2734-2741 Nucleic Acids Research, 1995, Vol. 23, No. 14 USF binds to the APBoa sequence in the promoter of the amyloid n-protein precursor gene Alexander A. Vostrov, Wolfgang W. Quitschke, Frederique Vidal1, Alexander L. Schwarzman and Dmitry Goldgaber* Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, NY 11794-8101, USA and 1Unite 273 de l'INSERM, Universite de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, 06034 Nice, France Received March 16, 1995; Revised and Accepted May 31, 1995 ABSTRACT The APBa domain in the amyloid f-protein precursor (APP) promoter contains a nuclear factor binding domain with the core recognition sequence TCAGCT- GAC. Proteins in nuclear extracts from brain and numerous cell lines bind to this domain and it contrib- utes -1030%o to the basal APP promoter activity. Included in this domain is the CANNTG motif, which is recognized by basic helix-loop-helix transcription factors. The same motif is also present in the CDEI element of the yeast centromere and in the adenovirus major late promoter (AdMLP). Here we present evidence based on thermostability, relative binding affinity, elec- trophoretic mobility and antibody recognition that the cellular proteins that bind to the APBa and CDEI motifs are USF. However, the relative binding affinity for the motifs is different. The affinity of USF for AdMLP is -20-fold higher than for the APBa sequence and 5-fold higher than for the CDEI sequence. Mutational analysis suggested that the primary determinant for USF binding affinity resides within the octamer CAGCTGAC, which is composed of the E-box consensus sequence CANNTG followed by the dinucleotide AC. The human homolog of the mouse CDEI binding protein did not bind to either the CDEI sequence or APBa. INTRODUCTION Deposition of aggregated amyloid [-protein in the brain and cerebrovasculature are characteristic neuropathological features of Alzheimer's disease and Down's syndrome (1-5). Amyloid f-protein is derived from a larger transmembrane glycoprotein, the amyloid ,8-protein precursor (APP) (6-9).The APP gene is expressed in all major tissues, including brain (10-13). The level of APP gene transcript is increased in Down's syndrome and in certain areas of the brain in Alzheimer's disease (10-13). This suggests that in some cases overexpression of the APP gene could play a contributing role in the pathological processes leading to amyloid deposition. The mechanism of APP gene expression has been the subject of extensive study (14-23). The APP promoter contains numerous putative binding sites for regulatory transcription factors (14,15,17,24). Functional analyses of 5' deletions of the APP promoter showed that 94 bp upstream from the transcriptional start site are sufficient for high levels of expression in numerous cell lines (17,18,22). This proximal APP promoter region contains two nuclear factor binding domains, designated APBa and APB , that are conserved in the human, mouse and rat APP promoters ( 17,23). The factors that bind to these domains display sequence specificity, but have not yet been identified. Binding site APBa contains the core recognition sequence TCAGCTGAC. Transverse block mutations across this sequence abolish nuclear factor binding and eliminate the functional activity mediated by the APBa binding site (17,23). The APBa domain includes the conserved motif CANNTG, which is recognized by the basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH)-containing family of DNA binding proteins (25). The APBa sequence also contains parts of the overlapping recognition sequences for transcription factors AP1 and AP4. However, the factors in nuclear extracts that bind to this element are distinct from both API and AP4 (17). Further- more, the core part of the APBa binding site bears a similarity to the GTCACATG motif. This octamer sequence was first character- ized in the centromere DNA element I (CDEI) region of the yeast centromere (26). The CDEI motif is also recognized by mouse nuclear proteins and microinjection of double-stranded oligonucleotides carrying this motif into fertilized mouse eggs resulted in detrimental effects on the early development of the embryos (27). A partial cDNA sequence encoding a candidate mouse CDEI binding protein has been identified (28). The protein, designated CDEBP, contains regions with extensive homology to APP. The human homolog of this protein was subsequently cloned by two groups of investiga- tors and termed APPH (29) and APLP2 (30). Bram and Kornberg (31) have pointed out the similarity of the CDEI motif to the sequence in the adenovirus major late promoter (AdMLP), which is recognized by the mammalian transcription factor USF (32). The recognition sequence for USF in AdMLP contains the central motif GCCACGTGAC. However, other binding sites for USF identified in a variety of cellular and viral promoters (33-38; for further references see 39) often differ in * To whom correspondence should be addressed I\KD/ 1995 Oxford University Press

USF binds to the APBα sequence in the promoter of the amyloid β-protein precursor gene

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2734-2741 Nucleic Acids Research, 1995, Vol. 23, No. 14

USF binds to the APBoa sequence in the promoter ofthe amyloid n-protein precursor gene

Alexander A. Vostrov, Wolfgang W. Quitschke, Frederique Vidal1, Alexander L.Schwarzman and Dmitry Goldgaber*

Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, State University of New York at Stony Brook, Stony Brook,NY 11794-8101, USA and 1Unite 273 de l'INSERM, Universite de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, 06034 Nice, France

Received March 16, 1995; Revised and Accepted May 31, 1995


The APBa domain in the amyloid f-protein precursor(APP) promoter contains a nuclear factor bindingdomain with the core recognition sequence TCAGCT-GAC. Proteins in nuclear extracts from brain andnumerous cell lines bind to this domain and it contrib-utes -1030%o to the basal APP promoter activity.Included in this domain is the CANNTG motif, which isrecognized by basic helix-loop-helix transcriptionfactors. The same motif is also present in the CDEIelement of the yeast centromere and in the adenovirusmajor late promoter (AdMLP). Herewe present evidencebased on thermostability, relative binding affinity, elec-trophoretic mobility and antibody recognition that thecellular proteins that bind to the APBa and CDEI motifsare USF. However, the relative binding affinity for themotifs is different. The affinity of USF for AdMLP is-20-fold higher than for the APBa sequence and 5-foldhigher than for the CDEI sequence. Mutational analysissuggested that the primary determinant for USF bindingaffinity resides within the octamer CAGCTGAC, whichis composed of the E-box consensus sequenceCANNTG followed by the dinucleotide AC. The humanhomolog of the mouse CDEI binding protein did notbind to either the CDEI sequence or APBa.


Deposition of aggregated amyloid [-protein in the brain andcerebrovasculature are characteristic neuropathological featuresof Alzheimer's disease and Down's syndrome (1-5). Amyloidf-protein is derived from a larger transmembrane glycoprotein,the amyloid ,8-protein precursor (APP) (6-9).The APP gene isexpressed in all major tissues, including brain (10-13). The levelof APP gene transcript is increased in Down's syndrome and incertain areas of the brain in Alzheimer's disease (10-13). Thissuggests that in some cases overexpression ofthe APP gene couldplay a contributing role in the pathological processes leading toamyloid deposition.

The mechanism ofAPP gene expression has been the subject ofextensive study (14-23). The APP promoter contains numerousputative binding sites for regulatory transcription factors(14,15,17,24). Functional analyses of 5' deletions of the APPpromoter showed that 94 bp upstream from the transcriptional startsite are sufficient for high levels of expression in numerous celllines (17,18,22). This proximal APP promoter region contains twonuclear factor binding domains, designated APBa and APB , thatare conserved in the human, mouse and rat APP promoters (17,23).The factors that bind to these domains display sequence specificity,but have not yet been identified.

Binding site APBa contains the core recognition sequenceTCAGCTGAC. Transverse block mutations across this sequenceabolish nuclear factor binding and eliminate the functional activitymediated by the APBa binding site (17,23). The APBa domainincludes the conserved motif CANNTG, which is recognized bythe basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH)-containing family of DNAbinding proteins (25). The APBa sequence also contains parts ofthe overlapping recognition sequences for transcription factorsAP1 and AP4. However, the factors in nuclear extracts that bind tothis element are distinct from both API and AP4 (17). Further-more, the core part of the APBa binding site bears a similarity tothe GTCACATG motif. This octamer sequence was first character-ized in the centromere DNA element I (CDEI) region of the yeastcentromere (26).The CDEI motif is also recognized by mouse nuclear proteins

and microinjection of double-stranded oligonucleotides carryingthis motif into fertilized mouse eggs resulted in detrimental effectson the early development of the embryos (27). A partial cDNAsequence encoding a candidate mouse CDEI binding protein hasbeen identified (28). The protein, designated CDEBP, containsregions with extensive homology to APP. The human homolog ofthis protein was subsequently cloned by two groups of investiga-tors and termed APPH (29) and APLP2 (30).Bram and Kornberg (31) have pointed out the similarity of the

CDEI motif to the sequence in the adenovirus major late promoter(AdMLP), which is recognized by the mammalian transcriptionfactor USF (32). The recognition sequence for USF in AdMLPcontains the central motif GCCACGTGAC. However, otherbinding sites for USF identified in a variety of cellular and viralpromoters (33-38; for further references see 39) often differ in

* To whom correspondence should be addressed

I\KD/ 1995 Oxford University Press

Nucleic Acids Research, 1995, Vol. 23, No. 14 2735

Table 1. Examples of sequences that bind USF

adeumovir major late promoter [321 CTGGC CACGTGAC CGCrat y-fibhinogen promoter [331 GAC CCCGTGAC Cmouse metahln ebnIpromoter [341 GCGGGG CGCGTGAC TAThuman P-globh LCR [35,361 GCTGAC CACCTGAC TAAAACX laevis uaSKi-pto factor ]][[A moter [37J CAT CACGTGCT CCACTArat dass Isaobol dehydrogeume promoter [381 CTAGAT CACATGTG GGATCamylid l-protek premsor promoter [171 CCGGAT CAGCTGAC TCGCCTCDEI1281 TGTGC CATGTGAC TGAGAAGCT

The sequences are aligned with the 8 bp domain CANNTGAC, which is sig-nificant for USF binding affinity. The original references describing the bind-ing of USF to the respective sequences are indicated. The sequences of thehuman APBa domain in the APP promoter and the CDEI sequences are in-cluded for comparison.

some nucleotides from the original USF binding site in AdMLP(Table 1).Two thermostable proteins with molecular weights of 43

(USF43) and 44 kDa (USF44) which display USF activity were

co-purified from HeLa cell nuclear extracts (40) and subsequentlycloned from human and mouse cells (39,41,42). Both USFproteins are members ofthe bHLH protein family and bind toDNAas homodimers or heterodimers (42). Here we present evidencethat the mammalian nuclear proteins that bind to both the APBasite in the APP promoter and the CDEI motif of the yeastcentromere are USF.



Plasmids d12, containing human USF43 cDNA (41), and pM2-2,containing mouse USF44 cDNA (39), were kindly provided byDr M. Sawadogo. A plasmid containing the open reading framefor the mouse CDEBP protein was described by Vidal et al. (28).Plasmid DNA was purified using the Quiagen Plasmid Maxi Kitaccording to the manufacturer's instructions.

cDNA library screening and cloning

The plasmid containing the main part ofthe open reading frame forthe mouse CDEBP (28) was digested with the restriction enzymeNcoI. A 1.5 kb fragment was isolated and used for screening of a

human brain cDNA library. Thirty three positive clones were

isolated. To obtain the full-length cDNA, filters were rescreenedwith the 0.3 kb SphI-DraI restriction fragment from the same

plasmid, which contains the 5'-region of the open reading frame.Sixteen of the previously isolated clones gave a positive signal forthe 5'-region and their cDNA inserts were subcloned andsequenced.


Oligonucleotides were synthesized by Bio-synthesis Inc. and gelpurified prior to hybridization. The sequences of all double-stranded oligonucleotides used as probes or as competitors are

shown in Table 2. Oligonucleotide sequences ofAPBa, CDEI andAdMLP were adapted exactly as described in the originalpublications (17,27,32). APM1-APM4 are mutant versions ofAPBaT

Table 2. Sequences of the oligonucleotides used in this study



The sequence domain with particular relevance for USF binding affinity isframed. The oligonucleotides APMI-APM4 are modifications of APBac. Thenucleotides that differ from the wild-type APBa are underlined.

Nuclear extracts

Nuclear extracts from HeLa cells were prepared as describedelsewhere (43). Nuclear extracts from rat and bovine brain wereobtained by a modified procedure (17). The final concentration ofprotein in extracts varied from I to 4 mg/ml in a buffer containing25 mM HEPES, pH 7.6,40 mM KCl, 12.5 mM MgCl2, 0.1 mMEDTA, 1 mM dithiothreitol, 0.5 mM NaS203, 0.1 mM phenyl-methylsulfonyl flouride and 10% glycerol. Extract preparationswere aliquoted and stored at -800C. Heat treatment of brainnuclear extract was performed at 100°C for 10 min. Nuclearextracts were then chilled on ice and the precipitated material waspelleted at 10 000 g. The supematant was used for mobility shiftelectrophoresis.

Coupled in vitro transcription-translation

The coupled in vitro transcription-translation reaction was per-formed using the TNT Coupled Reticulocyte Lysate System(Promega) according to the manufacturer's instructions. Typically2 ig template plasmid DNA(s) were used per 25 pl reactionmixture containing [35S]methionine. Aliquots (5 ,l) of the reactionproducts were analyzed by electrophoresis in 10% SDS-polyacryla-mide gels. Gels were fixed, dried and autoradiographed.

Electrophoretic mobility shift assay

Oligonucleotides were 5'-end-labeled with y-32p using T4 polynu-cleotide kinase. Labeled oligonucleotide (1 ng per bindingreaction, 50 000-200 000 c.p.m.) was incubated in binding buffer[15 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 75 mM NaCl, 0.1 mM EDTA, 1 mMdithiothreitol, supplemented with 1 gg poly(dI-dC)-poly(dI-dC)]for 1 h at room temperature either with 5 p1 nuclear extractcontaining 2-8 ,ug protein or with 4 p1 in vitr translation productsin a total reaction volume of 15 W1. With the protein extract the finalMgCl2 concentration in the binding reaction was -4 mM. Theincubation mixture was loaded on 7% polyacrylamide gelscontaining 0.5x Tris-borate-EDTA buffer and electrophoresed at150 V constant voltage for 2-6 h. Gels were fixed in 10% aceticacid, 20% methanol and 5% glycerol, dried and autoradiographed.To quantitate the binding activity, areas containing bindingcomplexes were excised from dried gels and the radioactivity wasdetermined by liquid scintillation counting.

2736 Nucleic Acids Research, 1995, Vol. 23, No. 14

Supershift assays

Rabbit anti-human USF43 antibodies were a gift from Dr M.Sawadogo. These antibodies were raised against the C-terminalportion of the 43 kDa form of human USF, overproduced inEscherichia coli (42). After incubating oligonucleotides withbovine brain nuclear extract as described above, antibodies againstUSF43 were added to the reaction mixtures and incubated for anadditional hour at 4°C. The products were then analyzed bymobility shift electrophoresis.


Proteins in nuclear extracts from HeLa cells, bovinebrain and rat brain form similar binding complexeswith AdMLP, CDEI and APBa motifs

The binding domain APBa contains the E-box consensussequence and closely resembles the USF binding site of AdLMP(Table 2). It also bears a similarity to the CDEI-like sequence(Table 1). The APBa binding site was originally characterized bymobility shift electrophoresis in 1% agarose gels. This resulted inthe identification of an apparently homogeneous binding complex(17,23). The specificity of this binding was demonstrated withnuclear extracts from a variety of cell lines and with mutations thatabolished binding activity. To improve the resolution of the assay,we compared the mobility shift patterns in 6% acrylamide gels.The three end-labeled oligonucleotides containing the E-boxconsensus sequences of AdMLP, CDEI and human APBa(Table 1) were incubated with nuclear extracts from bovine brain,rat brain and HeLa cells. Mobility shift electrophoresis inacrylamide gels reveals multiple distinct binding complexes (Fig.1). A major binding complex, designated Ca, was observed withall nuclear extracts and oligonucleotides. This complex is sur-rounded by two minor complexes which migrate slightly above(Cal) and below (Ca2) the major complex Ca (Fig. 1). Additionalbinding complexes migrate below complex Ca (Fig. 2A, arrow-heads). However, most likely these bands represent degradationproducts, since their prominence varies between different extractpreparations. In addition, the intensity ofthese bands was increasedwhen the nuclear extract was frozen and thawed multiple times orleft at room temperature for extended periods (not shown).

Since USF has been demonstrated to bind to the AdMLPsequence it is possible that this factor also binds to the CDEI-likeand APBa sequences. It has been shown that the USF proteinsretain their DNA binding ability after heat treatment (40). Wetherefore examined whether the binding proteins in bovine brainnuclear extract share this property with the USF proteins. Thenuclear extract was heated at 100°C for 10 min and then used formobility shift electrophoresis. We found that 50-70% of thebinding activity remained in the extract after heat treatment and themobility shift pattern did not change significantly. However, thecomplexes Cal and Ca2 became more pronounced after heattreatment, with a corresponding decrease in complex Ca (Fig.lA-C, compare lanes 3 and 4). Similar results were obtained withHeLa cell nuclear extract (not shown). This indicates that thenuclear binding proteins in the analyzed extracts are resistant toheat treatment, a property which they have in common with theUSF proteins. The rearrangements of binding complexes Ca, Caland Ca2 is consistent with the observation that USF dimersdissociate at elevated temperature and randomiy reassociate aftercooling (40).

A AdlMP-

WO. O->X l 0:Cr ComD0 o-

t.11I m m M.i 4'r

( 1i -- -.

hC;;5__**;a- i'l



B CDEI'C X 0 o-_I m m mr f( t i-11mw"n t"W- U


0 t 0 0 0.;I C m me_ ..m..w


Figure 1. The 32P 5'-end-labeled oligonucleotides (*) AdLMP (A), CDEI (B)and APBa (C) were incubated with nuclear extract from HeLa cells (lane 1),rat brain (lane 2) or bovine brain (lane 3). Binding of heat-treated bovine brainnuclear extract to the respective oligonucleotides is presented in lane 4. Thepositions of binding complexes Ca, Cal and Ca2 are shown. The presence ofadditional complexes observed with all extracts are indicated by arrowheads in(A). The free oligonucleotide is not shown since it was routinely run off the gelin most assays.

Common nuclear binding proteins recognize AdMLP,CDEI and APBa sequences

USF binds to the core sequence GCCACGTGAC of the AdLMP(32). A number of promoter sequences that have been shown tobind USF display a certain degree of variability within thissequence (Table 2). The APBa sequence CAGCTGAC of theAPP promoter and the CDEI-like sequence CATGTGAC displaythe same type of variability within the USF binding domain,suggesting that they may also be recognized by USF. Thispossibility was examined by performing mobility shift competi-tion assays to determine the relative binding affinity of complexCa for the binding motifs of AdLMP, CDEI and APBa. In theseexperiments reference to complex Ca also includes the surround-ing complexes Cal and Ca2, which were not separated due toshorter electrophoresis times.Radiolabeled oligonucleotides APBRa, CDEI or AdMLP were

mixed with increasing concentrations of unlabeled oligonucleo-tides and incubated with bovine brain nuclear extract (Fig. 2). Thethree oligonucleotides compete against each other for nuclearfactor binding with different degrees ofeffectiveness. For example,a 2-fold molar excess of unlabeled AdMLP oligonucleotidecompetes for binding to labeled APBa in the same manner as a50-fold molar excess of unlabeled APBa (Fig. 2C, lanes 4 and 5).Similarly, a 50-fold molar excess of unlabeled APBa reducesbinding to labeled AdLMP to the same degree as a 2-fold excessof unlabeled AdLMP (Fig. 2A, lanes 4 and 5). The results from allcompetition experiments suggest that the binding affinty for theAdLMP sequence is -20-fold higher than for the APBa sequenceand 4-5-fold higher than for the CDEI-like sequence (Fig. 2A-C).

In order to estimate the importance of the CANNTGACoctamer motif for nuclear protein binding activity, mutations

Nucleic Acids Research, 1995, Vol. 23, No. 14 2737

AdLMP*competitor XIAPBa |XAdLMPX | CDEI

mo°larOX T2X 1O0X15OXI 2X ll10X150XI 2X 110X 5XICaL -- ]Cja

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

APLP2-l [



309: "-.365


557 695

1 7


557, 'Lq 707


APLP2-3 I| l1 309; \,365 61;'625 763


EI CDEI*competitor - |I APBat AdLMP CDE |

r T I If I I I Y

molar OX I 2X |10X I-SOX 2X I10X 150X I 2X |IOX SOXI

gm ]Ca


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

APBa*compet2torh PAeBanAdLMPo CEI )AdMPA)CDEI BPMPM4

molanB (C inatx wIthnua XtitfoXm bXIeb in i

orwt 2,1-o 0floaexcess (2, lO,Sx f naee copttr1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS 16 17 18

Figure 2. The 32p 5'-end-labeled oligonucleotides (*) AdLMP (A), CDEI (B)and APBa (C) were incubated with nuclear extract from bovine brain. Mobilityshift electrophoresis was perfonrmed either in the absence of competitor (lane 1 )or with a 2-, 10- or 50-fold molarexcess (2x~lOX> 50x) ofunlabeled competitorsAdLMP (lanes 2-4), CDEI (lanes 5-7) and APBa (lanes 8-10). In addition,labeled oligonucleotide APBa (C) was also competed with unlabeledmutations APMI-APM3 at 2- and 10-fold molar excess (lanes 11-16) andmutation APM4 at 10- and 50-fold molar excess (lanes 17 and 18).

were introduced into the APBa sequence and used as competitorsfor binding to labeled wild-type APBa (Fig. 3C). The mutationAPM1 differs from APBa in only two bases and it converts thewild-type APBa octamer sequence CAGCTGAC to CACGTGAT,which is the sequence found in AdMLP (Table 2). Thisreplacement makes mutation APM 1 as effective a competitor asAdMLP itself (Fig. 3C, compare lanes 11 and 12 with lanes 5 and6). The mutation in APM2 reproduces the sequence ofthe bindingdomain in CDEI. This causes the binding of nuclear protein toAPM2 to be as effective as the binding to CDEI (Fig. 2C, comparelanes 13 and 14 with 8 and 9). The binding affinity for mutationAPM3 is in the same range as forCDEI (Fig. 2C, lanes 15 and 16).In mutation APM4 the AC dinucleotide that follows theCAGCTG hexamer was inverted to CA (Table 2). As aconsequence, the binding affinity for APM4 is 5-10-fold lowerthan for the wild-type APBa sequence (Fig. 3C, lanes 17 and 18).The results show that the affinity for formation of complex Ca

(including Cal and Ca2) is different for the three sequence motifsin AdLMP, CDEI and APBa. Nuclear proteins display the lowestbinding affinity for the APBa sequence. However, the affinity forthe APBa oligonucleotide can readily be increased 20-fold byconverting the wild-type APBa domain to a sequence resembling

Figure 3. Schematic representation of alternatively spliced forms of APLP2protein. Numbers indicate the amino acid position. The shaded and black boxescorrespond to inserts of 54 and 12 amino acids respectively.

AdLMP (Table 2, APM 1). Analysis of additional mutations(APM2-APM4) within the APBa domain suggests that the primarydetenminant for nuclear factor binding activity resides within thecore sequence CANNTGAC (Table 2). This sequence consists ofthe core E-box domain CANNTG followed by the dinucleotide AC.

The human homolog to mouse CDEBP protein consistsof alternatively spliced variants

Although the above experiments implicate USF as the primarycandidate for formation ofcomplex Cc, binding ofmouse CDEBPto CDEI-like sequences was demonstrated in experiments with a

truncated fusion protein expressed in E.coli (28). We thereforeexamined this binding activity with the full-length protein of thehuman homolog synthesized in vitro. A human brain cDNA librarywas screened with a fragment containing the 5'-region of mouseCDEBP, yielding a total of 16 positive clones. One of the clones(CS) contained a 3.6 kb insert and appeared to be a full-lengthtranscript encoding a 695 amino acid protein with a high degree ofsequence similarity to murine CDEBP. The cloned sequence was

found to be identical to that ofAPPH (29) and APLP2 (30), exceptfor some minor differences in the 3' untranslated region. Here werefer to the cloned gene as APLP2. We also identified two clones,designated C3 and C7, which contain additional sequences withinthe open reading frame. C3 contains a 168 bp insert at position 927(Fig. 3, amino acid 309), relative to the translational start site (+1),and C7 contains a 36 bp insert at position 1671 (Fig. 3, amino acid557). The additional domain in C7 encodes an amino acid sequencewith a high degree of similarity to the Kunitz-type proteaseinhibitor domain present in several alternatively spliced forms ofAPP. We assume that the APLP2 gene transcript is alternativelyspliced and propose four possible different forms of encodedprotein (Fig. 3). Such alternatively spliced forms were alsoreported by Sprecher et al. (29) (forms APLP2-2 and APLP2-4)and Wasco et al. (30) (forms APLP2- 1, APLP2-2 and APLP2-3).cDNA of form APLP2-1 encodes a protein that bears 92%

similarity to the sequence ofthe mouse CDEBP protein (44). Fifty-seven of a total of 695 amino acids differ between the twosequences. Of these, 16 mismatches are clustered in the negativelycharged protein domain (see descriptions of human APLP2 in29,30), while others are evenly distributed along the sequence.Only 10 amino acids differ within the C-terminal 237 amino acidfragment, which was used for construction of the fusion protein tostudy CDEI binding activity (28). Specifically, only one Ser-+Alasubstitution was found in the putative HLH domain (28). Takinginto account such a high degree of similarity, one could expect that


I -1I


Ca *"i

2738 Nucleic Acids Research, 1995, Vol. 23, No. 14

A0 1 I?I L 'IkE'



;n-S1;X; ,1,1+ + , ..

44w43/44z ____-43! ~

.. - 43-

B-29 -

-18 -

I 2 3 4 ^ 8 1q

1 2 3 4 ; 6

CDEI*; +-1; X.E |+ + 1+ !4 4 ".en 7ie-f"fli

Figure 4. [35S]Methionine-labeled proteins were synthesized by coupled invitro transcription-translation and separated on 8% SDS-polyacrylamide gels.The USF43 and USF44 proteins were either synthesized separately (lanes 4 and5) or together (lanes 1-3). In cases where the USF proteins were co-translated,the USF43:USF44 plasmid ratio was 1:3 (lane 1), 1:1 (lane 2) or 3:1 (lane 3).Translated APLP2 proteins are shown as indicated by brackets in lanes 7-10.Lane 6 shows a control reaction without added plasmid. The approximatemigration of molecular weight markers (kDa) is shown in the center.

the mouse CDEBP and human APLP2 proteins share their putativeCDEI binding properties.From the three cDNA clones four recombinant plasmids were

constructed that contained all four postulated alternatively splicedforms of APLP2. The full-length transcriptional units were cloned5' to the T7 promoter and used in a coupled in vitro transcription-translation system.

434 SWI"-m a1 I4i~g-I


C APBa*+ + + 4 II1&W. ,1-1e.Wr. - t1| I

43/44- _ =..... F,S.e_i_*

In vitro translated USF proteins bind to AdMLP, CDEIand APBa sequences

In order to determine if either the USF or the APLP2 proteinscontribute to formation of complex Cc, these proteins were

expressed in a coupled in vitro transcription-translation system.The translation reaction was performed in the presence of[35S]methionine and the products of the transcription-translationreaction were analyzed by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophore-sis (Fig. 4). USF43 and USF44 were either synthesized separately(Fig. 4, lanes 4 and 5) or together at plasmid ratios of 3:1, 1:1 and1:3 (Fig. 4, lanes 1-3). The concentration ratios of the finaltranslation products were largely proportional to the ratios of theplasmid concentrations in the reaction mixtures (Fig. 4, lanes 1-3).The translation products of the four alternatively spliced forms ofAPLP2 are shown in lanes 6-10 (Fig. 4).The ability of these in vitro translated proteins to bind to AdLMP,

CDEI and APBa sequences was examined by mobility shiftelectrophoresis. When labeled AdLMP, CDEI or APBa oligonu-cleotides were incubated with separately translated USF43 andUSF44, two different binding complexes with slightly differentmobilities were observed (Fig. 5A-C, lanes 4 and 5). Thesecomplexes represent homodimers of USF43 or USF44 that bind tothe respective oligonucleotides. Similar binding of USF homo-dimers to the AdLMP sequence was described by Sirito et al. (39).When the co-translated products of USF43 and USF44 were

incubated with -the labeled oligonucleotides, three different bindingcomplexes were observed. The intermediate band is the result of

I 3 8 10 II

Figure 5. In vitro translated proteins as depicted in Figure 4 were incubated withlabeled oligonucleotides (*) AdMLP (A), CDEI (B) and APBa (C) andanalyzed by mobility shift electrophoresis. The homodimer and heterodimercomplexes of USF with their respective oligonucleotides are indicated (43, 44and 43/44). The binding of in vitro co-translated USF proteins is shown in lanes1-3 with USF43:44 ratios of 1:3, 1:1 and 3:1 respectively. The binding ofseparately translated USF43 and USF44 is shown in lanes 4 and 5 respectively.For comparison, the binding of proteins from bovine brain nuclear extract isdisplayed in lane 6. As a negative control, translation extract without addedplasmid was incubated with labeled oligonucleotides (lane 7). No specificbinding is observed with the in vitro translated APLP2 proteins (lanes 8-1 1).Faint bands, which are also present in the control lane, are indicated by brackets.

binding of USF43/44 heterodimers to the oligonucleotide (Fig.5A-C. lanes 1-3). The ratio of the three complexes to each other iscorrelated with the ratio ofUSF43 to USF44 in the reaction mixture.When USF43 and USF44 were expressed at a ratio of 1:3, bindingof USF44 homodimers and USF43/44 predominated, whereashomodimers of USF43 were barely detectable (Fig. 5A-C, lane 3).The opposite is true when USF43 and USF44 were expressed at a

ratio of 3:1 (Fig. 5A-C, lane 1). When USF43 and USF44 were

expressed at equimolar ratios, heterodimer binding predominated(Fig. 5A-C, lane 2). Binding of bovine brain nuclear extract isshown for comparison (Fig. 5A-C, lane 6). The mobility of the


-1 -1 &n1


-97 -

-68 -

USF44\I SF43 8 Q 10 I

2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10

2, 9,




fi I? 7C4 &: f4

0 96 gLq C6.1.4 I E.4r.


Nucleic Acids Research, 1995, Vol. 23, No. 14 2739

s 4 |rSF4 | USF43+ eBraI - + I - I+ I + I I +1

IF%-5 "_ -s

ti~ _

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Figure 6. USF43 and USF44 proteins were co-translated at a ratio of 1:1 andincubated with labeled APBa oligonucleotide (APBa*). Mobility shift electro-phoresis was performed either in the absence of competitor (lane 1) or afteraddition of increasing molar excesses (2x 10X 50x) of unlabeled APBa (lanes2-4), AdLMP (lanes 5-7), CDEI (lanes 8-10) or mutations APM1-APM4(lanes 11-18). The positions of the complexes formed by the USF43/44heterodimer and the respective homodimers are indicated (43/44, 43 and 44).

complex formed with bovine brain nuclear extract is very similar tothe mobilities ofthe complexes formed by the in vitro translated USFproteins. However, no specific binding ofany of the APLP2 proteinsto either AdLMP, CDEI or APBa was observed. Faint bandsindicated by brackets are probably non-specific, since they are alsodetected in the control experiment (Fig. 5A-C, lanes 7-11).

USF proteins bind to AdLMP, CDEI and APBa withthe same relative affinities as the binding proteins inbovine brain nuclear extract

The competition experiments presented in Figure 2 suggested thatthe factors in crude nuclear extract display different bindingaffinities for the USF consensus sequences in the AdMLP, CDEIand APBa oligonucleotides. To determine the relative bindingaffinities ofthe in vitro translated USF, we performed mobility shiftcompetition assays. The 5'-end-labeled APBa oligonucleotide wasincubated with in vitro co-translated USF43 and USF44 proteins(ratio 1:1) (Fig. 6). Mobility shift electrophoresis resulted inseparation ofthe three binding complexes formed by the USF43/44heterodimer and the respective homodimers, as described in Figure4. The binding of in vitro translated USF to APBa was competedwith unlabeled APBo, AdLMP, CDEI and APBa mutationsAPM1-APM4 at the same molar ratios as described for the nuclearproteins in Figure 2C. The binding affinity of USF for the AdLMPsequence was -20-fold higher than for the APBa sequence and5-fold higher than for the CDEI sequence (Fig. 6). Similarly, thelevel of competition of mutations APM1-APM4 was in the samerange as described for the bovine brain nuclear factors in Figure2C. Furthermore, for each competitor the level of competition wasthe same for the USF homodimers and the heterodimer. Hence, allthree forms of USF dimers display the same relative bindingaffinity for the anafyzed consensus sequences.

APBac binding proteins from bovine brain nuclearextracts are recognized by antibodies against USF43

The experiments described above indicate that the properties ofthe USF proteins are most similar to the properties of the bindingproteins present in crude nuclear extracts. To determine if themobility shift complex that was formed between components of

44v Cal1Xp.tS''5'*~~~ # 44-_3_li * '

43-4 4314- Ca

43/ Ca2O

1 2 3 4 5 6


7 8

Figure 7. Mobility supershift assay of complexes formed between APBa andUSF43 (lanes I and 2), USF44 (lanes 3 and 4), USF43+USF44 (lanes 5 and 6)or bovine brain nuclear extract (lanes 7 and 8). Mobility shift electrophoresiswas performed without (-) or with (+) addition of antibodies against USF43.The complexes formed between APBa and homodimers (43 and 44) orheterodimers (43/44) of USF43 and USF44 are indicated. The additionalbinding of antibody to the pre-formed APBa-protein complex results in afurther reduction in electrophoretic mobility, observed as a supershift (S).

bovine nuclear extract and the APBa binding site indeed involvedthe USF proteins, a mobility supershift assay was performed. Apre-formed complex of in vitro translated USF43 with the5'-end-labeled APBa oligonucleotide was incubated with anti-bodies against the C-terminal portion of human USF43. Thisantibody does not cross-react with USF44 (42). Mobility shiftelectrophoresis resulted in a complete supershift of the USF43homodimer-APBa complex (Fig. 7A, lanes 1 and 2). In contrast,the USF44 homodimer-APBa complex was not recognized by theantibody and did not produce a supershift (Fig. 7, lanes 3 and 4).As described above, three binding complexes were observed withthe co-translated USF43 and USF44 proteins and APBa (Fig. 5).A supershift was observed with the two binding complexesrepresenting the bound USF43 homodimer and the USF43/44heterodimer. The binding complex formed by the USF44 homo-dimer remained unaffected by the antibody supershift (Fig. 7, lanes5 and 6). These experiments confirmed that the antibodyspecifically recognizes complexes which contain USF43.

Incubation of APBa with bovine brain nuclear extract resultedin formation of the major complex Ca (Fig. 6D). As described inFigure 1, this complex was surrounded by the minor complexesCal and Ca2. Incubation of the binding complexes Ca, Cal andCa2 with USF43 antibody resulted in a supershift of complexesCa and Ca2. Only the minor complex Cal remained unaffectedby the antibody against USF43 (Fig. 7, lanes 7 and 8).

In summary, the complexes formed by the in vitro translatedUSF proteins and the proteins from bovine brain nuclear extractappear to be similar in relative binding affinity, electrophoreticmobility and antibody recognition. This provides strong evidencethat the major complex Ca represents binding of the USF43/44heterodimer and the minor complexes Cal and Ca2 representbinding of small amounts of USF44 and USF43 homodimersrespectively.


USF was originally identified as a cellular protein that interactswith and activates the nearly palindromic sequence GGCCACGT-




APBoc*ompetitor - APBa AdLMP CDEI APM1 APM2 APM3 APM4

molar x I 9 ox I x0 xexcen 04 1 1.0 1 149, 14 a

2740 Nucleic Acids Research, 1995, Vol. 23, No. 14

GACC in AdMLP (32). USF binding sites have been found in avariety of cellular and viral genes (Table 1). The high diversity ofUSF binding sites makes it difficult to deduce the preciseconsensus sequence. Many sites contain the palindromic coreCACGTG hexamer sequence, while others contain versions of theless defined E-box CANNTG recognition motif for bHLHtranscription factors (25). In addition, most E-box hexamers thatbind USF are followed by an AC dinucleotide. USF binds withdifferent affinity to different sequences. The affinity of USF for thebinding site in the rat class I alcohol dehydrogenase gene promoter(Table 2) is 20 times less than for the AdMLP sequence (38).Nevertheless, USF has been shown to be important in mediatingtranscription from this promoter. Mutational analysis of the USFsite in the human ,-globin locus control region has been described(36). Some mutations within the E-box abolished USF binding,while others only decreased USF binding affinity. Mutation of 2 nton the 5'-side of the E-box also affected USF binding. Both theAPBa sequence of the APP promoter and the CDEI-like elementscontain an E-box followed by an AC dinucleotide. The bindingaffinity of USF greatly depends on the sequence within the E-box,but, at least in the context of the APBa sequence, neighboringnucleotides are also important. This is illustrated by the observationthat nuclear factor binding to the APBa domain is significantlyreduced by mutation of nucleotides on the 5'-side of the E-box.(17). In a systematic study on the sequence requirements for USFbinding it was detennined that the optimal binding sequence isRYCAC(LG+ITGRY (45). This consensus sequence is bestmatched by the AdMLP binding site. Both the CDEI and APBadomains contain variations in the central (-1/+1) portion of thesequence, which may account for the differences in relativebinding affinities (Table 1).The CDEI element was originally identified as a sequence

common to the centromeres of yeast chromosomes. The yeast geneencoding the 39.5 kDa CDEI binding protein has recently beencloned by three independent groups (54-56). The protein, desig-nated CPF1, CBF1, or CP1, is required for chromosome stabilityand also participates in regulation of gene expression. AlthoughCDEI-like sequences are not routinely found in the centromeres ofhigher eukaryotes, microinjection of oligonucleotides containing theCDEI motif into fertlized mouse eggs interferes with embryonicdevelopment (27). A truncated mouse protein of 511 amino acids,designated CDEBP, was subsequently cloned and its CDEI bindingproperties were demonstrated for a truncated fusion constructexpressed in E.coli (28). We did not observe binding of full-lengthhuman APLP2 proteins (human homologs of mouse CDEBP) to theCDEI sequence. The reason for this is unclear. It is conceivable thatdespite the high degree of similarity between the CDEBP andAPLP2 proteins, even subtle changes in amino acid compositionhave contributed to the loss ofbinding activity in the human proteins.Alternatively, the DNA binding activity of the CDEBP protein asreported by Vidal et al. (28) might be a property unique to thetruncated fusion protein. However, the possibility cannot beexcluded that some as yet unidentified altematively spliced orpost-translationally modified forms of APLP2 are capable of thisbinding. In a different study a human CDEI binding protein wasdescribed with a molecular weight range of 39-49 kDa (31).Incidentally, this molecular weight is more similar to USF than toCDEBP. Our data indicate that USF binds to the CDEI sequence.Hence, the detrimental effect of CDEI oligonucleotide injection onthe early development of mouse embryos could be due to

In order to determine if USF binds to APBa and CDEI-like sites,we performed electrophoretic mobility shift assays with oligonu-

cleotides containing these elements. These assays were perfonnedusing both in vitro translated USF43 and USF44 proteins andnuclear extracts from rat brain, bovine brain and HeLa cells.

Competition experiments revealed that both the in vitro translatedUSF proteins and proteins from nuclear extracts bind to the CDEIand APBa oligonucleotide sequences with the same respective 5-and 20-fold lower affinity than to the AdLMP sequence. Todetermine if the main APBa binding activity in brain nuclear extractis represented by USF, we performed supershift assays with a

USF43-specific antibody. The results show that the main bindingcomplex Ca and the smaller complex Ca2 in bovine brain nuclearextract contain protein with specific USF43 immunoreactivity.However, the adjoining complex Cal was not recognized by theantibody against USF43. The same result was obtained with HeLacell nuclear extract (data not shown).

It has been shown that the USF43 and USF44 proteins can bindto their recognition sites in homodimeric as well as in heterodimericforms (42). We confirmed this observation by competing thebinding of USF43 and USF44 to APBa with AdLMP, CDEI, APBaand APBa mutations APMI-APM4. In all cases the affinity fortheir respective binding sites was the same for the homodimeric andthe heterodimeric forms. Furthermore, the main complex Caobtained with nuclear extract was flanked in close proximity by twominor complexes, Cal and Ca2. These minor complexes were notalways readily distinguishable on the autoradiographs reproducedhere. However, in experiments demonstrating the relative thermost-ability of the nuclear factor binding proteins, a rerangement of thebinding complexes was observed. After heat teatment the Cal andCa2 complexes become more pronounced, with a concomitantreduction in the Ca complex. This can best be explained by adissociation of the USF43/44 heterodiners during heat treatmentfollowed by a random reassociation in which the relative proportionof the homodimers increases.

It was previously shown that the proximal APP promotercomprising 94 bp upstream from the tascriptional start site (+1)contains two characterized nuclear factor binding sites, designatedAPBa (position -53 to -42) and APBf8 (position -93 to -82) (23).Proximal APP promoter activity under standard cell cultureconditions is primarily mediated by APBO, which contributes70-90% of promoter activity. A similar element has been reportedin the rat APP promoter (22). The contribution of binding site APBais lower and represents 10-30%o of the total activity from theproximal human APP promoter. Mutations within the core recogni-tion domain that eliminate factor binding also eliminate promoteractivity from APBa (23). Consequently, the activity attributable toAPBa is correlated with the ability of nuclear factor to bind to thisdomain.

Evidence presented here strongly suggests that the proteins in

crude nuclear extracts that bind to APBa are homodiners andheterodimers of USF43 and USF44. However, the role ofUSF in theregulation ofAPP promoter activity remains elusive. Under standardcell culture conditions in a variety of cell lines a contribution of USFis not essential for high levels of expression from the APP promoter(23). However, the APBa binding site is completely conservedbetween the human, rat and mouse promoters (14,15,20,21),suggesting a possible functional role in promoter regulation. APPgene expression is regulated in a cell- and tissue-specific manner(11-13) and after exposure to extemal activating factors in

oligonucleotide competition with endogenous USF binding sites. responsive cell types (46-53,57). In addition, APP expression in

Nucleic Acids Research, 1995, Vol. 23, No. 14 2741

culture is dependent on cell density and developmental stage of thecells (47,53). The mechanisms by which most of these regulatoryevents are controlled have not yet been elucidated and it is possiblethat in some cases the binding of USF to APBa is an essential stepin the regulation of APP gene expression.


We thank Dr Michele Sawadogo for kindly providing plasmidscontaining the USF cDNAs and the antibody against USF43. Thiswork was supported by National Institutes of Health grantsNS30994 to WQ and AG09320 to DG.

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