of Liverpool-

Losies Settled With Promptitude and Liberality ....^

HALL, GOEPEL 8c CO., lOO Certramoit Street ’ GENERAL AGENTS.

For Lumber, Sash, Doors,And All Kindi of Building Material, Go to ,,





ADVKRTiaKMKNT*.WANTED— Strong youth,. 18 to 2U. garden

ing. atavMvw. ttnd be grnvraûjr uéeful. , Apply LXta'-hnittJLL A'gULWtitid. Ciuihuiu liny

drclarciL. jvaiJ.ft W^x pmetj j

■ 1fore it, it xx a» I

4 ' - ' ■fields. >ncli as the ii..ingArit,»m of t,s Itm- < nl school* and other nte^n*, whereby the ckaritcfpr > f <‘:inadinn manufacture* xx ill be iiiiprm e»l. It xt.is tL> y:m « if t! e



apevxli uf Mr. U. Smith, M. 1‘.. it mu y be a* well to < u 11 y««ur attention t-i lb.- fart" that l bed the honor of mux Ing the follow­ing resolution. Which, as you will see. was aeevudvd by Mr. Smith himself, with the cimseut of the guvernjuent of the day:

Mr. Hvlinekeu " moved, seconded by Mr*rhe i»oxniweiaei*fc-t-«6e,:ni^, irj[inpf-i|-t,.

lo .hr oplul,« „r till.» Hue*.. «11 'govern |iri,|,. ..<rj,,r ,r, faira,!i*n.'IU.-UI «ve.ru, t« .huul.l n.uiuiu .u«h Mr. Dnm"«ni..u.| rvf. rr,.! t,turn* iu will tuxiimi vm-li , ahti*..-* xxiiicli mhi -wv»rk *-tmu/ srh* truer ïbe eeb-WMwy «I «*» n.,ml».. ul ...... 1. u.<•ee.ru, !.. and «hat erer/ n «huulu l>" f „,„HlBg whirl, hr had n .d.-d eud,- to mure Ihr |*J lurnt uf e«#vh wug.u Ulf a ».** t„ l.rihg Almut Tl lm- su are grnrrull/ n. . .-t,l.-d «-urrrot In ,;,.ri.l4 y,in lr„:, r. ,ru.h ir.dv «W f—UB-L-Bt 'Ur . uVBUitlwllul»'. ulid.,r»ul !.. Iltr radamnrdlulrl. i wbrre the w.,rk I. .-errlrd out; and The , f ttir-wb.de wnr» Were , oIt L Lvr. l., r„...lw-d thsi the w.gl« t« r,ea*. Tl.e r f. enirr I....I gt*hi,h Utt feregoiag ydl./ «lull aiiltU til , ............ .«tilde, udt ool1 »..rt uud-rtahen b/ the | |h„ j,, govet lilut ul Itself, but al.u all xxx.rk» aided , 0llld |, |;,Tb, u greet .d „..vluelal VebHc fenda aut ■ „f ,h„ friend te Ibe .. ul..’ , . tiaU works carried under franehlaeu grael- ' pal,Ur ..f.tbr. Uaitol BtateaUm -said. tl,. r I l-la.e «*t by the gi>v«-rniu,*nt, and that the afore-"' u, ^ delighted to have tl *' ’*«aid |.,lb-y shall tie furibrlth applied t-' Cenade in.l i-tnhIUh fati idlan Imln»- I *nl*l»g ««•/ depart meut o< tlie public «.-rilcr aad ||, tix.ttr.-l t f . „r. t | tuent. Ont« all punir, euw PWt«nolag srrrkee tmt I velnpntent of ftitiada xxa. ,fcu.iiu..1 w ! day lM.r... ,Ue gorerameet. ! Ural llutl uf tlt'r Veiled Stair, r. the , <lu th.- <«

llr. Melttuea wrol In ameaUmret, -r I t a.rdo 5«ir«. ttieneJIlrua a. her pmgr. s, ! war reule-i .•Uded Uf Mr Builth vurtl.. that th.- nwlu |„,.n. H. Hal a. II, ro< Irrn. K. ha« |xr--tlun be aiuetid.sl b, luaertleg I" tweet, the ii,„.ggillR „'f ,|„. . , f niludu fur . M-Bte.| the Itritiak Ctdembig .AgwulturOworxls tufthxeltli and "altblietl. in ' l‘-‘ ■ t n.,,11.,, MZ Drimiumu.l ..., i i, xxaa j As.u'dal.Htr will, a very beudrome «livereighth line, the following worri*: ‘km ! j,,. duty of every member .if r. Mann rnp. to In- rtv.'it f.g the I»-., dr:t f | !: or— ■

b> a-liltng fgeturer.' A .... : t-- get held „f our : on the prtttltaj. .any age ur sex. This U- M XV A .1W -

Ta liter*.

viirnlng . f tlic ex-- * th«- « X". n:i. •• 1* -

■ ■«■•ary arraugvuicn!* for a

*scful>how. A meeting Ly Ml I daily, ami «everything i* In-ing anunH into ah

ti in* ‘Honor Sir H«-iiHi -l««ly.-Lieut. -* iiVv'vrn.-r, «Mivcm.thv

■ ' •' il. - . Xr rth!lrtw’.T Arr1-'K' perfref—rn" " crcry p!rr:jiit ular.. JThia-wiil talu* at- iiJktl

oVh*. k <»n the aft* rnt>on of Tuesday, Jh<-firw-. i|.t x . f tl-- <** - w.

iitirtiig the pn-»*. fuw day* the vr-* grirnme of atlra-ti -n* has gradually as- aumiii fb-fimte %ha|i». Tuc*day .will bv markcil by an A-wwiatkm football match ou4 tr*p lugvtltcC wUh tbofirst Louts of iBc, Victoria Amateur Hox- ,i«g tuumatiwui. «fir Wed need* y aft. r ti*M*o another foot ball game will take

ud the bicycle meet will ahm he -held. Wh lv in the evening will be the

West* of the tarxing tourna- rhuixlay. Friday and S.itiir n't*1* will In* the attraction.•• as. -ti* there will Ik* tug-«»f-

To-Night. Might.:A.O.U.W. HALL

bwlled iulv an act and , al*<i by adding thereto.the following w ord*: "Also'that‘lu alt rwntra**ts. tcaaes, and macesstn-n* of ;

HlBttiHnrr Âd'trd mterrit ToPi nf imidc try Ike g<»\ vruuvul. pruvlalvn" Im- oimle that no

* Crone or Japanese sbaH lie rnpUJ^TTa nmu.-. i’.-u therewith."

Th»1 rreolntlon which wo* moved by Mr. Me ? mi1-without couiiva ilvii will* the original n-*tilu tkm. *up|M>rtcl liy Mr. Smith.

After a debate ext-»ndIng ovt-r some time a .resolution was framed by Mr McPbll lip* which met" with the, apprcrxal of the

-H—m, and Ihs.««c4ulnai u.-*uhUii.m.

CouM they find a more «.urJoual.x «unuglt. .Ubmatb ytntn tbnt xvht"h ha.t l.u

varrh-d unanimously : •"If any provludal aid b,» granted In- the

"way of «tiutrlbutfous from the public fund* «f the province, or a grant of crown lands la a Ml of any public undertaking, that any each akf vvr ynml be eoadH-bowi» Hp>ti • ewatrwcf bHftg entered Into by tmy '*U'-hperson or «NNBpeay receiving aid or the grant of lands, that no Chinese or Japanese be employe,! upon any such work or undertaking. "

H. DALLAS HRLMCKEN. Victoria. IL LV CJCt. .2nd, 1003.

tile a «Irk of tlu- Tutlivr-< «.f . ..uf«-.I,r- | -'ll rxamînntlnn -.f the uumb.-r «»f ,n-j.t:"ii, uu4 the auu tk«-y ba«? i» sipssi II i tîum , ahpws bUeae -wiU- b*- m*re

it mem, . . «XX lae and Ml,.-r «-M'k r- p-xThces, so that ine last fall,

unefficient policy

Uccessfulin the neiirhb*>rin* rfpiiblic? That waa what ha«l bpilt up their trade aiid Nim- tiicixi-'. Th* re*-4H,p jhTwt **f toe- "great -to th«-* exhibition buUdiitgs. leader* in Kngland shewed ' that 1-hig- land, tlie las* of the free trade natlous.Frad- fn-imd rtf a r* ft - wgFrnnryy<t^Tp • *pfay

-“Kit." the clever, edit, 1 r in

f the xv-roen's page, in the Toronto Mail and Htpiure, *a>«: “Y«ut wU Ieurn more of the true -«pirft n't the great mreli^t, of his gentle humor timf deep pa the*, of his humanity and love for ail stricken arid |nx»p and l-i'ieiy tcn-atiires. of hi* marrelkms.power of touching the hearts and souls of men through this one lec­ture. with its lights and shades and the lore I through it all. than ItWould be |Mi*«ühb- to learn from a- mere passing perusal •<{ hi* work», Mr. Wil­liamson knows Dickens. This is saying a great «leal. To know a man through Iks writings mean» years «if loving study of them.” Mr. WilliamMai will present "An Kvening With Dickens" in the Metropolitan -Methodist church Tuesday. October Gth.

The hcnrlqnartrrs of the Victoria Affi- cultural .Mapociaiioti will W »t the mar- ‘he* hall until tomorrow, wbee R. H. Swrnihrton. ærrêta.ty, and staff will, move



Tourist» listing Victor!* «honld nol fail to taka the funoni trip through the Ouif Inlands. Trains connecting with steamer leave WsdnHd*7 and Saturday »t 7 * in. from V. * 8. Rail­way Depot- Round trip, SI SO.

the game alone-He.igarjç a few «omparnfive fignr«w to

shoxx- that lb«* Tnked Stat«** carried «nit the isifiry of Imying at home. I^sf year <Wnada ismgtit manufacture,* from .the rntreysaw» at rn.v rate -r fis a r.ea.r• f "<>nr; impnteTbnr; T"fie Vütï. -! Ft à tes Ik.light manufacture* from fVinatln at the rate of ."X cents a head <«f her |M»po- lation. <’ina<Ui Isnight produce from the United States at the rate of >2 |ier

.lnx^'d of pdpnlatioiL. The United Fla tee I■

lb.cent* per head' cf her _pùpnlathan.The ilm frine ««lopfetl I>y tbc ^Tannfnc-

turvrs* A«sH-iati»n xvas t«> buy gotsls in Canada every time, where quality sled other consoleratkai* made it possible. They""mi!*t buy their own manufacture* t«i develop Canada.

loiter in the tnorufug, Mr. Drumm#wid said: "You Blight express the deep* gratification tlie mendier» from Quebec f«*el on. meeting again our tirand Old Man. Sir Henri Joly. your Iwtmred Tdeul.dloverrtor. NtTman 1* more uni­versally beloved ih our province than he.” «

' Arrived Ivast Evening.Tlie big iwirty of knights of .Canailian

«•«•inmet'ci- reachnt Victoria oti-lUe ateam- ev Princes* Victoria last efcuing. Th«‘y xverc met at the'dock by a deputation• ••insisting of Hi* Worship Mayor Mc- C-aUdles*. President Todd, ami members ftf the board of trade council, officers of the Totirist Association ami prominent el.tlgetis. After greetings were exchanged, the visitor* Were escorted Fo the Driard. The trip across the Gulf whs thoroughly enjdyed. .All the requisites conducive.ef pleaKure were theirs- Tlo- weather was oliliglatful. lia -st««,iiiry magnilùxni—uiuLthe craft whhrô carrieii them unsurpa**- ed on the coast. s<i that this last part of their Westward journey Was a fitting

J*J*J*J*J*JIJ*J* jffjijljljljljljlvd71------------------------------------- " jiud FIXAI, RALLY. .4


vKn s g \ i s roe «d «d LA 1 il ES. udJ* Jdjijejejijiji%dji j*.*jt*j*j*j*j*


Tenders are called for tbe pan-hase nfU* «. Block «►. of part nt Heetion I.XX1V. «Map 274). Victoria <*lty. until Friday, tb«- tub day «Hf U< lober. -A. Vf..- I1W3. rorti T«*n ders t«. l»e ad<lr«-w.i to Mi-Uhllllp», Woot- ton A Itarasrd. Hank of Mvutregl « hum lier*, «poraer «»f Government and Hastlvn streets, Victoria, B. C., Solicitors for the

KM ERG ENT ‘COM MU N1CATION. Vancouver «Jnaiira. N<> 2, A. F. A A xi XX. ; • I • t«»l* • 71 !.. at t is* r BT R H Me II te Mag. Here.

Te Contractors.

Of This Campaign.The Liberal Candidates for Victoria.

They Will AiL Be There.

Good Speaking. All Welcome. Come.

Doors Open at 7 30 Chair Taken at 8, sharp


A Snap For Saturday!Finest Manitoba Jersey Creamery Butter, -

Pound Blocks, 20 cents Fresh Finnan Haddock, the First of the Season.


The “West End” Grocery Co., Ld.,--OK* •• 42 GOVERNMENT HTKKOT.


The Saunders’ Grocery Co., Ltd.,

Tredere will i»v received op to 12 noon Siiiurdsy. <b-t. Hub. fur ere«-tlon «if rtwi- ilvtir-v at Oak Hey for A. T. Gvwsrd, iiwq.

w mu> «*•■« iHK-Mkurily ao11 F. M. RATTENBVRtr.


“The New Christology.""The Failure of the Chur

And Why ?"Sermons by


DAT, OCT. iih. 11 a m. AND : EM.

‘‘Satan's Credentials.”LECTURE, MONDAY, 6 P.M.

Admission free. Collect lou.



..Union Made.-Îvcraîlsî'^umpers,

Jackets, Pants, Shirts,Waiters’ Aprons Cooks’ Aprons, Carpenters’ Aprons, Mackinaws,Etc., Etc., Etc.

Factory, Bastion Square.


Wholesale Merchants, Victoria, B. C.

DecisionsHubu-Uumh ere ber«l to arrive at, but when It a anything In the

Musical LineThat you want

IT’S EASY, Tb dwlde that the best place to g««

M. W. Waitt & Co.'s44 GOVERNMENT 8T.

Vli-tortajs Progressive Music 11miI


CARBADO,Pupil of the Femeue Clro,Of "London. Eng., on a tour around the world, la In the city for a few «lays, and will ghe readings In palmistry and advice In all buslm-ss and domestic matters. Room* <] and 7,

Tbe Palman. 90 Doublas St.Consulting hours from 10 e.m. to 6.30 p.m.

New Fall FootwearJUST RECEIVED


The Paterson Shoe Co.’s

Shoe Emporium.. Corner Government & Johnson Sts.

for the Times.





H7 YATES STREET, VICTORIA, B. C.Steam, Gas'and Il«-t Water Fitter. Plan*

and estimates on application. Jobbing w»*k promptly attended to.

Telephone §oo.


—- "Th* Original Bapü fitod «f Italy." lXCRK.XSKD TO ,Y. MI SH I.XNS.

20 Kxceliènt Soloisti.Directed, by Chlaffaulll "The Great,"

"The Wonder of tfie Musical Age."Price», Al.tiO, 77*-., 00c., and gallery, iSic.

Rule «-ih-ii* Saturday.

News From the NorthA letter Juat received from J. W.

lbwklns, manager «»f THE ROH- ELLA HYDRAULIC CO., states that prospec-ts are brlghti-r than ever for làrge returns from that property In 1WH. The mineral daims are also In a position to ship 6.000 tons of ore jM-r day a* «mkhi a* facilities are comph-tcd to handle It.

Do you own a share In the alxove? If nut. why not? THKRE18 NO MINING INDUSTRY IN SIGHT WITH THE SHOWING OF BOB- ELLA CREEK, and f««r the present you may hav«- share* at 25e. ON EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS A •mall iiiv<?etmeht will bring you " a snug Income when the plant Is'set to work next spring.

Selxe the onoortunRy while It 1* your*. It will recompense you for your Ins*»1* In other ventures.

1» BROAD STREET.né Rutila Hydraulic Slalaâ 6

Inxcstment Ce, Ltd,1» BBOXD STItKKT.


Pursuant to the "Trustées and Executor» Act," notice is uereby given tbat #U t-rrdttnrs and other perstyis having any claims and demands .upon or against the estate of William Beattie, deceased, who ffieil un the fifth day of February, 1868, and nt Whose personal estate and effeet» ietterw of administration were, on the lbtb day vf tivptclnhur. grant»-.! ^nder-signed, as attorney for John Crawford Scuttle, are hereby required to send par­ticular* qf their said «daims or denumda, and «if the securities <lf any) held by them respectively to the undersigned, cm or be­fore the mb day «if October. 1903. verified by statutory declaration, after which tbe a«lmlnlstrator will pro«'eed to distribute the assets of tbe deceas«-d among the par- tlee entitled thereto, having regard only to the debt*, claims and demaads he ebafl then have had mitlce;/tid for the assets or •n7 PMtiiitereof *.r^Uàiim.ter«Kl and dis­tributed he wilt- not be liable te any per- sou of wb«>ae debt, claim aud demand be •hall not then have had notice.1908 teU tbe mb d8J vf 8el>te,uker» *r ° »

J. P. WALLS, » Barrister at-Law,

14 Bastion Square. Victoria. B. C.

monumentsBE SUBE TO

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