Neurosctence& BIobeha~loral Revwws. Vol 15. pp 415--423 v Pergamon Press plc. 1991 Printedm the U S A 0149-7634/91 3 00 + 00 Triggers and Substrates of Hippocampal Synaptic Plasticity GUY MASSICOTTE* AND MICHEL BAUDRYt I *Department of Chemistry and Biology, University of Quebec at Trois-Rivieres, CP 500, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada G9A-5H7 "PProgram in Neural, Informational and Behavioral Sciences, University of Southern California, HEDCO Neurosciences Building, Los Angeles, CA 90089-2520 Received 15 June 1990 MASSICOTTE, G AND M BAUDRY Triggers and substrates of htppocampal svnapnc plastwtty NEUROSCI BIOBEHAV REV 15(3) 415-423, 1991.--It Is widely assumed that behavioral learmng reflects adaptive properties of the neuronal networks underlying behavior Adaptive properties of networks m turn arise from the existence of biochemical mechamsms that regulate the efficacy of synapnc transmission. Considerable progress has been made in the elucldat~on of the mechamsms revolved m synaptlc plastlc,ty at central synapses and especially those responsible for the phenomenon of long-term potentmtton (LTP) of synapt~c transmission tn hlppocampus Whale the nature and the timing requirements of the mggenng steps are reasonably well "known, there ~s stdl a lot of uncertainty concerning the mechamsms responsible for the long-term changes. Several b~ochermcal processes have been proposed to play critical roles m promoting long-lasting modifications of synapttc efficacy Th~s review examines first the triggers that are necessary to produce LTP in the hippocampus and then the different b~ochemlcal processes that have been considered to partlopate in the maintenance of LTP Finally, we examine the relationships between LTP and behavioral learning Hlppocampus Plasticity Long-term potentmt~on IN both the peripheral and the central nervous system (CNS), synaptic transmission exhibits various forms of plastlcity and many theorists assume that learning and memory processes are manifestations of long-lasting mo&fications of synapt~c transmis- sion. Remarkable progress In our understanding of the mecha- nisms underlying adaptive changes m synaptlc operation has been accomplished m recent years Studies of learning m simple nervous systems have produced some of the most exciting and important results in the neurobiological analysis of memory (2, 43, 44). In particular, they have provided convincing evidence that certain biochemical features readily explain short-term mod- ifications of synaptlc transmission As these features (e.g., sec- ond messengers and enzymatic cascades integrating several regulatory signals) are shared with higher vertebrate species, it is generally assumed that similar mechanisms can account for some properties of learning and memory from Aplysla to hu- mans. However, this approach has so far provided only tentative explanations of how synaptic efficiency could be altered in a quasi permanent way. Furthermore, questions about the bio- chemistry of memory have been further comphcated by the re- cent recognition that the brain possesses multiple memory systems (108) and there is evidence that different forms of memory might be underlaid by different molecular mechanisms (20). Thus, generalizations of the mechanisms underlying synaptlc plasticity from simple systems to "higher brain" structures (e.g, cortex) in mammals are not necessarily obvious. In mammalian brain, synaptic efficacy can be altered promptly and lastingly by appropriate patterns of electrical stimulation. ~Requests for repnnts should be addressed to Michel Baudry The most striking example of synaptlc plasticity is long-term potentiation (LTP) that occurs primarily m the hippocampus (16), a region of the brain involved in certain forms of memory storage (21) The &scovery of hippocampal LTP provided direct experimental evidence for the existence of a form of physiologi- cal plasticity that fulfills several criteria of memory operation. LTP is a rapid and long-lasting increase in synaptic efficacy elicited by very brief episodes of high-frequency stimulation of excitatory pathways in hippocampal and other cortical clrcmts (15, 51, 99). Besides stability and rapid appearance, LTP exhib- its other properties required for a memory mechanism, including synaptic specificity, dependency on neuronal firing patterns, and more importantly, assoclatlvity which is a sahent characteristic of memory systems (38,65). It should be noted that the LTP phenomenon is probably more complex than originally thought. First, multiple forms of potentiation ("LTPj" and "LTP2") have been demonstrated In various limblc structures. These two forms of LTP decline steadily with two different half-times and thus could have different cellular substrates (99). Second, the mechanisms underlying LTP in areas CA1 and CA3 of hippo- campus are likely to be different (39, 90, 113, 125). Finally, the relationships between different forms of LTP elicited by high-frequency stimulation of different neural pathways with multiple forms of memory remain to be elucidated. Neverthe- less, many theorists assume that the mechamsms underlying LTP could be similar or identical to those underlying learning pro- cesses and their studies have provided useful tools for the un- derstanding of memory processes. The present review is concerned 415

Triggers and substrates of hippocampal synaptic plasticity

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Neurosctence & BIobeha~loral Revwws. Vol 15. pp 415--423 v Pergamon Press plc. 1991 Printed m the U S A 0149-7634/91 3 00 + 00

Triggers and Substrates of Hippocampal Synaptic Plasticity

G U Y M A S S I C O T T E * A N D M I C H E L B A U D R Y t I

*Department of Chemistry and Biology, University of Quebec at Trois-Rivieres, CP 500, Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, Canada G9A-5H7

"PProgram in Neural, Informational and Behavioral Sciences, University of Southern California, HEDCO Neurosciences Building, Los Angeles, CA 90089-2520

Rece ived 15 June 1990

MASSICOTTE, G AND M BAUDRY Triggers and substrates of htppocampal svnapnc plastwtty NEUROSCI BIOBEHAV REV 15(3) 415-423, 1991.--It Is widely assumed that behavioral learmng reflects adaptive properties of the neuronal networks underlying behavior Adaptive properties of networks m turn arise from the existence of biochemical mechamsms that regulate the efficacy of synapnc transmission. Considerable progress has been made in the elucldat~on of the mechamsms revolved m synaptlc plastlc,ty at central synapses and especially those responsible for the phenomenon of long-term potentmtton (LTP) of synapt~c transmission tn hlppocampus Whale the nature and the timing requirements of the mggenng steps are reasonably well "known, there ~s stdl a lot of uncertainty concerning the mechamsms responsible for the long-term changes. Several b~ochermcal processes have been proposed to play critical roles m promoting long-lasting modifications of synapttc efficacy Th~s review examines first the triggers that are necessary to produce LTP in the hippocampus and then the different b~ochemlcal processes that have been considered to partlopate in the maintenance of LTP Finally, we examine the relationships between LTP and behavioral learning

Hlppocampus Plasticity Long-term potentmt~on

IN both the peripheral and the central nervous system (CNS), synaptic transmission exhibits various forms of plastlcity and many theorists assume that learning and memory processes are manifestations of long-lasting mo&fications of synapt~c transmis- sion. Remarkable progress In our understanding of the mecha- nisms underlying adaptive changes m synaptlc operation has been accomplished m recent years Studies of learning m simple nervous systems have produced some of the most exciting and important results in the neurobiological analysis of memory (2, 43, 44). In particular, they have provided convincing evidence that certain biochemical features readily explain short-term mod- ifications of synaptlc transmission As these features (e.g., sec- ond messengers and enzymatic cascades integrating several regulatory signals) are shared with higher vertebrate species, it is generally assumed that similar mechanisms can account for some properties of learning and memory from Aplysla to hu- mans. However, this approach has so far provided only tentative explanations of how synaptic efficiency could be altered in a quasi permanent way. Furthermore, questions about the bio- chemistry of memory have been further comphcated by the re- cent recognition that the brain possesses multiple memory systems (108) and there is evidence that different forms of memory might be underlaid by different molecular mechanisms (20). Thus, generalizations of the mechanisms underlying synaptlc plasticity from simple systems to "higher brain" structures ( e .g , cortex) in mammals are not necessarily obvious.

In mammalian brain, synaptic efficacy can be altered promptly and lastingly by appropriate patterns of electrical stimulation.

~Requests for repnnts should be addressed to Michel Baudry

The most striking example of synaptlc plasticity is long-term potentiation (LTP) that occurs primarily m the hippocampus (16), a region of the brain involved in certain forms of memory storage (21) The &scovery of hippocampal LTP provided direct experimental evidence for the existence of a form of physiologi- cal plasticity that fulfills several criteria of memory operation. LTP is a rapid and long-lasting increase in synaptic efficacy elicited by very brief episodes of high-frequency stimulation of excitatory pathways in hippocampal and other cortical clrcmts (15, 51, 99). Besides stability and rapid appearance, LTP exhib- its other properties required for a memory mechanism, including synaptic specificity, dependency on neuronal firing patterns, and more importantly, assoclatlvity which is a sahent characteristic of memory systems (38,65). It should be noted that the LTP phenomenon is probably more complex than originally thought. First, multiple forms of potentiation ( " L T P j " and "LTP2") have been demonstrated In various limblc structures. These two forms of LTP decline steadily with two different half-times and thus could have different cellular substrates (99). Second, the mechanisms underlying LTP in areas CA1 and CA3 of hippo- campus are likely to be different (39, 90, 113, 125). Finally, the relationships between different forms of LTP elicited by high-frequency stimulation of different neural pathways with multiple forms of memory remain to be elucidated. Neverthe- less, many theorists assume that the mechamsms underlying LTP could be similar or identical to those underlying learning pro- cesses and their studies have provided useful tools for the un- derstanding of memory processes. The present review is concerned



with the cellular triggers and substrates producing LTP m hlppo- campal synapses. The first part explores the sequence of steps that appear to be necessary to reduce LTP. We will then de- scribe secondary enzymatic processes hypothesized to produce the permanent substrates of LTP, The final section will address questions concerning the relationships of LTP with learning and memory processes


NMDA Receptor Activatton

Pyramidal cells frequently fire m short bursts (3--4 pulses) at high frequency (100-4130 Hz) with the bursts repeated at the theta rhythm frequency (5-7 Hz), the major hippocampal EEG pattern m rats engaged m exploratory behavior (31, 100, 120). Using high frequency (100 Hz) electrical stimulation of the Schaffer-collateral pathway, ~t was found that the maximal and most reliable LTP was ehc~ted when the bursts were separated by 200 ms (~ e , bursts were dehvered at a 5 Hz frequency) (50) Stimulauon of the input pathways generates m target cells both EPSPs and IPSPs due to the existence of feed-forward inhibitory mterneurons. The IPSPs generally truncate the EPSPs and pre- vent their temporal summation dunng the course of brief bursts of presynaptic activity. These IPSPs are considerably reduced between 100 ms to about 1 s after a first stimulation to the same inputs or to inputs presumably activating the same set of inter- neurons. This phenomenon "pr imes" the pyramidal cell in such a way that a second stimulation of the same or different inputs to the cell w~th a brief burst results in a temporal summation of EPSPs (48-50) This summation produces a very large depolar- ization of the postsynaptlc membrane, which has a profound ef- fect on the functional properties of a subtype of receptors for the neurotransm~tter released dunng the bursts of stimulation (49) These are the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, a subtype of glutamate receptors which are associated with an ion channel that ~s blocked by magnesium at resting membrane po- tentml (76,89). The temporal summation of EPSPs occumng dunng the short high-frequency bursts of electrical stimulation brings the membrane potential to a level where Mg + + does not block the NMDA receptor channels, thereby allowing then- func- tional activation. Selective antagonists of NMDA receptors, such as ammo-2-phosphonopentanoate (AP-5), do not interfere w~th the "pr iming" event, reduce the temporal summation of EPSPs m primed neurons (49) and prevent the reduction of LTP, at least m the CAI region and dentate gyrus of hlppocampus (24, 39, 49, 81).

The Glycme Site and LTP

A glycme site is associated with the NMDA receptors and its occupation by agomsts increases the probability of opening the NMDA receptor channel (42). Whether the glycine site is fully saturated under normal con&tlons m vwo or in v~tro still remains a controversml issue. Thts is because glyclne, or its analogue D-senne, produced little or no potentiation of the response of cells to NMDA, m slices. However, it has been reported that glycme potentiates NMDA receptor-medmted responses m neo- cortex and thalamus (117), two regions m which marked en- hancement by glycine of glutamate binding has been reported (78). Kynurenate, a tryptophan metabohte which antagomzes excitatory amino acid responses, binds with h~gh-affimty to the glycine site associated with the NMDA receptor (46) The de- rivative 7-chlorokynurenic acid, a more selective and potent gly- cme antagomst, has recently been reported to prevent LTP induction m the CAI region of rat hlppocampal slices (6, 93,

94). The drug depressed both the NMDA receptor-medmted component of synaptlc transmission recorded In Mg z+-free me- dium and the Induction of LTP m Mg2+-contammg medium. These effects were also reversed by D-serlne, a glycine agonist, suggesting a direct action of the inhibitor at the allosterlc gly- cine site of the NMDA receptor. Finally, data obtained from 14- day-old cultures of hlppocampal neurons indicated that the increase in intracellular calcium produced by NMDA is also completely blocked by chlorokynurenic acid (95)

In addition, glycine has been reported to enhance NMDA- displaceable 3H-glutamate binding Using autora&ographlc tech- tuques, Monaghan et al (78) noted that the relative binding of 3H-CPP (an antagonist) versus 3H-glutamate (an agomst) to the NMDA receptor varies across brain regions and that the degree of stimulation of glutamate binding by glycme covanes with the binding of 3H-CPP. They proposed that this effect was due to the existence of two different populations of NMDA-blndmg sites, termed agomst-preferring and antagonist-prefemng and that glycme caused a conversion of NMDA receptors from a state that is relatively unresponsive to glutamate (antagonist-pre- ferring conformation) to a conformaUon highly responsive (ago- rest-preferring). The NMDA receptor heterogeneity could be due to various posttranslat~onal mechanisms, such as phosphoryla- t~on, glycosdation, etc. or to different lipid mlcroenvironment of the receptors. We have recently observed that phospholipid al- teration of telencephahc membranes by phosphohpase C treat- ment ~s accompanied by a marked decrease m the binding of 3H-CPP and by a suppression of the stimulation by glyclne of 3H-glutamate binding (73) However, the binding of 3H-gluta- mate and 3H-glycme to the NMDA receptor was not modified by the same treatment, suggesting that alterations m the hpld m~croenvn-onment specifically modulate the antagonist-preferring conformation of the NMDA receptor Because the phospholipid composition of membranes, as well as their turn-over rates, can be modified under a number of physiological (17,87) and patho- logical conditions (18, 85, 104), it is possible that these condi- tions are associated with alterations in NMDA receptor function and therefore m synaptic operations.

Role of Calctum m LTP hlduction

Several lines of evidence indicate that Ca 2 ÷ influx triggers a cascade of biochemical events in the postsynaptlc structures that leads to the expression of LTP (62,68). For example, Lynch et al. (62) showed that intracellular injection of the calcmm chela- tor EGTA m CA1 pyramidal cells &d not result in alterations of synaptlc responses induced by the electrical stimulation of the Schaffer-commlssural pathway (except for the suppression of the Ca 2 + -dependent hyperpolarlzatlon that normally follows the EPSP) but totally prevented the formation of LTP. Calcium presumably enters the postsynaptlc elements through two different pathways, i e , voltage-gated channels and NMDA receptor channels (66). Calcium-imaging techniques have shown that large increases in lntracellular calcium take place in CA I pyramidal cells follow- mg high-frequency stimulation of the Schaffer-collateral system as a result of the activation of both types of channels (101) However, calcium entry through NMDA channels is determined by the dlsmbutlon of the receptors as well as by the dual re- qun-ement for then- actwatlon while Ca -'+ entry through the voltage-gated Ca 2+ channel depends on then" regional &stribu- tlon on neuronal membranes. It is interesting to note that NMDA receptors are widely &stnbuted in telencephalic structures but are virtually absent in nontelencephahc areas, a finding with clear ~mphcat~ons concerning the operations of excttatory syn- apses. Calcium entry through the NMDA receptors channel


could thus produce a local increase in lntracellular calcium con- centratlon selectively at synapses which experience both postsyn- aptic depolarization and presynaptic release of neurotransmltter.

These findings suggest that the following sequence of events is necessary for inducing LTP m CA1 and dentate gyrus 1) bursts of electrical stimulation mlm~clong the theta rhythm in- duce a transient reduction in feed-forward IPSPs, thereby -prim- ing" CAI neurons, 2) subsequent bursts converging on neurons in the " p n m e d " state generate large depolarizations bnngmg their membrane potentials to a level where NMDA receptor channels are released from the magnesium blockade and become functionally activated; 3) Activation of the NMDA receptors and of the glycine site associated with them results in large increases in calcium concentration m the postsynaptic structures associated with the stimulated synapses. Thus, the selective increase in m- tracellular calcium is likely to represent the critical second mes- senger revolved in tnggering LTP and the initial sets of events m the postsynaptlc structure leading to long-lasting potentiation of synaptlc transmission.


The properties of the NMDA receptors provide a powerful mechanism that links receptor activation w~th regulation of in- tracellular calcium It is clear that a transient rise in calcium concentration in postsynaptlc elements is likely to stimulate var- ious calcium-dependent processes that could produce either short-lasting or long-lasting modifications of synaptic function Phosphorylatlon reactions for example have been widely dis- cussed as ideal candidates for ehcIting short-lasting modifica- tions of synaptlc function (43). The synaptlc complex possesses a full set of the different types of protein kinases [cychc AMP dependent, calcmm/calmoduhn dependent, especially the type II (Cam-KII) and calcium-dependent/phosphohpid-dependent kinase (Klnase C)], which have been shown to phosphorylate a wide range of synaptlc proteins, including possibly ionic channels and transmitter receptors. Longer-lasting modifications of synaptic function following transient changes in intracellular calcmm con- centratlons could also be provided by irreversible alterations of lipids or proteins, for example, calcium-dependent phospholl- pases could potentially perturb the lipid domain of the membrane sufficiently to modify proteln-hpld interactions, thus resulting m long-lasting alterations m cell surface receptors distribution and/or function. Calcium-dependent proteases are also attractive candi- dates for a mechanism translating brief changes in calcium con- centrations into long-lasting and possibly permanent changes in synapt~c structure and operation.

Synaptlc responses in the hippocampus involve two subtypes of excitatory amino acid receptors, the NMDA and the non- NMDA, presumably of the AMPA/qulsqualate (A/Q) subtype receptors (25, 83, 84). The normal fast synaptic response pro- duced by low frequency stimulation is mediated by the A/Q re- ceptors. The modifications underlying LTP maintenance probably involve an increase in the components of the synaptic response mediated by the A/Q receptor without changes in those produced by the NMDA receptors (27, 45, 83) Davies et al. (27) de- scnbed an increased postsynaptic response to exogenously ap- plied qulsqualate 20 to 30 minutes after high-frequency stamulation This finding, however, contrasts with the studies of Muller et al. (83) showing a more rapid postsynaptic increase in responses medmted by the A/Q receptor. Nevertheless, it IS thus possible to hypothesize that the activation of Ca 2 ÷-dependent processes increases the postsynaptic responsiveness of the A/Q receptor through receptor and/or structural changes. This idea does not exclude the possibility that LTP is accompanied by presynaptlc

modifications [see (16) for a review]. Moreover, this possibility has been recently revitalized by results obtained using quantal analysis of synaptlc transmission before and after LTP. How- ever, while Malinow and Tsien (71) and Bekkers and Stevens (10) observed an increase in quantal content, Foster and Mc- Naughton (35) found that LTP was associated with an increase in quantal size. Some of the difficulties and problems raised by these results as well as more general comments concerning the presynaptlc versus postsynaptlc localization of the changes un- derlying LTP maintenance have been discussed elsewhere (60) The evidence supporting the role of different Ca-dependent en- zymatic processes in the long-lasting changes in synaptlc effi- cacy that follow high-frequency stimulation will be discussed below.

Protein Kmases

Changes in phosphorylatlon of various proteins have been observed following high-frequency stimulation and it has been suggested that presynaptlc as well as postsynaptlc protein klnase activity is required for LTP (1, 5, 41, 67, 70). Additional sup- port for a critical role for kmases in LTP comes from studies showing that protein kmase inhibltors such as polymyxin B and compound H-7 and different calmoduhn antagonists interfere with the formation of LTP (23, 57, 67, 70, 102) Furthermore, phorbol esters, which directly activate protein kinase C, produce a long-lasting increase in synaptlc transmission and it has been proposed that klnase C translocatlon and activation are impor- tant steps for LTP expression (1, 41, 69, 70). However, recent evidence indicate that the phorbol ester-induced potentiation (at least in CA1) is quite different from the LTP induced by high- frequency stimulation and do not support the hypothesis that ac- tivation of protein kinase C is involved in LTP maintenance (37,82). At present the role of protein kmase C in LTP remains therefore a controversial issue Calclum/calmoduhn-dependent protein kinase II appears to be a plausible candidate to partici- pate in LTP. Biochemical studies have demonstrated that this kanase undergoes autophosphorylatlon, which could provide a self-perpetuating change in enzyme activity (55,77) It has been suggested that the ability of self-maintaining autophosphorylation of the Cam-KIl may serve as a mechanism for maintaining long-term changes in synaptic efficacy (36). The Cam-KII is a major protein component of the postsynaptlc densities and would be ideally localized to modify the properties and functions of postsynaptlc A/Q receptor. In good agreement with this idea, ln- tracellular injection of Cam-KII inhlbltors blocks LTP forma- tion (67)

Lipases and Proteases

It seems a priori logical to explore those calcium-dependent processes likely to produce irreversible alterations in the struc- ture and function of dendritic spines when searching for poten- tial LTP-related mechanisms. Among these, the activation by calcium of calcium-dependent lipases (phosphohpases C and A 2) and neutral proteases (calpalns) are particularly attractive since the modifications produced by these enzymes are more likely to be irreversible, inasmuch as structural modifications should be more resistant to molecular turn-over than posttranslational mod- ifications Activation of membrane-associated phospholipases rep- resents an important component of the effects of both neurotransmitters and hormones. By cleaving membranes phos- pholipids, these enzymes not only generate a number of metabo- htes that can play a second messenger function reside or outside the cell, but also modify the lipid mlcroenvlronment of mem-


brane proteins Treatment of membranes with exogenous phos- phohpases has been reported to alter the characteristics of the binding sites for various neurotransmitters or neuromodulators, such as norepinephrme (53,97), GABA (119) and the opioid peptldes (86,96). In a number of cases it was shown that the nonpolar or polar moieties of membranes phosphollplds, as well as the lysophosphohplds and fatty acids generated by phosphoh- pase treatment, were responsthle for the changes in receptor binding. In other cases ~t appears more hkely that changes in the hpld mlcroenvironment of the receptors produce alterations in the conformation of the receptor leading to changes in recep- tor binding (56). Recent reports have suggested the existence of hnks between excitatory amino acid receptors and phosphohpld lnetabohtes generated by either phosphohpases C or A~ (7, 30, 85, 87, 88). Stimulation of the NMDA receptors in primary cul- tures of neurons has been reported to produce an mcreased re- lease of arachidonic acid, an effect that is likely due to the activation of endogenous phosphohpase A 2, a calcium sens~txve enzyme (30) Support for a critical role for phosphohpase A2 in LTP comes from studies showing that lnhlbltors of the enzyme interfere with the formation of LTP (54, 63, 74, 122, 123) However, whether the PLA n lnh~b~tors act on events responsible for the reduction of LTP such as transmatter release, NMDA re- ceptor activation and Ca 2+ influx, or on processes subserving the maintenance of LTP has not always been well established Bliss and his colleagues have proposed that arach|donlc acid or some other phosphohpld derivative is released postsynaptically and acts as a retrograde messenger at the presynapt~c terminal, providing a hnk between the postsynapt~c location of the induc- tion process and the presynaptlc locus for the maintenance mechamsm (14,15) They also reported that the hpoxygenase/ PLA~ mhxb~tor, nordihydroguaiaret~c acid (NDGA), blocks the formation of LTP and they proposed that a continuing release of hpoxygenase-denved arach~domc acid metabohtes is required for the expression of LTP (124). However, the drug has obvious ef- fects on the physiological properties of the preparat|on, and tn particular it decreases the slope of the field EPSPs evoked by the stimulation of the Schaffer-collateral system. Apphcatton of BPB (bromophenacyl bromide; 50 p.M), a more specific phos- phohpase A2 inhibitor, caused also a large reduction in the mag- mtude of LTP in field CAI of the h~ppocampal shce preparation The drug had, however, no s~gmficant effect on either the de- gree of paired-pulse faclhtat~on or on the amount of preestab- lished LTP, suggesting that phosphohpase A n activation plays a critical role in the development of LTP, but is not required for the maintenance of LTP (74)

As mentioned above, LTP is expressed by a selective in- crease in synaptlc currents me&ated by the AMPA/qu~squalate subtype of glutamate receptors How could PLA n activation pro- duce the selective changes m responsiveness of the AMPA/quis- qualate subtype of glutamate receptors observed in LTP? One possible explanation could be that PLA 2 activation reduces a se- lectwe modification of the binding and/or biophysical properties (such as changes in the conductance state of the channel) of the AMPA/qulsqualate, but not of the NMDA receptor-lonophore complex. In this regard it is of interest that treatment of telen- cephahc membranes w~th exogenous phospholipases (PLC and PLAn) produced a marked increase in the affinity of the A/Q receptor for the radlohgand 3H-AMPA (3H-ammo-3-hydroxy-5- methyhsoxazole-4-proplomc acid), without changing the binding properties of agomsts for the NMDA receptor complex, this ef- fect is probably due to a PLAz-lnduced dmturbance m the hpld environment of the receptor (72,73) The functional conse- quences of th~s effect remain to be estabhshed, but it is hkely that it would Increase the physiological responses associated with A/Q receptors. Thus, st~mulatxon of NMDA receptors has been

linked to PLA n actlvat~on, which in turn reproduced a correlate of LTP (differential effect on A/Q and NMDA receptors). Fur- thermore, PLA 2 inhlbltors interfere with the development of LTP, an effect consistent with the hypothesis that PLA n partici- pates in the development of LTP, at least in field CAl of the hlppocampus We have recently reported that induction of sei- zure activity as a result of systemic kalnlC acid administration produced a loss of LTP m field CAI of hlppocampal shces (75). The loss of LTP did not appear to be due to major alterations in the physiological characteristics of the NMDA receptors, but was more hkely the result of the &sruptlon by kainate treatment of postsynaptlc processes which normally follow the activation of the ~onlc currents that are the lmtlal triggers for LTP Interest- Ingly, the PLA~-mduced increase in 3H-AMPA binding to the A/Q receptors was also markedly reduced in the hlppocampus after kalnate treatment. It is thus reasonable to assume that PLA2-1nduced modification of the A/Q receptor could represent a critical step for LTP maintenance This assumption is sup- ported by recent results indicating that the PLA2-1nduced in- crease in 3H-AMPA binding is also absent in membranes prepared from neonatal rats at a developmental stage when LTP is not induced by high-frequency stimulation (9a). Thus, calcium-de- pendent phosphohpases are very attractive candidates for a mech- amsm to translate brief changes in calcium concentrations into long-lasting and possibly permanent changes in synaptlc opera- tlon.

Calcium-dependent proteases have also been proposed to produce long-lasting changes in synaptlc structure and function (58, 59, 61) Two forms of this category of enzymes have been identified (calpain I and II) in the brain, which differ in their sensitivity to calcium. Calpam I is activated by mlcromolar con- centratlon of Ca 2+, and its locahzatlon m dendritic spines and postsynapt~c densities has been confirmed by ~mmunohlstochem- lcal techniques (98). Substrates of this protease include protein kinase C and various proteins constituting the cell cytoskeleton such as, neurofilament proteins, mlcrotubule-assoclated proteins, tubuhn, actm and brain spectrin [see (8) for a review]. Interest- mgly, spectnn has been proposed to be involved m the regula- tion of the &stnbution of cell surface receptors in a variety of cells In particular, spectnn has been shown to participate m the capping of cell surface receptors (52), and it was recently pro- posed that calpam-lnduced degradation of spectrm-hke proteins is responsible for the uncovenng of fibnnogen receptors m blood platelets stimulated by thrombin or ADP (4) Electron micro- scopic studies have shown that morphological changes m postsynaptlc sprees and/or synapses are assocmted with LTP (3, 19, 33, 34, 122) However, several results suggest that struc- tural mo&ficatlons per se are not likely to produce long-lasting mo&ficatlons of synaptlc transmission (40,105). Given that LTP is both synapse-specific and Ca 2 +-dependent, and given the na- ture of calpam substrates, it was postulated that calpam is re- volved m these ultrastructural modifications (59) In addition, activation of NMDA receptors, a necessary condition for induc- ing LTP in CAI, produced a rapid stimulation of calpain, as re- flected by the accumulation of spectnn breakdown products (106) It is of interest that leupeptin and more specific calpam antagonists (calpain inhibitor I and II) also block the formation of LTP, without markedly &srupting the physiological events that normally induce the potentiation effect (28, 92, l 1 I). There is ample evidence to support the notion that the inner leaflet of the lipid bllayer membrane of most eukaryotlc cells is rich m phosphatldylserme (PS), an ammophosphohpld. In contrast, the outer leaflet of the membrane hpld bllayer contains virtually no PS (126). Recent results indicated that the asymmetric orientation of PS ~s due to the existence of an aminophosphohpid translocase activity m the plasma membrane, which is inactive dunng calpain


acuvat~on (26). In platelets, tt has been shown that increased surface exposure of PS (flip-flop) ts rapidly observed upon acti- vation by certain agents, an effect correlating with the extent of proteolyt~c degradation of the cytoskeletal protein spectnn (126). Recent stu&es have in&cated that the incorporation of PS in telencephahc membranes Increases the affinity of A/Q receptors, an effect similar to the PLA, treatment (9). These results sug- gest a new mechanism by which membrane reorganization and fhp-flop of phosphatldylsenne could combine to produce an in- creased affinity of the A/Q receptor that might provide mainte- nance of LTP.

Figure 1 summarizes these different points m a model de- scnbmg the means by which calcium may increase the affinity of A/Q receptors in synaptlc membranes We postulate that modification of the lipid microenvlronment by the Ca + +-depen- dent phospholipase A 2 may selectively modulate the affinity of the A/Q receptor and provide the maintenance of LTP. More- over, calpain and kinase activation represent addmonal mecha- nisms by which membrane reorganization, structural modifications and receptor alterations could become long lasting Interestingly, data obtained m our laboratory ln&cate that treatment of telen- cephalic membranes with calpam pamally blocks the modulation of A/Q receptors produced by phosphohpase Az, suggesting that the order of actwation of different CaZ+-dependent processes mxght be |mportant m determining the resulting changes m re- ceptor propemes and functions (75) Further experiments are needed to evaluate the effects of different protein klnases on the properties of the A/Q receptors and/or their regulation by the lipid environment m the membranes.

Protein Synthesis and Gene Expression

It has also been proposed that biochemical changes at the level of protein synthesis and gene expression could be revolved in the maintenance of long-lasting changes m synaptic operation.

In the hippocampus, protein synthesis mhlbttors have been reported to interfere with both the induction and the maintenance of LTP (47,109). Furthermore, release of newly synthesized proteins mto the extracellular space has been shown to take place in area CAI and dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, following LTP induction by high-frequency stimulation (29,32). It appears now that polyribosomes are present in dendrites, often locahzed at the base of dendritic sprees (115). There exxsts therefore a posslblhty for local regulation m protein synthesis in response to certain types of synapttc activity Interestingly, h~gh-frequency st~mulatlon of presynapuc afferents results In an increase m the state of aggregation of polynbosomes (122) and it has been sug- gested that such stimulation results m the translation of specific mRNA coding for some subset of synaptic proteins (115). How- ever, little is known concerning the nature of the proteins lo- cally synthesized as well as of the intracellular signals responsible for the induction of protein synthesis.

Changes in phenotyp~c expression m response to a variety of factors such as hormones or prolonged depolarization represent another mechanism providing adaptatwe properties to synaptlc transmission (13,80). Stu&es in invertebrates have suggested that a rapid genomic response to neuronal stimulatmn plays a critical role m long-term changes m synaptlc efficacy (80). High-frequency stimulation of the perforant path-granule cell synapses m vivo, produced a marked increase m the amount of mRNA for one class of gene (Zif 268) that belongs to the cate- gory of immediate early genes (22). The increase in Zif 268 mRNA mduced by high-frequency stimulation was also blocked by NMDA receptors antagomsts. Because Zff 268 probably en- codes a transcription regulatory factor, it ~s possible that the rapid mcrease in Zif 268 could be important in coordlnatmg



After LTP


FIG 1 Schematic dmgram lllustratmg a putauve mechanism for LTP maintenance Before LTP, it is assumed that most of the phosphat~dyl- serlne (filled polar heads) m the llp~d bdayer is facing the reside of the cell, and the A/Q receptors exist m a state of low affinity for the trans- mitter Actlvanon of the NMDA receptors dunng the tnggenng phase results in an reflux of calcium in postsynaptlc structures and m the stim- ulation of a variety of calcmm-dependent enzymes, including PLA 2, calpam and kmases As a result, the &stnbunon of phosphohpldS m the hpld bdayer, and in pamcular that of phosphatldylsenne, is modified and the A/Q receptors are shifted m a state of h~gh affinity or of higher "re- sponsweness" for the transmitter

changes m gene expression that underlie long-term changes in synaptic efficacy. In summary, the posslbthty that actwlty-de- pendent mo&ficatlons in genomlc expression affecting the phe- notyplc characters of adult neurons adds an almost unhmited degree of adaptative propemes to synaptlc transmission. In par- ticular, the recent cloning and detaded analys~s of cDNAs en- coding AMPA receptors have revealed the existence of a family of receptors Moreover each member of the family exists m two closely related versions generated by alternate sphcmg of the gene. They have been designated as " f l i p " and " f l o p " and as they exhibit different physiological responses to glutamate ago- rests, xt has been proposed that changes in the expression of AMPA receptors may play an important role in synaptlc plastic- ity (107)


One of the major issues in the neuroblology of learmng and memory remains the elucidatxon of the relationships between the cellular mechanisms of synaptlc plasticity and the behavioral


mamfestat~ons of learning and memory. Numerous studies have attempted to link LTP and the learning of spectfic behavioral tasks. Several lmes of evidence suggest that LTP ~s involved in behavioral learning and memory In classical conditioning [e.g , of the mct~tating membrane (NM) response], pyramidal neurons rapidly increase their frequency of d~scharges wtthin trtals, be- ginning m the first few trials, and form a predicting "temporal model" of the learned behavioral response (12). When the pop- ulatlon spike of dentate granule cells elicited by perforant path stimulation ~s monitored over the course of learning, ~t increases in parallel with the development of the learned behavioral re- sponse and this increase persists m time (121). Although the h~ppocampus ~s not essentml for basic associative learning (e.g., NM condmomng), ~t becomes essentml when greater demands are placed on the memory system, as m discrimination reversal of NM condmomng (116). When LTP of the perforant path ~s reduced m rabb~ts, subsequent acquisition of s~mple NM condt- tloning is accelerated (11) Th~s result ~s m apparent contradic- tion with a similar study m rats, where long-term potentiation reduced by high-frequency st~mulatton in the same pathway ~m- pmred the acqumit~on of a new spatial task, which ~s crittcally dependent on normal hippocampal function (64). The results were supporting the ~dea that previous induction of LTP maxi- mized synaptic efficacy, thus makmg it more difficult to modify the network for learning a new spatml task. In the p~r|form cor- tex, patterned electrtcal stimulations of the lateral olfactory cor- tex (LOT) can be used mstead of natural odors m smell discrimination learning experiments and learning of the d~scnm~- nation between a natural odor and the "electrical odor" is ac- companied by an increase in the amphtude of the evoked potentmls generated by the electrical st.mulatton of the LOT (103). Exper- iments testing for modifications m receptor-binding propert|es followmg physiological act~vmes are m progress. Increase in 3H-AMPA binding has been obtamed m experiments using quan- titative autorad.ography following learning of a classtcal condi- tioned task m rabbtts (118). The same learning paradigm has also been shown to be accompanied with translocatton of pro- tern kmase C to the dendritic zones of field CA1 m h~ppocam- pus (9 I)

Another approach to estabhsh the relation between LTP and learning and memory has conststed m using pharmacological tools provided by the cellular analysts, tn order to evaluate the cQnsequences at the behavioral level of mterfenng with specific cellular mechantsms. Recent experiments have taken advantage of the selecttve blockade of LTP by NMDA receptor antagonists. Thus, rats receiving a continuous intraventncular infusion of AP-5 exh,b.ted a profound tmpairment in their ablhty to store both spatial (81) and olfactory (114) reformations [however, see Mondadorl et al. (79) for an alternative v~ew of the data]. Fur- thermore, and in agreement with the calpam/spectnn hypothesis described above, ~t was found that the mtraventncular mfuslon of the calpam inhth~tor leupeptm, also produced a marked lm- patrment in the learning of spatial and olfactory tnformat~on (110,111). For both AP-5 and leupeptin, the drug treatment d.d not tmpalr the learning of other types of information such as vt- sual discnmmatlon and shock avoidance. These results strongly suggest that LTP-like mechanisms specifically participate in the learning of olfactory and of spatml reformation

The effects of inhtbttors of protem kmases and of phosphoh- pases on the learning of different tasks remain to be tested but data from invertebrates certainly suggest that protein kinases at least are mvolved m the learning of some forms of information. No data are avadable yet on the possible involvement of phos- pholipases m learning and more specific mhib~tors are needed in order to test thetr participation m behavioral experiments. Ft- nally, learning of a vartety of tasks has been reported to be im- patred following the administration of protein synthests mhlbitors. These results clearly tnd~cate the urge for estabhshmg a taxon- omy of learning processes and for clarifying the roles of differ- ent classes of biochemical processes in learnmg and memory


Th,s work was supported by Grants BNS 89-96284 from the National Science Foundanon to M B G M ~s recipient of a Fellowship from the Fonds de ta Recherche en Sant6 du Qu6bec We w~sh to thank Clau- dine Jutras for her expert secretarial assistance


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